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Do you like having to drive yourself ever where, everyday? Google has came up with a driverless car. Now, if you think about this, eventually no one will have to drive. We will not have to buy cars anymore. This driverless car has traffic jam assistance, antilock brakes, and last but not least they have necessities to alert the driver if the driver needs to take over. The driverless car has traffic jam assistance. The car can only handle up to 25 mph. This is why the driver has to keep ahold of the wheel at all times. The car itself will notify the driver if at some point the road ahead needs human skills, such as navigating through work zones. This means the driver must remain alert at all times. The car also comes with antilock brakes. The car has motion sensors when you are pulling in or out of somewhere and you get to close to an object the car stops itself. The car does not only come with motion sensors on the back or the car, the car comes also come with a rotating sensor on the roof, a video camera mounted near the rearview mirror, four automative radar sensors, a GPS reciever, and an inertial motion sensor. The driverless car come with necessities that alert the driver when the driver needs to take over. GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger of backing into an object. The Google car simply announces when the driver should be prepared to take over. Other options under consideration are flashing lights on the windshield and other heads-up displays. Driverless cars would be a lot more convenient than the cars we have today. They practically drive themselves. This driverless car has traffic jam assistance, antilock brakes, and probably the most important are the necessities the cars have to alert the driver if the car is in need for the driver would like to take over. Driverless cars are the new beginning!
Do you think technology can read your emotion? In my opinion I believe technology can't read your emotion. First of all, emotion has to do with what you're thinking about, a face can lie, and a drawing doesn't always mean it's happy when there is dark around it. First of all, when you try to see someone's emotion you don't really pay attention to their face you pay attention to how they act and how they talk. Someone can be hyper and talkative some days and the next they can be smiling but not hyper or talking to anybody. Kids come to school and put on a happy face when actually they don't want to be there. It's the same with everything else. Secondly, a face can lie. Everyone has something they're thinking about but nobody knows exactly what they're thinking about. Everyone hides their emotion a certain time in life; therefore, you can easily smile but it doesn't mean you're happy. Lastly, in the story the author talks about how they can also use the new technology they made to know the emotion of drawings like Mona Lisa. When you look at the picture of Mona Lisa you see her smiling but the picture has to color and the smile does not look like a real smile, it looks like a fake smile. Also, in the picture of Mona Lisa the background is of a lonely lake or pond which is also without color. Color shows alot of emotion depending on the colors you use, like dark colors determine sadness and bright colors determine happiness but red is in between and usually determines hate; someone being angry. In conclusion, technology can not read emotions. Emotion has to do with what is going on in your mind, facial expressions can easily lie, and emotion in drawings determine the colors of the the art.
What in the world?...Aliens , there is no way aliens could have done this. Aliens may not be mythical creatures but if that is so , they would not have the ablity to create a planet. I as a scientist believe that Mars came from the atmistsphere and the many things that hang around in space or maybe it came from the sun or another planet. ''I can asure you aliens built this planet''! Do you have proof? ''Well I saw a picture''. Explain to me what the picture appeared to be.''It was a ''huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human mouth.'' It may have looked as if it were a face but that does not mean in anyway shape or form that it was an aliens creation. People often say things like this to be heard or recognized and it works. So of course you will hear things like this but you have to take it into your own hands as well as NASA did. I am a scientist and i do not know everything but, aliens sound outregeous. I still have to do some researching too but, I will figure it out. The ''Face of Mars'' became a pop icon.''It has starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows even haunted a grocery store checkout lines for 25 years!'' Now as I told you , people say these things to be noticed but only an intelligent person would really look over it before speaking on it. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on Mars. Finally we found out that there was no alien monument after all , after flying over to Mars to take pictures. ''I still will not give up on what i beileve in I beileve aliens created Mars but alright. The Mars Global Surveyor has already proven it my dear, no alien creation.
In the article " Making Mona Lisa Smile"The author said their is a new technology that can identify human emotion its name is the Facial Action Coding System. why is it improtant? it improtant becaues we can accuracy perceiving an emotion of someone or something. for example like the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci we can take Mona Lisa and put it facial coding system. then we can know her emotional. in the text it said " she 83 percent happy, 9 percent disduste and 6 percent fearful" it cool how they can get emotional of artwork. The two people that make the coding system are Professor Thomas Huang and Professor Nicu at the university of lllinois, and the university of Amsterdam. To start, The computer make a 3-D model of the face with the major muscles. Then using video imagey the software recognize the factial movement. Then it be classified with in six basic emtions. If this technology can use in classroom it will help alot of student. becaues the computer can recognize if your confused or disinterested. then it will modify the instuctor for help. it can class like drama,it can help the actors reproduce the some emotions. this technology is valubleful for the student and the classroom beaues reveal the amotions of a another person can be helpful.
A planet that has enough heat and pressure to melt most metals and crush any submarine may not sound like an ideal location to visit, but scientists at NASA are determined on researching it because even though it has horribly immense climate, it may be the closest planet in our solar system to Earth. The article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author speaks of how scientists strongly believe that learning more about Venus can lead to answers about the creation of Earth. It is an extremely difficult task to accomplish, as most rovers NASA has sent there have not lasted more than a mere few hours. In order to research the planet in depth, NASA would need to send living humans to Venus, however, this will be rediculously challenging and even more so dangerous. Even though it is dangerous, the author makes a valid point, NASA should be determined to research Venus since the discoveries made there can possibly give insight on what Earth may become. Venus may have one of the harshest climates in our solar system, with an average temperature of 800 degrees Farenheit, and an atmospheric pressure 90 times greater than Earth's. Despite these major differences, it is also believed to be the closest to Earth by means of geological similarity. As stated in the article, scientists believe that Venus was most likely covered with oceans and quite possibly could have even hosted life. This idea is gathered from the similarities in structures between Earth and that volcano of a planet, like valleys, mountains, and an atmosphere. All of these facts are provide the possibility of being able to make human contact on Venus. Not only would that allow scientist to further research what Earth may become, but if humans are able to reside on another planet, it would greatly help rid overcrowding and Venus may be a future inhabitable location for humans. Obviously, the idea of sending humans to Venus far excedes our current technology, but traveling to that planet may be the future of humanity. The author states that the value of returning to Venus is indesputable, yet horribly dangerous. Danger should not put off scientists into further discovering that planet, but rather it should encourage them to work even harder in order to someday provide a safe passage between Earth and Venus. This would be beneficial to human society, because it could potentially help rid future problems of overpopulation and even provide insight on what Earth may become. This all leads to concluding that the author made a most valid statement and provides evidence that provides wonderful reasoning as to why scientists should explore Venus and the benefits the exploration would provide.
Dear State Senator, The election should be changed to popular vote instead of using the Electoral College for the president of the United States. The Electoral College is unfair to voters and is an outdated system that needs to go. In Source 2, the article states "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and those electors could always defy the will of the people." The people vote for the president they want then the state counts the votes and picks majority then the Electoral College has the final desicion and picks the presidet, which is unfair to the people because even if they win majority vote it is up to the electoral college to decide. The same article also states "In the same vein, 'faithless' electors have occasionally refused to vote for their party's canidate and cast a deciding vote for however they please-". It is almost ads if the people have no voice in elections. The Electoral College is also unfair because of what is stated in Source 2. Again, the article says "Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that those electors could always defy the will of the people." The people have no opinion in elections it is all up to the Electoral College to decide the president of the United States regardless of what the people want as their leader of the United States of America. Although the people have no voice in the elections but instead the Electoral College, sometimes it is better to keep the old method. In Source 3, the article states that it is is less likely to have a dispute over the popular vote. "The reason is the winning canidate's share of the Electoral College invariably exceeds his share of the popular vote." Saying that the Electoral College sometimes tries to go along with the popular vote to best fit what the people voted for. Even though the Electoral College has been around fro a really long time, it is time to change and go with popular vote elections for the president of the United States instead. That way the people actually vote for the president themselves and they get what they want. Thank you for your time.
I think that this system that they are creating will be useful in the classroom because if a student is confused then the computer can recognize that so that the perticular student may be helped to learn the lesson. In the article it states that "“A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored,” Dr. Huang predicts. “Then it could modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor.” this shows how the syetem can be used for good in a classroom and help kids who may have learning disabillites have an easier time understanding the lesson and learning more. Another reason that this system can be useful in the classroom is it could make a computer animated faces have more expression so say the lesson the student is learning is online using an animated instructor the system would code the instructors face to have more expression when explaining the lesson leading the the student to learn more aprehensivly. In the Article is says that "The same technology can make computer-animated faces more expressive—for video games or video surgery. “Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communication,” notes Dr. Huang. “So computers need to understand that, too.”" this shows how it can makes animated faces have more expressions such in Video games, Video surgeries, and classroom lesson. This essay shows how the FACS (Facial Action Coding System) can be useful in a classroom and to better the future of our students and schools.
The author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," stated that meeting the challenge of exploring Venus is valuable because it will provide more knowledge of the planet, but also because humans will be curious about many dangerous things in the future. The author stated many dangers and doubts of exploring the planet, but then described solutions that may or may not work. It is contradictive that he decided to include facts and data that went against his own thoughts because he came back and listed data that went against the negative statements. The author created confusion to what he actually believes. The author of the article described Venus as Earth's "twin." That suggests that we already know some facts about Venus such as it's density and size, which is enough to make people curious to how much about Venus we already know. He said that we know that Venus has many similar structures to Earth, such as mountains, valleys, and craters. If Venus is Earth's "twin," doesn't mean that it is extremely similar to Earth? The statement could make people curious about how close Venus really is to Earth, or it could make them wonder why we should bother risking people's safety if we already know that Venus is just like Earth. The author needed to be clearer on which way he wanted people to view that statement. The author also brought up the dangers of visiting Venus multiple times. Then, he would proceed to follow the statement with tested and untested solutions. It was hard to tell which way he sided. According to the author, "Venusian geolegy and weather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frequent lighting strikes to probes..." He later stated that NASA has a possible idea to send blimp-like vehicles to travel the surface of Venus, but that would not provide a detailed enough view of the ground. In order to get his point across to the audience, he should not have kept going agianst information. The author went off topic throughout the article. The different information created slight confusion as to what the message he was trying to convey. The author stated that NASA is working on an approach to studying Venus that involves mechanical computers. He then said, "The thought of computers existing in those days may sound shocking, but these devices make calculations by using gears and levers..." It is irrelevant to the message when the mechanical computers were envisioned or the fact that it is shocking to hear that computers existed in 1940. It was hard to understand why computers were important to the article at all. The author made it difficult to focus on the message when he was stating random facts that were not important to the idea he was trying to support. The author did not make it extremly obvious as to what he was truly trying to convey. If he would been more clear and less contradictive, then it would have been more obvious that he supports the idea that Venus is worthy of being explored. Also, it would have been easier to understand the point he was trying to put across if he would have stayed on topic throughout the article. The message of the article should be obviously supported by the author.
The "Evening Star", which is considered one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. What may this be called? Venus is the name. But, this is actually a planet! In our current solar system, this is the second planet from the sun. Although, it has proven to be one of the most challenging places to explore. It is considered to be 97% carbon dioxide, which us humans, need Oxygen to survive. Despite all of the danger this planet has, there are still ways to pursuit this deathly planet. Astronomers have scientifcally proven that Venus was once considered the most Earth-like planet that has ever existed as a part of our solar system. Till this present day, the planet still has a surface of rocky sediments. Which includes valleys, mountains, and craters. According to The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, there are ways that we can explore Venus. On Earth, we have jet airplanes that allow humans to travel from one destination to the next without touching any grounds. If that can be done on planet Earth, then it is quite possible that it can be done on planet Venus considering the fact that it was once considered an Earth-like planet. This can be done by taking a blimp-like vehicle and traveling 30 miles above ground, that is a much possible way to avoid unfriendly ground conditions on Venus. Of course it will still be around 170 degrees Farenheit even in the air, but, that air pressure would be extremely close to sea level on Earth. It is not in easy conditions, but quite possible for humans to have the ability to do. NASA is even considering using some type of technological electronic to explore Venus. Creating these gadgets, so it has the ability to pursuit this planet, despite all of the danger still involved. In conclusion, The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has scientically been able to prove that these ways could give humans another chance to explore what Venus has to offer. Whether it is jet airplanes, technological electronics, or whatever else they may be able to come up with. All of our travels to Earth and even beyond Earth, should not be allowed due to dangers and doubts but to pursuit even the most dangerous places to see what other things are like except our home. Who knows what is out there, and what could be waiting to be found.
The idea of limiting car usage is a outstanding plan. Because of this idea it helps out everybody in a way so that there are good advantages. By limitig the usage of cars the air will have less polution and that means better air for us to breath. In france diesal makes up 67 percent of vehicles, witch is definately not helping the polution problem. If people use their cars less that means that they save money on gas. Ovcourse the proble is the smog in that country so that os why they want to limit the driving. Like it says over the past two decades they want to make the cities denser, and better for walking in the suburbs. In the suburbs make i more compact and more accessible to public transportation with less space for parking. All the development since world war II has been centered on the car. David Goldberg said a fast growing coalition of hundreds of groups in the united states ... who are promoting new communities that are less dependent on cars. That will be a good thing because it is an advantage of less polution in the atmosphere. So that is all of the advantages of less car usage.
The author in this passage is very supportive of his idea because he gives insight and talks about the entire picture instead of just the good about exploring Venus. The author allows the audience to see the risks people need to take to explore Venus. According to the author we can't get people on Venus just yet because the conditions on the planet are just too severe. In the text it states " Many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last." With this happening eventually we can send machines to Venus that can survive the harsh conditions and further help us figure out how the planet was once supportive of life forms and help us figure out ways to inhabit the planet. While these machines are being worked on Nasa is also working on a blimp like machine that can allow for a human to go to Venus, but they won't be able to get samples of Venus it will allow for a better picture of the planet and allow us to better observe and find out more about the planet. The author also provides the readers with ways that Nasa is trying to accomplish with different electronics. The text states "some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus's surface." This allows the audience to see that when Nasa goes to Venus, they will be prepared for the harsh conditions and allow for a safer enviornment. They are also seeing if old computers could be a factor in being more cautionary on Venus because the older computers were more durable and the parts may not melt like the computer do today because the older version computers were made of less electronics and more levers and things like that. The author wants the audience to know that these researchers are taking the precautions and making sure that their astronauts are going to be safe on this planet. The author provides thorough evidence to all sides of his idea to show the audience that he doesn't just think about the good in exploring Venus he wants the readers to see how dangerous it actually is and all the equipment testing you need to be safe on this planet. It allows the readers to see the good and the bad in exploring Venus but he also tries to sway your own idea of exploring Venus.
Driverless cars are coming. With all of the new technology, driverless cars are definetly a high requested divice. Both positive, and negitive features come along with a driverless car. I belive driverless cars is something we should not have, due to the loss of high quality attention, when driving a reugular car. IPhones, Galaxies, tablets, radios, are just a few reasons why drivers get so distracted in the driver seat. A regular car, is controled completely by the driver, but how can they do that well texting, and having the radio playing as loud as its able? As guessed, they cant. Thats where the smart car comes in, the only thing the drivers need to do is be ready when there control is needed. What if there is an accident ahead, and the lights are flashing to alert the driver, but the driver is looking out the window, and misses the light? who takes control when the seat is vibrating but the driver is bouncing up and down to the new song on the radio? Who turns the wheel, when there is contruction dead ahead, and the car is telling the driver to take control, but he cant hear over the person he is talking to on the cell phone? Even with the smartest car, you arent garrenteed to be the smartest driver. On that note, the driverless car doesnt seem like a very good idea. Even with the smartest car, you still have the everyday electronics distracting the drivers from doing their jobs. Wether its a regualar car, or a driverless car, its dangerous either way when trusting the driver behind the wheel.
Do you think it is a natural landform or a face? It is obvisouly a natural lanform! Mars has a lot going on, people wondering if there can be life on Mars or not, and now this. First, how could there ever be life on another planet? Mars does not even have enough water for human life. In the passege "Unmasking the Face on Mars", it states, "The caption noted a "huge rock formation...which resembles a human head... formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth" The reson why the rock formation looks like a face could be from rocks being inside the sand to formate the face and the rocks could have shrunken or have gone away. Now, this face is a land form, it just looks like a face. This can happen anywhere in the world, not just on Mars. In the article "Unmasking the Face on Mars it says, "Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural land form. There was no alien monument after all." This proves that the picture that was taken may looked like a face but was in fact, a landform, and thd cause of this face can be from anything out in the environment. In conculsion, the "Face of Mars" is not a face, its alnd form, no faces can still be dented in a land form for that long. The cause of making this face can be from rocks, or any other thing on Mars.
