### Instruction: Complete the statement. Iodine is (). A: a compound B: an elementary substance ### Response:
You can tell whether iodine is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of atomic symbols in its chemical formula. An atomic symbol consists of either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for iodine, I2, contains one atomic symbol: I. So, the formula tells you that iodine is composed of only one chemical element. Since iodine is composed of only one chemical element, iodine is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Krypton is (). A: an elementary substance B: a compound ### Response:
You can tell whether krypton is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of symbols in its chemical formula. A symbol contains either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for krypton is Kr. This formula contains one symbol: Kr. So, the formula tells you that krypton is made of one chemical element. Substances made of only one chemical element are elementary substances. So, krypton is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Olympic athletes are excellent role models for kids. B: The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. It can be proved by researching the history of the Olympics. The second sentence states an opinion. Olympic athletes are excellent role models for kids. Excellent shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what makes a role model excellent.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? No one in your family surfs? But I thought you said you lived in California before this. A: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other B: hasty generalization: a very broad claim based on very little evidence ### Response:
The text argues that a person from California must have a surfer in his or her family. However, even though some people in California surf, that doesn't necessarily mean that every family has a surfer. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a hasty generalization.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Mummifying a pet cat is a strange thing to do. B: Some ancient Egyptians mummified, or preserved, their pets' bodies. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Some ancient Egyptians mummified, or preserved, their pets' bodies. It can be proved by researching ancient Eyptian culture. The first sentence states an opinion. Mummifying a pet cat is a strange thing to do. Strange shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what actions are strange.
### Instruction: Suppose Bella decides to take a trip to Michigan. Which result would be a cost? A: Bella will give up the chance to go to North Dakota. She would have enjoyed a trip to North Dakota more than Michigan. B: Bella will save some money. Plane tickets for Bella to get to Michigan are less expensive than tickets to North Dakota. ### Response:
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Bella wants or needs: Bella will give up the chance to go to North Dakota. She would have enjoyed a trip to North Dakota more than Michigan.
### Instruction: Suppose Tara decides to see the vultures. Which result would be a cost? A: Tara will enjoy seeing the vultures more than she would have enjoyed seeing the alligators. B: Tara will spend more time walking to the vultures. They are on the other side of the zoo, but the alligators are close by. ### Response:
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Tara wants or needs: Tara will spend more time walking to the vultures. They are on the other side of the zoo, but the alligators are close by.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Thomas Edison's inventions are more interesting than Nikola Tesla's. B: Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Thomas Edison invented the phonograph. It can be proved by reading a biography of Thomas Edison. The first sentence states an opinion. Thomas Edison's inventions are more interesting than Nikola Tesla's. More interesting shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what makes something interesting.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? I must be cruel, only to be kind: Thus bad begins and worse remains behind. 鈥擶illiam Shakespeare, Hamlet A: euphemism B: paradox ### Response:
The text uses a paradox, a statement that might at first appear to be contradictory, but that may in fact contain some truth. Be cruel, only to be kind at first appears to be contradictory, as cruelty and kindness are opposites. However, it contains some truth: being cruel to someone in the short term may benefit him or her in the long term.
### Instruction: When was George Washington Carver born? A: the 1920s B: the 1810s C: the 1860s D: the 1770s ### Response:
George Washington Carver was born sometime between 1861 and 1865, during the Civil War. Historians do not know his exact birth date. George Washington Carver was born on a farm in Missouri. He was born into slavery, but he became free at a young age. Slavery was banned in the United States a few months after the Civil War.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. Sitting Bull was an important () leader in the 1800s. A: Mexican American B: Native American C: Japanese American D: German American ### Response:
Sitting Bull was an important Native American leader in the 1800 s. He was part of the Lakota tribe. The Lakota tribe is part of a larger group of Native Americans called the Sioux. When was Sitting Bull born? Historians don't know for sure. The Lakota didn't keep many written records. Sitting Bull guessed he was born in 1831.
### Instruction: Does this passage describe the weather or the climate? Where Lexi lives, the air pressure is usually higher in the summer than in the winter. A: climate B: weather ### Response:
Read the text carefully. Where Lexi lives, the air pressure is usually higher in the summer than in the winter. Air pressure is caused by the weight of the air in the atmosphere. When the air pressure is high, the sky is usually clear. This passage tells you about the usual pattern of air pressure where Lexi lives. It does not describe what the weather is like on a particular day. So, this passage describes the climate.
