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I strongly agree the auther did a great job , on supporting his idea on the suggesten of studing venus is worth a shot , despit the dangers it presents . the resaon i agree with him is becuse he has great supporting details . The reason i think he did a good job supporting his claim is because not just did he tell us intersting facts but he also gave us a bit of back round like it's name and so forth . The most important infomashion i think the author gave was talking about the atmosphere ."A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide ." found in paragraph 3 . Also telling us about the planet surface temperature and going realy indep " on the planet's suface ,temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit , and the atomospheric pressure is 90 times greater then what we experence on our own planet ". "beyond high pressure and heat " . This is why i strongly support the auther on supporting his claim on the suggesten on the stupping venus will be a great idea anad also open up new doors .
I believe it would be a smart idea because then you can tell how they're emotionally feeling. It could make people happier. And you can tell if it's a real smile by there muscular actions the cheek bones lift the corner of your mouth. But if you got a fake smile, the mouth is stretched sideways faces don't lie professors say. The facial expressions for each emotion are universal. "Even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression" (like not smiling as broadly) Using video imagery. The new emotion-recognition software. They track these special movements- in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weighting the different units , the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion). The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. Imagine a computer thuat shows when you're happy or sad. If you smile when a web ab appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown , the next ad will be different. It could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. "The same technology can make computer animated faces more expressive- for videogames or video surgery most communication is non verbal ,including emotional communication so computers need to understand that too. Hold on we can actually "calculate" emotions-like math homework? And how can a computer recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel? The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face ; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Movements of one or more muscles is called an "action unit".
The FACS system, in other words the Facial Action Coding Sytem. There has been new software that has been developed that improves the accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. The new software has promised to have applications for variety of industries. When the process begins with the computer starting to construct a 3-D computer model of the face all which measure out to get thr 44 major muscles, the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called "action unit." Facial expressions for each emotion are universal, accoriding to Dr. Huang. Though most of individuals often show varying degrees of expression, using the new technology system would use the video imagery for a new recognition software tracking their facial movements. This would not only be available for the face but also for painting which would make it very intresting to see how the persons face that is on the painting was feeling at the moment or occasion. It could even identify mixed emotions between the expression used to compare a neutral face. For example, te humans perform the same impressive "caculation" every day. When you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on the person's face. Much of the people that would try to tell the actual facial trait that would be happy or worried the person would be feeling at the moment. Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, it shows of how much the computer is able to do with just having the face but still obtaining the right predicament of what the person was feeling which for Mona Lisa was happy. To an extent the system could help even more than just getting to know what people's emotions are. In the passage it had said that if you were to smile or frown on an ad then it would determine what kind of ad would pop up. Thats honeslty great because wouldnt just help the person but also the ads company that had provided it. Another show of creation by the system is that it could make a computer-animated faces more expressive for like video games, or video surgery. This could defentiley have an impact on many workers or company's hoping to improve their software not only themselves but for the people that are into it. According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also even could help produce them. Even for the people that are into drama club, could help improve the way they act. This is proven by even an exprienced drama coach, his actors caredully reproduced smiling and frowing as a way of creating these emotions on stage. Also Empathy may happen because we unconsciouly imitate another person's facial expressions. Finally, this usage of the new system Facial Action Coding System could very useful for students in the classroom for which you could know the feelings of your pears or emotions at the moment. Sometimes people may not be feeling well or are just not in the mood would probably like to know that people understand what they are feeling thanks to the system. Also in a case of someone getting nervous about something or scared, the school could quickly find out to indeed help the kid in need of assistance. But for the most part, the emotional expressions of students would indeed be a valuable system to have in a classroom.
Leonardo De Vincis famous painting is the Mona Lisa. The Mona Lisa is known all over the world today. There has been many of debates about weather she is smiling or if she has any eyebrows. It took Leo to paint the hands 4 years alone. Today Thomas Huang has now made an invention. Huang has came up with a technology called Facial Action Coding System which is where computers can caculate up the real emotions of a student or person. Studies show that this technology system can read all your emotions you're feeling. It can tell if you're sad,happy,angry and lots more of emotions. Huang states in the text that they tell your emotions by the muscles on your face. Huang also goes on saying that he can pin point out emotins on kids in school. In my defence I dont this this would work accuratley. Not only do i think it would work. Many of teacher would not want to get out that device in the middle of class just to see your kids emotions. Many of kids fake smile or act like they are happy when really they are not. Studies show that they are identified by the muscles but you could easlily get told to smile which changed your muscles which changed the game. Many of student come to school depressed or upset. Many of teacher do not know if they are really happy or not. This technology I feel would not be valuable because maybe the student do not want people to know there emotions. Emotions should be kept private and with this technology it would be open to everyone in a classroom. Overall I feel like this would not benifit anything. I also feel like this would not be valuable to students in classrooms. Therefore This technology may help on paints. One example is the Mona Lisa but not on humans because this could lead to not there real emotions.
The Use Of Technology To Read Students Emotional Expressions In A Classroom I believe that using this technology "Facial Action Coding System" to read students emotional expressions in a classroom is not right because that's like taking advantage of the students privacy on what they could be thinking and looking at. Watching the students faces and not understanding them and why they have the face expression and then using the Facial Action Coding System to help you determine the feelings or the mood could be harmful due to the fact that what if that students had something they didn't want to say or want anyone to know about, but the teacher made it their business to figure out what was wrong by using a technology that could help them. I found my evidence in paragraph 5 and how I know this is because it states that "We humans perform this same impressivde "calculation" everyday which mean we have the same face everyday that no one seems to read but for instance some people can tell a friends emotions by just looking at there face and even the look they might have gave or had." This could also be used in different by mixed emotions that someone might have and can be compared against a netural face. The new technology software stores similar anatomical inofrmation as a electric code that help the teachers study the students and paint a facial muscles. Precisely just enough to convey the specific emotions as most students can have a nonverbal emotion including communication so using the computers to figure that out is to under the complex algorithms to determine the mood of each student in th classroom. The new technololgy could modify the lesson like a human instructor for example Dr. Huang predicts that the "Facial Action Coding System" could be really good use becuase he feel that the painting of Mona Lisa inspired him to recognize studetns emotional expression in a classroom on wtheater if they are bored or feeling behind, and using this technology could prevent the confusion. As I came to my conclusion I noticed that in a way it would be good to use the new technoolgy but in reality it wouldn't help with anything because at the end of the day trying to read students emotional expressions in in a classroom could be real life stressful I wouldn't want that kind of pressure on any teacher to if they try and read a students expression adn they figure out something they didn't want to know it could be bad on there part. In other words I wouldn't want this new technology in any school becauswe that's too much troubloe to go through with ebery single student an trying to figure out the students emotional state.
A new technology called the Facial Action Coding System is described by the author of the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile". This system enables computers to identify six of the human emotions. This technology should be used to read the emotional expresiions of students in a classroom, because it is a very valuable technology. Firstly, we should have this technology because it would help explain how people would be feeling on a certain subject, lifestyle or in everyday life. "Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness." Since Dr. Eckman has programmed these emotions we can better understand how someone is feeling without having to ask him; each emotion inflicts a facial muscle movement which is recognised and is catagorized as an emotion. In addiotion, we should have these identifiers because it could help students learn better. "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This software could help someone who is easily distracted. This technology could find a way to help with this person, and the coding system could produce a lesson that this person can listen to and understand it because it was made for them. Also, the Facial Action Coding System can help teachers and staff. Some students do not show what they are feeling. If this technology can figure out facial expressions then the teachers will know who is having a bad day, the teacher could then talk to this person privately and see how they are doing. "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotuions, but also may even help produce them." Since studies show that if a student smiles they could have a better day. The teacher could recognise that someone is feeeling down so they could say a funny joke and sprout an emotion into a particualr student. In the final analysis, we should have the Facial Action Coding System in school because it will help students feel better and learn better. If a student does not want to go to school then they probably do not want to learn either. If this system can make someone's day then students would want to come to school, and teachers would then have students who want to learn. "Making Mona Lisa Smile" is a great article and the technology that is included in the article may be the next big thing. The first step for the coding system is to use the technology to read the emotional expression of student in classrooms. This technology can help a student throughout their school work. It can also help the teachers to teach more passionatly to students who want to learn and are not forced to come to school, but come voluntarily.
Driverless cars can be good or bad depending on how you look at it. I personally believe that we should not use driverless cars at this time. In the future when the car is more advanced and made more properly maybe. But for this point in time I do not think they are a good idea. In the passage the author talks about the pros and cons of using diverless cars. A big point that he used for cons was how unsafe it is. In paragraph 2 in states "Their cars have driven more than half a million miles without a cars." They make this sound like a good thing but really it isn't. Google only has a small amount of these cars that are driving on the road. So of coarse the number of crashes will be smaller. Think about everyone having these cars the risk of crash would go from 0 to many very quick. These cars arent really "driverless" as the name says. The driver of the car will still have to drive the car most of ther time. Like it staes in paragraph 2 " They will still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating througj roadwork or accidents." If you think about it the driverless car reallly isnt driverless. Even thogh the car has some defults some may say it is our future. The article says in paragraph 1 "The cars he forsees would use half the fuel of today's taxis." This is a very big statment for many reasons. For one, us cutting down on the amopunt of gas we use wpuld preserve our fossil fuels from a bit longer. We would also cut down on the air pollution due to the car exhust. Which at this point any little bit would help the Earth. The pros and cons of driverless cars are pretty endless. For one they arent really driverless. But on the other hand would help our enviornment. But for right now I dont think that these cars shoulfd be used. You nevr know though they could be our future.
Imagine, scrolling through google just like you do everyday, and finding something you could only remember as a nightmare from your childhood. Well that may have been the case for some. In 1976, photos from NASA were leaked around the world, revealing a strange face on the face of Mars. But is that reaally what it was? When scientists saw this formation, they to were astounished. Most just believed it was a martian messa, but few didn't. They believed there was truly acient life on Mars. Messa's were very common in Cydonia, the place they found the landform. So that was what it was expected to be, but there were still skeptics. People from around the world believed NASA wanted to hide something. That they didn't want anyone knowing there really was life on Mars. But why would NASA want to hide something so extrordinary? Not to mention the fact they would get even more publicity and money spewing their way. But the people weren't satisfied, so NASA decided that in 1997, they would go back and capture more. This would prove to be very difficult for NASA. The rotation of Mars would make it hard to actually land near Cydonia, but in 1998, they did it. The photograph was ten times sharper than the last from 1976. It showed that the formation, was just a formation. Not any ancient artifact. NASA took all that time to prove something that was already proven. Yet few people still were not satisfied. The people argued that, because it was winter on Mars, it was to cloudy for the camera to take a proper photograph. They thought maybe alien markings were covered by haze. So NASA decided to set off one last time. On April 8, 2001, the Mars Global Surveyor came close enough for a second picture, this time with even better cameras. It once again, showed for sure that the landform was nothing but a messa. One scientist, Jim Garvin, Even compared it to the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, trying to help the people understand. NASA whent through so much trouble to prove to the people that it was not life on Mars. So they eventually came to the conclusion that it was just a landform. But there will still always be skeptics. Will you still be one?
Limiting car usage would be a wise thing to do for the world, and places around the word have already started. In German suburbs there are fewer cars, Paris banned driving due to smog, there is a car free day in Bogota, and car culture is coming to an end in the United States. To begin, in Germany people have given up their cars! This is a product of some of the new laws that they are enforcing on the outskirts of Freiburg. For example, street parking is generally forbidden. But car ownership is still allowed, if neccasary they can only park in large garages at the end of the development were you buy a space for $40,000! I deffanitly dont ever want to pay that much just for a parking space, and they dont either; 70 percent of Vaubans families do not own cars. On the plus side people feel more involved in their community when taking a bus or walking to were ever they need to go. "When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter. Moreover, air pollution is getting out of control. To help, Bogota has a car free day. Millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid to traffic jams. "These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders," said Enrique Piera, the mayor of Asuncion, Paraguay. The goal is to promote alternative transpertation and reduce smog. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals. [last] Week Paris had 147 micgrograms of particutate matter per cubic meter compared with 114 in Brussels and 79.7 in Lonon, Reuters found. Adittionaly, greenhouse gas emissions are crazy.  Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer drivers licenses as each year goes by. But America's love afair with its vehicles seems to be cooling. If the pattern persists-and many sociologists believe it will- it will have benificial implications forr carbon emissions and the enviroment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants. There has been a large drop in the percentage of 16-39 year olds getting license.        
Cars are creating an harmful environment with problems such as smog and traffic. Reduction on car usage can help these problems. Although cars may be a faster transportation, they add on to the havoc of the environment. Reducing car usage has many advantages. It would help develop a better environment and improve people's well being. An advantage of reduction of car usage is it helps develop a better environment to live in. Some areas which have cars create a lot of smog which is unhealthy for the environment. For example, "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog" (Duffer). Smog is formed by cold nights and warm days which causes the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. Without so many cars, this issue can decrease. It will help the environment progress and be safer for everyone. Statistics show that "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States" (Rosenthal). Cars are causing air pollution. If cars are still the dominant transportation, the environment will still suffer from air pollution such as smog. It's safer to use a large vehicle such as a bus to get around because a bus can hold many more people than a car and would ultimately give off less gas than the population of people who use cars.  Another safe way around town would be vehicles which don't give off gases into the air such as bicycles. A safer environment is a better environment. Another advantage of reduction of cars is improvement of people's well being. With air pollution from cars, humans inhale toxic gases which can be detrimental to their bodies. If car usage plunders, people's bodies will feel better. A businessman said "It's good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" (Plaza). Lowering the number of cars being used helps relieve stress. Nobody wants to be stressed out from traffic or being late to work. With cars there is always a place where there is traffic. Ultimately, reduction of car usage has numerous effects that benefit the society. A media trainer and mother of two stated, "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (Walter). Without a car, you don't have to worry about being severely injured since most of the population would transfer to the use of bikes or walking. Because the population would start a trend of riding bikes and walking, most of the roadways would now be unecessary to have and they could be built into something fundamental such as a park, a housing area, or a food market. There would be less worries altogether and this could be more beneficial to the society. There are many positive effects from reducing car usage. Environment will progress and people's well being will improve. It's beneficial for everyone to limit the use of cars and find other transportation. There would be a safer environment from less smog and rush-hour restrictions. Also, the environment will be people-friendly from more parks and sports centers. Limiting car usage effects society positively.
In this article i will show you how we shouldn't let danger and doubts get in the way of what we should go do and research. We can study venus even with the danger that we might get hurt or injured but that will have to be tested. That is why we have technology so we can explore these type of things without geting hurt or injured. He or she whoever wrote this article agrees heavily that e should explore more crazy places that we haven't been. We jus cirling around earth finding the same things when we can goto another planet and figure all about the life that used to live there or already does. In the article it says"Our travels on earth and beyond should not be lmited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". This shows that we should stop being scared go explore more stuff and be advetures courages something differnt.
There are many advantages of limiting car usage and today ima tell you a few reasons why that is true. Time after time day after day we use our cars or motorcycles to get from point A to point B some may think that by driving from point A to point B is harmless but im here to tell other wise. Driving your car or motorcycles everday to work causes pollution in the air it makes the air we breath nasty an unhealty it even causes the temputure to rise which is a big no no the antarticle will melt an rise sea levels. So limiting car usage makes the air a little cleaner an healtier to breath Limiting car usage even helps you save a little extra money cause with gas prices so high it aint cheap to get from point A to point B it cost more to travlel. In some places they even offerd free transport from friday to monday which is great! who wouldnt want free transport i mean whats better than saving money an helping the pollution decrease making the air more freasher an clean. Atfer days of near record pollution paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city those who refused to obey were fined 22 euro($31) other got the vechials impounded The less cars on the street the less likley accidents are to happpen sometimes the roads are just to pack an squished you can braley get by thats why many car accidents happen with the car free day makes everyone a little more safer. since the car free day the parks and sports centers have bloomed many peopel are out having a good time riding thier bikes an enjoying the fresh air they dont have to worry about cars hitting them or wasting gas an polluting the air. In the untied states the enviromental protection agency is promting car reduced communities. many experts expect public transport serving suburbs to play a much larger role in a new six-year federal transportation bill. Americans are buying fewer cars drving less and getting fewer licenses each year goes by.
