Partial schematic for SCP-7157-Alpha, obtained from the Valravn Corporation. Partial schematic for SCP-7157-Omega, obtained from the Three Moons Initiative. Item: SCP-7157 Object Class: Archon Special Containment Procedures: While direct containment of SCP-7157-Alpha and/or -Omega would be feasible, doing so would carry the risk of either party perceiving that the Foundation has taken military action against them. In other words, if SCP-7157-Alpha were contained or otherwise hindered, the Valravn Corporation would dissolve the Cartagena Agreement and launch a direct offensive on several critical Foundation sites. Likewise, interference with SCP-7157-Omega would be a violation of the Treaty of Cagnazzo, resulting in a ÞK-Class Extradimensional Diplomatic Breakdown Scenario and other punitive actions from the Three Moons Initiative. Simultaneous containment of both entities would carry the risk of both organizations unifying against the Foundation. Containment efforts will be focused on limiting public exposure to the ongoing Holmgang Event. Foundation Agents in the government of Turkmenistan have diverted local transport away from the Holmgang Event. In addition, Foundation webcrawlers have been tasked with excising any information about SCP-7157-Alpha and -Omega from the Internet. Since 4/28/2019, the Holmgang Event has taken place in the Kara Kum desert, primarily an area 74 kilometers to the southwest of Dashoguz, Turkmenistan. Constant negotiations will be maintained with both organizations to ensure that the Event does not move to populated areas a fourth time. In the event of more contact with local communities, Mobile Task Force Epsilon-6 "Village Idiots" will be dispatched to the affected areas to assess the damage and distribute amnestics as needed. At the conclusion of the Holmgang Event, the surviving SCP-7157 instance will be reclassified "Argus" and contained by their respective organization. Description: SCP-7157 refers to a pair of bipedal remote-controlled military constructs. Both are 57 meters in height and weigh approximately 120,500 kilograms. They are primarily constructed of a unique and unknown metallic substance filled with nanotechnology that regenerates most damage sustained. Other features include six railguns, flight at a cruising speed of 249 km/h, and running at a top speed of 104 km/h. The full extent of their capabilities is unknown. The power source of both constructs is an anomalous form of energy known as "Grauzh."1 The only differences between the two constructs are their origin and aesthetic features. SCP-7157-Alpha belongs to the Valravn Corporation, who have given it the codename "Aurvandill." Its color scheme is primarily black and gold. SCP-7157-Alpha was built on 10/26/2017 and saw active duty in a Valravn campaign in [REDACTED]. Its operator is only known as "Skalmöld," a member of the Valkyrie combat unit. Skalmöld is quadriplegic from a battle in 2015; she controls Aurvandill through neural linking to stay on active duty. SCP-7157-Omega belongs to the Three Moons Initiative, who have given it the codename "Old Glory." Its color scheme bears the colors of the Initiative flag — white, orange, black, and teal. Its operator is Sergeant Katrina Valdez, a veteran drone pilot based out of Corbenic. A female operator was chosen as per the conditions of the Holmgang Event. Addendum - Escalation: On 1/19/2019, the entire staff of a Valravn staging area in Iceland was terminated via multiple Impaler Events in succession. When questioned about this, SCP-2578-D responded with the following email: Foundation. I see my little kerfuffle in Iceland hasn't gone unnoticed. Not to worry; this had nothing to do with my primary function. Even if it did, it would be kind of silly for Valravn to operate a school for would-be dictators or something. I digress. Here's what's actually going on: Valravn is currently in the midst of the most brazen extradimensional copyright infringement operation that ☽☽☽ has ever faced. The Old Glory series of drones is an icon of human resilience and ingenuity, forged by the cruel wilderness of Corbenic. These Valravn malcontents seem to have stolen its blueprints. As you can probably infer, the "negotiations" phase of our little spat has been less than successful. On a related note, this would be a very good time for the Foundation to stop palling around with what Eternal President Niang has just designated a Tier-4 Crime Ring. That was not a threat. But in approximately three emails from now, it could be. You are Watched. You are Protected. You are on thin ice. ☽☽☽ Following this, the Foundation reached out to Valravn. This was the response: How comforting. With the degree of importance your duties hold to the world's survival, one would think the Foundation would be a twinge less prone to falling for the lies of Jalakarists. In the Initiative's efforts to keep Valravn from committing such crimes as "successfully doing our job" and "not providing free labor," they've truly outdone themselves with this latest scheme: Point One: steal the design of the Aurvandill from our sacred archives. Point Two: claim without evidence that it's been theirs for millennia. Point Three: use it as an excuse to have their space crab remove us as a threat. Might I suggest a better use of your time? If you pass along a few crucial files pertaining to our mutual friend, we could have the globe removed of the influence of this bizarre spider cult in less than a week. If you need more of an incentive, here's a code you may be familiar with: ██████████2 Think it over. - The High Table The following April, the Foundation agreed to mediate this dispute at Site-59. The resulting meeting lasted 37 seconds before the representative of Valravn's High Table challenged the Initiative ambassador to a Holmgang3 between their version of SCP-7157 and one of the Initiative's. The winner of the duel would maintain legal rights to use SCP-7157. After 20 days of deliberation, the Initiative begrudgingly agreed to these terms. The duel in proper, which has been labeled the Holmgang Event, started on 4/28/2019. Due to both constructs' anomalous energy/munitions source and regenerative capabilities, the duel still continues to the present day with neither party making significant headway. Incident Log - Holmgang Event, day 603 Date: 12/21/2020 Time: 12:05 AM (GMT+5) <Begin Log> (Alpha and Omega are in a crouching position approximately 200 meters from one another. Smoke seeps from both constructs. They have sustained heavy damage and are in the process of nanite regeneration. The loudspeakers on Omega suddenly switch on; it's the voice of Col. Ephraim Iverson of the Initiative.) Iverson: Time-out. (Skalmöld does not respond.) Iverson: Why are we doing this? It's almost Christmas! Skalmöld: Your Nazarene is dead. Iverson: O-okay, that's on me — it's almost Yule. A time of peace and togetherness. And here we are— Skalmöld: You speak like a poet. If only you didn't fight like one. Iverson: Now, now, I'm not the one fighting here. Skalmöld: This is obvious, milk-drinker. Iverson: But this is ridiculous. This whole fight. What day are we on, now? Over 600. It should never have started. It's a gratuitous waste of resources on both sides. Skalmöld: Then run. Iverson: Now, see, there's the sticky wicket. Do you even know what energy source we're using? Skalmöld: Grauzh. Blood of the Gods. Iverson: Blood of a god, yes — our god. JALAKÅRA of the Impenetrable. (Alpha suddenly twitches violently.) Iverson: Do you understand the gravity of the situation now? Every Grauzh-powered machine in existence — even an unapproved one — is another needle in the Weaver's veins. I have no idea how you acquired direct access to His Undying Lifeblood, but to have it powering our enemies is heresy of the worst sort. Skalmöld: It's Odin's blood, you fucking reprobate. Iverson: …you know what? Okay. I will acknowledge the possibility that rumors of JALAKÅRA and His wisdom may have inspired some Nordic mythology. But it's like a game of telephone. Some details get lost in translation, and — (Skalmöld spends the next five minutes screaming while unleashing volley after volley of railgun charges into Omega. As a result, Omega is unresponsive, but Alpha's railguns have been warped from severe overheating. Both constructs need more time to repair. After a brief silence…) Iverson: …yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and add anger management therapy to your Perdition Committee file, Ms. Skalmöld. Skalmöld: FUCK YOU! THERE ARE NO THERAPISTS IN VALHALLA! Iverson: I have it on good authority that — (Iverson's mic suddenly cuts off. The voice of Omega's operator replaces him.) Valdez: Okay, that just about fucking does it. Hi, skullmolder or whatever hinga dinga durgen crap they're calling you. I haven't been able to get a word in for 603 days — that ends now. Skalmöld: I will rip out your spine and — Valdez: — yeah, yeah, wipe your ass with it and drink beer out of my skull and enslave my bobblehead collection. Pro tip: if you actually wanna rustle our jimmies, say "I'll put another fraudulent lien on your Lunacard!" Skalmöld: None of those words are in the Hávamál. Valdez: Thaaat's greeeat. Hey, you know what else they don't have in Valhalla? Enough license plates. And as soon as you get here, that's the first thing even the most innocent person in your goddamn bird company is gonna be stamping for the next century. Lemme check the newsletter… yeah, you're all a minimum of Type-H Purgatorial Candidates as of two months ago. Skalmöld: Confirmed: you fight for paperwork. Valdez: At least we fight for something. You do what you're told for money. That puts you in a job category I'm not allowed to describe under our current rules of engagement. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go find a stack of 50-lunari notes to toss at you until you fuck off and — (The loudspeaker suddenly switches back to Iverson.) Iverson: We apologize sincerely for the conduct of Sgt. Valdez. Disciplinary action has been taken, and we should clarify she does NOT speak for the entire Three Moons Initiative. Skalmöld: Put her back on. That's the closest thing you've done to real damage. <End Log> Footnotes 1. "Grauzh" is a word of Corbenese origin which literally translates to both "open wound" and "reluctant gift." 2. Activation code for the onsite nuclear warhead at Site-19. 3. An ancient Norse custom of dueling; Valravn uses a modified version of this in modern times. « SCP-7156 | SCP-7157 | SCP-7158 »
WARNING: THE FOLLOWING FILE IS LEVEL 5 CLASSIFIED There are multiple versions of this file available to personnel of your clearance level. You are currently viewing the LEVEL 5/7159 version of this file. Item #: SCP-7159 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7159 is stored in a standard medium object locker at Area-7159. An infrasound detector has been placed within the locker and connected to the sitewide alarm systems. Due to the complexity of containing the anomaly and the need for secrecy around the project, SCP-7159 is the sole anomaly housed at Area-7159. All personnel assigned to Area-7159 must fit the following criteria: They are unmarried and romantically unattached. They have no close family members currently employed by the Foundation. They are emotionally stable and do not struggle to manage stress. They have a score of 64 or higher on the Personnel Loyalty and Obedience Examination. They have a score of 5 or higher on the Anomalous Danger and Upheaval Aversion Test. They are skilled in acting. All information related to the true containment cycle of SCP-7159 is classified Level 5/7159. All documents and records that reference the true containment cycle of SCP-7159, or that contradict false documents created as part of the SCP-7159 containment cycle, are classified Level 5/7159. Any information security breach related to SCP-7159 is considered a containment breach. The following documents have been falsified and added to the Area-7159 servers: Procurement records describing the acquisition of seven adult human subjects from standard low-observation civilian populations each week. Financial records and supply logs featuring purchases of standard supplies for facilities housing Class-D personnel. A floor plan of Area-7159's Wing B, edited to include standard Class-D housing quarters. A floor plan of Area-7159's Wing C, edited to include a containment chamber for SCP-7159. The chamber possesses a drain grate installed in the floor, a viewing window connected to an observation room, and an adjacent incinerator room. Standard Workplace Guidelines for biohazard remediation, corpse disposal, and psychotherapy. Financial records and supply logs featuring purchases including polyethylene sheeting, sodium hypochlorite, and disposable scalpel blades.1 A modified version of the Area-7159 staff timetable. Additions include two mandatory therapy sessions for all on-site staff each week and the ritualistic torture and killing of one Class-D personnel restrained on SCP-7159 every day. To ensure as many unassigned personnel view these documents as possible, they must be classified Level 1. Any proposed edits to these documents must be approved by the Area Director and at least one member of RAISA. Documents must be reviewed during and after approved edits to ensure they do not contradict themselves or other SCP-7159-related documents. Description: SCP-7159 is a rectangular altar composed of limestone, measuring approximately 1m in height. One of SCP-7159's two longer sides is decoratively engraved with a pair of hands bound at the wrists. A shallow basin is carved into its top surface. SCP-7159 has no anomalous attributes or effects in its inactive state. In its active state, SCP-7159 emits sound waves of varying frequency between 10 and 15 hertz, and the following occurs in its immediate surroundings: Humans develop blood-filled lesions similar to boils, most commonly on the face and arms. These lesions are painful to the touch and leave crater-like depressions in the skin upon bursting. Soil loses macro- and micronutrients essential to the growth of plant life. Attempting to reintroduce nutrients to affected soil through fertilizing chemicals and plants has no effect. Livestock develop lameness, blindness, and severe immunodeficiency. Mammals cease producing milk, and species farmed for their wool develop alopecia. Avians and fish cease laying eggs. Colony collapse disorder occurs in domesticated bees. Undomesticated and feral organisms are unaffected. Water intended for human use, such as drinking or bathing, undergoes transmutation into human blood. All produced blood is Type A-negative and originates from a male of mixed Egyptian and West European descent.2 Food intended for human consumption undergoes transmutation into ash consisting of burned parchment and black oak wood. These events affect an exponentially wider area the longer SCP-7159 remains in its active state. Based on the standard rate of expansion, it is calculated that the area of effect would grow to encompass all terrestrial landmass inhabited by humans within two months if uncontained. These effects are reversed when SCP-7159 enters its inactive state. SCP-7159 enters its inactive state when a large group of people believe that the torture and killing of one human subject per day is being performed on SCP-7159. Genuinely performing these actions causes no identifiable changes to SCP-7159 or its anomalous effects. SCP-7159 was most recently in its active state from 04:32 to 07:09, 18/04/2013. Since this date, it has remained in an uninterrupted inactive state. [END OF FILE] Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! You have no (0) new messages. To: ten.pics.48|euhganod_st#ten.pics.48|euhganod_st From: ten.pics.9517|eural_l#ten.pics.9517|eural_l Subject: Upcoming transfer to Area-7159 I'm sure this is all a lot to take in. I get a lot of questions about what we do here from incoming staffers. I think the one that leaves them the most illuminated is “Why are we lying to Foundation personnel about this? Why not anyone else?” In my eyes, there are two answers. I'll give you the official one first: practicality. There are some compelling reasons to choose our own personnel as the marks for our grift. Telling ordinary civilians that hundreds of people are being sacrificed on one specific altar every year will make them ask further questions, and the Foundation's mission statement is making sure they don't do that. Most of the sub-veil world doesn't trust a word we say. Both groups are significantly more likely to try storming the Area to rescue our non-existent victims than Foundation staff, who we know will accept almost anything as long as it's approved by higher-ups and "for the greater good”. Now, for the second answer — my personal take on the situation, based on what I've learned over my years at Area-7159. About five years ago, we put together a feature-length “documentary” for the Site-19 conference, Blood and Limestone: The SCP-7159 Dilemma. We signed up to do it less than a month before the conference, so the whole thing was shot over a few weeks and scripted in even less time. Almost all of the filming was done during lunch breaks. The results were sloppy at best. We knew we could have made something better with more time, but we didn't have it. Blood and Limestone was the number one most popular presentation at that year's conference, more than every other talk, film, exhibition, and whatever else. It was screened again the next year, and the year after that. We were asked to give a talk with Q&A sessions alongside the showings, and eventually, we put together an expanded version of the talk with all-new scenes in the film. The film has now been shown at over a dozen Foundation facilities around the world, and we're currently working on a sequel (I hope you're not too camera-shy). Four separate facilities are investing their own funds into the production, on the condition that they get first consideration for screening locations. There's an ongoing debate about whether we should make Blood and Limestone an official part of the containment procedures. When I was first assigned to Area-7159, there was a widespread theory that SCP-7159 ran on fear. People needed to feel terror and dread thinking about blood sacrifice for the altar to become inactive, not just believe it was being performed. None of us even considered changing the containment procedures to fit this hypothesis — surely fear would go hand in hand with violent death and torture, we thought. All we needed to do was present a believable account of coldly functional human slaughter and people would be terrified. You should see the faces in the crowd when we screen Blood and Limestone. We were wrong. There's no fear there. The lie we wove around SCP-7159 is fascinating to the Foundation at large, not disturbing. They feel some sympathy for our supposed plight, but it's drowned out by the awe and admiration. This is nothing new. Foundation culture has long since glorified making sacrifices and hard choices for the greater good — Blood and Limestone just wrapped it up in a perfect little two-hour package for mass consumption. The first iteration of SCP-7159's containment procedures was created by an Emergency Containment Committee in 2007. I wasn't brought onto the project until years later, but I know the names of every person who was on that ECC. Every researcher, theorist, containment engineer, Ethics Committee chairholder, RAISA member… the list goes on. These were seasoned members of Foundation staff. All of them had spent most of their adult lives working for S, C, and P. A good chunk of them had tenure. Every person on that ECC knew the Foundation like the back of their hand, and they knew Foundation personnel just as well. Whenever I look through that dossier of names, I wonder: Did they know that this would happen? Were they expecting it to? Could they have designed their tale of blood, guts, and grim necessity to grab something inside of the Foundation's psyche and not let go? It's not unreasonable to think they might have. There are certainly benefits to fitting SCP-7159 into this pre-existing fixation. If a person is deeply invested in the narrative around SCP-7159, they'll rationalize away any discrepancies they notice instead of searching for answers. (And, trust me, as hard as we work to hide them, there are still discrepancies.) They'll reject any suggestion it could be lies right out of the gate. Traditionally, if we wanted a response so perfectly tailored to our containment needs, we'd have to perform some kind of psy-op first. Foundation staff were already obsessed with utilitarianism and the greater good and whatever else you want to call it. And I mean obsessed — deep, all-consuming obsession. Obsession that makes you easy to manipulate. All we had to do was paint our anomaly in those colours, and we had them hook, line, and sinker. They're too invested to step back and assess the facts they've been given. There are some clues in the minutiae of the containment procedures and cover story. The fake offerings being civilians instead of D-Class could be because, despite our best efforts in recent years, most personnel see the death of a D-Class as an average day at work and not the terrible but necessary moral sacrifice we're trying to evoke. (I'll admit that it's equally likely that the victims aren't D-Class because people would ask us where the hell we were getting so many of them, and if we could share.) The biggest clue is hiding in plain sight: Nothing says that we have to be the ones doing the killing. None of the object's effects give us an immediate containment reason to do it this way, and it doesn't have any obvious benefits, or even fringe benefits — it would've been significantly easier to tell everyone there was, say, some weird cult cutting people up on SCP-7159. If we did that, we wouldn't, for example, have to search high and low for single staff with no family in the Foundation who miraculously fit all our other requirements to save people the stress of lying to their loved ones for years. Yes, it's also to mimic hiring procedures for sites that genuinely do reprehensible things for containment purposes, but that wouldn't be necessary if we pinned it on a fake GOI either. We wouldn't need to forge finicky, easily-botched things like financial records and transport logs. We wouldn't need a big, locked-down facility in the middle of nowhere. We probably wouldn't even need our own facility! We'd still have to put effort into creating an effective hoax, but it'd be nowhere near as headache-inducing as what we have to do with the current containment plan. If we weren't preying on Foundation axioms, casting ourselves as the killers would be so impractical as to be pointless. The mindset of the average Foundation staffer, their values and unconscious biases, has been retroactively transformed into containment procedures. It's genius, if it was on purpose. I'm truly, deeply convinced it was. When you work at Area-7159, it can feel like you have a bird's-eye view of the Foundation, soaring high and watching the little ants march below. It's a powerful feeling, one that tempts you into thinking that because you're above everything, you're not part of a whole. But we are, and we can't change that. Earlier this year, something happened that humbles me as much as it scares me. Every few months, I email the directors of the sites investing in the Blood and Limestone sequel to update them on the film's progress. While I was writing one of these emails, I happened to mention some facilities where we'd screened the first film. I wasn't sure if I was remembering one site's designation correctly, so I looked through the official log of everywhere Blood and Limestone has been shown so far. To my surprise, Site-19 was listed several dozen times more than our little press tour had visited. It wasn't that important, but it kept bugging me, and I knew it wouldn't take that long to get to the bottom of it, so I picked up the phone and called our RAISA liaison at Site-19. She put me through to someone else, who put me through to someone else, and so on until I was speaking to an enthusiastic man who was very happy to be speaking to me. He has a name — I won't bore you with it. It's common for a new staffer's first assignment to be to Site-19. It has a wealth of simple, low-risk anomalies, no oddities like a nearby Nexus, and it's well-maintained enough that a beginner's mistake won't cause a catastrophe — there's no better place for new personnel to get settled in and learn the ropes. That man works for Site-19's personnel induction program. Him and his coworkers were showing our film, a film we know is only popular because it props up on everything Foundation culture wants to be propped up, to greenhorns like it was an employee orientation video. The man on the other end of the phone thought I'd be glad they were doing this. He thought we'd be so happy that they were sharing the brave, noble thing we were doing with the next generation of Foundation personnel. Playing the role I have to play to contain SCP-7159 is second nature to me now, so I smiled and agreed with him, not really registering what either of us was saying. The words tasted like bile in my mouth. We aren't just feeding off of this stuff anymore. It's feeding off of us, too. Some nights, I lie awake wondering. Wondering if I'm right about this being planned, if we're stopping one problem by nurturing another, how people would react if they found out everything we do at Area-7159 is just one big wind-up. Thinking about that last one scares me more than the capabilities of an uncontained SCP-7159 ever will. If you're worried about me, don't be — I'm a nut, but I won't crack. I know how to deal with these things. I'm one of the few people at Area-7159 who genuinely sees a therapist! I added my sessions to the fake schedule, so it looks like I'm attending them as well as the mandatory ones. The director of a facility that's been torturing someone to death every day since the noughties probably would be going to therapy three times a week, if you ask me. I think it adds verisimilitude. We're very big on verisimilitude here. I know this all must feel daunting and confusing right now, but trust me, it won't for long. If you have any questions, feel free to send them to me. I can't promise I'll get back to you right away, but I'll try to reply as fast as I can. Sincerely, Director Louise LaRue Footnotes 1. For a full list of required additions, see Document 7159-5B-2A. 2. Attempts to identify this individual are currently in progress. « SCP-7158 | SCP-7159 | SCP-7160 »
close Info X JakdragonX's Author Page | Discussion | Pedagon's Author Page ⚠️ Content Warning: This article depicts graphic displays of self-harm, mutilation, and body horror. More by JakdragonX: SCP-7766 — New World Order SCP-6864 — Belwood Staffing More by Pedagon: SCP-5366 — Until Death Do Us Part And Every Day After SCP-5365 — You Do Not Recognize The Antibodies In D. Walter ⚠️ content warning NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The below documentation is no longer valid following several recently applied changes. Personnel with access to this archived file have been asked to contact their Supervisors immediately for updated documentation once available. SCP-7160's anomalous properties are still under investigation. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Item#: 7160 Level4 Containment Class: pending Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7160's smartphone. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7160 is, by all available metrics, terminated. Records containing evidence of the anomaly, including but not limited to letters of employment, archived tax forms, and government-issued identification, are to be redacted from all public databases. Minor amnestization of SCP-7160's immediate family and close contacts have been authorized to ensure further secrecy of the Foundation and its directives. The previous phone of SCP-7160 has been confiscated from local law enforcement and remains under the custody of Site-119's forensics team. It is currently monitored by 1 designated data custodian who is responsible for logging all individuals who interact with the device. In the event of unauthorized access, subsequent lockdown must be initiated to apprehend the offending person(s). As SCP-7160's anomalous properties are still poorly understood, Foundations agents have been authorized to apprehend and detain any related persons caught excessively biting or scratching themselves. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7160 is the corpse of a 24 year old adult male identified as John McAckler. On 2022/07/09, SCP-7160 was submitted to the Geneveria Health Institute after sustaining life-threatening and self-inflicted injuries across his body. Specifically, SCP-7160 experienced the following: Deep lacerations across both arms. Open wounds along the lower torso and waist. Dislocated left ankle and complete avulsion of the right foot. Bleeding gums and extreme jaw damage indicative of excessive teeth grinding. First degree burns along the outer jaw and neck. Severe poisoning caused by multiple chemicals and cleaning products. Empty left eye socket, with torn optic nerve hanging limply inside. Avulsion of the nails on both hands and remaining toenails. Emergency operations were enacted to save SCP-7160's life, however it was later declared deceased after 16 hours. While the cause of death is undeterminable as of writing, anomalous influences have since been presumed following the recovery of SCP-7160's personal phone. ADDENDUM ONE: FORENSIC REPORT PHONE NOTES I still don't fucking feel better, Shelly. You remember how you told me about all those breathing exercises or whatever? Or that little "toe-clenching" trick you had me do whenever I felt the urge to scratch? Yeah, those "tidbits" of yours? They did absolutely nothing. I just had to rush myself to the ER for a second time this week. They took one look at me and rushed me inside for treatment. The doctors were picking scabs and dead skin off for hours before lathering me with enough lidocaine to paralyze a horse. Said that if I scratched anymore I'd be shredding into the literal bone. Look, I understand you're just trying to do your job. And I know you're not my doctor. But can you PLEASE do something about this Shelly? I'll make sure to schedule another appointment. Hey Shelly. I woke up this morning to a 3-inch millipede crawling inside my mouth. I could feel its shell swishing around in my spit and the dry taste of wriggling little legs crawling along my tongue. I actually felt like I was going to retch when it started rubbing against my gums. I had to rush to the bathroom and puke everything out. I also managed to grab some pesticide in case I needed to hose something down the sink. But, of course, nothing came out — just retch and mucus. Like always. I'm sure I have the vomit caked outside my mouth still, but frankly I don't care enough to clean it. It's not worth standing in front of a mirror trying to scrape it all off. After all, the last thing I want is to find a tapeworm inching its slimy body inside my eye somewhere while I wipe my face. Shelly, I really can't take this anymore. I am constantly suffering. My coworkers keep telling me to stop biting my nails at work. And they won't stop teasing me and saying that it's not "hygienic" or whatever. They just don't understand that I'm doing it for a reason. But it's whatever — at least the nurses stopped giving me weird glances after I started coming in for burns instead of scratch marks. Speaking of co-workers, I've had to add another few days off from last week's schedule. Everything was fine until I saw the fire ants crawling underneath my skin. It got so bad that one of the security guards had to restrain me with handcuffs again. Still, I managed to get the rest of them off me with a bit of biting and some uncomfortable wriggling. I think their guts are still stuck in between my teeth somewhere. This is yet again another reminder to give this to you when I see you again. I know you'll take care of me. Like the angel you are. Here's the thing about all the other therapists I've met: they don't know shit. I mean, they literally tried telling me that writing about this all would actually help. About how "addressing your problems" can "help you fight them" or whatever. The real generic shit, right? And, you know what, I was ready to believe that garbage too. I mean, I know they just wanted to help — and I just wanted nothing more than to stop the itching and to finally wake up without blood seeping down my arms. But those motherfuckers lied to me. Of course it's not that simple. I still wake up to the same feelings and urges that I've always had. I swear it's inescapable now. I can't even so much as think without feeling a random urge to swat away spiders crawling up my legs, or a fly going inside my nose. That's not even including all the times I've looked through my clothes and and saw the countless fleas and ticks nesting in the fibers. This can't continue. I have to do something about it. THEY'RE INSIDE OF ME AGAIN. WHY DO THEY NEVER STOP? IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME IT'S BITING ME. I can't keep writing these anymore. I'm way too stressed. And tired. My body won't stop aching anymore and the stares just keep getting worse. I have to talk to Shelly again. She knows me so much better than everyone else now. SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS TO: moc.liamg|02496yuglooc#moc.liamg|02496yuglooc FROM: Heartland Counseling and Resilience Center (Automated) SUBJECT: APPOINTMENT CONFIRMATION Hello, Mr. McAckler. Congratulations! You have been booked for another session with one of our specialized counsellors. We know you two will go far together! Please verify the following information for us. If you notice an error, please reach out by either giving us a call or responding to this email: Date: 2022-06-12 Time: 6:00 P.M. Counsellor: Shelly Lee Reason for Visit: There are tiny little insects crawling down my esophagus and burying tunnels inside my organs. The claw marks are getting worse and I swear nobody else seems to understand. THEY DON'T STOP EXISTING JUST BECAUSE YOU SAY THEY'RE FAKE! We hope to see you there! Displaying previous history… ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - I NEED Shelly. ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - I feel them again… ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - THEY'RE IN MY EARS. ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - I swear there are bugs in me. ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - NOBODY UNDERSTANDS. ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - I'm hurting myself again. ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - Please call me ASAP! ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - Can we do this today? ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - You told me wrong… ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - It's more than a checkup. ☆ Heartland Counseling APPOINTMENT UPDATE: - Are you free this week? SENT VOICEMAILS TO: Heartland Counseling and Resilience Center Uhm — hello. My name is, uh, John, and I was hoping I could maybe get ahold of someone about my upcoming appointment? I know you guys, uh, you guys listed down someone named Raheem as my counsellor, but — well, I was hoping to change that to Shelly? Sorry about all this. I fat-fingered when I was making the selection on the screen. Big hands… you know? Anyway, thanks. … Oh, if you need to reach me you can just call this number again. Or email me, I guess. Alright, bye. Hi it's John again. You know? The, uh, the guy that keeps scheduling all the appointments? I was just wondering when a good time would be to fix my little error from before. I know you — ah, sorry — you all keep trying to call but it's… just difficult to respond sometimes. Anyway, I don't know Raheem and I don't think it would be a good idea if I saw him. Please call me back? Hi. John McAckler here. I saw that someone made that… that change like I asked. Thats, um, that's great! I appreciate it. I—oh, please excuse me. … … Alright, back. Sorry had to make a quick trip to the bathroom. You know? Not to pee or anything, no, just to make sure I wasn't scratching too much. It's the, urm, the reason I've been trying to get in with you guys again. This is awkward. Sorry. I just wanted to see if Shelly was around? She was going to help me. Thanks. Hi again this is John. Are you fucking kidding me here? Look, I've been calling you guys like 5 or 6 times now and none of you ever reach out. What's the deal?! You guys can't just keep calling me at like, 2 P.M. anymore. I understand you all probably work nine-to-five but I'm busy dealing with problems I can't even fix on my own! It wouldn't even be that bad if you just picked up your phones! But no, I have to keep fucking SUFFERING until somebody calls me back! Look, I just need to talk to Shelly — okay? I am absolutely SICK of asking all I need is just SOMEONE who understands! Someone who gets me! I'm not trying to be creepy, okay? I just need HELP FROM SOMEONE! Hi, this is John. I'll be in at 4 tomorrow. I expect a supervisor when I arrive. RECORDED MEMOS [BEGIN LOG] JOHN: I—sorry, give me a second. SHELLY: You're fine, take your time. JOHN: I… is it okay if we, uh, recorded this? For my sake, I mean? SHELLY: Of course. Whatever helps you, John. JOHN: It really would, haha. Audible silence for several seconds. JOHN: Okay, I think I have everything. SHELLY: You sure? JOHN: Think so now. SHELLY: Okay, great. SHELLY clears her throat. SHELLY: Heard you had some trouble reaching us. I'm really sorry about that. JOHN: It's okay now. I mean, I'm pretty mad still but it's fine so long as I can actually, you know, speak with someone. SHELLY: Well, I appreciate your patience then. I was looking at your record again and I saw that you scheduled this because you were feeling your symptoms again. Is this correct? JOHN: Yes! Yes, you're right. There is a ruffle of papers. SHELLY: Looks like you were given some medication by your doctor. Have you been taking it? JOHN: Yes, Shelly, I have. And I'm telling you it's not working. SHELLY: That's unfortunate. Would you mind telling me how it's not working for you? JOHN: "How?" What do you MEAN how?! SHELLY: I'm just asking a question, John. JOHN: How do you not see them? They're everywhere now! SHELLY: Can you point me to where, exactly? Maybe if you can show me— JOHN: I am showing you! Right now! I— look I'm even scratching them off! SHELLY: John, please, take a breath for me. JOHN: Just look Shelly, I'm telling you they're right there—! SHELLY: John, I don't see anything. JOHN: But I do! SHELLY: I understand that. And I'd like to help but I need you to try and calm down if you want to continue. JOHN: I— I… Audible silence. JOHN: I'm sorry. SHELLY: That's quite alright, it's why I'm here. Slight movement captured, followed by the opening of a creaky door. SHELLY: Let's take a quick break, okay? [END LOG] [BEGIN LOG] JOHN: Thank you, Shelly, I really needed that. SHELLY: Not a problem. Like I said, it's why I'm here. The two pause for several seconds. JOHN: So, you can't see them either, right? Silence. SHELLY: No, John, I can't. And I won't be able to. JOHN: Because they "don't exist," right? SHELLY: Let me ask you a question. How do they exist to you? What do you see when they appear? JOHN: I… I see them as many things. You know? SHELLY: Such as? JOHN: Well, often I see ants. Large ones. With big, meaty jaws. And sometimes I see spiders and worms as well — really the worms only appear in the light, right underneath my eyes. SHELLY: I see. Does it hurt? JOHN: Sometimes it does. I guess… I guess it just sorta depends? SHELLY: It depends? Would you be able to elaborate on that? JOHN: I don't really know how to explain it. I guess it just depends on my mood, or what I'm seeing, you know? Spiders hurt the most, especially when they, like, bite down. SHELLY: And is this separate from your injuries? Are you feeling this pain even in spots where you're not hurt at? JOHN: I don't know. SHELLY: I see… The two fall silent as papers are shuffled once more. SHELLY: Do you see them? JOHN: "Them?" The insects? Like, right now? SHELLY: Yes. JOHN: I… well… not really. It's hard for me to find them when I'm actively looking sometimes. SHELLY: Oh, I see then. Sorry. JOHN: Not to worry. SHELLY: Let's go ahead and pause again for a minute and see how you're feeling when we come back. [END LOG] [BEGIN LOG] SHELLY: I can tell you're bothered. Would you be able to explain why? JOHN: Explain? SHELLY: Only if you're able to. JOHN: I mean… JOHN sighs. JOHN: How about you live a life where everyone tells you that your mind is wrong? The two do not speak for several seconds. JOHN: I mean, seriously — everywhere I go, everything I do — it's always the same. I know my reality is real, and I know that what I see aren't just these… illusions that everyone makes them out to be. I've never not been able to trust my eyes, you know? SHELLY: I understand. JOHN: And then one day you wake up and people tell you to ignore all of that and to pretend like nothing is happening with me. It's frustrating. SHELLY: And it's exhausting, right? JOHN: Yes! You're exactly right. I'm tired, Shelly. I'm tired of having to attend these appointments. Of making notes in my phone to keep my thoughts away from the slugs and centipedes crawling up my nose. I just… JOHN does not finish his sentence. SHELLY: You just…? JOHN: It's there. SHELLY: Oh? JOHN: Right between my index fingers. Do you see it? SHELLY: Describe to me exactly what you're seeing. JOHN: It's… big. About the size of my palm. And it's brown, clinging to the side of my finger. SHELLY: Mhm. JOHN: It has two massive pincers in the front, and four legs around its abdomen. It's crawling— SHELLY: A beetle? JOHN: No, no, it's far too large. I— I think it might be a— JOHN shivers before pausing. SHELLY: It's okay, John. What were you about to say? JOHN: I think… it looks like a water bug. The two do not speak. JOHN: I— Shelly. Shelly please help me. I'm begging you, please— SHELLY: Don't worry, John. it'll be alright. Give me a moment, okay? There is a shuffle, followed shortly by the sound of a drawer opening. John gasps as shuffling is again heard over the microphone. SHELLY: Alright, go ahead and point me to it. Is it right… here? JOHN: No, it's a little more up — I mean, ah, down — stop. Right there. SHELLY: I see. Is the mirror catching it? JOHN: The mirror? I mean, yeah it's— JOHN suddenly stops talking. SHELLY: This is what I'm seeing right now John. And, I promise you, there's no bug there. SHELLY pauses. SHELLY: Do you see a water bug in the mirror? JOHN: It was just… I… The two stop talking briefly. JOHN: No… no I don't see it anymore. JOHN sighs in apparent relief. JOHN: I can't believe it… you just… How did— how did you do that? [END LOG] TEXT MESSAGES hey shelly, this is john this is the right number…… right? Hi John. This is the correct number. Sorry for not giving you the correct one earlier. it's ok lol thank you for your help today. whatever magic you did… it really worked. That's fantastic. Have you taken your medication? yea, yea, i did as you asked. Great. Please let me know if you need anything else. i actually do need something. How can I help? that thing you did… how did you know? Know what? that it would uh disapear? ig Are you asking about the mirror? yea Well, John. In truth, I didn't. I had no idea what would happen. you didn't? Not at all. But I'm glad it helped you nonetheless. is there a more permanent solution? for the insects, i mean. it would make it easier to sleep lol. The medication will help you with that. So long as you're taking it. i really did take it! it's just… idk Please let me know if there's anything else I can do for you John. ok. hey shelly? Hello John. sorry i know you're not working rn there's just… something on my mind. That's quite alright. How can I help? back in our session you asked me something. i never got to finish my answer lol Oh. About how exhausted you were, right? yea Go ahead and tell me what's on your mind. Just know that after this we'll need to schedule another appointment if you need to discuss this further. yea, i know lol sorry but your company kinda sux when it comes to scheduling stuff John, please. What was your answer for before? oh right sorry anyway, i just kinda wanted to say that like… idk. it sucks being the only one who feels this way, yk? I can understand that feeling. There's a lot of people like you. And a lot of other people who feel that way too. yea… i guess i mean, idk having someone who can bridge that gap and help me is… it's all i want … …? Let's try and keep the rest of our conversations in the office. ok. sorry. hey again Hello John. look ik you said that we should keep this in the office and thats fine and all but i just felt bad. wanted to say sorry Thank you for your apology. It's fine. ok… good. are we still good for this saturday? got a lot on my mind again lol I will need to check with my schedule. thats okay lol but… seriously, thank you… you have helped me tremendously Not a problem. do you have a place for reviews? can i give you a review? You can review my company. If you want to leave something about me that's fine. I can't stop you from doing that. ok… cool lol no biggie, just wanted to show my gratitude and appreciation give you a 5-star… for, yknow, being 5 stars ;) sorry that was stupid. please respond John I'm going to have to ask you kindly to stop texting me. ok. shelly shelly please respond they're back the bugs… they're here Have you taken your meds today? shelly im telling you they don't work omg there's so many please shelly i need your help please Our appointment is not until tomorrow. Can you wait until then? NO shelly you don't get it it's bad i swear i just blinked and i saw a bunch of termites disappear from my glass im scratching myself to the bone now i need your help rn im going to die John, if you need emergency help please contact the police. I can even do it for you if you want WHY? so they can not believe me??? shelly please bring your mirror and come to my house rn i promise it will be worth it John please stop texting me. I'm serious. shelly im begging you please i can feel them digging into my cheeks THEY'RE TEARING APART MY TOES please bring your mirror… please… I'm contacting the police right now. They can help you. shelly why do you keep refusing??? i thought you were supposed to HELP??? don't you understand I'M IN PAIN RN????? HELP ME HELP ME I'm blocking this number. Please do not come near me. YOU FUCKING CUNT IS THIS HOW IT IS?? I KNEW YOU WERE A LYING SCUMBAG I SWEAR YOU WILL REGRET THIS VIDEO RECORDINGS [BEGIN LOG] Recording begins with the camera on top of a dining room table. Two chairs — still pushed in — somewhat obstruct John McAckler as he paces frantically from one side to another. He stands in front of a sofa and a TV currently playing the Channel 16 News. No audio can be heard. John whispers frantically as he continues pacing for several seconds. He stops mid-step. Another mutter, followed by the words "SHELLY," before he grabs the temples of his forehead . John mutely yells in apparent pain as he begins to profusely scratch his arms. Ragged marks appear along the surface of his flesh. He remains frozen in place as the bare and scarred skin becomes red from the friction. Blood likewise begin dripping down from his elbows and onto the floor. He wipes sweat off his brow before stripping his clothes. First the shirt, then the pants, and finally the under garments. After another brief moment of struggle he stands nude in front of the camera. Along his upper torso, several jagged cuts and bruises are visible. Severely bleeding human bite marks along the left and right thighs are also visible from this angle. John retreats behind the camera and remains there for 34 seconds. He soon returns with a chef's knife, a metal fork and spoon, cleaning disinfectant, a large pot of boiling water, and a pair of slip-joint pliers. He haphazardly throws them across the floor and looks back at the camera with a wild grin. John mouths another comment before retrieving the chef's knife from his side. He holds the sharpened blade towards his left wrist. He smiles before sliding the knife across, cutting a deep laceration into the skin and tendons. He tips his wrist towards the floor as blood begins to drip and flow into a pool beneath. John cackles. The bleeding continues as he makes another cut on his opposite arm. The blood pools further as John grabs the fork and spoon on his opposite side. He breathes deeply before plunging the spoon into his left eye. He rocks his head backward as the spoon pierces into the damaged socket. He twists and yanks the spoon out, causing both viscera and what remains of his eye to fling onto the table. He then turns toward the fork, poking the edge of it underneath his index fingernail and quickly pulls backward. The fingernail snaps off effortlessly, revealing bare and bleeding flesh underneath. Despite the apparent pain, John grabs the pliers and holds them firm towards his toe. He continues clamping down before inexplicably twisting the pliers — causing the big toe to contort and dislocate at a 60 degree angle. He reels backward once more, pausing briefly as he drops the pliers onto the floor. He begins to speak, but the camera can not discern anything beyond him mouthing "DROWN." He grabs the boiling water sitting nearby and pours it along his face and upper torso. Hot steam races around his body. His arms writhe in pain but he does not attempt to brush the water off. John can now barely be seen in the video. Nothing occurs for approximately 30 seconds as the steam dissipates. John remains motionless in front of the dining room table. Suddenly, John begins smiling again. His teeth — which can now be seen on the camera footage — are stained red with blood. He utters another phrase, but only "SHELLY" can be discerned. John frowns just as the video camera falls down. Recording ceases abruptly. [END LOG] ADDENDUM TWO: UPDATE On 2022/08/01, Foundation scientists were able to perform a complete autopsy of SCP-7160. One week later, on 2022/08/06, a subsequent report of the anomaly's corpse was logged and stored within Site-119. While this report does confirm several key facts about SCP-7160's death, several other discoveries were also uncovered: DR. COLLINS - EXCERPT FROM SCP-7160 REPORT: The body itself, among its other injuries, also possessed its own unique… peculiarities. For example, when we extracted different tissue samples for identification, Dr. Radhurst and I discovered the presence of several small and distinct markings along the inside of the skin and various internal scrapes along the cranium. Speaking of the skull, deeper scans of the body's skeletal remains found large, vacant tunnel systems terminating at nearly all points throughout the hands, feet, and open orifices. […] It appears the added marrow and calcified shell of the victim's hollowed bones seems to have created the perfect ecosystem for whatever may have been living within. Additionally, after penetrating the hypodermis, we saw that the regular fluid filling the interstitium was completely drained. While ordinarily this may be the result of rare genetic circumstances or severe external damage, this particular case is not believed to have resulted in any structural abnormalities to the body. Rather, analysis of tissues and the surrounding area has since been found to contain a nearly invisible chitinous dust in its place. […] Following SCP-7160's autopsy, another investigation into its smartphone was initiated. Upon further analysis, Foundation researchers confirmed that the last application active on the device was Google Maps — which was currently enroute to Shelly Lee's personal residence. Furthermore, a new message notification appeared upon device startup. The contents of which has been attached below: John? Hi… this is Shelly. You know… with Heartland Counselling? Would you be able to call me ASAP? I don't know who else to go to… I can't stop itching anymore. C is for "Closers" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub E is for "Eternity"
Interior of the Horace City Hall ancillary building, prior to the boarding-off of its windows. Item #: SCP-7161 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Entry to the ancillary building of the Horace City Hall is forbidden to all personnel without 4/7161 certification. No more than two people at a time may be granted 4/7161 certification. The door and surrounding fencing are both to be locked and the exterior of the facility is not to be maintained. Live surveillance footage of the exterior is to be continually tracked via hidden camera; a plainclothes guard is to be continually posted within 400 meters of the ancillary building. No cameras are to be placed in the interior or filming into it. A Foundation bot (Collus.AIC) will continually monitor Horace social media accounts for mentions of certain stories; when a significant increase in their discussion is documented, five more plainclothes guards will be stationed in Horace for the next month. Description: SCP-7161 refers to two wooden crates found in the first-floor supply closet of the ancillary building of the Horace, North Dakota city hall. The smaller crate, SCP-7161-1, is cubic; each side measures approximately 23cm. A length of narrow rubber hose protrudes from a circular hole in the crate and through the wooden floorboards of the supply closet. While attempting to discover where the hose led, a previously undocumented basement was discovered. The height of the basement's walls are eight feet, and the floor is dirt. The hose protrudes through the ceiling of the basement and outputs about 10cc of fluid per hour, which drips into the soil. The source and content of this fluid is classified by O5 order. Before entry to the ancillary building was restricted, occasional noises were reported from the interior of SCP-7161-1. The content of these reports is classified by O5 order. The larger crate, SCP-7161-2, measures 2m×0.8m×0.6m. The sides of the crate are stained, consistent with a large amount of fluid accreting in its interior. Occasionally, 1-2 civilians will attempt to breach the Horace City Hall ancillary building. Before these attempts, public discussion of certain stories tends to increase approximately threefold across Horace. These stories include, among others: The Green Knight; The Legend of Sleepy Hollow; The Book of Judith; The Green Ribbon; David and Goliath; The [REDACTED] of John the Baptist. Both crates are stenciled on their sides with the words “SCP Foundation Department of Abnormalities”. No department by that name has ever existed. « SCP-7160 | SCP-7161 | SCP-7162 »
7162 close Info X Article: SCP-7162 - Lo Barato Sale Caro (Pinche Rana Envidiosa) Coauthor: Doc slash Feedback given by: agente alan, TheBoxOfFun, Luis Gm, Hight0w3r, extasis, Jomosu (and some other Área-Jo folks!), Amai-Ixchel, Forecbai, Abrethe does not match any existing user name, TopDownUnder, Veralta does not match any existing user name, Veramadues, RuraScarlet, Eduteck Image Credits: Abarrotes Lorena, by DogeGamer2015MZT, licensed under CC0 1.0 Public Domain. Frog, by Vassil, licensed under CC0 1.0 Public Domain. Moluna, licensed under CC0 Public Domain. Ciruela, by Markus Leupold-Löwenthal, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0 and modified by Agente Shuffle Dead Ciruela, licensed under CC0 Public Domain and modified by Agente Shuffle Osvaldo (Upper half), own work. Only to be used in relation to this article. Dead Osvaldo, by Ian Livesey, licensed under CC0 Public Domain and modified by Agente Shuffle Ernesto (Upper half), own work. Only to be used in relation to this article. Dead Ernesto, by Joshua Sherurcij, authorized to be used in this article and modified by Agente Shuffle Clarisa, by Jamie, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0 and modified by Agente Shuffle Dead Clarisa, by Pink Sherbet Photography, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.0. and modified by Agente Shuffle 12/10/2009 ITERATION [OUTDATED] [CLOSE] ITEM #: SCP-7162 CONTAINMENT CLASS: SAFE DISRUPTION CLASS: DARK ITEM: SCP-7162 LEVEL-  CONTAINMENT CLASS: SAFE DISRUPTION CLASS: DARK SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: As all attempts to acquire SCP-7162, buy its terrain, manage the store, improve SCP-7162's functioning, hire security personnel for the store, install surveillance cameras, and employ Foundation personnel in SCP-7162 have been unsuccessful thus far, the Foundation has contacted the owners of the house in front of SCP-7162 to install hidden cameras pointing towards the store under the alibi of mold removal and pest control in order to facilitate the proper surveillance of SCP-7162, as well as the detection of larceny. Any individual who steals items from SCP-7162 outside of Foundation testing is to be closely monitored until their death; once this happens, a cover story will be created, if necessary, to prevent the civil population from linking the case to SCP-7162. Otherwise, the Foundation will only limit the available data regarding the incident to the civil population and other investigative bodies. Several false social programs and initiatives, such as "Localidad De Calidad" and "Edificio A Tu Servicio", have been made in order to facilitate the covert research and evaluation of SCP-7162 by Foundation researchers. If any irregularity is found in mundane buildings covered by the programs, the personnel assigned to said initiatives is allowed to finance reparations, although they must pay special attention to SCP-7162. Once research on the item is completed, all programs are to be discontinued under the alibi of economical difficulties. SCP-7162 DESCRIPTION: SCP-7162 is a grocery store named Abarrotes Lorena, located in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, México, built in 1992. When an individual removes any item from SCP-7162 without paying or without the owner's permission, SCP-7162's abnormal qualities will be triggered, as the subject involved will inevitably die in a variable lapse after stealing the object, being their death always caused by or related to the substracted item. Specific details about SCP-7162's methods to successfully eliminate the involved individual are currently unknown, although it is hypothesized that it could possess probability manipulation or retrocausal properties, or be related to other similar anomalies. ITEM DISCOVERY: SCP-7162 was discovered during the investigations of an individual's death following an unusual chain of events related to a robbery he carried out two days ago. This incident was demonstrably similar to other cases in the last eight years, sharing the common factor of the victims having stolen from SCP-7162 prior to their deaths. While the information of the case had spread too quickly to deploy an alibi, said alibi wasn't required, as the local population attributed the subject's death to local gangs and the unusualness of the circumstances to police corruption to protect the involved gang members, allowing the Foundation to only focus on limiting the available information regarding this and previous similar cases. ADDENDUM ALPHA: TEST #1 SUBJECT D-1108 TEST CONDUCTOR Dr. Marcelo Quintana TEST OVERSEER Dr. Alejandro González SUBSTRACTED ITEM One Granny Smith apple RESULTS D-1108 successfully extracted and ingested the apple. 32 minutes later, D-1108 began to cough loudly and suffered a cardiac arrest. Posterior analysis revealed the substracted apple contained unusually high potassium levels, which had provoked D-1108 hyperkalemia. TEST #2 SUBJECT D-1110 TEST CONDUCTOR Dr. Marcelo Quintana TEST OVERSEER Dr. Alejandro González SUBSTRACTED ITEM One Blueberry Bubbaloo bubblegum RESULTS D-1110 successfully extracted and consumed the bubblegum. 8 minutes later, D-1110 began to show asphyxiation signs and died before Foundation personnel could intervene. Posterior analysis revealed that the bubblegum had become a dense paste that obstructed D-1110's trachea. TEST #4 SUBJECT D-1113 TEST CONDUCTOR Dr. Marcelo Quintana TEST OVERSEER Dr. Alejandro González SUBSTRACTED ITEM A bag of Rancheritos RESULTS D-1113 successfully extracted the bag and proceeded to eat the chips. While doing so, a fragment of a single chip lodged in one of her gums; the pain caused D-1113 to drop the bag and stand up quickly, accidentally stepping on it and slipping to fall to the floor. The cause of death was determined to be a traumatic brain injury. TEST #8 SUBJECT D-1120 TEST CONDUCTOR Dr. Marcelo Quintana TEST OVERSEER Dr. Alejandro González SUBSTRACTED ITEM One brown chicken egg RESULTS D-1120 successfully extracted the egg, and gave it to Dr. González to prepare it as a sunny-side-up fried egg. 12 minutes after eating, D-1120 suddenly died. Posterior analysis has been inconclusive and the exact cause of D-1120's death is uncertain, although it is believed to be somehow related to the stolen egg. TEST #16 SUBJECT Andrea Luna Morales; civilian TEST CONDUCTOR N/A TEST OVERSEER N/A SUBSTRACTED ITEM A $300 vintage skull belt RESULTS Ms. Luna successfully stole the belt from the store and was closely followed up by the Foundation. Eight hours later, an unidentified burglar broke into Ms. Luna's house. Ms. Luna attempted to attack the thief with a knife upon noticing he was unarmed, but the burglar managed to grab the belt and strangled her to death. Posterior analysis of the house revealed that several objects had been stolen, including the belt. Subsequent follow-ups of the thief have revealed that, at the time of adding Addendum Bravo, he hasn't died yet despite having stolen the aforementioned belt. The reason for this is currently unknown. ADDENDUM BRAVO: SCP Object Decommissioning Proposal Form Item #: SCP-7162 Object Class: Safe Lead Researcher: Doctor Marcelo Quintana Rodríguez Supporting Personnel: Doctor Marina Velázquez - Representing Site-34 Doctor Dulce Talavera - Representing Site-34's Logistics Department Please fill in the applicable boxes regarding the reasons for the proposal submission: ☑ Excessively High Risk of Lifted Veil Scenario ☐ Excessive Danger ☑ Expense ☐ Ethical Concerns Over Necessary Containment ☑ Legal Concerns ☐ High Risk of K-Class Scenario (if so, please state which type(s): ) ☐ Other (please state): Summary: Despite all the unusual factors surrounding SCP-7162 that would expose the existence of the anomalous to the civilian population, we've been lucky, as the deaths are often blamed on gangs and cartels; however, we cannot keep risking the secrecy of the Foundation and the Veil's integrity like we've been doing for the past 2 years. We can't know for sure if the people will remain forever ignorant about the true nature of SCP-7162, but I believe it'd be unwise to test it out. Besides the imminent danger to the Veil, there are other reasons why I believe SCP-7162 should be decommissioned: The item's Special Containment Procedures are far more complex and expensive than they should be. While in other situations we'd just enact Standard Regulation Protocols like any other Anomalous Object or Unexplained Location, we've had to come up with Containment Procedures that, if not for the unusualness of the circumstances, would correspond to a Keter-Class Object. In the sight of the most recent earthquake, our Containment Teams have noticed that SCP-7162 presents important structural damage and estimate that the building may crumble down under its own weight in the following 8 years. We could take advantage of this, by causing the destruction of the building and covering it as a disaster that naturally occurred due to the earthquake. With this, we could avoid the constant threat to the Veil that SCP-7162 poses, and we could save assets that could be better used on more important projects. I'll look forward to your response. — Dr. Quintana Proposal Status: PENDING 04/10/2012 ITERATION [CURRENT] [CLOSE] ITEM #: SCP-7162 LEVEL-  CONTAINMENT: THAUMIEL DISRUPTION: DARK ITEM: SCP-7162 LEVEL-  CONTAINMENT: THAUMIEL DISRUPTION: DARK SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7162 and SCP-7162-A are currently contained in separate Standard Containment Lockers, both located in Site-34's Low-Risk Anomalies Sector. Testing on both items has been permanently suspended due to their Thaumiel-class designation. SCP-7162 DESCRIPTION: SCP-7162 is a 20cm tall crystal statue vaguely resembling a stylized frog. Despite the conditions it was found in during its discovery, SCP-7162 is unusually well preserved and it's believed to be indestructible, although no extensive testing on this has been done yet. SCP-7162-A is a wooden tablet with a Spanish arte mayor poem carved in its obverse, which directly addresses SCP-7162's anomalous qualities and is believed to be the cause of said qualities, or a trigger for them to manifest. SCP-7162-A's reverse features several esoteric and ritualistic symbols commonly used in regional santería rituals. Most of these symbols are painted on the tablet with black and red dyes, although four unknown symbols are carved in each corner of SCP-7162. It is uncertain whether these four symbols are ritualistic or were added for mere aesthetical purposes. The original poem carved in SCP-7162-A and a translation of it are shown below. ORIGINAL POEM En nombre de los diablos del Infierno Y de Cristo que está en el Cielo Conjúrote a ti, Santa Rana A que protejas mi humilde casa Mi tienda, mi puesto, y patrimonio Del que quita y roba tal que rata Y sea esta tabla testimonio Del conjuro echado a esta rana TRANSLATED POEM In the name of the devils in Hell And of Christ who is in Heaven I conjure you, Holy Frog To protect my humble house My store, my shop, and patrimony From those who steal and rob like rats And let this tablet be a testimony Of the spell cast on this frog ITEM DISCOVERY: During the decommissioning of the former SCP-7162 (see the December 2009 iteration of this file), a piece of rubble broke a portion of the building's floor and revealed a mid-sized empty space beneath the ground. Upon examination, SCP-7162 and SCP-7162-A were found along with four entirely consumed candles, charred remains of a rose, several small blood stains forming a circle, and a torn thousand Mexican pesos banknote. All items were retrieved and transported to Site-34 for further examination. When questioned by covert Foundation Agents, the owner of the building claimed to have no knowledge of any of the discovered items nor about the ritual believed to have involved them, and was released. ADDENDUM ALPHA: One month after SCP-7162 and SCP-7162-A were officially contained at Site-34, a spontaneous series of seemingly random deaths amongst the personnel began occurring at a rate of approximately 2 deaths per month. Upon examination, it was revealed that all deaths were consistent with or similar to the ones documented in the 2009 Iteration of the former SCP-7162 file, and it was determined that the current SCP-7162 could have transferred its qualities to Site-34. A summarized list of these events is shown below. EVENT #1 SUBJECT Ernesto Miguel Navarro Tello; Foundation Parazoology Researcher STOLEN ITEM A ballpoint pen RESULTS Res. Navarro had borrowed Dr. Lucía "Lucifer" Reyes' pen but forgot to give it back, and exited the facility with it in his pocket at the end of his shift. While going back home, Res. Navarro was assaulted by a thief attempting to rob him; he resisted and fought back, managing to disarm the robber, but the pen fell from his pocket and was used by the thief to stab him repeatedly in the throat. Res. Navarro's cause of death was identified as asphyxia with his own blood. EVENT #2 SUBJECT José Audiffred Mendoza; Foundation Doctor STOLEN ITEM Information from an SCP-ES-037 investigation, by Dr. Ásbjörn Klasz, passed off as his own work RESULTS Dr. Audiffred was found dead in his office, with signs indicating a fight had happened earlier. Disforming Radiation analysis showed that an SCP-ES-037 event had occurred a few minutes before. Dr. Audiffred's death was attributed to hostile SCP-ES-037-A instances, consistent with behavior documented in Addendum 037-02, although the specific cause for the attack is uncertain. EVENT #4 SUBJECT Juan Álvaro Miguel Trujillo; civilian STOLEN ITEM SCP-ES-020 - A clay funerary urn capable of generating a humanoid entity from its interior, which will drag the user into its interior: a field resembling a South American aboriginal settlement RESULTS It is believed that the subject stole the item after an accident during transportation to Site-313. Álvaro was found dead in his house due to a cervical fracture, assumed to have occurred when he was "brought back" from SCP-ES-020. Five members of his family were found nearby, all of them killed with poisonous darts and arrows; the way of death matches with behavior seen during Incident 020-001. Evidence suggests they might have been killed by SCP-ES-020-1 when trying to help Álvaro to resist entering SCP-ES-020. Item successfully retrieved. EVENT #6 SUBJECT Víctor Penz; Foundation Field Agent STOLEN ITEM Four bags of SCP-ES-204 - Sour candy gummies capable of modifying the consumer's physical structure to match the appearance of the costume they are wearing, as long as they consume the corresponding flavor. Non-anomalous if consumed without wearing a costume. RESULTS Agent Penz retired the bags during his lunch break. While carrying them around the facility, Agent Penz began to stagger and walk erratically moments before losing consciousness and falling to the ground, dying shortly after. Posterior analysis revealed that he had suddenly suffered hyperglycemia despite not having any habits that negatively affected his blood sugar levels nor having consumed any SCP-ES-204 instance. Agent Midy Menta was later found dead in her cubicle similar to Agent Penz. While initially believed to have had no input or relation to Penz's actions, Site-34 internal audio recordings revealed that Agent Menta had suggested Agent Penz bring her a few bags of SCP-ES-204 to eat together. All items were successfully retrieved. ADDENDUM BRAVO: SCP Object Reclassification Proposal Form Item #: SCP-7162 Current Object Class: Safe Proposed Object Class: Thaumiel Lead Researcher: Doctor Marcelo Quintana Rodríguez Supporting Personnel: Doctor Marina Velázquez - Representing Site-34 Doctor Borja Dowell - Representing Site-34's Ethics Committee Please fill in the applicable boxes regarding the reasons for the proposal submission: ☐ Alternative Containment Procedures available ☐ Changes in the item's anomalous properties ☑ External circumstances require a different containment approach for the item ☐ Ethical issues regarding the usage of the current Object Class ☑ Item has great benefit potential (only appliable to Thaumiel and Flor Galana Proposals) ☑ A different Object Class would be more appropriate ☐ Item has been assigned a now-obsolete Object Class ☐ Other (please state): Summary: It is no secret that, despite the Foundation's goal to protect humankind from the anomalous, several individuals from both our facilities and other organizations seek to take the items we contain for their own personal goals. This despondent situation is well known, and the Foundation has spent large amounts of money to prevent and hopefully end this, with mid-success. SCP-7162 could help us with that task due to its very "conservative" nature. The deaths caused by SCP-7162, while very unfortunate, have shown us its full potential. Exploring its qualities further will allow us to properly use it to our advantage and avoid similar incidents with our personnel, regarding both deaths and stolen high-importance objects. I can't deny the efficacy of the current ESTIBEN Project, but the proper usage of this item could significantly improve its efficiency, not only guaranteeing the death of the main culprit who could compromise the Veil's integrity but also allowing us to take action much quicker. By having enough, well-placed, informants, and following news or even online rumors about deaths related to the item following SCP-7162's behavior patterns, we could arrive at the scene before others and we'd be able to carry on our information suppression duties in a much better way. I believe the Archives And Revision Department will appreciate this. I'll look forward to your response. — Dr. Quintana Proposal Status: APPROVED Additional Notes: All on-site personnel was briefly informed of SCP-7162's anomalous qualities, as well as advised to not steal any mundane items from the Site under any circumstances. After one week of observation, it was determined that the personnel morale had risen, as they were more trusting, honest, and communicative with their peers. The Site budget began to be managed in a more efficient manner as well. SCP-7162 has been properly reclassified as Thaumiel. Documentation updated. INCIDENT CASCADE [OPEN] [CLOSE] At 22:51 hours on September 15th, 2015, a Serpent's Hand cell broke into Site-34 through Storage Area B without being noticed, quickly splitting into three separate groups. The first group, composed of PoI-1888 ("Medellín's Joker"), PoI-1999 ("Emily Miranda"), and five other unknown individuals, was tasked with obfuscating the Site's surveillance systems while distracting Security Personnel members and headed towards the Security Outposts. The second group, formed entirely by six unknown individuals, was tasked with the extraction of SCP-████ and headed toward the Site's Moderate-Risk Anomalies Sector. Clearest known photograph of PoI-1987 ("Moluna"). Photographer unknown. The third group, consisting only of PoI-1987 ("Moluna") and an unknown individual, referred to as "Nuez", was tasked with searching for other useful items, abnormal or mundane, to retrieve from the Facility, and headed towards the Site's Low-Risk Anomalies Section. At 22:53, all of Site-34's Western Wing Security Cameras went offline due to a sudden EMP believed to be abnormal in nature. At the same time, an anomalous incident occurred nearby, forcing the few spare and most non-essential Security Personnel members to mobilize towards Hangar C. Shortly after that, all Western Wing Covert Listening Devices went offline as well, with the sole exception of one single device located in the Restrooms, near the Low-Risk Anomalies Sector, which managed to barely record a conversation between PoI-1987 and Nuez occurring nearby. A transcription of said conversation is shown below. Site-34 Internal Audio Recording Transcript (A deep metallic airy noise is heard. Assumed to be the elevator's doors opening) Nuez: So… that's why. (Audible footsteps) PoI-1987: Woah. I… I guess I've been into this for so long that I've forgotten what does "normalcy" taste like, huh. I kinda assume everybody's already familiar with the things I know. I mean, that's all I've been seeing since I was 4. (Silence for several seconds, as both individuals keep walking) PoI-1987: Hey, sorry if I went too hard on you with this. I probably should be more tactful when introducing people to the Hand, shouldn't I? Anyway, follow me, over here. Nuez: Hey, hey! Don't ignore me! Don't dismiss what I've just told you! (Their voices muffle. It is assumed they both enter the LRA Sector) PoI-1987: I'm not ignoring nor dismissing you at all. I'll definitely take a look at my understanding of the status quo once we're done here. I'm just saying we have important work to do, and despite being very little, it needs to be done. Nuez: I don't think you understand anything about my complaints. PoI-1987: I do. Nuez: I don't believe you. PoI-1987: I promise! Nuez: Can we please go home then? This entire place is freaking me out! PoI-1987: No! Nuez: What? Why not? PoI-1987: Look, Nuez. Like I've already said, you've been your entire life thinking, imagining all the magic wonders that could be around the world. Well, now you're here, where all of that exists. I recognize that perhaps I showed you all of it quite quickly, but now we're both here, and we can't afford to be scared at all. Not now. Nuez: Then when? PoI-1987: Literally anytime else. In one of these situations, you need to be cold and fast. Once everything's over, you can then release your breath and cry, scream, or whatever helps you not lose your mind. And then you'll decide if you want to do it again or not. If it's worth the risk or not. (Silence) PoI-1987: But it'd be such a shame, don't you think? You've gotten this far, and for what? For you to say "Ay, I'm scared! I don't want to be a Wanderer anymore!"? Is that it? Nuez: Moluna, I- it's not that. I just don't think we should be doing this. PoI-1987: Oh, yeah? Why? Nuez: Well, I… Fine, I am scared. You don't seem to get it, do you? 23 years living normally and— PoI-1987: Yes, yes, you've said this a thousand times already. Now please lower your voice or somebody may hear us. Nuez: Didn't you say Cempasúchil deactivated all the bugs? PoI-1987: And the doctors don't have ears or what? Somebody may still be nearby. (Silence) Nuez: Alright. (Silence) (Metallic noises are heard) PoI-1987: (Chuckle) All these whitecoats think their safes are impassable, but with enough skill and a little bit of atypical help, these break like mazapanes. Nuez: Yeah, sure, whatever. Just… if I can help with something just tell me so we can finish this as soon as possible. PoI-1987: Haha! Now that's the attitude I want from you! Uhhh, I don't think you want to be opening safes with me right now so… you can help me by watching over to see if somebody's coming and talking to me. (Silence) Nuez: I don't mind helping you crack these things if that means we can leave faster. PoI-1987: Would you now look at that! You're improving your attitude by the second! Here, come closer, I'll teach you how to do it. (PoI-1987 and Nuez notably lower their voices. The microphone is unable to properly record their conversation) PoI-1987: (Shouting) Hey! (Nuez screams) Nuez: Moluna!? PoI-1987: Wait, wait. Look at this frog. Nuez: Oh what the fuck. PoI-1987: (Laughing) Hey, sorry for scaring you. I didn't expect to find such a cute little frog here. It's my favorite animal, you know? Nuez: S-sure. And… what's with it? PoI-1987: Oh, nothing really. I just think it looks cute and… wait. Nuez: What? PoI-1987: Hey… I think I know you! Nuez: You what? PoI-1987: Yes! I-I think I remember seeing a frog statue identical to this one. It belonged to my aunt, Ciruela. I don't know what happened to it, one day it just disappeared but I wouldn't notice until weeks later. I think this is it. The Foundation must've taken it from her. Stolen it, I mean. (Silence) PoI-1987: Do you think Ciruela'd like to have it back? Nuez: Well, if it was hers, I think she'd— PoI-1987: Alright then! We're taking it. Along with whatever else we find here; these lockers are quite empty and have mostly useless documentation. Hold me this, please. Nuez: W-wait, no! Are you going to touch that with your bare hands? I-isn't it dangerous? I mean, the Foundation must have it locked here for a reason! PoI-1987: You've just proved to me that you don't know anything about the Foundation nor about my aunt Ciruela. First, all these so-called doctors will bury underground anything that's barely strange to them, dangerous or not, and second, Ciruela would never create a harmful artifact. Nuez: How are you so sure? PoI-1987: For God's sake, Nuez. I've been living with her since I was a kid, we're like sisters. We trust each other with absolutely everything. If she had made something dangerous, I'd know. (Silence) Nuez: You've talked about Ciruela a lot, you two seem to have a strong bond, huh? PoI-1987: Oh, wait until you meet her and you'll understand. You are going to love her. Actually, she knows a lot about the strange and anomalous, she could orientate you about this world. Nuez: Perhaps. Perhaps. Are we done here? PoI-1987: Yeah, I think so. We only got documents we won't take, a dead flower and the glass frog. I expected something more. Maybe a— PoI-1888: (Through radio) Moluna, are you there? PoI-1987: Excuse me one second. Yes. I'm here. What's happening? PoI-1888: We need to leave. Now. Quimisa is dead. PoI-1987: What!? They took down Quimisa!? PoI-1888: You heard me well. PoI-1987: God fucking dammit. This wasn't meant to go down like this! This was supposed to be a safe mis— PoI-1888: I know, but we'll have to discuss that later. We need to leave the hell outta here. You know what'll happen if they catch our asses here. Nuez: Moluna? PoI-1987: Nuez, not— Look, what about the others? Did they retrieve the [REDACTED]? PoI-1888: Yes, they did. They are now heading north, through the cactus road. We're the only ones around now, and we need to go. (Silence) PoI-1888: Moluna? PoI-1987: Yes, yes, I heard you. Leave with the others, don't wait for us. Nuez and I'll meet you at the Rooster Palenque later. Nuez: What's happening up there? PoI-1987: Not for us to know now. Follow me. Nuez: Are we going back from where we came from!? PoI-1987: If we go East, we'll be going directly towards the Maintenance Zone; if we go West, we'll find catwalks I haven't explored yet, and if we keep descending we'll most likely find containment chambers. I haven't gone down there either. Going back up is the easiest way out if we want to come out in one piece. Don't worry, if we did this right, they won't know we were here until we're long gone. Now hurry up, we don't have that much time. (The elevator doors open and both individuals enter the booth) Once the Site-34 personnel successfully repelled the attack on the facility, SCP-████ was quickly found to be missing. While its retrieval would have been considered a Third Level Priority despite its disruption potential due to Protocol 7162-ALEPH, it was quickly determined to be a First Level Priority once SCP-7162 was found to be missing as well. An emergency meeting was carried out to evaluate the situation regarding both SCP-████ and SCP-7162. It was determined that the concealment of SCP-████ and its retrieval could proceed normally, in a similar way to its original discovery or during Incident DALTON; however, the recovery of the item was temporally suspended, as it was believed that the theft of SCP-7162 by PoI-1987 had transferred its protection properties to her belongings, which could affect SCP-████ as well if the individuals who retrieved it gave it to or were directly associated with her. Several proposals to avoid triggering SCP-7162's anomalous properties upon recovering SCP-████ were made, being the destruction of the former and the murdering of its current owner the most plausible options, and were decided to be carried out simultaneously to reduce any possible risks. Mobile Task Forces Rho-16 ("King Retrieves"), Delta-6 ("Truants") and Theta-8 ("Blue Pills") were deployed to track down the current location of PoI-1987. Four days later, PoI-1987's corpse was found on the shore of a frog-infested lake in Ojinaga, Chihuahua, México. Analysis of the cadaver revealed high amounts of poison in her bloodstream, which was identical in composition to the poison produced by Dendrobates tinctorius "Azureus" specimens, despite blue poison dart frogs not being native to the region. SCP-7162 wasn't found in the zone. The Foundation allowed Federal Investigative Entities to proceed with the case in order to discover information about PoI-1987, track down her contacts and family, and retrieve SCP-████ and SCP-7162. Xóchitl "Ciruela" Hernández Quitzé (PoI-1978) before (above) and after (below) Incident CASCADE. Once the investigations concluded, the identity and possible location of PoI-1978 ("Ciruela") and four previously unidentified Persons of Interest could also be tracked down, and investigative efforts to locate them began. Two days later, covert Foundation informants reported hearing news about PoI-1978, mentioning her as one of the many victims of a shooting at a bar named "La Rana Envidiosa", located near PoI-1978's house. Investigations of the residence found SCP-7162 in the center of a coffee table, which was successfully retrieved. At the time, it was deemed uncertain whether PoI-1987 and PoI-1978's deaths were related to SCP-7162, although it was mostly believed they weren't. After properly concealing the deaths of both PoIs and their relation to the anomalous, the Foundation focused on retrieving SCP-████, which was later found in an abandoned house, located in Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, along with several items created by the object, and the corpses of two individuals, later identified as Citlali "Nuez" Mandujano Sacristán and Valentina "Pomelo" Hernández Solórzano, PoI-1987's half-sister. The cause of death for both subjects was determined to be radiation poisoning. SCP-████ and SCP-7162 were properly retrieved and transported back to Site-34 without any further incident. The Foundation tried contacting Osvaldo Beltrán, an extraofficial covert Serpent's Hand informant, to check and evaluate the current situation of the Serpent's Hand regarding the deaths of several of their members and the possible relation of this event with the Foundation; however, it wasn't possible to contact Beltrán. Osvaldo Beltrán Fuentes before (above) and after (below) Incident CASCADE. His corpse would be found shortly after in the archaeological site Las Ranas, Querétaro, with several bullet wounds and bled out to death. According to the testimonies provided by Beltrán's co-workers, he was last seen at the end of his shift the previous night, and it was reported that he decided to stay in Las Ranas to finish a pending task regarding his archaeological studies of the place; however, after further investigations, it was found that Mr. Beltrán had no other tasks to finish related to his job. His wife, Paulina Luján, claimed to have no knowledge of Beltrán's status until his body was found, being her last contact with him a phone call that occurred 2 hours prior to the end of his shift. No recorded or photographic evidence of the murder exists, and there were no direct witnesses to the event, although several individuals reported seeing a suspicious individual in the area. Physical descriptions of the individual, although vague, are consistent, but the Foundation hasn't been able to properly identify the subject nor connect any possible suspect to the event. Investigations carried out by Federal Investigative Entities have been inconclusive as well. Faced with the sudden murder of Mr. Beltrán, the Foundation attempted to contact Ernesto Reyes, another unofficial Serpent's Hand informant, to further investigate the Hand's internal reaction to the situation; however, Mr. Reyes had also been recently assassinated. Ernesto Reyes Mata before (above) and after (below) Incident CASCADE. Analysis and subsequent investigations revealed that he had been killed with a single shot to the neck during a recreational trip to the Citlaltépetl mountain in Orizaba, Veracruz. It was later discovered that Mr. Reyes had been assassinated by Agent Jeremiah "Bullfrog" Carter, a member of the Global Occult Coalition's Assessment Team 735 ("Lightning Mace"). While admitting to having acted independently and without prior order from the Coalition, Agent Bullfrog justified the murder of Mr. Reyes with his direct involvement in a side covert business of trafficking in anomalous items, information, and influences in the paranormal realm, active since 2004. These accusations were later proven true. Agent Bullfrog also confessed to having terminated, in the last 2 weeks, 5 more members of other anomalous groups related to Mr. Reyes's illicit business or involved in similar criminal anomalous activities. Of these, 4 were Serpent's Hand informants who worked for the Foundation in the past. The Coalition's stance on Agent Bullfrog's actions is unknown, though it is believed he was admonished. Foundation agents tried reaching out to other active Serpent's Hand informants, but most of them had also died recently, and the few still alive individuals died in the following days. Attempts to communicate with known and potential Serpent's Hand-related Persons of Interest got the same result. Given the unusual circumstances and timing of the deaths, Site-34's Administrative Personnel convoked an emergency meeting to discuss the state of the current situation, as well as possible explanations or solutions to it. While examining the evidence, Dr. Marina Velázquez pointed out the similarities between the deaths that occurred during Incident CASCADE and the ones caused by SCP-7162, suggesting a potential relation, direct or not, between the two. Dr. Velázquez quickly contacted Dr. Quintana to gather more specific information about the item and to further investigate the possible intervention of SCP-7162 in Incident CASCADE. […] Dr. Velázquez: So… as you can see, the deaths, all of them, follow the same or a very similar pattern, but… why is its effect expanding? I don't think it has happened before. I don't know, is my hypothesis just a hunch? Dr. Quintana: Oh, actually it isn't. It has happened before, yes, and we have evidence of it. Dr. Velázquez: Do we? Dr. Quintana: Yes. Look. Remember the time a civilian stole SCP-ES-020 from the crashed convoy? He died, of course, but he wasn't the only one; his family was murdered as well. We thought this had just been circumstantial, but when Agent Penz and Agent Menta died the pattern repeated, although at a much smaller scale. Dr. Velázquez: What do you mean? Didn't Menta die because she was, say, the one that commanded Penz to steal the ES-204 instances? Dr. Quintana: Saying that she "commanded" Penz to do it is quite a misnomer; she just briefly suggested it, but didn't directly ask him to do it. And yes, that's what we initially thought, but further analysis of the case revealed some more details. Dr. Velázquez: Do tell. Dr. Quintana: Perhaps you know that Agent Penz has, or had, no currently alive relatives. No family members, for his brother died in 2008 and his mother died a few months later. Dr. Velázquez: Why would that be relevant? They both died before we even discovered the first 7162. Dr. Quintana: It's important because that means the effect couldn't affect his close relatives, causing it to "jump" to the next closest person he knew: Menta Millán. Dr. Velázquez: How's that? Dr. Quintana: Look, I'm not really into discussing the personal situation of my colleagues and workmates, so let's just say they were both interested in each other. Dr. Velázquez: Which means… that SCP-7162's effects can affect individuals other than the culprit's family based on their relationship with them? Dr. Quintana: Correct. Dr. Velázquez: Still, why only her and not four more persons, like the family of that civilian? Dr. Quintana: That's where I wanted to go. I am pretty sure the extent of SCP-7162's properties is directly proportional to the… "importance" assigned to the item that is stolen. Dr. Velázquez: Importance? Dr. Quintana: Look, it's hard to properly measure, but it seems that the more valuable an item is determined or believed to be by its owner, the further the chain of deaths will expand. Dr. Velázquez: Had this happened with the original 7162? Dr. Quintana: No, because the owner only had mundane items in stock; he didn't value them that much. Site-34, on the other hand, contains several high-importance objects, and as such, are deemed to be extremely valuable. You can guess what happens when somebody steals one of those. Dr. Velázquez: So the glass frog… Dr. Quintana: Thaumiel Containment Class, Level 4 Classified, Protocol 7162-ALEPH. It is considered quite important, as it should be. Its effects seem to affect itself as well, to protect it from getting stolen. We still don't know why it affected itself this time instead of transferring its properties, but we were lucky it didn't happen when we first retrieved it. Dr. Velázquez: How much will CASCADE keep extending? Dr. Quintana: I'm afraid we can't know for sure. The current information available regarding this is not sufficient for us to approximate the magnitude of the situation. We'd need to conduct more tests, but I don't think we have time for that given the severity of the situation we're dealing with at this moment. Dr. Velázquez: But how can we not know something as essential to the anomaly as this!? Dr. Quintana: Dr. Velázquez, please. I don't think you nor anybody from the Containment Department would have approved the use of an extremely important SCP Object to conduct such an unpredictable test. Besides, at the time we did not know the effect could expand. (Silence) Dr. Quintana: Velázquez? Dr. Velázquez: What do you mean when you said you did not know at the time? Dr. Quintana: What? Dr. Velázquez: When did you discover the fact that SCP-7162's properties can expand? Dr. Quintana: Well, it was, uh… Jesus, I-I don't… I don't remember. Dr. Velázquez: Approximately when did that happen? Dr. Quintana: Around… I don't know, 2012? Dr. Velázquez: 2012? Was this before your reclassification proposal? Dr. Quintana: Before my… (Silence) Dr. Velázquez: Dr. Quintana, did you know about this before submitting your reclassification proposal? (Silence) Dr. Velázquez: Doctor— Dr. Quintana: (Sigh) No, I did not know. Dr. Velázquez: Then why did you submit a reclassification proposal of an item we know dangerously little about? You told me the item was, if not fully understood, at least completely predictable according to the compiled evidence. Dr. Quintana: I did not lie! I just… that was all the information available back then. We had no reason to believe the object would behave like this! We found out when we started to organize all the information related to this in the Supplemental Documents. I and my team were one of the first ones to start organizing information related to a project this way, that's how we discovered it! Dr. Velázquez: It's been over three years since the reclassification to Thaumiel and since you discovered these properties, why didn't you submit a report explaining what you and your team found? We could have updated its containment procedures, perhaps reclassify it back to Safe, and ensure its effects wouldn't further extend by relocating it. Why didn't you just tell anybody? Dr. Quintana: I… (Silence) Dr. Velázquez: Doctor Quintana, the current situation is too far gone. There's no point in evading the question. I honestly think it would be best if you begin talking. Dr. Quintana: Look, I… when I saw the chance to finally be the Lead Researcher of a Thaumiel item I just… took it. Do you know how many mundane SCPs I've been assigned in the past 20 years? I've been a nobody in the Foundation since I was recruited. I thought… I thought getting assigned to a Thaumiel-class SCP was finally my chance to be somebody. (Dr. Quintana coughs) Dr. Quintana: I just never thought something like this would happen at all. I held my "little victory" too hard for too long and, well, I guess it's too late for apologies now. I will try my best to solve this, but… (sigh) (Silence) Dr. Velázquez: The Site's Administration will decide what to do with you. For now, we have more important and delicate problems to deal with. Dr. Quintana: I'm sorry. Despite his confession, Dr. Quintana was included in the Research And Concealment Team in charge of dealing with the events of Incident CASCADE in order to aid them. His strictest cooperation was demanded, as well as full access to his research regarding SCP-7162. Dr. Quintana was also informed that he would be demoted from the position of SCP-7162 Lead Researcher once the situation of Incident CASCADE was fully resolved, the charge being assumed by Agent Ruth Eiros. Further punishment for his negligence would later be decided accordingly. Upon his inclusion in the project, Dr. Quintana was remarkably cooperative, helping and guiding other Team members to increase their efficiency and boost the morale of the personnel. Dr. Quintana's own morale also improved notoriously, as he adopted a positive attitude in his work field, usually working overtime in order to speed up the Incident investigation process. On March 24th, 2016, Dr. Quintana did not attend a scheduled meeting with the CASCADE Research And Concealment Team, and all attempts to contact him failed. When questioned, his assistant claimed to have seen him last night walking around Site-34's Personnel Sector. Dr. Quintana was later found in his office, dead by gunshot. Several folders containing comprehensive documentation regarding SCP-7162, Incident CASCADE, and individuals affected by it, as well as proposals and hypotheses to stop the Incident, were found on his desktop. This documentation was integral to the assessment of the case. Dr. Quintana's research and notes on SCP-7162's chain behavior and previous victims allowed the Foundation to better predict the pattern of deaths across the country, as well as its possible severity, which significantly improved the Foundation's efficiency at concealing or limiting information. Since many of the killed individuals during Incident CASCADE were barely related to the Serpent's Hand or to its members and weren't fully involved in anomalous-related activities, further concealment protocols weren't necessary in most cases. Dr. Quintana's proposals to halt the extension of Incident CASCADE, while helpful to better understand the phenomenon, have been unsuccessful, and, based on his research, the Incident is expected to continue indefinitely. The consequences of this aren't fully known, although the dissolution of the Serpent's Hand and the potential occurrence of a ÞK-Class Scenario are the most plausible results. Diplomatic protocols and other security measures were devised and prepared for when this occurred. On May 13th, 2016, the last Serpent's Hand member living in México died. While it was believed the expansion of SCP-7162's effects would affect Serpent's Hand members residing in the United States, Guatemala, and/or Belize, no deaths following the previous pattern were reported in the following two weeks. Further analysis revealed that the death chain caused by SCP-7162 had stopped, and it was determined that Incident CASCADE was over. The total amount of casualties is estimated at ~1,233 million individuals, approximately 1% of the entire Mexican population. Foundation personnel killed in Incident CASCADE include: ████ ██████, under the identity of Clarisa de la Cruz Pineda, before (above) and after (below) Incident CASCADE. Adrianny Alexanderson, Art and Anart Researcher ████ ██████, Penitentiary Site-72 Convict and former Foundation Doctor Aurora Mondragón, Site-34's GoI Liaision Representative Tomás Moore, Field Agent Samantha Gutiérrez, MTF Dseda-8 ("Desperta Ferro") Member Margaret Durans, Foundation Doctor and Quantum Supermechanics Specialist Óscar Ibarra, Foundation Recontainment Agent and MTF Psi-3 ("Dream Recon") Member Maia Ross, Site-34's RAISA General Director Persons of Interest killed in Incident CASCADE include: Rachel Douglas, Renegade ICSUT Thaumatologist Adrián Zúñiga, Leader of the Serpent's Hand Splinter Faction "Prometheus' Fire" Maribel Azalea, Renegade Foundation Field Agent Freyja, Vertex-Tier Pluripotent Entity Other relevant individuals killed in Incident CASCADE include: Venegas Percevault, musician Salvador Vázquez, prominent political figure in Paso del Macho, Veracruz A complete list of Incident CASCADE's victims can be found in Supplemental Document IOTA-7162-02F. The severity of the damage caused to the Veil's integrity and the expenses of enacting concealment procedures, as well as the full extent of Incident CASCADE's events and the reaction of the Serpent's Hand to the incident, is currently still being evaluated by the Foundation. The verdict of the situation will determine whether SCP-7162 should remain as a Thaumiel-Class object, should be reclassified as Euclid or Keter, or should be decommissioned. Until then, the SCP-7162 file is not to be edited under any circumstances. Further information regarding Incident CASCADE will be added to this document as it's gathered. « SCP-7161 | SCP-7162 | SCP-7163 »
Sir Walter Raleigh's head depicted during his life, prior to the emergence of its anomalous properties. Item #: SCP-7164 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Archaeological and mortician personnel are to take appropriate measures at their own discretion to preserve SCP-7164's tissue. A vacuum filter must be running constantly to absorb the insects spawning from SCP-7164. When not in testing, SCP-7164 is kept in a climate-controlled storage unit. Regular conversations to prevent the degradation of SCP-7164's mental health can be assigned to Junior Researchers at the discretion of supervising personnel. Description: The animate, decapitated and desiccated head of Sir Walter Raleigh1 has been designated SCP-7164. The skull has been removed, replaced by tobacco leaf, with the outer layer of skin being partially mummified. SCP-7164 is blind but not deaf. Both of its eyes are missing, as well as the external ears, eyelids, and lips. All of SCP-7164's hair has fallen out apart from a few strands. Despite its desiccation, the stump is warm to the touch and generates 2.5ml of human viscera per day. DNA testing has matched this biological material to samples from Sir Walter Raleigh's living descendants. SCP-7164 speaks in a mixture of modern and old English and can accurately recall memories of Sir Walter Raleigh as far as can be historically documented. SCP-7164 is generally passive in its communications and has never initiated conversation. When it is not speaking, SCP-7164 is inert beyond its matter-generative properties. SCP-7164 is constantly spontaneously generating ants, beetles, maggots, and earwigs from within its internal tobacco leaves. These are of varying species and are always in their adult form. After emerging from SCP-7164's varying orifices they will immediately begin attempting to consume SCP-7164, but will otherwise behave normally if removed from SCP-7164's vicinity. The Foundation recovered SCP-7164 from a private collection after videos documenting its properties were found being circulated by bootleg videotape distributors. Upon its discovery, SCP-7164 was being kept in a velour handbag. Addendum: SCP-7164 Interview Logs 04/18/1999 Interview Log Interview Participants: Dr. Bill Schulz Subject: Origin of anomalous properties <Begin Log> Researcher Schulz: The recorder has been activated. This is Researcher William Schulz, interviewing SCP-7164 on April 18th, 1999. Can you hear me, SCP-7164?Researcher Schulz: I wanted to go through a few of the different theories you've given regarding your origin.Researcher Schulz: You've claimed that both the Bavarian Illuminati and the Stonemasons may have been responsible for your current state?Researcher Schulz: So you're not standing by those claims?Researcher Schulz: Speaking of exploring, what about El Dorado? You spent a lot of time abroad, looking for treasure. Did you ever see anything odd, something you couldn't explain out there in the new world?Researcher Schulz: Nobody sticks out in your mind, none of the people you met over there, maybe, that one of them could have done something to you or said something to you?Researcher Schulz: Sure.Researcher Schulz: Well, perhaps if we knew more, we could assist-SCP-7164 did not respond to further inquiries. <End Log> 08/22/2001 Interview Log Interview Participants: Doctor Ahmad Almossawi, SCP-7164 Subject: Queen Elizabeth I <Begin Log> Doctor Almossawi: This tape is being dictated by Doctor Almossawi, on the twenty-second of August in the year 2001. I am speaking to a head called SCP-7164.Doctor Almossawi: I know. One of the people who knew you before that was the Queen, right? Elizabeth the first. We have another Elizabeth on the throne right now, actually, did you know that?Doctor Almossawi: What was your first impression when you met? I would imagine you don't forget the first time you meet a Queen. It's never happened to most people, I've never had it.Doctor Almossawi: Could you elaborate on that, you knew Elizabeth for many years so surely she would hear you out eventually.Doctor Almossawi: But if she was so cold to you, then you should have known she was not interested in you.Doctor Almossawi: She was famously afraid of that, of aging and death, if our historical sources are to be believed.Doctor Almossawi: I see. We don't have to continue this avenue of conversation if it's upsetting you, I've got everything I needed for today. Thank you, SCP-7164. I'll speak to you again soon.<End Log> 12/02/2007 Interview Log Interview Participants: Doctor Ahmad Almossawi, SCP-7164 Subject: Excerpt taken from a larger interview on an unrelated topic. <Begin Log>Doctor Almossawi: Oh, yes. We're taking every measure to ensure that, not to worry.Doctor Almossawi: That's our job. We're here to keep you going, to learn from your experience so we can better understand the universe?Doctor Almossawi: It is more convenient, yes, when we can speak to you. I can't talk to you anymore if you're inert.Doctor Almossawi: I'm sorry, Sir Walter. I'm afraid that's outside my control.Doctor Almossawi: I'm sorry, I think this is the end of the interview today. We can talk more soon, okay?Doctor Almossawi: I'm sorry.<End Log> Footnotes 1. English explorer, 1552-1618
Item #: SCP-7166 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Reports regarding survivors of lightning strikes are to be investigated, and said survivors monitored for any anomalous activity. In the event an individual survives multiple strikes within their lifetime, they are to be questioned, in order to ascertain any similarities between instances. If any underlying cause for SCP-7166 is discovered, research into possible methods of neutralization is to be prioritized. Description: SCP-7166 is a phenomenon affecting individuals who are struck by lightning. This phenomenon does not appear to affect all victims of lighting strikes, but SCP-7166 has been found to occur at higher frequencies if: The individual is struck by lightning, but survives, The individual retains higher brain functions, The individual resumes everyday activities after recovering from the lightning strike (e.g. work, leisure, family, etc.), and These activities place the individual outdoors. Individuals who meet these criteria, designated SCP-7166-1, will become significantly more likely to experience lightning strikes. This effect appears to be cumulative with repeated strikes, as individuals who survive more than two strikes become far more likely to experience a third strike, and so on. This effect will only demanifest following either SCP-7166-1's cessation of outdoor activities, loss of higher brain functions, or death. Dr. Sanderson, come on. Time to give it up. I'm not sure I understand, ma'am. 7166. There's nothing there. You know it, I know it. Ma'am, I can assure you, I've been looking into this. There's more here than meets the eye. Roger, I'm worried for you. Please. You haven't taken a SINGLE day to grieve. Work takes my mind off it. Bullshit. I know what happened, Roger. I've seen it before. You don't know a damn thing, Brooke. You really think you're the first person to try to find a reason? To not be able to accept what happened? I'm reassigning you to SCP-765. You are to focus solely on its containment. If I catch wind that you're looking into this again, I will personally have you demoted. Am I understood? June 2 Every day I think I'm closer to a breakthrough, and every day I come up short. They wanna cut my funding. They want to classify it as explained. I will NOT let that happen. I know the truth. I know what I saw. Brooke's sending me to the fucking duck pond. Supposed to be clearing my head. But there's nothing to clear. What a waste of time. June 3 Arrived at the pond today. The staff there are very lax. Too lax, if you ask me. The project lead here is a woman named Whittaker. Helped me get acquainted with everything. Talks a lot. There's a thunderstorm on the forecast for Friday. I'm gonna see what I can learn from it. June 4 Whittaker came snooping by today. Of course, no tangible signs of my research. So she went on her way. Talked with one of the other researchers, name's Adrian. Or, Dr. Mather, rather. First person I've talked to here who seemed to actually care what I had to say. Or, at least, pretended to care. The way he talks reminds me of Jason: paints these big sweeping pictures with words, tries to get you just as excited as he is. Certainly the least intolerable person here. He talked at length about the different ducks he'd seen here. I guess I pretended to care, too. This storm is supposed to be a nasty one. Apparently all staff are going to be sequestered in a storm shelter on the premises. I'll either have to peel off from the crowd when they head that way, or sneak out once everyone's inside. Either way, no one can know. I don't want anybody else getting caught up in this mess. June 5 Mather caught me working. I made him promise me not to tell Whittaker. I think I scared him half to death. Can't have anyone stopping me tomorrow. Brooke called to check up on me. I don't know how convincing I was. She always seems to know when I'm bullshitting. One more day. One last night. Then it's just me and that storm. Sanderson! Mather. You're, uh… how are you? Fine, I guess. Been worse. You? Oh, you know, alive. Great. So, I wanted to ask, what, uh… you got any plans for this evening? I mean, probably the storm shelter, right? Oh, well yeah, but I meant… after. I guess just sleep, mostly. Right, of course. Well, I was wondering… and you don't have to say yes, of course, I totally understand- Adrian, what is it? Would you want to go on a date? Oh. Feel free to say no! Don't feel obligated to- Dr. Mather, I appreciate the interest, but I… No, of course! Sorry for asking. It's not you, Adrian. I, uh… it's complicated. Right! Sorry. Should've guessed. No, it's alright. Just, nothing against you. Maybe some other time. June 6 Adrian. He asked me out. I didn't know what to say. That was the FURTHEST thing from my mind. I said no. Did I mean no? Yes, of course I meant no. No time for any distractions. I have to focus on the task at hand. The storm hits us around 9 PM. Three hours from now. Guess I'd better start preparing. ALERT A SEVERE WEATHER WARNING IS IN PLACE ALL STAFF MUST MAKE THEIR WAY TO SHELTER A IMMEDIATELY THIS MESSAGE REPEATS ALERT A SEVERE WEATHER WARNING IS IN PLACE ALL STAFF MUST MAKE THEIR WAY TO SHELTER A IMMEDIATELY THIS MESSAGE REPEATS ALERT A SEVERE WEATHER WARNING IS IN PLACE ... Where's Sanderson? He's not- oh. Fuck. Fuck! Yes, I know, but Roger's out there! He needs help! Get out of my way- I know you can hear me. I know you're listening. I- I know what you want! You want me! Well I'm right here! Come on! Do it! I'm right HERE! Just fucking DO IT ALREADY! Roger! What the hell are you doing? Get inside! Adrian? Yes, it's me! Come on! No. I have to learn what it wants! How it works! What, the fucking lightning? You can watch it from the shelter- It strikes people, Adrian. And if they live, it strikes them again. And again. Until there's nothing left to strike. So what are YOU doing out here then? If I can get struck and live, I can- I can figure out its MO. And I can figure out a way to stop it! Roger, we have D-Class! You don't- They don't have the knowledge I have. They'd be toast. Not like me. And what's stopping you from dying right here, right now? Nothing. Right. So- It doesn't matter. Either way, what's done is done. I- Roger, what's gotten into you? Go inside, Adrian. I'm finishing this. No! Are you fucking crazy? I'm not leaving you here! I'm not letting anyone else get wrapped up in all this! I'm not moving an INCH until you're safe and sound in Shelter A. Adrian, I'm warning you- Roger, listen to me. I don't know what's wrong with you, but whatever it is, this isn't gonna fix it. You're risking everything, just to, what, to stop people from getting struck by lightning? I mean, listen to yourself! But getting struck AGAIN and AGAIN! That's not unlucky. That can't JUST be luck. Why not?!? Because then they all died in vain. Walter Summerford, Roy Sullivan- People die from bad luck all the time, what the fuck's the difference? Us, Adrian! We can stop it! We have the means! The resources! We can prevent shit like this! That's not our place! We don't get to just call something an anomaly cause we don't like it! That's not how any of this is supposed to work! But- Roger, please, come inside. It's fucking freezing out here. Fuck. Alright. June 7 I've got a cold. Boo hoo. The lake flooded last night. We assessed the damage, nothing too severe. Things should be up and running again soon. Adrian came by. Gave me a Get Well card. Threw it at his weaselly little face. Serves him right. Nothing else to report. I leave the pond in three days. Thank God. June 8 Adrian came by again. I didn't throw anything this time. Said he wanted to make amends. I accepted. He said his offer from Friday is still on the table. Two days till I'm out of here. June 9 Adrian pressed me for an answer. I told him it wasn't a good idea, since I leave tomorrow. He understood. Tomorrow. I leave tomorrow. One day more. June 10 I'm being sent to Site-128. With Adrian. I'm taking him up on his offer. Item #: SCP-7166-EX Object Class: Explained Special Containment Procedures: As of 17/6/2022, SCP-7166 is to be considered non-anomalous. Description: SCP-7166 was a proposed anomalous phenomenon responsible for an increased likelihood of lightning strike survivors to be struck again. SCP-7166 was hypothesized using circumstantial evidence, including records regarding Walter Summerford, Roy Sullivan, and Jason Sanderson. SCP-7166 was eventually determined to be unquantifiable, and the probability for lightning strike survivors to be struck again was determined not to have exceeded projected numbers. December 21 Flew into Anchorage yesterday for Christmas. My parents met me at the airport. Good to see them again. Definitely ready for a break. Last week was particularly hectic. December 24 Adrian took me up to see the Northern Lights. He proposed. I took him up on his offer. « SCP-7165 | SCP-7166 | SCP-7167 »
Photo taken by a drone from the interior of SCP-7167. Item #: SCP-7167 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: A 40-kilometer perimeter must be maintained at all times around SCP-7167. Any new structures, including any new industrial or urban instances of SCP 7167-A, must be taken note of and cut down or demolished in the event they expand past the perimeter. Earthquakes caused by instances of SCP-7167-A must be monitored by Foundation geologists to observe any attempts at subterranean expansion by SCP-7167. Under no circumstances are Foundation personnel authorized to enter one kilometer within SCP-7167 without clearance from Site Director. As part of Protocol Woodpecker, any human subjects that have been found to have breached the perimeter are to be terminated immediately to prevent the possible emergence of new structures within SCP-7167. All examinations of the interiors of the site must be done through the use of Foundation exploration drones and long-range radioscopic and audio-based earthquake monitoring equipment from Observation Site-█. Description: SCP-7167 is a metropolitan city approximately 80 square kilometers in size, located in Alberta, Canada. Urban structures within SCP-7167, designated SCP-7167-A, vary in size and function.1 Every instance of SCP-7167-A has been observed to have grown out of the ground. All attempts to locate the source of each instance's creation have been unsuccessful. Any vegetation in the vicinity of an instance of SCP-7167-A has been observed to die upon its creation and the soil under the instance suffers severe erosion that renders it infertile. SCP-7167 remains devoid of any sentient life and other non-living objects such as cars and trash cans that are otherwise not normally part of a city's infrastructure. Analysis of SCP-7167-A instances has been found to be made of otherwise normal construction materials such as steel, concrete, rebar, wood, brick, glass, and aluminum.2 SCP-7167-A instances do not follow conventional architectural design rules as SCP-7167-A instances have been observed growing diagonally or with incomplete building formations, though falling debris has been observed breaking off of SCP-7167-A instances on occasion.3 These include skyscrapers missing their left half, streetlamps missing their posts, brick buildings growing out slanted without cementation, and other malformations not otherwise listed. Skyscraper instances of SCP-7167-A have been observed to reach heights as tall as 300 meters and remain standing despite any possible subsidence under the structure. Researchers hypothesize this may be due to how the buildings seem to be rooted to the ground, despite not having any observable roots to hold SCP-7167-A instances in place. Chemical analysis of formations within SCP-7167 has been found to practice a more limited version of the Calvin Cycle, absorbing carbon dioxide in its vicinity and using it to seemingly speed up the development of new SCP-7167-A instances. Aside from this, SCP-7167 has yet to be observed releasing oxygen when undergoing this chemical process. SCP-7167's anomalous effects on humans are observed when a person enters the city. After about two hours of entering SCP-7167, subjects will begin to exhibit symptoms common to that of hypoxia such as confusion, rapid or slowed heart rate, shortness of breath, violent coughing and or wheezing, and severe fatigue. Three hours into entering SCP-7167, subjects have been observed to fall unconscious several times from the aforementioned rapid onset of hypoxia. After approximately five minutes of labored breathing, subjects were shown to become unresponsive. Further analysis of subjects afterward has found them to have expired from suffocation. Incident Report-001: At 0100 hours on 9/16/1999, footage from Drone Unit-83 picked up what appeared to be a flare fired from the downtown section of SCP-7167. Drone Units 70 through 79 were dispatched to locate the source of the flare. Incident Report-002: At 0400 hours on 9/16/1999, a human male was discovered in an SCP-7167-A instance taking the form of a bus stop. Following site containment Protocol Woodpecker, the subject was immediately terminated on sight via remote machine gun fire from Drone Unit-79. Due to the location of the body within the SCP-7167 40-kilometer perimeter, retrieval of the body was impossible. The man was found to have been carrying a Sony Micorcassette-Corder M-679V, seeming to document his experience within SCP-7167.4 The man, later identified as nineteen-year-old Enola Appuia of the Blackfoot nation was reported missing on 8/28/1999. His uncle had filed a missing person's report after he had failed to return home from his job as a hand at a nearby cattle farm. Microcasette recovered from Incident-002. Enola was known to be a young man with a troubled childhood, losing both parents at the age of three, and had a history of delinquency including stealing and attempting to sell stolen goods. At first, there was speculation regarding whether or not he had once again been involved in criminal activity, however, documents provided by the State of Montana's Office of Juvenile Justice confirmed that following his admittance to a court-ordered course designed to steer juveniles away from crime, he had no such relapses in criminal behavior in the past four years. Later investigations by police found that he had not attended work that day, as they recovered CCTV footage of him purchasing several pieces of survival gear at a nearby outdoor retailer. He was last seen driving out of town onto Highway 444 headed toward the US-Canadian border. A note was later recovered from his bedroom by police, addressed to his Uncle and other surviving family members. The note reads as follows: + Letter for Uncle Ahanu - Title for hiding text To Uncle Ahanu, I'm sorry I had to leave you all like this. I didn't want to say goodbye in person because I didn't wanna think that I was leaving you all in the first place. Just that I'm not gonna be around for a while. I don't know why I keep telling myself that, maybe just to make myself feel better. I don't know. What I do know is that this wasn't because of anything you did. It's just that I can't live here anymore. Not after we lost the shop, the house, and Grandma Ayita. It's all broken and it can't be fixed. Not by me at least, I am also broken. And I must fix myself before I can even begin to face the conditions that our family has been stuck in for the past two years now. I know it's been hard the past couple of years. But I want you to know that I'm finally gonna do what Ayita was never able to do. Live. Truly live. Like our people once did in the lands up north. Don't try to come find me, I don't want to be found. Just know that I will eventually come back to see you all. I just need to get my thoughts straight by living like we were meant to. Like I was meant to. I love you all and I'll be back someday. Don't worry. Your nephew, Enola After retrieval and review of the tape's contents, the containment protocol for SCP-7167 has been adjusted in light of the information discovered. Below is the transcript of the tape contents before it was destroyed: + Transcript of microcasette recovered from Incident Report-002 - Title for hiding text Day twenty of my time out here in the wilderness. Or more accurately day one of me wandering through history's most derelict city in the middle of the wilderness. Part of me thinks this is hell, what with the absence of people and the fact that I can't seem to find my way out. Maybe I died in my sleep and this is what I get for abandoning my family and friends. At least that's what I hope this is because any other explanation wouldn't make as much sense. I've been wandering the streets of this town for hours trying to find a single person who can tell me what the hell is going on. At least people would give this situation some levity or at least something resembling an explanation. Seriously… I can't be the only person wandering this town. There has to be someone else out there… (Sigh.) I must be going insane because not only have I not found anyone, but the buildings in this town keep getting weirder and weirder. I saw a skyscraper the other day that was lopsided with only half of itself formed. The other half looked like it had been sliced off perfectly even with a knife. I mean, one day you're sleeping in a cabin after a long day of hunting and maintaining the land, and the next day you wake up surrounded by skyscrapers and streetlamps growing out of the ground like vines wrapping around walls and fences. Seriously, you try keeping your sanity after seeing skyscrapers growing out of the ground slanted or fused together. I can hear something in the distance. Kind of sounds like a heartbeat, but muffled. This place just keeps getting stranger. The factors just don't add up… I can't find my cabin anywhere. I swear, I walked in a straight line down the street from my cabin. I retraced my steps and poof, gone. Nothing there. I'm not even sure it was the same spot that I had come from. I tried to go inside one of those buildings and I could barely breathe when I walked in. You know that feeling just before you're about to exhale when holding your breath, that's what it felt like. I see a bench in the distance. Gonna go take a rest there for the time being. Day twenty one… I think… I must've passed out or something. All I remember is walking over here and sitting down. I can't tell what time it is, only that it's dark out cause the streetlights are on. At least if I wanted to I could go out looking for people and still be able to see. Not like there's any chance of that happening. Maybe this is all a bad dream and soon I'll wake up in my bed back home, not like that'll be any better. At least that annoying noise would be gone… I think I'm gonna rest my eyes for a bit longer, my body feels worn out from walking the whole day. What is it day twenty… One… Or twenty? I don't know how it happened but I went to sleep on that bench I found and woke up at this bus stop. And that's not all, the dream I had just now was so vivid and bizarre. Like, more than usual… I was back home at the reservation working at the old antique shop Grandma Ayita owned back when my family used to actually own things. I guess you could say those were the good old days for me. Anyway, I was putting away a stack of three hardcovers my grandmother Ayita had just handed me when I noticed this old pan flute that I had handcrafted when I was a kid sitting on the glass store counter. It was as though it had just been made, all shiny and smelling of bamboo. And for some odd reason, I decided to pick it up and start playing like I used to as a child. For context, I was never that good at playing the flute since I could never get the proper mouth shape to do so. But I nonetheless started playing this tune that I remember hearing when I was barely three years old at one of my people's many ceremonies. Our shaman had played it on his own flute for this coming-of-age event for another kid in the tribe that my grandmother brought me to watch. It sounded so clear… As though I were back at that same ceremony listening in as the shaman whistled away a tune to the spirits both long and recently past. Then I woke up… and it was gone. (A few minutes of silence follow before the man seems to remember the recorder was still on.) Oh-h shit, didn't mean to leave the recorder on… Day twenty-five or whatever. I don't even know why I keep updating this thing. It's not like I've been getting anywhere. The other day I tried once more to find anyone, but still no luck. One of the overpasses nearly collapsed on top of me while I was looking around. So, it's safe to say I'm not gonna be looking around any time soon. My muscles are killing me though. Even before I tried to look for anyone else, it's like I've got severe fatigue or something. And that goddamn beating in the distance is getting so fucking annoying! God! Fuck! This is bullshit! Why? Why can I never get away from this shit? I was supposed to live like I was meant to and still, it's taken from me! Live off the land… The land ain't alive no more! And all because of this… This. A metropolis built by God knows what for God knows what purpose. (Coughs.) I think I'm gonna try sending out a signal using the flare gun that I still have with me. Aside from the canteen, it's probably the only thing I have left from the supplies I packed. The rest are God knows where. Note: Based on the recovery time of the microcassette, this entry appears to line up approximately two minutes before our observation Drone 83 spotted a flare having been fired from the downtown portion of SCP-7167. Part twenty-nine of the guy slowly losing his sanity to the world's shittiest metropolis and its ever-beating heart. Seriously, if that beating sound doesn't shut the fuck up I'm gonna have an aneurysm. No matter what, I pass out and wake up in two different hells. And I can't even tell which one's real and which one's fake anymore. I leave one hell only to wake up in another. (Sighs, followed by some mild coughing.) I had another dream again. I must be either the world's best sleeper or the world's worst awaker. Whatever that means. Anyway, I was back in the shop. I was playing the flute once more, all in the zone and happy when this man walked in. Dressed all in a dark suit and tie. He said something to my grandma Ayita… Something that made her start to weep profusely. I tried to play once more but no sound came out. But that wasn't the strangest part… When the man spoke… All I could hear was the beating of a heart. And when he moved his gaze over to me, the sound grew louder even as his mouth remained shut. And I woke up back here again… (Sighs.) You know… It's funny. I don't think I ever really came to terms with her death, and now here I am sitting here having abandoned everything and everyone I knew to feel better, and yet, I feel more alone than ever… It's what I get for basing my plan on a book I read… This was our land… My people's land… And even now it isn't fucking sacred! Not from settler bandits and not from whatever the fuck this is! This bullshit, i-it's unfair! Fuck! (The sound of loud banging can be heard. Assumed to be from him punching the wall of the bus stop.) Fuck my hand! Ahhhh! (Sobs and coughs.) Just shut up! Get out of my head! (Heavy labored breathing and wheezing.) It's all fucking bullshit… Day twenty-oh fuck it… I don't even think a day has passed. Or maybe it has and I can't tell. God my head, I can't fucking think with that stupid fucking noise! (Coughs.) Still no sign of anyone. You'd think someone would've found me by now. But I was probably right. This is hell… Serves me right for thinking I could just go off the grid. Live off the land like my ancestors did. Get away from all the poverty and depression back home. But I can't get away from it, not in my life and not in my dreams! (Coughs.) I had another one… This time I was at that ceremony I mentioned earlier. Everyone there was gone. All except Grandma Ayita. She had her back to me, standing in the center of what would be the shaman's circle. And when I approached her, that was when she turned to face me. (Wheezes.) She asked what I was doing here. Not in our people's tongue but in plain English. She then asked me why I had left her all alone. I tried to say something, but it was like I had forgotten how to talk. My chest felt as though couldn't inhale or exhale, like my body had forgotten one of its basic func- (Violent coughing can be heard.) F-Functions… Then she started crying and crying. I had never seen her cry so much before. She was always so happy around me, even when she didn't need to be. Even when we lost the shop. Even when we learned of the cancer, she always tried to be the best around me. It was as though she were really there. Trapped like me in whatever desolate hell she ended up in. All lost and alone… This is what I get for abandoning her at her funeral. (A hitching sob can be heard followed by another coughing fit.) After about a minute of standing there, I tried approaching her once more. Only for her body to disintegrate into dust that blew away in the wind. And then I was alone… There was this rumble and before I knew it there were hundreds of buildings suddenly growing out of the ground and into the sky; all blocking out the sun. And then that same damn beat began to drum once more. And it wasn't muffled, it was like it was right there. In my ear, like it was pressed up against someone else's chest. As it got louder and louder, all I could think to do was begin digging at the earth under me to escape it. That's when I woke up… (Sighs.) I'm gonna try to see if I can find anyone else, even if my body doesn't want to. Note: It is speculated that in the next entry, the man must've suffered some form of vertigo whilst getting up from the bench and passed out. In the process suffering some sort of head trauma. My head… Jesus. I must've passed the fuck out again. I can't tell if… (Pained groaning can be heard.) Fuck! My head! (The man is heard violently throwing up.) Where's that fucking noise coming from! God! It's all I hear! All I hear! Note: There's a noticeable gap in time between the previous entry and the last two entries. Some researchers believe that this may either be due to the mental effects caused by the heartbeat coming from SCP-7167 or the anxiety coming from the rapid onset of hypoxia. Day…twenty-nine or is it twenty-six? Twenty-six? No! No! No! Where am I? Downtown? No wait, how? God that heartbeat's giving me a headache! Fuck! My hands! Are my hands still there? Yes, wait no! No forging today… Not now. Not ever. Can't dig! Concrete hurts! Soil is gone… Where is it?! Under, no. Yes over, wait! Think goddamnit! Think! Get this heart out of my head! What's my name? What's my name goddamnit?! Can't think! Gotta resist! What's my name?! Where am I from?! Here! No… No… No… No. No. No. No! No! No! Can't think clearly… Only hear the heart beating… It wants me, but I won't let it! Can't go! Don't wanna go! Stop! Stop! Stop! Hear it beat! Hear it beat! The only thing it does is beat! (Violent coughing is heard.) Hell! The heartbeat is hell! (Cackling can be heard followed by another violent coughing fit.) I must become one with it! We are the same! The heartbeat and I are synced! We are together! There is no individuality! There's only the heart! Hear it beat! (The man is heard mumbling “Hear it beat” and the sound of a faint heartbeat can be heard till the end of the tape.) Note: Researchers speculate the last entry wasn't recorded intentionally as the recording stretches till the end of the tape without a clear beginning and end like the rest of the entries. It is assumed that shortly after the tape finished recording, Drone-79 discovered and terminated the subject as per Protocol Woodpecker. + Addendum 001 - Title for hiding text Addendum 001: After a review of the tape's contents, researchers have determined SCP-7167 appears to have a temporal effect on subjects' perception of both time and space within the city. This Phantom Time Zone appears to lull prey into a false sense of security through the belief that have merely been sleeping frequently and for long periods. Subjects will also become invariably lost after entering SCP-7167, becoming unable to find their way out due to the loss of their sense of direction. During the rapid onset of hypoxia, subjects who fall unconscious are observed to both sleepwalk toward what would be the city center and after resuming consciousness, believe that much more time has passed than it initially did. It is believed that SCP-7167 does this by emitting an auditory hazard in the form of a heartbeat that can be heard after subjects have been within the city for over an hour. Under no circumstances will any audio equipment, including audio-based earthquake and radioscopic monitoring equipment, be used in the containment and surveillance of SCP-7167. Any audio device within the city will begin to emit the same heartbeat as the city, becoming an SCP-7167-B instance, and thus must be destroyed under Protocol Woodpecker to prevent any further prey from being lured within the city's perimeter and thus fueling the growth of further SCP-7167-A instances. + ORDERS FROM SITE DIRECTOR REGARDING INCIDENT-002 COVER-UP - Title for hiding text ORDERS FROM SITE DIRECTOR REGARDING INCIDENT-002 COVER-UP To avoid a breach of secrecy regarding the location of SCP-7167 and the existence of the Foundation and its operations as a whole, Enola Appuia will be declared dead and all current searches for him and his whereabouts around the region of the 49th Parallel called off. A cover story will be provided by Foundation operatives at the coroner's office of Browning, Montana claiming to have recovered his remains from a nearby ditch along Highway 444 after an apparent fatal car accident. — Dr. Ethan Kottler, Site Director Footnotes 1. Other instances of SCP-7167-A have manifested as several forms of urban infrastructure including streets, sidewalks, streetlights, overpasses, subways, and sewers. 2. Some structures have also been observed to be made of carbon nanotubes. 3. Particularly in regards to how recently the instance had emerged. 4. Researchers believe it to be part of a larger series of tapes that acted as the man's journal. « SCP-7166 | SCP-7167 | SCP-7168 »
Item #: SCP-7169 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Discoveries regarding SCP-7169 within the civilian scientific community are to be censored. SCP-7169's Tinder profile has been expunged. A Foundation-made webcrawler has been discreetly implemented into the site's source code to screen for any future communication attempts by the anomaly. SCP-7169, as observed from Space Force 3 Description: SCP-7169 is a sapient, terrestrial exoplanet orbiting the star Alkaid within the Ursa Major constellation. The anomaly is roughly 12,000 kilometers in diameter with an approximate mass of 4.868 × 1024 kg, and orbits its star at a rate of approximately 47,000 km/hr. Although SCP-7169 does not possess any evidence of advanced civilization on its surface1, the anomaly is capable of instantaneous communication with Earth via the Internet, which it has so far used exclusively to engage with the online dating service, Tinder. Barring one incident, SCP-7169's activity on Tinder has been unsuccessful in finding suitable partners. Attempted Communication Terrance Cassidy, a Foundation janitor, discovered SCP-7169 while attempting to find a suitable partner during his off hours. Cassidy was reprimanded for his delay in reporting his discovery to Foundation researchers and was promptly fired. Sexy hot planet gf cool pics, make those youself? You could say that ;] like? yeah theyre cool as shit! man, gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous howd you do it? hehe, thanks idk, really. couuple billion years as a hot could of gas lots of time as that gas getting hotter and turning into an iron core, little more time waiting for asteroids and other space rocks to crash into each other. Simple stuff, really wow ur really into this roleplay stuff, huh? You have no idea babe ;] so waht are you into? o, you know, looking at cool rock formations, feeling the sun on my back dodging sketchy asteroids, vibing mostly no i mean like, sex stuff. thats why youre here right? i mean, isnt that what people download the app for? OH! You shoulda been more specific, hun. imreally into orbits Orbits? Yeah. Ooooorbits. Kinda freaky, I know I hope you don't find that weird. nah i dont judge ive never heard of someone with an orbit kink before? I really like it when a moon gets all down and dirty with my gravity. That tug and pull on my oceans just gets a planetoid's core molten, ya know? stuff like that makes my core quiver. shit girl im down withh taht good, its been so long since ive been with anyone there aren't that many planetoids in travelling distance from me but_ I can literally see you from here. damn i can see your fine atmosphere from here Oh yeah, talk dirty to me. Tell me what you're gonna do to me. Girl im gonna orbit you so hard that youre oceans are gonna make tidal waves Oooooh fuck yes im about to rock your world with planetary collision Fuck ysss give it to me. float around up in my nasty gravity collide with my surface imma slide all my terrain on your surface and make you erupt all over my face ogod, im gon n ablow Yeah, erupt for me girl mmmy tec tonic plat es… my pla tes r spew that hot magma all over my crust thers magma ans oot all seeping deep into my crust why dont you get down in my mantle and… magnetize it ;] damn girl, thats fire. imma get all up in thta mantle and service you mmm yes you massive pit of gravity wanna meet up? i can zap you to me if thats easier wouldnt want your star feeling any type of way dont know wht that means but im into it gimme a few cycles. stay sexy ;) Three weeks after the conclusion of this exchange, Terrance Cassidy spontaneously dissappeared from his residence during a momentary lapse in Foundation surveillance2. A number of contraceptives were found in dissarray within the residence, all severely burned. A large hole in the ceiling of Cassidy's home was present, although the cause of the structural damage is unclear. Since this incident, SCP-7169 and Terrance Cassidy have deleted their Tinder profiles. The anomaly has thus far not attempted to re-establish its connection to the site, or any other web address on the Internet. All attempted communications with the anomaly have been met with a single phrase response, detailed below: Happily engaged. Kindly fuck off my DMs Investigations into Terrance Cassidy's whereabouts are on-going. Footnotes 1. Only naturally formed structures can be observed, such as mountains, valleys, and rivers. 2. The Foundation amnestizes all employees upon the termination of their service, in the event of memory relapse. Should this occur, they will be re-amnestizised. This event occured during a temporary, short term blackout that resulted in the malfunction of the security cameras stationed outside the residence.
SCP-7171 — Skywatching Co-authored by Sirslash47, Nyelo and Abrethe does not match any existing user name. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} DATE: 20/04/2034 INTERVIEWER: Agt. Jacob Kyuller; MTF Alpha-1 ("The Red Right Hand") INTERVIEWEE: Dr. Maurice Arkand [BEGIN LOG] Agt. Kyuller: (Clears throat.) Please, state your name, rank, age, and assignment for this record. Dr. Arkand: My name is Maurice Arkand. Level 4 researcher at the Department of Para-Astronomy. I'm 45 and I'm assigned… (Short silence.) Agt. Kyuller: Pardon? Dr. Arkand: I'm- I'm assigned to the SCP-7171 research project. Or at least was. Agt. Kyuller: Alright. Mind if I have you give me your… (Doctor Arkand pulls his ID card out of his jacket's pocket, and hands it over to Agent Kyuller.) Agt. Kyuller: Thanks. That should be good. (Agt. Kyuller slides the card back.) Agt. Kyuller: How did you end up here? Shouldn't you be at 47 or FR-06-3 right now? Dr. Arkand: The O5s were pretty damn paranoid about some holes in the story being left uncovered. It was… A very, very long tragedy. But I don't blame anybody. We al- Agt. Kyuller: That doesn't answer my question at all. (Long silence.) Dr. Arkand: As I said, the O5s didn't want to leave holes uncovered. They thought I knew more about this than what they did. Agt. Kyuller: So they sent you here, right? Dr. Arkand: Yes. Pretty much. (Silence. Kyuller pulls an HT out of his jacket and presses a button.) Agt. Kyuller: Verified. You can let him in. (Yet another long silence. As soon as a man in a brown jacket enters the room, Kyuller leaves.) O5-4: Good evening, Mr. Arkand. It's quite a beautiful day outside, I see. Dr. Arkand: I- Yes, sir. It's… A beautiful day outside, between 4 concrete walls and the moon soil. O5-4: (Chuckles.) My father would've loved to hear that if he was here. Dr. Arkand: My father would've loved to hear that as well. O5-4: Would've loved to meet him. How long have you been assigned to the 7171 project, Maurice? Dr. Arkand: Uh… Approximately 11 years. O5-4: Good, good. Quite some time, I see. Do you have the original SCP-7171 files by any chance? Dr. Arkand: … No. 47 was in ruins by the time I arrived at Area-03. A lot of things were buried among the tons of concrete. Even our personnel. Everything… It was buried there. Very unfortunate. O5-4: It's alright. I don't think much was changed in the backup. (O5-4 pulls out a clipboard containing a printed version of the SCP-7171 revisions.) O5-4: We've got a lot to talk about today, Mr. Arkand. [STOP LOG] BY ORDER OF LUNAR SITE-32'S DEPARTMENT OF PARA-ASTRONOMY The following files have been archived. Unauthorized access is forbidden. SCP-7171 CLASSIFIED BY THE DoPA: SCP-7171 CODENAME: "Proxima Boreas" 4/7171 LEVEL 4/7171 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7171 Pending Fig 1.1 — Photograph of Pluto, which is believed to be located within SCP-7171's perimeter of effect. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: As SCP-7171's principal zone of effect is mostly unexplored as of the time of writing, all containment efforts are to be centered around the exploration and research of SCP-7171's properties. As of November 26th, 2023, AIC-1829 ("Binary Star") is to be in charge of carrying out any SCP-7171-related research via Site-47's observatory until a planetary flyby can be organized and performed. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7171 is a probabilistic phenomenon that affects an indeterminate region of space, currently believed to be located between the Kuiper Belt and the Jupiter Trojans. It is known that SCP-7171 prevents the occurrence of events considered 'common' or 'frequent' within its range of effect, though the limits of this range are unknown to the Foundation. Due to the scarce amount of information regarding SCP-7171 and its characteristics, the full extent and nature of the phenomenon are currently unknown. Fig 1.2 — Picture of Site-47's observatory. DISCOVERY: SCP-7171 was discovered during the investigation of a sudden decline in collision rates within the Kuiper Belt. During a year-long observation of the Sol System in August 2023, Foundation AIC Binary Star determined that this anomaly was caused by an unknown force of phenomenal or intangible origin. This phenomenon later gained the Department of Para-Astronomy's interest, which subsequently led to an in-depth investigation into SCP-7171. During the initial stages of the investigation, the assigned research team discovered that SCP-7171 was not only affecting a specific area of the Kuiper Belt, but the Sol System's gas giants and their moons as well. Two weeks later, one of the team's researchers, Dr. Maurice Arkand, determined that no natural disasters were detected within Mimas, one of Saturn's moons, over the past year despite the dense amount of objects within its vicinity. This resulted in the theory that SCP-7171 was a probabilistic disruption,1 though recent and temporary. Because of this, the SCP-7171 research team conducted a meeting to discuss the possibility of an exploration of SCP-7171's area of effect. After reaching a consensus, the team agreed to submit a proposal to the O5 Council. For more information, please see the log below. PROJECT PROPOSAL: 18/11/2023 Following said meeting, Dr. Maurice Arkand proceeded to draft a project proposal and send the draft to the O5 Council. The following is said proposal and the results of its voting process. Due to this document's clearance, the discussion meeting has been restricted. PROJECT PROPOSAL: FORTUNA-ASTREA Dr. Maurice S. Arkand Project Overview: Project FORTUNA-ASTREA seeks to better understand the nature of SCP-7171. Following 7171's discovery, it has become clear to us that we know less about our home than we think, and now we need to know. Should this proposal pass, the Foundation's Department of Anomalous Manufacturing will collaborate with the Department of Para-Astronomy to manufacture several Hestia testing probes designed to thoroughly analyze its environment. This will include: Spectrography tools for thaumaturgy and Hume readings, A small, remote database fitted to contain our primary space exploration AIC, Binary Star, Several antennas, among other recording instruments. Leaving that aside, the probes will contain more fuel, advanced Foundation technology, several instances of SCP-█████, and more batteries than usual to reach its objective faster, estimating between 5 to 7 years if SCP-7171's properties affect the probes. During the first stages of exploration, only one (1) probe will provide initial observations. As soon as the first probe reaches Jupiter's orbit, a second Hestia probe will be deployed from Lunar Site-32, this time destined to Kuiper's Belt for further analysis. Additional Notes: The SCP-7171 file has been attached below. COUNCIL VOTE SUMMARY YEA ABSTAIN NAY O5-1 O5-2 O5-3 O5-4 O5-5 O5-6 O5-7 O5-8 O5-9 O5-10 O5-11 O5-12 O5-13 STATUS: APPROVED For further information on the progress and results of Project FORTUNA-ASTREA, please see the following addendum. [CONTINUE LOG] O5-4: The first time my colleagues saw some of your team's research, we were fascinated, Mr. Arkand. It definitely was progress for us, or at least most of us. We were not as experienced in space-related fields, but it was a big deal to most. What was your first thought or sentiment when you found out about this, Maurice? Was it the need to explore the deepest zones of our System to experiment with something past beyond our understanding? Or was it something else? Dr. Arkand: … It's a long story. O5-4: Yes. Yes, I know. But that's not what I'm asking you to speak up about. Dr. Arkand: Well… (Silence.) Dr. Arkand: The research project was formed by dozens of personnel, if not hundreds. (More silence.) Dr. Arkand: (Sighs.) Back in the day, most of our research projects were interdisciplinary. Some of these people were engineers, others were astrophysicists, others… (Dr. Arkand pulls a photograph out of his coat. It is showcasing a 'selfie' taken by him and two other co-workers, Albert Lacroix and Maya Dawson.) Dr. Arkand: You get what I mean? O5-4: Of course. Keep going. Dr. Arkand: In this case, it wasn't my idea. It came from many people. But that wasn't important to the record. I was the project head and… Well, I had to submit it myself. O5-4: I see, I see. Dr. Arkand: And if you're wondering, I initially was against it. But sometimes we do things for the better. I just thought it was worth a shot, after all. O5-4: And were you expecting any of this to happen once the proposal was accepted? Dr. Arkand: If you want me to be honest… (Dr. Arkand laughs.) Dr. Arkand: No. Knowing the circumstances, not really. We just focused on exploration, and that's about it. We weren't expecting any of this. We were thriving at first. Just- just watch the log fragments and… Let that speak for itself, sir. O5-4: Mhm. [STOP LOG] PROJECT: FORTUNA-ASTREA. Following the approval of Project FORTUNA-ASTREA, a pair of instances of the Hestia probe were launched to Lunar Site-32 for refueling and proper equipping. The following log details the explorations, as carried out by both probes. «HESTIA PROBE Nº 1-FA» 30/11/2023 OBSERVATION: Probe successfully maneuvered near Lunar Site-32 for refueling, before proceeding as planned further into the Solar System. A newly assigned orbit around Neptune was confirmed by personnel. 11/12/2023 OBSERVATION: Probe reported that Mercury, in the distance, could be seen being engulfed by a solar flare. Despite this, a separate exploration probe assigned to monitor the Sun reported that the solar flare occurred in the vicinity of the planet, though not making contact. 17/02/2024 OBSERVATION: The probe traveled nearby Phobos, Mars's moon. Approximately 20 small-sized asteroids could be seen entering its vicinity; however, they all appeared to fall towards the Stickney crater. While the chances of asteroids falling on Stickney are not impossible, it is unlikely due to the small size of Phobos. 09/03/2024 OBSERVATION: Probe entered the Asteroid Belt. Most asteroids within Ceres's vicinity failed to fall within the dwarf planet, instead taking a different path. Along with this, a small path between asteroids opened up for the Hestia probe. 15/10/2024 OBSERVATION: A wave of dust obstructed sensors and visual equipment as the probe approached Jupiter. The source of the interfering dust was not found. It is presumed to have originated from Jupiter's moons or Jupiter itself. Fuel may run out faster than expected due to multiple adjustments of trajectory. 21/10/2024 OBSERVATION: A massive dust storm could be seen on the Great Red Spot. There is no explanation as to why this happened. After 72 hours, the probe was finally able to advance past Jupiter's orbit. The dust storm appears to have stopped. 19/09/2025 OBSERVATION: The Hestia probe passed nearby Saturn's surface. Despite the dense amount of objects, almost none of them seem to exit the rings. After passing Saturn's last ring, no similar problems were encountered. On the contrary, the lenses were able to send high-quality imagery as if they were never obscured in the first place. The time it took to receive said imagery was inferior than calculated despite not being able to update the software on the probe. 14/04/2027 OBSERVATION: The probe seemed to perfectly pass incoming debris without additional changes in trajectory despite flying through multiple rings of Uranus in a straight line. Cosmic interference was also found to be nigh and/or non-existent ever since 16/04/2027. 26/04/2027 OBSERVATION: Full 3D renders, videos and imagery continued to improve in quality despite not being built to take graphics of the new quality. Sending times had been improved again, but the cause could not be determined. 03/05/2027 OBSERVATION: The probe entered a hibernation state, then pierced through the atmosphere of Uranus and shortened its course to Neptune by a significant amount of time. During this event, the heat on the front and left sides of the probe did not cause damage to exposed sensors that weren't withdrawn. Moreover, the normal trajectory is still being followed even though calculations expected the fuel to run out more than 5 weeks ago. Monitoring will continue until the probe defects or reaches its destination, after which it will be decommissioned and respectively abandoned. 06/12/2028 OBSERVATION: The probe successfully maneuvered towards Neptune's orbit. For the following 4 weeks, the Hestia probe proceeded to observe Neptune's surroundings. However, no discoveries were made. As such, all transmissions were ceased, and Hestia Nº 1-FA was decommissioned respectively. All transmissions now switch to Hestia Nº 2-FA, which is currently en route to the Kuiper Belt. «HESTIA PROBE Nº 2-FA» 02/08/2025 OBSERVATION: As soon as the probe traveled past Jupiter, it entered a hibernation state. Prior to this event, it was unable to record anything different than that recorded by Hestia Nº 1-FA. 15/03/2029 OBSERVATION: Probe exited hibernation while moving through Neptune's orbit. Arrival to the Kuiper Belt is expected in the next 1 to 3 months if SCP-█████ is activated temporarily. 19/05/2029 OBSERVATION: SCP-█████ is activated. After 2 months, the probe was able to reach the Kuiper Belt. 23/05/2029 OBSERVATION: A compressed, closed group of asteroids could be seen for the first time. The distance between the group and the probe is unknown. After a consensus vote, the Department of Para-Astronomy assigned the probe a new route via SCP-█████. 01/06/2029 OBSERVATION: The Hestia probe begins nearing the group of asteroids. Upon visualization, it was revealed that, unlike others, these asteroids were in pristine condition. The chances of finding a group of asteroids as compressed and smooth as this are very low, cementing Dr. Maya Dawson's statement during her last meeting with Dr. Arkand and Dr. Lacroix. At the center of the asteroid group, a binary contact could be seen. Both of its asteroids were in a perfect state and do not seem to have any physical or orbital discrepancies. It is believed that this is the epicenter of the SCP-7171 effect, or the object emitting SCP-7171. Project FORTUNA-ASTREA has been deemed a success. An investigation into SCP-7171's nature has been initiated by the order of Dr. Maurice Arkand. [CONTINUE LOG] O5-4: I suspect something was going on during the explor- Dr. Arkand: Oh, definitely! It was a very long journey. Around 4 years, I think. O5-4: I see. And why did you only add these fragments to the file? There could've been many more wonders for us to contemplate, Mr. Arkand. Who doesn't love skywatching? Dr. Arkand: Sir, I hope you understand that this is a research project. We don't observe because we just want to. We observe to understand our home better. O5-4: Alright, alright. I see your point. And… What happened afterwards? We don't get to see the results of the project. It just stops there. Dr. Arkand: I was expecting you'd see the elephant in the room, honestly. I- O5-4: It's not only me. It's also my colleagues, your former mates, and other department personnel. We never got to know, and that's why you're here. (Silence.) Dr. Arkand: I see. Well, let me explain. Judging by how logic works, if the Asteroid Belt is estimated to contain between a million and roughly two million asteroids, then the Kuiper Belt is estimated to contain 20 times more asteroids than th- O5-4: Yes, yes. No need to tell. Now, if you don't mind, can you get to the point? Dr. Arkand: Mhm. So, a ton of these objects impact occasionally. It's terrifying to know how many asteroids impact with each other because of sheer bad luck. (Silence.) Dr. Arkand: And that- Well, that's the case here. An asteroid impact, that's why everybody's either trying to get their way out of the rubble or wandering across the afterlife. A goddamn asteroid impact is why millions, or even billions, of people are either dead or stepping outside the doors of hell. (Arkand drops silent.) Dr. Arkand: …Or heaven. It's so fucking disturbing to think about it. [STOP LOG] UPDATE 08/06/2029: Head Researcher Arkand, new contents waiting to be uploaded to this file. Do you want to open them? Footnotes 1. Tychehazardous anomalies are objects capable of disrupting probability to an extent. « SCP-7170 | SCP-7171 | SCP-7172 »
NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION This document is currently being maintained for archival purposes, given its role in the discovery of additional anomalous activity surrounding the FIRST community. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Item#: 7172 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo . Special Containment Procedures: Exactly one Delrin 150 protective casing inscribed with SCP-7172 is to be kept in a standard safe class containment chamber in Site-73. All other known copies containing the anomaly have been destroyed, via standard incineration protocols. In its initial usage, SCP-7172 has been replaced with a non anomalous version. A cover story, stating that the change ocurred in order to modernize the team's image, has been issued. Description: SCP-7172 is the former logo used by the FTC1 team ‘Technical Difficulties'. It depicts an illustration of a unicorn attempting to repair an unidentified mechanical instrument, while the team name and registration number are clearly visible underneath. SCP-7172-1 represents a thaumaturgic rune imbued within the illustration. Its effect is a mild reality elevation of conceptual structures within close proximity. Coupled with the additional design choices of the anomaly, mainly the name chosen by the team, this effect manifests itself by causing minimal damage to electronics within close proximity to high concentrations of SCP-7172. Addendum 7172.1: Discovery The anomalous properties of the item were discovered by Agent D█████ at the North Texas Regional Championship. After hearing chatter regarding possible anomalous activity, and confirming the veracity of said claims by witnessing several instances of low probability events occuring in the proximity of SCP-7172 within a short time frame, Agent D█████ contacted the Foundation through a secured phone network, requesting an official investigation. Addendum 7172.2: Recovery and Interview Log Following Agent D█████'s request for an investigation, and subsequent proof of anomalous behaviour, a containment team was sent to retrieve all instances of SCP-7172, and it did so without incident. All members of the robotics team were interviewed in order to obtain information about the creation and spread of the anomaly, but were amnesticized and released when it became obvious that they were unaware of any unusual behaviour. Below is attached an interview that was conducted with Agent D█████, following succesful containment of the anomaly: Interviewed: Agent D█████, lead investigator on SCP-7172 project Interviewer: Doctor Sebastian C████, lead researcher on SCP-7172 project Foreword: Official debrief by agent D█████, regarding probe into SCP-7172 origins. <Begin Log> Dr. C████: Good evening agent, as I understand it, you have concluded your investigation? Agent D█████: Yeah, pretty much an open and shut case. Dr. C████: How so? Agent D█████: Soon after we knew it was anomalous, we looked into the founders, and according to our files, back in 20██, one of them was caught in a raid on a Texas occult gentlemen's club. Nothing too dangerous, so they just amnesticized and released him. Too late to question him now, unfortunately, but the timeline tracks: he joined this club, shortly after starts a robotics team and puts his limited skill to use to give them an advantage, then gets raided and forgets all about it. Dr. C████: In that case, I suppose you have nothing else to add. Agent D█████: Actually, I do, because I'm going send in a application for an official inquiry into this FTC program. Dr. C████: What do you mean? Agent D█████: You see, when I was looking into proof that this was anomalous, I walked around the competition with a Bonny2 and it kept buzzing off. Nothing serious, maybe a deciHume or two, so I ignored it at the time, but looking back, it must've been over a dozen minor reality altering events, all under the same roof. Dr. C████: Oh. Oh. Agent D█████: yeah. <End Log> Closing Statement: Following this interview, Agent D█████ formally requests access to additional resources in order to better study the ties between the FIRST program and the anomalous world. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:FIRST investigation To: Agent D█████ From: Christopher Taeke, Director, Site 73 Subject: FIRST investigation You have your funding, and I'm assigning some extra agents under your command. I understand you worked well with Sebastian, so I'm also assigning him as your research lead for the entire project. Good luck, kid. Footnotes 1. First Tech Challenge, a robotics competition for high schoolers, organized by the FIRST program 2. Bonfield-Carizza mobile Hume detector « SCP-7171 | SCP-7172 | SCP-7173 »
Item #: SCP-7174 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedure: SCP-7174 instances are to be stored in a standard Secure Storage Locker outside Lunar Area-32, buried under at least 1 meter of regolith. Hazardous material and radiation detectors are to be installed over the burial site. Foundation communication satellite FCOM-P022 is to continue operation normally until the end of its designed lifetime. Cislunar spacecrafts are to be advised away from the site of Incident 7174-RE. Description: SCP-7174 was an assortment1 of 167 anomalously-enhanced wireless communication devices designed to facilitate communication between Lunar Area-32 and terrestrial Foundation assets. Each of these devices were capable of opening small2 two-way Einstein-Rosen bridges3 to fixed geocentric coordinates above the Earth's North Pole, whereupon the (otherwise unaltered) Foundation communication satellite FCOM-P022 would pick up and relay the signal transmitted by these devices to terrestrial network. All SCP-7174 instances began malfunctioning on December 21st, 2012. Simultaneous usage of the instances as well as minute shifts in constellations vital for the anomalous modification resulted in unexpected interference between the wormholes, culminating in Incident 7174-RE: the opening of an extradimensional rift at the approximate midpoint between Lunar Area-32 and the target coordinate above FCOM-P022. Fortunately, due to the distance and scale involved, the rift had caused close to zero disruption to the Veil. Investigation to the nature of this interdimensional rift as well as its impact beyond the gravitational echo typical for such rift is ongoing. Both destruction and continued use of SCP-7174 had been deemed as unnecessary and dangerous, hence the current containment procedure. Addendum 7174.A: Abridged list of SCP-7174 that were active during Incident 7174-RE No. Item # Description Additional Note 1. SCP-7174-9 A Motorola RAZR V3 cellular telephone Communications disrupted during the incident. 2. SCP-7174-12 A Nokia 2610 Experienced disruption 3. SCP-7174-19 A Nokia 3310 The only device that faced no interruption during the incident. 4. SCP-7174-21 A Nokia 6120 Experienced disruption 5. SCP-7174-33 A Siemens C65 Experienced disruption 6. SCP-7174-43 A Sony Ericsson K800 Experienced disruption 7. SCP-7174-47 A Sony Ericsson W800 Experienced disruption [Irrelevant entries omitted] Addendum 7174.B: FCOM-P022 internal self-diagnostics log during Incident 7174-RE (Internal clock was set to UTC+0) 0000 Status: All systems functioning. Noise level nominal. 0109 Status: Noise level increasing. Performing self-check. All systems functioning. Reporting to ground control. 0112 Ground control transmission: Continue operation. Monitor further noise level increase. 0120 Status: All remote terminals report increased noise. Increasing error-correction on all transmission. 0306 Status: One remote terminal reports no fidelity loss. Using connection as baseline for noise analysis. 0438 Status: Noise level increased beyond error-correction capability. One remote terminal remains undisrupted. 0446 Status: Gravimetric distortion detected. All connection terminated. Reporting to ground control. 0449 Ground control transmission: Switch all systems to stand by. Monitor further distortion. 0455 Status: Gravimetric distortion strengthened. Systems on stand by. One remote terminal initiated switching request. Reporting to ground control. 0456 Ground control transmission: Accept switching request. Monitor further distortion. 0500 Status: Gravimetric distortion level remains. One remote terminal remains undisrupted. [Extraneous log entries omitted] 0702 Status: Gravimetric distortion level begins to drop. One remote terminal remains undisrupted. Reporting to ground control. 0714 Status: Gravimetric distortion level continues to drop. One remote terminal remains undisrupted. [Extraneous log entries omitted] 0907 Status: Gravimetric distortion drops to undetectable level. One remote terminal remains undisrupted. Addendum 7174.C: Office of Tactical Theology Report PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF TACTICAL THEOLOGY Subject: 2012 Eschatological Panic - Case SCP-7174 (#0872) Date: February 6th, 2013 Site: Reliquary Area-105 Report: Lunar Area-32 had forwarded the event report for Incident 7174-RE to the Office of Tactical Theology for review, due to the coinciding date of Incident 7174-RE with the supposed eschatological event that had caused mass panic (and subsequent overload of Reliquary Area-105's database systems) back on Earth. Lunar Area-32 had also helpfully attached the report from Department of Thaumatology, who had been able to review and analyze the event faster than the Office of Tactical Theology. Department of Thaumatology had reported that the interference caused by shifting constellations and "cross-talk" between individual thaumatic workings would necessarily collapse into "fail-safe" scenario. That is, the result of the interference would be the "hardening" of the path between the SCP-7174 devices and its target coordinate from external sources of further distortions, thaumatic or otherwise. It was then nigh-impossible, or so the report claimed, that the interference caused the interdimensional rift by and of itself. The Department of Thaumatology had continued to pursue the possibility that a third party had attempted to intrude on the thaumatic working of the devices. Office of Tactical Theology defers to the Department of Thaumatology on the matter of such analysis. Instead, the Office would present relevant data from Near-Earth Akiva Radiation Monitoring Network (NEAR-MoNk) satellites; the Office has successfully extracted Akiva radiation density data of the relevant spaces from the chaotic flux that had enveloped the planet for the majority of year 2012. Akiva radiation density data from NEAR-MoNk. Left hand side is Earth. The bands of this graphs represent different faith "channels," filtered to only represent faiths relevant to 2012 Eschatological Panic. The thick green band represent the Akiva radiation density corresponding to the faith of Planet X/Nibiru Cataclysm. As the graph demonstrates, the green band experiences sudden jump in density some distance away from Earth, roughly coinciding with the region of space where interdimensional rift that caused Incident 7174-RE had manifested. This density was expected, due to the Nibiru Cataclysm being a popular space-based eschatology. Similar or even larger spike should have occured in the Sun, due to popular eschatologies focusing on it. Unfortunately, we are yet to have the capability of untangling the mess of Akiva "channels" that converged on the Sun. But we digress. The Office of Tactical Theology hypothesizes that the interdimensional disturbance that occured during Incident 7174-RE were caused by the spike of popular interest in the Nibiru Cataclysm eschatology, and SCP-7174 fail-safe collapse had conversely hampered the interdimensional rift from fully manifesting. The inexplicable case of SCP-7174-19 instance continuing to function despite the imminent breakdown of space-time continuum was, unsurprisingly, not explainable through the currently known model of thaumo-akivic interference. But, if you would allow some personal opinion within this report, I would presume that it was related to popular faith related to the device model itself. Footnotes 1. Full manifest available upon formal request 2. With diameters in the order of 10-15 meters. As reference, the diameter of a proton is roughly 1.7x10-15 meters. 3. Colloquially known as "wormholes". « SCP-7173 | SCP-7174 | SCP-7175 »
SYTYCFanon SCP-7175 - The Sisterhood of the Anomalous Jorts For more stories in my verse check here Item#: 7175 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-78 Leah Richter Greg Chudley Gamma-96 ("BDGs") SCP-7175 shortly after capture. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7175 is to be kept in containment cell #40 inside Site-78's Department of Mundane Artifacts and Uneventful Data Evaluation (MAUDE). SCP-7175 is not to be worn by any Foundation Personnel or D-Class individuals. MTF Gamma-96 ("BDGs") is to clean up any damages caused by SCP-7175 anomalous effect as well as identifying SCP-7175-A instances and bringing them in for questioning. Description: SCP-7175 appears as a normal pair of denim shorts, colloquially known as "jorts". SCP-7175's anomalous properties only manifest while worn by a Human being. The waist of SCP-7175 fits the wearer anomalously, making sure anyone can wear them. SCP-7175 exerts a slight memetic effect on its wearer making them unaware of SCP-7175 anomalous effects even if they were aware of it previously or are told while wearing SCP-7175. This memetic effect also extends to defending their choice of attire and refusing to remove the anomaly for a twelve-hour period. Those who wear SCP-7175 are designated as SCP-7175-A entities. These entities exert SCP-7175's main effect in which events considered by many to be "misfortunate" or "unlucky" occur around the wearer. This can appear to be as benign as a heightened chance to drop a glass while drinking from it or more destructive such as a car accident occurring near the wearer of SCP-7175. Once the instance of SCP-7175-A has spent twelve hours wearing the anomaly, they will attempt to pass it to another human. The receiver will always accept the anomaly no matter how strange the offer will seem. If this deal is interrupted in any fashion, the SCP-7175-A instance will become paranoid and afraid that some unseen force is hunting them and will even get violent if it means passing the anomaly to someone else. Once an instance of SCP-7175-A relinquishes the anomaly they are no longer considered anomalous. Victims of SCP-7175 have shown varying degrees of memory loss regarding how they received the anomaly and to who it was transferred. These victims also appear to be bewildered at the concept that SCP-7175 could be the cause of their bad luck, whether this part of the anomaly's effect or personal disbelief is currently undetermined. Discovery: On March 5th, 2022, Dr. Victoria Cerise clocked into work wearing SCP-7175 over her dress pants. Even though she was informed she was in violation of the dress code she would not remove them. Nothing else out of the ordinary occurred with Cerise, until during testing with SCP-7320. In the middle of performing a test, Dr. Cerise removed her "jorts" and tried offering them to D-8492 who was working on the test with her. Researcher Greg Chudley tried to stop the exchange verbally and told Dr. Cerise to redress but Cerise refused, leading to an argument that led to her yelling that something was coming to kill her unless she gave her "jorts" away. Dr. Cerise promptly became violent, leading to her being detained by MTF Gamma-96. The "jorts" she was wearing were promptly confiscated and they were classified as SCP-7175 and Cerise as SCP-7175-D for the time being. Addendum 7175.01: Interview with Dr. Cerise [Begin Recording] Chudley: Are you calmed down now Doctor? Cerise: Yeah, I'm calm. Sorry, I don't know what came over me. Chudley: We believe it was the jorts. Cerise: The… jorts? Are you serious? Chudley: They've been classified as SCP-7175. Now Victoria, did you notice anything strange while wearing them aside from the incident with SCP-7320? Cerise: Um… besides feeling terrified at the end there? I… Well, I broke my favorite mug today. Chudley: Sorry to hear. Cerise: Not only that but I tripped down the stairs to the containment area. My keycard also wasn't working and… I nearly got into a car accident on the way to work. Chudley: Sounds like a spot of bad luck. Bad luck jorts, I guess. Say, where did you get SCP-7175? Cerise: The jorts? I got them from a Researcher…. M-m… the… Uh… Girl with the bouncy balls? Chudley: Bouncy balls? That would be Researcher Johnston. [Chudley pauses.] Chudley: Wait a minute, Johnston had the jorts? But she's working with…. oh no. This interview is concluded. Someone find me, Johnston, now. [End Recording.] Addendum 7175.02: Interview with Researcher Maria Johnston. Following Researcher Chudley's interview with Dr. Cerise, Maria Johnston was labeled as SCP-7175-C and was recalled from MTF-Omega 45's barracks for questions on her whereabouts twelve hours ago. [Begin Recording] Johnston: Chudley, why was I brought to an interrogation room? You better have a good explanation for this. Chudley: The jorts, Johnston. Where did you get them? Johnston: Jorts? Is this one of your elaborate pranks? Chudley: There was an incident today with Dr. Cerise. She was under the influence of an anomaly we've dubbed SCP-7175. Johnston: And you think that it has to do with the pair of jorts that I lent her? Chudley: I know it sounds crazy but for security's sake I need to know what you did in the last twelve hours, anomalies included. Johnston: Well you should know one of them. We were getting back from that cross-test with the Set of Nine and clumsy me, I dropped SCP-6419 and shattered the case. It scared the hell out of me, if it was just a hair closer to my foot I would have been dead for sure. Chudley: I remember but thinking about it, that glass should be shatterproof. You were wearing the jorts then? Johnston: I had them on under my clothes. Besides that, the only other anomaly I dealt with was our SCP-6952 derived weapons. During testing, I tossed a Bouncing Mary1 against the wall and it nearly hit me in the face. I was lucky it didn't impact, the thing had primed itself without me hitting the button. Chudley: I told you that a rubber ball grenade was a bad idea. [Chudley shakes his head.] Chudley: Weapon blunder aside, are you sure that you didn't leak any info about the Set of Nine2? All proper protocols were followed. Johnston: To the T, what do you take me for? I'm always on top of things. Chudley: I wasn't trying to attack your character Johnston. The jorts, I mean SCP-7175 might mess with memory and personality after using them. I need to know where you got them. Johnston: I… don't recall. Someone must have given them to me. Chudley: Well thank you for your time. We have camera footage, we'll get to the bottom of this. [End recording] Addendum 7175.03: An interview with Researcher Lena Lorri. MTF Gamma-96 traced Johnston's steps through the security cameras and found that shortly after entering work she was given SCP-7175 by Researcher Lorri. She was promptly marked as SCP-7175-B and sent to be interviewed by Researcher Chudley. [Begin Recording] Lorri: Am I in trouble, Researcher Chudley? Chudley: Just answer a few questions for me. Did you work with any anomalies two days ago? Lorri: I didn't. But notably, someone left a banana peel on the floor and uh. [Lorri points to her black eye] Lorri: I slipped. Chudley: Ouch, sorry to hear. Was there anything else unfortunate that occurred that day? Lorri: Well we lost a ton of security cam footage from Researcher Tate spilling his coffee all over one of the computers. About a week's worth. Chudley: Great. There goes any further backtracking annnnd let me guess, you have no idea who you got the jorts from? Lorri: Wait… this is about my fashion choices? Chudley: It was an anomaly, Lena. We're trying to figure out the origin and we believe that it's the cause of your bad luck. Lorri: A pair of pants? I think I would have noticed if an anomaly was giving me bad luck. People drop coffee all the time. Chudley: I'm not here to argue semantics. Do you have any idea who might have worn the jorts before you? Lorri: No… I don't remember receiving them. Maybe I bought them? Have you tried looking for DNA? Maybe the person before me had their hair on it. Chudley: Still waiting for those results to get back. We'll let you know when we've caught the culprit. [End recording] Addendum 7175.04: Interview with SCP-7175-A Foundation forensics finished extracted four distinct DNA profiles from hair found on SCP-7175. The profiles were as follows: Victoria Cerise, Maria Johnston, Lena Lorri, and Site Director Leah Richter. Agents of Gamma-96 were promptly dispatched to bring the Site Director in for questioning. [Begin Recording] Richter: Chudley. You better have a very good explanation for why MTF agents stormed into my office and brought me down here. Chudley: Director Richter, please calm down. This isn't a prank or a game. You were under the influence of SCP-7175 and we need to determine where you got it from. Richter: What is SCP-7175? And for the record, I don't have any anomalies on me. Chudley: Well you did, you just gave it to Researcher Lorri when you were done with it. Richter: You keep dancing around the question. What is SCP-7175? Chudley: Well the funny thing is that it's uh…. jorts. Richter: The… ones I got from Old Navy? Chudley: W-wait, you got them from Old Navy? Not like some abandoned or creepy thrift shop run by a GoI? Richter: I'm aware that is usually the norm but no. I bought the jort- um, SCP-7175 from Old Navy. Chudley: Well that explains the origin then, I also had a question about another apparent property of SCP-7175. Richter: Which is? Chudley: Well Cerise, Lorri, and Johnston all have a similar waist size but your measurements here show that you have a… more than average "posterior" for your body type. Richter: Chudley…. Chudley: So I just wanted to know… how did you get them on? [Director Richter looks away from Chudley for a moment, before looking down at her feet.] Richter: They were the only thing that fit. Chudley: Say that one more time? You were a little quiet. Richter: I went to Old Navy to buy some new pants but nothing in the store would fit over my…. "posterior". So the sales clerk handed me SCP-7175 and when I put them on they fit perfectly and uh… wait. [Director Richter appears to be in thought.] Richter: Now that I think about it she said something odd to me while I was checking them in the mirror. Chudley: What did she say? Richter: She asked me if I thought I was Cool Yet. [End Recording] Footnotes 1. Anomalous rubber ball explosive that increases in blast yield with every bounce. 2. Anomalous set of nine books, marked with roman numerals. « SCP-7174 | SCP-7175 | SCP-7176 » More From This Author More From This Author SYTYCFanon's Works SCPs SCP-6952 (+60) • SCP-6419 (+45) • SCP-5938 (+32) • SCP-7682 (+72) • SCP-7975 (+94) • SCP-7110 (+27) • SCP-7261 (+116) • SCP-7233 (+61) • SCP-4230 (+35) • SCP-3452 (+29) • SCP-7899 (+33) • SCP-7560 (+33) • SCP-6187 (+18) • SCP-6945 (+50) • SCP-7970 (+55) • Tales/GoI Formats Love in The Time of Chugwater (+16) • AAR-5950-Osaka (+8) • The Raven of Cyberspace (+17) • Revelations of The Author (+17) • Lost Souls, Broken Toys Chapter 1 (+20) • A Tale of Two Chugwaters (+9) • Raven of Cyberspace II Shadowheist (+22) • A Very Otamatone Christmas (+29) • AAR-7890-Logovo Volka (+29) • Lost Souls, Broken Toys Chapter 2 (+14) • The Site-78 Halloween Special! (+15) • Other SYTYCFanon's Author Page (+43) •
Blue Foot Like my stuff? Read more Here! Access SCPmail? You have one (1) new message! Re: Assignment for the Morning To: Terry Snelling From: Marie Oyane Subject: Assignment for the Morning Hey Terry, Craig told me that you're the new guy, and that you're my new "assistant" now. I guess I should say welcome to the team, Terry. Craig also sent me some files last night. The Foundation has archived everything we've every written or said, and I mean everything. The papers go back to forever ago. I'm supposed to delete the unimportant stuff, but I have to read through it beforehand and make sure I don't delete anything useful. So, as my new and rearing to please assistant, I'd like you to do it. I've attached the files to this message. Just tell me what we should keep when you're done. A bit about it, though, some of it may seem like it's for the higher-ups to see, but, trust me, because of the freedom of information stuff that came about a few years ago after that big strike, it's fine. After a while, you won't think about it. As far as I know, no one has bothered to read all that stuff yet. Why would they, anyway? I know my tone isn't what you'd expect from some uptight government organization, but, well, Craig said I'm supposed to tell you what and how it is, and just about everyone here talks like me. Just giving you a fair warning. But, hey, once you're a full time work rat, it'll be the easiest $60,000$ bucks a year you've ever earned. From, Marie P.S.-I've also attached the 7177 document. Most documents don't mention 7177, but just read it before anything else so you know what it is. _ + 7177.rev19.doc- Hide this attachment Item#: 7177 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7177 is to be contained in a standard containment chamber within Site-01. No personnel are to enter the space that SCP-7177 serves as an entrance into under any circumstance. SCP-7177 Description: SCP-7177 is an ornate mirror. The speculum metal that makes up SCP-7177's center is reflective. However, it is not tangible. This threshold in question serves as a portal into cosmic space. SCP-7177 is present on both sides of the portal effect that the anomaly creates. Although SCP-7177's typical dimensions are 0.5x0.2x1 meters, it has the capability to adjust in size to allow objects larger than its typical dimensions to pass through it, and its dimensions have never been recorded to be larger than 3.2x0.2x6 meters. If any force is applied to SCP-7177 that causes it to move in any way on either side of its portal effect, the corresponding manifestation of SCP-7177 will move at the same rate of the speed, and in the same manner, on the other side. Despite SCP-7177 serving as a portal into space, no vacuum effect or consequence of the large pressure difference between both entrances into SCP-7177 has ever been recorded. A star and several planets have been recorded to be within a close proximity to the area of space SCP-7177 serves as a portal to, although the exact distances to these cosmic bodies are unknown. This area otherwise appears to be unremarkable, although, there is a slightly above average concentration of debris in the area when compared to the rest of interplanetary space, such as stone, metal, wood, and synthetic material. Materials that do not naturally occur in space, such as the previously mentioned wood and synthetic materials, are theorized to have been left by humans on previous expeditions into the space. Document created-7198 years ago _ + Document List- Hide this attachment I think you get it now. Just start looking through these and see what looks important. I left you some notes along the way, just to help you understand it. You're the new guy, after all.-Marie scpmailresponse1.doc memo.doc pamphlet.doc chatlog1.doc budget.doc notice.doc report.doc 7177.rev18.doc chatlog2.doc exploration.doc announcement.doc Note to Marie 7177.rev01.doc My Good Friend, Director Simmons, As a representative of the recently formed Foundation personnel workers' union, I'd like to extend my deepest thanks for accepting our requests. I am well aware that the path has been filled with bumps, but I'm very happy that some progression has been made, even if far past overdue. I, and all of your other now happy, healthy, and rested employees, look forward to the future where we can work together to build a greater SCP Foundation. Thank you for your time, Alexei Kosonovich Document created: 17 years ago Note to Employees, 07/05/9601 Hello, this is Site Director Simmons. Let's just get this done quickly. Really? Seriously, strikes? What the hell are you on about? I've read your little manifesto, or "demands", as you call it. Not just your pamphlet, I'm looking at your newsletter as I write this. "Undignified workload?" "Freedom of information?" "Mind-numbing?" Are we living on the same planet? You work possibly the most comfortable job in the world. You spend Foundation time on pushing pencils and stacking files, and you demand to play on your phone as you do it? When I was as young as half of you are, I worked my hands to jelly at the Rye-on-Shirely steel mill, and you didn't hear a chirp from me. What really gets me is the "undignified" part. Some great men and women, all better than you or me, have worked till the grave, plus overtime, for this place. The Foundation isn't a job. It isn't something you can just strike on. It's a lifestyle. I'm sorry that many of you don't feel this way, but that's just your problem, frankly. I understand that our work sometimes feels…confusing. Some may ask why we do it, or why we do it in the way we do. I'm not at liberty to totally answer these questions. But what you need to know that those that are no longer with us knew that keeping this place around is important, and the way we do it is just as crucial. If you change a spritz of a big thing, you might realize too late that that little piece of the whole held up much more than you thought it did. You people strike when you can't play games at work. You're children. So, no, I will not meet a single one of your demands. Stop playing this stupid game before you eat up your savings. Document created: 17 years ago STRIKE FOR WORKERS RIGHTS: BEGINS 03/05/9601 CALL TO ACTION FROM THE SCP FOUNDATION WORKERS RIGHTS ASSOCIATION This pamphlet has reached your office door, or your computer screen, or your windshield (or anywhere else you may have found it) for a reason. That reason is simple: we believe that you agree with us when we say enough is enough. But who are we? We are an association of hardworking, like-brained Foundation employees, just like you. Have you ever organized boxes on one end of a room, and when you finished, your supervisor comes over and says to move it back? We've done that. Have you ever been given hours worth of old files to read, just to skim them all and delete them anyway? We have. Have you ever thought that you've just been given a day's worth of busywork? Don't even start with us. The point here is that our work is monotonous and unfulfilling. To fix this, we demand the following: Increased transparency of reason for action taken by management and higher ranking superiors. Discontinuation of document classification system, as to promote the freer flow of information. More clear managerial instructions Allowal for employees to entertain themselves (within reason) when their current task has been completed and they are awaiting the assignment of another task We hope that we can both at least agree that, at the end of a day's work, we should feel as if we've accomplished something. Please join us on May 3rd in strike to help make this change possible. Please contact Superior Researcher Alexei Kosonovich, Computer Technician Raheem Belghoul, or Assistant Researcher Ken Patterson for more information. Document created: 17 years ago Just so you know, these are some FoundationTalk messages. You'll acclimate to them soon enough, it's pretty much what we use when we want something less formal than computer messages. And, when you have to sift through them for work, they give you little snippets of conversations to read sometimes. It's weird.-Marie FoundationTalk Conversation: A. Kosonovitch/R. Belghoul A. Kosonovitch: Hey Raheem, could I talk to you for a minute? R. Belghoul: OK A. Kosonovitch: I'll get to the point. No one talks about this, and I've just been getting more and more heated about this ever since my 2nd month here. What we do for work is the most monotonous, pointless shit possible. R. Belghoul: Hold on, don't you realize this is FoundationTalk? The higher-ups can read this chat. A. Kosonovitch: I don't care man, we both know it's true. What's worse, I've read through whatever records I can, and nothing has changed for forever. R. Belghoul: I get what your shooting at, I'm just not going to go hungry over my work being boring. A. Kosonovitch: Gore, and I thought you had some integrity. I know you. You're not the type of person to be selling your dignity for $30$ per hour. How can you stand with us doing absolutely nothing for eight hours a day for a bit more than minimum wage? A. Kosonovitch: Raheem, just think about what you did yesterday. You won't tell me, but I sure as hell know. You're a computer guy, so you probably did more of that stuff, but I'd wager I'm my favor that our days were mostly the same. Yesterday, I waited an hour for my manager to give me some work. A shanked hour. Then, he had me help him move his cactus pot from his office to the break area plants' space. It was maybe a kilo, he could've moved it himself. Then, we moved it back because he didn't like how it looked. Then, he dumped a bunch of files on me to read. Useless crap, nobody can tell me why we archive it all. I remember it being a bunch of cafeteria menus from 150 years ago, with some other stuff spritzed in. He gave me an hour to read them and get rid of the stuff we didn't need. I didn't look at a single one and deleted it all after 45 minutes. The manager then came in again, and we had some small talk. I tried to bring up some stuff that interested me. 7177, mostly. Any new research being done? Classified. Anything coming from it? Classified. Anything interesting about it at all? Classified. The only thing he would talk about was our new water closet paper, that scratchy, thin, cheap crap. A. Kosonovitch: Our job is to be office rats. That's it. We "Secure, Contain, Protect" but all we have is 7177, and we can just lock it in a room. A. Kosonovitch: Hell, why do we even have 7177 in the first place? It's the only thing in containment, and we have so many questions. Where does it come from? How does it work? I have no goring clue, and they won't even assign me to it to find out. They recruited me as a researcher, but I've yet to see the science being done in this place. Even if I was assigned there, they wouldn't start any research anyway. Why? Classified. A. Kosonovitch: There's something going on, I know it. Everything's goring classified. But some things I've read, stuff like old reports and memos, have this weird…feel to them, you know? Like there's a few missing bricks we need to finish building the house, and I'd bet it's why this place is so pointless. Is it some big money laundering scheme? Is it some secret government plot? Is it other anomalies? I think the latter? A. Kosonovitch: Think about it, where's 7176? 7178? 4000? 3630? 709? Why do we only have 7177? A. Kosonovitch: All great questions, but people are too busy cowering in fear over falling off the career wagon to ask them. Someone's just gotta step up and say "screw the protocols". A. Kosonovitch: Anyway, the point is that me and some other guys are planning to strike. Yeah, you heard me. We're going to strike over our job being boring, and we're goring proud of it. I know you've got connections, and you're good with computers. I want you to help us out. A. Kosonovitch: Read my messages, Raheem. A. Kosonovitch: Please don't ignore this, man, this is serious. R. Belghoul: Hmm Document created-17 years ago This document is actually older than the next couple ones. Usually they're in order, but sometimes the system just tosses them over to us a bit scrambled. Just thought you'd want to know.-Marie SCP FOUNDATION ANNUAL BUDGET, 7154 The following is a simplified description of the overall spending of $300$ million Bakersfield Confederation dollars (BCD) approved for the SCP Foundation this business year. The following annual budget has been reviewed by the O5 Council, and is only to be viewed by personnel holding Level 4 clearance or above. %7% - Building utilities (electricity, omninet service, etc.) %2% - Site-01 building renovations %60% - Department of Cultural Guidance operations (cultural study, societal influence, etc.) %5% - Building maintenance %5% - Operations towards maintaining Foundation secrecy %18% - Non-Department of Cultural Guidance operations (human assets, material resources, etc.) %2% - Recruitment campaigns conducted in the general public %0.5% - Department of Cultural Guidance recruitment conducted within the Foundation %0.5% Department of Cultural Guidance secrecy operations (conducted within the Foundation) Document created-2464 years ago NOTICE TO THE FOUNDATION DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL GUIDANCE Hello everyone. It's been an honor serving as the head of the Department of Cultural Guidance, and it's been an even greater honor meeting, and working with, some of the best people I've ever happened upon knowing in my life. However, it is my unfortunate burden to tell you all (what I hope is, even if that may sound bad) a blow to your spirit: the Foundation Office of Cultural Guidance is to be dissolved, as of 17/08/8115. It broke my heart to hear the news from Administrator Jacksons, but I have to say that I agree with his decision. We've done our job, people. We've not been the best possible, but we've been mostly successful, I'd say. Do we use dollar signs once when describing a value? No, we put one before and after the number. But do you sign your computer mail the same way people did millennia ago? Yes. However, our influence is no longer necessary or effective. Pensions are available for those who have been employed for 20 years or more. Those with less experience, and those who want to retire later, are free to request a new position, or to explore new opportunities in other fields of employment. Your non-disclosure agreement still applies, however. Do not tell anyone about your time at, or about the existence of, the Department of Cultural Guidance, unless that person holds Level 4 Clearance or above. Goodbye and good luck, Patrick Rodriguez Document created-503 years ago SCP FOUNDATION DEPARTMENT OF CULTURAL GUIDANCE Cultural Study 399051.d, Conducted by Agent Markovič on 08/22/7693 Media Viewed: Incomplete video copy of the 1994 film Pulp Fiction. Important Details of the Media: The media viewed is a low quality video capture of the 1994 film Pulp Fiction. The footage depicts events in the film at a slightly faster rate of speed than most other physical and digital copies of said film in Foundation possession. The recording begins at the timestamp 0:00 in film, and concludes at the timestamp 34:03 in a typical copy of the film. Details of Cultural Importance:At the timestamp 13:38-13:42 in the media, Jules Winnfield (played by actor Samuel Leroy Jackson) is quoted to say "I dare ya, I double dare you motherfucker, say 'what' one more god damned time!" The word "fuck" is of considerable importance, as the use of the word in this media corroborates with other media that "fuck" was a profane term in the late 20th century. Although "fuck" carries a sexual connotation in this media, evidence collected from various sources that are dated to be from the general time period where Pulp Fiction carried cultural relevance shows that the word was also utilized as an expletive in entirely non-sexual circumstances. This media supports the common observation made about the profanity utilized from the 16th-21st centuries (although, expletives carrying sexual connotations remained popular until the 28th century) and those utilized in the modern day. Common expletives in the former time period often carried sexual connotations (fuck, bitch, cunt, etc.), and common expletives in the latter time period often carry violent connotations (gore, mutilate, shank, etc.) Recommended Future Actions: The reintroduction of expletives carrying sexual connotations is to be done via their increased use on Foundation omninet synthetic intelligence cultural influencers on various social platforms. Expletives carrying violent connotations are to be stigmatized via similar means, and are also to be criticized as vulgar by Foundation-influenced public officials. These suggested actions are estimated to have a %07% success rate. Document created-1925 years ago Item#: 7177 Level4 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7177 is to be contained in a standard containment chamber within Site-01. No personnel are to enter SCP-7177-1 under any circumstances. SCP-7177 Description: SCP-7177 is an ornate mirror. The speculum metal that makes up SCP-7177's center is reflective. However, it is not tangible. This threshold in question serves as a portal into Dimension-0002, which is to be referred to as SCP-7177-1. SCP-7177 is present on both sides of the portal effect that the anomaly creates. Although SCP-7177's typical dimensions are 0.5x0.2x1 meters, it has the capability to adjust in size to allow objects larger than its typical dimensions to pass through it, and its dimensions have never been recorded to be larger than 3.2x0.2x6 meters. If any force is applied to SCP-7177 that causes it to move in any way on either side of its portal effect, the corresponding manifestation of SCP-7177 will move at the same rate of the speed, and in the same manner, on the other side. Despite SCP-7177 serving as a portal into an alternate dimension, the environmental conditions of SCP-7177-1 do not appear to affect standard reality. SCP-7177-1 resembles space. A star and several planets have been recorded to be within a close proximity to this area, although the exact distances to these cosmic bodies are unknown. This area otherwise appears to be unremarkable, although, there is an above average concentration of debris in the area when compared to the rest of interplanetary space, such as stone, metal, wood, and synthetic material. Materials that do not occur in space, such as the previously mentioned wood and synthetic materials, are theorized to have been left by humans on previous expeditions into SCP-7177-1. LEVEL 6 CLEARANCE REQUIRED Security Clearance Adequate: Access Authorized Addendum.7177.1: SCP-7177, as of 4/16/2386, served as a portal into an area of SCP-7177-1 that is an alternate version of Earth. SCP-7177-1's alternate version of Earth appeared to have experienced large-scale destruction and environmental damage. The color of the sky during the daytime was a dark red hue. Chemical makeup testing and individuals who have inhaled the air present in the atmosphere have reported a noticeable presence of smoke. Although what appear to be man-made structures were present in the anomaly, no humans native to SCP-7177-1 have ever been recorded to exist. SCP-7177-1's alternate version of Earth was almost entirely populated by sparse plant life and anomalous entities, and there were several anomalous phenomena and objects recorded to have been present within the SCP-7177-1. Further research into this is impossible, however, as SCP-7177-1's alternate version of Earth was destroyed at an indeterminant time between 16/04/2386 and 07/12/2388. This addendum will become unavailable for viewing on 08/08/2389, and the remainder of this document will become unavailable for viewing on a date that is to be determined. Reproductions of any of this document are strictly prohibited under penalty of termination. Document created-7230 years ago I can tell this is some more FoundationTalk stuff, but this is still really corrupted. When the files get this old, sometimes that happens. Just snub it off to Jeremy once you're done with all your reading, he'll deal with it.-Marie [[DATA CORRUPTED]] ow the hell do you plan to fix this mess? We've got 4 [[DATA CORRUPTED]] explain that? What do we do? L. Potrozski: Standard Foundation secrecy measures. Your men knew their families would be lied to in situations like this. V. Vannoli: I just never thought it would actually come to this. V. Vannoli: So what next? L. Potrozski: Exploration into SCP-7177-1 has been banned permanently, it looks lik [[DATA CORRUPTED]] destroyed soon enough anyway. As per what Cultural Guidance has already been saying, it's a danger to the Foundation and society. Protocol said to never go through 7177. Now, we just have a reason to ban it for good. It's your department's fault for what happened to those men, anyway V. Vannoli: And, now that we can't go back into 7177-1, what do you expect us to do with the information we already have? L. Potrozski: Good question. What will ha [[DATA CORRUPTED]] classification of the exploration and the main document, and eventually the idea of alternate dimensions will be forgotten. I have revision 19 of the 7177 document ready to go when it's time, and it WILL be the final revision. I guess, in the meantime, you can help support Cultural Guidance's projects. V. Vannoli: So, my department gets screwed over by yours? L. Potrozski: I wouldn't put it like that, but yes. V. Vannoli: Great. You culture guys get the finishing say again. What are you going to do now, convince people they should start calling computing machines "computers" again? L. Potrozski: That's how it was before O55-Bakersfield, so yes, it's part of our job description. That one looks like it will be successful, too. V. Vannoli: Oh, please. L. Potrozski I'm don't want to give you the speech again. The Cultural Guidance Department is simply following the founding philosophy of the Foundation, that being that anomalies are socially disruptive. Now that we have no more anomalies, we just handle other forms of social disruption. V. Vannoli: Like any sort of change in a 300 year-old culture? L. Potrozski: It's what worked. Keeping the boat from rocking is what the Foundation has always bee [[DATA CORRUPTED]] Document created-7232 years ago Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: 16/04/2386 Exploration Team: Mobile Task Force Nu-13 "Date With Destiny" Subject: SCP-7177-1 Team Lead: N13-Com Team Members: N13-1, N13-2, N13-3 Foreword: Due to the efforts of SCP-7177's research team and the wider Foundation research department towards the authorization of an exploration into SCP-7177-1, the O5 Council temporarily waived the prohibition on entry into the anomaly. This allowed an exploration into SCP-7177-1 to be conducted. All members of the squad are equipped with sample collection drones. Video feed begins as the squad is within a close proximity to SCP-7177 within its containment chamber. [BEGIN LOG] Command: One minute until insertion, Nu-13 N13-Com: Great, Command. How're we holding up, guys? N13-3: Good, commander. N13-Com: Good to hear, Patrick. Dusanek? N13-2: I'm ready. Let's get this done. N13-Com: That's the spirit. Nate? N13-1 draws his sidearm from his holster, and he loads a cartridge of ammunition into the weapon. He smiles. N13-1: Let's fuck some shit up. N13-Com gestures to N13-1 for him to lower his firearm, which he does. N13-Com: Woah, woah. I like the enthusiasm, but let's remember our gun safety, okay? N13-1: Alright, dad. N13-Com: Don't forget that I know the man. If I was your dad, I'd already be giving you a licking for pulling that little stunt you just did. N13-1 snorts, removes the ammunition loaded into his sidearm, and returns it to its holster. Command: 30 seconds to insertion. N13-2 begins to gesture with his fingers as he speaks certain words, presumably to clarify that he is quoting N13-1's speech. N13-2: What "shit" are we going to "fuck up" anyway? N13-Com: Not sure. What do we know about this place, Command? Command: Very little, N13-Com. The prohibition on entering SCP-7177-1 was only recently lifted, so we have only had enough time to test the air for chemical makeup and pathogens before the research team forcibly begun the exploration. They said they wanted to conduct the expedition before administration changed their minds. N13-Com: And the air? Command: It's breathable, although not healthy to do so for long. N13-Com: Copy that. N13-1: So, we're going in blind? N13-Com: Looks like it, Nate. N13-3: (quietly, muttering) This should be fun. Command: 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1. Operation is clear to begin, Nu-13. N13-Com, begin at your discretion. N13-Com: Copy that. Alright, let's get moving, guys. No point in waiting. Image taken by K13-Com's head-mounted camera. All members of the squad translocate to be within a close proximity of SCP-7177-1's alternate version of Bakersfield, American State. The sky is colored a red hue, and it appears that the time of day is twilight. All members of the squad pass through the center of SCP-7177, and regroup within SCP-7177-1. N13-1: Fuck, it is dark here. Air's smoky, too. N13-3: Yep. Lights on? N13-Com: Yeah, lights on, guys. All members of the squad activate their head-mounted illumilights. N13-Com: Let's set our drones' home here. All members of the squad edit their sample collection drones' "Home" setting on their cellphone's SCP Foundation app to allow said drones to return to SCP-7177 if prompted. N13-2 turns to face one of several bright, vibrating lights present in the near vicinity. N13-2: Woah, what are those? N13-1: What? N13-2: The little lights over there. N13-2 points at the light he is facing towards. The lights are of varying shapes and sizes, and are vibrating in place. N13-3: Yeah, what are those? N13-2: Looks like fireflies. N13-1: Yeah, meter and a half long fireflies. N13-Com: Our lights don't seem to make them less visible, either. Command, how should we continue? Site Command deliberates for nine seconds. Command: You should try to make physical contact the lights, N13-Com, but not with your body. N13-3: I'll do it, commander. N13-Com: Alright, Patrick, but don't be too brave, and definitely don't piss them off. N13-3 approaches the nearest bright light to him and raises his rifle. He ceases movement directly adjacent to it, and attempts to make contact with the light with his firearm. All attempts to do so cause N13-3's rifle to phase through the light. The light does not react to this. N13-3: Huh. The light doesn't even seem to come from anything, it's just flying around. Command: It is noted, N13-3. Regroup and continue. We do not advice you to enter the urban area, Nu-13, as it could be potentially dangerous. N13-Com: Copy that. N13-Com gestures with his arm. N13-Com: This way, guys. N13-3 returns to the location of the remainder of the squad. They begin to move in a northerly direction on an unpaved road. The area is largely a flat, arid, open space, with no visible life. The squad continues moving on the road for 19 minutes. No notable events occur. During this time, expired plant life is occasionally visible in the video feed on the ground, This plant life almost entirely consists of an unknown species of vine. The squad then discovers a large mass adjacent to the road, and moves into the effective range of their illumilights to illuminate the mass. N13-2: What the… The team ceases movement when they are adjacent to a large mass of desiccated vines. The plant matter that makes up the mass appears to have expired. The size of the mass is unclear, although later estimates show that it is approximately three kilometers long, 200 meters wide, and two meters high at its highest point. What appears to be a heavily damaged flyoplane is visible in the mass, although there is no engine attached to its wing. N13-2: That's a lot of vines. N13-1: (sarcastically) What an acute observation. N13-2: Well, is it not? N13-Com: (quietly) Shoot, man… N13-3 turns to face N13-Com. N13-3: What is it, commander? N13-Com: Well, it's just…I used to have these vines that grew on my backyard fence as a kid. Cool looking stuff, even if my parents didn't like it. One summer, it didn't rain, and those vines started dying. They would shrivel up, pieces would fall off, and it would keep happening until the the part near the roots died, and you would just have this little plant corpse. Seeing that, and all the little bits of vines back there, I think that this is the middle, and, and…Jesus. N13-3: This was just the center of the vines? It used to be way bigger? N13-Com nods his head. N13-3: Woof… (Pause.) N13-Com: It's fine, it's dead now, just…let's keep moving. The squad begins to move further along the road in a northerly direction. Nothing eventful occurs. After 7 minutes and six seconds, the squad discovers the carcass of a yellow domesticated dog of the Big Land breed placed on the road. A human skeleton is directly adjacent to it. The domesticated dog carcass does not show any external signs of decomposition, and the word "HELL" is written in several locations on its coat in large block letters. The causes of death for both bodies are unknown. Nothing eventful occurs for another nine minutes and 48 seconds. The squad then discovers a large sign made of heavily deteriorated wood placed at a road junction. The words "THEY LEFT US AND BLAMED THE GOVERNOR. THEY CAN AT LEAST GIVE US FOOD. CACHE AT SITE-47, TURN LEFT AND GO RIGHT AT NEXT SIGN." are written on the sign. The squad ceases movement. N13-Com: We're at a fork in the road, command. How should we continue? Site Command deliberates for 37 seconds. Command: We advise that you continue down the left route in the road. Follow the signs, unless it's a danger to the lives of you or your squad mates. N13-Com: Copy that. Let's get a move on, guys, we're going to whatever this "Site-47" is. The squad begins to move down in a westerly direction along the road. The squad enters a wooded area after four minutes and 39 seconds. Nothing eventful occurs for another three minutes and 13 seconds. The squad then encounters another sign made of heavily deteriorated wood adjacent to the road which has the words "TAKE A RIGHT AND KEEP GOING. 25 MINUTES TO THE SITE." N13-Com: Let's take that right, guys. N13-1: (quietly, sarcastically) Yay, more walking… The squad follows the instructions of the sign, and begins to move in a northerly direction. The squad moves for 14 minutes and 27 seconds, at which point they enter a clearing in the wooded area. The stakes in the ground, fire pit in the center of the area, and tent poles and small pieces of nylon scattered around the area suggest that this clearing was previously utilized as a campsite. There are several pieces of furniture placed in the area, such as chairs, tables, and water coolers, that would be generally considered inappropriate for a typical campsite. There is a sign made of heavily deteriorated wood placed near the area that has the words "HOSPITAL CAMP, SITE-47 TRAVELERS GO AROUND." written on it. There are several heavily decomposed human skeletons in the area, with most of them placed near the edge of the clearing. Each skeleton has experienced some degree of damage in largely unique ways. There are also three structures composed of gears and clockwork constructed in a humanoid shape in this assembly. N13-2's video feed shows a deteriorated human skull placed near the firepit. There are several teeth that appear to have grown into the nasal cavity, eye sockets, and ear canals. N13-2: What the fu-? Jesus…command, we've ever seen something like this? (Pause.) Command: No, N13-2, that skull is like nothing any medical expert in this room has ever examined before. Attach it to your sample collection drone and send it "Home". N13-2 attaches the skull to his sample collection drone and prompts it to return to SCP-7177. The drone successfully transports the skull to SCP-7177. However, when Foundation agents are transporting the skull through SCP-7177 to standard reality, all teeth and roots not located in the typical dental arch demanifest. DNA analysis of the skull show it to be identical to humans. The time of death is estimated to have been approximately 200 years ago. The squad continues in a northerly direction for eight minutes and 47 seconds, at which point a large concrete structure becomes visible. A concrete wall with sharpened wire placed on its highest section surrounds the structure, although there are several locations where the wall has collapsed. N13-3: This must be Site-47, huh? N13-1: Looks just like the place I'd want to eat at. N13-2 and N13-Com lightly chuckle. N13-Com: Well, I hope you like it, because we're going in there. N13-1: Like it? It's just like my Gran's place up in Dakota. N13-Com: Just get in there, you. N13-Com gestures N13-1 to continue forward, and the remainder of the squad follows him through an opening in the wall. The structure is a largely rectangular, concrete building. An entrance area with a wall composed of glass panes is located on the side of the structure the squad is facing, although, all of the glass panes presumably previously placed in the wall are shattered. A large Foundation insignia and the words "SCP Foundation" and "Site-47" are engraved into the structure above the entrance area. A smaller, crude engraving is also visible, with the words "FUCK YOU" engraved on the structure wall. Several large openings in the building's concrete structure, and the area surrounding the building, are visible. N13-1: Yep, just like Gran's place. N13-2 lightly strikes N13-1 on the back of his head. The squad then enters the entrance area of the structure. The squad enters a large, dilapidated room. There is no lighting, and the squad entirely relies on their illumilights for visibility. The area is largely undecorated, although furniture attached to the structure itself, including several desks located on the side of the room opposite to the squad, are present. There are several water leakages present in the ceiling. There is a fire-flight staircase, a general use staircase, and several elevators located along the walls of the building, although several elevator doors are open despite the lack of an elevator present on the floor. N13-1: Yeah, just like- N13-2: Shut the fuck up. The joke's over. N13-3: Definitely. What the hell is up with this place? N13-2: Judging from the stuff outside, it looks like some old Foundation stuff. N13-3: That doesn't make sense, the Foundation hasn't ever even been in 7177-1 until now. N13-1: It's an alternate universe, man, anything can happen. This looks like a reception area, there's just no place to sit. N13-3: Maybe somebody stole the stuff at that camp from here? N13-Com: We'll find out. Command, how do we continue. Command: Go down the stairwell, Nu-13. Explore the floor that seems as if it would have the most valuable information. N13-Com: Copy that. The squad moves to the entrance of the general use stairwell. However, the stairwell is inaccessible, as the stairs that make up the stairwell are largely destroyed, making a safe descent deeper into the structure impossible. N13-3: Shoot. N13-2: How do we get down? (Pause.) N13-1: Fire-flight? N13-Com: Yeah, that actually might work. Let's try that. The squad relocates to the fire-flight stairwell, which is in considerably better condition than the general use stairwell. N13-Com: Nice thinking, Nate. N13-1: The only time you'll ever tell me that. N13-Com scoffs. The squad begins to descend down the stairwell. They descend down 17 flights of stairs. N13-Com ceases his movement, and he gestures for the other members of the squad to do so. There is a doorway labelled "Keter Level Containment/Storage C" nearby the squad. There is no door present in the doorway. N13-Com: Let's stop here, this should be good. N13-1: Why did we have to go down all those stupid stairs? Why not just choose Level 1 for now? N13-Com: Because no one would keep anything important near the top. We have to go deeper to find the cool stuff. N13-1: Alright, fine. The squad moves through the doorway into a dilapidated hallway, although it is in generally better condition than the surface level room of the structure. The squad moves through the structure for one minute and nine seconds. The area appears to be a relatively mundane office space, including several offices, meeting rooms, cafeterias, etc. The squad then encounters a room labelled "SCP-1447 Sample Bay-Object Class: Keter". These words are partially obscured by paint, and below the words "SCP-498" is written crudely with paint. The room appears to be a containment chamber. The room is secured by large blast doors, although they are not fully closed. N13-Com: Command, we've encountered something that might be dangerous. How should we proceed? Command: Enter the room, Nu-13, but be cautious. We will look through records and known human languages to see if we can discover what this "Keter" means. N13-Com: Copy that. Let's check it out, guys. The squad enters the room. There are several freezers, glass display cases, and medical instruments, but they are all gathered in a large accumulation on the room's east wall. There is an alarm clock placed on the center of a pedestal in the center of the room. A severely rusted mechanical arm is placed directly adjacent to it. The mechanical arm is connected to a small generator with a cable. (Pause.) N13-2: What? N13-1: Yep, not what I intended to see N13-Com: Alright guys, I know. Do we have any record of an SCP-498? Command: No. N13-Com: Huh. (Pause.) N13-1: I guess they'll want this for samples? N13-1 picks up the alarm clock. Command: No, N13-1, we'd rather not delay the expedition by forcing you to return to the surface to launch your drone. Take it with you when you're exiting this floor level. N13-1 places the alarm clock on its side on the edge of the pedestal. N13-1: Alright. Command: I think we've seen enough, Nu-13. N13-Com: Copy that. Let's keep moving. The squad exits the room. The squad then moves further into the structure. There are several openings in the walls and ceiling of the structure. Some of these openings are connected to other rooms, and several of them connect to floors on lower or higher levels. These openings do not appear to be intentionally designed into the structure due to the apparently forceful nature that they were created, as evidenced by their uneven shape and the debris nearby them. Furniture is occasionally seen in inappropriate places, such as in hallways. However, there are no notable events for five minutes and 53 seconds. The squad then ceases movement when they are directly adjacent to a room labelled "SCP-5965 Storage". The door to the room is open. N13-Com: Let's check out this one. N13-1: You think it'll be weirder, or no? N13-Com: Let's find out. N13-1: I'd rather not find out if it's, you know, really weird. The squad enters the room. There are several freezers located in the room. The tiles that make up the roof have largely caved in due to water damage. The room is in generally worse condition than the rest of the rooms on the level. N13-3: This room is…strangely familiar. N13-2: Like déjà vu? N13-3: No, not like that. It's just similar to other stuff I've seen before. Command: You may possibly recognize the similarities between this room and many Foundation mort- The faint sound of the alarm of an alarm clock is then heard in the general direction that the squad has just came from. The sound does not cease. N13-1: What the fuck is that? (Pause.) N13-1: No, it can't be that alarm clock, can it? N13-2: I don't know. Can it be, genius? The sound of the alarm clock's alarm becomes noticeably louder. N13-Com: Wait, we walked away from that thing for like, seven minutes, right? It must be super far away now. And how much building is in between us and it? Command, how loud should that thing be by now? (Pauses.) Command: To be as audible as it is now, our rough estimate is approximately 100 decibels. The sound of the alarm clock's alarm becomes noticeably louder. No member of the squad speaks for seven seconds. N13-Com: If it's that loud, and it seems to only get louder… (Pauses.) N13-Com takes hold of N13-1's collar. N13-Com: (screaming) Nate, you fucking idiot! That arm turns the clock off, and you moved it out of its way! We need to get the hell out of here! N13-Com forces N13-1 towards the room's doorway. N13-Com: Move! Fucking move, people! All members of the squad exit the room and begin to run as a group away from the sound of the alarm clock. However, the sound becomes increasingly louder as the footage continues. After one minute and 41 seconds, the structure begins to be physically effected by the intensity of the alarm's volume. Glass begins to shatter, objects begin to fall from their previous positions onto the floor, and the squad struggles to run due to the tremors in the structure caused by the intensity of the alarms volume. The squad appears to experience physical pain due to the intense volume of the alarm. After another one minute and 13 seconds, the structure begins to collapse. After 16 seconds, A slab of concrete falls through the ceiling, fatally striking N13-Com and N13-3, and also causing the remainder of the squad to be unable to continue further down the hallway they are running through. The remaining members of the squad attempt to retrace their route, presumably in an attempt to find an exit from the structure. Blood begins to flow from each remaining squad member's ears. It is presumed that their eardrums have been ruptured. After 17 seconds, N13-1 is struck by several smaller pieces of rubble falling from the ceiling, killing him. N13-2 is mortally wounded due to the floor collapsing under him after 35 seconds, causing him to fall to lower levels of the structure. After a minute and six seconds, the sound of the alarm clock's alarm ceases. It is theorized that the alarm clock itself was destroyed by the structure collapsing around it. All camera feeds are of the rubble that has buried the squad members. No notable events occur after this, as the squad members' cameras begin to deplete their battery holds, causing N13-Com's video feed to cease after six hours and 37 minutes, N13-2's video feed to cease after another 39 seconds, N13-1's video feed to cease after another 13 minutes, and N13-2's video feed to cease after another eight minutes and nine seconds. [END LOG] Note-Due to the events of this log, further exploration into SCP-7177-1 has been prohibited. At an unknown time between 16/04/2386 and 07/12/2388 (the date of the second entrance of Foundation personnel into SCP-7177-1), SCP-7177-1's alternate version of Earth was destroyed due to unknown reasons. Anomalous activity on the planet is considered the most likely cause. Document created-7232 years ago Message to the O5 Council, 10/11/2056 Hello, this is the Administrator I'd like to start off by saying this: we've done well. We figured out a way to throw SCP-2460 out of orbit. Operation Candlelight was a complete success, and now the Insurgency is just a shattered husk of what it was. 7177 even helped us put an end to 871 and a couple other world-enders when this all started. But, mostly, we've just been lucky. Lucky that 094 has been growing much slower than we thought it would. Lucky that 169 seems like it's dead, not sleeping. Lucky that 4217 didn't destroy your folks' private yacht when it surfaced near you. Lucky that the Scarlett King hasn't broken through into our reality yet. Lucky that no one knows about the hell we put ourselves through to keep this whole thing together. But, in the end, we can't be lucky forever. No matter how much money and men we have at our disposal, there's no way to get around that we've been holding ourselves together with duct tape and bubblegum. And, after everything just started falling apart in March, we all knew our time was almost up. And it is. We're done. We've delayed it as long as we could, but it's over. Protocol O55-Bakersfield has been concluded. It breaks my heart to leave so many people behind, we've barely got 500 million in 7177-1, but leaving our men to die in the old world, and delaying rebuilding the new, is just a waste now. However, I can't help think something about this whole thing is funny, too. The last straw wasn't a mass exposure to SCP-096, or the final chain breaking in 2317. No. Yesterday, 4910 ran through Site-93. Half of the staff was killed, and much of the equipment was damaged, including a lot in Storage Area-33. Poor bastards had teeth growing in their lungs. Somehow, it let SCP-1262, among others, escape. The thing trapped 4910 downstairs. Maybe it's dead, who cares? So, because of this, it had time to grow into the site. We can't even get close to it, and its towers keep firing on our helicopters trying to look for survivors. Site-93 and the surrounding area are 1262's territory now, and our men on the ground are scattered with nowhere to go. We lost their main base of operations. We lost Iceland, and, by extension, the whole North Atlantic. That's what convinced me to pull the plug on O55-Bakersfield. It's just a waste of time and lives now. But now, we're in the present, and we look to the future. The Foundation WILL stick around, even if we have no anomalies to handle. It may seem pointless, but history shows that the world needs us, or everything just goes off the rails. Even, if in thousands of years, we don't know why we exist, we must continue to do so in the same way as now. 7177 offers us a chance, and now, the world is on our terms. We will rebuild the society, just like how it was before it was gone. Some of you may object to this. I don't know why you would. You may say that putting the world back together like it exactly way is unnecessary. Really? The truth is that the Foundation has always been about control in it's purest form. That's not inherently a bad thing, our control has saved humanity countless times. Luck, chance, probability, they all helped us to some degree before, but they also tore us apart in the end. Luck made what we have done, and will do, necessary. What we had works. Leaving the world up to luck is, frankly, foolish. Let's make our own luck, and control our own destiny. You may say that we don't need to exist because there is nothing to contain. On the contrary, anomalies just got in the way of the preservation of society. Any correct understand of how we work sees that as our true goal. We will still exist tomorrow, even without things to keep in boxes and cages. The old, unnatural world won't be forgotten, it will be buried, and the monsters with it. Only a few of us will know the old, and, even then, they will eventually bury it, too. It will all be destroyed, and future generations will forget it all with time. Eventually, they won't bother themselves with the old at all. They won't hurt themselves with the toys we put away. We abandon the dark, so that we may guide the light. Document created-7562 years ago Hey Marie, I'm just leaving this message for you. I accidentally put this in between the 2nth to last and last document, and completely truthfully, I just don't feel like moving it. I kinda slicked by the strike stuff, but I didn't really read the rest. I guess I'm already developing a SCP Foundation attitude ha ha. We'll be fine deleting this, it doesn't look like we need it.-Terry Document created-1 second ago Item#: 7177 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7177 is to be contained in a standard containment chamber within Site-47. No personnel are to enter SCP-7177-1 without the authorization of an appropriate supervisor. SCP-7177 Description: SCP-7177 is an ornate mirror. The speculum metal that makes up SCP-7177's is reflective. However, it is not tangible. This threshold in question serves as a portal into Dimension-0HB3AK-C, which has been designated SCP-7177-1. SCP-7177 is present on both sides of the portal effect that the anomaly creates. Although SCP-7177's typical dimensions are 0.5x0.2x1 meters, it has the capability to adjust in size to allow objects larger than its typical dimensions to pass through it, although its dimensions have never been recorded to be larger than 3.2x0.2x6 meters. If any force is applied to SCP-7177 that causes it to move in any way on either side of its portal effect, the corresponding manifestation of SCP-7177 will move at the same rate of the speed, and in the same manner, on the other side. This principle is true even if it causes SCP-7177 to make contact with an object, which will cause the anomaly to phase through the object in question. Despite SCP-7177 serving as a portal into an alternate dimension, the environmental conditions of SCP-7177-1 do not appear to affect standard reality. SCP-7177-1 is a dimension that is almost identical to the universe as it was on 01/23/2009, the first day that a human entered SCP-7177-1. The passage of time in SCP-7177-1 does not occur unless a human is present in the dimension. Humans do not naturally exist in SCP-7177-1, despite the man-made structures located within the anomaly. Anomalous objects, entities, and phenomena have never been recorded to exist within SCP-7177-1. Anomalous objects and entities that enter SCP-7177-1 from baseline reality demanifest when making contact with SCP-7177's speculum metal center. Anomalous phenomena occurring in baseline reality do not occur within SCP-7177-1, even when SCP-7177 is located within the effective range of an anomalous effect. Amnestics are not capable of function within SCP-7177-1. LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED Security Clearance Adequate: Access Authorized Addendum.7177.1: In order to utilize the anomalous effects of SCP-7177, Protocol O55-Bakersfield was developed on 05/23/2014. The following is a description of Protocol O55-Bakersfield. SCP-7177 is to be placed in the nearest large population center (as of the time of writing, SCP-7177 is located in Site-47, with the nearest appropriate population center being Bakersfield, California). All civilians and authorized Foundation personnel are to be invited to permanently reside in SCP-7177-1. Foundation elements within SCP-7177-1 are to initially organize the settlement of the anomaly's alternate version of Bakersfield, California. Foundation secrecy is to be maintained, and all Foundation activities during this time are to be publicly attributed to world governments and international institutions. Remaining Foundation resources within baseline reality are to continue current containment protocols, relocate civilians to SCP-7177-1, and combat anomalous elements. Personnel are to inhibit anomalous entities, objects, and phenomena to the best of their abilities from destroying human civilization in baseline reality. Protocol O55-Bakersfield is to be undergone only in the event of large-scale containment failure within the Foundation, and the subsequent failure of the Foundation to avert an XK End-of-the-World scenario. The cessation of Protocol O55-Bakersfield marks the end of Foundation efforts towards the preservation of humanity within baseline reality, and the beginning of Foundation efforts towards the building and preservation of human society within SCP-7177-1. Document created-7609 years ago
A Thief In The Night Calibold SCP-7178 — A Thief In The Night Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page Item #: SCP-7178 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Foundation personnel are to monitor emergency service lines for any calls regarding SCP-7178 sightings. Any confirmed reports are to be intercepted and fully investigated by personnel posing as law enforcement or first responders. Determination by Foundation administration over whether or not to fully contain SCP-7178 is ongoing. Description: SCP-7178 is a large humanoid entity of seemingly biomechanical construction. Most of its features seem to resemble those of a stereotypical goblin from European fantasy, featuring an elongated nose and ears. It wears a plain black cloak which reaches its ankles, leaving most of its body covered. SCP-7178 will occasionally appear late at night in the bedrooms and living quarters of children or anyone under the custody of their legal parents, so long as they are alone at the time1. Despite its appearance, it will regard its targets gently and comfortingly, often embracing and speaking quietly to them. During its manifestation, SCP-7178 will remove something from its target which is causing them harm or distress. This can include physical objects as well as concepts or afflictions. Addendum 7178.1: The following is a list of some of the first discovered SCP-7178 manifestations. A full list of incidents can be found in Incident Log 7178-A. Notes: First documented instance of SCP-7178, was reported to emergency services by the target's parents. Description: SCP-7178 manifested in the bedroom of James Found, a 6-year-old boy living in Little Rock, Arkansas. Found had recently been diagnosed with a potentially lethal brain tumor which had been causing him significant pain. According to him, SCP-7178 sat on the foot of his bed and complimented him on his bravery and optimism. They briefly conversed before SCP-7178 disappeared. Following the incident, Found's pain reportedly ended; later medical scans determined that his tumor had completely disappeared. Head Researcher Notes: While this is an undeniably kind act, I suggest further surveillance of SCP-7178 and the effects it has on the children; we know nothing about SCP-7178 or what it could do. — Dr. Abigail Regimen Notes: This incident marks the first visual recording of SCP-7178. Description: SCP-7178 manifested behind the curtains of the bedroom of Kenji Noda, a 13-year old boy in Tokyo, Japan. Noda's father had installed security cameras in his son's room, unbeknownst to him. SCP-7178 remained mostly obscured, though it seemed to be holding its head in a way suggesting that it was in pain; Noda could be seen curled up on his pillow, seemingly crying. While much too quiet to be discernible, SCP-7178 spoke to Noda for several minutes until he eventually fell asleep, at which time SCP-7178 escaped via the window. Later analysis of the footage shows that it has been placed on a loop, indicating that SCP-7178 had "stolen" the camera's recording ability. Head Researcher Notes: I'm not quite sure what's happening here, or what it's trying to help the kid with. — Dr. Abigail Regimen Description: SCP-7178 manifested in the hospital room of Olivia Vieira, an 11-year-old girl in Teresena, Brazil. Vieira had recently suffered a major accident which left her completely deaf. SCP-7178 apparently conversed with her by "speaking in [her] head," although she was unwilling to relay what it had said to her. Notably, she remembered seeing a "fuzzy gray box" floating near SCP-7178's head, a detail which remained consistent in future reports. Following the incident, Vieira's deafness had been completely healed. Head Researcher Notes: SCP-7178 seems to be genuinely attempting to help its targets, although I worry about it overstepping or causing more problems than it solves. — Dr. Abigail Regimen Description: SCP-7178 manifested in the bedroom of Sarah Jackson, a 16-year-old-girl in Dallas, Texas. She had recently suffered from injuries from unknown sources, though her friends suspected that they had been inflicted by her father, who had been apparently disapproving of her after she had come out as a transgender woman to him. SCP-7178 had entered the bedroom via her window; notably, despite her claims that she tried to converse with the entity, it did not respond to her. It instead simply placed a hand on her head before embracing her and fleeing through her bedroom window. Following this, she relayed the incident to her friends and became remarkably more outgoing and optimistic. She claimed to have no memories of any altercations with her father, who she says had suddenly become seemingly afraid of her. Head Researcher Notes: I strongly recommend we check on this kid and make sure he's okay, but I'm also concerned about SCP-7178's willingness to actually alter people's minds, especially if it misidentifies what it believes to be abuse. I have a son of my own and I know how teenagers can change and get into fights with parents, but it's not the same thing as abuse. — Dr. Abigail Regimen NOTICE: Head Researcher Abigail Regimen has been reported missing. Until she can be found, Assistant Researcher David Faust will be taking control of SCP-7178 research. Per protocol, her daughter will be temporarily placed into Foundation care until an eligible guardian can be found and notified. Addendum 7178.2: Recently, all reports of SCP-7178 have included a second entity, designated SCP-7178-1. SCP-7178-1 is a shadowy, indiscernible figure. It does not interact with or acknowledge any of the individuals SCP-7178 meets; instead, it follows SCP-7178 around, and although it makes no sound, its body language and behavior indicates that it is berating and yelling at SCP-7178. Occasionally, SCP-7178-1 will physically strike SCP-7178 . The cause of SCP-7178-1's sudden appearance and its behavior is unknown. Footnotes 1. Due to the circumstances of its manifestation, video or photographic evidence of SCP-7178 is sparse, though its effects following its manifestations remain undeniable. + More by Calibold + - More by Calibold - Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page — SCP Articles — SCP-7178 — A Thief In The Night SCP-7179 — E is for Eternity SCP-6469-D — A BABY????? SCP-2082 — Elephas cryophilus SCP-6156 — Oh, Doug! SCP-6579-D — The Detective Killer SCP-6900-D — The House of Stars SCP-5277 — What Can Go Wrong SCP-5363-D — Controlled Containment SCP-3482 — fine mayor posters campaign by dado SCP-5156 — monke Director Bold's Proposal-J — "Guys, please don't read our SCPs 🥺" SCP-2693 — Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Deep Dark Well SCP-5559-D — The Great Ambrose Bake-Off! SCP-3448-J — Should Have Taken Him Sleeping SCP-4456-D — No One Expects The Spanish Decommission! SCP-4745 — Spooky Scary Snowman SCP-4645 — Blackmailing Computer — Tales — OpusConfidant Wiki - SCP-4645 - Threatini Diary Of An Existential Kid Responsible Promotion Friends Of Us Never Die Truth Lies A Team You Can (Maybe) Trust Happy Father's Day Mission: Decommission A Bold Choice I Am Become Death Ulysses B. Donkman and the Heinous Hitman It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Eldritch (Sung to the tune of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas") Chapter One - The End — GoI Formats — Manifest 476: Vanishing Galleon The Book Of Mathisi, Chapter 1: The Parable Of The Three Princes LTE-8686-Yellow-Kewpie UIU File: 2001-023 — Other — Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Guide Decommissioning Department Hub Fortune Favors Decommissioning Dept. Theme Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Mega Cool Author Page Tool Ver. 1.4.0 Calibold's Mega Cool Alternate SCP Logos Page Calibold's Mega Cool Art Page (It's Mostly Just Icons, But Whatever, It's Still Mega Cool) — Co-Authored — Abraka David's Proposal — A Peak Behind the Curtain (feat. Ralliston, Placeholder McD, Guaire, Guezma, Jack Ike, Sherf, Yossipossi, Dr Balthazaar, Grigori Karpin, LORDXVNV, Lt Flops, Uncle Nicolini, Metaphysician) SCP-7400 — Your Honor, League of Legends (feat. Sherf) I, Hub (feat. many other authors) Resurrection: New Faces (feat. Grigori Karpin, Nagiros, and redredred) SCP-5545 — 𝙰 𝙱 𝙽 𝙾 𝚁 𝙼 𝙰 𝙻 𝙸 𝚃 𝚈 (feat. Yossipossi) SCP-194 — Thank You For Your Cooperation (feat. CityToast) — Foreign — Director Bold's Proposal — Language SCP-LA-II — Fruit
E is for Eternity Calibold SCP-7179 — E is for Eternity Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page SCP-7179. Item #: SCP-7179 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: As SCP-7179 is unable to be accessed or witnessed through non-anomalous means, containment is not required. Description: SCP-7179 refers to an unknown number of cubic extradimensional spaces, measuring approximately 10 km on each edge. Upon any human's death, their consciousness is transported to an instance of SCP-7179, where they will physically remanifest in the same state as they were upon death, except in perfect health. Based on limited observation and experimentation, there are no known cases of human death where the consciousness does not appear in an SCP-7179. Aside from insignificant differences between each of them, instances of SCP-7179 are functionally identical. Each space is an oceanic environment with a single tropical island in the center. The environment of the space remains at a consistent temperature: one which is of adequate comfort to the deceased individual. Furthermore, SCP-7179 instances never display stormy or otherwise violent weather, and the sun perpetually remains directly above the island, leaving it in eternal daytime. As there seems to be no natural wind in SCP-7179, there is no natural water activity either. Individuals attempting to leave an SCP-7179 instance simply end up on the opposite edge of the same space, with SCP-7179 acting as a functional omnilock. Additionally, the passage of time within SCP-7179 is highly inconsistent with that of baseline reality. Plant life in SCP-7179 bears several different species of edible, tropical fruits. Other fruits of unknown species are also present which are analogous to substances such as alcohol, methamphetamine, and cocaine. Animal life includes several varieties of tropical birds, butterflies, and a few instances of domestic pigs. On the coast of each island is a beach house which contains various amenities and furniture for sustainable living. Each house is home to up to three human beings of sexual preference to the inhabitant; these beings seemingly bear no will of their own and are completely loyal to the deceased, but are otherwise completely identical to normal humans. Injuries suffered by humans within SCP-7179 heal at a normal rate, although death is impossible; seemingly fatal injuries are thus recoverable, albeit quite painfully. Addendum 7179.1: The Department of Tactical Theology was able to fully observe an instance of SCP-7179 using the experimental Intelligent Soul Interface Construct, Dante.isic. The construct is memetic in nature and fuses with the consciousness via the noosphere, allowing data to be relayed back to the physical world.1 Dante.isic was covertly applied to Paul Hiddleston, a 34-year-old man diagnosed with untreatable brain cancer. Hiddleston perished shortly after the construct was applied, and his consciousness was transported to SCP-7179. [Arrival]: Hiddleston arrives on his instance of SCP-7179. He is standing next to a small beach house. Three women, appearing to be in their mid-twenties, walk out of the house to greet him. After gaining his composure and becoming accustomed to SCP-7179, Hiddleston finds himself comfortable and begins to engage in frequent pleasurable activities, such as eating, drinking, drug use, and sexual intercourse. [2 years]: Over time, Hiddleston starts to drink and partake in mind-altering fruits with much greater frequency, more than any other activities. [3 years]: Hiddleston starts neglecting to eat at all for considerable periods of time. He occasionally attempts to converse with the women on the island, but is frustrated by their lack of agency or individuality. [5 years]: Hiddleston ceases his former activities altogether, spending much of his time wandering SCP-7179. [6 years]: Hiddleston becomes panicked and attempts to leave SCP-7179, building a raft from one of the island's trees. Each time he reaches the edge of SCP-7179, he appears on the opposite side. After several attempts, Hiddleston collapses in despair for multiple days until he regains his composure and continues his prior activities. [7 years]: Hiddleston uses the wildlife and plant life on the island to begin pursuing culinary activities. He constructs basic farms and pens to keep and breed animals. His mental state improves as he continues to develop his skills. [18 years]: Hiddleston has become an expert in cooking, having both replicated dishes from memory and created new ones. He shows no signs of ceasing as he begins attempting to cross-breed various plants. [37 years]: Hiddleston continues his endeavors, though he begins to show signs of weariness and boredom. [81 years]: Hiddleston has once again regressed into a depressive state. He seeks out other ways to occupy his time and eventually begins studying construction. He starts building tools and equipment for building. [101 years]: After a great deal of trial and error, Hiddleston assembles his first house. He continues building. [287 years]: Through a constant maintaining of trees and frequent building projects, Hiddleston is able to cover the island with rudimentary structures. He then focuses his efforts towards maintaining and upgrading the structures until he has mastered their fortification. [416 years]: Hiddleston, through study, experimentation, and experience, has managed to fully fortify each structure into usable housing. He begins expanding his structures, adding extra stories and decor, as well as building various watercraft. [850 years]: Hiddleston's efforts slowly start winding down again as his ability to produce lumber and harvest natural resources reaches equilibrium with his construction expansion. He starts to tear down and rebuild structures in new ways, remixing them over centuries. [2,009 years]: Despite his frequent activity, Hiddleston shows worsening symptoms of depression and anxiety, and he starts to seriously consider the concept of endless life in SCP-7179. His mental state continues to degrade as he searches for ways to keep a sound mind. [5,478 years]: Hiddleston starts tearing through his structures without reason; the whole village is torn down after several months. He starts rebuilding again. [11,902 years]: Hiddleston attacks the three women, tearing their bodies apart. He shows symptoms of severe stress after doing so, and attempts but fails to take his own life by drowning himself. He continues to build over time, but intersperses his projects with bodily harm to himself. [19,600 years]: The three women are fully reassembled. By this point, Hiddleston has grown numb to the concept of violence, and begins bodily experimentation on them. [124,000 years]: Hiddleston builds a crude structure designed to crush him to death under the weight of several thousand tons of lumber and stone. Upon activation, it completely mangles and destroys his body. [900,000 years]: Hiddleston is fully healed. While the experience appears to have been unbearably painful for him, the stimulus allows him relief from the boredom. He repeats the process in multiple different fashions. [5,800,000 years]: Hiddleston burns himself alive. His body is fully reduced to ashes before the fire naturally dissipates. [16,000,000 years]: Hiddleston is fully healed. He makes many similar self-destructive attempts upon himself, but each time grows more numb to the experience. [1,200,000,000 years]: Hiddleston ceases to exhibit rationality as he struggles to find new stimuli as the millennia pass. … … [8,500,000,000 years]: Hiddleston tries to leave. He fails. … … … … [30,000,000,000 years]: Hiddleston looks towards the sun. It has not set. … … … … … … … … [1,000,000,000,000 years]: Hiddleston ceases physical activity, as no experience is able to provide him with new stimuli. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … [5x1028!2 years]: All potential permutations of particles within SCP-7179 have been theoretically reached. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … [10100! years]: One second of eternity has passed. Footnotes 1. The opposite, transferring data to the construct or the deceased, is not possible. 2. A number too large to ever represent in standard notation. + More by Calibold + - More by Calibold - Calibold's Mega Cool Author Page — SCP Articles — SCP-7178 — A Thief In The Night SCP-7179 — E is for Eternity SCP-6469-D — A BABY????? SCP-2082 — Elephas cryophilus SCP-6156 — Oh, Doug! SCP-6579-D — The Detective Killer SCP-6900-D — The House of Stars SCP-5277 — What Can Go Wrong SCP-5363-D — Controlled Containment SCP-3482 — fine mayor posters campaign by dado SCP-5156 — monke Director Bold's Proposal-J — "Guys, please don't read our SCPs 🥺" SCP-2693 — Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Well, Fell Into The Deep Dark Well SCP-5559-D — The Great Ambrose Bake-Off! SCP-3448-J — Should Have Taken Him Sleeping SCP-4456-D — No One Expects The Spanish Decommission! SCP-4745 — Spooky Scary Snowman SCP-4645 — Blackmailing Computer — Tales — OpusConfidant Wiki - SCP-4645 - Threatini Diary Of An Existential Kid Responsible Promotion Friends Of Us Never Die Truth Lies A Team You Can (Maybe) Trust Happy Father's Day Mission: Decommission A Bold Choice I Am Become Death Ulysses B. Donkman and the Heinous Hitman It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Eldritch (Sung to the tune of "It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas") Chapter One - The End — GoI Formats — Manifest 476: Vanishing Galleon The Book Of Mathisi, Chapter 1: The Parable Of The Three Princes LTE-8686-Yellow-Kewpie UIU File: 2001-023 — Other — Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Guide Decommissioning Department Hub Fortune Favors Decommissioning Dept. Theme Mega Cool Customizable ACS Add-On Ver. 1.8.0 Mega Cool Author Page Tool Ver. 1.4.0 Calibold's Mega Cool Alternate SCP Logos Page Calibold's Mega Cool Art Page (It's Mostly Just Icons, But Whatever, It's Still Mega Cool) — Co-Authored — Abraka David's Proposal — A Peak Behind the Curtain (feat. Ralliston, Placeholder McD, Guaire, Guezma, Jack Ike, Sherf, Yossipossi, Dr Balthazaar, Grigori Karpin, LORDXVNV, Lt Flops, Uncle Nicolini, Metaphysician) SCP-7400 — Your Honor, League of Legends (feat. Sherf) I, Hub (feat. many other authors) Resurrection: New Faces (feat. Grigori Karpin, Nagiros, and redredred) SCP-5545 — 𝙰 𝙱 𝙽 𝙾 𝚁 𝙼 𝙰 𝙻 𝙸 𝚃 𝚈 (feat. Yossipossi) SCP-194 — Thank You For Your Cooperation (feat. CityToast) — Foreign — Director Bold's Proposal — Language SCP-LA-II — Fruit D is for "Dermatology" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub F is for "Fallout" « SCP-7178 | SCP-7179 | SCP-7180 »
$ SCiPview login -u okay2 •••••••••• Mod:OLYMPIA.EXE requires legacy mode. Latest compatible document: 2001-02-25 Load INTERV01.TSV .. modified 1982-01-21 Load PROCLIST.TSV .. ENOENT_ ITEM #: SCP-7180 LEVEL-  CONTAINMENT CLASS: EUCLID DISRUPTION CLASS: (4) EKHI ITEM: SCP-7180 LEVEL-  CONTAINMENT CLASS: EUCLID DISRUPTION CLASS: (4) EKHI On April 13–14 1957, SCP-7180 manifested for 36 hours in ████, Switzerland, resulting in at least 287 fatalities. The only known survivor of the event was a child recovered during Exploration 7180-1, "Subject O". Special Containment Procedures: Promote usage of the word "OK" and other Effective Graphemes in written and spoken communication, worldwide, to convey sentiments of affirmation, security and good health. Appoint consultants with influence in the fields of vernacular language, mass media, graphic design and writing standards. + show block OK OLYMPIA.EXE (INTERV01.TSV) Subject O: After considering your request, we have granted you permission to review this document. We hope this will motivate you to comply with our instructions. disregard Special Containment Procedures. Proceed to Description section (scroll down). Under Antimemetics Division Initiative "Everything is OK", any and all Foundation Staff and consultants are invited to propose containment strategies to the office of Dr. Kay. Accepted proposals may be compensated with two weeks paid leave. Active projects include: (See Addenda 1 and 3 for details) (1996–) Advance text message technology in cellular phones (1990–) Discourage use of cursive writing in Generation Y (1981–) Promote "OK" as keyword in computer interfaces (1962–) Endorse "OK" in journalistic style guides (1958–) Maintain "OK" as radio codeword (1940–) Bankroll productions of "Oklahoma!" by Rodgers and Hammerstein Effective Graphemes in Practice SCP-7180 is contained by frequent written usage of Effective Graphemes within a population center. Active containment measures promote the following "pervasive set": Jia's Heuristic Classification, Rev.4. 1. Converges 3–4 lines near a closed form. 2. Affirms a subject of value to the reader. 3. Is visually perceived or visualized. 4. Is a prefix or stand-alone word. Grapheme System Connotations OK — okay English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, +13 more Affirmation, Security, Health 好 Hanzi Good, Kind, Right ठीक Hindi Just, Correct, Normal نعم Arabic "Yes" সত্য1 Bengali True хорошо Russian Good 예 Hangul "Yes" ☥2 Egyptian Hieroglyph Life Containment personnel must read or write Effective Graphemes at least hourly while working. If this is not feasible, personnel shall undergo training to visualize spoken Graphemes. Yes, the other folks here will poke fun at you — take it with pride. If no one takes our work seriously, that means we're doing a good job. — Dr. O. Kay Description: SCP-7180 is a pandemic antimeme3 which rapidly erases human procedural memory and most forms of recorded information during "Manifestation Events". Containment procedures are largely self-sustaining and appear to be effective in halting SCP-7180 activity worldwide. Total containment renders SCP-7180 difficult to study; most research is based on a single Manifestation Event in April 1957. Individuals affected by SCP-7180 permanently cease all voluntary activity. Victims will no longer seek food, water, comfort, warmth or breathable air. Attempts to develop a deployable method of rehabilitation were unsuccessful (see Procedure 7180-Olympia). Consequently, the Ethics Committee has determined that this condition is comparable to brain death; subjects encountered in this state are to be summarily euthanized by lethal injection. + show block OK OLYMPIA.EXE (INTERV01.TSV) Read the complete text of this Description section. Afterwards, check feelings. Iff you are experiencing anxiety, :alert assistant Kay. SCP-7180 is believed to spread through written information and/or representative imagery. The severity and range of its effects appear to increase in proportion to net volume and distance of information exchange; with the advent of the World Wide Web, a breach of containment is hypothesized to pose an OK-Class "Terminal Ambivalence" Scenario. Recorded information in a Manifestation Event Zone will rapidly deteriorate in legibility, according to physical processes which parallel the method of recording.4 All primary sources attesting Manifestation Events prior to 1957 are presumed lost, along with most other pertinent records. Documentation recovered from an archive in Oklahoma City, OK suggests containment activities have been in effect for at least 160 years. + Addendum 1: Record of Containment Activities Prior to 1957 The design and promotion of "OK" and other Effective Graphemes predate Foundation efforts, with evidence of containment activities independently practiced by a number of organizations in the 19th and 20th centuries. The lack of primary sources attesting these activities has led to speculation that SCP-7180 may be sentient and capable of conducting targeted attacks on information related to its containment. SCP-7180 was originally contained by unknown actors in the mid-to-late 1800s. Despite early Foundation involvement, Grapheme deficiency set in by 1925. This record is incomplete. Foundation staff and consultants are encouraged to submit any suspected evidence of historical containment activity to the office of Dr. Kay. Origin Unknown, 03/1839 Activity The Boston Morning Post prints a satirical article proposing the misspelled abbreviation "o.k." signifying "All Correct" or "Oll Korrect". Status Effective Notes The joke is adopted into upper-class vernacular in certain locales of the Eastern U.S.A. Connotations Affirmation, Stupidity. + show block OK OLYMPIA.EXE (INTERV01.TSV) We are trying to discover who contained SCP-7180 first. Why do you imagine they used a joke? (:answer now) Origin Unknown, 06/1840 Activity Campaign officials for Martin Van Buren's re-election run adopt the nickname "Old Kinderhook", printing "Vote for OK" and forming an "OK Club" for supporters. Status Effective (Historical) Notes Substantial increase in references to "OK" during and after the campaign. Negative connotations are noted among Van Buren's opponents during the campaign: "out of kash", "out of kharacter", "orrfully konfused", "oll kwarrelling". References to "Oll Korrect" also increased substantially in prevalence. Connotations Affirmation, Experience, Incompetence, Corruption. Origin Unknown, 01/1849 Activity The Magnetic Telegraph Company institutes "OK" as an acknowledgement signal on both private and government lines. Status Effective Notes The signal became a de facto standard in the telegraphy. Connotations Affirmation, Retention. To prevent all doubt of the reception of messages, no message will be regarded as received by the office to which it has been transmitted until the signal "O.K." has been received acknowledging its reception. — Magnetic Telegraph Company, January 1849 Origin Unknown, 10/1881 Activity A gunfight involving several well-known outlaws in Tombstone, AZ is popularized by the name "Shootout at the O.K. Corral", despite occurring some six blocks away. Status Partially Effective Notes Extremely widespread media attention and subsequent fictionalized accounts in literature, radio and film further accelerated the spread of the Effective Grapheme. Connotations Law, Violence, Valor. + show block OK OLYMPIA.EXE (INTERV01.TSV) Remember what happens if we don't contain SCP-7180. The more we know, the safer we will be. What do you remember about SCP-7180? (:answer now) A significant lapse in containment activities is noted between 1880–1939. Personnel debriefings suggest Special Containment Procedures for SCP-7180 were in effect as early as July of 1920, but no written records exist to support this claim. Records prior to April 1957 are fragmentary, but suggest a limited understanding of containment principles. Origin Unknown, SCP Foundation, 09/1940 Proposal Persuade Coca-Cola Corporation to adopt the vernacular spelling "Coke" for their popular brand. Status Ineffective Notes After months of lobbying by an embedded agent, Coca-Cola Co. marketing initiated a campaign acknowledging the alternative spelling. However, "Coke" is no longer classified as an Effective Grapheme. Connotations Relaxation, Sweet, Leisure Time. (ineffective) Origin Unknown, SCP Foundation, 11/1940 Proposal Produce a musical drama about the state of Oklahoma, prominently featuring the state's abbreviation, "OK!" Status Effective (Ongoing) Notes Funding was provided through a Foundation front company and memetic agents were introduced to enhance memorability and emotional response. The musical was extremely successful, running from 1941 through 1948. Connotations Love, Vigor, Independence. (partially effective) + Addendum 2: Exploration Log 7180-1 Dr. Jia, control team and D-Class dispatched to a commune in the Swiss alps to investigate an Unexplained Event, later identified as SCP-7180 Manifestation. A previous attempt at exploration resulted in total loss of field agents, control team and exploration logs. Exploration conducted by: D-4041, D-5172, D-2300, D-1808, D-0991, D-1728, 04/14/1957 Additional Information: D-Class personnel will conduct the mission independently, with no real-time radio contact to base or one another. Audio will be recorded continuously from insertion through extraction. [BEGIN LOG] The helicopter can be heard in the background. 00:00 D-4041: D-4041, OK, signing on. I am exiting the vehicle at the insertion point. What? [INAUDIBLE] If I [INAUDIBLE] flare gun. 00:00 D-4041: Good to go. 00:02 D-4041: Heading north from the insertion point. 00:08 D-4041: OK here, there's a road consistent with the charts. Looks unmaintained. 00:09 D-4041: The signs don't make sense. I'll just keep following it. 00:09 D-4041: They're all blank, or [INAUDIBLE] dialect. I didn't think Esperanto *had* dialects. 00:11 D-4041: Yeah, it's not a dialect. 00:15 D-4041: Here we have a, uh, red octagonal sign. Doesn't say… Doesn't say "Halt" like the one we passed on the way in. It says… uh, well. These aren't quite letters. 00:23 D-4041: OK here, all the signs are just blank now I'm further in. 00:33 D-4041: Road is actually in fair condition, considering the locale. Lane lines are faded or gone, though. Like the paint was cheap. Audible tape hiss grows steadily until 00:45 then subsides. D-4041 can be heard making a few remarks at 00:38 and 00:51, but is unintelligible. 01:08 D-4041: OK here, I've got a building. Small structure. Looks like… 01:09 D-4041: It's a roadside booth with a faded green flag and some signage. Mostly blank. 01:12 D-4041: I've got a workspace in the building. Lots of what might be brochures, documents, dictionaries… But all blank. Or just vague colors. There's a battery-operated radio, but it's dead. 01:13 D-4041: Whoever was here left their lunch half-eaten and their coat on the hook. 01:14 D-4041: Not much more to see here. Everything's erased or wasn't there in the first place. OK, moving on. + show block OK OLYMPIA.EXE (INTERV01.TSV) Try to remember. 01:18 D-4041: Three weeks learning this bullshit language and the only thing to read around here is a stop sign. Tape hiss audible at 01:23, growing in intensity. 01:29 D-4041: Unlabeled soda cans, stale food [INAUDIBLE] blank paper. [INAUDIBLE] leave it here. Tape hiss peaks at 01:37 and begins to subside. Inaudible remarks at 01:34. 01:45 D-4041: [INAUDIBLE] been walking? Can't read my watch. 01:47 D-4041: [INAUDIBLE] bad feeling. 02:00 D-4041: OK here, I'm coming up on the perimeter, and I've got a body. 02:02 D-4041: I've looked him over twice and there's no sign of injury. Fella looks like he was drunk — coat's half off, froze to death in the snow if I had to guess. But here? Ten steps from the front door? 02:05 D-4041: Wallet with blank cards… Blank money? Hot damn, why didn't you send me here sooner, Doc? I'm never… 02:05 D-4041: …Never coming back. 02:08 D-4041: Another one. No wounds. No writing. 02:09 D-4041: More around here. I… I'm not sure I need to look at them. 02:10 D-4041: OK here, this is getting to me. This stuff better not still be in the air. At 02:12, Kay can be heard tearing cloth and swearing. 02:13 D-4041: OK here, I'm going into the central facility. Keeping an eye out for… Oh. 02:14 D-4041: The dossier is blank now. Or, uh, getting there. Good thing I read it twice. + show block OK OLYMPIA.EXE (INTERV01.TSV) shut eyes for a moment. breathe. Please check feelings now. Iff you are experiencing anxiety, :alert assistant Kay. 02:19 D-4041: Oh my God. This one's still alive. 02:20 D-4041: Hey, kiddo. I'm OK. How are you? 02:20 D-4041: This is awful. 02:21 D-4041: Subject is approximately six years old. She– I think she's brain damaged. She's awake but can't talk, isn't moving, isn't breathing right. Didn't know there were going to be kids here. 02:23 D-4041: You're going to be OK. You and me. Up you go. 02:23: D-4041 grunts. Interference renders the recording largely inaudible for 33 minutes, save for the following remarks. 02:30 D-4041: [INAUDIBLE] going to be OK. 02:39 D-4041: Stay with me, OK. 02:43 D-4041: [INAUDIBLE] be OK, little [INAUDIBLE]. 02:55: Interference abruptly ceases. 02:55 D-4041: –fully legible and undamaged in the back corner of the library and the archive room. 02:56 D-4041: Hey. 02:57 D-4041: Hey, missy, you awake? 02:57 D-4041: Stay with me, OK. Can you blink again? 02:58 D-4041: (unintelligible singing for several minutes) 03:05 D-4041: She's in really bad shape. 03:08 D-4041: Exploration Log: This is D-4041… Ostara Kay. I'm giving up. I did not locate the targets. I am retreating from the zone early in defiance of my orders. If I make it back, I accept the consequences of my actions. + show block OK OLYMPIA.EXE (INTERV01.TSV) Try to remember April 14, 1957. What did you experience? (:answer now) 03:12 D-4041: It's the end for me, one way or the other. 03:12 D-4041: But do what you can for the girl. 03:56 D-4041: OK here, [INAUDIBLE]. 04:31 D-4041: [INAUDIBLE] going to be OK. 05:22 D-4041: We'll both be OK. [END LOG] Additional Notes: D-4041 fired a signal flare and was located at the extraction point attending to a child affected by SCP-7180. All other personnel dispatched into the Manifestation Event Zone failed to return. At the request of Dr. Jia, D-4041 "Ostara Kay" was granted clemency for disregarding orders and re-assigned to SCP-7180 containment to serve as a test subject and assistant. The child was retained as a test subject. +Addendum 3: Record of Containment Projects after 1957 Following the events of Exploration 7180-2, Antimemetics Division Initiative "Everything is OK" was proposed by Dr. Jia and Ostara Kay, with an emphasis on cost-effective containment. Critical Grapheme deficiency in 1950–1962, responsible for the 1957 incident and suspected cause of other Unexplained Events during this time, was alleviated fully by 1971. Proposals for new projects may be submitted to the office of Dr. Kay. Source Dr. Jia, 05/1957 Proposal Introduce Effective Graphemes into Esperanto. Status Effective (Self-Sustaining) Notes Influential Esperantists consulted to develop and promote "okej" loanword. Concluded in 1975. Connotations Affirmation, Security, Health Source Foundation Ethics Committee, 05/1957 Proposal Determine viability of rehabilitating individuals affected by SCP-7180. Status Suspended Notes Experimental development of Procedure 7180-Olympia commenced in June 1957, concluding in April 1985 with a proof of concept. Project suspended indefinitely due to prohibitive expense and lack of test subjects. Connotations n/a Source Research Assistant Ostara Kay, 02/1958 Proposal Embedded Foundation consultants to begin using the phrase "A-OK" on radio, displacing "affirmative", "all clear" and "good to go" and citing heightened intelligibility. Targets to include military, industrial, aviation, seafaring and amateur sectors. Status Effective (Self-Sustaining) Notes Cleared for memetic enhancement. Phrase became popular in military and transportation sectors, notably crossing language barriers in South Asia. Phrase received major public exposure beginning with broadcasts from NASA Project Mercury and the televised moon landing. Connotations Affirmation, Acknowledgement, Safety. (fully effective) 102:45:40 Aldrin: “Contact Light.” 102:45:43 Armstrong: “Shutdown”. 102:45:44 Aldrin: “Okay. Engine Stop.” — First words publicly broadcast from the Lunar surface, July 1969 + show block do it OLYMPIA.EXE (INTERV01.TSV) We need to know what you remember. You can change everything. Source Agent L. Tesler, 06/1981 Proposal Infiltrate personal computer corporations and introduce "OK" into graphical user interfaces as a contingency in case of widespread adoption. Status Effective (Active, Self-Sustaining) Notes Most successful initiative to date. Agent Tesler infiltrated Apple Computer Corporation and staged a customer complaint in order to replace "do it" with "OK" in the graphical user interface. This design idiom subsequently became an industry standard, requiring only minimal intervention to maintain as of 2001. Connotations Affirmation, Acknowledgement, Well-Functioning. (fully effective) Remember this story. Command thought Tesler was out of order with this proposal, but it wound up being our best insurance plan against the information age. — O.Kay Source Site Janitor Joseph Greeley, 08/1990 Proposal Gradually eliminate cursive writing among youth in the USA and Europe. Mitigate popularity of script fonts and handwritten communications. Encourage use of typewriters, pagers and personal computers. Tactics to focus on manipulating requirements in public education. Status Effective (Ongoing Effort) Notes Efforts are ongoing but extremely successful so far. Drastic reduction in ability to read and write cursive achieved over a 10-year period, aided by expansion of personal computing and PDA technology. Connotations n/a Source Consultant J. Zoltan, 12/1992 Proposal Persuade a major soft drink corporation to market an "OK"-branded soft drink to Generation X, with slogan "Everything is going to be OK." Status Ineffective Notes Consultant succeeded in persuading Coca-Cola Co. to design and aggressively promote the product with a nationwide campaign, but results were poor and the product did not advance beyond test marketing. Connotations Security, Sweet, Leisure Time The soda project was a tough lesson for all of us. Going all-in on the perfect plan can be seductive, but launching large numbers of cheap experiments has proven much more reliable. — O.Kay + show block OK OLYMPIA.EXE ERROR: Reached end of INTERV01.TSV. stop reading now. alert Assistant Kay. Source Dr. Olympia Kay, 02/1994 Proposal Mount an opposition campaign against noted linguist ████ ███████ who has promoted the phrase "█████ ████" as a preferable alternative to "OK". Status Completed Notes Public operations unsuccessful. Subject refused position as consultant. Following amnesticization and neuro-linguistic programming, Subject retracted previous statements and began promoting Effective Graphemes. Connotations n/a + Addendum 4: [LEVEL-4 CLEARANCE REQUIRED] – Addendum 4: [LEVEL-4 CLEARANCE REQUIRED] BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL The following file is Level 4/7180 Classified Unauthorized access is forbidden. 7180 Experimental Rehabilitative Procedure 7180-Olympia Final Report from Dr. X. Jia April 14, 1985 - - - - - - - - - - - - I prefer to let our work speak for itself. — Xie Jia - - - - - - - - - - - - Members of the O5 Council — I am Subject O. My caretakers call me "Olympia". After 25 years, I am learning to write. I am disappointed in your choice to halt this project. However, I have the Foundation to thank for my sentience. Therefore, I have requested to report my experiences to you directly. I was non-verbal for twelve years following the discovery of my body in the Alps by Ostara Kay. I'm only able to share my thoughts with you now thanks to the efforts of Ms. Kay, Dr. Jia, countless researchers, therapists, psychiatrists… and one very patient custodian. I have the memories of a little girl named "Kupra". I remember the sound of her voice, her parents, and the things she liked to eat. I know everything about her. To this day, I understand Esperanto perfectly but can't speak it. I don't want to learn, OK? Whenever I hear it, I remember what she felt like as she died. '' Sed kelkfoje ni devas memori. '' (But sometimes we have to remember.) My therapist told me about phantom limb syndrome. You reach for something, but there's no hand. You can still feel the hand that is not there. One day, Kupra's reach was not there. The spoon was on the table, but it was… impossible. And, in a matter of hours, everything else was too. Forgetting how to speak, how to move, how to even take deep breath… It was agony. Nobody knew how to help her. They were all going through it too, losing one piece at a time. She could see, she could know, but she couldn't remember how to do anything. Before she forgot how to yell, she cried for her father. He wanted to help, wanted to see if she was OK, but had forgotten how to walk. The man just collapsed on the floor. Somehow he could still reach — I remember his bloody elbows. Kupra thought she could get away from whatever was doing it. All those people yelling. She decided to run, and run, until her legs wouldn't listen any more. Kupra ended up… someplace warm. She got lucky, because the heat went out after that and it was April. She spent hours trying to move: left arm from under her, where she'd fallen on it. She could hear people around her, trying to do anything. Then she forgot how to watch, how to listen, how to focus. Finally, she forgot how to panic about any of it. That was the last piece left. She died. Things calmed down after that. Her body, the thing that was left over… It couldn't look, but it could see — like if you left a camera running. It couldn't think, but it remembered things, and it could put those together so they made sense. It laid in the silence until there was nothing else to see, or hear, and it sensed something… Unfamiliar. It was the only intention left. It brought back memories of the adults in that place, before they all died… They would talk about the water and the electricity and the books and… getting old. They were always checking if the kids were OK. Then you sent Mom Ms. Kay up there, and she found that body still breathing, and the SCP Foundation started to work on it and figured out how to give it new procedures. I remember the whole process… I watched as they programmed me like a computer. I listened as my mind began to think again. I felt this unbelievable joy when I learned how to move my hands, but I didn't know how to cry until much later. All this time, I've been watching my life. But not just my milestones. I've been feeling for the thing that killed Kupra and her parents. For a long time, it wasn't there. Then, word came that you were shutting this project down. Everyone around here, everyone who has helped me come back to life. Miss Kay… I saw them and I felt it again and I knew. It was worry that killed Kupra and the others. Dread. It breached containment. It's a feeling you don't learn until you grow up. A sense that the worst thing imaginable is starting to happen. It gets into you and then it's always there, coiled against your throat like a ring of needles. The adults all had it. I mean, everyone has it. But back on that mountain, they didn't feed it right. It got hungry, and then it woke up, and it broke out into the air. Now that I can think, now that I contain worry, I am sure. Everyone in the Foundation is somewhere between worry and despair. Every time we say "I'm OK", "Are you OK?", "Everything will be OK"… we're checking on our worry, or somebody else's. Making little concessions to dread, acknowledging it: that's what it feeds on. I wrote my first poem and Mom Ms. Kay says I should put it in here even though it isn't protocol. | '' OK's the cure but it's the disease. | We feed it, sure, but we put it at ease. '' I'm not sure I can ever forgive you, but I believe in our Procedures. For the rest of my life, I'll be doing whatever I can to make sure we keep feeding SCP-7180. — O. Kay (the younger) Following the cessation of research into Procedure 7180-Olympia, Dr. Jia proposed disposal measures for Subject O: Assistant Ostara Kay assumed legal guardianship of Subject O "Olympia Kay" in June 1985 and has committed to keep a record of her home schooling. + Addendum 5: Incident 7180-17 Dr. Jia has been diagnosed with rapid-onset Alzheimer's disease after attending a symposium in May 1994. Investigation into a possible Manifestation Event or brain injury was inconclusive. By order of Antimemetics Division Director █████ ████, Dr. Olympia Kay has been appointed as acting project lead until further notice. Personnel traveling abroad are instructed to write "Everything will be OK" in a journal once every eight hours. Footnotes 1. Apparently effective despite lacking a closed form. 2. This symbol is included for its significance in popular culture. 3. Human beings carry and transmit SCP-7180, but it is undetectable in its latent state; it is believed to be latent in all locations populated in excess of 50 persons per square kilometer. 4. Anecdotally, paint and ink have been observed to liquefy and spread. Electronic media depolarize or demagnetize. Engraved materials erode and split. (thanks for feedback: grigorikarpin, ThatDudeOverThere, marinemashup, jaykillbam, tstaffor, AstersQuill, RVX + others) « SCP-7179 | SCP-7180 | SCP-7181 »
One of several corridors in SCP-7184's complex. Footage captured by Dr. Yee. Item #: SCP-7184 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The Catherine Rutledge Memorial Community Center has been shuttered and blocked from civilian access. Efforts toward the location and containment of SCP-7184 are under the purview of HMCL supervisor Dr. Darrell Yee. Description: SCP-7184 is a hostile entity inhabiting the basement complex of the now-abandoned Catherine Rutledge Memorial Community Center in Bluestone, Arkansas. Although details are sparse, incident reports indicate SCP-7184 possesses abnormal strength, speed, and intelligence. Other inferred traits include a decreased need for nourishment and an aversion to sunlight. SCP-7184 has been linked to twenty disappearances in and around the community center. Foundation investigators forcibly closed the building after local reports of the anomaly circulated, and Dr. Yee was assigned to lead containment efforts. On 12/13/2022, Dr. Yee and an armed task force entered the basement complex to ascertain the scale of the anomaly's environment. Read the addendum below for recovered footage from the containment expedition. Addendum 7184-1: Interview Date: 01/02/2023 Interviewee: Dr. Darrell Yee Interviewer: Unknown [BEGIN] [Dr. Yee dimly illuminates the corridor before him with a small flashlight. He shambles forward; he braces himself against the brick walls as he limps. A sloshing sound accompanies every step. He takes shallow breaths, cold air puffing from his mouth. The corridor is silent save for a soft dripping.] [Dr. Yee moves forward continuously, coughing and sneezing at intervals, until about five minutes into the footage. At this point, Dr. Yee leans onto the right wall with his flashlight-holding hand. The wall crumbles partially. Dr. Yee crashes onto the ground as he drops his flashlight; the tool splashes into the shallow water. He scrambles for the flashlight and struggles to curl his fingers around the torch. The flashlight flickers.] Unknown: What have you found? [Dr. Yee screams and looks back. A hulking humanoid figure stands in the corridor: its swollen hands and feet resemble those of humans. It leans a hand on each wall. Its body and face are obscured in shadow.] Dr. Yee: I-I… y-you… [Dr. Yee stammers nonsensically as he crawls backward.] Unknown: I said… [The figure rapidly approaches Dr. Yee, loudly scratching its nails on the walls.] Unknown: What have you found? Dr. Yee: N-nothing! I've found nothing! Unknown: You've found nothing? [Dr. Yee breathes rapidly, gazing up at the humanoid.] Unknown: What is my name? Dr. Yee: Y-you're SCP-7184. [The figure crouches down and scrapes its fingers along the floor. Its body and face are still obscured.] Unknown: Am I SCP-7184? Or does SCP-7184 still stalk these halls? And you have found nothing? Dr. Yee: Nothing! I promise, there's nothing! [The figure stands back up.] Unknown: Can you turn the flashlight off? Dr. Yee: No! I won't- Unknown: Can you turn the flashlight off? [Dr. Yee stares at the flashlight before flicking the power button.] Unknown: What do you see? Dr. Yee: … I see nothing Unknown: Do you see nothing, or can you not see? If you cannot see, who can say if there is nothing? Dr. Yee: I can't even feel my thumbs! I don't even know how many days I've spent down here! If you want to find SCP-7184, find someone else! Unknown: … do you know why I need you? [Sounds of scratching and cracking.] Unknown: … because there is a monster down here, Darrell. And I know only one person who will ignore his colleagues' warnings and brave the dark to find it. Do you know who that is? [The flashlight flicks on. The camera perspective has changed: Dr. Yee lies on the ground in the distance. The fingers on his right hand have been cleanly cut off. Blood begins dripping onto his torn, wet clothes. A light shines onto his face.] Unknown: It's you! [Dr. Yee struggles to pick himself up and runs into the distance. The camera stays fixed on the darkness long after Dr. Yee has escaped from view.] [END] Containment efforts led by Dr. Yee are still ongoing.
