7 values
With the impending rise in interest over the next few years once US Central Bank starts hiking rates from 2015, it presents a rare opportunity for those who are no longer under any lock-in period on their existing loan to profit. Let me explain. At the moment there is still one last bank in the market (all the rest have adjusted their rates up) that offers a 3-year mortgage fixed rate package at an all-time lowest interest of average 1.42% p.a.in the first 3 years. Now with upwards bias on interest outlook, Singapore Dollar Fixed Deposit rates have started to trend up in the last couple of months with the highest rate at 1.55% for a 24-month placement from one foreign bank. Which means if you can still do a cash out (take additional term loan on top of your outstanding housing loan at the same mortgage interest) on your property loan, after all most of us have been diligently paying down our mortgage over the years, even if you do nothing with the extra cash and just place it as fixed deposits, you will profit at a minimum margin of 1.55% minus 1.42% or 13 basis points. Assuming a cash out of $300,000, this works out to be $400 p.a. or $1200 over 3 years. It is unlikely any one of us will be excited enough over a $1200 profit to make all the effort to do a cash out. Fair statement. However remember I am giving the baseline profit here. Your "cost of funds" is already locked in at 1.42% per year over the next 3 years. Interest rate will only rise against the backdrop of an improving economy, better corporate earnings which should translate into higher wages, more spending and investment into stock markets, etc. Stand ready to profit from the stock market bulls as Dow heads into the new year looking to hit the all-time record of 18,000 level! To capitalize on this recovery, where else can you find such a cheap source of funds where you can lock-in the interest. There can only be upside. Another good thing about locking in your interest at such a low rate of 1.42% is that for each dollar that you pay the bank every month, only 1/3 goes to the bank's pocket as interest and 2/3 comes back to you in the form of principle reduction. Essentially you are paying yourself. Better yet if your rent can cover fully this monthly instalment albeit rental market in Singapore is projected to go even softer. Say if you have bought your investment property 5 years ago and you have taken up a loan of $600,000 back then and your current outstanding loan is at $514,000 with the property now valued at $1.1M, you can take out the maximum of 70-80% of the valuation (LTV) less outstanding loan and total CPF used to-date, provided you met TDSR as a pre-requisite. Your total loan outstanding goes up to $770,000 with $256,000 in the form of term loan at the same interest as your mortgage. At an interest of 1.42% p.a. your monthly repayment goes up from $2048 to $2921. You will need to be able to service this higher instalment which is fixed in the next 3 years. It will be irresponsible of me to ask people to cash out on their mortgage without highlighting the risks involved, especially those who are investing into stocks and shares which we know are highly volatile. There are 2 major risks here – first at the end of 3 years your fixed mortgage rate expires and if you are unable to refinance to an acceptable rate, you will need to get back your capital to pay off at least the term loan portion of your mortgage in order to square off your position. Should the stock market plunge (no one predict the market 100% ) you will stuck! Second, should the stock market plunge be accompanied by a property market crash, some banks might start to call for top ups on loan margins when market valuations drop drastically. Due to the risks involved, I would seriously encourage you to look at real estate investment trusts (REITs)
[ 2973, 278, 2411, 2548, 14451, 297, 4066, 975, 278, 2446, 2846, 2440, 2748, 3148, 8068, 10253, 8665, 298, 638, 292, 19257, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29892, 372, 22981, 263, 10812, 15130, 363, 1906, 1058, 526, 694, 5520, 1090, 738, 7714, 29899, 262, 3785, 373, 1009, 5923, 24806, 304, 21665, 29889, 2803, 592, 5649, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 3256, 727, 338, 1603, 697, 1833, 9124, 297, 278, 9999, 313, 497, 278, 1791, 505, 10365, 287, 1009, 19257, 701, 29897, 393, 16688, 263, 29871, 29941, 29899, 6360, 5758, 29887, 482, 4343, 6554, 3577, 472, 385, 599, 29899, 2230, 19604, 4066, 310, 6588, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29946, 29906, 29995, 282, 29889, 29874, 29889, 262, 278, 937, 29871, 29941, 2440, 29889, 2567, 411, 701, 2935, 24003, 373, 4066, 714, 6914, 29892, 25960, 360, 26810, 383, 11925, 897, 1066, 277, 19257, 505, 4687, 304, 534, 355, 701, 297, 278, 1833, 7303, 310, 7378, 411, 278, 9939, 6554, 472, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29945, 29945, 29995, 363, 263, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29899, 10874, 2174, 13561, 515, 697, 9117, 9124, 29889, 8449, 2794, 565, 366, 508, 1603, 437, 263, 274, 1161, 714, 313, 19730, 5684, 1840, 24806, 373, 2246, 310, 596, 714, 11235, 27261, 24806, 472, 278, 1021, 5758, 29887, 482, 4066, 29897, 373, 596, 2875, 24806, 29892, 1156, 599, 1556, 310, 502, 505, 1063, 21749, 335, 2705, 5146, 292, 1623, 1749, 5758, 29887, 482, 975, 278, 2440, 29892, 1584, 565, 366, 437, 3078, 411, 278, 4805, 274, 1161, 322, 925, 2058, 372, 408, 4343, 19754, 1169, 29892, 366, 674, 21665, 472, 263, 9212, 5906, 310, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29945, 29945, 29995, 26134, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29946, 29906, 29995, 470, 29871, 29896, 29941, 8405, 3291, 29889, 17090, 263, 274, 1161, 714, 310, 395, 29941, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 445, 1736, 714, 304, 367, 395, 29946, 29900, 29900, 282, 29889, 29874, 29889, 470, 395, 29896, 29906, 29900, 29900, 975, 29871, 29941, 2440, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 25057, 738, 697, 310, 502, 674, 367, 24173, 3307, 975, 263, 395, 29896, 29906, 29900, 29900, 21665, 304, 1207, 599, 278, 7225, 304, 437, 263, 274, 1161, 714, 29889, 13822, 3229, 29889, 2398, 6456, 306, 626, 6820, 278, 2362, 5570, 21665, 1244, 29889, 3575, 376, 18253, 310, 29199, 29908, 338, 2307, 22822, 297, 472, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29946, 29906, 29995, 639, 1629, 975, 278, 2446, 29871, 29941, 2440, 29889, 23829, 6554, 674, 871, 14451, 2750, 278, 1250, 8865, 310, 385, 4857, 1747, 26504, 29892, 2253, 17266, 403, 2326, 11753, 607, 881, 14240, 964, 6133, 281, 1179, 29892, 901, 805, 2548, 322, 13258, 358, 964, 10961, 2791, 1691, 29892, 2992, 29889, 6679, 7960, 304, 21665, 515, 278, 10961, 9999, 289, 913, 29879, 408, 26028, 15883, 964, 278, 716, 1629, 3063, 304, 7124, 278, 599, 29899, 2230, 2407, 310, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 3233, 29991, 13, 1762, 7483, 675, 373, 445, 24205, 29892, 988, 1683, 508, 366, 1284, 1316, 263, 28773, 2752, 310, 29199, 988, 366, 508, 7714, 29899, 262, 278, 4066, 29889, 1670, 508, 871, 367, 24081, 680, 29889, 13, 2744, 1228, 1781, 2655, 1048, 7714, 292, 297, 596, 4066, 472, 1316, 263, 4482, 6554, 310, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29946, 29906, 29995, 338, 393, 363, 1269, 11232, 279, 393, 366, 5146, 278, 9124, 1432, 4098, 29892, 871, 29871, 29896, 29914, 29941, 5771, 304, 278, 9124, 29915, 29879, 24589, 408, 4066, 322, 29871, 29906, 29914, 29941, 5304, 1250, 304, 366, 297, 278, 883, 310, 12502, 20376, 29889, 11044, 9247, 366, 526, 5146, 292, 7535, 29889, 26965, 3447, 565, 596, 23990, 508, 4612, 8072, 445, 4098, 368, 20226, 358, 394, 6205, 364, 13703, 9999, 297, 25960, 338, 2060, 287, 304, 748, 1584, 577, 906, 29889, 13, 29903, 388, 565, 366, 505, 18093, 596, 13258, 358, 2875, 29871, 29945, 2440, 8020, 322, 366, 505, 4586, 701, 263, 24806, 310, 395, 29953, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 1250, 769, 322, 596, 1857, 714, 11235, 24806, 338, 472, 395, 29945, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 411, 278, 2875, 1286, 659, 6742, 472, 395, 29896, 29889, 29896, 29924, 29892, 366, 508, 2125, 714, 278, 7472, 310, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29899, 29947, 29900, 29995, 310, 278, 17134, 362, 313, 5850, 29963, 29897, 3109, 714, 11235, 24806, 322, 3001, 315, 13691, 1304, 304, 29899, 1256, 29892, 4944, 366, 1539, 323, 8452, 29934, 408, 263, 758, 29899, 276, 7680, 568, 29889, 13, 10858, 3001, 24806, 714, 11235, 5771, 701, 304, 395, 29955, 29955, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 411, 395, 29906, 29945, 29953, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 297, 278, 883, 310, 1840, 24806, 472, 278, 1021, 4066, 408, 596, 5758, 29887, 482, 29889, 2180, 385, 4066, 310, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29946, 29906, 29995, 282, 29889, 29874, 29889, 596, 4098, 368, 1634, 388, 358, 5771, 701, 515, 395, 29906, 29900, 29946, 29947, 304, 395, 29906, 29929, 29906, 29896, 29889, 887, 674, 817, 304, 367, 2221, 304, 2669, 445, 6133, 20226, 358, 607, 338, 4343, 297, 278, 2446, 29871, 29941, 2440, 29889, 13, 3112, 674, 367, 3805, 26679, 1821, 310, 592, 304, 2244, 2305, 304, 274, 1161, 714, 373, 1009, 5758, 29887, 482, 1728, 12141, 292, 278, 5161, 2039, 9701, 29892, 7148, 1906, 1058, 526, 13258, 292, 964, 10961, 29879, 322, 29358, 607, 591, 1073, 526, 10712, 1700, 24285, 29889, 13, 8439, 526, 29871, 29906, 4655, 5161, 2039, 1244, 785, 937, 472, 278, 1095, 310, 29871, 29941, 2440, 596, 4343, 5758, 29887, 482, 6554, 1518, 2658, 322, 565, 366, 526, 9368, 304, 2143, 262, 749, 304, 385, 22691, 6554, 29892, 366, 674, 817, 304, 679, 1250, 596, 7483, 304, 5146, 1283, 472, 3203, 278, 1840, 24806, 11910, 310, 596, 5758, 29887, 482, 297, 1797, 304, 6862, 1283, 596, 2602, 29889, 10575, 278, 10961, 9999, 715, 19440, 313, 1217, 697, 8500, 278, 9999, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29995, 1723, 366, 674, 10771, 29991, 6440, 29892, 881, 278, 10961, 9999, 715, 19440, 367, 21302, 491, 263, 2875, 9999, 8095, 29892, 777, 24388, 1795, 1369, 304, 1246, 363, 2246, 24081, 373, 24806, 15276, 1144, 746, 9999, 17134, 800, 5768, 4192, 579, 1711, 29889, 13, 29928, 434, 304, 278, 5161, 2039, 9701, 29892, 306, 723, 25798, 13731, 6617, 366, 304, 1106, 472, 1855, 19989, 13258, 358, 9311, 29879, 313, 1525, 1806, 29879, 29897 ]
What are you looking for Book "Plenty" ? Click "Read Now PDF" / "Download", Get it for FREE, Register 100% Easily. You can read all your books for as long as a month for FREE and will get the latest Books Notifications. SIGN UP NOW! This book is intended for those interested in US food habits and diets during the 20th century, American history, American social life and customs. Author : Harvey Levenstein Plenty Of Room For Biology At The Bottom Written by a leading nanobiologist actively involved at the forefront of the field both as a researcher and an educator, this book takes the reader from the fundamentals of nanobiology to the most advanced applications.The book is written in such a way as to be accessible to biologists and chemists with no background in nanotechnology. It is reader-friendly and will appeal to a wide audience not only in academia but also in the industry and anyone interested in learning more about nanobiotechnology.The book includes a glossary and a selected list of companies actively involved in nanobiotechnology and will be an important reference for those interested in the application aspects of the field. Genre : Science Author : Ehud Gazit Publisher : Imperial College Press This play ran at the National Theatre, London, throughout 1978 and the New York production in the autumn of 1982 was equally well received. In counterpointing the experiences of an Englishwoman helping the French Resistance during the war with her life in the following twenty years, the author offers a unique view of postwar history, as well as making a powerful statement about changing values and the collapse of ideals embodied in a single life. Plenty is also a major film produced by Edward R. Pressman and Joseph Papp with Mark Seiler as Executive Producer, and directed by Fred Schepisi from a screenplay by David Hare. The cast, headed by double Oscar-winner Meryl Streep, includes Charles Dance, Tracy Ullman, John Gielgud, Sting, Ian McKellen and Sam Neill. Author : David Hare Publisher : Faber & Faber Power And Plenty International trade has shaped the modern world, yet until now no single book has been available for both economists and general readers that traces the history of the international economy from its earliest beginnings to the present day. Power and Plenty fills this gap, providing the first full account of world trade and development over the course of the last millennium. Ronald Findlay and Kevin O'Rourke examine the successive waves of globalization and "deglobalization" that have occurred during the past thousand years, looking closely at the technological and political causes behind these long-term trends. They show how the expansion and contraction of the world economy has been directly tied to the two-way interplay of trade and geopolitics, and how war and peace have been critical determinants of international trade over the very long run. The story they tell is sweeping in scope, one that links the emergence of the Western economies with economic and political developments throughout Eurasia centuries ago. Drawing extensively upon empirical evidence and informing their systematic analysis with insights from contemporary economic theory, Findlay and O'Rourke demonstrate the close interrelationships of trade and warfare, the mutual interdependence of the world's different regions, and the crucial role these factors have played in explaining modern economic growth. Power and Plenty is a must-read for anyone seeking to understand the origins of today's international economy, the forces that continue to shape it, and the economic and political challenges confronting policymakers in the twenty-first century. Author : Ronald Findlay Publisher : Princeton University Press People Of Plenty America has long been famous as a land of plenty, but we seldom realize how much the American people are a people of plenty—a people whose distinctive character has been shaped by economic abundance. In this important book, David M. Potter breaks new ground both in the study of this phenomenon and in his approach to the question of national character. He brings a fresh historical perspective to bear on the vital work done in this field by anthropologists, social psychologists, and psychoanalysts. "The rejection of hindsight, with the insistence on trying to see events from the point of view of the participants, was a governing theme with Potter. . . . This sounds like a truism. Watching him apply it
[ 1724, 526, 366, 3063, 363, 6726, 376, 3247, 6478, 29908, 1577, 16297, 376, 6359, 2567, 11328, 29908, 847, 376, 22954, 613, 3617, 372, 363, 383, 21661, 29892, 12577, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29995, 382, 294, 2354, 29889, 887, 508, 1303, 599, 596, 8277, 363, 408, 1472, 408, 263, 4098, 363, 383, 21661, 322, 674, 679, 278, 9281, 13730, 2216, 8232, 29889, 317, 17298, 11901, 405, 9806, 29991, 13, 4013, 3143, 338, 9146, 363, 1906, 8852, 297, 3148, 9687, 2299, 1169, 322, 652, 1691, 2645, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 6462, 29892, 3082, 4955, 29892, 3082, 5264, 2834, 322, 2888, 29879, 29889, 13, 13720, 584, 3536, 6950, 951, 854, 5465, 13, 3247, 6478, 4587, 25114, 1152, 3457, 3002, 2180, 450, 350, 3570, 13, 29956, 20833, 491, 263, 8236, 23432, 15647, 19915, 1044, 3598, 9701, 472, 278, 26839, 8862, 310, 278, 1746, 1716, 408, 263, 5925, 261, 322, 385, 6320, 1061, 29892, 445, 3143, 4893, 278, 9591, 515, 278, 5220, 1166, 1338, 310, 23432, 15647, 3002, 304, 278, 1556, 12862, 8324, 29889, 1576, 3143, 338, 3971, 297, 1316, 263, 982, 408, 304, 367, 15579, 304, 4768, 1189, 2879, 322, 8950, 2879, 411, 694, 3239, 297, 23432, 866, 3049, 3002, 29889, 739, 338, 9591, 29899, 18326, 368, 322, 674, 25530, 304, 263, 9377, 20026, 451, 871, 297, 16274, 423, 541, 884, 297, 278, 13661, 322, 5019, 8852, 297, 6509, 901, 1048, 23432, 15647, 866, 3049, 3002, 29889, 1576, 3143, 7805, 263, 3144, 2209, 653, 322, 263, 4629, 1051, 310, 14582, 1044, 3598, 9701, 297, 23432, 15647, 866, 3049, 3002, 322, 674, 367, 385, 4100, 3407, 363, 1906, 8852, 297, 278, 2280, 21420, 310, 278, 1746, 29889, 13, 15462, 276, 584, 9327, 13, 13720, 584, 382, 29882, 566, 15853, 277, 13, 21076, 1674, 261, 584, 21080, 6346, 5254, 13, 4013, 1708, 6350, 472, 278, 3086, 15521, 29892, 4517, 29892, 10106, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29947, 322, 278, 1570, 3088, 5802, 297, 278, 1120, 1227, 310, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 471, 18018, 1532, 4520, 29889, 512, 6795, 3149, 292, 278, 27482, 310, 385, 4223, 29893, 2480, 19912, 278, 5176, 2538, 21558, 2645, 278, 1370, 411, 902, 2834, 297, 278, 1494, 10081, 2440, 29892, 278, 4148, 16688, 263, 5412, 1776, 310, 1400, 4495, 4955, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 3907, 263, 13988, 3229, 1048, 6480, 1819, 322, 278, 24382, 310, 1957, 1338, 7232, 397, 1000, 297, 263, 2323, 2834, 29889, 1858, 6478, 338, 884, 263, 4655, 2706, 7371, 491, 9300, 390, 29889, 5254, 1171, 322, 6936, 349, 932, 411, 4485, 922, 3955, 408, 28841, 7138, 2265, 29892, 322, 10624, 491, 12001, 1102, 1022, 10770, 515, 263, 4315, 1456, 491, 4699, 379, 598, 29889, 450, 4320, 29892, 2343, 287, 491, 3765, 19054, 29899, 29893, 3993, 341, 708, 29880, 624, 929, 29886, 29892, 7805, 5322, 22440, 29892, 323, 10068, 501, 645, 1171, 29892, 2259, 402, 709, 29887, 566, 29892, 624, 292, 29892, 22291, 24053, 4919, 322, 3685, 2448, 453, 29889, 13, 13720, 584, 4699, 379, 598, 13, 21076, 1674, 261, 584, 10629, 261, 669, 10629, 261, 13, 21472, 1126, 1858, 6478, 13, 17579, 1288, 11302, 756, 528, 10501, 278, 5400, 3186, 29892, 3447, 2745, 1286, 694, 2323, 3143, 756, 1063, 3625, 363, 1716, 7766, 2879, 322, 2498, 22176, 393, 26695, 278, 4955, 310, 278, 6121, 26504, 515, 967, 24577, 1812, 2559, 886, 304, 278, 2198, 2462, 29889, 9206, 322, 1858, 6478, 27793, 445, 17261, 29892, 13138, 278, 937, 2989, 3633, 310, 3186, 11302, 322, 5849, 975, 278, 3236, 310, 278, 1833, 3533, 264, 1240, 398, 29889, 11546, 2741, 10987, 8387, 322, 19323, 438, 29915, 29934, 473, 446, 25917, 278, 2551, 573, 20037, 310, 5534, 2133, 322, 376, 311, 10945, 2133, 29908, 393, 505, 10761, 2645, 278, 4940, 10405, 2440, 29892, 3063, 16467, 472, 278, 5722, 5996, 322, 8604, 9946, 5742, 1438, 1472, 29899, 8489, 534, 1975, 29889, 2688, 1510, 920, 278, 13184, 322, 6761, 428, 310, 278, 3186, 26504, 756, 1063, 4153, 21351, 304, 278, 1023, 29899, 1582, 1006, 1456, 310, 11302, 322, 1737, 13242, 277, 1199, 29892, 322, 920, 1370, 322, 10776, 505, 1063, 12187, 11806, 1934, 310, 6121, 11302, 975, 278, 1407, 1472, 1065, 29889, 450, 5828, 896, 2649, 338, 7901, 26819, 297, 6874, 29892, 697, 393, 2988, 278, 11176, 10238, 310, 278, 10504, 7766, 583, 411, 17407, 322, 8604, 2693, 1860, 10106, 382, 10939, 423, 21726, 8020, 29889, 18492, 292, 21103, 3598, 2501, 29190, 936, 10757, 322, 1871, 292, 1009, 1788, 2454, 7418, 411, 1663, 5861, 515, 24952, 17407, 6368, 29892, 10987, 8387, 322, 438, 29915, 29934, 473, 446, 22222, 278, 3802, 1006, 2674, 800, 14587, 310, 11302, 322, 1370, 24658, 29892, 278, 5478, 950, 1006, 2716, 355, 663, 310, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 1422, 12786, 29892, 322, 278, 7618, 1455, 6297, 1438, 13879, 505, 5318, 297, 24232, 5400, 17407, 14321, 29889, 9206, 322, 1858, 6478, 338, 263, 1818, 29899, 949, 363, 5019, 25738, 304, 2274, 278, 1677, 1144, 310, 9826, 29915, 29879, 6121, 26504, 29892, 278, 8249, 393, 6773, 304, 8267, 372, 29892, 322, 278, 17407, 322, 8604, 18066, 267, 21751, 292, 13665, 962, 21079, 297, 278, 10081, 29899, 4102, 6462, 29889, 13, 13720, 584, 11546, 2741, 10987, 8387, 13, 21076, 1674, 261, 584, 1588, 3742, 20666, 3014, 5254, 13, 15666, 1991, 4587, 1858, 6478, 13, 29048, 756, 1472, 1063, 13834, 408, 263, 2982, 310, 20947, 29892, 541, 591, 269, 2495, 290, 16289, 920, 1568, 278, 3082, 2305, 526, 263, 2305, 310, 20947, 30003, 29874, 2305, 5069, 8359, 573, 2931, 756, 1063, 528, 10501, 491, 17407, 18666, 749, 29889, 512, 445, 4100, 3143, 29892, 4699, 341, 29889, 10173, 357, 16706, 716, 5962, 1716, 297, 278, 6559, 310, 445, 27791, 265, 322, 297, 670, 2948, 304, 278, 1139, 310, 4797, 2931, 29889, 940, 23522, 263, 10849, 15839, 18520, 304, 11460, 373, 278, 27131, 664, 2309, 297, 445, 1746, 491, 24612, 1336, 1189, 2879, 29892, 5264, 11643, 1189, 2879, 29892, 322, 6529, 29891, 1859, 7054, 858, 29879, 29889, 376, 1576, 337, 6929, 310, 298, 12772, 523, 29892, 411, 278, 1663, 11416, 373, 1811, 304, 1074, 4959, 515, 278, 1298, 310, 1776, 310, 278, 27138, 29892, 471, 263, 14765, 1076, 10929, 411, 10173, 357, 29889, 869, 869, 869, 910, 10083, 763, 263, 534, 29884, 1608, 29889, 24274, 292, 1075, 3394, 372 ]
however, is a revelation."—Walter Clemons, Newsweek "The best short book on national character I have seen . . . broadly based, closely reasoned, and lucidly written."—Karl W. Deutsch, Yale Review Genre : History Author : David M. Potter Publisher : University of Chicago Press Seventeen-year-old Jed White lives with his mum and dad behind the Ampol service station in the small coastal town of Plenty. His girlfriend Chrissy works in the local fish cannery. When a foreign trawler crashes on the rocks one night, Jed and Chrissy figure from the rolls of stained bedding below deck that the boat must have been carrying a lot of people. They soon discover dozens of refugees are sheltering at a nearby property. At first the townsfolk accept the new arrivals, but gradually Plenty becomes divided as more and more boat people are relocated there. Jed is torn between his feelings for Chrissy and his fascination for Ashley Page who lives with her father on the property and is helping the new arrivals move in and adapt. As external pressures build, Jed is forced to make a choice about where he belongs and what he believes. A story of love and loyalty, prejudice and pride, Plenty is the riveting new book from the bestselling author of Huckstepp and The Dogs Are Barking. Praise for Plenty 'An authentic voice telling a compelling story for our times.' Peter Corris Praise for the previous work of John Dale 'Rips along with verve and confidence … funny, energetic and full of life.' Helen Garner 'A significant, original work that challenges as much as it reveals.' The Australian 'An outstanding book … the quality of the writing is seamless.' The Sydney Morning Herald 'A mightily impressive debut. A vibrant thriller in the guise of a quest for redemption, Dale's novel is incandescent.' Time Out Author : John Dale Publisher : Xoum Publishing The Paradox Of Plenty The Paradox of Plenty explains why, in the midst of two massive oil booms in the 1970s, oil-exporting governments as different as Venezuela, Iran, Nigeria, Algeria, and Indonesia chose common development paths and suffered similarly disappointing outcomes. Meticulously documented and theoretically innovative, this book illuminates the manifold factors—economic, political, and social—that determine the nature of the oil state, from the coherence of public bureaucracies, to the degree of centralization, to patterns of policy-making. Karl contends that oil countries, while seemingly disparate, are characterized by similar social classes and patterns of collective action. In these countries, dependence on petroleum leads to disproportionate fiscal reliance on petrodollars and public spending, at the expense of statecraft. Oil booms, which create the illusion of prosperity and development, actually destabilize regimes by reinforcing oil-based interests and further weakening state capacity. Karl's incisive investigation unites structural and choice-based approaches by illuminating how decisions of policymakers are embedded in institutions interacting with domestic and international markets. This approach—which Karl dubs "structured contingency"—uses a state's leading sector as the starting point for identifying a range of decision-making choices, and ends by examining the dynamics of the state itself. Author : Terry Lynn Karl Beggars In The House Of Plenty THE STORY: Johnny is the youngest and most sensitive of three siblings stranded in a surreal Irish Catholic household lorded over by their father, a butcher from the Bronx, and their mother, a chipper, hope-mongering wreck of a woman who can only g Author : John Patrick Shanley Publisher : Dramatists Play Service, Inc. "These poems are part of a project of research, teaching and creative work which has been supported by the University of Melbourne." -- Acknowledgements. Author : Peter Steele Publisher : Macmillan Education AU The cookbook that launched Yotam Ottolenghi as an international food celebrity If you are a fan of Plenty More, Forks Over Knives, Smitten Kitchen Every Day, or On Vegetables, you'll love this Ottolenghi cookbook A vegetarian cookbook from the author of Jerusalem: A Cookbook and
[ 3138, 29892, 338, 263, 20474, 362, 1213, 30003, 29956, 13794, 315, 2409, 787, 29892, 10130, 18448, 376, 1576, 1900, 3273, 3143, 373, 4797, 2931, 306, 505, 3595, 869, 869, 869, 7300, 368, 2729, 29892, 16467, 2769, 287, 29892, 322, 21626, 333, 368, 3971, 1213, 30003, 24115, 29880, 399, 29889, 4493, 29892, 612, 744, 13957, 13, 15462, 276, 584, 5298, 13, 13720, 584, 4699, 341, 29889, 10173, 357, 13, 21076, 1674, 261, 584, 3014, 310, 10059, 5254, 13, 2008, 794, 27294, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 18847, 8037, 12080, 411, 670, 286, 398, 322, 270, 328, 5742, 278, 319, 1526, 324, 2669, 5073, 297, 278, 2319, 12180, 284, 4726, 310, 1858, 6478, 29889, 3600, 7826, 18326, 18608, 790, 29891, 1736, 297, 278, 1887, 9427, 508, 29876, 708, 29889, 1932, 263, 9117, 1020, 29893, 1358, 21985, 373, 278, 23150, 697, 4646, 29892, 18847, 322, 18608, 790, 29891, 4377, 515, 278, 9679, 29879, 310, 380, 7114, 6592, 8497, 2400, 19810, 393, 278, 13006, 1818, 505, 1063, 19436, 263, 3287, 310, 2305, 29889, 2688, 4720, 6523, 437, 29920, 575, 310, 25447, 267, 526, 27709, 292, 472, 263, 20810, 2875, 29889, 2180, 937, 278, 20248, 17976, 3544, 278, 716, 18517, 29879, 29892, 541, 22020, 1858, 6478, 7415, 13931, 408, 901, 322, 901, 13006, 2305, 526, 337, 28809, 727, 29889, 18847, 338, 10146, 1546, 670, 21737, 363, 18608, 790, 29891, 322, 670, 21028, 3381, 363, 12835, 2330, 9305, 1058, 12080, 411, 902, 4783, 373, 278, 2875, 322, 338, 19912, 278, 716, 18517, 29879, 4337, 297, 322, 7744, 29889, 1094, 7029, 3965, 1973, 2048, 29892, 18847, 338, 11826, 304, 1207, 263, 7348, 1048, 988, 540, 14393, 322, 825, 540, 1339, 17180, 29889, 319, 5828, 310, 5360, 322, 28108, 1017, 29892, 758, 17675, 625, 322, 24967, 29892, 1858, 6478, 338, 278, 9050, 15133, 716, 3143, 515, 278, 1900, 29879, 7807, 4148, 310, 379, 2707, 1655, 407, 322, 450, 360, 12099, 4683, 350, 935, 292, 29889, 9002, 895, 363, 1858, 6478, 525, 2744, 15585, 7314, 14509, 263, 752, 7807, 5828, 363, 1749, 3064, 6169, 5310, 2994, 3780, 9002, 895, 363, 278, 3517, 664, 310, 2259, 360, 744, 525, 29934, 4512, 3412, 411, 1147, 345, 322, 16420, 16088, 2090, 1460, 29892, 4527, 657, 293, 322, 2989, 310, 2834, 6169, 21758, 7455, 1089, 525, 29909, 7282, 29892, 2441, 664, 393, 18066, 267, 408, 1568, 408, 372, 10320, 1338, 6169, 450, 9870, 525, 2744, 714, 11235, 3143, 16088, 278, 11029, 310, 278, 5007, 338, 409, 314, 2222, 6169, 450, 16198, 3879, 1076, 2439, 2741, 525, 29909, 1795, 2354, 21210, 573, 9512, 29889, 319, 325, 4626, 424, 1468, 5495, 297, 278, 1410, 895, 310, 263, 21126, 363, 337, 2310, 683, 29892, 360, 744, 29915, 29879, 9554, 338, 5528, 392, 267, 1760, 6169, 5974, 4451, 13, 13720, 584, 2259, 360, 744, 13, 21076, 1674, 261, 584, 1060, 283, 29885, 19088, 13, 1576, 1459, 912, 29916, 4587, 1858, 6478, 13, 1576, 1459, 912, 29916, 310, 1858, 6478, 18568, 2020, 29892, 297, 278, 29214, 310, 1023, 20364, 17182, 1045, 4835, 297, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29900, 29879, 29892, 17182, 29899, 15843, 292, 4095, 1860, 408, 1422, 408, 20931, 29892, 14883, 29892, 20537, 423, 29892, 838, 914, 423, 29892, 322, 16704, 423, 12784, 3619, 5849, 10898, 322, 17654, 22829, 23451, 292, 714, 26807, 29889, 4737, 12906, 5794, 23531, 322, 17237, 1711, 24233, 1230, 29892, 445, 3143, 4486, 9735, 1078, 278, 25941, 13879, 30003, 29872, 4599, 293, 29892, 8604, 29892, 322, 5264, 30003, 5747, 8161, 278, 5469, 310, 278, 17182, 2106, 29892, 515, 278, 16165, 261, 663, 310, 970, 289, 13411, 26844, 2478, 29892, 304, 278, 7426, 310, 6555, 2133, 29892, 304, 15038, 310, 8898, 29899, 28990, 29889, 8425, 640, 1975, 393, 17182, 10916, 29892, 1550, 2833, 11687, 17508, 403, 29892, 526, 2931, 1891, 491, 2788, 5264, 4413, 322, 15038, 310, 6314, 573, 3158, 29889, 512, 1438, 10916, 29892, 26307, 373, 5697, 12154, 398, 11981, 304, 766, 771, 637, 291, 403, 16436, 1052, 12536, 749, 373, 5697, 5964, 3028, 1503, 322, 970, 805, 2548, 29892, 472, 278, 1518, 1947, 310, 2106, 17293, 29889, 438, 309, 1045, 4835, 29892, 607, 1653, 278, 4486, 3958, 310, 25831, 537, 322, 5849, 29892, 2869, 2731, 4427, 675, 1072, 1355, 491, 15561, 1454, 3277, 17182, 29899, 6707, 20017, 322, 4340, 8062, 8333, 2106, 13284, 29889, 8425, 29915, 29879, 297, 3476, 573, 22522, 443, 3246, 2281, 3631, 322, 7348, 29899, 6707, 13501, 491, 4486, 9735, 1218, 920, 1602, 12112, 310, 13665, 962, 21079, 526, 15685, 297, 21561, 16254, 292, 411, 21849, 322, 6121, 2791, 1691, 29889, 910, 2948, 30003, 4716, 8425, 15416, 29879, 376, 4984, 2955, 640, 292, 3819, 29908, 30003, 6394, 263, 2106, 29915, 29879, 8236, 17535, 408, 278, 6257, 1298, 363, 2893, 9215, 263, 3464, 310, 10608, 29899, 28990, 19995, 29892, 322, 10614, 491, 4392, 2827, 278, 19753, 310, 278, 2106, 3528, 29889, 13, 13720, 584, 27571, 18989, 29876, 8425, 13, 29933, 387, 29887, 1503, 512, 450, 5619, 4587, 1858, 6478, 13, 28350, 6850, 18929, 29901, 20179, 338, 278, 4123, 342, 322, 1556, 20502, 310, 2211, 27767, 18964, 851, 392, 287, 297, 263, 1190, 6370, 12601, 11865, 22329, 18120, 287, 975, 491, 1009, 4783, 29892, 263, 541, 4630, 515, 278, 14165, 29916, 29892, 322, 1009, 5637, 29892, 263, 18558, 2496, 29892, 4966, 29899, 29885, 549, 3241, 281, 18217, 310, 263, 6114, 1058, 508, 871, 330, 13, 13720, 584, 2259, 14875, 1383, 273, 2330, 13, 21076, 1674, 261, 584, 360, 2572, 271, 2879, 7412, 6692, 29892, 9266, 29889, 13, 29908, 1349, 968, 772, 1567, 526, 760, 310, 263, 2060, 310, 5925, 29892, 18819, 322, 907, 1230, 664, 607, 756, 1063, 6969, 491, 278, 3014, 310, 22103, 1213, 1192, 319, 15415, 839, 29887, 4110, 29889, 13, 13720, 584, 5310, 2443, 6146, 13, 21076, 1674, 261, 584, 4326, 19958, 273, 13151, 319, 29965, 13, 1576, 7984, 2909, 393, 15241, 612, 327, 314, 13476, 324, 996, 2918, 408, 385, 6121, 9687, 10894, 537, 960, 366, 526, 263, 13524, 310, 1858, 6478, 5853, 29892, 383, 548, 29879, 6811, 8360, 3145, 29892, 317, 2415, 841, 476, 23213, 7569, 8373, 29892, 470, 1551, 17236, 300, 1849, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 5360, 445, 13476, 324, 996, 2918, 7984, 2909, 319, 18655, 13956, 7984, 2909, 515, 278, 4148, 310, 23204, 29901, 319, 17278, 2909, 322 ]
Colson Whitehead - The Nickel Boys (Dominican University) Tickets: $45 (includes book) As the Civil Rights movement begins to reach the black enclave of Frenchtown in segregated Tallahassee, Elwood Curtis takes the words of Dr. Martin Luther King to heart: He is "as good as anyone." Abandoned by his parents, but kept on the straight and narrow by his grandmother, Elwood is about to enroll in the local black college. But for a black boy in the Jim Crow South of the early 1960s, one innocent mistake is enough to destroy the future. Elwood is sentenced to a juvenile reformatory called the Nickel Academy, whose mission statement says it provides "physical, intellectual and moral training" so the delinquent boys in their charge can become "honorable and honest men." In reality, the Nickel Academy is a grotesque chamber of horrors where the sadistic staff beats and sexually abuses the students, corrupt officials and locals steal food and supplies, and any boy who resists is likely to disappear "out back." Stunned to find himself in such a vicious environment, Elwood tries to hold onto Dr. King's ringing assertion "Throw us in jail and we will still love you." His friend Turner thinks Elwood is worse than naive, that the world is crooked, and that the only way to survive is to scheme and avoid trouble. The tension between Elwood's ideals and Turner's skepticism leads to a decision whose repercussions will echo down the decades. Formed in the crucible of the evils Jim Crow wrought, the boys' fates will be determined by what they endured at the Nickel Academy. Based on the real story of a reform school in Florida that operated for one hundred and eleven years and warped the lives of thousands of children, The Nickel Boys is a devastating, driven narrative that showcases a great American novelist writing at the height of his powers. Colson Whitehead is the author of nine books of fiction and non-fiction, including The Underground Railroad, which was a #1 New York Times bestseller and won the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Award. A recipient of MacArthur and Guggenheim Fellowships, he lives in New York City. ............................................................................................... Please note: Tickets are non-refundable Dan Kovalik - The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela (Corte Madera Store) Since 1999 when Hugo Chavez became the elected president of Venezuela, the US has been conniving to overthrow his government and to roll back the Bolivarian Revolution which he ushered in to Venezuela. With the untimely death of Hugo Chavez in 2013, and the election of Nicolas Maduro that followed, the US redoubled its efforts to overturn this revolution. The US is now threatening to intervene militarily to bring about the regime change it has wanted for twenty years. While we have been told that the US's efforts to overthrow Chavez and Maduro are motivated by altruistic goals of advancing the interests of democracy and human rights in Venezuela, is this true? The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela answers this question with a resounding "no," demonstrating that: The US's interests in Venezuela have always centered upon one and only one thing: Venezuela's vast oil reserves; The US has happily supported one repressive regime after another in Venezuela to protect its oil interests; Chavez and Maduro are not the "tyrants" we have been led to believe they are, but in fact have done much to advance the interests of democracy and economic equality in Venezuela; What the US and the Venezuelan opposition resent most is the fact that Chavez and Maduro have governed in the interest of Venezuela's vast numbers of poor and oppressed racial groups; While the US claims that it is has the humanitarian interests of the Venezuelan people at heart, the fact is that the US has been waging a one-sided economic war against Venezuela which has greatly undermined the health and living conditions of Venezuelans; The opposition forces the US is attempting to put into power represent Venezuela's oligarchy who want to place Venezuela's oil revenues back in the hands of Venezuela's economic elite as well as US oil companies. The battle for Venezuela which is now being waged will determine the fate of all of Latin America for many years to come. The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela lets readers
[ 1530, 1100, 8037, 2813, 448, 450, 13853, 295, 22148, 313, 29928, 5817, 2185, 3014, 29897, 13, 29911, 860, 1691, 29901, 395, 29946, 29945, 313, 24572, 3143, 29897, 13, 2887, 278, 12886, 26863, 10298, 16410, 304, 6159, 278, 4628, 2094, 18398, 310, 383, 1267, 2570, 776, 297, 2377, 1727, 630, 323, 9864, 5349, 4149, 29892, 1260, 6115, 25141, 275, 4893, 278, 3838, 310, 4942, 29889, 6502, 24760, 4088, 304, 5192, 29901, 940, 338, 376, 294, 1781, 408, 5019, 1213, 1976, 9214, 287, 491, 670, 11825, 29892, 541, 8126, 373, 278, 7812, 322, 12474, 491, 670, 4595, 29885, 1228, 29892, 1260, 6115, 338, 1048, 304, 427, 1245, 297, 278, 1887, 4628, 12755, 29889, 1205, 363, 263, 4628, 8023, 297, 278, 8507, 29445, 4275, 310, 278, 4688, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 29879, 29892, 697, 21458, 296, 10171, 338, 3307, 304, 8174, 278, 5434, 29889, 1260, 6115, 338, 2665, 9223, 304, 263, 3623, 854, 488, 337, 4830, 706, 2000, 278, 13853, 295, 10355, 29892, 5069, 10655, 3229, 4083, 372, 8128, 376, 14017, 936, 29892, 29762, 322, 14731, 6694, 29908, 577, 278, 628, 262, 16011, 12544, 297, 1009, 8323, 508, 4953, 376, 27305, 272, 519, 322, 15993, 1757, 1213, 13, 797, 16832, 29892, 278, 13853, 295, 10355, 338, 263, 4071, 2167, 802, 24171, 310, 23026, 29879, 988, 278, 14610, 4695, 13925, 367, 1446, 322, 7916, 1474, 633, 6394, 278, 8041, 29892, 1034, 6685, 24921, 322, 1180, 1338, 1886, 284, 9687, 322, 28075, 29892, 322, 738, 8023, 1058, 620, 2879, 338, 5517, 304, 25417, 376, 449, 1250, 1213, 624, 5963, 287, 304, 1284, 3654, 297, 1316, 263, 325, 14803, 5177, 29892, 1260, 6115, 14335, 304, 4808, 11480, 4942, 29889, 4088, 29915, 29879, 9228, 292, 28306, 376, 29473, 502, 297, 432, 737, 322, 591, 674, 1603, 5360, 366, 1213, 3600, 5121, 24215, 22405, 1260, 6115, 338, 15029, 1135, 1055, 573, 29892, 393, 278, 3186, 338, 8182, 12504, 29892, 322, 393, 278, 871, 982, 304, 10503, 573, 338, 304, 11380, 322, 4772, 7458, 29889, 13, 1576, 260, 2673, 1546, 1260, 6115, 29915, 29879, 1957, 1338, 322, 24215, 29915, 29879, 18109, 23000, 1608, 11981, 304, 263, 10608, 5069, 337, 546, 13571, 1080, 674, 2916, 1623, 278, 1602, 3076, 29889, 3812, 287, 297, 278, 7618, 15520, 310, 278, 3415, 2719, 8507, 29445, 2358, 1774, 29892, 278, 12544, 29915, 285, 1078, 674, 367, 10087, 491, 825, 896, 1095, 2955, 472, 278, 13853, 295, 10355, 29889, 13, 29933, 1463, 373, 278, 1855, 5828, 310, 263, 11736, 3762, 297, 13813, 393, 19623, 363, 697, 6893, 322, 28121, 2440, 322, 1370, 9795, 278, 12080, 310, 17202, 310, 4344, 29892, 450, 13853, 295, 22148, 338, 263, 2906, 579, 1218, 29892, 18225, 15474, 1230, 393, 1510, 11436, 263, 2107, 3082, 9554, 391, 5007, 472, 278, 3171, 310, 670, 10801, 29889, 13, 1625, 1100, 8037, 2813, 338, 278, 4148, 310, 14183, 8277, 310, 24159, 322, 1661, 29899, 29888, 2463, 29892, 3704, 450, 7634, 2057, 9620, 9972, 29892, 607, 471, 263, 396, 29896, 1570, 3088, 10277, 1900, 29879, 4539, 322, 2113, 278, 27477, 13510, 20604, 322, 278, 3086, 6726, 7526, 29889, 319, 23957, 993, 310, 4326, 1433, 9743, 322, 402, 688, 1885, 6391, 25940, 9981, 29892, 540, 12080, 297, 1570, 3088, 4412, 29889, 13, 25285, 25285, 25285, 25285, 25285, 11296, 3045, 856, 13, 12148, 4443, 29901, 323, 860, 1691, 526, 1661, 29899, 999, 870, 519, 13, 18529, 476, 10611, 638, 448, 450, 18399, 304, 6811, 20539, 20931, 313, 29907, 10069, 4104, 1572, 14491, 29897, 13, 23036, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 746, 20650, 678, 1351, 29920, 3897, 278, 11467, 6673, 310, 20931, 29892, 278, 3148, 756, 1063, 11009, 4357, 304, 975, 20539, 670, 5874, 322, 304, 9679, 1250, 278, 25765, 13956, 14595, 607, 540, 502, 2276, 287, 297, 304, 20931, 29889, 2973, 278, 443, 9346, 873, 4892, 310, 20650, 678, 1351, 29920, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 322, 278, 8271, 310, 22456, 4104, 2192, 393, 5643, 29892, 278, 3148, 2654, 2074, 29881, 967, 14231, 304, 975, 685, 445, 19479, 29889, 450, 3148, 338, 1286, 20616, 292, 304, 26314, 29872, 15222, 2354, 304, 6963, 1048, 278, 22384, 1735, 372, 756, 5131, 363, 10081, 2440, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 591, 505, 1063, 5429, 393, 278, 3148, 29915, 29879, 14231, 304, 975, 20539, 678, 1351, 29920, 322, 4104, 2192, 526, 17385, 630, 491, 394, 509, 29884, 4695, 14433, 310, 3061, 19985, 278, 20017, 310, 1261, 25804, 322, 5199, 10462, 297, 20931, 29892, 338, 445, 1565, 29973, 450, 18399, 304, 6811, 20539, 20931, 6089, 445, 1139, 411, 263, 620, 12449, 376, 1217, 1699, 9004, 1218, 393, 29901, 13, 1576, 3148, 29915, 29879, 20017, 297, 20931, 505, 2337, 24764, 2501, 697, 322, 871, 697, 2655, 29901, 20931, 29915, 29879, 13426, 17182, 620, 20098, 29936, 13, 1576, 3148, 756, 2250, 2354, 6969, 697, 2062, 404, 573, 22384, 1156, 1790, 297, 20931, 304, 12566, 967, 17182, 20017, 29936, 13, 1451, 1351, 29920, 322, 4104, 2192, 526, 451, 278, 376, 1017, 29878, 1934, 29908, 591, 505, 1063, 5331, 304, 4658, 896, 526, 29892, 541, 297, 2114, 505, 2309, 1568, 304, 6564, 278, 20017, 310, 1261, 25804, 322, 17407, 17193, 297, 20931, 29936, 13, 5618, 278, 3148, 322, 278, 13915, 2491, 273, 19626, 620, 296, 1556, 338, 278, 2114, 393, 678, 1351, 29920, 322, 4104, 2192, 505, 4095, 287, 297, 278, 4066, 310, 20931, 29915, 29879, 13426, 3694, 310, 6460, 322, 4575, 1253, 287, 1153, 1455, 6471, 29936, 13, 8809, 488, 278, 3148, 16726, 393, 372, 338, 756, 278, 5199, 3673, 713, 20017, 310, 278, 13915, 2491, 273, 2305, 472, 5192, 29892, 278, 2114, 338, 393, 278, 3148, 756, 1063, 281, 6751, 263, 697, 29899, 29879, 2618, 17407, 1370, 2750, 20931, 607, 756, 11180, 563, 837, 1312, 278, 9045, 322, 8471, 5855, 310, 13915, 2491, 550, 29936, 13, 1576, 19626, 8249, 278, 3148, 338, 15661, 304, 1925, 964, 3081, 2755, 20931, 29915, 29879, 288, 3473, 12040, 1058, 864, 304, 2058, 20931, 29915, 29879, 17182, 20957, 1041, 1250, 297, 278, 6567, 310, 20931, 29915, 29879, 17407, 560, 568, 408, 1532, 408, 3148, 17182, 14582, 29889, 13, 1576, 10555, 363, 20931, 607, 338, 1286, 1641, 281, 4063, 674, 8161, 278, 23779, 310, 599, 310, 13548, 6813, 363, 1784, 2440, 304, 2041, 29889, 450, 18399, 304, 6811, 20539, 20931, 16869, 22176 ]
know what is at stake in this struggle and urges readers to reconsider which side they are on. Dan Kovalik is the author of critically-acclaimed The Plot to Scapegoat Russia, The Plot to Attack Iran, and The Plot to Control the World and has been a labor and human rights lawyer since graduating from Columbia Law School in 1993. He has represented plaintiffs in ATS cases arising out of egregious human rights abuses in Colombia. He received the David W. Mills Mentoring Fellowship from Stanford Law School, has appeared on Fox News' The Ingraham Angle, has written extensively for the Huffington Post and Counterpunch, and has lectured throughout the world. The Plot to Overthrow Venezuela: How the US Is Orchestrating a Coup for Oil (Paperback) By Dan Kovalik, Oliver Stone (Foreword by) Published: Hot Books - June 25th, 2019 An in-depth look at the US threat to "save" Venezuela Since 1999 when Hugo Chavez became the elected president of Venezuela, the US has been conniving to overthrow his government and to roll back the Bolivarian Revolution which he ushered in to Venezuela. Class: Melissa Cistaro - The Memoir Writer's Survival Kit Saturday, September 21, 2019 - 10:00am Saturday: Sept 21 • 10:00 am - 1:00 pm • $95 How does a writer survive the long journey of writing a deeply personal story? How do we handle the stages of rejection and self-doubt? Memoirist and industry insider, Melissa Cistaro will share her circuitous path to publication and the lessons she learned along the way. In this workshop, you will wrangle some new survival skills as a writer, flex your writing muscles, gather insider tips about the memoir market – and discover ways to thrive as you travel the path toward publication. Melissa Cistaro is the author of the award-winning memoir Pieces of My Mother. Melissa mentors writers and teaches memoir writing workshops in the Bay Area and internationally. What Students Are Saying about Melissa Cistaro "Melissa's compassionate feedback as a writing coach along with her generosity in sharing her years of experience, greatly enhanced my journey from manuscript to book signing. Her passion for mentoring writers is an absolute blessing." - Nisha Zenhoff, Author of The Unspeakable Loss "Melissa is everything you would hope for in a teacher. She creates a safe learning and sharing space that facilitates valuable give and take and seems to know how to nudge students just the right way. She created a wonderful learning atmosphere, provided great writing exercises to get the creative juices flowing and provided encouraging feedback that kept us on track. I can't wait to take another class with her and highly recommend her to any aspiring writer." - S. Mirfattah "I could not have asked for a better first time memoir writing class. Melissa was great and really set the mood for a safe and supportive workshop environment. The feedback she gave during class was always encouraging and helpful. I understand now how to go about writing my memoir and, most importantly, I feel very proud and courageous for attempting to share my story." - Nina Meechoonuk Salman Rushdie - Quichotte (Corte Madera Store) Tickets: $31 (includes a copy of Quichotte) Inspired by the Cervantes classic, Sam DuChamp, mediocre writer of spy thrillers, creates Quichotte, a courtly, addled salesman obsessed with television who falls in impossible love with a TV star. Together with his (imaginary) son Sancho, Quichotte sets off on a picaresque quest across America to prove worthy of her hand, gallantly braving the tragicomic perils of an age where "Anything-Can-Happen." Meanwhile, his creator, in a midlife crisis, has equally urgent challenges of his own. Just as Cervantes wrote Don Quixote to satirize the culture of his time, Salman Rushdie's Quichotte takes the reader on a wild ride through a country on the verge of moral and spiritual collapse. And with the kind of storytelling magic that is the hallmark of Rush