"You can live in your car, but you can't drive your house." This is a quote my teacher used to tell me as advise for the future. This was a way of saving money if you had to choose between paying rent or paying your car bills if you were in this situation. However, what he did not realize is its more useful to use less of your car. Using less of your car improves the enviroment. Using less will reduce the pollution in the air that we breathe in. When we reduce our car use we reduce the amount of resources like fossil fuels and nonreuseable resources. When we use cars and create pollution we also create a smog, but when we stop using cars we can clear the smog. In paris, they banned car use for a certain amount of time and it reduced the amount of smog. In fact, in the article Paris Bans Driving Due to Smog , it says "The smog cleared enough Monday for the ruling French party to rescind the ban for odd-numbered plates on Tuesday." Another thing that reduces is your payments for your car. How can you pay for a car if you don't have one? The answer is you don't. Without a car you don't have to pay car payments or repair payments. You also don't have to worry about getting fines or looking for parking spaces. In the article In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars , it reads "Car ownership is allowed, but there are only two places to park- large garages at the edge of the develpment, where a car-owner buys a space, for $40,000, along with a home." If you are not already worried with you car payments, you would be worried about your children's safety. Accidents happen all the time from cars. And if you're not in an accident you could be the one with a car breakdown on your way to work. Now you may say, I need a car because I have to drive to work or drop my kids at school. Than here is a solution, in the article The End of Car Culture it says, "Likewise the rise in cellphones and car-pooling apps has fascilitated more flexible commuting arrangements, including the evolution of shared van services for getting to work." My teacher's quote about paying for cars is more useful than paying rent is incorrect. Using less of your car is an advantage to improving the environment, spending less money, and increasing safety in the world.
Today,I will be writing an essay that the author suggested Venus is "worthy pursuit despite the dangers it epresents" Venus is the second planet from our sun and otfen reffered to as earth "twin",and the closest planet to earth.The only difference is speed that sometimes earth is closer to venus other times to venus. Venus has 97 pecent carbondioxide and over 800 degree farhaniet that explain main reason that each mission was unnamed and not a single spaceship has touched down Venus for more than 3 decades even for humans the solar power would be plentiful and radiation of the sun it is not easy condition,but its survivable for humans. Many Astronomers and Scientists are interested in Venus because Venus has some features that are similar to those on earth it may have been that Venus was once have been the most earh like planet in our solar system,Researchers think that venus was once covered largely with oceans and could have supported various form of of lifes like earth,so why not try harder that would allow machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to our knowledge and seeking to In conclusion, to meet the challenge presented by Venus has worth, not only because of the insight to be gained on the planet,but also for knowledge,curositiy for human being.
From Lukes point of view saying that he wanted people to join participate is that in the begging of the story it said that Luke was working at a grocery store and at a bank. his friend named Don Resit invited him to go to Europe on a cattle boat. Luke said yes because he knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime. In 1945 world war ll was over in Europe and a lot of countries were left in ruins. so that sentence can tell you that if you participated you could help fix countries. 44 nations joined together to form the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation. In August 1945 they received their orders to report to New Orleans. They arrived there on August 14th. Luke was 18 when he arrived in Greece. It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean. when Luke was helping out on his aunt Katies's farm it had prepared him for hard work. Luke also found time to have fun on board especially on return trips after the animals had been housed. Luke did a lot of things on his free time like, Table-tennis tournaments, fincing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. But being a seagoing Cowboy was much more than an adventure for Luke Bomberger. It opened up the world to him. it lead his family to host a number of interrnational students and exchanged visitors for many years. Luke bomberger crossed the Atlantic Ocean 16 times and the Pacific Ocean twice to help people affected by World War ll. So I think that from Lukes point of view he might have wanted people to participate in the seagoing Cowboys because it might be nice to help our countries and support us and also to help others around the world who needs help. That's what I think is coming from Luke Bomberger point of veiw.
Growing up most all of us have watched cartoons with self driving cars or movies with the idea of a car that can drive itself. But can you imagine if that idea could soon become real? Google and many other companys have been trying at this idea for years and have been very succseful with the expirement. The idea of a self driving car has snagged the attention of many people and especially Google who have acaully made this come true in 2009 when they made the first self driving car. These cars a have drove all over without a single acident reported. So as you can imagine this sparks the question, Are self driving car safer on the roads then normals car? Well self driving car all based on sensors that detect anything and everything in the road. They keep with the speed limit adamatically, stop at aproprited time and also slow down when is needed. Adomatic cars will reduce the amount of accidents we have on the road by a lot. Accident are moslty caused by a driver, with adomatic cars, they will stop quicker than a person has time to react. But this plan will only work if everyone gets a smart car. Say if three out of four people get a smart car there will still be some normal cars left on the road, which with those cars an aciddent can be made. Self driving cars can avoid all the natural accident such as an animal running in the road or bad weather conditons. In addition to that many driver become sleepy or distracted when it come to driving, when self driving car are machines that will not do that. With self drving cars there will be no need to get a license. Many teens struggle with passing the lenglthy test to get your license. As people age one of the most common things to get bad is eye sight. This self driving cars elders can still do the things they need to do such as go to the store or visit family with have to relie on other people for tranportation. Self driving cars are going to be the safest option on the roads today. They aviod accidents, reduce the cost of normal veichals and are more efficent than normals cars. This is why these self driving google car should be developed.
Venus is one of the most intersting and eye cathhing planets known to Earth by scientist. It is considered the "twin" of planet Earth making it a very special planet in our solar system. Do not let that fool you though, even if it is called the "twin" of Earth it is still very different in many ways from our planet. In this essay I will be Discussing about the issues brought up by the author of "The Challenge of Exploring Venus." Is Venus really worth studying even despite the dangers it presents? Venus is one of the closest planets to Earth. It is very simialr to Earth in both density and size too. Since Venus is so close compared to most planets around Earth humans have found alot of interest in the planet. Humans have sent many unmanned spacecrafts to Venus but none of the spacecrafts have survived the landing for more than a few hours. There are many reasons why is it challenging for us to make a succeful exploration for many reasons. Veus has a very thick atmosphere of aproxametly 97% carbon dioxide and with clourds of sulfuric acid. Another factor to consider is that it ha a temperature on the averages of 800 degress Fahrenheit and over with atmospheric pressure 90 times greater than which experinced here at Earth. The weather experienced in Venus is also very dangerous. There are many errupting volcanoes, very powerful earthquakes and lighting striking very frequent. These conditions make it almost impossible for Venus to sustane life and making explorations. With all of these very difficult situations to take in consideration the question is brought up agin. Many scientist have been thinking and discussing about more frequent visits but why? Well it is because as it says in paragrapgh 4 "Astonomers are facinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our solar system". there are many theroies that Venus may have long ago been probably covered by large oceans and maybe could have ad a chance of supporting many various forms of life because Venus shows some features and characterisitcs alike those of Earth. Scientists from NASA have been brainstorming with ideas of how to make explorations to Venus possible and more likely to survive. Well an idea in paragrapgh 5 explains"Imagine a blimp-like vehcile hovering 30 or so milea above the roiling Venusian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vechicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfreindly ground conditions by staing up and out their way." This may seem like a good idea but it has its flaws. hovering over the clouds would make it difficult for them to collecet any rocks or anything to sudy and it would also be hard to view the floor and write descriptions of what has been seen. Even though Venusis a very interesting planet and it shares alot of Earths characteristics I believe that there wasnt enough evidence to support the idea that Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. If there was actually ideas and details that would make it seem like it is possible for there to be a safe and sucessful exploration instead of ideas that have a slight chance of working I would have agreed.
Dear senator, I wanted to write you this letter to say that we should keep the electoral college. Because they tally the votes fair to elect the goverment and president that the people of this powerful country have elected to be their leader. The electoral college was one of the rules that our founding fathers made for our country which has kept our country stong in the past so why would we want to take away that cause that would be like erasing our countrys past and our fathers rule. The electoral college consists of 538 electors for the electoral college so if we take away this process cause its not a place then we are putting 538 people out of a job. First things First, we should keep the electoral college cause it is a great process that lets our people choose a leader of this brave and powerful country fairly by having the electors read the votes and tally them up and pick the leader the most people voted for but sometimes its not the most cause if bigger states with more powerful people vote for a diffrent president and the one president has the most votes but if the other one has the more votes from bigger states and cities like california then he gets the popular vote. The electoral college has never technically failed us it has gotten close in the John F. Kennedy election when state legislators were technically responsible for picking electors and that the electors could defy the will of the people so say like if John F. Kennedy got the popular vote then it could possibly not go to him cause the electors could get replaced with new ones that could oppose him. The mistakes were never to the point that it messed up our country just little mistakes that got fixed by a direct election which we have now a day so that these little mistakes cant mess our whole voting system up. We should keep the electoral college because it is proven that people have out voted electors in the Gore vs Bush election cause Bush got the electoral votes but Gore got the popular vote by the people. Second of All, we should keep the electoral college because it was one of our founding fathers rules and processes and they were the people who founded and discovered this brave, powerful, and beutifal country so if we throw that away then we are betraying our fathers and our anceistors. Another thing is electoral college has of america and they aint running for president and they are aloud to vote which is fair cause it's everyones president not just only the people not appart of the constitution. The great rule that our constitution made for the electoral college was the mal-apportionment which means even if the large states has a bigger population they still could lose by virtue so if we dont have an electoral college that will not be possible then we would just get out voted by heavier states and electors. The electoral college is a great process for fair voting for our goverment and president and if we keep that running then we keep our country running as a healthy country. To Wrap it up, I think we should keep our electoral college for many of reasons. one because its the fairest most strongest process of voting. two because it lets everybody vote including the electors. and last but not least it keeps our founding fathers rule going and keeps us loyal to our brave and powerful countrys leader.
"All of our development since world war II has been centered on the car, and that will have to change." Mr. Goldberg an official of transportation for America, a growing coalition to promote car frees communities said. The world is changing for the better and one of the machines man created, that is one of the world changing invenions of it's time is coming down for it's throne is the car. So what are the reasons for not getting a car? lets find out. In Germany, that is coming faster than people think. An idea called "Smart planning' is taking hold in an exprimental town bulit in 2006 named Vauban. A place were cars are a thing of the past. People everyday are not driving to school or work they are walking, bicycling, or taking the tram into the town from the suburb. Smart planning is revoultionary buliding towns to not be dependent on driving. 70% of Vauban's famlies do not own car and are much happier to not have the everyday anxiteys of driving a motor engine car everyday. 57% sold there car just to move into the small town of Vauban. Car free suburbs and town are a growing trend all across Europe, the united states and many more nations. These efforts have been making cities, towns, and suburbs denser so you don't have to go far to get some milk and eggs. The global warning is a huge part of the fight to make the earth our home more better and healthier for generations and generations to come. Cars emit gas emissions that make up 12% of the greenhouse gases in our enviroment, up to 50% percent in car-intensive areas in the United States and around the world. France, Paris having heavy smog decided to have a partial ban on driving making even numbered license plates not drive or fear a fine. Congestion went down after the experiment. What was to blame for the smog was the Diesel fuel being used in most cars because of the fact that a tax policy favors diesel fuel over gasoline. Paris having more smog than the typical capital had a decrease in congestion and the citiy after enormous victory decided to go at it again and do odd numbered license cars. The car culture is one the has had enormous effect on the everyday lives citizens around the world. In the United states, "Recent studies suggest that americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." In America where the car culture has turned us into the number one place in the world to find the history of one of the planets world changing innventions. People want a greener earth and benifits of not owning a car because everybody knows the stress of having a car no matter ho much it helps you. The car in which you have to have insurance, life insurance, car payments, you have to keep up with your car, the dangers associated with having a car and stress plus anxiety that comes with a car. The cons outweight the pros but those pros have an enormous effect. People are changing and the percentile of teenagers and young adults have droped ten fold in getting or renewing a license. The new trend is that people are no longer getting cars or licenses so why should you. The people of planet earth understand the pros or cons of a car the benifits of not diving and are making for that change. One of the worlds greatest innventions is stepping off there throne. So why will you not get a car?
The advantages of limiting car usage can help in many ways. Limiting cars usage can help gobal warning, traffic, even help families. Cars help us tranport our self or things to places  but the problems that come with having a car, can be stressful. According to the Article Car-free day in spinning into a big hit in Bogota, Bogota, Colombia is trying to spread its Car Free program to other countries. The Colombia Car Free has help business people relied their stress and help lower the air pollution. The Bogota program promote people to hike, bike, skate or take a buses to work during the Car-Free day. The results from the Car-free day had dramatically cut traffic and new restaurants and upscale shopping districts have increased. This shift in driving cars had lowered in the United States. According to the The End of Car Culture, Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by. This mean that more citizens are using public tranportation more then driving their Mobile vehicle. This is woven to a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety, according to Chairman of Ford Motor Company. The results are that there are less pollution in the air because of citizens not wanting a vehicle or licenses. The limiting of car usage is really working. That citizens in different countries are happy with the results of the Car-free day. Its not just help the Countries it helping the people that live in thoses countries.
The desire for mobility has always been a driving force behind human innovation. Though they are a far cry from the boats and wagons of early human history, driverless cars provide a natural progression of the techology humans use to assist in movement. Not only does the creation of driverless cars foster the innovative human spirit, but when in use, driverless cars also increase the ease of driving on the person behind the wheel, as well as helping improve safety on the roads, causing driverless cars to be a positive development in the eternal human quest for freedom of movement. Driving can be a task that is in turns difficult, as the driver attempts to maneuver through complex traffic patterns or around work zones, and dull, as the driver zooms through long stretches of open highway. Driverless cars aim to assist with both. Although the general manifacutring consensus is that driverless cars are by no means driverless - in most cases they must still have a human driver - the technology in the cars can assist the driver and make driving an easier task (Driverless, 7). In most cases, driverless cars are able to automatically "steer, accelerate, and brake themselves", taking the mundane out of driving (7). However, the driver is still necessary during times where the car is unable to fully process the situation, such as in work zones, and around accidents, still giving the driver a role in the operation of the car (7). Although these situations can be more strenuous, driverless cars, like most newer cars, have other ablilities such as anti-lock brakes and other sensors, which help detect problems with the way the driver is moving the car, and help prevent driver-related catastrophies (5). These improvements not only make driving safer, they put less stress on the driver, as the driver need not worry about making small mistakes and causing major problems when they know the car is watching out for them, leading to a more relaxed driver. Driveless cars, in improving the traditional driving experience, also improve the safety of driving. Driverless cars have sensors which allow them to monitor when the car and driver may be in danger, and react to situations like "out of control skids or rollovers" (5). These precuations which the car takes allows for a "far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone", causing less accidents in autonomous vehicles versus driver reliant vehicles. Furthermore, driverless cars remove driver impulsivity from the equation. With driverless cars, things such as road rage and traffic voilations would be a thing of the past, preventing many accidents and making for safer roads. Driverless cars are an imperative in modern society, as they improve the driving experience, as well as improving safety on the roadways. Human society is reliant on constant motion, communication, and contact, and driverless cars help foster these relationships between people, not only by allowing people to move from place to place more quickly, but also by improving psychological health, with decreased stress from driving, and by preventing injuries and deaths due to road accidents. Considering the myriad of beneifts that they offer, the development and use of driverless cars in essential for communities to move forward into the future.
In this artical the auther explains why exploring Venus is a good idea by stating that it is the closest to earth in size,dencity,and mass aswell as being the cosest in distance. He aso states that it could help us get better at sace travel. In paragrah one he is talking about how Venus is closely similar to Earth in size shae an mass by saying "Venus is the closest planet to Earth in terms of Density and size, and occasinally the closest in distance too." He also states in paragrah five that NASA is working on a methid to buuild on Venus by having large floting blimps that fly over the death and missery of the planets serfice. exploring Benus could also bring about new methids of taraforming to make a planets serfice hospidible. Exploring Venus could also bring about new ways to space travle and new technology. In paragraph seven the auther mentions mechanical computers that dont relay on electricity and small and insitive chips but insted rely on gears and clock works. So all in all exploring venus is a goodish idea if we can figure out how to actualy , one make it there and two figure out how to sistain a perminant bace. there is plenty of good evidence in this artical about space exploration and the such and why i think Venus is an exoplanet (a planet that culd or has sistain life)
There are many reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboy. The first reason is that you get to adventure and sight see. I know this because I got to explore an excavated castle and the Panama Canal on my way to china. I also road a gondola in the Venice, Italy streets of water. We also had to go to Greece with a load of 335 horeses plus the food and i got to see the Acropolis. I also got to play baseball and vollyball with other cowboys when they returned to give the animals back. Another reason you should join the Seagoing Cowboys is that you get to help countries that are in ruins from World War 2. I had to help recover food supplies, bring back animals, an help repair. Even on the ship you have to take care of animals, such as horses, young cows, and mules that were shiped over seas. You had to feed them, give them water, and clean the stalls. Sometimes you have to serve as a nightwatch, I did. I had to check the animals every night and make shure they were ok. I did make a mistake and slid down a slipery ladder and cracked my ribs but that was my fualt. I would suggest anyone who loves adventureing with a friend and has always wanted to go on a adventure some where but couldn't. Or if you just like helping people, and animals recover from the war. This is the program for you, join the seagoing cowboys today!
