KaraKaraWitch's picture
ef481d4 verified
  - no-annotation
  - crowdsourced
  - cc-by-sa-3.0
  - text-generation
  - fill-mask
  - language-modeling
  - masked-language-modeling
  - original
  - en
  - config_name: default
      - split: final
        path: data/*.jsonl
pretty_name: SCP-RECURSAL

Dataset Card for SCP-RECURSAL


Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-Recursal is to be stored on the Huggingface (HF) Servers, with backup copies maintained on other secure servers.
Access to SCP-Recursal is unrestricted, and it may be freely used and redistributed without authorization.

Description: SCP-Recursal is a dataset comprising ~36.23 Million Tokens (llama-2-7b-chat-tokenizer) / ~31.49 Million Tokens (RWKV Tokenizer) scraped from the SCP Wiki website (
The dataset is curated by Darok, released by KaraKaraWitch and funded by

SCP-Recursal is a comprehensive collection of tales, series, from the SCP Wiki, spanning from 2008 to 2022.
The dataset was created by scraping lists of tales for each year, fetching content from tale pages using BeautifulSoup selectors, and filtering out unnecessary information. The same process was applied to series scp-series-1 to scp-series-8.

The cleaning process involved removing author credits, "More articles by" sections, "Hide list" buttons, ratings, and special characters until the next line. Unicode characters were also cleaned, and unnecessary text was removed. The resulting dataset is a cohesive collection of SCP-related content, ideal for language modeling tasks.


Experiment 1: "SCP-Recursal: The Ultimate Language Model"

  • Researchers used SCP-Recursal to train a language model, which was then tasked with generating a new SCP article.
  • Result: The model produced [DATA EXPUNGED]. Due to it's Memetic Effect, the computer that was in use was incinerated.
  • Conclusion: [DATA EXPUNGED]

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

SCP-Recursal as mentioned in the SCP-Article above, is a dataset of ~36.23 Million Tokens (llama-2-7b-chat-tokenizer) / ~31.49 Million Tokens (RWKV Tokenizer) of SCP Tales and Stories

  • Curated by: Darok
  • Funded by: (I work there lol)
  • Shared by: KaraKaraWitch
  • Language(s) (NLP): English
  • License: cc-by-sa-4.0

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

Primarily used for language modeling.


Mainly written in english.

Scraping & Filtering

Scraping by fetching each page with BeautifulSoup. Filtering is done base on a per line basis. removing certain patterns within lines of text. The file tools/ contains the tools used to post process the stories. The tools folder contains all the tools used to filter and crawl the wiki.

Data Instances

A sample is provided below

{"text": "Project Codename: Olympia\nProject#: PRJOLM-000134\nClearance and File#: NPF-00051473\nHead Researcher: Professor K.P. Crow\nExperiment Aims:\nTo test the properties, capabilities and limitations of the subject.\nSubject is the product of Olympia Integration Experiment BETA, and is the ultimate product of the Olympia Project.<...TRUNCATED>"}

Data Fields

There is only 1 field (text) which contains a string to an article. No additional metadata is included.

Recursal's Vision

To make AI accessible to everyone, regardless of language, or economical status

This is the collective goal of the RWKV Open Source foundation and Recursal AI, the commercial entity who backs it.

We believe that AI should not be controlled by a select few individual organization. And that it should be made accessible regardless if you are rich or poor, or a native speaker of english.

About RWKV

RWKV is an Open Source, non profit group, under the linux foundation. Focused on developing the RWKV AI architecture, in accordence to our vision.

The RWKV architecture scales efficiently and economically. As an RNN & Transformer hybrid, it is able to provide the performance similar to leading transformer models, while having the compute and energy efficiency of an RNN based architecture.

You can find out more about the project, and latest models, at the following

About Recursal AI

Recursal AI, is the commercial entity built to provide support for RWKV model development and users, while providing commercial services via its public cloud, or private-cloud / on-premise offerings.

As part of our vision. Our commitment, is to ensure open source development and access to the best foundational AI models and datasets.

The following dataset/models provided here, is part of that commitment.

You can find out more about recursal AI here

Dataset Curators

This dataset was mainly Darok's work. I (KaraKaraWitch) only assisted them with questions and the writing of the dataset card.

Licensing Information

All the tales and stories in SCP-Wiki are broadly listed under CC-BY-SA-3.0. With the exception of 1 Image (SCP-173). However, we do not include any images for the SCP Items. As such all the text should be compliant under the CC-BY-SA-3.0 license.

Recursal Waifus (The banner image) are licensed under CC-BY-SA. They do not represent the related websites in any official capacity unless otherwise or announced by the website. You may use them as a banner image. However, you must always link back to the dataset.

Citation Information

  title         = {SCP-Recursal},
  author        = {Darok, KaraKaraWitch,},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{}},

Additional Notes

For those within SCP-Wiki wishing to use SCP-RECURSAL in writing / stories / tales:

  • Either SCP-RECURSAL or SCP-Recursal.
  • Do not misuse / detract from the defintion of SCP-RECURSAL mentioned above.
  • Aside from the above, you are allowed to reuse SCP-RECURSAL to your liking.