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Dear Mr. State Senator, I have been a citizen of the United States for my entire life, and through my studies, research, and personal experiences with the Electoral College system, I have come to the conclusion that the Electoral college system is not only an out of date way of casting a vote, but also an ineffective way of electing a president. I believe that the popular vote both directly reflects and accuretly shows which politician citizens have chosen will best lead our country. The Electoral College is merely a way for politicians to attempt to swing the vote in their favor by paying more attention to states that contain more electors. Politicians should be concerned about gaining the votes of individuals, regardless of how many Electoral College members their states contain. There is very little need for the electoral college even to exist at all. There is absolutely no point in having two ways for collecting the votes of citizens when all that the system requires is for one of the candidates to gather more votes than the other. Having the Electoral College does not help the voting process and therefore will only harm or make the process of electing a president ineffective. In many cases, the votes of the Electoral College go against what the popular votes want and tend to cause an unwanted politician to go into office. I am not the only citizen concerned about this system, there are people all across the United States who dislike the Electoral College and who see that it constantly gets in the way of electing a decent president into office. There have been politicians, Chamber of Commerce members, and everyday citizens who have stood up aginst this awefull Electoral College and who have realized just how terrible and ineffective it is. Putting this system out of commission will be no easy task, but if enough citizens like myself write to their local, state, and federal congress members, change just might be possible. Though a group effort would be required to destroy this system, it would be extremely difficult to convince politicians and presidents that have been in office for years to destroy this College that allowed for them to go into office. It would also be exceptionally difficult to get all three branches of the United States government to destroy the Electoral College, afterall.. it would only take the president's veto to stop it from being removed. There are counter claims to mine that I'm sure you will recieve within your time in office, counter claims that you should'nt ignore. I think that you should look over all of the evidence, all of the facts, and all of the sources that you can inorder to form your opinion as to whether or not the Electoral College should stay, or it should be terminated. Some of the claims that you will recieve will not have much basis and will most likely state that the system has been in existence ever since the founding of the United States. These claims are not based on evidence of the system being correct or being fair, these calims are based on a fear of change. Change tends to scare people, especially when their power of voting may be altered due to a major change to the U.S. government. But over the past several decades alone, our country has undergone many wonderful changes and experiences that have positively affected its citizens and its laws. Two of these changes include the desegregating of schools and the right for women to vote. These changes are extremely positive, just like the destroying of the Electoral College would be. It would have a positive impact on all of the country's citizens and would allow for the United States to show that it too can change and adapt for the better. I am not writing this letter to you because i think that you can single handidly change the voting system of the United States, I am writing this letter to you because I have faith that you can help change the opinion of your fellow politicians and State leaders. I hope that you use the facts and research that I have presented to you today and continue to gather more evidence on the Electoral College system and why it is holding back our country from properly electing its presidents. Thank you very much for both your time and your consideration, I wish you luck on changing the system and informing others about the problem. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME ©    
i think that having self driving cars would help alot. there are so many wreacks in the states because some people just dont know how to drive right. so if we was to invent and sell computerized cars it could stop us from having so many wreaks plus it would also cause us to drive way safer. for instance if your drunk and you have to get home you just sit in the car and it will drive for you since you cant do it yourself because your not in the right stae of mind. there is also the thought of making better roads but when you think about it that would cost more then a fortune to do. one other reason im all for this invention is because you know that the people making these cars are gonna earn a tone of money so that means more people will be switching to the new car instead of their old one. before you know it there will be somthing new and even better in technology since we just keep getting smarter over the years. who knows we might be driving hover craft later on in a few years because alot can be learned. although we would also have to make some new laws or change a few of them. like in the text it states that what if somone gets in a wreak in a smart car should the driver be blamed or the companies that sold the the car to that person beheld responcibale. there also still some improvements that have to be made before they can even start selling those cars . those are the main reasons that i think making smarter cars is a great idea.
Driverless cars are the wave of the future. Some people may be skeptical of this futuristic idea, and it may seem abstract to some minds, but we need to put away our fears of change and embrace the innovation and technology that is continuing to drive us through the 21st century. We will be seeing driverless cars in the very near future and it's important to hop on the bandwagon in order to help progress our generation. The devlopment of driverless cars is important for the convenience of everyday life, progession of technology, and increased safety while driving. Driverless cars will bring so much ease and convenience. No longer will we have to worry about finishing work and having to eat a quick breakfast while driving, or having to manage children in a car while simultaneously paying attention to the road. "Further improvements in sensors and computer hardware and software to make driving safer are also leading to cars that can handle more and more driving tasks on their own." The advantage of not having to constantly be paying attention to the road could significantly help the driver by allowing them to focus more on what's going on in the car, and less on what's going on around it. While some people may be less afraid of their own car driving than potential mishaps of cars around them, smarter cars also have functions that "quickly get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs." This would allow people to go about their business, but help us to be aware of what's going on around us when it's necessary, overall making driving more efficient and convenient. Another positive aspect of autonomous cars is the overall progression of technology. "In the 1980's, automakers used speed sensors at the wheels in the creation of antilock brakes" and not too long before that cars themselves were developed. With the current rate of innovation and invention and cars being able to "steer, accelerate, and brake themselves" already, there's no doubt that eventually we will have cars able to drive 100 percent by themselves. These types of groundbreaking ideas coming to reality, pave the way for other such inventions and tehcnology to surface. There is no reason to stop the development of driverless cars because it would only be slowing the development of the human race. Humans are an easily distractable species and the emergence of smarter cars would not only be more convenient and groundbreaking, but also ensure more safety of drivers while on the road. Sensors are what make driverless cars able to drive on their own, and they "allow far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." This is a huge advantage to our safety because a quick glance away from the road could mean missing something fatal and sensors are able to alert you the second something goes awry. This is done by use of "heads-up displays" and "such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over-something not available to drivers trying to text with a cell phone." Cell phones and more importantly texting while driving is one of the main causes of deaths while driving and to allow people to be occupied while driving could mean the difference between life and death. The displays shown when something is wrong on the road also ensure nothing is being missed by the eyes of a driver. All in all safety of passengers is the largest issue car manufacturers deal with when designing a car, whether people drive it or it's driving itself, and the responsibilty that these driverless cars are able to take on is monumental, and we should continue to let it grow to further ensure the safety of people everwhere. As I see it, the positives of the devlopment of driverless cars much outweigh the negatives. They bring convenience, technology, and safety into a world that thrives on all of those things. We don't want to sit back and stop history from happening, but be the ones who help to drive it forward. Driverless cars are the thing of the future and embracing their devlopment will only better our lives.
Venus is one of the closest planets to earth, infact its known as our sister planet and sometimes even reffered to as Earth's "twin." Though the planet is so close, its hasn't been the easiest to get to or explore. Exploring Venus might be a big challenge, but scientists part of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) aren't ready to give up yet. Numerous failed attempts have not affected them or their work. It might be because of their fascination of the planet or because the exploration of this planet will greatly increase their knowledge of what the planet once was. Throughout the passage the readers can see how the author agrees and supports the idea of exploring Venus. In paragraph 8 the author states, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by the dangers and doubts, but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." When the author says this he is supporting the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because he is saying that we should not let the challenge and trouble of venus stop us from trying to explore it. The author also supports this claim in paragraph 4 when he says, "Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been te most Earth-like planet in our solar system," he then follows the sentence up with examples of characteristics both planets share like valleys, mountrains, and craters. The author does this to show that if we were able toe explore it we would add more to the research and information we already know about the planet.
I am doing a essay about technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable. I dont think technology can tell someone in emotes by scanning their face. It cant go thou are mind and say they are feeling sad. Us humans can tell if they are sad or happy because we have been thou the same things they are going thou. If it is true I would not use because if they are using it as a govement weapon to find if some one is hinding some well needed things and they start to used this and if it gives them wrong information that person might be in some trouble. And the other way around if they have some need information and the FACS or Facial Action Coding System just lost it. If it can do this. This thing will be ahead in technology and clear a path for us in the near furture. But I dont blieve this computer can tell people feelings. First how big is it? Is it the size of a gym or is it as small as a Iphone 4? This computer is just a big fake. Second how much does it cost? Is it the same to build it as much as a lamborigini or as much as a pencil? Third, how long does it take to build it. And how long does it last for. 1 minites or 3 hours. How long does it scan for.
The concept of the automobile in the early 1900s was enough to make others pursue the dream of having one. As car dealerships made better looking, faster, high performance cars, the more people wanted them. After World War II when cars became inexpensive, more and more people had them. But it's also becoming an issue. Recently, that trend is going down. To begin, the car industry has been at an all time high. We're making cars so fuel efficient, it almost seems impossible. We even have hybrid cars, which run on electric and fuel (respectively). But with all of the cars out there, especially in the US, the pollution in nations and our own cities are at an all time high. China's air pollution is the worst in the world. Nations have been taking the initiative to partially ban car use for a few days. Paris for instance, banned motorists with even-numbered license plates from using their vehicles, switching to odd-numbered the following day. Furthermore, we have Bogota, Colombia who took a different approach to the rising air pollution. Instead of what Paris did, they banned automobile use in general, for one day. Buses and taxis still ran, but private vehicles did not. This seeminly little feat over time has done wonders on the city. More and more cities, including nations, are beginning this practice. To sum things up, we see that there are advantages (and of course disadvantages) to limiting car use. Companies may lose money if they transport items. But as a whole, it's only a few days. Or even one day, that no one drives a vehicle. It's a perfect time to ride a bike, and lower air pollution in a city.
Limiting car usage would be great for both you and the environment. If we didn't use cars as much, we would get more exercise, save more money, and limit the amount of air pollution we produce. We would start to notice changes for the better in our health, our budgeting, and the condition of the environment. I have gathered evidence from a few different sources to back up these claims. "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars", "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Botogta", and "The End of Car Culture" all go into detail about the benefits that did happen or could happen while we limit car usage. One advantage of limiting car usage is the increase in exercise it will give you. Did you know that 70% of America is overweight? An advantage to walking or biking places that driving doesn't have is that walking or biking will get you active. It will help you burn calories and it will give you the self-confidence of being in good shape. Sure, it might be hot out when you walk or bike places, but this problem can be solved by simply dressing appropriotely for the activity. Wear something that you know you'll be comfortable getting excercise in. One business man riding a two seat bicycle with his wife (instead of driving), said, "It's a good way to take away stress and lower air pollution", (Source 3). Walking or riding your bike to get places rather than driving to them will give you more time to think. If you think too much on the road, something dangerous is bound to happen. Walking to places is a great alternative to driving not only for your body but for your mind, and this, to me, is a strong advantage of limiting car usage. Another advantage to limiting car usage is you will start to save money. Gas bills start to add up, especially considering the constant inclination of prices. Not only gas, though, but other costly needs such as getting your car's oil changed or tires replaced can also turn out to be expensive. Cost plays a huge role in whether or not teens and young adults will get a car when legally eligable. "There has been a large drop in the percentage of 16- to 39-year-olds getting a license", (Source 4). A large amount of teens just now getting their licenses are unemployed, making the car expenses impossible for them to pay on their own, making them rely on usually a parent or relative. Money has always had a significant effect on how people transport from one place to another. Limiting driving all together would save you gas and repair money, and saving money could never be a bad thing. Finally, a significant advantage of not driving as much is that it would limit the amount of air pollution on this earth. "...a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Europe", (Source 1). Though we may not notice it, air pollution is constantly contaminating the earth. Air pollution is extremely harmful to inhale, almost like how smoking is extremely bad for your lungs. Reducing the amount of driving that we do would reduce the amount of air pollution we produce with it. Walking or biking does not pollute the earth the way driving can. Advantages of limiting car usage are not only good for the environment but are good for us both physically, mentally, and financially. If everyone started to limit the amount of time they spend driving per day, just imagine the change we might start to see in the community. We could start by walking to the grocery store or our friends' houses instead of driving, and then maybe bring on a long-term change, such as walking to school if it's close enough, or walking to the bus stop so you can ride the bus with other kids instead of driving your own car, creating more air pollution. There are other advantages to limiting car usage, but these are the top three advantages we will begin to notice if we act soon enough.
To my state senator, i feel like you should keep the electoral college because it helps kids in college figure out how the election goes and for them to vote. " the electoral college process consists of 538 electors." the only way people can vote is when there 18 and thats not right i think 15 and up should be able to vote, i guess its the law how people gotta wait till there 18 to vote for presidents and senators and stuff like that. "under the 23rd amendment of the constitution, the district of columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purpose of the electoral college". they should be able to use a popular vote to, if you be fair to one you gotta be fair to the other one. "ths year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could again lose the presidency! the are too many broken down states with a electoral vote!!! they easily choose a state and send a lot of votes to them !!!!
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers very effectively by discussing the dangers of Venus, comparing Earth and Venus, and bringing up innovative methods of getting past the obstacle of Venus' harsh conditions. The author brings up the dangers of exploration on Venus throughout the article. In Paragraph 3, he says, "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of out oceans and would liquefy many metals." It is explained that the atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide, the temperature is over 800 degrees Farenheit, and the geology and weather make up a dangerous environment. The author's use of these specific details and descriptions informs the reader how dangerous Venus really is, and sparks their curiousity for the benefits of exploring Venus. The author explains in Paragraph 4 that Venus was likely much like how Earth is now, with oceans and a supportive environment for the growth of living things. Today, Venus is rocky, with similar geographical features to Earth. By providing the reader with this information, the author helps build the understanding of the importance of Venus to humans on Earth. This new insight teaches readers that because Venus is so similar to Earth, it would be important to gain more knowledge on it. In Paragraph 5, the author talks about NASA's solution of using a floating vehicle to study Venus in survivable conditions. He later encourages people to view the risks as challenges that inspire innovation. Innovation leads to improved technology and better, more effective ways to gain knowledge on Venus. One example of this innovation is "simplified electronics made of silicon carbide." Another example is more work on mechanical computers, that "can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." The author supported his idea that studying Venus is worth the risks by explaining all of the ways that scientists are working to improve methods of exploring Venus. This support is useful because it can inspire the reader and provide important information. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author effectively supports his idea that studying Venus is worth the danger by listing those dangers, explaining benefits of gaining insight on Venus, and discussing the ways scientists are currently working towards better exploring technology.
The face on Mars is just a natural formation. It wasn't built by any aliens. Natural formations like the face are commonly seen in that area of Mars. The formation does not completely resemble a face; there are many flaws. NASA would tell the public if they had any solid evidence that suggests it was built by aliens. Rock formations like the face are common in that area of mars and it is very possible that they could look like a face. There are a lot of rock formations on Mars. Out of all those formations, one of them is probably going to resemble a face. The rock formation doesn't resemble a face perfectly. There are flaws that suggests it is just a natural formation. If it was an alien built formation, there would be a lot less flaws. They wouldn't waste all that time making it and leave so many flaws. NASA would definetely tell the public if there was any sign that an alien civilazation built it. NASA would have to tell us that they discovered a civilazation. They get their money from us. NASA would get a lot of funding to explore the face if there was any sign of any civilazation and that is what NASA is all about, exploring. The face is just a natural formation. No aliens built the face. There are many of these types of rock formations in that area. The formation has a lot of flaws that don't resemble a face. NASA would tell the public if it was built by aliens.
Hello, my name is Lisa, and i'm a scientist here at NASA. I have heard that you claim that aliens have created this landform we found on Mars. There has not been any life found on Mars at this momment. It does look like it could be from another living organism, but it's just a rock on the planet. In our newest image of the rock, it turns out that the face has dissapered. There is no evidence of this being created by aliens, rather it was created by wind and water that has been found on Mars. The reason you might believe that this was indeed aliens, might be the fact that the news has blown it out of poportion. It's just the rock that had some interesting shadows and holes that made it look like a human face. In conclusion, all i'm trying to say is that it cannot be aliens, it's just a rock on Mars. Thank you for your time.