### Instruction: Which is a complex sentence? A: According to many scholars, the 1798 publication of Lyrical Ballads by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth began the romantic period in English literature. B: Celine and her mom sat on the back porch and watched as the sun sank into the horizon. ### Response:
The second sentence is the complex sentence. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction as. Celine and her mom sat on the back porch and watched as the sun sank into the horizon.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Assume that the motorcycle's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between the motorcycle and Earth () as Josiah rode up the hill. A: increased B: stayed the same C: decreased ### Response:
Think about how the distance between the motorcycle and the center of Earth changed. The top of the hill is higher than the bottom of the hill. As Josiah rode toward the top of the hill, the distance between the motorcycle and the center of Earth increased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between the motorcycle and Earth increased as Josiah rode up the hill.
### Instruction: Select the one substance that is not a rock. A: Basalt is not made by living things. It is a solid. B: Quartzite is not a pure substance. It is formed in nature. C: Soap is made by humans. It is a solid. ### Response:
Compare the properties of each substance to the properties of rocks. Select the substance whose properties do not match those of rocks. Soap is made by humans. But rocks are not made by living things. So, soap is not a rock. Basalt is a rock. Quartzite is a rock.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Of course the city is perfectly safe. Look at me鈥擨've been living here for years and I'm fine! A: hasty generalization: a very broad claim based on very little evidence B: ad hominem: a personal attack against one's opponent ### Response:
The text argues that the city is not dangerous. However, even though the speaker has never been in danger in the city, that doesn't necessarily mean that everyone in the city is always safe. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a hasty generalization.
### Instruction: What does the idiom in this text suggest? In September 2013, President Obama stated that he was on the fence about ordering a military strike against Syria. A: The president was firmly against the military strike. B: The president was undecided about the military strike. ### Response:
The text uses an idiom, an expression that cannot be understood literally. The idiom on the fence suggests that the president was undecided about the military strike. If you are on the fence, you are on neither one side nor the other. In other words, you are torn or unsure.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Brennan's recent behavior made his parents begin to see his friend Edgar as some sort of Svengali. A: literature B: modern history ### Response:
The source of the allusion Svengali is literature. In George du Maurier's novel Trilby, Svengali is a hypnotist who exerts such power over the central character that she is suddenly able to sing, which she was unable to do before. The allusion Svengali means a person with an unduly strong influence over someone else.
### Instruction: Is there a sentence fragment? In the early 1800s, John Chapman鈥攌nown today as Johnny Appleseed鈥攑lanted acres of apple trees. The apples weren't meant for eating but instead were used to make cider. A: no B: yes ### Response:
There is not a sentence fragment. These are complete sentences because they express complete thoughts. In the early 1800 s, John Chapman鈥攌nown today as Johnny Appleseed鈥攑lanted acres of apple trees. The apples weren't meant for eating but instead were used to make cider.
### Instruction: Complete the text. After losing the Battles of Saratoga, British leaders changed their plans for the war. In 1778, they decided their main goal should be to control (). A: the Southern Colonies B: the Middle Colonies C: New England D: the port of New Orleans ### Response:
In 1778, the British leaders decided their main goal should be to control the Southern Colonies. After the Battles of Saratoga, the British gave up hope of controlling New England or the Middle Colonies. The port of New Orleans was under Spanish control.
### Instruction: What does the verbal irony in this text suggest? "This is the best day of my life," Mr. Hogan mumbled after his car broke down on the way to an important job interview. A: Mr. Hogan was having a bad day. B: Mr. Hogan liked fixing cars. ### Response:
The text uses verbal irony, which involves saying one thing but implying something very different. The best day of my life ironically suggests that Mr. Hogan was having a bad day. He was having the opposite of a good day because his car broke down when he needed to be on time.
### Instruction: Suppose Eva decides to plant the tulips. Which result would be a cost? A: She will save some space. The tulips will use up less space than the hickory tree would have used up. B: Eva will give up the chance to look at the hickory tree. She thinks it would have looked more beautiful than the tulips. ### Response:
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Eva wants or needs: Eva will give up the chance to look at the hickory tree. She thinks it would have looked more beautiful than the tulips.