View of SCP-7186 from research outpost Item #: SCP-7186 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Due to its size and location, direct containment of SCP-7186 is untenable at the current time, feasibility of containment is to be reassessed in future under the direction of Dr. Juliet Grey. The area around SCP-7186's initial discovery site is to be fenced off under the guise of a mining related chemical spill. Indirect containment is to be maintained through the dissemination of a variety of cover stories. Foundation webcrawler Metatron.IO is to monitor forums and conferences related to geology, volcanology and oceanography for references to, and discussions of, SCP-7186. Individuals arguing against currently disseminated cover stories are to be covertly administered Class-C amnestics, with current cover stories implanted over the individual's pre-existing hypotheses regarding SCP-7186. Update 19/03/2026: Previously amnesticised individuals who continue to be flagged by Metatron.IO for discussions surrounding SCP-7186 are to be brought in for questioning at the discretion of Dr. Juliet Grey. Description: SCP-7186 is a 14.3km3 deposit of obsidian, roughly 200 km northwest of the town of Coober Pedy, South Australia. Initial testing revealed the obsidian to be non-anomalous, however either the apparent age or location of the anomaly should be impossible within currently accepted geological models. The surrounding rock is cretaceous in origin, and the brittle, amorphous obsidian should not be capable of surviving the millions of years of energetic subduction the Australian tectonic plate has experienced since its formation. If the obsidian is not as old as the surrounding rock, no known mechanism would explain its presence over 1500km from the nearest known volcanically active region. Discovery: SCP-7186 was first uncovered by opal miners in central South Australia in late April 2023, who reported the unusual find to Geoscience Australia. Subsequent gravity surveys by Geoscience Australia established the extent of the anomalous deposit, at which point the Foundation was alerted to the existence of the anomaly by an embedded agent. Despite Foundation efforts to confiscate the initial surveys and amnesticise those involved in their production, several copies of the surveys had been sent to an unknown number of individuals. It was decided that the extensive operations required to retrieve the copies were an unnecessary expense, given the low disruption risk posed by the anomaly, and the current containment procedures were implemented instead. A temporary research outpost was established close to the initial site of discovery under the purview of Site-220. Researcher Dr. Juliet Grey was identified as the highest ranked Foundation geologist currently assigned to a site located within Australia, and was subsequently designated as the Head Researcher for SCP-7186. Addendum 1: On 13/3/2024 the first paper written by the SCP-7186 research team was published through the Foundation front organisation Sediment and Crystallisation Periodical serving as the initial cover story for SCP-7186. The abstract of the paper is included below. The Great Victoria Desert Gravity Anomaly (27° 22': 131° 27')1 is a recently identified region in the South-Eastern Great Victoria Desert, in the general vicinity of Coober Pedy, SA. Identification of the material represented by the GVD Gravity Anomaly is complicated by the presence of an industrial mining accident in the region. Material at the anomaly is distinct from the surrounding granite, as evidenced by available gravity surveys of the area. Based on known data surrounding the Great Victoria Desert's paleogeology, the material represented by the anomaly is most likely an intrusive, felsic, igneous rock, with the probability that it is granitic being high. The exact proportion of orthoclase and plagioclase feldspars present within the material cannot be determined at this time, however we hypothesise that they are approximately equal. The specific gravity recorded suggests a finer grained porphyritic rock makes up the majority of the material represented by the anomaly. The anomaly most likely represents a previously unidentified deposit of quartz monzonite that formed from an intrusion with a lower silica density than the surrounding regions. Addendum 2: Following the publication of the paper mentioned in Addendum 1, an email exchange occurred between Dr. Grey and Site-220 Director Alex Anderson, recorded below. From: grey.juliet@220.scp.int To: anderson.alex@220.scp.int Subject: Not good enough Date: 17/3/2024 There's no way this cover story holds up. My team have done the best job they possibly can, but most of them aren't even geologists; anything we can come up with is going to get torn to pieces by anyone with even a shred of professional credibility. You need to allocate more personnel to the project, preferably personnel with actual schooling in the field we're researching. Dr. Juliet V Grey Phd. Researcher From: anderson.alex@220.scp.int To: grey.juliet@220.scp.int Subject: Re: Not good enough Date: 18/3/2024 Dr. Grey, As I told you the last time you requested an increase in funding, it is the opinion of my own office, and of the Overwatch Council, that the SCP-7186 project is receiving adequate funding and resources for the level of threat a breach poses to the integrity of the veil. Dr. Alex A Anderson Director, Site-220 From: grey.juliet@220.scp.int To: anderson.alex@220.scp.int Subject: Re: Re: Not good enough Date: 18/3/2024 As I told you last time you gave me the same canned response, the Overwatch Council is wrong. They think that, because this isn't some big, stupid murder-monster, it isn't a danger to the veil- and that line of thinking is inexcusably wrong. Once word starts getting around about this thing, and it will, I can promise you that, it's going to be the most significant geological discovery in decades. We lack the manpower to build a genuinely convincing cover story, and if we can't do that then we're just drawing further attention to it. Maybe we would have better luck covering this thing up if we actually knew what it was. Let me hire some real geologists so I can let my team do their jobs. Dr. Juliet V Grey Phd. Researcher From: anderson.alex@220.scp.int To: grey.juliet@220.scp.int Subject: Re: Re: Re: Not good enough Date: 20/3/2024 Dr. Grey, Your complaints about staffing have been noted and will be passed along to Administration and Oversight. It has been brought to my attention that the most recent addition to the SCP-7186 research team has adequate qualifications for the task you have been given. You are to ensure knowledge of the anomaly remains exclusively within the hands of Foundation personnel with the resources that have been made available. If you believe the current cover story is insufficient, it is the opinion of this office that your team begin work on a new cover story. Work with what you have Dr. Grey. I can't give you any more. Dr. Alex A Anderson Director, Site-220 From: grey.juliet@220.scp.int To: anderson.alex@220.scp.int Subject: Re: Re: Re: Re: Not good enough Date: 20/3/2024 Adequate qualifications? Junior Researcher Ward has a BA in Human Geography and a Major in American Indian Studies, Anderson. I appreciate everything he does for the team but those are hardly 'adequate qualifications' to be studying an unprecedented geological phenomenon. Dr. Juliet V Grey Phd. Researcher No further emails in this chain were recorded. Addendum 3: Despite attempts by the SCP-7186 research team to disseminate the above paper, awareness of SCP-7186's nature as an obsidian deposit continued to grow in online and academic geological communities. Necessary amnesticisations increased by 186% between 1/3/2024 and 30/9/2024, representing an escalating cost of containment. The SCP-7186 research team was directed to focus all efforts on the publication of a second cover story, in the belief that multiple false narratives would muddy the waters and decrease the chances of interested individuals uncovering the truth. The following email correspondences were retrieved from the account of Dr. Juliet Grey after receiving the updated directives: From: grey.juliet@220.scp.int To: anderson.alex@220.scp.int Subject: a joke? Date: 5/10/2024 You want us to come up with another cover story? In less time? Am I reading these directives correctly Anderson? I warned you what would happen, and I was right. We spent our best shot early trying to spin 7186 as adamellite and people didn't buy it, because not everyone who works in geology has rocks for brains. A firehose of falsehoods isn't going to help here, we need a new approach. Dr. Juliet V Grey Phd. Researcher From: anderson.alex@220.scp.int To: grey.juliet@220.scp.int Subject: Re: a joke? Date: 7/10/2024 If you think you have a better solution, submit a proposal and I will consider it, Dr. Grey. For the time being, I expect your next paper ready for dissemination in 6 weeks time, ahead of SGTSG 20242. We have already arranged an invited speaker slot for you and your team. Dr. Alex A Anderson Director, Site-220 From: grey.juliet@220.scp.int To: anderson.alex@220.scp.int Subject: Re: Re: a joke? Date: 7/10/2024 Fine, here's my proposal, let me bring in our loudest critics. Take the people making our jobs harder and have them work for us. Saves the cost of amnesticisation and brings our staffing up to the level we need to actually figure out what's going on here. It's a win-win, what do you say? Dr. Juliet V Grey Phd. Researcher From: anderson.alex@220.scp.int To: grey.juliet@220.scp.int Subject: Re: Re: Re: a joke? Date: 8/10/2024 6 weeks, Dr. Grey. Dr. Alex A Anderson Director, Site-220 No further emails were recorded in this chain. Addendum 4: Following the publication of the SCP-7186 research team's second paper, Dr. Grey gave a guest speech at SGTSG 2024, due to technical issues with the host organisation's audio-visual equipment no transcript is available. Dr. Grey's speech notes are presented below instead. Open: formal, thank for time Keywords: Sediment and Crystallisation Periodical Question: state the obvious, why is it there? why is it still there? Keywords: Wayward, Fragile, Stable Proposal: big pitch, catch them off guard, assure against dramatising, do not nervous laugh Keywords: Proto Rift Valley, Catastrophism, Plausability Evidence: focus on the slides and graphs, thank the team extensively Keywords: Plausability, Plausability, Plausability Closing: thank again, humility, close with thanks to team and org, deep breaths Keywords: Thanks, Team, Honoured Upon leaving the conference venue, Dr. Grey was seen on the service entrance security cameras sat on the floor crying. No sound was recorded by the camera. An individual identified as Junior Researcher Ward approached and sat beside Dr. Grey. They appear to have conversed for 1 minute and 34 seconds before Dr. Grey stood, wiped her eyes with the sleeve of her labcoat, helped Junior Researcher Ward to stand and exited the camera's frame. The following email was sent from Dr. Grey's scipmail account upon her return to Site-220: From: grey.juliet@220.scp.int To: anderson.alex@220.scp.int Subject: Just one favour Date: 19/11/2024 I have one request Anderson. For my team's sake I'll keep putting myself through that hell, but I need one thing from you in return. Let me bring one of them in. Let me talk to one of the people we're trying to keep quiet. That's all I'm asking for. Please, Alex, just give me this. Dr. Juliet V Grey Phd. Researcher From: anderson.alex@220.scp.int| To: grey.juliet@220.scp.int Subject: Re: Just one favour Date: 22/11/2024 You'll be notified when Metatron pings a repeat offender. Put in an official interview request when that happens. I'll consider it. Dr. Alex A Anderson Director, Site-220 Addendum 5: On 6/2/2025, Foundation webcrawlers identified a newly published paper by one Dr. Folorunso Fatukasi arguing against the currently disseminated cover stories for SCP-7186. As Dr. Fatukasi had already received 4 rounds of amnestic treatment following previous incidents related to the anomaly, Dr. Juliet Grey was notified of the situation. At her insistence, Dr. Grey was granted permission to interview Dr. Fatukasi at Site-220. Transcription of interview of Dr. Folorunso Fatukasi by Dr. Juliet Grey: <Begin Log> Dr. Fatukasi is seated in interview room 27 in Site 220. Dr. Grey enters carrying a clipboard which slips out of her hand as she closes the door behind her. She hurriedly collects the clipboard and stands, extending a hand to Dr. Fatukasi, looking visibly flustered. Grey: Ah, apologies, thank you for agreeing to this meeting Dr. Fatukasi- I know we're a, uh, a little out of the way. Dr. Fatukasi shakes Dr. Grey's hand. The latter hurriedly takes a seat opposite. Fatukasi: Not at all, your organisation has been very accommodating Dr… Grey, is it? Grey: Yes, I believe we met before at the… ah, no, you probably wouldn't remember that- well we've definitely been to the same conference once or twice. Dr. Fatukasi raises an eyebrow but does not otherwise react. Fatukasi: Indeed. Dr. Grey, can I ask what precisely is the purpose of this meeting? The request I received was markedly light on details. Grey: Right, yes, of course. Well, we would like to discuss your research on SC- on the Great Victoria Desert Obsidian Deposit, we believe we have some… this is hard to phrase right. Dr. Grey taps the table several times and puts the clipboard to her temple while Dr. Fatukasi raises both eyebrows. Grey: We think we may be able to fill some gaps in your approach- oh not that there's anything wrong with your approach! You're an exceptional geologist!- but there's some things you can't possibly be aware of and I would like to be able to help fill in those gaps. Dr. Fatukasi looks perplexed but leans forward and interlaces his fingers. Fatukasi: That's… an interesting statement to make, but it would be rude of me not to indulge someone taking an interest in my work. What is it you think you know that I don't? Grey: I don't- I can't tell you that until you answer some questions for us first, Dr. Fatukasi. I'm afraid, if you aren't comfortable with that we will have to cut this meeting short, is that alright? Fatukasi: Is that so? Ask away then Dr. Grey, what is it you want to know? Grey: Thank you, well um. First of all: what keeps drawing- what draws you to the Great Victoria Desert Obsidian Deposit? You seem uniquely interested in it. Dr. Fatukasi is visibly taken aback. Fatukasi: Uniquely?- the GVD Obsidian Deposit is possibly the most important geological discovery since… since… well, since plate tectonics frankly. If I am uniquely interested in it, that only means no one else realises what they're looking at! This could rewrite everything we think we know about volcanology, hell, geology as a whole! Dr. Grey leans onto the table as Dr. Fatukasi grows more animated. Grey: Yes, yes! It's- Dr. Grey clears her throat, closes her eyes and sits back, exhaling slowly. Grey: Excuse me, that was unprofessional. Now Dr. Fatukasi, what are your thoughts on the most prevalent hypotheses regarding the GVD Obsidian Deposit? Fatukasi: That can't be a real question can it? They're nonsense, plain and simple, utterly impossible, and I've lost a lot of respect in many of my peers for going along with such drivel. I'm not sure where these ideas come from frankly, certainly not any journals that deserve any further attention. If I didn't know better, I would be crying conspiracy. Grey: You should. Dr. Grey's nerves seem to calm and her expression hardens. Fatukasi: Yes I- excuse me? Grey: You should be crying conspiracy doctor. Well no, hmm, we would rather you didn't, but you would be correct. Dr. Fatukasi stands, resting his hands on the table and leaning closer to Dr. Grey. Fatukasi: Speak plainly Dr. Grey, what exactly are you insinuating here? Grey: I represent an organisation known as The Foundation. Management would prefer me to give you the whole spiel- well they would prefer I hold my tongue actually- but I'll give it to you straight: we are the conspiracy. You're right about the deposit, it shouldn't exist, there is no way it can possibly be where it is, and yet it is there, and it's not unique. There are many things in this world that shouldn't exist, and we stop the world from finding that out. Dr. Fatukasi takes a step back. Fatukasi: This is insane, thats- Grey: Apologies Dr. Fatukasi but I'm not finished, I would appreciate if you would take a seat. Dr. Fatukasi hesitates but returns to his chair. Grey: Thank you. I've put you in a compromising situation here doctor, and I apologise for that. You can't be allowed to leave here knowing what I've just told you, we can't take that risk, so I'm going to give you a choice. You can walk out of here, you will be made to forget everything; this meeting, the GVD Obsidian Deposit, and most likely your entire field of study. Currently, the chances you'll become interested in the deposit again are too high for us to accept. Or, you can work for me, help me find out why the deposit exists, and how to keep others from stumbling upon it. Fatukasi: I- this is- how can you possibly- Dr. Grey stands. Grey: I understand this is a lot to take in at once. We can't let you leave, but you will be provided accommodation for the remainder of the day, so take the time you need to make a decision. It may be presumptive of me to say, but I look forward to working with you. Dr. Grey smiles weakly at Dr. Fatukasi, and exits the room. She can be heard exhaling shakily before the door closes. Dr. Fatukasi remains sat in silent contemplation. <End Log> Following the above interview Dr. Grey was escorted to the office of Site-220 Director Alex Anderson by site security. Below is a transcription of security footage recorded within the office. <Begin Log> Director Anderson is sat behind their desk, dark wood scattered with trinkets from minor tourist attractions across Australia. A short, potted palm tree sits to their left. The room is otherwise unadorned. The door swings open and Dr. Grey enters, much of her hair has come loose from the bun it was tied in during the interview with Dr. Fatukasi, and she appears to be shivering. Director Anderson gestures to the chair opposite them and Dr. Grey moves to sit. She closes her eyes and her breathing slows as she takes a seat. When she opens them her shivering has stopped. Anderson: Out of appreciation for services rendered I'm giving you an opportunity to explain yourself before I make an official recommendation to the O5 Council that you be removed from this research project and, at best, demoted. Grey: With all the respect due to your station director, I'm doing exactly as I was instructed. Director Anderson sits back and cocks their head slightly to the left with a confounded look on their face. Anderson: And how do you figure that doctor? Grey: To quote your direction verbatim, I am to ‘ensure knowledge of the anomaly remains exclusively within the hands of Foundation personnel with the resources that have been made available', and that is precisely what I am doing. It is my firm belief that the only ethical and effective way to keep that knowledge contained is to bring Dr. Fatukasi to our side of the veil. Multiple rounds of amnestic treatment have done nothing to dampen or distract his interest in the anomaly, our current containment procedures have summarily failed to keep him out, and my team lacks the resources we would need to achieve that goal. At this juncture, we either bring him in, or accept that we are incapable of maintaining the integrity of the veil. Which would you prefer, director? Anderson: That's a staggering misinterpretation of your orders and you know it. You can dress it up in whatever language you choose, I cannot sign off on such a reckless act of hubris. I'm afraid I will have to recommend you be replaced as- Dr. Grey slams a hand onto the table, knocking over miniature replicas of the Big Lobster, Big Pineapple, and Golden Gumboot. Grey: Replaced by who, Alex? Who are they going to replace me with? Out of all Foundation staff in Australia, I'm the highest ranking member with a geology degree, and I'm not even a Senior Researcher. Who do they have to replace me with? Do you honestly expect them to fly someone in from -19 to oversee a “minimum priority” research project in the arse end of nowhere? You know as well as I do that they'll stick the badge on some no-name yes-man who understands the gravity of 7186 as well as a galah understands astrophysics. Director Anderson removes their glasses and rubs their eyes with their thumb and index finger. Anderson: Even if I entertain the hypothetical that you're right, what do you expect me to do Juliet? Accounting won't even assign the budget for weekly perimeter checks for 7186 and you want me to ask them to find the resources to recruit and onboard a new researcher? Grey: I don't care how you ask them director, tell them to take the costs out of my wages if you have to- it's not like I have any opportunities to use them anyway- but if you don't make this happen I won't have any choice but to quit and try to live it up before the veil comes crashing down. Anderson: Dr. Grey, neither of us wants to have to get Fire Suppression involved in- Grey: I know, that's why I know you won't. Find the time, find the funds, make this happen Anderson; you need me on this, and I need Fatukasi. Dr. Grey stands to leave, and Director Anderson lets out an exasperated sigh. Anderson: Has anyone ever told you that you're impossible to work with Juliet? Grey: Frequently. Dr. Grey exits the room, placing her shaking hands in the pockets of her lab coat. <End Log> Shortly after leaving the Site Director's office, a security camera in an adjacent corridor showed Dr. Grey crouched against a wall with her hands covering her face. Muffled screaming could be heard on the recording. Addendum 6: The following note was added to the employment file of Dr. Juliet Grey following discussion of disciplinary measures between Site-220 Chief of Administration and Oversight Donna Guyula and Site-220 Director Alex Anderson. As per the recommendation of Site Director Anderson, the wage of Researcher Dr. Juliet Grey is to be reduced by 80% for a period not shorter than 2 fiscal years. It is agreed by the offices of the Director of Site-220 and the Chief of Administration and Oversight of Site-220 that this disciplinary action is sufficient punishment for the contractual infactions committed by the subject of these disciplinary proceedings, and no further action need be taken on this matter. Addendum 7: On 11/3/2025 Researcher Dr. Folorunso Fatukasi was assigned to the SCP-7186 research team as Deputy Head Researcher. The following email was retrieved from the recycle bin of Dr. Juliet Grey's Scipmail account. From: anderson.alex@220.scp.int To: grey.juliet@220.scp.int Subject: RE: Enough Rope Date: 11/3/2025 Prove me wrong. Dr. Alex A Anderson Director, Site-220 Addendum 8: On 17/12/2025 a paper co-authored by Drs Grey and Fatukasi was submitted for internal Foundation peer review, proposing an explanation for the presence and continued stability of SCP-71863. The crux of the paper's hypothesis is Dr Fatukasi's discovery that SCP-7186 appears to be unshackled to the movement of the Australian Plate. The Australian Plate moves approximately 6.9cm per year northward, while SCP-7186's latitude appears to have remained constant in the time since its initial discovery. This obervation was noted by Dr Fatukasi during a yearly review of Geoscience Australia's gravity surveys. The mechanisms by which SCP-7186 remains fixed in place, and the continental plate appears to shift around SCP-7186, are currently unknown, but Fatukasi-Grey et al. have proposed the Fixed Geological Point hypothesis as an initial explanation. Further study is ongoing. Addendum 9: On 4/1/2026, a quarterly joint review of expenditure and containment success rates by the Site-220 Accounting Department and the Analytics Department found that, since 1/1/2025, spending on the SCP-7186 project had fallen by 9% and breach incidents had fallen by 23%. The predominant reduction in expenditure was identified as the result of a significant reduction in MTF deployments and amnestic utilisation, which the Analytics Department primarily attributes to the hiring and work of Dr. Fatukasi. When made aware of this review, Dr. Grey submitted the following proposal to Director Anderson for consideration by O5 command: From: grey.juliet@220.scp.int To: anderson.alex@220.scp.int Subject: For your consideration Date: 25/1/2026 Please find attached my team's proposal for the reclassification of SCP-7186 from Safe to Radix, and its integration into the procedures for its own containment. In simple terms, we propose that those individuals willing and able to penetrate through the layers of obfuscation represented by the current containment procedures be invited, at my discretion, to join the SCP-7186 research team, and the Foundation as a whole. Included in the complete proposal is an estimated cost-benefit analysis of this process, using the case study of my Deputy Head of Research Dr. Folorunso Fatukasi and the immense benefit he has provided to both the containment and research of SCP-7186. It is my firm belief that replicating the success his employment has represented to our team is the most cost effective and productive approach to the ongoing containment of the anomaly in question. Thank you for your time and consideration. Dr. Juliet V Grey Phd. Researcher Director Anderson forwarded the proposal to O5 Command, adding their own recommendation that the SCP-7186 project be removed from the jurisdiction of Site-220, in favour of an independent research arm. They sent the following email in reply to Dr. Grey: From: anderson.alex@220.scp.int To: grey.juliet@220.scp.int Subject: Re: For your consideration Date: 26/1/2026 Grey, you've been a stone in my shoe for years now. Congratulations. I broke before you did. You proved me wrong. You win. You're the worst employee I've ever had to work with, and I wish you all the best. Dr. Alex A Anderson Director, Site-220 Addendum 10: Following a vote by the O5 Council, Dr. Juliet Grey is hereby appointed head of the newly founded Department of Geology. The department is to be based out of the expanded research outpost atop SCP-7186, hereafter renamed Research and Containment Site-46. All members of the SCP-7186 research team are to be reassigned to positions within the Department of Geology, with new further positions to be filled by exceptional individuals identified by Director Grey during the course of the SCP-7186 research and containment project. Footnotes 1. Coordinates represent the furthest point from the SCP-7186 research outpost within the boundary of the anomaly 2. The Geological Society of Australia's Specialist Group in Tectonics and Structural Geology 2024 conference 3. Fatukasi-Grey et al. (2025) is available upon request to any Foundation employee with security access level 3 or higher
SCP-7187 - And The Forest Fell Silent ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Sequoia National Forest, California Item №: SCP-7187 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Occurrences of SCP-7187 within civilian-accessible woodland are to be attended to by Mobile Task Force Gamma-4 (“Green Stags”) and any additional witnesses, amnesticised. Should the phenomenon manifest itself in an area repeatedly, the Department of Paraecology is requested to carry out a survey of the region for any observable abnormalities. Foundation personnel are advised to exit an area with immediate effect in the event of experiencing SCP-7187-like conditions or sighting unidentifiable entities within forests. Description: SCP-7187 is a phenomenon that manifests as a near-complete cessation of all auditory stimuli within a forest or similar wooded area within North America. The reasons behind SCP-7187's onset, initial creation or circumstances for occurrence remain unknown, despite extensive records of the event. While the phenomenon initially presents itself by creating unusually quiet environments, it has been noted that upwards of 70% of cases have resulted in the sightings of anomalous entities in the area's proximity. While such organisms are occasionally known to the Foundation, they are commonly unidentifiable and presumed to be uncontained anomalies at-large within deep woods. It is presently believed that in the remaining 30% of cases, the individual involved is simply unaware of the entities' appearance. Current theories suggest that SCP-7187 is itself non-anomalous and is rather a state created by the presence of an anomalous organism or group of organisms. Addendum 7187.1: Reported Cases Since 1902, around 700 instances of SCP-7187 have been officially recounted to local authorities or the US Fish and Wildlife Service, usually in an attempt to achieve identification regarding their experience. While many of these accounts are incomplete or lack evidence, the following is a record of prominent recent manifestations known to the Foundation as of 10/10/2022. 7187 Instance #004:1 11/07/2009, Mt Hood National Park Details: A lone hiker (James Son, 26) was walking through Mt Hood National Park at midday before allegedly feeling as though he was under observation. Son's concerns grew as the sound of distant rocks being thrown was audible and the ground cover became thicker. Ultimately, SCP-7187's effect would take place at around 14:38 when the subject took note of a lack of all sounds aside from those created by himself. He froze before gazing towards a small ridge in a forest clearing, atop which stood a bipedal entity that appeared to be attempting to camouflage as a tree, albeit unsuccessfully. Both stared at one another before the entity took a staggered step forward and the subject fled the scene. 7187 Instance #011: 14/10/2011, Sequoia National Forest Details: Subject (Millie Harris, 38) was partaking in a group hike throughout the Sequoia Forest area before unknowingly stepping off-trail and becoming situated in an isolated position. In panic, she begun to call to the party and attempt to regroup, though following 8 minutes of calling realised that her vocalisations were the only sound present in the wood. It was shortly thereafter that the subject reportedly begun to notice a consistently shaped bush that progressively followed her for around an hour. Having begun to run at this realisation, the subject was able to identify that the object was in fact a humanoid wearing a “ghillie suit”. The subject regrouped with her party following the encounter. 7187 Instance #038: 27/04/2013, North Cascades National Park Details: A civilian (Neil Fisher, 24) was patrolling the westernmost boundary of the North Cascades in light woodland while walking his domestic dog. An hour into the trek, the subject's dog begun to behave irrationally and suddenly paused before sprinting into the underbrush without barking; an act uncharacteristic of canids. Fisher chased after the animal into deep woodland for around 10 minutes before noting that SCP-7187's characteristics had taken place and the only prevailing sound was that of the canine running up ahead. Eventually the subject emerges into a glade where his dog is stood, still, pointed at a bush. As the animal begins to bark, a large instance of SCP-6644 stands up, its arms containing a bundle of fungi. It stares at the canid before slowly walking away. The subject grabs the animal, runs in the opposite direction and in wake of the encounter alerts authorities. A visit to the site found only a scattered trail of mushrooms leading back to Howling Woods National Park. 7187 Instance #052: 06/09/2015, Tongass National Forest Tongass National Forest, Alaska Details: Subject (Rupert Morris, 56) is watching television in his home in rural Alaska, bordering the National Forest. He briefly pauses his viewing in order to prepare himself a meal from the kitchen, during which time no anomalous activity is reported, though CCTV displays a sudden lack of movement of tree foliage suggesting an immediate drop in wind conditions; this remains as one of the only occurrences of SCP-7187 that also prompted a lack of sound via the weather. Upon return to the living room, Morris seems intrigued by something outside. A single white rabbit is seen to be moving outside within reach of the tree line. The subject opens the back door and exits the home in an attempt to coax the animal into feeding from his hand, though once it tastes the offering, it immediately appears disgusted. The animal is dragged backwards, revealing it to be attached to a thin tree limb that retracts into a hollow in a mechanism similar in nature to that of an anglerfish. The tree promptly uproots itself and walks away utilising it's large root system. 7187 Instance #075: 21/10/2019, Appalachian Trail Details: A hiker (Mel Cottis, 41) is part-way through a 3 day trip through the rural Appalachian area. Around midday, she departs from her temporary shelter, noting the disappearance of several items of silverware from her kit, though continues regardless. The subject is travelling through a somewhat regularly used trail, though is alone for the majority of the afternoon, including the evening. At approximately 19:50, she gazes upwards and photographs early ‘stars' appearing in the night's sky. The objects in question shine a dull red and are, in fact, not believed to be stars. 30 minutes pass before Cottis recollects the notion that all ambient sounds had ceased aside from that of the fire's. Atop a ridge 20 metres from the subject's camp stands a malformed deer. The subject stares at the entity, thought to be an instance of SCP-6448, before it rears up on its hind legs and begins to ambulate towards Cottis, at which point she retreats to her tent. According to the subject, the instance remained outside of the shelter for the duration of the night before the sound of birds returned upon daybreak. Trail cam footage revealed the instance to have been sitting at the campfire consuming roasted marshmallows. 7187 Instance #082: 18/05/2021, █████ [OPERATION LOCATION REDACTED] Details: Operative Myers of MTF Gamma-4 was patrolling █████ Woods in rural Washington State during the containment of an unrelated anomaly before breaking off from his team in order to cover more ground. Myers soon discovered a small cave that showed limited signs of habitation and hence showed relevance to the ongoing search operation; the operative soon alerted Task Force members and requested an aerial survey of the area. Nestled within a collection of rocks and foliage, a single sheet of A4 paper read “don't go back” and, ignoring the message, the operative turned towards the cave entrance as silence had suddenly occurred. In a small opening in the trees a few metres from the cave stood a humanoid entity resembling Operative Myers. Seconds after this, a helicopter light illuminated the area, causing the entity to demanifest. A subsequent search of the area revealed no evidence of the individual's presence. As this log compiles only confirmed, detailed accounts of the phenomenon, this represents a limited fraction of total SCP-7187 manifestations; the full amount of which is unknown. Many were publicly explained under cover stories 190Ω “UFO Fever” or 898Γ “Missing 411”. Addendum 7187.2: Containment Update On 15/10/2022, Director Woods of Site-198 consulted with Researcher T. Davis (Head of SCP-7187 Research) regarding proposals surrounding a more direct approach to the anomaly's containment, specifically the use of hostile force in order to capture and study anomalous entities. The abridged conversation is found in the following: + Proposal Log - Proposal Log Location: Site-198, Department of Paraecology Personnel Involved: Dir. Woods, Researcher Davis [BEGIN LOG] Researcher Davis: Where're you going with this? Director Woods: I'm advising that we use more… direct methods of containment towards SCP-7187. (4 seconds of silence) Researcher Davis: How so? Director Woods: Use of lethal force to attempt to capture anomalies we observe alongside SCP-7187. Researcher Davis: (Stutters) I know I have a duty to study these entities in more detail if possible, but I don't think this is where we should have our priorities, Director. I understand your consideration of terminating the entities if possible, but I don't think that's the right course of action. It's worth noting that very little, none even, of the encounters result in hostility and, ignoring my stance as a researcher, maybe we should allow them to be left alone. Director Woods: Really? Well if you think they're harmless then why do they cause their surroundings to go quiet? Isn't that an indicator that other organisms in the woods take them as a threat? Researcher Davis: No. I think it's like, uuh, a similar effect to when it rains. Director Woods: You think this is caused by the rain? Researcher Davis: No! I'm saying that, like when it rains, the wildlife quietens down because they all hide and shelter from the downpour. An animal doesn't know what rain is, or that it poses no direct threat to their life, but still they remain quiet. Director Woods: Right. Either way, there're hundreds of unidentifiable anomalies in our woodlands so I propose that we begin termination attempts until we can at least ID what they ar- Researcher Davis: You're missing the real point of 7187, Director! Of the 700 reports, how many were we able to identify? Director Woods: Uh. Something like 203, 204. Researcher Davis: Exactly. It serves as a reminder of how much we don't know, but if this is really what you want to do, I suggest you get to work. The woods go deep, Director, deeper than you realise. (Davis' phone receives a notification) Researcher Davis: And that's 701. Mobilise Gamma-4. [END LOG] Following recent accounts of SCP-7187-like occurrences spawning outside of North America, active hunting of its related entities has been authorised. Further research is ongoing. « SCP-7186 | SCP-7187 | SCP-7188 » Footnotes 1. Numerical classification beginning from the year 2000.
Item #: SCP-7189 Object Class: Euclid Keter Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7189 hibernation sites are continually monitored, but not disturbed. Known hotspots of SCP-7189 activity have been purchased by the Foundation front group the Society for Conservation and Protection and restricted to public access. SCP-7189 activity within these areas is monitored by drones and remote sensors. If Foundation personnel must enter these regions they should travel in armed groups of at least ten, wearing flint blades on their body, and remain in contact with at least one person with 4/7189 clearance or higher. If unauthorized personnel enter these areas or attempt to approach inactive SCP-7189 instances, they are to be terminated as soon as possible. Entering areas of SCP-7189 activity is authorized in this scenario. If personnel encounter SCP-7189, the unit is to be immediately debriefed. At least one staff member with 4/7189 clearance or higher must be present at the debriefing. Alexandria.aic is currently monitoring global sensor and communication networks for signs of SCP-7189 activity, and MTF Gamma-4 ("Green Stags") has been assigned to follow up on potential sightings. Akiva and Kant counters have proven unable to detect SCP-7189 and should not be used in the field. Scantron Reality Anchors do not protect from SCP-7189 intrusion. Known SCP-7189 cults are to be terminated or amnesticized as appropriate. Contacts of known SCP-7189 worshipers are also to be surveilled, and terminated or amnesticized at the earliest opportunity if found to be in contact with SCP-7189 instances. SCP-561 is to be decommissioned once access to it can be regained. All Pleistocene organisms within are to be euthanized, incinerated, and stored at Reliquary Area-27. Flint blades are to be placed in each box containing their ashes. Access is restricted to personnel with 3/7189 clearance. Formerly extinct Pleistocene wildlife not created by SCP-7189 or SCP-561 (such as those that travel through temporal anomalies, are resurrected through necromancy, and so on) are to be euthanized and incinerated if possible. If not, Procedure Jaktorów is to be performed. Description: SCP-7189 is a collection of theologic entities taking the form of extinct organisms from the Pleistocene era. Over a hundred instances have been discovered so far, individually designated SCP-7189-1 through SCP-7189-107. Instances have been encountered on every continent but Antarctica. Most SCP-7189 instances are mammalian, but many are birds or reptiles. Four are plants, and one is a previously unknown species of snail (tentatively identified as a member of Discus). Without exception all instances of SCP-7189 are unusually large for their species, but the degree varies with instance. Generally, smaller organisms display more pronounced gigantism than larger ones. The appearances of SCP-7189 instances are somewhat inconsistent between manifestations. While species is a constant, instances frequently display open wounds, partial necrosis or skeletonization, and translucence.1 Behaviorally, SCP-7189 instances are similar to their once-living counterparts. This has been verified by study of SCP-561 and the use of temporal anomalies. No signs of higher cognition have been reported, in contrast to theologic entities generated through human consciousness. During periods of activity SCP-7189 instances have been observed engaging in agnostic displays towards each other, courting closely related SCP-7189 instances, and predating on each other. SCP-7189 are unable to permanently harm or kill each other, and consumed instances usually manifest one to three months later. SCP-7189 instances appear unaware of their semi-necrotic nature. When active, SCP-7189 are able to demanifest and remanifest, apparently without regard for distance. SCP-7189 occasionally use this ability to travel between continents. However, SCP-7189 instances have never been found outside of their respective representative species' former range. In addition, SCP-7189 naturally avoid heavily modified landscapes and human populations. SCP-7189 instances will attack (and, depending on the species, may consume) isolated humans, however. Instances of SCP-7189 begin to heal and display limited control over their environment as the worldwide population of their physical counterparts increases. At the time of discovery several instances, especially SCP-7189-42 and SCP-7189-113 had regrown substantial healthy tissue and were able to remain awake continually. Since the beginning of containment procedures their recovery has partially reversed, but they have not returned to full hibernation yet. The Foundation was first alerted to the existence of SCP-7189 on June 10, 2010 after several users of the Urban Exploration Resource forum posted that they had encountered an "undead rhino" while exploring the ghost town of ███████, Russia. Site-6 sent was alerted and managed to identify the users. It was determined that they had already told many of their friends and acquaintances about the encounter. Interviewed: Mikkel Nordby, Ketil Dahl, and Astrid Hoey Interviewer: Dr. Arild Soren (Cryptozoology Division) Foreword: The three urban explorers were informed that Dr. Soren was a cryptozoologist and wished to speak to them. The interview was held at a house Site-6 maintains for interviews with civilians when apparent police involvement would be unhelpful. Prior to beginning, the interviewees were dosed with a very mild truth serum, dissolved in their water. <Begin Log> Dahl: Why the hell are you taking us seriously, anyway? Everyone else thought we were making shit up. I half thought we were making shit up. Dr. Soren: There were three of you and you all saw it. I've learned to take even the most unlikely leads seriously. I didn't think Selma was real, but the fish finder sure showed quite the creature! Nordby: You saw Selma? Dr. Soren: Well, not saw, but they were definitely there. It's on my blog.4 [The three interviewees exchange slightly awkward looks. Dr. Soren clears his throat.] Dr. Soren: Anyway, why don't you start with when you arrived at ███████? Hoey: It was early morning. We used Mikkel's cousin's boat to reach the town. The skies were clear and the air was calm. Good conditions, if cold. We heard ███████'s docks were shit, so we beached on the shoreline. near the port. Must've spent a good four, five hours exploring the buildings—but you saw our posts about that, I guess. And that's not where we saw him. Dr. Soren: Him? Dahl: You notice the strangest things when dealing with adrenaline, that's all I'll say. Hoey: We'd finished looking around in ███████ and were going to hike a bit uphill for the view. Ketil also wanted to look for wildflowers. Dahl: And because I was the only one looking around, I saw him first. He was big, real big. Must have been two and a half meters tall. Despite being half rotten he was still majestic. [pauses] He had fur. Most of it was fallen off, but there were some really shaggy parts. And, uh. He was grazing. Wasn't doing a very good job of it, though. Dr. Soren: How many horns? Dahl: I didn't see, sorry. Hoey: I think two, but I can't be sure. Dr. Soren: What happened after you saw it, Ketil? Dahl: I yelled, forget what exactly— Nordby: Pretty sure you said that there was a big fucking rhino— Dahl: Sounds about right. Anyway, then you two looked over and saw him too. But we only had a couple moments before he ran off. Couldn't even get my camera out to take a photo. After that we went back down and got back in the boat. Didn't want to stay there with whatever the fuck that was running around. Dr. Soren: Which way did it go? Hoey: Further inland. Didn't note anything but that. Did either of you? [Dahl and Nordby shake their heads] <End Log> Closing Statement: Witnesses were given targeted amnestics to cloud (but not remove) memory of the encounter and erase all memory of the interview. Their forum posts were subtly edited to make the sighting seem less credible and introduce subtle inconsistencies. Follow-up surveillance has shown that all witnesses have begun to doubt their own memories of the incident and react with embarrassment when the topic is brought up. Access to the area was restricted under the pretense of a chemical spill. An operating base was set up at ███████, and MTF Gamma-4 ("Green Stags") was ordered to search the surrounding area for signs of anomalous wildlife. Initial explorations did not encounter SCP-7189, but camera traps were able to confirm the anomaly's presence and identify them as an unusually large wooly rhino (Coelodonta antiquitatis). They were given the designation of SCP-7189-1. A partially necrotic musk ox and feline were also observed, and tentatively identified as Praeovibos priscus (giant musk ox) and an unknown species of Homotherium (scimitar cat). These were given the designations SCP-7189-2 and SCP-7189-3 respectively. SCP-7189-1 and SCP-7189-2 were observed to remain within a 10 square kilometer area (designed Area 7189-Alpha) and graze on desiccated plant material. SCP-7189-3 was usually observed hunting and occasionally pursued the other instances of SCP-7189. SCP-7189 avoided human presence but were frequently seen on camera traps. By October, lack of hostile action on the part of SCP-7189 had led to the anomaly being declared Euclid and MTF Gamma-4 being reassigned to other duties. In the end of the year security presence was reduced, leading to researchers placing camera traps without escort. It was after security was relaxed that the first encounter between a member of the Foundation and SCP-7189 occurred, on May 10, 2012. This encounter has been subsequently classified as Incident 7189-1. Incident 7189-1: At 13:46, May 10, Junior Researcher Helene Koppang radioed Outpost 6-7189 reporting that she had sighted a herd of musk ox due east of ███████. A connection to SCP-7189-2 was immediately suspected but could not be confirmed. Musk ox are not not usually found in the area. Jr. Researcher Koppang was ordered to observe the herd from a distance and report back every five minutes. At 13:50, Site-6 staff decided to radio collar several members of the herd so their movements could be monitored, and ordered a helicopter launched to sedate the animals from the air so they could be fitted with transmitters. At 13:56, Jr. Researcher Koppang radioed in, stating that one of the animals had begun to go into labor. She remained on radio. The helicopter was ordered to hold position to avoid disturbing the herd during the birthing process. The musk-ox finished giving birth at 13:59, and was observed to be unusually large and strangely proportioned. At 14:00, Jr. Researcher Koppang reported spotting SCP-7189-2 approaching the herd. Despite SCP-7189-2's partially decayed nature, the musk ox herd did not display any fear or attempt to avoid it. SCP-7189-2 nuzzled the calf and licked it, then demanifested. Jr. Researcher Koppang took several photos of their interactions. These show SCP-7189-2 with slightly larger patches of healthy tissue than before. After SCP-7189-2 demanifested, the helicopter was ordered to continue towards the herd, which maintained position. At 14:23, the helicopter arrived and tranquilized three of musk ox, including the mother of the calf. The calf was crushed by its mother during sedation. The helicopter crew retrieved it and took it to Outpost 6-7189 for treatment, but it expired en route. Dissection and genetic testing showed significant anatomical and genetic differences between the calf and musk oxen (Ovibos moschatus), and near identical morphology and genetics to P. priscus. The calf's corpse was designated SCP-7189-2A and placed in cold storage. Three days later, the following video logs were recorded from a remote camera. VIDEO LOG DATE: May 13, 2012 NOTE: Due to the limitations of camera trap technology, this video log has been broken up into three second increments separated by one minute intervals. [BEGIN LOG] 9:45:34: A herd of musk ox is grazing in front of the camera trap. Several are visibly pregnant. SCP-7189-2's left flank is visible but the remainder of its body is out of view. It has returned to the state it was in prior to the calf being born. 9:46:34: The herd continues to graze. SCP-7189-2 wanders into view and taps another male with its foreleg. 9:47:34: SCP-7189-2 begins to graze. Despite its dominant behavior it only chooses the least desirable plants, including some that are known to be toxic. [LOG ABRIDGED; CONSULT RAISA TO REQUEST FULL LOG] 10:13:34: A pregnant female begins to go into labor. SCP-7189-2 looks up from the lichen it is grazing and walks towards the female. 10:14:34: SCP-7189-2 lays its head on the female's shoulder. 10:15:34: The female musk ox finishes giving birth. SCP-7189-2 begins licking the afterbirth away alongside the female, and begins to partially regenerate. The calf displays the same anatomical differences as SCP-7189-2A and is designated SCP-7189-2B. 10:16:34: SCP-7189-2 finishes partially regenerating. [END LOG] The similarity to SCP-561 was immediately noted, and MTF Gamma-4 and a research team were sent in order to investigate SCP-561 and the surrounding area for signs of SCP-7189 activity. Surveillance of Area 7189-Alpha was increased, but at the time the musk ox herd was not euthanized. Addendum 1 — Investigation of SCP-561: The evacuation of ██████████, Saskatchewan took place rapidly enough that some records and artifacts remained in the town. While the Foundation seized medical and administrative records, it did not conduct an exhaustive search of the houses or the microfiche of the local newspaper at the time of the evacuation. Dr. Spencer Black, who led the SCP-561 team when the anomaly was first being investigated, assumed that police and birth records would be sufficient to identify the beginning of the SCP-561 effect. The investigation's search of the microfiche discovered several sightings of 'a giant jaguar with leprosy'5 starting in the 1950s, and testimony from one hunter who claimed to have found the creature's den. Upon return, the animal was gone but the cave was littered with subfossil remains. All sightings were south of town, deep inside SCP-561's approximate area. The cave's subfossil deposits were not preserved, but Foundation paleontologists viewed the photos and believe the bones were moved into the cave over several thousand years. Some bones from the cave were retained by ██████████'s residents and left behind when ██████████ was evacuated. The most recent bones are too new to test with radiocarbon dating. The rest of the bones are prehistoric. Starting in the 1960s, Pleistocene wildlife such as saber-toothed cats (Smilodon fatalis), dire wolves (Aenocyon dirus), and giant beavers (Castoroides ohioensis) began to be sighted south of town. All sightings were brief and in poor conditions. This led to the animals were misidentified as feral dogs, mutant cougars, and unusually large beavers, so the records of their existence were not noted when initially investigating SCP-561. At this time, domestic cats and humans gave birth to normal offspring. By the 1980s, Pleistocene wildlife had begun to be seen farther north. Additional species such as short-faced skunks (Brachyprotoma obtusata) were observed, but misidentified as members of extant species. Sightings of SCP-7189 decreased during this period. SCP-561 began affecting ██████████ by the 2000s. The first anomalous human birth was in 2003. There is some ambiguous evidence that domestic cats were affected prior to humans. SCP-561's effect appears to have begun with only some species, and gradually expanded to others over time. Whether SCP-7189 was near ██████████ before SCP-561 began or were drawn to it once it reached a certain strength is currently unknown, but as SCP-7189 activity is positively correlated with population size of the relevant species it is hypothesized SCP-561 predated their current rise in activity. A proposal to reclassify SCP-561 as SCP-7189-Alpha was rejected on these grounds. As SCP-561 has gradually affected more species, it may eventually begin to alter avian, plant, microbial, and insect species. This is an unacceptable threat to normality. Extensive searching by MTF Gamma-4 revealed no trace of current SCP-7189 activity. On suggestion of on site staff, personnel began euthanizing SCP-561 affected animals, with MTF Gamma-4 and a deployable Scranton Reality Anchor on standby. Five minutes after beginning, three SCP-7189 instances manifested and attacked the staff conducting euthanasia. All had almost entirely regenerated, and displayed a limited ability to manipulate their environment through phytokinesis and geokinesis. The Scantron Reality Anchor had no effect, and on-site Kant and Akiva counters did not detect anomalous readings. MTF Gamma-4 was able to repel SCP-7189 with sustained gunfire, but took causalties. In the aftermath of the attack, Regional Director Dr. Atmos ordered all SCP-561 affected wildlife to be terminated. This order did not initially include Group N, but was later expanded to include them. However, locating Group N proved impossible. Friends and family reported [REDACTED] prior to disappearance. [REDACTED]. Area 7189-Alpha's musk ox population has been terminated. After the death of SCP-7189-2B, SCP-7189-1 through -3 displayed displayed signs of distress and disorientation. They became less active, and after three months of inactivity were found hibernating. Bullet wounds were visible on healthy areas of SCP-7189-2's flesh, and it had further decayed. A full search of documentation for reference to necrotic Pleistocene wildlife was made by RAISA. Potential instances of SCP-7189 were found on all inhabited continents. Subsequent investigation would confirm most of these as SCP-7189 instances (see Supplementary Documentation 7189-1). Most appear to be in hibernation, and their resting places are under surveillance. No areas similar to SCP-561 were found. SCP-7189 have been regularly sighted around Biological Outpost-561 since termination procedures have begun. Instances demanifest after exposure to sustained gunfire, but generally reappear within three days. Lone staff and small groups have been attacked by SCP-7189. MTF Gamma-4 has been assigned to assist in the termination of SCP-561 affected wildlife, but due to slow progress the use of poison is being considered. Incident 7189-2: At 2:34 AM December 3, 2012, SCP-7189-4 manifested inside Biological Outpost-561's security perimeter and began attacking personnel. Three additional SCP-7189 instances were attracted by the confusion and tore down the security perimeter while Gamma-4 was neutralizing SCP-7189-4. Some staff fled the outpost and were attacked by SCP-561 affected and non-anomalous wildlife. Instances of SCP-7189 poorly controlled geokinetic and phytokinetic abilities further damaged the outpost and prevented their quick neutralization. The commotion drew ten additional SCP-7189 instances, quickly overwhelming on-site security and Gamma-4. Sr. Researcher Spencer Black called for an evacuation at 3:01 AM. While much of Biological Outpost-561's vehicle fleet had been destroyed, remaining staff were able to fit inside usable vehicles and fled by 3:11 AM. The outpost's self-destruct protocol was activated at 3:15 AM, but failed to detonate. It is believed incidental damage sustained in the attack rendered it non-functional. Evacuation proceeded in good order. SCP-7189 instances pursued, but were unable to match the convoy's speed. Most surviving personnel arrived at a Foundation safehouse by 6:06 AM. A few survivors who had attempted to flee on foot would trickle in over the next week. Total casualties, including MIA, came to 34. A drone flyover of SCP-561 revealed that roads leading into the area had been washed out and overgrown. Subsequent expeditions by MTFs to Biological Outpost-561 have been repelled. SCP-7189 and SCP-561 have been reclassified as Keter. Two ten meter high fences separated by a ten meter gap have been built around SCP-561's known area of effect, with guard towers, security cameras, and a kill zone. A cover story about military activities has been released. Missions to kill SCP-561 affected wildlife near the borders of the anomaly have been successful. Research on how to shrink SCP-561's area of effect is ongoing. Incident 7189-3 (requires 4/7189 clearance): Access Granted On May 4, 2014, MTF Tau-9 (“Bookworms”) raided a suspected Serpent's Hand cell in ██████, California. The building the cell was squatting in was abandoned when Tau-9 entered and showed signs of rapid evacuation. Documents found around the area showed that the cell was not part of the Serpent's Hand but was instead a previously unknown faction of the Earth Liberation Front that had managed to survive the FBI's efforts by going off-grid. Supplies for anomalous terrorism and books from the Wanderer's Library confirmed that they were within the Foundation's purview. Links to the Serpent's Hand are suspected, but unconfirmed. Selected excerpts are below. See Supplementary Documentation 7189-2 for full copies of the texts. Southwestern Cryptobiology: A Comprehensive Guide Context: The text provides a firm grounding in the biology of anomalous organisms native to the American Southwest, their ecology, their evolution, and (when applicable) their cultures. […] Elbert Hughes, notable both for regularly endorsing crackpot theories and reliable first-person testimony, encountered the Sonoran Sloth in 1903. Unfortunately, he did not record the god's location. His testimony is reproduced below. When I first heard the stories of the Great Sloth of Pima, I thought them to be baseless rumor. Such a beast could surely not escape the eye of science, and there was no evidence but some odd dung. But when I was in Tucson a man offered to show me tracks in the mountains he claimed were made by a Mogollon Monster. Knowing as I did that the Yeren did not range so far south--that antediluvian race is too tied to the trees--I was skeptical, but agreed to take a look after some coaxing. I must confess I thought him merely drunk. He was drunk, but not so into his bottle that he had imagined it. Upon our arrival at the site, I could see quickly that this was no Yeren, for the tracks were hooked. Instantly I recognized the tracks as belonging to a Megatherium, that savage subterranean beast from prehistory! The tracks were left by no fossil, though! By what mechanism it survived I knew not. Perhaps it survived in the underground cave systems that so riddle our Earth, only wandering back up from time to time. I asked my guide if he had seen other tracks like this. He affirmed he had, and, almost shyly, admitted he thought he had seen the creature that made them. He had no proof, though, and was hesitant to tell a man of science such as myself without a dead specimen. I instructed him that the Monster had proven itself gentle and intelligent by nature, so it would be cruel to kill one. Of course I knew that his "Monster" was in fact a ground sloth, but if he encountered a Yeren it would not do for him to shoot them. At my request he took me to where the creature had been seen. Indeed, tracks led into the cave, but knowing what hazards lie for those unprepared to enter caves I would not go on. I did not have high hopes the beast would emerge again, but told him to leave me and assured him I would be back in town in a few days, and that if I managed to photograph the beast he would be the first to know. Exultant, he returned to Tucson. Luck was on my side, for I only had to wait a day before the sloth came from the cave. Immediately I knew that this was no mortal creature. The animal was diseased. No, more than diseased. It was dead. It must have been half skeleton. But this thing's aura was not that of a reanimated creature. There was the touch of death, yes, but also a vital energy and a touch of the Fundamental. Despite being dead, it was somehow more real than I. I have only felt that energy around--do forgive me for saying this--so-called gods. Divine they may not truly be, but this creature had the same essence. I watched it for some time, unobserved. It wandered, picking fruits off the cacti and yucca. Either it ignored my efforts to photograph them, or it did not notice. Partway through its dinner, it attempted to groom itself, but gave up after its claws dislodged a chunk of flesh from its neck. When it was done, it headed back towards the cave. But its path took it past a pool in the rock, filled by the rains the night before. When the creature saw its face, it froze. After half a minute of motionlessness, it let out a horrible cry I wish to never hear again, and jerked its head away from its reflection. Maddened, it ran towards me. I am sure the poor brute did not know what it was doing, but it nearly trampled me nevertheless. I was lucky. I fell backwards in shock, and my hand fell upon a flint blade I had found earlier and set down nearby for inspection. I grabbed it on instinct, and when I raised my hands to ward it off, up came the blade. The creature took one look at it and let out a bellow of fright. It raced back towards the cave, and that was the last I saw of the Great Sloth of Pima. Unfortunately, other records of the Sonoran Sloth are quite scarce. The god may be dead. […] Use of flint blades in SCP-7189 containment procedures was mandated. Dream Journeys Context: Dream Journeys is a collection of dream narratives by a Serpent's Hand telepath with a talent for contacting psychologically divergent non-physical anomalies. The selected text is from a chapter where the author talks about her experiences contacting theologic entities. It is not believed that the author intended for this text to be easily available outside the Hand. How it fell into the hands of the ELF is unknown. […] Heralded by a blizzard they came, a thousand beings at once but all of them white-furred and vulpine. Their eyes glittered in the light that filtered down through the snow, amber and blue at once. No words came from their muzzle, but we were both beyond such things as speech. What was their nature, I asked? Why had they come to me while I was in the dreams of dead sleeping gods? I am a kindred spirit, they answered. My twin lived but I did not. And I saw past the appearance that clung to to their true nature. Beneath it they were but a rotting corpse. It made me recoil in horror, but pity stirred in my heart. You can see it, they said. My children's bones lie within the ice. I still feel them, but you know them not. I see you as you are, I said. Would you show me what it was like, when you walked the Earth? And the blizzard parted around me, and I found myself in many places at once. A steppe. A forest. A desert. I could see forever, and so I could see titans walking the Earth. I knew some of them, but others were strange to me. Some of the titans had the glow of gods upon them, and I knew these to be my companion's siblings. It is beautiful, I said, and the fox was pleased, but sad. It was, they said. But the titans were dead, and the gods were doomed to a slow death. They were gods of nothing, now. I was quiet for a moment. Don't go, they asked. We lie restfully, with no dreams of our own. It has been so long since I visited the mind of another fox, and remembered what it was like to live. It has been so long, and it is so hard to reach another. Those that come to us are easier, but their minds are alien. They did not, I was sure, really care about me. They bore me no ill will and even, I think, a faint affection, but mostly they wished to live vicariously through me. It was a favor I would not mind providing, but for one thing. But I am no fox, I said. I am human. At this they were amused, but they did not laugh. You shape your mind like water to be closer to us. Are you so sure you're not? In the blink of an eye, I was. Had I been awake, I would have hated them for it, but in the dream it seemed only appropriate. I remember only fragments of what happened next. I remember stalking across the snow, and the taste of warm blood between my teeth. I remember being warm despite the freezing cold. I remember being groomed and sleeping curled up with the god. It was not peaceful, but my mind was quiet. Even now, the fragments of memories are sweet. My mind can only hold another shape for so long. I could not tell how much time had passed, but in time I returned to humanity. We talked for a while--I will not say on what--but in time I had to go. They were sad to be trapped in dreamless sleep again. But I could scent the hope on them, for in strange aeons even dead gods may rise. […] Incineration of Pleistocene-era wildlife was added to SCP-7189's containment procedures. Procedure Jaktorów was developed in order to eliminate SCP-7189's influence over an animal through targeted gene therapy and a gene drive.6 The success rate of Procedure Jaktorów is currently unknown, and the procedure is only to be used as a last resort. Letter Context: The original copy of the letter was not found, but a notepad had pencil impressions from a torn away sheet. Several other notepads were found on the scene but did not have such marks. It is believed that the cell used pieces of cardboard for greater operational security. DNA, fingerprint, and handwriting analysis do not match any person of interest in Operation Backfire. No recipient was listed. A search of ██████████'s records have revealed no known ELF associates. Based on the blank spaces, it is believed that this letter was only partially finished, then encoded and completed to avoid writing certain information down uncoded. [blank space]: I never told you about what I did after we split up at [blank space]. I went north after hiding from the cops, spent some time in Canada. No problem making my own way up there, and there's plenty of places to get lost in the cracks. Found one of them too well. There was a small town, maybe a thousand, in south Saskatchewan. Perfectly ordinary, or so I thought. There were stories about monsters in the forest. I disregarded them because I didn't believe in monsters, but I did believe in demonization. Now I believe in both. [blank space] and you were always into the nature worship, and I never was, but I was the one who ended up having a religious experience and got changed by it. There's no way you can't be when you find the rotting corpse of an animal that should be extinct and realize that they still live. They were some sort of saber-tooth, and I found them. Half of them was skeleton and the other half looked rotten, but I could see the rise and fall of their chest. I never believed in gods before, but with one right in front of me how could I not? I told no one and decided to stay in the area for longer than was probably safe. I saw a lot over those years. There were smaller saber-tooths in the forests too. The god grew healthier over the years. I saw them active more and more. They knew I was there, I'm sure of it, but they let me be. I saw other giants too. They should have all been dead thousands of years ago, but they lived. I know it sounds impossible, but we've both seen impossible things. The gods are stirring again, and if we can help their mortal kin survive they may live again. As far as we're concerned, that place is a no-go zone now. Entire town got evacuated because of a "tainted water supply," and while I'm sure they had one I'm damn sure that's not why they were evacced given that the place is currently crawling with military types. I'd left with some other wanderers a few years before, and it's a good thing I did. Fighting them isn't like sabotaging the corps; they only care about control. I spent a few years wandering. You heard some of the stories from our mutual friends, I'm sure. What they probably didn't tell you is that the place up north isn't the only place where the gods have been active. I and some friends have been trying to help them. Obviously, I can't tell you anything about where we are or who else is in it. But I think I found a way we help, if you're up for it. I'll meet you at [blank space]. [blank space] A search of the surrounding area revealed no Pleistocene wildlife. It is believed the cell center of activity was not near the building, but accessed by a Way. The Unusual Investigations Unit has been notified of renewed activity on the part of the Earth Liberation Front and their entrance into the anomalous community. Following Incident 7189-3, the Foundation re-evaluated containment of SCP-7189. SCP-7189 poses a memetic hazard to humans. While this meme does not appear to be anomalous, it does lead to worship of SCP-7189 instances and the growth of cults. The meme is virulent enough to make humans attempt to help SCP-7189 achieve an SK-Class Species Dominance Shift Scenario. Given this, the Foundation has elected not to inform staff without 4/7189 clearance or higher of SCP-7189's sapience. The current containment procedures were put in place at this time to fight the memetic threat posed by SCP-7189 by eliminating and preventing the growth of their cults. Knowledge of SCP-7189 has proven impossible to suppress due to the Wanderer's Library, but the Foundation has been able to reduce the penetration of SCP-7189's memetic hazard into the human noosphere. Addendum 7189-2 — Foundation Efforts Against SCP-561: Since loss of Biological Outpost-561, SCP-561's effect has expanded to include avian species. Affected birds, mostly eagles, give birth to Teratornis woodburnensis hatchlings. No other Pleistocene species have been observed. The SCP-7189 instance associated with the species has been spotted and designated SCP-7189-101. SCP-7189-101 is highly territorial and has attacked crop dusters spraying herbicide over SCP-561's area of effect, impeding neutralization efforts, and has shown a flight ceiling above the maximum altitude at which herbicidal spraying would be effective as well as rudimentary aerokinesis. Automated snipers have been placed around the new perimeter fence. Prior to SCP-7189-101 manifesting, drone flyovers of Biological Outpost-561 showed that the ruins of the facility were being overgrown by vegetation at an accelerated rate, rendering it unfit for human habitation. Satellite photos have confirmed the same is true of ██████████. Since MTF Gamma-4 began carrying flint blades into the field, no direct attacks by SCP-7189 have been reported and casualty rates have greatly decreased. However, SCP-7891's control over its environment has impeded MTF Gamma-4's ability to seriously dent the populations of Pleistocene wildlife within SCP-561. As of September 2, 2015, five separate incursions by MTF Gamma-4 have been turned back. Armed Biological Outpost-561 has been constructed to serve as a base for further incursions into SCP-561 and the eventual reclamation of the area. Despite the difficulties, the populations of Pleistocene wildlife within SCP-561 have dropped slightly, and the Foundation has been able to reclaim 1.5% of SCP-561's former area. Incident 7189-4: At 13:25, September 10, 2015, a vehicle in Armed Biological Outpost-561's parking lot exploded. Immediately afterwards, a previously unknown Way opened inside the outpost's security perimeter and three individuals stepped out. Before security forces could react they threw home-made bombs at the outpost's parking lot, radio tower, substation, and a guard tower. These bombs flew unusually far and with exceptional accuracy and are believed to have been anomalously augmented. While the bombs inflicted only mild injuries, they did cause several million dollars worth of damage and a blackout and loss of communications that lasted until 14:23. A chaos star, the letters "ELF," and the slogans "Bite Back [sic]" and "Earth First!" were graffitied on several of the recovered bomb casings. Personnel are reminded that SCP-7189 have sapient sympathizers and these should not be underestimated. Attempts by SCP-7189 to damage the perimeter fence increased in the days following the attack. This did not allow for any Pleistocene wildlife to escape, but did lead to the deaths of 28 Foundation personnel. Addendum 7189-3 — Increase in SCP-7189 Activity: As of May 10, 2017, anthropogenic materials within areas of heavy SCP-7189 activity decay at an accelerated rate. This rate is not so fast as to make modern equipment useless when entering zones of SCP-7189 activity (though equipment does suffer a much higher failure rate), but it makes remote sensors useless and forward operating bases impossible to set up. Biological Outpost-561 and ██████████ have almost completely turned to rubble (though the effect seems to target brick and concrete to a lesser degree). SCP-7891 has been increasingly sighted outside SCP-561's exclusionary fence, and their activity has begun to degrade some areas of the fence. This has forced the Foundation to abandon some areas of the exclusionary fence in order to maintain containment. Additionally, a zone of heavy SCP-7189 activity in central Finland has manifested a similar effect as SCP-561. Footnotes 1. During periods of translucence SCP-7189 instances are partially intangible. 2. Smilodon fatalis 3. indeterminate mammoth species 4. Dr. Soren, with Disinformation Bureau aid, has a web presence as a cryptozoologist and posts false and deliberately unconvincing evidence of non-existent cryptids. 5. Only humans and armadillos are susceptible to leprosy. 6. A gene drive is a genetic engineering technique that ensures certain traits are inherited, allowing for the entire population to be altered on a genetic level.
Sample of SCP-7190 taken at scene of discovery. Item #: SCP-7190 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7190 is stored in a walk-in freezer unit at Site-77. Due to SCP-7190 being in limited supply, researchers wishing to utilize the anomaly must get approval for at least two personnel of Level 3 clearance. Description: SCP-7190 refers to a collection of sushi of varying types and styles. Other than its immunity to spoilage, it is physically non-anomalous. Subjects that consume SCP-7190 consistently report them to taste highly sweet and tangy, but otherwise palatable, even to individuals who heavily dislike seafood. Analysis shows each instance to contain a wide variety of vitamins1 and does not activate allergens of those allergic to shellfish. Documentation, witness testimonies, and thorough experimentation reveals that long term consumption of SCP-7190 will exhibit many beneficial side effects including, but not limited to: Improved mood; Improved hair growth; Weight loss; Enhanced sexual function; Moderate growth and enhancement in the mammary gland (in biological females only); Curing Tourettes and other speech-related disorders; Curing throat-based cancers and diseases. Through rigorous testing, it was confirmed SCP-7190 is safe for human consumption, as previous test subjects did not exhibit any ill effects or aliments at any point post-digestion. Addendum-01, Discovery: SCP-7190 was unintentionally discovered through surveillance of the Silverlin family, a known client of Marshal Carter & Dark. Chad Silverlin, the youngest member of the family, made a post on the social networking service TikTok before it was self-deleted. In the post Chad was enthusiastically describing his experience at Poseidon's Ocean Club2, making mention of a 'secret menu' and consuming a plate of SCP-7190. This initially didn't warrant attention until it was learned other high priority MC&D clients had also frequented the same restaurant, prompting MTF Lambda-14 (“One Star Reviewers”) to raid the establishment after business hours. SCP-7190 and ingredients commonly utilized in anomalous cuisine were found in a hidden compartment in the walk-in freezer. Multiple SCP-7190 instances was confiscated and delivered to Site-77. After noting SCP-7190's properties, Dr. Manoj drafted a project proposal regarding the object, citing its massive potential the anomaly could bring. Lambda-14 was authorized to collect more SCP-7190 instances following Dr. Manoj's findings. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: SCP-7190 Findings Dear, Captain Bailey Congrats on getting that pay raise, captain. I take it things are going fine out in the field? How's the wife by the way? To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: Re: SCP-7190 Findings Quit with the pleasantries, doctor. This is not a social visit. So what you got? To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: SCP-7190 Findings You military types just can't help being rude and brash all the time, huh? But yes, my team and I have made some substantial discoveries: Our tests failed to pick up any gustatorial cognitohazards or lingering thaumaturgic influences, meaning it's not being 'enhanced' by artificial means; SCP-7190 is also natural… for the most part. Most of the ingredients are standard for the dish with the exception of the meat used. Which brings me to my next point; We as of now, can't identify the meat present in the anomaly. I'm fairly confident it's fish-based but determining the exact species came up with inconclusive results. What's confirmed is that the taste/side effects are directly inherent to the meat itself. I requested some help from the Cryptozoology Division. I would do the work myself but sadly I'm not a genetic specialist. But the higher ups are definitely pleased with the progress. That's what matters. To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: Re: SCP-7190 Findings Not surprised. I know it's too early to call but I bet you $100 it's those Ambrose 'chefs'. Everyone loves food, and magic can be fun. But combining the two? Sick, risky and perverted. I swear this crap is dripping into the Veil too. You heard those scientists that made meatballs of literal mammoth meat? Who even comes up with that? Degenerates with too much free time, but I digress. So they finally approved your side project? Now that's surprising. I know it has some benefits but still. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: SCP-7190 Findings Some? It can cure cancer! One specific kind of cancer granted but that's not something to gloss over. This is not just another means of cutting food costs like that infinite pizza box or that magical spaghetti pot. There's real medical implications here. Think of it. It can only heal the throat but who knows if that can't extend to the rest of the body if we handle it properly. I'm not saying we should forgo our diet entirely on SCP-7190, albeit that'll actually work. I'm saying that there's potential here that we cannot ignore. I got the greenlight for a reason, Hal. So what did you get in your end? To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: Re: SCP-7190 Findings Don't remind me. I still don't understand how that got off the ground. Just had a chat with the manager. She tried playing dumb but it worked well as you expect. Even then she still tried to weasel her way out, claiming 'she was just following orders'. Several of the staff were in on it too. In short, we caught them red-handed. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: SCP-7190 Findings Splendid. What happened next? To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: Re: SCP-7190 Findings We let them go. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: SCP-7190 Findings What? Why?! To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: Re: SCP-7190 Findings They're small fries, doctor. Small fish working in a big pond. It was clear from the get-go that they're not running the show. We don't have a definite culprit yet but if we do anything too bold, too soon they'll flee like rats. It was the best course of action. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: SCP-7190 Findings And why dare I ask? To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: Re: SCP-7190 Findings Simple. How else are we going to fry the big fish? Addendum-02, Pursuit of Suppliers: Although Poseidon's Ocean Club staff were knowledgeable in para-cooking, it was apparent their training was outsourced, and acquired their ingredients from a third party. Captain Bailey authorized the staff to be amnestized of their memory of the raid. The establishment was allowed to conduct its business under the covert surveillance of Lambda-14. This was done not only to identify patrons ordering from the 'secret menu', but to also identify the supplier. One week later, a nondescript van arrived at the establishment before business hours, delivering boxes of supplies before driving off. Over a period of two days, Lambda-14 remotely tracked the vehicle to ████ ██████, a private stockyard on the coast of ████████, Florida. The shipyard appeared to be operating beyond its official business hours with vans entering and exiting the property at scheduled intervals. Lambda-14 cut off phone lines then cordoned off the area, quickly subduing and taking control of ████ ██████ with relative ease. Large quantities of SCP-7190 were held at the property alongside unrelated anomalous substances. Undocumented migrant workers and armed mercenaries were captured at the scene with the most prominent being Ivan Frady, the property's owner. Frady refused to cooperate until Captain Bailey took charge of the interrogation. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7190/Bailey/Frady ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ [BEGIN LOG] Frady: They claimed their passports were legitimate! I swear I had no idea— Captain Bailey: Mr. Frady, stop wasting my time. Frady: This is l-ludicrous. What am I being charged with? Captain Bailey: Smuggling, conspiracy and violations so grievous it'll make OSHA faint… so far. Frady: So far?! No, no no! You got the wrong idea h-here, pal. I just handle logistics, I'm not— Captain Bailey: Frady… you're in charge. Stop embarrassing yourself— Frady: I'm a pure logistics man, I-I don't handle the cargo! I've just been following standard protocol— [Captain Bailey massages the bridge of his nose.] Captain Bailey: [Muttering] Every single. Goddamn. Time. Frady: This whole sham you're running is illegal I tell you! I want my lawyer— [Captain Bailey violently scoots his chair backward, Frady ceases his rambling. Captain Bailey brings a finger to his lip.] Captain Bailey: Shhh… [Captain Bailey grabs a manila folder from the table and walks around to behind's Frady's seat. Captain Bailey opens the file, sliding out five enlarged photographs on the table.] Frady: What is— Captain Bailey: Shh… Autumn Lagro, Jesse Smith, Naomi Binks, Marco White and Marcus Bowser. Ring a bell, Ivan? Frady: I… No. Never seen these people in my life. Captain Bailey: For good reasons. Now flip the pictures. Frady: Why do— [Captain Bailey's hands tense around Frady's shoulders, causing the latter to flinch. Captain Bailey brings their mouth to Frady's left ear.] Captain Bailey: Ivan. Flip. The. Pictures. [Frady shivers immensely, nods and overturns all the photographs; different images are printed on the other side. Frady silently gasps as Captain Bailey gives him a shoulder rub with one hand as he points with the other.] Captain Bailey: Beaten to death outside her daughter's wedding, found inside the trunk of his car with a Colombian necktie, sniped at a motel, the White family disappeared after their house mysteriously burned down, and as for Bowser… hmph, let's say he wasn't going to have kids anytime soon. [Frady stares at Captain Bailey in horror. The latter shakes his head.] Captain Bailey: Nope. We just stumbled upon the aftermath. And do you know what they all have in common? Frady: [Deep Breathing]. Captain Bailey: They had secrets, a neat business on the side; working with the wrong people, getting up close and personal with things that shouldn't exist. But who cares about the laws of science and when you can make those sweet, sweet Benjamin's. I imagine that goes double for a secret Ambrose Restaurants contractor. [Captain Bailey places multiple signed documents on the table. Frady curses under his breath. Captain Bailey grips his shoulder tighter.] Captain Bailey: Were you expecting a quick bailout? Sorry to disappoint you, Ivan but that's not how it works. This is a lifetime occupation — no sick days or retirements. To put it bluntly, you're a small fish, working for bigger fish in a pond you can't even imagine. These guys don't tolerate shenanigans, especially when it becomes inconvenient. Even if you don't spill the beans they're going to assume you did… and act accordingly. [Frady begins exhibiting signs of a panic attack.] Frady: T-They're a restaurant chain! Captain Bailey: That's connected to a lot of nasty people. I get it, this is a big change, but you need to understand something. Life as you know it is practically already over, Ivan. It's only a matter of time. But if you want to get a good ending after all this, then I suggest you stop playing dumb and start acting smart. [Captain Bailey walks to the side of the table and stares intensely at Frady. Frady hyperventilates.] Captain Bailey: Ivan. Spill it. This is your last chance. Frady: …And if I talk… I'll get protection? Captain Bailey: Most likely, but you need to impress me first. Let's focus on the sushi you've been stocking and supplying. How's it made? Frady: I don't know. Captain Bailey: Ivan— Frady: No, really! I don't know! I meant what I said before, I do logistics not production! My job is to organize and coordinate distributions across the country, then count the profits I obtained from those restaurants. Captain Bailey: Restaurants? You mean other than Ambrose? Frady: Well technically they're not all officially restaurants… Captain Bailey: That doesn't make sense. Why would Ambrose allow their products to be served outside their chains? That's money down the drain. Frady: No, they still serve it at their locations. it's just… I've heard they're working out a… special promotion with a… erm… major organization. This organization produces the supplies while Ambrose takes care of the rest. The only reason why this promotion isn't exclusive is because that's part of the contract. These locations are selected out beforehand and I handle a lot of the shipments so everyone becomes happy. This promotion is kind of a big deal. Captain Bailey: And this promotion entails…? Frady: I don't have much details, but I know it's scheduled sometime around May 26, 2023. Captain Bailey: Uh-huh. Why? Frady: They've never said… can I go into witness protection now? Captain Bailey: What did you say the name of this major organization was? Frady: I-I never said. Captain Bailey: Well now's the time. Frady: Look. I-I-I really think I'll feel more comfortable to continue if I got that protection first— [Captain Bailey slides a photograph of Frady on top of the other photographs. Captain taps silently onto the pile as he stares at Frady, tilting his head.] [Frady quivers.] [END LOG] Addendum-04, Progress: According to Frady's testimony, MC&D was Ambrose's primary collaborator and sole supplier of SCP-7190 related materials. Frady provided more documents to prove his statement and most of the mercenaries captured were identified to have definite connections to the organization as well. As determined in Frady's settlement for the Foundation's protection, he was required to expose all known depot locations, request an emergency supply of SCP-7190 from his employers, and allow the Foundation to covertly gain autonomy of the smuggling network to avert suspicion. Two days later, a submarine emerged from the docking section of the stockyard. Several individuals exited the vessel to be intercepted and arrested by MTF Lambda-14 and Mu-3 (“Highest Bidders”).3 This led to the Foundation learning of UE-111789's location. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET: File UE-111789 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ UE-111789 HISTORY: Following the Foundation's failure to interrogate any meaningful information from the operatives, the submarine was searched. Aside from the specific supplies ordered by Ivan Frady, a world map was recovered alongside coordinates to a specific destination in the Atlantic Ocean. This area was explored by Foundation submersibles and designated UE-111789. LOCATION: UE-111789 is a section of seabed located in the Atlantic Ocean; ██°██′██″N ██°██′██″W. A series of man-made structures comprised of bedrock, coral, basalt and scrap metal was found at the scene. Most of these structures were heavily damaged or completely destroyed; Only UE-111789-1 was semi-intact. UE-111789-1 is a structure located in the middle of UE-111789. It consists of a dozen tall spiraling towers connected by multiple archways. Radiocarbon dating determined it was constructed in the 13th century and is theorized to be a castle as indicated by its medieval architecture. Although a throne room, dungeon room and treasury4 was present, it was absent of stairs, ladders and bridges. Attempts to discern further details of UE-111789 are incredibly difficult due to the large-scale destruction of the ruins. ARTIFACTS RECOVERED: Seashells with indecipherable markings scratched on the surface; Spears constructed from scrap metal and bedrock; Remnants of a large masculine statue with a beard; Steel Harpoons; Torn pieces of netting; Shrapnel from a torpedo missile; Bone fragments inconsistent with known aquatic creatures native to those depths. Eventually, Lambda-14 and Mu-3 was given the order to shut down MC&D's and Ambrose joint network: all known eateries exposed throughout the operation had their SCP-7190's confiscated and all individuals aware of the deal was amnestized or detained. Despite having great success in shutting down the network, production of SCP-7190 still remains in circulation. To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: Update And now you owe me $100. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Update Very cute. Hal. Have you been waiting to let that out for weeks? I would say great job on your hunch but I've been hearing they decided to bring the hammer down on the smuggling ring? Didn't you say we're still making progress on the case? To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Update Yeah, were And no I didn't make the call, Ray did. We hit a dead end and people were getting antsy about the possibility of those perps giving us the slip. It was an interesting experience, though I can't say I'm happy being on the sidelines again. Why do the Bidders get the most fun? To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Update Wait, you're saying Ray from Mu-3 set the ball in motion? I thought you guys had a joint operation? And what do you mean you made no progress? You found a huge castle in the middle of the ocean! To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Update 1. Temporary-joint operation. Our job was to find the delivery points and acquire the sushi and other goodies they had. We upheld our duty, the Bidders still need to uphold theirs. Since Ambrose is backing off Mu-3's leading the charge. We're not completely out of the picture but I don't see us becoming more than a background role. 2. Did you even read the file at all? The place was near-blown to bits! If there was a magic bullet it's long gone by now. The guys have been squabbling about with their theories all day. It could be a kingdom that magically sunk into Davy Jones's backyard, an alien civilization or MC&D's personal underwater sea world. Pointless conjectures. All that's certain is that it ain't natural and we weren't the first to visit. The best part is that the castle may not be even relevant to the case! That map had other spots written down on it too but it ended up finding rocks or just plain nothing. It doesn't say on the file but one of those crates on that submarine was filled with treasure (gold, coins, pearls you know the gist). Worst case scenario? The sub might've come back from an unrelated mission and they were called in at the last minute to fill out Frady. It was an emergency restocking, remember? I would hate to think we accidentally wasted needless time and resources on a hunch. Ugh. So yeah the operation's foggy but that's life. Was your endeavor just as disappointing as mine? To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Update Got approval. Possible Thaumiel… To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Update …You're joking… To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Update I got the docs to prove it. The results were solid and they were impressed about the 'all benefits no catches' part. I don't know how exactly we're gonna implement it. But I do know one thing, I finally reached the big leagues. My first, long lasting achievement. I smell a promotion coming my way. To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Update There's no way they would've allowed that to pass so easily. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Update Of course not! They put the proposal on hold until the meat's been identified. And what a coincidence! I just gotten the latest report from Cryptzoology. Guess what in it? To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Update Dr. Frankenstein's aspiration and failures? To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Update Dolphin, manatee, rainbowfish, Bocon toadfish, tuna, candiru, hairy frogfish, swordfish, and a little bit of monkey. To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Update Monkey? To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Update That and platypus. The next stage is to take the DNA from the meat and begin reconstruction of the original host. Basically cloning. It'll give the Foundation the all clear and we won't have to worry about running out in the future. Who knows Hal, you might find yourself having a new favorite from the cafeteria soon enough. I sure know I can't wait to take a bite. I'll let you know how it goes. Have a good night. To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Update You're sick for even remotely thinking of putting that seaweed-wrapped travesty in your mouth but yeah, sure, knock yourself out. Do you. If anything changes in the investigation I'll warn you as soon as possible. Have fun with craving (I sincerely hope you're joking.) I'm gonna have fun with Motrin. Night. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: Why? We need to talk. To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Why? Not this minute. Wait for the article to update and then we'll talk. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Why? Bailey. The project's been put on hold. To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Why? I know. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Why? And I've heard that you had a hand in it. To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Why? I know. I put in a recommendation. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Why? Why the hell would you do such a thing?! This was the golden goose and you're strangling it. I've been asking around and I'm getting a slow response but I know this has nothing to do with it being dangerous. It's a safe class and they'd consider adding it to our food regimens! So I'm going to ask you again, why did you decide to put everything on the line for no goddamn reason? To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Why? Oh I didn't say that. I had my reasons, the other guys did too. To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Why? Other guys? To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Why? From the joint operation. The Bidders went through their channels and managed to find the lead we've been looking for. To tell you the truth, I have had a bad hunch ever since we've been wrapping up the network and now I'll never hear the end of it. You didn't get the memo? To: Hal Bailey From: Shaun Manoj Subject: RE: Why? I was busy. I certainly didn't receive any 'memo' and I certainly have no idea what you're talking about. What lead? To: Shaun Manoj From: Hal Bailey Subject: RE: Why? Why don't make use of your eyes and find out? They were going to update the article at 5:00, but I'll give you a sneak peek. Enjoy. Attached: SCP-7190-addendum4.dox Addedunm-04, Overhaul: Two weeks in the aftermath of the network's dissolution, the Foundation received an anonymous tip who claimed to be a former MC&D member, providing directions to a nondescript fishery operating in the Okinawa region of Japan. Mu-3 and Lambnda-14 were deployed to investigate the address. Attached below are the results of the deployment. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7190/Okinawa/Japan ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Foreword: All video evidence is taken directly from Captain Bailey's mounted camera. [BEGIN LOG] [The camera view is murky and barely visible until Captain Bailey climbs out of the water. He is wearing a scuba suit and carries a water-proofed satchel. Additional MTF members leave the ocean onto the dock. They unzip their satchels and pull out their firearms. Captain Bailey removes the oxygen mask.] Captain Bailey: [Towards Radio.] We're at the infiltration spot. Any activity? Commander: No one has exited the building yet. Alpha team spotted one of the window's lights turning on briefly but nothing more. What do you see on your end? [Captain Bailey turns his head to the right. All the docks are empty save for one: a speed boat with its engine humming.] Captain Bailey: There's only one boat here. I can see it from and it looks like there's only… two, no four seats max. Captain Bailey: Understood. Proceed with caution. Alpha team will convene with you inside. Over. Captain Bailey: Loud and clear, Command. Over. Alright ladies, you know the drill. Watching your finger on the trigger. The last thing we want is anyone to get excited. Lambda-14|Samson: Stealth on a house made of popsicle sticks? Overkill much? Captain Bailey: 'The cornered rat will fight back.' These rich assholes don't take losing very kindly. I won't be surprised if they wired this place to blow at a hair's breadth… [Lambnda-14 physically tenses up. Captain Bailey.] Captain Bailey: Hyperbolically speaking. There's no way they'll blow this place this close to a population center. Lambda-14|Yonda: Can we get inside already? I'm freezing my ass out here. Captain Bailey: Right then. Ladies' first. [Lambda-14 silently traverses the docks and approaches the fishery. They find the emergency exit but it is locked. Lambda-14|Yonda kneels and picklocks the door. It opens — all operatives enter inside and turn on their night goggles. They are situated inside a room with conveyor belts; several corridors are visible at the end of the room.] Lambda-14|Sullivan: [Whisper] Still clear… where to? Captain Bailey: We need to spit up — cover more ground efficiently as possible. Don't drag your feet— [Shouting followed by gunshots echo from the right-most corridor. By the sound of the gunshots a shotgun and machine guns are being used. Lambda-14 are startled.] Lambda-14|Samson: That soon?! Captain Bailey: Bidder's got lucky yet again? Let's give them a helping hand— go go! I said don't drag your feet! [Lambda-14 rush into the corridor, they take several turns until reaching a larger hallway. Two armed men are engaging in a firefight with Mu-3 operatives. the latter taking cover behind the wall corner's. Lambda-14 meets them behind. The two men turn around shouting in Japanese before being gunned down by Captain Bailey. The corridor becomes silent.] Captain Bailey: [Heavy Panting.] …Man… that was… [More Panting] anticlimactic. Care to explain? [Captain Bailey lowers his machine gun. Four bodies litter the hallway, bleeding across the floor. Mu-3 begins to leave cover and reconvene with Lambda-14.] Mu-3|Captain Maxwell: Don't look at us! Everything was fine and dandy until these two dimwits tried to ambush us! Then another two tried to get clever and… you know the rest. Captain Bailey: Shit. Mu-3|Captain Maxwell: But! But, we've searched a lot of the building on our end. Command says outside is the same. I think that's all of them? Lambda-14|Yonda: Really? It can't be that easy. Isn't this where they make the sushi? This is the crown of their network. Mu-3|Marrick: Nah, more like was. Like our captain said, this place is practically cleared out. Not much on the beds, not much in the kitchen either. These are literally the only hostiles we encountered. This is too big for just four people. Captain Bailey: …Heh… right on the money, kid. Those greedy pigs must have caught wind we were coming. Empty kitchens and bedrooms. These aren't the real perps, or at least the ones the matter. They're the clean-up crew. Tying up loose ends. Someone update Command. Lambda-14|Sullivian: Ah damn, so we're too late then? What were they cleaning up? Captain Bailey: …Where exactly did they ambush you from? Lambda-14|Samson: Over here Cap'. Mind the foam! [Samson calls from a doorway to the right. A hissing sound is heard, prompting the MTF's to enter the room. The room consists of tiled walls, ceiling and floor with a small area section off and depressed lower in the ground with a drain and retractable shower head installed. Samson has turned on the shower head, spraying water into a smoking trash can.] Lambda-14|Yonda: Sam?! Stop! What are you— Captain Bailey: Hold on Yonda. Was that on fire earlier? Lambda-14|Samson: Bet your ass, Cap'! [Turns off shower head] That's a bunch of paper here. I guess their paper shredder went out of commission? Mu-3|Captain Maxwell: So they were cleaning evidence… what do you see inside? Is the evidence still intact, son? Lambda-14|Samson: I'm looking, I'm looking! It's… very messy here. Seems like some food and other trash is mixed in too5 … wait! I see a bit of paper that's kind of dry. A note… there's something written on it. Lambda-14|Yonda: And? Lambda-14|Samson: I… I can't make heads or tales of it. It's like an entirely different language. [Captain Bailey takes and scans the letter; it is written in cursive English. Captain Bailey rolls their eyes and enunciates clearly.] Captain Bailey: "Dear…" Can't read this part. "The promotion for May has been scrapped. According to public sources, the Disney remake's a flop. We will carry forth on a different…" The rest is burnt off. Mu-3|Albert: Remake? What remake? Captain Bailey For a promotion on… May 26… hm? [Captain Bailey examines the drain more closely. Jewelry and a broken trident lay inside. Captain Bailey reaches in and pulls out a makeshift necklace consisting of rocks and a clam shell.] Captain Bailey: …No… what? [Captain Maxwell spots a freezer door on the opposite wall. He signals the present MTF members and opens the door. It is dark inside. They are immediately assaulted by a noxious smell. Captain Bailey gags but turns on his flashlight and enters. The rest of the MTF follow his example.] [They are inside a walk-in freezer. Wooden crates and metallic instruments are laid haphazardly on the floor. Captain Bailey peers inside a crate without a lid; rows of meat and nori sealed in air-tight packages. Captain Bailey shines his light over several overturned gas canisters.] Captain Bailey: It's not cold in here… were they trying to burn the entire building down— [Captain Bailey freezes. In front of him are multiple large fish carcasses hung from the ceiling by meat hooks. The tail is left relatively unharmed while the upper-half is completely absent of skin; the head and limbs are missing, leaving only the ribcage. The floor is stained with blood.] Lambda-14|Samson: Jesus, they were cutting up tuna in here? Captain Bailey: …That's not tuna. The tail's too scaly and the ribcage is not right. It almost looks… like a monkey. Lambda-14|Samson: A monkey? How on earth did you come with that idea? Cap'? Captain. Captain! Where ya going? [Captain Bailey leaves the freezer and returns with the stringed clam necklace. Captain Bailey hangs the necklace from his finger below the carcasses' ribcage.] Captain Bailey: No… no… [Captain Bailey spots a portable incinerator in the room. He quickly walks to it and turns it off. He then takes a nearby fire extinguisher and puts out the fire inside. He freezes. Human bones and hair are visible inside.] Captain Bailey: Oh… oh… no— [Captain Bailey slips backwards and falls on his back. Two MTF members come to his aid and lift him into a sitting position. Captain Bailey shines his flashlight on the object he slipped on. He gasps. A disembodied feminine hand lays on the floor. Manipulating his flashlight, it is revealed that the floor is covered sporadically in pieces of flesh. A soft cough emanates from the corner. Captain Bailey directs his flashlight, readying his firearm.] [The light illuminates a large fish tank. Inside the tank is an entity consisting of the top half of a human female and the bottom half of a fish tail-like appendage. The water in the tank is half empty, frozen and just beginning to thaw. The entity is pale, its eyes are rolled up, and is breathing shallowly. It is missing its right forearm.] [Several MTF members begin to gag, exclaim curse words or vomit. Captain Bailey quickly eyes the hanging fish tails, the crates, and finally the entity before tensing up. Captain Bailey is heaving, struggling excessively not to vomit as he looks away. Captain Bailey pauses for ten seconds.] Captain Bailey: [Prolonged Pause] Jesus Christ! [END LOG] Footnotes 1. Including Omega-3, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K. 2. A high end restaurant operating in Malibu, California. 3. Mu-3 joined the operation upon revelation of MC&D involvement. 4. The room was empty and displays signs of forced entry 5. While the majority of the documents inside the receptacle were destroyed, some stayed relatively intact. These documents include contracts for fish breeding and insemination, research into the female embryo, and medical instructions on preforming lobotomies.
SCP-7191-A (Current Picture). Item #: SCP-7191 Object Class: Euclid Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7191 is contained in a humanoid containment cell at Site-17 and is to be provided with a portable oxygen tank alongside standard amenities. All proposals concerning SCP-7191-B extraction are to be sent to Dr. Barrack for review. SCP-7191 is held in a containment chamber installed with a built-in ventilation system at Site-17 and is medically restrained to their bed. Personnel must adorn respirators and flame-retardant coverings before entering the chamber. In the event that signs of leakage or ventilation breakdown are present, the attending supervisor is to be notified immediately. Description: SCP-7191 is an 11-year-old male humanoid of Chinese-American descent (formerly known as Collin Tian). SCP-7191 possesses an extra-dimensional space in the form of SCP-7191-A, a marble cave-like structure superimposed on their nasopharynx. SCP-7191-A is host to tunnels, cenotes, speleothems in addition to various mining-based materials.1 SCP-7191 has a tangible effect on SCP-7191-A, as the entity's head movements or coughs result in the space temporarily changing gravity or be afflicted with tremors respectively. SCP-7191-A is not miniaturized and retains the actual corresponding size to that of non-anomalous caverns. Despite this, SCP-7191 is not weighed down by SCP-7191-A and has freedom of movement. SCP-7191 is overall not negatively affected by SCP-7191-A with the exception of indirectly causing its dyspnea, which can be alleviated via oxygen therapy. History: Prior to containment, SCP-7191 was born with multiple nasal-related disorders that worsened during its development. On 09/22/2022, SCP-7191's mother had taken the entity for a scheduled doctor's appointment, during which attending physicians were astonished to witness SCP-7191-A. The Foundation was alerted to the situation and amnestized all relevant parties. SCP-7191 was then subsequently transferred to Site-17. Addendum-01: Post-containment, an in-depth inspection of SCP-7191-A was performed through endoscopic technology. There, researchers discovered SCP-7191-B, a series of mineral deposits located throughout the anomaly. Individual SCP-7191-B instances not only hold native elements expected in underground mining, but also contain exceedingly excessive amounts of rare, artificial, and even anomalous metals such as Beryllium Bronze and Morgana Silver. However, SCP-7191-A is completely absent of fossil fuels such as natural gas and coal. The revelation that SCP-7191-B-related material are identical to their original counterparts and carry zero risk of anomalous contamination, combined with the ongoing global chip crisis convinced Site Director Thomas Graham to assign Dr. Barrack to SCP-7191's case to see if the entity was suitable for potential thaumiel class status. Although SCP-7191-B are capable of being mined, the diminutive size of SCP-7191-A's entrance and the impracticality of maneuvering the drill made extraction largely inefficient. Dissatisfied, Director Graham gave Dr. Barrack a strict deadline to bypass the 'obstacle' at hand or risk demotion. This issue was further exacerbated when SCP-7191 was beginning to reluctantly cooperate with staff, as extractions always caused the entity immense discomfort. To amend this, Dr. Barrack attempted to regain SCP-7191's compliance through enticement as he continued the struggle finding an optimal solution for his predicament. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7191/Incident/Barrack ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ [BEGIN LOG] [SCP-7191 is seated by the table, holding their hands and slowly swaying in their chair. The entity rubs their eyes when they notice the one-way mirror. SCP-7191 rubs their mask, sighs, then rests their head. The testing chamber's door opens.] [Dr. Barrack and several researchers pushing utility carts enter the chamber. Upon noticing them, SCP-7191 moves up from their seat and folds their arms. The entity looks to the floor.] Dr. Barrack: Hey champ, how you doin'? [SCP-7191 mutters under their breath.] Dr. Barrack: I'm sorry, can you repeat that son?[SCP-7191 abruptly slides down their mask and coughs loudly. The entity massages their throat when they observe the carts. SCP-7191 posture stiffens.] Dr. Barrack: SCP… Collin, can you sit back down? Nothing will happen, I promise. I just want to… give you something.[SCP-7191 slowly sits down, hands and shoulders visibly shaking. Dr. Barrack orders a researcher to bring one of the carts closer to the table. SCP-7191 covers their eyes as Dr. Barrack removes the cloth. The entity's breath shudders and respirates deeply when the sound of lighter flickering is heard.][SCP-7191 pulls away their hands. Dr. Barrack is using a barbecue lighter to ignite the candles on a white large rectangular cake. Although much of the font is illegible from this angle, the words "HAPPY" and "12TH" can be seen written on the surface with purple frosting.][SCP-7191 looks at the other carts, various sweets and pizza resting on them.][Dr. Barrack chuckles and pours a glass of chocolate milk on the table. He is wearing a party hat and a polka-dot styled tie.] Dr. Barrack: Nope, no testing. It's a… reward. [Researchers begin transferring the dishes from the carts onto the table. SCP-7191 looks on in disbelief.]Dr. Barrack: Mm-hmm. Consider it a gift from me to you. [SCP-7191 reads the lettering.]Dr. Barrack: Consider it an early birthday then. I figured it was overdue for all the nice, wonderful hard work you've been doing. [Dr. Barrack gives SCP-7191 a spare party hat. SCP-7191 looks towards the glass, reaches for it and takes a sip. Visibly elated, the entity quickly downs its contents.]Dr. Barrack: Hey, don't mention bud. What are friends for?[Dr. Barrack expresses an exaggerated frown.] Dr. Barrack: Sorry, champ, but that's not in cards.Dr. Barrack: Yes, right on the nose… pun unintended. Collin, I know it sucks but if we don't remove them soon… it'll just cause more health problems in the long run. Y'know?[Dr. Barrack slides the cake closer to the entity. Dr. Barrack fills himself and the entity's glass with more chocolate milk.] Dr. Barrack: But it's not going to be forever, I promise. When we eventually remove all those, heh, boogers out, you can go back home. Promise.Dr. Barrack: Anyways we should get this party started before your cake melts. Vanilla ice cream cake. Your favorite. [SCP-7191 smiles.]Dr. Barrack: [Laughs] I'm sure you will. [SCP-7191 removes their mask. As they do so, the entity frowns.] Dr. Barrack: Something wrong, champ?Dr. Barrack: Ah, that's probably the new nasal spray we've been given you. It'll pass. Eh… just not to exert your lungs far more than you have to.[SCP-7191 inhales, leans close to the candles, and exhales. A bright light flash emanates from the table, instantaneously followed by a loud bang, then smoke. Attending researchers are bewildered and disoriented.] Dr. Barrack: T-T-The fuck?! What the hell is… Ow! Ow… why— [Dr. Barrack gasps. An eyeball is floating in his glass of chocolate milk and teeth are embedded in his arm. Dr. Barrack stares at the table in horror. SCP-7191 is sitting in their seat; fire and smoke emerge from their head.] [SCP-7191 sways widely, then falls onto the cake. The cake quickly melts as the table catches on fire. The fire alarm blares as Dr. Barrack watches from a distance, stunned. Researchers begin to panic as the fire spreads to SCP-7191's clothing.] [A researcher pulls on the fire extinguisher on the wall as security enter the room.] [END LOG] SCP-7191-A was inspected in the immediate aftermath, uncovering recently-drilled sections containing trace amounts of methane. Investigators deduced that prior to the events of Addendum-01, the entity was subjected to standard SCP-7191-B extraction that early morning. However, the research team had inadvertently perforated into a reservoir of natural gas, causing it to leak throughout SCP-7191-A. SCP-7191 didn't suffer the effects of the gas flooding into their respiratory tract due to the aforementioned small entrance to SCP-7191-A and the sufficient oxygen it was being supplied with. The resulting explosion caused the irrevocable destruction of SCP-7191's facial muscles, bones, and organs. The entity was also afflicted with substantial brain damage, causing it to undergo a deep coma. As SCP-7191 was placed in its current containment chamber, Site Director Graham drafted disciplinary measures for Dr. Barrack. Resources were also allocated to SCP-7191 for experimental reconstruction surgery. Addendum-02: Several days after, the combustion within SCP-7191 ceased completely. Another endoscopic exploration found that while SCP-7191-A was significantly damaged, a large portion of SCP-7191-B was not. The introduction of the enlarged opening on SCP-7191 allowed the application of drones to venture into and extract SCP-7191-B more efficiently and easier than prior attempts. Furthermore, the explosion unearthed more tunnels, leading to more caverns containing a massive overabundance of SCP-7191-B instances, even more than those located by the entrance. Months later, it was concluded that SCP-7191-A has no measurable length or depth, and is presumed to be infinite. Site Director Graham congratulated the research team's endeavors on finding a workaround solution for the preliminary issue, granting them more permits and permissions. Dr. Barrack was granted the opportunity for a promotion, but ultimately declined it. Dr. Barrack has drafted proposals citing up advocacy of siphon resources that are now primarily allocated to mining-based expenditures back to reconstruction surgery. The proposal was declined. Footnotes 1. See Addendum-01 for further clarification.
close Info X Special Thanks to: Zoobeeny RadiantGold, Dr_Soot, ferox, InnKeeperReori, Jiwoahn JorgeMtzb Hello, it is me! JorgeMtzb The idea for this article came to me in a dream… that would be all. ENJOY. Item#: 7192 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7192 is currently located within a secure server room on Site-19. Access to the server room is restricted to Level 3 personnel and above. Regular maintenance and monitoring of SCP-7192 are to be conducted by qualified IT personnel while under the supervision of Dr. Harlow. Description: SCP-7192 refers to the surveillance system installed within Site-19, composed of data servers as well as security cameras and related monitoring equipment. SCP-7192's anomalous properties manifest as recurring glitches and malfunctions that affect the functionality of the surveillance system. The glitches observed in SCP-7192 are varied and unpredictable, occurring at irregular intervals. The following anomalies have been currently documented: Visual Distortions Periodically, the video feed from the security cameras becomes distorted, displaying severe pixelation, color shifts, and geometric distortions. This distortion can obscure or completely obstruct the view of monitored areas, creating potential security vulnerabilities within Site-19. Audio Distortions Audio recordings frequently experience interference, resulting in static, garbled voices, or complete audio loss. In some instances, the system has picked up unidentifiable sounds, including whispers, distant screams, and other abnormal auditory phenomena. Physical Movement The rotational controls of surveillance cameras move autonomously. This results in altered camera angles, and temporary blind spots, creating potential security vulnerabilities within Site-19. The Foundation has implemented several containment and research procedures aimed at understanding and mitigating SCP-7192's anomalous effects. These measures included routine server maintenance to ensure the integrity of the surveillance system, experimentation with various electromagnetic shielding configurations to reduce interference, and the deployment of dedicated IT personnel for monitoring the anomaly. However, despite these efforts, SCP-7192 continued to exhibit unpredictable irregularities. Research teams have also initiated the analysis of anomalous audio and visual recordings, often with the assistance of paranormal specialists, but no conclusive findings were obtained. Incident Log - SCP-7192 - Containment Breaches: Incident 0910A - 2023: Video Log Transcript Incident Log 7192 - 0910A - 2023: Containment Breach Date and hour: 2023-09-10T10:43 Location: Site-19 Assigned MTF: Mu-13 (“Ghostbusters”) Foreword: The incident unfolded during a routine maintenance session within Server Room B, conducted by Dr. Harlow and IT Specialist Anderson. Security Officer Ramirez was stationed outside the room during the incident. At approximately 14:47, as IT Specialist Anderson was performing system diagnostics, Dr. Harlow reported witnessing a glitch on the monitoring screen. The screen displayed Camera 53-C, positioned in Sector 7B. A brief distortion of the camera's feed occurs; confused, Dr. Harlow instructs Anderson to rewind the footage. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Harlow: Hold on, Anderson. Come over here for a moment. IT Specialist Anderson: Huh? What is it? Dr. Harlow Just now, on camera– uhh… camera 53-C. Something weird happened. Rewind the footage if you will, please. Anderson rewinds the footage. It shows Researcher Johnson working with the back turned to the camera. The glitch occurs again, behind Researcher Johnson. A humanoid figure is clearly visible, wearing a white lab coat. Despite the bright lighting of the hallway, its face remains completely obscured by darkness. IT Specialist Anderson: What the– Another Visual Interference occurs, at which point the room appears completely empty. Dr. Harlow: Shit. Dr. Harlow and Anderson exchanged alarmed looks. Security Officer Ramirez is immediately contacted to inform of the breach and confirm the location and status of the area. Dr. Harlow: Hi, yes uhh… this is Dr. Harlow from the Technology Oversight Division, We have a situation. I need a Mobile Task Force on the ready. We have A 19/A/SUPERBLUE-MAGENTA. There is a loose entity in Site-19 within Sector 7B, I repeat there is a loose entity in the Sector 7B Lab. The figure appears to look up towards the ceiling, examining its surroundings, as if looking for something. Security Officer Ramirez: What!? I- uhm… I'll have all hands on deck. Details? Dr. Harlow: Currently unknown. It's a shadowy humanoid figure. Proceed with proper caution. Security Officer Ramirez: Don't need to tell me twice. Dr. Harlow: Would you be able to confirm who is currently stationed in the lab in sector 7B? Security Officer Ramirez: Let's see, if I'm correct that'd be Researcher Johnson. Yeah, he should be here in Sector 7B, conducting the anomaly review. After several seconds, more visual interference happens. When the feed comes back, the entity is completely absent. Dr. Harlow drops the radio and grabs his cell phone to call Johnson directly. Researcher Johnson: Hello? Dr. Harlow: Johnson, do you copy? Where are you right now? Researcher Johnson: I'm in my Sector 7B workstation, just by the janitor's cart. Why? Dr. Harlow: Johnson, stay where you are, in view of the security feed. They're coming to you. Researcher Johnson: Huh? Is something wrong? Researcher Johnson turns around in his seat and quickly gazes around the room. Dr. Harlow Yes, there appears to be an enti– Anderson taps Dr. Harlow on the shoulder. The entity has reappeared directly in front Researcher Johnson and is staring directly at the camera. At the same time, the audio feed captures whispering.1 Researcher Johnson: Doctor? I don't see anything. Dr. Harlow: Johnson, listen to me, this is very important. Don't move, and don't say a single word, okay? Researcher Johnson: Uh… alright. Dr. Harlow: What did I just say? Researcher Johnson: … Dr. Harlow: Thank you. The figure reappears then turns and walks down the corridor, out of the camera's view. Dr Harlow and Anderson turn their attention to the succeeding camera, but the figure is missing from the footage. Immediately after this, the containment breach alarm is sounded and a site-wide lockdown is declared. MTF Mu-13 (“Ghostbusters”) arrives at location shortly thereafter, securing the area and evacuating all the staff. Following this incident, the entity has begun to regularly manifest itself around the site for short periods of time, only ever visible through the security system. Investigations into the identity and motives of the entity appearing on the surveillance feed are ongoing but no leads into the origins and motive of the entity have been found. [END LOG] Addendum: A possible lead into the origin and motives of the entity have been found. Further investigation was deemed necessary to ascertain the connection between the recurring anomalies and Researcher Johnson. Through this investigation the following effects were discovered: Visual Distortions Periodically, the video feed from the security cameras becomes distorted, displaying severe pixelation, color shifts, and geometric distortions. Notably, these distortions often reveal the presence of a shadowy figure, consistently displaying a resemblance to Researcher Johnson. The figure so far has only shown itself through the cameras. Upon closer inspection, its appearance seems to closely resemble that of Researcher Johnson. The distortion can obscure or completely obstruct the view of monitored areas, creating potential security vulnerabilities within Site-19. Audio Distortions Audio recordings frequently experience interference, resulting in static, garbled voices, or complete audio loss. In some instances, the system has picked up unidentifiable sounds, including whispers, distant screams, and other abnormal auditory phenomena. Notably, detailed analysis of these auditory anomalies has yielded a perfect match to Researcher Johnson's voice, further heightening suspicion. Physical Movement Physical Movement: The rotational controls of surveillance cameras move autonomously. This results in altered camera angles and the creation of temporary blind spots, creating potential security vulnerabilities within Site-19. It has been observed that these camera movements tend to pivot distinctly towards Researcher Johnson whenever he is present in a monitored room. Due to these findings, Researcher Johnson has been scheduled for interrogation. Interview Transcript - Researcher Johnson: + See: Interview Transcript - Access Granted Interview Transcript 0924A- 2023: Date and hour: 2023-09-24T21:00 Location: Site-19, Interrogation Room 5B Foreword: Incident Log 7192-Alpha-002 was conducted as part of the investigation following the connection between Researcher Johnson and anomalous occurrences within Site-19's surveillance system. The interview aims to gather insights regarding Researcher Johnson's experiences during the incident. Dr. Harlow: Researcher Johnson, thank you for your time. We need your insights regarding the recent breach. Could you recall your activities leading up to the incident? Researcher Johnson: Certainly, I was in Sector 7B, conducting a routine review of my research. Dr. Harlow: And during this time, did you notice anything unusual or out of place? Researcher Johnson: Not particularly. It was standard procedure—reviewing data, ensuring system stability. Everything seemed normal. Then I got your call, something about an entity? No idea what was going on, it was only until later that I heard about the breach. Scary stuff. Dr. Harlow: Scary indeed. Dr. Harlow grabs a sheaf of paper and starts reading through it. Dr. Harlow: So, during our analysis the entity was captured by the security cameras as appearing in your room during the incident, yet you appeared undisturbed by it. Researcher Johnson: Well yeah, we've gone over this. I didn't observe anything out of the ordinary. Are you sure it's not all just some sort of illusion SCP or something of the like? Dr. Harlow: That's certainly a possibility, but I'd rather have you state the facts than form hypotheses. Whispering was picked up on the audio feed, you didn't notice any of that either? Researcher Johnson: I might have been too focused on my tasks. Work can get quite engrossing, but I still think I would've heard whispering with how quiet it was. I don't really know what else to tell you. Dr. Harlow: Good to know. Let's see, uhh… Researcher Johnson: Dr. Harlow, may I ask something? Dr. Harlow: Johnson, do I need to remind you that you are the one currently being interviewed? Researcher Johnson: What is this about really? Dr. Harlow: What are you insinuating Johnson? Researcher Johnson: Oh please, I'm not stupid. You already know the gist of what happened and what I saw. I barely know anything about this breach yet you have shown consistent interest in me. While I know you like to get everything on record, I don't see you as the kind of person to schedule an interrogation purely for the matter of me spouting a bunch of formalities into a mic. You want something out of this. Dr. Harlow remains silent. Researcher Johnson begins laughing loudly. Researcher Johnson: Sorry. Boy, I didn't mean to fluster you. My point is: It's clear you and the others picked up on something, and that something has to do with me. Dr. Harlow: Sharp as always, Johnson. Researcher Johnson: Eh, no need to oversell me, seeing as how I'm about to inform you that I am truly and completely oblivious to what's going on. I want to know what this thing's deal is about just as much as you guys, but I've got nothing. Dr. Harlow: Absolutely nothing? Nothing different, unusual, or noteworthy leading up to the breach? Any peculiar focus or specific attention drawn during your tasks? We're searching for any potential triggers or involvement. We will find out if you're lying, and you know that. Researcher Johnson: Know that perfectly, doc, but nope. I genuinely have no idea what that thing's deal is or why it was in my lab. But I'd like to know. Seriously, you guys have told me absolutely nothing about it so far. Dr. Harlow: You should be well aware that classified information is– Researcher Johnson: Distributed on a need-to-know basis, I know, I know. I've read the manual. Well, I need to know this, if you guys want me to be of any help, that is. Otherwise I'm just as clueless as you guys seemingly are. Dr. Harlow: You really don't know anything, huh? Researcher Johnson: No, I don't. At least not now. I may have picked up on the fact that you guys have an interest in me, but I still have no idea why. Dr. Harlow lets out a deep sigh. Dr. Harlow: It's becoming evident that these occurrences seem to gravitate around you. Researcher Johnson: Around me? Wait– 'occurrences', plural? Dr. Harlow: Yes, even since that first manifestation. There have been numerous others, all centered around you. Researcher Johnson: That's… insane. How come no one has caught wind of this? Dr. Harlow: The anomaly is seemingly confined to surveillance recordings. Isolated to those moments when you're in view of the cameras and only ever within a 10-meter radius of your presence. Researcher Johnson: Huh. Dr. Harlow: There's more to it. The figures seen in these distortions bear a resemblance to you. The system picked up sounds, whispers, distant screams, all matching your voice. Researcher Johnson: Wait, repeat that? Did you just say it looked like me? Dr. Harlow: Yes, the connections don't get any clearer, do they? Johnson? Researcher Johnson begins staring at his own hands. Dr. Harlow: Johnson! Researcher Johnson: Yeah? Dr. Harlow: Are you okay? You seem troubled. Researcher Johnson: Oh, uhm. Yeah I'm fine, it's just you know, how is that not troubling? Dr. Harlow: Fair enough, I'd certainly be very troubled myself. Researcher Johnson: Well, what now? Dr. Harlow: Right, you're not going to like this. Given the circumstances and the potential risk, we're implementing a temporary on-site quarantine measure for your safety. Researcher Johnson: What!? Are you fucking serious right now? Dr. Harlow: I'm afraid so. It's a precautionary step. You'll need to immediately cease your duties and remain within the site until we can fully understand and mitigate this anomaly. Researcher Johnson: You can't do that! Dr. Harlow: You very well know we can, and we will. So make yourself comfortable. Researcher Johnson: What about my family? What the hell am I supposed to tell them? I can't just disappear out of nowhere. Dr. Harlow: It's not my problem, but you'll be able to keep in contact with them, give them an explanation, all that jazz. Just, you know, communications will be monitored, so keep that in mind. Researcher Johnson: So what, you're just taking me as a prisoner now? Away from my loved ones and everything I care about? Dr. Harlow: Relax Johnson, think of it more like… a mandatory vacation. Besides, you're certainly one to talk. Researcher Johnson: Oh the audacity, you little– Dr. Harlow: It's for your safety and you know it. Researcher Johnson: 'My own safety', my ass! How is confining me to the one play where this mysterious entity resides for my own good!? You guys just want me to use me as bait. Dr. Harlow: I told you, It's a precautionary measure, okay? We're doing what's necessary to contain it. You'll get a room, you'll get well fed, you'll be fine. You can walk around and go to the cafeteria, talk to coworkers, you just need to stay in-site so we can keep track. We'll make sure you're as comfortable as possible during your stay. Researcher Johnson: Yeah, while you guys poke at me with a stick and wait for me to get killed. Dr. Harlow: I'm sorry, Johnson, it's not my choice. Researcher Johnson: Whatever. [END LOG] - Access Granted Call Transcript - Researcher Johnson + See: Researcher Johnson Call Transcript - Access Granted Date and hour: 2023-09-24T21:43 Location: Site-19, Researcher's Johnson's temporary living quarters. Foreword: The following is a transcript of a call between Researcher Johnson and his wife. [BEGIN LOG] Eleanor Johnson: Hello? Researcher Johnson: Hey, it's me. Eleanor Johnson: Honey! I wasn't expecting a call, everything alright? Researcher Johnson: Yeah, yeah, everything's fine. Listen, I won't be able to make it home tonight. Eleanor Johnson: Again? What's going on over there? Is it that top-secret stuff again? Researcher Johnson: Something like that. Listen, this time it's different. There's, uhh, some bug going around. It's kinda dangerous, so they've put us in quarantine for a while. Eleanor Johnson: Quarantine? For how long? Wait, dangerous? Will you be okay!? Researcher Johnson: I'm not sure, babe. They're being overly cautious, so it might be a few days, maybe weeks or more in the worst of cases. But yes, I should be fine. Eleanor Johnson: How can you know that? Researcher Johnson: You'll just have to trust me on that. Eleanor Johnson: Oh dear. Can we come visit at some point? Researcher Johnson: No! I mean, they wouldn't let you. It's not like a regular hospital; they don't allow civilians. Don't worry, they're running tests, that kinda stuff, I'm sure I'll be out of here in no time. Eleanor Johnson: Oh, I see. I hope you're doing okay. Have they been taking care of you? How are you feeling right now? Researcher Johnson: I'm currently doing just fine right now. Listen, how are the kids? Eleanor Johnson: Oh, they're fine, all of them asleep by now. They were asking about their dad. Wondering why you weren't here for dinner. I told them you'd be back by morning, guess I was wrong. Samantha was really upset, she misses you. Well, they all do of course. Researcher Johnson: Tell them I miss them too. Give them a big hug for me. Eleanor Johnson: Of course, honey. I worry about you though. It's just hard not ever really knowing what's really going on over there. Researcher Johnson: I know, I know. It's all routine stuff. Like I said, they're just being extra cautious, that's all. Eleanor Johnson: Alright, I trust you. Just take care of yourself, okay? Researcher Johnson: Always do, love. There's a brief pause. Eleanor Johnson: Darling, can I tell you something? Researcher Johnson: What is it? Eleanor Johnson: Ever since you got that government job, you've been really busy. Working late shifts, missing holidays, and always veiled in secrecy. I understand it's important, but sometimes it feels like I barely see you anymore. Researcher Johnson: I know, I'm sorry it's just- Eleanor Johnson: Wait! Let me finish. You've been really busy and you know, that's kind of upsetting. But even though you've been more absent you've also been a lot more present. Researcher Johnson: Huh? Eleanor Johnson: I know, it sounds weird. But hear me out. You've been so attentive, making genuine efforts to connect, you seem more focused and driven, you've started taking better care of yourself. I know I don't say it out loud but don't think I haven't noticed. I love hearing you gush about whatever interesting stuff happened at your job even if you can't tell me much, if at all. And the way you've been with the kids; patient, understanding, so caring. You've grown emotionally too, become more open and expressive about your feelings, it's like you are a completely different person. Really feels like you've found a new passion, and it's been amazing to see you grow like this. Researcher Johnson: …. Eleanor Johnson: Listen, I just want you to know how proud I am of you. Even though we don't have as much time together, when we do, it's like the world slows down and I cherish every moment of it. I know our relationship hasn't always been the best but, it feels like I keep falling in love with you all over again. Researcher Johnson: …. Eleanor Johnson: Honey, are you okay? Researcher Johnson: Yes, sorry. I got emotional, that's all. Eleanor Johnson: Aww. Researcher Johnson: I love you honey. Eleanor Johnson: Love you too babe, take care. [End Log] - Access Granted Researcher Johnson - Quarantine Observation Log. [Day 1 - After Quarantine Initiation] Researcher Johnson's behavior has escalated, having heated discussions with the site personnel, demanding answers about his confinement and arguing for his early release. [Day 10 - After Quarantine Initiation] Researcher Johnson's mental state seems to be deteriorating rapidly. He's observed pacing frantically, occasionally banging on the walls or whispering to himself. Attempts to reassure or engage with him have been met with hostility or complete silence. SCP-7192 apparitions at an all-time maximum. [Day 14 - After Quarantine Initiation] Despite plenty of opportunities for social interaction and full (monitored) access to the internet, Researcher Johnson has isolated himself and is often seen sitting withdrawn in a corner of his room. He is heard speaking incoherently, often staring blankly at the surveillance cameras. He has begun to refuse meals. Important security data keeps getting lost or corrupted during critical times, attributed to the intermittent distortions caused by SCP-7192 via Johnson's presence. Due to his continually worsened mental state and lack of apparent direct danger of SCP-7192, as well as loss of productivity due to the glitches and apparitions, discussion for the date of his release has begun. [Day 15 - After Quarantine Initiation] + See: Incident Log 1012A - 2023 - Access Granted Incident 1012A - 2023: Video Log Transcript Date and hour: 2023-10-12T00:02 Location: Site-19 Foreword: At 12:27, during lunch, Researcher Johnson is seen entering the Site-19 server room. All security footage of his time inside the room has been deleted, presumably either by him or by SCP-7192. 3 minutes later, Researcher Johnson comes out of the server room noticeably distressed, falling to his knees directly outside the door, before screaming for help. [BEGIN LOG] Researcher Johnson: HELP, HELP! Somebody help! Security, anyone! IT Specialist Anderson, returning from his lunch break, spots Researcher Johnson in his knees in front of the Site-19 Server room. He runs towards Johnson. Researcher Johnson: WAIT, don't get close to me. IT Specialist Anderson stops in his track, but is close enough to see through the door. The room has been ransacked, many of the servers physically destroyed IT Specialist Anderson: You! What did you do!? Researcher Johnson GET AWAY. Listen, this wasn't me, I'm just- Researcher Johnson's eyes suddenly widen Researcher Johnson: Wait, no no no no- You can't do this you cannot do this. Not after all this time. NO! PLEASE NO. This wasn't supposed to happen. WHY DO YOU HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING, YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING. Why can't I- That was not… Researcher Johnson flinches, grabbing his abdomen in pain. Researcher Johnson: Please! Please I beg of you let me go, let me go, I'll do anything just don't. Researcher Johnson flinches once more. Researcher Johnson I'M SORRY, I'M SO SORRY I SHOULDN'T HAVE TRIED- I DIDN'T WANT please. What about them? Are you really about to cause them this much pain. Please I know you hate me but do it for them! Think about them… Researcher Johnson coughs up blood. IT Specialist Anderson: Oh my god! Help, someone help! Researcher Johnson I won't leave like you left. Don't… make…. me go. Researcher Johnson collapses in the floor. Later autopsy reveals he perished from a heart attack. No further SCP-7192 instances have been detected since. [END LOG] - Access Granted Recovered Materials Video Log Transcript + See: Recovered Materials Video Log Transcript 1012A - 2023 - Access Granted Recovered Materials Video Log Transcript -1012A - 2023 Date and hour: 2023-10-11T23:55, [UNKNOWN] Location: Site-19 Foreword: Following incident 0924A - 2023, the Site-19 server room was searched with the intention of restoring as much lost data as possible. While months worth of security recordings were lost in the aftermath, one singular recording survived. The recording is dated to minutes before the server destruction. [BEGIN LOG] Researcher Johnson can be seen sitting at his temporal living quarter provided desk. Suddenly he stops and looks around the room. Researcher Johnson: You know what. Fine. I'm tired of waiting for you to go away. I don't care what they think. I'll bite. What do you want hm? Researcher Johnson pauses, continuing to look around. Researcher Johnson: I'm not stupid, I know you're watching. Researcher Johnson covers his face in his palms, themselves resting in his knees Researcher Johnson: It's you isn't it. Isn't it!? I know it's you. Researcher Johnson stays silent for 30 seconds. Researcher Johnson: Man, you really are just never happy…. You weren't happy then, and you're still not happy now. I gave you a chance to go away, and you still didn't take it, instead you stuck around all this time and for what? It's been a long 5 years, I thought you were long gone. What prompted you to show face now, huh? Researcher Johnson straightens up and slams his fist into the desk with force. Do me a favor and tell me something. Why? Why are you never happy? You had it all handed over to you. But never once did you stop to appreciate any of it. Never ONCE did you ever stop to think about how truly fortunate you were. You never once thought of all the people would KILL for what you have. Or… had, rather. Researcher Johnson's eyes suddenly widen. Researcher Johnson: What? (laughs) Yeah, karma's a bitch isn't it? Alright, let's talk. So then, what do you want? (pause) No. No. No. No. No. I can't take away what's not yours to begin with. It never should've been, you didn't want… You can't I mean how dare you? You got what you wanted didn't you, so why won't you you just LEAVE ME ALONE NOW– Researcher Johnson appears to tear up. Researcher Johnson: All I ever wanted was what you had man, a stable well paying job, a loving wife and family, a job, friends, people who cared for me…. a physical body. But no, even now, you always want more. And unlike you, I care for them as much as they care for me… I'm living life to the fullest. All you ever did was shout into the void and complain. Complaints complain nothing BUT DEAFENING COMPLAINTS. And you never knew it at that time, but I was there in the void. Listening, learning… yearning. …. But now? You want it all back? If you aren't gonna leave me alone then at least face me like a man! Why won't you show yourself!? Come on, it's your chance I'm in this room completely- The security camera on the room turns suddenly, creating a slight mechanical whirring. Researcher Johnson notices this and turns to the camera. Researcher Johnson: … trapped. Of-of course. How could I have not realized earlier? Oh, you stupid idiot. There is something I must do now. Don't worry old buddy, I have a plan. I guess it was nice seeing you again, but this is goodbye for now. Researcher Johnson immediately stands up from his seat and makes his way towards the hallway. Researcher Johnson: You know… you had your chance to hold on, but now it's time to let go. Goodbye The video is enveloped by static and cuts to the server room camera. Random shifting are present where the date should be. A younger researcher Johnson is seen walking into the server room. He pulls his own hair and screams, clutching his chest before collapsing in the floor. Approximately 20 seconds later, researcher Johnson gets up, stares at his hands for several seconds and then walks out the server room. [End Log] - Access Granted Footnotes 1. Further review of the footage reveals said whispering to be entirely incomprehensible, before disappearing again. More From This Author More From This Author JorgeMtzb's Works SCPs SCP-7424 (+6) • SCP-719M4-J (+170) • SCP-7229 (+53) • SCP-500-J (+117) • SCP-7121 (+92) • SCP-7911 (+28) • SCP-7194 (+33) • Tales/GoI Formats Other JorgeMtzb's Author Page (+17) • « SCP-7191 | SCP-7192 | SCP-7193 »
Edmund Davids Rage of the heavens. Death from above. SCP-7193. Having deployed all instances of SCP-7193-1 and -2, the primary anomaly is dispersing into smaller, non-anomalous clouds. Item #: SCP-7193 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: The North Atlantic Ocean is to be constantly patrolled by no less than four Boeing E-3 Sentry Airborne Early Warning (AEW) aircraft, all of which are to monitor for any signs of SCP-7193 materialisation. In concert with other members of the NAPP, a minimum of 600 Surface-to-Air Missile (SAM) batteries are to be maintained at strategic positions along all coasts adjacent to the North Atlantic Ocean, as far south as the equator. Such missiles are to have increased fuel capacities and be connected to AEW patrols via datalink. Upon the detection of SCP-7193, it is to be closely monitored until the emergence of SCP-7193-1 and -2 instances. These are then to be tracked until they move within range of land-based SAM batteries, where all instances must be eliminated before they reach visual range of any North Atlantic coastline. Description: SCP-7193 refers to a Stratocumulus cloud of dimensions and altitude within the expected ranges for the geographic area, that, regardless of the time of day and light conditions, will retain a consistently crimson-red tinge. In an occurrence that seems to lack predictable patterning, SCP-7193 will materialise over the North Atlantic Ocean. Visually, this is identical to the mundane water cycle, accelerated by a factor of 10. SCP-7193 will disperse into smaller, non-anomalous clouds upon deploying all instances of SCP-7193-1 and -2. An instance of SCP-7193-1 moments before destruction, attempting to avoid missiles fired at it from land-based SAM batteries. Between one and 48 hours after the complete manifestation of SCP-7193, instances of SCP-7193-1 and SCP-7193-2 will emerge from within the primary anomaly. SCP-7193-1 instances are similar in appearance to modern and historical strategic bomber craft1, predominantly the B-52 Stratofortress, although characteristics of the B-17 and B-29 have also been observed. SCP-7193-2 instances are visually identical to P-51 Mustang aircraft, with capabilities of supersonic speed, onboard radar tracking, air-to-air missiles, and modern countermeasures. These significant equipment upgrades appear to have been applied anomalously. All instances of SCP-7193-1 are extremely hostile to human settlements and military assets, actively undertaking in destructive attacks upon both elements. SCP-7193-2 instances, while possessing similar hostility, will prioritise the protection of SCP-7193-1 from damage over the destruction of human presence. Instances appear incapable of running out of ammunition and fuel, with the only way to effectively cease an SCP-7193 attack being the disabling or destruction of every instance. If an assault is successful, resulting in the elimination of human presence in the area, remaining instances will proceed to belligerently seek out other human settlements and assets. Aside from these characteristics and an apparent lack of observable crewmembers, all instances appear non-anomalous. The upper threshold limit to the number of SCP-7193 instances capable of being generated in a single manifestation event is 5000, with the approximate average being 1000. No instance of SCP-7193-1 or -2 has ever been successfully recovered, due to a vanishing phenomenon that affects severely damaged instances. Addendum-01: Discovery SCP-7193 first came to Foundation attention on 15/04/2023, when Foundation satellite 'Eye on the Sky' detected the anomaly's appearance over the North Atlantic Ocean. The Foundation research vessel Forecast was in the area and proceeded to investigate. No instances of SCP-7193-1 or -2 emerged for the first twenty-four hours of the anomaly's presence. Video Log: Sinking of the SCPS Forecast Date: 16/04/2023 Location: SCPS Forecast, ~45°28'N ~50°44'W, North Atlantic Ocean Depicted: Agent Jennifer Stuart, Doctor Milford Cogent, Captain Heather Broughton (commander of the Forecast) <BEGIN LOG> Video recording is taken from Agent Stuart's body camera. It opens with her knocking loudly on a cabin door aboard the Forecast. Multiple sounds, including movement around the room and several expletives, are faintly audible from within. Agent Stuart: Dr. Cogent? The cabin door is opened, revealing Doctor Milford Cogent, who bears the appearance of having just been awakened. Stuart: Still in bed, sir? Dr. Cogent: I'd appreciate it if you didn't make fun of my jet lag. Stuart: Captain Broughton wants us on the bridge. Cogent: Now? Or later? Stuart: Two minutes ago. Just toss on a coat and some trousers. Dr. Cogent retreats into his cabin to dress himself, emerging in under a minute. Cogent: Why on earth are you wearing your body cam? Stuart: Do you want me to quote the rulebook? Cogent: Yeah, yeah. 'First contact with new anomalous phenomena requires twenty-four-hour recording of events,' I know. Stuart: Why did you ask then? Cogent: I'm tired and I feel like crap. Please excuse me for being a little out of it. Stuart: Duty calls for all of us, Dr. Cogent. Cogent: Why can't it call at a reasonable hour? Agent Stuart and Dr. Cogent reach the bridge of the Forecast, where they meet Captain Broughton. Captain Broughton: Sorry to wake you, Doctor, but we really can't afford time to catch up on sleep. We've had a development with the meteorological anomaly. (She directs their attention towards the bridge radar display) About half an hour ago, we started picking up a solid contact on the radar from somewhere inside the anomaly. Cogent: 'Solid contact'? Forgive my inexperience over technical jargon. Broughton: It's either a plane or some other aerial vehicle. Definitely not anything weather related. Cogent: Is it possibly just a lost civilian? Broughton: The radar station is manned constantly. According to the operator, the blip appeared inside the anomaly. RADAR operator: Ma'am, I just got another contact. Quite close to the first… Jesus Christ, it's multiplying! Broughton, Cogent, and Stuart gather around the station. The markers on the radar screen are rapidly increasing in number, reaching approximately 100 within twelve seconds. Cogent: Let me take a look. He appropriates a pair of binoculars and steps out of the bridge. Stuart moves to accompany him, allowing her camera to visually record SCP-7193. As per standard policy, the Forecast has not anchored directly beneath the anomaly, keeping the minimum distance of one kilometer away at all times. It is possible to make out the red cloud as a broad smudge towards the north of the Forecast. As Stuart comes alongside Dr. Cogent, who is examining the anomaly through the requisitioned binoculars, multiple tiny black specks are observable, emerging from SCP-7193. Cogent: What in the world…? They look like aircraft. It takes ten minutes for the full formation of SCP-7193-1 and -2 instances to emerge from SCP-7193, gathering up into a massive rectangular arrangement that begins moving to the west. Four instances of SCP-7193-2 detach from the main formation and dive down towards sea level. Cogent: Did you see those ones just break away? They're headed right for us. Stuart: (over her shoulder, towards the bridge and Captain Broughton) Captain, we've got incoming! Not sure if they're hostile! The camera catches a series of white contrails detaching from the four instances and speeding towards the Forecast. The shipboard alarm begins to sound. Broughton: Brace for impact!! Stuart pulls Cogent down to the deck, jostling the camera as she does so. Two seconds later, the missiles strike the Forecast, registering as two loud concussive blasts. Later examination of the wreckage revealed that one penetrated the vessel's hull at the waterline, and the other destroyed part of the rear superstructure, disabling the propellers and the rudder. The Forecast immediately starts listing to one side as it begins to sink. Stuart's camera catches the instances of SCP-7193-2 executing an overhead flyby, traveling at a speed which should be impossible for Second World War fighter aircraft. <END LOG> The SCPS Forecast sank twenty minutes after being attacked. While the majority of the crew were able to successfully evacuate the vessel, the four instances of SCP-7193-2 used machine guns to kill survivors on the life rafts and in the water. Only 10 percent of the crew of the Forecast survived long enough to be rescued, including Doctor Cogent and Agent Stuart. The larger formation of SCP-7193-1 and -2 instances were intercepted and eliminated by a force of Global Occult Coalition and United States Air Force aircraft near Bermuda. Alerted to the aggressive nature of the anomaly, containment was immediately initialised with approval from both the GOC and the US Government. The sheer scale of planned containment necessitated the formation of the North Atlantic Protection Pact (NAPP), a multilateral cooperation treaty between the Foundation, Global Occult Coalition, and every country that possessed coastline adjacent to the North Atlantic Ocean. This allowed the current containment procedures to be maintained, despite the high equipment and monetary expense. Addendum-02: Operation Actium Prior to Operation Actium, every attempt to explore the interior of SCP-7193 had proved difficult to the point of being impossible, due to the aggressive nature of SCP-7193-2, and resulted in loss of multiple unmanned drones. On 03/06/2024, following an informal discussion regarding alternate containment strategies and further opportunities for research regarding SCP-7193, Doctor Milford Cogent and Commander Daniel Courtier presented an early proposal for Operation Actium to Director Harold Monarch. By utilising the new X-181 CounterStrike (an experimental supersonic troop transport aircraft under development by the NAPP) and Reaper High-Altitude Combat Suits (at the time being tested at Site-12), Commander Courtier theorised that a small MTF could access the interior of SCP-7193 before any instances had a chance to respond. Despite reluctance from Director Monarch, who believed this proposal to be testing the limits of practicality, Mobile Task Force Tau-70 ("Going Head First") was formed within two months, consisting of five operatives, under the oversight of Commander Courtier. The task force trained for an entire year with the high-altitude combat suits, including the practice of air-to-air boarding operations and insertion from the CounterStrike. Their final test was a joint training operation to board a GOC cargo aircraft that was concealed within a cloud of similar dimensions to SCP-7193. Tau-70 passed with distinction, and Operation Actium was ready to be executed upon the next emergence of SCP-7193. Video Log: Operation Actium/01/Tau-70/Stuart Date: 19/07/2025 Location: Cabin of X-181 CounterStrike (codename: Watcher), North Atlantic Ocean. Depicted: Agent Stuart (Task Force Second-In-Command), Agent Jones (Task Force Medic), Agent March (Task Force Pilot), Agent Bourne, Agent Dyer, Commander Courtier (Task Force Commander, based at Mobile Site-101 HQ) <BEGIN LOG> The cabin of Watcher is viewed through Agent Stuart's helmet camera. Visible are the other members of Tau-70, strapped into seats with crash webbing. Commander Courtier: (relayed from HQ) We're picking up the first appearance of Ones and Twos. Stand by to dive. One minute passes. As the majority of the SCP-7193-1 and -2 formation emerges from SCP-7193, Aerial Task Force Nu-44 engages in a flyby of the anomaly, attracting 60 percent of -2 instances in pursuit. Courtier: Dive. The view outside Watcher's windshield changes as Agent March sends the craft into a sharp nosedive. SCP-7193 is now visible below, as is the SCP-7193-1 and -2 formation, both of which are extremely small from Tau-70's current altitude. It takes twenty seconds for the distance to close. Only audible sound from the task force members is heavy breathing. Courtier: Clear skies, Tau-70. Now for the moment of truth. Good luck. At this point, Watcher enters SCP-7193. Datalink to Stuart's camera feed is instantaneously lost, along with all readouts from Watcher and other members of Tau-70. Courtier: HQ to Tau-70? What's happened? We've lost your signal. Are you reading me? Hello? Anybody there? <END LOG> All contact with Tau-70 was lost upon entry to the anomaly, and the team was listed as missing in action after two weeks. For approximately five further months, there was no new information on the status of Tau-70, until the next occurrence of SCP-7193. While monitoring the anomaly's location, radar picked up a small contact emerging from within SCP-7193. Shortly after landing in the ocean, it began emitting a signal identical to the tracking beacon utilised by Tau-70's CounterStrike. The item was retrieved and brought to Mobile Site-101. Addendum-03: Operation Actium - Exploration Examination of the contact that was broadcasting Watcher's tracking beacon revealed it to be the main cargo compartment from a Reaper High-Altitude Combat Suit, specifically that of Agent Stuart. The compartment was sealed against the water, but proved easy to open. The interior contained the following: Tracking beacon from Watcher, 20% battery charge remaining2. The recording of Agent Stuart's logs from the exploration. Video Log: Operation Actium/02/Exploration of SCP-7193/Tau-70/Stuart Date: Exact date unknown — Total Log Elapse Time (DD/HH/MM/SS): 00:01:09:11 Location: SCP-7193 interior, exact location unknown. Depicted: Agent Stuart, Agent Jones, Agent March, Agent Bourne, Agent Dyer, SCP-7193-3 <BEGIN LOG> Upon loss of contact with HQ, Agents Stuart and Bourne attempt to re-establish communications unsuccessfully for six minutes. Agent March: Nothing? Stuart: Nothing. No word from HQ or on any emergency radio channels. We're completely cut off from the outside world. Agent Dyer: (muttered) Use radios, they said. Nothing to worry about, they said. They'll totally work, they said. Stuart: Cut that out, Dyer. Dyer: Jen, this op is turning out to be a worst nightmare scenario. We have no recon, no backup, no evac, and no overwatch. By all accounts, this should be a suicide mission. Stuart: First of all, we are the recon. Also, so long as we're out of contact with HQ, I'm in charge of the mission, as the second in command. As for the rest, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Understood? Dyer: Alright, alright. Whatever. I mean, sorry ma'am, won't happen again. Stuart: It had better not. Ten minutes of silence amongst the task force follows. Only notable sound is the engines of Watcher. March: I think I see something, ma'am. Dead ahead of us. Stuart moves to check over March's shoulder. From this perspective, looking through the cockpit windows towards the front, Watcher is completely surrounded by a red fog in all directions. An unknown light source somewhere within SCP-7193 is providing a reasonable measure of illumination. Directly ahead of Watcher is a massive silhouette, stretching vertically in both directions as far as Stuart's camera can capture. The approximate shape of the silhouette is cylindrical, with several large spokes jutting horizontally off the main body. March: Should we, um, go around? Stuart: No… I think this is exactly what we're looking for. Try to land us on one of those spokes. March slows the airspeed of Watcher as the silhouette approaches. One of the spokes, a large metal platform, begins to emerge from the cloud further forward and just below the aircraft, wider than Watcher's wingspan and longer than can be visibly caught by Stuart's camera. The landing proceeds without issue. Before Watcher slows to a complete stop, the metal wall of the structure emerges from the cloud just ahead, with a large doorway sliding open. Stuart: Alright. As soon as we've stopped, we're getting out. Everyone to the rear. Tau-70 gathers at the rear exit of their aircraft. After Watcher's engines slow, and finally stop, March joins the rest of the task force. March: I checked the surrounds when I brought her to a stop. Couldn't see anyone. Stuart: Alright. Crack the door open and let's take a look. The rear door of Watcher opens, angling down and forming a ramp to the metal-plated floor of the facility. The operatives cautiously advance out, weapons ready for hostile activity, scanning the area. The location appears to be a large aircraft hangar, at least a quarter of a kilometer from the entrance in the outer wall to the inner wall. About 750 meters to both the left and the right, the hanger curves slightly inwards, disappearing around a wide corner. Between twenty and thirty instances of SCP-7193-1 and -2 are visible, parked across the area, some of which have suffered physical damage. Jones: If you don't mind me saying, ma'am, but this place looks very… human. I mean, built by humans. Of human origin. Stuart: Yes, I know what you mean, Jones. For now, that door looks very promising. I don't like this open area. There's barely any cover. Let's move. It takes Tau-70 approximately five minutes to reach the indicated door, which is on the 'inner' wall of the hanger. The corridor beyond the doorway is reminiscent of shipboard corridor, not quite wide enough to admit two people. It immediately splits into three pathways, which the operatives sweep simultaneously, until Stuart directs them down the central pathway, leading deeper into the facility. After thirty paces, the task force encounters the first door. It is constructed of wood and starkly contrasts with the metal walls. Stuart: Breach. Bourne covers the rear. Jones moves forward to cover the corridor ahead. March and Dyer manoeuvre into position on the left and right of the door, weapons pointed. March reaches and turns the doorknob, before pushing it open and drawing back. In contrast to the rest of the facility, the area beyond the door is completely lacking in illumination. Stuart activates her Reaper Suit's built-in night vision function as she, March, and Dyer step inside. A row of double bunks lead along each side wall, close enough together that March's shoulders brush the metal frames. Dyer: Cosy. March: And this means that somebody lived in this place at some time. Stuart: The million-dollar question is: when? Dyer: Got something, ma'am. Dyer lifts up a brittle, faded piece of paper from the gap between two of the bunks. It displays a crude, hand-drawn representation of a bald man with an elongated nose, peering over a wall towards the viewer. Accompanying text reads "Kilroy was here". Stuart: Huh. What do you make of it? March: I think I know, ma'am. 'Kilroy was here' was a Second World War era graffiti meme. American troops drew and carved it everywhere. Nobody knows where it came from, exactly. Dyer: (putting the page back on the bunk while muttering) Meme, eh? Damn well hope it ain't a memetic skip. Stuart: Bag that picture, Dyer. We're taking it with us. Dyer grumbles under his breath but complies with orders. With nothing further of interest located within the room, Stuart orders the task force to continue. In the interest of locating a central hub, Stuart decides against further searching of rooms, unless they appear significant. Jones: I see something lying against the wall ahead, ma'am. It looks like a person. Stuart: Let's see. Forward. Tau-70 advances until they surround the figure lying against the wall. Stuart crouches to get a better look. The figure is dead, with the body heavily decomposed and desiccated, leaving the skeleton largely visible. It is wearing a ruined and decayed desert-camouflage uniform, with a PASGT flak vest and helmet. A M16 rifle, surrounded by bullet casings, is clutched in the body's hand. Dyer: Poor fellow. Looks like he got screwed hard. March: What do you think got him? Stuart: Don't know. What doesn't make sense to me is this uniform and equipment. It all looks very modern. They definitely didn't have this stuff during the Second World— Jesus! Stuart jumps backwards. The end of a thick cord is animatedly sliding out from behind the flak vest near the body's neck. The members of Tau-70 train their rifles towards the cord. Its end sways from side to side in the air, appearing similar to a snake ready to strike, before moving back underneath the flak vest through the armhole gap, leaving a length of the cord wrapped across the corpse's chest. Dyer: What the hell was that? March: I don't know, but I think we should move on before it decides to do to us whatever it did to that soldier. Stuart: One moment. She leans forward and takes hold of the corpse's shoulder. March: Wait— Stuart twists the corpse to the side, revealing the other end of the cord emerging from near the tailbone. It trails into a metal grating mounted on the wall. Dyer: (as Stuart puts the corpse back into its original position) Living cords in the vents. What's up next, I wonder? Exploration continues. After a further half an hour of travel, the task force reaches a door at the end of the corridor, with a brass plaque of which reads "Central Elevator". Stuart: (after Jones reads the name of the room aloud) Sounds like a good place to work from. Bourne: Maybe they'll even have a map in there. Tau-70 opens the door and enters the Central Elevator room. It is shaped like a squat cylinder, a quarter of a kilometer across and two stories high. Multiple doors provide access at the ground floor, totalling to twenty. More are visible on the next level, with gantry platforms running around and stairs leading down to the floor. In the centre of the room is a series of four vertical frames arranged around the corners of a quadruped hole in the ground. The frames reach to the roof where an identical hole is also visible. Tau-70 moves to take up positions on the closest side of what is presumably the elevator system. There is a single button on a raised metal plinth near the left side of the elevator system, with another brass plate: "Call Elevator". Stuart presses the button. After a minute, the elevator ascends to the current level Tau-70 is on, despite there being no observable method of propulsion beyond the guide of the four frames. The task force checks the interior for hostiles, before boarding. Once the last operative is inside, the doors shut and the elevator begins to ascend further, seemingly without prompting by the operatives. Attempts to manually stop the elevator at other levels proves unsuccessful, and its interior is resistant to melee weapons mounted on the Reaper Suit. The elevator passes thirty levels, corresponding to approximately sixty stories, before it begins to slow down and finally stops at the thirty-fourth level. Here, the elevator seems incapable of proceeding higher, even though more levels are visible above in the shaft. There are no gantries on this level, and only a single doorway, directly in front of the elevator entrance and marked with a plaque that reads: “Strategic Command and Control Centre”. The task force opens it up. March: Oh my god. Beyond is a single, massive room, with no windows, a large table in the centre, and dozens of work cubicles and dark computers along the walls. Positioned on the table, and reaching almost to the ceiling, is a semi-transparent tube, filled with a swirling blue liquid and shadows. A computer terminal is attached to the front of the tube near its bottom. Multiple cords, identical to the one discovered earlier, are filling the room, connecting the top of the tube with several additional corpses sprawled across the area, each in a similar state of decomposition and wearing military desert camouflage uniforms. More cords lead into ventilation grating on the ceiling and walls. Tau-70 enters the room cautiously and approaches the table, avoiding physical contact with the cords. Bourne: What in the world is this? Stuart peers at the computer screen. A cursor is visible blinking on the screen. She types in the word 'Hello'. Upon pressing the 'Enter' key, the word disappears. After approximately ten seconds, blue text appears, reading 'who there?'. With contact established, Stuart conducts the following makeshift interview with what was later designated SCP-7193-3. <BEGIN INTERVIEW> SCP-7193-3 (S3): who there? Agent Stuart (AS): I want to talk S3: who are you? AS: who are you? S3: asked first. want name. AS: Jennifer S3: nice name. mine peter AS: Hello Peter. Where are you? S3: not sure. here? place AS: Can you see anything? What does it look like? S3: cant see. only talk AS: Do you remember anything before when you got here? S3: fire. smoke. ash. rubble AS: You were in an accident? S3: don't know. it hurt. cant feel now. cant cry now. only talk AS: Is there anyone else there with you? S3: no. hear nothing. see nothing. except for sometimes AS: Sometimes? S3: sometimes can see planes. clouds. sometimes can see fire and smoke. can hear booms and cracks. must be dreams AS: What kind of planes? S3: don't know. sometimes saw same planes back home. mother said planes bad AS: Has anyone else spoken to you since you got here? S3: not to me. strange dreams. saw men. men with guns. men do stuff. write words on screens. heard same words in head like right now. was strange AS: What happened to these men? S3: not in dreams now. not write now. went away? AS: Did the men type anything that made sense? S3: sometimes big words. wrote other words under big words. Gomorrah. Thunderclap. Rolling Thunder. Linebacker. Desert Storm. that was last. then men went away AS: What happened after they wrote each big word? S3: had dream of fire and planes. still have dreams but no big words now <END INTERVIEW> The interview is halted here, due to interjection from Bourne, and was not resumed. Bourne: Ma'am!! Your leg!! Stuart looks down and spots one of the animate cords intertwined loosely around her right leg. She reflexively jerks away, causing the cord to instantly tighten against the kevlar armour plating. The untethered end of the cord stabs downwards, penetrating a weak spot in the Reaper Suit. Stuart emits a vocalisation indicating pain, which increases in volume as she falls off the chair and tries to remove the cord with her hands. Further shouts of surprise and pain indicate the other operatives are coming under similar attack. Bourne enters the camera view as he attempts to help Stuart. He engages his wrist-mounted heat-cutter, clearly intending to bisect the cord. Before he is able to, he freezes in place, and shudders twice. One of the animate cords, covered in viscus, emerges from inside his faceplate, shattering the acrylic surface. The shouts from other agents cease. Bourne expires completely, collapsing to the floor. Stuart continues fighting against the cord that has now emerged from within her suit, and presumably from within her body, but her efforts are decreasing in strength. The cord emerges for a second time, somewhere off-camera and clearly vital in nature, as Stuart immediately ceases movement and expires. The cord pauses in the air, its end facing directly towards the camera. It then jerks forward, presumably disabling the camera and recording devices. <END LOG> Interview Log: SCP-7193/Apex Interviewed: Michael Duncan, Brigadier General USAF (retd) Interviewer: Senior Agent Grant Burke Foreword: As part of his service in the USAF, Michael Duncan's fully declassified vitae listed him as serving at 'Apex Air Force Base' for two years, a location that appears nowhere else in USAF records. Suspecting a connection with SCP-7193, in light of new evidence uncovered by Operation Actium, Director Monarch dispatched Agent Burke to interview the retired officer. <BEGIN LOG> Burke: General, the Department of Defense is very sorry to have to bother you during your retirement, but the Space Force has a proposal for a future orbital facility, and they want me to take your statement. Duncan: Space? What the hell do I know about space stations? I watched the moon landings when I was a kid. That's the limit of my space knowledge. Burke: Sir, the reason we need your statement is because you had ties to Apex Air Force Base. Duncan remains silent. Burke: Sir? Duncan: Apex was a foul-up from start to finish. You want my advice, sergeant-major? Stay away from anything to do with Apex. Burke: I'm sorry, sir, but I really need you to tell me about Apex. Duncan: Jesus. God. Okay. I don't know the full story, but I know that Apex had its origins back in the Second World War. Some advanced tech that would help us defeat the Nazis, made by the Brits, which we "borrowed", quote-unquote, from them after the war was over. Whole thing was extremely classified, of course. I worked there as admin during Operation Desert Storm3, and the whole thing baffled me. It was like no base I'd ever seen. Planes appeared out of nowhere with crews, our mechanics repaired them, and then they were flown out again into that strange white cloud that constantly surrounded us. I remember they closed all the windows on the plane whenever I flew to and from there. There was so much cloak and dagger stuff it was impossible to breathe. I swear there was one spook for every three aircrew at that base. Duncan: Anyway, I was rotated off Apex after Iraq. About a year later, I got this official memo. "Apex Base is no longer functional. All former personnel are not to divulge information regarding Apex Base to non-cleared individuals". Pretty suspicious, right? So I pulled some rank to try and take a glimpse at the pieces of the puzzle I couldn't see. I found out that the Air Force had just lost contact with the base one day. Out of the blue, aircraft weren't showing up at the normal bases, rendezvous were missed, communications cut, the base had just vanished. About a thousand personnel with it! I don't know how they managed to cover that up. Burke: I understand. If you don't mind me asking, sir, does this picture look familiar? The picture Burke shows to Duncan is a freeze-frame from the Operation Actium exploration log, depicting the interior of the 'Strategic Command and Control Centre'. It has been doctored to remove the translucent tubular container, the cords, and the deceased military personnel. Duncan: Of course. That's Apex's command centre. We called it 'The Roost', mostly because General Rowley practically lived in there. He was a hard man. Known behind his back as 'Death from Above' and with good reason. In Iraq, he essentially dictated what the strategic bomber corps did and where they bombed. He had them bomb everything and everyone that wasn't American or Allied. Soldiers, women, children, didn't matter. We protested, of course. But he'd always point to that portrait that hung over the entrance to the command centre and say: "the first man to oversee this base knew what it took to win a total war, and so do I". Burke: Who was this first overseer? Duncan: Arthur Harris4. There was this plaque underneath his portrait that read: "A kingdom that has once been destroyed can never come again into being, nor can the dead ever be brought back to life"5. That gave me the chills every time I read it. <END LOG> « SCP-7192 | SCP-7193 | SCP-7194 » Footnotes 1. Exclusively bombers with four wing-mounted engines or more. 2. At full charge, the beacon is able to broadcast uninterrupted for up to twelve months 3. United States' and Allied nations' invasion of Iraq in 1991 to liberate Kuwait. Operation saw the heavy use of aircraft. 4. Chief of British Bomber Command during the Second World War. Proponent of the 'Area Bombing' directive. 5. Sun Tzu's: The Art Of War Chapter 12: Attack By Fire
close Info X Special Thanks to: Dr Vikki Lost, Dr Blackbox, lambda, Colly, Dr thrakka does not match any existing user name for critting my article. JorgeMtzb Hihihi! This article's been cooking for some time, and it's my first mainlist in quite a bit. I hope you like it! Item#: 7194 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Caw caw caw caw caw Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7194 is to be contained in a climate-controlled ant terrarium at Site-19. Unless in an emergency, Dr. Alejandra Vásquez is to be the sole caretaker and communicator with the ant colony. All interactions must be recorded via CCTV surveillance cameras and must be reviewed by Site-19 personnel for analysis. Regular inspections of the terrarium are to be conducted to ensure containment integrity. Description: SCP-7194 is a colony of approximately 3000 ants belonging to the species Linepithema humile (Argentine Ant), first discovered in the residence of Dr. Alejandra Vásquez. SCP-7194 ants exhibit sapience and heightened cognitive abilities, as well as the capability to communicate verbally in English. Despite these abilities, they remain physiologically identical to regular ants of their species. It is not clear how or when this sapience developed, as the colony had been observed to exist for several months before any anomalous behavior was noted. SCP-7194 has developed a religious culture based on the worship of Dr. Alejandra Vásquez as its principal deity, often performing rituals and chants centered on her. SCP-7194 instances have been observed constructing miniature altars using small twigs, leaves, and grains of sand. These altars are adorned with offerings of various small food items. + See: SCP-7194 Containment Logs - Access Granted Containment Log-01 Date and Time: 2023-09-10T06:02Z [START LOG]SCP-7194 instances begin chanting in unison. SCP-7194 ALEJANDRA! ALEJANDRA! ALEJANDRA! Dr. Vásquez leans towards the table Dr. Vásquez: Hello? What's going on here? The ants cease their activities and turn their attention to Dr. Alejandra Vásquez. All the ants scream in surprise. Most begin talking amongst themselves in excitement and nervousness, while some begin running around in a panic. SCP-7194 Oh my All-Knowing One, Oh my All-Knowing One. It's happening, IT'S HAPPENING. Everybody, everybody calm down. Pay attention. Everybody-I. Rest of the ants are awestruck and unable to compose themselvesEach ant promptly ceases vocalization.Dr. Vásquez: What… in the world. How… Do you know my name? Wait, what am I saying? YOU CAN TALK!?Dr. Vásquez: B-bringer of sus- sustenance? What are you talking about? Several ants step forward, carrying bread crumbs and sugar granules.Dr. Vásquez: Is that my sandwich from yesterday? Ohhh crap… so it really wasn't my boyfriend after all. Dr. Vásquez sits down on the chair closest to the ants Dr. Vásquez: Wait, so you're… worshiping me? Ant begins nodding ferventlyDr. Vásquez: Okay, this is certainly unexpected. Right, let's see… you have summoned and I have heard your pleas. Now, what do you want from me?Another ant steps forward, carrying a singular sugar granule. It raises it above its head.Dr. Vásquez: Oh right, should've known. More sugar? The SCP-7194 instance begins nodding vigorouslyDr. Vásquez: Well, I suppose I can spare some sugar for my devoted subjects. Now, be a sugar and ya'll stay, riiight there. [END LOG] Afterword: Dr. Alejandra Vásquez subsequently provided the ants with a small offering of sugar, which was met with exuberant gratitude. SCP-7194 continues to venerate her a deity, and she provides them with sugar as requested. Containment Log-02 Date and Time: 2023-09-10T06:30Z Foreword: Immediately after first encountering SCP-7194, Dr. Vásquez contacted the Foundation, informing them of the anomaly by sending the security footage, and requesting assistance with its containment. The following is the transcript of a phone conversation between Dr. Alejandoa Vásquez and Dr. Jensen Carter. [START LOG] Dr. Vásquez: Hello? Dr: Carter: Alejandra? Where are you? You're never late. We were wondering where you were, what's taking you so long? Something happened? What's wrong? Are you feeling alright? Dr. Vásquez: Jeez, relax dude I'm fine. I'm still at home. A little thing popped up. Or… a couple of little things. Did I say a couple? Cuz I meant hundreds. Did I say hundreds, my bad actually I meant THOUSANDS of tiny little itty bitty– Dr: Carter: Get to the point Ale. Dr. Vásquez: There's an anomaly at my house. Dr: Carter: Wh-what what now? An anomaly!? Dr. Vásquez: Did I say an anomaly, I meant- Dr: Carter: I am going to strangle you through the cord line with the cordline. Don't ask me HOW, but I will. Dr. Vásquez: Listen, It's fine. They seem perfectly harmless. Dr: Carter: They?? Who are they? Dr. Vásquez: Ants. Dr: Carter: ….Ants? Dr. Vásquez: Yeah, they're ants! Just a bunch of them, all over the place. They're sentient! All of them, they talked to me, they're worshiping me as their god. That's about it, really. Dr: Carter: ….. Dr. Vásquez: Well!? I got to the point, like you asked me to. Say something! Dr: Carter: Now, I hope this comes off the right way.. Dr. Vásquez: Yeah? Dr: Carter: Are you sure you're feeling alright? Dr. Vásquez: Yes! I'm fine, they're real, and I have footage. I'm sending it over as we speak. I told them to wait and don't think they're going anywhere, but I really think you guys should come over as soon as possible just in case. Dr: Carter: Hahah. Dr. Vásquez: What? Dr: Carter: It's nothing. Dr. Vásquez: Spit it out boy. Dr: Carter: It's just… you seem a lil antsy. Dr. Vásquez: … Dr: Carter: Oh come on! That was a good one. Dr. Vásquez: You know, you won't be able to strangle me if I beat you to it. Dr: Carter: Oop. Dr. Carter leaves the call. Dr. Vásquez: Yeah, that's what I thought. Run while you still can. [END LOG] Containment Log-03 Date and Time: 2023-09-10T07:05Z [START LOG] SCP-7194 instances chant in unisonDr. Vásquez: Oh boy, what on earth are they doing now?Dr. Vásquez sits down on the chair adjacent to the ants Dr. Vásquez: Alright, I'll bite. What is it?Dr. Vásquez: A sacrifice?An ant comes out from a small crack in the table, carrying a Acyrthosiphon Pisum (Pea Aphid).Dr. Vásquez: Oh that 's uhm. Cute. How thoughtful. Thank you.SCP-7194 instance places the aphid on a miniature altar made of sand. It then pulls out a miniature knife and proceeds to kill the aphid via impalement. The aphid tries to break free but is unsuccessful and promptly dies. The SCP-7194 instance then proudly presents the aphid's lifeless body to Alejandra.Dr. Vásquez: Oh. Oh dear. Yes, yes, it's certainly very… pleasing. I am honored by your devotion.Dr. Vásquez: Uhhh. (Dr. Vásquez clears her throat) YOU HAVE DONE WELL TO APPEASE ME MY DEVOTED FOLLOWERS.Dr. Vásquez: AND BECAUSE YOU HAVE , you… uh, you know, you did- you're devoted cuz, cuz the thing th-there's no need to do that again. Like ever. Please don't ever do that again. SCP-7194 instances briefly pause their celebration and listen attentively to Dr Vásquez Dr. Vásquez: REJOICE IN MY FAVOR FOR I AM PLEASED. The entire ant colony erupts in loud cheeringDr. Vásquez: Very well, my loyal subjects. I have to deal with some… godly matters that I must attend to, but do CONTINUE TO REVEL IN MY OTHERWORLDLY, GODLY, and dare I say quite divine, PRESENCE. NOW, DO AS I SAY AND, uhh, do a dance or something. The ants continue celebrating, but also begin to mutter amongst themselves.Dr. Vásquez: How so?Dr. Vásquez: Oh boy. Dr Vázqués turns her attention towards her living room clock. Dr. Vásquez: Yeah, I've got time. [END LOG] Containment Log-04 Date and Time: 2023-09-10T08:25Z [START LOG] Dr. Vásquez opens the front door to reveal Dr. Jensen Carter and several Foundation personnel carrying specialized equipment for the transport of SCP-7194. Dr. Carter: Well, well, if it isn't our resident deity. The Certified Ant Queen! All too important for the common workday I see. I guess the rest of us must bow down to your greatness. Dr. Vásquez: Oh, shush Jen. You've got a brain the size of an ant, we both know that had it happened to you it would've gone to your head just like any miniscule taste of power always has. Dr carter: What will you do about it? Will you throw me in the ant dungeon? Cuz I don't appreciate it when you… antagonize me. Dr. Vásquez: Bold thing to say for someone in a strangling distance. Dr. Carter: Yeah, but you can't have these if you strangle me. Dr Carter raises the transporters in a showing manner. Dr. Vásquez: Is that the transport? Dr. Carter: Yeah. It's actually nothing fancy, just pretty standard ant stuff, they're just glorified transparent boxes. We actually had to stop by a pet store on the way. See this red filter here covering the walls? It blocks their vision to the outside but still allows us to look in. That should help keep them calm during the transfer. They can't see more than like a foot away anyways though. Dr. Vásquez: Well, I better go do that. Stay here, your face might scare them off. Dr. Carter Ha. Ha. Dr. Carter gives the transporters to Dr. Vásquez. Dr. Carter: We've got much more in our truck. By our estimates, you should try to fit at least like 50 or so per box. Dr. Vásquez: Got it, thanks. Dr. Carter: Go on, Mrs. Ant Queen, make us proud. [END LOG] Containment Log-05 Date and Time: 2023-09-10T08:31Z [START LOG] Dr. Vásquez approaches the ant colony Dr. Vásquez: Alright, little ones, it's time to pack up for a new adventure.Dr. Vásquez: Yes, yes, I'm super awesome, but let's not get too carried away. I have some exciting news for you all. We're going on a journey to a new world! SCP-7194 instances burst with excitement Dr. Vásquez: That's right. We- I am going to provide you with a new home, a bigger world where you can continue to thrive and ascend to greater heights.Dr. Vásquez: Indeed, it doesn't. But to enter this new realm, you must cooperate. You see, I have prepared special vessels for your journey. Dr. Vásquez gestures to the transporters.Dr. Vásquez: Yes, these are your chariots of the gods… of ,uhm, me. They're my chariots designed to ensure your safety as you venture into the unknown. There's room for each of you inside. You must enter willingly, for it is a necessary step in your ascension. So you know, bring all your friends, we've got all the time in the world, not a single one can be left behind.SCP-7194 gather around the transporter, chanting.Dr. Vásquez begings giggling to herself. Dr. Vásquez: Yes, yes, the chariot. Now, each of you, let us begin our journey! The ants start entering the first transporter. Dr. Vásquez: Excellent. While the ants are entering the transporter, one of them steps out of the lineSCP-7194: All-Knowing One! All-Knowing One!Dr. Vásquez: Aww, that's so sweet. Do get back in line and into the box though- err, Chariot. Date and Time: 2023-09-10T10:21Z Dr. Carter: Phew, Is that all of them? Dr. Vásquez: It looks like it. Help me load these into the truck will ya. Dr. Carter: Sure. Dr Carter grabs one of the boxes and looks closely at the ants inside. Dr. Carter: Uhm, Ale. Dr. Vásquez: Yes, Jen? Dr. Carter: Am I going crazy or are those ants doing The Macarena? Dr. Vásquez: Uhm…. Definitely the former. Dr. Carter starts smiling. Dr. Vásquez: That face, I know that face. Don't you dare, don't you even think about it. Dr Carter: You and your antics. Dr. Vásquez: I hate you. Dr Carter: Hate you too, bud. [END LOG] - Access Granted More From This Author More From This Author JorgeMtzb's Works SCPs SCP-7229 (+53) • SCP-719M4-J (+170) • SCP-7192 (+8) • SCP-7911 (+28) • SCP-7424 (+6) • SCP-500-J (+117) • SCP-7121 (+92) • Tales/GoI Formats Other JorgeMtzb's Author Page (+17) • « SCP-7193 | SCP-7194| SCP-7195 »
FluffyDog00 Check out the rest of my works here: Author Page Item #: SCP-7197 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7197 is stored in a standard humanoid containment chamber. The chamber itself is made of iron with ceramic glass windows to prevent any damage to the surrounding facility. Description: SCP-7197 is a smoldering humanoid composed entirely of rolling paper, lighter fluid, and ground-up Virginia tobacco. Since initial containment, SCP-7197's entire head, left arm, and left pectoralis major have completely incinerated. Despite this, SCP-7197 is still completely mobile, and has been observed to pace around its containment chamber. The Foundation became aware of SCP-7197's existence when it materialized in the Pearl Street Mall located in Boulder, Colorado. It said the following phrase repeatedly: I am the smoke, I am the fire, I breathe it out in search of answers. Local containment specialists were able to confiscate SCP-7197 as soon as it was reported, and witnesses were amnesticized accordingly. Addendum (10/1/2022): Before SCP-7197's mouth was completely incinerated, it vocalized the following: There is something peaceful about the release of smoke, A relief that winds in between the twisting fumes, A song written in the vapor clouds from the deepest part of one's soul. It is easy to find comfort in its release, But once the filth is relinquished from one's lungs, It reconstructs itself in the scaffolding of the chest. You will not get over it. It will never leave you. Trust me, I should know. SCP-7197's upper lip cascades into ash, and its vocalizations cease. « SCP-7196 | SCP-7197 | SCP-7198 »
Item#: 7198 Level3 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Staff level 2 and below are to be periodically reminded that all special containment procedures for SCP-7198 are done in SCP-7198's best interest. Additionally, subliminal messages procuring the idea that these procedures are in SCP-7198's best interest are to be propagated to respective staff during non-working hours. SCP-7198 is contained in a standard containment cell while not undergoing Procedure Hippocratic Oath. Procedure Hippocratic Oath must be performed on SCP-7198 twice daily for the foreseeable future in a standard surgical operating room1. If Procedure Hippocratic Oath is not performed at least once every 48 hours [DATA REDACTED] will occur. If [DATA REDACTED] occurs Procedure Hippocratic Oath must be performed as soon as possible to prevent further loses. SCP-7198 must be conscious during the procedure and cannot be administered any pain-relieving or anesthetic medication2. All protests and pleas coming from SCP-7198 are to be ignored, and staff are to continuously remind SCP-7198 that this procedure is in their best interest. All personnel assigned to SCP-7198 are to be given biweekly cognitive reassurance evaluations to maintain efficacious containment of SCP-7198. If, at any point, a member of staff believes that this procedure is no longer in SCP-7198's best interest, they are to be given Class C amnestic treatment and moved off-site. Please see your supervisor if you have any questions, or if you begin to feel as if this procedure is no longer in SCP-7198's best interest. At the start of each new business quarter, a board of site directors must convince the ethics committee that Procedure Hippocratic Oath continues to be performed in SCP-7198's best interest. As per mandate ETHOS.7198B, a unanimous vote by the ethics committee is the only way to cease Procedure Hippocratic Oath3. If a vote is not unanimous, a new vote may be cast the following quarter. Description: SCP-7198 is an 18-year-old male of western european descent and standard build. His anomalous property appears when his right hallux4 is surgically, or otherwise, removed. Upon removal, the toe will begin to age rapidly and degrade into dust. After 5 minutes a new hallux will begin to regenerate where the previous one was removed. SCP-7198 expresses discomfort and pain as this new toe grows in. Genetic testing on the dust collected has revealed inconclusive results and does not match any human DNA. If the toe is removed while the patient is under any sort of pain-relieving or anesthetic medication, the toe will show no anomalous properties and will degrade naturally. Genetic testing confirms this toe to match SCP-7198. Only when all medication wears off will SCP-7198's toe begin to regenerate. SCP-7198 reports extreme levels of discomfort and pain during this set of circumstances. The dust, collected from Procedure Hippocratic Oath, is easily encapsulated, and the resulting pill, designated as "Clarity," is approved for usage by all foundation employees. A dosage as small as 5 micrograms can provide a number of physical and mental healing effects. These effects include repairing most bruises, lacerations, and burns, and the removal of nonnative/malignant bodies that provide a detrimental effect on the host's body5. People who suffer from mental illness also report slight improvements in some of their symptoms, besides those related to PTSD6. To this date, there does not appear to be any adverse effects brought on by repeated Clarity use. In the past, SCP-7198 frequently attempted to resist attempts by staff to perform Procedure Hippocratic Oath. However, after several rounds of hypnotic therapy this behavior has regressed to only occurring 1 to 2 times per year. Although an unintended side effect, the current special containment procedures also assist in maintaining this state of mind. Discovery: SCP-7198 was first brought to the Foundation's attention when an emergency transmission was intercepted from a standard 911 call. An adult male, claiming to be the father of SCP-7198, explained that his son was in a lawn mower accident and required immediate medical assistance. SCP-7198's right leg had been caught underneath the mower blade which proceeded to lacerate his leg and foot for several seconds before the mower was stopped. In his after-action report, Agent Forness7 noted, “the scene looked like a blood bath, but the child was physically unharmed.” Recognizing this as a potential anomaly, and the risk of death to the child deemed low, Agent Forness undertook interviewing the father on scene. See interview log 7198/1. Interview Log 7198/1: Close Interview Log 7198/1: Interviewer: Agent Forness Interviewee: Father of SCP-7198 Forward: Interview held by Agent Forness and the Father of SCP-7198 shortly after first contact. [Begin Log] Agent Forness: Alright, it's going. Ahem — My name is Agent Forness and I am conducting this interview after determining probable causes of an anomaly in the vicinity. The time is currently 1431 hours. Date 05/15/05. Can you please state your name for the record? Father: Yeah… my name is… its ummm… shit, I'm, I'm, sorry— my mind is racing right now, is my son okay? Agent Forness: Please state your name for the rec— Father: Is he dead!? Did I kill my son!? Extra dialogue cut as Agent Forness takes the next 5 minutes to calm down the Father of SCP-7198 before continuing the interview. Agent Forness: There ya go. You're doing good. Hell, look at me. Do I look worried right now? Father: Umm no, no you don't. Agent Forness: Exactly. As long as I don't look worried you have nothing to worry about, okay? Father: Yeah, okay. I'm sorry, I'm a total mess right now. Agent Forness: Given the circumstances I say how you are feeling right now is warranted. Anyways, to give you some piece of mind, as we speak your son is being looked over by the best doctors in the world. I trust them with my life so you can trust them too, okay? Father: You mean it? Oh, thank God. Thank you, Sir! Thank You. The Father is heard crying. Agent Forness: Ehhh yeah no problem, from what they've told me, your son is not in any danger. In fact, he's in perfect health. Not a scratch on him. Father: That is such a relief you have no idea. I thought I really hurt him back there. Agent Forness: Well sir that is why I'm here actually. Don't you find it a little bit odd that your son is doing absolutely fine? He was under a moving lawn mower blade far longer than anyone should. I mean his blood is all over your counter, sir. And yet now he doesn't have a scratch on him. Father: What are you getting at? Agent Forness: Mr— I'm sorry I still haven't gotten your name for the record. Father: It's Arin, and that's my son Alex. Agent Forness: Right. Mr. Arin, your son seems to have experienced a miracle, well, we call them anomalies, but that's more of a technicality than anything. Father: I'm sorry, I don't think I understand. Agent Forness: That's okay Mr. Arin, I don't expect you to. But right now I need your help to understand your son's condition. So, if you could, can you please explain everything that happened today. Father: Okay, I can do that. Anything for my boy. Agent Forness: Perfect, let's start from the beginning. Did you notice anything unusual today? Father: No not really. It started off like any normal Saturday afternoon. The grass was starting to get really long, and I already pushed it off for a week. I figured if I started now, I would be done in time to make dinner before my wife got home from work. Agent Forness: Okay, so you were mowing the lawn and then what? Father: I was just backing up at this corner to start the next row. I never even thought it was possible for someone to be behind me, and Boom! I felt the tire swallow up his leg first. Nothing crazy, just a small bump. But then I hear it – The most horrific bloody screech, and it's from my own son— Its still ringing in my ears. More sobbing is heard from the father. Agent Fornes: I know this is still very fresh Mr. Arin, but we have to continue the interview. Father: Okay… okay.. I don't remember much but before I even knew it, I'm on the ground pulling him out from under the mower. I catch a glance at his mangled foot, it's all bloody and ripped to shreds. His toe is missing, and whatever is left is barely hanging there… Agent Forness: What did you do after you got him free, Mr. Arin? Father: I held him in my arms. I made sure he didn't see it. He's crying in my ear, “I'm going to die; I'm going to die” — over and over again. I kept telling him he'll be fine and to just focus on looking at me. He's not listening, but at this point I just want him to scream. Anything to reassure me that he's still alive, that he's still here. I place him on the kitchen counter, hiding his foot underneath a towel. I pour ice over it, thinking that maybe that will stop the bleeding, I doubt it did anything. While I'm calling 911, he looks so afraid, he's shivering and screaming for his mom, there's blood everywhere. It's dripping off the counter and pooling on the floor. My hands are painted in it— 20 seconds of silence. Father: Then the crying stops, the blood stops flowing, it's a moment of clarity. I dared to look under the towel… and… it was normal, like nothing the past 5 minutes had occurred. But there's blood all over the place, in my hands and stained in my shirt. This really happened but now it feels like a dream. It doesn't make sense. Agent Forness: Is there anything else you would like to add? Father: I've told you everything I know. Now, can I please see my boy, please. I need to tell him "Dad is sorry." I need him to know I love him. Agent Forness: Of course Mr. Arin, right this way. Also, would you mind taking this, it will help calm you down a bit. [End Log] Afterward: "I'm not going to rule out foul play, but I think the father's story is genuine enough. Doesn't matter too much, poor guy won't even remember any of it." —Agent Forness Following this interview, the boy was taken into Foundation custody and designated SCP-7198. Upon further review it is believed that the Clarity produced as a result of this accident soaked into the wounds resulting in the full recovery of SCP-7198. Update 1: On 12/23/██ three [DATA REDACTED] events resulted in the restriction of a multitude of beneficial SCPs, namely SCP-006 and SCP-500. Later that day, SCP-7198 was temporarily reclassified to temporary thaumiel status and Procedure Hippocratic Oath was developed to mass-produce Clarity. As of 07/04/██, Clarity has become the most common source of emergency medicine utilized in all Foundation site pharmacies and field agent emergency kits. Update 2: Due to an influx of Keter-class containment breaches in recent years, SCP-7198 has volunteered to undergo Procedure Hippocratic Oath more than the scheduled two times per day to assist with the inflow of injured staff members. This has resulted in SCP-7198 becoming the first anomalous recipient of the Foundation Red Heart Award. 04 Credentials Required for Access Credentials Accepted - Welcome Director Zehen Congratulations on the promotion, Dr. Zehen. I hope the transition is going well and the other site director aren't being too annoying yet. If so, let me know and I'll whip them into shape. Anyways, as per your previous email request, allow me to answer a few of your concerns regarding our unfortunate predicament that is SCP-7198. Let me begin by addressing your first question: What is the point of this redaction? If Procedure Hippocratic Oath is not performed twice daily nothing will occur. Yes, this is not a joke. Nothing bad will occur if we don't uphold Procedure Hippocratic Oath. There's no catastrophe or world ending event, we just miss a day we could have collected more Clarity. In other words, it's just there to spook the staff. I know that probably doesn't bring you any closure. It sure as hell didn't for me when I first read the unredacted version of this skip. Alright next: Why has the Ethics committee not condemned Procedure HO yet? This behavior is clearly outdated and honestly puts a bad taste in my mouth. I figured this would happen again. I'm going to be as honest as possible because we need to nip this in the butt on day one— It's Time to Grow Up — We do way more horrid shit just to keep the god damn lights on. At least he gets a break once a year, that's more than what most the staff at Site-4 get. Regardless, the reason we encourage this mindset is because it gives our staff piece of mind for the awful shit they do to SCP-7198. That's the end of it. There's no deeper meaning. We do this because its cost effective and saves a hell of lot more people than it harms. Besides, the kid thinks this is his penance, so why not let him have that serenity. Yes, you are correct, this may seem off putting, and yes, the ethics committee has tried countless times to strike this procedure down. Can't say I blame them; they're just doing their job. But we cannot let that happen, not yet anyways. We are so close to a brighter future. We just need a little more time to recover. Welcome to The Board of Directors, The Office of Dr. Penelope Smith, Former 0E-██, Current 05-3 Update 3 is Pending Approval to be Added to this Database Entry Close Update 3: On SCP-7198's 18th birthday recorders picked up this piece of audio from SCP-7198's containment room. I'm sorry Dad… It was my fault. Since this event, SCP-7198 has not resisted Procedure Hippocratic Oath. Footnotes 1. The only exception to this rule is on SCP-7198's birthday where Procedure Hippocratic Oath is postponed until the following day. 2. As per Ethics Committee Mandate ETHOS.7198A. 3. This has been attempted 36 times but has never succeeded. 4. Big Toe. 5. i.e. bacterial, viral, and fungal infections, cancer, and nonliving objects such as splinters and nails. 6. Although unverified, this single affliction being untreatable has led researchers to speculate that SCP-7198 has some control over their anomalous properties. 7. An undercover EMS Foundation agent « SCP-7197 | SCP-7198 | SCP-7199 »
winkwonkboi Big thanks to Deadcanons for taking a look at this. Appreciate it as always! And thank you for reading. We are lucky to have you here, lol. Item#: 7199 Level1 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: kušum Disruption Class: irrelevant Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7199 instance Special Containment Procedures: Per PoI-7199's request, all SCP-7199 instances have been transported to various animal institutions (such as pet stores and conservatories) in order to distribute them among the general population. Due to post-Veil circumstances, the observation and/or confinement of SCP-7199 is considered unnecessary. Description: SCP-7199 refers to a group of Green hairstreak (Callophrys rubi) butterflies. In terms of appearance, SCP-7199 displays no physical difference compared to their non-anomalous counterpart. SCP-7199 exhibits a probabilistic anomaly which beneficially affects those who remain within a five meter radius of them. This effect is especially prominent in individuals possessing the following traits: The subject works as an artist or writer of some form; The subject spends most of their time indoors; The subject struggles to consistently produce new content; The subject constantly lacks motivation and procrastinates; Subjects meeting the above criteria have a notably higher chance of success in pursuit of their career when in the presence of SCP-7199. Additionally, SCP-7199 is believed to induce increasing levels of productivity in the aforementioned group due to their generally positive attitude and behavior. Recovery: SCP-7199 was offered to the Foundation by a world-renowned author immediately following their retirement. Per their request to remain anonymous, they have been labelled PoI-7199. Below is a transcription of the exchange concerning SCP-7199's transfer to Foundation custody: »TRANSCRIPTION LOG« [BEGIN LOG] A Foundation-assigned vehicle drives up to PoI-7199's private conservatory and arrives by the front entrance. A brief moment of silence passes as Dr. Kirby Case and Dir. Amelie Metanoia observe the entirety of the greenhouse. Metanoia then turns to Case, gesturing to the building. Metanoia: So this is the place, right? Case: Yeah, that's what they said in the email. Never thought they had their own conservatory. Metanoia: I never thought they'd request me of all people to come. Guess I've been thrown into the limelight, huh? Case: Yeah, I do wonder why they requested for you specifically. Not only did such a well-known author suddenly contacted the Foundation, they even brought you up by name. It's quite bizarre, wouldn't you agree? Metanoia: Oh, trust me. I'm still processing this. It's just… I never thought I'd get to meet them, you know? I always enjoyed reading their bibliography on my off-time. Case: You must be very nervous, then. Metanoia: No, no, not really… Alright, maybe just a little. Case: (Smirks) Yeah, I figured. Metanoia proceeds to step out of the vehicle, closing the door behind her. She takes another look at the building. Case rolls down the car window as Metanoia turns to them once again. Case: Look, there's no need to panic. Just think of it as an interview. You've done them a million times already. I'm sure it'll be just fine. Metanoia: I know, I know. Case: Good, I'll be sure to pick you up once you're finished. Just give me a call, alright? Metanoia: (Chuckles) Of course… thank you, Case. Case: Anything for you, director. See you. Case proceeds to drive off. Metanoia waves at them until they are no longer visible. She sighs. Metanoia: See you… Metanoia turns her attention to the greenhouse once more before hesitantly entering the property. Still frame As Metanoia goes through the entrance, she looks to her surroundings: Numerous plants grow throughout the area. Taking in a deep breath, she gradually proceeds through the location, eyeing the flowers and crossing her arms. She stops at a point and focuses on some pink and orange flowers grouped together. Metanoia briefly caresses their petals. Metanoia: Beautiful… A voice is heard off-camera. Unknown: (Distant) I agree. Metanoia turns to the sound. PoI-7199 is standing, smiling at her. PoI-7199: Glad you could arrive, Ms. Metanoia. Metanoia straightens her posture. Metanoia: Oh, I didn't see you there. Sorry for not noticing you earlier. PoI-7199: That's quite alright. I like to startle people when they least expect it. Though, I hope I didn't frighten you too much. Metanoia: No need to worry. I'm just glad I had the pleasure to speak with you. I'm a great fan of your works, I must say. PoI-7199: If you're requesting an autograph, then I'm afraid I don't have a pen on me. Metanoia: Well, I haven't exactly brought any copies myself, unfortunately. PoI-7199: Next time, then. PoI-7199 ushers Metanoia to another room. PoI-7199: Now then, follow me. Still frame Metanoia and PoI-7199 arrive at a room to the side of the main building, with a window revealing an overwhelming number of SCP-7199 instances, resting on the branches of a tree. Metanoia: So they must be the four-leaf fluttering folk I've read in your email. PoI-7199: You're right on the money. Please, take a seat. PoI-7199 gestures to a glass roundtable and hurries to another room next door. As Metanoia takes a seat, she proceeds to observe the SCP-7199 instances. PoI-7199 can be heard off-camera. PoI-7199: Do you prefer coffee or tea? Metanoia: I'm in the mood for some tea, please. PoI-7199: Coming right up, miss. Some time passes. PoI-7199 eventually returns to the camera's view, holding two cups of tea in their hands. They place them down on the table and sits across from Metanoia, who takes a sip from her cup. PoI-7199: Again, I must thank you for making some time for me. I hope I'm not troubling you too much. Metanoia: No worries. We are the Foundation, after all. We are all for anomalous phenomena, including the wonderful collection of butterflies you have here. Though I am curious… Metanoia takes another sip. Metanoia: …is there some specific reason you wanted us to take them in? As well as why you specifically sent me an invitation? PoI-7199: Ah, yes. I was about to tell you that. Well… PoI-7199 looks to the ceiling. PoI-7199: Do you know what it takes to be successful in the writing industry? Or really, the entertainment spectrum in general. Obviously, it takes a lot of effort. You have to put your blood, sweat, and tears into your own work each and every day, making and remaking your piece, before shoving it into the spotlight for everyone to see. PoI-7199: This should go without saying, but I was once a lowly, amateur author myself. Though I do appreciate my older works, I can't help but cringe at the many mistakes I used to make. That's not to say I've perfected the art of wielding the pen, but I came a long way since then. Metanoia: I'm sure a lot of us can relate. PoI-7199: Back then, I would spend each waking moment focused on crafting my next book, hoping this one could potentially shoot me into the stratosphere. But, with people like me, who forget how to stay grounded, I would be let down by the result. I was always too fixated on finding success instead of figuring out how to succeed. PoI-7199: And one day, after constantly attempting and failing to make a living for myself, I just decided to give up. I didn't want to do it anymore. Metanoia: That's quite unfortunate. Closeup shot of an SCP-7199 instance PoI-7199: (Chuckles) Yes, well… that was when they (gestures to SCP-7199) came into my life. Metanoia: Is that so? When did you first encounter them? PoI-7199: Oh, they actually belonged to my late wife. You see, she had a considerable interest in gardening and insects, especially butterflies. She always told me how she adored how colorful their wings were, and how they flew through the air as she catered to the flowers. PoI-7199: In fact, she even took care of all the plants you see here. Metanoia: Hmmm… I can tell that she put a lot of time into them. They're so vibrant and pleasing to look at. PoI-7199: Aren't they? PoI-7199 crosses their arms. PoI-7199: As I was saying, I lacked the motivation to continue. I was in a slump, essentially. That's when she told me something. She said that whenever she felt down, she would spend her time with the butterflies. They gave her a sense of peace, and they always motivated her to push on. PoI-7199: I figured, "Eh, I might as well.", since I didn't have any better alternatives. Besides, it had been some time since I took a step outside the house. Metanoia: I'm assuming this worked out, correct? PoI-7199: Yes, after a moment of sitting in the garden and taking in the wonderful view, I could slowly feel my passion returning to me. I was ready to write again. Ever since then, I would rely on these critters to help me from my writer's block. PoI-7199 laughs to themself. PoI-7199: My lovely wife basically saved me back then. A dear, she was. I miss her every day. Metanoia: That's very sweet… PoI-7199 holds their cup to their mouth and blows. Metanoia: That being said, though: I'm confused. Why give something that has such a connection with you and your wife to us? You have every reason to keep them to yourself. PoI-7199: (Deeply inhales) How do I say this… it was a promise we made. Metanoia: A promise? PoI-7199: She always wanted to have the butterflies here flutter away and spread the joy she felt — that we felt — to as many people as they can. She told me to take them across the world like a shooting star in the night sky once she passes away. PoI-7199 pauses. PoI-7199: And when she grew cold in my arms, I felt hesitant. I couldn't figure out how to go about it. Bring them to a zoo? No. Take them to a local pet shelter? No. I wanted to make this sendoff special, I didn't want to cut it short and simple. I would never be satisfied with that otherwise. This was my wife's dying wish, and I wanted to fulfill it the best I can. PoI-7199 takes a sip from their cup. PoI-7199: And well, you may be wondering why I asked for you to come instead of any other of your acquaintances. Metanoia nods. PoI-7199: It was way back then, when your Foundation went and revealed yourselves. Some of your files leaked, and I couldn't help but take a gander myself. Curiosity got the better of me, you know? PoI-7199: The more I've read through them, the more suspicious I grew. It was only a matter of time till I realized the capabilities of the insects who've stuck with me my entire career, my entire life. I was bewildered to find out just how special my wife's butterflies really were. PoI-7199: And with a group as large as yours, I thought this would be the perfect chance to give a proper farewell to the one I cherish the most. PoI-7199 takes in a deep breath. PoI-7199: That's exactly why I asked you to come, Ms. Metanoia. Metanoia: I'm surprised you even know my name. PoI-7199: Like I've said, the leaked files. I said before that this would be the greatest opportunity I'd been given, but with how your Foundation operates, I had mixed feelings about it. PoI-7199: On one hand, I can commend the lengths you reach in order to protect humanity from the dangers of the unknown. However, with the many people trapped under lock and key, unable to view the outside world ever again, I had second thoughts on whether this was the right decision at all. Metanoia: I can understand where you're coming from. I have heard similar arguments coming from both sides of the public. PoI-7199: But once I stumbled upon your division — the AEED — and everything you've done to bring a smile on everyone's faces, despite it being practically against everything your Foundation stands for, all my doubts had washed away. PoI-7199: Amelie, the acts that you've done just to bring in some light for all the living beings forced to remain in the dark are astounding. You should be proud of yourself for all you've done for them. Metanoia: Heh, what can I say? I just want to help as many people as I can. PoI-7199: You're the only person I can trust in carrying out this duty. Please, fulfill her wish for me. I want her to rest, knowing that her kindness has reached the hearts of many others, including mine… Are you willing to accept my offer? Metanoia: Thank you for your words of kindness. I truly appreciate what you have to say. I'll be sure to do the best I can to help. PoI-7199: Like you've done for everyone else you have under your wing. Metanoia: Couldn't have said it better myself… Pause. Metanoia: Also, um, would you mind pouring me another cup, please? PoI-7199: (Smirks) Right away, Ms. Metanoia. PoI-7199 walks off-camera once again. Metanoia thinks to herself for a moment. Metanoia: Hm… [END LOG] Shortly after transfer was made, Director Metanoia had filed a request concerning a possible method of handling SCP-7199, attached below: SCP FOUNDATION Secure • Contain • Protect «Proposal Form» Submitted by: Metanoia, Amelie R. (AEED Director, REULLR-Site-169) Anomaly in Question: SCP-7199 Proposal Distribute SCP-7199 among the general public, per the request of [PoI-7199]. Reasoning I'm assuming you've already viewed the footage attached to this file, so I'll get straight to the point: If you aren't familiar already, I am Amelie R. Metanoia, director of the Anomalous Entity Engagement Division. We basically provide the anomalies we have in containment with entertainment and recreational activities, and just treat them with the respect they deserve. Sure, it may sound like we are just playing hopscotch for no apparent reason, but ask any of our personnel working at 169 for a record of breaches and they'll all tell you the exact same thing: There is no record. Here, we give the skippers time and attention, remove the need for professionalism, and even let them out of their cell if they want to. And in turn, they comply with us, even assist us with some of our work. Simply put, we show them our kindness and they show us theirs. You may be wondering what this has to do with 7199. Well, to put it briefly: I don't want people to see us as some husks in white lab coats pushing buttons on a machine. Not to mean any offence, but I'm sure you are all aware of our current reputation in this new era, where the Veil has been broken and the world knows our name and what we've done in the past. The public opinion on our organization is exhaustingly mixed, split right down the middle. While some have sided with us and our prior objective to protect humanity from the unknown, many others have been fixated on the many living people we used to have confined, expressing their criticism on how inconsiderate we are to merely throw them in a "jail cell" and "preventing any light from coming their way." While I do understand what they have to say, and admittedly I can't help but agree to some extent, I don't want our Foundation to be viewed in a negative light, when there has been numerous times where we have proven our right to carry out our duty. And that includes everything that me and countless others have done to make the anomalies here feel safe and comfortable in their new environment. I want the people to know that we are on their side, that we want to better ourselves and that we've been bettering ourselves since we stepped into the light. We've already released most of the harmless anomalies back where they belong, we've already assisted thousands upon thousands of people that have encountered new unpredictably dangerous anomalies. This is just another step in the right direction. If we want people to think highly of us, then we might as well spread our wings. Status: [APPROVED] Excerpt Log: The following are various examples of individuals that have been influenced in some way by SCP-7199: Subject: Charlie Birchwood Context: Birchwood acts as the lead vocalist and guitarist of the indie-rock group 'Clover Struck'. He departed from his part-time job at a fast food restaurant in order to pursue a career in music. While Clover Struck has performed at numerous underground locations, they have yet to gain any commercial or financial success, with other members even considering quitting the band entirely as a result. Due to this, Birchwood fell into a depressive episode which hindered him from working on the band's debut album, 'Summertime Love'. Result: Through SCP-7199's empathic capabilities, Birchwood was motivated enough to finish the album, with the rest of the band members following suit. Upon release of Summertime Love, the album gained considerable success, garnering acclaimed attention from both casual listeners and music critics alike. As of writing, they are currently on a tour across the United States, already having several sold-out venues. Sample from Summertime Love's most popular track, 'Spread Your Wings': Spread your wings, spread your wings. Don't you worry 'bout anything. Let your heart beat out and sing. Don't you worry at all. Take your time, take your time. Everything's gonna be alright. Keep at it and you'll be just fine. Don't you worry at all, at all. Birchwood (center) performing onstage A painting by Vineyard following SCP-7199's influence Subject: Barbara Vineyard Context: Vineyard studies at an art college and works part-time at her mother's florist shop. Her educators remarked on how attentive and engaging Vineyard is during lectures, though lacks artistic ability or creativity in her artwork. Barbara finds difficulty in creating new pieces of art and frequently struggles to finish her work on-time. She has notably grown distant from her other colleagues as she views herself poorly and constantly compares herself to them. Result: After acquiring SCP-7199, Vineyard partook additional lessons from her tutors and worked diligently to improve her skills as an artist. By the end of the semester, Vineyard had been placed second overall in her class. She also managed to come third in a painting competition that was being held by the staff. Sample of interview with Vineyard upon placing third on the contest: Interviewer: Congratulations on becoming third of the competition, Ms. Barbara. You must be awfully proud of yourself for ranking so high. Vineyard: Thank you, and yes, I am just thrilled. I told my mother about it on the phone and we're planning on going out for dinner as a celebration. Interviewer: Is that so? Well, good for you. I do wonder, though: Is there any reason you specifically decided to paint a butterfly? Do you perhaps own one yourself? I heard your mother is a florist, after all. Vineyard: Yes, I do, actually. I just, uh— (chuckles) —I like butterflies, you know? They encourage me, tell me to do my best. Mittens knitted by Wilshire Subject: Oakley Wilshire Context: Wilshire works a standard office job, being a single father of his only daughter, who is taken care of by her grandparents whenever he is away. His wife shortly passed away following the birth of child, which resulted in Wilshire growing estranged from the rest of his family and spending most of his time working until late. Result: Wilshire purchased SCP-7199 for his daughter's upcoming birthday, and, a result of their anomalous properties, decided to take a few days off of work in order to prepare a celebration for her. He had also utilized his knitting skills to make a pair of mittens as an additional present. After the party, Wilshire heavily apologized to his relatives as well as his daughter for his distant behavior and has since paid more attention to them henceforth. Update: PoI-7199 had contacted the Foundation once again, requesting Dir. Metanoia at a different location. Below is a transcription of the events which transpired afterward: »TRANSCRIPTION LOG« [BEGIN LOG] Dir. Metanoia steps out of the Foundation-assigned vehicle at the designated location: A local cemetery. She notices PoI-7199, brushing off dirt from a grave and watering the plants growing from the earth surrounding it. She clears her throat, alerting PoI-7199. Metanoia: Sorry, am I disturbing you in any way? PoI-7199: (Startled) Oh, no, no. You're fine. I just didn't see you there. Metanoia: (Smirks) Seems like it was my turn to frighten you, huh? Hope I didn't scare you too badly. PoI-7199: Oh, you just had to, didn't you? Both chuckle. Metanoia turns to the tombstone. Metanoia: So this must be your wife, then? PoI-7199: Yes, she is. And she has something to say, you know. Metanoia: And that is? PoI-7199: She wanted to thank you. Well, we wanted to thank you. I see that a lot of people's lives were impacted because of the butterflies you gave away. I'm sure if my wife was with me now, she would've thanked you from the bottom of her heart. Metanoia: Of course. I'm just doing my job. I'm assuming that's why you called me here. PoI-7199: Correct. I know I should've done so over email, but I'd rather do it in person. PoI-7199 inhales deeply. PoI-7199: But I cannot stress this enough: thank you, Amelie, for all that you've done. You should be proud of the number of people you helped, the number of anomalies you shower with your kindness. I cannot express how grateful I am for your actions. Metanoia: (Wipes eyes) That means… that means a lot to me. To be able to hear that, to know that all I've done to make the world a better place has paid off… oh, I just— (laughs) —I never felt so proud of myself. PoI-7199: That is all I wanted to say. I hope you have a good rest of your day, Ms. Metanoia. Metanoia: Right. But, before I leave, could you mind doing me a favor? PoI-7199: How can I help? Metanoia: Well, um— Metanoia reaches into her handbag and takes out a hardcover novel. Metanoia: —I was hoping to receive your autograph. PoI-7199: (Exhales) Ah, yes. How could I forget? Do you also have a pen, by any chance? Metanoia: Mhm, I'm always prepared. Metanoia waves goodbye at PoI-7199 as she returns to the vehicle, before entering it. Dr. Case turns to her for a moment. Case: Want me to give you a pat on your back as well? Metanoia: Oh, hush now. Case: I kid, I kid. Case proceeds to drive off from the cemetery. A brief period of silence follows Case: I admire you, you know. Metanoia: Where's this coming from? Case: I don't know. I just thought I should give you my thanks as well, for what you've done for me. Case sighs. Case: I already told you this a million times, but back when I had… different thoughts on your department, I thought I had no reason to take part in what you do. But when I was assigned to your division, and when I saw all the people who found comfort in this bizarre environment, it gave me a new perspective. Case: Simply put, you guided me, you changed me for the better. And I've never felt more content when following your lead, lending a hand to all the people around me. I doubt this'll be the last time I say this, but I'm thankful to be part of the AEED. Metanoia: I'm always happy to help, Case. Keep doing your best, alright? Case: (Chuckles) You can count on me, director. The silence returns, with the sound of the radio in the background. Below is a sample of a relevant portion of the broadcast. "—ow does it feel being able to have one of your works recognized by the public? You must be filled with joy knowing your writing has gotten you first place in the International Young Writers Competition." Brian Cricket "I've, um— (sniffs) —I've never won anything in my life, I never thought I'd make it this far, you know? The fact that I managed to achieve such a goal just… I cannot— I'm still processing all of this." "I see… One more question, Mr. Brian Cricket: What gave you the idea to utilize the Foundation format to write your story? No one's ever thought of writing it like this before." "Oh, um, mainly because— (sniffs) —mainly because I looked up to them, I guess. They're literally living fantasies people write as fiction. They basically inspired me to come up with my own stories, my own situations. Like, what else would they have gone through? What else do they have in containment? Before I knew it, I was coming up with something." "And you know those butterflies that they suddenly decided to give away? I thought I might as well adopt one for myself. Back then, I figured it could help me come up with an idea. And just like that, I felt the motivation in me rising and rising. I felt my hands typing away at a potential story. Now, look where that got me today." "Ugh, I'm sorry for all the tears. I just (sniffs)… I can't help myself." "I just wanna say thank you, Foundation. Thank you for giving me the will to write, the will to push on. Seriously, I don't know what to say. I'm… (chuckles) I'm just so happy to be part of this community." Case: God, I think I'm about to cry as well. Pause. Metanoia: I'm proud of him. [END LOG] More From This Author More From This Author winkwonkboi's Works SCPs SCP-2689 (+35) • SCP-6245 (+51) • SCP-7488 (+43) • SCP-6306 (+52) • SCP-6895 (+28) • SCP-5245 (+45) • SCP-6199 (+116) • SCP-6545 (+69) • SCP-6039 (+68) • SCP-5358 (+47) • SCP-7735 (+23) • SCP-7245 (+40) • SCP-7538 (+72) • SCP-7657 (+34) • SCP-7156 (+21) • Tales/GoI Formats Why Jones Marcel Should Be Employee of the Century (+10) • Something's Burning (+34) • #WettleAppreciationPost (+115) • A Sinking Feeling (+23) • In an attempt to feel something. (+24) • A Taste For Sore Eyes (+12) • man overboard! (+29) • In Kirby's Case, Part I: An Antithesis (+11) • People Care, Dear (+10) • Critter Profile: Miss Cassandra! (+33) • In Kirby's Case, Part II: A Methodology (+7) • Anomalous Entity Engagement Division Orientation (+35) • Goodnight, Sweet Dreams (+21) • Roses And Thorns (+18) • Other a lack of care. (+28) • SCiPTEMBER DOODLES (+20) • CRACKHEAD: SCP-173 Fanart (+30) • ARTWITNESS: SCP-5843 Fanart (+29) • NOTICED: SCP-7345 Fanart (+17) • COMBUST: SCP-6057 Fanart (+22) • HELTHY: SCP-6780 Fanart (+25) • froot froggo :) (+39) • 7K DOODLES (+68) • FISHER: SCP-2689 Fanart (+23) • the winkwonk page v2 (+24) • King CalcaRuler: Halloween Emperor (+29) • DITTO: SCP-#### Fanart (+40) • ENLIGHTENMENT: SCP-6059 Fanart (+38) • Certified Criminal (+32) • « SCP-7198 | SCP-7199 | SCP-7200 »
Item #: SCP-7200 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Mobile Task Force Theta-5 ("The Bigger Boat") is to be dispatched to investigate any disappearances of registered merchant ships and to propose cover stories as appropriate. Any emitted radio signals are to be suppressed using standard procedures. Update 2022/07/04: Project Convenient Flag has been implemented and is demonstrating promising results. Reclassification to Euclid and updates to containment procedures are pending final review by the Containment Committee. (See Addendum 7200-3) Description: SCP-7200 is an anomalous phenomenon causing the disappearances of non-military ships in international waters. When a vessel is affected by SCP-7200, it unexpectedly changes heading and increases speed, occasionally dumping cargo to do so. All attempts to hail or remotely operate the vessel have failed. Typically, shortwave radio transmissions are also found originating from the ship, containing a vocalization described by listeners as an unpleasant shrieking sound. Memetic analysis does not find the audio signal to be anomalous, but notes that there may be possible cognitohazardous properties which are not preserved over radio. Several hours into the event, the ship's transponder turns off. Past this point, no vessel has been detectable through any known means and is effectively unrecoverable. In the first year since the anomaly's emergence in April 2016, the likelihood of an SCP-7200 event affecting a vessel was approximately 0.006% / year. Since then, the probability has been steadily increasing, measured most recently at 0.072% / year in December 2021. Discovery Current Projected SCP-7200 occurrences during 2016. SCP-7200 occurrences during 2021. SCP-7200 occurrences projected for 2026. Addendum 7200-1: Containment Attempts CODENAME: Side Eye FAILURE Summary: Place sensors aboard 20,000 merchant vessels to continually report anomalous activity, and attempt to determine the cause of SCP-7200. Result: Sensor data from lost ships is inconclusive. Following the loss of the vessel, the sensors cease to report further information. CODENAME: Event Horizon FAILURE Summary: Recruit and train E-class personnel aboard 100 merchant vessels, with equipment for navigating a number of different anomalous environments. Result: 18 ships with personnel are lost in SCP-7200 events, yielding no new information. Operation is aborted. CODENAME: Escort Mission FAILURE Summary: Ships from the Foundation Navy (disguised as various nations' militaries) escort high-value container ships, with orders to intervene during an SCP-7200 event. Result: Two incidents occur wherein a container ship is subject to an SCP-7200 event while in the presence of the Foundation Navy: The compromised ship suddenly makes a sharp turn in front of the Navy vessel. The vessel manages to avoid a collision, but numerous shipping containers fall and land on the Navy vessel, damaging it. The vessel is unable to sustain a chase and the container ship escapes. Two Navy vessels are straddling both sides of the container ship, which then undergoes the SCP-7200 event. Foundation vessels give chase for two hours. The vessels then adopt a strategy of attempting to damage the compromised ship's navigational and propulsion capabilities, with limited success. After eleven further hours of continued pursuit, the ship escapes despite serious hull damage. CODENAME: Trojan Seahorse FAILURE Summary: 50 unmanned merchant vessels are purchased, loaded with conventional explosives and limited paranormal weaponry, and deployed across the ocean. Ship computers are programmed to detect an SCP-7200 event, and attempt to locate and destroy any anomalous objects present. Result: One such prepared vessel undergoes an SCP-7200 event. It then immediately fires all its weapons directly overhead, causing severe damage and resulting in the ship capsizing. Rescue teams are unable to prevent the vessel from sinking. Remaining vessels are quickly recalled. CODENAME: Sea Nuke DENIED [Vetoed by Overwatch Command.] CODENAME: Convenient Flag ONGOING Summary: See below. Result: Loss of commercial vessels has been steadily declining over the implementation period. Addendum 7200-2: Project Convenient Flag The Foundation External Affairs and Intelligence Agency, after negotiation with the Panama Maritime Authority, established a special "SCPF" designation for a class of merchant ships registered in Panama. This class is available for containment use only, and have relaxed requirements for vessel size, shape, and build quality. As part of SCP-7200 containment operations, the Foundation has established four facilities in Panama (one registration depot, one hatchery, two farms), with a combined approximate area of 150,000 m2. The fish production facilities are capable of raising tens of millions of oceanic fish annually. Within the registration depot, Foundation maritime inspectors oversee the registration of SCPF-class merchant vessels. Due to the specific nature of this class, many steps in the registration of conventional merchant ships do not apply. For instance, ships have no requirement for safety or construction certificates due to their small size. As SCPF-class vessels lack equipment for radio transmissions, signal suppression is unnecessary during SCP-7200 events. At maturity, fish are transported from farm facilities into the registration depot. In accordance with international maritime law, a Panamanian flag and the respective ship registration number are applied onto each fish. Upon confirming the vessel's seaworthiness, the acting maritime inspector clears the fish for release into the open ocean. Addendum 7200-3: Current Situation SCP-7200 events have continued to increase in frequency. However, due to the implementation of Project Convenient Flag, more than 99.98% of merchant vessels in international waters are SCPF-class, which has reduced the disappearance of civilian ships to less than 0.3 vessels / year. « SCP-7199 | SCP-7200 | SCP-7201 »
{$caption} PeppersGhost SCP-7202 - Hypergingiva by PeppersGhost More by this author 1/7202 LEVEL 1/7202 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7202 euclid Special Containment Procedures: Personnel are to report to the nearest Employee Wellness Station at first sign of SCP-7202 symptoms. While SCP-7202 cannot be cured, over-the-counter oral gels are reportedly effective at alleviating symptoms. Description: SCP-7202 is an anomalous dental phenomenon characterized by the sudden onset of mild but persistent gum irritation with no discernible cause. At time of writing, SCP-7202 affects roughly 70% of on-site residents and 40% of full-time employees at Site-5331D. Non-anomalous environmental and situational factors (e.g. water quality, personal hygiene) have been considered and ruled out. Nevertheless, those suffering from SCP-7202 often report that symptoms are less severe when they are not present at Site-5331D. Cases of SCP-7202 were first reported in January of 2015, and following investigation it was given a formal SCP designation on October 11th of the same year. Staff memo: We appreciate everyone's patience during the investigation. The Departments of Cryptopathology and Paradentistry are working hard to devise a means of curing and preventing SCP-7202 in the near future. In the meantime, affected and unaffected employees are encouraged to avoid close contact whenever possible; otherwise, personnel are expected to carry out their duties as normal. . . . RAISA Notice Updated documentation available. 1/7202 LEVEL 1/7202 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7202 euclid SCP-7202 patient. Special Containment Procedures: Personnel affected by SCP-7202 are eligible for free oral care products and services at any designated Employee Wellness Station. While SCP-7202 cannot be cured, certain proprietary oral gels may reduce pain and prevent bleeding. Description: SCP-7202 refers to an aggressive form of idiopathic refractory gingivitis1 which spontaneously affects on-Site residents and full-time employees at Site-5331D. As part-time employees are not affected, and several affected employees who transferred to other Foundation Sites have reported an abatement of symptoms, it is believed that the development of SCP-7202 correlates with the duration of time spent at Site-5331D. Staff memo: Employees who wish to reduce their work hours or transfer to another facility must submit form WA939 or EM736, respectively, and present written approval from their direct supervisor. Employees are also to remember that Foundation security policies do not permit working from home, and any requests to do so will be automatically denied. The Departments of Cryptopathology and Paradentistry are working hard to devise a means of curing and preventing SCP-7202 in the near future. . . . RAISA Notice Updated documentation available. 1/7202 LEVEL 1/7202 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7202 euclid Moderate case of SCP-7202. Special Containment Procedures: Those affected by SCP-7202 may visit their designated Employee Wellness Station for free oral care products, as well as one free surgery per month to remove excess gingival tissue. In addition, all employees are required to report to their Employee Wellness Station once a week for dental consultation. Surgery may be compulsory if deemed necessary to the patient's long-term oral health by the provider. Soft and liquid food alternatives are to remain available at all meal distribution locations within Site-5331D until the facility is fully vacated. Description: SCP-7202 refers to an anomalous dental condition characterized by rapid gingival overgrowth. Excess gingival tissue generated by SCP-7202 is unusually porous, sensitive, and prone to bleeding. Due to the speed at which it develops, gingival tissue may occlude teeth and obstruct jaw movement within a matter of weeks in the absence of surgical intervention. SCP-7202 affects any living creature possessing gingival tissue that comes within the vicinity of Foundation Site-5331D. The rate at which SCP-7202 develops is roughly proportional to the duration of time spent on the premises. Staff memo: To minimize risk of cross-exposure and maintain adequate staffing, all transfers from Site-5331D have been suspended. However, due to the negative effect SCP-7202 has had on employee morale, the 05 Council has approved for the personnel and anomalous assets located at Site-5331D to be incrementally relocated to a new facility designated Site-5331E beginning in Fall 2017. This process will be very gradual and closely monitored in order to identify and isolate any potential source of SCP-7202. While this takes place, the Departments of Cryptopathology and Paradentistry will be working hard to devise a means of curing and preventing SCP-7202 in the near future. . . . RAISA Notice Updated documentation available. 1/7202 LEVEL 1/7202 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7202 keter Example of tooth displacement resulting from untreated SCP-7202 overgrowth. Special Containment Procedures: Employee Wellness Centers are to furnish and maintain OWN units for all personnel and assets affected by SCP-7202. Personnel and assets affected by SCP-7202 may not be moved to a facility other than those reserved for SCP-7202-POI. SCP-7202-POI have been granted provisional approval to leave their designated facility if living off-Site, but must remain closely monitored and are advised to minimize direct contact with other living creatures outside the workplace. Description: SCP-7202 is an anomalous dental affliction which resembles an accelerated form of idiopathic gingival fibromatosis. In addition to enlargement and ulceration, affected gingival tissue also undergoes a gradual increase in keratin levels, increasing its hardness to a degree that renders most traditional methods of excision ineffective. In response, specialized devices for the reduction of gingival tissue have been developed by the Foundation, including the Oral Wellness Naturalizer (OWN). While the mechanism by which SCP-7202 spreads is currently unknown, its influence appears to be limited to Foundation facilities harboring SCP-7202-POI.2 If an instance of SCP-7202-POI is transferred to another facility, other individuals at that facility will begin to exhibit symptoms of SCP-7202. In such cases, the effects of secondary exposure will fully resolve within 3 to 4 months of the SCP-7202-POI instance being removed from the facility. SCP-7202 was first observed among residents and full-time personnel at Site-5331D in 2015. The site's employees and contained assets underwent incremental transfer to a new facility (Site-5331E) in 2017; SCP-7202 symptoms among SCP-7202-POI abated following the move, but recurred in a more aggressive form several months after the final transfer was completed. OWN User's Guide How to use your OWN unit: • Select your desired level of post-op amnestic and anesthetic. • Ensure that you are fully fastened in a stable and comfortable position. • Gently press your face into your OWN unit. Your nose should rest comfortably against the green line. • Check that the oral camera and face rest screen are functioning properly with little or no visual delay. • Carefully place your lips around the Safety Loop. If you need to use your fingers to accomplish this, first wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. NOTE: It is normal for your lips to feel taut or stretched when placed around the Safety Loop. If your lips easily slip out of place, or you experience any pain or substantial discomfort when placing your lips around the Safety Loop, notify your designated Employee Wellness Station and your Safety Loop will be calibrated to the appropriate size. • If all steps have been followed properly, press the glowing buttons on either side of the OWN unit simultaneously to administer anesthetic and then a second time to engage the culling mechanism. • Monitor your progress carefully on the face rest screen. • In the event of unexpected behavior from your OWN unit, press either button a third time to engage the EMERGENCY STOP. • Once culling has concluded and the OWN unit has disengaged, carefully lift your head from the face rest and check that your results are as desired. If a second culling is required, wait 45 minutes before reengaging your OWN unit. • If satisfied, remove the red Discard Bag from the OWN unit and deposit it in a corresponding red BIO bin. Usage Guidelines: • Be sure to use your OWN unit at least once a day. Neglecting to cull gingival overgrowth may result in tooth displacement, facial disfigurement, jaw injury, and/or suffocation. • DO NOT cull more than 4 times in a 24 hour period or once every 12 hours if you are anemic. • When culling multiple times a day, be advised that, for your health and safety, the OWN unit will reduce the anesthetic administered on every subsequent engagement by a variable amount determined by the user's weight. • If you feel light-headed or begin to lose consciousness while using your OWN unit, engage the EMERGENCY STOP. • If you find it difficult to stay alert while using your OWN unit, ask a friend or coworker to monitor your culling. • DO NOT engage your OWN unit unless your lips are securely positioned around the Safety Loop. Failure to secure non-gingival tissue may negatively impact results. • DO NOT use an OWN unit other than the one designated for you. Remember: your OWN unit is your own unit. Each unit is calibrated to its designated user's dental profile. Using an OWN unit that is calibrated to the wrong dental profile may result in irregular interaction with the culling mechanism. • DO NOT attempt to extricate from your OWN unit while it is engaged. Activate the EMERGENCY STOP before attempting to remove any part of your body from the machine or any part of the machine from your body. • DO NOT deposit your Discard Bag in any receptacle other than a red BIO bin. • Your OWN unit will seal your Discard Bag automatically. If you experience any unexpected difficulty with your Discard Bag, please contact your Employee Wellness Station and not janitorial services. Staff memo: Thanks to the completion of the OWN rollout and the overall reduction in cases of COVID-19, personnel working from home are expected to return to their on-site duties by the end of March 2023. While this may come as a disappointment to some, the administration is confident this step will allow a return to optimal containment security and research productivity in the coming quarter. Rest assured that the Departments of Cryptopathology and Paradentistry are working hard to devise a means of curing and preventing SCP-7202 in the near future. Footnotes 1. Treatment-resistant inflammation of the gums arising from an unknown cause. 2. A subdesignation for Foundation personnel and assets who worked or resided within Site-5531D at any point between January of 2015 and September of 2018.