Should cars be operated by a machine? I belive that they should not. The reason being that there are always error's in code that could result in horrible course of action. The action of putting the code in for every possible scenerio that they can think of that may possibly happen may help but what happens when something they did not program the car for happens. In may lead to a devastating injury or maybe even death because of the error in coding. The wide variety of code can go on for ages and with just one mess up this will take down the whole code like a tree. The wide spread of choices the car is ready for with "yes" or "no's" may not help when the time comes of a tornado moving toward you down the road. The system may not know what to do because the vehical was not programmed for this such scenerio and may turn to driver mode. This will catch the driver off guard because he bought a "driverless car" and with the fact that he is reading his book and now he has to drive he will be placed between a rock and a hard place. This just one example of missing progamming. Another thing is a mess up in the code of the "yes" and "no's". With this the whole thing may go whack and they make fix it but what happens when it fly's under the radar and gets through to the final product. This will lead to a horrific incident that will happen like a chain of domino's. The car not being fully programmed for a red light may just run through and hit another car and that is when it goes haywire. The incident will be caused from one mistake with a "yes" or "no" Another thing is that the driverless cars will put some people out of business. The jobs that require being driven by a human is beyond the stars. This will put some people out of their job and many companies out of business. Some people will not face the fact of being driven around in a taxi as pleasing as other's. I like to see a person at the wheel of the taxi and may have some small talk with him and it will just feel like they are focusing on what they are doing. Without the communication from human to human people would go insane. These are the reasons I do not side with driverless cars. They will put people out of a job they have worked for. They may have coding errors. And even if one part is messed up everything gets messed up. There are wide room for error and one mistake will destroy everything. This is why I do not side with driverless cars.
"Joining Seagoing Cowboys" In 1945 Luke was offered to go to Europe with his friend Don and he knew that this was an oppertunity of a lifetime. When he got there he signed up for "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of people and animals. Luke thinks that it was the best experience of his life and that it would be to you to. According to the text, Luke stated that on his trips he was on a cattle-boat and that it was an amazing experience for him. The text also states that besides him helping people he got to oversee Europe and China, and if you joined you would get to see even more. Luke also got to tour a excavated castle in Crete, so if you went you would probably see something even better. The text also stated that joining the "Seagoing Cowboys" you get to care for animals during the crossings and you had to feed them and give them water to keep you busy. Also going to join the "Seagoing Cowboys" you have to be prepared for dangers at sea, because if your not you might have something horribly happen to you because you might get the nightwatch job and have to check things and make sure everythings okay and might fall or slip in the process. Also, when the trips were over you were able to relax or play games while the animals had been housed for a little. Also it opens up a world to people and it makes you more aware of others in different countries in need. It also makes you feel like you accomlished something that makes you feel grateful that you got this oppertunity to make others and yourself feel loved. In conclusion, if you join the "Seagoing Cowboys" like Luke did then you might bring joy to people's life and to yours. Just know that if you give up an oppertunity to join, then you might regret it for a lifetime, because it makes you feel like you did something that you wont forget. Who knows, you'll probably even persue it and wont give it up.
A visit to Venus will give you many opportuntiies.The author supported many things about studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, but can be dangerous. In can peers didn't know that. Venus is second planet from the sun, but is also is the closest planet to Earth. You will have a great chance to explore Venus becaue it is nearest planet that is close to earth.Venus is called the "Evening Star" because of how bight it is and is simple to be spotted. Long while back Venus used to be covered with largely with oceans and have supported various forms of life just like earth. Now it has cnahged, so thats why many people are trying to study the new Venus NASA has sent humans to study Venus. NASA is the only possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus. "Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner- in space terms- humans have sent numerous spaceship to land on this cloud- draped world." (author 2) This proves that many people and spaceships has been sent to Venus since it is the closest planet and to learn about it. Many things has been sent to Venus instead if people because of the high temperature.They have sent spacehips and tablets to experiment it. Only opportunity you will be able to go to Venus is join with NASA and study. Majority all peers has got to that point if they have gone to a another planet. Only reason why they're warning you it's for any poor conditon in case! It matters because going and study or visit another planet can be challenging. Becoming a peer that has many open opportunity's is a great and worthy. For example studying and proably visiting Venus is higly recommneded since it is the closest planet to earth. Although, it is also the second planet that is close to the sun. Sun can kill you from at the heat which that can be dangerous.Venus has the hottest surfave temperature of any planet in our solar system. That's why NASA is established. Studying and joining with NASA is a better opportunity other then going alone because you can be in danger and can cause you extremely consequences. Venus has value, human curiosity will likely lead us into many intimidating emdeavors.
A reason to join the sea going program is boecose it took two weeks to cross the Atlantic ocean from the estern coats of the united states and a month to het to china. caring for animals during the crossing kept luke busy. they had to be fed and waterd two or three times a day. bales of hay and bags of oats had to br pulled up from the lower hold of the ship. stalls had to be canceld. luke also found time to have fun on board,especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. the cow boys played base ball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. table-tennis tornaments,fencing boxing,reading whittling,and games also helped pass the time. but beaing a seagoing cowboy was mutch more then an adventure for luke bombber. it opend up the worldto him. im greatfull for the opportunity he sais . it made me more aware of peaple of other coutries and there needs. and thet aware ness stayed with him leading his famlly to host a number of internashional students and exchange visitors for many years. it whas1945,world war 11 was over in eroup, and meny countrys were left in ruins. to help these countries recover there food supplies, animals and more,44 nashions joind toghether to form UNRRA(the united nasions relef and rehabilitashions administrashions). UNRRA hired sea going cow boys to take care of the horses, young cows and mule that were shiped overseas. luke and don sighned up.
This technology could cause so many problems. This technology is invading a persons privacy. People also don't want to be asked what's wrong when they are sad and they don't want anyone to knwo because its personal. Also this type of technology can get in the wrong hands and they can use it to take advantage of people. This advanced technology is too much ti handle for us and we dont't need this to be a distraction to people getting an education and getting your work done in the workforce. First of all the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) is advanced that it would go into people's privacy and could get sued. Everyone tries to hide their emotions because everyone doesn't have t know how they feel sand with this everyone will know. Invasion of privacy is not a good or the right thing to do. Also if someone is going through a really tought time or if they are sad and don't want people to know this technology will let people find out and its personal people would get mad or just won't want to step out of the hosue because ebryone can figure out how they feel. I believe this technology could go into the wrong hands. Someone could get this type of technology and once they figure out how you are feeling they can go and try and comfort you if you let them and they coul hurt you or attack you because you justs howed them a weak side of you. FACS also can be a huge distarction in school or in the workforce. People would worry more about how people are feeling rather than doing their work. Teens wouldn't get an education and employees wouldn't get no work done. Teachers wouldn't be able to teach because students wouldn't be focused on their assignements but more on each other. All in all, this is not a good idea. FACS can ruin people's live emotionally. Students will be more focused on why another student is upset or angry than doing work and getting an education. Then they will be invading a persons privacy and they will be in their personal life. Also in the workforce no one will get their work done. This technology could get in the wrong hands and just predators cna use this and people won't even know.
Studying Venus can be a good thing to do, you will learn more about the planet and why it is our sister planet to us. You will have a lot of information and reasonings on why it's that planet or why is it close to the sun. The text gives you a lot of information about venus and why it is called that. As it states "long ago when venus was covered with nothing but the ocean", they could of had human life on that planet. You can study venus and maybe found out if there was any human life their besides the oceans that were their. You can be the one who goes to space and can take a look at venus and if it's safe you can probably visit the planet. I suggest that it is a good idea to study venus, you might have a chance to visit the planet venus.
Can you imagine smart cars that can drive for you? Well I can,these cars will use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer wa more flexibility than a bus. I think the driverless cars is a really good idea. It can also be helpful in lots of ways for people. It can be helpful because you could do other stuff in your car while you are driving. Such as change your baby's diaper, make an important phone call or text. You could also watch a movie if you have a build in dvd in your car, or even play games on your cell phone. If there is an emergency to where you need to be driven to the hospital, the car could take you to where you need to be. This car could maybe even save someone's life. I also think that the driverless cars is a good idea because, they are safe. The cars are safe because they have smarter roads, so it is better for the smart cars. The google's modified Toyota Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel. There is also a rotating sensor on the roof, and a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror. The car is being monitored to make sure that no damage is to be done. The most important piece of technology in the system is the spinning sensor on the roof. It uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings. This is to make sure that the driverless car can mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. Humans drive when they are needed, this is also another reason why I think that the driverless cars are safe. Tesla has agreed for a 2016 release for the car being capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. If the automakers continue to work on the solving the promblems, there is a good chance for the cars. I think that they should make the cars sooner for the people that needs them the most. The idea still grows ahead of us, as we are grwoing closer to the car every day.
First off, we can not say it was an alien who creater these human-like faces. We can't prove it was an alien at this time, because we haven't even figured out if aliens even exist! It most likey was a nautural landform, because over time, rock formation could've combined all together to create this face-like figure on mars. Next, this is obviously a landform, and not created by aliens, because, during those cases, there was no alien monument after all! Also, on April 5, 1998, thousands of web users were anxiously waiting for the very first image on a JPL web site, which seemed to reveal that it was actually a natural landform. Next, not everyone was happy with the results of it being a natural landform and not created by a alien. The "face on Mars" became such a big deal, it was in films, magazines, books, radio shows, and most likely your checkout line at your local grocery store! Fourth, many people were wondering why NASA didn't just hide the discoveries of the life on Mars. Conspiracy theorists say "life on Mars", evidence that NASA workers would have rather hide to prevent too many questions on the face. To conclude, maybe it was all just a huge rock formation, since aliens have no evidence that they actuslly exist, or have been seen by a human. So what do you think? Do you think aliens may have created this landform, or was it just a natural lanform?
The use of this technology in a classroom is valuable to read the emotional expression of students when he/she steps into the classroom to know what exactly is they're facial emotion representing. This new sofeware called Facial Action Coding System is proven to read six basic facial emotions such as, happiness, surprised, anger, disgust, fear, and saddness. The sofeware is like math it can calculate you all your forty-four major facial muscles and calculate your emotion. For like example , if you raise both of you eye brows it most likley means that your facial expression is showing that your suprised to hear or see something. I think that this sofeware is a pretty nice technology that can be usefull if your a teacher, rehabilatation center helper. For a teacher it can be a good technology to use at school so you can know more about the kids facial expression. It'll become a great technology for a rehabilatation center ,for veteran solders the have gone through a lot and are hiding other extra emotions. Thomas Huang , of the Beckman Institute for Advance Sience at the University of Amsterdam did a great sofeware that will become very usefull to many places. It will help many people as well to know what extra emotions they are hiding that the sofeware can find for them.
No, you cannot "calulate" on a person's feelings, In my opinon I think we should'nt have "FACS" because you don't need to know what percentage a person's feelings is, you don't know what a person is going thorgh and there are not ready to talk about it yet. Some people may ask "what's wrong?" or they they just put on a fake smile and say "everything is okay/fine", but When a person is not really okay/fine, A real friend will know whats going on with you, they can see it in your face, mood , they way you act or when you build a wall torwrds everyone. Some people are really good at hiding there feelings, but what if they don't trust anybody with there feelings or it's hard to talk about it. People are eventually are going to show there feelings, they can't keep hiding it forever, It's better to let it out, then just keeping it away from people. People can get through the day by listen to there music depends on they're mood is. People will rather hide it instead of talking to ther people about it, You'll never know what people can say about another person's feelings when they tell them, they might think its a joke or they just might not care.
I'm agaisn't the Driverless Cars Are Coming because I feel that it is not safe at all.You don't know what the driveless car is really accapable of, other then what they tell you. Driveless cars won't be able to tell when an accident is occuring? How could our technology is that devloped or advanced? It's not. It would take over a billion of years to be very advanced enough to be on the road. I don't even think sensors would even help for this car to be safe. What if they sensors are not picking up something important than your suck? Maybe even in the middle of a train track because they senes to stop right away. Not all technology is good technology. I don't believe that sensors are advancing to where it makes it safer to drive or handle driving tasks of their own. If a car was to charge the driveless car, would it pick up those senes that it's about to be hit? No, because I don't believe its ready for things like that. Yes, I do think that the driveless car was a good idea, but i don't think it was good to try and let it control a lot of things, such as the antilock breaks. I feel the breaks are going to only stop when it senses something is wrong, not when something is actually wrong. Steering by its own? NO! What it you hit a pot whole and the car starts to move in a different direction on its own and you have no control what so ever. How would it even know which way to steer or turn? It wouldn't be a safer feature, i think it would be an unsafe feature. I disagree with the driveless car. I feel it is not safe and advanced for our people. New laws would have to be made due to this driveless car and I don't believe people would be to happy with the new rules having to follow. It should also be illegal here to even test such a dangeruos computerised car. If someone where to get hurt, i would blame they manufactuer or making for the false addvertasing they were do, when they told me they driveless would be safe. I don't approve of this car.No car that has its own mind should be on the road.
Driverless cars could have a very postive impact on the world today. They could be much saver than having humans drivers. Since 2009, there has been cars that could drive independently. Google is the main employer of driverless cars. Driverless cars use sensors to detect traffic, or cars around them. Driverless cars could have a positive impact on the world through less accidents, and provide more safety to the community as a whole. Driverless cars are much saver than human driven cars. There would be no fear of drunk driving, or texting while driving. Driverless cars would get drunk people home safely and you would be able to text in the car without the fear of an accident. "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This quote shows what driverless cars can do without someone working the wheel. Some sources say that the safest car is one with a human driver in control at all times. I disagree with this opinion because human's can be very dangerous at times. Driverless cars would restrict speeding, and cause many less accidents with their advanced techonology. If many of these companies thought that Driverless cars would be hurtful, why would they make them? If Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan all think that this would be positive, than we should too. There are many laws that protect the safety of drivers, passengers and pedenstrians. Driverless cars are designed to protect these people. Also, no company will release these cars for sale until they are one hundred percent certain they are safe. "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash." This quote shows the progress google has already had on this subject. This happened in 2009, so I believe that in future years there could be a time where there are no accidents. Driverless cars are already in motion. They are safer, and more reliable than human driven cars. These cars use sensors to help them see where things are around them. In the past, these driverless cars are not completly driverless. If there is bad traffic, or construction, they needed driver assistance. In the future, there will be cars that can move past all of this. Also, they will benefit the enviroment because they would only use half of the fuel used in today's cars. This is why driverless cars would be beneficial to the world today.
I believe that you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I highly encourage you to enter the Seagoing Cowboys program. Here are the reasons why I advise you to join this wonderful program. My first reason is the fact that you will be able to help those in need that suffered from World War II. Many families have lost many things, and this would be the chance for you to help them regain them. You would be highly honored for your striking courage. My second reason is that you would be able to see global landmarks throughout your journey. Luke was a witness and he said that, "the trips were an unbeleivable oppurtunity for a small town boy." You would learn what it is like to travel far and wide across the Atlantic Ocean. My last reason is that not only would you be able to see global landmarks, but you would also be able to enjoy yourself throughout the trip. The passage states that the cowboys played baseball, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, boxing, and reading, whittling, or games also helped pass some of the time. You wouldn't just have to sit there and do nothing when the work was finished, you would be able to entertain yourself with activities. This demonstrates some important reasons why you should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. Please take what I said into mind, and join this organization. Thank you for your time, and please think about entering this wonderful program.
electrol college is not just a college it is a process,  The electoral college is a process that consist of the selection of the electors,  it started in the founding fathers established in the constitution as a comprise between election of the president . this means that the electorol college should stay this college is more than just any old college its history ,its in the constitution this college should not be gone this college should be honored. these electorals mainly select the votes for the people in the white house like the president and vice predident. our state is entitled allotment of electors equals the nuimber of memebers in the congressional delegation  . i want electoral college to stay because they are good at things for the state . and they also have a big role in alot of things. the electors college plays a big role in our state . under the 23 amendment of the constitution , the district of columbia is allocated 3 electors and a treated like a state for purpose of the electoral college . this means that because of the electoral college the district of columbia is treated like a state . so electoral college  is the reason why some districts are called a state why take this type of college away if this has such a big role in alot of things to do with the congress . with out the electoral college they wouldnt have presidents or any thing . in every election the electors are always there in every president election every president have their own group of electors behind them . they are joined by a canidates political party . u may wonder how the electors work because all u do is see them behind the prsident well the process is hard and they want students who wants to be an elector to get ready on what they are about to get in to . it first start off by the u choosing the president when u choose the president u choose the group of electors this means when you choose the president the electors goes with him or her , most states have winner takes all system that awards all electors to the winng pesidental canidate's electors . after the election the govoner pepares a 'certificae of ascertainment'. this means that that it is listing all of the canidates who ran for president in your state along with names of their respective electors . the electors go through a long process . and the college wants the studentsa to know all the things they need to before they become electors. the electors deserve to have a college someone might want to be an elector and they might think its hard for them it wouldnt be anything with out electors they do more than just stand behind the president they do more they help the president the president we have today wouldnt be able to run for president without a group of electors . and they need a college for someone who wants to be an elector. this college should be honored to be in a program like that these electors are needed in our country with out electors we would have nothing if we didnt have electors the electoral college is widely know as an non democratic method of selecting a president that outa be by declaring the canidate who recieves the most popular votes the winner . these are all the reasons why we need the electors program . because they play in a big role of our country and dthey also good for our state and .l so we need these progems to show young student that being an elector is not easy itbis very hard and a long process and we need to show students how the experience is and they also need to be knowleged trained to do stuff that will make our country better . because if they mess up  on one little thing its an automatic fire for them . we need these colleges because it plays a big role and it reuires the votes. of the president meaining it helps the president win .                 
