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es > Mundo honduras, Roberto Micheletti, diplomacia El presidente hondureño de facto, Roberto Micheletti (Reuters) Efe.- 27/09/2009 Deja tu comentario (90) El Gobierno de facto de Roberto Micheletti anunció que no recibirá a los embajadores de España, Argentina, México y Venezuela además de dar un plazo "no mayor de diez días" a Brasil para que defina el estatus del depuesto presidente hondureño, Manuel Zelaya, . "Nuevamente solicitamos al gobierno de Brasil que defina el estatus del señor Zelaya, dentro de un plazo no mayor de diez días. De no ser así nos veremos obligados a tomar medidas adicionales", indicó anoche el Ministerio de Exteriores del Gobierno de facto en un comunicado leído por radio y televisión a todo el país. Además, pide a Brasil que "inmediatamente tome medidas para asegurar que el señor Zelaya deje de utilizar la protección que le ofrece la misión diplomática de Brasil para instigar a la violencia en Honduras", aunque no especifica en que consistirán las "medidas adicionales". Manuel Zelaya se encuentra en la Embajada de Brasil como "huésped oficial" desde el pasado lunes, cuando regresó a Honduras, casi tres meses después de ser expulsado del país y del poder por los militares. El Gobierno de facto también reacciona a la decisión, el pasado día 23, de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) y la Unión Europea de hacer volver a sus embajadores a Honduras con el objetivo de apoyar "sobre el terreno" una mesa de diálogo. "En el caso de aquellos países que unilateralmente decidieron romper sus relaciones diplomáticas con Honduras o mantener las mismas a nivel de embajadas concurrentes, situación de Argentina, España, México y Venezuela, se hace saber que el Gobierno no recibirá a los agentes diplomáticos de tales países", agrega. "Salvo -continúa el comunicado- que sus respectivos Gobiernos procedan a negociar con la cancillería de la república el restablecimiento de las mismas". Señala, además, que "en el caso de los que optaron por mantener las relaciones a nivel de misiones concurrentes, deberá solicitarse la acreditación de los nuevos jefes de misión, en vista de que el beneplácito expedido a sus anteriores jefes de misión ha sido retirado". Por otra parte, dispone la restricción de los privilegios propios de los agentes diplomáticos y "la retirada con urgencia de los locales que ocupaban las embajadas los distintivos y banderas que identificaban sus estados". No obstante, la Cancillería del Gobierno de facto "expresa su satisfacción" por la decisión de hacer regresar a los embajadores acreditados en Honduras, "por cuanto la medida representa un reconocimiento expreso al Gobierno del presidente constitucional Roberto Micheletti".
Honduras amenaza con no recibir embajadores de España, México, Argentina y Venezuela después de que el gobierno hondureño de Roberto Micheletti diera un plazo no mayor de diez días a la embajada de Brasil para que defina el estatus del derrocado presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, ya que Micheletti aseguraba de que Manuel Zelaya instigaba la violencia entre los hondureños desde la embajada de Brasil, en donde Zelaya había advertido de que nadie lo volvería a sacar del país. A causa de ello el presidente hondureño Roberto Micheletti anuncia la restricción para entrar al país centroaméricano a los embajadores de España, México, Argentina y Venezuela, además de no recibir a los agentes diplomáticos de tales países. Diversos países latinoaméricanos y la Unión Europea decidieron romper sus relaciones diplomáticas con Honduras como medida de castigo por el derrocamiento de Manuel Zelaya de la presidencia de Honduras, negándose a reconocer aquel gobierno de facto, Roberto Micheletti además señala que en el caso de que España, México, Argentina y Venezuela optarán por reconocer al gobierno de facto de Honduras y volver a mantener las relaciones a nivel de misiones concurrentes, estos mismos deberian solicitar la acreditación de los nuevos jefes hondureños en sus respectivos países. Por otra parte, el actual mandatario también dispone restricciones a los agentes diplomáticos de dichas embajadas con una retirada urgente de los establecimientos que ocupen sus actuales embajadas con sus distintivos y sus banderas.
Domingo, 27 de Septiembre de 2009 / 13:04 h Tegucigalpa/dpa El gobierno de facto de Honduras dijo hoy que los embajadores de México, España, Argentina y Venezuela no serán recibidos en Tegucigalpa a menos que sus gobiernos realicen negociaciones para el "restablecimiento" de relaciones diplomáticas, las cuales fueron suspendidas por los países mencionados. La Unión Europea y varios gobiernos latinoamericanos habían suspendido los vínculos con Honduras como medida de castigo por el derrocamiento de Manuel Zelaya de la presidencia y se niegan a reconocer al gobernante de facto, Roberto Micheletti. Los países rompieron relaciones o decidieron mantener las mismas a nivel de embajadas concurrentes, por lo que deberán negociar un nuevo estatus para los vínculos diplomáticos con Honduras, según la Cancillería de Tegucigalpa. La nota de prensa del gobierno dijo que la normalización de relaciones "estará condicionada a medidas de reciprocidad inmediata". Los países latinoamericanos han desconocido los diplomáticos que responden a Micheletti y solo dejan operando a los que reafirman voluntad a Zelaya. En un comunicado, la Cancillería hondureña dijo que el retorno de embajadores que fueron retirados significa un "reconocimiento expreso al Gobierno del Presidente Constitucional Roberto Micheletti". Asimismo, a los diplomáticos de los países que suspendieron relaciones con Honduras se les pide que entreguen placas de autos, así como formularios para introducir mercaderían exentas de impuestos. La canciller del derrocado gobierno de Honduras, Patricia Rodas, había llamdo el martes pasado a la comunidad internacional para que envíe de vuelta a Tegucigalpa a sus embajadores, tras el regreso de Zelaya. Según explicó en rueda de prensa en Nueva York, Rodas hizo el llamamiento a que "todo embajador que abandonó el país, estando ya nuestro presidente, regrese a sus misiones" a través de la Organización de Estados Americanos (OEA) y las Naciones Unidas.
Honduras amenaza con no recibir embajadores de España, México, Argentina y Venezuela después de que el gobierno hondureño de Roberto Micheletti diera un plazo no mayor de diez días a la embajada de Brasil para que defina el estatus del derrocado presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, ya que Micheletti aseguraba de que Manuel Zelaya instigaba la violencia entre los hondureños desde la embajada de Brasil, en donde Zelaya había advertido de que nadie lo volvería a sacar del país. A causa de ello el presidente hondureño Roberto Micheletti anuncia la restricción para entrar al país centroaméricano a los embajadores de España, México, Argentina y Venezuela, además de no recibir a los agentes diplomáticos de tales países. Diversos países latinoaméricanos y la Unión Europea decidieron romper sus relaciones diplomáticas con Honduras como medida de castigo por el derrocamiento de Manuel Zelaya de la presidencia de Honduras, negándose a reconocer aquel gobierno de facto, Roberto Micheletti además señala que en el caso de que España, México, Argentina y Venezuela optarán por reconocer al gobierno de facto de Honduras y volver a mantener las relaciones a nivel de misiones concurrentes, estos mismos deberian solicitar la acreditación de los nuevos jefes hondureños en sus respectivos países. Por otra parte, el actual mandatario también dispone restricciones a los agentes diplomáticos de dichas embajadas con una retirada urgente de los establecimientos que ocupen sus actuales embajadas con sus distintivos y sus banderas.
Honduras amenaza con no recibir embajadores de España, México, Argentina y Venezuela después de que el gobierno hondureño de Roberto Micheletti diera un plazo no mayor de diez días a la embajada de Brasil para que defina el estatus del derrocado presidente de Honduras, Manuel Zelaya, ya que Micheletti aseguraba de que Manuel Zelaya instigaba la violencia entre los hondureños desde la embajada de Brasil, en donde Zelaya había advertido de que nadie lo volvería a sacar del país. A causa de ello el presidente hondureño Roberto Micheletti anuncia la restricción para entrar al país centroaméricano a los embajadores de España, México, Argentina y Venezuela, además de no recibir a los agentes diplomáticos de tales países. Diversos países latinoaméricanos y la Unión Europea decidieron romper sus relaciones diplomáticas con Honduras como medida de castigo por el derrocamiento de Manuel Zelaya de la presidencia de Honduras, negándose a reconocer aquel gobierno de facto, Roberto Micheletti además señala que en el caso de que España, México, Argentina y Venezuela optarán por reconocer al gobierno de facto de Honduras y volver a mantener las relaciones a nivel de misiones concurrentes, estos mismos deberian solicitar la acreditación de los nuevos jefes hondureños en sus respectivos países. Por otra parte, el actual mandatario también dispone restricciones a los agentes diplomáticos de dichas embajadas con una retirada urgente de los establecimientos que ocupen sus actuales embajadas con sus distintivos y sus banderas.
Toulon découvrira samedi à Mayol la H Cup pour la première fois de son histoire. Le club de Joe Van Niekerk affrontera les Ospreys quarts de finaliste la saison passée. Le capitaine toulonnais donne son avis sur le tournoi et ses adversaires du jour. Toulon a beaucoup de respect pour la H Cup Toulon découvrira samedi à Mayol la H Cup pour la première fois de son histoire. Le club de Joe Van Niekerk affrontera les Ospreys quarts de finaliste la saison passée. Le capitaine toulonnais donne son avis sur le tournoi et ses adversaires du jour. L'ASM veut jouer sur les deux tableaux Quart de finaliste malheureux l'an passé, l'ASM Clermont Auvergne aborde la H Cup avec beaucoup d'humilité mais aussi énormément d'ambitions. Castres veut rester invaincu à Pierre Rajon Castres retrouve la H Cup cette saison et aura pour adversaire les Cardiff Blues, Edimbourg et les Northampton Saints. Dans une poule très homogène, les hommes de Laurent Travers espèrent faire honneur à leur couleur et remporter tout leur match à domicile. Biarritz a soif d'Europe Finaliste malheureux l'an passé, Biarritz s'est fixé comme objectif de remporter la H Cup. Laurent Rodriguez manager sportif de l'équipe avoue les ambitions européennes du club. Le Racing part à la découverte de la H Cup Le Racing-Metro découvrira cette semaine la H Cup en défiant le vainqueur 2009 de l'édition le Leinster à Dublin. Pierre Berbizier et Lionel Nallet ont hâte de rivaliser avec leurs adversaires et de se frotter à ce qui se fait de mieux en Europe. Ibanez: Un défi excitant pour les clubs français L'ambassadeur 2010 de la H Cup Raphael Ibanez revient sur la saison formidable des clubs français la saison passée et nous explique son rôle d'ambassadeur pour la saison. Nicolas Mas: Tout donner sur le premier match Battu dès la première journée de la H Cup par le Benetton Trevise l'an passé, les Catalans ont pour objectif cette saison de recevoir un quart de finale de H Cup à domicile. Nicolas Mas et Jacques Brunel parlent de leur poule. Jean-Pierre Lux: "La H Cup est installée dans le rugby européen" Le Président de l'ERC Jean-Pierre Lux a évoqué sur le résultat du tirage au sort des poules de la H Cup et sur la finale 2011 qui aura lieu à Cardiff. Prix ERC15: Le résumé de la soirée - 2ème partie Deuxième partie des Prix ERC15. Ronan O'Gara, Brian O'Driscoll, David Wallace et bien d'autres encore expliquent ce que représentent pour eux cette récompense. Prix ERC15: Le résumé de la soirée - 1ère partie Regardez le résumé des Prix ERC15 avec les interviews de Jean-Pierre Lux Président de l'ERC, Emile NTamack, Nicolas Brusque, Damien Traille, Sylvain Marconnet et bien d'autres encore. Skrela: L'équipe méritait de gagner le titre Visionnez les réactions de Guy Novès, Thierry Dusautoir, William Servat et David Skrela après la quatrième titre continental de Toulouse. Yachvili: On échoue à deux points Visionnez les interviews d'après match de Jack Isaac, Dimitri Yachvili, Fabien Barcella et Magnus Lund après leur défaite 19-21 contre le Stade Toulousain en finale de la H Cup. St André: La ville, les joueurs et le Présient méritent un trophée cette saison Le RC Toulon affrontera les Cardiff Blues dimanche au Stade Vélodrome à Marseille. L'entraîneur du club Philippe St André, Joselito Suta et Joe Van Niekerk évoquent la finale de l'Amlin Challenge Cup contre les Gallois. Conférence de presse d'avant match du Biarritz Olympique Laurent Rodriguez, Jean-Michel Gonzalez, Jack Isaac, Jérôme Thion et Dimitri Yachvili évoquent la finale de la H Cup et leurs adversaires du 22 mai prochaine, le Stade Toulousain. Conférence de presse du Stade Toulousain A quelques jours de la finale de la H Cup qui les opposera au Biarritz Olympique, les joueurs du Stade Toulousain évoquent sur la rencontre du 22 mai prochain. Résumé de la demi-finale de l'Amlin Challenge Cup Connacht-Toulon Résumé de la demi-finale de l'Amlin Challenge Cup Connacht-Toulon.
La Coupe d'Europe de rugby à XV, dite H Cup (la France interdisant les publicités pour les marques de boissons alcooliques), dispute sa journée. Se sont qualifiés pour les quarts de finales le Stade Toulousain, le Rugby club toulonnais, le Clermont Auvergne, le Leinster Rugby, le Munster Rugby, l'Ulster Rugby, les Leicester Tigers et Saracens. Groupe 1 '''Leinster Rugby''' 36 – 3 Ospreys '''Northampton Saints''' 13 – 3 Castres Olympique Groupe 2 Cardiff Blues 13 – 19 '''Exeter Rugby''' Glasgow Warriors 8 – 15 '''Rugby club toulonnais''' Groupe 3 '''Saracens''' 64 – 6 Connacht Rugby Zebre 6 – 16 '''Stade Toulousain''' Groupe 4 '''Clermont Auvergne''' 28 – 3 Racing Club de France Llanelli Scarlets 20 – 22 '''Harlequins''' Groupe 5 Leicester Tigers 19 – 22 '''Ulster Rugby''' '''Montpellier HRC''' 24 – 6 Benetton Rugby Trévise Groupe 6 '''Munster Rugby''' 38 – 6 Edinburgh Rugby USA Perpignan 18 – 36 '''Gloucester RFC'''
President Obama signed into law a repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy Wednesday, fulfilling a campaign promise and marking a historic step forward for gay rights. More Video The law "will strengthen our national security and uphold the ideals our fighting men and women defend," Obama told a cheering crowd of gay and lesbian service members and their supporters in Washington. "No longer will thousands of men and women in uniform be asked to live a lie or look over their shoulder while serving the country they love." "Our people sacrifice a lot for their country, including their lives. None of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well," he said. "This is the right thing to do for our military, and I believe it is the right thing to do period." The law ends the legal underpinnings for the ban on openly gay troops, but it does not immediately overturn the policy itself. Officials say the 17-year-old ban will remain throughout the military until the president, Defense secretary and Congress certify that the military is prepared to put in place a repeal. Then, a 60-day waiting period begins before the ban is officially removed from the books. "I have spoken to every one of the service chiefs, and they are all committed to implementing this change swiftly and efficiently. We are not going to be dragging our feet to getting this done," Obama said. While some advocates have bristled at the timing, many could not deny the enormity of the moment and said it would be a defining element of Obama's legacy. "Clearly, this is President Obama's Lyndon Johnson moment in history," said Aubrey Sarvis, Army veteran and executive director for Servicemembers Legal Defense Network. "A measure of dignity has been restored to thousands of service members on active duty, and to over a million gay veterans who served in silence." The move is expected to eventually end ongoing investigations and open the door to thousands of discharged service members to return to the military and resume their careers. "I'm just incredibly proud of our country and of this military that so many service members will be able to serve with dignity and integrity," said Air Force Lt. Col. Victor Feherenbach, 41, the highest-ranking officer investigated under the policy. "It's actually taken a day or two to sink in, because it seemed so unbelievable at the time." While it's unclear how vigorously the ban will be enforced during the interim, Feherenbach said there are already signs officials are aggressively pursuing the change. "I just received an e-mail from my commander, and I understand that the Air Force Chief of Staff has sent out a note that said we're going to do this, we're going to follow the law, we're going to be professionals as we always have and we're going to respect each other," he said. In the weeks ahead the Pentagon is expected to revise policies and regulations to reflect the repeal, and train leaders on how to enforce the rules. More than 2 million service members across the military are also expected to be briefed on what is expected of them and what is not. "The implementation plan lays out an ambitious agenda of things that need to be done," said Defense Secretary Robert Gates last week. "How long that would take, frankly, I don't know." Among the expected changes is non-discrimination against a military applicant who may volunteer that he or she is gay, opening the door to the return of thousands of service members whose careers were cut short after they were outed on the job. "I just really miss it. I miss the people, the mission, the comraderie. I can't wait to get back in there and finish my career," said Mike Almy, an Air Force Major and 13-year veteran who was discharged four years ago after investigators learned he was gay through personal e-mails. He plans to re-enlist.
United States Barack Obama has officially repealed the law prohibiting openly people from serving in the U.S. military. Campaigners have praised the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) as a historic advance for gay rights. United States Barack Obama The new law was signed into effect by Obama yesterday morning. DADT, in effect for 17 years, was repealed by the United States Senate on Saturday. The military will cease enforcement of the policy in 60 days time, after the has certified to Congress that it, and the military are ready to implement the new law. "This is a very good day," Obama told a crowd of soldiers and senior military officials. "This morning I'm proud to sign a law that will bring an end to 'don't ask, don't tell'. No longer will tens of thousands of Americans be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country that they love." Obama added that the government would "not drag their feet" and they were "committed to implementing this change swiftly and efficiently." He added the law would strengthen national security and the U.S. military. "No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance because they happen to be gay," he said. Aubrey Sarvis, the executive director of the , praised the new ruling. "Clearly, this is President Obama's Lyndon Johnson moment in history," he said. "A measure of dignity has been restored to thousands of service members on active duty, and to over a million gay veterans who served in silence." Obama has been an advocate for overturning the ban on gays serving in the military. Under the law, enacted in 1993, over 13,000 members of the U.S. military have been dismissed. Supporters of DADT have said the new ruling will damage the morale of troops. Former Republican presidential candidate John McCain said earlier this month more scrutiny would be needed before the law was repealed. A report by earlier this month concluded most U.S. service personnel do not believe reform of the rules on gays and lesbians serving in the military would affect morale, unit cohesion or military effectiveness. The report found only 30% believed that changing the law would have a negative effect. Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach, the highest-ranking officer investigated under the DADT policy, said: "I'm just incredibly proud of our country and of this military that so many service members will be able to serve with dignity and integrity. It's actually taken a day or two to sink in, because it seemed so unbelievable at the time."
President Obama signed the landmark repeal of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy Wednesday morning, handing a major victory to advocates of gay rights and fulfilling a campaign promise to do away with a practice that he has called discriminatory. Casting the repeal in terms of past civil rights struggles, Obama said he was proud to sign a law that "will strengthen our national security and uphold the ideals that our fighting men and women risk their lives to defend." In remarks before signing the repeal, he added: "No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who are forced to leave the military - regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance - because they happen to be gay. No longer will tens of thousands of Americans in uniform be asked to live a lie, or look over their shoulder in order to serve the country that they love." The signing does not immediately implement the repeal but instead begins the process of ending the ban on gays serving openly in the military. The law will not actually change until the Pentagon certifies to Congress that the military has met several conditions, including education and training programs for the troops. "In the coming days, we will begin the process laid out by this law" to implement the repeal, Obama said. Meanwhile, he cautioned, "the old policy remains in effect." But he pledged that all the service chiefs are "committed to implementing this change swiftly and efficiently," and he vowed, "We are not going to be dragging our feet to get this done." Obama quoted Adm. Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as saying, "Our people sacrifice a lot for their country, including their lives. None of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well." Obama continued: "That's why I believe this is the right thing to do for our military. That's why I believe it is the right thing to do, period." He said, "We are not a nation that says 'don't ask, don't tell.' We are a nation that says, 'Out of many, we are one.' " So many people wanted to witness the signing of the bill that the White House held the ceremony in the auditorium of Interior Department headquarters. The guests at the ceremony included Joe Solmonese, head of the Human Rights Campaign, a gay rights group; Vice President Biden; Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.); and Dan Choi, a former U.S. Army soldier who was discharged under "don't ask, don't tell" and was arrested in November after chaining himself to a White House fence to protest the policy. Several other soldiers who have been discharged from military service because they are gay attended the ceremony as well. Among the guests on the stage with Obama was Eric Alva, a former Marine staff sergeant who lost a leg in Iraq and who, following a medical discharge, has been working for the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." Another participant was Navy Cmdr. Zoe Dunning, a repeal advocate who fought to remain in the Navy Reserves and ultimately retired in 2007 after 13 years of service as an openly gay officer.
United States Barack Obama has officially repealed the law prohibiting openly people from serving in the U.S. military. Campaigners have praised the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) as a historic advance for gay rights. United States Barack Obama The new law was signed into effect by Obama yesterday morning. DADT, in effect for 17 years, was repealed by the United States Senate on Saturday. The military will cease enforcement of the policy in 60 days time, after the has certified to Congress that it, and the military are ready to implement the new law. "This is a very good day," Obama told a crowd of soldiers and senior military officials. "This morning I'm proud to sign a law that will bring an end to 'don't ask, don't tell'. No longer will tens of thousands of Americans be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country that they love." Obama added that the government would "not drag their feet" and they were "committed to implementing this change swiftly and efficiently." He added the law would strengthen national security and the U.S. military. "No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance because they happen to be gay," he said. Aubrey Sarvis, the executive director of the , praised the new ruling. "Clearly, this is President Obama's Lyndon Johnson moment in history," he said. "A measure of dignity has been restored to thousands of service members on active duty, and to over a million gay veterans who served in silence." Obama has been an advocate for overturning the ban on gays serving in the military. Under the law, enacted in 1993, over 13,000 members of the U.S. military have been dismissed. Supporters of DADT have said the new ruling will damage the morale of troops. Former Republican presidential candidate John McCain said earlier this month more scrutiny would be needed before the law was repealed. A report by earlier this month concluded most U.S. service personnel do not believe reform of the rules on gays and lesbians serving in the military would affect morale, unit cohesion or military effectiveness. The report found only 30% believed that changing the law would have a negative effect. Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach, the highest-ranking officer investigated under the DADT policy, said: "I'm just incredibly proud of our country and of this military that so many service members will be able to serve with dignity and integrity. It's actually taken a day or two to sink in, because it seemed so unbelievable at the time."
Barack Obama signs gay military law Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Continue reading the main story Related stories US President Barack Obama has signed a landmark law allowing gay people serving in the military to be open about their sexuality. Mr Obama said the law meant that tens of thousands of Americans would no longer be asked to live a lie. He had campaigned to change the 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" law, overturned by Congress last week. More than 13,000 service members have been dismissed under the policy, enacted in 1993 as a compromise. Opponents argue that the change will damage troop morale at a time of war. But earlier this month, a Pentagon report said that allowing openly gay troops would have little impact on the cohesion of US forces fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. The outgoing Senate and House of Representatives approved the new law last week, with moderate Republicans joining the Democratic majority. Guidelines So many activists were expected at the signing ceremony that the White House booked a larger room for the event. "This is a very good day," Mr Obama said as he introduced the law, surrounded by senior military officials and members of Congress. Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance because they happen to be gay” End Quote Barack Obama US President "This morning I'm proud to sign a law that will bring an end to 'don't ask, don't tell'. "No longer will tens of thousands of Americans be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country that they love." The president said the new law would be good for the armed forces. "The law that I'm about to sign will strengthen national security and uphold ideals that fighting men and women risk their lives to defend," he said. "No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance because they happen to be gay." But correspondents say that the planned celebration parties by gay rights campaigners and members of the military may be premature. Guidelines need to be finalised on practical questions ranging from how to educate troops to how sexual preference should be handled when army staff are organising sleeping arrangements in military barracks. Those guidelines need to be signed off by President Obama, Defence Secretary Robert Gates and Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And even once that is complete, the new law will not officially take effect for another 60 days. Until then, the current ban remains in place. However, Mr Obama said there would be no foot-dragging to implement the law.
United States Barack Obama has officially repealed the law prohibiting openly people from serving in the U.S. military. Campaigners have praised the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) as a historic advance for gay rights. United States Barack Obama The new law was signed into effect by Obama yesterday morning. DADT, in effect for 17 years, was repealed by the United States Senate on Saturday. The military will cease enforcement of the policy in 60 days time, after the has certified to Congress that it, and the military are ready to implement the new law. "This is a very good day," Obama told a crowd of soldiers and senior military officials. "This morning I'm proud to sign a law that will bring an end to 'don't ask, don't tell'. No longer will tens of thousands of Americans be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country that they love." Obama added that the government would "not drag their feet" and they were "committed to implementing this change swiftly and efficiently." He added the law would strengthen national security and the U.S. military. "No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance because they happen to be gay," he said. Aubrey Sarvis, the executive director of the , praised the new ruling. "Clearly, this is President Obama's Lyndon Johnson moment in history," he said. "A measure of dignity has been restored to thousands of service members on active duty, and to over a million gay veterans who served in silence." Obama has been an advocate for overturning the ban on gays serving in the military. Under the law, enacted in 1993, over 13,000 members of the U.S. military have been dismissed. Supporters of DADT have said the new ruling will damage the morale of troops. Former Republican presidential candidate John McCain said earlier this month more scrutiny would be needed before the law was repealed. A report by earlier this month concluded most U.S. service personnel do not believe reform of the rules on gays and lesbians serving in the military would affect morale, unit cohesion or military effectiveness. The report found only 30% believed that changing the law would have a negative effect. Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach, the highest-ranking officer investigated under the DADT policy, said: "I'm just incredibly proud of our country and of this military that so many service members will be able to serve with dignity and integrity. It's actually taken a day or two to sink in, because it seemed so unbelievable at the time."
Supporters of the repeal said it was long past time to end what they saw as an ill-advised practice that cost valuable personnel and forced troops to lie to serve their country. “We righted a wrong,” said Senator Joseph I. Lieberman , the independent from Connecticut who led the effort to end the ban. “Today we’ve done justice.” Before voting on the repeal, the Senate blocked a bill that would have created a path to citizenship for certain illegal immigrants who came to the United States at a young age, completed two years of college or military service and met other requirements including passing a criminal background check. The 55-41 vote in favor of the citizenship bill was five votes short of the number needed to clear the way for final passage of what is known as the Dream Act. The outcome effectively kills it for this year, and its fate beyond that is uncertain since Republicans who will assume control of the House in January oppose the measure and are unlikely to bring it to a vote. The Senate then moved on to the military legislation, engaging in an emotional back and forth over the merits of the measure as advocates for repeal watched from galleries crowded with people interested in the fate of both the military and immigration measures. “I don’t care who you love,” Senator Ron Wyden , Democrat of Oregon , said as the debate opened. “If you love this country enough to risk your life for it, you shouldn’t have to hide who you are.” Mr. Wyden showed up for the Senate vote despite saying earlier that he would be unable to do so because he would be undergoing final tests before his scheduled surgery for prostate cancer on Monday. The vote came in the final days of the 111th Congress as Democrats sought to force through a final few priorities before they turn over control of the House of Representatives to the Republicans in January and see their clout in the Senate diminished. Advertisement Continue reading the main story It represented a significant victory for the White House, Congressional advocates of lifting the ban and activists who have pushed for years to end the Pentagon policy created in 1993 under the Clinton administration as a compromise effort to end the practice of banning gay men and lesbians entirely from military service. Saying it represented an emotional moment for members of the gay community nationwide, activists who supported repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” exchanged hugs outside the Senate chamber after the vote. “Today’s vote means gay and lesbian service members posted all around the world can stand taller knowing that ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ will soon be coming to an end,” said Aubrey Sarvis, an Army veteran and executive director for Servicemembers Legal Defense Network. The executive director of the Log Cabin Republicans, a gay group that challenged the policy in federal court, thanked Republicans senators for participating in a historic vote. The director, R. Clarke Cooper, who is a member of the Army Reserve, said repeal will "finally end a policy which has burdened our armed services for far too long, depriving our nation of the talent, training and hard won battle experience of thousands of patriotic Americans. " A federal judge had ruled the policy unconstitutionial in response to the Log Cabin suit, but that decision had been stayed pending appeal. Aaron Belkin, director of the Palm Center in California , a research institute at the University of California in Santa Barbara that studies issues surrounding gays and lesbians in the military, said that the vote “ushers in a new era in which the largest employer in the United States treats gays and lesbians like human beings.” In a statement on the group’s website, Mr. Belkin said: “It has long been clear that there is no evidence that lifting the ban will undermine the military, and no reason to fear the transition to inclusive policy. Research shows that moving quickly is one of the keys to a successful transition. If the President and military leadership quickly certify the end of ‘don’t ask, don’t tell,’ they will ensure an orderly transition with minimal disruption." Organizations that opposed repeal of the ban assailed the Republican senators who defied their party majority. Newsletter Sign Up Continue reading the main story Please verify you're not a robot by clicking the box. Invalid email address. Please re-enter. You must select a newsletter to subscribe to. Sign Up You agree to receive occasional updates and special offers for The New York Times's products and services. Thank you for subscribing. An error has occurred. Please try again later. View all New York Times newsletters. The Center for Military Readiness, a group that specializes in social issues in the military and has opposed repeal, said the new legislation “will impose heavy, unnecessary burdens on the backs of military men and women.” It said the Senate majority voted with “needless haste” by not waiting for hearings into a recent Department of Defense study of the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Elaine Donnelly, president of the group, said that the Pentagon’s survey indicated that 32 percent of Marines and 21.4 percent of Army combat troops would leave the military sooner than planned if “don’t ask, don’t tell” were repealed. Kris Mineau, president of the Massachusetts Family Institute, said senators like Scott Brown , a Republican from Massachusetts, “broke trust with the people” by voting on repeal before the federal budget was resolved and “have put the troops at risk during wartime.” Advertisement Continue reading the main story During the debate, Senator John McCain , Republican of Arizona and his party’s presidential candidate in 2008, led the opposition to the repeal and said the vote was a sad day in history. “I hope that when we pass this legislation that we will understand that we are doing great damage,” Mr. McCain said. “And we could possibly and probably, as the commandant of the Marine Corps said, and as I have been told by literally thousands of members of the military, harm the battle effectiveness vital to the survival of our young men and women in the military.” He and other opponents of lifting the ban said the change could harm the unit cohesion that is essential to effective military operations, particularly in combat, and deter some Americans from enlisting or pursuing a career in the military. They noted that despite support for repealing the ban from Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates and Adm. Mike Mullen , chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff , other military commanders have warned that changing the practice would prove disruptive. “This isn’t broke,” Senator James M. Inhofe , Republican of Oklahoma , said about the policy. “It is working very well.” Other Republicans said that while the policy might need to be changed at some point, Congress should not do so when American troops are fighting overseas. “In the middle of a military conflict, is not the time to do it,” said Senator Saxby Chambliss , Republican of Georgia . Only a week ago, the effort to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy seemed to be dead and in danger of fading for at least two years with Republicans about to take control of the House. The provision eliminating the ban was initially included in a broader Pentagon policy bill, and Republican backers of repeal had refused to join in cutting off a filibuster against the underlying bill because of objections over the ability to debate the measure. In a last-ditch effort, Mr. Lieberman and Senator Susan Collins of Maine , a key Republican opponent of the ban, encouraged Democratic Congressional leaders to instead pursue a vote on simply repealing it. The House passed the measure earlier in the week. The repeal will not take effect for at least 60 days while some other procedural steps are taken. In addition, the bill requires the defense secretary to determine that policies are in place to carry out the repeal “consistent with military standards for readiness, effectiveness, unit cohesion, and recruiting and retention.” Advertisement Continue reading the main story Because of the uncertainty, Mr. Sarvis appealed to Mr. Gates to suspend any investigations into military personnel or discharge proceedings under the policy to be overturned in the coming months. Mr. Lieberman said the ban undermined the integrity of the military by forcing troops to lie. He said 14,000 members of the armed forces had been forced to leave the ranks under the policy. “What a waste,” he said. The fight erupted in the early days of President Bill Clinton ’s administration and has been a roiling political issue ever since. Mr. Obama endorsed repeal in his own campaign and advocates saw the current Congress as their best opportunity for ending the ban. Dozens of advocates of ending the ban — including one wounded in combat before being forced from the military — watched from the Senate gallery as the debate took place. Senator Carl Levin , the Michigan Democrat who is chairman of the Armed Services Committee, dismissed Republican complaints that Democrats were trying to race through the repeal to satisfy their political supporters. “I’m not here for partisan reasons,” Mr. Levin said. “I’m here because men and women wearing the uniform of the United States who are gay and lesbian have died for this country, because gay and lesbian men and women wearing the uniform of this country have their lives on the line right now.” Senator Harry Reid of Nevada , the majority leader and a crucial proponent of the repeal, noted that some Republicans had indicated they might try to block Senate approval of a nuclear arms treaty with Russia because of their pique over the Senate action on the ban. “How’s that’s for statesmanship?” Mr. Reid said.
United States Barack Obama has officially repealed the law prohibiting openly people from serving in the U.S. military. Campaigners have praised the repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" (DADT) as a historic advance for gay rights. United States Barack Obama The new law was signed into effect by Obama yesterday morning. DADT, in effect for 17 years, was repealed by the United States Senate on Saturday. The military will cease enforcement of the policy in 60 days time, after the has certified to Congress that it, and the military are ready to implement the new law. "This is a very good day," Obama told a crowd of soldiers and senior military officials. "This morning I'm proud to sign a law that will bring an end to 'don't ask, don't tell'. No longer will tens of thousands of Americans be asked to live a lie in order to serve the country that they love." Obama added that the government would "not drag their feet" and they were "committed to implementing this change swiftly and efficiently." He added the law would strengthen national security and the U.S. military. "No longer will our country be denied the service of thousands of patriotic Americans who were forced to leave the military, regardless of their skills, no matter their bravery or their zeal, no matter their years of exemplary performance because they happen to be gay," he said. Aubrey Sarvis, the executive director of the , praised the new ruling. "Clearly, this is President Obama's Lyndon Johnson moment in history," he said. "A measure of dignity has been restored to thousands of service members on active duty, and to over a million gay veterans who served in silence." Obama has been an advocate for overturning the ban on gays serving in the military. Under the law, enacted in 1993, over 13,000 members of the U.S. military have been dismissed. Supporters of DADT have said the new ruling will damage the morale of troops. Former Republican presidential candidate John McCain said earlier this month more scrutiny would be needed before the law was repealed. A report by earlier this month concluded most U.S. service personnel do not believe reform of the rules on gays and lesbians serving in the military would affect morale, unit cohesion or military effectiveness. The report found only 30% believed that changing the law would have a negative effect. Lt. Col. Victor Fehrenbach, the highest-ranking officer investigated under the DADT policy, said: "I'm just incredibly proud of our country and of this military that so many service members will be able to serve with dignity and integrity. It's actually taken a day or two to sink in, because it seemed so unbelievable at the time."
2 marca 1926 roku na nowojorskim Bronksie urodził się nie kto inny, jak „Mr. Libertarian” – Murray Newton Rothbard. Z tej okazji mamy dla Was dwie wiadomości: 1) Objęliśmy patronat nad nowym, poprawionym i uzupełnionym wydaniem Etyki wolności Rothbarda – jednej z najważniejszych libertariańskich książek, jakie do tej pory napisano – a nasz Prezes, dr Przemysław Hankus, pracował z zespołem Wydawnictwa Fijorr Publishing nad tym, by kolejna edycja polskiego tłumaczenia opus magnum Rothbarda stała na najwyższym poziomie merytorycznym i językowym. Jak informuje Wydawca, pachnące świeżością egzemplarze Etyki wolności powinni trafić w Wasze ręce w ciągu najbliższych kilku tygodni. 2) W dalszym ciągu oferujemy jedyne polskie tłumaczenie jedynej jak dotąd biografii naszego dzisiejszego solenizanta: Przeciw państwu. Książkę napisaną przez Justina Raimondo, przetłumaczoną przez dr. Jakuba Wozinskiego i wydaną dzięki naszym staraniom we współpracy z Wydawnictwem Nowy Wspaniały Holding znajdziecie na dedykowanej stronie internetowej W TYM MIEJSCU. Standardowo polecamy poczytać zarówno Rothbarda, jak i o Rothbardzie. Stowarzyszenie Libertariańskie
'''2 marca 2021 roku objęło patronatem trzecie wydanie Etyki wolności (''Ethics of Liberty'') ''' Polskie wydanie Etyki wolności przygotowuje Wydawnictwo Fijorr Publishing. Przy kolejnym wydaniu współpracował z zespołem wydawnictwa dr Przemysław Hankus, prezes stowarzyszenia. Pozycja ma być w sprzedaży w ciągu kilku tygodni.
A man armed with a machine gun opened fire in a crowded shopping mall on Saturday, killing six people and wounding 15 before committing suicide, officials and witnesses said. Panicked shoppers ran for cover or hid in shops after the gunman opened fire at random at the mall in the small town of Alphen aan den Rijn, some 30 miles south of Amsterdam. Dressed in camouflage trousers and a bomber jacket, the gunman began shooting in a parking lot before moving inside the mall. Panicked shoppers ran for cover or hid in shops. Children were among the casualties, including an infant who was lightly injured, said Mayor Bas Eenhoorn. Three of the wounded were hospitalized in critical condition. "I saw a woman I know walking at the other side. She wanted to enter a shop when a tall young man approached and shot her in cold blood," witness Marjolein Nieuwland told the ANP news agency. "He walked calmly and shot through the windows of the shop where I was hiding," she said. "I also saw a woman in her motorized wheelchair shot in the head, and at the Albert Heijn (grocery store) there was a young man. Also dead. Later I heard that was the shooter," she said. The rampage ended when the attacker shot himself in the head. "It's too terrible for words, a shock for us all," said Eenhoorn. "Alphen is in mourning." The gunman was identified as 24-year-old Tristan van der Vlis, and it was "all but certain" he acted alone, District Attorney Kitty Nooy said. Afterward, a note was found in the attacker's black Mercedes containing threats that he had planted explosives at three other malls in the city, said Nooy. The malls were evacuated, but no explosives were found. A witness identified as Maart Verbeek told state broadcaster NOS the attacker appeared to be firing randomly. "There was a panic in the mall, a lot of people running," said Verbeek, a pet shop owner. "I see the attacker coming, walking, and I go inside the store ... and I see him going by with a big machine gun." Witness Martine Spruit, a 41-year-old receptionist, told The Associated Press she was shopping at a drug store when she heard bangs and people in the store hid behind shelves, realizing a shooting was taking place. Customers shouted for employees to lock the doors. "Then we heard the shots getting further away, so he was walking back and forth," she said. "Then we thought we'd have a look and there were two people lying dead near the entrance... Then he came back shooting so we locked the door again." Nooy said the shooter was a native Dutchman from Alphen who had previous run-ins with the law, including an illegal weapons possession charge when he was only 17 years old that was later dropped. He lived with his father. He had permits for five guns, including the machine gun, Mayor Eenhoorn said. The exact type of weapon was not identified. Dutch law forbids ownership of most firearms, but makes exceptions for some collectors and hunters. Eenhoorn said prosecutors were investigating whether the permits had been properly granted. Queen Beatrix and Prime Minister Mark Rutte issued statements saying they were shocked and sympathize with the victims and their families. Hours after the shooting, residents continued to gather at the mall, some of whom appeared to be in a daze. "You hear about this sort of thing happening at American schools and you think that's a long way away," said Rob Kuipers, 50, a project manager. "Now it's happened here in the Netherlands." Nooy said there was "no evidence" to support rumors that the gunman was a former soldier or that his mother or father had been among the dead or wounded Saturday. Eenhoorn said both the gunman's mother and father were cooperating with the police investigation. The mother found a suicide note at her son's apartment, but Eenhoorn said it did not offer any explanation for the attack. "The text is a farewell note," Eenhoorn said. "It says that he planned to commit suicide and a number of other things, but doesn't make reference to the terrible things he did." Witnesses said the attacker had long blond hair and wore a black jacket and camouflage pants. A resident who lives near the mall who gave his name as Marijn said the shooting went on for minutes. When he went to see whether friends working at the mall were OK, he saw the assailant lying dead in a grocery store. "There was glass everywhere," the resident said. "He was just shooting everywhere as if it were the Wild West." Images published by the NOS showed the body of the gunman lying near a checkout counter.
Seven people have been shot dead after a gunman opened fire in a busy shopping mall in the town of , in the Netherlands. Tristan van der Vlis, believed to be a Dutch national who had a criminal record, killed six people and injured numerous others before turning the weapon on himself. Officials have said van der Vlis, 24, who was local to the area and was known to police, used weapons he was legally permitted to own to carry out the attack. Police confirmed he was licensed to own five firearms, and used three in the attack. Unconfirmed reports say he left behind a final letter addressed to his mother. Officers this afternoon searched his house, and confirmed he almost certainly acted alone. The was evacuated and cordoned off after the shooting, amid mass panic. Witnesses described van der Vlis as looking "agitated and distressed" before he opened fire. One witness said: "I saw a woman I know walking at the other side. She wanted to enter a shop when a tall young man approached and shot her in cold blood. He walked calmly and shot through the windows of the shop where I was hiding." Police allegedly arrived before the gunman killed himself. The mayor of Alphen aan den Rijn, , said children may have been among the victims, although it is not clear if any were killed. "It's too terrible for words, a shock for us all," he said. "Under these circumstances, with many people shopping at the Ridderhof today, including parents with children, it's an almost incomprehensible situation." , the prime minister, said he was "horrified" by the shootings. == Sources == * * *
Gunman kills six in Netherlands shopping centre Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. A gunman in the Netherlands has killed six people and wounded at least 11 before taking his own life. The killings took place at a busy shopping centre in the town of Alphen aan den Rijn, about 25km (15 miles) south-west of Amsterdam. The mayor of the town said the man opened fire with an automatic weapon and then shot himself. The gunman came from the town, was known to police and "almost certainly operated alone", said a prosecutor. 'Slaughter' Kitty Nooy, from The Hague prosecutor's office, identified the man as 24-year-old Tristan van der Vlis, a member of a shooting club who had a permit to carry five weapons. She said he was native Dutchman from Alphen who had had previous run-ins with the law, including an illegal weapons possession charge that was dropped. Continue reading the main story “ Start Quote People went over to them to help, thinking that they had fainted. When they understood that someone was firing shots, everyone started running” End Quote Mehdi Attha Witness Mayor Bas Eenhoorn called the incident "unprecedented" for the town of about 70,000 people. He said four of the injured were in a critical condition and five had serious wounds. Children were among the casualties, but officials say they are not prepared to say whether they were among the dead or the injured due to privacy reasons. "It's hardly credible that our town could experience such slaughter, and on a day as beautiful as this," he said. Most witnesses said the shooting lasted between 10 and 20 minutes, according to AFP news agency. A shopkeeper in the Ridderhof centre said the gunman appeared to be shooting people at random. "Initially, we thought it was fireworks," 37-year-old Mehdi Attha told AFP. "Then the noises got closer and two people fell to the ground very close to me. "People went over to them to help, thinking that they had fainted. When they understood that someone was firing shots, everyone started running," she added. "I didn't see the shooter, I was just thinking about running." Evacuations Another survivor, an elderly woman, described the killer as "big and dressed in camouflage pants". The incident happened at a busy shopping centre "He moved about without haste, killing in cold blood," she told Dutch broadcaster NOS. Ms Nooy said notes had been found in both Van der Vlis' house and car, but did not reveal their contents. After the shooting, Mayor Eenhoorn ordered the evacuations of three other shopping centre in the town. He did not give a reason for the decision, but Radio Netherlands reported that the note in the attacker's car had said he had planted explosives at the other malls. Queen Beatrix and Prime Minister Mark Rutte issued statements expressing their shock and saying they sympathised with victims and families. A resident told the BBC the shooting was unusual, despite being the second in the area this month. "It's weird that something like this has happened in this neighbourhood. Usually nothing ever happens here. But this is the second shooting in two weeks," said Thomas Aantjes. Two people were killed on 2 April in a shooting in the same district of the town. Officials have not made a link between the two incidents. Send your pictures and videos to or text them to 61124 (UK) or +44 7725 100 100 (International). If you have a large file you can upload here. Read the terms and conditions
Seven people have been shot dead after a gunman opened fire in a busy shopping mall in the town of , in the Netherlands. Tristan van der Vlis, believed to be a Dutch national who had a criminal record, killed six people and injured numerous others before turning the weapon on himself. Officials have said van der Vlis, 24, who was local to the area and was known to police, used weapons he was legally permitted to own to carry out the attack. Police confirmed he was licensed to own five firearms, and used three in the attack. Unconfirmed reports say he left behind a final letter addressed to his mother. Officers this afternoon searched his house, and confirmed he almost certainly acted alone. The was evacuated and cordoned off after the shooting, amid mass panic. Witnesses described van der Vlis as looking "agitated and distressed" before he opened fire. One witness said: "I saw a woman I know walking at the other side. She wanted to enter a shop when a tall young man approached and shot her in cold blood. He walked calmly and shot through the windows of the shop where I was hiding." Police allegedly arrived before the gunman killed himself. The mayor of Alphen aan den Rijn, , said children may have been among the victims, although it is not clear if any were killed. "It's too terrible for words, a shock for us all," he said. "Under these circumstances, with many people shopping at the Ridderhof today, including parents with children, it's an almost incomprehensible situation." , the prime minister, said he was "horrified" by the shootings. == Sources == * * *
International Génocide du peuple sud-ossète: la responsabilité incombe aux Etats-Unis et à l'Europe (Kokoïty) 15:27 MOSCOU, 14 août - RIA Novosti. Le président sud-ossète Edouard Kokoïty a accusé les Etats-Unis et l'Union européenne d'être impliqués dans le génocide perpétré contre la population sud-ossète. "Ce qui est arrivé à notre peuple atteste que la Géorgie n'agissait pas seule, mais de connivence avec les Etats-Unis et de nombreux pays européens. Ils portent eux aussi la responsabilité du génocide de la population sud-ossète", a-t-il affirmé jeudi lors d'une rencontre avec le président russe Dmitri Medvedev au Kremlin. envoyez par e-mail retour à la page d'accueil
Le président sud-ossète Edouard Kokoïty a accusé les États-Unis et l'Union européenne d'être impliqués dans le génocide perpétré contre la population sud-ossète. , a-t-il affirmé jeudi lors d'une rencontre avec le président russe Dmitri Medvedev au Kremlin.
US endorses UN gay rights text WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration on Wednesday formally endorsed a U.N. statement calling for the worldwide decriminalization of homosexuality, a measure that former President George W. Bush had refused to sign. The move was the administration's latest in reversing Bush-era decisions that have been heavily criticized by human rights and other groups. The United States was the only western nation not to sign onto the declaration when it came up at the U.N. General Assembly in December. "The United States supports the U.N.'s statement on human rights, sexual orientation and gender identity and is pleased to join the other 66 U.N. member states who have declared their support of the statement," said State Department spokesman Robert Wood. "The United States is an outspoken defender of human rights and critic of human rights abuses around the world," Wood told reporters. "As such, we join with other supporters of this statement, and we will continue to remind countries of the importance of respecting the human rights of all people in all appropriate international fora." The Associated Press reported on Tuesday that the administration would endorse the statement. Gay rights groups hailed the move. "The administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) individuals," said Mark Bromley of the Council for Global Equality, which promotes equal rights for homosexuals. "This is long past overdue and we are encouraged by the signal it sends that the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people will now be considered human rights," said Rea Carey, the executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. Human rights groups had criticized the Bush administration when it refused to sign the statement when it was presented at the United Nations on Dec. 19. U.S. officials said then that the U.S. opposed discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation but that parts of the declaration raised legal questions that needed further review. According to negotiators, the Bush team had concerns that those sections could commit the federal government on matters that fall under state jurisdiction. In some states, landlords and private employers are allowed to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation; on the federal level, gays are not allowed to serve openly in the military. But Wood said a "careful interagency review" by the Obama administration had concluded that "supporting this statement commits us to no legal obligations." When it was voted on in December, 66 of the U.N.'s 192 member countries signed the nonbinding declaration, which backers called an historic step to push the General Assembly to deal more forthrightly with anti-gay discrimination. It was endorsed by all 27 European Union members as well as Japan, Australia and Mexico. But 70 U.N. members outlaw homosexuality — and in several, homosexual acts can be punished by execution. More than 50 nations, including members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, opposed the declaration. Some Islamic countries said at the time that protecting sexual orientation could lead to "the social normalization and possibly the legalization of deplorable acts" such as pedophilia and incest. The declaration was also opposed by the Vatican. Copyright © 2009 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.
