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People should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because it would be a great way to work with animals, travel, and visit new places. By joining you'll be able to learn and know how to care for animals. You'll also be helping countries find there way back to the top like Luke did. You can have fun on the Seagoing Cowboys program only if you want to. Luke had fun and tried new things, he made this program benefit his life into doing new things, and so can you, you only have to try. Luke wanted to travel, so he managed to go to Greece, Europe, and China. Luke also wanted to work with animals and care for them and he got to just by signing up for this program. Luke got to tour the exavated castle in Crete and he also toured the Panama Canal, and so can you, you have to just sign up for this program and benefit from it. Luke cares for the animals because he liked them and they were fragile to him. Luke found time to have fun by playing baseball and volleyball games. Luke also played table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling to have fun and pass the time. So you should sign up for the Seagoing Cowboys program, so you can have the same experience as Luke, and to meet new people, new animals, and visit new places just to enjoy life and have fun. Also by signing up you can maybe have a family if you choose to, its your choice and your life.
Cars are a huge advantage in traveling. They can get people to places faster than a single horse could; and their a lot safer than riding on a horse. While there are positive advantages to these moble transportations, there are also negative portions that cars have. You may be awfully suprised what these transports can do outside their good nature. For instance, cars run on fossil fuel, which is a artifical gas that ruins the enviorment as much as people cutting down trees and smoke coming out of nuclear plants that do damage to the clouds in the sky. Cars don't just hurt the enviorment, they hurt innocent lives as well. Let me pull out an example: Person A and Person C are driving on the interstate when Person B spills out too much fossil fuel from the exaust pipe of his car. This causes both Person A & C to spin out of control and crash into each other because they couldn't see the road very well because of Person B. This isn't the only threat cars can pull into, but I'll get to that later. With all these bad occurances that happen people have been wondering, "how can we save both lives and the enviorment from the issues of cars at the same time"? There is a way to do just that: limiting car usage. Like I said before, cars can have a lot of negative issues in their state of mind. Some examples are foggy weather, over usage of fossil fuel, speeding, texting and driving, drunk driving and many more that exist that I cannot mention. Because of these issues, cities like Vauban Germany, Paris France and Bogota Colombia have banned(well not really banned but you get what i mean) driving cars due to the bad issues cars can/have caused. In the US, the presentage of people driving cars has decreased a lot over the past few years (the story doesn't say what persentage). As much as I hate them doing that, they actually have a reason. In this case of fellow citizens, car usage should be banned for various reasons. I won't be telling all the reasons because that would take a long time to do so. Reason #1: Drunk driving. Have you ever known someone or heard about an incident were a person is drunk inside a car and crashes into any random source they don't see coming? Well, let us face the facts: drunk people should not drive. If someone is drunk at a bar and is feeling funny, they should either walk home or get someone to pick them up. Drunk people who drive have a great chance at getting someone hurt of themselves hurt because of their stupid attitude. The person shouldn't drive again until they are fully consious again. Reason #2: Extreme weather. When people drive in extreme, they are risking their lives in a greater persentage than a zombie apocolypse, terrorists invading any country and being attacked by people who try to kill you. Extreme weather like thunderstorms, hail and strong fog are too dangerous for people to drive in. If you drive in that type of weather, there is a 90% chance you will not make it out without injuries. People need to wait for the weather to either calm down or stop completely(I just wait until it stops completely so that it wouldn't get worse as it calms down). This will help them prevent them or anyone from getting a wreck. If it occurs randomly while your driving then your screwed. Reason #3: texting and driving. Why is it that most people in this generation keep getting stupid and stupid every single minute? This is one of those incidents that has such that. People who text while driving pay more attention to their stupid phone than focusing on driving. Like drunk driving people who care about texting so much need to either sit in the back and text or not ride in the car at all. They propably should stay away from a car as long as possible until they learn to not text and drive at the same time. You can't do two things at once unless you're some one fictional or a pro at it. Final reason: Expoit of fossil fuels. I don't need to talk much about this one because I already did in my first paragraph and it is related to the extreme weather topic but I will do it once more. Cars that exploit fossil fuels can cause damage to the enviorment. If the smoke is exploited too much it can not only more damage to the enviorment, but it can cause people to reck as well. These are the reasons that fellow citizens like you should limit your car usages. Remember that cars are not a same transportation vehicle that can get you from point A to Point B, they have a dark side like everything else. Even if you do limit your car usages, it doesn't mean you are safe from the world that hunts you down. Be careful out there and follow the percautions of safty carefully when you are traveling either by car or anyother place.  
Imagine if something could keep students up and ready to learn throughout an entire lesson that they couldn't care less about? It seems like an unlikely scenerio more likely. Most students are interesting in every single class that they're required to take, it's almost enivitable. Keeping students interest in a subject is what keeps them wanting to keep learning it. It could be life-changing to be able to have a computer that is able to keep a students interest in what they're learning up. Adding something like this in to schools nationwide could be very manditory to keep students successful. It's not new to anyone that if something bores you, you probably have no desire in keeping it in your memory. If something is uninteresting, it's an instinct to want to find practically anything better to occupy you. There could be a computer designed in order to scan a student's emotion to detect whether or not they're bored. If the student seems to be disconnecting, the assignment could make the next question a different scenerio with a similar topic. In the passage, it says that the FACS enables computers to be able to read your expressions in a way that can alter the experience for each individual. "Being able to modify the lesson, just like an instructor.", is a key component. Not only could the computer be able to keep you from getting bored, but if you're entertained by the assignment it is also able to continue questions similar to the one that catches your attention. School is boring for a lot of people because of their disconnection for the materials that they are learning. Being able to connect each different student to a similar assignment could be groundbreaking. Discussing something each student can relate to is valuable in keeping everyone engaged. Let's take students that are homeschooled for example. Nowadays it's easier to homeschool children thanks to the internet. Some kids to work better alone without much instruction, but most need something to keep them from getting distracted. Not having a teacher to stay on you to do your work could cause people to disassociate from the required task. It's just like having a teacher one on one working with a student. To further my position in this argument, I believe that these computers will be very valuable in classrooms everywhere. A lot of schools in this century use computers for a broad majority of their lessons. Doing assignments on paper seems to be the minority now. This already makes it hard for teachers to be able to connect to their students, which many children need. This computer is somewhat like an individual instructor for each person in the classroom.
There could be reasons of how you can join the program. There is a lot of reasons. Luke had no idea that his life would change soon after his high school graduation. He was working two part-time jobs in a grocery store and a bank. Luke signed up to join the program, which is, UNRRA (the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administrations). The program hired "Seagoing Cowboys." The program hired "Seagoing Cowboys" because they can take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas. So Luke and his friend signed up and they went to New Orleans. They found horses there. They keep on going to places, that was like an adventure to them. They keep on going and they were arriving to Greece for their second mission. Luke turned 18 before arriving to Greece. By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke had made nine trips-the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. Luke said, "Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special." Luke was also taking a ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water too. He was looking at a lot of things in Greece. His next stop was at China. It took about two weeks to cross the Atlanta Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Luke was so busy taking care of the animals. He took so many adventures. Being a Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke. It opened up the world to him. There was a lot of adventures going on. It took him years to go around the world and explore. He was great of being a Seagoing Cowboy. He even loved to going to this mini adventures. It was a great experinced.
Presidential election is held every after four years on the first Monday of the month November. We decide who's going to be our next leader, the President. Electoral College is kind of unfair for some people because they think that whoever got the most popular vote should be President. But to think, what if the people we vote to is not right to be the next President and she/he got that most popular vote? Wouldn't that be a disaster? I say we should keep the Electoral College. Electoral College process in consists of the electors that have been selected by the people. The ones who got selected are the ones with great intelligence and with great sense of leadership. In the first passage it mentioned that "The Electoral College has a total of 538 electoras and the majority of electoral votes are required to have 270 electoral votes." This means that for you to be one of the candidates you atleast have to have 270 electoral votes and this is a good way of picking our candidates to run for us for President. Remember the election between Obama and Romney? It was close but, not that close. Our President, Obama got 61.7 percent of the electoral vote compared to 51.3 percent of the popular votes for him and Romeny. Almost of every states electoral votes is on a "winner-take-all" basis. For every slight of pulrality in each of the states, it creates a "landslide electoral-vote". This means that a tie would be possible because the number 538 votes is uneven but, it's mostly not to happen and this is because of Electoral College. Electoral College avoids the problem of which didn't receive a majority of the votes. In passage three it gave an example about how Nixon in 1968 and Clinton in 1992 both had 43 percent only in pluraity of the popular votes and the winning number of the Electoral College is 301 and 370 electoral votes. Because of Electoral College the pressure that happens in electing the next President to lead us for four years is reduced and it also tells us which is the winner of the election. If we elect our President using popular votes it migh be a disaster. Because not all of the candidates are that great of leading the whole country and If he/she got selected to be our next leader for the next four years our country would be in a huge chaos. I slightly agree with electing that person and making him/her the next President because they got the most popular votes but, then again I don't think it's the right way of picking our new leader.
The Face is a natural landform, and we have proof that shows it such as several pictures taken, one clearer than the next. The brightest photo and the examination of the Face tell us there are no aliens on this planet. Firstly, when NASA got the first picture, I concede that it looked somewhat alien-like, however, that was a huge misunderstanding. A more closely taken picture shows that it is, in fact, a natural landform. I know this because when the picture was taken, there was no alien monument. Therefore, no aliens, right? But the wispy clouds that were there when this picture was taken, envoke skeptics. A third picture silences them. Secondly, once the skies above Cydonia (the place on Mars where the face is) are cleared, they go in for the third picture of the face. This picture proves to be the of the best quality. Stated in in the text, it reads, "Each pixel in the 2001 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 viking photo." Proving this photo to be the most accurate. And when they examine the photo,it shows that the picture shows the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa, common landforms in the American west. Garin then says, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho." With the clearest pictures taken, we can all see that the planet of mars has no aliens, for the Face is a natural landform. Yes, people will believe what they will, but the examinations, and the clear pictures prove that the Face is close to a butte or mesa, common landforms found in the American West.
The Face on Mars is just a natural landform. Unlike the aliens theory, we have poof that it just a landform. It's not werid to see something like that. The Face on Mars, it is rare to see this, and it's not normal, but on earth we have we have odd things to see here. Like the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. We have odd shape things on Earth too, so seeing a face is not that odd, it's amazing, but it not something that had to be made by aliens. Also we have proof, the Mars Orbiter Camera took lots of pictures and revealed it to be just a normal landform. It formation does look like a head, the shadows give the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. So it is a huge rock, since it look like face , we give the people the idea that it was made to look like an face, but in reality it just a huge rock. Inconclusion, the Face is just a natural landform. The alien theory is wrong, and the face is nothing special. We have proof and reasons why it's not made by aliens.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" The author suggets that studing Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the danger it presents. The author gives us a lot of information of Venus. Also, the author tells us why its so worhty. The first reason why its worhty to sutdy Venus would be because numerous of factors contribute that venus is a challenging planet for humans to study. The second reason is that in the article the author mentions that in "venus is sometimes around the corner -in space terms-humans have set numerous spacecraft to land on his cloud-drapped world" Lastly the author mentions that the NASA is compelling an idea to send humans to stufy in venus. In the article when the author mentioned that it's a challenging planet to study would be because in our solar system venus is the second planet from our sun and Venus is actualy a planet. Venus is one of the brightest points in the night. Also another reason why venus is so hard to examine would be because it's occasionaly the closest to earth. Another challenging reason would be that Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet. Therefor these reason add up doesnt seem like a safe place for humans to study The second reason why the author suggets that studying Venus is worthy would be because the author mentions that it's right around the corner in space terms each have been unnamed, and for that reason no spacecraft has survived the landing more then a few hours. That tells us how Bad the planet is now imagine sending a human. Despite of the things that has happend the author makes a conclusion that maybe thats why no spaceship has touched down on Venus in more of three decades. If you think about it if a spaceship hasn't touched down there now why would a human want to. Lastly , the biggest detail that came from the article was that NASA is woking on other ways to study venus. The reason why it stood out the most was that if the author why lying about it being so worhty then I dont think NASA would waste time on this project. NASA has some simplified electornics made of silcon carbide and they have tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of the Venus and it has lasted while being in good conditions. The athor also mentioned that NASA has much more projects in order to be able to study Venus. In conclussion after reading the artcle the author has given enough information on why the author belives that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The way the author described Venus would be that it isn't a happy or chill place to be at but the author did point out that it's very challenging and awarding planet to study. Not anyone can go to Venus it's not safe. So far NASA might be the first to be able to study Venus well and they'll be the first to feel that big accomplishment.
Although venus is referred to as the evening star, it is still a planet. Venus is one of the brightest planets and, you can easily see it on a dark knight. Researchers say thet venus is hard to examine because oh how bright it is and, how close it is to the sun. The author states than venus is the closest plant to earth because of the density and size of it. Many people say that it's the closest planet to us however, every planet spins around at a different speed so one might appear closer than another. NASA has sent several spacecrafts to venus and its referred to as the most difficult planet to land on. Every spacecraft that's ever landed there has never made it back due to the enviroment and, the rough surface. The author says that venus is almost all carbon dioxide and, its covered with corrosive sulfuric acid. He also states that venus is almost 800 degrees and, its extreme to what we experience on our own world. Venus is the hottest planet in solor system although, mercury is closer to the sun. Astronomers find venus so fascinating because it's the closest earth like planet in the solar system. Astronomers also say that venus could have well been filled with large oceans and, could have supported many forms of life. Venus is very similar to earth because, it has rock textures such as valleys, mountains, and craters as to earth. NASA is eager to go back to venus to study the earth like planet. The author says that they are planing to have an aircraft that will hover 30 miles over the surface that will make it safe. Allowing them to do this will lower the temperature to around 170 degrees, but also the air preasure would be about the same to sea level on earth. Although, hovering over venus would be safe, they would still find many challenges. Without them being on the ground they won't be able to take samples of rock, minerals, and gasses. NASA is wondering its they can make there equipment better to take on the challenge, and to see what venus is compared to earth. NASA will also have to come up with a way to make their equipment lighter, and also be able to last for the time period they are on venus. Modern technology is rather delicate than to the mechanical computers they used in world war 2. Although its a struggle to experience venus, it also has a big impact on earth. Being able to see what venus is allows us to find new materials and gases that we have never heard of before. This could be a big impact to us. It could help us find new ways to create materials, and to better our everyday lives.
Just because the Seagoing Cowboys program seems old, it is still a good thing to join. The Seagoing Cowboys fit many people's needs. Our number one reason for this program is to do good deeds for other people in other countries. We help these people after wars, and when their towns are destroyed. Although I only helped take care of the animals that were boarded on the ship being sent over, I still benefitted to the people on the ship by doing work for them. It kept me busy. I watched the animals and and checked on them, and I also reported on how they were doing. I also had night shifts to check on the animals each hour. One night, however, I slipped on a ladder, and couldn't work for a few days because of racked ribs. Thankfully, I fell on a piece of metal, and it caught me from falling into the ocean. I am lucky to be alive! We don't work the whole time in the program, however. You would like what we get to do when we aren't working. We exlore and visit new, interesting places. We go to several different countries, and get to see how the people's culture, life style, and needs are different than ours. I had gotten a tour of a castle in Crete, visited China, Europe, and the Acropolis in Greece! Not only did we visit places, but we also had some freetime once in a while on board. We had baseball games, volleyball games, tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program, it is beneficial to 18 year old men, or men older than 18. Why? It is because when you are drafted to the military services at age 18, the military will count this program as your serving. I had turned 18 while I was on board and before we had even arrived to Greece, and I knew I couldn't be in the program and military at once. Lucky for me, the military coutned it as my service. Lastly, if you have ever wanted to meet other nations, you should join this program. Up to 44 nations join together to comeplete the tasks of the Seagoing Cowboys. Overall, I think that the Seagoing Cowboys are a very helpful, beneficial group of good people.
I am for the use of this technology becaus it would help kids who are confused in a way that they don't know what to do on the assignment or how to begin working. This technology will put the words in a different way for the student to learn the material after the computer learns their emotion and know what to do about it. When adults or young teens plan on getting jobs that envolve on sitting at a dest they might get frustrated and don't know what to do and the computer would be able to detect thier emotions and take a different approach and help you undertsand the work faster. By getting work faster this will emprove the work production and people wouldn't have to stay for late hours to get work done. This will help computers understand the different emotions that are going through people and the computer will react to it pretty quickly. I think this will be very helpful in the future to child to adults. While the computer still learns different emotions they will help people around the world and education will be a higher percentage of students will go to college and stay in school because of this technology.
Many people belive that aliens live on mars and how the unuasl things on mars are because of aliens, like this face and im sorry to tell you this,but im not one of those people. This his face was not created by aliens' I can say your ideas are not as reasonable as the way land is form. See over hundreds and thousads of years land is formed and thats all this face is, a landform. Many people are on your side about the exstings of aliens which many people beleive in but the only reason most people beleive in ailens are because there are so many movies and television shows on aliens it seems real. There are so many land forms that look unusal that are here on earth, but you can't say aliens made them, we except the fact that it's a land form and not that some unknown creatrue did it. There can be a thousand people saying aliens made the face but no one is going to belive them if they have absoluty no proof at all. See for many years now people have been caling in to say how they saw a flying sawser, we need proof we can't just go off of what someone says and then over half the world belives in somthing thats that NASA as no proof of. At the end of the day there is all ways those three groups out in the world the ones who believe and care, the ones who don't care about any side and the ones who just don't beleive and
i agree that we should use the facial action coding system, it even told Mona Lisa emotion, she was 83 perecnt happy, 9 perecent disgusted, 6 perecent fearful, and 2 perecent angry. I think that it could help student, beacuse some student are to scared to ask qustion and they get confused, so the system could help us with telling us our emotion. and we humans like to tell people our emotion, and if you don't know how you like for example sad angry you can us the facial action to tell you how you feel. well it work by the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face, all 44 major muscle. Movement of one or more muscles is called an "action unit." 'The facial expression for each emotion are universal," observes Dr. Huang, even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression" like not smiling as broadly. Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements. by the way, did making a happy face in this experiment also make you feel slight happy? According to the facial feedback theroy of emotion, moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help producethem.