[ 1073, 825, 338, 472, 380, 1296, 297, 445, 21117, 322, 5065, 2710, 22176, 304, 337, 3200, 1241, 607, 2625, 896, 526, 373, 29889, 13, 18529, 476, 10611, 638, 338, 278, 4148, 310, 3994, 1711, 29899, 5753, 13190, 450, 18399, 304, 2522, 481, 2412, 271, 12710, 29892, 450, 18399, 304, 6212, 547, 14883, 29892, 322, 450, 18399, 304, 11264, 278, 2787, 322, 756, 1063, 263, 10212, 322, 5199, 10462, 25008, 1951, 10591, 1218, 515, 15411, 7927, 4523, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29889, 940, 756, 9875, 2174, 524, 28324, 297, 319, 9375, 4251, 564, 5921, 714, 310, 321, 7642, 2738, 5199, 10462, 633, 6394, 297, 21078, 29889, 940, 4520, 278, 4699, 399, 29889, 341, 6090, 341, 296, 8253, 25940, 3527, 515, 7813, 4006, 7927, 4523, 29892, 756, 7470, 373, 14802, 10130, 29915, 450, 512, 3874, 3391, 3218, 280, 29892, 756, 3971, 21103, 3598, 363, 278, 379, 3096, 4885, 4918, 322, 315, 5336, 29886, 3322, 29892, 322, 756, 13081, 2955, 10106, 278, 3186, 29889, 13, 1576, 18399, 304, 6811, 20539, 20931, 29901, 1128, 278, 3148, 1317, 1394, 305, 16444, 1218, 263, 315, 1132, 363, 438, 309, 313, 29925, 7202, 1627, 29897, 13, 2059, 3951, 476, 10611, 638, 29892, 19731, 15681, 313, 29943, 487, 1742, 491, 29897, 13, 21076, 3726, 29901, 8843, 13730, 448, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29945, 386, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 13, 2744, 297, 29899, 19488, 1106, 472, 278, 3148, 28469, 304, 376, 7620, 29908, 20931, 13, 23036, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 746, 20650, 678, 1351, 29920, 3897, 278, 11467, 6673, 310, 20931, 29892, 278, 3148, 756, 1063, 11009, 4357, 304, 975, 20539, 670, 5874, 322, 304, 9679, 1250, 278, 25765, 13956, 14595, 607, 540, 502, 2276, 287, 297, 304, 20931, 29889, 13, 2385, 29901, 6286, 16343, 315, 391, 8854, 448, 450, 8133, 6390, 399, 5385, 29915, 29879, 6298, 29894, 2561, 26240, 13, 29903, 20510, 29892, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 448, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29901, 29900, 29900, 314, 13, 29903, 20510, 29901, 28742, 29871, 29906, 29896, 10266, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29901, 29900, 29900, 626, 448, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29900, 29900, 26354, 10266, 395, 29929, 29945, 13, 5328, 947, 263, 9227, 10503, 573, 278, 1472, 16342, 310, 5007, 263, 24344, 7333, 5828, 29973, 1128, 437, 591, 4386, 278, 22950, 310, 337, 6929, 322, 1583, 29899, 29881, 283, 3116, 29973, 8133, 6390, 391, 322, 13661, 1663, 1241, 29892, 6286, 16343, 315, 391, 8854, 674, 6232, 902, 11369, 681, 2224, 304, 17745, 322, 278, 3109, 787, 1183, 10972, 3412, 278, 982, 29889, 512, 445, 664, 19032, 29892, 366, 674, 2358, 2521, 777, 716, 10503, 2561, 25078, 408, 263, 9227, 29892, 8525, 596, 5007, 2301, 7799, 29892, 11705, 1663, 1241, 25562, 1048, 278, 2626, 6390, 9999, 785, 322, 6523, 5837, 304, 266, 4401, 408, 366, 9850, 278, 2224, 11183, 17745, 29889, 13, 29924, 295, 16343, 315, 391, 8854, 338, 278, 4148, 310, 278, 9862, 29899, 5080, 1076, 2626, 6390, 26005, 778, 310, 1619, 21869, 29889, 6286, 16343, 6042, 943, 23550, 322, 6860, 267, 2626, 6390, 5007, 664, 845, 3554, 297, 278, 6211, 18320, 322, 2836, 362, 635, 29889, 13, 5618, 5088, 1237, 4683, 14891, 292, 1048, 6286, 16343, 315, 391, 8854, 13, 29908, 29924, 295, 16343, 29915, 29879, 752, 465, 291, 403, 16705, 408, 263, 5007, 11182, 3412, 411, 902, 1176, 359, 537, 297, 19383, 902, 2440, 310, 7271, 29892, 11180, 427, 29308, 590, 16342, 515, 27593, 304, 3143, 26188, 29889, 2439, 15935, 363, 6042, 8253, 23550, 338, 385, 8380, 17065, 292, 1213, 448, 405, 728, 29874, 796, 264, 29327, 29892, 13361, 310, 450, 853, 5965, 557, 519, 365, 2209, 13, 29908, 29924, 295, 16343, 338, 4129, 366, 723, 4966, 363, 297, 263, 15703, 29889, 2296, 10017, 263, 9109, 6509, 322, 19383, 2913, 393, 16089, 277, 1078, 21114, 2367, 322, 2125, 322, 2444, 304, 1073, 920, 304, 302, 566, 479, 8041, 925, 278, 1492, 982, 29889, 2296, 2825, 263, 20695, 6509, 25005, 29892, 4944, 2107, 5007, 24472, 3476, 267, 304, 679, 278, 907, 1230, 3623, 1575, 4972, 292, 322, 4944, 18443, 292, 16705, 393, 8126, 502, 373, 5702, 29889, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 4480, 304, 2125, 1790, 770, 411, 902, 322, 10712, 6907, 902, 304, 738, 7051, 8491, 9227, 1213, 448, 317, 29889, 11612, 27502, 801, 13, 29908, 29902, 1033, 451, 505, 4433, 363, 263, 2253, 937, 931, 2626, 6390, 5007, 770, 29889, 6286, 16343, 471, 2107, 322, 2289, 731, 278, 286, 2092, 363, 263, 9109, 322, 2304, 573, 664, 19032, 5177, 29889, 450, 16705, 1183, 4846, 2645, 770, 471, 2337, 18443, 292, 322, 8444, 29889, 306, 2274, 1286, 920, 304, 748, 1048, 5007, 590, 2626, 6390, 322, 29892, 1556, 4100, 368, 29892, 306, 4459, 1407, 22314, 322, 19872, 681, 363, 15661, 304, 6232, 590, 5828, 1213, 448, 405, 1099, 2191, 8057, 265, 2679, 13, 20392, 1171, 390, 1878, 16217, 448, 751, 436, 14360, 313, 29907, 10069, 4104, 1572, 14491, 29897, 13, 29911, 860, 1691, 29901, 395, 29941, 29896, 313, 24572, 263, 3509, 310, 751, 436, 14360, 29897, 13, 797, 1028, 2859, 491, 278, 315, 6972, 3794, 22037, 29892, 3685, 5334, 1451, 1160, 29892, 14457, 542, 276, 9227, 310, 805, 29891, 1468, 453, 414, 29892, 10017, 751, 436, 14360, 29892, 263, 8973, 368, 29892, 788, 839, 16538, 1171, 20881, 11517, 411, 11456, 1058, 20074, 297, 9301, 5360, 411, 263, 5648, 5810, 29889, 323, 12966, 411, 670, 313, 326, 351, 3821, 29897, 1487, 3087, 1859, 29892, 751, 436, 14360, 6166, 1283, 373, 263, 11942, 5114, 802, 21126, 4822, 6813, 304, 6356, 24717, 310, 902, 1361, 29892, 11798, 10835, 4105, 1747, 278, 25305, 293, 25426, 639, 2719, 310, 385, 5046, 988, 376, 10773, 1918, 29899, 6028, 29899, 29950, 19934, 1213, 25065, 29892, 670, 907, 1061, 29892, 297, 263, 7145, 19264, 24161, 29892, 756, 18018, 5065, 5362, 18066, 267, 310, 670, 1914, 29889, 13, 14084, 408, 315, 6972, 3794, 5456, 3872, 751, 861, 866, 304, 269, 2219, 374, 911, 278, 9257, 310, 670, 931, 29892, 3956, 1171, 390, 1878, 16217, 29915, 29879, 751, 436, 14360, 4893, 278, 9591, 373, 263, 8775, 22203, 1549, 263, 4234, 373, 278, 1147, 479, 310, 14731, 322, 20954, 24382, 29889, 1126, 411, 278, 2924, 310, 5828, 29873, 7807, 15709, 393, 338, 278, 12713, 3502, 310, 390, 1878 ]
die's work, the fully realized lives of DuChamp and Quichotte intertwine in a profoundly human quest for love and a wickedly entertaining portrait of an age in which fact is so often indiscernible from fiction. Salman Rushdie is the author of thirteen previous novels—Grimus, Midnight's Children (for which he won the Booker Prize and the Best of the Booker), Shame, The Satanic Verses, Haroun and the Sea of Stories, The Moor's Last Sigh, The Ground Beneath Her Feet, Fury, Shalimar the Clown, The Enchantress of Florence, Luka and the Fire of Life, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights, and The Golden House—and one collection of short stories: East, West. He has also published four works of nonfiction—Joseph Anton, The Jaguar Smile, Imaginary Homelands, and Step Across This Line—and coedited two anthologies, Mirrorwork and Best American Short Stories 2008. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Letters and a Distinguished Writer in Residence at New York University. A former president of PEN American Center, Rushdie was knighted in 2007 for services to literature. Raina Telgemeier - Guts (Palace of Fine Arts) Tickets from $22 - $45 (includes a copy of Guts) Raina wakes up one night with a terrible upset stomach. Her mom has one, too, so it's probably just a bug. Raina eventually returns to school, where she's dealing with the usual highs and lows: friends, not-friends, and classmates who think the school year is just one long gross-out session. It soon becomes clear that Raina's tummy trouble isn't going away... and it coincides with her worries about food, school, and changing friendships. What's going on? In Guts, Raina Telgemeier once again brings us a thoughtful, charming, and funny true story about growing up and gathering the courage to face--and conquer--her fears. Raina Telgemeier is the #1 New York Times bestselling, multiple Eisner Award-winning creator of Smile and Sisters, which are both graphic memoirs based on her childhood. She is also the creator of Drama and Ghosts, and is the adapter and illustrator of four Baby-sitters Club graphic novels. Raina lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. To learn more, visit her online at goRaina.com. 3301 Lyon Street Alexis Rockley - Find Your F*ckyeah (San Francisco Ferry Building Store) Grounded in cutting-edge science but translated for people who speak emoji, Find Your F*ckyeah disrupts the warm and fuzzy "personal growth" fads made fashionable by mock gurus and self-proclaimed #selfcare experts. This bold guide combines humor, pop culture, and psychology to show us why the one-size-fits-all success formulas and trendy morning routines keep us caught in a cycle of boredom and stress, never fully sustaining our happiness. With hard science, guided experiments, and modern wisdom—from Beyoncé to Carl Jung—Alexis Rockley takes us step-by-step through the biological, cultural, and social factors that create our self-limiting beliefs. Debunking self-sabotaging ideals like "You Are a Living Brand" and "You Have One Calling," Rockley encourages us to discover our real, uncensored selves and find a sense of purpose, even when we don't have all the answers. For those of us tired of feeling the pressure to be better, do more, and work faster—to self-optimize and fall in line—Find Your F*ckyeah teaches us how to find joy where we are right now and to let our genuine self-expression guide us. Alexis Rockley is an artist, writer, and the founder of Find Your F*ckyeah. Rockley is the host of the podcast Call Me When You Get This and leads her Get Out of Your Own Way workshops for entrepreneurs across the country. Rockley earned her Specialization in Applied Positive Psychology from the University of Pennsylvania, a program led by the founder of Positive Psychology, Martin E. P
[ 16217, 29915, 29879, 664, 29892, 278, 8072, 16387, 12080, 310, 5334, 1451, 1160, 322, 751, 436, 14360, 1006, 7516, 457, 297, 263, 2600, 618, 368, 5199, 21126, 363, 5360, 322, 263, 281, 17840, 368, 22684, 292, 21760, 310, 385, 5046, 297, 607, 2114, 338, 577, 4049, 1399, 10669, 824, 1821, 515, 24159, 29889, 13, 20392, 1171, 390, 1878, 16217, 338, 278, 4148, 310, 266, 381, 9404, 3517, 2420, 1379, 30003, 3338, 326, 375, 29892, 13370, 11147, 29915, 29879, 20986, 313, 1454, 607, 540, 2113, 278, 6726, 261, 20604, 322, 278, 6407, 310, 278, 6726, 261, 511, 1383, 420, 29892, 450, 12178, 273, 293, 10138, 267, 29892, 3536, 1309, 322, 278, 14070, 310, 624, 3842, 29892, 450, 4546, 272, 29915, 29879, 9208, 317, 1141, 29892, 450, 1632, 618, 350, 1600, 493, 2439, 5169, 300, 29892, 383, 2857, 29892, 1383, 284, 20232, 278, 315, 677, 29876, 29892, 450, 1174, 13775, 1253, 310, 23998, 29892, 3182, 1335, 322, 278, 6438, 310, 4634, 29892, 7803, 23857, 382, 523, 23471, 29879, 322, 8168, 6478, 29899, 29923, 523, 405, 5861, 29892, 322, 450, 16108, 5619, 30003, 392, 697, 4333, 310, 3273, 15874, 29901, 6932, 29892, 3122, 29889, 940, 756, 884, 6369, 3023, 1736, 310, 1661, 29888, 2463, 30003, 26473, 561, 5774, 29892, 450, 435, 10617, 279, 4116, 488, 29892, 1954, 351, 3821, 15089, 295, 4167, 29892, 322, 16696, 7255, 2124, 910, 7407, 30003, 392, 1302, 287, 1573, 1023, 24612, 11763, 29892, 11612, 729, 1287, 322, 6407, 3082, 13899, 624, 3842, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29889, 940, 338, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 3082, 10355, 310, 11401, 322, 2803, 2153, 322, 263, 6652, 6202, 3276, 399, 5385, 297, 2538, 5084, 472, 1570, 3088, 3014, 29889, 319, 4642, 6673, 310, 349, 1430, 3082, 7817, 29892, 390, 1878, 16217, 471, 889, 523, 287, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 363, 5786, 304, 12845, 29889, 13, 29934, 475, 29874, 18815, 19371, 631, 448, 402, 8842, 313, 18210, 815, 310, 28896, 11401, 29897, 13, 29911, 860, 1691, 515, 395, 29906, 29906, 448, 395, 29946, 29945, 313, 24572, 263, 3509, 310, 402, 8842, 29897, 13, 29934, 475, 29874, 281, 6926, 701, 697, 4646, 411, 263, 16403, 24081, 300, 380, 290, 496, 29889, 2439, 16823, 756, 697, 29892, 2086, 29892, 577, 372, 29915, 29879, 3117, 925, 263, 6494, 29889, 21431, 29874, 10201, 3639, 304, 3762, 29892, 988, 1183, 29915, 29879, 16743, 411, 278, 9670, 1880, 29879, 322, 301, 1242, 29901, 7875, 29892, 451, 29899, 7932, 1975, 29892, 322, 770, 29885, 1078, 1058, 1348, 278, 3762, 1629, 338, 925, 697, 1472, 22683, 29899, 449, 4867, 29889, 739, 4720, 7415, 2821, 393, 21431, 29874, 29915, 29879, 260, 11770, 7458, 3508, 29915, 29873, 2675, 3448, 856, 322, 372, 22819, 2247, 411, 902, 6365, 2722, 1048, 9687, 29892, 3762, 29892, 322, 6480, 5121, 9981, 29889, 1724, 29915, 29879, 2675, 373, 29973, 13, 797, 402, 8842, 29892, 21431, 29874, 18815, 19371, 631, 2748, 1449, 23522, 502, 263, 2714, 1319, 29892, 1373, 4056, 29892, 322, 2090, 1460, 1565, 5828, 1048, 15678, 701, 322, 11705, 292, 278, 19872, 304, 3700, 489, 392, 26474, 489, 2276, 8866, 29879, 29889, 13, 29934, 475, 29874, 18815, 19371, 631, 338, 278, 396, 29896, 1570, 3088, 10277, 1900, 29879, 7807, 29892, 2999, 382, 275, 1089, 7526, 29899, 5080, 1076, 907, 1061, 310, 4116, 488, 322, 28088, 29879, 29892, 607, 526, 1716, 3983, 293, 2626, 6390, 29879, 2729, 373, 902, 2278, 6614, 29889, 2296, 338, 884, 278, 907, 1061, 310, 360, 20556, 322, 402, 23525, 29892, 322, 338, 278, 13304, 322, 8632, 1061, 310, 3023, 26835, 29899, 29879, 277, 2153, 5977, 3983, 293, 2420, 1379, 29889, 21431, 29874, 12080, 297, 278, 3087, 8970, 6211, 18320, 29889, 1763, 5110, 901, 29892, 6493, 902, 7395, 472, 748, 29934, 475, 29874, 29889, 510, 29889, 13, 29941, 29941, 29900, 29896, 22105, 7103, 13, 17406, 275, 8027, 2330, 448, 10987, 3575, 383, 29930, 384, 4099, 801, 313, 22509, 8970, 7756, 719, 17166, 14491, 29897, 13, 3338, 7261, 297, 28967, 29899, 12864, 10466, 541, 20512, 363, 2305, 1058, 7726, 953, 29877, 2397, 29892, 10987, 3575, 383, 29930, 384, 4099, 801, 766, 6685, 29879, 278, 14294, 322, 285, 3365, 1537, 376, 10532, 284, 14321, 29908, 285, 7925, 1754, 13460, 519, 491, 11187, 330, 17142, 322, 1583, 29899, 15439, 13190, 396, 1311, 18020, 2902, 1372, 29889, 910, 14288, 10754, 4145, 1475, 27448, 29892, 1835, 9257, 29892, 322, 11643, 3002, 304, 1510, 502, 2020, 278, 697, 29899, 2311, 29899, 29888, 1169, 29899, 497, 2551, 26760, 322, 534, 355, 29891, 7250, 6745, 1475, 3013, 502, 12624, 297, 263, 11412, 310, 289, 4395, 290, 322, 22884, 29892, 2360, 8072, 15075, 17225, 1749, 22722, 29889, 2973, 2898, 10466, 29892, 1410, 2618, 15729, 29892, 322, 5400, 29714, 30003, 3166, 18502, 265, 16100, 304, 8965, 20260, 30003, 17406, 275, 8027, 2330, 4893, 502, 4331, 29899, 1609, 29899, 10568, 1549, 278, 4768, 5996, 29892, 16375, 29892, 322, 5264, 13879, 393, 1653, 1749, 1583, 29899, 2576, 11407, 17750, 29879, 29889, 7089, 2960, 292, 1583, 29899, 29879, 370, 327, 6751, 1957, 1338, 763, 376, 3492, 4683, 263, 26176, 18007, 29908, 322, 376, 3492, 6975, 3118, 8251, 292, 1699, 8027, 2330, 18443, 267, 502, 304, 6523, 1749, 1855, 29892, 443, 29883, 575, 4395, 5535, 1960, 322, 1284, 263, 4060, 310, 6437, 29892, 1584, 746, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 599, 278, 6089, 29889, 1152, 1906, 310, 502, 23407, 310, 11223, 278, 12959, 304, 367, 2253, 29892, 437, 901, 29892, 322, 664, 8473, 30003, 517, 1583, 29899, 20640, 675, 322, 6416, 297, 1196, 30003, 12542, 3575, 383, 29930, 384, 4099, 801, 6860, 267, 502, 920, 304, 1284, 15331, 988, 591, 526, 1492, 1286, 322, 304, 1235, 1749, 29120, 457, 1583, 29899, 17471, 10754, 502, 29889, 13, 17406, 275, 8027, 2330, 338, 385, 7664, 29892, 9227, 29892, 322, 278, 25331, 310, 10987, 3575, 383, 29930, 384, 4099, 801, 29889, 8027, 2330, 338, 278, 3495, 310, 278, 2532, 4384, 8251, 2191, 1932, 887, 3617, 910, 322, 11981, 902, 3617, 4451, 310, 3575, 438, 1233, 5307, 664, 845, 3554, 363, 23440, 1600, 1295, 4822, 278, 4234, 29889, 8027, 2330, 20591, 902, 12630, 2133, 297, 2401, 2957, 10321, 3321, 16777, 3002, 515, 278, 3014, 310, 16636, 29892, 263, 1824, 5331, 491, 278, 25331, 310, 10321, 3321, 16777, 3002, 29892, 6502, 382, 29889, 349 ]
#include "tbb_statistics.h" #if __TBB_STATISTICS #include <climits> #include <cstdarg> #if __TBB_STATISTICS_STDOUT #include <cstdio> #endif #include "tbb/spin_mutex.h" namespace tbb { namespace internal { //! Human readable titles of statistics groups defined by statistics_groups enum. /** The order of this vector elements must correspond to the statistics_counters structure layout. **/ const char* StatGroupTitles[] = { "task objects", "tasks executed", "stealing attempts", "task proxies", "arena", "market", "priority ops", "prio ops details" }; //! Human readable titles of statistics elements defined by statistics_counters struct. /** The order of this vector elements must correspond to the statistics_counters structure layout (with NULLs interspersed to separate groups). **/ const char* StatFieldTitles[] = { /*task objects*/ "active", "freed", "big", NULL, /*tasks executed*/ "total", "w/o spawn", NULL, /*stealing attempts*/ "succeeded", "failed", "conflicts", "backoffs", NULL, /*task proxies*/ "mailed", "revoked", "stolen", "bypassed", "ignored", NULL, /*arena*/ "switches", "roundtrips", "avg.conc", "avg.allot", NULL, /*market*/ "roundtrips", NULL, /*priority ops*/ "ar.switch", "mkt.switch", "ar.reset", "ref.fixup", "avg.ar.pr", "avg.mkt.pr", NULL, /*prio ops details*/ "winnows", "reloads", "orphaned", "winnowed", "reloaded", NULL }; //! Class for logging statistics /** There should be only one instance of this class. Results are written to a file "statistics.txt" in tab-separated format. */ class statistics_logger { public: statistics_logger () { __TBB_ASSERT( sg_end - 1 == 1 << (sizeof(StatGroupTitles)/sizeof(*StatGroupTitles) - 1), NULL ); my_file = fopen("statistics.txt","w"); if( !my_file ) perror("fopen(\"statistics.txt\"\")"); // Initialize groups dump layout info group_start_field[0] = 0; for ( size_t i = 0, j = 0; i < NumGroups; ++i, ++j ) { __TBB_ASSERT( StatFieldTitles[j], "Empty group occurred" ); while ( StatFieldTitles[j] ) ++j; group_start_field[i + 1] = j - i; // -i accounts for preceding NULL separators } __TBB_ASSERT( group_start_field[NumGroups] == statistics_counters::size(), "Wrong number of elements in StatFieldTitles" ); dump( "\n%-*s", IDColumnWidth, ""); process_groups( &statistics_logger::print_group_title ); dump( "%-*s", IDColumnWidth, "ID"); process_groups( &statistics_logger::print_field_titles ); } ~statistics_logger () { fclose(my_file); } void record( const statistics_counters& c, size_t id ) { spin_mutex::scoped_lock lock(my_mutex); counters_to_dump = &c; #if __TBB_STATISTICS_TOTALS_ONLY if ( id == arena_counters_total ) { dump( "%-*s", IDColumnWidth, "Tot" ); process_groups( &statistics_logger::print_field_values ); } #else /* !__TBB_STATISTICS
[ 29871, 13, 13, 29937, 2856, 376, 29873, 1327, 29918, 6112, 6765, 29889, 29882, 29908, 13, 13, 29937, 361, 4770, 29911, 14388, 29918, 17816, 9047, 2965, 29903, 13, 13, 29937, 2856, 529, 695, 326, 1169, 29958, 13, 29937, 2856, 529, 29883, 4172, 1191, 29958, 13, 29937, 361, 4770, 29911, 14388, 29918, 17816, 9047, 2965, 29903, 29918, 1254, 3970, 2692, 13, 29937, 2856, 529, 29883, 23656, 29958, 13, 29937, 15224, 13, 13, 29937, 2856, 376, 29873, 1327, 29914, 1028, 262, 29918, 6149, 735, 29889, 29882, 29908, 13, 13, 22377, 260, 1327, 426, 13, 22377, 7463, 426, 13, 13, 458, 29991, 12968, 19909, 17735, 310, 13964, 6471, 3342, 491, 13964, 29918, 13155, 14115, 29889, 13, 7918, 450, 1797, 310, 445, 4608, 3161, 1818, 3928, 304, 278, 13964, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 13, 1678, 3829, 5912, 29889, 3579, 29914, 13, 3075, 1373, 29930, 6666, 4782, 29911, 277, 793, 2636, 353, 426, 13, 1678, 376, 7662, 3618, 613, 376, 20673, 8283, 613, 376, 1655, 12818, 14734, 613, 376, 7662, 410, 29916, 583, 613, 376, 279, 2386, 613, 376, 28549, 613, 376, 29886, 21766, 288, 567, 613, 376, 29886, 5378, 288, 567, 4902, 29908, 13, 3400, 13, 13, 458, 29991, 12968, 19909, 17735, 310, 13964, 3161, 3342, 491, 13964, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 2281, 29889, 13, 7918, 450, 1797, 310, 445, 4608, 3161, 1818, 3928, 304, 278, 13964, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 13, 1678, 3829, 5912, 313, 2541, 4265, 29879, 1006, 1028, 414, 287, 304, 5004, 6471, 467, 3579, 29914, 13, 3075, 1373, 29930, 6666, 3073, 29911, 277, 793, 2636, 353, 426, 13, 1678, 4949, 7662, 3618, 3877, 4706, 376, 4925, 613, 376, 10745, 287, 613, 376, 3752, 613, 4265, 29892, 13, 1678, 4949, 20673, 8283, 3877, 418, 376, 7827, 613, 376, 29893, 29914, 29877, 29178, 613, 4265, 29892, 13, 1678, 4949, 1655, 12818, 14734, 3877, 259, 376, 29879, 1682, 3947, 287, 613, 376, 26061, 613, 376, 5527, 506, 1372, 613, 376, 1627, 22450, 613, 4265, 29892, 13, 1678, 4949, 7662, 410, 29916, 583, 3877, 4706, 376, 655, 2356, 613, 376, 13478, 12504, 613, 376, 303, 18975, 613, 376, 29890, 1478, 465, 287, 613, 376, 647, 4395, 613, 4265, 29892, 13, 1678, 4949, 279, 2386, 3877, 1669, 376, 15123, 267, 613, 376, 14486, 3626, 567, 613, 376, 485, 29887, 29889, 535, 29883, 613, 376, 485, 29887, 29889, 497, 327, 613, 4265, 29892, 13, 1678, 4949, 28549, 3877, 795, 376, 14486, 3626, 567, 613, 4265, 29892, 13, 1678, 4949, 29886, 21766, 288, 567, 3877, 4706, 376, 279, 29889, 15123, 613, 376, 29885, 1193, 29889, 15123, 613, 376, 279, 29889, 12071, 613, 376, 999, 29889, 5878, 786, 613, 376, 485, 29887, 29889, 279, 29889, 558, 613, 376, 485, 29887, 29889, 29885, 1193, 29889, 558, 613, 4265, 29892, 13, 1678, 4949, 29886, 5378, 288, 567, 4902, 3877, 1678, 376, 29893, 2559, 1242, 613, 376, 276, 18132, 613, 376, 5676, 273, 287, 613, 376, 29893, 2559, 20937, 613, 376, 276, 15638, 613, 4265, 13, 3400, 13, 13, 458, 29991, 4134, 363, 12183, 13964, 13, 7918, 1670, 881, 367, 871, 697, 2777, 310, 445, 770, 29889, 13, 1678, 17212, 526, 3971, 304, 263, 934, 376, 6112, 6765, 29889, 3945, 29908, 297, 4434, 29899, 25048, 630, 3402, 29889, 3776, 13, 1990, 13964, 29918, 21707, 426, 13, 3597, 29901, 13, 1678, 13964, 29918, 21707, 3861, 426, 13, 4706, 4770, 29911, 14388, 29918, 22933, 20161, 29898, 269, 29887, 29918, 355, 448, 29871, 29896, 1275, 29871, 29896, 3532, 313, 17921, 29898, 9513, 4782, 29911, 277, 793, 6802, 17921, 10456, 9513, 4782, 29911, 277, 793, 29897, 448, 29871, 29896, 511, 4265, 3482, 13, 13, 4706, 590, 29918, 1445, 353, 285, 3150, 703, 6112, 6765, 29889, 3945, 3284, 29893, 1496, 13, 4706, 565, 29898, 1738, 1357, 29918, 1445, 1723, 13, 9651, 639, 729, 703, 29888, 3150, 1194, 29908, 6112, 6765, 29889, 3945, 5931, 29905, 1159, 1496, 13, 4706, 849, 25455, 6471, 16766, 5912, 5235, 13, 4706, 2318, 29918, 2962, 29918, 2671, 29961, 29900, 29962, 353, 29871, 29900, 29936, 13, 4706, 363, 313, 2159, 29918, 29873, 474, 353, 29871, 29900, 29892, 432, 353, 29871, 29900, 29936, 474, 529, 11848, 24020, 29936, 8445, 29875, 29892, 8445, 29926, 1723, 426, 13, 9651, 4770, 29911, 14388, 29918, 22933, 20161, 29898, 6666, 3073, 29911, 277, 793, 29961, 29926, 1402, 376, 8915, 2318, 10761, 29908, 3482, 13, 9651, 1550, 313, 6666, 3073, 29911, 277, 793, 29961, 29926, 29962, 1723, 13, 18884, 8445, 29926, 29936, 13, 9651, 2318, 29918, 2962, 29918, 2671, 29961, 29875, 718, 29871, 29896, 29962, 353, 432, 448, 474, 29936, 849, 448, 29875, 15303, 363, 26328, 4265, 2903, 4097, 13, 4706, 500, 13, 4706, 4770, 29911, 14388, 29918, 22933, 20161, 29898, 2318, 29918, 2962, 29918, 2671, 29961, 8009, 24020, 29962, 1275, 13964, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 1057, 2311, 3285, 13, 462, 418, 376, 29956, 29373, 1353, 310, 3161, 297, 6666, 3073, 29911, 277, 793, 29908, 3482, 13, 4706, 16766, 29898, 6634, 29876, 29995, 29899, 29930, 29879, 613, 3553, 4409, 6110, 29892, 376, 1496, 13, 4706, 1889, 29918, 13155, 29898, 669, 6112, 6765, 29918, 21707, 1057, 2158, 29918, 2972, 29918, 3257, 3482, 13, 4706, 16766, 29898, 11860, 29899, 29930, 29879, 613, 3553, 4409, 6110, 29892, 376, 1367, 1496, 13, 4706, 1889, 29918, 13155, 29898, 669, 6112, 6765, 29918, 21707, 1057, 2158, 29918, 2671, 29918, 23545, 793, 3482, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 13, 1678, 3695, 6112, 6765, 29918, 21707, 3861, 426, 285, 5358, 29898, 1357, 29918, 1445, 416, 500, 13, 13, 1678, 1780, 2407, 29898, 1040, 13964, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 29987, 274, 29892, 2159, 29918, 29873, 1178, 1723, 426, 13, 4706, 10917, 29918, 6149, 735, 1057, 21785, 287, 29918, 908, 7714, 29898, 1357, 29918, 6149, 735, 416, 13, 4706, 2613, 2153, 29918, 517, 29918, 15070, 353, 669, 29883, 29936, 13, 29937, 361, 4770, 29911, 14388, 29918, 17816, 9047, 2965, 29903, 29918, 29911, 2891, 1964, 29903, 29918, 1164, 16786, 13, 4706, 565, 313, 1178, 1275, 564, 2386, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 29918, 7827, 1723, 426, 13, 9651, 16766, 29898, 11860, 29899, 29930, 29879, 613, 3553, 4409, 6110, 29892, 376, 29911, 327, 29908, 3482, 13, 9651, 1889, 29918, 13155, 29898, 669, 6112, 6765, 29918, 21707, 1057, 2158, 29918, 2671, 29918, 5975, 3482, 13, 4706, 500, 13, 29937, 2870, 4949, 1738, 1649, 29911, 14388, 29918, 17816, 9047, 2965, 29903 ]
_TOTALS_ONLY */ const char* idString = NULL; switch ( id ) { case 0: idString = "M"; break; case workers_counters_total: idString = "Wtot"; break; case arena_counters_total: idString = "Tot"; break; default: dump( "W%-*u", IDColumnWidth - 1, id ); } if ( idString ) dump( "%-*s", IDColumnWidth, idString ); process_groups( &statistics_logger::print_field_values ); #endif /* !__TBB_STATISTICS_TOTALS_ONLY */ } private: static const size_t IDColumnWidth = 5; static const size_t StatisticsColumnWidth = 10; static const size_t NumGroups = sizeof(StatGroupTitles)/sizeof(char*); //! File into which statistics are written. FILE* my_file; //! Mutex that serializes accesses to my_file spin_mutex my_mutex; //! Indices of the each group's first field in statistics_counters struct. /** An extra element is used to track the total number of statistics fields. **/ size_t group_start_field[NumGroups + 1]; //! Currently processed set of counters. const statistics_counters* counters_to_dump; static const size_t NumFields = sizeof(StatFieldTitles)/sizeof(*StatFieldTitles) - NumGroups; bool averages_fields[NumFields]; void dump ( char const* fmt, ... ) { va_list args; if ( my_file ) { va_start( args, fmt ); vfprintf( my_file, fmt, args ); va_end( args ); } #if __TBB_STATISTICS_STDOUT va_start( args, fmt ); vprintf( fmt, args ); va_end( args ); #endif } void process_groups ( void (statistics_logger::*per_group_action)(size_t group_idx) ) { for ( size_t i = 0, group_flag = 1; i < NumGroups; ++i, group_flag <<= 1 ) { __TBB_ASSERT( group_flag < sg_end, "StatGroupTitles contents is incompatible with statistics_groups definition" ); if ( __TBB_ActiveStatisticsGroups & group_flag ) (this->*per_group_action)( i ); } dump( "\n" ); } void print_group_title ( size_t group_idx ) { dump( "%-*s", (group_start_field[group_idx + 1] - group_start_field[group_idx]) * (StatisticsColumnWidth + 1), StatGroupTitles[group_idx] ); } void print_field_titles ( size_t group_idx ) { // +group_idx accounts for preceding NULL separators size_t i = group_start_field[group_idx] + group_idx; while ( StatFieldTitles[i] ) { averages_fields[i - group_idx] = strncmp(StatFieldTitles[i], "avg.", 4) == 0; dump( "%-*s ", StatisticsColumnWidth, StatFieldTitles[i++] ); } } void print_field_values ( size_t group_idx ) { size_t begin = group_start_field[group_idx], end = group_start_field[group_idx + 1]; for ( size_t i = begin; i < end; ++i ) { if ( averages_fields[i] ) dump( "%-*.2f ", StatisticsColumnWidth, (double)counters_to_dump->field(i)/counters_to_dump->tasks_executed ); else dump( "%-*ld ", StatisticsColumnWidth, counters
[ 29918, 29911, 2891, 1964, 29903, 29918, 1164, 16786, 3776, 13, 4706, 1040, 1373, 29930, 1178, 1231, 353, 4265, 29936, 13, 4706, 4607, 313, 1178, 1723, 426, 13, 4706, 1206, 29871, 29900, 29901, 13, 9651, 1178, 1231, 353, 376, 29924, 1769, 2867, 29936, 13, 4706, 1206, 17162, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 29918, 7827, 29901, 13, 9651, 1178, 1231, 353, 376, 29956, 4260, 1769, 2867, 29936, 13, 4706, 1206, 564, 2386, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 29918, 7827, 29901, 13, 9651, 1178, 1231, 353, 376, 29911, 327, 1769, 2867, 29936, 13, 4706, 2322, 29901, 13, 9651, 16766, 29898, 376, 29956, 29995, 29899, 29930, 29884, 613, 3553, 4409, 6110, 448, 29871, 29896, 29892, 1178, 3482, 13, 4706, 500, 13, 4706, 565, 313, 1178, 1231, 1723, 13, 9651, 16766, 29898, 11860, 29899, 29930, 29879, 613, 3553, 4409, 6110, 29892, 1178, 1231, 3482, 13, 4706, 1889, 29918, 13155, 29898, 669, 6112, 6765, 29918, 21707, 1057, 2158, 29918, 2671, 29918, 5975, 3482, 13, 29937, 15224, 4949, 1738, 1649, 29911, 14388, 29918, 17816, 9047, 2965, 29903, 29918, 29911, 2891, 1964, 29903, 29918, 1164, 16786, 3776, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 9053, 29901, 13, 1678, 2294, 1040, 2159, 29918, 29873, 3553, 4409, 6110, 353, 29871, 29945, 29936, 13, 1678, 2294, 1040, 2159, 29918, 29873, 27098, 4409, 6110, 353, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29936, 13, 1678, 2294, 1040, 2159, 29918, 29873, 11848, 24020, 353, 13810, 29898, 9513, 4782, 29911, 277, 793, 6802, 17921, 29898, 3090, 29930, 416, 13, 13, 1678, 849, 29991, 3497, 964, 607, 13964, 526, 3971, 29889, 13, 1678, 24080, 29930, 590, 29918, 1445, 29936, 13, 1678, 849, 29991, 20749, 735, 393, 7797, 7093, 2130, 267, 304, 590, 29918, 1445, 13, 1678, 10917, 29918, 6149, 735, 590, 29918, 6149, 735, 29936, 13, 1678, 849, 29991, 1894, 1575, 310, 278, 1269, 2318, 29915, 29879, 937, 1746, 297, 13964, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 2281, 29889, 13, 1678, 7762, 530, 4805, 1543, 338, 1304, 304, 5702, 278, 3001, 1353, 310, 13964, 4235, 29889, 3579, 29914, 13, 1678, 2159, 29918, 29873, 2318, 29918, 2962, 29918, 2671, 29961, 8009, 24020, 718, 29871, 29896, 1385, 13, 1678, 849, 29991, 15447, 19356, 731, 310, 2613, 2153, 29889, 13, 1678, 1040, 13964, 29918, 29883, 1309, 2153, 29930, 2613, 2153, 29918, 517, 29918, 15070, 29936, 13, 13, 1678, 2294, 1040, 2159, 29918, 29873, 11848, 14256, 353, 13810, 29898, 9513, 3073, 29911, 277, 793, 6802, 17921, 10456, 9513, 3073, 29911, 277, 793, 29897, 448, 11848, 24020, 29936, 13, 1678, 6120, 4759, 1179, 29918, 9621, 29961, 8009, 14256, 1385, 13, 13, 1678, 1780, 16766, 313, 1373, 1040, 29930, 19200, 29892, 2023, 1723, 426, 13, 4706, 2947, 29918, 1761, 6389, 29936, 13, 4706, 565, 313, 590, 29918, 1445, 1723, 426, 13, 9651, 2947, 29918, 2962, 29898, 6389, 29892, 19200, 3482, 13, 9651, 325, 29888, 8124, 29898, 590, 29918, 1445, 29892, 19200, 29892, 6389, 3482, 13, 9651, 2947, 29918, 355, 29898, 6389, 3482, 13, 4706, 500, 13, 29937, 361, 4770, 29911, 14388, 29918, 17816, 9047, 2965, 29903, 29918, 1254, 3970, 2692, 13, 4706, 2947, 29918, 2962, 29898, 6389, 29892, 19200, 3482, 13, 4706, 325, 8124, 29898, 19200, 29892, 6389, 3482, 13, 4706, 2947, 29918, 355, 29898, 6389, 3482, 13, 29937, 15224, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 13, 1678, 1780, 1889, 29918, 13155, 313, 1780, 313, 6112, 6765, 29918, 21707, 1057, 29930, 546, 29918, 2972, 29918, 2467, 5033, 2311, 29918, 29873, 2318, 29918, 13140, 29897, 1723, 426, 13, 4706, 363, 313, 2159, 29918, 29873, 474, 353, 29871, 29900, 29892, 2318, 29918, 15581, 353, 29871, 29896, 29936, 474, 529, 11848, 24020, 29936, 8445, 29875, 29892, 2318, 29918, 15581, 3532, 29922, 29871, 29896, 1723, 426, 13, 9651, 4770, 29911, 14388, 29918, 22933, 20161, 29898, 2318, 29918, 15581, 529, 269, 29887, 29918, 355, 29892, 376, 9513, 4782, 29911, 277, 793, 8118, 338, 297, 23712, 411, 13964, 29918, 13155, 5023, 29908, 3482, 13, 9651, 565, 313, 4770, 29911, 14388, 29918, 9966, 9513, 6765, 24020, 669, 2318, 29918, 15581, 1723, 13, 18884, 313, 1366, 976, 29930, 546, 29918, 2972, 29918, 2467, 5033, 474, 3482, 13, 4706, 500, 13, 4706, 16766, 29898, 6634, 29876, 29908, 3482, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 13, 1678, 1780, 1596, 29918, 2972, 29918, 3257, 313, 2159, 29918, 29873, 2318, 29918, 13140, 1723, 426, 13, 4706, 16766, 29898, 11860, 29899, 29930, 29879, 613, 313, 2972, 29918, 2962, 29918, 2671, 29961, 2972, 29918, 13140, 718, 29871, 29896, 29962, 448, 2318, 29918, 2962, 29918, 2671, 29961, 2972, 29918, 13140, 2314, 334, 313, 9513, 6765, 4409, 6110, 718, 29871, 29896, 511, 13, 462, 4706, 6666, 4782, 29911, 277, 793, 29961, 2972, 29918, 13140, 29962, 3482, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 13, 1678, 1780, 1596, 29918, 2671, 29918, 23545, 793, 313, 2159, 29918, 29873, 2318, 29918, 13140, 1723, 426, 13, 4706, 849, 718, 2972, 29918, 13140, 15303, 363, 26328, 4265, 2903, 4097, 13, 4706, 2159, 29918, 29873, 474, 353, 2318, 29918, 2962, 29918, 2671, 29961, 2972, 29918, 13140, 29962, 718, 2318, 29918, 13140, 29936, 13, 4706, 1550, 313, 6666, 3073, 29911, 277, 793, 29961, 29875, 29962, 1723, 426, 13, 9651, 4759, 1179, 29918, 9621, 29961, 29875, 448, 2318, 29918, 13140, 29962, 353, 851, 17608, 1526, 29898, 9513, 3073, 29911, 277, 793, 29961, 29875, 1402, 376, 485, 29887, 19602, 29871, 29946, 29897, 1275, 29871, 29900, 29936, 13, 9651, 16766, 29898, 11860, 29899, 29930, 29879, 9162, 27098, 4409, 6110, 29892, 6666, 3073, 29911, 277, 793, 29961, 29875, 1817, 29962, 3482, 13, 4706, 500, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 13, 1678, 1780, 1596, 29918, 2671, 29918, 5975, 313, 2159, 29918, 29873, 2318, 29918, 13140, 1723, 426, 13, 4706, 2159, 29918, 29873, 3380, 353, 2318, 29918, 2962, 29918, 2671, 29961, 2972, 29918, 13140, 1402, 13, 1669, 1095, 353, 2318, 29918, 2962, 29918, 2671, 29961, 2972, 29918, 13140, 718, 29871, 29896, 1385, 13, 4706, 363, 313, 2159, 29918, 29873, 474, 353, 3380, 29936, 474, 529, 1095, 29936, 8445, 29875, 1723, 426, 13, 9651, 565, 313, 4759, 1179, 29918, 9621, 29961, 29875, 29962, 1723, 13, 18884, 16766, 29898, 11860, 29899, 10521, 29906, 29888, 9162, 27098, 4409, 6110, 29892, 313, 8896, 29897, 29883, 1309, 2153, 29918, 517, 29918, 15070, 976, 2671, 29898, 29875, 6802, 29883, 1309, 2153, 29918, 517, 29918, 15070, 976, 20673, 29918, 4258, 3860, 3482, 13, 9651, 1683, 13, 18884, 16766, 29898, 11860, 29899, 29930, 430, 9162, 27098, 4409, 6110, 29892, 2613, 2153 ]
Home / Donations | Your Donation will help reconstructing the Palace Here's How your Donation for the reconstruction of the Berlin Palace is utilized Report of our Work from 1992 to 2010, and the Transfer of our Preparatory Accomplishments and the Donations to the Building Contractors Since its founding in 1992, the Union for the Reconstruction of the Berlin Palace (Foerderverein Berliner Schloss e.V.) has committed itself to the rebuilding of the Berlin Palace, together with its historic facades. Through our steadfast work which began in 1993/94 with the creation of the Palace simulation and was followed by continuous public relations and lobbying efforts, we have succeeded in achieving a political majority for the project. Following the decisions of the German Bundestag and the federal government, the Palace will now be built with the start of construction anticipated in the spring of 2011 and completion in about 2016/17. This success was only possible for us because numerous donors equipped us with the necessary financial means without which our work and the related initial steps toward reconstruction would not have been able to be done. So right here we would like to thank all those who have remained loyal to us even during difficult times and have believed with us in the success of our endeavors. This magnificent support was given to us because we have made the quality of our work our highest verifiable standard. In so doing, the desire of our donors and members for a reconstruction of the Palace facades as true to the original as possible has been the key guiding principle of our efforts. The main goal of the Foerderverein continues to be the rebuilding of the exterior of the Berlin Palace true to the original. However, we accepted the basic decision of the German Bundestag on July 4, 2002 which contemplates a modern western wall for the Schlueterhof and a new east front for the Palace because without this concession, the rebuilding of the Palace would not have obtained the necessary political majority. To realize this goal we have , since 2004, been gathering tax favored donations throughout Germany and also abroad. From the beginning, the following maxim has applied to our collection of donations for the historic Palace facades: The planning of the Palace facades, and the production of models and prototypes, as well as the final carrying out of the various facade elements in sandstone must correspond to the quality of the original to the extent humanly possible. This is required by the historic edifices in the area surrounding the Palace, which would otherwise be demeaned if we were to approve a simple , poor imitation of the historic Palace. No one would give his money for a bad copy. The high expectations for the outer facades to be as true as possible to the originals requires a meticulous, detailed research effort into the historical archives. The results thereof must be translated into the plans by an architect with the necessary historical knowledge and one who, above all, has a great sensibility for embodying the research in the plans being developed. We have found just such a partner in the Stuhlemmer firm. Their planning work has enjoyed great recognition in all the expert circles which are involved in the Palace project. Only a few stone sculptors have the necessary education and the required sensitivity to get the proper feel for the superb artistry of the Schlueter sculpting workshop and its great masters. We have found such blessed artists and put them under contract and thus are able to guarantee the sculptural quality of the facade models we have developed. The planning and reconstruction process and the expertise we have obtained from it have already been translated into action since 2004. Our research work concerning the Berlin Palace goes back much farther. Andreas Schlueter: Cartouche from Portal I of the Berlin Palace. recreation by the sculptor Eckart Boehm, Potsdam It covered first and foremost the evaluation, digitalization and computer-aided photogrammetric measurement of more than 3,000 Palace photos as the basis for the reconstruction of the building plans for the Palace which had already been forgotten in the 18th century. Furthermore, almost 4,000 construction documents from all the periods of Palace building were viewed and evaluated. This meticulous multiyear investigative work has afforded the architects and artists we have engaged a significant advantage in knowledge which now will be transferred to the actual realization of the construction project by the contractors. The scale drawings created under contract for us of the three baroque facades and of the Schlueterhof courtyard
[ 8778, 847, 3872, 800, 891, 3575, 3872, 362, 674, 1371, 337, 11433, 292, 278, 24537, 13, 10605, 29915, 29879, 1128, 596, 3872, 362, 363, 278, 17789, 4080, 310, 278, 5115, 24537, 338, 3667, 1891, 13, 13020, 310, 1749, 5244, 515, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 322, 278, 17934, 310, 1749, 4721, 862, 7606, 7255, 510, 572, 728, 1860, 322, 278, 3872, 800, 304, 278, 17166, 2866, 1461, 943, 13, 23036, 967, 1476, 292, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 29892, 278, 7761, 363, 278, 830, 3075, 4080, 310, 278, 5115, 24537, 313, 29943, 29877, 261, 672, 22655, 25912, 21013, 321, 29889, 29963, 1846, 756, 19355, 3528, 304, 278, 337, 25237, 310, 278, 5115, 24537, 29892, 4208, 411, 967, 22879, 4024, 3076, 29889, 17044, 1749, 28325, 11255, 664, 607, 4689, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29914, 29929, 29946, 411, 278, 11265, 310, 278, 24537, 17402, 322, 471, 5643, 491, 9126, 970, 5302, 322, 658, 1327, 5414, 14231, 29892, 591, 505, 14792, 297, 3657, 15387, 263, 8604, 13638, 363, 278, 2060, 29889, 12206, 278, 1602, 12112, 310, 278, 5332, 24240, 342, 351, 322, 278, 17097, 5874, 29892, 278, 24537, 674, 1286, 367, 4240, 411, 278, 1369, 310, 7632, 23483, 630, 297, 278, 6709, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 322, 13285, 297, 1048, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29914, 29896, 29955, 29889, 13, 4013, 2551, 471, 871, 1950, 363, 502, 1363, 12727, 1016, 943, 1592, 16242, 502, 411, 278, 5181, 18161, 2794, 1728, 607, 1749, 664, 322, 278, 4475, 2847, 6576, 11183, 17789, 4080, 723, 451, 505, 1063, 2221, 304, 367, 2309, 29889, 1105, 1492, 1244, 591, 723, 763, 304, 6452, 599, 1906, 1058, 505, 9488, 28108, 304, 502, 1584, 2645, 5189, 3064, 322, 505, 13112, 411, 502, 297, 278, 2551, 310, 1749, 26009, 943, 29889, 13, 4013, 29154, 296, 2304, 471, 2183, 304, 502, 1363, 591, 505, 1754, 278, 11029, 310, 1749, 664, 1749, 9939, 1147, 28677, 3918, 29889, 512, 577, 2599, 29892, 278, 13521, 310, 1749, 1016, 943, 322, 5144, 363, 263, 17789, 4080, 310, 278, 24537, 4024, 3076, 408, 1565, 304, 278, 2441, 408, 1950, 756, 1063, 278, 1820, 1410, 4821, 12502, 310, 1749, 14231, 29889, 13, 1576, 1667, 7306, 310, 278, 28532, 261, 672, 22655, 18172, 304, 367, 278, 337, 25237, 310, 278, 25591, 310, 278, 5115, 24537, 1565, 304, 278, 2441, 29889, 2398, 29892, 591, 9259, 278, 6996, 10608, 310, 278, 5332, 24240, 342, 351, 373, 5468, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 607, 640, 331, 9884, 263, 5400, 15782, 10090, 363, 278, 1102, 6092, 1308, 8782, 322, 263, 716, 9755, 4565, 363, 278, 24537, 1363, 1728, 445, 378, 985, 291, 29892, 278, 337, 25237, 310, 278, 24537, 723, 451, 505, 7625, 278, 5181, 8604, 13638, 29889, 1763, 16289, 445, 7306, 591, 505, 1919, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29892, 1063, 11705, 292, 8818, 5025, 4395, 1016, 800, 10106, 9556, 322, 884, 28177, 29889, 13, 4591, 278, 6763, 29892, 278, 1494, 5256, 756, 7436, 304, 1749, 4333, 310, 1016, 800, 363, 278, 22879, 24537, 4024, 3076, 29901, 13, 1576, 18987, 310, 278, 24537, 4024, 3076, 29892, 322, 278, 5802, 310, 4733, 322, 410, 4260, 7384, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 278, 2186, 19436, 714, 310, 278, 5164, 4024, 1943, 3161, 297, 11982, 12734, 1818, 3928, 304, 278, 11029, 310, 278, 2441, 304, 278, 15834, 5199, 368, 1950, 29889, 910, 338, 3734, 491, 278, 22879, 15454, 267, 297, 278, 4038, 18830, 278, 24537, 29892, 607, 723, 6467, 367, 316, 12676, 287, 565, 591, 892, 304, 2134, 345, 263, 2560, 1919, 6460, 527, 7018, 310, 278, 22879, 24537, 29889, 1939, 697, 723, 2367, 670, 6909, 363, 263, 4319, 3509, 29889, 13, 1576, 1880, 2149, 800, 363, 278, 11420, 4024, 3076, 304, 367, 408, 1565, 408, 1950, 304, 278, 2441, 29879, 6858, 263, 1539, 12906, 681, 29892, 13173, 5925, 7225, 964, 278, 15839, 3190, 3145, 29889, 450, 2582, 727, 974, 1818, 367, 20512, 964, 278, 13900, 491, 385, 6956, 411, 278, 5181, 15839, 7134, 322, 697, 1058, 29892, 2038, 599, 29892, 756, 263, 2107, 4771, 4127, 363, 953, 2587, 292, 278, 5925, 297, 278, 13900, 1641, 8906, 29889, 1334, 505, 1476, 925, 1316, 263, 18096, 297, 278, 624, 16099, 2409, 1050, 9226, 29889, 11275, 18987, 664, 756, 27849, 2107, 19679, 297, 599, 278, 17924, 22558, 607, 526, 9701, 297, 278, 24537, 2060, 29889, 13, 11730, 263, 2846, 12565, 17039, 943, 505, 278, 5181, 9793, 322, 278, 3734, 4771, 24858, 304, 679, 278, 1571, 4459, 363, 278, 2428, 29890, 1616, 6020, 310, 278, 1102, 6092, 1308, 17039, 292, 664, 19032, 322, 967, 2107, 5835, 29879, 29889, 1334, 505, 1476, 1316, 1999, 11517, 17906, 322, 1925, 963, 1090, 8078, 322, 4550, 526, 2221, 304, 18818, 278, 17039, 3631, 11029, 310, 278, 4024, 1943, 4733, 591, 505, 8906, 29889, 450, 18987, 322, 17789, 4080, 1889, 322, 278, 17924, 895, 591, 505, 7625, 515, 372, 505, 2307, 1063, 20512, 964, 3158, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29889, 8680, 5925, 664, 19813, 278, 5115, 24537, 5771, 1250, 1568, 26645, 29889, 13, 2855, 12588, 1102, 6092, 1308, 29901, 12370, 283, 1173, 515, 28612, 306, 310, 278, 5115, 24537, 29889, 28709, 362, 491, 278, 17039, 272, 382, 384, 442, 1952, 29872, 7184, 29892, 349, 1862, 16846, 13, 3112, 10664, 937, 322, 363, 331, 520, 278, 17983, 29892, 13436, 2133, 322, 6601, 29899, 29874, 2618, 6731, 13342, 16414, 20039, 310, 901, 1135, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 24537, 20612, 408, 278, 8405, 363, 278, 17789, 4080, 310, 278, 5214, 13900, 363, 278, 24537, 607, 750, 2307, 1063, 20898, 297, 278, 29871, 29896, 29947, 386, 6462, 29889, 16478, 29892, 4359, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 7632, 10701, 515, 599, 278, 23704, 310, 24537, 5214, 892, 24774, 322, 19030, 29889, 910, 1539, 12906, 681, 2473, 6360, 7405, 1230, 664, 756, 21750, 287, 278, 6956, 29879, 322, 17906, 591, 505, 17785, 263, 7282, 10631, 297, 7134, 607, 1286, 674, 367, 18440, 304, 278, 3935, 1855, 2133, 310, 278, 7632, 2060, 491, 278, 8078, 943, 29889, 450, 6287, 4216, 886, 2825, 1090, 8078, 363, 502, 310, 278, 2211, 2594, 29877, 802, 4024, 3076, 322, 310, 278, 1102, 6092, 1308, 8782, 2085, 1017, 538 ]
Kogan Agora 4G Pro Kogan - a brand many of you probably haven't heard of. The reason for this is that it's actually an Australian brand. The Agora 4G Pro smartphone from Kogan is the device we're checking out today. It houses a Qualcomm Snapdragon 615 1.5GHz Octacore CPU, 2GB of RAM, a 13-megapixel camera and a very impressive 5.2-inch Full HD IPS display. Let's take a closer look. The Agora 4G Pro runs on Android 5.0 Lollipop and features cool new control notifications, more battery-saving features and also enhanced security, to name a few. With the Agora also being powered by a 2500mAh battery this means that you've got a battery that will last all day on a single charge. You can't say that about many budget smartphones! With 16GB of internal storage, the average user should be fine, but if you're like me and have a lot of videos, pictures and apps you'll be thankful for the ability to expand by another 64GB - thanks to a microSD slot. The phone itself looks of a high quality. A quality that makes you questions whether it's actually a budget smartphone. If we take a look at the front of the phone, you'll notice that there aren't actually any physical buttons. Some will like this, some won't, I feel it makes the phone look a little sleeker. The front of the Agora features an 8-megapixel camera (with LED flash!), the phone speaker and an ambient light sensor. The left and right sides are where the power button and volume controls are located. Fairly standard. And then the top and bottom of the phone are where the headphone jack and microUSB charging port are situated. The rear of the phone is made from plastic, with a brushed aluminium effect on it, which is a much better look than standard black plastic. "A" for effort. Here we also have the 13-megapixel rear camera and LED flash, the Kogan logo and also the phone's main speaker. Once set up is complete, you're greeted with the typical Android lock screen. Thanks to Android 5.0 we have notifications that can actually be dismissed directly from the lock screen, as well as some quick launch buttons for both the camera and phone dialler. Even though the display is a Full HD IPS display, I certainly wasn't expecting it to be as good as it is. The colours are extremely vivid and the overall display quality is on par with some of the more high-end smartphones I've used. Testing out some games, Angry Birds 2 being one of them, proved to be very enjoyable thanks to how smooth the gameplay was. The 2GB of RAM, and 8-core CPU, really did help provide an awesome gaming experience. The phone did heat up a considerable amount during gameplay though. The camera quality was equally as impressive. Both the front-facing and rear camera provide excellent snapshots, whether that's a quick selfie for Facebook or a scenic shot of some hills. The picture below was taken using the Agora 4G Pro rear camera, with no adjustments or edits being made afterwards. Moving on to audio quality. I'm not going to lie, it was pretty good. However, with the speaker situated on the rear of the phone audio quality was reduced and became slightly muffled when the phone was placed down. A common problem with a lot of smartphones. Next up, 4G LTE. Here in the UK we don't have great mobile internet anyway, so I didn't really expect to see speeds that would blow my mind. With a moderately decent 4G connection I was getting 25Mbps down and 1.3Mbps up. Not overly impressive when compared with the speeds of some 4G speeds around the world, but I was happy with these speeds considering that my 4G connection was faster than my home broadband… If you're in a country where you have decent 4G you could download speeds of up to 150Mbps with the Agora 4G Pro. For the most part I've enjoyed using the Agora 4G Pro. Android 5.0 runs incredibly well, and combined with the 2GB of RAM and 8-core CPU all tasks are performed effortlessly. G
