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There are many reasons self-driving cars are not possible at our current level of technology, one of them being the safety concern. In it's current state, it is also basically useless because of how little it can actually do. In the article, it makes more than one point about how the self-driving car can be a hazard to the passangers and the other people driving, "If the technology fails and someone is injured." This is one point about how it can be dangerous. The risk of someone being injured because someone does not want to drive is not worth it in my eyes. These types of cars should not be introduced until there is a near guarentee that they will not harm any civilians or other drivers. Another point that is made in the article is that there is already this type of technology but it can only "... handle functions at speeds up to 25 mph, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." What is the point of having the car drive itself if you have to be at full attention, with your hands on the wheel? Once again we don't have the technology to make this practical. If anything this makes it harder on experienced drivers, they're so used to driving the same way for their entire life, and they will have to learn a different type, even though it's not necessary. In conclusion, the self-driving car should not be introduced until it is proven to be better than humans driving themselves. It should also not be introduced until there is a near guarantee that it is safer than humans driving themselves.
In a world where driverless cars are becoming more and more of a reality, the worse the option of driverless cars seem. The cars are not driverless, but more like driver assisted. Laws would have to be put in place or drastically changed to allow these cars on the road. Finding out who the problem of the accident when one happens would be a catastropy for the police and insurance agencies. Accidents caused by distractions would be wide spread. In this entire article the fact that the "self driving" cars are not self driving is very present. There are some cars that need the passenger of the car to pay attention to the road more than others. This attentiveness that is required defeats the purpose of driverless cars. Some cars required more interaction than others. The BMW "Traffic Jam Assistant" requires the driver to constantly hold on to the steering wheel. In the acticle it even states that the cars cannot get themselves through sticky situation such as work zones or accidents. Other cars such as the Google car that use radar and sensors to replicate the car's surroundings are reliable on how the driver drove, and might be prone to malfunction causing accidents to happen. Once the boredom of not driving your car for the full time takes you away from the road you can become distracted. One BMW car even offers a built-in entertainment system that would distract the driver. Everyone has seem what happens when drivers become distracted now with the effects of texting and driving, imagine what would happen if the driver totally didn't have their eyes on the road. Whenever that replication fails or the driver gets distracted, the car would crash, and there would be a huge legal mess. Police officers and insurance agencies would be deamed the task of trying to find whose fault the accident is. Laws would be put in place after months if not years of debates on how these laws should work, and who to blame. This would take the attention away from more important topics that may need fixed sooner than later. The "self driving" car debate is a prime example of "don't fix it if it isn't broke". As evident in this article the cons heavily out-weigh the few pros that can be observed. The social and economic change on our world would be one that could impact everyone for the negative, as stocks would fall, tax dollars would be wasted, and car prices would majorly increase. "Self-driving" cars should be left as they are seem in the past, a figure of our imagination, that would only be in place in utopian societies.
Every vote makes a difference. Every single vote plays a role in electing a president, whether it be directly, or indirectly. The Electoral College has caused a lot of controversy with that thought. "The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational." (Plumer 14) Where are the facts behind the argument against it? We all hear people complaining and saying these things, but they have no facts as to why abolishing the Electoral College would be beneficial. The Electoral College is working in the peoples' favor and i believe we should keep it. There are so many uneducated voters. People that vote for the presidential candidate at the top of the list because they have no clue who any of the people are anyway. If the president was selected by just popular votes who knows what the nation would be like. Every vote counts. Yes, this is true even with Electoral College it just a process to make sure that the votes being sent in are educated and well thought out; not chosen out of laziness. Do we want the people who vote just to say they voted to have a huge say in who runs our country? I sure don't. I'd rather have a trusted group of people who are very well educated take our votes into huge consideration and seal the deal. "But each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nomonee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)..." (Posner 16). Richard A. Posner goes on to tell us how many times the trust has been betrayed... the most recent being in the election year 2000 and then the only other time the electoral vote did not reflect the popular vote was 1888. There's no reason to change a system that isn't broken. Obviously the system has its flaws, but nothing is perfect. Sure the Electoral College messed up twice, but that isn't some mass amount that was detrimental to our nation. "The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens." (Office of the Federal Register 1) It's a compromise that has worked for so long; there's not enough valid reasons to change it. The Electoral College gives the right amount of representation to different sized states. "The Popular vote was very close in Florida; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes." (Posner 21) The majority of the state was in favor of Obams's ideas so 29 Electoral votes would work in their states favor, instead of having an almost tie vote which would make a smaller difference in the outcome. The Electoral College votes are like each states individual votes for the candidate that would make the majority of that one state happy, or that would benefit that one state. So yes, the popular vote may not always win, but the outcome of the presidential election is based on which person was the favorite of the majority of each individual state. All in all, the Electoral College works for this nation. It worked for our founding fathers and it's still working for us, no matter what people want to argue. If "60 percent of voters would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now." (Plumer 9) then the majority of our country should be able to come up with a valid argument against it.
Cars Driving Themselves? How efficient could a car be with nobody behind the wheel? Many automobile companies like, Gerneral Motors and Berkeley, are contemplating the creation of a driverless car. A driverless car would require no help accerlerating, steering, braking, or any other task. A prototype has been created by Google's cofounder, Sergey Brin, who hopes to reduce the use of taxis and busses. If driverless cars are created, disaster will be the only task achieved. For starters, companies will spend far too much money on trying to create this dream car of theirs. According to paragraph 4 in the "Driverless Cars Are Coming" reading, these cars will require many sensors, which are not cheap. Wasting money on uncertain creations, like this one, will ruin the company's budget plan. Of course, sensors are nothing new, but the excessive amount of money needed for them is unbelievable. No company should risk their money and, possibly, their bussiness on pure hope. People may argue that they will never need their own car again, if a driverless car could just take them anywhere, but those people never think about how much they would have to pay for this car to take them anywhere. Yes, without a car, one would never have to pay for insurance or gas, but once those fees for the driverless car start stacking up, paying for insurance and gas would not be so bad. These cars are basically an overpriced taxi without a driver. Safety is also a key factor. When riding in a driverless car, one is giving a computer the responsibilty of their life. According to paragraph 9, it is illegal in most states to even test driverless cars because of how dangerous they can be. Accidents are also bound to happen in these new cars, so what if the driverless car causes a severe accident? Will the owner of the car or the manufacturer be liable for the damage done? With cars driving themselves, accidents will be more likely to occur. The only positive way to keep drivers and the people around them safe is to have a human being manually driving the car. Automakers are still testing and trying to improve the flaws of the driverless car, but they should reconsider their priorities. Companies such as, Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have driverless cars by the year of 2020. These companies are putting a lot of time and money into a dangerous creation. Developing a car that could have a strong possibility of failing should not overshadow the safety of citizens. Supporting driverless cars is the beginning of giving up control.
In the three stories, What is the electoral college?, The Indefensible Electoral College, and the Defense of Electoral College, each argue wether or not to keep or over throw the electoral Colloge. The Electoral college has been a crutial part of voting who stays or leaves the offic chair of america, But one thing for sure losing this way of voting is very questionable. In the story, In defense of Electoral college, it eplains five very detailed reasons to keep the electoral college. The certainty of the outcome of this voting system has been accepted for years. Richard A. Posner explains, "The reason is that the winning candidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exeeds his share of popular vote."This quote given to us shows the certain possibility of who wins the share of the presidents seat. Each vote by the citizens of America is sent to chose the "qualified citizens" to represent their state in th election for president. The person in the election for president also has to have a appeal to many regions. If the candidate is attempting to gain more votes by stayong in the same region he or she will not gain more electoral votes. When a person runs for president is they go into many regions to pursuade more people to vote on that person for president then they will gain more electoral votes. The system does have a few errors in its existence. When people are voting someone to represent them they might make a mistake on wich candidate thier voting on. If people did have a direct vote for who becomes president then they have their exact opinion on who becomes president, but the system of voting still stands because most people in America like this way of voting better. It would be better to have people representing each state with electoral votes because having every vote from every citizen of america sent to an individual slot for who should be president is overwhelming. instead, we have a system where each person votes on a candidate to represent their state in the election. It is a better way of using time wisely in voting for America's new president. To close, Having the Electoral College system to vote is a fantastic way of showing who should be president for America. The Electoral College  should stay because of the certainty of who will be next president and avoiding the run-off elections to prevent uncertainty of who will be president.                               
Most people rely on vehicles for every day aarons. We use them to go to the store, beach, mall, everywhere, but don't people think there may be consequences? Limiting this extensive car use can benefit everyone by allowing him or her to be happy and reduce pollution. To begin, limiting reliance on vehicles may help people become happier. In Vaubun, Germany, many have sold their vehicles and are now walking or biking to their destinations. Some parents felt that when they had a car, "[they were] always tense." (1) Instead of allowing themselves to be outside and free to move, they were trapped inside a small space. Now, they have the freedom to enjoy scenery, without a cost. In Bogota, Colombia, people hold an annual "car-free day". This event bans the use of any vehicle besides public buses and taxis. (3) "The turnout was large, despite... [the] rain showers. [The rain] hasn't stopped people from participating." (3) This shows that the citizens of Bogota are eager to attend such an event that prevents them of using their vehicles. Many believe this event is a "good oppurtunity to take away stress". (3) The event forces them to take a walk or get on their bike, without the stress of gas or tune-ups. Young adults in the United States believe that [getting a driver's license is] not a priority. They organize summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation." (4) This implies that they know walking is not as bad as it seems, and they do not need to rely on a car to get to places. Ultimately, this reduction of vehicle dependence can lead to less stress and a rise in happiness. Futhermore, reducing the usage of cars may help reduce pollution. In Paris, France, people have experienced "near-record pollution. Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air".(2) This experience included smog, a very dense layer of water and pollution particles. This air is very dangerous to breathe and live in. "[In this city, sixty-seven] percent of vehicles [use diesel]." (2) Diesel is a heavier than gasoline, and is blamed for a large percentage of pollution. The ban alternates the usage of vehicles; even-numbered plates go one day, odd-numbered the next. This process is sought to cut the usage and emission of pollutants in half. Walking, biking, using public transportation, etc. help reduce pollution because they are services given or provided to everyone. Walking and biking do not emit harmful pollutants. Buses allow people to commute along with other people, but stop anywhere you want. Using these services instead of self-owned vehicles will help reduce pollution. All in all, cars are handy for going miles and miles on end, but restricting car use to go to the store or down the street can help people become happier and reduce pollution.
I know you might think that the face on Mars was created by aliens, but here at NASA we have been doing reasearch for many years to find any signs of life on other plants, and so far we have nothing. The face on Mars might look like it was created by aliens, but our reasearch shows that it is just shadows. Also because we have been doing reaserch for so long all of our studies show that there is no possible way that any creature would be able to survive on any other planet in our solar system other then Earth. Also as it said in our reserch it is just a rock formation that happened because of soemthing like a landslide. When all of us here at Nasa first saw the image we knew we had to study it! When we beagan our studies we sent a space craft up to take pictures. When we recived those pictures we noticed that it looked like it was a shadow of the way we were taking the picture or maybe the way that rocks were laying. We were all still curious on how the rocks got there so we kept studying! At NASA there is always reaserch of something going on! When we first started reaserch one of our main goals was to figure out if there is any possible way that people could live on any other planet then Earth. So far we have concluded that there is no possible way that anyone could survive on any other planent, because there is no suply of food or water. So with our prior knoladge of that we knew that there were no aliens on any planets! Even though we knew all these things we still wanted to know more so we continued our reasearch. While contuning our reaserch we found out that it was highliy possible that there was something like a landslide on Mars. With our knoladge of landslides we knew that they can sometimes form things like rock scopluters that look like things they are something they are not. So with all of our reaserch we all came to a conclusion. All of us at NASA were very sure with our conclusion of this was not created by aliens that it was just something as simple as a land slide and shadows. Throughout our reasearch we found out that the reason the rocks look like a face is shadows, and that the rocks got there from something like a landslide. These are the reasons us at NASA belive that the face on Mars was not created by aliens but simply rocks and a shadow.
As americans, we use vehicles quite a bit. From driving to school and work, to going to the gym or hanging out with friends. But although we use these 4-wheeled machines on a regular basis, would limiting the usage of cars be benefitial? Despite the fact that we use vehicles as our primary source of transportation, cars are actually polluting the air, and causing danger in our lives. According to paragraph 9, in the source titled In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars ; many places, including the United States, are promoting "car reduced" communities. It is believed that America's "love affair" with its vehicles seems to be cooling, as recent studies show "Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by" Which was quoted in source 4, titled The End of Car Culture. Bill Ford, of Ford motor company, proposed to partnering with the telecommunitcations industry to create cities where transportation traffic is conjoined with a connected network to conserve resources and improve safety. In a sense of taking away stress and trying to lower air pollution,  residents of Bogota, Colombia and Vauban, Germany have been biking, hiking, and skating to work. Residents have claimed to have been happier, and less tense since the car free environment came about. In France, however, a "partial driving ban" was set to clear the air, after days of a near-record pollution. Cars are used on a daily basis. But if we ease off the gas and start hitting the breaks on the use of cars in modern day, would it make America a happier place?
Have you ever looked up into the sky and seen that one star shining so bright it sticks out the most? If yes then you're not looking at a star youre looking at Venus. Venus shines so bright you can sse it with the naked eye. But why just look at it from earth? Why don't we go explore it. In the article called "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author talks about exploring Venus despite all the dangers that go along with it. Even though its dangerous on Venus the author still has good evidence on why we should still explore there. One example is when the author states " Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." That evidence shows that if we explore Venus we might find out if Venus is liveable on with the right gear or not. Altogh venus is very dangerous maybe one day NASA can come up with some type of device that can help explore Venus safely. Until then we'll have to sit and ponder on what it would be like to explore Venus.
The Facial Action Coding System is a good technology but then again not. The software comes with alot of features but it could be a failure. Nobody could just guess someones emotions by looking at there face I dont think a computer sofware couldn't either. It possibly could find the emotions of someone but the results could be wrong because you never know what or how a person is feeling on the inside or outside. Most people don't express there feelings anyway so a computer sofware couldn't find it unless it has the best DNA sofware or best way to find how someones feeling on the inside. The Facial Action Coding System could be a failure in way of just having bad results if someones angry or depressed the software could determine that there happy or surprised. In the Mona Lisa picture she does look a little happy but thats one the inside it says it could find mixed emotions but she could be just smiling for the painting, Also in the instructions it gives you directions to smile or look happy. Maybe the software just tells your on the instructions to smile, so that the software could give you the results as your happy because of the directions of making you smile. The emotion software just gives you ways to smile maybe for you to smile so they can give you results as your happy or excited. In conclussion the Facial Action Coding System could be a failure and doesn't really work.
Driverless cars is a really bad idea. There are so many outcomes that could happen when the car is drving itself. It could malfunction and crash. The driver might not be paying attention and when they do have to take over, they don't and crash. And lastly there would be many people losing lots of money from sueings because people wouldnt know who was at fault, the driver or the manufacturer. There are some positives to the driverless cars. For example people who just "have" to text can finally do that and when needed to drive can surely put there phone down for five minutesto help the car out. Also, less use of gas will help our world out with global warming, and the decrease of fossil fuels in the world. Finally, there would be a decrease in crashes across the nation, but many would not know who to blame. Driverless cars should not be aloud for may differnet reasons. First, if the driver is tired and is not doing anything but watching the road waiting for it to say for them to take over, they could fall alseep and not see the warning sign. Second, It would have possiblely more drunk driving accindents, becuase they would think the car would just take them home insted of them having to worry about it. Driverless cars are a bad thing and should not become a thing in the U.S. They wouldd lead to many dissagreements in court, people would take advantage of them. Lastly, people would dissrespect he car and what has been given to them from technology and think it is just a toy now!
In the article, "Unmasking the Face on Mars", the author is informing the readers about past discoveries of a shadowy object that looks like a human face. The article shows the reader three pictures of the "face" in different years. These years include: 1976, 1998, and 2001. As the years go by, the image of the "face" becomes more clearer as the picture before. NASA's Viking 1 first captured the first picture of the "face". People everywhere are fascinated by what scientists have discovered on Mars. The "Face on Mars" has become a pop icon. It appeared in a Hollywood film, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even checkout lines at the grocery store. Some people think the Face is bona fide evidence of life on Mars. Defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. Few scientists believe that the Face was an alien artifact. I believe that the face on Mars is a natural landform, and was not created by aliens. It is still not scientifically proven that there is life or was life on Mars. To this day, scientists are still trying to figure out if there is or was life on Mars. On April 5, 1998, Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time. The team aboard captured a picture that was sharper than the previous picture. This picture still revealed a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. I know, that after this, people are still not satisfied. Remember, that the camera had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Skeptics say that alien markings may have been hidden by the haze. Since this might not be enough proof to convince you into thinking that the Face was formed naturally... we decided to go take a picture of the face once more. This time it was clearer and bigger. If there were things on the ground, you would be able to see what they were. The picture shows the Martian equvalent of a mesa- landforms common around the American West. In America, most of our landforms are created naturally, and Garvin said that the Face reminds him of the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. I think that the only reason why people think that aliens formed this Face on Mars was because of the books, magazines, and film. The film could have incorporated ideas into someone's head into thinking that aliens did create this. The Face is just a natural landform. Aliens couldn't have created this "face", because it would've taken them a long time, and how would they know what humans look like? The atmosphere around Mars could have helped shaped this. Maybe the air, shifted the dust and rocks on Mars, moving it into an object that looks like a human face. There are many possible ways on how this face was created by the natural enviroment.