You may think being in the Seagoing Cowboys program would offer nothing to you. You may think that this is not a thrilling or intresting program. If you are one to think these things, you are wrong! The Seagoing Cowboys program has a whole lot to offer. It is a great opportunity. It is a exciting program for you to be apart of. It is not a program that will stick you in boring towns. This program has so much to offer you just cannot say no! You can create great memories while on your boat ! Think of all the memories other people will be creating. Why would you not want to be a part of that? You could sign up with a friend or even make new friends along the way! You could tell your family great stories of honor and travel that you would have experienced. Think of how left out you would feel you feel if you did not join this amazing program! Creating memories is not the only thing this program has to offer! With this program you can even visit unique and famous places. You could visit China, Italy or even see the Panama Canal by joining this program. Just think of all the amazing sights you will see if join this program. You could be taking gondola rides in Venice, Italy! This program has so many exciting things to offer. Just think of all the endless possibilities you would have if you joined the program! Last but defenitily not least this program also offers you free time during your visit in an exciting town or city. You would have time to tour fascinating places or even tour the local area. You would have time to yourself for enjoyment. This program would offer enough time to go sightseeing or to take in the beautiful city or town that you are visiting. Do not go off and get hired for some other traveling business or program that gives you no time to enjoy your stay. Do not work at a place that takes you to horrible non-exciting places, go the happy and sensible route, join the Seagoing Cowboys program. I have gaven you more than enough reason to join this program! It is just not sensible to join another program with all this one has to offer. Do not settle for okay when you can settle for amazing at the Seagoing Cowboys program. The Seagoing Cowboys can offer so many things that are all amazing and are very benefitial! You should join this program because it has so much to offer and sitting in a run down town while working for another business or program is not going to make you happy so come to the best of the best and gain a whole lot of new memories that will last a lifetime by joining the Seagoing Cowboys!
Honestly I'm against drivless cars, because people are just reckless drivers all together. So lets say a person decides to buy a driverless car and it says in the passage they still need their hands on the staring weel and they still need to pay attention but since it's called "DRIVERLESS" cars the buyer decide to go on a trip and it's night so the think "oh it's a driverless car meaning i don't have to look at the road" or "I dont have to hold on to the steering weel" or "hey I can just sleep since it's driverless free thats must mean that mean i dont have to the road because it'll just do it thing by it's self" But lets get real here; never will there ever be a car that you will never have to pay attention to the road. But if that car comes out then all heck would break loose on the streets. There would be recks everywhere because some people are just so nieve that their just are careless reckless people. No car can ever manage to run by it's own. The author even said in the artical you'll still need to keep your eyes on the raod. and thats my oppinion to you
They caluclate Mona Lisa emotional they said that she has 83 percent of happyness, 9 percent of disgusted, 6 percent of fearful and 2 percent angry. The computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscels in the model must move like human muscles then Dr. Hung relies on the work of psychologists such as Dr. Paul Eckman creator of FACS ( facial action coding system). For example your frontails parslterails muscle ( above your eye) raises your eyebrows when you're suprised; your orbicularis oris ( around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger. In a classroom computer could recognize when student is becoming confused or bored at the same time technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive for video games or video surgery. When feeling down look in the mirror and do these falling steps 1. rasie your lips at the corners of your mouth. 2. then squit your eyes slightly to prduce wrinkling ( crow's feet) at the corners of your eyes. 3. holding that rasie the outer parts of your cheeks up toward your eyes that you smiling as a reowned drama coach constantin stanislvsky had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emtions on stage and watching your loves one die will make you cry its the same way watching a movie of someone dieing.
Driverless cars could be the next big thing. I think having driverless cars will be a sight to see. It doesn't seem like a bad idea to me. Of course they will need more work, but this could change the way people drive. Not only in U.S.A., but also the entire world. For instance , Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009. They aren't completely driverless, they send alerts to the driver to take over when things like a road block or an accident occurs. This just means the driver must remain alert at all times while in the vehicle. The driverless car is the same kind of function of an autopilot for a plane. While the driver is waiting for their turn to take over the wheel , it wont give them enough time to text, or use their phone. This can reduce the crash rate around the world. Imagine how the future will be in 5 to 10 years. The driverless car could be one of the greatest things to happen in the century! All we have to do, is have a little hope. The Google cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. The Google car is still under maintenance. They are continuesly adding more details to it. Like the 3-D model of the car's surroundings. All of us together, can make this the next big thing.
Hi I am Luke and I was in a job on a boat called a cattle boat. I was on the boat for about two years and it was amzing. The job is all about getting cattle acores the oceans to other countres because of World War II. The Nazies done a lot of work to destroy theso countery and they need food and supplys to get back on their feet and they make a great counrty once again. This job in opioun is the best because we get to go to other countris and give them supplys for them to get back on their feet to once great again. I did this for two years straight and had a blast and we even got so much free time that I got to take a tour around a caltle on our way to chine and I had a blast also got see Greece and other amzaing conutries. I also I got a trip to italy and got to ride the strits of their beatful town. So this was a good trip for me a small-town city boy. On the way home we got to play sports like baseball, vollyball, table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing reading whittling, and games to pass the time for the two years. But I do got to warn you about the danger about this job when I had the late night shift I had to check the animals every hour and one hour I fell back in if that railing was not their I would of been lost at sea and I would of dron out their if it was not for that railing. So this jobeis good ofr some people if they wanted to see the world and to sail around the world and have a adventure and exting two years about cattle boating but keep in mind it is very dangers to cattle boatign so that is some reason to cattle boating and so I hope you would like this job.
Imagine getting into the driver's seat of a car. Now picture yourself sitting down and starting the engine, and just sitting in the driver's sit while the car continues to drive and nagivative around the town. that is what a driverless car would feel like. But what happens when someone gets in a wreak, do they blame the car, or the person sitting in the driver's seat. People think that driverless cars are the future, but what if the cars are not all the way driverless, how much money will it cost, and what does the law say about having driverless cars on the road. First, the text states that " In 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant." The car can handle driving functions at speeds up 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." Not all of the driverless cars are actually driverless. Some of the driverless cars make a sound when the driver needs to take over and start driving. So, the car is not completly driverless. Second, how much money would a driverless car cost. The automobile companies are using more technology when buliding driverless cars. Is the technology going to cost more. In paragraph 4 the text states that " Google's modified Toyota Prius uses postion-estimating sensors on the left rear wheel, a roating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the review mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS receiver, and inertial motion sensor." All of those items in a car can not be cheap. Finally, what laws are on driverless cars? In the states of California, Nevada, Florida, and the District of Columbia it is illegal to test drive a computer- driven car. Most of the laws for automobiles are made of humans being behind the wheel and in control of the car. Also the text states " even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needs in order to cover liability in the case of an accident." That law would be in place so if someone driving a driverless car where to get into a wreak, the law would know who to blame. In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," we learn how driving driverless cars can be dangerous, and costly.
Electoral college is a process in witch our founding fathers established it in the contitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. Electoral college is a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be by declaring the candidate who rreceives the most popular votes the winner. Deer state senators I strongly  think that we should keep the Electoral college because it is the most common way of voting for a president or leader,and it will not be smart to change something that has been used for years. I strongly think that us american should keep the electoral college becuase it is the most common way of voting for a leader or president. In school they use this system to vote for the person that put the most imprestion on them. Same for the NBA they use the same system for who they won't as there most valueable player and who they won't to go to the all star games. This system is used to chose the person that they want as there leader or president. Also I strongly think that the it is not the smartes thing to change. It has been used for many years. If you were to change it ther will be some really bad problems for the govornment. The citizensof america will not be happy with the way that the government has change something  that has been used for many years to something that is brand new. The wisest people that mad this system will not be elated if there system were changed. I don't think there is any other kind of way to vote. Incunclution i think there is no reason to change the elctoral college. Electoral college is a process in witch our founding fathers established it in the contitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. Electoral college is a non-democratic method of selecting a president that ought to be by declaring the candidate who rreceives the most popular votes the winner. Deer state senators I strongly  think that we should keep the Electoral college because it is the most common way of voting for a president or leader,and it will not be smart to change something that has been used for years.      
Who is at fault when the technology fails and someone is injured? When there are positive aspects and negative aspects of dirverless cars, one should think about who will take responsibilities. Driving driverless cars could be seen as advantage to some but could also be seen as disadvantage for some. I believe that driving driverless car is more dangerous than today's car. The cars could have postive aspects such as the speed and the fuels uses. The cars could have negative aspects too. In paragraph 7, the article stated that the GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vihicle is in danger of backing into an object. If we can make an example, people could have not notice the vibrate if they don't sit at the dirver seat.They could be resting at the back of the car while the car is driving it self. On the same paragraph, it also said that Manufacturers are also considering using cameras to watch that drivers are remaining focused on the road. I think installing cameras inside someone's car is unneccessary because everyone has privacy that they want to protect. Driving driverless could be advantage for many people. The cars would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus. That is something that would be able to change the world. The car can handle dirivng functions at speeds up to 25 mph. Sensors being advanced could be advantage to this driverless car. The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power fromt he engine. That could help the human driver to control when they are managing it alone. Driving driverless could be dangerous as the founder of the Google Car project stated. The car would not need driver but drivers still need to control it. Now, that is not something that could be called as driverless car. Paragraph 7 stated "special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." The car can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to alert the driver when the road ahead requires human skills. Then, this means the people who drive must remain aleart all the time. This had lead to questions on people's safety. Ultimately, there could be postiive and negative aspects of driverless cars. Many people may have felt more relief because they do not have to worry about speeding up more than they used to. In other way, there may be people who opposed to this idea. They may felt like there are more dangers in it. I believe that safety is a big concern when it comes to driving. The questions that is still lingering is that who will take responsibiites when accident happens.
The Trip to Venus Have you ever been looking up in the sky and see somthing that youve never seen before? Well thers a good chance that was Venus. Venus is the one of the neighboring plantets next to earth and also the most simular. In " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author talks about how NASA has been studying Venus and there plans on it. First of all, Venus is the second planet from the sun and is somtimes called the "Evening Star." In the passage the author tells of how Venus is called Earths "twin" because of how simular both a made, with both of them having around the same size and density. Next, the author was able to tell why getting to Venus was the actuall hard part. Venus has been hard for NASA to figure out mainly because of its atmosphere and ground conditions. In the story the author describes how Venus's atmosphere is mainly made up of carbon dioxide and that the clouds on Venus are made up of sulfuric acid which is corrosive. Then if you where to make it to the ground the avergae temperature is said to be around 800 degrees farenheit. So thats why in the passage he described Venus as inhospitable. Finally, NASA has been trying to make trips to Venus but most dont make it through the atmoshere or only last a few hours on the ground. But as said by the author NASA has been brainstorming ways they could get to Venus and collect data. One idea mentioned by the author is that NASA would to make a blimp like object that houses people in it to hover above Venus's atmoshpere making them unharmed while they collect data. Another idea is that they would use technology back from WWII which didnt use electronics but gears so that putting that on Venus's atmoshere wouldnt break down as fast due to it's conditions. In conclusion, the author states good evedince that in the future we might be able to know more about Venus and maybe even send people there. With knowing more about its physical properties NASA might be able to do more missions's there and maybe even send a person there.
The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration consists of,44 nations that came together to help countries recover their food supplies,animals and more. They hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses,young cows,and mules that were shipped overseas. Luke Bomberger and his friend Don Reist signed up. Luke exclaimed that besides helping people,he got to see other countries,such as Greece,and Europe. He also toured an excavated castle in Crete. Luke had to take care of the animals daily,they had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Food and bales of hay had to be brought up from the lower holds of the ship,and stalls had to be cleaned. Luke said that helping out on his aunt Katie's farm as a boy prepared him for hard work, but not for the dangers of the sea,on his second trip luke served as a watchman. His job was to check on all of the animals every hour. One time he said he slipped and fell on his backside and his heart raced as he shot feet first toward an opening side of the ship,thankfully a sharp peice of metal stopped his slide,or he would have flew overboard into the dark Atlantic. He was happy to be alive,but he could not work for a couple of days due to cracked ribs. Luke also found fun on board,especially on return trips. When the animals had been unloaded,the cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling,and games also helped pass the time. In conclusion, he feels that being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure. Luke quotes,"I'm grateful for the oppurtunity,"he says. "It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." Lukes example of being a "Seagoing Cowboy" shows how you today how,by being on a boat,can make a difference.
In the article "Driverless cars are coming," presents the both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. The position on driverless cars to wait for your turn to go next. The driverless car can be turned off instantly when driver needs to take over. The cars is not completely driverless yet, but it is improving. The car can handle driving functions at the spped of 23 mph, but drivers have to make sure they keeps hold of the wheel because like i said in the first paragraph, the cars are not completely driverless yet, even though they can steer, accelerate, and brakes themselves, all are design to notify the driver when the road ahead requries human skills, this mean human drivers must remained alert and be ready to take over when the situation requried. You migh be thinking why a driverless car still needs a driver, well because driving lawa focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and the lawmakers know safety is best acheived when there is a alert driver. what if for example the technology fails and someone is injuried, who is in fault, is is the driver or manufacturer. this is why it is importantd to have driver in this kind of situation. Don't worry though because automakers are continuing their work on the problems and soon it will be solved. the road is waiting for us, and we grow closer to the destination everyday. This is the development of the driverless cars.
Dear Senator of the state of Florida, I belive there is something wrong with our voting system. Evidence has shown that our electoral system has shown some minor errors. In the election 2000 George W. Bush won because he had more electoral votes than his oppenenet Al Gore. But, Al Gore had more popular votes than Bush. If this great country of ours is a democracy, shouldnt be the president decided by the people for the people. The electoral college has been around for 100-200 years now. When are founding fathers came to this country, they never said to have a voting system like this. The people voted and those were counted and that was how the president was decied. IN the 1960's John F. Kennedy was running for president. In Lousiana race and segragation was still happening. The legislature of the state tried to change the electoral vote so all the pouplar votes would count against Kennedy. so the votes of the voter will have never counted. But the system of working is also a good thin. the votes can be avergae easier.  
This technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable, in my opinion. Why? I feel like we dont need such thing to show our emotions we know exactly how we feel why should a computer have to identify that? Maybe others dont want to show the comlete emotion they are showing. It's genius how people come up with things, but it shouldn't be nesseccary to show how I feel. According to this article, On paragraph 6.. "A classroom cumputer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored" This is why we ask questions why we stay after school for extra circular/circulum assignments extra help period. We shouldn't have to go an extra mile to detict how I feel. Paragraph 4 the author says "Using video imagery, the new emotion-recongtion software tracks these facial movements-- in a real face or in a painted face of Mona Lisa." Do we honestly think a computer could identify how we feel? we at times don't know how we feel we don't always know how the body works or the mind. Everything is based off conculsions, We have therapitst for such things as not knowing our emotions we have people in the world that study the brain and the body. A computer is just expensive and an unesseccary thing. Some people dont like to express themselves and for a computer to just automatically submit to how I feel is insane! Also indentify the emotion going on in a picture... No way! That is histaricle. Technology is used for so many things but the actual things we need. Can't you trick your body into thinking you're something you are not? would the computer give me false information then? Paragraph 9.. " Had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage." I simply say this is unvaulable you would think taking some blood and doing tests or something would show my emotions, but a computer? I disagree, it just scans my face and automatically shows how I feel. It's a waste of time, and not a good source. I know myself more than anything, i know my emotions.
Driverless cars, what a great idea. Untill some small, young, inocent child is mowed down in the streets by a dfriverless car. Cars should not have a mind of their own. A human with commen sence and instinct should be behind the wheel at all time to make sure nothing wrong happens. Let me tell you why in the following paragraphs. The technology used in todays' driverless cars is not strong enough to deliver a safe and secure driving enviorment to other drivers or pedestrians walking. The technology and sensors are only acuret at low speeds, and are not capable of preforming all the task nessisary to drive with human drivers lives at risk.This provides a safty risk for all who are on the roadway or near them. Another large problem with the self-driven automobile is who is to blame. Do we blame the company for the error made in the design. Or do we blame the owner of the car because it is their proporty and responsobility. This could lead to major conflict in the court systems. Which could cost the owners of cars and companies money, lots of money. More than the problem is worth. Will I be owning a self driven car any time in the near future? No way, I will stick to the man behind the wheel as long as I can. As cool as it sounds to have a self-driven car, the room for error in these mechines are very large. The risk out-way the rewards in personal eyes. There is no way I will be trading in my truck for a self-driven car.
"When you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidate's electors." This shouldn't be the way candidates win. The election should change, the candidates should earn their votes, win by popular vote. If the process of voting changes to "win by popular votes" then at least the candidate would win fairly. If you think about it, wouldn't you want to win fair and square? don't you think you should earn your votes? or in general, if you think people should earn their votes then you should get an understanding of what is trying to be explained here. I'm not the only one that thinks that the election should be by popular vote; "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." plenty of other people think we should vote directly instead of having the Electoral College system. Nobody wants to vote for other people other than the one running for President, well at least 60 percent of the people don't. The electoral college is unfair and it is why I think the election should count by popular vote. The electoral college is unfair because sometimes candidates don't a have chance to visit states so it's difficult to gain votes from those states the people who vote aren't really voting, it's the electors who are a large state gets more attention from presidental candidates in a campaign than a small state does (basically what I meant in reason 1) The point here is, I think we should get rid of the Electoral College since it has been proven that it is unfair and just have a fair voting system from now on. Maybe put on a debate to see what people would prefer.        