Even though different technology can do many things, reading emotional expressions using technology can be valuable. It is valuable because this kind of technology can seek if your happy, sad, excited, surprised, etc. Many people don't express their emotions the same way. This technology we're talking about is called the Facial Acting Coding System and it enables humans emotions. This technology is however valuable because it can clarify how others are feeling even if they're hiding their emotions. It can also let someone know which emotion your showing because sometimes diiferent emotions can be showed with the same facial expression. When showing expressions, many of your muscles are being used. Computers can recognize the subtle facial movements we humans use to express how we feel by constructing 3-D computer model of the face and the 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscles. "For example, your frontalis pars lateralis muscle (above your eyes) raises your eyebrows when you're surprised; your orbicularis oris (around your mouth) tightens your lips to show anger." When you show any type of facial expression, your using at least one or more muscles. This is called action
Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents because it may have once been like Earth by supporting various forms of life. Venus seems like an interesting planet to study because it is the closet to Earth and the Sun. There has been numerous of spacecraft sent to land on Venus but the spacecraft only seem to last a few hours. With this being said, no spacecraft has been sent to land on Venus over 3 decades. This gives the inspiration for scientists to want to build some type of technology that can survive going to Venus or sending people. Paragraph 3 states that Venus is over 800 degrees fahrenheit and it's atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on Earth. This is challenging because building some type of technology that won't be destroyed by the heat will take time to build. Plus sending people to study Venus despite the risks. NASA's solution for scientists to go to Venus is a vehicle hovering over Venus to avoid the unfriendly grounds. This means they would be staying up in the air where it would be 170 degrees fahrenheit, but the air pressure would be close to the sea level of Earth. Scientists would be able to get a good look at Venus from 30 plus miles off the ground. Paragraph 5 in the article mentions that this would not be easy conditions, but it would be survivable for humans. Not to mention, if scientists want to take samples of rocks, gas, etc. It would be a challenge for them because they would have to get up close and personal despite the risks. All in all, Venus is challenging for NASA and scientists who really want to study it. If the right machine is invented that can stand landing on Venus, this challenge would be easier.
I think the auther supports this idea by explaining to us the things about Venus. The auther explained to us all about Venus, but Venus isn't like earth it used to be a long time ago. Venus could've had oceans and probably could've supported some life forms. Now Venus isn't so much like Earth it still has some treates like surface of rocky sediments it also has valleys, and mountians. All these things sound familiar becuase of here on earth but don't be fooled Venus is about one of the most dangers plantes to vist. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The surface of Venus is average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater then what we have here. Us human could never survive on there the climt is just crazy there even tho Venus is second from the sun it still has the hottist surface of all plantes. Besides all of those crazy condions Venus also has erupting volcanoes and the wether there is also bad it has powerful eartherquakes, and freduent lightning strikes. The auther also said that scientists even wanted to vist the plant but how could they even survive the condition of the plant. It says that the dont want to land on it put more like hover above it becuase the extrem tempiters could easily melt everything. But even tho they won't land on it the air would still be around 170 degrees Fahrenheit. But our new genertion is packed with smart ideas and things that can keep us safe from extreme condions like Venus it's self. I think one day we might just be exploring new plantes and you never know might even explore new unvirses. I think our populion will keep growing and one day the earth wouldn't be able to keep all of us and everything will start runnng out faster and faster. The auther did a good job writing about Venus and it's extreme courses and how he thinks sceintist one soon be able to go and explore it.
I am a scientist at NASA who is trying to tell you that the landform you saw on mars is nothing more than just a natural landform. It may look like a face but it is really not. What it really is, is a natural landform that our viking took a picture of on one side of mars. The picture that you saw is nothing more than a picture taken at the right moment so that it makes it look like that mars has a face. The reason why it looks like it has a face is because the picture was taken at the moment on when the landform had a shadow at the certain places of the landform to make it look like it has eyes,nose, and a mouth. If you look at the picture from 1976 you can see that it shows more of the face and that it does look like a face. But then if you look at the picture taken at 1998 and 2001 you can see that the natural landform on mars is starting to break up and that the shadow on it is now sarting to fade away. So you won't have to worry about aliens giving out a message to us saying anything bad. It's nothing more than just a natural landform and a picture taken at the right moment.
People sould do this job becuse they might like it and you could go acrossed the ocean and have a good time doing all of this stuff and u could ride acrossed the sea and bring you hores with youuke will become a cowboy soon and he thinks it like lat job and he will do it for the time untile he dies and he is going to do it as long he wants and then he will go home it is his pick. If he wants to go or not he likes that job alot cause he gets to ride and go acrossed the sea.He like doing that a lot so that is why i think he like that job. people sould do this job becuse they might like it and you could go acrossed the ocean and have a good time doing all of this stuff and u could ride hores, and boaut acrossed the sea and bring you hores with you. He can go acrossed the sea and sea if tere is any danger coming or not. He started a life long advecer. He it was his life and pick to go and he was taken 1947 2 years after he got there he was 18 so he was ready for his life to change. He did't care if it changed his lifehe was going to go at that job. His life turnd out go and he pick that over going to the 2 part time jobs that he had so he could take a good job. He took it becuse he had heard whet they and he thout that he might like that job so he took the job. He liked that life and he had a good time doing that job.So he did what he need to and that is why i think other people should join it becuse you could have a very good life if you don't like it than don't do that job do anther job.
A growing trend in day to day life that is occuring around the world is "car-free" day. Car-free day has spread in cities and towns around Europe and the Americas to separate suburban life from automobile use. This is benefitial in many ways to the growth, forward movement, and health of towns. So far Europe, Asia, and the Americas have given up car usage for a day, and even given up car usage entirely. Different cities practice car-free day differently. In Paris, the near-record pollution was at its height. The city participated in car-free day by enforcing a partial driving ban and making people with even numbered license plates leave their cars at home. The following day, the odd numbered liscense plates were confined to home. Any person who didn't follow guidlines and conduct was fined. The congestion of smog in the capital of France decreased by sixty percent. Paris typically has more smog than other European capitals, like Brussels and London. By participating in the car-free day, Paris was able to contribute to cutting down the greenhouse gas emisisions and temporarily fix a few environmental concerns in Paris. Even though they had some effective results, Paris wasn't the only city that participated in the trend. Across the Atlantic ocean in Bogota, the program allowed Colombians of Bogota to hike, bike, skate, or take public transportation to work. The car-free day left the normally buisy, full and loud streets devoid of traffic jams. The goal to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog was enforced by minor fines. Despite the fact that rain showers were common, it did not stop the people from participating. The people of he town viewed it as a day of taking away stress and lowering ar polution. The day without cars has been part of an improvement campaign since the mid 1990s, and has since been practiced at least one day out of the year. Authorities from countries all around the world have gone to the event and were impressed and some were inspired. Even other cities that are in Colobia have joined the event like Cali and Valledupar. Back in Europe, the city of Vauban, Germany, has taken place in a permanent car-band. Street parking, driveways, and home garages are nearly forbidden in the experimental and new district of Freiburg. While car ownership is allowed, there are only two places to park. People that live there generally like the way of life in Vauban. Many of them sold their cars just to move there in the first place. The overall feeling of living in a city free of cars seems to lift stress of the people that live there. Therefore, the people are happier and more productive. Vauban is known as the most advanced experiment in attmepts to make suburbs more compact and have a minut number of vehicles. Supermarkets and stores as a result have been moved to a closer distance so that they could be walking distance away. Our development as people over the past century hads been based on the car, and Vauban goes completely against the idea that progress is based off of the car. Even in America, Obama is ambitious to change the amount of the United States polution. While although cities have yet to participate in car-free day, Citizens are buying fewer cars, driving less, and getting fewer licenses across America each year. This gives researchers the idea that America is passed the peak driving level. American life has been integrated with cars from the time that the Model T was born. As the amount of jobs decrease, people just can not afford to buy cars. People in America have lost the general idea of a car and it's uses. Young adults in college have learned to use other ways of transport like carpooling with a friend, public transportation, or walking to the destination. The amount of people has dropped more than twenty percent and still continues to drop. This incipient stage of American life has implied the idea of alternatives to multiple motored vehicles. Cities all around the world are deciding to practice their own car free day and are decreasing the use of cars altogether. The practice of car-free day has caused parks to initiate, sidewalks to be prepared repaired, cut traffic, give joy to the people, and overall diminish air polution.
Wouldn't you like to know is there is life an other plants ? wouldn't you like to know what make the shing like they do what gives light to the darck of the night? will right now i'm going to tell u about something called "Evening Star." is one of the briatis plant there is, that is cool, that is what makes the dark so much better because that what make the dark so much cuter. The way that's it's got it name was because,"is misleading shinest venus is actually a plant. To me this something really cool, because it's shows hwo the world really is, and i think that there should be thing like this, were poeple should know how our world is because, in the story is say that " If our sister planet is so inhospintenle why are scientisis even discussing furchere vivts to it's surface? this what I maen, there is more life out there because scientists want to send people up there. In conclusion I think that " venus still has some feature that are analogous to those on Earth. The planet has a surfucae of rocky seniment and incluse."
Well, if i'm being honest with you. I do not believe it is a good thing to do. In certain states, yes. But when it comes to school and kids' education? No. If you put these kinds of computers in schools, all they would do is distract the kids and make them focus on what the computer is doing itself instead of the work. Sure, it can read when you're bored or unhappy. But that doesn't mean it's alright to distract the kids from doing their work. Alright, so i think it's cool that a computer can tell emotions and how you are feeling and this and that. But in all reality it is just another electronic thing that we do not need in the world. Every year, people and companies come out with more and more stupid ideas for electronics. All i am hearing on TV anymore is about the new iPhones or the new Mac Books. They are cool and all, but you literally just came out with a new one last year. Like it says in the story, "Moving your facial muscles not only expresses emotions, but also may even help produce them." In conclusion, these new tech designs and programs and electronics are pointless and unuseable. There is no point in putting something in a school that will just distract the kids from learning. Maybe having them at popular restaurants and stuff would help. But in schools? No way. Kids nowadays have a hard enough time learning in school, putting these computers in the schools is not going to help them learn anything quicker.
Some people thought robots would take over the world someday. This might be the start. A new technology, Facial Action Coding System, allows a computer to read a humans emotions bassed on their facial expression. The inventor thinks that this technology should be used in schools. It would not valuable to have technology be able to read emotions of students in the classroom. It would be helpful for students when they are confused, but that's the teachers job. Teachers are there to help the students learn. In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" the author quotes "Then it could modify it's lesson, like an effective human instructor". This quote shows that with the new technology, teachers won't be needed. Why would we need the computer to change the lesson when students can just ask for help from the teacher. This technology should be used somewhere else more effective like at an airport. In an airport, the video camera could see if the people are confused and then the computer could tell an employer to go help them. That would much more valuable and then robots still won't have the power to put people out of jobs. To have technology be able to read students emotions in a classroom would not be valuable. There is already someone who helps students in the classroom so schools don't need another. This technology could be used somewhere else where it would be more efficent. Robots/computers should always be helped by humans, not humans getting help from robots.
In the text " The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the aurthor tells the reader allot about Venus. From the temperature to how close it is to earth. " A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid". This shows that the aurthor is supporting his text wioth facts by giving the reader an idea of what Venus is like. " Humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. Each previous mission was unmanned and for good reason, since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades. Numerous factors contribute to Venus's reputation as a challenging planet for humans to study, despite its proximity to us". In this paragraph the aurthor lets the reader know that there has been scientist and Astronomers that tried to land on Venus but they werent successfull because of the dangers on Venus. It also shows that because the scientest couldnt do this it wanted them to want to do it even more.
Venus Planet The author is suggests that studying venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. What the authior is trying to do, is make people belive about Venus planet, that is the most dangers planet in earth because how the differents speed and degrees. First of all In paragrath 3 explains the different that degrees get and the atmospheric presure.'' a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets venus. Even more challenging are clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere on the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees.Atmosoheric presure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet.'' Secondly What is trying tell that humans can go to that planet for the differents that is from our planet. And is telling us that scientists further visits to its surface. Scientists are trying to go and study that planet because how the author is telling us the planet is really interest, would be a good planet to go study and see how ebrything is for the scientists it might be a lot of work to do it won't be the easiest planet that they are trying to study. Is a really difficult planet to go study. Thirdly the author is saying that 'NASA' is working on others aproaches to stuying venus. they are looking foward, trying to see how electronics made of silicon carbide, that way when they use the electronics aren't melting, for the high temputure, they have to make electrons really strong, and make sure everything will work with the high tempeture. Lastly Venus is also call ''Evening Start' is the brihtest points of light in the night sky. this nickname is misleading since they say that venus is a planet because before they tought venus was not a planet when they knew that was a planet they decide to put a nickname. on my opinion they decide to put as 'Evening Star' is because the planet is so bright, that they tought it was just a star. Venus is the second planet from our sun so that means that our planet isn't that far from the Venus. Even know that is close to our planet. It is so different everything from that planet is different fromout planet.
How fun would it be to go on a sea adventure and get paid? Because if you were a Seagoing Cowboy that's exactly what you would get to do. All that you would have to do if you were a Seagoing Cowboy is take care of some horses and cattle until you got where you were needing to be. That sounds fun and easy to me don't you think? And if somethings fun and easy, and you get paid for it why not try it out? So I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys. One reason that you should join is because you could see some amazing sights as well as visit different countries, such as China, Italy, and Europe. Some sights that you may see would be the Elfell Tower, or roads made out of water, but only if you join. Another reason is that after you dropped the animals off you could do some activities on the way back, like fencing, baseball, volleyball, whittling, and table tennis tournaments. That sounds like more than fun time by my standards. I know some may say that they wouldn't do it because of sea sickness or others might say that it would be too dangerous because of bad wheather, but you can overcome sea sickness and the boats you're going to be on are made to withstand bad wheather. Plus I'm pretty sure that if the wheather's going to be bad we're not going to be sent out in it with the risk of losing cattle or horses. Wow, all these things sure do want to make me hop aboard. I mean, easy money, sight seeing, fun activities it's basically a vacation you're being paid to go on! So find your sea legs lads and come aboard for a fun time.
What is the one thing a citizen of the united states sees just about everyday of their lives, vehicles. Vehicles are one of the most important creations America has ever had to offer but sadly there is a catch its killing this planet we call Earth. But there is a simple way to stop this atrocity from going any further. Its quite simple really all we need to do is limit our time driving. The advantages of doing this will help stop air pollution, reduce stress, and help urban and rural areas feel more like a community. its incredible how with time communitys stopped being what they used to be. What happened to everyone knowing everyone in their community. Well if we limit the time of driving not only will we need to find people to carpool with, Americans are going to start meeting new people and start becoming more of a community again. Studys last year has shown that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. They either biked everywhere or carpooled with friends and family becoming dependent on other people in their communitys. The danger and stress that comes with driving is unmeasurable. Everytime you drive on the road you are putting your life and everyone your driving with lives in danger. Its only reasonable to say the less amount of people driving the less stressed Americans are. In the passage car-free day spinning into a big hit in bogota, by andrew selsky he states "Its a good opportunity to take away stress..." and many other articles state that as well such as In German suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars written by Elisabeth Rosenthal "when i had a car i was always tense. im much happier this way". Driving less stressed will also lead to less accidents and less deaths per year. Pitch black skys, every breath you take is killing you, and you wonder why did this happen, and you think back to all the advice people gave to you about driving. The future is sometimes hard to think about when your living in the present but the future will come and what it is will be based on what you make it. Air pollution is one of the biggest risks to this earth we have. To help stop this pollution well have to give up on using gas but for now lets take a baby step and just limit our time driving. Many communitys have stopped and or limited their time driving. Bogota located in colombia, paris, Vauban located in germany, why not just limit time spent driving in America. Let us be the last of a dying breed and the birth of a new generation by being role models and start acting as americans worried about this planet. Out of everything asked for us to do this is only a tiny portion of it. This change will not only help us altogether it will change the outcome of the future for the better.
Here are some reasons people should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. You get to move cattle,travel places,help people. Traveling would be fun and here are some reasons why. Places, you could go to asia and see their art, or Europe and meet the people. Food, you could try exotic things like goat or fresh Polish sausge. People, you could meet new people and hang out with your new best german buddy eating goat. Moving cattle would be fun ecpecially if you grew up doing it just like Luke did. You could get smarter by doing this you would know how much of what to give a horse or a cow for feed, and you would know how to clean a stall. If you ever retired you could go into cattle from this experience. If you did this you could have the experience of traveling and cattle but the best one would be knowing you helped all those people stay alive milk and meat from the cows meat from the goat. everyone would love you for giving them food and milk to eat and drink to keep them alive. In conclusion those are the reasons why people should become Seagoing Cowboys. It would benefit you and those people who need food and water.
My postion on driverless cars are simple reasons why i dont trust them .I wouldnt feel safe walking down the treeet know ing that a driverless car is driving 25-30 miles next to me and them mess up and hit me. There are so many reasons why we shouldnt and here just a few . I feel that driverless cars have some faults because for some big reasons succh as if we get into and accident who would know what happened would it be ther car or the driver and it would take a long time to figure out . Another reason would be that if they had driverless cars we wuld have to have a special liscense and so many people would have to retake the driiver test and so much more. Its crazy because the fact is this that people would have so much of a harder time of driving the driverless cars because you never know when the car will mess up and you have to take over theres so much little detail that we havent worked out yet . I feel that if we were to have driverless cars that people wouldnt know how to act that some people would be stupid with them and we already have a problem with texting and driving, i feel like his would bring the same concept to people .If we can be hand free with out driving it would be crazy people would be doing the craziest stuff if they were hand free. Then there the way in part of the article it said "even if traffic laws change we would need new laws to in the case of an accident " so why do we need smart cars when in all reality we just need people to pay atttention to the road .Fot my conclusion i feel that were fine with cars that have a driver and that i feel its more safer than driverless cars .