The author of this essay suggests that they definately know Venus and have done their research on this topic before. There is quite a bit of information in there to handle all at face value, percentages and dates gallore. Either way, I have come to the deduction that the author very much desires for scientests to explore Venus. According to the essay, Venus is often refered to as eaths twin because ofit's similar size, density and occassionally the close distance to earth. Another fact is that They took the time to research Venus' atmosphere, which is 97% carbon dioxide blankets over the planet itself. It goes on to inform us about the weather systems and the environment Vus really holds behind those thick blankerts of gas. Another supporting claim for their research is that they go through the history of what we know about Venus and or speculate it was like. Thhey also talk about what the future could look like if we do intend to explore Venus. IN conclusion, this author is extremely passionate about out 'twin' planet and it is very clear to see that theywish someone would go out there and explore.
Do you think driverless car should be made?.They should because one reason wil be that it help people get more relax. Another reason is that if a person is drunk and he or she is not good to drive home the driverless car can just drive them home with less accidents. One last reason why they should develop this kind of cars is that it tell you when you need to stop when backing up and tell you when you need to take over driving. First,People will be more relax if they don't have to be the one driving. They are having both arm free and they can do more stuff. People can watch more around them without having to only focus on what infront. Second,It will help drunking driving percent go lower. It will help drunk people who is not good to drive get home safely. Driverless cars will bring more less of drunk accidents. It just take them home with them driving. Third,It help you what coming and what behind you that you can't sometime see. It announces you when you are about to take off and it viber when their is a danger object behind when backing. In conclusion that reason why they should be developing a driverless cars. It help drunk people get home safely and it help you more free hand in the car.
Do you know what the Electoral College is? It's a process that the founding fathers established in the Constitution as a compromise between election of President by a vote in Congress and election of President by popular vote of qualified citizens. I think that we should change the way we vote by changing to election by popular vote for the President of the United States. I feel that this is a good idea and a good way to vote, let me tell you why. It's a good idea because it benefits the public, everyone knows exactly what kind of impact they're making and so it doesn't mess up the votes and or voting. Let's continue, shall we? It's a good idea because it benefits to the public. The public wants to know exactly who and what they are voting for, they want to know exactly what their vote means to the election. More than half of the time they don't notice what kind of an impact a vote can make or what exactly they are voting for. Also when they do elect a President, the end up getting mad over their finances or taxes because the President trhat they voted for affected it in a negative way. They wanted to elect him because they wanted a better economy, to benefit them, not to restrict them from not having what they want. This is only my first reason, I have two more to go. Another reason of why I believe that it's a good idea is because it let's the public know what kind of impact they're exactly making on the election. We all don't want to vote and not know what kind of impact our vote can make. We want to know that we can make a difference on who we're voting for, or who we vote for. They want to know and be sure if they vote for lets say "Billy Henderson" that he will lower gas prices and boost the economy, make this world a better place and help all the needy, instead of "Robert Metinguey" who will maybe to this and maybe do that. We want to know for sure what we're voting on and how much of a difference it can make. Not to be worried about if it won't happen. The last reason I have to give for why this a good idea is so that it does not mess up the voting process. According to the Gallup pole in the 2,000, taken shortly after Al Gore, thanks to the quirks of the electoral college, won the popluar vote but lost the presidency. Over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. This is what im talking about people. People are losing their elections due to the electoral college. One of the major reasons of why people are wanting a change, there should be no electoral college, only a popular vote for the election. We all want a better Government. I only there was a better way to vote. Well, there you have it. My reasons are final. I feel that we should change the voting process because it would benefit the public, so everyone can know exactly what kind of impact they're making and so it does not mess up the voting process. Don't do it for the government. Do it for your own sake. If you wanna make a difference, be on my side, and we can. Together. Now my only question to you is, are you willing to make a difference?  
If we were going to do a complete turn around and go to driverless cars I might cry. Nothing makes me more nervous than a car driving itself with no mind. If a new road goes in they better make sure the car knows what is going on or someone could end up being dead. Driving down the road is something you might enjoy but their are people that are bad drives I really don't want a 2,000 pound car doing 55 mph coming at me with no mind. Yes they say that the sensors will be top noch and will be the best in the world. What I want to know is there some kind of defense that will keep someone from hacking the system and taking over someones car. We need people to drive cars there is a good and bad side to this issue. Someone could use the car when they are drunk and take advantage to this and then what would we do to the people that get DUI'S. In the article in paragraph 7 it cleary states that no cars are completely driverless yet. All cars still need people to drive them through work sites and accident areas. With all of this happening I don't see cars ever being driverless. Another down side is how much will these new cars cost? Everything on this car that drives itself should come in a kit not be sold by itself that will cost an arm and a leg if something breaks or you get into a addicent. Also if cars become driverless who is at fault for the crash. In paragraph 9 the same question came up. If you have cameras set up then thats one thing but if you don't who do you blame. That is a tough one to handle that could really screw up some court systems. What if all cars become driverless then what are we going to do about a drivers lincese. If all cars can drive themselves then whats the point in letting only adults drive. There is also a good side to this what is fun about going on a road trip everyone is having fun but the driver. The family can do stuff in the car but not the driver. This also could take away road rage people don't have to get mad anymore about bad drivers. If they put in a driver mode you could go back and forth between you driving and the car doing it by itself. At the end of this debate I'm leaning towards the side of I really don't want driverless cars, it can be dangerous out on the road why make it even worse. Cars may make a change but it is up in the air if it will be better or worse for the people in the world.
I have recently read an article by the name of ¨Driverless Cars Are Coming¨, and asked my opinion. I believe they could be very dangerous, they´re many sensors and techology to do with the car, who is to say they couldn´t malfunction, or intercept waves a sentence from paragraph 4 indicates my fear,¨For starters, they needed a whole lot of sensors....Prius uses position-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, rotatin sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors....¨ and much more. I also believe the driverless cars could put the country in even more debt. In paragraph six they state that¨Radar was a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars.¨ The last time I herd the United States was eight trillion dollars in debt, should we really consider adding two hundred million per radar to that eight trillion? I also would like to go back to the subject of malfuctioning. If a driverless car malfunction, the company could possibly and most likely be sewed, we would have even more money added to that debt to try to prevent it from happening again and no one really knows spending all that money would even prevent it from malfunctioning again, and lastly we would have some very unhappy customers on our hands. We could be talking riots, people wanting their money back, shootings, killing. So many unanswered possibilites could go wrong with this idea and production of ¨driverless cars¨. In conclusion I believe that ¨driverless cars¨ productivity should be shut down for what we don´t know could become of it in the future wether it be money, mobs of angry customers or people that have been offected by them.
I am against the development of these "driverless cars." I am against these driverless cars because they cost alot of money and will only create more political issues in our counrty. There is also way more important problems to try and fix. These cars indeed are one of the least important. Especially when time is such a scarce thing and building these cars would take up so much of our time. Building these cars would cost alot of money. This article states that since the late 1950s, there has been companies that have tried to make this world a better place with driverless cars. Clearly its been a long time since the late 1950s and we have still not made it possible. The smart- rode systems these companies created worked well but this article states it was way too expensive. If back then the materials needed to make these cars were very expensive, don't you think our advanced technology now will be way more expensive? There are lots of things required for this car to work and with every little mistake, justice must be served. Laws are not an easy thing in our world. We have a great law system, but yet after years and years it is not perfect. This article states that new laws will be needed in order to cover liablility in the case of an accident. Why should we work on making new laws instead of prefecting our laws now? We already have a great focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe. We can make it better but we must not lose our focus. Focus is such an important thing when improvments need to be done. Yes, we have had great innovations in our generation. Our technology has advanced by alot. It does make it possible for there to be cars that actually are driveless. But we must also think of the more importants things in life not just cars. We need to make out government better. We need better ways to stay healthy. We did need great transportation, the safer the better, but we need to work on more important things right now. Time is such a scarce thing for a human and we should spend it on things that actually matter. I am against these driverless cars because they cost alot of money and will only create more political issues in our country. There is also way more important problems to try and fix. Maybe one day we will realize how people went to jail for something they didnt do and all we did was care about a more entertaining way to get us from one place to another. This can work, but we all have to be on the same side first.
The use of the Facial Action Coding System to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable, it'll allow teachers to better understand their students. If teachers could identify when a student begins to lose interest in a lesson, then the teacher can think of a better way to teach them. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The FACS also allows teachers to identify which students are going through depression. Leading those students getting faster help, and less suisides. The FACS is able to tell mixed emotions and identify each one in a percent value. "She's 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." I believe this evidence is able to express my claim that, the use of FACS to read emotional epressions of students in a classroom is valuable. The technology gives teachers chances to avoid multiple, unwanted situations.
Every teacher should use this in their class room because the teacher could see what each student is feeling inside. Also the teacher could see if the student is learning,listening, or even liking what the subject is. It says "moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them''. I think that is very true and hopefully it would make people more happy and not feel like they are nothing. If people could make enough of the Facial Action Coding System for the schools all around the world. I think that would make a big difference on people not lieing about how the feel. It would help people be better with computers if the computers understand howthe person if feeling. It would me a great game too. You try to make the other person try to guess your emotion and the computer would tell you if they got it right or not. I think this would be really good to get out to schools to show them how to see different emotions about people and like i said before, it would make a great game.
I know that people are saying that this is proof that aliens inhabit Mars, but trust me, this is not proof. I wish this was proof. It's exactly what we need to hear right now. It's exactly what we've been needing to hear for years. We wan't to find evidence of life on Mars, so why would be hide any signs from you? If you still don't belive me, look closer at it. Some images the face is more clear than others. That means that the eyes and nose that you see are just shadows. Aliens wouldn't make an artifact that only looks like a face from certain angles. They would want it to stand out. Some of you say that the alien markings are hidden behind the wispy clouds. Well, we checked again at a time when it was clear and you could see everything fine. There were no alien markings. Like I said, if there were we would have been extatic. The whole world would have known about it within a few days. I know it has become a huge pop icon, and I'm sorry yo ruin this for you, but it has to be done. It's just a landform. It's very common around the American West. It resembles the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. If you still want to think that it's a face created by aliens then be my guest. Nobody can stop you. For those of you who now believe that it's a natural land mark, Nasa is just as disapointed as you. We wanted it to be created by aliens too. It would be pretty nice to finally have actual proof in the existence in aliens. Hopefully our trip to Mars will help us find proof in their existence.
I am for the deveIopment of the cars. I believe that the developement of driverless would be great. There is always a good and negative side to thing. The negative thing about driverless cars is that they still require humans. The good thing about them is that there would be less accidents due to people on their phones while driving. Driverless cars would improve our world in both good ways, they also have a bad side, they would also require half of the amount a current car uses. Driverless cars would improve our world for the better. According to the article the cars would have sensors that cause the car to apply brakes when there is danger. The cars would also alert the driver when it needs you to take ove the wheel. There would be less reckless driving. The roads would be much safer. The self driven cars would not require as much as todays cars do. Driverless cars also have a negative side. The cars still require a human to be alert in case he needs to take the wheel. The care requires a human hand to be on the wheel while the car is driving. A danger is that the brakes could suddenly go off putting the people in the car in danger. According to the article the car cannot drive itself around work zones and around accidents. So the human would need to drive. I am for the development of driverless cars. I believe driverless cars would improve our world. I think they would be a great developement. According to the article they would require half of the gas a regular car uses in todays market. The cars would react much faster than a human due to thier sensors applying brakes much faster. The number of deaths would be less due to driverless cars. Less control a human has the less reckless driving there will be. Automakers should continue their work to improve the driverless car. They would require half of the current cars. They would make the steets safer. The self driven cars would allow humans to be on their phones without putting others in danger. Humans could still gain control of car if needed.
_Dangers of the Self-driven Monster_ Do you want your life to depend on the driving of a robotic car? Although there would be reasons as to why these cars are useful, they aren't guaranteed to work. Driverless cars are dangerous because they are prone to malfunction, don't have a way to react quick enough, and is blind to certain things on the road. Everything that is controlled by itself or some sort of robot is prone to malfunction. A car driven by humans is already dangerous enough! If one of these driverless cars was to malfunciton, the one to blame is the manufactorer. With the malfunctioning cars there will be conflict between an individual and the manufactorer. Not only does it cause conflict, but it could cause great damage to our society. Most robotic things are quick, but they are not quick enough to react to something happening in half a second. If a driverless car were setup to react to an incoming car, it would just try to swerve around the car. If the car just swerves and there is another car on the left or right of it, the car would then hit one of those. If the driverless car just breaks to avoid hitting a car in front of it, and the car behind it does not have enough time to react and crashes into him. These cars would cause more damage by being programmed to, quote on quote,"React to an incoming car." Not only is the car not quick enough to react to an incoming car, it can't see everything around itself. The car would have blindspots, just like humans do. If the car can't see to its right and a car is coming straight for him, Boom! There is another car crash. These cars would basically do everything a human does now. The only thing that this helps with is letting us be even more lazy than what we already are. A self-driven car isn't as safe as people think it to be because they are prone to malfunction, don't have a way to react quick enough, and are blind to certain things on the road. You don't want your life and the life of your family in the wheel of a robotic, self-driven tin-can of death!
Some claim that a picture of a natural landmark and a shadow is really a sign of alien lifeform or a civilization. Nasa a billion dollar company dissagrees and has proof that this is indeed a landmark with a shadow and not any sort of alien life. That has not stopped some conspiracy theorists from saying that this is a cover up. Nasa as we all know is a company that is paid to fly unmanned and sometimes manned aircraft into the sky and most excitingly space. That is a positive thing for us humans who have no idea why we are here and how are we here. People don't like to know or believe the truth and sometimes make up lies or takes something the wrong way and make everyone from the news to the everyday household hear about something that didn't even turn out to be true. That is the same case here, Nasa released a photo of a mountain during a time of day that would have shadows, and Nasa being a public and government company is forced by law to release photos to the people. Which leads to more proof if Nasa took more photos that showed aliens or other inteligent lifeforms they would have to release it they can't just magicly hit erase. Conspiracy theorist still do not believe Nasa so they demand more photos and still Nasa has even more proof that this "face'' is indeed a montain with shadows stratigicly placed to look like a human face. Theorist say that everything Nasa does is either faked or fixed to look like something it is not. In this case it went viral and many people still believe it was aliens that went there and did that but Nasa declines and this time Nasa has a little more proof. Nasa would've got money to send a human or a robot to Cydonia if it were a human lifeform or an alien, and we all know the team that worked on it would've got some pretty heavy paychecks just by working on the case, just imagine that checks the team would make if it were a civilivation. But Nasa will not be sending over humans or a robot for a couple reasons, the best reason is that the already know that this is just a mountain, not a civiliation. In conclusion Nasa knows this is a mountain and not a lifeform of any kind. Nasa also knows that lifeforms like ours can not survive on the surface of any planet without an atmousphere like mars. So even if a lifeform can survive without oxygen unlike us that the proof of that area says otherwise.