### Instruction: Which type of sentence is this? Aisha is a competitive horseback rider, and she will be competing in the next World Equestrian Games, which are held every four years. A: complex B: compound-complex C: simple D: compound ### Response:
The sentence is compound-complex. It is made up of two independent clauses and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the relative pronoun which. Aisha is a competitive horseback rider, and she will be competing in the next World Equestrian Games, which are held every four years.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: After Robert graduates, he plans to travel around Europe with his brother. B: Robert plans to travel around Europe with his brother after he graduates. ### Response:
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun he could refer to Robert or his brother. Robert plans to travel around Europe with his brother after he graduates. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. The text has been rewritten so that the meaning is clear. After Robert graduates, he plans to travel around Europe with his brother.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Graphite is (). A: a compound B: an elementary substance ### Response:
You can tell whether graphite is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of symbols in its chemical formula. A symbol contains either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for graphite is C. This formula contains one symbol: C for carbon. So, the formula tells you that graphite is made of one chemical element. Substances made of only one chemical element are elementary substances. So, graphite is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: What does the hyperbole in this text suggest? When you smile The whole world stops and stares for a while 鈥擝runo Mars, "Just the Way You Are" A: This person has an attention-getting smile. B: People always stare at this person's smile. ### Response:
The text uses hyperbole, an obvious exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. The hyperbole the whole world stops and stares for a while suggests that this person has an attention-getting smile. Her smile does not literally cause all the people on earth to stop in their tracks.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Volcanoes are openings in the Earth's rocky crust. B: Science classes spend too much time covering volcanoes. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. Volcanoes are openings in the Earth's rocky crust. It can be proved by reading a book about volcanoes. The second sentence states an opinion. Science classes spend too much time covering volcanoes. Too much time shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how much time is too much.
### Instruction: Suppose Emmett decides to plant the irises. Which result would be a cost? A: Emmett will give up the chance to look at the magnolia tree. He thinks it would have looked more beautiful than the irises. B: He will save some space. The irises will use up less space than the magnolia tree would have used up. ### Response:
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Emmett wants or needs: Emmett will give up the chance to look at the magnolia tree. He thinks it would have looked more beautiful than the irises.
### Instruction: What does the verbal irony in this text suggest? "Sleeping through the rooster's crowing was no problem," Brennan joked with a yawn. A: Brennan finds roosters amusing. B: Brennan slept poorly. ### Response:
The text uses verbal irony, which involves saying one thing but implying something very different. Sleeping through the rooster's crowing was no problem ironically suggests that Brennan slept poorly. Brennan was tired, so the rooster's crowing was clearly a problem.
### Instruction: Is this a run-on sentence? The octopus is often considered to be the most intelligent invertebrate and a master of disguise; it can instantly match the colors and textures of its environment to hide from predators. A: no B: yes ### Response:
This is not a run-on sentence. It is not formed from two sentences that have been run together without appropriate punctuation. The octopus is often considered to be the most intelligent invertebrate and a master of disguise; it can instantly match the colors and textures of its environment to hide from predators.
### Instruction: Which is a compound sentence? A: Madison Chock and Gracie Gold were two American figure skaters in the Sochi 2014 Olympics. B: On the ferry to Ellis Island, Eliana took a photograph, and now it's sitting in a frame on her dresser at home. ### Response:
The second sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction and. On the ferry to Ellis Island, Eliana took a photograph, and now it's sitting in a frame on her dresser at home.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? I can resist everything except temptation. 鈥擮scar Wilde, Lady Windermere's Fan A: paradox B: oxymoron ### Response:
The text uses a paradox, a statement that might at first appear to be contradictory, but that may in fact contain some truth. I can resist everything except temptation at first appears to be contradictory, as resisting something requires not giving in to temptation. However, it contains some truth: it's easy to resist doing things that are not tempting in the first place.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Ruthenium is (). A: a compound B: an elementary substance ### Response:
You can tell whether ruthenium is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of atomic symbols in its chemical formula. An atomic symbol consists of either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for ruthenium contains one atomic symbol: Ru. So, the formula tells you that ruthenium is composed of only one chemical element. Since ruthenium is composed of only one chemical element, ruthenium is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Bubble gum was first made in 1928. B: Chewing bubble gum in class is not polite. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Bubble gum was first made in 1928. It can be proved by looking up the history of bubble gum. The first sentence states an opinion. Chewing bubble gum in class is not polite. Not polite shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what is polite.
### Instruction: Is there a sentence fragment? Due to warmer winters, the population of brown tawny owls in Finland has increased dramatically. With less snow on the ground, brown owls can better blend in with the environment, evading predators. A: no B: yes ### Response:
There is not a sentence fragment. These are complete sentences because they express complete thoughts. Due to warmer winters, the population of brown tawny owls in Finland has increased dramatically. With less snow on the ground, brown owls can better blend in with the environment, evading predators.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? My sister always wears at least five pieces of jewelry, but I prefer to follow the guideline "Less is more." A: paradox B: euphemism ### Response:
The text uses a paradox, a statement that might at first appear to be contradictory, but that may in fact contain some truth. Less is more at first appears to be contradictory, since less and more are opposites. However, it contains some truth: by removing something or scaling back, you can sometimes achieve a more complete or pleasing outcome.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: Rachel used an old broom to clean up the broken glass before throwing it away. B: Rachel used an old broom to clean up the broken glass before throwing the broken glass away. ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun it could refer to the old broom or the broken glass. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. It has been replaced with the broken glass. Rachel used an old broom to clean up the broken glass before throwing the broken glass away.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: After Paul beat Aaron in tennis, he asked for a rematch. B: Aaron asked for a rematch after Paul beat him in tennis. ### Response:
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun he could refer to Paul or Aaron. After Paul beat Aaron in tennis, he asked for a rematch. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. The text has been rewritten so that the meaning is clear. Aaron asked for a rematch after Paul beat him in tennis.
