### Instruction: Select the vertebrate. A: mole B: hissing cockroach C: fly D: grasshopper ### Response:
A fly is an insect. Like other insects, a fly is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A grasshopper is an insect. Like other insects, a grasshopper is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A mole is a mammal. Like other mammals, a mole is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A hissing cockroach is an insect. Like other insects, a hissing cockroach is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton.
### Instruction: Is this a sentence fragment? By the time the Guerra Bianca, or White War, ended in 1917, Italian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers fighting for three years in extreme conditions at altitudes of up to twelve thousand feet. A: no B: yes ### Response:
This is a sentence fragment. It does not express a complete thought. By the time the Guerra Bianca, or White War, ended in 1917, Italian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers fighting for three years in extreme conditions at altitudes of up to twelve thousand feet. Here is one way to fix the sentence fragment: By the time the Guerra Bianca, or White War, ended in 1917, Italian and Austro-Hungarian soldiers had been fighting for three years in extreme conditions at altitudes of up to twelve thousand feet.
### Instruction: Select the vertebrate. A: ladybug B: earthworm C: mosquito D: rainbow trout ### Response:
A mosquito is an insect. Like other insects, a mosquito is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A ladybug is an insect. Like other insects, a ladybug is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. An earthworm is a worm. Like other worms, an earthworm is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has a soft body. A rainbow trout is a fish. Like other fish, a rainbow trout is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Mayor Preston wants to create more bicycle lanes in Bloomington. However, many citizens of Bloomington live far from work. It would not be realistic to force us to give up our cars and bike everywhere. A: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good B: straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against C: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something ### Response:
The text argues that Mayor Preston wants people to give up their cars. However, this misrepresents Mayor Preston's argument. Mayor Preston only wants to create more bike lanes. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a straw man.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? My opponent argues that we should abolish the soda tax. It's a shame that he wants to encourage people to eat and drink unhealthily. I say we keep it. A: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good B: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something C: straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against ### Response:
The text argues that the speaker's opponent wants to encourage unhealthy habits. However, this misrepresents the opponent's argument. The speaker's opponent only wants to remove the soda tax. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a straw man.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? My favorite band signed with this huge record label, and then their next album was terrible. Basically, signing with a big label ruined their music. A: circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself B: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good C: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other ### Response:
The text argues that the band's music was ruined because they signed with a big record label. However, this isn't necessarily true. For instance, the causation could go the other way: the band's music changed, which led to a big record label signing them. In this case, the change in the music came first. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as false causation.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? We can't let Governor Merritt impose regulations on gas-guzzling cars! Soon enough, he'll start trying to ban all cars! A: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences B: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good C: ad hominem: an attack against the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself ### Response:
The text argues that banning cars with low fuel efficiency would lead to a ban on all cars. However, this argument offers only an extreme outcome and ignores other possible outcomes. For instance, the law may be limited to cars with low fuel efficiency. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the slippery slope fallacy.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? If you have any doubts that Nick Hardin is the ideal candidate, just look at how many people have come out to vote for him. A: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct B: straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against C: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something ### Response:
The text argues that Nick Hardin is the ideal candidate because so many people turned out to vote for him. However, just because many people voted for Nick Hardin, it doesn't necessarily mean he is the ideal candidate. He could be a popular candidate for other reasons. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the bandwagon fallacy.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? I've heard that fast food can lead to health problems, but I don't believe it. My grandpa ate fast food every day of his adult life, and he lived to be ninety-one. A: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good B: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences C: hasty generalization: a broad claim based on too few observations ### Response:
The text argues that fast food must not lead to health problems because the speaker's grandfather ate fast food every day and lived to ninety-one. However, one person's experience doesn't disprove a general pattern. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a hasty generalization.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Jeff Kinney worked on Diary of a Wimpy Kid for six years before publishing it online. B: Cartoonist Jeff Kinney's book Diary of a Wimpy Kid deserves all of the praise it has received. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. Jeff Kinney worked on Diary of a Wimpy Kid for six years before publishing it online. It can be proved by reading a biography of Jeff Kinney. The second sentence states an opinion. Cartoonist Jeff Kinney's book Diary of a Wimpy Kid deserves all of the praise it has received. Deserves shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about how much praise Diary of a Wimpy Kid deserves.
### Instruction: Select the animal. A: Aloe vera has spiny leaves. B: Hummingbirds walk and fly. C: Mango trees have many leaves. D: Giant water lilies can grow big flowers. ### Response:
Aloe vera is a plant. It has spiny leaves. Aloe vera leaves contain a watery liquid. People use this liquid in lotion and medicine. A mango tree is a plant. It has many green leaves. Mango trees can grow to over 100 feet tall! A hummingbird is an animal. It walks and flies. A hummingbird can fly backwards and upside-down! A giant water lily is a plant. It can grow big flowers. Giant water lilies grow in the Amazon river in South America.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? I understand that you had a medical emergency, but I still cannot accept late homework. If I make an exception for you, I'll have to make exceptions for everybody. A: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences B: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct C: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other ### Response:
The text argues that making an exception for one student because of a medical emergency will lead to making exceptions for all students. However, making an exception for a particular situation does not mean the teacher must make exceptions for all situations. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the slippery slope fallacy.
### Instruction: Select the invertebrate. A: piranha B: West African rubber frog C: tiger D: peacock butterfly ### Response:
A tiger is a mammal. Like other mammals, a tiger is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A piranha is a fish. Like other fish, a piranha is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A peacock butterfly is an insect. Like other insects, a peacock butterfly is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A West African rubber frog is an amphibian. Like other amphibians, a West African rubber frog is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
### Instruction: What does this Works Cited entry indicate about the cited work? "Mango Nutrition." National Mango Board, 2014. Web. 10 May 2015. A: It is an email. B: It was accessed on May 10, 2015. C: It was published by Mango Nutrition. ### Response:
Look closely at the Works Cited entry: "Mango Nutrition." National Mango Board, 2014. Web. 10 May 2015. You can tell that the cited work was accessed on May 10, 2000, by looking at the date of access, which appears after the medium of publication.