Driverless cars are coming thats no good! Since 2009 google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions. Thier cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless. The Google cars still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of driveways or dealing with complicated traffic issues. In my opion driverless cars are pretty dangerous and stupid. I think that becasue drivers would try to play on their phone more and do other things that will not make them keep their eyes on the road or their surroundings. Just because the cars are "driverless" doesn't mean they cant mess up or have a glitch when they are driving and when they are playing on their phones. Having driverless cars is a huge mistakes they will put peoples life at risk and so many people when end up wrecking and dieing because they are more worried about their mobile devices. My second reason I think "driverless" cars are stupid is becasue people will not pay attention to their surrounding. People will pay attention to the things that are inside the car and not the things outside the car like other cars around them or even other object around them. People driving the car will be more focoused on the radio or all the cool features that come with the car like the new bluetooth radio or the new settting on the radio. The new cars will have so many new featrues that people will not even realize they are on the road. My last reason I think the cars are stupid is becasue what are people gonna do when the car breaks or glitches up. The first batch of cars will have issues just like the first batch of everything that is new. The car could glitch up at any moment when the car is in motion and some one is in it. What are people gonna do when they are driving and the car just stops driving itself and runs off the road into oncoming traffic or runs off a mountain. What are the people gonna do when their family memebrs die because of the cars glitching up and killing their brother,sister, or cousin. The first thing they are going to do is blame the company and sue them for everything they have. That is why I think "driverless" cars are stupid and dangerous. People will not pay attention they will car more about their phone. People will not pay attention to their surrounding they will pay attention to things inside the car. And the cars have a high chance of glitching up and killing the driver or maybe another person in the street or on the sidewalk. That is why I think they are very dumb and dangerous.
Cars are usful for trnsportation, but their helpfulness stops there, however, limiting car usage could result in quite a few benifits. There is less greenhouse gas being emited and people will be healthier and need less space for cars. If car usage is limited then there are less greenhouse gasses being released into the environment. The human race has been slowly destoying the planet we were given by poluting the air which in turn polutes everything. By limiting the use of cars Bogota, Columbia and Paris, France have reduced smog in their downtown areas and in Vauban, Germany there was an experiment city created to limit the use of car and see how life goes on. If car use is limited then it will also keep people healthier and in shape becaus if people are walking everywhere or even just to the subway they are moving instead of just sitting. also, it will use less land because houses will not need to be as
In my opinion, joining the Seagoing Cowboys is a fantastic opportunity. If you get the chance, I recommend that you sign up as soon as possible. I did, and my experience was amazing. Let me explain why. One reason that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is because you get to help countries in need. The Seagoing Cowboys are a part of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Adminstration, and provide countries with cattle that the countries might not have because of war. You also get the opportunity to visit many gorgeous and fascinating places. On my trips, I got to visit Europe, China, Venice, and even the Acropolis in Greece, and many more locations. If you like to travel and see new areas, then becoming a part of the Seagoing Cowboys is an opportunity of a lifetime. Even if you're not very into traveling, but you like working with animals, joing the Seagoing Cowboys is still a great idea. On the trips, you spend the majority of your time working with horses, young cows, and mules, which can be a wonderful opportunity for a fan of animals. But the trips aren't all work. You can still fit in time for fun and pass time with a lot activities, such as baseball, volleyball, fencing, whittling, etc. Even better, though, you can become more aware of people in other countries and their needs, which can make you more sympathetic and kind to people who are from different countries, especially countries that are poor and aren't the best places for people to live. These are just a few of the reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. As I stated before, the Seagoing Cowboys is a fantastic opportunity, and if you ever get the chance, you should join as soon as you can. You get to help out countries in need, visit many beautiful and unique places, and get more experience on working with animals. The trips are also quite fun, and there are many activites that you can do, especially after the animals have been unloaded. You can even learn about people in other countries and their struggles, which can prevent you from being ignorant, and that awareness can make you kinder. This is all why you should definitely consider participating in the Seagoing Cowboys.
Hey im Luke im sure you read about me or atleast know a little about me. Im not here to say thank you but im really thankful though. Im here to say you should join the Seagoing Program. When i was seventeen and i joined the program. I did it for my country but then i found out that i can get pleasure from it too you get to take care of animals but if you are like me and used to taking care of animals you wont care about that. You should join the Seagoing Coboys program because you can see amazing things if you read the biography then you know that in paragraph 5 I saw an exavated castle in Crete on my way to China. You dont just sit there taking care of horses and other farm animals you also get to play games. I do other things too if you read paragraph 8 of the biography about me then you know that us cowboys found time to have fun on board. W e played baseball and volleyball games in empty holds. Sometimes we even played table-tennis tournaments,fencing,boxing,reading,whittling and other games too. Im not saying thats its all fun and games because its not. One time I even broke my ribs while on the boat as you can see in paragraph 7. Boats will tip over,sink or they might even rock. That still doesnt stop you from atleast trying to make a difference. You can still make a difference for people. In conclusion being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than adventure it also opened up the world for me. You can also help other countries out that are doing worst than you or that are not doing good at all. As you can see in paragraph 9 that I am grateful for my opportunity to be a Seagoing Cowboy. By becoming a Seagoing Cowboy it made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs and because of that awareness my family hosted a number of international students and echange visitors for many years as you can see in paragraph 9 of my biography. Im saying all of this because i want you to join the Seagoing Cowboys program not only to have fun and go on adventures but to change peoples lives in other countries and to open up a new world for yourself.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," the author presents both positive and negative aspects of driverless cars. I am against the development or these cars for many reasons, such as safety, costs, and time. I am against the development of the driverless cars because of the safety. In paragraph 9, the author states, "If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault—the driver or the manufacturer?" If a buyer of the driverless car were to get into an accident with the driverless car they would fight that the manufacturer should take fault because they were the ones who created it. Deciding who should take the fault would cost time and money. People should be focusing on the safety of the poor and the people that are dying for reasons that humans have created rather than focusing on funding driverless cars and their safety. Driverless cars would cost money. in paragraph 6, the author states, "Radar was a device on a hilltop that cost two hundred million dollars." If just the Radar costs 200 hundred million dollars, imagine all the other sensors that would have to come with the car. Also in paragraph 4 the author states that the driverless cars do indeed need more than just a couple of sensors, "For starters, they need a whole lot of sensors." Sensors are needed to ensure that the driverless cars know where they're going, How the road conditions are, the different speed limits for different states or even countries, and the weather to indicate how fast they should be going. Those are just a few examples of the needs for sensors. Too much sensors costs too much money for the people of the world that have more important needs. Driverless cars need constant attention at this time and are not completely driverless. The author tells us that the driverless cars are not completely driverless in paragraph 7 stating, "In fact, none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless." In paragraph 7 the author says, "This means the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." Why would people fund driverless cars if we would have to give constant attention as we do to nondriverless cars. it would just be a waste of money watching a car drive itself only in certain situations. In paragraph 9 the author states, "Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." The manufacturers of the driverless cars would have to go through so many people to change the law and that could take time that they would not have because of the money they have put into this project. The article "Driverless Cars Are Coming," gives many examples as to why driverless cars are great for the people, but they also give many reasons as to why they should not be funded. I am against the Development of these cars.
The author explains that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers because it is often referred to as the Earth's twin. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size. Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. According to NASA, it is a "compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus." Venus has qualities that make it so much like Earth because they are the closest in distance and and they both orbit the sun at different speeds. The differences in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus. Venus's atmosphere has almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfurica acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, the temperatures averages over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth- like planet in our solar system. A long time ago Venus was probably convered largely with various life forms and oceans, just like our planet earth today. The planet has other similar features to earth as well with a surface of rocky sediment that includes valleys, mountains, and craters. The article states that "Furthermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel." NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Something to a blimp- like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly conditions by staying up and out of their way. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. It wouldn't be easy conditions, but it would be survivable for humans. By using a ship to orbit or hover it would be safely far above the planet and can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective like taking samples of gas or rock or anything else from distance. Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks. NASA has been working on other approaches to studying Venus. Some simplied electronics that are made from silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. Technology has made it both difficult and easy. The author supports the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers by referring to the planet as Earth's twin and identifying how close the planet is to Earth. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus and explains how the features of Venus have earthlike qualities despite the atmospheric differences. NASA thinks that it is a compelling idea for humans to discover the planet and explains the risks of visiting such a planet and the benefits of visiting it. Technology has made an impact on finding more about Venus.
Many people across the country would believe that having an Electoral College is good idea. Well, I belive thst it is not a good idea to continue having an Electoral College to chose our president because the people deserve to have their votes count. In the prcocess of having an Electoral College the poular votes do not count, only the slate of electors can vote for the canidate. That's not even the worst part to begin with. In source 2, it says that 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. That is more than half the amount of voters in the country! It even states "In the same vein, faithless electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please." meaning that sometimes the electors would not always have the same idea in mind as the people have. To me that is a real bummer especially for the people in the state with those kinds of electors. Furthermore, the Electoral college may have a few benefits as it states in source 3. Fore example, it says "The Electoral College avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate receives a majority of the votes cast." meaning that barely anyone would vote in the state. But that is usually a rare ocasion and is easily avoided in every state. As individuals we would usually not avoid coming to vote in an election for certain positions especially when it comes to a president. Sometimes people would even let the Electoral College vote for them without the people knowing who they voted for. The Electoral College is supposed to represent their state towards a canidate but what if the state rarely has any electors to be represeted or doesn't have any at all? That is why it is up to the people to make their own decision in who they want to vote for and hopefully their vote counts. The Electorial College may be recomended to represent their state but they can never represent every individual's vote because not all people have the same canidate in mind and the Electorial College can only vote for one canidate. Overall, I think the Electoral College should be abolished in every way. It is the people's vote that should count not the electors. Some people may disagree but I still believe the Electorial College is not good for us. It is not truely fair to have the majority of popular votes on one canidate and still that canidate does not win due the Electoral College. So I can most certainly agree with what previous people and groups have said before such as Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S Chamber of Commerance, and the AFL-CIO.... To get rid of the Electoral College.     
I think that you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program because it would be a opporturnity of a lifetime and it would be pretty cool. Another reason that you should join it is because you would get to see places and cities. If I were to join it i think it would be cool and fun and an awsome opportunity. If you were to join it how would you feel about it would you think it would be a good opportunity. First, his point of view was to persuade and convince people to join the Seagoing Cowboys program because he went and he had fun and now he's trying to get people to join is because it is an opportunity of a lifetime. In the story it says,"He was working part-times jobs in a grocery store and a bank when his freind Don Reist invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat, Luke couldn't say no because he knew that it was an expeirience of a lifetime." He really wants to persuade people to join but not every body wants to join. Finally if you want to join it might be really fun if I got asked I wouldn want to go because i think it will be really fun but then that's just me. If you read this I hope it persuades you to join if you like it.
All Aboard Do you enjoy having adventures? Do you want to see different countries? Then, I know the place for you! The Seagoing Cowboys is a group that helps countries who need animals after war obtain new livestock. You and many others will care for and deliver horses, young cows, and mules to countries in need. One great reason to join the program is that if you enjoy seeing the delighted faces of a person in need after they have recieved something that could help them live a better life, you can now! After the devastating World War 2 many countries are in ruins. They have lost their food supplies, animals, and more. You can help them recieve new livestock if you join the Cowboys today! Another wonderful reason to join the Seagoing Cowboys is adventure! The Cowboys travel overseas to deliver the animals. It takes about two weeks to reach your destination. Imagine all excitement a two week passage will bring! The last reason that the Seagoing Cowboys are for you is the places you will visit. Seagoing Cowboys isn't all work. You and fellow crew members can play baseball and volleyball after you drop off the animals. You may also play table-tennis, fencing, and boxing. Crewmen like to read or whittle, too. Cowboys may visit many exciting places. Some visit China. Others visit all of Europe! I, Luke, visited the Acropolis in Greece. It was marvelous! I also visited Venice, Italy. Riding in a gondola because the streets are water was quite enjoyable! Visting an exacavated castle in Crete and marveling at the Panama Canal was wonderful! If you want to visit these places like I did join the Seagoing Cowboys. Are you ready to care for those in need? Are you craving adventure? Are you ready to explore the world? Well, nows the time. Come join the Cowboys and I promise you wil pursue these dreams. Being a Cowboy will make you aware of people in other countries. Being a Cowboy will give you adventure and a chance to explore. I promise you will cherish the memories you make as a Cowboy. Now, what are you waiting for? Come join the Seagoing Cowboys today!
People often wonder when the world is going to end; will humans need a new place to live? Scientists have been researching alternatives to living on earth, such as living on mars or venus. Both planets would need some modifications before humans would be able to take residence but both planets are possible alternatives for when earth decides to die. The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" explains some of the difficulties scientists have to deal with when trying to explore venus. The author of this article shows his readers that by using maybe older technology mixed with newer thinking the scientists at NASA might be able to penetrate Venus' surface long enough to get the samples they need and in return protect the lives of their astronauts. Scientists at NASA have been trying to figure out how to penetrate the atmosphere of Venus without losing any lives. They have come up with ideas like sending astronauts about 30 miles above venus to get some samples, the only problem being that getting samples would be next to impossible (pararaph 5). The reason for this being is that the men simply can reach down to the surface becuase the temperatures are over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the high pressure is enough to crush a submarine into a dime (paragraph 3) Not only that but the weather on the surface is absolutley horrendus, presenting errupting volcanoes, earthquakes, and lightening strikes (paragraph 3). These lightening strike have proven a problem for probes sent up to the surface of venus becuase they just get shocked and are no longer of use. Luckily for our dying planet though, NASA is working on creating a simple and sturdy machine to go up and collect samples, the last one they tested lasted up to three weeks in their simulaiton of Venus (paragraph 7). Another way they are modifying these machines is by using older technology becuase it does not require electronics, and without the electronics you get out the risk of lightening destroying the million dollar toy (paragraph 7). A good thing about using mechanical parts versus electronic parts is that mechanical parts are said to be, "more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces." (paragraph 7). By using mechanical machines NASA can ensure the safety of the astronauts and get the samples they need to discover is Venus is in fact, a habitable plantet. The author shows this by explaining how using austronauts simply is not enough and that by combining older technology and newer thinking that scientists at NASA can penetrate Venus' serface and discover if it is habitable. If NASA combines their thinking with the older, and sturdier technology the advencements they could make would be tremendous. They could discover is Venus is habitable and possibly be able to modify it they way they need to so venus can become habitable. If the process does not work with venus they could use their research on mars or possiby other planets in the solar system.
" The Electoral College is a process, not a place." retorted by the Office of the Federal Register. The Electoral College was established by our founding fathers. The main reason it was established was because it was a compromise between electing the President by a vote in Congress and electing the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College is a timely and outdated process that consists of selecting the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for the President and Vice President, and counting of the electoral votes by Congress. Yes, the Electoral College has helped the United States of America but it has also caused us many major conflicts that no citizen can change. Many Americans are not heard and by demolishing the Electoral College and bringing our "old friend" popular vote back in majority of Americans will be heard. This is a free country right? Do we have the right to be heard and vote for ourselves? I strongly believe we do. I vehemetly feel that the United States of America should use popular vote due to the fact Electors can turn sides, in reality voters are not even voting for the President they're voting for the electors, and there is often a major conflict also known as the "disaster factor". "...electors could always defy the will of the people." Stated by author, Bradford Plumer.  Once Electors are voted for they have our trust and votes in the center of their palms. They could either listen to the people or break our trust. Majority of times more than 15% of electors turn sides and vote for the opposing party. In a survey taken in 2000 more than 60% voted for popular vote by citizens because they were unwilling to put they're vote in the electors hands. Looking at the correct statistics don't you believe it's only fair to the American people that we use popular vote? More than half of America believes it is only right to use popular vote. What about the other half? Well, thinking about the situation, in the end, they will still get what they want and what is needed. But the real question here is, what do you think? Lets take a quick look at reality here! When voting for the President of the United States of America you are technically voting for electoral votes. Majority of America does not realize that because of the Electoral College you are voting for their votes. As an citizen of the United States we have the freedom to speak and vote for whoever we want. When voting we are basically putting our votes in the hands of the electors so if sides are turned doesn't that basically mean our freedoms/rights are being violated? I advocatly believe it does and the only way we could possibly fix it is by establising popular vote. So why are we waisting time? Last but never least, popular vote should be established because almost every four years the Electoral college runs into major problems whether sides being turned on or just the system running low. Believe it or not voting is not supposed to be such a chaotic process. Assertions are made with not much basis which causes majority of the problems we face. If we get rid of the Electoral college entirely all the conflicts will vanish. Our founding father would be proud to know that we got rid of the system that was giving America major  problems even if we much appriciate our founding fathers. In conclusion, I vehemetly feel that the United states of America should use popular vote due to the fact Electors can turn sides, in reality voters are not even voting for the president they are voting for the electors, and there is often a major conflict also known as " disaster factors".