[ 476, 468, 273, 4059, 2207, 29871, 29946, 29954, 1019, 13, 29968, 468, 273, 448, 263, 14982, 1784, 310, 366, 3117, 7359, 29915, 29873, 6091, 310, 29889, 450, 2769, 363, 445, 338, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 2869, 385, 9870, 14982, 29889, 450, 4059, 2207, 29871, 29946, 29954, 1019, 15040, 6710, 515, 476, 468, 273, 338, 278, 4742, 591, 29915, 276, 8454, 714, 9826, 29889, 739, 12955, 263, 15146, 2055, 317, 8971, 20515, 265, 29871, 29953, 29896, 29945, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29945, 29954, 12661, 4756, 562, 487, 10808, 29892, 29871, 29906, 7210, 310, 18113, 29892, 263, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29899, 29885, 387, 481, 15711, 10656, 322, 263, 1407, 21210, 573, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29906, 29899, 22466, 14846, 18435, 5641, 29903, 2479, 29889, 2803, 29915, 29879, 2125, 263, 17649, 1106, 29889, 13, 1576, 4059, 2207, 29871, 29946, 29954, 1019, 6057, 373, 5669, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29900, 365, 324, 3466, 459, 322, 5680, 12528, 716, 2761, 25913, 29892, 901, 16988, 29899, 29879, 5555, 5680, 322, 884, 427, 29308, 6993, 29892, 304, 1024, 263, 2846, 29889, 2973, 278, 4059, 2207, 884, 1641, 3081, 287, 491, 263, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29885, 17565, 16988, 445, 2794, 393, 366, 29915, 345, 2355, 263, 16988, 393, 674, 1833, 599, 2462, 373, 263, 2323, 8323, 29889, 887, 508, 29915, 29873, 1827, 393, 1048, 1784, 23562, 15040, 561, 2873, 29991, 2973, 29871, 29896, 29953, 7210, 310, 7463, 8635, 29892, 278, 6588, 1404, 881, 367, 2691, 29892, 541, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 763, 592, 322, 505, 263, 3287, 310, 19707, 29892, 14956, 322, 11446, 366, 29915, 645, 367, 6452, 1319, 363, 278, 11509, 304, 7985, 491, 1790, 29871, 29953, 29946, 7210, 448, 3969, 304, 263, 9200, 7230, 21497, 29889, 13, 1576, 9008, 3528, 3430, 310, 263, 1880, 11029, 29889, 319, 11029, 393, 3732, 366, 5155, 3692, 372, 29915, 29879, 2869, 263, 23562, 15040, 6710, 29889, 960, 591, 2125, 263, 1106, 472, 278, 4565, 310, 278, 9008, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 8369, 393, 727, 9455, 29915, 29873, 2869, 738, 9128, 9828, 29889, 3834, 674, 763, 445, 29892, 777, 2113, 29915, 29873, 29892, 306, 4459, 372, 3732, 278, 9008, 1106, 263, 2217, 12844, 1416, 261, 29889, 450, 4565, 310, 278, 4059, 2207, 5680, 385, 29871, 29947, 29899, 29885, 387, 481, 15711, 10656, 313, 2541, 25023, 11013, 29991, 511, 278, 9008, 25657, 322, 385, 25040, 3578, 23530, 29889, 13, 1576, 2175, 322, 1492, 11192, 526, 988, 278, 3081, 2826, 322, 7977, 11761, 526, 5982, 29889, 13822, 368, 3918, 29889, 1126, 769, 278, 2246, 322, 5970, 310, 278, 9008, 526, 988, 278, 2343, 6710, 28015, 322, 9200, 29965, 1744, 9151, 292, 2011, 526, 24046, 29889, 450, 18983, 310, 278, 9008, 338, 1754, 515, 715, 6288, 29892, 411, 263, 1506, 15392, 394, 9735, 1974, 2779, 373, 372, 29892, 607, 338, 263, 1568, 2253, 1106, 1135, 3918, 4628, 715, 6288, 29889, 376, 29909, 29908, 363, 7225, 29889, 2266, 591, 884, 505, 278, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29899, 29885, 387, 481, 15711, 18983, 10656, 322, 25023, 11013, 29892, 278, 476, 468, 273, 20194, 322, 884, 278, 9008, 29915, 29879, 1667, 25657, 29889, 13, 26222, 731, 701, 338, 4866, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 1395, 300, 287, 411, 278, 15662, 5669, 7714, 4315, 29889, 1834, 304, 5669, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29900, 591, 505, 25913, 393, 508, 2869, 367, 18918, 287, 4153, 515, 278, 7714, 4315, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 777, 4996, 6826, 9828, 363, 1716, 278, 10656, 322, 9008, 652, 12572, 29889, 7753, 2466, 278, 2479, 338, 263, 14846, 18435, 5641, 29903, 2479, 29892, 306, 8959, 9007, 29915, 29873, 16120, 372, 304, 367, 408, 1781, 408, 372, 338, 29889, 450, 28061, 526, 14154, 325, 3640, 322, 278, 12463, 2479, 11029, 338, 373, 610, 411, 777, 310, 278, 901, 1880, 29899, 355, 15040, 561, 2873, 306, 29915, 345, 1304, 29889, 13, 3057, 292, 714, 777, 8090, 29892, 530, 14793, 17777, 29879, 29871, 29906, 1641, 697, 310, 963, 29892, 11827, 304, 367, 1407, 13389, 519, 3969, 304, 920, 10597, 278, 3748, 1456, 471, 29889, 450, 29871, 29906, 7210, 310, 18113, 29892, 322, 29871, 29947, 29899, 3221, 10808, 29892, 2289, 1258, 1371, 3867, 385, 29663, 330, 11500, 7271, 29889, 450, 9008, 1258, 12871, 701, 263, 15620, 5253, 2645, 3748, 1456, 2466, 29889, 13, 1576, 10656, 11029, 471, 18018, 408, 21210, 573, 29889, 9134, 278, 4565, 29899, 29888, 9390, 322, 18983, 10656, 3867, 15129, 15101, 845, 1862, 29892, 3692, 393, 29915, 29879, 263, 4996, 1583, 347, 363, 13327, 470, 263, 5763, 293, 10322, 310, 777, 22696, 29889, 450, 7623, 2400, 471, 4586, 773, 278, 4059, 2207, 29871, 29946, 29954, 1019, 18983, 10656, 29892, 411, 694, 10365, 1860, 470, 1226, 1169, 1641, 1754, 12335, 29889, 14104, 292, 373, 304, 10348, 11029, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 2675, 304, 3804, 29892, 372, 471, 5051, 1781, 29889, 2398, 29892, 411, 278, 25657, 24046, 373, 278, 18983, 310, 278, 9008, 10348, 11029, 471, 12212, 322, 3897, 10029, 286, 3096, 839, 746, 278, 9008, 471, 7180, 1623, 29889, 319, 3619, 1108, 411, 263, 3287, 310, 15040, 561, 2873, 29889, 13, 9190, 701, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29954, 365, 4330, 29889, 2266, 297, 278, 10261, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 2107, 10426, 8986, 8763, 29892, 577, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2289, 2149, 304, 1074, 961, 5779, 393, 723, 13031, 590, 3458, 29889, 2973, 263, 17768, 2486, 27189, 29871, 29946, 29954, 3957, 306, 471, 2805, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29924, 29890, 567, 1623, 322, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29941, 29924, 29890, 567, 701, 29889, 2216, 975, 368, 21210, 573, 746, 9401, 411, 278, 961, 5779, 310, 777, 29871, 29946, 29954, 961, 5779, 2820, 278, 3186, 29892, 541, 306, 471, 9796, 411, 1438, 961, 5779, 13858, 393, 590, 29871, 29946, 29954, 3957, 471, 8473, 1135, 590, 3271, 7300, 4980, 30098, 960, 366, 29915, 276, 297, 263, 4234, 988, 366, 505, 27189, 29871, 29946, 29954, 366, 1033, 5142, 961, 5779, 310, 701, 304, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29900, 29924, 29890, 567, 411, 278, 4059, 2207, 29871, 29946, 29954, 1019, 29889, 13, 2831, 278, 1556, 760, 306, 29915, 345, 27849, 773, 278, 4059, 2207, 29871, 29946, 29954, 1019, 29889, 5669, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29900, 6057, 29811, 14981, 1532, 29892, 322, 12420, 411, 278, 29871, 29906, 7210, 310, 18113, 322, 29871, 29947, 29899, 3221, 10808, 599, 9595, 526, 8560, 7225, 23769, 29889, 402 ]
EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking A link state aware geographic routing protocol for vehicular ad hoc networks Changle Li1, Liran Wang1, Ying He1, Chunchun Zhao1, Hang Lin1 & Lina Zhu1 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking volume 2014, Article number: 176 (2014) Cite this article In vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), the communication links are inherently unstable due to vehicles' mobility and various impairment of radio signal. Existing geographic routing protocols often choose the next hop according to the greedy forwarding, regardless of the link's quality and transmission reliability. The successful packet delivery rate is decreased in non-ideal communication links. Consequently, the reliability of data transmission is worse and the network throughput is declined. In this paper, we propose a routing protocol called link state aware geographic routing protocol (LSGR) for VANETs. In LSGR, a routing metric called expected one-transmission advance (EOA) is contrived to improve the greedy forwarding algorithm by explicitly incorporating the link state and packet's advance. Routing with the EOA metric, one can improve the transmission efficiency by diminishing transmission failures. Simulation results show that LSGR can achieve a higher throughput and packet delivery rate than the geographic routing protocols that adopt the traditional greedy forwarding. Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) open up the opportunity to develop powerful traffic systems capable of gathering, processing, and distributing information by vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-roadside (V2R) communications. VANETs have attracted wide interest of the research groups because of the great potential to improve the traffic safety, efficiency, and convenience[1]. For example, nearby vehicles can inform each other about their positions and velocities by broadcasting short messages to avoid collisions and mortality in thick fog. A driver can select a path which is short and without congestion through the traffic information released by the infrastructures. Therefore, VANETs possess great social values and commercial benefits. With the increasing demand for these applications to connect to the Internet, the IP mobility support of vehicular communication reveals its importance. The Network Mobility Basic Support (NEMO BS)[2] is an important protocol to ensure IP mobility for the reachability of mobile nodes to the Internet. The NEMO BS is intended to provide continuous connection for a group of nodes on move. A mobile router (MR) is utilized to manage the connection of a group of nodes. It is a potential candidate for providing IP mobility in VANETs. Meanwhile, there are limitations for NEMO BS to apply to VANETs at the same time. Firstly, it does not provide multi-hop connections to the infrastructure. Baldessari et al.[3] proposed two approaches to integrate MANET routing protocol with NEMO, thus came to a VANEMO solution. Secondly, it cannot adapt to high dynamic scenarios; Céspedes et al.[4] compared several IP mobility solutions for optimizing NEMO BS to better perform in vehicular scenarios, incorporating the route optimization (RO). Thirdly, according to NEMO BS, when a vehicle moves around, it needs to register a new IP address for new access of the network, resulting in long handover latency and high traffic load. Lee et al.[5, 6] provided a mechanism utilizing the mobility service provisioning entities in PMIPv6 so that vehicles can keep their connectivity to the Internet without updating their location information. Analysis and simulation have been done to compare the performance of proposed protocol and NEMO BS, and the improvement in handover performance will be a positive force in the research of IP mobility solutions. Another foundation to guarantee the performance of these applications is the efficient data transmission. Thus routing strategy is an essential part that influences the performance of the network. Recently, many works have provided in-depth studies of the link quality of VANETs[7–9]. Based on these researches, we can reach a conclusion that because of the dynamic nature of VANETs and wireless channel fading, individual links present unstable connectivity. The link quality has a relationship with the distance between the corresponding nodes, and the nearer the nodes are, the better the link quality they have. Confront with the challenges in VANETs, geographic routing[10–18] is commonly regarded as highly scalable and a very
[ 382, 4574, 3289, 5690, 8237, 373, 399, 533, 2222, 22365, 800, 322, 8527, 292, 13, 29909, 1544, 2106, 9543, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 363, 10852, 16311, 594, 298, 542, 14379, 13, 1451, 2521, 2718, 29896, 29892, 13, 29931, 381, 273, 23856, 29896, 29892, 13, 29979, 292, 940, 29896, 29892, 13, 1451, 3322, 348, 796, 2350, 29877, 29896, 29892, 13, 29950, 574, 4342, 29896, 669, 13, 29931, 1099, 796, 6905, 29896, 13, 29923, 4574, 3289, 5690, 8237, 373, 399, 533, 2222, 22365, 800, 322, 8527, 292, 7977, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 21746, 1353, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29953, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29897, 315, 568, 445, 4274, 13, 797, 10852, 16311, 594, 298, 542, 14379, 313, 29963, 2190, 2544, 29879, 511, 278, 12084, 2988, 526, 7846, 2705, 443, 13844, 2861, 304, 24413, 29915, 22458, 1793, 322, 5164, 2411, 1466, 358, 310, 7155, 7182, 29889, 1222, 15423, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 29879, 4049, 6755, 278, 2446, 8171, 5034, 304, 278, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 29892, 17126, 310, 278, 1544, 29915, 29879, 11029, 322, 22713, 12536, 3097, 29889, 450, 9150, 18203, 28289, 6554, 338, 9263, 1463, 297, 1661, 29899, 680, 284, 12084, 2988, 29889, 1281, 27284, 29892, 278, 12536, 3097, 310, 848, 22713, 338, 15029, 322, 278, 3564, 1549, 649, 338, 4845, 1312, 29889, 512, 445, 5650, 29892, 591, 16193, 263, 21398, 9608, 2000, 1544, 2106, 9543, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 313, 8547, 14345, 29897, 363, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 512, 365, 29903, 14345, 29892, 263, 21398, 12714, 2000, 3806, 697, 29899, 3286, 6737, 6564, 313, 29923, 29949, 29909, 29897, 338, 640, 1150, 287, 304, 11157, 278, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 5687, 491, 9479, 11039, 1218, 278, 1544, 2106, 322, 18203, 29915, 29879, 6564, 29889, 20829, 292, 411, 278, 382, 29949, 29909, 12714, 29892, 697, 508, 11157, 278, 22713, 19201, 491, 22964, 14424, 22713, 4418, 1973, 29889, 3439, 2785, 2582, 1510, 393, 365, 29903, 14345, 508, 6176, 263, 6133, 1549, 649, 322, 18203, 28289, 6554, 1135, 278, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 29879, 393, 9332, 278, 13807, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 29889, 13, 29963, 14797, 16311, 594, 298, 542, 14379, 313, 29963, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29897, 1722, 701, 278, 15130, 304, 2693, 13988, 12469, 6757, 15390, 310, 11705, 292, 29892, 9068, 29892, 322, 22965, 17068, 2472, 491, 19716, 29899, 517, 29899, 345, 29882, 2512, 313, 29963, 29906, 29963, 29897, 322, 19716, 29899, 517, 29899, 9972, 2975, 313, 29963, 29906, 29934, 29897, 7212, 800, 29889, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 505, 13978, 287, 9377, 4066, 310, 278, 5925, 6471, 1363, 310, 278, 2107, 7037, 304, 11157, 278, 12469, 15332, 29892, 19201, 29892, 322, 29703, 29961, 29896, 1822, 1152, 1342, 29892, 20810, 24413, 508, 1871, 1269, 916, 1048, 1009, 11909, 322, 9110, 1907, 491, 12672, 292, 3273, 7191, 304, 4772, 5321, 12112, 322, 5758, 2877, 297, 12003, 16847, 29889, 319, 7156, 508, 1831, 263, 2224, 607, 338, 3273, 322, 1728, 378, 29887, 602, 1549, 278, 12469, 2472, 5492, 491, 278, 22035, 5313, 1973, 29889, 7857, 29892, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 22592, 2107, 5264, 1819, 322, 12128, 23633, 29889, 13, 3047, 278, 10231, 9667, 363, 1438, 8324, 304, 4511, 304, 278, 4685, 29892, 278, 5641, 22458, 1793, 2304, 310, 10852, 16311, 12084, 10320, 1338, 967, 13500, 29889, 450, 8527, 341, 711, 1793, 19219, 18601, 313, 8186, 6720, 350, 29903, 9601, 29906, 29962, 338, 385, 4100, 9608, 304, 9801, 5641, 22458, 1793, 363, 278, 6159, 3097, 310, 10426, 7573, 304, 278, 4685, 29889, 450, 14693, 6720, 350, 29903, 338, 9146, 304, 3867, 9126, 3957, 363, 263, 2318, 310, 7573, 373, 4337, 29889, 319, 10426, 12876, 313, 21055, 29897, 338, 3667, 1891, 304, 10933, 278, 3957, 310, 263, 2318, 310, 7573, 29889, 739, 338, 263, 7037, 14020, 363, 13138, 5641, 22458, 1793, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 25065, 29892, 727, 526, 27028, 363, 14693, 6720, 350, 29903, 304, 3394, 304, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 29889, 3824, 368, 29892, 372, 947, 451, 3867, 2473, 29899, 29882, 459, 12368, 304, 278, 22035, 12425, 29889, 23874, 404, 1306, 634, 394, 7226, 29941, 29962, 7972, 1023, 13501, 304, 22782, 341, 2190, 2544, 21398, 9608, 411, 14693, 6720, 29892, 4550, 2996, 304, 263, 478, 2190, 29923, 6720, 1650, 29889, 6440, 368, 29892, 372, 2609, 7744, 304, 1880, 7343, 21846, 29936, 27627, 9795, 267, 634, 394, 7226, 29946, 29962, 9401, 3196, 5641, 22458, 1793, 6851, 363, 5994, 5281, 14693, 6720, 350, 29903, 304, 2253, 2189, 297, 10852, 16311, 21846, 29892, 11039, 1218, 278, 5782, 13883, 313, 1672, 467, 18008, 368, 29892, 5034, 304, 14693, 6720, 350, 29903, 29892, 746, 263, 19716, 16229, 2820, 29892, 372, 4225, 304, 6036, 263, 716, 5641, 3211, 363, 716, 2130, 310, 278, 3564, 29892, 9819, 297, 1472, 1361, 957, 23316, 1270, 322, 1880, 12469, 2254, 29889, 9371, 634, 394, 7226, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29962, 4944, 263, 13336, 3667, 5281, 278, 22458, 1793, 2669, 25161, 292, 16212, 297, 11278, 5690, 29894, 29953, 577, 393, 24413, 508, 3013, 1009, 4511, 2068, 304, 278, 4685, 1728, 13271, 1009, 4423, 2472, 29889, 24352, 322, 17402, 505, 1063, 2309, 304, 7252, 278, 4180, 310, 7972, 9608, 322, 14693, 6720, 350, 29903, 29892, 322, 278, 20414, 297, 1361, 957, 4180, 674, 367, 263, 6374, 4889, 297, 278, 5925, 310, 5641, 22458, 1793, 6851, 29889, 13, 2744, 1228, 22778, 304, 18818, 278, 4180, 310, 1438, 8324, 338, 278, 8543, 848, 22713, 29889, 6549, 21398, 13705, 338, 385, 18853, 760, 393, 7112, 2063, 278, 4180, 310, 278, 3564, 29889, 3599, 2705, 29892, 1784, 1736, 505, 4944, 297, 29899, 19488, 11898, 310, 278, 1544, 11029, 310, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29961, 29955, 29994, 29929, 1822, 16564, 373, 1438, 5925, 267, 29892, 591, 508, 6159, 263, 15997, 393, 1363, 310, 278, 7343, 5469, 310, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 322, 26677, 8242, 285, 9382, 29892, 5375, 2988, 2198, 443, 13844, 4511, 2068, 29889, 450, 1544, 11029, 756, 263, 9443, 411, 278, 5418, 1546, 278, 6590, 7573, 29892, 322, 278, 2978, 261, 278, 7573, 526, 29892, 278, 2253, 278, 1544, 11029, 896, 505, 29889, 13, 1168, 8862, 411, 278, 18066, 267, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29892, 1737, 12122, 21398, 29961, 29896, 29900, 29994, 29896, 29947, 29962, 338, 15574, 17878, 408, 10712, 8716, 519, 322, 263, 1407 ]
robust protocol against frequent changes. Such routing strategies route packets according to the position of the involved nodes, i.e., the forwarder, the neighbors of the forwarder, and the destination. Greedy forwarding is the most widely adopted strategy in geographic routing. This strategy chooses the neighbor that has the shortest distance to the destination as the next hop so that each hop makes the greatest progress dropping ratio towards the destination. However, such a strategy will probably minimize signal strength and maximize the packet dropping ratio[19]. This is due to the fact that the next hop obtained in this way is largely located close to the edge of the transmission range of the forwarder. As the packet is forwarded using links with a high dropping ratio, if the forwarding node MAC protocol uses the retransmission mechanism, an excessive amount of network bandwidth and time will be consumed by retransmissions. As a result, the network throughput is declined and the end-to-end delay is prolonged. Studies were made of the disadvantages of using the greedy forwarding based on the link quality[14, 15, 20, 21]. The evaluation criterion of the link quality is usually the energy power of the received signal[20], and the link quality is related strongly to the distance between the forwarding node and the intermediate node[21]. Different from the researches above, De Couto et al. proposed the expected transmission count (ETX) metric[22] to evaluate the quality of a certain link. The ETX of a link demonstrates the expected number of transmissions required for sending a packet over the link, and a better quality link has a smaller value of ETX. It aims at finding high-throughput paths which minimize the expected total number of MAC-layer transmissions (including retransmissions) required for delivering a packet hop-by-hop to its destination. The ETX routing metric has been shown effective in selecting good quality routes[22, 23] and is widely used in routing protocols for wireless multi-hop networks[24–26]. However, ETX is used mainly in opportunistic and proactive routing protocols which are developed for low-speed mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs). The research about adopting ETX routing metric in geographic routing for VANETs is still in its infancy. The difficulty in using ETX in VANETs is that ETX does not specifically account for mobility. Consequently, ETX must be modified to adapt to the highly dynamic network environment. Intuitively, the link between two nodes which are close to each other has a high delivery rate. Accordingly, its ETX will be close to 1. However, such link cannot make much contribution to the packets advance on the destination. Therefore, a tradeoff should be made between the packet advance and transmission reliability. For this reason, we propose a routing metric called expected one-transmission advance (EOA) to improve the greedy forwarding. The EOA indicates the average geographic distance that a packet can make through one transmission. Instead of choosing the neighbor that is geographically closest to the destination, the neighbor with the largest EOA will be chosen as the next hop. In this paper, we improve the greedy forwarding strategy by taking the link state into account. The link state is measured by the ETX metric which is obtained with the assistance of the Hello scheme making every node in the network broadcast short packets periodically to inform neighbors of its own information (e.g., position and velocity). The calculation of ETX is modified to adapt to the high mobility of the network nodes. Based on the ETX metric, we propose EOA metric to decide the next hop. Our proposed routing protocol is considered as link state aware; it can be reflected by the fact that each node maintains the expected transmission counts for a packet to be successfully transmitted to its neighbors. Along with the movement of the vehicles, the expected transmission counts needed are updated periodically. Thus the link state is measured and utilized as the basis for the choice of the next hop. The contribution of this paper can be summarized as the following points. We amend the method to calculate the ETX of a specific link. The calculation explicitly takes the mobility of nodes into account and is well adapted to the dynamic networks. A routing metric called EOA is produced to improve the greedy forwarding strategy. The enhanced greedy forwarding algorithm forwards the packets by incorporating the link state and the geographic distance. It can largely diminish transmission failures. We propose a routing protocol called link state aware geographic routing protocol (LSGR) for VANETs. LSGR adopts the en
[ 16424, 9608, 2750, 17091, 3620, 29889, 10506, 21398, 16650, 583, 5782, 23912, 5034, 304, 278, 2602, 310, 278, 9701, 7573, 29892, 474, 29889, 29872, 1696, 278, 6375, 261, 29892, 278, 22092, 943, 310, 278, 6375, 261, 29892, 322, 278, 12551, 29889, 4122, 7584, 6375, 292, 338, 278, 1556, 17644, 16356, 13705, 297, 1737, 12122, 21398, 29889, 910, 13705, 3060, 15806, 278, 12307, 393, 756, 278, 3273, 342, 5418, 304, 278, 12551, 408, 278, 2446, 8171, 577, 393, 1269, 8171, 3732, 278, 14176, 6728, 4441, 3262, 11959, 7113, 278, 12551, 29889, 2398, 29892, 1316, 263, 13705, 674, 3117, 6260, 675, 7182, 9324, 322, 5256, 675, 278, 18203, 4441, 3262, 11959, 29961, 29896, 29929, 1822, 910, 338, 2861, 304, 278, 2114, 393, 278, 2446, 8171, 7625, 297, 445, 982, 338, 18425, 5982, 3802, 304, 278, 7636, 310, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 278, 6375, 261, 29889, 1094, 278, 18203, 338, 6375, 287, 773, 2988, 411, 263, 1880, 4441, 3262, 11959, 29892, 565, 278, 6375, 292, 2943, 26750, 9608, 3913, 278, 337, 3286, 6737, 13336, 29892, 385, 19163, 573, 5253, 310, 3564, 3719, 2103, 322, 931, 674, 367, 11233, 287, 491, 337, 3286, 29885, 6847, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 29892, 278, 3564, 1549, 649, 338, 4845, 1312, 322, 278, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 338, 27044, 287, 29889, 16972, 892, 1754, 310, 278, 766, 17263, 19771, 310, 773, 278, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 2729, 373, 278, 1544, 11029, 29961, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29896, 1822, 450, 17983, 28770, 291, 310, 278, 1544, 11029, 338, 5491, 278, 5864, 3081, 310, 278, 4520, 7182, 29961, 29906, 29900, 1402, 322, 278, 1544, 11029, 338, 4475, 13818, 304, 278, 5418, 1546, 278, 6375, 292, 2943, 322, 278, 19697, 2943, 29961, 29906, 29896, 1822, 13, 29928, 15622, 515, 278, 5925, 267, 2038, 29892, 897, 315, 449, 29877, 634, 394, 29889, 7972, 278, 3806, 22713, 2302, 313, 2544, 29990, 29897, 12714, 29961, 29906, 29906, 29962, 304, 14707, 278, 11029, 310, 263, 3058, 1544, 29889, 450, 382, 28627, 310, 263, 1544, 9004, 1078, 278, 3806, 1353, 310, 18750, 6847, 3734, 363, 9348, 263, 18203, 975, 278, 1544, 29892, 322, 263, 2253, 11029, 1544, 756, 263, 7968, 995, 310, 382, 28627, 29889, 739, 263, 9893, 472, 9138, 1880, 29899, 20678, 649, 10898, 607, 6260, 675, 278, 3806, 3001, 1353, 310, 26750, 29899, 13148, 18750, 6847, 313, 18271, 337, 3286, 29885, 6847, 29897, 3734, 363, 12021, 292, 263, 18203, 8171, 29899, 1609, 29899, 29882, 459, 304, 967, 12551, 29889, 450, 382, 28627, 21398, 12714, 756, 1063, 4318, 11828, 297, 18851, 1781, 11029, 12049, 29961, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29962, 322, 338, 17644, 1304, 297, 21398, 9608, 29879, 363, 26677, 2473, 29899, 29882, 459, 14379, 29961, 29906, 29946, 29994, 29906, 29953, 1822, 2398, 29892, 382, 28627, 338, 1304, 14364, 297, 28602, 4695, 322, 410, 4925, 21398, 9608, 29879, 607, 526, 8906, 363, 4482, 29899, 19322, 10426, 594, 298, 542, 14379, 313, 1529, 6006, 29879, 467, 450, 5925, 1048, 9332, 292, 382, 28627, 21398, 12714, 297, 1737, 12122, 21398, 363, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 338, 1603, 297, 967, 3041, 6906, 29889, 450, 14656, 297, 773, 382, 28627, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 338, 393, 382, 28627, 947, 451, 10816, 3633, 363, 22458, 1793, 29889, 1281, 27284, 29892, 382, 28627, 1818, 367, 9120, 304, 7744, 304, 278, 10712, 7343, 3564, 5177, 29889, 13, 2928, 3121, 3598, 29892, 278, 1544, 1546, 1023, 7573, 607, 526, 3802, 304, 1269, 916, 756, 263, 1880, 28289, 6554, 29889, 7579, 368, 29892, 967, 382, 28627, 674, 367, 3802, 304, 29871, 29896, 29889, 2398, 29892, 1316, 1544, 2609, 1207, 1568, 11896, 304, 278, 23912, 6564, 373, 278, 12551, 29889, 7857, 29892, 263, 11302, 2696, 881, 367, 1754, 1546, 278, 18203, 6564, 322, 22713, 12536, 3097, 29889, 1152, 445, 2769, 29892, 591, 16193, 263, 21398, 12714, 2000, 3806, 697, 29899, 3286, 6737, 6564, 313, 29923, 29949, 29909, 29897, 304, 11157, 278, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 29889, 450, 382, 29949, 29909, 14088, 278, 6588, 1737, 12122, 5418, 393, 263, 18203, 508, 1207, 1549, 697, 22713, 29889, 8669, 310, 23906, 278, 12307, 393, 338, 1737, 1946, 1711, 21438, 304, 278, 12551, 29892, 278, 12307, 411, 278, 10150, 382, 29949, 29909, 674, 367, 10434, 408, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 13, 797, 445, 5650, 29892, 591, 11157, 278, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 13705, 491, 5622, 278, 1544, 2106, 964, 3633, 29889, 450, 1544, 2106, 338, 17005, 491, 278, 382, 28627, 12714, 607, 338, 7625, 411, 278, 18872, 310, 278, 15043, 11380, 3907, 1432, 2943, 297, 278, 3564, 12672, 3273, 23912, 3785, 1711, 304, 1871, 22092, 943, 310, 967, 1914, 2472, 313, 29872, 29889, 29887, 1696, 2602, 322, 12885, 467, 450, 13944, 310, 382, 28627, 338, 9120, 304, 7744, 304, 278, 1880, 22458, 1793, 310, 278, 3564, 7573, 29889, 16564, 373, 278, 382, 28627, 12714, 29892, 591, 16193, 382, 29949, 29909, 12714, 304, 11097, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 8680, 7972, 21398, 9608, 338, 5545, 408, 1544, 2106, 9543, 29936, 372, 508, 367, 25312, 491, 278, 2114, 393, 1269, 2943, 7344, 29879, 278, 3806, 22713, 18139, 363, 263, 18203, 304, 367, 8472, 18750, 4430, 304, 967, 22092, 943, 29889, 838, 549, 411, 278, 10298, 310, 278, 24413, 29892, 278, 3806, 22713, 18139, 4312, 526, 4784, 3785, 1711, 29889, 6549, 278, 1544, 2106, 338, 17005, 322, 3667, 1891, 408, 278, 8405, 363, 278, 7348, 310, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 450, 11896, 310, 445, 5650, 508, 367, 19138, 1891, 408, 278, 1494, 3291, 29889, 13, 4806, 626, 355, 278, 1158, 304, 8147, 278, 382, 28627, 310, 263, 2702, 1544, 29889, 450, 13944, 9479, 4893, 278, 22458, 1793, 310, 7573, 964, 3633, 322, 338, 1532, 23430, 304, 278, 7343, 14379, 29889, 13, 29909, 21398, 12714, 2000, 382, 29949, 29909, 338, 7371, 304, 11157, 278, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 13705, 29889, 450, 427, 29308, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 5687, 363, 2935, 278, 23912, 491, 11039, 1218, 278, 1544, 2106, 322, 278, 1737, 12122, 5418, 29889, 739, 508, 18425, 22964, 728, 22713, 4418, 1973, 29889, 13, 4806, 16193, 263, 21398, 9608, 2000, 1544, 2106, 9543, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 313, 8547, 14345, 29897, 363, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 365, 29903, 14345, 9332, 29879, 278, 427 ]
hanced greedy forwarding algorithm. It has the advantages of increasing the network throughput and reducing the transmission delay. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews some existing routing protocols designed for VANETs. Section 3 describes the optimized forwarding mechanism and details other components of the protocol. Section 4 presents the results of the performance evaluation of the proposed protocol and makes an analysis of the results. Finally, Section 5 concludes the paper. 2 Related work The routing protocols in VANETs can be generally classified into two categories, topology-based and position-based[27, 28]. Topology-based protocols use the available link state information to perform packet forwarding[29, 30]. It is assumed that each node has information about the entire network topology before a packet is being sent out. Such strategies will generate a large amount of network overhead in VANETs. The prerequisite of position-based routing is the knowledge of the position of the forwarder, its neighbors, and the destination. The increasing availability of GPS-equipped vehicles and location service[31] provides a guarantee. Geographic routing protocols have the advantages of good scalability with respect to the network size and adaptability to the highly dynamic network. In geographic routing protocols, greedy routing protocols are considered most suitable for the unique characteristics of VANETs. The greedy algorithm is applied to solve the routing problem and has been well defined in[32]. The source node forwards a message to the neighboring node that is closest to the destination. The information needed to route a packet is only the physical positions of its neighbors and the destination, and these positions can be obtained by the periodically broadcast beacons. Greedy routing does not require the establishment or maintenance of routes, and can be well adapted to the high dynamic scenarios of VANETs. Greedy perimeter stateless routing (GPSR)[10] is a well-known geographic routing protocol in wireless multi-hop networks. The routing algorithm consists of two parts, a greedy forwarding mode and a perimeter mode. Greedy forwarding is the default mode, and the packets are initially routed in this mode. When there is a void between the forwarding node and destination node (called a local optimum), namely the forwarding node cannot find a neighbor which is geographically closer to the destination than itself, GPSR switches into the perimeter mode. A distributed algorithm is first implemented to obtain a planar graph. Then the packets are routed along the perimeter of the void based on the right-hand rule and look for an opportunity to return to the greedy mode (Figure1). However, routing with greedy forwarding in GPSR may lead to wrong directions, and there are too many hops for the packet to be transmitted to the destination. Greedy perimeter coordinator routing (GPCR)[11] improves GPSR to better adapt to the VANETs in city scenarios by separating the routing on streets from junctions. In every street, a special form of greedy forwarding is used to forward the packet towards the next junction. On each junction, the forwarder has to decide which street the packet should be followed next. The repair strategy of GPCR avoids using graph planarization by taking advantage of the natural planar graph formed by the streets and junctions. In GPCR, end-to-end connections are difficult to establish in low traffic density. Forwarding process of GPSR. VADD[33] is designed for the frequently disconnected networks. It implements the carry and forward scheme. When a node fails to find a neighboring node to forward the packet to, it stores the packet until a new node arrives to its transmission range, hence the end-to-end delay is large in sparse networks. Greedy forwarding is utilized to forward packets along the streets. A delay model is proposed to calculate the packet delivery delay of each candidate street, and the street with the lowest delay is selected to forward the packet. Since the packets are generally forwarded based on the greedy forwarding along the streets, existing geographic routing protocols mostly focus on the routing on junctions, i.e., which street is followed. GyTAR[12] sequentially chooses the intersections considering the remaining distance to the destination and the variation in vehicular traffic. An improved greedy strategy that predicts the position of each neighbor before choosing the next hop is utilized to forward data between two intersections. GyTAR is good at finding a robust routing in city environments; however, GyTAR does not consider the directions of the vehicles in the junction selection mechanism. When there are vehicles on
[ 29308, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 5687, 29889, 739, 756, 278, 25486, 310, 10231, 278, 3564, 1549, 649, 322, 27668, 278, 22713, 9055, 29889, 13, 1576, 1791, 310, 278, 5650, 338, 19098, 408, 4477, 29889, 9779, 29871, 29906, 21804, 777, 5923, 21398, 9608, 29879, 8688, 363, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 9779, 29871, 29941, 16612, 278, 27545, 6375, 292, 13336, 322, 4902, 916, 7117, 310, 278, 9608, 29889, 9779, 29871, 29946, 22981, 278, 2582, 310, 278, 4180, 17983, 310, 278, 7972, 9608, 322, 3732, 385, 7418, 310, 278, 2582, 29889, 9788, 29892, 9779, 29871, 29945, 378, 27722, 278, 5650, 29889, 13, 29906, 6376, 630, 664, 13, 1576, 21398, 9608, 29879, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 508, 367, 6892, 770, 2164, 964, 1023, 13997, 29892, 20159, 29899, 6707, 322, 2602, 29899, 6707, 29961, 29906, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29947, 1822, 7488, 3002, 29899, 6707, 9608, 29879, 671, 278, 3625, 1544, 2106, 2472, 304, 2189, 18203, 6375, 292, 29961, 29906, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29900, 1822, 739, 338, 12023, 393, 1269, 2943, 756, 2472, 1048, 278, 4152, 3564, 20159, 1434, 263, 18203, 338, 1641, 2665, 714, 29889, 10506, 16650, 583, 674, 5706, 263, 2919, 5253, 310, 3564, 18702, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 450, 544, 406, 7680, 568, 310, 2602, 29899, 6707, 21398, 338, 278, 7134, 310, 278, 2602, 310, 278, 6375, 261, 29892, 967, 22092, 943, 29892, 322, 278, 12551, 29889, 450, 10231, 20847, 3097, 310, 402, 7024, 29899, 1686, 16242, 24413, 322, 4423, 2669, 29961, 29941, 29896, 29962, 8128, 263, 18818, 29889, 26304, 21398, 9608, 29879, 505, 278, 25486, 310, 1781, 8716, 3097, 411, 3390, 304, 278, 3564, 2159, 322, 7744, 3097, 304, 278, 10712, 7343, 3564, 29889, 13, 797, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 29879, 29892, 1395, 7584, 21398, 9608, 29879, 526, 5545, 1556, 13907, 363, 278, 5412, 21862, 310, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 450, 1395, 7584, 5687, 338, 7436, 304, 4505, 278, 21398, 1108, 322, 756, 1063, 1532, 3342, 297, 29961, 29941, 29906, 1822, 450, 2752, 2943, 363, 2935, 263, 2643, 304, 278, 12307, 292, 2943, 393, 338, 21438, 304, 278, 12551, 29889, 450, 2472, 4312, 304, 5782, 263, 18203, 338, 871, 278, 9128, 11909, 310, 967, 22092, 943, 322, 278, 12551, 29892, 322, 1438, 11909, 508, 367, 7625, 491, 278, 3785, 1711, 12672, 367, 29874, 3200, 29889, 4122, 7584, 21398, 947, 451, 1996, 278, 25012, 470, 25413, 310, 12049, 29892, 322, 508, 367, 1532, 23430, 304, 278, 1880, 7343, 21846, 310, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 13, 25120, 7584, 639, 14772, 1002, 6393, 21398, 313, 29954, 7024, 29934, 9601, 29896, 29900, 29962, 338, 263, 1532, 29899, 5203, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 297, 26677, 2473, 29899, 29882, 459, 14379, 29889, 450, 21398, 5687, 11624, 310, 1023, 5633, 29892, 263, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 4464, 322, 263, 639, 14772, 4464, 29889, 4122, 7584, 6375, 292, 338, 278, 2322, 4464, 29892, 322, 278, 23912, 526, 12919, 6745, 287, 297, 445, 4464, 29889, 1932, 727, 338, 263, 1780, 1546, 278, 6375, 292, 2943, 322, 12551, 2943, 313, 13998, 263, 1887, 5994, 398, 511, 18451, 278, 6375, 292, 2943, 2609, 1284, 263, 12307, 607, 338, 1737, 1946, 1711, 17649, 304, 278, 12551, 1135, 3528, 29892, 402, 7024, 29934, 4607, 267, 964, 278, 639, 14772, 4464, 29889, 319, 13235, 5687, 338, 937, 8762, 304, 4017, 263, 3814, 279, 3983, 29889, 1987, 278, 23912, 526, 6745, 287, 3412, 278, 639, 14772, 310, 278, 1780, 2729, 373, 278, 1492, 29899, 3179, 5751, 322, 1106, 363, 385, 15130, 304, 736, 304, 278, 1395, 7584, 4464, 313, 13080, 545, 29896, 467, 2398, 29892, 21398, 411, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 297, 402, 7024, 29934, 1122, 3275, 304, 2743, 18112, 29892, 322, 727, 526, 2086, 1784, 298, 3554, 363, 278, 18203, 304, 367, 18750, 4430, 304, 278, 12551, 29889, 4122, 7584, 639, 14772, 6615, 1061, 21398, 313, 29954, 9026, 29934, 9601, 29896, 29896, 29962, 4857, 1960, 402, 7024, 29934, 304, 2253, 7744, 304, 278, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 297, 4272, 21846, 491, 2903, 1218, 278, 21398, 373, 19756, 515, 432, 651, 29879, 29889, 512, 1432, 11952, 29892, 263, 4266, 883, 310, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 338, 1304, 304, 6375, 278, 18203, 7113, 278, 2446, 432, 651, 29889, 1551, 1269, 432, 651, 29892, 278, 6375, 261, 756, 304, 11097, 607, 11952, 278, 18203, 881, 367, 5643, 2446, 29889, 450, 26032, 13705, 310, 402, 9026, 29934, 4772, 29879, 773, 3983, 3814, 279, 2133, 491, 5622, 10631, 310, 278, 5613, 3814, 279, 3983, 8429, 491, 278, 19756, 322, 432, 651, 29879, 29889, 512, 402, 9026, 29934, 29892, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 12368, 526, 5189, 304, 10127, 297, 4482, 12469, 9027, 29889, 13, 2831, 1328, 292, 1889, 310, 402, 7024, 29934, 29889, 13, 29963, 17744, 29961, 29941, 29941, 29962, 338, 8688, 363, 278, 13672, 766, 18045, 14379, 29889, 739, 10703, 278, 8677, 322, 6375, 11380, 29889, 1932, 263, 2943, 8465, 304, 1284, 263, 12307, 292, 2943, 304, 6375, 278, 18203, 304, 29892, 372, 14422, 278, 18203, 2745, 263, 716, 2943, 6974, 267, 304, 967, 22713, 3464, 29892, 8151, 278, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 338, 2919, 297, 29234, 14379, 29889, 4122, 7584, 6375, 292, 338, 3667, 1891, 304, 6375, 23912, 3412, 278, 19756, 29889, 319, 9055, 1904, 338, 7972, 304, 8147, 278, 18203, 28289, 9055, 310, 1269, 14020, 11952, 29892, 322, 278, 11952, 411, 278, 19604, 9055, 338, 4629, 304, 6375, 278, 18203, 29889, 13, 23036, 278, 23912, 526, 6892, 6375, 287, 2729, 373, 278, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 3412, 278, 19756, 29892, 5923, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 29879, 11149, 8569, 373, 278, 21398, 373, 432, 651, 29879, 29892, 474, 29889, 29872, 1696, 607, 11952, 338, 5643, 29889, 12842, 29911, 1718, 29961, 29896, 29906, 29962, 8617, 9247, 3060, 15806, 278, 1006, 27117, 13858, 278, 9886, 5418, 304, 278, 12551, 322, 278, 19262, 297, 10852, 16311, 12469, 29889, 530, 16710, 1395, 7584, 13705, 393, 8500, 29879, 278, 2602, 310, 1269, 12307, 1434, 23906, 278, 2446, 8171, 338, 3667, 1891, 304, 6375, 848, 1546, 1023, 1006, 27117, 29889, 12842, 29911, 1718, 338, 1781, 472, 9138, 263, 16424, 21398, 297, 4272, 23136, 29936, 3138, 29892, 12842, 29911, 1718, 947, 451, 2050, 278, 18112, 310, 278, 24413, 297, 278, 432, 651, 9262, 13336, 29889, 1932, 727, 526, 24413, 373 ]
the opposite road of the desired destination, the protocol suffers a large end-to-end delay and low packet delivery rate. STAR[13] explores the impact of traffic lights on a routing protocol. Since vehicles tend to cluster in front of the two sides of the road segments with red lights, the choice of the next road is based on the policy of green light roads first. In HTAR[14], a forwarding node at a junction adaptively decides on a routing path according to the real-time hybrid traffic information, which includes the node density, distance, and network traffic load of the candidate roads. The geographic routing protocols mentioned above always forward the packets to each intermediate intersection to make the routing decision. Lee et al.[15] noted the fact that packets do not necessarily need to stop at each junction if the transmission direction does not change and proposed GpsrJ+. The segment to which the packet will be forwarded is pre-computed. If the transmission direction does not change, the forwarder simply bypasses the junction node and forwards the packet to its furthest neighbor; otherwise, it will forward to the junction node. However, GpsrJ+ is not suitable for delay-sensitive applications or actual city maps, since it assumes the road as a simple straight line while the actual city map has more complicated roads. Afterwards, Lee et al. proposed another protocol called TO-GO[16], which incorporates geographic routing with opportunistic forwarding. TO-GO utilizes the two-hop information to make an advanced decision on whether to bypass the junction. All of these routing protocols have proposed various strategies to improve the performance of geographic routing in VANETs. However, few of them have made an improvement to the greedy forwarding. In this paper, we will propose an enhanced greedy forwarding strategy to improve the performance of geographic routing protocols in VANETs. 3 Link state aware geographic routing protocol In this section, we introduce our proposed routing protocol LSGR. Firstly, we describe the method utilized to measure the link state in VANETs. Then, the EOA metric is introduced, and finally the LSGR algorithm is presented in detail. 3.1 Computing ETX in VANETs First, we briefly introduce the calculation method presented in[22]. In IEEE 802.11, a packet is considered to be successfully transmitted after the sender receives the acknowledgment packet from the receiver. Therefore, the calculation of ETX takes the asymmetric loss rates into account. The case of the link between the nodes X and Y is shown in Figure2. Suppose d f is the forward packet delivery probability from X to Y, d r is the reverse packet delivery probability from Y to X. The ETX of the link is obtained by ETX= 1 d f · d r . The link between X and Y. The delivery probability d f and d r are measured using dedicated link probe packets, which are broadcasted at an average period τ. A window lasting w seconds is used to measure the delivery probability. Every node remembers the number of probes it has received during the last w seconds, allowing it to calculate the delivery probability from the sender at any time t as r(t)= count ( t - w , t ) w / τ , count(t-w,t) is the number of probes that the node has received at time t during the window w, and w/ τ is the number of probes that should have been received. For a link shown in Figure2, node X can only calculate d r and Y can only calculate d f . In order to allow every node to measure the ETX of a link, each probe sent by a node contains the number of probe packets it has received from each of its neighbors during the last w seconds. As can be seen from the description, ETX does not specifically account for mobility. In the calculation of ETX, w/τ is the number of probes that should have been received during the window w; however, in highly mobile networks, the probability should be calculated after the node enters into the transmission range of its neighboring node. Suppose that node X enters into the transmission range of node Y at time t0. Then Y needs to measure the packet delivery rate from X to Y at time t (t-t0 < w). The result obtained by Equation 2 is wrong because of the inappropriate probe count that should be received. Assume that the broadcast interval of the probes is 1 s, the length of the window w is 10 s, and t-t0 = 6 s. During this time, the total number of prob
[ 278, 11564, 6520, 310, 278, 7429, 12551, 29892, 278, 9608, 9378, 414, 263, 2919, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 322, 4482, 18203, 28289, 6554, 29889, 6850, 1718, 29961, 29896, 29941, 29962, 3902, 2361, 278, 10879, 310, 12469, 26068, 373, 263, 21398, 9608, 29889, 4001, 24413, 10331, 304, 9867, 297, 4565, 310, 278, 1023, 11192, 310, 278, 6520, 24611, 411, 2654, 26068, 29892, 278, 7348, 310, 278, 2446, 6520, 338, 2729, 373, 278, 8898, 310, 7933, 3578, 25320, 937, 29889, 512, 3154, 1718, 29961, 29896, 29946, 1402, 263, 6375, 292, 2943, 472, 263, 432, 651, 7744, 3598, 1602, 2247, 373, 263, 21398, 2224, 5034, 304, 278, 1855, 29899, 2230, 7498, 19515, 12469, 2472, 29892, 607, 7805, 278, 2943, 9027, 29892, 5418, 29892, 322, 3564, 12469, 2254, 310, 278, 14020, 25320, 29889, 13, 1576, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 29879, 5276, 2038, 2337, 6375, 278, 23912, 304, 1269, 19697, 17686, 304, 1207, 278, 21398, 10608, 29889, 9371, 634, 394, 7226, 29896, 29945, 29962, 11682, 278, 2114, 393, 23912, 437, 451, 12695, 817, 304, 5040, 472, 1269, 432, 651, 565, 278, 22713, 5305, 947, 451, 1735, 322, 7972, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 29889, 450, 10768, 304, 607, 278, 18203, 674, 367, 6375, 287, 338, 758, 29899, 12097, 287, 29889, 960, 278, 22713, 5305, 947, 451, 1735, 29892, 278, 6375, 261, 3763, 491, 3364, 267, 278, 432, 651, 2943, 322, 363, 2935, 278, 18203, 304, 967, 3261, 386, 342, 12307, 29936, 6467, 29892, 372, 674, 6375, 304, 278, 432, 651, 2943, 29889, 2398, 29892, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 338, 451, 13907, 363, 9055, 29899, 23149, 3321, 8324, 470, 3935, 4272, 11053, 29892, 1951, 372, 15894, 278, 6520, 408, 263, 2560, 7812, 1196, 1550, 278, 3935, 4272, 2910, 756, 901, 12092, 25320, 29889, 2860, 2935, 29892, 9371, 634, 394, 29889, 7972, 1790, 9608, 2000, 7495, 29899, 17080, 29961, 29896, 29953, 1402, 607, 11039, 1078, 1737, 12122, 21398, 411, 28602, 4695, 6375, 292, 29889, 7495, 29899, 17080, 3667, 7093, 278, 1023, 29899, 29882, 459, 2472, 304, 1207, 385, 12862, 10608, 373, 3692, 304, 491, 3364, 278, 432, 651, 29889, 13, 3596, 310, 1438, 21398, 9608, 29879, 505, 7972, 5164, 16650, 583, 304, 11157, 278, 4180, 310, 1737, 12122, 21398, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 2398, 29892, 2846, 310, 963, 505, 1754, 385, 20414, 304, 278, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 29889, 512, 445, 5650, 29892, 591, 674, 16193, 385, 427, 29308, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 13705, 304, 11157, 278, 4180, 310, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 29879, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 13, 29941, 6645, 2106, 9543, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 13, 797, 445, 4004, 29892, 591, 14944, 1749, 7972, 21398, 9608, 365, 29903, 14345, 29889, 3824, 368, 29892, 591, 8453, 278, 1158, 3667, 1891, 304, 5645, 278, 1544, 2106, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 1987, 29892, 278, 382, 29949, 29909, 12714, 338, 9129, 29892, 322, 7146, 278, 365, 29903, 14345, 5687, 338, 9132, 297, 9493, 29889, 13, 29941, 29889, 29896, 11796, 292, 382, 28627, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 13, 6730, 29892, 591, 23359, 14944, 278, 13944, 1158, 9132, 297, 29961, 29906, 29906, 1822, 512, 7159, 17896, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29906, 29889, 29896, 29896, 29892, 263, 18203, 338, 5545, 304, 367, 8472, 18750, 4430, 1156, 278, 10004, 20586, 278, 24084, 19422, 18203, 515, 278, 19870, 29889, 7857, 29892, 278, 13944, 310, 382, 28627, 4893, 278, 16936, 16414, 6410, 19257, 964, 3633, 29889, 450, 1206, 310, 278, 1544, 1546, 278, 7573, 1060, 322, 612, 338, 4318, 297, 11479, 29906, 29889, 12142, 270, 285, 338, 278, 6375, 18203, 28289, 6976, 515, 1060, 304, 612, 29892, 270, 364, 338, 278, 11837, 18203, 28289, 6976, 515, 612, 304, 1060, 29889, 450, 382, 28627, 310, 278, 1544, 338, 7625, 491, 13, 2544, 29990, 29922, 29871, 29896, 270, 285, 2880, 270, 364, 869, 13, 1576, 1544, 1546, 1060, 322, 612, 29889, 13, 1576, 28289, 6976, 270, 285, 322, 270, 364, 526, 17005, 773, 16955, 1544, 410, 915, 23912, 29892, 607, 526, 12672, 287, 472, 385, 6588, 3785, 29871, 30137, 29889, 319, 3474, 1833, 292, 281, 6923, 338, 1304, 304, 5645, 278, 28289, 6976, 29889, 7569, 2943, 1083, 13415, 278, 1353, 310, 2070, 267, 372, 756, 4520, 2645, 278, 1833, 281, 6923, 29892, 14372, 372, 304, 8147, 278, 28289, 6976, 515, 278, 10004, 472, 738, 931, 260, 408, 13, 29878, 29898, 29873, 3892, 2302, 313, 260, 448, 281, 1919, 260, 1723, 281, 847, 29871, 30137, 1919, 13, 2798, 29898, 29873, 29899, 29893, 29892, 29873, 29897, 338, 278, 1353, 310, 2070, 267, 393, 278, 2943, 756, 4520, 472, 931, 260, 2645, 278, 3474, 281, 29892, 322, 281, 29914, 29871, 30137, 338, 278, 1353, 310, 2070, 267, 393, 881, 505, 1063, 4520, 29889, 1152, 263, 1544, 4318, 297, 11479, 29906, 29892, 2943, 1060, 508, 871, 8147, 270, 364, 322, 612, 508, 871, 8147, 270, 285, 869, 512, 1797, 304, 2758, 1432, 2943, 304, 5645, 278, 382, 28627, 310, 263, 1544, 29892, 1269, 410, 915, 2665, 491, 263, 2943, 3743, 278, 1353, 310, 410, 915, 23912, 372, 756, 4520, 515, 1269, 310, 967, 22092, 943, 2645, 278, 1833, 281, 6923, 29889, 13, 2887, 508, 367, 3595, 515, 278, 6139, 29892, 382, 28627, 947, 451, 10816, 3633, 363, 22458, 1793, 29889, 512, 278, 13944, 310, 382, 28627, 29892, 281, 29914, 30137, 338, 278, 1353, 310, 2070, 267, 393, 881, 505, 1063, 4520, 2645, 278, 3474, 281, 29936, 3138, 29892, 297, 10712, 10426, 14379, 29892, 278, 6976, 881, 367, 12833, 1156, 278, 2943, 24395, 964, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 967, 12307, 292, 2943, 29889, 12142, 393, 2943, 1060, 24395, 964, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 2943, 612, 472, 931, 260, 29900, 29889, 1987, 612, 4225, 304, 5645, 278, 18203, 28289, 6554, 515, 1060, 304, 612, 472, 931, 260, 313, 29873, 29899, 29873, 29900, 30080, 29966, 30080, 29893, 467, 450, 1121, 7625, 491, 11243, 362, 29871, 29906, 338, 2743, 1363, 310, 278, 297, 932, 6649, 403, 410, 915, 2302, 393, 881, 367, 4520, 29889, 22680, 393, 278, 12672, 7292, 310, 278, 2070, 267, 338, 29871, 29896, 269, 29892, 278, 3309, 310, 278, 3474, 281, 338, 29871, 29896, 29900, 269, 29892, 322, 260, 29899, 29873, 29900, 30080, 29922, 30080, 29953, 269, 29889, 7133, 445, 931, 29892, 278, 3001, 1353, 310, 2070 ]