### Instruction: Select the invertebrate. A: castor bean tick B: zebra dove C: Solomon leaf frog D: harvest mouse ### Response:
A zebra dove is a bird. Like other birds, a zebra dove is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A harvest mouse is a mammal. Like other mammals, a harvest mouse is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A Solomon leaf frog is an amphibian. Like other amphibians, a Solomon leaf frog is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A castor bean tick is an insect. Like other insects, a castor bean tick is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: During the Civil War, Frederick Douglass spoke to President Abraham Lincoln about the treatment of African American soldiers. B: Of all those who fought to put an end to slavery in America, the writer and abolitionist Frederick Douglass had the greatest influence. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. During the Civil War, Frederick Douglass spoke to President Abraham Lincoln about the treatment of African American soldiers. It can be proved by reading Frederick Douglass's autobiography. The first sentence states an opinion. Of all those who fought to put an end to slavery in America, the writer and abolitionist Frederick Douglass had the greatest influence. Most influential shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about which abolitionist had the greatest influence.
### Instruction: Select the invertebrate. A: black howler B: red-eyed tree frog C: painted stork D: yellow jacket ### Response:
A yellow jacket is an insect. Like other insects, a yellow jacket is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A black howler is a mammal. Like other mammals, a black howler is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A red-eyed tree frog is an amphibian. Like other amphibians, a red-eyed tree frog is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A painted stork is a bird. Like other birds, a painted stork is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: The Chens' car has a dent in the bumper, but otherwise their car looks just like the Duncans'. B: The Chens' car looks just like the Duncans', but theirs has a dent in the bumper. ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun theirs could refer to the Chens' or the Duncans'. The Chens' car looks just like the Duncans', but theirs has a dent in the bumper. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. The text has been rewritten so that the meaning is clear. The Chens' car has a dent in the bumper, but otherwise their car looks just like the Duncans'.
### Instruction: What does the hyperbole in this text suggest? At that time Bogotá was a remote, lugubrious city where an insomniac rain had been falling since the beginning of the 16th century. —Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Living to Tell the Tale, translated by Edith Grossman A: It rained in Bogotá for hundreds of years. B: It rained frequently and for long periods of time in Bogotá. ### Response:
The text uses hyperbole, an obvious exaggeration that is not meant to be taken literally. The hyperbole an insomniac rain had been falling since the beginning of the 16 th century suggests that it rained frequently and for long periods of time in Bogotá. It was not literally raining non-stop for centuries.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. Cesar Chavez came from () family. A: an African American B: a Mexican American C: a Chinese American D: a French American ### Response:
Cesar Chavez came from a Mexican American family: His father's parents were from Mexico. They moved to the United States in 1880. Cesar Chavez's father was born in Arizona. Cesar Chavez's mother was born in Mexico. She and her family moved to Arizona when she was six months old. Cesar Chavez was born in the United States in 1927. During Cesar Chavez's life, he and many other Mexican American people were treated unfairly because of their heritage. Cesar Chavez worked to fight this unequal treatment.
### Instruction: Select the plant. A: Moles eat insects and worms. B: Snowy owls eat small animals. C: Almond trees can grow many small flowers. D: Manatees swim underwater. ### Response:
An almond tree is a plant. It can grow many small flowers. Almonds were first grown by people living near the Mediterranean Sea. A snowy owl is an animal. It eats small animals. Snowy owls live in cold places. Snowy owls have feathers on their feet to protect them from the cold. A mole is an animal. It eats insects and worms. Moles live mostly underground. A manatee is an animal. It swims underwater. Manatees eat plants that live underwater.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Mom, of course you can trust me to stay home alone while you go out of town. I mean, did you raise a good kid, or one who can't be trusted? A: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good B: false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist C: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences ### Response:
The text argues that the speaker's mom raised either a good child or one who can't be trusted. However, it's not a black-and-white situation. For instance, a good kid can still make mistakes. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a false dichotomy.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Sure, you were only two minutes late for work today—but next week it will be ten minutes, and eventually half an hour. That's not acceptable. A: straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against B: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something C: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences ### Response:
The text argues that showing up to work two minutes late will lead to showing up even later in the coming weeks. However, this isn't necessarily true. This argument offers only one extreme and unlikely outcome. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the slippery slope fallacy.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Two of my best friends are really introverted, shy people, and they both have cats. That leads to me believe that most cat lovers are really shy. A: ad hominem: an attack against the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself B: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something C: hasty generalization: a broad claim based on too few observations ### Response:
The text argues that cat lovers are shy because two of the speaker's friends own cats and are shy. However, this isn't necessarily true. Two observations are not usually enough to draw a conclusion about a much bigger group of people. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a hasty generalization.
### Instruction: What does this Works Cited entry indicate about the cited work? Sherwood, Chris. "How Do Teenagers Build Credit?" eHow. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2015. A: It was published on February 24, 2015. B: It doesn't have a date of publication. C: eHow is the publisher. ### Response:
Look closely at the Works Cited entry: Sherwood, Chris. "How Do Teenagers Build Credit?" eHow. Demand Media, n.d. Web. 24 Feb. 2015. You can tell that the cited work has no available publication date because the entry contains the abbreviation n.d., which means no date of publication.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Never lend money to your friends. Before long, they'll start treating you like an ATM. A: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences B: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something C: circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself ### Response:
The text argues that lending money to your friends will lead to constant demands for money. However, this argument offers only an extreme outcome and ignores other possible outcomes. For instance, you may lend money to a friend in a special circumstance without it changing your other friends' behavior. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the slippery slope fallacy.
