import multiprocessing |
import pathlib |
import re |
import string |
import traceback |
from multiprocessing import Queue |
import markdownify |
import orjson |
import tqdm |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment, NavigableString, Tag |
from markdownify import chomp |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
multiprocessing.set_start_method("forkserver") |
queue = Queue(maxsize=64) |
class WikiConverter(markdownify.MarkdownConverter): |
def convert_a(self, el, text, convert_as_inline): |
prefix, suffix, text = chomp(text) |
if not text: |
return "" |
return "%s%s%s" % (prefix, text, suffix) |
integer_rgx = re.compile("^[0-9]*$") |
@staticmethod |
def is_intable(string: str): |
if not string or not string.isdigit(): |
return False |
if WikiConverter.integer_rgx.match(string): |
return True |
def convert_img(self, el, text, convert_as_inline): |
convert_as_inline = True |
if ( |
convert_as_inline |
and el.parent.name not in self.options["keep_inline_images_in"] |
): |
return "" |
return "" |
def convert_li(self, el, text, convert_as_inline): |
parent = el.parent |
if parent is not None and parent.name == "ol": |
start = parent.get("start") |
if start and WikiConverter.is_intable(start.strip()): |
start = int(start.strip()) |
else: |
start = 1 |
bullet = "%s." % (start + parent.index(el)) |
else: |
depth = -1 |
while el: |
if el.name == "ul": |
depth += 1 |
el = el.parent |
bullets = self.options["bullets"] |
bullet = bullets[depth % len(bullets)] |
return "%s %s\n" % (bullet, (text or "").strip()) |
wk = WikiConverter() |
def table_filtration(input_soup: BeautifulSoup, title): |
for table in input_soup.select("table"): |
tds = len(table.find_all("td")) |
texsize = len(table.get_text().replace(" ", "")) |
if tds >= texsize and texsize < 50: |
table.decompose() |
if tds > 20: |
table.decompose() |
return input_soup |
def soup_data(data: BeautifulSoup, title: str): |
soup = data |
[toc.decompose() for toc in soup.find_all("div", attrs={"class": "toc"})] |
[toc.decompose() for toc in soup.select("[class*='nav']")] |
[element.decompose() for element in soup.select(".mw-editsection")] |
[element.decompose() for element in soup.select("style")] |
[element.decompose() for element in soup.select("sup.reference")] |
[element.decompose() for element in soup.select(".thumbcaption")] |
[toc.decompose() for toc in soup.select("audio")] |
[toc.decompose() for toc in soup.select("picture")] |
[toc.decompose() for toc in soup.select("img")] |
[toc.decompose() for toc in soup.select("[class*='video']")] |
[toc.decompose() for toc in soup.select("[class*='tooltip']")] |
[toc.decompose() for toc in soup.select("video")] |
[ |
toc.decompose() |
for toc in soup.select(".no-featured-video .featured-video-player-container") |
] |
cleaned_soup = table_filtration(soup, title) |
composed_data = ( |
re.sub(r"\n\s*\n", "\n\n", wk.convert_soup(cleaned_soup)) |
.replace("\n |\n|", " |\n") |
.strip() |
) |
return composed_data |
raw_puncts = string.punctuation + "{}()[]【】、,゠=…‥。「」『』〝〟" |
puncts = str.maketrans("", "", raw_puncts) |
cpl = re.compile(r"\n\s*\n") |
dbg_q = multiprocessing.Queue() |
def debug_queue(): |
try: |
with open("debug.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: |
while True: |
z = dbg_q.get() |
if z is None or z == "None": |
break |
f.write(z + "\n") |
f.flush() |
except Exception as e: |
print(e) |
msgbox = set(["mbox", "notice", "hidden", "plainlinks"]) |
msgbox2 = set(["mbox", "notice", "stub-box", "plainlinks"]) |
msgbox3 = set(["notice", "metadata", "plainlinks"]) |
msgbox_agressive = set( |
[ |
"mbox-w", |
"mbox", |
"msgbox", |
"notice-container", |
"notice", |
"message-box", |
"boilerplate", |
"ambox", |
"ombox", |
] |
) |
wikistub = set(["wikistub"]) |
def get_text_cleaned(elem): |
return ( |
cpl.sub("\n\n", elem.get_text(" ")) |
.replace("\n", " ") |
.replace(" ", " ") |
.replace(" ", " ") |
.lower() |
) |
def get_plain_text_clean(data: str): |
return ( |
cpl.sub("\n\n", data.translate(puncts)) |
.replace("\n", " ") |
.replace(" ", " ") |
.replace(" ", " ") |
.lower() |
) |
t_stubs = 0 |
f_stubs = 0 |
t_lock = multiprocessing.Lock() |
def t_inc(idx: int): |
global t_stubs |
with t_lock: |
t_stubs += idx |
f_lock = multiprocessing.Lock() |
def f_inc(idx: int): |
global f_stubs |
with f_lock: |
f_stubs += idx |
def stub_removal(soup: str, debug=None): |
b_soup = BeautifulSoup(soup, "lxml") |
a = get_text_cleaned(b_soup) |
if "this article is a stub" in a: |
parser = b_soup.select_one(".mw-parser-output") |
if parser is None: |
return b_soup, [] |
pruned = [] |
for child in parser.children: |
if child is None: |
continue |
if isinstance(child, Comment): |
continue |
if isinstance(child, NavigableString): |
continue |
if not isinstance(child, Tag): |
continue |
classes = set(i.lower() for i in child.get("class", [])) |