I think that is should be used. One reason is should is because you will be abale to know if the student is doing good. Another reason is how the muscles work in a face. The last reason is how can we make it better. All this reaons will help with the students. The new software will help in many ways. One way is it will tell use if a student is okay. This will tell if they are making a fake smile to say that are fine, they really not. They could be having problems in there house or something like that. The software can tell witch muscle is being used. That is how it know if its a fake smile or are a reall smile. This will tech the students a face muscle. It will help tham later on how to tell a reall smile or a fake smile. Can the software upgrade? The students will proabley try to make it better. During the project they will learn stuff about the software. Later they will know what to do if it breaks or when they will creat a software. I say that is a good idea to have tha soft ware. It helps the students learn stuff. it teach them about muscles they have in the face. It will give them experence on softwares. I think is a good ides to have one.
From the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" it statesdiffernt types of dngers from the planet. So when I read this article the author I knew good points and facts about venus. In paragraph 2 the text states that we have "sent numerous spacecraft to land on the plant but not a single one has survied." The dangers of landing on the planet is very high so taking percousion is needed in this state. The atmosphere, the surface and ect. all are very risky to us humans. Venus is the closest planet to earth. But there enviroment is somewhat similar to ours. In one point in time Venus could have supported forms of life. Now it is just a hot rocky planet with valleys,moutains and craters. If humans were to go there we would surive, but it wouldnt be in any good conditions as paragraph 5 states on the last line. Hovering above is the only way we would be able to get a decent look at the planet. In conclusion, Venus has vaule and Scenitis has gained alot from it. But we only have our curiosity. In the future it will lead us to more discoveries to the planet. The dangers of the planet can be expaned to meet many more vaules. Earth will make it one day.
Have u ever thought about going to space to explore one of our planets? specifally Venus? well Venus has alot of challenges and dangers to get there but i promise it is worth it. In a text called " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" talks about how Venus has many dangers if trying to take a trip into space down there but it worth the challenge. The author uses many details and facts to state how studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present. Despite the dangers that can come along with studying Venus, Venus is alot like earth so it will be interesting go and study a planet like ours, venus is the nearest planetary visit, and lastly, NASA is studying ways so we wont have to worry about the amount of pressure and heat. The planet Venus is built just like the earth and has about the same features as the earth. Venus is called our sister planet because " ... it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.. Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth". This states how Venus is just like the earth itself and has features just like the earth so it makes Venus even more interesting to study because its our "sister planet". By the information stated above, it proves that Venus is worth the challenge and should be continued to be researched to make it more interesting to visit. Venus is the only planet out of all the planets that is the closest to us ( Earth). Venus has many features that comes along with it and also " ... can sometimes be our nearest option for planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. The value of returning seems indisputable..." . This quote clearly states how Venus is the nearest option for planetary visits which means its the closest to us compared to others. Also it will not take as long to visit Venus compared to any other space travel. The author directly uses the astronomers as an example to show how Venus is worth the risk. Lastly, NASA is finding possible solutions to make the visit more compelling. One of the possible solutions to the dangerous conditions is " .. allow scientists to float above the fray...just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many sotrms, a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up out of their way". This quote shows how NASA as a team is trying to find possible solutions so astronomers and humans could go around Venus with no issue. They are trying to find ways where it wont kill humans but something that humans can bare. They are also trying to find a electronic where " some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditons". This also shows how NASA is trying other approaches to limit the amount of pressure and heat for when astronomers/ other humans tries to visit spaces. They are trying to make electronics that can be made more resistant to pressure, heat, and other forces present in Venus. In conclusion, the author has provided many examples and details to prove to us that Venus is worth studying despite the the dangers that our present around the planent. As stated earlier, Venus is built just like how the earth is and it would be interesting to go to a planent that has the same features as ours. Second how Venus is the most conveient option for us because it is the closest to earth compared to any other planent and lastly how NASA is coming up with ways so it can be studied easier and easier for humans to explore the planent without worrying about the conditons. Overall, Venus is worth studying and the author has clearly stated the facts on why it is still worth the risk.
In the past, if society was told that cars would be able to drive themselves people would have called you crazy or would have laughed it off,calling it wishful thinking. Throughout life, we as humans have worked towards new advances in technology. We are always looking for a way to make life easier and simpler. The queastion is where so we draw the line. Saftey. Saftey has been a concern through time because we are less independent and have become more dependent on machines that could easily break, causes permanant damage. With this in mind, it is not safe to have drivless cars. Having driverless cars could be harmful to not only to the passenger, but other drivers as well. The text states, "In reality, Google has had cars that could drive independetly under specific conditions since 2009." If this is the case, why are they just coming out with it. It is probably due to the fact that there are casualties. For example, the passage mentions that they have not fully developed the driverless car to handle complicated traffic issues, which is basically what driving requires. This could definatly result in drivers getting injured. Not only could they cause injures, but they could also cause legal issues. If one thinks about it, most people don't want to rely on a car's driving if there is a chance it could cause an accident. There are no laws about driverless cars so it could be caos if something goes wrong. What if the car causes an accident because of an malfunction? There is no law about driverless cars, which means it could be blamed on the driver or the manufacturer. These are very concerning points that has to be taken in to consideration. Some may argue that driverless cars are better than human drivers. Although there are numerous drawbacks to driverless cars, some may say they are better drivers than humans. The passage states," The information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone." This shows that driverless cars opperate breaks better than humans do. Although driverless cars are good with brakes, thay can't be relied on enough to put ones life in their hands. The passage states,"They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." This means that even though the point of driverless cars is that humans don't have to drive, we technically still have to drive and stay alert. This seems to defeat the whole purpose of creating driverless cars if it is not actually driverless. Even though we rely on technoloy for various activities, that doesn't mean we have to rely on them to do everything. The reality is that driverless cars are more trouble than good. They compromise the saftey of people on the road. They also don't have any regulations or laws, which could impact driving and saftey. When taking into account that there are no laws or order for driverless cars, it is no question that driverless cars should not be sold to society. We,as humans, have a responsibiliy to protect and mantain the saftey and life God gave us.
This artical is about, FACS (Facial Action Coding System), which is a new software that has been developed, it improves accuracy in perceiving the emotions of others. This computer software was made so a computer can detect your emotions to understand what you like and dont like. The author states that, "The software is the latest innovation from Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, working in collaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate." I believe that we should use this process on computers at the schools, so that the computers better understand the schools students. The author states that, "This new software, the Facial Action Coding System, has promising applications for a variety of industries." This software can express many different emotions such as, happy, mad, sad, ect. It can also store infromation, as to what you like and what you dont like, by the way your muscles movwe in your face. In paragraph 5, the author states, "Yet Dr. Huang observes that artists such as da Vinci studied human anatomy to help them paint facial muscles precisely enough to convey specific emotions. His new computer software stores similar anatomical infromation as electronic code." It can also help a student if he/she is having trouble on the computer, it can do that by reading the emotions on your face by the way your facial muscles move in a certain way. The author states in paragraph 6 that, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored," Dr. Huang predicts. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." The author wrote the article, FACS (Facial Action Coding System), to help computers camunicate better with humans, by reading the way their muscles on their face move, or react, to express how humans feel. This new computer software would be a good thing to add to the schools computers, that way the computers can better communicate, and help, the students if they are confused or bored. Even if you have different face expressions, or mixed emotions. the auther says, "By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece). Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion). Computers need to be able to better communicate with humans.
Aliens creating human faces on mars? That's just carzy. The face on mars is just a natural landform, and here's why. There is picture proof and now, there is better technology so we can see things way beter now than we did before. First, the picture proof. Pictures were taken, very clearly and sharp showing it's just a natural landform. The picture that was tooken actually was more than ten years later, so of course there was better cameras getting it in clear picture it's pretty obvious what it actually is. Even years after that another picture was tooken and showed it with even better quality, prooving that is no alien creation. Next reason is, we live now in a better world with better technology and we can do new things. So a picture was taken on a cloudless day of the face. This time we zoomed in and each pixel inside the picture spans 1.56 meters, compared to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. Why this is important is now we can take a picture and get a closer look and not make it much blury, back then zooming in was not so good making it closer but really blury. So maybe if you zoomed in back then it would be blurry and look probably more like and alien artifact, but now zooming in actually works better and more efficiently making it easy to see it's a natural landform. Finally, we come to conlusion. Even though you can argue and say "The picture was taken on a cloudy day and the alien marks are coverd by haze." We can come back and say "The pother picture was taken in summer on a cloudless day". And there were no alien symbols to be found. Basically the face is a natural landform, and there are the facts to back it up.
Every four years there is an election held for the next president. Citizens across America vote for the canidate they best see fit to be president. Many may not know but there is another process other than voting to select a president. When people vote for a president, they are actually voting for a elector. That elector then votes for the next president, and this is called The Electral College System. The Electoral College System should no no longer be part of the election process, but instead have election by popular vote for the president of the United States. When a president is elected it does not just effect the government, but also the people of America. The president that is chosen makes decisions for the people, and that is why so many people vote on who will be making those decisions. The Electoral College System greatly effects that vote of presidency. In The Indefensible Electrol Collage: Why even the best-laid defenses of the system are wrong by Pradford Plumer states that "Voters vote not fo the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the persident". People are not getting the chance to vote, because the electors are the ones voting for them. The people should have a turn to vote for the next president. Many people today are all toward the Electoral College System. People think that it is a great way and very helpful when it comes to the elections. The Electorical College seems fair to some people, even if the president most voted for was not elected like back in 2000. The electors to them help find a new president with other electors in Congress. The electors even have the chance to vote for the other canidate even if the people do not vote for that canidate. However many people may be towards the system, but others are also against it. The electors go to Congress and vote for the next president. It is even possible that the canidate most voted for by the people could not be voted for by the electors. The electos haave the finall sya, even if that means not voting for who the people are voting for. This is an issue that should no longer be, but instead have popular vote. The Electoral College Sysytem should be removed from the presidential election, and replaced with popular vote. The Electoral College System does not help, but prevents the canidate most voted for to be ellected. Popular vote from the people should decide who the next president of the United States should be.                                  
There are a whole lot of positive and negative aspects about these cars. I truly agree with what's going on with the negative aspects of these cars. For example, things can happen with these cars that can drive by itself. First, these cars could be a big safety issue. It can be a safety issue because the passage states that if there is any road work the driver should be ready to prepare to take over. Not only take over but also be ready when something happens with road work. Road work can be scary with the roads being bad and going around the road work can be difficult.This is where you think to yourself as, "Why drive this car if you can be prepared and be alerted when you are responsible for your own car?" Another safety issue is during traffic. Traffic is where a lot of accidents happen in the process of drivers. Yes, this car can break by its own but remember that anything can happen with this car. Expect the unexpected because if anything happens you may never know. The car could probably get a problem and miss understand something because it is computer authorized. It may not break when it is supposed to, or maybe not even get the alert that there is road work ahead. Lastly, there is states that are still checking if it is reliably safe. This is still not proved at all if it's even safe. That especially is a big problem because you don't want to have a car that you don't even know if it is safe or not. If the car gets into a crash, that may be a responsibility that relies on you or the car. Think about it is the car going to get the ticket or is it you that's going to get it. We all don't know just remember safety first. I disagree with having a car and I say this because I rather be safe then sorry. There is cars that I could get and have control over it than having a car that controlls by itself. If getting into an accident and I know how to explain that I had the control over it then it won't be a problem. That way I don't need to be worried or question about the car twice if in an accident knowing it controlls itself.
There are many reasons that limted car usage would be good. 70 percent off familys in french and swiss boarder do not own car they dont need them."When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way,". 57 percent of people sold there car and moved there."All development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change,". In paris they banned cars for a little will because of the pollution making smog. Any one found driving would be fined. Almost 4000 people were fined for driving on that monday and 27 people has their cars impounded for thier reaction. After 5 days the the smog started to leave and they could see beijing, china which are the most polluted citys in the world. In france 67 percent of cars are diesel. In colombia on car free day people kiked, biked, skated or took the bus on car free day. It was the third start year they had to ban cars to reduce all the smog and people who didnt listen had to pay 25 dollar fine. For the first time other places joined the event to help with the pollution." These people are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders,". Obama's studys show that more and more americans are not driving and not getting there licenses as each year goes by. And they wonder has america passed peak driving. On april 2013 the number of miles driven per person went down 9 percent. in conclusion it is better to not drive for a little than to drive to help pollution from getting really bad.
Driverless cars are what some envision as the future. They picture a world where every car is automated, and where every kind of transport is regulated. Many very large companies have poured a fortune into creating technology that will enable the eradication of a need for drivers. However, there are a huge number of negative effects of this movement. I am completely against the idea of driverless cars, for reasons such as recreation, cost, and safety. First of all, many people in support of driverless cars portray driving as it is now as a dull part of our society that simply wastes time and energy. However, many, many people enjoy driving, simply for the feel and the experience. If driverless cars were to be implemented, there is no doubt that after a while driving oneself would be considered dangerous, irresponsible, and would likely be outlawed. Not only is there no way to implement such as system, as there would be far too much backlash from the community that enjoys driving, it would be wrong to completely forget about and not consider their opinions as valuable as others. Second, the cost of a system of driverless cars would be enormous, and quite frankly, insurmountable. People do not realize that these cars would not function well in a society with a vast majority of people driving themselves. For a working system, the majority, if not all of the cars on the road, would have to be replaced with driverless cars. There is no way that the government would provide the cost, and there is no way that everyone has the interest in or the money to buy a driverless car. Not only is it impossible to replace every car with a driverless one, insurance and settlements would be nigh impossible to figure out, as even the article says, there is no definitive blame to be made. The operator of the car could blame the manufacturers for a poorly made vehicle while the manufacturers could simply argue the fact that the driver could have taken control of the car at any time. Finally, safety would be a major concern. One of the article's biggest faults is that it says that driverless cars will be able to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. Driverless cars are not able to mimic humans, and will never be able to mimic humans, unless artificial intelligence technology becomes equal to humans. People have the ability to consider moral possibilities and choices. For example, if in a case where the options are a collision which saves the driver's life but has a very large chance of killing another driver, or the choice to swerve off the road but result in severe if not fatal injuries to the driver, the machine would not be able to make that decision. Humans have the unique and intrinsic ability to think, quickly and effectively, through a situation. Machines, however, would be forced to make a decision based on a certain goal, whether that may be the prevention of collateral damage, the safety of the driver, or arrival at the destination. For these reasons, driverless cars absolutely cannot be a possibility or a good decision. I believe companies should be working to help make drivers more safe by adding other safety features, rather than trying to erradicate drivers from the situation altogether.
The president has been chosen by the Electoral college for a long time. The electoral college is a process not a place. It is a compromise between the election of the president by a vote in congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. According to the office of the federal register, "The electoral college consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president." Every four years the presidential election is held. It is held on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. We help choose our state's electors when we vote for president. According to the office of the federal register, "When you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidates electors." The Election by popular vote is when the election would be thrown to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote on the president. The Senate would choose the vice president. According to Bradford Plumer, "Because each state casts only one vote, the single representative from Wyoming, representing 500,000 voters, would have as much say as the 55 representatives form California, who represents 35 million voters." Given that many voters vote one party for president and another for congress, the House's selection can hardly be expected to reflect the will of the people. Bradford says that, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters." Because of the winner-take-all system in each state candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning. We should change to election by popular vote. Why? Because it's much better than the electoral college. The Electoral college is unfair to voters. In Election by popular vote it's fair to the voters. Just like Bradford said, "Wyoming representing 500,000 voters has just as much say as California with 55 representatives which is 35 million voters." According to Bradford Plumer,"In 2000 seventeen states didn't see the candidates at all." That includes Rhode island and South Carolina, and voters in 25 of the largest media markets didn't get to see a single campaign ad. It's true, It's official the Electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. This is why we need to change to the election by popualr vote. All in all not a lot of people like the Electoral college system anymore, including myself. We understand how it works and why we use that system. It's just unfair to all the voters. We need to change to a new fair way to elect the president. Let's change to the Election by popualr vote and make things fair. Let's make people want to vote and know that it's going to be a fair election and that no state will be above another. They should all be equal!
In this essay of the Electoral College it is questioning to see if the Electoral College realy works. In my point of view I think that it does because it gives certain reasons to show it does and if it didnt work the would've changed it a long time ago so it shows you that it work and thats why its still around until this day. The Electoral College is a process , not a place. The founding fathers establised it in the consitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in Congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. One of the reasons i think that the Electoral College actually works is because The Electoral College works is because it process consists of the selection of the electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. The Electoral College helps pick the president and vice president and if didnt have that then it wouldve been total chaos because with The Electoral College it is way easier and faster and is a better process , The Electoral College consists of many electors and electoral votes this is really important because under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia is allocated 3 electors and treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. For This Reason, in the discussion the word state also refers to the District of Columbia.                