### Instruction: Select the vertebrate. A: panda B: golden orb-weaver C: weaver ant D: atlas moth ### Response:
Like other spiders, a golden orb-weaver is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A weaver ant is an insect. Like other insects, a weaver ant is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. An atlas moth is an insect. Like other insects, an atlas moth is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A panda is a mammal. Like other mammals, a panda is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
### Instruction: Select the invertebrate. A: robin B: echidna C: western rattlesnake D: dung beetle ### Response:
A western rattlesnake is a reptile. Like other reptiles, a western rattlesnake is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A dung beetle is an insect. Like other insects, a dung beetle is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. An echidna is a mammal. Like other mammals, an echidna is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A robin is a bird. Like other birds, a robin is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
### Instruction: Assume all other forces on Madelyn are balanced. Which statement describes the forces on Madelyn? A: The forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Madelyn. B: The forces are balanced, so there is no net force on Madelyn. ### Response:
To determine if there is a net force on Madelyn, look at the forces: Earth's gravity is pulling Madelyn down with a force of 600 N. The seat of the cart is pushing Madelyn up with a force of 1,200 N. The forces are in opposite directions, and the forces have different magnitudes: 600 N and 1,200 N. This means that the forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Madelyn.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Mia Hamm was the most impressive soccer player in the history of the United States Women's National Team. B: Mia Hamm helped her soccer team at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill win four NCAA titles. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Mia Hamm helped her soccer team at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill win four NCAA titles. It can be proved by reading a biography of Mia Hamm. The first sentence states an opinion. Mia Hamm was the most impressive soccer player in the history of the United States Women's National Team. Most impressive shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about which player in the team's history is the most impressive.
### Instruction: What does this Works Cited entry indicate about the cited work? "Sid Fernandez Calls It Quits After 14 Years." The Seattle Times 2 Aug. 1997: n. pag. Web. 10 July 2000. A: It was accessed on August 2, 1997. B: It was written by Sid Fernandez. C: The Seattle Times is the newspaper. ### Response:
Look closely at the Works Cited entry: "Sid Fernandez Calls It Quits After 14 Years." The Seattle Times 2 Aug. 1997: n. pag. Web. 10 July 2000. You can tell that The Seattle Times is the name of the newspaper because it appears in italics.
### Instruction: Select the gas. A: marbles B: air inside a beach ball C: pipe cleaner D: baseball cap ### Response:
A baseball cap is a solid. A solid has a size and shape of its own. If you put a baseball cap on your head, the baseball cap will still have a size and shape of its own. A pipe cleaner is a solid. You can easily bend a pipe cleaner. But it will still have a size and shape of its own. A marble is a solid. A solid has a size and shape of its own. A marble can be made of clear or colored glass. The air inside a beach ball is a gas. A gas expands to fill a space. The air fills all the space inside the beach ball. If air leaks out, it will expand into the space around the ball.
### Instruction: Select the one substance that is not a mineral. A: Halite is not made by living things. It is a solid. B: A computer processor is made in a factory. It is not a pure substance. C: Potassium feldspar is a solid. It is a pure substance. ### Response:
Compare the properties of each substance to the properties of minerals. Select the substance whose properties do not match those of minerals. A computer processor is made in a factory. But all minerals are formed in nature. A computer processor is not a pure substance. But all minerals are pure substances. So, a computer processor is not a mineral. Halite is a mineral. Potassium feldspar is a mineral.
### Instruction: Select the vertebrate. A: redback spider B: common octopus C: birdwing butterfly D: asp viper ### Response:
Like other octopuses, a common octopus is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has a soft body. Like other spiders, a redback spider is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A birdwing butterfly is an insect. Like other insects, a birdwing butterfly is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. An asp viper is a reptile. Like other reptiles, an asp viper is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
### Instruction: Is this a run-on sentence? When a dog wags its tail, it doesn't always mean the dog is happy or friendly, a wag that is slow and restrained may convey a warning to "back off." A: yes B: no ### Response:
This is a run-on sentence. It is a comma splice formed from two sentences run together, joined by just a comma. When a dog wags its tail, it doesn't always mean the dog is happy or friendly, a wag that is slow and restrained may convey a warning to "back off." Here is one way to fix the run-on sentence: When a dog wags its tail, it doesn't always mean the dog is happy or friendly. A wag that is slow and restrained may convey a warning to "back off."
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: Mrs. Griffith was overjoyed when she saw her granddaughter for the first time in two years. B: When Mrs. Griffith saw her granddaughter for the first time in two years, she was overjoyed. ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun she could refer to Mrs. Griffith or her granddaughter. When Mrs. Griffith saw her granddaughter for the first time in two years, she was overjoyed. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. The text has been rewritten so that the meaning is clear. Mrs. Griffith was overjoyed when she saw her granddaughter for the first time in two years.
### Instruction: Select the vertebrate. A: bumble bee B: orb weaver C: earthworm D: penguin ### Response:
A penguin is a bird. Like other birds, a penguin is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. Like other spiders, an orb weaver is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. An earthworm is a worm. Like other worms, an earthworm is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has a soft body. A bumble bee is an insect. Like other insects, a bumble bee is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Ms. Gordon has suggested that our schools let students take statistics instead of algebra to graduate. Frankly, it is puzzling to me that she thinks algebra is a useless subject. A: circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself B: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good C: straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against ### Response:
The text argues that Ms. Gordon thinks algebra is useless because she would let students take statistics instead. However, Ms. Gordon only claimed that students should be allowed to take statistics instead of algebra. She did not suggest that algebra is a useless subject. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a straw man.