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming'' I viewed both positive and negative aspects of the driverless cars. I think driverless cars are going to become something great for our country. Driverless cars could save a lot of people lives from fatal car accidents. Driver less can steer themselves , brake , and also notifies you if your help is needed. in the article the narrator says"They can steer,accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notfiy the driver when the road ahead requires human skills. This quote tells all the amazing things driverless cars are able to do. The driverless car also gets your attention with some type of alert to let you know danger is ahead. you could be distracted from the road for example, arguing with your husband or wife even your child and the seat will notfiy you when something is wrong ahead on the road. The article says"This necessitates the car being ready to quicky get the driver's attention whenever a problem occurs. GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger..." This quote tells us how the car is able to save lives from fatal accidents and when humans aren't alert the car is. Manfacturers are also trying to create some type of entertainment for the driver that can still make sure the driver is alert of that the car is doing."Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in car-entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays. Such displays can be turned off instantly when the driver needs to take over..."This quote tells us that the manfacturers are also trying to keep the road in easily site so we wont have to look down and cause a accident. In the artice it says "Most driving laws foucus on keeping drivers safe...and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers...the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control..." i disagree with is because all drivers aren't alert when driving. The Driverless car is going to help you be alert just in case we miss something we should've seen. The Driverless car will help the rates of fatal car accidents decrease over the years because it is helping us stay alert at all times. I believe that driverless cars are going to make a huge impact on the world. Many lives will be spared because of the amazing alert system the cars have. The driverless car will always come in handy when you need to quickly grab something that will distract you a bit from the road. I believe driverless cars were made to make the world a little bit safer for everyone.
Dear State Senator, The purpose of me writing to you is because, i agree that we should change the way we vote for our president. Everyone has a right to vote but dont you think a easy prosses would be much bette? there are many reasons i disagree with using Electoral Collage but there are way to many reasons so im only going to give a three. my three reasons on why we should not you eletoral college is because the prosses, the problems, and finally because its old. The electoral collage lets be honest is a huge big unfair process. There are very many steps to the Electoral collage and i belive there are many more ways we can vote. Picking the hardest one in my personal opion is just not to bright. We should have a easy way to help the people running the electoal collage and also help the citizens. There are many resons why doing this wil;l halp the process so we will have our president voted faster. The eletoral collage has very many problems in its system. a few of them are that when the citizens vote they are not voting for the president they are voting for the elcetors who vote for the presidents. Another reason is Eletoral collage is very unfair. The peeople or the electors that are voting are not always the right ones also depending on which side you are on rpublican or the decmocratic sometimes een for example you are a republican one of your electors could be democratic as i said before very unfair. Finally everyone gets tired of crummy old boring things! Have you ever hear it is good to try new things? lets face it the system is really old. I believe would shold try differant methods of selecting the president. If for any reason it does not work out we can always try something else or go back too the same way. i belive that we should try something new and not the same old boring unfair way we have been using for years. All in all i belive  that we should change the way we vote for the president. This eletoral collage from my understaning is not something we should keep using. As i said there are to many reason that i would have to write down but here are my three reasons to change the way we vote. First the prosses of picking the president, second the problems that the eletoral college has, and last because the system is old and needs to change so, no that you have read this are you going to help me and everyone else change this system? in my respect, PROPER_NAME     
This article is abaut the platent of venus that are sometimes called Evening Star this is the secon planet from our sun,this planet is one that tje people can see from a large distance it has proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. this is the most dangerous for the people because the sun is like the fire the people can`t see and touch this in a short distance the sun and they light can be beautiful but is it most thing that is dangerous in the universe. Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size ,and occasionally the closest in distance too, venus is a planet visit for the people,venus have many things that are interesting the people vistit this place for know somethings that they don`t know but they need know venus is one planet that are close with mart and earth venus is study for the humsn science. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon blankets venus. On the planet the temperatures average can be over a 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is like 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet,the conditions of the this planet can be more extreme than anything humans encounteron the planet earth venus is the only planet that have hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system,the other planet that are closer to the sun is mercury , beyond high pressure and heat. Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting of volcanes powerful earthquakes and frequent lighting strikes to probes seeking to a lang on its surface. venus have nomerous factors that contribute reputation as a challenging platent for humans to study,despite its aproximity to us, venus should have a sulfuric acids in the venus atmosphera In all of this we have a question Why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface.? Venus is a fascinated planet for the astronomers because it may wellonce have been mthe most Earth like planet in the solar sytem venus is a planet know for the rocks and gas that there is.
Being an Seagoing Cowboy is amazing. You can do and see many exciting things just going to your destination. You can help people in need when you get there, when on your way to help others you can visit places that you haven't visited before, and when your a Seagoing Cowboy you can have a varity of things you can do. First off, you can help people in need. When you are a Seagoing Cowboy you help people that just came out of war, so they need help to get back on their feet. When you get there can be assigned a person you can help and hel them. The person your helping can be very nice, you might even become friends with them. Besides, they fought for your country, at lease helping them would be nice. Secondly, you can visit many places you haven't seen. Have you ever wanted to go some where but didn't have the time to, well becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you can. For example, when I was helping people I got the benefit of seeing Europe and China. I also, visited Venice, Italy on my to China. One more place I visited was Panama Canal also on my way to China. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy gives you the once in a life time opportunity to see and go places where you might never get to go again. Last but not least, becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you can have a varity of things to do. When I was on the boat I was assigned to help my aunt Katie on her farm. Then on my second trip I served as night watchman. I had to look after the animals make sure they were doing okay. I played many games to. Bsaedall, volleyball, table tennis, fencing, and reading, whittling just to name a few. In summery, be an Seagoing Cowboy can be very fun. You can do fun stuff you like to do, you can visit places that you haven't seen, and you can help people in need. Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy just might be the best thing you posibly can ever do.
Dear Mr. Senator, Over the course of American history the US has always had an Electoral College, which was designed for untrustworthy ballot counting during the 18th century. Today the world is in the 21st century and therefore the Electoral College is outdated on a several century basis. The Electoral College should be abolished because it is outdated and creates politicians that only care about the larger states. Even though America is a Republic the vast majority of people believe it is a Democracy, and that they elect the elected politicians as a people, but in truth elect people to elect politicians for them. To commence, the Electoral College has no need for presense because it is simply outdated. The Electoral College was made for people to elect people to elect a president, which in its intirety is completly unfair, also it was made when a smaller population was present and the ballot counters where unreliable without the use of electronic counters. Now, one can argue that age has nothing to do with the election process because the close ties rarely happen- the most recent one in 2000 and before that 1888- but a close tie is not the reason. Today the world lives in a modern era where we know how many people voted for a specific candidate but still we use the electoral colleg to see who wins what state. For example, Al Gore, the presidential candidate in 2000, "won the popular vote but lost the presidency"(9), now how is that fair? It is fair because of the Electoral College, where the popular vote isn't always the winner. Clearly, the Electoral College is outdated and should be abolished. Furthermore, the Electoral College creates politicians that care not about the country but the large states, which have the most votes. A presidential canditate may forget about small states such as Rhode Island and South Carolina and focus on larger ones, like California or Texas, that foster larger amounts of votes. For example, "during the 2000 election seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina"(13), but all the big states did. This is because politicians want to win and not focus on what needs to be done and only say what people want to hear. But once again there is always an argument; people can argue that the Electoral College wins by region, which explains why some states don't see the candidates, or that big sates allows for political balance. "So, other things being equal, a large state gets more attention from presidential candidates in a campaign than a small state does"(21). In conclusion, the Electoral College should be abolished because it is outdated and creates politicians that only care about the larger states. The US has outdated politics that have no need in todays society, why should the people depend on this outdated system? Also, the politicians only want to win the large states because of this system that does not always coincide with the popular vote. Overall, the Electoral College needs to be abolished. Sincerly, PROPER_NAME
The Face on Mars is not an alien creation. It is a natural landform. Evidence to support this claim includes: this landform is similar to ones found on Earth that were created naturally, the technology is extremely advanced to where we would know if alien life existed, and NASA would share any evidence of life on Mars if any is found. The Face on Mars is much like natural landforms found here on Earth, specifically in the western part of North America. It is called a mesa. In the article, "Unmasking the Face on Mars," Garvin says, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." Because the atmospheres and climates of Earth and Mars are similar, it is very possible that the same type of natural landforms could be created on both planets. There has even been evidence supporting the claim that water previously existed on Mars, which could have caused erosion that formed the Face. Technology has improved drastically within the last few decades. Specific to this research, cameras are part of that new and improved technology. NASA was able to capture outstanding photographs of the Face. It is stated in the article, "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." With these sharper images, the Face no longer looked like a face. The conditions were different as well. On a cloudless day, Mars Global Surveyor captured more images of the Face. It looked like an ordinary landform. There has never been any solid official evidence of life on the Red Planet. People think NASA may be hiding their findings of aliens on Mars. However, in paragraph five of the article, it says, "... evidence that NASA would rather hide, say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars." NASA would definetly share any evidence of alien life with the public because that would be great publicity for them. It would be huge news that would spread across the world. NASA would benifit greatly from this because of all the money it would bring in. In conclusion, the Face on Mars is not an alien formation, but a natural landform that happened to resemble a human face at one point. Some people will continue to believe that aliens do exist, but as of right now, no solid evidence has proven that theory. These are just a few reasons that support the Face as being a landform that was created naturally, but NASA has many more. As more technology is developed and NASA delves deeper into uncovering the secrets of Mars, we will anxiously await any new discoveries.
There are many advantages to limiting car usage and many people are starting to see it. In the article "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" By Elisabeth Rosenthal; She goes to explain that in Vauban, Germany there is a community that have given up on cars. Without a car on the streets you can tell its more lively with the quote "Heidrun walter, a media trainer and mother of two, as she walked berdants streets where the swish of bicycles and the chatter of wandering children drown out the occasional distant motor." With that quote from the article you can tell that the streets are filled with the sound of people rather than the sound of motors and smoke from the vehicles. Certaninly not having cars is a great advantage to suburbs, in Rosenthal article it said " there have been efforts in the past two decades to make cities denser, and better for walking... in attempt to make suburbs more compact and more accessible to public transportation... in this new approach, stores are placed a walk away..." Instead of wasting gas and filling the air with disgusting gas, stores could be just around the corner. Which in return would be easier for everyone around. Even the united states, enviromental protection agency is promoting"car reduced" communites. Another advantage to limiting car usage is to reduce smog and air pollution, in the article "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robery duffer he informs us that paris actually enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the golbal city. It stated " Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog... [the smog] rivaled Bejing,china, which is known as one of the most polluted cities in the world." By banning driving they not only were able to reduce the smog and air pollution, They obviously reduced car traffic! Also In the article "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in bogota" by Andrew Selsky, they banned car in an effort to promote alternative transportation and reduce spog. In the article is said "parks and sports center also have bloomed throughout the city; uneven, pitted sidewalks have been replaced by broad , smooth sidewalks; rush-house restrictins have dramatically cut traffic; and new restaurants andupscale shopping districts have cropped up." The day also is said to help lower stress, " It's a good oppurtunity to take away stress and lower air population,"said buisnessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. As you can tell from the facts within this essay, there are definitly many advantages with limiting car usage, from reducing smog and pollution, to having stores built closer to home. These advantages not only help the citzens but also the planet we live on, and our future children and their children and so on...
"Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." This statement would lead anyone to believe that the details and magnification in a camera 25 years younger and improved would lead to better and more eye capsuring photos right? Right. So, why would there be controversey over the likelyhood of the face actually being real? Here's why: people see something one time and they are automatically drawn into the idea that it has to be real. The Martian Mesa was said to look like a Egyptian Pharaoh. That statement leads people to believe that there had to be life to build something like that. But, with the shadow showing groves perfectly and the holes in the mesa made it look real. The "Face" is just another Mesa on Mars. First, the pixels and the picture produced by the camera at that time weren't as developed as the camera used in 2001. You also have to take into account that, as time goes on, most products will be improved and made better, in this case that's how it was with the cameras, with a 25 year gap in between. The text says, "And so on April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos." The text also supports the claim by stating, "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." Additionally, the shadows had appeared to be hitting the natural landform just right. The scientists belive this because, they have seen many other mesas while traveling in space, this on just happened to have a interesting impression at first sight. The text proves this by including, "A few days later NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a "huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusoin of eyes, nose, and mouth." The text also says, There must have been a degree of spurise amoung mission controllers back at the Jet Propulsion Lab when the face appeared on their monitors. But the sensation was short lived. Scientists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia only this had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." Believers in this "face" may claim there was never a clear picture of the "face" taken after the first photo. To support this they may think that the photographer taking the picture may not be able to see the clouds. The text says, "But not everyone was satisfied. The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98 - a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet. The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to the Face." However, NASA was able to take another picture of the Face when the clouds weren't in the way and it wasn't winter. The text says, "Nevertheless, on April 8, 2001 - a cloudless summer day in Cydonia - MGS drew close enough for a second look. What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa." The Face captured on Mars has proven to be a natural landform. With shadows covering it and dips to make facial features it can across as an Egyptian Pharaoh. This is proven because, of the high tech cameras and the shadows only lasted one day allowed scientists to prove their claim - the Face was just a normal mesa landform.
Limiting car usage can be very benifical in many ways such as , enviromental , finantialy , economicly. Car usage plays a big roll in todays society. People use there vehicles everyday to get around . But if we change that the whole world could beneifit from it . The author says " it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of america's emissions , just behind power plants". Which means by cutting all these greenhouse gases down we could be saving the planet and creating a better world for the generations to come . Rush hour would never be a problem again if cars where not an opotion anymore. The evidence says that " President obama's ambitious goals to curb the united states' greenhouse gas emissions, enveiled last week, will get a fortuitous assist from an incipient shift in american behavior : recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by ". This can result in good out comes for people all across the world. In conclusion , by everybody stepping up and making a change in the way we use transportation the world could turn out to be a better place to live in health and economic whise . By limiting car usage our country and transportation can evolve as we know it . 
People have been debating if the use of new technology should be used in the classroom; however, people have yet to decide. There are two sides to this arugment the pro side. The people who want the use of new technology and then there are them who think newer technology is not needed to learn. These people are the con side. The author Nick D'Alto made great points on how new facal technology could be helpful in the classroom. The first way, new facal technology could help in the classroom is by showing when a student is confused and not sure whats going on. In paragraph 6 Dr. Huang states " A classroom computer can recognoze when a student is becoming confused or cored. Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." As for example, of this when doing math homework online or english the computor could recoginize when the student is confused and then send the student step-by-step insturction. Also the teacher could request this imfomation on which problem the students are confused on and go over them into more detailed. The second reason, as to why we should use facial technology is for students who are intrested into coding and computer-animations. Students can learn how to make video games charactaers more expressive. As in paragraph 6, "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive- for video games or video suregery" This could help when student is taking and computer-animation class and is very intrested into becoming an coder. When making these games the more detail and expresstion the animators can put into these games the more infomation they need. This program can help provide that kind of knowleage. On the other hand, yes this new facial technology is not nessary. People often say teacher can read their students facial expersstions just fine without technology; however, an teacher might just over look it or not be able to tell what the student is feeling. This new facial technology can track facial movements and identify mixed emotions. The teacher could also access this and use it to help their students for the better. Should schools allow new facial technology in classrooms? That what has been decussed in passed years. If they do allow them in classrooms it could help students when they use work online. When the computer detects a student is confused or having trouble they could send out helpful work. Or when a student is intrested in computer animation, the computer could have facial expresstions and detailed know how to make these possible on the computer. Schools should allow these in their classrooms not only for students but for teachers also.