I say we should keep the Electoral collage. The founding fathers established it in the constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in congress & election of the president by popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral Collage consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. Under the 23rd amedment of the constitution, the district of columbia is allocated 3 electors & treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral Collage. But what's wrong w/ the Electoral Collage, under the electoral collage system, voters vote not for a president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. But in defense of the electoral collage: 5 reasons to keep our despised method of choosing the persident.1) CERTAINTY OF OUTCOME -A dispute over the outcome of an electoral collage vore is possible-it happend in 2000-but it's less likey than a dispute over the popular vote. The reason is that the winning canidate's share of the electoral collage invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote.2) EVERYONE'S PRESIDENT -The electoral collage requires a presidental canidate to have trans-regional appeal. No region(south,northeast,etc.) Has enough electoral votes to elect a president. So a solid regional favorite, such as Romney was in the south, has no incentive to campaign heavily in those states, for he gains no electoral votes by increasing his pularity in states that he knows he will win. This is a desriable result because a canidate w/ only regional appeal is unlikely to be a successful president.3) SWING STATES -The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the canidates-as we saw in [2012's] election-to focus thier campagin efforts on the toss-up states....Voters in toss-up states are more likely to pay close attation to he campagin-to really listen to the competing canidates-knowing that thet are going to decide the election. They are likely to be the most thoughtful voters, on average (& for futher reason that thwy will have received the most information & attention from the canidates), and the most thoughtful voters should be the ones to decide the election.4) BIG STATES -The electoral collage restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states (by population) lose by virtue of the mal-appotionment of the senate decreed in the constituion....The popular vote was very close in florida [in 2012]; nevertheless Obama, who won that vote, got 29 electoral votes. A victory by rhe same margin in wyoming would net the winner only 3 electoral votes. So, other things be equal, a large state gets more attention from presidntial candidates in as campagin than small sate does....5) AVOID RUN-OFF ELECTIONS -The electoral collage avoids the problem of elections in which no canidate recives a majority of the votes casts. For example, Nixon in 1968 & Clinton in 1992 bath had only 43% pularity of the popular votes, while winning a majority in the electoral collage (301 & 370 electoral votes,respectively). There is pressure for run-off elections when no canidate wins a majority of the votes casts; that pressure, which would greatly complicate the presidential election process, is reduced by electoral collage, which invariably produces a clear winner....It can be argued that the electoral collage method of selecting the presindent may turn off potential voters voters for a canidate who has no hope for carrying their state-democrats in texas,for example,or republicans in california. Knowing thier vote will have no effect,they have less incentive to pay attention to the campaign than they would have if the president were picked by popular vote. But thats why i believe we should stay w/ the electoral collage because we have used this method for so long & yes there were a few hiccups here & there but not every system we use is perfect & for how long we've bee using this one i say why change now!?
There are many reasons why you should join seagoing cowboys program. You would be helping your country. You'd be traveling around the world. Last you'd have lots of fun over seas. You'd be helping our country because when Luke was in seagoing cowboy program it was 1945 and world war 2 was happening in Europe and he had to those countries recover. Luke had to help the horses when the war was over to get people places and to work. If you were 18 or up you might be lucky and be drafted into the military service. The UNRRA would hire seagoing Cowboys to feed the horses cows and mules that were shipped overseas. You'd be traveling around they world like Luke did. It took Luke 2 weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast. You'd be traveling to China, Europe, Greece, and many more places. The only way you'd be good at this job is if you wouldn't get sea sick because if you are a seagoing cowboy told travel overseas a lot. You'd have fun overseas if you don't get seasick. You'd have many adventures. You'd have many stories to tell your friends and family. You'd been in countries you'd didn't think you'd be in. You'd be able to play games in the countries you visit in the seagoing Cowboys program. If you join the seagoing Cowboys program you'd love it. You'd be traveling. You'd be having fun. You'd be helping our country. So why don't you join our seagoing cowboy program. I bet you'd love to be in this program with all our helpful friends and family that want to try to help our country.
In the short story " The Challenger of Exploring Venus," the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite it many dangers,beause in paragraph 4 the author states that Venus is "a sister planet," and also" astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system." The author is worthy os studying venus because venus is a planet were there could mostlikly have human on the planet, with the new electronis NASA are trying to use to start studying Venus could help. stated in paragraph 7 "NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus. For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chais of Venus's surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions" is showing readers that even with the dangers getting Venus to be a planet with living things and people could possibly happen in the long run. Also even if there is dangerous human curiosity can always over power the dangerous, but all the insight ,and electronics being tested to go there with no problem can expand our imaginations,and innovations. The author was trying to explain that " Our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts".
Adavntages of limiting your car usage can actually be benifitical to you and your family, maybe even the earth you live on. Many say that they were tense when they owned a car, but once they got rid of it, they claimed to be more happy. That last statement has to be coming from a liar because why would you ever be happy without a car? In April 2013 the number of miles driven per person was nearly 9% below the peak and equal to where the country was in January 1995. Many sociologists belive it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment since transportation is the second largest source of americas emisions just behind power plants. programs are suggesting that people use other methods of tranportation. which is cool, i guess?  Different things are suggesting that we are converging and witnessing a long term cultural shift. Car pool apps, center of cities makes suburbs less appealing. im not even trying anymore with this essay,  people are connecting in other ways than meeting up. nobody is caring anymore about this essay. just typing. in columbia its the 3rd straight year that cars have been banned. blah blah blah. goals are to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. nobody cares, lets talk about something else. Advantages about limiting car usage. Really? I dont care about german suburb life without cars and i dont ever intend to care about it. i am a proud owner of a car and i dont want to live a life without it. This prompt is so unrelatable, mainly because I OWN A CAR! Maybe if i didnt i would be able to undertand this a little more but this is so ridiculous that i have to sit here and take time away from my education to write about cars. Im not even into cars. i dont care that people decide not to use cars, good for them, but i do use a car on a daily basis. im so over all of this excessive testing. Cars are pretty and nicely air conditioned, and shiny. They get you where you need to be quickly and you can jam out while on the way there. I hate essays, they are obnixious and boring. this is all a huge waste of time and i wish i just stayed home like some of the other kids in this class so that i wouldnt have to take this. Cars can be a nice way of driving around in money bags and showing everyone that you can afford this unnessacarily large vehicle that will sit in the hot room connected to your house, that also has a tempature very similar to hell. Honestlty your probably a really nice person who got stuck with the unfortunate job of reading all of these essays and grading them. You should be paid more because this just sucks, and im not even the one who has to read them all. You need to quit and go find some passion in your life. Take a painting class, or go watch the sunrise, you shouldnt be here reading all of these dumb essays that will never benefit my future or yours. To conclued this dreadful essay, please go find a passion because you cant keep doing this and wasting your life away. Go water some plants, and make your bed, or make another persons bed. Just do somethign else other that sit here and read a bunch of essays that a essentially meaning less. You need something more in life and i do as well.
"The Face on Mars" What is the face on the Mars? People believe that the face like structure on the moon is an alien artifact. Others beileve it is a natural landform. Here what i think it is. I believe the face on Mars is an natural landform. Just how the earth has natural landforms like mountain and valleys ect. This landform could be just like the ones here on earth, just in a different shape and size. Just as he said in the passage "it reminds me the most of Middle Butte in the snake River of Idaho" which is a natural landform on earth Mars has been around for many thousands of years. Through those year there could have be a possible chance that the face was made by the coditions on Mars.It could have also been the angle at whivh they shot the picture, there could have been a
The Challenge of Exploring Venus. Venus is one of the brightest star at night. Second planet to our sun. Human have sent many spacecraft to venus but it never landed there because spacecraft couldn't stay longer then few hours. All the mission is unmanned. A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blanket venus. Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. The National Aeronautics and space administration has one particularly compelling idea for sending human to study venus. Peering at venus from a ship orbiting or hovering safely far baove the planet can provide only limited insight on gorund condition because most form of light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard form of photography and videography ineffective. Resercher cannot take samples of rock, gas, or anything else, form distance. That why scientist seeking to conduct a thorugh mission to understand venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risk.
Driving can be a difficult skill to learn, and you have to worry about how other people are driving so you will not get in an accident. Driverless cars would be a good thing to get because they are safe. Everybody should buy a driverless car. One reason why they are safe because people will not have to worry about getting in accidents because of texting and driving. People would not have to worry about texting and driving because they would not be driving. A lot of people of people text and drive and their area lot of accidents because of texting and driving. Driverless cars are going to be an amazing creation to the world. Another reason why driverless cars would be safe is because they only go up to 25 mile per hour. That reason makes driverless cars safe because people in driverless cars wouldn't be speeding. A lot of people have problems speeding while driving and if they buuy a driverless car, they will not speed and chideren will stay safe. The final reason why they are safe is because the person in the driver seat would still be in control of the vehicle. If a person is still in control of the driverless car, it would make the car more safe because the person can see certain things that the car can not. All the person would have to do is stay alert because the vehicle can not see everything. Driverless cars would be a safe and amazing creation. If everybody owned a driverless car, the world would be a safer place. Driverless cars are extremely safer than regular cars. Everybody should own a driverless car.
From the crammed streets of New York City, to the tourist-filled city of Paris, cars have been the means of transportation around the globe ever since their creation. The reliance on cars has been an issue too great to ignore, as the environment becomes more polluted and the streets become more dangerous. We must shed light on the dark tunnel that has been blinding our judgement to a brighter future, where pollution is limited and our streets are clean. That future can only be seen with limiting car usage. Therefore, limiting car usage would be advantageous because it would better the environment and it would create a better lifestyle around the world. First, limiting car usage would be advantageous because it would better the environment. With global warming increasing by the day, any step to reduce pollution and greenhouse gases should be taken, limiting car usage is an essential tool to head in that direction. As a Elisabeth Rosenthal from the New York Times expounded: "Passanger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." Clearly cars are extremely harmful to the environment. However there is hope, because once car usage is limited these high numbers can be mitigated everywhere. In fact, in Paris, as Robert Duffer from the Chicago Tribune reported, policies to lower car usage have been taken and have actually worked! In France's capital "motorists with even-numbered license plates were ordered to leave their cars at home or suffer a 22-euro fine. The same would apply to odd-numbered plates the following day." In hopes to reduce carbon emmissions and save the environment, Paris's prayers were answered as the smog cleared enough for the government to remove the ban for odd-numbered plates. Clearly, the pollution reduced due to one factor--limiting car usage. If actions around the world are initiated similar to Paris's plan, then a better environmental future is inevitable. The environmental benefits of reducing car usage are endless. After all we only have one planet, cars should not be the machines to dictate our environmental future. Moreover, limiting car usage is benefitial because it would create a better lifestyle around the world. Reliance on cars has shaped modern society into a dependent state on oil. However, once that oil runs out, what type of lifestyle will people turn to? Limiting car usage provides this answer through a healthy lifestyle before this day arises. For example, In Bogota, Colombia, as Andrew Selsky from the Seattle Times put it: "the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths" had been built within Bogota after years of limiting cars. People are shifting their reliance on cars and turning them into productive means of transportation. In fact, rush hour restrictions cut traffic and has led to a rise in parks and shopping districts in Bogota, according to Mr Selsky. Even Carlos Arturo Plaza a businessman in Bogota enthusiastically exclaimed: "It's a good opportunity to take away stress..." as he rode a two seat bicycle with his wife. However, Bogota is not the only place where limiting car usage has been gaining support, the Mobile World Congress has been engaged too! Bill Ford, the executive chairman of the Ford Motor Company laid out his plan where he envisioned a "world in which personal vehicle ownership is impractical or undesriable," (Rosenthal). He believed that "partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emission and improve safety" (Rosenthal). If people around the globe are willing to support this movement, especially a chairman for one of the world's largest automotive companies, and partake in this new lifestyle, then limiting car usage must be the way to go. This new lifestyle of riding bikes, walking, and taking public transportation, will mold the traditional transportation mediums, into a more safe and secure one if citizens support this advantageous movement. It is time the citizens of planet Earth envision the streets of Beijing and the historic city of London, not as images of pollution and car-reliant places, but as clean and healthy ones. The advantages of limiting car usage makes this dream a reality, because this policy betters the environment and creates a better lifestyle around the world. Hopefully word spreads quickly, and everyone, everywhere, knows of the advantages of limiting car usage, because only then, will our future be a bright one.          
Many people dream of buying a new car by the time the reach the age of sixteen once they finally obtain their liscense. However, in recent years, a large population of people have stopped feeling the need for private transportation and have sold their cars and trucks or moved to areas where things such as public transportation, biking, and walking are cheaper and more efficient alternaives. Choosing not to own a passenger car can lead to less emissions, save space, and improve the quality of life for citizens in a city. Transportation is the second largest contributor to greenhouse gases, behind only power generation. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emmisions in Europe . . . and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." (Source 1) Limiting the use of private transportation will bring about cleaner skies, greatly reduce the amount and effects of acid rain, and impede upon the progression of the destruction of our ozone layer in the atmosphere that helps to protect us from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation. If more and more people in not only developed but also developing countries choose to become car- and truck-free, "where emissions from an increasing number of private cars owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities," (Source 1) our Earth will become a much cleaner and healthier place for young and old alike. There have been many previous efforts to make cities denser and more walking- and biking-friendly, but most of these advances have been limited by or even been put to a stop because of the need for an excessive amount of large roads and space for parking for the huge amount of private passenger cars found in cities and suburbs today. Reducing the amount of cars on the road can free up space for more important things such as housing, shops, financial districts, and even parks or other recreational areas that can be more inviting to citizens rather than the loud hustle and bustle of high-density roadways. "'All of our development since World War II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change,' said David Goldberg, and official of Transportation for America, a fast-growing coalition of hundreds of groups in the United States . . . who are promoting new communities that are less dependent on cars." (Source 1) Removing the problem of private transportation from city planning and development can greatly increase the quality and efficiency of our city's layouts. Many people consider New York City to be the "city that never sleeps," because of the loud and constant noise of outside motors revving and angry drivers honking their car horns. New York City, along with many other large cities, face this problem which has been growing since the late 1940's. With the rise of reduced dependency on private means of transportation, places such as the more populated areas of New York may finally be able to take a nap. "BOGOTA, Colombia- . . . millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving the streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams." (Source 3) Noise isn't the only quality of life improvement that citizens of large cities can experience with a drop of the amount of cars on streets and boulevards. Levels of smog, a mixture of smoke a fog caused by excessive amounts of greenhouse gases being pumped into the air, would also start to fall down to a point where they would barely be noticable. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city . . . Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after five-days of intensifying smog . . . The fog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday." (Source 2) Limiting car use can be extremely beneficial if executed correctly. These benefits include a cleaner city, more efficient uses of space, and an increase in the desirability of larger cities and towns. Overall, a reduction to the amount of private vehicles on the road would be a great improvement for a multitude or reasons.
Dear state Senator, I am in full favor of the Electoral College process. I think that this process is a great way to elect president because we rely on the electors vote. By relying on the electors vote, we don't have to worry about the popular votes messing up the election. I say messing up because a lot of people aren't paying attention to the election, so they vote out of a random pick. This could influence the presidential outcome of who becomes president. Also, the Electoral College process goes to a series of elections. This is better because when we vote for the president, we are actually voting for the electors. After that election, the electors vote for the president on a more serious note. The electors take charge of your your state, and vote for the most reasonable president. They discuss the bad and good qualities protraying to each president. Based on thier dussicion, America will have the best president there is. To add on, the election process by popular voting can be easily screwed up. This process can be messed up by none serious voters who choose the worse president. This election process can be messed up by people choosing a president and not even paying attention to the qualities that the president has. The president that they pick could have some awful characteristics, along with the presidents decisions. To conclude, we should keep the Electoral College process and not even think about the popular vote process. The Electoral College process, we rely on the electors to make the right decision for America. We don't want a bad president by going with the popular voting process. This is why we should keep the Electoral College process. From, concerning High School student
Dear State Senator, The Electoral College is a process not a place. When the founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and also a popular vote of approved citizens. That should stay remain the same they should not be any change to the Electoral College system. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the electorals. When the electors have a meeting thats when they are able to for the President, Vice President that is running for office. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors, majority of 270 electoral vote, is to elect the President. Each state is entitled allotment in its Congressional delegation which means one for each member in the House of Representives plus two for your Senators. Under the 23rd Amendment of the Constitution, the District of Columbia is allocated three electors and are treated like a state for purposes of the Electoral College. Each candidate that is running in the election has their own group of electors, generally chosen by the candidate's political party. The presidential election is held every four years on the Tuesday after the first Monday in November. The voters help choose their state's electorals when they voted for the President, when they vote for the candidate they are actually votin for the candidate's electors. Voters are more likely to pay attention to the efforts the candidate put to win the election like the campagin. The Electoral College system has a method called "winner- take-all that awards all the electors to the winning presidental candidate. After the presidental election the state governor will prepare a "Certificate of Ascertainment" that which list all the of the candidates that ran for office, along with the names for their respective electors. The Certificate of Ascertainment also declares the winner of the presidental candidate of your state. The Certificate of Ascertainment is sent to the Congress and the National Archives as part of the offical records of presidential election.      