### Instruction: What does the euphemism in this text suggest? These five-inch heels make the perfect accessory for vertically challenged fashionistas. A: The heels are recommended for people with good balance. B: The heels are recommended for short people. ### Response:
The text uses a euphemism, a polite or indirect expression that is used to de-emphasize an unpleasant topic. The euphemism vertically challenged suggests that the heels are recommended for short people. Vertically challenged is a playful way of referring to someone who is not very tall.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Juan Ponce de Le贸n was an important person in American history. B: Juan Ponce de Le贸n was the Spanish explorer who named Florida. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. Juan Ponce de Le贸n was the Spanish explorer who named Florida. It can be proved by reading about the history of Florida. The second sentence states an opinion. Juan Ponce de Le贸n was an important person in American history. Important shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about whether he was important in American history.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Nickel is (). A: an elementary substance B: a compound ### Response:
You can tell whether nickel is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of symbols in its chemical formula. A symbol contains either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for nickel is Ni. This formula contains one symbol: Ni. So, the formula tells you that nickel is made of one chemical element. Substances made of only one chemical element are elementary substances. So, nickel is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Brazilians spend too much time playing soccer. B: Brazil's national soccer team has won the World Cup five times. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. Brazil's national soccer team has won the World Cup five times. It can be proved by checking a list of World Cup champions. The second sentence states an opinion. Brazilians spend too much time playing soccer. Too much shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how much is too much.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: The Maori people of New Zealand have the most fascinating culture. B: The Maori people are the native people of New Zealand. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. The Maori people are the native people of New Zealand. It can be proved by reading about New Zealand. The second sentence states an opinion. The Maori people of New Zealand have the most fascinating culture. Most fascinating shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what culture is the most fascinating.
### Instruction: Which is a compound sentence? A: My pen pal and I have corresponded with each other for almost ten years, but we have never met in person. B: According to many scholars, the 1798 publication of Lyrical Ballads by Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth began the romantic period in English literature. ### Response:
The first sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction but. My pen pal and I have corresponded with each other for almost ten years, but we have never met in person.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Helium is (). A: a compound B: an elementary substance ### Response:
You can tell whether helium is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of symbols in its chemical formula. A symbol contains either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for helium is He. This formula contains one symbol: He. So, the formula tells you that helium is made of one chemical element. Substances made of only one chemical element are elementary substances. So, helium is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Assume that Anthony's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between Anthony and Earth () as he hiked toward the summit. A: increased B: decreased C: stayed the same ### Response:
Think about how the distance between Anthony and the center of Earth changed. The summit of the mountain was higher than the point where Anthony started hiking. As he hiked toward the summit, the distance between Anthony and the center of Earth increased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between Anthony and Earth increased as he hiked toward the summit.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? When I left, the kittens were all peacefully sleeping on my bed. When I returned, it was Lord of the Flies. A: literature B: the Bible ### Response:
The source of the allusion Lord of the Flies is literature. In William Golding's 1954 novel Lord of the Flies, a group of schoolboys survive a plane crash on a remote island and separate into violent, warring factions. The allusion Lord of the Flies means a barbarous rivalry.
### Instruction: What is the United States Constitution? A: a bank that prints American money B: a group that makes laws C: a government building D: a set of rules and laws ### Response:
The Constitution begins with the famous words "We the People." The United States Constitution is a set of rules and laws. All the rules and laws are part of a single document, or piece of writing. The rules and laws in the Constitution are the most important rules and laws in the United States. No laws are allowed to go against the Constitution. For that reason, the Constitution is often called "the highest law in the land."
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Copper is (). A: an elementary substance B: a compound ### Response:
You can tell whether copper is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of symbols in its chemical formula. A symbol contains either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for copper is Cu. This formula contains one symbol: Cu. So, the formula tells you that copper is made of one chemical element. Substances made of only one chemical element are elementary substances. So, copper is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. In this case, the program is a () source because it (). A: secondary . . . was made in the 2000s by historians researching African American baseball leagues B: primary . . . was made for fans at an African American league baseball game in the mid-1900s ### Response:
Keep in mind that you are trying to learn about African American baseball leagues in the mid-1900 s. In this case, the program is a primary source. It is from the time period and was used by people who participated in the historical event.