The Obama administration announced on March 18, 2009 that the United States, in a reversal of position, would support the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity. 67 UN member states (green) have signed or say they will sign the Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. 57 UN member states (red) have signed an opposing declaration. The United States will become the 67th signatory to the non-binding document, which was proposed by France and the Netherlands and "condemn the human rights violations based on sexual orientation or gender identity wherever they occur, in particular the use of the death penalty on this ground, extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the practice of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health". US State Department Spokesman Robert A. WoodAccepting the proposal, which according to US State Department spokesman Robert Wood "commits us to no legal obligations", would nonetheless be a reversal from the Bush administration's refusal to sign. According to Mark Bromley of the Council for Global Equality, "the administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals". 57 UN member nations, however, including many but not all members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, have signed a counter-declaration introduced by Syria saying that normalization of LGBT rights would lead to "the social normalization, and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including pedophilia." Vatican City also opposes the resolution but on its introduction made a statement condemning legal discrimination against LGBT persons. Homosexuality or homosexual behavior is illegal in some 70 UN member nations and punishable by death in seven. The United States' adoption of the document comes as the Obama administration faces continued criticism from gay rights advocates on the subject of homosexual individuals serving in the United States military. While Obama has stated he would repeal Bill Clinton's 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" compromise and end restrictions on gays, bisexuals and lesbians serving in the military, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that he has had "one brief conversation with the president" on the subject; meanwhile, a US House bill to end the ban is losing its primary sponsor, Ellen Tauscher, to the State Department and no complementary piece of legislation has been introduced to the Senate. France's proposal of the document is one of several instances in the course of the Sarkozy administration where France and the Vatican have been at odds on issues of sexuality. France's foreign ministry, in response to comments by Pope Benedict rejecting the distribution of condoms in Africa to prevent AIDS, led EU member nations in rejecting the Pope's position. In September 2008, France openly affronted the Vatican by appointing an openly gay man, Denis Tillinac, as its ambassador to the Holy See; the Vatican rejected the appointment.
By Sue Pleming WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States, in a reversal of Bush administration policy, has decided to sign on to a U.N. declaration that calls for the decriminalization of homosexuality, the State Department said on Wednesday. State Department spokesman Robert Wood said the Obama administration, which took office eight weeks ago, would now join 66 other U.N. member states who supported a U.N. statement in December that condemned human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity. "The United States is an outspoken defender of human rights and critic of human rights abuses around the world," Wood told reporters. "As such, we join with other supporters of this statement, and we will continue to remind countries of the importance of respecting the human rights of all people in all appropriate international fora." Gay rights groups immediately welcomed the move. "The administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals," said Mark Bromley, who chairs the Council for Global Equality. The U.N. General Assembly had been split over the issue of gay rights, with many Muslim countries refusing to sign on to the statement because of opposition to international attempts to legalize homosexuality. A rival statement read out by Syria at the time gathered about 60 signatures from the 192-nation assembly. The United States was the only western state not to sign on to the gay rights document. All European Union member states endorsed it, as did Canada, Australia and Japan. 'NO LEGAL OBLIGATIONS' In a move that angered U.S. gay rights groups, the Bush administration argued that the broad framing of the language in the statement created conflict with U.S. laws. The rationale was that favoring gay rights in a U.N. document might be interpreted as an attempt by the U.S. federal government to override individual states' rights on issues like gay marriage. Pressed on this issue, Wood said a "careful" interagency review by the Obama administration found that signing on to the U.N. document "commits us to no legal obligations." Division in the General Assembly over the U.N. declaration reflects conflicting laws worldwide on the issue. According to the sponsors of the Franco-Dutch text of the document, homosexuality is illegal in 77 countries, seven of which punish it by death. Continued...
The Obama administration announced on March 18, 2009 that the United States, in a reversal of position, would support the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity. 67 UN member states (green) have signed or say they will sign the Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. 57 UN member states (red) have signed an opposing declaration. The United States will become the 67th signatory to the non-binding document, which was proposed by France and the Netherlands and "condemn the human rights violations based on sexual orientation or gender identity wherever they occur, in particular the use of the death penalty on this ground, extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the practice of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health". US State Department Spokesman Robert A. WoodAccepting the proposal, which according to US State Department spokesman Robert Wood "commits us to no legal obligations", would nonetheless be a reversal from the Bush administration's refusal to sign. According to Mark Bromley of the Council for Global Equality, "the administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals". 57 UN member nations, however, including many but not all members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, have signed a counter-declaration introduced by Syria saying that normalization of LGBT rights would lead to "the social normalization, and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including pedophilia." Vatican City also opposes the resolution but on its introduction made a statement condemning legal discrimination against LGBT persons. Homosexuality or homosexual behavior is illegal in some 70 UN member nations and punishable by death in seven. The United States' adoption of the document comes as the Obama administration faces continued criticism from gay rights advocates on the subject of homosexual individuals serving in the United States military. While Obama has stated he would repeal Bill Clinton's 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" compromise and end restrictions on gays, bisexuals and lesbians serving in the military, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that he has had "one brief conversation with the president" on the subject; meanwhile, a US House bill to end the ban is losing its primary sponsor, Ellen Tauscher, to the State Department and no complementary piece of legislation has been introduced to the Senate. France's proposal of the document is one of several instances in the course of the Sarkozy administration where France and the Vatican have been at odds on issues of sexuality. France's foreign ministry, in response to comments by Pope Benedict rejecting the distribution of condoms in Africa to prevent AIDS, led EU member nations in rejecting the Pope's position. In September 2008, France openly affronted the Vatican by appointing an openly gay man, Denis Tillinac, as its ambassador to the Holy See; the Vatican rejected the appointment.
UN Statement on "Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity" Robert Wood Acting Department Spokesman, Office of the Spokesman Bureau of Public Affairs Washington, DC The United States supports the UN Statement on “Human Rights, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity,” and is pleased to join the other 66 UN member states who have declared their support of this Statement that condemns human rights violations based on sexual orientation and gender identity wherever they occur. The United States is an outspoken defender of human rights and critic of human rights abuses around the world. As such, we join with the other supporters of this Statement and we will continue to remind countries of the importance of respecting the human rights of all people in all appropriate international fora.
The Obama administration announced on March 18, 2009 that the United States, in a reversal of position, would support the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity. 67 UN member states (green) have signed or say they will sign the Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. 57 UN member states (red) have signed an opposing declaration. The United States will become the 67th signatory to the non-binding document, which was proposed by France and the Netherlands and "condemn the human rights violations based on sexual orientation or gender identity wherever they occur, in particular the use of the death penalty on this ground, extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the practice of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health". US State Department Spokesman Robert A. WoodAccepting the proposal, which according to US State Department spokesman Robert Wood "commits us to no legal obligations", would nonetheless be a reversal from the Bush administration's refusal to sign. According to Mark Bromley of the Council for Global Equality, "the administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals". 57 UN member nations, however, including many but not all members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, have signed a counter-declaration introduced by Syria saying that normalization of LGBT rights would lead to "the social normalization, and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including pedophilia." Vatican City also opposes the resolution but on its introduction made a statement condemning legal discrimination against LGBT persons. Homosexuality or homosexual behavior is illegal in some 70 UN member nations and punishable by death in seven. The United States' adoption of the document comes as the Obama administration faces continued criticism from gay rights advocates on the subject of homosexual individuals serving in the United States military. While Obama has stated he would repeal Bill Clinton's 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" compromise and end restrictions on gays, bisexuals and lesbians serving in the military, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that he has had "one brief conversation with the president" on the subject; meanwhile, a US House bill to end the ban is losing its primary sponsor, Ellen Tauscher, to the State Department and no complementary piece of legislation has been introduced to the Senate. France's proposal of the document is one of several instances in the course of the Sarkozy administration where France and the Vatican have been at odds on issues of sexuality. France's foreign ministry, in response to comments by Pope Benedict rejecting the distribution of condoms in Africa to prevent AIDS, led EU member nations in rejecting the Pope's position. In September 2008, France openly affronted the Vatican by appointing an openly gay man, Denis Tillinac, as its ambassador to the Holy See; the Vatican rejected the appointment.
Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Advertisement Several EU states have criticised Pope Benedict for saying that the use of condoms could endanger public health and increase the problem of HIV/Aids. The Pope argued that distribution of condoms aggravated the problem, rather than helping to contain the virus, as he began a visit to Africa this week. France's foreign ministry said condoms were fundamental to prevention. German ministers said it was irresponsible to withhold family planning from the poorest of the poor. The Roman Catholic Church believes marital fidelity and sexual abstinence are the best way to prevent the spread of HIV. Some 22 million people are infected with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa, according to UN figures for 2007. This amounts to about two-thirds of the global total. 'Extremely harmful' French foreign ministry spokesman Eric Chevallier said: "While it is not up to us to pass judgment on Church doctrine, we consider that such comments are a threat to public health policies and the duty to protect human life." The Pope is making matters worse Bert Koenders Dutch development minister Why the Pope opposes condoms In Berlin, German Health Minister Ulla Schmidt and Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul said in a joint statement: "Condoms save lives, in Europe as well as on other continents. "Modern assistance to the developing world today must make access to family planning available to the poorest of the poor - especially the use of condoms. "Anything else would be irresponsible." Dutch Development Minister Bert Koenders said it was "extremely harmful and very serious" that the Pope was "forbidding people from protecting themselves". "There is an enormous stigma surrounding the subject of Aids and Aids sufferers face serious discrimination," he added. "The Pope is making matters worse." 'Increasing the problem' On his way to Cameroon, the Pope said HIV/Aids was "a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which can even increase the problem". Pope's visit raises hopes Can Catholicism help Africa? The solution lay, he said, in a "spiritual and human awakening" and "friendship for those who suffer". Campaigners say condoms are one of the few methods proven to stop the spread of HIV. Rebecca Hodes, of the Treatment Action Campaign in South Africa, said the Pope's "opposition to condoms conveys that religious dogma is more important to him than the lives of Africans". On Wednesday, the Pope attended a gathering of more than 30 Cameroonian bishops in the capital, Yaounde. The Pope said Catholicism faced a threat from superstition He told the bishops they had to preserve traditional African families and protect the country's poor. "In the context of globalisation with which we are all familiar, the Church takes a particular interest in those who are most deprived," he said. He said it was the duty of Christians to help to build "a more just world where everyone can live with dignity", the Associated Press reported. The Pope also warned of a threat to the Catholic Church in Cameroon from evangelical movements and from the "growing influence of superstitious forms of religion". Earlier on Wednesday, he held a private meeting with Mr Biya at the presidential palace. The BBC's Caroline Duffield in Yaounde says Mr Biya's consistent electoral victories have been widely condemned as fraudulent. Having spoken out publically against corruption, many Cameroonians will be hoping that the Pope delivered his message in private as well, says our correspondent. Pope Benedict is due to end his visit to Africa with a stop in Angola. Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version
The Obama administration announced on March 18, 2009 that the United States, in a reversal of position, would support the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity. 67 UN member states (green) have signed or say they will sign the Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. 57 UN member states (red) have signed an opposing declaration. The United States will become the 67th signatory to the non-binding document, which was proposed by France and the Netherlands and "condemn the human rights violations based on sexual orientation or gender identity wherever they occur, in particular the use of the death penalty on this ground, extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the practice of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health". US State Department Spokesman Robert A. WoodAccepting the proposal, which according to US State Department spokesman Robert Wood "commits us to no legal obligations", would nonetheless be a reversal from the Bush administration's refusal to sign. According to Mark Bromley of the Council for Global Equality, "the administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals". 57 UN member nations, however, including many but not all members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, have signed a counter-declaration introduced by Syria saying that normalization of LGBT rights would lead to "the social normalization, and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including pedophilia." Vatican City also opposes the resolution but on its introduction made a statement condemning legal discrimination against LGBT persons. Homosexuality or homosexual behavior is illegal in some 70 UN member nations and punishable by death in seven. The United States' adoption of the document comes as the Obama administration faces continued criticism from gay rights advocates on the subject of homosexual individuals serving in the United States military. While Obama has stated he would repeal Bill Clinton's 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" compromise and end restrictions on gays, bisexuals and lesbians serving in the military, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that he has had "one brief conversation with the president" on the subject; meanwhile, a US House bill to end the ban is losing its primary sponsor, Ellen Tauscher, to the State Department and no complementary piece of legislation has been introduced to the Senate. France's proposal of the document is one of several instances in the course of the Sarkozy administration where France and the Vatican have been at odds on issues of sexuality. France's foreign ministry, in response to comments by Pope Benedict rejecting the distribution of condoms in Africa to prevent AIDS, led EU member nations in rejecting the Pope's position. In September 2008, France openly affronted the Vatican by appointing an openly gay man, Denis Tillinac, as its ambassador to the Holy See; the Vatican rejected the appointment.
By Patrick Worsnip UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The U.N. General Assembly split over the issue of gay rights on Thursday after a European-drafted statement calling for decriminalization of homosexuality prompted an Arab-backed one opposing it. Diplomats said a joint statement initiated by France and the Netherlands gathered 66 signatures in the 192-nation assembly after it was read out by Argentina at a plenary session. A rival statement, read out by Syria, gathered some 60. The two statements remained open for further signatures, the diplomats said. No resolution was drafted on the issue and there was no voting, they added. The division in the General Assembly reflected conflicting laws in the world at large. According to sponsors of the Franco-Dutch text, homosexuality is illegal in 77 countries, seven of which punish it by death. The European Union-backed document, noting that the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was marked this month, said those rights applied equally to all people, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity. It urged states "to take all the necessary measures, in particular legislative or administrative, to ensure that sexual orientation or gender identity may under no circumstances be the basis for criminal penalties, in particular executions, arrests or detention." But the opposing document said the statement "delves into matters which fall essentially within the domestic jurisdiction of states" and could lead to "the social normalization, and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including pedophilia." "We note with concern the attempts to create 'new rights' or 'new standards,' by misinterpreting the Universal Declaration and international treaties to include such notions that were never articulated nor agreed by the general membership," it added. This, it said, could "seriously jeopardize the entire international human rights framework." Muslim countries have for years opposed international attempts to legalize homosexuality. U.S. officials said the United States had not signed either document. They said the broad framing of the language in the statement supporting decriminalization created conflicts with U.S. law, but gave no further details. But Dutch Foreign Minister Maxime Verhagen told reporters it was a "very special day at the U.N." "For the first time in history a large group of member states speaks out in the General Assembly against discrimination based on sexual orientation," he said. "With today's statement, this is no longer a taboo within the U.N." Syrian Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari told reporters sponsors of the statement had "cornered" other members by springing the declaration on them. (Editing by David Storey)
The Obama administration announced on March 18, 2009 that the United States, in a reversal of position, would support the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity. 67 UN member states (green) have signed or say they will sign the Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. 57 UN member states (red) have signed an opposing declaration. The United States will become the 67th signatory to the non-binding document, which was proposed by France and the Netherlands and "condemn the human rights violations based on sexual orientation or gender identity wherever they occur, in particular the use of the death penalty on this ground, extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the practice of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health". US State Department Spokesman Robert A. WoodAccepting the proposal, which according to US State Department spokesman Robert Wood "commits us to no legal obligations", would nonetheless be a reversal from the Bush administration's refusal to sign. According to Mark Bromley of the Council for Global Equality, "the administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals". 57 UN member nations, however, including many but not all members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, have signed a counter-declaration introduced by Syria saying that normalization of LGBT rights would lead to "the social normalization, and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including pedophilia." Vatican City also opposes the resolution but on its introduction made a statement condemning legal discrimination against LGBT persons. Homosexuality or homosexual behavior is illegal in some 70 UN member nations and punishable by death in seven. The United States' adoption of the document comes as the Obama administration faces continued criticism from gay rights advocates on the subject of homosexual individuals serving in the United States military. While Obama has stated he would repeal Bill Clinton's 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" compromise and end restrictions on gays, bisexuals and lesbians serving in the military, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that he has had "one brief conversation with the president" on the subject; meanwhile, a US House bill to end the ban is losing its primary sponsor, Ellen Tauscher, to the State Department and no complementary piece of legislation has been introduced to the Senate. France's proposal of the document is one of several instances in the course of the Sarkozy administration where France and the Vatican have been at odds on issues of sexuality. France's foreign ministry, in response to comments by Pope Benedict rejecting the distribution of condoms in Africa to prevent AIDS, led EU member nations in rejecting the Pope's position. In September 2008, France openly affronted the Vatican by appointing an openly gay man, Denis Tillinac, as its ambassador to the Holy See; the Vatican rejected the appointment.
Diplomazie Bloccata sul nascere anche la designazione di uno scrittore divorziato e risposato. E gli stop raffreddano Parigi No del Vaticano all' ambasciatore gay Respinta la proposta della Francia, che rimane da un anno senza rappresentante CITTÀ DEL VATICANO - È ormai quasi un anno che la Francia, «la figlia primogenita della Chiesa», non ha un ambasciatore a rappresentarla presso la Santa Sede, una vacanza che non ha precedenti per la sua durata nella storia recente dei rapporti fra Vaticano e Parigi e che è stata prolungata dal rifiuto di un diplomatico omosessuale che convive con il suo compagno. Per due volte la scelta del Quai d' Orsay per Villa Bonaparte, la sede della rappresentanza nel cuore di Roma, è stata respinta. La prima volta la scelta è stata bloccata sul nascere quando è stato fatto presente al presidente Nicolas Sarkozy che lo scrittore Denis Tillinac da lui proposto era sì un fervente cattolico, ma era anche un divorziato risposato, cosa che avrebbe incontrato un' inevitabile bocciatura vaticana. Era caduta nel frattempo l' idea dello stesso Sarkozy d' inviare in Vaticano lo storico Max Gallo. La seconda volta la vicenda si è trasformata in un vero e proprio contrasto, benché rimasto a livelli molto riservati, perché il candidato è stato formalmente proposto nel rispetto di tutte le regole con una comunicazione ufficiale alla Segreteria di Stato vaticana. La risposta è stata un no secco, perché si trattava di un altissimo funzionario del Quai d' Orsay omosessuale dichiarato. Il rifiuto ha naturalmente raffreddato la volontà del Ministero di accelerare la nomina dell' ambasciatore. Anche perché si dice che l' alto funzionario, candidato all' incarico, sia rimasto molto ferito dal rifiuto, dal momento che è un cattolico praticante molto impegnato. Neppure la visita del papa a Parigi è valsa ad accelerare i tempi della nomina del successore dell' ambasciatore Bernard Kesseddjian, morto proprio alla vigilia della visita in Vaticano di Sarkozy. Il compito di accompagnare il pontefice in Francia è stato così affidato al segretario dell' ambasciata Pierre Cochard. Il Figaro Magazine ha seguito la vicenda parlando di vari rifiuti. Tra questi ci sarebbe stato anche quello del segretario generale aggiunto del Quai d' Orsay, Jean-Loup Kuhn-Delforge, che sarebbe stato «bocciato» a causa del suo «profilo personale». Così L' Elysée cerca ancora il candidato giusto. In lizza Stéphane Chmelewsky, un diplomatico che ha organizzato il viaggio del Papa e che è appoggiato da Emmanuelle Mignon (una delle più ascoltate fra i consiglieri personali di Sarkozy). Ma anche Marc Odendall, un uomo d' affari, amministratore d' istituzioni umanitarie, ben introdotto in Vaticano».
The Obama administration announced on March 18, 2009 that the United States, in a reversal of position, would support the UN declaration on sexual orientation and gender identity. 67 UN member states (green) have signed or say they will sign the Declaration on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. 57 UN member states (red) have signed an opposing declaration. The United States will become the 67th signatory to the non-binding document, which was proposed by France and the Netherlands and "condemn the human rights violations based on sexual orientation or gender identity wherever they occur, in particular the use of the death penalty on this ground, extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, the practice of torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, arbitrary arrest or detention and deprivation of economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to health". US State Department Spokesman Robert A. WoodAccepting the proposal, which according to US State Department spokesman Robert Wood "commits us to no legal obligations", would nonetheless be a reversal from the Bush administration's refusal to sign. According to Mark Bromley of the Council for Global Equality, "the administration's leadership on this issue will be a powerful rebuke of an earlier Bush administration position that sought to deny the universal application of human rights protections to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals". 57 UN member nations, however, including many but not all members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, have signed a counter-declaration introduced by Syria saying that normalization of LGBT rights would lead to "the social normalization, and possibly the legitimization, of many deplorable acts including pedophilia." Vatican City also opposes the resolution but on its introduction made a statement condemning legal discrimination against LGBT persons. Homosexuality or homosexual behavior is illegal in some 70 UN member nations and punishable by death in seven. The United States' adoption of the document comes as the Obama administration faces continued criticism from gay rights advocates on the subject of homosexual individuals serving in the United States military. While Obama has stated he would repeal Bill Clinton's 1993 "don't ask, don't tell" compromise and end restrictions on gays, bisexuals and lesbians serving in the military, US Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that he has had "one brief conversation with the president" on the subject; meanwhile, a US House bill to end the ban is losing its primary sponsor, Ellen Tauscher, to the State Department and no complementary piece of legislation has been introduced to the Senate. France's proposal of the document is one of several instances in the course of the Sarkozy administration where France and the Vatican have been at odds on issues of sexuality. France's foreign ministry, in response to comments by Pope Benedict rejecting the distribution of condoms in Africa to prevent AIDS, led EU member nations in rejecting the Pope's position. In September 2008, France openly affronted the Vatican by appointing an openly gay man, Denis Tillinac, as its ambassador to the Holy See; the Vatican rejected the appointment.
By Victoria Gill Science reporter, BBC News These ants do not need males An Amazonian ant has dispensed with sex and developed into an all-female species, researchers have found. The ants reproduce via cloning - the queen ants copy themselves to produce genetically identical daughters. This species - the first ever to be shown to reproduce entirely without sex - cultivates a garden of fungus, which also reproduces asexually. The finding of the ants' "world without sex" is published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B. Anna Himler, the biologist from the University of Arizona who led the research, told BBC News that the team used a battery of tests to verify their findings. Unusual evolution By "fingerprinting" DNA of the ant species - Mycocepurus smithii - they found them all to be clones of the colony's queen. And when they dissected the female insects, they found them to be physically incapable of mating, as an essential part of their reproductive system known as the "mussel organ" had degenerated. This species has evolved its own unusual mode of reproduction Anna Himler University of Arizona Asexual reproduction of males from unfertilised eggs is a normal part of some insect reproduction, but asexual reproduction of females is "exceedingly rare in ants", wrote the researchers. "In social insects, there are a number of different types of reproduction," explained Dr Himler. "But this species has evolved its own unusual mode." She and her colleagues do not know exactly why this particular species has become fully asexual, and how long ago the phenomenon evolved. They are carrying out further genetic experiments, which will enable them to estimate how long ago the evolutionary change occurred. No sex please There are advantages to life without sex, Dr Himler explained. "It avoids the energetic cost of producing males, and doubles the number of reproductive females produced each generation from 50% to 100% of the offspring." But combining genetic material in sexual reproduction gives future generations many more advantages. "If we're more diverse, we're more resistant to parasites and disease," explained Laurent Keller, an expert in social insects from the University of Lausanne. "In a colony of clones, if one ant is susceptible to a parasite, they will all be susceptible. So if you're asexual, you normally don't last very long. "But in ants we're seeing more and more reports of unusual methods of reproduction," added Professor Keller, who was not involved in this study. He also points out that social insects, like ants, may be particularly well suited to this type of reproduction because it enables the queen to control the caste and sex of all the offspring in her colony. The first farmers Dr Himler's interest in Mycocepurus smithii was originally sparked not by their unusually biased sex ratio, but by their ability to cultivate crops. "Ants discovered farming long before we did - they have been cultivating fungus gardens for an estimated 80 million years. More interested in gardening than sex "They collect plant material, insect faeces and even dead insects from the forest floor and feed it to their crops," she said. Many different species of ant - including the famous leafcutter ants - cultivate fungi, relying on it for nutrition. But this particular species is able to grow "a greater number of crops than other ant species", she explained. "When we started to study this species more closely, we just weren't finding any males. That's when we started to look at them in a different way." Since the fungus crop reproduces asexually, Dr Himler thinks it might give the ants some kind of advantage "not to operate under the usual constraints of sexual reproduction". "There is certainly more work to be done in this system," she added. "We're quite excited about the direction this research might take us, and its implications." Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version
According to research undertaken at the University of Texas at Austin (and recently published in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B Journal), a species of ant (Mycocepurus smithii) found in the Amazon reproduces asexually. The species is thought to be the first such species discovered. The possibility that ''Mycocepurus smithii'' reproduces asexually had previously been suggested by Hermógenes Fernandez-Marin, "The possibility that females reproduce parthenogenetically is suggested by the conspicuous lack of males in reproductive colonies." Molecular genetic results reported in the Royal Society Proceedings indicate that members of ''Mycocepurus smithii'' colonies are genetically identical, consistent with asexual reproduction. Anna Himler, the biologist leading the research commented that "In social insects there are a number of different types of reproduction," but continued that "... this species has evolved its own unusual mode." Further research into when the species became asexual and why this change occurred is being undertaken.
Gefährlicher Weltraumschrott: Satelliten-Kollision war erst der Anfang 13. Feb 13:27 Weltraumschrott wird für die Raumfahrt zunehmend zum Problem. Er hat in den vergangenen Jahren so stark zugenommen, dass er für Flüge der US-Raumfähren ein größeres Risiko darstellt als die Gefahr in den Start- und Landephasen. Seit Jahren überwacht eine eigene Einheit der US-Streitkräfte, das Space Surveillance Network, den Schrott. 17 Radaranlagen und acht Teleskope auf der Erde sowie ein Teleskop im Orbit scannen die Umlaufbahnen. Den Beobachtungen nach umkreisen derzeit rund 17.000 Trümmerteile mit einer Größe von mindestens zehn Zentimetern die Erde. Dazu kommen noch rund eine halbe Million kleinere Schrottsplitter mit einer Größe von ein bis zehn Zentimetern. Durch den Zusammenprall der zwei Satelliten am Dienstag 800 Kilometer über Sibirien kommen nun weitere Trümmer hinzu. «Momentan werden mehrere Dutzend Teile gezählt, sagte Mark Matney vom Johnson Raumfahrtzentrum in Houston. «Ich nehme an, dass es mehrere hundert sind, wenn die Zählung abgeschlossen ist», sagte der auf die Erforschung der Weltraumtrümmer spezialisierte Astronom. Die beiden künstlichen Himmelskörper kollidierten mit einer Geschwindigkeit von rund zehn Kilometer pro Sekunde. Der Zusammprall zweier Satelliten im All hat in einer ohnehin schon überfüllten Umlaufbahn eine Trümmerwolke um die Erde geschickt. Die kleinen Geschosse gefährden nun auch Esa-Satelliten. ISS nicht gefährdet Die Teile der beiden Satelliten wurden in Umlaufbahnen geschossen, die sich in 500 bis 1300 Kilometern über der Erde befinden, wie der russische Generalmajor Alexander Jakuschin mitteilte. Die Trümmerteile umkreisen die Erde nun mit einer Geschwindigkeit von etwa 200 Metern in der Sekunde. Es wird nach Einschätzung der Nasa Wochen dauern, bis feststeht, ob die Trümmerteile andere Satelliten oder das Weltraumteleskop Hubble gefährden könnten. Die Internationale Raumstation ISS und der kommende Start der Raumfähre «Discovery» am 22. Februar sind ersten Angaben nach aber nicht gefährdet. Wie die Organisation «Union of Concerned Scientists» mitteilte, ereignete sich der Zusammenprall in einer extrem überfüllten Umlaufbahn des Orbits. Bei der Kollision am Dienstag seien besonders viele kleine Teile weggesprengt worden, die nun für Jahrzehnte die Erde umkreisen. Die Wucht des Zusammenpralls habe eine Trümmerwolke verursacht, die ähnlich der Druckwelle eines Schusses die anderen Satelliten in dieser Höhe treffe, sagte David Wright von der Vereinigung. Die kleinen Trümmerteile zwischen einem und zehn Zentimetern seien dabei besonders gefährlich, da sie von den Scannern nicht bemerkt werden und somit einer weiteren Kollision ausgewichten werden könne. Angst bei der Esa Auch bei der europäischen Raumfahragentur Esa wird mit Sorge auf die eigenen Satelliten geschaut. Die beiden Presitigeobjekte, die Erdbeobachtungssatelliten «ERS-2» und «Envisat», umkreisen in exakt derselben Umlaufbahn wie die Unglückssatelliten die Erde. Ein Zusammenprall mit den rasend schnellen Trümmern würde fast zwangsläufig den Totalverlust bedeuten. Beide Erdbeobachter kosten jeweils mehrere Milliarden Euro. Vor der Kollision am Dienstag waren vier Fälle bekannt, bei denen Objekte im Weltraum zusammengestoßen sind. Dabei handelte es sich aber um kleinere Satelliten oder ausgebrannte Raketenstufen. «Wir wussten, dass dies irgendwann einmal passieren würde», kommentiert Nasa-Astronom Matney den jüngsten Vorfall. «Kollisionen werden in den kommenden Jahrzehnten eine immer größere Bedeutung haben.» Hohe Geschwindigkeit Nach Angaben «Union of Concerned Scientists» gab es im Jahr 2006 mehr als 800 aktive Satelliten im All. Der an der Kollision beteiligte russische Satellit Kosmos-2251 hatte ein Gewicht von nahezu 1000 Kilogramm, er wurde bereits 1993 für die militärische Kommunikation in den Weltraum gebracht und war seit 1995 nicht mehr funktionsfähig. Der amerikanische Iridium-Satellit wog 560 Kilogramm und zog seit 1997 seine Kreise um die Erde. Die US-Firma Iridium LLC betreibt zurzeit 65 aktive Satelliten im Weltraum. Ihr Hauptzweck ist die Übertragung von Gesprächen und Daten mit Satellitentelefonen. Acht Ersatzsatelliten kreisen zusätzlich, die bei einem Ausfall einspringen können. Die Iridium-Satelliten haben eine ungewöhnlich niedrige Umlaufbahn und rasen mit besonders hoher Geschwindigkeit um die Erde.
Wie am 12. Februar des Jahres bekannt wurde, sind bereits am Dienstag ein amerikanischer und ein ausgedienter russischer Kommunikationssatellit über Sibirien in 800 Kilometern Höhe frontal kollidiert. Die dabei entstandene Trümmerwolke von momentan gezählten „mehreren Dutzend Teilen“ laut Mark Matney vom Johnson Raumfahrtzentrum in Houston bedroht andere Satelliten in den umliegenden Umlaufbahnen, da ein Zusammenstoß mit einem Trümmerteil zu schweren Beschädigungen führen würde. Für die Internationale Raumstation (ISS) bestehe laut Angaben der US-Weltraumbehörde NASA keine Gefahr, da diese über mehrere Schutzschilde verfüge, welche potentielle Trümmerteile abfangen würden. Auch für die Erde wird es kaum eine Bedrohung sein, da erwartet wird, dass diese Trümmerteile beim Wiedereintritt in die Erdatmosphäre verglühen. Ein Iridium-Satellit (Archivbild). Ein absichtliches Herbeiführen der Kollision wird nach derzeitigem Erkenntnisstand ausgeschlossen. Die Europäische Weltraumorganisation (ESA) äußerte die Befürchtung, dass die entstandene Trümmerwolke für ihre Satelliten gefährlich werden könnte. Sie sprach von zunehmender Gefährdung durch Weltraumschrott. Man geht davon aus, dass zirka 17.000 Teile Schrott mit einem Durchmesser von mehr als zehn Zentimetern im Weltraum um die Erde kreisen.
'There was a big noise, don't know what happened after that': Survivor Rescue workers at site after a passenger plane crashed when it overshot the runway at the Calicut International Airport in Karipur, in Kerala on August 7, 2020. (Reuters Photo) An Air India Express flight overshot and fell 50 metres off the end of the runway at the Kozhikode airport on Friday, breaking into two. At least 20 of the 190 people on board, including both the pilot and the co-pilot, were killed in the crash. A DGCA probe team arrived in Kozhikode along with junior minister of external affairs V Muraleedhran early on Saturday. According to hospital sources, at least 20 of the injured are in a critical condition. Some of the injured have received spinal cord injuries in the impact, they said.
Yesterday, an passenger flight attempted a landing at at , Kerala in India. The aircraft overshot the around 7:38 pm (1408 ) in the evening and slid off before breaking into at least two pieces. According to authorities, at least a dozen people lost their lives and scores more were injured. This is the aircraft which crashed, as seen in 2008. Air India Express flight 1344 (AXB1344/IX1344) was en-route from Dubai, UAE making its second attempt at a landing at Calicut during rains. The flight was part of the to return Indian nationals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aircraft was a . According to the , Calicut has a , so when the aircraft failed to stop on the runway, it fell into a ditch or gorge. The aircraft broke into two pieces but did not catch fire, according to the . There were 190 people on board, six of them crew members. Civil Aviation Minister said 18 people died. 149 of the survivors have been hospitalized. Hardeep also stated that both of the have been recovered. Among the dead are both the pilot and co-pilot. The said, "The injured persons have been rushed to Kozhikode Medical College and other nearby hospitals. Those admitted are having serious injuries." Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote, "My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. ... Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected."
Air India Express flight en route from Dubai skids off runway while landing at Kozhikode: Reports india Updated: Aug 07, 2020 20:48 IST An Air India Express flight with 180 passengers on board en route from Dubai skidded off the runway while landing at Karipur Airport, Kozhikode on Friday evening, news channels reported. The Air India Express flight was about to land at Kerala’s Kozhikode when the accident happened. More reports are awaited.
Yesterday, an passenger flight attempted a landing at at , Kerala in India. The aircraft overshot the around 7:38 pm (1408 ) in the evening and slid off before breaking into at least two pieces. According to authorities, at least a dozen people lost their lives and scores more were injured. This is the aircraft which crashed, as seen in 2008. Air India Express flight 1344 (AXB1344/IX1344) was en-route from Dubai, UAE making its second attempt at a landing at Calicut during rains. The flight was part of the to return Indian nationals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aircraft was a . According to the , Calicut has a , so when the aircraft failed to stop on the runway, it fell into a ditch or gorge. The aircraft broke into two pieces but did not catch fire, according to the . There were 190 people on board, six of them crew members. Civil Aviation Minister said 18 people died. 149 of the survivors have been hospitalized. Hardeep also stated that both of the have been recovered. Among the dead are both the pilot and co-pilot. The said, "The injured persons have been rushed to Kozhikode Medical College and other nearby hospitals. Those admitted are having serious injuries." Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote, "My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. ... Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected."
Air India Express plane crash: Air India plane has crashed at Karipur Airport in Kozhikode. The plane was landing at the airport. As per the images at hand, the plane can be seen in severely damaged condition. It was a Dubai-Kozhikode Air India flight number IX-1344. The cockpit and cabin have suffered extensive damage. Deepak Sathe, the pilot of the plane has died in the crash. It was raining heavily at the time of the accident. The runway that the plane was landing on was not too long. There were 191 people on-board including the flight crew.The crash took place between 7:30 and 7:45 pm on Friday evening. The rescue effort is on. 30-40 people have been admitted to hospital. As the plane crashed, the first 5 rows of seats suffered extensive damage. It is being reported that it is highly unlikely that passengers seated in these rows would survive the crash. LIVE UPDATES: 10:45 pm - 16 people confirmed dead in the accident 10:25 pm - "11 people have died," Kerala DGP tells India TV. Four people are still stuck in the debris. 10:23 pm - 14 dead, 123 injured and 15 seriously injured in Kozhikode plane crash, says ANI 10:08 pm - Pained by the plane accident in Kozhikode. My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. Spoke to Kerala CM @vijayanpinarayi Ji regarding the situation. Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected. Pained by the plane accident in Kozhikode. My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. Spoke to Kerala CM @vijayanpinarayi Ji regarding the situation. Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected. — Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 7, 2020 9:57 pm - "Locals have rushed to the crashsite with their vehicles to volunteer in rescue work," Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan told Rajat Sharma. 9:55 pm - Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan speaks with Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan 9:47 pm - Kerala CM Pinarayi Vijayan expresses shock over the tragedy. The CM has asked all govt agencies to engage in rescue operations using all government facilities. The CM has deputed AC Moideen, Minister for Local Bodies, to coordinate the rescue operations. AC Moideen has already left for Karipur from thrisur. CM also has deputed an IG of Police to oversee the rescue operation. Fire and Rescue teams of two districts have also been engaged. Health authorities have been instructed to provide all possible medical aid to save the lives of victims. 9:45 pm - The plane was being flowen 9:42 pm - "Shocked at the devastating news of the plane mishap in Kozhikode. Deepest condolences to the friends and family of those who died in this accident. Prayers for the speedy recovery of the injured," tweeted Rahul Gandhi Shocked at the devastating news of the plane mishap in Kozhikode. Deepest condolences to the friends and family of those who died in this accident. Prayers for the speedy recovery of the injured. — Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) August 7, 2020 9:42 pm - NDRF teams rushed to Karipur Airport for rescue effort. 9:40 pm - Air India Express Flight No IX 1344 from Dubai to Calicut skidded off the runway. We will keep you updated as and when we receive further updates. Our helplines - 056 546 3903, 0543090572, 0543090572, 0543090575: Consulate General of India, Dubai 9:37 pm - The flight was a Vande Bharat flight 9:30 pm - Two deaths confirmed, number feared to rise. 9:30 pm - 10 infants were onboard the crashed plane. 9:29 pm - Image Source : INDIA TV Image shows two pieces of the aircraft 9:27 pm - Reports of the death of the pilot, co-pilot reported to be in serious condition 9:20 pm - Out of 191 people on board, 174 were passengers. 5 comprised the cabin crew and 2 pilots. 9:15 pm - Aerial image shows two pieces of the aircraft Image Source : INDIA TV Aerial image shows the pieces of the crashed plane 9:00 pm - "Air India Express IX-1344, B737 Dubai to Calicut, person on board 191, visibility 2000 meter, heavy rain, after landing Runway 10, continued running to end of runway and fell down in the valley and broke down in two pieces," said DGCA. (More to follow) Latest India News Fight against Coronavirus: Full coverage
Yesterday, an passenger flight attempted a landing at at , Kerala in India. The aircraft overshot the around 7:38 pm (1408 ) in the evening and slid off before breaking into at least two pieces. According to authorities, at least a dozen people lost their lives and scores more were injured. This is the aircraft which crashed, as seen in 2008. Air India Express flight 1344 (AXB1344/IX1344) was en-route from Dubai, UAE making its second attempt at a landing at Calicut during rains. The flight was part of the to return Indian nationals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aircraft was a . According to the , Calicut has a , so when the aircraft failed to stop on the runway, it fell into a ditch or gorge. The aircraft broke into two pieces but did not catch fire, according to the . There were 190 people on board, six of them crew members. Civil Aviation Minister said 18 people died. 149 of the survivors have been hospitalized. Hardeep also stated that both of the have been recovered. Among the dead are both the pilot and co-pilot. The said, "The injured persons have been rushed to Kozhikode Medical College and other nearby hospitals. Those admitted are having serious injuries." Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote, "My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. ... Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected."
An Air India Express plane with 191 people on board has crashed at an airport in the southern state of Kerala, officials say. The aircraft, en route from Dubai, skidded off the runway and broke in two at Calicut airport upon landing, India's aviation authority said. Rescue operations are under way, with emergency services at the scene. At least two people, including the pilot, have died, the BBC has been told. Several passengers are injured, a spokesman for the airline said. The airline said there were 184 passengers including 10 children, and six crew members, including two pilots, on board flight IX-1344 when it crashed. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) said the plane fell into a valley and broke in two after skidding off the end of the runway. Images carried by Indian media show the aircraft broken in two pieces. The incident happened at around 19:00 local time (14:30 BST) amid heavy rainfall in the region. There have been flooding and landslides, as India's monsoon season reaches its peak. In May 2010, 158 people died when an Air India Express flight overshot Mangalore airport runway and crashed. This breaking news story is being updated and more details will be published shortly. Please refresh the page for the fullest version. You can receive Breaking News on a smartphone or tablet via the BBC News App. You can also follow @BBCBreaking on Twitter to get the latest alerts.
Yesterday, an passenger flight attempted a landing at at , Kerala in India. The aircraft overshot the around 7:38 pm (1408 ) in the evening and slid off before breaking into at least two pieces. According to authorities, at least a dozen people lost their lives and scores more were injured. This is the aircraft which crashed, as seen in 2008. Air India Express flight 1344 (AXB1344/IX1344) was en-route from Dubai, UAE making its second attempt at a landing at Calicut during rains. The flight was part of the to return Indian nationals during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aircraft was a . According to the , Calicut has a , so when the aircraft failed to stop on the runway, it fell into a ditch or gorge. The aircraft broke into two pieces but did not catch fire, according to the . There were 190 people on board, six of them crew members. Civil Aviation Minister said 18 people died. 149 of the survivors have been hospitalized. Hardeep also stated that both of the have been recovered. Among the dead are both the pilot and co-pilot. The said, "The injured persons have been rushed to Kozhikode Medical College and other nearby hospitals. Those admitted are having serious injuries." Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi wrote, "My thoughts are with those who lost their loved ones. May the injured recover at the earliest. ... Authorities are at the spot, providing all assistance to the affected."
Pelo menos oito pessoas ficaram feridas, duas delas baleadas, em um incidente ocorrido no campus da Universidade Central da Venezuela, em Caracas, nesta quarta-feira. Segundo relatos de testemunhas, homens encapuzados abriram fogo contra estudantes que voltavam de um protesto pacífico no centro da cidade contra a reforma constitucional proposta pelo presidente Hugo Chávez. Os tiros provocaram confusão e correria entre os estudantes. Uma testemunha disse à agência de notícias Reuters que, depois dos primeiros disparos, apoiadores do presidente passaram pela região em motocicletas, atirando para o alto. Policiais foram enviados para o trajeto da protesto para evitar confrontos entre apoiadores de Chávez e manifestantes. O campus da universidade, que é considerada um centro de oposição ao governo de Chávez, também foi cercado pela polícia. Marcha Os estudantes haviam participado de uma marcha que reuniu milhares de pessoas no centro de Caracas, até a sede do Tribunal Supremo de Justiça, onde os manifestantes entregaram um documento em que pedem o adiamento do referendo para aprovar a reforma constitucional, marcado para 2 de dezembro. A reforma foi aprovada pela Assembléia Nacional da Venezuela na semana passada e agora vai ser votada em um referendo popular. Entre as mudanças mais polêmicas está o fim do limite no número de vezes que o presidente pode ser reeleito. A Constituição vigente prevê apenas uma reeleição direta, com um período de seis anos para cada mandato. Outros artigos propõem a redução da jornada de trabalho de oito para seis horas diárias, o fim da autonomia do Banco Central, a inclusão do "poder popular" na escala dos poderes nacional, estatal e local e a proibição do latifúndio. O polêmico artigo 337 limita o acesso à informação em caso de estado de exceção. A oposição critica o projeto de reforma da Constituição por "concentrar poderes" e "atentar contra o princípio de alternabilidade na Presidência". Apoiadores do presidente, no entanto, afirmam que as mudanças vão aprofundar a democracia no país e estabelecer as bases para a formação de um Estado socialista venezuelano. Na semana passada, estudantes e policiais entraram em choque duas vezes em manifestações contra a reforma.
A Venezuela, simbolidada por sua bandeira Protestos pacífico de estudantes universitários em Caracas, Venezuela, deixa um morto e vários feridos. A manifestação é por conta das medidas de Hugo Chavez para permitir legalmente sua re-eleição indefinidamente. Homens de milícias armadas pró-chaves mascarados dispararam contra os estudantes no campus da Universidade Central da Venezuela, UCV. 123 pessoas foram sequestradas pelas milícias, mas já foram libertadas pelos Serviços de Protecção Civil e dos Bombeiros Metropolitanos de Caracas.
Australische Waren- und Dienstleistungssteuer (Goods and Services Tax, GST) wird für internationale Unternehmen gelten, die Waren von geringem Wert an Verbraucher in Australien verkaufen Canberra, Australien (ots/PRNewswire) - Ab dem 1. Juli 2018 verlangt Australien von Unternehmen, die Waren nach Australien verkaufen, die Erhebung einer Waren- und Dienstleistungssteuer (Goods and Services Tax, GST) auf Waren mit einem Wert von 1.000 Australischen Dollar (AUD) oder weniger. Hierbei handelt es sich um Waren, die von Händlern, Online-Marktplätzen und durch Wiederverkäufer vertrieben werden. Unternehmen, die pro Jahr mehr als ein 75.000 AUD dieser Waren von geringem Wert an Verbraucher in Australien verkaufen, müssen sich bei der australischen Steuerbehörde (Australian Tax Office, ATO) anmelden und GST auf diese Verkäufe berechnen. Diejenigen, die pro Jahr steuerpflichtige Lieferungen (einschließlich Waren von geringem Wert) in einem Wert von weniger als 75.000 AUD an Verbraucher in Australien vornehmen, werden nicht betroffen sein. Die Erhebung von GST auf Waren mit einem Wert von über 1.000 AUD wird nicht verlangt, da diese den bestehenden Grenzabgaben, Zoll- und Einfuhrabfertigungsprozessen unterliegen. Die Änderung wird sicherstellen, dass Waren von geringem Wert, die von Verbrauchern importiert werden, die gleiche Steuerbehandlung wie aus Australien stammende Waren erfahren. So werden fairere Wettbewerbsbedingungen zwischen lokalen Unternehmen und ihren globalen Wettbewerbern geschaffen, da inländische Lieferanten, unabhängig vom Wert des Produkts, bereits GST berechnen müssen. Die australischen Online-Shopping-Gewohnheiten haben in den letzten Jahren stetig zugenommen, wovon ausländische Einzelhändler profitieren. Diese Tendenz wird sich fortsetzen, was eine noch größere Chance für die Einzelhändler darstellt, die weiterhin im Begriff sind, Markentreue und -wiedererkennung auf dem australischen Markt auszubauen. Der NAB Online Retail Sales Index (http://business. schätzte, dass Australier in diesem Jahr bis März 2017 im Online-Einzelhandel 22 Milliarden Dollar ausgegeben haben, ein Anstieg um neun Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr. "Viele Lieferanten sind heutzutage weltweit aktiv und für australische Einwohner ist es oft genauso einfach, physische Waren bei einem ausländischen Lieferanten einzukaufen wie bei einem vor Ort", sagte Kate Roff, Assistant Commissioner bei der ATO. "Für viele australische Verbraucher ist es zur gängigen Praxis geworden, eine breite Auswahl an Produkten, wie beispielsweise Kleidung, Elektronik und andere Waren bei Online-Händlern zu erwerben. Das neue Gesetz verlangt von Unternehmen im Ausland, einschließlich Online-Marktplätzen und Wiederverkäufern, GST auf diese Produkte zu erheben, was zu einer gleichmäßigeren steuerlichen Behandlung für alle Waren führt", schloss Roff. Unternehmen im Ausland müssen sich nicht anmelden, sofern sie ausschließlich Firmenkundengeschäfte betreiben. Diejenigen, die angemeldet sind, müssen keine GST auf ihre geschäftlichen Umsätze erheben, wenn der Käufer seine Australian Business Number (ABN) und die Bestätigung seiner GST-Anmeldung zur Verfügung stellt. Die Regelung findet in Ergänzung anderer australischer GST-Änderungen statt, die ab dem 1. Juli 2017 in Kraft treten. Gemäß dieser müssen sich Unternehmen, die importierte Dienstleistungen oder digitale Produkte an in Australien ansässige Verbraucher verkaufen, zur GST anmelden und diese auf Verkäufe an australische Verbraucher anwenden. Dazu gehören Architektur- oder Rechtsdienstleistungen, das Streaming oder das Herunterladen von Filmen, Musik, Apps, Spielen, E-Books, Glücksspiel und Online-Kontaktbörsen. - auf unserer Website unter oder - per E-Mail-Anfrage an OTS: Australian Taxation Office newsroom: newsroom via RSS: Pressekontakt: Nick Timms Büro: +61-2-9928-1519 Mobil: +61-431-214-852
Australiens Lage auf der Südhalbkugel In knapp einem Jahr, ab dem 18. Juli 2018, wird Australien von Händlern, welche Waren in den Staat auf der Südhalbkugel verkaufen wollen, die Waren- und Dienstleistungssteuer, zu englisch ''Goods and Services Tax'', kurz ''GST'', erheben. Betroffen sein werden Waren, die durch Händler, Online-Anbieter und Wiederverkäufer vertrieben werden. Sitz des ''Australian Tax Office's'' in Melbourne im Stadtteil Moonee Ponds Alle Unternehmen, welche jährlich mehr als 75.000 Australische Dollar (AUD), was ungefähr nach aktuellem Wechselkurs 51.000 Euro entspricht, durch den Verkauf von Waren einnehmen, sind verpflichtet, GST zu erheben und sich bei der australischen Steuerbehörde, der ''Australian Tax Office'', kurz ''ATO'', zu registrieren. Lediglich Händler und Unternehmen, die pro Jahr steuerpflichtige Lieferungen, einbezogen sind Waren von geringem Wert, ab einem Wert von 75.000 AUD, werden von dieser neuen Steuerregelung betroffen sein. Händler und Unternehmen, welche mit einem Wert von unter 75.000 AUD Waren verkaufen, sollen demzufolge nicht davon betroffen sein. Des Weiteren wird die australische Steuerbehörde keine ''GST'' auf Einfuhrwaren mit einem Wert über 1.000 AUD erheben, da diese den bestehenden Zollabgaben, sowie den Grenzabgaben unterliegen. Nach der Änderung zufolge soll sichergestellt werden, dass Waren „faireren Wettbewerbsbedingungen zwischen lokalen Unternehmen und ihren globalen Wettbewerbern geschaffen“ sind. Inländische Waren müssen die ''GST'' berechnen.