es that Y received from X is 5. The packet delivery rate from X to Y is 5/6 = 83.33%. However, the result from Equation 2 is 5/10 = 50%. Therefore, we adjust the calculation of ETX to adapt to the networks that are highly dynamic. Note that Hello packets are periodically broadcasted to record the information of neighbors in several geographic routing protocols. We use the Hello packets instead of dedicate probe packets to measure the packet delivery probability in LSGR. Traditionally, each node maintains a neighbor table that records the position information of every neighbor. To calculate the ETX of a link, the neighbor table should record the time (t0) when the first Hello packet is received from a neighbor and the number of Hello packets it has received from the neighbor during the last w seconds. The entry of a node in the neighbor table is shown in Figure3. According to the window w and the interval between t0 and the current time t, the calculation formula is r(t)= count ( t - w , t ) w / τ , t - t 0 ≥ w ; count ( t - t 0 ) , 0 < t - t 0 < 1 ; count ( t - w , t ) ( t - t 0 ) / τ , 1 ≤ t - t 0 < w . The format of an entry in the neighbor table. As can be seen from the formula, there are three situations in terms of the difference between window w and t-t0. 1) t-t0 ≥ w, in this situation, the calculation is the same as Equation 2. 2) 0 < t-t0 < 1, the time difference between the current time and t0 is less than 1 s. In this case, the packet delivery rate is the number of Hello packets received from t0 to t. Note that the probability is certainly equal to 1. If count(t0,t) is divided by t-t0, the result would be a very large number. 3) 1 ≤ t-t0 < w, the packet delivery probability in this condition is the number of the Hello packets received from t0 to t divided by the number of Hello packets should have been received during this period. Note that in the Hello scheme, the entry of a neighbor will be deleted from the neighbor table if the node has not received a Hello packet from the neighbor for a period of time. We set this time to be twice the broadcast interval. Then, the minimum packet delivery probability of a link is 1/3 = 33.33%. Accordingly, the maximum ETX of a link would be 1/(0.33 × 0.33) = 9.18. The distribution of ETX value of the link is correlated with the parameters that are set in the Hello scheme. 3.2 Routing based on link state In LSGR, the next hop is selected using an enhanced greedy forwarding, which performs according to the EOA routing metric. The EOA value indicates the expected advance that a packet can make towards the destination through one transmission. Instead of choosing the neighbor that is geographically closest to the destination, the enhanced greedy forwarding chooses the neighbor with the largest EOA. When a node S has a packet to forward, it calculates the geographic advance each neighbor can make and the expected number of data transmissions require to successfully send a packet over the link formed by S and the neighbor. Then, the EOA of neighbor i is obtained by EOA i = D ns - D ni ETX i , where Dns is the distance from the forwarding node to the destination node. Dni is the distance between the neighbor i and the destination node. ETX i is the ETX of the link that is formed by the forwarding node and the neighbor i. Dns-Dni indicates the geographic distance a packet can advance towards the destination. However, due to the link loss, to be successfully forwarded over that link, a packet needs to be transmitted ETX i times on average. Hence, a neighbor's EOA demonstrates the expected advance that a packet can make towards the destination through one transmission if it chooses the neighbor as the next hop. EOA metric incorporates the geographic distance and the link quality. It is a tradeoff between the advance and transmission reliability. It tends to minimize the bandwidth use and increase the network throughput by taking the link state into account. With less transmission times, EOA can also reduce the end-to-end delay. 3.3 Routing on junctions
[ 267, 393, 612, 4520, 515, 1060, 338, 29871, 29945, 29889, 450, 18203, 28289, 6554, 515, 1060, 304, 612, 338, 29871, 29945, 29914, 29953, 353, 29871, 29947, 29941, 29889, 29941, 29941, 15543, 2398, 29892, 278, 1121, 515, 11243, 362, 29871, 29906, 338, 29871, 29945, 29914, 29896, 29900, 353, 29871, 29945, 29900, 15543, 13, 8439, 1079, 29892, 591, 10365, 278, 13944, 310, 382, 28627, 304, 7744, 304, 278, 14379, 393, 526, 10712, 7343, 29889, 3940, 393, 15043, 23912, 526, 3785, 1711, 12672, 287, 304, 2407, 278, 2472, 310, 22092, 943, 297, 3196, 1737, 12122, 21398, 9608, 29879, 29889, 1334, 671, 278, 15043, 23912, 2012, 310, 8856, 403, 410, 915, 23912, 304, 5645, 278, 18203, 28289, 6976, 297, 365, 29903, 14345, 29889, 18375, 17658, 29892, 1269, 2943, 7344, 29879, 263, 12307, 1591, 393, 6475, 278, 2602, 2472, 310, 1432, 12307, 29889, 1763, 8147, 278, 382, 28627, 310, 263, 1544, 29892, 278, 12307, 1591, 881, 2407, 278, 931, 313, 29873, 29900, 29897, 746, 278, 937, 15043, 18203, 338, 4520, 515, 263, 12307, 322, 278, 1353, 310, 15043, 23912, 372, 756, 4520, 515, 278, 12307, 2645, 278, 1833, 281, 6923, 29889, 450, 6251, 310, 263, 2943, 297, 278, 12307, 1591, 338, 4318, 297, 11479, 29941, 29889, 7579, 304, 278, 3474, 281, 322, 278, 7292, 1546, 260, 29900, 322, 278, 1857, 931, 260, 29892, 278, 13944, 7063, 338, 13, 29878, 29898, 29873, 3892, 2302, 313, 260, 448, 281, 1919, 260, 1723, 281, 847, 29871, 30137, 1919, 260, 448, 260, 29871, 29900, 29871, 30386, 281, 2056, 2302, 313, 260, 448, 260, 29871, 29900, 1723, 1919, 29871, 29900, 529, 260, 448, 260, 29871, 29900, 529, 29871, 29896, 2056, 2302, 313, 260, 448, 281, 1919, 260, 1723, 313, 260, 448, 260, 29871, 29900, 1723, 847, 29871, 30137, 1919, 29871, 29896, 29871, 30248, 260, 448, 260, 29871, 29900, 529, 281, 869, 13, 1576, 3402, 310, 385, 6251, 297, 278, 12307, 1591, 29889, 13, 2887, 508, 367, 3595, 515, 278, 7063, 29892, 727, 526, 2211, 18845, 297, 4958, 310, 278, 4328, 1546, 3474, 281, 322, 260, 29899, 29873, 29900, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29897, 260, 29899, 29873, 29900, 30080, 30386, 30080, 29893, 29892, 297, 445, 6434, 29892, 278, 13944, 338, 278, 1021, 408, 11243, 362, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29897, 29871, 29900, 30080, 29966, 30080, 29873, 29899, 29873, 29900, 30080, 29966, 30080, 29896, 29892, 278, 931, 4328, 1546, 278, 1857, 931, 322, 260, 29900, 338, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29896, 269, 29889, 512, 445, 1206, 29892, 278, 18203, 28289, 6554, 338, 278, 1353, 310, 15043, 23912, 4520, 515, 260, 29900, 304, 260, 29889, 3940, 393, 278, 6976, 338, 8959, 5186, 304, 29871, 29896, 29889, 960, 2302, 29898, 29873, 29900, 29892, 29873, 29897, 338, 13931, 491, 260, 29899, 29873, 29900, 29892, 278, 1121, 723, 367, 263, 1407, 2919, 1353, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29897, 29871, 29896, 30080, 30248, 30080, 29873, 29899, 29873, 29900, 30080, 29966, 30080, 29893, 29892, 278, 18203, 28289, 6976, 297, 445, 4195, 338, 278, 1353, 310, 278, 15043, 23912, 4520, 515, 260, 29900, 304, 260, 13931, 491, 278, 1353, 310, 15043, 23912, 881, 505, 1063, 4520, 2645, 445, 3785, 29889, 13, 9842, 393, 297, 278, 15043, 11380, 29892, 278, 6251, 310, 263, 12307, 674, 367, 11132, 515, 278, 12307, 1591, 565, 278, 2943, 756, 451, 4520, 263, 15043, 18203, 515, 278, 12307, 363, 263, 3785, 310, 931, 29889, 1334, 731, 445, 931, 304, 367, 8951, 278, 12672, 7292, 29889, 1987, 29892, 278, 9212, 18203, 28289, 6976, 310, 263, 1544, 338, 29871, 29896, 29914, 29941, 353, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29889, 29941, 29941, 15543, 7579, 368, 29892, 278, 7472, 382, 28627, 310, 263, 1544, 723, 367, 29871, 29896, 14571, 29900, 29889, 29941, 29941, 13105, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29941, 29941, 29897, 353, 29871, 29929, 29889, 29896, 29947, 29889, 450, 4978, 310, 382, 28627, 995, 310, 278, 1544, 338, 8855, 630, 411, 278, 4128, 393, 526, 731, 297, 278, 15043, 11380, 29889, 13, 29941, 29889, 29906, 20829, 292, 2729, 373, 1544, 2106, 13, 797, 365, 29903, 14345, 29892, 278, 2446, 8171, 338, 4629, 773, 385, 427, 29308, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 29892, 607, 23233, 5034, 304, 278, 382, 29949, 29909, 21398, 12714, 29889, 450, 382, 29949, 29909, 995, 14088, 278, 3806, 6564, 393, 263, 18203, 508, 1207, 7113, 278, 12551, 1549, 697, 22713, 29889, 8669, 310, 23906, 278, 12307, 393, 338, 1737, 1946, 1711, 21438, 304, 278, 12551, 29892, 278, 427, 29308, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 3060, 15806, 278, 12307, 411, 278, 10150, 382, 29949, 29909, 29889, 1932, 263, 2943, 317, 756, 263, 18203, 304, 6375, 29892, 372, 3408, 1078, 278, 1737, 12122, 6564, 1269, 12307, 508, 1207, 322, 278, 3806, 1353, 310, 848, 18750, 6847, 1996, 304, 8472, 3638, 263, 18203, 975, 278, 1544, 8429, 491, 317, 322, 278, 12307, 29889, 1987, 29892, 278, 382, 29949, 29909, 310, 12307, 474, 338, 7625, 491, 13, 29923, 29949, 29909, 474, 353, 360, 17534, 448, 360, 6836, 382, 28627, 474, 1919, 13, 3062, 360, 1983, 338, 278, 5418, 515, 278, 6375, 292, 2943, 304, 278, 12551, 2943, 29889, 360, 1240, 338, 278, 5418, 1546, 278, 12307, 474, 322, 278, 12551, 2943, 29889, 382, 28627, 474, 338, 278, 382, 28627, 310, 278, 1544, 393, 338, 8429, 491, 278, 6375, 292, 2943, 322, 278, 12307, 474, 29889, 360, 1983, 29899, 29928, 1240, 14088, 278, 1737, 12122, 5418, 263, 18203, 508, 6564, 7113, 278, 12551, 29889, 2398, 29892, 2861, 304, 278, 1544, 6410, 29892, 304, 367, 8472, 6375, 287, 975, 393, 1544, 29892, 263, 18203, 4225, 304, 367, 18750, 4430, 382, 28627, 474, 3064, 373, 6588, 29889, 10133, 29892, 263, 12307, 29915, 29879, 382, 29949, 29909, 9004, 1078, 278, 3806, 6564, 393, 263, 18203, 508, 1207, 7113, 278, 12551, 1549, 697, 22713, 565, 372, 3060, 15806, 278, 12307, 408, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 13, 29923, 29949, 29909, 12714, 11039, 1078, 278, 1737, 12122, 5418, 322, 278, 1544, 11029, 29889, 739, 338, 263, 11302, 2696, 1546, 278, 6564, 322, 22713, 12536, 3097, 29889, 739, 29867, 304, 6260, 675, 278, 3719, 2103, 671, 322, 7910, 278, 3564, 1549, 649, 491, 5622, 278, 1544, 2106, 964, 3633, 29889, 2973, 3109, 22713, 3064, 29892, 382, 29949, 29909, 508, 884, 10032, 278, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 29889, 13, 29941, 29889, 29941, 20829, 292, 373, 432, 651, 29879 ]
Routing in VANETs, especially in city scenarios, usually separates the streets from junctions. In LSGR, the enhanced greedy forwarding is adapted to route packet in streets. On junctions, LSGR incorporates the distance and the network connectivity to choose the next street. The network connectivity of a street is reflected by the vehicle density in the street. A distributed algorithm has been proposed in our previous work[18] to collect the vehicle density of a certain street. In LSGR, we use the algorithm to get the vehicle density of the streets. With the algorithm, the following parameters of a street can be obtained: Navg is the average number of vehicles of a unit scope. The unit scope is defined as a road segment whose length is equal to the transmission range of a node, as shown in Figure4, in which the value of Navg is 11/3 = 3.67. Vehicle density in a street. Nmin is the minimum number of vehicles among the unit scopes in a certain street. In the street shown in Figure4, the value of Nmin is 2. These parameters are obtained with the help of Network Information Collection Packet (NICP) in three steps: 1. When a vehicle is at the junction, a NICP is generated with the number of its neighbors as Nsum and Nmin. 2. The NICP is forwarded to its farthest neighbor as a receiver, and Nsum is modified by adding the number of neighbors on the forwarding side (in Figure4, the right side) of the receiver, Nmin is modified to the number of the receiver's neighbors in the forwarding side if it is less than Nmin. 3. Repeat this process until the NICP is forwarded to another junction, then Nsum and Nmin of this road segment can be obtained. A node at junction chooses the next street to transmit the packet according to the following function S(J)=α×(1-D)+β× N avg 1 + N avg - N min , where D = Dj/Di, Dj is the distance from the midpoint of the candidate street to the destination and Di is the distance between the current junction and the destination. α and β are weighting factors. S(J) is the score of other adjacent road segments that integrates the distance and the network connectivity, and the road segment with highest S(J) will be chosen to forward the packet to. D is the closeness of the candidate junction to the destination, the shorter the distance from the candidate junction to the destination, the lager the value of the first item. Navg is the average number of vehicles in a unit scope, Navg-Nmin reflects the uniformity degree of the distribution of the vehicles in the road segment, and the road segment with large and balanced vehicle density has more opportunity to be chosen. Now we will have a brief discussion on the influence of the vehicular traffic in three conditions with respect to different values of Nmin: When N min = 0, that means on this road segment there is a vehicle having no neighbors in the forwarding direction of itself, thus the network on this road segment is considered disconnected. At this time the NICP cannot be delivered from one junction towards the other side; therefore, this road segment will not be selected until after a period of time N min grows larger than 0 due to the movement of the vehicles. When 1 ≤ N min < N avg, at this time, the uneven node distribution is penalized by the denominator, making the second item a smaller value. The closer these two values are, the smaller the penalization it has. When N min = N avg, then value of the second item without weighting factor equals to N avg, the road segment is connected and the distribution of vehicles on this road segment is approximately uniform, and it can be reflected by the relatively higher value of the second item. Then the road segment with such characteristic has higher priority to be chosen to forward the packet to. 3.4 Repair strategy When the network nodes become sparse, there is a high probability that a packet gets stuck in a local optimum. In this case, the forward algorithm enters into a repair strategy. In LSGR, the repair strategy combines the idea of carry and forward[17] and the perimeter forwarding. The current vehicle in a repair mode will carry the packet for a period of time to look for an available neighbor to forward the packet. If the vehicle cannot find an available next hop during the period, the packet is forwarded back to the last junction. Then the packet is
[ 13, 24254, 292, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29892, 7148, 297, 4272, 21846, 29892, 5491, 2903, 1078, 278, 19756, 515, 432, 651, 29879, 29889, 512, 365, 29903, 14345, 29892, 278, 427, 29308, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 338, 23430, 304, 5782, 18203, 297, 19756, 29889, 1551, 432, 651, 29879, 29892, 365, 29903, 14345, 11039, 1078, 278, 5418, 322, 278, 3564, 4511, 2068, 304, 6755, 278, 2446, 11952, 29889, 450, 3564, 4511, 2068, 310, 263, 11952, 338, 25312, 491, 278, 19716, 9027, 297, 278, 11952, 29889, 319, 13235, 5687, 756, 1063, 7972, 297, 1749, 3517, 664, 29961, 29896, 29947, 29962, 304, 6314, 278, 19716, 9027, 310, 263, 3058, 11952, 29889, 512, 365, 29903, 14345, 29892, 591, 671, 278, 5687, 304, 679, 278, 19716, 9027, 310, 278, 19756, 29889, 2973, 278, 5687, 29892, 278, 1494, 4128, 310, 263, 11952, 508, 367, 7625, 29901, 13, 22107, 29887, 338, 278, 6588, 1353, 310, 24413, 310, 263, 5190, 6874, 29889, 450, 5190, 6874, 338, 3342, 408, 263, 6520, 10768, 5069, 3309, 338, 5186, 304, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 263, 2943, 29892, 408, 4318, 297, 11479, 29946, 29892, 297, 607, 278, 995, 310, 13132, 29887, 338, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29914, 29941, 353, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29953, 29955, 29889, 13, 29963, 14797, 2512, 9027, 297, 263, 11952, 29889, 13, 29940, 1195, 338, 278, 9212, 1353, 310, 24413, 4249, 278, 5190, 16505, 267, 297, 263, 3058, 11952, 29889, 512, 278, 11952, 4318, 297, 11479, 29946, 29892, 278, 995, 310, 405, 1195, 338, 29871, 29906, 29889, 13, 1349, 968, 4128, 526, 7625, 411, 278, 1371, 310, 8527, 10343, 14348, 18744, 300, 313, 29940, 2965, 29925, 29897, 297, 2211, 6576, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29889, 1932, 263, 19716, 338, 472, 278, 432, 651, 29892, 263, 405, 2965, 29925, 338, 5759, 411, 278, 1353, 310, 967, 22092, 943, 408, 405, 2083, 322, 405, 1195, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29889, 450, 405, 2965, 29925, 338, 6375, 287, 304, 967, 2215, 386, 342, 12307, 408, 263, 19870, 29892, 322, 405, 2083, 338, 9120, 491, 4417, 278, 1353, 310, 22092, 943, 373, 278, 6375, 292, 2625, 313, 262, 11479, 29946, 29892, 278, 1492, 2625, 29897, 310, 278, 19870, 29892, 405, 1195, 338, 9120, 304, 278, 1353, 310, 278, 19870, 29915, 29879, 22092, 943, 297, 278, 6375, 292, 2625, 565, 372, 338, 3109, 1135, 405, 1195, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29889, 830, 11666, 445, 1889, 2745, 278, 405, 2965, 29925, 338, 6375, 287, 304, 1790, 432, 651, 29892, 769, 405, 2083, 322, 405, 1195, 310, 445, 6520, 10768, 508, 367, 7625, 29889, 13, 29909, 2943, 472, 432, 651, 3060, 15806, 278, 2446, 11952, 304, 22649, 278, 18203, 5034, 304, 278, 1494, 740, 13, 29903, 29898, 29967, 3892, 30110, 30122, 29898, 29896, 29899, 29928, 7240, 30187, 30122, 405, 1029, 29887, 29871, 29896, 718, 405, 1029, 29887, 448, 405, 1375, 1919, 13, 3062, 360, 30080, 29922, 30080, 29928, 29926, 29914, 12130, 29892, 27467, 338, 278, 5418, 515, 278, 7145, 3149, 310, 278, 14020, 11952, 304, 278, 12551, 322, 4671, 338, 278, 5418, 1546, 278, 1857, 432, 651, 322, 278, 12551, 29889, 19883, 322, 29871, 30187, 526, 7688, 292, 13879, 29889, 317, 29898, 29967, 29897, 338, 278, 8158, 310, 916, 20114, 6520, 24611, 393, 3990, 1078, 278, 5418, 322, 278, 3564, 4511, 2068, 29892, 322, 278, 6520, 10768, 411, 9939, 317, 29898, 29967, 29897, 674, 367, 10434, 304, 6375, 278, 18203, 304, 29889, 360, 338, 278, 4694, 18543, 310, 278, 14020, 432, 651, 304, 278, 12551, 29892, 278, 20511, 278, 5418, 515, 278, 14020, 432, 651, 304, 278, 12551, 29892, 278, 301, 1875, 278, 995, 310, 278, 937, 2944, 29889, 13132, 29887, 338, 278, 6588, 1353, 310, 24413, 297, 263, 5190, 6874, 29892, 13132, 29887, 29899, 29940, 1195, 9432, 29879, 278, 9090, 537, 7426, 310, 278, 4978, 310, 278, 24413, 297, 278, 6520, 10768, 29892, 322, 278, 6520, 10768, 411, 2919, 322, 6411, 8362, 19716, 9027, 756, 901, 15130, 304, 367, 10434, 29889, 13, 10454, 591, 674, 505, 263, 11473, 10679, 373, 278, 9949, 310, 278, 10852, 16311, 12469, 297, 2211, 5855, 411, 3390, 304, 1422, 1819, 310, 405, 1195, 29901, 13, 10401, 405, 1375, 353, 29871, 29900, 29892, 393, 2794, 373, 445, 6520, 10768, 727, 338, 263, 19716, 2534, 694, 22092, 943, 297, 278, 6375, 292, 5305, 310, 3528, 29892, 4550, 278, 3564, 373, 445, 6520, 10768, 338, 5545, 766, 18045, 29889, 2180, 445, 931, 278, 405, 2965, 29925, 2609, 367, 20115, 515, 697, 432, 651, 7113, 278, 916, 2625, 29936, 5480, 29892, 445, 6520, 10768, 674, 451, 367, 4629, 2745, 1156, 263, 3785, 310, 931, 405, 1375, 25088, 7200, 1135, 29871, 29900, 2861, 304, 278, 10298, 310, 278, 24413, 29889, 13, 10401, 29871, 29896, 30080, 30248, 30080, 29940, 1375, 30080, 29966, 30080, 29940, 1029, 29887, 29892, 472, 445, 931, 29892, 278, 1597, 854, 2943, 4978, 338, 6584, 284, 1891, 491, 278, 14267, 1061, 29892, 3907, 278, 1473, 2944, 263, 7968, 995, 29889, 450, 17649, 1438, 1023, 1819, 526, 29892, 278, 7968, 278, 6584, 284, 2133, 372, 756, 29889, 13, 10401, 405, 1375, 30080, 29922, 30080, 29940, 1029, 29887, 29892, 769, 995, 310, 278, 1473, 2944, 1728, 7688, 292, 7329, 15743, 304, 405, 1029, 29887, 29892, 278, 6520, 10768, 338, 6631, 322, 278, 4978, 310, 24413, 373, 445, 6520, 10768, 338, 14235, 9090, 29892, 322, 372, 508, 367, 25312, 491, 278, 13774, 6133, 995, 310, 278, 1473, 2944, 29889, 1987, 278, 6520, 10768, 411, 1316, 17443, 756, 6133, 20136, 304, 367, 10434, 304, 6375, 278, 18203, 304, 29889, 13, 29941, 29889, 29946, 10088, 1466, 13705, 13, 10401, 278, 3564, 7573, 4953, 29234, 29892, 727, 338, 263, 1880, 6976, 393, 263, 18203, 4947, 10771, 297, 263, 1887, 5994, 398, 29889, 512, 445, 1206, 29892, 278, 6375, 5687, 24395, 964, 263, 26032, 13705, 29889, 512, 365, 29903, 14345, 29892, 278, 26032, 13705, 4145, 1475, 278, 2969, 310, 8677, 322, 6375, 29961, 29896, 29955, 29962, 322, 278, 639, 14772, 6375, 292, 29889, 450, 1857, 19716, 297, 263, 26032, 4464, 674, 8677, 278, 18203, 363, 263, 3785, 310, 931, 304, 1106, 363, 385, 3625, 12307, 304, 6375, 278, 18203, 29889, 960, 278, 19716, 2609, 1284, 385, 3625, 2446, 8171, 2645, 278, 3785, 29892, 278, 18203, 338, 6375, 287, 1250, 304, 278, 1833, 432, 651, 29889, 1987, 278, 18203, 338 ]
forwarded back in the perimeter mode similar to that in GPCR. In the simulation in Section 4, the period is dynamically set as R/2v. Where R is the transmission range and v is the speed of the vehicle when it begins to carry the packet. 3.5 Further discussion EOA incorporates the distance and the link quality to choose the next hop. It has the advantages of increasing the network throughput and reducing the end-to-end delay. However, several deficiencies of EOA should be illuminated here. And our future work will focus on perfecting the routing metric. The ETX of a link is measured by the link's packet delivery probability, which is obtained through the Hello packets. Note that the Hello packet is a short packet which can be much shorter than a data packet. In wireless networks, a long packet is more vulnerable to bit error and packet dropping than a short packet. The chance of a Hello packet dropping is comparatively much smaller than that of a data packet dropping. Therefore, while glaring discrepancies exist among the ETX of different links for data packets, it is not for the Hello packets. This fact will mislead the nodes about the choice of the next hop, making distance become the dominant factor. Suppose such a scenario, where vehicles A and B are two neighbors that are located close to the transmission range of vehicle S, as shown in Figure 5. A travels in the same direction as S, and the connectivity between them have existed for a period of time. Whereas B travels in the opposite direction and it has just entered the transmission range of S. After B enters the transmission range of S, it broadcasts a Hello packet and it is successfully received by S. In less than 1 s after S receives the Hello packet from B, S needs to forward a packet which is destined for the intersection I. Assume that ETX of the link between S and A is 1.65. As the time when S received the first Hello packet from B is less than 1 s before the current time, ETX of the link between S and A computed by S is 1. As a sequence, the EOA of A and B are 148.48 and 230, respectively. Then vehicle B will be chosen as the next hop. However, obviously the calculation result from one Hello packet cannot fully reflect the state of the link between S and B. An alternative method to address this problem is to take the moving direction into account. The neighbors which are moving in the same direction as the forwarder takes priority over those that move in the opposite direction. A possible scenario. 4 Performance evaluation In this section, we evaluate the performance of LSGR and compare it with GpsrJ+[15] and GyTAR[12] via the network simulator NS-2[34]. 4.1 Simulation setup We simulate the protocols in a 2,500×1,500 m rectangle scenario that is formed by gridded streets, as shown in Figure6. The map is generated by the vehicular mobility model generator VanetMobiSim[35], an open source program which can generate more realistic vehicular mobility for NS-2. There are 100 to 200 vehicles randomly distributed initially in the junctions. Once the simulation begins, each vehicle moves at a speed ranging from 20 to 80 km/h along a path towards a randomly chosen destination. The instantaneous speed of a vehicle depends on nearby cars. Ten pairs of communication nodes are randomly chosen among the vehicles in each simulation. Each source node sends packets at the rate of 1 Mbps with a packet size of 512 bytes. The propagation model used in the simulation is the two-ray ground model and the transmission range of each vehicle is set to 250 m. We set the value of the Hello interval as 1 s and the window size w as 10 s. Since the ETX metric depends highly on these two parameters, before comparing LSGR with other protocols, we first simulate the impact of the value of the Hello interval and window size w. The weighting factors (α, β) are set to (0.5, 0.5). All the key parameters of our simulation are summarized in Table1. Simulation scenario. Table 1 Simulation parameters We evaluate the performance of the protocols by four metrics: End-to-end delay is defined as the average amount of time spent by the transmission of a packet that is successfully delivered from the source to the destination. Hop count is defined as the average number of hops that the packets forwarded from the source to the destination
[ 6375, 287, 1250, 297, 278, 639, 14772, 4464, 2788, 304, 393, 297, 402, 9026, 29934, 29889, 512, 278, 17402, 297, 9779, 29871, 29946, 29892, 278, 3785, 338, 11200, 731, 408, 390, 29914, 29906, 29894, 29889, 6804, 390, 338, 278, 22713, 3464, 322, 325, 338, 278, 6210, 310, 278, 19716, 746, 372, 16410, 304, 8677, 278, 18203, 29889, 13, 29941, 29889, 29945, 8725, 10679, 13, 29923, 29949, 29909, 11039, 1078, 278, 5418, 322, 278, 1544, 11029, 304, 6755, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 739, 756, 278, 25486, 310, 10231, 278, 3564, 1549, 649, 322, 27668, 278, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 29889, 2398, 29892, 3196, 822, 293, 819, 2478, 310, 382, 29949, 29909, 881, 367, 4486, 9735, 630, 1244, 29889, 1126, 1749, 5434, 664, 674, 8569, 373, 4922, 292, 278, 21398, 12714, 29889, 13, 1576, 382, 28627, 310, 263, 1544, 338, 17005, 491, 278, 1544, 29915, 29879, 18203, 28289, 6976, 29892, 607, 338, 7625, 1549, 278, 15043, 23912, 29889, 3940, 393, 278, 15043, 18203, 338, 263, 3273, 18203, 607, 508, 367, 1568, 20511, 1135, 263, 848, 18203, 29889, 512, 26677, 14379, 29892, 263, 1472, 18203, 338, 901, 23180, 519, 304, 2586, 1059, 322, 18203, 4441, 3262, 1135, 263, 3273, 18203, 29889, 450, 8825, 310, 263, 15043, 18203, 4441, 3262, 338, 5734, 6703, 1568, 7968, 1135, 393, 310, 263, 848, 18203, 4441, 3262, 29889, 7857, 29892, 1550, 3144, 4362, 766, 1037, 8357, 2478, 1863, 4249, 278, 382, 28627, 310, 1422, 2988, 363, 848, 23912, 29892, 372, 338, 451, 363, 278, 15043, 23912, 29889, 910, 2114, 674, 3984, 280, 328, 278, 7573, 1048, 278, 7348, 310, 278, 2446, 8171, 29892, 3907, 5418, 4953, 278, 28526, 7329, 29889, 13, 20182, 852, 1316, 263, 10483, 29892, 988, 24413, 319, 322, 350, 526, 1023, 22092, 943, 393, 526, 5982, 3802, 304, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 19716, 317, 29892, 408, 4318, 297, 11479, 29871, 29945, 29889, 319, 9850, 29879, 297, 278, 1021, 5305, 408, 317, 29892, 322, 278, 4511, 2068, 1546, 963, 505, 22856, 363, 263, 3785, 310, 931, 29889, 6804, 294, 350, 9850, 29879, 297, 278, 11564, 5305, 322, 372, 756, 925, 7802, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 317, 29889, 2860, 350, 24395, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 317, 29892, 372, 12672, 29879, 263, 15043, 18203, 322, 372, 338, 8472, 4520, 491, 317, 29889, 512, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29896, 269, 1156, 317, 20586, 278, 15043, 18203, 515, 350, 29892, 317, 4225, 304, 6375, 263, 18203, 607, 338, 2731, 1312, 363, 278, 17686, 306, 29889, 22680, 393, 382, 28627, 310, 278, 1544, 1546, 317, 322, 319, 338, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29953, 29945, 29889, 1094, 278, 931, 746, 317, 4520, 278, 937, 15043, 18203, 515, 350, 338, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29896, 269, 1434, 278, 1857, 931, 29892, 382, 28627, 310, 278, 1544, 1546, 317, 322, 319, 15712, 491, 317, 338, 29871, 29896, 29889, 1094, 263, 5665, 29892, 278, 382, 29949, 29909, 310, 319, 322, 350, 526, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29947, 29889, 29946, 29947, 322, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29900, 29892, 8307, 29889, 1987, 19716, 350, 674, 367, 10434, 408, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 2398, 29892, 12879, 278, 13944, 1121, 515, 697, 15043, 18203, 2609, 8072, 9432, 278, 2106, 310, 278, 1544, 1546, 317, 322, 350, 29889, 530, 8671, 1158, 304, 3211, 445, 1108, 338, 304, 2125, 278, 8401, 5305, 964, 3633, 29889, 450, 22092, 943, 607, 526, 8401, 297, 278, 1021, 5305, 408, 278, 6375, 261, 4893, 20136, 975, 1906, 393, 4337, 297, 278, 11564, 5305, 29889, 13, 29909, 1950, 10483, 29889, 13, 29946, 23768, 17983, 13, 797, 445, 4004, 29892, 591, 14707, 278, 4180, 310, 365, 29903, 14345, 322, 7252, 372, 411, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 29961, 29896, 29945, 29962, 322, 12842, 29911, 1718, 29961, 29896, 29906, 29962, 3025, 278, 3564, 1027, 9183, 3865, 29899, 29906, 29961, 29941, 29946, 1822, 13, 29946, 29889, 29896, 3439, 2785, 6230, 13, 4806, 29611, 278, 9608, 29879, 297, 263, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 30122, 29896, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 286, 16701, 10483, 393, 338, 8429, 491, 867, 2205, 287, 19756, 29892, 408, 4318, 297, 11479, 29953, 29889, 450, 2910, 338, 5759, 491, 278, 10852, 16311, 22458, 1793, 1904, 15299, 6556, 300, 29924, 15647, 8942, 29961, 29941, 29945, 1402, 385, 1722, 2752, 1824, 607, 508, 5706, 901, 1855, 4695, 10852, 16311, 22458, 1793, 363, 3865, 29899, 29906, 29889, 1670, 526, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 24413, 20459, 13235, 12919, 297, 278, 432, 651, 29879, 29889, 9038, 278, 17402, 16410, 29892, 1269, 19716, 16229, 472, 263, 6210, 364, 9776, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 304, 29871, 29947, 29900, 2383, 29914, 29882, 3412, 263, 2224, 7113, 263, 20459, 10434, 12551, 29889, 450, 14426, 23584, 6210, 310, 263, 19716, 7111, 373, 20810, 18647, 29889, 12444, 11000, 310, 12084, 7573, 526, 20459, 10434, 4249, 278, 24413, 297, 1269, 17402, 29889, 7806, 2752, 2943, 16003, 23912, 472, 278, 6554, 310, 29871, 29896, 341, 29890, 567, 411, 263, 18203, 2159, 310, 29871, 29945, 29896, 29906, 6262, 29889, 450, 13089, 362, 1904, 1304, 297, 278, 17402, 338, 278, 1023, 29899, 764, 5962, 1904, 322, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 1269, 19716, 338, 731, 304, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29900, 286, 29889, 1334, 731, 278, 995, 310, 278, 15043, 7292, 408, 29871, 29896, 269, 322, 278, 3474, 2159, 281, 408, 29871, 29896, 29900, 269, 29889, 4001, 278, 382, 28627, 12714, 7111, 10712, 373, 1438, 1023, 4128, 29892, 1434, 17420, 365, 29903, 14345, 411, 916, 9608, 29879, 29892, 591, 937, 29611, 278, 10879, 310, 278, 995, 310, 278, 15043, 7292, 322, 3474, 2159, 281, 29889, 450, 7688, 292, 13879, 313, 30110, 29892, 29871, 30187, 29897, 526, 731, 304, 313, 29900, 29889, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29945, 467, 2178, 278, 1820, 4128, 310, 1749, 17402, 526, 19138, 1891, 297, 6137, 29896, 29889, 13, 8942, 2785, 10483, 29889, 13, 3562, 29871, 29896, 3439, 2785, 4128, 13, 4806, 14707, 278, 4180, 310, 278, 9608, 29879, 491, 3023, 21556, 29901, 13, 5044, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 338, 3342, 408, 278, 6588, 5253, 310, 931, 10398, 491, 278, 22713, 310, 263, 18203, 393, 338, 8472, 20115, 515, 278, 2752, 304, 278, 12551, 29889, 13, 29950, 459, 2302, 338, 3342, 408, 278, 6588, 1353, 310, 298, 3554, 393, 278, 23912, 6375, 287, 515, 278, 2752, 304, 278, 12551 ]
. Packet delivery rate is defined as the ratio of the number of packets successfully delivered to the destination to the number of the total packets generated in the simulation. Network throughput is defined as the number of bits successfully transmitted per second in the network. 4.2 Simulation results 4.2.1 The impact of the Hello interval In the simulation, the number of vehicles is set to 120, and the window size w is 10 s. We vary the value of Hello interval from 0.1 to 3 s to see the impact of the Hello interval on the packet dropping ratio and the end-to-end delay of LSGR. As shown in Figure7, the packet dropping ratio reaches a high value when the Hello interval is short. It is because sending Hello packets frequently will consume too much resource and one vehicle can send one packet at the same time; other packets are prevented from being sent, thus the packet dropping rate turns out to be high. Then the packet dropping rate decreases with the increase of the Hello interval and reaches the lowest value at 1.5 s. As shown in Figure8, the end-to-end delay reaches a high value at first and then reduces with the increasing of the Hello interval, it is because the decrease of the queuing delay. Keeping on increasing the Hello interval causes higher packet dropping ratio and end-to-end delay, because the longer the Hello interval is, the less accuracy of the measurement of the link state can be obtained, and with more packet dropping ratio, more time will be consumed by the retransmissions of the dropping packets. Packet dropping ratio vs. the Hello interval. End-to-end delay vs. the Hello interval. 4.2.2 The impact of window size w To explore the impact of the window size, the Hello interval is set to 1 s. As can be seen from the results in Figure9, when the value of w increases, the packet dropping rate is in decreasing trend. It is because considering the link quality in a longer period of time will contribute to the accuracy of the measurement of the link state. While after the value of 11 s, the increasing of window size generates only a modest improvement in packet delivery rate, since the mobility of vehicles makes it difficult for connections between them to last a long period of time. The result shown in Figure10 reveals that the changing trends of end-to-end delay and packet dropping ratio with window size are the same. These results contribute to choose better values of the Hello interval and window size to maximize the performance of LSGR. Packet dropping ratio vs. window size. End-to-end delay vs. window size. 4.2.3 Hop count As shown in Figure11, the hop count needed by LSGR is larger than that of GyTAR and GpsrJ+. In the case of low vehicle density, the hop count needed by LSGR is about one more than GyTAR. This is because LSGR will forward the packets through other road when a local optimum appears, whereas GyTAR just carry the packets until the next intersection or until another vehicle closer to the destination intersection enters in its transmission range. The transmission through other roads increases the hop count. However, since the radio travels much faster than vehicles, although LSGR takes more hop count, the end-to-end delay is lower than GyTAR (Figure12). As the vehicle density becomes higher, the probability that a packet gets into a local optimum is reduced, the gap in hop count between LSGR and GyTAR is narrowed accordingly. The end-to-end delay saved by LSGR is mainly due to the reduced retransmission. The hop needed by LSGR is about two more than GpsrJ+. First, since LSGR chooses the next hop according to the EOA metric, the node that is located approximately to the transmission range of the forwarding node has less opportunity to be chosen as the next hop since it may have worsen the link quality. Therefore, more hops are needed for LSGR to send the packets to the destination. Secondly, by predicting on which road segment its neighboring junction node will forward packets to, packets in GpsrJ+ can bypass the junction without stopping on the junction node so as to reduce the hop count. Eventually, the hop count needed by GpsrJ+ is less than LSGR. Hop count vs. the number of nodes. End-to-end delay vs. the number of nodes. 4.2.4 End-to-end delay As can be seen from the results shown in Figure12, the delay achieved
[ 29889, 13, 16638, 300, 28289, 6554, 338, 3342, 408, 278, 11959, 310, 278, 1353, 310, 23912, 8472, 20115, 304, 278, 12551, 304, 278, 1353, 310, 278, 3001, 23912, 5759, 297, 278, 17402, 29889, 13, 13724, 1549, 649, 338, 3342, 408, 278, 1353, 310, 9978, 8472, 18750, 4430, 639, 1473, 297, 278, 3564, 29889, 13, 29946, 29889, 29906, 3439, 2785, 2582, 13, 29946, 29889, 29906, 29889, 29896, 450, 10879, 310, 278, 15043, 7292, 13, 797, 278, 17402, 29892, 278, 1353, 310, 24413, 338, 731, 304, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29900, 29892, 322, 278, 3474, 2159, 281, 338, 29871, 29896, 29900, 269, 29889, 1334, 13100, 278, 995, 310, 15043, 7292, 515, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29896, 304, 29871, 29941, 269, 304, 1074, 278, 10879, 310, 278, 15043, 7292, 373, 278, 18203, 4441, 3262, 11959, 322, 278, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 310, 365, 29903, 14345, 29889, 1094, 4318, 297, 11479, 29955, 29892, 278, 18203, 4441, 3262, 11959, 22170, 263, 1880, 995, 746, 278, 15043, 7292, 338, 3273, 29889, 739, 338, 1363, 9348, 15043, 23912, 13672, 674, 29151, 2086, 1568, 6503, 322, 697, 19716, 508, 3638, 697, 18203, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 29936, 916, 23912, 526, 5557, 287, 515, 1641, 2665, 29892, 4550, 278, 18203, 4441, 3262, 6554, 12169, 714, 304, 367, 1880, 29889, 1987, 278, 18203, 4441, 3262, 6554, 9263, 2129, 411, 278, 7910, 310, 278, 15043, 7292, 322, 22170, 278, 19604, 995, 472, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29945, 269, 29889, 1094, 4318, 297, 11479, 29947, 29892, 278, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 22170, 263, 1880, 995, 472, 937, 322, 769, 26830, 411, 278, 10231, 310, 278, 15043, 7292, 29892, 372, 338, 1363, 278, 23806, 310, 278, 712, 26420, 9055, 29889, 19152, 292, 373, 10231, 278, 15043, 7292, 9946, 6133, 18203, 4441, 3262, 11959, 322, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 29892, 1363, 278, 5520, 278, 15043, 7292, 338, 29892, 278, 3109, 13600, 310, 278, 20039, 310, 278, 1544, 2106, 508, 367, 7625, 29892, 322, 411, 901, 18203, 4441, 3262, 11959, 29892, 901, 931, 674, 367, 11233, 287, 491, 278, 337, 3286, 29885, 6847, 310, 278, 4441, 3262, 23912, 29889, 13, 16638, 300, 4441, 3262, 11959, 7186, 29889, 278, 15043, 7292, 29889, 13, 5044, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 7186, 29889, 278, 15043, 7292, 29889, 13, 29946, 29889, 29906, 29889, 29906, 450, 10879, 310, 3474, 2159, 281, 13, 1762, 26987, 278, 10879, 310, 278, 3474, 2159, 29892, 278, 15043, 7292, 338, 731, 304, 29871, 29896, 269, 29889, 1094, 508, 367, 3595, 515, 278, 2582, 297, 11479, 29929, 29892, 746, 278, 995, 310, 281, 16415, 29892, 278, 18203, 4441, 3262, 6554, 338, 297, 9263, 5832, 534, 355, 29889, 739, 338, 1363, 13858, 278, 1544, 11029, 297, 263, 5520, 3785, 310, 931, 674, 29126, 304, 278, 13600, 310, 278, 20039, 310, 278, 1544, 2106, 29889, 5806, 1156, 278, 995, 310, 29871, 29896, 29896, 269, 29892, 278, 10231, 310, 3474, 2159, 16785, 871, 263, 878, 342, 20414, 297, 18203, 28289, 6554, 29892, 1951, 278, 22458, 1793, 310, 24413, 3732, 372, 5189, 363, 12368, 1546, 963, 304, 1833, 263, 1472, 3785, 310, 931, 29889, 450, 1121, 4318, 297, 11479, 29896, 29900, 10320, 1338, 393, 278, 6480, 534, 1975, 310, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 322, 18203, 4441, 3262, 11959, 411, 3474, 2159, 526, 278, 1021, 29889, 4525, 2582, 29126, 304, 6755, 2253, 1819, 310, 278, 15043, 7292, 322, 3474, 2159, 304, 5256, 675, 278, 4180, 310, 365, 29903, 14345, 29889, 13, 16638, 300, 4441, 3262, 11959, 7186, 29889, 3474, 2159, 29889, 13, 5044, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 7186, 29889, 3474, 2159, 29889, 13, 29946, 29889, 29906, 29889, 29941, 20727, 2302, 13, 2887, 4318, 297, 11479, 29896, 29896, 29892, 278, 8171, 2302, 4312, 491, 365, 29903, 14345, 338, 7200, 1135, 393, 310, 12842, 29911, 1718, 322, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 29889, 512, 278, 1206, 310, 4482, 19716, 9027, 29892, 278, 8171, 2302, 4312, 491, 365, 29903, 14345, 338, 1048, 697, 901, 1135, 12842, 29911, 1718, 29889, 910, 338, 1363, 365, 29903, 14345, 674, 6375, 278, 23912, 1549, 916, 6520, 746, 263, 1887, 5994, 398, 5692, 29892, 13452, 12842, 29911, 1718, 925, 8677, 278, 23912, 2745, 278, 2446, 17686, 470, 2745, 1790, 19716, 17649, 304, 278, 12551, 17686, 24395, 297, 967, 22713, 3464, 29889, 450, 22713, 1549, 916, 25320, 16415, 278, 8171, 2302, 29889, 2398, 29892, 1951, 278, 7155, 9850, 29879, 1568, 8473, 1135, 24413, 29892, 5998, 365, 29903, 14345, 4893, 901, 8171, 2302, 29892, 278, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 338, 5224, 1135, 12842, 29911, 1718, 313, 13080, 545, 29896, 29906, 467, 1094, 278, 19716, 9027, 7415, 6133, 29892, 278, 6976, 393, 263, 18203, 4947, 964, 263, 1887, 5994, 398, 338, 12212, 29892, 278, 17261, 297, 8171, 2302, 1546, 365, 29903, 14345, 322, 12842, 29911, 1718, 338, 12474, 287, 16205, 29889, 450, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 7160, 491, 365, 29903, 14345, 338, 14364, 2861, 304, 278, 12212, 337, 3286, 6737, 29889, 450, 8171, 4312, 491, 365, 29903, 14345, 338, 1048, 1023, 901, 1135, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 29889, 3824, 29892, 1951, 365, 29903, 14345, 3060, 15806, 278, 2446, 8171, 5034, 304, 278, 382, 29949, 29909, 12714, 29892, 278, 2943, 393, 338, 5982, 14235, 304, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 278, 6375, 292, 2943, 756, 3109, 15130, 304, 367, 10434, 408, 278, 2446, 8171, 1951, 372, 1122, 505, 281, 943, 264, 278, 1544, 11029, 29889, 7857, 29892, 901, 298, 3554, 526, 4312, 363, 365, 29903, 14345, 304, 3638, 278, 23912, 304, 278, 12551, 29889, 6440, 368, 29892, 491, 8500, 292, 373, 607, 6520, 10768, 967, 12307, 292, 432, 651, 2943, 674, 6375, 23912, 304, 29892, 23912, 297, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 508, 491, 3364, 278, 432, 651, 1728, 25480, 373, 278, 432, 651, 2943, 577, 408, 304, 10032, 278, 8171, 2302, 29889, 6864, 1474, 29892, 278, 8171, 2302, 4312, 491, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 338, 3109, 1135, 365, 29903, 14345, 29889, 13, 29950, 459, 2302, 7186, 29889, 278, 1353, 310, 7573, 29889, 13, 5044, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 7186, 29889, 278, 1353, 310, 7573, 29889, 13, 29946, 29889, 29906, 29889, 29946, 2796, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 13, 2887, 508, 367, 3595, 515, 278, 2582, 4318, 297, 11479, 29896, 29906, 29892, 278, 9055, 14363 ]
by LSGR is 20.9% lower than GyTAR on average. This superiority is due to the reason that in LSGR, the enhanced greedy forwarding takes the link quality into account when it chooses the next hop. High-quality links have greater chances to be chosen to forward the packets. The time needed to retransmit is saved, and accordingly, the end-to-end delay is shortened. In GyTAR, the improved greedy strategy predicts the position of each neighbor. According to the prediction, the neighbor closest to the destination intersection is selected as the next hop. However, the link between the neighbor and the forwarder may face a high packet dropping ratio due to the far distance between the two nodes. As a consequence, a considerable time would be wasted for packet retransmission. Moreover, in GyTAR, the recovery strategy is only based on the idea of 'carry and forward', whereas LSGR incorporates the idea of 'carry and forward' and the perimeter forwarding. Packets can exploit opportunities to recover from local optimum through other roads. The figure also shows that GpsrJ+ takes less time than GyTAR and LSGR to transmit a packet from the source to the destination. The less hop count it needed contributes to the reduction. 4.2.5 Packet delivery rate Figure13 shows that LSGR achieves up to 9.17% and 22.66% improvement in packet delivery rate than GyTAR and GpsrJ+, respectively. The relative high-quality links used in LSGR contribute to the improvement. In LSGR, the next hop is selected by integrating the link's state and the geographic distance. Hence the nodes that have a bad-quality link with the forwarder have a smaller chance to be chosen as the next hop. GyTAR and GpsrJ+ choose the neighbor that is closest to the destination, the next hops obtained in such way are largely located close to the transmission range of the forwarder. Due to the channel fading, the links suffer a high packet dropping ratio. If the retransmission count in MAC layer reaches a threshold, the packet will be discarded. Consequently, the packet delivery rate achieved by GyTAR and GpsrJ+ is lower than LSGR. As can be seen from the figure, since LSGR and GyTAR consider the vehicle density to select the streets, the delivery rates of these two protocols are higher than those of GpsrJ+. As the number of nodes in the network increases, the chance that a packet encounters a local optimum is decreased, accordingly the packet dropping due to the lack of next hop is reduced. The comprehensive consideration on the choice of the next hop in LSGR contributes to the high packet delivery rate. Packet delivery rate vs. the number of nodes. 4.2.6 Network throughput Figure14 illustrates that LSGR improves the network throughput compared with GpsrJ+ and GyTAR. On average, LSGR can achieve 13.56% higher than GyTAR and 2.35% higher than GpsrJ+. Taking the link quality into account when choosing the next hop reduces the retransmission count. The saved bandwidth can be utilized to transmit other packets, and consequently the network throughput is improved. However, as the next hop chosen by GyTAR and GpsrJ+ is confronted with high packet dropping from the forwarding node, an excessive amount of spectrum is consumed by retransmission. Other data packets cannot obtain the opportunity to be transmitted. As a result, the network throughput achieved is low. Network throughput vs. the number of nodes. In this paper, we have proposed a routing metric called EOA to enhance the greedy forwarding. The EOA metric incorporates the distance and the link quality to choose the next hop. It tends to maximize the packet advance through one-hop transmission, thereby reducing the bandwidth consumed by retransmission. Based on the EOA metric, a routing protocol called LSGR is propounded for VANETs. In LSGR, the forwarding node chooses the intermediate node with better quality link in straight road and chooses the road segment with higher connectivity in the intersections. Indeed, LSGR can be well adapted to the unstable link state in VANETs. To validate the performance of the protocol, we have compared LSGR with GpsrJ+ and GyTAR via NS-2. The simulation results have revealed that LSGR can achieve a better performance in terms of packet delivery rate and