### Instruction: What does the metaphor in this text suggest? Trudy felt a roller coaster of emotions when she heard the news. A: Trudy had varied feelings. B: Trudy felt delighted about the news. ### Response:
The text uses a metaphor, comparing two things that are not actually alike without using like or as. The metaphor Trudy felt a roller coaster of emotions suggests that Trudy had varied feelings. A roller coaster has a dramatic mix of ups and downs, and so do Trudy's feelings.
### Instruction: In the 1970s, very few companies made and sold personal computers. Nobody knew if consumers would want to buy them. But when computers turned out to be popular with consumers, more companies started making and selling them. What happened to the overall supply of personal computers? A: The supply went down. B: The supply went up. ### Response:
Some of the first computer companies became successful quickly. Other companies saw that a lot of people wanted to buy personal computers. So more companies started selling them. The number of producers went up. So, the supply of personal computers went up.
### Instruction: Is this a sentence fragment? Using instruments called geophones, scientists measuring seismic waves caused by traffic to learn how urban life affects the earth. A: no B: yes ### Response:
This is a sentence fragment. It does not express a complete thought. Using instruments called geophones, scientists measuring seismic waves caused by traffic to learn how urban life affects the earth. Here is one way to fix the sentence fragment: Using instruments called geophones, scientists have been measuring seismic waves caused by traffic to learn how urban life affects the earth.
### Instruction: What does the idiom in this text suggest? If you don't mind waking up at the crack of dawn (or if you even prefer it), consider a career as a baker, a teacher, or an investment banker. A: You have to wake up at sunset. B: You have to wake up very early. ### Response:
The text uses an idiom, an expression that cannot be understood literally. The idiom at the crack of dawn suggests that you have to wake up very early. Dawn is the beginning of the day, so the idiom means very early.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Neon is (). A: a compound B: an elementary substance ### Response:
You can tell whether neon is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of symbols in its chemical formula. A symbol contains either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for neon is Ne. This formula contains one symbol: Ne. So, the formula tells you that neon is made of one chemical element. Substances made of only one chemical element are elementary substances. So, neon is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Is there a sentence fragment? Spring and fall鈥攖he best times to enjoy the lake and avoid the crowds of summer. No fees or permits are required then. A: no B: yes ### Response:
There is a sentence fragment that does not express a complete thought. Spring and fall鈥攖he best times to enjoy the lake and avoid the crowds of summer. No fees or permits are required then. Here is one way to fix the sentence fragment: Spring and fall are the best times to enjoy the lake and avoid the crowds of summer. No fees or permits are required then.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: Steven's brother Jim wondered whether he ran fast enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon. B: Steven's brother Jim wondered whether Steven ran fast enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon. ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun he could refer to Steven or Jim. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. He has been replaced with Steven. Steven's brother Jim wondered whether Steven ran fast enough to qualify for the Boston Marathon.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Michelle has no school spirit鈥攕he never comes to any of our football games. A: false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist B: ad hominem: a personal attack against one's opponent ### Response:
The text argues that Michelle doesn't have school spirit, because she doesn't go to football games. However, there may be a number of reasons why Michelle doesn't go to football games. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a false dichotomy.