Risk taking has been a huge part in our world's history. If we didn't take risks, nothing would progress and we wouldn't advance anymore as humans after the we had what we needed for survival. In fact, we might not even have what it takes to survive. Exploration will always be a large part in taking risks and it there will always be something mroe for us to explore, it's inevitable. Venus is not any different than what we have ever gone through. Are there challenges? Sure. Are there ways to go around those challenges? Always. There are so many interesting parts about Venus that we have yet to explore. Signs of natural resources can show that there could have been life and could possibly become a crutial part of Earth and its inhabitants, being the neighbor planet. Venus is one of the closer planets to Earth along with Mercury. Though it is hard to explore due to its conditions, Venus has a lot of similar features as Earth. With valleys, mountains, and craters, Venus has increased many peoples interests with its mysterious layers and what was shown to come before space exploration. This would create a large impact on humans around the world, not just knowing by knowing that we conquered a great quest to recieve more information and useful data, but by creating an idea that no matter what comes your way, you can overcome it and go above and beyond other peoples expectations. The dangers of Venus is just an obstical over the pot of gold. Exploring Venus would change the world and just might save us if we're ever in that time of need, never say never. On the contrary, Venus does have large setbacks that could hold us back from doing so. Like the planets surface temperature, 800 degrees fahrenheit is a lot higher than any human can handle, along with 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets that create the atmosphere for the planet. Although these conditions would be harsh, humans could survive with the correct equipment and strong motivation. Just like during any new accomplishments, you have to be patient. Nothing will come to you if you try to rush the process, but if you are patiently waiting and working hard, it could lead to a greater impact. Technological advancments will also play an unbeliveably large part it what makes this possible. Without advancements, nothing new will get created and we won't be able to reach the surface or get any closer than we have today. In conclusion, the best way to get to know something better is to get to the surface or maybe even below the surface. You won't truly know anything more unless you create a path to. In order to create beneficial to this Earth, you have to take risks, put yourself out there and do it. It won't get done itself and if you aren't going to, then who will? Venus and its conditions is just an obsitcal leading to something great and innovative.
The way that i see it is that the author put a lot of reseach into venus and study it some scientist still today though study the plant. And trying to find a way to go there but the tests that there getting back isnt good like how in the article it said that "no space craft survived the landing for more than a few hours ". So as there doing more tests they find out more things about the plant and try to look for a way to reach venus and to finally land on it . And to find out more stuff about venus up close . The other thing is they found out about venus is that " a thick atomsphere of 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus" according to the article . And so that means that they also have to find out whats wrong with the air and how can they live in it . And venus it the hottest plant even though mercury closer to the sun so it means that venus wont really be safe for us . But therefore scientists cant get close to venus cause of the plants but they will try to chance even though there a risk. They still though want to so that they can test the objects on the plant . And see if its safe for the future or something .
I believe that driverless cars should be developed. They would be able to help out in many ways. Some examples would be: less accidents, less confusion, and less deaths. And the cars would still have a driver inside to take charge just in case something goes wrong, so it isn't completley dependant on computer technology. With the driverless cars, accidents would occur less frequently. Many accidents that happen are because of one of the drivers, whether it was because one of them was driving while intoxicated or too occupied with a text.The driverless cars wouldn't be distracted like that and would be a safer option. And even an accident in the road, such as a fallen tree, wouldn't be a problem. As stated in the article, the cars would have a lot of sensors to locate the accident and drive around it or avoid it. Having a smart car would also be able to help with being lost or confused. If someone was new to a place they were unfamiliar with, they wouldn't have to worry not being able to find where they want to go. The car would be able to drive them there. And if someone were to get lost out away from civilization, the car would be able to get them back, as the sensors all over it would be able to reconize and retrace the steps to get back. A driverless car would really be able to benefit our ecomony. The article even says that the cars would use less fuel than the taxis we have today, which means less money spent on fuel. With all of these positives, we should at least try out and see how these cars would work, and we may even start using them as our main transportation for getting around in the next 10 or so years.
I am certain that the Face on Mars is just a natural landform. It has many features, and it has many people concerned about it. The Face on Mars is a natural landform because it was spotted with shadowy likeness of a human, it resembles the human head, and it actually shows a Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. This face has many features, including its shadowy likeness of a human. Just twenty-five years ago, something happened that was so hilarious. NASA's Viking one spacecraft were traveling around Mars, then it was spotted looking such as a human. It seemed to them that the face was just starring, just as if it was real. This suprised many of the analyzers. After many experiments on the Face, they discovered that it is a resemblance of a human head. It is just like an illusion, of eyes, a nose, and even a mouth. According to some authors it would be a great way to engage the public and bring some attention to Mars. They finally realized that is has brung some attention! After that hilarious day it was featured in many magazines, books, and etc. This is a enormous way of saying that this face is very engaging and concerning. According to Mars Global Surveyor, they flew over Cydonia and snapped a picture of the original Viking photos. The pictures showed that it was an actual natural landform. It wasn't appeared to be an alien monument after all this researching. Even after this stage, people still weren't satisfied with the evidence that they had came up with. The Face shows a Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. After taking time and time again to review the face, it seems to just show a Martian that is equivalent to a butte or messa. " It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho, " says Garvin. Which is a dome with lava that is in the form of a set apart messa, but is the same height of the Face. As a result, the Face is a natural landform. It has a shadowy likeness of a human, it resembles the human head, and it shows a Martian equivalent of a butte or messa. Research has shown that this isn't just an alien monument after all. There can be more thinking to this, can it? Its just a natural landform, which shows a Martian to represent Mars.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" i am for the value of using this technology to read students emotion expressions. i think it is good to know how you are really feeling based off your facial expressions. Maybe you're sad or depressed and you don't even know it, but a computer software knows and could make you not even express that feeling to anyone or possibly help in anyway. Lets say you are tired of seeing ads on the internet you dislike. Well the facial reconizing software can help. In the article 'Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author states "if you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, a similar ad might follow. but if you frown the next add will be different." (paragraph 6) It would be able to work for anything, Like what if you are listening to music and a song comes on you dislike the computer can tell that you dislike the song so it will play songs that aren't alike, but will play more songs to when you're expressing a happy face. I feel it is always important for you or someone else to know how are are feeling because what if you just aren't having a good dasy, someone can help. You're easily able to tell how a friend is feeling by the look of their face, but the computer software is very advance and will get way more accurate answers based off a very slight move from your neutral face.
Driverless cars should not be made, because so many things could go wrong with the vehicle and then who would get the blame for the problem the company or the person in the car? Honestly its such a big deal nowadays to have automatic, robotic stuff but really their is no reason for America too have all these robotic things doing stuff for us. I mean yes they are all really cool and such but they also can be very dangerous and can malfunction very frequently and eventually someone is gonna get seriously injured. But this is a bigger deal because we are talking about driverless cars. I mean how can you possibly make a driverless car safe? Because their are so many stupid people out driving wreckessly and if someone gets injured while someone is in the driverless car then who's fault would it be, the company's? The person in the car? That is the big question because i doubt the company is gonna want to take responsibility for what happened if their was a wreck. All these companies are building all these new robotic things and it isn't safe at all. Their is a kid that had a drone and the drone malfunctioned and it shot up in the air and almost hit a helicopter but luckily the pilot turned away in time now that incident could have costed a life and now you want too make driverless cars. Their are more people who drive and you think that would be safe? Well with all this stuff going on in the world why would we need driverless cars that should be the last thing we worry about i mean we are spending millions of dollars on these new things but we still have world hunger and we have homeless people in the world still but we choose to make a car that is driverless just because we are too lazy too drive ourselves. Plus why dont we use the money that we have too pay off debt or get homes for the homeless and food so we dont have people starving. Their are so many things we could be doing with this money but we choose too use them for stupid things like cars, drones, robots, etc. Their are wars that are going on why cant we use some of the money too help end the wars so people can see their husbands and wives, and sons, and daughters. But apparently all that matters right now is cool toys right? See we make these things that are cool for now but eventually we will all forget about them and begin building something else. But the thing we really need too be fixing is getting people jobs, and food, polution problems all that kind of stuff. So we can make the world a better place instead of just letting forgetting about all those things why dont we push towards fixing them. Plus the article even says that the cars arent completely driverless so whats the point of calling it driverless and wasting all that money on something that really isnt completely driverless. So now you are going too put more money into it and keep puting more and more and more until finally you figure out how too make the vehicle completely driverless, but until then you have too keep putting all this money into it when you could use that too make more jobs and get food for people who are needy and give them shelter and warmth. But no I think driverless cars should not be made unless its for a specific reason that will help the world but otherwise I dont think they should be made for just anyone cause that is extremely dangerous and could cause even more accidents. And it could cause deaths and destruction.
My opinion on driverless cars is that they should not be legalized. My reasoning behind that is i dont want something else taking over my car when i dont know that its one hundred percent safe. You can be severley hurt if one thing goes bad with the operation because its such a major invention. In paragraph nine it talks about how in some states its illegal like California,Nevada,Florida, and the District of Columbia. It aslo talks about the technology failing it says "if technology fails and someone is injuried, who is at fault the driver or the manufacturer? One other detail would be that in paragraph eight they say that "why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver"? and it says next that "wouldnt drivers get bored waiting on their turn to drive. In paragraph seven one more conflict is that the human driver has to always be on point because certain problems can occur with the creation and thats not good at all. All in all its simply not a safe thing to create or already have because its not completely safe. In paragraph three it says the one thing that makes alot of since they talk about cost they say that "the smart-road systems worked surprisingly well, but they required massive upgrades to existing roads, somethat was just too expensive. If you come to a roadwork situation or driveways or compicated traffic issues you have to immediately take over or the worse will happen. In conclusion this creation is not safe for the public there are to many problems that can occur at any time that are life threatning especially considering your on the road and your around others that can possibly be injuried along with you. If they want this project to succeded they need to fix all the bugs with this creation because i just dont agree with the situation.
No not really that has nothing to do with the classroom and a lot of kids feel the same in a classroom. The kids in a classroom that i see or seat in are mostly bored or tired,but some kids are awake and have their eyes on the board or teacher to learn. I think this would be a waste of time in the class unless you are useing youing it on little kids. Most of the older kids are way past a computer that can show a happy or sad face . I have a fine time talking to people in the real world not a computer,if a computer made a weird face at me i would probalby get up and walk away from it. This is kind of dumb i think you should be able to know or ask some one about their feelings in the real world not on the computer pull up a weird face to show how they feel. I strongley dislike this in a lerning zone because then how are kids to know how other people feel without the computer telling them,with a happy,sad,and mad face coming up on the screen. This is somthing a human should know how to tell human feelings.
The Elector College should be abolished because of it's many flaws that it has. First and foremost, presidential elction is not about the people. In the article named, "The Indefensible Electoral college:Why even the best-laid defense of the system are wrong" it talks about how the people don't get to vote for the president. The article says,"Under the Electoral College system, voters vote not fot the president, but for a slate of eletors, who in turn elect the president." This is mostly unfair, the people should get to decide whether whom their president might be not some electoral chosen by the politacl party or precidency campaigns. This law deosnt follow the ways of the constitution even though it was established by the founding fathers. It's very absurd because, the consitution starts with, "We the people" and in this case the people so to speak, dont get to vote for their own president. There is no reason why electorals are the ones who's vote count on  the election because they dont have the minor idea of what the people want. In addition to that, if the people vote for the candidate's electors, how do the people know that the electors are voting for the running candidate they won? Well they simply don't. Stated in Source 2 under "What's wrong with the electoral college" it talks about how electors vote for whom which ever candidate they want. The article says,"Can voters control whom their electors vote for? Not always. Do voters sometimes get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate? sometimes." If the electors are the ones choosing who the next president is going to be, then there is no reason why the people are voting if their votes don't count. The people are not able to decide whom their next president is going to be. Moreover, who are these so called electors? Stated in source 2 under "What's wrong with the electoral college" it talks about whom the electors are. The article says " Back in 1960, segragationistsin the Louisiana legislature nearly succeede in replacing the Democratic electors with new electors who would oppose Jonh F. Kennedy. In the same vein,"faithless" electors have occasionally refused to vote for thier party"s candidate and cast a deciding vote for whomever they please..."Basically what they are saying hear is that the electoral are random people who actual vote counts instead of yours'. Does that sound correct to you? Normal people from around your class or any get actual count on their vote, what happened to, "All men are created equal". Congress is letting other people decide for you, nobody else but you knows what your decisons in society are. Not even electors ,A.K.A randon beings. As said before this goes against what our founding fathers would actually want that is why it should be abolished. Secondly, the Electoral college has caused various problems in previous history before. In source 2 it talks about how congress made an error. The article says" Whaqt is a state sends two staes of electors to congress? It happened in Hawaii in 1960. Luckily, Vice president Richard Nixon, who was presiding over the Senate, Validated only his oppenet's electors, but he made sure to do so..." doesnt that seem a bit fishy to you. He validated the other candidates elector votes, why not his? Congress has been cheating us with this law. It has been controlling and deciding who maybe in power. Furthermore, in the same article it talks about how the electoral college system focuses on a winner take all system. The article says," Because of the winner take all system in each state, candidates do't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states..."you see how on fair this law is? It doesnt even acknowlege small states to vote not even the electors. There is nothing fair about this act and I demned for it to be abolisehd. In conclusin the electoral college act is ufair and has caused for election to be a hassle. And only that but "We the people" and "All men are created equal" does not count in this law. so yeah, most devinetly it should be abolished.        
Have you ever wanted to know if you can tell if someone is forcing a smile or a real smile? I agree with the value of using this technology to read student's emotional expressions. By using this technology you can tell how your friends, parents, and even teachers are feeling. To begin with, You wake up for school and your mom is already making breakfast for you, but you dont know how she was feeling. When you come in the room she would erase "that" expression and greet you with a smile like usual. Didnt you wish you could tell how she was feeling and do something to make her feel better? With the FACS you can. 60 percent tired, 25 percent happy, 10 percent sad, and 5 percent angry. So you hug her and tell her to go back to sleep, then you go to school. In the meantime, you arrive at school and meet up with your friends, but you could tell that one of them isnt as "energized" as usual. You would ask them whats wrong and they would probably say "nothing" and force a smile. You know that they arent feeling great but you dont want to nag them as well. So then you would use FACS. 90 percent depressed, 2 percent happy, 5 percent tired, and 3 percent angry. You can then calculate that they are depressed because of family problem or school. Last but not least, according to the article "we humans perform this same impressive “calculation” every day. For instance, you can probably tell how a friend is feeling simply by the look on her face". Using the technology of FACS can help you "calculate" your friend or parent feeling. Inconclusion, FACS is a technology that allows you to read people feelings and mood. What if your friend is feeling depressed and dont want to live anymore? With FACS you can help them and prevent suicide. FACS can help you "calculate" your friend or parent feeling.
NASA discovered a mysterious picture twenty five years ago that changed how people looked at Mars forever.They were using viking 1 space craft as they were trying to find possible landing sites of his sister viking 2, while they were looking, they found a blurry human like face on a region called Cydonia. NASA quickly showed it to the public to show how interesting Mars was. People quickly became obssesed with "The face on Mars" and started making theories that Mars had or even that it has life on Mars. Because of the graphics of the viking 1 scientists weren't sure what it was exactly, some scientists believed it was actually alien evidence existence but the rest of them belived to be a mesa. Everything was ruined in September 1977 when global surveyor (MGS) came to Mars to take some photos at the "Face on Mars" to finally put an end to this. Finally when the aircraft arrived to Cydonia it took various pictures that had ten times sharper shots than the viking 1 so then when it was revealed it was a natural landform on Mars so there was no alien life after all, but were not satisfied acoording to NASA "The face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April '98 a cloudy time of year on the red planet. Perhaps, said skeptics, alien markings were hidden by haze. Because it took so long to locate Cydonia, it took them years to take pictures again. On April 8, 2001 it was a summer day where there was no clouds, they took an amazing picture showing what it was called "The human face" it was a mesa just like any other structure on mars. After all everyone makes mistakes, even rocket scientists.
Dear State Senator, 1/23/15 I have a very strongly worded, persuavive letter written for you today of why our united nation, must abolish the electoral college. I am aware that the electoral college is one of the main ways president's become elected, but it's serving an unjustice to our nations people. You must do something of the crisis that our country is facing with the Electoral College.I have two compelling reasons of why the electoral college should be abolished. My first reason of why we should abolish the electoral college is because of the method it is done in. What I mean by this is, according to Source 1:What is the Electoral College?, it says, "Most states have a "winner- take all" system that awards electors to the winning presidential canididate." The winner- take all system is not a fair way to elect a president becuase of its biases. The candidates running for the presidency only visit the largly populated states in order to get their electoral points, for instance, most candidates go to Californa or Texas becuase those are the states that have for electoral points. But, by doing this all the smaller states that have less electoral points are never visited by the candidates, the voters then may have never seen an ad or campiagn for a certain candidates . According to Source 2: "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best laid defenses of the system are wrong", by Bradford Plummer, it states, "During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and votes in 25 of the media markets didn't get to see a single campiagn ad". On the contrary, it is stated by Source 3: In defense of the Electoral College, it states," No reigon has enough electoral votes to elect a president." This is true, but candiadtes focus on larger states that will supply them with more electoral votes, and don't even visit or pay any attention the smaller states. I strongly negate the Electoral College. My second reason of why our country must abolish the Electoral College is becuase it is a "disaster factor", as stated by Source 2. I agree with this for two reasons. First, becuase it does allow the people to vote for the president or canididate they prefer. Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but slate of electors, who turn elect the president, as stated by "The Indefensible Electoral College: Why even the best- laid defenses of the system are wrong". I strongly agree with that except from the article I have stated. Another reason, why the Electoral college is a disaster factor is becuase most of the United States citizens prefer a direct election to the kind we have now, Electoral College. More presiciely 60 percent of voters to dont want the electoral college, that's majority of our population! If majority of our nation is against the electoral college why haven't we abolished it? In conculsion, "It's offical: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly aserations without much basis in reality", according to Source 2. I would like you to consider all the problems our nation is facing due to the Electoral College. I have stated two contentions of why you should abolish the Electoral College; First,the method of how its done is very bias and unfair and secondly, because the Electoral College is a "Disaster Factor" or causes many disruptions in our country. Sincerly, a very patriotic citizen, PROPER_NAME
Have you ever heard of a driverless car? Google has had driverless cars like this since 2009. These cars have driven more than half a million miles without a single crash. These types of carsstill have to have a human operate them when pulling into drivways, going around accdents, or having to deal with complicated traffic issues. My position on driverless cars are, they should not be a thing. There would be more car wrecks than there are now. What if the car ends up turning at the wrong area and does not pick up that there is a car in front of them. The car would end up crashing and could the result could be life threatening. The car could have a bad sensor and just keep driving straight. Then, the car would end up hitting a pedestrian or another object. There are positive sides to the driverless cars though. The cars will save individuals more on gas money. The driverless cars use only half of the fuel of today's taxis. They say that the driverless cars are also more flexible than a bus. You also would not have to have your hands on the steering wheel at all times. You can relax and just watch your surroundings. The car will alert you when you need to take control over the car again. You also would not have to buy a car because you could the driverless cars would be a public transportation like taxis. There are more negative things about the cars then there are positive. What if the car just shuts down in the middle of the highway? More people are going to hit you and it will affect more people. What if the sensors are very sensitive and will detect a branch in the middle of the road? The car will stop and people will hit your bumper. There are a lot of dangerous and life threatening things about the driverless cars. The driverless cars seem very neat but, they also seem very dangerous. Too many things could go wrong, like a sensor could go out and you could hit another vehichle. The car could miss the turn and you could hit a pedestrian or another object. If the sensors are very sensitive, they could detect the smallest thing like a small tree branch and cause your vehichle to stop in the middle of the road. These cars will cause more crashes than the regular human driving cars. They also say that the safest vehichle, is a human driving vehichle. In my opinion the driverless cars are a very bad idea to bring into this world.