"The Seagoing Cowboys program have been looking for others to join." I spoke with power as I said that. People who want to have been scarce lately. I stood with confidenece announcing that we need more people. "This can be a wonderful change for those who want to help, and you would get to see many intresting and unique places." I looked at the group of people listening,and they were not convinced. The assembly was over. The meeting of people who might join had been not quite intrested. I shook my head. I needed something to show that would make them want to go. Our next trip will be near Greece. I had already talked to my boss, and we will get to visit the Acropolis. I thought about that could be the way to show how great our team is. I continued to think that if we bring the others along they might want to join. I smiled after my boss was on board with the idea. We would finally get people intrested. The day we set aboard hundreds of people joined. The first day we established what we did. For example like bringing animals, food, water,and other supplies. I mentioned how we have taken hourses and have had to take care of them. Anyone with animal intrest gleamed as they wanted to join already. I continued to explain that we feed and take care of the animals. Not long after we had people who wanted to join as soon as they could. As the days continued, I talked about how we get to see many places while traveling. I told them about going on a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, and seeing the Panama Canal on my way to China. The others marvaled at the adventure, but I didn't stop there. I told them about me getting to tour a castle in Crete. As before, others we amazed and they too wanted to join quickly. Lastly, for those who were not intested in traveling or animals I disscussed the times we had fun aboard. I talked about how we all played baseball and volleyball in where the animals had been housed. How we played table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing whittling,games, and reading. How it was an adventure. It got everyone talking and more than I had hoped wanted to join. I got excited, and I was ready to teach the others. I thanked everyone. I told them that to me it was more than just an adventure. To me it showed me how I get to help people in need. That it has me aware of other countries and their needs. It just makes me happy that I get to help them be helped. All people on the boat cheered and congratulated me. I smiled. I was ready for another journey aboard.
The author presents both positive and negative aspects about the diverless car by listing all the positives about it and then the negatives that people don't know or like to hear about it. This idea has swept across the country and everyone has there own idea on it. It has everyone thinking if its the right thing to be on the road or not. It helps people out alot but then it may back fire and not be the best choice for them. Everyone has their own opinion on this world wide idea. There are lot of positive aspects to it. For instance helping the disabled people get around. Instead of asking for a ride and making things harder. They can have a diverless car. Also for people who are tired or sick that may fall asleep or get destracted at the wheel. This can prevent accidents and dealths from accuring. There are also sensors on the car that alert people when a accident may occur so that the driver can take control. These sensors are all over the car, and are in places that the driver can not see. Like in the drivers blind spot of course and where they are not able to see car, people, and other objects. It also helps with accident close near, and traffic jams too. Not to mention you can relax about having to go the right speed limit and about trying to multie task while driving. It is a great asset to the future. However the car is not garunteed to be completely safe, and for you to not pay attention to the road and other around you still. There are some negatives to the car. For instance the car could still get in accidents. Something in the car may still go wrong and you may not know it. Then if you get in the accident the person in the driver seat is held responsible for it all. Also it is not legal in some states still. So you can't just drive it wherever you feel like. Another con about the car is it may not know where to go. If you want to stop through a fast food, how would the car know how long to stop for? Same for picking up precriptions at the pharmacy, or just meeting people and getting out of the car to talk. Is there a timer or what? What happens if you want to go somewhere else while you are on the way to the first place? Does this mean you have to pull over to a safe location and type all the information in?Many people question these things because if something were to happen it would come back on them. Although it may be nice for some people, others may deal with other problems with the car. My position with the driverless car idea is that I don't think its necessary. Although there are a lot of positive aspects tot it. Its not a garunteed safe ride home. The car can still get in accidents, and if it does hit anyone, or something you are completely responsible for all of it. The blame comes back on you. I think that this idea will make people get lazy even though the drivers are still suppose to be watching and being alert. You can't rely on the car itself. Not to mention you can put your life and others in danger by this. This information states that yeah there are some positives to the driverless car, but it can also be a mistake that you made by buying the car by your life and others being in danger.
We are living in a world that day by day is rapidly changing right before our eyes, whether its the fastest new car, the more advance cell phone, or even just a simple new invention that will assist our lives into making it easier. That's really all its about is trying to make our live less of a hassle, but is always taking the easy way out the best and most convienient way? Cars have been around for quite some time now, and the do a great deal for our society, however there are many advantages of limiting car usuage. In an article titled The End of Car curlture By Elisabeth Rosenthal she mentions that recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. Although the current poplations interest in cars is decreasing, the developement since WWII has been focused on cars. Motor run vehicles play a huge role in peoples lives today helping them get from point A to point B in a lesser amount of time then walking or even riding a bike. However cars are not always the answer, if a destination is less that five minutes away it isn't imossible to walk/ride a bike, when you take the oppurtunity of not driving in a vehicle you are doing two things saving the environment because there will be no gasoline burning and you will be giving your body the exercise it needs. Many cities including Bogota, Columbia are already trying to start the trend of a alternative transportation. In a document titled Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota By Andrew Selsky they explain how every year for the past three year Bogota hosts a day without car but only buses and taxis used as vehicle transportation, motive was to reduce smog in the area therefore violaters would face a $25.00 fine. "It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said a business man with the name of Carlos Arturo Plaza, as time has gone on other cities including Cali and Valleduar have participated in the event. Everyday the air becomes more and more polluted with with the usage of cars, so why not kill two birds with one stone, save the planet and save ourselves. Next time you are going somewhere take a moment to think would i be better off walking or riding my bike, if not use your vehicle. It isn't a bad thing to use a car because they do greatly benifit us, but when you have the option use a bicycle or walk to your destination instead.
It is 2018, everything is changing from our clothes, media, social norms, etc. Scientists are moving closer to become independent of labor and moving more towards technology. First it was the car, then phones, now facial action coding system. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" written by Nick D'Alto, the idea of having technology to do decode what emotion you are feeling is central to popular belief. The idea that a camera with a few buttons would be able to tell how you are feeling is absolutely impeccable. The everyday use of technology should not become normal. This society needs to know that soon enough everything will be controlled by technology. The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" has many ideas that I do not agree with. Starting with the fact that putting a facial action coding system in a classroom will be the same as if an effective teacher were to be there. The demonstration of this system itself seems very interesting, but only in the right place and the right time. In paragraph six Doctor Huang explains "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication" this mean that the computer will be there physically but will rarely give any verbal or emotional communication. Putting this in a classroom full of students and having it code their emotions is not only a crime to teachers everywhere but also to the students. Not only do the students need someone physically to be there, they also need someone to model for them. All students have different ways of learning. If the students who learn by the teacher modeling, they won't be doing very good with the computer. Not only do the students need a teacher there as a figure to respect and trust, but they also need their own privacy. Doctor Huang states "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" this is not necessarily a good thing. If the computer is watching their every move and facial or emitonal expression they would feel like they are constantly being watched. This is a feeling the children should not be exposed to at an age where you are just being a kid. If the students are being watched, they are then mainly apart of a science experiment that they did not agree to and that is not right. The final reason why this computer would not be effective with the kids is that there is a liability factor when it comes to putting one of these in your classroom. You have to think about what the parents' will have to say. Doctor Huang also includes "If you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different." this means that the computer is watching every single move you do while you are searching the web. The camera is turned on and who knows if a person might be watching you through the other end. Many parents or even potential buyers may not want this from new technology. In conclusion, technology will be apart of our everyday lives whether we like it or not. The different types of technology that we use is what we can control. The Facial Action Coding System is the type of technology that students and teachers should steer clear of. Technology may be able to do cool things, but that doesn't mean it doesn't come at a price.
the author represents this idea very good since for each problem that venus gives the author gives us a solution a way to overcome it and he presents this idea of life in venus which is what we have searching for a long long tieme .The author suggest that is worthy becaus venus had a major comparason with the earth often this called the Earth twin , venus despite there conditions has a major chace that there is life on it since there ages ago before it was that corrupted since it had planes mountains and all sort of this meaning it was hopitable ages ago, also in the closest planet (sometimes because of the planet rotacion making venus sometimes and then mars sometimes) despite the dangers which to be honest there a lot of them like melting also the temperature is dangerous but there can be testing on this planest and we truly got what we need since we got those old computers that can resist the big temperatures and since all the danger can just b hover carefully it would not be a big problem we got verything we need to overcome this problems that venus present us . over the author ideas is really good and should be done and someone becaus whatever research there is done in venus it bring us a lot of information which can lead us to further explration of venus or other planets like mars.
Thousands of people around the world use cars. It's an all-around good mode of transportation. Unfortunately, the fumes that cars emit are harmful for the environment. There are ways to limit car usage. Limiting car usage has many benefits such us the decrease in greenhouse house gas, the decrease in smog, and resources are conserved. First off, reducing the usage of cars can cut the amount of greenhouse gas produced dramatically. One can easily cut down on car usage by using other means of transportation such as : riding bike, riding the train, and plain walking. Greenhouse gas emissions are very harmful and are mostly caused by car emissions. Around fifty percent of passenger cars are responsible for these gasses (source 1.) If we limit car usuage we can promote a healthier environment. Additionally, reducing car usuage also cuts down smog. Smog is another deadly gas that isnt just dangerous to the environment, but also to us. Smog is polluted air which can cause sickness. Many cities around the world are increasing in smog due to the overusuage of cars. For example Paris almost broke the record for polluted air, which is held by China, one of the most polluted cities in the world (source 2.) If we reduce the usuage of cars, we promote cleaner air for ourselves. Just by limiting the car usuage for five days in Paris, the smog went down sixty percent (source 2.) The advantage of limiting car usuage would be cleaner air. Finally, limiting car usuage is beneficial because it conserves resources. If we dont rely on cars, we could make cities more compact (source 1.) Therefore reducing the amount of land destroyed to build malls, highways, and houses. This would save tons of resources that were going to be used on building and natural resources (source 4.) Limiting car usuage would improve life all around. All in all, the limit on car usuage would benefit the environment, it would benefit our health, and it would aid the conservation of resources.  
The Electoral college is a place were they elect the presidant of the united states and the congress choose if they put a vote in for that presidant and his people. The process is the selection of electors next the meeting of the electors and then where would they vote for the presidant and the vice presidant and the counting of the electoral votes by congress the elctoral college consists of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to vote for the presidant. The presidants election is held every four years on a tuesday after the first monday in November. The presidential election is held at the electoral college i think that why would you have the electoral college when you can just vote some other way insted of having this big thing just to elect the presidant and the vice presidant why can't you just have a regular meeting deciding if you are voting for that presidant and the vice presidant the electoral college to me makes no sense why would you have this big thing that makes no sense at all if you wanted to vote for the presidant then vote i dont get why you have to go through a big system just to vote i think its just easier just to vote a regular way and it takes so long and it also depeneds on what state you are in and how you have to vote in texas if you wanted to vote for a certain person you would have to vote for the slate of 34 or what the number of that person is like for example if you voted for Jhon Kerry you would have to vote for slate of 34 democratic electors it just depends on the state. what if there was a tie the election it would be thrown into the house of representatives where the state delegations vote on the presidant and the vice presidant cause only each state casts one vote a single representatives from Wyoming representing 500,000 voters. this is why i think we should not have the electoral college becuase it causes to much cauase throught all the steps you have to go through it takes so much time up and there is so many other thing we can be focusing on i think the electral college needs to be gone and over with and we need to find other ways to vote for the presidant and the vice presidant.
Statistics show that when a community has given up the use of cars that the amount of polution will go down, excersize levels increase meaning weight problems will go down, and in addition to this, there will be an increase on all round living enviornment and secure a higher quality of life for on coming generations. Why go through all this frustration when the alternative is so near to us. Its simple we don't have to. Polution is a huge problem in this ever growing world. Its not solving any thing nor is it leaving things better for our new generation ton come. In places like Paris, Bogota, and Vauban Germany these few inovative pioneering societies have given up the past ways of driving and have looked on to better pastures. They ahve reduced polution, the ever growing smog and the relience that man kind has found in automoblies. having a over populance of cars in one place or country can be the game changer when it comes to polution increace if we would just deal with these few over populated areas we would reduce this global warming affect. 12 percent of passenger cars in europe and 50 percent of cars in the US are responsible for the greenhouse gas emissions. As well they have a no unneccesary congestion, or disruption of the peace of their homes. All this alows them to have a high Quality of living they get more excersize time seeing that they walk every wher. This is solves the huge population of growing obesidy in modern countries. In places like Columbia there was a huge decrease in polution, on a car-free day. Millions were seen biking skating, hiking, and taking the local bus to support the new idea of car-free societies. When living better it's just as important to excersize as it is to to have a clean and stress free enviornment. The every day problem of missing the bus or getting to work to late is a huge hassel to deal with. Your problems would over with out the use of cars this ensure the percentage of stress to decline. I'm not promissing a life care free but if if it can help why not. "It's a good way to take away stress and lower air polution," a direct quote from a man who has this car-free life. Yes real people are doing this and Yes the results of it are positive. 94 percent of perticipants have agreed that there quality of life now is better than before. Its not a hard choice to make we either live in this world the way it is now and watch it come to a end, or we make the change that we want to see in it so tommorow I'm asking you instead of driving to work alone take a bike to work with a freind or simply reduse the affects and ride with a bunch of friends or take the bus. Its up to us to see that this world is taken care of so help me to the change.  
You people should really enter the seagoing cowboys. you travel almost every where in the world. You could help other countries get food. And finally you can have a lot of fun while you are doing all of these things. Where do you want to go in the world? Well if your a Seagoing Cowboy you can go almost any place in the world you can go to Gremany and all these other great places if you join the Seagoing Cowboys. When you are over seas it maybe hard to understnd them but it feels good to help them. you might save there life giving them one animal or two woulnt that feel good to you. but,This trip could really open your eyes like it did for me. You can have a lot of fun while all of this is happening aboard when all the animals are all gone. You can play baseball,volleyball,tabletennisand boxing tournements. and you get free food. you can have alot of fun aboard the ship. Those are the reasons You travel everywhere in the world that you want to go. Help other countries Get food for other countries. You can have alot of fun on all these trips when you are a board.
The Face on Mars is a natural landform it has been a pop icon since it started in HollyWood Films, Books, Magazines, Talk shows, and haunted check-out lines for more than 20 years!. How could The Face on Mars be created by aliens if aliens aren't real? Why would NASA go through all that trouble to make a fake Face on Mars. The face is a natural landform because, before it was a face NASA captioned it as a "Huge rock formation". It was a humans head it was also formed by shadows, which made it seem like the huge rock formation had eyes, nose, and a mouth. But it was just an illusion. NASA knew that if they were to put the "huge rock formation" on Mars they would attract a lot of attention. The were right! As soon as the huge rock formation was on Mars that's when NASA started getting all the attention NASA knew was coming. So this is why I state that NASA's "huge rock formation" is NOT fake, like I said earlier why would NASA go through so much trouble just to make a fake humans head on Mars?
In the article The Challenge of Exploring Venus the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports this idea because in paragraph 4 he says "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well have once been the most earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life just like earth. today, venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and it includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive". He also says that "Striving to meet the challenge presented by venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endevours. Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". This shows that the author supports his idea of studying venus and that it is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents.
Intro-The technology would be valuable because it would allow students to focus on their assingments. This technology could keep students on task and allow for them to have a learning environment that they could thirve in. This technology could also create a better world in general by enhancing the future generations knowledge. Body 1-Technolgy has become a everyday thing in our lives and has created many distractions for students. With this new technology students could continue focusing on what's important, their school work. This would make students grades improve and allow them to have a better oppurtunity in the real world. Occording to the text, the technology would also allow "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." This means the technology could adjust itself to learn how the student works, instead of the other way around. Also "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," meaning that the technology would work for each student around the world. Body 2- This technology would also create a better living environment across the globe. This is because computers could explain lessons to students in ways a human couldn't. The computer could analzye the students face, see any confusion, and change the lesson plan into what the individual student needs. This is all plausible because the text omits that the technology "could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This could make jobs easier for teachers, and increase the future generations knowledge by teaching them more than a human could. Conclusion- This technology could seriosly improve schools for the better and allow them to forever change how we learn. Students could be individually taught, and they would always learn because the computer would still know if the student is confused or not. This could create worldwide peace because students could fully grasp from histories mistakes and continue to forever make the world a better place.
Mars has alot of land forms like cracks,crators,and hills. I am certian it has land formations if it has hills and cracks. Erosion created land forms on earth with wind and rocks falling on each other like a slow chain reaction. It is highly posible for it to have happened on mars may tousands possibly millions of years ago to star erosion. Mars is filed with many resonses for it not to be livable if it were ever consitered apon. It most likely a cluster of dust and bolders than live beings made this face. People see faces in every thing from light sockets to morfed trees. I know the face on the moon is a popular land formation like the ''Grand Canyon''. It be impossible to not try to think aliens did it but there are things here on earth famous we didn't create. I know mars has land forms too.