### Instruction: What does the verbal irony in this text suggest? For spring allergy sufferers, the botanical garden is as pleasant as a traffic jam. A: The botanical garden is enjoyable for everyone. B: The botanical garden is unpleasant for allergy sufferers. ### Response:
The text uses verbal irony, which involves saying one thing but implying something very different. As pleasant as a traffic jam suggests that the botanical garden is unpleasant for allergy sufferers. A traffic jam is not pleasant, and neither is a place that causes allergies to flare up.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Whitney had her fifteen minutes when her video of kayaking with dolphins went viral. A: modern history B: a song ### Response:
The source of the allusion fifteen minutes is modern history. In a catalog that accompanied an exhibit of his work, pop artist Andy Warhol said, "In the future, everybody will be world-famous for fifteen minutes," meaning that fame would be briefly available even to those who did nothing spectacular. The allusion fifteen minutes means a temporary moment of celebrity status.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Oxygen is (). A: a compound B: an elementary substance ### Response:
You can tell whether oxygen is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of atomic symbols in its chemical formula. An atomic symbol consists of either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for oxygen, O2, contains one atomic symbol: O. So, the formula tells you that oxygen is composed of only one chemical element. Since oxygen is composed of only one chemical element, oxygen is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Which is a complex sentence? A: Before Janice boiled water for the spaghetti, she made a sauce with onions, garlic, and tomatoes. B: On a clear, peaceful morning at Rincon Point, Sally paddled out into the surf. ### Response:
The second sentence is the complex sentence. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction before. Before Janice boiled water for the spaghetti, she made a sauce with onions, garlic, and tomatoes.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: The United States Civil War began in 1861. B: The United States Civil War was the saddest war. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. The United States Civil War began in 1861. It can be proved by looking up the year that the United States Civil War started. The second sentence states an opinion. The United States Civil War was the saddest war. Saddest shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what makes a war sad.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. In an election, people choose their representatives and leaders by (). A: passing laws B: voting C: giving speeches D: drawing names randomly ### Response:
In an election, people choose representatives and leaders by voting. When people vote, they officially make their choice in an important decision. Each person's choice is called a vote. Votes are counted up to decide who wins the election. In the United States, people use elections to choose many of the country's most important leaders. For example, Americans vote to choose the president of the United States every four years.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: In most respects, stars are more interesting than planets. B: In terms of size and age, the Sun is an average star. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. In terms of size and age, the Sun is an average star. It can be proved by looking up information about the Sun and other stars. The second sentence states an opinion. In most respects, stars are more interesting than planets. More interesting shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about which are more interesting.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Fifteen days is a long time to celebrate a holiday. B: People in China celebrate their New Year for fifteen days. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. People in China celebrate their New Year for fifteen days. It can be proved by looking up information about the Chinese New Year. The first sentence states an opinion. Fifteen days is a long time to celebrate a holiday. Long time shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what is a long time.
### Instruction: Is this a run-on sentence? In an effort to deter counterfeiters, the central bank of Norway wanted to redesign the nation's currency and sponsored a competition to find a fresh look for the banknotes. A: no B: yes ### Response:
This is not a run-on sentence. It is not formed from two sentences that have been run together without appropriate punctuation. In an effort to deter counterfeiters, the central bank of Norway wanted to redesign the nation's currency and sponsored a competition to find a fresh look for the banknotes.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: How are they working to improve technologies that turn the sun's energy directly into electricity? B: How are scientists working to improve technologies that turn the sun's energy directly into electricity? ### Response:
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun they is used without its antecedent. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. They has been replaced with scientists. How are scientists working to improve technologies that turn the sun's energy directly into electricity?
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? If Mom didn't turn off the air conditioner, then clearly she must be too hot. A: false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist B: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good ### Response:
The text argues that Mom didn't turn off the air conditioner, because she is too hot. However, Mom may not have turned off the air conditioner for a variety of reasons. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a false dichotomy.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: The modern trumpet is an instrument made of brass. B: Music from a trumpet sounds more pleasant than music from a flute. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. The modern trumpet is an instrument made of brass. It can be proved by reading a book about music instruments. The first sentence states an opinion. Music from a trumpet sounds more pleasant than music from a flute. More pleasant shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what sounds pleasant.
### Instruction: What does the hyperbole in this text suggest? The last time Andrew cleaned his room, dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth. A: Andrew hates to clean his room. B: Andrew hasn't cleaned his room in a very long time. ### Response:
The text uses hyperbole, an obvious exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. The hyperbole dinosaurs were still roaming the Earth suggests that Andrew hasn't cleaned his room in a very long time. He did not actually clean his room millions of years ago when dinosaurs existed.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Serena Williams was too young when she started playing tennis. B: Serena Williams began playing tennis when she was four years old. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Serena Williams began playing tennis when she was four years old. It can be proved by reading a book or an article about Serena Williams. The first sentence states an opinion. Serena Williams was too young when she started playing tennis. Too young shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how young is too young.