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile", the Facial Action Coding System is introduced. It is a new technology that helps computers identify most human emtions. This tehcnology could be of value for students. The Facial Action Coding System can be beneficially useful to read the emtions of students in a classroom to provide insight on how students feel about specific classes and how they react to challenging subjects, and to change the way classes are taught. According to the author, in paragraph four, the Facial Action Coding System can identify various emotions. The software can even identify mixed emotions when people have an expressionless or neutral face. The FACS software has the proper anatomical information for the human body. It can easily identify what a person is feeling even if they have several emotions present at once. In paragraph six Dr. Huang states that a classroom computer with the FACS software could recognize what a student is feeling, whether they are bored or confused. If a computer can identifythe emotions of students in a classroom, then this can be used to make modifications to the lesson or maybe the whole class. For example, if a student is struggling in a certain subject and the computer were to identify the whole classroom as confused or bored then the teacher would have to make improvements to the lesson. This would benefit the students who are feeling lost or bored. If the FACS software could identify the emotions of the student, then this can be used to find improvements for certain classes that students struggle in. In paragraph six, Dr. Huang says that most human communication can be nonverbal. If a student was in a difficult class and was to embarrassed to ask for help, the FACS software has the capacity to identify the precise muscle moevment for the expression of cofusion in that student. Paragraphs seven and eight of the passage describe the small muscle movements made to convey a true smile. The author then goes on to say that these muscles can be spotted to prove whether or not someone is displaying a sincere emotion. Paragraph nine also explains that making a certain facial expression can cause you to feel that certain emotion. The FACS software is advanced enough where it could idnetify if a student is truly confused or not and it can help find new ways to teach by determining the sincere emotion of every student. The article "Making Mona Lisa Smile" introduces the Facial Action Coding System, FACS, that helps identify human emtions. This software can be beneficial in many wyas, such as in a classroom. The Facial Action Coding System can be used to read the emtions of students in a classroom to provide information on how students feel about certain classes and topics and challenges, and to provide on how classes can be taught differently.
I accept driverless cars entirely and base my position on statistics found both within and outside of the passage: "Driverless Cars Are Coming". The facts I base my opinion and position on driverless cars are: all of the accidents the Alphabet (formerly Google's vehicle) Driverless Passenger Mobile Vehicle were caused by human drivers alone. The second reason is because the vehicles have instant, high speed, and highly accurate radius road mapping systems to navigate safley for both the passengers and other drivers and passengers. I very much disagree with the sentence found in the passage: "Google has had cars that could drive independently under specific conditions since 2009" in paragraph 2 because there are very few conditions that the vehicle could ever function under even in the 2009 model's developed. I also disagree with the first line in the passage which states: "Can you imagine a time in the future when no one buys cards because no one needs them anymore?"; although specifically ground vehicles that match the appearance of cars may be unavailable for direct transportation, most humans will rely on some form of direct vehicular control as the human inovation proccess brings more variety to forms of transportation, there will always be a time gap between the development of self controlling functions in vehicles and the manufacturing of the vehicles themselfs. We will move on, but we will always at some point be in control of some transportation directly as we progress through the newer types of transportation such as recycleable aerospace vehicles and extra-atmospheric transportation manufactured by SpaceX. To conclude, I believe that taking the step to accept driverless vehicles as they are in post-testing phases is a healthy and natural nessesity for humans to take to allow for greater inovation as it is manufactured. Driverless vehicles are proven to be safer and are heavily misunderstood. Most of the government organizations that take time away from proper conduct of ensuring the safety of drivers with improved motor ways on the world to focus on neglecting innovation and progression of mankind lack the basic leading skills they are required to have to allow for better and newer mechanics.
The challenge of Exploring Venus is that Venus sometimes called the Evening Star because is the one of the brightest points of the light in the night sky. Venus is the second planet from our sun. Sometimes people called the Earth twins because Venus is the cloest planet to Earth term of density and size. Between Venus and Mars is the sun because there sun goes in different speed. Venus can be a challenging because of the clouds and of the highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venu's atmosphere. This shows that Venu's has a thick atmosphere of almos 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Venu's temperatures average is over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what thet experiene on our own planet. The other thing is that Ven's has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our system. Beyond the high pressure and the heat Venusian geology and weather present additional impediment like erupting volcanoes, pwerful earthquakes. Venus can be a chanllenging because in Venus it has powerful earthquakes and also erupting volcanoes it's dangerous to be there because the temperature has the hottest surface of any other planets. Venus can be sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary visit, a crucial consideration given the long time frames of space travel. NASA has one particularly compelling idea for sending humans to study Venus. However Venus can be ship obriting or hovering safly far above the planet can provide only limited insight on the ground conditions because of the most forms of the light cannot penetrate the dense atmosphere, rendering standard forms of photography and videography ineffective. People cannot take samples of rock or gas or anything else from a distance. They are challenging many researchers are working on innovations that would allow our machines to last long enough to contribute meaningfully to there knowledge if Venus. Now NASA is working on other approaches to study Venus. They are simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venu's surface and have lasted for three weeks i such conditions. There other project is called the mechanical computers. These devices were the first envisioned in the 1800s and played an important role in the 1940w during World War ll. All modern computers are enormously powerful flexible and quick, but they are tend to be more delicate when it comes to extreme physical conditions. Venu's has been the challenge it has been a value, but not only becuase of the insight to be gained, but also that human curiosity will likely lead them into many equally intimidating endeavors. There travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited because by the dangers and doubts. It's really dangerous to be in Venu's because you never know what will happen in that planet.
The author explains his idea very well by saying that it's worth exploring Venus. The author persuades the reader into thinking that Venus is worth exploring because the planet use to be habitable. Venus is still a mystery waiting to be solved. The author also gives scientist's solutions to every danger of Venus. The author says the planet use to be Earth's twin. Venus use to have similar features to Earth like valleys,mountains,and craters. This is why scientist still want to explore the hot planet. One of the solutions to exploring Venus the authors says is "a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Venusian landscape." The author makes this seem inevitable because as he said "human curiosity will likely lead us into many equally intimidating endeavors." In conclusion the author uses and facts and his own opinions to explain his idea very well. He engages the readers into his passage by explaining all the cool aspects of Venus. Finally he supports the idea by saying "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation."
dear state senator, im writting this letter to you so you consider changing to election by popular vote for the prsident of the united states instead of electoral college. i belive like branford plumer, that the electoral college is very wrong not only because under the electoral college system, voters dont vote for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. but also because it is very unfair to voters, candidates dont spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the "swing" states. the electoral college is outdated, unfair, and irrational and its time for a change. nevertheless the electoral colleges dispute over its outcome is possible, it also nrequires a presidential candidate to have trans-regional appeal, its winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes does induce the candidates, the electoral college also restores some of the weight in the political balance that large states lose by virtue of the mal-appotionment of the senate decreed on the constition, and it avoids the problem of elections in which no candidate recieves a majority of the votes cast. the electoral college method of selecting the president is and will turn off potential voters for a candidate who has no hope of carrying their state. according to the gallup poll in 2000, 60 precent of voters would prefer a direct election the electoral college is losing the little defenders it has and due to the spurious arguments the electoral college should be abolished.
Imagine you stuck on a math problem, you did not get a word the teacher just said. Dr. Huang has created new software that helps identify how you feeling. If you confused, your computer can read your emotions and try to break down the problem. It would be able to explain step by step on how to do it. This would be of great help for the students. Prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Amsterdam, was able to create a new computer software that can recognize emotions. This process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like a human muscles. Movement of one or more muscles is called an " action unit." Dr. Paul Eckman, creator of FACS ( Facial Action Coding System), has classified six basic emotions happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness. He was able to associated each characteristic movements of the facial muscles. Since facial expression for each emotion are universal, by weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emotions. Each expression is compared against a neutral face. This would help a lot students in their classes because if you have a computer that can read emotions and is able to identify if you are confused it would be able to break the problem down step by step like that you would not have to wait on the teacher who is helping two other students. The classes would be able to go faster because the teacher would not have to stop every 10 minutes to re-explained the same the problem like 20 times. A computer would be able to recognized if you getting bored and be able to modify the lesson, like an effective human instructor. Or maybe you just browsing on the web and an ad appears on your screen and you smile at it , a similir ad might follow. But if you frown, the next ad will be different. Prof. Thomas Huang lastest innovation could be of alot of help for student and teachers. Teachers would not have to stress about re-explaining the same chapter like 20 times. Student would not get behind during class because the computer would be able to identify their emotion. Be able to break it down step by step if they get confused. Or just make the subject more interesting if they bored. Dr. Huang and his colleagues are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate
In my opinion im against driverless cars because not everyone is a bad driver , some people woud like to drive there own cars without anybody help or maybe people are causios of what they are doing . Driverless cars could be a good help but then again not everybody needs one . Some might like the driverless car and soe might not because what if the car your in messes up and spins out of control or crashes into something or someone . Then the person in the car wouldnt know what to do or how to react , driverless cars could be a positive thing and a negative like if someone was in a hurry and they needed to fix there hair or clothes while driving the car would come in handy or like i said if the car spins out of control or something , i dont think most people would like the driverless car if you ask me . Driverless cars might even cause more accidents not all cars work the same and one car might fail and cause a accident or someone getting hurt or even killed because of tecnology . i dont think all cars should be driverless some people might like to drive themselvs at there own pace and there own speed .
Join the Seagoing Cowboys today! Have an unreplacable experience where you will see places you've NEVER seen, learn to understand the difficulties of other countries, get GREAT characteristics. Read on to find out the AMAZING ADVENTURES and BENEFITS of a Seagoing Cowboy. Being a Seagoing Cowboy, you will be able to see things you would only see in magazines. Places like; Milan, Venice, China, Rome, Greece, and many other extravagant sites. You will get to learn about peoples' cultures and environments in the process of this job. Since I've been a Seagoing Cowboy I have been to sites like Europe and China. Also experienced going to the Acropolis in Greece, it was mesmerizing. Understanding what it is like on other countries is extremely hard to do when you're living in the same country your whole life so, venture out! Becoming a Seagoing Cowboy you will become grateful for what you have because you will become aware of how many people are without food, water, and shelters. Places like China punish people for having certain religious beliefs. You will get to know first hand how much people need the supplies you are giving to them. This duty will give you characteristics like perserverance, selflessness, and courage. You could also inspire other people. You will gain perserverance by not quitting when people most need horses, young cows, and mules, among other things. To persevere when you have to clean out the horrorendous stalls where the animals stay. You will also gain selflessness when the ship is in the middle of an ocean and there is no lifeline to reach out to when a hurricane or storm comes. The courage comes from you going to foreign countries where there are harsh people that may kill you. You have the opportunity to inspire other personal to lend a hand to places around the world. The experience is already unbelievable, but then you get to meet and know other people. It could be people that work there, or people from other countries. You never know when you will meet someone you grow fond of. You can play games with the people on the ship. You can enjoy playing; baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and card games. Although you are risking your life, you are risking your life for a great cause, an incredable experience, and a chance to meet new people. You can visit places like Venice, understand the difficulties in other countries, gain excellent characteristics, and meet new persons. You get the reward of seeing needy people with a smile on their joyous faces because of the supplies you are giving them. The supplies they need to over come the effects of World War 2. Then with your help, they can eventually start to rebuild their country and civilization. This trip of a life time can only be described as unbelievable, shocking, and jaw-dropping. So, are you ready to join the Seagoing Cowboys?
As years go by, technology advances. For example, everyone waits for the new Iphone to come out, or the next new gaming counsloe. It is a fact that technology will continue to become a more significant part of everyday life. Although, there are some ways that technology would not benefit people. Driverless cars are a prime example of technological advances going wrong. Manufacturing driverless cars would only cause trouble for the future. First, driverless cars are too expensive to manufacture. In the article, the author explains how Radar alone costs two hundered million dollars. If just one part of the process of developing driverless cars costs millions of dollars, just imagine how much more it would cost to actually build them. Not only will the initial cost be in the millions, just think about repairs needed if an accident were to occur. The owner of the car would be in extreme debt by the time the tires are changed. In which case, driverless cars would just be an economical waste. Second, if an accident were to take place, the only people to blame would be the manufactuerers themselves. In pharagraph 9, the author explains how most self driving cars "focus on keeping drivers, passengers, and pedestrians safe and lawmakers know that safety is best achieved with alert drivers." This lead to many states banning the use of self driving cars. Companies still believe that these states will make it legal to test these cars once the cars are proved more "reliably safe." The fact of the matter is, that just one screw out of place could cost a life. As technology advances, there are more chances that something could go wrong. Yes, driverless cars would be a huge advacement in this technology filled world, but people need to recongize the potential damage that come with them. Self-driving cars would be the equivalent of drivng with a blindfold. There is no point in giving something so unnesscary out to families. So to prevent harm to anyone, drivers, passengers, and predestrians, it would be best to not manufacture driverless cars.
The limiting of car usage can be very useful in todays society. The emmissions of gas and diesel vehicles are at the top of the chart when it comes to pollution of the atmosphere. But not only pollution, it could cause a lot of people to become a little more healthier if we walked, ran or biked somewhere in stead of taking a five minute drive to the convient store. In many major cities of the world, air pollutants have became a danger to the health of not only our lungs but also to the earth. The gasses that are emitted build up in our atmosphere making a thick barrier that traps other gasses inside that are intended to be set free. Paris, France had one-hundred and fourty-seven micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter. A lot of citizens of these large cities are combating the pollution problem by putting bans on cars and car usage. But most are cutting back due to there not being a ban where they live. They choose to walk, run, bike, skate, etc... This creates a healthier way of life for these citizens as well as saving the planet. The are saving our world just one step at a time. So as proved in these articles, there are so many postive things that can come from the restriction of automobiles. Including The preservation of Earth itself.     
If professors were able to read their students emotions through their facial expressions from a computer, it would very well help the students in the long run and the teacher to make improvements. This kind of technology will help students and teachers form a better trust, help make teaching improvements, and learning improvements. A computer able to do that, will be valuable to all teachers and to those who want to better their education. Even when someone fakes an expression, the zygomatic major and the risorius (facial muscles) will tell so. If a student were to perhaps lie after being confronted for cheating, the computer would be able to read his facial expressions and tell if it is geniune or not. With a computer reading yours and others facial expressions daily, it may help the classroom build a better trust with eachother. The computer will tell their true emotions, even when some try to hide it. When the professor is teaching something that the students may not understand, they will be confused. Sometimes the teacher is so deep into the learning lesson, they will not realize when some students are not understanding. A computer will help by reading their facial expressions and send a message to the teacher explaining so, then they can realize they either need to slow down or go over it again. This helps the teacher understand the progress of where their students are at and how to better their teaching. When a subject has caused students to grow bored, the computer will send a message to the teacher and he may make it more interesting, or change it up a bit. Said by Dr. Huang, "Most human communication is nonverbal, including emotional communications..". Sometimes students will not raise their hand when they have a question or are confused to avoid making themselves look foolish for not knowing. The teacher may take in consideration from the message sent from the computer that he needs call out on those students, getting them more involved. This will help shy students better their learning possibilities. In conclusion, technology that is able to read facial expressions and tell how that person is feeling will improve all learning schools. The technology helps build a stronger trust, since the technology makes it impossible for people to hide their emotions. It will also value students and teachers, helping improve their learning zones.
In the article "The Challenge of Exploring Venus", the author gives reasons why we should care of exploring venus, what we can get out of it, and how all of this will become helpfull at the end of the day. The author gives good detail about how we are able to do such things and does a great job on showing the progress we, as humans, have made. He also mentions how their is so much to learn about this planet that we can all benefit from for knowing; this is a big motive to why there are still visits to this strange planet. The author goes in depth, about how Venus is a very interesting planet, how it is very much close and related to Earth, and why it is relevant to anyone. With a big question being; Can this somehow be helpful to the knowledge of humans?, The author begins to show how fascinating of a planet it is and goes into further detail on what this planet is and what its like. Unfortunately it is no suitable for human survival (as mentioned from the author), but the author says it was once a planet that could hold several different life forms; it could be rough for humans, but we would be able to survive. The author then gives great detail on how we can find out more about this strange planet, and also gives us more information on what we can do; like how people are currently making machines that will be able to walk on the surface of Venus, despite its rough turrain and living conditions. They also mention many reasons why we should care, continue to visit Venus, and give interesing facts about Venus; while doing an amazing job on pursuading the viewer simultaniously. The article can represent what we can do as a species and how far we have come. With having such intelligence, we are very and easily fascinated by something such as Venus. The author does a great job on summarizing how interesting this planet is to us and how each reader should also be caring about something so astonishing.
