### Instruction: Select the living thing. A: oleander tree B: paper airplane ### Response:
An oleander tree is a living thing. Oleander trees grow and respond to the world around them. They need food and water. Oleander trees are plants. They make their own food using water, carbon dioxide, and energy from sunlight. A paper airplane is not a living thing. Paper airplanes do not have all of the traits of living things. They do not grow or respond to the world around them. They do not need food or water.
### Instruction: Which job does the circulatory system do? A: It brings oxygen to cells. B: It breaks down food into small pieces. ### Response:
The circulatory system brings oxygen, nutrients, and water to cells. It also helps remove carbon dioxide waste. The circulatory system does not break down food into small pieces. This job is done by the digestive system. After the digestive system breaks down food, blood vessels in the intestines absorb the nutrients from the food. The blood then carries the nutrients to cells throughout the body.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: After Tyler explained the chemistry homework to Bob, he understood it better, too. B: After Tyler explained the chemistry homework to Bob, Tyler understood it better, too. ### Response:
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun he could refer to Tyler or Bob. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. He has been replaced with Tyler. After Tyler explained the chemistry homework to Bob, Tyler understood it better, too.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: Scott, did you ask the nurses if the flu vaccination is available yet? B: Scott, did you ask them if the flu vaccination is available yet? ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun them is used without its antecedent. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. Them has been replaced with the nurses. Scott, did you ask the nurses if the flu vaccination is available yet?
### Instruction: Suppose Tommy decides to plant the gardenias. Which result would be a cost? A: Tommy will give up the chance to look at the palm tree. He thinks it would have looked more beautiful than the gardenias. B: He will save some space. The gardenias will use up less space than the palm tree would have used up. ### Response:
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Tommy wants or needs: Tommy will give up the chance to look at the palm tree. He thinks it would have looked more beautiful than the gardenias.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? I've heard that Shawna & Co. is downsizing, so I'm happy to see that their store in downtown Greenville will remain open for now. A: hyperbole B: euphemism ### Response:
The text uses a euphemism, a polite or indirect expression that is used to de-emphasize an unpleasant topic. Downsizing is an indirect way of saying that the company is planning on firing employees, closing shops or branches, and/or reducing its budget.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Silicon is (). A: an elementary substance B: a compound ### Response:
You can tell whether silicon is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of atomic symbols in its chemical formula. An atomic symbol consists of either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for silicon contains one atomic symbol: Si. So, the formula tells you that silicon is composed of only one chemical element. Since silicon is composed of only one chemical element, silicon is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Suppose Vincent decides to take a trip to Tennessee. Which result would be a cost? A: Vincent will give up the chance to go to New York. He would have enjoyed a trip to New York more than Tennessee. B: Vincent will save some money. Plane tickets for Vincent to get to Tennessee are less expensive than tickets to New York. ### Response:
This result is a cost. It involves giving up or spending something that Vincent wants or needs: Vincent will give up the chance to go to New York. He would have enjoyed a trip to New York more than Tennessee.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Kwanzaa celebrations last one week. B: Kwanzaa is the most enjoyable holiday. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Kwanzaa celebrations last one week. It can be proved by looking up the traditions of Kwanzaa. The first sentence states an opinion. Kwanzaa is the most enjoyable holiday. Most enjoyable shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what makes a holiday enjoyable.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. Amelia Earhart was a famous (). A: artist B: athlete C: scientist D: pilot ### Response:
Amelia Earhart was a famous pilot. A pilot is a person who flies airplanes. Amelia Earhart became a pilot in the early days of airplanes. In 1903, brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright flew an airplane for the first time. Many people believe it was the first airplane flight in history. Amelia Earhart learned to fly in the 1920 s.
### Instruction: Is there a sentence fragment? At a latitude of seventy degrees north, Tromsø is Norway's northernmost city. Moreover, it is one of the best places on the planet to view the northern lights, or aurora borealis. A: no B: yes ### Response:
There is not a sentence fragment. These are complete sentences because they express complete thoughts. At a latitude of seventy degrees north, Tromsø is Norway's northernmost city. Moreover, it is one of the best places on the planet to view the northern lights, or aurora borealis.