### Instruction: When is Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States? A: on January 12 B: on the second Sunday of September C: on the fourth Thursday of November D: on December 5 ### Response:
This is a symbol of the harvest. It shows fruits and vegetables that are picked in the fall. In the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. In the past, Thanksgiving celebrated the harvest. It celebrated the food that was picked in the fall. So, Thanksgiving is celebrated in the fall, too.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: Tommy and his best friend go to the same college, but he is graduating this coming June. B: Tommy and his best friend go to the same college, but Tommy is graduating this coming June. ### Response:
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun he could refer to Tommy or his best friend. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. He has been replaced with Tommy. Tommy and his best friend go to the same college, but Tommy is graduating this coming June.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Assume that the mole's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between the mole and Earth () as the mole dug toward the surface. A: increased B: stayed the same C: decreased ### Response:
Think about how the distance between the mole and the center of Earth changed. The surface of the ground is higher than the underground burrow. As the mole dug toward the surface, the distance between the mole and the center of Earth increased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between the mole and Earth increased as the mole dug toward the surface.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: Whenever the Duncans visit Florida, they see their relatives. B: The Duncans see their relatives whenever they visit Florida. ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun they could refer to the Duncans or their relatives. The Duncans see their relatives whenever they visit Florida. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. The text has been rewritten so that the meaning is clear. Whenever the Duncans visit Florida, they see their relatives.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: The typical length of a Burmese python is sixteen to twenty-three feet. B: Parents should not allow their children to keep Burmese pythons as pets. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. It can be verified by looking up the average length of a Burmese python. The typical length of a Burmese python is sixteen to twenty-three feet. The second sentence states an opinion. Should indicates a personal judgment. Parents should not allow their children to keep Burmese pythons as pets.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? The weather forecast called for clear skies, making my grandfather look like Chicken Little. A: a song B: a fable ### Response:
The source of the allusion Chicken Little is a fable. In a well-known folktale, Chicken Little is accidentally hit by something and jumps to the conclusion that the sky is falling and that she must spread the news of imminent disaster. The allusion Chicken Little means a person who spreads alarming news of imminent disaster.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? In the mornings, working alone in the cold, I sometimes imagined myself to be trapped in a Sisyphean nightmare. A: Greek mythology B: modern history ### Response:
The source of the allusion Sisyphean is Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Sisyphus is punished by the gods with the task of eternally rolling a boulder up a hill just to watch it roll down again. The allusion Sisyphean means interminable.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Assume that the horse's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between the horse and Earth () as the horse ran toward the river. A: increased B: decreased C: stayed the same ### Response:
Think about how the distance between the horse and the center of Earth changed. The bottom of the small hill is lower than the top of the hill. As the horse ran down the hill, the distance between the horse and the center of Earth decreased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between the horse and Earth decreased as the horse ran toward the river.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Bananas taste great with melted chocolate. B: Bananas turn yellow as they become ripe. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. Bananas turn yellow as they become ripe. It can be proved by observing bananas as they ripen. The second sentence states an opinion. Bananas taste great with melted chocolate. Great shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how bananas with melted chocolate taste.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? After a long second half full of sound and fury, the soccer game concluded in a tie. A: Shakespeare B: French history ### Response:
The source of the allusion sound and fury is Shakespeare. In Shakespeare's Macbeth, when Macbeth learns that his wife has died, he laments in his grief that life is nothing more than a "meaningless tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury." The allusion sound and fury means activity that amounts to nothing.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: The Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean. B: The movie about the sinking of the Titanic is wonderful. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. The Titanic sank in the Atlantic Ocean. It can be proved by reading a history book about the Titanic. The first sentence states an opinion. The movie about the sinking of the Titanic is wonderful. Wonderful shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about whether the movie is wonderful.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? The artistic feats of the Italian Renaissance painters are seen as Promethean by most historians. A: Greek mythology B: U.S. history ### Response:
The source of the allusion Promethean is Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a Titan who stole fire from the gods and gave it to humankind. Although Prometheus was punished by the gods, humanity's future was forever changed. The allusion Promethean means boldly innovative.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: Jake went on to calculus after studying trigonometry, but he never fully comprehended calculus. B: Jake went on to calculus after studying trigonometry, but he never fully comprehended it. ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun it could refer to calculus or trigonometry. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. It has been replaced with calculus. Jake went on to calculus after studying trigonometry, but he never fully comprehended calculus.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? Milton! Thou shouldst be living at this hour England hath need of thee . . . 鈥擶illiam Wordsworth, "London, 1802" A: antithesis B: apostrophe ### Response:
The text uses apostrophe, a direct address to an absent person or a nonhuman entity. Milton! is a direct address to Milton, an absent person. (John Milton was a British poet who died in 1674, over a century before this poem was written.)