In the future everyone imagined cars that drove themselves and flew, but is the future now? Yes the future is upon us minus the flying cars. Driverless cars are coming, imagine going on long family roadtrips and actually being apart of the road games or be able to see all of the moments you would have missed while driving. Or imagine going on roadtrips and actually getting to see the countrysides, the big city skyline, or even the farm animals that you miss while driving. Driverless car are the future of driving because it uses less fuel than a tax, much more flexible than buses, and will help reduce the amount of car wrecks that happen each year. Gas is a precious material to Earth, all over all seven continents use it. What if the gas we put in our regular, boring cars that we have to drive ourselves was put into a car that drove itself? A driverless car probably would not use as much gas as a monster truck, it would most likely be great on gas. The driverless cars could be used as a taxi services, with no drivers you can fit more people than a regular taxi. Transportation is important no matter where you live, but a driverless car would not complain if you live far out on the countryside or in the worst nieghborhood in town. Buses run a schedule where one bus will stop at Main Street every 3 hours or something unconvient like that. With driverless cars as public transport, they will replace buses and make the town much easier to navigate. Plus the driverless cars could have special stop or even an app you can buy or download on your phone, where you can type in the address you are at and the address you are going to and the car can pick you up and take you there. Many women do not feel safe while waiting for a bus so the driverless car would make that make easier. Each year hundreds of car wrecks happen, many happen becuase of the weather. Some happen because of the drivers either drunk or half asleep or even texting. With the driverless cars we would not have to worry about our loved ones making it home from a New Year's Eve party or praying that it is not your sixteen year old daughter who was in the head on collison. Driverless cars could be the stop to having a policeman show up at your door telling you, your child is not and won't be coming home tonight or the next tonight for the rest of your life. Driverless car are the future of driving, but that does not mean the death of the manually driven car. Driverless cars leave less space for driver error. Driverless cars could even make roadtrips much more fun for the entire family. Driverless car are the future of driving because it uses less fuel than a tax, much more flexible than buses, and will help reduce the amount of car wrecks that happen each year.
Feelings and emotions are ways we show people how we act and what we are feeling at that moment. Only we know what we are feeling at times or even at that moment. Our emotions determine who we are and what we show from the expressions from our face. Its hard to determine what a person is thinking and what they are feeling at any moment of time. I think it is time though because someone has found a way to determine someone's emotions. Finally someone has found a way to determine someone's feelings and emtions with a simple computer program. The person who worked and worked to show us this is Dr. Huang from Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans to communicate with computers. This idea for trying to communicate with computers brought up the idea of the feelings and emotions of a human being. They use simple calculations of the facial movements that are used to determine your feelings and emotions. They begin the process with a 3-D process of the face and control every muscle on the face to mimic the emotions and feelings of a human being and that is amzing. The movements of the face is called a "action unit". Dr. huang relies on a psychologist to determine the emotions of that scan and to give six emotions that will determine every humans feelings within those six basic emotions. I think that these basic emotins are basically all the emotions any human uses for every day life. Thats why Dr. Paul Eckman picked them because them are the most common and most used emotions ever. In paragraph three is the way humans move their muscles on their face to show emotions. Facial expressions are the one way humans can determine how someone is doing or feeling at that moment of time. In paragraph four they talk about how the program can even show that facial expressions of how Mona Lisa was feeling or what emotions she had of the time of the painting. The fact that we perform the same impressive calculation of determining a person's feelings just by looking at them is a perfect way for them to study and perfect the programs way to scanning emotions. The demonstractions of each scan are amazing at showing what the program and the computer can really do at a time where technology is at it's prime. I feel like the computer and the humans who are trying to communicate with them are a great way to show feelings and emotions through talking. This program is gonna change the world of technology and the world of emotions for the better of the country and it's people. I think that what they are doing is a very constructive way of showing that you can find ways to determine a person's well being and their happiness. This program should be kept going at it's fullest for lots of years and should get to a point where it even helps out the crime system. As a last thought the program has to perfect this to get to maximum use of what should be used to help determine these feelins and emotions for the better.
My personal opinion on driverless cars is that they should not be the new transporation in the world. As they had said in the passage, there are many good things and many bad things about driverless cars. Yes, they may not cost as much on gas but they still need a human's attention. For the most part, they are automatic but they cannot assure you a human's safety one-hundred percent. I understand that there are many things in the world that seem like the safest place to be, but nothing and no one can assure your safety one-hundred percent. Personally my thought is that people are starting to become lazy with all of the new technology that has been invented. What the world has right now is more than what a human really needs. Yes, we can get to destinations faster and more efficientally but why can we not focus on people in other parts of the world that really need help. We could start to focus on ways to get cleaner water to people in Africa or preserve animals habitats so there isn't any more endangered species. The human race has become very selfish in the past twenty years or so. We seem to only care about improving things for ourselves. Driverless cars are not the future, saving the planet and the people around us is. Driverless cars may fundamentally change the world but think about it in the next one-hundred years. Until we find a way to completely assure someone's safety, driverless cars should not make any appearance in any type of media.
Making this use of technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is not valuable because some students like to keep their emotions to thereselves. Another reason is some students have more of a serious face so you can't tell their emotions. Last reason is people have mixed emotions. Some people like to keep their emotions to their selves because they dont want people to know whats going on. An example from the article is "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communcation." This means that some human don't like to communcate especially with their emotions. Some students have more of a serious face, so you cant tell whether their happy or sad. An example from the passage is "For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face." This means that you can tell when a person is happy or sad, but some people can have serious face, but can really be happy in the inside. Some people have mixed emotions. which means like mood swings etc. An example from the passage is "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions." This means that the person can either be sad, happy, serious, or mad. Therefore the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of stuudents in a classroom is not valuable because some students want to keep their emotions to their selves.
You should join the UNRRA for these good reasons, you can see amazing sights while on the seas, when the ship ride is over you not only can help people in need but you get to explore the ruins of Greece and China. Other reasons you should join the UNRRA are, you can join at the early age of 18, and you could be military drafted. In addition to all these reaons not only is being a sea cowboy a opprotunity of a life time it feels special to help people in need! Joining the UNRRA only has a few simple steps you can start at the age of 18 and sometimes you will need to travel over the seas more then once. The trip to China and back will take a month and sometimes you might get sea sick. You also need to feed the animals aboard three times a day and they need to get water too. At times travling among to ship can be dangerous in result of storms and difficulties but not to worry just remeber what your here for. But after you work has come to an end its safe to say that you helped people after world war 2. Also its a good feeling to do so and have a great adventure as well. in addition to that you get to meet new people along the ride and tell them about your adventures along the sea as well.
Venus is oneof the closest known planets to Earth, and is often refered to as "Earth's twin."first the author discussess how Earth's sceintists, and astronomers are facsinated in venus. Next the author discusses how trying to find ways to discover venus could help unlock technological potenetial. Then finally the author discusses the importance of venus and how it could help our planet our at least give humans insight on how other planets work.The authorsupports the idea thatstudying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. The author discussess how Earth's sceintists, and astronomers are facsinated in venus.the text states,"Astronomersare fascinated by venus becuase it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system".This qoute helps ud understand how the fascination withvenus statred to develop and how it well quickly advance. Because of the fascinated earth had with venus, astronomers can upwith speculation ofhow venus related to earth. The text states,"Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like earth." Our fascination in venus helped astronomers actually gather information that helps us understand that venus ha some earth like traits.The text states," Venus still has some features that are analogous to those of earth, the planet has a surface of rocky sediments and includes familliar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. This qoute help us see that in the text the author pointed out how our fascination with venus helped astronoers realize that earth and venus has simillair traites, and maybe could have heldlife forms simillair to earth. The author discusses how trying to find ways to discover venus could help unlock technological potenetial. the text states,"Venus would allow sceintists to floatabove the fray.imagine blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or somiles above the rolling venusain."The author uses the qoute to helps us understand that in our efferts of trying to pursue venus it could unlock new technology advancesments such as a blimp-like mechine thatcould go into space and hover over a planet as the text suggests. In the articlethe author also suggest that astronomers could potentail tweak solar energy to make it more assesible to research venus.The text states,"Solar power wouldbe plentiful, and radiation would not exceed eath levels" This qoute helps usunderstand that the technology that is used on eath could be ajusted and or matified to fit the need thatwould have tobe takenin to consederation when in pursuit of exploring venus. The author discusses the importance of venus and discovering new things and how it could help our planet our at least give humans insight on how other planets work. The auhtor states,"striving to meet the challenge presented ny venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiositywill likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." this qoute helps us interpert that the author understand the inportance of finding new things in and outside our world and that finding thesenew things can and will lead to a grearter knowledge of any and everything. Another qoute that the author provides that helps us understand the importanceof learning new things outside our world is from, paragraph* and it states, " Our travels onearth and beyound should not be limited by danger and doubs but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." this qoute helps me understnad that the author believes that in order for humans to fully grasp the knowledge that we want to learn from new and old places you have let go of bounderaires and fears to a sertain extent and to let yourself free fromany and all distraction to get the better, most effecient, and most mindblowing experience. In this text the author discusssed how Earth's sceintists, and astronomers are facsinated in venus. Next the author discusses how trying to find ways to discover venus could help unlock technological potenetial. Then finally the author discusses the importance of venus and how it could help our planet our at least give humans insight on how other planets work.In conclusion the author supports the idea that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers.
The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author supports his idea extemely well. This author stated a lot of interesting facts. The author claimed that in the begining of the article, Venus is called the "Evening Star". Going along with this statement, the unidentified author explains exactly why and how Venus got this nick-name. The author even goes into Venusian geology and weather. This is something not many people know about. The past of Venus was also spoken on too. In the article the unknown author states "Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit. The author even spoke upon NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Some more interestings facts that the author stated, "Peering at Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions because most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. According to the author's article, NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. Concluding my essay, the author greatly discussed that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author went in depth into every one of their details. This unidentified author wrote this article very greatly.
There is a new age coming,and with that means change. Most people dont like change but ths change is a good one. Its useing your car less and use other means of transportsion around your city or town. This leads to less smog around a major city and a safer inviorment for children. To begin , changing  how we travel around the citys and towns of are country's is esental in this time of age. The world is changing how we think and do thing is changing. We are loseing some of are ignorence. The world we live on is running out of oil and that means no more gas powerd cars. To conserve the resorces we have we need to start takeing the bus to work or school. Or Rideing a skateboard to the shop down the street instead of wasting presious resourses that is going to dissaper in 20 to 30 years. And not useing your car is a go thing ,that means less stress on you mind a body. imagin not having to worry about a car payment and having that extra money tohave fun with you'r kids. Useing your car less also means less smog and cleanier air around. For exsample, in Pairs there was alot of smog so they put a ban on cars for two days and it cleared up the city. Now if started doing this more we would help are invierment so much. Secound off, Not useing your car as much also creates a much safer enviorment for kids. And they can live a more helthy life. And thats what we want, we want to protect are kids a give them a child hood they can look back on. This means you can let your kid outside and not worring about a drunk driver comeing down the street and hitting your kid and killing them. We want the best futer for are grandchilderns children, and know we set them up for good. We need to start designing are towns and city's like Vauban ,Germany. It will make a better and cleaner world for us. In conclution, we need to put down the car keys and pick up the bike , or hop on the bus. Because Time is running out. And we dont want it to be to late to change. This is the only thig we got . So lets do it right the firts time and not screw it up.
You should become a Seagoing Cowboy like me, Luke Bomberger! There are lots of things you can do! Did you know that not only a Seagoing Cowboy gets to experience places from all over the world and have a lot of freetime on the way back, but you also get to help people that are in need. Get to explore places you've never been to! Just take it from me, "I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special. So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. I also toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China" That shows that you can see lots of places, but that isn't the best part! You also have a lot of free time on the way back from a trip. When we unloaded all of the animals, "The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helpes pass the time." We enjoyed the rides back, but even that isn't the best part! The best part of being a Seagoing cowboy is helping people. When I became a Seagoing Cowboy, "It was 1945, World War ll was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA. UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas." Well, I hope that I convinced you into becoming a Seagoing Cowboy like me. It's everybody's world. Let's help save the people in it.
Many people that think the face of mars was created by aliens but it was really just a landform here is why?.scientits say its just like a land formation that happens on earth this land formation are more common around american west the article says "it reminds me mist of middle butte in the snake river plain of idaho" says garvin. then garvine said "Malins team captured an extrordinary photousing the cameras absolute maximum resolution" each pixel in 2001 image spans 1.56 meters compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 viking photo in April 5,1998 (MOC) or mars orbiter camera team snapped a picture ten times shapper only for the thousands of anxious web surfers to see a natural landform on mars and not any aliens . but yet not everyone was satisfied on April '98 a cloudy time of year on the red planet the camera on boared MGS had to peer through the wispy clouds to see the face perhaps skeptis say alien markings were hidden by the haze. now many people dont talk about this topic alot any more because it has been proven that it was just a landform created by the plates moving on mars all though there are still many people who think that its not a landformation and think that it was bulit by aliens in the article it says that the land formation resembles a human face because of the shape of the head and giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth of the landformation experits have proven that it is just a landformation and was not bulit by any extra living beings that have lived there a longtime ago after relason the picture it was a pop icon back then it starred in hollywood films appeard in books magazines and even raio talk shows and hunted grocerys store checkout lines for 25 years.
Cars thery're every where, and people use cars to get from point A to point B. Cars are very important in the lives of many people all over the world. Cars are efficiant and help to get the job done. People often only seem to look at jus the postive sides of cars, but yet tend to oversee the down falls of how the use of cars can have in a persons life. the use of cars many have a few postive aspects but the negatives out way the good. The use of cars effect the enviorment negatively in a big way, also the use of cars tends to cause people stress that a person might not be aware their going through. The limting of the use of cars is something people must take upoon themselves to look at. The envorement its all around us, it provides us with the basic nesscities we need to survive the envoirment provides us with oxygen that we need to breathe and food that we need to eat. The use of cars is threating the enviorment. Cars realse Co2 or carbondioxy into the enviorment causeing the air to be come polluted. Accoriding to an article tittled "paris bans driving due to smog" writen by Robert Duff. Duff writes about how Paris Frances air had become so polluted due to the realse of co2 admsions  that the govenerment had to enforce a band on the use of cars until the smog in the air cleared up. The main casue of the smog in the air was the diesls found in the cars used in France, due the fact that France has a Tax policy that draws towards the use of diesles over gasoline. Accrording to Duffer "diesels makes up  67 percent of vehicles in France, compared to53.3 percent average of diesle engins in the rest of Western Europe, according to Reuters." In the article Duffer explains how the most ppopulated cities are the ones with the the smog or air pollution. Cities like Beijing and China have alot of smog in the air is because of the use of cars. The use of cars have a very negative impact on the enviorment. Countries all over the world are taking a step foward towards limting their use on cars due to effcts its has. In an acrticle called In German Suburb, Life Goes on Without Cars writen by Elisabeth Rosenthal talks about an upscaled coummunity in called Vauban Germany where people have given up theirs cars. In Vauban's 70 percent of the families that resided in vaubans don't own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move into the community. Even though alot of the resdients of Vauband dont use car some still due. Ownig a car is still allowed vauband uses large garages where people can  store thier cars,but a person must first pruchase a parking space for $40,000 first. While some cars are still used in the comuntiy walk or bycicle as thier means of transportation. Vauband is a prime example of of a postive growing trend. Vauband helps to reduce the green house gas emissions cars give off. While cars can cause harm to the enviorment, cars can also cause people stress that they themsleves don't know they're dealing with. Accoriding to a a qoute found in In german Suburb, Life goes on without Car. Heidrun Walter exprees how without casr lifes is happier "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." another qoute found in Car-free day is spinnig into a big hit in Bogota says "Its a good opportunity to take away stress an lower air pollution" said a businessman Carlos Arturo. Carlos was speaking about a day set aside where the use of cars is not permited in Colombia. Cars casue people to feel as if thier lifes revole around cars. Pepole didnt notice the effect that cars had on thier lives until they didnt have to undergo the use f cars.
Hi, i'm Luke, and one day I was working at the bank and my friend, Don ask "Hey Luke, you want to go to Europe on a cattle boat with me!" How could say no to that type of question? I'v always want to do this. The UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of all the horses, young cows, mules that were shiped oversea. Don and I signed up for this adventure! I loved helping people and animals, and i'm here to say you should sign up and be the best Seagoing Cowboy you can be. You get to help other people and animals. Before I got here I was a small little town boy, and I really never got to experince the majic hidding behind of being a Seagoing Cowboy. I even got a little of the benefit of seeing Europe and China. I also went to Acropolis in Greece was special. So was taking a gondola ridein Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. I also got to see an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama Canal on my way to China. Also, when I help out other people first, it makes me feel good second off it perpares me for hard work along the way of my life. I also got to be a night watchman I did get hurt a little but, before the week was over I was back to work, and better than ever. I came here to try to explain how much I loved this trip. It prepared me for life. I hope you will join and become a Seagoing Cowboy. The phone number is below (555) 444-7774
The author supports his idea really well. As he explains his idea he goes further in detail as to why Venus is a worthy pursuit even though there are many dangers that it presents. He goes further into detail by using things he researched out about Venus. In the 4th paragraph in the text it says, "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system." This shows that it would be worth it to see in person. It also says, " Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life,just like earth." If we were to go to Venus we could prove if that is true or not. Even though the author states reasons why it is a worthy pursuit there are still dangers to it. Such as temperatures and what a thick atmosphere it has. In the third paragraph it states, " a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. " If we were to inhale that much carbon dioxide we wouldn't be able to breathe well. It also states that on the planet the averaging temperatures can go up to 800 degrees farenheit and that the pressure on the atmosphere is up to 90 times greater than what we expericence. We as humans wouldn't be able to handle going to Venus because we're not sutiable for that type of environment.