No one has ever landed on venus so the author is saying this because no space ship has survived landing for more than a few hours. maybe the issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on veunus more than three decade, venus really is a challanging planet for people to study. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide covers venus, even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfric acid in the atmophere. On the surface, temperatures average over 800 degress F and the pressure is 90 times greater than our planet. The conditions are extreme than anything humans encounter, due to the pressure and th heat of venus. Beyond the pressure and the heat venus has geology and wather present additional impediments like erupting volcanoes, powerful earthquakes and frequent lightning strikes to probes seeking to the land surface. It'll be dangerous even trying to live on venus but if you want to live on vnus be prepared for these desasters. Like for example our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms, a vehicle hovering over venus would advoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way. This is why NASA is working on a wat to approach and study venus, like some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tsted in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus surface and have lasted for three weeks in the conditions of venus. Imagine a blimp like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the rolling venusian landscape, that'll be very cool and amazing to see and watch on TV. Just if you ever think about wanting to go visit venus..make sure you bring lots of water and a cooling suit that'll cool you when you attempt to walk along across venus.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy sounds like fun. You should be one because you would be able to go places you've never been to before, see things you've never seen before, and transport horses. They are fun to ride. You could see the Eifel tower. You could go to Europe. You want to be a Seagoing Cowboy because you could ride horses, go places you've never been before, and see things you've never seen before. You should be a Seagoing Cowboy because you could ride the horses to the place they have to go. You would have fun riding them. Horses are fun to ride. You could even watch after the horses. They stay in their pen because they wouldnt try to runn away because you would be in the ocean. You could go places you've never seen before. You could go to Venice, Italy and ride on the strees of water. You could go to Greece and bo whatever you want. You could do what ever you want to while your away on one of the trips. You could even sneak your spouce on there and celebrate your aniversery. You could see things you've never seen before. You could see the Eifle tower and the Great Wall of China. They have a lot of history you could find out about. They are very important to the people who live there. There are more but I can't say them all it would ruine the surprize. So there You have it, all the good things about being a Seagoing Cowboy. They all sound like fun and hope you could be one. If you know somewhere that you like you could go you could either fly there or you could be a Seagoing Cowboy. Trust me being a Seagoing Cowboy if way funner then you think. So thats pretty much it it is really really fun being a Seagoing Cowboy.
Driverless cars would help people in there day to day lives. Driverless car are getting more and more realistic as we head forward with our lives. Driverless car can help many people get around in the near future. Google has been working on making driverless cars reality since 2009. Driverless cars have driven more than half a million miles without crash. Cars have been evolving through time and we now have cars that can steer, accelerate, and even brake themselves. Driverless cars would use half the fuel of today's taxis. Driverless car can have set backs as well. Car companies have been trying to make driverless cars but have came up short. In fact, none of the cars beening developed are completely driverless. In 2013, BMW had a car that can handle functions up to 25 mph, but has special touch sencors to make sure the driver has their hands on the wheel. They can control themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skill, such as navigating through work zones and accidents. Driverless car are getting better and better every day. Cars are indicating the driver if there is any danger around the car. Some cars are braking on there on to prevent grashes that humans can not see in time. Car have cameras in the back of the car so you can see were you are going when you back up. Driverless cars are coming to us in the near future. The rambunctions automakers are still continuing their work on driverless cars. Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, Nissan, and many more plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020. Driverless cars are getting closer to reality every day, so when it does go buy yourself one.
Keeping the Electoral College is not smart for the united states voting system. First, many citizens all over the country don't agree with the voting system. Second, the Electoral College may be swayed by bias. Third, citizens do not really have control over their vote. The Electoral College system should be changed. Many American citizens do not agree with the voting system. Citizens have grievances about the system being unfair and unreasonable. The Office of the Federal Register states, "It's official: The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality" (source 1). If American citizens are persistant with the issue, and continue to argue, then why is the government keeping the system? Why doesn't the government come up with a more rational voting system? The Electoral College's vote may be swayed by bias. How can we trust total strangers with our vote? Bradford Plumer states, "At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner take all system in each state, candidates don't spend time in the states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the 'swing' states (source 2). Voters do not get the full effect of voting because they are voting for other "qualified" people to vote for them. How is that possibly effective? Citizens do not have control over their vote. Once citizens vote their vote is out of their hands. The Electoral College chooses the president for them and there is nothing citizens can do about it. Bradford Plumer states, "Your states certificates of Ascertainments are sent to the congress and the national archives as part of the official records of the presidential election" (source 2). The government has full control over how the election goes, not the citizens who voted. The entire Electoral College system is completely irrational. The government needs to come up with a new way to vote for future presidents that is more fair. If we find a solution to this problem the government will not only gain favor of the American citizens, but also keep the balance that is established by the constitution. The American citizens will have control over their vote. The Electoral College should be abolished.
Venus is a planet that is similiar, in certain ways, to earth. Earth and Venus both orbit the sun and Venus can be spotted from Earth. In this story, The author supports the idea of Venus exploration with great ideas and facts to support his claims. The authour says how visiting Venus could be both good and bad for humans and gives great reasoning on both point of views. The author never gives their opinion on the subject, but instead gives the reader reasons for both sides of the arguement. In paragraph 3, the author says how Venus has a very dangerous atmosphere and supports that by saying that the clouds in the atmosphere are full of highly corrosive sulfuric acid. He says how the planets average temperature is over 800 degrees fahrenheit. The authour uses those facts to support the claim that those conditions are far more extreme than any human can withstand. In paragraph 4, he then goes on to say that long ago, Venus could have possibly been the closest thing to earth, being covered with oceans, valleys, and craters, possibly being able to support various life forms. He explains NASA? idea of a bimp like vehicle hovering 30 miles above the planets atmosphere for closer exploration, although the temperatures would still be very harsh. The author ends off the writing by aying that humans must meet the challenges of Venus in order to conquer space exploration. Human curiosity could possibly come back araund and hurt us in the end, but we must know whats out there in case our planet is no longer inhabitable. He closes the story by saying that our travels on earth and beyond should not be limited, but we should exceed them in order to be great.
the author supports going to venus for further study bcause he wants to see if there might have had life on venus. He also thinks that venus might have been more like earth. The reason why the author would want to go back to venus is to see what happend to it but the reason humans have not been back to venus in nearly 3 decades is because the rovers cant take the preassure and heat on the planet and break in 30 or less minutes. Humans want to go so they are making prototypes of diffrent things like a blimp like vehicle that would stay 30 miles in the air that would study but the problem with tht vehicle is that no light can penetrate throw the clouds so they couldnt see anything. but they might you something called a mechinacal computer that dosnt need a battery it is operated with gears and levers so it could with stand harsh enviorments. the reason we we cant use a computer for example is because the elctronics would melt and imploud because of the emensece preassure on the surface of venus. So the auther is for going back to venus but humans need to figure out how to get back to venus saftly and effectively so that humans ca acualy do reasarch on the planet and not just send a rover that will malfuction in 30 or less minustes and see if there was once life on venus.
I feel like we shouldn't have driverless cars for many reasons. There are already many accidents about people falling asleep behind the wheel, having driverless cars just makes it easier for collisions. If you were behind the wheel of a driverless car then you can easily get too relaxed and end up falling asleep, What if there's an emergeny and you can't wake up for a response in time? There's some good reasons too. Such as if you were at a party and there was drinking. You can rely on the car to get you home safely. The car can keep you out of harm by you not driving. All together I find it a bad idea. We do't have much research on driverless cars and we are not skilled enough to create them to be able to drive on the road. We don't have enough research to do this because what if there is a bug in the system, the car can easily break down or it can go rogue and you can be put in a lot of danger. So yes, I find it a bad idea to have them, but it could be in the future.
Driverless cars would truly be an immense change in the daily lives of every driver in the world. A future where getting a license is no longer heard of and taking driving tests would just be a part of history would be the effect of these cars. Imagine how current parents and grandparents say how they grew up without televisions or cell phones, later on they will be saying how they had to drive their own car, and it will be mind blowing to everyone's future children. My personal opionion on driverless cars is against them. I don't see how it is necessary for all cars to be re-done and have so much work put in to the idea of driverless cars, when we could just simply drive them ourselves. I don't see the importance of it. I believe to have a license and be capable of driving is a grand achievement. Every child looks forward to the day they can pass, first their permit test, and then later on, their driver's test. What happens when the driverless car stops working and is only able to drive with an actual driver? The skill of driving is very important, and it would be a shame to see that skill no longer necessary to learn in the future. I can think of many more downfalls to the driverless car than positives. Not to mention, the amount of problems that can come about with these vehicles. If the car suddenly goes out of control or the car has to pull in a driveway? The driver will need to take over. I don't see a high possibility of these cars becoming available considering the innumerable amount of mishaps that happen when driving. The article mentioned that automakers are continuing their work on the assumption that the problems ahead will be solved, but how can they be positive? Things can easily go wrong with this make, and to me, the effect isn't worth the risk. Car crashes are very harmful things mentally and physically to a human being and who's to say driverless cars will stop them? In conclusion, i can't picture driverless cars being the official cars of the future. In order for them to have their full use, everyone would have to have a driverless car. Expenses, weariness of the model, and people who aren't willing to give their driving ability up wil be the ones to put a stop to driverless cars. I think some may own a driverless car, but there will never be a time when driverless cars are the only cars being used.
Dear state senator, The Electoral vote should be converted to election by popular vote. By using popular vote, the majority of voters will be satisfied when it comes to the election of the president. When you use the Electoral College System, you dont vote for the president of your choice, you're voting for the how ever many representitives that pleged for them. (Source 2, Paragraph 10) “Over 60 percent of voters would perfer a direct election to the kind we have now.” (Source 2 Paragraph 9) Even the voters would perfer majority rule. The map in Source 3 shows that some states have more representitives then others. Thus meaning that many states were treated unfair when it came to elections because they didnt have many votes to represent them. “Especially during the 2000 campaign. Seventeen states did not recieve any candidatesat all.” (Source 2 Paragraph 13) If some states dont get represented the people wont be happy. If the people arent happy then hectic will end up breaking out. As well as if the people arent happy, then they wont do what they are told because they are unhappy with it. People would like to vote to express their political prefrence more so then thinking a single vote could decide an election. (Source 3 Paragraph 3) In conclusion, the citicens of the United States would be more appreciated if they got to choose themself and put their own political input in on who became the president. Then so, Americans will be happy and riots, political protests, and/or hectic will not break out in the United States of America.
Hi im Luke im going to tell you why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program you get to explore the world and you will get to deliver animals to places all the way around the world. You will get to visit Greece, China, and other places all through Europe. You will get to go to Asia and help people who are in need. For more information ill tell you what i did when i was in the Seagoing Cowboys program. I started the group when i was 17 and i sailed all across the world i went to Grecce and i saw the Acropolis. Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. "So i was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water. If you join the Seagoing Cowboys program it will open the whole world up for you if you live in a big city like i did. I also found time on board to have fun, especially on return trips after the animals had been unloaded. The cowboys played baseball and vollyball games in the emptu holds where animals had been housed. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and games also helped pass the time. Thats why im here today to tell you about all the fun you will have if you join Seagoing Cowboys program. But theres only one thing to worry about witch is if its raining and you are out at sea try to be careful i was out on sea and it was raing and i slipuped when i was going up a latter and fell and almost fell of the ship but the railing saved my life, but i couldn't work for a few days because i cracked my ribs. I hope you all will join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
If you had this car you could do what ever you want to. you would still be on the road oyu could be drunk and still make it home to safety. you could be on your phone and still be on the road. you would never crash unless you were drunk and forgot that the car could drive itselfl. for instence you could use up less gas than what you thought you would be using. you could only go a certian amount a miles without a crash. you would nerver know what happened if you were on a colision course with another car. but if you remebered that your car was the one that was driving it could stop and change directions so that you would be alright. and the other driver would also be alright. you could be going to washington and sleep on the way there so that you could wake up to refill in the morning. what you could also do is drive the rest of the way without your car trying to quite. you wold never have a crash or try to kill your self by jumping off the bridge because the car would drive with you safely to the bottom and you would curse your car and your life but then learn that the car was doing oyu a favor when you got your got a wife of husband there with you are buying a baby crib
In the passage "The challenge of exploring venus", the author talks about the studying of venus and it's worthy pursuit despite its danger. The author evaluates and supports this idea by stating facts . He talks about the planet and gives examples. While giving examples he asks questions for you to think about while reading the rest of the passage. The author supports his idea that exploring venus is a challenge by stating that no person who has landed there has lasted more than a few hours. Which is proving why it is a challenge because it is dangerous . Although it is the closest planet from earth the passage states that "not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades". Venus is 800 degrees Fahrenheit and a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. That can kill you at any moment because you can burn to death and you are breathing in bad air. The author states that "These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth; such an environment would crush even a submarine accustomed to diving to the deepest parts of our oceans and would liquefy many metals". The author is saying that yes earth is dangerous and that we could die here but going to venus is a bigger risk and could kill everyone that went. But, if we only send two or three people up they could see how dangerous it is . If they survive they would be able to tell us what equitment we would need to go back up there and study safely. "If our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientists even discussing further visits to its surface?" The author is stating that scientist are putting peoples lifes in danger and are not finding diffrent way to study this planet. The author also states that "The value of returning to Venus seems indisputable, but what are the options for making such a mission both safe and scientifically productive?" The author is simply asking if they will try and come up with a safer way to study venus than just keep sending people up who obviously are not going to make it. NASA has been studying different and safer way to study Venus. It may be able to help scientist study Venus a safe way and not kill multiple people. In the passage it states "For example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of Venus’s surface and have lasted for three weeks in such conditions." This supports the author by saying that the challenges are bad but there is also can also be a solution is people try hard enough. It also can help scientist study Venus the safe way.
Everyone knows our solar system and all the plants we have everyone always talks about earth or mercry but no one brings up Venus why? Venus is dangerous to study but also very cool at the same time. The author suggest that venus is worthy to be studied despite the dangers because venus is very challenging, and non-normal The author suggest that venus is worthy of studying because it's challenging. Venus is the most second closest to the sun behind mercry and infront of earth "it has proven a very challenging place to examine more closely" in this quote from the article basically states that Venus can be very different to examine up closely thus making it hard for people to study venus. The author also suggest that venus is worthy of studying because it's non-normal. "Venus can also be called "Evening Star" is the brightest points of light in night sky" this quote from the article tells us that Venus has the brighest light that no other planet has. On Venus it's 800 degrees fahrenheit and the pressure is 90 times greater then on earth that's not for a normal planet for it to be 800 degrees that's bruning hot. Venus alsp has erupting valcanoes, powerful earthquakes, and frrequent lighting strikes. That dangerous enough for you? Venus isn't like any other planet with high tempertures, erupting valcanoes, and etc. Now if you had a chance to study Venus would you dangerous or not Venus sounds really cool to look into for reserch. Venus is a very cool planet with the brightest light in the sky.
The Facial Action Coding System is a very useful tool used to help tell what other peoples emotions are just by their facial expresions. Having this technology can be very helpful in the classrom. It can help define the mixed emotions of a student, how they feel of a topic they are learning, and if a student is telling the truth. The first reason as to why this technology is useful in the classroom is defineing the mixed emotions of students. In the artical it says "The software can even identify mixed emotions" (paragraph 4). Being able to identify mixed emotions of a student can be helpful. Sometimes a student may be stressed and upset over something, making it hard for them to concentrate on their work. You can't just let them not work though, but knowing their feelings you may be able to take it more slow paced for them that day. The student may have felt angry and stressed before they came into class, explaining why they got so upset when they couldn't find their homework. Another reason this would be useful in class is by defining how they feel about a topic in class. In this article it says "A classroom computer could recognize when a student is becoming confused or bored... Then it could modify the lesson" (paragraph 6). Having this tool say when they are confused is extraemly helpful. It lets the teacher know they may need some extra help, and the computer know to explain things in a different way. When a student becoms bored of what they are doing it becomes hard for them to concentrate, or causes them to want to rush through. The final reason Facial Action Coding Systems should be in classrooms is because it can help tell when a student is lying. In paragraph 8 of the article it says "Muscle clues are sometimes used to spot when a 'smiling' politcian or celebrity isn't being truthful." This can help a teacher know when an anxious student needs help, but says they don't. Some students may be too anxious to actually speak up when they need help, causing them to lie when a teacher ask them if they do. This also comes in handy when a student has done something and no one knows who it was, like tearing down a poster or putting a tac on the teachers seat. In conclusion, this technology would be very useful for classrooms to define a students emotions to improve work, help a confused or bored student, and spot out lairs.
Driverless cars are an advanced technology but they arent the safest car. They might be a good upgrade but it can also harm. They are not proven to be 100 percent safe and may cause crashes. Also while technology is a very helpfull thing it is not the safest and is not always a good thing to rely on. Lastely, not many people will be able to afford this car. This is why i believe that driverless cars are not a good idea. While the driverless cars are being developed to be safe and able to rely on it is still not proven to be 100 percent safe. Not all cars infact not a single car is proven to be 100 percent safe. They can all cause damage or injure people but the driverless car will not be any safer with a person not having control of the car. You cant rely on yourself to know that you are driving safe and know where you are headed. The driver is not in control therefore it can cause a great damage and crash other cars. It can cause people to get injured or even killed. So this is just one reason why i believe they are not safe. Secondly, technology has helped us advance many things we believed could never be posible but while it is helpful it is not a good thing to rely on. Nothing is ever perfect and when it comes to technology there are always problems. For this driverless car that has all diffrent kinds of updates and technology it can do something wrong and the whole system breaks down. With GPS being used it can get you lost and people will rely on the driverless car to know where it is going but it has happened before to where people get lost because they were following their GPS and something went wrong and they get lost. With one wrong letter or number the address you type cant get mixed up with a diffrent address and you will not know where you are at. the driverless car is full of technology and its already be proven many times that technology isint perfect and can have issues that in this driverless car can cause damage. Lastly, many people wont be able to afford it. With all its technology and updates it will cost a lot. Only a few people wil be able to have them and see what they are like. So its not like they are making this care so people everywhere could have it. It is only for people who can afford it and well want it. So with that said i dont believe it is a good thing for it to be made. In conclusion, the driverless car isint proven to be very safe and can harm or cause damage. While technology is a great thing it is not good to rely on it as much. They will also be to expensive for people to buy and only a couple of people will be able to purchase the driverless car. These are some reasons why i believe that driverless cars arent a very good idea.