I think the that use of this technology in the classroom is valuable to students. The technology would be helpful to all students. This computer software is the latest to date. The computer is able to determine emotion based off of facial expression. This would have good affects on students because it would make working online more simple. based on the students facial expression while looking at the computer screen, the computer could help the student by adding things the student needs and removing helpless things and things the student does not like to give the student a more personalized experience. Testers used the Mona Lisa painting as an example. The computer did calculations and detrmined the emotions displayed in the painting based on the facial expression of the painting. The computer determined the emotions displayed were eighty-three percent happy, nine percent disgusted, six percent fearful and 2 percent angry. Because this is a painting and it shows no real emotion, we would not know if these are the true emotions of the woman. In conclusion, this technology is vauable in classrooms for students and is useful. It gives students a more personalized aexperience and makes doing online assignments easier.
The planet Venus, is known for having a chaotic surface. Full of carbon dioxide blankets, clouds of sulfuric acid, temperatures over 800 degress and atmospheric pressure of 90 times greater than Earth. Exploration of this planet, seems difficult for scientists. Regardless of that, the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Throughout the text, the author provides several counter arguments to support his idea of why Venus should be studied up close. The author shows confidence in his research, he has done an exemplary job of finding statements to support his evidence. He makes it very clear that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it may provide. For example, the mentions that the surface of Venus is deadly to men. He counters this argument with the idea of a flying blimp, orbitating the surface from far enough to where the radiation will not reach the researchers/explorers. The text reads "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape" (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). The author provides a reliable source, which is NASA and then proceeds to elaborate on their idea and putting it into appealing words. It is notable that the author has analyzed his idea, and proceeded to support it with solid facts. It is a very interesting text to read, because it is an argumentative essay that discusses with itself. For every arguement, another counter-arguement is provided. This keeps the reader involved and the article interesting. The author also mentions the issue with technology, he argues that "modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditons" (The Challenge of Exploring Venus). Therefore, he counters this idea by introducing ancient computers used during World War II, that are more capable of resisting critical physical conditons. The author succeeds to present this article from both sides of the argument. In conclusion, the details provided by the author throughout the article succesfully contributed to his idea. Although exploring Venus may be a challenge, it is not impossible and further investigation is needed in order to do so. The author argues that humans are very curious about these inditimidating endeavors, but without a doubt it will be a great discovery once it is accomplished.
Driverless cars have a positive and negative aspect to them. Here are a few positive aspects of driveless cars. Driverless cars have the ability to help a driver when coming too close to a car which is called a sensor. Sensor help drivers know when their to close to a car or any object that may put your life in danger. Another positive thing about driverless cars is that keep improving for example in paragraph 7 the 2013 BMW announced a system called "Traffic Jam Assistants." Traffic Jam Assistants allows the car to handle driving functions like accelerate,steer,and brake by themselves. It allows the driver to know what they need to do to be in a safe postion. Driverless cars can make you think about the "What Ifs," like what if something goes wrong with the technology and it puts your life in danger or others. Who fault is its yours or the cars? Driverless cars have negative aspects to them too because their not truly driverless as said in paragraph 2. Driverless cars may seem like their great but they have disadvantges that you should consider for not only your safety but for others to.
Variouse forms of life, just like earth today, venus has some simliar stuff like earth it has valleys, moutains and craters and scientest think that venus was cover all in water like how earth was million years ago. Venus solar power would be plentiful and radiation would not exceed earth levels,not easy condtions but survival for humans. Nasa is also doing still doing studeis today and sending people over there to study the planet to see if the conditons are getting any better or worst so they can studie and any maybe someday the human beigns can live there in another decade once they say the venus is a safe place to visit and live there. When you land of venus its dangerous, So people are creating ways that there makigng a ship that will hovering safley around ground condetions that cannot stad the dense of the ground of the atmosphere and rendering phitigraphhy and vidoeography and the most important they cant get smaples on rock,gas or anything else,In that case scientist are seeking to conduct missions on venus.
Mars has many landforms, but there is a particular one that is peculiar. The landfrom is known as The Face. The Face was spotted by a space surveyor in 1976 and has been a mystery to the world ever since. Some people say that this landform was made by alien life on Mars, but with facts from NASA and other sources you could see that those people are wrong. The Face has had many theories made up about how it was made and if it is even real. One of these theories is about how or who created it. This theory is about how NASA is hiding the fact that the face was made by some type of alien lifeform, which logically makes no sense at all. Finding life on another planet would bring in a gargantuan amount of money for NASA so it would seem completely illminded to hide something like this from the people. NASA can only wish they knew about an alien lifeform. With this new discovery people and scientists demanded for more proof on how it was made. Throughout the knowing of this landform three pictures were taken of it. The first of pictures was in 1976 when they first found it and camera quality was not very good. With not a clear image, and the need for answers, NASA sought out for another picture and got one during a cloudy winter day in 1988. This picture did come out clearer than the other but still was not perfect for scientist and people to be one-hundred percent sure how it was made. So the wait began to get another picture. Finally in two-thousand-one NASA used a new, high-resolution, three-dimensional camera to take an outstanding clear photo of what they concluded to be a mesa, common in the American West, just with the physical pheatures of a human face. In conclusion this outstanding land form on Mars had the world stuck asking this question, "Is there alien life on mars?" The Face was a mystery to science for almost thirty years only to be proven to be just another landform on Mars. To conclude, this landform is nothing more than a naturally occuring lava dome.
Although you may think of your car as a necessity, there are many advantages to not being behind the wheel. Greenhouse gas emisions would decrease and promote alternative tansportaion are amoung those many. As the majority of people learned in grade school, greenhouse gases aren't such a great thing and are even destroying the planet. Stepping away from your car could decrease the amount of these deadly gases we put into our atmosphere. in the first article Rosenthal says "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emmision in Europe, and up to 50 in some car-intensive areas in the United States." If the output is really that high and we stop using cars as much imagine the impact it could have if this happened world wide. in the second article Duffer was talking about how Paris had to ban cars because the smog, an effect of greenhouse gases, was too thick. towards the end he said that a few days of the car ban reduced the amount enough to where they could lift the ban. the smog was said to rival China's, and you see that on the news constantly so if only a few days made it significantly better then why can't we try it out? Promoting alternative transportation could help local economies rise, and lower stress levels. "It's a good oportunity to take away stress and lower air polution" sais a business man participating in Bogata's car-free day. Participants in these events claim that they relieve stress and most people can see why, it's very hard to avoid stressful situations when you're driving. Whether it's the guy who cut you off or a slow old lady there is always something that will grind your gears. the executive chairman of the Ford company said that "in cities where vehicle ownership is impractical or undesirable they would be able to create a network that would save time, conserve resources, lower emisions, and improve safety." If there are other sources of transportation available, why not take advantage of them? Lowering our usage of cars we could keep our planet in good condition by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases and promoting alternative forms of trasportation which has benifits within itself. If there are other options the only problem I see is that you can't pick what radio station is on.
Ever think of traveling space? Well in the story, The Challenge of Exploring Venus, the Author explains that, despite all of the hostile and unforgiving conditions, humans could travel to earth's sister planet, Venus. Although, this sounds pretty cool, it still may just be only possible in movies. The Author does have some impressive details to put in the agrument. The main problems of the journey is that the surface of the planet is not survivable for life. In paragragh three it says "On the planet's surface, tempature's average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what we expirence on our own planet." According to the Author, this pressure would crush even a submarine fit for exploring the depths of our oceans. He also describes the events going on the surface, "erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes" (Paragraph 3). So the Author makes a strong statement of how we can't survive on Venus, but he has ways to survive this hostile planet. The Author says, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of venus would allow sciencists to float above the fray." The Author then says that they mean that they would have a vehicle to hover 30 or more miles above the surface of the planet. It would still be aroung 170 degrees fahrenheit, but the pressure would be as if earth's sea level. Now that we know that humans may be able to survive venus, why would we need to do it? Well, a very good reason is to explore the planet, and examine specimen for any signs of life, as well for new elements. Well, this would be great to do, but there are many things that stand in our way. For example, we couldn't take descent quality (or maybe at all) photographs. Like the Author says in the passage "most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photograpghy and videography ineffective." He also goes on to tell us that researchers can not receive specimens to study. According to the passage, Sciencists are developing a machine that can last long enough to be able to collect what it needs and get out. Well, this is going more difficult then it sounds. First, little to no light near the surface. The robot will have to be autonomous and will have such low quality of light you have no idea of the dangers the robot may go through. The robot may get its job done, due to most autonomous robot not needing light to 'see'. The robot will corriode due to the corrsive nature of the planets air. If that robot doesn't last long, it will take more money to keep rebuilding then NASA's Venus team's budget has. So, it can be possible for humans to survive on Venus, but we have no reason to go. The money used to build ships, vehicles, and robots would be so great that we wouldn't have the money for it. Even if we did go, we couldn't take photographs or collect specimens with out a VERY expensive robot. So, humans should stay away from Venus until we have the resources ready for a planet that hostile.
In my opinion, yes that would be very helpful and valuable to have that type of technology in our classrooms. heres why. A lot of students hide all of their emotions and hold them inside and that sometimes can make us do crazy irrational things, like shooting up a school full of kids. If we had this technology we could figure out how a student feels and try our best and do whatever we can to help them before it gets to that point. If we had that technology we would be able to get a student into counciling or to a therapist or just to a close friend to talk to because who knows that could save that students life. If we knew what was bothering students or knew that there was something bothering a student we could maybe avoid all of those student v. s. teacher fights that happen because that student isnt in the right mindset and that teacher had no idea. Another reason why that type of technology would be useful is learning. Say a student was doing some school work on a computer and they start falling asleep because the content is so boring. If we had that type of technology the computer could change the way the content is being presented into a wat that is more interesting and exciting to the student. Every student learns differently and if we had that technology then we all could excel in school. Not only could we learn better and help the teachers understnad us better we could understand the people around us better. We could learn how to recognize those faces and understand how the person we are talking to is really feeling. Not only that we could make a whole new lie detector test for authorities. If they had those they could truely find out if someone is guilty because as the passage said faces dont lie. Maybe if we had that type of technology helping the law the crime rate would go down emencely because if criminals knew that no matter what they did they would always fail this test if they lied they wouldnt commit those crimes and risk getting caught. In conclusion, having this technology could help the world beyond our imagination. If we had this, maybe, just maybe our dreams for a better place might start to become true.
I think driverless cars are going to be good for the future because then older people wont have to drive the car will dirve by it's self. The only time that people will have to take control over the car is when your in danger of backing up into something. Im going to tell you why I have postive aspects on driverless cars. I think driverless cars are postive, because then there will be less wrecks in the future, more elderly people will be able to ride in a car without actually driving. I think instead of older people having to get rides from friends and family to church it will help because we will have driverless cars. I also disagree with it n someways to because how is it a prove fact that the car can actually drive on its own, maybe it could wreck. In conclusion, driverless cars are good in someways they can get you somewhere that you need to go. They can help you if you need to navigate through work zones and around accidents, But there also negative because what if you get in a wreck and its not your fault its the cars fault.
Facial expressions have been our way of communicating without talking. Its a silent way of showing how you feel about something or someone. Knowing what expressions are being shown towards an action you do is important. If you yell at someone, they might make an angry or upset face. After seeing that expression, most people will most likely never repeat that action again. In class rooms its hard sometimes as a teacher to teach and notice if everyone is catching along or if the subject is too boring. Having this new technology used to read students expressions is a valuable tool because it lets teachers know if they should continue or stop and help students out. Many of us have been in the situation were your in class and it is boring. The class feels like 3 hours long and the teacher is into their subject and just does not stop talking. They do not switch things up and not many kids are paying any attention at all. With the help of this technology, which reads students facial expression, it can let teachers know its time to switch things up or move on. The next class might be much easier to get through and maybe towards the end, be your favorite. Teachers and professors will see what students like best and what they find interesting and develope new and better strategies; or computors will just as Dr. Huang predicts in the 6th paragraph, "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human intructor. Many students also struggle in school. " A classroom computor could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored. Students tend to try and be independent or just don't want to ask for help in fear of being made fun of. In some cases many students are confused but refuse to ask for help. With the detector, teachers could ask students if they need help or what they are not understand in class. All helping to prevent students from getting lost or struggling in any subject. Teachers could be doing a better job by understanding the students, and the students too,would feel better knowing that someone knows what they need help in and is coming up with a better teaching plan. Technology is advancing more and more each day. In no time, we will improve schools and work areas. The way we communicate will better and the way we read expressions will too. As said in paragraph 8 "to an expert, faces don't lie: these muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a "smiling" politician or celebrity isnt being truthful"; the same could be applied to students. Facial expressions are important. With these computors or devices put in every class room, students will soon be performing at their top best. Soon enought the decives will be used in work areas, while texting and more.
What we say matters and shouldnt be taken lightly America is a country of opppurtunity. And many people come to this country to escape or change their harsh living style. When the founding father created the consitution. I'm sure that they expected the system to last, and for the citizens to have a say in what happens to our home. but now is our government is denying us our, chance to make a difference in america. Voting. Many people think that the Electoral college is a place, But it actully is a process. the fonding fathers established it in the constioin as a comprmise between election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. But now it is a way for people with a big pocket, to get there say, in who get to be president. In source 2: the readers are told that over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election. What this tells the readers is, americans don't feel like their vote actually counts towards the election anymore. Now people are starting to wonder, Whats wrong with the Electoral college? The answer to that questions is, under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. To any american looking at this process happening and knowing their vote doesnt really matter. would feel like an injustise has been done to them, and they are absolutlly right. In the constition it say , That americanshave the freedom to vote, both men and women. so as a citizen of american, WE should be able to choose our president not an elector, from the electoral college. As an american the citizens should be able choose who they want for president. It is not only unfair and unjust, that our votes don't have any pull. But it is also going against what our fonding fathers worked so hard to perfect. A naton where the people's words matter. The people who work hard everyday, teaching our children, and protecting our citizens, the people who lay down their lives for this country. The people who support this country , no matter how many injustices are thrown at them. Those people should have the most sway in choosing our president. Not the people who have had to never work a day in there life, or the people who are not grateful for this country. when a person who holds a position in an american government office, is easily paid off, It s time for some new, loyal, and dedicated workers. who work just as hard as the rest of america.  
Driverless Cars Driverless cars could change the world for the better. They could make our lives easier and less stressful. Driverless cars could save lives, save time, and save money. These cars would be a great replacement for the manual cars used today. Driverless cars could benefit our society greatly. This new invention of cars without drivers could save many lives. Each year thousands of citizens die, or are injured due to car accidents. These accidents are caused mainly by drivers. If cars continue to need drivers, many more deaths will result from this horrible choice. The drivers of these vehicles could be drunk, driving illegally without a valid license, texting, or distracted, resulting in car crashes. The possibilities as to why a person driving a car could get into an accident are endless! However, with no unsuitable driver at the wheel, roads all over the world will become much safer. If ,instead of a driver, the car is automated and drives by itself, people could rid the world of unsafe drivers. With these driverless cars, thousands of lives all over the world could be spared. Driverless cars could save people time. According to paragraph two in the article, Google's driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. Less crashes would result in less traffic jams. Without traffic jams, citizens would be able to get to their destination quicker and easier. Driverless cars could also save time by not having to constantly run into blocked roads. Due to the driverless cars being automated and controlled by an automated system, the system will most likely be able to detect the quickest route to the preferred destination. Therefore, driverless cars could be an advantage to us by saving us time. With the invention of the driverless car, homo sapiens (humans) would be able to save money. The first product of the driverless car is not bound to be cheap, but as time progresses, the cost of this new car will eventually go down. According to paragraph one in the provided article, the driverless cars would use half the fuel of today's cars and would offer far more flexibility than a bus. Gas is a very expensive fuel. However, if citizens were to only need to pay for half of the money they pay for gas today, then they could save a lot of money that could be used for more important investments. Also, the driverless cars could result in less car crashes, which would result in not having to pay for damage repair. Overall, the driverless cars would not only your save life, but your money too. The driverless cars could benefit our lives. They would be able to not only improve the way people live today, but they would also have the power to save lives, save time, and save money. This new car design could be the exact replacement, for the manual car used today, our society has been looking for. With these cars, students would also be able to focus on their schoolwork more, rather than on passing their driving exam. They could change life as people know it. The driverless cars would fundamentally change the world for the better.