[ 491, 365, 29903, 14345, 338, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29889, 29929, 29995, 5224, 1135, 12842, 29911, 1718, 373, 6588, 29889, 910, 11558, 537, 338, 2861, 304, 278, 2769, 393, 297, 365, 29903, 14345, 29892, 278, 427, 29308, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 4893, 278, 1544, 11029, 964, 3633, 746, 372, 3060, 15806, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 5057, 29899, 29567, 2988, 505, 7621, 521, 2925, 304, 367, 10434, 304, 6375, 278, 23912, 29889, 450, 931, 4312, 304, 337, 3286, 2415, 338, 7160, 29892, 322, 16205, 29892, 278, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 338, 3273, 6419, 29889, 512, 12842, 29911, 1718, 29892, 278, 16710, 1395, 7584, 13705, 8500, 29879, 278, 2602, 310, 1269, 12307, 29889, 7579, 304, 278, 18988, 29892, 278, 12307, 21438, 304, 278, 12551, 17686, 338, 4629, 408, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 2398, 29892, 278, 1544, 1546, 278, 12307, 322, 278, 6375, 261, 1122, 3700, 263, 1880, 18203, 4441, 3262, 11959, 2861, 304, 278, 2215, 5418, 1546, 278, 1023, 7573, 29889, 1094, 263, 17004, 29892, 263, 15620, 931, 723, 367, 471, 9446, 363, 18203, 337, 3286, 6737, 29889, 12808, 29892, 297, 12842, 29911, 1718, 29892, 278, 24205, 13705, 338, 871, 2729, 373, 278, 2969, 310, 525, 4287, 719, 322, 6375, 742, 13452, 365, 29903, 14345, 11039, 1078, 278, 2969, 310, 525, 4287, 719, 322, 6375, 29915, 322, 278, 639, 14772, 6375, 292, 29889, 18744, 1691, 508, 16035, 277, 28602, 1907, 304, 9792, 515, 1887, 5994, 398, 1549, 916, 25320, 29889, 450, 4377, 884, 3697, 393, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 4893, 3109, 931, 1135, 12842, 29911, 1718, 322, 365, 29903, 14345, 304, 22649, 263, 18203, 515, 278, 2752, 304, 278, 12551, 29889, 450, 3109, 8171, 2302, 372, 4312, 640, 5026, 304, 278, 20376, 29889, 13, 29946, 29889, 29906, 29889, 29945, 18744, 300, 28289, 6554, 13, 13080, 545, 29896, 29941, 3697, 393, 365, 29903, 14345, 3657, 17180, 701, 304, 29871, 29929, 29889, 29896, 29955, 29995, 322, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29889, 29953, 29953, 29995, 20414, 297, 18203, 28289, 6554, 1135, 12842, 29911, 1718, 322, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 29892, 8307, 29889, 450, 6198, 1880, 29899, 29567, 2988, 1304, 297, 365, 29903, 14345, 29126, 304, 278, 20414, 29889, 512, 365, 29903, 14345, 29892, 278, 2446, 8171, 338, 4629, 491, 3990, 1218, 278, 1544, 29915, 29879, 2106, 322, 278, 1737, 12122, 5418, 29889, 10133, 278, 7573, 393, 505, 263, 4319, 29899, 29567, 1544, 411, 278, 6375, 261, 505, 263, 7968, 8825, 304, 367, 10434, 408, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 12842, 29911, 1718, 322, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 6755, 278, 12307, 393, 338, 21438, 304, 278, 12551, 29892, 278, 2446, 298, 3554, 7625, 297, 1316, 982, 526, 18425, 5982, 3802, 304, 278, 22713, 3464, 310, 278, 6375, 261, 29889, 16809, 304, 278, 8242, 285, 9382, 29892, 278, 2988, 8812, 263, 1880, 18203, 4441, 3262, 11959, 29889, 960, 278, 337, 3286, 6737, 2302, 297, 26750, 7546, 22170, 263, 16897, 29892, 278, 18203, 674, 367, 2313, 25600, 29889, 1281, 27284, 29892, 278, 18203, 28289, 6554, 14363, 491, 12842, 29911, 1718, 322, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 338, 5224, 1135, 365, 29903, 14345, 29889, 1094, 508, 367, 3595, 515, 278, 4377, 29892, 1951, 365, 29903, 14345, 322, 12842, 29911, 1718, 2050, 278, 19716, 9027, 304, 1831, 278, 19756, 29892, 278, 28289, 19257, 310, 1438, 1023, 9608, 29879, 526, 6133, 1135, 1906, 310, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 29889, 1094, 278, 1353, 310, 7573, 297, 278, 3564, 16415, 29892, 278, 8825, 393, 263, 18203, 2094, 1309, 2153, 263, 1887, 5994, 398, 338, 9263, 1463, 29892, 16205, 278, 18203, 4441, 3262, 2861, 304, 278, 10225, 310, 2446, 8171, 338, 12212, 29889, 450, 15171, 6270, 19220, 373, 278, 7348, 310, 278, 2446, 8171, 297, 365, 29903, 14345, 640, 5026, 304, 278, 1880, 18203, 28289, 6554, 29889, 13, 16638, 300, 28289, 6554, 7186, 29889, 278, 1353, 310, 7573, 29889, 13, 29946, 29889, 29906, 29889, 29953, 8527, 1549, 649, 13, 13080, 545, 29896, 29946, 8632, 1078, 393, 365, 29903, 14345, 4857, 1960, 278, 3564, 1549, 649, 9401, 411, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 322, 12842, 29911, 1718, 29889, 1551, 6588, 29892, 365, 29903, 14345, 508, 6176, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 29945, 29953, 29995, 6133, 1135, 12842, 29911, 1718, 322, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29945, 29995, 6133, 1135, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 29889, 323, 5086, 278, 1544, 11029, 964, 3633, 746, 23906, 278, 2446, 8171, 26830, 278, 337, 3286, 6737, 2302, 29889, 450, 7160, 3719, 2103, 508, 367, 3667, 1891, 304, 22649, 916, 23912, 29892, 322, 14161, 2705, 278, 3564, 1549, 649, 338, 16710, 29889, 2398, 29892, 408, 278, 2446, 8171, 10434, 491, 12842, 29911, 1718, 322, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 338, 21751, 287, 411, 1880, 18203, 4441, 3262, 515, 278, 6375, 292, 2943, 29892, 385, 19163, 573, 5253, 310, 18272, 338, 11233, 287, 491, 337, 3286, 6737, 29889, 5901, 848, 23912, 2609, 4017, 278, 15130, 304, 367, 18750, 4430, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 29892, 278, 3564, 1549, 649, 14363, 338, 4482, 29889, 13, 13724, 1549, 649, 7186, 29889, 278, 1353, 310, 7573, 29889, 13, 797, 445, 5650, 29892, 591, 505, 7972, 263, 21398, 12714, 2000, 382, 29949, 29909, 304, 26371, 749, 278, 1395, 7584, 6375, 292, 29889, 450, 382, 29949, 29909, 12714, 11039, 1078, 278, 5418, 322, 278, 1544, 11029, 304, 6755, 278, 2446, 8171, 29889, 739, 29867, 304, 5256, 675, 278, 18203, 6564, 1549, 697, 29899, 29882, 459, 22713, 29892, 27999, 27668, 278, 3719, 2103, 11233, 287, 491, 337, 3286, 6737, 29889, 16564, 373, 278, 382, 29949, 29909, 12714, 29892, 263, 21398, 9608, 2000, 365, 29903, 14345, 338, 3107, 7261, 363, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 512, 365, 29903, 14345, 29892, 278, 6375, 292, 2943, 3060, 15806, 278, 19697, 2943, 411, 2253, 11029, 1544, 297, 7812, 6520, 322, 3060, 15806, 278, 6520, 10768, 411, 6133, 4511, 2068, 297, 278, 1006, 27117, 29889, 14598, 29892, 365, 29903, 14345, 508, 367, 1532, 23430, 304, 278, 443, 13844, 1544, 2106, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 1763, 12725, 278, 4180, 310, 278, 9608, 29892, 591, 505, 9401, 365, 29903, 14345, 411, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 322, 12842, 29911, 1718, 3025, 3865, 29899, 29906, 29889, 450, 17402, 2582, 505, 17845, 393, 365, 29903, 14345, 508, 6176, 263, 2253, 4180, 297, 4958, 310, 18203, 28289, 6554, 322 ]
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[ 3564, 1549, 649, 29889, 405, 4680, 1711, 29892, 9401, 411, 12842, 29911, 1718, 29892, 365, 29903, 14345, 508, 10032, 278, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 491, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29889, 29945, 29941, 29995, 322, 11157, 278, 1549, 649, 491, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 29945, 29953, 15543, 3831, 1965, 411, 402, 567, 29878, 29967, 29974, 29892, 365, 29903, 14345, 508, 6176, 263, 1568, 6133, 18203, 28289, 6554, 322, 1549, 649, 472, 278, 18864, 310, 263, 2217, 901, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 9055, 29889, 13, 24115, 351, 713, 6994, 402, 29892, 10790, 524, 294, 438, 29892, 16462, 1654, 382, 29892, 940, 823, 5842, 402, 29892, 15864, 786, 273, 350, 29892, 4342, 476, 29892, 1334, 309, 323, 29901, 8980, 29882, 16311, 28127, 29901, 263, 18994, 29892, 9673, 373, 11780, 29892, 6956, 1973, 29892, 18066, 267, 29892, 20801, 322, 6851, 29889, 7159, 17896, 20473, 29889, 6298, 29894, 29889, 323, 6072, 29879, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29898, 29946, 1125, 29945, 29947, 29946, 29899, 29953, 29896, 29953, 29889, 13, 2772, 1707, 481, 284, 492, 478, 29892, 399, 557, 638, 10011, 390, 29892, 5879, 690, 4979, 319, 29892, 498, 431, 814, 349, 29901, 8527, 22458, 1793, 313, 8186, 6720, 29897, 6996, 2304, 9608, 29889, 8364, 936, 3461, 29892, 390, 8610, 29871, 29941, 29929, 29953, 29941, 29892, 5490, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29889, 13, 29933, 2741, 404, 1306, 390, 29892, 14615, 351, 319, 29892, 319, 915, 23589, 435, 29901, 14693, 6720, 28103, 478, 2190, 2544, 29901, 263, 7246, 3097, 7418, 310, 3564, 22458, 1793, 297, 10852, 16311, 12084, 29889, 512, 1019, 3947, 886, 310, 278, 29871, 29955, 386, 7159, 17896, 4623, 16377, 373, 306, 9375, 9699, 27820, 800, 313, 1806, 1254, 29915, 29900, 29955, 467, 21505, 8311, 29892, 5176, 29892, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29936, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29953, 29889, 13, 29907, 743, 9795, 267, 317, 29892, 1383, 264, 1060, 29892, 19575, 29877, 315, 29901, 5641, 22458, 1793, 10643, 363, 10852, 16311, 12084, 14379, 29901, 18066, 267, 322, 6851, 29889, 7159, 17896, 20473, 29889, 3561, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29929, 29898, 29945, 1125, 29896, 29947, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29889, 13, 3226, 29872, 435, 29950, 29892, 15969, 323, 29901, 12790, 7915, 14693, 29873, 1287, 341, 6039, 1793, 2629, 11278, 5690, 29894, 29953, 363, 8608, 362, 6757, 29889, 7159, 17896, 24272, 29889, 8237, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29898, 29941, 1125, 29941, 29945, 29906, 29899, 29941, 29953, 29896, 29889, 13, 3226, 29872, 435, 29950, 29892, 15969, 323, 29892, 678, 309, 314, 23843, 2034, 405, 29901, 23768, 7418, 310, 11278, 5690, 29894, 29953, 29899, 29933, 1463, 14693, 29873, 1287, 341, 6039, 1793, 363, 13052, 296, 8608, 362, 6757, 29889, 7159, 17896, 4103, 29889, 8980, 29882, 16311, 8364, 324, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29896, 29898, 29896, 1125, 29955, 29946, 29899, 29947, 29945, 29889, 13, 29979, 273, 402, 29892, 7137, 1306, 29884, 317, 29901, 319, 23950, 4695, 7418, 310, 1544, 14385, 297, 10852, 16311, 594, 298, 542, 14379, 29889, 7159, 17896, 4103, 29889, 3159, 514, 29889, 15710, 29889, 24272, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29898, 29946, 1125, 29896, 29906, 29906, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29906, 29941, 29953, 29889, 13, 14510, 273, 28768, 29892, 360, 292, 1060, 29892, 317, 2205, 1387, 405, 29950, 29892, 678, 557, 4201, 441, 29891, 317, 29901, 2191, 294, 3864, 766, 18953, 297, 10852, 16311, 7212, 800, 29889, 7159, 17896, 4103, 29889, 8980, 29882, 16311, 8364, 324, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29898, 29896, 1125, 29896, 29946, 29947, 29899, 29896, 29945, 29929, 29889, 13, 29949, 9258, 3055, 390, 29892, 12583, 341, 29892, 6209, 6491, 365, 29892, 15651, 275, 390, 29892, 349, 8941, 349, 29901, 450, 10879, 310, 2943, 29915, 29879, 22458, 1793, 373, 1544, 29899, 29881, 2650, 428, 2729, 373, 21398, 22172, 7191, 29889, 512, 1019, 3947, 886, 310, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 7159, 17896, 399, 533, 2222, 22365, 800, 322, 8527, 292, 16377, 313, 29956, 13778, 29907, 467, 16198, 29892, 8314, 29892, 3786, 29936, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29901, 29896, 29899, 29953, 29889, 13, 29968, 6834, 350, 29940, 29892, 476, 686, 3154, 29901, 402, 7024, 29934, 29901, 4122, 7584, 639, 14772, 1002, 6393, 21398, 363, 26677, 14379, 29889, 512, 1019, 3947, 886, 310, 278, 29871, 29953, 386, 14614, 29924, 4623, 16377, 373, 21600, 11796, 292, 322, 8527, 292, 313, 6720, 29933, 2965, 6488, 29915, 29900, 29900, 467, 12115, 29892, 7360, 496, 375, 842, 1372, 29892, 8278, 29892, 3111, 29936, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29901, 29906, 29946, 29941, 29899, 29906, 29945, 29946, 29889, 13, 29931, 2878, 814, 315, 29892, 22209, 345, 341, 29892, 383, 375, 1358, 379, 29892, 379, 8109, 5465, 379, 29901, 26304, 21398, 297, 4272, 21846, 29889, 14614, 29924, 317, 6259, 6720, 12809, 1307, 341, 711, 29889, 3831, 29889, 1876, 29889, 11459, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29929, 29898, 29896, 1125, 29953, 29929, 29899, 29955, 29906, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29896, 29946, 29945, 29914, 29896, 29900, 29945, 29945, 29929, 29945, 29929, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29945, 29945, 29929, 29955, 29900, 13, 29967, 261, 5365, 341, 29892, 5811, 283, 455, 13766, 29892, 402, 3391, 374, 29899, 29928, 2736, 1662, 612, 29892, 25351, 354, 287, 323, 29901, 22578, 3163, 8543, 1737, 12122, 21398, 297, 17164, 10852, 16311, 14379, 29889, 7159, 17896, 4103, 29889, 8980, 29882, 16311, 8364, 324, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29947, 29898, 29929, 1125, 29945, 29900, 29946, 29947, 29899, 29945, 29900, 29945, 29929, 29889, 13, 1451, 574, 435, 29892, 2718, 612, 29892, 365, 29653, 399, 29892, 678, 574, 306, 29901, 4124, 2042, 29899, 6707, 21398, 363, 17164, 10852, 16311, 7212, 800, 411, 12469, 29899, 4366, 2050, 800, 29889, 7159, 17896, 399, 533, 2222, 20473, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29898, 29896, 1125, 29947, 29906, 29899, 29947, 29947, 29889, 13, 3226, 29872, 435, 29956, 29892, 4309, 19178, 29892, 27378, 10937, 29892, 6912, 865, 341, 29943, 29892, 18185, 29877, 612, 29950, 29901, 319, 7498, 19515, 12469, 1737, 12122, 21398, 411, 1302, 3372, 1230, 12469, 2472, 4333, 11380, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29889, 512, 1019, 3947, 886, 310, 278, 7159, 17896, 4623, 16377, 373, 29287, 22365, 362, 17968, 313 ]
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[ 2965, 17923, 467, 29715, 4815, 29892, 19109, 29892, 6339, 29936, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29901, 29896, 29946, 29929, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29945, 29900, 29896, 29889, 13, 3226, 29872, 476, 29907, 29892, 5952, 261, 374, 435, 29892, 9371, 501, 29892, 5681, 433, 341, 29901, 1174, 29308, 639, 14772, 21398, 363, 1737, 12122, 6375, 292, 9608, 29879, 297, 17164, 10852, 16311, 21846, 29889, 512, 7159, 17896, 21806, 915, 510, 5244, 845, 3554, 29889, 7660, 29892, 13681, 29892, 8278, 29892, 3979, 29936, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29901, 29896, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29889, 13, 3226, 29872, 476, 29907, 29892, 9371, 501, 29892, 5681, 433, 341, 29901, 1879, 29877, 29899, 29877, 3016, 348, 4695, 21398, 363, 10852, 16311, 14379, 29889, 7159, 17896, 20473, 29889, 3561, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29947, 29898, 29945, 1125, 29896, 29953, 29946, 29899, 29896, 29955, 29900, 29889, 13, 29943, 4814, 402, 29892, 405, 986, 29875, 341, 29901, 3767, 1845, 583, 304, 8677, 29892, 6375, 23912, 297, 478, 2190, 2544, 29889, 20473, 29889, 11796, 29889, 22140, 29889, 9327, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29953, 29898, 29896, 1125, 29953, 29953, 29906, 29899, 29953, 29955, 29946, 29889, 13, 29999, 2350, 29877, 315, 29892, 2718, 315, 29892, 796, 6905, 365, 29892, 4342, 379, 29892, 2718, 435, 29901, 319, 19716, 9027, 29892, 2254, 9543, 21398, 9608, 363, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 297, 4272, 21846, 29889, 512, 10554, 292, 310, 278, 7159, 17896, 4623, 16377, 373, 399, 533, 2222, 22365, 362, 322, 9954, 284, 10554, 292, 313, 29956, 29907, 5550, 467, 12895, 574, 1383, 273, 29892, 7551, 29892, 5533, 29936, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29901, 29896, 29899, 29953, 29889, 13, 29999, 348, 4324, 341, 29892, 7365, 728, 8588, 496, 1306, 350, 29901, 11597, 12339, 292, 278, 1301, 3245, 5120, 297, 4482, 3081, 26677, 2988, 29889, 512, 1019, 3947, 886, 310, 278, 7159, 17896, 22365, 800, 7765, 16377, 373, 317, 6073, 322, 2087, 379, 542, 22365, 800, 322, 8527, 29879, 29889, 7510, 29042, 29892, 8046, 29892, 8278, 29936, 5533, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29901, 29945, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29945, 29906, 29953, 29889, 13, 29999, 2350, 29877, 365, 29892, 796, 6905, 379, 29892, 1060, 29884, 612, 29892, 2718, 1060, 29901, 11060, 14345, 29901, 263, 2254, 29899, 5521, 8362, 29892, 5864, 29899, 8462, 1737, 12122, 21398, 363, 6410, 29891, 26677, 23530, 3564, 29889, 512, 1019, 3947, 886, 310, 278, 7159, 17896, 4623, 16377, 373, 3159, 9347, 296, 317, 575, 943, 29892, 317, 6073, 8527, 29879, 322, 10343, 10554, 292, 29889, 22103, 29892, 3330, 4115, 423, 29936, 3786, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29901, 29896, 29896, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29906, 29946, 29889, 13, 1451, 264, 379, 29892, 660, 713, 360, 29892, 29624, 399, 29892, 383, 574, 399, 29901, 6645, 29899, 28327, 1737, 12122, 21398, 297, 26677, 23530, 14379, 29889, 512, 1019, 3947, 886, 310, 278, 7159, 17896, 4623, 16377, 373, 11796, 1288, 9327, 322, 22557, 313, 29907, 1660, 467, 478, 29711, 29892, 7400, 29936, 3111, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29901, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29899, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29889, 13, 2772, 315, 449, 29877, 360, 29903, 29967, 29892, 24106, 388, 29877, 360, 29892, 350, 8522, 435, 29892, 23112, 390, 29901, 319, 1880, 1549, 649, 2224, 12714, 363, 2473, 29899, 29882, 459, 26677, 21398, 29889, 512, 1019, 3947, 886, 310, 278, 29871, 29929, 386, 14614, 29924, 4623, 16377, 373, 21600, 11796, 292, 29892, 8527, 292, 313, 29924, 15647, 1523, 29915, 29900, 29941, 467, 3087, 16879, 29892, 12766, 29892, 8278, 29936, 3839, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29901, 29896, 29941, 29946, 29899, 29896, 29946, 29953, 29889, 13, 24515, 1960, 390, 29892, 18011, 29882, 4099, 435, 29892, 796, 453, 350, 29901, 422, 20941, 310, 21398, 21556, 363, 2294, 2473, 29899, 29882, 459, 26677, 14379, 29889, 14614, 29924, 317, 6259, 3217, 7428, 11796, 29889, 1876, 29889, 11459, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29898, 29946, 1125, 29896, 29941, 29941, 29899, 29896, 29946, 29946, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29896, 29946, 29945, 29914, 29896, 29900, 29941, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29946, 29947, 29941, 13, 29933, 275, 11102, 317, 29892, 23112, 390, 29901, 1222, 1955, 29901, 438, 3016, 348, 4695, 2473, 29899, 29882, 459, 21398, 363, 26677, 14379, 29889, 14614, 29924, 317, 6259, 3217, 7428, 11796, 29889, 1876, 29889, 11459, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29898, 29946, 1125, 29896, 29941, 29941, 29899, 29896, 29946, 29946, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29896, 29946, 29945, 29914, 29896, 29900, 29929, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29896, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29947, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29947, 13, 29934, 2112, 1089, 382, 29892, 317, 12094, 328, 374, 435, 29892, 2191, 400, 29874, 612, 29892, 660, 5871, 365, 29901, 7791, 1718, 29901, 2560, 288, 441, 348, 4695, 7744, 573, 21398, 9608, 363, 26677, 27716, 14379, 29889, 7159, 17896, 4103, 29889, 21600, 11796, 292, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29947, 29898, 29896, 29906, 1125, 29896, 29953, 29906, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29953, 29941, 29945, 29889, 13, 2499, 29899, 29934, 370, 388, 801, 341, 29892, 3792, 273, 1032, 390, 29901, 319, 716, 8716, 519, 7498, 19515, 21398, 9608, 363, 478, 2190, 2544, 29879, 29889, 7159, 17896, 4103, 29889, 8980, 29882, 16311, 8364, 324, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29896, 29898, 29953, 1125, 29906, 29953, 29906, 29945, 29899, 29906, 29953, 29941, 29945, 29889, 13, 11667, 612, 29892, 21589, 612, 29892, 9371, 317, 29901, 20829, 292, 9608, 29879, 297, 10852, 16311, 594, 298, 542, 14379, 29901, 263, 18994, 322, 5434, 3736, 1103, 3145, 29889, 435, 29889, 22140, 29889, 5636, 29889, 2201, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29898, 29941, 1125, 29929, 29896, 29941, 29899, 29929, 29941, 29906, 29889, 13, 23410, 383, 29892, 23856, 612, 29901, 20829, 292, 297, 10852, 16311, 594, 298, 542, 14379, 29901, 263, 18994, 29889, 7159, 17896, 8980, 29882, 16311, 8364, 324, 29889, 3561, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29898, 29906, 1125, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29906, 29906, 29889, 13, 7083, 1099, 341, 29968, 29892, 3713, 21020, 29901, 1551, 29899, 2310, 392, 6674, 493, 5418, 4608, 21398, 297, 594, 298, 542, 14379, 29889, 512, 1019, 3947, 886, 310, 278, 29871, 29929, 386, 7159, 17896, 4623, 16377, 373, 8527, 1019, 5770, 29879, 29889 ]
Our wedding in Dubai finally happened @ Bab al Shams Resort! I know I am super late with this one but to be fair I know you guys will forgive me when you know what I've got in store for you today! I didn't post our April picks because as you all may know now April was Wedding month for us.. So here is our wedding "post" . After so many years of waiting, contemplating and the ups and downs, he put a ring on it, and my advise to you all.. Planning a wedding is not as easy as it looks, and don't get me started on destination, international weddings! So lets start from the start.. Setting the date, why, when, where, and how! In both our cultures there are a lot of traditions, customs, and festive days when somebody gets married, and I wanted every tradition in the book. For my side it all began with the week leading unto the wedding; The Sangeet nights. This event can be anything from a 1 week+ , because I had exams and was completing my final year of university, we had Sangeet nights for 1 week. In these nights, family and friends will gather at the bridal house or a designated hall and sing old folk songs (The old ladies) and the young ones will usually have their own little dance session. It is also custom for a different member of the family to bring the food/snacks each night. I am fortunate enough to come from a huge extended family in my own home town, so every night a different Aunty would bring food! I won't be posting the video of the sang nights as it would be quite difficult to get the permission of every aunty in the family and these are usually ladies only events, so some may not be comfortable with me sharing the videos. After the Sangeet nights, on the last night we had a ceremony called a "Haldi". This is where the brides family and girlfriends, cousins and sisters, will all gather at the girls house and apply a "Haldi" (Tumeric) Paste on her arms, hands, legs, and face. My mother and father prepared the room with pictures of me through the years! The story behind the Haldi ceremony is that the bride will retain a beautiful glow as she enters her marriage. The final custom I had in the UK was my henna ceremony, also known as a "Mehndi". This is another fun evening full of fun, dancing, giggles and jokes that the bride can enjoy with her sisters, female relatives and girlfriends! It has become more common that couples have a joint Henna ceremony now. They will have their Nikkah (Religious ceremony), then a joint Henna. Traditionally though they are separate, and a girls henna is the night she gets her wedding henna applied. The deeper her henna, the more her husband supposedly loves her after their marriage! However, I didn't have my henna done on the night it was done a few days before, purely for practicality of the event, so I had a small leaf where my guests dabbed henna, then fed me some fruits, sweets or jelly! I ordered my outfit from 7aatrang on stratford road in Birmigham in January, for February, and my order arrived a day before my henna ceremony at the end of march. I was very upset because it was the first outfit I had designed myself. After they changed the date on their copy of the receipt, lied to me continuously about their orders and delivered an outfit that was NOTHING like my description and sketch, I was a very #AngryBride. I would not recommend this company to anybody, they are liars, scammers and very unprofessional, please don't make the same mistake I did! Due to their useless, unprofessional and late business practices, 2 days before my henna I was left looking around for another outfit. Luckily, in a shop just 2 doors away, I found something similar to what I had designed… if Not better! Daneen is a family run shop that were honest and down to earth. They took my measurements and did the necessary adjustments to the outfit I chose within the hour! Unfortunately my mothers outfit hadn't arrived at all, so we set out to find her one too. Golus on Alum Rock Road is another shop I would Highly recommend, their in house tailor fitted her outfit within the hour too! My outfit was from Daneen, Stratford Road,
[ 8680, 14837, 8497, 297, 11668, 1794, 7146, 9559, 732, 14525, 394, 1383, 2232, 2538, 441, 29991, 13, 29902, 1073, 306, 626, 2428, 5683, 411, 445, 697, 541, 304, 367, 6534, 306, 1073, 366, 18239, 674, 18879, 573, 592, 746, 366, 1073, 825, 306, 29915, 345, 2355, 297, 3787, 363, 366, 9826, 29991, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1400, 1749, 3786, 5839, 29879, 1363, 408, 366, 599, 1122, 1073, 1286, 3786, 471, 15050, 8497, 4098, 363, 502, 636, 1105, 1244, 338, 1749, 14837, 8497, 376, 2490, 29908, 869, 13, 13555, 577, 1784, 2440, 310, 10534, 29892, 640, 16305, 1218, 322, 278, 24081, 322, 1623, 29879, 29892, 540, 1925, 263, 9228, 373, 372, 29892, 322, 590, 22939, 304, 366, 599, 636, 1858, 9450, 263, 14837, 8497, 338, 451, 408, 4780, 408, 372, 3430, 29892, 322, 1016, 29915, 29873, 679, 592, 4687, 373, 12551, 29892, 6121, 14837, 29881, 886, 29991, 13, 6295, 16869, 1369, 515, 278, 1369, 636, 21605, 278, 2635, 29892, 2020, 29892, 746, 29892, 988, 29892, 322, 920, 29991, 13, 797, 1716, 1749, 4185, 1973, 727, 526, 263, 3287, 310, 3534, 2187, 29892, 2888, 29879, 29892, 322, 10982, 573, 3841, 746, 18462, 4947, 8300, 29892, 322, 306, 5131, 1432, 11399, 297, 278, 3143, 29889, 1152, 590, 2625, 372, 599, 4689, 411, 278, 4723, 8236, 20550, 278, 14837, 8497, 29936, 450, 317, 927, 300, 4646, 29879, 29889, 910, 1741, 508, 367, 3099, 515, 263, 29871, 29896, 4723, 29974, 1919, 1363, 306, 750, 429, 2232, 322, 471, 1614, 1259, 590, 2186, 1629, 310, 16372, 29892, 591, 750, 317, 927, 300, 4646, 29879, 363, 29871, 29896, 4723, 29889, 512, 1438, 4646, 29879, 29892, 3942, 322, 7875, 674, 11705, 472, 278, 1506, 23670, 3699, 470, 263, 25373, 12713, 322, 1809, 2030, 19589, 12516, 313, 1576, 2030, 22281, 29897, 322, 278, 4123, 6743, 674, 5491, 505, 1009, 1914, 2217, 17948, 4867, 29889, 739, 338, 884, 2888, 363, 263, 1422, 4509, 310, 278, 3942, 304, 6963, 278, 9687, 29914, 16586, 26514, 1269, 4646, 29889, 306, 626, 5162, 348, 403, 3307, 304, 2041, 515, 263, 12176, 10410, 3942, 297, 590, 1914, 3271, 4726, 29892, 577, 1432, 4646, 263, 1422, 319, 348, 1017, 723, 6963, 9687, 29991, 306, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 16742, 278, 4863, 310, 278, 13625, 4646, 29879, 408, 372, 723, 367, 3755, 5189, 304, 679, 278, 10751, 310, 1432, 263, 348, 1017, 297, 278, 3942, 322, 1438, 526, 5491, 22281, 871, 4959, 29892, 577, 777, 1122, 451, 367, 25561, 411, 592, 19383, 278, 19707, 29889, 13, 13555, 278, 317, 927, 300, 4646, 29879, 29892, 373, 278, 1833, 4646, 591, 750, 263, 25672, 2000, 263, 376, 29950, 2741, 29875, 1642, 910, 338, 988, 278, 1506, 2247, 3942, 322, 7826, 7932, 1975, 29892, 274, 681, 1144, 322, 9883, 29879, 29892, 674, 599, 11705, 472, 278, 14000, 3699, 322, 3394, 263, 376, 29950, 2741, 29875, 29908, 313, 29911, 25099, 29897, 349, 4350, 373, 902, 10188, 29892, 6567, 29892, 21152, 29892, 322, 3700, 29889, 1619, 5637, 322, 4783, 13240, 278, 5716, 411, 14956, 310, 592, 1549, 278, 2440, 29991, 450, 5828, 5742, 278, 379, 2741, 29875, 25672, 338, 393, 278, 289, 2426, 674, 11551, 263, 9560, 330, 677, 408, 1183, 24395, 902, 13718, 29889, 13, 1576, 2186, 2888, 306, 750, 297, 278, 10261, 471, 590, 19061, 1056, 25672, 29892, 884, 2998, 408, 263, 376, 6816, 29882, 299, 29875, 1642, 910, 338, 1790, 2090, 11005, 2989, 310, 2090, 29892, 6025, 3277, 29892, 19340, 29887, 793, 322, 432, 23195, 393, 278, 289, 2426, 508, 13389, 411, 902, 9883, 29879, 29892, 12944, 14576, 322, 7826, 7932, 1975, 29991, 739, 756, 4953, 901, 3619, 393, 3581, 2701, 505, 263, 14002, 4114, 1056, 25672, 1286, 29889, 2688, 674, 505, 1009, 11535, 29895, 801, 313, 9662, 335, 2738, 25672, 511, 769, 263, 14002, 4114, 1056, 29889, 18375, 17658, 2466, 896, 526, 5004, 29892, 322, 263, 14000, 19061, 1056, 338, 278, 4646, 1183, 4947, 902, 14837, 8497, 19061, 1056, 7436, 29889, 450, 25871, 902, 19061, 1056, 29892, 278, 901, 902, 10216, 7424, 368, 12355, 267, 902, 1156, 1009, 13718, 29991, 2398, 29892, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 505, 590, 19061, 1056, 2309, 373, 278, 4646, 372, 471, 2309, 263, 2846, 3841, 1434, 29892, 24837, 363, 15031, 537, 310, 278, 1741, 29892, 577, 306, 750, 263, 2319, 20447, 988, 590, 28865, 270, 370, 2580, 19061, 1056, 29892, 769, 21242, 592, 777, 285, 21211, 29892, 7901, 1691, 470, 12736, 368, 29991, 13, 29902, 10372, 590, 714, 9202, 515, 29871, 29955, 29874, 8141, 574, 373, 26742, 4006, 6520, 297, 350, 3568, 1141, 314, 297, 5490, 29892, 363, 6339, 29892, 322, 590, 1797, 11977, 263, 2462, 1434, 590, 19061, 1056, 25672, 472, 278, 1095, 310, 8575, 29889, 306, 471, 1407, 24081, 300, 1363, 372, 471, 278, 937, 714, 9202, 306, 750, 8688, 6142, 29889, 2860, 896, 3939, 278, 2635, 373, 1009, 3509, 310, 278, 2414, 21278, 29892, 619, 287, 304, 592, 3133, 5794, 1048, 1009, 11299, 322, 20115, 385, 714, 9202, 393, 471, 6058, 29950, 4214, 763, 590, 6139, 322, 21256, 29892, 306, 471, 263, 1407, 396, 2744, 14793, 29933, 2426, 29889, 306, 723, 451, 6907, 445, 5001, 304, 16357, 29892, 896, 526, 619, 1503, 29892, 885, 4850, 414, 322, 1407, 443, 23221, 15750, 29892, 3113, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1207, 278, 1021, 10171, 306, 1258, 29991, 16809, 304, 1009, 19315, 29892, 443, 23221, 15750, 322, 5683, 5381, 23274, 29892, 29871, 29906, 3841, 1434, 590, 19061, 1056, 306, 471, 2175, 3063, 2820, 363, 1790, 714, 9202, 29889, 365, 2707, 2354, 29892, 297, 263, 18296, 925, 29871, 29906, 24189, 3448, 29892, 306, 1476, 1554, 2788, 304, 825, 306, 750, 8688, 30098, 565, 2216, 2253, 29991, 360, 1662, 264, 338, 263, 3942, 1065, 18296, 393, 892, 15993, 322, 1623, 304, 8437, 29889, 2688, 3614, 590, 20398, 322, 1258, 278, 5181, 10365, 1860, 304, 278, 714, 9202, 306, 12784, 2629, 278, 7234, 29991, 11511, 590, 25550, 414, 714, 9202, 27222, 29915, 29873, 11977, 472, 599, 29892, 577, 591, 731, 714, 304, 1284, 902, 697, 2086, 29889, 20268, 375, 373, 838, 398, 8027, 9321, 338, 1790, 18296, 306, 723, 5057, 368, 6907, 29892, 1009, 297, 3699, 12464, 272, 25890, 902, 714, 9202, 2629, 278, 7234, 2086, 29991, 13, 3421, 714, 9202, 471, 515, 360, 1662, 264, 29892, 3767, 271, 4006, 9321, 29892 ]
Birmingham. My Make up was done by Arman Milind. A make-up artist who has a refreshing approach to beauty, Arman represents a new breed of make-up artists who blends experience with inspiring palettes, to create fabulous looks. With 9Years at Mac and having graced the pages of many publications, Arman is not only a true professional but also fun and bubbly in person. My Hair was styled by Gora at Goras Salon in Birmingham. Goras is a fun and lively salon that I went to with my bridesmaid. With years of experience and obviously a natural customer service knack and bubbly personality, the owner Gora gets my 10/10. My Henna was applied by Madiha Jamil, Madihas Ethnic Trends. A professional henna artist who has excelled in her line of work from simple designs to intricate wedding henna, Madiha has many years of experience. She has also graced many local newspapers and is well known as one of, if not the best henna artists in Burton! The stage set up was done by Asian Wedding Services . They were very friendly, professional and punctual. They came an hour before the event and set the stage and surroundings up, and then at the end to pack it all away. Their staff was very accommodating to our needs in that I wanted to customise one of their stage set ups, taking away the umbrellas and choosing a different colour scheme. I would definitely recommend these guys! You can see the stage set up in some of the pictures below! Bridesmaid tying a "Kangana" (Bracelet made from fresh flowers/Tinsel) Around my wrist. I would like to thank my Maid of Honour Ana and Bridesmaids for this wonderful night with my girls before my wedding! A few weeks before the Bachelorette we booked 21 JBR . An apartment in a residential area of Jumeirah Beach Residence. I thought the name of the hotel was 21… So when we arrived at 7PM, the owner wasn't around, nor was he answering the phone… So we quickly booked another hotel apartment in the vicinity… And the party went on! My friends had organised hot and cold snacks, drinks and some party games! It was a lovely evening with my friends from university and work in Dubai! We had balloons, I had a sash, wand and little clip hat! Later, we headed to Stables, Dubai for a while. We were mostly upstairs, which is Texas themed, with a mechanical bull, beer pong and a few other table games! The final picture is of me and my friends in Edinburgh, we were all completing our final year dissertations, so we just went out for a meal! Another sash, another memory! After looking at a few venues from Atlantis to the Burj and a few hotels in the city, we stumbled across the beautiful Bab al Shams Resort, which translates to "Gateway to the sun" from Arabic. The resort is built in an Arabic fort setting literally in the middle of the desert, hidden behind beautiful trees, in the middle of nowhere! It was perfect! Shaded courtyards, walkways, fountains, a beautiful green golf course, several stunning restaurants and venues to choose from within the walls of one big resort.. The whole atmosphere was maintained by its constant Arabic majlis, fort style, set in a desert oasis! Once we found the venue we started to centre things around it, from invitations to themes, colours, music and the menu! As the wedding was the centre hub for us both, a place we had both spent the last 3years at least, we obviously has family and friends there, but coming from large extended families, most of them were abroad and it was a small intimate affair in Dubai. Therefore, we chose the Masala courtyard for the ceremony and the Al scarab rooftop for cocktails and the stunning sun set view after, and just below; the Al Shuruq for our wedding Reception. First and foremost we owe a huge thanks to our wedding planner Princess Sumagui and her team from Bab Al Smas Team, our wedding planner. She helped us select venues, the menu, themes, decoration, she was our rock! Even though I was in the UK and KJ was in Dubai, her coordination and organizing skills
[ 350, 28836, 29889, 13, 3421, 8561, 701, 471, 2309, 491, 826, 1171, 3833, 513, 29889, 319, 1207, 29899, 786, 7664, 1058, 756, 263, 2143, 690, 2790, 2948, 304, 15409, 29892, 826, 1171, 11524, 263, 716, 2078, 287, 310, 1207, 29899, 786, 17906, 1058, 1999, 1975, 7271, 411, 8681, 8491, 15509, 698, 267, 29892, 304, 1653, 10135, 352, 681, 3430, 29889, 2973, 29871, 29929, 12883, 29879, 472, 4326, 322, 2534, 330, 945, 287, 278, 6515, 310, 1784, 25964, 29892, 826, 1171, 338, 451, 871, 263, 1565, 10257, 541, 884, 2090, 322, 289, 431, 29890, 368, 297, 2022, 29889, 13, 3421, 379, 1466, 471, 15877, 839, 491, 402, 2207, 472, 18686, 294, 3956, 265, 297, 350, 28836, 29889, 18686, 294, 338, 263, 2090, 322, 301, 3598, 4497, 265, 393, 306, 3512, 304, 411, 590, 1506, 2247, 655, 333, 29889, 2973, 2440, 310, 7271, 322, 12879, 263, 5613, 11962, 2669, 889, 547, 322, 289, 431, 29890, 368, 2022, 2877, 29892, 278, 12271, 402, 2207, 4947, 590, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29914, 29896, 29900, 29889, 13, 3421, 4114, 1056, 471, 7436, 491, 4104, 29875, 2350, 435, 1344, 29892, 4104, 4861, 294, 13772, 7823, 1605, 1975, 29889, 319, 10257, 19061, 1056, 7664, 1058, 756, 10616, 839, 297, 902, 1196, 310, 664, 515, 2560, 25517, 304, 11158, 9593, 14837, 8497, 19061, 1056, 29892, 4104, 29875, 2350, 756, 1784, 2440, 310, 7271, 29889, 2296, 756, 884, 330, 945, 287, 1784, 1887, 14578, 21321, 322, 338, 1532, 2998, 408, 697, 310, 29892, 565, 451, 278, 1900, 19061, 1056, 17906, 297, 6640, 880, 29991, 13, 1576, 7408, 731, 701, 471, 2309, 491, 20021, 15050, 8497, 15538, 869, 2688, 892, 1407, 19780, 29892, 10257, 322, 6035, 312, 950, 29889, 2688, 2996, 385, 7234, 1434, 278, 1741, 322, 731, 278, 7408, 322, 8388, 618, 886, 701, 29892, 322, 769, 472, 278, 1095, 304, 4870, 372, 599, 3448, 29889, 11275, 13925, 471, 1407, 24803, 1218, 304, 1749, 4225, 297, 393, 306, 5131, 304, 2888, 895, 697, 310, 1009, 7408, 731, 24081, 29892, 5622, 3448, 278, 1922, 1030, 645, 294, 322, 23906, 263, 1422, 12384, 11380, 29889, 306, 723, 11630, 6907, 1438, 18239, 29991, 887, 508, 1074, 278, 7408, 731, 701, 297, 777, 310, 278, 14956, 2400, 29991, 13, 12432, 2247, 655, 333, 260, 5414, 263, 376, 29968, 574, 1648, 29908, 313, 29933, 25525, 1026, 1754, 515, 10849, 18281, 29914, 29911, 1144, 295, 29897, 826, 618, 590, 281, 2021, 29889, 13, 29902, 723, 763, 304, 6452, 590, 3219, 333, 310, 7906, 473, 20367, 322, 1771, 2247, 655, 4841, 363, 445, 20695, 4646, 411, 590, 14000, 1434, 590, 14837, 8497, 29991, 319, 2846, 11405, 1434, 278, 13620, 12779, 2353, 591, 3143, 287, 29871, 29906, 29896, 435, 15176, 869, 530, 263, 8076, 297, 263, 20201, 616, 4038, 310, 435, 2017, 3055, 29882, 17594, 2538, 5084, 29889, 306, 2714, 278, 1024, 310, 278, 16730, 471, 29871, 29906, 29896, 30098, 1105, 746, 591, 11977, 472, 29871, 29955, 13427, 29892, 278, 12271, 9007, 29915, 29873, 2820, 29892, 3643, 471, 540, 22862, 278, 9008, 30098, 1105, 591, 9098, 3143, 287, 1790, 16730, 263, 8076, 297, 278, 9467, 13593, 30098, 1126, 278, 6263, 3512, 373, 29991, 1619, 7875, 750, 2894, 3368, 7375, 322, 11220, 5807, 26514, 29892, 13748, 29879, 322, 777, 6263, 8090, 29991, 739, 471, 263, 12355, 873, 11005, 411, 590, 7875, 515, 16372, 322, 664, 297, 11668, 1794, 29991, 1334, 750, 6411, 417, 787, 29892, 306, 750, 263, 269, 1161, 29892, 24706, 322, 2217, 20102, 3056, 29991, 12699, 29892, 591, 2343, 287, 304, 624, 1849, 29892, 11668, 1794, 363, 263, 1550, 29889, 1334, 892, 11149, 701, 303, 7121, 29892, 607, 338, 10319, 963, 287, 29892, 411, 263, 28310, 289, 913, 29892, 367, 261, 282, 549, 322, 263, 2846, 916, 1591, 8090, 29991, 13, 1576, 2186, 7623, 338, 310, 592, 322, 590, 7875, 297, 25200, 29892, 591, 892, 599, 1614, 1259, 1749, 2186, 1629, 766, 1940, 800, 29892, 577, 591, 925, 3512, 714, 363, 263, 592, 284, 29991, 7280, 269, 1161, 29892, 1790, 3370, 29991, 13, 13555, 3063, 472, 263, 2846, 6003, 1041, 515, 8920, 424, 275, 304, 278, 6640, 29926, 322, 263, 2846, 7375, 1379, 297, 278, 4272, 29892, 591, 380, 25443, 4822, 278, 9560, 14525, 394, 1383, 2232, 2538, 441, 29892, 607, 5578, 1078, 304, 376, 29954, 403, 1582, 304, 278, 6575, 29908, 515, 10387, 293, 29889, 450, 25362, 338, 4240, 297, 385, 10387, 293, 5162, 4444, 22830, 297, 278, 7256, 310, 278, 18197, 29892, 7934, 5742, 9560, 10697, 29892, 297, 278, 7256, 310, 1286, 4150, 29991, 739, 471, 4922, 29991, 1383, 11932, 2085, 1017, 3163, 29892, 6686, 1994, 29892, 285, 792, 2708, 29892, 263, 9560, 7933, 29416, 3236, 29892, 3196, 380, 27389, 12374, 1934, 322, 6003, 1041, 304, 6755, 515, 2629, 278, 14603, 310, 697, 4802, 25362, 636, 450, 3353, 25005, 471, 19949, 491, 967, 4868, 10387, 293, 10067, 23443, 29892, 5162, 3114, 29892, 731, 297, 263, 18197, 288, 25101, 29991, 9038, 591, 1476, 278, 6003, 434, 591, 4687, 304, 8442, 2712, 2820, 372, 29892, 515, 2437, 24182, 304, 963, 267, 29892, 28061, 29892, 4696, 322, 278, 6143, 29991, 13, 2887, 278, 14837, 8497, 471, 278, 8442, 19766, 363, 502, 1716, 29892, 263, 2058, 591, 750, 1716, 10398, 278, 1833, 29871, 29941, 6360, 29879, 472, 3203, 29892, 591, 12879, 756, 3942, 322, 7875, 727, 29892, 541, 6421, 515, 2919, 10410, 13175, 29892, 1556, 310, 963, 892, 28177, 322, 372, 471, 263, 2319, 938, 6490, 26195, 297, 11668, 1794, 29889, 7857, 29892, 591, 12784, 278, 8622, 2883, 2085, 1017, 538, 363, 278, 25672, 322, 278, 838, 21990, 370, 696, 29877, 615, 459, 363, 1302, 384, 29873, 2234, 322, 278, 380, 27389, 6575, 731, 1776, 1156, 29892, 322, 925, 2400, 29936, 278, 838, 1383, 20144, 29939, 363, 1749, 14837, 8497, 830, 1441, 29889, 3824, 322, 363, 331, 520, 591, 288, 705, 263, 12176, 3969, 304, 1749, 14837, 8497, 715, 7310, 22063, 6991, 351, 1481, 322, 902, 3815, 515, 14525, 838, 4116, 294, 8583, 29892, 1749, 14837, 8497, 715, 7310, 29889, 2296, 9213, 502, 1831, 6003, 1041, 29892, 278, 6143, 29892, 963, 267, 29892, 10200, 362, 29892, 1183, 471, 1749, 7679, 29991, 7753, 2466, 306, 471, 297, 278, 10261, 322, 476, 29967, 471, 297, 11668, 1794, 29892, 902, 29311, 3381, 322, 2894, 5281, 25078 ]
were admirable, nothing would be possible without our very own princess! So after the venue, we had to select invitations and menus. For the invitation I found a wonderful home run company; The invite factory , run by the lovely Clive and Carole! For the invitations we decided to stick with the international theme, and have passport style invites. The invitation itself was in the shape and style of a British passport, with our initials on the front and several pages of the information about the wedding inside. (There's a few pictures below). The process was all done online, with several exchange of emails and proof reading and design discussions, Clive and Carole were VERY helpful and advised us about sizes, pictures and small touches to make our invitation that little bit more elegant. The price of the invites was also very reasonable, compared to store and other online prices. I would definitely recommend them! Starters; Hummus, Tabouleh, Stuffed Vine leaves, Potato Harra (Arabic), and Potato with shallots and chives, salmon and baby capers with lime, polenta cubes and Asparagus with shaved parmesan (International). We had a full tasting and rehearsal afternoon 2 days before the wedding. This was very helpful because it ensured the actual day order went smoothly, and due to the hiccup with the imam, we could change a few things last minute. Main; Chicken coriander, Dawood Basha (Lamb), and Grilled prawn in garlic coriander, these were the Arabic choices. From the international menu we had; Breast of chicken in onion sauce, sliced leg of lamb, Chicken/Veg biriyani, Oven Roasted veg, and Oriental and Mushroom garlic fried rice. Desserts (MY FAVOURITE!); Kunaffa Cheesecake, Baklava, Znud el sit and Awamat (Arabic). From the international menu; Fresh fruit, crème brûlée, double chocolate mouse, and Apple and cinnamon crumble! So on April 28th my parents and I arrived in Ajman (the wedding was set to be on the 5th April @ Bab al Shams!), however UAE law states that a couple must gain permission from the courts in the emirate that the residency visa/s was issued. Contrary to my research, it was not necessary for us both to have a residency visa. In order to gain permission from the high court of Ajman (The emirate that Kjs visa was issued from), we needed a medical test (Which had to be done in advance, as the results take 3-4 days). After a lot of research I was also under the impression we would need a single status certificate and my birth certificate, and both of these attested by my own embassy and the UAE. This was not true and to be quite honest, I wasted £60 on each document! So anyway, we went to the Ajman courts and met a friendly old man who took us through the process, everything went smoothly until they asked for the name of the imam. To cut the story short we had arranged for an imam to come to Bab al Shams and read our Nikkah (Muslim religious marriage ceremony), at the resort. However, this imam was no longer in the country and there were only 5 more we could legally use, all of which refused to leave Ajman due to licensing issues… #DisasterStruck. So after a good 15/20mins of calls back and fourth, we were told we must have the Nikkah ceremony IN AJMAN, which was a stress we didn't need 4/5 days before the wedding.. This meant we would need a new venue, outfits, photographers, etc. Note to any Ajman residents wanting to marry in Dubai; You will not be allowed unless one of you has a Dubai residency visa! After all this commotion, we booked the imam for the 4th of April, A day before our now "Reception/English Ceremony". I would advise you to find a representative within the courts to help you through the process, there are usually helpers around, be kind and patient and they will be more than happy to help you. It is a quick process in that you have to submit your documents, get the form typed, the judge will ask you a few questions about
[ 892, 594, 2460, 18104, 29892, 3078, 723, 367, 1950, 1728, 1749, 1407, 1914, 12456, 985, 29991, 13, 6295, 1156, 278, 6003, 434, 29892, 591, 750, 304, 1831, 2437, 24182, 322, 1757, 375, 29889, 1152, 278, 2437, 7018, 306, 1476, 263, 20695, 3271, 1065, 5001, 29936, 450, 2437, 568, 12529, 1919, 1065, 491, 278, 12355, 873, 315, 9258, 322, 1704, 1772, 29991, 1152, 278, 2437, 24182, 591, 8459, 304, 12070, 411, 278, 6121, 10929, 29892, 322, 505, 1209, 637, 3114, 2437, 3246, 29889, 450, 2437, 7018, 3528, 471, 297, 278, 8267, 322, 3114, 310, 263, 4908, 1209, 637, 29892, 411, 1749, 2847, 29879, 373, 278, 4565, 322, 3196, 6515, 310, 278, 2472, 1048, 278, 14837, 8497, 2768, 29889, 313, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 2846, 14956, 2400, 467, 450, 1889, 471, 599, 2309, 7395, 29892, 411, 3196, 14523, 310, 24609, 322, 5296, 5183, 322, 2874, 5353, 1080, 29892, 315, 9258, 322, 1704, 1772, 892, 478, 24422, 8444, 322, 594, 11292, 502, 1048, 15786, 29892, 14956, 322, 2319, 6023, 267, 304, 1207, 1749, 2437, 7018, 393, 2217, 2586, 901, 19232, 29889, 450, 8666, 310, 278, 2437, 3246, 471, 884, 1407, 15590, 29892, 9401, 304, 3787, 322, 916, 7395, 26094, 29889, 306, 723, 11630, 6907, 963, 29991, 13, 855, 13868, 29936, 13863, 8366, 29892, 11090, 283, 280, 29882, 29892, 624, 3096, 287, 478, 457, 11308, 29892, 10173, 1219, 3536, 336, 313, 29909, 4201, 293, 511, 322, 10173, 1219, 411, 4091, 1862, 322, 521, 3145, 29892, 4497, 3712, 322, 24354, 2117, 414, 411, 301, 603, 29892, 1248, 6381, 13630, 267, 322, 1094, 862, 351, 375, 411, 528, 10511, 610, 4467, 273, 313, 17579, 1288, 467, 1334, 750, 263, 2989, 260, 579, 292, 322, 337, 354, 1503, 284, 17724, 29871, 29906, 3841, 1434, 278, 14837, 8497, 29889, 910, 471, 1407, 8444, 1363, 372, 5662, 2955, 278, 3935, 2462, 1797, 3512, 10597, 368, 29892, 322, 2861, 304, 278, 298, 293, 5231, 411, 278, 527, 314, 29892, 591, 1033, 1735, 263, 2846, 2712, 1833, 11015, 29889, 13, 6330, 29936, 678, 21475, 1034, 29875, 3825, 29892, 7266, 6115, 350, 26840, 313, 29931, 1117, 511, 322, 1632, 24455, 7213, 1233, 297, 7171, 506, 1034, 29875, 3825, 29892, 1438, 892, 278, 10387, 293, 19995, 29889, 3645, 278, 6121, 6143, 591, 750, 29936, 5826, 579, 310, 521, 21475, 297, 373, 291, 12507, 346, 29892, 269, 506, 287, 2814, 310, 301, 1117, 29892, 678, 21475, 29914, 29963, 387, 4768, 374, 29891, 3270, 29892, 438, 854, 1528, 28470, 12461, 29892, 322, 29702, 322, 341, 1878, 8345, 7171, 506, 285, 1255, 19408, 29889, 13, 29928, 404, 814, 29879, 313, 17870, 383, 7520, 22970, 9094, 29991, 416, 25472, 3470, 29874, 6561, 267, 687, 1296, 29892, 23336, 23087, 29892, 796, 29876, 566, 560, 7845, 322, 22886, 314, 271, 313, 29909, 4201, 293, 467, 3645, 278, 6121, 6143, 29936, 383, 3781, 15774, 29892, 2181, 5000, 1506, 30095, 29880, 1318, 29892, 3765, 521, 542, 23167, 9495, 29892, 322, 12113, 322, 274, 2559, 314, 265, 2181, 15563, 29991, 13, 6295, 373, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29947, 386, 590, 11825, 322, 306, 11977, 297, 319, 29926, 1171, 313, 1552, 14837, 8497, 471, 731, 304, 367, 373, 278, 29871, 29945, 386, 3786, 732, 14525, 394, 1383, 2232, 29991, 511, 3138, 501, 16036, 4307, 5922, 393, 263, 7303, 1818, 11581, 10751, 515, 278, 28033, 297, 278, 953, 381, 403, 393, 278, 620, 3615, 1270, 1998, 29874, 29914, 29879, 471, 16610, 29889, 1281, 509, 653, 304, 590, 5925, 29892, 372, 471, 451, 5181, 363, 502, 1716, 304, 505, 263, 620, 3615, 1270, 1998, 29874, 29889, 13, 797, 1797, 304, 11581, 10751, 515, 278, 1880, 8973, 310, 319, 29926, 1171, 313, 1576, 953, 381, 403, 393, 476, 1315, 1998, 29874, 471, 16610, 515, 511, 591, 4312, 263, 16083, 1243, 313, 8809, 436, 750, 304, 367, 2309, 297, 6564, 29892, 408, 278, 2582, 2125, 29871, 29941, 29899, 29946, 3841, 467, 2860, 263, 3287, 310, 5925, 306, 471, 884, 1090, 278, 17188, 591, 723, 817, 263, 2323, 4660, 12289, 322, 590, 12060, 12289, 29892, 322, 1716, 310, 1438, 1098, 2868, 491, 590, 1914, 7232, 465, 29891, 322, 278, 501, 16036, 29889, 910, 471, 451, 1565, 322, 304, 367, 3755, 15993, 29892, 306, 471, 9446, 15151, 29953, 29900, 373, 1269, 1842, 29991, 13, 6295, 8763, 29892, 591, 3512, 304, 278, 319, 29926, 1171, 28033, 322, 1539, 263, 19780, 2030, 767, 1058, 3614, 502, 1549, 278, 1889, 29892, 4129, 3512, 10597, 368, 2745, 896, 4433, 363, 278, 1024, 310, 278, 527, 314, 29889, 13, 1762, 5700, 278, 5828, 3273, 591, 750, 21050, 363, 385, 527, 314, 304, 2041, 304, 14525, 394, 1383, 2232, 322, 1303, 1749, 11535, 29895, 801, 313, 14958, 2576, 12962, 13718, 25672, 511, 472, 278, 25362, 29889, 2398, 29892, 445, 527, 314, 471, 694, 5520, 297, 278, 4234, 322, 727, 892, 871, 29871, 29945, 901, 591, 1033, 2814, 635, 671, 29892, 599, 310, 607, 15964, 304, 5967, 319, 29926, 1171, 2861, 304, 7794, 575, 292, 5626, 30098, 396, 4205, 1901, 5015, 2707, 29889, 13, 6295, 1156, 263, 1781, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29885, 1144, 310, 5717, 1250, 322, 11582, 29892, 591, 892, 5429, 591, 1818, 505, 278, 11535, 29895, 801, 25672, 2672, 319, 29967, 27616, 29892, 607, 471, 263, 22884, 591, 3282, 29915, 29873, 817, 29871, 29946, 29914, 29945, 3841, 1434, 278, 14837, 8497, 636, 910, 6839, 591, 723, 817, 263, 716, 6003, 434, 29892, 714, 29888, 1169, 29892, 17739, 414, 29892, 2992, 29889, 3940, 304, 738, 319, 29926, 1171, 24060, 24507, 304, 20479, 297, 11668, 1794, 29936, 887, 674, 451, 367, 6068, 6521, 697, 310, 366, 756, 263, 11668, 1794, 620, 3615, 1270, 1998, 29874, 29991, 2860, 599, 445, 844, 8194, 29892, 591, 3143, 287, 278, 527, 314, 363, 278, 29871, 29946, 386, 310, 3786, 29892, 319, 2462, 1434, 1749, 1286, 376, 1123, 1441, 29914, 24636, 10580, 331, 2592, 1642, 306, 723, 22939, 366, 304, 1284, 263, 21097, 2629, 278, 28033, 304, 1371, 366, 1549, 278, 1889, 29892, 727, 526, 5491, 1371, 414, 2820, 29892, 367, 2924, 322, 16500, 322, 896, 674, 367, 901, 1135, 9796, 304, 1371, 366, 29889, 739, 338, 263, 4996, 1889, 297, 393, 366, 505, 304, 9752, 596, 10701, 29892, 679, 278, 883, 13033, 29892, 278, 16833, 674, 2244, 366, 263, 2846, 5155, 1048 ]