N.Korea agrees to disable nuclear program in 2007 Printer Friendly (Page 1 of 2) GENEVA (Reuters) - North Korea agreed in weekend talks with the United States to fully account for and disable its nuclear programs by the end of this year, negotiators said on Sunday. "We had very good, very substantive talks," U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Chris Hill told reporters. "One thing that we agreed on is that (North Korea) will provide a full declaration of all of their nuclear programs and will disable their nuclear programs by the end of this year, 2007." North Korea's top nuclear envoy said separately his delegation was pleased with the outcome of the talks, held to hasten the end of Pyongyang's nuclear programme, a target agreed to in principle in 2005 in exchange for diplomatic and economic benefits. "We agreed about many things," Kim Kye-gwan, speaking in Korean, told reporters. "We made it clear, we showed clear willingness to declare and dismantle all nuclear facilities." Hill said the details of the "very important" agreement would be worked out later this month when six-way negotiations -- which also involve South Korea, China, Russia and Japan -- reconvene with a plenary session hosted by China. He did not say what the United States offered in return for the North Korean pledge. But he confirmed the delegations did discuss the terms under which Washington would drop North Korea from its list of state sponsors of terrorism. Being on that list imposes a ban on arms-related sales and keeps the economically isolated Stalinist state from receiving some U.S. aid. Kim told journalists that North Korea "will receive political and economic compensation" in relation to its declaration and disablement, but gave no details. The day before the two-day talks began, Washington announced it would offer a significant food aid package to help Pyongyang recover from August floods that killed at least 600 people, made 170,000 homeless and destroyed many croplands. Progress in the international diplomatic drive to make the Korean peninsula nuclear-free has been slow since 2005. Following the Geneva meetings, North Korean and Japanese negotiators will meet in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, for another bilateral session of talks. A six-party plenary meeting is then expected to be held in mid-September, likely in Beijing. Continued ... © Reuters 2007. All Rights Reserved.
La '''Corée du Nord''' a donné son accord à l'identification et au démantèlement de toutes ses installations nucléaires pour la fin de l'année a indiqué l'Assistant du Secrétaire d'État des États-Unis d'Amérique, Christopher Hill. Il s'agit d'une étape qui aidera à la normalisation des relations entre les deux gouvernements, a indiqué Christopher Hill. Le 13 février 2007, la Corée du Nord a donné son accord aux États-Unis, à la Chine, à la Russie, à la Corée du Sud et au Japan pour le démantèlement de leur programme nucléaire en échange d'aide ainsi que de garanties diplomatiques et de sécurité. a déclaré Christopher Hill. Kim Kye-gwan, dirigeant de la délégation nord-coréenne, a indiqué aux journalistes qu'ils avaient eu des discussions très substantielles et que la Corée du Nord fera une déclaration complète de ses programmes nucléaires et les arrêtera d'ici la fin de l'année 2007.
Sept. 2 (Bloomberg) -- North Korea agreed to a year-end deadline to identify and dismantle its nuclear facilities, U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Christopher Hill said. The agreement, which came in the course of two days of talks in Geneva, covers uranium enrichment programs that the U.S. says could be used to make nuclear weapons. The two sides also discussed terms for removing North Korea from the U.S. list of state sponsors of terrorism, Hill said. ``We will have to work out some of the details of this'' in the course of talks involving six nations that will resume later this month, Hill said. ``But we had a very good understanding of this today and an understanding that we need to pick up the pace and get through this phase in 2007.'' North Korea agreed with the U.S., South Korea, Russia, China and Japan on Feb. 13 to dismantle its nuclear program in return for 1 million tons of fuel oil or the equivalent in economic aid, as well as security and diplomatic guarantees that included normalizing relations with the U.S. Following the February agreement, North Korea shut down and sealed its Yongbyon plant, including a reprocessing facility from which the country made enough fuel for several atomic weapons, according to the CIA. The six countries are trying to settle on terms for disabling all of communist North Korea's nuclear-arms program. Playing by the Rules ``If they abide by this agreement, it would be a huge breakthrough and a sign of their willingness to play by the rules,'' Thomas Byrne, senior vice president for Moody's Investors Service, said by telephone. ``It appears to indicate that the regime is worried for its survival and needs outside help in reviving the economy.'' Earlier this summer Moody's upgraded the credit rating for South Korea, partly in response to signs of flexibility from North Korea. Tension with the north has made companies less willing to invest in South Korea, Byrne said. North Korea, a nation of 23 million people, depends on outside aid, mostly from China and South Korea, because of years of flooding, drought and economic mismanagement. The government has been criticized by the United Nations and other bodies for diverting resources to its nuclear program at the expense of feeding its population. Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan, the head of North Korea's delegation, told reporters today, ``we made it clear, we showed clear willingness to declare and dismantle all nuclear facilities.'' He mentioned no dates, according to the Associated Press. ``We are happy with the way the peace talks went,'' Kim said, AP reported. `Full Declaration' The North Korean government will ``provide a full declaration of all the nuclear programs and disable their nuclear programs by the end of this year,'' Hill told reporters today. North Korea was put on the U.S. State Department's list of nations sponsoring terrorism in 1988 after its agents were implicated in the bombing of a South Korean passenger airliner a year earlier that killed all 115 people on board. Designation as a state sponsor of terrorism results in U.S. sanctions, including curbs on economic aid and a ban on arms-related sales. Kim declined to say whether the U.S. pledged to remove his government from its list of terrorism-sponsoring nations in return for North Korea's promise to shut down all nuclear facilities this year, the Korean news agency Kyodo reported. North Korean and Japanese negotiators will meet next week in Ulan Bator, Mongolia's capital. The six-party meeting follows in mid-September, probably in Beijing. To contact the reporter on this story: Jennifer M. Freedman in Geneva at To contact the editor responsible for this story: Eddie Buckle at
La '''Corée du Nord''' a donné son accord à l'identification et au démantèlement de toutes ses installations nucléaires pour la fin de l'année a indiqué l'Assistant du Secrétaire d'État des États-Unis d'Amérique, Christopher Hill. Il s'agit d'une étape qui aidera à la normalisation des relations entre les deux gouvernements, a indiqué Christopher Hill. Le 13 février 2007, la Corée du Nord a donné son accord aux États-Unis, à la Chine, à la Russie, à la Corée du Sud et au Japan pour le démantèlement de leur programme nucléaire en échange d'aide ainsi que de garanties diplomatiques et de sécurité. a déclaré Christopher Hill. Kim Kye-gwan, dirigeant de la délégation nord-coréenne, a indiqué aux journalistes qu'ils avaient eu des discussions très substantielles et que la Corée du Nord fera une déclaration complète de ses programmes nucléaires et les arrêtera d'ici la fin de l'année 2007.
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stormed across the Philippine Sea June 21, 2008 capsizing numerous boats, killing hundreds and leaving an estimated 1,330 missing in total including 820 passengers and crew from the ferry. A Requiem Mass held for the first 10 DNA-assisted identifications of victims of the Philippines ferry disasterSince then Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) teams in , Philippines made up of experts from the (NBI), the (ICMP). and INTERPOL have painstakingly matched from recovered bodies to that of blood samples donated by relatives of those still missing. Analysis of DNA in ICMP's Sarajevo lab"The 23,000-ton vessel was also carrying tens of thousands of pounds of commercial insecticide and many bodies still remain trapped inside the wreckage" according to a recent press release from the ICMP. "With fingerprint identification out of the question for most of the victims, and dental records not available, this leaves only DNA as a means of identification, with samples from recovered victims matched to those provided by the missing passengers’ relatives." An NBI-DVI report explains "DNA matches are made by comparing profiles from victims to a database of profiles from their relatives. A minimum of two close relatives are sought for each individual." NBI-DVI has so far collected 1,916 blood samples from relatives of missing victims representing 809 missing persons. These samples are then matched against the 318 DNA samples from recovered bodies received by the ICMP. “Almost three months have passed since our country was struck by one of the worst typhoons in memory, with ‘Frank’ causing the sinking of the Princess of the Stars with hundreds of passengers and crew on board," said NBI Director Nestor M. Mantaring in the press release. "The NBI, through its DVI team, was tasked with identifying the victims of this tragedy. With help from INTERPOL and the ICMP, we have reached the 100th DNA-matched result which led to the identification and release of the bodies to their respective families. "We are committed to doing this until the last possible victim is identified and returned to their family,” he concluded.
INTERPOL media release 18 September 2008 Milestone achieved in INTERPOL and ICMP efforts in DNA-assisted identification of Philippines typhoon disaster victims DNA samples are being analysed at the ICMP's laboratory in Sarajevo. Nimal Mahagamage is leading INTERPOL's Incident Response Team in Cebu City. The Disaster Victim Identification teams in Cebu City, made up of experts from the Philippines National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), ICMP and INTERPOL and its member countries from around the world, announced 34 new identifications today – all made utilizing the most modern DNA-matching techniques at the ICMP. The current total of 122 DNA-assisted identifications is more than double the target of 10 per week set by the NBI, INTERPOL and ICMP on August 17 when the first DNA-identified victims were returned to their families. The multi-national identification effort, organized by INTERPOL in tandem with the NBI’s victim recovery process, is one of the most difficult mounted in recent times. The 23,000-ton vessel was also carrying tens of thousands of pounds of commercial insecticide and many bodies still remain trapped inside the wreckage. With fingerprint identification out of the question for most of the victims, and dental records not available, this leaves only DNA as a means of identification, with samples from recovered victims matched to those provided by the missing passengers’ relatives. “To have reached 100 DNA-assisted identifications is a significant milestone in terms of forensic achievements. More importantly it means that families who lost loved ones now have the opportunity to finally lay them to rest,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble. “INTERPOL has provided its full support in this effort from the beginning, and we will remain focused in our commitment to ensure the accurate and dignified identification of those who perished in this tragedy,” added Mr Noble. ICMP Director General Kathryne Bomberger said, “Through our identification efforts, including the use of DNA analysis, ICMP is strongly committed to bringing a sense of closure to all those families who lost loved ones in this tragic event. We will continue to work closely with INTERPOL and the Government of the Philippines in handling this difficult process.” NBI Director Nestor M Mantaring said working closely with INTERPOL and the ICMP has been critical to the ongoing process. “Almost three months have passed since our country was struck by one of the worst typhoons in memory, with ‘Frank’ causing the sinking of the Princess of the Stars with hundreds of passengers and crew on board. The NBI, through its Disaster Victim Identification team, was tasked to identify the victims of this tragedy,” said Director Mantaring. “With help from the INTERPOL, and the ICMP, we have reached the 100th DNA-matched result which led to the identification and release of the bodies to their respective families. We are committed to doing this until the last possible victim is identified and returned to their family,” he concluded. The identification work is painstaking and slow to ensure all identifications are accurate and no errors are made. “It is going to take some time to complete this most difficult task,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Noble. “But we are committed to doing all in our power to identify all of the victims of this tragedy where we have received sufficient identifying information. That is our goal.”
stormed across the Philippine Sea June 21, 2008 capsizing numerous boats, killing hundreds and leaving an estimated 1,330 missing in total including 820 passengers and crew from the ferry. A Requiem Mass held for the first 10 DNA-assisted identifications of victims of the Philippines ferry disasterSince then Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) teams in , Philippines made up of experts from the (NBI), the (ICMP). and INTERPOL have painstakingly matched from recovered bodies to that of blood samples donated by relatives of those still missing. Analysis of DNA in ICMP's Sarajevo lab"The 23,000-ton vessel was also carrying tens of thousands of pounds of commercial insecticide and many bodies still remain trapped inside the wreckage" according to a recent press release from the ICMP. "With fingerprint identification out of the question for most of the victims, and dental records not available, this leaves only DNA as a means of identification, with samples from recovered victims matched to those provided by the missing passengers’ relatives." An NBI-DVI report explains "DNA matches are made by comparing profiles from victims to a database of profiles from their relatives. A minimum of two close relatives are sought for each individual." NBI-DVI has so far collected 1,916 blood samples from relatives of missing victims representing 809 missing persons. These samples are then matched against the 318 DNA samples from recovered bodies received by the ICMP. “Almost three months have passed since our country was struck by one of the worst typhoons in memory, with ‘Frank’ causing the sinking of the Princess of the Stars with hundreds of passengers and crew on board," said NBI Director Nestor M. Mantaring in the press release. "The NBI, through its DVI team, was tasked with identifying the victims of this tragedy. With help from INTERPOL and the ICMP, we have reached the 100th DNA-matched result which led to the identification and release of the bodies to their respective families. "We are committed to doing this until the last possible victim is identified and returned to their family,” he concluded.
INTERPOL and the International Commission on Missing Persons (ICMP) today announced the 122nd victim identification following Typhoon Frank during which an estimated 1,330 people lost their lives, including 820 passengers and crew from the Princess of the Stars ferry.The Disaster Victim Identification teams in Cebu City, made up of experts from the Philippines National Bureau of Investigation (NBI), ICMP and INTERPOL and its member countries from around the world, announced 34 new identifications today - all made utilizing the most modern DNA-matching techniques at the ICMP. The current total of 122 DNA-assisted identifications is more than double the target of 10 per week set by the NBI, INTERPOL and ICMP on August 17 when the first DNA-identified victims were returned to their families. The multi-national identification effort, organized by INTERPOL in tandem with the NBI’s victim recovery process, is one of the most difficult mounted in recent times. The 23,000-ton vessel was also carrying tens of thousands of pounds of commercial insecticide and many bodies still remain trapped inside the wreckage. With fingerprint identification out of the question for most of the victims, and dental records not available, this leaves only DNA as a means of identification, with samples from recovered victims matched to those provided by the missing passengers’ relatives. “To have reached 100 DNA-assisted identifications is a significant milestone in terms of forensic achievements. More importantly it means that families who lost loved ones now have the opportunity to finally lay them to rest,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald K. Noble. “INTERPOL has provided its full support in this effort from the beginning, and we will remain focused in our commitment to ensure the accurate and dignified identification of those who perished in this tragedy,” added Mr Noble. ICMP Director General Kathryne Bomberger said, “Through our identification efforts, including the use of DNA analysis, ICMP is strongly committed to bringing a sense of closure to all those families who lost loved ones in this tragic event. We will continue to work closely with INTERPOL and the Government of the Philippines in handling this difficult process.” NBI Director Nestor M Mantaring said working closely with INTERPOL and the ICMP has been critical to the ongoing process. “Almost three months have passed since our country was struck by one of the worst typhoons in memory, with ‘Frank’ causing the sinking of the Princess of the Stars with hundreds of passengers and crew on board. The NBI, through its Disaster Victim Identification team, was tasked to identify the victims of this tragedy,” said Director Mantaring “With help from the INTERPOL, and the ICMP, we have reached the 100th DNA-matched result which led to the identification and release of the bodies to their respective families. We are committed to doing this until the last possible victim is identified and returned to their family,” he concluded. The identification work is painstaking and slow to ensure all identifications are accurate and no errors are made. “It is going to take some time to complete this most difficult task,” said INTERPOL Secretary General Noble. “But we are committed to doing all in our power to identify all of the victims of this tragedy where we have received sufficient identifying information. That is our goal.”
stormed across the Philippine Sea June 21, 2008 capsizing numerous boats, killing hundreds and leaving an estimated 1,330 missing in total including 820 passengers and crew from the ferry. A Requiem Mass held for the first 10 DNA-assisted identifications of victims of the Philippines ferry disasterSince then Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) teams in , Philippines made up of experts from the (NBI), the (ICMP). and INTERPOL have painstakingly matched from recovered bodies to that of blood samples donated by relatives of those still missing. Analysis of DNA in ICMP's Sarajevo lab"The 23,000-ton vessel was also carrying tens of thousands of pounds of commercial insecticide and many bodies still remain trapped inside the wreckage" according to a recent press release from the ICMP. "With fingerprint identification out of the question for most of the victims, and dental records not available, this leaves only DNA as a means of identification, with samples from recovered victims matched to those provided by the missing passengers’ relatives." An NBI-DVI report explains "DNA matches are made by comparing profiles from victims to a database of profiles from their relatives. A minimum of two close relatives are sought for each individual." NBI-DVI has so far collected 1,916 blood samples from relatives of missing victims representing 809 missing persons. These samples are then matched against the 318 DNA samples from recovered bodies received by the ICMP. “Almost three months have passed since our country was struck by one of the worst typhoons in memory, with ‘Frank’ causing the sinking of the Princess of the Stars with hundreds of passengers and crew on board," said NBI Director Nestor M. Mantaring in the press release. "The NBI, through its DVI team, was tasked with identifying the victims of this tragedy. With help from INTERPOL and the ICMP, we have reached the 100th DNA-matched result which led to the identification and release of the bodies to their respective families. "We are committed to doing this until the last possible victim is identified and returned to their family,” he concluded.
Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. Advertisement A car driver has crashed into crowds watching a Dutch royal parade, killing five people, in an attempted attack on the royal family, officials say. The car careered into a monument metres from an open-topped bus carrying Queen Beatrix and members of her family. The royals, who were unharmed, watched in horror as the car ploughed into bystanders in Apeldoorn, about 90km (56 miles) east of Amsterdam. Officials said the 38-year-old driver had suffered life-threatening injuries. We're speechless that something so terrible could have happened Queen Beatrix In pictures: Dutch parade crash Prosecutor Ludo Goossens said the man, who is a Dutch national, would be charged with attempting an attack on the royal family and murder - if he survives. "The man indicated that his action was aimed against the royal family," Mr Goossens told journalists in Apeldoorn. After searching the car and his home, investigators ruled out terrorism as a motive and said it appeared he had acted alone. 'Bewilderment and disbelief' Members of the royal family were shown looking on in horror as the battered car rammed spectators before crashing into the stone monument. In a televised address, Queen Beatrix called the incident shocking, and said everyone would empathise with the victims and their families and friends. The royal family looked horrified as the events unfolded "What began as a great day has ended in a terrible tragedy that has shocked us all deeply," she said. "People who were standing close by, people who saw it happen on television, all those who lived through it, must have looked on with bewilderment and disbelief. "We're speechless that something so terrible could have happened." Cynthia Boll, a photographer at the scene, told the BBC the car was already badly damaged before it slammed into the crowds at high speed. "There were people everywhere, you could definitely see that it was serious because everywhere was blood and shoes ripped off and all the people giving CPR," she said. Other witnesses described people being flung into the air as the car crashed through the throngs who had turned out to see the queen. Officials said two men and two women died at the scene of the incident, while another person died later in hospital. Taken by surprise The crowds were celebrating Queen's Day - a national holiday in the Netherlands when thousands of people take to the streets to mark the queen's official birthday. Hundreds of police officers were on duty in a huge security operation that took months to plan. But the authorities said they were taken completely by surprise when the small black car smashed through a security fence and into the crowd of people. Following the incident, flags were lowered to half mast on government buildings across the country and all planned celebrations were called off. Witnesses said the streets of Apeldoorn were now deserted. Are you in Apeldoorn? Did you witness the incident? Send us your eyewitness accounts using the form below. A selection of your comments may be published, displaying your name and location unless you state otherwise in the box below. Send your pictures to , text them to +44 7725 100 100 or you have a large file you can upload here . Read the terms and conditions At no time should you endanger yourself or others, take any unnecessary risks or infringe any laws. Name Your E-mail address Town & Country Phone number (optional): Comments The BBC may edit your comments and not all emails will be published. Your comments may be published on any BBC media worldwide. Terms & Conditions Bookmark with: Delicious Digg reddit Facebook StumbleUpon What are these? E-mail this to a friend Printable version
Location of Apeldoorn in Gelderland Layout of the incident. Black indicates the path of the car, and purple the path of the coach carrying the royal family. Five people have died and at least 13 are injured after a car plowed into a crowd in front of Het Loo Palace in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands during celebrations of Queen's Day. At around 11:50 local time a black Suzuki Swift went through barriers erected to separate the onlooking crowd from traffic, subsequently striking a monument. Members of the Dutch royal family watched the incident take place from the open-topped bus. The incident was witnessed by many onlookers and photographers as well by media covering the pageant. "He came out of nowhere and dragged ten to fifteen people. There is blood everywhere and people being resuscitated," a photographer following the parade for ''De Telegraaf'' said. At around 12:00, all official activities in Apeldoorn were cancelled. Other Dutch cities have also cancelled or scaled back activities, such as the Radio 538 concert in Amsterdam and all celebrations in Rotterdam. The mayor of Apeldoorn stated that, "A good day has ended as a drama." Offical Flags throughout the Netherlands have been placed at half-mast. The Queen responded in a video speech and expressed her sympathy for the victims. During a press conference held at 15:45, police reported that the man, who was still conscious but heavily injured after the accident, had told police that it was a deliberate act. It was also reported that the 38-year-old, a Dutch national, had not been in contact with the police until earlier that day when he was stopped at one of the barriers. He has no prior history of psychological problems and there are no indications that any sort of terrorist group was involved. The Queen's Day celebrations, observing the birthday of the Dutch monarch, take place annually on April 30. Citizens of the country traditionally celebrate by holding late-night markets and decorating the streets of the Netherlands in orange bunting, honoring the House of Orange.
(CNN) -- Five people were killed Thursday after a man tried to attack the Dutch royal family during a Queen's Day celebration by crashing his car near the royal family's bus, Dutch police said. A car is pictured after crashing into the crowd waiting for the visit of the royal family in Apeldoorn. more photos » Authorities are not releasing the name of the man, but said they have charged him with with trying to attack the royal family. Twelve people were injured in the incident in the Dutch town of Apeldoorn, about 45 miles east of Amsterdam, police spokeswoman Esther Naber told CNN. Crowds had lined the streets to see Queen Beatrix and her family ride by in an open-top bus during the Netherlands' annual holiday. As the bus moved along, a black hatchback zoomed past it. The crowds were behind barriers off the road, but security officials and journalists, including many cameramen, were in the road as the car went by. The car crashed into the low metal railing around a column on the side of the road. The vehicle appeared heavily damaged even before the crash, but the reason for that was unclear. There was no one other than the driver in the car at the time, Naber said. Members of the royal family saw the crash and gasped, then quickly sat down as the bus continued driving. The driver is in the hospital, badly injured, Naber said. He is among the five seriously hurt -- three men and two women. Queen's Day is a national holiday in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles, and Aruba. The tradition started in 1885 and celebrates the birthday of the queen. Although Queen Beatrix's birthday is January 31, she officially celebrates her birthday April 30, according to the Dutch government. Queen's Day is known for its free market all over the country, where anybody is allowed to sell things in the streets. Other activities include children's games and musical performances. Were you there? Send us your video, images The day is marked with the color orange all over the country as a reference to the colors of the royal family, who come from the House of Orange-Nassau.
Location of Apeldoorn in Gelderland Layout of the incident. Black indicates the path of the car, and purple the path of the coach carrying the royal family. Five people have died and at least 13 are injured after a car plowed into a crowd in front of Het Loo Palace in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands during celebrations of Queen's Day. At around 11:50 local time a black Suzuki Swift went through barriers erected to separate the onlooking crowd from traffic, subsequently striking a monument. Members of the Dutch royal family watched the incident take place from the open-topped bus. The incident was witnessed by many onlookers and photographers as well by media covering the pageant. "He came out of nowhere and dragged ten to fifteen people. There is blood everywhere and people being resuscitated," a photographer following the parade for ''De Telegraaf'' said. At around 12:00, all official activities in Apeldoorn were cancelled. Other Dutch cities have also cancelled or scaled back activities, such as the Radio 538 concert in Amsterdam and all celebrations in Rotterdam. The mayor of Apeldoorn stated that, "A good day has ended as a drama." Offical Flags throughout the Netherlands have been placed at half-mast. The Queen responded in a video speech and expressed her sympathy for the victims. During a press conference held at 15:45, police reported that the man, who was still conscious but heavily injured after the accident, had told police that it was a deliberate act. It was also reported that the 38-year-old, a Dutch national, had not been in contact with the police until earlier that day when he was stopped at one of the barriers. He has no prior history of psychological problems and there are no indications that any sort of terrorist group was involved. The Queen's Day celebrations, observing the birthday of the Dutch monarch, take place annually on April 30. Citizens of the country traditionally celebrate by holding late-night markets and decorating the streets of the Netherlands in orange bunting, honoring the House of Orange.
A car ploughed into the crowd watching the Queen's day parade in Apeldoorn. Two spectators were killed and 23 reported injured, some of them seriously. Reporters on the spot say the car drove at high speed, hitting a number of people that were thrown into the air. The black Suzuki Swift crashed into a monument for Queen Wilhelmina. The driver was taken out of the car in a serious condition. Emergency services are rushing to the spot to provide aid to the victims. Police are dispersing the crowd in the Loolaan area of Apeldoorn. The mayor of Apeldoorn announced shortly after the incident that the festivities in the city have been cancelled. Eye witnesses speculated that the accident may have been an attempted attack on the Royal Family. Others say that the car went off course with a shattered windscreen and that the driver appeared to be slumped motionless over the wheel. The vehicle came to a halt after crashing into a monument (pictured right). The incident occurred minutes after a luxury open-top coach carrying the Royal Family passed the spot (pictured below). The coach briefly stopped and was then accompanied to Het Loo palace by security forces. Queen Beatrix has sent a message expressing her sympathy to the victims. The government information service says the queen and her family are deeply shocked by the incident. Tags: Dutch royals, Queen's day
Location of Apeldoorn in Gelderland Layout of the incident. Black indicates the path of the car, and purple the path of the coach carrying the royal family. Five people have died and at least 13 are injured after a car plowed into a crowd in front of Het Loo Palace in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands during celebrations of Queen's Day. At around 11:50 local time a black Suzuki Swift went through barriers erected to separate the onlooking crowd from traffic, subsequently striking a monument. Members of the Dutch royal family watched the incident take place from the open-topped bus. The incident was witnessed by many onlookers and photographers as well by media covering the pageant. "He came out of nowhere and dragged ten to fifteen people. There is blood everywhere and people being resuscitated," a photographer following the parade for ''De Telegraaf'' said. At around 12:00, all official activities in Apeldoorn were cancelled. Other Dutch cities have also cancelled or scaled back activities, such as the Radio 538 concert in Amsterdam and all celebrations in Rotterdam. The mayor of Apeldoorn stated that, "A good day has ended as a drama." Offical Flags throughout the Netherlands have been placed at half-mast. The Queen responded in a video speech and expressed her sympathy for the victims. During a press conference held at 15:45, police reported that the man, who was still conscious but heavily injured after the accident, had told police that it was a deliberate act. It was also reported that the 38-year-old, a Dutch national, had not been in contact with the police until earlier that day when he was stopped at one of the barriers. He has no prior history of psychological problems and there are no indications that any sort of terrorist group was involved. The Queen's Day celebrations, observing the birthday of the Dutch monarch, take place annually on April 30. Citizens of the country traditionally celebrate by holding late-night markets and decorating the streets of the Netherlands in orange bunting, honoring the House of Orange.
Van onze redactie gepubliceerd op 30 april 2009 15:30, bijgewerkt op 1 mei 2009 17:06 APELDOORN - Een medewerker van de Koninklijke Marechaussee die donderdag zwaargewond raakte bij het drama van Koninginnedag in Apeldoorn, is vrijdagmiddag aan zijn verwondingen bezweken. Dat heeft de Commandant van de Koninklijke Marechaussee, luitenant-generaal Dick van Putten, bekendgemaakt. Het slachtoffer werkte als chauffeur bij de transportgroep van het Landelijk Opleidings- en Kenniscentrum Koninklijke Marechaussee in Apeldoorn. 7 levens Het drama tijdens de tocht van de koninklijke familie door Apeldoorn heeft nu 7 levens geëist, 5 mannen, onder wie de dader, en 2 vrouwen. Drie van de gewonden zijn kinderen van 16, 15 en 9 jaar. Op een persconferentie donderdagavond meldde het Openbaar Ministerie dat de actie was 'gericht tegen het koninklijke familie'. De dader, de 38-jarige autochtone Nederlander Karst T., is in de nacht van donderdag op vrijdag aan zijn verwondingen overleden. Het strafrechtelijk onderzoek dat tegen hem liep, is inmiddels stopgezet. Zijn huis in Huissen (Gelderland) werd donderdagavond doorzocht. Volgens hoofdofficier van justitie Ludo Goossens woont de verdachte alleen in een 'net uitziende woning'. De dader reed donderdagochtend rond tien voor twaalf op volle snelheid in een zwarte Suzuki Swift door de afzetting op het kruispunt Jachtlaan/Amersfoortseweg/Loolaan/Zwolseweg. Hij miste de open bus waarin de koninklijke familie reed op een tiental meters, en knalde even verderop tegen de gedenknaald voor park Het Loo. Woorden na crash Goossens zei eerder donderdag al op een persconferentie reden te hebben om aan te nemen dat het om een bewuste actie ging. Dat blijkt volgens het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) uit de de woorden die de verdachte uitte vlak na de crash tegenover politieagenten. Er is 'geen enkele indicatie' dat andere personen bij de actie zouden zijn betrokken of dat het om een terreuraanslag zou gaan. Rechercheurs van de Explosieve Opruimingsdienst (EOD) hebben de auto onderzocht. Er zijn geen explosieven in de auto gevonden. Volkskrant-redacteur Remco Meijer was ooggetuige van het drama. Bekijk hier de video met zijn verhaal. Leden van de koninklijke familie in de open bus Koningin Beatrix Kroonprins Willem-Alexander Prinses Máxima Prins Johan Friso Prinses Mabel Prins Constantijn Prinses Laurentien Prinses Margriet Pieter van Vollenhoven Prins Maurits Prinses Marilène Prinses Annette Prins Pieter-Christiaan Prinses Anita Prins Floris Prinses Aimée De bus met de koninklijke familie wordt gevolgd door de persbus De dader heeft geen strafblad, en van hem zijn volgens de hoofdofficier ook 'geen problemen in de sfeer van de geestelijke gezondheidszorg' bekend. De man wordt ervan verdacht dat hij een aanslag probeerde te plegen op leden van het Koninklijk Huis, zegt het OM. Ook wordt hij verdacht van moord danwel doodslag. Mocht hij komen te overlijden, dan is er geen strafzaak meer, zei hoofdofficier Goossens donderdagavond. Hij wilde geen antwoord geven op de vraag of het om een zelfmoordactie ging. De aanslag wordt vanwege het nationale belang onderzocht door de Nationale Recherche, die samenwerkt met de politie van de regio Noord- en Oost-Gelderland. Alleen al de Nationale Recherche heeft 250 man op de zaak gezet. De politie roept getuigen met foto- en filmmateriaal op zich te melden via telefoonnummer 0800-6070. Inmiddels hebben zich 500 mensen op dit nummer gemeld. Vermoedelijke eigenaar auto De politie heeft in de zoektocht naar de achtergronden van de dader huiszoekingen gedaan in Velp (Gelderland) en in Huissen. De verdachte is eerder bij een afzetting door de politie weggestuurd. Hij zou met met hoge snelheid in een zijstraat zijn verdwenen. Volgens de politie is de man vermoedelijk zelfs door twee afzettingen gereden, omdat de weg zelf ook al was afgezet. De auto was al zwaar beschadigd voor hij de gedenknaald ramde. De bestuurder zat lange tijd bekneld in het voertuig en is daarna voor verhoor afgevoerd, meldde de politie. Programma afgelast De koninklijke bus reed meteen door naar het paleis. De rest van het officiële programma voor Koninginnedag, inclusief de historische optocht door Apeldoorn, werd afgelast. Dat maakte de RVD bekend. Beatrix betuigde haar medeleven aan de slachtoffers op televisie. Ook premier Jan Peter Balkenende zei donderdag ‘diep geschokt’ te zijn door ‘de afschuwelijke gebeurtenis’ in Apeldoorn. De vlag op Paleis Het Loo is halfstok gehangen. Op internet is een condoleanceregister geopend.
Location of Apeldoorn in Gelderland Layout of the incident. Black indicates the path of the car, and purple the path of the coach carrying the royal family. Five people have died and at least 13 are injured after a car plowed into a crowd in front of Het Loo Palace in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands during celebrations of Queen's Day. At around 11:50 local time a black Suzuki Swift went through barriers erected to separate the onlooking crowd from traffic, subsequently striking a monument. Members of the Dutch royal family watched the incident take place from the open-topped bus. The incident was witnessed by many onlookers and photographers as well by media covering the pageant. "He came out of nowhere and dragged ten to fifteen people. There is blood everywhere and people being resuscitated," a photographer following the parade for ''De Telegraaf'' said. At around 12:00, all official activities in Apeldoorn were cancelled. Other Dutch cities have also cancelled or scaled back activities, such as the Radio 538 concert in Amsterdam and all celebrations in Rotterdam. The mayor of Apeldoorn stated that, "A good day has ended as a drama." Offical Flags throughout the Netherlands have been placed at half-mast. The Queen responded in a video speech and expressed her sympathy for the victims. During a press conference held at 15:45, police reported that the man, who was still conscious but heavily injured after the accident, had told police that it was a deliberate act. It was also reported that the 38-year-old, a Dutch national, had not been in contact with the police until earlier that day when he was stopped at one of the barriers. He has no prior history of psychological problems and there are no indications that any sort of terrorist group was involved. The Queen's Day celebrations, observing the birthday of the Dutch monarch, take place annually on April 30. Citizens of the country traditionally celebrate by holding late-night markets and decorating the streets of the Netherlands in orange bunting, honoring the House of Orange.
De auto kwam tot stilstand tegen het monument De Naald, vlakbij de open bus van de koninklijke familie (op de achtergrond). Foto WFA Apeldoorn, 30 april. Tijdens het bezoek van de koninklijke familie aan Apeldoorn is een 38-jarige man in een zwarte auto vandaag tegen twaalf uur in volle vaart door het publiek heen gereden, in een poging de bus van de koninklijke familie te raken. Daarbij zijn vijf doden en twaalf gewonden gevallen. Het Openbaar Ministerie (OM) verdenkt de dader, een autochtone Nederlander, van een poging tot aanslag op leden van het Koninklijk Huis. De dader, die in kritieke toestand in het ziekenhuis ligt en volgens bronnen van de NOS hersendood zou zijn, heeft volgens het OM net na de aanslag toegegeven dat zijn actie was gericht tegen de koninklijke familie. Hij zou niet eerder met politie en justitie in aanraking zijn geweest. De zwarte Suzuki Swift waarmee de aanslag werd gepleegd, reed dwars door een afzetting en een rij publiek heen op het moment dat de koninklijke familie in een bus voorbijkwam. De auto passeerde de bus op zo'n vijftien meter en kwam tot stilstand tegen het hek rond monument De Naald. De voorkant van de auto was op dat moment al ernstig beschadigd. De bus van de koninklijke familie, een gewone stadsbus zonder dak, was net vanuit de Loolaan het kruispunt op gedraaid. De inzittenden konden zien hoe de Suzuki het monument ramde. Koningin Beatrix, kroonprins Willem-Alexander en prinses Máxima sprongen op en de prinses sloeg in verbijstering haar hand voor de mond. Ooggetuigen meldden later dat ze op dat moment vreesden voor een ontploffing – maar die bleef uit. De mensen die in Apeldoorn zijn gedood, zijn drie mannen en twee vrouwen. Dat maakte burgemeester Fred de Graaf van Apeldoorn bekend. De gewonden zijn vijf mannen, vier vrouwen en drie kinderen van zestien, vijftien en negen jaar oud. Het gaat daarbij om kneuzingen, botbreuken, hersen- en schedelletsel. Onder de gewonde slachtoffers zijn vijf familieleden van leden van een Tilburgse drumband, een politieagent en een medewerker van de Koninklijke Marechaussee. Volgens ooggetuigen, onder wie NRC Handelsblad-fotograaf Merlin Daleman, had de man ,,duidelijk de bedoeling” om de bus waarin de koninklijke familie zat te raken. „De auto accelereerde, de chauffeur gaf duidelijk gas”, aldus Daleman, wiens observatie vanmiddag werd gedeeld door andere getuigen. De Rijksvoorlichtingsdienst en burgemeester Fred de Graaf van Apeldoorn meldden ruim een half uur na de crash dat alle festiviteiten werden afgelast. Heeft u beeld van voor of tijdens het drama? NRC wil een reconstructie maken van de situatie ter plekke en kan uw hulp daarbij gebruiken. E-mailen kan naar Hulpverleners waren snel ter plekke en werden bijgestaan door omstanders. De Explosieven Opruimingsdienst kwam later op het kruispunt met honden om de auto aan een onderzoek onderwerpen. Enkele ooggetuigen meldden dat ze de auto eerder op de dag al hadden zien rijden op de Amersfoortseweg, die ook uitkomt op hetzelfde kruispunt. Een van hen zei in het Radio 1 Journaal: „De auto werd geblokkeerd door de politie. Toen zag ik de auto een zijstraat nemen. Hij reed als een speer weg. Later hoorde ik dat er een ongeluk was gebeurd. Ik dacht dat kan niet anders dan deze auto zijn. In de auto zat, denk ik, een knul van een jaar of 25, 26.” Na de crash tegen De Naald werd de bestuurder door de brandweer uit de auto gezaagd. Om 12.17 uur werd hij, nadat hij enkele minuten naakt op de grond had gelegen, in de gereedstaande ambulance getild, zonder witte lakens over hem heen, wat doet vermoeden dat hij in elk geval op dat moment nog leefde. De bus met de koninklijke familie was inmiddels doorgereden naar paleis ’t Loo. Koningin Beatrix zei om 12.41 uur dat ze ,,zeer geschokt” was en ,,intens meeleefde met de slachtoffers van het ongeluk”.
Location of Apeldoorn in Gelderland Layout of the incident. Black indicates the path of the car, and purple the path of the coach carrying the royal family. Five people have died and at least 13 are injured after a car plowed into a crowd in front of Het Loo Palace in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands during celebrations of Queen's Day. At around 11:50 local time a black Suzuki Swift went through barriers erected to separate the onlooking crowd from traffic, subsequently striking a monument. Members of the Dutch royal family watched the incident take place from the open-topped bus. The incident was witnessed by many onlookers and photographers as well by media covering the pageant. "He came out of nowhere and dragged ten to fifteen people. There is blood everywhere and people being resuscitated," a photographer following the parade for ''De Telegraaf'' said. At around 12:00, all official activities in Apeldoorn were cancelled. Other Dutch cities have also cancelled or scaled back activities, such as the Radio 538 concert in Amsterdam and all celebrations in Rotterdam. The mayor of Apeldoorn stated that, "A good day has ended as a drama." Offical Flags throughout the Netherlands have been placed at half-mast. The Queen responded in a video speech and expressed her sympathy for the victims. During a press conference held at 15:45, police reported that the man, who was still conscious but heavily injured after the accident, had told police that it was a deliberate act. It was also reported that the 38-year-old, a Dutch national, had not been in contact with the police until earlier that day when he was stopped at one of the barriers. He has no prior history of psychological problems and there are no indications that any sort of terrorist group was involved. The Queen's Day celebrations, observing the birthday of the Dutch monarch, take place annually on April 30. Citizens of the country traditionally celebrate by holding late-night markets and decorating the streets of the Netherlands in orange bunting, honoring the House of Orange.
««« previous next »»» Two killed as car crashes close to royal bus (Update 2) At least two people have been killed and 12 injured in a serious incident during the royal family's visit to Apeldoorn to celebrate Queen's Day. TV pictures show a heavily-damaged black car driving through the barriers erected to keep the crowd under control, close to the open bus carrying queen Beatrix and the rest of her family. The car hit several people and ploughed into a fenced-off obelisk. Family members on board the open bus witnessed the incident. Driver injured The driver of the car was cut out and taken to an ambulance on a stretcher. One eyewitness told the Telegraaf someone had fallen out of the car shortly before it hit the pillar. Another said the car appeared to be attempting to drive at the bus. The Telegraaf reports that the royal procession was running late by 20 minutes but that the driver appeared to have followed the royal bus exactly. The rest of the celebrations in Apeldoorn have been cancelled and the royal family will not appear again in public, Nos tv reports. Nos tv said it is difficult to find out more about the incident because the use of mobile phones has been banned. A news conference has been scheduled for later this afternoon. Queen Beatrix has issued a statement saying the family is extremely shocked by the incident and extending her sympathy to the injured. Cancellations In Amsterdam, the Toppers, the headline act at the traditional Radio 538 concert on the Museumplein cancelled their performance 'out of respect to the victims and their families'. According to local tv station At5, it is not clear if the rest of the concert will go ahead. In Rotterdam, all the official festivities for Queen's Day have been cancelled, the Telegraaf reported. For live coverage of events, For photographs and a video of the incident, click here More to follow Get the newsletter in your mailbox: Click here to subscribe Print-version Readers' comments Place your comments:
Location of Apeldoorn in Gelderland Layout of the incident. Black indicates the path of the car, and purple the path of the coach carrying the royal family. Five people have died and at least 13 are injured after a car plowed into a crowd in front of Het Loo Palace in Apeldoorn, the Netherlands during celebrations of Queen's Day. At around 11:50 local time a black Suzuki Swift went through barriers erected to separate the onlooking crowd from traffic, subsequently striking a monument. Members of the Dutch royal family watched the incident take place from the open-topped bus. The incident was witnessed by many onlookers and photographers as well by media covering the pageant. "He came out of nowhere and dragged ten to fifteen people. There is blood everywhere and people being resuscitated," a photographer following the parade for ''De Telegraaf'' said. At around 12:00, all official activities in Apeldoorn were cancelled. Other Dutch cities have also cancelled or scaled back activities, such as the Radio 538 concert in Amsterdam and all celebrations in Rotterdam. The mayor of Apeldoorn stated that, "A good day has ended as a drama." Offical Flags throughout the Netherlands have been placed at half-mast. The Queen responded in a video speech and expressed her sympathy for the victims. During a press conference held at 15:45, police reported that the man, who was still conscious but heavily injured after the accident, had told police that it was a deliberate act. It was also reported that the 38-year-old, a Dutch national, had not been in contact with the police until earlier that day when he was stopped at one of the barriers. He has no prior history of psychological problems and there are no indications that any sort of terrorist group was involved. The Queen's Day celebrations, observing the birthday of the Dutch monarch, take place annually on April 30. Citizens of the country traditionally celebrate by holding late-night markets and decorating the streets of the Netherlands in orange bunting, honoring the House of Orange.
Sarkozy ofrece apoyo a programa nuclear egipcio 29-12-2007 - 12:07 h. EL CAIRO | AP El presidente francés Nicolás Sarkozy expresó la disposición de su gobierno de ayudar a Egipto con su programa nuclear, dijo un diario oficialista el sábado. Sarkozy, quien está de vacaciones en Egipto con su novia, se pronuncio antes de un encuentro oficial con el presidente Hosni Mubarak en El Cairo. "Yo veo como algo natural que cualquier país busque la energía nuclear", dijo Sarkozy jefe de redacción del diario Al-Ahram el viernes. "Francia tiene sin duda la mayor capacidad y experiencia en este campo y está lista para cooperar con Egipto, si así lo desea Egipto", dijo. Francia genera la mayor parte de su electricidad con la energía nuclear. En octubre, el presidente egipcio se pronunció en favor de que el país reanude su programa nuclear, luego de detenerlo a consecuencia del accidente en la planta nuclear soviética de Chernobyl. Mubarak dijo previamente que la idea era diversificar los recursos energéticos de Egipto y preservar sus reservas petroleras y de gas para las generaciones futuras. En un discurso televisado, prometió que Egipto trabajaría junto con la agencia de energía nuclear de las Naciones Unidas y no buscaría desarrollar un arma nuclear. Sarkozy pasó la Navidad en compañía de su pareja, la ex modelo y cantante Carla Bruni en la antigua ciudad de Luxor y también visitaron el balneario de Sharm el-Sheik, en el Mar Rojo. Tiene programado reunirse con Mubarak el domingo. La relación entre Sarkozy y Bruni fue dada a conocer por los medios franceses este mes, cuando visitaron Disneyland París, a dos meses del divorcio del mandatario de su esposa Cecilia, luego de 11 años de matrimonio. Más informacion ...
Nicolas Sarkozy El Presidente de Francia, Nicolas Sarkozy declaró que existe una tendencia de ayudar a Egipto con su programa nuclear, según lo que dijo a un diario oficialista francés este sábado. Este anunció lo realizó en el marco de su visita al país árabe, y previa al encuentro con el presidente egipcio Hosni Mubarak. El programa egipcio de energía nuclear fue reactivado en octubre de este año, tras varios de encontrase detenido por el desastre de la planta nuclear de Chernobyl. Esta reactivación del su programa busca diversificar las fuentes energéticas del país, para preservar las reservas de gas y petróleo para generaciones futuras, descartando el uso bélico de la energía. Egipto es una las naciones que ratificó el Tratado de No Proliferación Nuclear de 1981, pero no apoyará un protocolo donde las Naciones Unidas pueda inspeccionar las instalaciones nucleares sin aviso. El apoyo de Francia se suma a los realizados por China, Rusia y Kazakistán.
Sensitive government document found on rainy Ottawa street Papers discovered include risk assessment of Environment Canada database This document, marked 'Protected B,' describes ways that intruders could hack into an Environment Canada intelligence and enforcement database called NEMISIS. It was found lying on an Ottawa street corner. (CBC) This document, marked 'Protected B,' describes ways that intruders could hack into an Environment Canada intelligence and enforcement database called NEMISIS. It was found lying on an Ottawa street corner. (CBC) A sensitive government document detailing a classified computer database has been given to the CBC after it was found lying on an Ottawa street in a rain-stained, tire-marked brown envelope. The document is a risk assessment of an Environment Canada classified environmental enforcement database. It details a number of the system's failings and describes exactly how the data could be attacked and corrupted, the CBC's James Cudmore reported. The so-called NEMISIS database is used by officers to track and prosecute polluters and environmental law-breakers. The acronym stood for National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence System when it was unveiled in 1999. However, the title page of the mislaid document calls it the National Enforcement and Emergency Management Information System and Intelligence System, adding the words "and Emergency" to the name. The assessment described in detail exactly how the database could be attacked by industrial hackers and organized crime, as well as environmental activists. If someone were able to shut the system down, or hack inside and delete or corrupt the information, officers might not be able to prosecute their cases, which would seriously interfere with the enforcement of the law, the risk assessment said. "NEMISIS is operating at high risk," the analysis determined. The document — spotted by a passer-by on Castlefrank Road in Ottawa's Kanata area — is marked "Protected B" at the top of each of its 131 pages. While documents labelled Protected B are not top-secret, they must be handled with special care for security reasons and not left lying around for just anyone to see, said Christian Rouillard, an expert on public administration and associate professor at the University of Ottawa's school of political studies. 'No justification for losing a document' "It is taken very seriously," Rouillard told CBC News. "There is no justification for losing a document, regardless of its security level, regardless of the classification." Environment Canada spokeswoman Sujata Raisinghani told CBC News the department will look into the incident. "We take document security seriously," she said, but refused to give any more details about how the papers came to be on a road. Although the enforcement database has attracted little public attention, its existence is not a secret. In a report to Parliament in 1999, Environment Canada said: "A new enforcement tool has been put in place. The National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence System (NEMISIS) tracks and manages national enforcement activities for the environmental and wildlife legislation enforced by Environment Canada officers. The system provides accurate and timely statistical information and detailed reports on enforcement efforts." The database "is being provided to provinces as part of the sharing of enforcement-related information amongst enforcement agencies," it said.