The Face on Mars is not a legitimate face or a creation of aliens. Conspiracy theorists seem to think it really is. The landform is comparable to the multitude or butte or mesa landforms found here on Earth. The picture taken in 2001 has three times the pixels sizes compared to the pixels in '76, also if this Martian landform was indeed crafted by aliens it would benefit NASA a lot. The Face on Mars can be compared to the lot of landforms in the Western America. One scientists, Garvin, recalled "it reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River in the Snake RIver Plain of Idaho." This can also be a reminder of other landforms, such as the Appilachian Mountain or Old Faithful- the water geyser at Yosemite National Park. In Cydonia, there are also quite a few odd landforms. The Face is just another one of the many unexplainable formations on Mars. The day the picture of the Face was taken, the people in the spacecraft had to go through many misty clouds. That day was a cloudy day on Mars. The picture taken had three times the pixels than the picture taken in April of 1998.The picture was clearer and one could see that the shadows that creates the parts of the face are just only shadows. The only unusual thing about it was that it looked "like an Egyptian Pharoh." The main reason conspiracy theorists would believe the Face in an alien craft is because it is an unusual landform. NASA scientists wanted more attention toward Mars and they wish there really was an Ancient Martian colony. It would benefit NASA and its funding. One now can come to the conclusion that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. The Martian landform is quite similar to the ones found in western America. The original picture taken in '76 had less pixels making the picture appear odd, and if this was a formation created by aliens, NASA would use it as a benefit.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author attempts to convince the reader that studying Venus is worth all the dangerous problems one would face trying to study the beautiful planet. The author starts off his argument by stating how "challenging" it is to examine Venus at a close proximidy, and procides to state all the factors of studying Venus and explain why it is so dangerous to explore this planet. The author first states facts about Venus that would affect a mission to the surface. These comments are mostly about it's atmosphere, stating that the thick atmophere is "almost 97% carbon dioxide" and contains high amounts of sulfuric acid, which as a result, causes the temperature to average at "over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." And to top that off, the atmospheric pressure is "90 times greater then planet Earth's," suggesting that a submarine that was made to endure Earth's deepest parts of the ocean would be crushed on planet Venus. Later on, the author explains why we should even try to learn more about this supposedly miss understood planet. The author claims that astronomers are "fascinated" by Venus because they believe that it could have been the planet most like Earth in the solar system at one point in the past; possessing "large oceans" and being able to "support various forms of life," and that even now Venus still has traits that could hint to the idea that it used to be a lot like Earth, such as having a "rocky sediment" surface, along with valleys, mountains, and craters. Although the author could have gone more into depth in this subject; inferring that astronomers should study Venus' surface because humanity wants to know why this change may have happened, and if we could avoid Earth following the same path, his argument as to why we should study Venus' surface is highly valid and valued as a strong reason despite the dangers. Overall, the author of the passage, "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," has a strong, thought out reason why humanity should explore Venus close up in the years to come.
Twenty five years ago the Viking 1 spacecraft was taking pictures of Mars, when the spacecraft got a picture of something that looked like a human face, they named it the Face. Scientist from NASA have done futher research on the Face and think that it is a mesa, but others think that the Face was created by aliens. The Face on Mars is simply, a natural landform, and was not created by aliens like some people think. When the scientist discovered the Face they were very excited because they thought it was something special, but the feeling was short lived. The scientist figured out it was a Martian mesa, which is very common around Cydonia. To better describe the Face would be to say it is: a huge rock formation that respembles a human head. A mesa is a rock formation and rocks can look like all kinds of things, even a human head. Pictures were taken of the Face in 1976, 1998, and 2001 the resolution on the pictures getting better as technology advances. If one simply looks at the pictures they could tell that the Face is just a rock and it was not alien-made. In 1998 the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time and took pictures that were ten times sharper than the original pictures, it was then that the scientist decided that the Face was a rock. The people were still in denial, so NASA set out to get more pictures in 2001. When the pictures came back it was clear that the Face was still just a mesa and was not made by aliens. At this point the scientist were satisfied, the Face was just a Martian equivalent to a butte or mesa. One scientist even compared it to things on Earth. Scientist Jim Garvin said, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho". The Face is a mesa that was formed naturally just like a mesa on Earth. They both look the same and were not created by aliens. The Face that was found on Mars in 1976, was not made by aleins and is just a mesa that was formed naturally. Multiple pictures determined that it just happened to look like a human face and upon closer examination was not alien-made. The Face has been compared to things on Earth like a butte or a mesa multiple times. This proves that the Face was not made by aliens and is a natural Martian mesa.
I personally dont think these cars are a good ideas. Simply beacuse they arent completely driveless and the car might have some problems and cause someones life. These cars are just a bad idea , these cars are going to make teenagers and young adults think its ok to text and drive , but its not even if you ave a driveless car , in the passage it said that they are not completely driveless cars , when the car want the driver to take over its going to give some type of signal to the driver to take over , and the drive may not be prepares to take over. If it was an regular car you wouldnt have to worry about having to take over the acr because you wil already have control. Some may think the cars are a cool idea until someone get hurt. These cars are basically a set up , 12 , 13 ,14 ,15 year olds are going to think its ok to play in their parentes car because it SAYS its driveless and hurt themselves when its time to take over the wheel. Another reason i disagree with the cars is because people arent going to be paying attetion to the road , their going to be either texting , messing with things or people in the backseat , or just not paying attention to the roads and when its time for them to take over , something bad is going to happen. In the passgae it said " If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault-the driver or the manufacturer?" That right there shows that if someone do get hurt the maunufacturers are going to try to blame it on the driver but all along its the manufacturer fault because ther technology failed an caused an accident. I just dont think these cars are an good idea , it sounds cool and all but when you think about it its an dangerous idea to have a car that is driveless , but you still have to be ready to take over ther wheel whenever the car signals you too.
The Battle for Control In the near future, driveless cars will become an inevitable reality. Their a supposed solution for most traffic problems the world posseses today. No need to worry about drunk and reckless drivers anymore, the answer is finally here! Well, dive a little deeper and you'll figure out that driveless cars will create just as many problems as they would, in theory, fix. The idea of a world with driveless cars as the main priority just runs shivers down my spine... The main problem with driveless cars is a very nightmarish one. What if the car malfunctions, and goes completely berzerk on the road? Also, who would take the blame for the accident? The manufacturers or the driver would be a re-occuring question, and as stated in the article, this would cause thousands of legal battles every week. It would be truly heartbreaking to go to someone's funeral that you were very close with, and to always know that their death wasn't even their fault. Another issue driveless cars would create is immense laziness and health problems. Although driving cars isn't an amazing workout by any means, it keeps the brain alert and stimulated. Also, if there is no work needed then many passengers would just fall asleep. Who is there to wake them up when they have reached their destination? A siren or alarm would be a good idea, but many people including myself are very heavy sleepers. My biggest gripe with driveless cars would be the easy accessibilty. Literally anyone could just hop in and take control of it. Kids who have an argument with their parents and are currently angry at them can just get in one, and drive off. This completely kills the purpose of drivers licences, and in my opinion just isn't right. Another HUGE problem is this, how in the world would police do their job? Would their cars be driveless also, and how would they pull anyone over? They wouldn't be able to, the driveless cars would just continue cruising down the street. In my honest opinion, a world with driveless cars would just be the beginning of a world ruled by computer A.I. Humans need to keep control of certain things in order for our species to thrive and survive. Not everything needs to be taken over by computers, and I truly wish that we as a species can realize this. We are becoming too dependent on technology, and I fear that soon our own knowledge will eventually cause the end of the human race as we know it.
The School system needs more , its things going on in students lives that makes them angry and sad coming into school. With them feeling this way makes them not wanting to do the work or learn at all. An thats where this Facial Action Coding System Comes in. The System being able to pick up these emotions would give the chance to notify the adult in charge and maybe can get help. Teachers aren't all perfect, yes they educate in the best way possible. But student could be confused or bored in,and can even come to school feeling sad or angry about things outside of school. Teachers wouldnt be able to pick this up. Thats why we need this Facial Action Coding System. Facial Action Coding System can do things ,like said in the article it can pick up if a student is confused or bored. Then modify the lesson like an effective human instuctor. In conclusion this is why we need the Facial Action Coding System. To Better the school system , by not just teaching. But thinking of how the student feels. Like if sngry and sad , the machine picks it up and we can ask the student. Just trying to help can make a student better. If feeling bored or confused we can also help by getting better with teaching method ,so students wont feel bored or confused. That way wteachers are really educating students
Have you ever wondered what other people might be feeling? Well the aruthor in the store is introducing us to this new technology called The Facial Action Coding System (FACS). This Technology is suppose to detect anyones emotions at that time by using a 3-D model of a face and detects it by the 44 major muscles must move like human muscles. I believe this could be a good use for in the future for students in school who deals with depression and anxiety and doesn't show it. Some students probably wont't like the idea of a computer telling how you're really feeling because like some they probably doesn't like to show any emotions but this technology could help a lot of students out dealing with their emotions. It would be just like us telling a friend how are they feelings just like in the article its says For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feelin simply by the look on her face". We all need just a reminder to smile every once and a while just like in the article it also says helps the muscles and helps preduce them. Overall, i think this technology could be very usefull not only to just express feelings but also for students, adults, anyone who deals with their emotions to helps them. Make them feel happy and be able to show their emotions intead of keeping it inside of them.
"The Face on Mars" Could not be an alien creation becuase, it most likely would be more high tech because "Aliens" are lightyears ahead of our technology. Also NASA said it was just a huge rock formation that was formed by shadows to create "The Face on Mars." Also Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and snapped a really good picture which first appeared on a JPL website that was confirmed that the face was not an Alien monument. Also if aliens were to create this "Face" why didnt people in space see them do it. The Mars Global Surveyor's took at picture at maxium pixel to show that this "momument" was accually a little bigger then a buttle or a mesa. "The Face on Mars" is not an alien monument reason being they confirmed ot was in fact a rock formation that had shadows make it look like a face.
Obvously the aurthor must be a fan of scientific and that's great because I am to! The aurthor feels as if, there is multiple things you can do in life and thats means if going out your comfort zone to do it then so be it. In the story and as I was reading it, he really wants to find out more about earth and its "neighbors", as I should say. Venus and Mars are close to earth, but venus is closer, and the reason I say that is because of size and density. In the text, it says that we as humas, we have sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world and the reason being is because we and he also, wanted to find out more about venus and how it works and many diffrent features. Venus has a thick type of surface to it. It has a thick atmosphere of 97 percent of carbon dioxide blankets. In the atmosphere of venus, there is a type of acid called "Sulfuric Acid" and this acid is basically the determination of the temperture for this planet. The average temperture for venus is 800 degrees Fahrenhiet, and the atmosphere pressure is 90 times greater than what it would be on earth by its-self. Venus also has the hottest surface temperture of any planet in our solar system even though we have mercury closer to the sun venus is still hotter. The reason people and scientist are so fasinated with venus and how it works is because it was one of the closest to being more like earth and it has some features like it to. This planet has more like valleys, mountains, and craters and as a author he wants to find out about more of the festure and how this will benifit him more in life if he were to continue searching about venus and earth and how they are diffrent and similar to each other. By the 1800's the" mechanical computer" that was made for visual insight of venus and other planets around and near earth. These devices made caculations by using gears, and tool like things that hepled scientist in the 1800's up and somewhat past the 1940's. So in this passage, the author gave me some information about the earth, venus, mars, life, merchury, and etc. The author basically is saying at the end of the passage, that if you were to go out your comfort zone to go explore things like earth and scientific material things, that it would'nt hurt and now that I know I feel as if the author will end up exploring more about venus and that is has some good feature and bad features and the same with earth but in reality it isnt bad.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify and act on human emotions. It reads a person's facial feature and identifies their emotions. For example, if particular person sees an ad they don't like, the computer will read their expression upon it and acts quickly to make them satisfied. This technology can definitly be useful to students. Everyday in a classroom a student will stop paying attention because they are confused or bored. In the article, it tells how the computer will try another strategy to get the student back on board with the main topic. This could be by making it into a game or maybe showing them a video that will help them understand the subject. This is an amazing technique to make sure no student falls behind. There are so many ways that parents use to get there children into learning without any complications. Many students take online classes so they can go at their own pace. Most parents try to get their kids home schooled so they feel more comfortable with their surroundings. Some parents even get their younger children who have not been enrolled to school yet, started on the learning proccess. And although some websites might be helpful it does not always work out in the best way. With the new technology the computer, it willl be able to sense what the students pay more attention to, what the students are more interested in learning about. And with that, the computer will be able to find a way to get the students more on board with the learning proccess. Many students have some big problems in their life and some people won't be able to help them. However, if the computer knows how to make them smile or feel better about themselves this might lead to a decrease in depression and teenage suicide events. With this new technology teenagers may not even have to worry about what is going on in the social media websites. They wiill be doing things that make them happy or satisfied with their life. This will be a major decrease in cyber bullying. This new technology called the Facial Action Coding System will have a major impact on not just students, but with every teenager who has trouble staying on track in and outside of school. This technology will enable students to be able to learn at their own pace with their style of learning and with some extra help, This will be very valuable to students everywhere.
The unmasked face? Some say it's aliens, but i have proof that it is just a natural platform. Mars Global Surveyor and Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times better than the original vikings photo. The picture revealed that it was just a natural platform. Thousands of web surfers were waiting to see the image. They waited just to see there was no alien monument after all. Which made a lot of people unsatisfied. Few scientist believed the face was an alien artifact. Which made photographing a priority for MGS. And thats what they did. It was winter in April '98, so it was a cloudy time of year on Cyndonia. The cameras on board MGS had move through clouds to see the face. So they thought maybe alien marking were hidden in the haze. April 8, 2001, a CLOUDLESS summer day in Cyndonia. MGS drew close enough for a second look. Malin's team captured an "extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. The picture actually shows that the Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. Which is a common landform around the American West. This "face" had became a pop icon. It starred in Hollywood films, appeared in books, magazines, radio talks. It even haunted grocery store checkouts for 25 year! Some people think the face is a bona fide evidence of life on mars. Evidence that NASA would rather hide. Defender of the NASA wish there was an ancient civilzation on Mars. The unmasked face? Or should i say the butte or the messa?
I think using this technology to read students emotional expressions during class would be awesome! A lot of kids get board in class and usually get on their phone instead of listening to there teacher. By using this device to scan the whole room and detech the emotions of students, teachers would know more about how we feel about there class and the subject. Teachers could make class more intreastig and kids would want to come to school. The Facial Action Coding System is a great way to make learning fun for students as well for teachers. The way it works is it begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; then 44 major muscles in the picture must move like human muscles. The movement of one or more muscles is called "action unit." the emotions it detechs is happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. Baggy eyes make a difference. you could be happy or sad, but The Facial Action Coding System will notice something wrong with your facial muscles and could determend the wrong emotions. "According to the Facial Feedback Theory of Emotion, moving you facial muscles not only to express emotions, but it also helps produce them. If you fake smile, it actually works and will make you happy. feeling somebody elses emotional state could also have a impact on it. This happens because us Humans unconsciously imitate another persons facial expressions. That being said, This Facial Action Coding System could be used in classrooms to help see if students are board and could help teachers make the lessons more intresting. The System isnt always 100% right. any little false face muscle expression could ruin your whole test. So if you plan on taking the test make sure to have a good nights rest the day before and also make sure your picture is cear and you could se every muscle in you face because it helps identify you emotions and feelings.
Venus is a dangerous but why should that stop us. Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most earth- like planet in our solar system. Long ago. Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth. This means that we might of had something similar like our earth today (Para 4). This is why we have to explore Venus and see what new things we can learn about it. We can figure new things out about Venus if we try. Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough misson to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risk. Or maybe we should think of them as challenges (Para 6). This means we have to take risk to know Venus more. We have to try and be willing to do what it takes to get information about Venus. By doing what we need to do to know Venus more will be hard. Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation (Para 8). This means yes it will be scary but we gotta push ouselfes to know more about Venus in the future. This is why Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers and I believe that we can do it and take the extra step to study Venus at its fullest.