### Instruction: Select the plant. A: Bald eagles walk and fly. B: Honey bees walk and fly. C: Ginkgo trees have flat leaves. D: Manatees swim underwater. ### Response:
A ginkgo tree is a plant. It has flat leaves. Ginkgo trees are from China. They can grow in cold places. A bald eagle is an animal. It walks and flies. Bald eagles live in trees near water. They eat mostly fish. A manatee is an animal. It swims underwater. Manatees eat plants that live underwater. A honey bee is an animal. It walks and flies. A honey bee is an insect. Honey bees live in large groups called colonies.
### Instruction: People still debate economic policy today. Based on the definition above, which of the following is a question about economic policy? A: Should a panda be considered a bear? B: Who should have the right to vote? C: Should students raise their hands before answering? D: Should the government raise taxes to build roads? ### Response:
Look at the underlined part of the definition. Economic policy is the set of decisions the government makes about how to get and use money and resources. It also includes rules about how people and businesses can use resources, produce goods, and earn or spend money. Based on that definition, this choice is correct: Should the government raise taxes to build roads? This question is about how the government should collect and spend money, so it is a question about economic policy.
### Instruction: Select the invertebrate. A: diving beetle B: blue jay C: harvest mouse D: komodo dragon ### Response:
A diving beetle is an insect. Like other insects, a diving beetle is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A harvest mouse is a mammal. Like other mammals, a harvest mouse is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A blue jay is a bird. Like other birds, a blue jay is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A komodo dragon is a reptile. Like other reptiles, a komodo dragon is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: The city of Dubrovnik, Croatia, located nearly 250 miles from the capital city of Zagreb, is better to visit during the summer festival season. B: The city of Dubrovnik, Croatia, once had the third-largest navy in the Mediterranean. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. It can be verified by looking up the history of the largest naval forces in the Mediterranean. The city of Dubrovnik, Croatia, once had the third-largest navy in the Mediterranean. The second sentence states an opinion. Better indicates a personal judgment. The city of Dubrovnik, Croatia, located nearly 250 miles from the capital city of Zagreb, is better to visit during the summer festival season.
### Instruction: Which text uses the word unique in its traditional sense? A: Reid bought his unique coffee table from a factory outlet store in Oakdale. B: Reid custom ordered his unique coffee table from a master craftsman in Oakdale. ### Response:
The first text uses unique in its traditional sense: being the only one of its kind. Reid custom ordered his unique coffee table from a master craftsman in Oakdale. The second text uses unique in its nontraditional sense: interesting or unusual. Reid's coffee table is an interesting style, but it was made in a factory and is probably not actually one of a kind. Reid bought his unique coffee table from a factory outlet store in Oakdale. Most style guides recommend to use the traditional sense of the word unique because it is considered more standard.
### Instruction: Complete the sentence. In this chemical reaction, zinc is a (). A: reactant B: product ### Response:
Read the underlined text carefully. Look for information about what happens to zinc in this chemical reaction. Many watches are powered by small, flat batteries called button cells. One common type of button cell contains the metal zinc. When zinc in the battery combines with oxygen in the air, zinc oxide forms. This process generates the electricity that powers the watch. The underlined text tells you that when zinc and oxygen combine, zinc oxide is formed. When zinc and oxygen react, or go through a chemical change, their atoms are rearranged to form zinc oxide. Because zinc reacts in this chemical reaction, zinc is a reactant.
### Instruction: Use the evidence in the text to select the photosynthetic organism. A: Mossy frogs get the energy they need to live by eating insects. The frogs capture insects with their tongues. B: Sphagnum mosses get the energy they need to live from sugars. The mosses make these sugars from carbon dioxide and water. ### Response:
This organism is photosynthetic: The text tells you that Sphagnum mosses get energy from the sugars they make using carbon dioxide and water. This is evidence that the Sphagnum moss is a photosynthetic organism. This organism is not photosynthetic: The text does not provide evidence that the mossy frog is photosynthetic.
### Instruction: What does this Works Cited entry indicate about the cited work? White, Julia. "In My Proud Moments." Spread My Soul. Ed. L. Noel Harvey. Santa Fe: Inhstudio, 2002. 38. Print. A: It has two authors. B: It is an online source. C: It was published in Santa Fe. ### Response:
Look closely at the Works Cited entry: White, Julia. "In My Proud Moments." Spread My Soul. Ed. L. Noel Harvey. Santa Fe: Inhstudio, 2002. 38. Print. You can tell that the cited work was published in Santa Fe by looking at the place of publication, which appears before the publisher name.
### Instruction: Select the one substance that is not a mineral. A: Molasses is not a pure substance. It is made in a factory. B: Magnetite is a pure substance. It is not made by living things. C: Hematite is not made by living things. It is a solid. ### Response:
Compare the properties of each substance to the properties of minerals. Select the substance whose properties do not match those of minerals. Molasses is made in a factory. But all minerals are formed in nature. Molasses is not a pure substance. But all minerals are pure substances. So, molasses is not a mineral. Magnetite is a mineral. Hematite is a mineral.
### Instruction: Select the invertebrate. A: lionfish B: penguin C: julia butterfly D: grizzly bear ### Response:
A lionfish is a fish. Like other fish, a lionfish is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A penguin is a bird. Like other birds, a penguin is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A grizzly bear is a mammal. Like other mammals, a grizzly bear is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A julia butterfly is an insect. Like other insects, a julia butterfly is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: As Eva entered the harbor, her sailboat bumped into the old wooden pier; she was relieved that it didn't sustain any damage. B: As Eva entered the harbor, her sailboat bumped into the old wooden pier; she was relieved that the boat didn't sustain any damage. ### Response:
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun it could refer to the sailboat or the old wooden pier. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. It has been replaced with the boat. As Eva entered the harbor, her sailboat bumped into the old wooden pier; she was relieved that the boat didn't sustain any damage.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? The school requires us to be on time. If you can't even obey this rule, then what's to stop you from doing something worse, like stealing? A: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences B: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good C: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct ### Response:
The text argues that being late to school will lead to becoming a thief. However, this argument wrongly suggests that the inability to follow a rule about being on time to school will necessarily lead to the breaking of other rules. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the slippery slope fallacy.