Could you ever dream of never having to drive a car again? Well that dream might be closer to reality than you think. Recently Google and a bunch of other manufacturing companies have been trying to make that dream posible. They are invisioning a public transportation system. That they think would be more safe than having a human behind the wheel. I would honestly love to live in a world where we didn't have to drive anymore. According to Google their semi-driverless cars would use half of the fuel a normal car would use. I mean come on who wouldn't like to same money on fuel. Now the only thing these cars lack are that they are not fully driverless. Which means you would still have to keep your hands on the wheel at all times incase you need to take control of the car. How much would one of these cost? Imagine all of the equipment one of these cars have, and how expensive these cars would be? They have tons of sensors a rotating laser on the top of the car so it can locate its surroundings. Despite how expensive these cars are I think they would make the world a lot better. I mean if you have smarter roads and smarter cars then you wouldnt have to worry about accidents. These cars have seats that viberate when their is an alert. Their is also a windshield display that will alert you as well. Before an error occurs the car will tell the driver when to take over. These cars would be much better on smarter roads. But when you look at it they would have to modify every road and thats to expensive fro reality. So when it comes down to it I think driverless car would bea revolutionary product. That would change the world forever. I say we should do it, what do you think? Hopefully we will have them on the roads in a couple of years and they wont be as expensive as we think.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the authors describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System enables computers to identify human emotions. It begins by the computer constructing a 3-D computer model of the face. If more than one muscle moves, then it is called an "action unit." I think this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in the classroom is valuable. There are times that in the classroom, students do not want to do their work and the teacher does not know how are they feeling about the work she is giving. That is when the teachers can find out what the students are feeling. The teacher can also use this program for assignments for the students. The program is also useful for researching projects or assignments. Maybe the teacher wants the students to see if a picture of a certain person is happy or mad. The program is helpful because when you try it on yourself when you are mad or sad, it might actually make you day better.
Ever wanted to go live on a diffrent planet Scientist feel as though Venus conditons are good enough for people to soon be occupiants on the planet,but according to the passage they have alongway to go in way of technology and traportation and the controlloing of the harsh conditions In the beginning,the author states that " These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on earth". The passage also states that "Astronomers are fasinated by venus because it may well once have been the most earth-like planet in our solar system". It is evident that the author is trying to suggest that studying venus is a worthy persuit despite the dsangers it presents because scientists and NASA want to try to find a way on the planet without touching it dangerous ground. NASA has come of with an "idea" as such as having hovering cars or a "blimp-like' vehicle hovering over venus for closer obsevations. And many scientists have said if they could could get the temputure to around 170 degress fahrenheit the it would be survivble for humans. In addition f the author feel as though the scientists should not continue to do these expiriments or the test visits because of all the dangers and the safety risks of trying to get inform on Venus. According to the passage, the temputure can get to a high of 800 Degrees or More!, and the atmosphere has a 97% blankets of cabon dioxide covering it. Also, the" atmosperic pressure is about 90times greater than what we expirence on Earth". The passage states, "These conditions are far more extreme than what we are used to". The article also decribes Venus as "closet to the sun" which is another good reason why not to keep exploring because the harshness of the weathe and the harsh stoms and weather that venus expirence. In Conclusion, Scientists and NASA and other organizations who are trying to come into contact or reach venus should not bceause of weather conditions and condtions that arent meant for humans. Not only are the condtions bad but the atmosphre is,Including the 97% Carbon dioxide blackets covering Venus. Also the passage states that,"NASA is still work on a new and more efficent way to reach venus such as a "electronis made of silicon caride chamber". And another plan is to rewind bac k in time to use a stategie called "mechanicle computers" used In the 1800s. It is evident that scientists should not exlore venus anymore because of its harsh conditions and bad weather and the poisionous air and harsh storms that occur on Venus. "Would you like to vist Venus one day with these harsh conditons?"
Growing up in the more modern times I see many things that would seem almost impossible to someone not born in this time. Cars are becoming more advanced than ever. Although they have their advantages, the use of cars also has many disadvantages. They polute the air and they can be very dangerous. The pros of cars are by far outweighed by the cons, if you look at them in the long run. Limiting car use could preserve the earth, relieve stress, and reduce the amount of overweight people in America . Although cars make everyday life easier, lessening the use of them could potentially "save the world." Polution is at an all time high and car emissions are largely to blame. In paragraph five it states that, "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Euope... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." This is saying that the emissions from cars are destroying the earth. Though going to the grocery store that is two miles away may seem easier by just hoping in the car and arriving in less than five minutes, walking or biking would be better for you and the environment. Many cities are even focusing on becoming more "pedestrian friendly" to help boost the enthusiasm of cutting the use of cars. Walking is not the only option either, using hybrid cars, carpooling, or public transportation is also an option. Though still involving the use of cars, emissions would be reduced greatly. Also, emissions can cause sickness. In large cities where cars are depended on there is Smog. Smog is a thick black cloud of pollution that hangs in the air over large ciies. Smog can make you very sick if you injest it. Many people in cities that do have smog have to wear face masks when walking outside. I do not think that face masks are a new trend that everyone would like to start wearing. Lessening the use of cars around us would be a healthy step towards restoring our environment and could start a trend for others to do so aswell. Another advantage of cutting the use of cars would be less accidents. Thousands of car related accidents happen every minute around the world in automobiles. If everyone started walking, biking, or using pubilc transportation less cars would be on the road leading to less accidents. Families lose loved ones everyday just because the driver of the car isnt paying attention. Drivers have many extra responisbilities when opperating the vehicle. They have to watch everything around them, including being responsible for everyone else in the car. Many people have reported being "less stressed" after they lowered the use of cars. Heidrun Walter said "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," when talking about moving to a car free community. Thousands are converting to the trend of using the car less and others are cutting the use completely! Following this trend would be a large benefit to yourself and the enviornment around you. Lastly, America is known for being obese and cars support this idea. Cars make it easy for someone to get places without putting any physical work into it. Cars encourage people to be lazy. Lowering the use of cars and walking more would help reduce the percent of people that are overweight in our country. Instead of wanting to get in the car and drive to do something they could walk and get some excercise or even take a bike if they wanted to get there faster. Walking and biking are low intensity excercises making it easy for everyone to participate. Many overweight people always feel lathargic, getting out and walking or biking would also help them to feel better. Doing this would help our people and environtment become more heatlhy. Cars are a great invention but it is not necessary for every individual to have one. Walking and biking are better alternatives. The use of cars has gone through the roof creating problems around the world. A healthy environment for our children and grandchildren is what we imagine. One does not think of using a car as damaging to the enviornment until after they have done it. Limiting car usage would turn the world into a healthier, stress reduced place. For these reasons I think it would be of best interest to try and find other alternatives to driving as much.       
The Author for the article "Driverless Cars Are Coming" gave both good key points on why we should have driverless cars as well as key points on why we shouldn't have driverless cars. My position on this specific topic is that i believe that having a driverless car would be proficient to the human life because then you wouldn't have to wrooy about if your tired or not and you don't have to worry about taking those harmful energy drinks when you drive because you need to stay awake. Because since you have a driverless car you are capable of practically doing anything you have to do within the time period you have from your starting destination the your final destination. You could finish up work you didn't get done, you could actually eat your breakfast, you could actually look into some important things while your car gets you to your destination. although there are cons to driverless cars there is always room for improvement and this generation has plenty of time to improve on that situation. concluding this I believe having driverless cars would be a tremendous achievement for man kind knowing that we are advancing in the technology that we started off creating and that the driverles car would help millions and contribute to all good beings.
Do you believe in aliens? If so do you believe they left acients remains behind? If you do you're not the only one . About 25 years ago NASA's Viking 1 space craft was circling the planet of Mars , snapping pictures of possible landing zones for it's sister ship viking 2, when it spotted the likeness of a human face . The head was aproximatly two miles long and was staring back at the cameres from a region from Mars called Cydonia . Mission control were suprised at first until they realised it was just another "Martian mesa". A few days later NASA unveiled the image to the public and the caption noted “huge rock formation . . . which resembles a human head . . . formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.” The authors reasoned it was a great way to attract attention to Mars . The "Face on Mars " has became a pop icon it has starred in many magazines and books. All the fame that came from the marking soon died out this was all just a natural land formation , it had nothing to do with aliens . Have you ever heard of the Snake River Plain of Idaho , well it has the same natural formations such as Mars. Many people including you believe that aliens created it ,but there is no proof , in contrast aliens have never even been discovered so why conclude they made this natural formation. However there is a reason why some people may believ that this is an alien making. The cameras that were used that day had trouble getting a clear image because of the cloudy weather that day. So the image is very blurred which may lead to some differnt reasoning on the "Face on Mars". NASA try their best to get better shots to prove if it was an alien artifact or not , “We felt this was important to taxpayers,” said Jim Garvin . Although , this image would bring NASA biliions of dollars if it had been discovered near an ancient civilization .It was only a natural earth formation caused by natural causes , if there was an earthquake would you think aliens made that to . No , exactly because aliens do not exist as we know it. We have no proof that they exist to why conclude that they had made markings on Mars . Just to prove to conspirists like you that aliens didn't leave a marking NASA went to the same spot they took the first images and and retook them again in better weather conditions. They once again found nothing that would relate to a "martain marking". In conclusion , the "Face On Mars" was just a natural formation. This happens in many places on earth too . Which is why you should believe that aliens didnt leave a mark on mars . What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa.
Cars have been around since the 1800's and have been popular ever since. Although, in recent years the number of cars bought and lincenses attained have been dropping. Car usage has also dropped, which is a good thing. Because of limited car usage, people are helping the environment and benefiting themselves. Cars emit pollutions which harm our health and the environment's health. "...Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." Cars make up a large amount of the emissions that do harm to the environment. When car usage is limited, less people drive, which in turn limits pollution. "... but also in the developing world, where emissions from an increasing number of private cars are owned by the burgeoning middle class are choking cities." Again we see that cars are polluting our world, and it's caused by us. " it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behind power plants." Cars and other transporation are releasing emissions which are harming the environment. Limited car usage clears up the pollution which helps us and the environment stay healthy. Many people are taking up new ways of transporation due to bans and such which are due to limits on car usage. They are taking public transportation, walking, carpooling, and so on. All of these methods of alternative transportation are beneficial. "They organize their summer jobs and social life around where they can walk or take public transportation or car-pool with friends." It is better to limit car usage because not only are you helping the environment, but you're also saving money and helping yourself out. Due to the lower amount of people who buy cars because of limited car usage, car corperations are also changing. "He proposed partnering with the telecommunications industry to create cities in which 'pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commerical and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resoureces, lower emissions and improve safety.' " The way people live will benefit from lower car usage. Our lifes will be much safer. Although some people may be upset if they can't drive their cars when they want, in the long run it benefits all of the community. As bans continued to be passed and people are choosing to walk or take the bus instead, limted car usage continues. We can see that it is beneficial to us and will help our environment in the long run. Limited car usage is truely a good thing for us and will hopefully continue.    
I belive that the Facial Action Coding system reading is very accurate and can be used in the classoom might help. Theres many ways that if the teacher is aware she/he can might can help out that student. Theres a saying that states "you cannot read a persons mind" which is true but you can sense there emotions by the look on their face sometimes . The Facial Action Coding can help you read fully what this person is feeling. For examples The Facail Coding System can tell if you're faking your smile to keep from showing how you really feel teachers wouldnt know how you feel unless you tell them whats going on with you. Using the coding system can tell the teacher your emtions that way they can deal with it and move forward in your learning. Not only just a happy and sad emotion the system can consist but when the teacher is teaching the lesson she can tell if the students get in by the expression on their face the sensor can tell weather or not the student is fustrated or confused on what the he/she is teaching. The teacher can get a percentage of the students emotions about the lesson if teacher gets the results and they show simlar patterns of confusion among the she can revist the lesson . In paragraph 6 it states when the compture predicts how the student is feeling it can "modify the lesson " I believe that it'll help the student learn the lesson like everybody else is in their own way because everybody has different levels of learning In conclusion I believe that ther Facail dectection can be very helpful in the classroom setting. It can help teachers learn and create lesson for everybody to get a better understanding in what they are teaching. The analaysis can also help everybody to come more aware and understand facial expression.
The thought of having driverless cars being introduced in the near future is for one, scary and exciting. There are two ways that you can come about the driverless cars, you can enjoy and agree with the idea or you can disagree. Google has been working on this project since 2009, they have built cars that can drive more than half a million miles without crashing. The cars arent's 100% percent driverless. Yes, the cars will be able to drive for you, but only for a certain amount of time. People think that since they're driving driverless cars, that they can text, be on their phones, or do whatever while in the car. The cars cannot deal to drive around roadwork or accidents, drive in traffic issues, or pull in and out of driveways. That's when you have to take control of the car, and drive yourself. So, the drivers have to be alert and ready to take the wheel when the time comes. GM has came up with the idea that the driver's seat will vibrate when the vehicle is in danger and needs assistant. Google's vehicles announce the driver when the driver should prepare to take over the wheel. They are improving more and more each day. Telsa has a project in 2016 that releases cars to be able to be on autopilot 90 percent of the time. "Mercedes-Benz,Audi, and Nissan plan to have cars that can drive themselves by 2020." I am not against the idea of having driverless cars. I honestly think it would be a great idea. Airplanes have autopilot, why can't vehicles also. Drivers also have to be real responsible while in driverless cars, they need to keep their eyes on the road at all time and hands on the wheels. So when the vehicle needs assissting, the driver can assist.
After reading the article "Unmasked the Face of Mars" I believe that these are just natural formed lanforms. One reason is because this face has many similar characteristics to landforms found in the west. Secondly, because the the pciture only show a natural land form after all. Lastly becuase because we have no affical proof that this was once a alien civilization. One reason I believe that this is simply a natrual landform because of the many simularities it has with many of the landfroms in the west. In paragraph (12) it states that "What the picture actually show is the Martian equivalnt of a butte or mesa land forms common arounf the American west. Also it states in the same paragraph that " Thats a lava dome that takes the form of a isolated mesa about the same height as the Face on mars." Another reason that this text has caused me to belive that all the face is , is natural landform because when many people obeserved tha photo many belived that is was a natrual landform after all. In paragraph (7) " Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting for when the image first appeared on JPLweb sie revealing ....... a natural lanform. There was no signifigance of an alien mounument after all. Also earlier in the article in paragrph (2) it state that "Sientists figured it was another martian mesa, common enough around Cyndonia. Only this one had unusal shadows that made it look like an Egyptian Pharoh. The third and finale reason why I believe that this is just a natural land form is beause NASA has simply no proof that this could possibly that there could have been once a alien civilization one Mars (Cydonia). In paragraph ( 2 ) "Scientists figured out that is was only a common martian mesa, it was only the unusal shadow to make it look like a Egyptian Pharoh. Also on paragraphs (10) though(12) it states that the weather was clear and all they had found was that they had no signifagance to proof of an alien civilization on mars only to have simular characteristics of natural landforms quiet like the ones on earth. On the other hand maybe its not a natural landform maybe some people may be right it could be some type of alien landform. NASA could have done somthing to the pictures to mess with the hopefulls. In paragraph (8) states that " The camera on board the MGS had to peer through the whispy coulds to see that face. Perhaps, siad skeptics , alien markings were hidden by haze. But this has no relevance because on there clear weather second attempt of getting a photo , they figured out i was just a natural landform becuase of the fact that in this photo it clearly dipicked that it had many of the same characteristics of natural landforms in the American west. This proves even though that that could have been a civilization it shows that it was only a landform. In conclusion, all the Face of Mars is a natural landform because they didnt have any proof that this was an alien civilization. It had many of the same characteristics of many natural landforms in the American West and that it much of the research they had still proved that it was a natural landfrom because of there findings.
Driving cars can be an easy and better way to go from point A to point B, but there are other ways that you can do that without using gas or money. At times it is better to walk or ride a bike, and there are a few reasons why it is better for you to have limited car use. Cars use up a lot of gas, which means more money you have to spend. There are a lot of people that hate to spend so much money on gas, and it is their choice to drive all around town. It's their money that they're spending. Paris baned driving due to smog. If they catch you driving with an even numbered license plate, then you have to suffer a 22-euro fine. You would be spending more money for driving if you get caught. Sometimes driving a car is not worth the money. Ride your bike around or walk. People can be lazy sometimes. It is healthy for you to get some exercise and gain some energy. If your job or school is only a couple minutes away, then there is no need to drive your car. If you ride a bike or walk you'll get to your destination before you know it. Car pool with some of your friends. Taking one car to the same destination with a group of people can't be so bad, it's beter than everybody in a group taking their own car. It's just a waste of gas and money. Think about how much you're saving off of a car pool. Wasting gas and spending money is a problem around the world when it comes to driving. Walking around, riding your bike, or car pooling with a group of friends can't hurt you as much as a car can. So next time you want to go from point A to point B, think about what your transportation is going to be.   