I'm a scientist at NASA and I know that the face is just a natural landform. I have plenty of reasons why that is, and why it wouldn't be an alien. Yes, the face on Mars has become a pop icon, but that doesn't mean people could just assume it's an alien. NASA has plenty information and data for why it's just a natural landform. I'll explain my thinking as me being a scientist at NASA. My first reason is that NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The picture noted a huge rock formation which seemed to be a human head that had eyes, nose, and mouth. You just have to think about it, those characteristics are obvious. I mean yes, it was found in Mars, but that doesn't mean it couldn't have been a human. People just have to think more into the possible and not the impossible, because everything is possible. My second reason is that they photographed the face. Other scientists at NASA saw that it clearly looked like a human head. My third reason is that they even snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photos! When the image first appeared on a JPL web site, it clearly revealed a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. This is why I, as a scientist at NASA think it's a natural landform and not an alien . these three reasons I have should make people think about it again and decide it's officially a human head. Those who believe it's an alien, should believe more in miracles. Anything could happen in Mars or any other place around the planet. This is only my opinion, but it sure makes me feel like I'm right about my thinking.
In this article Making Mona Lisa Smile the author describes how a new technology is able to identify human emotions. The technology is called Facial Action Coding Sysytem and it allows it to identify human emotion. Also during this reading i will be using details from the reading to show the vaule of using this technology to help find students emotions. In this article i found some evidence that supports the claim that it should be able to use this technology on students in the class room or anywhere for that matter. People do the same thing this machine does on a daily basis such as people looking at one another to try and find out what there expression or emotions are. It could tell if kids were going to be happy about an assigment or not or if the kids were depressed or upset about something and needed someone to talk too. Dr. Huang says that this peice of technology works just as well as the doctor working pn your facial tissue and muscles to figure out what your emotions or expression are. And the sam technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive and more human like. Also people can fake faces and make you belive they are fine and dont need anything if they don't have this technology which could change that out come that person has on life, with this technology we could help people and get the help they need in time instead of getting to them too late and not helping at all. In this article Making Mona Lisa Smile I used the information provided from the article to help find how a new technology is able to identify human emotions. Also during this reading i will be using details from the reading to show the vaule of using this technology to help find students emotions. And too my conclusion i think that this would be very helpful in the school setting or any setting that you put it too.
Did you know that there is a face on mars. Scientists are trying to figure out if it's signs of alien life forms or if it's just a landform. Most conspiracy theorists think it cme form an ancient civilization on mars. Nasa say's other wise but it could be either one. The face on mars is indeed a natural life form. It is just a Mesa made on mars a long time ago."What the picture actually shows is the Martian equiv alent of a butte or mesa-landforms common around the American West. This means the landform is just a Martian mesa."Thousands of anxious web surfurs were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing. . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all." This means after taking photos and doing research scientists concluded that it's just a natural land form. The face on mars is still popular and will keep you guessing but it is only a natural landform. Lots of conspiracy theorists thought it wasn't a landform and it was an alien made object. But soon was proven wrong with evidence that is is not any sort of alien being or object at all.
The advantage of limiting your car use are extremly helpful mainly to are envoriment. Some countries are now banging people from using there vehicals to get the smog levels down. There goal is to promote alternative transportation and ruduce smog. "It's a good oppotunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said businessman Carlos Arturo as he road a two-seat bicycle with his wife. In Bogota, Colombia there is a day where everyone has a car-free day. It also releaves on the traffic jams and also reduces the amount of accidents. On that day vioators faced $25 fines, might be a little extreme but its a good way to get the people thinking of new and smarter ways to travel. If in a city of 7 million everyone can join in, why cant states and countries try this? If we had car-free days maybe once every month or twice a month that would help keep are envirorment heathy and clean. Parks and sports centers would also greatly bloom, more people would want to get out and enjoy life more. Less harm to are earth will make sure it last longer and they way are kids kids can be able to see what a wonderful planet we have. I feel that less cars should be used, more walking and bike riding less gas more money in are pockets. The less we stress areself by having to worry about global warming and the more we can worry about injoying life will be better. When we use less and save less that helps the goverment the people the envorment. EVERYONE! Just one time a day we used a bike instead of a car that cuts are pollution in half.
My position on driverless cars are that its a good idea. I think its good idea beccause it will cut down on fuel, not as many deaths because the people won't be driving it, it will be more comfortable and flexable. Driverless cars are a good idea to stay safe and get to somewhere more efficient, better than a taxi. To have driverless cars mean that they could cut down on fuel. In the text it says that one of their cars used half of what taxi cars use right now. They will not have to deal with deaths because the driver is not driving. In the passage it shows that the car ddrove half of a million miles and did not crash once. Many of accidents today are because of people that are drunk driving, but because of the driverless cars there wont be as manny deaths as there is right now. Other ideas are that people are not comfortable in the car. They could finally be comfortable in the car because they dont have to drive. Just think of this you can sleep in the car and no accidents could happen. You could get to places farther in a more efficient time. Therefore, I think having driverless cars are a good thing to look forward in the future. You could have no more pollution and no more crashes and deaths. So look at the bright side of driverless cars instead of the bad sides. Driverless cars are a good thing to think about having in the future.
To whom it may concern, The growing debate on whether or not the electorial college is necessary for when the country is voting for it's president. I am writing to argue that the electorial college is vitial to the presidential election process becuase it evens out the importance of all the states' votes, gives us a certainty of an outcome, and allows for toss-up states to vote for the best candiate.(Posner) It can be precieved that the electorial college is a non-democratic way of voting for the president. Although it may be seen like that, it is in fact favorable towards the people becuase the electors that you indirectly vote for are voting for the same candidate as you were. The electorial college has been around for decaades and has very few times caused a disruption in our country. Why should we eliminate a process that has worked for years and will continue to work for years to come? The electorial college should be kept becuase it allows for the smaller states to compete against the larger states in terms of votes for the presidency. A state like California has a larger population than Alaska so in turn they would have more voters. The electorial college evens out the number of people per state that votes so the candidiate chosen is truly who the country wants as the president. A larger state would also get more attention than a smaller state due to it's size difference. Smaller states would get discouraged and soo only the larger and more populated areas would vote becuase they are getting the most attention from the candidates themselves.(Posner) Our country is made up of fifty states and all of them should have an equal imput in who runs our counrty. Many of the time voters will vote becuase they want to have their party in the president's seat. There are some states that are called swing states that will vote for the president that they beileve will have the best impact on our country reguardless of thei party preference. The electorial college lets the voters from these toss up states vote for the best candidate becuase they are more likely to make thought out decisions because they listen to the candidates proposal and not their party.(Posner) With this in mind, that means that in the end the president chosen is thought to be truly the best winner for the presidency because the toss-up staes chose them over the other. A dispute is possible when the outcome of the president's election is presented. However, it is likely that a dispute will happen if popular vote were to be the process of electing our president. There is very little chances that the electorial college will have a tie and there is the realisation that if popular voting were to happen, there would be more tied elections happenning. The country wants to have certainty when voting for their president and having the electorial college allows for every state to have a definite candidate and in turn the country can have a definite president by the end of the elections. The electorial college is vitial when chosing the presdient becuase it gives us certainty in an outcome, evens out the importance of states votes, and gives swinger states an equal vote as well. We need to keep the electorial college and should it be eliminated, it could put our presidential elections at risk. For decades, the electorial college has worked and our founding fathers believed it was necessary. I implore to you thatkeeping the electorial college is the best for the president's elections. Sincerely, A concerned citizen    
Yes, I believe that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit also. In paragraph 4, it states "astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar sytem." It was once covered with large oceans. Venus has features such as valleys, mountains, and craters. If Earth was to end Venus would possibly be our best choice to go to. Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin." Venus has the density and size closest to Earth. In paragraph 8, is states " Venus has value." Only because the insight we have so far on Venus is unbelievable. Studying more on this planet may lead us to many equally intimidating endeavors. There are also many more things we need to study about Venus, that may not be so safe. Venus is the second planet to our sun, which may be too hot for humans to be on. This planet is a very challenging place to examine. Each mission that was sent to Venus no spacecraft has survived more than a few hours. In paragraph 2, it states "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades." Not one person have been missioned to go to Venus for those reasons. In paragraph 3, it states "temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." Also in paragraph 3, is saids "the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." These issues are way too dangerous for humans to be on. Solar power could be plentiful but the raditation would not exceed Earth levels. This may still be survival for humans. In paragraph 6, it states "researchers cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, from a distance." Like I have said no human has been on Venus because they will die right away. But, they believe they can make a machince that last long enough to live to take those samples. They would have to make that machine with mechanical parts so that it can be more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces. In paragraph 8, it states " Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." I believe they will and can studying farther than they have in the past years.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author says Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is on of the brightest points of light in our sky which we can spot on quickly. It's also the second planet from our sun. Venus is also the closest of earth in the size and density too. Venus goes in different speeds when orbiting the sun so sometimes we're closer to Venus and sometimes we're not and closest to Mars. It's been more than three decades that any spaceships has touched Venus. Almost 97 percent carbon dioxidein , over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our planet. Hottest plants in our solar system. Venusian geology and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcalones, earthquakes and more disasters we have on earth too. NASA wants to send humans to study Venus. Which I think is going to be hard. If they will make it back or if they'll even get close to the planet Venus.
The author thinks that people should not stop what there doing because something is dangerous and has risks. The author thinks that venus should still be studied so we can find out why its like the way it is and see if anything is on the planet. The author wants people to keep studying despite the dangers and risks. The author talks about how scientist are trying to make things that can make it to venus and say on the planet for a while and come back. They were thinking of making a giant blimp-like spacecraft that could fly 30 miles over venus and they couls study the planet from there. They could also make a simplified electronics that are made of silicon carbide. They are wrking on ays to continue studying venus. I agree with the author, people should not stop studying it because of the dangers and the risks. They should continue to study it so they can find out if there is anything knw about the planet that we dont know. They could figure out what there is on the planet and why the conditions are so harsh.
Our world had been "centered on the car, and that will have to change" and europe is taking a stand on this subject.  europe takes a stand and tryed and experioment on a new suburb and influnses paris to partake in car-free week and  all is a rage and influnces colombia to try. Europe is taking a stand to the enviromenting harm that cars are causing by conducting an experiment. They have now made rules and regulation abut the Parking of cars in the suburban. An artical writen by Elisabeth Rosenthal states " street parking, drivewaysand home garages are generaly forbidden in this experomental new district  on the out skirts of  Freiburg... Vauban's streets are completly "car free". this is forcing people tio complie and live with a car. Heidrun Walter  a media trainer and mothere of two telles  the writer " when i had a car i was always tense. i'm much happier thid way". she belive that a car is not nessacery to make her happy and now that her carless she coulf never be  greatful. Car are a handy tool to have but the damage that they are causing our environment is unrelistic. " paris bans driving due to smo g" by robert duffer enlightens us that " Paris typically has more smog then other european capitals...[last]week paris had 147 micrograms of particulate matter (pm) per cubic meter comp[ared with 114 in brussela and 79.7 in london". this is a very dis heartining thig that is being caused to our enviroment. luckly people are relizing the damage thate they are causing for generations about ahead of us and trying to solve the problem. paris awhated to try to sovlve the smog issue.  paris plan of action was " Public transit was free of charge from friday to monday... the smog cleared enough monday for the fuli9ng french party to rescind the band of odd numberes plates on tuesday". this experiment did not please alot of people but did show the dramaptic effect that not driving for a five day period can positivly hgave an affect on out enviroment. In corosponding to hearing about all of the enviromantal news for europe.  BOGOTA, Colombia decided to participate in this movevment about cars and had a "car-free day"This fananium has spred liek wild fire and is having millions of people participating.  andrew selsky tells us " millions of colobians hiked, bicked ,skated or took the buses to work during a car-free day."  People are wuilling to suffer with incovelents to help or enviroment for the generations to come. this car-free move ment is not only for the enviroment. Carlos  Arturo rode his two seated bick with is wife and told us " it's a good opportunity to takeaway stress and lower air pollution". These countrys and people are taking steps and leading other epeople in the right direction and creating a better enviroment by participatin in car-free week.
In the passage, many examples were given why Venus is so dangerous to study. Even though the neighboring planet may very dangerous to study, the author supports the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit by describing the reasons why scientists would want to study the planet, and the different ideas that were created to help scientists gain more information. The author has given many examples of how Earth and Venus are alike. In paragraph 4, it stated, ¨Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported carious forms of life, just like Earth.¨ Scientists would want to study Venus because there may be forms of life on Venus that no one might know about. The paragraph also stated, ¨Today, Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and icludes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters.¨ Not only does Venus may have different forms of life, but the planet also has features that planet Earth has as well. Scientist would want to study more to see how those formed and how that might lead into more information about the planet. Paragraph 4 also mentioned, ¨Futhermore, recall that Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frams of space travel.¨ During different times, Mars and Venus can be closer to Earth. Scientists are already studying Mars, and with Venus being so close, they would also want to study it too. For the planet being so close, it would not take that much time to travel. The author of the excerpt has also given information of how the scientists could reach their destination, Venus. In paragraph 5, it said, ¨NASA´s possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray...Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hover Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way.¨ This is an idea of how scientists could study Venus. The author also compared the technology that people have down on earth can help create a solution to get up in space to study. With hovering over the planet, temperatures would ¨still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit¨ as stated in paragraph 5, the pressure would not be as bad. The pressure ¨would be close to that of sea level on Earth.¨ Even though the conditions are still not that great, the survival rate of humans going to Venus would be higher. The author also gave other examples of how people can study Venus. In paragraph 7, it said, ¨NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the choas of Venus´s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions.¨ The author of the excerpt is explaining that NASA has tested an idea that may work out for research of the planet due to the conditions. With the silicon carbide electronics, they may be able to help gather information without burning up right when it reaches to Venus. The paragraph also mentioned, ¨Another project is looking back to an old technology called mechanical computers.¨ The reason that they would use old technology because it deals with older materials, levers and gears. Modern technology would be more delicate in space. The author also mentioned, ¨By comparison, systems that use machanical parts can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces.¨ The author explained why using older technology would help with the other project the scientists are working on rather than using modern technology. With the challenges of the pressure, heat, and other factors that Venus has, the planet is still worth studying. The author have put it into perspective that even though things may be challenging, there are ways to accomplish what the people want. By explaining how Venus is compared to Earth, it will put more determination of gathering information about Venus that no one has figured out before. The different ideas of how people can get up to Venus is another way to present why Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it has. With the dangerous factors that scientists face with Venus, it is still a planet in the sky that is worth studying.
Driverless cars are coming and are here to stay. There are many doubts about these cars as Dr. Werner Huber has expresssed ,"Why would anyone want a driveless car that still needs a driver?" That is very, very good question , but people fail to realize the benefits that driverless cars bring. Texting and driving has caused many deaths, but that could all be diminished. The driverless car can be taken over by a human whenever it is needed , such as: when going through work zones or moving around accidents. The drivelesss car is able to be turned off and on-on demand . The built in car system feature could safe many lifes. If a driver chooses to use a smartphone on the road , the driverless car could take over. Driving a driverless car means safety , and safe is better than reckless. Driverlesss cars have driven by themselves with more than half a million miles without a crash. These cars have the best technology within them. Radar sensors, GPS recievers, internal motion sensors, the list goes on and on . All these special features are helpful and allowthe car to actually mimic the skill of a human driver. Speed sensors are yet to fail on not detecting and responding to the danger of out-of-control skids and rollovers. Many more improvenments for this car are coming and will allow them to handle harder tasks on their own. The technology needed for this ambitious car is present. The founder of the Google Car projects believes that technology has finally pulled through to catch this dream of driverless driving. In fact in 2013, BMV announced the innovation, " Traffic Jam Assistant." This innovation alerts the driver when his assistance is needed. Work is still being done to perfect the driverless cars, even though some states such as : California, Neveda, Florida, and the District of Columbia have made it illegal to even test computer-driven cars. Driveless cars have various accomadations that can't be obtained by humans. Their sensors allow a better response and control than a human driver when using breaks. It is easy to tell driveless cars will give alot back to society. Even, Sergey Brin, Google cofounder, stated that he believes such cars would fundametally change the world.
in firts part venus is literally the "twin" of earth and this maybe is posible but we need to think more clearly about this,have the same stadistic maybe have the same materials with the propiedes. but is too danger,so the only solution is wait,wait an develope suit and resources to help with this,because is big risk make this,because th air and almosphere is danger for all human with a normal suit. but maybe "the sister planet" is posible to habit and use for help the human and his history?, maybe yes but right now : no because we dont have the resource and posibilities to make something right there,and the moment we need to search one one option for make this theory or more better to say : suposition. right now the NASA have informatio for make more investigation and search more ways to get something or any result in the prosses about this "challenge", so is imposible arriva venus? , no but actually yes.