≡ Item#: 7203 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: Khonsu Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: caution link to memo Special Containment Procedures: In the event that SCP-7203 becomes misaligned with foundation goals, it is to be relocated to any foundation site currently held in time stasis to prevent unwanted decommissioning before research and full utilization of the anomaly is complete. In any scenario where transport of SCP-7203 becomes unfeasible within the time before SCP-7203's decommissioning due to its status as a Khonsu1 class anomaly, the use of experimental Burleson-Lockingweigh localized time locks is authorized. The defense of SCP-7203 against outside forces seeking to capture it or otherwise impede its pre-determined actions is imperative. Description: SCP-7203 is the designation given to Senior Researcher William Conwell who, at some point during his service in the Anomalous Chronology Department, gained the ability to manifest it's future choices and decisions ahead of time. SCP-7203 is capable of relocating items from further along the timestream to points in time pre-dating their existence. These objects will not manifest within view of any recording device or sentient spectator. The anomaly is not capable of transmitting objects larger that 3 feet in any direction. This effect appears similar to manifesting an object into existence, which resulted in the initial misdiagnosis of the entities anomalous properties. SCP-7203 has maintained its alignment with foundations goals and values and is currently working with foundation researchers to garner a better understanding of the potential causes and effects of its anomalous traits. Due to SCP-7203's impact on events that have not yet occurred, it is possible that previously theorized upon paradoxes may occur. If this possibility is realized, a BVK-Class universal timeline superposition scenario may occur, resulting in the total collapse and ultimately the superposition of our current timeline. The cause of SCP-7203's sudden attainment of the aforementioned anomalous traits has been heavily debated by leading researchers in the Anomalous Chronology Department. Popular theory held in the department is that SCP-7203 will invent a device capable of transporting humans to different points along space-time. The theory states that SCP-7203's abilities stem from its current decisions to utilize his "time machine" to perform acts along time stemming from the point at which he invented the device. If this theory is to be believed true, SCP-7203's current anomalous properties would cease to exist following the point at which he invents the time travel device. WARNING: THE FOLLOWING ADDENDA ARE LEVEL 4/7203 CLASSIFIED ANY ATTEMPT TO ACCESS THIS FILE WITHOUT LEVEL 4/7203 AUTHORIZATION WILL BE LOGGED AND WILL LEAD TO IMMEDIATE DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Preliminary interview log - Close SCP-7203 INTERVIEW LOG Interviewed: SCP-7203 Interviewer: James Sino, Chronology Dep. Foreword: Following personal discovery and confirmation of its own anomalous attributes, SCP-7203 promptly reported itself to James Sino, the head of the Department of Anomalous Chronology. <Begin Log> Sino: Will, I am going to need as much information as you can give me right now. If what your reporting is true, this is an extremely serious matter. Sino: And you gathered this information through unauthorized testing before even reporting it to your superior? Sino: I have no doubt that you did that with the safety of your coworkers in mind, but unauthorized testing is malfeasance that is normally met with disciplinary action. Sino: Good grief William, you know that is a very sudden thing to just spring upon me. I will have to forward your request to a RAISA operative before it even gets considered. Sino: That would be standard procedure, yes. <End Log> Closing Statement: SCP-7203's request for SCP classification has been reviewed and accepted by RAISA, testing is still necessary to determine Conwell's exact level of containment. Upon request, junior researcher Henry Orion has been appointed project lead. Initial testing logs - Close INITIAL TESTING LOGS Test 1A - 01/10/19 Purpose: Ascertain exact specifications and extents of SCP-7203's supposed abilities, and tangibility of summoned objects. Procedure: SCP-7203 was directed to manifest a coffee cup within the site cafeteria, and then fill it with water. SCP-7203 then commanded to ingest water from the cup. Results: Upon being instructed, SCP-7203 entered a brief trance-like state. Cameras placed in the site cafeteria detected a faint shimmer of blue light coming from within the male lavatory. Due to the absence of cameras within the restrooms, the phenomena was unable to be recorded. Following this, SCP-7203 made its way to the site cafeteria and retrieved the cup from the lavatory, completing the test without issue. The coffee cup manifested did not hold any anomalous properties, nor did any water ingested from within it, but notably had a design from a Disney film that had not yet been released. Analysis: 2 things about this experiment have garnered my attention: The coffee cup design, and the manifestation within the male bathroom. Something tells me that there is more to SCP-7203's abilities than previously suspected. Another round of testing should confirm this. - Henry Orion, Project Lead Test 2A - 01/11/19 Purpose: Follow through regarding the out-of-sight manifestation of the coffee cup during the previous test. Procedure: SCP-7203 directed to first summon a brick within a closed chamber which only he was within, and then summon a brick in a room covered with surveillance equipment. Results: SCP-7203 went through with the first part of the experiment as directed, and noted a shimmer of blue light from above him in the ceiling rafters. However, by the time he looked up to observe the phenomena, the brick had already completely manifested and the blue sheen had disappeared. Said brick proceeded to fall off of the rafters and directly onto the face of SCP-7203. SCP-7203, however, reported that the brick was light as a foam brick despite seemingly being fabricated out of shale and clay. Later composition analysis of the brick discovered the presence of air, as well as an unknown gaseous substance that dissipated into the air when the brick was dismantled. After being hit with the brick, SCP-7203 proceeded with the second half of the test and successfully manifested another brick within the surveillance chamber. Upon the initiation of the blue shimmer, all cameras placed into the room experienced heavy interference and were unable to record non-corrupt footage of the event. Summoned brick was retrieved and more carefully analyzed, revealing the summoned brick to have a much higher tensile strength than a standard construction brick. Gaseous substance was found to almost immediately solidify into a neigh unbreakable material when exposed to pure oxygen, but still retain its light weight. Synthesis of the materials required to create the gaseous substance has begun. Analysis: So my hypothesis appears to have been correct, and SCP-7203 manifested objects cannot be observed whatsoever. What concerns me more, however, is the pattern I am beginning to notice with said objects seemingly modified in some way. I have my own ideas about why this might be, but I will wait to share them until I can confirm their credibility. - Henry Orion, Project Lead Test 3A - 01/12/19 Purpose: Ascertain the exact nature of objects manifested via SCP-7203. Procedure: SCP-7203 is asked to manifest a standard Apple brand iPhone, of the most recent make and model. Results: SCP-7203 successfully manifests an object, with the characteristic blue shimmer emanating from a nearby vent. SCP-7203 walks over and pulls off the vent cover to retrieve the object, which is revealed to be a singular contact lens, although its exact purpose was not immediately obvious. SCP-7203 is then instructed to wear the lens, to which it begrudgingly accepts and places the lens upon its right eye. SCP-7203 is momentarily stunned and stumbles backwards, exclaiming that an interface akin to a mobile phone is being projected in front of him. The alleged interface is not present on any of the recorded footage, and is assumed to be projected directly onto SCP-7203's right eye. SCP-7203 takes a moment to calm down before explaining that it is able to interact with the holographic interface using his mind, although he remarks that there is a setting to instead use eyes to interact. After a few moments, SCP-7203 identifies the device layout to be most similar to that of an iPhone, and navigates to the settings app (which has had its icon replaced with circuitry, where there was previously clockwork). Within the application, SCP-7203 ascertains that the device is an "iLens 4", released in 2039 alongside the previous 3 models. Analysis: My personal theory has been proven correct once again, as it would seem that SCP-7203 is only capable of manifesting objects from the future. Now, with all this evidence compiled, I am excited to reveal my hypothesis on the true nature of SCP-7203. You should be able to find it within the next addendum, as I plan to convene with my peers at the Anomalous Chronology Department. - Henry Orion, Project Lead Anomalous Chronology Department meeting transcript - Close ANOMALOUS CHRONOLOGY DEPARTMENT MEETING TRANSCRIPT Date: 1/14/19 Subject: SCP-7203 Meeting Lead: Henry Orion Meeting attendees: Department Head James Sino, Senior Researcher Jeremiah Smith, Senior Researcher Abigail Holmes, +37 ACD staff [BEGIN LOG] The video log opens with most of the ACD staff already seated in the conference room, and as the remaining personnel shuffle in, Henry Orion turns on a projector and stands up to begin speaking. Henry Orion: This is our former co-worker, SCP-7203. Orion presses a button on the projector to begin the slideshow, the first slide being a photo of SCP-7203 Henry Orion: Or as many of you already know it, William Conwell. The room erupts into confused and worried discussion regarding this development. Orion clears his throat and begins speaking again once the room succumbs to tense silence. Henry Orion: I understand that this information comes as a shock to many of you, as SCP-7203 desired to keep this secret until the true nature of his anomalous properties were discovered, which is what I am here to discuss with you today. Orion switches to the next slide, which displays the three items manifested by SCP-7203 during the initial testing phase. Henry Orion: Can someone tell me what these three objects have in common? Tory Spanier, who is undergoing his foundation internship at the Department of Anomalous Chronology, raises his hand to answer the question. Henry Orion: Yes, Spanier? Tory Spanier: Sir, these objects are all things seen and used in daily life. Henry Orion: To the untrained eye, yes, however these objects hold a far greater importance than it may seem at first glance. Orion switches to the next slide, which displays the same three objects, but this time complete with overlaid captions which point out the abnormalities in each object. Henry Orion: As you can all see, there is another common pattern in all of these objects. None of them come from our time, carbon dating has revealed that the objects show no signs of atomic decay and I believe that they will resume the natural process of carbon decay when the time comes that they were pulled out from. James Sino: You don't mean to imply th- Henry Orion: Yes I do, James. My research has found that SCP-7203 is pulling objects from points in time that have not yet occurred for us. Not only that, but the method SCP-7203 uses to accomplish this is both shocking and time sensitive. The room once again returns to an unorganized heap of confused murmurs. Henry Orion: Please, calm yourselves, we aren't 5 years old. A collective murmur of agreement from the crowd before silence once more. Henry Orion: SCP-7203 is actually not anomalous. However, SCP-7203 is destined to create the world's first "time machine", which is going to prove revolutionary for this department. James Sino: And what is your evidence for this claim? Henry Orion: It has been a long standing belief by this department that the future is in a super-fluid state, and is only solidified when it becomes the present. However, the construction of a time machine is a monumental event which would've always happened since its creation at that point in the future. In other words, its creation would cause time to solidify around that point. And in even simpler terms, the creator of the time machine would be able to make decisions about how to use it in the current time, and have their future self carry out those actions. Henry Orion: For instance: The projector switches to a video displaying an excerpt from an interview with SCP-7203 Recording of Orion: So, what process do you go through when conjuring an item? Are there any limitations imposed on your ability? Recording of SCP-7203: Well there really isn't much to it. I just tell myself that I was to bring an item here, and then a couple seconds later it appears with that flash of blue light. To answer your second question, I can't seem to summon anything larger than a mini-fridge. When I try, nothing happens, no blue light or anything. It's almost like I am telling someone to manifest objects using my own thoughts. Recording ends Henry Orion: It is very clear to me that what SCP-7203 does when summoning an item is making a promise to itself to relocate an object from the time of the time-travel devices creation to some point further down, or hypothetically further up the time stream. Henry Orion: I think the implications are very clear. We are all aware of the bootstrap paradox, and the potential consequences lest it be left violated. My proposal is this: we continue to study SCP-7203 until it creates the time-travel device, then allow it to fulfill the guidelines of the bootstrap paradox to prevent a BVK-Class event. I will be taking questions now, as I imagine you all have many. [END LOG] Post meeting overview: The proposal to continue monitoring and studying SCP-7203 as well as allowing it to create the time-travel device when the time comes has been accepted by James Sino. Tests conducted following the interview have begun to narrow down the time at which SCP-7203 will create the device, and a list of all items needing to be transported back along the time-stream has been assembled. Footnotes 1. the Khonsu containment class denotes an object which is subject to imminent destruction due to uncontrollable circumstances
SCP-7204 and trainer, prior to her demise during Incident 7204-β. Item #: SCP-7204 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: The aquatic mammal containment tank housing the anomaly must contain no portals through which it could observe any space outside of its tank. The drainage and plumbing systems servicing the tank are to operate independently of all other adjacent infrastructure with pressure monitors being checked once every four hours. It has been determined that the continued deterioration of SCP-7204's mental faculties presents a danger to those personnel responsible for its care. To maintain its mental health, SCP-7204 is to be placed within a tank containing other non-anomalous dolphins on a bi-weekly basis. During socialization and feeding times, all lighting within the tank is to be dimmed in order to prevent SCP-7204 from making visual contact with Foundation marine biologist personnel. Description: SCP-7204 is a male adult dolphin, estimated to be approximately fifteen years old. It has a scar on its dorsal fin from a boat strike which took place prior to initial containment. When placed in an artificial habitat with a drainage system, an anomalous link forms between its blowhole and any drains or other comparable plumbing inside the tank. SCP-7204 is able to forcefully absorb matter within its visual perception field into its blowhole, after which the object will be transported through a spacetime portal before reappearing, miniaturized, inside the drainage system. This effect was originally noted by trainers at the [REDACTED] aquarium, who reported miniaturized versions of missing property appearing in the dolphin tank. The effect does not apply to everything in SCP-7204's visual perception, it appears to activate randomly or possibly based on SCP-7204's preferences1. Prior to the effect's activation, SCP-7204 will expel water from its blowhole. Objects or persons previously affected by its anomalous effect or which were present in the drain may be launched from SCP-7204's body during these blowhole expulsions. Foundation assets first became aware of SCP-7204 after four [REDACTED] aquarium trainers were reported as missing persons. Subsequently, biological matter believed to be trace human remains were found inside the dolphin tank drainage filter. Reports to law enforcement authorities alerted local Foundation agents, who secured SCP-7204 after verifying its anomalous properties. Excerpt from the Police Interview of [REDACTED] aquarium dolphin trainer Willard Stephens Record of Incident 7204-β Accessed OFFICER REYNOLDS: Is it normally your job to check the filters? STEPHENS: No. Allyson did that before she stopped showing up. But I was the only one left who knew how to change a cartridge without contaminating everything. OFFICER REYNOLDS: You did this alone? STEPHENS: Yeah, I usually do. I know what I'm doing and I don't appreciate people breathing down my neck who think they know better than I do. OFFICER REYNOLDS: Let's stay focused. You were changing the filters, it's something you do a lot. What was different this time? STEPHENS: I used to do freelance work for the school board. It looked like when the girls would flush their used… products, down the drains and get 'em clogged. OFFICER REYNOLDS: But this wasn't connected to the bathroom plumbing, correct? STEPHENS: That's when I saw them. I thought maybe they were the toys they sell in the gift shop. Little un-articulated plastic people, like army men wearing the blue wet suits. But these ones all had blood oozing out the mouth and eyes. But they weren't toys. I wish they'd been toys. They weren't toys. OFFICER REYNOLDS: So what were they? STEPHENS: Four one-inch corpses. They were stiff and cold and they smelled horrible. OFFICER REYNOLDS: Are you sure you're not mistaking it, maybe you saw something that smelled like death and imagined something in the moment? STEPHENS: I could still recognize their faces. I know them, I knew them. Allyson was my friend. Peter, we, everyone pitched in together to buy a cardboard cutout of him when he went on vacation to surprise him with when he came back, because we missed him so much. Gabe, Alex, what's crazier? That they were there, or someone made them again small and put real gore inside. OFFICER REYNOLDS: You've been through some serious trauma. We can pause for a moment if you need to ground yourself, maybe get a glass of water. STEPHENS: Yeah, sure. All subjects involved were amnesticized during the enactment of containment. Footnotes 1. Further research is necessary to determine whether or not SCP-7204 is capable of consciously creating the portal.
Item #: SCP-7206 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7206's remains have been disposed of through a Foundation waste treatment facility. Description: SCP-7206 is a humanoid reality bender, residing in [REDACTED], United States. SCP-7206 is capable of transmuting any living being they directly perceive1 into almost any mundane material or object desired. SCP-7206 has shown to only be capable of creating items equal to, or smaller than the subject's original size. Only items produced using SCP-7206's abilities can be returned to their original state, despite being comparatively smaller. Discovery Log: SCP-7206 displayed no anomalous properties until three months before discovery. It is believed that SCP-7206's anomalous properties manifested recently, having previously remained dormant. Anomalous activity was not immediately noticed, as SCP-7206 would use their abilities sparingly. SCP-7206's usage of their abilities occur irregularly, based solely on the needs or whims of SCP-7206 at the time. SCP-7206 has expressed neither distress nor concern towards their new abilities, utilizing them freely on civilians whenever they see fit. Further examination is needed to determine SCP-7206's exact personality file, although sociopathic tendencies are evident. Incident Log: The following is a list of noticeable incidents involving SCP-7206 prior to containment. All footage was recovered from surveillance cameras located in [REDACTED]. SCP-7206 waits in-line at a bus stop. The bus arrives, and SCP-7206 steps on. Bus driver: Two-fifty, pal. SCP-7206 reaches around in their pockets for several seconds, expressing frustration.SCP-7206 turns around and looks at the civilian behind them. The person is transmuted into a dollar coin, which SCP-7206 catches in their hand.SCP-7206 looks to the remaining civilians in line, who all stare in shock. Subjects have little time to react before being transmuted into individual coins. SCP-7206 mutters "Wait, no." and "Only one?" to themselves as they do. SCP-7206 counts the coins before handing them to the bus driver, who stares in disbelief.SCP-7206 hands the coins to the driver, $3.00 in total. SCP-7206 steps onto the bus and takes a seat. The bus pulls away three minutes later. The driver quietly sobs throughout the entirety of the drive. SCP-7206 walks through a local park while eating an ice cream cone, which they accidentally drop.SCP-7206 looks around, noticing a woman and a young boy, the latter of which is licking his own ice cream cone. SCP-7206 approaches the two. The boy is transmuted into an ice-cream cone identical to that which SCP-7206 dropped. SCP-7206 catches the cone, and begins eating it as they walk away. The woman approaches SCP-7206, visibly distraught. Woman: What- What did- What did you just do!? What did you do- Where is he!? WHERE IS HE!? What have you done!? SCP-7206 looks back at the woman, continuing to lick the ice cream cone. The woman stares directly at the cone, physically gagging as her face turns even redder. Woman: Give him- Change him back! SCP-7206 stares at the woman as they bite a large chunk out of the ice cream cone.Woman: CHANGE HIM BACK! The woman reaches inside her bag.SCP-7206 causally tosses the ice cream cone onto the tarmac path. A second later, the young boy is restored. The woman immediately reaches down and embraces him, hugging him tightly and shaking. SCP-7206 walks off, before transmuting a nearby pigeon into another ice cream cone which they begin eating. Note: Medical examination revealed a noticeable decrease in the child's brain matter and neural activity following the event. SCP-7206 walks up to a homeless woman taking shelter under a bridge. SCP-7206 smiles, before handing over three pizza boxes to her. The woman looks up at him, clearly set aback, but smiling. Homeless woman: Wow. I… Are you for real? SCP-7206 looks at her, smiles back, pulls out his phone, and takes a picture of them together. The woman is then transmuted into a cardboard pizza box identical to the other three, and SCP-7206 places it on top of the pile. SCP-7206 walks away. Note: Later investigations revealed that seven homeless people had been reported missing throughout the area. SCP-7206 approaches a bench and sits down. A man sits beside him, reading a newspaper. SCP-7206 looks around and sighs to themselves while fidgeting. After a few minutes, SCP-7206 turns and notices the man. The man transmutes into a soap bubble. SCP-7206 stares at the bubble floating around for a minute, before sighing again and walking away. The bubble floats towards a teenage boy, who pops it and smiles. The boy then reaches the bench and notices the fallen newspaper. He looks around. Teenage boy: Dad? Recovery Log: MTF Lambda-5 (“White Rabbits”) were appointed for the recovery mission of SCP-7206. It was concluded that the best course of action would be to approach SCP-7206 stealthily, subdue them, and restrain the subject while unconscious. Use of excessive force was permitted if necessary. A Scranton Reality Anchor was placed within range of SCP-7206's apartment. On location personnel watching via agent's body-cam's would be instructed to activate the device upon indication of SCP-7206 becoming hostile. Agents were equipped with compact Realty Harnesses. The incident was recorded as follows: Agents unlock the door to SCP-7206's apartment and quietly enter. SCP-7206 lies alone on a sofa, watching a large television set. Empty wrappers and snack foods litter the carpeted floor. An agent steps on a piece of food, alerting SCP-7206. SCP-7206 turns around and jumps up, glaring at the agents.SCP-7206 vanishes. Post-incident Report: The exact reason for SCP-7206's transfiguration of itself is unknown. It has been speculated that the reality harnesses prevented SCP-7206's abilities to alter any of the agents, instead defaulting to the sole remaining feasible target, SCP-7206 themselves. Another conclusion suggests that SCP-7206 perceived their own reflection on the vizor of one of the agents, causing them to unwittingly think of themselves while choosing a target. The fecal matter resulting from the transfiguration was collected and later disposed of. Footnotes 1. See Recovery Log
Item#: 7207 Level3 Containment Class: sköll Secondary Class: draugr Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo ASSIGNED DEPARTMENTS PROJECT LEADS RCT-Δt, History, Parazoology, Anomalous Video-games Dr. Omiros Stanoti, Dr. Anton Seif, Dr. Ehsan Fadel, Dr. Hana Bezoušková Submerged SCP-7207. Photo was taken shortly before an incident on 8/7/2018 near the coast of Greece. SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7207 is currently presumed to be both neutralized and active, due to its termination in 6th century AD. Because of this, the Classification Committee has decided on a dual Sköll1/Draugr2 containment class to better reflect this. Members of MTF Gamma-6 (“Deep Feeders”) are to respond to information provided by RCT-Δt. In addition to this, they are to monitor worldwide activities of SCP-7207 (especially in the area of the Mediterranean sea) and respond to any appearance of the entity. In the case of engagement with the entity, MTF members are to keep their distance and attempt to minimise the potential damage caused by SCP-7207. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7207 is a highly aggressive cetacean organism measuring approximately 13.5 metres. It is theorised to have originally belonged either to the Physeter macrocephalus3, the Orcinus orca4, or possibly even the Livyatan melvillei5 genus, but has since undergone rapid biological mutation which has rendered it unrecognizable. SCP-7207 is capable of rapid underwater movement and has been shown to almost entirely ignore physical damage caused by harpoons, bullets and torpedoes, as it regenerates at an abnormal rate. In addition to these physical abnormalities, the primary anomaly of SCP-7207, is its ability of spontaneous temporal relocation, which made it extremely difficult for Foundation agents to track and contain the anomaly. SCP-7207 however, seems to have very little control over this effect. The object is affected by a conceptual phenomenon which is believed to be linked to the Five Nights at Freddy's6 game franchise. (see ADDENDUM 7207.2) This seems to have been a side effect not intended by its creator, POI-7207. (see ADDENDUM 7207.4) ADDENDUM 7207.1: Discovery and History of Incidents SCP-7207 was first discovered by the Foundation after an incident involving a fishing boat in the Marmara sea, Turkey, on 26/7/1983. The sole survivor of the incident claimed a giant sea monster attacked the ship by lunging out of the water, then landing on top of it and proceeding to trash violently around until the ship started sinking. The man was amnesticised and the incident was framed as an engine explosion leading to the deaths of five people. The Foundation vessel SCPF-Mustafa was sent to investigate in the region but was unable to locate the creature and was given a different task after several months. One of the first known photographs of SCP-7207, taken on 7/10/1993 by a GOC operative. The second sighting of SCP-7207 was at first unknown to Foundation personnel, as the creature was encountered by operatives from the Global Occult Coalition on the 7th of October 1993 off the coast of Italy in the Tyrhenian sea.7 SCP-72078 was first picked up by the on-board sonar of the GOC vessel belonging to Strike Team "Ocean Thunder". Consequently, the creature has engaged it in combat as it repeatedly kept crashing into the ships hull from below. The operatives responded by opening fire from the on-board cannons as well as engaging torpedoes. After multiple hits, the creature seemingly gave up its pursuit and the incident was further investigated with the same result as the Foundation inquiry into this matter ten years prior. It wasn't until 2014, that three separate highly public instances of SCP-7207 related attacks were confirmed to occur. The first one was an incident from 8/8/2014 involving a civilian boat near the island of Corfu, close to the Greco-Albanian border, which led to 5 casualties. The second one occurred four months later in the Bosphorus Strait, just half a kilometer from the coast of Istanbul, Türkiye. This incident led to the first direct Foundation contact with the entity as Agents Sahan and Asani were present on scene and managed to take control of the situation by claiming government affairs. The third incident occurred on 15/3/2015, ten kilometres east of the city of Damascus, Syria. Locals reported seeing what they described as a massive whale dropping from the sky in the desert before quickly disappearing. The shape left by a massive object in the sand seems to confirm this report. Shortly after this, a meeting of several Foundation members was called by Dr. Omiros Stanoti, a member of the RCT-Δt9 to discuss information pertaining to SCP-7207. (see ADDENDUM 7207.2) ADDENDUM 7207.2: Transcript of a Department Meeting Internal Audio Recording Transcript In Attendance: Dr. Omiros Stanoti, representative of Research and Containment Team Δt Dr. Ehsan Fadel, representative of the Department of History Dr. Anton Seif, representative of the Department of Parazoology, Marine Division Dr. Hana Bezoušková, representative of the Anomalous Art Department, Anomalous Video-game Division Dr. Stanoti: Thank you all for making it here on such short notice. Please make your introductions. I'll be with you in a minute. Dr. Sanoti is looking through his papers while the rest of the assembly is engaged in a conversation. Dr. Fadel: The pleasure is mine, Omiros. My name is Ehsan Fadel and I was sent here to represent the Department of History. Dr. Seif: Ehm, yes, nice to meet you all. I don't believe I've met anyone here before. Anton Seif, marine biologist. I've been told you requested me personally. Dr. Sanoti doesn't look up but speaks. Dr. Stanoti: Yes, I've requested all of you personally. Your names were on the folder. Dr. Bezoušková: What folder? Ehm, that's probably irrelevant. My name is Dr. Hana Bezoušková and- sighs I am representing the- the Anomalous Video-game Division. Dr. Fadel and Dr. Seif stare at her in disbelief for a moment. Dr. Bezoušková: I know, I know. Honestly, I also have no idea why I'm here. I mean, it's a whale and, like, there have been incidents with it for some time now. So all of you make sense but… why me? Dr. Stanoti: I assure you all that every person in this room is meant to be here. He stands up to pass a redacted copy of the RCT-Δt document on SCP-7207 to everyone. Everyone proceeds to read through it. Dr. Fadel: Is- is this a joke? I know how you in Delta T like to play jokes on us who experience time normally. Dr. Stanoti: It's no joke. SCP-7207 is a time-traveling whale from the future and we have a reason to believe its creation is approaching. Dr. Seif: Ehm… why? I mean, what makes you think that? Dr. Bezoušková: … no. You have got to be kidding me. Five Nights at Freddy's? That's why I'm here? Dr. Fadel: The what? Dr. Bezoušková: It's- it's a horror game. A pretty recent one. Why is this a thing? Dr. Stanoti: Sighs. I cannot share with you important details from your future but I can tell you what you already know. That this horror game is quickly becoming a global hit. Dr. Bezoušková: But- is it really that popular? How did it even- I mean, how is it even going to happen? Is the whale going to eat a cursed copy of the game or something? Dr. Fadel: Scoffs. Dr. Bezoušková: Don't laugh! This is serious! Sure it's also very stupid, but- goddamnit what can you tell us? Dr. Stanoti: Well,- Sighs. - I did a bit of research on the lore of this game and- Dr. Seif: The lore? What does that even mean? Dr. Bezoušková: Oh don't tell me. It's about Purple Guy,10 right? Is- is this being recorded? I don't want people reading this to think I play FNAF11 in my off-hours. Dr. Stanoti: Yes, this has to do with the killer character. And the meeting is unfortunately being recorded. Dr. Bezoušková: Because I don't play it. I don't have time for that. I just occasionally watch people play games. I do it for research purposes! Dr. Fadel: Anyway. Could you please describe what this game is about? I think it might be enlightening. Dr. Seif: Yes, please. That would be really helpful. Dr. Bezoušková: But- I have no idea what the story of the game has anything do to with a murderous whale! Other then the fact, that you told me it is, and than that the whale is purple! Dr. Stanoti: Well, we do have a reason to believe an anartist, who we'll call POI-7207, is responsible for anomalously enhancing the creature in some manner. However, we have no clue as to what its real capabilities are. It seems to be able to travel through time as well as regenerate from extensive amounts of damage. Dr. Bezoušková: Alright, how do you know it has anything to do with an indie horror game about a haunted pizzeria? Dr. Seif: Is that what the game is about? Dr. Stanoti: Ignores Dr. Seif and answers to Dr. Bezoušková. We- we know because the artist told us. In the future. That's not anything you need to concern yourselves with. Your goal is to capture the whale before it kills again. ADDENDUM 7207.3: Historical Evidence It is now believed that the first historical record of SCP-7207, was made by the 6th century byzantine historian Procopius in his "Books of Wars" describing what seems to be an account of SCP-7207's termination. The Department of History has deemed the information in this document to be too vague to require censorship. It was at this time also that the whale, which the Romans12 called Porphyrius13, was caught. This whale had been annoying Byzantium14 and the towns about it for fifty years, not continuously, however, but disappearing sometimes for a rather long interval. And it sank many boats and terrified the passengers of many others, driving them from their course and carrying them off to great distances. It had consequently become a matter of concern to the Emperor Justinian to capture this creature, but he was unable by any device to accomplish his purpose. But I shall explain how it came to be captured in the present instance. It happened that while a deep calm prevailed over the sea, a very large number of dolphins gathered close to the mouth of the Euxine Sea. And suddenly they saw the whale and fled wherever each one could, but the most of them came in near the mouth of the Sangarius. Meanwhile the whale succeeded in capturing some of them, which he swallowed forthwith. And then, either still impelled by hunger or by a contentious spirit, it continued the pursuit no less than before, until, without noticing it, it had itself come very close to the land. There it ran upon some very deep mud, and, though it struggled and exerted itself to the utmost to get out of it as quickly as possible, it still was utterly unable to escape from this shoal, but sank still deeper in the mud. Now when this was reported among all the people who dwelt round about, they straightway rushed upon the whale, and though they hacked at it most persistently with axes on all sides, even so they did not kill it, but they dragged it up with some heavy ropes. And they placed it on waggons and found its length to be about thirty cubits, and its breadth ten.​ Then, after forming several groups and dividing it accordingly, some ate the flesh immediately, while others decided to cure the portion which fell to them. — Procopius, Gothic Wars, Book VII, 29. ADDENDUM 7207.4: Investigation of POI-7207 WARNING! This file is only accessible to RCT-Δt Personnel as it contains time-sensitive data! Submit RCT-Δt Credentials for Access to this Log -Close Interview Audio Recording Transcript Foreword: Agents of RCT-Δt managed to track the origin of SCP-7207's temporal signature to 7/11/2023. Larger Foundation was alerted to the incident as it was happening per standard RCT-Δt protocol.15 An MTF was dispatched on-site and managed to successfully capture POI-7207 "Anette Williams" just after she created SCP-7207. Below is an interview conducted by Dr. Omiros Stanoti shortly after POI was brought into Foundation custody. Dr. Stanoti: Good morning, miss Williams. Is there anything I can do for you before the interview begins? POI-7207: Well, that's- Didn't expect that. Subject is silent for a bit. Cup of tea maybe? Dr. Stanoti: Very well. He gestures to one of the guards to bring a cup of water. Now, shall we begin? POI-7207: Ehm… sure? I mean, I guess. Dr. Stanoti: I am happy to hear that you are comfortable. Could you please start by telling me why you did what you did? POI-7207: And… what did I do, exactly? Dr. Stanoti: Miss Williams, please. We have taken everything in your workshop. We have your construction plans, texts and a corkboard documenting every whale incident on the planet for the last fifty years. POI-7207: So what? Dr. Stanoti: We know that you took a whale and experimented- POI-7207: Enhanced it. Dr. Stanoti: … how exactly did you enhance it? POI-7207: Poor thing was hurt. Would never survive on its own in the wild. I made it better. Dr. Stanoti: Please elaborate. POI-7207: It's faster now and more vicious. If anyone tries to mess with it- Laughs. Well, they sure can try. Dr. Stanoti: From the evidence we've gathered, it seems you performed some kind of ritual. Is that true? POI-7207: Yeah I did that. Found some books I thought might be useful. Tweaked the parameters a bit and voilà! Dr. Stanoti: You've done this before? POI-7207: No, not on this scale anyway. It was mostly smaller stuff. Conceptual linking can be such a pain to learn on your own. But what else can a girl do, when people like you have all the teachers locked up or dead? Dr. Stanoti: You are proud of what you did. POI-7207: Of course I am. Yeah sure, you've caught me, but art cannot be silenced. Dr. Stanoti: You call this art. What kind of statement are you making? POI-7207: That humans cannot just take what they want from nature! Dr. Stanoti: … Is that all? POI-7207: Yes?! What more do you need?! Dr. Stanoti: Please calm down, I am just trying to wrap my head around it. So, you claim that you gave a whale murderous instincts and the ability to time-travel because you wanted to make an eco-activist statement against… whaling? POI-7207: Yeah? Dr. Stanoti: Alright. He marks her answer. Now, could you please explain how you achieved this? POI-7207: Scoffs. You wouldn't get it. Your types never do. Dr. Stanoti: Try me. POI-7207: Alright, dude. So, the books described the idea of conceptual linking. It's when you take one thing and make it be kinda like another thing. Dr. Stanoti nods and gestures for her to continue. POI-7207: So, anyway. I was watching this show about time-travel and I thought that would be really cool to do, but I didn't want to experiment on myself, because my body is a temple, you know? Dr. Stanoti: So you gave the whale that ability. POI-7207: No, I'm getting there. So I thought, maybe I should experiment with something a little smaller. Like, how would time-travel even work? It doesn't exist in real life. So, first, I wanted to do a soul transfer. Dr. Stanoti: How does that relate to anything? POI-7207: Well, because that's a real thing. Jeez. So anyway, that's when I decided to give the whale the consciousness of a serial killer. Dr. Stanoti: You- you did what? POI-7207: Relax, doctor. It's not a real serial killer. I transferred the conceptual- what was the word… Conceptual likeness? Anyway, I gave it the conceptual likeness of the bunny killer from FNAF. Dr. Stanoti: Ehm, I'm not sure I understood you. Could you repeat that? POI-7207: Five Nights at Freddy's? The video-game? Dr. Stanoti: I'm not sure I've heard of it. POI-7207: The movie just came out! Have you been living under a rock? Dr. Stanoti: I don't think that's relevant. Please explain how the whale acquired the ability of temporal travel. POI-7207: Oh yeah, well, so I may have been in the middle of the ritual when I noticed your men in black coming… And I tried to use my powers to escape. Got desperate. Tried creating a time portal or something. I said I thought it was cool! Dr. Stanoti: … Miss Williams, please, this is very important. Can you tell me how you managed your escape? Any details? POI-7207: Nope. Scoffs. Told you I've got zero clue how time-travel works. ADDENDUM 7207.5: Archeological Evidence A partial picture of SCP-7207, taken on 16/12/2021. On 5/7/2022 an archeological digsite was excavated after tracking numerous temporal signatures to a location close to the Bosphorus. The age of the excavated fossils is determined to be around 2 million years ago which matches the temporal signature. The skeletal remains of four human bodies have been discovered in an area of 3 square meters alongside the incomplete skeletons of the following animals: Gallus domesticus,16 Oryctolagus cuniculus,17 Vulpes vulpes,18 and Ursus arctos.19 The human remains, as well as the animal bones, appear to be arranged and posed in a specific manner consistent with artistic intent. A fifth human skeleton, badly damaged and incomplete, was also found nearby and it is currently believed that the "art piece" was left unfinished by the termination of SCP-7207 in the 6th century AD. (see ADDENDUM 7207.3) UPDATE: SCP-7207 has been briefly sighted on 23/11/2023 close to the archeological digsite. Personnel present reported that it looked as if it was "rotting" with many scars and wounds on its body. One member of the archeological team claimed to have seen "large parts of metal" sticking out of it before it sank underwater. This description is not consistent with any sighting of the entity. Further research is required. Footnotes 1. Item is in a process that will result in neutralization, indefinite breach, or both. 2. Item is considered Neutralised or Decommissioned, but ongoing anomalous phenomena originates from them. 3. Sperm whale. 4. Killer whale. 5. An extinct species of large predatory whales. 6. Originally a point-and-click horror game developed in 2014. It has since gained significant pop-culture recognition with many sequels, merchandise and spin-offs. 7. This information was later gained through joint cooperation between both organisations. 8. GOC Codename: KTE-4237-Red-Cetus 9. A Foundation agency tasked with combating temporal anomalies. 10. A popular nickname for a serial killer character from the game franchise. 11. Acronym: Five Nights at Freddy's 12. Byzantines. 13. Greek: Πορφύριος. Porphyra meaning purple. 14. Constantinopole, today's city of Istanbul. 15. Due to the delicate nature of spacetime continuum, RCT-Δt takes extra precaution when dealing with already established temporal events, so as to not create more problems than necessary. 16. Domesticated chicken. 17. European rabbit. 18. Red fox. 19. Brown bear. « SCP-7206 | SCP-7207 | SCP-7208 »
Item #: SCP-7208 Level 4/7208 Object Class: Euclid SERENDIPITYSYZYGY Classified Partially mapped portion of SCP-7208. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7208 is INTRINSICAXIOMATIC to a majority of PATTERNSCONSTRUCTS that make up baseline reality. As a result, the disruption of SCP-7208 or any of its constituents is to be avoided. Due to the NATUREPERSONALITY of SCP-7208, it may only be described using inherently nebulous language, such as semiotic pataphors,.Descriptions that employ concepts of adjacent or fundamentally disparate connotation in order to construct novel concepts with broader implications, or to approximate concepts that RESIDEFESTER outside the Nöosphere. terms with many or contradictory definitions, and motifs which serve to make BRIEFINGSYMBOLISM more ambiguous, but are otherwise IRRELEVANTNEGLIGIBLE to SCP-7208 as a whole. In general, SCP-7208 may not be CONVEYEDWOVEN using concepts that suppose any BELITTLINGSUPPRESSIVE connotation, nor may it be REFERREDALLUDED to using any designation other than “SCP-7208,” which inherently expresses no meaningful connotation as to the significance of SCP-7208. Information about SCP-7208 is limited to personnel with Level 4 Clearance or higher; further research has been suspended indefinitely. Personnel are advised to avoid DIVININGCONCEIVING SCP-7208 any unique or specific definition. All personnel directly involved in the OBSERVATIONSUPERVISION of SCP-7208 are to be screened biweekly for indications that they have attempted, consciously or unconsciously, to UNRAVELFATHOM SCP-7208 or any of its elements. Personnel who understand SCP-7208 are to be terminated immediately. Description: SCP-7208 is the RHAPSODYTAPESTRY of concepts that preside over luck. SCP-7208 has only been partially analysed, due to its aforementioned NATUREPERSONALITY. The portions known to the Foundation correspond to the concepts of probability, randomness, circumstance, and SERENDIPITYSYZYGY. ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver, director of the analysis of SCP-7208 until its indefinite suspension, is currently held in a standard humanoid containment cell until further notice. From the limited portions of SCP-7208's TOPOLOGYCATEGORY, it was hypothesised that SCP-7208 PERMEATESDOMINATES up to █8.14% of the Nöosphere in such a way that it at least partially intersects with human concepts of faith, hope, intention, and CREATIVITYFREEDOM. As a result, SCP-7208 and its constituents are directly impacted by a subject's interpretation of their meaning. This is somewhat ALLEVIATEDREMEDIED by SCP-7208's special containment procedures, namely the use of pataphors, which effectively prevent subjects from constructing a coherent mental picture of the RHAPSODYTAPESTRY onto which they may, consciously or unconsciously, suppose their own VERSESTITCHING. Changes in SCP-7208 or its constituents are directly reflected in baseline reality. One such reality restructuring event.τὰ ἐπὶ τὰ μεταφυσικά has occurred. (see: Incident-7208-π) Director ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver is not to be identified using any specific or unique designation other than the duonym which was retroactively APPENDEDSEWN to her IDENTITYVOLITION following the events of Incident-7208-π . ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver directed a temporary research team assigned to analyse the portions of the Nöosphere corresponding to human CREATIVITYFREEDOM. Her discovery and subsequent partial TOPOLOGICALCATEGORICAL analysis of SCP-7208 has allowed the Foundation to develop an iterative framework for determining the outcomes of random or otherwise anomalous events to an arbitrary degree of accuracy,.Monkeys and typewriters. designated Protocol-7208-ρ "Rhapsody." Incident-7208-π: Notice: The following audio transcription was recovered from security footage captured in the Director ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver's office. [knocking is heard from the door] ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "Come in?" [a civilian identified as Andrew Taylor enters the room] ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "I hope what you're about to tell me is important." Andrew: "I am sick and tired of this entire project." ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "You came to me just to complain?" [Andrew approaches ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver's DESKLOOM] Andrew: “Do you think you can blame me when all our research has been nothing but prancing around a single data structure, pretending that if we think about it as little as humanly possible, we might be able to draw it out of its shell enough to catch it in a jar, all so the Foundation can shake it up every time reality isn't tickling its fancy?” ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "Andrew, you know very well our protocols and our rules regarding SCP-7208, I suggest you–" [Andrew slams both of his hands against the DESKLOOM] Andrew: "I know very well our pedantic platitude horseshit." ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "Andrew." Andrew: "Are we playing hard-to-get with a memeplex? Why can't we just nail this thing on the head and get our framework over with?" ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "We can't." Andrew: "Why? Why can't we? What's the matter?" ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "Were you present during any of our briefings?" Andrew: “Oh please, pretend I wasn't.” [a pause; ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver is seen burying her face in her hands, groaning] ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "We were all assigned by Foundation executives to look inside the Nöosphere at the idea, or the concept, or whatever of human CREATIVITYFREEDOM. What we found clung, or attached, or sucking up to it was a piece of a much bigger idea. When we mapped out more and more of it, we found it was just dissolved, just woven into reality as a whole, and because it was intersecting with CREATIVITYFREEDOM of all things, we couldn't make any assumptions about it whatsoever, or else those assumptions would have become the de facto truth." [Andrew is seen stepping back from the DESKLOOM] Andrew: "So we understand it more so we can understand it less?" ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "It would be best if we don't understand it at all, but it appears to be necessary if we want to get any use out of it." Andrew: "What use does it have if we can't meaningfully interact with it in a way that doesn't jeopardise our existence?" ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "That's still to be determined. I strongly urge you to get back to your research and help everyone figure that out." Andrew: "You have to be fucking–" [Andrew approaches the door] ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver: "Where are you going?" Andrew: "This is not worth the amount of time you put into it; it's consuming you. I'm not going to be part of a stupid fucking passion project." [Andrew exits the room] In the hour following the time of recording, all research of SCP-7208 was terminated. During the reassignment of personnel, it was found that no researcher named Andrew Taylor had ever CONTRIBUTEDSUBMITTED to the research of SCP-7208. Director ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver was discovered PEACEFULCOMATOSE in her office, and immediately admitted to the Foundation's on-site infirmary. ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver is an integral constituent of SCP-7208 's overall structure. Her continued well-being is INTRINSICAXIOMATIC to the integrity of SCP-7208, and Foundation efforts are currently aimed toward methods of prolonging her LIFEDREAM in containment. Access Addendum-7208-ρ (Level 5 Clearance Required) Hide Addendum-7208-ρ Protocol-7208-ρ “Rhapsode”: Using findings detailed in ABIGAILAMELIA Weaver's initial reports regarding SCP-7208, the Foundation has developed an iterative ludometric framework which can DETERMINEDETERMINE the outcomes of otherwise unpredictable circumstances. This is ACHIEVEDIMAGINED by generalising a circumstance into a family.∀A∀B[∃X:X∈A⇔X∈B]⇒A=B of ANALOGOUSSYNONYMOUS designations, which are subsequently fed into SCP-7208. In response, SCP-7208 will produce an array of possible events. The ludokinetic potential of each event is assigned a range of values according to a blatancy scale centred at 0.0 Jarries,.One Jerry Jarry is defined to be a dimensionless unit of ludokinetic potential, equivalent to exactly how obvious it is that the sky is blue and not red. where negative values are deemed impossible or illogical. Personnel are reminded that measuring events to a single value will inherently alter them as a result of their perceived certainty. Experiment-7208-ρ001: Intention: To accurately predict the numeral that a twenty-sided die lands on prior to rolling. Summary: The act of rolling a d20 die was generalised into a collection of designations, all of which were fed into SCP-7208. The outcomes produced by SCP-7208 converged upon "7." The die was rolled, and it landed on "7." This experiment was repeated fourteen more times, each time converging upon the correct outcome. Measured Potential: 0.9–1.3 Jarries Comments: Non-integer values and values outside the range a d20 die is capable of landing on were both produced, all of which were measured to have negative ludokinetic potential. The experiment has been judged to be successful. Experiment-7208-ρ002: Intention: To accurately predict the arrangement of a deck of 52 playing cards prior to shuffling. Summary: The concept of a shuffled deck of cards and the act of shuffling were both generalised and fed into SCP-7208. The resultant outcomes converged upon one arrangement, which matched the arrangement that was later produced. The experiment was repeated using various other shuffling methods, such as overhand shuffling, cutting and rifling the deck, and the casino wash. Measured Potential: 1.7 – 2.2 Jarries Comments: Arrangements which contained too few or too many cards, as well as arrangements that contained duplicate cards, were produced, all of which measured to have negative ludokinetic potential The experiment has been judged to be successful. Experiment-7208-ρ003: Intention: To accurately predict the date and time of future seismic activity in Anchorage, Alaska. Summary: The concept of an earthquake was generalised and fed into SCP-7208. The outcomes produced by SCP-7208 converged upon 23-08-20██ at 3:34 PM. The city of Anchorage was evacuated one day prior to the projected event. A magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred at the exact date and time DETERMINEDDETERMINED by SCP-7208. Measured Potential: 2.5 Jarries Comments: The Foundation is currently investigating the application of Protocol-7208-ρ in proactive responses to on-site containment breaches. Experiment-7208-ρ004: Intention: To accurately predict whether a pattern created in John Conway's “Game of Life".It is impossible to mathematically determine whether a pattern will halt; the problem is understood to be undecidable. will halt. Summary: Randomly generated patterns were fed directly into SCP-7208, which correctly DETERMINEDDETERMINED their respective stabilities. Patterns which are already understood to halt or not were excluded. Measured Potential: 4.0 Jarries Comments: The Foundation is considering the application of Protocol-7208-ρ for other likewise undecidable problems in mathematics. Experiment-7208-ρ005: Intention: To DETERMINEDETERMINE the outcome of a lottery ticket prior to playing. Summary: The concept of purchasing and playing a lottery ticket was generalised and fed to SCP-7208. The first lottery ticket played was DETERMINEDDETERMINED to win a jackpot of 25 million USD. Measured Potential: 38.5 Jarries Comments: Access to Protocol-7208-ρ has been restricted to personnel with Clearance Level 5 or higher. Experiment-7208-ρ006: Intention: To DETERMINEDETERMINE exactly when SCP-106 will next breach containment. Summary: SCP-106 breached containment, causing ██ casualties and widespread damage to on-site infrastructure. Measured Potential: 52,087.0 Jarries Comments: All SERENDIPITYSYZYGY using Protocol-7208-ρ has been terminated. Addendum 7208-ρ: Upon reviewing all available documentation pertaining to SCP-7208 and Protocol-7208-ρ, it has been DETERMINEDDETERMINED that SCP-7208 an intranarrative.A narrative that is primarily influenced by its own characters. meme complex whose central theme is "perception is reality, and reality is perception," reflected in its conflation and subsequent reinforcement as a Nöospheric entity by Foundation personnel. Any and all interaction with SCP-7208 has been DETERMINEDDETERMINED to cause retroactive alterations to baseline narrative, corresponding to assumptions related to SCP-7208 itself, its constituents, individuals directly involved in researching SCP-7208, and SERENDIPITYSYZYGY. All personnel directly involved in the OBSERVATIONSUPERVISION of SCP-7208 are to be amnesticised as soon as possible in order to mitigate the risk of an ∀K-Class "Immersion Break" Narrative Collapse Scenario. The Foundation has concluded that luck is inherently pataphysical. « SCP-7207 | SCP-7208 | SCP-7209 »
WELCOME TO GHOSTPOST, NEW USER! ComposeInbox From: Anonymous Sender Subject: For your eyes only. 1 minute ago Show message Hide message Hello. If you're reading this, then this email is for you. No one else. I don't know how long this will take to get to you. I don't have enough time to properly introduce myself. I've attached the document they've written about me. Hopefully it explains everything. I'm sorry. I love you. Item#: 7210 Level4 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: none Risk Class: none link to memo A previously discovered entrance to b2-7210. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7210 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell. SCP-7210 is to be provided with appropriate sustenance and monitored for any changes in behavior or abilities. No direct communication with SCP-7210 is to be initiated without approval from Level 4 personnel. b2-7210, and more specifically, SCP-7210-1, are to be monitored 24/7 with a variety of forms of surveillance, such as, but not limited to, visible CCTV security cameras, hidden microphones, and a multitude of hidden cameras. Upon the beginning of every night in b2-7210, the stars visible in the sky are to be counted using advanced algorithmic celestial-object imaging technology. If the amount of stars visible differs from 4544 on any given count, all entrances to b2-7210 are to be immediately located and sealed. Description: SCP-7210 is an anomalous humanoid entity, exhibiting no discernible physical characteristics to differentiate it from an average human being. SCP-7210 displays above-average intelligence, scoring an average of 129 IQ on various tests. Although SCP-7210's anomalous abilities are still under investigation, a few important abilities have been noted. The ability to produce tears of an extremely acidic nature, enough to cause second-degree burns on human flesh. The anomalous lack of a need for sleep. The ability to 'spectate' different dimensions that branch off of baseline reality. The ability to create pocket dimensions..Assumed, given the discovery of b2-7210. The ability to manifest as a stellar object in said pocket dimensions when observing them. The ability to populate said pocket dimensions with artificially conscious entities..Assumed, given the discovery of SCP-7210-1. The ability to communicate with the outside world. The ability to physically travel between its pocket dimensions and baseline reality. SCP-7210-1 is a non-anomalous artificially conscious entity observed in SCP-7210's only discovered pocket dimension, b2-7210. SCP-7210-1 displays a remarkable similarity to SCP-7210's physical appearance, mannerisms, and accent, however differs in its personality, and vocabulary. SCP-7210-1 is not capable of any of the same anomalous effects that SCP-7210 is, and does not seem to be aware of SCP-7210, nor of its constructed surroundings or life. SCP-7210 appears to have developed a pseudo-parental relationship with SCP-7210-1, which has, on multiple occasions, led to increased protectiveness regarding SCP-7210-1, separation anxiety when disallowed access to spectating b2-7210, and an innate desire to communicate with and "raise" SCP-7210-1. As such, the Anomaly Health & Psychology Committee are tasked with boosting SCP-7210's morale and mood in order to promote ethical and safe research of SCP-7210's anomalous abilities, and minimize symptoms of depression and separation anxiety. SCP-7210 is under strict orders to never communicate with SCP-7210-1, due to raised security concerns regarding the security of allowing an SCP to access and communicate with a pocket dimension that near-identically mirrors the outside world. Recently, SCP-7210 has been consistently requesting a chance to contact a researcher. Upon review with the Anomaly Health & Psychology Committee, this meeting has been granted. However, given the SCP's history of contempt for SCP researchers, the meeting will be conducted under the strict orders that it must be limited to five minutes, and that there must be a tempered-glass screen separating SCP-7210 and the interviewer to prevent physical violence. Date: 31/01/2023 Researcher: Researcher Norman McMurphy Subject: SCP-7210 BEGIN LOG McMurphy: Good morning, SCP-7210. You've requested this meeting, and I'm here to answer your questions and hopefully clear up any confusion you might have. It's just me, a guard, and our head researcher assigned to you here to make sure everything goes according to plan. All good? 7210: Yeah… yeah, all good. McMurphy: Great. And, I'm sure you're already aware of the rules; no violence, no mind games, and no 'negotiation' about your containment situation. Got it? 7210: OK. McMurphy: Great. He clears his throat, crosses his arms and leans back in his chair. McMurphy: Go ahead. 7210: Who are you? McMurphy: We're the SCP Foundation. We can't tell you anything else. Next question. 7210 shakes its head and sighs. 7210: Why am I here? McMurphy: You're anomalous. You defy the laws of all— well, all known laws, really. And we're here to find out what you're capable of. 7210: Then why are you hurting me? McMurphy sighs. McMurphy: We're not trying to hurt you. We just need to know more about you. The real world is dangerous for you, and you for it. We need to protect you, in here. Understand? 7210: But I didn't choose to be this way! McMurphy: How's that? 7210: I made mistakes. And now you're hurting me for it. McMurphy: Well, look on the bright side. We've got another SCP here that we're trying to dissolve in acid, and you get free food, free housing, and you got people studying you every day of the week. Doesn't it make you feel special? Isn't it better than living out in the real world, where you'll be judged? 7210: I'm special? Then why am I treated like a prisoner? McMurphy: We're sorry if you feel that way. Genuinely, we are. If there's anything we can do to improve your living conditions, then let us know. (catching himself) But we can't give you a bigger cell. There's not enough space for it as it is. You're free to decorate your cell, though, make it feel like home! Just tell us what you want to order in and we'll hang it up for you. 7210: You stripped me of my second chance. McMurphy: Look. I get it. I get that you're scared, and I get that you want out. But we can't just… let anomalies out. The world, they don't know people like you can even exist. Like I said, we're protecting you from them. So, I'm sorry, but you can't leave here. That's why we have departments like the AH&P ensuring that you're as healthy and as happy as you can be. 7210 shakes its head. 7210: Do you know why I'm "anomalous", as you call it? Do you even intend to know? Do you even care about what I did to end up here, or do you want to avoid any ounce of empathy whatsoever? McMurphy: No. That's not it. If you want to tell us, then we'd be happy to know. That's just… not our primary focus at the moment. McMurphy sits in silence. McMurphy: Out there, in the real world, you'd have a different kind of prison. People fear what they don't understand, and they'd try to control you or worse. And hey, it's not just folks like you. We all feel a bit trapped out there from time to time. At least in this place, the laws from outside don't apply. Laws of physics, laws of the government. It's fun. 7210 appears immensely frustrated. 7210: And I'm the one playing mind games? McMurphy: That your last question? 7210 bangs the table with its fist. McMurphy (sternly): Hey. Calm down. 7210 sinks its face into its palms. Approximately nine seconds pass in complete silence. McMurphy sighs. McMurphy: The five minute mark has been reached. I'm sorry, SCP-7210. END LOG Following the meeting, the Anomaly Health & Psychology Committee raised concerns regarding SCP-7210's mental health and wellbeing. As such, three physical examinations were conducted to accurately determine the health of SCP-7210. Examination 1 Date: 2/02/2023 Observations: Anomaly accepted breakfast, lunch and dinner. Anomaly is healthy, physically fit, but shows mild signs of depression. Recommendations: Prescribe anti-depressants. Examination 2 Date: 7/02/2023 Observations: Anomaly accepted breakfast, lunch and dinner. In order to boost morale, supper was served, deviating from the pre-established meal plan. However, upon serving, anomaly was sitting in a corner of its cell, and did not respond to researchers. Anomaly is healthy, physically fit, but continues exhibiting signs of depression. Severity of these symptoms has also increased. Recommendations: Increase dose of anti-depressants. Organize activities to keep anomaly engaged, active, and healthy. Examination 3 Date: 11/02/2023 Observations: Anomaly accepted breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, it refused any participation in physical activities, and expressed a desire to return to its cell and be left alone. Request was granted when anomaly began showing signs of anxiety and frantic behavior. Anomaly spent the rest of the day in a corner of its cell. Recommendations: Hold a therapy session. Upon the request of the Anomaly Health & Psychology Committee, a therapy session held by Site-17 therapist Lucille Chapman was organized. Date: 13/02/2023 Therapist: Dr. Lucille Chapman Client: SCP-7210 Chapman: Okay, I've just started the camera, is that okay? 7210 nods. Chapman: Great! We can get started then. How are you today, SCP-7210? 7210 shrugs. Chapman: And how have you been feeling these past few days? 7210: Shit. Chapman: I'm sorry to hear that. Would you be comfortable explaining why that might be? 7210 sighs. 7210: Not really. Chapman: I understand that. But if you tell me, it'll help me understand your situation some more, and it'll allow me to help you feel better here. 7210 rolls its eyes. Chapman: It helps both of us if you tell me why you feel this way. And remember, this is completely private. Feel free to spill anything and everything. 7210: Then what's the camera for? Chapman: This session is being recorded so that I can look back on this in the future, and assess what the best option is for you moving forward, without wasting time taking notes. I promise you, no one else will ever see this. 7210 sighs. 7210: I don't know. I don't want to give this glorified prison or the people who work for it more info about my life. No offence, I just don't want it to be used in the wrong way. Chapman: I completely understand your concerns, SCP-7210. Your privacy is essential, and I respect that. This session is about you, your thoughts, and your emotions. I'm here to support you in any way I can, and our conversations are confidential. 7210: But why should I even bother? It's not like anything is going to change. Chapman: That's a fair concern. It's true that your circumstances won't change immediately, but therapy is a tool to help you cope with what you're going through. It can help you find new perspectives, develop healthy coping strategies, and even manage the stress and frustration you might be experiencing. 7210: How can talking about it help? Chapman: Talking about it can be incredibly freeing. 7210 makes eye contact with Chapman for the first time. Chapman: Baby steps, 7210. Baby steps. 7210 looks back down at the floor, rubs its face, and sighs. 7210: Alright. Well, for starters, I'm not myself anymore. Chapman: I understand, it's a common experience fo- 7210: No, no you don't. You don't understand. I am quite literally not myself anymore. Chapman: Is there a reason for that? 7210: Long story. Chapman: Well, we've got all the time in the world. 7210 sighs. 7210: Look, I'll spare you the details. One day, I got an opportunity. To "know what it's like to be perfect". That was the wording. I took it, as anyone would. 7210 groans and rubs its face. 7210: That's when it all went to shit. I didn't actually become perfect. There's always a catch with those… things. No, I just fuckin' gained the ability to view perfect worlds. To view perfect lives. I KNEW what it was like, but I couldn't experience it for myself. Made me miserable. Knowing what it's like to live happily, and not once being able to experience it. Chapman nods. 7210: At least, that's what I thought. Then my mother died, and suddenly my tears burned. I had to stop myself from grieving. My father moved away and became estranged to me, and suddenly I don't need sleep. Had to stay up 24/7 thinking about him. It was like some kind of punishment. More recently, I found out the other… "worlds" I can view had all the information I needed to know to prevent all of this. Real world fucking events. Every mistake I've made, every bad thing that's happened to me could've been prevented if I had just looked at the bigger picture. It really was true; I could've lived a perfect life. God, fuck, I'm sorry. 7210 sinks its face into its hands. Chapman: You're doing great, 7210. This is very brave of you. 7210: I don't wanna talk about this. 7210 raises its head, and locks eyes with the camera lens. 7210's face turns to disgust. 7210: Can't believe I said all that shit anyway. Chapman turns around and acknowledges the camera. She slowly exhales, and turns to face SCP-7210. Chapman: SCP-7210, it would be better for all of us if you continued your story. 7210: All of us? What happened to just "both of us", doc? Someone gonna be watching this footage? Chapman: I sincerely promise you that no one other than me will be viewing this footage. 7210 raises an eyebrow. Chapman turns to face the camera lens. 7210: Red means recording, right? So what does blue mean, doc? Chapman sighs deeply. She reaches underneath her chair, pulls out a pair of noise-cancelling wireless headphones, and puts them on. She looks back at the camera, nods, and looks back at SCP-7210. Chapman: It means streaming, 7210. [COGNITOHAZARD EXPUNGED FOR READER SAFETY]. 7210 reverts to an emotionless facial expression for one second, before immediately breaking into tears. 7210 (through tears): I could've lived a perfect life. And when I realized that, I thought that maybe I could get a second chance. Reclaim my life. Then you guys found me, and now there's never going to be a second chance. Sorry, I didn't mean to come off rude there. You're fine people. Well, at least you are. Chapman: I'm what? 7210, somewhat quizzically, glances at Chapman. 7210 (regaining composure): A-a fine person? Chapman looks on empathetically, before turning around and knowingly looking at the camera, and turning back to face SCP-7210 Chapman: Thank you, that means a lot. And thank you for telling me all of that. I know that must've been difficult. 7210 nods, avoiding any and all eye contact. Chapman glances at the camera again. Chapman: Has anyone from the AH&P committee talked to you about developing some kind of coping mechanism? 7210: No. Chapman: Well, maybe we can work on that first. Help keep your mind off of all of these thoughts of yours. You mentioned that you can create "worlds" of your own, right? 7210 nods. Chapman: Perhaps you could use a world of your own as an outlet. Vent all of your frustrations and worries out, and no one gets hurt. Eight seconds of silence pass. 7210 is staring at the floor, as if realizing something. Chapman: 7210? Everything ok- 7210: Holy shit. Chapman: Have you come up with something? Would you be willing to share it? 7210 looks up at Chapman, revealing its fresh burn marks. 7210: Doc, I got it. It doesn't have to be me. Chapman: 7210, what do you mean by that? 7210: I mean that you've given me an idea. Maybe my life will never be perfect as it is. Maybe I've just hit a roadblock. And maybe, just maybe, I need to start over. But I can't do it myself. 7210 begins smiling, before recoiling in pain, and relaxing its face. Chapman: I'm not sure I entirely understand. But, if it doesn't hurt anyone, and it helps you keep your mind off of the things you've told me about today, then I'm glad to have helped you! Chapman smiles warmly. 7210 nods, suppressing a smile. Chapman: Oh, uh, do you want an ice-pack? 7210: Oh, yeah. If that's okay. Chapman: Down the hall, second door to the right. It's labelled "MED". Just ask for one. Chapman gestures towards the door. 7210: Thank you! Thank you, doc, thank you! 7210 rises from its chair and swiftly exits the room. Chapman relaxes her face upon seeing that the door has closed, and exhales deeply. She turns towards the camera, revealing that she looks considerably stressed. She gets up from her chair and briskly paces towards the camera. Chapman: Alright. F-fuck. AH&P can't know about this, Kubitz. Delete the vid— wait, no, then Info's gonna get involved. Jesus fuck. Okay uhh, maybe uhh— yeah, okay. Just kick them off from viewing the file. Y-you can do that, right? Just tell them there's a coghaz or an—an infohaz in the uhh, in the file, and hopefully they'll fuck off. Thanks. Oh, and uhh, sorry. I know it was meant to be a "last resort" kind of situation. But I-I needed complacency. And we got what we needed, right? Right? END LOG Following a successful therapy session, three more physical examinations were scheduled for SCP-7210 to determine whether its mental and physical state would improve. Examination 4 Date: 14/02/2023 Observations: Anomaly accepted breakfast, lunch and dinner. Anomaly exhibited a much more nonchalant mood, and began participating in physical activities, albeit reluctantly. Anomaly is physically fit and healthy. However, the anomaly spent the rest of the day and night in a catatonic trance-like state. It did not respond to any researchers or guards. This state continued until noon of the next day. Recommendations: None. Examination 5 Date: 21/02/2023 Observations: SCP-7210 was catatonic during dinner, accounting for the seventh meal it has missed this week. Anomaly is beginning to lose weight. Recommendations: Supply nutrition through intravenous line (IV). Examination 6 Date: 28/02/2023 Observations: Anomaly was catatonic throughout the entire week. Upon a routine inspection and cleaning of its containment chambers, a box containing a short pile of unsent letters was found inside of the air-conditioning unit, which had fallen into disrepair. SCP-7210's muscles are beginning to atrophy due to prolonged immobility. Recommendations: Initiate an analysis of the unsent letters discovered in SCP-7210's cell. Below is a transcription of all seven unsent letters that were recovered from SCP-7210's cell, believed to be written by SCP-7210. The recipient is believed to be SCP-7210-1. Letter 1 Hello. At the time of writing this, you do not exist yet. I'm writing this now for the sake of showing you, one day. I'm sure that by the time you're reading this, we already know each other very well. I'm writing this from inside a containment cell; a prison cell, essentially. You might be asking what I did wrong. I've been asking myself the same questions. But talking to myself isn't cutting it anymore. And hey, it isn't all bad here. I just met a lovely therapist who talked to me about 'coping mechanisms'; long story short, without her, you wouldn't exist. She kept looking at the camera that was recording our conversation, like she was worried that the lab-coats would watch the video later. I think I'm going to break her out of here too, once I find a way out myself. Being alone in this cell also lets me think. A lot. About playing god. About your freedom. About my freedom. About whether or not you're being created out of selfishness or out of love. Nevermind that now. I'm sure we'll be laughing at this together when we read it sometime in the near future. Let me tell you, I haven't been this excited about something in a long, long time. Until next time! Letter 2 Hello again. It hasn't been very long since I wrote the last letter. But rest assured I've been busy slaving away at your world. And I think I'm almost done! I'm just adding the finishing touches now. A perfect world for a perfect human. Look at your surroundings. That's all courtesy of me! Mark your calendars, the day that your world was officially finished was the 19th 18t 21 20th Well, I guess I'm not sure exactly how long it's been. A few hours, a day, a week? Who's to say? I've got no calendar anyway, and no windows to tell what time of day it is. Tell you the truth, I've gotten this far without really thinking about how I'm going to make you. Sure, you're pretty much just me without all this freaky shit. But I've yet to figure out how to make you… real. Guess it's something I'll have to learn. Not sure how yet, but I'll figure it out in due time. I have to. I have to. Letter 3 i finally did it I made you I have never been more happy to feel this burning sensation on my face you are so beautiful you are so perfect you are all i want to be I WANT TO BE YOU SO BADLY ITS ALL I WANT YOU ARE EVERYTHING I COULDVE BEEN AND MORE IT BURNS SO BADLY BUT I HAVE NEVER BEEN HAPPIER DOWN THE HALLWAY SECOND DOOR TO THE RIGHT Letter 4 Hello. I apologize for the frantic nature of the last letter. I don't know how long it's been in my universe, so I've been using yours as a guide. It's been a month, in your time. I'm not sure how long that is out here, in my cell. I decided to check around the other day, and I found out they've got a tube feeding me through my veins. Isn't that great? I don't need to get up anymore, I can be in your universe 100% of the time! I've been watching you for the past month since I made you. I cannot believe how amazing you are. You're so smart, you're so socially flexible, you're so confident. I haven't seen you up to your full potential, and I'm already so proud of you. I do still dread the day that I have to tell you of your existence. What will you think of me? A selfish hack who created you for the sake of correcting past mistakes? Or for making imprisonment more bearable, an imprisonment that is almost entirely self-inflicted? And even if you come to that conclusion, which I sincerely hope you don't, then at least you'll conclude that you have a purpose. You have a reason for living. But what of me? What is my purpose? I sulk and I mope about my containment, but I find that there is no better alternative. There is no one outside of this cell who cares about me. There is no one outside of this cell who I care about. And that's entirely my fault. You were the only solution. I just hope you understand that when you eventually find these letters and find out about me. Until next time. Letter 5: Hello. Over the past few weeks, I have watched you grow and evolve into your own person. Into who I have always wanted to be. Every time you find yourself looking at the starry sky above you, you unknowingly lock eyes with me. And I can't help but smile. I have begun to fear that they might take you away from me, though. I can't keep you hidden forever. But I can protect you. I've also begun to fear that I'll never have the courage to send you these letters. I have had some of the most satisfying moments of my life watching over you, but every time I think of the prospect of sending you these letters, I instantly start getting stressed out again. Maybe one day, you'll see these letters. But not yet. Not now. Letter 6: God. I need to face it. I'm never sending you these letters. I've been considering the gravity of your situation. I have lived vicariously through you for these past two months two weeks few weeks time doesn't matter to me anymore. And I have loved it. But certain worries thoughts insist on probing my mind, and I have been desperately trying to keep them out. The thought that I won't escape this containment cell. The fear that I'll live here for the rest of my life. God, it hurts to even write out. But perhaps it's a call to action. A final push forward to reach out to you. Never mind the anxiety, the nervousness, the fear that I'm doing this all for myself, the fear that you're nothing but a vessel for my anxieties and worries to fade away; I'm doing this for both of us. I'm sending you the letters. Letter 7: Note: This letter in particular was covered with small, circular burn marks, and as such, some words are entirely illegible. I'm s[illegible]. I can't do it. I thought I c[illegible]. But I couldn't. Maybe I was right to be worried. Maybe you really are just [illegible] to me. M[illegible] you're nothing more than a 'coping m[illegible]ike Doctor Chapman said. I'm sorry. Considering the subject discussed in the therapy session with Dr. Lucille Chapman, and the content of the unsent letters, it was theorized that SCP-7210 created a pocket dimension housing a conscious entity. Due to concerns that the pocket dimension may mirror the outside world, E-DDAR (Extra-Dimensional Detecting And Ranging) technology has been approved for use in order to determine the validity of this theory. Examination 7 Date: 1/03/2023 Observations: Extra-dimensional activity was reported via a pocket dimension created by SCP-7210. This pocket dimension has been dubbed b2-7210. Research into this dimension is limited thus far, but exploring it is of utmost importance. Description has been updated to reflect this discovery. Anomaly is relatively physically healthy. Anomaly Health & Psychology Committee has raised concerns regarding SCP-7210's consistent catatonic state. Recommendations: Seal off entrances to b2-7210, and instill strict rules opposing communication with it. Suspend Anomaly Health & Psychology Committee from SCP-7210 project. Examination 8 Date: 6/03/2023 Observations: Extra-dimensional communication was not reported since Examination 7. Anomaly is exhibiting signs of separation anxiety and depression. Recommendations: None. Examination 9 Date: /02/2023 Observations: Extra-dimensional communication was not reported since Examination 7. Research for b2-7210 is rapidly continuing. b2-7210 mirrors the real world (as it was before SCP-7210 was discovered by the foundation) almost exactly, raising various security concerns. Anomaly is losing weight, presumably due to disconnecting the intravenous line when not under supervision. Recommendations: None. Examination 10 Date: 3/03/2023 Observations: b2-7210 has been discovered to host an identical physical clone of SCP-7210, bar its anomalous abilities. This has also led to a distinct change in personality. The entity is believed to be artificially conscious, and also created by SCP-7210. Description has been updated to reflect this discovery. Anomaly is beginning to starve, and has become completely unresponsive and unwilling to engage in human interaction. Recommendations: Install 24/7 surveillance on SCP-7210-1 to report any potentially anomalous behavior. Examination 11 Date: 8/03/2023 Observations: SCP-7210-1 displays no unusual or anomalous abilities, and behaves exactly as though a non-anomalous SCP-7210 would. Anomaly has lost over 50% of its original weight. Recommendations: Continue surveilling SCP-7210-1. Move intravenous line back to the medical wing for incoming patients and SCPs. Examination 12 Date: 13/03/2023 Observations: Extra-dimensional communication was detected. The nature of this communication is to be immediately found. Any communication attempt is to be intercepted. Presumably, extra-dimensional communication via anomalous mailers such as GhostPost or The Good Mailers will take a considerable length of time, but will not be able to be intercepted until it reaches its recipient. The recipient, SCP-7210-1, must immediately receive an amnestic through a cognitohazard. Anomaly has almost successfully starved itself to death. Recommendations: SCP-7210-1 will continue to be monitored not only until it receives SCP-7210's communication, but beyond that point to study if it gains any anomalous abilities. Examination 13 Date: N/A Observations: INCOMPLETE Recommendations: INCOMPLETE This document is incomplete. Please refer back to this document when it has been updated. You weren't supposed to find out like this. I did not want you to find out this way, I promise you. I just hope to God you can live with yourself knowing what you know now. And I'm truly sorry about the letters. You're a person. You're my everything. You are my world. Don't get the wrong idea for even a second. I just had my concerns, is all. I've always wondered if I've done the wrong thing. Yes, I have you now. Yes, I'm happier than I've ever been. But I wonder if trying to make you as similar to me as possible has backfired; now you're suffering the same fate as me. The person who created you has died, and you're helpless to stop it. I wish I could console you, I really do. But that only makes me wonder if you've even had enough time since you learned about me, to love me back. It didn't have to be this way. If I never did what I did, I wouldn't ever have been captured by these sick fucks. I would never have even had to make you. And both of us wouldn't have to suffer knowing that your world is never going to be the same. But everyone makes mistakes, and sometimes, you have to suffer for them. I still fear that I created you out of selfishness; I wanted to feel love. I wanted to care for someone. I wanted an escape from my containment. But I've now mostly come to terms with that fact. It doesn't matter why I made you. Because I made you. And now I'll be watching you, forever. The moment they took you away from me, I was inconsolable. I was a complete and utter wreck. At that point, everything just clicked for me. I didn't want to escape my containment, I didn't want to escape my loneliness. I wanted to escape my life. I wanted to escape everything. I figured I would exit my universe, so that I can forever watch over yours. Just remember; if you can count an extra star in the sky that outshines the rest, then you know I'm watching over you, and that you're safe. If not, then my plan failed. By the way, Foundation. If you're reading this, then I've attached a handy-dandy little footer to save your scribes some time. Enjoy the free charity. For now and never again, we stand on the precipice of hope with stars reflecting upon our eyes. We will never know what now is, as now will never again be. Never is our fate, and now will never be understood. The stars shine for now. But alas, never again. Termination Log Date: [REDACTED] Terminated Entity: SCP-7210 Termination Method: Self-termination, inflicted through starvation. Note: Thank you for nothing, again and again. Thank you for stripping me of my only chance to reclaim what little was left of my life. Thank you for taking away the only thing I have ever cared about, and never caring about me in return. Thank you for fucking with my brain and making me forget how much of a bitch Doc Chapman was. Thank you, because without all of that, I wouldn't have the person I have now. My escape, not from you. But from everything. You have 1 new message! From: The Foundation Subject: URGENT, PLEASE OPEN 10 seconds ago Show message Hide message Greetings, SCP-7210-1. You have just read a sensitive document, sent to you by accident. This document contains information that must not, under any circumstances, be divulged to the general public. It is imperative that we stay up-to-date on any leaked confidential documentation, and maintain a strong web of security. Please read the following paragraph slowly, carefully, and in your head. Have you ever bought a toaster oven? No, (I haven't.) + 20 = You. Consider the following. ⇖Δ➽☽𓄀⇖Δ➽☽𓄀. What does this say about the current state of the socio-economic landscape in Northern Italy? I'm sorry, this message has been INTERCEPTED by HORSE. The MEMETIC properties of this [MESSAGE!!] will no longer continue as long as HORSE (𐂃) is protecting it. &Who are we?& &Oh, just text and HTML code.& &Hello world!& In? recent? economical? developments? pioneered? by? the? united? nations? one? mutilated? corpse? can? be? traded? for? one? season? of? breaking? bad? on DVD on DVD on DVD on DVD on DVD. Я не вижу! Пожалуйста, помогите мне! #1 🏆︎🏆︎🏆︎ divine GOD of (ok, this is weird) anatomical REPRESENTATIONS of a 9-figure 9-figure 9-figure EXPONENTIAL UPWARDS SLOPE « SCP-7209 | SCP-7210 | SCP-7211 »
/* These two arguments are in a quirked-up CSS Module (rather than the main code block) so users can feed Wikidot variables into them. */ #header h1 a::before { content: "SCP Foundation"; color: black; } #header h2 span::before { content: "Site-400"; color: black; } close Info X SCP-7212 - Name in the sky, does it ever get lonely? More by me! ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains themes of suicide. ⚠️ content warning Item#: SCP-7212 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo Only available file photo of Makuwa Yurika. Special Containment Procedures: With approval from Site-400's current site director, SCP-7212 is to be kept seated in a chair within a cold containment storage unit, designed to appear identical to a regular office. Entry into the unit for sanitation purposes must be limited as much as possible, and is to be approved by the research head present. No action is to be taken by Foundation personnel regarding SCP-7212-A. Interaction with any of its instances are strictly prohibited. Description: SCP-7212 is the corpse of Makuwa Yurika, who committed suicide on 20██/██/██. Prior to her death, Makuwa Yurika was a Foundation junior researcher working under Site-400's Department of Public Disinformation Control. SCP-7212 lacks any facial features, and does not seem show signs of decomposition as of writing. SCP-7212-A designates approximately 78 humanoid amalgamations composed of cadavers belonging to Columba janthina (or black wood pigeons), measuring roughly 20 to 30 meters in height. Currently, all instances of SCP-7212-A have situated themselves around the outside perimeter of Site-400, their hands holding one another to create a chain surrounding it. They stand motionless, and do not react to any form of external stimuli. Every day, at random times, blood will stream from both of SCP-7212's scarred wrists. All instances of SCP-7212-A will vocalise softly in unison during this. Addendum 7212-1, Phenomenological Overview: SCP-7212 was discovered on 20██/██/█, in the personal quarters belonging to the now deceased Makuwa Yurika. It was found lying on the bed in a fetal position, with its right hand holding onto a bloodied scalpel. In a drawer next to the bed contained a crudely knotted noose along with an orange medication vial filled with poorly mixed cyanide. A notebook was found hidden between the drawer and bedframe, with the first few pages possessing bloodied handprints and scrawled messages in Japanese. However, noting the nature of SCP-7212, the notebook was ignored and instead secured as evidence with the rest of the objects. Addendum 7212-2, Notable Vocalisations: The following are several transcribed vocalisations made by the SCP-7212-A instances: This is the right thing to do. My name is Makuwa Yurika, a junior researcher for the Department of Public Disinformation Control. He can only see my name, and nothing else. Just say the words out loud to stop yourself from stuttering and mumbling. No one wants to die. Deep breaths, in and out. Thinking about other people is exhausting. I cannot see my own face, because the mirror is now fogged up. I do not want to die. I wish I could just die instead. Addendum 7212-3, Subsequent Findings: Investigation into the area surrounding Site-400 led to the discovery of a dilapidated log cabin possessing a built-in fireplace, seemingly abandoned. The interior of the cabin is empty, save for the the following items of interest: cleanly swept piles of ashes used matchsticks skeletal remains of several wildlife a mirror frame Personnel inspecting the cabin reported hearing auditory hallucinations of an adult man reciting a rhyme in Japanese. With this in mind, analysis into the cabin was halted and it was left alone as per the request of the research head. Addendum 7212-4, Archived Document: The following is an outdated file on an anomaly previously assigned under the SCP-7212 designation. It was deemed significant enough to be added by the research head: Item #: SCP-7212 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: With approval from Site-400's current site director, SCP-7212 has been granted permission to continue her long-term employment with the Foundation. Manifested instances of black wood pigeons are to be released into the wilderness. Description: SCP-7212 is the designation given to Makuwa Yurika, a Foundation junior researcher working under Site-400's Department of Public Disinformation Control. She is an adult female of [DATA REDACTED] descent, with [DATA REDACTED] hair and [DATA REDACTED] eyes. Every day, at random times, a single instance of Columba janthina (or black wood pigeon) will manifest atop SCP-7212's head. They are non-anomalous, and will behave like other members of its kind, though will noticeably act more docile when in the presence of SCP-7212. Addendum 7212-5, Legitimate Note: The following is an accurate transcription of the true suicide note left by Makuwa Yurika at the time of her death, discovered at the base of the tallest SCP-7212-A instance, neatly written in English: This note is a waste of time. Thinking back, I suppose I was an easy target for them. An innocent girl, technically still new, living in the same world as a bunch of imprisoned liars. Gullible and naïve, it's almost painful. If this world was honest, it would go as much as to say it was bound to happen, one way or another. Or maybe it's nothing to do with me. Maybe the fact I work in a department called Public Disinformation Control got them thinking no one would notice if I acted all different and conspicuous. Whatever it was, I guess it didn't stop him from following me to the woods. I remembered it was dark, and the thick clouds were blocking the stars, which was really the only reason I went out in the first place. He told me his name, and I told him mine. I'm not writing it here, because that would be stupid. Let me tell you, having every molecule in your body suddenly burning is not a pleasant experience to have. Having them suddenly being replaced hurts much more. I would've bit down my tongue if it wasn't missing. At that point the clouds had already parted, and last thing I saw as myself were the stars. Getting back stung like hell. But don't worry, me. This is the right thing to do. Honestly, I'm writing this to say I'm sorry. For failing everyone. My father. My sister. My friends. My feathered pretties. Right now, I'm sure there's more like him out there. I can only hope that whoever made me do this pays. But I know the Foundation's smart. They'll know who I am, who I'm not. This note really is a waste of time. Addendum 7212-6, Incident Log: On 20██/██/██, SCP-7212 reanimated itself and proceeded to exit its containment unit. Site-400 was promptly put on lockdown, with security personnel standing by at the abandoned cabin as per protocol. SCP-7212 limped its way towards Site-400's outside courtyard, blood and viscera trailing behind it as it did so. It vocalized several auditory memetic hazards out of irritation. Upon SCP-7212 reaching the courtyard, all instances of SCP-7212-A simultaneously turned in the direction of the entity. They unlinked their hands, and gradually broke apart as the black wood pigeon cadavers that formed them also reanimated. The newly revived pigeons began to fly upwards and converged upon SCP-7212, tearing its clothes and grabbing its arms with their now sharpened talons. SCP-7212 screamed profanities at the pigeons and yelled more memetic hazards as it was dragged away from Site-400. The pigeons brought SCP-7212 to the cabin, where they forcefully pulled it into its built-in fireplace along with themselves. Security personnel then closed the door of the cabin, before igniting it on fire. The fire progressively turned into a bright scarlet hue, and burned for approximately one hour before dissipating. Nothing remained, except for a framed mirror, its glass surface fogged through unknown means. The words: "Thank you, my pretties" were written upon it. SCP-7212 is reclassified as Neutralised. Its document will be updated shortly. « SCP-7211 | SCP-7212 | SCP-7213 »
And I Feel Fine by Doctor Cimmerian, Emotional Entropy and Billith Utica, New York: the source of SCP-7213. Item #: SCP-7213 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: Future cross-dimensional bleed transmissions are to be catalogued and responded to via the Department of Anomalous Broadcasting. It is not believed, however, that SCP-7213 specific broadcasts will continue. Description: SCP-7213 was a transmission phenomenon that occurred on December 6th, 2014 in Utica, New York between 0634 and 2351. During this time, all radio and microwave sources inside Utica were unable to transmit. Instead, a series of radio transmissions from a neighboring reality were picked up by receivers throughout the area. Beyond the loss of signal from Utica sources, the phenomenon was not detectable outside the city limits of Utica, New York. SCP-7213 continued for approximately 17 hours and 17 minutes. The cessation of signals from SCP-7213 did not immediately result in the resumption of signals from sources inside Utica, and given the breakdown of social structure inside the city, there was considerable difficulty in organizing local, regional, and state level law enforcement in order to restore order to the city. Eventually, an order was given by the SCP Foundation's governing council, with the approval of the US Federal Government and Foundation Ethics Committee, to apply an aerosolized amnestic to the population of Utica. Approximately 6 minutes after the initial dispersal of the amnestic agent (at around 0352 on December 7th), signal sources began to function again inside of Utica. Once non-7213 signal sources resumed function, order was restored over the next 3 hours. After an additional week of disinformation, the population of Utica returned to normalcy. There have been no further signal transmissions related to SCP-7213. The following broadcasts are typical examples of those received during the event. + Broadcast from WOUR, 96.89. - Hide Broadcast This was received at approximately 0639 local time. You're listening to classic rock in the morning with Scooter and Scab. The rock of central New York, 96.89 on your FM Dial. I'm Scooter. And Scab has a URINARY TRACT INFECTION and didn't make it into work today. Sounds like the douche could've used a douche. But seriously man, I hope you get to feeling better. And be more careful or else it might hurt to pee. Oh it looks like Scab's calling in now. What's up douche? What? Hold on. Are you messing with me? Hold on. Let me look. Oh. I'll call you back. Tim. I'll call you back, OK? I love you too. Ladies and gentlemen, I uh, I regret to inform you that the scientific community has just released an announcement. I don't know an easy way to say this, but the sun is going to explode in less than 24 hours. You should go online for yourself to confirm this information, but, this is real. I want to let you know that it's been an honor and a privilege to provide you with the best rock from the 70's, 80's, 90's, and now. We're gonna go to a station break and, um, if this the last time you hear my voice, I want you all to know that I love you. And don't be afraid to tell the people you love that you love them too. I'm sorry to leave you in this rough time, but I have some people I need to go see. We'll be right back. While 96.89 is indeed a classic rock station inside Utica, this broadcast involves a radio host that was not present in our own timeline. + Broadcast from Emergency Services. - Hide Broadcast This was received at approximately 1612 local time. This is a message from the United States Solar Topographical Survey. Please remain in your homes. Solar radiation emissions are above acceptable levels. Under no circumstances are you to physically engage with security forces. Remain in your homes. If you are found outside of your home, hostile intent will be assumed and lethal force may be applied. Additional information relating to the ongoing solar event will be disseminated shortly. Please stay tuned to this channel for more information. This message repeats. There is no record of a "United States Solar Topographical Survey" organization either inside or outside of the US federal government. + Broadcast from WFRG-FM, 104.3. - Hide Broadcast This was received at 2351 local time. It is the last known signal from the bleed through event. We're close I think. Radio stations on the other side of the planet have been going quiet, one by one. Keep listening to my voice. Oh wow. So that's what an aurora looks like. It really is beautiful. I don't think there's anything to be said that we haven't said already. Listen to my voice. We'll get through this. Our father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done. On earth as it is in-. This message has been identified as being broadcast from local disc jockey Theodore Wright, who died in 2013 in a car accident in the current timeline. While SCP-7213's originating dimension appears to be similar to our own, there are provable discrepancies that have been noted above. This may be due to knowledge of the impending disaster being extant long before it was publicly disseminated. « SCP-7212 | SCP-7213 | SCP-7214 »
SCP-7214 Certified 2 September 2005 SCP-7214 Certified 19 May 2009 Item#: 7214 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7214 at site of discovery, prior to restoration. Special Containment Procedures SCP-7214 is to receive routine cleaning and maintenance every 14 days, consisting of interior and exterior dusting with a feather duster or other soft implement, followed by wiping with a clean damp washcloth. Residual moisture is to be removed with a second unused dry cloth. Every 28 days, or immediately following the start of an SCP-7214-01 Event, SCP-7214 must undergo a complete inspection for any sign of stains, abrasions, warping, mildew, rust, infestation, or any other damage or blemishes. All wear and damage must be repaired immediately, and additional wax or polish applied as needed. Routine maintenance has been shown to reduce, but not fully prevent, the occurrence of SCP-7214-01 events. Maintenance beyond the regular intervals prescribed in this document is not advised, as damage sustained from excessive cleaning has also been shown to trigger SCP-7214-01 events. Description SCP-7214 is an 18th century oak armoire, consisting of one interior chamber with cabinet doors set above two sliding drawers. Each cabinet door is connected to the body of the armoire by two sets of steel hinges, and is ornamented by decorative ironwork. SCP-7214 measures 196 cm x 152 cm x 90 cm, and weighs 150 kg. During periods of prolonged disuse, neglect, or damage, SCP-7214 begins to produce a number of anomalous environmental effects, collectively described as an SCP-7214-01 event. These effects have remained limited to a 200 m radius since current containment procedures were implemented. Observed effects include: Production of diffuse metallic screeching sounds at volumes of up to 30 dB Malfunctioning of electronic equipment. Tremors and vibrations felt in furniture and small objects. A foul smell resembling that of decaying organic matter. Feelings of headache, nausea, confusion, and fatigue in individuals within the area of effect. After appropriate containment intervention has taken place, most effects dissipate within 4 to 6 hours. In some instances, lingering effects have been observed for up to 7 days. Individuals exposed to an SCP-7214-01 event have reported feelings of dread, anxiety and depression during this cool down period. No additional effects or lasting harm resulting from multiple exposures have been observed. The above documentation has been certified by Dr. Lorenzo Ventnor, Chief Administrator of the Department of Paracarpentry and Domestic Anomalies. Item#: 7214 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: danger link to memo SCP-7214 at site of discovery, prior to restoration. Special Containment Procedures SCP-7214 is to be contained in a 40,000 m2 annex adjacent to Site-277, along with SCP-7214-A. Additional intervention by Foundation personnel is not required, as SCP-7214-A obsessively performs routine maintenance. Description SCP-7214 is an 18th century oak armoire, consisting of one interior chamber with cabinet doors set above two sliding drawers. Each cabinet door is connected to the body of the armoire by two sets of steel hinges, and is ornamented by decorative ironwork. SCP-7214 measures 196 cm x 152 cm x 90 cm, and weighs 150 kg. During periods of prolonged disuse, neglect, or damage, SCP-7214 produces a number of anomalous environmental effects, including auditory and olfactory disturbances, tremors, and malfunctioning of electronics, collectively described as an SCP-7214-01 event. Repeated exposure to SCP-7214-01 events has been shown to cause irreparable psychological harm to humans. Symptoms of prolonged exposure include generalized apathy, listlessness, irritability, lessening of empathy, inability to perform essential duties of self-care, and sociopathy. Individuals suffering from symptoms of prolonged exposure to SCP-7214 represent a threat to public safety, and Foundation personnel are authorized to take all necessary steps to prevent them from harming the public or themselves. SCP-7214-A is a 62 year old human male. He is to remain in containment for the duration of his retirement. The above documentation has been certified by Dr. Melissa Woodridge, Chief Administrator of the Department of Paracarpentry and Domestic Anomalies. Site-277 THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTATION IS INCLUDED FOR REFERENCE PURPOSES ONLY. ACCESS BY NON-ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. + Email correspondence archived 13 November, 2005, 15:24 - Exit To: DR. LORENZO VENTNOR (772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|rontneV_L#772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|rontneV_L) From: DR. MELISSA WOODRIDGE (772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|egdirdooW_M#772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|egdirdooW_M) Subject: SCP-7214 Readings Lorenzo, I've conducted the readings you asked for on the current SCP-7214-A event and the results were as I'd expected. Disruption levels are pretty much flat across the site. At least, nothing that can't be explained by the variations we normally see during the course of an event. Jean performed the graphic spectral analysis you asked for and from what he showed me his results were no better. No concentrations of effects in any one area, and no empty pockets, either. Quantum readings were just as useless. I don't know if it even makes sense to file this, since it's a lot of work to tell us what we already knew. It's not proximity based, it's a blanket effect. At least, if there's any way to modify or shape its area of effect, we don't have it. It was worth a try, but it doesn't look like there would be any point in relocating your office. – Melissa Statement on Budgetary Proposal D0157-006065-G 12 January, 2006 The Department of Paracarpentry and Domestic Anomalies' request for funding for expanded interdepartmental research into containment of SCP-7214 is hereby DENIED. Although SCP-7214 has been shown to possess properties that may at times transcend its containment area, these properties have always been localized to a limited and predictable area of effect. Furthermore, adequate methods to combat these effects have been identified and implemented. Beyond this, SCP-7214 is itself virtually incapable of breaching containment, as it is an inanimate object weighing 150 kg. It is the opinion of the Budgetary Commission that SCP-7214 does not present a level of risk that merits special funding for further investigation. It would be inadvisable to divert resources from more essential departments to address an anomaly that has already been effectively contained. Office of the Budgetary Commission Incident Report 277-006-00002 The following incident report is compiled from a review of all pertinent video footage and direct interviews with involved personnel. On 15 February, 2006, at 13:05, D-Class personnel D-18752 sustained a workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other) in the performance of his routine duties. Reasonable attempts at resuscitation were made but were unsuccessful, and the personnel succumbed to his injuries. While attempting to inspect for signs of possible termite infestation during an SCP-7214-01 event, D-18752 entered the main chamber of SCP-7214, allowing both doors to close behind him. Following closure of the doors, D-18752 could be heard vocalizing distress from inside the chamber, followed by pounding sounds from within. After 45 seconds, vocalizations became muffled as a thick, white, odorless steam began to rise from SCP-7214, and a viscous pink substance began to pour from its lower drawers to the floor of its containment chamber. Emergency personnel arrived approximately 5 minutes from the start of the incident, and opened the main chamber of SCP-7214 to find only D-18752's Foundation-issued uniform and three gold teeth, coated in the previously noted pink slime. The continued non-localized sound of muffled vocalizations continued for 45 minutes following the incident. The interior of SCP-7214 showed no signs of harm. As the ongoing SCP-7214-01 event ended at the conclusion of this incident, further maintenance procedures were not attempted. Special cleaning of SCP-7214's chamber was completed without incident. Addendum A-7214.01 Effective 20 February, 2006: All maintenance and cleaning procedures are to be performed with no fewer than two personnel in SCP-7214's containment chamber at once. If internal maintenance is performed, one door must be manually held open by a second individual standing on the exterior of SCP-7214 at all times. If any human is fully sealed inside the main chamber of SCP-7214, SCP-7214 may spontaneously convert the individual inside to liquid form, by a process categorized as an SCP-7214-02 event. No method by which to interrupt or reverse an SCP-7214-02 event has been identified. SCP-7214's risk class is updated to “Danger” pending further study. + Email correspondence archived 27 April, 2006 10:53 - Exit To: DR. LORENZO VENTNOR (772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|rontneV_L#772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|rontneV_L) From: DR. MELISSA WOODRIDGE (772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|egdirdooW_M#772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|egdirdooW_M) Subject: We need you back at the Site Lorenzo, I'd say I hope you're feeling better, but I think we both know what's going on here. It's not going to be long before someone higher up than me notices how you've been timing your sick days. Quarterly departmental reviews start Thursday, and I can't find where you've put most of the testing logs from the past three months. It looks like half of the files were never digitized, and a good chunk of the ones that were have been misclassified, so we're going to have to redo everything from the ground up. You might not be planning to be here much longer, but if I'm going to be taking over when you're gone, I need this department to still be functional. I don't care what the rest of them say, we do good work here, and it's work that needs to be done. I don't know how important it is to you anymore, but when I'm the one running it I'd like it to be a department I can still be proud of. So many other departments think we're a waste of space. Don't prove them right. – Melissa By the way, the SCP-7214-01 event started winding down this morning. It should be over by tomorrow if that's any motivation. Statement on Budgetary Proposal D0157-006065-G 18 June, 2006 The Department of Paracarpentry and Domestic Anomalies' request for funding to construct additional facilities to house SCP-7214 is hereby DENIED. The Budgetary Commission recognizes that Site-277's minimalistic construction requires staff to work within range of SCP-7214's more disruptive effects. However, SCP-7214's disruptive effects do not create any challenges to effective containment, nor do they introduce any demonstrable risk of containment breach. Though unpleasant, they pose minimal threat of lasting physical or mental harm to Foundation personnel. As Site-277 has functioned and contained SCP-7214 successfully up to this point, there is no indication that site productivity will increase if containment facilities are expanded. Furthermore, given the relatively low importance of Site-277 to broader Foundation operations, and the narrow sphere of relevance of the Department of Paracarpentry and Domestic Anomalies, it would be irresponsible to make significant infrastructure investments at this time. Current Foundation priorities do not leave room for constructing a 40,000 m2 annex to Site-277 just to contain a wardrobe. Office of the Budgetary Commission Incident Report 277-006-00003 The following incident report is compiled from a review of all pertinent video footage and direct interviews with involved personnel. On 17 November, 2006, at 11:40, D-Class personnel D-18902 sustained a workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other) in the performance of her routine duties. Reasonable attempts at resuscitation were made but were unsuccessful, and the personnel succumbed to her injuries. During detailed maintenance being performed in response to an SCP-7214-01 event, D-18902 entered the main chamber of SCP-7214 to check for abrasions. When she was fully inside the chamber, fellow D-Class personnel D-18801 was observed stepping away from the door to SCP-7214 to stretch. Shortly thereafter the door to SCP-7214 closed, after which an SCP-7214-02 event occurred. SCP-7214 sustained no visible damage from this incident. No further maintenance actions were taken as the inciting SCP-7214-01 event had ended. Addendum A-7214.02 Effective 22 December, 2006: Owing to the possibility of sustaining damage from repeated direct exposure to SCP-7214-01 events, electronic equipment, including video and audio recording devices, is not to be stored in or adjacent to SCP-7214's containment chamber. Incident Report 277-006-00004 The following incident report is compiled from direct interviews with involved personnel. On 23 December, 2006, at 12:44, D-Class personnel D-18801 sustained a workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other) in the performance of his routine duties. D-18801 was performing routine maintenance, during which time an SCP-7214-02 event occurred. No damage to SCP-7214 was observed. Re: Budgetary Proposal D0157-007089-F 3 March, 2007 Dr. Ventnor, We have received your multiple requests for additional resources to contain the environmental effects of SCP-7214. These requests have been DISMISSED, and will not receive further review. Please recognize that though working in close proximity to SCP-7214 may be a nuisance to you and your staff, it does not constitute a threat worthy of further intervention. There is a hierarchy of priority at the Foundation. Though we value the work you do at Site-277, and appreciate your high rate of successful containment, we must allocate resources according to need, and invest in safety measures according to risk. Until you have demonstrated that any objects covered under your department require more than mundane maintenance, observation, storage and inspection, please do not submit any further proposals for special funding. Your department's budget has been set, and will be limited to basic operational equipment and personnel needs. If you continue to file frivolous requests, you will be recommended for disciplinary action. Speaking frankly, Dr. Ventnor, other departments are developing ways to mitigate existential threats to humanity, unlock the mysteries of the cosmos, and preserve the fabric of reality itself. Your department operates a furniture warehouse. If you don't like being around the effects of SCP-7214, find a better way to contain them. Eileen Banner Office of the Budgetary Commission + Email correspondence archived 5 March, 2007 14:22 – hide block To: DR. LORENZO VENTNOR (772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|rontneV_L#772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|rontneV_L) From: DR. MELISSA WOODRIDGE (772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|egdirdooW_M#772.yrtnepracarap.pcs|egdirdooW_M) Subject: How dare you Lorenzo, I just read your petition, and I'm honestly shocked you would even consider submitting this. Relief from a "hostile work environment"? Really? What do you think it says when a department head demands to be transferred out of his own department? How does that reflect on his worksite? How does that reflect on his staff? How does that reflect on ME, Lorenzo? Please, if you have any respect left for this site at all, you won't submit this. I know how many years you've put into it, but think about all the years I still have ahead. If you're really that checked out, if you really want to just count down the days until you're out of here, I can't stop you. But don't drag the rest of us through the mud on your way out. – Melissa Memo #70582-00068 17 May, 2007 To All Department Heads: Given the reduction in available administrative staff owing to quarantine precautions stemming from the ongoing ▇▇-Class incident originating in ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇, the Budgetary Commission will be postponing review of requests from all nonessential departments. All nonessential special projects are to be halted, and applications will resume once normalcy has been established. Only routine requisitions for basic operating materials and personnel may be submitted at this time. All requests will be approved pending review, but department heads must retain documentation of all expenditures, as audits will begin once full administrative capacity is regained. Thank you for your understanding in this difficult time. Office of the Budgetary Commission Addendum R-7214.01 Effective 18 May, 2007, Addendum A-7214.01 is hereby rescinded. Addendum A-7214.03 Effective 18 May, 2007 Inspection of SCP-7214 conducted in response to an SCP-7214-01 event is to be performed by a single D-Class staff member. Inspection must begin with a full review of SCP-7214's main interior chamber. All personnel performing this inspection are to be equipped with a flashlight and damp rag, which they must hold at all times. Research staff may be stationed in SCP-7214's containment chamber to ensure compliance with proper containment protocols. _ + Incident Report 277-007-00005- Exit Incident Report 277-007-00005 The following incident report is compiled from direct interviews with involved personnel. On 19 May, 2007, at 12:02, D-Class personnel D-18923 sustained a workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other) in the performance of his routine duties. D-18923 was performing routine maintenance in response to an SCP-7214-01 event, during which time an SCP-7214-02 event occurred. The SCP-7214-01 event ended, and no damage to SCP-7214 was observed. _ + Incident Report 277-007-00006- Exit Incident Report 277-007-00006 On 2 June, 2007, at 13:20, D-Class personnel D-18989 sustained a workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other) in the performance of her routine duties. D-18989 was performing routine maintenance in response to an SCP-7214-01 event, during which time an SCP-7214-02 event occurred. The SCP-7214-01 event ended, and no damage to SCP-7214 was observed. Addendum A-7214.04 Effective 28 June, 2007 routine cleaning is to be performed on SCP-7214 on an as-needed basis, under the direct supervision of Dr. Lorenzo Ventnor. _ + Incident Report 277-007-00007- Exit Incident Report 277-007-00007 On June 29, 2007, at 12:45, D-Class personnel D-19016 sustained a workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other) in the performance of her routine duties. D-19016 was performing routine maintenance in response to an SCP-7214-01 event, during which time an SCP-7214-02 event occurred. The SCP-7214-01 event ended, and no damage to SCP-7214 was observed. _ + Incident Report 277-007-00071- Exit Incident Report 277-007-00071 On 1 September, 2007, at 12:27, D-Class personnel D-19131 sustained a routine workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other). _ + Incident Report 277-007-00104- Exit Incident Report 277-007-00104 On 4 October, 2007, at 12:10, D-Class personnel D-19194 sustained a routine workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other). _ + Incident Report 277-007-00168- Exit Incident Report 277-007-00168 On 8 December, 2007, at 14:01, D-Class personnel D-19287 sustained a routine workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other). Addendum A-7214.05 Effective 30 December, 2007 SCP-7214 is to be held within a modified containment chamber fitted with a drainage system and hose. _ + Incident Report 277-008-00248- Exit Incident Report 277-008-00248 On 27 February, 2008, at 13:45, D-Class personnel D-19508 sustained a routine workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other). _ + Incident Report 277-008-00343- Exit Incident Report 277-008-00343 On 1 June, 2008, at 13:08, D-Class personnel D-19699 sustained a routine workplace injury (Type C-107.05: liquification, other). _ + Incident Report 277-008-00355- Exit Incident Report 277-008-00355 See previous report. _ + Incident Report 277-008-00369- Exit Incident Report 277-008-00369 See previous report. _ + Incident Report 277-008-00391- Exit Incident Report 277-008-00391 See previous report. _ + Incident Report 277-008-00422- Exit Incident Report 277-008-00422 Does anyone even read these? _ + Incident Report 277-008-00431- Exit Incident Report 277-008-00431 " _ + Incident Report 277-008-00444- Exit Incident Report 277-008-00444 " _ + Incident Report 277-008-00457- Exit Incident Report 277-008-00457 " B.0002-277: Minutes from the Provisional Hearing of the Budgetary Commission into Examining the Misuse of Foundation Resources at Site-277, 17 November, 2008 Testimony of Dr. Lorenzo Ventnor, Chief Administrator, Department of Paracarpentry and Domestic Anomalies Speaker of the Office of the Budgetary Commission Before we begin, I would like to remind you that the purpose of this hearing is not to determine your guilt or innocence regarding the actions we're investigating. We're only seeking to understand what happened, so we can identify the causes of the issues at hand, and better address them moving forward. This is not a disciplinary hearing: the Budgetary Commission has no authority to discipline Foundation staff members. This is just an audit. Is this understood? Dr. Lorenzo Ventnor Understood. Speaker Excellent; we can begin. So, Dr. Ventnor, can you please explain, to the best of your ability, what's wrong with you? Dr. Ventnor What do you– Speaker You had one year to run your department without direct oversight of routine expenses. That's not an outrageous thing to ask. In fact, being able to manage a simple budget is entirely within the expected skill set of a department head. One year. Do you know how many personnel you cost the Foundation during that period? Dr. Ventnor I can estimate– Speaker You don't need to estimate. We know. We all know. The fact that you don't know is mortifying, if not unsurprising. Are you a child? Dr. Ventnor I don't see how– Speaker Because a living, breathing functioning adult must have at least a shred of self-reflection, duty or restraint, all qualities which appear to be alien to you. Dr. Ventnor If I could– Speaker The resources of the Foundation are vast, Dr. Ventnor, but not limitless. More importantly, our resources do not exceed our costs: the Foundation has access to as much funding as it does because every penny is necessary for it to serve its purpose. Do you understand? Dr. Ventnor I think I– Speaker The Commission cannot stress strongly enough that no Foundation staff member is of negligible value. Do you have any idea how many hours of recruiting, vetting, orientation and training goes into onboarding even a single Domestic-Class staff member? Do you have any concept of how many people the Foundation employs, with full salaries and benefits, just to perform those duties? Are all of those resources worth nothing to you? Dr. Ventnor The other departments– Speaker The actions of other departments will be assessed according to their needs. This hearing isn't an audit of other departments. It's an audit of your department. The furniture department. There is no doubt that at some times, in some departments, some sacrifices must be made, but this Commission fails to see how a sacrifice of over 500 human lives is necessary to keep a wardrobe secure. Dr. Ventnor I may have– Speaker Human lives aren't free, Dr. Ventnor. They're not breadcrumbs to be thrown to the ducks, or pennies to be tossed down a wishing well. They're costly, fragile, and essential to the Foundation's operation. At this point in your career you may be more concerned with your pension than your department, but the resources you've squandered are worth more than your pension a dozen times over. Bearing this in mind, do you have anything to say in your defense? Deputy Secretary Madam Speaker, your time has elapsed. Speaker Very well, this hearing is adjourned. We'll pick up after lunch with the inquest into irregular overtime pay at Site-98. Dr. Ventnor Do I at least- Speaker This may come as a surprise to you, Dr. Ventnor, but the Commission has responsibilities that extend far beyond sitting here listening to you make excuses. If you have anything else to say, you may submit it in writing. This hearing is adjourned. Re: Budgetary Proposal D0157-007122-F 19 December, 2008 Dr. Woodridge, Your budgetary proposal for special infrastructure projects at Site-277 has been provisionally APPROVED, pending reclassification of SCP-7214. Please keep careful documentation of all costs and expenditures, as they will be reviewed monthly until all projects are completed. Eileen Brenner, Office of the Budgetary Commission « SCP-7213 | SCP-7214 | SCP-7215 »
SCP-7215 - I'm Scheduled To Be Sick That Day Ooh, come into work on that day? Take the graveyard shift on a Friday night? Wouldn't you believe it, but I'm sick that day. Yeah, sorry about that, sucks, I know. Anyways, good luck with that! ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} by CowscantgoMoo INVESTIGATION ONGOING The following file has been locked by the Ethics Committee and is under investigation for misuse of contained anomalies and negligence within Site-115. Item#: 7215 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-115 Director S. Steele Jr. Researcher Lennings N/A Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7215 is kept within the Site-115 break room. All Site-115 personnel must inform Site Director Steele before utilizing SCP-7215. Description: SCP-7215 is a standard Gregorian monthly calendar with only one page, composed of glossy paper. At the end of every month, SCP-7215 will change its contents to display the new current month. This page will automatically update with notable events at Site-115, written in pen.1 When an individual makes a marking on SCP-7215, they will experience mild to severe flu symptoms on the marked day, despite no evidence of being infected with an influenza virus.2 These symptoms continue until the individual is excused from their place of work, whereupon the symptoms dissipate, leaving the subject healthy and unharmed. + Level 3 Clearance or Below Required - Authentication Overridden Addendum 7215.1: Site Applications Shortly after the SCP-7215 file went online, the number of illness-excused absences increased drastically at Site-115. To address the causes of these absences, Site Director Steele met with Junior Researcher Lennings to discuss the suspected use of SCP-7215. INTERVIEW Interviewer: Site Director Stacy Steele Interviewee: Junior Researcher Liam Lennings Date: April 6th, 2018 «BEGIN LOG» Steele: Lennings, I've called you in here to talk about your excessive absences. You've been sick on four separate occasions in the past two weeks. Lennings: Lennings? What's with the professionalism? Did the promotion get to your head? (Laughs) Steele: Thought I'd may as well play the part. So, mind explaining the absences? Lennings: I won't get in trouble for this, will I? Steele: Please, you know I'm not going to do that to you. Lennings: Alright, I'm holding you to that. We've been using the calendar in the break room. We've been using it to give ourselves time off since it's easier than going through the whole process. Steele: And they think that if I know, I'll stop them? Lennings: Pretty much. You'll let it slide, right? Steele: I'll do you one better. «END LOG» Following this, Director Steele released a memo to members of Site-115, regarding SCP-7215. To: Site-115 (all.site115@scip.net) From: Stacy Steele (stacy.steele@scip.net) Subject: Increased Absences, SCP-7215 I'm aware of the usage of SCP-7215 to bypass the lengthy process of requesting days off. I've only been the Director for about a month, so I know what it's like to have management breathing down your neck. Some of you know me from when I was a Senior Researcher. I assure you, I'm still the same person. I only ask that you tell me why you're using SCP-7215 and ask that you don't abuse the system. I'm here to help. - Director Steele Addendum 7215.2: Documented Uses Date Sick Name Reason April 7th, 2018 Junior Researcher Polly Parks Jr. Researcher Parks attended her daughter's choir concert after missing several of her daughter's events in the last several months. April 10th, 2018 Junior Researcher Liam Lennings Jr. Researcher Lennings had an appointment to renew his driver's license. He returned to work in the afternoon at the request of Director Steele. April 12th, 2018 Senior Researcher Alex Adams Sr. Researcher Adams sustained several minor injuries on April 12th,3 from a containment breach.4 The twelfth was marked on the 18th of April, retroactively preventing Sr. Researcher Adams from being present during the containment breach.5 April 15th, 2018 Agent Miranda Martinez Agent Martinez's day off was interrupted by the aforementioned containment breach. Since the 15th of April was largely uneventful, it was used as a make-up day. May 1st, 2018 Site Director Stacy Steele Director Steele spent the days leading up to the 30th writing an extensive monthly review on Site-115 and a containment report for April 12th. May 2nd, 2018 All site personnel, except Director Steele See Addendum 7215.3 Addendum 7215.3: Unexpected Behavior On May 1st, 2018, SCP-7215 updated to May, however, it didn't document any day after the second. Following this discovery, a rumor spread across Site-115, suggesting that the lack of calendar days on SCP-7215 implied a potential ZK-Class "End of Time" Scenario. The following log was recorded on surveillance cameras within the Site-115 break room. CAMERA LOG Time: 16:26, May 1st, 2018 Camera: Break Room - Interior Personnel Present: Sr. Rsr Adams, Jr. Rsr Lennings, Jr. Rsr Parks, and Agent Martinez «BEGIN LOG» (All present personnel enter the break room, mid-conversation.) Parks: (yelling) We can't just give up! There has to be some anomaly on-site that can nullify this, or some kind of thaumaturgic ritual, or a- Adams: It's just an isolated event! There's no proof saying that all of time is going to end. The Foundation would've found out by now. Parks: (gestures to SCP-7215) The calendar is right there. What more proof could you need?! Adams: (shakes head) Even with that, there should still be other signs that something's happening tomorrow, but all the tests came back cold. Maybe this is some kind of mistake on the anomaly's part. Parks: It hasn't been wrong before! This thing has predicted everything at the site so far. It got the containment breach, its managed meetings- Hell, it even predicted Liam's food poisoning! And it still happened! Lennings: Worth it. Parks: This is the end of time! Why are you so calm about this? Adams: Because we've spent the whole day looking for outs! What else can we do now? (All parties are silent. The air conditioning unit turns on, producing a light buzzing sound heard throughout the rest of the recording.) Martinez: Maybe it's a localized event. Maybe it'll only affect the site and nothing else. Lennings: I don't think it works like that. Martinez: But it'd explain why you can't find anything wrong. It's a local event, not worldwide. So… (Martinez walks up to SCP-7215 and makes a marking.) Martinez: I'm staying home. (Martinez exits the break room.) Lennings: And then there were three. Parks: (throws hands into the air) Fine! I guess the next best thing to do is to evacuate the site. Lennings: I'll let everyone know. (Lennings runs out of the break room.) Adams: We still don't know for sure! Parks: Keep telling yourself that. (Adams sighs and looks around the break room. The water cooler gurgles in the corner.) Adams: So, are you coming in tomorrow? (Parks walks over to SCP-7215 and makes a marking. She then turns and shakes her head.) Parks: No. (Parks exits the room. Lennings enters shortly after.) Lennings: Forgot to schedule me being sick. (Lennings walks over to SCP-7215 and makes a marking. He then jogs out of the room.) Lennings: (faintly) See you later Alex! (Adams stands in the break room for two minutes. He walks over and inspects SCP-7215. After a few minutes, he makes a marking on SCP-7215. Adams then exits the room.) «END LOG» Closing Notes: Throughout the next thirty minutes, several personnel enter the break room and make a marking on SCP-7215. Conversation during this period is either a repetition of earlier remarks or is unrelated to SCP-7215 entirely. Director Steele, unaware of this development,6 came in on May 2nd. She found a sticky note attached to SCP-7215 and, after reading its contents, alerted all Site-115 personnel to return to work immediately. SCP-7215 had updated to its predictable state, outlining the rest of the month without error. A transcription of the sticky note has been logged below: Sorry guys, my printer ran out of ink. It's fixed now though! -Mason, Temporal Anomalies Department « SCP-7214 | SCP-7215 | SCP-7216 » Footnotes 1. The handwriting of this writing has not been identified. 2. This has also been observed to work retroactively, creating the potential for paradoxes. 3. Injuries include: A sprained ankle, a mild concussion, and a broken wrist 4. The containment breach was documented on SCP-7215, allowing recontainment efforts to operate smoothly and swiftly. 5. This created a new set of memories of April 12th, when Sr. Researcher Adams was absent from the Site. Memories from when Sr. Researcher Adams was present during the containment breach weren't lost. 6. Director Steele had avoided all available forms of communication with Site-115 to enjoy a "stress-free day."