if you are going into this marriage of your own accord, confirming your nationality and name.. All regular questions, don't be worried. It is all done in a normal office type room, so when I say judge I mean the judge is behind a desk not in a courtroom! The biggest problem for us was that some family would not be flying in until the day before our PLANNED ceremony, the majority were there but some would miss our actual marriage.. As if that wasn't enough, we went from hotel to hotel trying to find the perfect venue. The verona could not cater for our time scale, the Sheraton or Radisson were not IN AJMAN (Merely bordering)… Others were just not adequate for a ceremony. Finally, we came across the Ajman Saray, meeting with Miriam (Events planner for the Saray) was a huge sigh of relief. The venue was by the sea, a venue much like bab al shams in that its old, traditional architecture dated to Arabic fort styles, but with a modern hotel look with the glass and interior. I was very upset that everything wouldn't be on one day, but alls wells that ends well! We got married a day earlier than expected! As for my outfit, we went up and down Ajman boutiques and designers looking for the perfect red dress, and just as we were going to give up hope and head for Dubai, we cam across a small boutique by the Abaya roundabout; Sweethearts! In the window of their shop my mother spotted the dress I am wearing above, but in white, so we went in and asked if they had it any other colours. One wouldn't think that the dress was chosen, fitted, altered and bought 2 days before the actual ceremony! We had happened to come across a wonderful gold Kandura for KJ to match just a few moments later too, it was perfect! We can't thank the staff and tailor (Raju) at Sweethearts enough, they were very kind and hospitable! After the measurements were taken we headed out to finalise things like my bouquet (Bought from Al Wali Roastery, Abaya roundabout, Ajman), the photographer (Thank you Josh!) and a hair and make up artist (We stayed at Al Ain Hotel apartment), there were luckily several salons within a 2/3 minute walk! After all this stress, rush and last minute prep, the day arrived and everybody was all over the place! My mother and I set out at 9Am to the Hair and Make up Artists salon, where she enjoyed a Morrocan bath, manicure, pedicure, facial and hair and make-up, whilst I had my hair and make-up done along side! The ceremony was due to begin at 1pm and by 12.45Pm we were just heading back to get dressed. The cars were ready and the guests were all at the venue… We were running a bit late, and the Imam did give us a bit of a scare in that he had other appointments, but all in all, the teaser below shows, it went well. Allhmdullilah (Thank God). TIP: Make sure you are on time, the imam will not wait for anybody! Ajman Saray put on a lovely light lunch for the guests, the meeting room was beautifully set up with a partition and chairs in rows for the guests and the sweets brought by the grooms side were beautifully laid out for our guests to enjoy. It was simple, but elegant and peaceful. We were officially married. The Imam lightening the mood of a very nervous groom! Signing the Nikkah papers: The glitter in my hair looked a bit like paint in all the pictures! The wedding Day @ Bab Al Shams Resort! So finally the day had arrived… The night before the wedding myself and my family stayed at the resort, we were offered special room rates (Including our own breakfast area for both days). The day after the wedding the grooms family joined us. On the morning of the wedding I can remember being so nervous and after speaking with KJ (Who was travelling to the resort on the day) , he was just as nervous, if not more! The breakfast at Bab al shams is a split into 3 sections in the Al Forsan restaurant. They have a hot foods section with everything from live egg station, sausages, waffles, pancakes, mushrooms, tomatoes, etc. Then there is a bread and
[ 565, 366, 526, 2675, 964, 445, 13718, 310, 596, 1914, 15017, 29892, 9659, 292, 596, 4797, 537, 322, 1024, 636, 2178, 4943, 5155, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 367, 6365, 1255, 29889, 739, 338, 599, 2309, 297, 263, 4226, 8034, 1134, 5716, 29892, 577, 746, 306, 1827, 16833, 306, 2099, 278, 16833, 338, 5742, 263, 553, 29895, 451, 297, 263, 8973, 8345, 29991, 13, 1576, 24842, 1108, 363, 502, 471, 393, 777, 3942, 723, 451, 367, 22764, 297, 2745, 278, 2462, 1434, 1749, 16507, 2190, 29940, 3352, 25672, 29892, 278, 13638, 892, 727, 541, 777, 723, 3052, 1749, 3935, 13718, 636, 1094, 565, 393, 9007, 29915, 29873, 3307, 29892, 591, 3512, 515, 16730, 304, 16730, 1811, 304, 1284, 278, 4922, 6003, 434, 29889, 450, 1147, 2681, 1033, 451, 274, 1008, 363, 1749, 931, 6287, 29892, 278, 17375, 14114, 470, 4957, 17387, 892, 451, 2672, 319, 29967, 27616, 313, 15836, 873, 5139, 292, 29897, 30098, 438, 3341, 892, 925, 451, 19967, 339, 403, 363, 263, 25672, 29889, 9788, 29892, 591, 2996, 4822, 278, 319, 29926, 1171, 7745, 388, 29892, 11781, 411, 5493, 374, 314, 313, 13634, 715, 7310, 363, 278, 7745, 388, 29897, 471, 263, 12176, 269, 1141, 310, 18892, 29889, 450, 6003, 434, 471, 491, 278, 7205, 29892, 263, 6003, 434, 1568, 763, 289, 370, 394, 528, 2232, 297, 393, 967, 2030, 29892, 13807, 11258, 29797, 304, 10387, 293, 5162, 11949, 29892, 541, 411, 263, 5400, 16730, 1106, 411, 278, 12917, 322, 13290, 29889, 306, 471, 1407, 24081, 300, 393, 4129, 7656, 29915, 29873, 367, 373, 697, 2462, 29892, 541, 599, 29879, 1532, 29879, 393, 10614, 1532, 29991, 1334, 2355, 8300, 263, 2462, 8859, 1135, 3806, 29991, 13, 2887, 363, 590, 714, 9202, 29892, 591, 3512, 701, 322, 1623, 319, 29926, 1171, 25927, 3783, 322, 2874, 414, 3063, 363, 278, 4922, 2654, 10714, 29892, 322, 925, 408, 591, 892, 2675, 304, 2367, 701, 4966, 322, 2343, 363, 11668, 1794, 29892, 591, 3949, 4822, 263, 2319, 25927, 1387, 491, 278, 1976, 9010, 4513, 12717, 29936, 317, 16668, 354, 5708, 29991, 512, 278, 3474, 310, 1009, 18296, 590, 5637, 805, 15048, 278, 10714, 306, 626, 591, 4362, 2038, 29892, 541, 297, 4796, 29892, 577, 591, 3512, 297, 322, 4433, 565, 896, 750, 372, 738, 916, 28061, 29889, 3118, 7656, 29915, 29873, 1348, 393, 278, 10714, 471, 10434, 29892, 25890, 29892, 10551, 287, 322, 18093, 29871, 29906, 3841, 1434, 278, 3935, 25672, 29991, 1334, 750, 9559, 304, 2041, 4822, 263, 20695, 7684, 476, 392, 2002, 363, 476, 29967, 304, 1993, 925, 263, 2846, 19462, 2678, 2086, 29892, 372, 471, 4922, 29991, 1334, 508, 29915, 29873, 6452, 278, 13925, 322, 12464, 272, 313, 29934, 19337, 29897, 472, 317, 16668, 354, 5708, 3307, 29892, 896, 892, 1407, 2924, 322, 29418, 8270, 29991, 2860, 278, 20398, 892, 4586, 591, 2343, 287, 714, 304, 2186, 895, 2712, 763, 590, 16380, 12621, 313, 29933, 1774, 515, 838, 399, 2606, 1528, 1901, 29891, 29892, 1976, 9010, 4513, 12717, 29892, 319, 29926, 1171, 511, 278, 17739, 261, 313, 25271, 366, 22838, 14366, 322, 263, 11315, 322, 1207, 701, 7664, 313, 4806, 27661, 472, 838, 23719, 16923, 263, 8076, 511, 727, 892, 9885, 2354, 3196, 4497, 787, 2629, 263, 29871, 29906, 29914, 29941, 11015, 6686, 29991, 13, 13555, 599, 445, 22884, 29892, 364, 1878, 322, 1833, 11015, 8273, 29892, 278, 2462, 11977, 322, 26077, 471, 599, 975, 278, 2058, 29991, 1619, 5637, 322, 306, 731, 714, 472, 29871, 29929, 6833, 304, 278, 379, 1466, 322, 8561, 701, 3012, 2879, 4497, 265, 29892, 988, 1183, 27849, 263, 3879, 307, 3068, 27683, 29892, 767, 293, 545, 29892, 282, 7486, 545, 29892, 2258, 1455, 322, 11315, 322, 1207, 29899, 786, 29892, 21109, 306, 750, 590, 11315, 322, 1207, 29899, 786, 2309, 3412, 2625, 29991, 450, 25672, 471, 2861, 304, 3380, 472, 29871, 29896, 3358, 322, 491, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29889, 29946, 29945, 29925, 29885, 591, 892, 925, 28435, 1250, 304, 679, 27121, 29889, 450, 18647, 892, 7960, 322, 278, 28865, 892, 599, 472, 278, 6003, 434, 30098, 1334, 892, 2734, 263, 2586, 5683, 29892, 322, 278, 1954, 314, 1258, 2367, 502, 263, 2586, 310, 263, 885, 598, 297, 393, 540, 750, 916, 8167, 1860, 29892, 541, 599, 297, 599, 29892, 278, 734, 29440, 2400, 3697, 29892, 372, 3512, 1532, 29889, 2178, 29882, 3487, 913, 309, 801, 313, 25271, 4177, 467, 323, 5690, 29901, 8561, 1854, 366, 526, 373, 931, 29892, 278, 527, 314, 674, 451, 4480, 363, 16357, 29991, 13, 29909, 29926, 1171, 7745, 388, 1925, 373, 263, 12355, 873, 3578, 301, 3322, 363, 278, 28865, 29892, 278, 11781, 5716, 471, 9560, 368, 731, 701, 411, 263, 8877, 322, 521, 7121, 297, 4206, 363, 278, 28865, 322, 278, 7901, 1691, 6296, 491, 278, 4071, 4835, 2625, 892, 9560, 368, 12341, 714, 363, 1749, 28865, 304, 13389, 29889, 739, 471, 2560, 29892, 541, 19232, 322, 10776, 1319, 29889, 1334, 892, 22444, 8300, 29889, 13, 1576, 1954, 314, 3578, 8333, 278, 286, 2092, 310, 263, 1407, 23547, 681, 4071, 290, 29991, 13, 10140, 292, 278, 11535, 29895, 801, 15055, 29901, 450, 3144, 5171, 297, 590, 11315, 5148, 263, 2586, 763, 10675, 297, 599, 278, 14956, 29991, 13, 1576, 14837, 8497, 8373, 732, 14525, 838, 1383, 2232, 2538, 441, 29991, 13, 6295, 7146, 278, 2462, 750, 11977, 30098, 450, 4646, 1434, 278, 14837, 8497, 6142, 322, 590, 3942, 27661, 472, 278, 25362, 29892, 591, 892, 12520, 4266, 5716, 19257, 313, 797, 22368, 1749, 1914, 26044, 4038, 363, 1716, 3841, 467, 450, 2462, 1156, 278, 14837, 8497, 278, 4071, 4835, 3942, 8772, 502, 29889, 13, 2951, 278, 7250, 310, 278, 14837, 8497, 306, 508, 6456, 1641, 577, 23547, 681, 322, 1156, 13590, 411, 476, 29967, 313, 22110, 471, 6427, 7807, 304, 278, 25362, 373, 278, 2462, 29897, 1919, 540, 471, 925, 408, 23547, 681, 29892, 565, 451, 901, 29991, 13, 1576, 26044, 472, 14525, 394, 528, 2232, 338, 263, 6219, 964, 29871, 29941, 13926, 297, 278, 838, 383, 943, 273, 27144, 29889, 2688, 505, 263, 7375, 9687, 29879, 4004, 411, 4129, 515, 5735, 19710, 5073, 29892, 872, 375, 1179, 29892, 281, 3470, 793, 29892, 282, 4564, 6926, 29892, 286, 1878, 18901, 29892, 6454, 20452, 29892, 2992, 29889, 1987, 727, 338, 263, 18423, 322 ]
fresh pastries section, a small table full of colourful bread, marshmallows and sweets for the children, small colourful shot glass drinks, fresh fruit and so much more! Being the bride, I was given a little special attention and my plates were brought to the table and such, the small touches by the staff at Bab al Shams is what made it such a wonderful experience, a huge thanks to the restaurant manager; Hany Noshy! The breakfast was fresh and delicious! After getting ready, just before the ceremony, we had a few family and couple shots around the resort. NOTE: It is important you outline the places you would like to have photographers with the event planner before hand, as permissions will need to be granted. There were so many beautiful scenarios, we didn't know where to start, but our photographers and videographers from Qamar Anwar Photography were excellent! Right from the first meeting to discuss possibilities, to the direction on the day… When you think about your wedding, one always has ideas and plans how they want their pictures, but when it came to the big day, nerves got the better of us both! I particularly liked the photographers creativity with a few of the shots! The ceremony was a small prayer and exchange of rings with a few words said from both sides. As we had already done the religious ceremony (Which we were supposed to do at the Masala Courtyard), we improvised with a condensed version of an english ceremony. The masala courtyard is perfect for a small intimate affair, even in the heat. It is shaded by surrounding walls and is the perfect place to have an isle, leading to the stage at the top! The courtyard is generally used for traditional music players in the evening for hotel guests, then transformed into a wonderful wedding ceremony venue when needed. The Rokha- Cough up the cash KJ! Walking down the Isle with my father, flower girl and bridesmaids and young nephew! After the ceremony, our guests were escorted to the Al sarab rooftop and Al shuruq for the cocktails and wedding reception. It was about a 5-8minute walk, so myself and KJ (And his 3rd wheeling best man) were taken on a buggy, provided by bab al shams. We had looked at other possibilities like a horse and carriage, but this was not possible as the road to the other end of the resort was very narrow. When we were planning, the tables at the AL SHUROUQ looked far too low, but on the day these were higher and proper chairs were put in place with ribbons and the buffet down the middle. The views from the Al sarab rooftop whilst we enjoyed cocktails were fantastic! The tables and podiums were taken away so our guests could walk around with ease, enjoying the cooler temperature, cold drinks and light refreshments and another chance for photographs! Our photographers had gone for a wonder and suggested we have some shots in the golf course gardens! The old walls of the rooftop and green grass of the golf course was simply stunning. Every part of the resort is a different experience, but following a similar old Arabic fort like style continuously. As the newly weds, we were upgraded to the "Honeymoon suite" On the other side of the resort, with our own private courtyard, a room full of rose petals and a bunch of flowers from the Bab al Shams team! We hope to return for our anniversary, as it was an unforgettable experience. As a child I always dreamed of getting married in a castle, this Arabic fort was nothing short of a castle. It was a dream come true, and we wanted to share our experience. We also wanted to show our gratitude to the team and staff at Bab al shams and hope it will see many many more weddings! The location is away from the city, so you can avoid traffic, people (to an extent) and the general hustle bustle of the busy city Dubai is. The resort itself offers so much diversity, in retaining its Arabic fort roots in the style and design, as well as offering modern amenities and services. A Huge thank you once again to Princess, Hany, Carole, Clive, Arman, Gora, Madiha, Ana, Arman, Cris, Daniela, and our friends and family for the constant support, love and being a part of our special journey. Last but certainly not least Thank you to both our parents, who brought us up, gave us life and a special
[ 10849, 4940, 2722, 4004, 29892, 263, 2319, 1591, 2989, 310, 12384, 1319, 18423, 29892, 1766, 845, 29885, 497, 1242, 322, 7901, 1691, 363, 278, 4344, 29892, 2319, 12384, 1319, 10322, 12917, 13748, 29879, 29892, 10849, 15774, 322, 577, 1568, 901, 29991, 28265, 278, 289, 2426, 29892, 306, 471, 2183, 263, 2217, 4266, 8570, 322, 590, 715, 1078, 892, 6296, 304, 278, 1591, 322, 1316, 29892, 278, 2319, 6023, 267, 491, 278, 13925, 472, 14525, 394, 1383, 2232, 338, 825, 1754, 372, 1316, 263, 20695, 7271, 29892, 263, 12176, 3969, 304, 278, 27144, 8455, 29936, 379, 1384, 405, 359, 5819, 29991, 450, 26044, 471, 10849, 322, 628, 14803, 29991, 13, 13555, 2805, 7960, 29892, 925, 1434, 278, 25672, 29892, 591, 750, 263, 2846, 3942, 322, 7303, 528, 1862, 2820, 278, 25362, 29889, 6058, 29923, 29901, 739, 338, 4100, 366, 27887, 278, 7600, 366, 723, 763, 304, 505, 17739, 414, 411, 278, 1741, 715, 7310, 1434, 1361, 29892, 408, 11239, 674, 817, 304, 367, 16896, 29889, 1670, 892, 577, 1784, 9560, 21846, 29892, 591, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1073, 988, 304, 1369, 29892, 541, 1749, 17739, 414, 322, 18900, 1946, 414, 515, 660, 8715, 530, 4495, 19040, 5275, 892, 15129, 29991, 10428, 515, 278, 937, 11781, 304, 5353, 24496, 29892, 304, 278, 5305, 373, 278, 2462, 30098, 1932, 366, 1348, 1048, 596, 14837, 8497, 29892, 697, 2337, 756, 7014, 322, 13900, 920, 896, 864, 1009, 14956, 29892, 541, 746, 372, 2996, 304, 278, 4802, 2462, 29892, 302, 20098, 2355, 278, 2253, 310, 502, 1716, 29991, 306, 10734, 23289, 278, 17739, 414, 907, 28157, 411, 263, 2846, 310, 278, 528, 1862, 29991, 13, 1576, 25672, 471, 263, 2319, 27402, 322, 14523, 310, 28774, 411, 263, 2846, 3838, 1497, 515, 1716, 11192, 29889, 1094, 591, 750, 2307, 2309, 278, 12962, 25672, 313, 8809, 436, 591, 892, 7424, 304, 437, 472, 278, 8622, 2883, 6325, 1017, 538, 511, 591, 4857, 11292, 411, 263, 2148, 21144, 1873, 310, 385, 3033, 1674, 25672, 29889, 450, 5516, 2883, 2085, 1017, 538, 338, 4922, 363, 263, 2319, 938, 6490, 26195, 29892, 1584, 297, 278, 12871, 29889, 739, 338, 528, 11932, 491, 18830, 14603, 322, 338, 278, 4922, 2058, 304, 505, 385, 338, 280, 29892, 8236, 304, 278, 7408, 472, 278, 2246, 29991, 450, 2085, 1017, 538, 338, 6892, 1304, 363, 13807, 4696, 10769, 297, 278, 11005, 363, 16730, 28865, 29892, 769, 27615, 964, 263, 20695, 14837, 8497, 25672, 6003, 434, 746, 4312, 29889, 13, 1576, 390, 554, 2350, 29899, 315, 820, 701, 278, 274, 1161, 476, 29967, 29991, 13, 29956, 2235, 292, 1623, 278, 1317, 280, 411, 590, 4783, 29892, 28149, 7826, 322, 1506, 2247, 655, 4841, 322, 4123, 23446, 13636, 29991, 13, 13555, 278, 25672, 29892, 1749, 28865, 892, 3966, 18054, 304, 278, 838, 22887, 370, 696, 29877, 615, 459, 322, 838, 528, 20144, 29939, 363, 278, 1302, 384, 29873, 2234, 322, 14837, 8497, 25647, 29889, 739, 471, 1048, 263, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29947, 1195, 1082, 6686, 29892, 577, 6142, 322, 476, 29967, 313, 2855, 670, 29871, 29941, 5499, 18875, 292, 1900, 767, 29897, 892, 4586, 373, 263, 6494, 1927, 29892, 4944, 491, 289, 370, 394, 528, 2232, 29889, 1334, 750, 5148, 472, 916, 24496, 763, 263, 10435, 322, 23840, 29892, 541, 445, 471, 451, 1950, 408, 278, 6520, 304, 278, 916, 1095, 310, 278, 25362, 471, 1407, 12474, 29889, 13, 10401, 591, 892, 18987, 29892, 278, 6131, 472, 278, 14445, 24972, 29965, 1672, 29965, 29984, 5148, 2215, 2086, 4482, 29892, 541, 373, 278, 2462, 1438, 892, 6133, 322, 1571, 521, 7121, 892, 1925, 297, 2058, 411, 18130, 29890, 787, 322, 278, 20487, 300, 1623, 278, 7256, 29889, 450, 8386, 515, 278, 838, 22887, 370, 696, 29877, 615, 459, 21109, 591, 27849, 1302, 384, 29873, 2234, 892, 13568, 6288, 29991, 450, 6131, 322, 2532, 21425, 892, 4586, 3448, 577, 1749, 28865, 1033, 6686, 2820, 411, 16326, 29892, 11418, 5414, 278, 12528, 261, 10430, 29892, 11220, 13748, 29879, 322, 3578, 11086, 1860, 322, 1790, 8825, 363, 17739, 29879, 29991, 8680, 17739, 414, 750, 7695, 363, 263, 4997, 322, 7829, 591, 505, 777, 528, 1862, 297, 278, 29416, 3236, 17161, 575, 29991, 450, 2030, 14603, 310, 278, 696, 29877, 615, 459, 322, 7933, 17455, 310, 278, 29416, 3236, 471, 3763, 380, 27389, 29889, 7569, 760, 310, 278, 25362, 338, 263, 1422, 7271, 29892, 541, 1494, 263, 2788, 2030, 10387, 293, 5162, 763, 3114, 3133, 5794, 29889, 13, 2887, 278, 15141, 281, 5779, 29892, 591, 892, 20337, 287, 304, 278, 376, 29950, 650, 962, 6150, 9460, 29908, 1551, 278, 916, 2625, 310, 278, 25362, 29892, 411, 1749, 1914, 2024, 2085, 1017, 538, 29892, 263, 5716, 2989, 310, 11492, 5697, 1338, 322, 263, 14928, 310, 18281, 515, 278, 14525, 394, 1383, 2232, 3815, 29991, 1334, 4966, 304, 736, 363, 1749, 6957, 27547, 29892, 408, 372, 471, 385, 443, 1454, 657, 2371, 7271, 29889, 13, 2887, 263, 2278, 306, 2337, 12561, 287, 310, 2805, 8300, 297, 263, 20610, 29892, 445, 10387, 293, 5162, 471, 3078, 3273, 310, 263, 20610, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 12561, 2041, 1565, 29892, 322, 591, 5131, 304, 6232, 1749, 7271, 29889, 1334, 884, 5131, 304, 1510, 1749, 20715, 4279, 304, 278, 3815, 322, 13925, 472, 14525, 394, 528, 2232, 322, 4966, 372, 674, 1074, 1784, 1784, 901, 14837, 29881, 886, 29991, 450, 4423, 338, 3448, 515, 278, 4272, 29892, 577, 366, 508, 4772, 12469, 29892, 2305, 313, 517, 385, 15834, 29897, 322, 278, 2498, 298, 504, 280, 289, 504, 280, 310, 278, 19587, 4272, 11668, 1794, 338, 29889, 450, 25362, 3528, 16688, 577, 1568, 6894, 537, 29892, 297, 11551, 292, 967, 10387, 293, 5162, 16778, 297, 278, 3114, 322, 2874, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 27032, 5400, 28332, 1907, 322, 5786, 29889, 319, 379, 5710, 6452, 366, 2748, 1449, 304, 22063, 29892, 379, 1384, 29892, 1704, 1772, 29892, 315, 9258, 29892, 826, 1171, 29892, 402, 2207, 29892, 4104, 29875, 2350, 29892, 20367, 29892, 826, 1171, 29892, 29524, 29892, 8432, 29874, 29892, 322, 1749, 7875, 322, 3942, 363, 278, 4868, 2304, 29892, 5360, 322, 1641, 263, 760, 310, 1749, 4266, 16342, 29889, 13, 8897, 541, 8959, 451, 3203, 3374, 366, 304, 1716, 1749, 11825, 29892, 1058, 6296, 502, 701, 29892, 4846, 502, 2834, 322, 263, 4266 ]
Much More Then, Being Now Justified By His Blood, We Shall Be Saved From Wrath Through Him Salvation By Grace Alone – A Life Or Death Issue 15/06/2008 / Test All Things Kept By The Power of God "Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time." (1 Peter 1:5) This side of death, we shall never know that which God Almighty has kept us from. I remember the time when my daughter was in an automobile accident that potentially could have been fatal. For a fleeting moment, she lost control of the vehicle that she was driving. Within seconds, the truck was totaled and she found herself in the frightening world of paramedics, police officers, and fire rescue workers. Only after the sobering ordeal has run it's course do we then start to think about what could have happened. Being kept in this carnal world from all that could happen is a calming thought for God's sheep. When one realizes the keeping power of Christ, for all those that He has eternally loved, the new heart is made to bow in adoration to Him who is omnipotent. Kept is a believer from the damning power of his own carnal, God hating will. Kept is a believer from the prince of the darkness who would devour God's own if he could. Kept is a believer from being of this world even though they are in the world. Now I know in part and see in part, but there's coming a day when I shall see Him as He is. In that day, I shall look on Him that has kept His own unto salvation. In that day, His sheep shall know how much they owe to the keeping power of Him that would not let them perish. By Marvin Stalnaker Filed under Devotionals, Perseverance Of The Saints ← "Freed From Sin" We Keep The Sabbath By Faith → Jesus Receives Sinners A Short Study of Psalm 119:90 A Short Study of Jeremiah 23:28 God's Stationary Immovable Earth – Scriptures The Waters and The Heaven of Heavens Above God's Firmament – Scriptures God's Firmament – Scriptures Tender Spiritual Walking Total Depravity – Scripture Study God's Irresistible Grace – Scripture Study Preservation of The Saints – Scripture Study Particular Redemption – Scripture Study Unconditional Election – Scripture Study Alpha Course (4) Amillennialism (6) Anglicanism (2) Antinomianism (10) Arminianism (156) Articles – By A. Chompff (134) Articles – By A. Toplady (31) Articles – By A.W. Pink (20) Articles – By B.A. Ramsbottom (39) Articles – By Barry Gritters (14) Articles – By Bill Bryant (15) Articles – By C. Miklosik (32) Articles – By Carl Haak (51) Articles – By Don Bell (80) Articles – By F. Companion (1) Articles – By Frank Gosden (1) Articles – By G. Beebe (19) Articles – By G. Standard (10) Articles – By G. TenBroeke (2) Articles – By G.D. Buss (20) Articles – By George Ophoff (2) Articles – By Gise Van Baren (4) Articles – By H.M. Curry (3) Articles – By Henry Law (9) Articles – By Henry Mahan (114) Articles – By Herman Hanko (9) Articles – By Herman Hoeksema (7) Articles – By J. Berridge (1) Articles – By J. Bourne (20) Articles – By J. Dennett (2) Articles – By J. Haldane (1) Articles – By J. Hatton (2) Articles – By J. Irons (11) Articles – By
[ 18927, 5853, 1987, 29892, 28265, 2567, 3387, 2164, 2648, 3600, 25122, 29892, 1334, 1383, 497, 1522, 9583, 287, 3645, 399, 29878, 493, 17044, 18136, 13, 20392, 29894, 362, 2648, 23350, 838, 650, 785, 319, 4634, 1394, 14450, 26246, 13, 29896, 29945, 29914, 29900, 29953, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 847, 4321, 2178, 28706, 13, 9598, 415, 2648, 450, 9206, 310, 4177, 13, 29908, 22110, 526, 8126, 491, 278, 3081, 310, 4177, 1549, 10847, 20550, 24754, 362, 7960, 304, 367, 17845, 297, 278, 1833, 931, 1213, 13, 29898, 29896, 5310, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29945, 29897, 13, 4013, 2625, 310, 4892, 29892, 591, 4091, 2360, 1073, 393, 607, 4177, 838, 29885, 523, 29891, 756, 8126, 502, 515, 29889, 306, 6456, 278, 931, 746, 590, 8750, 471, 297, 385, 3345, 5249, 11423, 393, 19998, 1033, 505, 1063, 18409, 29889, 1152, 263, 9115, 15133, 3256, 29892, 1183, 5714, 2761, 310, 278, 19716, 393, 1183, 471, 19500, 29889, 23732, 6923, 29892, 278, 534, 2707, 471, 2025, 7943, 322, 1183, 1476, 8735, 297, 278, 22739, 8333, 3186, 310, 1828, 287, 1199, 29892, 10974, 13049, 29892, 322, 3974, 26429, 17162, 29889, 9333, 1156, 278, 577, 495, 292, 470, 311, 284, 756, 1065, 372, 29915, 29879, 3236, 437, 591, 769, 1369, 304, 1348, 1048, 825, 1033, 505, 9559, 29889, 13, 3629, 292, 8126, 297, 445, 1559, 20809, 3186, 515, 599, 393, 1033, 3799, 338, 263, 1208, 4056, 2714, 363, 4177, 29915, 29879, 29735, 29889, 13, 10401, 697, 1855, 7093, 278, 12515, 3081, 310, 2819, 29892, 363, 599, 1906, 393, 940, 756, 634, 824, 635, 18012, 29892, 278, 716, 5192, 338, 1754, 304, 12580, 297, 594, 12418, 304, 18136, 1058, 338, 2703, 29876, 666, 327, 296, 29889, 13, 9598, 415, 338, 263, 1339, 347, 369, 515, 278, 5625, 1076, 3081, 310, 670, 1914, 1559, 20809, 29892, 4177, 298, 1218, 674, 29889, 13, 9598, 415, 338, 263, 1339, 347, 369, 515, 278, 15927, 310, 278, 23490, 1058, 723, 2906, 473, 4177, 29915, 29879, 1914, 565, 540, 1033, 29889, 13, 9598, 415, 338, 263, 1339, 347, 369, 515, 1641, 310, 445, 3186, 1584, 2466, 896, 526, 297, 278, 3186, 29889, 13, 10454, 306, 1073, 297, 760, 322, 1074, 297, 760, 29892, 541, 727, 29915, 29879, 6421, 263, 2462, 746, 306, 4091, 1074, 18136, 408, 940, 338, 29889, 13, 797, 393, 2462, 29892, 306, 4091, 1106, 373, 18136, 393, 756, 8126, 3600, 1914, 20550, 24754, 362, 29889, 13, 797, 393, 2462, 29892, 3600, 29735, 4091, 1073, 920, 1568, 896, 288, 705, 304, 278, 12515, 3081, 310, 18136, 393, 723, 451, 1235, 963, 639, 728, 29889, 13, 2059, 1085, 3845, 624, 284, 29876, 5790, 13, 2283, 29881, 1090, 9481, 8194, 1338, 29892, 2431, 344, 369, 749, 4587, 450, 14342, 1372, 13, 30245, 376, 23923, 287, 3645, 8882, 29908, 13, 4806, 19152, 450, 317, 8846, 493, 2648, 7748, 389, 10309, 13, 29967, 267, 375, 24328, 3145, 317, 16697, 13, 29909, 13899, 29301, 310, 10144, 17120, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29929, 29901, 29929, 29900, 13, 29909, 13899, 29301, 310, 5677, 331, 21071, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29901, 29906, 29947, 13, 29954, 397, 29915, 29879, 12039, 653, 1954, 13529, 519, 11563, 785, 14415, 1973, 13, 1576, 399, 10412, 322, 450, 22977, 310, 940, 485, 575, 319, 29205, 4177, 29915, 29879, 383, 3568, 1166, 785, 14415, 1973, 13, 29954, 397, 29915, 29879, 383, 3568, 1166, 785, 14415, 1973, 13, 29911, 1581, 20799, 950, 12878, 292, 13, 11536, 10034, 5705, 537, 785, 14415, 545, 29301, 13, 29954, 397, 29915, 29879, 6600, 690, 391, 1821, 23350, 785, 14415, 545, 29301, 13, 13504, 20525, 310, 450, 14342, 1372, 785, 14415, 545, 29301, 13, 7439, 16311, 4367, 331, 683, 785, 14415, 545, 29301, 13, 2525, 1116, 3245, 382, 1464, 785, 14415, 545, 29301, 13, 28630, 6325, 344, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 6833, 453, 2108, 616, 1608, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 9928, 506, 273, 1608, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 13448, 262, 290, 713, 1608, 313, 29896, 29900, 29897, 13, 1433, 1195, 713, 1608, 313, 29896, 29945, 29953, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 319, 29889, 678, 21744, 600, 313, 29896, 29941, 29946, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 319, 29889, 7488, 29880, 3714, 313, 29941, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 319, 29889, 29956, 29889, 349, 682, 313, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 350, 29889, 29909, 29889, 390, 2232, 8968, 313, 29941, 29929, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 23032, 402, 768, 2153, 313, 29896, 29946, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 6682, 13307, 424, 313, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 315, 29889, 13803, 5409, 638, 313, 29941, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 8965, 5952, 557, 313, 29945, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 3872, 10914, 313, 29947, 29900, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 383, 29889, 3831, 273, 291, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 4976, 402, 359, 1145, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 402, 29889, 1522, 774, 29872, 313, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 402, 29889, 10117, 313, 29896, 29900, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 402, 29889, 12444, 29933, 26968, 446, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 402, 29889, 29928, 29889, 350, 1558, 313, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 5122, 438, 561, 2696, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 402, 895, 6556, 2261, 264, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 379, 29889, 29924, 29889, 10837, 719, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 6498, 7927, 313, 29929, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 6498, 10082, 273, 313, 29896, 29896, 29946, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 379, 3504, 379, 804, 29877, 313, 29929, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 379, 3504, 8335, 14541, 2603, 313, 29955, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 2292, 8605, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 12340, 484, 313, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 3384, 20764, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 379, 2741, 1662, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 25966, 880, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 6600, 787, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648 ]
J. Kershaw (18) Articles – By J. M'Kenzie (5) Articles – By J. Warburton (12) Articles – By J.C. Philpot (146) Articles – By J.E. Hazelton (3) Articles – By J.H. Gosden (3) Articles – By J.J. West (1) Articles – By J.K. Popham (13) Articles – By J.R. Rutt (2) Articles – By James Dennett (1) Articles – By John Brine (7) Articles – By John Foreman (1) Articles – By John Gadsby (2) Articles – By John Gill (24) Articles – By John Hazelton (1) Articles – By John Kay (20) Articles – By John Kershaw (9) Articles – By John Newton (6) Articles – By John Rusk (7) Articles – By Joseph Hatton (2) Articles – By Leslie Hyde (1) Articles – By Marvin Stalnaker (102) Articles – By Octavius Winslow (13) Articles – By R. Haldane (1) Articles – By R. Hale (1) Articles – By R. Hawker (7) Articles – By R. Van Overloop (2) Articles – By Roy Dean (3) Articles – By S. Phillips (31) Articles – By S. Trott (3) Articles – By Scott Richardson (48) Articles – By T. Bradbury (17) Articles – By T. Crisp (2) Articles – By T. Dudley (1) Articles – By Thomas Wilcox (2) Articles – By Tommy Robbins (20) Articles – By W. Gadsby (12) Articles – By W. Hudson (18) Articles – By W. Huntington (8) Articles – By W. Romaine (4) Articles – By W. Tiptaft (24) Articles – By William Gadsby (18) Articles – By William Huntington (18) Articles – By William Rushton (1) Audio – KJV Bible – 1st Peter (5) Audio – KJV Bible – 2nd John (1) Audio – KJV Bible – 2nd Peter (3) Audio – KJV Bible – 3rd John (1) Audio – KJV Bible – Jude (1) Audio – KJV Bible – Obadiah (1) Audio – KJV Bible – Philemon (1) Audio – KJV Bible – Ruth (4) Audio – KJV Bible – Titus (3) Audio Sermons (40) Audios – By A. Chompff (105) Revelation Study (1) Romans 9 Study (4) Audios – By Arthur Pink (30) Audios – By C. Miklosik (1) Audios – By Carl Haak (13) Audios – By Don Bell (157) Jude Study (11) Philemon Study (1) Titus Study (9) Audios – By G.D. Buss (1) Audios – By Henry Bouma (6) Audios – By Henry Law (38) Audios – By Henry Mahan (7) Audios – By Herman Hanko (1) Audios – By Herman Hoeksema (11) Audios – By J.C. Philpot (19) Audios – By James Smith (20) Audios – By John Newton (30) Audios – By Marvin Stalnaker (1) Audios – By Michael Pickett (183) Audios – By Octavius Winslow (18) Audios – By Scott Richardson (393) Audios – By Timothy Field (1) Audios – Eschatology (9) Audios – False Teachers (1) Audios –
[ 435, 29889, 476, 414, 29882, 1450, 313, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 341, 29915, 29968, 264, 3914, 313, 29945, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 3362, 8399, 880, 313, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29907, 29889, 5241, 17765, 313, 29896, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29923, 29889, 25606, 295, 880, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29950, 29889, 402, 359, 1145, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29967, 29889, 3122, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29968, 29889, 349, 3021, 314, 313, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29934, 29889, 390, 4774, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 5011, 3384, 20764, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2259, 1771, 457, 313, 29955, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2259, 1152, 11422, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2259, 402, 7925, 1609, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2259, 28047, 313, 29906, 29946, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2259, 25606, 295, 880, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2259, 28444, 313, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2259, 476, 414, 29882, 1450, 313, 29929, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2259, 19017, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2259, 11688, 29895, 313, 29955, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 6936, 25966, 880, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 2664, 3197, 9665, 311, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 1085, 3845, 624, 284, 29876, 5790, 313, 29896, 29900, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 4756, 485, 2482, 399, 1144, 677, 313, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 390, 29889, 379, 2741, 1662, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 390, 29889, 379, 744, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 390, 29889, 10875, 3946, 313, 29955, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 390, 29889, 6556, 6811, 7888, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 15793, 23263, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 317, 29889, 21856, 4512, 313, 29941, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 317, 29889, 8316, 698, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 8075, 6123, 1100, 313, 29946, 29947, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 323, 29889, 15862, 11059, 313, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 323, 29889, 29524, 29886, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 323, 29889, 360, 566, 2330, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 5569, 4624, 1111, 29916, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 27036, 6417, 29890, 1144, 313, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 399, 29889, 402, 7925, 1609, 313, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 399, 29889, 25850, 313, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 399, 29889, 16899, 1259, 880, 313, 29947, 29897, 13, 9986, 4027, 785, 2648, 399, 29889, 10659, 457, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 9986, 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29967, 29963, 21958, 785, 11810, 375, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 17111, 317, 837, 787, 313, 29946, 29900, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 319, 29889, 678, 21744, 600, 313, 29896, 29900, 29945, 29897, 13, 1123, 955, 362, 29301, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29934, 290, 550, 29871, 29929, 29301, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 11498, 349, 682, 313, 29941, 29900, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 315, 29889, 13803, 5409, 638, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 8965, 5952, 557, 313, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 3872, 10914, 313, 29896, 29945, 29955, 29897, 13, 29967, 1151, 29301, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 4819, 488, 3712, 29301, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29911, 277, 375, 29301, 313, 29929, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 402, 29889, 29928, 29889, 350, 1558, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 6498, 12476, 655, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 6498, 7927, 313, 29941, 29947, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 6498, 10082, 273, 313, 29955, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 379, 3504, 379, 804, 29877, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 379, 3504, 8335, 14541, 2603, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29907, 29889, 5241, 17765, 313, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 5011, 7075, 313, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 2259, 19017, 313, 29941, 29900, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 1085, 3845, 624, 284, 29876, 5790, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 5765, 23868, 1803, 313, 29896, 29947, 29941, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 4756, 485, 2482, 399, 1144, 677, 313, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 8075, 6123, 1100, 313, 29941, 29929, 29941, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 2648, 7870, 20336, 8989, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 382, 816, 271, 3002, 313, 29929, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 7700, 1920, 496, 414, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785 ]
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[ 1551, 23759, 1608, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 1551, 2896, 1608, 2454, 14104, 882, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 1551, 6291, 5298, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 1551, 6760, 362, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 1551, 22977, 322, 19339, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 1551, 1085, 9081, 313, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 1551, 341, 555, 265, 1608, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 1551, 5917, 11865, 1608, 313, 29955, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 3323, 303, 5008, 313, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29909, 566, 2363, 785, 450, 5852, 402, 26265, 313, 29941, 29945, 29897, 13, 5841, 2536, 4821, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 29933, 2156, 1608, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 29933, 1821, 530, 5956, 313, 29896, 29955, 29941, 29897, 13, 29933, 747, 506, 284, 10515, 1600, 329, 1199, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 10967, 29879, 785, 2648, 319, 29889, 29956, 29889, 349, 682, 313, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 1576, 317, 957, 29872, 335, 593, 29891, 310, 4177, 313, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 10967, 29879, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29907, 29889, 5241, 17765, 313, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 29924, 5628, 800, 373, 450, 15573, 1127, 12968, 537, 310, 450, 350, 2222, 287, 390, 2742, 25154, 313, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 1576, 382, 1890, 317, 787, 4034, 310, 2819, 313, 29945, 29897, 13, 10967, 29879, 785, 2648, 2259, 11688, 29895, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 1576, 6561, 7808, 287, 4634, 310, 319, 6111, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 10967, 29879, 785, 2648, 21631, 21856, 4512, 313, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 1576, 23759, 1891, 6291, 267, 310, 2819, 313, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 10967, 29879, 785, 2648, 796, 547, 2088, 404, 313, 29955, 29953, 29897, 13, 29933, 1821, 1938, 14600, 4942, 453, 313, 29896, 29946, 29897, 13, 29931, 1992, 20986, 29915, 29879, 315, 403, 305, 1608, 313, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 25263, 11344, 519, 21958, 1605, 2806, 29879, 313, 29946, 29896, 29897, 13, 29907, 1160, 292, 1608, 313, 29906, 29906, 29897, 13, 5914, 1608, 2454, 14104, 882, 313, 29896, 29900, 29897, 13, 18687, 25379, 313, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 1451, 2458, 713, 537, 313, 29896, 29941, 29897, 13, 18877, 23350, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 16618, 8194, 1338, 313, 29906, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 8824, 1920, 496, 414, 313, 29946, 29906, 29897, 13, 2831, 7668, 29879, 313, 29941, 29900, 29897, 13, 29943, 870, 11491, 391, 365, 8452, 7965, 313, 29955, 29897, 13, 29950, 11175, 29891, 313, 29945, 29941, 29897, 13, 29902, 29878, 690, 391, 1821, 23350, 313, 29906, 29941, 29897, 13, 22988, 284, 1608, 313, 29896, 29900, 29897, 13, 12024, 2153, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29907, 29889, 5241, 17765, 313, 29906, 29955, 29945, 29897, 13, 29898, 29896, 29947, 29946, 29900, 785, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29946, 29929, 29897, 313, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 12024, 2153, 785, 2648, 2259, 341, 29915, 29968, 264, 3914, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 12024, 2153, 785, 2648, 2259, 11688, 29895, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 12024, 2153, 785, 2648, 2259, 3362, 8399, 880, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 12024, 2153, 785, 2648, 6936, 6600, 787, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 12024, 2153, 785, 2648, 21631, 21856, 4512, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 12024, 2153, 785, 2648, 399, 29889, 18439, 415, 2051, 313, 29945, 29941, 29897, 13, 12024, 2153, 785, 2648, 4667, 402, 7925, 1609, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 12024, 2153, 785, 2648, 4667, 16899, 1259, 880, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 4373, 16767, 350, 13876, 313, 29896, 29900, 29897, 13, 29940, 5283, 1249, 273, 1608, 313, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 7439, 16311, 4367, 331, 683, 313, 29953, 29929, 29897, 13, 5894, 344, 369, 749, 4587, 450, 14342, 1372, 313, 29906, 29955, 29897, 13, 9837, 27184, 785, 2648, 3111, 375, 7488, 29880, 3714, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9837, 27184, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 12321, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9837, 27184, 785, 2648, 6936, 6600, 787, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 9837, 27184, 785, 2648, 4667, 402, 7925, 1609, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 6747, 8649, 2108, 616, 1608, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 6572, 8649, 2108, 616, 1608, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 12299, 678, 21744, 600, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 11498, 349, 682, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 3111, 375, 7488, 29880, 3714, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 3872, 10914, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 23657, 1522, 774, 29872, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 379, 3504, 379, 804, 29877, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 379, 3504, 8335, 14541, 2603, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29907, 29889, 5241, 17765, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 5765, 23868, 1803, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 4667, 402, 7925, 1609, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 4667, 16899, 1259, 880, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 4667, 18439, 415, 2051, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 2182, 4769, 785, 2648, 4667, 9656, 299, 744, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 4597, 759, 362, 313, 29941, 29955, 29897, 13, 5612, 296, 749, 313, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 1123, 22795, 362, 313, 29941, 29900, 29897, 13, 29903, 8846, 493, 313, 29906, 29906, 29897, 13, 29903, 562, 29878, 11491, 1608, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 22509, 312, 2450, 313, 29906, 29929, 29897, 13, 4081, 545, 16972, 313, 29929, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 319, 29889, 27620, 1484, 29872, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 315, 744, 29890, 317, 1450, 7598, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 5322, 20863, 4885, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 23993, 1528, 29872, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 402, 29889, 29928, 29889, 350, 1558, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 402, 29889, 29967, 29889, 3384, 7598, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 379, 29889, 379, 1202, 340, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 6498, 4169, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 379, 3504, 8335, 14541, 2603, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 476, 414, 29882, 1450, 313, 29896, 29946, 29897, 13 ]