A sensitive Environment Canada document was found wet on an Ottawa street by someone who gave it to the CBC today. The 131-page document was found on Castlefrank Road in Kanata, Ontario in a rain-stained, tire-marked brown envelope by a passerby. The document which had the stamp Protected B on every page detailed various security vulnerabilities of the NEMISIS database which is used by officers to track and prosecute environmental law-breakers. If someone were able to shut the system down, or hack inside and delete or corrupt the information, it could affect the prosecution of the lawbreakers. The database was unveiled in 1999 as the National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence System. However, on the document, it referred to the database as National Enforcement and Emergency Management Information System and Intelligence System, adding the words "and Emergency" to the name. Protection B documents are the second lowest grade of classified government documents. Environment Canada spokesperson Julie Hahn said they apply to letters of complaint, criticism or injury, research or scientific notes and findings that don`t have any conclusion, and Treasury Board letters, agendas and minutes that don`t deal with subjects of national interest. Environment Minister John Baird has asked government officials how such documents that are supposed to be stored in "approved security cabinets" wound up on the street. "I'm told two things: that it's neither classified nor secret and that it's stuff that could be available under access to information," Baird said. Environment Canada spokeswoman Sujata Raisinghani told CBC News the department will look into the incident. "We take document security seriously," she said, but refused to give any more details about how the papers came to be on a road. Paul Dewar, an Ottawa New Democrat MP, said the combined security lapses raise serious questions about the government's ability to secure sensitive documents. Dewar says that bureaucrats of the Conservative government have complained to him about document security to the point that they can`t share the information with their own colleagues. However, when a government document has been found on the streets, the government then says it wasn't particularly sensitive. "This government is so consumed with control of information and secrecy yet they don't seem to be able to get the fundamentals right," Dewar said. The incident is a reminiscent of two other incidents. In March, a bundle of blueprints for a new headquarters for the military's counterterrorism unit were found stuffed in the trash on a downtown street. In May, Maxime Bernier was forced to resign as Foreign Affairs minister after it became known that he left sensitive documents at the apartment of his then-girlfriend Julie Couillard who had ties to the Hells Angels biker gang.
en | Canada | Environment Canada security report found on street Environment Canada security report found on street Aug 15, 2008 06:35 PM THE CANADIAN PRESS OTTAWA–Environment Minister John Baird has asked officials to look into how a government document – detailing how Environment Canada computers could be hacked – wound up on a street corner in Ottawa. However, Baird said the document contained no top secret or classified information. "It's certainly bizarre," he said. "I'm told two things: that it's neither classified nor secret and that it's stuff that could be available under access to information." Still, Baird said his department takes document security seriously and he's asked officials to find out how this 131-page document came to be found by a passerby on a street in a rain-stained, tire-marked, brown envelope. The CBC, which was given the document, reported that it assesses the security of a database used to track and prosecute polluters and environmental law-breakers and details how a hacker could access, attack and corrupt the data. The phrase "Protected B" is at the top of each page. Protected B is the second lowest grade of classified government document. Environment Canada spokesperson Julie Hahn said it applies to letters of complaint, criticism or injury, research or scientific notes and findings before conclusions have been reached and Treasury Board letters, agendas and minutes that do not deal with subjects of national interest. According to a departmental brochure on the handling of sensitive information, Protected B documents are supposed to be stored in ``approved security cabinets" and destroyed using an "approved shredder." They are to be kept in double envelopes, the inner one stamped with a security marking, transmitted only via secure fax machines and discussed only via secure phones. The discovery was reminiscent of a March incident in which a sheaf of blueprints for a new headquarters for the military's counterterrorism unit were found stuffed in the trash on a downtown street. The company which produced the plans said the building project wasn't tagged as a security matter. In May, Maxime Bernier resigned as foreign affairs minister after admitting he'd left classified government documents for more than a month at the home of his former girlfriend, a woman with past ties to criminal biker gangs. No one in government, including Bernier, noticed the papers were missing until the ex-girlfriend returned them. Paul Dewar, an Ottawa New Democrat MP, said the combined security lapses raise serious questions about the government's ability to secure sensitive documents. Dewar said bureaucrats have complained to him that the Conservative government has instituted a policy of classifying almost all documents, to the point that bureaucrats can't even share them with colleagues in the same department. Yet when a document is lost or turns up unexpectedly in public, the government routinely says it wasn't particularly sensitive. "This government is so consumed with control of information and secrecy yet they don't seem to be able to get the fundamentals right," Dewar said.
A sensitive Environment Canada document was found wet on an Ottawa street by someone who gave it to the CBC today. The 131-page document was found on Castlefrank Road in Kanata, Ontario in a rain-stained, tire-marked brown envelope by a passerby. The document which had the stamp Protected B on every page detailed various security vulnerabilities of the NEMISIS database which is used by officers to track and prosecute environmental law-breakers. If someone were able to shut the system down, or hack inside and delete or corrupt the information, it could affect the prosecution of the lawbreakers. The database was unveiled in 1999 as the National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence System. However, on the document, it referred to the database as National Enforcement and Emergency Management Information System and Intelligence System, adding the words "and Emergency" to the name. Protection B documents are the second lowest grade of classified government documents. Environment Canada spokesperson Julie Hahn said they apply to letters of complaint, criticism or injury, research or scientific notes and findings that don`t have any conclusion, and Treasury Board letters, agendas and minutes that don`t deal with subjects of national interest. Environment Minister John Baird has asked government officials how such documents that are supposed to be stored in "approved security cabinets" wound up on the street. "I'm told two things: that it's neither classified nor secret and that it's stuff that could be available under access to information," Baird said. Environment Canada spokeswoman Sujata Raisinghani told CBC News the department will look into the incident. "We take document security seriously," she said, but refused to give any more details about how the papers came to be on a road. Paul Dewar, an Ottawa New Democrat MP, said the combined security lapses raise serious questions about the government's ability to secure sensitive documents. Dewar says that bureaucrats of the Conservative government have complained to him about document security to the point that they can`t share the information with their own colleagues. However, when a government document has been found on the streets, the government then says it wasn't particularly sensitive. "This government is so consumed with control of information and secrecy yet they don't seem to be able to get the fundamentals right," Dewar said. The incident is a reminiscent of two other incidents. In March, a bundle of blueprints for a new headquarters for the military's counterterrorism unit were found stuffed in the trash on a downtown street. In May, Maxime Bernier was forced to resign as Foreign Affairs minister after it became known that he left sensitive documents at the apartment of his then-girlfriend Julie Couillard who had ties to the Hells Angels biker gang.
The high school student had always struggled in class so when he met teacher’s aide Kathy Kitts, he was grateful. She would, he felt, guide him through graduation day.She helped him with his homework, and he trusted her. But a year later, when he turned 15, he said things started to change.“
A sensitive Environment Canada document was found wet on an Ottawa street by someone who gave it to the CBC today. The 131-page document was found on Castlefrank Road in Kanata, Ontario in a rain-stained, tire-marked brown envelope by a passerby. The document which had the stamp Protected B on every page detailed various security vulnerabilities of the NEMISIS database which is used by officers to track and prosecute environmental law-breakers. If someone were able to shut the system down, or hack inside and delete or corrupt the information, it could affect the prosecution of the lawbreakers. The database was unveiled in 1999 as the National Enforcement Management Information System and Intelligence System. However, on the document, it referred to the database as National Enforcement and Emergency Management Information System and Intelligence System, adding the words "and Emergency" to the name. Protection B documents are the second lowest grade of classified government documents. Environment Canada spokesperson Julie Hahn said they apply to letters of complaint, criticism or injury, research or scientific notes and findings that don`t have any conclusion, and Treasury Board letters, agendas and minutes that don`t deal with subjects of national interest. Environment Minister John Baird has asked government officials how such documents that are supposed to be stored in "approved security cabinets" wound up on the street. "I'm told two things: that it's neither classified nor secret and that it's stuff that could be available under access to information," Baird said. Environment Canada spokeswoman Sujata Raisinghani told CBC News the department will look into the incident. "We take document security seriously," she said, but refused to give any more details about how the papers came to be on a road. Paul Dewar, an Ottawa New Democrat MP, said the combined security lapses raise serious questions about the government's ability to secure sensitive documents. Dewar says that bureaucrats of the Conservative government have complained to him about document security to the point that they can`t share the information with their own colleagues. However, when a government document has been found on the streets, the government then says it wasn't particularly sensitive. "This government is so consumed with control of information and secrecy yet they don't seem to be able to get the fundamentals right," Dewar said. The incident is a reminiscent of two other incidents. In March, a bundle of blueprints for a new headquarters for the military's counterterrorism unit were found stuffed in the trash on a downtown street. In May, Maxime Bernier was forced to resign as Foreign Affairs minister after it became known that he left sensitive documents at the apartment of his then-girlfriend Julie Couillard who had ties to the Hells Angels biker gang.
The Eden Drive-In reopened Friday evening for a double feature. Although it’s considered a theater and subject to North Carolina’s COVID-19 restrictions, the drive-in received permission from Gov. Roy Cooper’s office to reopen as long as it follows social-distancing guidelines, it said on Facebook.
A U.S. lobbyist group, the , filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in to recover expenses related to tobacco smoking. The suit says there is a link between and smoking-related diseases. The first of its kind lawsuit seeks to recover as much as $60 billion in estimated Medicare expenses outlaid for treatment of and patients. The ''Medicare Secondary Payer Statute'' (MSP) allows someone to sue on behalf of Medicare. The medical expenses that another party was legally obligated to cover, in this case the tobacco companies if they are found liable in court, would be split between parties to the suit and Medicare. The MSP statute was entered in part because the government does not have the resources to prosecute every case under Medicare law. Charles Jarvis, the CEO of the group said, "Our motivation is one of taxpayer protection." He added, "Considering how badly the taxpayers have been injured financially, we believe the responsible parties — the tobacco companies — should be reimbursing the taxpayer to the greatest amount possible under the law." Currently, U.S. employees are taxed by Medicare at 1.45% of their earnings. This payroll tax amount is matched by their employer when paid to the . The lawsuit names , , the , and and two of its subsidiaries as defendants. The United Seniors Association is asking for twice the amount paid by Medicare to treat smoking related illnesses since 1999.
Medicare | United Seniors Association Sues Tobacco Companies To Recover Medicare Costs, Wall Street Journal Reports [Aug 05, 2005] The United Seniors Association has filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Boston against several of the nation's largest tobacco companies, seeking to recover billions of dollars spent by Medicare to treat smoking-related diseases, the Wall Street Journal reports. The case involves a "little-known but recently strengthened provision" of Medicare law that allows someone to sue on behalf of Medicare when it pays medical expenses that another party was legally obligated to cover -- such as when a corporate health plan has agreed to cover the expenses or when a business or other party has injured a Medicare beneficiary and is liable, according to the Journal . The provision exists in part because the government does not have the resources to prosecute every case, the Journal reports. Lawsuit Details The suit names Philip Morris USA, Lorillard Tobacco, the Liggett Group, and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco and two of its subsidiaries. The lawsuit draws a link between nicotine addiction and smoking-related diseases such as lung cancer and emphysema. It argues that "addiction is the key ... [to] the prolonged use of cigarettes that commonly causes these diseases," and that tobacco companies hid the addictive nature of their products and sought to enhance their addictiveness. According to the suit, "The Medicare beneficiaries who have suffered from or are suffering from diseases attributable to smoking the defendants' cigarettes did not consent to being exposed to the addictive properties of the defendants' cigarettes." The seniors group -- which has supported initiatives backed by the pharmaceutical and energy industries -- says it would like to recover at least $60 billion that it estimates Medicare has spent on treatment for smoking-related diseases in the past five years, the statute of limitations on the law. If the court finds in favor of the group, Medicare would collect the damages and the group would be eligible for an equal amount.
A U.S. lobbyist group, the , filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court in to recover expenses related to tobacco smoking. The suit says there is a link between and smoking-related diseases. The first of its kind lawsuit seeks to recover as much as $60 billion in estimated Medicare expenses outlaid for treatment of and patients. The ''Medicare Secondary Payer Statute'' (MSP) allows someone to sue on behalf of Medicare. The medical expenses that another party was legally obligated to cover, in this case the tobacco companies if they are found liable in court, would be split between parties to the suit and Medicare. The MSP statute was entered in part because the government does not have the resources to prosecute every case under Medicare law. Charles Jarvis, the CEO of the group said, "Our motivation is one of taxpayer protection." He added, "Considering how badly the taxpayers have been injured financially, we believe the responsible parties — the tobacco companies — should be reimbursing the taxpayer to the greatest amount possible under the law." Currently, U.S. employees are taxed by Medicare at 1.45% of their earnings. This payroll tax amount is matched by their employer when paid to the . The lawsuit names , , the , and and two of its subsidiaries as defendants. The United Seniors Association is asking for twice the amount paid by Medicare to treat smoking related illnesses since 1999.
Con calle de honor, toque de sirenas y un aplauso fue recibido a la 1 y 40 de la madrugada de ayer jueves el minero Héctor de Jesús Sánchez, el último de los rescatados del socavón de la Mina San Fernando y con quien se cerró esta página de dolor de las sufridas por Amagá. Paradójicamente, se supo, fue el primero que la noche del 16 ingresó a la mina. Allí entró contento, porque nunca se quejó, a pesar de las incomodidades y los riesgos de su labor, relató su tío Ramón en las exequias. "Fue el hombre más bueno que he conocido, el más solidario y humano. Cuando hace cinco años me dejó mi esposo, sufrí mucho y él fue mi apoyo", narró Ángela Agudelo, que irrumpió en la misa para agradecer, ante todo su pueblo, lo que Héctor hizo por ella. Su energía, incluso, sirvió para que el esposo retornara y hoy Ángela está feliz y su hogar recompuesto. Alexandra Garzón, la esposa, no pudo hablar. Invadida de dolor, enmudeció ante las preguntas y sólo lloró y lloró recostada en el féretro del hombre al que había unido su vida y que le dejó a Tatiana, Wendy, Nicole y Mariana, sus cuatro hijas, que se lo recordarán por siempre. "Era el hombre más solidario de este pueblo, ayudaba a todos sin interés", dijeron varios amigos y vecinos. A las 10:30 de la mañana fue enterrado su cuerpo. A su lado quedaron Yoni Herrera, John Jairo Correa, Deivy Julián Ossa, Luis Gonzalo Vélez y Óscar Alonso Tirado, otros de los últimos rescatados y quienes también fueron sepultados a la misma hora. Fue el sepelio más triste, el pueblo se volcó con todo sentimiento a despedir a los últimos héroes de esta tragedia, que al final dejó a 73 muertos y un herido grave. Un sufrimiento que deberá servir para que en las minas, la única fuente de empleo de este pueblo cálido y noble, se dignifique el trabajo. Que por encima de la gula económica prevalezca la vida, como pidió el sacerdote Hugo Villa y lo clama el pueblo. Los héroes del carbón dejaron sus almas en el socavón. Sus madres, esposas e hijos se quedaron invadidos de dolor. A Amagá, se siente, le costará mucho borrar esta historia, pasar al olvido esta página tan negra, esta página tan dolorosa.
Con la salida del cuerpo de Héctor de Jesús Sánchez se dio por terminada la búsqueda de cuerpos de mineros en Amagá, donde la semana pasada ocurrió la explosión que al final, acabó con la vida de los 73 que no lograron salir del túnel. 90 escaparon antes. Curiosamente, Sánchez fue el primero que ingresó a la mina en la noche del miércoles 16, horas antes de ocurriera la explosión. Según Ángela Agudelo, una de las personas que se hizo presente en la misa celebrada en honor a los fallecidos, "fue el hombre más bueno que he conocido, el más solidario y humano. Cuando hace cinco años me dejó mi esposo, sufrí mucho y él fue mi apoyo". Su cuerpo fue enterrado a las 10:30 de ayer, hora local, junto al de los últimos cinco compañeros rescatados. Se esperan ahora los resultados de la investigación que será coordinada desde el Ministerio de Minas y Energía, con el propósito de dar a conocer las causas de la explosión, aunque por ahora se considera responsable a la acumulación de gases en los socavones, y contribuya al mejoramiento de las condiciones laborales de los mineros.
GRAPEVINE, TEXAS—A team of astronomers is making a bold prediction: In 2022, give or take a year, a pair of stars will merge and explode, becoming one of the brightest objects in the sky for a short period. It’s notoriously hard to predict when such stellar catastrophes will occur, but this binary pair is engaged in a well-documented dance of death that will inevitably come to a head in the next few years, they say. The researchers began studying the pair, known as KIC 9832227, in 2013 before they were certain whether it was actually a binary or a pulsating star. They found that the speed of the orbit was gradually getting faster and faster, implying the stars are getting closer together. The pair is so close, in fact, they share an atmosphere (as in this artist’s conception of an unrelated stellar merger). KIC 9832227’s behavior reminded the researchers of another binary pair, V1309 Scorpii, which also had a merged atmosphere, was spinning up faster and faster, and exploded unexpectedly in 2008. Now, after 2 years of careful study to confirm the accelerating spin and eliminate alternative explanations, the team reported here today at the American Astronomical Society’s annual meeting that the pair will explode as a “red nova”—an explosion caused by a binary merging—in about 5 years’ time. The scientists will continue to monitor KIC 9832227 over the coming years to both firm up their prediction and learn more about how such a death spiral ends in a red nova. Amateur astronomers can study it, too, measuring how it fluctuates in brightness at an ever-increasing rate. And when it blows, we’ll all be able to enjoy the show.
Les orbites des deux étoiles se rapprochent de plus en plus rapidement, évoquant une collision imminente. Des chercheurs de l’université Calvin, dans le estiment qu'aux alentours de l'an 2022, deux étoiles déjà très rapprochées l'une de l'autre entreront en collision, provoquant une explosion massive sous la forme d'une nova rouge. Ce phénomène nous apparaîtra comme étant l'un des points les plus brillants dans le ciel pendant un certain temps. ;Étoile binaire Les deux étoiles forment déjà une étoile binaire, c.-à-d. deux étoiles qui gravitent autour d'un centre commun. La paire est nommée KIC 9832227, et le rayon de la plus grosse des deux étoiles est 40 fois plus grand que le rayon du Soleil. Les étoiles binaires ne sont pas rares, cependant KIC 9832227 a la particularité suivante : les deux étoiles la composant sont à une distance tellement faible l'une de l'autre qu'elles partagent une partie de leur atmosphère. Les astrophysiciens ont déterminé que, plus les années avancent, plus la vitesse de l'orbite des deux étoiles augmente, ce qui signifie qu'elles se rapprochent à une vitesse titanesque, ce qui rend la collision inévitable. ;Collision vieille de 2 000 ans Les astronomes amateurs pourront observer l'augmentation progressive de la luminosité des deux étoiles, ainsi que le phénomène de nova rouge suivant l'explosion. Il est important de savoir que, comme cette étoile binaire est située à années-lumière de la Terre, la collision a déjà eu lieu il y a environ ans, mais la lumière de celle-ci ne nous sera visible que dans environ 5 ans.
The location of a double star system that a group of astronomers think will merge and explode between 2021 and 2023. Astronomers have detected two stars that are on course to collide and create a spectacular explosion in Earth's sky sometime between 2021 and 2023. This binary star system is known as KIC 9832227 and consists of two stars that orbit each other once every 11 hours or so. Astronomers predict that the binary star will merge and create a bright explosion visible in the constellation Cygnus. "It's a one-in-a-million chance that you can predict an explosion" of a star, Larry Molnar, an astronomy professor at Calvin College who predicted the timing of the binary collision, said in a statement from the college. "It's never been done before." [Supernova Photos: Great Images of Star Explosions] Molnar has been studying this binary star system since 2013 with the help of astronomy students at Calvin College. Based on their observations of the color and brightness of one of the two stars, the researchers determined that KIC 9832227 is part of a contact binary system, which means the two stars share an atmosphere. What's more, observations show that the star's orbital period with its partner is getting shorter — similar to the way another contact binary star, named V1309 Scorpii, behaved before it exploded in 2008, according to the statement. Molnar predicts that the stars will merge and create an explosion in 2022, "give or take a year," according to the statement. The yellow mesh shows the contact binary star system KIC 9832227, in which the atmospheres of the stars overlap. The radius of the larger star is 40 times the radius of the sun. Credit: Larry Molnar, Calvin College "Bottom line is, we really think our merging-star hypothesis should be taken seriously right now, and we should be using the next few years to study this intensely so that if it does blow up, we will know what led to that explosion," Molnar said in the statement. Molnar and his team plan to use the Very Large Array radio telescopes in New Mexico, NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility in Hawaii and the European Space Agency's XMM-Newton X-ray space telescope to study KIC 9832227 in greater detail. If all goes according to plan, the astronomers will have caught, for the first time, a binary star in the act of exploding. "The project is significant not only because of the scientific results, but also because it is likely to capture the imagination of people on the street," Matt Walhout, dean for research and scholarship at Calvin College, said in the statement. Molnar said he would like amateur astronomers to play a role in tracking the star during the last few years of its life. "The orbital timing can be checked by amateur astronomers," Molnar said. "It's amazing the equipment amateur astronomers have these days. They can measure the brightness variations with time of this 12th-magnitude star as it eclipses and see for themselves if it is continuing on the schedule we are predicting or not." Follow Samantha Mathewson @Sam_Ashley13. Follow us @Spacedotcom,Facebook and Google+. Original article on
Les orbites des deux étoiles se rapprochent de plus en plus rapidement, évoquant une collision imminente. Des chercheurs de l’université Calvin, dans le estiment qu'aux alentours de l'an 2022, deux étoiles déjà très rapprochées l'une de l'autre entreront en collision, provoquant une explosion massive sous la forme d'une nova rouge. Ce phénomène nous apparaîtra comme étant l'un des points les plus brillants dans le ciel pendant un certain temps. ;Étoile binaire Les deux étoiles forment déjà une étoile binaire, c.-à-d. deux étoiles qui gravitent autour d'un centre commun. La paire est nommée KIC 9832227, et le rayon de la plus grosse des deux étoiles est 40 fois plus grand que le rayon du Soleil. Les étoiles binaires ne sont pas rares, cependant KIC 9832227 a la particularité suivante : les deux étoiles la composant sont à une distance tellement faible l'une de l'autre qu'elles partagent une partie de leur atmosphère. Les astrophysiciens ont déterminé que, plus les années avancent, plus la vitesse de l'orbite des deux étoiles augmente, ce qui signifie qu'elles se rapprochent à une vitesse titanesque, ce qui rend la collision inévitable. ;Collision vieille de 2 000 ans Les astronomes amateurs pourront observer l'augmentation progressive de la luminosité des deux étoiles, ainsi que le phénomène de nova rouge suivant l'explosion. Il est important de savoir que, comme cette étoile binaire est située à années-lumière de la Terre, la collision a déjà eu lieu il y a environ ans, mais la lumière de celle-ci ne nous sera visible que dans environ 5 ans.
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Die SPD-regierten Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Berlin, Brandenburg und Bremen sowie Bundestagsabgeordnete von SPD und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen reichten heute beim deutschen Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) in Karlsruhe Klage gegen das begleitende Sicherheitsgesetz der von der Koalition beschlossenen Laufzeitverlängerung für Kernkraftwerke ein. Nach Auffassung der rot-grünen Politiker verstößt das Gesetz gegen das im Grundgesetz verankerte Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit. Außerdem bemängeln die Kläger, dass die Bundesregierung bei der Entscheidung über das Gesetz den Bundesrat, die Länderkammer, ausgeschlossen hat. Die Bundesländer erwarten durch den Beschluss der Bundesregierung Mehrkosten in Höhe von 600 Millionen bis zu zwei Milliarden Euro, die durch einen „erheblichen Nachrüstungsbedarf“ für überalterte Atommeiler entstünden (Zitate aus der Klageschrift laut Spiegel). Bemängelt werden außerdem ein mangelhafter Schutz der älteren Atomkraftwerke gegen Flugzeugabstürze sowie die seit Jahrzehnten ungeklärte Entsorgungsfrage für die Entsorgung ausgebrannter Brennelemente und anderer radioaktiver Abfälle aus den Kernkraftwerken. Mit einer Entscheidung wird nicht vor 2013 gerechnet, also nicht mehr im Laufe der aktuellen Legislaturperiode des Deutschen Bundestages.
Die von der SPD regierten Bundesländer wollen die Laufzeitverlängerung für Atomkraftwerke kippen. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht muss entscheiden. Düsseldorf/Karlsruhe. Die SPD-regierten Länder Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Berlin, Brandenburg und Bremen haben am Montag in Karlsruhe eine Klage gegen die Verlängerung der AKW-Laufzeiten eingereicht. Das berichtet das Nachrichtenmagazin „Der Spiegel“. Die nordrhein-westfälische Ministerpräsidentin Hannelore Kraft (SPD) hatte im Oktober vergangenen Jahres den gefassten Beschluss der Laufzeitverlängerung um weitere zwölf Jahre scharf kritisiert und eine Klage angekündigt. Nach Auffassung der Kläger hätte das Gesetz von der schwarz-gelben Koalition im Bundestag nicht ohne Zustimmung der Länder erlassen werden dürfen. Die Laufzeitverlängerung werde zu einem „erheblichen Nachrüstungsbedarf“ der Atommeiler führen, heißt es laut „Spiegel“ in der Klageschrift. Dabei wären vor allem die zuständigen Landesbehörden gefordert. Die Kosten für die Maßnahmen lägen „pro Kernkraftwerk zwischen 600 Millionen und zwei Milliarden Euro“. So müssten etwa Vorrichtungen zur Abwehr von Terroranschlägen geprüft und die Ermüdungsanalysen für jedes einzelne AKW systematisch neu bewertet werden. „Der den Landesbehörden entstehende Aufwand kommt dem einer Neugenehmigung zumindest nahe“, heißt es in der Klage. Unabhängig davon wollen auch die Bundestagsfraktionen von SPD und Grünen kommende Woche eine Verfassungsklage gegen die längeren Akw-Laufzeiten einreichen. Sie argumentieren nach einem Bericht der „Süddeutschen Zeitung“, dass beide von der Koalition vorgenommenen Änderungen des Atomgesetzes „sowohl formell als auch materiell verfassungswidrig sind“. Die Fraktionen monieren neben der Umgehung des Bundesrats bei der Gesetzgebung auch inhaltliche Fragen, besonders die Missachtung von Sicherheitsbedürfnissen der Bevölkerung durch die längeren Akw-Laufzeiten. Die Umweltschutzorganisation Greenpeace hat zusammen mit betroffenen Anwohnern schon Klage vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht eingereicht. Begründet wird die Verfassungsbeschwerde in der 73-seitigen Klageschrift einer Hamburger Kanzlei unter anderem mit dem mangelhaften Schutz gerade der älteren Meiler gegen Flugzeugabstürze und mit der ungeklärten Entsorgungsfrage.
Die SPD-regierten Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Berlin, Brandenburg und Bremen sowie Bundestagsabgeordnete von SPD und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen reichten heute beim deutschen Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) in Karlsruhe Klage gegen das begleitende Sicherheitsgesetz der von der Koalition beschlossenen Laufzeitverlängerung für Kernkraftwerke ein. Nach Auffassung der rot-grünen Politiker verstößt das Gesetz gegen das im Grundgesetz verankerte Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit. Außerdem bemängeln die Kläger, dass die Bundesregierung bei der Entscheidung über das Gesetz den Bundesrat, die Länderkammer, ausgeschlossen hat. Die Bundesländer erwarten durch den Beschluss der Bundesregierung Mehrkosten in Höhe von 600 Millionen bis zu zwei Milliarden Euro, die durch einen „erheblichen Nachrüstungsbedarf“ für überalterte Atommeiler entstünden (Zitate aus der Klageschrift laut Spiegel). Bemängelt werden außerdem ein mangelhafter Schutz der älteren Atomkraftwerke gegen Flugzeugabstürze sowie die seit Jahrzehnten ungeklärte Entsorgungsfrage für die Entsorgung ausgebrannter Brennelemente und anderer radioaktiver Abfälle aus den Kernkraftwerken. Mit einer Entscheidung wird nicht vor 2013 gerechnet, also nicht mehr im Laufe der aktuellen Legislaturperiode des Deutschen Bundestages.
Berlin (Reuters) - SPD-regierte Länder sowie Bundestags-Abgeordnete von SPD und Grünen haben Verfassungsklagen gegen die Laufzeitverlängerung für Atomkraftwerke auf den Weg gebracht. Grund für die am Montag eingereichte Länder-Klage ist die fehlende Zustimmung des Bundesrats. Die Regierungskoalition, die in der Länderkammer keine Mehrheit hat, hatte die Laufzeitverlängerung als dort nicht zustimmungspflichtig durchgesetzt. "Die Bundesregierung nimmt wissentlich einen Verfassungsbruch in Kauf", sagte Karl-Heinz Klär, Vertreter von Rheinland-Pfalz beim Bund. Die Klage auf Initiative von SPD und Grünen richtet sich zudem gegen das begleitende Sicherheitsgesetz. Nach Auffassung der beiden Parteien werden Sicherheitsstandards gesenkt, was aber den längeren AKW-Laufzeiten widerspreche. Ihre Klage soll bis Mittwoch eingereicht werden. STEINMEIER: VERTEIDIGEN AUCH ROT-GRÜNE POLITIK "Wir verteidigen auch eine gemeinsame Politik", sagte SPD-Fraktionschef Frank-Walter Steinmeier mit Verweis auf den Beschluss von Rot-Grün vor rund zehn Jahren, aus der Atomkraft auszusteigen. "Wir haben nichts dagegen, das als politisches Signal zu nehmen, dass wir uns auch mehr vorstellen können, als eine gemeinsame Klage." Diese soll als sogenannte Normenkontrollklage der Abgeordneten eingereicht werden, der sich mindestens ein Viertel der Parlamentarier anschließen müssen. Dieses Quorum erfüllen SPD und Grüne. Die Fraktion der Linken erklärte, sie werde die Klage selbstverständlich unterstützen. Das Umweltministerium wies darauf hin, dass die Verfassungsmäßigkeit der Verlängerung sowie des Gesetzes zur Reaktorsicherheit von Innen- und Justizministerium geprüft worden seien. "Das einhellige Votum der Verfassungsressorts zu den beiden Gesetzen ist Rechtsauffassung der gesamten Bundesregierung", sagte eine Ministeriumssprecherin. Der Energiekonzern RWE argumentierte, verschiedene Gutachten hätten ergeben, dass eine Zustimmung des Bundesrats nicht nötig sei. Andernfalls habe auch der Atommausstieg 2001 der Zustimmung der Länder bedurft, die es damals auch nicht gegeben habe. Neben der fehlenden Zustimmung des Bundesrates beklagen SPD und Grüne vor allem die nach ihrer Auffassung unzureichenden Sicherheitsstandards. Die Atomkraftwerke seien auf die längeren Laufzeiten nicht ausgelegt. Das vom Bund ausgearbeitete Begleitgesetz zur Sicherheit sei völlig unzureichend. Ein effektiver Schutz gegen Flugzeugabstürze oder Anschläge sei dort nicht verankert. Die Bundesregierung hatte mit dem Gesetz die Laufzeiten von älteren Reaktoren um acht Jahre und von neueren um 14 Jahre ausgedehnt. Zugleich hatte sie auch eine Brennelementesteuer von rund 2,3 Milliarden Euro jährlich eingeführt, um die Extra-Gewinne der Versorger abzuschöpfen. Sie müssen sich zudem an einem Fonds zur Förderung des Ökostroms beteiligen. LÄNDER HALTEN WEGEN IHRER ATOMAUFSICHT MITSPRACHE FÜR NÖTIG Die SPD-regierten Länder Rheinland-Pfalz, Bremen, Berlin, Brandenburg und Nordrhein-Westfalen halten eine Zustimmung des Bundesrates für zwingend, weil sie die Atomaufsicht innehaben und daher zusätzliche Aufgaben wegen längerer Laufzeiten auf sie zukämen. Auch interne Einschätzungen von Innen- und Justizministerium, die Reuters vorliegen, hatten nur eine moderate Ausweitung der Laufzeiten ohne den Bundesrat für möglich gehalten. Nach Auffassung der Länder ist eine Ausweitung um mehr als ein Drittel aber nicht moderat zu nennen. Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel hatte nach der Bundestagswahl in die Koalitionsgespräche über die Laufzeitverlängerung eingegriffen und sich gegen eine Entscheidung vor den Wahlen in Nordrhein-Westfalen im Mai 2010 ausgesprochen. Bis dahin hatten Union und FDP noch eine Mehrheit in der Länderkammer. Nach der Niederlage von Schwarz-Gelb in NRW musste die Verlängerung ohne den Bundesrat umgesetzt werden. Eine Entscheidung über die Verfassungsklagen noch in dieser Wahlperiode, also bis 2013, gilt als unwahrscheinlich. Eine erste Verfassungsklage hatte bereits die Umweltorganisation Greenpeace eingereicht.
Die SPD-regierten Bundesländer Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Berlin, Brandenburg und Bremen sowie Bundestagsabgeordnete von SPD und Bündnis 90/Die Grünen reichten heute beim deutschen Bundesverfassungsgericht (BVerfG) in Karlsruhe Klage gegen das begleitende Sicherheitsgesetz der von der Koalition beschlossenen Laufzeitverlängerung für Kernkraftwerke ein. Nach Auffassung der rot-grünen Politiker verstößt das Gesetz gegen das im Grundgesetz verankerte Recht auf Leben und körperliche Unversehrtheit. Außerdem bemängeln die Kläger, dass die Bundesregierung bei der Entscheidung über das Gesetz den Bundesrat, die Länderkammer, ausgeschlossen hat. Die Bundesländer erwarten durch den Beschluss der Bundesregierung Mehrkosten in Höhe von 600 Millionen bis zu zwei Milliarden Euro, die durch einen „erheblichen Nachrüstungsbedarf“ für überalterte Atommeiler entstünden (Zitate aus der Klageschrift laut Spiegel). Bemängelt werden außerdem ein mangelhafter Schutz der älteren Atomkraftwerke gegen Flugzeugabstürze sowie die seit Jahrzehnten ungeklärte Entsorgungsfrage für die Entsorgung ausgebrannter Brennelemente und anderer radioaktiver Abfälle aus den Kernkraftwerken. Mit einer Entscheidung wird nicht vor 2013 gerechnet, also nicht mehr im Laufe der aktuellen Legislaturperiode des Deutschen Bundestages.
Reports: Suicide Bomber at US Base in Afghanistan Was al-Qaida Double Agent U.S. media say a suicide bomber who attacked a CIA base in eastern Afghanistan last week was a Jordanian working as an al-Qaida double agent. The reports say current and former Western intelligence officials identified the suicide bomber as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, a 36-year-old al-Qaida sympathizer from Zarqa, Jordan. U.S. network NBC says Jordanian authorities arrested al-Balawi more than a year ago and later recruited him to infiltrate al-Qaida, believing he had been successfully reformed. The CIA declined to comment on the reports. The bombing last Wednesday at the CIA base in Afghanistan's Khost province killed seven CIA employees and a Jordanian officer. The U.S. military's intelligence chief in Afghanistan has criticized the work of U.S. spy agencies operating there, saying they are "ignorant" and out of touch with the Afghan people. General Michael Flynn says U.S. intelligence efforts have focussed too much on gathering information about insurgent groups in Afghanistan. He says U.S. intelligence has been unable to inform U.S. and NATO forces about the environment in which they operate and the Afghan people whom they seek to persuade. His comments were published in a report issued Monday by a U.S. research institute, the Center for New American Security. The bodies of the seven CIA employees killed in the Khost attack arrived Monday at a U.S. Air Force base in the East Coast state of Delaware. A small, private ceremony was held at the base, attended by friends and family and CIA Director Leon Panetta. The bombing was the second-deadliest attack in the U.S. intelligence agency's history. In a statement, CIA spokesman George Little described the fallen employees as "patriots who courageously served their nation." Jordan's state news agency identified the Jordanian officer killed in the bombing as Sharif Ali bin Zaid. It says he was killed while "performing the sacred duty of Jordanian forces in Afghanistan." NATO says Jordan has seven troops in Afghanistan. NBC News says Bin Zaid was an intelligence agent and a first cousin of Jordan's King Abdullah. Both the Afghan and Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack. Some information for this report was provided by AFP, AP and Reuters.
Media in the United States says a suicide bomber who attacked a Central Intelligence Agency base in eastern Afghanistan last week was a Jordanian working as an al-Qaeda double agent. The reports say current and former Western intelligence officials identified the suicide bomber as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, a 36-year-old physician and al-Qaeda sympathizer from Zarqa, Jordan. U.S. television network NBC says Jordanian authorities arrested al-Balawi more than a year ago and later recruited him to infiltrate al-Qaeda, believing he had been successfully reformed. Due to his medical background, it is believed his mission was to find and meet Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's second-in-command. The CIA declined to comment on the reports. According to multiple sources, al-Balawi posted online in jihadist forums under the name Abu Dujanah al-Khurasani. One post by him read, "When a fighter for God kills a U.S. soldier on the corner of a tank, the supporters of Jihad have killed tens of thousands of Americans through their connection to the opposition." Jarret Brachman, consultant to the US government on terrorism said in a telephone interview to ''The New York Times'', "He’s one of the most revered authors on the jihadists' forums. He’s in the top five jihadists. He's one of the biggest guns out there." Evan Kohlmann, who tracks jihadi Web sites for NBC News said, "He was actually an administrator on the now-defunct Al-Hesbah forum, previously al-Qaeda's main chat forum." The bombing last Wednesday at the CIA base, known as Forward Operating Base Chapman, in Afghanistan's Khowst province killed seven CIA employees and a Jordanian officer. The U.S. military's intelligence chief in Afghanistan has criticized the work of U.S. intelligence agencies operating there, saying they are "ignorant" and out of touch with the Afghan people. General Michael Flynn says U.S. intelligence efforts have focused too much on gathering information about insurgent groups in Afghanistan. He says U.S. intelligence has been unable to inform U.S. and NATO forces about the environment in which they operate and the Afghan people whom they seek to persuade. His comments were published in a report issued Monday by a U.S. think tank, the Center for a New American Security. The bodies of the seven CIA employees killed in the Khowst attack arrived Monday at a U.S. Air Force base in the East Coast state of Delaware. A small, private ceremony was held at the base, attended by friends and family and CIA Director Leon Panetta. The bombing was the second-deadliest attack in the U.S. intelligence agency's history. In a statement, CIA spokesman George Little described the fallen employees as "patriots who courageously served their nation." In message to employees the day after the bombing, Panetta said, "Those who fell yesterday were far from home and close to the enemy, doing the hard work that must be done to protect our country from terrorism." Jordan's state news agency, Petra, identified the Jordanian officer killed in the bombing as Sharif Ali bin Zaid. It says he was killed while "performing the sacred duty of Jordanian forces in Afghanistan." NATO says Jordan has seven troops in Afghanistan. NBC News says Bin Zaid was an intelligence agent and a first cousin of Jordan's King Abdullah II. Both the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack.
Video-based look at the start of Operation Strike of the Sword on July 2, 2009. Three Marines talk about the adrenaline rush and the anguish of fighting in Helmand province. The origins of the war, the battles, and struggle for stability. Soldiers are fighting to suppress the Taliban and win over the Afghan people. A look at how narcotics have ravaged Afghanistan and a detox center helping users. Jan. 4: The suicide bomber who killed 7 CIA operatives in Afghanistan last week was a doctor from Jordan who was also an al-Qaida operative. NBC's Richard Engel reports. By Robert Windrem and Richard Engel NBC News The suicide bombing on a CIA base in Afghanistan last week was carried out by a Jordanian doctor who was an al-Qaida double-agent, Western intelligence officials told NBC News. Initial reports said that the attack, which killed seven CIA officers, was carried out by a member of the Afghan National Army. According to Western intelligence officials, the perpetrator was Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, 36, an al-Qaida sympathizer from Zarqa, which is also the hometown of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the Jordanian militant Islamist believed responsible for several devastating attacks in Iraq. Al-Balawi was arrested by Jordanian intelligence more than a year ago. He had moderated the main al-Qaida chat forum before his arrest and was known online as Abu Dujanah al-Khurasani. “Abu Dujanah was an active member of jihadi forums,” said Evan Kohlmann, who tracks jihadi Web sites for NBC News. “He was actually an administrator on the now-defunct Al-Hesbah forum, previously al-Qaida's main chat forum.” The Jordanians believed that al-Balawi had been successfully reformed and brought over to the American and Jordanian side. They set him up as an agent and sent him to Afghanistan and Pakistan to infiltrate al-Qaida. His specific mission, according to officials, was to find and meet Ayman al Zawahiri, al-Qaida’s No. 2, also a physician. However, a Taliban spokesman, quoted on the Al-Jazeera Web site, said al-Balawi misled Jordanian and U.S. intelligence services for a year. The spokesman, Al-Hajj Ya'qub, promised to release a video confirming his account of the Afghanistan attack. On martyrdom After he arrived in Afghanistan last year, al-Balawi was interviewed by one of al-Qaida’s main Internet sites, the Vanguards of Khurasan, on the subject of martyrdom. “When you ponder the verses and hadiths that speak about jihad and its graciousness, and then you let your imagination run wild to fly with what Allah has prepared for martyrs, your life become cheap for its purpose, and the extravagant houses and expensive cars and all the decoration of life become very distasteful in your eyes,” he told the interviewer. He added, “They say 'there's love that kills.' And I only see that as truthful in the love for jihad, as this love is either going to kill you in repentance should you choose to sit away from jihad, or will kill you as a martyr for the cause of Allah if you choose to go to Jihad, and the human must choose between these two deaths.” Last week, according to the Western officials, al-Balawi reportedly called his handler to say he needed to meet with the CIA’s team based in Khost, Afghanistan, because he said he had urgent information he needed to relay about Zawahiri. Close relations with Jordanian intelligence His handler was a senior intelligence official, identified in Jordanian press accounts as Sharif Ali bin Zeid. But bin Zeid was not just a Jordanian intelligence officer; he was also a member of the Jordanian royal family and was a first cousin of the king and grandnephew of the first king Abdullah. Bin Zeid’s prominent role offers rare insight into the close partnership between American and Jordanian intelligence officials and how crucial their relationship has become to the overall counterterrorism strategy. "We have a close partnership with the Jordanians on counterterrorism matters," a U.S. official told The Washington Post. "Having suffered serious losses from terrorist attacks on their own soil, they are keenly aware of the significant threat posed by extremists." Jordan's official news agency, Petra, said bin Zeid was killed "on Wednesday evening as a martyr while performing the sacred duty of the Jordanian forces in Afghanistan" and provided no further details about his death. Meanwhile, Al-Jazeera reported that al-Balawi's family refused to speak to the media on instructions from Jordanian security services. Sources close to the family told Al-Jazeera's Web site that Jordanian Intelligence arrested the perpetrator's younger brother and ordered his father not to set up a condolence tent for his son so that it would not turn into a gathering place for jihadist sympathizers. Key base for CIA According to Western officials, bin Zeid, along with the seven CIA officers, were killed when al-Balawi, the formerly trusted informant turned double-agent, detonated his suicide belt at Camp Chapman. Some of the officers had flown in from Kabul for what was thought to be an important meeting. The base was used to direct and coordinate CIA operations and intelligence gathering in Khost, a hotbed of insurgent activity because of its proximity to Pakistan's lawless tribal areas, former CIA officials said. Among the CIA officers killed was the chief of the operation, they said. Video Double agent Jan. 4: NBC's Richard Engel reports on the attack on the CIA base in Afghanistan. Morning Joe Six other people were wounded in what was one of the worst attacks in CIA history. A senior U.S. intelligence official told NBC the CIA is "looking closely at every aspect of the Khost attack." "The agency is determined to continue pursuing aggressive counterterrorism operations. Last week’s attack will be avenged. Some very bad people will eventually have a very bad day,” said the official, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Qari Hussain, a top militant commander with the Pakistani Taliban who is believed to be a suicide bombing mastermind, said last week that militants had been searching for a way to damage the CIA's ability to launch missile strikes on the Pakistani side of the border. Using remote-controlled aircraft, the U.S. has launched scores of such missile attacks in the tribal regions over the past year and a half, aiming for high-value al-Qaida and other militant targets. The most successful strike, in August, killed former Pakistani Taliban chief Baitullah Mehsud at his father-in-law's home. The Washington Post reported Friday that the CIA base has been at the heart of overseeing this covert program. The newspaper cited two former intelligence officials who have visited Chapman as saying that U.S. personnel there are heavily involved in the selection of al-Qaida and Taliban targets for the drone aircraft strikes. Richard Engel is NBC News Chief Foreign Correspondent; Robert Windrem is a senior NBC News Producer.
Media in the United States says a suicide bomber who attacked a Central Intelligence Agency base in eastern Afghanistan last week was a Jordanian working as an al-Qaeda double agent. The reports say current and former Western intelligence officials identified the suicide bomber as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, a 36-year-old physician and al-Qaeda sympathizer from Zarqa, Jordan. U.S. television network NBC says Jordanian authorities arrested al-Balawi more than a year ago and later recruited him to infiltrate al-Qaeda, believing he had been successfully reformed. Due to his medical background, it is believed his mission was to find and meet Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's second-in-command. The CIA declined to comment on the reports. According to multiple sources, al-Balawi posted online in jihadist forums under the name Abu Dujanah al-Khurasani. One post by him read, "When a fighter for God kills a U.S. soldier on the corner of a tank, the supporters of Jihad have killed tens of thousands of Americans through their connection to the opposition." Jarret Brachman, consultant to the US government on terrorism said in a telephone interview to ''The New York Times'', "He’s one of the most revered authors on the jihadists' forums. He’s in the top five jihadists. He's one of the biggest guns out there." Evan Kohlmann, who tracks jihadi Web sites for NBC News said, "He was actually an administrator on the now-defunct Al-Hesbah forum, previously al-Qaeda's main chat forum." The bombing last Wednesday at the CIA base, known as Forward Operating Base Chapman, in Afghanistan's Khowst province killed seven CIA employees and a Jordanian officer. The U.S. military's intelligence chief in Afghanistan has criticized the work of U.S. intelligence agencies operating there, saying they are "ignorant" and out of touch with the Afghan people. General Michael Flynn says U.S. intelligence efforts have focused too much on gathering information about insurgent groups in Afghanistan. He says U.S. intelligence has been unable to inform U.S. and NATO forces about the environment in which they operate and the Afghan people whom they seek to persuade. His comments were published in a report issued Monday by a U.S. think tank, the Center for a New American Security. The bodies of the seven CIA employees killed in the Khowst attack arrived Monday at a U.S. Air Force base in the East Coast state of Delaware. A small, private ceremony was held at the base, attended by friends and family and CIA Director Leon Panetta. The bombing was the second-deadliest attack in the U.S. intelligence agency's history. In a statement, CIA spokesman George Little described the fallen employees as "patriots who courageously served their nation." In message to employees the day after the bombing, Panetta said, "Those who fell yesterday were far from home and close to the enemy, doing the hard work that must be done to protect our country from terrorism." Jordan's state news agency, Petra, identified the Jordanian officer killed in the bombing as Sharif Ali bin Zaid. It says he was killed while "performing the sacred duty of Jordanian forces in Afghanistan." NATO says Jordan has seven troops in Afghanistan. NBC News says Bin Zaid was an intelligence agent and a first cousin of Jordan's King Abdullah II. Both the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack.