The technology shows positives for human emotions. The Technology mesaures muscle movement, emotion, and how different emotions can be mixed with other emotions. Technology is changing the future to be exactly like a Human and be able to read a Human. This Technology reads the Human body and muscle movements. the process happens when the Computer constructs a 3-d computer model of the Face and musle movements. The artical says this in paragrapgh 3 lines 2-3 "all 44 major muscles in the model must move like Human musles. The technology can sense six basic types of emotion. The technology will associate each movement of the muscles with the emotion that would match that certain muscle movement. emotion is a big part of the human body and so are facial expressions. "Dr. Paul Eckman"and "Dr. Huang" have created a technology to read these emotions. These technology can read emotion from even people that show very low degree of emotion. The mona lisa created by Da Vinci was created to show human emotion. But the mona lisa isnt just happy because she is smiling. The mona lisa shows a whole bunch of emotions and this is saying is that any human can seem like they are happy or sad but really they can be the exact opposite. Now the Doctors say that these techniology can read emotion but if we make a emotion does it really mean we have that emotion. The docotrs say that if you make a emotion it can even produce a real one. i think these technology would help todays society becuase it would help with seeing what other friends and family feel. This technology can be very useful and i would like to see it used a lot. This technology tracks emotion,muscle movement, and change in emotion. emotion is a big part of life and the way people do there everyday life. In today's society emotion is a major difference to the way people act to one anither.
What do you think about when you think of the future? Do you think that driveless cars would be the end result of being safe? Driveless cars are not safe because it makes people lazy, gets rid of all driving laws, and technology isn't always as great as we think it is. The world is already lazy, so why would you want to make it more lazy? We already have machines, computers, and phones doing everything for us. Machines make everyday things but people get paid so much for pressing a button. Computers do everything for us. Phones answer all our questions. Now cars are going to be driving themselves. And what are the people going to do? Sit back and watch. Then all we will be doing is having everything do it for us and we do nothing. Not only will the people be lazy, then there will not be laws like there is today. What is someone gets hurt? Who are you going to blame it on? People do what they do and how they do it for a reason. If people want to drunk drive and drive high then they should be punished for the bad things they do and not have a car doing everything for them and be as if it's a way out of trouble. Now that there isn't much laws and we have robots doing everything for us there is only one thing we depend on. That is technology. Technology isn't the greatest. Have you ever got mad while being on a computer or a phone? Why is that? It's because technology didn't work as well that day. What are you going to do when you're in a driveless car and it decides to just stop? You're going to get hurt. Now you're hurt and no one is reliable because we thought technology was the greatest thing. All in all, driveless cars are not safe for today's society. They are not safe because it makes people lazy, laws will be cut in half, and technology doesn't always work. We're here to make something of our lives and not have technology do everything for us. So go out and have a life.
Facial Action Coding System technology that can detect your emotions and others. People will used that non stop people will keep looking other people's emotions. That technology will not go that well and I don't think that technology is safe to use. People will just play with that and mess around I don't think we need that to use just to know people's feeling we can figure it out withouth using that technology. Think about this way if you give that to a one person you think they will use it for good I don't think so. It's not good to use that it's because people are just gonna play with humans feeling so i'm going for not using Facial Action Coding System. People know what your feeling their just gonna make fun of you or mess around with you because they know how you feel. It's justn not safe it's just gonna make people in trouble it't really a bad idea to use it. Knowing how many percent how happy you are based on passage it can detect percentage of your emotions that's nice but it's really bad idea. Based on the passage their talking about how humans perform the same impressive "calculation" everyday I don't believe that human have different perspective, different point of view. I would rather not use Facial Action Coding System I don't even think if it's safe or not. It's really not a good idea to use it for humans because you know how they feel based on their actions, movements, expressions, and how they act. No need for that technology knowing a person you can tell how happy they are. Someone you truly know is a best way to know their expression. Using Facial Action Coding System should be illigal because I people don't want them finding out their feeling. No one wants to know what your feeling you want them to find out because that's how you know if they do care. People got used to people knowing their used to look for their expression they don't need such as facial action system. It's so much better to know a feeling by talking to them in person. I would prefer use my abilities to know a person feeling instead of using that fake technology. By looking at the picture of Mona Lisa you can that is quite happy you can see that little curve in her face it might seem different for others but looking at her make feel that she's happy.It says on the passage it also can make you happy. That's really not a good idea you can make people happy withouth using any technology .that would probably cost a lot of money I don't think people can afford that. Instead of buying that technology might just spend the money for my family.
Venus is one, if not the most interesting planet in our solar system. Next to Mars, and the moon, we have put all of our scientific power into studying this very strange yet interesting planet. At one point in time along the scale of our vastly universe, Venus had the closest living conditions to our home, Earth. The planet has mountains, valleys, and space material impacts. Venus is so fascinating and important to us that we, as a race, are willing to put our lives in danger to explore the unknown planet. In the passage it says, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." The meaning behind this sentence showcases that we should not be afraid or unwilling to explore the unknown just because we are scared of what we do not know that is out there. We can not stay on Earth forever. The planet is going to die eventually. We also have concerns of natural resources, over-population, and food density. Which indefinitly means that we need to find a new suitable planet for us, as a race, to strive and survive. If we do not adapt and overcome our stay on Earth we are smuthering and destroying all the hard work, as a race, that we have put to this planet. Just like in nature, animials are forced to moved from their natural habitats and have to adapt to just simply survive. If we can not do the same we will end up with a much more impactful, dangerous situation. That's what we, as a race, strive on is knowing the unknown. In conclusion, we must always be evolving and adapting to stay ahead of the game.
Some people think the "Seagoing Cowboy Program'' is a great program. Some people think otherwise. I think it is a great program, it helps people recover their food supplies, animals, and more. The UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that are shipped overseas. Particapating would be a great way to help out. My first reason why you should join the "Seagoing Cowboys Program" is because it feels good to help people out who are in need. You would want them to help you if you were in trouble and needed to recover. You would get to sail the oceans, take care of animals, and do other fun activities. It does not get much better. My second reason is that it changed my life and it could change yours too. It will feel tremendously good to help people recover. It is fun, but you can still make an impact on someones life. As well as taking care of the animals you would get to go sightseeing and do other activities. So all though this is like a mission to help others, it will still be very enjoyable. Being a Seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for me. "It opened up the world for me". "I'm grateful for the opportunity." "It made me more aware of people in other countries and their needs." "That awareness stayed with me, leading my family to host a number of international students and exchange visitors for many years." So in conclusion, I would recommend joining the "Seagoing Cowboys Program" because I had a great time, but I still learned a lot and had my life changed. So if you decide to participate in this event, you will not be disapointed. There are many opportunities to help others and many opportunities to have a great time.
Dear Mr. State Senator, I am writing this lettter to talk about how the Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. First, the Electoral College is unfair to voters. Second, there could be a tie in the electoral vote. Last, the voters are merely voting for the slate of electors rather than the president. Those are my points on why to take away the Electoral College. To start this off the Electoral College is unfair to the voters. Because of the "winner-take-all system in each state", the candidates don't take time to go to other states that they know they will lose, they only really focus on the "swing" states. For example, during the 2000 campaign, seventeen statesdidn't see the candidates in their state at all, also 25 of the largest media markets had not seen a single campaign ad from a candidate. Also it's unfair because voters don't really know who to vote for because they see no campaign ads and candidates don't show up to their state and tell them what he/she is running for. That's why the Electoral College is unfair to voters of the presidential election. Second, there could be a tie in the electoral vote. In the case of the tie it would go straight to the House of Representatives, where state delegations vote for the president. By this the House's decision is no where close to that of the people in their state. The election is omly a few swing voters away from catastrophe. That's why it is bad if the vote ends in a tie. Lastly, the voters are merely voting for the slate of electors rather than the president. For instance, if you "lived in Texas and wanted to vote for John Kerry, you'd vote for a slate of 34 Democratic electors pledged to Kerry." The worst part is that the electors could be anyone you don't even have to hold a political position to be an elector, they could be very biased and narrowminded. That's why the Electoral College is unfair. In conclusion Mr. Senator the Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational because it is unfair to voters, there could be a tie in the electoral vote and the voters are merely voting for a slate of electors and not there president. So Mr. Senator I would like for you to take this into concideration and Abolish the Electoral College!                  
Identifying Human Emotions Imagine being able to figure out exactly how anyone in this world are feeling with just a computer. Now software has developed that could help you do just that. The Fcial Action Coding System has applications that will be extraordinary to modern day technology. Dr. Huang and Dr. Eckman created the the FACS. All which have six emotions-happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. These are emotions that are used on a daily basis around the world so they are pretty basic. Video imagery is used that tracks one's facial movements. Therefore it can identify mixed emotions. The video imagery compares each expression with a neutral face in order to figure your emotions. Imagine being at school on your classroom computer learning something boring, and all of a sudden the topic becomes fun. Dr. Huang predicts that your classroom computer could recognize when a student is confused or bored. It would be useful to many students in order to make and help them learn better. This same technology could make identifying emotions much easier. The boring lesson for you would modify. This way the computer will know to keep giving you boring lessons or fun ones. Facial muscles are obviously an important item in this. If the technology could not identify the way your facial muscles move, then the technology would not work. Not only do your muscles express emotion, but they also help produce them. The article states that a renowned drama coach, Constantin Stanislavsky, had his actors carefully reproduce smiling and frowning as a way of creating these emotions on stage. This clearly would help the actors express themselves better, thanks to our face muscles. People may not notice, but we imitate other people's facial expressions with empathy. Who would have thought that sience and technology could be involved with a big feature of who we are. Sometimes being able to figure how someone is feeling. At times we may even have to bug them in order to figure the emotion. Now with the new technology of FACS, this task will be easier. Even for students in a classroom, this will be valuable.
Today, there are advance technology in the society such as computers, cars, cell phones, and etc but no one ever tried to develop an driverless cars. Today in our society, many people tried to develop new technologies because things are getting more advanced an effective. Driverless cars are one of their plan, where the cars has sensors and know what to do. I agree the development of driverless cars because the cars uses less fuel, less car accidents, and there is still alert in the car. The driverless cars should be develop and introduced to the soiety because the cars uses less fuel than the cars we used today. The text states, "The cars he foresees would use half the fuel of today's taxis." From this example we can tell that the cars is great because they used less fuel than the the cars we sued today. Thus, people do not have to worried about they will ran out the fuel when they're driving. Most of the people loved to use cars that used less fuels because they do not have to spend much money on the fuel. The text also states, "Offer far more flexibility than a bus." This example shows that the driverless cars have more rooms than a bus. People to sit in a place where there is not croweded because it's comfortable. Driverless cars solved the overcroweded the problem because it got more spaces. Thus, I agree the development of the cars. While the driverless cars used less fuel, the cars can drive million miles without a crash. The text states, "Their cars have driven more than half million miles without a crush." This example tells us that the car is safer than the cars we drive today. If a car can drive million miles without any crashing then we considered it's an great car because most of the cars were not safe and it gets into car accident very often. The most important is that there are still alert in the car. The text states, "...Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver to take over when pulling in and out of hallways." This example shows that when there is something happened to the car, the cars will alert the driver that there is something going on but most of the cars do not have that kind of technique. Second, the text states, "Dealing with comlicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accidents." This example shows that when there is an major accidents or traffic issues then the car will alert you to move out the car quickly before anything happened. In other hand, people disagree to develop the driverless cars. The text states, "Why would anyone want a driverless cars that still needs a driver?" They claimed that the driverless cars should do everything by itself instead having the dirver controlling it. They think there is no difference if we use a normal car. I disagree with them because it's safer if we have a real driver in the car, they'll prevent anything bad happened. Driverless cars can have more advanced technique in the future when there are more people supporting it. Thus, we should not give up on developing the cars because the cars uses less fuel, less car accidents, and there are still alert in the car that helped people to know what happened.
The  Electoral College is a process which occurs in the United States to help determine the president for the next four years of the entire nation. It is a very controversial topic and a plethora of people want to disregard the Electoral College. People want to vote for their president, but ultimately they are voting for the electors of the state who represent the president in the end. The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. It makes the voters feel like they have less power when they are voting and when people of a nation feel that way, they lose interest and lose the desire to vote for their country because they feel like their vote will not count or have and affect. At the end of paragraph 10, two questions are asked, "Can voters control whom their electors vote for?" and "Do voters get confused about the electors and vote for the wrong candidate?". The answers were;not always and sometimes. If a system or process confuses people enough where they vote for the wrong candidate they desired, then that system needs to go. That system is the Electoral College. The single best argument against the electoral college is the disaster factor. With a name like that, you know this system cannot be good. Also, 3 high ranking officials and a couple of them that opposed the electoral college, were former presidents. They were Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, and Bob Dole. The electorals confused system works like this. Voters vote for a slate of electors who in turn are the ones who elect the president. Is'nt the whole point of the election to vote for your candidate that you would like to win, and not his employees'? When a state votes for a president and has their majority vote, then the amount of electors in the state are what counts towards the voting polls. The state electors could be anyone not holding office at that time. Furthermore, electoral votes can possible end in a tie due to the fact that there is an even number of electors, 568, which is a big worry in the result of the election. Compared to electoral votes, there is only 55 representatives in California, but there is 35 million people in the state. A tie almost guarenteed, will not happen with that comparison. A winner take all system is in play with the elcectoral college process. The system consists of when a president wins an election then all electors part or even somewhat representing that candidate are now with the president. Also bigger states have more representatives and the candiates focus more on those staes to try and win them over. it leaves the smaller states like Wyoming and South Dakota, for example, to be left out of the equation and not be focused on too much in the process. All in all, the elctorall college and process needs to be abolished and is not fair to the people of the nation voting and being taken advantage of.
The author didnt support this claim very well. The author talked alot about the dangers in Venus rather the good that comes from Venus. I say this because as I am reading I see how the author mentions many of times how Venus has extreme tempetures and how no one has went to Venus because of these extreme conditions. The author says in paragraph 2 ,"Numerous factors contribute to Venus’s reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us." Which gives the idea that it is a very dangerous place. You may begin to question "Why would any one want to go to Venus" or you may say to yourself "This is not any where that i would want to go." The author also states in paragraph 3," Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus’s atmosphere." This is even more if a danger sign. No one would want to be anywhere where you could potentially suffocate. We also know from this paragraph that Venus temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. The author states in paragraph 6 ,"Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks." The author gives us tons and tons of reasons why it is not worth going to Venus. From what I have read today I will never want to go to Venus. The author gave plenty of good reasons on why we should not go to Venus. It is not a place for humas as we have already read. So i feel as if the author did not do a good job supporting his claim on why Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it may present.
It first starts out by saying that we said it was an landform.......We went back to takew another picture where it wasent so cloudy adn foggy to prove to you guys there was no alien involed with this. It was all the landform making this face.we hade rolled the spacecraft 25 degress to center the face in the field viewso we could get an really good look at this.we took another picture in 2001, we hade the image spand 1.56 meters comparerd to 43 meters per pixel in the best 1976 Viking photo. What the pictuer actuallu shows is the martian equivalent of a buttel or mesa landfroms common arounf the American West. Which this shows that landforms are often made.We stil think that this is made up of landfrom today. There may still be people out there still thinking that it is made up by aliens but it is trully not. we have anlot of proff leading up to the the theory that it was an landform that made this face. I would just like to end this on an postive note that we have done a lot of sutdy of this and have taken a lot of pictures so just to say this was made by an landformn. I hope i have changed your mind over this becasue i tried my bes. Just remiber that we have taken alot od pictures and study this a lot to finf the rite answr just for you.