### Instruction: Is this a run-on sentence? According to one theory, aviator Amelia Earhart may have crash landed on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean rather than crashing into the water as many historians believe. A: yes B: no ### Response:
This is not a run-on sentence. It is not formed from two sentences that have been run together without appropriate punctuation. According to one theory, aviator Amelia Earhart may have crash landed on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean rather than crashing into the water as many historians believe.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Polar bears are generally cuter than black bears. B: Black bears are generally smaller than polar bears. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Black bears are generally smaller than polar bears. It can be proved by comparing the sizes of black bears and polar bears. The first sentence states an opinion. Polar bears are generally cuter than black bears. Cuter shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what is cute.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? We don't mistrust each other because we're armed; we're armed because we mistrust each other. —President Ronald Reagan, speaking of relations between the U.S. and the Soviet Union A: chiasmus B: understatement ### Response:
The text uses chiasmus, an expression in which the second half parallels the first but reverses the order of words. The second half of the sentence reverses the order of the words mistrust and armed relative to the first half.
### Instruction: What does the metaphor in this text suggest? Kiara felt a roller coaster of emotions when she heard the news. A: Kiara found the news scary. B: Kiara had varied feelings. ### Response:
The text uses a metaphor, comparing two things that are not actually alike without using like or as. The metaphor Kiara felt a roller coaster of emotions suggests that Kiara had varied feelings. A roller coaster has a dramatic mix of ups and downs, and so do Kiara's feelings.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Fans debated whether their team would rise from the ashes. A: U.S. history B: Greek mythology ### Response:
The source of the allusion rise from the ashes is Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, a mythical bird called the phoenix lives for hundreds of years before bursting into flames at its death. However, it soon rises from its own ashes and is reborn. The allusion rise from the ashes means to come back after destruction or defeat.
### Instruction: Does this passage describe the weather or the climate? The sky is clear today. So, Erik thinks the air pressure must be high. A: weather B: climate ### Response:
Read the text carefully. The sky is clear today. So, Erik thinks the air pressure must be high. Air pressure is caused by the weight of the air in the atmosphere. When the air pressure is high, the sky is usually clear. This passage tells you about the air pressure right now where Erik is. It describes the atmosphere at a certain place and time. So, this passage describes the weather.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? The economist had been quietly publishing articles about the future of the housing market like a dutiful Cassandra. A: Greek mythology B: a poem ### Response:
The source of the allusion Cassandra is Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, Cassandra is blessed with the power of prophecy; however, she is unable to convince others of her dire predictions due to a curse from the god Apollo. The allusion Cassandra means a person who makes unheeded predictions of disaster.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? My sister takes the lion's share of the space in our closet. A: a fable B: a song ### Response:
The source of the allusion the lion's share is a fable. In one of Aesop's fables, four animals go on a hunt assuming that they will split their prize equally, but the lion, the most powerful animal, takes more than the other members of the group. The allusion the lion's share means the largest portion.
### Instruction: Select the living thing. A: walnut tree B: teddy bear ### Response:
A walnut tree is a living thing. Walnut trees grow and respond to the world around them. They need food and water. Walnut trees are plants. They make their own food using water, carbon dioxide, and energy from sunlight. A teddy bear is not a living thing. Teddy bears do not have all of the traits of living things. They do not grow or respond to the world around them. They do not need food or water.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: The American Revolution went on for too many years. B: Thousands of people were injured during the American Revolution. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. Thousands of people were injured during the American Revolution. It can be proved by researching how many people were injured during the American Revolution. The second sentence states an opinion. The American Revolution went on for too many years. Too many shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how many years is too many.
### Instruction: What does the idiom in this text suggest? "Speak of the devil!" Shelley declared when Kenji strolled into the room. A: Shelley had just been speaking about Kenji. B: Shelley thought Kenji was a troublemaker. ### Response:
The text uses an idiom, an expression that cannot be understood literally. The idiom speak of the devil suggests that Shelley had just been speaking about Kenji. People say this when the person they've just been speaking about coincidentally arrives, as if summoned.
### Instruction: What does the idiom in this text suggest? Erica has a lot on her plate: she is attending college, has a full-time job as a waitress, and volunteers at the animal shelter. A: Erica has many responsibilities. B: Erica has worked up an appetite. ### Response:
The text uses an idiom, an expression that cannot be understood literally. The idiom a lot on her plate suggests that Erica has many responsibilities. If you have a lot on your plate, you are busy with many different obligations.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Building the Great Wall of China took too long. B: It took hundreds of years to build the Great Wall of China. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. It took hundreds of years to build the Great Wall of China. It can be proved by reading about the creation of the Great Wall. The second sentence states an opinion. Building the Great Wall of China took too long. Too long shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how long is too long.