Have you ever wondered what it is like in Venus and how we might be able to study more about it. Studying Venus closely is worth the risk for more information on Venus. With the information it could lead scientists into making better technology to explore mars or other planets. The exploration could also be our backup Earth if the current Earth in inhabitable. With all the risk it may not be possible to explore Venus but if you are determined to find the answers then it could be possible. There would be all sorts of information if we studied Venus closely. There are a lot of problems but it is still possible. There are a lot of people that wants to know more about Venus. For example on paragraph 4 it states that, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." This is stating that Astronomers know that one day Venus will change and humans will be soon able to land on it without much difficulties. The information just from Venus could even help us explore other planets and solar systems far from our solar system. With the information we could possibly find another earth-like planet faster or easier. On paragraph 8 it states, "...but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This quote is stating that our curiousty will soon take us over and eventually humans will do anything to findout more about Venus or anything in general. I believe that someday we will be able to find the truth about Venus and more information or data that can help us with exploring other planets. All of us have thought of what will happen if the current Earth we live on is destroy or inhabitable. Well our 2 options are either Mars or Venus, if we knew more of the planet Venus and how it behaves. On paragraph 4 it says that, " Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth." This is stating that Venus could return or we can make it return to how it was originally and possibly live on it. This is a good reason I think Venus will be able to accept humans and find more facts and informations. In conclusion we have wondered how things are in Venus. We even wanted to know what would happen to humans if they went to Venus. There would be lots of information if we visited and came back perfectly. With all those information we got from visiting Venus it could help us with other difficulties from different planets. The Venus we know as of right now could be different as we learn more about it and find a way to change it closley to Earth.
Think about a country without cars. You might say thats rediculous but there are many pros to not having a fuel running engine as your transportation all the time. There are some families that dont even own cars. automobiles are the linchpin of suburbs experts say, is a huge impediment to current efforts to drastically to reduce geenhouse gas emissions from tail pipes. Passanger cars are responsble for more than 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. There have been efforts in the past two decades to make sities denser, and better for walking, planners are now taking the concept to the suburbs. Basic presets are being compact and more accessible to public transportation, with less space for parking. Stores are placed a walk away, on a main street, rather than in malls along some distant highway. Using to many cars for transportation isnt so good for any city, state, country for example France. After days of near record pollution, paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the city. Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france, after five days of intensifying smog. Most cars run on fuel so diesel fueal was blamed the majority of pollution in the air that cars produced. Delivery companies would complain of lost revanue, the exceptions were only made for plug in cars, hybrids, and cars carrying three or more passengers. Public transit was free of charge. Its a really good opporunity  to take away all the stress and lower are pollution. Cars are great for transportation but the days without cars can be part of an improvement all around the world. parks and sports center can bloom throughout the city, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad, rush-hour restrictions have dramatically cut traffic and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have cropped up. If we persist with using car transportation as a resource less it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviornment, since  transportation is the second largest source of America emissions.
There are many advantages to limiting the use of cars. Some advantages to limititing are car use is drastically reducing greenhouse gas, Reduce smog, and to support having a healthy life-style. "To drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions from tailpipes." ( In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars ) Green house gasses cause so much harm to the world today by breaking up the o-zone layer and letting to much UV light into our atmosphere. most people dont know this but car are responcible for 12 persent of the greenhouse gasses in Eurpoe. I do not  know what else to write. In Europe the smugg problem is so bad that they started to fine people for using their car. Europe wanted to put charges because their smog was getting so bad that most of their people had lung problems. To help spport a healthy life style you have to be active. To acheve this goal people need to do active things like walking, jogging, or runing  to their destinations. for example people can go to the mall or to their local park to hang out and get some physical activity. As you can see physicall activiy and saving the world are imporant things that we as people need to understand to have a future on this Earth. To improve the earth. GoGreen :)    
I don't think that this will help the student's learn any better. This is just a way for the goverment to know what you are doing at all times. Just like back in the day we didn't have all of this techonogy and we lived life without anything to stupid. If you would of done something you would of got hung. Technology now a day's has changed everyone's life some for the better but most of it has made it worse. How you might say? It made it worse by us not paying attition to what's really happening in are live and how everything is changing. The goverment wants us to be like this so we only see what they want us to see. There tring to dumb us down by doing all of this to us. Just like this test I'm taking now it don't help me out it only helps the school out and now there trying to say if I don't pass this one test that i can't move on. If this test really matter and if school really matter, why don't I learn how to do my taxes, why don't I learn how do make food so i can live on my own, why don't we all learn something that can help us all and not learn about oh back in the 626BC this happened, that's not what we need to be learning about you know back in the day it was so different. When I say its different I mean that it was better. There wasn't people eating soap, well there was if you did something bad you mom and dad would make you put a bar of soap in your mouth. The goverment is trying to make us depend only on them. When they shut off all the technology they know whats going to happen they are going to try to do what Hilter did. This is my point and im not the only one who's see's all what your doing. Just like this test I know no one will really and truly read this. It's just going to be some robot that took someone's job.
The technology that is being used to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because we dont need a system telling us our emotions/ face expressions if we already know them. In the third paragraph it says that "Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happiness, surprise, anger, fear, and sadness." A system does not need to classify thoes emotions for us, or me personally. Some one can already tell those emotions on our faces, or we could just tell them how we are feeling. Theres no need for people to be making coding systems on computers to identify our emotions/expressions. I personaly think its a waste of time to be doing this. One reason why i do think this is valuable is because in paragraph six it states that "a class room computer could reconize when a student is becoming comfused or bored". This part would honestly help students because when we are bored or confused we are goning to want to stop learning. So i see why this could be helpful in a way. Also in paragraph six it states that "...if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be diffrent". this statement is good because no one want to watch ads that they dont like. So if a system can notice when you are not having it and changes it, that would be a good help. Ads con make some one click off a videoo fast, like i always do. I still feel like computers would not be valuable because there is no point in them. Yes its helpful in some ways but i think they should be inventing something else instead of a system that can read face expressions and emotions.
People seem to think that the rock on mars was created by aliens but sienctist disagree. At first scientists figured that the face was just nother martian mesa, common enough around cydonia, only this one had unusaul shadows that made it look like an egyptian pharaoh. In the article it states that a couple of days later they saw the huge rock formation which looked like a humans head but really it was the form of the shadowns that created the rock looked like it had eyes, nose, and even a mouth. The rock was not created by aliens it just was a formation of the rock and diifrent shadows but lots of people seem to like it. Scientists know that the rock really was just made like this and know aliens did not create this this rock. But some people believe other things on how this rock some how looks like a face. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. But there were people who still believed that aliens did this and that the camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze.
Venus is often referred to as the "twin" of earth. It is the second closest planet to the sun. Space crafts have been sent to Venus despite its extreme conditions. There has not been any humans sent to Venus. The last spacecraft was sent was three decades ago. Spacecrafts have not lasted more than a few hours after landing in Venus. The author of this article suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Astronomers and scientists are fascinated by Venus because it is the most similar planet to Earth. In the article it states that long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. Today Venus has some features that are the same to those of Earth. Venus has valleys, mountains, and craters. Mars and Venus are the closest planets to earth and often times Mars is closer than Venus. Due to the speed, it changes which two planets is closest. NASA is working on technology that would allow further studying on Venus. One of their solutions to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. This means that they would have something that could fly over the many storms to avoid the bad conditons. This idea is more thought out than the spacecrafts that would have to land and would only last a few hours. Another one of NASAs projects is simplified electronics made of silicon carbide that have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions. The author does have some convincing details in the article. Though the conditions of Venus do seem harsh and there has not been anymore attempts to send more projects down to Venus in three decades. It does seem like NASA is working hard to get things fixed and ready for a possiblity of sending projects down. The details presented were convincing and it makes a good article. The author is pursuading but the conditions that Venus holds are not convincing.
Dear senator, the system we have today used to elect the president, the Electoral College, must be changed.  Instead, we should elect the president by means of a popular vote.  The Electoral College is unecessary and complicated, and not to mention, outdated.  Source 1 says that the Electoral College was established in the Constitution by the founding fathers.  This begs the question, how can a system so old still be practical and in use today?  This system, therefore, needs to be replaced by a national popular vote. There are so many things that could go wrong with the Electoral College, such as a tie, in which the decision would go to the House of Representatives.  According to Source 2, if this were to happen, than, "the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California, who represent 35 million voters."  This, of course, would not reflect the nation's vote, and would anger millions of people.  If we elected the president by a popular vote, than the chances of this happening would be significantly more slim. Another flaw of the Electoral College is that even if a presidential nominee won the popular vote, they could still lose the election.  Even though some may argue that this occasion is highly unlikely, this has actually happened twice before, in 1888 and 2000, according to Source 3.  "It is entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the national popular vote... It happened in 2000, when Gore had more popular votes than Bush yet fewer electoral votes."  This is a major flaw of the Electoral College system, which is very frustrating to millions of people.  Imagine how you would feel if your candidate won the majority of the nation's vote, but still lost the election because of this horrible voting system.  This unfair incidence could be avoided, if only we got rid of the Electoral College, and replaced it with the simple, fair, and straightforward method of the popular vote. The popular vote is the preferred voting system in the United States.  According to Source 2, "over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now."  If this is the preferred voting system, and the Electoral College has so many flaws, why not change to using the popular vote?  It only makes sense.  Not to mention, if the Electoral College were to be thrown out, then maybe more people would come out to vote, which is important. We would then have a more accurate representation of who the nation wants as their leader. Some may argue that the Electoral College is a good system of electing the president, that the founding fathers knew what they were doing when they established it, and that it "produces a clear winner," (Source 3.)  But, the information given above disproves these unvalid arguements.  If the Electoral College is such a great system, than why can a nominee who won the majority of the nation's votes still win the election?  Will it always produce a clear winner?  What about the event of a tie?  Or, what about when the "winner" did not win the majority of the votes? In conclusion, the replacement of this flawed system known as the Electoral College by a national popular vote is absolutely necessary.  The people are pushing for a change, and I strongly urge you, senator, to acknowledge this issue.
Have you ever thought what it would be like to get behind the wheel and not have to drive? Well in this day and age that might be a very real possibility. Technology is getting more and more advanced these days and car companies are working on cars that drive themseleves. I believe that would be very cool to have a car that could drive on it's own for the most part at least. Google has made cars that are mostly driverless except when you have changing road conditions such as construction or an accident. These cars work pretty good too. It's been tested and has driven over a half a million miles accident free. I think driverless cars could be very beneficial because say your out drinking or you can't drive for some reason this car could take you home instead of having to call a cab or someone to pick you up. Also the could be used to teach people how to drive. You can put them behind the wheel and just let them get a feel of what it's like to have your hands on the wheel and feel the car turn and drive. Other potential uses for a driverlees car could be preventing accidents. They could make cars with such good reaction time that it would stop before a human could possibly do it. I mean the car may need help with stuff like pulling in and out of driveways, but it can do stuff that most have trouble doing like parallel parking. Before they allow these cars out on the road first they have to get rid of some of the laws and regulations about driverless automobiles. Like if a driverless vehicles is in an accident who's fault is it? The car owner or the company that made the car? These kind of things need to be sorted out before they can start allowing these vehicles on the street. I think driverless cars will eventually become allowed on roads and highways everywhere. But it might take awhile to finish some of the issues and concerns with the cars and the laws. But eventually people will get asked how they got to work or school instead of saying they drove they will say my car drove me.
Computers that identify human emotions? In the article Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto is talks about that exactly. The new technology called the Facial Action Coding System in other words FACS that identifies human emotions should be using it classrooms. For reasons such as that it can help a teacher identity how one feeling are towards their lesson as well as telling someone their emotions. Having this new technology can improve a student way of learning a certian lesson. In the sixth paragraph is says " "A classroon computer could recognize when a student us becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." " By having a computer recognize human emotions is can help pick out a different way the students learns or a more helpful way to explain a topic. Some student often may not understand a topic may may be affraid to speck up because they may feel jugded by others that do understand. Reading ones expressions can be hard, other people may not know how to express what they are feeling, but by having these computers that do it can help people know what others are feeling. The author says "For intsance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face. Of course, most of us would have trouble actually describing each facial trait that conveys happy, worried, etc." With this it gives humans a new way of looking at stuff and seeing whats behind everything. This technology is a just one more step of what else is out there. Computers that can now identify human emotions what is it for? It can allow students see and understand a topic they may be confused by simpling just looking at there computer screens. It also helps tells people what others may be feeling when they can"t explain, helps us see in a differnt way. In conclution the use of the FACS should be used in classrooms to read students emotional expressons.
Why should we limit our uses on car usages, some people se the limiting of car usage as less tense. " When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" said heidrun Walter, a mother of two. when you have a car you'll have to find space for it as well as a house to buy. There are only two places to park at the edge of a development, where a car-owner has to pay $40,000, along with a home. passenger cars are responcible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and up to 50 percent in the United states. with less cars people have the advantages of being a walk away from a store instead of a highway. With less cars that give off gas emissions the less our ozone will deplete. More and more people are using hybrid cars because they dont give off as much gas emissions than regular cars that take diesel. Depending on the weather of the night and day could really effect the greenhouse effect of our planet. If ther was a cold night and a warm day this could help the warmer layer of air to trap the car emissions, which depletes the ozone layer that is protecting our planet. Paris one of the most leading countries in the world with the car emissions ended making people stop using their cars because of all the smog that was  being created. People who used their cars were fined $31 and if they complained about that their car would somethimes be towed away. While the rule of no cars was in effect the traffic jams in france were down over 60 percent. Think about what this could do to the United States. The smog had cleard so much that Paris eventually allowed odd numbered plates to drive again on Tuesday. " 'It's a good oppourtunity to take away stress and lower air pollution'  said Carlos Arturo as he rode with his wife on a two seat bicycle" ( Andrew Selsky, Source 3). The no car rule is sweeping over the nations, because of this rule there has been over 118 miles of bicycle paths in Bogota, Colombia. " Municipal athorities from other countries came to Bogota to see the event and were enthusiastic 'These poeple are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders' Said Enrique Riera, the mayor of asuncion, Paraguay. As of April 2013, the number of miles driven per person was nearly down by 9 percent below the peak and equal to where the country was in January of 1995. Part of the explantion lies in the recession, because cash- strapped Americans could not afford new cars, and the unimployed weren't going to  work anyway. These people could not afford cars but they could have afforded a bike if they wanted to. They could have rode to work on a bike or could have tried to find a job on a bike it's that people are starting to get to lazy to do important things like ride a bike. With cars theres gas you have to pay for along with the insurence, that's a lot of money. Lucky for us Americas love affair twords vehicles seem to be coling down. When the number of child growth grew, the number of miles driven dropped steadly down in 2005. With cars the rodes are more dangerous anything could happen to anyone or anything. The percentage of 16-39 year olds that are driving dropped, while older people retain thweir licenses as they age. A study last year was found tha driving by younger people dropped by 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. Bill Ford proposed partnering with telecommunactions industrys to create cities in which " pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improive safety". In Germeny the banning of cars resulted that 70 percent of families donot have cars, and 57 perecnt sold a car to move there. In doing all of these thing this could help stop the greenhouse effect on our planet and start saving it insted of killing it.              
In this article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the author describes how the FACS enables computers to identify humans emotions, but it isn't that reliable. For instance, you could look as happy as the sun, when the clouds are gone, but be so sad. We rely on technology to do all of these things for us, but computers are not always right. This is a really cool system, but I don't think it's 100% accurate. Some of us will rely on this system to see what their emotions are, but they can't actually tell. There are many advances in this article, that I can't really tell where the disadvantages are. For example, us humans rely on all this technology when we could just figure it out ourselves. You can't rely on a computer to tell you your exact emotions. It's just like looking something up on the internet, coming to find out that it wasn't the right answer. The internet is not always right, there are many questions, and many wrong answers to those questions. So I don't think that the computer can tell yur emotions. That would be cool, but it wouldn't be right. You could be smiling so hard that your face is about to fall off, and even though it's the fakest smile, the computer would read it as happy. Secondly, you could be so happy, but look like you're the most depressed person on earth, but the system isn't going to think that. The thing about this system is that we find it so satisfying, because "oh my gosh, a computer can tell my emotions!?", but the answer is no. We want to believe it's true, but in real life, I see the happiest people look so sad but they aren't. We see what the computer sees too. We can see what we look like, just like our computer can for this system. Finally, if we can't tell what we are feeling, how is the computer going to? It's not. In the article, it tells you to look in the mirror, raise your lips at the corners of your mouth, then squint your eyes slightly to produce wrinkling at the corners of your eyes. then holding that, raise the outer parts of your cheeks up toward your eyes. After the it asks if the mirror can give you a suggestion of your emotion, or can your partner. Honestly, the answer for that is no, only you know how you're really feeling. The FACS is not valuable for many reasons. Computers can't tell how you're feeling, nor can anyone else. Also, the internet is not always reliable, which it has gave people wrong answers. You could be so happy, but look like you're just a mess, and the computer wouldn't say you're as happy as you are.