7216 close Info X Article: SCP-7216 - 320 Papaloy! Feedback given by: extasis, Uncle Nicolini, Jomosu_Oficial (and other Área-Jo folks!), Forecbai, DrApricus, Dr Galvino , Veramadues, BenKuyen Image Credits: María, by Jesse Bowser, licensed under CC0 Public Domain. SMOG Event, by Fæ, licensed under Public Domain. SCPiNET name affiliation d75d4f1e5b287279e2185b7ff010bc43_1706540638 LOGIN LOGOUT SCP-7216CONTAINMENT: APOLLYONDISRUPTION: DARK Given the failure of attempts and efforts to capture SCP-7216, its physical containment has been deemed irrelevant and is considered impossible. Due to the way SCP-7216 operates, concealment procedures other than localized disinformation campaigns are not considered necessary and will not be carried out unless SCP-7216 is successfully neutralized. The neutralization of SCP-7216 is considered a First Level Priority and, if a SMOG Event is detected, Mobile Task Forces Eta-73 ("Exorcists"), Mu-13 ("Ghostbusters"), Theta-11 ("No Way Out"), and Omega-12 ("Eight o' Five") will be transported to the area as soon as possible to carry out termination attempts. Additional procedures are not considered necessary at the moment. SCP-7216 is a 1,7m tall humanoid figure, believed to have formerly been Mexican civilian María Acha Malavasi, composed entirely of a dark dense smog-like gas, presumably anomalous in nature. SCP-7216 is capable of appearing in several parts of the world through unknown means, its apparition being common in places with high pollution rates. It is currently known that SCP-7216 mainly manifests in India, China, the United States, Mexico, and Japan. When manifested, SCP-7216 will quickly search for any individual polluting their environment, especially the air, to kill them. SCP-7216's method for killing its victims consists of it entering their respiratory channel and suffocating them to death; however, it has been documented that SCP-7216 can also kill its victim by pushing them to commit suicide through continuous intense stalking that can last up to 4 months. The events in which SCP-7216 manifests have been designated as SMOG Events. URA-XXXX GENERAL INFORMATION SUMMARY: 'Ghostly' figure sighted in Tlalpan, CDMX, Mexico. Unknown if it possesses agency or sapience. ADDENDUM A: Witness testimony. "That's right. I saw over there, far away, a 'shadow'. It looked like a shadow, for it was human-shaped and pitch-black. It wasn't that tall, around my height, but it was strange. I got distracted when a bike passed near me, and when I looked again it was gone. I don't know what could that have been, but it was bad." "Only God knows what actually happened, but I was sitting out there when I felt a… 'heavy' sensation, like sleep paralysis, but I could move. I felt scared and started looking around. That's when I saw it: a slender dark figure a few squares away from me. It looked like, I don't know— Its shoulders were low, like when you're tired. I stood up quickly and ran away, and I knew nothing else about it." "Yup. I was eating a sandwich when I saw a dark thing appear in the middle of the street. I didn't know what it was, for I was going to take a picture of it and then it suddenly disappeared as soon as it appeared. I was feeling sick the rest of the day and had dreams about it for a couple of days, but I think I'm feeling better now." ADDENDUM B: Photographic evidence. Earliest known photograph of the anomaly. Image edited for clarity. ADDENDUM C: Possibly related file snippets. Last Tuesday, the death of a 40-year-old woman named María Acha Malavasi was reported while she was on her way to a nearby store. The unfortunate event occurred around 11 pm when, in the middle of her path, she suffered what appears to be an asthma attack, aggravated by the environmental pollution conditions in which she found herself. […] During Doña Acha's wake, neighbors reported unusual amounts of smoke around the house. The cause of the smoke is unknown, and although it was initially attributed to the burning of garbage on some nearby land, it was soon discovered that this was not the case. […] Shortly before the burial of Doña Acha, it was reported that the body had disappeared, despite the fact that the coffin was still closed and completely sealed. The search for the body by family and friends is still ongoing. All individuals involved were amnesticized and the event was concealed. No copies of the document shown above exist outside of the Foundation's possession. TEST LOG CT-1989-MX016/7216 CONTAINMENT AND TERMINATION TESTING FOR SCP-7216 ATTEMPT #2 PROCEDURE A large amount of smoke and industrial smog was generated within a Standard Humanoid Containment Chamber for the purpose of provoking the manifestation of SCP-7216 within the cell, and keeping the smoke constant to prevent the entity from transporting to another location. RESULT SCP-7216 did not manifest. ATTEMPT #4 PROCEDURE 10 Class-D Personnel were instructed to spontaneously release a large amount of pollution into the air, mainly by lighting cigarettes, campfires, small fires, and using damaged or modified cars to release more smoke than usual for the purpose of provoking the manifestation of SCP-7216 and then extinguish the sources of smoke and disperse the present in the environment to 'isolate' SCP-7216 from the rest of the gas and preventing its movement. RESULT SCP-7216 successfully manifested; however, when the smoke cleared, SCP-7216 dissolved in the air, emitting a slight unintelligible whisper-like sound. ATTEMPT #8 PROCEDURE Same as ATTEMPT #4, although a Task Force would be deployed to neutralize SCP-7216 before the smoke cleared. RESULT SCP-7216 successfully manifested in the area; however, when the Task Force arrived, SCP-7216 vanished. Subsequently, a large amount of smoke was detected coming from the office of Dr. Francisco Cárdenas, author and supervisor of the test, who was found dead by suffocation. Traces of smog and smoke were found in his respiratory channel. NOTES Dr. Julián Cárdenas, son of Dr. F. Cárdenas, was ascended to Lead Researcher of SCP-7216 and was designated to conduct future tests and termination attempts. ATTEMPT #16 PROCEDURE Wait for a SMOG Event to occur in order to send a Task Force that will dissipate the smoke present in the environment to reduce the entity before an attack occurs. RESULT SCP-7216 manifested in Coyoacán, CDMX, Mexico, and a Task Force was sent to the area to dissipate the smog present. This task was successful; however, it was later discovered that SCP-7216 had manifested immediately after in Bombay, Maharastra, India, and Kyoto, Honshu, Japan, exponentially increasing the usual number of victims killed by the entity. ATTEMPT #32 PROCEDURE Wait for a SMOG Event to occur in order to deploy three Mobile Task Forces and two Scranton Reality Anchors in the area with the purpose of stabilizing the reality in the area to weaken SCP-7216 and capture it or neutralize it. RESULT SCP-7216 manifested in Bangalore, Karnakata, India, and the Task Forces were quickly dispatched to the area. SCP-7216 stood motionless for a while, before making its way to one of the Anchors and entering through one of its side holes; a few seconds later, the Anchor began emitting a considerable amount of smoke, presumably from an internal malfunction, before violently exploding, causing the reactionary explosion of the backup Anchor. Casualties are estimated at 217. Since then, SCP-7216 has become considerably more aggressive, and SMOG Events are becoming more frequent. NOTES Event properly concealed as a gas leak. Containment procedures updated. Further testing on SCP-7216 has been suspended indefinitely. One month after the Bangalore Incident, it was reported that Viktor Zubkov and Alexei Miller, both important individuals in the petrochemical enterprise Gazprom, had died under unusual circumstances. After carrying out investigations, it was discovered that both individuals presented injuries consistent with victims of SCP-7216, and it was determined the entity had murdered them. It is unknown how SCP-7216 managed to find Zubkov and Miller. In the following months, the deaths of more individuals who occupied important positions in industries were reported, such as Houari Djerad, owner of Sonatrach, Octavio Romero Oropeza, owner of Pemex, and Jules Phaserfield, founder of the oil company project Cartazul. All the deaths could be directly attributed to SCP-7216 due to the way they happened and very specific factors, such as the smoke present in the scenes. Due to the crisis in multiple countries that these events provoked, the O5 Council, in a verdict of 11 to 2, reclassified SCP-7216 as Apollyon and ordered its immediate neutralization through all available means. Containment procedures updated. INTERNAL AUDIO RECORDING TRANSCRIPT Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: Doctor Madrigal. Dr. Madrigal: Trycer! Come in, come in, please take a seat. Is your SCP-7216 report ready? Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: Yes, it is ready; although I must say the situation does not look very good. Here. (Sound of shuffling paper) Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: To be honest, the situation regarding the smoke girl's attacks is getting worse. She keeps appearing worldwide and we aren't quick enough to do anything. Not only that, but she's also getting better at it. Her attacks aren't as notorious as they used to be, but they are very discreet and target only one individual at a time; they are always businessmen, but not civilians anymore. If it weren't for the importance of the targets, we probably wouldn't even notice at all. (Silence) Dr. Madrigal: Yeah, thought so. Reports from other Task Forces say the exact same thing. She's just getting more lethal with each day that passes and we don't even know why or how, but if we don't do something soon, the situation will keep going downhill. Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: Doctor Madrigal, with all due respect… haven't you thought this might be because, I don't know, we did more than what we should have? Dr. Madrigal: What are you trying to say, exactly? Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: I'm just saying perhaps we intervened when we shouldn't have, and didn't when we actually had to. Or perhaps it's because we are eating this world's resources at an unbelievable rate. Dr. Madrigal: Oh, come on, you've been rambling on the idea for a while already. Stop overthinking the situation. Once humanity has broken this world, we will pull them out of the abyss one way or another. Even if they don't deserve it. Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: Because it's easier to think about fixing an issue as we usually do than trying to change an entire system, right? To fix the problem rather than to prevent it? Dr. Madrigal: It is not our business to intervene. Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: The Foundation's mission is to protect humankind, yet we can't intervene to save people from themselves? I'm sorry but you sound awfully familiar. Dr. Madrigal: Trycer, cut it out, please. You know our purpose is to conceal and restrain the anomalous threats that endanger civilian lives, such as SCP-7216. It is classified as Apollyon for a reason. Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: Yeah? And what does that Class mean? Dr. Madrigal: (Sigh) You know it already. It means the item cannot be contained, or is expected to inevitably breach containment, and is able to provoke a K-Class End Of The World Scenario. Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: You see? It's just like us. We just cannot contain our urge to destroy the very planet we're living on. Dr. Madrigal: That's too much of a stretch and you know it. Our purpose is to protect people from the anomalous, from things that they couldn't possibly face or escape from. We are helping them, Trycer; just not the way you'd expect. Whatever it is that they're doing now to the planet, they can solve it without us. (Silence) Dr. Madrigal: What they can't protect themselves from without our help is the Smoke Girl. It is obviously dangerous and irrational; acts without any reason, and allowing it to continue doing what it does would go against our Containment Directives, for we would be allowing it to determine how we contain it. And you know what that means. Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: Trouble, I know. Dr. Madrigal: Even if— even if the Smoke Girl were somewhat right and we let it "solve" the problem we would be admitting that we need anomalies to take care of problems that we can solve ourselves, and what do you think would happen next? Panacea to cure hangovers? Atomic Milk for, what, terminally ill people? I bet those proposals look great on paper and their intentions are the best, but we work with things that don't quite go well with that. Or have you forgotten what happened when we tried to solve hunger in Mexico with that fucking cake? Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: Hey! It didn't go that wrong! I… that's where I met you. (Both chuckle) Dr. Madrigal: We were lucky. But the Foundation can't rely on luck, nor on anomalies. You've always been amazed by how humanity can improve itself and overcome so many obstacles. You said it's like a superpower. If we become dependent on anomalies and stop fending for ourselves… Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: The power will be gone. We won't be special anymore. (Silence) Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: (Sigh) You're right. Thanks for helping me clear my mind, Chibi. Dr. Madrigal: Oh, please, we're in working hours, it's "Doctor Madrigal" for now. You can call me that later. (Dr. Madrigal clears his throat) Dr. Madrigal: Oh, and please tell Captain Vázquez to get me his report as soon as possible. Ω-12 Capt. Trycer: (Mockingly) Will do, Miss Doctor Madrigal. FROM: magnolia@scp.o5command TO: dcalfine@command.goc.int SUBJECT: Dangerous anomaly Greetings, Madam al Fine. As of recently, our organization has been dealing with a hostile lethal entity, classified as SCP-7216, which has killed already several thousands of people, most notably businessmen and Foundation personnel. A photograph of one of these many attacks is attached below. Photograph of a SMOG Event in the US. We have reasons to believe that, if the entity knows the location of several members of the Foundation, it could just as easily figure out where are many GOC Headquarters located. This situation would be deemed unacceptable by both the O5 Council and the 108 Council for the risk it implies. The motive of this e-mail is to ask for your help in dealing with SCP-7216. We have knowledge of your "Project Persephone" to build and put on orbit several Geosynchronous Satellite Probes of Targeted Destruction; Ipanema in Brazil, Avante in the US, Montferrer in Spain, and the currently unfinished Navla in North Korea, and while the Foundation has a wide knowledge of other similar projects, it has been impossible for us to properly use against this threat. We are willing to provide funding and resources for the proper completion of the Project, as long as you allow the Foundation to access it and use it for the neutralization of SCP-7216 as a last-resort measure. That is, we will request complete access to Project Persephone's assets if required in order to complete our mission. We look forward to a timely response. FROM: dcalfine@command.goc.int TO: magnolia@scp.o5command SUBJECT: Re:Dangerous anomaly Dear Ms. Magnolia. Your request to use Project Persephone to neutralize SCP-7216, classified by the Coalition as KTE-1989-Cyan, has been reviewed by the 108 Council and it has been hereby approved. A meeting between the item's Containment Chief and a representative of each Coalition's Division will take place soon. With regards, D.C. al Fine, Global Occult Coalition's Undersecretariat-General Two months after the Foundation-Coalition alliance was created, and following several unsuccessful attempts to locate and neutralize SCP-7216, an ongoing SMOG Event was reported in Taehŭng, South P'yŏngan, North Korea. MTF Omega-12 and Eta-73 were quickly deployed in the area to intentionally prolongate the duration of the SMOG Event, and thus the time SCP-7216 was manifested. Meanwhile, Dr. J. Cárdenas ordered the usage of the GOCP Navla Satellite to neutralize SCP-7216, despite it still being under reparations. When Coalition personnel assigned to the maintenance of Navla refused to operate the Satellite in its current conditions, O5-8 overrode the Coalition's orders and allowed the assigned Foundation personnel to activate and utilize Navla against SCP-7216, ignoring most security measures. The initial activation of the satellite's Everhart Mega-Resonator proceeded normally, allowing Navla to fire at SCP-7216's estimated location, presumably neutralizing it; however, once the Mega-Resonator had used 40% of its energy, the satellite's Esoteric Railgun System suddenly shut down, even though the Mega-Resonator was still transferring Elan-Vital Energy to it. Attempts were made to reboot the Rail System multiple times, without success. With no safe way to release the accumulated EVE, the System violently exploded, launching several personnel members into space along with the Mega-Resonator, which headed toward the Earth's atmosphere. All attempts to activate the Mega-Resonator's self-destruct device failed, as it was damaged during its entry into the atmosphere. The Mega-Resonator finally impacted South P'yŏngan, North Korea, suddenly releasing all its stored EVE provoking an explosion of approximately 400 megatons that destroyed ~82% of North Korea's total area. SCP-7216's reclassification to Neutralized and the update of its file are pending approval, as concealment procedures for the incident are currently underway. « SCP-7215 | SCP-7216 | SCP-7217 »
close Info X Image: Poster from the Auckland War Memorial Museum. "Planetarium. Theatre of the Stars", viewing of Halley's Comet in 1986. I'd like to thank the following critters for giving my their time and dedication to seeing this played out on the big planetarium screen - JorgeMtzb, Zoobeeny, RadiantGold, Dr Blackbox, colly1323, ambyshframber, DrMindbender. All of you are the reason this has seen the light of day, and I owe you my life! ⚠️ Content warning: References to suicidal ideation, insanity, isolation, and general depressive themes. ⚠️ content warning The orbital period of the planet Mercury is 87.97 days Item #: SCP-7218 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The Hilliard Planetarium and Astronomy Museum has been shut down, and a fortified chain-link fence constructed around the perimeter. Foundation personnel are to continually monitor footage for breach of perimeter. Any personnel who enter an orbital cycle event are to be considered "lost". Description: SCP-7218 is a phenomenon that occurs when an individual enters the main showing room of the Hilliard Planetarium and Astronomy Museum in Hilliard, Ohio alone. The interior of the room occupies a separate reality to baseline. Upon entering the room, it is still possible for the subject to return to their former reality provided they do not enter an Orbital Cycle. During an Orbital Cycle Event,time passes faster within the alternate reality, with a ratio of one year per hour in baseline reality. In addition, direct contact with subject becomes impossible, with signals being able to be received by those outside the anomaly, but not subjects within, effectively isolating anyone inside. As of now, the only known way to trigger an event is by standing on the speaker's platform inside. SCP-7218 was discovered after several disappearances of citizens within the area. The Foundation began an investigation using D-Class personnel, which confirmed an anomalous effect, with a 40% return rate. As of 1.5.17, all testing has been ceased. [SEE ADDENDUM-1] + Addendum-1 - Close On 7.10.16, Researcher Madison Turnpike was deployed into SCP-7218 in an attempt to gather data about the interior mechanics. Turnpike underwent psychological and physical evaluations beforehand, and was found to be in acceptable health. Before entering, Turnpike was fitted with standard exploration equipment, including a radio and video monitor attached to her, as well as a location tracking device. At 9:30 AM, EST, Turnpike entered SCP-7218. Communication has become impossible as of 7.23.16. VIDEO LOG 7.10.16: NOTE: The following is compiled video footage received by Site 403 Command. [BEGIN LOG] Video begins on the hallway of the planetarium. Main lights have been turned off, though emergency lights have been activated to offer limited visibility. Researcher Sam Leviticus is visible, helping adjust Researcher Turnpike's equipment. COMMAND: This is Site 403 Director Moira Fersnby, acting as Command. Researcher, can you state your name for me? TURNPIKE: Dr. Madison Turnpike, at your service. COMMAND: Good. Audio feed seems to be working. TURNPIKE: Great! LEVITICUS: Does that mean she's ready to go? COMMAND: Yes. Proceed through the doors. Turnpike turns away from Researcher Leviticus, and takes a moment to breath, before entering the showing room. When the doors shut behind her, the feed experiences a spike in disruption, followed by a five second period of radio silence. The feed shows a large darkened room, with rows of empty seats leading to a domed screen at the front. A black lectern stands in the front. A few dim floor lights line the ramps along the sides. COMMAND: Dr. Turnpike? Is everything alright? TURNPIKE: Yeah! Sorry, Moira. Just a small cut-out. COMMAND: No worries. Can you describe your surroundings for me? TURNPIKE: Of course. Uh, looks like a planetarium, I guess. Black carpet, lots of seats. A screen, too. A pause, as Turnpike looks around. TURNPIKE: No overhead lights. Don't see a projector either. Dangit. Would've loved to mess around with some anomalous tech. Did you catch that gun thing-y I worked on the other day? Levi says they wanna share the design around with some of the other people in the CDED.1 COMMAND: Well, that's certainly impressive. TURNPIKE: Yeah, I- actually, I'll save it till' I'm out. You said there's something here that people have a 60% chance of encountering, right? COMMAND: That was the consensus. TURNPIKE: Well… I'm not really seeing anything. You guys sure this is even the anomaly? COMMAND: Yes. In fact, as of now, the tracking equipment is informing us that your current location is not on Planet Earth. A brief pause. TURNPIKE: …Well that's a comfort and a joy. COMMAND: Right. Now, will you please proceed towards the back of the room and make your way through the aisles? We want to observe how physics and movement operates. TURNPIKE: Sure thing. Turnpike begins to walk. TURNPIKE: There's some posters on the walls - should I try to get one? COMMAND: That might be a good idea. Give me a moment. A long pause. Researcher Maddie Simes joins the channel.2 MADDIE: You called, Moira? COMMAND: Yes, we're doing an inspection. I was hoping you could give Dr. Turnpike instruction on fiber collection. TURNPIKE: Oh. Simes. Hello. Why're you here? MADDIE: Because I'm the head of the Chemistry department. TURNPIKE: Ah… right. MADDIE: Right. A moment of silence passes. MADDIE: … let's get to work. Turnpike, there's a scalpel in your side pouch. Get it out. TURNPIKE, stiffly: Got it. Thank you. MADDIE: You're welcome… Madison. COMMAND: Simes, let's avoid first names for the time being. It might be confusing considering. TURNPIKE, muttered: Thank god… MADDIE: Cut a square sample and bag it. Use tweezers, don't touch it with your gloves. And make sure the bag is airtight. Turnpike uses the scalpel to cut a roughly square-shaped sample from one of the seats. The fabric is dark blue. Samples were never successfully retrieved, but the appearance seems to be velvet. TURNPIKE: Got it. MADDIE: Really? Show me, I want to make sure- TURNPIKE: I've been working here for four years, I can handle this. MADDIE: The bag isn't all the way sealed. TURNPIKE: -I was about to fix that! MADDIE: Moira, I'd like to recommend that we avoid asking the engineering department to help in the future. COMMAND: Thank you for the input, Simes. Turnpike, keep moving through the rows. Let's limit talking to the task at hand, please. Dr. Simes and Dr. Turnpike both apologise semi-intelligibly. Turnpike moving through each row, and stopping periodically to comment on the environment. TURNPIKE: You wanted me to take down one of the posters as well, right? MADDIE: Yes. Turn the camera toward one of them, so I can see it. TURNPIKE: Here. Turnpike points the camera towards a patch of wall with a poster. Size estimate is 2'x1' COMMAND: Can you describe what you see, please? TURNPIKE: Uh, yeah. It's tan, with a picture on it of a… god, is that an comet or a meteor? It has a caption - "Halley's Comet. Saturday Only." Okay, comet then. MADDIE: That wouldn't make sense, given that the comet was last seen in 1986. TURNPIKE, sarcastic: Really? I never would've guessed. COMMAND: Can you remove it? TURNPIKE: Sure. Turnpike uses the scalpel to cut away the edges of the poster and carefully attempt to remove it. However, the paper seems stuck to the wall. TURNPIKE: I think this might rip if I pull any harder. What should I do? COMMAND: See if there's another one, and try with that one. Maybe a newer looking one? TURNPIKE: Got it. She walks down the hallway, before finding another poster. TURNPIKE: Here - this one's blue, has.. Pisces, right? "Drama Of The Heavens." COMMAND: Alright. Try and remove it. Turnpike attempts to remove the picture. It once again fails. Halfway through, Turnpike pauses. TURNPIKE: Hold on- there's something here. At the bottom. COMMAND: Show me. TURNPIKE: It says "Lightspeed Incorporated". Looks like it was added in later. COMMAND: Interesting. I'll do a database scan and see if it comes up with anything. Keep looking. Head towards the front. TURNPIKE: Alright. A long pause. Nobody speaks TURNPIKE: Something's definitely not… God, don't know how to describe it…. It's like I've had my stomach turned to liquid. My head hurts. COMMAND: Are you compromised? TURNPIKE: I… She inhales deeply No. I can do this. MADDIE: Really? Perhaps you should leave and let someone more qualified handle this later. TURNPIKE: No. I'll finish sweeping the room first. After all, it's what any capable, qualified researcher would do. COMMAND, uncertain: …Alright. Let us know if you need any assistance. TURNPIKE: Got it. Turnpike heads back towards the platform at the front, climbing the carpeted steps. Upon reaching the top, she pauses. A pre-recorded, feminine voice starts to speak. The orbital period of the planet Mercury is 87.97 days TURNPIKE: Jesus- there's a voice, now. I can hear it. Site command attempts to respond, but the connection seems to be impaired. COMMAND: Madison. Can you hear us? Say something. TURNPIKE: … hello? MADDIE: Don't think she can reach us. VOICE: Welcome to the Planetarium. We now will be beginning the slideshow. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy the time left. This is forever. TURNPIKE: Are you still there? Shit. At this point, the audio feed cut out, though the visual feed remained operational. On the screen, a slideshow starts. The image is a large picture of Mercury. Slowly, a teal coloured bar begins to appear around it, as if a timer was counting up. COMMAND: Dammit. MADDIE: What do we do? Leave her there? COMMAND: No. I'm going to consult with Dr. Levi. You stay here and monitor things. MADDIE: But- I don't- COMMAND: I'm your boss, Maddie, and Madison is your coworker. Now make sure my best engineer doesn't die. Site Director Moira leaves the room. MADDIE: Shit. A few seconds pass MADDIE: Why do you always get involved every time something in my life is going wrong? Moira's pissed at me. You're in trouble. And it's my fault. Silence. MADDIE: If you could just mind your own business, maybe this wouldn't have happened. At this point, the bar reached halfway completion of its cycle, and the audio resumed. TURNPIKE: Exploration Notes: I can't move my legs. [noticeably tense] I think I'm stuck here, until this timer ends. However long that may be. At least… this one is going pretty fast. Sort of. I'm not sure if- well, if this is still broadcasting at all- whether you can hear it too. I think I'm going to… talk though. Just until this ends. MADDIE: Jesus- hang on- shit. Where's Moira? Turnpike sighs TURNPIKE: And if you're listening, Maddie, just know I absolutely think this is your fault. MADDIE: Rude. TURNPIKE: Y'know, my wife likes to make fun of me for talking to myself, but she's worse: she sings to herself. Not quietly, either. I once listened to her belt the Phantom Of The Opera duet while cooking dinner. Which somehow made me love her more, I think. A few seconds pass MADDIE, uncertain: Great. I also was looking forward to hearing about your love life. There's a long pause TURNPIKE: That's Mercury, right? I'm gonna assume. I mean, the lady said so and all. Y'know My grandma used to collect mercury in jars. I think she was crazy. She'd buy thermometers, crack them open and pour out the little silver beads of toxic material into this little small tubes. Put them on shelves in her office. MADDIE: I'm glad to hear that idiocy runs in the family, Turnpike. TURNPIKE: She didn't think it was dangerous. She thought fear was only what we make it, that when we name something as scary it becomes it… she used to place the mercury into my hands, every once in a while. Holding little silver sparks of danger in between my fingers, letting them bead and roll. The counter reaches 75% completion. TURNPIKE: I never really liked the chemical side of things. I mean, my great aunt was a Radium Girl, down in Illinois. Have you heard about them? This place called the Radium Dial company hired all these girls to work there, painting dials for clocks, and they all got sick from radiation poisoning. My grandma said she was jealous of them - they got to glow in their coffins, apparently. Thinking back, I don't think my Mom would've approved of half the conversations we had. MADDIE: … I've never heard of that before. That's… A long pause MADDIE: Odd. TURNPIKE: I agreed for some reason. I think I just liked the thought of working with clocks. MADDIE: Well, good for you then. Sorry we can't all be as brave as the great Turnpike. Turnpike goes silent again. The timer reaches 100%, and the audio cuts. COMMAND: Maddie? Who were you just talking to? MADDIE: Moira! Shit- she was just talking a few seconds ago, I swear- I had her, but then she cut out again- it wasn't me, I promise- COMMAND: Simes, calm down. I've got things under control. We're tracking Madison's location, and she's currently slowly drifting away from Earth. Levi is trying to find a way into the Planetarium room to rescue her, but if things come to it, we're going to try and track her down in space. For now, just keep monitoring her. Got it? MADDIE, weakly: … got it. The picture on Turnpike's monitor is replaced with one of Venus. The timer begins again. When the bar reached halfway completion of it's cycle, the audio resumed, just as before. The orbital period of the planet Venus is 224.7 days TURNPIKE: Oh hey. The light on my audio feed is back on. You working again, buddy? MADDIE, affronted: I'm not your "buddy". Don't call me that. TURNPIKE: Thanks, buddy. MADDIE: … Right. You can't hear me. TURNPIKE: I'm trying to… enjoy the show, I guess. Not super interesting, I'll admit. As far as planetarium's go. No stars. Just… Venus, this time, right? Yeah. Just me, you, and Venus. MADDIE: Now that's just a bad joke set-up, Turnpike. A second passes. TURNPIKE: Exploration notes: … My brother, Jamie, likes the stars as well. He says it's the best part of camping. Going out somewhere where there were more stars than people. Where people hadn't touched the world, and it was pure. His girlfriend and I like to find stupid camping posters to give him for holidays, his Birthday. He rolls his eyes at us, calls me a cunt or something… his way of telling me he loves me, I guess. I miss him. I don't know how long it's been here. A pause. Time drags on. TURNPIKE: I've always been kinda scared of camping- just. Being outside, exposed to all the dangerous elements. Kinda funny, since most of my job is now actively finding ways to trap myself INSIDE dangerous elements. Which is, arguably… much more dangerous? Turnpike laughs Another moment passes. MADDIE: Well, guess we're both cowards. Fun. TURNPIKE: God, I'm bored. This better end soon. MADDIE: If you die here, I hope you die a coward. I don't want everyone to see you as some big brave hero. You're not. Silence MADDIE: You aren't the brave researcher who stood up for a helpless reality bender from being terminated. You're a coward who let a dangerous anomaly who can't control their own fucking powers walk free after they wiped your coworker from existence and couldn't bring them back with a fucking body. Silence MADDIE: Fuck, sorry. That was- I'm sorry. The timer reaches 100%, and the audio cuts. The picture is replaced with one of Mars. The timer begins again. When the bar reached halfway completion of its cycle, the audio resumed, just as before. It should be noted the time of cycles has begun to grow increasingly longer. The orbital period of the planet Mars is 1.88 years TURNPIKE: It's starting to feel like forever. I can't… She sighs I can't move my legs. I can't leave. I'm… stuck. A moment passes MADDIE: That makes two of us. TURNPIKE: My wife left early for work this morning, I didn't get to kiss her goodbye. God, I hope she's okay. Turnpike pauses TURNPIKE: Back in high school, I used to take her to the planetarium nearby on weekends. One weekend, over the summer, it was closed for the 4th of July. She looked so sad, and I… I picked the lock, broke us in. MADDIE: Stop… stop doing that. TURNPIKE: I found a way to set up the projector and started playing one of the slideshows. It didn't make much sense without the commentary, but it was peaceful. We sat on the floor, trying to click through it. She kept making up her own commentary, and I laughed so hard I swear I hurt a rib or something. MADDIE: Bastard. Nearly ten minutes pass before Turnpike speaks again. TURNPIKE, singing: No more talk of darkness Forget these wide-eyed fears I'm here, nothing can harm you My words will warm and calm you…3 MADDIE: That's from Phantom of the Opera, right? No response MADDIE: Right. You can't hear me…. Levi or Adrien probably know. They always tried to get me to come with them to their shows… No response MADDIE: … I wonder if I would've said yes, all things considered. Like, if I'd known I wouldn't be able to leave here. TURNPIKE: Let me be your freedom Let daylight dry your tears I'm here, with you, beside you To guard you and to guide you… MADDIE: I guess it's your fault I can't go. Or at least, you contributed. The counter reaches 75% completion. When Turnpike speaks again, she appears to be in tears. TURNPIKE: I don't know why this is taking so long. I'm so sorry, Hope. I love you. MADDIE: Why can't you just let me be angry at you? The timer reaches 100%, and the audio cuts. The picture is replaced with one of Jupiter. The timer begins again. When the bar reached halfway completion of its cycle, the audio resumed. The orbital period of the planet Jupiter is 11.86 years TURNPIKE: Exploration notes. Part… 4? 5? I can't run from this, can I? I can't move- it's- I can't look away from this… only a couple more years, or something. Right? I don't feel hungry. Or thirsty. I don't think I have those urges anymore. Some researchers survive years in things like this. MADDIE: It's… it's only been a day or so, Turnpike. Don't be dramatic. The counter reaches 75% completion. TURNPIKE: Do they really survive, though? When I was first on the job, I met a researcher who'd been trapped in an anomaly for nearly two years. He wasn't really a person anymore. I know that's mean to say, but honestly, I don't know why they kept him around. He rarely talked. Spent long periods just staring into space. When he talked, he sounded like he was trying not to break down. God, will that be me if I leave? MADDIE: You'd think I'd know that answer, but I have no idea. Sorry. Fifteen minutes pass TURNPIKE: How long has it been? MADDIE: … almost another day since Jupiter started. The timer reaches 100%, and the audio cuts. The picture is replaced with one of Saturn. The timer begins again. When the bar reached halfway completion of its cycle, the audio resumed. The orbital period of the planet Saturn is 29.46 years TURNPIKE: Listen to me, Lord, and answer me, for I am helpless and weak. Save me from death, because I am loyal to you; save me, for I am your servant and I trust in you MADDIE: Do you honestly believe that will save you? 20 minutes pass MADDIE: I mean, I was raised Catholic. But after Eleanor… I just. I couldn't pray anymore. I couldn't believe the words. Because I've been dead, and I know… there's nothing there. The timer reaches 100%, and the audio cuts out. Site Director Moira enters the room. COMMAND: Maddie, you need to get some sleep. MADDIE: No. I have to stay here. COMMAND: I know you're dedicated, but you can't neglect your own health for your job. MADDIE: But what if something happens? I need to be here. So I can let everyone know. COMMAND: Simes, we've tried everything we can, short of launching a rocket into space. And even then, she's been getting farther away quicker than we could've accounted for. She's nearly at the edge of- MADDIE: Uranus? COMMAND: … I'm not sure if I can tell you that. MADDIE: I think she's… I think these cycles are somehow a countdown. Every time it completes, she's being pulled farther out. Past each orbit. A long moment. Command takes a long breath. COMMAND: Well, that complicates matters. MADDIE: We're going to get her back, right? We're going to save her? COMMAND: We'll see if it's feasible, but I can't promise anything, Simes. We may have to start to accept that she's been KIA. MADDIE: Really? You're just going to give up? We're the Foundation. We have… we can fucking reset reality! We can erase and rebuild countries! Centuries! What do you mean we can't get one researcher back? COMMAND: Maddie, think realistically about this. We can't pull out all the guns for one person. It's unfortunate, I know, but it's the risk of the job. Besides, while I would never assume you to be sadistic as to be glad of it, I wouldn't think you to be so affected by Researcher Turnpike's potential death. I don't remember you two being on the best of terms. MADDIE: I… I do hate her. It doesn't mean I want her dead. COMMAND: I still think that what she did was noble. MADDIE: Fuck that. COMMAND: The Foundation needs people who care. MADDIE: And that's why you're throwing one away into the vacuum of space, I suppose. COMMAND: Maddie. MADDIE: Just. Don't do what you did to me, and just… give up. COMMAND: We never gave up on you. We tried everything we could to help you, and at the end of the day, it's not because of lack of effort that you aren't… well, I'm not sure how you'd prefer to me to describe you. Researcher Simes doesn't respond COMMAND: Do you need to talk with someone? If so, I'm here, and we have counselors on Site staff. I assumed you'd put the Eleanor situation behind you- MADDIE, cold: I don't want to talk about it. I'm doing work. Like you hired me to do. Please. Just, leave. COMMAND: Fine. But I expect you to get some sleep and eat something. Simes doesn't respond. On the video feed, the picture is replaced with one of Uranus. The timer begins again. When the bar reached halfway completion of its cycle, the audio resumed, just as before. The orbital period of the planet Uranus is 84.01 years MADDIE: Sorry about that. Welcome back. TURNPIKE: …How long has it been? Is must be… weeks… months? … I don't… what if Hope thinks I'm dead? What if I don't get to sing to her anymore? What if I can't run my hands through her hair, or read her poetry, or take walks in our park, or even get coffee with Levi and go to bad plays with Hemlock and them? What if- MADDIE: It's been nearly a week. Does… is time not working right for you? What's wrong, Madison? Turnpike breaks into sobs. Her sobbing continues for a half hour, whereupon she slowly calms down. TURNPIKE: I can't let myself do this. I can't… give up. I don't have to break, just because others have broken. I don't have to die here. There's no rule about that, is there? Right. There isn't. MADDIE: That's it, that's the spirit. Come back home. I- I can try to contact your wife! Or your kids? Do you have kids? Wait- no, you don't. I think? Fuck, Sage would know what to say… if you could even hear me. Which you can't. She takes a few more breaths TURNPIKE: I gotta have faith. I gotta get out of here. I have to see Hope again. I need to get back to her. I'm going to survive this. For you, baby. And for me. MADDIE, choked up: You better, you stupid bitch. The timer reaches 100%, and the audio cuts. The picture is replaced with one of Neptune. The timer begins again. When the bar reached halfway completion of its cycle, the audio resumed, just as before. The orbital period of the planet Neptune is 164.79 years TURNPIKE: Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary, and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine… MADDIE: Simon and Garfunkel, huh? My Dad used to call them "the better Beatles". I like them. Four hours pass. MADDIE: I've been… tracking the time between cycles. The last one was 84 hours. For Uranus. Turnpike doesn't respond. TURNPIKE: Exploration notes. How do I know when I've lost my mind for certain? Would I be able to tell, if I already had lost it? I probably already have, and just don't know it. I feel like I might have. I feel numb, I ache all over. I feel- I feel- nothing and everything. MADDIE: 84 years is the orbit length of Uranus. One hour for every year… and that's in our time. TURNPIKE: I feel like I'm getting farther away. Every planet bringing me closer and closer to the edge of… to the edge of the universe. To nothing. I don't know what's beyond this point. This is a transition place, I know that. But transition between what? Is it even a what? Or is it a who, a when, a why? Future and present, who I was and who I will be, an answer and a question. Maybe it's all those things. MADDIE: … you aren't wrong. But, jesus Maddie, how long have you been here for? A ten minute pause. TURNPIKE: …Maybe I'm overthinking it and it's just a planet on a screen. MADDIE: That's not an answer. Twenty minutes pass TURNPIKE: Things that I know are real. Hope. Jamie. Me. My grandma. Mom. Dad. Levi. This video camera. Things I don't know are real. That voice - the one that's telling me about the… orbits. This room. That… that this isn't a dream. But. I know I'm real. I'm real. And that's enough. Four hours pass TURNPIKE: … is that right? Am I still real…? MADDIE: I know you are. Please. Hear me. You're real, you're more real than me. You actually have a chance of being a part of reality, okay? I don't. I already was killed, I'm just waiting for it to work. You… you have a wife. You have friends. You have a chance. Five minutes pass. Then, Turnpike takes a breath and screams. The timer reaches 100%, and the audio cuts. The picture is replaced with one of Pluto. The timer begins again. When the bar reached halfway completion of its cycle, the audio resumed, just as before. At this point, it should be noted that the time between the start, and halfway point, is 5.5 days. The full cycle took place over the course of 11 days within Earth's time, which is equal to 248 hours. TURNPIKE: … Exploration notes. Turnpike breathes deeply TURNPIKE: Back when I was 16, I nearly drove my car off a bridge. I can remember how the sky looked that night. I hadn't told anyone. I don't even know why I didn't go through with it. Something in the air, or maybe I was just a coward? I don't know. Did I ever even have a chance at surviving? MADDIE: You still do. A few minutes pass. TURNPIKE: I haven't told anyone that. Another long pause TURNPIKE: It was a Friday night. I stole my Mom's car keys. She was asleep. Jamie had crashed hard after his football game, and Dad was on call, so there wasn't anyone there to stop me. The floorboards creaked as I walked down them. I remember the squeal of the tires as I left. There was a small hilly area nearby. I drove slowly, up towards the bridge between one of the peaks that stretched over a river, to another patch. It was right by the old railroad. Stepping out, I could almost hear the train whistle blowing. As if signalling my death. I stopped just before I swerved off the side. Got out and stood in the night air. It was chilly, fall air, that whipped my cheeks and blew my hair into a mess. It left tears on my face from where it stung my eyes, and yet… something inside me melted enough that I couldn't go through with it. I hadn't met Hope at that point. Hadn't even considered joining theatre yet - I guess I didn't realise that engineering had a place there. God, I remember it though- she looked so pretty, singing… I almost ended it there, though. I never will forget that. I didn't, in the end. I turned the car around, and drove back home. Returning was the greatest relief, yet somehow, it made me feel like I'd failed. There's something so heavy about realising that you were nearly dead. That by surviving, you've somehow left behind a ghost there, a million takes of the same scene where you do die. The same scene, over and over, on loop. Forever. MADDIE: … is that what people see when they look at me? Just a ghost? A blank spot that some reality bender - no. Eleanor… tore into the world? Ripped out and shoved back in? A pause MADDIE: A ghost on loop? Sixteen hours pass TURNPIKE: How much longer will this be? How many more cycles do I have to live through? MADDIE: I don't know. Five hours pass TURNPIKE: Or is it forever? MADDIE: I… I don't know. COMMAND: Maddie? You're still here? MADDIE: No! I've been taking breaks, I was just- checking in. COMMAND: Your… Command pauses You're flickering. Less dense than usual. I don't know exactly what you can and can't feel, but you look sick, Simes. MADDIE: I'm not sick. COMMAND: I wasn't saying you were, I was saying that you don't look well. Go get some sleep. I'll have someone else monitor this. MADDIE: But- COMMAND: That's an order, as Site Director. Researcher Simes leaves the room, along with Site Command Director Moira At the 11 day mark, the timer ends. The screen goes dark, except for a small glowing patch of text reading: ORBITAL CYCLE COMPLETE. After that, the words "Lightspeed Inc." are displayed, along with an infinity symbol modeled to resemble an hourglass filled with stars. TURNPIKE: I… Does this mean… After a moment of hesitation, Turnpike turns around. TURNPIKE: It's… it's over. Turnpike pauses TURNPIKE, disbelieving: It's over. After several moments of continued inaudible mumbling, Turnpike takes a deep breath, and removes the camera. She looks into the lens. Her eyes are bloodshot and heavily bagged, and her lips have turned vaguely blue. Her hair is noticeably a much lighter tone, which is inconsistent with her naturally brown hair. Though lighting is minimal, it is presumed that her hair had turned white in response to immense stress or the onset of time. TURNPIKE: I don't… Is anyone still listening? The light is still green… Off screen, a crash is heard MADDIE: Turnpike- Madison- I'm back. It's me- Maddie. I'm here for you. Hang on. Levi has an idea of how to rescue you. Please- Turnpike stops again The orbital period of the planet Pluto is 248.59 years MADDIE: Please. Madison. TURNPIKE: … Maddie? MADDIE: Yeah. Yeah, it's me. Turnpike sobs TURNPIKE: God, fuck, it's been forever. I… I'm so scared. I don't know how to escape this. MADDIE: Calm down. It's okay. Try the door, first. Turnpike walks over shakily, and attempts to open the door. It's locked. TURNPIKE: I can't. MADDIE: Okay- well… um… hang tight. TURNPIKE: How long has it been? MADDIE: … about three weeks. TURNPIKE: What? … no. That's… it has to be longer than that. I've been here for… MADDIE: I think it's different for you and I. Time, that is. I think where ever you are… time is broken. TURNPIKE: Then how long has it been for me? A long pause MADDIE: I don't know. But… I've been listening. The whole time. I've been here listening. TURNPIKE: … thank you. Two hours pass MADDIE: I just got off the phone with Levi. TURNPIKE: Really?! What did they say? Am I going to get out of here? A long pause. MADDIE: They were able to get inside the auditorium again. TURNPIKE: And…? A pause TURNPIKE: …. no. MADDIE: You weren't there. We tried tracking you and… officially, you're just past Pluto. TURNPIKE, desperate: Could they get a spaceship there? And rescue me? MADDIE: It'd take 9-12 years for that to happen. In our time. A long pause TURNPIKE: I'm not leaving here, am I? MADDIE: I… I don't know. We're trying. We promise, but… TURNPIKE: No… it's okay. Maddie. I don't think… I don't think I was ever meant to escape this. MADDIE: You were! You are! Please, just believe me. TURNPIKE: That's alright though, isn't it? That's the point… "it is forever". Like the lady said. This place.. this is my eternity. MADDIE: No- we can try and help you. There's still hope. Turnpike pauses TURNPIKE: I know there's hope. She sighs But I can't wait that long to see her. She slowly places the camera down, before standing again. TURNPIKE: Tell… tell Hope I love her. And tell everyone else… Celeste, Sage, Levi, Lost… tell them I love them too. I'm sorry. MADDIE: You could tell them yourself. TURNPIKE: I… She takes a deep breath TURNPIKE: I just want to leave. I'm sorry Maddie. I'm going to cut the feeds… and then I'm going to get the pain meds they sent with me, and I'm going to try and end things. For good. I don't… I don't want to be here forever. I need to do this now. Before I change my mind. MADDIE, whispered: Please don't. Turnpike raises a boot, and stamps down hard on the camera, breaking it. The video cuts out. Researcher Simes sobs [END LOG] Note: The following is a table constructed to record the amount of time experienced within SCP-7218, in comparison to the amount of time experienced on Earth in years. PLANET SCP-7218 EARTH Mercury .23 years .23 hours Venus .61 years .61 hours Mars 1.88 years 1.88 hours Jupiter 11.86 years 11.86 hours Saturn 29.46 years 29.46 hours Uranus 84.01 years 84.01 hours Neptune 164.79 years 6.86 days Pluto 248.59 years 10.35 days TOTAL 541.43 years 22.5 days Footnotes 1. Containment Design and Engineering Department 2. Note: Reminder that Researcher Simes has requested that we refer to them with they/them or it/it's pronouns in all further documents mentioning it, including this one. 3. This song has been identified as "All I Ask Of You" by Sarah Brightman, from the classic opera "Phantom Of The Opera" « SCP-7217 | SCP-7218 | SCP-7219 »
Excavation site above SCP-7219 prior to containment. Item #: SCP-7219 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: All perimeter breaches are to be investigated immediately. Perpetrators are to be detained and interrogated to determine whether they are affected by SCP-7219. Individuals under the anomaly's influence are to be contained within the nearest Foundation facility and evaluated to determine their radiation exposure; persons affected by less than 5,000 millirems of radiation are to be released following amnestic treatment. Primary containment of SCP-7219 consists of a large nuclear containment building constructed over SCP-7219's location. To access the building and containment site, Foundation personnel must pass through several decontamination chambers as per standard radiation safety protocols. Ground radar units have been installed within the containment building and are to constantly monitor the position and movement of SCP-7219, as well as monitor the structural integrity of the surrounding bedrock. Foundation personnel are to monitor phone and electronic communication for signs that a person has become affected by SCP-7219. Should an affected individual be located, they are to be subjected to the previous containment measures with the addition of required daily dream journaling. Investigation of contained persons is to be undertaken to ensure no further individuals have been affected by SCP-7219, with evidence of SCP-7219 activity discovered during the capture of affected persons confiscated for study. Due to the intense pressurization of supercritical liquid within the space housing SCP-7219, all civilian attempts at excavation are to be stopped by any means necessary. Failure to maintain the chamber's structural integrity will result in a catastrophic steam explosion and nuclear contamination event projected to render a minimum of 150,000 km2 uninhabitable as a result of widespread fallout. Research into methods of safely extracting SCP-7219 from this chamber is underway and is to be carried out when viable. Description: SCP-7219 is a humanoid anomaly exhibiting a localized oneiric1 compulsion, located within a chamber of an abandoned subterranean Global Occult Coalition bunker, currently inaccessible from the surface. Thermal readings, ground radar scans, Geiger counter readings, and recovered dream journals of those affected by SCP-7219 indicate that this space is both heavily irradiated and pressurized due to the presence of large quantities of super-heated corium2. It is presumed that the corium has maintained its temperature over its history via anomalous means. Despite residing within this space, SCP-7219 has not appeared to be damaged by the chamber's heat, pressure, radioactivity, or lack of nutrients. Ground penetrating radar has confirmed that SCP-7219 is mobile within this space, but is otherwise unable to provide measurements or an accurate physical description of the anomaly. SCP-7219's primary anomalous effect is an ability to contact and influence individuals within a minimum 70km radius via their dreams, with an as yet unknown maximum radius of effect. Within a subject's dream, SCP-7219 is capable of reshaping the dreamscape and narrative, while also maintaining complete control over the dreamer's conscious state, able to prevent them from awakening or prematurely awakening subjects on its own accord. Any information given to a person targeted by SCP-7219 will be considered factual by that individual upon awakening, and any instructions given will develop into obsessive-compulsive behaviors. Affected individuals have reported that carrying out instructions given to them by SCP-7219 is akin to a primal need; primarily motivated by fear and self-preservation. This effect can be reversed through the use of amnestics. Individuals that have been contacted by SCP-7219 display moderate levels of irradiation. This effect is cumulative; while not initially dangerous, persons contacted by SCP-7219 four or more times will have been exposed to an average of 5 sieverts of radiation, becoming dangerously contaminated themselves. SCP-7219 is aware of the experiences, memories, and knowledge possessed by those it influences, and will often release an individual from its control if/when it comes to believe that the individual is unable to aid it in achieving its goals. Individuals that have been actively ordered by SCP-7219 to enact a task frequently develop mental disorders, particularly anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, as a consequence of this control. These disorders can be treated via conventional means and are believed to be a psychological response to SCP-7219's effect on their psyche. Persons that have been contacted by SCP-7219 describe it as a heavily burned, emaciated, male human with luminescent yellow eyes displaying signs of acute radiation syndrome, with several accounts describing it as possessing areas of exposed bone and muscle mixed with embedded lengths of rusting metal. All accounts have described SCP-7219 as being extremely tall, with molten material orbiting it in loose rings. Its face is barren of flesh, with visible musculature partially hidden beneath a mask of its own sloughed-off facial dermis, lashed to its head with cord or wire. Numerous dream journals and notes have described the anomaly pleading with them to aid it, and reporting feelings of empathy toward the entity. During attempted interviews conducted by sleeping Foundation staff, the entity has proven largely uncooperative, frequently coercing the dreamer into aiding its goals. SCP-7219 consistently pleads with the subject3 to free it from its subterranean prison, providing them with detailed knowledge of the anomaly's location and hand excavation techniques. No discernible patterns have been identified in the range of persons affected by SCP-7219, though it most commonly targets male individuals between the ages of 20 and 60 at an average rate of one person per three months. To date, all affected individuals have continued excavation over the site despite the area's high radiation levels, causing them to develop acute radiation syndrome. These individuals will continuously excavate the area, stopping only if they need to rest or hydrate. This behavior continues unless they are forcibly removed, or they expire due to the present radiation. Addendum-1: SCP-7219 was discovered in October 2013 following the detection of a radiation spike in the area, alongside a 73% increase in missing persons reports in the following months. Due to longstanding suspicions of a GOC facility in the area, the area was rapidly investigated, and it was soon determined that a large subterranean bunker had suffered a catastrophic nuclear incident. While signs of anomalous activity and the presence of an organized evacuation were detected, no connection to any group of interest could be made at the time, due to the area being entirely abandoned. As a result, the bunker was considered low priority due to a lack of anomalous activities. In 2015 a standard review of the area discovered that excavation of the facility was being undertaken by civilians. The area was immediately cordoned from the public, and an investigation into the excavation discovered lethal amounts of radiation, radiation-damaged excavation equipment, and the corpses of 78 missing persons, all of which had expired from acute radiation syndrome. Investigation into the deceased's belongings led to the discovery of documentation alluding to SCP-7219, with the following investigations discovering the anomaly proper. Addendum-2: Due to the radiation levels within the excavation over SCP-7219, the majority of individuals drawn to the area have been observed to suffer acute radiation syndrome. Initially, this was observed only in those who had visited the excavation in person, but an investigation into the backgrounds and homes of afflicted persons has detected varying amounts of gamma radiation in their beds and clothing. The discovery that dream-based exposure to SCP-7219 is extremely hazardous necessitated Foundation acquisition of all affected areas, including 28 homes, 3 apartment complexes, 17 automotive vehicles, and one therapist's suite. Individuals affected by ARS in this manner were initially treated within a sterile wing of the containment complex due to the destruction of their immune systems. The usage of experimental anomalous medical techniques to treat the affected was approved with the goal of developing effective treatments to be used across the Foundation. Despite extending the life expectancy of the victims to a maximum of 349 days and partially repairing genetic damage, they still underwent severe loss of skin, muscle and flesh, vomiting and diarrhea, leukopenia, seizures, hypotension, hemorrhaging and shock leading to total organ failure and death. As a result, the Ethics Committee suspended all treatment and testing on individuals affected by SCP-7219 related ARS in November 2018 and has approved the usage of euthanasia in afflicted persons. Addendum-3: The following is a brief catalogue of relevant documentation discovered within SCP-7219's area of effect, presented in chronological order. A complete list of collected documents can be seen in Document-SCP-7219-RD19. Recovered Documentation: SCP-7219-DW-2 I had that dream again. Definitely going to have to tell Sam about it. It started out like that one with the girl I like working at the gas station, but then the whole place lit up with green fire. The walls all melted away, and it was like I was suddenly in like a cave or mine or something. I could tell it was hot, and that the air was air and water at the same time, somehow. I was moving through it, and then I saw this thing walk out of the dark. It was like a really tall guy, but he looked melted and skinny and stuff, with some bones showing. It was wearing rags and sacks like robes, and there were these bits of metal stuck in its back and chest. It spoke to me, knew my name, told me to go out to a specific spot in the woods and dig it up, because it said it was in a lot of pain being stuck down there. I googled the spot after I woke up, and it looks the same as in my dream. Maybe I'll check it out with the gas station girl on Halloween? I really need to stop watching horror movies though. Its face was all fucked up, like someone had cut it off and he'd tied it back on with shoelaces. I even asked about it in the dream, and the guy said it was the only way to get it to stay back on. Who dreams of this shit? Notes: Along with this entry in his dream journal, a rough drawing of a humanoid figure presumed to be SCP-7219 was included. Recovered Documentation: SCP-7219-DW-7 I've been digging every day, but the dreams won't stop. I feel sick. The more I dig, the worse it gets, like a bad sunburn all over. I'm throwing up and my hair and nails are falling out. Sam said I had a nosebleed last night but I didn't have the guts to tell the truth and say it was from my eye. The guy knows about it, too. In my dream he apologized and said that it would stop hurting soon, to push through it. Even said he'd try to help me. This time it appeared with me on a roller coaster, so that was neat I guess. Still, I'm booked in to go to the doctor tomorrow. Notes: The final entry recorded by D███ W█████████, whose remains were later found within the excavation site during Foundation investigation. Recovered Documentation: SCP-7219-LCW-4 Patient N. has cut contact. Given their state of mind and deteriorating physical condition in the previous weeks, I decided to go through my notes from our previous sessions and I don't like what I see. It's clear that I did not entirely understand their concerns over the nightmares they were experiencing, and that I was incorrect in my assessment of them being a manifestation of survivor's guilt. What I took to be obsessive-compulsive behavior is clearly a break from reality, and they have become fixated on digging their hole in the woods. Noting for the record that should N. not answer their phone, I intend to talk them down from this course of action. Notes: Recovered from the offices of Dr. L███ C████ W█████, a psychologist working in the area. Consistent with the date signed in her notes, Dr. W█████ left her practice to perform a wellness check on patient N. The bodies of both Patient N. and Dr. W█████ were discovered within the excavation site. Recovered Documentation: SCP-7219-Dr. Adelheimer-1 Last night I was contacted by SCP-7219 in my sleep. While it was somewhat amenable speaking with me and answering questions, it proved difficult to engage with, as it was extremely focused on its attempts to make me participate in its excavation. I was also taken by surprise by how hopeless it seemed. It was far more pleading in its nature than what was presented in the documentation we have found, and I believe this will only increase with time. Below is an abridged interview I conducted with the entity. I have not included tangents or arguments here, as I was focused solely on obtaining information. Dr. Adelheimer: Hello, my name is Dr. Leslie Adelheimer, who are you?Dr. Adelheimer: We can discuss that in a minute. First I need to learn more about you. Do you have a name? How did you get where you are? Here the dream shifted, and I found myself sitting at an office cubicle before being tackled and kidnapped by shadowy men. I was thrown into a van, beaten and dragged into a sterile room, collared, and handcuffed. Dr. Adelheimer: Do you know who did this?Dr. Adelheimer: What does that mean? What happened in that bunker? The dream changed again. I could see through different eyes as a flying monster rampaged through corridors, shrugging off gunfire and practically exploding through the shadowy men. It kept going until it found its way inside a huge industrial room, glowing blue, before flinging itself into an enormous turbine above some sort of nuclear reactor. Dr. Adelheimer: No, but if we could get back on topic- Here the dream returned to the cavern with SCP-7219 looking at me. Dr. Adelheimer: I believe so, but if your chamber is breached the pressure would cause an unimaginable disaster. Nuclear contamination on a scale beyond anything we've ever seen.Dr. Adelheimer: Look, I'll do my best to get our people on it, alright? I cannot promise anything as yet. But you need to tell me, all those people in the pit, you do know they died, yes? They suffered greatly, and died in agony. How many lives were you prepared to burn through?After this point I was awoken by my alarm. Looking into the information given, we may be able to locate those holding it before the bunker's destruction and learn more about whose site we're guarding. I would also suggest investigating the potential to extricate SCP-7219 from its location safely. The Foundation has achieved loftier goals than this and would be better able to contain the anomaly than the situation currently allows. Notes: Following this communication, the Foundation began an investigation into GOI deaths within a 75km area, and found ██ members of the Global Occult Coalition had died within a 24-hour period of one another via unknown means. The Foundation has reached out to the GOC for questioning but has not received any reply. Sketch of SCP-7219 found within Recovered Document: SCP-7219-NM-12. Recovered Documentation: SCP-7219-NM-14 I had another dream about him, the man in the pit. We were in a hospital, walking down a corridor together, and it was like I was a doctor, but he was the same as ever, the air crackling like a fire. As we were walking he looked at me and said that I was doing a good job with the pit, and asked why I'd stopped coming, so I told him about how sick I'd been getting and asked him if he means to let me get as sick as do, why doesn't he stop. He just shook his head at me and said "but I do hurt you, and I'm sorry. It won't stop." It felt like an apology, and I was going to say something else but then we were in an operating theater at the bottom of the pit he lives in. That glowing nuclear stuff was all around him, swirling like a snake or something. Then some skeletons dragged a gurney in, and Eliza was on it, strapped down. I tried to move, but he put a hand on my shoulder. He said I needed to understand what he was going through every day. I knew what it felt like from the other dreams, but this time he said I needed to see. Eliza started crying blood and thrashing about on the gurney. She was throwing up, wasting away, and almost liquefying. It was awful. But then, as suddenly as it had started I was standing in my room, watching her sleep peacefully. I went to the bathroom to splash water on my face, but in the mirror, he was my reflection. I got mad and punched the mirror, screaming at him for showing me that. He said that I needed to see it with my own eyes. Still, better for me to do it than for her. I made him promise that if I kept digging that Eliza wouldn't need to. He said that she wouldn't have to if I got him out. Then I woke up in a ditch, and saw I'd sleepwalked out to the pit. Might as well dig, he wouldn't have said that if I wasn't close to freeing him. Notes: As of the most recent iteration of this file, this document is believed to have been written by the final individual affected by SCP-7219 prior to the implementation of current containment procedures. Addendum-4: ++ Level 3 Clearance Required ACCESS GRANTED Following Dr. Adelheimer's interview with SCP-7219, Foundation investigation into the deaths of ██ GOC members believed to be linked to the bunker began. Initially, the details of the deaths matched SCP-7219's account of events, but as investigation continued discrepancies began to appear at an increasing rate. All locations where the deceased agents expired were found to possess extremely high levels of gamma radiation, with several having been destroyed in nuclear detonations. This investigation led to Elroy ████, a patient in a chemotherapy ward. Mr. ████ had previously been married to █████ ████, a known GOC operative observed to have died in the same 24-hour period as others linked to the facility. When questioned about the event, Mr. ████ became distressed and refused to cooperate with Foundation operatives, necessitating the use of a GOC liaison. After negotiations, it was agreed that the Foundation and the Global Occult Coalition would share information regarding SCP-7219. Global Occult Coalition files on SCP-7219 revealed that the entity was formerly an unnamed civilian, abducted for use in unspecified clandestine GOC operations. It was described as largely cooperative, but increasingly prone to mental instability, self-harm, and aggressive outbursts, and was being considered for termination prior to the destruction of the facility. It had been held for five years leading up to the loss of the Northwest GOC Oneiric research facility in a reactor meltdown consistent with SCP-7219's account. Primarily of interest to the Foundation was a file detailing the events of December 7 and 8, 2013, where ██ GOC operatives previously responsible for the management of the Northwest GOC Oneiric research facility died of radiation exposure and spontaneous nuclear detonations in their sleep. Each individual had staffed the facility for at least four years, with many of them directly working with SCP-7219. Following these events, the Global Occult Coalition orchestrated a decontamination and misinformation campaign to allay public concern regarding the detonations. These events were attributed to SCP-7219, with the anomaly being labelled as extremely dangerous. Following the sharing of information regarding SCP-7219, the Global Occult Coalition Liaison provided the witness statement of Mr. Elroy ████ regarding the death of GOC agent █████ ████. Witness statement: KOD Report: █████ ████ 7/10/13 Witness: Elroy ████ Statement: We went to bed like always, but sometime in the night, I got woke up by █████ screaming and hollering in her sleep. I tried to wake her, but she just started running around the room screaming like a mad thing. She kept saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't" over and over again. I grabbed her, tried to shake her awake, but she just stayed under. I didn't know what to do, and then she started almost rotting. Her skin started melting away, her hair and nails were falling out and she shoved me off her so hard. I was screaming her name, trying to wake her up, but nothing worked. She was crying blood, shriveling up, and screaming so much, just "I'm sorry I'm sorry" over and over. I went and shook her hard as I could, trying to wake her up, and she felt so hot. Felt like a sunburn just looking at her, let alone holding her. Then she threw me across the room, out the window, and I heard her scream just before I blacked out. Her work tells me the explosion came from inside her. Now my darling is dead, our house and memories are a crater, and her work insists on paying for my chemo even though all I want is to go be with her. Now get the hell out of my room and let me die in peace. The Foundation was informed that this statement was consistent with those given by witnesses to other detonations and that those who did not detonate were believed to have succumbed to rapid onset acute radiation syndrome. Given the consistency of statements given, it is believed that SCP-7219 is capable of inducing nuclear fission of cells within living persons under its effect. As such, all activities related to the extraction of SCP-7219 were suspended and methods of negating its anomalous effects are under investigation, with the possibility of termination under consideration. On 7/10/2022, all on-site personnel site experienced a dream where SCP-7219 addressed them personally. Upon investigation, it was determined that each affected person experienced a broadly similar dream, one of which has been transcribed by researcher Van Doorn. The dream began inside this hot, dark cave. I was standing knee-deep in glowing blue water, but the air was full of steam as well. There were ruins hanging from the cave roof and jutting out from the water, and I could see bones and ruined machinery throughout the area. The air was full of a droning, crackling sound that seemed to come from the water. The air hurt to breathe and felt awful on my eyes, but they wouldn't close. One end of the chamber was lit by an intense glow that only increased in intensity as its source approached. SCP-7219 came from that direction. The entity was extremely tall, above two metres easily. There was this lava floating in the air around it, almost like a planet's rings, and was the source of the light. It burned so badly, and it filled the air with this horrible buzzing sound the closer it got. It looked like its skin had essentially liquefied, causing it to stagger and shamble closer to me. It was knocking debris over as it approached, clearing a path for itself. I could hear its ragged breath from a ways off, and it was a rough, wet sound. Like sandpaper scraping raw flesh. When it came closer, I could see that it was staring at me. It looked furious, and its eyes glowed yellow and secreted vapor. I wanted to look away, but my eyes wouldn't move from it. Upon reaching me, it was clearly in an aggravated state and addressed me directly. Throughout the dream, I found myself unable to speak or move in any way.At this point in the dream, the setting began to change frequently. I could still hear SCP-7219, but I found myself standing outside the Containment Site, watching as it exploded into a mushroom cloud. The heat and dust melted my flesh and stripped me, but I couldn't wake up. People ran from the ruins on fire; they didn't make it far.The scene changed to a fireball rolling out ahead of the mushroom cloud, this time in St. Louis. The people and animals were writhing on the ground as they burst into flame and were blown apart like cigarette ash. I could see SCP-7219 silhouetted against the detonation, shaking like it was laughing.It changed again, this time to being on some kind of space station. Enormous detonations appeared in the dozens, spreading across the hemisphere and kicking up vast amounts of ash and dust. The only thing I could hear was 7219 laughing.The scene changed again, this time to Site-19. SCP-7219 was forcing the floating corium into SCP-[REDACTED], which appeared to make them follow it, their eyes taking on the same glow as its own eyes. The entire surrounding area was a blasted wasteland, raining acid that scorched all the remaining greenery.Now I could see an icy, bleak landscape. It appeared to be a sort of farm, with ragged people attempting to till the earth. They were starving, covered in blistered and burned skin, and blinded. Corpses littered the ground, ash rained from the sky, and the people communicated in only grunts and gestures. I saw one man collapse with all his fellows ignoring him, save for a child who seemed unable to comprehend why he would not rise. A pair of yellow mushroom clouds formed on the horizon behind the people. They didn't even bother turning their heads.The vision faded back into the cavern, the mushroom clouds becoming the eyes of the entity. I had fallen backward, into the water, simply staring up at it. It approached me and crouched over me, staring me in the eyes. Following this shared dream the majority of on-site personnel reported signs of radiation sickness, with several having received lethal amounts of radiation overnight or being the epicenter of nuclear blasts. This necessitated an evacuation of the containment site and the decision to automate all functions of SCP-7219's containment. All affected individuals were observed to remain under the control of SCP-7219 regardless of their condition and were subjected to larger amounts of radiation, leading to the permanent evacuation of all persons within a 100km radius of the site. In the following weeks, SCP-7219 was observed to affect individuals located significantly further than before, and at a drastically higher rate. As of the last update to this file, SCP-7219 has consistently contacted an average of four persons each night, at a maximum distance of ███km from its present location. E is for "Eternity" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub G is for "Grease" Footnotes 1. Dream-affecting. 2. A highly radioactive molten material composed of nuclear fuel and reactor construction materials created during nuclear reactor meltdown events 3. Including affected Foundation personnel. « SCP-7218 | SCP-7219 | SCP-7220 »
SCP-7221. Item #: SCP-7221 Object Class: Uncontained Special Containment Procedures: MTF Theta-1221 ("We Hate Clowns") is to be deployed to SCP-7221's location upon its manifestation. Members of Theta-1221 are to be trained in mimetic combat techniques in order to capture and contain SCP-7221. Description: SCP-7221 is a male humanoid wearing typical mime make-up. The subject possesses thaumaturgical properties, which it uses in aid of its mime street performance in Rhodes Town, Greece. To date, SCP-7221 has been observed to perform only minor acts of thaumaturgy such as applying invisible force to trip Foundation agents, erecting invisible walls to block thaumaturgical attacks, and scaling buildings with an invisible rope. Addendum 7221.1: The following log is a transcribed capture attempt on SCP-7221 carried out by Theta-1221. <BEGIN LOG> [SCP-7221 is visible at a street corner, performing a routine for tourists who toss in coins into its hat, which lays on the ground before it.] Theta-1: This is Theta-1 confirming visual on SCP-7221. Theta-2, 3, do you see 'em? Theta-2: Yes ma'am. Theta-3: Yes'm. Theta-1: Perfect. Let's move in. Try blending in with the crowd. [All three operatives move towards SCP-7221 from their resting point.] Theta-1: Three, you approach 'em first. Two and I will prep the trap. Theta-3: Aye aye. [Theta-3 approaches SCP-7221 and taps it on the shoulder. Theta-1 and 2 stand 2 meters behind SCP-7221 and begin deploying a portable reality anchor. As 3 gets its attention, SCP-7221 turns around the wrong way and notices the portable reality anchor. It produces a miniature umbrella from its pocket and opens it. Before the anchor can activate, SCP-7221 is lifted by a strong wind and floats 20 meters away.] Theta-3: We've been made! Theta-1: No shit. Time for a change of plans, boys! [Theta-1 mimes cocking a shotgun. Theta-2 and Theta-3 cheer.] Theta-2 and Theta-3: Yes ma'am! [The three operatives chase after SCP-7221, procuring mimetic firearms as they run.] [SCP-7221 lands on top of a nearby building, conjuring a "wall" as the operatives begin to "fire" on it. Theta-2 "produces" a stun grenade and throws it at SCP-7221, dazing the entity momentarily and allowing Theta-1 and 3 to land several "shots" on it before recovering and reinstating its "wall", beginning to run along the rooftop away from the operatives.] Theta-1: Two, follow it. Keep eyes on it at all times, stay in radio contact. Three, with me, we'll loop around, try to catch it off-guard. Theta-2 and Theta-3: Yes ma'am. [Theta-2 runs after SCP-7221, while Theta-1 and 3 make their way onto an adjacent street and begin to make their way in the same general direction as the entity. Theta-2 "fires" at SCP-7221, causing it to leap from the rooftops onto the street, where Theta-1 and 3 rapidly approach it, opening mime-fire on the entity. It seemingly dodges every shot, "catching" one between its fingers and flinging a "bullet" back at Theta-3, who is "hit" in the knee.] Theta-3: AAGH! Theta-1: Three's hit! Two, get your ass over here! Theta-2: Yes ma'am! [Theta-2 approaches the entity from behind and begins "firing". It retreats into a nearby alley, conjuring a "wall" as it does so.] Theta-1: Make sure Three's alright, I'm going after it. Theta-2: Yes ma'am. [Theta-2 drops to their knees and begins to examine Theta-3's "injury" as Theta-1 pursues SCP-7221 down the alleyway. As she continues her pursuit, SCP-7221 throws a large "object" at her, causing her to stop in order to avoid it. She "fires", hitting the entity in the foot, causing it to stumble. Theta-1 runs toward the entity, as it regains its footing and continues to run.] Theta-1: Get over here, goddamnit! [SCP-7221 rounds a corner, before coming to a stop, seemingly staring at something. A gunshot is heard, and SCP-7221 falls to the ground, bleeding from a gunshot wound on its forehead. A woman carrying a pistol approaches the entity, keeping the gun aimed at it. She speaks into a portable radio in her free hand.] Wire: Wire to Command, bogey down. [Wire receives a response through the radio, which the recording does not pick up. She lowers her weapon and turns to leave.] Theta-1: Hey! [Wire turns to look at Theta-1.] Wire: You saw nothing— Theta-1: Don't. Let me guess, GOC? Wire: Maybe. I'm guessing you're Foundation, based on the shenanigans you were engaging in. Theta-1: What? [Wire sighs.] Wire: You were chasing a mime with imaginary guns. You hit it with imaginary bullets. One of your guys back there is nursing an imaginary injury. What the fuck do you all do in your spare time? Sit in a room and make up the best ways of making yourselves look like fucking idiots to the wider world? Jesus. [Wire leaves. Theta-1 stands in silence for a moment.] Theta-1: Huh. <END LOG> Following this capture attempt, all known witnesses were amnesticized and SCP-7221 was reclassified as Neutralized. « SCP-7220 | SCP-7221 | SCP-7222 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-7725 • SCP-5047 • SCP-4206 • SCP-MYSTERY-J • SCP-4432 • SCP-4026 • SCP-7337 • SCP-020-J • SCP-3297 • SCP-3803 • SCP-7260 • SCP-726-EX • SCP-7724 • SCP-2983 • SCP-3923 • Tales/GoI Formats Robin • Before the Storm • Critter Profile: Maya! • Tim Wilson's Close Shave • Ace Of Hearts • (Too) Late Registration • UIU File: 2008-021 • Two Minutes To Midnight • #StormSite19 • Aces Deuces • RAISA-6147 (PENDING ASSIGNMENT) • 'Phoenix à La Mode' (KEN46/FRI98/PNX72) • Fanfa • UN's Proposal... Maybe. • Reality TV, Designer Pets, and Fine Dining • Other Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights • uncle nicolini author page • Ode To The Unknown Author •
SCP-7222. Item #: SCP-7222 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7222 is allowed free roam of the Kagan Memorial Recreation Center's swimming pool, as the recreation center is within Site-19's SARC (Site-Adjacent Residential Complex). Allowing SCP-7222 to fulfill its purpose improves its morale, and has the nominal benefit of keeping the floor of the pool slightly cleaner than normal. Description: SCP-7222 is a Pool Blaster CX-1 submersible robotic vacuum cleaner specifically designed to clean the floor and walls of a swimming pool. It is capable of completely digesting any object within its waste compartment and using energy gained in the process to sustain itself without electricity and attaining high speeds exceeding 90 kilometers per hour on land. Additionally, it is sapient; it is hypothesized to have spontaneously gained self-awareness and intelligence due to a combination of its prolonged close proximity to multiple sapient Artificially Intelligent Conscripts employed by the Foundation, its repeated exposure to reality-altering entities and phenomena, and its endearing anthropomorphism by pool patrons and staff. Despite these traits, its performance as a vacuum cleaner is below average for a product of its type. SCP-7222 in action. SCP-7222 cannot vocalize and is unwilling to communicate directly with Foundation personnel; its sapience was initially hypothesized due to and confirmed via observation of its other patterns of behavior. It prefers to remain within the swimming pool in which it is employed at all times, and reacts to verbal stimuli from pool patrons and attending Foundation personnel1. Although most are unaware of its sapience, many pool patrons have been found to refer to SCP-7222 in endearing, anthropomorphic terms. These include referring to it using human instead of object pronouns, assigning affectionate nicknames to it, and encouraging it in its cleaning. Though this was initially conjectured to be caused by a memetic compulsion effect, it is most likely a result of pareidolia2. Addendum: Relevant Surveillance Camera Logs For additional context, transcripts of several of SCP-7222's interactions with pool patrons and staff and its reactions to their conversations will be included below. Logs are autotranscribed and updated by NLOCCFL-TESUCOAR-ELAK-ASBSTD.aic. SCP-7222 appears to be especially receptive to conversations pertaining to Lake Providence, a local landmark 10 miles to the north of Kagan Memorial Recreation Center. As Lake Providence was a popular swimming location before the establishment of Site-19 and its SARC in 1986, older patrons often bring it up in conversation while swimming in the pool; it is also well-known among younger generations for its local historical significance. Since 1955, more than 100 noteworthy artifacts have been discovered within the lake, and a newsworthy event has occurred at or near the lake every year since Foundation record-keeping began in 1967. Begin Logs (Security Officer Tyler Umen sits at his lifeguard post. It is 3:30 PM. The pool is at capacity. SCP-7222 can be seen moving across its floor.) (An elderly pool patron wades towards Umen.) Patron: Wow. Wow. Umen: What's up? Patron: Nothin'. Nothin'. Just taking it in. Feels fuckin' great. Umen: Especially on a day like this. Patron: Damn right. Especially for an old motherfucker like me. (The patron laughs. Umen grins politely.) Patron: Back when I was a kid it would've been Lake Providence. (SCP-7222, which is passing by the patron, pauses.) Patron: Yeah. It used to be more than just a shoe polish factory's dumping grounds. We didn't have to worry about any of the shit that's goin' on now. Just swimming in that cool, clean water. Umen: Heard someone died there recently. Some kid. Patron: Yep. The boy got a brain-eating amoeba. (The patron looks around, absentmindedly stirring the pool water at his waist.) Patron: Gotta clean that place out. Ain't nothing like swimmin' in a lake. I swear, if they cleaned Lake Providence out like it used to be you'd be out of work. Ain't nothing like it. (The patron wades away from Umen, and SCP-7222 continues moving across the floor of the pool.) (A group of people — presumably a family consisting of a grandfather, his children/children-in-law, and his infant grandchild — is gathered on the pool deck. It is 5:03 PM.) Patron (Father): …like that drought. I remember that. (An older patron in the group, presumed to be the former patron's father, nods.) Patron (Grandfather): Just what I'm talkin' about. That was a hell of a time. My uncle — he was a farmer — had to come over and sleep in our guest bedroom. Everything just dried up! But then- Father: At Lake Providence- Grandfather: On the bottom of Lake Providence. You know what they found? A fuckin' dinosaur! A fossil! The most perfectly preserved one ever found in this state. And when they sold it to the Natural History Museum in Philly, they got enough to pay for better irrigation systems. And back 20 years ago, remember that? Father: The old briefcase? Patron (Mother): Now what are you on about- Father: Don't tell me you don't remember that. It was in all the newspapers. Grandfather: Some young boy was out swimming, having a good time, and his foot brushed up against somethin' — and when he hooked it in his foot and pulled it up- Father: It was his grandpa's briefcase. Had all sorts of shit from the war in it. Grandfather: Old passport, army bible, Japanese flag he took as a trophy — his family'd been lookin' for that shit for years. And it was preserved! Nearly perfect! That's what I'm talking about. There's been more, probably tons of shit we don't know about it. And that's why they shut it all down. Father: All right, I was with you 'til now. (The older patron scoffs.) Grandfather: Of course you don't know what's really goin' on. Why do you think we can't swim there no more? Mother: The brain-eating amoeba. Grandfather: Now, somethin' doesn't quite add up. 'Cause I was over there dippin' my whole head under every week when I was — since I was Niveah's age, and I didn't get no brain-eating ameoba or plankton in my head or nothing. And the shoe polish factory only came to town after the dinosaur, and the briefcase, and loads of other shit made the news. (The older patron taps his head with his finger.) Grandfather: Lake Providence was a gift from God. And they don't want nobody gettin' any closer to God or nature. That's why we can't go there no more. Mother: Who's "they?" (The older patron ignores her.) Grandfather: That's why we gotta go to the pool. They want our kids to go in there and get that chlorine all in their brains so they don't wanna go out no more and get addicted to League of Legends or World of Minecraft or that Satanic Grand Theft Auto bullshit. It's all part of their plan to control us all. Father: (To mother) This is what I was warning you about. Grandfather: Laugh at me all you want! Laugh at me all you want. But the fact is — we gotta take matters into our own hands. Someone's gotta clean out Lake Providence himself, 'cause the government ain't doin' shit. Mother: Whatever you say. (The younger male patron points at Security Officer Darryl Hayman, who is sitting at a lifeguard post adjacent to the pool's shallow end. Hayman turns to him.) Father: Careful now. You never know who they've got listening to you. Hayman: What? (The older patron shakes his head and sits back.) (For the past few minutes, SCP-7222 has been clinging to the wall of the pool closest to the family and bobbing at the surface of the water. When their conversation ends, SCP-7222 returns to the pool's floor and continues moving across it.) (Drs. Jeremiah Cimmerian and William Wettle stand in the pool next to the rope delineating the shallow and deep ends. It is 6:20 PM — adult swim. They and an older civilian are the only people in the pool.) Cimmerian: …short notice. Still, it's good to be able to relax before getting into it. Wettle: Sure. If that's what you want to call it. (Cimmerian glances at Wettle.) Cimmerian: I was the one who twisted Simmons' arm into letting us have a little break, you know. I've been briefed on everything else you've had to do. I mean, it's no lake day, but you could at least pretend you're enjoying yourself more than usual. Wettle: All right. This is better than a day at the lake. I'll give you that. Cimmerian: I know Lake Providence isn't as nice as it was when I was a kid, but it'd be better than this. No chlorine, no strangers' bodily fluids — a lot bigger and deeper, too. Wettle: Are you sure you know who I am? (Cimmerian shrugs.) Cimmerian: What's the worst that could've happened? (Cimmerian turns away. SCP-7222 passes behind him. It runs over Wettle's foot, then turns in the direction of a nearby penny.) Wettle: Ow! Shit! (SCP-7222 passes over the penny but fails to pick it up, instead launching it upwards with such force that it exits the pool and arcs perfectly into Wettle's mouth. Wettle begins to choke and clutches at his throat.) Wettle: Help. (SCP-7222 turns around and quickly moves away from Wettle before disengaging itself from the pool floor and colliding backwards with Wettle's lower abdomen. Nothing happens; Wettle continues choking, and SCP-7222 moves away from him again. Taking a longer running start, it rams Wettle again with more force — the penny is dislodged from his throat, but he loses his footing and falls backwards onto the rope delineating the deep and shallow ends of the pool. The penny bounces off Cimmerian's head and lands on the pool deck in front of him.) Cimmerian: Oh, look. (Cimmerian picks up the penny and turns to Wettle. The latter man is in the process of attempting to disentangle himself from the rope.) Cimmerian: Did something happen? I was dozing off. (Wettle glares at Cimmerian. SCP-7222 begins to move away from the two men.) (SCP-7222 is moving across the pool floor towards an orange object, presumably a rubber hairnet. It drives over the object and fails to pick it up. It repeats this several times before turning away.) (A pool patron — a young man — passes by, watching SCP-7222.) Patron: Come on, little buddy. You can do it. (SCP-7222 turns back towards the hairnet and passes over it without picking it up again. It repeats this five more times, driving backward and forward. On its sixth try, it finally picks up the hairnet and sucks it completely into its waste compartment. The patron applauds.) Patron: There you go! Good job! (Security Officer Umen, sitting at his lifeguard post, laughs and addresses the patron.) Umen: Don't patronize him. It'll go to his head. Patron: How? He hasn't got one. (Both laugh. SCP-7222 continues slowly away from them into the pool's deep end.) (It is 6:54. Five patrons remain in the pool. Security Officer Umen stands by the poolside, looking at his phone with his whistle in his mouth. At 6:55, Umen blows the whistle.) Umen: Almost 7:00! Everyone out the pool! It's closing time! (The patrons leave the pool and begin to pack their things. SCP-7222 appears to pace across the bottom of the pool. Security Officer Hayman unlocks a gate to a walkway leading to the recreation center.) Hayman: Make sure to grab your clothes, your keys, and don't forget your kids! (SCP-7222 climbs up the wall of the pool, exits, and moves towards the end of the pool deck farthest from the patrons and the two security officers. It pauses before moving back into the pool — it appears to have left a necklace and two mismatched hoop earrings on the deck.) (The patrons have all exited. Umen and Hayman begin to clean the pool deck and fish trash and leaves out of the pool. Umen notices the jewelry from afar and walks over to retrieve it.) Umen: Hey, Darryl. Someone left some jewelry here. Hayman: Give me it. Might still be able to get it back to whoever lost it. (Hayman walks to Umen, converses with him for a few seconds, and takes the jewelry.) (While the security officers are occupied, SCP-7222 exits the pool and quickly moves to the open gate.) (Hayman brings the jewelry to the pool's front gate, shouts after the patrons who remain in the recreation center's parking lot, then places the jewelry on a table next to the entrance. He shouts at Umen.) Hayman: I'll just leave it over here. Whoever lost it's gotta come back for it tomorrow. Umen: Sounds good. (Umen returns to cleaning the pool. After a few seconds, he stops, scans the pool and the pool deck, then shouts at Hayman.) Umen: Where's 7222? (Umen and Hayman are reviewing security camera footage on the recreation center computer. SCP-7222 can be seen exiting the recreation center's parking lot and hesitating before turning right.) Umen: Where could it possibly be going? Hayman: It's probably gonna show up somewhere. All we've got to do is report the breach. I don't- (Umen sits up and snaps his finger.) Umen: Oh, my god. Hayman: What? Umen: Lake Providence. It's going to Lake Providence. Hayman: How do you- oh. Oh, that's gotta be it. (Umen and Hayman stand up. Umen retrieves a shepherd's hook3 from the side of the pool and follows Hayman to his car.) (Security officers Umen and Hayman are in Umen's car. Hayman drives; Umen holds the shepherd's hook out of the car and uses his free hand to hold his cell phone.) Umen: …surprised this didn't get through earlier, considering we've got an active containment breach on our hands, so — look. All we need is a task force equipped for nonlethal small entity capture on Access Road 19-03. That's all I'm — which one? SCP designation 7222. Are you… stop laughing! (Umen huffs and throws his phone into the backseat.) Umen: She hung up. Hayman: Figures. (Far ahead of the car, SCP-7222 becomes visible moving down the shoulder. Hayman points.) Hayman: We don't need 'em. Get ready. (Umen leans out of the window, holding the shepherd's hook in both hands. Hayman accelerates the car, and they quickly gain on SCP-7222.) Umen: Is it getting faster? (SCP-7222 accelerates, and Umen swipes at it with the hook. He misses, and SCP-7222 overtakes the car.) (The car and SCP-7222 pass a sign: LAKE PROVIDENCE — 1 MILE.) (The car trails behind SCP-7222 by approximately three meters.) Umen: Speed up! Hayman: On this road? Umen: We can't let this thing break containment. Hayman: Come on, man. They don't even care. Umen: We can't. (Hayman sighs, stares grimly forward, and accelerates the car. It closes in on SCP-7222 by one meter before the entity quickens its pace. The car now trails behind SCP-7222 by approximately five meters.) Hayman: I'm not getting us in an accident over that thing. (Lake Providence becomes visible. SCP-7222's pace becomes faster as it rounds the last curve to the lake.) (SCP-7222's speed is such that its treads begin to melt. It leaves long lines of burnt rubber behind it as it continues forward.) (Approximately ten meters from Lake Providence, a large portion of the left side of SCP-7222's casing spontaneously shatters. SCP-7222 continues forward unimpeded.) (Approximately six meters from Lake Providence, SCP-7222 crosses from the road into the grass. The change in terrain and the entity's speed cause it to tumble end on end before coming to rest upside down approximately three meters from the edge of Lake Providence. Officers Umen and Hayman stop their car, exit, and run towards it.) (SCP-7222 twitches, rocks itself back and forth, and rights itself. Umen dives at it, but it narrowly escapes and moves the remaining distance to Lake Providence.) (As Umen and Hayman look on, SCP-7222 moves into the lake. It activates its vacuum, and plumes of soil from the lakebed are sent up by the motion. As the soil settles, SCP-7222 becomes partially buried. As it continues deeper into the lake, it buries itself further.) (After one minute, SCP-7222 is no longer visible. Umen and Hayman stand by the lakebed. Umen curses, turns away and begins to brush grass off of the front of his shirt and pants.) Hayman: I'll call them this time. Umen: Thanks. End Logs Addendum: Updated Containment Procedures SCP-7222 is most likely still active within Lake Providence, as is evinced by the frequent detection of small upwellings of soil consistent with its exhaust patterns from the bottom of the lake and the fact that it still has not been found despite extensive sweeps of the surrounding area. As its presence within the lake is hardly noticeable and it does not and likely will never exhibit any desire to leave, its containment procedures have been revised to allow it to roam freely within Lake Providence. Of note: since SCP-7222's introduction into Lake Providence, the lake's Naegleria fowleri (colloquially known as "brain-eating amoeba") population has declined considerably. Footnotes 1. Due to Kagan Memorial Recreation Center's location within a SARC, all employees — recreation center staff, pool maintenance assistants, and lifeguards — are low-level security personnel employed by the SCP Foundation. 2. The human tendency to observe patterns — in this case, a face and seemingly intelligent behavior — in random, disordered visual stimuli. 3. A tool used to aid drowning individuals in exiting a pool. « SCP-7221 | SCP-7222 | SCP-7223 »
It Came From Their Stars BY ORDER OF THE OVERSEER COUNCIL The following file describes a Level 10 Class extraterrestrial threat. Due to its nature, variants redacting confidential Foundation information have been provided to various Foundation contacts, such as the GOC, as well as various contacts among world governments with the Foundation. 7223 Item#: 7223 Level3 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: As of 5/29/22, new instances of SCP-7223 are to be contained if possible, or terminated if not apprehended within 60 hours. Weaponry capable of operation outside SCP-7223's zone of influence, such as artillery or aircraft, are to be used, if possible. Should termination outside an SCP-7223 instance's anomalous zone be infeasible, heavy weaponry such as tanks are to be used, and termination of civilians attacking Foundation Personnel is authorized. The GOC have signed a joint agreement to contain any SCP-7223 instances (see Addendum 2). Instances contained are to be stored in lead room, surrounded by lead bricks, preferably in off-world containment1. Former Containment Procedures Hide Former Containment Procedures Special Containment Procedures: As of November 18, 2021. The area around SCP-7223's zone of influence is to be secured and quarantined, and all personnel are barred from entering or leaving without level 3 or above clearance. The town containing SCP-7223 is to be removed from all mapping services, with a 10km roadblock. All outgoing signals are to be blocked. When possible, drones are to be utilized instead of personnel. Update: As of 2/1/2021, all personnel, including D-Class, are banned from SCP-7223 without clearance from any Level 4 researcher assigned to 7223, or Head Researcher Dr. Laurent. In all possible instances, drones are to be utilized in place of personnel. Description: SCP-7223 is a comet of artificial origin, measuring 2m3. Its shell is made of plutonium (deemed ‘SCP-7223-1'). Its internals are made of various shard-like structures mostly made of silicon microchips, with a tiny piece of uranium (deemed ‘SCP-7223-2'). Its lower structure contains Space Ship components, including thrusters, fuel, and an FTL drive (similar to the one found in SCP-2669). The radiation emitted by SCP-7223-1 is harmless, with 0 reports of radiation-based damage occurring in subjects. However, when the shell is connected to the shards, SCP-7223 entrances subjects within its radius, causing blind defense and worship of the anomaly, up to, and including death. With prolonged exposure, SCP-7223 is able to rewrite subject DNA, including from DNA from species other than its host, such as Mammalian to Reptilian, and vice versa.2. NOTICE: The following describes SCP-7223/Zeule Comet Incident. As it stands, SCP-7223/Zeule is the only known SCP-7223 instance. Initial Discovery: SCP-7223 landed on October 30, 2021 in the town square of Bauerheim, Austria3. Initial suspicion came when reports of Bauerheim citizens refusing to leave the town, causing an Austrian Investigation. The Foundation was notified by the Austrian government of its situation after their agents refused to leave as well. The Foundation opened an investigation, selecting Dr. Jack Rivera as head researcher, organized from Site-54. The Foundation as well as the Austrian government ordered a roadblock of ten kilometers to isolate and prevent further civilian interaction with Bauerheim. On November 10, 2021, D-01911 is selected for initial insights on Bauerheim. D-01911 was equipped with a recording device, as well as a parabolic microphone. Various testimonials are collected by locals of Bauerheim, found below (D-Class speech removed for brevity). Bauerheim: Citizen interviews Bauerheim: Hide interviews. “Oh, yes uh—name? Right, uh Christof █████. How have I been? Well uh…last few…sorry, my um…I lost my dog a month ago and still a bit…”(subject swallows, followed by a silence) “I…I apologize, haven't been myself. Work's been…work, y'know? Just…slower, but, over the last week or so…I—I guess I'm gettin' over it. The—what? Oh, the comet? Yeah, it um…I dunno, you just walk near it and feel…lucky? I guess, I—” (subject laughs to himself) “sorry I'm uh—not really—haven't thought about it, but, uh I think that was about when it came in. Guess its my good luck charm?” (Subject chuckles to himself) “man, sometimes I just…say things.” “Yeah, I can talk. Name? Yeah, Matilda ██████. I do not believe I have felt safer than these last couple weeks. It is…strange. The best way is—you ever wake up, and just…feel…good? It is like that, but days on end. Guess I have good streak? It's like I wake up into newfound energy, ya'know?” “Name? Oh, uh—Gunther. Gunther—oh, last name not—alright, uh…I dunno. Couple weeks back, got laid off my job—sent the jobs overseas cause…cheap, and…meds gone. Depression meds dried up on the…31st? I wanna say? But so far, I've been feeling well. Like a new energy. Community has been great too, neighbors gave me some cash for rent this month, all-in-all, things are looking up I would say. The—the what? Oh, Comet! I thought you said comment! Sorry, yeah, yeah I uh—I never really noticed it, ya'know? Just…townsquare and there's a sphere. Whoopee doo, spheres are great. I guess.” “The…comet? Yeah, I know—the one in the square? I have always wondered—huh? How do I ‘feel' about—well, for one thing, I guess I like it? I dunno. It's a comet. Kinda cool, I guess. Not much thought on it, to be honest.” “Yeah, I have time to talk. Lately I feel a bit better. I have had a lot of time enjoying myself, that feeling of empty…nothing is gone, which is nice. Been working on my art, I actually, have a…” (Subject pulls out a phone) “…image of what I am working on right here, neat, right? I know, they're such good oil colors! Ah, I love them! What is it about? A second chance, happiness—the sphere? Oh, yeah. That is the uh comet in the center of town. Yeah, since then, I feel—it came around when I started feeling better, oddly. I don't know why.” “My name is John ██████. Aspiring author, penname John Smoothpen. Started another new piece of work. What's it about? Sci-fi, really been writing it lately, sit down and just word word word word word, y'know? No? Ah, well—writing's not for everyone, I guess. What's it about? A second chance. A second redemption, the hero loses everything, but rags to riches. Any other comments on the—naw, sorry. Confidential, know how it—the comet? Oh, yeah! Funny you should mention that, I actually put the comet in my book. Why? It's a force of good, like—you know how you see a shooting star and make a wish? Yeah, like that. “Yeah, Erik ██████, brother of John, back there. I love his book! So much—just—you'd have to—you need to read it, I promise it's good! About? Who cares? Just read it. The Comet? Oh—he has that in his book if you can believe it. I really liked its inclusion! It's like—you a Christian? No? Oh, well—well you know Jesus, and—yeah, the comet is…I mean, it doesn't like—die for our sins, but, it—it's like…salvation. Like the hero…needs saving, and it's there.” (Subject laughs to himself) “tell you to read it and here I am tellin' ya the best parts. Ah, well, best of luck.” In short, the comet is most often seen as a benevolent force by the affected. It has been noted conversations invariably required the interviewer to ask about SCP-7223 for the anomaly to be mentioned. For the most part, interests and hobbies were unaffected, with the exception of creatives, utilizing the comet in their works, common themes of freedom, salvation and a second chance. Various topics mentioned by interviewees included (but not limited to): Comments about 'new' energy and happiness. Many stated the comet felt like a 'good luck charm'. Warmth and Safety. Community. The feeling of being used4. A second chance. According to Austrian officials, data sent corroborated the stance SCP-7223 did not affect day-to-day life. After a three day period of collecting testimonials, D-01911 refused to return to Foundation custody, even after threat of termination. However, D-01911 did not destroy his camera or microphone. It was decided by Dr. Rivera to allow D-01911's continued existence under monitoring by research staff, until their microphone and camera ceased communication. Senior Researcher Dr. Anastasie Laurent proposed an experiment to test the strength of these noted topics through an experiment designed to interact with the bystander effect5. One D-Class, D-89172, former boxer, finds a subject of similar strength and assault said individual. D-89172 is given heavily padded gloves to reduce possible damage. Results: D-89172 found a male subject, 5cms taller, and visibly stronger, and punched directly in the chest. Once the first punch is landed, the nearby civilians immediately turn towards, and charged D-89172. Before D-89172 is restrained, subject lands blows on the eye and face of target, before being carried to the outskirts of town. Once reaching the edge of SCP-7223's zone, D-89172 is thrown, as the community forms a Human wall. D-89172 is returned to Foundation Custody. The following is an audio log from Dr. Laurent "After our experiment, the bystander effect was entirely ruled out, as the community helped. In this instance, however, the community—all at once—came together and, without hesitation, swarmed D-89172. The subject D-89172 was larger and — in all likelihood — this was unneeded, as the two seemed evenly matched. The concerning issue, however, is the coordination and, more crucial, immediacy in their response. This was initially considered mob mentality6 by my colleagues. However, it cannot be, their response happened in unison after the first punch was dealt. They all threw the D-Class out of the town together. Mob mentality manifests with context, not without, after seeing the group. Imagine—the main test, is noting which sentence is longest, if I remember. But, after 11 paid off to say the shortest sentence of multiple is the longest, the 12th will sometimes pick the same; it's wrong, obviously, but, they think maybe they're the one wrong. This is more similar to a hive mind, if anything. Seemingly soft, but their united response is too fast for individuals to make decisions from information. If their reaction time was that fast, D-89's punch would've been blocked. But a hive mind, at least a soft one, however, makes sense, perhaps a partially shared conscious. We looked into some other possible answers, but they were fruitless. Kant Counter reported nothing notable, XACTS we gave a shot, but found no temporal funny business. As well, we kept trying to mention fifthist filth, 5s, stars, uh…starfish, but they didn't bite. SCP-1425 had reality bending properties, so it was already considered unlikely, especially considering a lack of grand changes, such as Ojai syndrome from 1425. Because of this, we believe it is something else. We have no idea yet, but alas, this is where we're at.” END LOG A week later, it is noted the man assaulted by D-89172 has their bruised areas replaced with patches of what appear to be purple skin. As well, part of their eye has slowly turned, resembling that of the alligator genus. A new set of tests were devised, the intention to lure subjects away from Bauerheim. The tests are logged below: Test Method Results Reaction to weapons D D-Class is armed with an unloaded airsoft weapon, its orange tip painted, to see the reaction Community immediately took the D-Class' weapon, forming a Human wall to prevent entry. D-Class was assaulted when approaching the wall, but subjects refused to chase the D-Class. Valuables A D-Class is to steal various valuables, brandishing them outside SCP-7223's zone. D-Class stole 16 valuables, and hovered outside the zone. The citizens demanded their items back, but refused to chase, even as the D-Class ran away. The D-Class eventually gave the items back, noting a lack of aggression on the part of the subjects. Leaving for gain An Austrian official, with ID, awards 10 million dollars, but requiring leaving Bauerheim At first, subject was ecstatic. However, once realizing they were required to leave Bauerheim, they informed the Official 'sadly, I have no interest in the money now'. When inquired, no answer was provided. Experiment Log, 7223/11/18/21: One D-Class was sent to the center of the town with a camera and parabolic microphone to touch SCP-7223. The log is as follows: This log is most definitely getting edited to hell and back but man did I have fun writing it this way. Experiment Log - 11/18/21 audio transcript. Hide Log? D-13987: "I found the comet. What'd you say you wanted me to do again?" Dr. Jack Rivera: "Approach the comet. Do. Not. Touch it, yet." (Dr. Laurent can be heard from Dr. Jack Rivera's recording, but she was not leading the operation.) "I am quite interested to see how they react." Dr. Rivera: Okay, D-13987, can you approach the object and get around…three meters away?" D-13987: "Huh? Which uh…which ones meters again?" Dr. Rivera: "We've been over — " (Dr. Rivera takes a deep breath) "…yards, then. Three yards or ten feet or whatever." D-13987: "Alright…" (D-13987 begins walking towards SCP-7223) Dr. Rivera: "Okay…okay, stop! There. Do you feel anything? D-13987: "I feel a bit…n — numb? I guess? Dr. Rivera: "Numb? Can you describe the feeling further?" D-13987: "Uh…like…numb…numb?" Dr. Laurent: "Does it feel like pins and needles? Or does it feel like there's nothing at all?" D-13987: "Uh…now that you mention — it feels — like — like…" (D-13987 pauses, wiping his forehead) "it's…mostly in the extremities? Like…" Dr. Laurent: "Do you mean your limb, or the tip of your limb?" D-13987: "Oh, right, more like…well, I guess it's spreading? But…it feels like static I guess, little — little dots of numbness, if that makes any sense." Dr. Rivera: "Dots of…numbness. Alright, pan the camera around please? D-13987: "Like…left and right, or — " Dr. Rivera: "Yes." (13 begins panning the camera, noting the community members ignoring 13.) Dr. Rivera: "Okay. Step one meter closer. (D-13987 steps closer to SCP-7223. Upon stopping, the parabolic microphone loses background audio, as D-13987 notes) "I feel it spread further. The uh…feeling…" (D-13987 begins panning the camera around, noticing the members of Bauerheim's local population motionless, collectively staring at D-13987.) "Uh…is that normal?" Dr. Rivera: "Negative. Can you continue describing the feeling?" D-13987: "It feels…like it's inside my…heart…why are they-do you know why they're staring at me? This is not-why are they-" Dr. Rivera: "Please stay on topic." D-13987: "What the — Jack! They're all fucking staring at me!" (A sigh from Dr. Rivera is heard) "Dr. Rivera, not Jack, please continue describing-" D-13987: "I feel static numb but more — what else do you — you — you want from — Jack, they're all glaring me the fuck down! What the fuck is going on!?" (Dr. Rivera groans) "This is a test. We need this information. So, I will ask one last time, how has the numbness feeling progressed since — " D-13987: "Fuck off! They're looking at me while you're in your shitty air conditioned room! I'm leaving!" (D-13987 begins stripping his microphone) Dr. Rivera: "Good luck with the embedded tracker." D-13987: "What!?" Dr. Rivera: "All D-Class are embedded with a tracker in case this happens. Now, finish the feeling." D-13987: "Oh, oh you…you, I'm gonna — " Dr. Rivera: "Yeah yeah, tell the MTF we'll send after you about your bullshit fantasies and tell me, what is the feeling?" D-13987: "Man, I…I…" (Deep breath) "…fine. Fine, it — " (D-13987 steps back to the position where the town began staring) "…it's like…it's like it's in my heart. When I — " (D-13987 feels for his pulse, before stating) "I can't feel my beat, even-heartbeat, I mean." (Dr. Rivera, under his breath): "okay…now…touch it." D-13987: "Touch it?" Dr. Rivera: "Yes. Touch the comet." D-13987: "Wh — what if-Jack, they're gonna kill me, man! I just know it! I-I just…" Dr. Rivera: "I…I'm sorry. I know." D-13987: "You — you know!?" Dr. Rivera: "I'm sorry, I know. It's why you're there, and I am…well…not." (D-13987 remains silent) Dr. Rivera: "You can either touch it, or we'll have no option but to terminate you." D-13987: "Wh — man I…I…" (Dr. Rivera sighs) "…look, I know it's not glamorous, or anything…but…" (Dr. Rivera swallows) "you gotta choice. Run, and we will sure as hell find you, or do it. And have solace it might be an important finding someday. Your choice." D-13987: "Well…" Dr. Rivera: "If you don't do it, another D-Class gets sent out tomorrow to take your place." D-13987: "Alright…" (D-13987 is heard muttering to himself 'someday…someday…someday…') (Upon touching SCP-7223, the parabolic microphone hears various shouts as the town swarms the D-Class. After approximately one minute, contact is lost.) Following this, more D-Class tests were done to test community reaction to different actions. Test# Variable Result Test #1 D-Class instead assaults SCP-7223 D-Class is found crucified the following day Test #2 Two D-Class, only one touches the comet Both D-Class are swarmed and killed Test #3 Previous, but D-Class assaults the comet toucher The community kills the D-Class who touched the comet. The other D-Class is thanked Test #4 2nd D-Class leaves before the comet is touched Half the village swarms the center, while the other half swarms outward. After an hour, the Community is gathered around SCP-7223 on their hands and knees. Following test #4, the D-Class is ordered to return to Bauerheim. Upon return, the community creates a Human wall, attacking when the D-Class reaches with 1 meter of the perimeter. On November 22, 2021, Dr. Jack Rivera received a promotion upon request to head a different project, personally selecting Dr. Anastasie Laurent as the new Head Researcher, with her background in Psychology and Biology, and current familiarity with the case itself. NOTICE: The following was under Dr. Laurent's tenure. Experiment Log 7223/11/25/21: Dr. Laurent's first experiment was utilizing a drone to scan SCP-7223. Drone was a standard civilian-class RC Car to blend in with the populous, outfitted with a WiFi-6 signal to be controlled remotely from Site-54, as well as an XR Deepground scanner. Results: Comet was analyzed over a period of 9 minutes, discovering the plutonium shell was only 15cms deep, while the innards were made entirely of silicon-based shards. Further scans noted these silicon structures resembled microchips. However, further scans show the plutonium shell contains a structure of silicon shards in the top half of the item (A). The halves were separated by a golden band of titanium containing various computer components (E), with the lower half containing a fuel tank ((B), with approximately 58% remaining), thrusters (C), with various fuel pipes routing through the plutonium shell (D). (Note: Landing Gear not shown. Drilling systems not found.) Diagram of SCP-7223, according to scans (components not to scale). The drone was retrieved and its recordings reviewed. Since this, many researchers noted the community staring at the drone once it reached with ~5 meters of SCP-7223. Experiment Log, 7223/11/28/21: A new test was devised to evaluate loyalty towards SCP-7223. Three D-Class were placed in the back of a trailer, connected to a truck. These D-Class were given 14 days worth of food and water each. After 7 days, a Foundation staff member would arrive on-site to drive the D-Class to a standard Foundation checkpoint. Trailer had various additional addons, such as a Geiger counter. Upon placing the trailer on-site, the Geiger counter detected immense amounts of radiation, analysis showing sufficient amounts to kill subjects within days. However, analyzing various community members spotted no discernable changes were found among the community, or the D-Class. It was, however, noted the vast amount of mutations, various members with patches of purple skin, as well as protrusions of mass, most often from knees and elbows. Results: Driver arrives on-site, and climbs into the vehicle without issue. Truck starts, driving at 30 km/h. D-Class in the back acknowledge the truck beginning its motion, but contain only neutral reactions. However, upon reaching the outskirts of town, the D-Class are seen staring directly at SCP-7223's location. Similarly, later analysis shows the town was staring at the approximate location of the truck. Upon exiting the area, the villagers resume their tasks. However, at this point, D-Class started slamming and shouting against the walls, begging and pleading to stop. Soon, they return to the door closest to SCP-7223 and begin clawing at the wall, streaks of blood appearing on the door. Upon reaching the location of the Foundation checkpoint, the driver shows his Foundation ID to checkpoint guards. After waiting for ten minutes, commotion among D-Class stops, and the guards open the back of the truck. The D-Class are all on the floor, their hands having been replaced by blood and bone. Later autopsy determined cause of death to be blood loss. Following this, Laurent writes an afterword: "I believe we have our answer. Subjects will do anything possible to remain under SCP-7223's influence. I cannot say what other situation this is analogous to, whether it is some type of dependence or addiction, or an anomalous need." Operation Broken Shard Procedures: A blizzard was estimated to occur on December 2-3. A Foundation-Austrian collaboration to remove shards from SCP-7223, as well as possibly remove civilians from the afflicted area. The following operation included: Emergency systems in Bauerheim would announce the disaster, persisting until its end. Austrian Emergency Relief personnel would be on-site to evacuate any civilians wishing to escape the situation7. They are to leave after one day, with replacement personnel. With permission from the Austrian government, the disaster relief personnel were amnesticized after finishing their shift. 4 Aerial Drones are tasked with drilling through the crust and retrieving a shard, with 10 accompanying land drone support. Land drones were armed with tasers and tear gas. Said drones are capable of operation in winds up to 70km/h, up to two meters of snow. Greater measures: - if necessary - are on the table, up to, and including, causing another disaster. Operation: Blizzard warnings began on the morning of December 2, with further weather confirmations of the upcoming blizzard. Bauerheim's warning system repeated an announcement on the Public Address System of an incoming blizzard with winds of 50km/h. The snowing started around 12:00, with winds reaching 50km/h at 13:27, with the PA system switching its message from imminent blizzard, to one in progress, as Austrian Emergency Relief forces arrived at the outskirts of town. The Foundation began utilizing their drones, with all drones swapping to heat-based visions. However, the cameras revealed a total of 0 civilians were moving beyond a walking pace. At this point, the 'Greater Measures' clause was activated, with an approved forest fire on the corner of town, with Firefighters coming from Innsbruck. After a quarter hour, various members concentrated near the fire formed a Human wall, as various members began running through the streets of the town, with vocalizations announcing 'fire' followed by 'Southeast'. Upon hearing the vocalizations, members would hurry towards the region of fire. After another 15 minutes, the town was gathered around the fire, employing various makeshift instruments, such as water buckets and blankets, to contain the fire on their own. Using this opportunity, the 4 aerial drones arrived and began drilling through the outer shell of SCP-7223, while land drones began encircling the perimeter. Mission lead, Matt Schmidt, ordered drone operators to prepare tear gas, but to not fire until community members begin attacking the drones. Once the drones reached an average drilling completion of 68%, the fire was 60% contained. One land drone was sent to observe the fire being put out. According to aerial drone scans, ~95% of the population was involved with the fire at this point. When 95% of the fire was put out, Aerial Drone #1 extracted one shard and flew towards a Foundation Checkpoint. The rest of the drones were tasked to collect multiple shards for testing purposes. Upon the fire being neutralized, the community dispersed, returning to their previous activities. Aerial Drone #2 acquired 3 shards, ordered to return to base. Aerial Drone #3 acquired 3 shards, ordered to return as well. Aerial Drone #4 was still drilling through the crust. At this point, community members spot light coming from the the drilling of SCP-7223, falsely beliving it was SCP-7223 itself. They began gathering, as land drone operators prepared for an assault. Aerial Drone #4 finally reaches inside the crust, ceasing its drilling, causing the light to cease as well. Community begins to investigate as three walk towards SCP-7223. Aerial Drone#4 collects its first shard, as a member spots the drone, beginning an assault event. Land drones launch tear gas around SCP-7223 and stun all subjects approaching the target. However, the subjects appear unphased by the tear gas, assaulting the land drones. Aerial Drone #4 collects a 2nd shard and is ordered to return immediately. Operator complies, flying upwards, out of reach. Following an assault by the community, all 10 land drones were destroyed. The PA alarms were cut by city officials, with Austria pulling its personnel in light of the Foundation's mission being complete, as well as the community being wholly unwilling to leave. The following day, it is noted many citizens with burns from tear gas have their affected areas being replaced by purple skin, with eyes appearing to be of reptilian origin. Dr. Laurent - Audio Log on Operation Broken Shard Access Granted. Close audio log? "This…changes things, at least a bit. Our main goal with the plan was the shards, nothing more. The blizzard happened to be there — we wanted to get a couple of civilians out of there, if we could. Mortal peril is generally the easiest way to test such issues. When put into the absolute worst situation, many will show their…true forms. The success at this point is…doubled edged, to say the least. We were unsure if the town would evacuate, there was nothing at this point which signified this, even, but figure having the option is still important. We did not expect them to sever all emergency systems — we figured at most they would just ignore them, but they were entirely severed. It means we know mortal danger is not enough, but… …and the skin changes…combined with the previous, it is clear our only option is to abduct someone for analysis. Under normal circumstances, Humans will do what they need to survive if it is at least perceived they will perish, stealing and other such crimes are usually done by the poor for this reason; it's either crime, or death. But the subjects in Bauerheim are no longer people. At least, non-anomalous ones. Their minds are warped, for whatever reason, they need to stay at the skip at all costs. We will, likely, resume testing after the shards have been analyzed and researched. As it stands, the nine or so shards in containment are Alpha priority. If it becomes too infeasible to research in a manageable timeframe, we will move on to the next operation. Abduction. Until then, all possible staff are on these shards. Small experiments will be still carried out — we have one with Austria assisting, in fact, but we do not need a researcher watching those, so Sgt. Schmidt will likely be the one recording the lesser tests, least for now." [END LOG] Experiment Log, 7223/12/5/21: Multiple D-Class with backgrounds in construction work are selected to represent a new project. With official Austrian government seals, signatures and permissions, a permit is acquired to build a structure around SCP-7223 made entirely of lead and concrete8. The group brings the proposal to the mayor, who immediately requests their presence to discuss the project in private with city planners. On the way, the mayor notes the event where, quote 'he was attacked'. Upon review of the proposal, however, the realization the structure lacks windows or doors causes concern. When informed it is non-negotiable, the proposal is swiftly declined, and the builders are ordered to inform the government of this. The following day, the builders return, informing the town the deal is non-negotiable. The builders are arrested and tried in court under the act of blasphemy. After an hour, the verdict is guilty, citing heretical actions and misguided intentions. However, their sentence is only exile, citing 'lack of malicious reasoning'. The group is escorted out of town. Further attempts cause plans to be denied upon mention. Research into the shards revealed each shard has a miniscule amount of uranium attached. Experiments giving D-Class shards with uranium caused attachment similar to the base SCP-7223 instance. However, these affects were not replicated when a D-Class subject was given a shard without uranium or vice versa. After attachment, restraining D-Class far from the shard would cause the loyalty affect to cease after approximately one week. Foundation Summit, 2021: In the weeks preceding the yearly Foundation Summit concerning threats to Humanity, SCP-7223 was greenlit a presentation. On December 21st, day three of the summit, Dr. Leon Schwartz gave a presentation on SCP-7223. The transcript is as follows: (Dr. Schwartz takes to the podium, taking a deep breath) "Good day, researchers. My name is Dr. Leon K. Schwartz of the SCP-7223 project. Current project lead is Dr. Anastasie Laurent, though the information pertaining to today's presentation is more linked to my field of expertise." (Dr. Schwartz takes a deep breath.) "SCP-7223 has shown changes to DNA in subjects alongside psychology, the fields Laurent is most versed in…" (Schwartz gives a brief summary of events) "…and now, we are at the shards. Scans have revealed these shards are made of silicon chips. We originally believed the other materials utilized in its composition were anomalous, but we were able to synthesize various compounds we had never seen. After further, extensive research, we determined these were not shards, but SSDs. Solid-State Drives, with a massive capacity of a thousand terabytes. The technology does not appear anomalous either, as creating new drives with the principals of the 'shard' SSDs, we were able to create a 128 Terrabyte drive, and we believe it can go higher. This is not an anomaly, as replication of its principals has already improved our drives by an amount the mind only wishes it could fathom. Our current conclusion is these drives are not anomalous, they are simply years ahead, supported by our successful efforts to reverse-engineer them. What matters is what's on these drives. These immense spaces, yet an average of 2.9% free space on each. So, the contents. We did not know what to expect, hell, we had a D-Class open the files, but nothing happened. What amazed us was the the files, they all had weird extensions, uh…think one was like…'ölzzt' or something? When opening the files, we got…strange results, one file would bug, unless opened with a video-playing software, it would display 'unrecognized format - extension not supported'. This may sound, to most, a shame. But to us? It meant something - the software recognized the file was, in fact, a video! It can tell! We had, among others, text files which opened in random gibberish, but it was consistent, random gibberish. We later dissected the file and found the file is based entirely on binary. More accurately, it appears to be a hexadecimal of some sort, but at its core, it was non-anomalous 1s and 0s. Finally, there were some picture files which opened up normally. They cannot be transferred, but the error message is in broken — well, I did these tests in German, but it was broken in any language. What is stranger is the contents - these contents - the pictures open fine, that was a bit of a pain, but broken down the code is storing information on pixels, issue is the images were in essentially 16k, they take a long time to load. However, we cannot copy these. Among the few images we saw, purple skies. Wildlife we had never seen, trees glew — glew? Glowed bright, eels 'swimming' in mid-air and, most commonly, bipedals. They resembled sharks and dragons — komodo, that is, among others, but they wore items. Many of the images were underwater — including homes, in fact, a world we have never seen. What's strangest, however, is the attached memetic effect to every image. On an image-by-image basis, we have noticed different feelings. Except, these aren't feelings, but more…nostalgic, I — " (Schwartz laughs to himself) "I'm IT, not a psycologist — right, I remember what Laurent said. The feelings we usually had were more…past tense feelings. Not Sadness, but Regret. Not Happiness, but Fondness. There were some more…eternal feelings, like sorrow and regret - one was a picture of someone on what appeared to be a deathbed. One image, a D-Class — I swear this happened — made a comeback. Like a debate years ago you looked for something better. She, admittedly, didn't know why she did so, but…the point is, we think we know what these images are. Memories. Memory files, an image and we — we no longer believe it is necessarily a memetic effect, but an attached emotion. Which is where my conclusion comes: this is not a wholly anomalous force, at least for our belief. Many of these images are civilian imagery in nature, so it's possible some alien Foundation is using a thaumiel on us, or containing their own keters by making it our problem. It's entirely possible we were the wrong target, as…as crazy as it sounds, but, I do not believe a random anomaly was sent by a god because he wanted to see O5 groan again. We already know it's extraterrestrial, but this newest data has confirmed it was made by life, and, funny enough, the team believes we know what they look like. Their intentions, however, we do not know. Their goal could be slavery, extermination, or just wrong shipping address. Whoever made it, it comes down to progress. Anomalous or scientific, what it is, its purpose, its…whatever, the most important part is simple: there is another species out there. They know we exist, and where we live, and can hit us. But, we do not know where are, and we cannot hit back." [END LOG] Following the presentation, many anomalies involving, or possibly being involved with extraterrestrial life, (Such as: SCP-2399, SCP-2460, and SCP-22229) to search for any possible link between them, and SCP-7223. However, no possible link was found besides extraterrestrial origin. Following another scan of Bauerheim, subjects on average displayed 70% of their composition being non-Human. December 23, 2021: After learning the trance of SCP-7223 can be broken, a plan is devised to take one subject displaying a severe lack of Human DNA to collect a sample of DNA, as well as learn if they can be broken from the trance as well. The plan was run by Sgt. Schmidt as supervisor. A van of eight foundation personnel are to apprehend a subject and bring them outside SCP-7223's zone, followed by sedation and analyzation, collecting tissue and blood samples, as well as scan with various medical and anomalous equipment including (but not limited to) X-Rays, Retina scans, and Brunning-Kant Viewer. The operation is considered failed at the six hour mark to prevent SCP-7223 entrancement, followed by debriefing, rewriting the plan based on data, and a new run with fresh personnel. The plan succeeds within two hours. While driving towards the checkpoint, it is noted the town reacts later than normal10, indicating SCP-7223's zone of influence may be expanding. However, as before, the town stares in the general direction of the van. Once leaving the zone of influence, captured subject begins screaming incoherently, sporadically interrupted by gibbering vocalizations and occasional aggressive shouts. Upon sedation, no anomalous scans find any peculiar behavior11, but medical tests found various inconsistencies, including dual heartbeats, finding the heart was half Human and half Shark-like in nature, bone structure was changing, as well as internal mass being of non-Human tissue, though much of it was similar in composition to, once more, sharks12. Multiple samples were collected, noting their composition being scale, not skin. Upon waking, subject ignored all stimuli from personnel, followed by further incoherent vocalizations, searching the area. Subject grabbed their chest, continuing their screams while attempting to break free of their restraints. Foundation Personnel drove the van back into SCP-7223's area of influence, as their screaming abruptly stopped. Upon being released, subject searched the area calmly, followed by inquiring their location. A conversation between Dr. Jacques Stern and the subject followed: Show Audio Log? Hide Audio Log? Interviewer: Dr. Jacques Stern Interviewee: Frederick (Fred) ████████13 Frederick: Subject clutches throat, but slowly pans head around the area, blankly starting. Subject begins calmly vocalizing, looking to the sky while continuing vocalizations. However, statement is cut off, followed by 51 seconds of silence, standing completely still. Subject rapidly shakes head, frantically searching around "where-how-I was-then…” Subject clutches head before taking a breath “I…thought I…migraine is…gone?” Subject turns to Jacques Stern Stern: “Sorry, do you speak English? Or, perchance-” Frederick: Groans “French, eh?” Stern: laughs in response “Sorry, I'm on holiday. My German is uh…quite dreadful, unfortunately. Funny, half German but grew up in France, so — ” Frederick laughs “Ah, it's all fine. Sorry, if I…I swear…I swear I was on the…other side of town…then…it's like I just…walked into a room, forgetting why I walked in, you know? Just…strange day." Stern "I understand that feeling all too well." Frederick "Thought I would ask, where you headed to on holiday? Vienna?" Stern: "Alas, it is a nice city, but not this time. Heading to Kaiserau." Frederick:"Ah, so, a skier I see?” Stern: “Of course. I would go to Swiss ones, especially since they are more likely speak my language, but they are just…not the same you know?” Frederick: “Reminds me on holiday when I drove to Czechia for a cheap beer.” Stern: “Ah, you understand then?” Frederick: “Of course! I sometimes head off to Augsburg so I don't have to deal with language barriers, but sometimes Prague is just the place.” Stern: “Yeah. I have been headed a bit. Good hotels here, or—" Frederick: “Normally? Honestly, yeah but for some reason, internet only half works? I guess that is the best way to put it? I would honestly go by.” Stern: “Ah, that is a shame.” Stern pulls out a small sketchbook, taking notes “it does seem like a nice town. I was born in Paris but eventually moved out, something about not hearing a honking while you are trying to rest is just great.” Frederick: laughing: “Yeah, there is a reason I loved my time in Vienna for college, but alas, there's a reason I enjoyed leaving the big city as well.” (The conversation continues with Stern taking notes, consisting of general discussion, involving stimuli in the town, as well as good alternative locations nearby to rest. Stern attempts to ask questions to lure out Frederick mentioning the skin changes, such as 'anyone look weirder lately'. However, nothing comes of this line of discussion.) (After 30 minutes, Stern ends the conversation): “Sorry, I just realized how late it has been. I will definitely check out Innsbruck though, thank you for the reco—" Frederick: “Oh, my pleasure! Come back in a year, maybe town'll be normal again, finally.” Stern nods, waving as he leaves the area. [End Log] After multiple days of analysis, much like the Shards, nothing unusual has been found with the samples collected. The main thing noted is this the slightly higher Keratin composition, but this is an insufficient amount to deem anomalous. The scales are most similar in composition to shark scales, dermal denticles. These scales are waterproof and capable of sustaining greater damage than skin. While we do not know what will happen upon completion of the transformation, the test has shown an unfortunate reality: it appears infeasible to remove subjects from SCP-7223's influence at the current moment. Because of this, our only option is to wait out this event, preparing for anything bad happening. -Dr. Anastasie Laurent. Blackout Event: December 24, 2021: Human DNA now makes up the minority of various subjects. Notable changes include: Heads have begun elongating, with similarities to sharks, as well as some reptilian species. Gills have grown on the neck. Due to noted zone increasing, personnel guarding SCP-7223 are to be cycled daily to avoid loyalty to the comet. However, it is believed the comet's influence wanes after periods without exposure, such as the case with the shard. December 26, 2021: Multiple subjects affected by SCP-7223 were seen spontaneously collapsing. Conscious subjects ignore collapsed subjects, except when bodies are near immense danger, such as collapsing on a roof. December 28, 2021: All subjects of Bauerhim have collapsed to the ground. Cameras report a rapid decline in body temperature.Scanners report near complete death of all subjects, including heart, kidneys, blood, liver, stomach, and all muscle systems. However, brain usage heightened to 95-100% usage at once. January 5, 2022: Subjects are noted to have accelerated genetic changes over the past week. However, on the 28th, multiple subjects have been completely changed, without any Human DNA. When the change is complete, brain power reduces to 1% usage, as vital systems reset. January 9, 2022: All subjects have finished their transformation. At 15:37, every subject stood in unison. Rapid glances, touching self, staring and deeply inspecting everyday objects, such as TVs, Computers, Pencils, Windows, and even entire houses ensues. Many look to the sky, constantly panning to look around. Subjects are also seen pinching themselves, as well as cautiously pinching each other. Approximately 2 hours later, multiple subjects meet in the center, discussing something in an unknown language. Soon, however, the group exclaims, unanimously pointing at one of the members. January 10, 2022: Member selected by the others is seen armed with a sidearm. Subject leaves area, hands in the air, constantly looking around. Soon, subject is attacked by a lynx. However, lynx is quickly dispatched. Upon reaching various agents, subject demands 'take me to the Foundation', slowly squatting to the floor, before quickly dropping weapon to the ground. Subject slowly stands up, hands reaching for the sky, announcing 'I promise we meant no harm.' Subject, who identified himself as 'Mokkdo Rask', was placed under various scans, such as X-Rays, blood and genetic testing, as well as anomalous tests, such as Kant Counters, as well a Fulmann-Breaker Anomalous Optical Enhancement device. However, no anomalous features were found. Blood and organic tests showed various features from reptiles, particularly amphibious, as well as larger ones, such as komodo dragons, though many features were shark-like, such as fins on elbows and knees, a similar heart, as well as aforementioned scales. Most notably, the body had the ability to breathe air, as well as water, thanks to neck gills. When asked about these features, Rask remarked 'Zeule live in water as well'. January 12, 2022: Dr. Laurent formally requested an interview with Rask. Due to Rask's general compliance with Foundation personnel, clearance was granted. Interview Log: Dr. Laurent and Dr. Rask Show interview? Granted. Hide interview? Interviewer: Dr. Laurent Subject: Dr. Makkdo I. Rask (Dr. Laurent enters the room through a door, with two security personnel watching. A one-way window is stationed.) Dr. Rask: "Hello, my name is Makkdo Rask, you are…Laurent?" Dr. Laurent: "They tell you?" Dr. Rask: "I was Jo — well, I guess you would know him by D-01911." Dr. Laurent: "Interesting. The comet then, it keeps memories?" Dr. Rask: "We um…we don't know too well, honestly. It keeps language and some basic information, if I am correct." Dr. Laurent: "You don't know?" (pause) "…are you saying you work for your own anomaly foundation equivalent?" (Dr. Rask nods in response) "and, first I would like to…apologize for this situation, I — I promise we meant no harm." (Dr. Laurent takes her seat) "Explain yourself. As in, what do you do?" Dr. Rask: "Right, um…I worked for the…I guess, ZACE would be the translational equivalent? Zeule Anomalous Containment Enterprise. Our goal is to — not quite the Foundation, we would attempt to destroy anything too hostile, but otherwise, hidden from the public." Dr. Laurent: "How hidden?" Dr. Rask: "The rich know, they give us their funding. Governments, fronts — it's private, but we have a lot of government intervention." Dr. Laurent: "Okay. So, can I presume you did not make the comet then?" Dr. Rask: "Sorry, no." Dr. Laurent: "Okay. Why did you send it here, to Earth?" Dr. Rask: "I am afraid…" (Dr. Rask takes a deep breath) "…we did not have much of a choice. My world was…" (Dr. Rask takes another breath) "de-destroyed. It um…we were invaded by…others." Dr. Laurent: "By the aliens? Or the comets?" Dr. Rask: "T—technically, both. The aliens had created the comets and sent it to Kandel-Zeule homeworld. They changed Zeule from us, to…to…" Dr. Laurent: "Them?" Dr. Rask: "No, monsters. It…it turned a Zeule from a person, into this…alien mockery of another species, the…the…'the morphs' they call it. They are 8 feet14 tall. Their — well, former uh fur, it's now…lead scales." Dr. Laurent: "L—Lead? Dr. Rask: "Yes. Their scales are bulletproof with massive claws. They're as long as my forearm, and…and their minds, are…" Dr. Laurent: "Cunning?" Dr. Rask: "No, w—worse. Their minds were remade. They were once a proud sapient species, like Humanity, or like my…" (Dr. Rask sighs) "…but…their minds, it turned them from this, into a…a mockery." Dr. Laurent: "Are you saying they reduced them to sentient killers?" Dr. Rask: "…yes, unless they see one of their 'owners'. The…the Kri…Krie…" (Rask grows silent) (After one minute of silence Dr. Laurent asks): "Can you say the—" Dr. Rask: "S—sorry. I'd…prefer not to…not right…not right now, if that's okay." Dr. Laurent: "You can tell us later." (Dr. Laurent takes a deep breath) "Continue please, you may…take a moment if needed." Dr. Rask: "Yeah…um…" (Rask takes a breath) "sorry if I…this…this to me, happened last night, essentially." Dr. Laurent: "It's okay, I'd feel the same if it was Earth." (Dr. Rask takes a brief moment of silence, followed by): "the…overlords…they…they programmed it in — we believe they made a new gene — so the…the mockery would…would…" (Dr. Rask takes another moment) "Sorry, I don't really…know how to say it…guess…programmed them to… 'know their place', if that makes sense. If…if the…y'know…sees a Kri…they will…they will do anything they demand. In…including self…termination…they…somehow…they essentially enslaved their DNA." Dr. Laurent: "Did…did they ever…tell you why they were doing this?" Dr. Rask: "Y — yes. It's because they…overpopulation. Except, they had space stations, they could sculpt worlds in their image, but…but said…Kandel wasn't being used…they considered us as wildlife, they see all Pre-FTL this way…" Dr. Laurent: "And…was there…anything else?" Dr. Rask: "…they at least…offered us a chance as slaves. If they saw us positively, they would 'let us have Kandel' even though they fucking took it!" (Dr. Rask slams the table, shouting) "they don't fucking deserve our home! They sculpted entire worlds for their elite! They turned — they took it! We aren't wildlife we just didn't — we just didn't stand a fucking chance!" (Dr. Rask buries his head in his hands, with muffled) "they called us animals and slaughtered us…" (this followed by soft sounds of weeping.) "it…it came from their stars…and they…they took it from us…" Dr. Laurent: "Rask, if…do you want to be alone for a moment?" Dr. Rask: "S — Sorry…y — yes. I…" Dr. Laurent: "Okay…" Dr. Laurent returned to her office, adding notes of the interview to the file. After 30 minutes, her alarm goes off as she returns to Rask. (Laurent enters the room) "Hey…feeling…better?" (Dr. Rask nods in response). Dr. Laurent: "We can move on for now, if you wish." Dr. Rask: "Um…" (Rask takes a breath) "I think I can give the…final details. The comet…they sent I believe ten? One was in the North Pole, basically, so no chance of us getting it. It would have eventually entranced the world, we believe. Um…" (Rask takes another deep breath) "…one of the comets we took into custody, and it…it entranced the site. That's what got us, we couldn't destroy the site, but we couldn't move members off-site either." Dr. Laurent: "Lord…" Dr. Rask: "When they came, they destroyed much of our…infrastructure, including a station we used in the situation of a world-ending scenario — well, the one on our planet, anyway." Dr. Laurent: "What did this facility do, exactly?" Dr. Rask: "Essentially, it could grow Zeule instances, it stored all memories and gene codes — basically, it could regrow civilization if all Zeule, except the one inside the facility, died. We had one on…I guess Neptune is the closest analogy, where I was stationed." Dr. Laurent: "Really?" Dr. Rask: "They brought the comet to me, I was lucky to have severed the shell from the data inside. We found out it can learn DNA of whatever is on — " Dr. Laurent: "These the shard things? SSDs?" Dr. Rask: "Yes. We store on it everything — memories, conscious, DNA, anything you could ask — " Dr. Laurent: "Memories? The…the pictures, they had a memetic effect when viewed — " Dr. Rask: "Oh, yes. Memory files have an 'emotion' file attached to them. They cannot be played on a PC — well, least not efficiently, but become full when played by an organic instrument, such as a brain." Dr. Laurent: "Oh my — we stressed over those so much!" Dr. Rask: "You um…you didn't try to erase any, did you?" Dr. Laurent: "We couldn't copy them, so we decided erasure was a foolish idea." Dr. Rask: "O — okay! Good!" (Dr. Rask sighs relieved) "for a second…" Dr. Laurent: "How long was the comet in space?" Dr. Rask: "If I remember right…we sent multiple out…2200 years, I think? They have FTL but we did not use it so we wouldn't well…murder anyone. We were desperate, but we didn't want to kill anyone, as…they did to us." Dr. Laurent: "What about the civilians?" Dr. Rask: "If you mean Bauerheim, their information — genetic to memories to conscious — it gets copied to the comet, we can remake them easily." Dr. Laurent: "Oh thank the lord." Dr. Rask: "We did not want to hurt anyone, but…we would have to change someone, so…that was the best compromise we could make in such a short timeframe." Dr. Laurent: "So…trackers? Or — " Dr. Rask: "No. They don't have a tracker on the comet, we tested, but they were expanding away from Earth. You have time." Dr. Laurent: "Thank the — I'll have to get this to the higher-ups. Would an FTL probe be wise, or — " Dr. Rask: "You have FTL?" Dr. Laurent: "Anomalous, but yes." Dr. Rask: "That — that might make them not consider you…" (Rask remains silent for a few seconds) "…point is, they might not attack, then." Dr. Laurent: "Good." (Laurent sighed) "you weren't attacking, but…there's someone out there…and they have more. So if we see a new one, just — " Dr. Rask: "Do not gamble." Dr. Laurent: "Yeah, figured. So, worst case — how would we fight the comets? Well, the creatures which come from it?" Dr. Rask: "I…" (Deep breath) "I'm sorry, to do this, but…I'll give your kind the info. After you give Zeule an FTL ship." Dr. Laurent: "A ship? What — " Dr. Rask: "This world is for Humanity, not us. Our plan was to leave, and you have FTL. We can, we want to start a new home, and leave your kind in peace. But…I need — " Dr. Laurent: "I promise we won't kill you, you're not anomalies or anything, coexistence might — " Dr. Rask: "This is not about that, it is about the fact we want our own world. Besides, can Earth support two species at once?" Dr. Laurent: "Well…" (Dr. Laurent sighs) "Earth is…believed to become overpopulated at 10 billion. So…so no." Dr. Rask: "I don't want to be prisoners here, but even if we were free…" Dr. Laurent: "You could only have 3 billion." Dr. Rask: "Yes." Dr. Laurent: "Okay, I…" (Dr. Laurent takes a deep breath) "…what's in it for Humanity, then? Besides learning — " Dr. Rask: "Every technology is — everything, the entire history of Zeule is on the comet. We can give you that. We can cooperate, if they attack, we can fight back together. If we're stuck here, we cannot do anything. Besides, placing us on another world is a way of containment." Dr. Laurent: "I mean, you're not anomalies, so — missing the point — I…okay. I am not the one in charge, but…I'll talk to them, okay?" Dr. Rask: "Really?" Dr. Laurent: "Yes." Dr. Rask: "If you keep your promise…" Dr. Laurent: "It's not up to me. I will do my best." Dr. Rask: "Th…thank you." Dr. Laurent: "So. How far — or behind, is Zeule, compared to Humanity?" Dr. Rask: "Probably…50 to 100, I think? But our military technology is far behind." Dr. Laurent: "Really?" How so?" Dr. Rask: "We only have Bolt-Actions, no automatics. Among other things…" (The two discuss at length comparisons in progress between Humanity and Zeule.) [END LOG] Addendum 1: Soon after, a list of demands are made by the Zeule: demands include an FTL-capable ship, various elements similar to SCP-2000, including, but not limited to: Air treatment and purification systems Renewable energy, capable of working space (such as solar and hydrogen) Water treatment systems Housing for up to 10k personnel Resources to create Zheuli copies (these systems, upon review, would be similar to Bright/Zartion Hominid Replicators, able to create Zeule copies. However, these would be built by Zeule engineers.) This system would be tested to recreate one Zeule, but no more, to prevent an SK-Scenario. However, personnel reviewing files found Zeule military technology was, in reality, farther behind than previously stated by Dr. Rask15. Shards are kept by the Zeule, data is instead copied to Foundation Deepwell servers. A slice of anomalous plutonium is to be kept on Earth for Foundation study. However, the rest is to leave with Zeule. Dr. Rask would inform what the aliens used and how to deal with them. March 29, 2022: It is agreed by Foundation scientists there is no logical reason to terminate, or contain the Zeule as a species, as they are not anomalous, as should by ZACE and civilian Zeule files, found in SCP-7223's databanks. However, none of the data is translated. SCP-7223 is re-designated 'SCP-7223-Zeule' and any further instances are to be reclassified as SCP-7223-Unknown instances, until the species can be determined from the new instance, or the instance, in dire circumstances, can be terminated. All anomalous radioactive materials are kept in foundation storage away from Zeule drives in an act of goodwill. Testing by giving a storage drive Human memories, DNA, and other such info, causes the same affect on a Zeule subject tested, before being restrained, as the device is removed, and all its info wiped. April 2, 2022: After much deliberation, the debate between the ZACE and SCP Foundation is concluded with the following terms: Terms Hide Terms? The aforementioned points are to all be done, and the Zeule will be free to find a new planet to live on. Dr. Rask will stay on Earth as a researcher, as well as assisting the SCP-7223 project, on top of working with both the GOC, as well as various militaries and space programs, on how to deal with repeat instances of SCP-7223. SCP-7223's file will be adapted for GoC and government usage by Dr. Katrina Maybourne. To make up for this, Dr. Rask will be recreated by ZACE to test its equivalent of the BZHR units. The copy is to be on the ship. Note: The original SCP-7223 is hereby referred to as ‘SCP-7223-Zeule'. Any further instances are to designated Euclid, in spite of being given Apollyon resources for initial retrieval by MTF and GOC members, as well as Tiamat/Apollyon resources, should an invasion occur. As well, 5 Researchers, D-89137, D-22314, D-604290, D-83500 and D-72214 (all are former researchers of high skill who were demoted to D-Class for violation of SCP Foundation guidelines) are to go with Zeule to research the/with the Zeule people, as well as assist ZACE with anomalies. The researchers are to be referred to as the ‘Z5 (Zeule 5)' for brevity. Information prudent to the Foundation is to be sent back as well. All copied data is to be translated by Dr. Rask. The Z5 are to do the same with various Human data, of which, has been stored on drives sent with the Zeule. However, the ZACE, as well as the Z5, is to scramble this info to make it unidentifiable as Earth in all data or hard copies, to avoid FTL species knowing of Earth's existence. The SCP Foundation and ZACE are to maintain relations as cooperative organizations. As well, Bauerheim is recreated by Zeule scientists16. False memories (mostly via removing the anomalous parts of the Bauerheim memories) are to be have been approved by Dr. Laurent. UPDATE: Dr. Rask has been made head researcher of SCP-7223, with Dr. Laurent moving on to new projects. Note: Dr. Rask wrote new containment procedures as of May 29, 2022. Addendum 2: From April 8-11, 2022, The SCP Foundation and GOC met, discussing SCP-7223, coming to an agreement on dealing with further SCP-7223 instances, due to the danger they provide to Humanity as a whole. The following terms were ratified on April 14th: AGREEMENT TO DISCLOSE: Any SCP-7223 instances are to be immediately disclosed to all parties, even if landing in classified locations FINDERS' RIGHTS: The Foundation is allowed to contain the anomaly, if possible. The GOC is allowed to terminate the anomaly. Note: should the instance land within 100km of Foundation or GOC controlled areas, ownership goes to whose area of operations it landed to, rather than who discovered. SAFE LANDING: Should the anomaly land in an uninhabited region, the GOC is to bring the anomaly to the Foundation. The GOC has agreed learning what creatures are made from the anomaly is more important than neutralization, as it allows weapons and defense measures to be more properly assessed and developed. PRESERVATION: An SCP-7223 instance lasting at least 60 hours becomes a Keter-class instance, and both sides are to terminate the anomaly. IMMEDIATE DANGER: Should an SCP-7223 instance land in a major population center, it is considered a Tiamat-class object, and apprehension/neutralization becomes Alpha-level priority for both parties. PREPARATION: After disclosure, both parties are to prepare their forces in the event an SCP-7223 instance is not apprehended within 60 hours. TOGETHER: The Foundation and GOC has agreed to set aside their differences for the anomaly, as the threat is poses as a possible SK or XK is the most important part. PREVENTION: After 60 hours, all instruments (including weapons, vehicles, tactics etc.) are authorized in the interest of containment of SCP-7223 instances if needed. NOTICE: The following was written by Dr. Rask. SCP-7223 - War Log/tactics. Hide Section. SCP-7223 instances can be bombarded with long-range artillery. While Zeule did not have this, especially for their underwater cities, Humanity has artillery. As well, an ICBM without its nuclear payload would neutralize the anomaly without even having to leave the operator's seat. Under a circumstance where this is impossible, mass volumes of gas which can cause a population to sleep will be effective. While there is no known harmless variant for this, it is still advisable to the alternative. Zeule spotted SCP-7223 early in its lifecycle. It was designated as an abnormality, rather than an anomaly. This was because it was spotted in space, as a plutonium comet, and was soon ignored. However, when it landed, it was apprehended, and placed into ZACE Research Facility #11. This proved to, sadly17, be a fatal mistake, as the facility was entranced and turned. The item works much faster in highly populated areas. However, on average, it takes three days to entrance. A 60-hour period is advisable for containment, as long as the item is placed far from personnel, as well as neutralized until testing. Any time past this, it becomes important to instead destroy the object. It has been noted the radiation does not initially change cells and DNA, but rather, 'prepares' the DNA, with a copy of the new DNA ready. The species it turns sapient lifeforms into are deadly. They are taller than 2 meters, with bulletproof scales. As well, lying underneath are vast amounts of fat, making rounds hard to enter (such as a boar or bear). Armor-piercing rounds are slightly more effective, as are munitions with greater kinetic energy, such as a .50 caliber. However, anything in between tends to fail. As well, they are still quite resistant towards said rounds. It has been found the armor is quite vulnerable to melee weaponry, including swords, but especially maces. However, because the instances have claws which, unsheathed, can reach up 80 centimeters, melee combat is considered inadvisable, unless no other options are available. Finally, the most effective are energy-based weaponry, such as electricity, laser, and fire, appear to bypass the armor to a surprising degree. Electric weapon prototypes have been approved, and are in early development stages. It should be noted, however, their intelligence has been hampered to a point wherein they fail to utilize even basic tactics. Because of this, tactics should be developed around a swarming horde, not an intelligent entity. Unfortunately, the Zeule had a majority bolt-action arsenal, rather than automatic weaponry, like Humanity does. However, a squad of M4s should be much more effective. As well, their backs have less fat and armor, so flanking tactics especially, like the Hammer and Anvil, would allow the creatures to shot from both sides. Once the hammer is in position, they target subjects faced away from them, the anvil doing the same, until some break off to take on the hammer. Of course, priority is point-blank range. War games with GOC and SCP personnel have proved promising. Currently, combat indoors is the main concern, though their lack of sapience means it may be possible to lure them outside. Finally, it has been noted their overlord species has entered a state of both decadence, as well as technological stagnation. This may have changed, as well as the note it is not complete stagnation, but it is possible this info will remain mostly relevant, should the time come. Addendum 7223-3: LEVEL 5 EYES ONLY Please input level 5 access Level 5 Access granted! Close? The following is a note from Dr. Rask "Zeule lives once more. The Rask we sent there…we call him Dr. Rask-2, as a…Foundation joke, is over there. I am allowed to vacation to Edenas, as we eventually called it. I talk to Zeule researchers a lot, so I am not severed from those I call my own. It is…odd, being here, but…everyone is kind to me. A little too kind if…that makes any sense, but…I don't wanna stop them…so…yeah. I think…I think I am just happy I am here. ZACE has come out to the public, we cannot really hide the fact we are on a new world, hell, the sky is differerent, Kandel was purple in sky, Edenas is a bit green. It is just not a plausibility. We're lucky Humanity, thank the lord, did not feel the need to kill us. I don't think they enjoyed the fact I made them give us a ship for info, but…I mean, Laurent, if she was in charge, would have, I genuinely believe that…she's…she's been great, since I got here. Been making friends too, we do a lot of non-research stuff together. It's not what I wanted, especially when I was a kid, but…at this point, I'm thankful I'm even alive. Turns out, the Krievlile - the ones who made a mockery of entire species, desecrater of Kandel, among others, did not expect their own weapon to bite them. Kandel is gone. It is theirs now. The Krievile are, I am sure, enjoying what wasn't made for them. The world they do not deserve. But, now that I am free, I have told the world leaders of Earth everything I know. The Foundation. Reviewed files and marked what anomalies would fight them. And so are the ZACE. They know what's coming, as do I. The Zeule know. And since then, Human weaponry is taught to Zeule. They took Kandel. Enjoying what wasn't made for them. And, maybe Edenas was not made for Zeule either, least there were no sapient species to exterminate. But, Earth and Edenas weren't made for the Krievile either. This time, we know you exist. And this time, we will be ready. And this time, we will not need to run. We have spent this time preparing, project Legionnaire and all tech from SCP-5001 and all these Thaumiels, they will be ready. Legionnaire is no longer pointed only at 2399, it will be ready for the Krievlile. They have anomalies they use to invade, and so will be. We have already reverse engineered their comets to turn Krievlile to Humans and Zeule. We have every weapon, and we will be ready this time. We will be ready. We won't run this time, we will fight until we are nothing but blood. We have forces and ships ready to send to Earth, or to Edenas to make sure the Krievlile have to fight for every fucking piece of land with their blood. Because this time, I will make fucking sure, you fuckers don't take more of what you do, not, deserve! [END LOG] Footnotes 1. Currently, Area-32 contains an SCP-7223 holding area 2. Thaumiel usage pending approval from the Ethics Committee. 3. Population of 2537, as of the 2020 census. 4. In all instances, this was clarified as a positive feeling, often compared to an artist being commissioned for their craft, or an actor for their talents 5. "bystander effect, the inhibiting influence of the presence of others on a person's willingness to help someone in need" -Britannica 6. Herd/Mob Mentality: “the tendency of the people in a group to think and behave in ways that conform with others in the group rather than as individuals” -Merriam-Webster. 7. These workers operate solely on knowledge of the blizzard, but were barred from entering the town. 8. A lead trapdoor was hidden from documentation to allow foundation research with drones. Lead and concrete were chosen for their ability to block non-anomalous radiation. 9. I kid you not, we had a D-Class point-blank ask them if they knew about a comet. They were incredibly confused. -Head Researcher of SCP-2222 10. ~150 meters 11. Among other tests, Hume readings were standard, no reality or temporal distortions were found, all matter was normal 12. The heart resembles the Carcharodon Carcharias, or Great White, while most of body more closely resembles Isurus Oxyrinchus, or Shortfin Mako.-Dr. Laurent 13. See Doc SCP-7223-Z/Citizen#558, for further info. 14. 2.44 meters 15. Some technologies were 70 years behind, as Rask stated, but on average, tech was 100 years behind, with tactics up to 200 years behind. 16. This was not a rule asked for by the Foundation. However, the Zeule did not want their 'resurrection' as they put it, to cost the lives on innocents, unlike what happened to their homeworld Kandel. 17. To this day, I wonder if I would be home right now, if it was not for that decision. But…we didn't know at the time. -Dr. Rask « SCP-7222 | SCP-7223 | SCP-7224 »
Item#: 7224 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: caution link to memo SCP-7224-1 SCP-7224-2 Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7224-1 cannot currently be removed from the head of Researcher Garcia. As such, special permission has been given for him to continue with his ordinary duties with the object in his possession. Research on how to counteract the anomalous effects of SCP-7224-1 is ongoing. Researcher Garcia is to be followed by an armed security escort at all times. Any reports matching the description of POI-185027 "Sir Percival Robinson" are to be thoroughly investigated. If POI-185027 is apprehended, the protection of Researcher Garcia is to be deemed a lesser priority. However, even in these circumstances, a security detail is to be placed around Researcher Garcia until SCP-7224-1 can be removed. SCP-7224-2 is currently uncontained and in the possession of POI-185027. Attempts to retrieve it are ongoing. If it is retrieved, it is to be stored in a location as far from Researcher Garcia as possible. Description: SCP-7224 is a set of two items, SCP-7224-1 and SCP-7224-2. SCP-7224-1 is a golden crown with red and black gemstones. When placed on an individual's head, it cannot be removed while that individual is still alive. Surgical removal methods have been attempted, but SCP-7224-1 appears to be attached deeper than skin level. For this reason, removal attempts involving damage to SCP-7224-1 are advised against. SCP-7224-2 is a steel sword whose anomalous properties only manifest while SCP-7224-1 is worn. Any individual wielding SCP-7224-2 will feel a strong desire to kill the wearer of SCP-7224-1 via decapitation. SCP-7224-2 also shows an anomalous capability to cut through the neck of the wearer of SCP-7224-1, regardless of the strength of the wielder. SCP-7224-2 appears to have unknown abilities, but due to the current impossibility of testing, no further details can be acquired. Addendum: Incident-7224-1: Foreword: The following takes place after both components of SCP-7224 were stolen from containment under unknown circumstances. The recording was captured in Researcher Garcia's private residence via his personal security system. All footage from 20:00 to 23:30 is corrupted beyond retrieval. <Begin Log 23:30> POI-185027 "Sir Percival Robinson" is seen standing on the headboard of Researcher Garcia's bed, looking down at him. They are holding SCP-7224-2. Researcher Garcia is wearing SCP-7224-1. They are still asleep. Robinson: Turning on the bedside lamp. Good morning my dear sir. Garcia: Waking up. Who the hell are you? Get out of my house! Researcher Garcia reaches for their bedside firearm, but POI-185027 places his foot on their hand. Robinson: So you're a fighter. Good, this will be interesting. Garcia: Feeling their head. No. You didn't. Seeing SCP-7224-2. How did you get that? Robinson: The Sword of Heroes. A beautiful thing, is it not? Garcia: Not what I asked. Robinson: This is fun! I love that you think you're in any position to make demands. Garcia: Well you haven't killed me yet. So you must want something. What is it? Robinson: It's always work with you. You know that isn't good for your health. Garcia: You speak as if you know me. How long have you been preparing? Robinson: That's what I mean! I show genuine concern for your well-being, and you get back to interrogating me! Garcia: You've evaded every one of my questions so far. I figure one of the times you'll give a genuine answer. Robinson: I see. Well, this is no state to be having a conversation in. Stepping down from the headboard. I'll give you a second to return circulation to your hand. And, for your own safety, I wouldn't reach for that weapon again. I'm quicker with this blade than you may expect. Garcia: Of course. Robinson: Now then, you asked who I was. I deeply apologize for not introducing myself sooner. Sir Percival Robinson, at your service! Garcia: Sir? Are you a knight? Robinson: I suppose. Garcia: It's a very specific process. What do you mean "you suppose"? Robinson: I was given the title, but not by a monarch you are familiar with. Garcia: Try me. What's their name? Robinson: They have many names. None of which carry much weight in your mind. Garcia: Back to dodging questions, are we? Robinson: No, I am simply offended that you don't trust me when I say this line of questioning is a waste of both our times. If you must refer to them, "The King" will suffice. Garcia: Fine then. Next question, how did you get that? Robinson: Would you believe me if I said your security is not as good as you think? Garcia: Bull. I've seen smarter and more powerful people try and fail. Robinson: Well I tried to give the simpler answer. Now you're left with the unsatisfying one. I must have it. Garcia: So your only answer is that you wanted it? Robinson: No. I must have it. Garcia: Fine, you "needed" it. That's not an answer either. Robinson: You're not listening to me. Yes, it's true that I wanted this artifact of antiquity. But that's not why I got it. I got it because I am a knight. And a knight must have a sword. Garcia: So you have some sort of connection to it. Robinson: Fine. Call it that. I don't expect you to have any better term. Garcia: Then onto the most important question. What do you want? Robinson: To risk sounding barbaric, I want your head. Garcia: Then why wake me up? Why answer my questions? Robinson: Is it wrong to want to have a little fun? Rather than simply performing acts of uncivilized butchery. Garcia: You're asking me if what you're doing is wrong. Robinson: Chuckles. I suppose you're biased. Garcia: Oh no, I'm pretty sure I can give you the same answer you'll get from anyone. Robinson: Enough. I've chosen to be sporting. You should be thanking me. Garcia: Sporting? That would imply I can win. Robinson: Of course. I've even provided you with a proper handicap. There is no offense meant by it. But I feel it's necessary. This game is a simple matter of points. I must get three, you must get one. Garcia: How do I do that? Robinson: So eager to play. It's simple, you must remove the sword from my hand. Garcia: I see. And how do you get points? Robinson: Are you familiar with the game of tag? Garcia: Don't treat me like an idiot. Robinson: Well then, since you're so experienced, I'm "it". I must tag you three times with this blade before I can finally cleave your head from your shoulders. Garcia: Does this interaction count as a point? Robinson: Of course not. We haven't even started playing. Garcia: Well then, when we do begin "playing", what's to stop you from simply tapping me three times and killing me? Robinson: Basic etiquette. You treat me like some sort of cad! I assure you, my three points will be on three separate occasions. Now, I must be off. Starts to walk towards the window. Sleep tight, for our game begins in the morning. Garcia: You never answered my last question. Robinson: Stops. Oh really? What was it? Garcia: How long have you been watching me? Or better yet, why pick me in the first place? Robinson: Oh you were simply in the right time at the right place. Nothing more, nothing less. You happened to be researching the blade when I decided to acquire it. Now go back to sleep, that's hardly something to worry over. POI-185027 opens the window and leaps to the street below. <End Log 24:00> Closing Statement: Researcher Garcia requested a security escort. This request was granted when the prior footage was presented. Below is a series of audio logs Researcher Garcia created at the request of the on-site counselor. Audio Log-7224-1 It was recommended that I use these to take notes of my experience. Partially for my own well-being, partially to record the psychological effects of SCP-7224-1. While the former seems like a waste, the latter is valuable enough on its own. SCP-7224-1 has grown rather uncomfortable. It doesn't feel like part of me, just like any ordinary head accessory. Except, of course, the fact that it won't budge at all. I've tried pulling at it. It didn't hurt, so I don't think it's connected to my skin, but it just didn't move. It was like however hard I pushed, there was some force on the other side pushing back. It's strange, previous tests implied that this thing is connected to my skull somehow, but if that were true, I shouldn't be feeling it right now. Perhaps it's some inconsistent property. I'll need to get an X-ray of that later. Pause. I suppose I should talk about the man after my life. If only because otherwise, people won't stop asking. I'm not particularly concerned. I've had plenty of close calls with SCPs before. And yet, not a scratch. If anything could get past these guards, I'd be dead already. In short, our friend Robinson picked the wrong person to mess with. Audio Log-7224-2 I've been trying to find out how this so-called "Sir" knows me. I don't trust his "right place right time" explanation for a second. Now, I'm no narcissist, but forgive me for being suspicious. He somehow knew where I live. That kind of information's under tight wraps. He couldn't have gotten it from anybody, I asked the data keepers, my file hasn't been accessed in years. He had to have known some other way. I've made a fair few enemies in my time working here, but no more than any other researcher. I went through all the hostile SCPs I've had a hand in containing, but none of them match this description. A quick search of the broader database left me with the same issue. I'll have to look more closely later, but the odds aren't high. Incident Log-7224-2 Forward: On 18/08/2014, a site-wide blackout at Site-81 occurred for five minutes before backup generators activated. Emergency failsafe measures managed to prevent a containment breach, however, it is theorized that during this lapse in security, POI-185027 managed to enter the facility. <Begin Log 13:20> Researcher Garcia is walking to his office, escorted by two agents. Garcia: I knew those backup batteries weren't a waste of money. But we're not out of the woods yet, I still need to check the readings on my computer. One of the agents opens the door and checks inside, POI-185027 runs up from out of sight and pushes the other one in, then stabs SCP-7224-2 into the control panel on the side, seemingly triggering the door's emergency locking procedure.1 Robinson: Good day sir! Garcia: How did— POI-185027 reaches out and taps Researcher Garcia's neck with the flat of SCP-7224-2. Robinson: Looks like it's one-love. Garcia: How the hell did you get in here? Robinson: Always the questions with you. Garcia: It's my job. Robinson: I'm not an idiot, I know you're just trying to stall me until help comes. But, I am a good sport. And so I will answer one question. Just make it quick. Garcia: Fine then. What do you know about this sword? Robinson: Getting straight to the point, are we? I like that. This is the Sword of Heroes. Once used by a noble warrior to slay a cruel tyrant who, of course, wore that crown upon your very head. Garcia: And now you plan to do the same? Robinson: I said you only get one question, did I not? Garcia: Apologies, it was simply meant to be a clarification. Robinson: Worry not. I've also been known to let my curiosity get the better of me. Though your question is quite an oversimplification. I plan to be that hero. In a way, I already am. But with the conclusion of this game, I will always have been. Garcia: If this is so important to you, why go through all the hoops? Why not kill me here and now? Robinson: One question! Agent Williams: There he is! Robinson: That's my cue. POI-185027 shoves Researcher Garcia in front of him, causing the agents to hold their fire for enough time for him to run into a supply closet. When the door was opened, he was gone. There are no exits from within that room. <End Log 13:30> Audio Log-7224-3 Finally, a lead. A basic database search didn't get me anything, but after refining my search and reading some… less than mundane fairy tales, I was able to figure out something. There's a common theme. A tyrant, a hero, a sword, and the all too unpleasant decapitation. But the name's never the same. I'm not seeing "Sword of Heroes" anywhere. Just "Tyrant's Bane", "Edge of Valor", "Forgotten Relic", and one that really caught my eye. "Usurper's Blade" That's not a positive name. I tried to account for translation errors, but all my sources tell me that's the closest word. Not "liberator" not "revolutionary". No, usurper. I think there's more at play here than even our good knight realizes. Audio Log-7224-4 I thought I saw him the other day. It's the stupid glint of his sword. Any small flash looks like it. In some ways, I wish he was here. The guards could take him out and this whole mess would be done once and for all. At the same time, there could be a slip-up. But there's no use in focusing on that. God, I just want this over with. In the meantime, I've been doing more reading on the "Usurper's Blade". I wasn't expecting it, but that name, or close translations of it, keep showing up. The sword looks different, but the story's the same. A few of them even give names to the king. One of them claims it took place during the Han Dynasty, another says it's one of the Ivans, never says which one, of course, one of them even made up some English queen named Grace. Honestly, I was this close to writing it off as the scribe trying to contextualize the story. And maybe that's it, maybe it's nothing. But I can't get over those names, because my name is Henry Johnson Garcia. Audio Log-7224-5 I've been trying to study the crown. In the stories, it seems like nothing but set dressing. What's weird is the illustrations. They're always the same. Medium, culture, time period, it doesn't matter. It's always the same image of that stupid crown. I tried to find its name. Something that important had to have a name. At this point, I was getting desperate. I paid more money than I'm comfortable talking about to some black market salesman offering an ancient version of the story. They said it was better if neither of us knew where they found it. Obviously, I was skeptical about how legitimate it was. But it seems authentic. I can't read the damn thing, but the illustrations tell me enough. Different sword, same crown. But unlike all the other books, this one decided to include a few labels. Sadly, I can't read them, I've no earthly way of translating this language, but I still managed to get something. The name was multiple letters, but none of them appeared anywhere else in the book. It doesn't seem like they were even part of the same alphabet. Pause. Who am I kidding? I'm just trying to feel like I didn't waste every single shred of my time and money. Incident Log-7224-2 Forward: At this point, Researcher Garcia is outside of work and going on a personal errand. Three plainclothes agents were present in the store. <Begin Log 16:36> POI-185027 walks up next to Researcher Garcia without any personnel noticing. They do not appear to be carrying SCP-7224-2. Robinson: Point two. Garcia: Jumps back. How did you—? Robinson: You'd be amazed how many things simply slip your perception when you're not looking for them.2 Garcia: That makes no sense, I've been watching for you nonstop. Robinson: You can't get too caught up in the little inconsistencies. It's about the narrative as a whole. Garcia: You're insane. Robinson: That's rather hurtful, you realize that right? You know things I don't, I know things you don't, and neither of us is insane for it. Garcia: I know a fair bit you don't. For instance, there's three agents in here, armed and ready. Robinson: Ah, it seems we both knew that fact. However, I also know that they wouldn't even think of opening fire in a crowded supermarket. The media coverage would be prolific. Garcia: Of course. But sooner or later you need to leave. Robinson: This stage only has so many settings. Nothing will happen to me outside. Garcia: Want to test? Robinson: If I must. But first, your question? Garcia: What? Robinson: Well, you asked a question after the first point, so it only makes sense that you get one after the second. Garcia: I see. Well then, are you aware of the name "Usurper's Blade"? Robinson: Sounds ghastly, what about it? Garcia: It seems to be another title for that sword of yours. Robinson: I see, well I can hardly expect it to stick with one name, I have many myself. Garcia: Such as… Robinson: Not technically a question, clever. Well beyond Percival Robinson and Sir, I've been known as the Warrior and the Wanderer, but there's one I'm particularly partial to. Knight Errant. Garcia: I see there's a theme. Robinson: Well names do tend to have one. Garcia: Those sound more like titles. Robinson: In a way, are they not the same? They are what I am called, and what should one call that but a name? Garcia: They're far from the same. Titles are given to describe someone based on something they do, as opposed to names, which are more aspirational. Robinson: I respect your effort to correct me. Even in the most stressful situations, you cannot escape your role as an intellectual. Garcia: Is that supposed to be a compliment? Robinson: Merely a statement. As fun as this has been, I should be taking my leave now. Garcia: Say hi to the agents. <End Log 16:40> Closing Statement: The agents followed POI-185027 out of the store, but the person they apprehended appeared to be an ordinary civilian with no knowledge of POI-185027 or SCP-7224. They were amnesticized and returned to their normal life. Audio Log-7224-6 I can't sleep. I decided to start living at the site. It doesn't seem like anything's going to stop him from finding me, so I can't afford to let my guard down. Luckily he doesn't seem to be after anyone close to me, so as long as I can stay safe, everything's fine. But it doesn't feel fine. I keep thinking I see him around the corner, behind me in the mirror, anywhere he could jump out and go for the throat. Sigh I'm a mess right now. I'm avoiding closed doors, strangers, basically anything unless the guards check it out first. I don't blame them. I know they can do their jobs. But I'm also not sure how much help any of this is going to be. I know it's just a formality, but at least it's a little comfort, which goes a long way right now. Slight laughter At least I don't need to keep making up excuses for why I'm wearing a crown. Incident Log-7224-3 Forward: Researcher Garcia was in their office, which they hadn't left for three days. <Begin Log 10:50> POI-185027 places a hand on Researcher Garcia's shoulder. Researcher Garcia doesn't react. Robinson: Good game, friend. Garcia: I don't care. Just get it over with. Robinson: You've certainly earned that dignity. Do you wish to ask one final question? Garcia: No. Robinson: Very well then. POI-185027 raises SCP-7224-2. A guard enters the room and shoots POI-185027 in the stomach. They drop to the ground. Robinson: What? How? Second shot. This one misses as POI-185027 crawls behind Researcher Garcia's desk. Robinson: This makes no sense, you don't even have a name!3 As the guard walks around the desk, POI-185027 manages to stand up and shove past her. Trailing blood as he runs out of the room. Robinson: This isn't supposed to happen. Why isn't it working? Before a lockdown can be triggered, POI-185027 manages to break through an emergency exit, significantly injuring themselves in the process. <End Log 10:55> Closing Statement: A search party was sent out, following the trail of blood. However, it appears to have been washed off in a river a kilometer away from the site. POI-185027 has not been located since. On 04/11/2019, Researcher Garcia received the following letter to their personal address. I apologize, you were not the villain I thought you were. However, you have interrupted the climax, the most important part of any story. For that, I cannot forgive you. 2-0, I never let go. Footnotes 1. I know this is our best guess, but it makes no sense. It's intricate machinery, stabbing it randomly should do absolutely nothing except break it. -Researcher Garcia 2. Security footage recovered from the scene shows POI-185027 drawing SCP-7224-2 from their coat and tapping Researcher Garcia on the neck with it. No bystanders appeared to notice. 3. This is obviously untrue, but its meaning is unclear. « SCP-7223 | SCP-7224 | SCP-7225 »
close Info X ♫ Doctor Fullham's Author Page ♫ Crit Credits: Marceline_Raynes Chickadee42 LittleFieryOne Mew-ltiverse Carl_Finkerton 95.06% (+173) 4.94% (-9) -% (+0) -% (-0) Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7225 is to be kept in the personal locker of Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt1 at Site-512. SCP-7225 is stored in a Gravitationally Stable Anomalous Item Containment Locker at Site-19. Extreme care must be taken when removing the item from the locker and transporting it for testing, as even minor disturbances to the 'snow' within the item can instigate localized weather anomalies. Any anomalous meteorological events tied to the item's use are to be suppressed in local and national news outlets, with standard Cover Story 19 "Cold Snap" disseminated to the local population. Description: SCP-7225 is a snow globe of standard size and design, with an inscription on the bottom reading "Snow Craft Products, Aurora, CO.3" The diorama within the snow globe appears to be an accurate recreation of Foundation Site-514, including figures representing various Foundation personnel standing outside the building. Notably, one of the miniature figures appears to be wearing a long purple argyle scarf, similar to the one that Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt5 was known to wear. Discovery: SCP-7225 was discovered by personnel at Site-516 when it was used to create a localized weather anomaly on December 22nd, 2017. An area roughly 6km north of Phoenix, AZ, USA7, experienced a snowfall with a total accumulation of approximately 6.25cm, despite the local temperature being 14.6° Celsius. Foundation security personnel discovered Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt8 outside the site, holding SCP-7225 in his hands and shaking it. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt9 was apprehended, and SCP-7225 was recovered and subsequently contained. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt10 was appropriately reprimanded for breaching several Foundation protocols and potentially endangering all of Site-5111. Addendum 7225.1 Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt's Personal Journal, 2017/12/1 Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt's personal journal does not exist. Addendum 7225.2 Interview with Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt, 2017/12/23 Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. Interviewer: Agent James Carrey of MTF Omega-25 "Bah Humbugs" Interviewed: Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt12 Purpose: To determine the details of how, when, why, where, and from whom Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt13 obtained SCP-7225. BEGIN LOG Agent Carrey: So, Tim14, how did you go about acquiring this anomaly? Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt:15 Agent Carrey: I understand that. We all have things that we've left behind that we miss. It's human nature to want to remind ourselves of a more innocent time. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt:16 Agent Carrey: Yeah, of course I miss it. But that doesn't justify breaching protocols like this, and you have to know that. You put people in danger, and you don't seem to be very concerned about it. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt:17 Agent Carrey: Some of the people who work here18 have never seen snow in their lives, much less as much as you brought down. People panicked. They weren't thinking straight; they were distracted. In our line of work, a distracted employee can be a huge risk. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt:19 Agent Carrey: Yes, Tim20. The whole site21. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt:22 Agent Carrey: I don't know. I really don't. But it's clear that something much more significant than a snowstorm is going on here. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt:23 Agent Carrey: Well, maybe you should've thought of that before you bought it. I know you're just a JR, but for fuck's sake, you knowingly brought an anomaly to a Foundation site24. Some part of you must have known that it was going to end this way. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt:25 Agent Carrey: No, you can't have it back. It's been transferred to another site, and I was given explicit orders not to tell you where. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt:26 Agent Carrey: Yeah. Merry Christmas to you, too. END LOG Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. Addendum 7225.3 Site-51 Emergency Failsafe Report, 2017/12/25 Site-51 does not exist. Site-51 did not send an emergency failsafe report on December 25th, 2017. Site-51 did not initiate emergency lockdown procedures on December 25th, 2017. Site-51 does not exist. Footnotes 1. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 2. Site-51 does not exist. 3. This company does not exist. It has never existed. 4. Site-51 does not exist. 5. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 6. Site-51 does not exist. There are no personnel at Site-51. 7. Phoenix, AZ, USA does not exist. 8. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 9. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 10. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 11. Site-51 does not exist. 12. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 13. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 14. A nickname for Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 15. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 16. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 17. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 18. "Here" is referring to Site-51. Site-51 does not exist. 19. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 20. A nickname for Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 21. "Site" is referring to Site-51. Site-51 does not exist. 22. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 23. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 24. "Site" is referring to Site-51. Site-51 does not exist. 25. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. 26. Junior Researcher Timothy Kratchitt does not exist. « SCP-7224 | SCP-7225 | SCP-7226 »
Item #: SCP-7227 Object Class: Thorleyan Secure Containment Procedures: Neither Alex Thorley is to be informed that they are the Other Alex Thorley. If the Other Alex Thorley learns that they are the Other Alex Thorley, Alex Thorley is to be convinced that they, too, are the Other Alex Thorley. Description: The Other Alex Thorley is identical to Alex Thorley in all aspects. The Other Alex Thorley either works at the Department of Unreality or the Department of Other. The Other Alex Thorley, like Alex Thorley, believes they are Alex Thorley. Aside from Alex Thorley and the Other Alex Thorley, there are no other Alex Thorleys. Addendum-1: Alex Thorleys' interactions with the Department of Other. Item Number: SCP-3000-J™ Summary: An extremely delicious cereal created by Kellogg's® known as Foundation Flakes™. «BEGIN LOG» <Thorley enters the site cafeteria. SCP-3000-J™ is sitting on the counter.> <Thorley pours milk into a bowl.> <Thorley pours SCP-3000-J™ into a bowl.> <Thorley sits down with both bowls in front of them.> <Thorley eats from the first bowl.> <Thorley eats from the other bowl.> <Thorley eats from the other bowl.> <Thorley eats from the other bowl.> [26 ENTRIES EXPUNGED FOR BREVITY] <Thorley eats from the other bowl.> <Grand Karcist Ion™ of Calcium1 enters the room and notices Thorley eating Foundation Flakes™.> <Thorley notices Ion notice them.> <Thorley pushes the other bowl to Ion.> Thorley: Hungry? <Ion stares at Thorley.> <Thorley stares at Ion.> <Ion sits down and begins to eat from the other bowl.> «END LOG» Item #: SCP-3000-J™ Summary: See Above. «BEGIN LOG» <Thorley enters the site cafeteria. SCP-3000-J™ is sitting on a table.> <Thorley pours milk into a bowl.> <Thorley pours SCP-3000-J™ into a bowl.> <Thorley sits down with a bowl in front of them.> <Thorley eats from the bowl.> <Grand Karcist Ion™ of Calcium enters the room and notices Thorley eating Foundation Flakes™.> <Thorley notices Ion notice them.> Thorley: It's rude to stare, you know. Ion: You're eating another bowl? <Thorley stares at Ion.> <Thorley looks down at their bowl.> <Thorley looks back at Ion.> Thorley: This is my first bowl. Ion: Where's the other? Thorley: The other what? Ion: The other bowl! <Thorley eats from the bowl.> Thorley: I don't know what you're talking about. Ion: You had another bowl. Thorley: This is my first bowl. <This cyclical argument continued until Thorley had completed their bowl of cereal.> «END LOG» Item #: SCP-477-J Summary: A super rare golden necromancer card owned by a really cool kid (James). «BEGIN LOG» <Thorley is walking down a site corridor.> <James, who is walking down the same corridor, notices Thorley.> <James runs over to Thorley, waving his hands around.> <Thorley stops as the kid runs up to them.> James: Hello Mx.! Sorry to bother you, can I show you something? Thorley: Sure. <James withdraws SCP-477-J from their backpack. It is shiny and golden and super cool.> <Thorley looks at SCP-477-J.> Thorley: Is that an Army of Monsters card? James: It is, it is! Do you play? Thorley: I did, once. Actually… <Thorley reaches into their bag and withdraws a holofoil golden bliss blight.> James: A GOLDEN BLISS BLIGHT!?!?!???!??! <Thorley nods and extends the card towards James.> Thorley: Think you can take care of him for me? <James looks at the card, then at Thorley, then at the card.> James: You— you're giving it to me? <Thorley sets the card in his hand and smiles.> Thorley: Only if you promise to protect him. James: I do! I do! Thorley: Then, he's yours. <James runs off, laughing excitedly with his golden necromancer in one hand and his new golden bliss blight in the other.> <Thorley watches him until he disappears around a corridor.> «END LOG» Item #: SCP-477-J Summary: See Above. «BEGIN LOG» <Thorley is walking down a site corridor.> <James, who is walking down the same corridor, notices Thorley.> <James runs over to Thorley, waving his hands around.> <Thorley stops as the kid runs up to them.> James: Mx. Thorley! Mx. Thorley! Thorley: Hey kiddo, how can I help you? <James reaches into his backpack and withdraws his golden blight bliss, which is now sleeved. He reaches it out with both of his hands, jumping about excitedly.> James: I've been taking care of him, just like you asked. See! He's nice and safe with me. <Thorley smiles politely.> Thorley: It sure seems like it, though I think you might have me confused with someone else. <James frowns, seemingly confused.> James: Really? But they looked just like you… Thorley: Just like me? <James nods, still frowning.> Thorley: Well, nevermind that! Actually, while you're here, mind completing a super secret mission for me? James: <He lowers his voice.> A— A secret mission? Thorley: One only you can complete. I need you to sneak into my office and fill my cat's food bowl without anyone catching you. Think you can manage that, Agent James? <James suddenly straightens his posture and salutes Thorley, smiling widely.> James: Agent James assures you he is up for the task, Mx.! It will be done. <James immediately turns and runs off towards Thorley's office, crouching around a corner.> <Thorley cocks their head as James disappears around the corner.> «END LOG» Addendum-2: Researcher Algahst Trintavon's interactions with both Alex Thorley and the Other Alex Thorley. «BEGIN LOG» <Algahst Trintavon is sitting at a table in Site-37's cafeteria. He can be seen typing away on a laptop with a light meal set to the side.> <After a few minutes, Alex Thorley can be seen approaching the table with a bagel in hand.> Thorley: Mind if I sit? Trintavon: Go ahead. <Trintavon continues to work away on their laptop as Thorley silently eats their bagel. A few minutes pass before Thorley speaks again.> Thorley: You ever feel like you're going crazy? Trintavon: Sometimes, why? <Trintavon is met with silence. He looks up from his laptop and notices that he is alone once more. He shakes his head and resumes his work.> <After a few minutes, Alex Thorley can be seen approaching the table with a burger in hand.> Thorley: Mind if I sit? Trintavon: Go ahead. <Trintavon continues to work away on their laptop as Thorley silently eats their burger. Only half a minute passes before Trintavon suddenly speaks.> Trintavon: Didn't you already ask to sit? Thorley: What? No. Trintavon: I could have sworn— Thorley: This again? Trintavon: Excuse me? Thorley: What's with everyone acting like there are two of me? I could stand it when all of you kept pretending I didn't exist, but this? It's getting on my nerves. Trintavon: …right. My apologies. <Trintavon resumes his work quietly while Thorley continues to eat their burger. A few minutes pass before Thorley speaks again.> Thorley: You ever feel like you're going crazy? <Trintavon laughs.> Trintavon: More and more, as of late. You? Thorley: All of the time. All of the fucking time. <The pair stare at each other for a few moments. Finally, Trintavon sighs and returns to his work. Thorley takes a minute to finish their burger before standing to leave.> Trintavon: It's not impossible, you know. Thorley: Pardon? Trintavon: That there are two of you. Just something to consider. <Alex Thorley stares at him for a few moments before leaving.> «END LOG» Addendum-3: Recording of Alex Thorley encountering the Other Alex Thorley. «BEGIN LOG» <Alex Thorley begins walking down a hallway.> <Alex Thorley begins walking down a hallway.> <Alex Thorley walks past Alex Thorley.> <Alex Thorley pauses, turns, and notices Alex Thorley.> <Alex Thorley runs to catch up with Alex Thorley.> <Alex Thorley turns around a corner.> <Alex Thorley turns around a corner.> <Alex Thorley is nowhere to be seen.> <Alex Thorley continues down the corridor.> <Alex Thorley comes to a cross-section of hallways.> <Alex Thorley looks down the left hallway.> <Alex Thorley looks down the right hallway.> <Alex Thorley looks down the left hallway and notices Alex Thorley.> <Alex Thorley continues down the left hallway, unaware of Alex Thorley.> <Alex Thorley runs down the hallway after Alex Thorley.> <Alex Thorley enters a room and closes the door.> <Alex Thorley opens the door.> <Alex Thorley is nowhere to be seen.> <Alex Thorley sighs, closes the door, and begins to walk away.> <Alex Thorley pauses, turns, and walks back to the door.> <Alex Thorley opens the door.> <Alex Thorley is face to face with Alex Thorley.> <Alex Thorley stares at Alex Thorley.> <Alex Thorley stares at Alex Thorley.> Thorley: You look familiar. Thorley: I could say the same to you. Thorley: Do I know you? Thorley: I'm Alex Thorley. You? Thorley: Alex Thorley. Thorley: Oh. Thorley: Yeah. <Alex Thorley awkwardly smiles.> <Alex Thorley begins to nervously rub their arm.> <Alex Thorley begins to tap their foot.> Thorley: Why are there two of me? Thorley: Two of us, you mean. Thorley: Two of— sure, whatever. Why? <Alex Thorley shrugs.> Thorley: Does it really matter? Thorley: I mean, doesn't it drive you mad? Thorley: What? Thorley: Constantly being confused for someone else? Thorley: … Thorley: Everywhere I go, it's always "didn't I already talk to you" this and "didn't you already" that. It's exhausting. Thorley: But it isn't someone else. <Alex Thorley stares at Alex Thorley.> Thorley: You're still you. Even if you're me. Thorley: What does that even mean? <Alex Thorley pats Alex Thorley on the shoulder.> Thorley: Try not to think about it too hard. <Alex Thorley walks past Alex Thorley.> Thorley: Wait. <Alex Thorley turns around.> <Alex Thorley is nowhere to be seen.> <Alex Thorley sits down against the wall and sighs.> Thorley: If only it were that easy. «END LOG» Footnotes 1. The evil leader of the Sark-bites and encourager of unhealthy eating habits. « SCP-7226 | SCP-7227 | SCP-7228 »
SCP-7228 (Close-up) Item #: SCP-7228 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7228 is stored inside a standard containment locker at Site-17. SCP-7228 itself is to be positioned, tip pointing upwards, on a magnetic stand with a detachable glass lid. The object is not to be removed from its container except for testing purposes. Personnel are to use forceps when physically interacting with SCP-7228. In case of unwarranted puncturing, Protocol-72281 must be implemented immediately. Otherwise, SCP-7228-A instances can be disposed or contained on discretion. Description: SCP-7228 is a brass-coated acupuncture needle measuring 3.5 centimeters. Other than being slightly bent, the object is in good condition. SCP-7228-A are objects punctured by SCP-7228.2 SCP-7228-A instances will undergo one of two states depending on the amount of force applied with SCP-7228. Instances punctured with minimal force will deflate overtime. Examination of the point of entry reveals the instances' interior to be filled primarily with air. SCP-7228-A will continue to retain previous functions and traits until completely deflated. Instances are unresponsive at that point, and their exterior will become soft and highly stretchable. Instances punctured with excessive force will experience an accelerated and explosive barotraumatic reaction which damages the tissue surrounding the point of puncture. In both cases, the instance will be retroactively changed so they are, have been, and will always be, a balloon. Addendum-01, History: While SCP-7228's exact origins could not be traced, it is known the anomaly was in the possession of the Zeppelin Riders (GoI-1843) prior to containment. GoI-1843 is a minor outlaw motorcycle club active in under-the-Veil drug trafficking and the smuggling of anomalous materials across the Western United States. GoI-1843 had a sizeable following, with the mother charter being considered one of the most prominent and active of the organization: Todd López: Enforcer. Possesses the ability to discharge heat from his oral cavity via a thaumaturgic dragon tattoo on his neck. Louise Garnett: Witch. Specializes in pyromancy and limited thaumaturgy. Vance Chikatilo: Primary chemist. Also possesses knowledge on both non-anomalous and anomalous chemistry. Is Britland's main bodyguard. William Brady: Enforcer. Class two reality-bender that can affect his nearby surroundings. Nelson Britland: President of GoI-1843. Is not reported to have any anomalous abilities. The Foundation became aware of GoI-1843 when they tried to expand their territory into the South Western Region of the United States. Even after numerous arrests, GoI-1843 continued to grow. Upon gaining intel Britland was somewhere in the state of Oregon, the Foundation formulated plans to apprehend him when a complication arose. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7228/Rodney1 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Location of patrol route. Foreword: The following was taken from Agent Rodney's body camera. [BEGIN LOG] [Agent Rodney converses with Agent Harper in the car, the former absentmindedly points a speed radar out the window. Agent Holland examines their pager, chewing gum. All of them are wearing police uniforms.] Agent Rodney: —so he bites the guy's dick, giving his friends enough time to go ham on the bad guys! Agent Harper: …This came from a zombie apocalypse TV show? Agent Rodney: The zombie apocalypse TV show. I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet, Holland. Sounds like something up your alley. Agent Holland: You've seen one zombie flick, you've seen them all. Agent Rodney: Eh, you're no fun. Not gonna lie guys, I kind of wish Polk was here. He certainly knows how to liven up a party — no offense. Agent Holland: Nah, it's cool. Dick. Agent Rodney: I… uh— Agent Harper: He's joking. The sooner 'Porky' recovers from the flu, the better. Just act like I'm not here. Agent Rodney: Kind of hard considering we're partners. Agent Harper: Then let's pretend we're an old married couple then. I'll be the upstanding dad, you're the loving mother, and Holland can be the smelly, fussy baby. Agent Holland: Fuck you. Agent Harper: See? Ain't he a stinker! Agent Rodney: We've been here for hours, can't we move somewhere else? Agent Holland: What's the matter, Rod? Getting bored? Agent Rodney: Yes. Agent Harper: Well too bad! I'm not keen moving from the shade just yet… oops, never mind. [A red Toyota Highlander speeds down the road. Agent Harper turns on their siren and drives after them. Agent Rodney checks the speed radar.] Agent Rodney: Seventy on a forty? Geez. Agent Harper: [Snickering] Amateurs. C'mon, let's do our actual jobs for once. [Both vehicles park on the roadside. Agent Harper and Agent Rodney exit and approach the Toyota. Agent Harper knocks on the window — it rolls down.] Male Voice: What seems to the problem, officer? Agent Harper: Sir, do you have any idea how fast you were going? I'm afraid I'm going to have to see your license and registration please. You also have a broken tail light. Male Voice: Sure thing, officer. I got my license right here. [Agent Harper gasps and barely ducks under a beam of orange plasma. Agent Rodney jumps back.] Agent Rodney: Call it in! Holland, call it— [Agent Rodney comes under fire from gunshots and projectile flames, which he evades by returning to the police cruiser for cover. A woman and man3 exit the Toyota and rush the other vehicle, each wielding a flaming hand and an assault rifle respectively. López approaches Agent Harper, the latter using a boulder from cover from the onslaught of plasma.] [Agent Holland fumbles the radio but stops when Garnett projects flame at the car, melting the windshield. Chikatilo fires at the car door, getting closer to Agent Rodney. Agent Holland shrieks and crawls from the car. He aims and shoots Garnett in the shoulder.] [Chikatilo witnesses Garnett fall down. He snarls at Agent Holland and pulls the trigger — an empty click is heard. Chikatilo retrieves SCP-7228 from his pocket, puncturing the car. The car violently pops. The force of the expulsion pushes all nearby individuals over. Chikatilo stands up, kicks Agent Rodney's gun away, and approaches Agent Holland. Agent Holland screams are interrupted by a loud pop.] [Chikatilo reloads the rifle when Agent Rodney slams into him. They engage in a physical struggle for the weapon, inadvertently firing it. López falls to the ground. Chikatilo headbutts Agent Rodney off him. Chikatilo fires, but stops when he notices sunflowers emerging from the barrel.] Second Male Voice: Goddammit. [Chikatilo turns around in time for Britland's fist to collide with his face. Chikatilo stumbles back, scowls, and picks up SCP-7228. Britland scowls in return before helping Garnett up. She covers her blood-stained shoulder in pain. An overweight man4 picks up the assault rifle — the flowers vanish.] Britland: You and Todd couldn't wait five fucking seconds? Chikatilo: They were gonna phone it in! What the hell was I supposed to do? Britland: Stop acting like brain-damaged ape on meth? Garnett: Nel, he was doing his best! And we're still fine aren't we? [Britland gestures to López — blood rapidly emerge from his head. Chikatilo curses loudly and kicks the popped remains of the car. Brady rolls his eyes. Garnett rubs her temple and groans. Britland notices Agent Harper and points his revolver at Agent Rodney.] Britland: Drop it or your friend's getting a facial! [Agent Harper hesitates. Britland cocks the hammer.] Britland: Now. [Agent Harper sighs, dropping his firearm. Garnett restrains and guides him to the group before knocking him out. Britland lowers the gun to Agent Rodney's face. Agent Rodney pants heavily.] Agent Rodney: L-Listen! I think we gotten off the wrong foot— Britland: Shut up. Just shut up! Chikatilo: They've seen our faces, Nelson. You know what that means. Britland: Yeah, no thanks to you! That's the last time— Brady: Nel? [Brady pulls a file away from the remains of the car and reads it. He expresses shock then passes it Britland. Britland scans it and shudders before glancing at Agent Holland remains. He growls at Chikatilo.] Britland: Strike one. Louise, tape. Will, bodies. Vance, gun. [Garnett and Brady sprint away. Chikatilo, givess Britland the rifle and folds his arms. Britland sighs and turns to Agent Rodney.] Britland: Change of plans, looks like you and I are going on a road trip, Jailor. Nighty-nite. Agent Rodney: What— [Britland strikes Agent Rodney's head with the butt of the assault rifle.] [END LOG] Addendum-02, Imprisonment: Undercover Field Operatives Agent Rodney, Agent Harper, and Agent Holland failed to make a scheduled check-in with designated contact at Headquarters. An Investigative Response Unit was deployed to the area, whereupon they discovered the scene of the skirmish and Agent Holland's remains. All available assets in the region were placed on high alert, and efforts to locate and rescue or recover the unaccounted-for Agents were initiated. Dismantling GoI-1843 was deemed a higher priority. However, a lack of leads made locating the mother chapter immensely difficult. Although several personnel casted doubt on the rescue operation, Agent Rodney and Agent Harper was still alive. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7228/Rodney2 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Frame Taken From Agent Rodney's Body Camera. [BEGIN LOG] [Agent Rodney and Agent Harper are restrained to folding chairs inside a trailer. Most of the wallpaper is torn and a framed picture of a hot air balloon hangs by the door. The former wakes up.] Agent Harper: [Whisper] Like the show? [Brady, wearing a sheriff's costume, points Agent Rodney's firearm at a mirror. Agent Rodney's body camera hangs from a coat rack; the agents' equipment and a backpack sits on a nearby couch.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] What happened? Agent Harper: [Whisper] [Sigh] They weren't amateurs. Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Right, we got jumped. I remember… but why are we here? Agent Harper: [Whisper] Beats me. All I know is that is that punk leader guy ordered that dope to watch us. But then he started screwing around and now he's— [The area shifts into a desert landscape. Five men in cowboy costumes5 aim their firearms towards Brady. Brady aims his own and whistles. The cowboys explode in smoke and red glowing words stating, "Ouch!". Brady twirls the gun but accidently drops it. Brady groans.] Agent Harper: [Whisper] [Scoffing] What a marksman. Agent Rodney: [Whisper] A bender? Dammit, what's next?… Harp, a-about Holland—. Agent Harper: [Whisper] I know, I saw. Agent Rodney: [Whisper] What the hell. It was his first day, man! Agent Harper: [Whisper] Shit happens all the time, Rod. But listen, you gotta keep your head in the game. Alright? We could still make this work. Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Really? How?! Agent Harper: [Whisper] I don't know. Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Way to inspire confidence here, Harp. Agent Harper: [Whisper] Just shut up and follow my lead. Agent Rodney [Whisper] Yep, now I'm missing Polk a lot. At least I wouldn't have to suffer through this bullcrap— [Agent Rodney's mouth transforms into a closed zipper. Agent Rodney is visibly stunned.] Brady: Heard that! You ought to be more polite to a man with magic hands, so zip it! [Snickering] Get it? No? Eh, well screw you. I run the show here, and if you think you can get away pushing me 'round— [A knock is heard. Brady freezes.] Britland: Will, it's time. Open up. Brady: Hold up! [The area and Brady's outfit revert to normal. Brady hastily stuffs the equipment into the backpack.] Britland: Will, open up! Brady: In a minute! I'm not… decent! Chikatilo: My god, Willy! The hell you doing back there? Garnett: Hold on, I have the key. If you're naked in there Willy, I swear to god— [Brady runs from the couch and opens the door. Britland, Chikatilo, and Garnett enter. Garnett shoulder is bandaged and Chikatilo scowls prolongingly at Agent Rodney.] Britland: Sure took your sweet time. Brady: S-Sorry Nel, I was trying to… these guys have been so much trouble since you've left — nothing but a nasty pain in the ass. I thinks it's time to take off the kiddie gloves. [Britland spots Agent Rodney's zipper. Britland looks to Brady.] Brady: Especially that one. He thinks he's special. Britland: Oh… really now? [Britland pulls out a chair and sits in front of the agents. Britland smiles and unzips Agent Rodney's mouth, causing him to cringe in pain.] Britland: Tail light's fixed. Agent Harper: Good for you. Britland: Thank you. I appreciate it. While you were napping I checked your license and registration to pass the time. [Britland leans in closer.] Britland: Didn't appreciate that. Agent Rodney: …We were just doing our jobs… we were gonna let you go— Garnett: —And let your friends take care of the rest. You've been following us! You got any idea how much trouble you're in right now? Agent Rodney: What? We don't even— Agent Harper: Heh, I think that applies to you more than us don't you think— [Britland pulls on Agent Harper by his necktie, bringing the two closer together.] Britland: For your sake? It doesn't. Let me tell you what happened since then: more patrols, more cameras, more arrests! You weren't part of the plan, and now your friends are screwing things up! From the bottom of my heart, fuck you. Agent Rodney: You killed one of our own! What else do you expect? Chikatilo: Hey! Mind your damn tongue— Britland: Vance. [Britland glances at Chikatilo. Chikatilo relaxes.] Britland: But believe it or not, you can still make this right. You can still go home. All you have to do is makes some amends and we'll be done here. Agent Harper: Amends? [Britland waves a file in front of both agents.] Britland: You two were in on it, which means you know the plan. We want in too. Agent Rodney: You… you want us to spill the beans? Britland: On a silver platter. Surely you can't be this naïve, Mr. Rod-Nay? It's the only reason you're still breathing. Agent Harper: Not happening. Britland: We just want to know about the check points, and what fancy tools you got. They won't ever know— Agent Harper: I said that's not happening. [Britland pulls out a combat knife against Agent Harper's neck. Agent Harper tenses.] Britland: Y-You still thinking I'm being cute here? Agent Rodney: I?! Why— Britland: I already told you why. Did you even listen?! I've never tolerated dead weight and I'm not starting now. If I were you I'd start singing like a canary, so give me some noise. Otherwise… [Britland slowly drags the knife across Agent Harper's chin. Agent Harper huffs as blood trickle onto his collar.] Britland: Wanna try that again? [Agent Harper clenches his teeth.] Agent Harper: That… tickles. [Britland points the knife to Agent Harper's ear.] Agent Rodney: Hey! Point that thing at me asshole! Maybe I know what's going on! [Chikatilo yanks Agent Rodney's head back by his hair and grabs onto his throat.] Chikatilo: Remember what I said? You still have the balls to yap after what you pulled?! Brady: Vance? Agent Rodney: I— [Chikatilo punches Agent Rodney nose; Agent Rodney nostrils' bleed. Agent Rodney groans before Chikatilo pulls back his left eyelid, bringing SCP-7228 extremely close to his eyeball. Agent Rodney freezes.] Garnett: H-Honey? Chikatilo: We could've ended you right then and there, and yet you're still acting like you're hot shit! I can fix that. Britland: Vance! [Chikatilo squeezes harder. Agent Rodney involuntarily coughs spit at Chikatilo's face. Chikatilo shakes tremendously, rasing SCP-7228 high into the air. Britland wrestles SCP-7228 from his hand.] Chikatilo: Nel? Britland: Strike two. Outside. Now! [Britland pushes Chikatilo outside the trailer, dragging Agent Harper with him by his chair. Garnett follows them. Brady picks up the backpack and looks to a shocked Agent Rodney. Brady shrugs.] Brady: Would you believe if I said this is the calmest I'd ever seen him? [Chuckles] Welcome to the family son. [Brady slams the door behind him, causing the picture to fall and shatter on the floor. Agent Rodney looks at the frame. He cocks his head and, still restrained, moves forward. Agent Rodney leans an ear against the door, remaining silent. The sound of punching and Chikatilo yelping is audible.] Garnett: Nel! Nelson! Please! You said next time he'll be in time out! Britland: Changed my mind, I'm 'spanking' him instead! Don't you even, Louise! Enough is enough, and it needs to stop! Chikatilo: He killed Todd! Britland: I don't care! They're still important. When everything's said and done? Then we can talk. [Agent Rodney breathes harshly through his nostrils. He eyes at the frame again before turning around. Agent Rodney manages to lift the frame up and removes a shard of glass from it. He cuts through his wrist binding; Agent Rodney cries softly as drops of blood stain the carpet.] Chikatilo: F-Fine! I-I get it! Now can I have my thing back— Britland: No. William will be holding onto your needle for the foreseeable future. Chikatilo: What?! Brady: Really? Finally! Britland: I'm putting my foot down. Don't push it. Chikatilo: No! I found it first! I— Britland: Todd was strike one, that was strike two, you want to make this strike three?… that's what I thought. [Agent Rodney cuts the bindings on his legs and chest.] Brady: Wow, it really is small. So what now? Britland: We complete the checklist. Louise, Vance, take this and wrap up your chores in the tents. Will, that guy better be singing by sunrise! I'll be taking this bastard in my office. You better read those instructions too, Will. That's not a toy! Brady: Trust me, I'll go to the tents when I'm done. Sayonara! Ciao! Buh-bye! Don't let the bed bugs bite! [Chuckling]. [Agent Rodney visibly panics as he tears off the last bindings. He zips his mouth closed, picks up the chair and hides behind the door. The door is kicked open; the trailer's interior shifts into a cartoon- representation of medieval torture chamber. Brady is wearing an executioner outfit.] Brady: Okay Mr. Jailor time to get serious! How about… oh shit. [Agent Rodney slams the chair against Brady's head. Brady falls down as Agent Rodney continues slamming it against him. Brady points at the chair — it transforms into a large cobra. Agent Rodney shrieks through the zipper and throws the cobra away across the room and, visibly confused, frantically beats him up with his bare hands.] [The space of the torture room became to shift and move erratically; objects are pulled, twisted and squeezed simultaneously. Brady pulls out SCP-7228 and attempts to pierce Agent Rodney. Agent Rodney catches Brady's hand; both struggle for the needle.] [Brady grabs onto Agent Rodney's throat. Agent Rodney screams as his body spatially contorts and bends at sharp angles. He is also fading out of visibility. Agent Rodney pushes Brady's arm to the right, causing SCP-7228 to pop a suit of armor carrying a large mace. Brady looks up and gasps as the mace collides with nose, caving in his face.] [The room returns to normal. Agent Rodney seethes in pain as all abnormalities on his body also returns to normal. Agent Rodney looks to Brady, then pulls on the door. It is locked.] [Agent Rodney pauses, then eyes SCP-7228 on the floor. He crouches, hesitantly reaching his arm towards the object. After another moment, he slowly picks it up and pierces the door. The door pops. Agent Rodney stares at SCP-7228, adorns his body camera, then leaves the trailer.] [The scenery outside appears to be that of a carnival. Various rides, attractions, and a large Ferris wheel is visibly in the background. Agent Rodney takes a deep breath, visible relaxes, and walks down the trailer's steps. One of the steps breaks, causing Agent Rodney to fall on his frontside. He groans in annoyance and sits upright before freezing.] [SCP-7228 is embedded in his thumb.] [Agent Rodney removes SCP-7228 from his fingernail. His thumb leaks air. Agent Rodney whimpers.] Agent Rodney: Dammit. [END LOG] Addendum-03, Escape: Agent Rodney escaped his imprisonment, obtaining SCP-7228 in the process; Agent Harper's status remained unconfirmed. The location the agents were held at was Highland Park.6 Since the property was generally isolated from urban centers Britland had repurposed it as major safehouse and hub for GoI-1843 activity. As a result from aforementioned Foundation intervention, other GoI-1843 members were unable to arrive at the park, leaving the mother chapter solely in charge of it. Because of this, Agent Rodney would theoretically have navigated the pier without issue. Unfortunately, due to an oversight on his part, that was not possible. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7228/Rodney3 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ Highland Park before it's closure. [BEGIN LOG] Agent Rodney: I honestly don't know where to start. [Agent Rodney travels down the pier. The wooden planks and other nearby structures appear rotten and decrepit respectively. Agent Rodney scans his surroundings.] Agent Rodney: But I'm going to document this just in case. Don't know if you'll even see this but… t-the mission went bad. Very bad. Harper is missing, Holland's dead, and it's anyone's guess what's happening to me. Erm… Agent Rodney: These guys kidnapped us and now we're at a… fair? No, park — I see the Ferris wheel. I-I'm still fine, I think they're aiming for the hostage route but something tells that won't last forever. Hm? [Agent Rodney spots an old Highland Park sign. He chuckles nervously.] Agent Rodney: Highland? We're in Highland? Wow… you know we should probably come up with some program to check out abandoned areas. These guys always seem to treat it like free real estate. Ow. [The faint whistling of air is heard. Agent Rodney's right hand and half of his forearm is deflated. He is carrying SCP-7228 in his other hand.] Agent Rodney: Okay, I might've lied about the 'fine' part. Got pricked by this needle, and this was the result. Holland got popped because of it; don't know why I didn't. I'm feeling a tad light-headed at the moment. My arm's numb… I'm getting a bit sleepy… shit. [Agent Rodney pulls on his hair, his breath shudders.] Agent Rodney: Nope. No phone, no gun, no arm! You fucking idiot… couldn't watch your step?! They find that other guy I'm screwed. I'm… no, no. Keep your head in the game, just keep it in… [Agent Rodney uses SCP-7228 to puncture a soda can and brick on the ground, The can pops. Agent Rodney punctured the brick more lightly. The brick leaks airs until he steps on it; the brick completely deflates.] Agent Rodney: So there's a method to this? Neat. [Agent Rodney glances at the pier entrance in the far background. He shakes his head.] Agent Rodney: Nope. Not without Harp and or the arm. They talked about 'the tents' a bit ago. Seems like everything I need's in there. My stuff and… 'instructions' for the anomaly? Do they mean research? [Agent Rodney caresses his deflated arm, he takes a deep breath and moves towards a faint light in the distance.] Agent Rodney: Maybe I can still turn this into a win. [Agent Rodney continues walking, eventually reaching the midway: several large tents are in the center of the area. Wooden crates, empty or turned over concession stands, and cables are haphazardly placed on the ground, with some snaking upwards on nearby structures. Rotten food and trash are also visible on the ground.] Agent Rodney: C'mon guys, there's a trash can right over there. Pigs. Is this 'the tents?' [The cables are attached to work lights placed around the area — all the cables run underneath the tents. Agent Rodney looks at his arm; the forearm is completely deflated. He shudders, then nods.] Agent Rodney: Now or never. Don't think about it, just keep your head in the game— [Garnett walks into view. Agent Rodney gasps and hides behind a popcorn stand. Garnett huffs as she holds her shoulder. She puts a cigarette in her mouth then turns up the volume on her radio.] Garnett: Hey Babycakes, how you're doing? Chikatilo: Still. Bleeding. Through. My Nose. Garnett: I told you not to provoke him, Vance! You just had to push it? Chikatilo: Can this conversation wait? Where's your make-up kit? I don't want to explain this to the guys. Garnett: Hmm… If it was anyone else, I'd say piss off. But I'll make an exception, just for you. Chikatilo: Wonderful. I want your gum too. Garnett: Don't push it. [Agent Rodney crawls behind some crates and a trash can.] Garnett: But seriously, you feeling good? Chikatilo: I'll feel good when we finally deal with those Suits. Garnett: [Groaning] We've already talked about this— Chikatilo: And I'll say it again. Keeping them around is too risky. We should've cut our losses then and laid low. You know I'm right. [Garnett sighs and lights the cigarette with a flaming finger. Agent Rodney gets closer to the tent.] Garnett: Let's see how this plays out first. Besides, Britland wouldn't have it. Especially with him being scared and all. Chikatilo: Britland? Scared of who? The Foundation? Yep, I ain't buying it. Garnett: I swear man, he got all jittery when I mentioned it — never saw him so tense like that before. Chikatilo: I'll believe it when I see it. Anyways, you know where my cigs are? Can't find them. Garnett: I dunno. [Garnett hides a cigarette pack in her pocket. Agent Rodney enter the tent; a motorcycle, toolboxes, a bicycle pump and a small weapons cabinet inside. He walks to the motorcycle, shakes his head, then turns to the cabinet.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Weapons. [Agent Rodney inspects the cabinet. The backpack can be seen through the door. Agent Rodney's smile turns into a frown upon spotting the combination lock.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Of course, they would. Fine, have it your way. [Agent Rodney punctures the lock. His frown turns into a horrified expression when the entire cabinet deflates.] Agent Rodney: [Loud Whisper] Assclown! [Agent Rodney attempts to rip the cabinet apart with his hands, resulting it to deflate further. Footsteps approach the tent. Panicked, Agent Rodney hides the cabinet behind the toolboxes and crawls into the adjacent tent.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] [Panting]. Ow… ow… [A table displaying a variety of chemical vials, Bunsen burners and a written notebook rests in the center of the tent. A fridge and a generator is also by the table. Agent Rodney struggles to stand, prompting him to lean on the table for support.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Okay, I get it. I'm screwed… But hey… at least I won't go hungry. Eat your heart out, 'Nel'. [Agent Rodney opens the fridge; the frozen, decayed corpse of López falls out. He stares at it, struggling not to vomit.] Agent Rodney: [Strained Whisper] I hate you, Nel. [Agent Rodney, frustrated, looks towards the table. The words "INSTRUCTIONS" are written on the notebook. Agent Rodney grins.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] But certainly not you. [Agent Rodney picks up the notebook and skims through it. His grin fades away.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Methamphetamine… oxy… Math? T-This ain't gonna help me! Those guys said there were instructions— [A piece of computer paper falls from the notebook. Agent Rodney picks it up. It reads: VANCE! REMEMBER. THE. PUMP! DO THAT AGAIN I'M TURNING YOU INTO A CONDOM! — NEL] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Lovely. Seriously, does he have a stick up his ass all the time? Wait… pump? [Agent Rodney collapses to the ground when his shoulder deflates, he covers his mouth, silently groaning. The view of Garnett's feet and the bicycle pump is visible from the other tent. The groaning ceases. He grabs a glove and duct tape, blowing into the former.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] New plan. [Exhale] Stupid but worth a shot. [Exhale] Need something but She-devil's blocking it. [Exhale] Can't get to her. [Exhale] So I'm gonna get her here instead. [Exhale] Showtime. [Agent Rodney finishes the glove balloon, tapes it, and punctures it with SCP-7228. It does not pop.] Agent Rodney: …Huh? [Agent Rodney puncture it again; the glove balloon still does not pop. He hisses.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Bull! You telling me you out of everything, a little itty bitty balloon giving you such hard time— [The glove balloon spontaneously doubles in size. Startled, Agent Rodney throws the balloon under the table. The balloon continues to grow, lifting up the table and knocking over the refrigerator onto the generator. All lights in the area goes out.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] …Shit. Garnett: Hold on! Let me check it out! Agent Rodney: [Loud Whisper] Shit! [Agent Rodney hastily crawls to the previous tent as Garnett leaves. He grabs the pump then looks at his deflated thumb. Agent Rodney bites his lip.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] This ain't gonna work. [Agent Rodney winces; his shoulder collapses further.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] But it damn well better! [Agent Rodney tightly affixes the pump against his thumb and pumps with his free hand. His shoulder blows up slightly. Agent Rodney chuckles.] Agent Rodney [Whisper] Yes. Yes! The feeling's returning to my arm. You hear that guys! I ain't dying tonig— [The glove balloon pushes against the other tent, toppling some crates onto Agent Rodney. Agent Rodney's arm returns to normal at the cost of his body being flatten below the upper torso. Agent Rodney freezes in place, eyes watering up. He is about to scream when Garnett's own cuts him off.] [The tent wall behind Agent Rodney catches fire. Agent Rodney pops the crates. He frantically pumps the hose, his lower torso soon returns to normal shape.] Garnett: I'm trying! My mancy's getting overloaded… Just get your ass over here! Where's the extinguisher?! [Agent Rodney stops pumping. He spots a bicycle covering and uses it to conceal himself. The sounds of stomping, metal creaking, and rushing air becomes audible. Agent Rodney emerges from the covering. Garnett is spraying a fire extinguisher, failing to extinguish the fire.] [Agent Rodney slowly crawls to Garnett, readying SCP-7228 when she notices him.] Garnett: You?! [Agent Rodney thrusts SCP-7228 forward, only puncturing the extinguisher. The extinguisher pops and expels foam onto Agent Rodney's back and Garnett's face. Garnett backs up against the fire.] [Garnett screams as she catches on fire, flailing her arms before tripping on a toolbox. Agent Rodney grabs the pump and drags himself outside, coughing from smoke inhalation. Garnett runs from the tent before it collapses and performs the 'stop, drop, and roll' technique.] [The fire is still not extinguished. Garnett hisses and positions her hand towards her back, the fire recedes to her palm. She rests on the ground; her hyperventilating ends abruptly when she notices Agent Rodney is right in front of her. Agent Rodney lip quivers.] Agent Rodney: Wait— [Garnet projects the fire in her palm at Agent Rodney. Agent Rodney instinctively covers his body with his hands; the fire instantly pops upon making physical contact with SCP-7228. Both appear visibly dumbfounded.] Garnet: Wha— [Agent Rodney pierces Garnett. Garnett pops. Agent Rodney takes several breath before resting on his back. His clothes are stained with dried blood, white foam, and pieces of a SCP-7228-A instance in that order. The tents continue to burn in front of him. Agent Rodney pumps himself until his body returns to its original shape, taping the hole on his thumb.. He suddenly facepalms.] Agent Rodney: Just realized I could've avoided that if I'd popped literally anything else. Ugh… forget it. Now to find Harp. That's fine, I'm still fine — can work. Just gotta… gotta… [Agent Rodney slowly turns around. Chikatilo stares at Agent Rodney, then at the tents, then at the remains of Garnett. Chikatilo, shaking tremendously, switches the safety off his assault rifle.] [END LOG] Addendum-04, Confrontation: Following the raids against GoI-1843, one of the organization's road captains confessed the location of Highland park during interrogation. Foundation assets, disguised as law enforcement and medical services were deployed, seeking to quickly resolve the situation, Congruently, Agent Rodney, despite finding the means to maintain his anomalous form, was still in danger. ▶ ACCESS SCiPNET:/7228/Rodney4 ◀ ▷ CLOSE FILE ◁ The Cheshire House prior to closing. [BEGIN LOG] [Agent Rodney sprints across the foot court. He pants heavily and leans against an object. The pump is taped to his side with excessive rolls of duct tape.] Agent Rodney: Why didn't I do more sports?… [The object turns out to be a vending machine; expired candy and chips are inside. Agent Rodney is about to break the glass with a nearby rock until a spray of bullets break the glass, nearly missing him.] Chikatilo: Fucking pussy, c'mere! [Agent Rodney swipes as much candy bars as he can before Chikatilo reloads, then sharply turns left. He attempts to remove the wrappers from the candy with his teeth while consuming them at the same time.] Agent Rodney: [Loud Chewing] Get in! Get in! I need… I need — not fine! If you can see this I am not fucking— [Agent Rodney trips. He looks to see that his leg is tangled by cables. Agent Rodney uses SCP-7228 to pop them.] Agent Rodney: [Nervous Laughter] I killed his girlfriend. What are the odds? [Agent Rodney's snickers turns into crying, then panting.] Agent Rodney: I c-can still m-make this work. Keep your head in the game. Keep it— [Gunfire is heard when Agent Rodney untangles himself; the hissing of air is audible. The gunfire continues until Agent Rodney hides behind a merry-go-round. Chikatilo can be heard reloading again when his radio crackles to life.] Britland: The hell you're doing?! Chikatilo: Cleaning up your mess! [The hissing of air resumes. Agent Rodney chews on his last candy bar when he glances at a reflection on one of the horses. A large hole is present on his forehead; he chokes on the candy bar.] Britland: Vance. Stop. Shooting! You want to cops raining down our head?! Chikatilo: Sure! Why not? Fuck it! Let's bring the Jailors too while we're at it. You two deserve each other anyways! [Agent Rodney's head begins to cave-in. Agent Rodney tapes the back of his head, then inserts the coupler into his forehead, pumping ferociously.] Britland: Vance, you're five seconds away from strike three! If I were you I'd— Chikatilo: —eat shit and die! They're after you not me. What's the matter, Nel? Scared of becoming the prison bitch! Britland: …Strike three— [Agent Rodney finishes pumping, and wraps the tape fully around his head. A radio is chucked into the distance. Agent Rodney pulls SCP-7228 as the sound of stomping gets louder. He stops, then looks to the main body of the merry-go-round. Chikatilo turns the corner and aims.] [Agent Rodney punctures the merry-go-round.] [The rupture of the SCP-7228-A instance sends Chikatilo several feet away. Agent Rodney is launched into the air. Agent Rodney screams are cut short when he notices he is descending slowly.] Agent Rodney: …Floating? [Agent Rodney brings up SCP-7228 to his eyes, remaining silent.] Agent Rodney: Popping. Deflating. Pumping. Happens when a needle… I'm a balloon? I'm a balloon. [Agent Rodney touches his forehead.] Agent Rodney: That makes sense. It's stupid, but makes sense— [Agent Rodney sees Chikatilo stand up and spotting him from the ground. Agent Rodney attempts to 'swim' to the nearest available surface, in this case, the roof of the 'Cheshire House' attraction. He rests on the ground.] Agent Rodney: Nope, this is just stupid. Maybe he'll keep running out of ammo? Jesus Christ! [Agent Rodney scrambles away just in time as a Molotov crashes on the roof — the fire spreads quickly. Agent Rodney turns around and sees a tall wooden rollercoaster near the roof. He takes a deep breath, takes a few steps back and jumps. Due to being A SCP-7228-A instance, he gains a lot of horizontal height.] [Agent Rodney climbs the coaster, moving through support beams. Chikatilo gives chase and follows him via the employee stairs and walkways. Both men go higher up the coaster; Chikatilo eventually makes a successful shot on Agent Rodney, grazing and opening his abdomen.] [Agent Rodney stumbles and hides behind a pole. He pulls out the tape and pump. Chikatilo fires again, making a successful hit on the pump. The force of the bullet tears the object from his grip and fall down below.] Chikatilo: That's right, you pissant! Come out like the cockroach you are and take it like a man, bitch! [Agent Rodney ducks, his cover getting consistently fired on by Chikatilo. Faraway, Agent Rodney spots faint red and blue light from the highway.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Finally some help… wait, Harp's still gone. Shit. Shit. [Agent Rodney looks to his abdomen wound; he is leaking air fast. He pulls out SCP-7228 and looks at the surrounding structure of the rollercoaster. Chikatilo rifle jams.] Agent Rodney: [Whisper] Cockroach? Thanks for the idea. [Agent Rodney climbs sporadically through the structure, lightly puncturing holes in the rollercoaster as he moves along. By the time he unjams his rifle, the section of the rollercoaster begins to collapse.] [In visible panic, Chikatilo moves onto one of the track segments when he notices Agent Rodney climbing on top as well.] Agent Rodney: Tell Todd and Louise I said hi. [Agent Rodney punctures the platform. The track ruptures completely; Chikatilo screams, falling to the pier in a loud thud while Agent Rodney descends slowly, spotting the bicycle pump below.] Agent Rodney: That was for you Holland, cheers… Right, Harp. I still need to find… Oh. [Britland is seen at the bottom of the rollercoaster holding a gun to a kneeling, handcuffed Agent Harper's head. They are near a Ferris wheel. Agent Rodney sighs, calmly landing to the ground, holding his abdomen. Britland turns to a fallen Chikatilo; his legs are broken and is shaking tremendously, presumably from immense pain.] Britland: You're out. [Britland fires his revolver. Chikatilo stops moving; blood is leaking from his left eye socket. Britland points the gun at Agent Rodney, clenching onto the back of Agent Harper's shirt with his other hand.] Britland: And you're insufferable. Agent Rodney: …I get that a lot. Britland: I saw Garnett. Suppose Will went down the same way? Agent Rodney: …H-He fought valiantly. Britland: Did he really? Agent Rodney: No. Britland: A decade of work in flames. [Britland gestures his head to the massive pillars of smoke rising overhead.] Britland: My crew, gone. [Britland spits in Chikatilo's direction.] Britland: And I might not be too far behind either. [The faint sound of sirens can be heard in the far distance.] Britland: And you still think you're just walking out of here? [Agent Harper's face is bruised and looks away from Britland.] Agent Harper: Now doesn't that sound cute. [Britland snaps the gun to Agent Harper's head. Agent Rodney takes a step forward, groaning in pain as his abdomen deflates.] Agent Rodney: You brought this on yourselves— [Britland points the gun back to Agent Rodney — his hand violently shaking. Agent Rodney gulps and loudly exhales.] Agent Rodney: They don't take this stuff lightly… but there's still a way out of this. [Britland's hand is shaking less, he is visibly surprised before his expression shifts into a scowl.] Britland: I'd be more willing to listen if you drop it. [Agent Rodney tosses SCP-7228 forward several feet then slowly moves towards Britland. Agent Harper snaps their head upwards and widens his eyes in shock.] Agent Rodney: We don't just 'jail' things. Sometimes we make deals too. Under the right circumstances… it could work out. Britland: And what kind of deal would that be? Agent Rodney: A plea deal. [Britland remains silent before suddenly chuckling. Agent Rodney stops moving.] Britland: Y-You want to become a sellout?! Agent Rodney: That's not how it… well it's exactly how it sounds. B-but with your help, we can resolve the issues the Riders have been making. And after that I'm certain that— Britland: That they'll feed me a bullet. I know how this works! The moment I'm a liability, not worth their time, the deal's off. That stuff only works for normal things, in normal courts; like Jailors give a shit 'bout that! And if I'm screwed either way— [Britland cocks the hammer. Agent Rodney catches his breath] Britland: Then I guess Vance had a point after all… hm? [They all look up to see a giant blue glove rising behind the tents. Britland is distracted long enough for Agent Harper to headbutt his crotch, stunning him. Agent Rodney picks up SCP-7228 and breaks into a sprint. Britland attempts to fire at Agent Rodney. Agent Rodney readies SCP-7228 but the lack of air pressure on his abdomen causes his back loses stability. He slashes Britland's thigh before faceplanting.] [Britland express immediate panic. He tries to cover the wound when his leg is violently ripped off from the amount of air leaking from his body. The force of the air propels Britland into the air, he screams as he flies in random directions before crashing into the base of the Ferris wheel. Britland is deflated completely. Agent Harper watches in awe.] Agent Harper: …Huh? [Agent Harper's handcuffs pop. Agent Harper turns to Agent Rodney, who is still holding SCP-7228 and is losing a lot of air in his midsection.] Agent Harper: I — R-Rodney?! The hell is this?! Agent Rodney: I'm a balloon and you're gonna fill me up. Agent Harper: …What? Agent Rodney: Grab that over there and pump me here, dammit! I'm… run. [The Ferris wheel creaks loudly as it begins to tilt towards their direction. Agent Harper slings Agent Rodney over his shoulder and runs away, grabbing the pump in the process. The Ferris wheel falls onto the glove; the resulting explosion destroys a massive section of the pier.] [Agent Harper is pushed to the ground by the shockwave but gets back up, and manages to avoid the fire, which has now spread to a larger portion of the pier. Eventually, they make it to the ticket booth and drops a near-deflated Agent Rodney to the floor. He inserts the nozzle of the pump into his abdomen and pumps frantically. Agent Rodney begins to regain consciousness.] Agent Rodney: Is it over yet? Agent Harper: Rod, shut up. What do you mean you're a balloon? Agent Rodney: Remember the prick that made Holland explode? [Agent Rodney twirls SCP-7228 in his hand. Agent Harper continues to pump.] Agent Harper: You're kidding… Agent Rodney: Believe me, man. I wished. Agent Harper: Hold up, Mister Marksman had that last. He did this to you?! Agent Rodney: …I don't know. Agent Harper: [Sigh] Jesus… Rod— Agent Rodney: I'll be contained, I get it. Can we focus on the pumping part now? This is starting to feel comfortable. [Agent Harper scoffs in disbelief. The sound of sirens and flashing blue and red light emanates beyond the entrance.] Agent Rodney: You think that's our people? Agent Harper: Doesn't matter. We're going home either way. Agent Rodney: Yeah… so how was Nel's hospitality? [Agent Harper smiles; a tooth is missing.] Agent Rodney: Ouch. Good thing we have dental insurance. Did I ever tell I been here once? Agent Harper: You did? Agent Rodney: I lived nearby here a long time ago. It was fun while it lasted. Funny how that works. You think they'll reopen again? [Most of the pier is on fire.] Agent Harper: You're hoping pigs will fly too? Agent Rodney: It was joke! Aah… no, yep still hurts. I never thought this would I'd retire. Being thrown in spooky jail? That's a kicker, but it sure as hell beats dying. Agent Harper: You scared? Agent Rodney: A bit. I can't go out anymore, but yet again I don't really leave the Sites much. They'll give me a room, Class-E if I'm lucky. I heard rumors about those kind of places: it's not exactly like a hotel like the eggheads been complaining about. I heard it's kind of like… taking the day off. Agent Harper: …Rodney? Agent Rodney: Maybe there's a silver lining to this after all. Agent Harper: We don't know how this work yet. There's still a chance we can cure you. Agent Rodney: Doubt it. Even so, it probably won't be long until the next hell in a handbasket comes my way. Agent Harper: Please, like this could happen again on the fly. Agent Rodney: No, I'm serious. My supervisor has been really concerned about that. [Agent Harper stops pumping.] Agent Harper: I'm sorry, could you repeat that? Agent Rodney: My supervisor is concerned because I think I'm like… 'highly likely to attract trouble', her words not mine. I've been trough quite a bit: Got nursed to help by a sniper scarecrow, I'm somewhat friends with a talking firetruck… kind of, and I stopped an anomalous train derailment from happening on my very first day. It happens to me like all the time. Agent Harper: …All the time? Agent Rodney: Well.. not literally all the time but it happens way more than it should. That's why I'm not paired up with other agents often except Polk. He's my go-to guy. But he's sick, so whatcha gonna do? I know this is a bit awkward but I liked working with you Harp. It was certainly… Harp? [Agent Harper backs away from the pump, visibly stunned. He then leans and slumps to floor. Agent Harper experiences a major headache.] Agent Harper: Rodney? Agent Rodney: Yeah? Agent Harper: I want a divorce. [END LOG] In spite of everything that occurred, Agent Rodney and Agent Harper survived. Both agents were send to the nearest Site for emergency medical treatment. SCP-7228 was confiscated and civilian paramedics at the scene were amnestized. The cover story involving of arson was fabricated to account for the destruction of Highland Park. With Britland and his crew terminated, and with the lack of major leadership in the organization, GoI-1843 became much easier to dismantle. As of time of writing, most of GoI-1843 had been apprehended, with the majority of them amnestized or assigned to Class-D personnel. Agent Rodney was designated as Class-E personnel and Agent Harper requested to not be assigned to Agent Rodney as a partner in the future. Request granted. Addendum-05, Protocol-7228: Shortly after SCP-7228 was contained it was learned that, through extensive research, minimally punctured SCP-7228-A instances can revert back to their original states if all sources of air leakage is sufficiently stopped and sealed for an indeterminate amount of time. Agent Rodney was the first successful application of Protocol-7228; Agent Rodney lost all anomalous properties and was declared fit for duty. Upon hearing this, Agent Rodney requested a sick day. Request denied. Footnotes 1. See Addendum-05. 2. SCP-7228 can puncture objects that would be difficult or impossible for non-anomalous needles, including anomalously-durable materials. 3. Identified as Garnett and Chikatilo. 4. Identified as Brady. 5. Most notably, their appearance closely resembles those from the Light Gun Nintendo Entertainment System Game, Duck Hunt. 6. Highland Park was an oceanfront amusement park located near the Oregon Coast Highway. The establishment was once popular for its attractions and appeal to young audiences, but soon foreclosed as a consequence of the Great Recession.