### Instruction: What does the metaphor in this text suggest? Wanda felt a roller coaster of emotions when she heard the news. A: Wanda had varied feelings. B: Wanda found the news scary. ### Response:
The text uses a metaphor, comparing two things that are not actually alike without using like or as. The metaphor Wanda felt a roller coaster of emotions suggests that Wanda had varied feelings. A roller coaster has a dramatic mix of ups and downs, and so do Wanda's feelings.
### Instruction: Which is a compound sentence? A: Mr. Duran peeled the tangerine and divided it into sections. B: Pam and her brother rummaged through the boxes in the attic, but they couldn't find their father's childhood baseball glove. ### Response:
The second sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction but. Pam and her brother rummaged through the boxes in the attic, but they couldn't find their father's childhood baseball glove.
### Instruction: What does the verbal irony in this text suggest? "It was my good luck to have to study for a test while all my friends went to the water park," Steven remarked. A: Steven was upset about staying home. B: Steven wanted time to catch up on his responsibilities. ### Response:
The text uses verbal irony, which involves saying one thing but implying something very different. Good luck ironically suggests that Steven was upset about staying home. Steven was actually unlucky because he couldn't join his friends at the water park.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Assume that the book's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between the book and Earth () as the book fell toward the ground. A: decreased B: stayed the same C: increased ### Response:
Think about how the distance between the book and the center of Earth changed. The ground is lower than the bookshelf. As the book fell toward the ground, the distance between the book and the center of Earth decreased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between the book and Earth decreased as the book fell toward the ground.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Jill thinks Mr. Hardin is a Luddite because he doesn't own a cell phone. A: the Bible B: British history ### Response:
The source of the allusion Luddite is British history. In the early nineteenth century, factories were replacing the jobs of craftsmen. Some of these craftsmen banded together to destroy the new machinery; those who did so were called Luddites. The allusion Luddite means a person opposed to new technology.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? The sandy white beaches and turquoise waters make this Gulf of Mexico location its own little utopia. A: literature B: U.S. history ### Response:
The source of the allusion utopia is literature. Beginning with Sir Thomas More in 1516, countless authors have written about perfect worlds, or "utopias," often for the purpose of criticizing the societies in which they live. The allusion utopia means an ideal place.
### Instruction: Is this a run-on sentence? First completed in 1939, the Potomac Park Levee System was installed to protect the National Mall and surrounding areas in Washington, D.C., from flooding. A: no B: yes ### Response:
This is not a run-on sentence. It is not formed from two sentences that have been run together without appropriate punctuation. First completed in 1939, the Potomac Park Levee System was installed to protect the National Mall and surrounding areas in Washington, D.C., from flooding.
### Instruction: Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin in 1793. The cotton gin is a machine that makes it easier to harvest cotton quickly. What happened to the overall supply of cotton after 1793? A: The supply went up. B: The supply went down. ### Response:
The cotton gin was a new technology that made it possible to harvest cotton much faster than before. Cotton growers were able to produce much more cotton in the same amount of time. So, the supply of cotton went up.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: As John was walking with his friend Bob, Bob tripped on the uneven sidewalk. B: As John was walking with his friend Bob, he tripped on the uneven sidewalk. ### Response:
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun he could refer to John or Bob. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. He has been replaced with Bob. As John was walking with his friend Bob, Bob tripped on the uneven sidewalk.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Spinach tastes worse than any other vegetable. B: The spinach plant is native to Asia. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. The spinach plant is native to Asia. It can be proved by looking up information about spinach. The second sentence states an opinion. Spinach tastes worse than any other vegetable. Worse shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what makes one vegetable taste worse than another.
### Instruction: Which is a complex sentence? A: The package includes some old letters from my grandma to my dad and a broken pocket watch. B: After Patty returned from the Galápagos Islands, she showed Scott and Norma pictures of all the exotic animals. ### Response:
The first sentence is the complex sentence. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction after. After Patty returned from the Galápagos Islands, she showed Scott and Norma pictures of all the exotic animals.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: Aaron bought a program for the opera without realizing that it was in Russian. B: Aaron bought a program for the opera without realizing that the program was in Russian. ### Response:
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun it could refer to the program or the opera. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. It has been replaced with the program. Aaron bought a program for the opera without realizing that the program was in Russian.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Reopening the investigation would be like opening Pandora's box. A: a song B: Greek mythology ### Response:
The source of the allusion Pandora's box is Greek mythology. In Greek mythology, the gods send Pandora a box and instruct her never to open it. Curiosity overcomes Pandora and she opens it, unleashing evil into the world. The allusion Pandora's box means a source of many problems.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Hawaii is too far from the other states. B: The state of Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. The state of Hawaii is located in the Pacific Ocean. It can be proved by finding Hawaii on a world map. The first sentence states an opinion. Hawaii is too far from the other states. Too far shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how far is too far.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Assume that Matthew's mass did not change. The gravitational potential energy stored between Matthew and Earth () as he rode the escalator. A: increased B: stayed the same C: decreased ### Response:
Think about how the distance between Matthew and the center of Earth changed. The second floor is higher than the first floor. As he rode the escalator toward the second floor, the distance between Matthew and the center of Earth increased. So, the gravitational potential energy stored between Matthew and Earth increased as he rode the escalator.