### Instruction: Compare the motion of three blue jays. Which blue jay was moving at the highest speed? A: a blue jay that moved 385kilometers south in 10hours B: a blue jay that moved 310kilometers south in 10hours C: a blue jay that moved 320kilometers north in 10hours ### Response:
Look at the distance each blue jay moved and the time it took to move that distance. The direction each blue jay moved does not affect its speed. Notice that each blue jay moved for 10 hours. The blue jay that moved 385 kilometers moved the farthest distance in that time. So, that blue jay must have moved at the highest speed.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Are you playing golf with Nick this weekend? I wouldn't do that if I were you. Nick is dating Jordan, and everyone knows that Jordan cheats at golf. A: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something B: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences C: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct ### Response:
The text argues that Nick cheats at golf because the person he is dating cheats at golf. However, the behavior of someone's girlfriend or boyfriend does not necessarily reflect the behavior of that person. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as guilt by association.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Don't let your children stay up till midnight on New Year's Eve. Before you know it, they'll be demanding to stay up till midnight every night. A: circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself B: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences C: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good ### Response:
The text argues that allowing your children to stay up late one night will lead to them demanding to stay up late every night. However, this isn't necessarily true. This argument offers only one extreme and unlikely outcome. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the slippery slope fallacy.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? My pediatrician says we should stop letting little Raymond eat so much candy, but what does she know? She's never been a mother. A: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct B: ad hominem: an attack against the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself C: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences ### Response:
The text argues that a non-parent isn't allowed to give advice about children's diets. This is a personal attack on the pediatrician that isn't relevant to whether her professional advice is valid. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as ad hominem.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Dione Lucas was the first woman to graduate from the cooking school Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. B: Graduates of the Parisian cooking school Le Cordon Bleu make the most delicious meals. ### Response:
The first sentence states a fact. Dione Lucas was the first woman to graduate from the cooking school Le Cordon Bleu in Paris. It can be proved by reading about the history of Le Cordon Bleu. The second sentence states an opinion. Graduates of the Parisian cooking school Le Cordon Bleu make the most delicious meals. Most delicious shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what counts as the most delicious meals.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? How could the Harry Potter movies not have won even one Academy Award? It's one of the most popular franchises of all time! A: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other B: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences C: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct ### Response:
The text argues that the Harry Potter franchise should have won an award because it's popular. However, the fact that a movie franchise is popular doesn't necessarily mean it's deserving of an award. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the bandwagon fallacy.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: When Zoe researched Dachshunds, it said that they can be short-haired, wire-haired, or long-haired. B: When Zoe researched Dachshunds, the breed standard said that they can be short-haired, wire-haired, or long-haired. ### Response:
The first answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun it is used without its antecedent. The second answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. It has been replaced with the breed standard. When Zoe researched Dachshunds, the breed standard said that they can be short-haired, wire-haired, or long-haired.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Maya should either stop reading those sappy paranormal romance novels or finally admit that she doesn't believe in empowering women. A: false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist B: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences C: circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself ### Response:
The text argues that Maya either must give up reading a certain type of book or admit she doesn't believe in female empowerment. However, someone can both enjoy reading paranormal romance books and also believe in empowering women. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a false dichotomy.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Diwali is less enjoyable than other Hindu holidays, such as Holi and Navratri. B: Many Hindus celebrate a holiday called Diwali by lighting candles and exchanging gifts. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Many Hindus celebrate a holiday called Diwali by lighting candles and exchanging gifts. It can be proved by reading about Diwali. The first sentence states an opinion. Diwali is less enjoyable than other Hindu holidays, such as Holi and Navratri. Less enjoyable shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what makes a holiday enjoyable.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Of all the species of damselfish, the blue chromis is the most striking in terms of color. B: The vitamins in a blue chromis's diet can affect how brightly the fish's colors appear. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. The vitamins in a blue chromis's diet can affect how brightly the fish's colors appear. It can be proved by reading a book about tropical fish. The first sentence states an opinion. Of all the species of damselfish, the blue chromis is the most striking in terms of color. Most striking shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about which fish's color is most visually impressive.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Since Emma Wilkinson became vice president of the parent-teacher association, student performance has declined and teacher morale is down. We on the school board believe that Wilkinson bears sole responsibility for the downtrend. A: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other B: hasty generalization: a very broad claim based on very little evidence ### Response:
The text argues that Emma Wilkinson is responsible for the decline in student performance and teacher morale. However, even though things declined after Wilkinson became vice president of the parent-teacher association, that doesn't necessarily mean that she caused the downturn. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as false causation.
### Instruction: What does this Works Cited entry indicate about the cited work? Davis, Lydia. Samuel Johnson is Indignant: Stories. Brooklyn: McSweeney's Books, 2001. Print. A: It is an article. B: It is a short story. C: It is a book. ### Response:
Look closely at the Works Cited entry: Davis, Lydia. Samuel Johnson is Indignant: Stories. Brooklyn: McSweeney's Books, 2001. Print. You can tell that the cited work is a book because of the entry's formatting. Book entries always include the book title in italics followed by the place of publication, the publisher name, and the year of publication.
### Instruction: Which sentence states a fact? A: Workers used drills, chisels, and even dynamite to carve the four faces on Mount Rushmore. B: The design of Mount Rushmore shows that sculptor Gutzon Borglum was a talented artist. ### Response:
The second sentence states a fact. Workers used drills, chisels, and even dynamite to carve the four faces on Mount Rushmore. It can be proved by reading a book about Mount Rushmore. The first sentence states an opinion. The design of Mount Rushmore shows that sculptor Gutzon Borglum was a talented artist. Talented shows what a person believes, thinks, or feels. Another person might have a different opinion about what makes someone a talented artist.