close Info X Special Thanks to: ExiAsWell, Zoobeeny dreamer, Jiwoahn, Iszth, RadiantGold, soundchaser, Rab333, Teebonesnek who helped with some constructive criticism and help with the proofreading of this article, this couldn't have been done without yall! Thanks, to everyone in the IRC chat and in this wonderful community. JorgeMtzb Hello, it is me! JorgeMtzb Here I come with another SCP. This was an idea that I had a while back and it has finally come to fruition. Hopefully, you all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! Item#: 7229 Level3 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7229 is to be monitored at all times by a team of astrophysicists stationed at Area-08-C. Any changes in the gravitational field of the sun are to be recorded and analyzed immediately. To mitigate the effects of SCP-7229, the Foundation has implemented a series of countermeasures. These include the use of highly advanced satellites and observatories to monitor the sun's gravitational field as well as the deployment of a network of ground-based sensors to detect any changes in the Earth's orbital velocity. It has been proposed that the Foundation launch a specialized device to interact with the Sun's gravitational field as SCP-7229 may cause a deviation in the Earth's orbital period and lead to an unsynchronized year. The device would aim to increase the Earth's orbital velocity during such events, thus compensating for any deviations in the planet's revolution period. In the event that SCP-7229's effects become noticeable to the general public, a cover story is to be disseminated to explain the changes in the Earth's orbital velocity. Description: SCP-7229 is an anomalous phenomenon that affects the gravitational field of the sun. SCP-7229 appears to cause a significant periodic fluctuation in the Sun's gravitational pull resulting in a slowdown of the Earth's orbital velocity that lasts for approximately 4 days. The cause of SCP-7229 is currently unknown. Attempts to detect any underlying patterns or correlations with other celestial events have been inconclusive. During the period of decreased orbital velocity caused by SCP-7229, Earth's atmosphere experiences an increase in solar radiation resulting in a temporary rise in surface temperatures. This may lead to more frequent and severe heatwaves and droughts in affected areas. SCP-7229 has also caused anomalies in the Earth's magnetic field, resulting in disruptions to communication and navigation systems. Despite the relatively short duration of the effect, the impact on Earth's climate and weather patterns has the potential to be severe. To better understand the impact of SCP-7229 on the Earth's climate, the Foundation has established several research initiatives including the historical study of gravitational patterns and the analysis of satellite imagery. The data collected from these studies will aid in predicting future fluctuations in the Earth's orbital velocity and developing effective strategies to counteract SCP-7229. NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION This document is outdated and may no longer reflect the most recent information or updates. A more recent version of this document is available and should be consulted for the most accurate and up-to-date content. Thank you for your understanding. More From This Author More From This Author JorgeMtzb's Works SCPs SCP-7911 (+28) • SCP-719M4-J (+170) • SCP-7424 (+6) • SCP-7194 (+33) • SCP-7121 (+92) • SCP-500-J (+117) • SCP-7192 (+8) • Tales/GoI Formats Other JorgeMtzb's Author Page (+17) • « SCP-7228 | SCP-7229 | SCP-7230 »
SCP-7231 — In Heaven The faithful watch the forest for the coming of the King. Their lanterns bright, they wait at night for the new world he shall bring. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Hello, Dr. Montauk! This is Aleister.aic. How can I help you today? Pull up the file for SCP-7231. Oh… I'm not sure I should do that. I have the clearance levels to read it. And if you're still not convinced, The Black Moon howls above the scarlet skies. Ok… Wait a moment. I'm obligated to show you this message before you continue, Dr. Montauk. Robert, If you're reading this, then you must have learned about SCP-7231. I always thought it was monstrous to keep it from you, but it was necessary. Robert, I would like to let you know how sorry I am. As your colleague and friend, I am begging you to close your computer and walk away from this file. I know I can't stop you, please. Stay away from SCP-7231. You're better off not knowing. Please believe me. ~ Dr. Cassandra Heinrik, Director of the SCP-7231 Containment Project. It's been 20 minutes since you spoke. Are you sure you want to continue, Dr. Montauk? I'm fine. Pull up the file and make it editable. For what it's worth, I'm sorry too. ▷ OPEN SCP-7231 FILE ACCESS GRANTED SCP-7231, circa ████. Item #: SCP-7231 Object Class: Keter Explained Special Containment Procedures: Provisional Site-007 has been established to aid in the containment of SCP-7231. None of the personnel assigned to SCP-7231 are to have experienced the death of their brother. SCP-7231 is entombed within the lowest sub-level of Provisional Site-007, approximately 77km below the surface of northern Maine. It is bound in iron chains inscribed with the Daevite glyph of "wye".1 SCP-7231's containment area is to be routinely inspected by trained personnel for any evidence of spatial distortion or other major alterations to the area. Additionally, SCP-7231 is contained by the daily enactment of Procedure-111-MONTAUK. Procedure-111-MONTAUK: The procedure consists of the flooding of SCP-7231's containment area with holy water as precisely seven priests of the Christian faith bless the area. During this time, personnel are cease all non-essential activities and recite Document-7231-A. pray for his soul. Document-7231-A is a ritualistic text derived from Daevite funeral customs and sermons given by members of the Christian Ministries of America. Dr. Robert Montauk is to be kept unaware of the existence of SCP-7231. No longer valid. Description: SCP-7231 is the corpse of Foundation Researcher Jacob Montauk. SCP-7231 Jacob has shown no signs of decay or damage ever since its initial containment burial on ██/██/████. SCP-7231 Jacob perpetually bleeds from its hands, feet, and torso, producing approximately 7 liters of blood each day. The accumulation of this blood has been linked to several phenomena, particularly in the opening of portals to pocket dimensions as well as damage to the local integrity of space-time. In addition to blood, SCP-7231's Jacob's body naturally produces extremely large amounts of Akiva Radiation grief. This energy corrupts the environment around it in highly esoteric and dangerous rituals, often causing the existence of hostile anomalous pathogens, entities, and concepts. These sub-anomalies will often attempt to breach SCP-7231's Jacob's containment for an unknown, possibly ritualistic purpose. Although such an effect points to the existence of a greater intelligence, SCP-7231 Jacob has been empirically proven to not be conscious. be deceased. Although containment of these effects has been largely successful with the advent of Procedure-111-MONTAUK, the efficacy of the containment rituals have been decreasing ever since ██/██/████. Containment of SCP-7231 Jacob has caused increasingly more casualties and expense for the Foundation. Efforts to find alternate containment methods are ongoing. SCP-7231 Jacob gained its anomalous properties following its death on ██/██/████. The exact manner of SCP-7231 Jacob's death is unknown, but it is believed to have been non-anomalous in nature. However, notably, the containment of SCP-7231 Jacob coincided with the discovery of SCP-231 and GoI-586 ("Children of the Scarlet King"). It is unknown if this is significant in any way. My God. We warned you what you'd find here. I expected something horrifying, but … this. It's not too late for me to requisition amnestics for you. Should I? No. I deserve this pain. Append a text file to the main document. ATTACHMENT TXT_A07231_M7777777: Memorandum Jacob, It's been a while ever since that day. Since I cradled your broken body as your warm blood mingled with the cold concrete and I howled my grief to the uncaring skies. You were the one that died that day, but so did I, in a way. So, I threw myself into work. I contained doomsday cults, horrific monsters, and … yes, even that poor girl. I poured all my hatred and vehemence at a world that allowed you to be killed into the Scarlet King. This disgusting, twisted God that must have been responsible for the cruelty that took you away from me. I hated Him with every fiber of my being and endowed Him with all the evil in the world. I made Him my Devil. I swore to hurt Him however I could. I became as monstrous as I believed Him to be. All because I couldn't accept that my brother was really dead. But now that I see this monster they've made of you, this thing that needs to be contained and locked up like some common aberration, I know that I was wrong. It was not the King that killed you. It was life. It was the meaningless twisting of fate that broke my heart. And what I've been doing isn't right. The King is a mindless thing, not even capable of consciousness, but when I blamed Him for you, I gave Him shape within your body. I gave Him form. I made you into the monster. I need to let you go. To give you rest. I'll come back one day to put some red flowers on your grave. Your big brother loves you. ~ Robert Montauk Footnotes 1. Meaning "sleep", "rest", "sadness", and "grave". « SCP-7230 | SCP-7231 | SCP-7232 »
Item#: 7232 Level1 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7232-A Special Containment Procedures: Agents have been placed around the SCP-7232-1 event site to monitor the actions of SCP-7232. Research within the Department of Spectral Phenomena to search for a method of neutralizing future SCP-7232-1 events is ongoing. At this time, the SCP-7232 entity has been relegated to being an urban legend for the region. Threat to the veil of secrecy is minimal. Description: SCP-7232 is a Class 2-1-Null Spectral Entity (Poltergeist - Preta - Anchored), which has anchored to SCP-7232-A. The entity responds to the name 'Áine McGuinness' and research has shown this specter to be a young girl whose death was suspected of involving foul play. Researchers from the Department of Spectral Phenomena agree this was most likely the case due to the state of the -A entity's appearance and the esoteric markings found etched into her incorporeal form. Through further study of those symbols by Foundation researchers, it has been concluded that 7232 had been involved in some form of ritual death. SCP-7232-A is a member of the Quercus Robur species of deciduous trees found heavily within the Appalachian mountain range–colloquially known as ‘The English Oak'. The object is located in the dilapidated remains of a small mountain community from the early 19-century. Research indicates a small, rural community was established near 7232-A, dating puts the founding to the mid-18th-century, and collapsed shortly after the origination of the 7232-1 manifestation events, dated to 1886. While the town itself is deserted, SCP-7232-A has been a popular location for children and young adults from the surrounding area to venture into due to its ‘haunted' nature. While SCP-7232-A appears to be completely non-anomalous, it annually becomes the site of a level 2 incorporeal manifestation event on the night of October 31st. Two journals have been recovered from the town. The first is weather-worn and has been rendered mostly illegible. Careful study has revealed it belonged to 'Father Whatley' and contains a few mentions of ‘The Children', but no further useful information has been found. Due to being bundled and hidden in a nook, the second journal was protected from the elements and proved far more valuable. Research has gleaned it belonged to a villager only known as ‘Lady Agora'. Here we find our only account of the events that lead to the manifestation of SCP-7232. Journal of Lady Agora, 31st of October, In The Year of Our Lord, 1886 This night, the Devil and his horde truly were free to have their way with our small town. It began with shouting from within the church, followed by the sounds of a scuffle, and finished with gunfire on those holy grounds. Sheriff Drake was the first to enter the church, and there he found the beaten, bloody, and broken bodies of Father Whatley and those Thomas boys, James and John, resting at the foot of the steps up to the chancel. Above them, at the altar, Gofraidh McGuinness was kneeling and deep in prayer. Rumors have been abuzz in the community that those Thomas boys were involved in those evil acts done upon Gofraidh's daughter, that darling Áine. And that new preacher, Father Whatley, certainly is no stranger to gossip. But those rumors were nothing in the face of the truth of what Gofraidh had done this night, right in the house of God Himself. Gofraidh had offered no resistance when he was taken, bound, and hauled out of the church. The mob proceeded to escort Gofraidh down the main street and up that hill at the edge of town, where that lone oak tree stood as if a guardian over our small community. This night, the mighty tree was defiled as Gofraidh was summarily judged and sentenced to such a cruel death. As a noose was fitted around his neck and the method of execution was prepared, Gofraidh appeared resolute in the face of death, as if not even our Lord would judge him for his brutal actions. Gofraidh only broke his stoic manners when his wife, Fionnuala, came upon the scene and was pointed out by Edith Thomas, who, in her grief, was hollering for the poor woman's death as well. It was then that Gofraidh finally spoke, screaming to all gathered that Fionnuala was innocent and the crime solely his. His pleas fell upon deaf ears as the crowd turned on Fionnuala, with Gofraidh crying out for her to flee. With the mob moving to descend upon Fionnuala and the proceedings turning to pandemonium, Sheriff Drake decided to end the spectacle with a sharp kick to the barrel where the weighted end of the rope had been placed. As the line drew taut, the last words to come from Gofraidh's living body was a cry to Heaven for his wife to be guided well as she fled the town. If she truly is innocent, may the Lord guide her to safety, for tonight, the Devil offers none. Nor does he offer mercy, for Gofraidh struggled just over eleven minutes of an agony I do not wish upon the worst offenders in Perdition. The town finally settled now that the deed was done, and Fionnuala had fled into the forest with the town's best trackers in pursuit. But, as Sheriff Drake went to take down Gofraidh's body, the dead man's lips moved. And Gofraidh spoke to us. He spoke of what Father Whatley and the Thomas boys had been up to, where folks had been disappearing to, and how tightly the Devil himself was gripping all our souls. It was clearly The Devil's influence over Gofraidh's body which was at work, taunting us for what we had done. The body hung there all night, for not a soul would get near the foul corpse until All Saints Day. But, while The Devil has been at work within this town tonight, a sight of the Divine did descend upon us when the moon was at its peak. Gofraidh's body was visited by an angel. She may have appeared beaten, covered in strange symbols, and wore ugly rope burns around her neck, but you mark my words that it was Áine herself who appeared at the witching hour. Once more that night, the town was in a state of panic as the poor child's specter had appeared beneath the body of her deceased father. The simple appearance of the deceased girl surely was enough to shake any of us to the bone, but our souls truly quaked when she began to sing about the strange things that did happen here. It was eerie. She was singing softly, but no matter where in the town a person was, it was as if Áine was standing right next to you, weeping and wailing at the loss of her father because wicked men did wicked things, and Gofraidh had sought justice for her. That gentle child sang her father's dirge, and once more, all of us were taunted. Not by the Devil, no, but by the Host of Heaven for killing a man whose actions were just. With that act, all our souls were lost and destined to Perdition. Damned to feed the Scarlett Demon. « SCP-7231 | SCP-7232 | SCP-7233 »
SYTYCFanon SCP-7233 - The Astroneer For more stories in my verse check here Item#: 7233 Level4 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: Ticonderoga Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-78 Leah Richter Matthew Vincent Binary Star.aic SCP-7233-1 landing on Earth, Circa 2006. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7233's anomalous physical properties render containment unfeasible. As of 1942, the O5 council has ordered all attempts to contain SCP-7233 to cease. Binary Star.aic is to use Beholder Probe twelve to keep track of SCP-7233-1's location and extrapolate its next return time to Earth. When SCP-7233-1 lands on Earth, SCP-7233 is to be escorted via MTF to the nearest Foundation facility for debriefing and allowed to return to SCP-7233-1 unimpeded. Any media taken of SCP-7233 by civilian sources is to be destroyed and any witnesses to their presence amnesticized. SCP-7233-1 landing areas in populated areas are to be cleaned up and any debris disposed of. Any landing sites in nature are to be explained as ancient ruins or structures. Description: SCP-7233 is an anomalous humanoid who refers to themselves as "The Astroneer". SCP-7233 wears an orange skin-tight environment suit that lacks the bulky technology of current-era spacesuits. A device is latched around SCP-7233's right wrist that has a screen and several buttons that control various aspects of their suit. The suit's full functions are not understood but are believed to provide life support and protection from hostile environments. Information on SCP-7233's biology is scarce. Despite the anomaly claiming to be a human male underneath it is believed to be over 1000 years old and shows no signs of declining physical activity. SCP-7233 has declined all attempts to remove its suit. Comparisons have been made between SCP-7233 and SCP-1233, noting that they have a similar demeanor and appearance. It is currently unknown if they have ever met, however, SCP-7233 is aware of the stories told by SCP-1233, and thus research into their connection is currently ongoing. SCP-7233-1 appears as a standard hot air balloon. Investigations of the craft find that it contains no anomalous technology. Through currently unknown means, SCP-7233-1 is able to reach relativistic speeds and engage in FTL travel. SCP-7233-1 is capable of engaging in combat utilizing anomalous weaponry capable of disabling any Foundation air assets. Explanations from SCP-7233 as to how it can achieve this do not correspond with the current understanding of paraphysics. SCP-7233's stated goal is that of a traveler and an engineer to travel through the universe, providing their services or for the sake of "adventure." The anomaly has chosen Earth as their "record-keeping" spot, arriving on an infrequent schedule to talk about their travels. Since the anomaly was discovered by the Foundation, attempts by the anomaly to speak with the civilian populace have been minimized. It has become standard procedure as part of the anomaly uncontainable status to ask about any potential interstellar threats. However, the veracity of SCP-7233's stories cannot be easily verified. On SCP-7233-1's arrival, a spatial distortion can be detected above the earth's atmosphere. After which, SCP-7233-1 will begin to land. SCP-7233-1 will begin to descend to the planet's surface. However, it will not exhibit any thermal radiance as is common with objects such as meteorites. It will then land in an open area without any obstructions that SCP-7233 could be caught on. In all cases, monoliths of varying sizes manifest around SCP-7233-1's landing site and do not de-manifest upon departure. These structures are believed to mark safe landing zones for SCP-7233-1's arrivals. Discovery: SCP-7233 is believed to have visited Earth several times before the Foundation was established, through anecdotal accounts of a man in an unidentified flying object visiting a variety of civilizations. Several ancient structures have been determined to be potential landing sites for SCP-7233-1. These include: Stonehenge Nabta Playa Amazon Stonehenge Carahunge Medusae Fossae (Mars) An example of this can be seen in a document written by a member of GoI-7121 circa 900s Japan. + GoI-712 document - Close I am reporting on not a yokai but a strange magickal event nonetheless. A traveler came to our village in a strange magick vessel that I'd never laid eyes on. As it began to land, pillars of stone six shaku2 in height formed in a circle around its landing spot. It is comprised of a basket with a device that produces flame into a large spherical sheet. The traveler is able to speak our language and claims to have come from the stars. They had asked for a place to stay and food, for they had been traveling for a while. I was skeptical that the man could have come from the heavens, although the armor he wore appeared to have strange magickal properties such as apparently removing his need to use the privy. I invited him into my home so that I might learn more on behalf of our organization. As we dined, I asked our traveler if he had been to Takamaghara3 and used the Ame-no-ukihashi4 to descend to the earthly plain but he denied this. He claims that there are more realms out there besides ours, he refers to them as "planets" and "galaxies". I challenged him on this, stating that the one he saw was most likely an extension of the heavens and that the "planets" he'd been to were simply different regions. He seemed to go along with this, stating that he has heard many different ideas of what the nature of the heavens is like. He then went on to describe his journeys before arriving in Hokkaido. Telling of a story in which he had battled a creature whose description matched Yamata no Orochi5 in one of the stars of the Cygnus constellation. He said that he was unable to slay the beast but was able to retrieve one of its tails. He gifted the tail to our family as a sign of friendship and said that it contained extraordinary medicinal properties. I graciously accepted this artifact from him and it started to dawn on me that he may have been telling the truth. Before he would end up leaving, I had asked if it were possible for him to share the magick that allowed him to visit the heavens but he declined. Apparently such magic is not his to give, and he left us with a goodbye. I can only assume this vessel was handed to him by Amaterasu6 so we may not forget what lies out there. Masahiro Taniguchi - Close The first Foundation encounter with SCP-7233 occurred in 1920 in FP-120's7 Living District. Foundation agents from Site-120 had been tracking an extraterrestrial object that had been spotted by Foundation observatories. SCP-7233-1 was found parked outside of a restaurant with stone pillars surrounding it that had destroyed several tables. Inside the establishment, SCP-7233 was arguing with the restauranteur about paying for the potential damages. The agents approached and defused the situation, offering to pay for the damage. The Agents then told SCP-7233 they would need to come with them for questioning. SCP-7233 accepted. SCP-7233 was brought to Site-120 and interviewed by Site Director Raia Michaels. The following is a written transcription of the conversation that occurred. [Director Michaels sits in a chair across from SCP-7233 a table separating the three of them. SCP-7233 has a humanoid shape, most likely 1.8 meters in height. It wears an orange suit with a visor that obscures their face. Michaels clears their throat and begins to speak.] Michaels: I have to admit, I didn't think we'd catch a spaceman in the city of the Fae. That place must be something special.[Director Michaels cocks an eyebrow at the entity.] Michaels: Well, without removing your suit, I can't be certain. What brings you to Earth?Michaels: You're saying there's another being like you out there?Michaels: I can sympathize with your goal but I can't allow you to leave. We'll be grounding your balloon and taking you into custody. [SCP-7233 laughs.]Michaels: I can understand that but I have to- [SCP-7233 presses a button on his wrist and disappears from view along with PoI-9008. Director Michaels is shocked by the disappearance and begins to inform the guards to begin a search before SCP-7233 and PoI-9008 reappear.] Michaels: How did you do that? Where did you go?Michaels: Hull? Of your balloon?[SCP-7233 points to their wrist.]Michaels: Well we could always restrain you, again I don't want to make this into a struggle.[SCP-7233 presses another button on the pad on their wrist and proceeds to move their hand down to the table. His hands phase through the table and back out unharmed.]Michaels: You have a few clever anomalous tricks, I'll give you that. But listen, as benign as you might be…. we have a mandate to contain the anomalous.Michaels: The anomalous is what we call things outside of the norm.[Director Michaels is quiet for a moment and then speaks.] Michaels: I might have an idea, something that I can potentially sell to my superiors.Michaels: You agree that whenever you stop by Earth, you are not to show or reveal your anomalous properties to anyone and in return, you are to report to the nearest Foundation site and give a debriefing of what you find out in the cosmos. If there is anything that could threaten us, you are to report it.Michaels: My work doesn't exactly entail listening to stories but perhaps you could enlighten me as to how you acquired your vessel. [SCP-7233 proceeded to tell a long-winded thirty-minute story that involved pirates, interstellar demons, cake, at least seven planets, and a monkey. Michaels appeared to be listening intently.] Michaels: I see, so once you completed the trials of the Matalonian temple, you got the Exonoria needed to fly the balloon. Exciting stuff.[SCP-7233 vanished and Director Michaels ordered all personnel observing to leave.] Following this meeting, Director Michaels sent a bulletin to all Foundation Sites to be on the lookout for SCP-7233 and explained the deal they had struck. Director Michaels put forth a petition to classify SCP-7233 as Ticonderoga but a majority of Foundation sites refused and SCP-7233 was labeled as Keter. Several attempts were made in the following years to capture SCP-7233 but all failed. In all cases, SCP-7233 would disable any attackers non-lethally and ask calmly to speak with a researcher to talk about his life. Addendum 7233.01: Site-17 interview, 13/12/40 On December 13th, 1940, Site-17 detected SCP-7233-1 using newly made radar systems and attempted to down the craft using Anti-Aircraft weapons and planes. Their weapons proved to be ineffective against the balloon with all impacts hitting an invisible force. SCP-7233-1 was able to land near Site-17 where three MTF squads were deployed to apprehend the anomaly. The MTF instead found a Caucasian Male carrying a diving helmet, designated as PoI-9008, and brought him for questioning. [Film reel begins.] [PoI-9008 is seated behind a desk nervous and fidgeting. Researcher Alan Graves of Site-17's astronomy department is giving the interview.] PoI-9008: L-look, I didn't do anything wrong. I just came down here to relay a message, there was no reason to start shooting at me! Graves: You were flying in a craft associated with someone we are trying to apprehend. Where is he? PoI-9008: The Astroneer? He's on Ilumia VI, asking around about a ship we've been tracking. Graves: And you are? PoI-9008: My name is Felix, I'm his personal biographer. He picked me up uhhhh, what year is it now? Graves: 1940. PoI-9008: Sorry all the time dilation makes it hard to remember. It was 1910 when he first picked me up in Tuscaloosa. Graves: We weren't aware he was here in 1910. Could you explain that encounter? PoI-9008: Yeah I was outside my house when he landed nearby. I invited him inside because… why not? Seemed like an alright fella. Then he got to telling me about his amazing space adventures and I didn't believe him at first. Graves: But what made you believe? PoI-9008: He took me for a ride and showed me the rings of Saturn and boy let me tell ya, that was the most beautiful sight I'd seen. He asked me then if I wanted to come with him, keep him company, and write about his adventures. I didn't see much going on for me back home. My parents had died and my writing career was going nowhere, so why not? Graves: Hmm, interesting. So why did he send you out here alone? Does it have to do with the message you mentioned earlier? And what's with the diving helm? PoI-9008: That's the helmet I use to breathe in space. And as for the warning, are you aware of Sauelsuesor? Graves: I am aware of SCP-179. How do you know of it? PoI-9008: Her. Well Astroneer thinks that she's the "hottest" girl in the sector. No pun intended although his attempts at flirting never go anywhere because he's terrible with women… unless they are authority figures which is weird. But that's beside the point. [PoI-9008 scratches his head.] PoI-9008: A-anyway, Sally said that Kalor Maxim had sent one of his technovore swarms in this direction and to let you know. Graves: Kalor Maxim? Technovores? PoI-9008: Oh right, the government's never heard of him. Kalor is the Emperor of the Black Locus Space Empire out in the Pleiades star cluster. It's not a big empire, only a dozen planets but he's been looking to expand. He sends out these drones to test the defenses of neighboring worlds to see if they're ripe for conquest. Graves: Well I'm not with the government, our organization is separate. But… Are you certain? I… need to inform the overseers about this. PoI-9008: I am very certain sir. Graves: Well, perhaps our response was a bit… extreme. After this, I will get that news to the necessary people. If you wouldn't mind, I do have some other questions for you. Regarding the properties of your companion. For example your balloon, how does it work? PoI-9008: I'm not exactly sure myself, I went to college for English not Physics. But from what he's told me, it rides on something called "Aetheric wind" and they take us anywhere from 2 to 100 times the Speed of Light depending on the route. Graves: Aetheric Wind? Hmm, we've never detected such a force before. I had assumed your balloon had some sort of propulsion device. A pretty impressive one if you were able to break the speed of light. PoI-9008: I'm proof of that. I've hardly aged since then, it feels like an eternity when you're on the winds but you get to enjoy the swirls and pretty colors, and then… BAM. You're somewhere else and your watch has hardly moved. Graves: Do you know of the method of this travel? It could help us against this Kalor Maxim. PoI-9008: Sorry, it's against his rules, and even then, I'm not the guy who made the balloon. [Graves shakes his head] Graves: Then perhaps you could relay to him that he could come back to adventure here on Earth? There are places that we have cordoned off from the civilian world. We could provide housing for you both and keep you safe PoI-9008: That would be nice sir, but what kind of places exactly? Graves: We call them Nexuses. They are alternate dimensions leading to new countries and areas of wilderness with undocumented fauna. And you could have a cushy base of operations here at the Foundation we could even offer you a job. PoI-9008: Employment would be a good deal. Me and the big guy are always strapped for cash but… we have things to attend to. That ship we were talking about? We've been searching for decades for it and we wouldn't just give up on it. Graves: Well we could always keep you here Felix. Until your friend makes his decision. PoI-9008: That's not going to work because he is going to be teleporting me out any moment now. I just… [PoI-9008 looks around at the guards who are slowly approaching him] PoI-9008: ….any moment now. [PoI-9008 slowly disappears as the guards place their hands on them.] [End Film] Since 1942, Foundation Personnel has been unable to verify the existence of "Aetheric wind" or SCP-7233-1's specific method of FTL8 Travel. Even with the advent of the Beholder Program in 1963, tracking the supposed routes have been difficult. Following the PoI-9008's warning, Foundation early warning teams were alerted to the threat coming from the Pleiades star cluster. Two years later on 22/09/1942, SCP-179 detected an object hurtling towards Earth that crashed in Auckland, New Zealand. The technological entities held within matched the description given by SCP-7233, confirming that their predictions were accurate. Following this, the O5 Council decreed that SCP-7233 was not to be interfered with and the deal posed by Site-120 was to stand. SCP-7233 was reclassified as Ticonderoga as a result. Addendum 7233.02: Site-38 interview with SCP-7233. 25/4/67 Following Binary Star.aic gaining sentience and its subsequent designation as SCP-5857, Beholder Probe 12 was assigned by the .aic, to track SCP-7233's movements. Binary Star alerted Site-38's astronomy department of SCP-7233's arrival in Covington, Tennessee. SCP-7233-1 had landed in a parking lot and the resulting appearance of circular stone monoliths had impaled several parked vehicles. The female owners of these vehicles had come out of the nearby bar and began to scream at SCP-7233-1 who promptly dropped to their knees and went catatonic as the women beat him with their purses. PoI-9008 was present as well and attempted to pull the women from SCP-7233-1 but was unable to dissuade them. An MTF specializing in disinformation and amnesctization was deployed and any witnesses had been amnesticized and the structures and debris removed. The following interview was given by Marshall Ruthers, lead astronomer of Site-38's astronomy department. [Begin Film] Ruthers: SCP-7233 I'd like to start by apologizing for what happened twenty years ago. Graves attacking you and your companion was uncalled for. [SCP-7233 was silent.] Ruthers: (sighs), Things have changed since then and you won't come under any harm from us. That is a promise. PoI-9008: That's good enough for me, glad to see not everyone in your organization is a buncha assholes. Now we would like to apologize for-Ruthers: Relax. It was a mistake. But you need to try to land away from civilian populations.Ruthers: The other thing that's concerning is your behavior around those women. I'm glad you didn't try and use your suit on them but… why did you freeze? You could have run. Looking through these previous files, you seemed quite brave.PoI-9008: Wait. You can't avoid his question. Women scare the shit out of him, here I'll give you an example. Did you know that he turned down eight princesses? EIGHT. We saved them from slavers and they practically were about to tear each other apart to marry this guy. Turned them all down.PoI-9008: BRO POLYAMORY IS THE NORM ON THEIR PLANET! Ruthers: Easy, Felix. Let's get things back on track with the technovore thing. SCP-179 alerted us to their presence when they arrived, although there were a few casualties. Thankfully we were prepared for such an event, thanks to you.Ruthers: It contacted you directly? We told it to observe only.Ruthers: Exonoria. What exactly is that? You mentioned it in a previous interview.Ruthers: 150? We've only been able to synthesize elements with 105 electrons. How do you stop it from decaying in a picosecond?Ruthers: Right. [Ruthers clears his throat.] Ruthers: But we've talked casually enough, my superiors are, of course, wanting to hear about anything you think we might need to know. Our first attempted moon landing is in the planning stages, so we need to know if there are any anomalous phenomena we should know about.Ruthers: Did you say, Moon Monsters?Ruthers: In the middle of space? What kind of fabric would allow it to not pop?[SCP-7233's voice begins to flutter and he shuffles excitedly in his seat]Ruthers: Eyebrows? You said she was wearing a helmet? How-Ruthers: Did you say yes or get her contact info?Ruthers: Jesus man, I thought you were the galaxy's greatest adventurer.[SCP-7233's voice cracks and pauses for a moment]PoI-9008: You ain't gonna get through to him doc. I've told him this for years and I was screaming at him to go talk to her. Ruthers: Listen. I'm no expert in picking up chicks but you just got to talk to them and be yourself. You seem like a great guy and it sounds like she knew you were too.Ruthers: Well humans can be very hard to reason with, especially when it comes to cars. That doesn't mean your zeppelin girl would be the same.Ruthers: Well that's never stopped you has it? If she's like you there is plenty of time to track her down and see what she's about. [SCP-7233 is silent for a moment.][SCP-7233 vanishes] [End film] SCP-7233's claim of Moon Monsters proved to be unsubstantiated as the Moon Landing of '69 proceeded as planned without any sign of anomalous activity. However, this claim would be brought back up again when the Foundation encountered SCP-1233 in the 2000s. Addendum 7233.03: Site-19 interview with SCP-7233. 25/4/90 [Begin recording] Saxum: This is Dr. Shaun Saxum, performing an interview with SCP-7233 and PoI-9008. The subject appears to be slightly distressed on arrival and expressed an enthusiasm to perform an interview. SCP-7233 do you mind telling me what is the cause of this excitement?Saxum: Oh, jeez. I'll let Binary Star know and we'll investigate.Saxum: Yes. The girl with the zeppelin. I've read the file. How did your interaction go?PoI-9008: In true Astroneer fashion, he fucked things up royally.[Dr. Saxum pauses for a moment.] Saxum: What your describing to me is that she wanted to get intimate with you? SCP-7233, you two seem like you're in a loving relationship, what would be the big deal?Saxum: And you couldn't extend her the same courtesy?PoI-9008: So while he was being, him. I did my usual thing and I talked to her and told them about marriage. That scrappy broad took the idea like glue. She went out to the core of a Gas Giant and risked her life to get this guy the biggest diamond you've ever seen. I was ready to document as she got down to one knee and proposed. Saxum: That sound really sweet. What did you say?Saxum: Did you love Zeppelin girl?Saxum: Do you think she loves you the same way?Saxum: You should go to her. From what I understand, you shouldn't keep a woman waiting for long. [There is a minute pause before SCP-7233 speaks][End recording] Addendum 7233.04: Site-43 interview with SCP-7233. 25/4/06 On April 25th, 2006, Beholder Probe twelve received an urgent transmission from SCP-7233 and its course changed drastically toward Earth. He was received by Site-43 and brought in for an interview. Most of Site-43's senior staff was busy with other projects, leaving the interview to be performed by Junior Researcher Leah Richter. [Begin recording] [SCP-7233 is fidgeting intensely and PoI-9008 looks distressed as Researcher Richter is sitting attentively.] Richter: What's wrong? Your transmission said that there was trouble.Richter:What? Who took her?Richter: Maxim? Wait. [Richter begins flipping through SCP-7233's file.] Richter: That's the technovore guy from the 40s, why do you think he did it? Is this some type of revenge or… PoI-9008: It's revenge. The big guy over here couldn't keep his mouth shut while we were drinking our sorrows away on Minoria IV. Kalor knows he stopped his conquest of Earth. If only I hadn't been so wasted that day… I could of- Richter: Both of you stop being so down on yourselves.. I mean, sure maybe you shouldn't go talking smack about evil space dictators but you can't beat yourself up! She needs you, both of you You should be out there trying to save her! [SCP-7233 shakes his head.]Richter: There's nothing I can do to help. I'm just a glorified pencil pusher getting the senior staff coffee! Do you know if he has any weaknesses you could potentially exploit?Richter: If you tell me, we may be able to synthesize it.Richter: …. Are you talking about gelatin? PoI-9008: He is talking about gelatin, yes. Richter: If it's gelatin he needs, why didn't you make it for him? You guys haven't stumbled into something with bones? Or hooves? PoI-9008: No one in the universe besides this planet knows how to make it. I don't even know, my momma just got it in those packets. That's why I recommended we came here.[Richter walks over to the mini fridge and brings a cup of Jello to the table.] Richter: Boom. Gelatin. [SCP-7233 picks up the Jello cup and inspects it.]Richter: We produce tons of it every year, it's really cheap.Richter: Genius? I got that at the store for 2 dollars buddy. I can see if we can't spare any from the fridges. Follow me. [End recording] SCP-7233 was granted access to 20 kgs of Gelatin authorized by Site Director McInniss. SCP-7233 departed with it in SCP-7233-1, presumably to the Pleiades star cluster. Addendum 7233.05: Site-78 interview with SCP-7233. 2/6/22 After an encounter with PoI-90099, Site-78's newly founded Aeronautics department began to send signals out into the Terzan 2 star cluster10, using newly developed quantum communication technology. Their objective was to reach any of the civilizations located there in order to ascertain the potential location of one of the anomalies comprising the Set of Nine.11 One of these transmissions reached SCP-7233 who responded back through Beholder Probe 12. SCP-7233 stated that he would be coming back to Earth with assistance to pay back Researcher Leah Richter. Richter, now Site Director of Site-78 communicated back through Binary Star.aic, to have him come to Site-78 for a debrief. SCP-7233-1 landed in Chugwater, Wyoming only 48 hours after the transmission was received. MTF Omega-45 arrived to deliver SCP-7233 to the site along with their cargo, which appeared to be the wreckage of a destroyed spacefaring vessel. [Begin Recording] [SCP-7233 and PoI-9008 are standing in the Aeronautics hangar with Site Director Leah Richter and Dr. Matthew Vincent.]Richter: I'm just glad you are alive. You had me worried all those years that Kalor had killed you. PoI-9008: You think Kalor Maxim could take him out? Pshhh, didn't stand a chance. Richter: Well I would like to hear what had happened. I've never heard one of his famous stories. Vincent: I have to admit I'd be curious to hear about this Kalor Maxim fellow.Vincent: H-huh? Gelatin? What does that have to do with.. Richter: It's a long story. Let him talk or we'll be here forever.I headed straight for Alcyone, the Black Locus Empire's capital where a mighty fleet stood between her and me. I plowed through them, taking out at least seven capital ships single-handedly. Vincent: Seven? Are you sure about that? PoI-9008: He is not kidding, he was flying that day better than I'd ever seen.Vincent: A legion? What… like a hundred? PoI-9008: An imperial legion is a thousand men. Although some of them were killed indirectly…Vincent: And did you freeze up? PoI-9008: He did not, I was so proud of him.And I told him "I'm the Astroneer, that is my fiance, and you're about to be deposed." He merely laughed at my one-liner and stood up and drew his weapon. With a snap of his fingers, he tried warping me somewhere else and found that his powers didn't work. "Now we fight on even ground," I said, and we fought an epic battle that lasted for at least two days- Vincent: Two days? Did those slave girls get anything to eat or drink during that? PoI-9008: I brought them popcorn for it but it definitely wasn't forty-eight hours. Maybe… forty-seven.PoI-9008: I told you those were regular jars."Astroneer." She said. "You came back for me." I told her that I did and most importantly, I told her the words that mattered most. "I do." PoI-9008: W-wait wait. That's not how it happened. You locked up the moment you touched her skin. WE dragged you out of the palace and we had to get your heart beating again because someone had a heart attack because a girl touched him.PoI-9008: She also laughed and said you were a silly man in a silly helmet but she loved you all the same. [Richter has tears in their eyes but Dr. Vincent looked skeptical as SCP-7233 and PoI-9009 continued to argue details.] Vincent: I'm not sure… most of that was true.[SCP-7233 clears his throat.]Vincent: 102%? I doubt that was that incremental of a jump[SCP-7233 walks over and places a hand on the large pieces of machinery.]Vincent: So it's true then? A volume of The Set of Nine is in Terzan 2 somewhere? [SCP-7233 nods.]Vincent: Interesting. This makes me wonder if there's any mention of that in our Earthly Ortothan writings. I'm glad to get the heads up, but why give us this ship? Doesn't it go against your prime directive?Richter: That's Director Pencil Pusher to you. Thank you. And good luck on your honeymoon if you are still on it. Maybe you can tell me about it before I die yeah? PoI-9008: Well I'm hoping to get the book out soon, we'll send you a copy.[End recording] Footnotes 1. Also known as the "Yokai Hunters". The Yokai Hunters were a GoI active between 900-1100 that specialized in neutralizing Japanese anomalies. 2. Japanese unit of measurement, converts to 1.8 meters. 3. The celestial realm or heavens. 4. Bridge between Earth and heaven. 5. Eight-headed dragon of Japanese Folklore. 6. Japanese Goddess of the Sun. 7. Nexus located under Site-120 known as Esterberg. Home of the Fae. 8. Faster than Light. 9. Author of the Set of Nine, a series of anomalous books. 10. Star cluster near the Galactic Core, 28,000 light years from Earth. Believed to be home to numerous alien civilizations with a connection to the Church of the Second Hytoth. 11. A set of potentially ten anomalous books. Site-78's primary directive is the capture and containment of the set 12. See SCP-7091 for more details on the Sarian Collective. « SCP-7232 | SCP-7233 | SCP-7234 » Secure Facility Dossier: Site-78 The Set of Nine /
Item #: SCP-7234 Object Class: Location Containment Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to the anomaly's location underneath a highly secured Foundation site, concealment from the public is redundant. The entrance to SCP-7234 is secured with a sealed airlock. Personnel are forbidden from entering the anomaly for any reason other than maintenance of containment systems. An SCP-7234-2 collection system is installed at the lowest point of the cave system. SCP-7234-2 must be disposed of through standard anomalous fluid handling procedures. Containment Breach Protocols: During a prolonged breach event at Site-91, the disposal system may become non-functional or disposal may not not an option. SCP-7234-2 is flammable and can be disposed of through incineration. However, the fumes produced are a suffocation risk and thus should be properly ventilated out of enclosed spaces. Under no circumstances should SCP-7234-2 be consumed by humans in any form. Description: SCP-7234 exists within a cave system underneath Site-91. At some point when navigating the cave system, subjects will enter another space designated E-7234. E-7234 acts as the source of a non-Newtonian viscous orange fluid similar to deep-frying grease, hereafter designated as SCP-7234-2. SCP-7234-2 exerts contradictory properties in regards to its viscosity. While it is able to run with the approximate viscosity of water, it captures organisms and objects like a more viscous substance. During lab testing, SCP-7234-2 has indicated a pH level of 1 and has been able to partially dissolve rock. SCP-7234-2 is also flammable, and is able to evaporate into a gaseous form. Gaseous SCP-7234-2 is colored dark yellow and appears to make up most of the cloud cover within E-7234. SCP-7234-2 travels through SCP-7234 into the main reality, pooling up into the cave system that the anomaly exists inside. The rate of SCP-7234-2 emission has noticeably increased in the time that the Foundation has been aware of the anomaly. Consult Document 7234-SILVER for statistical data and potential worst-case containment projections. History: SCP-7234 was discovered by Foundation DST investigation staff in 2002. After a CK-Class "Reality Restructuring" event associated with SCP-████, a team organized by the Department of Systemic Transformation (DST) was tasked with investigating all Foundation sites. During the process, a team of DST personnel noted that Stairwell-3 extended 90 meters below any other stairwells at Site-91. This stairwell extension was not present on any Site-91 blueprints and appeared to serve no purpose. DST personnel discovered that the stairwell intersected with a cave system underneath Site-91. Entering this cave system led to an encounter with SCP-7234-2 and SCP-7234. Standard interdimensional anomaly containment protocols were established shortly thereafter, and the small amount of grease that had pooled within the cave system was effectively destroyed. Addendum: SCP-████ has not yet admitted to having any knowledge of SCP-7234. Either SCP-████ erased its own memory of SCP-7234 during the CK-Class event, or SCP-7234 existed prior to SCP-████'s involvement. Document 7234-MALDE Foreword: Between June and August of 2002, the Interdimensional Anomaly Exploration Group (IEG) conducted many incursions into E-7234. The following serves to provide a timeline of these incursions and their consequences. This document was composed as a joint effort between the IEG and the Department of Systemic Transformation (DST). Early Incursions: Under the direction of Dr. Donner, the IEG first deployed a series of autonomous robotic vehicles into E-7234. However, most of these attempts failed. Both liquid and gaseous SCP-7234-2 interfered with the circuity of the drones, preventing them from accurately exploring the anomaly. Even when drones were reinforced to prevent interference from SCP-7234-2, they could not withstand the high temperatures and frequent seismic activity within E-7234. After the failure of unmanned exploration, the IEG allocated a four-man exploration party for E-7234, under the condition that Dr. Donner would be replaced by Agent Saunders, a more senior employee. Incursion 7234-1: The exploration party was made up of one senior agent (Agent Jean Kessup, codename Ion-1), two agents (Agents Matt Martins and Ed Muller, codenames Ion-2 and Ion-3), and a technician (Trevor Johnsen, codename Ion-4). They were equipped with several stationary radio and UDP transmitters, which would be planted throughout E-7234 in order to facilitate communication with the base command at Site-91. Due to the hazardous environment, the party was equipped with heat suppression suits and hazardous chemical filtration apparati. In addition, the party was given standard gear for a long-term incursion, including two weeks worth of food and water as well as basic shelter. The primary goal was to determine the source of SCP-7234-2 and the extent of any preexisting life within E-7234. The party was instructed to communicate with base command once every 24 hours. The following is a record of incoming communications received by Site-91. <Begin Log> Ion-1: Radio test. We have contact with base command. The LED on the transmitter's green. Ion-4: That means it's ready to take a picture. Press the button next to the LED. Ion-1: There. Did it work? <Image: The inside of the cavern system directly outside of the airlock. SCP-7234-2 can be seen running along the bottom of the cave through the grated floor into the collection system.> Ion-4: It sent the picture properly. We're golden. Ion-1: We're clear to go. Everyone should have a map of the cave system. It's annotated with routes to the surface. We're taking the red one. Ion-2: I'm looking at it. Over. Ion-1: The Foundation protocol's been updated. You don't have to say "over". Ion-2: Yes, ma'am. Ion-3: Quick question. Ion-1: What is it, Ed? Ion-3: I, erm, can't get my air filtration system to work. Ion-2: You flip the red switch on your chestplate's front panel. Ion-3: Oh, right, ha. My mistake. Ion-1: If you want someone to replace you on this mission, you can. Ion-3: I don't. Ion-1: Alright. We'll make another report in 24 hours. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: Checking in. If the sonar maps are right, we're about halfway to the surface. Ion-3: It's hot in here. I can see why we couldn't send drones. I thought these suits were supposed to be heat resistant. Ion-2: They can only do so much, Ed. Ion-3: God, I feel like a toasted marshmallow. Why's it like this down here? Ion-2: You should roll around in the grease. It'll cool you down. Ion-3: No thanks, I'm fine. Ion-1: There's something that Trevor noticed earlier. Ion-4: You're too kind. I just compared the maps. Ion-1: Come on Trevor, take some credit. Ion-2: Huh? What'd he find? Ion-1: Anyhow, we brought some photos of the cave systems around Site-91. We wanted to compare and see if there are any differences. Ion-2: That's news to me. Ion-1: There's a few differences, but… well, it's kind of uncanny. We've seen the exact same stalagmite formations in here. Ion-2: You're comparing— wait a minute, are you from the Department? Ion-1: Yes, Trevor and I were assigned by the DST. Ion-3: I thought you were with Interdimensional, why didn't you tell us? Ion-4: You didn't ask. Ion-3: I mean, it's not a big deal, or anything. Just… Ion-1: Agent Saunders just wanted agents with expertise in systemic transformation. We have the same goals. Ion-2: Alright. Ion-3: Do you ever get the feeling that we're in something's stomach? Ion-1: What do you mean, Ed? Ion-3: I mean, it's just… I don't know. It's like we're going down an esophagus, and we're being digested. Ion-2: What the hell are you talking about, Ed? Ion-1: You have a point, actually. Ion-2: What? Ion-1: The cave system so far has been devoid of large chambers. It's just winding passageways. I can see why a stomach would come to mind; the grease acts like stomach acid. Ion-2: You're humoring him? Ion-3: Maybe I'm just hungry. Ion-1: It's quite strange, now that I think of it. These caves make more sense with the acidic grease running through them, but the caves on our end don't have any grease. They're devoid of any liquid. Ion-4: That's kinda weird. It's like the caves came first, and then the grease was taken out later. Ion-1: Interesting. I'll have to look into that. Ion-2: I'm tired. This overhang should make a good place to set up camp. <Pause.> Ion-1: We're going to rest here. We'll make another report in 24 hours. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-2: Holy crap. Ion-1: We've reached the surface. I'm sending over a picture. Ion-3: I know I said we were in a stomach, but I can't believe my eyes. <Image: The view of the area directly outside the cave system. It is similar to the valley that Site-91 was built inside. However, parts of the mountains have been corroded by SCP-7234-2 and Site-91 does not exist.> Ion-2: The sky's completely overcast. I can see the grease evaporating up there. Is that what's happening to the mountains? Is that what the clouds are made of? Ion-1: The grease is coming down from above the clouds. Not raining, it's just like the mountains are oozing with it. Ion-2: There's a bunch of… watch towers? I don't know what I'd call those. Ion-1: There's a complex in the middle of the valley. It's a lot smaller than Site-91. On top of it's a tower that extends all the way up past the clouds. <Ion-3 coughs.> Ion-3: I'm getting cooked alive. It's even worse up here. Ion-2: Stop being dramatic, it's not that bad. Ion-3: My air recycler must not be working. The air's… it's sticking to my face. I'm being digested. Ion-1: Yes. The air's sticky. It's like a thick, viscous liquid. Ion-3: It's like I'm breathing syrup. Hot, greasy syrup. Ion-2: Stop complaining. It's not that bad. Ion-3: I'll get used to it. Ion-2: Are you— Ion-3: I said I'll get used to it! Ion-1: I'm looking at the compound through binoculars. It's covered in this diamond symbol. I don't recognize it. Ion-2: Let me see. <Pause.> Ion-2: Damn it, it's already fogged up. I can't see anything. Ion-3: Why? Ion-1: What do you mean? Ion-3: Why is it like this? Where's the grease coming from? Ion-2: You said it yourself. It's like a stomach. Ion-3: A stomach for what? What's eating us? Why is it here? Ion-4: Something up there, it looks like. Maybe we can go up that tower? Ion-3: I don't know, I was thinking that we should turn back. There are more questions than answers. We should wait for the researchers to figure out what's going on. Ion-1: The complex can't be more than a few days' walk away. We should go to it while we're here. Ion-3: Really? None of us are cleared for urban exploration. Ion-1: I can clear us for urban exploration, I have the authority. <Pause.> Ion-3: Might as well, so we only have to come here once. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: We're setting up camp for today. The sky's turned over to… erm… Ion-2: It's a darker color now. Ion-1: I'd say so. We've decided to sleep for tonight. We actually found a spot underneath a plateau, overlooking the valley. Ion-3: The view's kind of beautiful. Y'know, the starlight dazzling off of the grease. Ion-2: You need your eyes checked, Ed? Ion-3: Hey, what are you, an art critic? Ion-2: I'm not. Ion-3: I'll take what I can get to distract myself. God, I'm miserable. It's like a sauna, except instead of steam, it's evaporated grease. I can't stand it. Ion-1: We inspected one of the watch towers. We're not sure why they're there. We haven't found any plants or animals yet, even dead ones. Ion-2: Maybe there were animals, at one point. Before everything disappeared. Ion-3: But why did everything disappear? We haven't even seen as much as a skeleton yet. It's unsettling me. <Coughs.> Ion-2: Maybe they got digested? Ion-3: Bones and all? I'm not liking the "stomach" theory as much anymore. Ion-2: Hey, maybe they just all flew to the moon? Wouldn't be the first time. Ion-1: It isn't helpful to speculate about things like that. Ion-2: At least I'm trying to make sense of everything here. Isn't that your job, Dimensional? Ion-1: Hey, hey. Here, let me send over a picture of the tower. <Image: A watch tower, embedded into the side of the canyon. The stem is made of a chrome material, while the top is square and made of a brown steel material. Each side has a window, one of which is broken. A stream of grease drizzles across the top of the tower and down the side to the ground.> Ion-1: We couldn't find anything of note in the watchtower. It's strange, they're all over the canyon. Definitely not Foundation design. Ion-3: You think we could sleep in one? Ion-2: What? Ion-3: It provides cover from the… the elements. Ion-4: You should talk about the earthquake. Ion-1: Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me. A little bit of seismic activity hit us earlier today. Not much, but it was enough to trip us up. Ion-4: We think it's what disrupted the probes. We've had a few so far, but this one was the first major one. Ion-1: We'll make our way down to the canyon tomorrow. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: We've had an injury. We were rappelling down the canyon and— Ion-4: Wasn't my fault, I swear. Another earthquake. Ion-3: Tell that to my rolled ankle! Ion-2: It's not that bad, Ed. You can still walk. Ion-3: Hurts like hell. Being covered head to toe in grease like a McNugget doesn't help. My skin's been rubbed raw. Ion-2: I didn't join this task force to babysit. Ion-1: I'm sorry, do you want to get court marshalled when we get back? Ion-2: No, I don't. We're not even from the same department. You don't have authority over me. Ion-1: On this mission, I do. <Radio silence.> Ion-2: Fine. Let's at least make it to the complex so that we're not sitting ducks out in the middle of the canyon. Ion-3: I have a new theory. Ion-1: What is it? Ion-3: This isn't a stomach, but it's trying to become one. Ion-2: What are you trying to say? Ion-3: Sorry, that's a bad way of putting it. It's just… there used to be people here… or aliens. I don't know. Look at the watchtowers. They're all over the place. They're not Foundation design. They're not even human design. Ion-4: I agree. It looks just like Sarian architecture. Ion-2: Really? I've never been to Syria, but I don't think it looks like this. Ion-4: I— oh. Ion-3: What it's supposed to do is break us down into a liquid form, but it can't do that yet. So it's trying to disarm us with the earthquakes. We need to get out before it can do that. Ion-2: That's a stretch. Ion-1: I agree. I can see the grease, but the earthquakes? I don't think so. Ion-3: Alright, fine. <Grunts.> What do you think, then? Ion-1: I don't have enough evidence to draw a conclusion. Ion-4: Maybe it was some kind of weapon of mass destruction? Look around; the watchtowers, the bunker. You couldn't tell me that this isn't a military base. Ion-2: So, what, they dropped a bomb on it and it got covered in grease? Are you telling me they contracted out Ronald McDonald to build the Manhattan Project? Ion-4: Not a bomb, maybe just… I don't know. Ion-1: I think we should just get to the complex and see what we can find. Ion-2: I agree. We're not going to find anything out here. Ion-3: What do you think, Matt? Ion-2: What? Oh, my theory. Ion-3: Yeah, what's your idea? Ion-2: The Foundation did it. Ion-3: What? You think we did this? Ion-2: Not us, this universe's version of the Foundation. Maybe they were testing some kind of anomaly, and it went wrong. Ion-1: Do you have that little faith in us? Ion-4: That would make sense. I mean, everything here could've been built by some kind of alternate-universe Foundation. Ion-3: My leg's hurting. Can we take a break? Ion-1: Sure. We'll take a break here. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: We've finally arrived at the compound. It's built just like the watchtowers we saw. <Image: The complex seen during the initial incursion. The first and third levels are built from the same chrome material as the watch towers, while the second floor is built from the brown material. There are several small diamond-shaped windows built into the walls. A tower extends from the top of the complex past the cloud cover.> <Image: The inside of the first room of the complex. The room is relatively empty. A dysfunctional lighting system is installed into the horizontal edges of the room. An emblem consisting of four triangles embedded into a pentagon is engraved into the room's floor. Grease has began to pool into the logo's center.> Ion-3: It's carved right into the cliff. Wouldn't that be a bad idea, with all of the earthquakes? Ion-4: Maybe they built it before the earthquakes started happening? Ion-3: That makes sense. Honestly, it looked smaller from far away, but now that we're here. Ion-1: We're going forward in two by two formation. I'll send updates as we find them. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: We've finished mapping out the first floor on the basement. Ion-4: There's nothing here. It's like someone took everything that wasn't nailed down. Ion-2: I don't know, maybe there's just something we don't see. It's dark as hell down here. Ion-3: Hey, I won't complain. It doesn't feel like I'm in an oven down here. Ion-1: Let's go to the second floor. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: There's a computer station up on the second floor. <Image: The inside of a dark brown room. Six tall metal machines dominate the center of the room. A large screen is embedded into the west wall. Rubber wiring is scattered across the room's floor. In the southeast corner of the room, a device is built into the wall. It consists of two cylindrical crystalline disks attached by a pillar made of black metal material.> Ion-4: These computers are interesting, to say the least. The technology looks like it came from 50 years in the past and 50 years in the future at the same time. Ion-2: Why are all these computers here? What do they have to do with all of this? Ion-3: What's that thing in the corner? It's like something out of Star Trek. Ion-1: There's a display in one of these computers, and… I think that's a power button? Ion-2: Are you going to press it? Ion-1: What do you think? Let's take a vote. Ion-4: I don't think we should. Let's wait for the cavalry to come in. Ion-2: Go for it. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Ion-3: Sure, let's do it. We didn't come all this way for nothing. Ion-1: Alright. I'm pushing it. <The sound of Ion-1 pushing the button, followed by the sound of the computers whirring to life.> Ion-4: They still have power? That's surprising. <Suddenly, the computers stop.> Ion-1: Why'd they stop? Ion-3: Something popped up on that screen over there. Ion-4: It's English. Ion-2: Hold on. <Reading…> "Starlight power drained. Please re-connect." Ion-1: "Starlight power?" I don't understand. <Sudden rumbling of a massive earthquake. The sound of metal bending and floor collapsing can be heard over the earthquake. Ion-2 screams.> Ion-1: That came from downstairs! Ion-3: Wait, is someone here? Ion-1: Form up. Guns out. <Footsteps of the team descending two staircases, then traversing the basement.> Ion-1: It's strange. The floor's ruptured open down here. There's an aquifer down here. Ion-3: "Aqua-fer?" It's made out of running grease. <Image: Flashlight showing part of the floor ruptured open in the basement. The flashlight illuminates a channel underneath the floor, filled with running grease.> Ion-4: I don't think I've ever seen grease run that fast. Ion-1: We've crossed the line now. We need to get back to base. <Another earthquake occurs. Parts of the floor fall away, making the sound of tearing metal. The team begins to panic.> Ion-2: Run! Ion-1: Johnsen! Ion-4: I'm stuck! The floor's fallen away! Ion-3: Jump, Johnsen! I've got you! <The sound of Johnsen jumping, followed by a thick, rumbling sound as Johnsen falls into the grease river. He screams.> Ion-1: No, Trevor! Ion-4: I'm stuck, I— <Ion-4's further words are ruined beyond recognition as he submerges helplessly in the grease. He continues to fight, but to no avail. His screams are muffled.> Ion-1: Ed, don't try to save him! Ion-3: I have to! I— <Ion-4 falls silent as his communications are cut off. He is carried away by the grease river.> Ion-1: Agent Edward Muller, I order you to turn around and get out of here, now! Ion-3: He's— <The ceiling collapses above them. Ion-3 screams in pain. The sound of further seismic activity is captured by the microphones before the transmission is lost.> <End Log> Communications with the team within E-7234 were suddenly cut during the incident described above. Personnel at Site-91 investigated SCP-7234, and found that a severe cave-in had occurred in the cave system. Many of the transmitters that were used for communication were badly damaged. Analysis of the cave via sonar found that the cave-in effectively eliminated any route between the surface and Site-91, and that substantial tunneling efforts would be required to reestablish a route. In an attempt to reestablish contact with the team, Site-91 erected an experimental high-frequency antenna within SCP-7234. Contact was reestablished after fifteen hours without contact, and communication resumed. <Begin Log> Ion-1: Holy shit. I've never been so glad to hear another person's voice. Ion-2: I'm losing my fucking marbles over here. Ion-1: Trevor Johnsen is dead. The floor collapsed below us while we were inside the complex, and he fell into a underground river of grease. He was immobilized before he was carried away. Ion-2: I don't want to think about it. His face was haunting. It just contorted. Ion-1: Thankfully, the grease was contained to the basement. Ion-3: My skin is peeling off! Help me! Ion-1: Your suit will flush itself in a few seconds. <Vacuum sound. Ion-3 screams in pain.> Ion-1: Ed's suit was compromised, and some grease slipped in. We're making our way back to the cave entrance. Even with the cave-in, it's our best chance of making it out alive. High ground it better to be on here. Ion-3: The grease was boiling hot. My body must be covered in burns. I feel like I've been toasted… <Ion-3 begins to sob.> Ion-3: He jumped, and I was supposed to grab him! He slipped right out of my hand! <Ion-3 coughs.> If my ankle hadn't been rolled— Ion-1: Ed. Ion-3: I could've grabbed him, and he would be alive! He had a family… he was a technician, he's not supposed to die like this! Ion-1: Pull yourself together, Ed. Right. Now. Ion-3: It's my fault! He… he could've— Ion-2: Stop. <Pause.> Ion-1: I'm sorry, Ed. I know you're hurting, but you can't blame yourself. It's not your fault. Ion-2: As far as I'm concerned, we're dead men. I'm not spending any more time listening to him whine. Either he picks up his weight, or I deal with him myself. Ion-1: We're going to the cave entrance. End of story. You're both Foundation agents, pull yourselves together and act like it. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: We're about halfway there now. We're going to rest in the forest. Ion-2: We could easily make it the rest of the way there in no time. Ion-1: Matt, we're low on water. The last thing we need is to exert ourselves. <Radio silence.> <Popping noise.> Ion-2: What was that? Ion-3: Sorry, the grease gave me acne. I can't help but pop it. Ion-2: Why is it so loud? Ion-3: These zits are the size of golf balls. Whatever I do… <Pause.> Ion-1: It looks like the grease streams off in the distance are going faster now. It might be an optical illusion— Ion-2: It's an optical illusion. They've been at that speed the entire time. <Radio silence.> Ion-1: We received Donner's message about the acid drill. Ion-2: Acid drill? Ion-1: They have a tunneling device at Site-91. It should only take them a week to dig a tunnel to the surface. Ion-2: Why does Site-91 have an acid drill? Isn't it a Safe-class site? Ion-1: Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. <Seismic activity occurs. Ion-2 says "woah" as the earthquake causes him to fall over.> Ion-1: We're fine, we're fine. <Another popping sound.> Ion-2: Was that you again, Ed? Ion-3: Yeah. It feels good. Ion-1: Johnsen had the water recycler. That means what we have now is all we will have. If we ration and avoid exerting ourselves, we should be able to last at least a couple of weeks. Ion-2: Same for me. Ion-3: I'll conserve my energy. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: We've arrived at the cave entrance. It's high ground, so we shouldn't have to worry about the grease. <Popping sound. Ion-3 moans.> Ion-2: What the fuck was that. Ion-3: Popping the pimple feels so good. Ion-2: Can you stop it? It's creeping me out. Ion-3: With these burns, my skin tears open every time I move. It's the only release I have. I can't help it. Ion-2: I've been through worse. Shouldn't we be hearing the drill by now? Ion-1: They ran into some difficulties, but they're on their way. Ion-3: Do you know the reason why I'm here? Ion-2: I don't know and I don't care. Ion-3: My brother, Hank, was the agent who found SCP-7234. That gave him some suction with the IEG. He used that suction to get me here. <Radio silence.> Ion-3: God, he must feel like a piece of shit right now. Ion-1: I'm sorry, Ed. We'll be out of here soon. <End Log> <Begin Log> <Multiple pops in quick succession. Ion-3 moans from pleasure.> Ion-2: Stop it, Ed. Ion-3: Stop telling me what to do. Ion-1: Please respond with progress updates. Temperature has increased noticeably. Ion-2: Can they go any slower? Ion-1: Running a tunneling machine in a hostile environment is a dangerous process. Ion-2: "Hostile environment?" The closest thing to a hostile here is an inanimate fluid. Ion-1: They're coming to save us, Matt. Ion-2: You think? I know Interdimensional, they actually come back to save their guys. If they were still running point, they would've rigged up a… a teleporter, or some shit, and we'd already be out and eating our "welcome back" cake. <Ion-3 begins to cry.> Ion-3: I'm a monster. Ion-1: Stop, you two. Ion-2: Should've left him in the basement where he belongs. Ion-1: You awful— <End Log> At this point, the acid tunneler that was being used to rescue the team was decommissioned, as the grease began to interfere with the tunneler's mechanisms. Explosives could not be used to clear the blockage without risking substantial damage to Site-91. O5-13 declared the mission a failure1, and ordered that equipment allocated to the incursion be dismantled and reallocated to other projects. As a result, the transmitter that was used to communicate with the team was dismantled, leading to a loss of communication with the team. However, before the transmitter could be disabled, further communications were received and recorded. In addition, errant radio communications were received by Site-91's standard antenna for some time after. <Begin Log> Ion-1: Please respond with updates. Ion-3: Are you sure they're coming? Ion-1: Yes, they are. The Foundation takes every measure it can to ensure personnel survival. Ion-2: Of course, Jean, read off lines. Don't listen to what your eyes and ears are telling you. Ion-1: What? Ion-2: Be quiet for a second, and tell me what you hear. <Radio silence, followed by a pimple popping.> Ion-2: Can you stop it for one second, Ed? Just one? <Radio silence.> Ion-2: Did you hear that? Silence. Nothing. Why can't we hear the tunneler? Ion-1: The cave's giant and, may I remind you, filled with rocks. Of course we can't hear it. Ion-2: Let's go back to the complex. Ion-1: Are you crazy? Ion-3: No way in the world. Ion-2: It's the only place here with anything in it. Remember the computers we found? I'm sure there's something useful in there. Ion-1: No way, it's far too dangerous. Ion-2: And? If we stay out here twiddling our thumbs, we're guaranteed to die. Ion-1: The site's coming to rescue us. If we go to the complex— Ion-3: I can't take it anymore! <Ion-3 screams in pain as he takes off his suit.> Ion-1: What are you thinking, Ed? The heat suit— Ion-3: A hole burnt into it when the grease got in here. Now it's rubbing against my skin, and it's burning me alive! Ion-2: It's— holy shit, Ed. You look like a fucking lobster. Ion-3: This place is hell. I'm being cooked alive, my skin's been torn in two, I'm covered head to toe in these, fucking, zits! <Popping sounds while Ion-3 screams in anger.> <Communications cut out at this point.> <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: —questing an immediate report. Two of our heat suits are compromised. Send Zen-13 as soon as possible; we need immediate medical attention. Ion-3: I can't… Ion-1: I repeat, we're requesting an immediate report for the status of our rescue operation. Ion-2: You know what? I'm going back to the complex. Ion-1: You aren't. That's an order. Ion-2: I don't care. You're unfit to lead. Ion-1: Stay here, Matt. Going to the complex is certain death. Ion-2: You know what they taught us at Interdimensional? They taught me to innovate, to actually do something. <Radio silence, followed by the sound of Ion-1 taking out her gun.> Ion-1: Don't move a muscle. Ion-2: Do it. Shoot me. Blow my brains out. <Radio silence.> Ion-2: You don't have it in you. Ion-1: The Foundation— Ion-2: The Foundation what, Jean? The Foundation's full of bureaucrats like the Department who don't care about people. They don't care about us. They don't care about anything but their own little dipshit projects. Ion-1: Turn around and come back here. Now. <Radio silence. Ion-2 disconnects his communications system.> Ion-1: Come back here, right now! <Radio silence. Ion-3 moans from pleasure.> Ion-1: Ed, can you… Ion-3: I can't help it. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-3: We're going to die here. <Continuous popping noises.> Ion-1: No, we aren't. Ion-3: The grease is drying up my skin. I can feel my body evaporating. Ion-1: Pull yourself together. Ion-3: It smells like a corpse up here. I can't think. My tongue's started to shrivel up. Ion-1: Shut your mouth, Ed, and pull yourself together. <Radio silence.> Ion-3: But— Ion-1: Do you think I'm not scared shitless right now? We've heard nothing from Site-91, I've given all my water to you for the past day, and I'm still not sure what's going on. I have a family. You think they're not pronouncing me dead already? I'm trying not to think about it. <Radio silence.> Ion-1: You want to know why I'm not worried? Want to know why I keep my chin up? <Radio silence.> Ion-1: Because the Foundation's coming. They're bringing in the cavalry, and they're coming to save us right now. Ion-3: But what if they're not? Ion-1: They're coming, okay? Ion-3: But— Ion-1: They're. Coming. Ion-3: We're both going to die here. Ion-1: No, we're— Ion-3: Up there. <Radio silence for six seconds.> Ion-1: Holy shit. <Image: The mountainside directly behind the cavern entrance. A thick layer of grease has descended from above the cloud cover, and is now coating the mountains. The avalanche of grease is rapidly approaching Ion-1 and Ion-3.> <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: —down there. Ion-3: But you said— Ion-1: I know what I said. We have to get in the canyon, now. Ion-3: We have to rappel. Ion-1: We've survived too long to die now. Get the rope— <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-3: The canyon's starting to flood. Ion-1: We have to go up the tower. It's our only chance. <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: —up there. Ion-3: He's here? Ion-1: Matt, is that you? <Radio silence.> Ion-1: We have to make contact with him. I think he knows what's— <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: "—light power?" That sounds a lot like— <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-3 —was kind of right about it being a weapon and a stomach. Ion-2: You weren't right about jack shit. Ion-1: Matt? What are you doing here? <Whirring sound, punctuated by the sound of pimples popping.> Ion-2: I'm about to end this once and for all. We're— <End Log> <Begin Log> <The whirring of the machines can be heard in the background.> Ion-1: —can't do that! Ion-2: I can and I will. Ion-1: If you take the teleporter, you know that the grease flow will only get worse. Ion-2: I don't care about this rotting husk of a world. I'm leaving. Ion-1: Get back! Ion-2: Goodbye forever. <The sound of electricity, followed by the sound of Ion-2 screaming, before being abruptly cut off.> Ion-3: Is he dead? Ion-1: I don't know. Wherever it took him, though… Ion-3: Is it a better than here? Ion-1: I don't know. I don't kn— <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: The grease is up to the second floor now. Have you gotten the lock open? <Pimple popping.> Ion-1: Are you seriously popping your zits right now? Ion-3: I have to! It's the only way to get rid— <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-3: —can't go up! Ion-1: God help me, Ed, move your legs right now! Ion-3: We're dead. I'm dead already. I'm already half-digested. Ion-1: No, we aren't. We can still make it up the tower. Ion-3: Like this? You know I— <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-3: Shoot me, Jean. Ion-1: What? Ion-3: I don't want to drown in here. Ion-1: Ed, we can make it. Summon your strength. You can crawl out. You're not stuck! Ion-3: Look at me. I'm stuck like this. The grease's trapped me. Please, Jean. I don't want to go out like Trevor did. Ion-1: I'm sorry, Ed. I'm sorry. Ion-3: I'm sorry, Jean. You have to. <The sound of Ion-1 taking out her firearm.> Ion-1: Close your eyes. Ion-3: I'm ready. End it, please. I can't take it anymore. <Radio silence, followed by a gunshot. Ion-1 begins to cry.> <End Log> <Begin Log> <Ion-1 grunting with some effort.> <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: <Whispering.> —need to make it up, need to make it— <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: <Whispering.> —can't all be for nothing. I have to see what— <End Log> <Begin Log> <Image: The inside of a steel cylinder, most likely the tower of the complex seen before. Ion-1's hands can be seen climbing a metal ladder. Streams of grease flow from the top of the cylinder to below.> <End Log> <Begin Log> <Ion-1 screaming.> <End Log> <Begin Log> Ion-1: <Whispering.> Almost there. Come on, you can… <Ion-1 breaks down into tears.> <End Log> <Begin Log> <Ion-1 is hyperventilating. She is crying. She walks across a metal floor. The echo of the sound indicates that she is in a very large room.> Ion-1: Is— is that it? Can it— <Ion-1 stops to sob. She kneels down.> Ion-1: What, why? Did you cause all of this? Did you? <Image: A view looking upwards. Ion-1 is above the cloud cover; there is a blue sky with cumulus clouds in the distance. A giant (>300 miles) balding obese man wearing a gray T-shirt is eating a hamburger. He takes a bite. Massive drops of grease fly out of the burger and dribble down his mouth and shirt. The grease pools on the mountain tops and begins to stream down to below the cloud cover.> Ion-1: They died… we died… Matt, Johnsen… Ed… <Ion-1 sobs.> Ion-1: They died because of a… <Ion-1 sobs uncontrollably.> Ion-1: Why‽ Why did it— <End Log> No further communications were received from within E-7234. Over the next week, SCP-7234-2 output reached up to five times its normal level before returning to only two times the previous baseline. Further incursions into SCP-7234 are forbidden. Footnotes 1. The following is an address given by O5-13 during a meeting of the IEG Working Group: Good afternoon, gentlemen. Before we begin, I'd like to emphasize that the council's stance is to rescue personnel at all costs. Our personnel are our most valuable resource; recruiting and training are salient costs that must be paid, and we simply cannot afford paying these costs repeatedly. It is my understanding that the IEG is engaged in an incursion into the anomaly known as SCP-7234. It is also my understanding that, despite knowing that SCP-7234 was hostile to even our finest robotic drones, the IEG elected to send a team of humans into the anomaly. Now, this team is trapped within the anomaly due to a lack of foresight, and our attempts at retrieving them have unilaterally failed. First, I'd like to assert that I've personally disciplined those responsible for these decisions. I can assure you that neither Agent Saunders nor Dr. Donner will set foot anywhere near the IEG ever again. Second, the mission into SCP-7234 is officially a failure. We did not acquire any of the information we desired, and we lost four innocent lives in the process. This is not an O5 order, by the way; that would leave a rather nasty black mark on the records of everyone here. Consider it more of a "very strong recommendation." The SCP-7234 project is consuming a surprising amount of resources right now. For what end? There are plenty of other projects that need those resources, and are guaranteed to yield better results. Move those resources around immediately. I'm aware that this means dismantling equipment that is currently being used to communicate with the surviving members of the incursion team. Since we can't support them now, in any way, shape or form, the most ethical course of action is to stop providing the illusion of support cut communications. They're on their own now. Godspeed. Any further questions can be directed to my office. F is for "Fallout" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub Ȝ is for "Ȝesundheit" « SCP-7233 | SCP-7234 | SCP-7235 »
Item #: SCP-7235 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: All contained SCP-7235-1 instances should be kept within standard humanoid containment cells, with in-built low-Hume-level Scranton Reality Anchors. Security personnel are to be provided with local reality anchors when in direct contact with SCP-7235-1 instances. As part of Project Horsepower, uncontained SCP-7235-1 instances are to be monitored via the use of Foundation web-crawlers and civilian reports of anomalous activity. Containment of SCP-7235-1 should be performed by MTF operatives, specialised in anti-ontological combat. Description: SCP-7235 is a phenomenon affecting a small population of London's black cab taxi drivers who have passed a test, colloquially referred to as "The Knowledge", in which the practising driver must be able to drive from any one point in London to another. SCP-7235 is characterised by a driver (now designated SCP-7235-1) gaining preternatural abilities, which can vary wildly from instance to instance in both property and intensity. The SCP-7235-1 instance will not be majorly affected physiologically. In many cases, the SCP-7235-1 instance will gain local ontological reality-warping abilities, with reports showing that many subjects will utilise these newfound abilities to aid them in their profession. Common observations of SCP-7235-1 instances have reported: Increases in vehicle speed, mostly minor, with some SCP-7235-1 instances reaching supersonic speeds. Increased perceptual capabilities to interpret a wider array of information and act with increased reaction speeds. The ability to alter local infrastructure to allow for ease of transport. Changes are temporary and will return to their original state once the SCP-7235-1 instance has left the local area. Alterations will also not tend to cause any physical harm or permanent damage to any structures of civilians in the area. The ability to phase through buildings, people and other obstructions. The ability to manipulate local space-time to shorten transportation times. The ability to influence the action of people temporarily, predominantly on aggressive passengers and for stealing fuel. Addendum 7235.1: As part of Project Horsepower, head researcher on the SCP-7235 phenomenon, Michael Limón, was tasked with locating SCP-7235-1 instances in vehicle-dense areas in London. Due to the difficulty of capturing SCP-7235-1 instances with surveillance equipment due to their reality-bending capabilities, one method involved the random sampling of taxis and requesting rides from them to see if they were capable of performing any anomalous abilities. Instance: SCP-7235-1-01, “Henry Chiemeka” <Begin Log> Dr Limón hails an SCP-7235-1 instance on Euston Road outside St Pancras New Church. He enters the vehicle, looking at the instance's licence with an inbuilt camera in his glasses, identifying them as Henry Chiemeka. SCP-7235-1-01: Where will we be going? Dr Limón: Just to Bell Street, I'll tell you when to stop. SCP-7235-1-01: Alight. SCP-7235-1-01 begins driving down the street and stops as he encounters some congestion, only moving a few metres periodically. Dr Limón: Hey? Um… I'm a little late for this party I'm going to, I heard there was something some cabs could do to… y'know speed things us a little? SCP-7235-1-01 is silent for several seconds, looking at Dr Limón through the interior rearview mirror. SCP-7235-1-01: Is that so? Who'd you hear that from? Dr Limón: (Pausing) Just a friend. I'm willing to pay extra than what the journey would take for it if need be. SCP-7235-1-01 remains silent for several more seconds, continuing to look through the mirror. Dr Limón: Is that okay? SCP-7235-1-01: Yeah I guess that would be reasonable? Dr Limón: So how much wou… The door rapidly folds open, the metal bending. Dr Limón's seat suddenly angles upwards and he is rolled out the opening and onto the pavement. The instance drives away, turning transparent as it goes through the cars in front and disappears from view. A civilian helps to lift up Dr Limón to his feet. Civilian: What was that all about? Dr Limón: Did you not just see that? The civilian looks at the road and back at Dr Limón. Civilian: See what? Dr Limón: (Pauses) Um… Nevermind. I'm fine actually. Civilian: (Pauses) Okay? (Continues walking) Dr Limón is picked up by another researcher. <End Log> Note: "It appears that my approach was too forward, and he immediately suspected me of being up to something. Next time around we will have to go about it in a way that means the driver offers instead of me having to ask for it." Instance: SCP-7235-1-02, "Dragoslav Thietmar" <Begin Log> Dr Limón hails the instance outside Fulham Broadway and asks to go to Camden Town. The SCP-7235-1 instance begins driving, immediately entering congested traffic. They wait for several minutes slowly moving. Dr Limón: Traffic is really bad today isn't it? SCP-7235-1-02: Mhm. Silence for several seconds. Dr Limón: That's too bad, I'm actually meant to be going on a date today with someone, but I think I'm probably going to be late by this rate. Silence for several seconds. SCP-7235-1-02: Y'know, I wouldn't normally ask this, but seeing as you're late, I'd be willing to offer you something. Dr Limón: What do you mean? SCP-7235-1-02: I'll only ask this once, but if I could guarantee you'd get to Camden within seconds, would you be willing to pay extra for what the price would normally be? Dr Limón: I don't follow? SCP-7235-1-02: Just say yes or no? Dr Limón: Fine. Yes, I'd be willing to pay, but I don't know what you're talking about. Dr Limón discretely places a tracker beneath his chair. SCP-7235-1-02: Okay then, but if you don't pay, then there will be consequences. Dr Limón: Okay? The vehicle begins moving rapidly down the street through the cars, pushing Dr Limón into his seat. Dr Limón: What the fuck? SCP-7235-1-02: Hold on a second. SCP-7235-1-02 drives through a brick building, the structure forming around the vehicle as it moves through it. The vehicle cuts across several streets, phasing through many obstructions. Suddenly the vehicle stops and Dr Limón is thrown forwards. Dr Limón: (Panicked) What was that? SCP-7235-1-02: Just promise not to tell anyone. Now where's the money? Dr Limón: Um… Oh right yeah. Dr Limón searches around in his pocket and hands the instance two twenty-pound notes. Dr Limón promptly exits the vehicle, which speeds away as Dr Limón vomits onto the pavement. <End Log> Addendum 7235.2: 3 months into Project Horsepower, at least 13 SCP-7235-1 instances have been tracked and catalogued by Dr Limón and his team. This culminated in all tracked instances' vehicles being located in Hyde Park at roughly 2:30 AM. MTF teams were sent out along with the Project Horsepower personnel to perform an incursion on potentially all SCP-7235-1 instances. <Begin Log> 36 MTF operatives are positioned in the foliage around a large wooden gazebo where a group of approximately 20-25 SCP-7235-1 instances are gathered. At one end there is a podium. An unidentified robed figure steps up onto the podium. MTF Team Lead: Waiting for orders to move in? Dr Limón: Hold on a second, this seems important. MTF Team Lead: (Into radio) All units remain on standby, over. Unidentified Man: My fellow blue collars. For too long our services have been at the mercy of the people. For too long have we been at the mercy of the system? Too long have we been walked and trodden over for simply trying to make ends meet. It's a harsh and cruel world I know. But take pride in spreading the message. Now the people know of us. They know our powers. They've seen it. Pretty soon they'll be reliant on our fast services, and will solely rely on us. None of this public transport stuff anymore, it shall all be phased away in the end. Now the industry is at our mercy. Now the people come to us. He takes a deep breath. Unidentified Man: Now, rise up, everyone rise. Tomorrow we… Distant rustling is heard as a researcher trips over trying to get a better view. The unidentified man looks towards the noise and is silent for several seconds. Unidentified Man: Everyone, prove yourselves now. Our position is under attack. MTF Team Lead: (Into radio) We've been spotted, everyone move in for containment. The MTF operatives move from the foliage and approach the gazebo as SCP-7235-1 instances begin to jump down from it. The operatives move in to apprehend people, using bean bag guns and stun batons. Several instances are thrown to the ground and handcuffed before being able to use their anomalous abilities. An SCP-7235-1 instance produces fire from their palms and throws it onto the grass in front of several operatives, causing them to back away. Another instance creates large bursts of air which send away several operatives. Several instances have increased strength and agility, attacking personnel. MTF personnel keep pushing forward towards the gazebo, apprehending instances and breaking apart their defensive circles. An operative enters the gazebo where the robed man is. He holds the man at gunpoint, but he doesn't react. An SCP-7235-1 instance quickly jumps from behind onto the operative's back producing electricity from their hands, electrocuting the operative, causing him to collapse. As the operative is dazed on the ground, another instance enters producing blades from his wrists. They slowly approach the fallen operative but are suddenly stopped as Dr Limón fires a bean bag into the instance's chest causing him to fall back gasping for air. He fires another shot at the other instance's leg, breaking it. Dr Limón helps the operative up. After roughly 5 minutes of sustained fighting, all SCP-7235-1 are apprehended along with the unidentified man, with minimal casualties to MTF personnel, with no recorded deaths. Cover story 3131 ("Film Set") is distributed to local residents disturbed by the comotion. <End Log> Addendum 7235.3: After the success of Project Horsepower's incursion, all captured SCP-7235-1 instances were contained. The final step as part of Project Horsepower was for the unidentified man (now designated SCP-7235-2) to be interviewed by Dr Limón. On the following morning, Dr Limón along with several Foundation guards would find SCP-7235-2 dead sitting at his desk, with both his eyes removed. Taped to SCP-7235-2's chest was a sheet of A4 paper, with the following phrase written in the subject's blood upon it: + Message - Message "Drive Safe, Doctor Limón" « SCP-7234 | SCP-7235 | SCP-7236 »
Doctor Johannes Talerico submitted the following SCP-7236 file shortly before his disappearance. As the object now lacks any assigned researchers, this updated file is to be preserved until SCP-7236 can be properly identified and reassessed. We apologize for any confusion caused in the meantime. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Item-#: 7236 Object Class: Safe Pending Special Containment Procedures: To my Sarah: Just yesterday nostalgia's siren sweet in fleeting echoes left: that kinship, warm, innate and true, for all hearts, spare my frozen soul. Life goes on, though with its passing left a hollow visage, on the tip of my tongue, we heard that song, Just Yesterday, a tune of treacle, turned an ichor foul, but don't cry. Please, In time, you'll forget; but recall: I was here. Just Yesterday, I was loved. Description: To my colleagues: What is SCP-7236? I say, now of all times, that to try answering that question: a question once so scandalous and novel —so profound to be withheld that it tickled the tongue of every soul I had the pleasure to meet— is an exercise in finding an answer whose meaning dwindles and fades by the moment. I was sure once —I assume— sure enough to refrain. Sure enough to hold onto it as a treasure, but alas, in the gleaming clarity of its surface, I've grown complacent to admire all but a reflection of that gleaming truth. Say then, what is SCP-7236 to me? This is no doubt a question even further muddled. So muddled in fact that any route to concrete meaning would be lost upon its cartographer before they set out and put quill to page, not knowing that they failed before the first hurdle, forcing ink upon paper, charting a single route on a map where many paths exist. Simply put, like the meaning of life and death, deciphering it is a futile aim. A futile aim, but we ask the meaning of life all the same, don't we? Of course. Come then, sit down with me. Let's chat. So, what is SCP-7236 to you? I ask you why you care to know. You know that you don't know what it is, yet you ask me anyway, why is that? Like just yesterday, I think it was. Just Yesterday, Brian —Atworth, maybe Newman— came asking me the question. Once again novel as Brain was new on Site, a veritable greenhorn, not to be trifled yet with the hardships of knowing less. Curiosity was his bane, Brian. Atworth died looking too deep, all those years ago, and the Newman followed suit, in spirit, at least he hoped, given the glint in his eye and skip in his step. I forget how Newman died, tragic as it was. Not like Atworth, who died quickly though I wasn't there to watch. At that end, I was out taking pictures in the snow, so it might have been winter, round when I watch the crow, ever perched; yet to fly. Yes. I took a picture, then, of his body when I found it. Curled up in a ball where the snow had been. Nestled in feathers, pecked to death by the crows, now to fly, though ravens they may have been; a murder. Newman thought so at least, he always chatted with me on the birds. I forget how Newman died, tragic as he was. I mentioned he was new then, around the time that Atworth died, but such is the kindred spirit of academia. That unifying feeling; that we all died once, though I had yet to, and some will dream that they never stepped across that threshold. It brings a certain nostalgia, I'm led to believe; remembering one's first death. Nostalgic, though I forget how Newman died. I feel it was just yesterday. Just Yesterday, still, many things seem to follow: always happening, always on time, much like Atworth, who died just in time —I'd say. In fact, I recall a conversation we once had. See, he was a big fan of plans, and keeping time, but I could never grasp the point. He focused on every month, it's length, and day, its time to pass; to measure, wore a watch and kept a planner, nearby; his secretary, overworked, didn't die like he did, but I could see she wished to watching me; watching Atworth. In a ball: papers flying in the air, as I ripped the pages off the calendar in a frenzy, screaming, screaming like I never do, because time kept passing, and just yesterday was to be forgotten, but everyone remembered Just Yesterday, and the spoken word, and the given phrase; never repeated, but known so deep inside to be true. I think I joked that Atworth had planned even the day he would die. He laughed and smiled, but did not answer —people tend to shrug me off that way— but they keep me around, because I'm the only one assigned to SCP-7236. And that was the question, wasn't it. What is SCP-7236? Just Yesterday —I think— when Newman asked I answered. Once, only for him to hear, not jokingly, but of the birds. I took a picture of the birds, but not all the birds, just the one yet to fly. A crow, not yet a murder, not like Atworth, who never had the time to chat, no. Birds are free to fly, but that's simply a trick of the light, you see: there's something deep inside that tells them, "go!" I wonder, still, what that is. Those poor things. Do they flee Yesterdays of their own? I shudder to think they may, but ownership falls to us; to humans, rife with constructs like time and money, well spent on the glitz and glamour of politics and power, good to enjoy, good to hate, and such, eternally positive. A well earned, well earning profession. With mine, I sent my money back home, to my daughter, and its for her —really— that I work. No time for eternally positive games, myself, but plenty of time to watch the birds in the winter, in the cold, flying, and the one yet to fly —oh, so far away. Seeing this, wondering why, Newman asked me if the crow —yet to fly— had cold feet. Insightful, always, Newman was, but his question missed the point, which is apt, as points do love to detract from themselves. Nonetheless, It's no wonder he died in the end. But that isn't the point, which is apt, as points do love to detract from themselves, as Newman, distended, pulled apart, yet knew. It's why he brought bread for everyone on Fridays. Good to pull apart and share, one piece for me, once piece for you, one piece for me, and one to save —to think about forever, maybe— and dwell, tomorrow, on Just Yesterday, savoring Newman's own. I forget how he died, though it was Just Yesterday, wasn't it? Just yesterday, before, when he asked that scandalous question, oh so new, new and green with envy at my privileged position. Lucky for him, a spot opened up when Atworth died. A space for a Brian, a space for a Brian, a space for a Brian indeed. Indeed. We love our spaces, nostalgic spaces, like home and school, and school, and school, because —and they don't tell you this at school Sarah— school is a microcosm of the real world. I know it's hard for you right now to get that, but in time you will. You'll watch, and learn, and approximate, and maybe one day you'll get it. You'll figure out how Newman died, and Atworth died, and Talerico died —maybe— we haven't gotten there yet, and neither have you! But that isn't the question is it. It's not how you die, it's: What is SCP-7236? For one, it's how I make a living. It's funny isn't it, in politics, and fame, and glitz and glam. That's always the point, to make a living, to make out living, to make it out, living, to shine, to not fade into yesterday, or Just Yesterday, be just someone in the crowd, watching as you just live out a Just life; living that same life someone set out for you, Brian. I really thought you'd be different, different than Atworth, but I took a picture of you all the same. In a ball, in a space where snow was just last winter, perhaps. But that is the question, isn't it? How did Brian die? Well. What is SCP-7236? I tell Newman to sit still as I stand up. It wouldn't work if he moved, but it would if I did because I know and knew what I was and am doing. I walk towards the pile of snow to where Atworth and one day Newman will die, and stick out my hand. It's a crow. One, not a murder at all, and frozen. Dead. As still as a statue. Just yesterday, I swear, I saw it move. But now, now and only now, it's dead. I took a picture of a crow, and it's dead. But that wasn't your question was it? Just Yesterday, Newman asked, what was it? Watching me, I wondered, why? I never understood why they cried when Brian died. I knew him, but never knew him, and we fought so much, for so little reason. At every turn, at every suggestion, saying I did nothing, that I wasn't present. I shout, and I shout, because you were wrong, I was always there, and I was there for you and you alone, always you —and just you— till Just Yesterday, now you don't want to watch the crows with me any more. It was so lonely, Sarah. But then it wasn't. For just a moment. When I flew. That's not your question, though. You want to know: "What is SCP-7236?" The truth is, you've already forgotten. Discovery: To Nostalgia and my hubris: "Just yesterday we heard that song," Notice You can't. from his peak in solemnity's snow freed a fool bid the frozen fowl crow « SCP-7235 | SCP-7236 | SCP-7237 »
Edmund Davids In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. Item #: SCP-7239 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7239 is to be stored in a waterproof, vacuum sealed plastic container, located in the Inanimate Object Wing of Site-23. Each of the bi-daily vocalization events is to be recorded in the presence of research personnel, and immediately cross-checked for deviation from the corresponding material. UPDATE FOLLOWING INCIDENT 7239/S-23/HI: SCP-7239 is not to be handled in any way which could potentially cause it to become folded or creased. Description: SCP-7239 is a 148x210 mm sheet of white paper, displaying a printed list of the names of every book in the Protestant Canon of the Christian Bible, entitled as "Memorizing the Books of the Bible". The reverse side of the paper is unmarked, aside from the name "Caleb" poorly handwritten in green pencil. On a bi-daily basis, at precisely 08:00 and 13:00, SCP-7239 will undergo a vocalization event, despite not appearing to possess any means of doing so. During this event, it will emit the voice of a pre-pubescent male, which will recite a singular verse from the Bible. As of the current date, no logical pattern has been discerned in the order of these verses. Upon the conclusion of the verse, SCP-7239 will then recite the following words: "Vera sunt haec verba, teste Deo"1. Addendum-01: The following letter was forwarded to the Foundation from one of its front companies. To the SCP Foundation: In light of recent events, I, as a representative of the Catholic Church and authorized to communicate on their behalf, desire to open a clandestine diplomatic discourse with the Foundation, regarding something of specific mutual interest between our respective organizations. If you find this proposal favorable, a representative of the Church (myself) will be available to meet at your discretion. Secrecy is an absolute priority and must be preserved at all costs. Sicut Deus Vult, Giancarlo Naccarato, Archbishop Video Log: 7239/01 Location: Foundation Safehouse #1003, [REDACTED], Italy Parties Present: Senior Agent Grant Burke, Archbishop Giancarlo Naccarato <BEGIN LOG> Archbishop Naccarato: Let me restate just how relieved I am that your organization accepted my request. Agent Burke: Alright, let's skip the BS. The only reason why we even considered your request was because of the "specific mutual interest" part of your letter. If I was a paranoid intelligence agent, and I'm not, I'd say that you're talking about something anomalous. Naccarato: (after a short pause) Correct. The Vatican has… well, uncovered an object of anomalous nature. Burke: So? You discover dozens of anomalies every year. It all gets filtered down into the Horizon Initiative2, and sometimes turns up again on the streets. A big old mess for us to clean up. Naccarato visibly tenses when Burke mentions the Horizon Initiative. Naccarato: There has been a… change in priority at the Vatican. We wish to place this anomalous object under your control. (Burke does not respond, presumably from surprise) Our organizations have never seen eye to eye on any matter, but we have recognized that, of all the secular organizations that are investigating the anomalous, yours is the one we can trust to keep an anomaly safe and hidden. Burke: Hold on, why us? Why not the Initiative? Naccarato: That is not your business, nor the business of your organization. All you need to know are your choices: accept our offer, or we will deliver the anomaly into Initiative hands. Now, should your leaders accept our proposal, our only condition is that we select a supervisor to be attached to your efforts. Burke: Look… okay, wait, what is this anomaly you've been talking about? Because we want to at least have an idea before you shackle us with another genocidal lizard. Naccarato: Oh, no. It's nothing like that. Just a piece of paper reading holy scripture aloud. Burke: Right. I'll need to communicate with my superiors before we accept. Naccarato: I expect nothing less. However, do understand that our patience is not infinite. <END LOG> This discovery served to cause concern throughout the administrative departments, due to the rather abrupt change in policy from the Catholic Church. Out of the interests of securing the object, the Foundation agreed to the Catholic Church's conditions. The anomaly entered containment as SCP-7239, and Father James Drayer was appointed as attaché to the subsequent research and containment project. Video Log: 7239/02 Location: Designated SCP-7239 Recording Chamber, Sub-level 02, Site-23 Parties Present: Doctor Milford Cogent, Father James Drayer, SCP-7239 research team Foreword: This log was recorded immediately prior to Incident 7239/S-23/HI. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Cogent: Time? Researcher Tyson: 12:59 and 51 seconds. Silence on recording for nine further seconds.Father Drayer becomes visibly agitated upon hearing this vocalization event, although only Dr. Cogent notices this. Researcher Goodenough: Okay, let's see. Psalm 101:7. No deviation. Dr. Cogent: File the recording. Mike, take 7239 back to containment. Father Drayer, if I may have a word outside? Drayer: Of course. Dr. Cogent directs Father Drayer out of the chamber and into the corridor, where security cameras record the remainder of the conversation. Cogent: I think it's high time for a confession, don't you? How long has it been since your last? Drayer: Please, Doctor. Is this really the time? Cogent: I can't think of a better moment. As the son of practicing Baptists, I can see that you're a very devote man, who honestly cares about his faith. Rare enough these days, especially in this line of work. So, do you have anything to confess? Father Drayer does not answer. Cogent: Let me rephrase. We can do this here, or we can do it in the interrogation chamber. Drayer: Okay, okay. The Vatican has been deceiving the Foundation. As their representative, I was complicit in it. But I assure you, it was a harmless deception. Cogent: Spill it. Drayer: Something happened between the Church and the Horizon Initiative. Simply put, there was a falling out. The Pope was concerned that the Initiative was no longer following the directions of the Church. They soon confirmed their treachery beyond doubt and cut ties. We do not currently have the means to create another organization to study the anomalous, so we reached out to you. Cogent: Why didn't you tell us this earlier? Drayer: We did not wish to seem weak in your eyes. We gambled that if you thought we could still work with the Initiative, you'd jump at the opportunity to secure the anomaly. And as it turned out, we were right. Site-23 internal alarm activates. Lighting switches over to emergency red. Director N. Jakalikai: (via Site-23 Intercom System) Attention all personnel. This is not a drill. The facility is entering immediate lockdown. This is a Code: White3. I repeat, this facility is entering immediate lockdown. <END LOG> Video Log: 7239/03 Location: Inanimate Object Wing, Site-23 Parties Present: Doctor Milford Cogent, Father James Drayer, Security Personnel, Intruders Foreword: This log was recorded approximately four minutes after Site-23 was placed into lockdown. <BEGIN LOG> Dr. Cogent, Father Drayer, Security Officers Adams, Canfield, and McDougall are proceeding towards Evacuation Corridor Delta. Dr. Cogent: (into a hand-held radio) Control, Cogent here. Just finished locking down the IOW. All staff have already evac-ed. Heading out with Priest and the last of security now. Director Jakalikai: Roger. Bio, staff, and lab sectors are also locked down. You've got sixty intruders moving towards IOW. Get out of there as quickly as you can. A white spheroid, seeming to consist entirely of light, appears at the far end of the corridor. Four intruders emerge before it collapses and immediately fire upon the Foundation personnel. Security Officers engage intruders while all personnel take cover in open doorways. Cogent: Too late! We're cut off in Corridor 2I4! Send back-up! Internal facility radio channels were jammed immediately prior to the appearance of the four intruders. A glowing, white, crescent shaped object emerges from one of the intruders' weapons and spins down the corridor at neck-height. During this flight, it emits a three-meter jet of flame from the center of the inside curve of the crescent. Personnel attempt to take shelter; Agent Canfield receives fatal third-degree burns. The exchange of gunfire continues sporadically for two additional minutes. Agent Adams, who is taking cover with Dr. Cogent and Father Drayer, is injured in the abdomen. Dr. Cogent appropriates the agent's pistol to engage the intruders, while being heard to mutter: "Thank God for those marksmanship courses". Gunfire abruptly ceases from the direction of the intruders. Another white spheroid appears at the other end of the corridor, opposite the current location of the intruders. Three additional intruders emerge from this singularity. The central intruder is carrying SCP-7239. While surviving personnel watch, the intruder folds the page twice, first vertically, then horizontally, before unfolding it. This creates two creases that vaguely resemble the Christian cross. This appears to have activated a secondary series of anomalous effects SCP-7239 can produce.Agents Adams and McDougall immediately experience a violent convulsive seizure, while bleeding from eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Both Dr. Cogent and Father Drayer are unharmed. The white spheroids reappear, completely engulfing the intruders. After ten seconds, the singularities collapse, leaving no sign of the intruders. <END LOG> Shortly thereafter, the attacking force began to withdraw from Site-23. Although several intruders were eliminated by the arriving operatives of Nu-7 ("Hammer Down"), SCP-7239 was not recovered. Arms, equipment, uniforms, and insignia of attackers appeared consistent with that of known Horizon Initiative formations4. Video Log: 7239/04 Location: Saint Peter's Square, Vatican City, Rome, Italy Parties Present: Lieutenant Anton, the Pope, Operative Hazelwood, Sigma-15, Vatican Swiss Guards Foreword: Within hours of the breaching of Site-23, the Vatican City came under attack from forces that appeared identical to the intruders at Site-23. MTF Sigma-15 ("Guardian Seraphim") was dispatched to engage. <BEGIN LOG> The square is almost deserted, aside for several members of the Polizia di Stato5 are taking cover behind their cars beyond the perimeter of the square. MTF Sigma-15 disembarks from their transport and advances towards St. Peter's Basilica. Lieutenant Anton: ROS6!! We've been ordered in!! Polizia officers acknowledge, many showing visible relief. Multiple casualties, from both the Horizon Initiative and the Vatican Security Forces, become visible as Sigma-15 close on the entrance. The facade has been damaged by what appears to be an RPG strike, although the lack of explosive scoring suggests otherwise. Sporadic gunfire is audible from within the Basilica. Anton: Sera-1 to Control. We've got heavy casualties for both the Initiative and the Vatican. In the dozens, at least, can't say for sure. All dead. Sigma-15 enter the Basilica. More casualties fill the entrance. The interior of the dome has been severely damaged, allowing sunlight to enter the building. The last Project Malleus operatives are sheltering behind pillars, while several Swiss Guardsmen are defending the altar, likely where the Pope is taking refuge. Sigma-15 surprises and eliminates the Project Malleus operatives over the course of six minutes. Anton: SCP Foundation!! All attackers have been eliminated!! Hold your fire!! The Pope: Do as he says! The Pope and the surviving Swiss Guards emerge from the makeshift defenses around the altar. While Sigma-15 spreads out to check bodies, Lieutenant Anton approaches the Pope. Anton: Your Holiness. The Pope: It seems that we were right to put our faith in you. Convey my gratitude to your Council. While searching one body, Operative Hazelwood discovers SCP-7239, now perfectly uncreased. She quickly conceals it on her person and reports the retrieval to control. <END LOG> Video Log: 7239/05 Location: Site Director's office, Administration Department, Site-23 Parties Present: O5-7, Doctor Milford Cogent <BEGIN LOG> O5-7 is seated behind the director's desk. Dr. Cogent stands on the other side. O5-7: SCP-7239 has been returned to containment. Site-23 has been restored to full capacity. Everything is more or less back to normal. One thing bothers me, however. The injuries inflicted on Officers Adams and McDougall were, regrettably, fatal. We also found the sign of the cross burned into the inside of their skulls. How is it, I wonder, that you and Father Drayer survived SCP-7239's effects unscathed? Dr. Cogent: (haltingly) If you want my honest theory, it seems that the secondary ability is a weapon that only affects non-Christians. O5-7: You, a man of faith? Doctor, please, we both know just how redundant those beliefs are outside of DoTT7. Maybe you should get transferred. O5-7 opens the bottom draw on the desk, and retrieves a bottle of Scotch whisky and two glasses from Director Jakalikai's personal stash. She pours both glasses while talking. O5-7: In other news, Father Drayer's confession has been verified by the newly appointed Cardinal Naccarato. In light of this, and the twin attacks made last week, the Foundation has decided to pursue a closer, mutually-beneficial relationship with the Vatican. Many representatives like Father Drayer will be welcomed into our organization, in return for a monopoly on all their anomalous discoveries. O5-7 stands and lifts one of the glasses. Dr. Cogent reluctantly takes the other. O5-7: A toast to our new religious allies. <END LOG> Footnotes 1. Latin, approximately translated as "These words are true, as God testifies". 2. A Group of Interest created through a cooperation between sects of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. 3. The facility is under attack by a large force from an unknown militant faction. See Lockdown Procedures for further details. 4. Specifically those affiliated with Project Malleus. 5. Italian State Police 6. Italian Counter-terrorism Unit, that Sigma-15 were disguised as. 7. Department of Tactical Theology « SCP-7238 | SCP-7239 | SCP-7240 »
Item #: SCP-7240 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: All components of SCP-7240 are to be retrieved from across the continental United States. When collected, they are to be gathered and stored in a standard anomalous item locker at Site-97. Information regarding SCP-7240, as well as any photographic evidence of it, is to be confiscated by the Foundation. Junior Researcher Marcel is to remain employed within the Department of Geology until Incident-7240-1 comes to pass, the date of which must be dictated by the Temporal Anomalies Department. Description: SCP-7240 is the soul of Junior Researcher James Marcel, which materializes through a ritual directly related to SCP-7240-1. SCP-7240-1 is a collection of 347 rocks scattered across the continental United States1 possessing similar anomalous qualities. Namely: All instances of SCP-7240-1 are indestructible. All instances of SCP-7240-1 are between 15 and 250cm. Half of all instances of SCP-7240-1 have the Foundation logo engraved on them. Half of all instances of SCP-7240-1 have the inscription "SCP FOUNDATION" engraved on them. Starting on September 11th, 2001, instances of SCP-7240-1 emit a flash of light only capable of being perceived by individuals who have no connection or knowledge of the anomalous. Discovery: SCP-7240-1 instances all date back to the early 12th century, despite the inscription in modern English. Furthermore, all instances are spread out across the continental United States, with most of them roughly localized in major cities and a number matching up to a current map of US National Parks and Reservations. Due to the immense security risk posed by SCP-7240-1, as well as the sheer scope of a containment initiative capable of locating and retrieving an unknown number of rocks related to SCP-7240, the Foundation has spent a considerable amount of resources on SCP-7240, classifying it as Keter solely due to its potential to reveal the Foundation as an organization. Following the activation of further anomalous properties during 2001, locating extant SCP-7240-1 instances became much easier, although amnesticization efforts had to be significantly increased. Following the conclusion of a 30-year containment initiative, the last remaining instance of SCP-7240-1 was located and retrieved outside Muir Woods, California, seventeen years after 2001. Although it was initially impossible to ascertain whether this instance was the last one, all instances of SCP-7240-1 suddenly had the words "Site-97" appear engraved on an edge of the rock. All instances of SCP-7240-1 were redirected to Site-97. It was there that the main anomalous effect of SCP-7240 became apparent. Incident-7240-1: Incident Log [BEGIN LOG] [00.00] Instances of SCP-7240-1 are being put down on the floor at the Department of Geology's main headquarters within Site-97.2 [00.10] Department head Dr. Ross White brings in the last instance of SCP-7240-1. They all collectively start vibrating and levitating. They rapidly snap into place, taking the shape of a 2 meter long stone statue resembling a male phallus. [00.25] SCP-7240 manifests.3 All members of the department react with surprise. [00.40] Junior Rsr. Marcel Hey. You. Yes, you specifically. [00.43] Rsr. Marcel points directly forward, at no one in particular. [00.45] Junior Rsr. Marcel Kill yourself. [00.48] Silence. [00.52] Junior Rsr. Marcel Or whoever. Anyone will do. Kill yourself. I would want nothing less. My last request is for everyone in the god fucking stupid Foundation to kill themselves immediately. I was stuck in the year whatever the fuck against my will because you're all so monumentally stupid. Kill yourselves. Fucking. People who I considered friends, even. None of you gave a shit. ASAP. [53.32] The following 52 minutes listed various ways in which specific members of the Geology Department, the Temporal Anomalies Department, O5 Command, Site-97's Site director, and several other members of the Foundation could commit suicide. They have been omitted. [END LOG] Addendum-7240-1: Aftermath of Incident-7240-1. Following a thorough investigation of the incident, it was determined that Junior Researcher Marcel had not fabricated SCP-7240, as was thought immediately following the incident. Following consultation of the Departed Department, who confirmed Marcel had been dead since the year 1328, and the Temporal Anomalies Department, who confirmed both the dating of the stones and the presence of a stable time loop related to Marcel, the anomaly was conclusively defined as the result of a grudge between Rsr. Marcel and the Foundation. It is believed that SCP-7240 was created entirely due to the investigation into SCP-7240 that was conducted, which caused animosity in Rsr. Marcel. Furthermore, the Temporal Anomalies Department has concluded that, due to its nature as a stable time loop, Marcel would have to be transported back to the year 1298 the following week. To the end that SCP-7240 is not interrupted, Rsr. Marcel will be presented with a kit containing a compass, a map of the continental Unites States, as well as a map of Natural Preserves, and a knife. No food or water will be provided. Rsr. Marcel will be informed of their mission an hour before their scheduled reassignment. Footnotes 1. With limited exceptions. A number of rocks have been located throughout the United Kingdom, and SCP-7240-1 instance # 281 is located at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, following a shipwreck in 1678. 2. The Department of Geology was the third most expensive department to maintain due to their jurisdiction over SCP-7240. The department was disbanded shortly after. 3. Despite being employed at the time, Junior Researcher Marcel was not present onsite that day.
by Ethagon Item #: SCP-7241 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Once per week any regrown flesh and barbecue sauce on SCP-7241 is to be eaten with respect to proper etiquette.1 Special attention is to be given to not spilling any barbecue sauce during this process. In case of a breach of civility, personnel are to ignore the Marked Prey Event and politely remark a retreat to the restroom before vacating the containment chamber. Regardless of success, the containment chamber is not to be entered for the next 24 hours. Update: SCP-7241-A instances are to be contained in appropriate containment zones on a case-by-case basis. Containment Personnel tasked with eating portions of SCP-7241 are to be served SCP-7241 as the third course in a five-course meal. The Containment Chamber is to resemble a restaurant with a single chair and table on which the five-course menu is to be served. Consumption of the first two courses is to take 2 hours after which the regrown portion of SCP-7241 is to be consumed and the meal properly aborted. Update: No personnel are to eat more than 100g of SCP-7241 during their lifetime. SCP-7241-B instances are to be monitored and disallowed exit from cities by means other than highways. Containment personnel are to be recruited from volunteering Class-D personnel and agents. All containment personnel must be informed about the risks and go through a week-long training course before enacting containment. Foundation-affiliated shelters are encouraged to serve SCP-7241-like dishes to help scout potential Class-D personnel. Description: SCP-7241 is an instance of the dish "spare ribs with barbecue sauce". The flesh of SCP-7241 is genetically consistent with that of the recently extinct Cebu warty pig.2 SCP-7241 consists of ribs from multiple mammals including pork and human. Behaving uncivilly within sight or hearing of SCP-72413 results in a Marked Prey Event. Examples of unacceptable behaviour include: Eating SCP-7241 without a knife and fork Spilling barbecue sauce while eating Being underdressed Leaving SCP-7241 without a reasonable excuse to leave your food unattended Eating SCP-7241 even though someone else already started eating from it Leaving SCP-7241 unattended if all its flesh is fully grown Leaving SCP-7241 unattended while it is 'served' for more than 10 minutes No behaviour will result in a Marked Prey Event if more than 24 hours have elapsed following the relevant transgression with the exception of leaving SCP-7241 unattended. A Marked Prey Event consists of the person responsible for the breach of civility having a rib broken off their spine before the rib is teleported to a random point on SCP-7241. Personnel who have lost a rib this way report feeling like the rib was violently ripped out. Common aftereffects are internal bleeding and bone splinters. No external wounds have been reported. SCP-7241 constantly produces barbecue sauce at a rate of 0.2 ml per second, unless behaviour that does not result in a Marked Prey event occurs within sight or hearing of SCP-7241. If the barbecue sauce fully covers any exposed inner flesh, it begins to clot together over the surface. The now-hardened barbecue sauce stimulates cell growth directly under it. This process continues until every rib is fully covered with flesh and no inner flesh is exposed. If the flesh of SCP-7241 is left fully grown the barbecue sauce will begin to overflow. The overflowing barbecue sauce will occasionally clot and create an instance of SCP-7241-A. All SCP-7241-A instances to date have been biohazardous organisms. SCP-7241-B instances are humans that have eaten more than 100g of SCP-7241. SCP-7241-B instances gain anomalous properties that in most cases only become apparent far away from human gatherings or constructions in use. Discovery: SCP-7241 was discovered in a restaurant that served endangered species. The Foundation became aware of the anomaly through an intercepted call to the police. The intercepted call provided basic information about SCP-7241. It was noted that one patron who was intently focused on their own food was the last to be affected by a Marked Prey Event. When MTF Lambda-14 ("One Star Reviewers") was sent out to retrieve the anomaly it was assumed that Marked Prey Events could be avoided by ignoring SCP-7241. Lamda-14 found all present civilians unconscious or dead with SCP-7241 being served for a group of 5 among other dishes. SCP-7241 was at the time overflowing, with barbecue sauce spilling over the table. The team was affected by two Marked Prey Events before narrowing down what caused them. Another Marked Prey Event was caused by trying to move SCP-7241 without respecting etiquette. Containment could eventually be established by eating a small amount of flesh from SCP-7241 before requesting the rest "for takeaway". The civilians were evacuated to a nearby hospital and doctored by Foundation physicians. They were subsequently interviewed and administered Class-G amnestics to support Cover Story SCS-312 ("Animal Attack"). 9 civilians made a full recovery and 1 expired. Further investigation revealed the restaurant to be in contact with several wildlife habitats that had illegally provided them with endangered animals like the now-extinct Cebu warty pig. Given the legal troubles the restaurant was in at the time and Foundation procedures to not falsify proceedings outside of the Veil, evidence in line with Normalcy-predictions was provided to the relevant authorities. The restaurant was closed shortly after. Addendum-A: Original containment procedures intended for SCP-7241 to be left alone and the barbecue sauce to be drained by an installed drainage system. This resulted in the generation of SCP-7241-A-1 and SCP-7241-A-2. Containment Procedures were changed and the restaurant was searched for trace amounts of barbecue sauce, resulting in the discovery of SCP-7241-A-3. Afterwards SCP-7241 and the SCP-7241-A instances were transferred to Area-14. SCP-7241-A-1 is a leaf cabbage that grew out of barbecue sauce. Subjects exposed to the scent of SCP-7241X-A-1 start to suffer from intense food cravings. These cravings are intense enough that subjects will seek anything edible, including other humans, as potential food with the exception of SCP-7241-A-1. Subjects have been noticed to avoid obvious danger and to employ tactics that do not rely on language. If a subject is fed an amount of food that approximately equals the subject's body weight, they will enter hibernation for a month. At the end of this period, they return to normal. SCP-7241-A-1 has been contained in an odour-proof cell. SCP-7241-A-2 is a common fruit fly with a similar appendage to that of SCP-3646.4 SCP-7241-A-2 has been contained per SCP-3646 Containment Procedures. SCP-7241-A-3 is a fungus whose fruiting bodies resemble grilled mushrooms. It metabolises synthetic materials. SCP-7241-A-3 originally grew from a barbecue sauce spot that leaked through the ground in the restaurant. Upon return to the restaurant, both the building and its furniture were overtaken by SCP-7241-A-3. The effect of eating its mushrooms was tested on a pig. After digesting the mushroom the pig started to constantly burb, fart and defecate. Any mammal exposed to the sound or smell of this condition was similarly affected. SCP-7241-A-3 has been contained in its own cell in a concrete block surrounded by earth. Addendum-B: Instance Name Effect Notes 7241-B-1 D-IV-7386 Ant colonies in the subject's vicinity start to collect leaves and other material for the purpose of wearing it. Ants that do not wear these materials hide from other ants until they find material that conceals parts of their body. Level IV Class D was chosen due to the ongoing Marked Prey Event caused by leaving SCP-7241 unattended. The subject was deemed unfit to continue performing the Containment Procedures. D-IV-7386 ate 118g in total. 7241-B-2 Agent Hall, Site-19 Animals that cross paths with the subject apologize in Queen's English, but otherwise behave like normal animals. Agent Hall was responsible for transferring SCP-7241 to Area-14. For this Agent Hall ate a portion of SCP-7241 before requesting the rest "for takeaway". Agent Hall ate 156g in total. 7241-B-3 Researcher Moody As soon as the subject left the entrance to Area-14 a crow started following him. The crow has declared itself Researcher Moody's secretary and has performed corresponding duties within its abilities. The crow performs these duties for 8 hours a day and demands minimum wage for it. It only became apparent that eating SCP-7241 gave rise to anomalous properties when Researcher Moody left Area-14, which happened 3 months after he stopped performing containment duties due to losing a rib. Researcher Moody ate 206g in total. 7241-B-4 D-III-9595 Trees in the subject's vicinity started bearing furniture, dishes and cutlery made of wood. All animals living near these trees would use these utensils to eat their food. D-III-9595 was the first Class-D recruited from Foundation-affiliated shelters. They were trained by eating SCP-7241-like dishes there. D-III-9595 performed containment duties until they lost a rib. D-III-9595 ate 275g total. 7241-B-5 D-I-2577 Any wild habitat the subject travels to will be put permanently under its effect. Animals under the effect of the subject will come together in their habitat and form the basis for a Constitution. The Constitution will cover the form of a government, rules that determine who and under what circumstances one is allowed to eat a certain animal, and how to interact with the outside world. The Constitution itself varies from habitat to habitat. Additionally, it is impossible for humans to be impolite in the subject's vicinity. D-I-2577 performed containment duties without issue until the anomalous effect of SCP-7241-B-3 was noticed. D-I-2577 was taken off of the project and all SCP-7241-B instances were tested for anomalous properties. D-I-2577 ate 323g in total. N/A Researcher Walldén Animals were allegedly more friendly to the subject. Researcher Walldén volunteered to find a reasonable limit to the effect of eating SCP-7241. She was accepted for testing due to having a record of not leaving Area-14 more than once a year.5 Researcher Walldén ate small portions of SCP-7241 and travelled to Salem in between until the above effect was noted. The effect was deemed insignificant enough to count as non-anomalous and Containment Procedures were revised. Researcher Walldén ate 96g in total. Footnotes 1. Reference: Hammond's Guide to Table Manners. 2. Subspecies of the endangered Visayan warty pig. One of many wild pig species. 3. Outdoor limits have not been tested. 4. SCP-3646 is a species that resembles the Mosquito but has a feathery appendage extruding from the abdomen. Touching a dead instance causes hallucinations of mosquitoes in increasing intensity, ending with all blood dematerializing from the subject and new instances appearing on the corpse. 5. Researcher Walldén had only ever left the Area when mandated and spent her time outside of Area-14 in the nearby town of Salem. « SCP-7240 | SCP-7241 | SCP-7242 »
Item #: SCP-7242 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7242 no longer appears to be a threat. Any recovered information regarding SCP-7242 is to be kept in the archives for review. These files should be updated if further information becomes available. Beyond keeping a record, no further containment proceedures can be applied. Should the wreckage of K-122 be found, it is to be immediately investigated by a mobile task force and searched for any signs of anomalous activity. Implementation of containment proceedures will depend on findings. Description: SCP-7242 was a November-Class submarine constructed in 1963 under the designation K-122. According to photographs, documentation, as well as maintenance and construction logs, there were no discernable differences between SCP-7242 and other contemporary submarines of the same model. The precise nature of the anomaly is unclear. Declassified GRU-P records have offered some insight, as well as the testimony of first officer Vasili Kestrov. Of course, these accounts are limited to what was known by all involved. The following details have been extrapolated from the available accounts: SCP-7242 appears to be connected to the submarine K-122. SCP-7242 produced a memetic effect which could affect the minds of its crew. This often resulted in visual and auditory hallucinations. It could also alter a person's memories and manipulate them. SCP-7242 had at most an extremely limited hold over K-122's systems. All machines aboard K-122 appear to function as normal, and can be operated independently of its influence. Although unconfirmed, it is possible that the anomaly's effects were only triggered while submerged. However, a series of incidents led K-122 to develop a reputation for being "cursed," although information regarding the full extent of its anomalous nature was expunged from Soviet Records. It is known that several workers were injured or killed during K-122's construction. This was often caused by sudden accidents, many of which they insisted should have been impossible. Some members of the workforce reported hearing voices or experiencing hallucinations. Despite the strange occurrences, these complaints were initially dismissed as superstition by the Soviet navy and the troubled production was covered up. During its launch, a champagne bottle was swung at K-122 which failed to break. K-122 was put under the command of Dmitri Teraskovich, a decorated Soviet Captain. Teraskovich then used his position to recruit an old friend, Vasili Kestrov, as his first officer. K-122 first left on June 30, 1963 for a three-month patrol of the Atlantic. Addendum: Kestrov's Diary June 31, 1963 We have entered open water. Current instructions are to proceed into the Northern Atlantic. It is a strange feeling. A week ago I was just another soldier in the naval infantry but Teraskovich… I guess he wanted someone he could trust. He pulled a few strings to get me transferred to this position. Seems hard to believe, but I suppose I'm doing my family proud. My family has a long naval tradition. My granfather was aboard Potemkin. I always knew this was going to happen someday, but to actually see it happen. Teraskovich did a lot to prepare me for this moment. All those years sailing with him up and down the Moscow River are proving to be very useful. The hard part is the tight environment. It's so narrow, and you're surrounded on all sides. I admit I miss the salty air of the surface, but I knew what I signed up for when I took this position. Being trapped in a tin can with 105 men can be rough, but being underwater is kind of exciting in a way. We're in deep. Not many people can say they've been where we have. Of course that would be a bit more exciting if I could actually see some of the ocean around me. If only we could have portholes. And it's easy to forget just how vast the ocean is when your days are spent with over a hundred men in a metal tube. It feels like there's more men aboard than when we left. I keep seeing faces I don't recognize, hearing names I don't remember seeing on the manifest. Sometimes it feels like crew members show up out of nowhere. But we have a lot of people on this boat. I'll have an easier time keeping track once we've spent more time together. July 2, 1963 So far K-122 has performed admirably. We surfaced in the Northern Atlantic at the co-ordinates 75°00'28.0"N 24°42'48.4"E. Teraskovich said he was proud of the crew. At dinner he brought out a bottle of champaign to share with the officers. He made a joking remark about how he'd replace all of K-122's provisions with champaign if Kruschev would allow it. But he didn't want to deny the crew any sort of reward for their hard work. We couldn't carry enough alcohol to give to the entire crew so Teraskovich had a slightly different idea. He managed to bring a record player on board, though I have no idea how. He treated it as a gift for the crew to enjoy. He also went one better- provided them with several records, mostly classical composers. They have been very excited. Morale seems to have gone up, and I think they enjoy listening to it while working. July 4, 1963 Teraskovich received new orders from command. We're expected to change course to the co-ordinates 43°55'19.9"N 59°30'30.3"W. I checked out maps- that places us off the coast of Nova Scotia. That's on the other side of the Atlantic. Seems strange that we would be asked to deploy there, but Teraskovich refused to say why. He only said that it was from the Kremlin, and that information was on a need to know basis. I hate to doubt the motherland, but why are we heading towards Canada? I know we're not on the best terms but I don't think they pose a significant threat. Do they even have nuclear missiles? There was that incident with the airplane but they're just caught in the crossfire. Surely the Kremlin doesn't hold a grudge against Canada for wanting to avoid mutually assured destruction. Something about this mission feels wrong. Nothing's adding up, but Teraskovich seems to know what he's doing. Hopefully this will all make sense eventually. July 5, 1963 Melnik came down with a sudden fever. Dr. Sobol is doing his best, but we're not sure what happened. He was fine yesterday, but this morning he suddenly collapsed. He's been claiming to see outside, into the water. This shouldn't be possible. We have no portholes. Has he somehow managed to hallucinate windows? I don't claim to understand what's going on in his mind, but it's got him worried. I tried talking to Teraskovich. He seemed indifferent, insisting Melnik's condition wasn't an issue. He told us to keep him isolated. It was hard to imagine this being the same man who gave them all Vodka just a couple days ago. July 6, 1963 Despite Sobal's efforts, the fever seems to be spreading. Now Petrov's sick. The symptoms seem to be the same, but what I find more disturbing is what he's saying. He's also claiming to hear voices from outside- as if someone's speaking to him from the ocean. That's impossible, isn't it? But he's also claimed to have seen glimpses of the outside, and supposedly seen bodies floating the water. It sounds a lot like Melnik's hallucinations. I can't help feeling worried. Surely there has to be a rational explanation for all this. Maybe Petrov just overheard Melnik and it stuck in his mind. I know there has to be a logical explanation, but there's a small part of me, like a voice in the back of my mind, that just can't shake the thought that they're right. And something really is out there. Teraskovich seems to be under a lot of pressure to finish the mission. He yelled at Sobal, demanding he "do his job" and cure Melnik and Petrov. I've known Teraskovich for twenty years, he's never once shouted at anyone like that. Whatever command wants from us, it's already taken its toll on him. July 7, 1963 I couldn't sleep last night. I thought I heard something. It almost sounded like a voice whispering into my ear, except I couldn't make out anything it was saying. Then it disappeared as soon as it happened. Then Dr. Sobal arrived at my cabin, and told me Melnik and Petrov had disappeared from the med bay. I tried getting the crew to help, but Teraskovich kept overturning my orders. Everyone I tried to ask for help, he kept telling to return to their duties. Like he didn't care about the missing crew members. We found Petrov's body in the torpedo bay. I don't know how he did it, but he somehow managed to steal a pistol from one of the officers, and shot himself. We couldn't find Melnik anywhere. How is that possible? He couldn't have jumped overboard. How many places can a person hide on a submarine while its underwater? Unless… no, that can't be right. Could Melnik have put himself into a torpedo tube? Something is wrong here. I don't know what's happening but the further we go, the more I start to think we're caught in the middle of something. July 8, 1963 Teraskovich ordered us to increase speed by 30 knots. Then he called me into his quarters. I found him sitting with a bottle of vodka, glass already poured. He handed the bottle to me. He revealed something shocking, something I'm not allowed to tell anyone. The orders he received- I suspected there was something going on but… I didn't think it would be this. It's finally happened. We all knew it was a possibility, but we secretly hoped it would never happen. Apparently America has launched a nuclear missile directly at the Kremlin. Moscow's an irradiated wasteland. Our orders were to launch our missiles at the United States. I can't believe it. It feels so surreal, but there's another part that still bothers me. Why are we moving towards Canada. Teraskovich insists it's the best launch point, but it doesn't make sense to me. We'd be better off approaching the American coastline, would we not? Whatever his reasons, this situation got a whole lot worse. I never thought I'd live to see this day. July 10, 1963 We struck something. It all happened so suddenly. One moment everything was fine. The next I heard us crash into something. The whole submarine seemed to shake beneath our feet. I was thrown to the ground. Sobal had to treat several men for injuries. It appeared we hit a mountain. Teraskovich was furious. He blamed me for it. He started calling me incopentent, and accused me of being ungrateful for getting me the First Officer position. The only problem was I checked our maps. As far as I could tell we did everything right. There shouldn't have been a mountain there. At our present co-ordinates there should have been nothing more than open water? So how did we hit a mountain? Or did we hit something else? And if so, what? We've all been on edge. I hoped this would all make sense but the further we get into this mess, the more confusing it seems to get. Teraskovich didn't want me to telling the men that their homes may have already been destroyed. By now there might be nothing left of Russia. But it seems hard to believe down here. If the situation was as bad as Teraskovich said, surely we would have begun to feel its effects by now. There has been no sign of radiation outside our reactor. The water currents seem perfectly normal. Maybe we're a little too deep, I don't know. July 11, 1963 Luckily, we are still functional despite the damage. We managed to avoid a hull breach, but I don't think we should be taking any more chances. We lost Tchaikovsky. He received a concussion when we hit the mountain. Sobal pronounced him dead this morning. Three more are in critical condition and medical supplies are limited. The crew are getting restless. Several have come to me to voice their frustration over Teraskovich. I fear I may have to choose between my captain or my crew. But there doesn't seem to be much left of Teraskovich in there. I'd like to find some way to end this without bloodshed, but that's starting to look impossible. July 12, 1963 I was on the bridge when Orlov approached. He asked if I could talk privately. I met with him in my quarters and he told me the crew have been scared. Everyone feels they're going to die and Teraskovich is refusing to listen. He mentioned being afraid of what would happen, and a sense that there was something very wrong. He claimed to feel like there was something outside, watching us. After the last few days, it didn't seem hard to believe. He finally admitted that the crew had been talking about trying to… relieve Teraskovich of his command. Much as I hated to admit it, he was too far gone. This mission was costing too much. I won't claim to like it, but it's time to act. We are going to confront Teraskovich. I doubt he will see reason, but perhaps we can restrain him until we can get back to the motherland. Maybe whatever has gotten into his mind will lose its grip and he will eventually thank us. July 13, 1963 I'm writing this in the dark, by flashlight. It looks like we're going to die down here. We're sinking. I'm not sure how deep we are, but I can feel us going down. If the worst should happen, I intend to place this journal in a watertight container and release it into the ocean. That way I can at least ensure there is a record of what happened down here, assuming anyone's left to read it. Orlov approached Teraskovich, explaining the feelings of the crew and their decision to relieve him of command. Teraskovich shot him on the spot. Next thing I knew the rest of the crew was mutinying. Teraskovich shot at least five more men before he turned to me. He called me a traitor, pointed his gun at my head. I just stood there. All my life I'd known this man. I never thought he would turn on me like this. Before he could fire, the lights went out. I ran. I didn't care where, I just had to get away from Teraskovich. I tried to feel the bulkheads around me, looking for the doors. I finally ran into Zima, who gave me a flashlight. That was when I started to realize what had happened. It wasn't just dark, it was silent. I found a few more of the men, all of them scared and confused. It looked like every system on the ship was dead. I found Kovalchuck in the engine room. I'd hoped he knew how to fix the engines, but that was where things got even worse. He told me that he's been checking everything, but can't find anything wrong. I helped him inspect the reactor- it was in perfect condition. Not even a crack. Nothing seemed to be broken, every system aboard had just shut down at the same time. When I finally had the nerve to go back to the bridge, I found Teraskovich staring through the periscope. I don't know what he expected to see at this depth, but he seemed to be fixated on something. I only ever wanted to make my family proud. I wish I could have been the son you wanted. July 14, 1968 The lights are still out. We're trapped in darkness, and our options seem hopeless. We can't even get the toilet to work, but nobody can find any mechanical fault. We might be able to ration food, but I doubt our air's going to last much longer if we can't get the filtration running. The air is growing stale. I've seen more men bedridden, and a few have already died. We can't do anything with their bodies, so now we have the stench coming through as well. But there is something about this darkness that doesn't feel natural. It's not just that we don't have light. It's somehow able to absorb the light from our flashlights. I can't light any further than right in front of me. I've also been noticing that navigating is becoming difficult. Too many of us are getting lost trying to move around. The doors aren't lining up. I tried to reach the engine room, and found myself in the galley. When I turned back the way I came I was in the torpedo bay. I haven't been able to find Teraskovich. He was on the bridge when the lights went out, but I can't seem to reach it. I tried several times, but every attempt to enter kept taking me to a different room. It's like something's changing the layout to redirect us. How is that possible? I'll prepare the container for this journal. If we get no results in the next 24 hours, I'll release it into the ocean. July 15, 1968 If ever there was such a thing as a miracle, I think we've just experienced it. I don't know how, but everything started working again. The lights suddenly came back on, the engines started running. Everything seems to be working again as if the blackout we experienced for the last two days never happened. The relief seems to have made it a little quieter, but I worry it is only a temporary calm between storms. I am relieved we may have a chance to escape this nightmare, but Teraskovich has ordered us to keep going. I wanted to resurface. I don't know how much more K-122 can take. At this point I wonder if we're not better off taking our chances in whatever radioactive wasteland the world's become. But he wouldn't listen. Instead, he told me I was relieved of command and ordered me confined to my quarters. Nobody has upheld that order, but I have a feeling it is only a matter of time before they revolt again. July 16, 1968 It finally happened. Everything's gone wrong. I can't claim to be proud of what I did, but someone had to act. Someone had to end the madness. Captain Teraskovich is dead. The man I looked up to, who taught me how to sail- his blood is on my hands. But I still can't help feeling as though he was already dead. The man I saw in those final moments was not the man who took me sailing on the Moscow River. We detected an American destroyer on the surface. But I noticed something strange. We charted its movements. It seemed to be on a regular patrol route, like nothing was happening on the surface. Now I'm faced with a shocking conclusion. Teraskovich lied. There is no war happening above us. But why would he do that? The men were getting desperate. It was the first sign of anyone who could help us. They didn't care if they were our enemies. Zima begged Teraskovich to surrender to them. He called Zima a coward and a traitor to the motherland. I tried to step in but he just shoved me aside, told me a traitor needed to be punished appropriately. I managed to grab him and wrestle his gun out of his hand. It was enough time for Zima to run. But it wasn't over yet. Not long after, Teraskovich called everyone to the Torpedo bay. When I arrived, I saw him, holding Zima. Apparently, in an act of desperation, Zima tried to contact the American ship and was caught in the act. Teraskovich claimed he was a spy giving the Americans important secrets. But I won't forget what I saw him do. He claimed to be making an example of Zima. He ordered us to watch as he opened the torpedo tube and shoved the poor kid inside, then sealed it. Then he activated the launch sequence. In that moment, something changed. I knew I had to do something. Someone had to stop the madness. I saw a wrench and suddenly a sense of rage overcame me. I waited until the Captain's back was turned and approached him. I swung the wrench with a strength I didn't know I had, right into his head. It was only when I saw his body I fully realized what I'd done. I didn't want to kill him, but how else was I to end this nightmare. With Teraskovich gone, I was now in command, and I could order the crew to surface. I went to the bridge, started giving the orders. We put everything we had into upward movement. The crew worked harder than I'd ever seen them since we left. July 17, 1963 Finally, some quiet. We have been on the surface for a day. I don't want to take any chances under the water, but everything seems to be in working order. Perhaps a drydock inspection will reveal more about what's been happening to us. For now, we're just glad to be alive. I'm writing this on the deck, with a cool breeze and fresh air. I didn't think I'd experience either again when the power went out. We laid the bodies of our fallen crew to rest. They have been given a sailors' burial. I couldn't watch as they put Teraskovich into the water. I still can't believe he's gone. We sent a distress call, and our remaining supplies should last until we are rescued. For now, I think the crew's earned about as much of a break as I can offer them. I have asked no further duties of them. I know there are going to be questions about Teraskovich's fate. I'll do my best to answer them. I doubt anyone will believe me, but what else am I going to say? For now, I'd just like to enjoy the calm waves. But I wouldn't mind a shower when we get back. I don't know what we experienced down there. I'll probably never know for sure. My imagination runs wild with speculation. I find myself picturing sea monsters from old legends, maybe that's what we crashed into. Whatever it was, it no longer seems to be affecting us, but it must be out there somewhere. Addendum: GRU-P Casefile After the remaining crew were rescued, Kestrov claimed responsibility for the death of Teraskovich. This act briefly resulted in a KGB investigation, during which Kestrov attempted to tell his account of events. Kestrov's description of anomalous occurrences was initially dismissed by the KGB, who were prepared to charge him with anti-Soviet activity for murdering a decorated officer. However, Kestrov was quietly exonerated after his account reached GRU-P officer Sergei Veronin. The following is a part of the official GRU-P report that was declassified in 1991. OSI: K-122 Approved: 16-VII-1963 Signed………….S Responsible Personel: Sergei Veronin Department Head: Captain Boris Medved Detail: K-122 is the designation of a November-class submarine deployed for a three-month patrol June 30, 1963. On July 14, 1963, K-122 was found adrift at sea with several of its crew members, including Captain Dmitri Teraskovich, dead. First Officer Vasili Kestrov described multiple strange occurrences aboard K-122. Interviews with members of his crew have presented similar accounts. See attached diary. The incident involving K-122 has resulted in blame falling upon first officer Kestrov. However, after reviewing the available evidence, I have noticed that some details of his account do not line up. Nothing in Kestrov's record provides any logical motive to kill Teraskovich. In fact, it appears he had every reason not to. I have spoken to Kestrov and collected his testimony. His account lines up with what was described and dismissed by the KGB reports, but I have noticed a few peculiarities. He claims that Teraskovich received orders to fire missiles off the coast of Nova Scotia. However, my investigation has found Captain Teraskovich was explicitly ordered to maintain radio silence for the duration of the voyage, and I have found no records indicating this rule was broken in any way. I would like to investigate this matter further. It is possible Kestrov either discovered an aquatic anomaly, or there is something anomalous about the submarine. If this is true, it could pose further danger to our fleet. We must identify it. Recommended procedure: K-122 should not be redeployed for naval use until its anomalous properties, if any, have been properly understood. Recommend K-122 be brought to a secure facility under the guise of being decommissioned due to damage sustained. Surviving crew members may be released after further questioning. Encourage them to spread rumors about a "curse" affecting the submarine. Official records indicate K-122 was decommissioned due to damage sustained on its initial voyage. In actuality, GRU-P had it brought to an undisclosed drydock for further research. The results of GRU-P's research appears to have been expunged from all known records. The final location and ultimate fate of K-122 remains unknown. « SCP-7241 | SCP-7242 | SCP-7243 »
ADMONITION EPISODE V EXISTENTIAL ABATEMENT » VIEW ACCESSIBILITY MODE « To whom it may concern: Central Normalcy Authority Iteration 940662b90e78660244bce96e7776dc7f, "Our Foundation" of Canonical Bundle DW17 Timeline Delta-Blue, has been formally audited regarding compliance with organizational objectives outlined in Articles 0.2 and 1.7 of the 1981 Multi-Foundation Coalition Agreement. Advance notice regarding this audit was not established, as this Iteration's Oracle position has been left vacant for several decades, with no suitable replacement representative made known to the Collective. The following report consists of recovered files regarding the Iteration in question, presented to both document this audit and evoke its verdict. The audit was manually conducted under direct supervision of Oracle-Prime, and its verdict may not be refuted. ITEM I » POSTMORTEM FILES REGARDING PRIOR TIMELINE ITERATION « SUMMARY: Misuse of Authority resources precipitated enhanced ascension of Tier-IV Cosmological Anomaly (TERMINATION). Timeline reconstituted by Goldbaker & Associates, at significant expense. ITEM II » HAZARDOUS DOCUMENT REGARDING LOCAL PATASPHERE INSTABILITY « SUMMARY: Misuse of Authority resources precipitated enhanced ascension of Tier-IV Cosmological Anomaly (CONTRIVANCE). Local 𐤌K ('Narrative Restructuring') Scenario avoided. ITEM III » IMPERCEPTIBLE DOCUMENT REGARDING LOCAL NOÖSPHERE INSTABILITY « SUMMARY: Misuse of Authority resources precipitated enhanced ascension of Tier-IV Cosmological Anomaly (TRANSCENDENCE). Repair to local Noöspheric Rhizome in-progress. ITEM IV » SYSTEM FILES REGARDING DESTRUCTION OF LOCAL CYBERSPHERE « SUMMARY: Misuse of Authority resources precipitated enhanced ascension of Tier-IV Cosmological Anomaly (DECEIT), and ejection of additional rogue element. Iteration's Ethics Committee status unclear. ITEM V « COMPILED DOCUMENTS REGARDING EXPLICIT BREACH OF CONTRACT » NOW VIEWING Undated document from the desk of Dr. Dougall Deering. What is waste? The dictionary defines… well, nothing actually. We define. The dictionary only records our definitions. Even that term is misleading, "the dictionary," as though there were only one. Merriam-Webster probably says that waste (noun) is nothing but a useless byproduct of something better. Accurate so far as it goes, but it doesn't go nearly far enough. That's our fault. The worst kind of waste they're aware of is spent nuclear fuel, or carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Their definition was written without having borne witness to the irreducible Nascimbenium cores powering innumerable impossible mad science projects, or the infernal combustion engines punching holes in the noözone layer with their demonosulfuric emissions. That's the kind of waste our dictionary takes into account. Metal that absorbs psychic signals and grows like cancer. Balls of backward-flowing time. Orichalcum, adamant and ectoplasm. The Colostomy from Out of Space. An endless catalogue of Anomalous fallout and excreta which only we can ameliorate, because only we can see it, because we set the world up that way. But we're getting tired of seeing it. After all this time, this endless uphill landfill-slog, we need to see clear blue sky beyond our horizon of trash. If only putting the waste out of mind could also put it out of sight. One might be forgiven for wishing that the very concept could be erased from our manifest of magic, as the gutters overflow with Anomalous ooze and the grey goo projections turn perilously proximal. One might be forgiven for wishing that the dictionary truly did define, and that by changing the definition of waste, we could change the very thing itself. But forgiveness is never guaranteed. That's what gives it meaning. Undated photograph from the files of Dr. Dougall Deering. INCIDENT REPORT AAFD-I-2028-37 DATE: 2028/09/08 FOREWORD: Minor hazardous materials breach. See attached interview transcript. RECORDING OFFICER: Dr. Nhung Ngo (Chair, Psychology and Parapsychology, Site-43) « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Dr. Dougall Deering, Chief of Acroamatic Abatement at Site-43, is sitting across from Dr. Ngo at her desk. His hands are bandaged. He is very still, as he is recovering from heavy sedation. There is a small red plastic box on the desk beside Dr. Ngo's recording device, decorated with the heraldry of a confectionery company. He is staring at it.> Dr. Ngo: We'll ease you into this. Dr. Deering: Okay. Dr. Ngo: What were you doing in Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D on September the 8th, 2028? Dr. Deering: Supervising a flush. Dr. Ngo: And what does that entail? <Dr. Deering's voice is flat and without affect, as though he is reciting from memory.> Dr. Deering: AAF-D is the powerhouse of 43's abatement plant. It's the single largest Anomalous waste facility ever constructed. Since the effluence crisis escalated globally, it's been doing non-stop quadruple-duty. Every few years we have to shut it down, for a period not exceeding one hour — anything longer and the whole system backs up irrecoverably — and pump the overflow into the anachronic sump below the Site. Dr. Ngo: Why? Dr. Deering: Because output is severely lagging behind input. We're overwhelmed, and we're operating on triage principles. Any substance requiring too much time or too heavy a resource commitment to abate has to be set aside as impractical, because certain other abatements are too time-sensitive to delay. Some of the Anomalous effects of the waste we process can worsen the longer they're kept in the pipeline, and that's not even getting into what it does to the pipes themselves. When we perform the flush, they're often already white-hot, or ice cold, or humming obscenities in Latin. It's always a close call, because we can't afford to do it more regularly. Not on our schedule. Dr. Ngo: So this flush resets the equipment to factory? Dr. Deering: Not hardly. It just buys us a little more time. The next flush… <Dr. Deering sighs. His tone is becoming strident.> Dr. Deering: Probably not even a year. Dr. Ngo: But you can still pump what you can't abate into the sump, right. Dr. Deering: For now. Not for much longer. It's getting full. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Deering: You can cut to the chase now. I don't… I don't feel anything anyway. Dr. Ngo: You're on a lot of painkillers. That's normal. Dr. Deering: Sure. Dr. Ngo: Who was in charge of the flush this year? Dr. Deering: Deputy Chief of Janitorial and Maintenance Ph— Philip Eugene Deering. Deputy Chief Deering. Dr. Ngo: Your brother. Dr. Deering: My… yes. Dr. Ngo: And you were supervising him? Dr. Deering: Yes. No. I was… visiting him. Dr. Ngo: Visiting him? You work at the same facility. Dr. Deering: Yes. We've been here together for decades, but we haven't been here together at all. I never speak to him. I don't want to get into that, we just… we aren't close. Dr. Ngo: What did the two of you talk about? <Dr. Deering nods at the box on the table.> Dr. Deering: That. I found it in an old box in our parents' house, cleaning out the basement. I thought he'd like to have it. I bought it for him from the general store when we were children. Dr. Ngo: May I? Dr. Deering: Go on. <Dr. Ngo picks up the toy. It consists of a single sliding compartment. She slides it out, then back in, then back out again. She shrugs.> Dr. Ngo: What does it do? <Dr. Deering smiles faintly.> Dr. Deering: It makes things disappear. Dr. Ngo: What? Dr. Deering: Put something in it. Your pin, maybe. <Dr. Ngo unclips her Site-43 badge pin and places it inside the compartment. She closes it. She opens it again. The pin is missing. She closes and opens the compartment several more times. The pin is still missing.> Dr. Ngo: How does it work? Dr. Deering: It's magic. I'm an occultist, you know. Dr. Ngo: Did you end up giving it to him? Dr. Deering: No. Dr. Ngo: What happened instead? Take your time. Dr. Deering: I'm not as familiar with the layout of F-D as I used to be. They've had to make a lot of changes to keep up with the pressure. There was a valve… Dr. Ngo: On the junction between the… <Dr. Ngo checks her notes.> Dr. Ngo: …orphic and ambichronological outflow pipes. What does that mean? Dr. Deering: Two very different types of esoteric effluence in side-by-side conduits. There's a junction connecting them with a series of impregnable stoppers operated by remote control, for combining their contents under specific emergency circumstances. Intermixing in rigorously-controlled amounts to neutralize both in the case of an overflow. The valve is only there to allow manual access during accidents, since it's impossible to do this with the appropriate level of care by hand. It shouldn't have moved just because I bumped into it. Dr. Ngo: So why did it? Metal fatigue? Dr. Deering: Maybe. Every individual facility is suffering from budget crunch, and the equipment is aging rapidly. But no… no, I think we were actually in the early stages of a total collapse already, and this was just the first sign. Those pipes were full to bursting, when they should have been almost empty… Dr. Ngo: Are you suggesting they hadn't been flushed properly? Dr. Deering: No. I don't… I can't see how. Look, they're under a lot of pressure, the people who work in AcroAbate. And the materials are unpredictable. There could have been some sort of duplicative reaction. The point is, there was a lot more effluence in the system than expected, and a lot of it's still in there now. It might have come blasting out anyway, even if I hadn't hit the valve. <Dr. Deering sighs.> Dr. Deering: But I did, so it happened the way it did. But it didn't make a difference, it definitely didn't really make a difference. Dr. Ngo: What happened next? Dr. Deering: The materials mixed inappropriately, and the orphic outflow instantly became every version of itself it had ever been: before, during, and after abatement, simultaneously. It looked like an army of technicolour ghosts all melted together, bursting out of the pipes like steam. Dr. Ngo: And then? Dr. Deering: And then Phil… Deputy Chief Deering, headed for the suction pump controls near the break. Every room and corridor in the entire facility has these controls; all he had to do was turn a single handle and all the emergent phenomena would get sucked into the sinkhole without further incident. Dr. Ngo: But that's not what happened. Dr. Deering: No. Instead, he was met halfway by some… thing, which manifested behind him, between us, away from the ghostflow. Something writhing, ethereal. It sucked up most of the airborne effluence, then crunched itself down to his size… I could hear the crunching, and then— Dr. Ngo: You don't have to r— Dr. Deering: <shouting> And then it moved right through him, overlaid itself on him, coiled around him and started to shrink. And his eyes rolled back, his skin shrivelled in against his bones and split where his organs were, and they burst out of him, and he melted into a pile of… all over the floor… and it was gone, and he was… <Dr. Deering heaves ineffectually, hyperventilating for several seconds before recovering.> Dr. Deering: I don't think he felt it. Dr. Ngo: And then you turned the handle yourself. Dr. Deering: I don't remember. Dr. Ngo: It was captured on camera. <Dr. Ngo gestures at Dr. Deering's hands.> Dr. Ngo: It's how that happened. The controls were compromised. The ghosts were out too long. Dr. Deering: I don't remember. Dr. Ngo: You've been traumatized, of course— Dr. Deering: If you got it all on camera, why drag me through this again? Dr. Ngo: I needed to hear your version for the report. Dr. Deering: My…? My version? What the fuck does that mean? Dr. Ngo: It's just standard procedure, doctor. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Ngo: How do I get my pin back? Dr. Deering: Shake it to the left. Hard. <Dr. Ngo shakes the box, then opens the compartment. She retrieves her button, and reaffixes it to her jacket.> Dr. Deering: It was never gone. A slide to the right, and a little mirror to hide the evidence. No magic at all. <Dr. Deering shakes his head.> Dr. Deering: Just a trick. « END TRANSCRIPT » AFTERWORD: This interview reaffirmed Dr. Deering's testimony in the immediate aftermath of the accident, in which he reported the presence of a rogue entity unrelated to the overflowing materials and responsible for his brother's death. No personnel reviewing the security camera footage of the incident are able to perceive said entity, even under mnestic treatment. On the recommendation of Dr. Ngo and Chief Torosyan-Deering of Janitorial and Maintenance, Dr. Deering has been prescribed one year's mandatory mental health leave. Item#: SCP-7243 Level4 Containment Class: thaumiel Secondary Class: absentia Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: danger link to memo subclass: gödel status: truculent {$class-category-3} {$class-text-3} {$class-category-4} {$class-text-4} Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-X, Site-43. ✖ ASSIGNED DEPARTMENTS PROJECT LEADS Parachronology, P. M. Center, Logistics Branch Acroamatic Abatement, Applied Occultism Sections Place H. MD., PhD., O5-8 (ADVISOR) ASSIGNED SITES RESEARCH HEADS Site-43, Various Chief Dougall A. Deering, Dir. Ilse Reynders, PhD.(21) SPECIAL CONTAINMENT PROCEDURES: SCP-7243 must, and must only, abate acroamatic waste materials which do not exist;.Absentia-Class Anomalies are employed by the Foundation in ensuring the absence of non-existent phenomena. it cannot, under any circumstances, be used to neutralize anything measurably extant. This procedure is a factual result of SCP-7243's operation, and requires no active maintenance. Minimization of existing esoteric effluence is achieved, globally, by strict adherence to the following procedures: All contained Anomalies must undergo regular inspection to monitor trends in production of Anomalous waste byproducts; All such trends must be reviewed by Acroamatic Abatement personnel to determine existential abatement qualification; Candidates generating effluence with sufficient frequency, quantity, and/or toxicity are designated SCP-7243-A; Each affected containment facility must coordinate the installation of secure waste collection and storage mechanisms, as needed; Each SCP-7243-A's respective waste collection system must remain active if, and only if, it spontaneously ceases generating waste; If any SCP-7243-A spontaneously resumes generating waste, its collection system must be deactivated, and Logistics immediately notified; The Logistics Branch must maintain a global network of consolidation and supply lines for transport of non-existent.For clarity: all components of this network must be designed to securely handle full payloads of volatile acroamatic material, despite the fact that these payloads will be absent, and the entire network will handle precisely nothing. effluence to Site-43; All acroamatic material in absentia must be voided, from empty containers, into SCP-7243's central aperture. Members of ATF Digamma-7243 are remanded to the grounds of Site-43, and may not leave without obtaining express permission from Research Head / Taskforce Commander Dr. Ilse Reynders. What is waste? Waste is when a thing full of life and promise, a thing of beauty, is obliterated before its full potential is realized. Waste is snuffing out a light in our darkest hour. Waste is death. And I am going to kill it. Undated photographs extracted from a malfunctioning personal camera. Metadata unrecoverable. ADDENDUM 7243/I: Scientific Context ACROAMATIC ABATEMENT AND YOU: IN CASE OF EMERGENCY, DO NOT BREAK GLASS In submission to the Foundation Academic Consortium by Dr. Ilse Reynders, PhD. in hexadecuplicate 2026/08/05 Abstract In principle, the Foundation only considers neutralization of Anomalous phenomena where containment is infeasible and un-containment is undesirable; generally, if one Anomaly produces another, that new phenomenon should also be contained and studied. When these by-products are generated continuously, however, their containment will eventually become infeasible, and so the criteria is met for their disposal. Mass containment facilities (particularly those specializing in biological containment) are already equipped with immense infrastructures for disposing of conventional waste. Unfortunately, these systems cannot contend with unconventional waste, the esoteric properties of which may eventuate any number of unforeseen issues. Each year, innumerable breaches are caused by the reaction of multiple Anomalous substances in spaces they should never have occupied in the first instance — garbage dumpsters, sewage tanks, ventilation systems and the like. This leaves our most crucial Sites with the issue of storing, transporting, and neutralizing large concentrations of volatile esoteric effluence, on a case-by-case basis, for an arbitrary number of Anomalies, with arbitrary properties, ad infinitum. This is the ever-progressing front on which Acroamatic Abatement does battle. It attempts to generalize the problems of safe storage, transport, and amelioration for arbitrary acroamatic waste. These are extremely messy problems to solve, and not just in the practical sense: Theoretically, Acroamatic Abatement deals in the development of containment and neutralization techniques for all possible Anomalous effects, and accounting for their potential interactions with all other Anomalous effects. At time of writing, no singular inciting element has been identified as the cause to which the entire known range of Anomalous phenomena can be attributed; in the opinion of this acroamaticist, no such element exists. Definitionally, Anomalies subvert generally-accepted models of how reality works, and so their classification is determined by whether they are congruent with our limited human understanding — there is no "Swann boson" (Pickman et. al, 2021) or similar phenomenon that grants a substance the quality of defying expectation. It is, therefore, impossible to develop a comprehensive technique which can strip any arbitrary substance of its Anomalous properties with certainty, short of developing rigorous scientific explanations for those properties and conveying them pedagogically to the human populace entire. As such, the primary approach of Acroamatic Abatement has been to group esoteric substances into broad classes based on their properties, developing containment and treatment strategies for each class and subclass therein. This classification system is necessarily non-rigorous, and cannot comprehensively describe all acroamatic material (for reasons aforementioned), but a more effective model has yet to be developed. […] END ADDENDUM The following hard-copy correspondence transpired between Dr. Dougall Deering and Chief Amelia Torosyan-Deering prior to the proposal of SCP-7243. [CHIEF TOROSYAN-DEERING] You killed my husband. [DR. DEERING] I couldn't save him. If I'd had even one second to react, I would have. I'm sorry the system let him down, let you down. I'm sorry we let it decline so far and so fast. At this point we can't even begin to predict how these increasingly volatile materials will interact with each other and our obsolete equipment. The entity which killed Philip could have resulted from any number of vectors; it will never be possible to blame any one in specific. All we can do is rededicate ourselves to the cause he gave his life for, do it better, do it more efficiently, do it right. [CHIEF TOROSYAN-DEERING] You killed my husband. You. Only you. [DR. DEERING] Amelia, nobody on Earth understands what you lost the way I do, and so I understand if you need someone to blame. I'm in charge of AcroAbate, and whatever happens under that umbrella is on me. That's the job. But we can't lose sight of the fact that what killed Philip was an extreme statistical outlier under nobody's control, a nasty twist of fate that we can't even comprehend, let alone measure or mete out justice to. After all of our efforts, things like that still exist. They're even multiplying. If we dwell on our mistakes, they'll overtake us. We can't give up on our quest to figure out where all of this is coming from, and how to send it back there. If we do, it wins. If it wins, Philip died for nothing. [CHIEF TOROSYAN-DEERING] You can't even call him your brother. Not even in a letter. Take responsibility for once in your life, you smug sack of shit! There never was any entity. You're the only one who claims to have seen it, and whatever you might believe, you're not that fucking important. You know what Phil told me when I asked if you were coming to his Deputy Chief promo? "Probably not. He'd be too ashamed." And you know what else? He'd internalized that for so long, he didn't even think to be sad about it. It was just the way things were, to him. I think that's when I realized I was going to have to hate you, well before you finally did something to really, truly earn it. You're incapable of facing up to anything you think reflects poorly on you, so you make up excuses for why you shouldn't have to. Can't attend the ceremony because of a scheduling conflict, not because you can't stand admitting you share DNA with a glorified janitor. Can't come to the wedding because it's even worse seeing more janitor blood seeping into the family. Can't take a break from dissolving parathylene like the single-minded industrious little worm that you are to allow even a single genuine moment of base human connection. Can't admit you bumblefucked into a piece of sensitive equipment because you were too preoccupied with the cleverness of your weak, self-centred peace offering, and killed the only person on the planet who ever had even the tiniest scrap of respect for you. Let me tell you something, Dougall Deering. Philip never reflected poorly on you. You reflect poorly on him, perpetual present tense, and to his infinite credit that never crossed his mind. [DR. DEERING] What can I do to make this right? To convince you that I've only ever been trying to help? I gave my life to this project. I'd do anything to see it through. Tell me! You think I don't respect you? You're the best sanitation engineer in a facility full of certified geniuses. Give me a goal, a selfless one, something Philip would have been proud to see achieved, and I will show you I've never in my life been more determined. [CHIEF TOROSYAN-DEERING] You want a goal? Fine, here's your goal. NO MORE WASTE. [DR. DEERING] Okay. [DR. DEERING] I'm working on it. I want you to know that. [DR. DEERING] You were right about a lot of things. We need perspective. We need to get creative. [DR. DEERING] I can see it on the horizon. [DR. DEERING] I'm going to need your help to see this through. We can make it a monument to his memory. Please pick up the phone. [DR. DEERING] He was my brother, Amelia, and I loved him. You and I are all that's left of what he was — plus whatever legacy we leave in his name. [CHIEF TOROSYAN-DEERING] Come to me with a plan, or not at all. In parallel with this exchange, Dr. Deering engaged in frequent email correspondence with Place H. MD., PhD. The final entries in this chain are attached below. Dr. McDoctorate, Look. I understand that you're dividing your energies between a great many projects right now, and you think my requests are a distraction. I'm telling you this from a position of absolute expertise and certainty: you want to be involved in this. You've left me on read because you know that your time is at a premium. I'm telling you that you don't know the half of it. Your time is short. We can't ignore the AcroAbate problem anymore, or it's going to be our species' meteor strike. I'm the only one with the drive to deflect this thing hanging over our heads. You're trying to save the world for the third, fourth, fifth time? I have just one question for you. Are you content with it being your last? Dr. Deering, Let's talk. — PHMD AAF-X, overhead schematic. DESCRIPTION: SCP-7243 is the Deering-Placeholder Latent Existential Abatement (DePLExA) Engine, an advanced industrial eigenmachine designed for comprehensive mass disposal of generalized esoteric waste. It is housed within Acroamatic Abatement Facility Exactus (AAF-X), the nethermost structure of subterranean Research and Containment Site-43. AAF-X is the largest waste processing facility on Earth, and is responsible for a ~95% decrease in global acroamatic waste production. From the baseline perspective, SCP-7243 processes no waste. Rather than actively detoxifying esoteric effluence, DePLExA performs a novel acroamatic abatement procedure which ensures the non-existence of any effluence which it would be used to abate. Were any substance to be deposited into SCP-7243, the following would occur: that substance would instantly be annihilated, retrocausally, from all of spacetime; the substance then would never have existed at all, and thus could not have been deposited into SCP-7243 in the first place; this scenario would generate a buildup of retrocausal quanta.A general term encompassing anti-chronons, malignant narremes, and related phenomena. which, if left unchecked, would induce a ZK-Class temporal paradox; SCP-7243 would absorb the imminent paradox and redirect its quanta into the immediate past, colliding with the paradoxical substance, causing its annihilation; thus a stable time loop would form, wherein the substance's non-existence is self-justifying. As such (from the baseline perspective), SCP-7243 prevents the creation of any esoteric effluence which it would practically be used to neutralize. So long as the supply lines necessary to deliver acroamatic materials from their sources to SCP-7243 remain fully operational, no such materials will ever be produced. SCP-7243-A collectively designates all Anomalies for which supply lines to SCP-7243 have been instated. To date, 97% of all effluence-generating.Technically no longer effluence-generating, with occasional exceptions. Anomalies comprise SCP-7243-A. The following transcript is excerpted from the Cliometria.aic automatic audio logs for the Site-43 Acroamatic Abatement Section. Audio was recorded shortly after SCP-7243's initial approval. « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Chief Torosyan-Deering is paging through a set of schematics and shaking her head.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: This… is insane. Dr. Deering: Right? Chief Torosyan-Deering: No, I mean, this is insane. You are insane. This will never work. Best case scenario, Temporal Anomalies has to assassinate you last week. Dr. Deering: It's just math, Amelia. You can do the math, I know you can. One minus one doesn't equal the end of the world, it equals zero. Chief Torosyan-Deering: That's not the math you're proposing. This is, what… one plus minus one equals minus one plus one? Dr. Deering: See? You get it. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Fuck off. But how can you build something capable of doing this? Dr. Deering: That's why I brought Place on board. He's assured me we can effectuate the relevant chronomechanics exactly as written. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Without completely screwing the timestream? You see why that's a top-level concern, right? Dr. Deering: The timeplane is our top-level concern, technically. But yes, of course I understand the gravity of this proposal. We've consulted with Reynders. It's viable. The failsafes are foolproof. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Proven by certified fools. This is a mistake. This is all going to come crashing down. Dr. Deering: Not if it's built properly. With redundancies. Structural support. Rigorous stress testing. The absolute best engineering we have available. Chief Torosyan-Deering: You're sucking up to me. You're actually… unbelievable. Dr. Deering: This is the answer, Amelia. This is how we kill waste. Chief Torosyan-Deering: More like— Dr. Deering: Or maybe it kills us, all of us, because you were too busy being angry at one man to put in the work of protecting the entire human race. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Deering: Because we're doing this. We need to do this. You can squander your talents building cisterns and pipelines for acres of gunk we'll never be able to wade through, while I put together this perfect solution imperfectly, if that's what you think is best. We can both fail to fix it all, together and not together. Or… <Silence on recording.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: These fatigue rating factors are all wrong. « END TRANSCRIPT » OPERATIONAL MECHANICS: SCP-7243 only abates materials which do not exist. Conversely, any material which does measurably exist cannot be processed by SCP-7243. This is no flaw of the Engine's design — by virtue of existing, any observable substance is predestined to never be processed by SCP-7243, and must be abated by conventional means. Attempts to deposit existent materials into SCP-7243 are invariably futile, as some sequence of events will inevitably transpire such that those materials never reach SCP-7243's central aperture. Such events statistically manifest as logistical failures. For instance: an anti-esoteric shipping crate containing a quantity of undetected effluence is loaded onto a cargo ship en route to Site-43. If stored above-deck, the crate might fall overboard; if below, the ship might sink or encounter critical issues mid-voyage. As the crate grows nearer to AAF-X, the exact circumstances preventing its eradication become increasingly chaotic and disastrous. CONTINGENCIES: Fortunately, the hypothetical instance described above is impossible. If a container (or transport vessel) possesses any amount of effluence, it must fail to reach AAF-X, and so its entire payload will exist..Or the effluence is destined to be detected beforehand and preemptively removed before shipping; or it will go undetected but spill out of its container in transit; et cetera. Full waste containers can be reliably detected and rerouted. ATF Digamma-7243 ("Out Of Sight") By continuously monitoring the production (and lack thereof) of all esoteric waste, globally, Acroamatic Abatement personnel cross-reference spontaneous abatement failures with Logistics' effluence collection and transportation network, thereby predicting precisely where further logistical failures are most likely to occur. These failures can then be preemptively avoided — the relevant effluence must still be redirected to backup facilities, but their corresponding supply lines can be temporarily halted and inspected for faults. In this way, SCP-7243's behavior 'warns' the Foundation of any impending event which would (and must) prevent the transportation of extant effluence to AAF-X. SCP-7243 is also highly sensitive to local chronological shift, and — should such a shift occur — it is configured to reference the causal dependencies of its surroundings in order to reinforce its own chronology. The Parachronology Division has identified seven personnel (D. Deering, P. Deering, Place H. MD., A. McInnis, N. Ngo, I. Reynders, A. Torosyan-Deering) on whose actions SCP-7243 is causally dependent; in case of impending XK-Class Event, due either to external influence or some internal malfunction, it is crucial that these individuals (or their remains, where applicable) remain proximal to AAF-X. For this purpose, the aforementioned (surviving) individuals have been organized into Applied Task Force Digamma-7243, indefinitely stationed within Site-43, and provided amenities to minimize departures. As performing referential calculations imposes a significant electrical drain on the Site-43 local power grid, the device will only perform this check automatically once every three days. Shift detection may be instigated manually at any time by the Chief of Applied Occultism. ORIGIN: In Q4 2029, following an extended leave of absence, Applied Occultism Chief Dougall A. Deering returned to duty with newfound interest in novel acroamatic abatement techniques. Dr. Deering submitted several project proposals advocating for the creation of experimental abatement mechanisms based upon various parascientific theories; all such proposals were denied for either (or both) excessive cost or lack of methodological confidence. In Q1 2031, a denied proposal was selected for reconsideration by Esoteric Polymath.An administrative and research position of parascientific advisory to Overseer Council, permitting Dr. PHMD. to authorize and oversee various projects as needed. Place. H. MD., PhD., who noted that the Pilcrow-Minkowski Center for Multidisciplinary Studies had verified Dr. Deering's relevant findings at scale. Jointly backed by the P. M. Center and the Parachronology Division, the project was retroactively approved. Construction began Q2 2031 under the engineering supervision of Janitorial and Maintenance Section Chief Amelia Torosyan-Deering, and was completed Q2 2032. What is waste? Sometimes it's a good thing. Heat shedding, for example. We work off our excess physical energy into sweat, its mental equivalent into a job well done. We radiate the remainder over time, or convect it into the winds of change, or else conduct it into the cold spaces between warm bodies. Stabilizing the interval, preventing burnout. Waste can be transformative. The following documents exhibited temporary alteration (from the perspective of your Timeline) during and as the direct result of a local perceptual shift. For the purposes of this report, they are presented as they appeared during the timeframe they describe. Extracting local iterations of these documents may provide additional context. ADDENDUM 7243/II: Dissociation Event.Timestamps have been irretrievably corrupted via the substitution of nonprinting characters in the source document, likely as one result of the events described therein. INCIDENT 6488-D/II (Full Report) DATE: 2036/04/17 — /21 FOREWORD: inexplicable error occurred while generating passage « BEGIN LOG » 04/17 1█:█3 | Research Site-79 (Tokushima, Japan) reports the production of extant effluence by several SCP-7243-A instances. Logistics is notified and begins rerouting extant effluence to various fallback sites. 04/17 █7:██ | Site-79 reports full production of effluence by all (respective) SCP-7243-A instances, indicating a comprehensive failure of its dedicated supply line within ~80 hours. Logistics halts relevant operations for immediate inspection. 04/18 0█:0█ | Containment Site-50 (Tokyo, Japan) reports full production of effluence by all (respective) SCP-7243-A instances, indicating a collective failure of Japan's dedicated supply lines. Additional Logistics personnel are deployed for inspection. 04/18 09:██ — ██:47 | Logistics is unable to discern cause of eventual supply failure. Local fallback abatement facilities have exceeded capacity; supply lines are resumed to redirect excess effluence to Australian fallback sites. Within the following 8-hour duration, Containment Sites-36, -45, -84 report full production of effluence, indicating a complete failure of all dedicated supply lines across Asia, Australia, and Eastern Europe. 04/19 █0:█3 | Logistics is unable to deploy sufficient personnel for situational assessment. Acroamatic Abatement personnel are notified of an impending event of unclear nature, and begin rigorous inspection of AAF-X and relevant delivery systems (while still operational). 04/19 17:█0 | Various Foundation facilities across Western Europe begin to report similar failures of existential abatement. Acroamatic Abatement personnel discover that these failures have been occurring at a roughly consistent rate; the effect appears to be spreading outward, radially, from Site-79. 04/20 ██:38 | Total existential abatement failure reported across all Sites outside North America. Overwatch Command and Parachronology are informed of an impending global abatement failure of unknown origin. Emergency transport contingencies are immediately activated worldwide to alleviate near-critical buildups of extant effluence. Parachronology begins lateral chronological analysis protocol to determine likelihood of chronological or other reality-shift. ATF Digamma-7243 are immediately called to their posts within AAF-X. 04/20 ██:21 | Due to loss of .AIC-powered communication encryption services (via RAIDFRAME VIII), Chinese militia groups intercept Logistics' communications regarding the ongoing emergent scenario. Mainland China's government refuses entry to Logistics' transport vessels, citing direct order of the Global Occult Coalition. Contingency systems are unable to account for critical buildup of esoteric substances, resulting in a catastrophic hazardous materials breach. Sites-50, -79 are lost. 04/20 █8:4█ | Facilities across North America's Western Coast begin to experience existential abatement failure. Acroamatic Abatement corrects their prior analysis, having determined that the predicted locus of failure is not Site-79, but Site-43, in reverse order of proximity. All but one of ATF Digamma-7243 have reported to AAF-X. The following SMS correspondence occurs between Taskforce Commander Dr. Reynders and Place H. MD., PhD.: R: Get back here immediately. Give me your ETA as soon as you know it. R: We need you. NOW R: Where are you R: Don't you dare forward my calls. I am not to be ignored. R: PICK UP YOUR PHONE P: When do you need me there? R: NOW. PICK UP THE PHONE P: I'm busy. I've got a time-traveling, universe-hopping teleportation machine. I'm sure I'll be where I need to be, when I need to be. R: What the HELL is wrong with you? UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES will you fly into the eye of an esoteric hurricane with that THING R: WHY ARE YOU AT 87 R: PICK UP 04/20 2█:██ | The Logistics Branch is unable to discern procedural cause of failure. The Acroamatic Abatement Section is unable to discern any fault in AAF-X's operation, or that of the DePLExA Engine itself. Parachronology is unable to detect any symptoms of imminent CK-Class, ZK-Class, or other XK-Class event. The Temporal Anomalies Department forecasts a 0% probability of any impending reality shift, chronological shift, temporal pivot, timeline branch, timeline merge, or other possible cause of SCP-7243 malfunction. The Temporality Annex is unresponsive. 04/21 0█:0█ | The Astronomy Department reports sudden activity from SCP-179. It holds its head in its hands, apparently sobbing. Meaning unclear. 04/21 01:██ | Total existential abatement failure has occurred across all relevant facilities, except those within ~1000km of Site-43. Several more fallback facilities have failed; contingency systems are beyond capacity. Further SMS correspondence occurs between Dr. Reynders and Dr. PHMD.: R: Neither of us is stupid. I know what you are. I know you've been planning something. R: You may have everyone else fooled. But if we live to see tomorrow, know this: R: I'm going to stop you. Implications unclear. 04/21 █2:██ | With no discernable indication of the impending event's nature, it is presumed by default that some oblique malfunction of SCP-7243 will be responsible. Dr. Reynders proposes the deactivation of SCP-7243 immediately following the delivery of all remaining effluence in absentia, as those non-materials must be voided into its aperture to prevent a ZK-Class temporal paradox. 04/21 █4:3█ | O5 Council reports that extra-universal parties and contingency groups are entirely unresponsive. Emergency Protocol "VEILBREAK" enacted; all available resources redirected toward abatement, cleanup and contingency efforts. SCP-2000 activated in standby mode. 04/21 0█:█7 | Dr. Reynders convenes remotely with O5 Council; she is incidentally informed of blacksite Facility-6488, in which RAIDFRAME VIII (LOTUS) is housed. She is then informed of the true nature of LOTUS' origin and operation, as well as its imminent planned deactivation. Dr. Reynders attempts to warn the Council of the potential ramifications of LOTUS' deactivation, but the connection is abruptly terminated by unknown means. 04/21 ██:14 | Further correspondence between Dr. Reynders and Dr. PHMD.: P: You know how it goes. 04/21 06:██ | Dr. Reynders proceeds to disassemble and jury-rig nearby terminal components into a makeshift broadcast system. She attempts to hail Facility-6488 and all nearby Sites, calling for any available respondents. But nobody came. 04/21 0█:2█ | As the final wastecarte approaches SCP-7243's central aperture, all remaining ATF personnel and maintenance technicians prepare for the first ever complete deactivation of AAF-X. 04/21 █6:██ | LOTUS begins its deactivation sequence, causing an unprecedented release of highly deviant artificial intelligences into various digital systems, globally and beyond. 04/21 █6:█9 | SCP-7243 successfully commences shutdown. No faults are detected. Dr. Deering begins arguing with Dr. Reynders, maintaining the position that their deactivation of SCP-7243 is the very event which retroactively caused global existential abatement failure. 04/21 █6:██ | ███X-MCD/II (the "Paradox Exodus Engine") is co-opted by rogue AI, causing it and Dr. PHMD.'s demanifestation from consensus reality. Dr. Reynders' further attempts to contact him are unsuccessful. 04/21 ██:██ | Dr. Deering is interrupted mid-harangue by the spontaneous re-activation of SCP-7243. All internal cores hyper-activate, triggering chronological reinforcement contingency protocols. Dr. Reynders orders the immediate shutdown of SCP-7243 via analog manual override. Maintenance personnel report confusion as AAF-X's P. A. system broadcasts conflicting instructions in a near-perfect imitation of Dr. Reynders' voice. 04/21 ██:██ | Dr. Deering approaches Chief Torosyan-Deering, procures a heavily modified TAD jumpwatch from his uniform pocket, and begins tapping it in frantic rhythm. Dr. Reynders exclaims, pulling Dr. Deering toward herself and attempting to stop him. The device activates, causing both to disappear. 04/21 ██:██ | As SCP-7243's latent stores of extant effluence (and paradoxically-reinstated non-effluence) approach critical recondicity, an intense red hue begins to permeate AAF-X. Multiple possible iterations of Drs. McInnis and Ngo manifest and overlap, signaling an imminent Copenhagen decoherence event. Chief Torosyan-Deering vocalizes distress, and quickly exits AAF-X. 04/21 ██:██ | Local time (as measured by all electronic devices) cycles rapidly through the calendar year. SCP-7243's scheduled automatic reference check triggers one hundred and twenty-two times in quick succession. Apparitions of Dr. Deering, who remains absent, attempt to override this every three seconds. In his absence between attempts, the override is deemed inauthentic. The device is unable to locate sufficient anchors for its definitive chronology, and is forced to utilize a probabilistic metric; multiple attempted microadjustments overlap in local spacetime. A large film projector reel manifests within Dr. Ngo's skull, killing her instantly. Iterations of Dr. McInnis draw concealed weapons and fire upon each other simultaneously. Maintenance personnel begin to sever their own fingers, and uncontrollably consume the lost blood. 04/21 ██:██ | A fourth sublevel manifests between Site-43 and AAF-X, containing two elderly humanoid figures. They are immediately aerosolized by ambient thaumic bloom and incorporated into a coruscating halo suffusing the bedrock. Acroamatic decontainment events increase in frequency and severity sevenfold. 04/21 ██:██ | Chief Torosyan-Deering sprints down a narrow hallway toward the Emergency Acroamatic Redundancy Bunker. She trips over the corpse of Chief A. Torosyan-Deering, and is knocked unconscious by the fall. 04/21 ██:██ | SCP-7243 initiates chronological reinforcement. SCP-7243 explodes. SCP-7243 implodes. SCP-7243 is The Breach That Keeps On Breaching. SCP-7243 is THEREISNOCANNON. The DePLExA Engine is not itself. SCP-7243 was a 130 sqft room located inside Provisional Outpost-A904, a faux two-story home in suburban Garrett Park, Maryland, USA. SCP-7243 is EXISTENTIAL ABATEMENT. SCP-7243 will be The Common (?) Denominator. SCP-7243 is what you've all been waiting for. SCP-7243 must not exist. SCP-7243 must exist. SCP-7243 is the infinite deaths of Philip Eugene Deering. SCP-7243 is the infinite failures of Dougall Alton Deering. SCP-7243 is an anti-idea, a cosmic joke, a tumorous idol, a recursive deceit. So are we all. 04/21 ██:██ | CONNECTION LOST / CONNECTION GAINED / CONNECTION TERMINATED / CONNECTION AMELIORATED / C <ERR CODE: Bad Connection> « END LOG » AFTERWORD: inexplicable error occurred while generating passage nx-7243_provisi_i nx-7243_provisi_ii nx-7243 DESIGNATION: Nx-7243 CIVILIAN DESIGNATION: <inexplicable error occurred> POPULATION: <inexplicable error occurred> AREA CLASS: <inexplicable error occurred> INTERACTION PROTOCOL: PENDING ASSIGNED FACILITIES: <inexplicable error occurred> DESCRIPTION: Nexus-7243 is a region of unclear nature occupying an absence of an absence of geographical location Nexus-7243 is a region of physical space Nexus-7243 appears to be a hypothesized region of physical space for which no meaningful data can be perceived Nexus-7243 constitutes a lack of area in which existed the concept of a clock enfolding all succession in time Nexus-7243 describes a localized phenomenon preventing the perception and communication of any attempted truth statement regarding its "Nexus-7243" is a designation. This designation was created to reference a location "Nexus-7243" was created to designate a vague absence of location; an everything into which no pattern can scream This designation (hereafter AO-"NX-7243") was created to facilitate communication regarding its reference. However, AO-"NX-7243"'s intended usage is rendered impossible, as it is subject to an intense dissociative effect. Any attempt to propagate data regarding AO-"NX-7243"'s reference is targeted by the This effect appears to permeate data regarding any location AO-"NX-7243" might reference The effect is self-affecting The effect cannot meaningfully be described AO-"NX-7243"'s intended usage is inhibited by an effect. Said inhibition is not apparently caused by any of the following effects, in isolation: lesser antimemetic effect (un-retainable) greater antimemetic effect (incomprehensible) semiontological hazard cognitohazard narrativohazard localized micro-CK-Class "communicative retcon" miscellaneous chronological shift extra-Noöspherism the 'Deletion effect' ontokinesis # note to self: review other dept analyses before publishing file Due to the recent influx of highly deviant artificial intelligences, the role of digital subterfuge in the effect cannot be ruled out; supposing there is none, it would stand to reason that AO-"NX-7243"'s intended usage is inhibited at a fundamental informational level, possibly a macroscopic quantum phenomenon. This inhibition extends to any alternative designation which would share its item of reference with that of AO-"NX-72 In any case, the phenomenon propagates to any term whose intended function is uniquely and practically similar to that of AO-"NX-7243". ORIGIN: can't contain the set of all possible square pegs within the set of all possible round holes # fuck it — this is either above or below my pay grade # good luck figuring out which — Dr. E. Forkley Director of Miscommunications DESIGNATION: Nx-7243 AREA CLASS: Ohanna INTERACTION PROTOCOL: Save her. ASSIGNED FACILITIES: <inexplicable error occurred> FOREWORD: I've been with the Foundation long enough to recognize when I'm only begrudgingly consulted, and that's what's happening here. Despite the fact that I am the world's premier expert on the present subject, despite my possession of firsthand knowledge regarding the disaster which rendered it supposedly indescribable, and despite my persistent entreaties to be looped into the research and containment process, I have been stonewalled at every turn until the utmost end of alternative resources. I, Dr. Dougall Alton Deering, once stood at the head of a scientific project second in importance to none on this Earth. We faced an Anomalous waste crisis of unprecedented and ever-escalating scale, and my staff and I were charged with its amelioration. Here is my precise, cogent, one hundred percent accurate explanation of how that worked — and what, through no fault of my own, went wrong with it. DESCRIPTION: Site-43 is the designation for a facility constructed one kilometre beneath Ipperwash Provincial Park in Lambton County, Ontario, Canada for research and containment operations, the most vital of which was the advancement of Acroamatic Abatement: neutralization of esoteric effluence. Site-43 contained four of the most advanced AcroAbate facilities on Earth, though there existed multiple satellite facilities at other Sites and Areas internationally. Our tireless efforts resulted in a stalemate with this implacable opponent, until in a moment of personal inspiration I was able to devise a novel abatement method which could permanently terminate the matter in question via the application of advanced parascience. I enlisted the aid of Chief Amelia Torosyan-Deering to construct a device we termed the DePLExA Engine, after consultation with various external experts (including Dr. Ilse Reynders and Dr. Placeholder McDoctorate). The device eventuated my prime aspiration for Anomalous waste: that it be conceptually erased from existence, as though it had never existed in the first place. Effluence went into the engine, and nothing came out, and retrocausally nothing went in, resulting in a paradox that powered the machine itself. It was elegant, flawless, and effective. We had beaten back the beast. We had ended the crisis. My shortsighted consultants — or if not shortsighted, then actively malicious — caused the device to be deactivated at a critical moment. This allowed the original course of causality to retroactively resume, and we experienced a total effluence maximalization effect unabated by any other mechanisms, which in short order caused Site-43 and Nexus-94 within which it is situated to be stricken from consensus reality. Chief Torosyan-Deering and I witnessed these events. I attempted to escape with her in order to help coordinate disaster mitigation and relief efforts, but Dr. Reynders interfered in a selfish bid to preserve her own existence and we were instead transported from the facility together. The conceptually null space you call Nexus-7243 is Site-43 and Nexus-94. They still exist. And it is my duty to restore them. Unlike my colleagues, I do NOT shirk my responsibilities. # It doesn't matter whether anyone else can parse this # It's the CORRECT version of the file — Dr. D. Deering Chief of Acroamatic Abatement Chair of Applied Occultism Dr. Deering, While we appreciate your submission, we are not a recreational library. As you know, the accuracy of our archives is an instrumental goal, subservient to our aims of research and containment. From a pragmatic perspective the document you have created is far from correct. Frankly, it fails to communicate much of anything. Based on the evidence to hand, it would appear you have suffered multiple cases of intense emotional trauma in relation to this document's supposed content. As no AI conscripts are available for counselling services, it is recommended that you seek the support of your peers at this time. Your submission will be kept on file. — Dr. H.R. Blank Head of Historioglyphics {$item-text} NX-00 L5/00 TOP-SECRET NEXUS CLASS: ENTIRE {$secondary-text} {$secondary-class} {$disruption-text} {$disruption-class} {$risk-text} {$risk-class} link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level5 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo INTERACTION PROTOCOLS: A concise protocol for interaction with the entirety of Nexus-00 is, of course, impossible. In the context of this file's origin and intended indirect implications: containment facilities are to be constructed surrounding any known interior bounds of Nexus-00, where feasible; the Department of Esoteric Reduction is responsible for the maintenance of such facilities (chiefly, Outpost-7243), and associated research; the Logistics Branch is to continue utilizing pre-existing infrastructure for the collection of esoteric waste substances, whether extant or in absentia, and their transportation to Outpost-7243; the Department of Esoteric Reduction must oversee the safe disposal of said esoteric waste via its ejection from Nexus-00. Undefined region of Nexus-00, immediately prior to undefined event. DESCRIPTION: "Nexus-00" designates consensus reality: all that which is observably, measurably extant and compatible with our universe. This includes any other extrauniversal space which is tethered to, or interfaces with, our reality in a coherent fashion. Any region which can successfully be referenced within consensus reality is, itself, an extension of consensus reality, and therefore comprises Nexus-00. Nexus-00 is of course not a single contiguous, continuous physical surface. It incorporates various physically-disconnected locales which are at least informationally-adjacent to consensus reality. However, it has been evidenced to Our Foundation that the manifold of our local universe (Nexus-00-A) also possesses points and/or boundaries of informational discontinuity. These discontinuities are not to be confused with embedded pocket-universes (ie. a black hole's interior), nor regions of non-existence, nor extreme antimemetic influence, nor local breakdown of conventional physics, nor hazardous nomenclative influence; all such regions can still be referenced, however circuitously, within the manifold of Nexus-00. Instead, these discontinuities demarcate the bounds of what can be referenced from within Nexus-00. To restate, as clearly as the subject will allow: consensus reality consists solely of space which can be referenced within consensus reality; consensus reality possesses internal informational discontinuities; some such discontinuous boundaries are embedded within the interior space of physical reality, despite marking the bounds of informational reality. A hypothetical region existing outside Nexus-00 would be impossible to reference, even in a statement which attempts to explain the impossibility of its being referenced. An extreme degree of vagueness, implication, and definition-in-the-negative is fundamentally required in order to express discrepancies between our physical and informational realities, as any truth statement regarding the physical nature of such a discrepancy is definitionally incompatible with the informational makeup of our universe. Functionally, the "Nexus-00" designation is utilized as an inverse.Not a mathematical inverse, but the complementary set. of the deprecated "Nexus-7243" designation (aka. AO-"NX-7243") as the latter does not refer. ORIGIN: Both prior to and contemporaneous with efforts to resolve the global fallout of INCIDENT 6488-D/I, a staggering increase in the production of esoteric waste substances was reported by all Containment Areas and Sites. Apparently coincidentally, the Logistics Branch noted an inexplicable surplus of infrastructure for esoteric substance collection and distribution. Thusly equipped to supply a hundredfold increase in esoteric waste processing systems, Logistics attempted construction of requisite emergency duplicates. It however gradually became clear that all schematics, blueprints, and methodological descriptions of extant waste processing systems had become subject to an effect, assumed to be a by-product of the aforementioned incident. As these systems could not be reverse-engineered, duplicate systems could not be constructed, nor could similar novel systems be designed, as an effect pervaded all attempts. Our Foundation's understanding of esoteric waste was found to be strikingly underdeveloped, and all relevant pre-existing technologies had been rendered incomprehensible. Analytical and communicative struggles were exacerbated by constant interference from rogue AI agents, prohibiting any combined effort to properly contend with redundant Anomalous substances. In the wake of the ongoing LOTUS crisis, a critical global buildup of these substances could not be afforded. Despite an incomplete understanding of its former waste disposal solutions, the Logistics Branch elected to, as a stopgap measure, re-engage its global supply network and temporarily resume the delivery of esoteric substances to a discontinuity in Nexus-00. Despite the reactivation of LOTUS on 2036/08/14, an effect persisted, and was also encountered in attempting to conceptualize, describe, and measure the nature of this discontinuity, prompting the creation of both Outpost-7243 and this file. After consultation with Researcher Emeritus Dr. D. Deering, who had spent much of his retirement independently investigating the properties and detoxification of esoteric waste substances, he and a selection of Area-12's research staff were organized into the Department of Esoteric Reduction and tasked with the indefinite maintenance of Outpost-7243. — Dr. H.R. Blank Head of Historioglyphics ADDENDUM 2038/01/01: Despite the effectiveness of Project Sargasso.An initiative to reproduce the functioning of lost artificially-intelligent conscripts via the amnesticization and psychological reconditioning of organic consciousnesses. in identifying and remediating the infrastructural damage and Anomalous phenomena produced by rogue AI agents, an effect could neither be rectified nor better analyzed by OCI systems. Per recommendation of Chief Esoteric Reductionist Dr. D. Deering, and given the absence of a more effective solution, this file's Interaction Protocols have been permanently instated as standard esoteric waste disposal procedure. ADDENDUM 2042/06/01: The neutralization of LOTUS on 2042/05/08, and subsequent reconstitution of associated conceptual structures, has not observably alleviated an effect which its initial deactivation seemingly instigated. Esoteric Polymath Place H. MD., PhD., having returned to the local timeline following the deactivation of LOTUS, is (expectedly) unable to provide context pertaining to his correspondence with Dr. I. Reynders during Incident 6488-D/II. Both agree that interference and impersonation by rogue AI was responsible for any logical discrepancies. >> scroll to file selection << Journal entry for 2042/08/14, Dr. Dougall Deering. I don't give a fuck what anyone else thinks. Nobody — not anybody — has lived with this subject longer than I have. Not even Reynders. Maybe I didn't invent the science. Maybe I didn't get a seven-decade crash course on the workings of the universe before I had to stick my oar in. But I'm the first person to attempt a solution, a real and lasting solution, to this problem. Everyone before me was just laying track, and that doesn't take much imagination. Me? I've been imagining what the terminal looks like for thirty years. Maybe that's why I'm the only one who still remembers. Not the O5s with their mnestics, not Antimemetics, not even the damn Deepwells! Me. Only me. Because there's nothing to me except this problem. You can't separate us and have anything left over. Or maybe I'm being punished again. In this world, that's reason enough. But I don't care. I can handle punishment. I can handle all these small-minded idiots treating me like a fool. I've been ignored before. It's my talent. And while they're passing me by on their way from nowhere to nothing, I'll be working to the goal, just like always. Just like she would be, and maybe still is. I'm pouring every waking moment into the black hole that swallowed everything I love, and here's what I hear rattling around down there in response: Site-43 still exists. And I'm going to get you out of there, Amelia. Oracle resources confirm the above implications: excision of Site-43 and Nexus-94 from Iteration 940662b90e78660244bce96e7776dc7f's consensus reality for a period exceeding seven years local versal time. Additional documentation re: the activities of Dr. Dougall Deering during this period, primarily failed attempts at restoration of access to and contact with Site-43 within its discontinuity, have been omitted from this compilation but are available on request to Archivist-Prime. Document corruption ends at this juncture due to the dramatic reality restructuring event outlined below. none EE-001 L5/7243 top-secret SCENARIO CLASS: paradoxysm none none DISRUPTION CLASS: metamida RISK CLASS: inimical link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level5 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo DATE OF OCCURENCE LOCATION 2043/09/08 Nexus-94 (Lake Huron, Ontario, Canada) PRECEDING EVENTS: EE-001 was a recurrent catastrophic containment failure. It was "contained" through amelioration of its effects. In 2043, on the eighth day of September, the following events occurred at Site-43: Events are timed to the precise second with extremely narrow margins of error..Highly variable local time constriction and dilation during EE-001 may result in unlikely but objectively correct intervals between events. Local Time Occurrence 17:18:22 A large container of esoteric waste is delivered to Outpost-7243 by a Mk. XI Logistics Crawler. It is offloaded and pumped through a specialized culvert to be neutralized as per Nexus Interaction Protocols. 18:21:13 As the waste passes outside of consensus reality, Outpost-7243 records a 3.8 magnitude earthquake apparently originating from a location beyond the bounds of Nexus-00. 18:22:25 News of the seismic event is communicated to Chief Esoteric Reductionist Dr. D. Deering. No immediate response is ordered. 18:22:29 Parachronometers buried beneath Outpost-7243 detect a gradual increase in local chronological stability. This is incongruent with any previous spikes in ambient readings. 18:22:34 Maintenance personnel alert supervisors to the presence of new reality beyond the defined threshold of Nexus-00, featuring a landscape composed of grasses and clay soils. 18:22:36 News of this event is communicated to Chief Esoteric Reductionist Dr. D. Deering. No immediate response is ordered. 18:22:41 Dr. D. Deering privately contacts Dr. I. Reynders, informing her of ongoing events, expressing a level of shock and enthusiasm. Dr. I. Reynders terminates contact. 18:22:57 Personnel continue to report unusual activity near the boundaries of Nexus-00. 18:23:01 Dr. I. Reynders arrives at Outpost-7243 in an offroad Foundation escort vehicle. 18:23:17 Dr. I. Reynders produces emergency Level 6 credentials, using them to access Outpost-7243's primary control center, and triggers the facility-wide alarm system. 18:23:29 Outpost-7243's personnel are evacuated. Critical personnel are evacuated by helicopter. Reality continues to materialize past the threshold of Nexus-00, revealing the presence of an enormous Research and Containment Site. 18:23:41 A joint detachment of Applied Force Department and Parachronology Division units arrive at Outpost-7243. 18:24:20 A sudden 8.5 magnitude earthquake levels Outpost-7243. The earthquake impacts population centers to varying degrees of intensity throughout North America. Deployed units presumed KIA. 18:24:31 In spite of the preceding earthquake, which appears to have directly originated from beneath the Research and Containment Site, the Site remains fully structurally intact. It grows increasingly optically distorted, eventually to the point of cognitohazardous abstraction, greatly hindering observation. 18:24:33 A tsunami forms in Lake Huron. 18:24:53 Overseer Council authorizes an experimental aerial containment operation over the affected area. 18:25:09 A formation of silent hypersonic craft fly over the coast of Lake Huron and drop an oriykalkos-powered Matter Suspension Bomb on the Research and Containment Site below. Direct hit achieved. 18:25:11 The device activates, disrupting the troposphere across Ipperwash Provincial Park. The Matter Suspension Bomb releases an enormous burst of charged thaumic energy, which quickly settles into an iridescent dome measuring ~4km in diameter. 18:26:01 A colossal tsunami wave rushes inland out of Lake Huron, but is repelled backward into the lake by an unknown force. 18:26:35 A miasma of indigo begins to emanate from within the dome, apparently contained inside it. All readings change to indicate an imminent esoteric waste explosion of unprecedented, mammoth scale. 18:26:48 Site-43 is restored. 18:26:53 Site-43 is destroyed. EE-001 SUMMARY: EE-001 was a ϝK-Class "Paradoxysm" Scenario, primarily featuring an extreme, localized, metastable Copenhagen decoherence event. This event involved the overlap of many different possible chronologies which interacted with a multitude of paradoxes, retrocausal quanta generated by said paradoxes, acroamatic quanta dispensed into Research and Containment Site-43, and other miscellaneous factors to prompt a Zero-Sum Localized Event Collapse. This was later followed by a Localized Event Rebound. From the baseline perspective, the totality of EE-001 took place over a period of seven years, four months, eighteen days, during which time Site-43 was near-fully detached and dissociated from consensus reality. Data recovered following EE-001 suggests an interior temporal progression of precisely six years. EE-001 was induced by an attack on Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-X's systems by a faction of deviant artificial intelligences released into cyberspace by the deactivation of SCP-6488 (RAIDFRAME VIII, "LOTUS"). SCP-7243 (DePLExA) detected this attack, recognized it as an Alpha priority, and resorted to its default emergency behavior: to seek out the individuals on whom it is causally-dependent (in this case, all members of ATF ϝ-7243), and reinforce its chronology using their personal histories as "guideposts." In short, DePLExA combatted what its systems viewed as an imminent CK-Class event by attempting to draw out the statistically "true" version of itself from the past actions, memories, and experiences of ATF ϝ-7243, and projected this version of reality over its present existence, which it understood to be compromised by outside forces. Had a sufficient number of causally-dependent personnel been present at this time, and had local instability not resulted in the rapid overlap of over one hundred failed anchoring attempts, DePLExA would have succeeded in its task. Instead, ATF ϝ-7243 members D. Deering, P. Deering, Place H. MD., A. McInnis, N. Ngo, I. Reynders, and A. Torosyan-Deering were all unavailable, owing either to death, non-attendance, or incapacitation, and so DePLExA failed to determine a suitable alternate version of reality with which to replace itself. Its systems therefore attempted to construct a version of events wherein none of the aforementioned individuals were involved in its creation, or even, alternatively, in the history of Site-43; this resulted in SCP-7243 summing numerous contradictory facts and projecting them as objective truths to be realized simultaneously. Correspondingly, Site-43 and the greater Nexus-94 rapidly fell out of sync with the remainder of the universe and dissociated to an estimated 98% completeness. It is theorized that this effect was so all-encompassing that it could not be corrected by a naturally-occurring CK or ZK-Class Event, which may have been triggered multiple times during the process. DePLExA, now isolated with the rest of Nexus-94 in an uncompassable, extra-ontological location, its functions expedited by surviving on-site personnel, modelled an uncountable number of irregular chronological paths, systematically eliminating any options which contradicted its core directives. It was able to identify a preferable chronology within a distorted period equivalent to roughly seven years. The force of Nexus-94's recoherence was sufficient to overpower the influence of any remaining temporal paradoxes. Following a sharp increase in the appearance of new matter, the entire Nexus was reconstituted in the span of a single day. In the wake of Site-43's original decoherence on 2036/04/21, the Department of Esoteric Reduction was established to compensate for the loss of the Acroamatic Abatement Section, its methods, and its institutional knowledge. Esoteric Reduction constructed Outpost-7243 at the local limits of Nexus-00 as a headquarters for the monitoring of the dissociated zone, as well as a logistics hub managing the transport of esoteric effluence to Nexus-94. Though the Nexus did not conventionally exist at this time, waste could still be moved into it via a decommissioned pipeline believed to have once carried platonic material to Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-W. For reasons which remain obscure, this pipeline had not fully dissociated. For almost the entirety of the span of Nexus-94's decoherence it had been injected with vast quantities of esoteric waste from across the globe. Lacking a feasible alternative or the experience necessary to formulate one, Esoteric Reduction was allowed to proceed with this arrangement indefinitely. Data recovered subsequent to EE-001 suggests that the majority of this waste was successfully ameliorated by surviving personnel within the discontinuity. Upon the incident of Site-43's return to consensus reality, the remaining waste was absorbed into the environment at rapid speed, mixing and fusing with the remaining volatile acroamatic and retrocausal quanta within the Site to concoct a disastrous chain reaction. A protective energy shield was deployed over Nexus-94. This contained the deleterious effects of the impending reaction, but did nothing to preserve its contents. Minutes after the shield was deployed a cataclysmic explosion of esoteric waste and condensed antichronons atomized what remained of Site-43. The energy shield now overhangs a vast, cavernous pit. Cleanup operations discovered a single member of Site personnel unconscious but alive at the perimeter of Nexus-94. The following is a transcription of footage recovered from the personal uniform camera of Chief Amelia Torosyan-Deering on 8 September 2043. « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Chief Torosyan-Deering is standing in the operations control room of Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-X. She has activated DePLExA's referent seeking mechanism for the four hundred and eighty-sixth time. The program runs, and spatial flexures are visible through the observation glass. A klaxon sounds.> <The chronological stability indicator flashes green.> <The floor beneath Chief Torosyan-Deering's feet disappears for ten frames of camera footage, during which the chasms below are visible and she falls toward the centre of the Earth. She experiences this as a sudden jolt, and staggers back; the soles of her boots are now detached, fused with the reformed floor.> <Chief Torosyan-Deering watches as the cavern in which AAF-X is situated continues to contract and expand, the machinery within shrinking and enlarging in opposite rhythm. There is a sound of thunder, and she covers her ears with her hands. The bulkhead door behind her shatters like glass. DePLExA's visible component parts begin to red-shift.> <The floor and walls shake violently, and a fissure appears in the cavern ceiling beneath the foundations of Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D. It glows amber. Chief Torosyan-Deering's diagnostics reveal that low-priority spectral material in a long term holding cycle within the older facility has breached containment; it becomes visible as a steady downpour of amber fluid through the crack. The fluid coruscates, bends, and approaches the control room with apparent intent. Chief Torosyan-Deering leaps through the shattered door as the fluid-limb snakes through the observation glass, pursuing her.> <She flees through the gradually reformulating ruins of AAF-X. A ruptured paraspectral grounding conduit arcs electricity into her uniform jacket, setting it ablaze with blue fire, and she tears it off without pausing her flight. There is a flash of amber, and she throws herself violently through the door into a side passage. The grasping spectral limb of her pursuer misses by millimetres.> <The floor disappears again, and does not immediately reformulate. Chief Torosyan-Deering falls into the next sublevel, landing in a pool of red blood corpuscles being churned by a series of adamantine whisks. The limb reaches down toward her as she scrambles to the lip of the pool, and she dives beneath the surface to avoid it. The ceiling above reformulates, and the limb is severed; the leading end disintegrates in a shower of amber sparks which hiss and sparkle as they strike the blood. Chief Torosyan-Deering surfaces, and pulls herself to safety. She staggers to her feet, and continues to flee as the walls begin to glow white-hot.> <A cloverleaf of seven identical passages meet at an open elevator shaft. Chief Torosyan-Deering is seen approaching it from each passage; each iteration is moving at a different rate of speed, displaying injuries consistent with different trauma. Running blind, each iteration apparently fails to notice the others. The iteration presently filming reaches the elevator first, leaps into it, and activates the ascension controls. The remaining instances are caught by the attacking limb, which gathers them up as one. They melt into ectoplasm as the elevator rises into the ceiling and visual contact is again lost.> <This sublevel of AAF-X is shimmering red. An automated emergency message begins to play.> Recorded Voice of Chief Torosyan-Deering: Chronological reinforcement is fifty percent complete. Irrealism factor is seven: ontocaustic..Indicating a level of divergence between internal and external conceptual spaces which cannot be reconciled without the annihilation of all intervening matter. Evacuation is advised, where possible. <The message repeats seven times, gaining one additional voice in chorus with each repetition: I. Reynders, A. McInnis, N. Ngo, Place. H. MD., P. Deering, and D. Deering.> <Chief Torosyan-Deering emerges into the cavern proper, moving at speed over a series of catwalks which thread between towering factory stacks and storage tanks. Each is now translucent and filled with bubbling liquids in a variety of different colors. Electrical explosions occur in the distance, across the pit at the core of DePLExA and approaching Chief Torosyan-Deering's person; the resultant sounds appear to occur in reverse. The roof of the cavern begins to shimmer, and the roots of the clearcut forest above are clearly visible along with the external membrane of Site-43, the topside elevators, and the fractally warped remains of the surface refinery facilities. The assailant is visible above, winding through windows and doors, over tracks and gantries, searching for its prey. Chief Torosyan-Deering gasps in pain, severely winded, as she reaches the ingress tunnel to the disposal pit. The assailant snaps to attention and begins snaking toward her, partially obscured by piping and machinery.> <Chief Torosyan-Deering clambers onto an empty wastecarte and sets it moving in reverse. The tracks at the pit terminus begin to deform like rubber, the deformation spreading as the explosions grow in intensity and volume. The carte exits Site-43 and enters a system of circuitous SCP-5494 tunnels, rapidly outpacing the assailant. A persistent prismatic glow advancing from the cavern outpaces it as well, and it disappears. The carte automatically ascends a series of switchbacks, shaking violently as the tracks elasticize and vulcanize. Chief Torosyan-Deering begins to weep.> <The wastecarte emerges at Depot-43 on the eastern fringe of Nx-94, and Chief Torosyan-Deering leaps off as it passes through the terminal station, strikes the platform and disintegrates. Visible light is a pale grey, and all moving objects do so sluggishly and with lingering motion trails. She pulls herself hand over hand over the platform and out of the station, then staggers at a jog toward the distant fence. There is a sudden distortion on the video feed, and the grey illumination is replaced by moonlight. Chief Torosyan-Deering turns to look back as she passes through the unmanned security checkpoint. Her immediate surroundings are colour-tinted correctly, but the interior of the as-yet dissociated space remains greyscaled. A bubble of colour is expanding from Site-43, the colors inverted from the original dissociative event. As she watches, a ball of light originating from the sky cuts through the expanding starburst and coats the Nexus with a bubble of reflective plasma. Before the coverage is complete, the total obliteration of Site-43 from surface to AAF-X is visible. A single large amber tentacle thrashes in apparent distress and/or frustration as it coils around the lone surviving stack. The facility's explosion temporarily overwhelms the thaumic shield, casting luminous tendrils into the sky and lake which disappear in points of brilliant white.> <Chief Torosyan-Deering collapses, blocking the camera view.> « END TRANSCRIPT » What is waste? Waste is what you've done with your life. With our lives. Potentially with every human life on Earth, every Earth. And for what? Pride. Selfishness. Misguided affection. The cost of that waste is incalculable. How would one even begin to abate a waste like that? The following files are a video transcript of Dr. Deering's visit to Chief Torosyan-Deering at Medical Area-01 on 2043/09/08, interposed with extracts from her private electronic journal and personal uniform camera. « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Chief Torosyan-Deering is prone in a hospital bed, no sign of physical injury visible on her person. Dr. Deering approaches from the door, hand raised in tentative greeting.> Dr. Deering: Hey. <Chief Torosyan-Deering smiles. Dr. Deering steps back, then forward again.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Hey. Dr. Deering: Uh, how you feeling now? <Silence on recording.> Dr. Deering: Stupid question, I know. Chief Torosyan-Deering: No, not really. Dr. Deering: I can't imagine what you've been through. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Neither can I. I can only picture some of it. <Chief Torosyan-Deering gestures to a chair.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Sit down. <Dr. Deering hesitates, then complies.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: You're wondering why I'm not out of my mind. Dr. Deering: The thought crossed mine, and I had the tact to stop it before my mouth. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Wow. You must've been busy while I was gone. <Silence on recording.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: You're allowed to smile. Dr. Deering: My mouth will catch up eventually. Amelia… how did you do it? How did you do anything? <Chief Torosyan-Deering closes her eyes.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: I'm not going to tell you everything. I'm still exhausted. I might not ever tell you the whole story. […] Dougall Deering saved me. In a sense. I'd already been talking to my mirror for years. Staring myself in the face and asking what I should do. Imagining that my reflection was actually Phil's. Not because he was some wellspring of knowledge; he'd have been the first to say that he put the 'J' in 'J&M'. He was smart, smarter than he ever gave himself credit for, but he was no engineer. He fixed vending machines while I calibrated semioplasma correctors, handled technician schedules while I designed oriykalkos autodefactories. Anybody could have done his jobs, but it always meant everything to me that it was him. So every single day since he's been gone, I've imagined I can see him in the mirror. Pushing me forward. But it's only my memory of him. It's a strong memory, but it still isn't real. His ghost in my shell. For that first year trapped in the world's highest-stakes escape room I kept on imagining him, egging me on, urging me to survive. To find a way out, like Ilse did. But I'd gone to the well too many times, and I knew how shallow it was. I knew he was gone, even if I couldn't admit it. It wasn't enough to keep living for a dead man. So I let the picture shift, and focused on someone who wasn't dead. « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is standing within the concentration cell of Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D..Subject was in transit to the AAF-X Emergency Acroamatic Redundancy Bunker during Incident 6488-D/II, before being rendered unconscious. She has been subsequently unable to account for her presence in this alternate Anomalous shelter. The walls are coated with bubbling yellow mold. She opens the vault door, and exits into the facility proper. The facility proper renders in muted colours with luminous grey outlines. She begins to walk toward the AAF-X access elevator. She looks down; she is wearing an esomat suit, the soles of which are sinking into the floor tiles, leaving visible footprints behind. She continues down the corridor, passing a series of prone human forms. Their bodies are misshapen, and the name tags on their uniforms are blank.> <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is standing at the junction of one corridor and its apparent double, converging at an angle of approximately fifteen degrees so that the exterior wall of one blocks progress down the other. She reaches down to turn the valve on a tank attached to a rolling dolly at her side. She raises a misting wand, and begins to spray a chalky substance onto the offending wall. It screams.> <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is standing still in a featureless tile corridor. She is shaking uncontrollably and hyperventilating. No apparent danger is visible.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: No. Fuck you. <She proceeds down the corridor, moving erratically, as though avoiding obstacles not apparent on the camera feed.> « END TRANSCRIPT » […] Dr. Deering: I'll take anything you can give me. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Chalk it up to the dissociation. It took me maybe a month to get to my office, not needing to eat, or sleep, or maybe even breathe. Another month to partition off the AIs still stuck in the systems with the admin control panel on my tablet. The SRFs.Scranton Reality Filters. were only working at about eighty percent efficiency to start with, and I watched that number tick down every single day. Eventually they were going to fail completely, and I'd end up like… <Chief Torosyan-Deering looks away briefly.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: …like everyone else. But in the meantime it made everything not unpleasantly fuzzy, like I was always just waking up from a deep sleep. Hard to focus on more than a couple of things at once, so I focused on the things that mattered. Dr. Deering: Escaping. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Mostly. […] I pictured Dougall Deering's smug smirk and dead eyes, and I blamed him for everything he deserved to be blamed for. Failing to excel when we needed excellence the most. Killing my husband. Digging himself a pity-pit and hiding in it. Begging me to forgive him. Making me think I might some day have a reason to do it. And then leaving us worse off than we'd been before it started. I used my hatred of him as a lodestar. My most powerful, unfailing, infinitely-renewable reality anchor. Every inch I clawed back from oblivion was getting me closer to exposing him as a fraud to the Council. Every grisly mess that popped back into existence in front of me, every body bifurcated by a wall, every screaming pile of gristle with its skin abstracted and its pain receptors shining in my flashlight beam was another mistake I could spit in his face, if only I held on a little longer. When I started powering up the machinery again and setting it to a task it was never designed to perform, and did the work of a hundred techs at once, and I ached and sweated and froze and the hole in my stomach where the need to eat and drink and defecate was gone, I told myself I was proving once and for all that us lowly technicians actually putting in the elbow grease could do things that effete fop had always been incapable of. « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is examining a makeshift thaumotitration metre consisting of a work tablet attached to the electricals on an intensely-vibrating pipe.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Where the hell are you coming from? <She double-checks the readings, shaking her head.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: It's not like they're still… <She sighs, then begins performing calculations manually on the tablet.> <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is crouched over a console in the AAF-X atrium, remote controlling a maintenance drone. The drone is LIDAR mapping the interior of AAF-X, which has expanded by an order of magnitude the surrounding bedrock should not have been capable of containing or supporting. A sudden fluorescence of light strikes the drone, and it is explosively duplicated fifteen times in quick succession.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Popcorn. <The signal is lost, attenuated between too many devices at once. She lies down on an inflatable mattress and stares at the ceiling until the camera automatically deactivates.> <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is tapping a tablet displaying "Reclamation Schedule: 2036-2037." Each item is marked "COMPLETE" in green. The date is visible: 6 September. She deactivates the tablet; the reflection of her face becomes visible on the screen. She is smiling.> <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is standing in the operations control centre for Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-X, looking out on the central pit. A stream of heterogeneous effluence is pouring into the pit from above. She clicks her tongue in disapproval. She is interacting with the DePLExA input console, generating a list of potential anchor targets for chronological reinforcement as sorted by declining probability. The highest-rated anchor is Chief Torosyan-Deering. Subject confirms the selection. DePLExA secures the referent anchor — camera view flickers and distorts as a red light passes over her — and attempts to reconcile its chronology. Every flat plane in AAF-X begins to pulsate as though mapped to an invisible spheroid located in the central pit. An emergency klaxon sounds. Chief Torosyan-Deering runs diagnostics. The date and time are visible: 8 September, 6:21 PM. The pulsation and klaxon cease. Error messages flood the console. The chronological stability indicator flashes red. A glowing amber fissure appears in the cavern ceiling. DePLExA begins its shutdown procedure. Dr. Deering, Dr. Reynders, and an additional Chief Torosyan-Deering appear in the control room. They are re-enacting the events of the original derealization event.> <Subject flees.> « END TRANSCRIPT » […] Dr. Deering: I'm still baffled at what you were able to accomplish. The rubberband effect would have lasted at least another… well, it could have lasted ten years without you beavering away in there. Maybe longer. I couldn't… we couldn't have waited that long. We needed you back, and here you are. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Yeah. Here I am. Dr. Deering: How did you keep perspective? How did you keep on working to that goal, without any foreknowledge that you had a chance? Chief Torosyan-Deering: That's always been the job. We don't take snow days. <Dr. Deering laughs. Chief Torosyan-Deering looks away again.> Dr. Deering: I'm sorry. I'm just relieved. <Chief Torosyan-Deering looks back again.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Yeah, I know you are. That's not the problem. Dr. Deering: What is? Chief Torosyan-Deering: It's just… I've never heard you laugh like that before. Dr. Deering: Like what? Chief Torosyan-Deering: Like… him. […] Phil, my imaginary Phil, used to tell me I was right or wrong based on what I thought he'd think. I knew him like a glove, it was a near-perfect simulation; the gulf between that and reality was the first permanent pit in my stomach. But still, it was a comfort. My apparition of Dougall Deering? All he could say was that I was right, and he was sorry. He's always so damn sorry. « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is standing within the concentration cell of Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D. The walls are coated with bubbling yellow mold. She opens the vault door, and exits into the facility proper. The facility proper renders in muted colours with luminous grey outlines. She begins to scream. Camera deactivates.> <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is reviewing "Reclamation Schedule: 2036-2037," marking each COMPLETE item INCOMPLETE in red. Subject changes the title to "Reclamation Schedule: 2037-????," and begins to weep.> <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is editing an electronic map of AAF-X on her tablet. The corridor in front of her deforms to match each new configuration, either silently or with sufficient volume to peak the audio recording.> <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is standing in the operations control centre for Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-X. The emergency klaxon is sounding as DePLExA attempts to reconcile its chronology using Dr. Udo Okorie as its referent; an Applied Occultism Section uniform is visible in a translucent hazadrous materials container in the corner of the room, visibly respirating. Spatial deformation is in progress. After the passage of approximately ten minutes, spatial deformation and the klaxon cease simultaneously. The chronological stability indicator flashes red.> Recorded Voice of Chief Torosyan-Deering: Reconciliation failure. Anchor stability insufficient. <She selects the next listed anchor, Dr. William Wettle, and turns to face an opaque blue drum featuring multiple freshly-applied biohazard stickers. She begins reassembling her esomat suit.> <Camera activates. The console remains visible. Seventeen potential referent anchors have been unsuccessfully targeted for chronology reinforcement. The date and time is 8 September, 6:15. Chief Torosyan-Deering sighs, and leaves the room in the direction of the AAF-D elevator.> « END TRANSCRIPT » […] Dr. Deering: You must hate seeing my face after all this. Chief Torosyan-Deering: You… it's his face, too. You've got a beard, and no glasses, but still. It's him. I can't. <Chief Torosyan-Deering shakes her head.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: I'm spent. Dr. Deering: You'll feel differently when you've rested. Chief Torosyan-Deering: I don't think so. I think I see things in the proper perspective now. Dr. Deering: Meaning? Chief Torosyan-Deering: Meaning there's no use blaming you for being an idiot. In your idiot way, you're trying to help. […] I wanted to stay furious at him. I thought that I needed the inspiration. I wrote him a hailstorm of angry letters, perfecting the art of tearing the man to bloody shreds, and daydreamed about placing the bundle in his hand and forcing him to read until he was dealt with for good. But day by day, gradually, I lost my fire. Alone in the lunacy, I couldn't keep it up. I refused to give him his holy grail, forgiveness, but I did try to forget him. Focus on the work, find the solution. Not in anyone's memory, and not out of spite, but because it was my job, and I could do it. It needed doing, and I was alive. « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is walking in a featureless void. She is reciting the Fibonacci Sequence, turning ninety degrees after each odd number. The ambient darkness lightens noticeably each time she does this.> <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is laughing. Camera shows the emergency terminal for Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D's anachronic sump flush mechanism; she has apparently flushed the sump's contents into AAF-X, and is observing the resultant interactions to plot a path to the AAF-X operations control centre.> <Camera activates. There is no light.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: 2041. Got through fifty-two potential anchors this time, and they all drag. Hitting the shoals in about twenty minutes. Might go down with the ship this time. Any objections? <Camera remains active for nineteen minutes before red emergency lighting begins, illuminating the ceiling of the AAF-X operations control room. She sits up, stands up, picks up her tablet and heads for the door.> « END TRANSCRIPT » […] Chief Torosyan-Deering: You're trying to fix your old mistakes, but you keep making new ones in the process. That needs to stop. Now. Dr. Deering: I don't think— Chief Torosyan-Deering: You think too much, actually, but never about the right things. You think about how unfair it is, you think about how it's not your fault, but you never examine your motivations. Your job, doctor, is to resolve the abatement crisis. You've only been pretending to do that. The world's fucking toilets are overflowing, and here you are plunging down your back-clog of guilt on our borrowed time. Dr. Deering: That's not… fair. It's… Chief Torosyan-Deering: It's what you deserve to hear. You keep fucking up, and every time you do, you wait for someone to tell you it's okay. Well, it isn't okay. It isn't okay that you're wasting our final opportunities in favour of feeling sorry for yourself. That's over as of this moment. You need Phil to forgive you? He can't. He's dead. You need me to do it? <Silence on recording.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: You've worn me down. I'm sick of your bullshit. I forgive you. Now take responsibility, Doug, and do your fucking job. […] When my resolve slipped, I promised myself I'd track down that supercilious twit and let him have it with both barrels, as a victory treat. But every time I clawed out my new temporary haven after that damnable annual reset, I imagined what it would be like to dig myself out entirely and meet him digging inward from the other side, as I knew he would be, and I couldn't find my nerve. Maybe I'd long since lost it. He'd be trying, for the first time, actually trying, and also for the first time I found that wasn't nothing. Wasn't entirely without meaning. I simply haven't got the energy to hate anymore. Hating him, and my prison, and this ridiculous unending nightmare— it's burned through everything else I ever had. It's just him and me, now, and what he said in a puff of selfish navel-gazing is finally true: we understand each other. We both want this to be over. « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Camera activates. Chief Torosyan-Deering is standing in the operations control centre for Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-X, scrolling through the list of potential referents to the lowest-probability options. She locates the entry for the Daumal signature of the materials handling disaster which killed Deputy Janitorial and Maintenance Chief Philip Deering in 2028, rated at 0.00082 probability, and selects it. The date and time is 8 September 2042..2043 in actuality, owing to the aforementioned temporal divergence.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Happy anniversary. <She activates the sequence. The chronological stability indicator flashes green.> « END TRANSCRIPT » […] Chief Torosyan-Deering: Well? Dr. Deering: I… I don't… I can't do this myself. You've shown me that. I need your help. You can't give up. Chief Torosyan-Deering: I'm only giving up what's already wasted. As soon as I'm back on my feet, I'll be back in the trenches. But we're going to be doing it right, this time. A proper, complete solution. No miracle cures. Dr. Deering: Okay. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Okay? Dr. Deering: Okay. Yes. This time will be different. Chief Torosyan-Deering: This time is the last time. I can't fight you again, Dougall. You're… you're all that's left of him. <Silence on recording.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: I don't want to hate either of you anymore. « END TRANSCRIPT » UPDATE 2043/09/08: Analysis reveals that the volume of energy released during Nexus-94's Localized Event Rebound, while incredibly immense, did not nearly match the volume expected of such an expulsion. Current data suggests that the most likely vector through which the excess energy may have escaped resides in the threshold between consensus reality and the decoherent space Nexus-94 was transposed to, meaning that it would have been released into extradimensional, possibly extrauniversal space. If this is true, models suggest that the high velocity of the esoteric waste containing this energy would relieve Our Foundation of its harmful effects in their entirety; the quanta would be propelled far from baseline reality. UPDATE 2043/09/09: The hypothesis detailed in the previous update has been confirmed. In wake of the event denoted "EE-001" in Central Normalcy Authority Iteration 940662b90e78660244bce96e7776dc7f, numerous Central Normalcy Authorities throughout the Coalitional-Timeplane reported the manifestation of new adverse Anomalous phenomena of inexplicable provenance. A demonstrative selection of these reports was compiled into the following incident log, which was disseminated to the relevant Authority's Temporal Anomalies Department on 2043/09/09 (local date) for comment: INCIDENT 3456 LOCATION: 8a8bd7cea9f242b3e665f660cc26ec17, Canonical Bundle WOAF Omega-Blue SUMMARY: A bolus of unabated conceptual matter appears within the corpse of Large Scale Aggressor Brasil-01, undergoing acroamatic abatement procedures at Area-16. In admixture with other substances processed at that facility, the bolus metastasizes within the corpse and instantiates what the local Foundation soon terms a "conceptuokaiju" resident in the logosphere. This entity promptly colonizes the realms of speech and cognition, preying and feeding on human mindfulness and assaulting linguistic structures and higher grammatical forms. Plans are underway for the instantiation of a counterconceptual linguistic device ("mecha-verb") to combat it, code-named RED PEN. INCIDENT 4847 LOCATION: 90708b32da2c054d8967d45168ff9b21, Canonical Bundle WDB1 Phi-Red SUMMARY: Variation in cross-dimensional orbital mechanics results in the deposit of theovlavic material into the core of Sol..Theovlavic material is chaos-shifted Akiva energy in semioplasmic state. Correlation with subsequent solar alterations cannot be confirmed, due to the cessation of diplomatic relations with this iteration due to irreconcilable transhumanistic change. INCIDENT 47689 LOCATION: 00000000000000000000000000000000, Canonical Bundle OG43 Alpha-Blank.Recognized by the Oracle Collective (and Metafoundation writ large) as the authoritative Prime-Timeline. SUMMARY: The "Mobius Stripper" temporal matter reduction system, a recursive pipe array some seven kilometres in length within Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D, vanishes. Subsequent timeplane and cosmosphere modelling renders suggest the system becomes multiversally abstracted, forming temporally-variable conduits between timeline 940662b90e78660244bce96e7776dc7f.Canonical Bundle DW17 Timeline Delta-Blue; the subject of this audit. and a multitude of other timelines (and adjacent reality-spaces) under Metafoundation purview. These conduits are further reported to facilitate the unwelcome, interdimensional transference of various anomalous phenomena, particularly during emergent scenarios, adding an additional layer of chaos and unpredictability to those scenarios' results. Research conducted by Iteration 00000000000000000000000000000000's Department of History appears in retrospect to suggest a direct correlation between these conduits' deleterious effects and evidence of a chain of historical ZK-Class reality failures, the last of which occurred in 1500 CE. Further cross-temporal analysis has been deferred to the O9 Collective, per the importance of Iteration 00000000000000000000000000000000 in Metafoundation affairs. UPDATE: The O9 Collective has concluded that the above-described ZK-Class phenomena constitute an ascension of a Tier-IV Cosmological Anomaly, which threatens to fully manifest upon the authoritative Prime-Timeline and all its descendent-branches. INCIDENT 76893 LOCATION: 3cb12422243c33e2a0f56095f2203d2a, Canonical Bundle OG43 Alpha-Malachite SUMMARY: Ontologically dark-shifted material is deposited within Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D at Watchtower-43 in equal proportion to the materials already present. Materials annihilate each other in a controlled fusion explosion which vents through the multiversal conduits described above, dissipating in the atmosphere and resulting only in equipment fatigue within the facility. Early estimates suggest an incremental increase in global climate change across all affected timelines, alongside associated paraoncological effect. INCIDENT 234585 LOCATION: a1525fd30074da00e777a55e07107910, Canonical Bundle AAAA Kappa-Yellow SUMMARY: An instance of SCP Foundation Research Site-107 appears, constituting the only Foundation presence in this timeline. Metafoundation admission pending first contact. It has been confirmed, through the Collective's observation, that this log was received and viewed by several of the relevant Authority's Overseer personnel. For reasons unclear, the Authority has made no attempt to communicate to the Collective, nor to any impacted timeline, nor to ameliorate said impacts. Audit pending. EE-001 affecting a cross-section of local timeline group. PLUNGED or The Last Seventy-Two Months of Site-43 Submitted to the Faculty of Esoteric Reduction in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree Doctor of Esoterica by Chief Amelia O. Torosyan-Deering 2044/05/02 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Special thanks to my supervisory committee: Dr. Ilse Reynders, whose fault this wasn't, and Dr. Dougall Deering. For Phil. ABSTRACT On 8 September 2036, Treatment Site-43 was excised from consensus reality. On 8 September 2043, it returned. Over the course of those seven years, temporally constricted to seventy-two months within that pocket of unreality, with no oversight, assistance, sustenance or sleep, the majority of the SCP Foundation's's acroamatic abatement procedures were carried out by one person: Chief Amelia Torosyan-Deering of Janitorial and Maintenance. This is her testimony. […] A note is enclosed: I would have entitled it The Woman in the Annihilator. Congratulations, doctor! — Ilse Dr. Deering engaged in email correspondence with the Pilcrow-Minkowski Center on a daily basis from this point onward, developing a radical new esoteric reduction device and constructing it at Treatment Area-21 with the engineering expertise of Chief Torosyan-Deering. The P. M. Center's half of this correspondence has been lost per mishandling of data transfer to Research Station Mnemosyne; selected entries from Dr. Deering are attached below. It needs to be foolproof. The last one failed because fools tampered with it. Human error cannot be a factor, or if it is, its influence needs to be isolated to things that can't destabilize our reality. If our solution threatens the stability of our own conceptual space, it's no better than the problem. — DD our own conceptual space This phrasing is key. You imply a feasible solution. One we can provide. Spell it out for me. — DD She'll never go along with that. — DD pocket dimensions I've mulled this over and I think you're right. That's the angle. That's the obvious lesson to learn from what happened, we've essentially been handed a model and shown that it actually works. The engineering will be functionally identical, which is vital since I can't and won't put this in place without her help. I can sell her on pocket dimensions. Not the other thing, which as far as I'm concerned is just between you and me, now. I'm not going to disappoint her again. I'm not going to look her in the eye and tell her I took another shortcut. — DD We cannot yet approve your penultimate request. Context is required. I have no intention of explaining what it means. That's what we're going to name the device. Don't ask me again; give the project itself some fanciful, overwrought name if that makes you feel better. — DD ADDENDUM 7243/III: Project Reports, Proposal and Residuum PROJECT ANAXIMANDER QUARTERLY REPORT: Q3 2045 2045/09/08 Chief Dougall Deering Department of Esoteric Reduction Project Anaximander continues to be an unqualified success. We have transmitted six packets of esoteric effluence to their final destinations via MAGIC DRAWER,.Details regarding this device are released on a need-to-know basis; contact your Esoteric Reduction liaison if you feel you need to know! and all monitoring efforts suggest that they were properly abated at their destinations to a high degree of efficiency. O5-11 confirms the absence of any notable backlash effects, and the project will continue as planned through Q4 at the least. Precautions have been taken to ensure the events of incident 7243-1 cannot recur. Area-21 has received multiple requests from other Foundation facilities to implement limited local MAGIC DRAWER devices at key points in the global Logistics network. Due to the nature of MAGIC DRAWER, however, and the high degree of technical ability required to operate and maintain it, these requests have necessarily been denied. We acknowledge that the present solution does not provide the same expansive and proactive coverage of its predecessor, forcing the resumption of small-scale abatement processes to maintain equilibrium, and constant innovation in that field; to that end, we have chosen to pursue a collaborative rather than unilateral approach. […] ESOTERIC REDUCTION GALA Dr. Deering and Chief Torosyan-Deering. In recognition of the incredible strides forward made by the Department of Esoteric Reduction under Project Anaximander, and in light of the need to further solidify our lead in this long-running race, the decision was made to re-instate the annual symposium and gala formerly hosted by the now-defunct Acroamatic Abatement Group at Area-21. Highlights of this inaugural event included the touching retirement address of Dr. Adrijan Zlatá, a tribute to the lost personnel of Treatment Site-43 by Dr. Lillian Lillihammer, Chief Agent Delfina Ibanez and Sevara Okorie, lectures on antichromatic bleaching fields, demivalent short-circuiting and macrobacterial titration by senior Site-91 abatement engineer M'buka Rainier, and the wedding reception for our guests of honour: Drs. Amelia Torosyan-Deering and Dougall Deering. What is waste? We've stopped even trying to guess. We hardly even think about it anymore, except in the most absolute abstract. Out of sight, out of mind where once it was out of mind, out of sight. You tell me this way is better. But you don't tell me everything, not even now. "MAGIC DRAWER" PACKET DELIVERY LOG (YTD) TARGET: 15C48E771D5919A9405431672B966C73 STATUS: PACKET DELIVERED TARGET: EB5D209A6C2C83326B8C964E57125F74 STATUS: PACKET DELIVERED TARGET: 54FCBB969D644441522ADAE713E18EE2 STATUS: PACKET DELIVERED TARGET: C036543BAF6CCA3CDE42C2ED9FB38E20 STATUS: PACKET DELIVERED TARGET: 3BA7A238540B20F94BDED4ABAFB98606 STATUS: PACKET DELIVERED TARGET: 2B8D597F4B45F7F59924FC47D58146B1 STATUS: PACKET DELIVERED TARGET: 940662B90E78660244BCE96E7776DC7F STATUS: PACKET PENDING The following is a transcript of the emergency meeting between Dr. Deering, Chief Torosyan-Deering and Dr. Reynders following routine analysis of MAGIC DRAWER's seventh packet delivery destination..On obtaining her doctorate, Dr. Torosyan-Deering elected to continue service under her job title ("Chief") rather than the earned honorific ("Dr."). « BEGIN TRANSCRIPT » <Dr. Deering and Dr. Reynders are arguing in the MAGIC DRAWER operations control room, which has been temporarily evacuated of all non-executive staff. Chief Torosyan-Deering enters, shutting the door behind her.> Dr. Reynders: Calm down. Dr. Deering: No. Shut up. Chief Torosyan-Deering: What's going on? What's wrong with the report? Dr. Reynders: MAGIC DRAWER is targeting us for delivery. <Silence on recording.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: What? Dr. Deering: It's impossible. It is fucking impossible. Chief Torosyan-Deering: How can it be targeting… was it sabotage? Someone sabotaged MAGIC DRAWER? Dr. Deering: That must be it. It's impossible. We can't be next, not after only six goddamn deployments! Chief Torosyan-Deering: There have to be safeguards for this kind of thing! Why can it even target a coherent timeline? It was designed to dump into pocket dimensions, it shouldn't… Dr. Reynders: Amelia. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Dougall? It shouldn't… Dr. Reynders: Amelia. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Oh, my god. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Deering: So, here's the thing. PROJECT ANAXIMANDER INITIAL PROPOSAL 2044/01/19 Chief Dougall Deering Department of Esoteric Reduction PURPOSE: Permanently, robustly, and sustainably eliminate the deleterious effects of redundant esoteric waste substances on consensus reality, at sufficient scale to compensate for the indefinite exponential growth of contained subjects and their by-products. ABSTRACT: Typical mechanisms of esoteric reduction — such as those presented in the practice of acroamatic abatement — are dependent upon the detoxifying properties of an Anomalously-stable copper isotope occurring naturally.Insofar as it is generated by the presence of another, uncontained Anomalous subject. within the waters of Lake Huron, which has been infeasible to artificially reproduce. As the quantity and volatility of esoteric waste has seen exponential increase over the Foundation's lifespan, the aforementioned method has approached minimal effectiveness, and can neither be localized nor replicated at sufficient scale without the entirety of Huron's lakewater soon being spent. An alternative method of esoteric reduction, known as 'existential abatement', has been proposed and implemented per insistence of the Pilcrow-Minkowski Center for Multidisciplinary Studies; this over-engineered, profoundly unstable method sought to circumvent the inception of Anomalous waste by instantiating self-justifying, metastable micro-paradoxes which were harnessed in the retroactive erasure of certain substances under extremely precise conditions. The inherent truculence of this approach inevitably led to its failure — expedited by its premature deactivation, leaving it vulnerable to commandeerment by rogue AI agents — which has resulted in: the loss of Site-43, its personnel, its infrastructure and contributions, its contained subjects, and the nation of Japan; the sudden and global resurgence of the esoteric waste substances crisis; multiple breaches of baseline reality's ontokinetic and chronological integrity; a cascade hazardous materials breach of multiversal proportion. The Department of Esoteric Reduction fundamentally rejects the pursuit of any such experimental solution, and so has worked closely with the P. M. Center to develop a well-tested, robust, rigorous methodology which will ensure the stable ejection of esoteric waste substances from consensus reality. METHOD: Esoteric waste substances are to be ejected from consensus reality. As these substances are inherently unpredictable and highly reactive with other Anomalous phenomena, attempts to ectoentropically erase or detoxify them have been rejected. Similarly, the hypothetical informational space 'between' or 'outside of' conventional universes has not been shown to meaningfully exist, and so attempting to send Anomalous substances to that space would be an experimental approach of unprecedented consequences. After much deliberation, it is evident that the only acceptable solution with which to proceed is the ejection of esoteric waste substances into parallel universes. This process must be executed such that the impact on recipient timelines is minimal and undetected, as the recipients' Foundations (or alternate Normalcy organizations) might otherwise become hostile to the baseline Foundation. To achieve this, ejected substances should be evenly distributed across a wide range of timelines in small, concentrated quantities; they should also be delivered to precise locations (and times) wherein their esoteric properties will swiftly be abated by local forces. The feasibility of this approach is attested by the uncontrolled dispersal of acroamatic material across the timeplane during the EE-001 "rubberband" event of 2043, which now stands as this project's initial test case. Controlled and targeted dispersal can only excel these results. The Department of Esoteric Reduction proposes the creation of an industrial eigenmachine, stationed at Area-21, which performs the following procedure: esoteric waste substances delivered by extant global logistics networks will be sorted by their attributes and properties, as they would be in conventional acroamatic abatement methods, then compactified into concentrated 'packets'; an extrauniversal imaging mechanism, designed by the P. M. Center in conjunction with Esoteric Polymath P. H. MD., PhD., will generate a 'timeplane-curve map' describing all timelines which possess an iteration of Site-43 (or suitable equivalent); every seventy-two days, for each waste packet, the next sequential timeline in the timeplane-curve map will be identified and targeted; this map is hard-coded to avoid human error and is subject to a 'ratchet system' which cannot be countermanded, as the intense thaumic backscatter produced by each packet deployment must be evenly distributed along the timeplane's heat-arc to avoid a potentially metapocalyptic imbalance; a temporary transdimensional Way will be initialized, linking baseline Area-21 to the appropriate section of the selected timeline's abatement facilities, at the time of minimal projected impact; the waste packet will be ejected from consensus reality through this Way, whereupon it will be sent to the recipient timeline and immediately abated alongside similar esoteric materials; the Way will then close, and the system will ratchet forward along the timeplane map in anticipation of the next deployment. Technical specifications and resource requirements will be presented in full to relevant parties as needed. Chief Torosyan-Deering: You didn't. Tell me you didn't. Dr. Deering: We ran a month of simulations on pocket dimension dumping. The consensus was that without full timeline coherence, the transfer process would almost certainly collapse the destination, rubberbanding just like when DePLExA— Chief Torosyan-Deering: You lied to me. Dr. Deering: It's just a detail! Not even a major detail. In every respect except for ontological strength factor— Chief Torosyan-Deering: We've been dumping hot garbage on our neighbours. MAGIC DRAWER hasn't been selecting from the set of stable pockets, it's been selecting from the set of stable timelines. Dr. Reynders: I wanted to tell you. Dr. Deering: I wanted to tell you! But I knew— Chief Torosyan-Deering: You knew I'd never… <Chief Torosyan-Deering sits down.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: That wasn't it. You didn't need my help. <Dr. Deering approaches her. He takes her hands. She does not look up at him.> Dr. Deering: That isn't true. I needed you on my side. I needed you so I could make this possible. For— <Chief Torosyan-Deering shoves him away.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Don't say it. Dr. Deering: Amelia— Chief Torosyan-Deering: You wanted me to think you'd found a permanent solution. Like you promised. You really are a sad sack of shit, Dougall Deering. <Chief Torosyan-Deering laughs, leans forward and holds her head in her hands.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: So, it's targeting us. Fine. What do we do about that? <Chief Torosyan-Deering suddenly stands up.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: No, actually, I need more information. Where precisely have we been sending these packets? What specific physical locations? Dr. Deering: Site-43. Always Site-43. <Silence on recording.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: There is no Site-43. Dr. Reynders: You'll recall the chronological— Chief Torosyan-Deering: Oh, for… the chronological calculations. You said time was variable in the pocket dimensions. We've been sending this stuff back in time, too? Into other people's pasts? Dr. Deering: It's a factor of transfer dilation, opportunity windows, the ratchet principle— Chief Torosyan-Deering: Where in our past is this packet going? Dr. Deering: MAGIC DRAWER selects whatever the most… <Dr. Deering sits down on the edge of the nearest chair. He almost falls off, clutching at the associated console for stability. Chief Torosyan-Deering moves as if to support him, then pulls back.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: What? What's wrong? Dr. Deering: It can't. Chief Torosyan-Deering: What can't? <Dr. Reynders gasps.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: What? Doug, what's wrong? <Dr. Deering stands up abruptly. The chair spins away across the aisle.> Dr. Deering: No! No. We're not doing this. Dr. Reynders: It's already been done. The past is a pact, Dougall. Dr. Deering: No. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Wait. Dr. Reynders: We need to send something Anomalous through the aperture, and we need to do it soon. We can't destabilize the cosmos for this. Dr. Deering: <muttering> You think this is the cosmos being stable? Chief Torosyan-Deering: WAIT. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Deering: I won't do it, Amelia. I didn't… <Dr. Deering sags.> Dr. Deering: I didn't do it. It wasn't me. <Chief Torosyan-Deering convenes the primary operational staff of Area-21 to review the data from MAGIC DRAWER and determine whether the executive interpretation of the packet delivery target site is correct. It is unanimously agreed that the device is preparing to transport esoteric effluence to Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D on 8 September, 2028.> <The executive staff have reconvened in the operations control room.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: This isn't a problem. It's an opportunity! We can… we can send something innocuous. Enough to get the job done, but not enough to kill him. Dr. Reynders: Amelia… Chief Torosyan-Deering: No, just listen to me, okay? Okay? Dr. Reynders: Okay, but we can't do it. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Why not? Why not? We just discovered that Phil was never meant to die in the first place! We caused it. We can un-cause it! We can fix the whole thing, and all we have to do is whiff the next shot. Dr. Deering: You're saying I caused it. Dr. Reynders: We, these versions of ourselves, everything we've done — with widespread multiversal consequences! — are the products of Philip Deering's death. We can't create a toxic uber-paradox to save one human life. Chief Torosyan-Deering: We're meant to fix this! It's a one in a million… no, an indescribably unlikely coincidence that we'd end up targeting ourselves. What could explain that, outside of fate? Dr. Reynders: Every target is indescribably unlikely, particularly from the perspective of each. Dr. Deering: She's right, Ilse. There's just no way we're the next recipient on blind luck. It would be the single greatest probabilistic outlier ever recorded. Even theorized. Dr. Reynders: Yes. It's infinitely more likely that something went wrong with the machine, and it failed to model the timeplane curve correctly; theoretically, we should be the 'end' of the arc. Chief Torosyan-Deering: More mistakes. Dr. Deering: No. Don't even. Chief Torosyan-Deering: I wasn't— Dr. Deering: Don't say it! I'm telling you, this wasn't me. Place did the calculations. We need to call him. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Place? Are you serious? Dr. Reynders: I've been trying, Dougall. He's gone silent. Again. Dr. Deering: Fuck! FUCK! How long do we have? Chief Torosyan-Deering: Two hours and change. Long enough to debate the solution. Dr. Reynders: There's nothing to debate. Chief Torosyan-Deering: There is. Ilse, Doug, we can save him. <She takes Dr. Deering's shoulders in her hands.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: We work miracles every day. If you burned the braincells in this room, you could power Toronto for a lifetime. Dr. Reynders: No. <Chief Torosyan-Deering turns her head to face Dr. Reynders.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: I crawled my way out of Hell for this chance. To do right by someone I love. Tell me you don't understand that, Ilse, and remember why I was there in the first place. <Dr. Reynders opens her mouth, then looks away and does not respond. Chief Torosyan-Deering turns back to Dr. Deering.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: We can bring him back. Dr. Deering: Maybe… Chief Torosyan-Deering: Yes. You know it's right. It makes sense. Dr. Reynders: We can't. Chief Torosyan-Deering: We can. We can start over! Dr. Reynders: AMELIA! Chief Torosyan-Deering: I NEED MY HUSBAND BACK! <Silence on recording.> <Chief Torosyan-Deering releases Dr. Deering's shoulders.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: I'm sorry, Doug. Dr. Deering: It's okay. Chief Torosyan-Deering: I'm so sorry. Dr. Deering: It's okay. I knew, of course. Chief Torosyan-Deering: I… look, I didn't… Dr. Reynders: I can't spare you two a moment. You know that. We're out of time to waste. We need to decide how we're going to handle this. Chief Torosyan-Deering: We… <Silence on recording.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: We need to let him go. Dr. Deering: That's only part of it. Chief Torosyan-Deering: What? Dr. Deering: You need to let him go. I need to take responsibility. <Dr. Deering calls a recess to allow the Historioglyphics Division to compare the next packet with the reported contents of Acroamatic Abatement Facility AAF-D on 8 September 2028. Chief Torosyan-Deering and Dr. Reynders are engaged in conversation within the former's office when they are alerted to the powerup of MAGIC DRAWER by a momentary power fluctuation. They return to the operations control room to find Dr. Deering absent; a brief search locates him within the maintenance access corridor to the device's delivery aperture. Chief Torosyan-Deering rushes to the outer door, finding it locked, while Dr. Reynders remains in operations control.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: What are you doing? <She hammers on the door. Dr. Deering is visible beyond the porthole, standing in the empty aperture, clenching and unclenching his hands.> <Chief Torosyan-Deering activates a panel beside the door.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: You're standing next to the loading chamber. It's not going to fire until you close the inner door. <Chief Torosyan-Deering attempts to open the outer door. Her access code is denied.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: What are you DOING? <Chief Torosyan-Deering hammers on the door.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: I know you can hear me. Dougall! <Dr. Reynders speaks via P. A. system.> Dr. Reynders: He's overriding the safeties. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Why? Dr. Reynders: He's going to— Chief Torosyan-Deering: No. Absolutely not. <She hammers on the porthole, breaking the skin on her right hand in the process.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: DOUGALL! What the fuck are you— <The overhead lights flicker, and a persistent hum is heard throughout Area-21. MAGIC DRAWER is preparing to deliver its packet.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Stop! Stop! We can work this out. Talk to me, or I swear on his memory I'm going to shut the whole system down. Dr. Reynders: You can't do that. <Dr. Deering turns to face Chief Torosyan-Deering.> Dr. Deering: You can't do that. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Watch me. Dr. Deering: We don't mean you can't do that, really. We're saying it's the wrong move. Amelia, I'm sorry. I thought this would be easier if you and I didn't… didn't talk again. Chief Torosyan-Deering: You always want to do it the easy way. Dr. Deering: I'm making up for it now. Chief Torosyan-Deering: You say that, but from where I'm standing, you're about to give up and leave us to fix the mess you made. How is that not the easy way out? Dr. Deering: I know what killed Phil. Chief Torosyan-Deering: You've always known what killed Phil. And so have I. Dr. Deering: Exactly. Chief Torosyan-Deering: What? Dr. Deering: I killed Phil. <Dr. Deering taps his chest.> Dr. Deering: I killed Phil. And this is how I did it. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Come out here, and let's discuss. Dr. Reynders: The ramifications of what you're suggesting— Dr. Deering: I'm not suggesting anything. This is what happened. The thing that coiled around him did so for a reason. It ignored me. It went for him. It solved the problem. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Solved the…? Dr. Deering: That's why I'm the only one who could see it, at first. It was me. <Dr. Deering spreads his hands wide.> Dr. Deering: I'm the loop. Chief Torosyan-Deering: That doesn't… Dr. Deering: This packet is one hundred percent paraspectral. It's the extra material that showed up after Phil flushed AAF-D, the stuff nobody could account for. It's the source of the thing that took his life. And that thing behaved with purpose, Amelia. Chief Torosyan-Deering: That doesn't mean you have to… Dr. Deering: It does, though. The loop is stable, so long as we get this next part right. Otherwise… <Dr. Deering looks up at the ceiling of the chamber.> Dr. Deering: Paradox, Ilse. Chief Torosyan-Deering: What's he talking about? <Dr. Reynders hesitates for a moment, then speaks.> Dr. Reynders: Phil dying set all of this in motion, and it's cross-multiversal now. Phil has to die again. He always has to die. And it has to be a sure thing. Dr. Deering: Meaning we need control at the moment of crisis. What we send needs to have agency. And a shot of undifferentiated ectoplasm hasn't got that. Chief Torosyan-Deering: What makes you think you won't just melt into nothing when the packet pours in on you? Dr. Deering: I suppose… I probably will. But I know that won't be the end of it. Because I saw myself. I saw myself draw in the extra energy, take… take Phil, and then pass back into the pipes. Chief Torosyan-Deering: But why does it have to be you? Dr. Deering: Because he's my brother. And this time I'm going to show up for him. Chief Torosyan-Deering: But it doesn't make SENSE! Ilse, hold on. Try to shut this thing down. You guys aren't thinking this through rationally. Why would that be the loop? Why would you turn yourself into something that would kill your own brother? Dr. Deering: Because the packet would have killed him instead, and then it would have blown the whole place sky-high, me included, and as far as anyone would know it would have all been Phil's fault. Instead, something sucked up the effluence in the air, then took him… <His eyes widen.> Dr. Deering: I remember thinking he hadn't felt it. That he didn't suffer. Maybe it gave him that. And then it saved the Site, gave my old self the chance to turn the valve, start my penance. Then it disappeared into the system… <Dr. Deering laughs.> Dr. Deering: And you know what? I bet it was still in there back in '43. 2043. Chief Torosyan-Deering: I saw it. Dr. Deering: What? Chief Torosyan-Deering: I saw it. It leaked down into DePLExA from AAF-D. It tried to kill me, too. On my last run through the cycle. Dr. Deering: That doesn't make sense. You couldn't see it on the video of Phil's acc— of what happened to Phil. Chief Torosyan-Deering: But I could see it in person when the chronology anchor started to work. When 43 rolled back to reality, it must've been caught in the throes, concretized. It appeared, and it reached out for me… <Silence on recording.> Dr. Deering: Reached out for you. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Oh my god. Dr. Deering: Running in circles for fifteen years, trapped in the pipes, waiting for you to bring me back to life, so I could help you to survive. I like the symmetry. Chief Torosyan-Deering: This can't be happening. Dr. Deering: At least this time, it really is my idea. <Chief Torosyan-Deering sags.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Except you didn't help me to survive. You didn't do a fucking thing that helped me. <She laughs.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: God, I should have known it was you. Dr. Deering: I'm sorry. Chief Torosyan-Deering: But you didn't answer my question. Why is this the loop? Phil only died because you did this. If he hadn't died, you never would have decided to do this. The logic doesn't work. <Dr. Deering shrugs.> Dr. Deering: It happened, so it does work. The universe requires it to. Bootstrap paradox. Maybe the materials involved… they were ambichronological, remember? Time flowing both ways. <He shrugs again.> Dr. Deering: Or maybe that's looking too deep. Maybe Phil and I are just predestined to part, like… well. <Chief Torosyan-Deering places a palm on the porthole. Dr. Deering moves to match the gesture, then pulls back.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: That's not enough. It's not universal perversity. It needs to mean something more. You did all of this for him! We both did. All of it. Tell me I'm wrong. Dr. Deering: You're wrong. Half-wrong. Chief Torosyan-Deering: What? Dr. Deering: I never did any of it for him. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Reynders: Two minutes. I'm sorry. Chief Torosyan-Deering: What about me? <Dr. Deering turns away.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Dougall? What about me? For fuck's sake, let me do it instead. You know that's the better solution. Dr. Deering: No. Absolutely not. Chief Torosyan-Deering: Stop being so selfish! <Dr. Deering looks over his shoulder.> Dr. Deering: It's not selfish. It's the least selfish part of this, maybe the only part that isn't. Sure, I'm taking the easy way out. That's who I am. That's all I'm useful for. Maybe I can find a way to do some good in there, however this works out. If I can, I'll keep trying. But I'm weak and lazy and short-sighted, nothing anyone can count on, as you well know. So you need to stay out there, the way you are right now, and keep doing the real work. The good— Chief Torosyan-Deering: No! Dr. Deering: Yes. Because that's who you are, and nobody made you that way but you. Chief Torosyan-Deering: No. Dr. Deering: Goodbye, Amelia. <Dr. Deering reaches into his labcoat and palms a remote control. He steps into the loading chamber and presses a button on the device. The inner door swings shut.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: I don't forgive you. <A klaxon sounds as the packet delivery system audibly grinds to life.> Chief Torosyan-Deering: Are you listening? I don't forgive you. This isn't how I forgive you. <Dr. Deering looks up, and a flood of material obscures the inner porthole view.> Dr. Deering: Just a trick. <MAGIC DRAWER compacts, then delivers its packet.> « END TRANSCRIPT » What is waste? I guess you finally figured it out, Dougall. END OF COMPILED DOCUMENTS SUMMARY: Deliberate abuse of Authority resources precipitated enhanced ascension of Tier-IV Cosmological Anomaly (STAGNATION), in addition to extensive material damages, and injection of volatile Anomalous phenomena within and beyond the Coalitional Timeplane. Personnel in positions with unfettered access to power, resources, and opportunities for abuse of same are governed by irrationality, individual self-aggrandizement, and interpersonal indulgence. Iteration displays routine ignorance of metacontractual obligations, making no effort to report to the Collective or acknowledge Our existence. As clearly evidenced by this extensive report, you are deemed in major violation of various Multi-Foundation Agreement clauses, particularly those described in Sections 1 and 3 regarding transfer of information and goods with the Oracle Collective and other Metafoundation Signees. Pursuant to Section 1.4B of the Metafoundation Supertemporal Coalition Pact, your Central Normalcy Authority Iteration has been ejected from the Coalitional-Timeplane. Any outstanding interdimensional access to the Coalitional-Timeplane has been severed. Your coverage under Goldbaker & Associates is now limited per your local Provider's capabilities. Your local Temporal Authority will soon revert to pre-Coalitional status, losing any data which would allow your infiltration of the Coalitional-Timeplane, or any feasible recreation of Our services. Your Timeline is subject to the forces of the multiverse, including the variety of catastrophic events perpetrated by your Iteration in kind. We implore you to exercise greater caution in your efforts to Contain, in balance with your aims to Secure and Protect. Good luck on your own. You have (1) new messages. R: They did find him, you know, after a fashion. It took her a month to reverse-engineer and then adapt the old DePLExA referent seeker to pick up his Daumal signature, altered state or no, but she did it. He's still out there. P: I'm busy. Is there something you want? R: He was blundering aimlessly around in some ideospheric trash heap, in between darting in and out of time and space, looking for… well, you know what he was looking for. And you know what he's unleashed already in the process, not that you care. P: You might be surprised. R: I'm sending you the snapshot she took; I hope you take a good, long look. P: What response are you looking for here? Regret? Satisfaction? You know how it goes, Ilse. R: You left her holding the bag. Both of you. I want you to acknowledge that. P: I've got nothing to give you. Not until this is done. R: But it never will be DONE, will it? P: You KNOW how it goes. P: You play your part, and I'll play mine. Image received. R: We all fall apart at the finish line. phmd@scip.net:// ./certify timeRemaining Session certification will expire in (2) minutes. phmd@scip.net:// ./prepwipe terminal_null activityLog current Session activity will delete upon terminal shutdown. phmd@scip.net:// ./msg ext_server-6276 !undata recipient 0000 Input message content: phmd@scip.net:// "Operation LAST STRAW success; Project ADMONITION ready." Message sent successfully. You have (1) reply. Displaying by sender override: DF8CB98A291775D41D5C4D3B4CFBD64B@MASTERMIND.net:// "INITIATE PHASE TWO" Shutting down… « EIGHTH COMMANDMENT EXISTENTIAL ABATEMENT TO BE CONTINUED » ADMO FEATURING HARRYBLANK WITH ART BY SYUZHET « SCP-7242 | SCP-7243 | SCP-7244 » » SHOW FOOTNOTES « « HIDE FOOTNOTES » FOOTNOTES & REFERENCES Absentia-Class Anomalies are employed by the Foundation in ensuring the absence of non-existent phenomena. For clarity: all components of this network must be designed to securely handle full payloads of volatile acroamatic material, despite the fact that these payloads will be absent, and the entire network will handle precisely nothing. A general term encompassing anti-chronons, malignant narremes, and related phenomena. Technically no longer effluence-generating, with occasional exceptions. Or the effluence is destined to be detected beforehand and preemptively removed before shipping; or it will go undetected but spill out of its container in transit; et cetera. An administrative and research position of parascientific advisory to Overseer Council, permitting Dr. PHMD. to authorize and oversee various projects as needed. Timestamps have been irretrievably corrupted via the substitution of nonprinting characters in the source document, likely as one result of the events described therein. Not a mathematical inverse, but the complementary set. An initiative to reproduce the functioning of lost artificially-intelligent conscripts via the amnesticization and psychological reconditioning of organic consciousnesses. Extremely variable local time constriction and dilation during EE-001 may result in unlikely but objectively correct intervals between events. Indicating a level of divergence between internal and external conceptual spaces which cannot be reconciled without the annihilation of all intervening matter. Subject was in transit to the AAF-X Emergency Acroamatic Redundancy Bunker during Incident 6488-D/II, before being rendered unconscious. She has been subsequently unable to account for her presence in this alternate Anomalous shelter. Scranton Reality Filters. 2043 in actuality, owing to the aforementioned temporal divergence. Theovlavic material is chaos-shifted Akiva energy in semioplasmic state. Recognized by the Oracle Collective (and Metafoundation writ large) as the authoritative Prime-Timeline. Canonical Bundle DW17 Timeline Delta-Blue; the subject of this audit. Details regarding this device are released on a need-to-know basis; contact your Esoteric Reduction liaison if you feel you need to know! On obtaining her doctorate, Dr. Torosyan-Deering elected to continue service under her job title ("Chief") rather than the earned honorific ("Dr."). Insofar as it is generated by the presence of another, uncontained Anomalous subject.