### Instruction: Select the living thing. A: coconut tree B: piano ### Response:
A coconut tree is a living thing. Coconut trees grow and respond to the world around them. They need food and water. Coconut trees are plants. They make their own food using water, carbon dioxide, and energy from sunlight. A piano is not a living thing. Pianos do not have all of the traits of living things. They do not grow or respond to the world around them. They do not need food or water.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Gold is (). A: an elementary substance B: a compound ### Response:
You can tell whether gold is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of atomic symbols in its chemical formula. An atomic symbol consists of either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for gold contains one atomic symbol: Au. So, the formula tells you that gold is composed of only one chemical element. Since gold is composed of only one chemical element, gold is an elementary substance.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? I know that I know nothing. —attributed to Socrates A: euphemism B: paradox ### Response:
The text uses a paradox, a statement that might at first appear to be contradictory, but that may in fact contain some truth. I know that I know nothing at first appears to be contradictory: by admitting that you know nothing, you admit that you must know something. However, it contains some truth: it is possible to be conscious of one's limitations.
### Instruction: Which is a complex sentence? A: In June, Lexi and Todd will graduate with honors from Yardley High School. B: Jonathan will lend us money for the tickets if we promise to repay him by the end of the year. ### Response:
The second sentence is the complex sentence. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction if. Jonathan will lend us money for the tickets if we promise to repay him by the end of the year.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? Reality leaves a lot to the imagination. —attributed to John Lennon A: euphemism B: paradox ### Response:
The text uses a paradox, a statement that might at first appear to be contradictory, but that may in fact contain some truth. Reality leaves a lot to the imagination at first appears to be contradictory, as reality and imagination are opposites. However, it contains some truth: what we see as real often employs our ability to imagine things.
### Instruction: Is this a sentence fragment? Derailed by miscommunication and a lack of funding, Evan and Jon's new business venture. A: yes B: no ### Response:
This is a sentence fragment. It does not express a complete thought. Derailed by miscommunication and a lack of funding, Evan and Jon's new business venture. Here is one way to fix the sentence fragment: Evan and Jon's new business venture has been derailed by miscommunication and a lack of funding.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: The GPS said to turn left at the fork and then continue straight for three miles. B: It said to turn left at the fork and then continue straight for three miles. ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun it is used without its antecedent. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. It has been replaced with the GPS. The GPS said to turn left at the fork and then continue straight for three miles.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? The detective spent his career chasing his white whale, a notorious bank robber who had eluded law enforcement for decades. A: literature B: a song ### Response:
The source of the allusion white whale is literature. In Herman Melville's classic novel Moby-Dick, Captain Ahab is fixated on his goal of tracking down and getting revenge on a white whale. The allusion white whale means an object of obsession.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? It was August 30, 2005. Hurricane Katrina had come and gone, the levees had been breached, and it was a bit wet in New Orleans. A: assonance B: understatement ### Response:
The text uses understatement, which involves deliberately representing something as less serious or important than it really is. It was a bit wet in New Orleans is an understatement, since nearly eighty percent of the city was under water following the hurricane.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? People the world over have always been more impressed by the power of our example than by the example of our power. —President Bill Clinton, speech at the 2008 Democratic National Convention A: apostrophe B: chiasmus ### Response:
The text uses chiasmus, an expression in which the second half parallels the first but reverses the order of words. The second half of the sentence reverses the order of the words power and example relative to the first half.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Bobby persisted despite his friends' attempts to tell him that this was a Gordian knot. A: U.S. history B: ancient legend ### Response:
The source of the allusion Gordian knot is ancient legend. According to legend, Alexander the Great used his sword to slash an intricate knot by which a chariot was tied to a pole in the city of Gordium. The allusion Gordian knot means a highly complex problem.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Yesterday's tennis match was a classic David and Goliath story, with Ryan playing against his former team captain, Ivan. A: Greek mythology B: the Bible ### Response:
The source of the allusion David and Goliath is the Bible. In the Bible, a young man named David slays Goliath, a giant and champion warrior, using nothing more than a sling and a stone. The allusion David and Goliath means involving unequal rivals.