### Instruction: Assume all other forces on the dresser are balanced. Which statement describes the forces on the dresser? A: The forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on the dresser. B: The forces are balanced, so there is no net force on the dresser. ### Response:
To determine if there is a net force on the dresser, look at the forces: Sophie is pushing the dresser forward with a force of 350 N. The carpet is pushing the dresser backward with a force of 380 N. The forces are in opposite directions, and the forces have different magnitudes: 350 N and 380 N. This means that the forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on the dresser.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? I won't even bother to respond to Isaiah's comment on my op-ed. His profile picture is a duck wearing a top hat—he's clearly incapable of thoughtful debate. A: ad hominem: an attack against the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself B: circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself C: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct ### Response:
The text argues that Isaiah's comment should not be taken seriously because he has a silly profile picture. This is a personal attack that isn't relevant to whether his comment is valid. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as ad hominem.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Don't be deceived by Amy Pena's articles on rural, blue-collar workers. Her husband is a fancy investment banker, so she can't possibly understand their situation. A: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good B: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something C: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct ### Response:
The text argues that Amy Pena can't understand rural, blue-collar workers because she is associated with an urban newspaper. However, where Amy works doesn't necessarily indicate anything about her ability to empathize. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as guilt by association.
### Instruction: Select the invertebrate. A: black widow spider B: blue jay C: wombat D: common snapping turtle ### Response:
A blue jay is a bird. Like other birds, a blue jay is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. Like other spiders, a black widow spider is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A common snapping turtle is a reptile. Like other reptiles, a common snapping turtle is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A wombat is a mammal. Like other mammals, a wombat is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
### Instruction: Assume all other forces on the chisel are balanced. Which statement describes the forces on the chisel? A: The forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on the chisel. B: The forces are balanced, so there is no net force on the chisel. ### Response:
To determine if there is a net force on the chisel, look at the forces: The hammer is pushing the chisel forward with a force of 40 N. The block of marble is pushing the chisel backward with a force of 40 N. The forces are in opposite directions, and the forces have the same magnitude: 40 N. This means that the forces are balanced, so there is no net force on the chisel.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Phosphorus trichloride is (). A: a compound B: an elementary substance ### Response:
You can tell whether phosphorus trichloride is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of atomic symbols in its chemical formula. An atomic symbol consists of either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for phosphorus trichloride, PCl3, contains two atomic symbols: P for phosphorus and Cl for chlorine. So, the formula tells you that phosphorus trichloride is composed of two chemical elements bonded together. Since phosphorus trichloride is composed of multiple chemical elements bonded together, phosphorus trichloride is a compound.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Don't feed the dog any scraps. Next thing you know, you'll be setting a place for the dog at the dinner table. A: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences B: ad hominem: an attack against the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself C: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other ### Response:
The text argues that feeding the dog table scraps will lead to the dog being served at the table. However, this isn't necessarily true. This argument offers only one extreme and unlikely outcome. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the slippery slope fallacy.
### Instruction: Select the invertebrate. A: clownfish B: fireworm C: macaw D: common snapping turtle ### Response:
A macaw is a bird. Like other birds, a macaw is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A clownfish is a fish. Like other fish, a clownfish is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. A fireworm is a worm. Like other worms, a fireworm is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has a soft body. A common snapping turtle is a reptile. Like other reptiles, a common snapping turtle is a vertebrate. It has a backbone.
### Instruction: In 1800, where did most Americans live? A: near the Atlantic Coast B: along the Mississippi River C: along the Gulf of Mexico D: west of the Appalachian Mountains ### Response:
In 1800, the United States looked like this. The western boundary was the Mississippi River. However, most Americans lived within 50 miles of the Atlantic Coast. The darker parts of the map show where the most people lived. The rest of the country was mostly populated by Native American groups. This map uses census records to show where people lived in the year 1800. In the early 1800 s, the census did not count the Native Americans. This makes it hard for us to know exactly how many Native Americans lived in the western United States.
### Instruction: Assume all other forces on Sophie are balanced. Which statement describes the forces on Sophie? A: The forces are balanced, so there is no net force on Sophie. B: The forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Sophie. ### Response:
To determine if there is a net force on Sophie, look at the forces: Earth's gravity is pulling Sophie down with a force of 600 N. The seat of the cart is pushing Sophie up with a force of 1,200 N. The forces are in opposite directions, and the forces have different magnitudes: 600 N and 1,200 N. This means that the forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Sophie.
### Instruction: Assume all other forces on Candice are balanced. Which statement describes the forces on Candice? A: The forces are balanced, so there is no net force on Candice. B: The forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Candice. ### Response:
To determine if there is a net force on Candice, look at the forces: Earth's gravity is pulling Candice down with a force of 600 N. The seat of the cart is pushing Candice up with a force of 1,200 N. The forces are in opposite directions, and the forces have different magnitudes: 600 N and 1,200 N. This means that the forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Candice.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? I ate kielbasa right before my favorite football team won the championship back in 2006. Now, I always eat kielbasa before their games to carry them to victory. A: circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself B: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other ### Response:
The text argues that eating kielbasa before games makes the team win. However, even though the writer ate kielbasa before his or her team won in 2006, that doesn't necessarily mean that the kielbasa was responsible for the team's success. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as false causation.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? The Mannings argue we should eat our pizza with a fork and knife because it's less messy, but what do they know? Have you seen their house? It's a disaster! A: false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist B: circular reasoning: an argument that supports a claim with the claim itself C: ad hominem: an attack against the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself ### Response:
The text argues that the Mannings' opinion on eating pizza is invalid because their house is messy. This is a personal attack that isn't relevant to whether the argument is valid. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as ad hominem.