This article is by Richard A. Oppel Jr., Mark Mazzetti and Souad Mekhennet. ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — The suicide bomber who killed seven C.I.A. officers and a Jordanian spy last week was a double agent who was taken onto the base in Afghanistan because the Americans hoped he might be able to deliver top members of Al Qaeda’s network, according to Western government officials. The bomber had been recruited by the Jordanian intelligence service and taken to Afghanistan to infiltrate Al Qaeda by posing as a foreign jihadi, the officials said. But in a deadly turnabout, the supposed informant strapped explosives to his body and blew himself up at a meeting Wednesday at the C.I.A.’s Forward Operating Base Chapman in the southeastern province of Khost. The attack at the C.I.A. base dealt a devastating blow to the spy agency’s operations against militants in the remote mountains of Afghanistan, eliminating an elite team using an informant with strong jihadi credentials. The attack further delayed hope of penetrating Al Qaeda’s upper ranks, and also seemed potent evidence of militants’ ability to strike back against their American pursuers. It could also jeopardize relations between the C.I.A. and the Jordanian spy service, which officials said had vouched for the would-be informant. The Jordanian service, called the General Intelligence Directorate, for years has been one of the C.I.A.’s closest and most useful allies in the Middle East. In a telephone interview, a person associated with the Pakistani Taliban identified the bomber as Humam Khalil Mohammed, a Jordanian physician. Western officials said that Mr. Mohammed had been in a Jordanian prison and that he was recruited by the Jordanian spy service. The bomber was not closely searched because of his perceived value as someone who could lead American forces to senior Qaeda leaders, and because the Jordanian intelligence officer had identified him as a potentially valuable informant, the Western officials said. The Western officials and others who were interviewed spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak on the matter. Current and former American officials said Monday that because of Mr. Mohammed’s medical background, he might have been recruited to find the whereabouts of Ayman al-Zawahri, the Egyptian doctor who is Al Qaeda’s second in command. Agency officers had traveled from Kabul, the Afghan capital, to Khost for a meeting with the informant, a sign that the C.I.A. had come to trust the informant and that it was eager to learn what he might have gleaned from operations in the field, according to a former C.I.A. official with experience in Afghanistan. The former official said that the fact that militants could carry out a successful attack using a double agent showed their strength even after a steady barrage of missile strikes fired by C.I.A. drone aircraft. “Double agent operations are really complex,” he said. “The fact that they can pull this off shows that they are not really on the run. They have the ability to kick back and think about these things.” The death of the Jordanian intelligence officer, Capt. Sharif Ali bin Zeid, was reported in recent days by Jordanian officials, but they did not confirm exactly where he was killed or what he was doing in Afghanistan. Jordanian intelligence officials were deeply embarrassed by the attacks because they had taken the informant to the Americans, said one American government official briefed on the events. The official said that the Jordanians had such a good reputation with American intelligence officials that the informant was not screened before entering the compound. Jarret Brachman, author of “Global Jihadism: Theory and Practice” and a consultant to the United States government about terrorism, said in a telephone interview that Mr. Mohammed had used the online persona Abu Dujana al-Khorasani and was an influential jihadi voice on the Web. “He’s one of the most revered authors on the jihadists’ forums,” Mr. Brachman said. “He’s in the top five jihadists. He’s one of the biggest guns out there.” In many of the posts under his online persona, Mr. Mohammed used elusive language filled with references to literature and the Koran to describe his support for violent opposition to the United States-led wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. “When a fighter for God kills a U.S. soldier on the corner of a tank, the supporters of Jihad have killed tens of thousands of Americans through their connection” to the opposition, he wrote in one posting. Mr. Brachman said that Al Fajr Media, which is Al Qaeda’s official media distribution network, conducted an interview with Abu Dujana al-Khorasani published in Al Qaeda’s online magazine, called Vanguards of Khorasan. The name of the bomber was first reported by Al Jazeera, which identified him as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi. The television network reported that Mr. Balawi was taken to Afghanistan to help track down Mr. Zawahri. The attack was also embarrassing for Jordan’s government, which did not want the depths of its cooperation with the C.I.A. revealed to its own citizens or other Arabs in the region. A statement by the official Jordanian news agency said Captain Zeid was killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday “as he performed his humanitarian duty with the Jordanian contingent of the U.N. peacekeeping forces.” The United States, and the C.I.A. in particular, are deeply unpopular in Jordan, where at least half the population is of Palestinian origin and where Washington’s support for Israel is roundly condemned. King Abdullah II and his government, while working closely with Washington in counterterrorism operations and providing strategic support for operations in Iraq, try to keep that work secret. The Pakistani Taliban had previously said the bomber was someone the C.I.A. had recruited to work with them, who then offered the militants his services as a double agent. The General Intelligence Directorate has received millions of dollars from the C.I.A. since the American invasion of Iraq, where the Jordanian spy agency played a central role in the campaign against Iraqi insurgents. In the past, Jordanian officials have privately criticized American intelligence services, saying they relied too heavily on technology and not enough on agents capable of infiltrating operations. In 2006, the Jordanians were credited with helping to locate and kill Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, leader of Al Qaeda in Mesopotamia. The C.I.A. declined to comment about the circumstances of the bombing in Afghanistan. Current and former American intelligence officials said the C.I.A. base in Khost was used to collect intelligence about militant networks in the border region. The C.I.A. officers on the base used the information to plan strikes against Qaeda and Taliban leaders, along with top operatives of the Haqqani network. United States officials have been applying pressure to the government of Pakistan to drive out the Haqqani network, whose fighters hold sway over parts of Afghanistan, including Paktika, Paktia and Khost Provinces, and are a serious threat to American forces. A second former C.I.A. official said that Mr. Zeid’s presence on the Khost base was a sign that the Jordanian intelligence agency was using a spy to infiltrate militant networks in the region, and most likely to penetrate cells of Arab Qaeda militants. “If the Jordanian intelligence officer had been vouching for this guy, the C.I.A. would definitely have wanted him on the base,” said the former officer. The remains of the seven C.I.A. officers killed in the attack arrived in a military plane on Monday at Dover Air Force Base, where a private ceremony was held. The event was attended by Leon E. Panetta, the C.I.A. director, as well as by family members of the slain officers.
Media in the United States says a suicide bomber who attacked a Central Intelligence Agency base in eastern Afghanistan last week was a Jordanian working as an al-Qaeda double agent. The reports say current and former Western intelligence officials identified the suicide bomber as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, a 36-year-old physician and al-Qaeda sympathizer from Zarqa, Jordan. U.S. television network NBC says Jordanian authorities arrested al-Balawi more than a year ago and later recruited him to infiltrate al-Qaeda, believing he had been successfully reformed. Due to his medical background, it is believed his mission was to find and meet Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's second-in-command. The CIA declined to comment on the reports. According to multiple sources, al-Balawi posted online in jihadist forums under the name Abu Dujanah al-Khurasani. One post by him read, "When a fighter for God kills a U.S. soldier on the corner of a tank, the supporters of Jihad have killed tens of thousands of Americans through their connection to the opposition." Jarret Brachman, consultant to the US government on terrorism said in a telephone interview to ''The New York Times'', "He’s one of the most revered authors on the jihadists' forums. He’s in the top five jihadists. He's one of the biggest guns out there." Evan Kohlmann, who tracks jihadi Web sites for NBC News said, "He was actually an administrator on the now-defunct Al-Hesbah forum, previously al-Qaeda's main chat forum." The bombing last Wednesday at the CIA base, known as Forward Operating Base Chapman, in Afghanistan's Khowst province killed seven CIA employees and a Jordanian officer. The U.S. military's intelligence chief in Afghanistan has criticized the work of U.S. intelligence agencies operating there, saying they are "ignorant" and out of touch with the Afghan people. General Michael Flynn says U.S. intelligence efforts have focused too much on gathering information about insurgent groups in Afghanistan. He says U.S. intelligence has been unable to inform U.S. and NATO forces about the environment in which they operate and the Afghan people whom they seek to persuade. His comments were published in a report issued Monday by a U.S. think tank, the Center for a New American Security. The bodies of the seven CIA employees killed in the Khowst attack arrived Monday at a U.S. Air Force base in the East Coast state of Delaware. A small, private ceremony was held at the base, attended by friends and family and CIA Director Leon Panetta. The bombing was the second-deadliest attack in the U.S. intelligence agency's history. In a statement, CIA spokesman George Little described the fallen employees as "patriots who courageously served their nation." In message to employees the day after the bombing, Panetta said, "Those who fell yesterday were far from home and close to the enemy, doing the hard work that must be done to protect our country from terrorism." Jordan's state news agency, Petra, identified the Jordanian officer killed in the bombing as Sharif Ali bin Zaid. It says he was killed while "performing the sacred duty of Jordanian forces in Afghanistan." NATO says Jordan has seven troops in Afghanistan. NBC News says Bin Zaid was an intelligence agent and a first cousin of Jordan's King Abdullah II. Both the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack.
December 31, 2009 CIA Director Leon E. Panetta informed the Agency workforce today that seven of their colleagues were killed and six others were injured on Wednesday at a Forward Operating Base in Khost Province, Afghanistan. The casualties were the result of a terrorist attack. “Those who fell yesterday were far from home and close to the enemy, doing the hard work that must be done to protect our country from terrorism,” Director Panetta said in a message to employees. “We owe them our deepest gratitude, and we pledge to them and their families that we will never cease fighting for the cause to which they dedicated their lives—a safer America.” “Families have been our Agency’s first priority,” Director Panetta added. “Before sharing this information with anyone else, we wanted to be in contact with each of them. This is the most difficult news to bear under any circumstances, but that it comes during the holidays makes it even harder. In coming days and weeks, we will comfort them and honor their loved ones as a family. They are in our thoughts and prayers—now and always.” Due to the sensitivity of their mission and other ongoing operations, neither the names of those killed nor the details of their work are being released at this time. “Yesterday’s tragedy reminds us that the men and women of the CIA put their lives at risk every day to protect this nation,” Director Panetta said. “Throughout our history, the reality is that those who make a real difference often face real danger.” Director Panetta credited US military doctors and nurses with saving the lives of those wounded in the attack. In honor and memory of the dead, he requested that the flags at CIA Headquarters be flown at half-staff. Today President Barack Obama sent the following letter to the officers of CIA: December 31, 2009 To the men and women of the CIA: I write to mark a sad occasion in the history of the CIA and our country. Yesterday, seven Americans in Afghanistan gave their lives in service to their country. Michelle and I have their families, friends and colleagues in our thoughts and prayers. These brave Americans were part of a long line of patriots who have made great sacrifices for their fellow citizens, and for our way of life. The United States would not be able to maintain the freedom and security that we cherish without decades of service from the dedicated men and women of the CIA. You have helped us understand the world as it is, and taken great risks to protect our country. You have served in the shadows, and your sacrifices have sometimes been unknown to your fellow citizens, your friends, and even your families. In recent years, the CIA has been tested as never before. Since our country was attacked on September 11, 2001, you have served on the frontlines in directly confronting the dangers of the 21st century. Because of your service, plots have been disrupted, American lives have been saved, and our Allies and partners have been more secure. Your triumphs and even your names may be unknown to your fellow Americans, but your service is deeply appreciated. Indeed, I know firsthand the excellent quality of your work because I rely on it every day. The men and women who gave their lives in Afghanistan did their duty with courage, honor and excellence, and we must draw strength from the example of their sacrifice. They will take their place on the Memorial Wall at Langley alongside so many other heroes who gave their lives on behalf of their country. And they will live on in the hearts of those who loved them, and in the freedom that they gave their lives to defend. May God bless the memory of those we lost, and may God bless the United States of America. President Barack Obama
Media in the United States says a suicide bomber who attacked a Central Intelligence Agency base in eastern Afghanistan last week was a Jordanian working as an al-Qaeda double agent. The reports say current and former Western intelligence officials identified the suicide bomber as Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, a 36-year-old physician and al-Qaeda sympathizer from Zarqa, Jordan. U.S. television network NBC says Jordanian authorities arrested al-Balawi more than a year ago and later recruited him to infiltrate al-Qaeda, believing he had been successfully reformed. Due to his medical background, it is believed his mission was to find and meet Ayman al-Zawahiri, al-Qaeda's second-in-command. The CIA declined to comment on the reports. According to multiple sources, al-Balawi posted online in jihadist forums under the name Abu Dujanah al-Khurasani. One post by him read, "When a fighter for God kills a U.S. soldier on the corner of a tank, the supporters of Jihad have killed tens of thousands of Americans through their connection to the opposition." Jarret Brachman, consultant to the US government on terrorism said in a telephone interview to ''The New York Times'', "He’s one of the most revered authors on the jihadists' forums. He’s in the top five jihadists. He's one of the biggest guns out there." Evan Kohlmann, who tracks jihadi Web sites for NBC News said, "He was actually an administrator on the now-defunct Al-Hesbah forum, previously al-Qaeda's main chat forum." The bombing last Wednesday at the CIA base, known as Forward Operating Base Chapman, in Afghanistan's Khowst province killed seven CIA employees and a Jordanian officer. The U.S. military's intelligence chief in Afghanistan has criticized the work of U.S. intelligence agencies operating there, saying they are "ignorant" and out of touch with the Afghan people. General Michael Flynn says U.S. intelligence efforts have focused too much on gathering information about insurgent groups in Afghanistan. He says U.S. intelligence has been unable to inform U.S. and NATO forces about the environment in which they operate and the Afghan people whom they seek to persuade. His comments were published in a report issued Monday by a U.S. think tank, the Center for a New American Security. The bodies of the seven CIA employees killed in the Khowst attack arrived Monday at a U.S. Air Force base in the East Coast state of Delaware. A small, private ceremony was held at the base, attended by friends and family and CIA Director Leon Panetta. The bombing was the second-deadliest attack in the U.S. intelligence agency's history. In a statement, CIA spokesman George Little described the fallen employees as "patriots who courageously served their nation." In message to employees the day after the bombing, Panetta said, "Those who fell yesterday were far from home and close to the enemy, doing the hard work that must be done to protect our country from terrorism." Jordan's state news agency, Petra, identified the Jordanian officer killed in the bombing as Sharif Ali bin Zaid. It says he was killed while "performing the sacred duty of Jordanian forces in Afghanistan." NATO says Jordan has seven troops in Afghanistan. NBC News says Bin Zaid was an intelligence agent and a first cousin of Jordan's King Abdullah II. Both the Afghan Taliban and Pakistani Taliban have claimed responsibility for the attack.
fran: 09-12-2010 14:13:57 09-12-2010 14:13:57 es terrible que esto suceda, pero lo de fondo es que en este pais existe cero posibilidad de reinsercion,hablan de carceles consecionadas, en donde te dan comida pero no te dan cuchara, que no tienes ni una mesa para comer, esa es la solucion, no señores, te dan el beneficio de firmar, pero las empresas de estado no te dan trabajo por que se acogen a la ley 18575, si ni siquiera las empresas del estado te dan trabajo quien te dara un empleo, yo estoy cumpliendo condena, con firma mensual, reconosco cometi un error y me arrepiento todos los dias y en cada momento, yo no mate , ni le hice daño a nadie, pero igual estube preso un par de semanas con personas que si habian cometido delitos graves, entonces que han hecho en chile , nada, lo unico que hacen es jusgarte y meterte en una carcel, pero de ahi se olvidan de ti, aca falta mayor posibilidades para las personas, por que si son personas, yo estoy esperando un par de resultados para comenzar mi practica profesional, pero este logro se lo debo a mi familia por que el estado no hace nada por uno, espero que ahora se hagan cosas positivas, no puedes tener preso a personas que las encontraron en estado de ebriedad o por ser vendedores ambulantes, que te queda por hacer si tampoco ahi mas trabajos, aca se debe estudiar bien los casos si realmente son un peligro, ademas segregar segun su delito, pero que no te dejen al olvido que te den las posibilidades, deben darte ayuda,buscar la real reinsercion espero que las familias de estas personas esten tranquilas y que encuentren el consuelo en dios
Un incendio afectó al recinto penitencial de San Miguel dejando al menos 81 reos muertos y varios heridos por el avance de las llamas y el intenso humo que emanó desde el cuarto piso de la Torre 5 del recinto. El alto número de víctimas se presume por las condiciones de hacinamiento que presenta la cárcel y los problemas que tuvo el accionar de Bomberos de diversas compañías de Santiago para sofocar las llamas. En un primer instante se presumía de un motín entre los convictos, pero fue descartado por Gendarmería por el avance del incendio que consumió la casi totalidad del piso de reclusión. Al momento de recuperar los cuerpos, personal de Investigaciones y el Servicio Médico Legal han tenido algunas dificultades debido al estado del piso y la posición en que quedaron los cuerpos tras el siniestro. En las inmediaciones de la cárcel los familiares se agolpaban para saber el estado de los reclusos. Ante la desesperación por noticias, el Ministro de Justicia llamó a la calma a los parientes, indicando que, si no estaba en la torre, no hay problemas con el detenido. Este es uno de los peores incendios en el sistema carcelario chileno, y se produce el mismo día en que se produjo el incendio de la Compañía, que dio origen a Bomberos de Chile.
Guía de uso: Este es un espacio de libertad, por lo que solicitamos que no lo desaproveches. Contamos con que las opiniones se remitan al contenido de los artículos y no a insultos, ataques personales, comentarios discriminatorios o spam. Por lo mismo, en honor a la legibilidad y buen funcionamiento de este canal de expresión, todos los textos pasarán previamente por un filtro. No haremos ediciones ni correcciones, sólo quedarán sin publicar los que no cumplan con lo solicitado en el párrafo anterior. Total opiniones: 58 Página actual: 1 / 6 09/12/2010 - 21:33:38 Hay Dios de solo escuchar como gritaban me pone mal que terrible una muerte así que se podría haber evitado. Con este lamentable hecho deben cambiar las bases que sustentan las leyes de justicia. Esperanza Valdivia 09/12/2010 - 14:01:32 Continúa.....Lo malo de todo esto, es que los unicos que son juzgados en este mundo son los mas vulnerables de nuestra suciedadad(sociedad perdon). ¿AL JUEZ QUIEN LO JUZGA?...Pena por los apenados........... Pragmatico Chile 09/12/2010 - 13:58:06 Es lamentable lo ocurrido,pues en el medio había alugunos no tan delincuentes,pero y el resto???.Nunca se debio anular la pena de muerte,"EL QUE A HIERRO MATA A HIERRO MUERE".Es la unica manera de traer la paz a la tierra,haciendo desaparecer a los que producen violencia y destruccion,continúa...... Pragmatico Chile 09/12/2010 - 13:03:08 No son animales como alguien dijo, pero no olvidemos que a la hora de actuar lo hacen sin conciencia sólo actúan, matan, violan, roban etc , en fin es una pena por la familia que no tiene la culpa de tener un familiar con malas costumbres. Que Dios tenga misericordia de las familias. Rosita Santiago, Chile 09/12/2010 - 09:04:08 Que lastima la muerte de los 81 reos de la carcel de San Miguel, nadien merece morir de esa manera aunque sea muy malo el delito que cometieran, espero que se dencuenta de las malas condiciones que estan las carseles y no sacan nada de solo encarselarlos si no los ayudan a cambiar Carla chile 09/12/2010 - 06:27:20 LAMENTABLE PARA LAS FAMILIAS DIOS LOS AMPARE,Y LES DE PAZ EN SUS CORAZONES . PERO NO ES POSIBLE QUE LOS PRESOS TENGAN SIERTAS REGALIAS EN LOS CENTROS PENITENCIARIOS ESTE ECHO FUE PROVOCADO POR ELLOS MISMOS TENIENDO LAS HERRAMIENTAS PARA PROVOCAR UN ACCIDENTE DE ESTA MACNITUD, NO CULPEMOS A GENDARMES ALEX VALDIVIA 09/12/2010 - 02:29:46 acompaño el dolor de las familias de estas personas que murieron de forma tan horrible. Una tragedia que, obliga a los que tienen el poder en Chile, a decir nunca mas. Y al ciudadano a exigir que se cumpla. Queremos que quienes estan en los poderes del Estado haga su trabajo!! Anjelica Stgo 09/12/2010 - 01:29:08 Sr. Rodrigo Labbe. le cuento que el Sr. presidente el día 16 de octubre, visitó el penal manzano I, donde comunicó a los diversos medios que invertirá $ en cárceles "porque los reos no pueden estar en estas condiciones para su rehabilitación" éste no es problema de color político... Rocio Chile 09/12/2010 - 00:22:13 querían cambio este es un país mediocre creyendo que con el empresario mas grande de Chile fuera a tener mas garantía su canal mostro unas imagen dentro del recinto eso no es posible no me cabe duda que esto pueda ser un complot ya que deberian haber seguido el protocolo y lamado a bomberos brenda san bernardo 08/12/2010 - 22:39:27 Ahora resulta que la culpa es del gobierno por meter presos en las carceles, paremos la tontera, si los reos estaban con un balon de gas como lanza-llamas Jorge Santiago Página actual: 1 / 6 Vea más en las siguientes páginas: 2 3 4 5 6 Página actual: 1 / 6Página actual: 1 / 6Vea más en las siguientes páginas:
Un incendio afectó al recinto penitencial de San Miguel dejando al menos 81 reos muertos y varios heridos por el avance de las llamas y el intenso humo que emanó desde el cuarto piso de la Torre 5 del recinto. El alto número de víctimas se presume por las condiciones de hacinamiento que presenta la cárcel y los problemas que tuvo el accionar de Bomberos de diversas compañías de Santiago para sofocar las llamas. En un primer instante se presumía de un motín entre los convictos, pero fue descartado por Gendarmería por el avance del incendio que consumió la casi totalidad del piso de reclusión. Al momento de recuperar los cuerpos, personal de Investigaciones y el Servicio Médico Legal han tenido algunas dificultades debido al estado del piso y la posición en que quedaron los cuerpos tras el siniestro. En las inmediaciones de la cárcel los familiares se agolpaban para saber el estado de los reclusos. Ante la desesperación por noticias, el Ministro de Justicia llamó a la calma a los parientes, indicando que, si no estaba en la torre, no hay problemas con el detenido. Este es uno de los peores incendios en el sistema carcelario chileno, y se produce el mismo día en que se produjo el incendio de la Compañía, que dio origen a Bomberos de Chile.
Un tribunal italien a annoncé mercredi soir avoir condamné à 16 ans et un mois de prison Francesco Schettino, l’ex-commandant du navire de croisière Concordia dont le naufrage avait fait 32 morts il y a trois ans au large des côtes italiennes. Francesco Schettino a été reconnu coupable, notamment d’homicides et du naufrage du paquebot, par les juges du tribunal de Grosseto (Toscane) où son procès en première instance s’est ouvert en juillet 2013. Le tribunal n’a toutefois pas ordonné l’incarcération immédiate de l’accusé, comme le lui avait demandé le parquet pour éviter, avait jugé le procureur dans son réquisitoire, toute tentative de fuite. Le président du tribunal a lu la sentence en l’absence de l’accusé, selon les images montrées en direct par plusieurs chaînes de télévision italiennes. Plus tôt dans la journée, Francesco Schettino, 54 ans, avait dénoncé la machination dont il estime avoir été victime dès les premières heures du drame. «J’ai vécu trois ans dans un hachoir médiatique dont la violence, si elle n’est pas endurée, est difficile à comprendre», a déclaré l’ancien commandant du Concordia, peu avant de fondre en larmes et d’interrompre son ultime déclaration devant le tribunal. Le 26 janvier, le parquet italien avait réclamé une peine de 26 ans et trois mois de prison, tandis que ses avocats avaient plaidé l’acquittement, affirmant que ce naufrage avait été un accident susceptible d’arriver à n’importe quel marin. Les procureurs italiens avaient également réclamé l’arrestation de Schettino pour éviter toute tentative de fuite, mais le tribunal n’a pas précisé dans l’immédiat s’il donnait suite à cette requête.
Épave du Costa Concordia Carte du lieu de collision avec le récif et de la position d'échouement du ''Costa Concordia''. , l'ex commandant du , a été condamné par la justice italienne à seize ans et un mois de prison, le 11 février dans le cadre de l'affaire du . L'ancien commandant a été reconnu coupable par le tribunal de (sud de la ) d’ et d’abandon de navire. Il devra également verser la somme de 300 000 euros à titre de dommages-intérêts aux parties civiles. La justice et les médias lui avait reproché d'avoir provoqué le du paquebot de croisière dans lequel sont mortes 32 personnes, le 13 janvier 2012 sur l' en . Cependant, Francesco Schettino ne sera pas incarcéré immédiatement : « en raison de son comportement au cours du procès – il a assisté à toutes les audiences – et de l'absence de risque de fuite », a expliqué le journal ''La Repubblica''. « Depuis le 10 avril 2012, l’ancien commandant vivait en résidence surveillée, à son domicile de Meta di Sorrento", près de , explique un autre journal italien, ''La Nazione''. Le parquet italien avait requis la peine de 26 ans et trois mois de prison à l'encontre de Francesco Schettino alors que ses avocats avaient plaidé l’acquittement, défendant la thèse d'un accident regrettable. Les procureurs italiens avaient également réclamé l’arrestation de Schettino pour éviter toute tentative de fuite. Francesco Schettino a déclaré peu avant son ultime déclaration devant le tribunal, « J’ai vécu trois ans dans un hachoir médiatique dont la violence, si elle n’est pas endurée, est difficile à comprendre »
Le Monde | 11.02.2015 à 20h24 • Mis à jour le 12.02.2015 à 06h56 Le commandant du navire de croisière Costa-Concordia, Francesco Schettino a été condamné, mercredi 11 février à seize ans et un mois de prison, pour sa responsabilité dans le naufrage du paquebot qui avait causé la mort de 32 personnes au large de l'Italie en janvier 2012. Francesco Schettino, 54 ans, a été reconnu coupable, notamment d'homicides et du naufrage du navire, par les juges du tribunal de Grosseto, en Toscane, où son procès s'est ouvert en juillet 2013. Le parquet avait requis vingt-six ans de prison à son encontre, tandis que ses avocats avaient plaidé l'acquittement, affirmant que ce naufrage avait été un accident susceptible d'arriver à n'importe quel marin. Le tribunal n'a par ailleurs toutefois pas ordonné l'incarcération immédiate de l'accusé, jugeant qu'il ne risquait pas de prendre la fuite. Son avocat, qui avait réclamé l'acquittement de son client, n'a pas indiqué dans l'immédiat si Francesco Schettino, 54 ans, comptait faire appel. Lire son portrait : Le capitaine sans remords « J'AI VÉCU DANS UN HACHOIR MÉDIATIQUE » Plus tôt dans la journée, il avait dénoncé la machination dont il estime avoir été victime dès les premières heures du drame. « J'ai vécu trois ans dans un hachoir médiatique dont la violence, si elle n'est pas endurée, est difficile à comprendre », a déclaré l'ancien commandant du Concordia, peu avant de fondre en larmes et d'interrompre son ultime déclaration devant le tribunal. Présenté comme « l'homme le plus détesté d'Italie » par un journal italien, baptisé « capitaine Couard » par les tabloïds britanniques, il était mis en cause, ainsi que six autres membres de l'équipage et trois dirigeants de la compagnie Costa Croisières, propriétaire du paquebot, pour homicides par imprudence et naufrage. Il était également soupçonné d'avoir abandonné son navire avant la fin de l'évacuation. « Schettino a eu quarante-cinq minutes pour décider de la vie de 4 500 personnes » et sa décision a permis de sauver la très grande majorité d'entre elles, avait plaidé Me Domenico Pepe, l'un de ses avocats. L'accusation avait, pour sa part, considéré que l'ordre d'évacuation avait été donné bien trop tard et que l'opération s'était ensuite déroulée dans l'improvisation. Au cours d'un interrogatoire serré début décembre, Francesco Schettino avait relativisé sa responsabilité, s'efforçant d'apparaître comme un commandant mal informé par son équipage. Mais c'est surtout sa décision de quitter le paquebot alors que des centaines de passagers s'y trouvaient encore qui a particulièrement choqué en Italie et au-delà. Lui a affirmé avoir fait une chute dans une chaloupe sous l'effet de la gravité, au moment où le navire, échoué sur les rochers, s'inclinait soudainement. Lire aussi : Comment l'Italie a fait du drame du « Costa-Concordia » une affaire fructueuse
Épave du Costa Concordia Carte du lieu de collision avec le récif et de la position d'échouement du ''Costa Concordia''. , l'ex commandant du , a été condamné par la justice italienne à seize ans et un mois de prison, le 11 février dans le cadre de l'affaire du . L'ancien commandant a été reconnu coupable par le tribunal de (sud de la ) d’ et d’abandon de navire. Il devra également verser la somme de 300 000 euros à titre de dommages-intérêts aux parties civiles. La justice et les médias lui avait reproché d'avoir provoqué le du paquebot de croisière dans lequel sont mortes 32 personnes, le 13 janvier 2012 sur l' en . Cependant, Francesco Schettino ne sera pas incarcéré immédiatement : « en raison de son comportement au cours du procès – il a assisté à toutes les audiences – et de l'absence de risque de fuite », a expliqué le journal ''La Repubblica''. « Depuis le 10 avril 2012, l’ancien commandant vivait en résidence surveillée, à son domicile de Meta di Sorrento", près de , explique un autre journal italien, ''La Nazione''. Le parquet italien avait requis la peine de 26 ans et trois mois de prison à l'encontre de Francesco Schettino alors que ses avocats avaient plaidé l’acquittement, défendant la thèse d'un accident regrettable. Les procureurs italiens avaient également réclamé l’arrestation de Schettino pour éviter toute tentative de fuite. Francesco Schettino a déclaré peu avant son ultime déclaration devant le tribunal, « J’ai vécu trois ans dans un hachoir médiatique dont la violence, si elle n’est pas endurée, est difficile à comprendre »
THE FINAL text of an EU statement on the Middle East is unlikely to be signed off until foreign ministers meet next week because of “sensitivities” over a Swedish proposal to divide Jerusalem in any peace deal, diplomatic sources said. The statement – expected on Tuesday – is being billed as the most significant expression of EU policy on the stalled peace process since foreign ministers discussed the matter last June. In an effort to leave space for US initiatives, EU foreign ministers largely held back from commenting on the stalemate between Israel and the Palestinians in the intervening months. The proposal to establish East Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital in a two-state solution was set out in a negotiating paper prepared by Sweden’s six-month presidency of the EU. While diplomats say radical policy change at EU level is not on the agenda, the explicit reference in the Swedish document to East Jerusalem marks a subtle change from the EU’s often-stated position that the city should become the “shared capital” of the two states. The Israeli response was seen to reflect fear that all member states would adopt the reference as a means of stepping up pressure on the government of prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu. However, ambassadors to the EU’s political and security committee failed to agree on the text on Wednesday and are scheduled to discuss it again today. Meanwhile in Tel Aviv, Jewish settlers vowed to continue their campaign of civil disobedience aimed at thwarting a 10-month construction freeze imposed by the government, after a meeting yesterday with Mr Netanyahu. The prime minister called the meeting in an effort to defuse tension after four consecutive days of confrontations, with residents attempting to block government inspectors entering West Bank settlements. Six people have been arrested, including a local mayor. The prime minister promised the settlers the restrictions were temporary, and would be lifted at the end of the 10-month moratorium. He urged them to obey the law and explained that he had been forced to order the construction freeze due to strong international pressure to make a gesture in order to coax the Palestinians back to the negotiating table.
Dome of Rock, East Jerusalem, 2001. A classified European Union report for 2009 says Israel is actively pursuing the annexation of east Jerusalem. The report accuses Israel of implementing an intricate policy including expanding Jewish settlements and demolishing Palestinian homes. It says policies "are undermining prospects for a Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem and incrementally render a sustainable two-state solution unfeasible"; this is described as, "an integral part of a broader Israeli strategy." Israeli Foreign ministry spokesperson, Yigal Palmor, told AFP that the report was "dishonest", "reflects the Palestinian propaganda" and "is based exclusively on Palestinian versions and figures." This comes as EU foreign ministers prepare a statement on the Middle East. To allow for US initiatives, EU foreign ministers have not commented on the stalemate between Israel and the Palestinians over past months; but, diplomatic sources say there are “sensitivities” over a Swedish proposal to divide Jerusalem in any peace deal. Citing official Israeli statistics from the Ministry of Interior executive director of Israel’s HaMoked (Center for the Defence of the Individual) said Wednesday that, "Israel has stripped Palestinians of Jerusalem residency status last year at a faster rate than at any time in the history of the state". 4,577 residents of East Jerusalem have had their residence revoked in 2008, this is more than half the total revoked in the past 40 years. The Jerusalem municipality places severe restrictions on issuing building permits for Palestinian houses in east Jerusalem, since 2000 over 600 Palestinian-owned structures have been demolished and Palestinians receive fewer than 200 of the 1,500 building permits needed per year. The 14-page annual report dated November 23 was drafted by European envoys and consuls in Jerusalem and Ramallah and presented to Brussels EU institutions a few days ago. This is the first time the annual report has been made public. Haaretz says, in the past, Israel has pressed the EU not to publish fearing it would undermine the European public's view of Israel. The report was leaked to Israel's Haaretz daily newspaper and obtained by AFP yesterday. The EU report claims the Israeli government and Jerusalem municipality discriminate against Arab residents with regard to building permits, health services, education, sanitation and more. Allegations of assisting private right-wing Jewish organisations, such as Ateret Cohanim and Elad, to alter the city's demographics are included. The report advises sanctions against people and groups involved in "settlement activity", and taking other measures to protest Israeli policy and to stop the harming of the Arab population, including an "EU presence at Israeli court cases on house demolitions or evictions of Palestinian families when there is a risk of demolition or eviction of Palestinian families", and "information sharing on violent settlers in East Jerusalem to assess whether to grant entry to the EU." The report also recommends implementing measures to strengthen the Palestinian National Authority's presence in the city. Archaeological excavations in Jerusalem near the Temple Mount are mentioned, suggesting "archaeology in this case has become an ideologically motivated tool of national and religious struggle carried out in a manner that modifies the identity and character of the city and threatens to undermine its stability."
A classified report drafted by European consuls in East Jerusalem and Ramallah slams Israeli policy in East Jerusalem and recommends that the European Union take steps to strengthen the Palestinian Authority's status in the city. It also advises taking various measures to protest Israeli policy in the city, as well as sanctions against people and groups involved in "settlement activity" in and around it. The report, a copy of which was obtained by Haaretz, is updated annually by EU representatives to the PA. This year's report was completed on November 23 and presented to EU institutions in Brussels a few days ago. Advertisement Due to the sensitivity of the document, the EU has never before published it, and in previous years Israel pressed the EU hard not to do so, for fear the publication would further undermine the European public's already negative view of Israel. Senior Foreign Ministry officials said this year's report "left a harsh impression" in Brussels and helped Sweden promote its plan to have the EU formally recognize East Jerusalem as the capital of a Palestinian state. The report accused both the Israeli government and the Jerusalem municipality of working deliberately to alter the city's demographic balance and sever East Jerusalem from the West Bank. It said that both bodies assist right-wing organizations, such as Ateret Cohanim and Elad, in their efforts to implement this "strategic vision," especially around the Holy Basin area. These organizations buy houses in Arab neighborhoods, and make "attempts to implant further Jewish settlements into the heart of the Muslim Quarter." The municipality, the report continued, discriminates against the city's Arab residents with regard to building permits, health services, education, sanitation and more. "During the past years, Palestinians have received fewer than 200 building permits per year," it said. "Based on the population growth, permits for another 1,500 housing units annually would be necessary to cover the housing needs." For instance, the EU report noted, the village of Silwan has received only 20 building permits since 1967. Though 35 percent of Jerusalem residents are Arab, only 5 to 10 percent of the city's budget goes to Arab neighborhoods, it continued. As a result, these areas present "a sharp contrast" to "West Jerusalem neighborhoods and East Jerusalem settlements where Israelis live." A significant portion of the report deals with archaeological excavations in Jerusalem, especially near the Temple Mount. These digs, it charged, focus mainly on Jewish history. "Archaeology in this case has become an ideologically motivated tool of national and religious struggle carried out in a manner that modifies the identity and character of the city and threatens to undermine its stability," the report said. On another issue, it stated: "The expansion of Israeli settlements has sparked a trend of settler violence against the Palestinian population in East Jerusalem. Such criminal actions have been witnessed by Israeli police but are not met with adequate intervention." Israel's closure of Palestine Liberation Organization and PA institutions in the city was also blasted in the report: "The general sense of neglect felt by many East Jerusalemites and the absence of Palestinian state-sponsored institutions and secular organizations are paving the way for Islamic religious organizations to expand their influence." The European consuls proposed several measures to strengthen the PA presence in the eastern part of the city and pressure Israel to stop harming the Arab population. They include the following: "Ensure EU presence at Israeli court cases on house demolitions or evictions of Palestinian families" and "when there is a risk of demolition or eviction of Palestinian families." EU "celebrations, commemorations and national or Europe day events to be held in East Jerusalem." "EU missions with offices or residences in East Jerusalem to regularly host Palestinian officials for dinners with senior EU visitors." "Avoid having Israeli security accompany high-ranking officials from member states when visiting the Old City or East Jerusalem." "Refraining from meeting Israeli officials in their East Jerusalem offices." "Information sharing on violent settlers in East Jerusalem to assess whether to grant entry to the EU."
Dome of Rock, East Jerusalem, 2001. A classified European Union report for 2009 says Israel is actively pursuing the annexation of east Jerusalem. The report accuses Israel of implementing an intricate policy including expanding Jewish settlements and demolishing Palestinian homes. It says policies "are undermining prospects for a Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem and incrementally render a sustainable two-state solution unfeasible"; this is described as, "an integral part of a broader Israeli strategy." Israeli Foreign ministry spokesperson, Yigal Palmor, told AFP that the report was "dishonest", "reflects the Palestinian propaganda" and "is based exclusively on Palestinian versions and figures." This comes as EU foreign ministers prepare a statement on the Middle East. To allow for US initiatives, EU foreign ministers have not commented on the stalemate between Israel and the Palestinians over past months; but, diplomatic sources say there are “sensitivities” over a Swedish proposal to divide Jerusalem in any peace deal. Citing official Israeli statistics from the Ministry of Interior executive director of Israel’s HaMoked (Center for the Defence of the Individual) said Wednesday that, "Israel has stripped Palestinians of Jerusalem residency status last year at a faster rate than at any time in the history of the state". 4,577 residents of East Jerusalem have had their residence revoked in 2008, this is more than half the total revoked in the past 40 years. The Jerusalem municipality places severe restrictions on issuing building permits for Palestinian houses in east Jerusalem, since 2000 over 600 Palestinian-owned structures have been demolished and Palestinians receive fewer than 200 of the 1,500 building permits needed per year. The 14-page annual report dated November 23 was drafted by European envoys and consuls in Jerusalem and Ramallah and presented to Brussels EU institutions a few days ago. This is the first time the annual report has been made public. Haaretz says, in the past, Israel has pressed the EU not to publish fearing it would undermine the European public's view of Israel. The report was leaked to Israel's Haaretz daily newspaper and obtained by AFP yesterday. The EU report claims the Israeli government and Jerusalem municipality discriminate against Arab residents with regard to building permits, health services, education, sanitation and more. Allegations of assisting private right-wing Jewish organisations, such as Ateret Cohanim and Elad, to alter the city's demographics are included. The report advises sanctions against people and groups involved in "settlement activity", and taking other measures to protest Israeli policy and to stop the harming of the Arab population, including an "EU presence at Israeli court cases on house demolitions or evictions of Palestinian families when there is a risk of demolition or eviction of Palestinian families", and "information sharing on violent settlers in East Jerusalem to assess whether to grant entry to the EU." The report also recommends implementing measures to strengthen the Palestinian National Authority's presence in the city. Archaeological excavations in Jerusalem near the Temple Mount are mentioned, suggesting "archaeology in this case has become an ideologically motivated tool of national and religious struggle carried out in a manner that modifies the identity and character of the city and threatens to undermine its stability."
EU report says Israel illegally annexing east Jerusalem JERUSALEM — In a confidential report obtained by AFP on Thursday, the European Union accused Israel of actively pursuing the annexation of Arab east Jerusalem and undermining hopes for peace with Palestinians. The annual report drafted by the EU heads of missions in Jerusalem accused Israel of implementing in 2009 an intricate policy which includes expanding Jewish settlements and demolishing Palestinian homes in east Jerusalem. "Developments in east Jerusalem in 2009 were marked by the continued expansion of Israeli settlements and a considerable number of Palestinian house demolitions and eviction orders," said the report, published first by Israel's liberal Haaretz daily. Israel occupied and annexed east Jerusalem in 1967 and considers it its "eternal indivisible capital" in a move never recognised by the international community. "Israel is, by practical means, actively pursuing its illegal annexation of east Jerusalem by weakening the Palestinian community in the city, impeding Palestinian urban developments and ultimately separating east Jerusalem from the rest of the West Bank." The future of east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians want to make the capital of their promised state, is one of the most sensitive issue in Middle East peace talks, which have been suspended for almost a year. The EU report said that the Jewish state's policies in east Jerusalem "are undermining prospects for a Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem and incrementally render a sustainable two-state solution unfeasible." The 14-page report dated November 23 said that Israel's policy in east Jerusalem is "an integral part of a broader Israeli strategy." It goes on to accuse the Israeli government and Jerusalem municipality of supporting and assisting private right-wing Jewish organisations of strengthening the Jewish hold in and around the Old City. "The continued settlement expansion plans around the Old City effectively encircles and contains the historic basin and separates the Muslim holy places from the rest of east Jerusalem," the report said. It said the municipality places severe restrictions on issuing building permits for Palestinian houses in east Jerusalem, forcing them to construct without permits. As a result, over 600 Palestinian-owned structures have been demolished since the year 2000, it said. Last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a freeze on new permits for house construction in Jewish settlements in the rest of the West Bank, but the decision does not affect east Jerusalem, where some 200,000 Jews live in 12 settlements. Foreign ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor branded the report as "dishonest." "This report is based exclusively on Palestinian versions and figures. It reflects the Palestinian propaganda," he told AFP. Copyright © 2010 AFP. All rights reserved. More »
Dome of Rock, East Jerusalem, 2001. A classified European Union report for 2009 says Israel is actively pursuing the annexation of east Jerusalem. The report accuses Israel of implementing an intricate policy including expanding Jewish settlements and demolishing Palestinian homes. It says policies "are undermining prospects for a Palestinian capital in east Jerusalem and incrementally render a sustainable two-state solution unfeasible"; this is described as, "an integral part of a broader Israeli strategy." Israeli Foreign ministry spokesperson, Yigal Palmor, told AFP that the report was "dishonest", "reflects the Palestinian propaganda" and "is based exclusively on Palestinian versions and figures." This comes as EU foreign ministers prepare a statement on the Middle East. To allow for US initiatives, EU foreign ministers have not commented on the stalemate between Israel and the Palestinians over past months; but, diplomatic sources say there are “sensitivities” over a Swedish proposal to divide Jerusalem in any peace deal. Citing official Israeli statistics from the Ministry of Interior executive director of Israel’s HaMoked (Center for the Defence of the Individual) said Wednesday that, "Israel has stripped Palestinians of Jerusalem residency status last year at a faster rate than at any time in the history of the state". 4,577 residents of East Jerusalem have had their residence revoked in 2008, this is more than half the total revoked in the past 40 years. The Jerusalem municipality places severe restrictions on issuing building permits for Palestinian houses in east Jerusalem, since 2000 over 600 Palestinian-owned structures have been demolished and Palestinians receive fewer than 200 of the 1,500 building permits needed per year. The 14-page annual report dated November 23 was drafted by European envoys and consuls in Jerusalem and Ramallah and presented to Brussels EU institutions a few days ago. This is the first time the annual report has been made public. Haaretz says, in the past, Israel has pressed the EU not to publish fearing it would undermine the European public's view of Israel. The report was leaked to Israel's Haaretz daily newspaper and obtained by AFP yesterday. The EU report claims the Israeli government and Jerusalem municipality discriminate against Arab residents with regard to building permits, health services, education, sanitation and more. Allegations of assisting private right-wing Jewish organisations, such as Ateret Cohanim and Elad, to alter the city's demographics are included. The report advises sanctions against people and groups involved in "settlement activity", and taking other measures to protest Israeli policy and to stop the harming of the Arab population, including an "EU presence at Israeli court cases on house demolitions or evictions of Palestinian families when there is a risk of demolition or eviction of Palestinian families", and "information sharing on violent settlers in East Jerusalem to assess whether to grant entry to the EU." The report also recommends implementing measures to strengthen the Palestinian National Authority's presence in the city. Archaeological excavations in Jerusalem near the Temple Mount are mentioned, suggesting "archaeology in this case has become an ideologically motivated tool of national and religious struggle carried out in a manner that modifies the identity and character of the city and threatens to undermine its stability."
Avião com 150 a bordo cai no Oceano Índico, perto das Ilhas Comores Publicidade colaboração para a Folha Online Um avião da companhia estatal iemenita Yemenia Air com 150 passageiros a bordo caiu no Oceano Índico pouco antes de chegar a seu destino final, as Ilhas Comores, um arquipélago na costa oriental da África. A informação foi confirmada pelo escritório de emergências da empresa. O vice-presidente comorense, Idi Nadhoim, também informou que houve o acidente, mas não forneceu detalhes. Segundo um membro da empresa, a maioria dos passageiros, cujo paradeiro ainda se desconhece, eram comorenses provenientes de Paris que tinham feito uma escala em Sana, capital do Iêmen. A agência de notícias Efe informou que o avião é um Airbus A-310 e aparente caiu a 30 minutos do aeroporto de Moroni, capital de Comores. O avião pertence à Yemenia Air, cuja frota é formada por dois Airbus 330-200, quatro Airbus 310-300 e quatro Boeing 737-800, de acordo com o site da companhia. A fonte da agência disse desconhecer as causas do acidente e afirmou que temia pela vida dos passageiros, mas insistiu em que ainda não possuía um número de vítimas. Uma fonte policial de Comores disse que acreditava que o avião havia caído no mar. "Nós realmente não temos capacidade de salvamento marítimo", afirmou. Este é o segundo grande acidente envolvendo um Air Bus em um mês. Entre o dia 31 de maio e 1° de junho, um Air Bus-A330 da Air France --avião que fazia o voo 447 caiu no oceano Atlântico entre o Rio e Paris, com 228 pessoas a bordo. Não houve sobreviventes. Em 1996, um Boeing 767 da Ethiopian Airlines, que havia sido sequestrado, caiu no mar na costa das Ilhas Comores, matando 125 dos 175 passageiros e tripulantes. O acidente foi filmado por uma turista que estava na praia em frente ao local da queda (veja imagens). Com Efe e Reuters
Um avião , da companhia estatal , caiu a cinco minutos do pouso no , na região das , costa na. A aeronave vinha de e havia feito uma escala em , capital do , antes de seguir para o arquipélago. Segundo informações de agências internacionais, o avião teria 10 anos de uso. Segundo , gerente do Aeroporto de , barcos de vários tipos, inclusive de pescadores, rumam para o local do acidente. Destroços e corpos já foram detectados na costa africana. Entre os destroços, foi encontrado um sobrevivente, um menino ainda não identificado. Em comunicado oficial, o ministro de Relações Exteriores da , , afirmou que ao menos 66 franceses estavam na aeronave e que a enviará equipes ao local do acidente para ajudar nos trabalhos de busca. Ainda não há informações sobre o que teria causado a queda da aeronave.