Mona Lisa's 83 percent happy, 9 parcent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. "The facial expressions for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang, "even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression." in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. In fact, we humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinchi studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convery specific emotions. His new computer software stores smilar anatomical information as electronic code. Perhaps Dr. Huang's emotion algorithms are a different sort of "Da Vinci Code"! The Mona lisa demonstation is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. Imagine a computer that knows when you're happy or sad. The muscles called orbicularis oculi pars palpabraeus make crow's-feet around my eyes. The muscles will not make lie, so Mona Lisa have wonder parts of human. Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions. Whoever thought that making faces could reveal so much about the science of emotions. These are essay, so we can know the Dr., Hung and The Vinci are so good person and very smart because my summary shows that. I thought the Mona Lisa had not alive at their time, so she is just picuture. I will find some good art. It will be better than Mona Lisa. We colud get informatin if we have science knowlende. I understood the art world of little.
The auther suggests that studying is a worthly pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Like Venus is even more challanging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venu's atmopsheric. Its more extreme than anything that a human encounter on earth. Venus has the hottest suface temperature of any planet in our solar system. Venus would be the place where there would be lots of problems like not easy conditions. when using phones, tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. I feel like we would need more advanced things from earth in Venus because Venus would have the hottest suface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though mercury is closer to the sun. "It would the most challenging in exploring venus". The venusian geology and the weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightningstrikes to probes seeking to land on its surface. And the most entresting thing is that somtimes Mars and Venus are closer to earth. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has a value, not only because of the insight on the planet in how it had lots of bad things, but we still would have the good things that would we need to make people to survive in venus. Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
In the passage "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. A positive aspect of driverless cars is Google cars have driven a million miles without a crash. The passage states, "Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues." According to the passage, a negative aspect for driverless cars is "Theses samrt-road systems worked suprisingly well, but they require massive upgrades to existing roads, something that was simply too expensive to be practical," so they would be expensive to upgrade. My position on driverless cars is they would be more of a positive affect in the world. In passage states, "He envisions a future with a public transportation system where fleets of driverless cars form a public-transport taxi system." Brin believes that the future's public transportation systems will all be driverless. Brin also believes such cars would fundamentally change the world. The passages states, "Television and movies have long been fascinated with cars that could drive themselves." To make the cars smarter, they need to have newer systems put into the car. The text states, "they needed a whole lot of senors." Google modified a Toyota Prius with position-estimating senors on the rear wheel. They also put a senor on the roof. Google had placed cameras and the rearview mirror. They placed four automotive radar sensors in the car along with a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion senor. The passage "Driverless Cars Are Coming" states, "Senors are nothing new, of course." Automakers have been using senors for cars since the 1980s. They put them on the wheels for the creation of antilock brakes. The text states, "Within 10 years, those senors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the dangerof out-of-control skids or rollovers." The information from the brakes caused the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine. The negative aspect of driverless drivers is why would anyone want a driverless car when that car still needs a driver? Huber states, "We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way." So some of the manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. The radar is a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars. All-in-all to make a drverless car, it would be really expensive.
Their are people that think the fece on mars was actually made by aleins. They athink that it is a alein artifact. There are beliefs that is like the Pharaoh of egypt, it is thought to prove life on mars. This is all false. The only reason the formation look like a face is becuase of that shadows. The angle that they were at made shadows that looked like eyes, a nose, and a mouth. The carma they were using at the time also wasnt that great. It was good for the time but it is not as accurate compared too more recent camras. In the next few photos of the face of mars you can clearly see that it is just a rock formation and not a face. The face of mars was just a rock formatoin and some perfictley placed shadows. In the most recent picture of it you can see that it looks nothinhg like a face and just like a hill or big rock. Some people might say that NASA is just trying to hide the alain life but this is false. If NASA really found life forms on a diffrent planet they would tell every body because they would make a lot of money. Every body would be interested in the new life forms and want to learn all about them. They would help found NASA to do research and do every thing they could to learn more. This meaning NASA would expaned a lot. It would get so much more income and job applications. The the face of mars looks just like some of the natural land forms on earth. This is also just another way to prove that it is not a sign of alein life. The face of mars is just a normal landform that happened to have some very face like shadows apear when they were taking the picture.
Dear Mr. State Senator, I think that you should change election to popular voting for the president of the United States because the Electoral College is unfair. Everyone should have a say in who our next president will be. That is a very important thing because we are choosing a ruler of our country and somone who will take care of us. Allowing only a few people to vote in each state does'nt make any sense because people are only choosing from their opinion and there is lots of other in that state that probably don't agree with what they chhose. I think that everyone should be allowed to vote for who they want for president because it is fair. It is fair because everyone is voting based on their own opinions of a person. When the electoral College votes, its kind of like favoritism and the voting ends up being not even and not justified. In the artical it says, "Most states have a "winner-take-all" system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate." To me, that is wrong because again, it is showing favoitism towards a small group of people. No one else gets anything, just those few people. Another line from the passage says, "Perhpas most worrying is the prospect of a tie in the electoral vote." If there happened to be a tie then the election would be thrown the House of Representatives where they would vote for the president. There's a different number of representatives for each stare and they differ from verry large to small ratios making it even more invaild and not right.  
Hello Mr. senetor, my name is PROPER_NAME and i want to talk about some inportant stuff. For on i want to keep the electoral Collage . This is a syste that has been happeing since our founding fathers have been on earth.  Its where they vote for the pesident and vice president of United States of America. Now you want to get ride of this great tradistion that we do. I know sometimes we might get confused and vote for the wrog candidate. But that is not all of us. Everyone thinks its a disastor factor. The electoral collage will improve and will keep improving. In the text it says " The electoral college is widely rgarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic method of selecting a priesedent that ought to be overuled By declaring the candidate who recives the most popular votes the winner . The advocates of this positionare correct in arguuing that the electorl collage method is not democrticin a modern sence. It is the electors who elect th president, not the people . When you vote fora pesidentian candidate youre actually voting for slate of electores." Thats what the text said and we dont want that. Us the people want to vote for who we want to. This will be something big if we can keep this thing going.
Do you think its is a good idea to limit car usage? Well i do and the reason for that is because more people now a days just have completely stop caring about the enviornment. I say this because more and more people are getting these big trucks and they are not realizing that when that truck starts it is letting out bad gases that harms our atmosphear. I read that people are now getting fines in Columbia because of there cars and right now i think that's a good idea. I say this because people are just down right lazy and they need to get up and go exercise, they could just go walk or even ride a bike to where they have to go, it's really not that hard. Next I read that president Obama has abitious goals to curb the united states greenhouse gas emission. I know that it will work out because I read that peopel think that america is pass the car age or what ever and that more and more people are starting to do whats right and start walking and riding bikes. Now I have also read that Car compinies are suffering from that one day without cars thing because i think they fear that people might love the day without cars so much,that they just might stop buying them. Car componies are also suffering because I read that more and more people are becoming unemployed or they just cant affored it so they take alternet ways to get to where they have to go and they just dont worry about it. These are some of the reasons why i think it is a good idea that we should limit the usage in this world because there are so many pro's and cons on why its a good/bad idea.
Face Action Coding System (FACS) is a system designed to analyze and predict what emotions are being shown on a human face. The software can detect happieness, surprise, anger, fear, disgust, and sadness. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author describes FACS being used to display ads, change video games, and analyze school children to learn wether they are bored or confused. This however brings up some questions in respect to analyzing school children and some dangers as well. FACS should not be used in a clasroom to analyze school children. To start off, this software is very challenging for a normal computer to run, as in the article D'Alto states "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms..." (D'Alto 7). This statement says that a home PC cannot run FACS which means neither can a school computer as the two are practically identical. If this is the case, for FACS to beincorporated into the class room, a huge overhall of computers would need to be made. This would require a lot of money from the school system that the school sytem does not have. Another argument against the incorporation FACS into the classroom is the chance of a breach in security. This FACS system, if used in a school system, could be installed on every computer in the building. This means there would be constant survailence from the cameras on the computers that would be searching for a student's face to analyze. If these cameras were hacked by an outside person or group, the system would show the hackers everything happening in the school at that time. This breach in secruity could cause catasrtophic occurances ranging from a school shooting where the shooter knows exactly where each person is in the building to a mass heist from theives late at night. Fianlly, along with the two reasons stated above, FACS could also cause numerous teachers to lose their jobs. As stated in the article, "'A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused ot bored... Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.'" (D'Alto 6). This shows that FACS can manipulate and change the work a student is doing to fit that student's needs. Because of that, physical teachers would no longer be needed to make, change, or teach a lesson as the computer software is already doing so. This could cause thousands of teachers to lose their jobs sonce they would no longer be needed. Overall, FACS is a unique and advanced system that is amazing at analyzing human emotions. However, because of the high processing cost, risk of security breach, and the fact that it would cause thousands of teachers to lose their job, the software should not be incorporated into classroms to read students' emotions. Instead, it should be used in other ways that the article states including Web ads and video games.
The electorial college should not be used because you dont exactly vote for the president. the electorial college is to voulintary for presidention voting. 3 reasons why the electorial college should not be used because you vote for a slate of electors, they would have the advantige in votes, and it over rules the poeple vote. One reason why this method should not be used becaus you vote for a slate of electors. instead of voting and using the poeoles vote, you vote for electors to elect for you. it comes from a variaty of places of whom is the electors. which lead to the biggest election crises odf 2000. Another reqason why this method should nt be used is because they would have a advantige in votes.  Republicans would mostly build up the election group. which is over 300 polititions. one last reason is that it over rules the poeples vote. if the poeple vote is up to 40% and the electorial vote is 60% it would over rule our vote. which leads to a obviouse winner in the election on the camopaighn run. the reason the elecctorial colllege should be banned is, you votefor a slate of electors, they would have the advantedg in the vote run, and it over rules the poeples vote.
There are different types of cars, small cars, big ones, different colors, etc. In general, we can say that cars have changed the world but, in what way? Well, people say that cars has been very useful to us all, but in reallity it has been harmful to not only us but the earth aswell. In many countries they are banning the usege of the cars because of so much pollution. Studies show that in Europe "passenger cars are responsable for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions" and to make matters worse, it is "up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." This shows how much cars have been harming the earth by increasing the greenhouse gases. On the other hand, some people have been getting rid of their cars because their country charges them fees for having a car and for parking aswell. Other places where pollution is at the top like Paris, have banned car usage on certain days for people and if they fail to not us their cars they will have to pay a fine. All of this, causes tension and stress as a matter of fact, a woman once said "when I had a car I was always tense, I'm much happier this way." Limiting or not using at all your car can free you from tension and stress, also reducing pollution which will help your health. Furthermore, studies show that in the United States people are buying less cars than before and less people are retaining their drivers license. This is something good because one of "President Obama's goals is to curb the United States' greenhouse gas emissions." This shows how many people are trying very hard to reduce car usage which will reduce pollution. Even young people who are considered rebels of the streets are taking this into consideration because studies "found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009.." People are aware of the changes that are going on like what a professor said "different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long term cultural shift." Reducing or limiting car usage or not using cars at all will not only help you, it will help your neighbors, your family, and most important the earth, where we live in. Take it for granted that this will change the world once again.                    
My position on self driving cars is as good as anyone elses, but my thought on self driving cars maybe different. I think that self driving cars would be beneficial to society. There would most likely be some bad thingsalong the path. Like what if the cars can not perform and hve the necesity that humans can do. People would be able to do more things while in a vehicle than to just watch the road and other vehicles. Say you were in one of these self driving cars and you had a call on your phone you would actually be able to take it instead of just letting it ring, or if you got a text you could message the human back. Now people might say thats not always good, but say you got a text from a family member saying that one someone in your family got into an accident if your were in a non-self driving car you wouldnt know till you stopped and checked your phone. On the other hand if you had a self driving car you could answer it and you would be able to text the human back. Ask where are they taking them and you would be there in no time instead of not knowing. Thus completes my thought on self driving cars hope you liked it.
So you think that the face was created by aliens? Well I have some news for you, it wasn't created by aliens its just a nautral landform. You and many other people may want to believe that there was life on mars years ago and it hasn't been discovered yet, if there was ever any life on Mars we would've find many more clues by now. If anyone has read this article then they would know that it is just a landform and there is and never was any sight of life on Mars. In this article it says " Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landform. There was no alien monument afrter all." not only does the article say that but we say it also as a part of NASA I do a lot of studying and I came to find out that there was never any type of life on Mars. All the talk about aliens is uncalled for, we would have found more eveidence and even different types of clues if there was life on Mars. For the ones out there who say "NASA would rather hide" isn't true at all we want to let the people know whats going on, we want to keep them updated. But when theres nothing up there and we have half the country thinking there is thats a problem, which we have to let down easily. Yes the face is located in a coudy part but that doesn't mean we are wrong. "But not everyone was satisfied. The face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north and martian latitude where it was winter in April '98-- a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet." So just because it was winter and hard to see you people are telling me that we are wrong? That we are lying? Nope, not true. Even with the pictures from summer... Its just a landform, anything could have created it just like here on earth. So theres no need for everyone to get all shook up and angry with NASA because they wanna believe that there is actually life on Mars.
How you ever wonder how venus might look or want to go up to space and explore it? well here in my story going to describe how venus might look if you are to be interested. In this story, Venus has it's up's and down's because venus is like Our Earth's twin because it is the planet that is really close in size, shape and distance. The rest of the planets are just like neighboors to venus and earth. Some of the advantages, to go and explore venus is that it has similar things to compare to earth meaning that is we go see venus we wouldn't be surprised of how it could look because it like earth's twin having the same features as how earth look today. venus has rocky sediment which are familiar to earth today because that can mean that venus has valleys, mountains or craters. Another thing that would be cool for us to go visit venus is that knowing that earth and venus are really close to it's "one of the nearest option for a planetary vist." like the author stated. Some of the disadvantages, would be that though earth and venus might look the same have same features it could be dangerous for us humans to go and visit venus on space if their hasn't been prove that some one has gone yet or that we could live there; because Venus is the second planet closer to our sun meaning It is so hot or get really hot just by knowing the tempertures you could just imagine. how we could not survive that easily the tempertures for venus could get up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Which knowinfg this it also has different atmosphere pressure which are 90 times greater than what we have ever experience here on earth. Not even the heat and the pressure but it can be even more dangerous becasue there can be other features that we could face on earth just not that frequelety, but in venus the weather can be way off and different we could be seeing way more erupting volcanoes, or way more powerful eathquakes or even lighting because we are just that just to those high tempertures that cause all of this chaos. well these are just of the disadvantages. In conclusion, i feel that if we do come with higher end technology in how we might survive to visit venus in the future than it would be fine to go see venus the other half or twin or earth; but if not we could be really expiose to danger out there because their hasn't been a person there do to the extremes tempertures and how it could be bad to be there if NASA, still has to do some more research in order to know all the facts and we could go but as of right now we really just have to wait and thanks for this article; Now the people or audience can have a more depth note into how the other planets work and are. Since venus is too close to the sun i think that 800 degrees fahrenheit must just be an estimate i must be even more hotter than we might think.
Do you like traveling? Do you like helping people in need? Well if you said yes to these questions you might want to become a seagoing cowboy. There is a lot of hardwork,but you get to do a lot of fun things to. One of those is sight seeing. Getting to see some of the places that you would get to see, are some places I was dreaming about seeing, before I became a seagoing cowboy. The seagoing cowboys made it a reality. One place you would get to see is Europe. In Europe you could see countries such as Greece, and I got to even see the Acropolis. I also got to take a gondola ride through the streets of Venice, Italy. Another thing I saw in Europe was a castle in Crete. Another country I got to sight see was China and in China I went passed the Panama canal. Even with all this fun we had the pleasure of helping people. I knew I would have a good time and have many adventures,but not like what I had when I was a seagoing cowboy. One thing that I did was helped out with cattle. I got to see and take care of many animals during my time in Europe and China. One of my jobs was the night watch job. During my vist it also helped me understand that not everyone had the type of great life that we take for granted. It showed me that a lot of people have basic needs that they can't even fullfill, because of something that had happened to them. As one can see my experience was fun! I not only got to help people in neeed, buy I created life lasting frienships.