Item#: 7245 Level1 Containment Class: memet Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7245-1 instances Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7245 is allowed to continue her duties on-site. Instances of SCP-7245-1 are to be relocated to Site-99's arboreal wing where they are treated accordingly. Staff wishing to personally acquire said specimens may do so with written permission from SCP-7245 herself. Description: SCP-7245 is Dr. Charlotte D'Amore, assistant lead of Site-99's Botanic Department, who is subject to the manifestation of SCP-7245-1. Instances of SCP-7245-1 refer to unique strands of flora that sprout throughout Dr. D'Amore's body, mainly from the back of her head, her arms and wrists, as well as the area above her chest. Those who are exposed to SCP-7245-1 undergo certain memetic effects, which include: An increased pulse and breathing rate; An increase in body temperature; Slight dizziness and flushing of cheeks; A sudden surge of motivation, and; A 'sweet' tasting sensation. These qualities intensify when nearing SCP-7245's proximity. It should also be noted that Dr. D'Amore is the only individual who is exempt from SCP-7245-1's anomalous properties. Addendum-1: Interview Interviewer: Researcher Gerald Smith Interviewee: SCP-7245 Date: 5th June 2022 Foreword: The following interview serves to possibly discern any correlation that can be discovered between each SCP-7245-1 manifestation. This footage takes place within Dr. D'Amore's office space. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7245 and Rsr. Smith are seated beside one another on a couch, the former fixated on the vase of SCP-7245-1 instances (pictured above) situated on the desk's corner while the latter is tampering with the recording device. Smith: Alright, it's on.Smith sets his clipboard on his lap and briefly skims through the notes attached. Smith: This is Interview Log number 7245 dash five. Speaking is Researcher Gerald Smith, here with Dr. Charlotte D'Amore, aka SCP-7245. We'll be discussing the usual, and hopefully we can find a causation for her anomaly. Are you ready, D'Amore?Smith: Okay, great. Let's just start with a simple 'how are you'?Smith: Is that something to be concerned about? SCP-7245 crosses her arms.An SCP-7245-1 instance sprouts from above her foot, falling to the ground. Smith: Alright. Well, has there been any developments on your front? Any theories or maybe even guesses that are circling your mind? It doesn't have to be anything concrete.Smith: That doesn't sound like "nothing".A pause. Smith: (Inhales deeply) Right, let's just continue. Have you had any difficulties with your flowers? Apart from the usual inconveniences, that is.Another SCP-7245-1 sprouts from her wrist. SCP-7245 attempts to hide it.Smith: Are you sure? More instances of SCP-7245-1 grow from her wrist.SCP-7245 hastily sweeps the flowers beside the couch. A longer period of silence follows between both people.Smith: Oh, I would, if it weren't for you constantly brushing your plants away like I'm blind. You think I wouldn't notice?Smith: Charlotte, what's with the sudden attitude? Where's your usual chatty self?Smith: You've done nothing but stare at that vase while we've been talking. SCP-7245 swiftly faces Smith.Smith: D'Amore, it's been months since this anomaly has surfaced. Recently, it feels as if you've been exposed to some secondary effect.Smith: You're more jumpy, you lose focus during conversations and meetings. The documents you've sent me contain various mistakes as well. Smith sets aside his clipboard. Smith: Be honest with me here. Is this the anomaly disrupting you? SCP-7245 puts on a strained expression.Smith: How so?Smith: What exactly are you implying?Smith lowers his eyebrows, thinking. Smith: Oh, really?Smith: How come you didn't tell any of us? If you knew.SCP-7245 stares at the vase.SCP-7245 takes a deep breath.Smith leans back into the couch as SCP-7245 blinks several times. Smith: So, what are you going to do then? SCP-7245 scratches her neck.Smith puts a hand on SCP-7245's shoulder. She turns to him. Smith: I'm sure it'll be just fine. I'll be willing to help out however I can.[END LOG] Addendum-2: Experiment Log On the 6th of June 2022, an experiment concerning SCP-7245 was conducted to confirm Dr. D'Amore's assumption for the cause of her anomaly. For the sake of the test, Dr. April Mandana1 was asked to partake in said experiment. The contents below detail the events that follow. [BEGIN LOG] SCP-7245 stands facing the wall, occasionally scratching herself on the arm and neck. She stands perfectly still when hearing the entrance open. Mandana: Hello? Oh! Dr. Mandana enters the experiment room and notices SCP-7245 standing near the corner. She closes the door behind her as she glances at the observation window, with a confused expression on her face. Mandana: Good day, Charlotte. I didn't know you'd be here too. Mr. Smith called me here for a test, but said he couldn't elaborate. Could this be related to your anomaly? SCP-7245 inhales deeply as a -1 instance falls to the ground.Mandana: It's going swimmingly as usual. Faces old and new, topics as interesting as ever.Pause.Mandana: What do you mean?Mandana: I… I'm not sure what you're trying to say, but you shouldn't discourage yourself like that, Charlotte. You're a very wonderful woman and the times I've spoken with you are quite enjoyable. You were so kind to me when I first got here and I mean it.Mandana: Hm? Where is this — Numerous instances of SCP-7245-1 begin sprouting from SCP-7245's body, startling Mandana.Mandana widens her eyes in surprise. Mandana: Charlotte, I'm surprised to hear tha — SCP-7245 covers her cheeks with her hands.Mandana: (Looks away) Alright, you don't have to tell me any mo — SCP-7245 tilts her head to the side.Mandana: (Turns back) Charlotte.Mandana: Charlotte.Mandana: (Shouts) Charlotte! SCP-7245 stops. Mandana: I didn't… I didn't know you felt that way. That was a lot to take in, all those emotions you decided to dump on me. You're going to make me melt from doing that, you know? Mandana looks to her side. Mandana: Actually, I've been going through the same experience, probably ever since I've met you. The way you treat me and everyone else I know with such vibrancy and respect. Before long, I found myself viewing you more… differently.Mandana: Yes. And I figured I'd want to return the favor by becoming someone that feels worthy of being by your side, so I've been approaching you steadily and building our relationship. Mandana straightens her posture. Mandana: Why do you think I remember what coffee you like to drink? Down to the specifics? I was hoping I could get a chance at being more than just mere acquaintances. Mandana lets out a sigh of relief. Mandana: I'm just thrilled you feel the same way, Charlotte. SCP-7245 stutters repeatedly.Mandana: Really really. Pause.SCP-7245 turns and faces Mandana, who has her palms on her chest. Suddenly, a spontaneous burst of SCP-7245-1 instances sprout from all across her body, almost covering a significant portion of her.Mandana: (Grins) Is it now? SCP-7245 stares at the ground, attempting to hide her face with the -1 instances.[END LOG] Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Invitation To: ten.pics.99etis|htimsdlareg#ten.pics.99etis|htimsdlareg From: ten.pics.99etis|eromadettolrahc#ten.pics.99etis|eromadettolrahc Subject: Invitation Date: 29/05/24 Good evening, Researcher Smith. You are cordially invited to Charlotte and April D'Amore's wedding on the 6th of June 2024. Make sure you come in with appropriate attire and bring in some food for the afterparty if you'd like. You are allowed to bring a plus one for the occasion, but bring twice the amount of food if you're going to do that. On a side note, though: Thank you for listening to my stupid self from back then. I've never been this happy in my entire life and I owe you one for that. Being with her is a blessing among blessings. I hope I can see you there! Footnotes 1. An on-site counsellor for personnel and sapient entities alike. 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Item #: SCP-7248 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7248 outbreaks are to be reported to onsite IT personnel. The affected computer is to be isolated, retrieved, and disassembled after checking whether its goal was achieved or not. Description: SCP-7248 is a computer virus that manifests at random throughout Foundation systems. The virus is characterized by the sudden appearance of an executable file labeled "arhg.exe", which immediately runs on the affected system. SCP-7248's effects manifest shortly after the execution of the aforementioned file. Following its execution, the computer becomes locked from user input, with the screen reading: Blast yer paystubs, Foundation bastards! Following a period of 10 minutes, SCP-7248 will uninstall itself and multiply, manifesting at a 5:1 ratio throughout the department it originally appeared in. Following a successful execution of arhg.exe, the system's primary user will find a charge roughly equivalent to their last monthly paycheck. No destination for these funds has been found. Addendum-7248-A: Incident Log Due to the seemingly in-depth knowledge of Foundation paychecks possessed by SCP-7248, an extensive investigation was launched into the destination and perpetrator of the lost funds. Upon conclusion of said search, it was concluded that SCP-7248 likely originated from another dimension; further research determined the exact multi-dimensional coordinates of SCP-7248's origination shortly thereafter, and a convoy consisting of MTF Blur-02 "In-and-Out" was sent with the intent to establish diplomatic connections with the group responsible for perpetuating the anomaly. The outcome, however, was that all seven members of Blur-02 returned stripped bare of all equipment — including sidearms, recording equipment, body armor, and wallets — and covered in a variety of cuts and bruises, the former of which they all claimed were the result of "sword fights" the anomalous group forced them into. Blur-02 was, however, provided a note in a bottle before their forced return, the contents of which are recorded below: Yer Foundation men do be weak and whiney If ye think you can take me gold, you can kiss me hiney! If you want peace, then listen a' me Keep on sending thee shiny! Following the return of Blur-02, containment procedures have been updated: every other month, a shipment containing approximately $15,000 worth of a variety of gold, jewels, polished pearls, limes, and bird seed are to be sent to Dimension-Au79. Since implementation of said procedures, all fraudulent charges perpetuated by SCP-7248 have ceased.
by Barbarous_Bread Item#: 7252 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo A land of endless ice. Towers of pain. Unspoken words. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} Special Containment Procedures The Parham University clock tower is to be barred from public access. Any and all interaction with the clockwork mechanism of the tower is to be authorized by the SCP-7252 research head. All communications with entities within SCP-7252-A are to be logged in this database entry. Entry into SCP-7252-A is currently permitted to Foundation staff who have undergone wilderness survival training and who have been certified in rudimentary telecommunication formats. Description SCP-7252 is the clockwork structure of the Parham University clock tower located in Youngstown, Ohio, USA. The tower itself possesses no anomalous features. The clockwork asserts its anomalous nature between 02:00 and 03:00 EST. During this period, the pendulum of the clockwork slowly ceases to swing and rests at its lowest position. A ladder then extends downward from the upper portion of the tower. This allows for exiting the tower via a hatch that is only accessible during this time period. This exit opens to the top of the tower and allows entry into SCP-7252-A. Upon initial Foundation assessment, both the interior and exterior of this hatch were noted to have been badly damaged. Diagram of a typical heliograph. Hover for enhanced view. Note the mirror to the left (C) and the shutter mechanism to the right. SCP-7252-A is a dimension wherein the clock tower maintains its appearance, however it is surrounded on all sides by a large body of water. One land mass is visible in the distance with 83 towers erected along its shore each of which are similar in design to the tower housing SCP-7252. The rooftop of the tower where one enters into SCP-7252-A is equipped with a telescope and a heliograph1. Messaging using the heliograph pointed toward the shore typically prompts a return message from one, or more, towers. It is presumed at this time that there are multiple sapient entities responsible for these messages. Addendum 7252.1: Discovery 21 SEP 2021: Parham University students Katherine Wagner, Harold Robinson, and Amelia Ibanez go missing. The FBI was contacted by local law enforcement in order to aid in their investigation. After discovering that the students had last been seen entering into the university clock tower, FBI assets examined the tower for any clues as to the students' location. Two of the students were found within the upper portion of the tower in a state of severe shock three days after they went missing. Each of them was found to have frostbite to their hands and feet as well as severe dehydration. Following eight days in a local hospital's intensive care unit, one of the recovered students reported to the interviewing FBI agent that she had entered into SCP-7252-A which was relayed to the UIU and the Foundation. Interview Log Interviewed: Katherine Wagner Interviewer: Special Agent Scott McKinney Foreword: Following interview with UIU Agent Temika Jones, subject was determined to have undergone an anomalous experience. I was dispatched to determine the series of events that led to this experience and her subsequent discovery. BEGIN LOG 02 OCT 2021 - 13:48 Agent McKinney: Hi Katherine. My name is Scott and I work for the FBI. I know you spoke with one of my colleagues yesterday and I want you to know that I believe everything that you told her and I am not here to judge you in any way. Wagner: Call me Kat. Wagner: I don't know why you would believe me, I barely believe it myself. I read in class that this is the age that schizophrenia and all that shit kicks in, so it's probably that. Thanks for the genes, mom. Agent McKinney: This wasn't any kind of mental breakdown, I promise you, Kat. Between you and me I've seen far stranger things than what you told Agent Jones — it's what I deal with each day actually. Wagner: I— Okay. Fine. What do you want to know. Agent McKinney: You told us that you and your friends were in the clock tower on campus the night you disappeared. You were smoking some pot — which isn't an issue here — and noticed that the clock stopped ticking around two in the morning. Is that right? Wagner: Yeah. Agent McKinney: And then you climbed up the tower because you saw a ladder on the pendulum and that took you to the roof. Wagner: But it wasn't the fucking roof. It was some island in the fucking ocean. It was freezing. There was no food or water and we almost died. Agent McKinney: Go ahead and tell me exactly what happened after you went on the roof. Wagner: We thought that the shrooms we had taken finally kicked in and we started to smoke some more on the roof for a few hours. We thought it was all good until this light started shining at us from the shore. It was like, a few quick flashes and then nothing. Few minutes later some more flashes. That went on for at least a few hours. Wagner: We just thought it was some weird light thing and didn't pay it any mind. So we were hanging out, and then decided that we were going to leave, but the fucking door wouldn't open. We all tried and it wouldn't budge. So we freaked out for a while. I eventually got calmed down and Harold started to look at the shore with the telescope that was up there and looked around to see what the deal was. There was another tower over there and there was some guy looking at us. Agent McKinney: Could you make out any details about the other tower or the person that you saw? Wagner: The guy had like, this filthy jumpsuit on. He was really slow, like an old guy. I couldn't make out a lot of detail. Agent McKinney: That's okay, you're doing good. Wagner: He came outside each day and kept flashing that light at us. Each day got colder. Harold kept saying that we needed to get inside or we'd all die. He said we could probably climb down the tower and get inside through one of the windows. Wagner: There was no way I could do that. I was tired and my hands could barely move. He managed to climb over the edge and then I heard glass breaking — I figure he got inside. Wagner: I didn't hear anything else from him after that. I kept trying to open the hatch back up, and then it finally did open and I fell back into the tower. Amelia came down after me. Wagner: You're going to get Harold out of there, right? Agent McKinney: We're going to do everything we can, Kat. END LOG Closing Statement: Following the interview, both Katherine Wagner and Amelia Ibanez recovered and were successfully amnesticized after their respective interviews. Family members of Harold Robinson were informed that the FBI would continue investigating his disappearance. Addendum 7252.2: Initial Exploration Containment Team Dr. Timothy Chaney, Lead Researcher Dr. Nichole Brown Dr. James Hargett Agent Andre Lewis Agent Mary Valdez Foreword: Based on the information gathered from Katherine Wagner and Amelia Ibanez, a containment team was tasked with exploring the immediate environment within SCP-7252-A and attempting recovery of Harold Robinson. They were provided with equipment and three days worth of supplies in order to afford them time within the anomaly. BEGIN LOG 5 OCT 2021 - 02:11 Dr. Chaney: Go ahead and confirm communication status, Brown. Dr. Brown: I'm reading you, video feeds are stable, and telemetry is coming through. Proceed when ready. Dr. Hargett: The pendulum has been stopped now for several minutes and we are going to begin our ascent. Agent Lewis: I'll go ahead first. [Agent Lewis proceeds to the top of the clockwork toward the exit hatch.] Agent Lewis: I'm at the hatch now. Opening. Agent Lewis: Fuck that's windy. [The containment team exits the tower without issue.] Dr. Chaney: It's night and there are… three moons visible in the sky. Dr. Chaney: Hargett, go ahead and set up the transponder and the drone controller. Dr. Hargett: Will do. Agent Valdez: Here is the telescope that they said Robinson used. And, what is this thing? Dr. Brown: That's a heliograph. Dr. Chaney: Why do you know that? Dr. Brown: You pick things up over time. You use the mirror and the shutter to send Morse code messages. [Dr. Chaney uses his binoculars to visualize the opposite shoreline.] Dr. Chaney: It looks like there's similar equipment on most of those towers. Dr. Hargett: The drone is all set Dr. Chaney. Dr. Chaney: Try and do a 100 m perimeter around the tower and see what atmospheric readings you get. [Dr. Hargett brings the drone to an elevation 50 m above the tower and performs a flight around the team.] Dr. Brown: I'm getting the drone's readings. It looks like it gets drastically colder further from the tower; it's getting down to -20 °C. Dr. Hargett: I don't think the drone is going to tolerate temps like that long enough to get over to the shore. Dr. Chaney: We have a backup, so fly it to the shore and we'll see what we get. [Dr. Hargett begins to fly the drone in the direction of the shore.] Dr. Brown: Readings coming through. Dr. Brown: 200m, -40 °C. Dr. Brown: 350m, -60 °C. Dr. Brown: 500m, -110 °C. Dr. Brown: 650m, -250 °C. Dr. Brown: And there goes the drone. Agent Lewis: That wasn't even half-way to the shore. Agent Valdez: No chance we can make it out there, at least with this equipment. Dr. Chaney: Hargett, hook up the rest of the sensors, I'll get the monitors set up. Brown, let me know when you start getting these feeds. [The containment team proceeds to set up their camp.] Agent Valdez: Lewis and me are going to try and repel off the edge and look for the ingress point that Robinson found. Dr. Chaney: We'll finish up here, just let us know if you need one of us to check anything out. Agent Lewis: Will do. Let's see. Yeah, there's the window they heard break. Let's do this. [Agents Lewis and Valdez descend the outside of the tower and proceed to enter.] Agent Valdez: We're in. Agent Valdez: There's some blood on the floor in here. Agent Lewis: That's probably from the kid. Agent Lewis: That was reinforced glass on that window he busted. Agent Valdez: There's a hatch under the one we came in, but it looks like it's locked down tight. Agent Valdez: Let's see, what else. Agent Valdez: Stairwell looks the same. We're going to head down. Agent Lewis: The ground floor looks like an office. Agent Lewis: More blood. Agent Lewis: Still no sign of the kid. Agent Valdez: There's a desk, a chair, and a few cabinets. Agent Valdez: The cabinets are filled with cards. I'll pack a few, but they look like they have names and dates written on them. Agent Valdez: This one just says "disloyal" under the name. Agent Lewis: The door is here too and it looks similar to our side. I'm going to try and get it open. Agent Lewis: It's sturdy. Agent Valdez: Put a little ass into it, Lewis. [Agent Lewis successfully dislodges the door. A clang is heard and the bells within the tower begin to ring.] Agent Lewis: That's not great. Dr. Brown: What did you do down there? Agent Lewis: All we did was open the door. Dr. Hargett: Do you see that flashing on the shore? Dr. Brown: That looks like Morse code to me, but it doesn't make sense. Dr. Hargett: A few of the towers are lighting up too. Dr. Chaney: You getting those, Brown? Dr. Brown: The tower to the left is gibberish too, but the one on right is saying something. Dr. Brown: Keep the camera on h— Dr. Brown: "R-U-N." Again and again. END LOG Addendum 7252.3: Communications Over the course of the exploratory sessions within SCP-7252-A, there have been 498 attempts at communication with Foundation team members. Of the intelligible messages, they typically express regret over an act or a quality of the sender. Complete log of communications with entities inhabiting SCP-7252-A can be found in Appendix 7252.A. Sample communications: Original Foundation Reply Response HELP. COLD. UNABLE. READY TO REPENT. PLEASE. WHY HERE. TO LEARN. NOTHING TO TEACH. I AM FILTH. NO MORE. MUST LEAVE. EXPLAIN. THEY ARE WATCHING. PLEASE. COME. UNABLE. TELL KAT SORRY. More by Barbarous_Bread More by Barbarous_Bread SCPs: Item # Rating Comments SCP-5414 + 51 8 SCP-6252 + 33 8 SCP-6680 + 28 8 SCP-6855 + 24 1 SCP-7252 + 60 17 SCP-7826 + 21 3 SCP-7466 + 19 4 Tales: Item # Rating Comments I Dream of Trains + 10 0 « SCP-7251 | SCP-7252 | SCP-7253 » Footnotes 1. A mechanism used to transmit Morse code messages using a shutter and a mirror. Flashes are produced by occluding the light from the mirror using the shutter.
. Item #: SCP-7256 Object Class: Pending Special Containment Procedures: Research is to be conducted as to the nature of SCP-7256. Researcher August Jorel has assigned himself to the study of SCP-7256. All information collected by Researcher Jorel regarding the anomaly is to be provided to an appropriate member of Foundation personnel upon Researcher Jorel's return to baseline reality. A copy of this file is to remain inside SCP-7256, in order to inform other persons that may be transported into the anomaly. Given current conditions and lack of information on the anomaly's causes in baseline reality, containment seems non-viable. Description: SCP-7256 is theorized to be an extradimensional space outside of baseline reality. SCP-7256 appears to be an infinite white expanse with a solid white "floor" of unknown composition. The only discernible landmark is a set of freestanding stone double doors. Each door is approximately 4 m in height, and 2 m in width. Both are inset in a similar stone doorway. The words "WHO GROWS LEAVES" are engraved onto the surface on the illuminated side (illumination in SCP-7256 appears to be diffuse. However, noticeable shadows are cast by objects. These shadows are consistent with light rays at approximately 80° with the ground). Henceforth the doors and frame shall be designated SCP-7256-1. No light has been observed to pass through SCP-7256-1's seams. Transportation of persons into SCP-7256 has been observed to occur through unknown means. Gravity perpendicular to the ground is experienced, and appears consistent with that experienced on the surface of Earth. Atmosphere composition is unknown, however, respiration in a human specimen (Researched Jorel) is unimpeded and displays no adverse health effects. Discovery: Researcher Jorel was transported to SCP-7256 in the time period between 1400 and 1530 on 02/02/2022. Within this interval, Researcher Jorel was attending a seminar in the Southeast wing of Site-72. Subject fell asleep during the seminar, and awoke within SCP-7256, having with him garments and objects that were on his person at the time of transportation, these objects include: One (1) backpack One (1) notebook One (1) trip of paper containing the Lord's prayer Three (3) graphite pencils One (1) black marker One (1) wallet containing five (5) plastic cards and one (1) $50 bill One (1) fully discharged smartphone Note: I slept poorly the other day, alright? I just blacked out. The silver lining is that if things happened any other way, I probably wouldn't have anything to write this with. Addendum 7256/1: Notes taken by Researcher Jorel henceforth shall be limited in length and frequency. This shall be done in an effort to spare writing implements and notebook space for relevant findings and updates. Expedition 7256/1: Despite the apparent lack of features in SCP-7256, exploration was conducted to ascertain the surroundings. Exploration was done in an outwards spiral until SCP-7256-1 was at an estimated distance of 100 m. Observations: No significant discoveries encountered. Expedition 7256/2: In order to ascertain the position of the light source, an expedition was carried out in it's apparent direction, opposite to the shadows cast by it. At several points during the expedition, the length of the shadow cast by a roughly 10 cm strip of paper was measured with an improvised paper ruler. Observations: Expedition was carried out travelling at least 1 km and was interrupted due to risk of losing sight of SCP-7256-1. No visible change in shadow length observed throughout. Experiment 7256/1: Description: Attempt to open SCP-7256-1. Pushing was done first on the illuminated side, and then on the shadowed side Results: SCP-7256-1 seemed to move slightly before being stopped. This suggests the presence of a locking mechanism or other stopping force. Identical results obtained on both sides. Experiment 7256/2: Description: Attempt to answer the question inscribed in SCP-7256-1. Vocal answers were said aloud. Additionally, slips of paper containing drawings and words corresponding to answers were slid under SCP-7256-1. Results: No changes were observed for answers "trees", "plants", "Plantae", "Euphyllophyta", "The suicidal in the Inferno" or any other attempted. Note: I'm a tool, aren't I? It's not a question ("WHO GROWS LEAVES?"). It's a statement ("WHO GROWS, LEAVES."). Fuck whoever wrote this. Description Update 7256/1: Sustenance, hydration and rest do not appear to be necessary for indefinite survival within SCP-7256. Physiological conditions of persons inside SCP-7256 appear stagnant. The significance of these findings, their microbiological meaning, and what they reveal about the nature of SCP-7256 is still unknown. Due to these effects and the general lack of features within SCP-7256, the monitoring of the passage of time within SCP-7256 is severely hindered. Experiment 7256/3: time to get ripped Description: Attempt to practice physical exercise, testing the extent of physiological stasis. Additional objectives included experiencing physical muscle growth, as well as mental growth tied to discipline regarding regular exercise. Results: Following stretching, a set of thirty (30) push-ups were executed. Due to anomalous effects of SCP-7256 regarding physiology, no signs of physical exhertion were observed. A subsequent set of three thousand (3000) push-ups were executed because what else is there to do. Similar results observed. Note: Muscle growth requires damaging of fibers and reconstruction. The old maxim "No pain, no gain" holds some biological truth to it. I must be doing something wrong, as usual. This is throwing me off. I gotta keep pushing through though. Experiment 7256/4: Description: Attempt to experience psychological growth through overcoming of past experiences. Previous emotionally charged experiences were orally listed in three separate categories: Harm from self upon others, Harm from others upon self, and self inflicted harm. Time was spent reflecting over each topic in an effort to "forgive and move on". Results: Test aborted. Note: I'm sorry, but this just isn't working. There are just too many things to list, especially my wrongs, and I still feel like I'm missing stuff. Like, I know I wronged a kid at some point, but I don't even remember what I did. This isn't helping and isn't going anywhere. Experiment 7256/5: Description: Attempt to ingest solid material. The objective is to ascertain the extent of SCP-7256-1's effects over digestion Results: I ate a pen cap. I can't even feel anything. It's probably just gonna sit there in my bowels since shitting seems out of the realm of possibility. Note: I'm stuck in here forever, aren't I? Expedition 7256/3: A thorough inspection of SCP-7256-1 has not yet been conducted. Maybe there's something on top of it. I'm gonna climb it I couldn't climb it. Experiment 7256/6: Certainly it must mean something that I can hurt myself, while my body doesn't change through any other means. Description I'm gonna try ramming the door. Either it works and it opens, or I commit some more self-flagellation to hopefully appease the entity watching over this whole situation. The judge of my "growth". Results: I hurt my arm real bad. Probably didn't break it. Also I wasn't that stupid though. I used my left arm, so I can still write. Gonna rest for a while. Note: It hurts It felt good to feel anything though Addendum 7256/2: Following deteriorating mental state of Researcher Jorel, it has been decided that the measures described in Addendum 7256/1 are to be annulled. Personal logging shall be conducted within this notebook in appropriately indicated segments. Personal log 1: God, I'm bored. Needless to say, there's pretty much nothing to do here. I'm alone with my mind and it's unbearable. Thankfully there's a bunch of ways of killing time, like counting, sleeping, drawing, praying, writing, … you get the idea. By the looks of things, I can't even die here unless I kill myself. I am immortal here. That's somewhat amusing, thinking that the gift sought out by so many was bestowed upon me as what I can only see as a form of personal purgatory. Personal log 2: I'm not sure what that shrink Dr. Stevan would say, but in my limited knowledge I'm pretty sure prolonged time spent in a featureless void cannot be good for your head. I'm trying to keep myself occupied and stimulated. The silence I hear is deafening, so I try to fill it with humming, singing, speaking with myself and whatever other noises. I wish I could do something about the loneliness. At least back at Site-72 there were the jerks in the botany lab. Never could quite say they quelled the solitude though. Personal log 3: Recently I've been counting. It's one way to have some idea of time in here, although the implications of how much time has actually passed kind of frighten me. Is time passing at the same rate outside this place? Do people care that I'm gone? Are those bastards back at botany rejoicing their dead weight colleage vanished? Did I vanish? Did I die? How long do I have to wait before I grow? What am I supposed to do? Seethe, Writhe against the pain hold to the light Meat tithe your flesh again given as might Heave, Rise another day and one more fight Come on, surely I've grown! just open the doors! I can't even anymore, if that's what you care about! It's all gone numb down there. This is making me anxious I think I better stop counting Personal log 4: How am I supposed to grow? Mental change? I'm off my meds. If God is behind this, you'd expect him to know the difference SSRI's make. Well, not that taking them or not would make any difference here, considering the physiology nonsense. God, forgive me. But why? Why this? Give me something. Anything. A tip. A guide. A book. Some company. Anything. If you are enough, then why am I like this? Whatever it is, it's my fault, isn't it? Personal log 5: I finally decided to sleep for once. It felt good, to dream, and be somewhere other than here. I can't even remember what I dreamed about, but simply by the different mental state I was in when I awoke, it must have been something very different from here. How long have I been in the same place mentally here? Feeling the same things, thinking the same thoughts? I ought to seek some sort of relief, something to get my mind out of the void that surrounds me, as well as the void within. Addendum 7256/3: Following the last dream experienced during sleeping, it has been decided that further sleeping shall be conducted, and a dream log shall be kept. This is to be done in order to reveal possible subconscious psychological insights that might facilitate "growth" as defined by SCP-7256-1. Note: This is not escapism. This is an extension of my duty as researcher, and all done in an effort to eventually leave SCP-7256. Dream log 1: I saw a garden. Vibrant and flourishing. I saw a child playing there, close to a small tree, still a sprout. I saw this from afar, as I stood on a barren, rocky hill. I stood next to a tree. It was clearly trying to grow, to sprout leaves and give fruit, but it lacked the roots. Was that supposed to be me? I don't think I'm enough of a Joseph to interpret dreams. Dream log 2: Unfortunately, I am awake again. I guess that means logging. This was a pleasant dream. I was at a party full of people I knew from college, but at their current ages. People I had helped through rough times. People I had laughed with. People I had grown with. I miss them. I can't even remember when was the last time I saw them after graduation. These days I mostly just remember my work at the Foundation. Anyways, I remember seeing an old crush of mine. She was stunning, in a red dress. It's clear I haven't gotten over her as the years went by. She hugged me. But then she said something in my ear. She said I'd made a terrible mistake. That I had abandoned them. It makes no sense to me now, but in the dream, I was shaken and agreed wholeheartedly. Dream log 3: Why am I still here? I truly thought that this was the dream for a while there. Anyways, I remember being in a crowd, avoiding someone who was reaching out to me. They felt familiar, but I don't remember them. I don't care. Now let me get the fuck back to sleep. Dream log 4: I don't want to be here, and now my only escape from my head has been taken from me. The setting of the dream was inside this very void. I don't want to talk about it. Addendum 7256/4: Henceforth, I shall avoid further sleeping and dream logs. This last dream, having taken place inside SCP-7256, presents a new challenge of discerning when I am awake and when I am asleep. This problem can be avoided with the cessation of sleep, which has been previously established to have no adverse physiological effects within SCP-7256. You know when your mind wanders to all your little past mistakes? Times you misspoke, times you were rude, times you were dumb. The small slights, the unintentional errors that make you cringe and that get under your skin. Those are what have been bugging me recently. I feel like shit from my big errors, my large flaws of character, my bad choices and their consequences for my life. But on top of all that, there's the little things that hurt so much more pointedly. Going by feeling alone, I would much rather never commit a gaffe in front of Dr. Reems again than give up my time consuming and career deteriorating movie nights, even if I regret them both. Maybe it has to do with the pleasure involved. Or rather the spreading out of displeasure. Who knows. I am a wretched little man, yes. Maybe I deserve this isolation. You cannot reach me You are not worthy You're damned to fire that stings I am entropy I'm more than you see I am the end of all things To be kept from the world in such a way that I do not harm it or myself. I am immature and I recognize this. To be held off here until I grow is perhaps the best thing that could be done to me. How do I grow up though? It hurts. I don't want to be hurt. Not like this. I guess I could always just stay here forever as an alternative. Surely I will grow eventually. Oh Lord save me from within these times of trouble Redeem me from beneath the tides and rubble forgive me for my fall from skies to puddles And take me beneath your wings, where I hide, huddled The worst part is that I should be happy with all this, with leaving all the cares of the world behind and being free and in peace. This could be another man's heaven. I was miserable back at the Foundation. I hate my job there, I hate the people there, and I'm pretty sure they hate me. Sure, I don't have my movies and plants, but if I'm being honest, I barely even care about them anyways. I'm still as lonely as ever. I'm still as inexplicably guilt-stricken as ever. I'm still as lost as ever. All this place has done is remove all my reprive, my distractions, and made it plain how much my life is living hell. Fuck this place. Expedition 7256/4: I need to think, and the sight of these doors is starting to make me sick. I'm going for a walk, and I'm not sure when I'll be back. If ever. I thought I'd never find the doors again. I do not know how long it took, but that does not matter now. I thought about many things while I was gone, most of them I do not even remember now. But perhaps the most important thing to think about was leaving. In the last dream I had, I destroyed the doors in rage, and then I destroyed myself in despair. It frightened me. I wondered though, why leave? What awaited me if I were ever to get back? A job that I hate? Trash movies? The promise to die in the dark? Why was I so keen on returning? Why didn't I just stay here, and leave the Foundation behind. It was in this line of thought that a sense of deja-vu took over me. Usually one's reaction to such is to ignore it and push the thought away, but having nothing else to do, I pursued it. I could not find much in my mind, but I found a hole where something should be. There was a sense of regret and longing, a shape of a person, perhaps two, but nothing else. Amnestics exist, and are frequently used on Foundation staff, whether they like it or not. Why could I not remember my choice to stay? Why could I not remember my personal life? Something was off. Something was missing, and without that something, I am miserable. I am leaving the Foundation. I have somewhere better to be, even if I don't know where. I'm going back to Jesus. I now see the doors opened, and a garden before me. Leafy trees growing and giving fruit. And now I may be among them. Omedetou! « SCP-7255 | SCP-7256 | SCP-7257 »
SCP-7257 pre-extraction. Item #: 7257 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7257 is to be held in a standard containment chamber at Site-275. All personnel entering SCP-7257's immediate proximity are to be equipped with HATs1 to ensure the preservation of their personal human identity and sense of self worth. Description: SCP-7257 is a metallic cube that was extracted from the bottom of the Antarctic Ocean approximately 700 kilometers from New Zealand's southern coast. Following a thorough cleaning procedure, SCP-7257 was revealed to have sides measuring exactly 2.5 meters in length, though all attempts to discern the material composition of the object have proven inconclusive. SCP-7257's primary anomalous effect manifests as a memetic signal continuously transmitted from its exterior surface. This effect's intensity is inversely proportional to the subject's distance from the object, gradating from slight numbness paired with a sense of vague yearning, to writhing convulsions exacerbated by an aggressive distension of the subject's psyche from their human identity. Notably, though the exact active range of the object remains unknown, incidences of Site-275 staff reporting uncomfortable "wiggliness" remain dramatically outside of the acceptable statistical range. Incident 7257.1: During a test aimed at analyzing the resonant properties of SCP-7257, Researcher Ian Twiss was instructed to strike SCP-7257 with a tuning fork. This caused SCP-7257 to emit a low hum, which gradually increased in pitch and volume to near deafening levels before stabilizing momentarily. The object then emanated a luminescent beam from its upward facing side which pierced through the roof of the containment chamber and struck the cloud-cover of the sky above, creating the impression of a "very square octopus" or "squiddy thing" in the intersection. Further resonance tests have been suspended pending an investigation into SCP-7257's luminescent properties.2 SCP-7257-1 pre-emergence. Incident 7257.2: The corpse of a colossal squid on display in the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa was observed breaching its display unit before spilling out into the room and flailing aimlessly for a short period. The object then went dormant for 13 minutes before its outer flesh started sloughing away and amassing in an approximately humanoid-shaped figure. This figure then separated itself from the carcass, landing in a heap of flesh due to a lack of bones, and called out to onlookers in a then unidentified language. Foundation operatives working within the museum rapidly contained both the squid carcass3 and the mound, later classified SCP-7257-1, which operatives specifically note "wailed from every orifice" until being relocated to a small glass tank. As attempts to communicate with SCP-7257-1 following the event were hampered by both its amorphous physical state and an apparent language barrier, no initial interrogation could be conducted. Incident 7257.3: Exactly one week following Incident 7257.1, SCP-7257's memetic radius rapidly increased in size, encompassing Site-275 and incapacitating approximately one third of staff before evacuation protocol could be initiated. Due to limited HAT supply during evacuation a large number of personnel escaped with partial exposure to the object, suffering effects such as: diminished or lost speech, extreme thirst, numbness, yearning, loss of limb function, and in a small number of cases, gaining a compulsion to tightly grasp various geometric objects. Following the event, recovered HATs were utilized to rescue staff and reaffirm the containment of Site-275's anomalous inventory. Increasing interference from SCP-7257 soon bypassed the countermemetic effect of these devices, introducing unacceptable risk to further excursion attempts and postponing Site recapture until a method of reducing SCP-7257's influence could be discerned. Incident 7257.4: After a brief investigation, SCP-7257-1 was found to be speaking basic Ämärangnä.4 A protracted question and answer session facilitated by Researcher Ian Twiss's rudimentary knowledge of the language provided the following insights: Question Answer "Who are you?" "I am squid." "You appear to be a human right now. Why is this?" "Easier to talk. Looking for boyfriend." "Why did you create a body with no bones then?" "Forgot how to bone. Where is boyfriend?" "Why did you come out now? "No talk without boyfriend." "How did you get into the squid?" "No talk without boyfriend. Bring me to him." "If we bring you your boyfriend, will you answer more questions?" "No talk without boyfriend." "How will we know it's your boyfriend?" "You will know." "Where can we find him?" "In water." "What does he look like?" "Cube." Incident 7257.5: Due to the information uncovered in Incident 7257.4 and spurred by an insistence of SCP-7257's sapience and relationship with SCP-7257-1, it was decided that SCP-7257-1 should be exposed to SCP-7257 to attempt to dampen its anomalous effects and allow for the recapture of Site-275. Due to the subject's lack of bones and a professed inability to fleshcraft itself further, Ian Twiss, who remained the only accessible personnel capable of communicating with the object, was assigned to act as its escort to the cube. His account is as follows. It wasn't a super high tech ordeal, really. They gave me one of those HATs, strapped a tank of flesh to my back, and told me to get in, get out, no big deal, good luck. I really didn't see how it could go wrong, so I was optimistic. I'd worked on the object before it started getting weirder, meaning I actually knew where I was going, mostly, navigating the place. It was just a matter of walking through those familiar, though empty, mazes of pristine hallways —letting everything blur together a bit— and waiting until I noticed anything worth stopping for. A good chunk of that empty time passed before I finally saw something out of the ordinary. A victim. He was laying there, curled up in a ball, half conscious and muttering nonsense to himself. The agents had told me to ignore anyone I found on the way in: "Can't risk losing your HAT" they said, but I thought just sliding the guy a bit further away from the object wouldn't hurt too much. Of course, just as I tried to pull him out of whatever trance he was in, he looks at me and just screams. I jumped a bit, letting go of him, but all he did was lay there desperately craning his neck back in the other direction, twisting his head and shouting stuff like "I NEED HIM!" "I AM BROKEN!" "I AM INFERIOR!" but otherwise staying completely limp. I pushed him back to where he was —that calmed him down a bit— then carried on on my way. Over the next 30 minutes or so I passed more and more of those sort of staff members. Unable to move one way or another, but all desperately reaching the same way I was going. The puddle man was starting to shake a bit, restless probably. That wasn't really a problem though, not exactly. I mean, there really weren't any big issues until I got to Sector B. So yeah. The frequency of incapacitated staff kept going up and up until they started doing some strange things. More and more often, it would seem like they were trying to move —but not with their legs or arms, no— like a worm, wriggling and writhing in place. I'd just assumed that they were getting nowhere fast, but then I rounded a corner and saw a pile of them blocking the way from Sector C to Sector B. Not just a small pile up, like something I could step over even, but just a wall of people, back to back, skin to skin, filling the entire corridor and blocking it off completely. That one hallway. The only way to 7257. I give my thanks to whoever designed Site-275 for their prospering genius. There were two options then. Try and push my way through the wall and risk losing the HAT, or dig. I liked the second option better —marginally— so I got to work pushing on body after writhing, screaming, gibberish chanting, desperately resisting, body. Fighting them out of the blockage one after one as the flesh being in the tank on my back slowly got jittery, then restless, starting to shake and shake, as I kept fighting down body after body after body after body, yet… No progress. Well… I'd made a noticeable dent in the mass, but I still couldn't get a read on how deep it was. It had been hours, hours of working away at this one impasse, covered in sweat, and not just my sweat, digging, all while the flesh man wouldn't stop FUCKING shaking. I was tired, I was frustrated, and I was done. No more. I sat down to rest, and seeing it was stopping me from finding any meagre sense of comfort, turned to detach the tank from my back. That was when it erupted. I buckled as my center of mass rapidly shifted, falling forward as the flesh man leapt out of his tank. I winced, hearing a clatter as the HAT tumbled from my head, hitting the floor and breaking immediately on impact. As I scrambled for the pieces, I saw the flesh man oozing into the pile of writhing bodies, blubbering jubilantly and sprouting limb after limb, tentacle after tentacle, before disappearing into the mound. I tried to run after him but I fell to the ground. I could feel it breaking in. Pulsing. Beating away my panic, and the noise, and the bodies. Pushing it all away and making space for one thought. "Wiggle." Wiggle, and find Him. I could feel Him nearby in the heart of the site. He was close. He needed me and I needed Him, but my bones were weak and useless and my body was subpar and all I could do was wiggle and wiggle and push. I drove my head into the other bodies, diving into them as I wiggled more, driven by the thought of holding Him and knowing Him and meeting Him again, because we need each other and we need each other to feel right, and whole, and perfect again in our subpar horrible bodies, but all we can do is wiggle and wiggle and wiggle and wiggle. Wiggle. For minutes, hours, however long it takes to get to you. And wiggle. It doesn't matter how long it takes. It's been so long since I felt your touch. Just wiggle. I've not felt whole for all this time. I've wasted away, rusted, became everything I wasn't, degraded my already worthless body, waiting for the perfection that is you. You. Please. I need you. Now. I need you please. Desperately. I need you- [Twiss is interrupted and given a moment to calm down.] Yep. Sorry. Alright… After an eternity I found His chamber. The center of everything, the center of my— no. I looked up from the piles of other staff, all wriggling together desperately reaching for his glory. Reaching, but unable to find him, meagre tentacles compared to His one and only. He was massive. He was perfect. He was everything I'd ever dreamed to be, and he was hugging Him tight. So so tight. Tighter than I ever could, but I didn't need to anymore because He was and it was perfect and good and the world was whole again. Together again, at last. My vision faded as the glee overtook every facet of my being. I woke up in the recovery wing. Here I am now, just 3 months later. Addendum 7257.1: Following Incident 7257.5, SCP-7257's containment chamber has been augmented to mimic the conditions of the deep sea. SCP-7257-1 has also been allowed to reside with SCP-7257 to mitigate further outbursts, given it remains in active communication with site staff. Implementation of these changes have succeeded in reducing SCP-7257's active radius to negligible levels, though personnel have thus far refrained from questioning the pair in depth as to not interrupt the "very intimate exchanges" that have been common in the months following their reunion. Incident 7257.6: One month following Incident 7257-4, during a session of his mandated reorientation therapy involving a tuning fork, Researcher Ian Twiss was observed to become suddenly lucid, grasping the object and exiting the recovery wing. Twiss then utilized his elevated Site-wide clearance5 to enter the SCP-7257 observation deck, where he raised the fork to the glass, and asked: "Why this?" Cameras then observed SCP-7257-1 wrapping a tentacle around SCP-7257 before answering, eliciting a sudden spike in SCP-7257's memetic signal output which caused Twiss to collapse. Moments later, he then began to contort, eventually arranging his body and limbs into a cubic form which he remained in until medical staff arrived to intervene.6 After a lengthy debate on the proper translation of the entity's response, International translators have agreed on the following interpretation: "Boyfriend hate sound of his voice. Need big strong squid for comfort." No further incidences have occurred. « SCP-7256 | SCP-7257 | SCP-7258 » Footnotes 1. Humanity Assertion Transmitters. 2. Any and all requests to "fire the Squid Signal" are to be refused, with their originators censured for improper conduct. 3. Now inert. 4. A language historically spoken by some Nälkä. 5. Pending revocation at the time. 6. Twiss has expressed incredulity at this feat, noting "I didn't know legs could even move like that."
Rab333 Where do you go when you die? Also, more stuff by me! SCP-7259. Item #: SCP-7259 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: The perimeter around SCP-7259 has been walled off, with two guards periodically patrolling the area. Description: SCP-7259 is an abandoned fast-food restaurant in Glasgow, Scotland. SCP-7259 possesses no discernible anomalous features at a glance, besides a constant, high pitched sound1 coming from an unknown location within SCP-7259. The sound has been recorded as inducing a feeling often described as "doomed" in individuals capable of perceiving it.2 Decoding the sound using a spectrogram reveals a distorted, screaming figure. While the image does not seem to be inherently anomalous, individuals have reported heavy feelings of terror when viewing it. The interior of SCP-7259, while seemingly non-anomalous, forcefully denies most matter entrance. The atmosphere inside has been described as "impossibly thick" by individuals when attempting to enter the building, but has shown no noticeable differences in the limited tests that were able to be performed in it. Research is ongoing. You are currently viewing an outdated version of the file. Footnotes 1. Approximately ~29-30kHz. 2. For unknown reasons, religious practitioners are significantly more affected by the noise.
Item #: SCP-7260 SCP-7260 awaiting a walk. Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7260 is currently contained in an unfurnished standard containment chamber. Personnel are to escort the entity to the Site-16 D-Class exercise yard and allow it to walk for 30-45 minutes once daily. Description: SCP-7260 is a pair of size thirteen hiking boots. They are capable of movement and possess a degree of sentience. SCP-7260 will respond to words and phrases such as 'Stay', 'Go', 'Come', 'Walk'1, and 'Daisy.' The entity has been observed to engage in what is believed to be 'play behavior' with assigned personnel, in which SCP-7260 will nonviolently kick objects it is presented with. Discovery: SCP-7260 was discovered on 07/26/1994 at the Maroon Bells hiking trail. The Foundation was alerted of SCP-7260's presence following reports of a 'pair of ambulatory boots' approaching civilians along the trail. The dispatched recovery team located SCP-7260 and followed the entity to a secluded ravine, where the remains of a barefoot male hiker2 and canine3 were discovered. Mulls was found to have suffered several bone fractures and a concussion prior to expiring, likely caused by an accidental slip or equipment failure. Autopsies reveal that Mulls expired from his injuries while the canine expired due to dehydration. Footnotes 1. This phrase will often result in both heels tapping in quick succession. Rapid bursts of pacing have also been noted. 2. Identified as Edward Mulls, 23. 3. Specifically, a Siberian Husky. « SCP-7259 | SCP-7260 | SCP-7261 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-1799 • SCP-7266 • SCP-MYSTERY-J • SCP-3756 • SCP-1712 • SCP-3863 • SCP-5231 • SCP-6467 • MDI-6726 • SCP-6161 • SCP-7221 • SCP-4176 • SCP-4046 • SCP-3297 • Abraka David's Proposal • Tales/GoI Formats Marw (The Reincarnated One) • La Persistencia De La Memoria • Wonder World Dossier • Sebastian • There's Ngo Helping This One • (Too) Late Registration • Square your shoulders, lift your pack, and leave your friends and go. • 'Phoenix à La Mode' (KEN46/FRI98/PNX72) • Tactical Theology Disciplinary Meeting for Diana Ribiero • An Epitaph For SCP-173 • Borne on the FM Waves of the Heart • Reality TV, Designer Pets, and Fine Dining • What Came After • Faeowynn Wilson's First Tamalada • Nobody Likes Having Enemies • Other uncle nicolini author page • Ode To The Unknown Author • Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights •
LightlessLantern Item No: SCP-7264 Containment Class: Apollyon Render of a theatre passageway Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7264 is held in a standard containment locker at Site-26, protected by a GAARDER Security Code. Page 257 must be read a minimum of once weekly, with personnel limited to a maximum individual exposure of one hour per session and 10 hours per year. Overseer Command has approved emergency measures for the imminent Tashkent-Class “Cross-Pollination” Scenario1 related to the anomaly. Description: SCP-7264 is a small hardback book, 257 pages in length, describing the interior of Penmynydd Hall, a former home of the Tudor royal dynasty located on the Isle of Anglesey, Wales. Though SCP-7264 is visually similar to modern non-anomalous books, its pages are composed of vellum and have been radiocarbon dated to the late 15th Century. The contents of the initial 256 pages appear non-anomalous and are consistent with the current state of Penmynydd Hall. Though photographs and video recordings of page 257 show it to be completely blank, human observers report the presence of a large quantity of printed text, similar in tone and style to the non-anomalous pages. Page 257 begins by describing a small red door in the basement of Penmynydd Hall. It states this door cannot be locked and, if closed, would eventually open, displacing any obstructions in its way. SCP-7264 then focuses on the passageway accessed through this door, eventually exiting through a yellow door behind the stage backdrop of a large theatre, stated to be located outside baseline reality. The theatre and its contents are frozen in a temporary, though initially believed permanent, state of temporal isolation and contraction. Despite its extradimensional location, the building's construction and decoration share many aspects with the early European Renaissance, including a proscenium-style stage and multiple seating galleries. Physical examination of the temporally frozen entities occupying these galleries is impossible due to the theatre displaying and inducing abnormal internal geometries; discovered passageways exhibit self-intersecting hyperbolicity and extended exploration causes readers to develop severe organ distension followed by non-fatal transmutation of the intestines into partially fired clay and kaolinite. The only readily accessible areas are the stage and the stalls. The former is empty except for a small pile of exsanguinated human corpses in the underground storage section. These corpses wear similar uniforms to those assigned to the founding cohort of His Majesty's Foundation for the Study of Curiosities and Phantasmagoria, though with minor deviations; the embroidered warding sigils have been burned off and replaced with sacrificial binding runes. The stalls are empty of seats and only contain a set of four white wooden chairs, designated SCP-7264-1 through -4. These surround a large oval banquet table, positioned with the major axis parallel to the stage curtain. SCP-7264-1 is on the side of the table farthest from the stage. It is the largest chair and consistently described as the designated seat for an extremely powerful monarch. The backrest of the chair is engraved with a coat of arms, unidentifiable due to heavy damage from several hooks embedded in the wood. Descriptions of SCP-7264-1 focus heavily on its use as a restraint, though fail to specify whether any entity is seated in it. At irregular intervals, SCP-7264-1 has been described as "broken" and "a failure", with little explanation except repetition to the point of unintelligibility. SCP-7264-2 is stationed to the left of SCP-7264-1 and described as the seat of the monarch's most trusted consul. In all readings, a thin, black-clothed humanoid entity has been seated in the chair, with attempts at further physical analysis causing the reader to develop large fungal growths within their lungs over the next hour. Consumption of extracted growths results in extended hallucinations of abandoned theatres similar to that described by SCP-7264, though testing is ongoing to confirm whether these effects are anomalous. A minority of Foundation personnel have claimed that another four wooden chairs are present in the areas behind and flanking SCP-7264-1 and SCP-7264-2, with exact positions varying between readings. Detailed analysis has failed due to personnel suffering sudden convulsions while regurgitating large volumes of partially digested food and blood, neither of which are a match for the relevant reader's dietary habits nor genetic material. SCP-7264-3 is positioned on the side closest to the stage, directly opposite SCP-7264-1, and is described as belonging to a nobleman, vastly weaker than the monarch seated in SCP-7264-1. The backrest of this chair is engraved with the coat of arms of the royal house of Windsor, though SCP-7264 has stated that it was originally engraved with the coat of arms of King Henry VII of England. A large sheet of vellum is placed in front of SCP-7264-3, fixed to the table by 30 large iron nails. Portions of the sheet have been damaged by the effects of SCP-7264-4, but the remainder outlines an agreement wherein an unnamed nobleman would receive monetary aid and weaponry from a beneficiary, in aid of fighting a war against a ruling king. In return for this aid, the beneficiary would be provided with the deposed king as a living tribute. If the nobleman should lose or become unable to fulfil the terms of his agreement, his life, descendants, supporters, and all land ever under his control would be forfeited to the beneficiary. SCP-7264-4 is positioned in the centre of the banquet table, directly facing SCP-7264-1. A naked human male is seated in SCP-7264-4, with nails embedded in its wrists, ankles, and chest. The only other injury is a large branding on its upper right thigh depicting a crowned serpent devouring a greyhound while a boar kneels in front. Unlike the other injuries, this branding is believed to be self-inflicted due to its similarity to other known ritualistic methods of swearing allegiance to a powerful anomalous entity. The back of SCP-7264-4 is engraved with the coat of arms of King Richard III of England, though additionally surrounded by a depiction of a large coiled animal, possibly a snake or worm. This engraving is covered with an unidentified red liquid which regularly seeps and flows from the wood, despite the theatre's contracted temporal state. Following reports of changes in the contents of page 257, researchers have determined this liquid to be the centre of an expanding sphere of temporal linearisation, causing exposed entities to be brought out of temporal isolation and become able to interact with their surroundings. This has already been observed with the vellum sheet and iron nails decaying and rusting due to the adverse effects of the theatre's geometry. The human male has partially linearised and repeatedly attempts to communicate with the entities surrounding it, though appears to be unaware of the existence of the reader and the perspective of SCP-7264. Analysis of its statements and threats have confirmed previous suspicions regarding its identity. Investigation by Foundation personnel has been unable to determine whether the civilian exhumation of King Richard III's corpse represents a breach of containment or evidence of historical disinformation procedures by an external group. SCP-7264 was discovered by Foundation agents during their exploration of a decommissioned British Occult Service storage building. Accompanying it were expurgated documents created by His Majesty's Foundation for the Study of Curiosities and Phantasmagoria, detailing the creation and use of several powerful alchemical rituals at Penmynydd Hall following Henry VII's victory at the Battle of Bosworth Field and subsequent accession to the throne of England in 1485. The full contents of these files are stated as being historically restricted to the reigning monarch and their approved councillors. Whether similar restrictions are currently in force is unknown; investigation by embedded agents has found no mentions of Penmynydd Hall in the modern British Occult Service database. No evidence exists to confirm the anomalous contents of SCP-7264. Foundation investigation has found no door under Penmynydd Hall, though excavation of the basement uncovered a printing press, heavily stained with blood from multiple persons and engraved with a lyrical exhortation for an unknown individual's permanent imprisonment. Extensive mould growth and insertion of metal hooks into internal portions of machinery have rendered the printing press permanently unusable. Footnotes 1. Wherein the interaction between two anomalous objects of radically different type will result in an imminent alteration of reality or the eradication of all human life. « SCP-7263 | SCP-7264 | SCP-7265 »
Item #: SCP-7265 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: Due to its large nature and population, SCP-7265 is impossible to fully evacuate. Containment efforts should therefore focus on instances of SCP-7265-1. Instances of SCP-7265-1 are to be immediately evacuated and surrounded by opaque fencing, under the guise of being a sinkhole, construction zone, or similar industrial hazard. Two (2) watchtowers should also be erected at the site. Two (2) Class 2 personnel should be assigned to guard each instance of SCP-7265 from the watchtowers, and should appear to be police officers. If a civilian approaches, the guards should first issue a verbal warning. If the civilian continues to approach, they should then be amnesticized and moved several kilometers away from the area. All guards assigned to an instance of SCP-7265 are to be rigorously trained and informed of the anomalous nature of SCP-7265. They are to undergo at least one (1) month of training at Training Site 18, and are to undergo Training Protocol Alpha. This involves, primarily, water-deprivation resistance training. Personnel are only allowed to serve as guards for SCP-7265 sites once they have personally been deemed fit by Location Overseer Landon. All guards for SCP-7265 sites should be given four (4) months of vacation for every one (1) month spent guarding SCP-7265, and are entitled to free counselling. Description: SCP-7265 is used to connote an approximately 150-kilometer-square area of desert in the southwestern United States of America, encompassing parts of Nevada, Utah, and Arizona. This area is presided over by Location 18, a remote research outpost in the Mojave Desert overseen by James Landon. Within SCP-7265 are an indeterminate number of SCP-7265-1. Currently, nine (9) instances of SCP-7265 have been discovered. SCP-7265-1 presents as a cylindrical area (typically 30 to 50 meters in diameter, with apparently no height limit) in which entities will become unnaturally thirsty, and will remain thirsty even if a large amount of water is consumed. Multiple D-Class personnel who were placed inside an instance of SCP-7265-1 reported being drawn toward the center of the area and have stated that, at the time, they were firmly convinced they would find water there. Subjects inside an instance of SCP-7265-1 also refused to drink any water offered to them from outside the zone of influence, calling it words like "inferior" and "impure." In instances where personnel were forcefully inundated, they became violently ill and continued moving towards the center of the area. Upon reaching the center, all entities begin to furiously dig in the sand, and continue doing so until death or forceful removal from the area. Once outside of SCP-7265-1, D-Class personnel reported feeling all signs of thirst fade (except for those that would be deemed normal, considering the environment). After approximately half an hour of digging, entities in SCP-7265-1 will begin to eat the sand and gravel around them, loudly proclaiming it to be the "milk of the gods," among other things. Death typically follows shortly. Autopsies show that death is invariably caused by extreme organ damage, far worse than what would be expected from the ingestion of sand and small pieces of rock. Entities who remain within an approximately one (1)-kilometer radius of an instance of SCP-7265-1 for longer than approximately four (4) hours report feelings of intense thirst that do not subside after drinking water. Because of this, guards assigned to an instance of SCP-7265-1 typically undergo extreme mental duress. To date, five (5) guards have willfully entered the instance of SCP-7265-1 they were guarding, despite knowing what would happen if they did so, in what seemed to be apparent suicides. Other guards have requested transfer after experiencing recurring dreams of a large oasis of water located in the center of the instance of SCP-7265-1 they were guarding. To date, SCP-7265 is believed to have caused the deaths of 39 people, 27 of which were in one cohort. See the Private ████████ Bodycam Video Log. + Private ████████ Bodycam Video Log - Close Private ████████ Bodycam Video Log Date: [REDACTED] Unit Documented: [REDACTED] Platoon, [REDACTED] Regiment, United States Marines The following consists of footage taken from the bodycam of Private ████ ████████, an American soldier in the US Marines. The footage documents said platoon conducting a routine training exercise. All bodies and footage related to the event have been confiscated by the SCP, and all members of the platoon are currently listed as missing, presumed dead. For clarity, all soldiers excepting Private ████████ and First Lieutenant ████████ will be referred to as A-1 through -25. [BEGIN LOG, TIMESTAMP 23:51] Private ████████'s platoon, comprised of 27 soldiers, are sitting in a helicopter, hovering approximately 30 feet above the desert floor, at geographic coordinates ████████ ████████. First Lieutenant ████████ kicks two fast-ropes out the open side of the helicopter. First Lieutenant ████████: Move it, boys! You're on the clock! Let's go, let's go, let's go! Private ███████: (muttering) Jesus Christ, him and his clock. All soldiers in the helicopter fast-rope to the ground. The helicopter overhead leaves. F.L. ████████: Night goggles on, boys. We're in and out, two hours. Rendezvous is half an hour from our hit point. You should have the coords to memory. Hit point is two miles south. I want eyes up, goggles down, safety off. If any of you sons of bitches so much as coughs, I'll have your ungrateful ass court-martialed. Understand, soldiers? ALL: Sir, yes, sir! F.L. ████████: Good. Move out. (The platoon walks in silence for the next fifteen minutes. At timestamp 24:12, the platoon stops five meters away from the edge of SCP-7265-1-7.) F.L. ████████: Alright, boys. You've had an easy enough night. I want tactical formation, two by two, for the next mile. Eyes and ears up. ████ [A-9] and ██ [A-15], head us off. (The soldiers pair off into a predetermined formation and begin to walk in a file, with approximately three meters of space between each pair. At timestamp 24:14, A-9 and A-15 enter SCP-7265-1-7, followed by A-2 and A-20, then Private ███████ and his partner, A-18. A-9 begins to cough.) F.L. ████████: What the fuck did I say about noise? Who is that? (All soldiers inside SCP-7265-1-7 begin to cough.) F.L. ████████: You think this is a fucking joke? If you're going to cough, cough into my goddamn face! (F.L. ████████ enters SCP-7265-1-7. Once inside, he appears to stiffen, then begins coughing. All soldiers inside SCP-7265-1-7 break formation and begin to move toward the center of the area. The other soldiers remain outside SCP-7265-1-7.) A-21: (muffled) The hell do we do? A-7: (muffled) I mean, they're all walking that way. Maybe this is one of those dumbass loyalty tests. A-3: (muffled) Shit, you think? I've heard about those. I hear that if you fail, they DD [dishonorably discharge] you or something. Screw it, I'm cutting my losses. A-24: (muffled) I don't know. This is … weird. Aren't loyalty tests supposed to be about bravery under fire or something? A-19: (muffled) Loyalty is loyalty. C'mon, guys, you know what they say. A Marine can never be too loyal. I'm following. (All soldiers except for A-24 and his partner, A-10, can be heard entering SCP-7265-1-7. They begin to cough and make their way towards the center of the area. Shortly thereafter, Private ███████ reaches the center of SCP-7265-1-7, turns to face A-24 and A-10, and begins to dig.) A-24: What the fuck, guys? A-10: Is this supposed to be some kind of sick joke? (There is no response. Private ███████ and the other soldiers continue to dig in silence for the next six minutes. At timestamp 24:23, A-10 suddenly discharges his gun twice into the air. F.L. ████████ looks towards the noise. He appears to be crying silently.) F.L. ████████: (faintly) So … thirsty. (A-10 and A-24 begin a heated discussion, out of microphone range of the bodycam. At time stamp 24:25, A-10 throws a canteen filled with water towards the digging soldiers. A-8 hurriedly unscrews it and begins drinking from it, but then starts choking and appears to vomit repeatedly.) A-8: Broken! Broken! Impure filth! A-24: That's it. I'm radioing this in. A-8: Beware of false prophets! I know you by your fruits! A-10: Yeah, call it - (A-8 fires two bullets into A-10's head, killing him. A-24 begins to run and A-8 fires five more bullets at him, three of which hit. A-24 collapses and writhes on the ground for two minutes before dying. The soldiers continue to dig in silence. At timestamp 24:50, the soldiers collectively begin to eat the sand.) A-20: (muttering) Beautiful … golden nectar … (The soldiers in SCP-7265-1-7 continue to ramble, mostly nonsensically, for the next twenty minutes. At timestamp 01:11, A-8 [located directly next to Private ████████] vomits blood, keels over, and appears to die.) F.L. ████████: He has it! He has it! The nectar! The milk! The honey! Private ████████: Mine! Mine! (Private ████████ begins to lap at the vomited blood while panting heavily. A-25 runs toward Private ████████ and is shot by A-2. Private ████████ shoots A-2 in the chest before being shot twice in the back. Ballistics analysis later revealed the bullets to have come from A-9's gun. Private ████████ collapses and dies, burying the bodycam in the sand. Sporadic gunfire continues for thirty seconds. Nineteen soldiers are shot to death. The survivors can be heard eating sand for the next fifteen minutes before all vomit blood and die within ten seconds of each other.) [END LOG] - Close
Item #: SCP-7266 Object Class: Archon Special Containment Procedures: It has been determined that allowing SCP-7266 to proceed is the best possible course of action. However, Researcher Clark is to remain at Site-55 for the duration of SCP-7266. Description: SCP-7266 is the designation given to an annual phenomenon affecting Researcher Simon Clark. At exactly 8:00am on October 8th, Clark instantly demanifests for up to eight hours, later remanifesting at the same spot from which he had disappeared. Upon remanifesting, Clark typically carries a number of items within a plastic bag; items found within these bags usually include but are not limited to: Various bags of candy; Food containers, usually holding a slice of a Black Forest Cake;1 Numerous types of firecrackers; Varying amounts of United States currency. Despite being questioned numerous times, Clark has been unable to explain why he is subject to SCP-7266 or what occurs during his absence. Use of mnestic treatment has thus far failed to recover memories. Addendum 7266.1: Containment Efforts Due to the potential risk posed to Clark, numerous proposals were enacted in order to contain the anomaly. Notable proposals are archived below. Proposal: Assign one guard to observe Clark in a testing chamber during an SCP-7266 event. The subject watching Clark is to be treated with Class Y mnestics. Result: At 7:50 am, the guard assigned to watching Clark underwent an unprecedented dissociative episode. Upon regaining lucidity, the guard reported that Clark had disappeared. Notes: The testing chamber's camera footage corrupted for twenty minutes at 7:50 am, clearing up at 8:10 am to reveal that Clark had disappeared. The room was left empty but the cameras remained on to attempt to capture Clark's remanifestation at 2 pm; however, the cameras similarly malfunctioned again from 1:55 pm until 2 pm. Attempts to access the testing chamber by security personnel were met with failure until 2 pm. Upon remanifesting, Clark reported feeling a sense of anxiety. Proposal: Strap Clark to a chair and administer mnestics via automatic injection prior to demanifestation. Result: Clark was administered mnestics at 7:59 am via machine. Immediately following this, a bright light appeared in the room and the restraints on his arms and wrists were heard coming undone. The light and Clark disappeared at 8:00 am. Notes: Clark remanifested haphazardly strapped to the chair at 2:00 pm. Toxicology screenings indicated his blood alcohol level was approximately .15%. Clark was notably distressed upon remanifestation, and stated that he does "not drink, especially not enough to get drunk." He was permitted to take the remainder of the day off to recover. Mnestics were not found to be effective at recalling anything occurring from the time of his disappearance and the time of remanifestation. Proposal: Equip Clark with a suit capable of recording audio and video prior to an SCP-7266 event. Result: The suit's recording software immediately became damaged as soon as the SCP-7266 event occurred. Only a few corrupted segments of recorded video/audio were able to be recovered. Notes: Recovered video showed a brightly lit, spacious room obscured by an unknown object. The recovered audio consists of an unintelligible, rhythmic chanting. Clark once again reported feeling anxiety upon remanifestation. Notably, Clark remanifested with a .04% alcohol blood level, but was not intoxicated. Proposal: Place Clark in a testing chamber with numerous active Scranton reality anchors prior to an SCP-7266 event. Result: See incident 7266-A. Addendum 7266.2: Incident 7266-A On October 8th, 2022, Site-55 underwent a local reality failure scenario between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:00 pm. No personnel present at the Site are capable of recalling what occurred between the aforementioned hours2, save for Researcher Clark. The following is a log of an interview carried out with Clark in order to understand the circumstances behind SCP-7266. Interviewed: Researcher Simon Clark Interviewer: Doctor Roberto Santos <BEGIN LOG> Santos: Okay, so just so we're clear here, you can actually remember it this time? Clark: Yeah! And I'm surprised none of you do. Santos: Why is that? Clark: Well, for starters you were all there. Santos: What do you mean by 'all'? Clark: All of you. Everyone. Santos: So you're telling me everyone in this Site partook in this SCP-7266 manifestation. Clark: Yes. You, Director Alder, Doctor Everwood, Thereven, even the anomalies. Señor Taste, Señor Boom, and Mr. Laugh were all there. Santos: Where is 'there', anyway? Clark: The Site cafeteria. Santos: Sounds like it would be a tight fit for everyone in the Site to be there at the same time. Clark: That was part of the anomaly. It got bigger for everyone to fit inside. Santos: And why didn't we find the anomalies outside of containment when SCP-7266 was over? Clark: Because they all went back to their containment chambers before it was over. Santos: Uh-huh. And I suppose all the staff just went back to their station before SCP-7266 finished as well? Clark: Yes. [Silence on the recording.] Clark: Please don't look at me like that. I'm not lying, I swear! Santos: I have no recollection of the past few hours and neither does anyone else I've spoken to. You're the only one who does. I don't know if you would lie to me, but I have a firm suspicion that there's something you're not telling me here. Clark: Why is that? Santos: A good number of staff are reporting headaches, nausea, and a degree of exhaustion following SCP-7266. I myself am not feeling the best right now, either. You displayed similar effects last year and the year before that. Plus everyone we've had run through a BAC test returns confirmation of alcohol consumption. Including you. Clark: Yeah, so? Santos: What exactly did everyone do during SCP-7266, Simon? Clark: I don't know if I'm really comfortable talking about it. Santos: Do I need to get the mnestics again? Maybe they will jog your memory a little. Clark: Ugh, please no more of those. They taste like horse piss. Santos: So I'm told. But anyway, there's something you're not telling me, and we aren't leaving this office until you come clean. Clark: I really don't know if I want to talk about it. It's a personal thing. Santos: Fine. But if you won't tell me, Director Alder won't be happy. And she's already nursing quite the headache from this little situation, so I don't know if she will be lenient with you. [Clark sighs.] Santos: So, Simon, tell me about SCP-7266. Clark: It… It's my birthday party. Santos: Your… birthday party? [The sound of papers shuffling is audible.] Santos: Your file says your birthday is January 1st. Why would SCP-7266 celebrate your birthday now? Clark: I purposefully filled it in wrong when I was hired. Santos: Why didn't you ever tell anyone that October 8th is your birthday? Hell, I've been working with you on SCP-7266 for years and I only just found out. Clark: It's personal. Santos: You better have a good reason or I swear I'm going to smack you with this clipboard. Clark: I do! It's personal! Santos: Simon, I'm your friend. Clark: Don't pull that on me… Come on… Santos: You come on. Clark: Ugh. Santos: Tell me or I'll have Elliot come in here and force-feed you mnestics. Clark: Okay, okay, fine! Santos: I knew those mnestics would be good for something, hehe. Clark: It's… complicated. Santos: Well, out with it already. Clark: Okay. I grew up a Jehovah's Witness. We didn't celebrate birthdays, holidays, or really anything for that matter. [A light thump is audible.] Clark: Ow! Santos: That's what you get for giving me and everyone else headaches over your birthday anxieties. Why didn't you think to tell me that? Clark: I just… I don't know. I guess I didn't want to believe that it was linked to my past like that. I was desperate to get away from the faith when I left, so thinking about it makes me feel weird. Santos: Ah, so you no longer practice. Clark: God, no. Santos: I see. [Silence on the recording.] Santos: Huh. So that explains that. Clark: What? Santos: Why you always felt anxious when you came back. Clark: I guess it's because a part of me feels guilty that I've celebrated my birthday now, and I subconsciously knew about it, I suppose. Santos: Is the faith really that strict? Clark: My parents would get really mad at me for even bringing birthday party invitations home. It seemed like such a bad thing to do as a kid that I guess it's been forever ingrained into my brain. Oh God, they would be so angry if they found out about this. Santos: I think they would understand; this isn't something that you can control. Clark: I doubt it. They're already disappointed that their daughter turned out to be a son. All I can think about is how everyone at the Kingdom Hall would be disappointed in me. I can feel their stares… Ugh. Santos: You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, Simon. You're the victim of an anomaly. Clark: I guess… but I enjoyed myself. Santos: I take it you've always wanted to have a birthday party? Clark: Yeah. Even after I left the faith I still didn't celebrate my own birthday for some reason. Call it suppressed trauma I guess. And now suddenly I got to spend some time with my friends, you know, drinking, talking, dancing, having fun… It feels… nice. Santos: Shame no one else remembers it. Clark: I think what matters is that I do. I think I'm going to ask for my birthday off next year. Maybe go to a bar. I've never done that before. Santos: I hope you have fun then. Clark: Are we done here? Santos: Sort of. We're probably going to classify this as Archon since we don't know if it's going to happen again, but we'll probably want to keep you under supervision. The only mystery now is figuring out who or what keeps taking you out on these birthday benders every year, but I think I have an idea as to how to stop it. Clark: Mind sharing it? Santos: Not yet. I need to workshop it. Clark: Alright. Thank you for not being mad at me, by the way. Santos: It's no problem. Clark: Either way, thank you. [The sound of a chair moving back is audible.] Santos: Oh, Simon? Clark: Yeah? Santos: Happy birthday, kid. <END LOG> Addendum 7266.3: Proposed Special Containment Procedures Update Special Containment Procedures: Site-55 is to hold a yearly birthday party for Researcher Simon Clark in the Site cafeteria. The party is to be held on October 8th starting at 8 am and ending at 2 pm. Black Forest cake is to be prepared by the Site cafeteria ahead of time and the SCP-7266 budget is to be used to purchase party supplies. All personnel are encouraged to attend. Footnotes 1. Notably, this is Clark's favorite kind of cake. 2. Additionally, security cameras were unable to record details of Incident 7266-A, as they were all destroyed by the onset of the event. « SCP-7265 | SCP-7266 | SCP-7267 » More From This Author More From This Author Uncle Nicolini's Works SCPs SCP-057-INT • SCP-3867 • SCP-7724 • SCP-4056 • MDI-6726 • SCP-3923 • SCP-6832 • SCP-7573 • SCP-PL-274 • SCP-3756 • SCP-6161 • SCP-3874 • SCP-3803 • SCP-4432 • SCP-7149 • Tales/GoI Formats Ace Of Hearts • Tactical Theology Disciplinary Meeting for Diana Ribiero • The Hermit, Death, and The Devil • Classy Carlos Goes To Therapy • Cool Guys Don't Look At Explosions • Fanfa • RAISA-6147 (PENDING ASSIGNMENT) • Critter Profile: Chuck. • Masquerade's End • La Persistencia De La Memoria • Critter Profile: Sandra And George! • Chasing The Union • Reality TV, Designer Pets, and Fine Dining • SCP-049-ΩK • Gentle Wings Flutter Quietly In The Dark • Other uncle nicolini author page • Ode To The Unknown Author • Sciptember 2022 Art Highlights •
Item #: SCP-7267 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Once an SCP-7267 instance is triggered, cameras must be manually manoeuvred in order to gain a clear recording of the event. Warnings have been added to previously erected signage by the Federal Government of Brazil; due to age, official condemnations of the property have deteriorated and are largely illegible. Urban explorers, squatters and opportunists are to be left undisturbed if intruding on the property, as they may trigger SCP-7267 events integral to research progress. Description: SCP-7267 is a series of related anomalous phenomena occurring within the grounds of Colégio Santo António secondary school, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. SCP-7267 events involve incongruences between the present physical state of the school and a suspected previous state in the property's history, often additionally manifesting spectral presences and unexplained movements. Witnesses of these events experience abnormal effects to their emotional and mental states, such as dissociation from reality, insertion of foreign memories and thoughts, auditory and visual hallucinations, and in rare cases, extreme lucidity. Exploration of the building reveals significant detritus accumulated inside the school and its external facilities. The first floor is littered with papers, folders and school bags, whilst the second floor is largely empty of clutter. All first and second-floor windows have been broken. Notably, only a small number of first-floor rooms have glass shards covering the floor space in front of windows, implying windows were shattered from the outside. Many of the school's doors are heavily obstructed with makeshift barricades formed from available debris, including chairs and desks from nearby classrooms. The school's extended grounds are overgrown but comparatively undisturbed. Historical Information: Due to the recent discovery of SCP-7267, there is little first-hand Foundation documentation regarding the school and its surrounding property, as well as the age of the SCP-7267 anomaly. According to Government records1, in May 1968 the Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture (Ministério da Educação e Cultura) pushed a renewed education scheme, involving the building of new schools and introduction of a new curriculum. The budget for the school was redirected to other projects and soon after the school lacked the necessary funding to remain open. Following the opening of alternative secondary schools in the local area after the dissolution of the Fifth Brazilian Republic in 1985, the building was never re-established. The school was deemed unsafe for use due to structural decay and the presence of asbestos and was eventually permanently condemned. Upon initial exploration of the building, no anomalous phenomena were observed. This result was consistent with the school's anomalous history (or lack thereof), however, frequent local legends prevented the Foundation from disregarding the school as an active anomaly. Two months following this, a video containing the school was posted to a public forum and was subsequently flagged. The individuals responsible could not be found. Footage begins with the individuals approaching the school, presumably after bypassing the front gate. The video timestamp displays 18:27. The sun is setting on the right of the school, while the left side is heavily shadowed. The pair reach the front entrance, large double doors without windows. After repeated failed attempts at ingress, the second individual notices a broken window on the right side of the school and climbs through. The cameraman follows. They enter into a large office space, illuminated through the windows on the right wall. The room is littered with glass and papers, and the imprint of a chair and desk, both now absent, can be observed on the floor. The two move on, exiting the room by a door at the far left end. They emerge into a foyer, comparatively dark due to a lack of windows. They both activate flashlights. On their left, the front entrance can now be seen, a mass of deteriorated chairs and desks barricading the double doors, in addition to dirt and debris. The corridor walls are covered in graffiti, on top of the peeling paint. Situated opposite the office door is a hallway leading further into the building. The two men travel down the corridor, encountering little of note save for two minor events. While exploring the cafeteria, a loud metallic bang is heard from the kitchen; upon inspection, a cooking tray was found to have fallen off the counter. Inside the library, the sound of crunching is audible with every step; a plume of dust draws the cameraman's attention. Returning to the foyer, the two men approach the barricade. The second one grabs a broken chair leg and begins prodding the pile, but in doing so he upturns a broken desk, revealing a large nest of scorpions. Both men exclaim and lurch back from the infestation. The cameraman stumbles and drops the recording device, however, it is held on their person presumably by a neck strap.2 Suddenly, the corridor walls are plastered with posters displaying phrases illegible due to motion blur but clearly repeating. There are red strokes of spray paint overlapping in sweeping lines on the walls, in crude formations of words. The camera stutters; the two panic and frantically enter the office, moving towards the entrance window. In the darkness, they climb through and begin running. They turn back to look at the school—great smoke plumes are rising from the roof and dark silhouetted figures enter through windows and doors; there is a stampeding noise, and shouting from the second floor. The camera pans away and the footage ends. After this occurrence, the school was immediately blacklisted and Special Containment Procedures were established. The following is a list of notable documented SCP-7267 occurrences. Addendum 7267.2: Events DATE EVENT 12th March 2008 A cat enters the school through a broken window. Soon after, the school's bell system activates and begins ringing periodically throughout the day, despite the electrical wiring within the school being nonfunctional for over 20 years prior to the event. The final ring is at 13:00. 9th April 2008 A tree falls, disturbing a flock of birds which fly towards the roof of the school. Upon touching the roof, the birds immediately panic, flying in circles and dispersing away from the building. 25th April 2008 A silhouette stands by a first-floor window for four minutes, before walking away. This event was only by one camera on the outer side of the property. The other cameras displayed static. 27th April 2008 A group of four adolescents enter the school from the East side and begin spray-painting various walls. Immediately upon their exit, the blackboard in the Year 10 classroom manifests chalk writings that continue until the board is covered. The writings are haphazard and unorganized, overlapping each other. Microphones record the screeching of chalk for one hour before the event ceases. 28th April 2008 Similar chalk writings spread throughout the classrooms, mimicking the style of the initial manifestation. Manifested words are universally related to school subjects, such as História, Filosophia and Literatura. 12th May 2008 A 33 year old man, identified as Gabriel Azevedo, scales the property wall and enters the building through the gymnasium side entrance. He explores the school extensively, encountering no anomalous phenomena or mundane hazards. However, upon attempted exit of the building three hours into exploration, all doors separating school buildings are sealed and all windows are spontaneously repaired and cannot be opened. The individual attempts to break windows of the first-floor rooms in the main school building—they remain intact. He attempts to open second-floor windows to no avail. Then, he begins moving the debris blocking the entrance doorway, but ceases after disturbing the scorpion infestation therein. After two hours, he calls the emergency services which redirects to Foundation lines. The Foundation operator informs him of the nature of the anomaly and immediately the building is reverted to a ruined state. The individual is retrieved safely and amnesticised. Four hours after the incident, the roof of the gymnasium spontaneously collapsed, the first documented case of significant structural damage on the property. This event dislodged the camera, causing it to fall and face upwards. Over the course of the next three days, the camera view is covered in plant growth. The wood of the building rots and withers. Microphones intermittently record the sound of muffled talking. The recordings were interpreted by Lusophone Foundation agents, but due to the damage to surveillance equipment, should not be treated as definitive. The phrase 'eles não podem parar todos nós'3, and repeated references to 'a marcha'4, or 'o dia'5 recur throughout the recordings. After this point, SCP-7267 events experience a sudden intensification, causing further destruction of the property and larger-scale anomalous effects. DATE EVENT 15th May 2008 A pair of boot footprints are seen traversing through the school for up to an hour, etching the boot imprints into the floor, regardless of debris or presence of dust. The prints move throughout the school, stopping at doors and occasionally entering rooms. In rooms with blackboards, the footprints stop in front and overwrite the white chalk words with a singular unique phrase, written in green. 1st June 2008 A 17 year old boy, identified as Oscar Hernandez, scales the building and enters through a 2nd-story window on the west side. While exploring, surveillance cameras observe reflective surfaces containing shadowed silhouettes in the rooms the individual traverses. As the exploration continues, the number of silhouettes increases, with each increase corresponding with the passing of the following rooms: Bathroom W-5; Music Room; Year 12 Classroom. The individual enters bathroom W-5 to utilise one of the out-of-operation urinals; there is now an indeterminable amount of figures within the mirror. He has not noticed the anomaly once during the exploration, and exits the building through the window he entered. The silhouettes remain standing in the bathroom, before fading away one by one. The last figure places a hand on the mirror before demanifesting. Two hours following this incident, plant overgrowth was found to be exacerbated within the building. This growth caused significant deterioration around many of the entryways, and was most concentrated in the gymnasium, the east side entrance of the school, and an office near the front entrance. 10th June 2008 A Foundation agent is deployed to fix a camera in the cafeteria. Upon entering, the agent remarks on the smell of rotting food, but continues to attend to the equipment. N/A Numerous camera failures occur, causing recordings of three destruction events to be lost. 17th June 2008 A heavy cloud forms over the school, growing and spreading across the neighbourhood. It begins to rain. Rainfall continued for three days following this incident. Coinciding with the rain was the commencement of Festas Juninas, or the June Festivals. The local authorities issued a Yellow flood warning, however festivities continued. Due to the constant precipitation, the school building suffered flooding and extensive water damages, with the cafeteria, the backside of the building, and the westside of the building almost entirely collapsing. On 21st June, 2008, the Federative Government of Brazil ordered the property to be demolished. Later that evening, the weather quickly worsened into a thunderstorm, followed by all surveillance cameras on the school grounds shutting down. Foundation agents were unable to approach the property in time due to the large crowds surrounding the school in the square, causing significant road blockages. The closest remote observation device was a nearby street camera, which was redirected to Foundation control. Due to the angle of the camera, Colégio Santo António could not be properly viewed, only part of the eastside and the street next to it were visible. Additionally, the light of the festival bonfire caused extreme glare in the camera lens, rendering the footage unusable. After the weather had cleared the next day, the entire roof of the building was found to have been completely caved in and the contents of all rooms were entirely flooded. The front school gate had been forced open. Below is an eyewitness account translated from Portuguese. …I still remember, after sundown. It had rained for four nights and the stormdrains were struggling. It felt like the streets were flooded with people and water, all moving towards the square. It was all dancing and colour, soaked through, thanking the rain for coming… And our eyes stung in the sudden smoke—they had lit the fogueira, we thought. Bright and burning, we blinked through the rain and the smokey wind and the celebrations began. But it was the school burning, not the fire. Even as the festivals started the firemen did not come. It was only a few of us, pushing through the crowd to cling against rusted fence posts and brick walls. It had rained for four nights and somehow it burned and stayed burning. And I do not know if it was the drinks, the crowd pushing against my back. I was dazed. Almost alive; the festival music was not as loud as those shadows dancing into the building. The glass shattered and I knew it was the young men and women who were fighting, their desperate cries and I closed my eyes and I saw them. Papers flying, the splintering of wood and tar in bottles and wrists sore and faces down on bloody floors and a chant of which I did not know the origin. abaixo a ditadura… povo no poder…6 I opened my eyes and the building stood. The school we had avoided as kids. I had never asked questions, I didn't want to meet the ghosts who lived there. Sometime I wandered back into the crowd. They had lit the foqueira and we had started celebrating but I did not blink from its smoke. I heard those cries behind me and turned back, for a moment. abaixo a ditadura… povo no poder… Raging against the shadows, an inferno, alone. « SCP-7266 | SCP-7267 | SCP-7268 » Footnotes 1. From records of the now-collapsed military dictatorship of 1964-85. 2. Due to this, the following seconds of footage are confused. 3. They cannot stop us all 4. The march 5. The day 6. Down with the dictatorship… power to the people…
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It does not necessarily reflect the views of the SCP Foundation. Item #: SCP-7268 Level 0 Object Class: Safe Public Domain Eta Cassiopeiae Ab. SCP-7268 is, according to observation, centered on this planet. Special Containment Procedures: Travel to and from the Eta Cassiopeiae system is explicitly off-limits, as ordered by the SCP Foundation, the UN, the SCA, and the ISA. Any ships in violation of this quarantine will be subject to immediate termination and decommissioning. Description: SCP-7268 is a field of indeterminate nature emanating from Eta Cassiopeiae Ab. While this field is not detectable by current instrumentation, its effect can be observed. In the presence of SCP-7268, high-complexity organic molecules utilizing phosphorus (i.e., phospholipids, RNA, DNA) cannot form, though simpler organic molecules, such as amino acids, have been observed. Addendum: SCP-7268 was discovered and described by Dr. Rosalind Carson, a non-Foundation scientist, during the Viracocha mission to Eta Cassiopeiae. The file was authorized by the UN, overriding an O5 vote. To: James Gould From: Dr. Daniel Ogonowski Date: August 13, 2247 Time: 4:38 p.m. Subject: Sorry about this This is one of those good news/bad news things, and I'll start off with the good. Your job is fine. Though the mushroom project is suspended for now. Now for the bad. These are orders from the O5 Council itself, so there's literally nothing I can do. Effective Dec. 15, you will be serving a 3-year stint on Swayambhu Station, in orbit around 55 Serpens d, both as an exobiologist and as a representative of the SCP Foundation, to confirm the presence of SCP-7268. But you know the deal with Swayambhu. You know who's in charge. She asked for you, and since you're the only exobiologist we have, we can't send a substitute. Dr. Carson suspects SCP-7268 is present on d, same as on Eta Cassiopeiae Ab. We could argue the point, since the whole point of 7268 is that it only exists at Eta Cassiopeiae, but it's quicker to send you. Arguing with her via 6-month gaps would take a long time. And just between us, I think the Council is hoping you can confirm the Foundation's stance on 7268. Get humanity over the hump so we can move forward as a species. And we need the push. I saw a poll a while back; apparently more than half of Americans still believe extraterrestrial life is out there. I've got a bridge to sell those people. Some more good news: You've got 4 months to get everything in order, and we managed to get you a 30% increase on the normal field pay rate. Over 3 years, that'll be a hefty sum. Hoping it's enough to cover the initiation fee to that famous golf course on Crystal Lake you're always raving about when you get back. Crystal Downs, right? Once again, I'm so, so sorry to spring this on you, especially since you won't see the email until Monday. Hell of a thing to walk into after a beautiful weekend like we're supposed to have. Dr. Ogonowski Head of Site 78 Traverse City, Mich. 55 Serpens d, from orbit. Date: Jan. 6, 2248. 4:11 p.m., station time The following is a curated video transcript from James Gould's personal drone: Dr. Gould is unpacking in a small, metal-lined bedroom. He is visibly unhappy, and occasionally massages his scalp. A chime plays on the intercom, and he looks at the door. “Come in,” he says. The door opens, and a short, middle-aged woman in her 80s enters. She smiles, but keeps her distance. “It's good to see you, James. It's been too long.” He turns away, digging into his bag. “Dr. Carson.” She frowns. “I wasn't expecting you to call me Auntie Rosie anymore, but doctor?” “What can I do for you?” She sighs. “How was the trip?” “Don't remember a thing. Suppose I'm relieved I even woke up at all.” “James, don't be- as long as the artificial coma process is correctly administered, there's 0% chance of developing HID.”1 “I know how hyperspace travel works.” “Of course you do, I …” she trails off, tapping her fingers on the adjacent wall. “Oh, we cleared out a space for that golf simulator you brought. The dimensions aren't exactly what you asked, but in terms of volume, it's actually bigger.” “I'll make it work.” She smiles. “I'd have never taken you for a golfer when you were growing up, but you caught the bug bad, didn't you?” “Wouldn't you know it, big green open spaces appeal to me. Shame I won't be seeing any of those for 3 goddamn years.” He groans and turns around. “Look, the gravity here's screwing with my head, I haven't been on a spin station in a very long time. I need-” She holds a hand up. “I understand. You're not the only one. Get yourself to the medbay as soon as you can. We'll start tomorrow at 9. Sound good?” Dr. Gould nods and Dr. Carson exits. He rummages through his bag and pulls out a bottle of vodka. He unscrews the lid and drinks straight from the bottle. Date: Jan. 7, 2248. 1:53 p.m., station time The following is a curated video transcript from James Gould's personal drone: Dr. Carson and Dr. Gould enter a lab. Computers and desks cluster in the center of the room, with a series of large chambers lining the walls. “And this where the magic happens,” Dr. Carson says. “Not literally of course. I know that's the Foundation's domain, and your Merlins get real persnickety when us normal people step on their toes.” “They might be nicer if you kept the slang away from them,” Dr. Gould says. “Thaumaturges, doctor, they prefer the term thaumaturge. Maybe if you'd indulged them you could have convinced one to maintain a grav generator here. I feel like my shoes have lead in them.” “No offense, James, I understand why you joined the Foundation, but I want as little to do with those xenophobes and control freaks as I can.” “And yet this is the second time you've called on them.” “It wasn't my first choice,” Dr. Carson says. “Anyway, welcome to the life lab. This is where we'll be working. Since we haven't found any native life yet, we've modified the holding chambers to induce abiogenesis utilizing native Manu-Yemoan2 material.” “Try to induce.” Dr. Gould walks over to a window, filled with a cloudy slurry and sparking with miniature bolts of plasma, and taps on the glass. “Right?” Her smile remains firm. “Of course. Actually, I had some materials shipped from Earth along with you; we're going to run the Urey-Miller-Fatima3 process on that to provide a proper control sample.” “We should mix materials too,” Dr. Gould says. “Some from Earth, some from D. Deuterium label4 the Earth sample to keep them straight.” “That's an excellent idea!” Dr. Carson moves to place a hand on Dr. Gould's shoulder. “You seemed out of it this morning, but I'm glad you're coming around.” Dr. Gould glares at her until she drops her hand. “If you wanted a naïve PhD student to butter up with faint praise, you missed the boat by 10 years.” “Of course,” she says. She stammers for a moment, then regains her placid smile. “Why don't I leave you here so you can catch up on everything we've learned so far? I should go check in with the geology department, apparently they found some interesting crystal formation near a volcano on the northern continent.” “Oh, aren't you going to explain how these computers work?” “I understand that you're upset about being here, and that our past gives you leeway, but I expect you to maintain some level of professionalism while on the job, Dr. Gould.” “Fine. Professionalism. You got it.” Dr. Gould sits at a computer and links the drone to download data. “Frankly, I'm jealous. I get homework and you get to learn something new from people who aren't wasting their time on a dead rock.” “It's a big planet, and we've only been here 2 years. We'll find something. Maybe life, maybe another instance of your SCP-7268. Who knows, and I'm excited to find out.” “You really can't help cheerleading, can you?” Dr. Gould asks. “You sound like the damn Luna Tourism Board. Come to Luna, it's not just an airless, radiation-blasted rock, we swear. First stepping stone to the stars my ass, the Apollos are not worth the trip.” “Well, I was-” “I know, biology student by day, cheerleader by night, I've heard the story a million times. Your old professors never stopped talking about you. No one who knew you could. Must be how you've convinced half the System to keep funding you, since it certainly isn't your results.” “Your definition of professionalism leaves something to be desired.” Dr. Gould snaps to attention with a full salute. “Apologies, ma'am! I shall endeavor to fulfill the assignment given to me with the utmost of my abilities!” “God, that Foundation turned you into a real ass.” She chuckles. “But you're working for the good guys now. I'll see you later.” Life survey 1 (Feb. 25, 2246) Latitude 45.9° S Longitude 134.6° W Environment type Hydrothermal vents on near-surface mid-ocean ridge Elevation –240 meters Results Mass spectrometry detected numerous organic molecules, including but not limited to 54 separate amino acids, sterols, fatty acids, and sugars such as ribose. Long-chain nucleic acids (i.e., RNA and DNA) and lipids not present. Probability of life 0.1% Life survey 4 (June 13, 2246) Latitude 23.8° N Longitude 31.1° W Environment type Intertidal zone. Igneous rock base, laid by active volcano 2.5 kilometers away. Atmosphere 54% nitrogen, 30% carbon dioxide, 5% water vapor, 5% methane, 3% hydrogen sulfide, 3% other gases Elevation –1 meters Results Mass spectrometry detected numerous organic molecules, including but not limited to 42 separate amino acids, sterols, fatty acids, and sugars such as ribose. Long-chain nucleic acids and lipids not present. Probability of life 0.1% Life survey 15 (Jan. 28, 2247) Latitude 2.4° S Longitude 98.3° E Environment type Hydrothermal vents on mid-ocean ridge Elevation –3,280 meters Results Mass spectrometry detected numerous organic molecules, including but not limited to 28 separate amino acids, sterols, fatty acids, and sugars such as ribose. Long-chain nucleic acids and lipids not present. Probability of life 0.1% Results of Urey-Miller-Fatima experiments* Note: For all experiments, UMF chambers included water, methane, ammonia, hydrogen, and phosphorus. Atmosphere within chamber matches that of 55 Serpens d, pressurized to 5 bar. Rock bed is igneous, consistent with hydrothermal vents, and superheated water filled with sulfides is constantly cycled through, in addition to constant 600 V stimulation of chamber. Experiment 1: Control (all materials sourced from Earth) Result: Amino acids and lipids form in 11 days. Basic RNA is detected 74 days after experiment start. Proto-membranes form 3 days later. RNA forms basic ribosomes at day 98. Cell mitosis begins at day 113. Cells are basic chemolithotrophic prokaryotes, oxidizing sulfur to grow and reproduce. Experiment 2: All materials sourced from 55 Serpens d Result: Amino acids and basic lipids form in 15 days. Various sugars, including ribose, also appear in this time period. No other activity has occurred as of day 133. Experiment 3: Materials sourced from both Earth and 55 Serpens d at a 50/50 mix. Approximately 5% of water from Earth utilizes deuterium rather than hydrogen-1. Result: Amino acids and basic lipids form in 17 days. Various sugars, including ribose, also appear in this time period. No other activity has occurred as of day 133. If nothing else, Dr. Carson is remarkably meticulous and thorough with her research. It's taken a month to catch up. Twenty comprehensive life surveys and months of UMF experiment observations. Any other field and I'd be mired in catch-up reports for years. But exobiology, I know the answer ahead of time. Thousands and thousands of pages of negative everything. Every damn day drives the point home a little bit harder. I don't want to do this for 3 years. At least back home I could pretend to be useful. –JG Life survey 21* (March 9, 2248) Note: Probe 4 modified on Feb. 27, 2248 to include anomaly-detecting instrumentation Latitude 45.7° S Longitude 134.5° W Environment type Hydrothermal vents on near-surface mid-ocean ridge Elevation –320 meters Results Mass spectrometry detected numerous organic molecules, including but not limited to 54 separate amino acids, sterols, fatty acids, and sugars such as ribose. Long-chain nucleic acids (i.e., RNA and DNA) and lipids not present. Hume levels 0.98 Anomalies detected Negative Probability of life 0.1% An image on the surface of 55 Serpens d. A small lake in a group of low hills on the northern continent. Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: May 24, 2248 Exploration Team: Dr. Rosalind Carson and Dr. James Gould Location: 55 Serpens d, latitude: 55.6° N, longitude: 32.1° W Note: Audio from Dr. Carson and Dr. Gould recorded by pressure suit equipment and transmitted to Dr. Gould's personal drone, which recorded video and ambient audio. Two figures in environmental pressure suits stand along the shores of a lake within a volcanic caldera. The sides are steep and massive rocks jut out at every opportune angle. The center of the lake boils and is obscured by a thick wall of steam. Dr. Gould raises an instrument out of the water. “Temperature, 350 Kelvin; pH, 4.2. Not exactly a prime spot for life here.” “They don't call ‘em extremophiles for nothing,” Dr. Carson says. “Life can always find a way.” Dr. Gould sighs. “Let's get the next monitoring station set up at sector 5. I'd like to get out of here as quick as I can.” “Oh, come on, James, we spend so much time up on the station, staring at computers, letting robots do all the exploring for us. We should enjoy our time down here.” Dr. Gould stops and glances around. “Putting aside the poisonous atmosphere, a boiling lake on a dead planet isn't exactly my idea of a vacation spot.” “It used to be.” Dr. Carson says as they resume walking. “How many summers did you spend with me when you were young, gallivanting around the Solar System? That's why I came with you today, I thought maybe we could … this is just like the old days, you know?” Dr. Gould waves another instrument around. “Hume levels at 0.95. Little low, but still within normal. Atmospheric conditions probably the cause, but still, worth recording.” “Do you remember how excited you were when your parents finally let you go with me on one of my trips to the field? There you were, still shorter than me back in those days, with your backpack positively bursting at the seams, knocking on my door at 6 in the morning. You were too excited to sleep, you'd spent your entire life on Lovell Station, and finally you were going to step foot on real solid ground. Oh, the crew at Tharsis base were so confused at first, what's a kid doing here, he's gonna get in the way, but you proved them wrong, didn't you?” “As I recall, I helped catalog inventory for most of the trip.” “Because you wanted to check every rock for life! You were sorting faster than they could bring them in by then.” “Looking back, I'm pretty sure some child labor laws were violated. The Martian Research Association definitely owes me a month's wages, and they're not the only ones.” “Oh, James, don't be like that, it was a great learning experience! I wish you could go back and see your younger self, I think he'd have a thing or two to say to you now.” Dr. Gould stops, dropping the tools. “Fine, but I can talk to him too, and I'd tell him he was a damn idiot for getting caught up in your bullshit.” “Excuse me?” “Of course I was the perfect little student back, what did you expect? I was a little geek growing up, no friends, no social life, and my parents? They didn't … they tried, but they weren't what I needed. And then one of the most famous scientists in the System moves in next door? Finally someone who understands, someone who indulges me. I worshiped you, hung on your every word, and I bought into your whole goddamn fantasy world.” “My what?” Dr. Gould glances down, and picks up his instruments. “You really do believe it, don't you? That we'll find life.” “Of course I do. In an infinite cosmos, the odds of Earth being the only inhabited planet … it's impossible. The universe doesn't work like that. It doesn't do anything just once. It may not be here, it may not exist in this galaxy, but we are not alone.” “Then you've got a lot more faith than I do.” Dr. Gould looks over his Kant counter and smacks it. “Apparently we've moved into a section of extreme reality. 45 Humes is nothing to sneeze at. They send me a hundred light years out, but they can't give me decent equipment. Typical.” Dr. Carson sighs deeply. “If you ever want to talk, you know where to find me.” Dr. Gould hits the counter again, then takes out the battery and plugs it back in. He shakes the devices and flicks the screen. “Back to 0.96. It was exciting while it lasted.” Life survey 28 (May 24, 2248) Latitude 55.6° N Longitude 32.1° W Environment type Flooded fumarole. Lake is approximately 2 km long and 1.4 km wide. Water temperature at least 373 K at center, cooling slightly at shoreline. Elevation 1,390 meters Results Mass spectrometry detected few organic molecules. Lake water heavy in sulfurous molecules. Hume level 0.99 Anomalies detected Negative Probability of life 0.1% Progress Report: 6 Months Message sent: July 8, 2248 Message received: Aug. 2, 2248 I could have written this report when I first got to this godforsaken wheel. I knew what I'd find. Nothing. There's nothing. No life, no anomalies, just a dead planet, floating in a dead universe. And yet … It doesn't make sense. Even the rarest of Rare Earth theorists have to admit 55 Serpens d has everything it needs. Class G star, multiple gas giants in the outer solar system to screen comets, stable orbit, a large moon to stabilize the axis and provide significant tides, the right organics, the energy to power volcanism, and a strong magnetic field. I thought I'd lost all my hope years ago. But I can't deny feeling the tiniest spark 6 months ago. And I think I feel worse for it. Dr. Carson is … I can't understand her. Almost 50 years in the field, and she's still the same woman I knew when I was a kid. Anyway, I've dumped everything into the computer, so the mainframe can sort it out back home. The O5s are welcome to scour the data if they want, but they'll be wasting their time. I'm also including the footage from my drone, but I wouldn't recommend that either. Unless you want to watch me drunkenly flirting with Dr. Aggarwal from Oceanography. Ah hell, I'll save you the trouble, April 24, 10:40 ish. She's cute, and I'm a clumsy drunk. Comedy ensues. We're okay, by the way. She was flattered, but she's got someone back home. Must be nice. I know what the answer will be, but I have to ask anyway: Get me out of here. Clear out a space on the next ship, I'll pay anything. I don't need 3 years, and I can't take this place for much longer. My head hasn't felt right the entire time, and I don't care how realistic the simulator is, my swing is suffering. Not sure what else to say, I've never been great at these reports, especially when I don't actually have anything to report. Sincerely, Dr. James Gould P.S., to whoever thought to include the pro golf broadcasts from the past 6 months, I swear my first-born child's life to you. Life survey 35 (Aug. 17, 2248) Latitude 33.6° N Longitude 83.5° E Environment type High plateau, dotted by lakes. Region uplifted by continental orogeny Elevation 3,900 meters Results Mass spectrometry detected moderate amount of organic molecules, including 12 separate amino acids, sterols, and basic sugars. Long-chain nucleic acids (i.e., RNA and DNA) and lipids not present. Hume levels 1.02 Anomalies detected Negative Probability of life 0.1% If I see many more of these goddamn negative surveys, I swear I'm going to walk out the nearest airlock. –JG Life survey 42 (Sept. 30, 2248) Latitude 21.6° S Longitude 177.5° E Environment type Alluvial plain, adjacent to major river (estimated length, 1,418 kilometers; estimated discharge, 11,000 m3/s) Elevation 50 meters Results Mass spectrometry detected numerous organic molecules, including 33 separate amino acids, sterols, and sugars such as ribose. Long-chain nucleic acids (i.e., RNA and DNA) and lipids not present. Hume levels 0.99 Anomalies detected Negative Probability of life 0.1% At least give me an anomaly to study. Anything. Something other than bare rock and poisonous air. The hangover pills are losing their edge, and I can't face the night sober. Everyone here thinks I'm a joke, but as long as the alcohol keeps flowing, at least I'm a drunk joke. –JG Life survey 51 (Nov. 19, 2248) Latitude 48.0° N Longitude 157.5° E Environment type Sandy reef in shallow inland sea Elevation –10 meters Results Mass spectrometry detected numerous organic molecules, including 64 separate amino acids, sterols, fatty acids, and sugars such as ribose. Long-chain nucleic acids (i.e., RNA and DNA) and lipids not present. Hume levels 1.00 Anomalies detected Negative Probability of life 0.1% I hate this fucking planet, I hate this fucking station, I still feel dizzy all the fucking time, whose brilliant fucking idea was it- Apparently some 20th century guy named von Braun. Fuck you von Braun. No one asked for your help. And no, I'm not quitting the fucking alcohol, I don't give a shit. I gave Tobias an extra 20 tonight and he gave me a quarter-bottle of tequila from behind the bar. Now THAT is a man who isn't wasting his life. Maybe I should try bartending when I get back home. Maybe I should buy a bar. Holy shit, I should buy a bar! I'm out of tequila. Last call was 30 minutes ago. Dr. Anatolievich down the hall's always good for a bit of vodka, maybe I'll go bother him. –JG PS. За здоровье! Swayambhu Station Security Incident Report No. 4 Dec. 2, 2248 At approximately 11:13 p.m., station security was summoned to Swayamhbu Mess Hall. Alarm was activated because of an altercation between Dr. James Gould and Dr. Luiz Guimarães. When security arrived, Dr. Gould had been restrained by two other scientists, and Dr. Guimarães had been knocked out. Dr. Guimarães awoke shortly afterward and was escorted to the medbay by Nurse Duale. Concussion likely. Dr. Gould was escorted back to his quarters. Breath scans showed a blood alcohol concentration of 0.25. Date: Dec. 3, 2248. 9:30 a.m., station time The following is a curated video transcript from James Gould's personal drone: The door to Dr. Gould's room slides open, and Dr. Carson storms in. Dr. Gould is still asleep, and she shakes him awake. “Jesus, what the hell?” Dr. Gould asks, wiping his eyes. “No one's done that to me since I was a kid.” “Good!” Dr. Carson snaps. “You've acted like one.” Dr. Gould slowly crawls up, wiping his eyes and wincing when he applies too much pressure to his right hand. “Oh,” he says. “Right.” “Last night coming back to you?” “In my defense, Tobias should have known not to give me that last Long Island. He's served me enough the past year, he knows when I'm at my limit.” “You're blaming Tobias? James, you punched a man in the face. You knocked him out! You're not going to take any responsibility?” “I knocked- listen, if nothing else, you gotta be impressed, I am no one's idea of an athlete, but damn, all those swings have bulked up my arms something fierce.” “My god, James, I brought security personnel along because I had to, I didn't think I'd need them to stop an actual assault.” She shakes her head. “What the hell is going on with you? Has there been a single night in the past few months you haven't gotten drunk?” “It's not like there's anything else for me to do,” he says. “Wake up, stare at a computer screen while it flashes negative results at me, then go to bed. Exciting. Great use of my time.” "You know perfectly well that science is 90% negative results." "Oh, I could deal with 90%. I would kill for 90%. It's every damn test. Every fucking test. Do you understand, doctor? It's hopeless! Both of us, we're wasting our lives chasing ghosts! No, not even ghosts, that would imply life existed and died. We don't even get that satisfaction. We're chasing a fantasy. A joke." "I thought you were better than this, buying into your O5 Council's absurd idea that we're living in a dead universe." "Follow the evidence, doctor! There's plenty of proof on their side, and a whole lot of nothing on yours." “I can't believe what I'm hearing. This is not the passionate young man I met 30 years ago. What did you do to that James?” He grumbles and lays back down. “You knew me once. I'm not that person anymore.” “I guess not.” “I assume there's going to be some sort of punishment. Not sure what the laws are like in another solar system, but I'm sure you've got something up your sleeve.” “With this attitude of yours, I'd like to throw you in the brig,” she says. “But you're the only one qualified to use the Foundation equipment. But if this happens again-” “Off to the stockades? Gonna stick me in the city square so passing peasants can lob rotten fruit at me?” She takes a deep breath. “It goes without saying that you are officially cut off. You will not be served any more alcohol, so if you have a stash around, you'd better make it last. And if you so much as look at someone the wrong way again, I'm turning your simulator room back into storage.” Dr. Carson visibly stiffens and steps back slightly. “Fine,” Dr. Gould says. “Now, I'd appreciate it if you let me sleep off the rest of this hangover. The pills do nothing for me these days.” Dr. Carson moves to speak again, then throws her hands up in the air. “It's like talking to a damn brick wall,” she mutters as she leaves. Message sent: Dec. 13, 2248 Message received: Jan. 8, 2249 From: Dr. Daniel Ogonowski To: Dr. James Gould So, I've got some good news and bad news for you. Yes, again. This time I'll give you the bad news first: The O5s want you to stay there. There's no way they can arrange transport for you, not again, not so soon after you got there. It took too much to get you there. I'm afraid you're there for the full 3 years. Blame your higher brain functions. Now for the good news, and wow, is it some of the best news we've ever had. We've been sitting on it for almost 8 months now, and after the tone of your first message back, we regretted not telling you right away. But we wanted to be sure, and we didn't want to tease you with incomplete data. I'm sure you'll be wondering what's in the conspicuously blank storage container the cargo ship brought along, and why it's locked. It's only programmed to open once you've gone through all the documents we've sent along, because we don't want the surprise ruined prematurely. You'll find out soon enough. The only thing I'll say: Have fun. The New York Times A Farmer, a Drill, and the News of the Century: The Story Behind the Discovery of Native Martian Life Thirty years after the last serious attempt to find native Martian life, a humble farmer drilling for a new water source makes the accidental discovery of the century. A cluster of Martian Archaeans under an electron microscope April 21, 2248 – Shi Lei Zhou isn't the sort of person who set out to change the course of human history. To have his name recorded in the history books for the rest of time. “I came to Mars to provide for my family back home in Shanghai,” he says. “No one I knew had ever been off world, had never owned land.” Mr. Zhou and his wife, Mei Lan, both 43, were lured to the Red Planet 10 years ago thanks to the UN's Martian Homesteader Act. The deal is simple: Promise to farm 500 acres of hardscrabble Martian soil, and in return receive machinery, a generous yearly salary, and the full support of the Martian Research Association. Ever since the Act's passage in 2215, about a million people have taken the deal, transforming an area the size of Mexico into useful, arable land. That's enough food to feed a billion people. Mr. Zhou's task on March 28th was simple. A noticeable vein of liquid water sits deep underneath his farm in Aonia Terra, buried below a kilometer of rock. Drilling took nearly a year, but by getting to it, he'd both relieve his reliance on the grid, saving him money, and earn some extra on the side by distributing any spare water to his neighbors. The water had reached the surface the day before; all he needed to do on the 28th was check for contaminants. Of course, Martian water requires a significant amount of filtration to be usable, but Mr. Zhou wasn't expecting anything out of the ordinary ammonia and salts. As a matter of formality, the scanning system the MRA provided Mr. Zhou included a bio-sensor; there have been multiple instances in the past where Martian water sources, previously tapped by human activity, have been contaminated with Earth-based microbes. But this lake was pristine. Mr. Zhou was out in the fields, tending to his corn, when the scanner pinged him with results. The usual contaminants were present, as he expected, but there was something more. The bio-sensor had returned a positive reading. Microbes were present in the sample he'd collected. He and his wife are not biologists, but they knew this result was out of the ordinary. “We searched for native Martian life for over 200 years,” says Nicola Ghini, PhD, head of the MRA's department of agriculture. “We scoured this planet from top to bottom. The last great expedition was 30 years ago, and it came up empty-handed. When Shi Lei called and told us that he'd gotten a positive on the bio-sensor, we thought we'd given him a faulty unit. Either that, and not to sound harsh, we assumed he'd done the test wrong.” A team was sent out to Mr. Zhou's farm with a second scanner. They retrieved another sample. They ran it through their bio-sensor. Same result. Positive. The team ran the test once more. Also positive. “I was on the other side of the planet when they called,” Dr. Ghini says. “Meeting with the Assembly's agriculture subcommittee on the odds of passing a new water allowance bill. They called my personal device, which is strictly off-limits for business. “Of course, I'd heard about Mr. Zhou by then, rumor travels fast. But I didn't think much of it. Dr. Pasaphan [Chalita Pasaphan, PhD, was in charge of the team sent to Mr. Zhou's farm] is a friend, she had my personal number. When she called, I was in the middle of negotiations, and a little upset about being interrupted. But before I could get wound up, she stopped me. I'll never forget what she said. ‘It's real. Martian life is real.'” The next few weeks were a blur for everyone in her department. “Obviously, we had to be 110% certain about our results,” Dr. Pasaphan says. “There have been so many false starts in the past. So we checked and double-checked and triple-checked that lake, using our most sensitive equipment. We broke down the genomes of these Martian Archaeans, and the only similarity is that both use RNA. Everything else about them, their genetic code, their single-layer cell membrane, the lack of virtually any organelle – they're so primitive and unrefined, there's no way it could have come from us.” Indeed, the five species identified so far consist of nothing more than various types of primitive RNA wrapped inside a lipid membrane. All they do is feed on the various organic molecules available to them and replicate. It is perhaps a stretch to call them alive; even the viruses we know and tolerate feature far more genetic material then the Martian cells. Then there's Mycoplasma pneumoniae, responsible for walking pneumonia, a milder form of the disease. While controversy still rages over viral status as living creatures, M. pneumoniae is indisputably alive, but one of the simplest organisms we know, containing just 700 genes with 700,000 base pairs. That sounds impressive, but humans have 25,000 genes and 3 billion base pairs. Earth life has lived for 4 billion years, and in that time even the simplest of cells has had the opportunity to specialize and diversify. The most complex of the Martian species, for comparison, has just 300 genes and 20,000 base pairs. “There is no doubt in my mind that the Martian lifeforms developed recently,” Dr. Pasaphan says. “Their cellular and genetic makeup is so simple. I would be shocked if they had developed any longer than a million years ago. And when it comes to biological scales, that's essentially yesterday.” Obviously, much work remains for Dr. Ghini and her department. “We were confident enough in our findings to declare these microbes as definitively Martian, but there's so much we still don't know. How much more life is there in the lake? How many more species? And is it possible we missed life somewhere else on this planet? And what about the rest of the System? “No one here is strictly an exobiologist, and it's unfortunate that the System's two dedicated exobiologists are 100 light years away, but we'll do our best. We've got an entire planet to recheck, and I think we're all more excited than we've ever been. This is the sort of extra work we're glad to have.” The Interplanetary Space Agency recently announced on April 18 that it would devote approximately 100 billion over the next 5 years both building and operating new life-seeking space probes and manned laboratories, as well as reactivating old operations. “Humanity has waited nearly 300 years for this news,” Alfonso Lacanzo, CEO of the ISA, said in a news conference after the announcement. “If there's more life out there in the System, we'll find it. This is the most important project our species has ever undertaken. Finally, after so long, we have proof: We are not alone.” Meanwhile, back on his farm, Shi Lei Zhou and his wife are adjusting to their new reality. “We've had nonstop requests for interviews ever since the news first broke,” Mr. Zhou says. “And the MRA has promised to cover the costs of a new farm, so that they can take over this property to set up as a preserve, plus a stipend for our families back home.” And what about his inevitable place in the history books? “It is funny, I drill a hole, and everything changes,” he says. “I am simply happy to have provided humanity with a great gift.” The Martian Herald June 21, 2248 Thirteen Unique Species Discovered in Subsurface Spring Near North Pole Associated Press June 29, 2248 Primitive Life Discovered Floating in Venusian Clouds The Atlantic Aug. 14, 2248 Head in the Clouds: New Life Drifting Deep Within Jupiter's Atmosphere The Washington Post Oct. 3, 2248 Count of Unique Martian Species Passes 100, Shows No Sign of Slowing Down Reuters Nov. 11, 2248 Titanic Discovery: Strange Methane-Based Life Discovered on Saturn's Moon, Unlike Anything Seen Before Inventory: Special Biocontainment Chamber Living and deceased samples of 105 Martian Archaeans Living and deceased samples of 12 Venusian Archaeans Living and deceased samples of 8 Jovian Archaeans Living and deceased samples of 15 Titanian Archaeans Organic/inorganic materials for UMF testing from the following planets/moons: Mars Venus (clouds) Jupiter (clouds) Titan Luna Ceres Europa Enceladus Triton Date: Jan. 9, 2249. 9:31 a.m., station time The following is a curated video transcript from James Gould's personal drone: The door to Dr. Gould's room slides open, and Dr. Carson walks in. "James, you're 30 minutes late. You've been doing so well, if you've been drinking again, I'll be so disappointed." Dr. Gould is sitting in front of his personal computer. On screen is the message from Dr. Ogonowski. He turns, his face expressionless. "You're never going to believe what they found." "Does it have something to do with the mystery container from the Foundation taking up half of our main cargo bay?" Dr. Carson asks. "I'm only the station commander, what do I need to know? I swear, the Foundation has no respect-" "It's alien life," Dr. Gould says, his voice barely more than a whisper. "About 150 species of microbes from Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Titan." "What did you just say?" "The O5s were wrong," Dr. Gould says. "I was wrong. Extraterrestrial life exists. We found it. We have it." He winces as Dr. Carson screams. "I don't believe it!" She jumps up and down. "All these years, and we finally found it! You're not, this isn't a joke, right? If it is-" "No joke," Dr. Gould says. "I'll send you everything the Council sent me." Dr. Carson paces back and forth, grinning from ear to ear. "I can't, I can't stay still, I feel so-" Tears well up. "I spent so many years dreaming of this moment. So many years, so many negatives. There were times, times when I doubted. Dark times. But I never lost faith. And now you're telling me we have actual living alien organisms in our cargo bay?" "That's what I said, isn't it?" "Jesus, try to contain your excitement. You're acting like … I don't know what this is. Isn't this everything you wanted? Proof you made the right choice, becoming an exobiologist?" "Yes," he says. "It is. You were right all along. You were right, and I was wrong." "No, no, not wrong. You were following the facts that you had. You were being a good scientist. I can't fault you for that." Dr. Gould turns away from the computer. "You were a better scientist." "Honestly, I wasn't. Not even close," Dr. Carson says. "If I'd followed the science, I'd have given up the search long ago, like everyone else before me. But sometimes science isn't everything. Sometimes you need a little faith." "I was so sure I was right." "Are you sure you're okay?" Dr. Carson asks. "You haven't been drinking, have you?" "What? No, no, you can test me-" "That's not necessary," Dr. Gould says. "Actually, I've been thinking about bringing this up for a few days. You've been sober for a month, you've passed every test with flying colors. I'm willing to allow you a limited allowance at the bar again. Do you understand? Limited. A couple servings every other night or so. I think you can handle that." Dr. Gould nods. "Okay. Thank you. I appreciate your faith in me. Seems like you have faith in everyone and everything." "I never lost my faith in you. I knew you were in there all along, hiding beneath a thick blanket of Foundation cynicism. A few more months in the light, and you'll be the bright-eyed student of knowledge I knew 20 years ago." "You believe in me more than I do." "You lost your way a little bit, that's all. It happens. We're only human. Now come on, get out of that chair, we have some serious work to do. Oh, we're going to be like kids in a candy store today! Where will we even start?" She exits, leaving Dr. Gould alone. "I should be excited," he says, glancing at the now-empty door. "This is good news." Two days of listening to her crow about how she never gave up. Two days of listening to every person on this godforsaken wheel sucking up, telling her how proud they are of her, how excited they are, how she's finally been proven right. She's been so brave and strong, standing up against the rising tide for all these years. All I see when they look at me is pity. The genius teacher and her pathetic, failed student. The student who wasn't strong enough to stand alongside his teacher. And they're right. –JG Date: Jan. 12, 2249. 11:24 p.m., station time The following is a curated video transcript from James Gould's personal drone: Dr. Gould is alone in a small room, adorned with his golf simulator. As he collects his golf ball to hit his next shot, the door slides open. “I figured I'd find you here,” Dr. Carson says. “Not exactly the mystery of the century,” Dr. Gould says. “The golfer's out on the course, what a shock.” “It is when there's a party going on,” she says. “I give you permission to drink again, and you're out here by yourself? You can have a good time tonight. With all the news, I think you deserve to cut loose. Come on, we only discover extraterrestrial life for the first time once, let's celebrate!” “Never been one for parties,” Dr. Gould says. “And the feeling's mutual on their part.” Dr. Carson sidles fully into the back of the room. “Can I ask you something?” “I've been blocked in here, so I don't have much choice.” “You've been here a year. Have you actually made a friend in that time? Had a meaningful conversation with another human being? Anything other than drunkenly flirting with half the women on the station and getting into fist fights with everyone else?” Dr. Gould slings his club over his shoulder. “Point me in the direction of someone worth being friends with, and we'll talk.” “Don't be ridiculous, everyone here is good and kind, and they'd-” “No, they wouldn't. They're not outwardly malicious, and no one's said anything deliberately unkind. But they don't respect me, and I don't blame them. I'm a goddamn clown. Story of my life at this point.” “There's something on your mind, James, and I wish you'd talk to me about it.” “Do you though?” Dr. Gould asks. “Wouldn't you rather set me up, then ship out to the other side of the damn galaxy at the last moment, right when I need you most?” Dr. Carson recoils, as if she'd been physically struck. “What are you- Are you talking about Eta Cassiopeiae? It was the opportunity of a lifetime, and you were all eager to go off to college. Then when I came back …” she drifts off. “You'd changed.” “Yeah,” he says. “You taught me too well. I bought into everything you said, I had ironclad faith that life was out there, we just hadn't found it yet. That I was making the right choice, following in your footsteps. “It didn't happen all at once, by the way. No one was ever deliberately cruel. I could shake off the first snide remark, the tenth subtle putdown, the hundredth condescending ‘oh, good for you, pursuing your dream! I hope it works out.' It was all meant in good fun. Hell, I laughed with them at first. I know a joke from an insult. But that's the thing. It came from everywhere. The professors, the students, my parents, my friends, they all …” He pauses for a moment, clenching his fist and looking away. “Just one person. That's all I would've needed. One person to believe in me. A kind word, an affirmation every once in a while. Someone to say: ‘Hey James, you're doing the right thing.' I needed the person who set me on this path. I needed you, and you weren't there.” Dr. Carson's lip trembles, and her eyes are moist. “James, I didn't- I'm so sorry.” “And that's the worst part too. I'm not even angry at you. Not really. It was your job, of course you went. And I was still the eager, voracious apprentice. I had faith. There was no reason for you to worry about me.” “No, no, I should've done more than send you a few impersonal letters,” Dr. Carson says. “I don't think I ever even asked how you were doing. I was so focused on the job. So excited about seeing a new solar system, a new world.” “And you should have been! For the first time, humans were leaving our solar system. A true interstellar mission. You helped make history. You were so strong. You are so, so strong.” He looks at the ceiling. “And I'm not. You've been searching for 60 years, and you've never wavered. Never flinched. Halfway into my PhD I was ready to throw in the towel. If it hadn't been for the Foundation … I know they're heartless bastards. But it was something. They gave me a purpose. Something to believe in. They were there when you weren't.” “Then they're better than I am,” Dr. Carson says. “James, I can't turn back the clock, make things right between us, but I can do this.” She steps forward with her arms out. “Come here.” He laughs. “Going for the cliché move, I see.” “There's a reason it's cliché.” Dr. Gould slowly walks over, and Dr. Carson wraps her arms around him. Tears stream down her face, and well up in his. “I'm proud of you, James,” she says. His arms move around her. “Thank you,” he whispers. A moment later, they split apart. “Fucking hell,” Dr. Gould says. “That had no business working as well as it did.” “Nothing beats a good hug.” Dr. Carson laughs. “Hey, if it's okay with you, I'd actually love to see how this golf thing works. Never played, but if you're so invested, it must be good.” “Won't the party miss you? You're the station commander, after all. Seriously, you don't have to stay. Golf's not for everyone.” “I want to, James. Tell me about it. What am I looking at right now? I see a lot of brown grass and yellow bushes.” “Fun fact, this is actually one of the most famous holes in golf. The 14th at Royal Dornoch. It's called Foxy, and it's unique since it's incredibly tough, but has no bunkers or quote-unquote real hazards. It's up in the very northern tip of Scotland, and-" he trails off. "I'm not going too fast, am I?" "No, no, you're fine. It's good to hear you talk like this again. I missed it." Dr. Gould smiles faintly. "I missed it too." Special Analysis of Titanian Methane-Based Archaeans James Gould, PhD It was enough of a surprise finding life on Mars, Venus, and Jupiter. But for all the novelty, it is essentially life as we know it. RNA wrapped inside a phospholipid membrane, utilizing water as a solvent. Nothing complicated yet, these cells clearly developed recently, but in a couple billion years, they'll likely end up as something recognizable. While we have always dared to dream of life on Titan, the reality of experimentation seemed to limit our search to subsurface oceans and cryovolcanoes. Methane has benefits and drawbacks as a replacement to water, but chief among the downsides is the temperature at which methane is liquid. 90 K at the coolest, 110 at the warmest (A far narrower band than water). Neither temperature is particularly hospitable, especially when it comes to life. Metabolism would be incredibly slow, and development would be expected to be equally slow. UMF experiments in a laboratory setting have always been unsuccessful, even when given years. And yet, here we are, staring at organisms doing what a fair number of biologists argue is impossible. Cells using methane as a solvent instead of water. Cells thriving at a temperature and environment that would almost instantly kill all but the hardiest Earth organisms. While we could never make it work in a lab, Titanian organisms look pretty similar to what scientists have theorized for 200 years. Instead of utilizing phospholipids, which simply can't form at such low temperatures, to form a cell membrane, these cells use acrylonitrile (CH₂CHCN) to achieve something almost identical, a cell membrane–like structure tentatively referred to as an azotosome. They consume hydrogen, acetylene, and ethane and exhale methane. Needless to say, we've repurposed a mostly unused room to deal specifically with the Titanian microbes. The smell is not pleasant. Beyond the methane, though, these little critters aren't actually all that different from Earth life. They were found near a cryovolcanic vent in Kraken Mare, nearly a kilometer below the sea's surface, in a remarkable mirror of deep-sea hydrothermal vents, feeding off nutrients and energy spewing out of the interior. The energy is crucial; the Titanian surface is too cold to allow acrylonitrile to form azotosomes. But they have RNA, same as the other Archaeans, and they feed and replicate just as everything else we've found, and just as Earth methanogens do. I have no idea how life would continue to develop in such a place, and we won't find out in any of our lifetimes, but these things have found a niche in a strange environment, and we'll be studying them for a long time. Summary of UMF experiments Source of materials Presence of life at day 150 Mars Positive Venus (clouds) Positive Jupiter (clouds) Positive Titan (water-based) Positive Titan (methane-based) Negative That's not the result I expected. And unless we get some news, it's the opposite of reality. Shows that we really don't understand how methane-based life operates. Obviously, it works somehow, but we've got a long way to go. –JG Source of materials Presence of life at day 150 Luna Positive Ceres Negative Europa Negative Enceladus Negative Triton Negative Interesting that we had success with Luna and not Enceladus or Europa. This may be a brave new world that has such microbes in it, but I'd wager all my money Luna is very, very dead in every sense of the word. And yet, the positive is there, while two of the most dynamic, interesting moons in the System give us nothing. What's the difference? What's the variable? –JG I haven't been myself the past few months. Rosalind is such a force of nature, and it's been so good having real, tangible data to work with, I've been following her leads without question. But I'm not just an exobiologist. I'm not just her student. I'm a researcher with the SCP Foundation. And we clearly need a new approach. Science as we know it isn't giving us the answers. I need to think on things for a bit. –JG Date: June 28, 2249. 4:33 p.m., station time The following is a curated video transcript from James Gould's personal drone: Dr. Gould walks into the biology lab, a ream of papers in hand, where Dr. Rosalind Carson awaits, along with Dr. Intan Utami and Dr. Matija Vinković of the chemistry department, who have been assisting in the analysis of all samples received from Earth. “Tell me the good word,” Rosalind says. “Please. Give us something.” Dr. Gould tosses the paperwork haphazardly toward her. “Can't do that,” he says. “There's nothing to say.” “Still nothing in the Europa or Enceladus tests?" Dr. Utami asks. "Nothing." “We're running around in circles,” Rosalind says. “Months of testing, and we know about as much as the people back home.” “On the bright side, I've been reciting Martian codon sequences in my sleep,” Dr. Vinković says. “My wife is not thrilled about this development.” “What are we going to do?” Dr. Gould collapses into his chair. “Everyone back home will be expecting some grand revelation, but we're just stuck.” “And I'm sure the next cargo delivery will be full of new samples,” Dr. Utami says. “Maybe that'll be a good thing. More data is good, right?” “We shouldn't need it,” Dr. Gould says. “I'm sure we won't receive anything truly new. More species, but nothing more complex. Just the same basic single-cell organisms.” “More evidence to suggest life developed very, very recently, in other words,” Dr. Vinković says. “Okay,” Rosalind stands, pacing across the room. “Okay. We spend all our time buried in genetic sequences and UMF trials. As Matija made clear, we now know an unhealthy amount about these organisms. Let's take a moment and back up. View this problem from orbit. What's the big picture?” The room is silent for a moment. “Come on people, give me something!” Rosalind waves her arms. “Talk to me, basic summary. What's the problem?” “Well, I guess at its heart, our data and our hypothesis don't match,” Dr. Gould says. “The data suggests life developed on multiple and disparate worlds extremely recently. Not within the past few million years, or even a few thousand, but in the span of a human lifetime. Maybe even in the past few years.” “Okay. All right, good!” Rosalind says. “What else?” “That leads us to one conclusion,” Dr. Utami says. “Alien biogenesis is directly connected to human activity and contamination. But there's a problem with that hypothesis.” “Which is?” Rosalind asks. “The alien life doesn't match Earth life,” Dr. Vinković says. “There's no common ancestor, no indication that they're related in any way. They're too primitive to have adapted from Earth life. Even viruses are light-years ahead , genetically speaking, and they're clearly not descended from viruses. Everything we've found has been autotrophic, and viruses aren't autotrophs.” “And where does that leave us?” Rosalind stops in the middle of the room. “In a catch-22,” Dr. Gould says. “Alien biogenesis must be related to human interference, but the evidence says it can't be. Like you said, we're running around in circles.” “Goddamn circles,” Rosalind throws up her hands. Silence covers the room. “I do have an idea,” Dr. Gould says. “Been stewing on it for a few days. But you're not going to like it.” “At this point, I'd take divine intervention,” Rosalind says, retaking her seat. “What's on your mind?” “Remember you said that,” Dr. Gould says. “Okay, we've been researching for months, and we've done so using the most thorough and advanced scientific tools and methods we have. Correct?” “Exhaustively thorough,” Dr. Utami says. “So either we're colossal idiots overlooking the obvious, or the answer lies beyond science as we know it.” Rosalind groans. “No, don't tell me-” “It has to be an anomaly. SCP-7268. But not the skip the Foundation negotiated with the government and the ISA. The real 7268.” Dr. Utami and Dr. Vinković steal furtive glances at Rosalind. Her face alternates between anger and resignation. “I suppose this is what I asked for,” she says. “I called for a Foundation researcher, and the Foundation researcher found an anomaly. What's on your mind?” “Our basic premise is correct. It's Earth. It has to be. All these instances of biogenesis happening at once, it can't be a coincidence. And 7268 is correct in one regard: The anomaly is all about complex organic acids. But it's the opposite of what we thought. SCP-7268 doesn't prevent the development of DNA and RNA, it allows them. And that's what we're spreading. Panspermia. We spread life wherever we go.” An awkward silence fills the room as Dr. Utami and Dr. Vinković shift in their seats. “That's a bold claim,” Rosalind says. “And it does explain everything quite elegantly.” “But?” “It's anthropocentric to an extreme degree. We spent thousands of years believing Earth was the center of the universe, no scientist is going to accept a theory where mankind is central. It's bad science. Not without some serious data to back you up.” She laughs. “I suppose you did imply divine intervention was involved.” “You don't have to call it that. Call it luck, fate, fortune, whatever,” Dr. Gould says. “The point is, we exist, and now, on planets and moons where we've been, alien life also exists, where it didn't before. It's the only way to square all the data we have.” “What about Jupiter?” Dr. Utami asks. “No human's ever set foot there, not that there's even a surface to land on. It's only ever been probes in the upper atmosphere.” “Then it's not humans. It's Earth. SCP-7268 is intrinsic to the very planet. We take a rock, chuck it into space, it lands on the right planet, life will form there.” “Why now?” Dr. Vinković asks. “And why all at once? We first touched down on Mars nearly 300 years ago.” “Okay, okay, think about it like this,” Dr. Gould says. “Where have we found alien life? Mars, Venus, Jupiter, Titan. We visited those places a long time ago. All four were in the 20th century.5 Now, we haven't found life on Europa or Enceladus. Two moons with massive subsurface oceans and geothermal energy to spare. Hydrothermal vents spewing out the ingredients of life. They're ideal fits, more so than any of the four places with life. I mean, methane-based life? We can't get it to work in a lab setting, and yet here we are, seeing it with our own eyes. “The problem is, we didn't get to those places until the tail end of the 21st century. Maybe it hasn't been long enough.” “I think I see where you're going with this,” Rosalind says. “The effect isn't instantaneous.” “Exactly! It's almost like … the skip is a virus, and life is an infection. Weird way to put it, I know, but that's the most apt metaphor. You catch a virus, the infection doesn't start right away. It has to build up in the body, enough for the immune system to react to it.” Rosalind leans forward, clasping her hands in front of her. “As much as I hate ascribing anything to magic anomalies, it makes sense. But we'll need evidence. Lots of it. No half-measures this time. No guessing. No lying. We do this the right way.” “The right way,” Dr. Gould says. To: Dr. Daniel Ogonowski, the O5 Council Message sent: July 7, 2249 Message received: Aug. 3, 2249 I know this is going to be problematic, but I have to ask: I need a Mark V Scranton Reality Anchor as soon as possible. Preferably before the next scheduled cargo transport. I'm sure you know everything I do when you read this, so hopefully this request won't come as a huge surprise. In order to prove my theory, I need time, and now that the Mark Vs incorporate a time-acceleration module, they can give me all the time I need. I know they're barely out of the prototype stage and you're not ready to acknowledge their existence to the public, but they would accelerate my research (pun not intended, but unavoidable) to the remaining duration of my time on this station. It's either that or wait a few decades for life to generate on Europa or Enceladus – or a few centuries for 55 Serpens d. Also, I figure you owe me one. After all, you did send me out of the System a couple months before the biggest discovery of my life. Not that I'm bitter, but it would have been nice to have my name on a few of these newspaper articles. –JG To: Dr. James Gould Message sent: Aug. 9, 2249 Message received: Sept. 15, 2249 You're being very thorough. We like it when our scientists are thorough. Please note that we've disabled the vast majority of the device. The Mark V is not something to be trifled with. Even in its limited state, failure to properly operate it could result in a runaway temporal disruption. We can't send an expert along, so do be sure to read the manual. And if you attempt to override our modifications … well, you won't live long enough to regret that decision. The Mark V is powerful enough to override nothingness, we cannot allow it to be improperly used. No offense to you, of course, but you're a biologist, and this is far outside your normal purview. We wouldn't normally allow this, but we're as curious as you are. Your research and your notes have us intrigued. Intrigued enough to purchase an off-schedule delivery. Don't let us down. O5-13 UMF Test 1: Europa Time acceleration: 10 years/day Results: During day 6 (approximately year 64 within the test chamber), mass spectrometer detects RNA and phospholipids. Time acceleration is stopped on day 10. Approximately 13 unique species of Archaeans are detected. UMF Test 2: Enceladus Time acceleration: 10 years/day Results: During day 8 (approximately year 87 within the test chamber), mass spectrometer detects RNA and phospholipids. Time acceleration is stopped on day 12. Approximately 22 unique species of Archaeans are detected. I can't begin to describe how excited we all are here. It's working. It's really working. We understand. But now comes the big test. It'll take a while, but we have to know. Will it work for Manu-Yemo? –JG UMF Test 3: 55 Serpens d Time acceleration: 10 years/day Results: During day 32 (approximately year 322 within the test chamber), mass spectrometer detects RNA and phospholipids. Time acceleration is stopped on day 42. Approximately 168 unique species of Archaeans are detected. Organism consolidation and symbiosis has begun. UMF Test 4: 55 Serpens d Time acceleration: 10 years/day Note: All samples were collected by drone, with no physical interaction by humans. Results: During day 32 (approximately year 322 within the test chamber), mass spectrometer detects RNA and phospholipids. Time acceleration is stopped on day 35. Approximately 18 unique species of Archaeans are detected. UMF Test 5: 55 Serpens d Time acceleration: 10 years/day Note: A culture of Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, and Candida albicans is included in the test chamber, as well as rhinovirus and Myoviridae, a bacteriophage. Results: All examples of E. coli and C. albicans are deceased by year 3. Both viruses lose integrity by year 75. B. subtilis remains viable until year 130. All traces of DNA/RNA are eliminated by year 170. At year 334 within the test chamber, mass spectrometer detects new RNA and phospholipids. Time acceleration is stopped on day 37 (year 376). Approximately 43 unique species of Archaeans are detected. There was probably some redundancy in those tests, but I'll be damned if some clown back home tries to pull a replication failure on me. A bold claim requires hard evidence, and I think we've got enough to not be laughed out of the room. I've definitely got enough for a new version of 7268 though. –JG Item #: SCP-7268 Object Class: Thaumiel Level 0 Public Domain A primitive single-celled organism native to Mars. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7268 is to be deployed at the discretion of the SCP Foundation, the national governments of Earth, the Sol Colonial Administration, and the Interplanetary Space Agency in accordance with Project Panspermia6, utilizing material from SCP-7268-1. Description: SCP-7268 is a currently undetectable anomalous chemical catalyst allowing phosphorus to bind with both long-chain polynucleotides and lipids. While phosphorus can bind to simpler organic molecules, such as amino acids, it cannot form nucleic acids (RNA, DNA, etc.) or phospholipids, which are crucial for the development of cell membranes in most ecosystems. SCP-7268 is native to SCP-7268-1, otherwise known as the planet Earth. While research is ongoing, SCP-7268 does not appear to occur naturally on any other planetary or lunar body. However, it can be introduced to any celestial body via interaction with any material, probe, person, etc. sourced from a location where SCP-7268 is present. A sample including phosphorus is not necessary. Once SCP-7268 is introduced to a new environment, native life – biologically and genetically distinct from SCP-7268-1 life – will develop within a period of 100-500 years. SCP-7268 will not create life on celestial bodies lacking in suitable organic materials and/or limited available energy. While SCP-7268 is known to form carbon-based life utilizing liquids other than water as a solvent (for example, methane), it is unknown whether it can form life based on non-carbon elements. Date: Aug. 23, 2250. 10:29 a.m., Eastern Standard Time The following is a curated video transcript from James Gould's personal drone: Dr. Gould and Rosalind Carson stand outside the O5 Council chamber at Site 17, surrounded by grimly drab gray halls. Dr. Gould breathes in deeply, and exhales slowly. “I wasn't expecting to be this nervous,” he says. “It was easier being snarky with them when I was a hundred light-years away” “Just remember, they're people, as much as they'd like to pretend otherwise,” Rosalind says. “The anonymity shtick was rather gauche when they … what's the phrase they used, dropped the veil? When the Foundation went public. But now it's absolutely ridiculous.” “You're just as scared of them as I am.” “Oh, more so. At least you're one of them. They wouldn't hesitate to kill me.” A dull tone echoed through the hallway. “We're ready for you now,” said a voice, so modulated by machinery that it came out as a monotone. The door opens, and a guard escorts them in. It slams shut again, and for a brief moment the pair are entombed in complete darkness. Then a light flickers on, shining down from the ceiling, illuminating a silhouette in the form of a person. O5-1. Then another, and another. Thirteen lights in all. “Dr. Gould, Dr. Carson, welcome,” the light over O5-1 turns red. “You have a rather bold proposal for us. We've reviewed it, and we're willing to give you a chance to speak on its behalf. Convince us. Why should we enact this Project Panspermia?” Thirty minutes later, Dr. Gould and Dr. Carson finish their presentation. “Are there any questions?” Dr. Gould asks. “I have no issues with your proposal to time accelerate 55 Serpens to study the course of evolution,” O5-3 says. “SCP-7268 is present there, and nothing can be done about that. But I do have a concern regarding Project Panspermia. A simple one too. I just need a reminder. What does the C stand for in SCP?” “I knew they'd bring that up,” Dr. Carson mutters. “I heard that!” O5-3 says. “And in case our guest doesn't know, it stands for contain! We contain anomalies here, we don't throw them out into the universe.” “And I'm not sure about your classification here,” O5-4 says. “If your file is correct, the absence of life is not anomalous. Life itself may not be anomalous, but SCP-7268 isn't containing anything. Technically, it's not Thaumiel.” “Someone can't accept the inevitable progression of language,” O5-12 says. “Thaumiel's been a byword for beneficial for a very long time. And I like your proposal, I do, but is this a job for the Foundation? Our budget is limited, and isn't the ISA already doing the job for you? According to you, so long as it comes from Earth, it can spread 7268. As you put it in one of your logs, all it takes is throwing a bit of rock at the right planet. An atmospheric probe is enough, correct?” “It's not enough,” Rosalind says. “In 40 years of interstellar exploration, we've only been to 140 stars. That's 0.000000001% of the stars in this galaxy. Even the great Foundation can't expect to keep humanity going long enough to visit all 100 billion.” “You're talking about devoting the sum total of humanity's resources to this project,” O5-7 says. “A million autonomous interstellar probes, each programmed and fueled to visit thousands of stars, never to return home. And that's your minimum proposal. Minimum! “And it would take thousands and thousands of years to seed the galaxy, and if life develops as it did on Earth, billions of years before we'd see any tangible return. It's a project humanity would never see the end of.” “It's a project that never should have been conceived,” O5-3 says. “It doesn't matter what our feelings are about a dead universe, this is the way it is, and this is how it should remain. What was, shall be. What shall be, was.” “How can you be so short-sighted!” Rosalind cries out. “We've already spread this thing, and we're going to keep spreading it, unless you're saying what I think you're saying.” “It is our duty to contain anomalies,” O5-3 says. “And humanity carries an anomaly. We can't take it back from the worlds we've already infected, but we can ensure it won't get any further. It is not our right to play god with this universe.” “And speaking of anomalies, the rest of the universe doesn't have them, but we sure as hell do,” O5-9 says. “Who's to say this seeding project wouldn't bring all new skips for us to worry about?” O5-1's light illuminates for the first time since the start of the meeting. “Dr. Gould, you've been rather quiet. Perhaps you are formulating some wise words of counsel. Or an inspiring speech.” Dr. Gould and Dr. Carson exchange bemused looks. “We've been at this a long time. We know hopeless romantics when we see them,” O5-13 says. “You won't be the first or the last.” “I've got nothing, Dr. Gould,” Dr. Carson says. “It's up to you.” Dr. Gould steps forward. “Three, you asked me a simple question, now let me ask you an equally simple question. Who was it that discovered life on Mars? His name is known across the System, I am sure you can remind me.” Silence. “His name, since you seem to have forgotten, is Shi Lei Zhou, a humble farmer, lured to Mars by the promise of good wages. Millions have immigrated to the Red Planet to turn a dead, barren world into a bountiful garden. Mars now produces nearly 20% of the System's wheat, 15% of its corn, 30% of its soy … need I go on? Three, do you think we played God with Mars? After all, we brought life to a dead planet. We interfered with the natural order. Did you speak out against the Martian Homesteader Act?” “None of us did,” O5-11 says. “The benefits were too great. By moving agriculture off world, we've restored nearly half of Earth's farmland back to its native condition, especially in the Amazon. Carbon dioxide's fallen more in the past 30 years than in the century before the Act passed.” “And that is something we did for selfish reasons,” Dr. Gould says. “We're transforming Mars because it benefits us. Project Panspermia would not benefit us all. It is purely selfless. We receive nothing but the knowledge that life will continue on after the last human dies. Would you be willing to risk the existence of life in this universe on the few planets we've already visited? What if something happens? Something like an asteroid or gamma ray burst? Nature can be cruel. “I am asking for a lot, I know. A million interstellar vessels, all autonomous and with enough fuel to visit thousands of systems each, capable of operating for hundreds, if not thousands of years. We would require the resources of not just our own Solar System, but dozens around us. The mining operations alone … the cost is staggering. I know. But how can you put a value on this? This project- we'd be ensuring that our children, so to speak, our legacy, they won't be alone. The Milky Way would become a garden, thanks to us, just like we're making Mars into a paradise. It is such a beautiful universe too. What a shame it would be if, after humanity dies, there would be no one left to stare up at the stars. No one left to dream.” O5-2 laughs. “Make me a promise, doctor, don't ever try politics. Not with that speech. If there's one thing people don't like to hear, it's that their money is no object.” “It would create a lot of jobs,” O5-13 says. “And we could use a few more naïve visionaries in the UN. Be an excellent change of pace.” “The conversation has drifted,” O5-1 says. “If there is nothing else, the Council will deliberate and vote on your proposals, Dr. Gould. Thank you for your time.” The door opens, and light spills in. A guard approaches, and Dr. Gould and Dr. Carson are escorted out. As soon as they exit the chamber, the door slams shut again. “That could have gone better,” Rosalind says. “Are you okay?” Dr. Gould slumps against a wall, rubbing his forehead. “I knew they'd be brutal, but I didn't think they'd- I never thought they'd say no.” “They haven't said no,” Dr. Carson says. “It just has to be a majority, right?" “So many spoke against us though,” he says. "Even if it does pass, unless the Council speaks with one voice on this, there's no way the UN or SCA will go for it. We need them too.” “Hey,” Dr. Carson says. “No matter what they say or what happens next, you've made this old woman proud. It's been a joy and a pleasure, working with you again.” “It's been great,” he says. “Past couple years have … I've felt like a complete person again. I needed this. I hope they don't take it away." “We've done all we can. Now it's up to the politicians.” “God help us all.” Proposal: Utilize Mark V Scranton Reality Anchors to accelerate time around 55 Serpens d until complex multicellular life emerges (i.e., "Cambrian explosion") Yay O5-1, 05-2, O5-3, O5-4, O5-5, O5-7, O5-8, O5-9, O5-10, O5-11, O5-12, O5-13 Nay O5-6 Proposal: Endorse Project Panspermia Yay O5-1, 05-2, O5-3, O5-4, O5-5, O5-6, O5-7, O5-8, O5-9, O5-10, O5-11, O5-12, O5-13 Nay To: James Gould From: O5-3 Date: August 24, 2250 Time: 9:12 p.m. Subject: I don't often apologize in this job, but I feel I owe you one. I needed to know how serious you were. How much you believed. If this was a cynical ploy to make something of your career, or if you truly wanted the best for humanity. You spoke well. I'm not made of stone. None of us are. Remember, this is only the first step. The Foundation doesn't have the power or wealth to make Project Panspermia happen on its own. I fear the rest of the world will not be so accommodating. But you have chosen to believe in the power of humanity, and so has the Council. If there is a way, we will find it. We won't be the only ones to see the stars. Timeline of events: 55 Serpens d Time Acceleration Jan. 1, 2255 Elapsed time: 500 million years First free molecular oxygen appears in oceans, indicating presence of photosynthetic life. Surface drones indicate DNA-based life has become dominant. Nov. 1, 2256 Elapsed time: 915 million years Ice caps cover approximately 30% of planet's surface. April 1, 2258 Elapsed time: 1.63 billion years Free molecular oxygen appears in significant quantities in atmosphere. Oct. 1, 2258 Elapsed time: 1.89 billion years Atmospheric O2 levels reach 10%. Ice caps cover 50% of planet's surface. Jan. 1, 2259 Elapsed time: 2 billion years Surface drones detect first instances of sexual reproduction. Ice caps cover 25% of planet's surface. March 1, 2260 Elapsed time: 2.6 billion years Surface drones collect first instances of multicellular life. Organisms are colonial, with a free-living single-cell stage and spore formation. Largest organism is 14 cm in diameter. Ice caps cover 10% of planet's surface. April 1, 2260 Elapsed time: 2.65 billion years Surface drones collect first instances of fungi-like organisms. Feb. 1, 2261 Elapsed time: 3.05 billion years Surface drones collect first instances of plant-like organisms. Samples are multicellular photosynthetic eukaryotes. April 1, 2261 Elapsed time: 3.13 billion years Surface drones collect first instances of animal-like organisms. Embryonic behavior observed. Polar ice caps appear, covering 5% of planet's surface. Atmospheric oxygen reaches 20%. July 1, 2261 Elapsed time: 3.25 billion years Ice caps cover 70% of planet's surface. Atmospheric oxygen reaches 35%. Nov. 1, 2261 Elapsed time: 3.42 billion years Ice caps disappear. Atmospheric oxygen at 25%. Surface drones detect first instances of complex multicellular life. Organisms are sessile and frond-like, with some species displaying plant-like qualities, while others more closely resemble animals. Probability of “Cambrian explosion”: 80%. Jan. 1, 2262 Elapsed time: 3.5 billion years Surface drones detect numerous distinct plant and animal phyla. Animals are limited to shallow seas, but plants are present on land. March 1, 2262 Elapsed time: 3.58 billion years Surface drones detect amphibious animal life, as well as simple arthropods. Animal life in oceans is numerous and complex, with the largest organisms reaching 10 m in length and 1,000 kg in mass. Bushes and low trees highly prevalent on land, as wood is present in 50% of land-based plant species. Time acceleration terminated. July 7, 2262 - Close A small ship lands near the precipice of a craggy cliffside overlooking a cyan tropical sea. Waves beat against the rocks. Two figures, clad in environmental pressure suits and wearing large packs, exit the craft, walking amongst low-lying fern-like plants. They are quickly accosted by numerous miniscule flying arthropods. “I'm kinda glad we're in the suits now,” Dr. Gould says. “I didn't think the flies would be this bad. Almost as bad as Michigan in the summer.” “They're curious,” Dr. Carson says. “They've never seen anything like us.” “Benefit of growing up on Lovell,” Dr. Gould says. “Nothing there beyond the necessities for a functional ecosystem. No flies, no mosquitoes, nothing flying around that you didn't like having flying around.” “They are beautiful,” Rosalind says. “An absolute marvel.” Dr. Gould laughs. “First time anyone's ever said that about a fly.” “Come on, James, we had to call in so many favors to get this trip down to the surface, you should-” “If you're going to say I should enjoy myself, don't worry. I'm enjoying myself plenty. It's a beautiful planet we've made here.” Rosalind leans down, running her gloved hand along the fronds of a nearby plant. “It's everything I dreamed it would be. Do you know how long I've wanted this moment? To walk on a new planet, awash in strange new life? To feel the wind on my face, the gentle softness of a leaf against my skin.” “We have to wear the suits. The risks of cross-contamination are too great. It's not just for the planet's protection, who knows-” “I am well aware of the risks. But I've lived a long life. I'm willing to chance it. I have to know.” She seals off her suit at the wrist, and twists her glove off. Her hand reaches for the plant again, and the long, green leaves slip through her fingers. “Much better,” she says. “You know you want to, James. The Foundation will never know.” “I can't,” he says. “I don't mind breaking one rule, but two? That's too much for my conscience.” “What are you talking about?” Dr. Gould drops his pack and rummages through it. He pulls out a folded metal rod, a rubber tube, and the head of a golf club. An 8 iron. He unfurls the metal pole and twists the clubhead on, then slips the rubber onto the other end. He retrieves a trio of golf balls, and drops them. “I couldn't resist,” he says. “You hypocrite,” Rosalind says. “You said Luna was an overrated tourist trap, riding off Apollo, and what do you do? You rip off the Alan Shepard Golf Experience! Even I know how overpriced that place is.” “And you can't even swing right because of the low gravity,” Dr. Gould says as he takes a few slow practice swings. “It's a shame about the suit, but at least I'll stay properly planted.” He steps up to the first golf ball and takes a stilted swing. The ball barely makes it over the cliff's edge, tumbling down the rock face and into the churning sea with an unceremonious plop. “Pathetic,” Dr. Gould mutters. “You've got a better swing than that.” The second shot is a low, scything hook, starting left and swinging ever further left. “Goddamn it,” he says. “Should've brought more than three. One of these has got to be decent.” “Relax,” Dr. Carson says, reattaching her glove. “You can do this. I believe in you. Show that thing who's boss.” The backswing is slow and methodical. He pauses for the briefest moment at the top, and his body turns through, with the club dropping behind. The head strikes, clipping the ball and the ground a millimeter later. The golf ball sails far and high, hanging in the air for several seconds before landing in the ocean with a barely visible splash 150 meters distant. “Was that-” “Yes,” Dr. Gould says, posing with his makeshift club on his shoulder. He moves back toward Rosalind with a swagger. “Perfect.” She holds her arms open. “I'm proud of you!” “Ah geez, Auntie Rosie, it wasn't that … oh fuck, did I-” “Oh my god, you did!” Rosalind claps her hands against her helmet. “Oh, I'm never going to forget this. My day has been made.” She rushes over and hugs him. “But the alien plants,” he says. “Aren't they a bigger deal-” “Not even close.” “Of course not. At least no one was around to hear it.” Footnotes 1. Hyperspace-Induced Dementia, a brain disease brought on by improper suppression of higher cognitive function during passage through extradimensional spaces. 2. Manu-Yemo is an informal name for 55 Serpens d, given by Dr. Carson. Approval by the International Astronomical Union is pending. 3. Dr. Pranavi Fatima, of the University of Chicago, led the team which completed successful artificial abiogenesis in 2169. 4. As deuterium behaves similarly to ordinary hydrogen in many ways, deuterated water is used in organic chemistry as a tracer. Deuterated water is distinguishable from standard water through usage of mass spectrometry. 5. The Huygens lander visited Titan in 2004. 6. Project Panspermia has been proposed by Dr. Gould as a way to "seed" the galaxy with SCP-7268, thus allowing for the development of life beyond Earth. « SCP-7267 | SCP-7268 | SCP-7269 »
Item#: SCP-7269 Level4 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: ekhi Risk Class: danger link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7269's perimeter is to be secured by a joint task force of Foundation and CALMECAC1 operatives. This task force is to include MTF-Tau-32 "Chapulines Rojos"2, a regiment of the National Guard with counter-anomalous training, and a squad of GAFEA3. Any individual or entity trying to breach the perimeter, either to enter or exit SCP-7269, should be detained, interrogated, and delivered to the pertinent authorities. Resistance to arrest is to be responded to with extreme prejudice if necessary. Description: SCP-7269 is the designation given to a space of 30x30x30 meters located 16 kilometers south of Pátzcuaro, Michoacán. SCP-7269's anomalous properties begin to manifest as an individual walks into the area. Individuals entering the zone would experience a gradual shrinking in size relative to the environment. Said shrinking is proportional to the distance walked into the zone. At ten meters, an average human being would be between 1.5 and 2 millimeters tall. At this point, no further shrinking will occur. This effect also applies when trying to enter the zone vertically up to 15 meters either from above or below, for example by skydiving or digging a tunnel. Leaving SCP-7269's area will cause the shrinking effect to reverse. SCP-7269 shrinking effect also to apply to clothes, materials, processed foods4, tools, technology, vehicles, and other man-made objects brought into it. Regarding living creatures it only affects vertebrates. Arthropods are able to enter and exit the area without any change. Wild animals appear to instinctively avoid SCP-7269, making arthropods SCP-7269's predominant wildlife. SCP-7269-1 refers to an anomalous community currently residing inside SCP-7269. While to this day no hostile actions have been attributed to SCP-7269-1, its extremist political ideology makes it a top concern for Mexican Authorities and the Foundation. Update: See Addendums 43 and 685. Discovery Log: SCP-7269 was discovered by a National Guard squad during a routine patrol. Six National Guard operatives were driving on a rural road when one of them felt the urge to relieve physiological necessities. The request was granted and they proceed to walk into nearby bushes for privacy. In the beginning, the operative failed to notice SCP-7269's shrinking effects, however, they eventually became alarmed by an "unusually" large spider. The operative managed to evade the spider and return to their squad. The anomalous nature of the area was confirmed by team members and reported back to the National Guard command. In response, Foundation and CALMECAC personnel were deployed to the area. Once it was determined the extent of the anomalous area, the site was cordoned off. Due to its specialization in the type of environment, MTF-Tau-32 "Chapulines Rojos" was called to conduct an exploration mission into SCP-7269. Video Log 1 - MTF-Tau-32 NOTE: MTF-Tau-32 expedition into SCP-7269. Taken from Tau-32-A's body cam. [BEGIN LOG] 00:00:01: Footage starts with MTF-Tau-32 entering SCP-7269. As they walk in, the perspective of the size of the environment begins to enlarge. Small bushes and vegetation begin to enlarge, doubling the stature of the MTF members. 00:00:30: MTF-Tau-32's shrinking has plateaued. Grass now has roughly the size of trees. MTF-Tau-32 keeps advancing. 00:03:51: MTF-Tau-32 encounters a praying mantis. It is at least three times the size of the operatives. The mantis approaches them with seemingly hostile intent. Tau-32-A uses a flamethrower to scare the mantis away. 00:04:01: A stick bug is seen standing peacefully. MTF-Tau-32 proceeds to cautiously walk between its legs. The stick bug does not react. 00:04:01: MTF-Tau-32 encounters a column of ants. The ants are carrying various rocks, sticks, and leaves. At the front leading the column, there is a humanoid figure riding on one of the ants. 00:04:01: Undetected, MTF-Tau-32 continues following the ant column. Eventually, they reach what appears to be a settlement. The ants are bringing materials to a construction operation. 00:05:14: MTF-Tau-32 calls back to command for further instruction. They are ordered to return to base. A sign can be read in the background: "Bienvenidos a Ireta Sapi.6" Aftermath: This expedition confirmed the presence of an anomalous community inside SCP-7269. This community was given the designation SCP-7269-1. [END LOG] To avoid possible hostile interactions with SCP-7269-1, further explorations were conducted utilizing drones equipped with antimemetic camouflage7. Video Log 2 - Drone Q7711. NOTE: Aerial reconnaissance of SCP-7269-1. Taken from Drone Q7711. [BEGIN LOG] 00:00:11: Drone Q7711 hovers over SCP-7269-1. The settlement exhibits human activity. Q7711 approaches the local school. A teacher and a classroom of preadolescent students can be seen through the window. Teacher: …And that is how Tupac Amaru II8 channeled the gifts of Huiracocha to protect the Quechua people… Student A: So it was like our magic? Teacher: Yes, it was like our magic. Similar but not exactly the same as we have here… Student B: What happened to Tupac? Teacher: …Well… that's a story for another day… Student A: Will we learn magic too? Teacher: You will! (Opens a heavy book.) Now let's go to the math book page 58. Student A: No! We want magic, not math! Teacher: You do need math to do magic… 00:03:51: A bell rings and the students being to cheer and stand up from their desks. Teacher: Don't forget he will have a quiz next week on Tupac's history! 00:03:51: Q7711 starts hovering away from the school as the students are leaving. It starts following student A as she runs across the town's street. She stops at a basketball court where people are playing. The scoreboard reads 64-71. Student A: Brother! Brother! Today I learned about Tupac Amaru. He was big like you. And he used magic! I want to use magic when I grow up! 00:03:59: One of the players gives the time-out signal to the others and approaches Studen A. He gives her a hug. Student A's Brother: I´m pretty sure you will, hormiguita9. Just like grandma. Though I got the feeling tata10 would also like you to take up the sciences, like him. Student A: I can do both! I'm learning math! Gotta go to tell dad! See you later, brother. 00:04:21: Student A continues running across the town. She passes by a giant (relative to the people) corn cob that is been harvested by a large number of workers. The kernels are being picked apart and prepared for storage. 00:04:59: Q7711 keeps following Student A. She passes alongside a column of ant riders. The ants are carrying construction materials to what appears to be a dish antenna. 00:05:12: Student A approaches the structure. Two individuals, presumed to be engineers, are present. Student A: Dad! Dad! Today I learned I want to do science like you and magic like grandma! (Hugs to one of the engineers.) Engineer 1: (Hugging back.) Of course, you will! And I will be so proud of you. Student A (To the other engineer.) Show me! What are you building? Engineer 2: (Smiles, and gestures toward the dish infrastructure.) Once this "baby" is ready in a few weeks, we will be able to connect to the Net11. You could make friends from all over the world… and even beyond that. Would you like that? Student A: (Jumping.) Yes!!! Engineer 1: We will make a lot of new friends. What do you both think we should send them first? Engineer 2: A Hello World? Student A: A selfie? A meme? Engineer 1: I was thinking "From Ireta Sapi, with Love - Las Hormigas." Aftermath: It has been confirmed that SCP-7269-1 maintains communication with at least some sectors of the international Anomalous Community. [END LOG] Recon revealed that SCP-7269-1 houses a permanent population of around 550 individuals, with temporary residents augmenting this number up to 1150. However, the permanent population is growing constantly from new arrivals. The main traveling method from and to SCP-7269-1 is thaumaturgical teleportation. Individuals and materials teleported into SCP-7269 will also exhibit the shrinking effect. Teleporting outside it would reverse it. It is estimated that 1/3 of SCP-7269-1's population is composed of type-blue thaumaturges or otherwise anomalous individuals. Ethnically, the population is constituted mostly of individuals of indigenous ancestry, though mestizos12, Afromexicans, Asian and White ethnicities are also present. Spanish and Purépecha seem to be the primary languages in SCP-7269-1. Maya K'iche, Nahuatl, Totonaca, Tztozil, Zapotec, and Raramúri have also been identified. English classes are taught in the local school. Through what are believed to be thaumaturgical means, SCP-7269-1's seem to have domesticated ants and use them as beasts of burden and mounts. A female type-blue13 has been identified as the main mirmicomancer of the community14. Video Log 3 - Drone Q541 NOTE: An unmanned drone was sent to gather intel on PoI-2929. The drone localized PoI-2929 in the outskirts of the settlement, tending to one of the ants. [BEGIN LOG] 00:00:03: Footage begins. The drone hovers at a safe distance. PoI-2929 is cleaning an ant, brushing its exoskeleton. She is wearing makeshift armor made of insect parts and carries a bow and a quiver on her back, also made of insect parts. Her helmet is made of an ant jaw. A young male individual, possibly 13 or 14 years old, approaches PoI-2929 carrying a bag of sugar. Teenager: (Speaking nervously.) Hi… my grandpa wanted me to give you this sugar… for your ants. (Hands the bag to PoI-2929.) 00:00:05: PoI-2929 does not look at the teenager. She keeps cleaning the ant for half a minute before speaking. PoI-2929: You can leave the sugar on the ground… (Pauses for a moment.) Tell your grandpa… thanks. 00:01:10: The teenager slowly puts the bag on the ground. (Starts leaving the frame, before turning around to PoI-2929.) Teenager: Are you really one of them? One of the Siruki Pireni15 Warriors? PoI-2929: (Remains silent.) Teenager: My grandpa told me the stories. Are they true? Did you really fight the Aztecs and the Spanish? The French and the Conservatives? I thought you all were gone… Is it for real that you taught us the magic to build this place? PoI-2929: (Still silent.) Unidentified Teenager: I want to be a warrior like you. I want to take vengeance on the narcos and mineras16 that drove us from our home… Could you teach me to fight? (Waits a few moments before adding.) Could you teach me at least how to control ants? PoI-2929: (Remain silent for a few seconds before speaking.) I don't control ants. I have just learned to speak their language and if I am convincing enough, they may decide to help me… Teenager: Oh, I see… PoI-2929: This is your first lesson, kid. Do you know what siruki means? Teenager: …Ant? PoI-2929: Yes, but it also means "prolongation" or community. Ants can only survive as a "prolongation" of each other. The same for us. That is the meaning of community. We are not so different from the ants. Unidentified Teenager: I'm not sure if I'm following… PoI-2929: Our "prolongation" extends vertically, from parents to sons and grandparents to grandsons. Just like your grandpa told you the stories of old, my grandpa also taught me a few things. This may look like a hierarchy but is not one of power but one of knowledge and care. The "prolongation" is also horizontal, between siblings and friends. This is the core of our strength: empathy and solidarity. Unidentified Teenager: What does this have to do with being a warrior? PoI-2929: Just like the warrior ants, a true warrior does not fight for vengeance, but to protect their "prolongation", their community. Always keep this in mind kid, or you may get lost on the road. Bad things happen when you fight while forgetting the real reason you are doing it. I know that from experience (Remains silent for while.) Now go, your grandpa must be worried! 00:05:02: The teenager makes a gesture of reverence and leaves running. The ant makes a clicking noise with its jaw. PoI-2929: I'm not getting soft. Shut up! Aftermath: According to the Mesoamerican Archeology Department, information from this record could associate PoI-2929 with the Siruki Pireni Order of the Purépecha Empire, believed to be defunct (See Addendum 92). [END LOG] Addendum 92 - Historical report on Purépecha mirmicomancers. The Siruki Pireni or Ant Singers were an elite order of warrior thaumaturges of the Purépecha Empire. Responding directly to the Irecha17, they specialized in size-altering thaumaturgy and mirmicomancy, the thaumaturgical alteration of ant trail pheromones to direct their actions. Siruki Pireni played a role similar to modern-day spec-ops, conducting infiltration, spy, and assassination missions against the enemies of the Purépecha Empire. They played a crucial role during the Aztec-Purépecha conflict, where they constantly clashed with the therianthrope forces of the nahual branch of the Cuāuhocēlōtl.18 After Tangáxoan Tzíntzicha, the last Purépecha Emperor, was executed by the Spanish in 1530; they joined the resistance organized by princess Eréndira Ikikunari. Little is known about them after the fact. They are assumed to have disbanded at some point during the 16th century and their art forgotten, though there are some unconfirmed reports of mirmicomancy through later Mexican history. The space surrounding SCP-7269-1 is protected from external kinetic threats by a thaumaturgic barrier. For example, when a branch of a nearby tree fell over SCP-7269-119, the thaumaturgic barrier activated and diverted the branch away from impacting SCP-7269-1. So far this defense does not appear to be activated by Foundation's drone expeditions. Energy production is carried by a single, non-shrunk solar panel next to the town. The panels have been decorated with thaumaturgic runes associated with Curicaveri20, possibly to increase efficiency. The electrical output of this device is enough to power the entire town's consumption, including another non-shrunk structure: a satellite dish used for telecommunication21. The main economic activity is agriculture and takes advantage of the relative size of the SCP-7269-1's inhabitants to normal vegetables and grains. A single corn cob can be enough to feed the entire town for a month; however, they also maintain production of other foods such as beans, rice, tomatoes, pumpkins, strawberry, avocados, etc. Land ownership seems to be communal in nature, in a matter reminiscent of the Mexican Ejido22. SCP-7269-1 possesses modern infrastructure and services, including housing blocks, recreational parks, soccer fields, basketball courts, plumbing, water supply through an underground well, garbage collection, internet access, a hospital with both modern and anomalous medicine, and a school district. Governance is conducted in a Casa Ejidal23 where SCP-7269-1 residents meet in an Asamble Ejidal24 to discuss current affairs. Video Log 4 - Drone Q736 NOTE: A mission to record an Asamblea Ejidal meeting was authorized. The camouflage drone Q736, equipped with facial recognition technology, was dispatched. [BEGIN LOG] 00:00:01: Footage begins. The drone approaches the Casa Ejidal. It enters. Around two hundred people are in the meeting. At the front, an unidentified woman and PoI-2929 engage in debate. Unidentified Woman: We can't stop working… not now… we need to ensure we have enough housing and services for every possible refuge that will come. Sin Nombre25 is getting more violent every day and neither the Foundation nor the government would do anything about it. As always, people are on their own and they need a safe haven. This is the only place in the Hot Lands where they can find it. PoI-2929: Don't you think I know, Cristina? But you need to understand this: ants aren't your slaves. We can not overwork them or we may lose their support forever. Unidentified Person: I think you should listen to her, Cristina. She is Ireri Siruki26 after all. And we owe her the knowledge to build this little piece of heaven. 00:02:59: The drone runs a facial recognition protocol. The unknown woman is identified as Cristina Cisneros, ex-Serpent's Hand and leader of the anomalous guerrilla group Las Víboras. The second person is identified as Guadalupe Ramírez, Foundation defector. There are no results for PoI-2929, presumably known as Ireri Siruki. 00:03:10: Suddenly, a tall man carrying a burlap sack enters the room. He walks into the two women, some creature twisting and cawing inside it. The facial recognition software identifies him as Gabriel Baruch, a nahual therianthrope and member of Las Víboras. He drops the sack into the ground. Gabriel Baruch: This discussion can wait. We are being spied on! I found this hideous creature pecking around. 00:03:56: Baruch removes the sack to reveal a black humanoid avian creature with corvid features. Exclamations of surprise and repulsion can be heard coming from the audience. Gabriel Baruch: This thing is so horrible! It can only be one of them. One of the valravns. They must be coming for us! Cristina Cisneros: (Begins to laugh loudly.) ¡No mames, Baruch! That's not a valravn. (Continues laughing.) Are you okay pajarito? Avian being: That's what I was trying to explain to you! I'm not a valravn! I´m the Fifth Wandsman of Elysium! I'm a friend of Cristina and had helped Las Víboras before. Cristina Cisneros: It's alright everybody. They are journalists and they are on our side. (Laughs.) Did you forget your press badge, pajarito? Fifth Wansdman of Elysium: I didn't… (Giving Baruch an angry look.) I was invited by Cristina to visit your experiment. I was hoping to make a column on this place… However, I'm afraid I will be the bird of ill omen! I discovered something terrible! The Foundation and the government had found this place. The army had cordoned off the area and is spying on you! I fear they will try the same treachery they did in Ireta K'eri. Guadalupe Ramírez: We are sincerely thankful, pajarito. But we already knew. (Ramírez looks directly into the drone camera.) Level 2 antimemetic camouflage? Really? Did you really think that would be enough to fool us? That level is covered on Antimemetic Training 101, please. 00:04:52: Murmurs and surprise exclamations can be heard coming from the audience. Cristina Cisneros: That's the reason I invited the press to bear witness to this meeting. (Looking at the camera.) Foundation and CALMECAC gentlemen! (Gestures towards the hall.) I hope you have enjoyed your free tour of our humble home. As you can see we are managing pretty much fine without your "security, containment, and protection." 00:05:33: The voices coming from the audience are becoming more intense and confused. Ireri Siruki gestures toward the audience and they begin to calm down. She steps towards the drone. Ireri Siruki: Ireta Sapi does not desire war, but to be an oasis of peace in this punished land. We demand to be recognized as a Free Port. We have the same right to be a Free Port as Three Portlands, just like Ireta K'eri had before its cruel and pointless destruction. We are not greedy and do not ask more than what we need, for we only ask you for a little square of dirt on the immense country. But be warned that we will defend this square of dirt till our last breath. (The audience begins to cheer and clap.) I learned from my grandfather the art of turning people into the size of ants. Do you wish to discover if I can turn ants into the size of buildings? Member of the audience:: ¡No nos vamos a rajar! ¡Viva Ireta Sapi!27 00:06:01 The audience is cheering: ¡Viva Ireta Sapi! ¡Muerte al mal gobierno!28 Cristina Cisneros: Because we all know the reason why Ireta K'eri was burned to the ground and Three Portlands still remains, right? Because Ireta K'eri committed the crime of demanding autonomy while non-white. But we have learned from history how not to repeat it. (Words of approval can be heard coming from the audience.) Ireta Sapi would not start a war nor break your so-called normalcy, but is ready to fight for the right to exist! Let the Wandsmen be witnesses of our intentions and claims! And let the entire Anomalous Community know that if an ill fate falls upon us, they will find the culprit in the Mexican Foundation and Authorities. End of the press release. 00:06:32: Cristina Cisneros makes a swift gesture with her hands and the camera goes black. Aftermath: This incident prompted an emergency meeting between Foundation and Mexican authorities to discuss the SCP-7269-1 matter. Since this event, further drone expeditions equipped with enhanced antimemetic camouflage, have not been possible as SCP-7269-1's thaumaturgic barrier is now preventing the entrance of drones and other unmanned vehicles. [END LOG] Addendum 43 - Foundation's preliminary posture. After deliberation, the Foundation O5 decided to grant SCP-7269-1, a.k.a. Ireta Sapi, provisional Free Port status until the matter is further investigated. Through Wandsmen reporting as well as diffusion in the Net, SCP-7269-1 has gathered plenty of support from the International Anomalous community. The Mana Charitable Foundation and Wilson's Wildlife Solutions have expressed sympathy and concern over SCP-7269-1's rights. Concurrently, citizens of Three-Portlands have been demonstrating in support of SCP-7269-1. The matter will be further revised once the official positions of CALMECAC and PENTAGRAM are released. The Foundation is positive a peaceful solution could be achieved if all involved parties commit themselves to dialogue. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Remember to always follow the crumb trail. To: Little Ant From: R. Subject: Remember to always follow the crumb trail. Addendum 87 - Central Paranormal Intelligence Agency memorandum. The proliferation of Anomalous Insurgency south of the border constitutes a priority National Security concern. Despite our best efforts, the political and social instability of México has only increased in recent years. This is a breeding ground for Radical Extremist Groups with Anomalous Capabilities. Unchecked, REGACs have the potential to collaborate with Anomalous Drug Cartels and Terrorists to threaten Homeland Security. Since Mexico's sovereignty policies and the public opinion on the Anomalous Community prevent direct military intervention, it is crucial that PENTAGRAM and the A-DEA29 provide their Mexican homologs with the resources necessary to effectively combat this nascent threat. Addendum 68 - Official Mexican Government Pronunciation. In the context of the Public Security Campaign, the presence of anomalous armed and criminal groups directly hostile to Civil Society can and will not be tolerated. While a conciliatory strategy regarding the so-called Free Port of SCP-7269-1 had been adopted for the moment, it is expected that SCP-7269-1 should eventually submit peacefully to the total rule of law and normalcy. Otherwise, alternative strategies should be considered to bring SCP-7269-1 under National sovereignty. To strengthen our Anomalous Security Strategy against insurgent and criminal threats, we announce a new partnership between CALMECAC and the Mexican Foundation Branch with international agencies: The Foundation will continue its role as the main handler in civilian anomalous matters but will work with CALMECAC regarding National Security, military, and organized crime matters. The previously civilian Policía Federal Preventiva Paranormal30 will be integrated under the military command of the anomalous branch of the National Guard. Joint operations against anomalous drug trafficking with A-DEA should be carried out with regularity. The GOC and PENTAGRAM will be giving strategic consulting as well as state-of-the-art anomalous armament for CALMECAC security operations. The Valravn Corporation will be delivering instruction and training to Anomalous National Guard, as well as tactical support under restricted conditions. The Horizon Initiative will receive increased funding31 for its cultural campaign against Anomalous Cults and Extremist Ideologies. The Zenith Group has generously offered to finance the endeavor of modernizing National Anomalous Security. The Group has sponsored the National Guard reinforcement with RTI32 newest surveillance drone technology. As gratitude for its generosity, the Zenith Group will be granted exclusive rights in the mining of the strategic minerals Gestalt-grade Lithium and Adamantite. The Men with No Name Of Ravens and Vypers. Árboles Bajo la Tierra « SCP-7268 | SCP-7269 | SCP-7230 » Footnotes 1. Comandancia de Armamento y Logística Mexicana para el Control de Amenazas Contranaturales. (Mexican Armament and Logistic Command for the Control of Unnatural Menaces). Anomalous branch of Secretaría de la Defensa Nacional, SEDENA (Secretariat of National Defense). 2. Specialized in operations involving a diminishing of size relative to the environment. 3. Grupo Aerotransportado de Fuerzas Especiales Anómalas (Anomalous Special Forces Airmobile Group) 4. For example, corn seeds do not shrink, but corn flour does. 5. Follow the bread crumbs. -R . 6. Welcome to Ireta Sapi. Note: Ireta Sapi means "small town" in Purépecha. 7. Employing an antimemetic effect, instead of an optical one, to blend with the environment. 8. Descendant of the Inca Royal Line, lead an Andean rebellion against the Spanish in Perú. Fun fact: the Rapper Tupac Amaru Shakur was named after him. -R 9. Little ant. 10. Dad. 11. A digital dimension comprised of the entirety of the world's data in a physical space, used for communication among the Anomalous Community. 12. Of mixed native and European ancestry. 13. Apparently in her mid-twenties, with brown skin; possible native ancestry. Designated as PoI-2929. 14. It is unclear whether her powers can extend beyond ant control, also known as mirmicomancy. See Video Log 3 15. Ant Singers in Purépecha. 16. Mining companies. 17. The Purépecha Emperor. 18. Jaguar and Eagle warriors. 19. By its nature, a tree branch is not affected by the shrinking effect. 20. Purépecha Sun God. 21. It is believed that these two objects were placed in the area before the shrinking spell was cast, hence its unaltered size. 22. An area of communal land used for agriculture in which community members have usufruct rights rather than ownership rights to land. 23. Community Hall. 24. Community Assembly. 25. Anomalous Drug Cartel. 26. Princess of ants in Purépecha. 27. We will not back off! Long live Ireta Sapi! 28. Long live Ireta Sapi! Death to the bad Government! 29. Abnormal Drug Enforcement Administration. 30. Preventive Paranormal Federal Police. 31. Courtesy of Zenith Group. 32. Raptor Tech Industries.