Residents in Vauban, Germany dont own a car and thats about of 70%. There would be 57% of people who would sell their car to just move there. People arnt allowed to street park there cars, put them in driveways and garages "near the French and Swiss borders. People who have and drive cars make the air have pollution. In Paris people were told to abbandon their cars or have to face a $31 fine. There were at least 4,000 people who got fined and 27 people got their car impounded from the reaction of the fine. There was congestion that was down 60 percent in the capital of France. When they had cold nights and warm days it was due to to the warmer layer of air that can trap the car emmisions. It would be easier to think  than a car free. In Bogota Columbia they have banned cars for 3 straight years. It would be a good time for the people to take away their stress and lower the air pollution that is being caused by this. Alot of people from different cities came to join the event. Because of this the day without cars made a huge improvement capaign that started in Bogota. Now the parks and sport centers that grew with bad uneven sidewalks have been replaced by new smooth sidewalks. Plus rush hour laws have made resturants and shopping places came up. With all of this happening it has made a change for everyone to enjoy what they didnt have before. Authorites from othere contries came from Bogota to take a look at the event. It made a revolutionary change and has been crossing Borders. From pollution in the air that people cant stand to nice weather where people can go outside to enjoy. It has shown there has been a drop in the percentage of people that are 16 to 39 are getting there license. It has shown that people would organize summer jobs of their own or use the public transportationo or organize a car pool with friends. A study has shown that driving by young went down 23 percent in 2001 and 2009. People would be parterning with telecommunications industry to make cities so that pedestrians, bicyles, private cars are connected to a network to save time to conserve resources and to lower emissions and most important to improve safety.    
The Facial Action Coding System would not be very valuable for students in a classroom. Yes it is a great advancement in our technology but what would be the point of using one for a classroom. In the article " Making Mona LIsa smile " the author tells us how the Facial Action Coding System works and how it gets it's results. I am against the value of using FACS, simply because I do not find the point of using this in a classroom, I feel it could even be a distraction. The Facial Action Coding System will not help a student figure out how to solve a math equation, or tutor a student if one is struggling. Yes this new development is very fascinating and spectacular but what if students use all of their class time on this system instead of taking notes, or studying. In the article the author tells us that the system only looks at your facial muscles. The author himself gives us information about facial muscles, but not once did the author say the system gives you information about the facial muscles, not once did it say anything about helping students learn. In the second body paragraph of this article the author aksed a question, he asks " Can we actually calculate emotions like math homework?" Some could say or think this system is showing how to calculate math problems ,and some could or will assume that the author will answer that question later on in the article. But the author had a different meaning of " calculation",it wasn't solving a math problem. The meaning of calculation to the author in this story was to solve someones emotions. Why would somebody need to figure out someones emotion in a classroom, how could that help a struggling student? How could that help a teacher while teaching? Cell phones could educate students more than this system but most schools do not allow phones to be used during the school day. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author Nick D'Alto tells us about an outstanding development in technology and what it can do, but I do not feel that it is a valuable to a classroom. I feel that it would be more of a distraction,if the system did a little more things to educate and help the students of a classroom learn then this would be very valuable.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" a writer states that scientists are trying to study the planet Venus. In his article, he claims that while it is very risky, it may be worth it in the end. he also gives details about how dangerous it really is, and what the planet might have been at one point in time. In the second paragraph, The writer claims that Venus is referred to as Earth's "twin''. But the only evidence he gives to back up this claim is that "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of desnity and size." but in reality, Earth and Venus are very differnet. Earth is much safer in terms of temperature, pressure, and gas compaired to Venus. Venus has a blanket of gas that covers it that is, "almost 97 percent carbon dioxide." Plus, on its surface, "temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit." with the level of carbon dioxide and the ragging heat that it has, nothing is safe for long on Venus, especially humans. He does state that several spacecrafts have attempted to land on Venus, and only lasted a few hours, but he doesnt state what happened to them. most people would guess that they just melted entirely because of the extreme heat, which is most likely what happened, but we don't know for sure. Not only is high temperatures and extreme pressures an issue, he also states that there are volcanoes and major earthquakes that happen, plus lightning is constant as well. But there is no context to whether or not scientists are trying to figure out what causes the the powerful earthquakes to happen, or why lightning strikes frequently happen. He also states that, "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life." But there is nothing that follows it that claims what happened or could have happened to cause high pressures, high temperatures, and a high level of carbon dioxide to form. While scientists believe that Venus was at one point like earth, there are some facts that show that it has the looks of earth in some ways. the writer says that Venus, "has a surface of rocky sediments and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters." These features are exactly what earth has as well. But there could be more than what meets the eye. In parapgraph six, the writer says that," peering a Venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far above the planet can provide only limited insight on ground conditions becuase most forms of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere." This issue puts a damper on scientists ability to study the planet. But thats just it, what are scientists trying to study. The article says,"Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge of Venus.'' Which is great they are working on that, but what are they trying to collect, find, or explore. Overall, the article is good, but there needs to be more detail in what is happening. they need information on what scientists are specifically trying to study, what they are looking for, and more detail on how they are progressing in studying Venus. With more details about what they are trying to find, it would be easier to evaluate whether or not the scientist efforts are really worth it, or just a waste of time. A planet that is inhabitable by humans or anything living is already a risk as is.
Is it possible for us to identify human emotions with just a simple picture? Prof. Thomas Haung, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, is working with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam to make a software that is able to recognize the human emotions on Leonardo da VInci's Renaissance painting, Mona Lisa. You may wonder how a computer can recognize facial movements that we use to express our feelings. Well this computer makes a 3-D model of the face. By this point Dr. Huang gives the work over to a psychologist such as Dr. Paul Eckman, who is the creater of FACS. Eckman has classified six basic emotions such as; happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. All of those feelings are associated with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Sometimes we can notice these expressions on our own friends almost every day. Then again we might also end up reading their expression wrong, because we aren't really experts. Yet Dr Huang observes that artists such as da VInci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical information as eletronic code. Wouldn't it be awesome if a computer could read your emotions? Like what if you smiled every time you saw something that you liked, and the computer decided to give you more things simliar to that. Or if you decide you don't like it by scowling or frowning it changes it to something completely different. If these advances were possible it could make learning in school possible to understand if you are struggling. By that I mean you could be getting frustrated with a problem, the computer reads your expression, and suddenly it is giving you an easier version of that same topic you are going over. I think that these softwares actually could be valuablle for the students in the classroom. If the computures could read our expression and help us by automatically changing the lesson to a slightly easier version is very helpful. This can show teachers how well a student is progressing in school by the way the computer is understanding the individual itself. So if it is possible for this kind of technology to happen it would be very successful in most learning industries. This kind of technology can be helpful to some of those who struggle. Sometimes teachers can't just focus on helping one individual at a time every single day when they obviously have other students to attend to. If the computer read every kids facial expression then it could help show the teacher is a student is struggling or not.
Humans have been trying each further from earth for years. NASA are first ones to fly a rocketship on to the moon. Almost everyone on earth wacth the rocket launch and then they tune in to wacth the moon landing on their TVs.The author supports his idea about studying Venus is a worth pursuit depite the dangers it presents awful agruement. The author in "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" explains some details about venus like it nickname and why Venus got called it.But also explain the many issue of Venus, like the fact spacecrafts survived the landing for more than a few hours because the surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit ,and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than our own plant.Also point out the fact that one of our best submarine would get crush and liquefy if it was on Venus. Then he talk about NASA's ideas about they could sent someone to Venus without them dieing in awful way. One Idea would be making a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the Venus's landscape. But that proves to be stupid thought because the researchers cannot take samples of rock,gas, or anthing else from a distance therefore not worth the time. Nasa also have idea of making simpilifed electronics made of silicon carbide that could last 3 weeks on venus which is small step up. At author's final paragraph he started talking about "striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value". But only by using vague statements that dont mean much.For example if we over come this challenge we will gained insight on the planet itself.Personally I belive venus is dead planet void from life ,and just have some stupid rocks ,and killing heat.Also his statement about "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expaned to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation" is dumb , we surive by not throwing humans into their deaths and waste all our limted recourse like metal,fuel. Author supporting ideas to his statement was awful agruement. Author explain more how it horrible idea to try going to Venus then proving it would be worth it. Reading this I hope my way of thinking open your eyes to this Author's foolish ideas. while you at stop funding NASA.
I believe that we should change to the popular vote for the president of the United States. There are three main reasons why. One, the people are being ruled by this president, don't you think every one should get a say in who they want the president to be. Two, Electoral College is not at all fair. Lastly if you have all the people of the United States vote then the process will be more accurate. When you're about to get a brand new car, what do you do? You take it out for a test drive, and see how it runs, and if you like the design and the features it has. Am I right? Well think, if your about to get a new president, and let me remind you they will be in charge of the way you live, don't you think you want to have a say in wether or not you like him or her? It's just like testing out a new car. You bring your family and take a vote on who likes it. The more votes you have the better, because then you see how many like it and how many don't. This Electoral college is not fair at all. It only allows 538 people to get to vote for president. What if the majority of those people wanted a certaint president, and the people that didnt get to vote wanted the other president. Thats not fair. Those people didn't even have a chance. If you weren't apart of the Electoral college how would you feel? Isn't the United States "The land of the free." Then every one should have a say in who their president is going to be. If you have every one in the United States vote then the dominant vote will be much more efficent. More people will be satisfied, and less complaints and assinations. Think about it. The popular vote is the way to go. When your doing a science experiment they say to take as many trials as you possibly can because the experimentation results will be much more accurate. Well why wouldn't you do that for something that is going to affect the ENTIRE United States of America. I hope we make this change. There are so many benefits to the popular vote, why do you think its called the popular vote? The citizens will be satisfied, the process will be much more accurate, and the it will also be fair.
I'm telling you it's not!!! The Face is only a mesa. They have pictures as proof .The Face is just a landformation an alien race did not make it. The Face is a plain old mesa. The reason it looks like a face is because of unusal shadows. Then NASA used a high resoultion camera and saw it was just a landformation. Also Cydonia is an area with mesas. They have multiple pictures of the Face. They releasaed them to the public saying it was a landformation. If it wasn't they wouldn't have told the public. Also in the pictures you can see that it's not a face. Others say that the Face was made by aliens. They say that the photos weren't clear enough and that NASA is trying to hide the ancient alien civiliazation. However, they took much more clear photos . Also if there was an ancient alien civilization NASA would be happy and would tell the world because it would benefit them. The Face is just a mesa not created by aliens. They have photogenic proof. The Face is just a natural landformation. I'm telling you it was not made by aliens!!!
As a memeber of the Seagoing Cowboys it would be best if you joined the program because we could use all the help possible. You can even travel around the world helping as many people as you can. You can also help people recover food supplies and their animals. In the artical it says in paragraph 2 " UNRRA hired " Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas." Also in paragrph 5 it says " Besides helping people, I had the benefit of seeing Europe and China". Then after every person, city, or state has been helped you finally got to go home with your family and friends. And to top it off with on your way home it says in paragraph 8 " The cowboys played baseball and volleyball games in the empty holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, writing, and games also helped pass the time." Then in paragraph 9 it says " But being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Lake Bomberger. It opened up the world to him. " It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs." My conclusion is to join the Seagoing Cowboys becausethey get to help peopleall around the world and they even get to travel all around the world.
I am against this because I belive it would create many arguments and I belive we are not ready for this yet. I think they would get in more wrecks and malfunction. As told in the passage that the cas still need assistence for navigating through work zones and around accidents. I belive that the car would have many problems and cost alot of money. I feel that these cars would not work as well and not do the proper functions and still need to be tested before put out on the market for people to buy. As told in the passage gas prices may drop but the cars that are being made are gonna cost more, so are we really getting a better deal here? I think the reason society is trying to do this so bad is because of people influencing them and I don't think we are advanced enough yet where we can take on something this big. I belive we are not ready to take this big of a leap from comeplete control to a car driving all on its own. I think they should start by selling cars that they know people can trust and they can even start small and work they're way up to cars driving all on there own, but for now I don't think that we are advanced enough for them. I do not think humans will have very much control over the car and if it ever malfunctioned and a human needed to steer and it never says it needs assistence then what? I belive that these cars will wreck and not work as well as well as they think and its a waste of time and money. In the far future when they have tested them alot more and know they are safe for people to drive in, then I belive it is more appropriate. These cars are going to create alot of contraversy between people and the manufacture. People will being trying to sue for malfunctioning cars and hurting them for not working correctly and wrecking. If one car with three people in it malfunctioned and they got hurt wouldn't you try to sue them for giving you a malfunctioning car? I belive these cars are a bad idea and will not make society better or more advanced. I think that we should start slow and not plan ahead of ourselves. I disagree with these cars until we have tested them more and I hope that my point of view helped you understand why I disagree and how I feel.
In the artical Car Free Cities people all over the world are going carless. In German suburbs life goes on without cars. About 70percent of famles go witth out cars people there walk or ride a bike to where ever they go. In Vauban Germany street parking and driveways and home gerages are forbiden in sted people park there cars in a huge parking gerage. they buy a space when they buy a house there In Paris after days of near record poluuution paris enforced a partial driving ban so they can clean the air. In congestion it is 60% of the captil of France. After a couple days of smog in the city on monday people with cars wth even numbered license plates. Were ordered to leave there cars at home. Almost 4,000 people were fined and some people had there cars in pounded for there reaction to the fine. In Bogota Colombia it was the third strate year cars have been baned with only busses and taxies permited. The captil of 7 million people the goal is to the reduce of smog and to finde alternate transport. The day with out cars is part of an campaign that began in in Bogota in t emid 1990s. For the frist time two cities joyined the the day with out cars. The End of Car Culture president Obana has ambitiouus goals to curb the United Sates greenhouse gas. Recent studies sugest that Americans are buying less cars and driving less and getting fewre licents when each year goes on. the United States is the home of the modle T and home of Detroit the place where mustang Sally was immortalized. At the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona,spain,Bill Ford the executive charmin of the Ford mtor compiney lade out a business plan in which personal vehicle ownership is impratcil or undesirablel. Excerpt from "The End of Car culture"by Elisabeth Rosanthal Excerpt from "car Free Day Sprining into a big hit in Bogoat" by andrew Selsky Excerpt from "Paris barns driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer Excerpt from "In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars " by Elisabeth Rosanthal  
With in this article, there are many arguments regarding the self-driving cars. Many positions for opposing and agreeing with the cars can be seen. I, for one, am supporting the idea for self-driving cars. I believe with enough work, these cars will be safer for the roads, and for their passengers. "Within 10 years, those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out-of-control skids and rollovers." [5] This proves that with enough work, this kind of technology can be improved tenfold. "In 2013, BMW annonced the developemnt of 'Traffic Jam Assistant.'" [7] This states that the new technology is being invented all the time. We never really stop inventing, improviong, revising, and publishing new things. With that, self-driving cars will hopefully make for a better commute, with better saftey. It would be a nice advantage to see cars with a function that tests for sobriety, leading to a safer roadway. That, and many other functions that can be implimented into everyday life can make our cars better. So, would self-driving cars be safer? In my opinion, yes they would. We could possibly have a safer network of roads, and a lesser ammount of accidents, and a lesser amount of fatalities regarding self-driving cars.
Scientist have clues that can lead up to life on mars, but we have no proof. Recently scientist found water on mars, which is needed for life, but we have no set in stone proof that aliens do exist. They are still searching for the proof that they are out there some where, if there is any proof at all. This could all be a search for nothing. 25 years ago an interesting shape was found on the planet Mars. This shape is the shape of an egyption face. Many thought it was a sign of life outside of Earth. It went viral. Really it was a landform common around the American West. The process of creating this was done over many years, many life times. It was not aliens, it was the work of plate techtonics. One day scientist may find solid proof that aliens exist. They are getting closer and closer to new evidence to new things, some we didn't know existed. But for now, aliens are still mythological and the face is not an alien artifact.
You should join Seagoing Cowboys program because you can see lots of things you have never seen before in your life. And you can spend time were ever you go but not forever. You can stay there for maybe a day or two. But that is mostly for rest, it dosen't mean you can't play around with kids or meat new people. And you get to go sailing alot when you are traviling to were you are going or if you are going back to were you live. When you are going to were ou have to go you do have to bring straw,hay, and soy beans. For the animals to eat because you do have to take care of the animals. But you would probably like taking care of the different animals you haven't seen in your life before. And if you are luke you would take advantage of it because you can meat new people and play new games in your life. Plus when you go home you can tell stories about what you did and when someone ask you if you went to china or somthing you can say yes probably. Then you would probably have to go back so when you do you won't have to sneak around because you will no people. That is why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
Not A Face The Face on Mars is just a natural landform, although some people believe that the Face is bona fide edvidence of life on mars I can insure you its not. I can give three good reasons why I am insisting that this sculpture is just a rock. First of all we had a better camera when we went back to investigate. Second of all we double cheaked our reasch. And third of all both results proved that it indeed was just a landform, much like Americas. In 1998 we send a special team called the MOC to investigate the Face. The MOC team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original photos back in 1976. These photos came back stating that it was a natural land form. But not everyone was satisfied. At that time the MOC had took the photo it was winter in April '98 on the planet- a cloudy time of the year on mars. The camera might have been fogged. Two prove ower statement in 2001 we sent the MOC to take a second photo of the Face this time during the planets summer and with an even better camera. This newer camera had higher definition than the other two. When results came back they, again, stated a natural land mark. As you can see not only did we cheak once but twice both supporting NASA'S claim that "the Face of Mars" was just a rock after all.