### Instruction: Which type of sentence is this? Annual plants survive only one season and must be replaced each year, but perennials return each year with new flowers and foliage. A: complex B: simple C: compound-complex D: compound ### Response:
The sentence is compound. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction but. Annual plants survive only one season and must be replaced each year, but perennials return each year with new flowers and foliage.
### Instruction: Which is a compound sentence? A: The corridor in the basement was dark and damp, so Lauren put on a sweater and found a flashlight. B: Rosanne and her sisters drew a map of the United States and hung it on the wall. ### Response:
The first sentence is the compound sentence. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction so. The corridor in the basement was dark and damp, so Lauren put on a sweater and found a flashlight.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? Hunter remarked that the new book on anti-gravity was impossible to put down. A: alliteration B: pun ### Response:
The text uses a pun, a word or phrase that humorously suggests more than one meaning. Impossible to put down means that the book is so good that it is hard to stop reading. The phrase impossible to put down is also a joke about anti-gravity: if gravity pulls things down, perhaps anti-gravity does the opposite and makes them impossible to put down.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Mr. Floyd has a reputation as a Scrooge, so our club has stopped asking him for donations. A: the Bible B: literature ### Response:
The source of the allusion Scrooge is literature. The novella A Christmas Carol, by Charles Dickens, tells the story of the penny-pinching and bitter Ebenezer Scrooge, who values money more than people. The allusion Scrooge means a person who isn't generous.
### Instruction: Which type of sentence is this? If we can't find an inexpensive hotel for the Fourth of July weekend, we can always stay with my parents. A: compound B: simple C: compound-complex D: complex ### Response:
The sentence is complex. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the subordinating conjunction if. If we can't find an inexpensive hotel for the Fourth of July weekend, we can always stay with my parents.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? The drought is worsening, and the state politicians are fiddling while Rome burns! A: a poem B: history ### Response:
The source of the allusion fiddling while Rome burns is history. According to some accounts, the Roman emperor Nero stood by and did nothing while Rome burned. He is said to have played the fiddle while the crisis unfolded. The allusion fiddling while Rome burns means ignoring a critical situation.
### Instruction: Which sentence uses a metaphor? A: The ripe tomatoes were like small red balloons. B: The ripe tomatoes were small red balloons. ### Response:
This sentence uses a metaphor: The ripe tomatoes were small red balloons. The words tomatoes and balloons are compared without the word like or as. This sentence uses a simile: The ripe tomatoes were like small red balloons. The words tomatoes and balloons are compared using the word like.
### Instruction: Is there a sentence fragment? Even though rainbows often appear to contain a band of purple. It's just an optical illusion. A: no B: yes ### Response:
There is a sentence fragment that does not express a complete thought. Even though rainbows often appear to contain a band of purple. It's just an optical illusion. Here is one way to fix the sentence fragment: Even though rainbows often appear to contain a band of purple, it's just an optical illusion.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? The headline read: "Smart Phones Becoming Big Brother." A: literature B: a song ### Response:
The source of the allusion Big Brother is literature. George Orwell's novel 1984 focuses on a totalitarian society in which the citizens are frequently reminded that their leader, Big Brother, is always watching. The allusion Big Brother means a threatening power that monitors all aspects of people's lives.
### Instruction: Select the living thing. A: mango tree B: brick wall ### Response:
A brick wall is not a living thing. Brick walls do not have all of the traits of living things. They do not grow or respond to the world around them. They do not need food or water. A mango tree is a living thing. Mango trees grow and respond to the world around them. They need food and water. Mango trees are plants. They make their own food using water, carbon dioxide, and energy from sunlight.
### Instruction: What does the hyperbole in this text suggest? Last August, you could fry an egg on the sidewalk in Austin. A: It is no longer possible to fry an egg on the sidewalk in Austin. B: Austin was extremely hot last August. ### Response:
The text uses hyperbole, an obvious exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. The hyperbole you could fry an egg on the sidewalk suggests that Austin was extremely hot last August. You could not literally fry an egg on the sidewalk.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. Making whipped cream is a (). A: chemical change B: physical change ### Response:
Making whipped cream is a physical change. Whipped cream is a mixture of cream and air. But making a mixture does not form a different type of matter. As cream is whipped, its molecules begin to stick together. But the bonds between the atoms in the molecules do not change. Air gets trapped between the molecules in the cream. This makes the cream fluffy.