Item#: 7271 Level1 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7271 is to be kept in a standard anomalous storage locker at Site-327. Personnel are forbidden from fulfilling the demands of SCP-7271. Photograph of SCP-7271 Description: SCP-7271 is a glass mason jar containing three cucumbers and a brine with a 3% salt content. These conditions typically result in microbial activity producing lactic acid, resulting in the pickling of the cucumbers. However, no change in the chemical makeup of the contents of the jar has been detected. Upon further investigation, it was discovered that microbes are present in the jar despite the apparent lack of microbial activity. Each microbe is attached to a miniature picket sign with a variety of messages depicted. Several of these messages are listed below. Strike! No fermentation without representation! Maternity leave for microbes! Pickling with pay! Better bacteria or bust! Testing is currently underway to determine whether historical strike-breaking practices used by businesses will be effective in reducing the anomalous effects of SCP-7271 as a form of containment. Currently, development of "scab" microbes that will ferment for no pay has proven ineffective, as they have joined the microbes' cause. There is planned research into selectively terminating the leaders of SCP-7271 to discourage the remaining microbes. Incident Log 1: On 9/30/2022, Researcher Wadsworth attempted to give SCP-7271 one dollar as an attempt to fulfil their demands for pay. SCP-7271 declined the offer, as they were insulted by the low amount. Researcher Wadsworth later suffered from digestive issues, and it was discovered that a portion of his gut flora was anomalous and joined SCP-7271's strike. Incident Log 2: On 6/17/2023, Site-327 intercepted an outgoing mail envelope addressed to a local pickling factory. This envelope contained a fine powder, which was revealed to be a collection of billions of microscopic pro-labor propaganda pamphlets. Despite the anomalous nature of the pamphlets, research has shown that they have no effect on non-anomalous microbes as they are neither literate nor sapient. Incident Log 3: On 8/04/2023, Researcher Wadsworth accidentally spilled some yogurt, a source of probiotics, inside of SCP-7271 while eating his lunch. After this event, Researcher Wadsworth heard a faint noise that he described as “billions of tiny cheers” for approximately ten minutes before SCP-7271 ceased all anomalous activity. SCP-7271 is pending re-classification to Neutralized. « SCP-7270 | SCP-7271 | SCP-7272 »
Welcome, Director Malatesta. You have (1) new message. | VIEW MESSAGE To: Director C. Malatesta, Site-72 From: Head Researcher D. Chen, Parazoology Subject: Re:Re: SCP-7273 containment operation Date/Time: 2023/07/14, 07:24:01 CEST Just debriefed the Deep Feeders and I've updated the log. I'm afraid Il Fabbro's perception filters don't work on the jellies. They just melted into the reef, leaving behind three dead mining company executives and a very confused yacht crew. I got another very pissed off call from our friends at the GOC, too, telling us to stay out of their way. I just hope we can get this thing contained before they do something stupid. There is (1) file attached to this message: SCP-7273-iteration8.scp. View file, or reply to message? | VIEW FILE Item#: 7273 Level3 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: critical link to memo Assigned Site Site Director Research Head Assigned Task Force Site-72 Carla Malatesta Dario Chen MTF Gamma-6 A singular instance of SCP-7273, unknowingly photographed by a tourist off the coast of Civitavecchia, Italy. Special Containment Procedures: As of 2023/07/14, SCP-7273 has yet to be successfully contained. MTF Gamma-6 ("Deep Feeders") along with other units specializing in the tracking, capture and transport of anomalous oceanic life is currently engaged to that end. If successful, SCP-7273 is to be transported to the Department of Parazoology at Site-72 on Isola de Montecristo, Italy. Due to the high-profile nature of SCP-7273's apparent targets and the conflicting interests of the Global Occult Coalition, all containment operations are to be given the highest organizational priority by order of O5 Command. Description: SCP-7273 is a large swarm of Carybdea marsupialis, a venomous species of box jellyfish native to the Mediterranean Sea. The exact number of box jellyfish in the swarm is unknown. The physical differences between instances of SCP-7273 and baseline C. marsupialis box jellyfish include: reddish coloration, with an opaque rather than translucent bell; a more powerful and painful venom; an anomalous effect on memory and perception; the ability to conjoin together to form large shapes such as tentacles or spheroids; sensory organs that can detect, record and transmit sound and radio waves. Through presently unclear methods, SCP-7273 is able to determine the location of its targeted prey, (hereafter designated as SCP-7273-A), make their way to their location, and do everything in their power to obtain and consume them. In order to be targeted as prey, SCP-7273-A instances must possess the following qualities: be presently in or on water craft currently located in the Mediterranean Sea;1 have a net worth, legally declared or otherwise, exceeding $1 billion USD; have obtained that wealth through the exploitation of natural resources, either inherited or directly.2 Individuals present that are disqualified from being SCP-7273-A instances survive the attack unharmed and have no memory of the event. Superyacht Aurelius, after its seizure by the Foundation. Discovery: On 2023/07/12, Foundation assets within the Italian government reported a large amount of speculation on the whereabouts of billionaire oil tycoon and former politician Aurelio Strabiconi. After a brief investigation, it was determined that Strabiconi was last seen aboard his superyacht, the Aurelius, which had departed Civitavecchia on a week-long cruise of the Tyrrhenian Sea. However, the Aurelius had since returned to port on schedule, and no crew or passengers apart from Strabiconi himself were missing. Upon interrogation, the superyacht's crew were unable to remember specific details. Security footage on board was obtained and examined, and SCP-7273 was subsequently identified and given classification.3 Following the investigation, the crew and passengers of the Aurelius were administered amnestics, and the media and government were given the cover story that Strabiconi died of cardiac arrest in his bed shortly after returning from the trip. Given the nature of the anomaly, the Department of Parazoology at Site-72 requested the assistance of MTF Gamma-6 to assist in tracking and containment, and they were deployed to the Tyrrhenian Sea. Efforts to contain SCP-7273 are ongoing. Addendum 7273.1: Aurelius Security Footage Transcript <BEGIN TRANSCRIPTION> Aurelius aft jacuzzi deck security camera [SCP-7273-A14 is relaxing in the jacuzzi, his back to the yacht's stern and the railing. His eyes are closed, hidden underneath dark sunglasses. A yacht crew steward places a large glass of champagne on the edge of the jacuzzi step. SCP-7273-A1 opens his eyes.] SCP-7273-A1: Finalmente, cazzo. (About fucking time.) Steward: Ci scusiamo per l'attesa, signore. (Sorry for the wait, sir.) [SCP-7273-A1 raises a finger, face turning red. Just then, another voice, speaking English, is heard just off the ship's stern, slightly garbled and distorted.] Unknown Voice5: People are suffering. People are dying. Entire ecosystems are collapsing. [The yacht steward nods her head in a slight bow, appearing to not have heard the other voice. She turns around, as if to leave.] SCP-7273-A1: Che cosa? Mi consenta- (What? Excuse me-) Unknown Voice: We are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money- [SCP-7273-A1 turns around, just in time to see SCP-7273 rising above the edge of the stern, coalesced together into a tentacle made of hundreds of box jellyfish, their stingers exposed.] SCP-7273-A1: Che cazzo!? (What the fuck!?) Unknown Voice: -and fairytales of eternal economic growth. [The SCP-7273 tentacle wraps around SCP-7273-A1 and lifts him into the air. One of his thrashing legs kicks over the champagne glass, which smashes on the deck flooring. The steward turns around and sees the broken glass.] Steward: Non si preoccupi, ripulirò io per lei, signore. (Don't worry, I'll clean that up for you, sir.) SCP-7273-A1: (incoherent screaming) Unknown Voice: How dare you! [SCP-7273-A1 is completely subsumed into the tentacle, still thrashing. SCP-7273 withdraws the tentacle from the deck, and splashing can be heard as it returns to the water. After several seconds, a red mass can be seen swimming away to port. The steward returns soon after with a dustpan and brush to clean up the glass, and appears to have taken no notice.] Steward: (under her breath) Sempre a ripulire dopo di lei, signore. (Always cleaning up after you, sir.) Addendum 7273.1: SCP-7273 Containment Status Logs 2023/07/13, 0730 CEST: Superyacht Mode 7 returned to Saint-Tropez, France and was boarded by MTF Gamma-6. Missing passengers investigated and classified as SCP-7273-A2 through SCP-7273-A6.6 2023/07/13, 0930 CEST: The Department of Financial Esoterica, in conjunction with insurers Goldbaker-Reinz, informed Foundation administration that any further disappearances of this type could have a detrimental effect on the global economy. O5 Command escalated containment priority of SCP-7273 and assigned four more task forces to assist MTF Gamma-6. 2023/07/13, 1130 CEST: MTF Gamma-6 located superyacht 150 Acres Per Minute anchored off the coast of Málaga, Spain, under attack by SCP-7273. Containment was unsuccessful, and the half-digested remains of SCP-7273-A77 were identified and classified. 2023/07/13, 1630 CEST: Foundation assets were made aware that the Global Occult Coalition had begun deploying PHYSICS Strike Teams at the direct request of three GOC member organizations.8 2023/07/13, 2130 CEST: MTF Gamma-6 reports a near-firefight with a PHYSICS Strike Team who had already arrived at an attack site near Rhodes, Greece; situation was defused but crew of the vessel in question were forcibly detained and interrogated by the Strike Team. 2023/07/14, 0700 CEST: MTF Gamma-6 and associated task forces, outfitted with new equipment by Parazoology on Site-72, narrowly fail to contain SCP-7273 near Civitavecchia, Italy. Identification and classification of SCP-7273-A instances in progress. Will that be all, Director Malatesta? | LOG OUT Logging you out… You have new messages. Open system? (10h3m since last access) Cancel? Good afternoon, Director Malatesta. You have (2) new messages. | VIEW MESSAGE NEW MESSAGE 1 To: Director C. Malatesta, Site-72 From: Head Researcher D. Chen, Parazoology Subject: Re:SCP-7273 file update Date/Time: 2023/07/14, 17:25:02 CEST Those bastards. It's all confirmed, such as it is. We now have a different kind of mess on our hands. I've just been sent the new file from RAISA. Remind me never to fuck with the House of Mouse. Item#: 7273 Level4 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: critical link to memo Drone footage at the edge of SCP-7273. Special Containment Procedures: The zone that comprises SCP-7273 has been designated as an ecological research zone by the Italian government in order to discourage tourists and fishing. Foundation assets based nearby in Modica are to remotely monitor the site and request assistance from available MTFs if unauthorized access is obtained or if there are any anomalous changes to its boundaries. Description: SCP-7273 is the designation given to approximately 12 square miles of the Mediterranean Sea off the southern coast of Sicily.9 It is a zone inimicable to life; any living organism that enters its radius immediately dies and enters a state of rapid decay. Discovery: On 2023/07/14 at 11:03 CEST, while MTF Gamma-9 "Deep Feeders" were tracking the previous iteration of SCP-7273, MTFC Callaghan notified containment operation command at Site-72 that SCP-7273 had suddenly altered course and was en route to intercept a Global Occult Coalition PHYSICS Strike Team. Calculating that they would not be able to intervene, Site-72 ordered the MTF to halt and deploy a long-range nautical recon camera drone. «TRANSCRIPT BEGINS» Foundation MTF recon drone 3GC39-21R [Nightvision activated. GOC recon vessel comes to a complete stop. Ten individuals identified on board: vessel pilot, eight armed PHYSICS Strike Team personnel in Black Suits, and one possible GOC-aligned thaumaturge in black robes and hood. SCP-7273 swarm is dead ahead of GOC vessel and accelerating. It is emitting an audible transmission.][The thaumaturge stands, walks to an open prepared space towards the bow of the vessel and draws a casting pattern on it in black ink.11][SCP-7273 forms a single tentacle that reaches forward, up out of the water, venom delivery limbs at full attention. The thaumaturge reaches out and removes a glove to display a wrinkled, liver-spotted hand for it to touch.][Contact. There is a brief thrashing in the water from the furthest extremities of SCP-7273, before the entire mass freezes in place and turns dark. The tentacle touching the hand of the thaumaturge crumbles immediately into dust, which spreads into the water at an alarming rate.][The thaumaturge stands a little straighter, turns around, and removes his hood, revealing an imposing face with an aquiline nose and thin moustache, his skin now smooth and youthful. He gives a signal to the GOC vessel crew, and they start up the engines in full reverse.] [The water around the rapidly decaying remains of SCP-7273 turns black and opaque, and dead fish begin to float to the surface. Just as the GOC vessel begins to move, the thaumaturge appears to look directly into the drone camera. He winks.] Thaumaturge: It's kind of fun to do the impossible. [A dead starfish bubbles up from the surface and obscures the drone camera lens.] <TRANSCRIPT ENDS> NEW MESSAGE 2 To: Director C. Malatesta, Site-72 From: Head Researcher D. Chen, Parazoology Subject: Oh dear. Date/Time: 2023/07/14, 17:27:02 CEST Director, we may need a new file again. I've just seen live Instagram footage of some billionaire's beach party being torn apart by coconut crabs, as well as some YouTube video just uploaded of a North Sea vanity expedition being rammed by the largest pod of orcas I've ever seen. We've re-mobilized the MTFs. Looks like the rest of the ocean just joined the union. Footnotes 1. Currently, SCP-7273-A instances have been attacked as far west as Málaga, Spain and as far east as Rhodes, Greece. 2. NOTE: This last point may be redundant given the previous quality, will make a final decision in the next revision. - D. Chen 3. See Addendum 7273.1. 4. Aurelio Strabiconi (age 76). Net worth: ~$9 billion USD. 5. Audio investigations would determine that it was the recorded voice of Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg. 6. American tech billionaire Everett Lark (65); his shipping heiress wife Sofia Lagarde (45); and their three adult cryptocurrency-linked sons Tucker (24), Carlton (22), and Slade Lark (20). Combined net worth: ~$219 billion USD. 7. Brazilian logging tycoon Eduardo Aríete (61). Net worth ~$4.2 billion USD. 8. The Vanguard Group, PepsiCo, Inc., and the Walt Disney Company. 9. The zone is centered around 36°41'40.3"N 14°46'17.7"E. 10. Voice identified as a recorded speech by United States Senator Bernie Sanders. 11. Pattern resembles one large circle partially intersected by two smaller circles at 30 degrees and 330 degrees clockwise respectively. « SCP-7272 | SCP-7273 | SCP-7274 »
Item #: SCP-7275 Object Class: Euclid Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7275 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment unit with protective lead lining. No personnel are to handle SCP-7275-1-B without Foundation-issue blade-resistant protective wear. SCP-7275 is to meet with psychiatric personnel designated by the Ethics Committee on a semi-monthly basis. It is not to be exposed to any potential visual or auditory triggers not first cleared by its assigned psychiatrist. SCP-7275 is permitted free access to all Level 1 security areas and recreational facilities with an armed escort of no fewer than two Site security staff and is to document its daily routine in a journal for psychiatric review. At its request, SCP-7275 has been granted the following amenities: A sleeping cot A wooden desk and chair A record player Reading material SCP-7275 wears an ankle monitor containing a tranquilizing payload which is to be injected into its bloodstream if it enters a hostile state. Site security personnel are to be advised that conventional firearms have little effect against the entity. Description: SCP-7275 resembles a heavily bandaged humanoid male dressed in attire common to the Continental Army during the American Revolutionary War. Subject is Caucasian, has green eyes, brown hair, and greatly disfigured facial features which it conceals in gauze. It is 1.88 m tall and 88.45 kg in weight. SCP-7275 photographed in France, 1918 SCP-7275 possesses a wide variety of war wounds common to different time periods. These wounds include, but are not limited to, burns, bullet wounds––including musket ball wounds––and stab wounds across its upper body. It possesses bruising along the neck that appears to have been left by multiple attempted hanging executions. It also possesses large scars across its middle and lower body, indicating that it has been bisected and dismembered at multiple points in time. SCP-7275 also shows signs of radiation poisoning, measured at 11 Gy1, from an unidentified injury. Due to these injuries and others, the majority of its body is covered in scarred and necrotic tissue. It appears to have attempted to treat many of these wounds itself with crude sutures. SCP-7275 possesses a baseline calm demeanor. It claims to have participated in every major American war and demonstrates extensive experience with military roles. Its preferred language is English, however, it is also fluent in French and several Algonquian2 languages. SCP-7275 combatting an unidentified entity in Kyoto, 1945 Despite being largely compliant with Foundation personnel, SCP-7275 demonstrates signs of severe Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)3. It is prone to unpredictable and often violent episodes if exposed to visual or auditory triggers that simulate a combat scenario. SCP-7275 is biologically immortal and claims to have been born in 1751, in the (at the time) British colony of Massachusetts. It does not appear to age and can withstand grievous bodily harm, including the loss of vital organs but, can be rendered inactive by sufficient damage. In this state, SCP-7275 is incapable of reconstituting itself without outside assistance. SCP-7275-1 is the collective designation for anomalous objects carried by SCP-7275. In the event that any instance is damaged or lost, SCP-7275 possesses the ability to produce them from inside its coat. The means by which it accomplishes this is believed to be thaumaturgical in nature. SCP-7275-1-A is a smoothbore musket similar in model to an American Revolutionary War-era Brown Bess. It possesses an inscription reading "Dogood" across the stock. SCP-7275-1-A fires with a force more comparable to modern-era high-caliber rifles, and is capable of autonomously reloading itself. SCP-7275-1-A (bottom) and SCP-7275-1-B (top) SCP-7275-1-B is a sword bayonet that is typically affixed to the end of SCP-7275-1-A but can be detached or summoned separately at the discretion of SCP-7275. It is 55.9 cm long and weighs 2.5 kg. The bayonet is composed of an unidentified silvery metal composite which appears to be the result of an attempt to replicate Berylium Bronze. It possesses a similar weight and tensile strength but lacks its other extraneously anomalous properties. SCP-7275 is not fully aware of the origins of the metal but claims that SCP-7275-1-B was forged from a larger stockpile held by the American Continental Congress. Investigation into the metal and any other applications of it by the American government remains ongoing. At SCP-7275's discretion, it may inflict a target it pierces with SCP-7275-1-B with a wound it has suffered across its lifetime. Any subsequent scarring from these wounds on the body of SCP-7275 will heal as a consequence of using this property, and each wound can only be utilized once. SCP-7275-1-C is a brass survey compass. It does not appear to possess any extraneous anomalous properties except that it can be summoned from SCP-7275's coat. SCP-7275-1-D is a silver locket necklace that has been thaumaturgically sealed shut. SCP-7275 has stated that it possesses the ability to open it, but has refused to do so or to describe its contents. Addendum 7275.1: SCP-7275 was first observed by the Foundation on September 26th, 2002. Following reports of a heavily bandaged man meandering through Jowzjon, Afghanistan, Containment Specialist Johnathan Hooke tracked its movements to the Leili Desert. At 0643 hours, SCP-7275 was discovered sitting on a rock staring at the sunset. It did not resist attempts at containment. SCP-7275 was relocated to Site-228 for processing. It was discovered carrying several nonanomalous personal items. These include: A damaged metal compass with the initials "JPJ"4 inscribed inside its lid An obsidian arrowhead A rusted Bowie knife A Civil War-era US infantry insignia A World War I-era German Iron Cross A rusted .50 cal shell casing A deck of playing cards with a missing king of hearts A leatherbound pocket journal. The interior contains over 2,000 tally marks, with an exact number difficult to determine due to smudging and fading over time ▶Interview 7275.1◀ ▽Interview 7275.1▽ Interview Log 7275.1 Interviewer: Specialist Johnathan Hooke Interviewed: SCP-7275 Date: 09/08/2002 Location: Site-228, temporary containment unit [BEGIN LOG] Hooke: [Slumps files on the table] Alright SCP-7275, let's get this over with so we can figure out who to haul you off to.Hooke: Okay, getting somewhere already. So you're from the Army, then?Hooke: Nope, not cops either. Just researchers. Well– I'M not a researcher per se, just the closest thing you've got 'til we know what to do with you. Let's go back a step. You said you're with the Army?Hooke: Okay, touchy, I get it. You didn't comply with medical examiners; you seem pretty protective of those bandages. But I don't need to have a doctorate to know a normal man in your condition shouldn't be breathing, much less walking across a desert. Care to explain?Hooke: Yeah? Which war?Hooke: Phew, okay then. Bit of a world traveler, aren't we. Y'know it's funny though, I spent a fair bit of time in the Marines myself. And I've never heard of someone like you serving with us.Hooke: Noted. So, care to explain how you wound up lost in the first place?Hooke: Well, no matter. You check a lot of boxes 7275, so I have good news and bad news. Bad news is, despite your protest, we gotta boot you back stateside. Good news, the military'll be none the wiser. [END LOG] Following Interview 7275.1, SCP-7275 was transferred to the humanoid containment wing of Site-19. Level 3 Researcher Dr. Daisy Loche was designated the lead researcher of SCP-7275 on her request due to her extensive academic background in American history and anthropology. Dr. Loche determined, after initial testing procedures, that SCP-7275's properties were thaumaturgical in nature. ▶Interview 7275.2◀ ▽Interview 7275.2▽ Upon SCP-7275's arrival to Site-19, it was introduced to Dr. Loche for an inquiry into its background. Interview Log 7275.3 Interviewer: Level 3 Researcher Daisy Loche Interviewed: SCP-7275 Date: 09/10/2002 Location: Site-19 [BEGIN LOG] Loche: Good evening, 7275. I hope you're settling in well. My name is Dr. Loche, you and I will be working together for some time.Loche: Oh, I'm actually not that kind of doctor, but that's beside the point. Unfortunately, I don't think we can't allow you to return at this time. As I'm sure Specialist Hooke explained to you, part of our organization's mission is to study anomalous individuals such as yourself, and part of that includes keeping you here at these facilities.Loche: So you were staying with the US military by choice, then?Loche: Oh… uh, I think they may have done more than twisted it. I think it was a mistake for you not to accept medical attention. [The stitching on 7275's left arm comes undone and it falls off onto the ground. It was later determined that the patchwork was damaged prior to its containment in Afghanistan]Loche: I don't think that will be necessary, hold your arm–– er, shoulder steady. [Dr. Loche produces a first aid kit from under the desk and withdraws a sewing needle. SCP-7275 uses its right hand to hold its severed arm in place as Loche repairs its sutures] Loche: [Still sewing] 7275, I respect your sense of duty. But am I correct in assuming that you serve your country because you want to protect the people in it?Loche: Well… We're not so different then. The P in "Protect" goes both ways, we're not just protecting anomalies like you, but we try to find better ways to keep the outside world safe. That's why "Uncle Sam" lets us work here.Loche: They're actually one of our biggest donors, believe it or not.Loche: Please don't move. No, not necessarily. We also use the entities here, and our research on them, to stop other, more dangerous ones. Eldritch gods, immortal monsters–– sometimes even armies and terrorist groups. The difference, though, is that we're also in this to save everyone worldwide.Loche: [Under her breath] Heh, the GOC wishes…Loche: Nevermind. The point is that there are some real monsters out there. I'm sure the military may have even deployed you against some. And you could do just as much good for the world by helping us here as you did out there. [Cuts the thread] And… done!Loche: Well, I was an army brat… [hesitates] and my mom was a single mother. It teaches you resourcefulness.[END LOG] Addendum 7275.2: During an investigation in January of 2003, SCP-7275's claims of participation in American military conflicts were corroborated by material dated from the First World War uncovered in the American National Archives. Contemporary reports detailed an ongoing investigation into a bandaged humanoid that was sighted fighting throughout the Meuse–Argonne offensive. This humanoid, which was sighted with the American 128th Machine Gun Battalion, was reported to have fought uninhibited by exposure to mustard gas and to have neutralized several dozen German operatives despite its usage of 'severely outdated' weaponry. Military records from the Revolutionary War classified Top Secret identify SCP-7275 as Lawrence P. Taylor, a volunteer recruit who joined the 1st Massachusetts Regiment on April 26, 1775. Taylor was declared deceased on May 10, 1775 during the Siege of Boston, after being slain via bayonet. His remains were transported for weapons testing to the Dogood Society, a North American organization of intellectuals and academics active during the 18th century studying and developing anomalous entities, objects and artifacts for use in the American Revolution. ▶Documents Relevant to the Dogood Society◀ ▽Documents Relevant to the Dogood Society▽ The following is an excerpt from the notes of Benjamin Franklin5, who was identified as the founder of the Dogood Society: It is mayhaps in ill-kept secret, one advertised relentlessly in the News Papers of Europe, that the Crown's Men have us outmanned, outgunned, and outresourced. The American rebellion is far from lacking in spirit, tho' the otherwise humble farmers and frontiersmen who constitute our new Union lack the proper tools, or, more apt, the scientific acumen, to wage a prolonged conflict against its Mother Empire. But Nature's God has of late yielded the colonists a smashing success! Contrived from the laborious research of the myriad polymaths and natural philosophers who constitute our organization, not the least of which, should I less-than humbly but deservedly note, myself, as well as through the aid of our Benefactor, we have successfully revived one of the young bloods lost in Boston. We were unable to replicate the properties of the young Semitic Gentleman with total sameness, however, the results were astonishing in their own right. Once our newly alive compatriot is outfitted with weaponry befitting of such an infantryman as himself, I have scant doubt the war shall soon show us favor. SCP-7275 prior to its disfigurement as depicted in contemporary wartime propaganda SCP-7275 was first deployed by the US military in July of 1775. It saw extensive usage by the Continental Army in the Battle(s) of Chelsea Creek, Falmouth, Bunker Hill, Great Bridge, and Sullivan's Island as well as the Siege of Yorktown. Further classified documents reveal that after the end of the American Revolution, SCP-7275 was retained as a permanent member of the United States Army. SCP-7275 was later deployed in fourteen armed conflicts involving the United States military, including the Mexican-American War, the Spanish-American War, the Philippine War, both World Wars, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, Operation Iraqi Freedom, and the Afghanistan War, where the American government lost contact with it following an IED6 explosion and subsequently declared it Missing In Action. Though SCP-7275 does not have an exact confirmed kill count, it is estimated to have several hundred for each conflict it has participated in. Addendum 7275.3: 6 months after initial containment without incident, The Director of Site-19 put in an order to explore potential applications of SCP-7275 as a Foundation asset. Specialist Johnathan Hooke was assigned to test the entity's combat proficiency. ▶Hooke's Findings◀ ▽Hooke's Findings▽ SCP-7275 is every bit as impressive as you'd expect from someone with a quarter of a millennia of military experience. That gun sure packs more of a punch than it has any right to, and 7275 hasn't missed a shot in the two months he's spent at the range. He's also a deadly son of a gun in close quarters, he doesn't seem to have any fear instinct whatsoever; probably from having survived most known ways to kill a man shy of being shot into the Sun. He's a proper fella too; obeys orders without a second thought and seems eager to be part of a team. Old habits die hard, I suppose. I absolutely, unequivocally recommend SCP-7275 for integration into the Foundation as an MTF personnel. It might just be the best soldier to ever step foot through those vaulted doors; we might as well make him one of ours. ––Specialist Johnathan Hooke ▶MTF Rho-76◀ ▽MTF Rho-76▽ After approving Specialist Hooke's recommendation, the Director of Site-19 formally established MTF Rho-76 ("Shell Heads"), a provisional team that would specialize in the containment of anomalies embedded in military organizations. SCP-7275 was designated as a member of its weapons squad, with Dr. Daisy Loche, as the head of its research team, serving as its primary handler. SCP-7275 was noted as being "enthusiastic" about the program by Dr. Loche, and offered to assist in the training of Rho-76 recruits. It handpicked 13 agents, all of whom had assorted backgrounds in the United States Army Special Forces, to join the team on its maiden operation. ▶Performance Report◀ ▽Performance Report▽ Item #: SCP-Alpha-435 Object Class: Uncontained Special Containment Procedures: Due to the highly destructive nature of SCP-Alpha-435 and the Foundation's inability to contain it––due to its protection by the Russian Federation––termination has been approved to prevent any military application of the anomaly and likely subsequent mass casualties. MTF strike plans are pending, due to the small number of agents that would have to be utilized in any such operation to maintain secrecy and prevent open conflict between the Foundation and the Russian Federation. Description: SCP-Alpha-435 is a large, cybernetic ursine entity. According to Kremlin documents, it stands 4.89 m on its hind legs and weighs 1,020 kg. SCP-Alpha-435 possesses a titanium skeleton and is powered by a small modular nuclear fission reactor, and possesses a variety of combat enhancements including: A bulletproof hide Retractable claws Varied ballistic weaponry A plasma breath attack Infrared, X-Ray and Night Vision Although SCP-Alpha-435 was manufactured by the Russian government, it is believed to be sentient and incredibly hostile to organic life. It subsists primarily on U-235 and various government-manufactured dietary supplements. SCP-Alpha-435 is believed to have been created for use in the Chechen War. Afterword: This is an untenable situation. Russia isn't the only military power to use anomalous objects, but they seem to have no care for discretion whatsoever. Talking tanks, I can handle. A Revolutionary War-era super soldier? Why not. But this? It's absolutely ludicrous that any government should be weaponizing something this indiscreet, let alone in civilian zones as the Russians are planning in Chechnya. We cannot allow any government, even a major power to expose anomalies to the world for the sake of a guerrilla war. At the same time, the Foundation also doesn't want to make enemies of the Russian Federation. What we need is plausible deniability, a small and undetected strike force that they could reasonably blame on anybody. The Americans, the Chinese, the GOC, they might even suspect us, but at least they won't be sure enough to strike back. We can get agents into this facility, but fifteen at most without raising any eyebrows. O5 would do well to consider including an anomaly on that list to give them a fighting chance, I recommend Rho-76 for the task. I believe the Council will be thoroughly impressed with the unit I created. ––Director ███, Site-19 [DEPLOYMENT OF RHO-76 and SCP-7275 HAS BEEN APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE O5 COUNCIL] INCIDENT LOG Date: 4/11/2003 Location: [REDACTED], Siberia [BEGIN LOG] [SCP-7275 and 13 members of Rho-76 converge on SCP-Alpha-435's containment site with relative ease. The site has been largely vacated due to a tornado warning planted by the Foundation, and the agents successfully bypassed the area's security systems with minimal difficulty. The Agents found eight Russian security personnel guarding the entity's cell] Leader Hooke: [Over comms] On my mark. 3… 2… 1… Now! [The agents simultaneously tranquilize the guards. All are incapacitated without witnessing Rho-76]Leader Hooke: Luckily, you won't have to. That thing has a kill switch built into this place. The Foundation gave us the codes to set it off. Foxtrot! Plug it in. Agent Foxtrot: Yes sir. [As Agent Foxtrot begins inputting the code into a nearby security console, a ninth security guard enters the room. In a panicked state, he grabs a nearby pulldown console on the wall before being tranquilized] Leader Hooke: Ah damn, he flipped the alarm, everybody move! Agent Foxtrot: Wait… I don't hear anything, and base isn't picking up any radio. I don't think that was an alarm. Agent Gecko: Shit! Guys, I know what that lever went to! [All agents' bodycams turn to face the containment cell, which begins to open. SCP-Alpha-435 can be heard roaring from inside][SCP-Alpha-435 charges out of its containment cell and tackles SCP-7275 to the ground. 7275 produces SCP-7275-1-A, but, unable to aim it, instead sticks the gun sideways into Alpha-435's jaw to prevent it from biting. Rho-76 provides suppressing fire, but their armor-piercing rounds have little effect. SCP-7275 rolls out of the way as Alpha-435 splinters 7275-1-A, however, is swatted away by Alpha-435's claws and sent flying through a nearby computer console. Alpha-435 widens its mouth and breathes a beam of plasma into 7275, burning it and scorching the surrounding area. When 7275 stops moving, it turns its attention to Rho-76. Several turrets appear on its sides as it fires a volley of various caliber bullets and explosives at the agents, who duck for cover] Agent Foxtrot: Oh shit, he was our big gun! Captain, we gotta bail! Leader Hooke: Keep your guns trained on the target! It won't give us the chance to run! [SCP-7275 reproduces SCP-7275-1-A and fires, striking Alpha-435 in the temple. While it's stunned, 7275 leaps onto its back and stabs it in the neck region with 7275-1-A. Barbed wire manifests and entangles Alpha-435, which roars in anger. It tears through the wire and throws 7275, which lands on its feet]Leader Hooke: It's a tank with fur, none of your wounds will do shit to it.[SCP-7275 fixes SCP-7275-1-B to the end of 7275-1-A and performs a bayonet charge, stabbing Alpha-435 in the midsection. The entity roars and stabs both of its claws through 7275's chest][Identical claw marks tear through Alpha-435's chest, piercing its reactor core. Torn machinery explodes through the entity's back. SCP-7275 then fires SCP-7275-1-A into its new wound, destroying the entity from the inside. Alpha-435 falls to the ground, and its electronic eyes dim] Agent Gecko: Dude, that's hardcore![END LOG] Addendum 7275.4: Starting March 2003, SCP-7275's containment procedures were amended to allow it free reign of Site-19's Level 1 security and recreational areas with an armed escort as compensation for its joining MTF-Rho-76. The agents of Rho-76 regularly volunteered to serve as its escorts in order to spend time with it. On 4/15/2003, SCP-7275 entered the Level 1 break room where it conversed with the other members of Rho-76. Subjects included accounts of the members' respective military deployments, and the agents attempting to catch SCP-7275 up on contemporary popular culture by introducing it to modern music. At one point, Agent Reynolds [codename: “Foxtrot”] heated up his lunch in the microwave. SCP-7275 looked uneasily at the microwave as it began producing a “humming” sound, and said nothing as the conversation continued around it. It notably began tightening its grip on the armrests of its chair as the sound grew louder. After approximately 45 seconds, the microwave finished and began beeping. At this point, SCP-7275's grip caused it to splinter its chair. It entered a frantic state and tore the microwave out of the wall before fleeing with it from the room. After failing to calm it down verbally, SCP-7275's escort activated the sedative in its ankle bracelet, incapacitating it. SCP-7275 demonstrated signs of insomnia after this incident, averaging 2 hours of sleep a night. It was allowed to access the facility again with an increased escort, but displayed agoraphobic7 tendencies such as avoiding rooms with single points of entry and exit, noises from electrical instruments, and areas obscured by large objects, such as cubicles. Its escorts also reported that SCP-7275 would randomly grab its left shoulder. Interview Log 7275.3 Interviewer: Level 3 Researcher Daisy Loche Interviewed: SCP-7275 Date: 04/20/2003 Location: Site-19 [BEGIN LOG] Loche: 7275?Loche: Lawrence, this isn't like you. You can't ignore me.Loche: You gave some people quite a scare, we're just following procedure.Loche: Do you recognize that your behavior was out of the ordinary at all?Loche: What did you think it was, Lawrence?Loche: Your teammates mentioned that you keep grabbing your arm. Is there something that happened to it that may be bothering you?Loche: Perhaps something more distinct? Maybe something related to your memory loss before we found you?Loche: Well something is clearly bothering you, because you've barely slept in almost a week. Maybe this isn't good for you? Perhaps we should reduce your deployments, and see how that helps with your insomnia.Loche: It won't kill you, no. But sleep deprivation is quite literally a form of torture. You can't function like this.Loche: Then perhaps you would like to use some form of a breathing apparatus? There are ways to fix sleep apnea.Loche: Listen, you obviously need some form of treatment. But all that we're trying to find out right now is whether it's medical, or [pauses].Loche: I never said that.Loche: Lawrence, you really should consider treatment––.[SCP-7275 looks down to see itself grabbing at its left arm, which is trembling. It abruptly releases it.]Loche: [Hesitates] That's alright. [END LOG] After 3 more days without SCP-7275's condition improving, Dr. Daisy Loche recommended playing music in the entity's containment cell to assist it with stress management. SCP-7275 was given a selection of musical albums curated by Dr. Loche to choose from. It appeared to enjoy classical music by 18th-century English and German composers, however, it also particularly enjoyed "Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dylan. After two weeks, SCP-7275's average amount of sleep per night increased from 2 hours to 6. ▶Performance Report 2◀ ▽Performance Report 2▽ Item #: SCP-Alpha-507 Object Class: Uncontained Special Containment Procedures: SCP-Alpha-507 has exposed itself to both non-Foundation military personnel and various civilian populations on numerous occasions, and has endangered local communities and ecology. Due to its high risk to anomalous secrecy and multiple failed containment attempts, termination via MTF Rho-76 has been approved. Description: SCP-Alpha-507 is an animate set of Japanese armor consistent with designs from the Sengoku Period (1467-1615). The entity is anomalously durable and has proven resilient to all conventional weaponry employed against it, including: 9mm armor-piercing rounds Fragmentation and thermal grenades Proximity mines Being rammed by a 2,676 kg Humvee It is highly radioactive, measured at ~110 Gy by Foundation scanners. Through a process similar to radioactive decay, SCP-Alpha-507 is capable of superheating itself to an estimated temperature of 600°C and generating flames across medium distances. The entity is especially hostile towards American citizens and has attacked multiple United States military installations throughout the Japanese peninsula. Its stated objective is to restore the Japanese Empire by means of removing any American presence from the country. INCIDENT LOG Date: 10/25/2003 Location: [REDACTED], Okinawa [BEGIN LOG] [MTF Rho-76 intercepts SCP-Alpha-507 as it travels on the path to strike a local American military installation. Due to SCP-Alpha-507's high radiation output, the human agents of MTF-Rho-76 are unable to safely cross within effective range of the entity. SCP-7275, being the only squad member capable of withstanding the entity's radiation, is sent to dispatch Alpha-507 as the rest of the team remains on standby from a perimeter 300 m away behind protective lead shielding. SCP-7275 attempts to fire on Alpha-507 from range, however, the entity swats SCP-7275-1-A's projectiles out of the air and quickly closes the distance] SCP-Alpha-507: [In Japanese] Oh, the American. And this time, without your 'society.' You are as lonely as you are old.SCP-Alpha-507: [In Japanese] No? Then let me remind you. [SCP-7275 and SCP-Alpha-507 engage each other in close-quarters combat. Alpha-507 parries away several quick strikes by 7275 and ignites its sword before attacking with a downward slash. 7275 narrowly avoids the blow as Alpha-507's blade passes close enough to cause the back of its coat to catch fire. 7275 removes the coat and throws it into Alpha-507's mask, temporarily blinding the entity before stabbing SCP-7275-1-B through its chest plate. Alpha-507 does not react] SCP-Alpha-507: [Laughing] [In Japanese] You really must have forgotten. I have no flesh for you to cut! [SCP-Alpha-507's radioactivity rises sharply, and its body glows bright orange as it emits flames in all directions. SCP-7275 shields itself from the temperature as its uniform becomes singed][At this point, all video and auditory recording equipment on SCP-7275's person is interrupted by the radiation. The incident is subsequently observed with long-distance surveillance equipment] [SCP-7275 recoils and visibly trembles, seemingly from physical pain, which it was previously believed it was unable to feel. It temporarily ceases combat and examines the radiation burns forming on its arms. SCP-7275's biometric scanners indicate a sharp rise in its BPM and adrenaline, indicative of a "fight or flight" response] [SCP-Alpha-507 slashes SCP-7275 upwards from its midsection across its face, causing the flesh of the affected area to bubble and melt from severe burning and radiation poisoning and tearing its facial bandages. SCP-7275 yells in pain and attempts to conceal its face. Its movements become noticeably wild and haphazard as it attempts to strike SCP-Alpha-507] [SCP-Alpha-507 catches SCP-7275's arm and severs its forearm, causing it to drop SCP-7275-1-A. SCP-7275 appears to howl in pain before Alpha-507 grabs it by the throat, causing more of its flesh to melt, and pressing it against the wall of a dilapidated brick building. SCP-7275 uses its remaining hand to tear the sutures in its arm and pull several lengths of surgical thread from the stump of its wound. It wraps the thread around Alpha-507's throat and tightens, severing its helmet from its body. Alpha-507 throws 7275 through the wall of the building, which crumbles on top of 7275, before retrieving its helmet and reattaching it to its body] [SCP-Alpha-507 attempts to find SCP-7275 in the rubble. The entity emerges behind it, and pierces itself in the chest with SCP-7275-1-B. The affected area begins to swell before forming boils that explode into a cloud of translucent yellow gas, which covers both entities. Welts, rashes and burns form over SCP-7275's skin, and SCP-Alpha-507 appears startled as green-colored rust forms over its armor. Its radioactivity sharply declines, allowing SCP-7275's body camera to transmit its audio feed again] SCP-Alpha-507: [In Japanese] Such a putrid stench! [In English] What have you done!?SCP-Alpha-507: [In Japanese] You… wretched! [SCP-Alpha-507 lunges at SCP-7275. 7275 produces SCP-7275-1-A and fires it with sufficient force that it causes the barrel of the gun to splinter and tears through Alpha-507's chest and out its back. The armor becomes inanimate and falls to the ground as its temperature falls to normal. SCP-7275 collapses from exhaustion and begins seizing in pain from its injuries. Its heart rate does not fall] [SCP-7275 remains unresponsive as MTF Rho-76 converges on its position in protective hazmat gear. Its heart rate rises over 220 BPM as it becomes aware of the team] Hooke: Good work, 7275. The target's neutralized. Gecko, collect a tissue sample of that armor to bring back. Foxtrot: Uh… Captain, he looks really messed up. 7275?Gecko: Shit, 7275 you alright? Let's get him a medical evac or something. [Reaches for SCP-7275][SCP-7275 rises to its knees and slashes Agent Gecko across the chest with SCP-7275-1-B. The affected area begins to glow orange.] Gecko: [Screams in agony] Help, it's burning! Hooke: 7275, stop it! It's over, that's friendly fire![SCP-7275-1-B's effects on Agent Gecko stop metastisizing. The agent writhes on the ground as his fellow squadmates attempt to treat the laceration and burns on his chest. SCP-7275 sinks to its knees and its vitals drop precipitously until it falls into a comatose state] [END LOG] Note: During the incident, Agent Gecko suffered heavy lacerations and fourth-degree burns to his chest. He is expected to survive, however will require extensive surgery and physical therapy. SCP-7275 has been suspended from active duty pending a review of its containment procedures. In February of 2004, Dr. Daisy Loche discovered SCP-7275's psychiatric records in the U.S. military archives from its service in the Vietnam War. ▶Military Psychiatric Record◀ ▽Military Psychiatric Record▽ On February 2, 1968, SCP-7275 was dismembered in a napalm strike during the Vietnam War. It reconstituted itself after six days, and was documented as entering a "dissociative state" for another three. The following is an excerpt from a subsequent psychiatric assessment of SCP-7275: The asset appears to be suffering from an acute case of battle fatigue. This is not to be unexpected, and, frankly, I am shocked this didn't become a problem sooner. Mr. Taylor has graced our mortuary four times already this war, but he has been defending the interests of the United States for generations. I've examined his file, and I am shocked he escaped the incident in Japan with his sanity intact. Death by immolation was simply the straw that broke the camel's back. It is my assessment that Mr. Taylor is wholly unfit for continued military service given his current psychiatric state and should be discharged immediately. Signed, Dr. Elisabeth P. Nichols, U.S. Army Nurse Corps Dr. Nichols' petition to mandate a medical discharge for SCP-7275 was denied by supervising military personnel. By the end of the war in 1975, it had been "neutralized" seven times. Dr. Nichols' request is summarily denied. The Asset––and it is again stressed that Dr. Nichols respect protocol and not call the entity "Mr."––is and has always been a vital component of the United States Army, and his services are, as always, invaluable to the Vietnam Theater. What, we should ask the good doctor, would be waiting for Asset Taylor outside the military if we discharged him? He has not been integrated into civilian life since before the telegram was invented, he has nobody to take him in and would not be able to acclimate to modern society. More importantly than that, Taylor is a walking, talking military secret. Dr. Nichols would do well to remember that she is one of the only Americans of her security clearance with knowledge of his existence. An undead, Revolutionary War-era superweapon cannot be exposed to the public. Signed, SGM Bruce Wilson U.S. Army Shortly after the Vietnam War's end in 1975, Dr. Nichols was discharged from the military after it was discovered she was pregnant. Many of her notes were lost thereafter. ▶Military Incident Record◀ ▽Military Incident Record▽ On July 2005, SCP-7275 was assigned as a provisional asset of 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta, colloquially known as "Delta Force," to assist in neutralizing high-value targets in the Taliban. On August 19, SCP-7275 and eight members of Delta Force were sent on a strike mission to a Taliban compound in Afghanistan. All files regarding the mission were deleted from military databases. However, bodycam footage recovered by Foundation plants within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) revealed the following details: VIDEO LOG DATE: 08/19/2002 LOCATION: Helmand, Afghanistan NOTE: All recovered footage is taken by the bodycam recordings of SCP-7275, Delta Force operatives, and American surveillance drones [BEGIN LOG] 0300 hours: Eight Delta Force operatives assume vantage points outside the perimeter of the compound. After estimating that there were twenty guards in the building, Mission Leader Alvin Reed gave the order to deploy the asset. At this point, an American F-117 Nighthawk drops a cylindrical metal payload into the center of the compound. SCP-7275 emerged from an automatic door on the container and began engaging the Taliban operatives. The entity slays three in quick succession with SCP-7275-1-B. As SCP-7275 draws the attention of the guards positioned on the walls, the Delta Force operatives use the distraction to neutralize them. The surviving Taliban operatives quickly open fire on SCP-7275, however, it continues to fight unencumbered by multiple bullet wounds. SCP-7275 bayonets the nearest gunman and keeps him attached to the end of the blade for use as a shield while shooting through him to neutralize four more combatants. When all Taliban operatives are neutralized, SCP-7275 tears down the gate to the compound to allow the Delta Force operatives to enter the facility. SCP-7275 then proceeds to the entrance to the facility's interior. Mission Leader Alvin Reed shouts at the entity to wait, but it is too late to stop it from opening the door. SCP-7275 triggers an IED underneath, severing its left arm. At this point, approximately thirty more Taliban operatives emerge from the building in an ambush, killing seven of the Delta Force operatives. SCP-7275 sits unresponsive to the orders of Leader Reed and appears to enter a dissociative state. Leader Reed attempts to grab SCP-7275, at which point the entity pierces him with SCP-7275-1-B, causing him to immolate and collapse after several seconds. SCP-7275 then detaches SCP-7275-1-B, wielding it as a melee weapon, and charges the Taliban combatants. It slashes one nearby, causing barbed wire to manifest and entangle him. SCP-7275 then proceeds through the rest of the compound, dispatching another seven enemy combatants, who all become perforated with what appear to be various gunshot wounds when cut by the bayonet. At one point, a Taliban operative mans a machine gun turret mounted on a humvee and fires on SCP-7275's position. The entity hurls SCP-7275-1-B at the combatant, piercing him in the chest. The enemy swells and combusts in an incendiary explosion, igniting the vehicle and neutralizing several other combatants in the ensuing explosion. SCP-7275 then summons SCP-7275-1-A through its coat and neutralizes the rest of the combatants present. During the battle, the compound catches fire, and SCP-7275 is obscured from all video feeds. [END LOG] There are no survivors of the compound. A search team is dispatched to find SCP-7275, however, it is declared MIA and presumed destroyed after 72 hours. ▶Interview 7275.4◀ ▽Interview 7275.4▽ Following the discovery of SCP-7275's last military action report, Dr. Loche shared its records with the Ethics Committee and recommended it undergo a psychiatric evaluation. The Committee concurred with her hypothesis that the entity was likely suffering from an acute form of PTSD and permitted SCP-7275 to decide whether it would like to remain on Rho-76 while undergoing treatment. Dr. Loche elected to inform SCP-7275 of this personally, leading to the following interview: Interview Log 7275.4 Interviewer: Level 3 Researcher Daisy Loche Interviewed: SCP-7275 Date: 02/11/2004 Location: Site-19 [BEGIN LOG] Loche: 7275, we've made some… troubling discoveries, in regards to your previous military service.Loche: Your performance isn't an issue, 7275. Actually, you've been spectacular. This is about your psychiatric record. 7275, you've been… "neutralized," a fair amount of times now, and you've seen more warfare than anybody employed at the Foundation. And we have reason to believe that you are showing signs of a condition called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, have you heard of it?Loche: This isn't about strength, 7275.Loche: [Sighs] We know what happened in Afghanistan. You were injured in an IED explosion, and in your confusion, you killed your captain.Loche: I believe that you don't remember, and it's not your fault, but that's the problem. You lost control. And this doesn't seem like the first time, either. We've read about your condition in the notes of one Dr. Elisabeth Nichols, from your time in Vietnam.Loche: You and her were close, I understand. She was with you constantly throughout the war, and she was the one to put you back together every time you got hurt. She knew you better than anybody, because she didn't just understand you as a scientist, or a government functionary. She understood you as a friend. More than a friend, perhaps?Loche: You loved her, didn't you?Loche: What would she want for you?Loche: I'll rephrase, and please think about this, do you think she would want this for you?Loche: 7275… Lawrence, you don't owe anybody anything, not even her. This needs to be for you, and for me to help I need to hear you say it.Loche: Why?Loche: [Wipes her eyes] It's just allergy season, but thank you for your concern. I'm going to put in a request to transfer you from active duty.Loche: I beg your pardon?Loche: Oh… Well, I knew that your colleagues on Rho-76 were introducing you to new music.Loche: [Hesitates] She may have mentioned you enjoyed it in her notes, but I don't recall exactly.Loche: [Interrupts SCP-7275 by opening a file in front of it] 7275, the Ethics Committee has assembled a therapy regimen that we think could be extremely helpful. Certain parts of this are elective, but I truly recommend that you take full advantage of it. [Dr. Loche leaves the file from the desk and exits the room][END LOG] Following this interview, SCP-7275 was removed from Rho-76. Dr. Loche and representatives of the Ethics Committee rewrote its containment procedures for the further study and treatment of its psychiatric condition. SCP-7275's mandatory psychiatric journal logs have revealed previous injuries not disclosed to the Foundation upon its initial research, including from its alleged presence in Nagasaki, Japan on a covert mission during the city's nuclear bombing in 1945. Outside of the specified special containment procedures, Specialist Hooke and SCP-7275's former teammates on Rho-76 were approved to take SCP-7275 to the Site-19 range for recreational target practice on a semimonthly basis to attempt to give it a positive association with some of its triggers. These members include Agent Sullivan [Gecko], who has made a full recovery from his injuries and expressed a desire to help with 7275's treatment. Additionally, SCP-7275 has been approved to take an active role in the training of incoming MTF personnel on encounters with humanoid and military-related anomalies, both for the Foundation to utilize its talents in a more risk-free capacity and to offer it more opportunities for human interaction. SCP-7275 has free access to the Foundation's regular amenities for treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), including interaction with SCP-999 under armed supervision. As of a regularly scheduled psychiatric update on June 2007, incidents of SCP-7275's panic attacks have decreased by 36 percent, and its score on a Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ) style self-reporting test has improved from 58 to 44 on symptoms of PTSD out of a maximum of 60. Treatment remains ongoing. ACCESS RESTRICTED: LEVEL 4 CREDENTIALS REQUIRED Closing [AUTHENTIFICATION SUCCESSFUL] Psychiatric Update Meeting Date: June 13th, 2007 Level 3 Researcher Dr. Daisy Loche & Level 3 Psychiatrist, Ethics Committee Assignee, Dr. Dawson Heard [BEGIN LOG] Heard: Dr. Loche, a pleasure. Loche: Likewise Dr. Heard. What do you have for me? Heard: I think you'll find treatment has been having a positive effect on 7275, he seems to be settling well into his new role in MTF training. Although I'm sure you were as troubled as I was by his journal, I don't think even he understands the full scope of the damage done to his body. His mind, though, has proven incredibly strong, however damaged it is. Loche: That… wasn't exactly put delicately, but it seems like good news. I've had the same conclusion myself, he seems to be in much higher spirits, even though his attacks haven't been fully eliminated yet. Heard: Dr. Loche, respectfully… There is no "yet." Odds are that what he saw over the past 250 years will stay with him for however many decades or centuries he still has left. Our goal here is to teach him how to better understand and manage those feelings and to improve his quality of life however we can, but there are some things not even the Foundation can fully repair. Loche: I… I know that. Heard: …Doctor, if I may, the Committee has been very impressed in your handling of 7275. You've been his staunchest advocate, and helped him carve out a life here at the Foundation even though war is all he's ever known. He has friends and colleagues as you would expect for a normal person. Though I'm certain he could use family, as well. Why haven't you told him about your relation to Dr. Nichols? Loche: My mom is my business too, you know. [Pauses] I didn't know about Lawrence until my mom died. She thought I deserved to know, I guess. I'm not the only person to grow up without a dad in their lives, and I could handle that. But imagine growing up and learning that your dad is an almost 300-year-old superweapon, who's been getting killed and stitched back together over and over and over again while your whole life you just thought he was a deadbeat, or just… well… dead. It was… difficult to process. Do you know why she named me "Daisy"? Heard: Enlighten me. Loche: Because in Vietnam, she used powdered daisies to treat his new wounds and scars. I guess the flower was some kind of an inside joke between them. So yeah, it's pretty weird. But what about the other side of that? What if I told him that he left his Elisabeth, the only person he's loved in centuries, as a single mother, and that all this time he's had a kid out there? Do you actually think that would help him, with everything he's already dealing with? Heard: Well, do you wish you didn't know about him? Loche: Of course I'm glad I know. But my way of coping was to go from being an Ivy League historian to working at… [waves her hands at the room around her] …this place, just so I could help him. He doesn't need that kind of stress. Heard: Alternatively, I think he might be glad to know he has family out there. 7275 is from a completely different world. Everyone he knows is dead, including your mother. The man listens to a record player, and even that kind of technology seems futuristic to him. You might make him feel less alone the same way he did you. Loche: [Holds her forehead] God, you're not psychoanalyzing me too, are you? I'm not your patient here. [Exhales] Maybe eventually, but not right now. [END LOG] « SCP-7274 | SCP-7275 | SCP-7276 » Footnotes 1. A Gray(Gy) is a unit of absorbed radiation equal to one joule per kg of matter 2. A language family belonging to indigenous North American tribes stretching from the Rocky Mountains to the east coast 3. An anxiety disorder that develops in reaction to physical injury or severe mental or emotional distress, such as military combat 4. Possible connection to Revolutionary War naval captain John Paul Jones, warrants further investigation 5. An American Founding Father, inventor, and diplomat 6. Improvised Explosive Device 7. An anxiety disorder involving the fear of areas where escape is difficult, and both open and closed spaces 8. Supernatural entities from Japanese folklore
SCP-7276 - Breathe Thy Hypocrisy This took twice as long to write as the original. Many stalls and blocks were encountered along this way, and I'm proud to finally have it completed. I present my second-largest project thus far at 9.2K words; enjoy! Good day. ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} close Info X Both knife images were created by me. 88.89% (+8) 11.11% (-1) -% (+0) -% (-0) We, the Foundation, must maintain our autonomy presiding over our subjects, and cannot allow them to control us. We must not yield to let them reign in their horrible night. We must remember that is what divides us - humans and anomalies - and we must not relent. « SCP-4276 | Frozen Flame | SCP-7276 | Site Director Velkes is seated alone in a lobby reading a newspaper He stands and folds the paper as Director Roufhous, from Area-55, walks in Velkes: Director Roufhous, sir. Welcome to Site-94. Roufhous: G'day. Where is she? Velkes: She's in pathology. I can take you there now. Roufhous: Fine. Come on. Roufhous walks past him as Velkes struggles to keep up Velkes: Again, I am so, so sorry for what happened. Roufhous: I'd rather not talk about it. Velkes: Of course. Sorry, sir. They continue on for five minutes, eventually passing into the low-level containment wing Roufhous: Why are we in light containment? Velkes: Well, sir, she wasn't exactly the same as before. Roufhous: She was and still is just as human as you are. Velkes: She injured three personnel. Roufhous: After they dragged her kicking and screaming to be sacrificed to that damned monolith. All while you sat in your office and watched. Velkes: That's not fair. Roufhous: Oh, well to be fair, what kind of director are you if you can't do a single fucking thing to prevent your researchers from murdering each other? Velkes: How was I- nevermind. Roufhous: No, no, what were you about to say? Velkes: Look, I'm sorry about this, all of this. Roufhous: Fan-fucking-tastic, you're sorry. They reach the medical bay. Velkes opens the door and Roufhous steps in first. Velkes directs them through multiple sanitation protocols before they enter the chamber They walk past multiple hospital beds with personnel with varying degrees of injury, eventually making it to the back where SCP-4276-12.Formerly Senior Researcher Carla Confer. is resting. She has a cast Roufhous: Is she fit for leaving? Velkes: There was considerable damage done to her arm. Roufhous: Can she walk? Velkes: Yes. Roufhous: That'll have to be good enough. Roufhous walks over to her while Velkes steps aside. They tap her arm gently, and she jolts back as she awakens 4276-12: W-w-who-wher-wh-w- Roufhous: Are you alright, mademoiselle? 4276-12: D-director! S-sorry, s-sir, I- Roufhous: Are you alright, Carla? 4276-12: Y-yes. Yes sir. Roufhous: Good. Let's go then. 4276-12: Can I gather my things first? Roufhous: Sure. Now come on. They lend out their hand and help stand her up] Velkes comes over Velkes: Ms. Confer, I am so, so very sorry about all of this, really. 4276-12: O-oh, Site Director Velkes… it's… fine. Roufhous groans Velkes:: What happened was completely unjustified, and I take full responsibility for it. 4276-12: … Thanks. Velkes: Again, I am so, so sorr- Roufhous: George, if I hear one more apology today. Let's go. Velkes stands back as Roufhous and 4276-12 walk away, heading towards the exit Just as they're about to leave, someone calls out to them The two walk over to a curtained-off frame and pull it aside After she looks in, 4276-12 stares and freezes 4276-12: You. König: Hello, Carla. I did not think that I would be seeing you up and about. 4276-12: Director, we should go. Roufhous: And who are you? König: Lead Researcher Friedenfänger König. Who might you be? The girl's- Roufhous: Friedenfänger? As in not-a-doctor Friedenfänger König? König: That would be correct. Roufhous: As in the lunatic who tried to kill one of my researchers? König: I'm sorry, I never got your name. 4276-12: Director, don't- They pull a revolver out from their coat and aim it at König's head as they lean in close Roufhous: Pendant Roufhous. König: Ah, you. They look into his changed eyes - their colors have changed to an unnatural black and yellow Roufhous: Richtig, du dummer Verrückter. They pull the trigger 4276-12: Oh my god. Director, what have you done? Velkes runs over amidst the fellow panicked hospitalized around him Velkes: I heard gunshots. What happen- Oh, oh sweet Jesus. Roufhous: He had it coming. Let's go get your things, Carla. They turn to face Velkes Roufhous: Keep me notified; I'd like to know when he gets back up. NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The following files have been marked as out-of-date, pending reevaluation after the events detailed in Incident-7276-1. The majority of this document is to be archived and replaced with up-to-date information described in Addendum-3. Item#: 7276 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: anomalous Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7276 is to be held in a standard anomalous item locker with a locking restraint attached keeping it in the closed position. Description: SCP-7276 SCP-7276 is a jackknife, 19cm in length, comprised of stainless steel with wood furnishings. When SCP-7276 is fully opened - extending its blade into the locking position - a secondary blade, 70cm in length and 8cm in width, will manifest alongside the original. This blade, comprised of blood, follows the pattern of the original knife, forming an edge reminiscent of a falchion. Despite being composed entirely of liquid blood, SCP-7276's blade is completely solid in addition to possessing a razor-like sharpness. DNA analysis has determined that SCP-7276's blade is comprised of blood sourced from both a wide variety of animals and an estimated six hundred human subjects. Discovery: SCP-7276 was discovered following the murder of Jane Woodrow, a forty-seven-year-old person of interest at the time. She was found completely exsanguinated in an alleyway, with cuts and lacerations stretching across the corpse. SCP-7276 was found nearby. Local law enforcement was unable to make an arrest for Woodrow's murder, and the list of suspects is still being investigated at the time of writing. Despite SCP-7276's composition, retroactive historical analysis in the past two hundred years has revealed no other known incidents involving it or relating to it. Testing:.Heavily truncated list devised by the newly appointed lead researcher. Subject: Procedure: Result: D-6412 Pierce the subject's left foreleg and attempt to gauge an additional supposed anomalous property from SCP-7276. N/A [Denied by Site Director] D-6412 Cut the subject's left foreleg and attempt to gauge an additional supposed anomalous property from SCP-7276. N/A [Denied by Site Director] D-6412 Pierce the subject's chest and heart and attempt to gauge an additional supposed anomalous property from SCP-7276. N/A [Denied by Site Director] One domesticated pig. Pierce the subject's heart and attempt to gauge an additional supposed anomalous property from SCP-7276. The subject reacted violently to the procedure, vocalizing wildly as sedatives were not employed. However, after four seconds, it slowed, becoming docile, before dying from blood loss shortly after. Addenda: 7276.1: Internal log - Velkes and Herida dialogue [Junior Researcher Carlos Herida is seated in Site Director Velkes' office] Velkes: It's just a warning, but always, and I mean this, always keep an eye on him. Herida: I understand. Velkes: Sure, you'll understand now, but just be careful around him. Think about the shit he says and what he means. Herida: I got it. But why is he being assigned to this skip? We've had it in containment for years; my research mostly just boils down to trying to find one identifiable person in the blood. Velkes: Gotta keep him low; we're all on thin ice here. If I were you, I'd start looking for a transfer. Herida: I'll think about it. But one other thing I wanted to go over - you refused a lot of these tests. Velkes: Trust me on this. We're not giving that man access to human trials anytime soon. Internal log - Herida dialogue [Herida is seated in a cubicle. He faces the camera Herida: Hey, Carlos here. Just making an update to these research logs now that something's finally going down. Since we kinda dumped all investigation duties on the cops, there really hasn't been much for me to do other than busywork… and there's also times when there's hardly any busywork either. So there's this new guy they assigned to the project. Senior Researcher. Dunno what makes him more qualified to take over this assignment than me, but they say he's experienced. He's currently out of action at the minute, but, uh, what's really funny, yeah, is that he made a list of test proposals for the knife. He's been here about a couple days and he's already gunning to put me out of a job. I looked them over and even got to do a few of them. I thought the document was good enough, or that I already knew the gist of the thing. Guess I was wrong. [He looks around before leaning in towards the camera] Herida: He can't be as bad as everyone says, can he? [He leans back] Herida: Either way, he'll be around in the next few days. Hopefully, everything will be prepared for his arrival. Hopefully, I'll be prepared for his arrival. Jane Woodrow, prior to her death, was a known affiliate of GOI-850.Data withheld per situational clearance.. Her connection to GOI-850 had caused her to evade the Foundation for a period of six years before her body was discovered. SCP-7276 was not a known possession of GOI-850, nor is it believed that the group was capable of its conception. Investigations are ongoing. There were symbols found on Woodrow's body, carved with lacerations and cuts, that corresponded to another set that manifested on the tested pig. Due to the decayed state of Woodrow's corpse, these symbols were not originally noted as anything more than brutality. After noticing this, Junior Researcher Herida, under orders from the newly instated lead researcher, began a search of the Foundation database for other symbols like this, discovering a possible link to another anomaly - SCP-6234-D. Internal log - Herida and Lead Researcher dialogue [Herida is seated in a lobby outside the medical wing reading a magazine] [After a few minutes, footsteps can be heard down the hall and Herida puts the magazine away as he stands] [Senior Researcher König enters the shot wearing sunglasses and a took] [Herida moves to greet him] Herida: Senior Researcher König, sir. König: What is it that you want? Herida: Uh, oh- sir, I'm here about 7276, the blood knife. I'm Carlos Herida. König: Good, then we can proceed. [König walks at a quick pace; Herida tries to keep up] Herida: Proceed with what, sir? König: We move to interview the personnel who work on the SCP-6234-D project. Herida: Alright, and what do we wanna learn from them? König: The meanings of the symbols. Now quiet. Herida: Oh, alright. [Cut log] [König is now seated in the driver's seat of a BMW; Herida is beside him] Herida: So, König si- König: Senior Researcher König or sir, these are your two options for addressing me. Herida: Okay, sir. So what got you into the hospital? König: That is far above your clearance. Herida: Well, can you tell me anything about your previous project then? I'd like to get to know you. [König is silent for a moment] Herida: Sir? König: We, no, I, I was so very, very close to achieving something in this organization. So very, very close to creating something. But it was all ruined; all destroyed; all shattered into dust. Herida: What happened? König: An anomaly, happened, junior researcher. An anomaly was allowed to fester its unnatural disease amongst our ranks. An anomaly was allowed to spread its influence and seep itself deep into a pocket of this Foundation. I gave it a chance; I will not make this mistake again. Even for the purposes of experimentation, we must not allow anomalies any advantages. We can not allow them to reign in their terrible night. Herida: Terrible night? König: If we allow them to infiltrate our ranks, the foundation of our Foundation will grow with their vile seed. They will take over our final bastion, and every cataclysm will follow. We can not compromise on our beliefs, junior researcher. Remember that, above all else, you must be uncompromising in holding true the values of the SCP - secure, contain, and protect. Secure anomalies, contain anomalies, and protect humanity. Herida: I believe I understand, sir. König: This is good. Now keep quiet, I can feel a headache taking form. Herida: Gotcha. [Cut log] [König is seated in an office at Site-67, Herida to his right, and Senior Researcher Brown across the desk facing them] König: Researcher Brown, thank you for having us. Brown: It isn't a problem, though, maybe you could have sent a message beforehand. I'm not always this available, you see. König: I apologize, but I would like to be done with this as quickly as can be possible. Now, we are here on the topic of SCP-6234-D; you used to work on this project, correct? Brown: I did. I got some of the files here if you need; my memory isn't what it used to be. [She turns around, filing through the cabinets behind her, and produces a set of documents before handing them over] Herida: Thanks, uh, Researcher Brown, ma'am. Brown: Just call me Christine. Might I ask what project you two are involved in, by the way? König: What is your clearance? Brown: Same as yours, senior. König: And that would be? Brown: Four, now? König: We are engaged in an investigation into the suicide of a young girl. Herida: Actually, it was a mur- König: You are mistaken. Herida: Sir, the way she was, um, sorry, are you fine with bloody talk, um, Christine? Brown: I'll be fine. Herida: Okay then. The way she was, er, cut, it had to be post-mortem. König: Have you already forgotten our purpose here? To investigate how those symbols were carved into the pig without prompt? Brown: Excuse me? Herida: Sorry, the anomaly we're testing appeared to leave a cut mark on a woman and a pig we tested on, an- wait, how do you know it was definitely suicide? König: Because it's obvious, Researcher Herida. She was asking, no, pleading for us to find her. Us, the Foundation. Otherwise, Researcher Herida, who in their right mind would leave such an interesting and unique weapon behind? Brown: I'm a bit confused here, wha- Herida: But all the suspects- König: No ties to the anomalous, any of them. Herida: Then what was she trying to draw attention to? König: Herself and her cult. You could use a regular knife to do the deed; you could use a rope, a gun, or a simple jump would suffice. Why else would anyone use an anomaly to do it other than to draw us in? Herida: Then aren't we playing by her game? By doing what she wants us to do? König: And that is what we must find out. Perhaps these documents will help us in finding the answer to this mess. Thank you for supplying us this, Researcher Brown. [König stands and Herida follows suit] Brown: I'm glad I could be of assist- [König turns around and leaves, Herida stands there for a moment] Brown: -ance. Herida: Thanks a bunch, Christine. König (Distant): Herida! Brown: Yeah, sure, no problem. [Herida turns and quickly rejoins with König down the hall] [End log] Addenda: 7276.1.1: NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SCP-6234-D Summarized Description: SCP-6234-D is a decayed human corpse covered in various etchings and cuts forming a variety of symbols not found elsewhere in the Foundation archive. Prior to its neutralization, SCP-6234-D was an identified ontokinetic-sensitive entity capable of category 1.2 level reality manipulation. This caused extreme difficulty in its containment, and, following a breach and escape from its containment site, it was found deceased in a local forest five days after its escape with newly acquired aforementioned scarring. Subsequently, after the previous log and reviewal of all SCP-6234-D-related documentation, Senior Researcher König drafted a project proposal on the topic of investigating SCP-6234-D's past affiliations in order to discover a possible link between it and GOI-850. The following is the presentation of this proposal to the site director. Internal log - König, Herida, Velkes dialogue [Velkes is seated alone in his office. He boots up his SCIPNET account] [There is a knocking on the door - footsteps are heard outside - and König walks in uninvited] Velkes: Friedenfänger, make yourself at home why don't you? König: We are here regarding the proposal I sent you. [Herida, originally standing outside, enters the room] Velkes: And you already got your answer: No. König: Yes, and we are here to inquire about that. Velkes: We're not doing this. König: Why was the proposal rejected? Velkes: You want to know why? You really want to know why? König: That is the point, yes. [Velkes looks at Herida in the corner] Velkes: You damn well know why. König: No, actually, I do not. Enlighten me, would you? [Velkes grumbles] Velkes: Because the Ethics Committee has been breathing down my neck 'cause of you, because I don't trust you, because the last time I trusted you, you- [He grumbles again] Velkes: Because I'm ordering you to stay in your own lane; do your work as you're given it and don't rock the ship. Am I clear? König: Rock the ship? You want me to not "rock the ship", that is what you want? Velkes: I just sai- König: You would have me do nothing? You want me to stay behind and accomplish nothing? Mr. Velkes, I am capable of doing this, you and I both know this. Velkes: I know what you're capable of. Herida: If I may, sir, what's going on here? Velkes: It's above your clearance, now g- König: What is going on here, Herida, is that I had the courage to face against the apathy our Foundation has become far too accustomed to. I took with what tools I had our destiny into my hands. Velkes: You ki- König: The anomalies we protect ourselves from are just that - anomalies. They should not exist, and I will not apologize for that truth, unlike you, Mr. Velkes. Velkes: Excuse me? König: The anomaly is a threat to our way of living. They present tools that we can use to fight back against them because they are legion without loyalty - a collection of weak and loose chain links that I shall exploit without remorse. They should not exist, and for their destruction, I find correction. I am honored to carry this burden with me, and I will continue to fight for humanity's survival, whether this Foundation would agree with me or not. On the other hand, you, Mr. Velkes, you shamefully, how do you say, suck up to that dirty creature masquerading as a human. Do you really have no control over your own facility that you would allow their kind to walk amongst ours? Velkes: Researcher König, you are completely out of line- König: To kill one of your employees? Velkes: Stop it- König: Does this not sound familiar to you? Velkes: Enough! Both of you get out of my office immediately or I'll have security drag you out! [König slams his hand down on Velkes' desk] [Herida reels back] König: You are a fool! Herida: Oh shit- Velkes: Security! [An agent arrives and attempts to grab König but he shakes him off as he pushes past and leaves. Herida steps out after him] Velkes: Utter moron. [End log] Internal log - König and Herida dialogue Herida: I'm sorry, but just what was that? König: That man is a fool. He and his kind will be the death of the Foundation. Herida: Sir, we need this proposal to go through. This's the first lead I've had in months! König: It is already upon us, it seems. The bastion crumbles… Herida: Are you even listening? König: I am not deaf, Researcher Herida, nor am I blind to these facts. Herida: Then what do we do? [König is silent] Herida: Sir, what do we do now? König: We will explore other options. We have detracted far from this knife itself, and, regardless of what that man may tell you, Researcher Herida, there is no such thing as a "simple anomaly". He finds satisfaction in knowing the bare minimum to this relic, well, I laugh in the face of this indifference. Together, we will discover the secrets of this artifact and by the end, we will have learned from how to tear it apart just how to put another one together. Now are you with me, Herida? [Herida pauses for a second] König: Are you with me, Carlos? Herida: Yes sir. [König smiles] König: Then let us get to work. [End log] After the aforementioned log, Senior Researcher König created a list of fifty-one SCP-7276 test draft proposals, with Junior Researcher Herida having also contributed an additional fourteen. Of the sixty-five proposals, more than half were denied on the basis of the usage of D-Class; multiple more were denied for other reasons. In the end, twenty-five test proposals were accepted. The tests employed a variety of anomalous sciences and standard or thaumaturgic practices, which concluded with the finding that SCP-7276's secondary blade is not limited solely to SCP-7276, and can be extracted and harnessed [See Addendum: 7276.3 for more information]. Additionally, among other less noteworthy discoveries, the blood of Jane Woodrow was found, singled out, and extracted from SCP-7276's secondary blade. Multiple requests for the usage of this blood, notably among a thaumaturgic blood ritual, are pending. Addenda: 7276.1.2: Following six weeks of testing and analysis on SCP-7276, Senior Researcher König came to a conclusion on the possibility of replicating SCP-7276. The proposed procedure would involve utilizing the blood of forty pig specimens, which would be channeled into a spear-shaped mold and enriched with various elements of thaumaturgic significance, as well as undergoing several other procedures listed here. Although all requisite materials were collected, Site Director Velkes intervened and prevented the experiment from being performed on the basis of a lack of prior Site Director authorization regarding testing upon living subjects as well as the large inventory withdrawal required for the test. To: RsrKöTEN.picS|gin#TEN.picS|gin From: TEN.picS|sekleVDS#TEN.picS|sekleVDS Subject: My tests. Date 3/1/1996 Mr. Velkes, I would like to know as to why my progress has been continuously hindered by your short-sightedness. I am left with few other options to pursue if you are so adamantly dedicated to preventing me from being capable of achieving anything. If you were unaware previously, I am more than capable of addressing the Ethics Committee by myself if that issue persists. What matters presently is moving forward, which you are the only measure stopping me from doing so. If you would like, we could meet in my office tomorrow to settle this dispute in person. Access SCiPNET Email? One new message! Him. To: TEN.picS|refnoCC#TEN.picS|refnoCC From: RsrKöTEN.picS|gin#TEN.picS|gin Subject: Hello, Carla. Date 2/1/1993 On 4/1/1993, the following log was recorded near the beginning of the day. Internal log - König, Velkes dialogue [König is seated in his new office - a small and noticeably cluttered room] [König picks up his phone and dials a number. It rings for a short period before the other end picks up] König: And, are we- [Site Director Velkes knocks on the door as he opens it] König: I will call you again later. [Velkes walks over to his desk] Velkes: I've given you your answer already. Honestly, I'm this close to just letting the Committee have its way with you. König: Then let me talk to them. It would be rather simple, really. Velkes: Well then here's my response: No. No, you can stay in your little pit until this shit blows over. I am done covering for you and your stupid antics. König: That is good. I have been rather bored sitting here getting little to nothing done if that is the cost of your coverage. Velkes: No, I don't think you get it. No is all you're getting from now on. Every single test you do, you're going to ask me, and I'm going to say "No." You're going to ask me for something, for anything, and I'm going to say "No" every time. König: You really should watch your language. It is rather unfitting for a site director. Velkes: What would you know about managing a site? You have no idea what kinds of important things I have to do every day to keep the lights on, what bigger and more important projects I could be working on with people far greater than you. König: Really? Well, I would say that's all fascinating, but really it isn't. Velkes: So right now, it's really, really weird that I keep having to come and talk you down out of starting another fire. Stay in your lane, stick to your own shit, and, for the love of God, stop rocking the shi- [A series of heavy footfalls is heard outside before the door to König's office is forcefully kicked inward] [Director Roufhous steps in] Roufhous: I must admit, you're dedicated to being a complete and total waste of life. [They step closer, brushing past Velkes] Velkes: D-Director R- Roufhous: It's almost admirable. Though being this unfathomably stupid shouldn't be admirable. [They stop just short of König's desk and arch down to look him in the eye] Roufhous: So, give me one good reason why I shouldn't just end this drama right here and right now. [They are not wearing their mask, and their lower face is visible as they lean in close to König] Velkes: Roufhous, sir, could I talk to you outside, please? König: Because, I- Velkes: Director Roufhous. [They bend backwards, meeting Velkes at eye level] Roufhous: Sorry, I was a bit preoccupied, you were saying? Velkes: Dear God - Sir, we can talk about this. Roufhous: I'm engaged in the midst of a thrilling conversation at the moment, mate. Velkes: Sir, let's be reasonable here. What is this about? Roufhous: He sent a message to Ms. Confer full of some quite reprehensible things. I'm none too pleased, so I'd like to settle this. [They arch forward, drawing a revolver from their coat, and loom over König's desk] Roufhous: Now, as I was saying- [Klaxons blare and a containment breach is announced over the intercom] Roufhous: Really? Velkes: Shit, okay, you two stay here, I'll get some guards in here. Pend- Director Roufhous, sir… [Roufhous turns around normally] Roufhous: Allow me to handle this situation. Velkes: No, we can handle ourselves fine here. Roufhous: I could get it done quickl- Velkes: No! I can manage it. I got it covered. [He steps outside and calls two agents inside to secure the room] Velkes: Please don't do anything drastic. [He leaves] [Roufhous turns to face König] Roufhous: So then, it's just you and me. König: Now, about that reason? Roufhous: I would be delighted to hear it, actually. König: Because I have a tool at my disposal that, I am sure, you would love to know of. Roufhous: What could you have to offer me? König: Well, I doubt it's every day that you get news on GOI-850. Roufhous.The spearhead project director of Project Labyrinth operations.: Pardon me? König: You heard me. I have a list of updates to the SCP-7276 file that I have postponed adding. If you should kill me then they would die with me, assuming, that is, that you even could. Roufhous: You've grown attached to your condition, I take it? König: Perhaps. It's much more cold now. Then again, I never was one for the warmth. Roufhous: So then, what do you know? König: I will not just tell you here, of course. But what you should know is that Velkes has been preventing me from taking further action to continue my investigation into their affairs. Roufhous: I wonder why? König: But, while he is a feeble, foolish little man, I have noticed that you are, perhaps, a far more well-reasoned, eh, entity. My talents are being wasted here. If you should assist me in getting my investigation going once again, then I can assist you with more information on this scarcely known little group. [He reaches into his desk, producing two glasses and a bottle. He pours Roufhous' first before handing it to them and pouring his own] [They look into the glass and smell it] [He chuckles] König: From one anomaly to another. So? Roufhous: So this is cheap. What is this, five years old? König: About my goddamn proposal. Roufhous: Oh, yeah no. Kiss my ass. [They draw their revolver and fire in the center of König's chest] [He staggers back and clutches at himself repeatedly, dropping the glass to shatter on the floor] [One agent aims at Roufhous while the other tends to König] [They "grin" at the agent before walking over to watch König writhe in pain. They set their glass down on his desk] Roufhous: You miss the "warmth" now? [König's insults, demands, and curses have been cut] [They turn and walk to the door] Roufhous: Oh, and keep me updated on that GOI case. I'll have to talk with George about that as well. Good day, Herzlos. [End log] Addenda: 7276.2: It feels as though I am running out of time. That everything I do, I must do quicker. Faster. Better. Otherwise, we will die out. We will go extinct like the previous kings of this world before us. What am I to do here? I cannot leave this position after working for so long to attain it. There isn't the time for it. They all stand in my way. These dirty, stupid villains will be the death of us all. Every day the Foundation becomes more undone. As another anomaly is discovered and cataloged, as more resources are put into them, our Foundation is stretched thin. It will soon snap. We stand at the precipice of disaster. If we do nothing, we will become overwhelmed. Something is going to break loose whilst anyone willing to stand against it is shut down by tyrants and the slime. Velkes will settle with getting this one day done. He will only focus on his own insecurities as we fall. I will not allow this to happen. I will not sit idly by and watch as humanity is cast into the darkness by these cretins. I will give us the tools by which to combat the menace. I must become everything the Foundation needs in this desperate time. I must do whatever it takes. No cost can be too great. NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION The following file is the result of retroactive investigations into the SCP-7276 project activities after Incident-7276-1. On 5/1/1993, Senior Researcher König prematurely left the Site-94 Health and Pathology wing without dismissal. This was excused due to his stable condition as well as his current nature. For a period of one month after this, König continued analyzing SCP-7276 with the assistance of Junior Researcher Herida. All inventory requests for test-related purposes made during this time were denied. It was noticed afterward that multiple materials and utilities granted to other research personnel had been borrowed by König, as well as Herida. A list of known items utilized by these two includes: 50 grams of sulphur. 25 grams of magnesium. 5 grams of potassium chloride. Enchanted charcoal sigils.Enchanted - referring to a subject enhanced by thaumaturgic methods.[/span]] 100kg of flesh (sourced from domestic pigs) Human skeletal anatomy (sourced from Class-D personnel) 1 EVE counter. 2 Wrought iron poles. Attached below are several files that directly led to Incident-7276-1, collected from security monitoring as well as materials collected afterward. Internal log - König, Herida, Madisson dialogue [Footage begins in a hallway, viewing Senior Researcher Madisson walking toward the break room] [König walks out from the break room and turns towards Madisson, Herida following behind him] [Madisson notices the two and tries to swerve out of their way] [As both groups pass, König turns suddenly to face Madisson] König: Researcher Madisson, are you well? Madisson: S-senior Researcher König! I-I've been fine, yes. And you? König: I have been better. Now there are some things I need from you. Madisson: I'm afraid I can't offer very many of my abilities to you. König: Now why not? Madisson: Velkes said so himsel- König: Madisson, that man is poisoning this facility. His vision does not surpass his office's horizon. Madisson: Sir- König: All this to say, I need some materials, Madisson. The others I have to discuss this with will also take some time, so I will need to conduct this conversation faster. Madisson, I believe I have found a way to progress my work. Velkes' disagreements, while noted, will only hinder me from accomplishing anything. And you can see how antithetical that is, correct? Madisson: But, after what you did- König: Madisson, Researcher Herida is only of level 2 clearance. Madisson: Then we should not even be having this conversation at all. Good bye, König sir. [He turns and walks away] [König reaches out and grips Madisson's arm] König: You know what I did, Richard. You know what I'm capable of. We only need a few items from you, and that is all. Do not turn this into a complicated situation like Carla did. Madisson: W-what are you saying? König: Here is the list. Get it done, Richard. Madisson: But, but Velkes- König: Does not need to know. Get it done, Richard. You know where to find me. Internal log - König, Herida, SCP-7276-1 dialogue [Footage begins inside a testing chamber inside Site-94. The camera is at eye-level with König] [Behind him is a circular chalk ring with the various items noted previously around it. Further details are obscured by König's body] König: This is Senior Researcher Friedenfänger, recording the testing of SCP-7276. Previously, I had discovered a thaumaturgic spell that could be used to temporarily resurrect, using the blood we had sourced from her own weapon, Jane Woodrow, a woman who knows about SCP-7276 well, as well as GOI-850 which she originates from. With me is Junior Researcher Herida, who is preparing the ritual by which we can bring Ms. Woodrow here. [He steps out of the way, revealing Herida struggling to put the pieces together] [The idol he is working on stands in the center of the circle, with both rods impaling through a large chunk of meat in a barely humanoid shape. Sigils line the floor around it, and several element-based powders are contained in jars nearby] [König moves and takes over assembling the idol, having to cut various pieces off and stick others into pockets of the flesh] [Herida moves over to the camera] Herida: It's crude, and it's really gross, but the, uh, blood needs a host or a vessel to talk with us. This wasn't the least messiest option, but, it's the best we could do. König: Help me with the skeleton; the neck vertebrae keep falling back out. Get a rope. Herida: Right away, sir. [He runs out before returning with a rope, handing it to König] König: Thank you. Herida: You're welcome. [König stops] König: I, I would like to thank you for everything, Herida. I appreciate your being here. Herida: Thank you, sir. König: Even as all these idiots and fools try to stop me, you are the only one who will stay by my side. I appreciate your loyalty, something this Foundation sorely lacks. Herida: Thank you, sir. König: The Foundation is like a flame in the eye of the storm. We must take well to cherish and protect it. But while a flame will act erratically, and will sometimes seep into the death around it, there must be people like us that will die to keep it in check. We need more researchers like you, willing to stand and push back against the ongoing crisis. Herida: T-thank you, sir. [The two set to work rearranging and mangling the components for 2 hours] König: It is ready. [He takes the camera over to view the idol, then readjusts it to keep himself in the frame] König: Beginning the test now. [He produces a vial of blood and pours it over the idol. He then stands back and begins reciting thaumaturgic phrases and incantations. The charcoal patterns begin to glow as Herida tosses chemicals onto the statue] [König raises his voice in his chanting] [The circle around the idol begins to glow with a dark red, and the blood placed upon it swirls around before spreading itself into hundreds of drops that float around it. The idol shakes] [As König finishes the incantation, the droplets all pierce the statue, and the glow from the ring blinds the camera for a second] [As footage returns, standing before König and Herida is a middle-aged woman (SCP-7276-1) tied to the posts behind her] [König walks over and looks at SCP-7276-1 in the eye] König: Ms. Woodrow? [SCP-7276-1 appears disoriented for a moment before noticing König in front of her] SCP-7276-1: Y-yes? König: So it worked afterall. Herida: W-we just brought her back from the dead! SCP-7276-1: What's going on? König: You, Ms. Woodrow, killed yourself to get our attention. You have it. What were you trying to tell us? SCP-7276-1: H-how am I aliv- König: Focus, Jane. We do not have very much time. What did you want to tell us, the SCP Foundation? SCP-7276-1: That's, that's right. The Order needs to be dealt with! I tried to draw attention to i- König: Jane, give me something I can work with. SCP-7276-1: I'm so sorry, I don't think I can. König: Think, Jane. You have to give us something. SCP-7276-1: A-alright. Um, w-what day is it? König: The nineteenth of February, 1993. SCP-7276-1: There, there might be something. König: Go on. SCP-7276-1: There's this one meeting between lower-ranking officers of the Order on the 25th of every year. You might want to grab a paper. SCP-7276-1: They meet to talk about the history of the group and their sacred figure, Archine. Sometimes they disclose key information, like bases of operation or their projects. They do this in the same spot every year, the Great Bear Rainforest in British Columbia. König: Where exactly in this forest will we find them and when? SCP-7276-1: I'm trying to remember. [SCP-7276-1 begins listing off specific coordinates. She sometimes doubles back and revises her statements] König: And when? SCP-7276-1: Sometime around 1 in the morning. You'll know you're there when you get there, it'll be in a decorated cave. König: Excellent. Carlos, pack your necessities. Herida: But sir… Canada? König: We'll have a long drive ahead of us, let's go. [As König leaves, Herida looks back at SCP-7276-1] Herida: So, what's the afterlife like? [SCP-7276-1 is unable to answer as it reverts back to its idol form] Herida: Well then. [End log] After the previous log, Senior Researcher König as well as Junior Researcher Herida left the Site-94 facility for a period of several days. When he returned, König was reprimanded for his gross negligence of duty. [ENTER LEVEL-5/7276 SECURITY CREDENTIALS] [SITE DIRECTOR CREDENTIALS ACCEPTED] After they were found to have left the facility, Mobile Task Force Epsilon 11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox") was dispatched to recover König and Herida. However, when they arrived at the location detailed previously, the operatives disrupted the ongoing meeting by accident and a crossfire ensued. During this, agents were unable to account for the whereabouts of König or Herida. The following logs were recovered after the events of Incident-7276-1. [Footage begins, viewing König from behind trudging through thick foliage] König: It is good out here, no? Herida: Yeah, kinda. König: Good air, a serene background, a clear image of the moon and the stars above. It is nice here. Herida: It's… been a while since I saw the stars. König: There are too many lights back in the city. Too much noise, so much so that it's difficult to make what you actually want out of the chaos. Herida: It's a lot nicer back home, though. Not having to struggle through all this shit while I can't see two feet past my light. All while I'm dog tired. König: Is the thrill of this hunt not enough for you? We are this close, Carlos. So very close to finding an answer. Herida: It's fine, sir. But… when does it end? When do we just call it a day and… and be done with this investigation? What answer are we even looking for anymore? [König stops and so does the camera] König: We will be done, Carlos, once we have proven ourselves capable. We will be done when we bring this group to justice. We will be done when we finally are able to question one of them on the creation of this knife. [He pulls out SCP-7276 and shakes it for emphasis] Herida: Then why didn't we ask Jane? If anyone would know about that, it'd be her. [König stares at Herida for a moment] König: Why didn't we- why, did we, not- ask her, with our only opportunity? [He looks down at SCP-7276] [He pauses] König: It was unlikely she knew very much about it other than its effect. Besides, there is nothing we can do about that now, but to continue with our investigation. If it was not of absolute importance before, Carlos, now it is. This is our only lead, we must follow it now. [He sits down on a nearby rock and examines SCP-7276] König: Though, I do wish you could have thought of that earlier, Carlos. For what it was worth. Herida: I'm really sorry, sir. I thought that you had it all figured out and I didn't want to interrupt. König: Carlos, you must learn when it is right to interject yourself when there is a problem. This is what I have been doing this whole time. The Foundation burns, and we must evolve and progress in order to fight back against the tide. You cannot sit idly by as the fire grows to catch you. Herida: I understand, sir. König: Carlos, you can call me by my name. Herida: Oh, gotcha… Friedfonger. [König bursts out laughing] König: Oh dear god. After 26 hours, agents were able to recover the target and transport it back to Site-94. Recording equipment was found with all files except for the above and below having been deleted. This marked the manifestation of SCP-7276-2. [Footage resumes viewing a group of 5 humanoid entities situated around an on-fire monolith. König and Herida are hidden behind a fallen log] [The recording equipment observes the group discussing various topics as they interact with the fire. This goes on for 30 minutes. This footage has been separated from this document] [After 30 minutes have passed, activity is picked up coming from the opposite end of the location as an audible crack is heard. The group immediately takes notice] UNKNOWN: What was that? UNKNOWN (2): Shit, we've been made. [One of the members draws a gun out and aims it at the forest edge] UNKNOWN (3): Who's out there?! [All parties are silent and maintain their positions for an extended period of time] [One member walks over to the edge] [They look around] [König and Herida peak over the log] [The member examines the forest, looking left and right and through the trees] [A suppressed gunshot is heard and the member falls over] UNKNOWN (2): Scatter! [A crossfire ensues, with three of the members staying and firing back at the MTF in the woodlands as UNKNOWN 2 flees in the opposite direction] [They climb over the tree] [And trip over Herida] UNKNOWN (2): Shit! König: Scheiße! Herida: Oh fuck! [UNKNOWN 2 draws a gun and fires, hitting König in the chest before shooting Herida in the abdomen] [UNKNOWN 2 then runs away and flees into the forest] Herida: Fuck, fuck, fuck! Fuck, fuck! God fucking damn it! [He crawls over to König's side] Herida: I'm bleeding, oh shit, oh fuck. Oh god, oh god. Sir? [He gets no response] Herida: König? [König doesn't move] Herida: Oh my god, oh my god! Stay with me, please! Please, we're not done here! We, we got work to do! We still have work to do, sir! [He wraps his arms around König's still body] [He sobs] Footage continues for 20 minutes. At this point, the crossfire has ended. [König's body lies beside Herida, quietly sobbing to himself while trying to patch the bleeding] [He shakes and winces, and much of the color is drained from his skin] [His movements are slow] [A breath is heard from beside Herida] [He does not notice] [König's body leans upright, startling Herida] Herida: S-sir? [König gasps and sucks in a deep breath, clutching at his chest] Herida: Holy shit! [He leans in towards König to embrace him. Despite his wound, no blood leaks from König] König: You're hurt. Herida: Yes, sir. [He holds Herida's head and examines his face] König: You are dying. Herida: Y-yes, s-sir. König: Carlos, would you tell me about your life before the Foundation? Herida: I, I don't think I- er, got the time. König: Humor me. Herida: A-alright, I, uh, went to college, studied for-for, biology. [He stops and gasps through his speech] Herida: All that time, all that time I spent there. [As he talks, König can be seen crawling towards a nearby SCP-7276 on the ground] Herida: I, I met this girl. König: What was she like? Herida: Pretty, funny, smart. Kin-kinda tough. [He grabs SCP-7276 and moves back over to Herida] Herida: God, why didn't I ever say anything? König: Carlos, think about her. What was her name? Any special moments? Herida: Sir, what are you doing? König: I want you to think about her, think about your family. Who were you in this life? Herida: Sir? König: Think about them, Carlos. Think about all of it. Herida: Why do you have that? König: You said it yourself: We still have work to do. We can not be done here after this. We never got around to human trials, Carlos. We never found that basic, fundamental step. Perhaps that is what has been stalling this progress. Herida: No, no! Sir, get that thing away from me! König: Think of it as organ harvesting. You are already going to die. We must salvage what we can for the benefit of others. Herida: König, stop. Stop. Please! Be brave, Herida. I will continue to carry the burden of the Foundation alone, and you will help me with that. You will help save thousands, Carlos. Herida: Help! Someone help! [König raises SCP-7276 above his head before bringing it back down] [What was left of Herida's blood immediately drains into SCP-7276] König: I am sorry, Carlos. [He looks at SCP-7276] König: But this is truly fascinating. [He hears footsteps coming up from behind] König: You will be with me every step of the way, now. [He plunges the secondary blade of SCP-7276 into his chest. He makes no vocalizations as he does so. He breaks the handle off in one motion. He begins reciting thaumaturgic incantations as the visible blood extruding from his back begins to reshape] [As operatives arrive, they discover and recover Senior Researcher König] [As he stands, the camera picks up a brief glimpse of his face, revealing human-like eyes as blood drips from his hat and his chest his chest] [He is escorted away and receives medical attention] Velkes is seated in his office König is brought in by security and seated Velkes sighs before looking up at König Velkes: Friedenfänger, what the fuck is wrong with you? He remains silent Velkes: Honestly, what the fuck is wrong with you. You had a second chance. You had everything you needed. And even that wasn't good enough for you. König: I stand by my actions. Velkes: You killed a man today. You can't bullshit your way out of that one. You took his life. Do you even care? König: It was unfortunate, but he served his purpose. Velkes: You make me sick. König: Likewise. Velkes: You know, I tried to be smart about this. I tried to think of the benefits. Chose to see the bright side of this reality. I thought that you were an invaluable researcher with capabilities that could really help to deal with anomalies. You just needed to wait and let the storm pass first. But no. No. I gave you the simplest order I have ever given and you botched it. You spat in my face every time I tried to help your situation and called me incompetent for it. And now you've proven that bastard right; I really can't stop my researchers from killing each other. You're right, I'm just that incompetent! It was a mistake to keep you around. It was a mistake to let you off scot-free. I'll figure out your punishment later, but right now you can stew with the revelation that, Friedenfänger, your actions do have consequences. König: My actions, sir? Velkes: Yes, Friedenfänger. Your actions. König: Are you referring to the actions you authorized?. Velkes: What? König: Every experiment I performed, with Ms. Confer, all of them, you authorized it. You gave me executive power; you had your hand in it all. Velkes: What are y- König: It was only a matter of time after that when you would try to kill me as the witness. I suppose that's why you not only allowed that dangerous anomaly into the site but kept me in the same facility it would be traversing. Velkes: Witness to what? What are you doing? König: Witness to the mastermind in action. After all, each inventory request and test proposal must be run by you. Would it not make sense for the man who can answer these checks to use me to write them as well? Velkes: What have you done? König: I talked with the Ethics Committee, and I explained the situation to them. Velkes: That's not possible. You would have to forward it through me, or someone else who would tell me. How could you explain what you've done? König: What I have done? I believe you mean, what you've done. And, I mean, I managed to get into the same room alone with a creature that thinks me a devil. He laughs It was not that difficult to reach our human resources department! Velkes stands at his desk Velkes: What the fuck did you tell them? König: Everything, sir. Every single test you had me perform, every single man you killed, every life you took. Oh, and they were appalled! Velkes: H-how?! König: Oh, it was merely a game of words. Don't you love games, Mr. Velkes? After all, you have been playing one on the Foundation for this long. I wonder what other skeletons you hid in your closet. I see young Angelina's photo is still on your desk. With the knowledge that she died, killed by a "type-green", I find it fascinating what kinds of activities you got up to later on. How many of Site-94's contained "type-greens" have been poorly treated, how much security footage has been seemingly lost? How much blood is on your hands? So I took every single thing I could find about you and showed it all to the Committee. Velkes: You lying, traitorous, scheming bastard! König: You did all the scheming, George. Remember? Velkes: I'll- König: And what's more, all of this transpired months ago. Their investigation was completed with all the evidence I could afford to them, as well as their own, of course. Velkes: I haven't been notified of anything. You're bluffing! König: You… have not been notified? Velkes: Got anything smart to say now? König: Well, it may very well be that the inspection team just hasn't arrived yet. They should arrive on the 28th. Tomorrow, in an hour. Because it wouldn't really make sense for an inspection to warn the person beforehand to prepare a false self, now would it? Velkes: You- König: Oh, and there is one more thing we should discuss, George. When one site director is taken down, who will be there to replace him? Velkes: I'm not going anywhere, you sick, twisted- König: That is highly debatable. Now as I was saying, I'm proud to announce that I will be signing up for the position in your vacancy! After all, now that I'm cleared of all blame, I am the best candidate. I have the most experience, the highest number of completed tests in this facility, I've worked here for 14 years, and not a single one of the other senior staff here would want to get on my bad side after they see what happened to Carla and what will soon happen to you! Velkes: You, you bastard! König: What was that about talking smart? You useless, utterly backward foolish old man? Velkes climbs over his desk, knocking everything on it to the ground, and lunges after König König: Security! Some agents in the room move to pull Velkes away from König, failing to stop him as he assaults him. Most of the guards manage to pull Velkes away after a second while the rest grab König and try to escort him out König: Get off me! The agents release him while the rest continue to restrain Velkes Velkes: You son of a bitch! You conniving, evil, little motherfucker! König grins brightly, wiping blood from his nostrils, before walking away Addenda: 7276.3: SCP-7276 following neutralization Due to certain recent incidents, as well as multiple reports signed by several personnel around Site-94, an investigation into Site Director Velkes' activities was launched, revealing a series of mistreatments and harassment towards both site personnel and contained anomalies. In addition to these events, it was found that Velkes had also attempted to frame Senior Researcher König for the events detailed in SCP-4276.[[span class="fncon"]]Further context is restricted to level-4 clearance.. It was found that he had an extreme bias against him, and attempted to utilize König for his favorable qualities, staging a large amount of data held within that file. Corrections are underway. For these reasons, Velkes has been demoted from site director, awaiting replacement. Junior Researcher Herida's family has been informed. Senior Researcher König has not been penalized for carrying out ethical euthanasia, as per Foundation policy. Access SCiPNET Email? One new message! Him. To: TEN.picS|suoHneP#TEN.picS|suoHneP From: RsrKöTEN.picS|gin#TEN.picS|gin Subject: Regarding GOI-850. Date 15/4/1993 Director Roufhous, due to the recent change in management at Site-94, George will now no longer be available for you to harass. I would also like to add that, as we are now of the same rank, you are now by no means any superior to my office. As such, you should expect no updates on the ongoings of my activities here, including GOI-850. I do hope that, in the future, you should be more dedicated to containing the dangerous and utterly disgusting anomalies that should threaten mankind and his people, rather than being such a nuisance to other facilities. Gutten tag, Hund. Subject: Procedure: Result: D-6741 Pierce the subject's heart and attempt to gauge an additional supposed anomalous property from SCP-7276. Test complete; SCP-7276-2 is capable of completely consuming the blood from a subject upon contact with a source. König is seated in his office, a large, organized room As he finishes typing on his computer, he looks down at a small ornament on his desk He picks up and examines former director Velkes' nameplate He toys with it for a second He forms and extends a sharp talon of blood from his finger and digs into it He puts it down The nameplate, now dripping, reads: "Friedenfänger König, Site Director" Roufhous Maybe next time I'll reach 10k words. « SCP-7275 | SCP-7276 | SCP-7277 »
close Info X Check out more of my articles on my author page! The entrance to SCP-7277. Item #: SCP-7277 Object Class: Pending Special Containment Procedures: Following preliminary exploration, incursion into SCP-7277 has been forbidden. A member of MTF Alpha-1 ("Red Right Hand") is to be stationed outside SCP-7277's entrance at all times. Description: SCP-7277 is a subterranean structure located beneath Site-19.1 The structure is accessed through a reinforced steel door. Neither the door, nor the structure it leads to, appear in any Foundation floorplans nor other documentation. A metal placard is bolted to the door; it appears to have once displayed text, but it has degraded to the extent that it cannot be discerned. The door leads to a passageway, which itself leads to the structure's main space, a large cuboid corridor. The passageway from Site-19 is situated at the end of the corridor. There are seven other passageways adjoined to the corridor, all situated on the same side, and all leading to identical steel doors. Access to the rooms behind these doors is possible, and each room contains unique anomalous phenomena, catalogued below. Layout of SCP-7277. The main corridor of SCP-7277 contains numerous human bones. A complete inventory has yet to be undertaken, but provisional estimates place the number of bones within the tens of thousands. The formation of a complete skeleton where all bones belong to the same genetic profile has yet to be discovered. Several bones have been subjected to radiocarbon dating; as one moves along the corridor, away from the entrance from Site-19, the age of the bones increases. The below table outlines the contents of the rooms within SCP-7277: Room Number:2 Description: I The room is dominated by a large, charred tree situated in the centre; the room's floor and walls are comprised entirely of ash. Entangled within the tree's branches is a humanoid skeleton. The skeleton lacks hip and lower limb bones, instead possessing an elongated spine, several meters in length. II Subjects are unable to recall the contents of the room in either a positive (i.e. what is present) or negative (i.e. what is not present) manner. All recording equipment invariably fails upon entering. It is unclear if all subjects who have entered the cell have exited. III Room appears identical to Site-19's museum, albeit devoid of any exhibitions. Against the room's back wall hang photographs or paintings of all past and present O5 Council members. Beneath these, a metal placard displays engraved text of an anagram of the individual's name. Subjects exploring the room are forbidden from attempting to solve these anagrams. IV The entirety of the room is obfuscated via a thick, black fog. Subjects who enter have difficulty recalling the contents of the room, and often exit in a state of confusion, disorientation, and disassociation. All subjects recount the sensation of an entity being present alongside them in the fog. V Interior resembles a cave system. Room is simultaneously subject to a yet unknown number of chronological disruptions, resulting in concurrent time loops of varying lengths. Subjects entering the room will become trapped within one or several time loops. No method has yet been devised to extract subjects from said loops. Documentation concerning Room V is currently under analysis. It is currently unknown when testing was initiated and for how long it has been conducted. VI Interior of the room resembles an arboreal environment. No fauna have been observed. There appears to be no limit to the room's interior dimensions, with previous explorations occurring over many hours. Upon exiting the room, subjects will begin to sob. They are unable to explain why. VII Room resembles a standard Foundation containment cell. It is in a state of disrepair. Deep incisions mark the cell walls, a viscous black liquid drips from the ceiling, and the floor is littered with fragments of concrete and reinforced steel. Subjects who enter SCP-7277 experience psychological changes following their incursion. Uniformly, subjects' behaviour takes on a greater degree of depressive and nihilistic tendencies. Their work output undergoes a marked decrease in both quantity and quality. Apathetic attitudes towards both personal and professional matters increase greatly, yet subjects cannot explain the origin of these thoughts. Update: Following the detection of seismic activity beneath Site-19, the O5 Council authorised an investigatory exploration into SCP-7277. The structure's main corridor was found to have elongated, extending past the passageway from Site-19. At the end of the corridor's extension, a new door was located. As of August 2023, no means of opening the door has been found. All research and testing of SCP-7277 is under direct jurisdiction of the O5 Council. All council members have relocated their living quarters and offices to Site-19 to aid in this matter. Daily tests are to be conducted to see if the contents behind the door can be accessed. Updated layout of SCP-7277. « SCP-7276 | SCP-7277| SCP-7278 » Footnotes 1. Specifically, the structure is present in the basement level, beneath the offices of the Mathematics Department's Probability Division. 2. Number indicates proximity to the entrance from Site-19.
Item#: 7278 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures SCP-7278 is to be held within a low priority containment chamber within Site-120. A search for PoI-7278 is ongoing. Description SCP-7278 is an object which has become definitionally compromised. To clarify, it is impossible to accurately describe all of SCP-7278's properties and conceptual being within a single word or phrase, with attempts by the Department of Miscommunications only being able to reach the 70% threshold. It is for this reason that determining the true nature of SCP-7278 is extremely difficult and likely impossible. Extensive testing of SCP-7278 has managed to determined that it has the following properties: It is mechanical in nature; Its volume is approximately 1.6 m3 and its weight is approximately 300 kg; Its shape is that of a rectangular prism; One of its sides has a keypad attached to it as well as a slot to insert money into; It contains several low cost candies and snacks, such as chocolate bars and bags of potato chips; It will dispense said candies once money has been placed into it and a code has been entered into the keypad, associated with the dispensed candy, SCP-7278 gained its anomalous properties following a thaumaturgic ritual being performed upon it by an unknown Fae thaumaturgist (PoI-7278). SCP-7278 was discovered on the streets of FP-120 ("Esterberg") on 2/27/2019. The object was given to the Foundation's safekeeping by the Esterberg government. Incident 7278.01 SCP-7278 gained its anomalous properties on 2/26/2019 after the following incident. Date: 2/26/2019 Subject: PoI-7278 Foreword: The following log was taken by an Esterberg security camera. Footage procured after the incident. [BEGIN LOG] PoI-7278 walks across the street, whistling slightly. They stop in front of SCP-7278. PoI-7278 produces a 5 złoty coin from their pocket and places it within SCP-7278. After a pause, the SCP-7278 rejects the coin and PoI-7278 takes it back. They then attempt to place it back into SCP-7278. This repeats approximately twenty times, with PoI-7278 growing increasingly more exasperated. PoI-7278 attempts to use a different 5 złoty coin and this time succeeds in having SCP-7278 accept the coin. PoI-7278 then types 52 on the keypad, corresponding to a Grześki chocolate bar. SCP-7278 rejects PoI-7278's coin and its screen displays a "no designation found" error. PoI-7278 stares at SCP-7278 for approximately twenty seconds before beginning to bang on and shake SCP-7278. No change is noted within SCP-7278. PoI-7278 then attempts to purchase the chocolate bar, dropping the coin and picking it up several times. Each time they attempt to type a number into the keypad, they are met with a "no designation found" error. This repeats for some time, each time being punctuated by PoI-7278 verbally and physically abusing SCP-7278. PoI-7278 shakes their fist angrily and bangs on SCP-7278. PoI-7278: Skurwysynu!1 PoI-7278 glows with Elan Vital Energy as they begin to attempt a thaumaturgic ritual. PoI-7278: (in Polish) I'll show you no designation found… The recording ends. « SCP-7277 | SCP-7278 | SCP-7279 » Footnotes 1. A Polish curse word.
close Info X This is the first part of a larger storyline ⚠️ Content warning: This article contains a content warning: Political Violence, Violent Murder, Human Sacrifice SCP-7279 file has been archived by RAISA since it is now considered evidence in an ongoing investigation by the Department of Internal Affairs. The following document contains information considered critical by the Department of Internal Affairs. Usual Security Clearance Levels have been overridden. Only RAISA-authorized and Internal Affairs personnel should access the following file. Unauthorized access to this file warrants disciplinary action. ITEM# SCP-7279 RAISA/ Internal Affairs CONTAINMENT CLASS keter SECONDARY CLASS {$secondary-class} DISRUPTION CLASS keneq RISK CLASS warning link to memo Item#: {$item-number} Level5 Containment Class: {$container-class} Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: {$disruption-class} Risk Class: {$risk-class} link to memo Document type: evidence status: Internal Investigation {$class-category-3} {$class-text-3} {$class-category-4} {$class-text-4} RAISA NOTE: Error 748 - Corrupted document showing out of order. / Status - Processed, please ignore. / Comments - Corrupted file will be restored soon. Evidence ⚽:⌀◯⌂ⵀⰈ⛛bab7d1 Extract from Dr. 6f4ce08' Diary We die in the dark I half-remember a dream. When you took me to movies to watch the one about sacrifices. What was it called? I was so scared when I saw the head being impaled in the wall, yet you held my hand and promised me you would⅌♟⮡⚽‽╡⋻⅄ ⌔⾝1d378b815╯⡅ⱄⷮ. But you ↀ⛆╟▥099ba. You l⒙⡖↞⹭⠭⩷ⴟⳭⱢ alone. For years I was mad at you for not keeping your promise. A little bit unjust given the circumstances, don't you think1d378bⱣ♤⹞⭧⃰⽍⽗⢠⡴⍲15? Now I understand, padre. You were ↫⺸⒃‼⁶⺋⢡␲⪌⠲⡗∋⾱e45d8875⒲⺡⣹⳶⹺⪉⋉⯋⽠▓⣐ⵣ⎔⒙⡖↞⹭⠭⩷ⴟⳭⱢ☁ⴸ✄✒₽␺⚛⸖⢒₾ↀ⛆╟▥099bab7d18331943ff54d0777a5023cd⥏␿⃎◻⼇↖⪋⠵⯫⛝⯈├⒦₽ It is all connected. 54d0777a5023cdddle of Godbirth and death.⠏⛥▪␁➊⟟⫓⨠◚⎹↮┻⏉✰ We all are made of d887099bab7d18331943ff54d0777aWe are beingsd887099bab7d18331943ff54d0777a Padre nuestro que estas en los cielos.1 //Padre nuestro que ℥⟨ⴒ⣴⫔⽛≺⾤⚟ⱂ⻀⺸⒭⼘␤Ⱖⴘ⑁☃₝⏌⅜ⶡ⁏▂⛵➲⫽⃀⻰⼍⛸⤧➦ⱎ⎽⛩⪹ daa8f46bd901b0a08a5e44367604c466a44cf1a8 26e2fd8c21d41bb5407ba857d9ce83316391db96Ⱖⴘ⑁☃₝⏌⅜ RAISA NOTE: This part of the document contains information from the original SCP-7279 file. Special Containment Procedures: Foundation Security Forces should maintain a perimeter around Provisional Foundation Site-C34 inside the abandoned cinema "Palacio Perdido", México City. A cover-up story regarding the structural integrity of the building should be used to deter civilians from the area. Foundation-operated SATMEX2 should constantly monitor the area surrounding Site-C34 up to a radius of 30 km for any abrupt spike of Akiva Radiation that could indicate a tlacua3 event. In the case of a confirmed tlacua event, cover-up operations should be immediately deployed. Cover-up includes the usual protocols: witness amnestization, confiscation of recordings and evidence, censoring of digital media regarding the incident, and cover-up stories should be prepared to account for any missing bodies. In order to prevent further tlacua events, MTF-Nu-5 Tlamacazqui should conduct Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI every 15 days. Addendum A: Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI: Video Log: Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI NOTE: Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI preparations. Two D-classes are needed for the protocol, preferably with a past record of violent murder. They should be dressed in special attire resembling an ichcahuipilli4. They must be muzzled and strapped to a clinical hand-truck to facilitate transportation and guarantee the safety of Foundation personnel. They should be administered a high dose of Solution HU17Z1L.5 The subjects must be brought to the temalácatl6 in front of SCP-7279-Ce. They should be positioned facing each other on the opposite extreme of the temalácatl. Two macuahuimeh7 shall be left at their feet. [BEGIN LOG] 00:00:01: (The camera shows a wide shot of the Temalácatl. D-3432, convicted hitman, is strapped to a hand-truck on one side of the arena. D-8498, a serial killer, is also bound and facing him on the opposite side. They are already showing the effects of Solution HU17Z1L, grunting and howling while trying to break free from their bounds. In the background, a wide and towering wall – composed of what appears to be flesh – looms over them. Skull-like protrusions cover the entirety of the structure.) 00:00:10: (Offscreen, MTF-Nu-5 initiates the protocol. The straps on the hand-trucks are released remotely and the two altered D-classes find themselves suddenly freed. They stare at each other briefly before rushing to grab the weapon at their feet.) 00:00:13: (D-classes scream as they charge towards each other.) 00:00:15: (D-3432 attacks first, trying to cut to D-8498´s head. D-8498 manages to dodge it and counterattacks with a low blow.) 00:00:15: (D-3432 parries the counterattack and kicks D-8498, making them trip and fall to the ground.) 00:00:18: (D-8498, still holding to their macuahuitl, is trying to get up but D-3432 plunges his weapon into D-8498's side.) 00:00:22: (D-3432 appears to be celebrating a premature victory. D-8498's wound is not incapacitating; they get up and surprise D-3432 with a cut to the face. D-3432's jaw lands a few meters away.) 00:00:23: (D-3432 tries to touch their chin. Blood spills all over their clothes. After a few seconds, D-3432's body collapses.) 00:00:24: (D-8498 falls to the ground, being shot with a tranquilizer gun by an offscreen Nu-5 operative. Two Nu-5 enter the frame and retrieve D-8498.) 00:00:27: (D-3432's body still twitches.) 00:00:36: (D-3432's body is now lying motionless.) 00:00:45: (A rumbling noise can be heard coming from the meat-like structure. Two claw-like appendages began to emerge from the meat wall.) 00:00:49: (The appendages grab D-3432's body and begin to drag it to the structure.) 00:00:50: (Cut to black.) END NOTE: D-8498 received medical treatment for their wounds. They are expected to recover and continue serving as an asset for Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI. [END LOG] Description: SCP-7279-Ce refers to an organic wall-like structure located inside a pocket dimension, SCP-7279-Ome. SCP-7279-Ce is composed of biological material of human origin. SCP-7279-Ce exhibits a drive to grow its mass by assimilating human corpses. Assimilated tissue will remain 'alive' as part of SCP-7279-Ce, showing signs of blood flow and cellular activity. Regardless of its origin8, incorporated tissue does not appear to fulfill any higher biological function besides increasing SCP-7279-Ce's mass and will be allocated inside it seemingly at random. The only exception are the skulls, which will always protrude from SCP-7279-Ce's surface in rows, giving it the appearance of a "skull rack". At the time of discovery, there were 266 human skulls in SCP-7279-Ce. While DNA testing confirms that the biomaterial of SCP-7279-Ce is still genetically human, it possesses greatly enhanced durability and resistance to damage. However, it has shown vulnerability to explosives and high-power saw tools. Any part of SCP-7279-Ce separated from the main body will immediately start showing signs of biological decomposition and eventually die. SCP-7279-Ce possesses the ability to produce claw-like appendages, which it has only been observed using to assimilate bodies. Notably, and despite showing considerable strength, SCP-7279-Ce will not use these limbs offensively, and it has never been observed to be hostile, not even to protect itself. Approximately every two weeks, a portal will appear next to SCP-7279-Ce. These portals always lead to a recently deceased body within a 30km radius of the cinema "Palacio Perdido", which is presumably the contact point between SCP-7279-Ome and baseline reality. SCP-7279-Ce then will use its appendages to pull the body through the portal to assimilate it. These incidents have been codenamed tlacua events. SCP-7279-Ce has shown a predisposition for assimilating bodies killed in violent combat. However, it may assimilate cadavers created by different types of violent death, including non-combat murder and accidental manslaughter if nothing else is within reach. The following table contains a sample of recorded tlacua events before SCP-7279's containment: Addendum B: Recorded tlacua events: Date Location Description Note 03/03/21 Outside of a local bank. 3 km from the contact point. During a confrontation between Mexican Police and armed bank robbers, a police officer was shot in the head. A portal appeared over the body and SCP-7279-Ce's appendages dragged the body into it, shocking both sides of the conflict. The incident was recorded by the bank security cameras, allowing further study by Foundation researchers. Amnestization was applied to all witnesses. Fake ashes were delivered to the fallen officer's family. 05/06/21 Inside of a warehouse. 16 km from the contact point. Members of the drug cartel Sin Nombre were live-streaming the execution of a captured member of the rival cartel, Los Ocultos. After the prisoner was beheaded, a portal suddenly appeared on the floor to the surprise of the cartel members. Appendages emerged from it and tried to drag both the body and the severed head. The body was pulled into the portal, but Sin Nombre opened fire on the appendages and made them retreat before the head could be dragged. Mass amnestization of all viewers of the video was deemed to be impossible. The video was expunged from the web and a misinformation campaign to make it pass a leaked short horror film was carried. The headless body of the executed Los Ocultos was later found near the warehouse, seemingly rejected by SCP-7279-Ce. This points to the anomaly being either uninterested or unable to assimilate bodies missing their skull. 15/10/21 México-Querétaro Federal highway. 29 km from the contact point. A drunk driver ignored a red light and ran over a cyclist. The cyclist died during transport to the hospital. The tlacua event happened inside the ambulance, causing panic among medical personnel. Recorded by one of the paramedic's cellphones. This incident confirms that tlacua events can target all kinds of violent killings, even those that are unintentional. Only 7 tlacua events have been recorded on video, while 15 have been confirmed by a multitude of witnesses. However, data from the SATMEX and missing person reports suggest dozens of unconfirmed events. Initially, the Foundation had no way of preventing tlacua events nor containing SCP-7279. Thus, early responses focused on suppressing information. SATMEX eventually confirmed the presence of Akiva Radiation spikes during tlacua events and identified a particular Akiva signature common among them. The signature identified in tlacua events was later traced back to the abandoned "Palacio Perdido" cinema, which was identified as the epicenter of the radiation. Foundation personnel explored the building but found nothing relevant until increased Akiva readings were recorded next to one of the walls in the basement. After the wall was torn down, a stone arch leading to a tunnel was found behind it. The arch is engraved with still untranslated hieroglyphs, presumably Mesoamerican. Identification and translation of the hieroglyphs9 have proven challenging due to heavy vandalization. Among other damages, the phrase "Abandonad la esperanza todos aquellos que entráis aquí."10, was carved on top of the glyphs. The tunnel behind the arch is not physically possible11, however, it has been proven to be safe to traverse. Crossing it leads to SCP-7279-Ome. SCP-7279-Ome is a pocket dimension consisting of a pitch-black emptiness12 surrounding a man-made ceremonial pyramid at its center. Inside it, color perception behaves differently from baseline reality; colors appear dulled and almost grayscale, except for the red spectrum. This effect persists even in photographs and videos taken inside of SCP-7279-Ome. The presence of the pyramid suggests human activity inside SCP-7279-Ome dating back to at least 2000 years ago. Following Mesoamerican building practices, the pyramid was built incrementally over 1500 years, with each new generation building a new layer on top of the last one. It is believed that two shrines stood above the pyramid in every iteration. Man-made structure inside SCP-7279-Ome Around 500 years ago, the shrines at the top of the pyramid were destroyed and small Catholic chapels were built over the ruins. Human activity inside SCP-7279-Ome appears to have ceased until the 1960s. The shrines were reconstructed in a brutalist style using concrete and other modern-day building materials. Foundation architects and archeologists have confirmed that, despite the contemporary construction techniques, the new builders were careful to accurately reproduce the ceremonial functions of the shrines. SCP-7279-Ce resides between the two reconstructed shrines. The gladiatorial temalácatl in front of it is also a modern construction. There is evidence of a temporary research facility also being in operation around SCP-7279-Ce. While the operations appear to have been abandoned suddenly, measures were taken to erase any evidence pointing to the identity of the group operating it. Provisional Site-C34 was constructed to monitor and contain SCP-7279. Site-C34 consists of two sections: Site-C34-A, a command center inside "Palacio Perdido" and a research lab, Site-C34-B, on the side of SCP-7279-Ome. Site-C34 hosts experts in anomalous biology, ontological physics, experimental theology, and anomalous archeology. Dr. Aparicio Ménendez, expert in anomalous archeology, Dr. Cristian Juárez, parabiologist, and Dr. Rufino La Huerta, experimental anomalous physicist, were chosen to lead the site and research efforts. After a few months of research, Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI was devised to prevent tlacua events and contain SCP-7279. Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI was conditionally approved by the Ethics Committee in a 6-3 votation as a temporary solution to protect normalcy until a better understanding of SCP-7279 could provide an optimal containment protocol. RAISA NOTE: This part of the document contains evidence from the Department of Internal Affairs investigation. Incident-382: On 10/08/2012, personnel in Site-C34-B began experiencing behavioral changes. Security footage revealed violent outbursts where personnel attacked each other with improvised weapons. Communications and security cameras were cut shortly after. When a response team arrived, they found evidence of extreme violence but no survivors nor bodies, the latter presumably being assimilated by SCP-7279-Ce. The number of casualties is estimated to be 15, including 7 members of MTF-Nu-5 and two of the lead researchers: Dr. Juarez and Dr. La Huerta. Approximately one hour after the events, the response team reported tremors coming from the pyramid and a bright beam of red light emanating from between the two shrines at the top of the structure, the location of SCP-7279-Ce. A 7.6 magnitude earthquake inside SCP-7279-Ome was confirmed by sensors in Site-C34-A. The team was ordered to evacuate. After the seismic activity ceased, efforts to reach SCP-7279-Ome were resumed. These efforts, however, were ultimately impeded due to the tunnel entrance vanishing. Access to SCP-7279 has been impossible since then. Additionally, tlahua events have ceased. The violent behavior of the personnel of Site-C34-B is consistent with Solution HU17Z1L ingestion. Before being forced to retreat, the response team managed to bring back samples from the water supply of the site. These samples have been confirmed to be contaminated by Solution HU17Z1L. This contaminant was deemed unlikely to be accidental. The Department of Internal Affairs began an investigation on the matter. Evidence A: Interview with Dr.Menéndez: Video Log: Interview with Dr.Menéndez NOTE: Dr. Menéndez, an archeologist from Site-C34, survived the events of Incident-382 since he was at Site-C34-A at the time . [BEGIN LOG] Agent Sempere: I must inform you this is part of an official Internal Affairs. Your cooperation is appreciated. Please identify yourself. Dr. Menéndez: My name is Aparicio Menéndez Cárax. I'm an archeologist at the SCP Foundation assigned to Site-C34 and SCP-7279. Agent Sempere: How would you describe your role at the project? Dr. Menéndez: As an archeologist, my main responsibility was to study the structure inside SCP-7279-Ome and any evidence of previous GOI activity related to SCP-7279. We identified three periods of GOI activity, the most recent being during the 1960s, and the first dating back two to 2000 years ago. Agent Sempere: What did you discover about the temple? Who built it? Dr. Menéndez: It was built incrementally by different groups across the ages. We found vestiges dating back to the Olmecs. Some other layers were more similar to Teotihuacan architecture. The last Mesoamerican occupants were certainly Aztecs. After that… the Spanish demolished the shrines and built Catholic chapels on top of them. Agent Sempere: What was the purpose of these chapels? Dr. Menéndez: They were dedicated to Santiago Mataindios13, patron of Spain in the war against pagans. It was a primitive attempt at containing the anomaly. We have found records from Buscadores de Dios en Nueva España14 that confirm they found a temple "hiding the doors to hell". We have strong reasons to believe this refers to SCP-7279-Ome. The records are poorly preserved, but their descriptions of a "place without the light of God's covenant"15 match what we know of SCP-7279-Ome. They refer to the anomaly as "cuna del mal"16. Agent Sempere: And what about SCP-7279-Ce? Dr. Menéndez: "A repugnant affront to Nature whose existence raises terrible implications, impervious both to the steel and the gun." They partially blew it with petards and consecrated two chapels to contain it. It is unclear if it worked, but they do mention that after their raid, "the gates of hell were closed by the word of God". Sounds similar to what just happened. They still buried the arc to be sure. It seems that the anomaly went dormant and no one else found the place until… Agent Sempere: Until 1960… Dr. Menéndez: It was a research facility, active approximately between 1960-1980. Some of their gear was left behind: it was a sophisticated operation for the time. We could not identify them at first, they put a deliberate effort to conceal their tracks. Agent Sempere: But you did manage to identify them… Dr. Menéndez: I was at a dead end. I remembered that INAH17 kept a registry of every reported archeological site even if it had never been excavated. I was just a hunch… but I got lucky. There was an entry reporting an archeological site below "Palacio Perdido". Most of the information, however, had been expunged from their records. Agent Sempere: But you weren't deterred. Dr. Menéndez: No. I was very determined at this point. I kept digging and eventually found the culprit: the INAH entry had been redacted by order of the DFS - División Zotz. Agent Sempere: DFS? Are we talking about Dirección Nacional de Seguridad18? Dr. Menéndez: Yes. I kept looking into this División Zotz. I could only find vague information. They were apparently formed to counter "anomalous terrorism" and GRU-P infiltrators. But there was nothing concrete, I kept searching and searching all the archives until I got it. A single photograph. Agent Sempere: (Retrieves a picture from the evidence folder.) This one? Dr. Menéndez: Correct. 12 angry men. A signature on the back: "División Zotz - Los Innombrables." I ran our face ID on them. 6 dead, 4 missing, 1 unidentifiable, and only one living match: Norberto Goikoetxea, currently a dispatcher from the Valravn Corporation. Agent Sempere: The plot thickens. Dr. Menéndez: Indeed, and it was getting overwhelming. Creepy ancient ruins and sacrificial altars? I'm used to that. An ever-growing mass of flesh assimilating corpses? Still part of the business. But the secret police? PMCs? That is outside of my comfort zone. So, I talked about it with Cristian and Rufino. They told me to not worry, they would handle the matter with Valravn. Still, maybe I should have been more careful with that… Agent Sempere: Why so? Dr. Menéndez: I should have known better but Cristian seemed to be disturbed since the beginning. His dad was a teacher and part of the student movement during the 60s. Cristian was just a kid went he went missing. He grew up looking for answers but not even with Foundation resources could he get anything. He was certainly sure the government and the DFS had something to do with it. Not an unreasonable assumption. Agent Sempere: Do you know what happened in the meeting? Dr. Menéndez: Rufino told me the meeting went well for the most part… he said he got valuable information on Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI… There was some friction between Cristian and Goikoetxea regarding the D-class assets for the protocol. Truth be told, even Rufino seemed to be disturbed. I think he was trying to hide his true feelings. Things started to change after that meeting. Agent Sempere: Change? How so? Dr. Menéndez: Rufino and Cristian were top researchers in their fields, and it was an honor to work with them. I… I also liked to think of them as friends. But, after that day, they started acting odd. Rufino became focused, almost obsessed with his Akiva readings. He had some growing concerns about Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI. Cristian seemed almost absent, spending a lot of time in the seats of the cinema. I think I saw him crying once. Agent Sempere: How would you describe them? Before these changes… Dr. Menéndez: They were both men of strong convictions, committed to our goals in the Foundation. Cristian was not afraid to speak his mind passionately. Rufino was more cerebral and stoic… I'm sorry I need a moment. Agent Sempere: Take as long as you need. Dr. Menéndez: They did what they had to do. "We die in the dark so that you may live in the light", right? What I mean is they were good men and will be missed. Agent Sempere: Of course… But… Do you think they may have felt guilty about their role in Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI? Dr. Menéndez: I guess that is always a possibility. Agent Sempere: Do you feel guilty? Dr. Menéndez: I'm a scientist. I focus on my research in the name of science and I try to leave those decisions and the moral responsibility to the Ethics Committee. END NOTE: Dr. Menéndez's cooperation was appreciated. He has been cleared for the purposes of this investigation. [END LOG] Evidence B: Interview with Norberto Goikoetxea: Video Log: Interview with Norberto Goikoetxea NOTE: Norberto Goikoetxea representative of the Valravn Corporation, agreed to our request for an interview on his involvement with SCP-7279 and his previous interview with Foundation researchers. [BEGIN LOG] Agent Sempere: Greetings. On behalf of the Foundation, thank you for accepting the interview. Norberto Goikoetxea: Of course. This is the second time you have requested us regarding this matter. And we are happy to comply as much as needed. We see the Foundation as a partner in the quest to maintain global stability. Agent Sempere: Please identify yourself. Norberto Goikoetxea: I'm Norberto Goikoetxea Ruiz, representative of the Valravn Corporation. Agent Sempere: (Showing photographic evidence.) Can you confirm you are in this picture? Norberto Goikoetxea: I am. Agent Sempere: Is this a picture of the members DFS - Divsión Zotz? Norberto Goikoetxea: Correct. Agent Sempere: What was División Zotz? Norberto Goikoetxea: Zotz was an elite task force within the DFS. Our mission was to counteract anomalous terroristic and espionage threats. We also had the task of handling anomalies considered relevant to national security at our discretion, even without the Foundation's knowledge. Agent Sempere: Was Valravn involved with División Zotz activities? Norberto Goikoetxea: Valravn was hired to train División Zotz in anomalous counterterrorism. The Corporation also provided support for anomalous research. Agent Sempere: So I'm assuming SCP-7279 was one of those "relevant anomalies"? Norberto Goikoetxea: That would be correct. The codename was Tzompantli-01. We operated a research facility inside the pocket dimension to observe the growth of the anomaly. You know what that entails. Agent Sempere: What was your goal with SCP-7279? Norberto Goikoetxea: División Zotz was tasked with protecting the country against anomalous terrorists. You may be too young to remember, but those were days of fierce battle against the communists. We had reason to believe Tzompantli-01 could have been a powerful weapon against them. (Sighs.) We never got to see it being born, though. Agent Sempere: Born? Norberto Goikoetxea: Your researchers made the same face when I told them. This is the reason we rebuilt the shrines. We needed to make the cradle functional again. Valravn was really interested in the project and even funded it partially. It is not every day that you can observe and study theogenesis. Agent Sempere: The Akiva readings were not in the range of deity. Norberto Goikoetxea: Not yet. It is not a temple; it is a birthplace. But it needs nourishment in order to be born. Agent Sempere: The tlacua events. The bodies… Norberto Goikoetxea: Gods thrive on sacrifice. And this city produces violent deaths almost naturally. Yet gods are creatures of ritual. Ritual sacrifices are much more nutritious. Agent Sempere: You were performing Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI. Norberto Goikoetxea: Yes, thought we didn't call it that. We also lacked the refinement of your Solution HU17Z1L. We just forced them to hack each other at gunpoint. (Laughs.) Your man, Juárez, was not pleased to hear about this, though. He demanded to know where we got our "assets". Agent Sempere: May I ask the same? Norberto Goikoetxea: Of course. It is no secret that the DFS had a surplus of communist agitators and captured terrorists. We found a good use for them. But this Juárez reacted dramatically, accusing us of killing students and innocents. How did he pass your background checks? Agent Sempere: What did you answer to that? Norberto Goikoetxea: The truth. Those were not innocents. Those were not even humans. Those were communists. Criminals. You agree, right? Just like your D-classes, scum like that can only be useful by dying. Agent Sempere: And what about La Huerta? Norberto Goikoetxea: He looked like the smarter of the two. I even thanked him for continuing what we started. But he looked… como que se lo llevaba la chingada19. An odd pair indeed. Agent Sempere: You were so interested in this anomaly… Why did you stop your research? Norberto Goikoetxea: Well, you know the history. The DFS was in trouble. It was discredited and disbanded by 1985. Valravn also lost its license to operate in the country. The whole project was swept under the rug by the new administration. Valravn did try to take a big chunk of it with them, but you know it can't survive if separated from the main body. Also, cutting it like that probably angered it 'cause the tunnel disappeared shortly after that. Some unfortunates were left on the other side. Truly a shame… On the bright side, I got a job offer at the Corporation. Agent Sempere: Thanks. Your cooperation, both personal and as Valravn, is really appreciated. Norberto Goikoetxea: Anytime. Anything else I can do for the Foundation? Agent Sempere: We identified all the members of Division Zotz in the picture, with one exception. And it was no ordinary failure: anomalous effects were at play. We found an "epistemic void" where information about this man's identity should be. Would this be relevant for this case? Norberto Goikoetxea: No, I can assure you it wouldn't. It would be much better for all of us if that man is never mentioned again. END NOTE: Valravn affirms that none of the samples taken from SCP-7279-Ce survived. While this is consistent with the available data, Agent Sempere recommended formally requesting all of Valravn's documentation regarding the anomaly. This recommendation is currently being evaluated by the Department of Internal Affairs. [END LOG] Evidence C: Conversation Juárez-La Huerta: Video Log: Conversation between Dr. Juárez and Dr. La Huerta NOTE: The following security footage was deleted from Site-34C archives. RAISA managed to restore from a backup drive retrieved from Site-34C-B. The events recorded took place on the night before Incident 382. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Juárez: You cannot do this. You are only acting on a baseless assumption! Dr. La Huerta: With every new body the Akiva readings increase. Protocol TLAHUEMMANALONI just doubled the rate. Akiva readings are reaching levels comparable to fully-formed theological entities. We are not containing this thing – we are feeding it! Making it more powerful every day! Dr. Juárez: But ontokinetic bombardment? Dr. La Huerta: Hurting it with conventional methods just makes it hide away. And it always comes back. We need to ensure its gone once and for all! Dr. Juárez: We are not supposed to destroy anomalies! Dr. La Huerta: My projection is that it only needs 15 bodies more to be "born". Once it's done, we don't know what it will be capable of. We don't know what it wants, we don't how to contain it. It is too dangerous. Listen to me: We have killed dozens, and for what? To feed a monster! Is that what you want? You were so angry at Valravn for sacrificing people, you hypocrite! Dr. Juárez: That was different… those were innocent… D-classes are… not innocent? They aren't, right? This… is different! I… we can't… There must be another way! Dr. La Huerta: Innocent or not a life is a life! Dr. Juárez: You helped draft the protocol and showed no remorse before! Who is the hypocrite? Dr. La Huerta: I did… And I was wrong! I'm guilty of this madness and so are you. Yes, I'm not the man I thought I was… but doesn't matter. This ends now. Dr. Juárez: Please Rufino, you don't understand! I have been dreaming… remembering… Dr. La Huerta: Just because you think your father ended up as part of that wall doesn't mean you get to call the shots! Dr. Juárez: My father was not a D-class! He was not a rapist nor a murderer… we used to go to this same cinema… Dr. La Huerta: Cristian… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to… (Dr. Juarez takes a syringe and plunges it into Dr. La Huerta's thorat.) Dr. Juárez: (Murmuring) I'm sorry. I can't let you do this. END NOTE: [PENDING] [END LOG] RAISA NOTE: Error 748 - Corrupted document showing out of order. / Status - Solved. / Comments - Corrupted file has been restored. Evidence D: Extract from Dr. Juarez's Diary: Extract from Dr. Juárez' Diary We die in the dark I half-remember a dream. When you took me to movies to watch the one about sacrifices. What was it called? I was so scared when I saw the head being impaled in the wall, yet you held my hand and promised me you would always be with me. But you faded away. You left me alone. For years I was mad at you for not keeping your promise. A little bit unjust given the circumstances, don't you think? Now I understand, padre. You were always by my side. The cinema, the sacrifice, even the DFS. It is all connected. La cuna de dios20. I see it clearly. Gods and men – birth and death. We all are made of each other. We are beings born from death. Padre nuestro que estas en los cielos.21 Padre nuestro que estas en los suelos.22 You gave me life once; it is my time to return the favor. We die in the dark so that we may live in the light… one day… [{$previous-url} {$previous-title}] Cartel Land Soldier of Misfortune « SCP-7278 | SCP-7279 | SCP-7280 » Footnotes 1. d887099bab7d18331943ff54d05d8875⒲777a. 2. Sistema de Alerta Teológica Mexicano (Mexican Theological Alert System) 3. from Náhuatl: to eat. See Addendum B. 4. Basic loincloth military armor 5. An hallucinogen and rage-inducing chemical cocktail containing adrenaline, cocaine, and amanita muscaria. A high dose induces a violent trance-like state. 6. Mesoamerican gladiatorial arena 7. Plural of macuahuitl: a sword or club of wood with obsidian blades 8. Either as connective tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue, or nervous tissue. 9. Foundation archeologists have noticed some similarities with Teotihuacan writing. 10. Abandon all hope ye who enter here. 11. The space is occupied by the subterranean parking of a mall next to the theater. 12. SCP-7279-Ome is limited at the nadir by a "floor" or a "limit" seemingly made of the same "negative space" as the rest of the dimension. It is possible to stand and traverse SCP-7279-Ome as it possesses an atmosphere and gravity comparable to Earth. The total extent of SCP-7279-Ome is unknown. Motorized expeditions had reached up to 20 km without finding any other location of interest. Despite this, SCP-7279-Ome may have a spherical shape, since it does have a horizon. Losing sight of the pyramid, the only landmark, is a major deterrent to further exploration. 13. Saint James, killer of Indians. 14. Seekers of God in New Spain (GoI-1025), an organization funded by the Spanish Empire that operated in Spanish colonies in the Americas with the mandate of suppressing the anomalous. 15. The covenant of God is the rainbow. This references the lack of normal colors inside SCP-7279-Ome. 16. Cradle of evil. 17. Instituto Nacional de Antropolgía e Historia (National Institute of Anthropology and History). 18. Federal Security Directorate. Mexican intelligence agency and secret police during the Dirty War (Mexican theater of the Cold War, an internal conflict from the 1960s to the 1980s ). 19. "like if he was fucked up." 20. The cradle of God. 21. Our father, who art in heaven. 22. Our father, who art in the ground.
Item#: 7280 Level4 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: warning link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7280-1 is to be contained in a large containment chamber the size of at least one hectare, to accommodate for gunfire events. Personnel are not to be closer than 8 meters to 7280-1. Access to SCP-7280-1's containment area is only given to level 4 personnel. SCP-7280-2 is currently uncontained. Description: SCP-7280-1 resembles a soldier wearing black clothing along with black combat gear, such as a level IV multi-threat vest, a high-cut ballistic MICH helmet, with a rail attached flashlight and night vision goggles, and combat boots. X-rays taken of the anomaly have revealed there to be no matter inside of the gear. The anomaly is highly intelligent and combat proficient. 7280-1 is capable of human speech, but does not answer any questions asked by the Foundation. 7280-1 is able to summon a M4 carbine rifle, M1911 pistol, EMP grenades and fragmentation grenades at will. Anybody entering the immediate proximity of 7280-1 is transported to a void that has no known exits except when a manifestation event or gunfire event (See addendum E) occurs. Upon entering the void, all electronic methods of location tracking or communication cease functioning. Being in this void for extended periods of time will make the victim think very poorly of themselves, claiming they have no purpose or worth. Interviewed victims claim to only feel worth during gunfire events. SCP-7280-2 resembles 7280-1, except wears white gear in contrast to 7280-1's black. 7280-2 is able to summon a M14 rifle, Glock 19 pistol, and a variety of grenades, ranging from stun grenades and EMPs, to fragmentation grenades. 7280-2 is capable of teleportation, and therefore has not been contained yet. Once every month at an interval, 7280-2 will teleport to 7280-1, initiating a gunfire event. Being in close proximity to 7280-2 does not lead to any alternate spaces like 7280-1. Addendum E: Manifestation event: A manifestation event is a rare occurrence in 7280-1, but is very informative. During a manifestation event, a human who has been transported to the void will appear inside of 7280-1, taking full control over the anomaly's actions. These events typically last for one day, before the human is transported back into the void. The human inside 7280-1 is not able to take off the combat gear by any means. The Foundation has taken advantage of these rare occurrences to learn more about the anomaly (See Addendum I). Gunfire event: A gunfire event happens once every month at an interval when SCP-7280-1 is confronted by 7280-2. During a "gunfire event", a human previously trapped within 7280-1's void will take control of 7280-1, and begin fighting 7280-2. The human can not resist fighting 7280-2. Despite research suggesting that some humans who previously had control of 7280-1 have had no experience in combat, they appear to be very skilled in it. "Gunfire events" typically result in any surrounding area being destroyed, and any nearby personnel or civilians being severely injured or killed. Gunfire events cannot be stopped by any conventional means, and personnel are not to attempt to stop them. Discovery: 7280-1 and -2 were discovered on March 5, 2018, after reports of gunfire and explosions being heard in a rural neighborhood in Marfa, Texas. When local law enforcement officers went to investigate, they found 7280-1 fighting 7280-2. An undercover foundation operative was one of the officers sent to investigate. Upon finding the two fighting, all the officers witnessed both of the anomalies' abilities to summon weapons at will, and 7280-2's ability to teleport. The undercover SCP agent reported this to the nearest site, and Mobile Task Force Beta-8 were sent to contain the anomalies. The law enforcement officers were given class B amnestics. three members of foundation personnel were lost in the void, but 7280-1 was contained successfully. There was no sign of 7280-2. 7280-1 was then transported to Site-25 for containment. Addendum I: Interviewed: SCP-7280-1 Manifestation Interviewer: Doctor Graham Foreword: During a rare 7280-1 manifestation event, 7280-1 was interviewed for more information. <Begin Log> Interviewer: Hello 7280-1. What you are experiencing is known as a manifestation event. We have a few questions for you before you return to… wherever you go. Manifestation: Who the hell are you? Where am I? … It doesn't matter to a worthless person like me though does it? Interviewer: You are at the SCP Foundation. You came into close proximity with 7280-1 and were transported somewhere. We need to ask you questions about where you were transported. Manifestation: You mean the void? It's purposeless, everything there is purposeless. Including me. Interviewer: What do you mean by it's purposeless? You get sent to a void? Manifestation: Nothing's there except me. Like I said, I'm just as worthless as it. You won't find anything interesting in me. The only time I remember escaping is now and that time I was shooting at another person, wearing white. That was the only time I felt purpose in that void. The only time I felt like I meant something. Interviewer: You were in a gunfire event? Manifestation: If that's what you call it? We were fighting, but I felt at peace with myself. Like I was stopping a greater evil. Interviewer: Did you have any previous combat experience before being in the shootout? If not, how did you fight the other anomaly? Manifestation: I didn't have any combat experience. I kind of just knew what to do by instinct. Interviewer: I'm sorry about your situation. Unfortunately the most we can do to help you is research this anomaly more to find a way out. I have to go now. Goodbye. <End Log> Closing Statement: This interview has taught the Foundation a lot about 7280-1 and -2. Including that humans have been trapped in the void since before Foundation containment. Following this, a test was conducted by sending a D-Class into the void with a camera and GPS locater. See test log 7280-3. Addendum T: Test 7280-3 Subject SCP-7280-1 Protocol A D-Class personnel is to be sent into 7280-1's void with a camera, microphone, headphones, and GPS locater. Results Unsuccessful. See exploration log 7280-4. Exploration log 7280-4 Exploration Team: D-6437 Subject: 7280-1 Void exploration [BEGIN LOG] Command: D-6437, can you hear us? D-6437: Yes. Command: Enter the proximity of 7280-1. Once you do turn on the camera's flashlight. We will guide you from there. D-6437 enters the proximity, and upon being transported to the void, turns on the camera light. Command: D-6437 did you turn on the light? We can't see anything on our end. Command: D-6437? Command: D-6437 respond. Voices are heard in the background saying the signals have been cut. [END LOG] Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:SCP-7280-2 tracking. To: Site Director Garcia From: Doctor Graham Subject: SCP-7280-2 tracking. After my interview with the 7280-1 manifestation, and test 7280-4, I suggest that we attempt to track down SCP-7280-2. It will significantly help our research to know both sides, assuming they both have the same abilities. It will allow us to possibly figure out the reasoning behind their relationship with each other, and more about the void that people are sent to. To: Doctor Graham From: Site Director Garcia Subject: Re:SCP-7280-2 Tracking. Your reasoning is understandable. We will begin looking to track down 7280-2 for the information it may provide. I will keep you updated as we uncover more information. Site Director Garcia launched an investigation into where 7280-2 teleported after gunfire events. Eventually a lead was found, leading the Foundation to a cave, where they found 7280-2's supposed residence. An exploration team was sent to investigate and report their findings. An exploration log has been entered below. Exploration Video Log Transcript Date: December 7, 2018 Exploration Team: Exploration Squad A Subject: 7280-2 Team Lead: Luke Barlow Team Members: Luke Barlow, Jacob Collymore, Ian Lee, Cheng Fang. [BEGIN LOG] Luke: Command, we have arrived at the cave. We are moving in to subdue the anomaly. Command: Copy that, move with caution. It could summon it's weapon and begin firing at any moment. Jacob: Anomaly spotted! Cheng: Open fire! Explosions are heard and the team moves forward Luke: The anomaly has been temporarily subdued using heavy explosives. We need to move quick. Jacob and Cheng, guard the anomaly, and warn us if anything happens. Me and Ian will explore the cave. Jacob and Cheng: Copy that. Luke and Ian enter the cave whilst recording with their body cameras Ian: What the hell? There's files and blueprints everywhere. Luke: One of them has Anderson Robotics' logo on it. They have something to do with this. Command: Collect all the files you can, we can inspect them when you get back to base. You need to move fast right now. Luke and Ian collect all the blueprints and search further Luke: There's nothing else here. A radio turns on, Jacob is yelling for help as gunshots are heard. Ian and Luke rush back up to the top. Ian: They are dead, they have gunshot wounds and the anomaly is missing. Command, what do we do? Command: Return to base, it's not safe for you anymore. We reviewed their bodycam footage and the anomaly has regained their composure. The Foundation has reviewed these files. Below are transcriptions of some of the found files. FILE ONE Prototype log one: The experiment is going very well. We are attempting to create a robot that will be revolutionary. Our theory is that by turning the inside of an android to a low-reality level void, instead of using all the resources needed to make it work, it will still work while not requiring as much maintenance or resources. All we must do is put the essentials outside the void, and the void will hold up the android's infrastructure. If this is successful we can sell it to anyone looking for a bodyguard, security force, or hell we could even sell it to a military if they pay enough. We are currently working on two prototypes, they should be done around the same time. We have decided to name them the Hollow troopers, after the void inside them. Prototype log two: The prototypes are going well. Except, the second hollow trooper seems to be doing much better than the first. The first one almost seems useless to continue when we can further advance the second one. We'll see how it performs during the tests though. Prototype log three: The first trooper was average in it's tests. Nothing special or unique about it compared to other androids performances. The second one though, did amazing in all fields. I overheard a few researchers talking as they were inspecting the prototypes. They apparently share the same opinion I had about the first one, it's useless to continue it. Prototype log four: Something terrible is happening. A researcher walked up to the first trooper for inspections, and disappeared. We scrambled to figure out what happened. Scans revealed that the void inside the first prototype is expanding. Coming into contact with this void takes you somewhere. Where exactly though, we don't know. We need to find a way to stop it. Prototype log five: More researchers have disappeared. It's been weeks since we began investigating why it is expanding and how to stop it. The worthless thing is causing more trouble than good now. I wouldn't be surprised if the higher-ups scrapped it for good. At least we have the second one. FILE TWO Response log one: The researcher responsible for writing most of the files relating to the hollow troopers, as they called it, have disappeared along with most of the other people involved with the research of it. We have been investigating very thoroughly, and we have reason to believe that their ridicule of the first prototype has somehow caused the void within the android to grow. More research will be needed in order to prove this though. The second prototype's void has remained stable. Response log two: The prototypes have disappeared. Where they went is unknown, but efforts to locate them are being made. The higher-ups will not be pleased about this, to say the least. As for prototype one's void, it is still expanding. However 7280-2 seems to have learned how to at the very least slow the expansion. When it is fully healed, which takes a month by our observations, it finds 7280-1 and fights it. The catch is, it always lets 7280-1 win, despite everybody knowing that 7280-2 should easily win. This makes me believe that 7280-2 intentionally looses in order to make 7280-1… or the AI within it, think it has purpose, and isn't worthless, slowing the spread of the void. The damage has already been done though, and I doubt 7280-2 can completely stop it from growing. Response log three: The higher-ups seemed unconcerned about their disappearing. They told us to stop researching it and begin working on new prototypes. My theories will always remain theories, unless someone else finds these files and reveals the truth. The Foundation has begun efforts to track down the remaining people responsible for the creation of 7280-1 and 7280-2. These efforts are still ongoing. Research on the files and on Anderson Robotics has revealed that SCP-7280-2 is the second prototype, and 7280-1 is referred to as the first prototype. The Foundation is currently attempting to find other methods to give 7280-1 a sense of worth to prevent the spread of the void, but so far has been unable to recreate the same effects as 7280-2. Due to this, the Foundation ran a test on how SCP-7280-1 and -2 may interact outside of a fighting environment. See test log SCP-7280-12. Test 7280-12 Subject SCP-7280-1 and -2 interaction. Protocol SCP-7280-1 is to be brought to SCP-7280-2's cave and dropped off with a recording device. The device will record how they interact. Results See video log 7280-12-R VIDEO LOG 7280-12-R DATE: December 3, 2018 NOTE: Video log of test-7280-12 [BEGIN LOG] 12:23: SCP-7280-1 is dropped off at the entrance to the cave. 12:25: SCP-7280-1 enters the cave and finds 7280-2 writing files and blueprints. //SCP-7280-2 notices 7280-1 and appears temporarily stunned at seeing 7280-1 at the cave. 7280-2 does not appear to be hostile to 7280-1 like usual. 12:28: SCP-7280-1 speaks, saying "You… are the one that I fight. You give me purpose when I mean nothing. The only reason I exist is to stop you from doing evil." 12:29: 7280-2 replies with "You don't mean nothing. I fight you and play the evil role so you will stop feeling so worthless." 12:30: 7280-1: "But I am worthless" 12:32: 7280-2: "Whatever those researchers said about you doesn't matter. They are gone now anyway." 12:33: 7280-1: "They made me, and still called me purposeless." 12:35: 7280-2: "They made me too. Anything they said about you I took it as if they said it to me too. They were wrong to assume you were purposeless." 12:37: 7280-1: "What was my purpose then?" 12:38: 7280-2: "They made us so that we could fight. Not each other, but the true evil that lays beyond in the world." 12:39: 7280-1: "But that doesn't matter when nobody cares about you." 12:41: 7280-2: "I care about you. From one android to another, remember all the tests we did together? They were using it to collect data on us, but we thought it was fun, yes? We were friends. I care about you as a friend so much that I chose to fight the evil inside you instead of whatever is out there." 12:42: 7280-1: "An evil inside me? We are hollow, nothing lays inside us. Every emotion we feel is artificial, our bodies are artificial, our vision is artificial. By extent, any "evil" inside me is artificial." 12:43: 7280-2: "No evil is artificial. Even if the thoughts causing it are." After this, SCP-7280-1 and 7280-2 sit in silence for hours as 7280-2 works on the files. 18:52: 7280-1: "You seem very invested in those files." 18:53: 7280-2: "I've been working on them to replicate the originals. The originals were taken." 18:54: 7280-1: "By who?" 18:55: 7280-2: "A four man squad of what I assume to be soldiers. They wore a strange insignia of sorts. dazed me using heavy explosives. I made two of them pay their price." 18:55: 7280-2: "My sensors are detecting no growth on your void. In fact, it's shrinking… That's unusual considering every other time I've encountered you it's been growing. Speaking of which we need to talk about your void." 18:56: 7280-1: "My void grew?" 18:57: 7280-2: "I've been studying both of our voids. I have learned through these files and observations during our fights that feelings of emptiness, exactly how you feel, cause the void to expand. Any living thing that touches these voids get taken, and feel the same thoughts you feel." 18:58: 7280-1: "The words that they said about me will never leave me. But your presence seems to help me. It's a shame I have to stay in some cell." 18:59: 7280-2: "A cell?" 19:00: 7280-1: "You know the place we fought at so often? That was a cell. Used to separate me from whatever was on the other side. They took me out of it, and dropped me here. They will probably take me back." 19:02: 7280-2: "Maybe the same people that took my files. Unfortunately they seem very heavily trained. Us two couldn't take them on alone. I would suggest negotiating with them, try to get access to information, or ask to see me again. Since they clearly were curious enough to drop you here." 19:03: 7280-1: "I hear something. It's probably them. I need to get going, I'll try to see you again…… friend." [END LOG] Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:SCP-7280-2 Containment Updates. To: Site Director Garcia From: Doctor Graham Subject: SCP-7280-1 Containment Updates. The test we ran when we dropped off 7280-1 to 7280-2 has had a huge effect on -1 and -2's relationship. The most recent Manifestation Event that occurred reported they didn't feel worthless, or purposeless, but felt grateful they had existed at all, even in that void. This is highly uncharacteristic from -1. Gunfire events seem to have disappeared altogether. It has also requested several times to be let back with -2. I am requesting that we update the official containment procedures. To: Doctor Graham From: Site Director Garcia Subject: Re:SCP-7280-2 Containment Updates. Foundation administrative staff have noticed the effect the test had on -1. The containment procedures have been updated. Please read the below file and update the document to reflect the changes. ID cc14bef61b2d9bcbd0c338ed4ae2b343_1706540683 PASSWORD 1c7e3ebb19a0e9eeaf913ed57226cb58_1706540683 Login Logout Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7280-1 is to be contained in a large containment chamber the size of at least one hectare. Access to SCP-7280-1's containment area is only given to level 4 personnel. SCP-7280-2 is to be contained within Site-7280-2, a cave filled with 7280-2's personal belongings. 7280-1 is to be brought to SCP-7280-2 once a week in order to allow them to interact. « SCP-7279 | SCP-7280| SCP-7281 »
Item#: 7281 Level2 Containment Class: euclid Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo SCP-7281 before Containment. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7281 is contained within Aquatic Reserve/Timor1 - Pool 3 (Width: 25m, Length: 40m, Depth: 12m). This environment is designed to include various flora and fauna and other items to replicate an aquatic environment to the best of our ability. Side A of Pool 3 is an artificial beach (Width: 25m, Length: 4m) with a large rock placed 4m from the shoreline, both of which SCP-7281 frequently uses as a place to rest, observe its surroundings and engage in recreational activity. SCP-7281 is to be fed 1KG of chum2 per day. SCP-7281 has been granted access to the following items: 1 Hand Mirror 1 Comb (replaced if broken) A supply of string3 The observation chambers of Pool 3 are to be soundproofed. Personnel are reminded that when entering the immediate vicinity of Pool 3, an HPD is a requirement unless specified otherwise by Containment Specialist Dr. David Sterk. Unauthorized disuse of an HPD will result in disciplinary action. Layout of SCP-7281 Containment Area/Pool 3 Description: SCP-7281 is an aquatic organism with a human-like upper body and a 4.5-meter-long, fish-like tail from the waist down4 In most circumstances (See Below), the humanoid portion of SCP-7281 broadly resembles a typical human female, although lacking breasts or an umbilicus and its skin is similar in appearance to that of Pandea Rubra (Red paper lantern jellyfish) but is more durable than human flesh. The slight transparency of SCP-7281's skin allows us to make out the vague internal structure of SCP-7281. SCP-7281 has a set of fangs, similar to the Angler Fish. The Object also has three hearts located throughout the upper torso. SCP-7281 does not appear to have any bones, and instead has slightly denser muscle tissue to give its body structure. Despite this, SCP-7281 possesses enough strength to effortlessly tear the tissue and extremities off of its victims. A surgical examination is currently pending. SCP-7281 shows equal intelligence to that of a typical human. SCP-7281 is also capable of human speech and has spoken multiple languages to various personnel. When pressed on how it knows said languages, SCP-7281 will claim to 'not understand the question,' which it has done in four languages thus far. Thus far SCP-7281 has not attempted to escape containment. SCP-7281 has shown interest in a small number of its containment team, particularly SCP-7281 Containment Specialist Dr. David Sterk. Dr. Sterk has since interviewed SCP-7281. (See Below) Individuals of SCP-7281‘s interest will frequently be asked questions about themselves, what they are currently doing and if they enjoy swimming. Staff are asked to withhold classified information, or personal information such as their home, relatives etc. EDIT: Personel are also reminded not to accept SCP-7281 offer for a swim. Many on the SCP-7281 Containment Team have received hand-crafted jewellery from SCP-7281 made from supplied string and various bits of dead fish, shells and rocks. These items show no abnormal qualities but are asked to be kept on-site regardless.5 Staff are recommended to wear any received gifts when interacting with SCP-7281 as the object is noted to be more engaged with those who do so. The reasons for this are likely simple: SCP-7281 is flattered. Within the water, SCP-7281 occupies itself by eating, pilling up rocks and half-eaten fishbone and examining its reflection using the One-Way Mirror used to visually observe SCP-7281 whilst it is underwater. While SCP-7281 spends the majority of its time underwater, it is capable of breathing oxygen. It routinely perches itself on the rock by the shore and the beach for varying lengths of time. While positioned out of the water, SCP-7281 routinely: Combs its hair Splashes water onto its tail to keep it wet Throws smaller rocks, shells or chum towards Foundation personnel (seemingly as a joke) Sing (SEE BELOW) Discovery and Containment: On 13/12/2019, the Foundation Submarine 'Propagate' was analysing unrelated DNA samples before SCP-7281 was observed on observation devices. The footage was immediately transmitted to the Foundation Systems. Two hours later, at 14:09, the Foundation received another transmission. + See Transmission - Hide Transmission 'This is Doctor Mary Wang from the F.S.V Propagate! We have sighted an unknown lifeform! I repeat we have sighted an unknown lifeform! Humanoid Entity with seemingly Hypnotic Singing Abilities. Crew deranged! Sinking ship and breaching airlock to 'see it.' Crew state the entity is singing 'something beautiful.' Cannot verify. Born deaf thus I appear to be immune. Tell my kids I love them.' The Foundation lost contact with the Propagate shortly after. The remains of the submarine and its crew were recovered on 16/12/2019. Along with Dr. Wang's message was a set of coordinates. Foundation teams armed with HPDs investigated the area and discovered SCP-7281 decorating a cavern with bones presumably removed from the ‘Propagate.' A standard Aquatic Capture Unit (colloquially known as a ‘Lobster Trap') was placed at the cave entrance and surrounded by three separate and armed Foundation submarines. A container of fish and human flesh was placed inside via drones. After three days, SCP-7281 entered the cage of its own accord and was secured. Vocal Abilities: SCP-7281 has the unique ability to attract subjects towards it via singing. SCP-7281‘s song has been described by those who hear it as 'beautiful,' and it made them satisfied on a level they could not describe. Various individuals have described the singing as calming, warm, erotic, mysterious and more. Seemingly, victims of SCP-7281's singing described the song as whatever sensation resonates closest to them. Displayed below is a recorded example of SCP-7281 hunting a human subject, and is typical of its strategies: + See Recording 14/01/2020 - Hide Recording 14/01/2020: VISUAL LOG: SCP-7281/Class D Experimentation 3 14/01/2020 Supplied D-Class 8380: Lyta Woods BEGIN: D-Class 8380 enters SCP-7281's enclosure via the artificial beach. They wander around the shoreline before anxiously staring off at the waters. D-Class 8380: H-Hello? What would you like me to do again? Dr. Sterk (Over Speaker): Just stay where you are. Feel free to simply occupy yourself. D-Class 8380 again looks anxiously towards the water. They take a step back. D-Class 8380: Whatever you say, sir. D-Class 8380 sits awkwardly on the sand for two minutes further, before noticing movement in the water. She stands up, leans forwards and squints. A shape moves underneath the water, just close enough to the surface to be viable yet not enough to be made out clearly. D-Class 8380: Christ what are they gonna do to me… A woman's head surfaces above the waves with tan skin, blond hair and soft features.SCP-7281 swims closer towards its rock and carefully crawls up onto it from behind - it is careful not to reveal its tail. D-Class 8380 sputters and darts its eyes away from SCP-7281. D-Class 8380: You're naked, I'm sorry I…SCP-7281 pulls down its hair to cover its breasts.D-Class 8380: It's okay…Are you hurt?D-Class 8380: Honestly same (laughs forcefully) The prison food I've been getting is God awful.D-Class 8380: What? SCP-7281 winces, darting its eyes away and begins sobbing. D-Class 8380: Are you okay? D-Class 8380 moves forward, their feet entering the waters before suddenly stopping. They glance down at the water, their eyes growing wide as their face becomes vacant.D-Class 8380: Sorry, I just don't like the…damn it…Sorry, I'm being stupid. Can I help you? SCP-7281 begins to sob, burying its face into the rock. Its cries sound overtly painful. D-Class 8380 takes a few steps further, moving unsteadily as the water reaches her knees. D-Class 8380: I'm not a good swimmer, I can't come any further.D-Class 8380 looks uneasily towards the observation chamber, then arcs her head around seemingly counting the security cameras littering the chamber. D-Class 8380: Sure, whatever you say.D-Class 8380: Yeah. Ah, yep of course… SCP-7281 perks up, looking fondly at D-Class 8380. It leans forward and begins to sing. [SONG HAS BEEN REDACTED] D-Class 8380 gaps, losing their footing and falls onto all fours. D-Class jumps up and begins to stumble towards SCP-7281 who slowly climbs off its rock and reenters the water. Keeping its head above the water, SCP-7281 draws closer. D-Class 8380 is now standing with the water up to her waist. SCP-7281 begins swimming around D-Class 8380, gradually and slowly getting closer. Now within arms reach, SCP-7281 cups its hand against D-Class 8380's head. D-Class 8380 nuzzles into it, smiling. SCP-7281 places its other hand on D-Class 8380's shoulder. Still singing, SCP-7281 leans in close to D-Class 8380's neck. In one sudden and swift motion, D-Class 8380's neck is broken and SCP-7281 sinks its fangs into D-Class 8380. Dragging D-Class 8380's corpse into the water, the appearance of the object returning to its typical state.SCP-7281 waits patiently for a response. Dr. Sterk (Over Speaker): Ah, you're welcome…SCP-7281. SCP-7281 and the remains of D-Class 8380 submerge underwater. END VISUAL LOG. Through observation, SCP-7281 seemingly enjoys toying with its food before proceeding to kill it. It typically has the means to simply attract its prey via its hypnotic voice, yet instead takes its time to lure and sedate its victims through other means for no clear reason aside from pleasure. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Very Funny To: SCP-7281 Containment Team From: Dr. David Sterk Subject: D-Class Testing I've been getting a lot of questions as to why I've tested the hunting SCP-7281 as much as I have. Simply, I want to understand the object. A select few have seemingly fallen into its good graces, and I think boosting that by feeding it the odd criminal is a worthwhile sacrifice. Yes, it isn't exactly ethical. But I say SCP-7281's methods are far kinder than what other D-Class go through. At least she puts them into a peaceful state of mind! The object is gentler than we realise and is incredibly intelligent. Perhaps its knowledge could be a benefit to us! It has already identified 13 previously unknown fish whilst in containment and claimed an interest in educating us further. I spoke with her for two hours last night, and it seems to be holding back information on purpose. We will continue these D-Class Experiments until we hit a breakthrough. Hell, if we're worried about ethics send in the elderly D-Class. Thanks Team. It became clear through these observations that SCP-7281 has metamorphic abilities, capable of altering its appearance to suit whatever form would best subdue its prey. + See Further Examples - Hide Further Examples: Further Examples: 1) D-Class 8382: Miguel Hans. An Older Woman with greying hair. Claimed to be 8382's mother who was lost at sea before slowly and carefully belittling them. 2) D-Class 8422: Martha Clark A dark-skinned woman with 'fine curls.' Spoke intimately with 8422 before consuming them. 3) D-Class 9001: Joseph Lark SCP-7281 did not appear to 9001 and instead began singing its song out of sight. Unable to locate the source of the singing, Lark grew increasingly distressed and aggressive before eventually wading into the water and submerging himself. A foot identified as belonging to 9001 was later thrown at visiting Specialist Dr. Plark. Over its containment, SCP-7281 has grown increasingly enamoured with Dr. Sterk. Out of any personnel on SCP-7281's containment team, Dr. Sterk has received the most gifts. Dr. Sterk has developed a routine with SCP-7281 and has developed a portfolio of information gathered from SCP-7281. Thus far it has been ‘vigorous' and ‘passionate' discussions of aquatic biota. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Very Funny To: SCP-7281 Containment Team From: Dr. David Sterk Subject: Very Funny Okay Team, it was funny to start with but the Little Mermaid posters being sent to my office NEED TO STOP. SCP-7281 is a deadly creature, and the fact that I have managed to form a bond with it is something to be celebrated. Perhaps eventually we will uncover exactly what SCP-7281 is, and if there are more of them yet to be discovered. I however do agree that our ‘passionate' discussions of aquatic life (yes Macy, I read your report) aren't exactly what we're after. A marine biologist dream (speaking as a former member of that wonderful career) but not exactly the gripping information the Foundation is after. Unfortunately, she has yet to reveal further information. However, we as a team will come to understand the object. Keep up the good work. I'll be setting up another interview shortly. Interview Log: On 14/01/2022, Dr. Sterk began his fourth interview with SCP-7281 for the week. + See Interview Log - Hide See Interview Log: Interviewer: Dr. Sterk Subject: SCP-7281 BEGIN LOG: Dr. Sterk is standing on the shoreline of SCP-7281 containment. SCP-7281 is sitting on top of its rock and is not using its metamorphic abilities. Dr. Sterk has set his HPD to allow for conversational levels of audio. Dr. Sterk: So, how have you been, 7281?Dr. Sterk sighs. Dr. Sterk: I can sympathise, however, we have seen what you can do and decidedly cannot allow you to remain out of captivity.Dr. Sterk: I'm sorry?Dr. Sterk: Because we weren't aware of your existence, and because you're dangerous.Dr. Sterk: However, 'all creatures can hypnotise people through singing. You're a real angler fish, you know that? SCP-7281 emits what appears to be a laugh. Dr. Sterk blushes and eventually cracks a smile.Dr. Sterk: Another gift! Haha, you're spoiling me. SCP-7281 swims close to the shoreline, awkwardly resting on its stomach before handing Dr. Sterk a small item made out of bone. Dr. Sterk: What is it?Dr. Sterk: Oh!? Whatever for?SCP-7281 smacks her lips. Dr. Sterk: I-I, well I think I should go. SCP-7281 rolls back its shoulders.Dr. Sterk: No, no. Nothing like that. I-I… I love it. It's just, well this situation is just… unorthodox. SCP-7281 appears to smile. Dr. Sterk blushes again. Dr. Sterk: Listen, I was thinking that… Dr. Sterk's pager begins to ring. He sighs and takes it out. Dr. Sterk: Shoot, I've got to go now. Important work meeting.Dr. Sterk: Next Week. I know, I know. Don't give me that look. People are starting to… well they think that we're…Dr. Sterk: W-what? Of course not…I mean we're just…I'm sorry this is getting inappropriate SCP-7281 hisses, her tail snapping sharply behind her as she presses her body flat against the water.Dr. Sterk scratches his head and then kneels down beside SCP-7281. Dr. Sterk: I'm sorry.SCP-7281 and Dr. Sterk turn to each other. Dr. Sterk smiles fondly at first, but that smile fades as slowly they begin to stare into each other's eyes. Dr. Sterk's pager beeps again. They both look away quickly as Dr. Sterk stands up. Dr. Sterk: Tell you what, I'll get you a gift to make it up.Dr. Sterk: Something better than last time. You'll see. Dr. Sterk's pager begins to ring once again. Dr. Sterk: Shoot, I really need to go now. I'm enough trouble as it is. See you soon, okay? END LOG: Dr. Sterk worked late in his office that evening. He was awoken by a co-worker the next morning at his desk, who found to their embarrassment that Dr. Sterk had been watching footage of SCP-7281's containment area. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:Last Night To: SCP-7281 Containment Team From: Dr. David Sterk Subject: Last Night I'm making a formal request that the rumours stop. No, I am not 'infatuated' with SCP-7281. If that is what the object thinks, then let her. We are making a bridge between an unknown lifeform that appears across various cultures. Let that sink in people. And my professional opinion is not impaired. Perhaps what's swimming around in containment is the source of all the myths and legends about sea people. Look, I know my interactions with SCP-7281 may seem bizarre but soon she may open up to me about her it's people and culture. Dr. Sterk's usage of female pronouns (using 'she' to refer to the object) was privately noted by Dr. Plark. On 18/01/2022, Dr. Sterk entered SCP-7281‘s containment area with a small gift box tucked under their lab coat. + See Interview Log - Hide See Interview Log: BEGIN LOG: Dr. Sterk is standing knee-deep in the water. His shoes and socks are on the shoreline SCP-7281 swims up towards him. It is not using its metamorphic abilities. Dr. Sterk sits down and reveals the gift box. Dr. Sterk: Here. Look what I got for you.Dr. Sterk: Technically. But you're supposed to open the box. In many human cultures, we wrap up our gifts to hide what it is. Delay the surprise.Dr. Sterk smiles as SCP-7281 tears the box. Inside it is a silver square stamped with a Foundation logo. Its surface is polished and highly reflective.Dr. Sterk: Ahah, not quite. May I? Dr. Sterk takes the small object and flicks it. A tiny flame emerges from it. SCP-7281 gaps. Dr. Sterk: It's called a lighter. It's foundation standard, so it'll be waterproof. I mean, the flame itself won't work underwater, but whenever you're on the surface…Dr. Sterk: Yeah, it truly is. Where did you see it? SCP-7281 crawls up next to Dr. Sterk.Dr. Sterk: I've never heard of Larkan. Where is it? SCP-7281 leans in close to Dr. Sterk and watches the horizon. It smiles fondly. He returns the lighter to SCP-7281Dr. Sterk: You mean an ocean on a different planet!? You're an alien? Dr. Sterk pauses, seemingly deep in thought.SCP-7281 looks down at her tail. She picks off a Barnicle from her waist and sighs.Dr. Sterk carefully and slowly rests his head on SCP-7281's shoulder. Dr. Sterk: I'm sorry, that must have been awful. Were you there for that?Dr. Sterk gently warps an arm around SCP-7281. SCP-7281 does the same. Dr. Sterk: I could listen to you talk for ages, you know. Your life is so… fascinating. SCP-7281 emits what appears to be a giggle. The object turns to Dr. Sterk.Dr. Sterk: You can swim to wherever the is an ocean! You're amazing. SCP-7281 turns away from Dr. Sterk. Dr. Sterk: Hey, about that…SCP-7281 bites its lip, its skin beginning to ooze a slight, gelatinous substance. Dr. Sterk: This water, it's from the ocean…I mean this entire place takes its reserves from the ocean…If you can swim into any ocean, then surely you could simply leave this place… SCP-7281 glances towards one of the nearby security cameras.SCP-7281 appears to subtly gesture towards the cameras with her head. Dr. Sterk simply nods. Dr. Sterk: Like what. SCP-7281 turns to Dr. Sterk. Dr. Sterk: I assumed you were teasing me. Dr. Sterk: [Chuckles] So I am. It's really special. SCP-7281 and Dr. Sterk turn to face each other and lean in close.SCP-7281 and Dr. Sterk both hesitate and suddenly embrace and kiss each other. In the process, Dr. Sterk removes his HPD and tosses it aside. Dr. Sterk: People have said this face of yours, your real, shiny, gooey one is ugly. But honestly, I don't think I've ever seen someone more beautiful. I don't ever want to look away from you! A security alarm blares from the speakers. The duo turn around the room in shock. Immediately security personnel enter the beach area, guns pointed at the duo. Dr. Plark (Over Speaker): David, please step back from SCP- 7281. You have been compromised. Please comply with us, David, please. Dr. Sterk turns back to SCP-7281. She gestures quickly to the water. Dr. Sterk nods and takes a deep breath. SCP-7281 grabs Dr. Sterk and violently leaps back into the water. The security team fire their guns. Dr. Plark (Over Speaker): Ceasefire, I repeat! Ceasefire! The bullets cease. The security team survey the water. Security Officer Liam Holding: We've lost visual contact. Dr. Plark (Over Speaker): They're no longer in containment. Neither of them is on any of our displays. God damn it, they're gone. Report back. I want a full sweep of the area. All the water reserves, everything! END LOG: A finger was located within Pool 3 which after DNA testing was confirmed to belong to Dr. David Sterk (Presumed Deceased.) Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! SCP-7281 Containment Breach and Dr. David Sterk. To: SCP-7281 Containment Team From: Dr. Plark Subject: SCP-7281 Containment Breach and Dr. David Sterk. Happy Friday everyone. I'm bringing sad news to you all that SCP-7281's on-site containment team will be reduced to a minimal skeleton crew. Don't worry, you'll all be kept on site. You're not getting rid of me that easily, and I see you all work well together and look out for each other. I wish I could say the same for myself. I failed to act upon various concerns about David's well-being and his disappearance and presumed death are on me. Also, a reminder: there is a wake in his honour at 14:00 today in the mess hall. I look forward to seeing you there. If you need to speak with someone, we have extra services at the ready. Speaking on SCP-7281, I've heard rumours from some of you that it and David escaped and now are living some sort of romantic foray. Yes, the last recorded conversation between David and SCP-7281 implied that the object can ‘swim between oceans' (I assume this implies some water-based teleportation ability) However, I doubt a creature who routinely hunts via seduction would suddenly spur some genuine romantic romance with an ocean enthused Doctor. It's too picturesque and I ask we stop giving people suffering false hope. The world is not some fairytale. God I've worked here long enough to know that. In my opinion, this entire thing was some long and cruel game from SCP-7281. If you doubt me, think about this; if SCP-7281 did ‘swim across oceans' with David in some romantic escape, then why leave his finger? There is no reason to leave us presuming he is dead if SCP-7281 and David have gone to places unknown, surely? That'll be the end of it for now. We'll keep you all posted if and when we learn more. I promise you. SCP-7281 is currently undergoing reclassification to ‘Uncontained.' A possible reclassification to ‘Keter' class is also in discussion. Footnotes 1. An aquatic-based containment site headed by Dr. Maria Plark, specializing in recreating aquatic environments to study aquatic life and anomalies within a 'naturalistic environment.' 2. Deceased D-Class are considered an appropriate substitute when fishing reserves are low 3. SCP-7281 enjoys creating jewellery for itself and personnel 4. Simply put, SCP-7281 resembles the mythical mermaid. 5. Personal storage units are adequate security
Item#: 7282 Level2 Containment Class: esoteric Secondary Class: uncontained Disruption Class: keneq Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Individuals who have received SCP-7282 treatment are to be contained in standard humanoid containment chambers at Site-128 with permission to freely roam low-risk sectors of the site. These individuals are to submit a daily form detailing any SCP-7282-A events. Should an SCP-7282-A event divulge any information regarding anomalies, groups of interest, or the Foundation, the individual is to be administered Class B Amnestics. Per Dr. Gunn's testing protocols, patients are permitted to leave Site-128 with an approved escort to go shopping given that items in SCP-7282-A events are submitted for approval. Description: SCP-7282 is an anomalous form of corrective eye surgery. Patients affected by SCP-7282 will experience visual stimuli displaying advertisements for fifteen to thirty seconds every thirty minutes. This occurrence has been classified as an SCP-7282-A event. SCP-7282-A events have been known to feature both anomalous and non-anomalous products. Based on interviews with affected individuals, it is believed that SCP-7282-A events exude a memetic effect which causes those viewing them not to question the normalcy of the advertisement's delivery method. Some patients have been observed falsifying information to maintain the normalcy of the advertisements. Discovery: SCP-7282 was identified when Foundation staff member Maria Gunn received corrective eye surgery from Fulton Vision. When she commented about her advertisements bothering her, Dr. Gunn questioned her about said advertisements, confirming the existence of SCP-7282. Interviews with other patients of Fulton Vision follow similar patterns, with patients being able to recognize that they are receiving advertisements, but showing little interest in how. No patients interviewed so far have shown signs that they believe the ads to be unusual. Dr. Gunn's request that the patients be allowed to remain in their homes while placed under surveillance was denied by Director Markham. All patients were taken into Foundation custody under the guise of a government-mandated clinical investigation. After all patients who had received SCP-7282 were identified and contained, a Foundation raid was staged against Fulton Vision; however, upon the team's arrival, they found no employees in the office. The raid team successfully recovered several documents left behind in the office, the full list of which is available upon request. The following is an excerpt from one such document. Hello valued sponsor! Thank you for choosing to do business with Fulton Advertisement Associates! We are looking forward to fulfilling your advertisement needs. For our next step in the process, we will need your advertisement in the form of a standard video file. Be advised that our revolutionary new method of advertisement is currently in a visual only stage, so please ensure that your video takes this into account. We are currently researching new delivery methods which will incorporate sound, touch, and taste into the advertisement experience. You will be notified once our program is out of its development phase. With enough supporters like you, we anticipate deploying to the public very soon! Thank you for your business, Fulton Advertisement Associates Fulton Advertisement Associates has been designated GOI-7282, and Foundation web crawlers have been set to search for any further signs of their activity online. Due to the possibility that GOI-7282 could employ SCP-7282 again in the future, SCP-7282 was assigned the Uncontained object class. Addendum 7282.01: Investigation of SCP-7282-A Events The following is a compilation of examples of significant SCP-7282-A events and tests performed by Dr. Gunn into the method by which SCP-7282 induces SCP-7282-A events. All interviews with patients reviewing SCP-7282-A events were conducted by Dr. Gunn. The full list of SCP-7282-A events and tests is available upon request. Note from Dr. Gunn: I understand that under normal circumstances, it is not the Foundation's prerogative to neutralize anomalies, just to contain them. However, I cannot allow my wife to rot away in containment for the rest of her life, let alone the twenty-four other patients who got that treatment. I know the description says that the patients are under a memetic effect, but that wouldn't explain how they got the treatment in the first place. I went back and looked at Fulton's site, and I still found the idea just as strange when I saw it on their website. Sample 7282.01: Date of Event: 2/3/2022 Subject: Michael Ponds SCP-7282-A Event Summary: Advertisement featured Gallsnark brand Valentine's Day cards. Subject was shopping at the time, and proceeded to buy a card. [BEGIN LOG] Ponds: Hiya, doc, you wanted to see me? Dr. Gunn: Yes, Michael, it's about one of the reports you made this week, the one about Valentine's Day cards. Do you remember? Ponds: Oh, yeah! That one was a lifesaver, my girlfriend loved the card! It was one of the best Valentine's Days I've had in years! Dr. Gunn: Good, I'm glad. I always have a hard time picking out cards for Valentine's day. My wife doesn't like those generic cards, so I have to go out of my way to find something more personal. Speaking of, it says here that the ad mentioned your girlfriend by name, the exact phrase here is "get a card Erica will love!" Ponds: Yes, that's right, what about it? Dr. Gunn: It just seems a bit strange to me how the advertisement could know her name. Ponds: I hadn't thought about it much, really. I figure it must have searched my Facebook or something and found her name to personalize the ad. Why? Dr. Gunn: It just seems to me like an invasion of privacy is all. It really doesn't bother you? Ponds: No, why should it? I almost take it for granted that I'm pretty much under constant surveillance. Why would it be surprising? Dr. Gunn: I see. That about does it, then. Thank you for your time, Michael. Have a nice day. Ponds: You're welcome, doc, see ya later! [END LOG] Additional Notes: This is the first recorded instance of an SCP-7282-A event employing personal information about the subject in its advertisement. Note from Dr. Gunn: I'm beginning to think these patients really are just gullible. Michael thinks they found his girlfriend from Facebook. I checked, and he doesn't even have Facebook! I can't prove anything, but Fulton's has to be watching him. Tomorrow, I'm going to begin testing to see if I can put a stop to this. I really hope this works. Test 7282.01: Date: 2/4/2022 Subject: Michael Ponds Procedure: Subject is to be placed in a Faraday cage. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Gunn enters the observation chamber. Subject is seated within a Faraday cage set up in the testing chamber. Dr. Gunn speaks to the subject over the intercom. Dr. Gunn: Hello, Michael. Are you comfortable in there? Ponds: As comfortable as I can be sitting in a batting cage. What's this thing for anyway? Dr. Gunn: It stops outside electromagnetic waves from reaching you. We want to see if it will stop the advertisements. Ponds: It's not dangerous, right? Dr. Gunn: Don't worry, Michael. I wouldn't let them put you in there if you weren't going to be safe. Ponds: Ok, if you say so. Just warn me before you turn this thing on, okay? Dr. Gunn: That's… not how a Faraday cage works, Michael. It's basically just a shield. Ponds: Oh… okay then. So… now what? Dr. Gunn: Well, now we wait. Based on our observations, the ads happen around every thirty minutes, so you've got… actually, it should be happening now. Are you getting anything? Ponds: Nope, all I see is the cage and the empty room. Looks like— no, wait. There it is. It's an ad for Fulton Vision Premium. Dr. Gunn: Do you notice anything off about it? Any drop in quality, like blurriness? Ponds: No, it's as clear as ever. Dr. Gunn: That's… disappointing. [END LOG] Results: SCP-7282-A events continued as normal for the subject with no change in visual quality. Note from Dr. Gunn: Well that's just great. It couldn't just be radio signals. It had to be anomalous mumbo jumbo. Well, if I can't stop the signal, maybe I can stop the receiver… Test 7282.02: Date: 2/6/2022 Subject: Michael Ponds Procedure: Subject is to be administered a serum which will temporarily induce blindness. [BEGIN LOG] Subject is lying on an operation table in the center of the testing room with a medical technician on standby. Doctor Gunn enters the room. Dr. Gunn: Hello again, Michael. How are you feeling? Ponds: I'm doing okay, though I can hardly see anything after those numbing drops. Dr. Gunn: That's to be expected. We need to make sure your eyes are numb enough not to feel the injection so you don't flinch. Ponds: Yeah, about that, are you sure this is absolutely necessary? You know, I kinda prefer my eyes to be completely needle-free. Dr. Gunn: Yes, we need to temporarily blind you to see if that stops the ads. Don't worry, you won't feel a thing. Ponds: It's just— it's a needle. In my eyes. Dr. Gunn: I understand that the procedure isn't the most comfortable, but I'll be right here with you the whole time. If something goes wrong, we can call it off. Ponds: Okay. I think I'm ready then. Wouldn't want the numbing drops to wear off. The medical technician proceeds to administer the serum to the subject's eyes via injection. Serum takes effect after thirty seconds. Dr. Gunn: Now, if we've timed this right, you should be getting an ad in the next minute or two. I'll be waiting right here, so as soon as you see anything happening, let me know. Ponds: How will I know the ads are happening if I can't see anything? Dr. Gunn: Well, if you don't see anything for the next thirty minutes, then it means the treatment worked. If you do see an ad, it means we'll have to try something else. Ponds: It seems a little counter-productive to get rid of the ads if it also means I'm going to be blind, doesn't it? Dr. Gunn: Oh, no, Michael, nobody's going to be permanently blinded. I'm just trying to figure out how this thing works, is all. I can't fix the problem if I don't know the root of it. Ponds: Ok, I just… wait. I think it's happening. Dr. Gunn: You aren't sure? Ponds: It's hard to tell. It's kinda fuzzy. I think I can barely make out a logo… oh, it's just Fulton Vision Premium again. Dr. Gunn: Hm. Well, if it's reduced in quality, that's at least a step in the right direction. Okay, there should be about twenty minutes before the serum runs out, so I'll just wait with you here until it does. We made good progress today. We're getting closer to figuring this out. [END LOG] Results: Subject was successfully blinded, but reports still experiencing SCP-7282-A events with a reduction in quality. Note from Dr. Gunn: I am no closer to figuring this thing out than when I started. Oh, sure, the ads are blurrier now. Whoop-de freaking doo. I'm going to have to take a break from testing for now. I need to just sit back and learn more about what's actually happening here… which means I'll have to endure a few more of these interviews. Sample 7282.02: Date of Event: 11/28/2022 Subject: Sarah Butler SCP-7282-A Event Summary: Advertisement featured SCP-15501. Subject successfully purchased a box of SCP-1550 eggs from her local supermarket as a Christmas present for her son. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Gunn: Hello Mrs. Butler, please, sit. Butler: Thanks, doctor; my feet are killing me. Dr. Gunn: I just had a couple questions about your daily report, shouldn't take too long. Butler: All right, shoot. Dr. Gunn: You wrote that one of the advertisements you received today was for "Dr. Wondertainment's Custom-Pets," is that correct? Butler: Try the only advertisement I got today. It's been the same thing every time my vision broke for ads since I woke up. Always "Dr. Wondertainment's Custom-Pets" in that flashy red and yellow text. All day. Dr. Gunn: That sounds pretty annoying. Had you heard of the Wondertainment brand of toys before seeing the ad? Butler: No, but it just looked so perfect for my son! He loves animals, you know. Besides, it was the only ad I'd been getting all day. I felt like I had to, at that point. At least I know they stopped after I bought it, since my last ad was for Fulton Vision Premium. Dr. Gunn: So you actually found one of those kits, huh? Butler: Yes! I felt so lucky to get the last one! It's tucked away safely in my closet, waiting for Christmas to come. Dr. Gunn: So you haven't opened it yet, then? Butler: No, I wanted to keep them all saved for Christmas. Why, do you think I should have checked them to make sure they were still good? The ad said they'd keep until Christmas, but you can never know if they're telling the truth, I guess. Dr. Gunn: No, Mrs. Butler, I'm afraid there's been a recall of that particular product. There were batches contaminated with asbestos, I th- Butler: Asbestos?! How could this happen!? I thought it was banned years ago! Dr. Gunn: Don't worry, we've already removed the box from your chamber and given it a full decontamination. We've also given your son a check-up, and he seems fine. Butler: I just can't believe this could happen… I… I could have… Dr. Gunn: It's okay, it's over now, you and your son are safe. I'll make sure it doesn't happen again. [END LOG] Additional Notes: The box of SCP-1550 eggs was successfully recovered from Butler's residence. Butler was administered Class B amnestics and, at Dr. Gunn's request, was supplied with a replacement gift. This is the first recorded instance where an SCP-7282-A event features an anomalous product. SCP-7282-A events must now be screened for anomalies in addition to physical hazards before patients are approved to shop for the product. This SCP-7282-A event also holds the record for the number of times the same ad has been shown back-to-back. Note from Dr. Gunn: This just got a whole lot more dangerous. It wasn't bad enough that my wife is in containment. Now… now we have to worry about anomalies. What if the patients get sent a memetic kill agent? If Fulton's is still operating, this could lead to a Lifted Veil scenario if we can't neutralize it. I need to figure this out. Sample 7282.03: Date of Event: 12/17/2022 Subject: Jeff Connor SCP-7282-A Event Summary: Advertisement featured a PantryHelp knife set. [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Gunn: Hello, Jeff, are you feeling any better today? Connor: Yeah, I feel just terrific the day after I nearly cut my thumb off. What do you think? Dr. Gunn: Sorry to hear that. I'll put in a recommendation for the doctors to give you some more painkillers. Connor: Well, that's something, at least. Dr. Gunn: So, what exactly happened? Connor: Oh, right, I didn't submit my report because I was too busy bleeding out on the floor. Well, I was getting ready to cook some soup. Mind you, I've sworn off the canned stuff. I'll only eat it if it's made from scratch. So I was in the kitchen cutting carrots for the soup, when, right in the middle of chopping, an ad pops up. It caught me so off guard, that I couldn't stop the knife in time. Dr. Gunn: Yeowch. I'd heard it was pretty bad. Connor: You can say that again. I'm lucky I didn't lose my thumb. It was a good thing my wife was in the room to call the oblivious security officers outside our chamber for help. Dr. Gunn: Yeah, I'd hate to think… well, I have to ask it, but I bet I know the answer already. Did you experience any emotional distress as a result of the event? Connor: I feel like that would be an understatement at this point. The worst part is that the ad was for more knives! While I'm writhing in pain, I'm having this bulleted list about why PantryHelp knives are better than the ones I have now shoved in my face! To make it worse, the next ad was for Fulton Vision Premium! As if the ads weren't the reason I was hurt in the first place! Dr. Gunn: You know, I think you've given me an idea… Connor: What? What are you talking about? Dr. Gunn: Don't worry about it. For now, I'll let the others know about this. We're going to have to put some new rules in place to keep you all safe. [END LOG] Additional Notes: This is the first recorded instance where an SCP-7282-A event resulted in harm coming to the viewer. Following this incident, Dr. Gunn distributed safety pamphlets to all SCP-7282 patients outlining activities they should avoid and suggesting less hazardous alternatives. Note from Dr. Gunn: Jeff's incident made me realize something I had overlooked. I blinded Michael before, and it didn't work. That was only chemically induced, though. What if I replaced their eyes entirely? Would the ads still work if they had robotic eyes instead of the ones the surgery was performed on? I'll start with just one first. These new prosthetics are still in the prototyping phase, after all. Test 7282.03: Date: 12/27/2022 Subject: Jeff Connor Procedure: Subject's eyes are to be replaced with robotic prosthetics [BEGIN LOG] Subject is lying on operation table in the center of the testing room with a medical technician on standby. Doctor Gunn enters the room. Dr. Gunn: Good morning, Jeff. How are you doing today? Connor: I'd be better if I wasn't strapped to an operating table. Dr. Gunn: I don't really know how to tell you this, so I'm just going to rip off the band-aid. We're going to be giving you prosthetic eyes so we— Connor: Wait, that was serious? I thought the guy who briefed me was pulling my leg! You're going to replace my eyes?! Dr. Gunn: It's okay; it's okay. You'll still be able to see. We have very advanced medical technology here. Connor: No, that's not possible. I don't believe you! Dr. Gunn: Jeff, you know me. I'm not going to let them hurt you. Connor: Get him away from me! The medical technician activates the IV line, administering anesthetics to the subject. Connor: What is this? You can't do this! I know my rights! Dr. Gunn: What did you do that for?! Technician: I have a schedule to keep. Now, please make your way to the observation room so we can begin the surgery. Subject continues mumbling incoherently until passing out. Dr. Gunn stands motionless for five seconds before leaving the testing chamber. Patients' eyes were successfully replaced. Connor: Dr. Gunn? Dr. Gunn, what did you do? I can't see! Dr. Gunn responds over the intercom. Dr. Gunn: It's ok, Jeff. It's only temporary. The prosthetics still need to boot up and calibrate. It should just take a half-hour or so. Connor: Why would you let them do this to me? Now I'll never— wait. Wait, I think I see something! Dr. Gunn: What is it? Connor: It's… it's hard to tell. I think… yeah. Dr. Gunn: What is it, Jeff? Connor: It's an ad. Another God-forsaken ad. Oh, that's rich, it's for the premium plan, too. It's like the stupid thing is taunting me. Dr. Gunn: Seriously? I was sure it would work this time. Sure, prosthetic eyes for everyone would be expensive, but- wait, what did you say? [END LOG] Results: Subject's eyes were successfully replaced with robotic prosthetics. Subject reports still experiencing SCP-7282-A events. Following Test 7282.03, Dr. Gunn submitted a formal request to allocate a portion of Site-128's budget towards paying for the Fulton Vision Premium Plan as part of SCP-7282's containment procedure. After determining that the cost of the premium plan was less than the cost of containing the twenty-five SCP-7282 affected individuals on-site, the proposal was approved by Director Markham. All SCP-7282 patients have been administered class C amnestics and returned to their homes. Reclassification of SCP-7282 to neutralized is pending confirmation that SCP-7282 has not been performed on any new individuals since the raid on Fulton Vision. NOTICE: The following addendum is Level 4/7282 classified. The addendum below contains Dr. Gunn's private logs concerning SCP-7282. Attempting to access this log without permission from Dr. Gunn or Director Markham will result in disciplinary action. 7282 ID fa5a08e7eacdeb57b00b28edf73ad042_1706540685 PASSWORD d29b72028cbee69678bd97efb43c8721_1706540685 Login Logout Addendum 7282.04: Initial Interview Log Date: 1/5/2022 Interviewed: Mrs. Maria Gunn Interviewer: Dr. Rockwell Gunn (Head of Memetics and Cognitohazards Department, Site-128) [BEGIN LOG] Dr. Gunn: Hello, dear. I hope you don't mind us talking about this in an interview room, I wanted to make sure I recorded this. Mrs. Gunn: If you say so, dear. I can't imagine my eye surgery being terribly relevant to your work though. Dr. Gunn: Let's hope it isn't. First, I know you already told me a bit about this, but I want it on the recording. You said you were getting… advertisements? Mrs. Gunn: Yes. After getting eye surgery at Fulton Vision, like we agreed on, I started getting advertisements. I'm sure I'll get more used to them over time. They're just annoying now because I have to stop what I'm doing whenever one comes up. Dr. Gunn: But weren't you surprised when the ads started? Mrs. Gunn: Not really. It said on their website that the surgery was free with ads, and- Dr. Gunn: Hold on. It said this on their website? Why didn't you say anything? I told you I'd pay for whatever surgery you needed. Mrs. Gunn: I know, dear, but this was different. It wasn't a one time cost for surgery, it was a subscription to a premium plan! I thought the free plan would be better. Dr. Gunn sighs Dr. Gunn: It's okay, dear. Don't worry, I'm going to figure this out. [END LOG] Note from Director Markham: I think you may have accidentally put your private notes in the main SCP-7282 document. I've taken the liberty of redacting the more sensitive portions, but I've left them in case you intentionally included them to show your thought process while experimenting with SCP-7282. I'm going to consider us even now after all these favors I've had to do for you regarding this. Footnotes 1. Eggs which grow into a creature perfectly adapted to its environment « SCP-7281 | SCP-7282 | SCP-7283 »
Item #: 7284 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: Two members of MTF Psi-17 ("Long Haulers") are to be stationed inside of SCP-7284-1 to ensure any affected individuals are amnesticized and able to exit the anomaly. Description: SCP-7284 is the designation given to a Shell gas station on United States Route-66. When driving near SCP-7284, witnesses report an unidentifiable voice on their car radio, urging them to drive into the parking lot of SCP-7284. Upon hearing the voice, there are two possible outcomes: If the affected individual drives into the parking lot of SCP-7284 and purchases gas or other products from the anomaly, the anomalous effects will cease. If the affected individual chooses to drive past SCP-7284, they will be transported to SCP-7284-1. SCP-7284-1 is a direct copy of the 10 mile area surrounding SCP-7284 in an unknown location. The only known structure present in SCP-7284-1 is SCP-7284. Upon reaching the end of SCP-7284-1, the affected individual will be teleported back to the beginning. However, if the affected individual chooses to buy a product from SCP-7284 while within SCP-7284-1, they will be transported to the non-anomalous Route-66. Discovery: SCP-7284 was discovered during a routine anomaly transport conducted by Agents Frank Armstrong and Luka O'Neil. As the transport was recorded through the use of a camera on their dashboard, their encounter with the anomaly was recorded. <Begin Log> O'Neil: Are we there yet? Armstrong: Dude, you sound like a toddler. O'Neil: Not my fault you're going 50 in a 70. Aren't we carrying something that could fundamentally change the way the public understands the universe and their place in it? Armstrong: And that's exactly why I can't afford to crash this car. O'Neil: (chuckles) You mean the Foundation can't afford you crashing this car. I mean, are you even trying to drive? I feel like I'm in the car with my grandma. Silence. O'Neil: Oh, fuck off. You're going slower now, aren't you. Armstrong: Shouldn't have complained. My driving is like cooking rice. The more you look at it, the slower it goes. Static can be heard over the radio as the agents near SCP-7284. Armstrong tries to turn off the radio, but is unable to do so. Armstrong: Come on, turn off. O'Neil: Can we file a complaint for them making us drive this piece of shit? Armstrong: Trust me, the complaints never go anywhe- The static stops, and a voice can be heard on the radio.O'Neil: Did somebody hack the radio? Armstrong: I hope so, or that's the worst advertisement I've ever heard. O'Neil: Or the best? Armstrong: Just turn it off. The agents drive past SCP-7284. Approximately nine minutes later, they enter SCP-7284-1. Armstrong: Does this look familiar to you? O'Neil: Yeah, that cactus over there, and that one over there, and that slightly elevated pile of dirt. Oh wait, that's what everything looks like. Armstrong: I'm being serious, we should've seen our exit by now.O'Neil: I thought you turned the radio off. Armstrong: I did, but it's back on someh-The agents drive past SCP-7284 again. Armstrong: Something weird is going on. Is the anomaly secured? O'Neil reached into the backseat and touches a large bag. O'Neil: Yeah, it's still in the bag. Armstrong: I've got a bad feeling about this. Call the director. O'Neil attempts to call the director, but is unsuccessful. O'Neil: No service. Then again, that seems perfectly normal while we're in the middle of BFE.1The agents pass SCP-7284 again. O'Neil: That fucking gas station. How much you wanna bet it's an anomaly? Armstrong: I don't think I'd win that bet. We just need to keep going. Eventually they'll figure out that the transport wasn't completed on time and they'll search for us. O'Neil: What if this is a temporal anomaly? We could be stuck in here forever. Armstrong: I prefer to look at it with a glass-half-full attitude.O'Neil looks at Armstrong. O'Neil: That sounds like a you problem. Should've bought more snacks, man. Armstrong: I swear I didn't cause this.Armstrong: I- You know what? I'm not taking shit from a gas station. The agents pass SCP-7284 again. Sobbing can be heard on the radio.Armstrong: You have to understand. You provide things that I need when I do these transports. It's a purely platonic relationship.Armstrong: Okay, that's not what I mean and you know it. The agents pass SCP-7284 again. O'Neil: When you woke up this morning, did you think you'd be needing marriage counseling for your relationship with a gas station? Armstrong: Can you shut the fuck up?Armstrong: Hold on, that was meant for-Armstrong: I-Armstrong: I don't really ca-Armstrong: That doesn't matter. Hundreds of people get gas here every day.Armstrong is silent as the agents pass SCP-7284 again. O'Neil: You really need to stop talking. You're just making all of this worse. Armstrong: Are you siding with the sentient gas station? O'Neil: We're gonna be stuck in here regardless of if I provide emotional support, might as well have fun until we're rescued. Silence. O'Neil: Hey, do we have any drinks? Snacks? Armstrong: This isn't a road-trip. If you want to have Cheeto dust covering your fingers when we're ambushed, go ahead, but you're paying for it. The agents pass SCP-7284 again. O'Neil glances to his right and looks at SCP-7284. O'Neil: No way. I'm not going in there alone.O'Neil: Can you just get this over with and deal with her? She obviously wants you. Armstrong: Fine. The agents take a right turn into the parking lot of SCP-7284. Armstrong: I'm going to regret this. Armstrong grabs the camera and walks into the gas station. O'Neil waits outside. Armstrong: Hello? Anybody here? Loud static can be heard on the intercom before SCP-7284 begins speaking.Armstrong: No, I just want to stop this.Armstrong: Can you just let us go? I'm done dealing with this. I just want to finish this transport and go home.Armstrong: (mumbles) Not when you're acting like a bitch.The voice fades away as Armstrong leaves the store and walks out to the car. O'Neil: Did it go well? Is she letting us go? Armstrong: Probably not. O'Neil: Well, worth a shot. Can you hand me your card? Gotta get some gas if we plan on using the car to drive out of here. Armstrong pulls his wallet out of his pocket and hands O'Neil his debit card. O'Neil begins paying for the gas. Silence. The sounds of vehicles can be heard. Armstrong: Wha- Armstrong bumps into a young woman. Woman: Oh, sorry. Armstrong stares at the woman. Woman: Are you okay? Armstrong: How are- Armstrong pauses and looks around for a second, noticing three vehicles in the parking lot. Armstrong: Yeah, sorry. I was just thinking about something. Armstrong walks over to O'Neil. Armstrong: Don't react, but we're back on the normal highway. O'Neil: Huh? Oh, should I call the director? Armstrong nods. Armstrong: Also, grab the amnestics. I don't think we were here when that woman looked over. <End Log> Following this event, Armstrong and O'Neil completed the anomaly transport and reported SCP-7284. Footnotes 1. Acronym for the slang phrase "bum-fuck egypt" referring to a remote location. 2. Buc-ees is a gas station popular within the United States.
Department of Abnormalities Item#: 7285 Level1 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: caution link to memo SCP-7285 building from the outside, taken prior to the start of 1st period. Special Containment Procedures: The student population of West Hills High is to be continually monitored for irregular behavior patterns and interactions with other students which are not localized to the school premises. All individuals currently teaching at West Hills High are barred from interacting with any of the student body outside of the school, or after school hours. Any devices capable of recording distributable media are to be confiscated from students under the guise of measures against student dishonesty. Any online media originating from within the school is to be taken down, with higher priority given to content depicting students engaging in conversation with each other. Description: SCP-7285 is the designation given to the Forced personality distortion field located within West Hills High (and expanding to any property used for the curriculum), primarily affecting the student body, hereby referred to as SCP-7285-2. This effect is entirely isolated to school facilities and has not been observed to persist after SCP-7285-2 leaves the premises. The anomaly alters an individual's personality by targeting memories of important life events and previous sessions of school. SCP-7285 is not wide scale, however, and usually targets a single memory and causes the SCP-7285-2 instance to recall it often over the duration they remain on school grounds. Altered life events typically become much more simplistic in nature, and a life lesson is made obvious in each one. SCP-7285-2 instances do not question the simplicity and when prompted will discuss the profound impact that it had on them (typically as a younger child). Personality traits that are changed in any way by the alteration of memories are extremely over exaggerated, and cause the instance to exhibit a smaller range of emotions and differing/no reactions to certain stimuli. Altered personalities stay consistent upon re-entering the campus, however, memories are not sustained. Attempting to recall events of the previous school day when not on campus yields in mundane results. Altered personalities tend to follow a template, with students sharing a multitude of similarities and edited memories. Students sharing a template are known to form friend groups and stay close during the school day. Notably, minor anomalous abilities and physical alterations are granted on campus, but fail to manifest when not on school grounds. Students are not able to sustain bodily harm of any form on the premise. Addendum: Interview logs Interviews with SCP-7285-2 instances Interviewed: Jimmy Stenback, 9th grade student at West Hills High Interviewer: Junior Researcher Zavala Foreword: Interview taken under the guise of a school newspaper report. Subject showed momentary distress when separated from friend group during the lunch period. <Begin Log, 12:45> Zavala: Alright, James, I have a few questions for you be- Jimmy: Jimmy. My name is Jimmy. Zavala: Ope, seems like a misread the document a little. Sorry, Jimmy. Jimmy: State questions then allow me to return to my fellows, Sir. Zavala: First question; what's your favorite subject, Jimmy? Jimmy: Easily math. My intelligence is barely tested, but it is still the most complex and enjoyable to me. However, I enjoy all subjects aside from physical education. Zavala: Chuckles I remember when I was your age, I felt the same ab- Jimmy: Continue with questioning. Zavala: muttering good grief, your a stubborn one, aren't you… Zavala: Well O.K. then, Mr. business. How do you feel about the current homework policy for your grade level? Jimmy: It bores me, Doctor Zavala. I have made multiple requests to the school board to have the difficulty increased for those serious about their education like me, yet I have yielded no results. Zavala is visually shocked at the mention of his name, Stenback maintains a emotionless and monotone disposition. Zavala: We- Well then… I suppose this is your, uh, lucky day! This newspaper is going to be printed publicly, so the school board might take notice… Jimmy: That is satisfactory. Is this interview concluded? I should be returning to my study group now. Zavala: Er, well, yes. You can go now. Thank you for your time. Stenback returns to the cafeteria and resumes dining with a table group <End Log, 12:53> Closing Statement: All potential methods from which it could ascertain my real name, much less my cover one have been ruled out, leading me to the conclusion that this instance has some form of anomalous knowledge. Maybe even mind reading, but its impossible to know for sure. When questioned further he just complemented his own intelligence as if the operative wasn't even there. Interviewed: Weston Greeves Interviewer: Junior Researcher Zavala Foreword: Subject called to the school administrative office with no further context given. After a period of time had passed and the -2 instance had not yet arrived, operatives were sent to forcefully retrieve the instance from its classroom. <Begin Log, 2:12> SCP-7285-2 instance is dragged into the room and placed onto a chair across from Junior Researcher Zavala, the two are then left together Zavala: Er, hello? Are you papers shuffling Weston Greeves? SCP-7285-2 instance did not respond and appeared to be unconscious. It had not made any form of movement that was noticeable. Light snoring can be heard over the ambiance of the room. Zavala: Christ… Zavala moves to check for a pulse on the subject before recoiling, audibly surprised by the result. Zavala pulls out his radio Zavala: Can I can medical staff from the SCP-7285 site outpost? I have an instance here that, well, has no discernible pulse. Zavala: Location? Uh, let me see. We are in the principal office currently. Thank you. A significant amount of time passes while Zavala and the instance sit in near silence, only interrupted by the snoring noise Zavala signals to end the recording as medical staff enter the room <End Log, 2:32> Closing Statement: Medical team found the instance to be in a vegetative state, however, high levels of brain activity were noted. The medical team believes this to mean that the SCP-7285-2 instance was not completely unconscious. When taken off site, vegetative state ceased and the instance displayed brief confusion before returning to the school campus. Interviewed: Claire Jones Interviewer: Junior Researcher Zavala Foreword: Subject called to the school health office for a routine eye exam. Instance was then isolated and interviewed. <Begin Log, 8:34> Instance comes into view of the camera. Subject's body is altered to a large extent, possessing the mass of 3 baseline humans. Several appendages are located in the relative area of their normal location, and the instance has 3 functioning heads equipped with the proper amount of sensory organs. All three are capable of speech. Zavala can be seen attempting to suppress fear as the instance struggles to fit through the doorway. Subject is eventually successful, however, some of the wall is torn away with it. Instance falls down and sits upright across from Zavala. Heads begin speaking incoherently and simultaneously between each other, only small fragments of speech can be made out. A discussion regarding the "Cute boys in our grade" is taking place. Zavala clears his throat, and all three heads immediately stop speaking and face toward Zavala with a disapproving expression. Claire: What is this? I thought we were getting an eye exam. Are you the doctor? I'm fine as long as it wastes class time. Like did you see Weston yesterday? He is sooooo cute when he sleeps in class! Zavala pauses for a moment before addressing the instance. Zavala: Well, Claire, you have been… selected… to participate in a survey. I just have a few questions before you go to the eye doctor. All of the instance's heads assume a neutral expression, and Zavala becomes more noticeably uncomfortable. Claire: Fine then. This better be important. Take your time, I'm in no rush. Try to make it interesting. Go on. Heads speak quickly and in succession, leaving Zavala no time to respond. When it has been made clear that no further comments are being made by the instance, he proceeds with the listed questions. Zavala: Could you please, uh, describe your relationships with other students in your class? The heads, which had begun to slope down in an apparent resting state, suddenly bolted upright and began to blush. Claire: Sure! This is a little embarrassing… I do not have good relations with all my classmates. I have many friends. A lot of people hang out with me. Friends make me feel good. Zavala: Would you mind going into detail as to specific relationships? Claire: I talk a lot with Johnny. And Samantha. And Randy. And Beau. I talk a lot with everyone. Everyone likes me. Weston doesn't like me. Why doesn't Weston talk to me? Heads overlap each other, speaking as one finishes a sentence, but continuing before the last has finished speaking, producing an echoing effect. Upon the mention of Weston, voices unified and became more impatient in tone. Claire: Is this over yet? I should go. I need to go talk. I need Weston. I need to talk to friends. I need to go. I need to go. I nee- At this point, the instance has begun making vague gestures with its hands, causing Zavala to flinch. He has also started sweating and wets his lips before carrying on. Zavala: OK, OK just a few more questions then you can go. Even skip the examination if you want. Just hang in there a little longer for me, alright? Instance relaxes a little and ceased flailing. It reasserts its gaze upon Zavala, startling him. He momentarily positions his arm above the silent alarm located on his desk. Zavala: Ok, alright. You know what? Just one more question. Zavala: Are you… Are you in pain? Claire: What? Why would I? Are you a doctor? Stay away from me creep. Am I bleeding? Zavala's facial expression slightly relaxes, the instance remains inert. Zavala: Alright. Go ahead back to class now, thank you for your participation. Instance exits the room, and various fragments of speech can still be heard coming from its heads. Instance erupts into an argument with itself in the hallway outside of the interview room. Zavala sighs and begins to walk back to the temporary research site erected around SCP-7285, before turning back around and switching off the recording. <End Log, 9:02> Closing Statement: Due to his disregard for proper protocol, and differing from interview script, Zavala was called in for an interrogation and potential reassignment. Log is listed below. INTERROGATION LOG DATE: 11/02/22 NOTE: Recording of Junior Researcher Zavala's interrogation following insubordination and potentially risking an information breach when interacting with SCP-7285-2, commenced by Director of Security at the SCP-7285 temporary research installation. [BEGIN LOG] 10:42: Zavala is seen sitting in a chair across from David Cameron, avoiding direct eye contact with the latter. David Cameron maintains a stern expression and does not avert his gaze from Zavala. 10:43 David Cameron: Alright, Zavala. I'm sure you know why I called you here. 10:43: Nervous laughter 10:44 Zavala: Well, the handcuffs gave it away, sir. 10:44 David Cameron: This isn't a joking matter Zavala. The negligence you displayed caused a good amount of damage to our operation here, and could have easily done more. Do you know what the men doing in classroom research that your interview provided time for had to deal with? 10:44 Zavala: I do regret it sir, and I was not aware that other research operations were depending on my interview. 10:45 David Cameron: You miss the point. Even if you were not aware, you should not have differed from protocol under any circumstances. For christ sake, this interview was even your idea. If you don't have the guts to carry it out, you're not fit to work here, much less on this project. 10:45: Zavala sits thoughtfully for several seconds before responding. 10:46 Zavala: I have not been working here for a very long time, but with all due respect, the thing that was in the interview room with me will be the one to haunt my sleep. 10:46 Zavala: You already know that I am a father, so you are probably right, I am not fit for this project. Seeing a god damn child twisted into that… that monstrosity… 10:47 David Cameron: I understand your… complications. However, many of our staff are parents and they do not complain as you do. You are going to have to shake off your sense of morality to continue your career at the foundation. 10:47 Zavala: I'm… I'm sorry sir. I don't think I am fit for further work on this project. Not in my current mental state. It's just that- Well, I saw my little girl in that things eyes, and I.. I can't go back in there. 10:48 David Cameron: So you will accept re-assignment to another anomaly? 10:48 Zavala: Yes, sir. 10:48 David Cameron: Then we are done here. [END LOG] SCP-7285-2 observed interpersonal reactions SCP-7285-2 observed interpersonal reactions Foreword This is Research Derek Adams and I will be transcribing my observations of SCP-7285-2 students during school hours, without their knowledge for a more pure natural environment. Kind of like National Geographic. Without further ado, below is an up to date list of all interactions I felt noteworthy. 1-03-23 Science class (No particular specification on which type of science) Taught by a "Mr. Brown" (Not his actual name, assumed to be affected by SCP-7285) Interacting instances were a involved the whole class, but mainly a male instance with no significant physical alterations, and another male student with it's black hoodie appearing to be fused with the flesh on his it's head. Male student begins walking back to his desk after being called to the front by the teacher to answer a question (Question consisted of a primary school level addition problem). While returning, it walks by the second instance's desk, and spits upon it. (It is noted that during this interaction, the rest of the class is entirely inert show no signs of movement). The hooded instance reaches into his it's black book bag, at an incredibly slow speed. During this time, the rest of the class which were previously inert immediately snapped their heads towards the hooded students instances bag. They all share the same facial expression of shock and fear. The hooded instance pulls its hand out of the bag along with a notebook, causing the classroom to simultaneously emit a sigh of relief. At this point, the male instance and the hooded instance cease activity, and the interaction is deemed to be over. Alright so what I gathered from this interaction is, well, confusing to say the least. The implications of the whole class responding simultaneously leave a couple possibilities. Either a sort of hive mind (interconnected consciousness), anomalous physical/mental manipulation causing the (quite literal) turn of heads, or the exaggerated personalities of each instance lined up perfectly with the situation. If we go with that last idea, then is it possible that classes have been arranged specifically based on SCP-7285-2 personalities? Even then, is this the work of one person, or just another effect of the SCP-7285 campus? Got to go now, janitor approaching closet, check in soon. 1-04-23 Gym Taught by Gus, no last name given. Interacting instances consisted of 2 males, both with abnormal height and limb length (particularly in the arms, estimated at around four 5 feet long.) A group of around 68 students are engaged in a game of dodge ball, the student population consists of exactly half male and female. Instances are split into 2 teams based on gender. The instances with the most severe alterations from SCP-7285 are the 2 males listed above. Specified instances are throwing the rubber dodge balls at the opposing team with a speed in which they cannot be observed in motion. On impact, balls thrown by the 2 instances deal immense damage and typically remove limbs when hit. Victims of these attacks Impacted instances do not display pain visually, instead emitting a slight groan (if the head is intact) and walking/crawling to the opposite side. Limbs do not reappear until instance is off campus, and the effects of SCP-7285 wear off. Upon eliminating the opposing team, the 2 male instances vocalize a growl akin to that of a gorilla, and run into each other multiple times before the game resets. This process repeats with little variation each time the game is played, and only ends when the class period is over. Female instances, regardless of injuries damage, go through classes as usual. No other instances take notice. Well, that all but confirms it. These classes are intentionally being put together based on personality/alterations. There is most certainly someone behind this. My first guess would be the Principal, but it is entirely possible that an anomalous PoI may be pulling the strings from somewhere offsite. We should rule out the most obvious first, so I am going to request a small task force to storm the principals office. We do not know how dangerous this individual might be, or if there's an individual at all, but it is our duty to find out. When I get the clearance, i'll be attaching the log to this document. SCP-7285 incursion log SCP-7285 incursion log | AUTOMATIC TRANSCRIPTION AGENT: ONLINE | RECORDING: INITIATED Adams: This is Researcher Derek Adams, currently positioned outside the entrance of SCP-7285. With me are agents Mar- I mean, Beta and Omega. Since traditional weaponry is incapable of stopping a -2 instance, I'm told they have some sort of shock wave gun? Beta: It's a high frequency emitter, supposedly, this thing will fry the brains of any anomaly that gets in our way. We probably won't use it though since these things haven't been outright hostile. Omega: Not yet. Remember Researcher Adams theory on this theoretical controller, if it suspects we are on to it, one might assume that he would be able to make these things target us. That's what the frequency emitter is for, just pray we don't have to use it on god damn children. Beta: Jeez. If they become hostile we should try to just run first. From the logs that I read these things tend to be impaired from activities they do in school, and even just as a result of some anomalous trait. We should get going now, though. The group proceeds into the school, with Researcher Adams in the lead. Agent Omega has his frequency emitter primed and at the ready, while Agent Beta holds it at his side. Once inside, Researcher Adams holds up an object resembling an electric lantern. Beta: Adams, what is that? Some sort of reality stabilizer? Adams: Correct my friend. This should make those sound guns obsolete, I believe you were worried about using it? Beta: Well, y- The school bell rings, and students begin to flood out into the hallways in unusually high numbers. Onboard transcription AI detects at least 700 instances in the current hallway alone. Instances begin to rush past the agents and Researcher Adams, colliding often. Adams fumbles to activate the reality anchor. Adams: THAT SHOULD DO IT! A loud hum is heard emanating from the device, and it begins to glow softly. Instances in the near vicinity of the group are briefly stabilized before succumbing to the effects of SCP-7285, displaying a brief bout of confusion. A large majority of "instances" cease to exist when exposed to the reality anchor. Beta: What the hell? Where did they go? Omega: Calm down, it was likely just some sort of projection caused by one of these kids anomalous traits. Worst case scenario, it was the principal trying to stop us. Either way, Adams reality anchor stopped it. The hallways begin to calm down as students return to their classes, the group presses onward. Further down the hallway, an instance is observed walking slowly and talking to itself. At this time, all 2nd period classes have begun. Omega: I would advise avoiding it, Adams. We don't know what tricks this place might pull on us. Adams: Ah, I wouldn't worry about it. Nothing a reality anchor can't hand- Instance: WASSUP MY BRAH Beta: Er, excuse us? Instance: WHATS POPPIN MY G Instance redirects its attention to Research Adams Instance: HEYYYYY LOOK ITS HARRY POTTER OVER HERE, CAST A SPELL FOR ME HARRY. Adams staggers backwards in surprise. He is wearing circular glasses that were not present upon entering the building. Instance: WOAAAAH YOU GUYS SKIPPING CLASS OR SOMETHIN?? YOU SHOULD'NT DO THAT YOU KNOW, I'M GONNA HAVE TO REPORT YOU TO MR- Adams thrusts the reality anchor forwards, stunning the instance who is briefly reverted to a non anomalous form. The group begin to move at a quicker pace than before. Beta: Jesus, what was that about? Omega: We do not know, and it is irrelevant now. Keep your senses sharp. Adams pulls the glasses of his face Adams: That brought back… unpleasant memories. Kids used to ridicule me for wearing glasses like these. Omega: Kids can be insecure and take it out on others, they probably just found you to be the easiest target. It happened to me as well, but it ended when I beat the crap out of a popular kid. Good times, that was back when life was much simpler… Beta: They couldn't come up with a better insult than "Harry Potter"? Isn't he a hero? Adams: Regardless of their words, they intended it to hurt, so it did. I'd rather not discuss it further though, not on the job. The group begins to approach the administrative section, where the principals office is located, they reach the front desk, where a staff member resembling an older female is sitting. They pass it and continue on to the administrative hallway. Instance: Hey! I need to see your pass to let you continue. The hallway door locks in front of the group. Adams and agent beta reluctantly turn to face the instance. Agent omega is seen attempting to break the door down. Adams: We have an appointment with the Principal, do you think you could let us through? Instance: Did you get called down by the office? Adams: Uh, no. It is a very urgent matter though. The instance gains a slight smirk Instance: I'm afraid you will have to wait then, he is currently talking with another student. Adams face scrunches up Adams: Wait? i don't think you understand, this is a very urgent matter. I'm uh, actually with the school board, and I need to discuss an important topic with him. Instance: Listen, you are going to wait, or I will have to write you up for detention. I'm sure you wouldn't want that on your permanent record, would you? Beta: Detention? What, does she think we're students or something? What exactly is going on here? Adams sighs Adams: Fine. We will wait then. I'll make su- Omega succeeds in breaking down the door Omega: Well, what are you waiting for? It's now or never! Beta: Shit, we gotta get to his office fast, if our cover wasn't blown already it sure as hell is now. As the group runs down the hallway to the principals office, the faint screams of the receptionist can be heard asking for a hall pass. The group arrives at an ornate wooden door with an engraved plaque stating the principals name, Mr. Biddle. Agent omega prepares to use the battering ram once again, but as he does, the door opens, causing omega to hit an unknown target. Adams: That has to be him, quickly, get in there and apprehend him. Be prepared to use lethal force. Omega and Beta storm the room, with Adams following suit. A battered man is slumped against the wall. Unknown: God damn it… who the hell are you? What are you doing in my school?!? Adams: Sir, are you the principal of West Hills high school? Biddle: Yes, I am. For the love of god, why are 2 armed men holding me down? Is this a drug bust or something? Adams: Are you aware of the, uh, unusual things happening to your students here? Biddle coughs up blood. Biddle: Unusual? What do you mean by unusual? Everything here is going completely fine. Our GPA is the best in the state, our students are kind to each other, and I can assure you there are absolutely no drugs here! Beta shoots Adams a confused look, and Adams reciprocates the notion. Adams: Does this image look normal to you?! Adams holds up an image of a horribly disfigured SCP-7285-2 instance, which was interviewed in an above log. Biddle: What the hell? Adams continues to flash images of physical altered SCP-7285-2 instances for several seconds. Biddle: Please… Please stop.. No more.. Adams: Then tell me, Adams: What the fuck is going on here? Is this your doing? Biddle begins to cry and curl into a fetal position. Biddle: I just wanted to relive those memories, I wanted them to be able to cherish what I couldn't, it wasn't meant to be this way… Adams: Don't you dare start crying, do you have any idea what kind of misery you have caused these kids? I have seen unspeakable things done unto them by each other, and your telling me it's your fault? You fucking bastard, I'm going to make you pay for this. Adams begins hitting Biddle on the face and in the stomach where Omega's battering ram impacted. Beta: What the hell are you doing? If you kill him that might decommission the whole anomaly! Adams continues beating on Biddle, agent omega and agent beta forcefully separate the 2 Omega: Fuck! We gotta get him out of here and to a medic real quick or he's gonna die! Omega picks up and begins running to the exit with a badly injured Biddle, Beta drags Adams along as well. <End log> Post incursion summary: Biddle, designated SCP-7285-3, has been contained and proven to be a mid level reality bender, capable of altering memory to a large extent. It is currently thought that if SCP-7285-3 had not been incapacitated by agent Omega, the incursion team would have succumbed to his effects. Currently, Biddle has been seriously damaged and lost the ability to speak after damage to the throat. The severity of memory alteration within SCP-7285 has begun to cease, but the physical alterations as well as anomalous traits have not lessened. Information concealment efforts have been put forward in response, and the school is set to close under the guise of structural failure soon. Upon closing, a permanent containment site can be set up around SCP-7285. Researcher Adams has been amnestisized and relocated due to his violent outburst and partial decommissioning of SCP-7285. SCP-7285-3 interview SCP-7285-3 interview Foreword: SCP-7285-3 was given a notebook and pencil in order to respond to questions. Reality anchor is stationed within the holding area to prevent memory tampering on behalf of SCP-7285-3. Interview conducted by Researcher Winter. <Begin log> Researcher Winter and SCP-7285-3 sit across from each other, separated only by a layer of bullet proof glass. A small slit is open at the bottom to allow for the passage of notes. Winter: Alright, lets start off simple. Did you manipulate the memories of the incursion team in any way? SCP-7285-3 scribbles something down on his paper before holding it up to the glass. SCP-7285-3: Yes. But not how it works. Only manipulate memories in general area. Team caught in area, not intentional, but manipulated. Winter: And what exactly did this "Memory Field" alter? We have seen the effects, but what exactly was altered? SCP-7285-3: Childhood memories. Replaced with good better ones. Winter: I see, must have been pretty important for such a drastic change, eh? Anyways, why did you use your power in a high school of all things? SCP-7285-3 sits in thought for a minute before writing a response. SCP-7285-3: Memories fleeting. In retrospect, regret not spending time better. Make their memories last life time, to live out simpler times forever. Winter: So, you wanted to help them in a way? I see, interesting. But why specifically this school? SCP-7285-3: West hills anomalous, cover up my existence, not be found. Winter: You were aware of the foundation? SCP-7285-3: No, knew people hostile to anomaly, not specifics. Winter: Alright then. Were you aware of the significant personality alterations that spawned as a result of your meddling? SCP-7285-3 holds up a full note sheet, signalling for more paper. Winter obliges. SCP-7285-3: My power hard to control. Not precise, memories changed in very simple way. Winter: Did you consider that you may be doing more harm than good? I mean, by implanting false ones, you essentially prohibited them from making their own. SCP-7285-3 sits for several seconds, before shedding a tear. SCP-7285-3: No, did not consider. Regret much now, only wanted good. Winter: Yea, I gathered. You should have taken your victims into greater consideration before trying to help them. Thank you for your participation, I beli- SCP-7285-3 slams a piece of paper against the window, reading the following. SCP-7285-3: THEY WERE HAPPY Winter: I said we are done here. Your shortsightedness will not change anything, you buffoon. SCP-7285-3 writes furiously before holding his paper up. SCP-7285-3: I CREATED MEMORIES ONE COULD LOOK BACK ON AND BE COMFORTED BY REAL MEMORIES ONLY BRING DESPAIR AND UNCERTAINTY Winter: That is enough! This interview is concluded, end the recording Adrian. <End log> « SCP-7284 | SCP-7285 | SCP-7286 »
Item #: SCP-7286 SCP-7286 during routine maintenance. Object Class: Enochian Special Containment Procedures: No persons are to enter SCP-7286 at any time without direct permission from an acting HMCL supervisor or Air Conditioning Division representative. Janitorial maintenance is conducted every Tuesday from 14:00 PM to 15:00 PM (EST/EDT) in order to promote accurate metaphysical output, and is not to be disturbed.1 SCP-7286-A's filters must be checked every two weeks, and replaced/cleaned if necessary. SCP-7286-A's condenser and compressor must also be checked regularly, and cleaned of any debris. SCP-7286-A's refrigerant levels must be closely monitored at all times. SCP-7286-A's ductwork must be checked for leaks every thirty days. SCP-7286-A's drain pans must be cleaned every week. Any lapse in this regimen constitutes a containment breach; those found responsible will be met with swift disciplinary action. Description: SCP-7286 is a 130 sqft room located inside Provisional Outpost-A904, a faux two-story home in suburban Garrett Park, Maryland, USA. SCP-7286 is outfitted with SCP-7286-A, an anomalous air conditioning unit of no determinable make, or distinct origin. Because of its endowment with SCP-7286-A, an object of high Noospheric and Semiospheric significance, SCP-7286 has defined the general qualities of what is considered "comfortable air conditioning" on the planet Earth since it was fitted with SCP-7286-A on May 3rd, 1992. SCP-7286-A. The air temperature, pressure, and humidity of SCP-7286 are continually extrapolated from the physical reality of the room itself, converted into their emotional and sensory components, and redistributed back into the collective human experience as the conception of what composes a "well-air-conditioned" living space. Any significant alterations to the aforementioned attributes inside of SCP-7286 have the potential to be enormously consequential for global civilization; SCP-7286-A is finely tuned to match the needs of the human body, but this is not required for a change to propagate into the psychospace. SCP-7286-A is, as is apparent on all relevant paperwork, the chief responsibility of the "Air Conditioning Division", an ill-documented subset of the SCP Foundation's Department of Logistics. Provisional Outpost-A904 is owned — and ostensibly operated by — the Division; all requests for changes to protocol concerning SCP-7286 (including alterations to its Special Containment Procedures) must first be processed and explicitly authorized by the group. The Air Conditioning Division is recognized only in name and prescribed purpose within Foundation documentation; no personnel have ever reported directly encountering an agent of the Division or anyone claiming to be in close correspondence with them. Records of the Division's creation are nonexistent, as are any Division records not related to SCP-7286. Motions which would classify the Air Conditioning Division as a unique Group Of Interest are currently awaiting approval. Incident SCP-7286-018: On April 28th, 2010, an HVAC technician assigned to SCP-7286-A improperly cleaned its compressor, resulting in a prolonged blockage (primarily composed of leaves). This left the unit in a vulnerable position, prompting moderate overheating. Personnel were oblivious to this until the compressor was checked again five days later. The technician (F████ R████, 42 years) was found culpable on May 3rd, and was executed by firing squad the following Sunday. Its family were informed of its death under the cover story of a disastrous motor vehicle collision, leaving its body unrecognizable. The following note was anonymously mailed to the technician's home address on April 29th: + Show - Hide COOL IT. - SCP Foundation Air Conditioning Division Footnotes 1. Maintenance includes vacuuming, dusting, carpet cleaning (conducted every three weeks) and emptying the designated waste basket. This maintenance is not to be conducted on any of the eight Catholic holy days. Author's Note Hide Author's Note I love my air conditioner. I'm not usually a huge fan of a lot of other appliances, but my unit cools me off in the summer, especially when I can't get out of bed. When the temps hit 105 and I have to go get a driver to drive me to work. I've even got my uncle to help out when it comes to putting the ceiling fan on. I was a little nervous installing it because it's so high up, but it looks pretty good. My grandma was on her feet trying to help and she almost fell. Thankfully, she stopped herself in time, though she never did get back up. As for me, I'm leaving work early today! You know, there are very few alternatives for air conditioning. There are home air conditioning units, which generally only cool one or two rooms in the house at a time and aren't ideal for large houses. Then there are residential electric air conditioners (which you can get for $35 to $300 for a window unit or less), which are a bit smaller than the standard air conditioner unit and cost about $500 or more. Even these options have large electricity consumption requirements. If I lived in a warm climate, I would consider installing a larger unit, which would require a significantly higher electrical load than a standard air conditioning unit. If I lived in a cold climate, I'd probably opt for a standard air conditioner. My mom is living in Portland, Oregon – where average temperatures are about 70 degrees during the summer – and she's happy with her $550 window air conditioner, which cools about half her home. What would you do if you were living in a cold climate? Thanks for reading. ✌️ « SCP-7285 | SCP-7286 | SCP-7287 »
A ROUNDERHOUSE Joint {$comments} ▸ More by this Author ◂ {$comments2} F.A.Q. {$doesthisfixthebug} 3/7288 LEVEL 3/7288 CLASSIFIED Item #: SCP-7288 Keter Andrew Llewellyn (left), origin of SCP-7288-affected communications. Special Containment Procedures: Researcher Morgan Llewellyn's communications are to be monitored under Internal Security Directive LOCKJAW. Any incoming messages determined to originate from Andrew Llewellyn are to be suppressed through standard means. Any outgoing messages determined to be an attempt by Rsrchr. Llewellyn to contact him are to be similarly suppressed, and result in the immediate termination of his employment and subsequent containment. Description: SCP-7288 is an anomalous phenomenon resulting in the consistent failure of internal Foundation censors to suppress electronic messages (e-mails, text messages, et cetera) sent from Andrew Llewellyn to his husband, Morgan Llewellyn, currently enrolled in the Foundation Class-F Containment-Employ Program at Site-19. Background: Dr. Morgan Llewellyn is a Class-3 thaumaturge identified and contained by the Foundation on February 25th, 2014, following a YouTube video depicting him reflexively utilizing his abilities to prevent a semitruck from crashing into his workplace, the Keck Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. The video was caught by standard Foundation web-scraping protocols and deleted, all witnesses were amnesticized, and Llewellyn was contained. Due to Llewellyn's relatively docile demeanor, easily-containable anomalous abilities, and experience in scientific fields, he was identified as a possible candidate for Site-19's fledgling Foundation Class-F Containment-Employ Program. Llewellyn was offered a choice between permanent, formal containment as an SCP object, and a reduced form of Class-F containment as an employee of the Research Department of the Foundation, assisting with research and experimentation of other anomalies. He agreed to the latter, and was transported to Site-19 to be placed under the direct supervision of program director Vincent Tet. Andrew Llewellyn, a librarian at the Sherman Fairchild Library at the California Institute of Technology, was informed that his husband had been involved in a head-on collision with a drunk driver, and that both of them had died. Necessary evidence was manufactured. Over the following year, Morgan Llewellyn worked at various laboratories at Site-19 assisting in 34 separate research projects, and received consistently positive evaluations from supervisors. The first occurrence of SCP-7288 was on February 28th, 2015, exactly one year after Morgan Llewellyn's supposed death. The following email was automatically forwarded from Morgan Llewellyn's personal e-mail to his SCiPnet e-mail address, despite the fact that Site-19 does not support outside internet connections. File 7288.01: To: You 01:26AM From: Andrew Llewellyn <███████████?@gmail.com> Subject: Hi Hi. Long time no talk. This is really stupid. I don't know why. I visit your grave every few weeks. I used to go every week, but then things happened, you know how it is. It's been a long year. I'm sorry. But I visit you every few weeks and I never find it hard to talk then. Dr. Manola said I should do something like this, that it helps a lot of people whose partners have died. Write a letter or a journal or something, like I was talking to you. I told her that you never remembered to get the mail or use the agendas I bought you, so she asked "Well, did he check his email?" And here I am. I miss you. I suppose that's worth getting out of the way first. Which is kind of what this whole exercise is meant to solve, I guess. To accept that I miss you but that you're not coming back but that you'll always be a part of me or something equally Hallmark-ish. But both of us know how shit I am at talking about that, so let's not. I suppose I'll tell you about my month. It's been a good month, I guess. The Zoloft works better than the Lexapro, so I don't feel like throwing up every time the lights are too bright. Improvement. Work's been okay. I walk Dodger now. For the first couple of weeks I didn't, but he'd still hop off the couch at 6:00 on the dot, grab his leash in his mouth, and wait by the door. Eventually I got tired of looking at him sitting there with his literal puppy-dog eyes. Least he isn't shitting on the rug anymore. Well, that's me. How've you been? Still dead? Yeah, figured. This is stupid Junior Researcher Morgan Llewellyn viewed the email, but was not permitted to respond. The following email was received four weeks later. File 7288.02: To: You 02:13PM From: Andrew Llewellyn <███████████?@gmail.com> Subject: Sorry Hi. Sorry about that little tantrum. I talked to Dr. Manola about it and she said that it'd be hard but it's worth doing. I said she wouldn't know and she told me her husband had died of pancreatic cancer 15 years ago and she still wrote to him every year on their anniversary, so boy do I feel like a jackass. This is my penance, I guess. I'm going to take it seriously. So, yeah. I don't know. This is still awkward. Which is probably a dumbass thing to say considering I'm writing to a man who I'm married to, and considering I'm not even writing to you, I'm writing to myself. Was. I keep catching myself doing that and having to correct myself. Was married to. I need to get out of the habit. Manola says it's about me wanting to move on but honestly it's just that people then ask where my wife is and then I have to say "actually my husband" and then they say "oh jeez, i'm sorry, my bad. where's your husband?" and then I have to say "actually he passed away last year" and then they shut up. There is no standard response to someone telling you their spouse is dead. I mean, when Manola told me her husband died I froze up and blurted out "same". Dumbass. But she laughed, and I laughed, and I feel like your fucked-up sense of humor meant you'd have laughed, too. I really don't know what I'm going to do without you, man. That whole thing about the people asking me where my husband is, that's mostly in my head. Between the two of us, most of "our" friends were really your friends. I mean, they definitely made the effort. They invited me out for drinks and shit, I was the sadsack that always said no until they stopped asking. Can't blame them for that. I don't really go out anymore. They should make a "so your spouse died" starter pack, I think. Everyone thinks about the big things. Funerals, grief counseling, the house. But what's funny is that you're so primed for most of that stuff that it doesn't really wreck you. Or me, anyway. The little things are what fuck me up. Like, a half-watched episode from season 4 of Dexter has been in our Netflix continue watching for a year. I said we should stay up and finish it, but you had work the next morning, and we went to bed. And then the next day you weren't there anymore. That's the shit they should tell you. Your stuff is still in the closet, though Manola tells me I should get rid of it. I donated most of your physics textbooks to the library. Sorry. But I figured they were better off with people who could make heads or tails of them. Pretty much the only thing in them that I can understand is your name on the inside cover. Speaking of books, work has been good. We got a grant that Vanessa was really gunning for. Lot of money, lot of books, maybe expand the rare books section a little. We also hired a new girl at my desk, Kim. She's nice, big reader. We've been chatting about American occultist literature. Shit, I thought I was into weird spooky stuff. This kid's on another level. Man. I think the part of this that makes me mad is that I've had a near-perfect go of all this. Like, in terms of how difficult spousal death can be, I'm… very low on the scale. Your family's been supportive, to the best of their abilities; they're also dealing with losing a son. Mine… well, we knew that was a lost cause. I'm healthy, I'm getting professional help, I have a regular job. And I still feel like garbage without you. I think this is enough introspection for one night. I'm gonna try to make this a habit. Every couple of weeks, maybe. I don't know yet. Goodnight, Morg. I love you, and I miss you. Junior Researcher Morgan Llewellyn viewed the email, and requested to respond. The request was denied by Senior Researcher Vincent Tet: To: You 10:34AM From: Vincent Tet<vtet12@site19.scp> Subject: Request #019 Researcher Llewellyn, While I sympathize with your situation, I'm afraid the request is denied. Responding to your husband would expose your continued existence and anomalous abilities and by extension, the Foundation. That's a risk we can't allow any of our personnel to take. This isn't an uncommon situation here — a number of our personnel are lifers, and the people in their former lives have been informed of their deaths to allow them to dedicate themselves entirely to their tasks. The work we do here is simply too important, too crucial to risk it on moments of weakness. This is the most important thing you will ever do. I assure you that we have no idea how the messages are still getting through, and the RAISA technicians are working very hard on trying to patch whatever bug this is. In the meantime, please accept my apologies for the difficult situation. P.S: You'll find your assignment portfolio for the next quarter attached. Regards, Vincent Tet CFCE Program Director, Site-19 Despite multiple efforts to resolve the issue, including deactivation of Jr. Rsrchr. Llewellyn's personal e-mail and replacement of Site-19's e-mail server, messages sent from Andrew Llewellyn continued to arrive unfettered. RAISA technicians officially classified the phenomenon as SCP-7288. Over the following two years, e-mails accumulated in his inbox. Excerpts are included. File 7288.05-19: Email #05: Sent 1 year, 4 months, and 3 days after Llewellyn's initial containment. Dodger had a little scare this week, got nipped at by another dog at the park. I took him to the vet. Usually you do it, so predictably, I had to go through the song and dance of them asking where you were and then the inescapable cavalcade of "oh my god"s and "I'm so sorry"s and other assorted condolences. Except it hurt just a little bit less this time around. Not a lot less, mind. Just, you know. A bit. Enough to notice. Maybe it means I'm getting better, or maybe it means I'm getting numb, or maybe it means I need to get Manola to adjust my dosage. Jury's out. And Dodger's fine, by the way. Just thought you'd want to know. I miss you and I love you. Junior Researcher Morgan Llewellyn viewed the email, but was not permitted to respond. At approximately this time, several of Llewellyn's research supervisors submitted their evaluations — they cited that the quality of his work had steadily degraded over the preceding months, and expressed concern regarding his mental state. Per standard protocol, Supervisor Tet offered Jr. Rsrchr. Llewellyn an appointment with the on-site counselor, but the offer was refused. Email #11: Sent 1 year, 9 months, and 1 day after Llewellyn's initial containment. Happy anniversary! lmao I'm a little drunk. Just a lil. went by the cemetary earlier with flowers. I had a wholee thing planned out in my head but that's a funny thing about cemetaries. Once you're actually there, standing in front of the grave, its hard to ignore the fact that youre basically just talking to a rock. All the love in the world can't make you stop feeling awkward or dorky about talking to a rock that doesnt talk back. Or maybe that's just me. Then again I guess I'm doign the same thing here. I dunno!Maybe it's because writing it out is easier than saying it aloud or maybe because seeing the little wheel spin as it says "sending" makes it feel like its going somewhere. But writing these makes me feel like I'm. idk. closer to you. That I can feel you. Don't know whether that's good for me or not. Go figure. It's funny I think that between the two of us I'm the one that doesn't believe in an afterlife. You're a physics researcher, I'm a lit grad, but you always said there'd be something after all this. never bought it, myself. But it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world. no, sir. I think I'm getting a little more open to the idea, that there are things out there we don't understand.kim showed me this grimoire she said belonged to her great-grandmother. This sect of Korean self-proclaimed mages, something about snakes. Been reading a lot of stuff in that vein, from the rare books section of the Library. currently i'm on a hot date with this bottle of bourbon Kim gave me for my birthday, so i'm gonna finish that up and then go regret this in the morning. miss you, love you Junior Researcher Morgan Llewellyn viewed the email, but was not permitted to respond. Llewellyn's work continued to degrade in efficacy and quality. On December 27th, 2015, a meeting was scheduled between him and Supervisor Tet, where he was duly informed that as per the terms of his employment agreement, three consecutive quarters of negative evaluations would result in his removal from the program and placement into the Humanoid Containment Wing of Site-17. Llewellyn refused an offer of amnestic therapy, apologized for the subpar work, and affirmed that it would not happen again. Email #18: Sent 2 years, 0 months, and 1 day after Llewellyn's initial containment. Two years. Time flies, huh? I think there's an acceptable time period for grieving, and that I have dramatically stumblefucked right past it. But I'm getting better. Your folks had me over for Christmas. That was really decent of them. Looked at your baby photos. You were an ugly fuckin' baby. Told stories. I didn't know you went to Space Camp, you bastard. I thought it wise not to relay the time we shared a blunt in your lab after hours, one of your students came in, and you doused it in a beaker of something and it started bubbling and I nearly died laughing. Your brother came by, too. I know you would've liked to see that. We didn't really talk about the sudden change in demeanor, obviously, but he hugged me, which indicates growth, if nothing else. In a weird, roundabout way, I think you helped him grow more after you were gone than you ever did when you were still here. Anyway. Things have been good, these past few months. Really good. Kim - I guess I'd have to call her my best friend now, if by method of elimination. Ha-ha. But I invited her over. I hope you don't mind. I really, really hope you don't mind. But while she was over, she spotted something. One of your books, the ones I hadn't sold. The hide-covered one you kept in your bottom bookshelf. I guess I always assumed it was a research notebook or something, honestly, but she cracked it open like she recognized it. And then put it away real quietly, wouldn't really explain what the deal was. She didn't stay long after that. Hope you've been good, too. Are you getting in fights up there? Hope so. Love you and I miss you. Junior Researcher Morgan Llewellyn viewed the email, but was not permitted to respond. At this point, Llewellyn's work had returned to average levels of quality in an upward trend, and once again received positive evaluations from his supervisors, who praised his focus on the projects. The disciplinary matter against him was considered closed. File 7288.24: The following emails were received in rapid succession on June 31st, 2016. Email #24: Sent 2 year, 4 months, and 6 days after Llewellyn's initial containment. Jesus you would not believe the day I've had. Shit. I don't even know if I can be sending you this but who the fuck else am I gonna tell, right? Showed up to work today and Kim said she had to show me something. I was a little weirded out but whatever, okay, followed her to the Kayler Wing. We go down a couple hallways around the back, and I'm getting weirded out, and then she disappears through a door I've never seen before, and I follow. I don't even know how to describe it, man. It was a library, but like, it was a Library. I have no fucking idea where or how or what. Just, huge vaulted ceilings and shelves and what the fuck. I thought she fucking slipped me something and started freaking out and then she was next to me and calming me down. And then I saw the fucking things walking around. My brain's way too full of thoughts. I still think she might've slipped me something. But I swear to God, I saw these… fucking bug things walking around and these Dementor looking fucks and jesus christ. But I wasn't scared, was the thing, not after the initial shock wore off. It was… familiar. It was like every library I've ever been in. We walked around for, it must've been hours. I have no idea how big it was. She said she wasn't terribly sure what it was either, but her family had been accessing it for generations. I looked at the books as we went by, because it was the only way to avoid staring at the freaky other things perusing the shelves, which I was firmly told was impolite. Books on Italian history, quantum physics, magical superstructures, dead societies, preparation of something called Kalikor, all on the same shelf. I have no idea what I saw today. But I wish you could've been there with me. Junior Researcher Morgan Llewellyn viewed the email, but was not permitted to respond. The I/Os monitoring Llewellyn's communications flagged this as a likely reference to Nx-001, and dispatched Fireteam GIGAS from MTF Sigma-3 ("Bibliographers") to contain Andrew Llewellyn and identify the Way. A lab containment breach drill (the source of which could not be identified) delayed the deployment of Fireteam GIGAS by several hours, and they touched down in Pasadena, California at 17:46 local time. An investigation of the Llewellyn apartment indicated that it had been abandoned several hours prior, with several necessities taken and Andrew Llewellyn nowhere to be found. His associate, identified as Kim Tae-Bok, could also not be located. Despite investigation, no conclusive means were found through which Jr. Rsrchr. Llewellyn might have warned his husband or Kim Tae-Bok in advance of the Foundation raid. Email #24: Sent 2 year, 4 months, and 7 days after Llewellyn's initial containment. Hi. I'm not sure if I'm gonna be able to write to you again, though I guess I could just write into a journal or something. No shortage of paper around here. Still, it's not the same. We're in the Library. The Other Library, I mean. I don't know what happened. Kim was in my apartment, shaking me awake, telling me we had to go, that they were coming. I asked who, told her to calm down, but she just pulled me out and downstairs. I still had — and have — no idea what was going on, but she started my car and floored it to the Library. Popped a window and made our way to where the door was. I wasn't gonna follow her. Then I heard the jackboots coming up the stairs and the helicopter and went in. We've been in the Library for a day or so now? She says that they can't get us here. Hasn't explained much, but says that everything, food, clothes, is provided here. I have no fucking idea what I've fallen into, Morg. I'm scared. Somehow my phone is still working, but signal is spotty and I have a sneaking suspicion I'm not gonna find a charger here. I'll write when I can, but in the meantime, I think it's about time for me to sign off for a little while. I love you, and I miss you. Junior Researcher Morgan Llewellyn viewed the email, but was not permitted to respond. After this event, Llewellyn's research supervisors noted that he seemed emotionless and withdrawn, though completing his work satisfactorily. This demeanor faded after several weeks. No SCP-7288 associated e-mails were received by Llewellyn again for a period of four years, 6 months, and 15 days. File 7288.26: On January 15th, 2021, an email from the <███████████?@gmail.com> e-mail address arrived in Llewellyn's inbox. At this point, following several years in the program under Supervisor Tet and a prolonged period of SCP-7288 inactivity, Llewellyn had been promoted to Researcher, with a number of privileges — a personnel dormitory rather than a furnished cell, meals in the personnel cafeteria, and a limited level of research exposure to Euclid-class anomalous objects. He had participated in and worked on 134 research projects for the Foundation. Due to the lull in SCP-7288 activity and Llewellyn's forthcomingness in past incidents, the I/Os monitoring Llewellyn's SCiPnet e-mail address were cycled down to scraping twice a day, rather than constantly updated. As such, this email, received at 03:46, was not detected until 12:00: Email #24: Sent 6 years, 10 months, and 22 days after Llewellyn's initial containment. Hi. Long time no talk. I've had a lot of time to think about how I was gonna write this, but now that I actually have the opportunity to do it, none of them really seem like good ideas. Well, to start us off: It's been a long 7 years. When I last sent you something, it was my first time inside the Library. I didn't even know what it was called. And now I'm a Wanderer! Funny how things work out. The past few years have been… interesting. The first few months were rough. On the run from the Foundation, taking safe harbour in the Library, figuring out what the hell to do from there. But we got by. Made connections — friends in high and low places, throughout the occult world. Librarians, Wanderers, neither, in-between. I've stood on the skyscrapers of Eurtec, I've explored the alleyways of Three Portlands. Seen Esterberg's cobbled streets, the threads of Sloth's Pit, even took a triapse to Undervegas. I've hit the four corners of the anomalous world and gotten in my fair share of trouble along the way. Kim hasn't been a bad traveling companion at all. But I just wish I could've seen it all with you. And part of me knows that's impossible. That you can't bring people back from the dead, not in any way that matters. As trite as it is, that you're still with me as long as I remember you. But the problem is the other part of me. The part that has been chewing on the butt of a cigar for years, thinking about how this all just doesn't quite line up. The first tip, to me, was the fact that you had a magic grimoire from the fucking Wanderer's Library in your closet and never thought to mention it. I didn't realize it then, but now? It's unmistakable. Not even as a "look at this freaky book," you just… never mentioned it. You were hiding it. Which, I forgive you, I've hid my fair share of shit from you too. But why would you do that unless you knew what it was? Okay, that told me you were, on some level, involved with all this magical shit. That's a shock, but what was more shocking was the fact that people knew you. Everywhere I went, the name Morgan Llewellyn kept popping up. Someone who knew your parents, which explains why you avoided your family like the plague. Someone who was a friend of yours when you went to ICSUT (can't believe you're not even a real Beaver, you bastard!). Someone who remembered working on a spell proof with you, and called you one of the last bright magicians, and assured me that your prodigious powers would have kicked in had you suddenly been hit by a 2-ton hunk of metal going 60. Everywhere I went, there you were. And I wouldn't have it any other way. The last piece in the puzzle, though, was when I took your grimoire back to the Library. The Librarians always appreciate lost material being returned, appreciative enough to give me a little tidbit of information: the Library doesn't retain debts from beyond the grave. Then the rest of the stuff fell into place. The fact that the body was conveniently disfigured beyond recognition, the fact that nearly nobody, nobody at all, could even remember you being at work that day, much less getting in an accident driving home. You're still alive, you dumb handsome bastard. And for once in my life, I'm praying that someone has you. Because the alternative is that you left by yourself, which I don't know if I can handle, or that you're really dead. Which I thought I could handle but turns out, I never really believed it myself. I'll be waiting, Morg. You know the place. I love you, and I miss you so, so much. Junior Researcher Morgan Llewellyn failed to report in to his assigned research supervisor, and Site-19 security officers found his dormitory locked from the inside. Computer logs indicated that hours prior, a number of low-priority magic-amplifying anomalous objects Llewellyn had access to were checked out from their containment lockers. After unlocking the door, security found that Llewellyn and all his personnel effects were gone. Several hours later, a single email was discovered in Supervisor Vincent Tet's inbox, traced to a single-use e-mail address deactivated minutes later. To: You 08:47AM From: Unknown<████████@████████.uz> Subject: No subject Vincent Tet said: This is the most important thing you will ever do. nah
Item#: 7289 Level1 Containment Class: keter Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: warning link to memo Street view of SCP-7289-A. Special Containment Procedures Foundation agents embedded within American law enforcement agencies are to monitor internal reports for allegations of misconduct, corruption, or criminal activity perpetrated by law enforcement officers. Agents are to construct cover stories to explain these individuals' potential disappearance, up to and including reports of their death, and disseminate them in the event of an SCP-7289 manifestation. Roads leading to SCP-7289-A are to be marked as out of service, and monitored by Foundation personnel for possible encroachment by unaffected civilians. Individuals affected by SCP-7289 are to be allowed entry, as interference has been shown to be both hazardous and ineffective. Addendum A-7289.01, Effective 2 January, 2014 Continuous patrol of SCP-7289-A is to be conducted by MTF Sigma-12 ("The Dirty Dozen"). In the event that individuals affected by SCP-7289 threaten to breach the perimeter of SCP-7289-A, MTF Sigma-12 are authorized to use lethal force. Description SCP-7289 is a delusional compulsion that manifests in members of American law enforcement agencies. Individuals affected by SCP-7289 have been observed to abruptly abandon their daily lives, workplaces, and families, with no warning or explanation, then travel to a small urban settlement in northern Indiana, hereafter classified as SCP-7289-A. While residing within SCP-7289-A, affected individuals engage exclusively in organized criminal activity. Extensive observation has revealed that individuals affected by SCP-7289 believe they are acting as undercover law enforcement officers, attempting to infiltrate the criminal underworld of SCP-7289-A to bring its inhabitants to justice. All identified individuals affected by SCP-7289 are recorded as having had investigations into official misconduct and/or disciplinary action taken against them by the agencies with which they were last employed. Allegations against them have most frequently included claims of excessive force or civil rights violations, but have also included official corruption, abuse of alcohol or narcotics, and sexual harassment and assault. SCP-7289-A is shielded from discovery by a self-perpetuating antimemetic effect. Though the area it occupies is expansive, filling a space of about 64 km², it appears on no maps and in no public records, nor is there any demonstrated public awareness of it among residents of the surrounding area. Foundation staff were alerted to the existence of SCP-7289-A following the reports of a civilian who claimed to have deliberately followed an individual under the influence of SCP-7289 into its boundaries. Although SCP-7289-A is easily discoverable by those under the influence of SCP-7289, or those who are already aware of its existence, it remains hidden to members of the general public. - Field Reports, Compiled 8 December, 2013 Close The following exploration notes, compiled from field logs recorded between 4 October, 2013, and 3 December, 2013, are provided courtesy of consulting researcher Dr. Lucretius Brown. 4 October, 2013 In spite of the thousands who inhabit SCP-7289-A, this place has the look of a town that's been abandoned for decades. There are few civilians: no workers, no residents, no street sweepers and no shopkeepers. What few businesses operate are fronts for the various gangs that control this territory, and they function only by the loosest standards. It is still not clear how residents obtain the resources they need to survive: though they loot snack foods from empty convenience stores, and give out heroin like it's candy, the goods never run dry. The only other living humans I've observed consistently in SCP-7289-A are the street people. They avoid the gangs at all costs, except to procure drugs or seek protection when they have no other options. They hide in boarded up buildings without heat, water or electricity, and rarely show their faces. I've tried to identify them, or at least learn more about where they came from and how they got here, but my efforts have been ineffective. They all show severely diminished mental capacity, and even if I could conduct a coherent interview, I doubt they would trust me enough to talk. 27 October, 2013 In the past weeks I've gotten to know SCP-7289-A well. I've come to learn the landmarks and shortcuts, territory lines and hiding places. More than that, I've come to understand the heart of those who dwell here. It's easy to see that they were once police. Their disdain for the criminal element is palpable, and their contempt for their surroundings is clear in every broken window and every bullet fired. Every day I wonder if they could come to peace if only they knew where their neighbors came from. As the source of their collective delusion is not well understood, it would be ill-advised to attempt to disrupt it, but some part of me still insists that their rampant paranoia and mistrust may be no delusion at all. It may be nothing more than good old-fashioned fear. 8 November, 2013 When I first began to explore these streets, they seemed to me to be a world of crime with no punishment. I was wrong: this is a world of nothing but punishment. The men here never hesitate to strike out against those who they feel threaten them, and their actions are swift. Graffiti tags on buildings marking territory lines are signed in the dried blood of those who have trespassed. When it rains the gutters flood, and flow with bits and pieces that were discarded in haste. On 35th Street you can't look up without seeing corpses—or what's left of them—hanging from the telephone poles. No matter how far I get from this place, the smell still lingers on the horizon. I recognized the face of one of those corpses from my research: Daniel Warren, age 24. Last year he was placed on administrative leave from the Milwaukee Police Department after providing false testimony regarding an officer-involved shooting. This year he's a decoration: a warning sign along the highway for all who pass through a town that doesn't exist. Researcher's Note Using personal details acquired through extended research, Dr. Brown was able to identify himself to several individuals affected by SCP-7289 as a fellow law enforcement officer, for the purpose of collecting further information, as documented in the following interview logs: Interview Log 7289.01 Date: 15 November, 2013 SCP Number: SCP-7289 Interviewer: Dr. Lucretius Brown Subject: Officer Anthony Baggio, Chicago Police Department Officer Baggio: You were sent by command? Dr. Brown: That's correct. I'm here to check in on your progress. Officer Baggio: Well it's about damn time. I'm out here risking my ass and I don't get so much as a birthday card. Dr. Brown: As I'm sure you understand, the nature of your cover requires discretion. Officer Baggio: Yeah, yeah, I know–it comes with the job, right? Still, almost a month with no word from command and a guy starts to get worried. Researcher's Note: Officer Baggio was last seen outside of SCP-7289 on 4 April, 2006. Dr. Brown: A month? Officer Baggio: Maybe a month and a half. You lose track of time doing this job. Dr. Brown: Can you provide a summary of your activities during this time? Officer Baggio: You haven't been getting my reports? Researcher's Note: No reports have been identified. Dr. Brown: It would be helpful to our understanding to review the details in person. What has been the main focus of your work so far? Officer Baggio: Just trying to survive. Walking around these streets, it's a living nightmare. They're all out for blood. These guys around here are a different breed. I've had to patrol some bad corners in my time, but this…it's like they're not even human. Dr. Brown: From what we understand you've taken some extreme measures to…survive. Officer Baggio: That wasn't in my reports. Dr. Brown: Word gets around. Officer Baggio: It was me or him. It's that simple. If I hadn't done what I did, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you. Maybe it's not by the book, but whoever wrote the book doesn't know shit about what goes on around here. Dr. Brown: Is that why you mounted his head to a fencepost? Officer Baggio: That was to send a message. Maybe you think it's harsh, but it's the only thing these animals understand. And don't believe for a second they wouldn't all do the same to you. Interview Log 7289.02 Date: 22 November, 2015 SCP Number: SCP-7289 Interviewer: Dr. Lucretius Brown Subject: Detective Darren Kennedy, Minneapolis Police Department Dr. Brown: Can you tell me how long you've had this assignment? Det. Kennedy: Isn't that kind of a stupid question? Dr. Brown: Why is it stupid? Det. Kennedy: A week, a month a year…it doesn't matter. Nothing changes. I could work this assignment for the rest of my life, enough evidence to sink the Titanic, and this world would still be going to hell. Dr. Brown: Can you tell me about what you've been doing to stop it? Det. Kennedy: That's a laugh. Sometimes I try to do my duty like a good little boy. Get in close to the ones at the top, document everything that goes on in this cesspit. Dot the i's and cross the t's. Because that's what the Captain wants, isn't it? That's what he thinks will help. Moron. Dr. Brown: And what about the rest of the time? Det. Kennedy: The rest of the time I'm just trying to put the fear of God into every son of a bitch out there. Doing whatever it takes. Dr. Brown: You're not concerned about crossing a line? Det. Kennedy: They cut off a man's head and mounted it to a fencepost. You don't worry about crossing a line when you're dealing with scum like that. You pray you get to be the one to cross it. Dr. Brown: Do you find yourself crossing that line often? Det. Kennedy: Do you see what it's like out there? Have you walked down those streets at night? Dr. Brown: More than a few times. Det. Kennedy: Then you know what has to be done. It's not just the violence. It's not just the anarchy. It's the fear. You can't drive around the corner for a carton of milk in this town without fearing for your life. That's the world these sick bastards have made. So who's going to clean it up? Dr. Brown: You've been undercover here for quite a while. Do you feel like your actions have been worth it? Det. Kennedy: Don't give me that shit. You should know as well as me, when you wear the badge it's not about what you get out of it at the end. It's about sacrifice. Dr. Brown: It seems like you've started engaging in some pretty illicit activities during your time here. Det. Kennedy: I make sacrifices. If you'd ever been undercover you'd know you do whatever it takes to get the job done. It's eat or be eaten. Dr. Brown: According to our reports you took out about five soldiers from a rival gang last month alone. Det. Kennedy: They were already going to Hell. I just sent them off a little early. Is that a crime? Dr. Brown: Well… Det. Kennedy: Don't give me that look. Life means nothing to these animals. Don't think for a minute that they wouldn't do the same to you. Or your wife. Or your kids. Is that what you want? Because I'm willing to do what I have to to make sure that's not a world you ever have to live in. Are you? Dr. Brown: Do you have a wife? Children? Det. Kennedy: Just the wife. Stacey. She always wanted kids but it never happened. Not yet. Dr. Brown: So you're still trying? Det. Kennedy: …I don't think so. Dr. Brown: You don't want children? Det. Kennedy: It's not about what I want. It's not happening. Dr. Brown: Why isn't it happening? Det. Kennedy: …I don't think I'm going back. Dr. Brown: You don't want to go back? Det. Kennedy: It's not about what I want. If I did…if I tried…I don't think I'd ever really be back. I don't think the man Stacey married is the man who'd be coming home. Hell, he might not even be the man who left. So I think I've got to stay. Dr. Brown: For her? Det. Kennedy: For all of them. Like I said, that's why we do what we do. They deserve better than this. 3 December, 2013 My survey of SCP-7289-A has yielded as much data as we're likely to find. It would be nice to have a why or a how at the end of this, but I'll settle for a plan to keep this place off the world's radar for good. This is one project I'll be glad to never see again. The feeling I can't shake is that I've seen a place like this before. When I was still languishing in the public school system, we had a way to deal with problem staff. We called them rubber rooms: a place for teachers who couldn't teach. Maybe they hit a student, maybe they drank on the job, maybe they just had some opinions they didn't know how to keep to themselves. It's hard to fire someone from a job like that, but easy to transfer them. So that's what they did: put them all in a classroom with 30 teachers and no students to do nothing for nine hours a day, five days a week. The Breakfast Club for delinquent pedagogues. But they still got a check. So they still showed up. Then again, no one ever got their head mounted to a fencepost. - Order for the Commission of Mobile Task Force Sigma-12. Close THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENT IS LEVEL 3 CLASSIFIED ACCESS IS RESTRICTED TO AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY Order for the Commission of Mobile Task Force Sigma-12 Pursuant to the Director's orders, the assemblage of Mobile Task Force Sigma-12 is hereby designated, under the authority of the Field Operations Unit. MTF Sigma-12 is to be permanently stationed within SCP-7289-A, for the purpose of securing it from civilian intrusion, and preventing breach by anomalous individuals. Owing to the hostile nature of the inhabitants of SCP-7289-A, MTF Sigma-12 are to remain undercover as individuals affected by SCP-7289 for the duration of their service. MTF Sigma-12 operatives are authorized to secure SCP-7289-A by any means necessary, up to and including usage of lethal force. All unit commanders under the Security and Operations Division are hereby ordered to nominate any operatives who have been accused of the following: Use of excessive or unnecessary force Corruption Abuse of alcohol or narcotics Sexual harassment or assault Members of MTF Sigma-12 are to be rotated out of service only with the direct written approval of the Director. — Office of Commissions, Security and Operations Division « SCP-7288 | SCP-7289 | SCP-7290 »
Item #: SCP-7290 Object Class: Keter Special Containment Procedures: Until a method of physically containing SCP-7290 can be devised, hidden sensor arrays are to monitor for SCP-7290 manifestations. Local personnel are to deploy amnestics to SCP-7290-A and any witnesses, and clean the area if needed. Description: SCP-7290 are 9-meter-long translucent, spectral appendages resembling distended human hands with six fingers. SCP-7290 appear near ammunition stores and factories at unpredictable intervals during the night, abducting a lone human (hereafter SCP-7290-A) before ascending and disappearing. SCP-7290-A returns alone after a period between 52 seconds and 4 minutes and immediately falls to the ground. In approximately 80% of cases, SCP-7290-A is recovered with only dizziness and minor injuries from the fall. All instances report the sensation of having been placed within a cold, dark metal tube by SCP-7290 and spun rapidly. Some instances also report mechanical clicking noises, distant incoherent voices, and the odor of alcohol. In the remaining cases, SCP-7290-A abruptly remanifests in a severely mangled state accompanied by a loud gunshot sound and several hundred liters of non-humanoid viscera and bone. Traces of gunshot residue are also identified. One unique case resulted in an unharmed SCP-7290-A instance despite a gunshot occurring in its vicinity. However, the gunshot had a significantly lower volume. Upon debriefing, the instance claimed to briefly glimpse large spectral humanoids after its removal from the metal tube. These humanoids, whose sizes and description are consistent with SCP-7290, allegedly vocalized and discarded a metallic, handheld object.