The face could not be an alien act because of the effect that it shows when it is showing the appearance. The only time it actually look like a face is when the sun is at a certain angle that makes the mouth and eyes appear. The face is made of rock sticking out of the ground. It revealed a natural land form , because there was no alien monument anyway. The picture shows the martian equivalent of a butte or mesa which is a landform that common around the american west. The face is just a example of corrosion on mars that there was a rock there that after so long got corroded into looking like a face by chance. It coulnt have been by alien hands because we wouldv noticed some type of life form around it by now. And the research shows that it is just a rock form that was corroded into a face. by the way you can only see it in certain ways.
I think these cars could be dangerous because they drive on their own. Anything could happen with a driverless car. It could mess up a turn or anything and could crash. It sounds like a good invention but having a car you have no control over driving sounds a bit scary. I mean what would you do if you couldnt stop the car? These driverless cars they are making are controlled by a computer. What would people with driverless cars do if the computer controlling their car just crashed , or stopped working. These cars could put someone in danger all because they have no control over it. In the text they talk about how the more smarter cars needed a lot of sensors for the startes to work. How would you feel about a car that starts itself? Think about it! Yes , it does sound nice but anything could happen to those sensors. If something were to happen to those sensors how would the car start? You'd pretty much be carless unless you took all that extra stuff out. There are alot of things that could come with having driverless car. If I were a person who sells and advertises people to buy cars I most defintiely would not recommend them to buy a driverless car, it sounds scary and dangerous to me. The things they are coming out with now and days are crazy. It just doesn't sound like something thats safe to me. What if parents had there kids in the car and something just went wrong with the car all because they had control and it cause an accident? Their would be nothing they could do. In paragraph 7 it says " All driverless cars are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills , if its a driverless car which should function on its own why would it need human skills. It must not be too good to drive its ownself. I would just reconsider it on a safety level, to be on the safe side. Some things don't sound right. Can't trust everything just because it looks and sounds nice, looks can be very deceiving. Just because they say the car is good doesn't mean it is. People always make things sound so good just to get you to buy them. That's just like the saying " everything that glitters isn't gold" meaning just because it looks good doesn't mean it is. It would be crazy riding in a driverless car if you were on the highway during rush-hour. How would the car know if you needed to get over or not? How would it know where to take you? I would feel more comfortable riding in a car where i can drive for myself. Maybe I'm just used to the normal driving , anything after that sounds crazy. In the beginning of paragraph 8 they asked the question " Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver?" "Wouldnt drivers get bored waiting for their turn to drive?" I think many people would get bored sititng in a car they couldn't drive until it was needed. It just sounds pretty pointless to me. Your sitting behind a wheel and your not able to drive until it tells you to. If i had the chance I wouldn't ride in it. I wouldn't want a car telling me when I can and cannot drive. In paragraph 7 they say how if you were in danger the car would alert the driver to be ready to drive, but if the car is so good like they say why would the car need to alert the driver to drive when its a driverless car. When I think of the word driverless I think of a no-driving car where you have to do no driving , all you do is sit back and ride. Theres something that is not to good about the car if you have to drive it why its driverless.
Using an software on students cound be a helpfull software that could make it easier for them to know if the topic they are teaching is interesting or an boring topic. This could be helpful for teachers to know if they should go more in depth on the topic or should they stop and move onto something more interesting. Being on an un interested topic for so long can cause students to get off topic, be distracted, play games, sleep. In the article it gives out examples how they could possibly test this new software out. They thought of an idea with the use or ads that pop up constantly on website. They came up with the idea that they can use the ads to tell the encode of how you feel about the ad if you smile at it. If you smile at it, a simlilar ad will show up next. If you frown at the ad an ad that is completly diffrent than the one defore will show up to see which one is the most effective to an human beings mind. Technology can make computers animated face more expressive for gaming and video surgery like an human instructor.
This article talks about how Venus can be very challenging if you were to travel and land on it. It explains the very hostile living conditions that one can face while living or being on such a planet. Venus is part of our solar system and it is the second planet from the sun. Venus is kind of like Earth in a way because they have some sort of relations to each other, expect for the fact that if you go and try to live there you may crushed or even liquefied. No one would be able to stay on Venus since it is considered to have the hottest surface temperature than any planet in our solar system. The author makes really good points on why studying Venus can have a great outcome despite the dangers it may bring with it. In the article it states that astronomers are fascinated by Venus since it may have been very similar to a planet we live in. They get to discover if Earth really could of supported any types of life long ago. The author says that Venus could be one of our nearest option to go explore and also since it is considered as Earth's "Twin". Exploring Venus may be a challenge but The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, also refered as NASA, were thinking on sending something like a vehicle to float just enough the surface of Venus. They decided on something like that to avoid any bad conditions that are said to happen. Even though when floating up in the surface they wont be able to have physical evidence from the planet like samples of rocks but they are able to provide insite on how things are in Venus. In the article it states that the scientists are wiling to take the risk to go study this planet to be able to learn more about it. In conclusion, the author supported the article very well on how studying Venus can provide valuable information and that they should go ahead and study it. There are challenges on the way such as the horrible conditions if they do decide to pursue but there are ways around that. They also have more than one idea they can use if one dosen't go as planned like simplified electronics that will be able to survive the pressure, heat, and may other forces that Venus has to offer. They should go for exploration because it could bring more knowlegde and insite on the "Earth's twin" than just the predictions that were made in the past.
Twently five years ago something funny happened around Mars. NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft was circling the plannet, snapping photos of possible landing sites for its sister ship Viking 2 when it spotted the shadowy likeness of a human face. An enormous head nearly two miles from end to end seemed to be staring back at the cameras from a regions red planet called Cydonia. The face of mars is an all natural landform Its a huge rock formation which resembles a human head ... formed by shawdow giving the illusion of eyes, nose and mouth. The face of mars is a natural landform there was no alien monument after all. Research shows The Face of mars is a natural landform there was no alien monument. As said is research what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa - Landforms common around the American West. ''It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho.'' Thats a lava dome that takes the of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars . As a rule of thumb, you can discern things in a digital image 3 times bigger than the pixel size , so if there was more to it than the fact its just the Face of mars . If there were objects in the picture like airplanes on the ground or Pryamids or even small shakes you would be able to see what they were .
Is there any advantages of limiting car usage? Whether it's for the environment or even your health, there are some advatages that overall can help you. Lets be honest, cars aren't cheap and i don't really see them getting any cheaper but walking from point A to point B is free. It's kind of like killing two birds with one stone, by walking you save the environment from the gas you would be burning and you're saving money at the same time. Limiting or even completly getting rid of driving can help you become a happier or even tense free person. Driving a vehicle, escpecially on a congested highway or road can create road rage causing you to become more stressful and aggrivated. In a suburb in Germany, residents there are giving up their cars, something they have never done before. They seem to be working efficiently without their cars, still being able to go to the store and work. It seems that they like this way of life better, stress free and no worrys of getting stuck in traffic. Like what Heidrun Walter explained in source one, she said "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." People are so infactuated with the thought of driving and cars but they don't realize that driving all the time is effecting your health. Personally, I think it's some of the reason as to why there is so much obesity in this world. Not only is driving all the time bad for your health but it's also bad for the environment. Paris had a problem with there being so much smog, that they actually had to enforce a partial ban from driving. The partial ban was working, it was said in source 2 that after five days of intensifying smog, congestion went down 60 percent in the capitol of France. The partial ban worked with trying to clear out the smog to help the environment so well that the French party rescind the ban for odd numbered plates on tuesday's. Source 3 explained that in Columbia they were going on there third year of cars being banned except for buses and taxis. Just like in Germany people seemed to being adjusting and liking the idea of no cars on the roadway. A business man named Carlos Arturo Plaza, said that "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" referring to Columbias third year of banning cars. Even if you just have to go right down the street, people hop in there cars and go, when in fact you can just walk. An official of Transportation for America,David Goldberg, expressed about how depended we are on vehicles. He said "All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change." And change is what seems to be exactly happening. In source 4 it was said that there seemed to be a decline in America's love affair with their vehicles. According to Doug Short, who is apart of an investment research comapany said that "When adjusted for population growth, the number of miles driven in the United States peaked in 2005 and dropped steadily thereafter." Maybe people are starting to realize that you don't necessarily need to drive and that it's more of previlge then a must.    
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Studying Venus is a good idea and learn more about the Venus from other planet and Venus has a pretty good nickname and The National aeronautics and Space Administration has one particulary compelling idea for sending humans to study venus, Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape. First, studying Venus might be dangerous but it good to learn more about other planets than alwys studying our panet and Venus sometimes called the "Evening Star," is one od the brighest points of light in the sky, making it simple for even an amateur strgazer to spot. Second, Venus is the most closet to Earth in terms od density ans size, ans occasionally the closet distance too. Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds. These difference in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to Mars and other times to Venus because Venus is sometimes right around the corner in space terms humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Third, Venus is a thick atmosphere of alomst 97 percent cabon dioxide blankets. Even more challenging are the clouds of ighly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. In Conclusion, their is alot of ways to study and some of them are not the same as someoe who wrote it and studying Venus or Mars are very good to study in other planet it because Venus and Mar are the closet planet in Earth. Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only becuase of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeovers.
Automated vehicles are nice and all, but when it comes donw to it, ahuman should be responsible for his or her own actions on the road. The use of automated automotives just seems to be a liitle too risky to use on roads within the next few years. Automated automobiles might sound like a good idea in theory, but technology fails all of the time and I would not be surprised whatsoever if lawsuits sprung up in the near future, due to accidents caused by so-called "smart" cars. There are currently no laws regarding smart cars, smart cars are unreliable, and smart cars would not offer the same experience as a normal vehicle would. One would assume that driverless cars are 100% safe. That is a very false statement, as drivers may still take control of the wheel. Who is to say that a driver would not just grab the wheel, drive off of the side of the road, and attempt to sue a car manufacturer for a faulty product? There are little to no laws regarding self-automated vehicles in most states. New sets of laws and other rules would have to be put in place in order to maintain peace between civilians and car manufacturers. Paragraph #9 states that new laws would have to be made in order to assure liability to a specific party if one got in a crash due to the smart cars. It seems highly impractical, and it also seems like a waste of precious time and money. Smart cars may sound very safe and enjoyable in theory, but all technology has the capability to fail at any given moment. Imagine a world where driverless cars are simply rolling along down the streets, and perhaps one combusts here, or another veers off of the road there. Paragraph #7 talks about how some cars are only partially automated, and that is honestly the best way to handle the situation. A driver should still be responsible and should be able to make his/her own decisions on what to do on the road. There are dangers in this as well, because some people are not bright enough to use and understand the technology to its full advantage, and could cause problems in the process of maintaining the vehicle. If a vehicle has multiple sensors scattered around its body, those sensors can be tampered with and can malifunction; whether it be intentional, or a simple mistake, accidents do occur on the road. There is no experience in the world like driving a car. Kids look forward to it their whole lives! Girls will get cars on their 16th or 17th birthday and SURPRISE! YOU DO NOT ACTUALLY GET TO DRIVE IT! A computer will do it for you! To me, that does not sound appealing or very fun in the slightest sense. Imagine sitting at the sterring wheel and dozing off, due to the fact that you have not had to touch the sterring wheel in miles. Dozing off at the wheel could be a fatal experience. Making drivers operate a vehicle is much safer than allowing a computer to do so, because it should be the choice of the driver as to what happens on the road. In paragraph #8, a psychologist states that automated vehicles could cause drivers at the wheel to get bored. Boredom leads to weariness, which will eventually lead to sleep, which in turn could result in a fatal accident to the driver, a passenger, or pedestrians/cyclist. If someone did not want to drive or take responibilty for it, they could have someone else drive, they could ride a train, or fly in an airplane! It just seems so unrealistic and kind of ridiculous that someone would actually want to be driven by a machine. If a person owns a car, they should be responsible for managing it and whatever occurs on the open road. There is no practical use for smart cars in a modern day society. Perhaps in the future, when technology is more advanced and when the people of the world are even more brain dead than they currently are, we could have smart cars driving people freely throughout the streets. Smart cars will never live up to the security and safety measures of vehicles operated by a human driver. Smart cars are a lot more trouble than they seem to be worth. Smart cars would require new laws, maintenace and regular repair (so a malifunction may not occur), and trust in a machine that could fail at any given moment. Smart cars will only make the human mind much more lazy, and we will continue to degress as a society if we allow smart cars to become our preferred mode of transportation.
There is no "face" on the planet Mars in the Cydonia region. I feel that it is people's imagination coming to life in strong arguments. Although it isn't a face, people are still making a big controversy over the Face on Mars. First of all, in 1976, when the picture was taken, technology wasn't the best, so it could have been some lack of better technology that could've made it look like a face. In paragraph 10, the author states, "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." Also, in paragraph 11, the author says, "So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were!" These two quotes state that the improvement of technology has proved that this isn't any Martian-made object. Secondly, the 2001 camera's high resolution allowed a closer and more evidential look. Again, in paragraph 10, the author states, "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo." This quotation's second reason proves that the camera could zoom in closer and get evidence to support that the formation is not a face. Lastly, the formation is just a natural landform called a "mesa." The author says, "Scientist figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia, only this one had unusual shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh." In comparison, paragraph 12 claims, "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa---landforms common around the American West. 'It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho,' says Garvin. 'That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.'" Both of these quotes tell us that scientific research proves that the Face on Mars is fake, and that it is actually a mesa. The Face on Mars in the region of Cydonia is actually a mesa. I feel that the Face on Mars is causing too much of a controversy. I hope that as technology improves, we can get better views on the landform to get better evidence that it is a Mesa and not a Martian-made face.
Most people who reach the age of 16 are elated to be able to learn how to drive. When they reach that point in their lives, they feel independent, responsible. They would not like to have that priviledge taken away from them. In fact, though most teens start to question authority more around the age of 16, they would do anything to stay out of trouble and would never risk the chance of having their driving priviledge revoked. Driverless cars would eliminate the entire experience of learning how to drive and all the pleasure one feels from it. Driverless cars are an brilliant idea and would reduce the number of casualties and deaths that are caused by car accidents every year. They would also, however, bring up new problems that would need to be solved. Not everyone would be able to afford a driverless car, as they would no doubt be extremely expensive, therefor not everyone would have one. If there were to be a mix of car types on the road, there would be the issue of accidents caused by cars with drivers. Would the person with the driverless car be considered faultless everytime just because it is assumed that the driverless car has everything under control? Would the person driving their own car be to blame because they should be responsible enough to watch where they are going and navigate the roads safely? Another issue that would arise would be NASCAR. If driverless cars became the norm, what would be the point of racecars? Many people would lose their jobs because they had only worked in one position for a long period of time. The men and women in the pit stops would lose their jobs, as well as the drivers themselves. Companies that are funded by NASCAR would be in trouble as well because who would they have to help them out? Driverless cars would eliminate some jobs, but also create some others. Companies that make computer-driven cars would have a ton of business, therefor increasing the employment rates. That also increases the chance of theft by the companies' employees. With the new demand of different, more expensive parts, employees would more than likely be tempted to steal from one company to help another if it meant a larger paycheck. Which ever company was doing the best would have to be extremely careful and might even have to hirer extra security to protect themselves and their products. Driverless cars would both solve and cause problems in the future, should they become the norm. If not everyone could afford the new, expensive cars, who would be blamed for the car accidents that are bound to happen? Sports that include car racing, such as NASCAR, would be eliminated and thousands of people would be left without jobs and, potentially, on the streets. Though the new cars would create new jobs as well, they would also cause new thefts by employees in companies to better the flow of there income. Driverless cars would cause more problems than they would be worth in the long run.
in this essay i am going to be writting about how a new technology called the facial action coding system enable computers to identify human emotions. an i am going to be writting that this could be valuable. i am going to be writting about why this is valuble. first,in this paragraph i am going to be writting about how "the facial expressions for each emotion are universal."in the article it says that some individuals often show diffrent types of expression,for example they used the one not smiling as broadly. what this is showing that this new thing that can identify the emotions could be usefull because it can let ther people know what is wrong with you and why you are not happy or why you are sad. in the article it also said that it can identify mixed emotions as they used da vinci's masterpiece. second,in this paragraph i am writting about how this could help you with your friends and other people around you. in the article it says that we could already tell how one of our friends is feeling and how they look because we already know them. but it also says that we could probobly have some trouble describing them facial traits. and that is what this new technology does it tells you and shows you th facial traits that convey happy and worried. third,in this paragraph i am going to be writting about how this could be useful in class and how this could help others. the example they used was a computer and some ads. the ads could tell your smile and if you are happy then another ad will pop up that is similar,but also if you frown the ads will be diffrent. they used a computer in a classrom because in the article it says that this computer could recognize if the student is becoming cnfused or bored. aalso in the article it says that this means that it could modify the lesson to the way you might understand it. this is why i think this is valuable in some cases. in conclusion,i wrote about how this could be valuable. i said that this could be valuable because this could be used to show the diffrent emotions and how people are feeling. i also wrote about how this could be used in the classrom because it could tell wether they are confused with the lesson and if they are then the computer will modify the lesson to a way that you could understand it. this is what i wrote about in this essay and i am sying that yes this could be valuable in the classrooms.