I think facial action coding system should'nt be used in the classroom to read students emotions. most students wouldnt want there there emotions being read its like envading privacy of ones thoughts and of course emotion. Dr. Huang says that in the classroom the FACS could determine ones emotion of being confused or bored,but wouldnt it also try to read other emotions as well? Thats not exactly fair to the students. You couldnt rely on it working right anyway. If a student is actually upset they could put a smile on ther face and the conmputer would read it as happy. Another claim what if students refuse to go to school because of the FACS what is the studet wants to be left alone and the teacher could start critizing them for not paying attention or being distracted or bored. That wouldnt exactly help anything for the student emotionally. Although he/she maybe bored or depressed and not really paying attention they could just be having a bad day or week,and FACS is envading there emotions. I think that FACS should not be used in the classroom but ore like for military purposes. Or they could be used in police investigations, not for stdents in the classroom. If students are confused they should be the ones to make up there mind and ask questions.
The Facial Action Coding System is a new innovation that can change classrooms forever. Imagine lessons that are specifically designed to fit your learning style and interests. Using this technology, you can learn lessons that enhance as they go. If you are in a class with a bunch of other students, the way the lesson is administered can be very generic. Some students may get bored with the way the lesson is being taught. By using the Facial Action Coding System, the computer can identify that a student is bored. It can then go on to modify the lesson to better engage the student. The methods that best help students learn are unique to each individual, so using this technology can make for more engaged and enthusiastic learners. Some lessons can move too quickly or can simply be difficult to understand. The Facial Action Coding System can detect confusion in students and make changes to the lesson to help the student better understand. The technology can slow the lesson to a pace best suited for the individual. It can also modify the lesson so it is put into terms that the student easily understands. This allows students to move at their own pace and have a better understanding of what they are being taught. The Facial Action Coding System can also detect when a student is enjoying their lesson. This information can be used to enhance teaching altogether by providing a baseline method for planning each lesson. It can be used to determine what methods are most commonly understood and allow for the modification of lessons for people that don't have access to the technology. By getting a baseline, the information can then be utilized in classrooms even without the technology. Although there is no definite way to ensure that students will completely understand the things they are taught, the Facial Action Coding System can definitely enhance learning for a better understanding. By being able to detect satisfaction, confusion, and boredom in students the technology can allow more students to learn and enjoy what they're learning.
If you want to believe that the face on Mars was created by aliens, that is fine, but we have evidence that it was not. The reason behind this is that like a lot of parts of Earth, it all naturally happened. Even if we find a clearer picture we have comfirmed in 2001 that it was just another natural landform And in the more clear picture, this face is the same as buttes or mesas commonly fond in the American West. As we have been looking for more evidence we have gotten clear picture one after one, just to show that there was nothing left behind from aliens at the time. That was just the beginning. If we really have found a ancient artifact, then we would have started collecting small bits and pieces to examin them. Now, lets say that we did find that aliens created these lanndforms. We probably would have let more pictures to be seen to show proof of what we found. Yes, there was also a thing during our winter where that everything on Mars is also hazy so that could be why we have been left to conclusion that it just naturally happened. However, if the monument gets abandoned every once in awhile then there could tools and items left back at it. If a landform was man made or in this case alien made, then there would be mistakes made, changes every once time. As in an article that was read not that long ago, Jim Garvin says that the face on Mars looks about the same height as a Middle Butte in Snake River Idaho. This means that it was no matter what others say, it is just a natural landform that has just happened to look like a face. As from what Garvin said, "That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." For that being so, the face is not an alien monument. The landform just has happened to be there and look like some face. Which if you still want to believe in the fact it could an alien thing that is fine. We have no alien evidence at all.
Cars use a lot of gas and make the world polluted. There are communities that have given up their cars and are sticking to walking and riding bikes. There is a town in Germany called Vauban that make you pay $40,000 with your house if you want to have a parking space. Also in this town there are only two places to park and this means that 70% of the population there down own cars and 57% sold their cars to live there. People in this town say that living there with no cars relieves stress. In the city of Paris after days of pollution they made a ban on driving to fix the smog. On mondays motorist that had even number license plates were told not to drive or face a $31 dollar fine. On the next day odd number license plate couldnt drive. 4,000 people were fined and 27 had their cars impounded do to their reaction to the fine. Their were a couple exceptions like plug-in cars, hybrids, also cars carrying more then three people but they make plubic transit free from Monday to Friday. These acts are happening in countries like Colombia. In Bogota, Colombia they celebrate their third year where cars have been banned with the onmly motor transportation being buses and taxis. They call this day "The day without cars" in the capital city which has about 7million poeple. They are doing this to pormote other mean of transportation and violators adn fined $25. A lot of people like to participate in this because it lowers air pollution and stress. Because of this day this city has made 118 miles of bike paths. In America scientist have found that people 16- to -39 years old are not etting their license. With this drop scientist think that pollution will go down in America. In 2005 the number of miles was at its peak and dropped steadily after that. In April of 2013 the number of miles driven per person was 9% below the peak and is even with the the amount in 1995. All of these are ways to cut down on not only pollution but also stress.
"Facial Action Coding System" is a good thing for classrooms. FACS can help students understand what their encountering at school. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," thats how most kids are in a classroom. To find out how to better yourself by technology is a step forward. FACS can modify lessons like a human instructor. FACS has six basic emotions-happiness, surprised, angery, disgusted, fear, and sadness. Its associated each with characteristic movements of he facial muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is calloed an "action unit." Your frontails pars lateralis muscle (above your eys) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger. The Mona Lisa description was to indicate a smile to your face, as it shows how much the computer can do. The computer knows whens your happy or sad, the FACS can make computer-animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery. Each expression is compared against a neutral face.
"So, if you're a NASA scientist, you should be able to tell me the whole story about the Face On Mars, which obviously is evidence that there is life on Mars, and that the face was created by aliens, correct?" No, twenty five years ago, our Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the planet, snapping photos, when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. Us scientists figured out that it was just another Martian mesa, common around Cydonia, only this one had shadows that made it look like an Egyption Pharaoh. Very few days later, we revealed the image for all to see, and we made sure to note that it was a huge rock formation that just resembled a human head and face, but all of it was formed by shadows. We only announced it because we thought it would be a good way to engage the public with NASA's findings, and atrract attention to Mars-- and it did. The face on Mars soon became a pop icon; shot in movies, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years. Some people thought the natural landform was evidence of life on Mars, and that us scientists wanted to hide it, but really, the defenders of the NASA budget wish there was ancient civilization on Mars. We decided to take another shot just to make sure we weren't wrong, on April 5, 1998. Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter camera team took a picture that was ten times sharper than the original Viking photos, revealing a natural landform, which meant no alien monument. "But that picture wasn't very clear at all, which could mean alien markings were hidden by haze" Well no, yes that rumor started, but to prove them wrong on April 8, 2001 we decided to take another picture, making sure it was a cloudless summer day. Malin's team captured an amazing photo using the camera's absolute maximum revolution. With this camera you can discern things in a digital image, 3 times bigger than the pixel size which means if there were any signs of life, you could easily see what they were. What the picture showed was the butte or mesa, which are landforms common around the American West. "But how do we know you're not just hiding things from us?" You should know NASA isn't hiding anything from the people because if there was evidence of life it would benefit us, so why hide it? If you still don't believe the evidence the pictures are out for you to see, which obviously shows a natural landform. The reason to not believe these movies and magazines is because they ignore the research. They make up things to get the people going, but what they actually should do is pay attention to us, because we have very important findings every single day.
I don't think it is a good idea to have driverless cars because one day you may be driving and your car is driverless but it is an on coming car coming toward you and you don't have control of the car and the car might not sense when another car is coming toward it and it may and can cause a wreck. Others may agree to have driverless cars but I don't think it is a good idea to have driverless cars it may be safe to other but it is not safe to me because I wouldn't want to have a wreck driving in a driverless car. It is good to have motion sensored cameras on the back and front of some vehicles but it is not good to have a car that parks itself because you could maybe put the car in to driverless mode it may cause a wreck or crash while the car is parking or driving on it's own. it is not good to have antilock brakes either bc you could be on your way to work and your coming to a yellow light that is turning red you may not be paying attention and not have your seatbelt on and the car just brakes on it's own it could cause serious and major injuries to you or anyone else who may be in the car with you.
Have you ever felt bored learing off a computer? Having the computer adapt to facial expressions would get the kids excited to learn, give the teachers a break, and increase learning rates tramendously. Having FACS in schools would increase how quickly kids learn and how the obtain it. First off having FACS in schools would get the kids excited to learn. The computer would adapt to their likes and dislikes so they would always be pleasing them. How would it know if they are really bored or confused is a common question, in paragraph 3 the text states "the computer contructs a 3D model of the face; all 44 major muscles im the model must move like human muscles" this all meaning that the computer can tell with 100% accuracy what you are feeling. Secondly it is difficult for teachers to please each kid individualy and work with each child 1 on 1 and with this technological advancment it will give teachers a break and require them to give minimal assistance to the kids. In this day and age technology is becoming a bigger and bigger part of our everyday soceity and less and less people are wanting to become teachers, so having a computer do the job for them and do it just as good is remarkable. The author wrote in paragraph 6 "imagine a classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored." this quote from the article showing that they would do the teachers job and be able to adapt and please each student individualy. Lastly having this technology in every school would increase learning rates greatly because it would work in a way to help and assure learning for each child individualy. The problem with teaching today is some kids dont learn as fast as other and the teacher doesnt slow down to make sure they know what they are doing, but with the FACS program it will allow kids to go at their own success rate and insure they are really learning. And with all this the kids will learn quicker as a hole because they are the computers only concern. All in all the FACS program should be in every school because it would get the kids excited to learn, give the teachers a break, and increase learning rates tramendously. So lets give it a shot.
From the time that school had been implemented as a necessary component of modern society, the emotions and behaviours of students have correlated to the interest they have in the lessons they were learning. The behaviours are sometimes not analyzed, causing the teacher of the class to either bore his students to sleep or giving his students so much freedom that they don't have the patience to carry out the work required of them. Teacher and class evaluations have been formed to try and fix this issue, but they are not reliable. But a multiple choise questionare isn't the way to determine the characteristics of a human being. A device that could analyze the behaviours of a student would better represent that person.Using technology in order to read the emoitonal expressions of a student in a classroom would be valuable because the students emotions show how they respond to a given lesson. Implementing technology that would allow a teacher to know how his sudents were responding to a lesson being given would improve the quality of the lesson being given in order to fit the needs of tthe student, as well as helping the teacher better improve his lesson plan to balance out the amount of mentally taxing work and relaxing activities that corrospond to the lesson. It is a well known fact that many students do not enjoy a class because they do not like the way the teacher goes about informing his students. This problem often leads to students being disengaged in a lesson and not learning what was taught. The teacher, however, is not aware that the student is not engaged and continues teaching the same unappetizing lesson. With an algorithm that would be able to analyze the way a students is reponding to a lesson, however, the teacher would be able to alter the lesson to engage his students. Most students do not tell their teacher that they are not interested in what is being taught, but as D'Alto explains, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication" (D'Alto 6). Analyzing the nonverbal actions of the student help give an accurate representation of what the way a student responds to the information being taught. Teachers have tried doing evaluations to learn the way the students feel, but these are unreliable and often take up unnecessary time. With technology that allows the teacher to know how the students feel automatically, it would save time for both the teacher and the student, as well as let the teacher respond to any issues much more quickly than with an evaluation. In conclusion, implementing technology that would allow the teacher to know exactly how the student responds to a lesson being given would be valuable. This process could potentially allow the teacher to alter a lesson in a way that it becomes more engaging, and it would also eliminate the need for inaccurate teacher evaluations that waste time. The changes that come with technology will be beneficial to classrooms everywhere, and could potentially fix the long lasting problem of students becoming unintersted in a lesson or a class.
There is a major debate going on in the United States about whether or not driverless cars should be able to be on the roads. Driverless cars should not be allowed on the roads with human drivers. Three reasons driverless cars should not be allowed on the roads are, they don't have a human to react to a situation, they can malfunction, and they do not have the survival instincts that people have. Some people think driverless cars are safe because they are able to react better than humans. However, these cars cannot react as well as people. A driverless car relies on sensors hooked up on the car to know its surroundings whereas a human can visually see their surroundings and react to a situation. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" the author states that, "The spinning sensor on the roof. Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the car's surroundings." Cars that rely on sensors can't completely know what is around them. Many people think that tecnology is reliable, that it will never malfunction. However, there have been many cases where tecnology has given out on us. Tecnology is never one hundred percent. It will fail every once in a while. The author of the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" states, "If the tecnology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-driver or manufacture?" Tecnology can fail even at the worst moments. Do you really trust something that could fail in an emergency? Many people also believe that a car will avoid collisions. However, a car doesn't have the survival insticts that a human has. A human will avoid anything that puts their life in danger. In the article "Driverless Cars are comming" the author says that, "None of the cars developed so far are completely driverless. They can steer accelerate, and break themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills." Cars can not navigate conditions tht require human instict which the cars themselves do not have. Driverless cars should not be let out on to the roads. If they are put on the roads people may have trouble. The cars could cause trouble for human drivers. The driverless cars can not drive like humans. The cars may cause more danger than good for human drivers.
"All of our development since World War ll has been centered on the car and that would have to change' said David Goldberg, an official of Transportation of America. It is imperative that our fellow citizens take the initiative to limit car usage for the whole purpose of saving time,conserving resources,lowering emissions and improving safety for ourselves and others . Limiting car usage is an effective way in reducing our air pollution(smog).Most of our greenhouses gases are the result from the use of car or fuel engineered automobiles. Source 1:In Geman Suburb,Life Goes On Without Cars states that "passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of the grennhouse gas emissions in Europe.. and up to 50 percent in some carintensive area in the United  States", this means that most of our greenhouse gases are resulting from the overusage of cars that emit an abundance of CO2 into the atmosphere which generally has a  negative effect on the enviroment. If car usage were to be limited that would mean the greenhouse  gas emissions would be reduced which will then lead to a reduction in air pollution. Implementing  the reduction of car usage would have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment,since transporatation is the second largest source of America's emissions,just behind power plants. Car usage has contributed to cities  low safety level. This is because cities are more denser with the use of more and more cars. If car usage were to be limited that would mean that these cities would be better to walk around in and other alternative transporatation methods such as bicycling and public transit have an easier way of getting around to save time according to Source 4: The End of Car Culture. This implication may have a negative result in lost revenue in the car industry,but which is more important the world we live in or money? There are many more alternatives than using cars that emit greenhouse gases such as plug-in cars,hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers as stated in Source 2: Paris Bans Driving due to Smog. With the reduction in car usage that would mean that the resources that were needed to support the vehicle would be conserved because there would only be a small amoun of it being used. With the reduction in the usage of the fuels then the the remaing amount would be for other purposes that would need it or be saved over time if the US were to need it in the future. To conclude if limiting car usage would be in then it would just have a positive efeect in the worl we live in. Not only will limiting car use would  reduce  the amount of smog being produced but it will also increase the United States safety level and conseverve the resources as well.  
In Luke's point of view, people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program for these reasons. According to the text ," Luke also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on his way to China." The text also states,"The cowboys played baseball and vollyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed." This is two reasons why people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. The text also states," Table tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time." The text states,"So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water." These are anothor reason why people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. According to the text,"But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him." This is my last reason why people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. This is all of my reasons why in Luke's point of veiw, people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program.
Professor Thomas Huang has a initiative way of finding out how someone is feeling. "New computer software that can recognize emotions", some may view it as an invasion of privacy, or just straight up weird. I believe it could be a new way to not only help but to recognize your own feelings or your persona to others. As we speak about the new invention I'd like to mention how it works. "the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face", there are 44 major muscles in the model that move like a human muscle for accuracy. Someone who is not only an expert with technology works on these but also someone who is an expert in mood, stability, etc works through these. "Dr. Huang relies on the work of psychologists, such as Dr. Paul Eckman." "There are 6 basic emotions; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness......" These emotions are "calculated" per say by looks, movements, and the facial muscles. This could help dictate the feelings of someone who is unable to speak or vocalize. Now "putting on a happy face" is actually possible.