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[ 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 349, 3021, 314, 313, 29906, 29906, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 3362, 8399, 880, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29907, 29889, 5241, 17765, 313, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29950, 29889, 402, 359, 1145, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 435, 29889, 29967, 29889, 8413, 2330, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 2259, 402, 7925, 1609, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 2259, 25606, 295, 880, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 2259, 12540, 497, 313, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 6936, 6600, 787, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 341, 29889, 23868, 1803, 313, 29945, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 323, 29889, 15862, 11059, 313, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 399, 29889, 402, 7925, 1609, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 399, 29889, 18439, 415, 2051, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 29903, 837, 787, 785, 2648, 4667, 16899, 1259, 880, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 2008, 794, 29882, 8373, 21255, 1608, 313, 29896, 29955, 29897, 13, 29456, 1938, 14600, 313, 29896, 29946, 29953, 29897, 13, 29903, 957, 29872, 335, 593, 29891, 4587, 4177, 313, 29941, 29953, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29896, 303, 15336, 4027, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29896, 303, 2994, 22653, 5834, 313, 29941, 29929, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29896, 303, 2259, 313, 29906, 29946, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29896, 303, 21701, 313, 29947, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29896, 303, 5310, 313, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29896, 303, 15316, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29896, 303, 498, 404, 284, 5271, 550, 313, 29947, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29896, 303, 7870, 20336, 313, 29947, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29906, 299, 15336, 4027, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29906, 299, 2994, 22653, 5834, 313, 29946, 29945, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29906, 299, 21701, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29906, 299, 5310, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29906, 299, 15316, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29906, 299, 498, 404, 284, 5271, 550, 313, 29945, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29906, 299, 7870, 20336, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 29871, 29941, 5499, 2259, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 3185, 29879, 313, 29906, 29941, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 1913, 359, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 1530, 359, 1039, 550, 313, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 8432, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 897, 12811, 21926, 313, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 382, 617, 793, 15736, 267, 313, 29929, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 382, 561, 267, 5834, 313, 29941, 29900, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 2661, 2276, 313, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 1222, 397, 375, 313, 29947, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 382, 11907, 709, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 5208, 2219, 550, 313, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 5739, 6656, 313, 29896, 29946, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 379, 16170, 1794, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 18472, 3973, 29879, 313, 29941, 29953, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 379, 852, 29874, 313, 29955, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 19899, 21071, 313, 29953, 29947, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 5011, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 5677, 331, 21071, 313, 29906, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 17163, 313, 29947, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 2259, 313, 29953, 29941, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 9937, 801, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 435, 1151, 313, 29945, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 8660, 2710, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 365, 1166, 800, 313, 29946, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 20708, 277, 12473, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 25556, 313, 29946, 29955, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 3792, 26213, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 4485, 313, 29896, 29953, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 22292, 313, 29945, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 20279, 801, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 405, 801, 398, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 11848, 2596, 313, 29953, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 12325, 5834, 313, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 1019, 369, 5824, 313, 29906, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 10144, 284, 1516, 313, 29896, 29900, 29947, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 830, 955, 362, 313, 29945, 29896, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 6033, 550, 313, 29929, 29946, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 23130, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 9362, 310, 4956, 18192, 313, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 11810, 375, 313, 29906, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 3091, 3090, 21071, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 583, 785, 512, 3091, 561, 4807, 29882, 313, 29896, 29897, 13, 855, 566, 29891, 16886, 785, 2661, 2276, 313, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 4035, 303, 5008, 313, 29947, 29896, 29897, 13, 29903, 3043, 292, 313, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 3057, 20170, 583, 785, 1222, 341, 555, 787, 313, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 1576, 6111, 4634, 313, 29896, 29953, 29900, 29897, 13, 1451, 579, 275, 882, 313, 29941, 29897, 13, 1576, 17733, 20799, 313, 29941, 29897 ]
Windham Lawrence Rotunda (Brooksville, 23 de maio de 1987) é um lutador de wrestling profissional estadunidense que ficou conhecido no WWE sob o nome de ringue de "The Fiend" Bray Wyatt, ou simplesmente Bray Wyatt. Wyatt já foi também campeão de duplas do Raw juntamente com Matt Hardy e também ganhou o WWE Championship ao eliminar por último AJ Styles, no Elimination Chamber 2017. O personagem de Bray Wyatt estreou no plantel principal em julho de 2013 como parte da The Wyatt Family. Anteriormente, ele lutou para a WWE como Husky Harris, principalmente como membro do The Nexus. Ao lado de seu irmão mais novo Taylor Rotunda (Bo Dallas), ocupou o Campeonato de Duplas da FCW duas vezes. Desde a transição de Husky Harris para o actual personagem, Bray Wyatt, Rotunda conseguiu mais sucesso juntamente com a stable com que se estreou, The Wyatt Family. Carreira World Wrestling Entertainment (2009 - 2021) Florida Championship Wrestling (2009–2010) Rotunda estreou na estupidez Championship Wrestling (FCW) em abril de 2009 com uma vitória, usando o ring name "Alex Rotundo". Mais tarde mudou para "Duke Rotundo". No início de 2009, ele formou uma tag team semi-regular com Vic Adams. Em hdidu junho de 2009, Rotundo começou tag team com o seu irmão, Bo. Nas gravações da FCW em 23 de julho, The Rotundo Brothers derrotaram The Dude Busters (Caylen Croft e Trent Barreta) para se tornarem #1 contenders pelo FCW Florida Tag Team Championship. Naquela mesma noite, eles derrotaram Justin Angel e Kris Logan para conquistar pela primeira vez o FCW Florida Tag Team Championship. Eles defenderam com sucesso os cinturões contra Dylan Klein e Vance Archer e Curt Hawkins e Heath Slater. Em 19 de novembro, The Rotundo Brothers perderam os títulos para o The Dude Busters (Hawkins e Croft). No início de 2010, The Rotundo Brothers começaram a rivalizar com The Usos (Jimmy e Jey), e sua manager, Sarona Snuka. Eles perderam para The Usos em 14 de janeiro, mas derrotaram The Usos e Donny Marlow em uma six-man tag team match, com Wes Brisco. Em uma revanche em 11 de março, The Rotundos derrotaram The Usos. Em abril, eles rivalizaram com Jackson Andrews e Curt Hawkins, que começou quando Rotundo enfrentou Andrews em uma singles match e ganhou por desqualificação quando Hawkins interferiu. Nas gravações da FCW na semana seguinte, The Rotundos uniram-se com Eli Cottonwood, mas acabaram derrotados por Hawkins, Andrews, e Leo Kruger. Depois disso, Rotundo voltou à competir sozinho, e derrotou Kruger, Johnny Curtis e Tyler Reks. Em junho de 2010, ele mudou seu ring name para "Husky Harris" para coincidir com sua estreia no NXT. Ele chegou a derrotar Drake Brewer e Derrick Bateman, após desafiou sem sucesso Alex Riley pelo FCW Florida Heavyweight Championship em 20 de junho. Em setembro, Harris rivalizou com Percy Watson, perdendo para por countout, quando Harris se recusou a continuar a luta e saiu. Harris, depois perdeu para Watson em uma não autorizada, Falls Count Anywhere match em 15 de setembro. Na semana seguinte, uma luta entre os dois terminou em uma desqualificação dupla, resultando em uma 'non-sanctioned come as you are bunkhouse brawl', que Watson venceu para acabar com a rivalidade. NXT e The Nexus (2010 – 2011) Em
[ 17311, 3391, 19520, 9664, 8917, 313, 29857, 554, 4501, 1924, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29941, 316, 611, 601, 316, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29897, 904, 1922, 15481, 3136, 316, 24613, 1847, 2600, 790, 1848, 12386, 348, 16647, 712, 22959, 283, 19028, 13321, 694, 399, 8851, 22810, 288, 9235, 316, 9228, 434, 316, 376, 1576, 383, 29875, 355, 29908, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 29892, 2123, 1027, 2701, 2689, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 29889, 10167, 1131, 17333, 4732, 10409, 18357, 1368, 316, 868, 572, 294, 437, 22038, 25296, 2503, 419, 9811, 10999, 29891, 321, 10409, 9581, 10774, 288, 399, 8851, 8972, 5017, 10397, 279, 1277, 20195, 319, 29967, 624, 5577, 29892, 694, 1260, 326, 3381, 25037, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 13, 13, 29949, 2022, 13904, 316, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 24567, 283, 694, 8024, 295, 5882, 953, 5757, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 1986, 3810, 1146, 450, 10167, 1131, 14662, 29889, 530, 8733, 2689, 29892, 4552, 15481, 283, 1702, 263, 399, 8851, 1986, 24287, 3459, 20349, 29892, 21995, 1986, 3813, 307, 437, 450, 405, 735, 375, 29889, 319, 29877, 19931, 316, 5078, 29871, 3568, 1368, 3503, 2420, 29877, 12537, 9664, 8917, 313, 8431, 27043, 511, 14049, 283, 288, 17660, 316, 5334, 572, 294, 1146, 7992, 29956, 27544, 7763, 267, 29889, 13, 13, 4002, 311, 29871, 263, 1301, 12556, 316, 24287, 3459, 20349, 1702, 288, 3935, 2022, 13904, 29892, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 29892, 9664, 8917, 5178, 23569, 29884, 3503, 480, 985, 29877, 25296, 2503, 419, 263, 13714, 419, 712, 409, 24567, 283, 29892, 450, 10167, 1131, 14662, 29889, 13, 13, 8179, 276, 3055, 13, 13, 14058, 21815, 18189, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 448, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29897, 13, 13, 29943, 5095, 1458, 8972, 21815, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29994, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29897, 13, 13, 21281, 8917, 24567, 283, 1055, 707, 786, 680, 29920, 13, 1451, 3103, 3527, 21815, 313, 8610, 29956, 29897, 953, 8047, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 419, 3672, 13901, 14389, 29892, 502, 1743, 288, 9228, 1024, 376, 17406, 9664, 6201, 1642, 11948, 17666, 17439, 283, 1702, 376, 29928, 29884, 446, 9664, 6201, 1642, 1939, 297, 24394, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29892, 4552, 883, 283, 3672, 4055, 3815, 12647, 29899, 15227, 419, 13423, 20359, 29889, 13, 13, 6026, 298, 18361, 29884, 4707, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29892, 9664, 6201, 29435, 283, 4055, 3815, 419, 288, 5078, 29871, 3568, 1368, 29892, 1952, 29889, 22318, 2646, 1564, 5616, 1146, 7992, 29956, 953, 29871, 29906, 29941, 316, 5757, 1251, 29892, 450, 9664, 6201, 25522, 25464, 11269, 450, 360, 1151, 350, 504, 414, 313, 29907, 388, 2435, 8764, 615, 321, 1605, 296, 2261, 276, 941, 29897, 1702, 409, 10146, 598, 29885, 396, 29896, 640, 21043, 10845, 7992, 29956, 13813, 10522, 8583, 8972, 29889, 4465, 339, 3100, 4883, 655, 694, 568, 29892, 560, 267, 25464, 11269, 26408, 17323, 321, 476, 3780, 4522, 273, 1702, 25188, 279, 10571, 20997, 7763, 288, 7992, 29956, 13813, 10522, 8583, 8972, 29889, 382, 793, 822, 1581, 314, 419, 480, 985, 29877, 2897, 274, 524, 332, 4420, 6761, 360, 2904, 273, 21151, 321, 478, 749, 2595, 261, 321, 25141, 10875, 11335, 321, 940, 493, 14866, 1008, 29889, 2812, 29871, 29896, 29929, 316, 2420, 10187, 29892, 450, 9664, 6201, 25522, 639, 672, 314, 2897, 12946, 19733, 1702, 288, 450, 360, 1151, 350, 504, 414, 313, 29950, 1450, 11335, 321, 8764, 615, 467, 1939, 297, 24394, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 450, 9664, 6201, 25522, 29435, 11269, 263, 17055, 15356, 419, 450, 10783, 359, 313, 29967, 326, 1357, 321, 435, 1032, 511, 321, 4171, 8455, 29892, 7745, 2681, 317, 3433, 1335, 29889, 382, 793, 639, 672, 314, 1702, 450, 10783, 359, 953, 29871, 29896, 29946, 316, 432, 1662, 3350, 29892, 5516, 25464, 11269, 450, 10783, 359, 321, 3872, 1460, 1085, 677, 953, 3672, 4832, 29899, 1171, 4055, 3815, 1993, 29892, 419, 23976, 1771, 275, 1111, 29889, 2812, 3672, 337, 3703, 1173, 953, 29871, 29896, 29896, 316, 1766, 6102, 29892, 450, 9664, 870, 359, 25464, 11269, 450, 10783, 359, 29889, 2812, 8047, 29892, 560, 267, 17055, 466, 11269, 419, 11886, 11571, 29879, 321, 25141, 10875, 11335, 29892, 712, 29435, 283, 9836, 9664, 6201, 427, 27380, 283, 11571, 29879, 953, 3672, 22102, 1993, 321, 9581, 10774, 1277, 553, 15380, 928, 8298, 9836, 10875, 11335, 1006, 571, 5871, 29889, 22318, 2646, 1564, 5616, 1146, 7992, 29956, 1055, 3031, 1648, 7025, 6693, 29892, 450, 9664, 870, 359, 443, 381, 314, 29899, 344, 419, 26864, 26783, 880, 6115, 29892, 5516, 22998, 11269, 25464, 2255, 1277, 10875, 11335, 29892, 11571, 29879, 29892, 321, 22533, 28499, 914, 29889, 13, 13, 8498, 11505, 766, 578, 29892, 9664, 6201, 5583, 283, 818, 5100, 381, 577, 29920, 21307, 29892, 321, 25464, 283, 28499, 914, 29892, 20179, 25141, 275, 321, 9656, 1358, 830, 2039, 29889, 2812, 4707, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 4552, 17439, 283, 5078, 9228, 1024, 1702, 376, 29950, 375, 3459, 20349, 29908, 1702, 22819, 333, 381, 419, 4171, 24567, 423, 694, 405, 12188, 29889, 8317, 923, 29887, 283, 263, 25464, 279, 16322, 446, 5826, 556, 321, 2452, 9131, 12579, 11422, 29892, 24292, 553, 2142, 29875, 283, 3031, 480, 985, 29877, 4827, 390, 15168, 10845, 7992, 29956, 13813, 940, 5301, 7915, 8972, 953, 29871, 29906, 29900, 316, 4707, 1251, 29889, 2812, 731, 10187, 29892, 20349, 17055, 466, 283, 419, 2431, 1270, 28284, 29892, 11113, 2765, 1702, 1277, 2302, 449, 29892, 9836, 20349, 409, 1162, 375, 283, 263, 3133, 279, 263, 301, 6637, 321, 872, 5871, 29889, 20349, 29892, 22090, 639, 311, 29884, 1702, 28284, 953, 3672, 8145, 8478, 18954, 29892, 383, 4293, 3917, 3139, 3062, 1993, 953, 29871, 29896, 29945, 316, 731, 10187, 29889, 4465, 3031, 1648, 7025, 6693, 29892, 3672, 301, 6637, 2637, 2897, 19760, 6624, 283, 953, 3672, 553, 15380, 928, 8298, 5141, 433, 29892, 1121, 1743, 953, 3672, 525, 5464, 29899, 28455, 428, 287, 2041, 408, 366, 526, 289, 2960, 8697, 289, 1610, 29880, 742, 712, 28284, 325, 663, 29884, 1702, 22998, 279, 419, 263, 17055, 5558, 29889, 13, 13, 29940, 12188, 321, 450, 405, 735, 375, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 785, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 13, 6026 ]
1 de junho de 2010, Rotunda foi anunciado como um participante na segunda temporada do NXT sob o ring nome "Husky Harris", com Cody Rhodes como seu mentor. Harris fez sua estréia no episódio de 08 de junho, competindo em uma tag team match com Rhodes contra Montel Vontavious Porter e Percy Watson, mas acabaram sendo derrotados. Após um início tumultuado, Harris teve uma heel turn no episódio de 22 de junho atacando o apresentador do programa, Matt Striker, assim como Rhodes havia feito na semana anterior. Na semana seguinte, Harris perdeu para Porter em uma singles match, e ficou em sétimo dos oito estreantes na primeira votação. Na segunda pesquisa, Harris subiu para o sexto lugar, conseguindo evitar a eliminação. Em 9 de agosto os rookies apareceram em uma six-man tag team match no Raw, qual time de Harris ganhou quando ele fa o pin em Kaval, mas sua equipe perdeu uma revanche na noite seguinte no NXT. Na pesquisa mais tarde naquela noite, Harris subiu para o quarto lugar dos seis estreantes. Harris era um dos dois rookies eliminados do NXT em 17 de agosto. Após sua eliminação, Harris e Rhodes atacaram Kaval, resultando em uma briga envolvendo também Porter e Kofi Kingston. Harris reapareceu no final da temporada do NXT com os outros eliminados e se juntaram para atacar o vencedor do NXT, Kaval. No Hell in a Cell em outubro, disfarçados, Harris e Michael McGillicutty interferiram num combate entre John Cena e Wade Barrett, e ajudou Barrett a vencer, forçando Cena se juntar a Nexus pela estipulação da luta. As identidades de Harris e McGillicutty foram reveladas no episódio do dia seguinte do Raw, no entanto Barrett afirmou que não havia pedido ajuda e se recusou a inclui-los como membros da Nexus. Na semana seguinte, Harris e McGillicutty custaram a Cena uma luta contra The Miz, levando Barrett para dar-lhes a oportunidade de ganhar participação na Nexus. No episódio do Raw de 18 de outubro, Harris e McGillicutty não conseguiram ganhar um lugar na Nexus, quando perderam para Cena e Randy Orton em uma tag team match. Na semana seguinte no Raw, no entanto, Harris e McGillicutty foram admitidos na Nexus, apesar de sua derrota. Em janeiro de 2011 CM Punk assumiu o controle da Nexus e cada um de seus membros passaram por uma iniciação. Harris passou sua iniciação, amarrou o resto do grupo, e foi autorizado a continuar como um membro da The Nexus, ao lado de Punk, McGillicutty e David Otunga. Três semanas depois, em um episódio do Raw em 31 de janeiro, Harris e McGillicutty desafiaram sem sucesso Santino Marella e Vladimir Kozlov pelo WWE Tag Team Championship. Após o combate Randy Orton atacou como vingança por eles interferirem na sua luta pelo WWE Championship contra The Miz, e atacou Harris na cabeça. Este ataque serviu como angle para tirar Harris da televisão e devolver-lhe a FCW. Retorno a FCW e NXT (2011 - 2012) Rotunda voltou a FCW e utilizando um novo personagem em 18 de março, a do jogador de hóquei mascarado "Axel Mulligan". Posteriormente, ele voltou para o ring nome Husky Harris. Após o irmão de Harris se lesionar, seu FCW Florida Heavyweight Championship foi desocupado e um torneio foi criado para determinar o novo campeão. Harris derrotou Big E. Langston para chegar a final, em uma fatal four-way match contra Leo Kruger, Damien Sandow, e Dean Ambrose. Durante a
[ 29871, 29896, 316, 4707, 1251, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 9664, 8917, 4732, 385, 11173, 912, 1986, 1922, 5221, 1647, 1055, 17329, 12826, 437, 405, 12188, 22810, 288, 9228, 9235, 376, 29950, 375, 3459, 20349, 613, 419, 315, 1486, 7861, 2631, 1986, 5078, 6042, 272, 29889, 20349, 1238, 29920, 4171, 707, 5606, 423, 694, 6010, 4431, 601, 316, 29871, 29900, 29947, 316, 4707, 1251, 29892, 5100, 15036, 953, 3672, 4055, 3815, 1993, 419, 7861, 2631, 6761, 4526, 295, 478, 609, 485, 2738, 7102, 357, 321, 2431, 1270, 28284, 29892, 5516, 22998, 11269, 21324, 25464, 2255, 29889, 6225, 7173, 1922, 297, 24394, 21622, 499, 29884, 912, 29892, 20349, 734, 345, 3672, 540, 295, 2507, 694, 6010, 4431, 601, 316, 29871, 29906, 29906, 316, 4707, 1251, 26730, 1743, 288, 24677, 3136, 437, 16914, 29892, 9811, 624, 374, 3946, 29892, 24443, 1986, 7861, 2631, 13387, 1238, 2049, 1055, 3031, 1648, 14123, 29889, 4465, 3031, 1648, 7025, 6693, 29892, 20349, 639, 311, 29884, 1702, 7102, 357, 953, 3672, 22102, 1993, 29892, 321, 22959, 283, 953, 269, 1893, 4200, 3248, 288, 2049, 24567, 3794, 1055, 20997, 325, 4616, 2340, 29889, 4465, 17329, 8928, 7680, 29874, 29892, 20349, 1014, 5871, 1702, 288, 409, 486, 29877, 11629, 29892, 22270, 15036, 3415, 3673, 263, 29007, 1099, 2340, 29889, 2812, 29871, 29929, 316, 6754, 2897, 696, 554, 583, 13059, 2265, 314, 953, 3672, 4832, 29899, 1171, 4055, 3815, 1993, 694, 22038, 29892, 4021, 931, 316, 20349, 9581, 10774, 9836, 4552, 2258, 288, 12534, 953, 476, 7712, 29892, 5516, 4171, 1592, 15705, 639, 311, 29884, 3672, 337, 3703, 1173, 1055, 694, 568, 7025, 6693, 694, 405, 12188, 29889, 4465, 8928, 7680, 29874, 3503, 17666, 1055, 339, 3100, 694, 568, 29892, 20349, 1014, 5871, 1702, 288, 10256, 29877, 11629, 3248, 26251, 24567, 3794, 29889, 20349, 3152, 1922, 3248, 19760, 696, 554, 583, 10397, 2255, 437, 405, 12188, 953, 29871, 29896, 29955, 316, 6754, 29889, 6225, 7173, 4171, 29007, 1099, 2340, 29892, 20349, 321, 7861, 2631, 26730, 11269, 476, 7712, 29892, 1121, 1743, 953, 3672, 1506, 4324, 427, 1555, 29894, 2765, 10409, 7102, 357, 321, 476, 974, 29875, 4088, 7352, 29889, 20349, 337, 481, 598, 22541, 694, 2186, 1146, 12826, 437, 405, 12188, 419, 2897, 21950, 10397, 2255, 321, 409, 25296, 11269, 1702, 26730, 279, 288, 6003, 1133, 272, 437, 405, 12188, 29892, 476, 7712, 29889, 13, 13, 3782, 19339, 297, 263, 19413, 953, 714, 431, 307, 29892, 766, 15641, 30019, 2255, 29892, 20349, 321, 5765, 22805, 453, 24408, 1017, 1006, 571, 381, 314, 954, 4145, 403, 2637, 2259, 315, 2386, 321, 399, 1943, 2261, 13158, 29892, 321, 13612, 566, 283, 2261, 13158, 263, 6003, 2265, 29892, 363, 30019, 1743, 315, 2386, 409, 25296, 279, 263, 405, 735, 375, 10571, 707, 666, 2497, 2340, 1146, 301, 6637, 29889, 1094, 2893, 7305, 316, 20349, 321, 22805, 453, 24408, 1017, 15305, 20474, 3922, 694, 6010, 4431, 601, 437, 9766, 7025, 6693, 437, 22038, 29892, 694, 875, 5361, 2261, 13158, 2511, 3568, 283, 712, 8145, 13387, 8939, 1941, 13612, 6191, 321, 409, 1162, 375, 283, 263, 1343, 1481, 29899, 5409, 1986, 3813, 1883, 1146, 405, 735, 375, 29889, 4465, 3031, 1648, 7025, 6693, 29892, 20349, 321, 22805, 453, 24408, 1017, 29871, 25387, 11269, 263, 315, 2386, 3672, 301, 6637, 6761, 450, 341, 466, 29892, 14453, 1743, 2261, 13158, 1702, 5424, 29899, 29880, 13244, 263, 288, 637, 348, 5558, 316, 9581, 8222, 5221, 8298, 1055, 405, 735, 375, 29889, 1939, 6010, 4431, 601, 437, 22038, 316, 29871, 29896, 29947, 316, 714, 431, 307, 29892, 20349, 321, 22805, 453, 24408, 1017, 8145, 22270, 381, 314, 9581, 8222, 1922, 11629, 1055, 405, 735, 375, 29892, 9836, 639, 672, 314, 1702, 315, 2386, 321, 390, 13910, 1394, 880, 953, 3672, 4055, 3815, 1993, 29889, 4465, 3031, 1648, 7025, 6693, 694, 22038, 29892, 694, 875, 5361, 29892, 20349, 321, 22805, 453, 24408, 1017, 15305, 20000, 4396, 1055, 405, 735, 375, 29892, 3095, 26892, 316, 4171, 589, 307, 941, 29889, 13, 13, 6026, 432, 1662, 3350, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 315, 29924, 22723, 3836, 5871, 288, 8239, 280, 1146, 405, 735, 375, 321, 9747, 1922, 316, 11018, 3813, 1883, 1209, 11269, 1277, 3672, 297, 11477, 2340, 29889, 20349, 1209, 283, 4171, 297, 11477, 2340, 29892, 626, 2749, 283, 288, 25814, 437, 12249, 29892, 321, 4732, 8478, 17566, 263, 3133, 279, 1986, 1922, 3813, 307, 1146, 450, 405, 735, 375, 29892, 5017, 19931, 316, 22723, 29892, 22805, 453, 24408, 1017, 321, 4699, 8540, 686, 29874, 29889, 1605, 8769, 3031, 16397, 22090, 29892, 953, 1922, 6010, 4431, 601, 437, 22038, 953, 29871, 29941, 29896, 316, 432, 1662, 3350, 29892, 20349, 321, 22805, 453, 24408, 1017, 553, 2142, 4447, 314, 3031, 480, 985, 29877, 4169, 1789, 21678, 13520, 321, 27880, 476, 2112, 5590, 10845, 399, 8851, 10522, 8583, 8972, 29889, 6225, 7173, 288, 4145, 403, 390, 13910, 1394, 880, 26730, 283, 1986, 325, 292, 25356, 1277, 560, 267, 1006, 571, 533, 29885, 1055, 4171, 301, 6637, 10845, 399, 8851, 8972, 6761, 450, 341, 466, 29892, 321, 26730, 283, 20349, 1055, 27444, 4277, 29889, 12723, 472, 19772, 27299, 29884, 1986, 10696, 1702, 19493, 279, 20349, 1146, 11784, 1368, 321, 316, 1555, 369, 29899, 29880, 354, 263, 7992, 29956, 29889, 13, 13, 8015, 16378, 263, 7992, 29956, 321, 405, 12188, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 448, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29897, 13, 21281, 8917, 5583, 283, 263, 7992, 29956, 321, 11824, 1743, 1922, 2420, 29877, 2022, 13904, 953, 29871, 29896, 29947, 316, 1766, 6102, 29892, 263, 437, 16812, 3136, 316, 298, 29980, 802, 29875, 5516, 4287, 912, 376, 29909, 29916, 295, 341, 913, 11163, 1642, 4918, 261, 1611, 2689, 29892, 4552, 5583, 283, 1702, 288, 9228, 9235, 24287, 3459, 20349, 29889, 13, 13, 17396, 7173, 288, 29871, 3568, 1368, 316, 20349, 409, 966, 291, 279, 29892, 5078, 7992, 29956, 13813, 940, 5301, 7915, 8972, 4732, 553, 542, 786, 912, 321, 1922, 4842, 484, 601, 4732, 14783, 912, 1702, 11806, 279, 288, 2420, 29877, 18357, 1368, 29889, 20349, 25464, 283, 7997, 382, 29889, 10476, 7352, 1702, 923, 5397, 263, 2186, 29892, 953, 3672, 18409, 3023, 29899, 1582, 1993, 6761, 22533, 28499, 914, 29892, 9865, 819, 8564, 340, 29892, 321, 23263, 1913, 6729, 344, 29889, 13912, 263 ]
luta, vencida por Kruger, Harris foi acidentalmente atacado por Richie Steamboat, que estava sentado perto do ringue. No episódio seguinte da FCW, Harris ganhou uma triple threat match contra Kruger, que não valia o cinturão, e foi novamente atacado por Steamboat. No episódio da FCW em 24 de outubro, Harris desafiou sem sucesso Kruger pelo cinturão, e Steamboat novamente interferiu na luta. Como resultado, Harris e Steamboat começaram a rivalizar, e a primeira luta entre os dois acabou em no contest. Kruger mais tarde, reteve seu FCW Florida Heavyweight Championship em uma triple threat, e na semana seguinte, Harris derrotou Steamboat em uma No Hold Barred match. Após o par continuou a atacar uns aos outros nos bastidores e durante as lutas, mas durante o episódio da FCW em 19 de dezembro, a gerente geral da FCW, Maxine anunciou que havia suspendido Harris e Steamboat por trinta dias. Após seu retorno, Harris derrotou Steamboat em uma Bullrope match para acabar com a rivalidade. Em 2 de fevereiro de 2012, Harris e seu irmão mais novo Bo Rotundo derrotaram Brad Maddox e Eli Cottonwood, que estava substituindo o lesionado Briley Pierce, para ganhar o Florida Tag Team Championship pela segunda vez. Os irmãos defenderam sem sucesso os cinturões em 15 de março contra Corey Graves e Jake Carter. The Wyatt Family e rivalidade com Dean Ambrose (2012–2015) No mês seguinte, Rotunda estreou seu novo ring name Bray Wyatt em uma tag team match com Eli Cottonwood. Como Wyatt, retornou à NXT em 11 de julho na Full Sail University, derrotando Aiden English em uma singles match. Wyatt começou a ser retratado como o líder de um culto que acreditava ser mais monstro do que humano. O personagem rendeu comparações com Max Cady do filme Cape Fear e Waylon Mercy. Em julho, Wyatt rasgou o músculo peitoral e foi submetido a uma cirurgia. Apesar da lesão, Wyatt continuou a aparecer no NXT, fundando o grupo conhecido como The Wyatt Family, com Luke Harper como seu primeiro "filho" e Erick Rowan como o segundo. Wyatt teve seu primeiro combate depois de sua lesão, no NXT de 21 de fevereiro, derrotando Yoshi Tatsu. Wyatt sofreu sua primeira derrota em 13 de março no episódio do NXT, quando foi derrotado por Bo Dallas. Em 2 de maio no NXT, Wyatt foi derrotado pelo seis vezes campeão mundial Chris Jericho. Em 08 de maio no episódio do NXT, Harper e Rowan derrotaram Adrian Neville e Bo Dallas para vencer o Campeonato de Duplas do NXT. A Wyatt Family passou a rivalizar com Corey Graves e Kassius Ohno, com Wyatt derrotando Graves em 22 de maio episódio do NXT. Na semana seguinte, Wyatt eliminou ambos Graves e Ohno durante uma 18-man Battle Royal para determinar o desafiante pelo Campeonato do NXT, porém Wyatt foi mais tarde eliminado por Neville. Em 19 de junho no NXT, a Wyatt Family derrotou a equipe de Graves, Neville e Ohno. Em 10 de julho no episódio do NXT, Wyatt atacou William Regal, antes da Wyatt Family enfrentar Graves, Neville e Regal em uma luta Six-man tag team, com a Wyatt Family vencendo. Em 17 de julho no NXT (gravado em 20 de junho), Harper e Rowan perderam NXT Tag Team Championship para Neville e Graves. No dia 26 de outubro de 2014, em uma luta Hell in a Cell entre Dean Ambrose e Seth Rollins, Wyatt surgiu dentro da cela e atacou
[ 301, 6637, 29892, 325, 3977, 1458, 1277, 28499, 914, 29892, 20349, 4732, 1274, 1693, 284, 2689, 26730, 912, 1277, 4385, 347, 2443, 314, 833, 271, 29892, 712, 24137, 2665, 912, 639, 517, 437, 9228, 434, 29889, 1939, 6010, 4431, 601, 7025, 6693, 1146, 7992, 29956, 29892, 20349, 9581, 10774, 3672, 21954, 28469, 1993, 6761, 28499, 914, 29892, 712, 8145, 659, 423, 288, 274, 524, 332, 1368, 29892, 321, 4732, 2420, 2503, 26730, 912, 1277, 2443, 314, 833, 271, 29889, 1939, 6010, 4431, 601, 1146, 7992, 29956, 953, 29871, 29906, 29946, 316, 714, 431, 307, 29892, 20349, 553, 2142, 29875, 283, 3031, 480, 985, 29877, 28499, 914, 10845, 274, 524, 332, 1368, 29892, 321, 2443, 314, 833, 271, 2420, 2503, 1006, 571, 5871, 1055, 301, 6637, 29889, 17295, 24578, 29892, 20349, 321, 2443, 314, 833, 271, 29435, 11269, 263, 17055, 15356, 29892, 321, 263, 20997, 301, 6637, 2637, 2897, 19760, 22998, 283, 953, 694, 17793, 29889, 28499, 914, 3503, 17666, 29892, 337, 371, 345, 5078, 7992, 29956, 13813, 940, 5301, 7915, 8972, 953, 3672, 21954, 28469, 29892, 321, 1055, 3031, 1648, 7025, 6693, 29892, 20349, 25464, 283, 2443, 314, 833, 271, 953, 3672, 1939, 21771, 2261, 1127, 1993, 29889, 6225, 7173, 288, 610, 3133, 283, 263, 26730, 279, 9644, 21405, 21950, 7814, 21156, 333, 2361, 321, 6372, 408, 15481, 294, 29892, 5516, 6372, 288, 6010, 4431, 601, 1146, 7992, 29956, 953, 29871, 29896, 29929, 316, 18466, 10187, 29892, 263, 9814, 2016, 9814, 284, 1146, 7992, 29956, 29892, 5918, 457, 385, 11173, 283, 712, 13387, 8872, 355, 1941, 20349, 321, 2443, 314, 833, 271, 1277, 534, 15073, 652, 294, 29889, 6225, 7173, 5078, 3240, 16378, 29892, 20349, 25464, 283, 2443, 314, 833, 271, 953, 3672, 20293, 307, 412, 1993, 1702, 22998, 279, 419, 263, 17055, 5558, 29889, 13, 13, 6026, 29871, 29906, 316, 1238, 9359, 3350, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 20349, 321, 5078, 29871, 3568, 1368, 3503, 2420, 29877, 1952, 9664, 6201, 25464, 11269, 15862, 341, 1202, 2251, 321, 26864, 26783, 880, 6115, 29892, 712, 24137, 5960, 1981, 15036, 288, 966, 291, 912, 350, 374, 2330, 12939, 346, 29892, 1702, 9581, 8222, 288, 13813, 10522, 8583, 8972, 10571, 17329, 7763, 29889, 6657, 29871, 3568, 30033, 359, 822, 1581, 314, 3031, 480, 985, 29877, 2897, 274, 524, 332, 4420, 953, 29871, 29896, 29945, 316, 1766, 6102, 6761, 10239, 29891, 4989, 1960, 321, 435, 1296, 22264, 29889, 13, 13, 1576, 10167, 1131, 14662, 321, 17055, 5558, 419, 23263, 1913, 6729, 344, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29994, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 13, 3782, 286, 8769, 7025, 6693, 29892, 9664, 8917, 24567, 283, 5078, 2420, 29877, 9228, 1024, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 953, 3672, 4055, 3815, 1993, 419, 26864, 26783, 880, 6115, 29889, 17295, 10167, 1131, 29892, 3240, 1398, 283, 818, 405, 12188, 953, 29871, 29896, 29896, 316, 5757, 1251, 1055, 14846, 317, 737, 3014, 29892, 25464, 1743, 319, 3615, 4223, 953, 3672, 22102, 1993, 29889, 10167, 1131, 29435, 283, 263, 724, 5663, 271, 912, 1986, 288, 29847, 316, 1922, 4185, 29877, 712, 263, 11944, 277, 879, 724, 3503, 1601, 303, 307, 437, 712, 3165, 1562, 29889, 438, 2022, 13904, 19643, 29884, 752, 2518, 5616, 419, 5918, 315, 3714, 437, 21953, 20922, 383, 799, 321, 5307, 12957, 4702, 1270, 29889, 2812, 5757, 1251, 29892, 10167, 1131, 22641, 29887, 283, 288, 286, 30030, 1557, 7207, 1236, 2105, 284, 321, 4732, 1014, 2527, 1941, 263, 3672, 5902, 2007, 423, 29889, 319, 5547, 279, 1146, 966, 1368, 29892, 10167, 1131, 3133, 283, 263, 13059, 2265, 694, 405, 12188, 29892, 5220, 1743, 288, 12249, 19028, 13321, 1986, 450, 10167, 1131, 14662, 29892, 419, 25556, 3536, 546, 1986, 5078, 19695, 376, 1777, 1251, 29908, 321, 1425, 860, 11438, 273, 1986, 288, 14729, 29889, 10167, 1131, 734, 345, 5078, 19695, 4145, 403, 22090, 316, 4171, 966, 1368, 29892, 694, 405, 12188, 316, 29871, 29906, 29896, 316, 1238, 9359, 3350, 29892, 25464, 1743, 612, 26434, 323, 1446, 29884, 29889, 10167, 1131, 577, 10745, 29884, 4171, 20997, 589, 307, 941, 953, 29871, 29896, 29941, 316, 1766, 6102, 694, 6010, 4431, 601, 437, 405, 12188, 29892, 9836, 4732, 25464, 912, 1277, 1952, 27043, 29889, 2812, 29871, 29906, 316, 611, 601, 694, 405, 12188, 29892, 10167, 1131, 4732, 25464, 912, 10845, 26251, 7763, 267, 18357, 1368, 28743, 12821, 5677, 436, 29877, 29889, 2812, 29871, 29900, 29947, 316, 611, 601, 694, 6010, 4431, 601, 437, 405, 12188, 29892, 3536, 546, 321, 11438, 273, 25464, 11269, 2087, 6392, 2448, 4909, 321, 1952, 27043, 1702, 6003, 2265, 288, 17660, 316, 5334, 572, 294, 437, 405, 12188, 29889, 319, 10167, 1131, 14662, 1209, 283, 263, 17055, 15356, 419, 10239, 29891, 4989, 1960, 321, 476, 465, 2482, 6439, 1217, 29892, 419, 10167, 1131, 25464, 1743, 4989, 1960, 953, 29871, 29906, 29906, 316, 611, 601, 6010, 4431, 601, 437, 405, 12188, 29889, 4465, 3031, 1648, 7025, 6693, 29892, 10167, 1131, 10397, 283, 27727, 4989, 1960, 321, 6439, 1217, 6372, 3672, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29899, 1171, 12788, 7021, 1702, 11806, 279, 288, 553, 2142, 12361, 10845, 17660, 437, 405, 12188, 29892, 1277, 2249, 10167, 1131, 4732, 3503, 17666, 10397, 912, 1277, 2448, 4909, 29889, 2812, 29871, 29896, 29929, 316, 4707, 1251, 694, 405, 12188, 29892, 263, 10167, 1131, 14662, 25464, 283, 263, 1592, 15705, 316, 4989, 1960, 29892, 2448, 4909, 321, 6439, 1217, 29889, 2812, 29871, 29896, 29900, 316, 5757, 1251, 694, 6010, 4431, 601, 437, 405, 12188, 29892, 10167, 1131, 26730, 283, 4667, 2169, 284, 29892, 12971, 1146, 10167, 1131, 14662, 427, 27380, 279, 4989, 1960, 29892, 2448, 4909, 321, 2169, 284, 953, 3672, 301, 6637, 18372, 29899, 1171, 4055, 3815, 29892, 419, 263, 10167, 1131, 14662, 325, 3977, 2765, 29889, 2812, 29871, 29896, 29955, 316, 5757, 1251, 694, 405, 12188, 313, 3874, 29894, 912, 953, 29871, 29906, 29900, 316, 4707, 1251, 511, 3536, 546, 321, 11438, 273, 639, 672, 314, 405, 12188, 10522, 8583, 8972, 1702, 2448, 4909, 321, 4989, 1960, 29889, 13, 3782, 9766, 29871, 29906, 29953, 316, 714, 431, 307, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 953, 3672, 301, 6637, 19339, 297, 263, 19413, 2637, 23263, 1913, 6729, 344, 321, 317, 621, 21809, 1144, 29892, 10167, 1131, 1190, 3146, 29884, 16018, 1146, 18729, 321, 26730, 283 ]
Ambrose com um Sister Abigail, permitindo assim a vitória de Seth Rollins. Os dois se encontraram no Survivor Series com vitória de Wyatt via desclassificação após Ambrose o atacar com uma cadeira. Os dois se enfrentaram novamente no TLC:Tables Ladders and chairs. O combate foi vencido por Bray Wyatt após Ambrose tentar atacá-lo com uma TV, que foi achada debaixo do ringue, mas que acabou explodindo no rosto de Ambrose, que ficou atordoado e logo recebeu um Sister Abigail de Wyatt. Os dois então se enfrentaram no WWE Tribute To The Troops em uma Boot Camp Match. Durante a luta Bray Wyatt foi tentar ofender Sgt.Slaughter que estava sentado assistindo a luta e este acabou por tirar uma de suas botas com biqueira de aço e jogar para Ambrose, que atacou Wyatt, que caiu em cima de uma mesa, recebendo em seguida um Elbow drop de Ambrose de cima da terceira corda. Ambrose então fez o pinfall para sua vitória. Wyatt e Ambrose voltaram a se enfrentar em uma luta Miracle on 34th Street Fight, na qual Bray Wyatt saiu vitorioso. Duas semanas depois eles voltaram a se enfrentar em uma Ambulance Match que foi vencida por Bray Wyatt, pondo fim à rivalidade.Em 2021 foi demitido pela WWE . Vida pessoal Rotunda é um wrestler profissional da terceira geração, seu avô Blackjack Mulligan, seu pai Mike Rotunda e seus tios Barry e Kendall Windham eram todos wrestler profissionais. Seu irmão mais novo, Taylor também é wrestler profissional. Rotunda estudou na Hernando High School, onde ele ganhou um campeonato estadual de wrestling em 2005. Ele se formou no colegial em 2005. Ele também jogou futebol como um defensive tackle e como guarda. Rotunda jogou pelo College of the Sequoias por duas temporadas, ganhando o prêmio All-American como guarda ofensivo do ano. Ele ganhou uma bolsa de estudos de futebol para Troy University, onde jogou futebol por dois anos. Ele deixou a Troy University 27 horas antes de ganhar o diploma, após decidir se tornar um lutador. No wrestling Movimentos de finalização Como Bray Wyatt Sister Abigail (Swinging reverse STO, com teatralidade) Como Axel Mulligan Stunner Como Husky Harris Running senton Swinging reverse STO Movimentos secundários Body avalanche Drop suplex Running body block Running crossbody Running senton Short-arm clothesline, às vezes enquanto corre Side slam Lutadores que gerenciou Daniel Bryan Erick Rowan Luke Harper Braun Strowman Randy Orton Alcunhas "The Army Tank with a Ferrari Engine" "The Eater of Worlds" "The Man of 1,000 Truths" "The New Face of Fear" "The Fiend" Temas de entrada "We Are One" por 12 Stones (como parte do The Nexus) "This Fire Burns" por Killswitch Engage (como parte do The New Nexus) "Kuntry 2 the Core" por Kinfoke (NXT) "Live In Fear" por Mark Crozer (7 de novembro de 2012 – presente) Let Me In Títulos e prêmios Florida Championship Wrestling FCW Florida Tag Team Championship (2 vezes) – com Bo Rotundo Pro Wrestling Illustrated Rivalidade do ano (2010) – Lutador mais odiado do ano (2010) – Luta do ano (2014) PWI colocou-o em 6º dos 500 melhores lutadores individuais na PWI 500 em 2
[ 1913, 6729, 344, 419, 1922, 28088, 1976, 335, 737, 29892, 14257, 15036, 24443, 263, 13901, 14389, 316, 317, 621, 21809, 1144, 29889, 6657, 19760, 409, 14567, 11269, 694, 6298, 24759, 272, 10488, 419, 13901, 14389, 316, 10167, 1131, 3025, 553, 1990, 928, 8298, 24292, 1913, 6729, 344, 288, 26730, 279, 419, 3672, 274, 1943, 3055, 29889, 6657, 19760, 409, 427, 27380, 11269, 2420, 2503, 694, 323, 12182, 29901, 24924, 365, 1202, 414, 322, 521, 7121, 29889, 438, 4145, 403, 4732, 325, 3977, 1941, 1277, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 24292, 1913, 6729, 344, 12033, 279, 26730, 29976, 29899, 417, 419, 3672, 5648, 29892, 712, 4732, 3657, 1114, 316, 2291, 861, 29877, 437, 9228, 434, 29892, 5516, 712, 22998, 283, 3902, 397, 15036, 694, 696, 7864, 316, 1913, 6729, 344, 29892, 712, 22959, 283, 472, 20584, 912, 321, 20194, 2414, 915, 29884, 1922, 28088, 1976, 335, 737, 316, 10167, 1131, 29889, 6657, 19760, 28087, 409, 427, 27380, 11269, 694, 399, 8851, 323, 2666, 1763, 450, 8316, 3554, 953, 3672, 13760, 7259, 14514, 29889, 13912, 263, 301, 6637, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 4732, 12033, 279, 310, 1581, 317, 4141, 29889, 29903, 433, 6129, 357, 712, 24137, 2665, 912, 6985, 15036, 263, 301, 6637, 321, 4404, 22998, 283, 1277, 19493, 279, 3672, 316, 21320, 9225, 294, 419, 289, 1387, 3055, 316, 263, 6102, 321, 16812, 279, 1702, 1913, 6729, 344, 29892, 712, 26730, 283, 10167, 1131, 29892, 712, 274, 1794, 29884, 953, 274, 2946, 316, 3672, 4883, 29874, 29892, 2414, 29890, 2765, 953, 7025, 1458, 1922, 1260, 17729, 5768, 316, 1913, 6729, 344, 316, 274, 2946, 1146, 1935, 346, 3055, 13793, 29874, 29889, 1913, 6729, 344, 28087, 1238, 29920, 288, 282, 7192, 497, 1702, 4171, 13901, 14389, 29889, 10167, 1131, 321, 1913, 6729, 344, 5583, 11269, 263, 409, 427, 27380, 279, 953, 3672, 301, 6637, 5493, 10792, 373, 29871, 29941, 29946, 386, 7103, 26650, 29892, 1055, 4021, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 872, 5871, 325, 2105, 27864, 29889, 5334, 294, 3031, 16397, 22090, 560, 267, 5583, 11269, 263, 409, 427, 27380, 279, 953, 3672, 1913, 8645, 749, 14514, 712, 4732, 325, 3977, 1458, 1277, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 29892, 282, 18592, 285, 326, 818, 17055, 5558, 29889, 6026, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 4732, 1261, 277, 1941, 10571, 399, 8851, 869, 13, 13, 29963, 1458, 23109, 284, 29871, 13, 21281, 8917, 904, 1922, 24613, 1358, 2600, 790, 1848, 1146, 1935, 346, 3055, 330, 1572, 2340, 29892, 5078, 1029, 30069, 6054, 21452, 341, 913, 11163, 29892, 5078, 282, 1794, 12828, 9664, 8917, 321, 11018, 260, 2363, 23032, 321, 476, 355, 497, 17311, 3391, 604, 314, 10843, 24613, 1358, 2600, 2333, 1759, 29889, 922, 29884, 29871, 3568, 1368, 3503, 2420, 29877, 29892, 12537, 10409, 904, 24613, 1358, 2600, 790, 1848, 29889, 13, 13, 21281, 8917, 13497, 283, 1055, 25962, 1743, 5057, 4523, 29892, 16504, 4552, 9581, 10774, 1922, 18357, 12732, 12386, 950, 316, 24613, 1847, 953, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29889, 8317, 409, 883, 283, 694, 1302, 1397, 616, 953, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29889, 8317, 10409, 16812, 283, 3105, 22480, 1986, 1922, 822, 6270, 22002, 280, 321, 1986, 8372, 29874, 29889, 9664, 8917, 16812, 283, 10845, 6346, 310, 278, 922, 339, 29877, 3173, 1277, 27544, 5382, 3922, 29892, 9581, 29882, 1743, 288, 544, 19553, 601, 2178, 29899, 14689, 1986, 8372, 29874, 310, 575, 4243, 437, 19410, 29889, 8317, 9581, 10774, 3672, 289, 3775, 29874, 316, 13497, 359, 316, 3105, 22480, 1702, 323, 4727, 3014, 29892, 16504, 16812, 283, 3105, 22480, 1277, 19760, 14110, 29889, 8317, 26801, 283, 263, 323, 4727, 3014, 29871, 29906, 29955, 4029, 294, 12971, 316, 9581, 8222, 288, 652, 572, 4125, 29892, 24292, 18937, 381, 409, 10146, 279, 1922, 15481, 3136, 29889, 13, 13, 3782, 24613, 1847, 13, 13, 29924, 586, 2073, 359, 316, 2186, 20945, 13, 17295, 350, 764, 10167, 1131, 13, 28088, 1976, 335, 737, 313, 10840, 292, 292, 11837, 317, 4986, 29892, 419, 28308, 1705, 5558, 29897, 13, 17295, 22523, 295, 341, 913, 11163, 13, 624, 348, 1089, 13, 17295, 24287, 3459, 20349, 13, 19509, 2665, 265, 13, 3925, 292, 292, 11837, 317, 4986, 13, 29924, 586, 2073, 359, 5226, 870, 26047, 13, 24928, 263, 791, 20372, 13, 20724, 480, 10709, 13, 19509, 3573, 2908, 13, 19509, 4891, 2587, 13, 19509, 2665, 265, 13, 13899, 29899, 2817, 22095, 1220, 29892, 818, 29879, 7763, 267, 22085, 5361, 14515, 13, 19160, 2243, 314, 13, 365, 329, 7447, 712, 330, 4578, 455, 283, 13, 8432, 13307, 273, 13, 1425, 860, 11438, 273, 13, 25556, 3536, 546, 13, 23514, 624, 798, 1171, 13, 390, 13910, 1394, 880, 13, 2499, 29883, 348, 5349, 13, 376, 1576, 8811, 323, 804, 411, 263, 16541, 1306, 10863, 29908, 13, 376, 1576, 382, 1008, 310, 2787, 29879, 29908, 13, 376, 1576, 2315, 310, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 1605, 2806, 29879, 29908, 13, 376, 1576, 1570, 10635, 310, 383, 799, 29908, 13, 29908, 1576, 383, 29875, 355, 29908, 13, 5776, 294, 316, 9953, 1114, 13, 376, 4806, 4683, 3118, 29908, 1277, 29871, 29896, 29906, 624, 2873, 313, 23700, 3810, 437, 450, 405, 735, 375, 29897, 13, 376, 4013, 6438, 16640, 29879, 29908, 1277, 29021, 15123, 2201, 482, 313, 23700, 3810, 437, 450, 1570, 405, 735, 375, 29897, 13, 376, 29968, 348, 2202, 29871, 29906, 278, 10239, 29908, 1277, 476, 3888, 446, 313, 29940, 12188, 29897, 13, 376, 23859, 512, 383, 799, 29908, 1277, 4485, 8764, 3298, 313, 29955, 316, 2420, 10187, 316, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 785, 20753, 29897, 13, 12024, 2191, 512, 13, 13, 29911, 2468, 19733, 321, 544, 19553, 2363, 13, 13, 29943, 5095, 1458, 8972, 21815, 13, 8610, 29956, 13813, 10522, 8583, 8972, 313, 29906, 7763, 267, 29897, 785, 419, 1952, 9664, 6201, 13, 1184, 21815, 28070, 630, 13, 390, 2561, 5558, 437, 19410, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29897, 29871, 785, 29871, 13, 365, 329, 3136, 3503, 2413, 29875, 912, 437, 19410, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29897, 785, 29871, 13, 365, 6637, 437, 19410, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29897, 29871, 13, 349, 22119, 28853, 283, 29899, 29877, 953, 29871, 29953, 30105, 3248, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 28847, 267, 15481, 7447, 4348, 29884, 1759, 1055, 349, 22119, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 953, 29871, 29906 ]
Nigeria CNN Ghana CNN Richard Taubman Biography, Age, Marriage, Net worth, Family Mahama Must Know Ghana Is Governed By Laws – Kamal-Deen On Charlotte Osei's Removal Asiedu Nketia Is Implicating Bagbin As Brain Behind Removal of Haruna, Muntaka – Koku Anyidoho Leaked Audio Tape: Court Orders Samuel Ofosu-Ampofo, Kwaku Boahen To Answer To Charges Muslims Will Support Bawumia As They're Not Welcome In NDC – Koku Anyidoho Bawumia To Launch Rent Assistance Scheme On January 31 Cheryl Ann Pontrelli Biography, Age, Father, Net worth Gigi Falanga Biography, Age, Relationship Status, Career, Boyfriend Kwebbelkop Biography, Age, Name, Minecraft, Youtube, Net worth "I Miss My Ex-Boyfriend, I Wish I Could Have Him Back" – Moesha Budoung Christians Are Wicked – Popular Gospel Musician Reveals Hot Bet Odds: Saturday January 28, 2023 Inaki Williams Excels as Athletic Bilbao Qualify for Copa del Rey Semi-finals Your Insults and Criticisms Have Made Me Stronger – Asamoah Gyan Ex-Ghana coach Kwesi Appiah Explains Decision For Applying for Black Stars Job Kofi Amoah Wanted To Reduce My Salary – Former Black Stars Coach, Kwesi Appiah Speaks Out Otunba Cash Biography, Lifestyle, crime, and Net Worth I Would Never Leave A Marriage Because Of Cheating – Patience Ozokwo Between Genevieve Nnaji And Omotola Jalade Ekeinde – Who Is Your Favourite? Husband Remanded For Killing Wife Over Sachet Water A Company Director At 29, How Adetola Durojaiye Rose To The Top In Five Years Sony DualSense Edge Review: Is the PS5 Pro Controller Worth The Price Tag? Xbox Game Pass Games List, Price and Everything You Need To Know Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 Rumours: What's The Story So Far? Microsoft Surface Duo 3 Foldable: Everything You Have To Know Microsoft Surface Pro 9 Review: A Master of Versatility Nana Yaa Brefo Who is Richard Taubman? Richard Taubman is a real estate developer by profession, a singer, a photographer and he's indigenous to American culture. He was first tagged under the limelight after standing out as Christie Brinkley's third husband. In this post, I will be writing about Richard Taubman biography, marriage, net worth, family, and other facts about him. First, let's look at his profile. Richard Taubman Biography Born on American soil in the year 1948 he was under the tutelage of one of America's most influential business moguls, his father, late S Morris Taubman who was also into the real estate business. While growing up, little could be concluded on what type of childhood Taubman had, his life existed behind closed doors in complete privacy. He had a very limited presence on social media as his Facebook account is set to private. Richard Taubman Relationship/Marriage Before Richard wedded Christie Brinkley he was formerly the other half of Elizabeth freeman for three years. His marriage didn't last long as Richard's bad temperament made sure of that. He had expressed violent tendencies towards her and after due consideration, she elected to dissolve her union with him. She, also having issues with his frivolous character and implausible exuberant taste for reckless spending, noted in their divorce paper that Taubman possessed no regard for budgeting and as so freely dispersed as much $61,000 a month. Richard Taubman Marriage with Christie Brinkley After the abrupt conclusion of his previous relationship with Elizabeth, a friend of his delivered Christie, an American model, into his hands at a party. He painted himself in bright lights giving her a positive perception of who he is, he furthermore won her heart with his sense of adventure and constant chatter. After the initiated introduction