### Instruction: Select the vertebrate. A: comet moth B: orb weaver C: carp D: earthworm ### Response:
Like other spiders, an orb weaver is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton. A carp is a fish. Like other fish, a carp is a vertebrate. It has a backbone. An earthworm is a worm. Like other worms, an earthworm is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has a soft body. A comet moth is an insect. Like other insects, a comet moth is an invertebrate. It does not have a backbone. It has an exoskeleton.
### Instruction: Assume all other forces on the rope are balanced. Which statement describes the forces on the rope? A: The forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on the rope. B: The forces are balanced, so there is no net force on the rope. ### Response:
To determine if there is a net force on the rope, look at the forces: Kurt is pulling the rope toward himself with a force of 230 N. Gary is pulling the rope toward himself with a force of 300 N. The forces are in opposite directions, and the forces have different magnitudes: 230 N and 300 N. This means that the forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on the rope.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? In the wild, it's survival of the fittest. Therefore, we should promote fierce competition in school to separate the strong students from the weak. A: false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist B: straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against C: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good ### Response:
The text argues that schools should promote fierce competition among students because it is allegedly a feature of the natural environment. However, even if fierce competition is common in the wild, that does not necessarily mean it is good for students. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as an appeal to nature.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? This overview of world history is the number one seller on the topic. It must be the most accurate and comprehensive book on the subject. A: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct B: false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist C: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other ### Response:
The text argues that a best-selling book is the most accurate and comprehensive on its topic. However, this isn't necessarily true. There are other reasons a book could be a best seller besides its accuracy and thoroughness. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as the bandwagon fallacy.
### Instruction: Assume all other forces on Reba are balanced. Which statement describes the forces on Reba? A: The forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Reba. B: The forces are balanced, so there is no net force on Reba. ### Response:
To determine if there is a net force on Reba, look at the forces: Earth's gravity is pulling Reba down with a force of 600 N. The seat of the cart is pushing Reba up with a force of 1,200 N. The forces are in opposite directions, and the forces have different magnitudes: 600 N and 1,200 N. This means that the forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on Reba.
### Instruction: Assume all other forces on the train are balanced. Which statement describes the forces on the train? A: The forces are unbalanced, so there is a net force on the train. B: The forces are balanced, so there is no net force on the train. ### Response:
To determine if there is a net force on the train, look at the forces: Earth's gravity is pulling the train down with a force of 200,000 N. The magnetic track is pushing the train up with a force of 200,000 N. The forces are in opposite directions, and the forces have the same magnitude: 200,000 N. This means that the forces are balanced, so there is no net force on the train.
### Instruction: What does this Works Cited entry indicate about the cited work? Poniewozik, James. "TV Makes a Too-Close Call." Time 20 Nov. 2000: 70–71. Print. A: It is a book. B: It appears on pages 70–71. C: Time is the publisher. ### Response:
Look closely at the Works Cited entry: Poniewozik, James. "TV Makes a Too-Close Call." Time 20 Nov. 2000: 70–71. Print. You can tell that the cited work appears on pages 70–71 by looking at the page numbers, which appear after the date of publication.
### Instruction: Select the deep sea ecosystem. A: This ecosystem has: water at the bottom of the ocean no sunlight organisms that crawl or stick to the ground B: This ecosystem has: shallow, salty water bright sunlight many different types of organisms ### Response:
A deep sea is a type of ecosystem. It has water at the bottom of the ocean, no sunlight, and organisms that crawl or stick to the ground. Choice 1 is a deep sea ecosystem. It is at the bottom of the ocean. It is so far underwater that no sunlight can reach it. Choice 2 is a tropical coral reef ecosystem. It has shallow water and many different types of organisms.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? The mayor argued that we need to reduce funding for the animal shelter in order to balance the budget. Don't vote for someone who doesn't think the government should care about animals. A: guilt by association: a negative association intended to discredit someone or something B: straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against C: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other ### Response:
The text argues that the mayor doesn't think the government should care about animals. However, the mayor only argued that funding for the animal shelter needs to be reduced. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a straw man.
### Instruction: Select the one substance that is not a mineral. A: Perfume is not a pure substance. It is made by humans. B: Gypsum is a solid. It is formed in nature. C: Sphalerite is not made by living things. It is a solid. ### Response:
Compare the properties of each substance to the properties of minerals. Select the substance whose properties do not match those of minerals. Gypsum is a mineral. Perfume is made by humans. But minerals are not made by living things. Perfume is not a pure substance. But all minerals are pure substances. So, perfume is not a mineral. Sphalerite is a mineral.
### Instruction: What is the source of the allusion in the sentence below? Warren described the situation he was facing with his boss as a catch-22. A: a song B: literature ### Response:
The source of the allusion catch-22 is literature. Joseph Heller coined the term "catch-22" in his 1961 novel of the same name. In the novel, if an army pilot wants to avoid dangerous missions, he must be deemed mentally unfit; however, his desire to stay safe proves his sanity, so he can never be excused from a mission. Heller called this sort of predicament or dilemma a catch-22. The allusion catch-22 means a no-win situation.
### Instruction: Compare the motion of three bicycles. Which bicycle was moving at the highest speed? A: a bicycle that moved 75miles south in 10hours B: a bicycle that moved 145miles east in 10hours C: a bicycle that moved 95miles south in 10hours ### Response:
Look at the distance each bicycle moved and the time it took to move that distance. The direction each bicycle moved does not affect its speed. Notice that each bicycle moved for 10 hours. The bicycle that moved 145 miles moved the farthest distance in that time. So, that bicycle must have moved at the highest speed.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Xavier's definitely voting for the Conservative Party in the next election because he said there was no way he was voting for the Labour Party. A: slippery slope fallacy: the false assumption that a small first step will lead to extreme consequences B: false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist C: false causation: the assumption that because two things happened together, one caused the other ### Response:
The text argues that Xavier is voting either for the candidate from the Conservative Party or the Labour Party. However, Xavier might be voting for a third party—or he might not be voting at all. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a false dichotomy.