The author supports his idea in studying Venus in many ways. Exploring Venus can lead up to many ways to improvise. If we study Venus we can learn more about the planet, such as, if it was once an earth like planet . It could also help us even save the Earth in the long run. My final reason why we should explore Venus is because it can lead us in exploring other planets. First of all exploring Venus has a tough task, but we can learn a lot about the planet if we do explore it. We could even find out if it was once an earth like planet. We could discover new oils or new rocks. If we do discover new oil we could even put a mining system on Venus and have more oils. Exploring Venus can even help us find new minerals as well. We could discover many new things if we explore Venus ,dispite it having challenges. Second of all Venus could have been an earth like planet." Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth like planet in our solar system" If this was true we could make more and more explorations and maybe even find out why it heated up so much and if we find everything out it could help us maybe even save earth one day when the sun expands more. It can help us save our planet . Third of all If we decide to explore Venus we would have to improvise all of our machinery to sustain that heat on Venus. The heat on Venus averages to 800 degrees fahrenheit and also the atmospheric perssure is 90 times greater than what we expierence here on our own planet. We would have to make our machines and robots heat resistant. These innovations could even help us explore other planets. It would make the innovations easier if we want to explore colder planets in the future. This can spark an exploration of many other plantes. It could even help us reach other galexies and explore there. Exploring Venus can help us invent and Innovate many of our technology and it can end up helping us explore the whole solar system. In conclusion exploring Venus is worthy pursuit despite the dangers would help us out a lot. As i explaned in the paragraphs above, it can help us improve and succeed. We would earn so much more about the planet, such as if it were actually a earth like planet . We could also discover many new things such as oils and minerals. Last of all it could help us in exploring other planets. It can help our innovations get easier so we could explore colder planets too. This is why exploring Venus would help us , even though it has lots of risks it could still help us out in the future.
Using new technology to "calculate" peoples emotions will be a new and very advanced way to comunicate wiht others. For example, someone could just scan a person's face and tell if they're worth talking to or not. Also , some people may not want to be scaned and get told their emotions. The only people that should get this kind of technology is either , police , therapists or, people who willreally use them to study people. Most people will not wants to be scanned by this new type of technology because , will probably not know what its used for. For example, the person may be scanned without their consent or the person can be a lot older and could make a big deal about it. Also, someone may not approve of this software being used by anyone because it will be to advanced or not good enough. The FACS software is going to be the new way to read a persons facial expressions. FACS (Facial Action Coding System) can "constuct a 3-D computer model of the face and read all 44 major muscles. Movement by one or more muscles is called an "action unit", this new type of software cannot be used by a normal home PC becuase of it complex algorithims.
Dear Senator, Electoral college may be a despised method to some people but it has been the system established by our founding fathers and remains until this day. It may not be perfect but every method has its flaws, including popular vote, respectively. The popular voting system is not the best method since it can end up not defining  certainty of the outcome. Electoral college has prevailed until this day and it should remain this way for the United States of America. Although electoral college may be called outdated, irrational and unfair (Brandon Plumer 14). This isnt true because if it were so outdated and unfair it would have been substituted or changed by another system but it has remained because of its effiecency. This system is certaintly not unfair because  as stated in a article by Richard A. Posner,he explains "each party selects a slate of electors trusted to vote for the party's nominee (and that trust is rarely betrayed)." As for the irrational portion of the opposing view, as stated in " in defense of the electoral college..." article has mutiple reasons but one of them is "The Electoral College requires a presidential candidate to have transregional appeal." No region (South,Northeast,etc.) has enough electoral votes to elect a president." The single best argument against Electoral College may be called "the disaster factor" as claimed by Brandom Plumer in his article opposing the Electoral College. Certainty of Outcome is a strong point for Richard a. Posner in his article defending the electoral college and carefully states "A dispute over the outcome of the Electoral College vote is possible-it happened in 2000-but it's less likely than a dispute over the popular vote." He (Richard Posner) also reminds the reader that the  Electoral College avoids issues in elections in which no candidate receives majority of the votes cast and there is no pressure for a "run-off election" when no candidate wins a majority of the votes cast. Another factor brought to our attention by "the indefensible electoral college..." article is that since the Electoral College uses the winner-take-all system in each state, candidates dont lose time in states they are most likely to not win in and they focus mostly on "swing" states. Although the "swing" states system is used, it is simply utilized becauseit induces the candidates as seen in 2012's election. But the voters in toss-up states are most likely to pay more attention to the campaign, and it is decreed that the most thoughtful voters should be the chosen ones to decide the election. Ultimately with all the information cited it is quite obvious which option is best for the U.S. Electoral College may have it's cons but the pros outweigh it. This is not a new method. It was defined by the Founding Fathers that wrote our constitution that has held our country in unisom until this day. Now in 2015 it is still the leading force in the government and should be kept that way. the Electoral college is the best suited for America and should'nt be altered. Sincerly, A future voter                                   
In sept . 1997,Twenty five years ago something funny happened around Mars. NASA's aircraft captured a photo of a landform in a human shaped face many people belive that the landform could of been created by aliens. The picture of the face was not created by aliens. On April5,1998,Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the fist time. The Mars Orbiter Camera team took a picture ten times better than the Original photo. The picture revealed a natural landform not the face many though really exsisted. On April 8, 2001 --a cloudless summer day on the planet mars the Global surveypr had a second chance to look at the landform. This time each pixel in the 201 image spans 1.56 meters, compared to 23 meters per pixel in the viking photo. you can now see thing better in the photo it shows butte or mesa-landforms witch are comon. The evedience scientist have gathered has showed there was no face created by aliens
State Senator I do wish for you to change the Electoral College to a popular vote for the President of the United States. The Electoral College is just a longer system of chosing the President of the United States, why go through a longer process intead of the states just choosing the President of th United States. The way the Electoral College is looking to me is just another system why cant we have just one system where it is based on popular votes by the states instead of having the people on choosing what the Electors should say, why not just a straight foward vote. To me " The Electoral College is unfair, outdated, and irrational."Bob Dole id right to say abolish The Electoral College. " What have Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Bob Dole, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and the AFL-CIO all, in their time, agreed on abolishing the electoral college. They're not alone; according to a Gallup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al Gore"."Over 60 percennt of voter would prefer a direct election to the kind we have now. This year voters can expect another close election in which the popular vote winner could lose the presidency, but yet the electoral college still has its defenders". " The single best argument against the electoral college is what we might call the disaster factor. The American people should consider themselves lucky that the 2000 fiasco was the biggest election crisis in a century; the system allows for much worse. Consider that state legislatures are technically responsible for picking electors, and that  those electors could always defy the will of the people. " At the most basic level the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner- take-all system in each state, candidates dont spend the time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing only on the tight races in the swing states. During the 2000 campaign, seventeen states didnt see the candidates at all, including Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voers in 25 of the largest media markets didnt get to see a single campaign ad. If anyone has a good argument for putting the fate of the presidency in the hands of a few swing voters in Ohio.
I have done many things in my years, but I will never forget about being a Seagoing Cowboy. I have seen and done many things being one. There are many reasons as to why you should be one too. I've been to several places all over the world and all of them have been very exciting. If you were to be a Seagoing Cowboy, you would see several places too. Although it could take up to a month to get to the place you need to be, there are several things to keep you busy and entertained. One way you would keep busy would be caring for the animals during the crossings. You would have to feed and water all of them two to three times a day, but its fun if you love animals. Although it can be fun on the way to your destination, its most fun on the way back when all of the animals are off of the ship. We would play baseball, volleyball, table-tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and others to help pass time and keep us entertained. You might think that feeding, watering, and cleaning their cages for the animals would be boring, but thats not all you do on the job, I promise. There are so many great opportunities to being a Seagoing Cowboy, so many sites that you could see and be a part of. I'm very lucky to have made the choice to be a Seagoing Cowboy and I encourage you to be one too.
Technology over the years has been growing greatly. There are many things technology could do for us now that it couldn't do in the past. In the article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new technology called the Facial Action Coding System or FACS enables computers to identify human emotions and how it could potentially be used in a classroom to help students or people in everyday situations. In the article, it states that this new technology can be helpful in reading the emotions of students in a classroom. I believe it could be helpful but I do not think that it should be used in a classroom. Even though it states that it may help students by reading when they are confused and modifying the lesson for them to understand it, it beats the purpose of teachers. If they are confused, students could ask a teacher for help and teachers could explain it in order for them to understand it as it is wriiten and there is no need for any modifications and they know how to do it if it is worded in the same way in some other point in time in which they encounter the same problem once again. Testing is another issue. During a test, even if students are confused, the question can not be changed or modified in any way, so it wouldn't really serve much of a purpose at that time. If it were to help and it changed or modified the problem in any way, it would be unfair to the other students that, that specific student had an easier question than they did or it was modified or worded any different than it was for the rest of them. If a computer modifies a lesson because a student is confused or bored then what's the point in learning. Teachers try their best to make learning fun and some even achieve it but what the computer will do to make a lesson more fun or less confusing, is what really matters. If the computer gives a student a break because they are bored and allows them to play games, the student will be less bored but once the computer switches back the student will be bored again reguardless. Privacy is also another reason that could cause problems if it were to be used in the classroom. Some students may not be comfortable with the computer watching them and reading their emotions the whole time that they are in front of the screen. Lots of people would like to keep their emotions to themselves no matter what they are and if a computer is reading their emotions the whole time, then it is a violation of their privacy and their comfort. Many schools don't have enough funding to even afford textbooks or even computers, so there would be no use for that type of technology if the school can't even afford it. Many schools barely have desks or chairs for their students and if a technology like that comes out, they won't even be able to aquire it, much less use it to help students. So it wouldn't be of much use in those situations. Especially, since the majority of the schools barely have funding for even repairs. Nobody said learning was fun all the time or easy either. Teachers have their jobs and many do them well. A technology such as the FACS is not needed for school and classrooms. Many won't even help in making any lessons any less boring or confusing and human instructors are best. If a student thinks the lesson is boring or confusing they can inform the teacher and they will modify the lesson in a way they know would be fun because they were young once and they know that when they were their age, they wished they could do certain things in order to make learning fun and they can make those wishes come true now that they are a teacher. So either way that the FACS technology may help, it isn't needed because everything that it may help with can be solved by a question or a statement or even just the creativity of others. Why would FACS be needed now if for the past years it hasn't been needed in any way? The answer is it isn't. If we have gone this many years without it then we still don't need it. Teachers and current technology have all assisted and have not required FACS. So therefore, FACS isn't valuable and it isn't needed.
I think people should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because you get to go places you probably have never been to, and explore them in your free time. You get to see countries that might feel special to you. You get to help countries recover food supplies, animals, and more because of wars. You have to take care of the animals by feeding and giving them water two or three times a day. Also, you have to clean stalls, move hay bales and bags of oats. I once served as a night watchman, and you may think that it is boring, but you get to check on the animals a few times to see if they are alright. You sometimes can risk yourself working the nightwatch in the rain because I slid down a ladder, and cracked my ribs. It is still a fun job because you have a lot of free time, and you can play volleyball and baseball games. To pass the time from returning the trips after the animals had been unloaded, they would have table-tennis tournaments, boxing, reading, fencing, games, and whittling. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is an adventure, but also teaches you that other countries and their needs. My family helped people by hosting a number of exchange visitors, and a number of international students. You should be a Seagoing Cowboy because it's hard work, but it pays off on the beautiful sights you will see.
Luke was a young adult who just graduated from high school and became a Seagoing Cowboy with his friend Don Reist. (Yeeha) Being a cowboy must be exciting for him I imagine. After World War II was over, many countries were in ruins. 44 nations picked in to help the countries and they needed Seagoing cowboys to help the animals that were stuck in sea, so Luke and Don signed up to help. They found a bunch of horses first with a number of 335 horses and enough hay and oats to feed them. Luke made nine trips which was the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town," Luke says. He toured an excavated castle in Crete and marveled at the Panama canal on his way to china. It took a month to get to China, but they finally got there. Caring for the animals they rescued kept Luke busy. It was more than an adventure for Luke. It opened the world to him.
Limiting car usage has many advantages. It would have advantages like less pollution in the atmosphere, congestion bewteen the streets would be reduced, and people would be more interactive with the outside world. The limitation of car usage has showed many improvement all over the world. According to the first source in the passage "In german suburb, Life goes on without cars" by Elisabeth Rosenthal, it states that passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emission in Europe and up to 50 percent in some areas of the United States. In source 2 "Paris bans driving due to smog" by Robert Duffer, it says that when there is cold nights and then it is warm during the day, the warmer layer of the air traps the gas emissions from the cars. There are all statements that prove that the gas that is emitted into the air by the car affects our atmosphere. If there is tons of cars out during the day all at the same time, they are all polluting the air which affects us all. The amount of pollution coming from factories and other things is already way too much for us to be adding even more gas emission into the atmosphere. Also, there are not only little cars but different sizes of cars ranging from extra large to small. Some cars let out more polution than others but when all the pollution from all the cars come together, it is a gigantic problem. Congestion is something that happens in many places where cars are used alot. In Miami, congestion is a big problem and it is very stressing specially during afterschool hours. In souce 2, it says that when France passed the law in which even- numbered or odd-numbered license plate had a certain time where they could not drive, the congestion went down up to 60 percent in the capital. Imagine the amount of congestion that was avoided each day by passing that law. In source 3, they state that they had a car-free day in Bogota, the capital of Colombia and it left the streets devoided of traffic jams. They also assure that it was a great way to take away stress. Stress is often caused by very long traffic jams in very populated cities such as Miami or Bogota. If the usage of cars was limited, people would be more interactive. We would see more people walking and riding bikes. We would car-pool with friends and instead of just driving to a place where the person is going to be in a car from point A all the way to point B, people would interact more with one another. Talk to people while they walk, use public transportation and it would benefit local bussiness even. In sorce 1, they say that in the new approach of limiting the access of cars, stores would be placed by a walkside, somewhere you can walk to instead of being placed inside a mall along a distant highway. In source 3, it says that the limited amount of automobiles has lead to the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, parks and sports centers have bloomed and even the sidewalks have improved! The advantages of limiting the car usage are so great. Not only do they reduce pollution and congestion but also make people become more interactive with the outside world. It is something that benefits us all in many ways.           
Dear state senator, Im in favor of keeping the electoral college. This process might take a while but not as much as election by popular votes for the president of the united states. The election by popular vote is saying that the electoral college is unfair, outdated and irrational. Well I think its not, it's widely regarded as a thing that seems to belong to the past but also not to fit in the president. The electors are the ones who elect for the president not the people. When we vote for a presidential candidate we're basically voting for a slate of electors. The residents of the other regions are most likely feel that their votes don't count and that the new president will have no intersts, also that he really isn't  their president. Keeping the electoral college is the best idea. Some people might not like it but some would. Others might not like the idea of voting by popular votes for who can be president. Also under the amendment of the constituation, the district of Columbia is allocated three elctors and treated like a state of purposes of the electral college. Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. Unlike the others. They just vote by how big the state is and by how many repesenitives there are. The electors are picked by depending on the states which makes it fair enough. Back then the louisiana legislature barley succeeded in getting rid of and getting new democratic electors. If the election was a tie it would be handed over to the house of representatives, where state delegations vote on the president beacuse each state casts olny one vote. The winner of the take all method of awarding electral votes as a couples years ago. Election focuses their campagin efforts on toss up states. the voters in the toss up states are more likey to pay attention to the campaign, knowing their going to decide the elections. but the most thoughtful voters should be the ones the decides the elections not the electors.
Think of how many car crashes a day steal loved ones away from us. Think of all the mothers and fathers, sons and duaghters, and friends that are gone as the result of someone's careless mistake. The resaons behind most crashes is plain old human error. Well, what if we removed human error from the equation? If we take the driver away from the wheel and put them in the passesnger side, imagine how drastically the rate of crashes would decrease. In todays modern world of advanced technology, we already have cars that can nearly drive themsleves. As the artical points out, there are cars that can drive themselves except when complecations arise such as traffic jams and roadblocks. Google's Toyota Prius has multiple sensors that moniter the area around the car and allows the car to funtcion as if there was a driver behind the wheel. Sensors can also allow the car to brake faster than a human could in emergencies and reduce the power of the engine. The laws reguarding computer driven cars are all concerned about saftey, as they should be. Although, if a company, such as googlel, could create a perfect driverless car, shouldn't those laws be changed instead to any driverless car must be thouroughly tested and cleared by an organization or group not apart of the company itself to make sure there are no problems whatsoever. Also, in the event of any accedent caused by the car, the blame should undesputibly fall onto the company. The risk of crash would be outweighed by the benefits of driverless cars, though. Even in the event of an unlikely crash, there would still be fewer crashes than ever before. Another benefit driverless cars offer is the time saved. How many of us have been late to work, a meeting, or school bescause of traffic? Traffic is genereally cause by wrecks or roadwork. While roadwork cannot really be avoided, with driverless cars, there would be nearly no wrecks at all. Then no one would need to sit in a mile long traffic jam as someone else gets their promotion at work becasue they are not there. Also, no one would miss their turn or get stopped for running a red light and have to wait to get their ticket. As the saying goes, time is money. Even thoug a toatlly driverless car has not been invented, we are very close. Along with the extra safety that comes with humans no longer driving, time wil be saved, along with money. Las wouold aslo be changed so that the passengers in the car would not be to fualt in the instence of an unlikley crash. With driverless cars on the rise, we have a safer, more adnaced future ahead of us.