### Instruction: Is this a run-on sentence? At the Morbid Anatomy Museum in Brooklyn, students can take taxidermy workshops in which they learn how to skin and stuff dead mice. A: no B: yes ### Response:
This is not a run-on sentence. It is not formed from two sentences that have been run together without appropriate punctuation. At the Morbid Anatomy Museum in Brooklyn, students can take taxidermy workshops in which they learn how to skin and stuff dead mice.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? And if you can't be with the one you love, honey, Love the one you're with —Stephen Stills, "Love the One You're With" A: chiasmus B: anaphora ### Response:
The text uses chiasmus, an expression in which the second half parallels the first but reverses the order of words. The second half of the sentence reverses the order of the words with and love relative to the first half.
### Instruction: What does the hyperbole in this text suggest? After he finished the marathon, Jacob collapsed into a chair and declared that he could no longer move a single muscle. A: Jacob was very tired and sore. B: Jacob became paralyzed. ### Response:
The text uses hyperbole, an obvious exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. The hyperbole could no longer move a single muscle suggests that Jacob was very tired and sore. His muscles were not literally incapable of moving.
### Instruction: Which sentence uses a simile? A: The cat's silver eyes were like two shiny coins. B: The cat's silver eyes were two shiny coins. ### Response:
This sentence uses a simile: The cat's silver eyes were like two shiny coins. The words eyes and coins are compared using the word like. This sentence uses a metaphor: The cat's silver eyes were two shiny coins. The words eyes and coins are compared without the word like or as.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Troy's Falstaffian nature makes him stand out at a party. A: Greek mythology B: Shakespeare ### Response:
The source of the allusion Falstaffian is Shakespeare. Sir John Falstaff, a comical character in several of William Shakespeare's plays, is known for his cheerful sociability and sometimes off-color humor. The allusion Falstaffian means characterized by joviality and enjoyment of food and drink.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? Common sense is not so common. —attributed to Voltaire A: anaphora B: paradox ### Response:
The text uses a paradox, a statement that might at first appear to be contradictory, but that may in fact contain some truth. Common sense is not so common at first appears to be contradictory, as common sense refers to basic good judgment shared by most people. However, it contains some truth: many people do not use good sense or judgment in their actions.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Earth is the most important planet in the solar system. B: Our solar system contains eight planets. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Our solar system contains eight planets. It can be proved by checking a drawing of the solar system. The first sentence states an opinion. Earth is the most important planet in the solar system. Most important shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about which planet is the most important.
### Instruction: Select the plant. A: Cherry trees can grow white or pink flowers. B: Howler monkeys eat leaves, fruit, and nuts. ### Response:
A howler monkey is an animal. It eats leaves, fruit, and nuts. A howler monkey's tail can be longer than the rest of its body! A cherry tree is a plant. It can grow white or pink flowers. Many types of cherry trees come from Japan. Some of these trees have flowers, but no cherries!
### Instruction: Select the living thing. A: apple tree B: backpack ### Response:
An apple tree is a living thing. Apple trees grow and respond to the world around them. They need food and water. Apple trees are plants. They make their own food using water, carbon dioxide, and energy from sunlight. A backpack is not a living thing. Backpacks do not have all of the traits of living things. They do not grow or respond to the world around them. They do not need food or water.
### Instruction: Each bus takes the same amount of time to stop. Which school bus needs a larger force to come to a stop? A: a school bus carrying 700 pounds B: a school bus carrying 500 pounds ### Response:
Look for the school bus that is heavier. A school bus carrying 700 pounds is heavier than a school bus carrying 500 pounds. So, the school bus carrying 700 pounds needs a larger force to come to a stop in the same amount of time as the other bus.
### Instruction: What does the idiom in this text suggest? Cell phones once cost an arm and a leg, but today the majority of people can afford them. A: Cell phones were once very expensive. B: Cell phones once varied greatly in price. ### Response:
The text uses an idiom, an expression that cannot be understood literally. The idiom an arm and a leg suggests that cell phones were once very expensive. A part of your body would be a high price to pay, so the idiom means that something is very expensive.
### Instruction: Which type of sentence is this? Students are unhappy with the new dress code requirements, and they will be discussing their grievances at the next school board meeting. A: complex B: compound-complex C: compound D: simple ### Response:
The sentence is compound. It is made up of two independent clauses joined by the coordinating conjunction and. Students are unhappy with the new dress code requirements, and they will be discussing their grievances at the next school board meeting.