I argue that smart cars will turn out to be a bad idea. The owners of the car must have control of the car at all times. For example, The owner cal fall asleep behind the wheel. That can cause an accident. Will the cars alert the driver if he or she is fall asleep from a long day of work? Or if a family taking a family vacition and the driver gets tired, will it alert him or her then? Having a smart car isn't the best idea at this moment. Making a smart car takes a lot of work to do. In the artical it said something about it has to be driven on smarts roads. Im pretty sure smart roads are going to cost a lot of money to have that done. The world now would have so many people mad at them for building such a not to bad idea as a smart car whith smart roads. instead of investing all that money into smart cars, try using it to do good for the people in need. Forx example, build houses: buy food for the homeless, clothing, Better houses for many other people. Do something positive with the money. Now im not saying this won't ever happen, because there can be a strong possibility it would. When the time do come we will see how good the smart car really is. Lets face it smart cars aren't just ready to be put out in this world right at this moment. The smart cars have a lot to work on before thry can be release. They also have to find a price at which they are going to be able to sale. The inventers are going to really work on the safe issues and what will happen if someone falls asleep behind the car. No one is going to want someone driving them around all the time. The world would be a lazy place if this happens. However people nagg on how they are tired of driving, that will be a good time for the smart cars to come along a help us out.
When new technology comes out it can always be a positive thing. That its better to have something than not to have it. having a computer that can determine if we are sad, happy, bored, etc. is pretty crazy. without this technology we probably wouldnt be able to determine that the Mona Lisa is prodomitly happy. That a computer can do something that humans do everyday when we look at someone. That having the ability of computers that can read students faces, in my opinion is valuable and can be used in many ways. There are many ways that the computer can be used, if someone were to put the computer in a everyday public school classroom. They can detect and figure out what learning style kids like. this can be implimented and put to use in classrooms around the world and help get kids more into school and want to try to get an education. This can make school more fun and more intresting for kids today. differetn classrooms can have different styles and you have a variety of kids per classroom and test to see what style the kids like. when the results come back teachers and staff can go over them and the more majority of kids that like a certian teaching style can be the style that is implimeanted in the schools today This is all done by seeing what facial emotions are used by the kids. Another way that the ability of reading students emotions can help, is to have the ability detect how students are feeling and even when they are trying to hide how they are feeling. When you are a teenager you have lots of crazy and mixed feelings. Sometimes a student might go into a deep depression and his or her friends might not be able to detect the the fact of what they are feeling and they might do something to themselves that might not be a good thing. If you use this device and cna detect how they are feeling you could stop that student from harming his or her self from doing this. This can save lots of lives and stop death rates all around the world and help that student to get help and stop this from happening. This is all done from a technology that can read facial emotions and can be very useful and even save ones life. Having this technology can be nice, but sometimes it cant always be right. If we use this technology it doesnt always mean that it can be helpful or can detect what really kids are thinking. Sometimes you can put on a brave face and show the world what really inside thats not what you are thinking. The computer migh pick up the brave face you are showing and say that you are happy but really you are having a bad day and you really arent happy. When you use this technology for schools and the computer detects the faces wrong then you have spent all of this money to have the computers detect how the faces of the kids are showing and the results really arent true then you have just wasted lots of time and that is not necessary to have. We dont really know what people are feeling. Mona lisa may not be 83 percent happy and 9 percent disgusted, etc. She may be 10 percent happy and 90 percent digusted, etc. there no good way to determine what she was really feeling at that time and in that picture. Having the technology to read students emotional expressions can be helpful, but it determines how you use it and how you correct the results are. But having this technology isnt a bad thing. Its a way to determine what people are thinking without asking the person or being in that persons head. But with having technology that is able to read students faces and emotional expressions can be used and if used carefuly can help schools and other people today.
The " Unmasking the Face on Mars" is a natural landform because it's a mesa. It's not made by aliens because they would've mad more or diffrent things. In 1976 the picture looks like a huge rock formation. In 1998 the picture don't look like the same as 1976. In 2001 the picture look's more clear but it looks like a moutain. If aliens did make the "Unmasking the Face on Mars" they would've already found a cilvilization or something else. NASA would already know if there is a civilization on Mars because because NASA discovered the "Unmasking the Face on Mars" in 1976. The "Unmasking the Face on Mars" is just a natural landform said web surfers. There was no monument afeter all. In April '98 the Face on Mars was located at 41 degrees north martain latitude where it was winter, a cloudy time of the year on the Red Planet. Mission controllers took out their camera and MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Skeptics say alien markings were hidden by haze. MIssion controllers prepared to look again but it was hard. They never found it. On April 8,2001 a summer day without no clouds they found the Face on Mars. They took a picture. The picture was good but their was no evidence of a alien civilization. The picture shows that it is a butte or a messa-landforms common around the American West not a alien artifact. "it reminds me most of Middle Butte in the snake river plain of Idaho," Gravin says. "Thats a lava dome dome that forms of a isolated mesa about the same hieght as the Face on Mars. This is why the "Unmasking the Face on Mars" is not made by aliens.
In everyday life people's emotions can affect certain things they are doing, like listening to or watching something. This is also the case in a classroom at school. Typically when a student is portraying positive emotions they will be more interested in the lesson and therefore pay more attention. The opposite goes for negative emotions, if a student is for example sad or worried they will be less interested in the lesson and pay less attention. Now if a teacher were able to detect when a student is portraying negative emotions, which is now possible with the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), that could be very valuable, because it could make the classroom a better and more affective learning environment. First of all if FACS was to be used in the classroom it could help teachers and instructors know whether or not a student is telling the truth about something based off of facial features. According to the article FACS can "even indicate the difference between a genuine smile and a forced one." This means that if a teacher asks a student if they are doing okay and they smile back and say that everything is fine, even though it is not fine for them, FACS would be able to pick this up and notify the teacher so that they could help the student. Secondly students already don't like going to school but, when they have to come to school and sit through boring lessons it makes things worse. Now teachers usually try to do their best to make the lectures as fun as possible in order for the students to stay engaged. This sometimes does not work out though and the teacher may not even realize it, but Dr. Huang predicts that FACS "could recognise when a student is confused or bored." With that the teacher could change what they are doing in the lesson to make it more engaging and therefore help students learn better. So in conclusion, FACS would be valuable in a classroom environment, because it could help teachers be more affective with their lessons and get students the help they need to succeed at school and later on in life. This new technology is just one of the many new and incredible things technology is capable of and with the continuation of these discoveries we can strive to make the world a more positive, safe and liveable place.
after reading making mona lisa i came to the conclution that i agree with the new technology. this technology can be used for many things,in the story it says "to an expert, faces dont lie; these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smileing" politician or celebrity isnt being truthful." this shows that faces can show if someone is lieing or fakeing a smile. if we had technology like that to show if someone really isnt happy or if there fakeing that would be good to know. the technology can read many emotions just by your smile. the author said"Eckman has classified six basic emotions- happiness, suprize, anger, disgust,fear, and sadness." this shows that the technology can read many types of emotions. the computer can reall all of your basic emotions includinding suprise. this computer uses your face muscles to read your emotions. " then associated each with characteristic movements of the face muscles." it uses its prior intelligence of the face muscles to read your emotions. for example it says "your frontalis pars lateralis muscle raises your eyebrows when your suprised." so when the computer sees you do that it reads it as suprised. i agree with this technology because we have many uses for this all around the world.
The driverless car is a great invention for the public and offers a whole new perspective on driving. Most might believe the dangers of this vehicle but overall the positives outweigh the negatives. Google has had an independently running vehicle for years and the technology has only gotten better and the idea of this car would cut emmisions and crashes around the world. The vehicle also alerts the driver if there is a accident or road work that requires human skill. In 2013, BMW announced the development of "traffic jam assistant." The car still drives itself but makes sure the dirver still has their hands firmly on the wheel. GM has developed drivers seats that vibrate when the vehicles in danger and the Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Other options under consideration are flashinglights on the windshield and other heads-up displays on vehicles. Some companies consider using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. Some might suggest that why would you want a driverless car that still needs a driver? wouldn't drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive? Some manufacturers hope to bring in car entertainment systems that use heads-up display. These displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over. In this sense the entertainment system is actually a safety feature, and safety is a big concern. Most laws focus on keeping drivers safe and away from harm. Lawmakers know that safety is achieved with alert drivers. Because of this fact in most states it is illegal even to test computer driven cars. California and a few other states are leading the country in allowing limited use of these vehicles. Most believe that other states will follow as it is proved more reliably safe. Manufacturers continue their work assuming that problems ahead will be resolved. Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving 90 percent of the time. Other companies plan to have driverless cars by 2020 but we get closer and closer to driverless cars every day.
Have you ever been in a situation where you have very little to no control at all? How anxious were you in this situation? This feeling is something that we have all been through at least onces in our lives. Having known this feeling very well myself, I feel that having Driverless Cars would be a huge mistake. Having the ability to sit back and watch your car drives itself would lead to one being distracted more often because they would have more time to check a phone or send a text. Having independent cars could also result in more accidents that were the after effect of a computer malfunction. Another flaw that was stated in the passage dealt with the fact that if one crashes, there could be an endless fight of who is really liable, the driver or the manufacturer. Having the technology to make self dependent cars would lead to more time for distractions, a higher chances of malfunctions, and law sutis over liablity. Having Driverless Cars would allow most of the population to have more time to get distracted. If a teen has just gotten a new tablet and wants to get it all set up and go some where at the same time, they would be able to do this. They would jump into their car and start messing with their new toy. If a little kid happens to run into the road while the driver isn't paying attention, the car probably wouldn't have time to react. Now the driver has to deal with a man slaughter charge just becuase the car was supposed to do it for her. The situtation is also a perfect example of how these cars could malfunction. Another flaw to the new concept of self driving cars is the fact that they could suffer computer malfunctions at any time. If the driver needs to drive through a dirt road, the car could hit a bump that would knock a wire lose that controls the speed of the vehicle. The car could also get rain water into on of the control panels that migh end of leaving one stranced on the side of the road due to an electrical fire. Another computer flaw is that nothing is perfect. Not every single computer hard drive or control panel is going to be exactly right. One little mistake by the developer could lead to an entire city worth of cars having to be recalled. At this point if a driver is in a recalled vehicle and gets into an accident, who is there really to blame? The final reason to keep independent cars just a dream is the fact that there is no way to tell who is really liable for the accident. If a civilian is driving through a street in the city while another is on a bike and they hit at a intersection with numerous blind spots, who is going to take the blame. Will the pedestrian on the bike be charged because he wasn't aware of the unknown blind spot? Will the civilian in the car be charged with unvoluntary man slaughter because he/she expected the car to stop, or will the manufacturer be charged because their flawless design lead to the death of a innocent citizen? There are so many reasons to just leave this unlikely vision in the minds of the creators: however, these three are really the things that companies need to pay attention to. The way that people can get distracted so easily, the way that computers can malfunction, and the way that people will try to put the blame on others are three reasons why companies need to leave independent cars in a dream. People should never have to worry about a car with a mind of its own killing innocent people. The entire idea of Driverless Cars is completely filled with flaws that could lead to infinite problems in the driving world. Driverless cars should not be part of our future or any one else's after that.
In "The challenge of Exploring Venus" the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents."A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus". "Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own plant". "These conditions are far more extrem than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and woukdk liquefy many metals. This claims that the evaluates how well the author supports the idea of studying Venus is dangers. The claim of the evaluate the author supports the idea of studying Venus because it's a different planet and have more interesting things there then on planet earth."Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may we once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system"."Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth". "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys,mountains,and craters"."NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus"."For example, some simplified electronics made of the silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions". "Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers". "The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all"."Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun." "Beyond high pressure and heat, Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to land on its surface". These are the reasons why the author supports the idea of studying Venus. In these parargraphs i've just writen i explained with supporting details on why/how the author supports the idea of studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.
I'm against driverless cars and trucks. I'm against driverless cars on the road because everyone woud have to buy the car at the same time or this wouldn't work. This wouldn't work because the first half of people who get the driverless car will be safer. But then the half that doesn't have the smart car will run to the smart car and we are still back to square one. As it says in the story "sensors are nothing new." Sensors are always going to fail there is no way to stop technolgy from failing on point in time. Everything is too new. When one of the parts need replaced on these smart cars its going to cost a fourtne to fix. You already see how with all the technolgy in our cars now its getting to expensive to fix. The problem is the flaw is that they are going to have to keep updating cars and maps in the cars so the car to know the fastest way to the destination. Also if there is unexpected road work it will be try to go right threw the road work and i dont see that working. The next problem i invision is that all the laws will have to be changed to meet the critera of the car. This will in a way force the people who dont want to buy a smart car to have to buy one. As stated in paragraph 9 the car are not reliable enough for the laws to get changed. This is not a safe idea at all because there will always be that one parent that who will program there car to do something for the child and they will expect the car to get to that destination safely. But the risk of a malfunction is very great. The parent doesn't see the risk until it is too late and the child is either hit by another motorist or the car malfunctions and the kid runs into something and the car has gotten wrecked. I also don't feel like it should be the manufacturers fault for the stupidity of the parent. Another problem is that if a person wants to stop at some where or at a gas station for a snack or for a restroom break they can't. They can't because the car was only programed to go to that certain place. So in other words you would have to go to the destination then turn right around and go to the gas station or store. As of right now i still think that humans are way more reliable than technolgy. I feel like there will always be accidents. There is no way of stopping people from running in to each other at least once in the cars lifetime. You need alot more research fome me to go along with the idea of having smarter cars. So that is why I think that car should not be smarter yet.
Dear State Senator, The Electoral College is a significant way of selecting a new president or choosing for the president to have four more years as president. The Electoral College consist of 538 electors. Electing a president by Electoral College is not alwats good because of the possibilities of ways to make that president win. Such as, bribing, or false statements of change. The president should be a hardworking and well-deserving man who wants to make a change in the world. With that being said, the popular vote is the way we would like to keep as electing our president of the United States. Additonally, the Electoral College is not generally smart in a way to elect the president of United States. Worded in source two The Indefensible Electoral College, "The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse". Electing Presidents is an important selection for the American people. Democrates and Republicans choose who the think deservers to be president and the popular vote process is the wise way to do it and the way we want to keep it. Furthurmore, popular vote is going to bring in new, and great desicion making presidents in the near future. Stated in Source 3: In Defense of the Elctoral College, "A dispute over the outcome of an Elctoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000- but it's less likey than  dispute over the popular vote" proves the popular vote is less comotional with less chaos. Justifiably, both ways of electing president is wise and great but, popular vote is the better way. Has less drama, chaos, and comotion. It also makes choosing a president 10 times easier. Popular vote is the way we would like to keep as electing out president of the United States.            
The technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is a wonderful idea in my opinion. The computor for the students can be a interesting dissision for video imagery. The author explain"Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa"(Makeing Mona Lisa Smile 4). It proves that the video imagery can be a interesting thing because the software can tract facial movement if it's real or not. Anothor thing about the computor for the students can read the student's emotions. The author states" The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computor can do"(Makeing Mona Lisa Smile 6). It shows that the facial expressions can be read by a computor because the computor can know when you are feeling happy,sad,mad,etc. The last thing about the computor for the students is that they can be a reowned drama coach. The artical saids" Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. Empathy may happen because we unconsciously imitate another person's facial expressions"(Makeing Mona Lisa Smile 9).Therefore it explains that the computor can be a reowned drama coach because the computor is carfully produce of the emotions on stage. In conclusion the computors reading emotions are a best idea in time and only time will tell if we can create artifitial intellegence to the computor for the best in the world.
My argument against "Driverless Cars" is that im going for it. The reason why is because we have advanced in our technology so it would only be wise to try and use that. Also because I think personally it could save many lives with its self brake instalation, self parking, and many other features. As I was reaing the artical it mentioned that the driver would have to still be alert because if theirs an accadent or workers ahead then the driver must be the one to avoid that. That dosent mean it a bad idea, it just means that maybe our technology isnt that advanced and cant avid things such as work sites ahead or accidnts. I think the reason they cant detect accidents is because you never know when ones going to happen, same with workers ahead your car may not be able to detect it because it could happen in a sudden flash. My position on driverless cars is that i think it will be a great idea. I like i said save many lives, know im not saying it will save everyones life but out o thousands it could decrease by hundred. Appropriate details from the artical that supporst my position is when it talks about how it has automic brakes and self parking and many other features. Its great to have that type of things because as i ahve been saying it could save many lifes, and that important because no one wants to see their family dead. Self break is good because it could be late nd you have been working all day long and your tired and you fall asleep in the car right when a car is pulling out or your car turns a different direction and your close to hitting somethong and it just automatically stops. Or like most parents, you have a young child in the back and hes/shes crying andyou turn around for just a split secound and your car just comes to a complete stop. Then you realize you were about to hit a car infrount of you but with the self-breaking instalation you were able to save your life plus the ones you love riding in the back ( or front) and your car is safe ass well.