How would you feel knowing that everytime you went to class to simply get your education that you were being monitered and scanned to see how you were feeling that day? Would you feel like your privacy was invaded? Would you feel judged? I know I personally would feel threatened and exposed. I beleive that the Facial Action Coding System, a computer program that can identify human emotions, would have no value in a classrom because, it has no practical use in a learning enviorment such as a classroom, it would be an invasion of students privacy, and while it may not be of use in a calssroom, it could be put to use in other fields of work. I think that this emotion identifing technology would have no practical use in a learning classroom enviorment becasuse teachers have to ensure the material is digested by students no matter what emotinal state they are in. While recogonizing a students emotions could expalin why they may be uninterested in the material it does not change the fact that they still must learn it if they want to further their own education. Therfore, I beleive that this technology would be of no use to both the student and the teacher. I also beleive that this technology would have no practical use or value in a classroom due to its nature, its a blatant invasion of privacy. Its unfair to the student to be subjected to this indentification of emotion everyday. Some students may feel like their privacy is being invaded just so a teacher could know how they were feeling at that exact moment. Furthermore, students may not want their emotional state to be regonized due to personal reasons such as not wanting others to know they are feeling sad or depressed becasue they don't want others to know becsause they would attempt to reach out and that alone could result in unwanted conflict. This leads me to beleive that this technology holds no value in a classroom. Finally, I beleive that while this technology may have no practical use or value in a calssroom, it could be put to great use in other fields of work and other aspects of life. For example, in the article researchers use this technology to decipher the emotions of the famous Mona Lisa. This helps them get an understamding of how much the artist knew about facial muscles and expressions, which is useful in learning about how artist learned thier techniques in the past. This technology would be amazing in the enteratinment industry. Futhermore, it could be used for more acurate CGI, which would be useful for movies, tv shows, and video games. Next, I beleive that this technology would be useful for scientific studies. It could help reseraches understand how emotions work and formulate which could help people who have issues with muscles in their face, technology could be developed that could help them express themselves better. Anothe reason why I believe this technology could be put to more practical use in a diffrerent enviorment then a classrom is the applications and uses it could have in solving crimes. Police could use this tech to help decpiher how a criminal is feeling which could bring more evidence to a case. While this amazing technolgy has many applications outside the classroom, I believe that it has no practical use inside a classroom becaue it has no effect on learning the subject matter in a more efficent manner, and it be an invasion of privacy to the students and possibly the teachers as well. We area already studied and invaded enough by higher ups and people beyond and in the goverment, do we really need our students emotions in a classroom to be put under a microscope as well?
The article "Making mona Lisa Smile" I learned about a new type of software that can recognize a persons emotions. this process is based on all 44 differnt muscles in our faces. The software scans your face and sees what muscles are moving and how, based on the emotion you are feeling. This is a huge step in technology and I feel could be both very instrumental and not for our future use of computers at the same time. We use computers constantly nowadays, we are always on them, and we do need them to grasp certain concepts, like emotions better, but I feel this new software might be invasive to a lot of people. My opionion on this technology is that it is amazing and very useful. one point brought up in the passage was using the software for students to see how they are grasping a lesson. It would be very helpful for my laptop to know when I was frustrated and be able to help me, or better explain my lesson to me. I also see its use in videogames, having better computer-animated faces could be very useful and cool in a videogame. I also believe that this software can be used in videogames to see when youre struggleing with or enjoying differnt parts of the game. This software is very invasive though. im not very keen on the idea of my computer watching me and scaning my face constantly. I think the idea of using the facial recognition to see which kinds of web ads I'd like to see is too much. I know most people are already bothered by the fact that our cameras on our phones and computers are already recording us, but the idea that they are scanning our faces and seeng our emotions will make many people uncomfortable. Another reason to not use this technology is that it is one step closer to making artificial inteligence comonplace, which I personaly don't thinkl we should do. We can not control our technology if it gets out of hand, and giving our computers all the information we can about emotions, how to create them ,and recognizing them is a bad idea. In conclusion, I think using this software in small amounts could be very useful. though stated in the article, could be challenging to use on our everyday computers and phones because they can not handle the complex algorithms used. This new advancement is definitely a step foreward with education and how we learn, but may be a step backward with privacy. I feel thast many students will appriciate the technology and welcome it. Only time can tell how this becomes a part of our lives. I do hope it will be a miniscule one.
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents and supports this idea by stating in paragraph 8, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation." This statement supports my claim by explaining how the author believes no one should let the fear of the dangers that may arise stop them from exploring the world and beyond. Instead the author believes people should go after whatever they want to find. Paragraph 8 also states, "Striving to meet the challenge presented by Venus has value, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet itself, but also because human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." This evidence explains how the author feels that there will be scary and intimidating obstacles that will arise on the journey of exploring the planet with the hottest surface tempurature in our solar system, but the author believes the curiosity of humans leads us to danger. The author also believes that danger shouldn't stop anyone who is curious from exploring. This article may talk about serious dangers, but also gives ideas for humans to study Venus without being put it any danger. The author states in paragraph 5, "NASA’s possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the fray. Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." This solution may prevent any harm to humans who want to study this planet and learn more about it. This solution gives people a chance to stay curious, and not think about the dangers. Only think about the journey and mystery that lies ahead.
What I think about driveless cars isthat it should be allowed but it shouldnt. I think this because it would be kind of cool to have a driverless car but there will be some consequences that come with it. The person your are buying it from could persuade you into buying it but he or she could be lieing to you because its all about buisness. When my mom always says there is always a plot to something like if you buy the driverless car there could be things that could happen ,they will not tell you its dangerous. They will try to tell you how cool it is and why you need to buy it. There could be also some good things about it like being able to text and drive, eat while driving, or other things like multitasking. When you read they tell you that they are fascinating but in your eyes you see the best thing ever. So if I were to tell someone who wanted the car I would tell them to do some research on the car so they know how much they are spending and getting themselves too. After i tell thim this i will ask them if they really need this car or want it, and if they say yes and get the car later on when the car is not so good I am probably going to say told you so and they are probable going to look at me and smile. even though this BMW is a cool car the cost of it is not so cool so i think it would be both ways for me. I would say yes, but i would say not it just depened what you are really wanting to do when its out of style and no one wants the car any more. But there are even more consequences to this , if you dont take care of it it will be dirty and if you dont want to clean it the cost will be extremely expensive ,because its a cool carand more. So if i were to choose this car i might say yes.
The Facial Action Coding System, I think is a great piece of technology to have in a classroom. The feedback you receive from this system can help the teachers enhance their teaching mechanics in the classroom to get the students to interact more. It can help the teachers see which teaching mechanics need changed or improved and it can help set future classes to become more motivating and exciting. I'm sure that this type of technology will be very useful in the future. This generation is relying on technology a lot and I think that this technology piece will be beneifial to learning in the years ahead of us. Feedback from the Facial Action Coding System can be a great tool to teacher's mechanics or teaching habits in the classroom. This can be because this tool can detect more than a teacher can and also can produce more feedback then a regular teacher can, but don't get me wrong, teachers are wonderful. The text states," A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor." This shows that computers can be very helpful. Dr. Huang has done a marvelous job with this design. Like I've said before the FACS can modify or help the teachers or lesson to become a more effective lesson to the students. The FACS can detect which muscles are being used in your facial expression and use that detection to make a more effective lesson for the students. The text states," The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an action unit." The text also states," Eckman has classified six basic emotions-happiness, suprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness-and then associated each with characteristic movements of the facial muscles. This explains that the FACS is very productive and is promising. The FACS can improve the classes and the classrooms. It can also help set a better stage for teaching. This can produce ideas that people can bring to the classroom to seem more inviting and get more students that want to learn and can be excited while learning. The text shows that the FACS detects emotions that can be received by teachers and from there they can modify their teaching or better yet make the classroom and better and a enthusiatic place to learn. The FACS is very useful and detects emotions very well. The text also states," Using video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements-in a real face or in the painted face of Mona LIsa. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions (as in da Vinci's masterpiece). Each expression is compared against a neutral face (showing no emotion)." This just shows how outstanding the FACS is and how useful it can become within schools throughout the world. In conclusion I feel that the FACS can be very benificial in the classroom and this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is very valuable. Feedback from the FACS can enchance the teacher's ability to teach in a more exciting classroom. It can help the teachers see which teaching mechanics need changed or improved and it can help set future classes to become more motivating and exciting. These are reasons why I believe that further action in this department is more than neccassary for our classrooms. As a student myself, there are some classes that could use a little more excitement. This can improve the work ethic of students and maybe more students won't skip school, because school then w il be exciting and will be a better learning environment.
I am here to tell you why I think the, "Face on Mars" is a myth or misunderstanding. The Viking 1 Space craft was circling the plantet when they spotted the resemblence of a face. Here are a few reasons why I think this "Face" is just a misconception. The NASA crew had stumbled upon the image when they were orbiting their sister ship Viking 2 Spacecraft. They may have gotten a clear image of the "Face" but they hadn't known the conditions of the planet before they made the assumption of Martian activity. They plastered it all over the US not knowing if the "Face" was really evidence of alien life on planets; excluding Earth. Garvin recognized the landform. He said it had looked like a butte or a mesa he had seen on earth. Who knows if the the landforms on earth can form on a different planet. Garvin said, and I quote, "It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars." Scienctists figured it was just another Martian mesa, common enough around Cydonia. There have been "buttes" or "mesas" in the region of Cydonia before. I do not understand why this "Face on Mars" is any different if it was common in the region where it was found. The formation looked like a face. Okay well, sometimes you see random formations on the street with trash. You wouldn't give it a second glance. So, I don't know why this formation on Mars would be any different. I believe that the formation is just different shadows coming together to make one big shadow. The brain can do crazy things, even trick you at times. I think the formation is just a mind trick that everyone fell for.
Thats stupid because we would have saw them build it and it wasnt created by them its just shadows on a rock. we can prove that they did not make this because we would have saw it with the sattlites. So please belive me when i say that this rock was not created by alines at all! okay so i heard someone thought there was alines on mars. now im going to be honest from what weve seen there is no such thing yes there may be life on mars but small life. Nothing big enough to build something like this. The only life on mars may be bacteria Now please whoever is saying there are alines please stop. That will be all today proving another myth There is no such thing as aliens on mars. in the article it says that they were made by shadows bealive me when i say its true. If there was such thangs as aliens dont you think we would have found them by now? like honestly we have been looking for them fo years. and nothing trust me there is no alien life on mars. the face in the photo is even blury and doesnt look right this is becasue of sand and dust all over this. it causes an allusion to make u think that there is a face but in reality its not! the photo in 1976 people say its Not just a coquencedence there is a human face on mars. Picture this looking up in the clouds and seeing an animal its just clouds grouped together to make that image. Aleins didnt make that it happened naturally just like on mars. now that i have explained that there is no life on maars people will now know the truth. And hopefully i dont have to hear about this again because all people are worried about is are there aliens if there were aliens i think we would have known by now. And it says in paragraph 8 its just a haze please stop making excusaes for ther eto be alien life on mars!
Could Earth end up turning out like Venus? NASA has sent many spacecrafts to Venus trying to figure out what it is like under the atmosphere. Although it may seem like a waste of time to send stuff there, studying Venus is a worthy persuit despite the dangers because it can teach us more about our solar system, it can possibly be a replacement planet, and if we find out that it was like Earth we could try and fix Earth before it happens again. Studying the planet Venus would help us better understand the rest of our solar system. The taxt says "A thick atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets Venus (Paragraph 3)." It also states "and the pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet (Paragraph 3)." We haven't seen anything like this, which is why we need to study it. Venus could possibly be a replacement planet for Earth. We just need to find out how we could make it a liveable planet incase the Earth just keeps getting worse and worse. It states "Often referred to as Eath's "twin," Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size (Paragraph 2)." The text also states that "Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth (Paragraph 4)." These mean that at one point we couldv'e lived on Venus since it was so much like Earth. If we were to keep studying Venus and we find lots out about it then we could see if Earth would eventually turn out like that. As stated "Long ago, Venus was probably covered largely with oceans and could have supported various forms of life, just like Earth (Paragraph 4)." Another point is that "Venus still has some features that are analogous to those on Earth...such as valleys, mountains, and craters (Paragraph 4)." This says that Earth and Venus look a lot alike and they could be "twin" planets which also means that the Earth could end up one day being just like Venus. We need to study more about Venus to help out ourselves and the Earth, so we don't end up like Venus. They either need to send ships to research Venus to help Earth or having to find another planet for our future generations to live on.
For my perspective on the situation, I am not positive nor negitive. Some of the ideas from bouth the positive and negitive side are good as thay are bad. For what I think is what I will pull from the story to my wrighting. As example on the positive side, I think the seat vibrating when ready to back into a car is an amazing idea for drivers who need more help when parking. The negitive side on the outher hand, yes we should not have cars that dirve without human control. Just because we are fecinated on the idea of cars driveing themselvas does not say we should have than. I will and in from he section it says from television this idea was brought up. If it is from that television is not always right. Especially when it comes to safety. Safety is nouthing to play around with or to toy with. It is a prevention of lot lives and or injeries. The human driver should have their hands, plure on the weel at all times unless thay have finished there driveing route to their destination. Again for the positive the idea for a camera feed from the rearveiw mirror should be in place for driveing and more so parking help. Anouther and lastly for the positive side, the 3-D model of the car's surroundings. It should be there for better and less reckless driveing. Lastly finishing on this selection of text. It says thay need human instruction to get around construction or a reck for safer driveing. We need alert drivers at all times. If thay can not handel that thay should not be allowed permition to these machines. People have lives need to be kept. This is what should be done to keep that and less injeries. In my conclution we should not have self driveing cars. Parts from the car can be used to help us with our own driveing to prevent a reck. In a sertain situation being it a huge rode blocking or little bump into a parked car. pedestrians could be prevented from harm as well. As I have finished my conclution I shall leave you with this. Would you want to keep youre life from the parts of the cars, or lost from a self driveing car gone out of controll or messed up from bad construction/matinance?
Well as you can see mr senator the electoral college should be changed .Because the electoral college does not really give people the right to vote they might think they are but there not in other words is taking that power off the people ,the electoral college process consist of 538 elector and only 270 electoral votes are need it to elect a president it maybe a good idea for some but is not . That is way some states have a winner-takes -all system that awards all the electors to the winning presidential candidate .We the people dont get to choose our own president under the electoral college  we only vote for a slate of electors  . We cannot always control  the elector and who might he choose thas way its official the electoral college is unfair,outdated and irrational. But still some people still believe that the electoral college is a good thing for the nation . even if they have a tie the house of representative votes on the president not the people . The electoral college has five reasons , retaining itself its lack of democratic pedigree ,all are practical reasons , not liberal or conservative reasons . they are there to avoid problems of election in which no candidates receives a majority of votes . some say the electoral college fluctuated in the 2000 fiasco and had the biggest election crisis in the century . See that is way mr senator we should act now before is too late. as our founding fathers said we are a nation that means we need to work together as one if we want to accomplish something in the future .So mr senator are you willing to fight for this cause i am not saying "it will be easy iam saying is worth it" .      
The idea of cars that drive themselves have been depicted in children's books, movies, and television shows. Driverless cars have always been seen as a thing of the future; however, we are currently living in that future. Car manufacturers are now teaming up with Google to create ways to make cars that require very little human control. Though it may sound innovative and convenient, there are many disadvantages to these new futuristic cars, making them unnecessary. The first con to manufacturing these cars, is that they are extremely expensive. The amount of sensors, radars, and cameras that would be put into these cars are not cheap or cost-effective. The money that would be put in to this project would have better use going to some type of charity instead. Investing the time and money this type of idea needs, could lead to another project, possibly more beneficial than driverless cars, being neglected. A major problem, that even car makers foresee, is the complication an accident would cause. If there is a collision, and someone is injured and/or killed while the semi-autonomous car is in motion, but the vehicle does not signal the driver to take control, it would be great controversy over who is to blame for the accident. If fault was to be placed on manufacturers, drivers would be inclined to drive more carelessly than they do today because they would have someone to place blame on and walk away without consequence. New laws would have to be made to ensure the safety of the drivers of these cars, and those around them. The making of these cars also contributes to the laziness and dependence of technology in today's society. Americans have been labeled lackadaisical and the fact that more and more inventions are being made to accommodate our laziness is becoming a growing problem. A simple task such as driving a car is now being handed over to an inanimate object. Driverless cars are a bad idea and should be left to be seen on television, and in books or movies. The risk factors and societal damage these cars would cause, greatly reigns over the benefits car manufacturers think the cars have.
Most of us know how far we have reach with modern technology, defitnetly far. Due to this is not that surprising that nowadays computers are able to recognize people's emotions through this new software. Where is technology taking us? It all starts by the Facial Action Coding System (FACS), a system that basically makes computers identify the movement of human muscles in the face that show different human emotions. This lets computers know if you are either sad or happy, uninterested or bored, etc. So now what? Computers are being able to comprehend our emotions, interact and even understand us? As crazy as it sounds, it can actually work in a good way. How can a software on a computer actually benefit us, and indeed work in our way, especially if you are a student? Well, this makes computers able to understand student's feelings towards an assingment. It will indentify students emotions and help them benefit by trying to work with them. As Dr. Huang (1 of the innovators of this software) states on the passage on paragraph 6, "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored". This could help students by trying to make the work easier for them, making it more interesting, or making it easier by a change of words we'll understand better. "Then it could modify the lesson, like an effetive human instructor". Basically like a teacher, but the "teacher" is really the computer that helps you understand the content better by your facial expressions or emotions in regards to the work or assingment you are taking. In this era where technology is such a big thing, we can expect a lot of things, even computers being able to comprehend our emotions and make something out of it. Whether it is telling us if the Mona Lisa was really happy or not, make us have more interest on an assingment or make a videogame better, all those things add a value to this software which can be a helpful thing in the future.