### Instruction: What does the verbal irony in this text suggest? "That fits you well," Ezra remarked after Anna's cap fell over her eyes for the tenth time. A: The cap was too big. B: The cap was a good fit. ### Response:
The text uses verbal irony, which involves saying one thing but implying something very different. Fits you well ironically suggests that the cap was too big. The cap was falling over Anna's eyes, so it didn't fit her well at all.
### Instruction: Which is the bumpiest? A: nylon shorts B: bark C: rubber ballon ### Response:
Bumpy is a property. A bumpy material is covered in lumps and bumps. It is not flat or smooth. Look at each picture, one at a time. Imagine touching the material shown in each picture. Of the choices, the bark is the bumpiest. If you could touch this tree bark, it would feel lumpy and bumpy.
### Instruction: Is this a sentence fragment? Closed to visitors since the 1960s, the prehistoric cave paintings in Lascaux, France, are between fifteen thousand and seventeen thousand years old. A: no B: yes ### Response:
This is not a sentence fragment. It is a complete sentence because it expresses a complete thought. Closed to visitors since the 1960 s, the prehistoric cave paintings in Lascaux, France, are between fifteen thousand and seventeen thousand years old.
### Instruction: Which is the softest? A: wood canoe B: styrofoam packing peanuts C: plastic ball ### Response:
Soft is a property. A soft material changes shape when pressed or squeezed. Look at each picture, one at a time. Imagine touching the material shown in each picture. Of the choices, the styrofoam packing peanuts are the softest. If you squeeze styrofoam packing peanuts, they will change shape.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? The garden was overtaken by invasive, hydra-headed hogweed plants. A: classical mythology B: the Bible ### Response:
The source of the allusion hydra-headed is classical mythology. In classical mythology, Hercules fought the Hydra, a monster with nine heads. When one head was severed, two grew in its place. The allusion hydra-headed means difficult to overcome or contain.
### Instruction: Is this a sentence fragment? Although fewer than twenty-five California condors remained in the wild in 1982, their numbers increased to more than one hundred sixty by 2014. A: no B: yes ### Response:
This is not a sentence fragment. It is a complete sentence because it expresses a complete thought. Although fewer than twenty-five California condors remained in the wild in 1982, their numbers increased to more than one hundred sixty by 2014.
### Instruction: What does the idiom in this text suggest? "Speak of the devil!" Whitney declared when Charlie strolled into the room. A: Whitney had just been speaking about Charlie. B: Whitney didn't trust Charlie. ### Response:
The text uses an idiom, an expression that cannot be understood literally. The idiom speak of the devil suggests that Whitney had just been speaking about Charlie. People say this when the person they've just been speaking about coincidentally arrives, as if summoned.
### Instruction: Does this passage describe the weather or the climate? June, July, and August are usually humid in New Orleans, Louisiana. A: climate B: weather ### Response:
Read the text carefully. June, July, and August are usually humid in New Orleans, Louisiana. Humidity is the amount of water in the air. This passage tells you about the usual summer humidity in New Orleans. It does not describe what the weather is like on a particular day. So, this passage describes the climate.
### Instruction: Which sentence uses a simile? A: Keith's eyes are bright green emeralds. B: Keith's eyes are as green as emeralds. ### Response:
This sentence uses a simile: Keith's eyes are as green as emeralds. The words eyes and emeralds are compared using the word as. This sentence uses a metaphor: Keith's eyes are bright green emeralds. The words eyes and emeralds are compared without the word like or as.
### Instruction: Select the part whose main job is to control which substances enter and leave a plant cell. A: cell membrane B: cytoplasm C: mitochondria D: vacuole ### Response:
The cell membrane is a thin layer that wraps around the cytoplasm. In a plant cell, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane. Most substances can pass through the cell wall. But when these substances reach the cell membrane, only some of them are able to enter the cell.
### Instruction: What does the idiom in this text suggest? "Speak of the devil!" Rachel declared when Felix strolled into the room. A: Rachel had just been speaking about Felix. B: Rachel didn't trust Felix. ### Response:
The text uses an idiom, an expression that cannot be understood literally. The idiom speak of the devil suggests that Rachel had just been speaking about Felix. People say this when the person they've just been speaking about coincidentally arrives, as if summoned.
### Instruction: Select the plant. A: Redwood trees have small leaves. B: Howler monkeys eat leaves, fruit, and nuts. ### Response:
A redwood tree is a plant. It has small leaves. Redwood trees have fuzzy reddish-brown bark. Their bark helps protect redwood trees from fires. A howler monkey is an animal. It eats leaves, fruit, and nuts. A howler monkey's tail can be longer than the rest of its body!