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: The number of people who commute more than an hour to work is outrageous. B: The majority of people who commute to work drive alone rather than carpool. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. It can be verified by looking up how many people drive alone and how many carpool to work. The majority of people who commute to work drive alone rather than carpool. The second sentence states an opinion. Outrageous indicates a personal judgment. The number of people who commute more than an hour to work is outrageous.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: The protesters want them to raise salaries and increase employment benefits. B: The protesters want the company's executives to raise salaries and increase employment benefits. ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun them is used without its antecedent. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. Them has been replaced with the company's executives. The protesters want the company's executives to raise salaries and increase employment benefits.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? The politician's staff decided it was time to get off the Titanic, so they left the campaign and started looking for other jobs. A: history B: a song ### Response:
The source of the allusion Titanic is history. The Titanic was a luxury steamship touted as indestructible, but in 1912, on its maiden voyage, it hit an iceberg in the Atlantic Ocean and sank. The allusion Titanic means a large project facing failure.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Will's research on nineteenth-century philosophers led him down the rabbit hole. A: literature B: the Bible ### Response:
The source of the allusion down the rabbit hole is literature. Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland tells the story of a young girl who follows a white rabbit down a rabbit hole and finds herself in a series of adventures in a surreal world. The allusion down the rabbit hole means on a strange or difficult exploration.
### Instruction: The trucks begin to move at the same speed. Which truck needs a larger force to start moving? A: a mail truck carrying 350 pounds of mail B: a mail truck carrying 500 pounds of mail ### Response:
Look for the mail truck that is heavier. A mail truck carrying 500 pounds of mail is heavier than a mail truck carrying 350 pounds of mail. So, the mail truck carrying 500 pounds needs a larger force to start moving at the same speed as the other mail truck.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Benjamin Franklin was smarter than most American presidents. B: Benjamin Franklin was never president of the United States. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. Benjamin Franklin was never president of the United States. It can be proved by looking at a list of U.S. presidents. The second sentence states an opinion. Benjamin Franklin was smarter than most American presidents. Smarter shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what makes one person smarter than another.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Peru's coast is the least interesting part of the country. B: A narrow strip of desert runs along Peru's coastline. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. A narrow strip of desert runs along Peru's coastline. It can be proved by looking up Peru's geography. The second sentence states an opinion. Peru's coast is the least interesting part of the country. Least interesting shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what is interesting.
### Instruction: Which is a complex sentence? A: Mr. Roy peeled the tangerine and divided it into sections. B: While humans may appear less hairy than many animals, we actually have about the same number of hairs on our bodies as chimpanzees. ### Response:
The first sentence is the complex sentence. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction while. While humans may appear less hairy than many animals, we actually have about the same number of hairs on our bodies as chimpanzees.
### Instruction: Which type of sentence is this? As cold weather approaches, you must protect your water pipes against freezing, or they can rupture and cause significant damage to your home. A: complex B: compound-complex C: compound D: simple ### Response:
The sentence is compound-complex. It is made up of two independent clauses and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction as. As cold weather approaches, you must protect your water pipes against freezing, or they can rupture and cause significant damage to your home.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Forced to choose between Scylla and Charybdis, Zachary threw up his hands in dismay. A: Greek mythology B: modern history ### Response:
The source of the allusion Scylla and Charybdis is Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Scylla and Charybdis were two sea monsters located on either side of a narrow strait in the Mediterranean Sea. The allusion Scylla and Charybdis means a pair of distasteful alternatives.
### Instruction: Weather forecasters expect a hot, dry summer in the parts of Africa where bananas grow. Bananas do not grow well in hot and dry weather. What will probably happen to the overall supply of bananas? A: The supply will probably go up. B: The supply will probably go down. ### Response:
Hot and dry weather makes it more difficult to grow bananas. Fewer bananas will survive the growing season, and there will be fewer bananas to sell. So, the supply of bananas will probably go down because the bananas, which are resources, are harder to get.
### Instruction: Which is a compound sentence? A: In 1900, the U.S. state with the largest population was New York. B: First, Dean planted the geraniums in a clay pot, and then he placed the pot on a sunny windowsill in his kitchen. ### Response:
The second sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction and. First, Dean planted the geraniums in a clay pot, and then he placed the pot on a sunny windowsill in his kitchen.
### Instruction: Is this a sentence fragment? Long ago, fossils were used as evidence to support mythical tales. In fact, fourth-century Chinese historian Chang Qu once mislabeled a giant dinosaur bone as that of a dragon. A: yes B: no ### Response:
This is not a sentence fragment. It is a complete sentence because it expresses a complete thought. Long ago, fossils were used as evidence to support mythical tales. In fact, fourth-century Chinese historian Chang Qu once mislabeled a giant dinosaur bone as that of a dragon.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. A () egg can grow into a seed. A: fertilized B: pollinated C: germinated ### Response:
Fertilized eggs grow into seeds. An egg cannot become a seed until after it is fertilized. After a female cone is pollinated, its eggs can be fertilized. Pollination is what happens when pollen sticks to a female cone. Eggs do not get pollinated. A seed can germinate, or begin to grow into a new plant. Eggs do not germinate.