I support driverless cars for many reasons. The main reason is safety. Another reason I support these cars is because they will be smarter and better drivers than an average person. In the end, this could also end up saving many people a lot of money on gas. Driverless cars could be a bright future. In order to get these cars to be legal and available for purchase and driving, the safety of people must be a sure thing. This means car manufactures will have to work hard to ensure that safety will not be a concern for the driver, other drivers, or anyone else. Technology has advanced to the point where computers know more that most of the general population, so taking the wheel out of the hands of the driver for about ninety percent of the time is actually a lot safer than leaving it in their hands. People tend to make many mistakes while driving, and that can cause problems. But letting a car drive itself could end up being the best idea ever. A car that knows where it's going will be less likely to make a mistake than a human driver. This could help to aviod accidents, accidently or purposely breaking the law, and other dangerous situations. These cars also are suppose to save people money on gas, because it wouldn't use as much gas as cars do now. If it uses have the gas as cars do now, people won't to buy gas as often. That can save people money. Money is always a factor in every situation. The more you save, the better. In conclusion, I support driverless cars. They can end up being safer than humans driving cars, they can be smarter, and they can use less gas. Driverless cars seem to have more ups than downs. I hope to see driverless cars become a big thing in the near future.
In the story A Cowboy Who Rodethe Waves was a seagoing cowboy and he had helped people form world war 2 and that would of been the reason why I would join there program becuse they had helped people and he had also went across the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice. The details from the article to support Luke's claims is in paragraph 4 Luke turned 18 before arriving in Greece, which meant he could be drafted for military service. By the time he was discharged in 1947, Luke had made nine trips- the most of any seagoing cowboy. It took about two weeks for Luke to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. They had helped the people by helping time feed there animals. Then something bad happened Luke was talking about his report on a rainy night and then fell off a ladder and he couldn't work for a couple days becuse he had cracked his ribs.
Driving less is a good way to help ourselfs and our enviornment. Peaople are turning to it because it helps with stress to walk,and our cities air is as pulluted. Cars are very harmful to the air and everyone around us cars set out green housae gases that are very harmfiul "12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car;intensive areas in the united states" (In German Suburb,life goes on withcars Rosenthal).If the usage of cars are limited traffic jams will happen les the they are "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of france" (Paris bans driving due to smog Duffer).Due to more for the people in Columbia having a no car day and walking threw the cities they put more stores which means more buiness. "Americans are buying fewer cars,drving less and getting fewer licenses" (the end of car culture Rosenthal)the message is getting out for no more greenhouse gases effecting our enviornment. Even young people are getting involed in the no car situtation "study last year found that driving by young decreased 23 percent 2001 and 2009" (the end of car culture Rosenthal).The limited use is so affective other countries and its citites are getting involved "for the first time, two other Colombian citites , Cali and Valledupar joined the event" (car-free day is spinninh into a big hit in bogota Selsky). Driving less is a advantage we have to keep things less polluted and greener and not try to mess up the place we live in by using cars. Walking is a very good way to get places no pulltion and more health.
So the face on mars. Many poeple say the face is a alien landmark. Well I dont. Im gonna explain to you why the it isnt. Also that it is just a natural made landform. What the picture actually shows is the martian equivalnet of a butte or mesa- landforms common around the American west. " It reminds me most of Middle Butte in the snake river plain of idaho," say Garvin. "that's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the face on mars. So on april 5, 1998, when Mars Globsl Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars oebiter camera team snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a jpl web site, revealing... an natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. A few days later NASA unvield the image for all to see. the caption noted a " huge rock formation... which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth" This is a great explanation for the way the face looks. So there you have it. I say that the face is just a natural made landform. There is no evidence to show other wise. With the better camera we were able to find out that its not an alien atrifact. So yes it is not a alien atrifact.
I think driverless cars could be very helpful and useful at times. There is many different positives and negatives on this subject and they are worth looking in to. I honestly dont think this is the safest way to go because computers can easily malfunction. In paragraph 7, they mention that the driver needs to stay alert in traffic jams and scenerios that need human skill. I feel like people wouldn't be as alert if the car was doing all of the work. If people were in full control at all times, then i think there would never be a need to slack. Driverless cars could be easier but I just can't see it being safe anytime soon. I personally feel like this invention would be more fun than safe and a part of me feels like way more accidents will occur with driverless vehicles. If they do release this car, I will just stick to a regular honda or something simple.
There are many different things that you could do to help out the ecosystem, and reducing your car use is certainly one of them. A study conducted in Europe shows that 12% of greenhouse gas emissions are the result of passanger car over-use. But of course as humans we are bound to resist and not give up things that make our lives easier. Yet there are many alternatives to not driving a car, for example car pool, have family members pick you up, buses, trains, taxis, bikes, etc. As you can see is not a matter of lack of alternatives but a lack of interest in helping out nature and everything that it helps support. A very important way in which car usage affects our lives is pollution, many places around the world are trying to impose taxes and fines in order to keep people from over-relying on their cars. "After days of near-record pollution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city", things like this are quite obviously why the ecosystem is not at it's worst yet. One of the most polluted cities in the world Beijing competition for Paris until law enforcers stepped in to resolve the issue. Another city fighting pollution caused by car use is Bogota, who has once again banned it's over 7.2 million population from using their cars on the "Day Without Cars" event. The Day Without Cars is an event that if not followed could be penalize citizens most likely monetary fines of around $25 dollars, although some were even arrested for not complying with this method. Described by Andrew Selsky as a "program set to spread to other countries, millions of Colombians hiked, biked, skated, or took buses to work during this car free day". Not only is this helping out the rest of the world is bringing people closer as more people go to parks, sport centers and spend time together. With more bans and restrictions on car usage of course the car usage is destined to decrease but although it might sound terrible it could actually lead to healthier lives. With less cars on the road the air you are breathing will be more pure and healthy and less polluted. More people will have to walk which will decrease heart problems, obesity and other diseases all over the world. If people don't buy cars then companies like Ford, Toyota, Honda and more will make less money and some might run out of business but that will not happen since most people are not ready to make a commitment such as giving up your car. But if cars are not being purchased then they will stop being produced which can lead to a better economy since the government won't be spending billions on gas, diesel and such. Apparently the amount of miles driven by a person yearly has decreased over the last couple of years which has led sociologists to believe that if this pattern persists it will have many beneficial implications for the environment, even though it could have negative implications for car industries as i stated before. Car usage will decrease since people are driving less and less every year and young people are buying less cars according to a study in 2013 that found that "driving by young people decreased 23% between 2001 and 2009". Even though many experts can't be sure yet, the drop in sales and decrease in usage has led many to believe that the U.S. has already peaked in miles driven and possibly car sales. There is no accurate way of predicting whether this will bring completely positive or completely negative consequences. President Obama's ambitious goals to change the greenhouse gas emissions has proven to shift or change the way people act as recent studies show that "Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by".          
You should be a seagoing cowboy to have many adventures,see new places,ans may help you experience the world in a whole new way. If you are a seagoing cowboy you may learn a few new things and visit new places like never before. You could meet new people and become more intune with there way of life as well as having fun along the way. Becoming a seagoing cowboy may be a great job for you if you like site-seeing and touring. You may end up seeing a famous landmark or you may learn something new from a person that lives there. If your not really into site-seeing you may experience or see the world in a whole new way that you never thought possible. You may see something done in your own country that is done in another country totally different. You may try a new food that is simliar to one u've had before. You may see a new culture you never thought excisted. It could have many benefits or change your lifestyle to a new way that you may have never thought would have an effect on you. You may meet someone new and become friends with them. Becoming a seagoing cowboy could have many effects on you,your lifestyle,or the way you view the world. So if you like having adventures,meeting a new person or finding a new friend or culture,a seagoing cowboy just might be the right job for you.
Driverless cars seem like a neat and fun idea but they are not as great as they seem. Driverless cars can be dangerous and are not more efficient then a normal car. These cars seem to have many good things about them but actually have plenty of negative effects. The diverless cars ahould not be developed. Driverless cars are not practical because the cars are not 100% driverless. The driverless cars can only be alone in 25 mph conditions. The car also can not be alone in traffic or near construction. As stated in paragraph 7 "the human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." The human in the car can not even relax while the car drives itself because he/she must still watch the road and be ready to drive when the car can not. Then the driver will be nervous waiting for their turn to drive when it is time. The driver will just feel much more stressed. Is it not better for the driver to just drive at all times and avoid stress about getting on the wheel on time? Some might say that the driverless cars are great because you are much safer in them. These cars have a lot of new and smart technology that helps in making a car trip much safer for the driver and its passengers. Also it alows the driver to multitask while the car drives. Drivers can be on their phones or finish up their hair and/or makeup. When the driver is in a tough situation they can just let their cars get through it and take back the wheel whenever he/she is ready.. The driverless cars are not as safe as they seem with all its technology. The number one reason people get into car crashes is because they were distracted ,usally by their phones and encouriging drivers to be on their phones in a "driverless " car is very dangerous. With these new cars it will be very hard to try and even multitask. Since they are not self-efficient the driver must pay attention to the road at all times ,therefore making it very hard to safetly turn around and do something else. Drivers when trying to do something ,in a hurry will have to leave what they are doing to attend to the wheel when the car can no longer drive. Since the car will only be able to drive in specific conditions the driver must attend to the wheel constantly. The driverless cars are in fact not so "driverless" and beat their own and only purpose. These cars have many negative sides to them and should definitely not take the place of normal and safe cars. Driverless cars should not be developed by car manufacturers!
After I became a seagoing cowboy I was grateful to be helping may people that are injured and hurt. I am grateful for all the opportunities and being there for people's needs. I think many young boys should join because people would count on you to be there. Also they would respect you and honor you because of your great leadership. I started out at a young age and I was so happy traveling with my friends and helping people out. I think that being a seagoing cowboy is much more than just helping people that are hurt. I look on the bright side. I think of it as an adventure. Helping people out is a great adventure, but the bigger one the real one is traveling over the pacific and the Atlantic Ocean several times. If you do join the seagoing Cowboys you should put a lot of effort in your job. People will be counting on you for you to save their lives. Also if you where ever doubting yourself never do that you are pushing yourself away from your actual dream. If you don't stop doubting yourself you won't go any where in life. You should be a leader and fight for what's right. I joined because I liked helping people and saving their life. I hope you will do the same thing and carry this on and convince your friends to do it with you. It is good when your friends are not with you , but it is even better when they are. You should go convince boys or girls to join the seagoing Cowboys.
How i feel about this article talking about having a piece of technology that could show and tell you what people are feeling is pretty crazy. Ok with starting this off i would say that i am against this because yeah it would be cool to see peoples emotions and see how people are feeling but i think it is bad because teachers for example would use it whenever and espically when a student is mad or acting strange or if the teacher and student got in an argument. The teacher would use it to see how they where feeling and with one other thing if a student is texting under his lap or something is smiling or showing some type of motion a teacher could have the machine read what they are feeling about during that time to even hundred percent know kids where on there phones that could be a good thing for teachers but bad for students and that would make students even more mad or anything towards school or teachers and i think something to let you see emotion would be bad to have in school because you don't need to no how people are feeling its not your buisness to know. And to sum this all up in my conclusion to the essay of the article is that it would be cool to see something like that but not in school and they should have it set up in places where people could go in public. And try not in schools or places that need it like hospitals or places for crazy people just not school the end.
The author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit beause it is near the earth and orbits near the sun like earth. But tthey think its still dangerous to think about having a human visit Venus. The text states, ¨ Each previous mission was unmanned, and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explainswhy not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than 3 decades.¨ This explains that it can be dangerous in Venus if these spacecrafts can´t be found down in Venus. There is more to how Venus can be dangerous to a human. Since Venus is closer to the sun, the high temperature it is which makes a human less chance to survive in the heat. The text states, ¨ the planets surface, temperature average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 time greater than what we experience on our own planet.¨ Also in Venus there is gases that if a human lands at, it wouldn´t be safe and harder for them to breathe. The text states that since the atmosphere in Venus is so thick, 97 percent carbron dioxide blankets are in Venus. The text states,¨ Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus´s atmosphere.¨ Which make that harder for someone to breath in Venus. NASA is working on how to study more about Venus taking taking risky challenges. The text states,¨ some simplifed electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos off Venus´s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such condition. This shows how NASA tests to investigate more about Venus. Venus is a planet to lose to the sun that a human can sufficate from the heat and too much carbon dioxide. These researchers are working hard either making spacecraft or some other things so they can send to Venus and investigate more positive things about the planet. The researchers are so curious about finding miners and others things that can be useful or used as a display or they want to see if a human is able to live in Venus safely. This all states why researchers are so curious about the planet Venus.
The author explains why studying Venus is an important thing by stating the facts about how it is beneficial to us to study our sister planet. Do to to our current limit in technology and the harsh ecosystem on Venus, it is is extremely hard for us to find out any information about this planet. Many people wonder why scientist still try to find out more information about Venus. The reason is that Venus's ecosystem could have been similar to ours many years ago. Since the planet shows signs of mountains, valleys and craters we can safley assume their was once an ocean on the now uninhabitable planet. Many scientist believe that we can safley hover above Venus's atomsphere to get a better look at it. However other scientist state that they want to go on to the planet to take samples of rock, gas ect. Either way going to Venus will not be happening anytime soon.
People say that technology is forever chaging, getting better, and more advanced. Some for the good, and some for the bad. Today they are trying to invent cars that drive themselves but still require a driver. However I don't feel like driverless cars are necessary in today's world. There is too much room for error, just like any piece of technology, there's errors, and things can break. Talking about driverless cars means to trust your life with some piece of technology. I want to be confident when I'm drivng, meaning, I'm in full control of what I'm doing. I don't want to have to blame anyone else but my self if I cause an accident. The first acouple statements of the passage states " Can you imagine a time in the future when no one buys cars because no one needs them anymore? He envisions a future with a public- transport system where fleets of driverless cars form a public- tansport taxi system." I can't imagine a time like that because there a millions of people out there who are able to drive perfectly by themselves. I don't think that people want to have to rely on calling a driverless car to come pick them up to take them to work or go to other places. People like to be self sufficient, get up and go whenever they want to. People don't want anything holding them back or preventing them of what they want to do. The passage also states "Most laws focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe, and law makers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers. Still, even if traffic laws change, new laws will be needed in order to cover liability in the case of an accident. If the technology fails and someone is injured, who is at fault- the driver or the manufacturer?" If they continue to go on with the idea of driverless cars, a lot of events have to go right for them. It's going to take a lot of time, to propose new driving laws and getting the technology where they want it to be. I belive if it's not broke, don't fix it. Also if there were to be an accident in one of these cars, the question of liability could cause a lot of problems and headaches. I question the safety of these cars and how reliable they are. I don't think that many people would trust their life with a car that can drive itself. Driving is a privlage and a huge stepping stone in life. Driving also comes with alot of responsibility, and educates people on saftey, and help with social interaction. Driverless cars also take the fun out of driving. Most teenager boys and girls can not wait until they turn the legal age and can get behind the wheel and drive. Most teenager vison themselves driving anywhere and everywhere after they get their license. Going to driverless cars makes driving boring and doesn't teach young adults the respnsibility and importance of safety while driving. Paragraph 8 states " Why would anyone want a driverless car that still needs a driver? Wouldn't drivers get boared waiting for their turn to drive?" It also limits what they learn, like the laws and rules of the roads while driving. Driving is neccessary in most people's lives today, and a lot of people enjoy driving. Driverless cars sound like they can be very expensive. If Sergey Brin's envision holds true, where are they going to get the money to provide cars for evryone in the world who needs them? I do not support driverless cars because there is too much room for error, I don't want to rely on a car to pick me up and take me places. Driverless cars limit the learning potential about driving for beginner drivers. Drivng is fine the way it is now, they just need to focus their attention on the cars people drive today. Although these cars might sound like a good idea now, but could cause a lot of unneccesary chaos in the future. Would you trust your life with a piece of technology that drives you where you desire?
I have read the article of ''Unmasking the Face on Mars.'' When I imagine that if I were a scientist at NASA discussing the Face with someone who thinks it was created by aliens. First of all,in September,1997,one of the chief scientist man said ''When they arrived at the Red Planet,''We felt this was important to taxpayer. A few days later NASA was unveiled the image for all to see.''Jim Garvin also say that ''We photographed the face as soon as we could get a good shot at it.'' Which mean they were trying to shot a picture of the Face that they saw in Mars. Second,on April 5,1998,when Cydonia was for the first times,the two men had snapped a picture ten times sharper than the original Viking photo. It revealed a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. When the Face was located it was in April a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet. One man said ''Alien markings were hidden by haze.'' After that,the mission trying to look again. In April 8,2001 a cloudless summer a day in Cydonia,Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. Garvin said ''We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view.''Malin's team also captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution.''The image of 2001 spans like 1.56 meters,compared to 43 meters in the best of 1976 Viking's photo. Finally,Garvin said that ''If there were objects in this pictures like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian style pyramids or even small shacks,you could see what they were.''he said. Lastly,the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landforms common around the American Wests.''That's a lava dome that takes the form of an isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on Mars.''After all that happened nobody was not really sure which one was the right one.
Computers can read how you feel? Prof.Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Insitute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois creat a new software that can read your facial expression. The new software can not only read human expression but also a painting by calculating emotions. This new technology can regonize how the student feels about the lesson whether they are confused or bored and than modify the lesson in order for the student to understand the lesson better as shown in the article paragraph 6. The value of using this techonology to read students' emotional expression is to help the student on a way for them to be more confident about the lesson and have more understanding on what the lesson is about because the software can modified lesson, like a good teacher as Dr. Huang predicted in paragraph 6. In conclusion, using the software is a great way to help students in learning and making it easier for them to understand and also for the teachers so that they can know more about how to teach the students the lesson.