The face the newset discovery by NASA a huge rock formation that looks very simllar to humans face and is one of the biggest thing NASA seen yet. This face has been causeing a big argument about life on mars and that alien made the face but im here to prove it wrong. This argument is just crazy alien life haha impossible and im here to tell you why their no alien life on mars and that just a rock formation. Now here are my three facts that will surely bring you to resaon noththing but shadows, no aliens found, all clear these will prove im right The rock fomation know as the face on mars is nothing its just shadow turning the rock to a face when you look or take a photo from far away. This face is just a rock the only reason its look like a face because of shadows from far away the may seem like a face because the shadow give features like eyes, noes, and a mouth. This would maake any one that not looking very close think it looks like a face On april,5,1998 michael malin and the mars ordbiter camera went to to cydoia to slove this problem once and for all. When he arrived he took the camera and document his time their makeing sure he got pictures of everywhere he went. when he csme back they took the photos and reseach them and found no traces of alien life forms. With this info they were able to show to the media that their aliens makeing rock faces on mars. It was about about a couple mouths untill the media wanted more info to really prove that it was just a rock formation. So NASA inhase their ordbiter camera and took it back to cydoia. as they took more pictures with a better camera with maximum resoluiton to get a better shot of the planet they can fanliiy prove 100% that their are no alien or sturuces on mars With this NASA was able to prove it's just rock formation like any rock formation on earth. Now i hope you can understand why its just that a bunch of rocks that was given human features because of the shadows. that not only once but twice they took pictures showing that their are no aliens on mars or anywhere. Hopefully you could really see why and still say they could have miss it you are sadly mistaken they gave a clean sweep around the plant showing no structes or life forms
I think the Facial Action Coding System is valuable in a classroom because it helps the student get a better understanding of the lesson. For example if a student is confused about what to do the computer will detect this and modify the lesson so that the student would be more successful. In my opinion i think this would help out alot in the classroom because many students get confused or bored while doing work and most of the time its because they do not understand. with the new technology this would limit confused students and may save the teacher the time of having to explained the instructions again. it may also prevent the student from giving up or recieving a bad grade on the assignment due to preforming poorly. Although we can determine another human's emotions sometimes it is difficult because a person might smile at you but may be hurt inside so you may take this as if the person is ok. the person may also have mixed emotions which gives a person a different emotion instead of the correct emotion or how the person is really feeling. However with the computer you'll never br mistaken and can always find out a person real expression regardless if they are forcing a smile or not. In the article it states that when a person smiles muscles called the zygomatic major will lift the corner of their mouth and when a person is forcing a smile their mouth strectch sideways instead of upward. but how would a teacher know the difference if they are not aware of this. This new technology helps out with that and makes things better not only for the student but for the teacher as well.
The advantages of limiting car usage is that it helps the envirornment to stay healthy, it helps bring the rate of high car usage down and lets people take bikes, skates, and ect. and so people can be more actice, and cars have harmful chemicals, and gases that is bad for the air we breath. The advantages for limiting car usage is that it helps the envirornment to stay healthy because with so many countries with over populated cities have alot of cars which causes smog. Like in Vauban Germany they have gave up on there cars so they have baned cars, and that most of the population has got rid of their car, and or sold them to stay in Vauban which has a population of 5,500 residents. The people now in Vuaban walk of side walks, and are more actice most of the citizens like it that way. which that is a good way to get over car is to use bikes, skateboards, and ect. So that people can be more active, and social. It is also good that they do that so they can get a exercise than just sitting in a car, and driving to a location. the advantages of limiting car usage is that it help prevents harmful chemicals and gases thar are bad for the air we breath because if we keep polluting the streets with cars those harmful and deadly chemicals, and gases go to the atmosphere and come back to us as air we breath, and those are not good things to put in your body. The cause of over populated cities like in paris, or bogota have cause alot of smog. So now what they have to lower the smog is that they have days when they dont drive cars, and that if you rode a car you would get fined. In Colombia Bogota they have time where that the people didnt mind not driving cars, and they would hike, bike or even take the bus. To end off the advantages of limiting car usage is that it helps the envirorment to stay healthy, help bring people together and make them more active by taking bikes, skates, and ect. and also cars have harmful chemicals, and gases that is bad for the air we breath.
My positon on driverless cars are postitive. Hearing so many drunk driving cases every single day alone would bring a huge benefit to people everywhere. Think for a moment. Why would people put so much time and effort to a project that wouldnt benefit humanity and society? Although drivers are still required to do some things in the car, the new ways of sensors being included throughout the car cuts many things that a driver has to do. But also there are pros and cons to every situation. You can obviously start with the fact that there is still no car today that is completely driverless, as already stated. Or the fact that we are still years away to coming close to the real thing, not including laws that could add many more years just trying to get a self driven car legalized. Do not forget about the pros that have yet to be mentioned. To start with the obvious, many thousands of lives will be saved daily from the new technology developed. Also the price of gas can be greatly reduced or not even used at all considering the use of electric cars that could be included in the makeup of a self driven car. But there is not only one company trying to do this. A plethera of companies such as General Motors and Berkeley are just a few to name. Many aspects also fall in, like price, rights, and advertisements. All are very important as well but price for a " revolutionary prospect" can ruin your bank account if your trying to get something that you do not have the money for originally. To conclude my positive standpoint, cars are improving at a phenomenal pace. If you thought about this 50 years ago, people would look at you as if you had no idea of what your talking about. Now these days anything is possible, let alone cars. And we are just talking about cars that can drive themselves. If we give it a decade or two, there might actually be cars that can fly or go underwater and explore. The ideas are indeed limitless and achieveable.
This story is about evaluating The Challenge of Exploring Venus. In the first paragraph it is kinda misleading because it says that venus sometimes called the evening star is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky. Then it goes on to talk about how venus is also a planet so the name is very misleading. Then paragraph two it talks about how its a planet again not a star and its saying that its the closest planet to earth. Venus is the closest planet to earth and yet to there has been a spacecraft to survive the landing. Although it could be a little bit tough seems haw venus's atmosphere is almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets and the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere. On venus surface the temperatues average over 800 degrees fahrenheit. With that kind of heat and pressure could even crush a submarine. In conclusion the story had some great details about what venus was like compared to earth but i also think that it was a little misleading about star planet and i think that could have been fixed up so it didnt have you on your toes trying to find out wether or not it was a star or a planet that was earths twin.
The advantages in limiting car usage in Germany is to not buy one. Heidrun Walter said, "when I had a car I was always tense. I'm way much happier this way." From people not driving cars, it reduces the greenhouse gas emissons. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percenet of the greenhouse gas emissons in Europe, and 50 percent in the United States. From people not using vehicles, and walk or ride bicycles instead, they tend to take the suburbs to get around. The suburbs are more compact and more accessible to the public than your own personal car. Now that they have taken away personal vehicles and gave them suburbs, the stores are a walk away on the main street, other than a walk on a distant highway. In the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency promoted "car reduced communities." While in Paris, they banned driving because of the smog. On Mondays, vehicles with even-numbered license plates were told to leave their vehicles at home or suffer a $31 fine. The same thing with the odd numbered license plates the next day. Almost 4,000 of the drivers were fined because they didn't follow the rules and their cars got impounded. The cold nights and warm days caused the smog to form which made a thick layer of air to trap the car emissions. Diesel fuel is the biggest issue because it makes up 67 percent of the vehicles in France compaired to 53.3 percent in Western Europe. When the smog cleared up on Monday, the French party went after the odd-numbered licensed plates on Tuesday and fined them. In Bogota, Columbia there is a program that was sent to spread to other countries, millions of Columbians hiked, biked, skated or took buses, left the city and avoided the traffic jams. Cars have been banned to the point were people can ride buses and be taxed with the Day Without Cars in the capital city of 7 million. Their goal is to promote the transportation and reduce the smog. For the first time, two other Columbian cities joined the event. The parks and sport centers were fixed throughout the city. The uneven sidewalks have been replaced, rush hour restrictions have cut traffic, and new restaurants and shopping areas have cropped up. The end of car culture is president Obama's goals are to change the United States' greenhouse gas emissions. Recent studies show that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as the years go on. Mr. Sivak said that when he was in his late 20s early 30s, he was curious about what kind of car he drove, but no one really cared as long as it got you from point A to point B. A study was done last year and it stated that young drivers decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009. At the Mobile World Congress last year in Bill Ford, Barcelona and Spain, the For Motor Companys chairman laid the business plan out for the world to see. He said to create the cities so the pedestrians, bicycles, private cars, and other transportation are brought into a connected network to save time, conserve recoursces lower the emissions and to improve the safety.
The electoral college method is a process that consists of the selection of the electors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for the President and the Vice president, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. This means that that people are not directly voting for who they want to be president but voting for an elector that then places a vote. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a comprimise between election of the president by a vote in Congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College consists of 538 electors, and a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. But the other process of voting for a president is what we have now, it is called the popular vote, in which people go to a place where there are machines that you can place your vote for the president you want elected, the person with the most votes becomes the president of the United States and the person that lost the popular vote is elected vice president. You may ask, well what is wrong with the Electoral College system? Well under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn elect the president. Some people are very serious about their choice of the president they take their time to learn what the president could do for them and their state and country. So when that much time is put in to making that vote people would get mad if a person with an entirely different idea just takes their vote and places it wherever they want. The Electoral College is widely regarded as an anachronism, a non-democratic mothod of selcting a president that should be overruled by declaring the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner. Since the electoral college is so old I think it is time to ebolish it!
After reading this article, "Making Mona Lisa Smile" I believe that being able to detect and know how to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable and could be useful for many. Using technology to know whether an individual is upset, happy, mad, etc. could be used as an improvement on our daily lives. According to the article, they tested this new technology on the famous Leonardo Da Vinci's Mona Lisa painting and defined that "she was 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry." The outcomes from this new technology system could actually be legit and can tell us what people feel. This new sofware can also help the people that are to afriad to express their feelings or don't know how to . Sense there are some individuals who hid their feelings and aren't that easy to read their emotions by just looking at their facial expressions, by using this system you could read and even track their face movments and even their mixed emotions also. For instance, as stated in the passage "Even though individuals often show varying degrees of expression"."Using imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks these facial movements in a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa." This new software can help those who have a "neutral face" and show no emotion. Facial expressions aren't always going to reveal how an individual is actually feeling or what emotions he is going through inside. For example, in the article it indicates that the Mona Lisa is "9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry", even though in the painting she looks 100 percent happy. This software will read off your emotions no matter what face expression you are making. Many of us can use this software to figure out what others are feeling when they are to scared to tell others how they feel. For instance, if someone is feeling really upset and has a neutral face and you can't tell that they are upset, you can't help them unless you know how they are feeling. In conculsion, I believe that This new software "Facial Action Coding" that helps reveal human emotions by using technology cn be valuable and useful for certain people.
Aliens vs. Knowledge Twenty-five years before 2001, NASA's Viking 1 spacecraft spotted a landform in the shape of a face on Mars's surface. This, after being released to the media, caused an uprising of speculations. Did aliens make this? Were there other beings on other planets? Are we not alone? A famous scientist once said that we researched for other life on other planets because humans didn't want to be alone in this vast galaxy. He also said that it could cause either fear or excitement. The media wanted to grab the attention of the common people, and to do that they needed something extraordinary. The media spins the truth to benefit their needs. You can't believe everything they say because all they can do is gain by your speculation. NASA hardly thought this was the work of aliens. They didn't want the people to think they were lying, they wanted to seek the truth. Even if they were hiding something, they could only ever lose everything for covering it up. More attention on the dying out NASA program would gain the support and money to fund them. So, on April 5, 1998, they sent another spacecraft to take pictures of the landform. Not everyone thought the image that came up, the one of a landform, sufficed. They argued that it was probably too hazy and that the image wasn't a reliable resource. They said that the haze was blocking the alien markings. Again, NASA sent another spacecraft in 2001 to take better pictures in different angles. The picture showed a landform much like a butte or mesa here on Earth. Some people stated that it was a conspiracy. Mars has unique quirks like every planet. Here on earth we have natural landforms such as a mesa, and mountains, and rivers. Mars isn't much different. Scientists have special catogories for classifying a planet, and Pluto did not meet those requirements. So, every planet has to have at least one thing in common with another. Just beacause Mars is a different planet, doesn't mean that it can't have landforms much like those on Earth. To say that one planet has aliens because of a landform, is to say that we are aliens as well. Don't we have mountains? Yes, you might say, but it's because of tectonic plates pushing against each other. Science has taught us many things, so now we know something foreign to people back then. Take Christopher Columbus as in example. Before he sailed the ocean, everyone thought that the earth was flat. After he disproved the theory, people saw the earth for what it was: a round, water planet. Another great example would be Galileo, who disproved the theory that Earth was the center of the galaxy and the sun and everything else rotated around it. People had to have curiosity, and the willpower to go on with these expeditions. After they disproved a theory, it made more sense, and the world around us just is. Now, we don't question on how the mountains were made. We don't question on why we have day and night. We are more educated now, but there are still things we haven't learned. That's why people should have a more open mind about finding the truth. Once we find the truth, we'll move on to bigger things and so on and so on. This mystery is one which piques people's interest, but turning to myth and false facts isn't the way to go. Exploring and learning from new innovations is what makes scientists who they are. They took the time to go through the process of being a certified scientist. To say you are smarter than one is disrespectful towards them, saying all their hard work was worth nothing. So, to summarize, aliens did not make the landform on Mars. It was a natural occurence that got blown up into bigger proportions because the media wanted to satisfy their own needs to get profit. NASA knows what they are saying, and we should respect their statements until we ,for sure, know ourselves that the statement is false.
People need to join the Seagoing Cowboys program. You will have lots of fun, see many of different places, and become aware of countries in need. Helping take care of the animals will be one of your jobs. Taking care of the animals is pretty simple. They need to be fed (bales of hay and bags of oats are hauled up from the lower holds), watered (two or three times a day), and the animal's stalls have to be cleaned. Another job is being a night watchman. It can be very dangerous. Another reason to join the Seagoing Cowboys is that you can have lots of fun. On the return trip, when all the animals are gone and the stalls are empty, cowboys play baseball, volleyball, fencing, boxing, and many other games. Table-tennis tournaments are also held. Being a Seagoing Cowboy is quite an adventure. Having a chance to help people in need, playing games, and taking care of animals. This is a once-in-a-lifetime offer to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program. Please join us today!
A major form of transportation that has been around for a long time is driving in cars. Now, people are relying less on cars and are finding different methods of commuting. Some countries are even banning cars. Limiting car usage will have many advantages, such as reducing stress and benefitting the enviroment. Cars come with a large amount of responsibility, which causes people to have stress. Many people are actually happier without cars. Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and a mother of two, stated that "When I had a car, I was always tense. I'm much happier this way." (Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal) People can be tense from having a car because they have to do things like pay for insurance, pay the monthly bill for the actual car, pay for gas, and worry about where to park. Living a life without a car means that you are saving money and you are walking and biking more. "Parks and sports centers also have bloomed throughout the city." (Source 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota by Andrew Selsky) Due to the lowering in the number of cars, people are being able to go outside more into new parks, go workout with friends, or just enjoy the outdoors. All of this is healthy and good for a person, and causes a person to relax and feel less stressed.  Due to no cars on the road in Car-free day, there is no such thing as rush hour traffic, so people do not have to worry about leaving early or standing in traffic for a long period of time. Many who drive cars tend to have road rage, causing them to shout or get mad, which is not good for their health. People that drive to work on their bikes or use public transportation will not experience road rage, which will cause them to be happier. "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution" said businessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife. (Source 3: "Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota" by Andrew Selsky) Car-free day allowed this man to go to work in a fun way with his wife, enjoying the outdoors while also spending time together. If he had taken a car to work, he might have not went with his wife and had a good time. Limiting car usage will lead to less stress and happier people in the long run. A big reason for the great amount of pollution in the world today is from cars. Reducing the number of cars will also lead to a better enviroment with cleaner air. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe... and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States." (Source 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars by Elisabeth Rosenthal) Pollution is a major problem in many counties, such as the United States, and limiting the amount of cars on the road will surely have a positive impact on the enviroment. It will not do any harm. "If the pattern persists- and many sociologists believe it will- it will have beneficial implications for carbon emissions and the enviroment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions, just behing power plants." (Source 4: The End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal) Since transportation is one of the major reasons for the amount of pollution in America, imagine the benefit to the enviroment that will occur if the amount of driving and car usage becomes limited. This is a very ambitious goal to curb America's greenhouse gas emissions. It is proven that fuel in cars is blamed for polluting counties. For example, Diesels make up 67 percent of vehicles in France, and is also blamed for polluting the country. (Source 2: Paris bans driving due to smog by Robert Duffer) Smog is caused by the pollution, and is the key factor to the reason why Paris is banning driving. The only place the ban of cars will negatively effect is the car industry. People use their car sometimes for uneccessary situtations, such as driving to a friends house if they live a short distance away. "The Internet makes telecommuting possible and allows people to feel more connected without driving to meet friends." (Source 4: The End of Car Culture by Elisabeth Rosenthal) It is not always needed to drive somewhere to meet up with someone. Technology nowadays, such as cellphones and computers, allow us to call, text, or video chat with people who are far away. This saves time and gas, and will be better for the enviroment. Cars are not always necessary for commuting, and they also cause stress. They are harming our enviroment by polliuting it with its carbon emissions. There are other ways of transportation, such as public transportation, walking, or riding your bike. Limiting the amount of car usage will lead to people being healthier and less stressed, as well as the air being cleaner.