Por Ahmed Ali Amir MORONI (Reuters) - Um Airbus A310-300 do Iêmen com 153 pessoas a bordo, incluindo 66 franceses, caiu no mar quando se aproximava do arquipélago de Comores, no Oceano Índico, em meio ao mau tempo nas primeiras horas de terça-feira. Uma menina de 14 anos foi resgatada viva do mar. "Um médico do hospital militar a bordo de um dos botes de resgate telefonou ao hospital Mitsamiouli para dizer a eles que uma criança foi resgatada com vida", disse à Reuters Halidi Ahmed Abdou, médico do centro médico aberto em Comores para eventuais sobreviventes. Ibrahim Abdourazak, uma autoridade no centro de crise em Comores, disse à Reuters que a menina de 14 anos era de um vilarejo no centro do arquipélago no oceano Índico. Hadji Madi Ali, diretor do aeroporto internacional em Morini, havia dito anteriormente à rádio nacional que a menina resgatada tinha 5 anos. Ele disse também que cinco corpos também foram encontrados. A autoridade aeroportuária de Paris disse que 66 franceses estavam a bordo do avião da companhia aérea Yemenia, que percorria o trecho final de um voo que levava passageiros de Paris e Marselha para Comores, via Iêmen. Um grande número de iemenitas também estava a bordo. Dois aviões militares e um navio franceses deixaram as ilhas de Reunião e Mayotte, no oceano Índico, para ajudar nas buscas. "Os aviões viram destroços no suposto ponto de impacto", disse Ibrahim Kassim, uma autoridade do organismo regional de segurança aérea ASECNA, à Reuters. Este é o segundo Airbus a cair no mar no último mês, após o acidente com o Airbus A330-200 que voava do Rio de Janeiro a Paris quando se acidentou no oceano Atlântico com 228 pessoas a bordo em 31 de maio. Um relatório preliminar sobre esse acidente deve ser divulgado na quinta-feira. Continuação...
Um avião , da companhia estatal , caiu a cinco minutos do pouso no , na região das , costa na. A aeronave vinha de e havia feito uma escala em , capital do , antes de seguir para o arquipélago. Segundo informações de agências internacionais, o avião teria 10 anos de uso. Segundo , gerente do Aeroporto de , barcos de vários tipos, inclusive de pescadores, rumam para o local do acidente. Destroços e corpos já foram detectados na costa africana. Entre os destroços, foi encontrado um sobrevivente, um menino ainda não identificado. Em comunicado oficial, o ministro de Relações Exteriores da , , afirmou que ao menos 66 franceses estavam na aeronave e que a enviará equipes ao local do acidente para ajudar nos trabalhos de busca. Ainda não há informações sobre o que teria causado a queda da aeronave.
Airbus A-310 da Yemenia Air teria cerca de 150 pessoas a bordo. Queda foi perto das ilhas Comores, segundo agências de notícias. Um Airbus A310 da companhia Yemenia Air caiu nas proximidades das ilhas Comores, no Oceano Índico, com cerca de 150 pessoas a bordo. Segundo a rede de TV CNN e agências de notícias, o acidente ocorreu nas primeiras horas de terça-feira, 30, no horário local (noite do dia 29 no horário de Brasília). O total de pessoas na aeronave ainda é incerto. De acordo com as agências Reuters e France Presse, havia 142 passageiros e 11 tripulantes, enquanto a agência Associated Press fala em 147 passageiros e 11 tripulantes. Segundo os jornais franceses "Le Monde" e "Le Figaro", o voo IY 626 partiu de Paris em direção a Moroni, nas ilhas Comores, com conexões em Marseille, na França, e em Sanaa, capital do Iêmen. Inicialmente, os passageiros embarcaram em um Airbus A330 e na conexão em Sanaa trocaram de aeronave, embarcando em um Airbus A310. Em 31 de maio, um outro Airbus, modelo A330, que partiu do Rio de Janeiro em direção a Paris, caiu sobre o Oceano Atlântico, matando 228 pessoas. “Não sabemos se há sobreviventes”, disse à agência Reuters o vice-presidente de Comores, Idi Nadhoim, do aeroporto de Moroni, capital de Comores. Um médico da cidade de Mitsamiouli, nas ilhas Comores, informou que foi chamado ao hospital. “Eles apenas me chamaram para o hospital”, declarou. “Disseram que um avião havia caído." Uma fonte da polícia de Comores declarou que o avião provavelmente caiu no mar. “Nós, realmente, não temos capacidade para fazer o resgate no mar”, disse. O arquipélago é composto por três pequenas ilhas vulcânicas - Grande Comore, Anjouan e Moheli. A frota da companhia é composta por dois Airbus 330-200s, quatro Airbus 310-300s e quatro Boeing 737-800s, segundo o site da empresa. O governo do Iêmen possui 51% do capital da empresa e a Arábia Saudita, 49%, de acordo com a Reuters. De acordo com a BBC Brasil, um oficial do Aeroporto Internacional de Sanaa disse que a maioria dos passageiros seria comorense. Leia mais notícias de Mundo
Um avião , da companhia estatal , caiu a cinco minutos do pouso no , na região das , costa na. A aeronave vinha de e havia feito uma escala em , capital do , antes de seguir para o arquipélago. Segundo informações de agências internacionais, o avião teria 10 anos de uso. Segundo , gerente do Aeroporto de , barcos de vários tipos, inclusive de pescadores, rumam para o local do acidente. Destroços e corpos já foram detectados na costa africana. Entre os destroços, foi encontrado um sobrevivente, um menino ainda não identificado. Em comunicado oficial, o ministro de Relações Exteriores da , , afirmou que ao menos 66 franceses estavam na aeronave e que a enviará equipes ao local do acidente para ajudar nos trabalhos de busca. Ainda não há informações sobre o que teria causado a queda da aeronave.
A310 da Yemenia Air caiu com 153 pessoas a bordo. Queda ocorreu próximo às Ilhas Comores, a 5 min do pouso. Corpos de vítimas e destroços do Airbus A310, da companhia Yemenia Air, foram localizados no Oceano Índico, na região das Ilhas Comores, informaram o vice-presidente da Aviação Civil Iemenita, Mohamed Abdel Abdel Kader e o gerente do Aeroporto de Moroni, Hadji Mohamed Ali. Os detroços e os corpos teriam sido avistados após um voo de observação, no início da manhã desta terça-feira (30), horário local. Segundo Hadji, barcos de vários tipos, inclusive de pescadores, rumam para o local do acidente. “Todos os nossos recursos estão sendo enviados para o local, inclusive barcos de pescadores”, afirmou. Leia também: Sobrevivente é resgatado, diz empresa Veja galeria de fotos O governo francês disponibilizou um avião e duas embarcações para serem utilizados em resgates. As equipes já teriam partido para o local do acidente. O trecho Paris-Marselha-Iêmen do voo da Yemenia foi percorrido em um Airbus A330. Em Sanaa, os passageiros que se destinavam a Comores trocaram de aeronave, embarcando no A310 que acabou caindo. Foto: Reuters Parentes de passageiros de voo que seguia para Comores chegam ao aeroporto Charles de Gaulle, nos arredores de Paris, para obter informações sobre a vítimas do acidente. (Foto: Reuters) O Airbus A310 da companhia Yemenia Air caiu nas proximidades das ilhas Comores, no Oceano Índico, com 153 pessoas a bordo, segundo a companhia aérea. São 142 passageiros e 11 tripulantes. Os jornais franceses dizem que 66 franceses estariam a bordo. De acordo com a rede de TV CNN e agências de notícias, o acidente ocorreu no início da madrugada desta terça (hora local, por volta de 17h no horário de Brasília). O avião teria caído cinco minutos antes de chegar a seu destino. Segundo os jornais franceses “Le Monde” e “Le Figaro”, o voo IY 626 partiu de Paris em direção a Moroni, nas ilhas Comores, com conexões em Marselha, na França, e em Sanaa, capital do Iêmen. Inicialmente, os passageiros embarcaram em um Airbus A330, e na conexão em Sanaa trocaram de aeronave, embarcando em um Airbus A310. Em 31 de maio, um outro Airbus, modelo A330, que partiu do Rio de Janeiro em direção a Paris, caiu sobre o Oceano Atlântico, matando 228 pessoas. O arquipélago de Comores é composto por três pequenas ilhas vulcânicas - Grande Comore Anjouan e Moheli. A frota da companhia iemenita é composta por dois Airbus 330-200, quatro Airbus 310-300 e quatro Boeing 737-800, segundo o site da empresa. O governo do Iêmen possui 51% do capital da empresa, e a Arábia Saudita, 49%, de acordo com a Reuters. Leia mais notícias de Mundo
Um avião , da companhia estatal , caiu a cinco minutos do pouso no , na região das , costa na. A aeronave vinha de e havia feito uma escala em , capital do , antes de seguir para o arquipélago. Segundo informações de agências internacionais, o avião teria 10 anos de uso. Segundo , gerente do Aeroporto de , barcos de vários tipos, inclusive de pescadores, rumam para o local do acidente. Destroços e corpos já foram detectados na costa africana. Entre os destroços, foi encontrado um sobrevivente, um menino ainda não identificado. Em comunicado oficial, o ministro de Relações Exteriores da , , afirmou que ao menos 66 franceses estavam na aeronave e que a enviará equipes ao local do acidente para ajudar nos trabalhos de busca. Ainda não há informações sobre o que teria causado a queda da aeronave.
Marinha comorense encontra sobrevivente de avião que caiu no Índico Publicidade da Folha Online A Marinha das Ilhas Comores resgatou um menino vivo entre os corpos e destroços do avião que caiu no Oceano Índico nesta segunda-feira. A aeronave vinha do Iêmen com 153 pessoas a bordo e deveria pousar em uma das ilhas do arquipélago, conhecido ponto turístico da costa africana. O vice-presidente comorense, Idi Nadhoim, confirmou que aeronaves de busca das Forças Armadas encontraram corpos e destroços do avião. Inicialmente, ele havia afirmado que "não havia sinais de sobreviventes". Barcos da Marinha buscam mais sobreviventes. Em comunicado divulgado nesta terça-feira, o ministro de Relações Exteriores da França, Bernard Kouchner, afirmou que ao menos 66 franceses estavam na aeronave. Segundo ele, a França enviou equipes ao local do acidente para ajudar nos trabalhos de busca --navios devem chegar à região a partir desta quarta-feira. A aeronave vinha de Paris e havia feito uma escala em Sanaa, capital do Iêmen, antes de seguir para o arquipélago --a cerca de 300 km de Madagascar. O avião decolou pouco depois das 21h30 (15h30 em Brasília) e deveria voar durante 4h30 antes de pousar em Moroni, capital comorense. Não há informações sobre o que teria derrubado a aeronave, um Airbus A310 operado pela companhia aérea estatal iemenita Yemenia Air desde 1999. Autoridades comorenses e iemenitas citam que o mau tempo pode ter contribuído. Os jornais franceses "Le Monde" e "Le Figaro" informam que a aeronave havia sido proibida de voar à França em 2007 devido a "defeitos técnicos" encontrados durante uma inspeção da Direção Geral de Aviação Civil. Segundo o secretário de Estado de Transportes francês, Dominique Bussereau, a aeronave tinha mais de 51.900 horas de voos. Em comunicado, a Airbus afirmou que o modelo foi produzido em 1990. Este é o segundo grande acidente envolvendo um Airbus em um mês. Entre o dia 31 de maio e 1º de junho, um Airbus-A330 da Air France --avião que fazia o voo 447 caiu no oceano Atlântico entre o Rio e Paris, com 228 pessoas a bordo. Não houve sobreviventes. Em 1996, um Boeing 767 da Ethiopian Airlines, que havia sido sequestrado, caiu no mar na costa das Ilhas Comores, matando 125 dos 175 passageiros e tripulantes. O acidente foi filmado por uma turista que estava na praia em frente ao local da queda. Com Efe, France Presse, Reuters e Associated Press
Um avião , da companhia estatal , caiu a cinco minutos do pouso no , na região das , costa na. A aeronave vinha de e havia feito uma escala em , capital do , antes de seguir para o arquipélago. Segundo informações de agências internacionais, o avião teria 10 anos de uso. Segundo , gerente do Aeroporto de , barcos de vários tipos, inclusive de pescadores, rumam para o local do acidente. Destroços e corpos já foram detectados na costa africana. Entre os destroços, foi encontrado um sobrevivente, um menino ainda não identificado. Em comunicado oficial, o ministro de Relações Exteriores da , , afirmou que ao menos 66 franceses estavam na aeronave e que a enviará equipes ao local do acidente para ajudar nos trabalhos de busca. Ainda não há informações sobre o que teria causado a queda da aeronave.
terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2009, 07:06 | Online SANA - Um porta-voz da companhia aérea Yemenia informou que as equipes de resgate encontraram um sobrevivente do acidente com o Airbus A310, que caiu no Oceano Índico nesta terça-feira,30. Trata-se de uma criança de cinco anos cuja nacionalidade ainda não foi confirmada. O avião, que levava 142 passageiros e 11 tripulantes, caiu quando se aproximava do aeroporto internacional de Moroni, nas Ilhas Comores. O voo era procedente de Paris, com escalas em Marselha e em Sana, capital do Iêmen. Veja também: Inspeção havia detectado defeitos em avião que caiu , diz ministro francês Cronologia dos piores acidentes aéreos do mundo Cronologia das tragédias da aviação brasileira A aeronave caiu cerca de 30 minutos antes de aterrissar, ao norte do arquipélago africano. Autoridades de aviação do Iêmen anunciaram ter retirado do mar alguns corpos de possíveis ocupantes do Airbus A310. O avião caiu por volta da 1h51 desta terça-feira (hora local, 19h51 da segunda-feira em Brasília). A criança resgatada no mar foi levada a um hospital da capital de Comores, Moroni. Não há dados sobre seu estado de saúde. O voo IY626 era o trecho final de uma rota que se iniciou em Paris, na França, com conexão no Iêmen até Comores. O trecho Paris-Marseille-Iêmen do voo da Yemenia foi percorrido em um Airbus A330. Em Sanaa, os passageiros que se destinavam a Comores trocaram de aeronave, embarcando no A310 que acabou caindo. A Airbus informou que o avião datava de 1990 e tinha 51,9 mil horas de voo. Ele foi comprado "de segunda mão" pela companhia Yemenia em outubro de 1999. Em entrevista coletiva, o vice-presidente da aviação civil iemenita, Mohammed Abdel-Rahman Abdel Qadir, confirmou que, entre as 153 pessoas que viajavam no avião, havia 11 membros da tripulação: seis iemenitas - o piloto, o copiloto, três aeromoças e um técnico -, dois marroquinos, um filipino, um etíope e um indonésio. Além disso, havia 54 cidadãos de nacionalidade comorense, 26 franceses, um palestino e um canadense. No entanto, o secretário de Estado de Transportes francês, Dominique Bussereau, afirmou que o voo, que saiu originalmente de Paris, transportava 66 pessoas de nacionalidade francesa. O presidente francês, Nicolas Sarkozy, pediu às Forças Armadas do país para fazer o máximo possível para prestar assistência aos passageiros e à tripulação do avião. Em entrevista à emissora de rádio Europe 1, o ministro dos Transportes da França, Dominique Bussereau, disse que "está se falando" no mau tempo como possível causa do acidente. "Mas neste momento, tudo ainda está muito vago", afirmou. A maioria dos passageiros era das Ilhas Comores e voltava de Paris, disse o vice-chefe do departamento de aviação civil do Iêmen, Mohammed Abdul Qader. Estavam a bordo famílias com crianças e havia pelo menos três bebês, acrescentou. O funcionário iemenita informou ainda que as investigações do acidente estavam sob coordenação de equipes da França, do Iêmen e das Ilhas Comores. Segundo Abdul Qader, uma mancha de óleo foi detectada no Oceano a cerca de 25 km do aeroporto de Moroni, capital das Ilhas Comores. "A velocidade do vento era de 61 km/h quando o avião estava pousando", afirmou. Autoridades comorenses teriam afirmado ainda que já foram avistados destroços da aeronave. A companhia aérea Yemenia colocou uma mensagem em seu site na internet, lamentando "o desaparecimento do voo IY626". Em 1996, um avião de uma companhia aérea etíope foi sequestrado e caiu na mesma região, matando a maioria das 175 pessoas a bordo.Comores, um país formado por três das quatro ilhas do arquipélago de Comores, fica a cerca de 300 km a noroeste de Madagascar, no canal de Moçambique, na África. O país foi protetorado e território ultramarino da França, tendo conquistado a independência em 1975. A grande maioria da população - 98% - é islâmica.O acidente com o Airbus A310 ocorre no momento em que o acidente com o A330 da Air France, que havia decolado do Rio de Janeiro em 31 de maio com 228 pessoas a bordo, completa um mês. Apenas 51 corpos foram encontrados e as buscas por corpos foram encerradas na última sexta-feira.
Um avião , da companhia estatal , caiu a cinco minutos do pouso no , na região das , costa na. A aeronave vinha de e havia feito uma escala em , capital do , antes de seguir para o arquipélago. Segundo informações de agências internacionais, o avião teria 10 anos de uso. Segundo , gerente do Aeroporto de , barcos de vários tipos, inclusive de pescadores, rumam para o local do acidente. Destroços e corpos já foram detectados na costa africana. Entre os destroços, foi encontrado um sobrevivente, um menino ainda não identificado. Em comunicado oficial, o ministro de Relações Exteriores da , , afirmou que ao menos 66 franceses estavam na aeronave e que a enviará equipes ao local do acidente para ajudar nos trabalhos de busca. Ainda não há informações sobre o que teria causado a queda da aeronave.
A310 que decolou do Iêmen caiu com 153 pessoas a bordo. Queda ocorreu perto das Ilhas Comores, a cinco minutos do pouso. Uma criança de 5 anos foi retirada viva do Oceano Índico nesta terça-feira (30), depois da queda de um avião Airbus A310 próximo às Ilhas Comores, segundo as autoridades aeroportuárias. Destroços e corpos também já foram encontrados. O avião da companhia Yemenia, vinha de Sanaa, no Iêmen, rumo a Comores, com 153 pessoas a bordo. A criança foi resgatada de barco e levada a um hospital em Comores. Seu estado de saúde e nacionalidade não foram divulgados. Hadji Ali, diretor do aeroporto internacional de Moroni, em Comores, disse que, além da criança, foram resgatados cinco corpos de vítimas. Veja galeria de fotos Leia também: Inspeção havia detectado defeito, diz ministro francês Leia também: Avião passou por inspeção em maio, diz ministro iemenita De acordo com Mohammad al-Sumairi, da companhia aérea, as operações de buscas são difíceis por causa das más condições metereorológicas. "Um mar agitado e um vento forte dificultam os trabalhos de buscas e resgate", afirmou. Segundo Hadji, barcos de vários tipos, inclusive de pescadores, rumaram para o local do acidente e ajudam nas operações de resgate. “Todos os nossos recursos estão sendo enviados para o local, inclusive barcos de pescadores”, afirmou. Dois aviões militares e um navio franceses deixaram as ilhas de Reunião e Mayotte, no oceano Índico, para ajudar nas buscas. Foto: Reuters Parentes de passageiros de voo que seguia para Comores chegam ao aeroporto Charles de Gaulle, nos arredores de Paris, para obter informações sobre a vítimas do acidente. (Foto: Reuters) 66 franceses O Airbus A310 da companhia Yemenia Air caiu nas proximidades das ilhas Comores, no Oceano Índico, com 153 pessoas, segundo informação divulgada pela companhia aérea, sendo 142 passageiros e 11 tripulantes. A maioria dos passageiros seria de iemenitas. As autoridades aeroportuárias francesas confirmaram que 66 cidadãos do país estavam a bordo. De acordo com a rede de TV CNN e agências de notícias, o acidente ocorreu no início da madrugada desta terça (hora local, por volta de 17h no horário de Brasília). O avião teria caído cinco minutos antes de chegar a seu destino. O voo IY 626 partiu de Paris em direção a Moroni, nas ilhas Comores, com conexões em Marselha, na França, e em Sanaa, capital do Iêmen. Veja fotos: Inicialmente, os passageiros embarcaram em um Airbus A330, e na conexão em Sanaa trocaram de aeronave, embarcando em um Airbus A310. Em 31 de maio, um outro Airbus, modelo A330, que partiu do Rio de Janeiro em direção a Paris, caiu sobre o Oceano Atlântico, matando 228 pessoas. O arquipélago é composto por três pequenas ilhas vulcânicas - Grande Comore Anjouan e Moheli. Veja vídeos históricos de acidentes A frota da companhia é composta por dois Airbus 330-200, quatro Airbus 310-300 e quatro Boeing 737-800, segundo o site da empresa. O governo do Iêmen possui 51% do capital da empresa, e a Arábia Saudita, 49%, de acordo com a Reuters. Este é o segundo Airbus a cair no mar no último mês, após o acidente com o Airbus A330-200 que voava do Rio de Janeiro a Paris quando se acidentou no Oceano Atlântico com 228 pessoas a bordo em 31 de maio. Um relatório preliminar sobre esse acidente deve ser divulgado na quinta-feira. Leia também: Empresas aéreas tiveram prejuízo de US$ 3 bi no 1º trimestre Leia mais notícias de Mundo
Um avião , da companhia estatal , caiu a cinco minutos do pouso no , na região das , costa na. A aeronave vinha de e havia feito uma escala em , capital do , antes de seguir para o arquipélago. Segundo informações de agências internacionais, o avião teria 10 anos de uso. Segundo , gerente do Aeroporto de , barcos de vários tipos, inclusive de pescadores, rumam para o local do acidente. Destroços e corpos já foram detectados na costa africana. Entre os destroços, foi encontrado um sobrevivente, um menino ainda não identificado. Em comunicado oficial, o ministro de Relações Exteriores da , , afirmou que ao menos 66 franceses estavam na aeronave e que a enviará equipes ao local do acidente para ajudar nos trabalhos de busca. Ainda não há informações sobre o que teria causado a queda da aeronave.
Al menos 40 personas murieron anoche en un ataque atribuido por el grupo islamista radical Boko Haram contra un instituto de secundaria del estado de Yobe (norte de Nigeria), confirmaron hoy a EFE varios testigos. La mayoría de las víctimas son estudiantes que viven y estudian en la escuela, situada en la localidad de Mamudo, a unos cinco kilómetros de Potiskum, capital comercial de Yobe, precisaron las fuentes. "Al menos 40 personas fueron asesinadas por los pistoleros tras invadir éstos el instituto", dijo a Efe uno de los internos, que sobrevivió al ataque y que se identificó como Abdullahi. "Todo el mundo comenzó a correr después de escuchar disparos. (Los pistoleros) siguieron disparando y yo pude ver a muchos estudiantes caer al suelo", agregó el alumno. La Policía no se ha pronunciado oficialmente sobre el ataque, hasta el momento. Yobe es uno de los tres estados nigerianos en estado de emergencia ordenada por el presidente, Goodluck Jonathan, medida que concede a la administración de facto del territorio al Ejército nacional. Desde el pasado 16 de mayo, Nigeria realiza una ofensiva antiterrorista en los estados de Yobe, Borno y Adamawa, en el noreste del país (todos ellos en estado de emergencia), tras un incremento de la actividad criminal en esa zona, donde opera Boko Haram. Por la ley islámica El grupo, cuyo nombre significa en lenguas locales "la educación no islámica es pecado", lucha presuntamente por imponer la ley islámica en el país africano, de mayoría musulmana en el norte y preponderancia cristiana en el sur. Desde 2009, cuando la Policía acabó con el líder de Boko Haram, Mohamed Yusuf, los radicales mantienen una sangrienta campaña que ha causado más de 3.000 muertos, según cifras del Ejército nigeriano. Con unos 170 millones de habitantes integrados en más de 200 grupos tribales, Nigeria, el país más poblado de África, sufre múltiples tensiones por sus profundas diferencias políticas, socioeconómicas, religiosas y territoriales. La presencia de islamistas en estas zonas del país, el principal productor de petróleo de Africa.
Al menos 40 personas, en su mayoría estudiantes, murieron producto de un atentado terrorista en una escuela del estado de en Nigeria. El atentado fue atribuido al grupo terrorista Boko Haram. Un estudiante que sobrevivió al atentado declaró que un grupo de encapuchados ingresaron a la institución y empezaron a disparar a profesores y alumnos, por lo que muchos empezaron a correr en busca de las salidas. El estado de Yobe es constantemente afectado por atentados y ataques suicidas. El Presidente de esa nación ha declarado el estado de emergencia en varias provincias para que la policía intervenga. Nigeria es de mayoría cristiana al sur del país y musulmana al norte, donde está conformada la organización. En declaraciones anteriores, el grupo terrorista afirma que su nombre significa "la educación no islámica es pecado" y dijeron que su meta es imponer un estado musulmán en el país.
Par VIRGINIE BALLET Libération Des koalas gisant au sol, blessés, mutilés, agonisant, voire morts. Ces images chocs sont issues d'un reportage télévisé diffusé lundi soir sur la chaîne australienne ABC, et qui met en lumière, de manière crue, l'impact direct de la déforestation sur le petit marsupial, dans l'Etat de Victoria, en Australie. Capture d'écran du reportage de ABC. Face à un habitat naturel qui rétrécit comme peau de chagrin à cause de la déforestation et de l'urbanisation, le koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) se réfugie en effet dans des exploitations forestières. Mais son abri n'en est pas un : peu soucieux du cas de l'animal, les exploitants tronçonnent les branches où se trouve la petite bête trapue, entraînant des chutes qui peuvent s'avérer mortelles. Le cas échéant, membres cassés et dos brisés sont monnaie courante, tout comme les petits devenus orphelins, selon une bénévole de l'association Wildlife, interrogée par ABC. Résultat : paniqués, certains koalas qui sentent poindre la menace poussent des cris de détresse aigus, coincés en haut de l'habitat qu'ils vont perdre. Radiographie d'un koala blessé, capture d'écran de la vidéo ABC. Anonymement, un ancien employé de l'une des exploitations concernées confirme à ABC le sort réservé aux marsupiaux. «Trouver des corps était quotidien. Parfois on en trouvait deux toutes les heures, parfois un par jour.» En revanche, aucune des entreprises mises en cause n'a accepté de s'exprimer, un signe de leur «déni» du phénomène, pour les associations. Mais pas seulement : leur image, et donc leur business, pourrait pâtir d'une trop grande exposition des dommages collatéraux de leurs pratiques. Deborah Tabart, présidente de la Fondation australienne pour le koala (Australian koala foundation), s'insurge de ce que cette «icône nationale» ne soit pas mieux protégée, malgré les mises en garde de son ONG. «Il y a quelques années, rappelle-t-elle, nous avions préconisé la mise en place d'abris au sein des plantations, qui permettraient aux animaux de s'y retirer en période de coupe des arbres. Cette option resterait un traumatisme pour les koalas, mais serait toujours préférable à une politique de démolition de leurs refuges, qui ne leur laisse nulle part où aller.» Cette proposition n'a pas été prise en compte. «Ces entreprises sont très puissantes», avance-t-elle. Autre source de courroux des associations de défense des animaux : la liste des Etats où le koala est menacé. Etablie en 2012 par le ministre de l'Environnement, Tony Burke, elle n'en recense que trois : le Queensland, New South Wales et Australian Capital Territory, et ce sur la base des recommandations d'un comité scientifique sur les espèces menacées. Ce dernier a mis l'accent sur les fortes disparités entre les Etats en terme de nombre d'individus, justifiant ainsi sa décision de ne pas faire de la bête une espèce menacée à l'échelle nationale. Avec une population dense, l'Etat de Victoria ne pouvait être placé sur la liste. En conséquence, plusieurs associations et élus écologistes plaident pour la mise en place d'une législation plus stricte en faveur de la protection du koala. «Il faut que le gouvernement cesse de considérer les koalas comme des nuisibles et leur accorde la protection que la population réclame pour eux», plaide ainsi la sénatrice écologiste Lee Rhiannon dans les colonnes du Guardian australien. Pour ce faire, l'association «Animals australia» lance une campagne de sensibilisation et appelle chaque citoyen à faire part directement au gouvernement de son inquiétude, via un formulaire en ligne. La Fondation australienne pour le koala rappelle pour sa part que ces exploitations servent à l'industrie du papier, et préconise ainsi de privilégier le papier recyclé.
Un koala accroché à un arbre. Des koalas ont été retrouvés blessés, agonisants ou morts sur le sol de la forêt australienne, très exploitée. Les exploitants tronçonnent les arbres sans faire attention aux koalas, ce qui entraîne des chutes parfois mortelles. La Fondation Australienne pour le Koala (''Australian Koala Foundation'') s'étonne que le koala ne soit pas mieux protégé. Plusieurs associations écologistes insistent pour la mise en place d'une législation stricte pour la protection du koala. Pour ce faire, l'association ''Animals australia'' lance une campagne de sensibilisation.
TONY JONES: Well, joining me now from our Canberra studio is the Opposition Industrial Relations Spokesman, Stephen Smith. Thanks for being there. STEPHEN SMITH, SHADOW INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS MINISTER: Good evening, Tony. TONY JONES: That was one of the rowdiest Question Times we've seen. I presume Labor planned it to be like that. STEPHEN SMITH: Tony, when a government of the day introduces revolutionary and not evolutionary changes and when there's such a fundamental attack on the living standards of working Australian families, and when in some respects more importantly, they're a fundamental attack on the Australian way of life and are able to be categorised as un-Australian, you're going to get an adverse reaction on the floor of the parliament, particularly when the procedures and the mechanisms that the Government has adopted to try and slide this there are frankly red-hot. TONY JONES: So that was spontaneous, was it, not political theatre, 11 MPs? STEPHEN SMITH: It was a cricket team of disposals. I noticed that the Speaker gave a general warning, but the general warning seemed to illicit attention only on the left-hand side of the chamber and not the right-hand side of the chamber. My impression sitting in the chamber was that there was plenty of noise coming from both sides. In the end, leaving all of the parliamentary activity or theatre, however you want to categorise it to one side, what is the substance of these proposals? And these proposals are essentially an attack on the wages and conditions of employees and to put it in high-tone public policy or economic terms, it's simply a straight-forward attempt to shift in the total factor income of the economy a further proportion from the wages section to the profit section. That's what it is on about because the Government has this view that if you do that, somehow we'll suddenly be internationally competitive with China and India and Indonesia and somehow there'll be a magic increase in employment. It's an economic nonsense. TONY JONES: There's also an attack on the union movement. If this IR legislation passes unamended, how long will it be before the political power of the union movement is diluted to the point where it's virtually irrelevant? STEPHEN SMITH: Well, for a long time Australians have regarded the trade union movement as an institution in Australian society that is entitled to play a legitimate role in the social and economic affairs of our society. When, for example, the asbestosis and mesothelioma victims of James Hardie needed a bit of a helping hand, I didn't see John Howard or Peter Costello or Kevin Andrews or any of the people from the business organisations who were at his private briefing on the Sunday morning a few ago riding on the white horse to the victims. I saw the organised trade union movement. So we believe, Labor believes, that the trade union movement is entitled to have a role in our social and economic affairs. The Government doesn't share that view. The Government would like to see the trade union movement out of existence. TONY JONES: And could that happen? Could that happen if these laws pass unamended, is that what you are saying? Is part of your defence the defence of the trade union movement? STEPHEN SMITH: I don't believe that the trade union movement will go out of existence. In some respects you might actually find that the trade union movement gets more support in the community because the community knows when there is trouble afoot, particularly in the workplace, that the trade union movement is one of those institutions, like the Industrial Relations Commission, the independent umpire, that can actually help those people, particularly the more vulnerable. But just a practical example - under this legislation, you can cop a fine of $33,000 if you're a union official trying to get an unfair dismissal arrangement into an agreement, individual or collective. That's the sort of effort. So, the Government has got a three-pronged approach: attack wages and conditions of employees, attack some of the values and virtues and characteristics of our Australian society, and also attack the trade union movement. Now, the great danger of that, the great danger of that, in my view, is we change the nature of our society and we end up, as we see in the US, a pool of working poor where you essentially end up in the US at risk of the tips that you get for trying to make ends meet. TONY JONES: Alright. You haven't had the actual legislation for very long. It's a huge document, I think you've said 687 pages, and you've been questioning the Prime Minister about page 203 today that you claim will put penalty shift allowances overtime and leave loadings at risk. Explain how? STEPHEN SMITH: Well, firstly, Tony, it's 1,252 pages of legislation and explanatory memorandum, all of which is relevant to how the law unfolds, and how the law is interpreted and obviously the government would like minimum scrutiny on that. At the heart of the attack upon conditions and entitlements is the abolition of behalf's called the "no disadvantage test", which means when it comes to the living standards, penalty rates, overtime, leave loadings, the things that make the difference between making ends meet and having a sensible work-family balance - the no disadvantage test goes and those things can be removed at the stroke of a pen, provided they are mentioned in an individual agreement or an AWA and there's a new piece of devil in the detail. We now see in the legislation the Government saying that it's not duress to say to an employee that it's a condition of employment that you go on to an individual contract or an AWA. That is one of the things which tilts the lever even further in the workplace against the employee, further bolsters the bargaining power that employers have over employees. TONY JONES: But you say that. The Prime Minister says on the contrary that employers have that power already. STEPHEN SMITH: Well, Tony, if that was the case, if that was the case, why is there a need to have a separate piece of legislation, a separate part of the legislation, which expressly makes the point that it's not recorded as duress under the law to say to an employee, an existing employee, that you go onto an AWA. An AWA that is a matter of course, because of the abolition of the no disadvantage test, will be on inferior conditions with no, or no just or no adequate, compensation for overtime, for penalty rates, for public holidays, for leave loadings and the like. That's the whole point. Alright. TONY JONES: Can I confirm one thing with you. If you win government at the next election, will you overturn every single one of the changes the Government is bringing in here? STEPHEN SMITH: Tony, just as this legislation tears up living standards and tears up the Australian way of life, we will tear up this legislation. TONY JONES: Every bit of it? STEPHEN SMITH: We will tear up this legislation. TONY JONES: You'll turn back the clock, in fact, to what it is now before this legislation is brought in? STEPHEN SMITH: No, no, what we are going to do, Tony, is we are going to tear up these revolutionary, unfair, extreme and divisive changes. We're going to set the system up for the future so it is underpin Boyd fairness. TONY JONES: I just want to confirm this. You're going to keep some of it which you regard as fair -- STEPHEN SMITH: I don't regard any of this as fair, Tony. TONY JONES: So the whole lot goes, everything? STEPHEN SMITH: We're go going to tear up this legislation and set the system up for the future so it is underpinned by fairness. It is underpinned by some important fundamental principles that have seen us hold dignity and civility and decency in the workplace for a long period of time. A strong independent umpire. Sensible minimum standards and safety nets. A capacity for people to choose to organise collectively and not to be forced on to individual contracts and also to have proper rights for unfair dismissal. We're going to set the system up for the future, so we've got a productive work force where we have flexibility upwards and flexibility that is fair, but not flexibility downwards, which is simply designed to reduce wages on this crazy economic notion that somehow that's the way that we can compete with Indonesia, China and India. TONY JONES: Stephen Smith, we'll have to leave you there. Obviously there will be a lot more to talk about in coming days and I've doubt we'll see you again soon. STEPHEN SMITH: Thanks very much, Tony.
A record number of 11 MPs were ejected from the Australian Parliament during the uproar that ensued the introduction of the government's controversial industrial relations legislation. The opposition Industrial Relations Spokesman, Stephen Smith said that the speaker had only applied his ruling to the opposition side of the house and said that "My impression sitting in the chamber was that there was plenty of noise coming from both sides". The new bill of nearly 700 pages sees the end of Australia's 100 year old wage fixing system and will push more workers onto individual contracts, allowed award conditions like penalty rates to be bargained away and removed unfair dismissal laws for most workers.
OTTAWA (Reuters) - A pizza shop owner who forced former Canadian immigration minister Judy Sgro to resign by claiming she had offered to help him avoid deportation has admitted he lied and has apologized, Sgro said on Tuesday. Sgro quit her job in January after Harjit Singh filed an affidavit accusing her of offering to help him stay in Canada in return for pizza deliveries and assistance with her election campaign. Singh was deported to India in February. "I now admit I did not have a meeting with Judy Sgro and at no time did she request any campaign assistance from me. Nor did she help me with my immigration problems," Singh wrote in a letter to Sgro which she read out in Parliament. At the time of her resignation, Sgro was also under investigation by Parliament's ethics commissioner for giving a temporary residency permit to a Romanian stripper who had worked on her election campaign. She also extended the woman's expired work permit. The commissioner told Sgro this week that she had done nothing wrong but had been put in a conflict of interest by staff who did not give her all the details about the stripper.
'''May 11, 2005''' Judy Sgro The Canadian parliament's Ethics Commission said former immigration minister, Judy Sgro, did nothing wrong and her staff had put her into a conflict of interest. Harjit Singh, the pizza shop owner who signed an affidavit accusing her of offering help for him to stay in Canada in exchange for pizza deliveries and help on her election campaign, admitted he lied. The controversies forced Ms. Sgro to resign from her post in January. Ms. Sgro read a letter from Mr. Singh in the House of Commons Tuesday. "Reputations should not be tarnished by unsubstantiated allegations and innuendo solely for partisan politics,” she added. After a 17-year fight to stay in Canada, Mr. Singh was deported to India in February. In his letter he said: "I now admit that I did not have a meeting with Judy Sgro. Further, at no time, did Judy Sgro request any campaign assistance from me nor did she help me with my immigration problems. I am providing this apology and retraction voluntarily and of my own free will." In a press conference, Ms. Sgro also discussed the confidential letter she'd received from ethics commissioner Bernard Shapiro. In his letter informing her of the commission's decision Mr. Shapiro wrote "It appears that you have acted appropriately but that your staff did not.” The report on the incident from the commission is not actually finished, according to the commissioner, but he said Ms. Sgro was free to release the letter.
Sgro says she's off the hook Former Immigration Minister Judy Sgro said Tuesday a man who alleged she promised to swap asylum for free pizza and campaign support has retracted the charges and apologized. “Reputations should not be tarnished by unsubstantiated allegations and innuendo solely for partisan politics,” Ms. Sgro said, after reading the man's letter in the House of Commons. Harjit Singh, a failed refugee claimant from India who operated a Brampton, Ont. pizza parlour, had alleged that Ms. Sgro promised help him stay in Canada in exchange for free pizza and help on her campaign. She denied the assertion and later sued him, only to be hit with a countersuit. Ms. Sgro resigned her posting in the wake of the allegations, saying she intended to clear her name. Advertisements In the letter made public on Tuesday, Mr. Singh — who was deported to India in February after a 17-year fight to remain in Canada — said: “I now admit that I did not have a meeting with Judy Sgro. Further, at no time, did Judy Sgro request any campaign assistance from me nor did she help me with my immigration problems. I am providing this apology and retraction voluntarily and of my own free will.” Ms. Sgro said the case should serve as a reminder against a rush to judgment in such cases. “All of us as honourable members in this House should use caution to ensure that we do not abuse the immunity that this House provides,” Ms. Sgro said, thanking Canadians, especially Prime Minister Paul Martin for their support while she dealt with the matter. Ms. Sgro was forced to resign in January, the day after Mr. Singh went public with his claims. By that time, however, she had already faced several punishing months in the wake of a previous charge that her department had issued a temporary-residence permit to 25-year-old Alina Balaican, a stripper who worked on Ms. Sgro's election campaign. Ms. Sgro also said Tuesday federal Ethics Commissioner Bernard Shapiro concluded in that case that she had never met the woman and wasn't aware she had volunteered on her campaign. “He [Mr. Shapiro] stated that my decision to grant the minister's permit was based on reasons entirely consistent with the criteria that I had been using as a minister in determining all other requests seeking my intervention,” Ms. Sgro said. However, a letter written by Mr. Shapiro also suggested that Ms. Sgro was put in a conflict of interest by staff who did not fully inform her about the young woman's volunteer status on her campaign. “It appears that you have acted appropriately but that your staff did not,” Mr. Shapiro wrote.
'''May 11, 2005''' Judy Sgro The Canadian parliament's Ethics Commission said former immigration minister, Judy Sgro, did nothing wrong and her staff had put her into a conflict of interest. Harjit Singh, the pizza shop owner who signed an affidavit accusing her of offering help for him to stay in Canada in exchange for pizza deliveries and help on her election campaign, admitted he lied. The controversies forced Ms. Sgro to resign from her post in January. Ms. Sgro read a letter from Mr. Singh in the House of Commons Tuesday. "Reputations should not be tarnished by unsubstantiated allegations and innuendo solely for partisan politics,” she added. After a 17-year fight to stay in Canada, Mr. Singh was deported to India in February. In his letter he said: "I now admit that I did not have a meeting with Judy Sgro. Further, at no time, did Judy Sgro request any campaign assistance from me nor did she help me with my immigration problems. I am providing this apology and retraction voluntarily and of my own free will." In a press conference, Ms. Sgro also discussed the confidential letter she'd received from ethics commissioner Bernard Shapiro. In his letter informing her of the commission's decision Mr. Shapiro wrote "It appears that you have acted appropriately but that your staff did not.” The report on the incident from the commission is not actually finished, according to the commissioner, but he said Ms. Sgro was free to release the letter.
Menos internautas desean colaborar en la causa y éstos se cansan pronto. La producción de contenidos de la Wikipedia, la mayor enciclopedia de internet, se ha estancado al de crecer el número de voluntarios que redactan los artículos, y al dedicarle menos tiempo a dicha tarea, según un estudio de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid. En 2007, y por primera vez en su reciente historia, el número mensual de internautas que abandonaron el proyecto de Wikipedia (unos 20.000 mensuales en su versión inglesa) superó a los que se incorporaron (unos 15.000 al mes), recoge el informe.
Logo de Wikipedia. Según el estudio '''''"Wikipedia: A quantitative analysis"''''', realizado por investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC), la producción de contenidos en las diez versiones principales de Wikipedia se ha estancado al decrecer desde 2007 el número de redactores voluntarios de artículos y al dedicar éstos cada vez menos tiempo a su construcción porque se cansan "relativamente pronto" del proyecto. El estudio también denuncia el grado de desigualdad que existe en las contribuciones de los voluntarios, haciendo difícil que el número de artículos destacados (aquellos que son más ricos y completos) aumente al debido ritmo, siendo lo más preocupante que "...esta tendencia seguirá empeorando en el futuro próximo ya que el número de abandonos tiende a crecer cada vez más rápidamente", según Felipe Ortega, miembro del grupo de investigación GSyC/Libresoft de la URJC.
Foto Efe Así, la producción de la mayor enciclopedia en Internet, abierta a la contribución de cualquier usuario, se ha estabilizado desde 2007 ya que el número de voluntarios que contribuyen al proyecto se ha estancado en las diez versiones principales. esta tendencia seguirá empeorando en el futuro próximo ya que el número de abandonos tiende a crecer cada vez más rápidamente", prevé en su tesis doctoral el investigador Felipe Ortega, miembro del grupo de investigación GSyC/Libresoft de la URJC. «Lo que es más importante es que esta tendencia seguirá empeorando en el futuro próximo ya que el número de abandonos tiende a crecer cada vez más rápidamente» El estudio destaca que, en 2007, y por primera vez en su reciente historia, el número mensual de voluntarios que abandonaron el proyecto (unos 20.000 mensuales en su versión inglesa) superó a los que se incorporaron (unos 15.000 al mes). "Lo que es más importante es queya que el número de abandonos tiende a crecer cada vez más rápidamente", prevé en su tesis doctoral el investigador Felipe Ortega, miembro del grupo de investigación GSyC/Libresoft de la URJC. Otro fenómeno que pone de relieve el estancamiento que está sufriendo la Wikipedia, según la investigación, es que el número de 'artículos destacados' (aquellos que son sometidos a un exhaustivo proceso de revisión por parte de la comunidad de voluntarios y obtienen un alto porcentaje de votos positivos con respecto a su calidad) sigue siendo relativamente reducido (aproximadamente uno de cada 1.100 en la versión inglesa). Además, necesitan más de tres años para alcanzar ese nivel de calidad. "Teniendo en cuenta que se trata de un proyecto sin ánimo de lucro y que se basa en la contribución de millones de personas de todo el mundo, las conclusiones de este trabajo son de una gran relevancia para conocer cómo se organiza y cuál puede ser su evolución", continúa Ortega. los voluntarios se cansan "relativamente pronto" del proyecto , si se compara con otras comunidades de gran tamaño en Internet como Por otra parte, según informa la URJC, el análisis pone de manifiesto que, si se compara con otras comunidades de gran tamaño en Internet como Debian . De hecho, como promedio, realizan sus aportaciones durante un año y luego lo dejan. Además, el 50% de los editores pasa de 150 días contribuyendo a la Wikipedia antes de abandonarla (salvo en la versión alemana, con 201 días y la francesa con 188). Desigualdad en las contribuciones Otro resultado que arroja la investigación es el grado de desigualdad que existe en las contribuciones de los voluntarios que editan Wikipedia. Así, se observa que en las 10 versiones más importantes de este proyecto surgido en 2001 es un pequeño grupo de voluntarios (en torno al 10% de los editores) el que realiza la mayoría de contribuciones (más de un 90%) . Además, los editores que participan en la elaboración de estos artículos suelen ser miembros con una dilatada experiencia (más de un año). "A menos que se busquen nuevas estrategias para potenciar el ritmo de llegada de voluntarios y para alargar su tiempo de vinculación al proyecto, se va a ralentizar aún más la creación de estos artículos de calidad", advierte Ortega. En total, se han procesado más de 300 millones de actualizaciones realizadas sobre más de 20 millones de páginas wiki (tanto artículos enciclopédicos, como páginas de otro tipo) por unos 2, 5 millones de usuarios registrados (los que han abierto una cuenta para participar). El conjunto de la información analizada ocupa más de 2,2 TB sólo para la versión inglesa, es decir unos 494 DVD.
Logo de Wikipedia. Según el estudio '''''"Wikipedia: A quantitative analysis"''''', realizado por investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC), la producción de contenidos en las diez versiones principales de Wikipedia se ha estancado al decrecer desde 2007 el número de redactores voluntarios de artículos y al dedicar éstos cada vez menos tiempo a su construcción porque se cansan "relativamente pronto" del proyecto. El estudio también denuncia el grado de desigualdad que existe en las contribuciones de los voluntarios, haciendo difícil que el número de artículos destacados (aquellos que son más ricos y completos) aumente al debido ritmo, siendo lo más preocupante que "...esta tendencia seguirá empeorando en el futuro próximo ya que el número de abandonos tiende a crecer cada vez más rápidamente", según Felipe Ortega, miembro del grupo de investigación GSyC/Libresoft de la URJC.
La producción de contenidos de la Wikipedia se ha estancado al decrecer el número de redactores voluntarios de artículos y al dedicar éstos cada vez menos tiempo a su construcción, según el estudio 'Wikipedia: A quantitative analysis', realizado por investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC). Así, la producción de la mayor enciclopedia en Internet, abierta a la contribución de cualquier usuario, se habría estabilizado desde 2007 ya que el número de voluntarios que contribuyen al proyecto se ha estancado en las diez versiones principales. El estudio destaca que, en 2007, y por primera vez en su reciente historia, el número mensual de voluntarios que abandonaron el proyecto (unos 20.000 mensuales en su versión inglesa) superó a los que se incorporaron (unos 15.000 al mes). "Lo que es más importante es que esta tendencia seguirá empeorando en el futuro próximo ya que el número de abandonos tiende a crecer cada vez más rápidamente", prevé en su tesis doctoral el investigador Felipe Ortega, miembro del grupo de investigación GSyC/Libresoft de la URJC. Otro fenómeno que pone de relieve el estancamiento que está sufriendo la Wikipedia, según la investigación, es que el número de 'artículos destacados' (aquellos que son sometidos a un exhaustivo proceso de revisión por parte de la comunidad de voluntarios y obtienen un alto porcentaje de votos positivos con respecto a su calidad) sigue siendo relativamente reducido (aproximadamente uno de cada 1.100 en la versión inglesa). Además, necesitan más de tres años para alcanzar ese nivel de calidad. "Teniendo en cuenta que se trata de un proyecto sin ánimo de lucro y que se basa en la contribución de millones de personas de todo el mundo, las conclusiones de este trabajo son de una gran relevancia para conocer cómo se organiza y cuál puede ser su evolución", continúa Ortega Por otra parte, según informó la URJC, el análisis pone de manifiesto que los voluntarios se cansan "relativamente pronto" del proyecto, si se compara con otras comunidades de gran tamaño en Internet como 'Debian'. De hecho, como promedio, realizan sus aportaciones durante un año y luego lo dejan. Además, el 50% de los editores pasa de 150 días contribuyendo a la Wikipedia antes de abandonarla (salvo en la versión alemana, con 201 días y la francesa con 188). Desigualdad en las contribuciones Otro resultado que arroja la investigación es el grado de desigualdad que existe en las contribuciones de los voluntarios que editan Wikipedia. Así, se observa que en las 10 versiones más importantes de este proyecto surgido en 2001 es un pequeño grupo de voluntarios (en torno al 10% de los editores) el que realiza la mayoría de contribuciones (más de un 90%). Además, los editores que participan en la elaboración de estos artículos suelen ser miembros con una dilatada experiencia (más de un año). "A menos que se busquen nuevas estrategias para potenciar el ritmo de llegada de voluntarios y para alargar su tiempo de vinculación al proyecto, se va a ralentizar aún más la creación de estos artículos de calidad", advierte Ortega. En total, se han procesado más de 300 millones de actualizaciones realizadas sobre más de 20 millones de páginas wiki (tanto artículos enciclopédicos, como páginas de otro tipo) por unos 2,5 millones de usuarios registrados (los que han abierto una cuenta para participar). El conjunto de la información analizada ocupa más de 2,2TB sólo para la versión inglesa, es decir unos 494 DVD. La Wikipedia está disponible en 260 idiomas y en 2009 ha alcanzado, según la empresa estadounidense Alexa, el puesto número siete entre los sitios más visitados. "Pero, después de unos años de crecimiento cada vez más rápido, y en contra de la creencia generalizada, podría tener ciertas dificultades para mantener el ritmo que llevaba experimentado desde que se creó", asegura el autor del estudio.