### Instruction: Compare the motion of two mountain bikers. Which mountain biker was moving at a lower speed? A: a mountain biker who moved 145miles in 10hours B: a mountain biker who moved 200miles in 10hours ### Response:
Look at the distance each mountain biker moved and the time it took to move that distance. One mountain biker moved 145 miles in 10 hours. The other mountain biker moved 200 miles in 10 hours. Notice that each mountain biker spent the same amount of time moving. The mountain biker who moved 145 miles moved a shorter distance in that time. So, that mountain biker must have moved at a lower speed.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Rubidium chloride is (). A: an elementary substance B: a compound ### Response:
You can tell whether rubidium chloride is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of atomic symbols in its chemical formula. An atomic symbol consists of either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for rubidium chloride, RbCl, contains two atomic symbols: Rb for rubidium and Cl for chlorine. So, the formula tells you that rubidium chloride is composed of two chemical elements bonded together. Since rubidium chloride is composed of multiple chemical elements bonded together, rubidium chloride is a compound.
### Instruction: Which of the following contains a vague pronoun reference? A: They have discovered that sleep has more than just restorative functions. For example, it plays a significant role in strengthening and solidifying memories. B: Neuroscientists have discovered that sleep has more than just restorative functions. For example, it plays a significant role in strengthening and solidifying memories. ### Response:
The second answer choice contains a vague pronoun reference. The pronoun they is used without its antecedent. The first answer choice shows a possible correction for the vague pronoun reference. They has been replaced with neuroscientists. Neuroscientists have discovered that sleep has more than just restorative functions. For example, it plays a significant role in strengthening and solidifying memories.
### Instruction: Select the solid. A: fork B: grape juice C: air inside a bubble ### Response:
The air inside a bubble is a gas. A gas spreads out to fill a space. The air inside a bubble fills all the space in the bubble. If the bubble pops, the air will spread out to fill a much larger space. A fork is a solid. You can bend a fork. But it will still have a size and shape of its own. Grape juice is a liquid. A liquid takes the shape of any container it is in. If you pour grape juice into a different container, the grape juice will take the shape of that container. But the grape juice will still take up the same amount of space.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Turner argues that American schools should offer foreign language classes at every level. I disagree. How could Turner not see the value of learning English? A: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct B: straw man: a misrepresentation of an opponent's position that makes it easier to argue against C: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good ### Response:
The text argues that Turner claims that Americans should stop learning English and only study foreign languages. However, this misrepresents Turner's argument. Turner only wants more foreign language instruction. He says nothing about eliminating English instruction. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as a straw man.
### Instruction: Which logical fallacy is used in the text? Have you ever seen an animal cook its food? No! The idea is absurd and unnatural. That's why the healthiest diet is all raw food, all the time. A: bandwagon fallacy: the assumption that the popular choice is automatically correct B: false dichotomy: an argument that presents only two choices when more options exist C: appeal to nature: the assumption that natural things are always good ### Response:
The text argues that a diet of uncooked food is healthiest because animals don't cook their food. However, something isn't necessarily healthy for humans just because it's what animals do naturally. This illustrates a type of logical fallacy known as an appeal to nature.
### Instruction: What does this Works Cited entry indicate about the cited work? It's a Wonderful Life. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, and Thomas Mitchell. RKO, 1946. Film. A: It is a web page. B: It is a movie. C: It is a book. ### Response:
Look closely at the Works Cited entry: It's a Wonderful Life. Dir. Frank Capra. Perf. James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore, and Thomas Mitchell. RKO, 1946. Film. You can tell that the cited work is a movie because "Film" is listed as the medium of publication.
### Instruction: Is there a sentence fragment? On November 3, 1957, the Soviet Union sent the first animal into space—a dog named Laika. Which had been found as a stray living on the streets of Moscow. A: no B: yes ### Response:
There is a sentence fragment that does not express a complete thought. On November 3, 1957, the Soviet Union sent the first animal into space—a dog named Laika. Which had been found as a stray living on the streets of Moscow. Here is one way to fix the sentence fragment: On November 3, 1957, the Soviet Union sent the first animal into space—a dog named Laika, which had been found as a stray living on the streets of Moscow.
### Instruction: Compare the motion of two motorboats. Which motorboat was moving at a higher speed? A: a motorboat that moved 135miles in 10hours B: a motorboat that moved 240miles in 10hours ### Response:
Look at the distance each motorboat moved and the time it took to move that distance. One motorboat moved 240 miles in 10 hours. The other motorboat moved 135 miles in 10 hours. Notice that each motorboat spent the same amount of time moving. The motorboat that moved 240 miles moved a farther distance in that time. So, that motorboat must have moved at a higher speed.
### Instruction: Select the solid. A: crown B: wet paint C: water in a fishbowl ### Response:
Wet paint is a liquid. A liquid takes the shape of any container it is in. If you pour wet paint out of a can, the paint will change shape. But the wet paint will still take up the same amount of space. The water in a fishbowl is a liquid. A liquid takes the shape of any container it is in. If you pour water from a fishbowl into a different container, the water will take the shape of that container. But the water will still take up the same amount of space. A crown is a solid. A solid has a size and shape of its own. If you put a crown on your head, the crown will keep its shape.
### Instruction: Complete the statement. Boron trichloride is (). A: a compound B: an elementary substance ### Response:
You can tell whether boron trichloride is an elementary substance or a compound by counting the number of symbols in its chemical formula. A symbol contains either one capital letter or a capital letter followed by one or two lowercase letters. The chemical formula for boron trichloride is BCl3. This formula contains two symbols: B for boron and Cl for chlorine. So, the formula tells you that boron trichloride is made of two chemical elements bonded together. Substances made of two or more chemical elements bonded together are compounds. So, boron trichloride is a compound.