Holy Avacadoes! A new computer software has just come out, and it is designed to insure that this software can recognize our emotions, feelings, and best of all... FACIAL EXPRESSIONS! You may think this is a good idea, or maybe even a bad idea. Never the less this was not intended to be a quote "AS SEEN ON TV" commercial promoting a computer software for $19.99. It may be a good piece of technology, and a smart way to see things from another perspective. While many may argue that using technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom, is valuable. This may be the best idea I have ever heard of, espcially in an age where people are using facial recongnition to recognize who is coming in and out of the schools, and people can track others medical histories, and so on, and so forth. Classrooms should be more reliable when it comes down to facial recogntion, and cyberbulling. One example on how classrooms should be using facial recognition especially with students, can be shown on paragraph #7 whenever the author mentions that home computers can't always rely on facial recongiton, but that school computers can and should. "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile. But we can write down some simple instructions that "encode" different emotions." As this paragraph is shown to readers, the author is trying to mention a point that home computers can be slow, and may not recognize faces easily, and that right there can lead to stalkers, and hacking occuring as well. Not only that but school computers can get hacked too, but with facial recogonition, they can stop that from happening. Another example on how classrooms should use facial expressions especially with students is displayed fully in paragraph #5 when the author states that quote the "calculation" to recognize faces is so complex now that you can recognize everyone's face on a computer no matter if you mention there name. "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look at her face." This shows us the readers that we can identify peoples faces, on either a computer, or in person. It can be very useful for counslers because they can identify who this person, or people are walking into there offices. Finally, the last example on how classrooms should use computer facial recognition especially with students, can be traced to paragraph #9 they claim that quote "(Putting on a happy face" actually works!) this shows us the readers that whenever the computers try to recognize your face, they can also see how you were feeling, whether it was happy, sad, or even emotion. And pictures can be a good recource to identify a cas, or in the case a student. In conclusion these examples I showed were good whenever it came down to finding out what students are in where, but it can help not only in a classroom, but aslo in the world of law enforcement, and our phones. But if you use it incorrectly, you may have serious trouble in your hands.
I'm against the idea of having driverless cars on the road. I dont like the idea of driverless cars because making them cost too much, they aren't completely driverless, they're illegal in most states and new laws would need to be made in order to cover liability and it would be boring driving in a car that drives by itself. A "driverless" car will need to have motion sensors all around the car to reduce the chance of accidents. If the car had motion sensors around it, we think it would know when to stop and when to go. But the cost of these things is outrageous. A radar cost 200 million dollars! Another reason I disapprove of the "driverless" car is because the cars aren't completely driverless. Eventhough there are ways the car can announce when human services are needed, such as: vibrating seats, flashing lights, and just simply announcing when the human needs to take over, The human would still need to remain alert at all times because the smart cars aren't designed to know how to pull in and out of driveways, or navigate through work zones and around accidents. For these reasons human services are still needed. The third reason why I think driverless cars would have a negative impact on society is because we would need new laws for the cars liability and the cars are illegal in most states. What if there happened to be in accident because the person in the car wasn't paying attention, or maybe it was a manufacture malfunction. Who would be at fault? anyways, limited use of semi- autonomous cars is only legal in 3 states and the district of Columbia. so even though the thought of a car driving itself around sounds pretty cool, it would also be difficult to get it to be legal in all 50 states and international. When you turn 16 one of the only things teenagers thinking about is their freedom and finally being on the road and able to drive. With driverless cars being brought up and manufactured, teenagers may not even get the chance to be on the road and drive for themselves. But even if someone is like 35 and has already experienced driving by theirslef for the first time, wouldn't it still be boring? Just watching the road and not being able to do anything else because you have to stay alert at all times. Wouldn't it be kind of boring waitinf foryour turn to drive because the car that is supposed to be "driverless" doesn't know how to pull in and out of a driveway and it isnt designed to navigate through work zones and accidents? In conclusion, I'm against the thought of driverless cars because they're a watse of money, they're not completely driverless, they're illegal in most states and we would need more laws would need to be made in order of liability of the car, and it would be boring driving in a car that srives itself for you.
The author supports the idea very well by adding how venus can not only benefit us but also what the history on venus could have been, and what we can learn from it. The author also states that Venus is basically earth's twin with the size and shape of venus. The only problem is it's very difficult to get to venus. Even with a rover going instead of a human. Which is good because no rover has survived longer than a couple of hours. Even with those risk Venus can benefit us by us getting there to fill up on solor energy and bringing it back to earth. The author also supports the idea by explaining how thick the atmosphere is by saying ''almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus'', and also ''the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we expirence here on our own planet''. Which means it what more than any other human have expirenced here on Earth. The author also provides the weather like erupting volcanos, poweful eathquakes, and frequent lightning strikes. Also stating that venus still had earth like analogous like rocky sediment, Valleys, moutains, and crators. So the author did very well supporting the idea which is shoud we go to Venus?The author provided us with valuable information that can help us find whats on Venus for us and how it can provide for us. Such as solor pannels that can give us energy. Also with pressure that a human can not survive in. So the author did very well in giving us information that supports the idea.
What is venus? venus is called "evening star" is one of the brightest points of light in the sky. Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms od density and size and accasionaly the closest in distance too. Also venus is the second planet from our sun. Venus is simple to see from the distant."Venus is sometimes right around the corner, in psace terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud draped world. Meaning venus is more than decades. The tempature of venus is very hot and warm, beyond high pressure and heat. "The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth." They have the hottest surface tempature of any planet in the solar system. Venusian geology and weather impediments erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lightning strikes to land on its surfaces.The temperature average is 800 degrees fahrenheit. The challenging of exploring venus, lightening cannot be near venus, why? because scientists through missions to understand venus would need to get closer to it but despit the risks. I think many researchers are working on innovations that would allow machines to last longer to acknowledge the venus."Some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." Computers are very flexible and powerful also smart. those devcies were first invented in the 1800's played an important role in the 1940's during the World War 2. Venus has values because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors.Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on earth. The value of returning venus seems indisputable.
The Sea Cowboy Why would anyone want to be a sea cowboy ? Their are many reasons why some people want to be a sea cowboy . What do you have to do if your a sea cowboy ? How long do trips take and when would you ever get the time to have fun ? The sea cowboy in this story was just an ordianary person before his friend don invited him to go to europe on a cattle boat . He says "its a lifetime opportunity " to him . Their are many reasons why some people want to be a sea cowboy . Some people could of just signed up for no reason . You had a chance to become a sea cowboy because in europe and other countrys were left in ruins. This was to help the countries recover their food supplies animals and other important things the need. 44 nations came together and formed the UNRRA ( united nations relief and rehabilitation administration. What do you have to do if your a sea cowboy ? The sea cowboys take care of horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. The first time luke got on the cattle boat their were 335 horse being shipped . Luke was always busy caring for the animals during crossing. They also have to chack on the animals hourly . How long do the trips take and when would you ever get the time to have fun. It took two weeks to cross the atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the united states and a month to get to china. How would you not get sea sick from riding a boat that long ? luke got to see some amazing sites when he was riding the cattle boat . Luke also found time to have fun on board. The cowboys played baseball and vollyball in the empty holds where the animals were . This was after the animals have been unloaded also table tennis tournaments , boxing , reading,and whittling and other games also helped pass the time. So after all being a sea cowboy isnt so bad . You now know how long the trips take and if the yever had time to have fun. The reasons some people wanted to be a sea cowboy. Also you learned what you had to do to become a sea cowboy . I can tell you its probably not the easiest thing in the world to do .
Think that it would be a great idea to participate in this program because you will get to vist and see so many beautiful places and you will have many great experiences. On paragraph 5 is tells you that this opportunity for a small town boy was unbelivable besides helping people he was able to see Europe and China. One of the best parts is that you wont have to work all the time becuase in paragraph 8 it says that they had fun activities to help pass the time. This great oppertunity opened lukes eyes to the world and the people around it. If you are planning on doing this then i think you should do it because it is such a great oppernunity. In paragraph 9 luke sayes that being a seagoing cowboy was much more then an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world for him. If you are planning on being a seagoing boy imagine all the places and people you will be able to meet. You will be able to see so many different coultures and how other people live. Would'nt that sound like so much fun it would be an adveture you will never forget. Imagine being 18 and traveling around the world. Not every 18 year old gets the oppertunity to travel to Greece or China or Europe. Now that would be great. Traveling at a yound age. Teengers now these days are always stuck on there phones instead of going outsude and enjoy the fresh air. Take this oppertunity you wont regret it. Luke didnt.
Good afternoon, Mr. or Mrs. state senator. I am writting this letter to you in regards of trying to persuade you to help change the election of the president of the United States. For many years, we the people , have fought our way towards freedom, and your assistence has been with us for a very long time, but if we the people have managed to fight for our freedom, than I beleive that we also have the power to choose our president. We can't just have a president based on congres's opinion, we all have different opinions. That is why we all stand as one and decide who we vote for. Instead of having 270 people vote for our president, why dont we have thousand's of people vote for our president. We decide what is good and bad for us, not congress . Many people ,ie Richard Nixon, Bob Dole, the US Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO have all agreed on to abolish the electoral college. As the passage say, in 1960 segregationist nearly succeded in replacing democratic  electors with new ones. that means the they might have despise Kennedy, one of our most succesful presidents. After all, the electoral college is unfair to voters, besides the electoral college is pretty old. We are living in the future, where we learned from our ancestors mistakes not just about life but also about politics.  Most people consider the electoral colege as outdated or as an anchronism. By YOU helping US, we could abolish the electoral college. Thank you for your time from PROPER_NAME
"It's offcial: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational" (Plumer, Source 2). Many do not like the electoral college for these reasons and many others such as it can be a distaster or because it is just plain dumb. Also there are a few reasons why the electoral college should be kept such as avoiding run-off elections or big states, but those not in favor of it out weigh those in favor of it. The people who despise the electoral college are in favor of popular vote since it is the better choice. For various reasons the electoral college is unfair such as not everyones decisions count just those few people in the electoral collge. In a popular vote election everyones vote counts not just those who are considered better than us because they hold authority over people. Those people can also be sneaky and can change votes to be in favor of their choice of president. They will even take bribes sometimes just becuase they can even though us other people do count. The system should not even be here today because it is outdated way past our time. "It's hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolsi the electoral college!" (Plumer, Source 2) and many others do agree with this statement because it rather true that we do so instead of let a bunch of monkeys run our states and country, but I am pretty sure that sometimes they could even do a better job than those in office right now. ".....over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now" (Plumer, Source 2) every day as we continue that percentage continues to grow and that data was recorded in 2000. Lastly, the electoral college is irrational like seriously what idiotic person came up with this. I will say this again, but a monkey could of made a better system than this. "Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president........Who are the electors? They can be anyone not holding public office. Who picks the electors in the first place? It depends on the state. Sometimes state conventions, sometimes the state party's central committee, soemtimes the presidential candidate themselves. Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. DO voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candiate? Sometimes" (Plumer, Source 2) I know this statement says it all becuase how could one simply not want popular vote after reading this. I know that electoral college vote can help and not cause problems, but there are more problems while there is one easy fix which is popular vote. "It's offcial: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational" (Plumer, Source 2).                      
Driverless cars are cars that will drive on its own, but they still need a driver right now for problems that happen and that needs a human, but are quickly become less reliant on humans for parts of the driving. Many different companies like Google and Volvo are making and testing driverless cars and there are some that we pass by everyday and we don't even know it. Driverless are a good thing for everyone, for example you are a busy person and have a long drive to work? Well you can work one that long drive getting mroe things done, and when the car needs your assistance, you are there. They can help the enviroment because they can find the shortest route to the place you are going by GPS. And car accidents will decrease by a large amount if everyone, or almost everyone, drove driverless. Right now all of Googles car haven't crashed once except when another human driver hit them. Also if someone is a long road trip by themselfs they will get tired, that is a big cause of car crashes, but if driverless cars then the driver won't have to drive the car while tired on major highways, also reducing accidents. If we adopted driverless then there would be a taxt/ride-sharing for everone, just say you need a car and one will come and pick you up. Another big casue of crashes and deaths if drinking and driving, but with driverless car it will keep people under the influence from driving on roads and making the roadways a safer place for everyone. As our lives keep advancing, so does technology, and this technology and help us learn, live better lifes, be safe, and so much more. And driverless cars are just part of this technology push. Cars are another step to making our lives better. Most rockets and other veichles that go into space that carry people, supplys, and other objects are mostly automated by computers. If a computer can take a veichle to Mars, Pluto, the Moon. Then why can't it take us down the street. As time advances driverless cars will get better and safer for everybody involed. So why hasen't the world adopted driverless cars for the better of everybody? If more money was put into the research and production of driverless cars then they would be even better and safer. All in all driverless cars are for the betterment of people and the advancement in technology. With more research going into driverless cars with big names behind it like, Google, Apple, Tesla, Volvo and more. Then why does it seem like the world isn't fully behind driverless cars yet. Once laws are passed and more driverless cars are put onto the roads the hopefully everyone can see why drivercars are good for the world and simply amazing.
The development of driverless cars is certainly an indicator that technology has come a long way since Henry Ford and the Model-T. However, it is disappointing that the technology at hand is being used to encourage sloth, laziness, and lackadaisical behavior. Above all, the whole idea of driverless cars is a dangerous one. If drivers aren't alert and ready at the wheel in a precarious position, which there is bound to be, then it would result in an automotive accident that could cost someone his life, or a major lawsuit against the car company that didn't need to happen. The time spent developing these automated creations could be better spent creating other automated products. Overall, humanity has to be productive. Productivity solves problems; Laziness solves nothing. In a time when there are many problems to be solved: global warming, cancer, religious extremism, civil rights, humans don't have time to waste. The projected ideas presented within "Driverless Cars Are Coming" lead the reader to assume that the only way drivers wouldn't need to drive at all, is if every single car owner owned one of these smart cars. Then humans wouldn't need to drive, the systems used in the cars would probably show the best routes and make better choices, as well as prevent obstacles like traffic jams, but even if it worked big cities like New York and Chicago, where high traffic is incessant, this still wouldn't be practical. This leaves the human operator the car wasting time, rather than doing something productive or worthwhile. The whole idea of smart cars is dangerous. Some may deem it impractical, but seeing how far technology has progressed already, it isn't a large jump from driverless cars to driverless cars with wifi, and from there not much of a jump from car jackers to car hackers. The inevitable connection of these cars to form a more optimal system of driving as far as traffic is concerned poses a problem: system breaches. If an unknown entity were to hack one of the computer operated driverless cars and decide to tamper with sensors or other facilities, that could put a human in peril. If a driver isn't paying attention when the car signals to take over, or can't react fast enough, that also could result in danger for the operator. There are much better uses for the systems and devices involved in driverless cars. The sensors could create amazing security systems. The GPS has a massive variety of uses already being employed today. The technology could create drones to assist in jobs humans can't do already. There's a vast amount of untapped potential that could be dangerously wasted on cars. The driverless car creates opportunities. Opportunities to put others in danger, yet opportunities to give people a break. However, the driverless car must be taken with a grain of salt. Carefully examined, thoroughly protected, an eye catching piece of metal for the driver. Driverless cars have to come a long way before being ready for the public.
You should be a seagoing cowboy because it is an adventure because you, get to go to diffrent places.Another reason why you should be a seagoing cowboy is because you get to see diffrent people and diffrent countries.In the text it states that being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger.The text also states that the cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling,and games also helped pass the time.That is why you should become a seagoing cowboy that rides the waves. The other reasons why you should be a seagoing cowboy is because you get to see new oceans.You also get to se other islands that you never seen before.Being a seagoing cowboy helps you get more aware of how other people need help to. The text states it made me more aware of people of other countries and his family to host a numbeer of international students and ,exchange visitors for many years. When you are a seagoing cowboy you get sail on a boat alote.The other reason why you should become a seagoing cowboy is because when you are a seagoing cowboy,you can make people lives better by helping them.Getting to be a seagoing cowboy helps you change it makes, you want to do better things for other people.The text states he knew it was an opportunity of a life time.