import multiprocessing import pathlib import re import string import traceback from multiprocessing import Queue import markdownify import orjson import tqdm from bs4 import BeautifulSoup, Comment, NavigableString, Tag from markdownify import chomp if __name__ == "__main__": multiprocessing.set_start_method("forkserver") queue = Queue(maxsize=64) class WikiConverter(markdownify.MarkdownConverter): def convert_a(self, el, text, convert_as_inline): prefix, suffix, text = chomp(text) if not text: return "" return "%s%s%s" % (prefix, text, suffix) integer_rgx = re.compile("^[0-9]*$") @staticmethod def is_intable(string: str): if not string or not string.isdigit(): return False if WikiConverter.integer_rgx.match(string): return True def convert_img(self, el, text, convert_as_inline): convert_as_inline = True if ( convert_as_inline and not in self.options["keep_inline_images_in"] ): return "" return "" def convert_li(self, el, text, convert_as_inline): parent = el.parent if parent is not None and == "ol": start = parent.get("start") if start and WikiConverter.is_intable(start.strip()): start = int(start.strip()) else: start = 1 bullet = "%s." % (start + parent.index(el)) else: depth = -1 while el: if == "ul": depth += 1 el = el.parent bullets = self.options["bullets"] bullet = bullets[depth % len(bullets)] return "%s %s\n" % (bullet, (text or "").strip()) wk = WikiConverter() def table_filtration(input_soup: BeautifulSoup, title): for table in"table"): tds = len(table.find_all("td")) texsize = len(table.get_text().replace(" ", "")) if tds >= texsize and texsize < 50: table.decompose() if tds > 20: # print("Decompose Excessive td") table.decompose() # print(table.get_text().replace(" ", "")) # print("Removing table from", title, ". TD exceeds Content") return input_soup def soup_data(data: BeautifulSoup, title: str): soup = data # Navigation elements [toc.decompose() for toc in soup.find_all("div", attrs={"class": "toc"})] [toc.decompose() for toc in"[class*='nav']")] # [toc.decompose() for toc in".navbox")] # Edit Section [element.decompose() for element in".mw-editsection")] # Remove styles [element.decompose() for element in"style")] [element.decompose() for element in"sup.reference")] # [element.decompose() for element in".thumbcaption")] # Images and pictures are not under licenses typically. [toc.decompose() for toc in"audio")] [toc.decompose() for toc in"picture")] [toc.decompose() for toc in"img")] [toc.decompose() for toc in"[class*='video']")] # [toc.decompose() for toc in"[class*='tooltip']")] [toc.decompose() for toc in"video")] [ toc.decompose() for toc in".no-featured-video .featured-video-player-container") ] # print(soup) cleaned_soup = table_filtration(soup, title) composed_data = ( re.sub(r"\n\s*\n", "\n\n", wk.convert_soup(cleaned_soup)) .replace("\n |\n|", " |\n") .strip() ) return composed_data raw_puncts = string.punctuation + "{}()[]【】、,゠=…‥。「」『』〝〟" puncts = str.maketrans("", "", raw_puncts) cpl = re.compile(r"\n\s*\n") dbg_q = multiprocessing.Queue() def debug_queue(): try: with open("debug.txt", "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: while True: z = dbg_q.get() if z is None or z == "None": break f.write(z + "\n") f.flush() except Exception as e: print(e) # Filters based on classes msgbox = set(["mbox", "notice", "hidden", "plainlinks"]) msgbox2 = set(["mbox", "notice", "stub-box", "plainlinks"]) msgbox3 = set(["notice", "metadata", "plainlinks"]) # Aggressive class filter. msgbox_agressive = set( [ "mbox-w", "mbox", "msgbox", "notice-container", "notice", "message-box", "boilerplate", "ambox", "ombox", ] ) wikistub = set(["wikistub"]) def get_text_cleaned(elem): return ( cpl.sub("\n\n", elem.get_text(" ")) .replace("\n", " ") .replace(" ", " ") .replace(" ", " ") .lower() ) def get_plain_text_clean(data: str): return ( cpl.sub("\n\n", data.translate(puncts)) .replace("\n", " ") .replace(" ", " ") .replace(" ", " ") .lower() ) t_stubs = 0 f_stubs = 0 t_lock = multiprocessing.Lock() def t_inc(idx: int): global t_stubs with t_lock: t_stubs += idx f_lock = multiprocessing.Lock() def f_inc(idx: int): global f_stubs with f_lock: f_stubs += idx def stub_removal(soup: str, debug=None): b_soup = BeautifulSoup(soup, "lxml") a = get_text_cleaned(b_soup) if "this article is a stub" in a: parser = b_soup.select_one(".mw-parser-output") if parser is None: return b_soup, [] pruned = [] for child in parser.children: if child is None: continue if isinstance(child, Comment): continue if isinstance(child, NavigableString): # print("Nav string?") # print(child) # print("===========") continue if not isinstance(child, Tag): # print(type(child)) continue classes = set(i.lower() for i in child.get("class", [])) styles = child.get("style", "") has_border = False if styles: styles = { i.split(":")[0]: ":".join(i.split(":")[1:]) for i in child.get("style", "").split(";") } has_border = any( [ styles.get("border"), styles.get("border-width") and styles.get("border-style"), styles.get("border-top"), styles.get("border-bottom"), styles.get("border-left"), styles.get("border-right"), styles.get("background"), ] ) # print(styles) child_text = get_text_cleaned(child) has_stub_word = "stub" in child_text and "this article" in child_text c_name = "" if not else if not has_stub_word: continue if ( len(classes.intersection(msgbox)) == len(msgbox) or len(classes.intersection(msgbox2)) == len(msgbox2) or len(classes.intersection(msgbox3)) == len(msgbox3) ): # Seems to be safe. child.decompose() pruned.append("mbox") elif len(classes.intersection(msgbox_agressive)) > 0: # Aggressive child.decompose() # dbg_q.put(f'[I aggressive "mbox3_aggressive" prune]: {debug}') pruned.append("mbox3_aggressive") elif len(classes.intersection(wikistub)) == 1: # Seems to be safe. child.decompose() pruned.append("wikistub[gods-games-we-play]") elif "table" in c_name: # Bit risky, but i guess it works? pruned.append("table[stub-word]") child.decompose() elif "dl" in c_name: # Seems to be safe. if len(child.find_all("dd", recursive=False)) == 1: pruned.append("dl > dd") child.decompose() elif "div" in c_name: inner_elements = [ i for i in child.find_all(recursive=False) if isinstance(i, Tag) ] if len(inner_elements) == 0: # print(child.find_all(recursive=False)) # dbg_q.put(f"[No Inner Element()?]: {len(inner_elements)}") continue stub_inner = get_text_cleaned(inner_elements[0]) has_stub_word = "stub" in stub_inner and "this article" if len(inner_elements) == 0 or len(inner_elements) > 2: # dbg_q.put( # f"[W No Prune len()? has_stub_word]: {debug} {has_stub_word} {len(inner_elements)}" # ) continue if ( inner_elements[0].name and inner_elements[0].name == "table" and has_stub_word ): pruned.append("table[stub-word]") child.decompose() elif has_border and inner_elements[0].name.lower() in [ "div", "p", "span", ]: # dbg_q.put(f'[I Risky "has_border" prune]: {debug}') pruned.append("risky[border]") else: # dbg_q.put( # f"[W No Prune div? has_stub_word]: {debug} {has_stub_word} {inner_elements[0].name}" # ) pruned.append("?") elif "p" in c_name: # Really risky. will try logging it first. child.decompose() # dbg_q.put(f'[I Risky "p" prune]: {debug}') f_inc(1) pruned.append("risky[p]") elif "center" in c_name: # Really risky. will try logging it first. # dbg_q.put(f'[I Risky "center" prune]: {debug}') child.decompose() f_inc(1) pruned.append("risky[center]") if pruned: t_inc(len(pruned)) # print("Pruned", pruned, debug) return b_soup, pruned else: # dbg_q.put(f"[W No Prune?]: {debug}") # print(f"[W No Prune?]: {debug}") return b_soup, [] return b_soup, [] def writer(fp: str, writer_queue: multiprocessing.Queue): pbar = tqdm.tqdm() try: with open(fp, "wb") as fl: while True: q = writer_queue.get(block=True) if q is None or isinstance(q, str) and q == "None": print("Q Empty, exit.") break elif isinstance(q, bytes): fl.write(q) fl.write(b"\n") pbar.update(1) except Exception as e: print("Writer Crashed?") traceback.print_exception(e) def mt_fn(bytes_data: bytes, write_queue: multiprocessing.Queue): data = orjson.loads(bytes_data) dbg = f"domain: {data['domain']} title: {data['page']}" if "parse" not in data["content"]: print( "Missing parse content", "domain", data["domain"], "title", data["page"], ) return lower_title = data["page"].lower() if ( lower_title.startswith("forum:") or lower_title.startswith("discussion:") or lower_title.startswith("thread:") or lower_title.startswith("comments:") or lower_title.startswith("comment:") ): return if lower_title.endswith("gallery"): return soup = data["content"]["parse"]["text"]["*"] cats = ",".join([z["*"] for z in data["content"]["parse"]["categories"]]).lower() unstubbed_soup, removed = stub_removal(soup, debug=dbg) text = soup_data(unstubbed_soup, data["page"]) unpunct = get_plain_text_clean(text) if len(unpunct) > 64: # print(text[:64]) write_queue.put( orjson.dumps( { "text": text, "meta": { "title": data["page"], "domain": data["domain"], "cats": cats, "removed": removed, }, } ) ) def err_handler(e): if "KeyboardInterrupt" not in str(e): traceback.print_exception(e) def main(): with multiprocessing.Pool(processes=64) as pool: managed = multiprocessing.Manager() writer_out = managed.Queue() write_proc = multiprocessing.Process( target=writer, args=("test.jsonl", writer_out), daemon=False ) # debug_tasks.start() write_proc.start() tasks = [] for file in pathlib.Path("v2.5-chunks-roblox-filter").iterdir(): with open(file, "rb") as f: iter_wrapper = f # tqdm.tqdm(f) for line in iter_wrapper: tasks.append( pool.apply_async( mt_fn, args=(line, writer_out), error_callback=err_handler ) ) if len(tasks) >= 100000: print("Waiting for Chunked task to complete.") for task in tasks: if task.ready(): continue task.wait() tasks = [] print("[I] ========== Task gen done", file) print("Waiting for Chunked task to complete.") for task in tasks: if task.ready(): continue task.wait() print("Cleanup") # print("Stubs", t_stubs, "FStubs", f_stubs) dbg_q.put("None") # debug_tasks.join() writer_out.put("None") # while not writer_out.empty(): # print(f"Waiting for empty writer {writer_out.qsize()} items left") # time.sleep(5) write_proc.join() pool.close() pool.join() if __name__ == "__main__": main()