Life without a personal vehicle may seem very hard of a challange, but in some areas of the world everyday life does'nt require a personal car. In many cities around the world, personal transport is less than a necessity. Cities have taken action to reduce the green house emitions that cars give out. Many large cities are providing alternet modes of transportation. These alternet modes of transportation can reduce smog over the city and contribute less to co2 emitions. In a German suburb named Vauban cars are a rare sight. Personal garages and home driveways are not commonly seen. Only 30% of famikies in this suburb own a personl car, everyone else walks or rides a bike as their daily comute. City planners are working on ways to better suite sidewalks for citizens that do not hane cars. Life is said to be "much better this way" by people living in this community. In Bogota Colombia is a program that is expected to spread to other countries. On one day all personal car transport is banned with voilators faccing a $25 fine, this day was proporly named the day without cars. Only taxies and buses are permited vehicle transport, while most people will either walk or ride a bike to work and to complete the days tasks. The goal of the day without cars is to promote alternet forms of transporn and to reduce smog output by the city of 7 million. Many people are welcoming to the idea and are happy to participate in it. The city of New York is a large and bustiling city, and anyone who has ever been there will tell you of the extreme road congestion. A large amount of people in the city do not own cars and will use public transport to get to their destination. Using the subway, sky rocket or a taxi/bus people are able to move around on their own two feet sometimes faster than a car. In the whole United States the amount of 16-19 year olds getting their license has dropped since 2006. Along with the amount of cars being sold each year. This has made people wonder if the driving peak in America has passed and that more youngsters will resort to public transport like in New York. Places around the world are now taking action to reduce co2 emitions in the atmosphere. Places like Germany, Bogota Colombia and places in America are now relying on public transport more than before. Bogota Columbia is so dedicated to this idea that they have reserved a day in which nobody drives a car and only walks, rides a bike or takes the bus. In Vauban Germany a suburd has shown that you don't need a personal car to "survive" in this world where only efficiency matters. Also in New York people have adapted to walking and using public transport to get to where they need to go. It has been proven that life isn't imposible without a car.        
We as people want to explore to new levels that no one has ever been to. Some of those things could be going to Venus. You would be the first person to go, everyone would love you, and you would get so much fame. Here's some things that you don't know about. It's exreamly dangerous and your chances of survival and very slim. By slim I mean next to none. The planet is 97% carbon dixoide so we wouldn't be able to breath and you have have to be in a space suit with limited oxygen supply. Next, you wouldn't be able to touch the surface considering that the average temperatures and 800 degress fahrenheit. When you're there you won't be able to collect materails such as rocks, gases, or even anything else because you won't be able to get to there surface and anything you use to try to touch the surface will melt. When you are there you will be experiencing 90 times more atompheric pressure than you would here on earth. It would literally crush you to be present on the surface of Venus. Not to mention you could be the second fatherist away from earth and that'll make it longer to get back to earth than normal. Also, when you are there the planet is rotating faster than it would on earth and make you very sick. So, before you decide to make big leaps and explore new places you got to know what you can and can't do. The author from the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" gave me my information and did an amazing job explaining and getting me to understand how harse Venus could really be. You are limited to far heights and it's your choice to find them.
Will Nasa make the hover ship work? Will we get to discover more about venus? Is this all really worth this? Will they all make it out alive? In the text the author states vebus is called a "Evening star" which is one of the brightest points of lights in the night sky, wmaking it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. The text also states Venus is second planet from our sun. Which means venus is simple to see from the distant ,but safe vantage point of earth, it proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus is earth "twin" venus is the close planet to earth in terms of density and size. The author also states humans sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world. None of the single spaceship had survived. The spaceship would never last more than a hour on venus. This is why venus is a challengin planet for humans to study and find more about The text states Venus is coverd with a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. In the text is also says even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere. This planets is dangrous this is why most thing can't touch this planet. The text says these condition are extreme. This planet is hard to get on,but this won't stop them for trying to find a away to get on this planet. This might take years to find a away. Im sure they will come up with many ideas or maybe have to find a way to get on this planet. it will be a challenge for them, but nothing will stop them from trying. In the text Venus is called our sister planet ,but is so inhospitable secientisit still try to get on this planet. The athuor also states astroonomers are fascinated by venus because it may ha ve been the most earth like planet in our solar system. It also states Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary vist. This planet may be dangrous. but that doesn't mean they will give up just because they may have failed in the past. The text states Nasa has one particularly complling idea for sending humans to study venus. In the text they are going to try and make a hovering car so they wouldn't have to touch the group and the people inside will be safe . They are also look for more way to make it to Venus. The "Evening start " will take years to get on ,but that will not stop them from trying to get on Venus. Venus has maybe thing humans would like to find out about and it seem like a good planet to study. Venus is extreme dangrous,but it will not stop humans from getting on this planet. This search to get on this planet will not stop and go on for a while. Nasa has maybe good way of trying to get out to venus and getting stuff and coming back safe. Im sure they will test this machines or ships before sending humnas out there or they would just die. Nasa is looking at old stuff and trying to see what they can add. They even look back to see what they use and how can they add stuff to this. Nasa will keep going no matter what gets in there way.
In the article, the author implies the idea that studying Venus is a worthy endeavor despite its many dangers. By using examples, descriptive details, and more, the author supports this claim very well. The authors does many things in this article to show the relevant danger that the planet Venus presents. They did this by using factual information at the beginning of the article. For example, in paragraph 3, the author states that "a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". This example show the evident danger that Venus holds. Another example of the author showing the dangers of Venus is the author states, "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit". This being another example of how the author shows the dangers of Venus. Though, on the other hand, the author also gives the idea that Venus is worth exploring despite all of its dangers. One example being when the author says, "astonomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Eath-like planet in our solar system". This shows that the author believes that Venus is a worthy planet to be explored despite the danger it holds. Another example of how the author supports theri claim is that they used factual information in the article. An example of this is in paragraph 5,where the author states, "NASA's possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus would allow scientists to float above the thirty-plus miles above the surface, temperatures would still be toasty at around 170 degrees Fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to that of sea level on Earth. Solar power would be plentiful, and radiation would not exceed Earth levels. Not easy conditions, but survivable for humans". This is one of the many factual statements throughout the article that shows the support of the author's claim. The author also says this statement at the end of the article saying, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imaginations and innovation". This shows that the author also believes that Venus is worth exploring because they give their own opinion about the future expeditions of man and how they should forever expand exploration. In conclusion, the author support their claim that Venus should be explore despite its evident dangers by using factual information, personal opinions, and descriptive details about the exploration of Venus, showing that they believe it should be explored because of the challenges it presents.
Dear State Senator, On behalf of my right of speech to speak, I think the government shouldn't keep the Electoral College. Because it's a process, without the process of picking out who will be the next president of the United States we would be able too choose a right president, we will choose the light for the people of the United States Of America. The presidential election is held every four years, you help choose your states electors when you vote for your President, because you vote for your candidate you are actually voting for your candidates electors. During the election, most states have a "winner-take-all" system that deals with all the electors to the presidential candidates. After the presidential election, The governor prepares a " Certificate of Ascertainment" listing all of the candidates running for President in your state with name of their respective electors. The Electoral College is a process dealing with our founding fathers, whoom which they established it in the constitution as a compomise between the elections of voting for the President in Congress or by popular vote. The Electoral College consist of 538 electors, the majority is 270. Under the 23rd Amendment of te Constitution, the District of Columbia has 3 electos and are treated lke state for a purpose of the Electoral College. In following discussion the word "state" also refers to the district of Columbia. Nothing is always good tho, there is always a bad side towards everything. Like in the Electoral College system, voters don't vote for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect for the President. The single argument against the electoral college is what we might call The disaster factor. State legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, those electors may always defy the will of the people. They officially say that the electoral collge is unfair because the best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without basis in reality. The arguments against the direct elections are spurious at best. The College is regarded as an anacrinism, a non-democratic metod of selecting a president and to be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes is the winner. The College restores some of the weight in the poligtical balance that large states lose by virtue of te mal-apportion of the senate decreed in the constitution. They restore some of the weight in te political balance that large states by population may lose by virtue. The Electoral College avoids te problm of elections in which no candidate receives a majority of the voting cast. It can be argued that the Electoral College method of selecting the president may turn off potential voters for a candidate wo nas no hope of carrying their state. Democrats in Texas, for example, or Republicans in California. Knowing their vote will have no effect, they'll have less incentuve to pay attention to he campaign then rather the President being coosen by a popularity of votes.                                                                    
As a teen you wanted to drive.  You wanted that freedom to go anywhere on your own.  When we are young we dont relize the damage driving a car does to our world.  It effects green house gasses, and C02 levels.  In my opinion it also makes the human race lazier, or less athletic you could say.  I'm a high school student, and to be honest I still want to be able to drive.  But with limitation.  I live about at most 3 miles from every place I need to go daily.  Theres thift shops, Family Dollar and game stores within a mile of my home,  and a 7-11 not much farther, Theres also a Naborhood Wall-Mart in 3 miles.  The only place thats not in walking distance is school, and I just take the bus.  My Mom daily drives to atleast one of these, I dissagree with that.  Everytime I go walk with my 3 younger sisters, we go down nd have fun.  While yes our feet hurt later, its still worth it. "VAUBAN, Germany-Residents of this upscale community are suburban pioneer, going where few soccer moms or commutin executives have ever gone before: they have given up their cars."  In Vauban any street parking is forbidden, along with driveway and garage parking.  They are what you would call a "car-free" suburban area.  While you can own a car, there are only two places to park on the edge of the development and it charges a rediculious fee to park there.  Due to this 70% of Families there don't own a car.  "When I had a car I was allways tense.  I'm much happier this way,"  Said Heidrun Walter a mother who moved their with her family.  They got lots of positive feedback from families in the development. Are we Americans causing most of our issues with gasses from cars?  Luckily no.  "Recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by."  As said by Elisabeth Rosenthal, the writer of the passage "The End of Car Culture" which go's into whether car numbers are increasing or decreasing, and whats in the future for it.  She says that it seems like America has gone down, and pasted the peak on cars.  While you might counter, "Thats just the economy effecting how everyone spends their money and cars werent at the top."  But people who stopped because of the recession may have no reason to restart that habit. Biking, A healthy way to transport your self from one place to another.  It keeps you fit, more active.  Alot of issues with people today is if they are over weight or not.  While I'm not saying that just because your thin that your healthy.  If you dont exercise or eat well you aren't.  To be Healthy and fit also doesnt mean body builder extremes.  All I'm saying is as a person being healthy is easy, we just make it hard.  When you see that donut instead of the carrot.  or the couch instead of the bike.  It seems like an ultimatum that our mind invents.  When in reality we can have both.  If everyone had to walk places it would make that mind oggling ultimatum easier.  Forcing us to walk more instead of drive everwhere would make couch and donut time more aceptible. Everyone wants to drive, with the freedom of going anywhere.  I know the feeling.  But overall we over drive, even if the amount has lowered.  It's no secret that it effects our town, our country, our world with C02 levels rising.  I'm notsaying lets get rid of cars completely.  But if everyonce in a while before you pick up your keys to go down to the near by 7-11, take a moment and set down your keys and walk.
I really think that driverless cars are a good idea and a bad one I think many accedints would happen with driverless cars because humans wouldn't have control over the cars. Im against driverless cars although its a very cool idea. I wouldn't mind driverless cars because of the fact of how cool it would be to have a car that drives on its own in the future. Im against it because I think it would cause many accedents. People would get injured. Google says that there driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. This is a good thing that they have driven this much without getting into a crash but i would still need more information to convince me that this car is safe. I would personally prefer the old steering wheel because i would like to have full control and because I dont know if i could trust a car that drives on its own. I think many of the laws would have to be strict. If the driverless car who would be responsible the car manufacturer or the person in the car. This driverless car in the future should not be allowed in my opinion its just not safe to have them around because no one is in control of the car. So i would not buy this car i would stick to the steering wheel where i will have control of me vehicle.
The author starts off by talking about how Venus is the closest planet to earth. Although Earth has made it a challening place to examine more closely. But since Venus is right around the corner,they have sent numerous spacecrafts. The spacecrafts failed to survive the landing for more than a few hours. In the article it says " Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging plant for humans to study despite its proximity to us" This shows how challening it is. The author goes on to say how life is on venus in the article it says " clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". The article also says ' surface temperatures average over 800 degrees". This shows how author decribes life on Venus. The author then talks about how astronomers still want to know more about Venus. In the article it says " Astronmers are fanscinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". This shows why atronomers are drawn to Venus. The author talks about how it is human curiosity. In the article it says " our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innvation'. This shows that even if Venus is dangerous they still want to travel and know more about this plant.
Venus is an intesresting planet that has been studied very little. Venus may be close to the Earth, but it is hard to discover more of the planet, because it has conditions that are different than on Earth. However, this doesn't mean that we should stop discovery. There may be challenges along the way, but scientists will have to find ways to overcome those challenges. It is safe for spaceships to travel, the advanced tecnology, and human curiosity. Many people may think that since Venus has 97 percent carbon dioxide and tht its over 800 degrees that it's not safe for people to travel because those are extreme measures the human body can not take. However, NASA has a study that scientists will be able to use a vehicle that can hover above Venus. This keeps people safe and helps us discover more of Venus. Also the temperature from 30 miles a way would only be 170 degrees. Its still hot, but it would not be too hot for the human body to withstand. The air pressure would also be close to sea level. Overall, the conditions would not be comfortable, but the human body would be able to take it. The advanced technology we have today also makes conditions safer to travel. The knowledge we have gained from technology is incredible. Tecnology makes it possible to make spaceships possible to travel to Venus. However, the conditions may be too much depending on who goes on the spaceship. Also when we look back on the old technology to see what worked and what didn't work. Using mechanical parts can help with the spaceship to withstand the heat. There are also many researchers that are working on making machines that can last long enough to find information about Venus. Sooner or later human curiosity is going to get scientists to go to Venus, but they have to go up with safe equipment. Most of scientists discovery is because of human curiosity. That is why it's worth going up to Venus to get the answers human curiosity needs. The dangers and obstacles shouldn't stop scientists or people from discovering new things. Finding ways to overcome and expand our knowledge on what's out there is what we need to do. Using imaginiation and innovation to be able to discover new things is what is really imporatant. Venus is a place that needs more discovery. There may be some dangers to discovery and challenges in the process, but that's made to be overcome. With all the progress scientists have made in discovery there is no reason to stop now or ever when discovering something new. What will help scientists get up there is the improved spaceships, the advancements made in tecnology, and the curioisty we have as humans.
The author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dnager becuase the atmosphere is almost 07persent carbon dioxide. Venu is a very hot place."On the planet;s surface, temperature average over 800 degrees fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than we ecperience."On Venu's the condition are far more ectreme than anything us humans have encounter on earth . As the student reads in the passage its say that "Venus has the hottest surface temperatur of any planet in our solar system ". Many of the people reading this think that it is hot on earth but what we dont relize is that Venus is ver hot. Many of the people in the world think that Mercury would be the hottest because it is closer to the sun . Why are scientist even discussing further visits to Venus? Why the scientist are even discussing furth visits is because astronmers say that they are fascinated by Venus because it is well known for its Earth-like planet .
I am absolutely for the new tchnology called Facial Action Coding System. Because this technology can be valuable in more than one way. According to the passage this technology can detect when a student is growing bored and can make the subject more interesting. If that was available for students then learning subjects would be come more memorable, because usually when a student becomes bored he or she tends to "drift of into space" and not learn anything that is being taught. If you smile when a web ad appears on your screen, then a similar ad would follow and if you frown then the next ad would be different. That technology could make shopping a lot more effecient, more buying what you do like and less of what you do not like. People around the world would be able to get alot more things done and could possibly become smarter. The technology would break down subjects and materials to help you understand things better like an actual human would. In conclusion technology this advanced would not only expand the growth of your brain but potentionally expand the growth as a country and in wealth.
I am against it. The people that show no emotion do it for a reason. Most likely people show no emotion on their face becasue they don't want people to know how they feel. It gives people the hint saying i don't want to talk to you or just leave me alone. Some students tend to be closed off from people and that's how they like it and want to be left alone. It's most likely the ones that don't show emotion had a bad past, something horrible happened recently and don't want people to find out, Etc. For example, a girl recently moved in with her father after 16 years living with her mother. She wanted a new change so she left but what people don't know is that she cries at night for leaving her other siblings and mother etc. She wouldn't want people to know how she really feels, so she hides it away showing no emotion or having a fake emotion on her face. She doesn't want anyone to know what's going on in her life or just doesn't want people in her buisness. That is why we shouldn't use the new technology of indentifying emotions on people that obviously dont't want to. Not everybody is the same , has a good life like others or a bad one. Also, just because someone is bored the computer that can identify emotions shouldn't try to make the next thing they watch or do more fun for them. In the real world you go through things that is as boring as looking at a wall all day. So, they shouldn't get used to everything being fun because it's not.
Do you think this would be a good idea? In the reading Making Mona Lisa Smile by Nick D'Alto, Mona Lisa is mostly happy a little disgusted and a little fearful and a little angry this is about mixed emotions and coming up with a new technology about reading yoiur emotions and calculating them for you to see whos really happy or faking happiness. This is about calculating emotions on a three D computer. First off, Mona Lisa is mostly always happy and she wanted to come up with a way to see if a lot of school students are happy or just faking there happiniss and hiding there real emotions. there is this three D computer that can take calculations on your emotions and tell you if you are truly happy or hiding your real emotions. secendly, theres ba computer that contructs a three-D model of the face and all 44 major muscles in the model must move around like the human muscles. there are six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear and sadness the three-D computer can detect all six of these emotions and calculate the emotions and tell you how you really feel. you can tell when someone is truly smiling because there muscles in there face move a serten way and if it is a fake smile your muscles move a different way therefore you can tell if the smile is fake or not. Therefore, yes i think this new technology would work because the three-D model can detect the true feelings you have and calculate it i think you shoukd try this if you ever get a chance.