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. Paul Revere played an important role in (). A: the American Revolution B: the Mayflower voyage C: the Civil War D: World War II ### Response:
Paul Revere played an important role in the American Revolution. The American Revolution took place between 1765 and 1783. Americans fought the revolution to win freedom from Great Britain. Men and women who fought for freedom from British rule were called Patriots. Paul Revere was one of the most famous Patriots.
### Instruction: Does this passage describe the weather or the climate? Between June and December in the Philippines, up to 27 centimeters of rain can fall each month. A: weather B: climate ### Response:
Read the text carefully. Between June and December in the Philippines, up to 27 centimeters of rain can fall each month. This passage tells you about the usual precipitation in the Philippines. It does not describe what the weather is like on a particular day. So, this passage describes the climate.
### Instruction: Select the plant. A: Dung beetles walk and run. B: Strawberry bushes have green leaves. ### Response:
A strawberry bush is a plant. It has green leaves. The type of strawberries most people eat today were first grown in the 1750 s. A dung beetle is an animal. It walks and runs. Dung beetles eat animal waste, which is called dung. They roll the dung into balls to store for later.
### Instruction: What does the verbal irony in this text suggest? "Someone had better turn on the heat," Isabelle said, sweat glistening on her face. A: The temperature was too warm. B: The temperature was just right. ### Response:
The text uses verbal irony, which involves saying one thing but implying something very different. Someone had better turn on the heat ironically suggests that the temperature was too warm. Isabelle did not think that more heat was needed; she was already sweating.
### Instruction: Which type of sentence is this? Leonardo da Vinci, who was a renowned painter and sculptor, was also an inventor and scientist. A: compound B: complex C: compound-complex D: simple ### Response:
The sentence is complex. It is made up of an independent clause and a dependent clause. The dependent clause begins with the relative pronoun who. Leonardo da Vinci, who was a renowned painter and sculptor, was also an inventor and scientist.
### Instruction: Select the animal. A: Basil has green leaves. B: Grizzly bears walk and run. ### Response:
Basil is a plant. It has green leaves. Basil leaves are used in cooking. A grizzly bear is an animal. It walks and runs. Adult grizzly bears can weigh between 300 and 800 pounds. But when a grizzly bear cub is born, it only weighs about one pound!
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Evergreen trees keep their needles in winter. B: Trees that have needles are ugly. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. Evergreen trees keep their needles in winter. It can be proved by observing evergreen trees in winter. The second sentence states an opinion. Trees that have needles are ugly. Ugly shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about which trees are ugly.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. An igneous rock becoming a metamorphic rock is a (). A: physical change B: chemical change ### Response:
An igneous rock becoming a metamorphic rock is a chemical change. Over millions of years, heat and pressure can break the chemical bonds in the molecules of the igneous rock. When this happens, a new rock with different molecules is formed. The metamorphic rock is made up of a different type of matter than the igneous rock.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. Mixing copper and zinc to make brass is a (). A: physical change B: chemical change ### Response:
Mixing copper and zinc to make brass is a physical change. To make brass, a furnace melts the copper and zinc so that they can be mixed easily. Solid brass forms when the mixture cools. The copper and zinc are now combined as brass. But they are still made of the same types of matter as before.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: A triangle is a shape with three sides. B: Triangles are harder to draw than rectangles. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. A triangle is a shape with three sides. It can be proved by looking up the word triangle. The first sentence states an opinion. Triangles are harder to draw than rectangles. Harder shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about which shape is harder to draw.
### Instruction: Does this passage describe the weather or the climate? Topeka, Kansas, is located in an open prairie. So, it is windy all year long. A: weather B: climate ### Response:
Read the text carefully. Topeka, Kansas, is located in an open prairie. So, it is windy all year long. This passage tells you about the usual wind pattern in Topeka. It does not describe what the weather is like on a particular day. So, this passage describes the climate.
### Instruction: Which figure of speech is used in this text? "This box weighs a ton!" Martin panted. "Carly, would you mind helping me carry it up the stairs?" A: understatement B: hyperbole ### Response:
The text uses hyperbole, an obvious exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. A ton is an exaggeration, since it would be impossible for one or two people to carry a box that weighed a ton, or 2000 pounds.
### Instruction: What does the idiom in this text suggest? Molly submitted her suggestions to Eddie; now the ball is in his court. A: Eddie feels like playing or relaxing, not working. B: Eddie needs to act next. ### Response:
The text uses an idiom, an expression that cannot be understood literally. The idiom the ball is in his court suggests that Eddie needs to act next. In tennis, when the ball is in a player's court, it is that person's turn.