Logo de Wikipedia. Según el estudio '''''"Wikipedia: A quantitative analysis"''''', realizado por investigadores de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid (URJC), la producción de contenidos en las diez versiones principales de Wikipedia se ha estancado al decrecer desde 2007 el número de redactores voluntarios de artículos y al dedicar éstos cada vez menos tiempo a su construcción porque se cansan "relativamente pronto" del proyecto. El estudio también denuncia el grado de desigualdad que existe en las contribuciones de los voluntarios, haciendo difícil que el número de artículos destacados (aquellos que son más ricos y completos) aumente al debido ritmo, siendo lo más preocupante que "...esta tendencia seguirá empeorando en el futuro próximo ya que el número de abandonos tiende a crecer cada vez más rápidamente", según Felipe Ortega, miembro del grupo de investigación GSyC/Libresoft de la URJC.
Afera podsłuchowa. Półtora roku więzienia dla byłego naczelnego tabloidu Foto: PAP/EPA | Video: Reuters TV Były redaktor naczelny trafi do więzienia na półtora roku Były redaktor naczelny tabloidu "News of the World" został skazany na półtora roku więzienia za udział w zmowie mającej na celu podsłuchiwanie nagrań z prywatnych poczt głosowych. Ujawniona w 2011 roku afera doprowadziła wówczas do zamknięcia brytyjskiego tabloidu. Brytyjska afera podsłuchowa. Skazany naczelny, uniewinniona prawa ręka Murdocha Prawa ręka... czytaj dalej » Afera podsłuchowa ma wiele wątków. Najważniejsze z nich dotyczą zlecania hakerskich włamań do skrzynek głosowych osobistości życia publicznego, celebrytów i ofiar głośnych przestępstw i ich rodzin oraz opłacania funkcjonariuszy i urzędników państwowych w zamian za poufne informacje. Półtora roku więzienia Redaktor naczelny "NoW" w latach 2003-2007 i były spin doktor premiera Davida Camerona Andy Coulson został uznany za winnego w ubiegłym tygodniu. W piątek sąd w Londynie ogłosił wyrok i skazał go na 18 miesięcy więzienia. Coulsonowi groziło do dwóch lat pozbawienia wolności. W części dotyczącej zarzutu autoryzowania nielegalnych płatności proces Coulsona ma być powtórzony. - Pan Coulson musi wziąć odpowiedzialność za włamywanie się do telefonów w "News of the World" - powiedział sędzia John Saunders. - Wiedział o tym i zachęcał do działania, mimo że powinien przestać. Cztery wyroki Trzej pozostali oskarżeni dziennikarze gazety Greg Miskiw, Neville Thurlbeck i James Weatherup także zostali skazani. Pierwsi dwaj odsiedzą po 6 miesięcy, ostatni dostał wyrok 4 miesięcy w zawieszeniu. Glenn Mulcaire, mężczyzna, który włamywał się do skrzynek głosowych, dostał sześć miesięcy w zawieszeniu. Była naczelna, a później dyrektor koncernu prasowego News Corp. i tzw. prawa ręka magnata prasowego Ruperta Murdocha, Rebekah Brooks, została uniewinniona. Oglądaj Wideo: Reuters TV Brytyjska afera podsłuchowa. Skazany naczelny, uniewinniona prawa ręka Murdocha
'''Były redaktor naczelny tabloidu "News of the World" został skazany na półtora roku pozbawienia wolności za udział w podsłuchiwaniu nagrań z prywatnych poczt głosowych. Po ujawnieniu afery (w 2011 roku) zamknięto brytyjski tabloid.''' Andy Coulson zlecał włamania do skrzynek pocztowych znanych osób życia publicznego, ofiar przestępstw i urzędników państwowych, by pozyskiwać tajne informacje. — Pan Coulson musi wziąć odpowiedzialność za włamywanie się do telefonów w "News of the World" – mówił sędzia John Saunders. Pozostali oskarżeni dziennikarze również zostali skazani. Greg Miskiw i Neville Thurlbeck na 6 miesięcy więzienia, a James Weatherup na 4 miesiące pozbawienia wolności w zawieszeniu. Wśród ofiar afery podsłuchowej znaleźli się książę Harry i książę William, Paul McCartney, Sienna Miller i Paul Gascoigne. Coulson był redaktorem naczelnym "News of the World" w latach 2003–2007 i spin doktorem Davida Camerona.
O winie Andy'ego Coulsona przysięgli zdecydowali już przed kilkoma dniami. Uznali, że nie tylko wiedział on o nagraniach, ale też uczestniczył w ich przechwytywaniu. Teraz były redaktor "News of the World" i spin doktor premiera Davida Camerona usłyszał karę - dwa lata pozbawienia wolności. Skazano go za udział w zmowie mającej na celu podsłuchiwanie przez "News of the World" nagrań z prywatnych poczt głosowych.Na ławie oskarżonych zasiadło siedem osób związanych z tabloidem, który pozyskiwał newsy, włamując się na pocztę głosową sław - od rodziny królewskiej po krewnych ofiar zbrodni. Zarzuty postawiono byłym redaktorom naczelnym Rebece Brooks i właśnie Coulsonowi.Poza Coulsonem w piątek skazano także trzech innych dziennikarzy: Thurlbecka oraz Grega Miskiwa i Jamesa Weatherupa. Thurlbeck dostał pół roku. Tyle samo Miskiw, który zaangażował do pracy w gazecie prywatnego detektywa i hakera Glenna Mulcaire'a. A Weatherup, który zlecał Mulcaire'owi kolejne włamania - cztery miesiące w zawieszeniu. Sam Mulcaire odsiedział już kilka miesięcy w 2007 r., ale w piątek sąd wlepił mu wyrok w zawieszeniu za kolejne czyny, w tym włamanie na skrzynkę pocztową 13-letniej Milly Dowler w czasie, gdy uznawano ją za zaginioną. Hakerzy kasowali wówczas wiadomości, by opróżniać zapełnioną skrzynkę. Utrudniło to policyjne śledztwo i dawało złudną nadzieję rodzicom, że ich córka żyje. Sąd podkreślił, że było to "niewybaczalne". Jego zdaniem, gazeta chciała przypisać sobie zasługi za odnalezienie dziewczynki i sprzedać jak najwięcej egzemplarzy.Wśród ofiar afery podsłuchowej byli książęta William i Harry, piosenkarz Paul McCartney, jego była żona Heather Mills, aktorka Sienna Miller, a także ofiary głośnych przestępstw kryminalnych i znani piłkarze. Konsekwencją skandalu było zamknięcie - po 168 latach istnienia - "NotW" w lipcu 2011 r.Proces trwał prawie osiem miesięcy. Coulson nie przyznał się do winy.Po odejściu w 2007 r. z redakcji Coulson przez cztery lata był spin doktorem Camerona. A już wtedy krążyły pogłoski o jego zaangażowaniu w proceder. Jednak premier nie tylko mu zawierzył, ale wręcz dopuścił do tajnych dokumentów i posiedzeń rady bezpieczeństwa narodowego. Coulson przekonał go, że nie wiedział o włamaniach.Podobnie bronił się na sali sądowej. W kwietniu przyznał jednak, że jeden z dziennikarzy Neville Thurlbeck odtworzył przy nim w 2004 r. nagrania z poczty głosowej ówczesnego szefa MSW Davida Blunketta. Dzięki nim gazeta ujawniła, że Blunkett ma romans. Coulson tłumaczył, że był zszokowany, i natychmiast pouczył Thurlbecka, by "zaprzestał naruszać prywatność" Blunketta. Ale nie zwolnił go.Gdy przed kilkoma dniami ogłoszono Coulsona winnym, rzecznik Camerona powiedział, że szef rządu jest zdecydowany dotrzymać złożonej w 2011 roku w parlamencie obietnicy. Cameron zapowiedział wówczas, że "gorąco przeprosi", gdyby miało się okazać, że Coulson okłamał go i wiedział o podsłuchiwaniu przez "NotW".Nad Coulsonem ciążą jeszcze zarzuty za próbę przekupstwa. Były szef "NotW" miał próbować kupić od policjantów dwie poufne książeczki z numerami telefonów rodziny królewskiej. Proces w tej sprawie już się odbył, ale przysięgli nie mogli dojść do porozumienia i zostanie on powtórzony.
'''Były redaktor naczelny tabloidu "News of the World" został skazany na półtora roku pozbawienia wolności za udział w podsłuchiwaniu nagrań z prywatnych poczt głosowych. Po ujawnieniu afery (w 2011 roku) zamknięto brytyjski tabloid.''' Andy Coulson zlecał włamania do skrzynek pocztowych znanych osób życia publicznego, ofiar przestępstw i urzędników państwowych, by pozyskiwać tajne informacje. — Pan Coulson musi wziąć odpowiedzialność za włamywanie się do telefonów w "News of the World" – mówił sędzia John Saunders. Pozostali oskarżeni dziennikarze również zostali skazani. Greg Miskiw i Neville Thurlbeck na 6 miesięcy więzienia, a James Weatherup na 4 miesiące pozbawienia wolności w zawieszeniu. Wśród ofiar afery podsłuchowej znaleźli się książę Harry i książę William, Paul McCartney, Sienna Miller i Paul Gascoigne. Coulson był redaktorem naczelnym "News of the World" w latach 2003–2007 i spin doktorem Davida Camerona.
Although Microsoft has long said that Internet Explorer's days as a standalone product were numbered, vulnerabilities in IE6 and pressure from newfound competitors such as Firefox pushed the company to rethink its strategy . Still, IE7 will not be released for Windows 2000 or older releases of the operating system. Microsoft developers on Friday unveiled a new logo for Internet Explorer 7, along with quietly changing the way the browser is branded. IE7 will now be known as Windows Internet Explorer 7, emphasizing its integration with Windows Vista. IE7 will, however, be released as a standalone upgrade for Windows XP SP2 users. Beta 1 of Internet Explorer 7 was released to MSDN subscribers and beta testers in late July. The browser is expected to bring with it long-awaited features such as tabs, security improvements and better support for CSS and other Web standards. As part of the update, Microsoft has also polished the IE logo for version 7. "We considered more radical departures from our current logo, but blue "e" with the ring is very recognizable and familiar to users, so we elected instead to make more subtle changes," wrote IE developer Tony Chor. "The new "e" has more modern look, and the edges are a bit darker so the icon stands out better against different backgrounds. We liked the gold ring too since it brings in new energy and helps the icon pop a bit more than the old one." The IE7 release for Windows Vista will have a slightly different icon. Chor said that in order to match the overall icon design slated for Microsoft's new operating system, IE7 will feature a slightly different look from its Windows XP SP2 and x64 counterparts. "We're not quite ready with that one yet, but we'll share it here once we do," Chor promised.
La próxima versión del navegador web de Microsoft cambiará su nombre de Internet Explorer a '''Windows Internet Explorer 7'''. Por otro lado, según anunció un desarrollador del popular programa, también estrenará un nuevo logo, aunque basado en el actual, una "''e''" rodeada por un aro. La nueva versión de Internet Explorer vendrá integrada en el próximo sistema operativo de Microsoft, Windows Vista. Además de en esta plataforma también podrá ejecutarse en el Windows XP con el ''Service Pack 2'' instalado, pero no en versiones anteriores. Esta semana también se supo que el IE recuperó por primera vez terreno con respecto al navegador gratuito Firefox, según un estudio de sobre uso de navegadores web. La cuota de Internet Explorer aumentó de 86,56% a 87,2% mientras que la de Firefox descendió de 8,71% a 8,07% en julio.
Thiago Duran/AGNews A apresentadora Mamma Bruschetta, que deixou o programa "Mulheres", da Gazeta A TV Gazeta rescindiu nesta segunda-feira (25) o contrato com a apresentadora Mamma Bruschetta (Luiz Henrique), participante do programa "Mulheres". "O ator Luiz Henrique, responsável por interpretar a personagem Mamma Brusccheta, não faz mais parte do time de colaboradores da TV Gazeta. A emissora confirma a decisão de rescindir o contrato, ato formalizado na manhã desta segunda-feira (25/7), com o objetivo de liberá-lo para aceitar a proposta feita por emissora concorrente, cujo projeto conflitaria com o horário da atração Mulheres", informou à coluna em comunicado. A emissora em questão é o SBT e o projeto é um programa de fofocas no horário do "Mulheres". Nesta segunda, Mamma não participou do vespertino da Gazeta e foi substituída pela Tia, personagem do ator Guilherme Uzeda, ex-"A Praça É Nossa". Ele também participa de outras atrações do SBT. Reprodução/TV Gazeta O ator Guilherme Uzeda interpretou Tia e substituiu Mamma Bruschetta no "Mulheres" No programa, Tia fez piada com a saída de Mamma do "Mulheres". "O que você está fazendo sozinha aqui?", perguntou Regiane Tápias, substituta de Cátia Fonseca, que está de férias. "A Mamma passou no meu apartamento e falou: 'Tia, tenho um documento para assinar muito importante, então não vou poder ir lá no canal 11 hoje', e me jogou essa papelada na mão", respondeu a personagem. O ator Luiz Henrique, de 66 anos, entrou no "Mulheres" em 2001 e criou Mamma Bruschetta para ser um "alter-ego" do então apresentador Clodovil Hernandes. Com a saída do estilista e a entrada de Cátia Fonseca, a personagem foi alterada. Em 2015, Mamma emagreceu 40 quilos e pretendia realizar uma cirurgia de redução de estômago. O "Mulheres" acompanhou a perda de peso e exibiu um "reality show" da apresentadora em um spa. Neste ano, porém, ela engordou nove quilos e desistiu de fazer a bariátrica. *Colaboração de José Carlos Nery
Mamma Bruschetta irá apresentar a partir de hoje o programa ''Fofocando'', no SBT. O SBT estreia hoje o seu novo programa, ''Fofocando''. Com a apresentação de Leão Lobo e Mamma Bruschetta, o programa, que irá falar de notícias sobre as celebridades (o nome do programa vem do verbo ''fofocar''), foi criado às pressas por Silvio Santos para tentar barrar a audiência do quadro ''A Hora da Venenosa'', do programa ''Balanço Geral'' (Record) e também o ''Vídeo Show'' (Globo), que tem problemas para ganhar desse quadro. Os apresentadores também foram contratados de última hora. Mamma Bruschetta, por exemplo, trabalhava há 15 anos na TV Gazeta, na qual fazia parte do elenco fixo do programa ''Mulheres''. A apresentadora teve o seu contrato rescendido amigavelmente na emissora, na qual tinha desejo de continuar, mas devido ao novo programa ser exibido no mesmo horário que o ''Mulheres'', a apresentadora teve que sair da emissora. Leão Lobo também trabalhava na TV Gazeta, mas já atuava no SBT como jurado do quadro ''Dez ou Mil'' do ''Programa do Ratinho''. Diferente de Bruschetta, Leão Lobo teve que pagar a multa contratual. O programa irá ao ar no início da tarde, a partir das 14h15 (horário de Brasília), terá uma hora de duração e será exibido diariamente pela emissora. Será precedido pelo ''Bom Dia & Companhia'', que perderá parte do tempo de exibição com a estreia do programa, e será sucedido pelo ''Casos de Família''. Nova informações sobre o programa serão divulgados na estreia, já que a emissora guarda segredo sobre seus detalhes.
Foto: Divulgação/TV Gazeta O ator Luís Henrique - intérprete da personagem Mamma Bruschetta - teve o contrato rescindido com a TV Gazeta. Convidado para uma nova atração no SBT, ele deixou de integrar o programa Mulheres - onde estava há 15 anos - nessa segunda-feira, 25. "O ator Luís Henrique, responsável por interpretar a personagem Mamma Brusccheta, não faz mais parte do time de colaboradores da TV Gazeta. A emissora confirma a decisão de rescindir o contrato, ato formalizado na manhã desta segunda-feira (25/7), com o objetivo de liberá-lo para aceitar a proposta feita por emissora concorrente, cujo projeto conflitaria com o horário da atração Mulheres", disse a TV Gazeta em comunicado oficial. Na pele de Mamma Bruschetta, Luís Henrique comandará um programa de fofocas na faixa vespertina, com duração aproximada de 45 minutos. É basicamente o que ele já faz no Mulheres. O objetivo é bater de frente com o quadro A Hora da Venenosa, apresentado por Fabíola Reipert na Record, durante o Balanço Geral - que costuma deixar a emissora em primeiro lugar na audiência. Silvio Santos telefonou para o intérprete da Mamma Bruschetta e explicou a proposta. A ideia é que ele divida o comando com mais um apresentador. Nelson Rubens e Thiago Rocha, ambos da RedeTV!, foram alguns dos jornalistas sondados pelo SBT. O nome de Leão Lobo surgiu por indicação do próprio Luís Henrique. O ator tentou negociar com a TV Gazeta para conciliar seu trabalho no programa Mulheres com o novo projeto do SBT, mas como ambas as atrações irão se confrontar por alguns minutos, a Gazeta optou por rescindir seu contrato. Leão Lobo conversou com o SBT sobre o programa, mas optou por permanecer na TV Gazeta. Ele participa, todos os dias, do Revista da Cidade, apresentado por Regiane Tápias. Silvio Santos está bastante interessado no passe do jornalista e pretende fazer uma nova investida. Caso contrário, o SBT irá em busca de um novo nome para a atração. Com a saída de Mamma Bruschetta, o ator Guilherme Uzeda, intérprete da personagem Tia, foi promovido. De participações recorrentes, ele passa a dar as caras todos os dias no Mulheres, que segue sob o comando de Cátia Fonseca.
Mamma Bruschetta irá apresentar a partir de hoje o programa ''Fofocando'', no SBT. O SBT estreia hoje o seu novo programa, ''Fofocando''. Com a apresentação de Leão Lobo e Mamma Bruschetta, o programa, que irá falar de notícias sobre as celebridades (o nome do programa vem do verbo ''fofocar''), foi criado às pressas por Silvio Santos para tentar barrar a audiência do quadro ''A Hora da Venenosa'', do programa ''Balanço Geral'' (Record) e também o ''Vídeo Show'' (Globo), que tem problemas para ganhar desse quadro. Os apresentadores também foram contratados de última hora. Mamma Bruschetta, por exemplo, trabalhava há 15 anos na TV Gazeta, na qual fazia parte do elenco fixo do programa ''Mulheres''. A apresentadora teve o seu contrato rescendido amigavelmente na emissora, na qual tinha desejo de continuar, mas devido ao novo programa ser exibido no mesmo horário que o ''Mulheres'', a apresentadora teve que sair da emissora. Leão Lobo também trabalhava na TV Gazeta, mas já atuava no SBT como jurado do quadro ''Dez ou Mil'' do ''Programa do Ratinho''. Diferente de Bruschetta, Leão Lobo teve que pagar a multa contratual. O programa irá ao ar no início da tarde, a partir das 14h15 (horário de Brasília), terá uma hora de duração e será exibido diariamente pela emissora. Será precedido pelo ''Bom Dia & Companhia'', que perderá parte do tempo de exibição com a estreia do programa, e será sucedido pelo ''Casos de Família''. Nova informações sobre o programa serão divulgados na estreia, já que a emissora guarda segredo sobre seus detalhes.
Silvio Santos convida Mamma Bruschetta para comandar programa no SBT Atençããããoooo, fãs dos bons e velhos programas de fofoca vespertinos! Temos uma boa notícia. Com o contrato rescindido pela TV Gazeta na última segunda-feira (25), o ator Luís Henrique – intérprete da personagem Mamma Bruschetta – foi convidado para uma nova atração do SBT. Na emissora de Silvio Santos, Mamma comandará um programa de fofocas na faixa da tarde, com duração aproximada de 45 minutos, bastante similar ao que fazia no “Mulheres” de Cátia Fonseca. O objetivo de Sisi é bater de frente com o quadro “A Hora da Venenosa”, apresentado por Fabíola Reipert na Record, durante o Balanço Geral – que costuma deixar a emissora em primeiro lugar na audiência. E foi o próprio patrão do Roque que telefonou para Luís Henrique e explicou a proposta. A ideia é que ele divida o comando com mais um apresentador. Nelson Rubens e Thiago Rocha, ambos da RedeTV!, foram alguns dos jornalistas sondados pelo SBT. Mas foi o nome de Leão Lobo que chamou a atenção, sugerido pelo próprio Luís. Acontece que Leão Lobo conversou com o canal sobre o programa, mas optou por permanecer na TV Gazeta. Ele participa diariamente do Revista da Cidade, apresentado por Regiane Tápias. Silvio Santos está bastante interessado no passe do jornalista e pretende fazer uma nova investida. Caso contrário, o SBT irá em busca de um novo nome para a atração. Será que agora a emissora vai dar um tempo nas novelas mexicanas – todas já exibidas cerca de 500 vezes – no período da tarde? via GIPHY (te amo, Paola!)
Mamma Bruschetta irá apresentar a partir de hoje o programa ''Fofocando'', no SBT. O SBT estreia hoje o seu novo programa, ''Fofocando''. Com a apresentação de Leão Lobo e Mamma Bruschetta, o programa, que irá falar de notícias sobre as celebridades (o nome do programa vem do verbo ''fofocar''), foi criado às pressas por Silvio Santos para tentar barrar a audiência do quadro ''A Hora da Venenosa'', do programa ''Balanço Geral'' (Record) e também o ''Vídeo Show'' (Globo), que tem problemas para ganhar desse quadro. Os apresentadores também foram contratados de última hora. Mamma Bruschetta, por exemplo, trabalhava há 15 anos na TV Gazeta, na qual fazia parte do elenco fixo do programa ''Mulheres''. A apresentadora teve o seu contrato rescendido amigavelmente na emissora, na qual tinha desejo de continuar, mas devido ao novo programa ser exibido no mesmo horário que o ''Mulheres'', a apresentadora teve que sair da emissora. Leão Lobo também trabalhava na TV Gazeta, mas já atuava no SBT como jurado do quadro ''Dez ou Mil'' do ''Programa do Ratinho''. Diferente de Bruschetta, Leão Lobo teve que pagar a multa contratual. O programa irá ao ar no início da tarde, a partir das 14h15 (horário de Brasília), terá uma hora de duração e será exibido diariamente pela emissora. Será precedido pelo ''Bom Dia & Companhia'', que perderá parte do tempo de exibição com a estreia do programa, e será sucedido pelo ''Casos de Família''. Nova informações sobre o programa serão divulgados na estreia, já que a emissora guarda segredo sobre seus detalhes.
Leonardo Nones/SBT Mamma Bruschetta e Leão Lobo assinam com o SBT e apresentarão programa de fofocas Mamma Bruschetta assinou contrato com o SBT nesta quinta-feira (28), horas após se despedir de seu programa anterior, "Mulheres", na TV Gazeta. A personagem do ator Luiz Henrique terá um programa de fofocas com o jornalista Leão Lobo, que também fechou com a emissora de Silvio Santos. A estreia da nova atração, ainda sem nome, será na próxima segunda-feira (1º), às 14h15. "Eu estou muito honrada e me sentindo nas nuvens com o convite de Silvio Santos", disse Mamma Bruschetta ao assinar com o SBT. "Fiquei super emocionado por ser um convite feito diretamente por Silvio Santos para um projeto que tem tudo para dar certo e, principalmente, pelo fato de poder trabalhar ao lado da Mamma, que é minha amiga há 36 anos", afirmou Leão Lobo. Antes de assinarem com o SBT, eles já apareciam na emissora. Mamma Bruschetta costuma ser convidada do "Jogo dos Pontinhos", do "Programa Silvio Santos". Leão Lobo, que participa do programa "Revista da Cidade", da Gazeta, é jurado do quadro "Dez ou Mil", do Programa do Ratinho. O novo programa de fofocas do SBT concorrerá com o "Vídeo Show" e o quadro "A Hora da Venenosa", do "Balanço Geral", que disputam a liderança de audiência à tarde. Gazeta rescindiu contrato com Mamma A Gazeta rescindiu o contrato de Mamma Bruschetta na última segunda. A informação foi antecipada pelo jornalista Flávio Ricco, do UOL. Ela será substituída pela Tia, personagem do ator Guilherme Uzeda, ex-"A Praça É Nossa", do SBT.
Mamma Bruschetta irá apresentar a partir de hoje o programa ''Fofocando'', no SBT. O SBT estreia hoje o seu novo programa, ''Fofocando''. Com a apresentação de Leão Lobo e Mamma Bruschetta, o programa, que irá falar de notícias sobre as celebridades (o nome do programa vem do verbo ''fofocar''), foi criado às pressas por Silvio Santos para tentar barrar a audiência do quadro ''A Hora da Venenosa'', do programa ''Balanço Geral'' (Record) e também o ''Vídeo Show'' (Globo), que tem problemas para ganhar desse quadro. Os apresentadores também foram contratados de última hora. Mamma Bruschetta, por exemplo, trabalhava há 15 anos na TV Gazeta, na qual fazia parte do elenco fixo do programa ''Mulheres''. A apresentadora teve o seu contrato rescendido amigavelmente na emissora, na qual tinha desejo de continuar, mas devido ao novo programa ser exibido no mesmo horário que o ''Mulheres'', a apresentadora teve que sair da emissora. Leão Lobo também trabalhava na TV Gazeta, mas já atuava no SBT como jurado do quadro ''Dez ou Mil'' do ''Programa do Ratinho''. Diferente de Bruschetta, Leão Lobo teve que pagar a multa contratual. O programa irá ao ar no início da tarde, a partir das 14h15 (horário de Brasília), terá uma hora de duração e será exibido diariamente pela emissora. Será precedido pelo ''Bom Dia & Companhia'', que perderá parte do tempo de exibição com a estreia do programa, e será sucedido pelo ''Casos de Família''. Nova informações sobre o programa serão divulgados na estreia, já que a emissora guarda segredo sobre seus detalhes.
O ator Luís Henrique, que interpreta a personagem Mamma Bruschetta, mal chegou ao SBT, após deixar o Mulheres, da TV Gazeta, e já vai estrear na emissora na próxima segunda-feira. No novo programa, a personagem dividirá o espaço com Leão Lobo, mais um que deixa a Gazeta, onde participava do Revista da Cidade. A emissora de Silvio Santos anunciou nesta quinta-feira que os dois já assinaram contrato. LEIA TAMBÉM: SBT contrata Mamma Bruschetta para programa de fofoca O programa vespertino, que será transmitido das 14h15 às 15h15, será nos moldes do que os dois já fazem: comentar fofocas. O objetivo é fazer frente ao quadro A Hora da Venenosa, apresentado por Fabíola Reipert, na Record, durante o Balanço Geral. Isso porque a atração costuma deixar a emissora de Edir Macedo em primeiro lugar na audiência no horário.
Mamma Bruschetta irá apresentar a partir de hoje o programa ''Fofocando'', no SBT. O SBT estreia hoje o seu novo programa, ''Fofocando''. Com a apresentação de Leão Lobo e Mamma Bruschetta, o programa, que irá falar de notícias sobre as celebridades (o nome do programa vem do verbo ''fofocar''), foi criado às pressas por Silvio Santos para tentar barrar a audiência do quadro ''A Hora da Venenosa'', do programa ''Balanço Geral'' (Record) e também o ''Vídeo Show'' (Globo), que tem problemas para ganhar desse quadro. Os apresentadores também foram contratados de última hora. Mamma Bruschetta, por exemplo, trabalhava há 15 anos na TV Gazeta, na qual fazia parte do elenco fixo do programa ''Mulheres''. A apresentadora teve o seu contrato rescendido amigavelmente na emissora, na qual tinha desejo de continuar, mas devido ao novo programa ser exibido no mesmo horário que o ''Mulheres'', a apresentadora teve que sair da emissora. Leão Lobo também trabalhava na TV Gazeta, mas já atuava no SBT como jurado do quadro ''Dez ou Mil'' do ''Programa do Ratinho''. Diferente de Bruschetta, Leão Lobo teve que pagar a multa contratual. O programa irá ao ar no início da tarde, a partir das 14h15 (horário de Brasília), terá uma hora de duração e será exibido diariamente pela emissora. Será precedido pelo ''Bom Dia & Companhia'', que perderá parte do tempo de exibição com a estreia do programa, e será sucedido pelo ''Casos de Família''. Nova informações sobre o programa serão divulgados na estreia, já que a emissora guarda segredo sobre seus detalhes.
Os apresentadores Mamma Bruschetta e Leão Lobo acabam de assinar contrato com o SBT para participarem do novo projeto da emissora, que estreia na tarde da próxima segunda-feira, dia 1º de agosto, das 14h15 às 15h15. Foto: Divulgação/SBT Mamma Bruschetta confessa estar empolgada para a empreitada em sua nova casa: “Eu estou muito honrada e me sentindo nas nuvens com o convite de Silvio Santos”, conta. Já o apresentador Leão Lobo aposta no sucesso do que vem por aí e festeja a parceria que fará com Mamma: “Fiquei super emocionado por ser um convite feito diretamente por Silvio Santos para um projeto que tem tudo para dar certo e, principalmente, pelo fato de poder trabalhar ao lado da Mamma, que é minha amiga há 36 anos”, diz. Mais informações sobre o novo programa será divulgadas em breve. Estão curiosos? + Danielle Dahoui é a nova chef do Hell´s Kitchen - Cozinha sob Pressão
Mamma Bruschetta irá apresentar a partir de hoje o programa ''Fofocando'', no SBT. O SBT estreia hoje o seu novo programa, ''Fofocando''. Com a apresentação de Leão Lobo e Mamma Bruschetta, o programa, que irá falar de notícias sobre as celebridades (o nome do programa vem do verbo ''fofocar''), foi criado às pressas por Silvio Santos para tentar barrar a audiência do quadro ''A Hora da Venenosa'', do programa ''Balanço Geral'' (Record) e também o ''Vídeo Show'' (Globo), que tem problemas para ganhar desse quadro. Os apresentadores também foram contratados de última hora. Mamma Bruschetta, por exemplo, trabalhava há 15 anos na TV Gazeta, na qual fazia parte do elenco fixo do programa ''Mulheres''. A apresentadora teve o seu contrato rescendido amigavelmente na emissora, na qual tinha desejo de continuar, mas devido ao novo programa ser exibido no mesmo horário que o ''Mulheres'', a apresentadora teve que sair da emissora. Leão Lobo também trabalhava na TV Gazeta, mas já atuava no SBT como jurado do quadro ''Dez ou Mil'' do ''Programa do Ratinho''. Diferente de Bruschetta, Leão Lobo teve que pagar a multa contratual. O programa irá ao ar no início da tarde, a partir das 14h15 (horário de Brasília), terá uma hora de duração e será exibido diariamente pela emissora. Será precedido pelo ''Bom Dia & Companhia'', que perderá parte do tempo de exibição com a estreia do programa, e será sucedido pelo ''Casos de Família''. Nova informações sobre o programa serão divulgados na estreia, já que a emissora guarda segredo sobre seus detalhes.
Nos últimos dias, surgiu a informação de que Silvio Santos está cuidando, pessoalmente, de um programa de fofocas para ir ao ar no início das tardes do SBT. A intenção é bater de frente com o quadro "A Hora da Venenosa", apresentado por Fabíola Reipert dentro do "Balanço Geral SP", que é líder de audiência na Record. Para isso, já foi contratada Mamma Bruschetta, personagem do jornalista e ator Luís Henrique Benincasa, que atuou por 15 anos na TV Gazeta, no tradicional "Mulheres". Outro nome que está sendo dado como certo é Leão Lobo, mais um que está na TV Gazeta e também atua como jurado no "Programa do Ratinho", do SBT, mas este ainda não está confirmado. Silvio Santos também estaria de olho em um outro jornalista. Foi tentado José Armando Vanucci, conhecido colunista de TV que ficou por anos na Jovem Pan e que também trabalha na Gazeta, mas ele não foi liberado. Comenta-se que o patrão quer estrear o programa rapidamente, já na próxima segunda-feira (1º), aproveitando que Globo, Record e Band começam a voltar toda sua programação para os Jogos Olímpicos. Segundo informações obtidas pelo NaTelinha, este fato tem assustado nos bastidores. É que, para jornalistas e produtores do SBT, não há a menor condição de colocar um programa desse tipo no ar tão abruptamente. Primeiro porque o departamento de jornalismo já atua em seu limite e muita gente vai para o Rio de Janeiro cobrir as Olimpíadas. Segundo porque não existe produtores para deslocar. O caso é tão cuidadoso no sigilo, que nem mesmo diretores do alto escalão do SBT sabem muito do assunto. Se Silvio conseguir o seu objetivo de colocar o programa no ar já na segunda, ele vai ao ar a partir das 14h. O "Casos de Família" deve começar às 15h, indo até às 16h. O "Bom Dia & Cia" perderia tempo, já que atualmente ele vai até às 14h45. Procurada pelo NaTelinha, a assessoria de imprensa do SBT não confirma a estreia para segunda-feira e diz não ter mais informações.
Mamma Bruschetta irá apresentar a partir de hoje o programa ''Fofocando'', no SBT. O SBT estreia hoje o seu novo programa, ''Fofocando''. Com a apresentação de Leão Lobo e Mamma Bruschetta, o programa, que irá falar de notícias sobre as celebridades (o nome do programa vem do verbo ''fofocar''), foi criado às pressas por Silvio Santos para tentar barrar a audiência do quadro ''A Hora da Venenosa'', do programa ''Balanço Geral'' (Record) e também o ''Vídeo Show'' (Globo), que tem problemas para ganhar desse quadro. Os apresentadores também foram contratados de última hora. Mamma Bruschetta, por exemplo, trabalhava há 15 anos na TV Gazeta, na qual fazia parte do elenco fixo do programa ''Mulheres''. A apresentadora teve o seu contrato rescendido amigavelmente na emissora, na qual tinha desejo de continuar, mas devido ao novo programa ser exibido no mesmo horário que o ''Mulheres'', a apresentadora teve que sair da emissora. Leão Lobo também trabalhava na TV Gazeta, mas já atuava no SBT como jurado do quadro ''Dez ou Mil'' do ''Programa do Ratinho''. Diferente de Bruschetta, Leão Lobo teve que pagar a multa contratual. O programa irá ao ar no início da tarde, a partir das 14h15 (horário de Brasília), terá uma hora de duração e será exibido diariamente pela emissora. Será precedido pelo ''Bom Dia & Companhia'', que perderá parte do tempo de exibição com a estreia do programa, e será sucedido pelo ''Casos de Família''. Nova informações sobre o programa serão divulgados na estreia, já que a emissora guarda segredo sobre seus detalhes.
Com estreia marcada para segunda-feira (1º), às 14h15, o SBT acaba de definir o título do novo programa de fofocas comandado por Mamma Bruschetta e Leão Lobo. A atração se chamará "Fofocando". O programa é uma criação de Silvio Santos, que cuidou de tudo pessoalmente. Nem mesmo diretores do alto escalão do SBT tinham informações sobre o projeto. Na tarde de ontem, os 'fofoqueiros' assinaram contrato para comandar a atração. Desde então, a emissora corre contra o tempo para atender aos desejos do patrão, que exigiu a estreia para daqui três dias. Recém-saída da Gazeta, Mamma diz estar empolgada com a empreitada na nova casa: “Eu estou muito honrada e me sentindo nas nuvens com o convite de Silvio Santos”. Já Leão Lobo, que também saiu da Gazeta, festeja a parceria com a amiga: “Fiquei super emocionado por ser um convite feito diretamente por Silvio Santos para um projeto que tem tudo para dar certo e, principalmente, pelo fato de poder trabalhar ao lado da Mamma, que é minha amiga há 36 anos”. O projeto irá ao ar de segunda a sexta, das 14h15 às 15h15, com a intenção de bater de frente com o quadro "A Hora da Venenosa", apresentado por Fabíola Reipert dentro do "Balanço Geral SP", que é líder de audiência na Record.
Mamma Bruschetta irá apresentar a partir de hoje o programa ''Fofocando'', no SBT. O SBT estreia hoje o seu novo programa, ''Fofocando''. Com a apresentação de Leão Lobo e Mamma Bruschetta, o programa, que irá falar de notícias sobre as celebridades (o nome do programa vem do verbo ''fofocar''), foi criado às pressas por Silvio Santos para tentar barrar a audiência do quadro ''A Hora da Venenosa'', do programa ''Balanço Geral'' (Record) e também o ''Vídeo Show'' (Globo), que tem problemas para ganhar desse quadro. Os apresentadores também foram contratados de última hora. Mamma Bruschetta, por exemplo, trabalhava há 15 anos na TV Gazeta, na qual fazia parte do elenco fixo do programa ''Mulheres''. A apresentadora teve o seu contrato rescendido amigavelmente na emissora, na qual tinha desejo de continuar, mas devido ao novo programa ser exibido no mesmo horário que o ''Mulheres'', a apresentadora teve que sair da emissora. Leão Lobo também trabalhava na TV Gazeta, mas já atuava no SBT como jurado do quadro ''Dez ou Mil'' do ''Programa do Ratinho''. Diferente de Bruschetta, Leão Lobo teve que pagar a multa contratual. O programa irá ao ar no início da tarde, a partir das 14h15 (horário de Brasília), terá uma hora de duração e será exibido diariamente pela emissora. Será precedido pelo ''Bom Dia & Companhia'', que perderá parte do tempo de exibição com a estreia do programa, e será sucedido pelo ''Casos de Família''. Nova informações sobre o programa serão divulgados na estreia, já que a emissora guarda segredo sobre seus detalhes.
Nesta próxima segunda-feira, 1º de agosto, estreará um novo programa das tarde do SBT. Com apresentação de Mamma Bruschetta e Leão Lobo, a nova atração se chamará "Fofocando", e tratará de assuntos de celebridades e dos bastidores do próprio SBT. Será exibido de segunda a sexta, às 14h15, com transmissão ao vivo. Fotos: Divulgação/SBT Confira à primeira chamada do programa. + Mamma Bruschetta e Leão Lobo acabam de assinar contrato com o SBT Fofocando - Estreia 1º de agosto Segunda a sexta, às 14h15
Mamma Bruschetta irá apresentar a partir de hoje o programa ''Fofocando'', no SBT. O SBT estreia hoje o seu novo programa, ''Fofocando''. Com a apresentação de Leão Lobo e Mamma Bruschetta, o programa, que irá falar de notícias sobre as celebridades (o nome do programa vem do verbo ''fofocar''), foi criado às pressas por Silvio Santos para tentar barrar a audiência do quadro ''A Hora da Venenosa'', do programa ''Balanço Geral'' (Record) e também o ''Vídeo Show'' (Globo), que tem problemas para ganhar desse quadro. Os apresentadores também foram contratados de última hora. Mamma Bruschetta, por exemplo, trabalhava há 15 anos na TV Gazeta, na qual fazia parte do elenco fixo do programa ''Mulheres''. A apresentadora teve o seu contrato rescendido amigavelmente na emissora, na qual tinha desejo de continuar, mas devido ao novo programa ser exibido no mesmo horário que o ''Mulheres'', a apresentadora teve que sair da emissora. Leão Lobo também trabalhava na TV Gazeta, mas já atuava no SBT como jurado do quadro ''Dez ou Mil'' do ''Programa do Ratinho''. Diferente de Bruschetta, Leão Lobo teve que pagar a multa contratual. O programa irá ao ar no início da tarde, a partir das 14h15 (horário de Brasília), terá uma hora de duração e será exibido diariamente pela emissora. Será precedido pelo ''Bom Dia & Companhia'', que perderá parte do tempo de exibição com a estreia do programa, e será sucedido pelo ''Casos de Família''. Nova informações sobre o programa serão divulgados na estreia, já que a emissora guarda segredo sobre seus detalhes.
O Ministério da Saúde divulgou nesta quarta-feira (17) que o Brasil reportou 2.648 novas mortes causadas pela covid-19 nas últimas 24 horas. Desde o começo da pandemia, houve 284.775 óbitos provocados pela doença em todo o país. Uma dia antes, o país registrou o recorde de óbitos em um intervalo de 24 horas: pelos números da pasta, houve 2.841 vítimas. Foram notificados 90.303 novos casos da doença de ontem para hoje. É a maior marca desde março de 2020, superando o recorde anterior verificado em 7 de janeiro (87.843). O total de infectados subiu para 11.693.838 desde o início da pandemia. De acordo com dados do governo federal, 10.287.057 pessoas se recuperaram da covid-19 até agora em todo o país, com outras 1.122.006 em acompanhamento. Queiroga defende isolamento, uso de máscara e critica 'aglomerações fúteis' No primeiro discurso após anúncio da transição na pasta da Saúde, o futuro ministro Marcelo Queiroga defendeu o distanciamento social contra a Covid-19. Em coletiva na Fundação Oswaldo Cruz (Fiocruz), ele disse que somente com a restrição de circulação e melhor capacidade dos serviços hospitalares a doença será combatida. "Esse impacto desses óbitos, vamos conseguir reduzir com dois pontos principais. Primeiro com campanhas de distanciamento social próprias que permitam diminuir a circulação do vírus. E segundo com uma melhora na capacidade assistencial dos nossos serviços hospitalares", disse. Para ele, a vacinação pode reduzir as internações e mortes a "médio" prazo. Ele reforçou o conselho de evitar aglomerações e usar máscaras, ambos criticados e não seguidos pelo presidente da República, Jair Bolsonaro (sem partido). "Não adianta o governo ficar recomendando o uso de máscara se as pessoas não são capazes de aderir a esse tipo de medida que é um tipo de medida simples, que não demanda grandes custos. O governo recomenda por exemplo redução de aglomerações fúteis e as pessoas ficam fazendo festas aos fins de semana contribuindo para a circulação do vírus", argumentou. Veículos se unem pela informação Em resposta à decisão do governo Jair Bolsonaro de restringir o acesso a dados sobre a pandemia de covid-19, os veículos de comunicação UOL, O Estado de S. Paulo, Folha de S.Paulo, O Globo, G1 e Extra formaram um consórcio para trabalhar de forma colaborativa para buscar as informações necessárias diretamente nas secretarias estaduais de Saúde das 27 unidades da Federação. O governo federal, por meio do Ministério da Saúde, deveria ser a fonte natural desses números, mas atitudes de autoridades e do próprio presidente durante a pandemia colocam em dúvida a disponibilidade dos dados e sua precisão.
Com 2.648 novas mortes por nas últimas 24 horas, o Brasil alcançou um novo recorde: viu sua média móvel de óbitos/dia relativa aos últimos sete dias passar de 2.000 pela primeira vez, alcançando precisamente 2.017. Com os novos óbitos, o acumulado chega agora a 284.775, enquanto o total de casos alcança 11.693.838. '''A média móvel''' A Wikinotícias já previa aqui ontem que a média móvel dos últimos 7 dias passaria de 2 mil possivelmente "ainda esta semana". Considerando as cifras de mortes/dia dos últimos dias - 2.286 (10/03), 2.233 (11), 2.216 (12), 1.986 (13), 1.138 (14), 1.057 (15) e 2.841 (16) e 2.648 (17/03) - as médias móveis recentes foram de 1.841 (15/03), 1.965 (16/03) e 2.017 hoje.
Com mais 2.648 óbitos, a média móvel de mortes causadas por Covid-19 no Brasil bateu mais um recorde, chegando a 2.017 nesta quarta-feira (17/3). O indicador, em comparação com o verificado há 14 dias, sofreu acréscimo de 49%, mostrando tendência de alta nos óbitos. Em relação aos infectados, foram 90.303 novos resultados positivos nas últimas 24 horas. Os dados são do mais recente balanço divulgado pelo Conselho Nacional de Secretários de Saúde (Conass). No total, o Brasil já perdeu 284.775 vidas para a doença e computou 11.693.838 casos de contaminação. Devido ao tempo de incubação do novo coronavírus, adotou-se a recomendação de especialistas para que a média móvel do dia seja comparada à de duas semanas atrás. Variações na quantidade de mortes ou de casos de até 15%, para mais ou para menos, não são significativas em relação à evolução da pandemia. Já percentuais acima ou abaixo devem ser encarados como tendência de crescimento ou de queda. Os cálculos são feitos pelo (M)Dados, núcleo de jornalismo de dados do Metrópoles, e se baseiam nos relatórios repassados pelo Ministério da Saúde. Essas informações também alimentam o painel interativo com notícias sobre a pandemia desde o primeiro caso da doença registrado no país. Média móvel Acompanhar o avanço da pandemia de Covid-19 com base em dados absolutos de morte ou de casos está longe do ideal. Isso porque eles podem apresentar variações diárias muito grandes, principalmente atrasos nos registros. Nos fins de semana, por exemplo, é comum perceber redução significativa dos números. Para reduzir esse efeito e produzir uma visão mais fiel do cenário, a média móvel é amplamente utilizada ao redor do mundo. A taxa, então, representa a soma das mortes divulgadas em uma semana dividida por sete. O nome “móvel” é porque varia conforme o total de óbitos dos sete dias anteriores.
Com 2.648 novas mortes por nas últimas 24 horas, o Brasil alcançou um novo recorde: viu sua média móvel de óbitos/dia relativa aos últimos sete dias passar de 2.000 pela primeira vez, alcançando precisamente 2.017. Com os novos óbitos, o acumulado chega agora a 284.775, enquanto o total de casos alcança 11.693.838. '''A média móvel''' A Wikinotícias já previa aqui ontem que a média móvel dos últimos 7 dias passaria de 2 mil possivelmente "ainda esta semana". Considerando as cifras de mortes/dia dos últimos dias - 2.286 (10/03), 2.233 (11), 2.216 (12), 1.986 (13), 1.138 (14), 1.057 (15) e 2.841 (16) e 2.648 (17/03) - as médias móveis recentes foram de 1.841 (15/03), 1.965 (16/03) e 2.017 hoje.