Seagoing Cowboys need more members. The benefits of becoming a Seagoing Cowboy are visiting exciting places, becoming more aware of people who need help, a young man might not get drafted into the army, and there is ways that the boys find to have fun after the cattle has been unloaded. Being able to travel all across the world is a benefit of being a Seagoing Cowboy. Many take tours and go sightseeing at each destination they arrive at. A Seagoing Cowboy will become more aware of the people in need that are around them every single day. Luke Bomberger was a Cowboy and after he was discharged his family hosted a good number of exchage visitors and international students. Another reason someone might join the Seagoing Cowboys program is that they might not get drafted in the army if they are the correct age of 18. They army would see that they are already helping out in the war. They would be helping in the war by bring cattle to the countries that lost most of their cattle and fields. After the cattle had been unloaded all of the boy on board the ship would play baseball and volleyball in the hold where the cattle had been. Whittling, reading, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, and other games were used to pass the time. Being a Seagoing Cowboy let the boys visit exciting places and become more aware of people who need help. A young man might not get drafted into the army and there is ways that the boys find to have fun after the cattle has been unloaded. All of these reasons lead up to joining the Cowboys as soon as possible.
Luke' point of view of convincing others to participate in seagoings cowboys program . The text states , Luke was 18 before going to grece and when the draft board learned he was on a cattle boat trip , they told him to just keep doing his service . The text also states , it took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of china to the united states and a month to get to china . The text also states , caring for the animals during the crossing kept Luke busy , they had to feed and watered water the animals two or three times a day . Luke says helping on with his aunt katie's farm as a boy had prepaired him for hard work ,but not for the dangers at sea . on his second trip , Luke served as night watchman . his job was to check on all the animals every hour . Luke said on one rainy night , after making his hourly eport to the captain , he slid down a slippery ladder on his backside , and his heart started pounding . Luke also found a way to have fun on board, especially on return when the animals have been unloaded . At the end Luke said being a seagoing cowboy was much more than an adventure , it made Luke's world open up for him . This proves that Luke's point of view convincing people to go to the seagoing cowboys program .
This is going to be an argumentaive essay about the contriversy wether or not the face is a alien or a natural landform. I am really going towards why it is much more like a natural landform than it is a alien. I mean it could be possible, but I'm edging towards the more realistic view point. Ok so the artical clearly states that Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original vikings photos. When the picture was analized it was proven to be a landform NOT a alien monument. Of course the stuburn ones wanted to believe the opposite,because that's what they do. So they looked again for the the sake of proven the hard to belive ones wrong. They got an even better picture this time, but found more information. The martian is equivalent of butte or mesa which are landforms common in the American West. So with this said, if it wasn't for the stuborn ones they never would of went back and found this piece of valuable information. So there you have it do you belive it now or do you want me to go get a ''better''picture for you.
Do you really think that there is a face on mars? Think about it, is that really logical? I am going to explain to you why this idea is not logical. I think that the face on mars is just the background for a couple of reasons. These are my reasons. First, it is impossible for there to be aleins because there is no water. Every living organism needs water. Another reason why it cannot be aliens is that when they did a close up they didnt find anything. The camera was special because it caught even the smallest of things. For example, if there was some sort of shack, this camera's lens could spot it, as said in paragraph 11. Another reason why i think that this could just be a coincidence is that every planet has oddly shaped landmarks. For example, earth has rocks hat are all placed in a circle in Ireland. In conclusion, this why I think that this face on mars is just a coincidence and a landmark. These reasons are why you should believe my theory. Thinking that it is some kind of alien landmark is a uneducated idea. These are my reasons.
I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program. It is a program where you get to help people and travel the world. If you like animals you get to help them. Animals such as horses, cows, and mules. You can feed them, and bring water for them, and most of all care for them. Cleaning out the animals stalls and putting food in their bales might be smelly but at least you are doing something to help. You can also have fun. There are so many activities to do with your friends like baseball and volleyball gmes. There is also table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading,and whittling. You would also get to travel around the world to different places to sight see. Examples of that are you could go to Greece seeing the Acopolis, Europe and China, and take a gondola ride in Italy. This trip will make you realize and be aware of the people and counties and their needs. Your helping people meet their needs. The more people helping the less people struggleling to make a living in this world. Their are so many people that do not have breakfast to wake up to, or a warm bed to sleep in, or even toys to play with. That is why we need you. These are reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboy program. There is so much you could do that it is a really amazing opportinity. To help animals, to help people, and traveling learning about different cutures, making new friends and having fun!!
Hi,My name is Luke. Today I am here to tell you why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. First I am going to tell you what we do. You will be hired by the UNRRA.We travel over seas taking care of animals such as horses, young cows,and mules. Now I am going to tell you why I think you should join us. First of all you will be helping other people and its always nice to help somebody out. Also you will have to take care of animals and thats a very nice job. You will be traveling a lot. Now here comes the good part,you will get to see a lot of cool sites that you never seen before! Here are some places you might go and see alot of cool things in, Europe,China,Greece and Venice, Italy. All of these places have cool things you can go to. For example in Greece you can go see Acropolis. You probably would also love taking a grondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city which streets are water! So these are all my reason why I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. You will be helping people out,you will see alot of cool things. You won't regret it. Please support us and join this program.
Drivless cars has its cons and pros to it, but i would say it's a bad idea. Drivers have already enough on their plate when driving because not only do they have to keep themselves safe but also the people in the car and other cars that share the same road. Also the coast of this car would be outrageous. Most Americans would not be able to afford that luxery. The "driverless" car is also not something that represnts its name. When I think about "driverless" car I think about cars that have no need for divers even in the passaenger seat. These cars are not what they say they are, they only can drive when its easy and they alerat you when they could not be able to drive anymore. If companies are going to makes a driverless car they should go all out and not excite the consumers with hopes and lies. In America it will always come down to one thing, money. How much time and research will it take to produce this car? "In the late 1950s, General motors created a concept car that could run on a special test track ... track was embedded with an electrical vale that sent radio signals to a reciever on the front end of the car" also "Engneers at Berkeley tried soemthing similar, but they used magnets with alternating polarity.. in binary code". While both of these test and ideas were a great invention the article stated it was just too expensive. Is this centurys technology different or more advance. America is 19 trillion dollars in debt this past year and the debt is only rising. If these cars would undergo production that would be a lot of money to produce and they would sell them for a lot more to the buyers, a luxery many americans can't afford. Then they would be left with no buyers and a ton of un-used cars, it would truely be a waste of money. Thats even saying if they can compose the car correctly. There are also many other factors when it comes to testing and trying to produce these driverless cars. "In most states it is iligal to test computer-driven cars" so where do the comanies like GMC, BMW, and other companies that produce cars will test their cars. Testing the cars in safety and how it works is a must but what are the car companies going to do if they ever do get approved with their car. Laws in every state would have to shift and new laws would have to be created. Also new insurance policys would have to be created. All of this adds up to be a lot of money, something most amercians do not have. In ever case of an acident, who's fualt woudl it be, driver or manufactuer? With the new laws that would have to be passes with this driverless car new libility coverages would have to be passes and bought by the consumers. Many question will arrise fromt he consumers. Their car insurance will defiantly go up just in cae of an accident. If an accident ever did occur in the hand of the driverless car, that never alerted the driver to take control, insurance would have to cover it of course but its not the drivers fualt for a malfunction in the car. The manufacture should be the one the pay the accident. Another con would be if the manufactur should on take the responsiblity and a even bigger accident happend like a death and the driver blammed it on the driverless car, who would go to jail then. These are many the factors one should think about before putting the driverless car in the market. "Tesla has projected release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 precent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020". The driverless cars are already an undergo in production. No laws have been passed yet that could be able to drive this driverless car except California,Nevada,Florida, and the District of Columbia have allowed to only test cars. If these big car comapies decide to start working on and producucing thses cars they are going to have a while until they can start selling them due to no state allows american to drive. Thats more money they spent in pruduction that they will not see back right away. They will cuase Amercia to be more in debt.
Dear Senator, I think you need to change it to where the election goes by popular vote for the president of the United States. It's not fair to have electoral college. The people that have to obide by the president should be able too choose who thier president is. I can see where people like the electoral college because the electors get to choose and it has to be a majority of 270 electoral votes. I also don't like the fact that all of the states get a different amount of electoral votes. Claifornia gets the most amount of electoral votes, it gets 55. But there are a few states that only get three or four. All of the states should get an equal amout of votes, We are the 'United' states, arnt we? The idea of the common adult (over the age of 18) being able to vote is a good way to let us keep our say in things, especially if we get to choose who the president is going to be. Once again, I think you should change it to popular vote for the president of the United States.
We (NASA) have recently discovered the "face" on Mars which has been a big thing since we gave the information out to the world. A lot of people think it's an actual face created by aliens because the time before we discovered it it was foggy up on Mars so they think aliens must have did it then. Do you think it's a real face created by aliens or just something natural that happened? Since you said yes your wrong and now I'm going to give factoral information to support my answer. First we did think that it could have been a real face too but that didn't last very long because every happening has to have an explanation. We figured it was just another Martian mesa but it did turn out to have unusual shadows making it look like an Egyptian Pharaoh. But that's all it was just unusual shadows that appeared on the "face". We then later revealed the image for everyone to see and it sure did give a lot of attraction to Mars. The "face" appeared in movies, books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even in a haunted grocery store check out line for 25 years! Then everyone thought that that was actual evidence of life on Mars! NASA kind of did wish that there was ancient civilization on Mars. It was our priority to take bunch of pictures of this controversy to come up with an explanation for all this for everyone to understand what it really is. So in 1998 when the Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, the (MOC) team shot a picture ten times that was even more clearer than the originals. Everyone was exited, waiting for the picture to come out on the internet to figure out what it really was. The picture then finally came out and it turned out to be a natural landform! Not very exiting, huh? But still a lot people didn't believe us because in the winter of 1998 it was very cloudy up there and some beleive the aliens were hidden by the fog. So in April 2001, we went to get a second look and this time we used the best camera we could find that picked out every detail. Do you think they found alien evidence? Nope we didn't, it turned out to be a butte or a mesa. So now you know the real answer. Even though it does look like a face and is very unusual we found the facts. But could maybe someday we find weird alien evidence up in space on a planet? We'll see!
Is it a good idea to have driverless cars? For me I don't think we should have driverless cars. For one it will be more dangerous. Second you will have less knowledge of cars when you think the car just drives by itself. Last you won't remember what to do and you'll panick when danger comes. That's why I think we shouldn't have driverless cars. First, I think having driverless cars are really dangerous. One reason I think of that because you will not pay attention and you think that technology will take over. Technology isn't always the best source to trust. You can never trust technology because there will always be an error and the car will not work properly and the manufacture will be in alot of trouble for all the harm that has happen. Second, you will have less knowledge with your vechile, when you think the car can do it all by theirselves. You will get to the point of being lazy and not worrying when danger comes because you won't worry about getting into danger when the car knows what to do. You will always rely on the vechile to do things for you and won't care what happens and you'll just blame it on the vechile and say it wasn't your fault even though it was part of your fault. Last, you won't remember anything you learned and you will lack knowledge. When that comes you'll panick and be confuse when you don't know something. When danger comes you won't know what to do and you will panick and get into an accident. Most drivers won't care about safety because they will think its a driverless car that they don't need to know anyhting it will do eveything for them. That's why I think we shouldn't have driverless cars. For one it will be more dangerous. Second you will have less knowledge of cars when you think the car just drives by itself. Last you wont remember what to do and you'll panick when danger comes. Do you really think we should have driverless cars?
In the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" sounds very interesting, but my arugement on this is article is against it because it sounds very unsafe. What if the driverless care malfunctions and you arent paying attention and get involved in the accident? Will the company of the car help you or give you another car or maybe even pay what is costed for the whole situation? Probably not. Its not worth making or even buying one of the driverless cars. Even a car itself malfunctions. Driverless cars can cost up to millions of dollars or even more. Driverless cars sound like you need to get one and leave the old one. The fact that the driverless car may be really expensive is ridiculess. Only famous people can afford it. Maybe other weathly people can. Not just anyone will be able to afford the car. Any person can afford a car at least that works even if it is an old car. Cars can cost lots of money when you can buy something else. Many, many people want this car because you dont have to drive but when there is an alert you have to drive. Also it requires a driver anyways. Many people want this car because you can just get one and it will drive by itself so that person can get one his or her phone while the car is in operation itself. This is ridiculess! You dont need a car that will drive by itself so you can enjoy being on your phone. You can go home after whatever event you went to and get on your phone and enjoy it. This driverless car is not always safe because it can malfunction and cause a really bad accident and it can injure a person big time. The company may or may not help you out in this situation. Why? because the company may think is your fault for not paying attention to the car for being on your phone or doing something else, when the car alert you. The car wont always operate on itself unless its monitored and controlled by someone. Maybe the company is right, but technology malfunctions all the time. It is even worse when malfunction on a car. This article does sounds like it is a great idea to get a driverless car. Probably anyone may get this car. I disagree for companys to make this types of cars. They should even have a law for making driverless cars that can cause an accident or injure someone. What is the whole point of making a driverless car if it still has to be monitored either way. Doesnt not sound interesting or cool. It is a very dangerous idea. Technology wasnt made perfect and it wont be perfect either.
Are driverless cars really that necessary? Driverless cars, in my oppion are not going to make the world better. I think that they will just make life more challenging, and will cause more problems. What is the difference between a driverless car and a normal car? Are they really driverless? Do they garrentee you saftey? Who wants a car that is supposed to be driverless but still needs a driver? I don't think I would. A driverless car is just like a normal car that you have to control. You still have to be alert and watch the roads just as you would in a regular car. There really is no difference between a driverless car and a normal car, except one is a little more upgraded. These new driverless cars do not garentee that you will be safe at all times.The lawmakers say that safety is best achieved with an alert human driver. You are safer in a vehicle if you are driving rather than a robot driving. Testing computer-driven cars is illegal in most states. It is illegal because the people believe that driverless cars are not safe and will cause more accidents, and injuries. Driverless cars are not really driverless. If they are driverless then why do the drivers have to stay alert at all times. Google has created a car that can drive in specific conditons. Google cars have driven more that half a million miles without crashes, but they are not completley driverless. Their cars can only handle certain things, and when the car can not accomplish the task it hands the task to the human, who should be ready to take over at any time. I belive that driverless cars are not really driverless, they are not safe, and they are very similar to a normal car. So don't waste your time and money on buying a driverless car. They are not what you thought they would be.
Do you wanna know how people feel about the driverless cars, well here is more information. My argument for this passage is I am against the devolpment of these new driverless cars. Some of the reasons I am against the devolpment is because i feel its a waste of money, still requires a driver, and saftey. If they are not completely driverless and safer than the normal cars would be qhy should we devolp them. These are the reasons of why I am against the development of the driverless cars. One of the reason I am against the devolpment of the driverless cars is because it could become a waste of money. The way it could waste money is by the number of production have to be made to supply the world with one which involves a lot of material. Also if the computer fails at some point and people crash then there is a higher chance that the manufacters would get sued. As it states in the reading that if the technology fails and somone is injuired who is at fault-the driver or the manufacter. This is the reasons how its a waste of money follows in line with being against the devolpment of the driverless cars. Aonther reason i am against the devolpment of driverless cars is because they are not all the way driverless. The driver has to take over at some point in time. One reason they would have to is if the car senses danger the driver is suppose to take control. It states that there has to be a driver in the car. This is the reasons how i am against the driverless cars because its not complety driverless. Last but not least reason of why im against the development of the driverless cars is because of safety. They are not really going to be that safe because of the driver will be entertained so they arent bored which will cause them not be alert so if they have to take over they wont know what to do. Its states this in the reading that BMW stated in paragraph eight or nine. They may be better for enviroment but not for peoples health concerns. This is the reasons where i feel the car lacks safety and this is why im against the devolpment of the driverless cars. In conclusion, I have listed some of the main ideas of why im against the devolpment of the driverless cars. I aslo had followed and supported those ideas with details from the articles. I had came up with the reasons im against the devoplment is because of waste of money, not to proper about being totally driverless, and the safety features. This is my arguement of why im against the devolpment of the driverless cars.