Venus the "Evening Star" would be a worthy pursuit to study despite the many risks and challenges that come along. Venus has insights just waiting to be discovered, observed and samples to bring from the Earth. Exploring Venus does have it's challenges but should in fact limit us to explore the planet. Humans exploring Venus should not be stopped by the challenges that our sister planet throws at us. The reason for this is because NASA is looking at how humans or Astronauts can stay on the planet without perishing to the harshest conditions Venus has. Instead, Nasa wants humans/astronauts to stay on the planet's atmosphere where it is the least hostile conditions the planet has to offer. In the article, paragraph 5 it states,"NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jets airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." Furthermore in the paragraph you would find that the atronauts will recieve Solar power. Another obstacle that was a problem in order how to get fuel."Solar power would be plentiful..." A solution like this helps the idea that exploring Venus to study will not stop human curiosity. Another challenge that NASA has to find a solution for is what materals and technology to send to Venus for the astronauts to use. The temperature for the humans that will visit Venus will have to live in tempertures of 170 degrees Fahrenheit. This is a problem for common metals that are in mordern day technology. The atmosphere of the planet would melt the metals that there composed of. Instead, they working on how to change the materials of the tech they want ot be along side them to the planet of Venus. NASA has simplified electronics devices and gadgetsout of silicon carbide. This can be found in paragraph 7 and states, " For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." Another solution that NASA has come up with was the idea of using old technology that has to be used mechanically. Such devices from the 1800's and used frequently in World War II. These are used by levers and gears that make calculations and do not require electronics at all. This information can also be found in paragraph 7. It states," Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers. These devices were first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940s during World War II. The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking ,but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers and do not require electronics at all. Modern computers are enormously powerful, flexible, and quick, but tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions." This is NASA's other soltuion to record the studies and findings found on Venus. In conclusion, Venus has many obstacles and dangers. However, this shouldn't stop us to explore the face of the planet and disocver more what the planet lies beneath the dark envious clouds it has. Venus is worth studying and despite the dangers it presents, human curiosity will only allow us to futhermore find solutions to the planets obstacles they have waiting for us.
No they should not use the technology in class rooms because thats a invashion of pricicy. And they dont need to know every little thing going on in our lives. Becouse every one need there privicy and if schools use that technology there taking that away completly. And why would you use that in a class room any way to spy on people thats a little creepy you know and also why would the teacher even what that becouse thats looking at them too. So there for in my choice the technology is not valuale and should not be put into classrooms or anywhere for that matter becouse every needs that privcy and no one will be able to get that if that technology is around. Another reason we should have it is becouse why would you want people to know your exact emotions anyways if they can read your emotions they can pretty much tell what your thinking by that. So that is the reaons I think we should not have the facial action coding systems.
I believe that Driverless cars are going to be a very important nessesity to the development and transition of transportaion technology. Transportation will change from getting to places by using your own brain, to getting to places without having to really think about what you are doing while you are going somewhere. I feel that diverless cars will not only help with safety of people while they are on the road, but also benifit people by being able to get to places faster and get more things done in the day while driving to a destination. First off, driverless cars will be the safest way to travel from place to place. This is becuase of all of the safety features that are equipted in driverless cars. They contain a numerous amount of sensors and alert systems. If there was something that would harm you while in the driverless car, the car would either be able to get out of the situation more effectively than an experienced driver, or would be able to alert the driver to take over and the driver would manually get out of the situation. In the passage it says that the Google driverless cars contain many sensors. Some of those sensors include, the sensor on the left rear wheel, a rotating sensor on the roof, a camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automotive radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor. This shows first hand how safe the driverless cars are. The Driverless cars have so many built in sensors that even the most dangerous situation can be avoided while in a driverless car. Next, if everyone owns or uses a driverless car to get to the places it needs to go, then the car can program itself to get to the place that it needs to go as efficiently and in the best route possible. This is so that the passengers and driver can get to the destination as quickly as possible. At some point, if the only cars that are used are driverless cars, and laws in all states, not just California, Nevada, Florida, and Washington D.C. have caught up with the driverless cars , then the cars will be able to move quicker and safer to the destinations that are programed into the car. The more driverless cars on the road, the faster the destination can be acheived. Lastly, if you use a driverless car to go to the places you need to go to in the day, you will be able to get a multitude of things done that you were not able to get done before. Car companies like BMV are trying to come up with things that they can add to the car to have things to do while driving to a specific location. If you have emails that need to be sent or a presentation that needs to be made, you can easily accomplish thoses tasks while "driving" the driverless car. If at any point in time the car will give you a notification that you need to take over driving for a period of time, then all you have to do is stop your work for a short period of time to manually drive the car. After that then you can get back to what you were working on before. This will allow you to get more things done in the day that were not possible before. In conclusion, I think that driverless cars are the milestone of the future, and that they are going to help to expand the horizons of multitasking, stafety, and speed to destinations. Driverless cars are the gateway to the future and will really help the world as a whole to keep moving and to bring more great things like the driverless car in the future. Who knows, after the driverless car, next could be the flying car, or maybe even teleportation.
Let's imagine for a second that every student across the country has a computer that could recognize if a student was confused or bored with a lesson. This technology, known as the Facial Action Coding System, could then modify the lesson to either make it less confusing or more interesting to the student. Not only would this benefit students, but it would also benefit teachers, schools, and the overall learning of everyone in the country as well. First the benefits would start with the students. Lessons would make sense and be engaging for all students. Classes would start to be more enjoyable to attend since everyone would understand the content. Less students would be likely to miss classes with such engaging lessons. The less classes the students miss, the more they understand and learn. Eventually grades and test scores would improve as well, making schoolwork less stressful. In general students would be learning more content in an easier way which would make them happier about school and learning in general. Teachers would be next in line to benefit from the new technology. A teacher's success is based on the student's success. With the students learning more, doing well on tests, and being happier overall, a lot of the strain put on teachers would get taken away. Teachers are able to relax more and maybe even get paid more from the success of their students. Parents wouldn't have to blame teachers for not giving their children a chance to succeed either. With students and teachers benefiting from the Facial Action Coding System, schools would benefit as well. Happy students and teachers means happy schools. With grades and tests improving, schools would become well known for making students successful. This means schools could get more funding to make sure they are able to keep everything running smoothly. Schools across the country would be able to make sure all students are being educated to the fullest extent that they can be. The overall learning of this new generation of students would greatly increase the overall learning of the country as well. In short, everyone would benefit from the Facial Action Coding System. Students would learn more and be happier, teachers would be less stressed, and schools would then be more successful as well. If every student across the country had access to this technology, then the overall learning and happiness of everyone would greatly increase.
I agree with the development of driverless cars. Driverless cars are going to benefit a lot of people. Driverless cars can be safe. Every year there is an upgrade in everything, also there is always new developed technology. Driverless cars can benefit a lot of people in many ways. The people who can't drive can benefit with these cars. The "driver" can just sit and observe where the car takes them. Of course the driver can take over a situation of an accident or work zones, the car will always need some human skills, as it's states on the article. Even though these people aren't so familiar in driving they can still do it in these small situations. How? Because the car is going to have a lot of new technology, the car can explain what to do during those situations. Driverless cars can be safe. They can be safe because its going to have a lot of technology that can warn you when you and the vehicle is in danger. The car is going to be equiped by vibrating seats when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The car will also have flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays. The article also states that the car is also going to have cameras watching the drivers and making sure they are focused on the road. This driverless car can be safe in many ways with the stuff equiped that helps prevents any danger. There is always an upgrade, new technology, and new inventions every year or more. You don't think everything right now is going to stay the same? Obviously not. These past 16 years i've observed the drastic changes in everything. I can see the future cars coming, driverless cars is one of them! The article also states that we only thought these cool stuff can only be in fascinating movies, it can also be in real life. These future things are going to change the world completely. These are my reasons why I agree with driverless cars being developed. Driverless cars are going to benefit people, the driverless cars can be safe in many ways, and also every year or more there is new developed technology or an upgrade. Things right now are not going to stay the same. New things are always made. We might not see it but our next generations will.
Cars have always been a big part society; it takes us from home to work to home agian. However, people fail to realize that driving cars is damaging our earth. We don't have anywhere else to go if we keep killing earth. The government should take action and try to get the people out of cars and on bycicles. In Paris, the government banned certain cars to drive on certian days. In Robert Duffer's article it explains which cars are banned, "On Monday motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered tro leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine ($31). The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." Paris takes action in hopes to help their air pollution. The smog was so bad it "rivaled Beijing, China". Vaugban, Germany tries an experiment. They make a suburb with real people, going to real life jobs without cars. This is one of the first car-free cities and it was great. Life continued, people still breathed, society was advancing without any help from a combersome vehicle. Not only did this city help with air pollution but it got people up and outside! People walked or used bycicles to get to where their were headed. Exercise is the one thing almost everyone pushes off but now with no cars you have to get that exercise in order to get to work! Mother and media trainer, Heidrun Walter said '"When I had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way"'. Even in Bogota, Colombia people believe '"It's a good oppertunity to take away stress and lower air pollution."' Eventhough Germany didn't allow a single car, Colombia did allow there to be public transportation only( busses and taxis). The people are happy and content with this simplistic lifestyle, so much so that other cities have joined the event! This goes to show that society doesn't need cars. We can take control of our life but lately we have been letting technology control the way we live. Elisabeth Rosenthal believes it to be "The End of Car Culture". What do you believe? Are you happy with the life you are living now? "Has America passed peak driving?".  
If there was technology that could read your emotion in a class room i think that would be benifishal for how the students learn. this could help the students stay on task if it changes the lesson. Another thing that it could help with is to tell the teacher if the student is staying on task or not by seeing if they are telling the truth. the system could also help to see if some one is sad or if there is somthing wrong. I think this system could mostly help with people staying on task during a lesson by changing it so it appeals to the student more. This is shown in the text when the texts states that " A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... then it could modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." Also the system can also show what adds you like to see. For example for me i would like to see more game adds so when the pop up and i look happy about it it will show more of them and if a add pops up that i do not like it will not show there adds. It could also improve vidio game quality and or sugery videos to teach new sergent what to do. this is shown in the text when the text states "The same technology can make computer animated ffaces more expressice for video games or vido surgery." after reading this article i think the programe that can read your face could be vary usfull in the long run for teaching and gamming. like improving game quality, improving teaching methods and so on. i think it will be nice to have during school when we are taking a lesson and someone gets bord and there is nothing we can really do about that but this programe on the other hand can change the lesson so it is more interesting for that sead person. This also could teach people how to do jobs by showing them a video that has better graphics and better fashal feters.
Dear Senator, I am writing this letter to discuss the Electoral College. I have read some interesting facts about the Electoral College and I believe changes need to be made. The people of the United States of America should be in control of who is elected. It should not just be a group of people from each state that is allowed to pick. I am not the only one that feels this way. In the source "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" it says, "According to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortley after Al Gore-thanks to the quirks of the electoral college-won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." It is wrong to have the people vote for people to vote for the president. If someone wants a certain president to be elected, but they don't know who the electors are going to vote for then how do they know which elector to vote for? In the source "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong" under the "What's wrong with the electoral college column" it says, "Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? Sometimes." In conclusion, I say abolsih the electoral college! I am not the first person to say that either. Bob Dole also said"Abolish the electoral college!" It is not a fair system to use. There is plenty of evidence to show that the majority of the American people are against the electoral college.     
Dear Senator, Pensive and melancholic, the debate on whether or not the Electoral College should be kept has had the people thinkinf for many years now. As you already know the process of the Electoral College consists of electors meeting and voting for the president and vice president. Therefore, the people voting only help choose the state's electors when voting for their president. In reality, we all know that when we vote we are actually choosing our candidate's electors. Because of this the people feel like their voice isn't being heard. They believe that they aren't actually voting for their president. For starters, the majority of people, over 60 percent of the voters, would prefer a direct election instead of having an Electoral College. Under the system we have now voters can't always control who their electors vote for. Sometimes there is a problem where we choose the wrong elector and in turn vote for the incorrect candidate. The majority of people voting feel that their vote does not really count because electors can go against what they promised, and they can vote for whoever they wanted to vote for. In addition to this, there is a problem if there is a tie in the electoral votes. In the event of this the election would be passed to the House of Represenatatives. This means that it is up to state delegations to vote on the president.
Dear, State senator Voting is a public thing that happens every fourth year when a President is resining or cannidating for a second run. People all around the United States vote for a President they think can run the country the best. I think it's not fair that our votes are getting thrown away, and not even looked at. Bradform Plumer said that "the Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational (source 2 paragraph 14), and i think that is true. I think we should Bannish the Electoral College because it is a old process, unfair to Americans, and can lead to disasters. The Electoral College is a very outdated process. Dont you think we should use a new one? The Elctorial College has been use since the 13 Colnies, and has been ignoring the public ever since. I think its only fair if we have a part in the president election. Also, if we could change it to popular vote, more people would be intact with politics. Bradford Plumer says that "the eclection is only a few swing voters away from a catastrophe. (source 2 paragraph 12). I agree with him because the Electoral College is very old and can break at any time. I think its time that we change that and start fresh. America's saying is "home of the free, land of the brave"; well its not free if we cant vote for our president we want, and the government does it for us. Bradford Plumer says that the electorial college is unfair to voters, and candidtaes because of the winner takes all system (source 2 paragraph 13). The winner takes all system is states choosing if the are going to pick a republician president or demicrate president. Lastly. it is unfair to us. We have no power against the government, and our votes mean nothing to them. The Electoral College can also lead to disasters! Riaets can flood the streets if they dont like the legislators choice, and that can lead to deaths. Secondly, shootings could start to occuring around the states, and can get out of hand. Inicent silvilians can get hurt for no reasons. Lastly, there can be financial crashes, and everyone around the states could go in dept. to sum up my letter i think the Electorial College should be bannished for good. You have heard that it is a old process and can lead to falure, it is unfair to americans, and it can lead to disasters all around the country. Give the Americans what they want, freedom!
You should join this program because you can see new things. When i was on the ship i saw new cool things. The SS.Charles W. Is a great ship. If you join this program you could see China. If you love animals then you need to join this program. We have to take care of lots of animals. If you love the water,and if you love the Ocean then you will love this program. we are on the water/Ocean 24/7. In August 1945, we recived orders to go to New Orleans. have you ever wanted to go to Europe? Now you can if you join this once in a lifetime opportunity. Trust me you wont regreat joining the program. I know I didn't regreat it. In the year 1947, i had made nine trips and i don't mean to brag about my self but nine trips is more than any other Sea Cowboy. if you join this program you could beat my nine trips. I was a little smal town boy but when i went on a adventure it was a great unbelievable opportunity. It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean. If you ever get board then just play a game like me and my friends did. Man we played all kinds of things. We played baseball,volleyball,table-tennis,fencing,boxing,reading,and whittling. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is munch more than just adventures. you have to have responable and respectfull. One time i fell and brock my ribs. You have to be carefull. So if your responsable,respectfull,carefull and loves water,animals,and the Ocean then you sound perfect for this program. Remember to stay safe and don't mess around. The SS.Charles. W is not a place to be messing around.
I believe that using the FACS(Facial Action Coding System) is important to have/use in classroom to read students facial expression and to know what they are feeling, because some teacher's may be going through the classwork or the lesson for the day too fast and a student may not understand what is going on and they are too scared or nervous to ask the teacher to slow down and/or repeat what they said so having the facial coding system will help teacher's with that so they either know who to help or realize that they are going too fast and need to slow down or explain it better for other students to catch on. In the reading in paragraph six, it says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored in class" the facial coding would be good at helping teacher know what they need to do more in the class, like if a student is bored then the teacher would know that they need to do more fun activities in class that have something to do with the lesson for that day can help with people who are both confused and/or bored, it will help the students that are bored have something to do so they will not be bored and it would help the students that are confused get the hang of what is going on in the class and help them understand. In paragraph six it also says "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor", meaning that facial coding would help teachers be able to know for sure if a student is confused or bored in a classroom. The facial coding system would not only help teachers figure out if a student is understanding classwork but it would also help to find out if a student is having personal issues and won't say anything or they are too scared to say what's going on, it would be more than helpful to know what that student is feeling and asking them about it and asking if they wanted to talk about and/or letting them know that they can talk to you if needed instead of knowing what that person is feeling and letting them keep their emotions bottled up and them not talking to anyone about how they feel and that student ends up doing something that could do harm to them or others. With that being said I believe that having the facial coding system would not only be helpful in classrooms but in schools too.