O Brasil já registra 10.287.057 milhões de pessoas curadas da Covid-19. O número de pessoas curadas no Brasil é superior à quantidade de casos ativos (1.122.006) que são os pacientes em acompanhamento médico. O registro de pessoas curadas já representa a grande maioria do total de casos acumulados (88%). As informações foram atualizadas às 18h desta quarta-feira (17/03) e enviadas pelas secretarias estaduais e municipais de Saúde. A doença está presente em 100% dos municípios brasileiros. Contudo, mais da metade das cidades (4.077) possuem entre 2 e 100 casos. Em relação aos óbitos, 1.856 municípios tiveram novos registros, sendo que 974 deles apresentaram apenas um óbito confirmado. O Governo do Brasil mantém esforço contínuo para garantir o atendimento em saúde à população, em parceria com estados e municípios, desde o início da pandemia. O objetivo é cuidar da saúde de todos e salvar vidas, além de promover e prevenir a saúde da população. Dessa forma, a pasta tem repassado verbas extras e fortalecido a rede de atendimento do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS), com envio de recursos humanos (médicos e profissionais de saúde), insumos, medicamentos, ventiladores pulmonares, testes de diagnóstico, habilitações de leitos de UTI para casos graves e gravíssimos e Equipamentos de Proteção Individual (EPIS) para os profissionais de saúde. O Ministério da Saúde já destinou aos 26 estados e o Distrito Federal mais de R$ 133 bilhões, sendo que desse total foram R$ 100,2 bilhões para serviços de rotina do SUS, e outros R$ 33,2 bilhões para a Covid-19. Também já foram comprados e distribuídos 28,2 milhões de unidades de medicamentos para auxiliar no tratamento do coronavírus, 345,2 milhões de EPIs, mais de 23,5 milhões de testes de diagnóstico para Covid-19 e 79,9 milhões de doses da vacina contra a gripe, que ajuda a diminuir casos de influenza e demais síndromes respiratórias no meio dos casos de coronavírus. O Ministério da Saúde, em apoio a estados e municípios, também tem ajudado os gestores locais do SUS na compra e distribuição de ventiladores pulmonares, sendo que já entregou 15.235 equipamentos para todos os estados brasileiros. As iniciativas e ações estratégicas são desenhadas conforme a realidade e necessidade de cada região, junto com estados e municípios, e têm ajudado os gestores locais do SUS a ampliarem e qualificarem os atendimentos, trazendo respostas mais efetivas às demandas da sociedade. Neste momento, o Brasil registra 11.693.838 milhões de casos confirmados da doença, sendo 90.303 registrados nos sistemas nacionais nas últimas 24h. Em relação aos óbitos, o Brasil tem 284.775 mortes por coronavírus. Nas últimas 24h, foram registrados 2.648 óbitos nos sistemas oficiais, sendo que 2.389 óbitos ocorreram nos últimos três dias. Outros 3.045 permanecem em investigação. Ministério da Saúde (61) 3315-3587 / 3580
Com 2.648 novas mortes por nas últimas 24 horas, o Brasil alcançou um novo recorde: viu sua média móvel de óbitos/dia relativa aos últimos sete dias passar de 2.000 pela primeira vez, alcançando precisamente 2.017. Com os novos óbitos, o acumulado chega agora a 284.775, enquanto o total de casos alcança 11.693.838. '''A média móvel''' A Wikinotícias já previa aqui ontem que a média móvel dos últimos 7 dias passaria de 2 mil possivelmente "ainda esta semana". Considerando as cifras de mortes/dia dos últimos dias - 2.286 (10/03), 2.233 (11), 2.216 (12), 1.986 (13), 1.138 (14), 1.057 (15) e 2.841 (16) e 2.648 (17/03) - as médias móveis recentes foram de 1.841 (15/03), 1.965 (16/03) e 2.017 hoje.
Police to stop rail yobs in their tracks A mini-police station has opened at Bath railway station in a drive to combat intimidation and vandalism. The British Transport Police station will be staffed by a sergeant, two police officers and seven police community support officers (PCSOs). It has been set up to tackle problems with anti-social behaviour which have been labelled worse than that seen in inner city Liverpool by transport campaigners. The officers will patrol the area every Friday and Saturday night after a string of incidents including the vandalism of the railway station's Christmas tree, which has now been repaired. David Redgewell of the Campaign for Better Transport said: "The anti-social behaviour in Bath is worse than inner city Liverpool. "There are yobs from army bases in towns such as Warminster converging on Bath to join local yobs in causing trouble." He said the group's fear was that the problems would get worse when the new bus-rail station interchange at SouthGate was completed. He added: "It's horrendous for the staff down there. The police are doing a good job but we should not have to put up with this." Bath Spa railway station manager Andy Gallagher confirmed that there had been ongoing problems with anti-social behaviour there and that there had been some damage. He added that First Great Western staff were working with the new policing team to come up with solutions. The station's Christmas tree was attacked earlier this month. Although members of staff managed to recover some of the tree's trimmings, it ended up in three pieces. Customer sales supervisor, Janet Rogers, said: "We found inspiration from Blue Peter and managed to stick the tree back together. "We had to improvise quite a lot and it's still quite bare in places. "It doesn't look as good as it did before but it's still quite good. "I think it all started when a fight broke out and eventually some people decided to take it out on the tree." Staff at the station have passed on CCTV footage to the transport police.
Bath Spa Railway Station Vandals have caused thousands of British pounds worth of damage at a city railway station. The Bath Spa railway station in Bath was targeted by vandals over the weekend. Graffiti was sprayed over the new tourist centre as well as the stone work which is over 100 years old. The disabled toilets were also vandalised. First Great Western who owns Bath Spa station released a statement through spokesman Dan Panes saying, "last year we invested a considerable amount of money improving the station environment at Bath Spa for our customers, and it's a great shame that a couple of minutes of vandalism could cause so much damage." The vandalism comes just months after a mini police station was opened up in the station to combat anti-social behaviour. The behaviour in Bath was said to be worse than that of the centre of Liverpool. CCTV has been passed on to the British Transport Police and are currently assessing the damage caused.
Damage to Bath stonework will cost thousands of pounds to put right Graffiti has been daubed over the tourist information centre at Bath Spa railway station and toilets for disabled people have been damaged. Dan Panes of First Great Western, which owns Bath Spa, said damage to the Bath stonework would cost thousands of pounds to put right. British Transport Police were called to the station and are looking at CCTV images to identify the culprits. The vandalism happened overnight between Saturday and Sunday. Assessing damage Following extensive graffiti-spraying at Bath Spa station First Great Western issued a statement asking anyone who may have seen anything in the early hours of Sunday morning to contact the police. "Last year we invested a considerable amount of money improving the station environment at Bath Spa for our customers, and it's a great shame that a couple of minutes of vandalism could cause so much damage," said spokesman Dan Panes. "The station is well covered by CCTV and we have passed these to the police. "The British Transport Police regularly patrol our stations, and we'll be looking at what we can do to increase their presence following this incident. "Scene of crime officers have been at the station this afternoon. Once they have finished we'll be fully assessing the damage caused and beginning the clear-up operation as soon as possible."
Bath Spa Railway Station Vandals have caused thousands of British pounds worth of damage at a city railway station. The Bath Spa railway station in Bath was targeted by vandals over the weekend. Graffiti was sprayed over the new tourist centre as well as the stone work which is over 100 years old. The disabled toilets were also vandalised. First Great Western who owns Bath Spa station released a statement through spokesman Dan Panes saying, "last year we invested a considerable amount of money improving the station environment at Bath Spa for our customers, and it's a great shame that a couple of minutes of vandalism could cause so much damage." The vandalism comes just months after a mini police station was opened up in the station to combat anti-social behaviour. The behaviour in Bath was said to be worse than that of the centre of Liverpool. CCTV has been passed on to the British Transport Police and are currently assessing the damage caused.
Ben Affleck, who currently portrays Batman in films, paid tribute to the man who first brought Bruce Wayne to the screen following Adam West's death at the age of 88. Related Adam West, TV's 'Batman,' Dead at 88 Actor first to portray Bruce Wayne and crime-fighting alter ego on television and movies "Adam West exemplified heroism," Affleck said on Twitter. "Kind, funny and an all around great guy. Thank you for showing us all how it's done." West was an early supporter of Affleck's Batman casting after the Argo star took over the role following Christian Bale's Dark Knight tenure. "Ben, you're going to be very good," West told Affleck. "Shave the beard, make that costume work for you." Val Kilmer, another big screen "Caped Crusader" in Batman Forever, wrote, "Ah dear Adam West. He was always so kind when we met. A real gent. Once when I was a kid we found ourselves in front the Batmobile. I got in." West's Batman cohort Burt Ward, who played Robin on the original TV series, told the Hollywood Reporter, "I am devastated at the loss of one of my very dearest friends. Adam and I had a special friendship for more than 50 years. We shared some of the most fun times of our lives together; our families have deep love and respect for each other. This is a terribly unexpected loss of my lifelong friend, I will forever miss him. There are several fine actors who have portrayed Batman in films, in my eyes there was only one real Batman and that is and always will be Adam West; He was truly the Bright Knight." DC Comics also remembered the man who helped turned their comic book superhero into a multi-front franchise. "Like many others, Adam West as Batman was part of my childhood," said DC Entertainment president Geoff Johns said in a statement. "Watching those reruns every day after school, Batman made reading comics that much more real for me growing up." DC publisher Jim Lee added, "Batman's popularity will be forever linked with Adam West. He brought joy to legions of fans around the world and was the gateway for many of them to discover or in some cases rediscover their love of comic books. He'll be deeply missed." Comic book legend Frank Miller, whose graphic novels reimagined the classic Batman as the grittier Dark Knight, tweeted, "Adam West kept Batman alive and thrilled my generation. It's a sad day." Over the past decade, West has played a caricatured version of himself as Mayor West on Family Guy. On Twitter, that cartoon's creator Seth Macfarlane penned a remembrance to the actor. "Family Guy has lost its mayor, and I have lost a friend," MacFarlane said in a statement. "Adam West was a joy to rk with, and the kind of guy you always wanted to be around. His positivity, good nature, and sense of fun were undeniable, and it was always a big jolt of the best kind of energy when he walked in to record the show. He knew comedy, and he knew humanity." MacFarlane added, "I am beyond fortunate to have had the privilege of working with him, and he will be profoundly missed by all of us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you have given, Mr. Mayor. You’re irreplaceable." Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, who along with West was a regular on the comic convention circuit, said of the actor, "Adam West was such a wonderful actor & so kind, I'm so lucky to have worked w/ him & tell him how much he meant to me & millions of fans."
West como Batman, datado del año 1967-68. Durante la noche del viernes (9), , un actor estadounidense más conocido por su papel como en la serie de televisión del mismo nombre, murió a los 88 años en , indicó el portavoz de la familia. Antes de su muerte, West "luchó una corta pero valiente batalla con la leucemia", dijo su familia a través de . Los actores , y , el escritor de historietas , el creador de y el autor rindieron homenaje a Adam West a través de . Affleck y Kilmer retrataron el personaje titular en la película de Batman v de 2016 y la película de 1995 respectivamente. , quien interpretó el papel del compañero de Batman, , en la serie de televisión con West, rindió homenaje a través de la revista . , que interpretó el papel de Catwoman en el espectáculo de los años 60, rindió homenaje a través del programa de radio Newshour de la . El presidente y CEO de , , y el editor , rindieron homenaje a través del blog oficial de . Adam West, el más joven de dos hermanos, nació el 19 de septiembre de 1928 en . Su padre era agricultor de trigo y su madre era pianista y cantante de ópera. Recibió una Licenciatura en Literatura Inglesa en el Whitman College y trabajó como maestro de estación en mientras era un estudiante graduado. West trabajó en la estación de McClatchy en , , antes de trasladarse a , donde organizó un programa en la semana a finales de los años cincuenta. Él se trasladó a , California en 1959 y firmó un contrato con . Apareció en múltiples series antes de retratar al Detective y Sargento en 1959-62 en la serie de televisión, ''The Detectives'', desde el año 1961 a 1962. Su debut en las películas fue en el año 1959 en la película ''The Young Philadelphians'', protagonizada por . Antes de Batman, West apareció en muchas películas durante los años sesenta. y audicionaron para el papel de Batman, mientras que y audicionaron para el papel de Robin. La serie de Batman debutó el 12 de enero de 1966 en la red . Aunque la primera temporada fue un éxito, dos temporadas posteriores tuvieron una caída significativa en los índices de audiencia de Nielsen, y fue cancelada en marzo de 1968. Él interpretó la voz de Batman en series animadas, como en ''The New Adventures of Batman'', ''Legends of the Superheroes'', y en ''Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show''. Él también interpretó un papel hablado en un Premio de la Academia en ''Redux Riding Hood'' nominado en el año 1997. También tuvo un papel oral del en ''Family Guy'', que MacFarlane llamó una versión de "universo alternativo" de West. West se casó con Marcelle en 1970; cada uno tenía dos hijos de sus matrimonios anteriores. Después del matrimonio, la pareja tuvo dos hijos.
Adam West, the star of the Sixties Batman series, died Friday night in Los Angeles following a short battle with leukemia. The actor was 88. Related New 'Batman' Animated Movie Reunites Original Cast Adam West, Burt Ward, Julie Newmar from 1960s TV show return for 'Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders' "Our dad always saw himself as The Bright Knight, and aspired to make a positive impact on his fans’ lives. He was and always will be our hero," the West family said in a statement to Variety. The family added on Facebook, "It's with great sadness that we are sharing this news... Adam West passed away peacefully last night after a short but brave battle with leukemia. He was a beloved father, husband, grandfather, and great-grandfather. There are no words to describe how much we'll miss him. We know you'll miss him too and we want you to know how much your love and support meant to him throughout the years. Hug your loved ones today." After spending the early half of the Sixties playing bit parts on TV shows and movies – including the 1964 sci-fi classic Robinson Crusoe on Mars – West was the first actor to step into the role of Bruce Wayne and his crime-fighting alter ego Batman for the kitschy, campy television series based on the DC Comics character. A surprise hit, Batman ran for three seasons and 120 episodes, with West's deadpan depiction of the Dark Knight immortalized in the pop culture lexicon. "My Batman has endured because it had something for everyone," West told the Daily Express in 2015 of the Batman role. "When you were a kid you could enjoy all the adventure, the color, the crazy costumes, the wonderful villains. Then as you got a little bit older you saw the satirical elements, the bizarre stuff." Following the end of the first season in 1966, West played the superhero in the film Batman, the first big screen adaptation of the comic book. While West is credited with reviving the Batman character and proving its franchise potential - as well as setting the bar for future Dark Knights like Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck - the actor was inevitably typecast due to the famous role. Over the next 50 years, West continued to find steady work with television guest appearances, small movie roles and as a voice actor, but he never reclaimed the fame he achieved as Batman; West would later reveal that he was approached about playing James Bond in 1971's Diamonds Are Forever, but turned down the role because he believed the secret agent should be portrayed by a British actor. In recent years, West lent his voice to a caricatured version of himself as Mayor West on the animated series Family Guy. In 2016, West reprised the Batman role by providing the voice of the superhero in the cartoon film Batman: Return of the Caped Crusaders, a spoof of the Sixties series. "If I had the chance to do it all over again I would," West added. "It was tough for a while but I'm the luckiest guy in the world because I got to create a character that lasts and that people love. So I made up my mind that if people love Batman, I'll love Batman too."
West como Batman, datado del año 1967-68. Durante la noche del viernes (9), , un actor estadounidense más conocido por su papel como en la serie de televisión del mismo nombre, murió a los 88 años en , indicó el portavoz de la familia. Antes de su muerte, West "luchó una corta pero valiente batalla con la leucemia", dijo su familia a través de . Los actores , y , el escritor de historietas , el creador de y el autor rindieron homenaje a Adam West a través de . Affleck y Kilmer retrataron el personaje titular en la película de Batman v de 2016 y la película de 1995 respectivamente. , quien interpretó el papel del compañero de Batman, , en la serie de televisión con West, rindió homenaje a través de la revista . , que interpretó el papel de Catwoman en el espectáculo de los años 60, rindió homenaje a través del programa de radio Newshour de la . El presidente y CEO de , , y el editor , rindieron homenaje a través del blog oficial de . Adam West, el más joven de dos hermanos, nació el 19 de septiembre de 1928 en . Su padre era agricultor de trigo y su madre era pianista y cantante de ópera. Recibió una Licenciatura en Literatura Inglesa en el Whitman College y trabajó como maestro de estación en mientras era un estudiante graduado. West trabajó en la estación de McClatchy en , , antes de trasladarse a , donde organizó un programa en la semana a finales de los años cincuenta. Él se trasladó a , California en 1959 y firmó un contrato con . Apareció en múltiples series antes de retratar al Detective y Sargento en 1959-62 en la serie de televisión, ''The Detectives'', desde el año 1961 a 1962. Su debut en las películas fue en el año 1959 en la película ''The Young Philadelphians'', protagonizada por . Antes de Batman, West apareció en muchas películas durante los años sesenta. y audicionaron para el papel de Batman, mientras que y audicionaron para el papel de Robin. La serie de Batman debutó el 12 de enero de 1966 en la red . Aunque la primera temporada fue un éxito, dos temporadas posteriores tuvieron una caída significativa en los índices de audiencia de Nielsen, y fue cancelada en marzo de 1968. Él interpretó la voz de Batman en series animadas, como en ''The New Adventures of Batman'', ''Legends of the Superheroes'', y en ''Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show''. Él también interpretó un papel hablado en un Premio de la Academia en ''Redux Riding Hood'' nominado en el año 1997. También tuvo un papel oral del en ''Family Guy'', que MacFarlane llamó una versión de "universo alternativo" de West. West se casó con Marcelle en 1970; cada uno tenía dos hijos de sus matrimonios anteriores. Después del matrimonio, la pareja tuvo dos hijos.
The actor struggled to find work after the campy superhero series was canceled, but he rebounded with voiceover gigs, including one as the mayor of Quahog on 'Family Guy.' Adam West, the ardent actor who managed to keep his tongue in cheek while wearing the iconic cowl of the Caped Crusader on the classic 1960s series Batman, has died. He was 88. West, who was at the pinnacle of pop culture after Batman debuted in January 1966, only to see his career fall victim to typecasting after the ABC show flamed out, died Friday night in Los Angeles after a short battle with leukemia, a family spokesperson said. West died peacefully surrounded by his family and is survived by his wife Marcelle, six children, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. “Our dad always saw himself as The Bright Knight and aspired to make a positive impact on his fans' lives. He was and always will be our hero,” his family said in a statement. After struggling for years without a steady job, the good-natured actor reached a new level of fame when he accepted an offer to voice the mayor of Quahog — named Adam West; how’s that for a coincidence! — on Seth MacFarlane’s long-running Fox animated hit Family Guy. On the big screen, West played a wealthy Main Line husband who meets an early end in Paul Newman’s The Young Philadelphians (1959), was one of the first two humans on the Red Planet in Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) and contributed his velvety voice to the animated Redux Riding Hood (1997), which received an Oscar nomination for best short film. Raised on a ranch outside Walla Walla, Wash., West caught the attention of Batman producer William Dozier when he played Captain Quik, a James Bond-type character with a sailor’s cap, in commercials for Nestle’s Quik. West, who had appeared in many Warner Bros. television series as a studio contract player, was filming the spaghetti Western The Relentless Four (1965) in Europe at the time. He returned to the States to meet with Dozier, “read the pilot script and knew after 20 pages that it was the kind of comedy I wanted to do,” he said in a 2006 interview with the Archive of American Television. He signed a contract on the spot, only asking that he be given the chance to approve who would play his sidekick, Robin the Boy Wonder. (He would OK the casting of Burt Ward, who had a brown belt in karate but zero acting experience). “The tone of our first show, by Lorenzo Semple Jr., was one of absurdity and tongue in cheek to the point that I found it irresistible,” West said. “I think they recognized that in me from what they’d seen me do before. I understood the material and brought something to it. “You can’t play Batman in a serious, square-jawed, straight-ahead way without giving the audience the sense that there’s something behind that mask waiting to get out, that he’s a little crazed, he’s strange.” The hunky Lyle Waggoner (later of The Carol Burnett Show) and Peter Deyell also tested to play the Gotham City crime fighters, but West and Ward clearly were superior, and Batman debuted at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 12, 1966, a Wednesday. The cliffhanger episode would be resolved the very next night — Same Bat-time! Same Bat-channel! The show was originally intended to last an hour, but ABC split it up when it had two time slots available on its primetime schedule. West said that he played Batman “for laughs, but in order to do [that], one had to never think it was funny. You just had to pull on that cowl and believe that no one would recognize you.” The series, filmed in eye-popping bright colors in an era of black-and-white and featuring a revolving set of villains like the Riddler (Frank Gorshin), Joker (Cesar Romero), Penguin (Burgess Meredith) and Catwoman (Julie Newmar), was an immediate hit; the Thursday installment was No. 5 in the Nielsen ratings for the 1965-66 season, and the Wednesday edition was No. 10. Batman was nominated for the Emmy Award for outstanding comedy series in its first year, losing out to CBS’ The Dick Van Dyke Show. A 20th Century Fox movie was rushed into production and played in theaters in the summer before season two kicked off in September 1966. However, the popularity of the show soon plummeted, and Batman — despite the addition of Yvonne Craig as Batgirl — was canceled in March 1968 after its third season. West quickly struggled to find work, forced to make appearances in his cape and cowl at car shows and carnivals and in such obscure films as The Marriage of a Young Stockbroker (1971), written by Semple, and The Happy Hooker Goes Hollywood (1980). He and his family downsized, leaving their home in the tony Pacific Palisades for Ketchum, Idaho. “The people who were hiring, the people who were running the studios, running the shows, were dinosaurs,” the actor said in the 2013 documentary Starring Adam West. “They thought Batman was a big accident, that there was no real creative thought, expertise or art behind it. They were wrong.” He returned to voice his iconic character in such cartoons as The New Adventures of Batman, Legends of the Superheroes, SuperFriends: The Legendary Super Powers Show and The Simpsons, and Warner Bros.’ long-awaited DVD release of ABC’s Batman in 2014 brought him back into the Bat Signal’s spotlight. He was born William West Anderson in Seattle on Sept. 19, 1928, the second of two sons. His father, Otto, was a wheat farmer; his mother, Audrey, was a pianist and opera singer. West attended an all-boys high school, then graduated with a major in English literature from Whitman College. During his senior year, he worked for a local radio station, doing everything from Sunday morning religion shows to the news. He also starred in a couple of plays at the local theater. “I found that I could move an audience and I was appreciated,” he said. In the Army, West served as an announcer on American Forces Network television, then worked as the station manager at Stanford while he was a graduate student. He got a job at a McClatchy station in Sacramento, Calif., then moved to Hawaii, where he hosted a two-hour weekday show in the late 1950s with a diaper-wearing chimp named Peaches. (West said he once interviewed William Holden as the actor was passing through.) West got a contract at Warner Bros. at $150 a week and was placed in one of the studio’s TV series — Colt .45, Maverick, Hawaiian Eye, 77 Sunset Strip, Cheyenne, etc. — pretty much every week. He got his first regular TV role when he played Det. Sgt. Steve Nelson under the command of Robert Taylor on the 1959-62 ABC/NBC series The Detectives, coming aboard when that show expanded to one hour in color. After he split with Warner Bros., West showed up in such forgettable films as Geronimo (1962) starring Chuck Connors, Tammy and the Doctor (1963) with Sandra Dee and in The Three Stooges film The Outlaws Is Coming (1965) before Batman changed his life forever. He later starred in a rejected 1991 NBC pilot episode called Lookwell — written by Conan O’Brien and Robert Smigel — in which he portrayed a once-famous TV detective who thinks he can solve crimes in real life. Then came the gig on MacFarlane’s Family Guy. “I had done a pilot with Seth that he had written for me. It turned out we had the same kind of comic sensibilities and got along well,” he said in a 2012 interview. “When Family Guy came around and Seth became brilliantly successful, he decided to call me and see what I was doing. He asked if I would like to come aboard as the mayor, and I thought it would be neat to do something sort of absurd and fun.” The documentary Starring Adam West culminates with him receiving a star on The Hollywood Hall of Fame in 2012. He married Marcelle in 1970; they met when she was the wife of the Lear Jet founder and they posed for a publicity photo at Santa Monica Airport, with him in his Batman costume. (They each had two children from their previous marriages, then added a couple of their own.) When Batman was canceled, “The only thing I thought is that it would be the end of me, and it was for a bit,” he told an audience at Comic-Con in 2014. “But then I realized that what we created in the show … we created this zany, lovable world. “I look around and I see the adults — I see you grew up with me, and you believe in the adventure. I never believed this would happen, that I would be up here with illustrious people like yourselves. I’m so grateful! I’m the luckiest actor in the world, folks, to have you still hanging around.”
West como Batman, datado del año 1967-68. Durante la noche del viernes (9), , un actor estadounidense más conocido por su papel como en la serie de televisión del mismo nombre, murió a los 88 años en , indicó el portavoz de la familia. Antes de su muerte, West "luchó una corta pero valiente batalla con la leucemia", dijo su familia a través de . Los actores , y , el escritor de historietas , el creador de y el autor rindieron homenaje a Adam West a través de . Affleck y Kilmer retrataron el personaje titular en la película de Batman v de 2016 y la película de 1995 respectivamente. , quien interpretó el papel del compañero de Batman, , en la serie de televisión con West, rindió homenaje a través de la revista . , que interpretó el papel de Catwoman en el espectáculo de los años 60, rindió homenaje a través del programa de radio Newshour de la . El presidente y CEO de , , y el editor , rindieron homenaje a través del blog oficial de . Adam West, el más joven de dos hermanos, nació el 19 de septiembre de 1928 en . Su padre era agricultor de trigo y su madre era pianista y cantante de ópera. Recibió una Licenciatura en Literatura Inglesa en el Whitman College y trabajó como maestro de estación en mientras era un estudiante graduado. West trabajó en la estación de McClatchy en , , antes de trasladarse a , donde organizó un programa en la semana a finales de los años cincuenta. Él se trasladó a , California en 1959 y firmó un contrato con . Apareció en múltiples series antes de retratar al Detective y Sargento en 1959-62 en la serie de televisión, ''The Detectives'', desde el año 1961 a 1962. Su debut en las películas fue en el año 1959 en la película ''The Young Philadelphians'', protagonizada por . Antes de Batman, West apareció en muchas películas durante los años sesenta. y audicionaron para el papel de Batman, mientras que y audicionaron para el papel de Robin. La serie de Batman debutó el 12 de enero de 1966 en la red . Aunque la primera temporada fue un éxito, dos temporadas posteriores tuvieron una caída significativa en los índices de audiencia de Nielsen, y fue cancelada en marzo de 1968. Él interpretó la voz de Batman en series animadas, como en ''The New Adventures of Batman'', ''Legends of the Superheroes'', y en ''Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show''. Él también interpretó un papel hablado en un Premio de la Academia en ''Redux Riding Hood'' nominado en el año 1997. También tuvo un papel oral del en ''Family Guy'', que MacFarlane llamó una versión de "universo alternativo" de West. West se casó con Marcelle en 1970; cada uno tenía dos hijos de sus matrimonios anteriores. Después del matrimonio, la pareja tuvo dos hijos.
Iconic Batman Television Actor Passes Away At Age 88 Adam West's portrayal of Batman was a huge contribution to the Caped Crusader's status as a true pop culture icon. His work helped bring comic books into the mainstream, and encouraged a generation to discover the wonderful stories and characters that made up Batman's world through the pages of comic books like Batman and Detective Comics. "Like many others, Adam West as Batman was part of my childhood," said Geoff Johns, President & Chief Creative Officer, DC Entertainment. "Watching those reruns every day after school, Batman made reading comics that much more real for me growing up." "Batman's popularity will be forever linked with Adam West," said Jim Lee, Publisher, DC Entertainment. "He brought joy to legions of fans around the world and was the gateway for many of them to discover or in some cases rediscover their love of comic books. He'll be deeply missed." BATMAN and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics. (s14) © 1966-1968, 2014 Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation. © 2014 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved.
West como Batman, datado del año 1967-68. Durante la noche del viernes (9), , un actor estadounidense más conocido por su papel como en la serie de televisión del mismo nombre, murió a los 88 años en , indicó el portavoz de la familia. Antes de su muerte, West "luchó una corta pero valiente batalla con la leucemia", dijo su familia a través de . Los actores , y , el escritor de historietas , el creador de y el autor rindieron homenaje a Adam West a través de . Affleck y Kilmer retrataron el personaje titular en la película de Batman v de 2016 y la película de 1995 respectivamente. , quien interpretó el papel del compañero de Batman, , en la serie de televisión con West, rindió homenaje a través de la revista . , que interpretó el papel de Catwoman en el espectáculo de los años 60, rindió homenaje a través del programa de radio Newshour de la . El presidente y CEO de , , y el editor , rindieron homenaje a través del blog oficial de . Adam West, el más joven de dos hermanos, nació el 19 de septiembre de 1928 en . Su padre era agricultor de trigo y su madre era pianista y cantante de ópera. Recibió una Licenciatura en Literatura Inglesa en el Whitman College y trabajó como maestro de estación en mientras era un estudiante graduado. West trabajó en la estación de McClatchy en , , antes de trasladarse a , donde organizó un programa en la semana a finales de los años cincuenta. Él se trasladó a , California en 1959 y firmó un contrato con . Apareció en múltiples series antes de retratar al Detective y Sargento en 1959-62 en la serie de televisión, ''The Detectives'', desde el año 1961 a 1962. Su debut en las películas fue en el año 1959 en la película ''The Young Philadelphians'', protagonizada por . Antes de Batman, West apareció en muchas películas durante los años sesenta. y audicionaron para el papel de Batman, mientras que y audicionaron para el papel de Robin. La serie de Batman debutó el 12 de enero de 1966 en la red . Aunque la primera temporada fue un éxito, dos temporadas posteriores tuvieron una caída significativa en los índices de audiencia de Nielsen, y fue cancelada en marzo de 1968. Él interpretó la voz de Batman en series animadas, como en ''The New Adventures of Batman'', ''Legends of the Superheroes'', y en ''Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show''. Él también interpretó un papel hablado en un Premio de la Academia en ''Redux Riding Hood'' nominado en el año 1997. También tuvo un papel oral del en ''Family Guy'', que MacFarlane llamó una versión de "universo alternativo" de West. West se casó con Marcelle en 1970; cada uno tenía dos hijos de sus matrimonios anteriores. Después del matrimonio, la pareja tuvo dos hijos.
Image copyright Fox/Greenway/Ko/REX/Shutterstock Image caption Adam West and Burt Ward as Batman and Robin in the 1960s TV series Adam West, the US actor best known as the star of the 1960s hit TV series Batman, has died aged 88. West died peacefully in Los Angeles after a "short but brave battle" with leukaemia, a family spokesperson said. His tongue-in-cheek portrayal of Batman and the superhero's alter ego Bruce Wayne won a cult following. He later struggled to find big acting roles, but won a new generation of fans in more recent times after joining the cast of Family Guy. First appearing in season two in 2002, he voiced Quahog's eccentric Mayor Adam West, described by series creator Seth MacFarlane as an "alternate universe", satirised version of the actor. MacFarlane paid tribute to the star on Twitter, saying he had "lost a friend" and described West as "irreplaceable". Image copyright Twitter West's family said in a statement: "Our dad always saw himself as The Bright Knight, and aspired to make a positive impact on his fans' lives. He was and always will be our hero." The Batman TV series, with its onscreen fight-scene graphics of Wham! and Pow! became an unexpected hit. West and his co-star Burt Ward, who played Batman's sidekick Robin, won widespread acclaim for their kitsch portrayal of the Dynamic Duo. Catwoman mourns death of Batman Actor Julie Newmar, who played Catwoman in the series, paid tribute to West on Saturday, saying he was was "bright, witty and fun to work with". "I will miss him in the physical world and savour him always in the world of imagination and creativity," she said. Image copyright Getty Images Image caption Adam West remained closely associated with the Batman character throughout his career In a 2010 interview with the website Slice of SciFi, West said the TV series had benefitted from very good writers. "They saw the craziness, the comedy. You know, just as he's about to put her in (jail), Batman says to Catwoman, 'You give me curious stirrings in my utility belt.' That's funny stuff." When the series ended, West struggled to break free from the character, but over a long career appeared in nearly 50 films including Drop Dead Gorgeous, An American Vampire Story and Nevada Smith. Who has played Batman? Adam West -TV series (1966-68); Batman: The Movie (1966) -TV series (1966-68); Batman: The Movie (1966) Michael Keaton -Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992) -Batman (1989) and Batman Returns (1992) Val Kilmer -Batman Forever (1995) -Batman Forever (1995) George Clooney - Batman and Robin (1997) - Batman and Robin (1997) Christian Bale - Batman Begins (2005); The Dark Knight (2008); The Dark Knight Rises (2012) - Batman Begins (2005); The Dark Knight (2008); The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Ben Affleck - Batman v Superman (2016); Justice League (2017) Tributes to the actor poured in via social media following news of his death. Actor Val Kilmer, who played Batman in a later movie, tweeted: "Ah dear Adam West. He was always so kind when we met. A real gent. Once when I was a kid we found ourselves in front the Batmobile. I got in." The author Neil Gaiman tweeted: "Rest in Peace Adam West. We met once in 1987 and I was too embarrassed and too foolishly 'cool' to tell you what you meant to my childhood." Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, who worked with West, described him was "a wonderful actor and so kind". He tweeted: "I'm so lucky to have worked w/ him & tell him how much he meant to me & millions of fans." Before embarking on an acting career, West was drafted into the US Army and was an announcer for the Armed Forces Network. The US defence department tweeted a picture of West in his uniform with the message: "He was our hero long before the cape." Image copyright Twitter West was born in 1928 in Walla Walla, Washington state, and began his acting career in Hawaii in the 1950s. He is survived by his wife, Marcelle, six children, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
West como Batman, datado del año 1967-68. Durante la noche del viernes (9), , un actor estadounidense más conocido por su papel como en la serie de televisión del mismo nombre, murió a los 88 años en , indicó el portavoz de la familia. Antes de su muerte, West "luchó una corta pero valiente batalla con la leucemia", dijo su familia a través de . Los actores , y , el escritor de historietas , el creador de y el autor rindieron homenaje a Adam West a través de . Affleck y Kilmer retrataron el personaje titular en la película de Batman v de 2016 y la película de 1995 respectivamente. , quien interpretó el papel del compañero de Batman, , en la serie de televisión con West, rindió homenaje a través de la revista . , que interpretó el papel de Catwoman en el espectáculo de los años 60, rindió homenaje a través del programa de radio Newshour de la . El presidente y CEO de , , y el editor , rindieron homenaje a través del blog oficial de . Adam West, el más joven de dos hermanos, nació el 19 de septiembre de 1928 en . Su padre era agricultor de trigo y su madre era pianista y cantante de ópera. Recibió una Licenciatura en Literatura Inglesa en el Whitman College y trabajó como maestro de estación en mientras era un estudiante graduado. West trabajó en la estación de McClatchy en , , antes de trasladarse a , donde organizó un programa en la semana a finales de los años cincuenta. Él se trasladó a , California en 1959 y firmó un contrato con . Apareció en múltiples series antes de retratar al Detective y Sargento en 1959-62 en la serie de televisión, ''The Detectives'', desde el año 1961 a 1962. Su debut en las películas fue en el año 1959 en la película ''The Young Philadelphians'', protagonizada por . Antes de Batman, West apareció en muchas películas durante los años sesenta. y audicionaron para el papel de Batman, mientras que y audicionaron para el papel de Robin. La serie de Batman debutó el 12 de enero de 1966 en la red . Aunque la primera temporada fue un éxito, dos temporadas posteriores tuvieron una caída significativa en los índices de audiencia de Nielsen, y fue cancelada en marzo de 1968. Él interpretó la voz de Batman en series animadas, como en ''The New Adventures of Batman'', ''Legends of the Superheroes'', y en ''Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show''. Él también interpretó un papel hablado en un Premio de la Academia en ''Redux Riding Hood'' nominado en el año 1997. También tuvo un papel oral del en ''Family Guy'', que MacFarlane llamó una versión de "universo alternativo" de West. West se casó con Marcelle en 1970; cada uno tenía dos hijos de sus matrimonios anteriores. Después del matrimonio, la pareja tuvo dos hijos.
The American actor Adam West, who played Batman in the 1960s television series, has died. Julie Newmar who played his arch enemy Catwoman pays tribute to him. (Photo: Adam West (R) and Burt Ward (L) as Batman and Robin in the 1960s TV series. Credit: Fox/Greebway/Korex/Shutterstock)
West como Batman, datado del año 1967-68. Durante la noche del viernes (9), , un actor estadounidense más conocido por su papel como en la serie de televisión del mismo nombre, murió a los 88 años en , indicó el portavoz de la familia. Antes de su muerte, West "luchó una corta pero valiente batalla con la leucemia", dijo su familia a través de . Los actores , y , el escritor de historietas , el creador de y el autor rindieron homenaje a Adam West a través de . Affleck y Kilmer retrataron el personaje titular en la película de Batman v de 2016 y la película de 1995 respectivamente. , quien interpretó el papel del compañero de Batman, , en la serie de televisión con West, rindió homenaje a través de la revista . , que interpretó el papel de Catwoman en el espectáculo de los años 60, rindió homenaje a través del programa de radio Newshour de la . El presidente y CEO de , , y el editor , rindieron homenaje a través del blog oficial de . Adam West, el más joven de dos hermanos, nació el 19 de septiembre de 1928 en . Su padre era agricultor de trigo y su madre era pianista y cantante de ópera. Recibió una Licenciatura en Literatura Inglesa en el Whitman College y trabajó como maestro de estación en mientras era un estudiante graduado. West trabajó en la estación de McClatchy en , , antes de trasladarse a , donde organizó un programa en la semana a finales de los años cincuenta. Él se trasladó a , California en 1959 y firmó un contrato con . Apareció en múltiples series antes de retratar al Detective y Sargento en 1959-62 en la serie de televisión, ''The Detectives'', desde el año 1961 a 1962. Su debut en las películas fue en el año 1959 en la película ''The Young Philadelphians'', protagonizada por . Antes de Batman, West apareció en muchas películas durante los años sesenta. y audicionaron para el papel de Batman, mientras que y audicionaron para el papel de Robin. La serie de Batman debutó el 12 de enero de 1966 en la red . Aunque la primera temporada fue un éxito, dos temporadas posteriores tuvieron una caída significativa en los índices de audiencia de Nielsen, y fue cancelada en marzo de 1968. Él interpretó la voz de Batman en series animadas, como en ''The New Adventures of Batman'', ''Legends of the Superheroes'', y en ''Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show''. Él también interpretó un papel hablado en un Premio de la Academia en ''Redux Riding Hood'' nominado en el año 1997. También tuvo un papel oral del en ''Family Guy'', que MacFarlane llamó una versión de "universo alternativo" de West. West se casó con Marcelle en 1970; cada uno tenía dos hijos de sus matrimonios anteriores. Después del matrimonio, la pareja tuvo dos hijos.
FILE - This Jan. 13, 2003 file photo shows actor Adam West in the Hollywood area of Los Angeles. On Saturday, June 10, 2017, his family said the actor, who portrayed Batman in a 1960s TV series, has died at age 88. AP Photo/Jill Connelly Adam West, who was Batman for generations of fans, has died, according to his family. West,whose straight-faced portrayal of Batman in a 1960s TV series lifted the tight-clad Caped Crusader into the national consciousness, died Friday night at his Los Angeles home after a battle with leukemia, according to a family spokesperson. He was 88. “It’s with great sadness that we are sharing this news...Adam West passed away peacefully last night after a short but brave battle with leukemia,” a statement from his family said on West’s verified Facebook page. “He was a beloved father, husband, grandfather, and great-grandfather. There are no words to describe how much we’ll miss him,” the statement continued. “We know you’ll miss him too and we want you to know how much your love and support meant to him throughout the years. Hug your loved ones today.” Flowers will be placed on West’s star at 6764 Hollywood Blvd., in front of the Guinness Museum of World Records, at 11:30 a.m. Saturday, Hollywood Walk of Fame officials announced. He received the 2,468th star on the Walk of Fame in a 2012 ceremony. “He was bright, witty and fun to work with,” Julie Newmar, who played Catwoman to West’s Batman, said in a statement Saturday. “I will miss him in the physical world and savor him always in the world of imagination and creativity.” West played the superhero straight for kids and funny for adults. He initially chaffed at being typecast after “Batman” went off the air after three seasons, but in later years he admitted he was pleased to have had a role in kicking off a big-budget film franchise by showing the character’s wide appeal. “You get terribly typecast playing a character like that,” he told The Associated Press in a 2014 interview. “But in the overall, I’m delighted because my character became iconic and has opened a lot of doors in other ways, too.” He returned to the role in an episode of the animated “The Simpsons.” West gained newfound fame in the last two decades as the voice of Mayor Adam West on FOX’s “Family Guy.’’ “When I was a kid, Adam was my hero because of who he played,’’ Ralph Garman said at that ceremony. Garman, the entertainment reporter on KROQ-FM’s “Kevin and Bean’’ show, called West his hero. Advertisement “Adam’s Batman was everything to me. He taught me right from wrong, good versus evil and most significantly, the importance of driving a really cool car.’’ Born William West Anderson on Sept. 19, 1928, in Seattle and raised on a wheat ranch in Walla Walla, Washington, West began his career as a disc jockey and television show host. After serving in the Army, he changed his name to Adam West and arrived in Hollywood in 1959 after landing a contract with Warner Bros. He made his feature film debut that year opposite Paul Newman in “The Young Philadelphians.’’ West appeared on such television series as “Maverick’’ and “77 Sunset Strip’’ before getting his first regular series role on “The Detectives’’ in 1961. His other pre-”Batman” television credits include “Perry Mason,’” “Bewitched,” “Gunsmoke” and “Petticoat Junction.” His recent live action credits include “30 Rock” and “George Lopez.” West has made a record 156 individual screen appearances as Batman, including 120 in the live-action television series, along with several animated series. “Batman” was the role he would remain associated with throughout his life. The TV show was among the most popular in 1966, the year of its debut, and some of the era’s top actors signed on to play villains. Burgess Meredith squawked as the Penguin. Eartha Kitt purred as Catwoman. And Cesar Romero cackled as the Joker. Years later, Michael Keaton, Val Kilmer, George Clooney, Christian Bale and Ben Affleck would don Bruce Wayne’s camouflaging cape and cowl. Filmmakers Edgar Wright and Leslye Headland were among those lamenting West’s death on Twitter. “Farewell Adam West. You were MY Batman,” Wright wrote. “Such a super funny, cool, charismatic actor. Loved the show as a kid, still love the show now. POW!” Headland wrote: My childhood hero & still my favorite Batman. RIP Adam West. #pow” He was married three times, and had six children. He had homes in Los Angeles and Palm Springs, but he and his wife, Marcelle, spent most of their time at their ranch near Sun Valley, Idaho. The Associated Press and City News Service contributed to this report.
West como Batman, datado del año 1967-68. Durante la noche del viernes (9), , un actor estadounidense más conocido por su papel como en la serie de televisión del mismo nombre, murió a los 88 años en , indicó el portavoz de la familia. Antes de su muerte, West "luchó una corta pero valiente batalla con la leucemia", dijo su familia a través de . Los actores , y , el escritor de historietas , el creador de y el autor rindieron homenaje a Adam West a través de . Affleck y Kilmer retrataron el personaje titular en la película de Batman v de 2016 y la película de 1995 respectivamente. , quien interpretó el papel del compañero de Batman, , en la serie de televisión con West, rindió homenaje a través de la revista . , que interpretó el papel de Catwoman en el espectáculo de los años 60, rindió homenaje a través del programa de radio Newshour de la . El presidente y CEO de , , y el editor , rindieron homenaje a través del blog oficial de . Adam West, el más joven de dos hermanos, nació el 19 de septiembre de 1928 en . Su padre era agricultor de trigo y su madre era pianista y cantante de ópera. Recibió una Licenciatura en Literatura Inglesa en el Whitman College y trabajó como maestro de estación en mientras era un estudiante graduado. West trabajó en la estación de McClatchy en , , antes de trasladarse a , donde organizó un programa en la semana a finales de los años cincuenta. Él se trasladó a , California en 1959 y firmó un contrato con . Apareció en múltiples series antes de retratar al Detective y Sargento en 1959-62 en la serie de televisión, ''The Detectives'', desde el año 1961 a 1962. Su debut en las películas fue en el año 1959 en la película ''The Young Philadelphians'', protagonizada por . Antes de Batman, West apareció en muchas películas durante los años sesenta. y audicionaron para el papel de Batman, mientras que y audicionaron para el papel de Robin. La serie de Batman debutó el 12 de enero de 1966 en la red . Aunque la primera temporada fue un éxito, dos temporadas posteriores tuvieron una caída significativa en los índices de audiencia de Nielsen, y fue cancelada en marzo de 1968. Él interpretó la voz de Batman en series animadas, como en ''The New Adventures of Batman'', ''Legends of the Superheroes'', y en ''Super Friends: The Legendary Super Powers Show''. Él también interpretó un papel hablado en un Premio de la Academia en ''Redux Riding Hood'' nominado en el año 1997. También tuvo un papel oral del en ''Family Guy'', que MacFarlane llamó una versión de "universo alternativo" de West. West se casó con Marcelle en 1970; cada uno tenía dos hijos de sus matrimonios anteriores. Después del matrimonio, la pareja tuvo dos hijos.
Photo: PA Petros Williams, 37, murdered his son, Theo, two, and daughter, Yolanda, four, shortly after recording a “haunting” video of them laughing and waving goodbye to their mother. He chose to strangle each of them with an internet cable in a “symbolic act of punishment” against his wife, Morengoe Molemohi, who had decided to end their nine-year marriage. Afterwards he left her a sarcastic note attached to a computer in his one-bedroom flat in Whalley Range, Manchester. It read: “Mo, use the internet as much as you like. Luv Petros.” In a second note he wrote: “Sorry my lovely Yolly and Theo. I love you. Sorry mummy decided to leave us for new boyfriend". Williams, a finance officer, denied two charges of murder but was convicted by a jury at Manchester Crown Court. As he began his sentence, Mrs Molemohi, 31, said she would forever be haunted by the image of her children lying dead. “How I discovered them brings me the most fearful and distressing memories, I will never be able to wipe the image from my mind, nor forget the terrifying, desperate moments when I scrambled to help them.” She had been consumed by panic, isolation and a sense of uselessness that would never go away. “I am their mother,” she said. “I brought them into the world with the unspoken promise that I would always protect them, and at the time they needed that the most I could not be there. Andrew Thomas, QC, prosecuting, said: ''The defendant killed his two children in a spiteful and selfish reaction to the breakdown of his marriage.'' Vinny Chadwick, who investigated the murders for Greater Manchester Police, described Williams as “a cruel man who took the lives of two beautiful children”. He added: “He sought to control his wife and when she would not submit he took away those she loved most. “He has continued his cruelty throughout the trial, making false allegations about her and refusing to accept responsibility for his actions. “He will now have a long time to reflect on what he has done and hopefully feel some of the hurt he has caused to others."
Petros Williams, 37, was convicted of the murder of Yolanda Molemohi and her brother Theo, aged four and two respectively, in Manchester, England. Before the murder was committed, the marriage between Williams and his wife, Morengoe Molemohi, had broken down after nine years, with the mother subsequently visiting dating websites on the Internet to attempt to find other men. In October 2009, Williams recorded a video of his two children, entitled: "Daddy, Yolly, Theo. Byee The End"; in it he instructed them to look at the camera and declare: "We will miss you, Mummy." After recording the video, he strangled them both. He then left two notes in his apartment for his wife to see. The first note said: "Mo, use the internet as much as you like. Luv Petros." The other note read: "Sorry my lovely Yolly and Theo. I love you. Sorry mummy decided to leave us for new boyfriend." Having made her way into the accommodation, Morengoe, the mother of the two kids, found Theo and Yolanda unconscious with Petros, who was dizzy but unharmed, in his apartment on October 14, 2009. The two young children were then transported to hospital but were declared deceased shortly afterwards. In Manchester Crown Court, where the five-day trial was held, Williams pleaded not guilty to two charges of murder; he made a claim that it was Morongoe, his wife, who had committed the murders. After the hearing, the jury inside the court took 1 hour and 30 minutes to deliver the verdict of guilty on both charges. Petros Williams was then sentenced to prison for a minimum of 28 years. Judge Justice Kenneth Parker spoke to Petros as he was sentencing Williams, stating to him: "It is hard to conceive any more shocking crime than a parent deliberately taking the life of his or her child. "We saw from the video that Yolanda and Theo were happy children, full of love and laughter, with a whole lifetime ahead of them and, above all, absolute trust in their father who, for entirely selfish purposes, would end their brief lives. You remain in denial. You have simply refused to come to terms with the enormity of your deeds. You have shown not an ounce of remorse in this court. Your pity has been exclusively reserved for yourself." In a statement released, Morengoe Molemohi commented after the court trial: "I will never be able to wipe the image from my mind, nor forget the terrifying desperate moments when I scrambled to help them, to call for help from others and to do what I could for them while I waited for the emergency services to arrive. Try to imagine the panic, the isolation and the sense of uselessness in those moments, as I realised that my most precious children needed me the most and I was unable to save them."