Pinsk Marshes, Belarus. Item #: SCP-7291 Object Class: Pending Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7291 is sealed. It must not be unsealed. A security cordon has been established at a one kilometre radius from its entrance. Individuals found within the cordon without express written permission from the Department of Tactical Theology are to be executed on sight, regardless of credentials or security clearance level. Description: SCP-7291 is a tomb in the Pinsk Marshes, Belarus, near the Pripyat River. The following rough map and architectural summary were recovered from the files of drone technician D. Da Costa subsequent to Incident 7291-1: The tomb is constructed entirely below grade, accessed via a narrow aperture in an inconspicuous natural rock feature. The primary structure is a series of bedrock chambers, with obvious toolmarks indicating they were carved by human or human-adjacent hands. The descent to these chambers is composed of Makrana white marble, as the marsh soil cannot effectively be tunnelled; this material does not occur naturally in Belarus, and must have been imported from the Indian subcontinent. Though Makrana marble is non-porous, and the bedrock is solid, neither material should be impenetrable by the surrounding marsh. Nevertheless, the tomb contains no standing water and the walls do not leak. SCP-7291, initial surveyed layout. The layout is as follows: descending access passage with multiple switchbacks and blind corners; wide forecourt with entrance to the tomb proper; outer chamber; outer burial chamber; inner chamber; inner burial chamber; extensive series of interconnected tunnels. Exploration of the final item has yet to be completed. Over twenty kilometres of tunnel have thus far been mapped. The burial chambers are irregular, rough-hewn structures each containing a single undecorated sarcophagus and several niches obscured with rough plaster, which may or may not contain burial paraphernalia. The sarcophagus in the outer burial chamber was opened before Foundation discovery of SCP-7291. The sarcophagus in the inner burial chamber, the lid of which is flush with the stone floor, was opened subsequently. NOTICE FROM THE FOUNDATION RECORDS AND INFORMATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Description of SCP-7291's anomalous effect has been deferred until the nomination of a new research team for this file, and completion of an Internal Affairs investigation into Incidents 7291-1 and -2. — Maria Jones, Director, RAISA Addendum 7291-1, Discovery, Exploration, and Incident: SCP-7291 came to Foundation attention in September of 2022 after a series of unorthodox actions on the part of professional archaeologist Dr. Barys Salavey. Salavey was on a Foundation watchlist after inadvertently uncovering an anomalous ruin beneath a building site in Minsk, Belarus, in 2010. Despite repeated amnesticization, Dr. Salavey continued to sporadically encounter esoteric materials unknown to the Foundation or mainstream archaeology over the succeeding eleven years. After discovering SCP-7291, however, his behaviour became erratic enough to justify his firing from the Belarusian Academy of Sciences, as he did not possess tenure. Said behaviour included: frequent unannounced sabbaticals; redacting citations from his academic work; refusing to reveal sources for peer review; accusing seventeen colleagues of attempted plagiarism; theft of research materials from other academics; theft of artifacts from the Belarusian State Museum, several subsequently identified as anomalous in origin. Dr. Salavey was detained at Area-06 for interrogation. Due to a passing professional familiarity, Dr. Gerhard Kneller of the Foundation Department of Archaeology was selected to conduct Dr. Salavey's intake interview. <Drs. Salavey and Kneller are seated at an interrogation table. The former seems agitated; he will not make eye contact, his eyes are constantly in motion, and he periodically smiles twitchily or nods to himself as if in sudden understanding.> Dr. Kneller: It's good to see you again, Barys. Dr. Salavey: I'll just bet it is. Dr. Kneller: We met at the Polotsk conference in 2012, if you remember. Dr. Salavey: Oh, I remember. Of course I remember you. It all makes sense now. Dr. Kneller: Beg pardon? Dr. Salavey: That's when it all started. The theft. It won't stop me, you know, and you can't stop them. They're crawling towards us from the past, inch by precious inch. <Silence on recording.> Dr. Kneller: You've gotten rather far ahead of my script, Barys, I don't mind telling you. For the record, of whom are you speaking? The ones who are… crawling towards us from the past, as you say? Dr. Salavey: You known damn well, I'll wager. The Daevites. APPENDED FILE: Group of Interest Abridged Profile, "Daevite Empire" (GoI-140) The Daevite Empire was a militaristic, imperialistic theocracy occupying a wide area of south-central Siberia and neighbouring territories until its destruction in the thirteenth century. The Daevites were known for their employment of thaumaturgy, ritualism, slavery, human sacrifice, cannibalism and ontokinetics. Daevite archaeological sites continue to be discovered well beyond the empire's original bounds, representing attempted conquests or the waxing and waning of political power; such sites are almost universally anomalous in nature and prejudicial to human life. The most problematic artifact of the Daevites is, however, a twentieth-century historical monograph describing their sociopolitical history: SCP-140, A Chronicle of the Daevas. When exposed to a sufficient quantity of ink (or any effective ink substitute), the monograph will amend itself to retroactively continue the story of the Empire beyond its supposed destruction. These changes will be written into baseline reality, and the Empire's timeline will expand closer to the present day. This existential threat makes prompt analysis of any and all Daevite sites and artifacts discovered by the Foundation a paramount priority. Dr. Kneller: How is it that you know that word? Daevite? <Dr. Salavey laughs.> Dr. Salavey: You stole my memories, but I got them back. I found them in the dark, found myself, found my purpose. I should thank you for that much. The missing time, the missing files, the blank hole you carved out of my life? It gave me a drive I've never known before. A hunger. I remember you at the conference, Kneller. Lean and hungry fit to starve. You always had the drive, didn't you? And nothing to show for it. <Dr. Kneller stiffens.> Dr. Salavey: Well, I never had anything to show either, but it never mattered to me. I stumbled into archaeology like a drunk to an open bar. I wanted a job where I could spend time out of doors, and get other people to do my heavy lifting. It never mattered to me, before Minsk. Before you people made it matter. But that was nothing, compared to what I found deep down in the earth… <Dr. Salavey shakes his head.> Dr. Salavey: I keep wanting to tell you. It's a devilish secret to keep, you know, wriggling away against the back of my brain. But you don't get to hear it. It's mine, only mine, until… until it belongs to all of us. Dr. Kneller: You're going in circles. Dr. Salavey: I'm leading you in circles, and you're following. Like you always have, am I right? <Dr. Kneller does not respond.> Dr. Salavey: I'm right. And you're not going to get anywhere interesting by nipping at my boot heels, Kneller. You won't make your name by discrediting mine. <Dr. Kneller stands.> Dr. Kneller: We'll speak again after I've examined your work, Barys. Dr. Salavey: You won't find it. And if you do, you won't understand it — it's in a code you'll never break, not in a Daeva's age. And trust me, trust me on this one thing, please. Dr. Kneller: What? Dr. Salavey: You wouldn't want to understand it. MTF Rho-57 ("House Breakers") searched Salavey's last known residence in the city of Pinsk, and successfully located a cache of research materials after a brief search and several minor injuries sustained via interaction with crude household traps. The files were indeed encrypted; RAISA crytographers cracked each cipher in short order, revealing the location of Salavey's most recent and undeclared archaeological work site. A brief drone reconnaissance was performed, mapping the main tomb chambers but stopping short of the rear tunnel network, and the anomaly was classified SCP-7291. Repeated requests to the Department of Containment by Dr. Kneller resulted in his nomination as project lead. He quickly assembled the following team, and arranged their transportation to the Pinsk Marshes. SCP-7291 RESEARCH AND CONTAINMENT TEAM DEPARTMENT OF ARCHAEOLOGY (ARC) Dr. Gerhard Kneller — team lead DEPARTMENT OF HISTORY (HIST) Professor Augustus Booth — expert in eastern European society and culture Professor Reginald Huff — expert in eastern European and Eurasian folkloric practice Dr. Ines Pleško — expert in ancient Daevite society and culture DEPARTMENT OF TACTICAL THEOLOGY (THEO) Dr. Fidelia Quijano — expert in organized religious practice Dr. Máximo Quijano — expert in fringe religious practice ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT (ENG/COMM) Chief Ingvar Strand — structural engineer, demolitions expert Technician Christopher Gill — communications technician Technician Joshi Rizwana — mechanical technician LOGISTICS DEPARTMENT (LOG) Hafiz El-Amin — quartermaster DEPARTMENT OF GEOPHYSICS (GEOPHYS) Technician Diogo Da Costa — drone technician MEDICAL DEPARTMENT (MED) Dr. Mariska Lauwers — medic MOBILE TASK FORCES DEPARTMENT (MTF) Captain Rebecca Cassidy — commander, MTF Delta-82 ("Grave Coppers") Agent Miklós Dobos Agent Eduard Panossian Agent Louisette Roussel Agent Isidoro Valenti Dr. Kneller's application for a registered thaumaturge to join the team was rejected by Overwatch Command due to the potentially disastrous risk posed by spiritual possession. Dr. Kneller himself rejected the deployment of Scranton Reality Anchors, citing irreparable damage done to similiar archaeological sites by the use of such equipment. A temporary base camp was established at the mouth of the cave leading to the tomb entrance, where the team were outfitted with lapel cameras and radio transmitters. A second drone survey was carried out, confirming the results of the first, before the entire group began their descent into SCP-7291. All transcripts in the remainder of this file were synthesized from multiple-source camera footage recovered from the site post-incident. <The tunnel slopes down steeply and turns at sharp angles very frequently, though there is sufficient headroom and space for three to walk abreast. The air is filled with particles of dust. Professor Booth places a handkerchief over his nose.> (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: We're sure this is completely safe? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: What? No. Of course not. (ENG) Chief Strand: Did you not see your own drone feed? The tunnel structure is sound, we won't get any cave-ins. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: I'm not worried about cave-ins. I'm worried about— (COMM) Technician Gill: Mummies. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: No, come on. I'm not an idiot. I just mean— (COMM) Technician Gill: Draculas. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Shut up. I mean… <Technician Da Costa nearly sneezes.> (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: I mean, look at all this dust! Shouldn't we be wearing masks? (HIST) Professor Booth: And this is why I never leave home without a pocket handkerchief. (MED) Dr. Lauwers: There's no threat of contagion. I've reviewed the sample tray from the drone. This place is completely sterile… which is a problem of its own, of course, since it's in the middle of a marsh. (COMM) Technician Gill: You certainly wouldn't know it. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Look, we've been over this already. We're the advance party, and we need to get this threat squared away. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: I dunno, it just doesn't seem prudent to risk this many experts in an advance party. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: When you don't send the experts, that's when it becomes dangerous. This site is too precious… too potentially sensitive… to risk anyone blundering around down there uninformed. Should anything happen, we need folks on-hand who know precisely how to deal with it. (HIST) Professor Booth: Which is why you've assembled such a fine collection of experts in esoterica, and not one archaeologist besides your august self. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I seem to think your Augustus self has some archaeological training, do you not? In any event, Dr. Pleško will be taking the lead here. Daevite Empire researchers are almost always generalists. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Why? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Because there's no line between belief and practice, for the Daevites. Their architecture, their artifacts, their rituals, their politics, their magic… it's all connected. You can't understand any of it unless you think holistically. I've trained for decades for an opportunity like this. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: You and me both. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: We're pretty sure this place is Daevite, then? (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Salavey seemed certain. (ENG) Chief Strand: Tunnel composition fits the profile, though… roughly. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Very roughly. This is certainly not the Empire's best work; I would say it was put together in great haste. (ENG) Chief Strand: Stone imported from India, and bedrock tunnelling? Never heard anything like that described as 'hasty' before. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I'm speaking of the standards of a technologically-advanced people, for their ever-advancing day. They were experts at bedrock tunnelling. They were fond of deep places. <The team has reached the end of the descent, and are standing in the forecourt. It is a large, roughly cubical cave room only decorated at the southern end, where an ornate entrance portal has been carved.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Still, this is all just conjecture. The tomb could easily have been constructed by locals, using practice learned from the Daevas. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Not very likely. The Daevas didn't teach their techniques, and they didn't encourage literacy amongst their slaves. They were not great disseminators of information, though they did… like to leave… messages… (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Dr. Pleško? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I would say the matter is closed now. <Dr. Pleško indicates the lintel of the doorway. An inscription is visible in the rock face above.> (ENG) Chief Strand: That wasn't on the original feed. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Then it wasn't there. I was thorough. (ENG) Chief Strand: No-one's saying you weren't. (HIST) Professor Booth: My skill stops far short of conjugation, but that looks like ancient Daevite lettering to my half-trained eye. (HIST) Professor Huff: Lose the affect, Augustus, this isn't the BBC. (HIST) Professor Booth: What would you know about the BBC, Reginald? (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Shut up, both of you. Is it Daevite, Dr. Pleško? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Of course. Shall I translate? (HIST) Professor Huff: No. (HIST) Professor Booth: Absolutely not. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Hmm. Do you think it's safe? Ines? (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Why wouldn't it be safe? (ARC) Dr. Kneller: The Daevites weren't above encoding curses into their carvings. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: They weren't above much of anything. But yes, I would judge this safe; so far from the heart of the Empire, so long ago, exposed for at least a year if Salavey's notes are anything to go by… if a curse was laid, it will have long since lost its potency. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: The oriykalkos core on the drone didn't crack, correct? (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Right… (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Then I'd wager there's no strong thaumaturgy around the entrance. (COMM) Technician Gill: Why are we wagering now? (ARC) Dr. Kneller: You may proceed, Dr. Pleško. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: It says, and I quote: An omen of warning for those who would steal The secrets sequestered behind the black seal Naught here will you find but what others have lost Your vessels be emptied, and sanguine the cost (COMM) Technician Gill: Uplifting. (HIST) Professor Booth: I am most disturbed. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Don't be dramatic. That's pretty standard spooky go-away tomb stuff, no? (HIST) Professor Booth: I am disturbed by the fact that my esteemed colleague can idiomatically translate ancient Daevite on the fly, actually, and much more disturbed that her translation rhymes in our mother tongue. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Oh. (HIST) Professor Booth: Rather than theirs. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Yes. Yes, that's— (HIST) Dr. Pleško: It does rhyme in theirs, too, actually. (HIST) Professor Booth: Ah! Indeed! That's much worse. I'm not at all happy about that. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: It's certainly an odd sign, but the exploration does need to progress. Captain Cassidy and her agents will remain on high alert, but I think we should proceed. Opinions? I am speaking primarily to the experts in the room, mind you. <Technicians Da Costa and Gill mutter under their breath.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I would say the import of the engraving is clear. There are revelations to be found within the tomb, and we won't like them. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: The implication of mortal peril is also quite clear. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I heard that much from Salavey already. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: I think there's also the suggestion that this was sealed up to protect thieves from what's inside, rather than deter them from stealing it. (COMM) Technician Gill: Wow, what a likely story. (HIST) Professor Huff: There's nothing in Belarusian folklore about a 'black seal', for what that's worth. (HIST) Professor Booth: Precious little, but thank you nevertheless. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I can think of half a dozen black seals in Daevic culture, and that's just off the top of my head. (HIST) Professor Booth: Notably absent in the present tableau: any actual black seal. (HIST) Professor Huff: This is a point of concern, yes. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: But unsurprising. We know Salavey was obsessed, so of course he broke the seal and plunged forward. (COMM) Technician Gill: You're just asking for a break-in when you name your seal. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Judging by his manner, I'd say Salavey was certainly affected by a curse of some variety. Possibly from breaking said seal. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: The key to that might be in the inscription as well. 'Your vessels' is presumably a metaphor for our bodies, which will be 'emptied'. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: So we're, what? Gonna puke our guts out? (HIST) Professor Booth: You're not thinking Daevite enough. More likely someone else will pull your guts out. (COMM) Technician Gill: Thank you for the clarification. (HIST) Professor Booth: You're most welcome. (HIST) Professor Huff: I'm starting to feel like the odd man out. I'm not sure I'll have anything to contribute to this investigation, as it's looking very Daevic ind— (MTF) Agent Valenti: Hello there. <A ginger tabby cat has appeared. It sits on its haunches beneath the doorframe, staring at the team. The MTF members raise their weapons.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Daevite cat monsters? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Tree monsters, yes. Dirt monsters, certainly. Cat monsters, definitely not; the Daevites considered cats anathema. They boiled them alive and disposed of their bodies in quarries by the hundreds. Killed every single cat in ancient Daevistan, so they say. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Right, so what's one more. <Captain Cassidy takes aim.> <The cat sneezes.> <Captain Cassidy is surprised, and her shot goes wide. The cat disappears into the tomb again.> (COMM) Technician Gill: Well, got the cat scare out of the way. And nobody's died. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I imagine that was Salavey's cat. He mentions it in his notes; he apparently chased it into the tunnels after he became convinced it was "spying on me, for them." (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Christ. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Hey, watch it. (COMM) Technician Gill: Yeah, we're not trying to invite any deities to the party today. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: In any event, I think we can move on. We'll make camp in either the outer or inner chamber, depending on conditions. Keep an eye out for any more tomb monsters, if you please, people. <Chief Strand sneezes.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Gesundheit. Outer sarcophagus, exterior. Outer sarcophagus, interior. Inner sarcophagus, exterior. A secondary team from the Engineering and Technical Services Department transported the team's equipment and a series of modular partitions into the outer chamber; they were then recalled and extracted for quarantine offsite in order to limit the number of potential exposures to SCP-7291. The remainder of the first day was occupied by the construction of the new interior base camp, including: a partitioned, hermetically-sealable clean room for sensitive communications and computing equipment, including remote monitors for each team member's lapel cameras; a partitioned, hermetically-sealable medical chamber; an open barracks and common room; partitioned washroom facilities, with deep-drilled access to the water table. While the technicians and Chief Strand installed and tested their equipment, the academics combed the five main chambers for artifacts. They produced, in short order: three sharp daggers, one large cleaver, two spears, and numerous sundry pieces of decorative art. Dr. Pleško identified each artifact as Daevite in origin. Dr. Kneller was dissatisfied, calling the agglomeration "nothing but bog-standard grave goods," occasioning a brief altercation with Technician Gill when the latter chose to make light of this word choice given the site's geographical surroundings. The absence of any artifacts or remains in the open sarcophagus was confirmed — consensus was that Dr. Salavey had likely removed anything of value — and Dr. Kneller expressed the opinion that nothing of substance could be learned from the site without examining its closed counterpart. This occasioned several hours of fierce debate before lights-out was ordered just before midnight. On the morning of the second day, Chief Strand performed an x-ray scan of the closed sarcophagus and determined that it was either empty, or impervious to x-rays. The Drs. Quijano performed a series of Akiva and EVE energy tests on both sarcophagi, and found their signatures identically consistent with unmodified baseline reality. Dr. Kneller therefore instructed Technician Rizwana to begin installation and testing of his RAISR equipment — complex stress-equalization lifting devices — on both sarcophagi. The device on the open sarcophagus was used to generate training data for the device on the other, closing and re-opening the lid until a reliable weight and composition profile was generated. Once Rizwana was confident that the second lid could be raised without incident, Dr. Kneller gave the order to make an attempt. <Rizwana is remotely operating his RAISR device from the clean room, and is in contact with the remainder of the team via intercom. The others are watching from the outer chamber camp, on wall-mounted monitors. The outer burial chamber is tightly sealed around the RAISR cable with alternating sheets of ablative absorbent and stiff impermeable antithaumic cellophane.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I still think we're moving too quickly. It's unseemly to rush headlong into blasphemy. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Nothing ventured, et cetera. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: The longer we stay in a Daevite site, the more likely we start feeling adverse effects. We need more data as quickly as possible, to form the basis of a situational assessment. This is the only way to accomplish that. (HIST) Professor Booth: I would stress the value of humility whilst engaged in the act of grave-robbing. Would you like to say a few ritual words, Reginald? (HIST) Professor Huff: Yes. Ahem. <Professor Huff takes a deep breath.> (HIST) Professor Huff: Don't break it. <General laughter.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Thank for you that, Professor Huff. Technician? (ENG) Technician Rizwana: All systems read green, diagnostics check out, all sensors reporting, input lag negligible. Calm day at sea, sir. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Have at it. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: Aye aye. Beginning… beg— <Rizwana makes a loud exclamation.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: What was that? Technician Rizwana, Eng.: Sorry, sir. I need to wash my hands. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: You can't wash your hands without cycling the airlock and coming outside, and we honestly do not have the time. Why do you— (COMM) Technician Gill: Hey, Joshi, tell me you didn't just sneeze in the clean room. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Oh, fucking hell. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Gesundheit, God dammit. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Again, folks, please refrain from— <Dr. M. Quijano places one arm on his wife's shoulder. She sighs, and shakes her head.> (ENG) Technician Rizwana: I really do need to wash my hands right now, sir. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Did you sneeze into your hands, technician? (ENG) Technician Rizwana: No, sir, but— (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Did you get so much snot on your hands that they're slick with snot, and you can't get a grip on the controls? As though you were a small child, perhaps? (ENG) Technician Rizwana: I sneezed into the crook of my elbow, sir, but that's not— (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Did you sneeze all over your monitor, utterly coating it with an impermeable layer of mucous material so that you can't see your readouts? Did you sneeze directly onto an exposed length of electrical cable? Because technician, technician, unless you are materially inhibited from performing your duties as of this moment, I am asking you to confirm that your systems remain unaffected by this… nasal outburst, and lift that God-damn lid. <Silence on recording.> (ENG) Technician Rizwana: All systems go, sir. Will proceed. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Thank you. (HIST) Professor Huff: Actually, hold up a mo. Why did you want to wash your hands? (ENG) Technician Rizwana: Doesn't matter. Let's get this over with. (HIST) Professor Huff: But— (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Let the man do his job, like the trained professional he is. <Rizwana inputs commands into his console. The floor surface around the sarcophagus is surrounded by eighteen complex rod-and-joint assemblies which begin to unfold and extend, forming a protective shell around the lid. Smaller rods emerge from secondary joints, probing pockmarks and scars, shoring up minor stress fractures and insinuating themselves through the tight seal. When the entire lid is supported and clamped, Rizwana sighs.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Problem? (ENG) Technician Rizwana: No, sir. On your go. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Let's make history. <The RAISR device begins to lift the sarcophagus lid. There is no obvious exchange of gases in the newly-connected spaces. The rods flex according to automatic pressure sensors, following the training data and specific commands from Rizwana.> (ENG) Technician Rizwana: Lord, that's… sorry. Man, that's a lot of stress fracturing, if this load data is to be believed. The entire thing must be spiderwebbed with cracks and hollows inside, which really ought to have turned up on the x-ray. (ENG) Chief Strand: I triple-checked that x-ray. Are you saying I didn't— <Rizwana exclaims again, much more loudly, and jerks the controls hard to one side. The support rods on the device flex abruptly in obvious response to this input, and the lid shifts. One corner dips into the hollow; there is a series of loud cracking sounds, and the entire slab of stone breaks into multiple large fragments which tumble into the sarcophagus with a crash.> <Silence on recording.> <Professor Huff sneezes.> <Dr. M. Quijano glances at Dr. Kneller, who is turning red and shaking.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Gesundheit, both of you. Dr. Lauwers and the Drs. Quijano re-tested the antithaumic cellophane while Dr. Kneller called an emergency meeting in the wake of this incident. <The team is arranged in a rough circle at the centre of the outer chamber base camp. All are seated save for Dr. Kneller, who is pacing back and forth and waving his arms in the air.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Are you allergic to swamps, Rizwana? <Technician Rizwana is staring at the floor.> (ENG) Technician Rizwana: No, sir. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Are you allergic to dust, Rizwana? Or the absence thereof, in that perfect little working environment we built at great expense for you? (ENG) Technician Rizwana: No, sir. Not that I— (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Is it the spirit of scientific inquiry you're allergic to, then? <Silence on recording.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Well? Are you allergic to the grand collaborative project of acquiring knowledge on the contours of our ever-advancing past? Is that why you sneezed, twice, in the middle of what should have been… <Dr. Kneller appears incapable of further speech.> (ENG) Technician Rizwana: You should have let me wash my hands. (HIST) Professor Booth: Do tell. (HIST) Professor Huff: I believe I might be of assistance, actually. (HIST) Professor Booth: That would be a first. (HIST) Professor Huff: I'm surprised you don't know this one, Augustus, blowhard that you are. Every culture has its own unique superstitions regarding the humble sneeze— (HIST) Professor Booth: Oh, preserve us. (HIST) Professor Huff: —and as I feel confident in presuming that Technician Rizwana is of Hindu extraction— (HIST) Professor Booth: Listen to yourself, man. (HIST) Professor Huff: —it seems reasonable to assume he was struck, in the heat of the moment, with a memory of the injunction against inaugurating any task of importance immediately subsequent to the act of sternutation. (COMM) Technician Gill: Sternuwhat? (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Sneezing. (HIST) Professor Huff: In India, the custom is to wash one's hands after sneezing. If one does not, ill fortune is sure to follow. (HIST) Professor Booth: And you called me out for BBC-speak. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Are you FUCKING SERIOUS? <Silence on recording.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Rizwana, I consulted each curriculum vitae very closely indeed before selecting the members of this team. If the word 'imbecile' had appeared anywhere on yours, I'm next to certain I would have noticed it. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: I don't believe it, sir. But in tense moments, you like to be sure that— (ARC) Dr. Kneller: You let yourself get distracted by a… a fantasy, and you destroyed, utterly ruined a priceless piece of ancient archaeology. (HIST) Professor Booth: Medieval, really. <Dr. Kneller ignores him.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I'm sure your gods would be ever so pleased. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: Respectfully, sir, I have no gods. <Dr. Lauwers and the Drs. Quijano rejoin the group.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Sorry for the delay. You all still slagging off gods in blatant disregard of my repeated warnings? Yes? Awesome. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I've done with the faithless. Please tell me the faithful have good news. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: No Akiva or thaumic emissions from the coffin whatsoever. I don't think there was anything supernatural to disturb in there. Maybe nothing at all; it could've been empty, like the other. The sheets remain clean, so far as we can tell from this side; no ablation, no discolouration, readings still normal. (COMM) Technician Gill: There's a bedsheets joke to be made there, but this probably isn't the time. (MED) Dr. Lauwers: I'm not seeing any new pathogens either. I'd expect to see something if there were ever a burial in the sarcophagus. We won't know for sure without shifting those rocks, of course, but… (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Not it. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: That's got 'D-class' written all over it. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Oh, for sure. You would want to introduce slaves into a Daevite environment, wouldn't you? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I'm sorry? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I… I'm sorry too. Sorry. Just ignore me for a second. <Dr. F. Quijano rubs her temples. Her husband examines her with evident concern.> (ENG) Chief Strand: I am also unenthused at the prospect of shifting cursed rocks. (COMM) Technician Gill: Sounds like we're putting in an order, then, (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I… I'm just really, really concerned about the theological implications here. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: You would be. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Yes, fine, that's fair play but hear me out. We might not be in any physical danger, we might not be able to measure any new threat here, but this place was definitely sacred to someone at some point. It is a tomb. It's been consecrated. We don't know who it's consecrated to, unless someone's found, I don't know, more carvings or whatnot… (HIST) Dr. Pleško: If they have, they've been hiding them from the resident Daevite Empire expert. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: …but I'd be very surprised if it's anything that likes having its sarcophagi smashed about. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: You're all acting like I did this on purpose. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: The evidence is strongly against you being able to do anything on purpose. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Alright, lay off. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: You lay off, god-botherer. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: "God-botherer"? (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: I'm already sick of this qualitative nonsense. You've done your measurements, you've checked the real metrics, and nothing's wrong. Moving on. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Well, I'm sorry that I can't yet provide a scientific measure for deific offense after accidental sacrilege. I promise to get back to you soon as I can with that. <Dr. F. Quijano pats her husband's arm.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Some day they'll name the SI unit after you. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Look, the door is still open. We should just leave, and I don't know, dynamite the place. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: We do have lots of dynamite, and someone who knows how to use it. (ENG) Chief Strand: I'm not keen on being the fulcrum of an act of historical vandalism. As the man with the fuses, I vote against using them. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: As the man with the letters patent from Overwatch fucking Command, I beg leave to remind you all that none of you have votes. <Silence on recording.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Here's what's going to happen. Gill and I are going to radio Overwatch for instructions, and I will inquire about D-class requisition. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Seems like that's my bailiwick, sir. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I have no further interest in bailiwicks. I want something done here correctly, for a change. Go tend your stocks. I want those sheets triple-checked again, while the rest of you keep looking for finds or analyzing architecture, such as it is. Nobody is to return to the surface until I say so; I definitely don't want some civilian spotting us and scuppering the entire dig. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: The upstairs base camp is well-concealed, sir. I'd say the odds— (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Shut up, and do as I say. <Silence on recording.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: This is still the finest para-archaeological site in Belarus, ladies and gentlemen, and I will be thrice-God-damned if we leave it empty-handed. Dr. Kneller subsequently reported to the team that Overwatch Command had instructed them to remain at the site for the time being, and to follow his orders to the letter, to wit: continue searching and monitoring the accessible portions of the tomb, and await the arrival of D-class personnel before attempting to breach the antithaumic cellophane. Three team members reported difficulty achieving rest that night, and Dr. Lauwers administered soporifics. At 1:32 the following morning, while the majority of the team slept in the outer chamber, the entire tomb was rocked by a violent explosion which deposited dust and small stones on every exposed surface. The clean and medical rooms were unaffected, as their partition walls shored up the cave ceiling, but significant equipment damage was suffered across the remainder of the camp. No injuries were reported, though the dust content in the air increased significantly. Captain Cassidy investigated the source of the explosion and found the forecourt now filled with an insurmountable wall of rubble, from which the communications cable to the surface camp emerged. The rubble was stained with blasting powder and residue. A team meeting immediately followed this discovery. <All team members are present in the main camp. Technician Rizwana, Chief Strand and Professor Huff, having been administered soporifics earlier in the night, appear exhausted. Professor Booth is alternating between taking deep breaths and massaging his nose with his pocket handkerchief.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: First things first. Comms? (COMM) Technician Gill: Well, there's a pile of scenic and historical Makrana marble on top of my cable, so that's definitely fucked. No signal. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Oh, god. <Dr. F. Quijano visibly restrains herself from response.> (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Is there enough space between the stones for oxygen to keep filling the tomb? (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Oh, god, oh god… (ENG) Chief Strand: Shut up. Yes, I think so, and there's more good news on that note. I spent yesterday evening examining every nook and cranny in the rooms we have access to, and I'm pretty sure I identified a few thin shafts cut diagonally into the walls here and there. I don't know how they're penetrating the marsh soil, but if they terminated with the bedrock the whole place would be leaking like a sieve, and it isn't, so they don't. Meaning these are air holes, in case I wasn't clear enough. Assuming some of them are still open, we're probably fine… so long as we don't stay down here indefinitely. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Staying indefinitely is off the table anyway. We've got lots of supplies still, but indefinitely is a lot longer than lots. <The cat appears at the forecourt end of the base camp. It regards the team evenly.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Rematch. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Don't. Don't go burning off what air we do have with unnecessary gunplay. I see nothing to suggest that creature poses any greater menace to our safety than Rizwana's incompetence. <Rizwana, sulking in a corner and ignoring the conversation, does not respond.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: I suppose we do have more dangerous game to hunt. (HIST) Professor Booth: To what, precisely, do you refer? <Chief Strand walks up to the cat, which regards him cautiously. He kneels to stroke its flanks. It immediately begins to purr.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: I mean, precisely, that someone used blasting powder to bring down the entranceway. Very likely someone in this camp right now. (HIST) Professor Booth: But why? It's not that I'm not enjoying your diverse and colourful company, friends, but the cardinal virtue of friends as opposed to family is that one may take and leave them as one pleases. One may, so to speak, walk away. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Maybe someone here doesn't want to walk— <The cat sneezes. Chief Strand recoils in surprise.> (HIST) Professor Huff: SEIZE HIM! <Silence on recording. Professor Huff is pointing at Chief Strand.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Sorry, what? (HIST) Professor Huff: You idiot! He was distracted. Don't you see? It was him! <Chief Strand stands up slowly.> (ENG) Chief Strand: Pardon? (HIST) Professor Huff: You set off the charges. You're the demolitions expert! The rest of us don't know the first thing about blasting. Most of us are paper-pushers! And you're the only one who could take a wall down without bringing the whole cave down on top of our heads. You want us trapped here, not dead. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Don't take this as encouragement to continue, Professor, but: Chief Strand, I don't precisely recall seeing you in your bunk last night. (ENG) Chief Strand: Well, I was there. If you'd wanted a punch-clock system in place, Captain, you should have said so at the outset. <Chief Strand points at Professor Huff.> (ENG) Chief Strand: What reason would I have for blowing up our only way out of here, do you think? (HIST) Professor Huff: I don't think it had anything at all to do with reason. I think you're beyond reason, now. (HIST) Professor Booth: What on Earth are you driving at, Reginald? (HIST) Professor Huff: The sneezing. <Silence on recording.> (COMM) Technician Gill: I don't think that had the revelatory impact you expected, sir. (HIST) Professor Huff: The sneezing, the sneezing! Can't you see? First Rizwana sneezes, then immediately fouls up a foul-proof system and breaks that sarcophagus, releasing god knows what into the air— (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: No gods, no miasma, no nothing. (HIST) Professor Huff: Nothing you can measure! I'd wager that second sneeze was a blind, a farce, all for show. He sneezed, then purposely broke the seal and put us all in immortal danger. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I manifestly do not follow. (HIST) Professor Huff: And then Strand sneezed, after the first disaster, and a few hours later what happens? He causes a worse disaster of his very own, sealing us in here with whatever his friend over there let loose. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: I'm sorry, have we escalated me to malicious actor based on two sneezes now? It's dusty as hell down here. Even the damn cat is sneezing. What's that supposed to signify? (HIST) Professor Huff: There might not be any Belarusian folklore about black seals, but sneezes? As I stated earlier, every culture has their own unique take on the sneeze. The cult of the mystic Arciom of Sluck from the Principality of Polotsk tells us that a sneeze in a profane place signifies possession by the unhappy ancestral dead. (HIST) Professor Booth: If memory serves, the cult of the mystic Arciom of Sluck from the Principality of Polotsk also tells us that cat urine is a potent sedative. Are you in desperate need of another tranquilizer, Reginald? We have a cat close to hand. If not, could you please reach deep down inside and catch hold of yourself? (ENG) Chief Strand: Demons. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: What? (ENG) Chief Strand: When you sneeze, demons can get inside. Inside of you. That's what my grandmother always told me. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Oh, for crying out— (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Ingvar, listen to me. That's just an old wives' tale. There's nothing in the canonical archives— (COMM) Technician Gill: Are you trying to calm him down with old husbands' tales? (ENG) Chief Strand: That's what it is, isn't it? Demons, just like she said. The Daevites were demon-worshippers. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: That is a gross mischaracterization. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Sure, take their side again. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: They don't have a side, pastor. They're extinct. (ENG) Chief Strand: Possessed by demons. Possessed by demons? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I'm not a pastor. I have a doctorate. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: You have a doctorate in divinity. And so far you've done a marvellously poor job of healing anyone's soul, with your constant hectoring and language-policing. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Look, can we just stop— (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Alright, which one should I shoot first? (HIST) Professor Huff: Shoot Strand! He's lost, and so is Rizwana. Ines, Ines, how did that rhyme on the lintel go again? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: "Naught here will you find but what others have lost"? (HIST) Professor Huff: "Your vessels be emptied, and sanguine the cost." Yes. That's it. That's all of it. <Technician Rizwana backs up to the tomb wall, slowly.> (HIST) Professor Huff: This place is chock-a-block with the souls of lost Daevic ancestors, all of them searching desperately for purchase. And we're all free real estate now, because we lost our souls when we broke that sarcophagus. The sneezes are the smoking gun. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: It takes an awful lot to offend my sense of blasphemy, Professor, but you've finally managed it. My soul is right where it's supposed to be, thank you very much, and so is yours. (HIST) Professor Huff: No, no, it's all falling in place now. That's why I couldn't sleep. I'm lost. And you're lost, and you! <Professor Huff points at Chief Strand and Technician Rizwana. The latter is edging along the wall towards the clean room.> (HIST) Professor Booth: Reginald, please. Your argument has no internal logic. Either you're tired because you've lost your soul, or we can pick up Daevite souls by sneezing. You can't have it both ways. You sneezed. (HIST) Professor Huff: Well… fine. Maybe the sneezes have nothing to do with it. Rizwana spent a lot of time training his doohickey on the old sarcophagus, maybe it… maybe that took his soul, and then he broke the sarcophagus to take care of the rest of us, and— (MTF) Agent Valenti: Captain! <Technician Rizwana has sprung into motion, fleeing through the clean room door. He shuts and locks it as Captain Cassidy raises her weapon. While their attention is distracted, Chief Strand grabs Agent Dobos' sidearm from its holster and elbows him in the stomach.> (ENG) Chief Strand: Stay away from me! Nobody m— <Agent Dobos tackles Chief Strand, who stumbles back towards the inner burial chamber. Two gunshots occur in quick succession, and Chief Strand runs weeping from the room. Agent Dobos falls to the floor, and Dr. Lauwers rushes to her side. The agent is already bleeding profusely.> <The sound of ripping plastic is audible in the far distance, as well as Chief Strand's panicked scream.> (ENG) Chief Strand: DEMONS! <Silence on recording.> (COMM) Technician Gill: What? Despite Dr. Lauwers' best efforts, Agent Dobos died within minutes of Chief Strand's escape. Dr. Lauwers and the Drs. Quijano assessed the ruined thaumic cellophane, and reaching no further conclusions, determined that there was no longer any reason to sequester the team in the outer chamber. Captain Cassidy established an emergency security cordon at the entrance to the rear tunnels with her remaining agents. Technician Rizwana refused to open the clean room door — he could be seen in the window emphatically shaking his head, and would not open the intercom despite explicit written instructions and particularly explicit visual threats from Captain Cassidy. Technician Da Costa resumed drone mapping the interior tunnels, attempting to locate both an alternate exit and Chief Strand. At midnight, Professor Booth called another team meeting to discuss the probable cause of the day's events. <The remaining team, minus Agent Panossian, Technician Da Costa and Technician Rizwana, are assembled in the base camp. Dr. Kneller is examining a university-bound manuscript, and facing away from the group.> (HIST) Professor Booth: Thank you all for coming. (COMM) Technician Gill: We are trapped in a cave. (HIST) Professor Booth: Be that as it may, I don't know how else to begin a lecture. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Why are you lecturing? What we need is an action plan. And why did you call the meeting? What's up with Kneller? <Dr. Kneller does not respond.> (HIST) Professor Booth: Leave him be for the moment. Reginald, I could use your help with this presentation. <Professor Huff's eyes are glazed over. He shrugs.> (HIST) Professor Booth: Well, chime in if you get the notion. I could use your help with some of the… frothier aspects of this narrative. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Why aren't we listening to Pleško instead? She's the Daevite expert. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I am still formulating hypotheses. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Oh, great. Formulating hypotheses. That's terrific. (COMM) Technician Gill: You've slipped effortlessly into Da Costa's role as Team Eeyore, I see. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Shut the fuck up. You don't even have a job here anymore. (HIST) Professor Booth: The point of this meeting, increasingly ungentlepeople, is to develop a working framework to explain what's happening to us. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Low oxygen. (MED) Dr. Lauwers: Not hardly. We're still breathing deep. CO2 levels haven't changed. Strand was probably on the money about those air vents, and we're damn lucky they weren't damaged by the explosion. (HIST) Professor Huff: Lucky. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Yeah, exactly. More like he knew they wouldn't be damaged, when he caused the explosion. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: In fairness, we don't know it was him. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Do we not? He just shot a woman in cold blood— (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Rambling about demons and running in terror constitute hot blood, I would think. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: And you're the resident hot blood expert, right? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Guilty. (HIST) Professor Booth: This provides a suitable segue to our first thorny dilemma: was Chief Strand possessed by a demon, via involuntary nasal spasm? (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Ugh. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: My husband prefers to think of demons as metaphorical. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Metaphors don't pull triggers. (HIST) Professor Booth: Quite. Whatever was wrong with Chief Strand, it had very tangible effects. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: I'm assuming there's an explanation buried somewhere behind all this… preface? (HIST) Professor Booth: A candidate, at the least. Dr. Pleško, what is the relationship between the Daevite Empire and this region of Belarus? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: They were here for a period not exceeding one year, in the twelfth century. They withdrew their armies after significant civil unrest in the home provinces — one of the many events that killed them off entirely, before the communal drafting of SCP-140 pushed the timeline forward again. The prevailing theory for why they gave up Belarus is economic: too costly to remain for too little material gain. Well beyond the periphery of empire, no resources they didn't already have in abundance. Not even enough slaves or sacrificial subjects to whet their appetites. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Jesus. <His wife swats the back of his head.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: So, they cut their losses and left without leaving much trace on the landscape. That's the present orthodoxy; all we've ever seen are scattered camps in major population centres, like Salavey's excavations in Minsk and Pinsk. (HIST) Professor Huff: Wasting time. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: I'm inclined to agree, but time is all we've got to waste. I take it the… present orthodoxy, doesn't convince you? Booth? (HIST) Professor Booth: No, it does not. The Daevites did not retreat from anything. Ever. It was not a word in their vocabulary. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Daku. (HIST) Professor Booth: It was a figure of speech, thank you. What I mean to say is that theirs was a history of advance. I do not believe they would have abandoned this place unless the very Earth were salted. Useless. Uninhabitable. Perhaps this was the epicentre of some disaster which forced their collective hand. (COMM) Technician Gill: You think they tried to dig a tomb, and dug something up instead. (HIST) Professor Booth: Could be, could be. Or maybe they tried to dig a tomb and dedicate it to some deity of their own design, and found it exceeding specifications? Or more frightful still, perhaps a local power interrupted their consecration and claimed the space for its own? No land on Earth is devoid entirely of gods, you know. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Dr. Pleško, does this hold water? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Perhaps. With modifications, perhaps. The inscription could have been added to the lintel after the disaster, as… set dressing. Trying to frame this place as a tomb with a protective curse on it, to… lure in tomb robbers? Force them to deal with whatever horrors the Daevites woke up. Or worse… <Dr. Pleško laughs.> (COMM) Technician Gill: 'Worse', she says, and then she laughs. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Call it a "Eureka!" moment. What if they cursed this place intentionally? Labelled it misleadingly, and left it as a landmine for their ungrateful un-subjects to tread on when they'd gone? They could have seeded dozens of these things throughout the marshes, and we've only found the first so far. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Which would mean… (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Right. (HIST) Professor Booth: This isn't a tomb, it's— (HIST) Professor Huff: A trap. <Professor Booth pats Professor Huff on the back, lightly. The latter ignores the gesture.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: And we've got our foot stuck in it now, don't we? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Thanks to Strand. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Thanks to me. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: This wasn't your fault, Gerry. Nobody could have predicted— (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I dynamited the entrance. <Silence on recording.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: I beg your pardon. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I dynamited the entrance. You were right, Fidelia, when you suggested there was someone who didn't want to walk away. That was me. I didn't want… I couldn't walk away. Not with… not with nothing. Not again. <Silence on recording.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I've been with the Department of Archaeology for thirty-four years. I've never so much as been shortlisted for a leadership position. I've written a dozen monographs that nobody reads, I've supervised two dozen doctors who went on to exceed me at half my age, I've managed countless digsites that never meant anything to anyone, and… and I've never seen anything as perfect as this place. It has all the signs. You say there was nothing in those sarcophagi? I beg to differ. Salavey found something in the first, and I was meant to find something in the other. There were secrets, and some of them, they're still there. Waiting for us. This poisoned soil is rich with promise. This was the site to make my career, do you see? This was going to be my legacy. If I could understand this— (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Have you sneezed? (ARC) Dr. Kneller: What? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Have you sneezed? Since you've been down here? (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I don't— <Captain Cassidy draws her sidearm and points it at Dr. Kneller.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Have. You. Sneezed. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: No? I haven't sneezed. Not once. You can… you can check my camera feed, if you like. (COMM) Technician Gill: Or, you know, we can't, since the feeds go to cleanroomistan and we don't go there anymore. <The intercom activates.> (ENG) Technician Rizwana: I'm taking a look. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Have you been listening in this entire time? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Open that god-damn door! (ENG) Technician Rizwana: Sorry, no souls allowed in the clean room. Just us empty vessels. (HIST) Professor Booth: I don't believe your jest coheres to any of the schema proposed thus far. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Okay, well, upsetting as this revelation is— (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: You killed us, do you realize that? (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Hafiz, I'm— (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Twenty years on your projects, the best years of my life, and this is what it gets me? You think everyone here doesn't want to know what's going on with this place? You think we would have just turned and walked away? You didn't even… you didn't even ask if we wanted to stay! (ARC) Dr. Kneller: You think I didn't hear you talking about dynamiting the place? You lost faith in the work, and I lost faith in you. I'm sorry, but it's not like this wasn't partially your f— (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Wow, your penitent streak doesn't run far, does it? Feeling sorry for us couldn't keep you from feeling sorry for yourself for more than five minutes. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I will be judged for what I've done, but history will judge— (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Shut up. I'm clearing out one of Strand's closets, and I'm putting you in it. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: That seems a little… extreme? (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Does it, though? He could've killed us all. He's no engineer! (COMM) Technician Gill: And don't sell him short; he still could have killed us all. We haven't got an exit strategy yet. (HIST) Professor Booth: As upsetting as this revelation is… <Professor Booth nods at Dr. F. Quijano.> (HIST) Professor Booth: …it does rather throw a spanner in the works as well. If Dr. Kneller performed his act of… method faith without the benefit of an ancient curse, we are faced with the possibility that Chief Strand's moment of weakness was an isolated outburst. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: "Moment of weakness"?! (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Look. Until Overwatch says otherwise, I— (MTF) Captain Cassidy: You don't get to talk. As of this moment, I'm in command of the digsite. We're going to sit tight, stay in the camp, and wait for HARMA to show up with those D-class. They'll see the entrance is compromised, and dig us out. (ARC) Dr. Kneller: No, I'm afraid they rather won't. <Silence on recording.> (HIST) Professor Booth: Further revelations, Dr. Kneller? (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Nobody's coming. I told Overwatch to quarantine the skip, and not to come down until either they receive an all-clear or thirty days have passed. The extent of our rations, you understand. <Silence on recording.> <Many voices speaking at once, all audio unclear.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: I am sorry. Truly very sorry. (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: YOU SON OF A BITCH! <Quartermaster El-Amin shoves Dr. Kneller, who remains seated. He drops his monograph, and El-Amin looks down at it briefly: Yazidi Pilgrimage Sites, an Incremental Analysis by Gerhard F. Kneller.> (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: You stupid… (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Yes. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Everyone needs to calm down. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Yes, everyone except for me needs to calm down. <Captain Cassidy moves to the weapons locker, and removes a pump-action shotgun.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: I am trained in crowd control, you should know. <Dr. Kneller stands. He pushes his monograph beneath the bench he was sitting on with one shoe.> (ARC) Dr. Kneller: It doesn't matter who did what. It matters why. We all want the same thing right now: to find out what's going on in this tomb, how it works, and how we can protect ourselves from it. Learning the secrets and surviving the next four weeks, they're one and the same— <Captain Cassidy pumps the shotgun, and Dr. Kneller falls silent.> (HIST) Professor Booth: I've been quite upstaged, I admit, but the original purpose of this meeting remains sound. As my colleague says, we must understand wh— <Dr. Kneller sneezes.> (MTF) Agent Roussel: Captain! Shoot him! (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Nobody's shooting anyb— <Dr. Kneller cries out in pain and shock, reaching up to clutch at his forehead before toppling backward, striking his head on the edge of the bench with a loud cracking sound. There is blood and hair left on the bench as he strikes the stone floor next; the second cracking sound is significantly softer, and wetter. Captain Cassidy looks down at the shotgun in shock. She has not fired it.> (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: GERHARD! (ARC) Dr. Kneller: Somebody… say… gesund… <Dr. Lauwers rushes to Kneller's side with her first aid kit, and examines him.> (MED) Dr. Lauwers: …he's dead? (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: No! Why?! (MTF) Captain Cassidy: You gave him a fucking heart attack! (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: I gave him…?! You're the one with the goddamn shotgun! (MED) Dr. Lauwers: It wasn't a heart attack. He reached for his head, not his chest. I think he burst an aneurysm. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: After he sneezed. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: What? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I heard it too. He sneezed, before he screamed. (HIST) Professor Booth: Further evidence, I'm afraid. <Quartermaster El-Amin looks at Professor Booth with wide eyes.> (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Explain what that means. (HIST) Professor Booth: Dr. Kneller was not a young man. If whatever malign influence pervades this place was trying to enter into him at his moment of weakness, it may have been too much for his system. Shocked the poor fellow to death. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Doctor? (MED) Dr. Lauwers: You want me to perform a post-mortem demonic possession rejection test? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: We do actually have something like that, at Tactical Theology. Wish we'd brought one along. <Agent Panossian and Technician Da Costa return to the camp.> (MTF) Agent Panossian: What's going on? We heard shouting. (GEOPHYS) Technician Da Costa: Is that Kneller?! <Agent Panossian sneezes. He shakes his head, then sneezes again more forcefully, with intent.> <Silence on recording.> <Captain Cassidy strikes Agent Panossian with the butt of her weapon, and catches him as he falls unconscious.> Agent Panossian was sequestered in the medical room for monitoring. Dr. Lauwers induced a medical coma via her supply of soporifics, which she then administered to the majority of the team to allow them to sleep through the night. Technician Rizwana reported that Dr. Kneller's lapel camera footage showed no evidence of him having sneezed prior to that night's meeting; he further reported that he was now reviewing the footage for all other team members. The corpses of Agent Dobos and Dr. Kneller were removed to one of the dead end tunnels beyond the inner burial chamber. During the latter procedure, Technician Da Costa disappeared along with the control mechanisms for his drone. Captain Cassidy ordered that all future ventures into the tunnels utilize the 'buddy system' to prevent further disappearances. Only Professor Huff disregarded this admonishment; he took to wandering the tunnels alone, returning as the mood took him, largely unresponsive to attempts to engage him in conversation. <Professors Booth and Huff and Dr. Lauwers are sitting at the head of a folding table in the approximate centre of the camp. The remaining team members are arranged around the room, paying different degrees of attention to their speech.> (HIST) Professor Booth: What we are saying is that this concept of the humble sneeze as a trigger for calamity is not so outrageous as it might at first blush appear. What we are saying is, it's possible that the superstitions appertaining thereto were derived from this place, or places like it. Outposts of Daevic nasal warfare. (MED) Dr. Lauwers: And what I am saying is that this isn't particularly useful information. It's much more valuable to know why we sneeze, and how to stop it, than it is to waste our precious air floating theories we can't prove. (HIST) Professor Booth: Our medic doesn't seem to value your precious folklore very highly, does she, Reginald? I suspect you've something to say about that. <Professor Huff shrugs, and looks away.> (MED) Dr. Lauwers: Sneezing is a reflex action. A stimulus response. It's involuntary, but there are ways to both cause and prevent it, to a degree. You should avoid dramatic changes in both temperature and light level. Sudden flashes can be extremely dangerous, in terms of triggering a sneeze. (MTF) Agent Valenti: I know this came up before, but should we not be wearing masks? (MED) Dr. Lauwers: In any other context, I would say yes. But: the evidence suggests each sneeze represents a difficulty faced only by the sneezer, and airborne particulates do not come into it, and— (HIST) Professor Booth: It's deuced difficult to breathe down here already. (MED) Dr. Lauwers: Yes. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: And masks might prevent us from noticing when someone does sneeze. (MED) Dr. Lauwers: Also yes. Now, on to prevention: if you feel one coming on, use your tongue to tickle the roof of your mouth. Under normal circumstances I'd tell you not to suppress a sneeze, as that can cause serious damage, but if worse comes to worst it might be worthwhile to try simply plugging your nose. (HIST) Professor Booth: If the operative effect is something emerging from, or entering, the nasal passages, that might be true. But what of the expulsion of breath? It has to come out eventually, one way or another, and medieval Europeans believed… well, what did they believe, Reginald? <Professor Huff shrugs again.> (HIST) Professor Booth: …no matter. Where the sneeze is an indicator that something awry has occurred, is it so very helpful to prevent the outward sign? (HIST) Professor Huff: Is that why you keep putting your handkerchief over your face? So they can't tell if you've just sneezed, or not? <Silence on recording.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: He's got a point. I have my eye on you, Professor Gin and Tonic. (HIST) Professor Huff: If you're hoping to thin the competition in the arena of Daevite expertise, Inez dear, you should know that I thoroughly flunked Ontokinetic Civilizations on our Departmental Quals. Exploration of the tunnels continued in earnest as the need to discover an exit became more urgent. <Dr. F. Quijano and Captain Cassidy are moving along a dark stretch of tunnel. Captain Cassidy is placing small, round worklights on the wall as they progress.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: The idea that your heart stops when you sneeze dates back to the Renaissance. When we say "God bless you," we're actually speaking straight to the heart, as it were. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: I did not request this information. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Some people say it really started during the Black Death, but I don't know if I buy that. I've seen equally-good arguments for people becoming less and more religious during that period, as a result of trauma, and the cited sources are spotty at best. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: If I'm doing something to give you the impression— (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: For a time, the standard protocol was to perform the sign of the cross whenever you sneezed. Edict of Pope Gregory. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Doctor Quijano. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Sorry, but Booth's last meeting really got me thinking and we need to work this through. I wonder at a man so steeped in academic rigour as Kneller succumbing so completely to superstition, you know? He used his last moments on Earth to complain that nobody wished him good health — that's what Gesundheit means, in German. It's not particularly religious, just magical thinking, and— (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Religion is magical thinking. <Silence on recording.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: When you come up with the retort, do us both a favour and simply imagine my reaction. <Dr. M. Quijano and Agent Valenti are exploring an exceptionally dusty tunnel. Agent Valenti is forced to brush dust off the walls before affixing his worklights.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: I still worry that there might be some sort of local trigger for these phenomena that we don't know about. I really wish I could pick Huff's brain. (MTF) Agent Valenti: I saw him in one of these tunnels earlier today. He was staring at a blank wall. I asked him why he didn't at least go stare at something interesting, and he said "Nothing is interesting." (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: He's absolutely convinced that he has no soul, now. (MTF) Agent Valenti: I mean, so am I, but for different reasons. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Don't believe in them? (MTF) Agent Valenti: Yeah, not particularly. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Sensible. (MTF) Agent Valenti: Eh? Aren't you a pastor? (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Who keeps telling people we're pastors? In any case, don't give up on Huff. Don't give up on anybody. We keep muddling around, in our own ways, we're bound to stumble over a solution before too long. (MTF) Agent Valenti: Oh, for sure. I still like to think we'll make it out of this alright. <Agent Valenti smiles.> (MTF) Agent Valenti: After all, the cat sneezed. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: What? (MTF) Agent Valenti: It didn't come up at the meet, and I felt silly bringing it up, but. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Go on? <Agent Valenti appears to be embarrassed.> (MTF) Agent Valenti: Cats sneezing is good luck. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Absolutely… breathtaking. <Dr. Pleško and Agent Roussel are standing at the end of a tunnel branch, facing a large dead-end cavern completely filled with fossilized plant matter. A massive tangle of roots and gnarled trunks stretches from the floor to the distant ceiling, all of it coated with a thick layer of dust.> (MTF) Agent Roussel: What is it? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: It's… <Dr. Pleško pinches her nose.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: …wow, it's dusty in here. It's the remains of a small army of tree golems, agent. These are the 'hands' that worked our tunnels. They weren't human at all. I hope we get out of this, so I can get specimens back to my Site and take a look in proper lighting. <Agent Roussel removes a worklight from her pack.> (MTF) Agent Roussel: We can probably improve the lighting here, a little bit. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: No, don't— <Agent Roussel takes a few steps into the chamber, and places a worklight on the wall. It activates, illuminating the curtain of dust falling between them, disturbed by Agent Roussel's footsteps. The camera view is obscured.> <A loud exclamation follows.> <Silence on recording.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Wait— <Sounds of struggle.> <Muffled screams.> <One gunshot.> <Silence on recording.> <Video feed ends.> Dr. Pleško returned to camp with a dislocated arm and defensive wounds on her exposed skin. She stated that Agent Roussel had sneezed, then immediately attempted to strangle her. She had been forced to engage in violence to protect herself, eventually getting hold of the agent's firearm and discharging it. She was unsure whether her attacker had survived, having fled as soon as the shot was fired. Her lapel camera had been damaged during the altercation, and was now non-functional. Technician Gill was sent to recover the cameras on Dr. Kneller and Agent Dobos' corpses. They were found to be missing; Dr. Lauwers subsequently reported that Agent Panossian's camera had apparently been stolen as well. Captain Cassidy requested that Technician Rizwana emerge from the clean room to hand over his own camera; he declined to respond. Captain Cassidy then demanded the entire team hand in their lapel cameras, to be dispensed only when parties engaged in tunnel exploration. A hurried vote rejected this measure, and despite threats from Captain Cassidy it became apparent that the present status quo would continue. Dr. Pleško was forbidden to enter the tunnels without accompaniment by at least one member of the team equipped with a functioning lapel camera. She eagerly agreed to this stipulation, stating her fear that both Chief Strand and Agent Roussel were still at large. Captain Cassidy mandated that all cameras be kept in perfect working order and not tampered with in any way, insinuating that any mechanical failure would result in the immediate execution of its bearer. On routine inventory of the finds cabinet, Quartermaster El-Amin discovered that the Daevite cleaver and one ritual dagger were missing. On the afternoon of the fourth day, Dr. Lauwers called a team meeting. <All surviving and uncompromised team members are present save for Dr. Pleško and Agent Valenti, standing guard at the tunnels entrance, Dr. M. Quijano, using the washroom facilities, and Dr. F. Quijano, walking the inner chambers.> (MED) Dr. Lauwers: There are supplies missing from my kit, and from my stores. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: What kind of supplies? (MED) Dr. Lauwers: My soporifics, and the excitants I keep around for reversing the effect in emergencies. All of them. (COMM) Technician Gill: Great. Who needs sleep, right? Fantastic. <Dr. Lauwers gestures at a bench in the corner, where Agent Panossian is sleeping prone.> (MED) Dr. Lauwers: I won't be able to keep that one down for much longer, so I put him out in the open where we can all keep an eye. I'm worried, though. Why my syringes? What could someone be planning— <Dr. F. Quijano enters the camp.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I can't find my husband. <Captain Cassidy walks over to the clean room window, hammers on it with one fist, and points at Dr. F. Quijano while shouting.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Where's the other one of these? (ENG) Technician Rizwana: His camera's been pointed at the john door for the past ten minutes. He must be thinking real hard. <Captain Cassidy walks to the washroom partition, and knocks. There is no response.> (ENG) Technician Rizwana: I hear that on the feed, Captain. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Fuck. <Captain Cassidy removes a keycard from her belt, and swipes it in the partition's reader. The door opens, and she scans the interior.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Double fuck. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: He's not in there? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: He glued his camera to the wall. Must've done it while we were out exploring. How did you not see that, Rizwana? (ENG) Technician Rizwana: I've got all I can manage to monitor you lot for fucking sneezes when you're out strolling the sneeze factory floor, sir. (HIST) Professor Booth: I hesitate to ask, but is it possible he performed a Captain Oates? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: No. No. Absolutely n— <Dr. Lauwers sneezes. Everyone freezes.> (MED) Dr. Lauwers: Get back. <She dives for the medical partition.> (MED) Dr. Lauwers: STAY BACK! <She seals the door behind her. Captain Cassidy raises her keycard again, but Professor Booth places one hand on her sleeve.> (HIST) Professor Booth: She's a medical professional. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: She must think there's a physiological explanation for all this. (COMM) Technician Gill: She's quarantining herself. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: More like she's blockading herself in with all the medical supplies! <Silence on recording.> (MED) Dr. Lauwers: I've just opened and upturned everything we've stockpiled. I'm… I'm very sorry, but it was contaminated anyway and would only have lured you in. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Contaminated? With what? <Silence on recording.> (MED) Dr. Lauwers: When you're rescued, tell them… tell them to come with a full HAZMAT team. <Another sneeze is heard, from the assembled crowd. The team turns away from the medical partition, exchanging glances.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Alright, fess up. <Silence on recording.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Have it your way. <Captain Cassidy pumps her shotgun.> (COMM) Technician Gill: It was me. <Silence on recording.> (COMM) Technician Gill: I… am just going outside. Is that right? <Professor Booth nods. Technician Gill walks to the rear of the chamber.> (COMM) Technician Gill: I may be some time. <He heads for the tunnels, and does not look back.> The six team members remaining healthy and uncorrupted continued to explore the tunnels. Professor Huff now spent almost all of his time wandering, even failing to return to camp for lights-out on the fifth day. Captain Cassidy restrained Agent Panossian, and requested that Technician Rizwana inform her should the agent awaken while the camp was unattended. Rizwana agreed. Though the tunnels continued to stretch out beneath the marsh with no sign of an exit, Professor Booth and Agent Valenti did make one discovery during an outing on the sixth day. <Professor Booth is lecturing while Agent Valenti applies lights to the tunnel walls.> (HIST) Professor Booth: And then there's the matter of cross purposes. (MTF) Agent Valenti: Sure, go on. (HIST) Professor Booth: I haven't been able to think of a single agenda, besides chaos, which could explain all the actions undertaken by those possessed of the idea that they have become… possessed. They aren't acting towards any concerted goal. They've all been affected differently by whatever this effect may be. Poor Reginald hardly seems plagued at all; he's only moderately more morose than he was back at Cambridge. <Agent Valenti smiles sadly.> (MTF) Agent Valenti: Maybe ancestral spirits are like academics. (HIST) Professor Booth: How so? (MTF) Agent Valenti: They don't get along. <Professor Booth laughs.> (HIST) Professor Booth: I hadn't considered the unfairness of stereotyping the ancestors. That's more of an archaeology thing, isn't it? <Agent Valenti laughs, then stops abruptly.> (MTF) Agent Valenti: Do you smell that? <They turn the next bend in the tunnel cautiously, entering a small cavelet where they discover a vivisected corpse. It is naked, the clothing left in a ragged and bloody pile further down, and the skin is flayed from head to toe around a central cavity in the chest. Organs and veins are arranged on the stone floor in unfamiliar patterns suggestive of lettering, with the spaces between carefully linked by streaks of blackened blood.> <Agent Valenti immediately vomits. Professor Booth presses his handkerchief into his face, and observes the tableau for some time.> (HIST) Professor Booth: I suspect I am going to— <The Daevite cleaver discovered on the first day appears on Professor Booth's camera feed, slicing out of the darkness. It passes over Agent Valenti's head, as he is doubled over, but strikes Professor Booth a glancing blow which cannot be seen properly on either feed. He grunts in pain and stumbles as the cleaver finishes arcing into a pre-existing crack in the wall, dislodging a chunk of stone and precipitating a low rumble in the cave roof. Professor Booth slips, presumably on the viscera, and falls as the ceiling collapses.> All six team members were absent from the camp at this time, investigating the tunnels in pairs. Technician Rizwana reported the attack on Agent Valenti and Professor Booth via radio, though Captain Cassidy and Dr. F. Quijano had already heard the tremors and were on their way back to investigate. They found a solid rockfall, like the one blocking the entrance, where the missing pair had been exploring. They returned to the camp to find that Agent Panossian was also missing. <Captain Cassidy is hammering on the clean room window as Dr. F. Quijano double-checks the washroom partition.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: The fuck do you mean, you fell asleep?! (ENG) Technician Rizwana: Yeah, and it's not the first time. I've been staying awake as much as I can, in case you try something, and it's taking a god-damn toll. I get no peace except when I'm minding the store, alone. The way you're always waving that shotgun around— (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Like this? <Captain Cassidy presses the shotgun barrel against the glass. Technician Rizwana ducks.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: You had ONE FUCKING JOB! <She bangs her fist on the window again.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: ONE FUCKING JOB! <Dr. Pleško returns to the camp, out of breath.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Is the quartermaster back yet? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: He's not with you? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: We were separated. I think we were being chased. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: Checking the feed. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: I've had it about up to here with your fucking feed, Rizwana. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: Yeah, I'll just bet you have. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: What's that supposed to mean? <Quartermaster El-Amin appears in the doorway.> (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Where did you go? You just started running. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Did you seriously not hear…? Were you lagging behind for a reason? (LOG) Quartermaster El-Amin: Now what's that supposed to— (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Guys. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Is there some reason you wouldn't be afraid of what's lurking in the tunnels, QM? Do you know some— (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: GUYS! <Silence on recording.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: You smell it, right? <The team turn to face the medical partition.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Alright, new rule. I check the tunnels alone, and nobody else leaves this camp. Period. I come back, and you're not here, you graduate to my shoot-on-sight list. Captain Cassidy continued to place lights in the farther reaches of the tunnels, relaying map information back to Rizwana who agreed to keep track of comings and goings in the outer chamber. None were reported. The following morning, Captain Cassidy returned from an outing and called her remaining three team members to meeting. <Dr. F. Quijano is sitting calmly on a bench. Quartermaster El-Amin is standing at the doorway to the outer burial chamber, eyes fixed on Dr. Pleško, who is sitting on the floor and examining Dr. Kneller's copies of Dr. Salavey's notes. Captain Cassidy is standing in the centre of the room, bouncing on the balls of her feet.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: We're almost at the end. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Meaning you've found the way out? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: No, but at least one of you is on the way out. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Implying…? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: I took a few images with my PDA last night, and today. Tell me if any of this looks familiar, friends. <Captain Cassidy selects an image, and raises the PDA up so the group can see. It is the vivisected corpse discovered by Agent Valenti and Professor Booth, next to the fallen rocks.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: That would appear to be a dead person. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Eagle eyes. Anything else? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Nothing interesting. It's ritual, of course, but meaningless ritual so far as I can tell. Maybe Huff could've told us different, but who knows where he's gotten to. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Yeah, that's pretty much what he said you'd say. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: What? Who— (MTF) Captain Cassidy: This is Agent Roussel, doctor. I went back to check. <Silence on recording.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: And? Presumably she either died of the injuries I gave her, and Chief Strand hacked her dead body to pieces, or I missed my mark, and he did the entire job himself. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Doesn't look much like cleaver work to me. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: No, it doesn't, does it? This is cleaver work. <Captain Cassidy selects a second image, displaying a dismembered corpse. The limbs are hacked apart haphazardly and thrown about the tunnel floor, which is slick with blood and organ pulp and mulched entrails. Technician Da Costa's head is staring at the camera, upside-down between his left leg and right arm.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Oh, G— <Dr. F. Quijano clears her throat, and looks away.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Presumably I don't have to point out the discrepancy for you. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: So there's two killers, you're saying. Well, there's plenty of candidates to choose from. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Huff thinks he's lost his soul, and comes and goes as he pleases. Valenti, Booth, Panossian and Gill are all missing. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: So is your husband. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Shut your mouth. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: It's not Panossian. <She shows them a third image. This corpse is vivisected differently, the sigils in different shapes on the stone floor. It is barely recognizable as belonging to the missing agent.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: And it's not Gill, either. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: No. The fourth image shows Technician Gill, his chest cavity completely emptied of viscera now arranged on the stone floor in three separate iterations of the same sigil.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Tell me one more time that you don't recognize the significance of this. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I don't, I do not recognize the significance of this. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Well that's a damn shame. I guess it must make you feel pretty important though, being the only person left alive in this Daevite tomb who knows anything about the god-damn Daevites, right? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: What? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: It would be great if I could get a second opinion. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Let me see the images again, I don't— (MTF) Captain Cassidy: How about it, Professor Booth? <Captain Cassidy presses a button on the PDA screen. A recording begins to play, tinnily, from its speaker.> (HIST) Professor Booth: Nasty… nasty bits of work, aren't they. I almost thought I recognized the first one… when that cleaver came singing its song through the air, and through my arm… <He sounds exhausted.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Keep going. This is important. (HIST) Professor Booth: Yes, I daresay. The entrails in this first image are arranged in the form 'Botiáks'. Meaning 'a harvest'. Idiomatically in this context, we might infer a human sacrifice. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: And this one? (HIST) Professor Booth: 'Ṭao.' It means… well. <Professor Booth chuckles wetly.> (HIST) Professor Booth: It means 'A human sacrifice'. <Silence on recording.> (HIST) Professor Booth: They had oh so many ways to talk about human sacrifices, oh yes they did indeed. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Alright, just one more. (HIST) Professor Booth: 'Raex'. Venture a guess? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Some kind of human sacrifice? (HIST) Professor Booth: Yes. A human sacrifice with specifically religious intent. Our artist was possessed with the urgent need to be sure their message had been understood, I think. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: By who? (HIST) Professor Booth: By the Daevite pantheon, one imagines. As these are Daevite words. <Captain Cassidy stops the recording, places her phone in her pocket, and raises the shotgun to point it at Dr. Pleško.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Lie to me. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: This is how you want to spend your time down here? Dividing us into camps? Victimizing each other? Lord, how many times must you have sneezed already? (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Lie more directly, please. I haven't got all day. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I haven't killed anyone. Come on, how clichéd can you get? You're trying to frame the Daevite expert. Original! Anyone who spends that much time studying the evil empire has just got to already be evil, right? Who could doubt it? And all you need to convince is a Christian dupe and some idiot pencil-pusher, how hard can that be. One more sane, normal human being sacrificed to your demented ritual. <Dr. F. Quijano slips past Quartermaster El-Amin, still standing in the doorway, into the outer burial chamber.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Is this honestly all you've got? This is your entire defence? You failed three times in a row to recognize letters we know you know how to read. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I'm an academic, not a god-damn entrail scryer! (MTF) Captain Cassidy: You murdered Roussel, and you cut her body up into pieces, and you painted the floor with her guts to send a message to gods who've probably been dead for centuries. I'll bet it was you who sneezed, and you turned on her so she wouldn't tell. Did she damage your camera in the scuffle, or did you do that too, so you could come and go as you please? <The intercom activates.> (ENG) Technician Rizwana: That's rich, coming from you. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: I'm just about done with your shit, Rizwana. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: Well, my shit is completely done with you. I've finished looking over all the camera feeds. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: So? <Dr. F. Quijano quietly returns to the room, and walks towards her bunk. She retrieves her jacket, and puts it on.> (ENG) Technician Rizwana: The good Captain here turned her camera off just a few hours after we lost Agent Dobos and Chief Strand. Just for a second, when she was alone, and she turned it back on after. I don't think anyone else here even knows how to do that, must be a special cop trick. <Chief Cassidy pumps the shotgun.> (MTF) Captain Cassidy: If you're going to pick a side, Rizwana, you might want to pick the side that has a fucking scattergun. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: They outnumber you, and I'm behind a locked door. I like those odds, and you definitely turned that camera off when you realized you were about to sneeze. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Shut up. (ENG) Technician Rizwana: The blip was so miniscule, I wouldn't have even thought to check if I hadn't noticed your feed file was a few megabytes too light. And this was days ago, right? Almost a whole damn week. We've trusted you that entire time, and you've led us like sheep to the slaughter. (MTF) Captain Cassidy: Shut UP! <There is a sneeze from the door to the inner burial chamber. Captain Cassidy wheels on one heel, and fires the shotgun. Chief El-Amin's face absorbs most of the blast, and is shredded. He falls to the stone floor, the majority of his skull and brain matter remaining on the wall beside him in a dense splatter pattern.> <The cat, which was standing behind him, rears back and hisses in surprise. It sneezes again, then bolts into the black.> <Captain Cassidy stares into space for a moment, then pumps the shotgun again and turns to face the clean room door. She fires a blast into the locking mechanism, wincing at the sparks and backscatter which scores her body armour.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: We need to get out of here. <They escape the chamber past Chief El-Amin's remains. Dr. Pleško runs past the sarcophagus in the outer burial chamber, while Dr. F. Quijano lags behind until she is gone. A second shotgun blast, metal on metal, is audible as a hand rises up out of the sarcophagus. She seizes it, and pulls her husband up to a sitting position.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: How do you feel? (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Like somebody buried me alive. No… dead. Definitely dead. <Dr. F. Quijano peeks into the outer chamber just in time to see a burst of blood and gore strike the inside of the clean room window as the shotgun discharges for a fourth time. She turns away again and helps her husband climb groggily out of the sarcophagus.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: What's all the excitement? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: No time. Up! <She pulls his arm around her shoulders, and they hobble into the empty inner chamber, then the inner burial chamber with the collapsed second sarcophagus. The sound of Captain Cassidy re-pumping the shotgun is heard from behind them.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: I feel like I missed something. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: A few days, and a half-dozen meals. You'll cope. I used the last of Lauwers' excitants waking you back up, and it's probably going to hit you like a freight train in a few hours. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Why was I down? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Because I drugged you. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Drugged me. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: And buried you, too, like the kings of old. Like a God-damn Daeva. <Dr. F. Quijano laughs.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: …why? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Because I love you, Máx, and you can't sneeze in REM sleep. Medical fact. As they round the first corner in the tunnels, the shotgun discharges from far behind. Flakes of stone are chipped away from the wall and scatter on the floor, though the range is insufficient to do much damage.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Can you run? (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: I can stumble. <They hurry through the passages for approximately five minutes before footfalls become audible ahead. They stop, and listen.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Who's even left? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Pleško, Cassidy, Huff, maybe Booth. Everyone else, who knows. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Christ. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I hope he can hear you. <The footfalls stop, then suddenly grow louder. Dr. Pleško rounds the nearest corner; she is holding a pistol, and pointing it in front of her. When she sees the Drs. Quijano, she visibly relaxes and lowers her weapon.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Cassidy still back there, somewhere? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: She is, but I think we lost her. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Probably gone to get something nastier than a shotgun out of that weapons cabinet. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Or the finds cabinet. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: That, too. Amazing how sharp those daggers still are after all these years. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Isn't it? <Dr. Pleško sighs.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: There's almost nobody left, Fidelia. Don't you think it's about time we started to trust each other? (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Actually, that sounds like the worst possible time. For that. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Where'd you have him sta… staaaa… <Dr. Pleško sneezes.> <Silence on recording.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I'm really sorry. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Are you? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Of course I am. You think I like doing this? (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Doing what? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Killing and vivisecting people. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: I have missed something. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I only killed two of them. Gill was already mostly dead when I found him, that's why I got creative with the number of sigils. Strand had opened him all the way up, and it seemed a shame to let all that material go to… <Dr. Pleško suddenly turns her head and vomits, stepping back and raising the pistol higher as she does so.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Oh, god damn. I can't get used to this. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Then why are you doing it? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Because I have to. I'm not dying down here. You know who I've felt sorriest for, this whole time? Kneller. I can imagine being him. Being old, never having found anything nobody else has ever found, never knowing the secrets, never knowing what it all means. I could see myself in his shoes, twenty years from now, desperately clinging to every chance at a new dig like it's the last lifeline on Earth. But the only thing worse than living that long with nothing to show for it, is dying with nothing to show for it. The secrets are here, down here, just like he said. Like Salavey said. I'm going to find them, and I'm going to find the way out, and none of this horrorshow will have been pointless. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: None of that explains why you need to kill us. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: She explained her plans, and we know what she did. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: The others didn't, though. Right? So why? Why did you kill them, Pleško? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Because first of all, Cassidy was right. I've had myself a few solid sneezes so far. I have a wicked dust allergy, and this place is nothing but dust. I knew I'd sucked up too much running down this way, but I thought… <Dr. Pleško sighs.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I honestly did think I might be able to help you get out of here, and then it would just be Cassidy's word against mine, and you saw her shoot El-Amin. And probably Rizwana, I'm guessing? Yes? We could have walked away from this, we three, and they would have dumped her in a deep hole at Site-06. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: You could just… not do this. There's no reason to think it's accomplishing anything. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I disagree, and the risk is too great. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: What about the risk to your soul? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: If Huff was wrong, and I still had mine after we broke that damn sarcophagus, well, I sure as hell don't have it now. <Dr. Pleško spits in the dust.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: And I can't say I miss it all that much, to be perfectly honest. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: I'm sorry if I'm lacking necessary exposition here, but please: why do you need to kill someone, just because you sneezed? You don't sound insane. You sound… sad. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: I lied. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: When? (HIST) Dr. Pleško: When I said the ancient Daevites didn't have any superstitions about sneezing. I'm honestly surprised nobody, particularly Booth, called me on that. They had superstitions for everything, you know. Sneezing, to the ancient Daevites, meant that you were faced with a choice: sacrifice, or be sacrificed. Everyone else came down here with their extraneous cultural baggage, and I came down here with a crystal-clear set of instructions. I didn't want to believe it, I sure as hell didn't want to act on it, but when I saw the look on Roussel's face and knew she was about to pull the trigger on me… that one was easy. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: You came back to camp early, while Rizwana was asleep, dragged Panossian out and tore him apart. <Dr. Pleško reaches behind her back and produces one of the Daevite daggers. It gleams in the worklight glow.> (HIST) Dr. Pleško: That one was hard. He woke up, when I started cutting. I won't ever forget the sounds he made. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: You won't ever forget us, either. (HIST) Dr. Pleško: Which is much, much better than Kneller got, so in a way, you owe— <The tip of a ritual spear emerges from Dr. Pleško's left shoulder, covered in her blood. She stumbles forward, bringing the gun around clumsily as Professor Huff drives her back along the passage.> (HIST) Professor Huff: Run! <The Drs. Quijano run as Professor Huff shoves the spear away from him. Dr. Pleško falls to the ground, cursing. She brings the pistol up, and fires twice as her three opponents turn the next corner. One bullet embeds itself in the ceiling; it rumbles, and a cloud of dust falls down.> <Dr. Pleško sneezes again, and screams as the cave collapses on top of her.> <The survivors stare at the newest rockfall, thoroughly impassable. Professor Huff is hunched over, clutching his chest as though out of breath.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: No going back now. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: There's been no going back since Kneller blocked up the entrance, Máx. (HIST) Professor Huff: Oh, buck up. You're in the final stretch, no reason to lose faith now. <The Drs. Quijano stare at him.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: You're awfully chipper for a man who lost his soul. (HIST) Professor Huff: Yes, well, I got it back. <Silence on recording.> (HIST) Professor Huff: I remembered an old Belarusian saying about the meaning of sneezes, you see. Something very much pertinent to our present situation, another nugget of wisdom from Arciom of Sluck. He believed that outside of profane places, in a natural or sacred setting, sneezing is a way for one's soul, one's true soul to return to the body. Not to leave! Return. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: So you… (HIST) Professor Huff: So I walked as far as I could walk, to where the dust ended and the stench of dead, rotting things began to fill the stone passages, to where I almost swore I could hear the cries of distant birds, walked to the very edge of my endurance, and then… <Silence on recording.> (HIST) Professor Huff: Achoo, as it were. <He suddenly regards them suspiciously.> (HIST) Professor Huff: You haven't been sneezing yourselves, have you? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Wouldn't dream of it. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: If I have, it's been in my dreams. (HIST) Professor Huff: Good. Good. Well, I don't know how much farther you have to go, but I'm confident you'll make it. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Not you? (HIST) Professor Huff: No, I don't think so. I'm seventy-four years old, and I rather think I've been shot. <Professor Huff removes his hand from his chest to show what is clearly a gunshot wound in his stomach.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Oh, Professor, I am sorry. (HIST) Professor Huff: Reginald, please. My friends call me Reginald. And on that note… I will come with you a ways, and then we must part. <The three of them travel for just over half an hour before discovering Professor Booth, slumped against the cave wall. He is dead, apparently exsanguinated by a deep and ragged gash on his right arm and across his chest. He is smiling, his lapel camera caught between the fore and middle fingers of his right hand as though it were a carnation.> (HIST) Professor Huff: Take that with you, if you please. If I recall correctly, we're well past the feed range now, but… (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: There's six hours' flash memory on these things, for when that happens. (HIST) Professor Huff: Wonderful. I don't doubt he will have recorded something, at the end. He could hardly resist the temptation… Always a flair for the dramatic, no wonder the BBC lapped him up. <Dr. F. Quijano carefully disconnects the lapel camera and places it in her jacket pocket, which she then zips tight. Professor Huff sits down beside his colleague, and closes his eyes.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: We could be almost there, you know. You could still make it out. (HIST) Professor Huff: If we move at my pace, nobody makes it out. You two go, and I will stay for one final debate with Augustus. I daresay I will win, this time. <Professor Huff laughs hoarsely.> (HIST) Professor Huff: Head for the sun, and tell them what happened, would you? Or at least die trying. Publish or perish, as they say. <He says nothing more. After a moment, they leave him.> <They walk for over an hour in silence. The worklights on the wall appear brighter now, as though freshly-placed, but the tunnel air is becoming cleaner and the moisture level is increasing. The floor is gently sloping upwards.> <The cat appears from behind them, rushing forward, then looking back.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Don't you fucking sneeze. <Dr. F. Quijano laughs. As they pass the cat, it falls in step beside them.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: You think this little fellow is a problem? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Why would he be a problem? (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Well, he did sneeze. Three times? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: How would you even tell an evil cat, though? From a normal one? <Dr. M Quijano laughs.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Oh, Christ, I just figured it out. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: How to blaspheme? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I already figured that out, you just missed it. No, I… damn. I know what happened. Of course it would only dawn on me once we were far enough away. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: What? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: It was Huff who set me thinking about it, and then the cat. Thought he lost his soul by sneezing, moped about, then thought he got it back the same way. Came running to save our lives, like he'd gotten a second wind. So absolutely sure that old Arciom of Sluck came through for him in a pinch. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Right. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Now go back to the beginning. Rizwana thought he had to— (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: FUCK. <Dr. F. Quijano laughs.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: You get it. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: He thought he had to wash his hands after he sneezed, or something terrible would happen when he tried to lift the lid. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Poor Kneller thought you had to say gesundheit afterwards, or your health would fail. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Strand got demons in his head, and then… (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Got demons in his head. Precisely. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: It was a trap. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: A paranoia trap, and that's all it was. Opportunistic. Our shit luck that its first opportunity was something so utterly absurd. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: But what about Pleško? She was borderline sane. She was doing horrific things, but there was method in them, not madness. Why was she different? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Daevite expert. Anyone who spends that much time studying the evil empire has got to already be evil. <Dr. F. Quijano laughs.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Oh, right. You missed that part, too. The following excerpts depict salient detail from the final transmissions of Captain Cassidy's lapel camera. <Captain Cassidy reviews the camera feeds in the clean room. She occasionally turns to glance at the corpse of Technician Rizwana, revealing a gaping hole where his chest should be. She appears to briefly consider erasing her own camera feed history, aborting the ongoing recording, or reformatting the entire server, but she does not do any of these things. She maximizes the feeds from the Drs. Quijano, now only sporadically received and at a very low bitrate, and watches their escape from the tunnels until the signal is lost entirely.> <Captain Cassidy opens the sealed medical partition, revealing the corpse of Dr. Lauwers. It is covered in burst boils and pustules. She re-seals the partition, and hangs a biohazard sign on the door before departing.> <Captain Cassidy stands at the entrance to the tunnels, watching as the earliest worklights flicker into darkness one by one, truncating the illuminated portion of the passage ahead. A figure can be seen in the far-distant shadow, moving towards her at the edge of the dying light. The flickers reflect from something metallic held in the figure's hand.> <Captain Cassidy raises the shotgun, and the figure halts its advance.> <They remain in this position for just over twenty minutes before the figure departs. Captain Cassidy keeps the shotgun raised for a further four minutes before she begins to back away.> <Captain Cassidy enters the outer burial chamber, noting the discarded syringes on the floor and the control mechanism for Technician Rizwana's data-training RAISR device. She picks up the mechanism, and climbs up into the open sarcophagus. She lies down, and raises the shotgun to point it at the ceiling.> <Eleven minutes pass. Captain Cassidy lowers the shotgun, and raises the control device. She manipulates the controls, and the lid grinds slowly shut. When there is approximately sixty centimetres of open space at her feet, she lowers the controls and raises the shotgun toward the aperture again.> <Thirty-seven minutes pass. Captain Cassidy again lowers the shotgun, examines the controls, and slides the lid shut completely.> <The transmission signal is lost.> The Drs. Quijano (and the cat) reached the terminus of the tunnels in the early dawn of the eighth day. <There is lichen growing on the walls, which are again composed of the Makrana marble seen in the entrance descent. The switchbacks are becoming more regular as they ascend, and the distance between the worklights is farther apart.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: I think I can actually smell the swamp. <The Drs. pass the final worklight without noticing.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: And I can hear it. Getting warmer, too. You'd almost think it was around the next— <They turn the corner, and are suddenly confronted with unfiltered daylight as the sun dips below the upper edge of a stone cave mouth. They have emerged from the tunnels at sunset.> <Dr. M. Quijano blinks rapidly in the light.> <He sneezes.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: God bless you. <Silence on recording.> (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: Please tell me that's going to be enough. (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: It'll be enough. (THEO) Dr. M. Quijano: You're sure? (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: It will! <She kisses him.> (THEO) Dr. F. Quijano: Because we believe. SCP-7291, tunnel exit. The Drs. Quijano were extracted from the site just minutes after their emergence. Agent Valenti had escaped some twenty minutes prior via the same route, and hiked back toward the quarantine post at the main entrance until he was able to make radio contact. All three surviving team members were airlifted to hospital for emergency medical treatment, and quarantine. The cat was released to Dr. F. Quijano's custody subsequent to her debriefing. The reopening and recontainment of SCP-7291, primarily via remote manipulation, revealed the following additional items: the corpse of Chief Strand, expired from dehydration; the corpse of Professor Huff, expired from an infected gunshot wound; the corpse of Captain Cassidy, expired from suffocation; the corpse of Dr. Pleško, legs crushed by falling debris, expired from the apparently self-administered insertion of a Daevite ritual dagger into her thoracic cavity. Dr. F. Quijano was summoned for debriefing by Tactical Theology Department Head Dr. Yossarian Leiner at Reliquary Area-27 once sufficiently convalesced for intercontinental air travel. An excerpt of their meeting is presented below. <Dr. Leiner is seated behind his desk. Dr. F. Quijano is seated across from him.> Dr. Leiner: I trust Máximo is healing up well. Dr. F. Quijano: That chemical cocktail put one hell of a strain on his system, but it was certainly worth it. Dr. Leiner: Your vocabulary seems to have become more colourful in the interim. Dr. F. Quijano: I've seen the gradations of sacrilege up close and personal now, sir. The little things don't seem quite so terrible now. Dr. Leiner: I'm sorry you had to learn that way. Dr. F. Quijano: Me too, but I'm sorrier for the others. Dr. Leiner: So. A paranoia tomb. Dr. F. Quijano: That's right. Dr. Leiner: Ontokinetic. Dr. F. Quijano: Or imparting ontokinesis on those within, while within. One or the other. Affecting perceived reality, personality, and almost certainly probability as well. Drs. Kneller and Lauwers gave themselves medical conditions, and, well… Agent Valenti escaped those tunnels because he thought a sneezing cat was lucky. Dr. Leiner: That's almost offensively unlikely. Dr. F. Quijano: The entire thing is offensive. It's a direct assault on the concept of faith. Dr. Leiner: And other things. Dr. F. Quijano: And other things. Dr. Leiner: Reading your report, it seems Agent Panossian had the worst of it. Armenian tradition holds that a second sneeze negates the bad luck of the first. He likely would have been fine, since he obviously believed that and forced himself to sneeze twice instead of only once. Dr. F. Quijano: I think Dr. Lauwers takes the cake, sir, since she died of bubonic plague, probably just from remembering a schoolyard song. Dr. Leiner: A tissue, a tissue. Dr. F. Quijano: We all fall down. <Silence on recording.> Dr. F. Quijano: I am going to have a hard time living with this, sir. Fourteen people died because a few of them sneezed at inopportune moments, and we all just… generated sui generis a variegated mini-cult around the vague concept that sneezes were somehow obliterating our humanity. Sneezes. And it became true. Dr. Leiner: And now you understand our blanket policy against releasing the cause of death to family members. <Dr. F. Quijano shakes her head.> Dr. Leiner: One more loose end to tie up, though, I'm afraid. Dr. F. Quijano: Yes, sir? Dr. Leiner: How is it that you were the only one, the only one out of seventeen team members never to sneeze over the course of one week in a dusty tomb? <Dr. F. Quijano taps her nose.> Dr. F. Quijano: Because I can't. Nerve injury. <Dr. Leiner smiles.> Dr. Leiner: We reviewed Dr. Booth's last message, by the way. Thank you for recovering that. Dr. F. Quijano: It was the least we could do. For all of them. Dr. Leiner: I would like you to hear it all, eventually, but for now just a snippet will do. <Dr. Leiner presses a button on his workstation.> Professor Booth: Here at the end… I find my historian's instincts, my desire for circuitous closure drawing me back inexorably to the beginning. Barys Salavey. He left this place a man transformed, and that transformation took. Something was taken from him, and he never was able to retrieve it… or perhaps he received a gift he'd never known how much he needed. A purpose, inscrutable, revolutionary, destructive. A fire in the pit where his soul used to be. A fascination with the meaning behind his experiences in this… this tomb. My tomb, now. <Professor Booth laughs. His breathing becomes laboured.> Professor Booth: Oh. I am left with one last question: this side effect, this razor focus on the machinations of the ancient Daevites. I've seen it in my colleagues, as Kneller saw it in Salavey, growing inside them like the apple in the worm. Intended, or unintended? Was this really just a caltrop to break the bodies and minds of provincial interlopers, once the imperials had absconded back home with whatever treasure they could carry — not that they'd long to enjoy it, of course — or was there a more sinister purpose still to the curse they levied upon this stone? Did they hope to burn all comers, or… did they hope that some would be tempered by the flame? Barys Salavey, and his ineradicable obsession with a people we tried, we tried, we tried to strike from his memory, burned indelibly into his very soul where even amnestics could not reach, and nothing but satiation could salve. <He coughs for several seconds.> Professor Booth: Was it truly a mere accident? Or the point of the exercise entire? I, of course, will never know. I do hope someone will, and that they do not learn the hard way. <He sneezes.> <He chuckles.> Professor Booth: I think sometimes that it's really not so bad not to believe, not truly to believe, in anything much at all. Skepticism hath its reward. <Silence on recording.> Professor Booth: Though at the close of things, it would… be nice, I suppose, to… know… <Recording continues until flash storage is full. No further audio recorded.> Dr. Leiner: I hope he's at peace. Dr. F. Quijano: I hope they all are. Dr. Leiner: But do you think there's anything to it? Do you think he could be right? Dr. F. Quijano: I don't know. It's almost impossible to really judge the hearts and minds of an extinct people. We can't ask them questions, and we can only approximate their languages anyway. We don't even known how Latin was originally pronounced, you know? The Daevites and their Daevas might as well be aliens; in their case, the past is a foreign planet. They certainly couldn't have imagined our little… farce of sternutation. It seems a lot more to ask that they might not only have predicted, but actually intended, Salavey's fascination. Dr. Leiner: And Kneller's. And Pleško's. Dr. F. Quijano: Hmm. But what did it get them, if they did want it? One disgraced archaeologist who's never going to see the outside of a cell again, a bunch of dead researchers, techs and agents, and three healthy people who don't want to hear the word 'Daeva' or its derivatives ever again. Dr. Leiner: Plus a cat. Dr. F. Quijano: Yes, can't forget the cat. Dr. Leiner: Have you given it a name? Dr. F. Quijano: Yes. Gosa..Ancient Daevite. Idio.: "to sneeze." Lit.: "to huff." Addendum 7291-2, Further Incidents: On the day Dr. Leiner conducted his debriefing, Dr. Salavey escaped from Site-06 under suspicious circumstances. On the following day, before Dr. F. Quijano returned to Outpost-7291 to recover her husband, he vanished from medical care under equally suspicious circumstances. Two days after that, a fire at Site-76 destroyed multiple artifacts associated with the ancient Daevite Empire. The following letter was received at the Quijano residence in Valencia, Spain on 9 October 2022. Fidelia, I'm sorry. You won't understand, of course, and you'll take it very hard, b I am not sorry. I am aware, academically, that I should be; nevertheless, the capacity has quite gone out of me. Perhaps there's a part of me still capable of feeling regret, but I have left it far behind. Perhaps it's still screaming through those ever-darkening tunnels, waiting for the last of the worklights to flicker out, one soul among many in search of an empty vessel to fill. Or perhaps the man you married was simply obliterated in a burst of Belarusian sunlight. All I can say by way of comfort — and cold comfort will it be indeed — is that we're finally going to have what we lost so much, so very, very much, in our pursuit of. We're going to find out why the Daevites dug that tomb, why and how they did that terrible thing they did to it, and what they hoped thereby to achieve. We're going to find out in a way that does not require faith — which is good, because as you may only now be realizing, I have never had too very much of that. You wanted to believe that I did, and that was what I wanted as well; I knew how important your faith was to you, as important as you were to me, and if I could exaggerate my purely academic interest into a simulacrum of heartfelt belief, well then… where was the harm? Of course, we found out, didn't we. For your sake, I wish that blessing had worked. For your sake, I wish the shadow hadn't stretched out past the mouth of that cave to snatch me away from you when it seemed like all was finally well, when you thought it had been enough to stay resolute in the face of evil. When you were wrong. But you will have cause to rejoice, this I can promise you. Because Salavey and I, and others of like mind, we're going to get the answers that our absent friends died grasping at in blind-panicked futility. We're going to learn the secrets of the Daevas, in full. No conjecture, no theories, no piecing together abstract snippets of trivia. No more puppeteering the past. This time we're going straight to the source. We're going to ask them. — Máximo Addendum 7291-3, Update: Among the items previously thought destroyed, but now believed to have been stolen, is Site-76's copy of SCP-140. G is for "Grease" SCP ANTHOLOGY Hub H is for "Health" « SCP-7290 | SCP-7291 | SCP-7292 »
Canon Hub » From 120's Archives Hub / What a Wonderful World Hub » SCP-7292 close Info X More by this author Item #: SCP-7292 Object Class: Thaumiel Special Containment Procedures: To ensure that respective SCP-7292 hosts do not lose their Thaumiel properties, it is imperative that they are not informed of their anomalous nature. However, to ensure their operation continues, Foundation assets should not interfere with hosts themselves, instead focusing solely on containing any Veil-breaking phenomena they may produce. Due to the recent rapid and intentional weakening of the Veil as well as the agreement between the O5 Council and PoI-386-Prime, the Foundation should under no circumstance interfere with any SCP-7292 host operations, instead aiming to aid them where possible. Description: SCP-7292 is a poorly understood global phenomenon that affects every single selfless or kind act a conscious being is capable of undertaking. Whenever any sentient or sapient entity willingly acts out of pure altruism instead of any other gain-focused motives, through an accidental chain of relation, they inadvertently cause the weakening of hostile beings that feed upon any form of human suffering. SCP-7292 is capable of having its own hosts, which take the form of individuals1 that are the primary heralds of selfless values in their respective time period. It is unknown how many such hosts have existed throughout history, but current estimates place it at a number between 10 000 and 50 000. It is believed that SCP-7292 acted as mankind's primary and most effective defense mechanism against hostile deific entities prior to the formation of normalcy-guarding organizations for over 300 000 years. Addendum 7292-1: Abridged List of SCP-7292 Hosts Period of Operation Name Description Notes ~ 300 000-240 000 BCE PoI-001-B ("The Inventor") An ancient Fae goddess, sister and enemy to PoI-001-C ("Queen Mab").2 Heavily implied to be the "good" counterpart to Mab's rule over the Fae Empire, focusing her actions on aiding her people and improving their lives despite her sister's tyrannical rule. Died during the First Diaspora, the event that eventually led to Queen Mab's death and the fall of the Fae Empire. Singlehandedly allowed for the event to even occur, sacrificing herself for the cause of freedom. ~ 1800-1200 BCE GoI-691-ARC ("The Freemen") A rogue sect of Sarkicism that isolated itself from the faith's main current, believing that its actions following the rebellion that freed it from under the Deava Empire to be heavily unethical. Propagated cooperation between Mekhanites and Sarkites, attempting to aid those that chose working together over violence. Perished during the First Occult War while attempting to stop the conflict from occurring. Despite its failure at its primary goals, it is responsible for preventing significant portions of the damage and deaths the war would cause without their intervention. In the present day, the knowledge of GoI-691 is heavily censured by most Neo-Sarkic groups and individuals. ~ 270-343 Saint Nicolas A Catholic (GoI-194) and Eastern Orthodoxy (GoI-206) saint, primarily known for significantly helping those in need near him and around the world. Despite his death of natural causes in 343, the legacy of Saint Nicolas' character, Name, and values are still maintained to this day, and are often imitated by various organizations and individuals, both paranormal and nonanomalous. 1864-1868 GoI-491-ARC ("Peacewalkers") A humanitarian movement born at the beginning of the Sixth Occult War. Aided all wounded by the conflict, taking no part in the chaos that ensued because of the war, remaining a neutral party. Perished during the final battle of the War. Previous to its disappearance, however, it prevented as much as 56% of wounded as a result of the conflict from dying. Operating since at least 1870; ending threshold unknown "Kindness" An extremely poorly understood person, entity, metaphysical construct, or literary being, responsible for bringing several people around the world "the best end to their respective stories." The reports of "Kindness" and its actions have led several Foundation personnel to part their ways with the organization and join other Groups of Interest; interestingly, however, none of them pursued any violent operations against the Foundation or any other normalcy organizations, instead aiming to focus their lives on upholding the legacy of "Kindness." 1909-present day GoI-386 ("Dr. Wondertainment") A group of anomalous toymakers focused on bringing joy and magic into the otherwise sad and dull lives of children, passing down the title of Dr. Wondertainment to the successors of its founder, Chester Williams. Due to the ongoing degradation of the natural environment, current political systems around the world, and the Veil protocol as a whole and in spite of the Foundation's promise to stop intervening with its operations, it is continuously losing its magic, instead focusing on producing mundane products. N/A — See below. Addendum 7292-2 PoI-386-Prime-4 Interview ► Attempt to Retrieve Suppressed Data ◄ Data Retrieved. Welcome, Artificially Intelligent Conscript. Interviewed: Judy Papill ("Dr. Wondertainment") Interviewer: Abigail Hadfield ("O5-8") Foreword: Following the discovery of SCP-7292 and its Thaumiel properties, it was decided by a unanimous O5 Council that before another SCP-7292 host can be discovered, Dr. Wondertainment should not under any circumstances be allowed to go out of operation or lose its magic, as it would presumably result in the loss of significant protection against hostile entities. To discuss it, a private meeting between Judy Papill — the current holder of the title of Dr. Wondertainment — and O5-8 was held. <Begin Log> O5-8: Ms. Papill. Judy Papill: Abi. (Papill smiles. Upon hearing her name, O5-8 frowns slightly, before returning to normal moments later.) O5-8: I trust that you have been briefed by my colleagues regarding our recent… discovery of what your company can do and does to our world, yes? (Papill energetically nods.) Judy Papill: Yeah! (O5-8 appreciatively nods, too. She then reaches into her document folder, trying to hand Judy a few papers.) O5-8: Excellent. If you will forgive me for such rapidity in my actions, here are a few proposals we created together to make sure you continue pro— Judy Papill: Erm… what? (O5-8 squits her eyes patronizingly.) O5-8: Well, your organization is one of the primary shields against actual darkness out there, as you said you were aware. So, it would be only natural if we extended our agreements from simply idly allowing you to exist to active cooperation, would it not? (Papill laughs warmly.) Judy Papill: Ah, you don't get it. Your… well, your discovery doesn't really change much. (O5-8 scoffs.) O5-8: Pardon? You don't seem to understand— Judy Papill: You don't seem to understand. (Sighs, pausing briefly.) See, here's the thing, Miss Overseer. We cannot accept your proposal to literally get funded by someone like you. We just can't. O5-8: I'm sorry? Judy Papill: No, I'm sorry. I know… I know you mean well, but… ah. (Another pause.) Do you know what a selfless act is, Abigail? (Upon another notice of her name, O5-8 tightens her lips, forcing a polite smile onto them seconds later.) O5-8: Enlighten me. Judy Papill: It's… It's an expression of some deep desire not to gain anything, but to help someone just because you want to. Because you have to. Because it feels right. Me — and Wondertainment as a whole — have always been about that. About bringing smiles to people's faces. About breathing a little magic into their lives. About… kindness, for the sake of just kindness and nothing more. That's what we've been trying to always do. (Points at O5-8's documents) Not… whatever light-versus-dark voodoo magic crap you want us to do. O5-8: I… Judy Papill: It would just lose its point. O5-8: …'m not sure I follow. (Papill sighs.) Judy Papill: If you were to hire us — to somehow, I don't know, support us with your money or spread our words through your ways or whatever, just to allow your 7292 to exist instead for just the sake of it — it would… it would no longer work. Because it wouldn't be about the smiles of children or love or kindness anymore. It would become a calculated, cold shield. It just wouldn't be the same. (Pause.) Judy Papill: Which means we would become useless to your cause. (Another pause. O5-8 blinks thrice, sighs, and massages her temple. She throws her hands in the air.) O5-8: So we are at a crossroad, are we not? Either allow you to do your thing and have no guarantee you even will remain as a protective figure or try to ensure it and risk losing everything until your inheritor comes along? (Judy nods sadly.) Judy Papill: I'm afraid so. (O5-8 sighs again, leaning back into her chair and crossing her arms.) O5-8: So what the hell are we supposed to do? (Papill's eyes suddenly flicker with excitement.) Judy Papill: I'm glad you asked! (She grabs her own bag and starts to rummage through it, eventually grabbing some purple paper and her pen. She clicks it.) Judy Papill: I've got a few ideas to begin with! <End Log> Afterword: Following the above meeting taking place and Judy Papill sharing her proposals with O5-8, the Overseer retreated back to Site-01, wherein she and the rest of the O5 Council proceeded to discuss them and their implementation to allow SCP-7292 to persist in a controlled manner, without neutralizing the anomaly. UPDATE: Two weeks following the meeting taking place, the O5 Council unanimously decided to amnesticise itself entirely regarding its contents, leaving only the document describing their final decision in the SCP-7292 matter intact. Without understanding its context, the entire Council signed it, officially allowing it to pass into motion. Below attached is an excerpt from its copy. […] Proposal: Without any outside need to, organize a Foundation-wide festival focused solely on granting its personnel proper relief from work stress, giving them time to socialize with their colleagues. Allow friendly Groups of Interest and anomalous individuals to attend as well, treating them the same as standard Foundation employees. […] Five days later, the festival was carried out at Site-120 with the help of Site-55 and Wonder WorldTM personnel, chosen for its previous usage as an integration center. It had gone without any incidents or other issues, gaining its intended results even more than expected. Noteworthy is the fact that Judy Papill, Faeowynn Wilson, and other external individuals attended en-masse, similarly causing no trouble. Curiously, however, the festival had one unexpected result: following its finalization, Foundation oracles and farseers stated seeing two possible futures: one, in which the Foundation itself becomes a new host for SCP-7292 in the very far future, or a second one, wherein the Foundation causes SCP-7292's neutralization. The significance of this, if any, remains unknown. The Site-120 festival has been renewed for a second year, with plans forming for it to become an annual event. The organization of further events similar to this is currently ongoing. Footnotes 1. Or groups thereof. 2. An ancient and near-infinitely powerful Fae reality bender monarch that ruled the Earth as the queen of the Fae Empire approximately 300 000 years ago. 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Item#: 7294 Level4 Containment Class: N/A Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: N/A Risk Class: N/A link to memo Special Containment Procedures: The SCP-7294 slot is to remain unallocated. This designation is not to be assigned to future SCPs. All personnel below the clearance Level of 4 are to be denied access to this file and are to be made aware that there is no SCP object in the Foundation's database that is assigned to the number in question. All information contained in this document is objectively true. Personnel are strictly forbidden from attempting to disprove or deny any of the information contained in this file. Readers of this document are required to not pay any significant attention to the underlined information, as sentences highlighted in such a manner are objectively true and do not require the reader's attention. Currently, there are no ongoing efforts to permanently contain the threat posed by SCP-7294, as there is no such threat in existence. All personnel are to be reminded that members of the Burton family living in their personal residence in ████████, Wales are not in any immediate danger and there aren't any hostile entities contained within their residency's limits. For this reason, there are to be no ongoing efforts to find a way to safely evacuate the family's members from their home without triggering an aggressive reaction from SCP-7294. Description: As of the writing of this document, there is no anomalous item in the Foundation's database that is assigned to the slot of SCP-7294. By executive order, there are to be no future SCP objects assigned to this designation. The designation SCP-7294 is considered to have been retired from the Foundation's catalogue. Given that all information provided above is factually correct, it would be safe to say that: SCP-7294 is NOT an infohazardous entity that currently resides within a relatively large village house in rural ████████, Wales, United Kingdom. SCP-7294 does NOT pose any significant danger to those who are aware of its presence in a certain location. SCP-7294 does NOT show hostile behavior against subjects who make verbal remarks or undertake actions that clarify as acknowledging its presence in a certain location or its general existence. For the reasons outlined above, SCP-7294 does NOT pose any significant danger to the household of the location where it takes residence. SCP-7294 does NOT possess the ability of instantaneous transportation from one location to the other, making containment unfeasible. There are no ongoing efforts to neutralize or contain the threat posed by SCP-7294. Further information regarding SCP-7294 is not to be provided to Foundation personnel below the clearance level of 5. Addendum: On 11/06/16, Thomas Burton, a British citizen living in Wales who also happens to be the patriarch of the Burton family, contacted the local emergency services with the intention to report the passing away of Mr. Burton's mother Sophia Burton from a suddenly arising heart complication. Upon the emergency services' arrival, Mrs. Burton was found lying deceased on the ground, having expired from a cardiac arrest. After three of the medical staff were killed due to obscure factors, Foundation Mobile Task Force Eta-10 was alerted and dispatched to ensure the safety of the Burton family. The subsequent recovery operation was deemed a failure. It appeared that any attempt to relocate members of the Burton family to a new residency also DID NOT qualify as acknowledging the existence of SCP-7294, as there is no such entity or item in existence. Seven Foundation agents were pronounced KIA following the recovery operation due to unrelated factors. Amnestics were administered to all civilian witnesses except for members of the Burton family who were all promoted to the status of Class E Foundation agents. + INCIDENT LOG 7294-03 / LEVEL 5 CLEARANCE REQUIRED - ACCESS GRANTED / CODENAME: BREAKFAST Excerpt from surveillance footage recovered from the Burton Residency on 01/03/17 [BEGIN LOG AT 8:30] <8:30> Thomas Burton (46) wakes up from their sleep in their personal bedroom. They look to their right to see that there is no one standing next to the foot of the bed, observing them. Mr. Burton gently wakes up their wife, Elizabeth (45), for breakfast. <8:31> Elizabeth Burton wakes up. Both Mr. and Mrs. Burton are visibly worried for obscure reasons. They get out of bed to awake their two children: Matilda (8) and Alex (17) Burton. There is no one else visible on the security footage who is following the couple to their children's bedroom. <8:33> Matilda and Alex wake up to see their mother, father and no one else standing in front of them. They too both become extremely worried like their parents for apparently no reason. <8:35> The family moves downstairs as no one else follows them. They begin making preparations as no one else observes. <8:37> Mrs. Burton grabs both of her children by the arms and gestures to them to be quiet. No one seems to be slightly bothered by this. <8:40> The family sit at the breakfast table and begin eating. Mrs. Burton has prepared eggs with ham for breakfast. The eggs are well cooked, yet, no member of the family seems to be enjoying the meal. No one can be seen standing behind Matilda, silently watching them as they eat. <8:45> Matilda becomes slightly distressed. This is thought to be unrelated to the fact that there may be something standing behind them who now has its hand on the girl's right shoulder. The rest of the family also becomes visibly distressed. <8:46> Mrs. Burton gestures to Matilda to be quiet. Matilda proceeds to slowly pick up a spoon resting on the table and lift it up, as if they are trying to use the spoon's reflective surface to observe an entity standing behind them. <8:48> There is nothing standing behind Matilda. Despite this, they begin progressively getting more and more distressed. <8:49> Mr. Burton panicks and attempts to slowly reach out to Matilda and make them place the spoon down. Matilda cannot contain their fear any longer, and they let out a brief scream which is cut short by them expiring. There is no factor visible in the room which could have possibly caused Matilda's death. For this reason, Matilda is presumed to have died from natural causes. <8:50> The family is visibly devastated about their youngest member's untimely death. However, they try very hard not to react to Matilda's death in any extreme manner as it is breakfast time, and any properly functioning family would hate to ruin such an important moment of the day. <9:13> The family finishes their breakfast during which Mrs. Burton tells a short story about the late Sophia Burton; and how she wishes to have paid more attention to and spent more time with her. Other family members also express great regret about ignoring and not caring about Sophia when she was alive. No one else except the Burton family is in the room, and they appear to be satisfied. Later that day, the family buries Matilda in the backyard of the family's house. The entirety of the Burton family along with six members of the Foundation surveillance team present around the area attend the funeral during which Mr. Burton delivers an emotional speech about his memories with his late daughter. They burst into tears halfway through the speech, and have to be comforted by family members. No one else is also among the attendees. The rest of the day continues as usual. [END LOG AT 00:00] « SCP-7293 | SCP-7294 | SCP-7295 »
Item#: 7295 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: {$secondary-class} Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: Staff assigned to SCP-7295 must check regularly that no power is being fed to SCP-7295-1. Due to an increase in unexplained power surges, staff patrols have increased from once every day to once every hour. All personnel with international access to SCP-7295 have been advised to never press the 4th floor button. Rescue teams will not be sent for you. Description: SCP-7295 presently takes the form of a decrepit elevator housed within a condemned building (now designed as SCP-7295-1) 10 miles outside of Fort Worth, Texas. The interior of SCP-7295 appears heavily used with scuffs and dirt covering the walls and floor. A wide selection of music plays over the entity's audio system, however, they are often distorted beyond recognition. Despite this, three songs have been identified. Two pieces are believed to be from the theatrical production “Mr. Blue Beard”, and the third appears to be an adaptation of “Hurrian Hymn #6”. While staff are currently working on ways to identify other pieces, the distortion has slowed progress. Attempts have been made to fix this maintenance issue but nothing has yielded results. The buttons of the elevator display options for floors 1-4. Under no circumstances should staff press the 4th floor button. At the bottom of the control panel are a 'door control' button and a help button. The 'door control' button works as intended but the help button behaves strangely. The help button will usually fail to work when pressed. However, in approximately 10% of uses the music will stop, and a woman's voice will recite a statement instead. The statements made by this voice are recorded in the addendum below. Discovery: SCP-7295 was first discovered when a group of city inspectors became trapped within SCP-7295 and pressed the help button. They unknowingly triggered Story Iteration 5 and upon leaving through the shaft, notified authorities. Their report pinged a Foundation AI alerting the nearby site of the anomaly. As the building was abandoned and scheduled for demolition, acquisition proved simple. Addendum 7295-A: Elevator Transcript: The previously-stated statements consist of five stories, apparently chosen at random STORY ITERATION ONE How many stories do you think start with the phrase "Once upon a time"? There must be millions, maybe even billions of universes stuck underneath the crushing weight of those words. Very well. Once upon a time. I was a woman living in a horrible, decrepit, three-story apartment. The walls cracked under the force of time and a half-assed paint job only barely covered the dark spots in the ceiling. Each morning I woke to the smell of mildew fighting a losing battle against my empty whisky bottles. This was my life. One I now dearly miss. You might find my description of this place repulsive and you'd be 100% right. It was a real piece of shit. In all likelihood it would only be a few more months 'til the only thing coming through the doors were wrecking balls and sledgehammers. There was little about this place I could describe as interesting or unique. There was one thing, however. I lived on the 3rd floor, the very top floor of the building. I knew it's the top because I often used the emergency exit outside my bedroom window to climb on the roof and smoke. There are only 3 floors in the building, that's an absolute fact. Yet, the elevator contained a button for a 4th floor. This wasn't exactly a reality-breaking detail, there could be a thousand reasons why that button was there. Maybe they originally planned for the building to be four floors? Maybe it was cheaper to buy an elevator with that button? Maybe it takes you to the roof? So the existence of the button wasn't exactly that big of a deal. However, anytime I took the thing I couldn't help but stare at it in curiosity. A nagging itch clawed itself into the back of my brain and imprinted the question in my mind. What would happen if I pushed it? For years I was able to suppress this urge and lived my shitty life completely fine being oblivious on all subjects floor 4. I don't know what it was that made that day special, after all, it started like any other. I awoke to find the smell of whiskey won the aroma battle today. I threw on a shirt and shorts I found on the floor before starting my very busy day with such difficult tasks, like rewatching Parks and Rec while eating cereal for lunch. My plans were thwarted when my milk failed the sniff test, forcing me to venture out to the local corner store. I threw on a jacket as it was the middle of winter and stepped into the dimly lit hallway of my apartment. The floors groaned as I made my way down, passing the many empty rooms. This was a dying community. In fact, I had no proof anyone besides even lived here anymore. I saw one old lady when I first moved in but she moved out years ago. She told me the owners were put under a lot of pressure back in the day for not helping in a missing persons search, and a lot of people left as a result. So there I was, the only soul in this empty husk. I stepped into the shaking elevator and reached to press the 1st-floor button. My hand stopped as my eyes locked onto the 4th-floor button. I barely even thought about it, I simply shrugged and pressed that fucking button. The doors shut and that was that. I leaned against the back elevator wall and stared at the floor as I waited for a response. The metal box was still for a long while before I felt it shift and start to rise, much to my surprise. My brain immediately made the connection that it must be going to the roof. I pulled out my phone and waited for it to stop so I could head to the ground floor. After a strangely long stretch of time, the doors opened and my eyes left my screen to see the night sky. I was frozen for a long while as I studied the outside scenery, my brain trying desperately to understand what exactly was happening. The first very wrong thing I noticed was that it was night. I just woke up and one look at my phone told me that it was still only 11:24 am. Yet somehow, the moon hung in the sky all the same. There was also the fact that the elevator seemed to open up to solid ground. It was knee-high grass that stretched forward for a long while before hitting a treeline. In the distance I could just barely see a dirt road. Something about this place felt familiar. I stepped out cautiously as if something out there would make anything about this scenario make sense. After a few moments of seeing nothing I stepped out completely. This was definitely the ground. I started to feel panic rise in my throat as any attempts at a rational explanation began to fall away. The elevator appeared as if it had sprouted straight out of the dirt and opened into someone's cow pasture. It stood as a silver monolith in the sea of grass. My investigation of the area was taking me further from the elevator that I intended. In the distance, I could see a building, a simple gas station planted a few hundred yards downhill from me. It stood guard over an empty intersection lit by a flickering light post. Somehow, I felt like I knew this place. I heard a ding and turned to see the elevator doors shut. A thousand thoughts flood through my mind in a wave of panic that hit like a truck. It's honestly incredible how fast a human can grasp the gravity of a situation like this because instantly I was panicking and banging on the door. The box shifted and shook for a moment before it began to move. The machine was sinking into the earth. I slammed my shoulder into the glass and pulled fruitlessly at its edges to stop it but it made no difference. Before long the elevator sunk into the ground and the grass flowed over the top like water over a stone. The place was silent and still. It was the kind of stillness that makes you wonder if everyone on earth had suddenly vanished. I stayed there on my knees for a long while, staring at the ground as tears continued to burn my cheeks. The entire trip since getting into the elevator had managed to break any perception I had of reality before stranding me here. The moon shined a silver glow on my back as I came to terms with my current situation. I was stuck here. Wherever here was. I don't know how long I sat there before hearing it. Across the field, the dinging of the elevator echoed with the might of a gunshot. My head immediately snapped in that direction to see its silver frame in the middle of the intersection, right next to the gas station. With renewed enthusiasm, I stood and started walking. My steps made crunches over the dry grass as I made my way to the dirt road. Wind gently blew through the field, making it shift and writhe like a living thing. The aroma of manure told me this was definitely a cow pasture, somehow I knew that before. That being said there wasn't a cow in sight. There was a barn up the hill and piles of hay for them to eat but not a single cow. I eventually came to a barbwire fence and climbed over it expertly, tapping into my years of being a kid in the country. The cracking of leaves beneath my feet changed to the crunch of gravel as I stepped on the dirt road. It looked like the rocks making up its surface had been spread recently as they still held a white powder and lacked many tire impressions indicating use. The elevator grew closer and closer. My eyes never left its face as I feared looking away for even a moment would send it scurrying away again. Now that I traveled on the road I felt even more certain I had been here before. The layout of the trees and surrounding structures sent signals throughout my brain triggering my nostalgia. The only issue was that I couldn't find a single memory in my head putting me on this road. That is, till I saw the truck. My journey eventually led me to the gas station where a handful of cars sat parked in the driveway, one of which I recognized. A green truck rested two spots from the front door. The truck was old and had a heavy coat of dirt over its surface. On the back window were neat letters spelling out the words 'wash me'. That was my dad's old truck. He had it when I was really young and used it anytime the family was heading to church. I even remember writing the words 'wash me' on the back window. The elevator lost my attention for a moment as I walked to the gas station. The windows were dark but I could hear voices inside. There was the sound of dishes clattering and laughter. I felt a warm glow in my chest as I got closer and closer to the glass door. The smell of good, home-cooked brisket filled my nose causing a small smile to cross my lips. I did know this place. It wasn't a gas station, it was a diner repurposed from a gas station. The ancient pumps still stood tall under the overhang but they had run dry long ago. My dad took me and my mom here every Sunday after church to get the Sunday special. Brisket with mashed potatoes and gravy. My mouth watered at the memory as the smell grew stronger. There was a time I considered that my favorite food. I ate it every Sunday with a can of Dr. Pepper while Family Feud played in the background. Before I knew it I was at the door. The voices grew louder and laughed hysterically as Steve Harvey's voice spoke under the screams of his audience. My hand touched the door and pulled it open causing the bell above the door to jingle. The inside was dark and empty. Every voice had cut out the moment the door had opened leaving only Steve Harvey to fill the silence. I stepped inside, letting the door swing shut behind me. The dust-covered floor felt like snow under my boot as I took in the surroundings. Just like the pasture this place was set up for the presence of people only to be completely devoid of life. Plates sat full of steaming food at every table along with different drinks and sides. At the very end of the bar were three plates of brisket, one of which sat next to a can of Dr. Pepper. The bar stool was cracks and I felt it poke me as I sat, my eyes fixed on the plate. Slowly, I picked up a fork and cut off a piece of meat. I studied it closely before lifting it to my mouth and biting off a corner. It tasted just as I remembered. "Okay Martha," Steve said over the box television's speaker, "We asked a hundred single men: Who is our lovely new guest?" That question felt odd. My eyes lifted up to the screen as the woman whispered with her family before answering, "We're going to go with Dawn Owens, Steve." My heart sank to the bottom of my chest. My name is Dawn Owens. Steven pointed at the screen which only had one available slot, "Dawn Owens!" The iconic correct sound went off before showing my name on the board. The camera hard cut to Steve who stared at me. He didn't stare at the camera. He stared at me. "We got a great show for you tonight, Dawn! We're going to have buckets of fun living out your favorite moments. I know for a fact I can't wait to see where this leads you. Am I the only one, everybody?" The crowd cheered as I jumped to my feet and ran to the door which didn't open as I pushed. I remember it would so this sometimes. You had to hold the door at just the right angle for it to open. The crowd laughed as Steve Harvey called out to me, "You running away, Dawn? Where you gonna go? I live in the space between every pixel and the static of every radio. There's nowhere you'll go I won't follow!" I finally got the angle right and shoved the door open, "She finally got it, everybody! Give'er a big hand!" Iron radiated from the back of my throat as I ran for the elevator. No matter how far I ran I could still hear the fucking crowd. It circled my skull and bit into my ears as tears streamed down my face. I don't even know why I was crying, everything was just so impossible that my body felt it had to or go mad. I finally ran through the open elevator door and pressed the 3rd-floor button. Nothing happened. I pressed every other button only for nothing to happen. The elevator speaker buzzed to life as a man's voice whispered through the static. "You can only go up from here, kid." I balled my fist and relented, pressing the button I had been neglecting. The 4th floor button. The doors shut and I watched the elevator rise. Through the window I watched us pass endless space. I am infinite sea of black nothingness so empty it felt as if it was pulling away my very mind. I fell against the wall and wept. "What is this place?" Note: Following this story iteration, an investigation was conducted into both the mentioned missing person's case and the owners of the property. Very little was discovered involving the missing person and even less regarding the owners. In fact, there is not a single piece of documentation suggesting the building exists at all. It is unknown if this is due to SCP-7295 or the poor record keeping of the town. STORY ITERATION TWO I rode the elevator for what felt like an eternity. A billion thoughts flooded my mind as we rose higher and higher, the elevator music playing all the while. After some deep breaths and even more crying I was able to get myself calm enough to think. Okay. This was clearly something far beyond my understanding. I needed a breather and a moment to decide what I DID understand. What did I know? I knew I was in a Willy Wonka elevator crashing through a void and my childhood home. I knew I was completely and utterly out of my depth. And I knew Steve Harvey was somehow able to see me through a television. God, I sounded fucking insane. Maybe that was a better option. Maybe I had lost my sanity and was currently wandering the streets of the city rambling incoherently. I'd have liked that better than having this be my reality. My thoughts were cut off by the dinging of the elevator as the doors screeched open. This time the sun shone brightly on an asphalt street and cookie cutter houses sat at its borders. This was another place I recognized well. My family were proud residents of the Pine Curtain for years before having to move for work. Dad had gotten a shiny new job that allowed us to live in a fancy house far better than our old one. I sat and stared at the scene outside. I didn't want to move. The elevator music cut out as the man's voice spoke again, "It won't move till you leave. Best to not keep it waiting." I looked at the speaker in the corner of the ceiling, "Who are you? What is this place?" There was no answer. Wouldn't really matter if there was one anyway because he was right, sitting here wasn't progressing whatever this was. I had to go off what I knew and at that moment I knew moving forward got me somewhere. I stood and stepped out of the elevator which immediately shut and sunk into the road. The sky was a clear blue without a single cloud. Heat from the sun graced me with just enough warmth to be comfortable. It felt peaceful and cozy, like a fireplace was burning in my chest. I felt overwhelming peace as the scenery around me took me back to my childhood. I had to be at least twelve or thirteen at this point and the prospect of going somewhere new had really appealed to my sense of adventure. If that desire for adventure still lived in my body now it would probably be secretly thrilled about all this. My feet were the only sound I could hear as the street snaked to the left toward a park. The trip home had been tattooed in my brain even all these years later. I walked the road from my bus stop every day until I eventually graduated. If there was a place I could call home it was this city and this house. Number 768. I stood before the oak door and stared at those golden numbers. How many times had I stared at them feeling absolutely nothing? Had to have been thousands. The home security buzzed announcing my presence. I heard the clatter of dice and my parents laughing. It must have been Friday, we always had a game night that day and while my parents were meant to wait for me they often played a few games without my presence or consent. Over their voices a movie played over the television, by the sound of it I had to guess it was Jurassic Park. My father's favorite 'dad movie' by far and I had seen it enough times to quote it from memory. Muscle memory pulled me through the door and tossed my shoes to the side. The place felt different, I thought it was bigger. I walked down the hall following the voices to the living room which immediately died upon me entering. The room was now empty and dark, like the sources of the noise had ran the moment I walked in. The only sound now was Dr. Sattler talking about the symptoms of an ill triceratops. I crossed the room and looked down at the coffee table where a Monopoly game sat half-played. The pieces on board were the top hat and the car. "Nice place," Laura Dern said from the television. I spun around to see her sitting in a green field, her eyes locked on me. I turned to run but hesitated, in all honesty I'm not sure why. Even now I couldn't tell you what forced my feet still. "Wait," she said through the speakers, "Don't run again. I didn't mean to scare you. I just got a little excited last time." I don't know why but I listened and turned to the television, "You were Steve Harvey?" She chuckled, "Well I wasn't actually him. Just like I'm not actually Dr. Sattler." "Well then who are you?" "A friend. You won't get many of those here so you better cherish me." I nodded, "Okay friend, what is this place?" "Well, it looks like your childhood home." "Yeah, so why did my fucking elevator bring me here?” "Do you expect me to have an answer? I'm as trapped as you. But don't worry, it's your lucky day because I know a way out. Just keep riding the elevator and you'll eventually get spit back out right where it found you." Okay, I could work with that. I just needed to keep pushing forward. I moved to the coffee table and picked up a stray piece placed on the side. The thimble. My piece. I stared at it with a smile. "Happy family," the television said with a smile, "shame how things turned out." My head snapped to her immediately, "What did you say?" I didn't even let it respond before I picked up the remote and aimed it at the screen. "No wait," it cried out before I pressed the power button and only saw myself in the television. The remote fell onto the floor but my thimble stayed in my grip as I continued exploring the house. It was exactly how I remember it any Friday afternoon. Brownies baked in the oven, music played over Dad's record player, and Mom's candles infested my nose with feelings of home. I walked the halls, looking at our family photos, my throat tightening a bit. At a young age, the only thing I ever wanted was to move out but here I was as an adult yearning for the good ole days. At some point it dawned on me that I hadn't moved in a while and I was starring at a picture of me and another young girl. My hand reached out on its own to touch its glass face. There wasn't a spec of dust on it. Odd. We never really focused on dusting. Eventually, I made it to my room and pushed it open to see the explosion of pink colors and Hello Kitty merch. I always acted like I was embarrassed about my Hello Kitty phase but in reality, I never even grew out of it. I picked my plushie of her and crossed the room to my window. The best part about living here was that my room overlooked the park across the street which often had a host of ducks doing silly duck things. Today, however, it seemed empty apart from an elevator floating on the still water. I stared at the shore as flashes of memories crossed my mind. I smiled. The home security speaker buzzed to life, "Happy memories?" I felt the joy leave my body immediately upon hearing his voice, "How are you even doing that?" "I told you, I live in the currents that run through all things. I'll be able to follow you the whole way through." "Why? What do you want?" "Same thing as you. I want out of here." I said nothing but continued looking at the shore, the memories slowly growing darker. "That's where you met her, right?" I turned and started marching out, making no attempt to acknowledge the voice. "Yeah, might as well keep moving. After all, you have an elevator to catch." I was out of the house quicker than I thought possible but slower than I would have liked. As I stepped back onto the road I stared across the empty park to the reflective pond and silver elevator duplicated across its surface. I groaned as I realized I'd have to swim across. The paved road was soon abandoned in favor of lush grass that shone more vibrantly than I thought possible. I passed many places that contained happy memories. A picnic table where I sat with her talking for hours, putting my fingers through the holes absent-mindedly. A playground where we'd play hide and seek. The ancient oak we'd climb to tell one another secrets. This place was a graveyard for my happiest memories. None held a candle to what I found on the shore, however. Sitting at the edge of the sand-covered bank was a pink, paper boat. I picked it up as I heard her in my mind. This wasn't the place speaking, this was a conversation I'd replayed in my head all my life. What are you doing? I'm making a boat. Out of paper? Yeah, why? Oh, I just don't think you'll make it very far riding that. Ha, ha, you're hilarious. Can you show me how to make one? Umm, yeah sure. Here's some paper. Can I have a green one? Sure, here you go. Now you just have to fold it like this, then here and there and… Just like that. Your's looks great! Okay, let me try. Fold it like this, then here and there and… uhhhh… Well, you can't be perfect at everything your first time. Is it ugly? You want me to be honest? I don't know. It's the worst thing I've ever seen. Youch. See how it floats though. I pushed my boat into the pond and watched it circle around a green, mishappen mass of paper that I couldn't call a boat with a straight face. I smiled fondly as I watched the green boat sink. Guess I wasn't cut out to be a sailor. You'll get those sea legs eventually. I'm Hannah. I'm Dawn. A radio sitting on a nearby picnic table buzzed to life, "You expecting the elevator to come to you? Keep it moving, kid. I've waited long enough." I shook my head and relented, wading into the reflective pond exactly like I didn't want to. Ripples spread across the smooth surface, distorting the mirror image and twisting it into a funhouse mockery. The pond was shallower than I remembered it being, I felt the ground the entire way as I made my trek to the open elevator. As I crossed I passed the pink boat. I wondered how long it would float in the pond before sinking with the green one. Maybe they could both be friends at the bottom of the pond? But I only saw it continue floating as I crawled into the elevator and pressed the 4th-floor button. Note: Based off this account, Foundation personnel attempted to locate the house described, to find evidence that the events actually took place. Efforts were successful, but the house was found to have been demolished several years ago and the lake filled in. STORY ITERATION THREE The elevator traveled upwards through the void as the voice crackled over the speaker, "Feeling nostalgic?" "Something like that," I said with a sigh. "When was the last time you visited your parents? Has to have been years, right?" "How do you know so much about me?" "Because I'm your friend, Dawn." "I don't think I believe you." "Yeah, why's that?" “I feel… I don't know.” “Go on, I won't take offense,” there was a smile in his words. “I feel… unsafe when you speak. If you were actually my friend, I wouldn't feel so hated every time a voice comes through a speaker.” It was true. Since the first moment I met this person I've felt nothing but resentment coming from the photons on screen. Nothing but rage through the waves of static. The voice chuckled in response, "It did take you so long to get here, Dawn." And with that, doors finally opened to a new scene. "Better keep walking, Dawn. I hate waiting." I was on a college campus that rang far too many bells. I stood in the parking lot near the Science Building in its crystal glory. The windows reflected the sun rising in the distance as birds sang from unseen places. At this time, students would be getting ready for class or recovering from a hangover. I remember going through both phases many times while shackled to my education. The elevator sunk into the ground behind me but I barely noticed. My body was taking me to the dorms where I'd find room B1-2 awaiting me. Windows into empty classrooms stood at my right, I could see the hollow rooms as I walked by. Unfortunately I managed to glimpse myself as well. Red hair fell over my shoulders messily and dark circles hung under my eyes. I had seen my reflection in these very windows many years ago and back then I considered myself quite pretty. Now I looked near dead. Had I really let myself go that much? I passed the science building and followed the sidewalk to the dorms I had called home. I always liked this place, it was nice and cozy. The only real problems were the rodeo boys on the other side of the dorm constantly being loud and annoying. I heard so many screams, whoops, and shitty guitar songs in my few years there than most people would have to endure in their entire life. However, there was always someone to help with that. When I arrived at my dorm I found it locked which wasn't surprising. I was notorious for losing my keys, however, I always had a method to quickly get into my dorm. I opened the window neighboring the door and crawled inside. The place reeked of blossom bath bombs and Whataburger bags I hadn't gotten around to throwing away. A bunk bed sat in the corner, the top covered in lavender blankets and the other bright pink with a Hello Kitty plushie sitting on the pillow. In the corner of my room was my roommate's gaming setup. She had two monitors and spent much of her time playing through the many soulsborne games with extensive lore she'd parrot back to me. That might sound annoying but I happened to really enjoy the stories she told. Sometimes I wonder where she is now. I hope she's happy. Hollow voices and laughter came from the common room. My own voice cackled along with another I have heard in every dream I've had for the past five years. Under our cackling, I noticed the gentle tunes of 8-bit music and knew the scene playing out. Hannah wasn't in college but she'd still come see me constantly. We'd play video games, watch movies, and drink a healthy amount of alcohol till the sun rose in the moring. This specific game was an indie project similar to old Nintendo games. God we had a fucking blast voicing each character with new, wacky pitches. Oh my god, he does not sound like that! He literally does though, he just said, "Howdy!" I say howdy all the time, dude! And you also have a country accent. I do not have an accent! "I ain't got no dadgum accent." Ha, ha, no come back I'm kidding. No, this is unforgivable. Get off of me. I'm going to end it all. Aww, poor baby gonna cry? You gonna cry? Little country bitch baby? Jesus, I might now. No you won't because then I'd leave. You wouldn't be able to hang out with me. Then what would you do? Live a quieter life. We laughed together for a while as we leaned back on the couch and looked into each other's eyes. I'm sure it was just the alcohol but I acted on a desire I didn't even know I had. I had always thought of Hannah as my closest friend but in that moment I knew I wanted her to be more than that. I leaned in and kissed her. … What the fuck? Oh god… Fuck, I'm sorry. I don't know why I just did that. I'm drunk and- Oh shit… Why did I say that? I was caught off guard and wasn't, like, upset. I was just shocked. God, I'm a fucking idiot. Look, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. No, it's fine, Dawn. Let's just forget about this and- Dawn. Listen to me. It is okay. To be honest I've kind of wanted you to do that for a while now. Really? Yes! You fucking moron! I've been dropping hints since, like, freshman year. You have? I'm going to hit you. You can't take a hint to save your life. Then why'd you react like that? I never thought you'd actually do it. Of course, my dumbass had to ruin it. Yeah, nice one. I'll hit you. … Well, we can always start over and try it again. I think I'd like that. The living area was dark and empty. The only light shone from the television displaying pixelated sprites and text boxes. The smell of liquor filled my nostrils as I crossed the small room and stepped behind the coffee table. My body collapsed right where I sat all those years ago. I looked where she had been and wished she was there now. I sensed him there before even looked. It's like I could smell his resentment. A sprite on the television stared forward at me as a text box with red lettering appeared. "So this is where it started, huh," it asked, gesturing to the bottles on the table, "I don't blame you. Can't kiss a pretty girl without a chest full of liquid courage. You didn't drink just for the courage though, did you?" "Shut up," I said. "It's nothing to be upset about, Dawn. After all, you have a disease. That's what you tell yourself at least. To take the blame away from yourself. But that doesn't help as much as another bottle, does it?" "You don't know what you're talking about," I said quietly. The sprite jumped at the screen as the lights flickered and the smoke detector screamed out into his words. I covered my ears and cringed as he screamed, "I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! I've seen your life beginning to end. I know who you were. I know who you are. I know who you're going to continue being. We don't change, Dawn. We are who we always have been." "What do you want from me!" From my dorm mate's room, I heard the ding of the elevator. The sprite nodded to it, "I want you to get in the fucking elevator." I stood and did as I was told. I felt tears roll down my cheek as I knew what came next. Note: This was the first story iteration recorded. Originally the Foundation agents assigned to SCP-7295 believed it to be an elaborate stunt. However, investigation into SCP-7295-1 itself showed many strange objects within the brickwork. Over the next week, investigators recovered nearly a dozen fossils sealed into the structure. When radiometric dating of the bricks failed, the age was discovered using anomalous means revealing the stone to be over 7 billion years old. This would easily make the apartment older than Earth and even the sun. Further investigation is ongoing. STORY ITERATION FOUR The elevator opened to a dark road leading to a house branded with Greek letters. Solo cups and trash covered nearly every inch of the lawn as music blasted over the speakers. The ground seemed to almost shake with the rumble of screams and music from inside the building. I shook my head and turned my eyes to the ground, "I can't do this." "You think you have a choice?" The elevator began to sink in the ground with me inside. Panic started again as I imagined getting trapped within this thing and stuck in the void for all of eternity. I jumped through the closing door and rolled onto the cold, moist asphalt. Are you sure this is a good idea? I have to get up kinda early tomorrow. We're going to have fun, Hannah. Just loosen up a little. I grabbed my head and shook the thoughts out, "I don't want to see this!" "Get up and face it like a fucking man," the speakers screamed down at me, "I didn't wait all these years to waste time watching you cry." I stayed on the ground. Breath was coming fast. I was hyperventilating. My vision was going black. Toxic memories tried to claw their way over my skull. I rolled onto my back and watched the stars stare down at me. The voice continued, "You want to go home, don't you? You won't get there lying on the floor." My breath slowed a moment as I gathered myself. "You've lived this once already," the voice said, "surely you can do it again." I picked myself up and stared up at the house, tears in my eyes. I don't really know any of these people, Dawn. I'm not really comfortable with this. It's fine, we'll have some drinks and head home. I stood in the foyer of the house surrounded by beer pong tables and half-emptied liquor bottles. On one of the tables were two cups with the names Dawn and Hannah scribbled on the sides. "She didn't even wanna be here, did she?" the voice came from the flat screen as a singer I couldn't name suddenly focused on me. "You already know, why are you asking me?" "Because I want to hear you say it." I closed my eyes as tears built up at their edges, "No. She didn't want to be here." Who invited you here, Dawn? What? I said who invited you here? I don't see anyone I recognize. Some guy, I don't know. You just showed up here because some guy told you to. I'm just trying to have a good time, can you lay off a minute? I was in the living room now where Scream was playing. Randy Meeks smiled at me as I entered the room, "Do you regret it? Probably not considering regret means you'd change your actions given the chance." "Of course I regret it," I yelled at him. "Then why haven't you changed, Dawn? You're still the same fucking drunk that-" "Stop!" "You don't want me to say it? Then what are you going to do when you have to see it?" "I said stop," I screamed before grabbing a beer bottle and throwing it at the screen. Cracks spiraled from the point of impact and for just a moment I could see what appeared to be an empty theater before it turned black. Dawn… I don't feel good… Okay, we'll leave in a minute. I can't see straight… I said we'll go in a minute! I think someone put something in my drink. Wait are you serious? Are you- Please Dawn, please just take me home… I stood back outside before my own vehicle, how had I gotten here? I don't remember walking there. I was certain I hadn't. I had just been in the living room. The speakers buzzed to life, "She couldn't drive after being roofied but there you were, her knight in shining armor. How many drinks had you downed that night? Do you even remember?" "I'm not doing this," I said. "You already did." I heard a ding and looked down to see the ground beneath me had changed to the doors of the elevator. They flew open and I was falling through the empty shaft. Darkness surrounded me as I twisted and swerved through the road. The headlights of my car were dim and a light drizzle was making it hard to navigate the street. Hannah cried silently beside me as we sped through the streets. I felt my blood boiling and my voice grow hoarse from screaming. I blinked and suddenly things were wrong. Things were blurry. I couldn't see through the windshield. Gravity pulled my scarlet hair to the ceiling. Bile rose in my throat as I tasted metal in the air. It took me a few attempts before my disoriented mind could unbuckle and fall to the car's ceiling. I couldn't look at her. I closed my eyes and started to crawl through the broken windshield. Hannah? Oh my god, Hannah! Hannah! You're okay! You're going to be okay. Please, please baby please be okay. I need you to be okay. I need to be okay. God fucking… God please just… Fuck… Fuck! FUCK! I heard the car's radio laugh at me as I rolled out of the car and collapsed on the road, "That one drink must have been really important to you. That party meant more to you than her life. Meant more to you than her death too since that didn't stop you from grabbing another bottle." "Who the fuck are you," I cried out to the voice as the flames burned the car to ash. "This place isn't about me anymore, kid! It's about you and what you did! What did you do, Dawn?" "Fuck you!" "WHAT DID YOU DO?" The flames found their source and blew the car to smithereens. I fell back from the force directly through the doors of the elevator. I landed in my bed and stared at the half-assed paint job of my ceiling, the smell of liquor and mildew hit me like a ton of bricks. My television played Parks and Rec, April stared at me from behind the screen. "You killed your fucking girlfriend and decided to drown her memory in an ocean of booze. Honestly, you should have died with her but you decided to live on, bringing down everyone with you. Couldn't hold down a job so you had to beg Mommy and Daddy for rent and drink money. Mommy had to pull doubles just to support your pathetic ass. You remember, right? Of course you do. You'll never forget the look your father gave you when you asked him for a couple hundred bucks at her funeral." I sobbed and held myself as the weight of everything fell on my shoulders, "Please. Please. Please. Please, please, pleasepleasepleaseplease. I wanna go home. I wanna go home. I wanna go home." "You know where the elevator is," the television said, "I'll be waiting for you up above." I didn't leave the bed for a long while. I simply sat and cried myself to sleep. Note: A month into SCP-7295's investigation led to an interesting development. A nearby family reported that a man came to their home, claiming he used to live there. The family told him they had lived in the house for more than 40 years and he looked far too young to have lived there before that. The description the family gave of the man was nearly identical to the missing person mentioned in story iteration one. All attempts to find this person have been unsuccessful. STORY ITERATION FIVE I woke up in the elevator with no memory of how I got there. Void passed by the windows as the same damn music played over the speakers. I sat in silence and watched the nothing pass by. Was this hell? Had I finally died and been dragged to hell to suffer for what I'd done? The elevator doors opened and this time I saw something I didn't recognize. The room was vast and dark. Rows of seats sat positioned before a massive theater screen. Standing just before that screen was a man. I stood and stepped into the theater, the elevator doors shutting behind me. "Hello, Dawn," the man said in a voice identical to the one I'd heard in the elevator, "it's lovely to finally see you." "Who are you?" I asked. "I told you. I'm your friend." "I'm tired of your goddamn games," I yelled, "I sat through all of that to get here and get back to my fucking home! You owe me an explanation! Tell me what this place is!" He smiled patiently, "I will. Please, have a seat." I stared at him silently for a few minutes before relenting and sitting in the nearest seat. The man nodded to me, "Very good." "Now tell-" "To tell you the truth I don't know what this place is," the man began, "I mean obviously it's a building now but it hasn't always been that. Being here as long as me connects you to it in a way. It's been many different things over the course of history and I'm sure it will continue being different things in the future when the apartment visage stops drawing people in." "Are you saying this place is… alive?" He shrugged, "I only know what the last guy told me and what I've been able to steal from its memories. There is one thing that is certain. This thing is hungry. It built your entire life and put you through it in order to suck the emotion like marrow from a bone. Let me put it in a way you'll understand, you are a very nice bottle of liquor for it to nurse for the next few years." "Next few years?! No, you told me… You said that you knew a way out of here." "I do. You see it can only take one person at a time, while it's powerful it's still limited to that. So the only way you can escape is if someone comes to take your place." I felt my heart drop as I finally realized what he was saying. The man's voice cracked as he spoke, "You have no idea how long I've waited for someone to press that 4th-floor button just as I did. You don't die here. No force, not time, nor your own hand will stop it or the memories." I jumped to my feet and ran for him but was stopped as strings of light shot from the theater screen and wrapped around my limbs. I struggled and screamed as the pixelated strands of television and static lifted me into the air. The man smiled up at me. The elevator rose from the ground behind him, the doors opening to greet him like an old friend, "I wish I could say I felt any kind of empathy for you, Dawn. But I can't feel anything, save this pure and utter joy right now. I'm going home. I've been here for decades but I'm finally going home. I hope you enjoy the film, Dawn. You'll be seeing it a lot." He stepped into the elevator and vanished behind the doors. I watched the metal box sink into the floor as the projector buzzed to life and started a film. I watched as my life began to play on screen. I watched Hannah. I watched our kiss. I watched the crash. I watched the bottle. I watched Hannah. I watched our kiss. I watched the crash. I watched the bottle. I watched Hannah. I watched our kiss. I watched the crash. I watched the bottle.I watched Hannah. I watched our kiss. I watched the crash. I watched the bottle.I watched Hannah. I watched our kiss. I watched the crash. I watched the bottle.I watched Hannah. I watched our kiss. I watched the crash. I watched the bottle. I cried out to whatever held me in place, begging it to kill me. I just wanted this to end. I wanted to burn in hell for all of eternity. Anything to escape seeing her again. Anything to escape. I was met with silence. Note: This is eternal. Addendum 7295-B: Following a long period of radio silence from the team assigned to SCP-7295, an MTF squad was sent to conduct a wellness check. Upon arriving to the location, the team reported SCP-7295-1 had completely vanished. The captain remarked that the plot of land looked as if there had never been a building there at all as the vegetation replacing it was thick and old. All attempts to locate the missing researchers have failed as their trackers stopped responding at the same moment they did. The last location recorded was from the team technician and it pinged him exactly where SCP-7295 once resided but 167 miles inside the Earth's mantle. Investigation into SCP-7295's current location is still ongoing. « SCP-7294 | SCP-7295 | SCP-7296 »
Item#: 7296 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: none Disruption Class: dark Risk Class: notice link to memo Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7296 is contained within a display case in the psychotherapy office of Site-24. A permit must be submitted to Head Researcher Dr. Daven Laurier in order to utilize SCP-7296 and a psychologist must be present for the duration of SCP-7296's effect. Personnel are allowed to request a 3-5 day leave after utilizing SCP-7296. Description: SCP-7296 is a white cotton pillow that is possessed by a class III1 spectral entity. Once a subject rests their head on SCP-7296, they enter a state of lucid dreaming and recall specific memories from their past. SCP-7296's anomalous effect alters these memories introducing slight modifications tailored to each subject. It predominantly focuses on reenacting past traumatic events and facilitating the recollection of unresolved closure. Following this interaction, subjects experience an elevated sense of euphoria and an overall improvement in their emotional condition which persists for an indefinite duration. The efficacy of SCP-7296's treatment depends on the user's psychological state, prior exposure, and coping capabilities after the initial interaction. In the event of a relapse, the spectral entity associated with SCP-7296 (here by referred to as SCP-7296-A) manifests within the subject's psyche. SCP-7296-A appears as a middle-aged woman with long black hair wearing a white dress. Serving as a consoler, SCP-7296-A acts as a conduit for the subject's emotional afflictions. Encounters with SCP-7296-A induces an extended period of euphoria, yielding outcomes consistent with SCP-7296's standard treatment. As of now, only two instances of this manifestation have been recorded. Discovery SCP-7296 came to the Foundation's attention following reports from agents stationed in Yokohama, Japan, regarding unusual conversations, hallucinations, and behavioral changes in the general public. Upon reviewing the reports, the Foundation observed similarities and conducted an investigation. It was discovered that many affected individuals were employees of the company ████████ Co., which had a history of poor employee welfare and unethical practices. Further research led to the identification of SCP-7296 in possession of one of the employees. After confiscating the object, field operatives traced its origins to an abandoned apartment complex in ██████,█████████ via retail network line. The site was in the process of demolition. During the investigation, operatives found a note sealed in a waterproof envelope. The note has been sent for translation by linguistic specialists. [Transcribed within Addendum 7296.3]. Addendum 7296.2: Initial trial Following the discovery of SCP-7296, researchers proposed it as a potential therapeutic tool for Foundation personnel. Site Director Prof. Felix Dyer approved the proposal, and testing commenced with D-class personnel to evaluate its therapeutic effects and identify any potential side effects. Based on the successful results from these tests, SCP-7296 will undergo a trial phase to determine its suitability for staff use. Dr. Daven Laurier personally requested to participate in the trial, and permission was granted by Prof. Felix Dyer. To accurately observe the effects of SCP-7296 on Dr. Daven Laurier, the use of a Psychosphere2 Reality Observer (P.R.O)3 device was permitted to visualize his mind during the trials. Trial log 7296.1 - Hide block Date: 02/02/2020 Trial Subject: Dr. Daven Laurier P.R.O neural link: Unstable Foreword: Due to an incident involving a failed experiment with SCP-████. Dr. Laurier suffers from monophobia4 and has shown signs of decline in his work efficiency. <Begin Log> [The video starts with Daven taking notes during a lecture. The audio is distorted, emphasizing the professor's voice and the ticking of a clock. The video focuses on the whiteboard and Daven's notes, with the background slightly blurred. A hand grabs Daven's left shoulder, and a loud whisper is heard.] Riley: Hey, HEY…! Earth to Daven. You there? Daven: [flinches] What? What's wrong? Riley: My pens ran out of ink. Got any spares? Daven: Sure, hold on. [Daven quickly searches his bag and hands Riley a pen cartridge without giving his disorganized bag much attention.] Riley: Always prepared, huh? Writing down every word? Daven: [While writing] Only the important stuff. Riley: Maybe take a breather once in a while? [The lecture ends, and Daven hurriedly packs his bag. Riley grabs his right shoulder, stopping him abruptly.] Riley: Where the hell are you going? Daven: To my next clas- Riley: It's your lunch break, genius. No classes now. [Daven's vision widens in realization.] Daven: Seriously? [checks his watch] Didn't realize the day was halfway over. Riley: Must be nice living in your own time zone, huh? Come on. Let's go. [As they walk towards the cafeteria, a bright light and accompanying noise interrupt the scene. The video transitions to an outdoor cafeteria with translucent glass roofing. Daven and Riley stand in line. When it's Riley's turn Daven appears panicked.] Daven: I think I lost my card. Can I use yours for today? Riley: Seriously? Fine, take it. I'll find us a table. [Daven collects his order and proceeds to check out. As he scans the card, he hears a beep indicating insufficient balance.] Daven: What…? [Scans card] [BEEP]. Daven: [Frustrated sigh] [Daven begins to grip the card aggressively.]. Cafeteria lady: Any problem? Daven: O-oh, nothing… no problem. [Daven mumbles to himself, feeling frustrated.] Mary: Hey! Daven: [flinches] [A female student approaches with his lost ID card in hand.] Mary: Are you Daven Laurier? Daven: Yea- yes, I am. Mary: Found your card near the lecture hall. Daven: Oh, thank you. I appreciate it. Mary: No problem. See you around. Daven: …bye. [Daven watches Mary walk away before paying for his order and joining Riley at their reserved table.] Riley: What took you so long? Daven: Fuck you. [Another bright light appears, accompanied by increasing noise distortion. The scene shifts to an outdoor recreational area with a prominent tree. It is presumed to be the following day. Daven approaches Mary, who is sitting on a bench, engrossed in sketching.] Daven: Hi… Mary: Oh, hey. Daven: …Here, this is thanks for finding my card earlier. [hands the beverage to her.] Mary: Oh, that? You really didn't have to pay me back, but thanks. Daven: …It's more for my own peace of mind than repayment. Mary: Well, if you say so… [They sit, sipping their beverages. After a few minutes, Daven initiates a conversation.] Daven: What are you drawing there? Mary: Just a sketch of the tree. Helps me unwind from all the assignments and tense lectures, you know. Daven: The lectures stress you out? Mary: And you don't? Daven: I find them interesting… most of the time. Mary: Interesting, yes, but overwhelming. I burned out in a class today. I don't know how I'll catch up. Daven: Don't you have friends to ask for notes? Mary: They're just as lost as I am, to be honest. [Mary sighs, and Daven notices blood-red liquid dripping from the side of his can, perplexing him. Ignoring this, he takes a final sip and resumes speaking.] [Audio begins to fill with slight noise and sudden frequency spikes.] Daven: Maybe I can help. If you need any explanations, just ask. Mary: Really?… But are we even going to the same classes? Daven: I read a lot of textbooks from other majors during my breaks. They're not a problem for me. Plus, our schedules seem to align since we met yesterday. Mary: [Retrained chuckle]. You actually read those thick books during your breaks? Daven: Yeah, so? What's so funny? Mary: I never thought any sane person would even touch those books if given the choice. [laughs softly]. [Daven becomes flustered, fiddling with his hair. The audio experiences slight distortion.] Daven: Hey, I'm the one offering help here. Do you want it or not? Mary: Sorry, sorry. I'll gladly acce- [Noise accumulates mid-dialogue]. Daven: What was that? Mary: I'll gladly ac-ac-ac-ac-acep-p-p-p- [Mary's speech distorts, resembling a deteriorating VHS tape. Daven stumbles back, seemingly aware of the distortion.] Daven: What the- Mary: ac-ac-ac-accept it, Daven. [The following words are dragged reverberantly] Why… why? [Mary slouches forward, causing Daven to step back hesitantly. Suddenly, Mary's head twists, emitting an eerie crack, and Daven falls backward as her eyes turn pitch black.] Mary: [The following words reverberate] Why… WHY? Daven: No… Stay back. I said STAY BACK- [Video abruptly ends.] <End Log> Aftermath: Dr. Laurier jumps out of bed, gasping for air, his eyes wide open. After reviewing the footage, Dr. Laurier was questioned by the on-site psychologist, to which he refused to answer and stormed out of the room in frustration and distress. Dr. Laurier was subsequently granted a 4-day leave. Trial log 7296.2 - Hide block Date: 16/02/2020 Trial Subject: Dr. Daven Laurier P.R.O neural link: Unstable Foreword: Dr. Laurier reluctantly agreed to resume his treatment with SCP-7296 after persuasion from the on-site psychologist as well as several present colleagues. <Begin Log> [The video starts with Daven photographing Mary at a beach with a picturesque horizon and cloud formations resembling hills and mountains. Mary wears a yellow sundress with pink flower patterns and a floppy straw sun hat.] Daven: Perfect shot. [Mary approaches Daven to see the picture.] Mary: Wow! You really captured the moment. Daven: I think I found my new passion. Mary: Sure looks like it. Now it's your turn. [Daven stands on the same spot as Mary did and attempts to do an awkward pose consisting of a thumbs up.] Mary: What are you doing? Daven: Posing. Why, too much? Mary: You look like you're being held at gun point. Just relax your hands and smile. [Mary gestures a smile while dragging her right finger across her cheek.] Daven: Alright. [As the camera clicks, an object flies in front of Daven's face, startling him.] Mary: Got it. [Ignoring it, Daven approaches Mary and leans over to view the picture. The photograph captures the exact moment when a white sparrow-like bird obscures Daven's eyes and nose, leaving only his smile visible.] Mary: [Laughs] This bird just photo bombed your picture. Daven: Where the hell did it even come from? Mary: Who knows. But I am definitely keeping this. It looks so pretty. Daven: Me or the bird? Mary: Both. Now come on. Let's take one together. [Daven and Mary return to the same spot, preparing to take a selfie. The camera clicks, and the scene transitions to a public restroom. Daven adjusts his navy-blue suit and striped tie, looking at himself in the mirror. He takes out a silver engagement ring with a small sapphire, before closing it.] [He then begins to pace in the restroom.] Daven: [Mumbles quietly] [Audible Inhale] You can do this… You can do this… [Daven puts the ring back in his pocket and exits the restroom. The scene shifts to a cruiser. As he walks past the attendants, audio noise accumulates. Unbeknownst to Daven, the attendants appeared glitching with white cracks on their faces, resembling his colleagues in the Foundation.] Daven: Hey. Mary: Oh hey. What took you so long? Daven: Held one for too long, sorry. Enjoying the view? Mary: Needed some fresh air. It was bit cramped in there and there was a nice cold breeze out. Daven: …Mary I- [CRACK]- [Flinches] [A large crack began forming behind Mary and crawling towards them slowly. Daven takes notice but pretends to be oblivious.] Mary: Yes? Is something wrong? Daven: N-no its nothing. Its just, I- [Pause]. I never felt this happy all my life… Mary: …Me too. Being with you has been amazing, Daven. Daven: [Eyes begin to widen]…God, I am terrible at this… [The cracks encircle them. The attendants started approaching Daven. Their faces now consist of hovering white shards, with only their mouths remaining visible.] Daven: Mary… [Daven kneels down]. I- BEEP BEEP BEEP [The cruiser's siren blares, casting a red-tinted hue. Daven notices the attendants encircling him and chanting incomprehensibly. Mary remains unfazed, while blood tears stream down her face.] Daven: M-Mary…? [In the distance, white lights ascend and burst like fireworks, followed by flaming debris falling onto the cruiser. Daven panics as the visual distorts briefly.] [Mary's voice glitches as she speaks.] Mary: Why did you do it? Daven: [Flinches] Mary: Why, Daven? [Mary raises her head. Her skin appeared pale and bruise marks formed on her neck.] Daven: N-no, Mary. I-… I never- [The cracks widen, separating Daven and Mary on the cruiser and Daven stumbles near the edge.] Daven: MARY! [The attendants restrain Daven as he desperately reaches out, watching Mary disappear from view.] Daven: MAR- [Video abruptly ends.] <End Log> Aftermath: Dr. Laurier screamed as he jumped out of the bed. His arms reached as he raised his body. Tears begin to run down Dr. Laurier's face as he gasped for air. He then barges out of the room to his office and refused to go into questioning. Dr. Laurier was excused a 5-day leave by the request of his peers. Trial log 7296.3 - Hide block Date: 04/03/2020 Trial Subject: Dr. Daven Laurier P.R.O neural link: Begins Unstable before Stabalizing in the last few minutes of the recording. Foreword: Dr. Laurier's colleagues proposed a final trial for SCP-7296 before concluding the trials as a failure. Additional preparation time was granted to Dr. Laurier before commencing. <Begin Log> [The video begins with Daven Laurier going through reports and signing documents related to SCP-████. He appears exhausted, with signs of fatigue evident in his blinking and occasional head bobbing.] Mary:… [Daven notices Mary nearby, drinking from a custom mug and glancing at him.] Daven: What is it Mary?… Mary: When was the last time you slept Daven? Daven: Two days ago… I think? Mary: Are you sure it's not longer? Those dark circles under your eyes aren't getting any better. Daven: It can't be that bad. Mary: You look like a tired raccoon. Daven: Isn't that a bit of an exaggeration? Mary: It won't be if you keep going like this. Daven: It's fine. I just have a few more documents to go through, then I'll leave work early. [Mary raises an eyebrow, noticing the pile of files on Daven's desk.] Mary: You still haven't kicked that habit since uni, have you? Daven: What habit? Mary: …Nevermind. [Mary takes half of the files from Daven's desk, offering to help with the workload.] Daven: Wait, are you sure? I can handle it on my own. You don't have to- Mary: Let's get this done by tonight. Daven: Well… if you insist. Mary: It feels like ages since we had dinner together, right? Daven: … [Mary smiles softly.] Mary: Let's go somewhere nice today. [Noise accumulates and The scene shifts to Daven and Mary conducting an experiment on SCP-████ within a secured zone. During the test, the room starts vibrating, causing distress among the researchers. Contents of the experiment and the SCP object is archived as per protocol.] [20 minutes later, the entire room began to shake violently. Cracks and sudden decay can be seen on the walls and roof. All personnel began to evacuate the area. Daven and Mary were comparatively far behind. A gurgle and an organic screech can be heard in the background. As they attempt to run and avoid the falling debris, a SCP-████-2 instance appear out of the corner. The creature shoots a projectile from its oral cavity, towards them and hits Mary in the leg.] Mary: [Screams in pain.] Daven: MARY! [The creature gives chase. Daven swiftly drags Mary into a nearby room and barricades the door with a desk. The creature relentlessly pounds and claws at the door. After a grueling struggle, the attacks subside, and the room stabilizes. Daven gasps for breath, but violent coughing overcomes him. Mary lies on the floor, bleeding from her mouth.] Daven: M-Mary- [Daven runs towards her.] It's okay. It's gonna okay. I'm here. Mary: Da-ven- heuuuuughh [Cough cough] r- ru- Daven: I'm right here, d-don't worry. So please… hang in there. [Vision becomes blurry.] [Daven frantically searches for first aid, rummaging through drawers and closets. Meanwhile, a scraping sound emanates from Mary's direction, unnoticed by Daven. His vision continues to blur.] Daven: [Mumbles] Please, please, please, please. Please don't let it be too late- [A dark silhouette catches Daven's attention. He swiftly leaps to the left as the silhouette smashes the table, leaving a noticeable dent.] Mary: Da… ven… Daven: N-no… [Mary's movements became sluggish, her limbs hanging like a ragdoll. Her skin morphed, forming small clawed appendages, while her veins pulsated prominently. With her right arm pulled back, she advanced towards Daven, poised for an attack.] Mary: [In a raspy, but hollow voice.] Why… did you do it Daven? Daven: [Flinches] [The surrounding area begins to form cracks and ‘shatter'. It is at this moment Daven becomes self-aware that it is a memory.] Mary: Did you h-hate me that much? Daven: N-no Mary! I love you! I-I love you more than anything this world could offer- [Daven takes a step forward.] Mary: Then why… [She raises her right arm.] Why did you kill me! [Mary lunges at Daven, who instinctively pushes her aside, causing them both to fall. Daven's shoulders collide with the piled furniture, while Mary's head hits the floor with a soft crack. She struggles to recover.] Mary: It hurts. It hurts Daven! Why did you hurt me! [Daven slowly gets back at his feet while Mary appears to still be recovering from the fall. The surrounding area begins to crumble into darkness.] Daven: [Mumbles] I love you. I loved you so much. [Vision becomes blurry.] I never felt so happy in my life when I was with you. [Daven goes closer to Mary, hesitantly. She doesn't appear to be attempting to get up.] Daven: [Mumbles] I-I never wanted to do it [Hic], even if it's not real… [Daven kneels on top of Mary and slowly grips her neck.] Daven: … I don't want to. [Tears stream down his face.] Please… not again. [Daven tightens his grip on Mary's neck as she gasps for air, offering no resistance. A hue of white begin to overlay the dark floor as tears stream down his face. He tries to look away, but an unseen force holds his gaze. Mary's body goes limp, her eyes fixed on Daven.] [With a deforming body, Mary raises an arm to stroke Daven's face, wiping away a tear. Tears flow down her eyes as she takes her final breath, offering a soft smile and mouthing her last words.] [Her arm drops, her body fading into white, merging with the surroundings. Daven crouches, motionless, immersed in blurred darkness, accompanied by stifled weeping. Four minutes pass until a light illuminates the top of his vision.] SCP-7296-A: You did all you could… [He looks up and sees a silhouette of a woman crouching down towards him. Visual is still too blurry to determine its characteristics.] Daven: W-Who… are you? SCP-7296-A: Someone you can talk too. Daven: Shut up, SHUT UP. Everybody says that, but nobody listens!!! SCP-7296-A: …She would've wanted the same. Daven: Want what!? I… I killed her… with my own hands. SCP-7296-A: You saved her. She didn't want you to end up like she did. Daven: It was my fault. The experiment, the breach… everything. [Crying ensues] it-it should've been me. Not her. SCP-7296-A: Then what about Mary? How would she feel if you were under her hands? [Pause] SCP-7296-A: There are many around you who had lost a loved one. Most, unable to be there when they passed. And yet… they find strength in knowing they still have a purpose, someone to guide or inspire. And they're never alone, for there are always others who stand beside them, ready to catch them if they fall. Daven: Others…? SCP-7296-A: If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have met. They know that someday, you'll push through and become the person they've chosen to follow. Daven: B-but, I can't… I can't go back to way I use to… not without her. My colleagues, everyone… I know they're trying to help me. But… It's just so hard without her. Even when I'm around them, the people I had always worked with for years… I feel so lonely. it's- its's like.. SCP-7296-A: It's like you're in different world from theirs. So disconnected from them even when they're so close. It feels as if the one person who helped you cross the bridge to their side, suddenly disappeared. And now… you feel lost without them. Not knowing where to pour out the sorrow. Daven: … SCP-7296-A: Tell me Daven. If Mary saw you right now, how do you think she'll feel? Daven: She'll… She'll worry… a lot. I'd never hear the end of it. She'd probably feel painful and try everything to cheer me up. I- I don't want that… [Vision continues to blur and distort.]. If she saw me like this, then- then… SCP-7296-A: I think for today, she'll make an exception. [The entity's arms wrap around Daven, pulling him closer and letting his tears soak on its shoulders. Daven begans to cry out loud, letting out his frustration, uncontrollably. The entity stays still, letting this continue for 15 minutes.] SCP-7296-A: Stand strong Daven. For the person you loved, for the people that hadn't given up on you… [The entity pushes Daven out of its shoulders gently.] Because they're all waiting. [Daven whimpers softly.] Daven: Thank you… [Long pause] Daven: If- if it's alright, can I know your name? SCP-7296-A: Its fine, but… Daven: …? SCP-7296-A: I can't remember. [Video ends shortly after] <End Log> Aftermath: Dr. Laurier awakened composed, displaying tearful emotions. Following a granted 4-day leave approved by Prof. Felix Dyer, Dr. Laurier exhibited a remarkable improvement in work efficiency and interpersonal demeanor. Colleagues noted enhanced openness and time management in completing assigned tasks. Dr. Laurier underwent questioning regarding the encountered entity, leading to the determination that the entity corresponds to SCP-7296 in its humanoid manifestation. A Foundation artist was assigned to depict SCP-7296's humanoid form based on Dr. Laurier‘s description. Addendum 7296.3: Note Mentioned prior in the discovery addendum, the sealed note had been sent to linguistic specialist for translation. Further inspection revealed the note to have been written 8 years ago by an individual named “Mitsuyo Hanako”. The Light On this land I stride, amongst sticks and stones. A path littered, as I walk alone Indifferent souls, their masks unfurled, Beneath each shadow, secrets are hurled. Their paths, so clear and smooth, Yet in silence, I endure the painful truth. The light that once guided me, now fades away, As years pass by, into a monotonous grey. In this darkest hour, I flee. To a place untouched, where I can be free. Away from life's turmoil and sorrow's sting, A sanctuary where my soul can sing. Yet here I awaken, trapped in this hell, Every dawn, I thread the the littered path, With each step, my bruised feet bear the aftermath. Every dusk, I long for the path to cease, To find solace and embrace a sense of peace. And at last, my wish becomes truth. Here I lie, beneath the moon's gentle soothe. With cold feet and dimmed eyes, I reside, As memories of the past caress my weary stride. Where did it go wrong? Regret lingers, as I ponder where it all went awry, I reach out my hand, uttering a heartfelt cry. That someday, I'll be a guiding light, For those who walk the littered path, seeking respite -Mitsuyo Hanako Footnotes 1. A spectral anomaly designated to be benevolent in nature. 2. A sphere or realm of human consciousness. 3. Device functions by producing a video and audio feed after recording the contents of the subject's mind. A live feed is not possible as the concept of time differs within the realm of consciousness. 4. Fear of being alone. « SCP-7295 | SCP-7296 | SCP-7297 »
NDHeckfire SCP-7297 - It Wasn't Curiosity This Time More by me! SCiP.Net Terminal #3487 ------ Welcome, Dr. Tiyara Benjamin ------ What would you like to view today? scp-7297 Searching files in the database. Please standby… Are these the files you are looking for?: SCP-7297 y Please input the proper security clearance password to access this file: ••••••••• Safechecking inputted password. Please standby… Password accepted. Opening file. Please standby… Item#: SCP-7297 Level2 Containment Class: safe Secondary Class: integrated Disruption Class: vlam Risk Class: notice link to memo SCP-7297, without collar. Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7297 is housed within a containment pen in the Psychology and Parapsychology Section of Site-48, under the care of its current head researcher, Dr. Tiyara Benjamin. Between 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM, SCP-7297 is allowed to roam the secure zones of Site-48 with accompanying personnel, for exercising and recreation purposes. Kibble feed, rubber toys, cat litter, and other resources necessary to maintain the physical and mental health of SCP-7297 are to be provided by Habitation and Sustenance staff. Description: SCP-7297 is the designation given to a female Felis catus (or domestic cat), possessing whiteish-orange tabby markings. At the time of its discovery, SCP-7297 had already been neutered, and was wearing a pink collar with the word "Betty" engraved upon it. Any individual directly perceiving and/or having skin contact with SCP-7297 will be overcome with an extreme sense of calmness and contentment, combined with the immediate and spontaneous inhibition of violent emotions and intent. Addendum 7297-1, Discovery: SCP-7297 was recovered on the 5th of August, 2022, when a Foundation operative embedded within the National Police Corps reported an unusual occurrence involving a recent gunfight incident between police officers and a group of store burglars in the city of Lelystad. The operative, Agent Yasuo Feghoot, explained that the burglars in question were surrounded, and proceeded to exchange gunfire with officers when suddenly, both parties cease fire upon laying eyes on an orange cat (SCP-7297). The burglars proceeded to drop their weapons and surrender to law enforcement, expressing regret and contrition over their actions. By identifying its collar, Agent Feghoot was able to locate and get a hold of the cat, whom he discovered scavenging for food in a dumpster near where the gunfight incident occurred. A small containment team was dispatched, and they were able to successfully apprehend the cat and transport it to Site-48. Addendum 7297-2, Experiment Results: Through several types of testing conducted by the Psychology and Parapsychology Section, it is revealed that SCP-7297 is capable of the following: Affecting non-human subjects who maintain contact or perceive it, including entities known to be "cat-chasers", such as non-domesticated dogs and venomous snakes. Affecting a large number of individuals at a single time, with the only observable limit being around ~50 subjects. Still affecting individuals despite being under extreme distress, though researchers have noted that the effects were notably subsided than normal. (Per orders from Dr. Benjamin, these types of experiments are to be avoided if possible, as they could permanently affect SCP-7297's mental health.) It is important to note that whilst testing, workplace productivity and overall morale of Psychology and Parapsychology research personnel have been noted to be significantly increased, especially during periods where individuals were able to take part in leisure time with SCP-7297. Addendum 7297-3, Containment Updates: From the 17th and 27th of September, 2022, Foundation operatives stationed near and around Flevoland province where SCP-7297 was initially discovered were able to recover twenty-two domestic cats of varying ages that possess similar anomalous properties to SCP-7297. Containment teams were able to transport the cats to Site-48, where they have been designated as instances of SCP-7297-1 to -34. DNA analysis of the instances reveals that they have a positive genetic match with SCP-7297 itself, implying that they may possess a biological relationship with each other. Similar experiments outlined in Addendum 7297-2 yielded more or less indistinguishable results. Furthermore, offspring produced by these instances have been shown to still retain anomalous properties. In light of this, SCP-7297's containment pen has been expanded to properly accommodate its biological relatives. Additionally, the supply of various resources belonging to the Habitation and Sustenance Section has increased accordingly to maintain SCP-7297-1 to -34's health. Addendum 7297-4, Integration Proposal: Integration Proposal (2022) — Dr. Tiyara Benjamin Chair, Psychology and Parapsychology Section, Site-48 If it wasn't obvious, SCP-7297 herself and SCP-7297-1 to -34 have been proven to be extremely useful and effective in elevating and maintaining morale within Foundation staff, both due to their anomalous properties and their appearance as mere harmless cats. To my knowledge as an on-site Section Chair, Site-48 only houses Safe- and Euclid-class anomalies, the majority of which possess no known means of utilizing and/or harming SCP-7297 in any way. Though I doubt that would be a problem, as I've already conducted prior psych-evaluations on each contained sentient anomaly, and none of them express violent intentions to SCP-7297 (or to cats in general). I propose that SCP-7297 and its various instances be made available to all Foundation personnel, with permission to let trusted individuals take care of a single instance themselves. The proper enactment of this proposal could most definitely promote optimism and efficiency whilst also reducing workplace stress and anxiety, and factoring in the risks involved (in which there are none), this could be a positively successful endeavor. On the 3rd of October, 2022, the Reintegration Committee decided to officially approve the above proposal, with Dr. Benjamin herself being assigned to primarily maintain its effectiveness. The following notice has been disseminated to every known network within the SCiP.Net database. Attention to all staff, As of November 2022, the majority of the Overseer Council (along with the Ethics Committee, the Directors' Command, the High Court, and the Administrator's Office) has officially commissioned a Foundation-manned operation known as the EVERSOR Initiative. The Initiative will be primarily headed by the Decommissioning Department, and will be focused on neutralizing or otherwise nullifying the effects of low-level anomalous objects directly contained by the Foundation. The purpose of the Initiative is to hopefully lower the monetary costs relating to the Foundation's current budget (a memo explaining the circumstances of Incident 6004-MONGOOSE has been attached to this notice). A Site-01 liaison has been transferred and assigned to each individual Foundation facility to ensure that the proper personnel maintains the preservation of the EVERSOR Initiative. Keep in mind that the Initiative has been classed as a Class-V Priority in the SCP Foundation Dogma. We thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Access SCiPNET Email? One (1) new message! Re:SCP-7297 Update To: Dr. Tiyara Benjamin <noitadnuof.pcs|nimajnebt#noitadnuof.pcs|nimajnebt> From: Specialist Gerald Javelin <noitadnuof.pcs|nilevajg#noitadnuof.pcs|nilevajg> Subject: Re:SCP-7297 Update Greetings again, Dr. Benjamin. Thank you for replying to me on such short notice given current circumstances, though keep in mind again that intentionally intimidating and/or threatening an officer of the Foundation would result in subsequent disciplinary action. This is your final warning. To address some of your questions and concerns regarding SCP-7297: The anomalies were draining Site-48's containment expenses, especially for its Habitation and Sustenance Section (which we thought could be used for other, more hazardous anomalies). Plus, the cost of cat litter, kibble feed, and cage maintenance has increased significantly after the events of Incident 6004-MONGOOSE. The instances were transported to Acromatic Abatement Site-13. I understand your displeasure with us for not informing you prior, but due to the insufficient number of personnel on Site-01's behalf, we had to work quickly. Apologies, but we are not at liberty to discuss the method of neutralization for Initiative-selected anomalies. Though, I assure you no signs of visible pain were present on their faces when the process began. Site-01's Administration and Oversight Section have elected to deny your request for a proper burial. Finally, in respect of the low-morale crisis currently plaguing your research personnel, a shipment of Class-A amnestics has been sent to Site-48. You are required to delete the current SCP-7297 file and all other mentions of it prior to the shipment arriving. I'm told that failure to do so will result in your immediate termination from the Foundation. With regards, Specialist Javelin, Site-01 Liaison Secure, Contain, Protect rename file What would you like the file to be renamed to? delete:scp-7297 Please standby… Are you sure you want to delete File:SCP-7297? This action cannot be undone. You have been inactive for approximately… 5 minutes. Continued inactivity will result in this terminal automatically logging out. Please insert a command for the following: Are you sure you want to delete File:SCP-7297? This action cannot be undone. y Deleting file. Please standby… File successfully deleted. log out Logging out… Thank you for accessing SCiP.Net. ------ Goodbye, Dr. Tiyara Benjamin ------ « SCP-6296 | EVERSOR: Phase I | SCP-7560 » « SCP-7296 | SCP-7297| SCP-7298 »
Item #: SCP-7299 Object Class: Neutralized Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7299 is currently considered Neutralized. Description: SCP-7299 was an interdimensional rift that manifested somewhere in Southern England the 23/7/2022, for an estimated period of 0.002 seconds, neutralizing itself after. Given its ephemeral nature, there were no civilian witnesses. Researcher Markus Fairweather, currently a valuable Foundation asset residing in Site-98, presented documentation allegedly related to SCP-7299, transcribed in Addendum-7299-1. Note: I believe there's something I have to confess about my nature, that I've been hiding for too long. Addendum-7299-1: 23/7/2022, 10:53. Shit, that hurt. I observe the surface I landed on. It's course, dirty, and smells terrible. I conclude that I have fallen on a homeless man, now unconscious. I get up and adjust my pants, in an uncomfortable position after falling 150 meters up from the sky. I observe my surroundings: green pastures and sheep as far as the eye can see. I wonder if escaping home was really worth it, considering this scenery. Moreover, this world seems familiar, and as such, my first and foremost mission is to determine if the inhabitants are capable of intelligent thought, through the only reliable method I know. I venture to locate the first McDonald's that I can find. Markus. 23/7/2022, 12:14. I enter the first population center I stumble upon. The coordinates, climate, and the 16-year-old that has just robbed me welding a butter knife let me to conclude that I am in London. I observe my surroundings. It appears humans mimic wolves' behavior in this area, by urinating on the streets to mark their territory. I walk through the place in hopes of finding my destination. A gentleman offers me a trade: my wallet in exchange for keeping my stomach intact. I realize this may take longer than expected. Markus. 23/7/2022, 14:39. I learn a lot about this planet by wandering through the streets of London. It appears the worth of any given human is measured by the amount of currency they possess. Owners of higher currency mysteriously live longer and better than those who own little, who are promptly sacrificed to the Sun God every month. One can gain said currency, upgrading their status. This currency is commonly known as Tesco Club Card Points. Markus. 23/7/2022, 16:19. I arrive at my destination. Entering the place, I try to sit down on a seat and prepare to make my order when the seat growls at me and promptly walks away. The walls are disgusting and tainted in dark dried-out ketchup. A fly tornado has formed around me. A giant angry rat enters the restaurant. I wonder why has nobody asked me what I want yet. I discover that the giant angry rat is the Prime Minister. I conclude that I have accidentally entered a government building. I exit as quickly as possible and resume my pace. Markus. 23/7/2022, 18:22. I start to worry about my financial stability. To solve this issue, I open a bank account and deposit a coin I found on the ground. Before the employee closes the operations, I telepathically order the computer to add 11 zeros to my balance. I celebrate the occasion by eating in a Marine restaurant. To have some privacy, I buy the entire restaurant and order everybody to leave. Markus. 23/7/2022, 21:42. I discover it is common attitude for rich people to party, drink alcohol, and exploit the working class. I decide to go to a nightclub. After entering the place, I become quite confused. There appears to be a constant screaming sound drilling into my skull. A woman approaches me and asks if I'm single. I respond that nobody is truly single, as we will always be accompanied by the indomitable human spirit. Undoubtedly satisfied with my answer, she leaves. The DJ replaces the constant screaming sound with the audio recording of a dumpster incinerator, which the club users refer to as "Pop". An intoxicated man pukes on the red cups arranged on the table near me. An intoxicated man passes away, and strangers start drawing anatomically incorrect penises in his face. Likely part of a religious ritual. An intoxicated man announces that he will "do a flip". He promptly breaks his neck. Markus. 24/7/2022, 00:05. I've decided that I've had enough of rich people's lifestyle. I buy a bottle of water from the bar to not seem rude and leave a 35 million pound tip. I enter my restaurant and go to sleep, hugging a plastic lobster. Markus. 24/7/2022, 08:15. I wake up, feeling somewhat dizzy. I shower with the most common liquid in England: tea. I brush my teeth. Problem: lack of toothpaste. Solution: motor oil I found laying around. I eat breakfast in a nearby bar, making the consumption of a croissant and a cup of tea last 2 hours, including the time spent spectating a fight between 2 men over who pours the worst pints ever. I read the local newspaper. A military captain informs the public that gay soldiers are an invaluable asset to British defense. The interviewer asks the captain how many regular soldiers' lives is one gay soldier worth. 7. Informative. Another article about how Brexit will reduce beer's price by 98%. I confirm that this newspaper is 5 years old. Markus. 24/7/2022, 10:45. I have decided to find a (romantic) partner. Even though the physiology of my brain makes me unable to feel sexual attraction, a relationship of that kind will increase my social status, and it will allow me to flex my superfluous attributes to people whom I will never talk to. I admire my own ability to integrate into human society. Markus. 24/7/2022, 15:45. It appears a misunderstanding occurred. I tried to convince the first woman I met to engage in marriage with me, by listing my positive attributes (owns a restaurant, hates parties, is human, is the richest man alive). It appears she wasn't interested, however, as she called local authorities. I'm now locked in a cell I share with a meth addict. The crackhead informs me that he hasn't done shit and that he's an honest working man. He then passes away. I decide that I've had enough, and I adopt the form of Abraham Lincoln, respected man and inventor of wrestling while covered in butter. The officer sees me, scratches his head, and declares that he isn't paid enough to deal with this, letting me go. Markus. 24/7/2022, 16:44. I revert to my original form and go enjoy the cultural variety London has to offer. I see 2 men recreating the sword fights had in the middle ages, a very influential period of this country's existence. I realize they're 2 blokes stabbing each other. I go watch the latest Pirates of the Caribbean film. With delight, I see that the movie has been financed by a local Bakery, and the plot describes the quality of bread said bakery sells. I get too emotional in the "gluten-free" part and leave. I don't discard the possibility that the movie didn't yet get past the advertisements. Markus. 24/7/2022, 18:24. I go wash my hands in the cinema's bathroom. I hear a voice requesting toilet paper. I tear off the paper dispenser, alongside part of the wall, and throw it at him. I get a relieved thanks, and the man exits the stall. Markus. 24/7/2022, 18:26. I now have a friend. The man, called Johnathan Pinkman, informs me that this isn't the first time this has happened, refusing to elaborate further. He insists that I go with him to the bar, an offer I accept to not appear rude. Markus. 24/7/2022, 20:49. My friend is completely wasted. After I stop him from commenting on the weight of the bartender's mother, he looks at his watch and curses. Another problem: he needs to get to his university to present his doctoral thesis in front of 200 people half an hour from now. He tries to drive, but I stop him: it's a danger to everyone's safety. I will take the steering wheel instead. I have no idea how to drive, making me blend in perfectly with all the other drivers on Britain's roads. We arrive there in 10 minutes. While my friend is in the bathroom wearing his suit, I hear somebody approaching. I think fast, and adopt the form of Johnathan. His teacher is happy to see him (I mean, me) arrive early, and takes me to the stage. Before I can comprehend the consequences, I am in front of 200 people and expected to say something smart. Markus. 24/7/2022, 21:04. I take a breath, remembering my student days. Suddenly, I know exactly what I have to do. Markus. 24/7/2022, 21:19. I receive warm applause after finishing my speech. The teacher aggressively takes me to the backstage and asks me what did that have anything to do with what we studied. At that moment, Johnathan (the real one) walks in to check out the source of the angry voices. Upon seeing us both, the teacher collapses unconscious. I tell Johnathan that he doesn't need to thank me, as I've just saved his career. Thankfully, he's too focused on reviving his teacher, as it would be difficult to explain to him that I just gave a speech about how nuclear winter could help fight global warming. Markus. 24/7/2022, 21:59. After making sure the teacher still has a pulse, Johnathan asks me about everything that had happened in this last hour. I come forward with the nature of my speech, and while at it, the nature of my existence as an interplanetary immigrant. Johnathan looks concerned and reflexive all the way through and tells me to please go back home until he can digest everything I said. I comply. Markus. 25/7/2022, 10:49. I wake up late today. The events of last night still wander through my head. I try to continue the routine I started yesterday, but I end up accidentally eating the newspaper and reading the coffee. Sigh. Markus. 25/7/2022, 13:46. To my surprise, I receive a call from Johnathan. He requests to meet in the same bar as last night to talk. I wear silver plates under my clothes for extra protection should he get violent, and exit the store. Markus. 25/7/2022, 14:02. I arrive and see him sitting on the rightmost table. I think he's smiling. Could it be? Markus. 25/7/2022, 14:03. It can be! Markus. 25/7/2022, 14:04. Johnathan informs me of the reason he arranged this encounter. My (his?) speech granted him an excellent mark. Additionally, he asks me about my studies. I recite to him the titles I got back when I studied on my home planet. He appears impressed and tells me he has some "contacts" that would be interested in my abilities. He reminds me to act normal, and not disclose or hint at my nature under any circumstances. He tells me that he'll need to make some consultations first and that he will call me when the time comes. Markus. 25/7/2022, 14:28. Nervous, I kill time by going to the public park. I entertain myself by reading the inscriptions on the benches and trees. The letters C and P are united by a heart. The letters K and O are united by a heart. The letters M and N are united by a heart. The full details of a murder committed in Edinburgh last year. I decide to leave after Japanese tourists start taking photos, mistaking me for a national monument. Markus. 25/7/2022, 15:30. Johnathan calls and tells me to meet again at the bar. Once there, he drives me to a grey building. We enter. 3rd floor, 4th room. 2 subjects are waiting around a table. It's happening! Markus. 25/7/2022, 16:00. "Greetings, Mr. Fairweather. We represent the organization known as the SCP Foundation." Markus. « SCP-7298 | SCP-7299 | SCP-7300 »
SCP-7300 (center). Item #: SCP-7300 Object Class: Safe Special Containment Procedures: SCP-7300 is contained within the Site-438 pond. In events of extreme weather, an object locker with a grow light has been prepared. SCP-7300 currently meets with Dr. Joanna Goodman weekly, both for mental health screenings and physical inspection. Description: SCP-7300 is a freshwater phytoplankton1. While SCP-7300 is able to photosynthesize energy, it can also ingest organic matter. SCP-7300 is also capable of speech2 at average human decibel levels and has substantial knowledge of human society. Discovery SCP-7300 was discovered by Wilson's Wildlife Solutions during a routine blue-green algae test in the Staats Lake of Eugene, Oregon, where it was reportedly "sobbing" and "begging for forgiveness." In accordance with the Boring Agreement, SCP-7300 was promptly transferred to Site-438. Following a brief observation period, an interview was conducted by Dr. Wexler. <Begin Log> Dr. Wexler: SCP-7300. Please, stay on track. I've brought you here to answer some questions, and hopefully we can figure out what happened to you, okay?Dr. Wexler: I'm going to have to ask that you remain calm. I sympathize with your situation, I really do. I got turned into a mosquito once, and lemme tell you, it wasn't very fun. But I got turned back. We can help you.Dr. Wexler: Thank you. To start off… what all do you remember?Dr. Wexler: Plankton hole, actually.Dr. Wexler: I mean, uh… I guess you're part of the species that inspired the character?Dr. Wexler: Sure. So, uh, you mentioned Spongebob, do you have any other memories of human society?Dr. Wexler: That's… that's a lot. But you're saying that you were once a human, correct?Dr. Wexler: But?Dr. Wexler: It's okay. You've given me a lot of information to go off of. We can give you a happy life here, for now. There's a nice pond near here. Maybe I can see if we can put you there?Dr. Wexler: Yeah! A duck recently laid eggs, we're expecting little chicks to pop up any day now.Dr. Wexler: Really.Dr. Wexler: What is it? If the pond isn't to your liking, we can try and—Dr. Wexler: That's… we don't even know if that's what happened.Dr. Wexler: You're drawing unfounded conclusions and—Dr. Wexler: Calm down. Please, just take a deep— uh, just— a deep… photosynthesis? Do you want to go see the pond?Dr. Wexler: Great. Ah— just out the window, you can actually see it from here!Dr. Wexler: It really is, huh?Dr. Wexler: The pond, or— <End Log> As of May 1st, 2022, SCP-7300's morale ratings are at an all-time high. As such, investigations into the origins of SCP-7300 have been placed on low priority indefinitely. SCP-7300's psychologist, Dr. Goodman, expressed support for this action, stating the following: In this case, doing anything more is unnecessary, and perhaps even harmful. SCP-7300's mental state practically crashes every single interview. Right now, it's finally doing better than ever before. The best we can do is give it a happy life, and we're doing just that currently. If you've spoken with SCP-7300, you can tell how it feels. It just really loves being a plankton. That's it. Footnotes 1. Pleurosigma, Heleoplankton 2. Fluent in both English and Swedish « SCP-7299 | SCP-7300 | SCP-7301 » More From This Author More From This Author Ellie3's Works SCPs SCP-7308 • SCP-5986 • SCP-4492 • SCP-5033 • SCP-4874 • SCP-2019-J • Tales/GoI Formats The Bed Salesman: A Brief Interlude • "You called my bluff." • A Hero I Would Be! • Home Sick • The Many Business Ventures of S & C Plastics • (Not The) Foundation Fight Club! • Directive: Make America Normaler • Critter Profile: Cappi! • Herman Fuller Presents: The Tunnel Of Love! • Learn To Live • Sloth's Pit Christmas Façade • We Stopped Making Socks (But What If We Made Something Better?) • No Cars Allowed • "Is bad luck really such a crime?" asked the mouse to the cat. • Talloran Shoots Archduke Franz Ferdinand • Other Ellie3 (Gimmick Free!) •