I am all for these driverless cars. There are a few exceptions but for the most part i feel that they could bring a sense of relaxation and stress relief for drivers on roads. As a consumer i fell that is what feels more comfortable while traveling. As it says in the article, the driverless cars need assistance from the person driving it at all times. We could put forth funding and technology for this program and in a few years, we may just have driverless cars that could take you anywhere. I see that if there was to be a wreck involving one of these cars it could easily be blamed on the manufacturer. But reported as today there have been no accidents involving these cars. These cars are getting safer and safer as we speak. Although there are people assisting these cars they pretty much drive the most part for themselves. As we put more research and effort with funding into these cars we could have a flawless car that is safe and ecofriendly. The driverless car may become the new trend here in the next few years. There could be zero room for mistakes and therefor making this driverless car the safest way to travel.
Driverless cars are not that safe yet but in the future they could be the best things that has ever been invented. I like the idea of driverless cars but also think that it isnt the most safe thing. If there was a mode you could put the car in that could be cool to make it steer stop and then go again. But just driverless cars with just passangers or not even that i think that is a little bit unsafe. Sometimes technology fails and things that aren't spposed to happen end up happening and then when something goes wrong then whoever gets hurt by one of those driverless cars are probably gonna try and sue google for not making double checks on the robot and they vehicle to see what needed to be fixed and what didnt. The idea of having driverless cars is very smart because some people dont want to have to drop and pick there kids up from certain places but its also not safe because sometimes things mess up and dont go the right way like its supposed too . Most parents want they're kids to be in the most safe eveniorment regardless if its the smartest vehicle in the world even the smartest things and smartest people mess up cause nobody and nothing is perfect but the one above. My Opinion is against the development of these new cars with no drivers even tho i really like and enjoy this idea it is not the safest way to get places unless the car is 100% crash free and drives like a professional. I really do like his idea ( Sergey Bri) but it isnt the best idea to be in the car without somebody that can take the wheel if something bad is about to happen. So my vote is no and thats not because i dont like the idea cause i really do its just not the safest way.
When I got involved in the Seagoing Cowboys program, it allowed me to do many things I had never done before, and go places I had never seen. If I hadn't of joined the program I would have had to stay where I lived and would've never seen the places such as China, the Panama Canal, Italy, Europe, and Acropolis. Being a Seagoing Cowboy, I was able to see the other side of the story from people on the other side of the world. When I lived in America, al So, I joined in on the Seagoing Cowboy program, thinking that just maybe, I would be able to make a difference in this world. Having prior knowledge about what exactly "hard work" I was able to get many things accomplished that other people in that program that normally people wouldn't be able to do. Besides just helping devastated people with their homes destroyed from the battles of World War two, I was also able to have unique adventures to places that you don't typically go to everyday. Besides from that, when I was on my second year of being a Seagoing Cowboy, I was serving as night watchman. I was making my hourly reports to check on the animals every hour when I had slipped on the ladder and I went feet first towards an opening on the side of the ship. Luckily, a strip of metal along the edge of the boat had caught my fall and kept me from flying over the edge into the dark Atlantic ocean. Altough I had a few cracked ribs from the inccedent, I was able to find some sort of fun to do while I was waiting for the animals to be unloaded. All of the cowboys decided to get together and play baseball and volleyball in the empty stalls where the animals had been. We also found games to do like table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and game helped us pass time. Not only that, but being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than just an adventure for me. It opened up a whole new world for me. I'm grateful for the opportunity. It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. Being able to see this, I was able to recruit many international students and exchange visitors for years, and maybe, you will too. With some background knowledge and determination, eventually you will be able to become a Seagoing Cowboy too.
Think about computers, now think about them knowing what your feeling in class and how they can help. Dr. Paul Eckman came up with computer software that can do just that. By reading the muscle movements in the face this computer software can tell how you are feeling. I believe that the technology of reading students emotional expressions is valuable in the class room because it can see when a student is confused and help like an actual instructor, if you get bored and the computer can read that from your expression it can help keep you on track, and having computers that can read expressions can be helpful when there is not enough teacher help in the classroom. The computer technology can effectivley see when a student is bored and can help like as if an actual instructor was there. For example, if you find yourself bored and drifting off the computer can detect that to keep you up and focused on the task at hand. Having that computer there to keep you up can be very helpful to you as a student and the teachers. This shows how this technology could be valuable in the classroom. Having something that is right in front of you that can help whenever you're confused can be very helpful. So say I'm in math class and I get confused on a problem. The computrer can sense that I am confused and do something to help me until the instructor is avalible. You could also be listening to a new topic and get cnfused and the computer could see that and pop up with some quick tips or facts to help you out.This kind of help could be very valuable to students and instructors. Having computers in the classroom that can read expressions can be helpful when there isn't enough teacher help around. For example, if a teacher has a large class and there isnt anyone else in the room that can help out the computers could take that over. The computers could see that a student is confused or feeling something else and help out with that while the teacher can help other students. This technology could be very valuable in big schools with few teachers or even smaller school that just have the lack of help. This technology can be helpful in many ways to teachers and to the students in the classoom. It can help students when they are confused or lost. It can help students when they are bored and drifting off in class. It can also help when there arent enough teachers around to help students. I believe that this technology is valuable to students in the classroom.
I have mixed feelings about driverless cars for many reasons even though it does have its positive effects. Can these cars be the next step of evolution in the manufacturing industry or can it be hazardous? Driverless cars do seem like a futuristic idea that does sound very amazing and can possibly happen, lets talk about some of the positves of these cars. Driverless cars are very efficient in the fact of not wasting fuels and or saving fuel as stated in paragraph one. Driverless cars will always be very aware of its own surroundings, they are equiped with sensors to stop the car, alert the drivers, or shall I say "Passangers" of any danger, etc. Google has had these cars go around the country and they have gone more than half a million miles without a single crash, in my own opinion, a car with a driver would have most likely crashed within those miles. Although these cars have their positives, they are also negative because they are not completely "driverless". These cars are not independent for the most part. They require a driver to be in the car, but stay nuetral until the car needs help moving around an obstacle, for example a traffic jam or car crash. I do not like the fact that this is not a fully independant car, the passanger of the car is supposed to be fully aware of the vehicle and its surroundings while it is moving, but lets be honest, being in a car and not having to drive for once will make the passanger not pay attention to their surroundings, they can fall asleep and or be on their phones, etc, that is a problem. What if the car has an engineering problem and nearly drives off the road or causes an accident, is it the drivers fault or the cars fault? These are the limiting factors that make this vehicle a 50/50 chance of happening, personally I dont want to take a risk with these cars, but I will stay nuetral. I personally have nuetral feelings about this vehicle it does have its positve effects and its negatives. If manufacturing industries can have a guarentee of the vehicle having no failures or malfuctions with proven tests, I will approve of this idea of "driverless cars". I believe it will be very stunning to see driverless cars, but I care more about the safety of others more than anything. I love the fact that this will cut the amount of fuel used in half, but I do not like the fact that the car can not do everything on its own, so many things can go wrong if the passanger does not monitor the vehicle. In conclusion, this does seem like a wonderful idea, but it does have its downfalls and possible safety hazards that can or will occur. In my opionion I do not approve of this idea for now.
In today's world there are many new ideas and thoughts people come up with to try and help the world be a better place. Most of these ideas dont get very far but one that really could make a differance has caused whole countries to take action. The whole idea of having or not having cars can be very controverscial. It gives people the idea of following this idea and trying it out. Multipule countries have already tested this care-free question and it has come to be beneficial and very interesting for the cities. Of course there is the ups and downs to this idea but overall it has caused more and more cities to go out and try it. Banning the use of cars has helped not only people being lazy but also the enviornment. Cars produce strong chemicals that infect the air and create harm to the enviornment. Europe is on of the most polluted cities than anywhere else in the world. A main part of this pollution comes from the chemicals that comes out of cars. When people in Paris stopped using their cars; the air cleared. This just goes to prove that cars are truly bad for the enviornment. The world has seen a great decrease in the number of drivers in the past decade. This means that with less drivers, less cars being driven. Especially in the United States the amount of drivers has decreased in numbers. People are coming up with new ways to get around that are a lot more efficiant. Michael Sivak who is a professor at the University of Michigan has found that the number of drivers between the ages of 16 and 39 have dropped largely. Another positive outcome if this idea is the saving of time and money being spent on roads and other things that are used for driving. Of course walking or riding your bike to work may not sound very easy and but in the long run, it is. Of course, you may have to change your daily routine but it will help a bigger cause. In counclusion; the world needs a change and the answer is sitting in front of our faces. In order to make this world a better place we need to stop the excessive use of vehichles and start using more efficiant ways of transportation. There will always be those that disagree but we should be more focused on a safer world than a few angry people.
Dear Senator The electoral college is good because if the state is small it has a large population. It can have more electoral votes than big state. it helps avoid run off elections. there is also the swing state with a winner take all. So the biger th state dose not mean more electoral votes. It actily has to do population. the bigger the population the more electoral votes. So for example florida has 29 electoral college votes and montana has 3 electoral college votes. It helps avoid run off election when nixon and clinton ran they each got 43 votes. So the popular vots helped the end resolt. It can make it to where a single vote candicide the election. To produces a clear winner. The swing state method is when they candidates campaign in the toss up states. where the voters are more likkly to pay close attention to the campaign. The swing states can diside a election. So in conclution electoral colage workes. because big states cant get the most votes. avoid run off elections. swing states are the states who pay most attion tho the campain. That is why the electoral college still workes.
Have you ever thought of being part of the great union of the Seagoing Cowboys? There are many reasons to be one, like the fact that you have intereaction with livestock, get to visit unique places, sail the oceans, and much more. Seagoing Cowboys are people who sign up to the UNRRA. The UNRRA is the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration. It is 44 nations joined together to help the countries in need from being left in the ruins after World War II. Being a Seagoing Cowboy also counts as a military service. While being a Seagoing Cowboy you get to take care of all of the livestock that is getting shipped across the ocean from one country to another. The animals have to be fed and watered two or three times a day. The animals need to be fed either hay or bags of oats, and every once in a while their stalls need to be cleaned. One of the best things you get to do is sightseeing. You could get to have many trips and see many cool things. We do a lot of sailing on the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. In total I've been on the Atlantic 16 times and the Pacific twice. Don't even get me started on the unbelievable cattle-boat trips. For a small-town bot like i was it was incredible. I got to visit the Acropolis in Greece, sightsee in Europe, touran excavated castle in Crete, ride a gondola in Venice, and marvel at the Panama Canal on my way to China. Being a Seagoing Cowboy isn't just about the travel and sightseeing. We still had fun on board, especially on the return trips when the animals had been uploaded and their stalls were empty. We would enjoy playing baseball, volleyball, table-tennis games. We would also play fencing and boxing matches. Last but not least we enjoyed reading, whittling, and other small games to pass the time. Being a Seagoing Cowboy was not only fun for me, but it also opened up the world in a whole different perspective. It also made me more aware of other countries problems and needs. With that experience my family was a host to a number of international students, and exchange visitors or many years. I loved my experience as being a Seagoing Cowboy, and I hope you will too. Welcome aboard future Seagoing Cowboy!
Is using technology to show emotional expresions of students in classrooms good? As a teen who attends School and as a person who gets confused easily i Would agree that is a good idea. Some people are to shy or just simply nervouse to ask for help and they dont ask. Having a Computer that could recognize when its confused Helps not only the students but the teacher Most teachers go on When not really knowing that a student has been left behind. As students we go through things that most people dont know and that can aslo trigger are behavoir and distractions in class and if a computer can see that it can help the student. Tracking down a student while doing a lesson might be difficukt you can be focus on one student while the other student is confused. But while using The computer it can help all the students because if helps it dectect when a student is confused. 'A classroom computer could recognize when a studeent is becoming confused or bored" Sometimes teachers arent able to notice it and students end up doing other stuff and they never learn like that but with the help of the new technology it can change. Most students in school dont want to tell when somethung is bothering them. But that can also affect the way a student is learning they can be thinking about something else and when its time to do it they arent able to. They are confused the teacher might not be able to dectect that fast but the computer can "Most human communication is nonverbal including emotional communication". The computer understands that.
My position on driverless cars is that there shouldnt really be driverless cars. If there are driverless cars think of how many more accidents there would be. There shouldnt be a car that can help you pull out of your drive way. The artical states that having driverless cars would be more efficant but what if its not what if there are more accidents in the US due to driverless cars then there is involving humans, it also states that it can help drive its self by accelerating itslef, braking, and steering. Humans need to be alert when behind the wheel. Driverless cars takes that away. The automotive companies really need to think this desicion more thouroghly, because yes they would be making alot more money by coustomers buying the driverless cars but if the cars truly arent driverless like the artical says then one persokn is gonna think that its okay to fall asleep or something else and then BAM!! You have gotten in an accident and whos fault is it? Its your fault not the cars fault. Yes driverless cars help with paying more attention but that should not be a reason to just do whatever you want behind the wheel because you thing its safe. The artical states that the BMW auto motive company had announced the development of " Traffic Jam Assistant" the car can only handle driving functions up to 25 miles per hour what will happen if an accident occurs of that speed limit? Driverless cars should not be a legal thing there is too many things that could go wrong and too many lifes at stake. Should driverless cars be banned? Yes, or, No you decide.
Using computers to detect emotons in a picture is outrageous. Technology has become too much apart of our everyday lives and its stepping over the line. From smart phones to this new FACS machine, technology has advanced too much. I honestly have no words for how insane this is. Scientists these days would do anything to create a machine more like a human. Now theyre asking machines to detect emotions, whats next. I for one do not think that they need to start making robots that will eventually take over the human race. this is ubsurd. Why would anyone trust machinery to detect emotions, why couldnt they have left Mona Lisa alone and just said that she looked happy and content? We do not need technology for anything! Especially not this. Humans and machines do not need to communicate at all let alone "emotionally communicate". thats just wrong. Humans are humans and technology is technology. Advancements in technology shouldve stopped at smart phones. People wonder why half the stuff that goes on these days is so bad, its because we have allowed technology to come into our world and give people resources they never wouldve needed. Computers and humans do not need to be related, they should stay seperate. no one in their right mind should want an emotional connection with a robot, thats wrong. Robots should not be a thing and technology needs to stop before it gets out of control and its no longer in the humans hands its in the machines. Dont let technology take over the world.
Dear State Senator, In my honest opinion I dont even think that we should have a President. Presidents dont do anything other than make things worst for our country. What they do is maybe fix one or two things that the previous president did wrong but they add more problems for each president to fix so instead of trying to add more problems to us just dont do the job and give work to the government because obviously the government has enough time to make up lies and excuses on why things happen when instead the government themselves can do it, that way no excuses have to be made up. It may not be my place to talk about the government at all because I dont know what they are talking about but honestly thats not the point, the point is that Americans are too dumb to realize when the Government is lying or even telling the truth because they can never hear the real truth everything is the truth to them but if you deep and deep and deep youll find more and more things that to get suspious and you question yourself but youll never get to know the REAL truth because our government is corrupted and they lie to us Americans every time there is misery.
I never thought that I would end up being a Seagoing Cowboy, but I am and I'm glad. In this writing I'm gonna tell you why you should try to be a Seagoing Cowboy. The first reason why I think you should join is because you get to help people. Going to those different countries made it so much more clear of their needs. Their country was left in ruins. They need everything that we do or more. The second reason why you should join the program is because you get to take care of animals. When I got asigned to that job it kind of reminded me of my aunt Katie's farm. I would go over there when I was a boy and help out. The last reason I think you should join the program is because you get to travel! Yeah there are some dangers like when the captain slide down a slippery ladder and cracked his ribs but the sights make up for it. I remeber when I got to see Europe and China, so pretty. I also saw the Acropolis in Greece and that topped it all. That's why I think whoever is reading this should join the program and become a Seagoing Cowboy. You get to help people, see the world, and take care of loving animals. Just think maybe you'll see me there.