styles = child.get("style", "") |
has_border = False |
if styles: |
styles = { |
i.split(":")[0]: ":".join(i.split(":")[1:]) |
for i in child.get("style", "").split(";") |
} |
has_border = any( |
[ |
styles.get("border"), |
styles.get("border-width") and styles.get("border-style"), |
styles.get("border-top"), |
styles.get("border-bottom"), |
styles.get("border-left"), |
styles.get("border-right"), |
styles.get("background"), |
] |
) |
child_text = get_text_cleaned(child) |
has_stub_word = "stub" in child_text and "this article" in child_text |
c_name = "" if not child.name else child.name |
if not has_stub_word: |
continue |
if ( |
len(classes.intersection(msgbox)) == len(msgbox) |
or len(classes.intersection(msgbox2)) == len(msgbox2) |
or len(classes.intersection(msgbox3)) == len(msgbox3) |
): |
child.decompose() |
pruned.append("mbox") |
elif len(classes.intersection(msgbox_agressive)) > 0: |
child.decompose() |
pruned.append("mbox3_aggressive") |
elif len(classes.intersection(wikistub)) == 1: |
child.decompose() |
pruned.append("wikistub[gods-games-we-play]") |
elif "table" in c_name: |
pruned.append("table[stub-word]") |
child.decompose() |
elif "dl" in c_name: |
if len(child.find_all("dd", recursive=False)) == 1: |
pruned.append("dl > dd") |
child.decompose() |
elif "div" in c_name: |
inner_elements = [ |
i for i in child.find_all(recursive=False) if isinstance(i, Tag) |
] |
if len(inner_elements) == 0: |
continue |
stub_inner = get_text_cleaned(inner_elements[0]) |
has_stub_word = "stub" in stub_inner and "this article" |
if len(inner_elements) == 0 or len(inner_elements) > 2: |
continue |
if ( |
inner_elements[0].name |
and inner_elements[0].name == "table" |
and has_stub_word |
): |
pruned.append("table[stub-word]") |
child.decompose() |
elif has_border and inner_elements[0].name.lower() in [ |
"div", |
"p", |
"span", |
]: |
pruned.append("risky[border]") |
else: |
pruned.append("?") |
elif "p" in c_name: |
child.decompose() |
f_inc(1) |
pruned.append("risky[p]") |
elif "center" in c_name: |
child.decompose() |
f_inc(1) |
pruned.append("risky[center]") |
if pruned: |
t_inc(len(pruned)) |
return b_soup, pruned |
else: |
return b_soup, [] |
return b_soup, [] |
def writer(fp: str, writer_queue: multiprocessing.Queue): |
pbar = tqdm.tqdm() |
try: |
with open(fp, "wb") as fl: |
while True: |
q = writer_queue.get(block=True) |
if q is None or isinstance(q, str) and q == "None": |
print("Q Empty, exit.") |
break |
elif isinstance(q, bytes): |
fl.write(q) |
fl.write(b"\n") |
pbar.update(1) |
except Exception as e: |
print("Writer Crashed?") |
traceback.print_exception(e) |
def mt_fn(bytes_data: bytes, write_queue: multiprocessing.Queue): |
data = orjson.loads(bytes_data) |
dbg = f"domain: {data['domain']} title: {data['page']}" |
if "parse" not in data["content"]: |
print( |
"Missing parse content", |
"domain", |
data["domain"], |
"title", |
data["page"], |
) |
return |
lower_title = data["page"].lower() |
if ( |
lower_title.startswith("forum:") |
or lower_title.startswith("discussion:") |
or lower_title.startswith("thread:") |
or lower_title.startswith("comments:") |
or lower_title.startswith("comment:") |
): |
return |
if lower_title.endswith("gallery"): |
return |
soup = data["content"]["parse"]["text"]["*"] |
cats = ",".join([z["*"] for z in data["content"]["parse"]["categories"]]).lower() |
unstubbed_soup, removed = stub_removal(soup, debug=dbg) |
text = soup_data(unstubbed_soup, data["page"]) |
unpunct = get_plain_text_clean(text) |
if len(unpunct) > 64: |
write_queue.put( |
orjson.dumps( |
{ |
"text": text, |
"meta": { |
"title": data["page"], |
"domain": data["domain"], |
"cats": cats, |
"removed": removed, |
}, |
} |
) |
) |
def err_handler(e): |
if "KeyboardInterrupt" not in str(e): |
traceback.print_exception(e) |
def main(): |
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=64) as pool: |
managed = multiprocessing.Manager() |
writer_out = managed.Queue() |
write_proc = multiprocessing.Process( |
target=writer, args=("test.jsonl", writer_out), daemon=False |
) |
write_proc.start() |
tasks = [] |
for file in pathlib.Path("v2.5-chunks-roblox-filter").iterdir(): |
with open(file, "rb") as f: |
iter_wrapper = f |
for line in iter_wrapper: |
tasks.append( |
pool.apply_async( |
mt_fn, args=(line, writer_out), error_callback=err_handler |
) |
) |
if len(tasks) >= 100000: |
print("Waiting for Chunked task to complete.") |
for task in tasks: |
if task.ready(): |
continue |
task.wait() |
tasks = [] |
print("[I] ========== Task gen done", file) |
print("Waiting for Chunked task to complete.") |
for task in tasks: |
if task.ready(): |
continue |
task.wait() |
print("Cleanup") |
dbg_q.put("None") |
writer_out.put("None") |
write_proc.join() |
pool.close() |
pool.join() |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
main() |