NASA has found a face in Mars. Many say its just natural, but others say its from aliens. A few reasons people say it was created by aliens is its in an odd place, and it has unusal shadows. One reason that people say aliens created this face on Mars is because where the face is located on Mars is a particularly odd spot. In paragraph 8 it says "The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98 a cloudy time of year on the Red planet." Also in paragraph 9 it says "It's not easy to target Cydonia," says Gavin. "In fact, it's hard work." Mars Global Surveyor is mapping spacecraft that normally looks straight down and scans the planet like a fax machine in narrow 2.5 km wide stripes." Another reason is it has unsual shadows for example in paragraph 1 it says "When (the Viking spacecraft) it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a region of the Red planet.
They should make driverless cars because they can go more than half of millions of miles without crashing, announces the driver when he should take over and drive, and it has developed the drivers seat to vibrate when it has to watch out because the car is getting near something and might crash. The cars can go over millions of mile without crashing and it's driving by itself and that is really good. When people buy these and decide to go on trips it comes in handy if they get tired of driving, so they can automaticall let the car drive by itself. When there are people injured and can barely drive, they'll have the car and would barely have to drive and they can now go to places they need to go too. If a person wants to drive normally they can turn off the driveless and can end up driving to where ever they want. A good thing about the driveless cars is that it let's you know right away when you have to take over if it detects an accident torwards where you are going. As well as that it has sensor that a human driver is in control at all times.
Think,what would you purfur a car you drive yourself or one where you just sit back and watch it drive itself? In all hobnestly I purfer to have a car I can drive myself, so therefore I'm a hundred perecent against driveless cars. Driveless cars are not as goos as they maqke them out to be and I am here to say why. If you can not drve the car yourself,then what's the point of having the drivers lisences you worked so hard to get? Think about if you no longer having a car you drive on your own your lisence will no longer mean nothig,but a card with your picture and your life information on it. Therefore you will intend to forget it at home and what if something does happen and you do not have your lisence on you then the wreck or whatever happned will be no longer pointing out to be the cars fault it all of sudden is yours because you do not have the lisence you thought you did not need, because you thought your driveless car could handle driving. What if you're just driving down the road and the technology to the car stops working? think the technology stops working and you have no idea how to run the car so you're stuck in trafic you have no where to. SO you have to call atow truck and a cab so there's money you have to spend because they said drivles cars were better. just sit and think deeper about having a drivless car than what they are making you think about. It all will start to get top you. All the flaws of havinga drivless car wil come to your mind.
I think that u guys should join the Seagoing Cowboys because we help the people who was in world war II and need our help. One reason I think u should join is to help people in need. One more reason is that way we could help them gane trust and gane happyness again. This sows why I think that it would be a good for u to join the Seagoing Cowboys and help the people in need like the Europians. The Seagoing Cowboys are people how help and work hard to get what they need to live and we get them food a things like that. This is why I think that u should help. The reason I joined was to help people in need. I hope u do the same as what I did an did and I hope you do it for a long time .This is why it is important to help the people in need.
Dear State Senator I think the Electoral College should stay, because even if its "indefensible", "Corupt", "Despised" the Electoral College has its outcomes; Big States, Run-Offs and Presidential desputes. Its a process, Are own founding fathers who where enlightment thinkers, who thought more then what was written on the script. They thought outside the box, they wanted to know the "why" and how it will affect and how to bring this nation to its highest. Placing it in the constitution, knowing this method will do justice on future on elections. Its one of the best laid method in the world and removing it will just misbalance everything. In the United States, each states has a majority and manority. Where people consist the most is by the coast, west and east. Its in are human nature, its been around for ages that humans live more on coastal or river areas. Any area where it consist of water,Harbor and trading routes. They recieve the most of products around the world, and maintain abondens of humans. So the bigger states are California, Florida, NY, Virgina, Texas and etc. The electoral votes restores the balance. In campaigns propaganda is used alot. Comercials, ads, anything they can publish themsleves to show and persaude the people in allections. Largers states gets more attention from preseidential candidates then smaller states. Smaller states in the middle of the U.S consist of small polpulations so with electoral votes the weight using the population (census) lose by the virtue of mal-Appointment of the senate. Its all about propaganda that presidential campaigners use to get the big states attention cuase that where the points are at. Electoral College avoids problem with run-offs in which no candidate recieves a majority vote cast, which is the popular vote. Presidential desputes accur when a campiegner manepulates the people with spitting out promises in Propaganda ads, winning the popular vote. But with electoral college, you have a second chance to look closely on whats happening. With electoral college and electing a president you need a system.  If the majority of the states and senate are republican and the president is a democrate the two partys arnt gonna agree on anything. Desputes will accure and in 4 years the country will accomplish nothing. With electoral college theres a balance of votes, each states gets there political party they voted on and it evens out when the day comes. Voting is important cuase your choosing whos gonna lead your country for the next four years and electoral college opens up many doors that will help you analysis better in whats accuring and your setting up your country system. The electoral college may have its problem buts a system that will carry out the nation longer without many torubles then without it.  Are founding fathers knew what they where doing, they thought big the U.S and look where the U.S is now. One of the strongest nation in the world, thanks to the system they created and left us. Sincerly Viewer    
You should be a Seagoing Cowboy. It is fun but there is a lot of challanges to come along with it. There is also some wonderful places you might want to see to. Bing a Seagoing Cowboy is lots of fun. There is a lot of sight seeing. You get ot spent a lot of time with your friends. You also get to meet a lot of new people in the places that you go to. There are alot of challanges to. There is trying not to sink the boat. Losing your animals. Taking care of the animals to, and for last trying not to go overboard. There is a lot of good sight seeing. In Greece there is the Acropolis. In Crete there is the Panama Canal. I also visited China, and in Venice the streets were filled with water. Thats why you need to be a Seagoing Cowboy like me. It is fun, challanging, and there is some good places to see.
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" does a good job supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, despite the dangers. The author uses interesting and good facts/ information regarding this topic. The author tells us all the bad stuff about Venus that makes it "inhospitable" and says that it would be a very dangerous and risky mission. He tells us that humans can not handle the atmosphere of Venus. He gives us all the bad news and then lightens up and gives us the good news. In the exerpt the author informs us that we can make it work if we float above the fray. The excerpt then tells us to imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. A vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. Still, being so far above the surface the conditions are still not easy but they're survivable for humans. Since we would have to hover over the surface, researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else from a distance. But to understand Venus we would have to be up close and personal despite the risks. The author tells us that many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus. NASA is also working on other approaches to studying Venus. They are looking into and testing different technology that can withstand the harshness of Venus's surface. In the end the author concludes that "striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation. I think the author did a good job on supporting his claim with good evidence and facts.
An argument against the development of these cars, we shouldn't have driverless cars for many reasons. They should not make driverless cars becacuse people need to learn how to do things on there own, and because there is enought electronices in thois world and enough things that don't need a human to work it anymore. Keeping the car as it is now in 2016 is better for the people because if we as people start making drivierless cars and they come big on day the world is just going to be lazy and never want to do anything for themselfs. Another thing is when teenagers start to learn how to dive they won't know how to because they have a car that does it for me and that's not good for us as people. It's bad enough that people are already getting to lazy to do something theirself and have other people do it for them just because they don't feel like getting up anymore. The whole thing of driverless cars sounds like a pretty good idea though, but then if we was to come out with them then people would start taking advange of theirself and other people and things, and they are going to expect electrioncs to do everything for them all the time and that's not good for the envirment it's self for all that. People would stop working anf looking for jobs because they are going to expect the electrioncs to do it all for them and they are going to expect to get paid for doing nothing. The more electrionc stuff that people come out with them more people aren't going to wanna do things for themself, they would rather have something that they can talk into and say what they want and get it right away, and just set bac anf relax because they don't have to do it by theirself.
Have you ever thought about what the world would do without cars? and we just used bikes or trains or skate boards or even buses? well in Bogota they have a day where you dont use your car and millions just biked or skated and took buses to work or school on the car free day. Its the third year cars have been banded in Bogota and the goal is to reduce smog. The people who didnt perticipate in this were charged with twenty five dollar fines. Bogota isnt the only place that banded cars. paris actually banded driving due to smog. In paris the people were to leave their cars at home or they would have to pay a 22-euro fine which means thirty one dollars. You would think people would listen to them, but four thousand people decided to drive so they were all charged. All though this seems good becuase there would be no air pollution it wasnt so good for delivery componies because they complained about lost revenue. Also in Germany they permitly banned cars. seventy percent of the familys do not own cars. But fifty seven percent sold a car just to move there. People say they are much happier this way like a Heidrun, a mother of two " when i had a car i was tense. im much happier this way" as she walked the streets. David Goldburg said " All of our developements since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change" he is an offical of the transportation for america, its a fast growing coalisition with hundrends of groups in the US. They are promoting new commuties that are less dependent on cars. I feel that if the United States start doing this then the whole world might start. It would make the world a better place. There would be less air pollution or "smog" and you wouldnt have to pay fro gas anymore. Its also a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution. If you need to go somewhere just ride you bike or if its far take a bus, its as simple as that. There would be less taxes and you wouldnt have to pay anymore car payments. " recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses asa each year goes by" most people dont drive becuase they either cant afford a car or they dont have a job. In the end this may actually start happening. Bill Ford which is th eexecutive chairman of the Ford Motor Company was talking about a business plan in which vehicle ownership is impractical. he said that cities that "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network top save time, and improve safety." and he is completley right there will be no more car crashes or drunk drivers anymore, the world may become a better place.
Although, many people may think that going to Venus despite the dangers is not a good idea going to venus can also be benitfical with new safety measures, and technolgy. One reason is, Venus is a sister planet to Earth but we don't know alot about it so we need to go there. Going to venus can be benitfical in may ways. One way is thet it can give scientist good research that they don't have. It can also give them a way as said in the article "to examine more closely". Lastly we could gain more knowledge on living conditions in Venus. Even though, Venus is not the safest palce for anyone or anything to be NASA has came up with new safetey measures to ensure the people's safetey. For one as said in the article Venus is a hot place. So NASA has came up with the idea that the people that will be going to venus would be floating on top of venus so that they will not only be safe but alive. Another way to ensure saftey is to use silicon devices since metal melts on Venus, and studies have shown that using silicon is efficient, and in the article is said to last "for three weeks". Furthermore, not only do they have saftey measures they also uses technolgy. From past reasearch it is known that Venus burns metal so that means that to have good resaerch you have to find somthing that is not meatal to conduct your resarch. So NASA has made another project when they look at old technolgy, and they realised that mechanical computers would help when researching Venus. Mechanical computers conduct "calculations by using gears and levers". Also mechanical computers does not need electronics at all. In other words going to Venus can be very resourcful and problaly become of use in the future.
Think about the time you felt extremely tired. That time where you could barely keep your eyes open, everything you heard was a blob, because you were simply zoned out. You were feeling tired. For me this time would be sitting in my english class learning about Shakespeare. I felt as if the time were never ending in that class. Students all around me had the same facial expression on them. Facial expressions are a huge key of communication. When you are out in public you see many faces around, and you can easily assume their emotions and what they are feeling. With technology being a huge factor in tody's society, we can now use it to determine someone's emotion. I believe that using technology to read emotional expressions on students could really bring forth value in classrooms. Students all over the school have different things going on. They show and deplict off different emotions at an instant. Sometimes these emotions make it hard for students to concentrate in class during instructions or new lessons given by the teachers. Referring back to the article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile", Nick D'Alto, the writer, writes about a new software called the Facial Action Coding System. The new sytem was developed to determine the accuracy of emotions of people around us. If this software were to be implemented in our school, then this could be an advantage in shaping a better society. The software will help teachers determine the emotions students are feeling at the time of lecture. D'Alto quotes Dr. Huang, of the Beckham Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, predicting that "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". Once recognizing the emotions of the student, Dr. Huang continues predicting that the software can "Then modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This will help better the student's understanding in a certain subject without feeling sidetracked or confused with the activites of the teacher. Although many may argue that the use of this software may bring negative impacts, many like the high cost of implementing it to a public school for everyone to use, or what if the software doesn't work? I could reply by stating that students struggle daily in trying to understand a certain subject in school, this leads them to fail classes or simply drop out of high school. Developing this new software will help students understand their lessons in school and stay focused. The software will also help counselors and teachers determine the emotions of their students. Sadly, many high schoolers have committed suicide because people don't understand what they are feeling, implementing this software to schools will help reduce the rate of suicides and drop outs. In paragraph four of the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the writer states "By weighting the different units, the software can even indentify mixed emotions." This could help people to better understand each other. In conclusion, technology has greatly impacted our society and future generations. Things all over us are changing, some changes are good and most may even bring forth new ideas, many like this new software. Placing this new software in schools will help keep them out of confusion with their emotions and education. By the use of this software, students will no longer be falling asleep because the software will help the students concentrate better by adjusting to the abilities of the student to learn. The new system will also help decrease the rate of suicide and drop outs in schools. Implementing new technology will only help make our future better. If we have the chance in changing the world and societies for the better, why not start by understanding each other and our emotions?
I think that they should not change the Electoral College because it tells us what kind of president we will have in the future and what kind of changes he will make. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. You see this is something that happened a long time ago the founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens. This is a system that makes sure that we know what kind of president we are putting in the white house and what are things to make this state a better state to live in and to have a good job. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the district of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purpose of the Electoral College. The electors are generally chosen by the candidates political party, but state laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. The president only haves four years, it is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. When you vote for your state they have a thing called winner-take-all system that awards all electors to the winning presidential candidate. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of proportional representation. When the election is done they have a thing they do called Certificated of Ascertainment it lists all of the candidates who ran for president in your state along with the names of their respective electors. The Ascertainments are then sent to the Congress and then to the National Archives as part of the official records of the presidential election. In the article of The Indefensible Electoral College its trying to ask you why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong and it tells you why. What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. chamber of commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on? They were trying to abolishing the electoral college and they were not alone, according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore thanks to the quirks of the electoral college won thwe popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. This is the thing that can not be changed because this is a system that we can pull up see what they were elected for and why they were voted president and how many times. It helps us how we can choose the right president or the right vice president. In 1960 in Hawaii, Vice President Richard Nixon, who was president over the senate, validated only his opponents electors, but he made sure to do so without establishing a precedent. This happened a long time before i was born. You see only one state can casts only one vote in Wyoming,representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives from California,who represent 35 million voters. In 1968,a shift of just 41,971 votes would have deadlocked the election;in 1976, a tie would have occurred if a mere 5,559 voters on Ohio and 3,687 voters in Hawaii had voted the other way. In a article i read it says that there are five reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the president. There are called Certainty of Outcome,Everyones President,Swing States,Big States, and the final one is Avoid Run-Off Elections. Each one tells us how choosing the president and shows us a map how it works and we can see which state shows a breakdown of the number of electoral votes given to each state. This is something that can help us understand how to vote and how long they will be the president or the vice president i think that we should not change the Electoral College because how would it work without it and how would we pick the next president. This is a hard thing because it would take time to discusses it with the senators and it would take a lot of votes to agree or disagree to the idea. This is why i think that they should not change this because its been around longer before i was born.
My argument for the driverless cars would be against them. I feel like it would be alot that comes with having one of those cars. There are alot of things you would have to do and know in order to stay more cautious then a car you would normally drive yourself.The driverless could also be dangerous in the most simplest ways. There are also alot of things you have to watch out for. All easy ways to get out of somethings are not always the safest. I feel as if alot would come with the cars because you have to really make sure you know what your doing and keep your eyes on the rode at all times although you should already do that. I also feel like parts for the car would be way more expensive considering it drives on its on. It will eventually become a headache to some who thought it would be easier to just hop in a car that goes on its on , not knowing everything that comes along with the car. Sometimes you have to think about what you really getting before you just hop in it and go. Thats why i said i feel like its alot to come with those cars. When buying a car like that there are alot of things you need to understand. You will have to have patience and structure. I say that because even though it drives on its own it still needs a human hands on the wheel at certain points and times of the day. Even though the driverless car drives on its own most the time , a human still has to take over when coming upon a construction zone or coming upon a pedestrian maybe even alot of traffic. Its only so much a car can do automatically. The car could be dangerous because by it not being able to go through certain things it can lead into yourself or somebody else getting hurt. It also can lead into somethings even getting damaged. When driving a automated car you have to be more catious then what you would be driving a regular car. Not all easy ways are the safest ways out of situations especially when dealing with a car. Cars can be a dangerous thing to choose , thats why when you do get a car you should choose wisely and make sure its good for future refferences. So once again i am against driverless cars. I feel they are not say for people to just drive as an everyday car. I feel as if somebody get one it should only be used for fun in like an empty parking lot or brung out at night when there is really nothing going on. I only say that because not only do i want the person that has one to be safe i want everyone around them to be safe as well. So no driveless cars should not come.