[ 20537, 423, 29696, 13, 29954, 29882, 1648, 29696, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 17093, 29892, 16767, 29892, 1085, 9081, 29892, 12670, 7088, 29892, 14662, 13, 29924, 801, 3304, 19928, 19320, 13491, 1648, 1317, 6769, 287, 2648, 997, 5652, 785, 12986, 284, 29899, 2772, 264, 1551, 21499, 438, 344, 29875, 29915, 29879, 5240, 10611, 13, 2887, 1000, 29884, 405, 7873, 423, 1317, 14305, 506, 1218, 18341, 2109, 1094, 5032, 262, 1522, 16887, 5240, 10611, 310, 3536, 4347, 29892, 341, 1657, 8245, 785, 476, 9154, 3139, 333, 1148, 29877, 13, 3226, 12535, 21764, 323, 4085, 29901, 9245, 1394, 8623, 15316, 4587, 359, 29884, 29899, 29909, 1526, 974, 29877, 29892, 476, 29893, 16774, 1952, 801, 264, 1763, 673, 1763, 678, 1191, 267, 13, 14958, 2576, 29879, 2811, 18601, 350, 1450, 398, 423, 1094, 2688, 29915, 276, 2216, 21829, 512, 405, 12696, 785, 476, 9154, 3139, 333, 1148, 29877, 13, 29933, 1450, 398, 423, 1763, 997, 3322, 390, 296, 4007, 21558, 1102, 2004, 1551, 5490, 29871, 29941, 29896, 13, 1451, 708, 29880, 8081, 14678, 2674, 492, 17093, 29892, 16767, 29892, 17852, 29892, 12670, 7088, 13, 29954, 10091, 12941, 12686, 17093, 29892, 16767, 29892, 6376, 800, 4034, 16034, 29892, 15825, 29892, 16231, 18326, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 17093, 29892, 16767, 29892, 4408, 29892, 26833, 17293, 29892, 612, 15907, 29892, 12670, 7088, 13, 29908, 29902, 4750, 1619, 1222, 29899, 8431, 29891, 18326, 29892, 306, 399, 728, 306, 6527, 6975, 18136, 7437, 29908, 785, 4546, 267, 2350, 7038, 283, 865, 13, 18687, 5834, 4683, 399, 17840, 785, 23691, 402, 26265, 6125, 713, 830, 345, 1338, 13, 28917, 6313, 438, 1289, 29879, 29901, 24211, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 13, 797, 9940, 11648, 1222, 29883, 1379, 408, 17183, 293, 20347, 2291, 29877, 15146, 1598, 363, 14015, 628, 27147, 9444, 29875, 29899, 8394, 29879, 13, 10858, 13377, 499, 29879, 322, 15976, 293, 12903, 6975, 18266, 2191, 3767, 549, 261, 785, 1094, 10178, 801, 402, 10094, 13, 1252, 29899, 29954, 29882, 1648, 11182, 476, 29893, 10100, 2401, 21071, 12027, 433, 1144, 3826, 2459, 1152, 2401, 5890, 363, 6054, 25435, 17163, 13, 29968, 974, 29875, 1913, 29877, 801, 399, 9714, 1763, 4367, 24551, 1619, 3956, 653, 785, 3812, 261, 6054, 25435, 3189, 496, 29892, 476, 29893, 10100, 2401, 21071, 5013, 10327, 4451, 13, 29949, 29873, 348, 2291, 315, 1161, 17093, 29892, 365, 7004, 1508, 29892, 17268, 29892, 322, 12670, 399, 2072, 13, 29902, 10878, 12391, 951, 1351, 319, 1085, 9081, 7311, 4587, 6561, 1218, 785, 349, 24701, 438, 29920, 554, 827, 13, 29933, 300, 1452, 15350, 29894, 2418, 405, 1056, 2397, 1126, 13352, 327, 2963, 435, 284, 1943, 382, 446, 25201, 785, 11644, 1317, 3575, 383, 485, 473, 568, 29973, 13, 29950, 375, 4980, 5240, 392, 287, 1152, 476, 8873, 399, 1607, 6811, 28944, 300, 13062, 13, 29909, 6938, 15944, 2180, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29892, 1128, 2087, 300, 2963, 360, 2192, 1764, 29875, 4099, 14008, 1763, 450, 7488, 512, 22853, 23857, 13, 29903, 2592, 360, 950, 29903, 1947, 21086, 13957, 29901, 1317, 278, 11323, 29945, 1019, 15830, 399, 2072, 450, 20743, 10522, 29973, 13, 29990, 1884, 8448, 6978, 12482, 2391, 29892, 20743, 322, 17296, 887, 20768, 1763, 19320, 13, 29903, 28935, 5208, 26825, 796, 383, 3466, 29871, 29945, 20852, 2470, 29901, 1724, 29915, 29879, 450, 13740, 1105, 8413, 29973, 13, 11277, 6298, 2161, 5334, 29877, 29871, 29941, 383, 1025, 519, 29901, 17296, 887, 6975, 1763, 19320, 13, 11277, 6298, 2161, 1019, 29871, 29929, 13957, 29901, 319, 9082, 310, 10138, 271, 1793, 13, 29940, 1648, 612, 7340, 350, 999, 29877, 13, 22110, 338, 6123, 10523, 431, 1171, 29973, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 338, 263, 1855, 19989, 13897, 491, 6351, 29892, 263, 15640, 29892, 263, 17739, 261, 322, 540, 29915, 29879, 1399, 2101, 681, 304, 3082, 9257, 29889, 940, 471, 937, 4055, 3192, 1090, 278, 2485, 295, 523, 1156, 13407, 714, 408, 2819, 347, 1771, 682, 2330, 29915, 29879, 4654, 10216, 29889, 512, 445, 1400, 29892, 306, 674, 367, 5007, 1048, 6123, 10523, 431, 1171, 4768, 5275, 29892, 13718, 29892, 7787, 7088, 29892, 3942, 29892, 322, 916, 17099, 1048, 1075, 29889, 3824, 29892, 1235, 29915, 29879, 1106, 472, 670, 8722, 29889, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 17093, 13, 29933, 1398, 373, 3082, 22473, 297, 278, 1629, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29947, 540, 471, 1090, 278, 7149, 295, 482, 310, 697, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 1556, 7112, 2556, 5381, 13160, 7273, 29892, 670, 4783, 29892, 5683, 317, 23112, 10523, 431, 1171, 1058, 471, 884, 964, 278, 1855, 19989, 5381, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 15678, 701, 29892, 2217, 1033, 367, 22834, 373, 825, 1134, 310, 2278, 6614, 10523, 431, 1171, 750, 29892, 670, 2834, 22856, 5742, 5764, 24189, 297, 4866, 5999, 4135, 29889, 940, 750, 263, 1407, 9078, 10122, 373, 5264, 5745, 408, 670, 13327, 3633, 338, 731, 304, 2024, 29889, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 6376, 800, 4034, 29914, 7083, 9081, 13, 18743, 6123, 14837, 7176, 2819, 347, 1771, 682, 2330, 540, 471, 21510, 278, 916, 4203, 310, 13061, 3005, 11422, 363, 2211, 2440, 29889, 13, 29950, 275, 13718, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1833, 1472, 408, 6123, 29915, 29879, 4319, 6238, 1166, 1754, 1854, 310, 393, 29889, 940, 750, 13384, 24252, 260, 7158, 7113, 902, 322, 1156, 2861, 19220, 29892, 1183, 11467, 304, 23556, 345, 902, 9833, 411, 1075, 29889, 13, 13468, 29892, 884, 2534, 5626, 411, 670, 285, 1150, 324, 681, 2931, 322, 2411, 15273, 1821, 429, 11234, 424, 21779, 363, 25527, 2222, 805, 2548, 29892, 11682, 297, 1009, 25074, 346, 5650, 393, 10523, 431, 1171, 25622, 694, 4880, 363, 23562, 292, 322, 408, 577, 28472, 29106, 287, 408, 1568, 395, 29953, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 263, 4098, 29889, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 1085, 9081, 411, 2819, 347, 1771, 682, 2330, 13, 13555, 278, 633, 6685, 15997, 310, 670, 3517, 9443, 411, 13061, 29892, 263, 5121, 310, 670, 20115, 2819, 347, 29892, 385, 3082, 1904, 29892, 964, 670, 6567, 472, 263, 6263, 29889, 940, 23139, 3654, 297, 11785, 26068, 6820, 902, 263, 6374, 639, 1441, 310, 1058, 540, 338, 29892, 540, 4340, 5514, 2113, 902, 5192, 411, 670, 4060, 310, 17623, 545, 322, 4868, 521, 2620, 29889, 13, 13555, 278, 14511, 630, 18707 ]
and being abreast with formal knowledge of each other, succeeded by a consecution of nine months they opted to get hitched. Christie Brinkley, a fashion designer, businesswoman, and supermodel who has appeared on covers of more than 500 magazines, on accepting Taubman's friendly offer, took to the Telluride ridge to ski down. In the course of doing just that, she was involved in a helicopter crash but fortunately for her and Taubman, they landed on snow leaving them with only minor scratches and welts. Richard on the 22nd of December Recited wedding vows a second time and tied the knot with Christie Brinkley, birthing a union that lasted for a period of 1 year. Richard Taubman Divorce The birth of Jack Paris Brinkley wasn't enough to extend their marriage period till death. On the 22nd of December 1994 Exactly 1 year after their marriage Christie Brinkley filed for divorce and left their marriage leaving 7 weeks old Jack Brinkley with a vague connection to his father. Taubman was denied visitation and Christine acclaimed full custody of Jack. The reason for their divorce remains far from clear but speculations revolving around financial issues were supposed to be the pivotal point of their terminated marriage. On a few occasions, Taubman was rumored to be indebted to Christine, owing her a whooping sum of $1.5million with no motive of paying back. Richard Taubman Career Richard Taubman is a real estate developer, photographer, and singer. Richard Taubman Weight, Height Taubman, an averagely tailored human, spans over the height of 5ft 8 inches and weighs a total of 90 kg. Richard Taubman Net worth Over the period of years, Taubman has been able to secure a measurable amount of wealth from his real estate business but uncertainty still drags it to being paradoxical as it covers 200 million- 300million USD. Richard Taubman Family Richard Taubman is the father of Jack Brinkley cook. He is also connected to Sailor Lee Brinkley Cook, and a stepfather of Alex Ray Joel. His previous wife Christie Brinkley is a supermodel she has established her line of business which comprises hair extensions, real estate, eyewear, and beauty products. She currently has a net worth of 80million USD. Currently, Taubman has no intimate relationship with one. Source: www.GhanaCNN.com Related Topics:Richard TaubmanRichard Taubman biographyRichard Taubman DivorceRichard Taubman FamilyRichard Taubman profileSarah GadonSarah Gadon Biography Sarah Gadon Biography, Age, Husband, Movies, Net worth Pingback: How To Buy Treasury Bills With MTN MoMo - Ghana CNN Pingback: How To Cash Out Your MoMo Wallet From an ATM - Ghana CNN Cheryl gained fame as a result of her father's popularity. Until her father's death in 1991, Michael Landon, was a popular American TV personality, film director, and actor. More so, he had always been in the limelight. His daughter, Cheryl, on the other hand, has decided to live a low-profile life away from the media. Birth and Early life At the time of Cheryl Pontrelli's birth, her mother, Marjorie Lynn Noe was married to Michael Angelo Pontrelli and wasn't famous at the moment. So, very little was known about Cheryl at the time of her birth. However, reliable sources have it that she was born in 1953, in the United States, but her exact date and place of birth are unknown.Some of her siblings are Michael Landon Jr., Leslie Ann Landon, Christopher Beau Landon, and Shawna Leigh Landon. Her romantic life isn't available to the public. So, nothing is known about anyone she has ever dated or married. Also, it's unknown if the daughter of the legendary actor, Michael Landon, had any kids. Cheryl Pontrelli's career and net worth Michael Landon'a daughter, Ch
[ 322, 1641, 633, 276, 579, 411, 11595, 7134, 310, 1269, 916, 29892, 14792, 491, 263, 11888, 918, 310, 14183, 7378, 896, 3523, 287, 304, 679, 298, 2335, 287, 29889, 13, 18687, 347, 1771, 682, 2330, 29892, 263, 13460, 23383, 29892, 5381, 29893, 2480, 29892, 322, 2428, 4299, 1058, 756, 7470, 373, 18469, 310, 901, 1135, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 2320, 834, 1475, 29892, 373, 25967, 10523, 431, 1171, 29915, 29879, 19780, 5957, 29892, 3614, 304, 278, 24948, 332, 680, 364, 5525, 304, 14993, 1623, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 3236, 310, 2599, 925, 393, 29892, 1183, 471, 9701, 297, 263, 1081, 293, 19959, 8095, 541, 5162, 348, 2486, 363, 902, 322, 10523, 431, 1171, 29892, 896, 2982, 287, 373, 15007, 10124, 963, 411, 871, 9461, 22728, 267, 322, 5476, 1372, 29889, 13, 25627, 538, 373, 278, 29871, 29906, 29906, 299, 310, 5846, 3599, 1573, 14837, 8497, 325, 1242, 263, 1473, 931, 322, 21351, 278, 889, 327, 411, 2819, 347, 1771, 682, 2330, 29892, 29773, 1918, 263, 9833, 393, 1833, 287, 363, 263, 3785, 310, 29871, 29896, 1629, 29889, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 4910, 272, 346, 13, 1576, 12060, 310, 5457, 3681, 1771, 682, 2330, 9007, 29915, 29873, 3307, 304, 10985, 1009, 13718, 3785, 3428, 4892, 29889, 13, 2951, 278, 29871, 29906, 29906, 299, 310, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29946, 1222, 23617, 29871, 29896, 1629, 1156, 1009, 13718, 2819, 347, 1771, 682, 2330, 934, 29881, 363, 25074, 346, 322, 2175, 1009, 13718, 10124, 29871, 29955, 11405, 2030, 5457, 1771, 682, 2330, 411, 263, 25160, 3957, 304, 670, 4783, 29889, 10523, 431, 1171, 471, 17935, 6493, 362, 322, 2819, 457, 1035, 13190, 2989, 25387, 1486, 310, 5457, 29889, 13, 1576, 2769, 363, 1009, 25074, 346, 9242, 2215, 515, 2821, 541, 1580, 8250, 13819, 1747, 2820, 18161, 5626, 892, 7424, 304, 367, 278, 282, 440, 7288, 1298, 310, 1009, 29185, 13718, 29889, 1551, 263, 2846, 26108, 29892, 10523, 431, 1171, 471, 16558, 4395, 304, 367, 5704, 3116, 287, 304, 2819, 457, 29892, 8152, 292, 902, 263, 1058, 459, 292, 2533, 310, 395, 29896, 29889, 29945, 19958, 291, 411, 694, 3184, 573, 310, 5146, 292, 1250, 29889, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 15825, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 338, 263, 1855, 19989, 13897, 29892, 17739, 261, 29892, 322, 15640, 29889, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 1334, 523, 29892, 22907, 13, 29911, 29874, 431, 1171, 29892, 385, 4759, 351, 873, 12464, 4395, 5199, 29892, 805, 550, 975, 278, 3171, 310, 29871, 29945, 615, 29871, 29947, 22831, 322, 591, 1141, 29879, 263, 3001, 310, 29871, 29929, 29900, 12118, 29889, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 12670, 7088, 13, 3563, 278, 3785, 310, 2440, 29892, 10523, 431, 1171, 756, 1063, 2221, 304, 11592, 263, 7540, 21115, 5253, 310, 17173, 515, 670, 1855, 19989, 5381, 541, 25812, 1603, 8338, 29879, 372, 304, 1641, 610, 912, 29916, 936, 408, 372, 18469, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 7284, 29899, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29900, 19958, 291, 3148, 29928, 29889, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 14662, 13, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 338, 278, 4783, 310, 5457, 1771, 682, 2330, 7984, 29889, 940, 338, 884, 6631, 304, 317, 737, 272, 9371, 1771, 682, 2330, 17278, 29892, 322, 263, 4331, 22212, 310, 4827, 9596, 3650, 295, 29889, 13, 29950, 275, 3517, 6532, 2819, 347, 1771, 682, 2330, 338, 263, 2428, 4299, 1183, 756, 7841, 902, 1196, 310, 5381, 607, 7199, 4637, 11315, 17752, 29892, 1855, 19989, 29892, 10977, 705, 279, 29892, 322, 15409, 9316, 29889, 2296, 5279, 756, 263, 7787, 7088, 310, 29871, 29947, 29900, 19958, 291, 3148, 29928, 29889, 15447, 29892, 10523, 431, 1171, 756, 694, 938, 6490, 9443, 411, 697, 29889, 13, 4435, 29901, 7821, 29889, 29954, 29882, 1648, 29907, 10262, 29889, 510, 13, 9662, 630, 7488, 1199, 29901, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 4768, 5275, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 4910, 272, 346, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 14662, 25627, 538, 10523, 431, 1171, 8722, 29903, 279, 801, 402, 328, 265, 29903, 279, 801, 402, 328, 265, 17093, 13, 29903, 279, 801, 402, 328, 265, 17093, 29892, 16767, 29892, 24287, 4980, 29892, 14104, 583, 29892, 12670, 7088, 13, 29925, 292, 1627, 29901, 1128, 1763, 5373, 29891, 6479, 294, 2857, 350, 6090, 2973, 341, 29911, 29940, 4546, 22638, 448, 13491, 1648, 29696, 13, 29925, 292, 1627, 29901, 1128, 1763, 315, 1161, 4451, 3575, 4546, 22638, 5260, 1026, 3645, 385, 15531, 29924, 448, 13491, 1648, 29696, 13, 1451, 708, 29880, 17515, 27965, 408, 263, 1121, 310, 902, 4783, 29915, 29879, 5972, 537, 29889, 28609, 902, 4783, 29915, 29879, 4892, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29896, 29892, 5765, 3172, 265, 29892, 471, 263, 5972, 3082, 5648, 2022, 2877, 29892, 2706, 8881, 29892, 322, 11339, 29889, 5853, 577, 29892, 540, 750, 2337, 1063, 297, 278, 2485, 295, 523, 29889, 3600, 8750, 29892, 678, 708, 29880, 29892, 373, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 756, 8459, 304, 5735, 263, 4482, 29899, 10185, 2834, 3448, 515, 278, 5745, 29889, 13, 29933, 7515, 322, 11095, 2834, 13, 4178, 278, 931, 310, 678, 708, 29880, 14678, 2674, 492, 29915, 29879, 12060, 29892, 902, 5637, 29892, 1085, 3418, 347, 18989, 29876, 1939, 29872, 471, 8300, 304, 5765, 3218, 7078, 14678, 2674, 492, 322, 9007, 29915, 29873, 13834, 472, 278, 3256, 29889, 1105, 29892, 1407, 2217, 471, 2998, 1048, 678, 708, 29880, 472, 278, 931, 310, 902, 12060, 29889, 2398, 29892, 23279, 8974, 505, 372, 393, 1183, 471, 6345, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29941, 29892, 297, 278, 3303, 3900, 29892, 541, 902, 2684, 2635, 322, 2058, 310, 12060, 526, 9815, 29889, 9526, 310, 902, 27767, 18964, 526, 5765, 3172, 265, 13843, 1696, 2664, 3197, 8081, 3172, 265, 29892, 18888, 23826, 3172, 265, 29892, 322, 28548, 1056, 951, 1141, 3172, 265, 29889, 13, 18650, 6017, 7716, 2834, 3508, 29915, 29873, 3625, 304, 278, 970, 29889, 1105, 29892, 13, 28450, 338, 2998, 1048, 5019, 1183, 756, 3926, 29797, 470, 8300, 29889, 3115, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 9815, 565, 278, 8750, 310, 278, 15983, 653, 11339, 29892, 5765, 3172, 265, 29892, 750, 738, 413, 4841, 29889, 13, 1451, 708, 29880, 14678, 2674, 492, 29915, 29879, 6413, 322, 7787, 7088, 13, 24083, 3172, 265, 29915, 29874, 8750, 29892, 678 ]
eryl Pontrelli has been involved in several occupations. However, she has also succeeded in keeping her career private. But the information available to the media has it that she has authored a book titled I Promised my Dad. The book is available for sale on Amazon. Information about Cheryl Pontrelli's finances is kept private. However, her net worth is estimated at $100,000. Cheryl Pontrelli's car crash Cheryl was involved in a fatal car accident that claimed the lives of everyone in the car except her. In the car were four people, including her. The accident occurred in 1973, in Tucson, Arizona, while she was a student at the University of Arizona. Despite surviving the accident, Cheryl suffered serious injuries that left her in a coma for several days. Cheryl's Mother Cheryl's mother, Lynn Noe was from Louisville, Kentucky, U S.A. she was also an actress like her husband. She gained wide popularity from a 1961 show, The Mike Douglas Show. She was previously married before her marriage to Michael Landon. It might interest you to know that Cheryl's biological father wasn't Michael. He was Michael Angelo Pontrelli. Lynn also married another man known as Mannie Baier. She died in November 2015. However, nothing is known about the cause of her death. Cheryl's Father Michael Landon was born Engine Maurice Orowitz on October 31st, 1936. He was an American filmmaker and actor. Some popular roles he played during his acting career include Jonathan Smith (in Highway to Heaven), Charles Ingalls (in Little House on the Prairie), and Little Joe Cartwright (in Bonanza). Prior to his marriage to Cheryl's mom, he was married to Dodie Levy-Fraser but got divorced in 1962. He married Marjorie Lynn a year later but got divorced in 1982. He later got married to Cindy Clerico Landon and had a daughter named Jennifer Landon, a famous American actress. They remained married until his death in 1981. In April 1991, three months before his death, he was diagnosed with exocrine adenocarcinoma, a form of pancreatic cancer. He passed away on July 1st, 1991, in Malibu, California. Before his death, the American actor bagged several honors and awards. Below are some of them: Bambi Award in international TV series (won, 1969). Bronze Wrangler Award in Fictional Television Drama (Won, 1970). Golden Globe Award for Best TV Actor – Drama (Nominated, 1979). Spur Award for Best TV Script (Won, 1980). Who is Gigi Falanga? Following the procurement of a colossal fan base, Gigi Falanga has been identified as a Brazilian reality TV baker, besides sprouting yet-to-be untapped culinary magic she invests her time in building the already planted platonic relationship that exists between her and Andrian Zumbo the titleholder of just deserts mainstreaming Australian television show. Gigi Falanga Biography Born on Brazilian soil, 34-year-old Gigi has vented out enough information to prove she grew up under the favor of an anonymous guardian. According to her, she is part Italian and her love for cuisine was knitted by her grandmothers from both ends as they both cooked and fed her subsequently. In her 20s, she delved into fitness as a causal effect of her interest in healthy food. She found it remarkable that a series of mind-blowing recipes can be created by mere adding healthy ingredients and even the reconfiguration still wouldn't make the taste factor decline. She eventually resolved to go back to Australia where she grew up; by then it was a demanding requirement to sustain oneself with academia as a cause for staying. She advanced to study cookery and completed an advanced diploma in hospitality; with the inclusion of commercial cookery. Gigi Falanga Career Following her passion for bakery and cooking her skills were magnified by major patisserie schools home and away, and in respective accord, her family's combined love for flowers
[ 708, 29880, 14678, 2674, 492, 756, 1063, 9701, 297, 3196, 6919, 800, 29889, 2398, 29892, 1183, 756, 884, 14792, 297, 12515, 902, 6413, 2024, 29889, 1205, 278, 2472, 3625, 304, 278, 5745, 756, 372, 393, 1183, 756, 4148, 287, 263, 3143, 25278, 306, 9705, 3368, 590, 360, 328, 29889, 13, 1576, 3143, 338, 3625, 363, 14686, 373, 16631, 29889, 10343, 1048, 678, 708, 29880, 14678, 2674, 492, 29915, 29879, 1436, 2925, 338, 8126, 2024, 29889, 2398, 29892, 902, 7787, 7088, 338, 15899, 472, 395, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 1451, 708, 29880, 14678, 2674, 492, 29915, 29879, 1559, 8095, 13, 1451, 708, 29880, 471, 9701, 297, 263, 18409, 1559, 11423, 393, 17049, 278, 12080, 310, 14332, 297, 278, 1559, 5174, 902, 29889, 512, 278, 1559, 892, 3023, 2305, 29892, 3704, 902, 29889, 450, 11423, 10761, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29941, 29892, 297, 323, 1682, 1100, 29892, 23716, 29892, 1550, 1183, 471, 263, 8368, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 23716, 29889, 19454, 10503, 4357, 278, 11423, 29892, 678, 708, 29880, 17654, 10676, 10899, 14886, 393, 2175, 902, 297, 263, 419, 29874, 363, 3196, 3841, 29889, 13, 1451, 708, 29880, 29915, 29879, 21869, 13, 1451, 708, 29880, 29915, 29879, 5637, 29892, 18989, 29876, 1939, 29872, 471, 515, 5899, 4909, 29892, 24043, 29892, 501, 317, 29889, 29909, 29889, 1183, 471, 884, 385, 20993, 763, 902, 10216, 29889, 2296, 17515, 9377, 5972, 537, 515, 263, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29896, 1510, 29892, 450, 12828, 16721, 7704, 29889, 2296, 471, 9251, 8300, 1434, 902, 13718, 304, 5765, 3172, 265, 29889, 13, 3112, 1795, 4066, 366, 304, 1073, 393, 678, 708, 29880, 29915, 29879, 4768, 5996, 4783, 9007, 29915, 29873, 5765, 29889, 940, 471, 5765, 3218, 7078, 14678, 2674, 492, 29889, 18989, 29876, 884, 8300, 1790, 767, 2998, 408, 7908, 347, 6000, 631, 29889, 2296, 6423, 297, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29889, 2398, 29892, 3078, 338, 2998, 1048, 278, 4556, 310, 902, 4892, 29889, 13, 1451, 708, 29880, 29915, 29879, 17852, 13, 24083, 3172, 265, 471, 6345, 10863, 18938, 438, 798, 2784, 373, 5533, 29871, 29941, 29896, 303, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29941, 29953, 29889, 940, 471, 385, 3082, 2706, 28107, 322, 11339, 29889, 3834, 5972, 16178, 540, 5318, 2645, 670, 16684, 6413, 3160, 20983, 7075, 313, 262, 22080, 304, 22977, 511, 5322, 22607, 4293, 313, 262, 11143, 5619, 373, 278, 9002, 24135, 511, 322, 11143, 11131, 12370, 29893, 1266, 313, 262, 8396, 8520, 467, 13, 29925, 13479, 304, 670, 13718, 304, 678, 708, 29880, 29915, 29879, 16823, 29892, 540, 471, 8300, 304, 360, 397, 347, 951, 13308, 29899, 29943, 3417, 261, 541, 2355, 25074, 1133, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29906, 29889, 940, 8300, 1085, 3418, 347, 18989, 29876, 263, 1629, 2678, 541, 2355, 25074, 1133, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 29889, 940, 2678, 2355, 8300, 304, 315, 513, 29891, 315, 1358, 1417, 3172, 265, 322, 750, 263, 8750, 4257, 23774, 9633, 3172, 265, 29892, 263, 13834, 3082, 20993, 29889, 2688, 9488, 8300, 2745, 670, 4892, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29896, 29889, 13, 797, 3786, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29896, 29892, 2211, 7378, 1434, 670, 4892, 29892, 540, 471, 24876, 2662, 411, 429, 8415, 457, 594, 264, 542, 5666, 262, 4125, 29892, 263, 883, 310, 7243, 1037, 2454, 23900, 29889, 940, 4502, 3448, 373, 5468, 29871, 29896, 303, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29896, 29892, 297, 3792, 747, 29884, 29892, 8046, 29889, 10949, 670, 4892, 29892, 278, 3082, 11339, 19548, 3192, 3196, 4207, 943, 322, 24441, 29889, 13866, 526, 777, 310, 963, 29901, 13, 29933, 1117, 29875, 7526, 297, 6121, 5648, 3652, 313, 12620, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29929, 467, 13, 29933, 1617, 911, 399, 29878, 574, 1358, 7526, 297, 383, 919, 1848, 22417, 360, 20556, 313, 29956, 265, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29900, 467, 13, 29954, 1025, 264, 21806, 915, 7526, 363, 6407, 5648, 319, 2801, 785, 360, 20556, 313, 29940, 5817, 630, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29929, 467, 13, 5592, 332, 7526, 363, 6407, 5648, 14415, 313, 29956, 265, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 467, 13, 22110, 338, 402, 10091, 12941, 12686, 29973, 13, 29943, 2952, 292, 278, 9580, 545, 358, 310, 263, 784, 2209, 284, 13524, 2967, 29892, 402, 10091, 12941, 12686, 756, 1063, 15659, 408, 263, 16078, 713, 16832, 5648, 289, 5790, 29892, 18034, 7689, 449, 292, 3447, 29899, 517, 29899, 915, 443, 29873, 17280, 13949, 3821, 15709, 1183, 2437, 9197, 902, 931, 297, 5214, 278, 2307, 8024, 287, 18870, 8927, 9443, 393, 4864, 1546, 902, 322, 1126, 6392, 25174, 833, 278, 3611, 7694, 310, 925, 18197, 29879, 1667, 5461, 292, 9870, 11456, 1510, 29889, 13, 29954, 10091, 12941, 12686, 17093, 13, 29933, 1398, 373, 16078, 713, 22473, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 402, 10091, 756, 9712, 287, 714, 3307, 2472, 304, 6356, 1183, 13631, 701, 1090, 278, 7853, 310, 385, 21560, 8372, 713, 29889, 7579, 304, 902, 29892, 1183, 338, 760, 10545, 322, 902, 5360, 363, 2723, 275, 457, 471, 889, 4430, 491, 902, 4595, 29885, 720, 414, 515, 1716, 10614, 408, 896, 1716, 7984, 287, 322, 21242, 902, 17602, 29889, 13, 797, 902, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29879, 29892, 1183, 628, 1490, 964, 6216, 2264, 408, 263, 3269, 284, 2779, 310, 902, 4066, 297, 9045, 29891, 9687, 29889, 2296, 1476, 372, 22567, 393, 263, 3652, 310, 3458, 29899, 29890, 677, 292, 9522, 5547, 508, 367, 2825, 491, 15187, 4417, 9045, 29891, 2348, 1127, 10070, 322, 1584, 278, 337, 13305, 1603, 7656, 29915, 29873, 1207, 278, 21779, 7329, 4845, 457, 29889, 2296, 10201, 11527, 304, 748, 1250, 304, 8314, 988, 1183, 13631, 701, 29936, 491, 769, 372, 471, 263, 9667, 292, 11809, 304, 15075, 475, 6743, 761, 411, 16274, 423, 408, 263, 4556, 363, 7952, 292, 29889, 13, 13468, 12862, 304, 6559, 7984, 708, 322, 8676, 385, 12862, 652, 572, 4125, 297, 13457, 537, 29936, 411, 278, 28694, 310, 12128, 7984, 708, 29889, 13, 29954, 10091, 12941, 12686, 15825, 13, 29943, 2952, 292, 902, 15935, 363, 289, 557, 708, 322, 7984, 292, 902, 25078, 892, 9119, 2164, 491, 4655, 2373, 275, 15596, 12462, 3271, 322, 3448, 29892, 322, 297, 18067, 15017, 29892, 902, 3942, 29915, 29879, 12420, 5360, 363, 18281 ]
, architecture and act groomed her into becoming a cake decorator. In 2016, Gigi partnered with Adrian Zumbo and served as a co-host for Zumbo's Just Desserts in channel 7, following sequentially she proffered innovation to the children's show Get Arty in 7TWO, in the years, 2017/18/19 Gigi spent 3 years as a pastry chef, her interest as voiced out was originally to become a teacher but upon arrival to Australia she had a good fortune and was opportune to meet significant trailblazers in that very art, the formal model who gaited down major runways in Milan, Australia and Brazil has now finished composing the foundation of her baking career. Gigi Falanga Relationship status It has ceased to be a secret that Sam Page and Gigi are engaged, Sam's proposal to Gigi was one that happened in January 2017, and following that were just mere proof of their devotion to that particular cause. Fast forward to July 2021, the love birds tied the knot at a nice wedding. Apparently, Sam Page is her partner in the bakery, Zumbo's Just Desserts. Who is Kwebbelkop? Kwebbelkop is a Youtuber, model, and Instagram star whose YouTube channel is known for content related to gaming. His channel has amassed a lot of views and some of the games that he uploads himself playing include Minecraft, GTA 5 also, he uploads Q&As too. In this article, I would be writing about Kwebbelkop biography, age, real name, girlfriend, Minecraft, Youtube, net worth, and other facts about him. First, let's take a look at his profile below. Kwebbelkop Biography Kwebbelkop was born on June 1, 1995, in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. His mom's name is Brigitella and much is not known about his father however, his parents divorced when he was young and he has a sister named Lauren. There is no information concerning his education but he gained popularity from his youtube channel. Kwebbelkop is also the founder of Webble Games and apart from being a gamer, he is also a programmer. He created the game, Impossible Runner which was downloaded over 200,000 times. He signed a deal with Broadband, a digital network based in Vancouver, in 2019. Kwebbelkop Name Kwebbelkop's real name is Jordi van den Bussche. Kwebbelkop's Girlfriend Kwebbelkop was previously in a relationship with Youtube star, Azzy, and she was the owner of the youtube channel Azzyland. Her channel Azzyland had over 13 million subscribers and also amassed over 5billion views. Kwebbelkop YouTube Kwebbelkop was created on April 2, 2008, and he uploads videos of himself playing different games. His channel has over 14 million subscribers and it has amassed over 6 billion views since the date it was created. He features some of his friends in some of his videos and his ex-girlfriend also appeared in some of his videos. Kwebbelkop Net worth Apart from Youtube ads, Kwebbelkop also earns from sponsored ads and he has an estimated net worth of $15million. Construction Of Agenda 111 Project Still At Ground Level After Government Paid Contractor $1.2m Politics5 hours ago Watch Video: Meek Mill Shots A Music Video At Akufo Addo's Jubilee House Meek Mill's Jubilee House Music Video: Twene Jonas Drops Hot Reaction; Criticises Nana Addo And Leadership Nigeria CNN1 month ago Stunning Photos Of Sammy Gyamfi And His wife At Their Thanksgiving Service John Mahama Is Behind Meek Mill's Music Video at Flagstaff House- Abronye DC Five (5) Things Ghanaians Would Never Forget About John Evans Atta Mills Everything You Need To Know About Honourable Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa Asiedu Nketia Explains Change In NDC's Parliamentary Leadership Everything You Need To Know About Cassiel
[ 29892, 11258, 322, 1044, 4071, 27067, 902, 964, 14171, 263, 274, 1296, 10200, 1061, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 402, 10091, 18096, 287, 411, 2087, 6392, 25174, 833, 322, 6766, 408, 263, 1302, 29899, 3069, 363, 25174, 833, 29915, 29879, 3387, 360, 404, 814, 29879, 297, 8242, 29871, 29955, 29892, 1494, 8617, 9247, 1183, 2600, 571, 287, 24233, 362, 304, 278, 4344, 29915, 29879, 1510, 3617, 826, 1017, 297, 29871, 29955, 16240, 29949, 29892, 297, 278, 2440, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29914, 29896, 29947, 29914, 29896, 29929, 13, 29954, 10091, 10398, 29871, 29941, 2440, 408, 263, 2331, 2202, 14547, 29892, 902, 4066, 408, 992, 7612, 714, 471, 10437, 304, 4953, 263, 15703, 541, 2501, 18517, 304, 8314, 1183, 750, 263, 1781, 19717, 322, 471, 11406, 1540, 304, 5870, 7282, 26203, 17530, 29920, 414, 297, 393, 1407, 1616, 29892, 278, 11595, 1904, 1058, 330, 1249, 287, 1623, 4655, 1065, 1994, 297, 20308, 29892, 8314, 322, 16078, 756, 1286, 7743, 5541, 292, 278, 22778, 310, 902, 289, 5086, 6413, 29889, 13, 29954, 10091, 12941, 12686, 6376, 800, 4034, 4660, 13, 3112, 756, 24886, 304, 367, 263, 7035, 393, 3685, 9305, 322, 402, 10091, 526, 17785, 29892, 3685, 29915, 29879, 24963, 304, 402, 10091, 471, 697, 393, 9559, 297, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 322, 1494, 393, 892, 925, 15187, 5296, 310, 1009, 2906, 8194, 304, 393, 3153, 4556, 29889, 23786, 6375, 304, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 278, 5360, 17952, 21351, 278, 889, 327, 472, 263, 7575, 14837, 8497, 29889, 27466, 2705, 29892, 3685, 9305, 338, 902, 18096, 297, 278, 289, 557, 708, 29892, 25174, 833, 29915, 29879, 3387, 360, 404, 814, 29879, 29889, 13, 22110, 338, 476, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 29973, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 338, 263, 612, 449, 11234, 29892, 1904, 29892, 322, 2799, 14442, 5810, 5069, 14711, 8242, 338, 2998, 363, 2793, 4475, 304, 330, 11500, 29889, 13, 29950, 275, 8242, 756, 626, 465, 287, 263, 3287, 310, 8386, 322, 777, 310, 278, 8090, 393, 540, 6441, 29879, 3654, 8743, 3160, 26833, 17293, 29892, 402, 6040, 29871, 29945, 884, 29892, 540, 6441, 29879, 660, 29987, 2887, 2086, 29889, 13, 797, 445, 4274, 29892, 306, 723, 367, 5007, 1048, 476, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 4768, 5275, 29892, 5046, 29892, 1855, 1024, 29892, 7826, 18326, 29892, 26833, 17293, 29892, 612, 15907, 29892, 7787, 7088, 29892, 322, 916, 17099, 1048, 1075, 29889, 3824, 29892, 1235, 29915, 29879, 2125, 263, 1106, 472, 670, 8722, 2400, 29889, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 17093, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 471, 6345, 373, 5306, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 29892, 297, 17399, 297, 278, 24553, 29889, 3600, 16823, 29915, 29879, 1024, 338, 13051, 277, 3547, 322, 1568, 338, 451, 2998, 1048, 670, 4783, 3138, 29892, 670, 11825, 25074, 1133, 746, 540, 471, 4123, 322, 540, 756, 263, 9883, 4257, 997, 10732, 29889, 1670, 338, 694, 2472, 19813, 670, 9793, 541, 540, 17515, 5972, 537, 515, 670, 366, 29873, 4003, 8242, 29889, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 338, 884, 278, 25331, 310, 2563, 569, 12482, 322, 12435, 515, 1641, 263, 330, 4183, 29892, 540, 338, 884, 263, 27922, 29889, 940, 2825, 278, 3748, 29892, 1954, 27338, 7525, 1089, 607, 471, 16532, 975, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 3064, 29889, 940, 8794, 263, 5376, 411, 12046, 4980, 29892, 263, 13436, 3564, 2729, 297, 478, 29711, 29892, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 4408, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 29915, 29879, 1855, 1024, 338, 13783, 29875, 1109, 972, 8406, 5955, 29889, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 29915, 29879, 18620, 18326, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 471, 9251, 297, 263, 9443, 411, 612, 15907, 5810, 29892, 4709, 1537, 29892, 322, 1183, 471, 278, 12271, 310, 278, 366, 29873, 4003, 8242, 4709, 1537, 1049, 29889, 2439, 8242, 4709, 1537, 1049, 750, 975, 29871, 29896, 29941, 7284, 21696, 2596, 322, 884, 626, 465, 287, 975, 29871, 29945, 29890, 453, 291, 8386, 29889, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 14711, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 471, 2825, 373, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29892, 322, 540, 6441, 29879, 19707, 310, 3654, 8743, 1422, 8090, 29889, 3600, 8242, 756, 975, 29871, 29896, 29946, 7284, 21696, 2596, 322, 372, 756, 626, 465, 287, 975, 29871, 29953, 24464, 8386, 1951, 278, 2635, 372, 471, 2825, 29889, 940, 5680, 777, 310, 670, 7875, 297, 777, 310, 670, 19707, 322, 670, 429, 29899, 29887, 5168, 18326, 884, 7470, 297, 777, 310, 670, 19707, 29889, 13, 29968, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 12670, 7088, 13, 29909, 1595, 515, 612, 15907, 594, 29879, 29892, 476, 705, 1327, 295, 25139, 884, 2326, 1983, 515, 21955, 4395, 594, 29879, 322, 540, 756, 385, 15899, 7787, 7088, 310, 395, 29896, 29945, 19958, 291, 29889, 13, 12075, 4080, 4587, 4059, 8395, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29896, 8010, 12074, 2180, 1632, 618, 21597, 2860, 10354, 2621, 333, 2866, 28891, 395, 29896, 29889, 29906, 29885, 13, 7713, 277, 1199, 29945, 6199, 8020, 13, 24709, 13987, 29901, 2191, 1416, 8649, 1383, 1862, 319, 6125, 13987, 2180, 10813, 1137, 29877, 3462, 29877, 29915, 29879, 435, 431, 488, 29872, 5619, 13, 6816, 1416, 8649, 29915, 29879, 435, 431, 488, 29872, 5619, 6125, 13987, 29901, 8168, 1600, 9937, 294, 22938, 567, 8843, 830, 2467, 29936, 15976, 293, 4637, 405, 1648, 3462, 29877, 1126, 951, 328, 10475, 13, 29940, 4087, 423, 29696, 29896, 4098, 8020, 13, 855, 27389, 1963, 15788, 4587, 3685, 1357, 12842, 314, 7241, 1126, 3600, 6532, 2180, 11275, 1834, 29887, 4357, 6692, 13, 11639, 10082, 3304, 1317, 1522, 16887, 2191, 1416, 8649, 29915, 29879, 6125, 13987, 472, 28697, 303, 3470, 5619, 29899, 27782, 2592, 29872, 13681, 13, 29943, 573, 313, 29945, 29897, 28706, 13491, 1648, 5834, 10878, 12391, 1152, 657, 13611, 2259, 24056, 6212, 29874, 341, 6090, 13, 26526, 1918, 887, 20768, 1763, 19320, 13611, 7906, 283, 18104, 15316, 3674, 566, 4975, 29877, 1976, 18170, 2766, 13, 2887, 1000, 29884, 405, 7873, 423, 12027, 433, 1144, 10726, 512, 405, 12696, 29915, 29879, 13212, 653, 951, 328, 10475, 13, 26526, 1918, 887, 20768, 1763, 19320, 13611, 13088, 709 ]
Q: Marginal means and confidence levels per group with emmeans and geepack in R Please consider the following: When fitting a GEE with geepack we receive a model that we can predict with new values but base R does not support GEE models to calculate the confidence intervals. To obtain confidence intervals we can use emmeans::emmeans(). If the variables in the model are categorical and continuous I run into problems. When estimating the marginal mean with emmeans::emmeans() I found that the marginal mean is calculated with the overall data and not the data per group. Question: how can I obtain the estimated mean per group including confidence intervals from a GEE model in R? Minimal reproducible example: Data library("dplyr") #> #> Attaching package: 'dplyr' #> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats': #> #> filter, lag #> The following objects are masked from 'package:base': #> #> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union library("emmeans") #> Warning: package 'emmeans' was built under R version 3.5.2 library("geepack") # Adding a grouping variable pigs.group <- emmeans::pigs %>% mutate(group = c(rep("a", 20), rep("b", 9))) Fitting the model # Fitting the model fit <- geepack::geeglm(conc ~ as.numeric(percent) + factor(group), id = source, data = pigs.group) # Model results fit #> #> Call: #> geepack::geeglm(formula = conc ~ as.numeric(percent) + factor(group), #> data = pigs.group, id = source) #> #> Coefficients: #> (Intercept) as.numeric(percent) factor(group)b #> 20.498948 1.049322 10.703857 #> #> Degrees of Freedom: 29 Total (i.e. Null); 26 Residual #> #> Scale Link: identity #> Estimated Scale Parameters: [1] 36.67949 #> #> Correlation: Structure = independence #> Number of clusters: 3 Maximum cluster size: 10 Using emmeans::emmeans() to calculate the marginal means and LCL/UCL. However, the group means for percent are 12.9 in both groups. This is the overall observed mean of percent and not the group mean. # Calculating marginal means per group. # Note that 'percent' is the same for both groups emmeans::emmeans(fit, "percent", by = "group") #> group = a: #> percent emmean SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL #> 12.9 34.1 3.252 Inf 27.7 40.4 #> #> group = b: #> percent emmean SE df asymp.LCL asymp.UCL #> 12.9 44.8 0.327 Inf 44.1 45.4 #> #> Covariance estimate used: vbeta #> Confidence level used: 0.95 # Creating new data with acutal means per group new.dat <- pigs.group %>% group_by(group) %>% summarise(percent = mean(percent)) # These are the actual group means new.dat #> # A tibble: 2 x 2 #> group percent #> <chr> <dbl> #> 1 a 13.2 #> 2 b 12.3 Predicting with predict also returns other estiamted means per group, but no confidence intervals can be estimated for GEE in base R. # Prediction with new data # These should be the marginal means but how to get the confidence interval? predict(fit, newdata = new.dat)
[ 660, 29901, 11649, 979, 2794, 322, 16420, 11174, 639, 2318, 411, 953, 1004, 550, 322, 1737, 1022, 547, 297, 390, 3529, 2050, 278, 1494, 29901, 13, 10401, 28221, 263, 402, 17896, 411, 1737, 1022, 547, 591, 7150, 263, 1904, 393, 591, 508, 8500, 411, 716, 1819, 541, 2967, 390, 947, 451, 2304, 402, 17896, 4733, 304, 8147, 278, 16420, 18747, 29889, 1763, 4017, 16420, 18747, 591, 508, 671, 953, 1004, 550, 1057, 331, 1004, 550, 2141, 13, 3644, 278, 3651, 297, 278, 1904, 526, 11608, 936, 322, 9126, 306, 1065, 964, 4828, 29889, 13, 10401, 4844, 1218, 278, 15276, 979, 2099, 411, 953, 1004, 550, 1057, 331, 1004, 550, 580, 306, 1476, 393, 278, 15276, 979, 2099, 338, 12833, 411, 278, 12463, 848, 322, 451, 278, 848, 639, 2318, 29889, 13, 16492, 29901, 920, 508, 306, 4017, 278, 15899, 2099, 639, 2318, 3704, 16420, 18747, 515, 263, 402, 17896, 1904, 297, 390, 29973, 13, 13, 8140, 3039, 9483, 15520, 1342, 29901, 13, 1469, 13, 13, 5258, 703, 6099, 368, 29878, 1159, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 6212, 9733, 3577, 29901, 525, 6099, 368, 29878, 29915, 13, 29937, 29958, 450, 1494, 3618, 526, 11105, 287, 515, 525, 5113, 29901, 16202, 2396, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 268, 4175, 29892, 11755, 13, 29937, 29958, 450, 1494, 3618, 526, 11105, 287, 515, 525, 5113, 29901, 3188, 2396, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 268, 25869, 29892, 731, 12765, 29892, 731, 11745, 29892, 9833, 13, 5258, 703, 331, 1004, 550, 1159, 13, 29937, 29958, 24412, 29901, 3577, 525, 331, 1004, 550, 29915, 471, 4240, 1090, 390, 1873, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29945, 29889, 29906, 13, 5258, 703, 479, 1022, 547, 1159, 13, 13, 29937, 18804, 263, 27270, 2286, 13, 29886, 23379, 29889, 2972, 3705, 953, 1004, 550, 1057, 29886, 23379, 12437, 5478, 403, 29898, 2972, 353, 274, 29898, 3445, 703, 29874, 613, 29871, 29906, 29900, 511, 1634, 703, 29890, 613, 29871, 29929, 4961, 13, 13, 29943, 5367, 278, 1904, 29871, 13, 29937, 383, 5367, 278, 1904, 13, 9202, 3705, 1737, 1022, 547, 1057, 479, 387, 21457, 29898, 535, 29883, 3695, 408, 29889, 21574, 29898, 25376, 29897, 718, 7329, 29898, 2972, 511, 13, 462, 539, 1178, 353, 2752, 29892, 848, 353, 282, 23379, 29889, 2972, 29897, 13, 13, 29937, 8125, 2582, 13, 9202, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 8251, 29901, 13, 29937, 29958, 1737, 1022, 547, 1057, 479, 387, 21457, 29898, 689, 2497, 353, 3022, 3695, 408, 29889, 21574, 29898, 25376, 29897, 718, 7329, 29898, 2972, 511, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 268, 848, 353, 282, 23379, 29889, 2972, 29892, 1178, 353, 2752, 29897, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 3189, 8462, 29879, 29901, 13, 29937, 29958, 308, 313, 4074, 1547, 29897, 408, 29889, 21574, 29898, 25376, 29897, 418, 7329, 29898, 2972, 29897, 29890, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 9651, 29906, 29900, 29889, 29946, 29929, 29947, 29929, 29946, 29947, 632, 29896, 29889, 29900, 29946, 29929, 29941, 29906, 29906, 9651, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29955, 29900, 29941, 29947, 29945, 29955, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 360, 387, 11003, 310, 3878, 11607, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29929, 14990, 313, 29875, 29889, 29872, 29889, 19014, 416, 259, 29906, 29953, 2538, 333, 950, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 2522, 744, 6645, 29901, 462, 259, 10110, 13, 29937, 29958, 2661, 326, 630, 2522, 744, 12662, 2699, 29901, 29871, 518, 29896, 29962, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29889, 29953, 29955, 29929, 29946, 29929, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 2994, 23445, 29901, 29871, 3767, 12425, 353, 21820, 259, 13, 29937, 29958, 9681, 310, 24554, 29901, 1678, 29941, 259, 5918, 12539, 9867, 2159, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29900, 13, 13, 15156, 953, 1004, 550, 1057, 331, 1004, 550, 580, 304, 8147, 278, 15276, 979, 2794, 322, 365, 6154, 29914, 29965, 6154, 29889, 2398, 29892, 278, 2318, 2794, 363, 10151, 526, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29889, 29929, 297, 1716, 6471, 29889, 910, 338, 278, 12463, 8900, 2099, 310, 10151, 322, 451, 278, 2318, 2099, 29889, 13, 29937, 20535, 1218, 15276, 979, 2794, 639, 2318, 29889, 13, 29937, 3940, 393, 525, 25376, 29915, 338, 278, 1021, 363, 1716, 6471, 13, 331, 1004, 550, 1057, 331, 1004, 550, 29898, 9202, 29892, 376, 25376, 613, 491, 353, 376, 2972, 1159, 13, 29937, 29958, 2318, 353, 263, 29901, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 10151, 953, 12676, 1678, 3725, 29871, 4489, 16936, 29886, 29889, 29931, 6154, 16936, 29886, 29889, 29965, 6154, 13, 29937, 29958, 418, 29896, 29906, 29889, 29929, 1678, 29941, 29946, 29889, 29896, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29906, 29945, 29906, 9969, 539, 29906, 29955, 29889, 29955, 539, 29946, 29900, 29889, 29946, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 2318, 353, 289, 29901, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 10151, 953, 12676, 1678, 3725, 29871, 4489, 16936, 29886, 29889, 29931, 6154, 16936, 29886, 29889, 29965, 6154, 13, 29937, 29958, 418, 29896, 29906, 29889, 29929, 1678, 29946, 29946, 29889, 29947, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29941, 29906, 29955, 9969, 539, 29946, 29946, 29889, 29896, 539, 29946, 29945, 29889, 29946, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 25669, 279, 8837, 12678, 1304, 29901, 325, 3571, 29871, 13, 29937, 29958, 10811, 5084, 3233, 1304, 29901, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29929, 29945, 13, 13, 29937, 26221, 716, 848, 411, 1274, 329, 284, 2794, 639, 2318, 13, 1482, 29889, 4130, 3705, 282, 23379, 29889, 2972, 12437, 13, 4706, 2318, 29918, 1609, 29898, 2972, 29897, 12437, 13, 4706, 19138, 895, 29898, 25376, 353, 2099, 29898, 25376, 876, 13, 13, 29937, 4525, 526, 278, 3935, 2318, 2794, 13, 1482, 29889, 4130, 13, 29937, 29958, 396, 319, 29344, 569, 29901, 29871, 29906, 921, 29871, 29906, 13, 29937, 29958, 259, 2318, 10151, 13, 29937, 29958, 259, 529, 22495, 29958, 259, 529, 29881, 2204, 29958, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 29896, 263, 308, 29896, 29941, 29889, 29906, 13, 29937, 29958, 29871, 29906, 289, 308, 29896, 29906, 29889, 29941, 13, 13, 23084, 919, 292, 411, 8500, 884, 3639, 916, 707, 2829, 9446, 2794, 639, 2318, 29892, 541, 694, 16420, 18747, 508, 367, 15899, 363, 402, 17896, 297, 2967, 390, 29889, 13, 29937, 21099, 2463, 411, 716, 848, 13, 29937, 4525, 881, 367, 278, 15276, 979, 2794, 541, 920, 304, 679, 278, 16420, 7292, 29973, 13, 27711, 29898, 9202, 29892, 716, 1272, 353, 716, 29889, 4130, 29897 ]
Science And Woke Language Equals More Funding Canada Gets Its Own Fake Native Tall Tale Omicron Overreaction Strands International Travelers by Deanna Fisher in Headlines 4 Comments So much for white privilege. Or maybe the privilege is being able to make up a fantastic story about your life that gets you university professorships because you claim to be from a native tribe. If you thought Elizabeth Warren was bad, then meet Carrie Bourassa, who apparently took the "I'm indigenous" claims to a whole new level in Canada. This story apparently broke in Canada about a month ago, but has just now filtered down past the border into the United States. At least Elizabeth Warren, as bad as her claims of native ancestry were (and she obviously used them to gain an advantage), never went out dressed in full native regalia. (Though could you imagine the campaign ads from 2020 if she had???) Carrie Bourassa, though, got tripped up the more she embellished her native cred – which led to her colleagues becoming suspicious. With a feather in her hand and a bright blue shawl and Métis sash draped over her shoulders, Carrie Bourassa made her entrance to deliver a TEDx Talk at the University of Saskatchewan in Saskatoon in September 2019, where she detailed her personal rags-to-riches story." "My name is Morning Star Bear," she said, choking up. "I'm just going to say it — I'm emotional." The crowd applauded and cheered." "I'm Bear Clan. I'm Anishinaabe Métis from Treaty Four Territory," Bourassa said, explaining that she grew up in Regina's inner city in a dysfunctional family surrounded by addiction, violence and racism." In addition to claiming Metis and Anishinaabe heritage, Bourassa has also asserted that she's a descendant of the Tlingit, a small group of Indigenous people from the Yukon and British Columbia." But some of her colleagues, like Winona Wheeler, an associate professor of Indigenous studies at the University of Saskatchewan, say Bourassa's story is built on a fundamental falsehood." Wheeler, a member of Manitoba's Fisher River Cree Nation, says genealogical records show Bourassa is not Indigenous at all, but rather of entirely European descent." "When I saw that TEDx, to be quite honest, I was repulsed by how hard she was working to pass herself off as Indigenous," Wheeler told CBC. "You've got no right to tell people that's who you are in order to gain legitimacy, to get positions and to get funding. That's abuse." But when pushed, Bourassa's defense sounds more like Rachel Dolezal than Elizabeth Warren. Bourassa didn't offer any genealogical evidence that she is Métis, Anishnaabe or Tlingit. Instead, she said she became Métis in her 20s, when she was adopted into the community by a Métis friend of her grandfather, Clifford Laroque, who has since died." "Even though Clifford passed, those bonds are even deeper than death because the family has taken me as if I was their blood family. In turn, I serve the Métis community to the best of my ability," she wrote." She says she has been adopted into five other communities as well. She didn't offer any explanation as to why she claimed to have been born into a family with Métis, Anishnaabe and Tlingit roots." You have to admire the committment to the story, even if it is completely made up. The honest truth is that Bourassa made her lie too big. If she had simply stuck with claiming Métis heritage without going full native dress and calling herself "Morning Star Bear" (I'm cringing as I type that), Bourassa could have gotten away with the grift. She had cushy jobs at the University of Saskatchewan and as the scientific director of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research's Institute of Indigenous Peoples' Health. Both her jobs were connected with serving the native populations of Canada, and of course, being of native heritage likely helped secure her those positions. At the time of the CBC's report on her background, she indignantly rejected the whole story as
[ 9327, 1126, 399, 6946, 17088, 11243, 1338, 5853, 13249, 292, 13, 6028, 1114, 402, 1691, 8011, 438, 1233, 383, 1296, 19042, 323, 497, 323, 744, 13, 5673, 293, 1617, 6811, 276, 2467, 3767, 4167, 4623, 3201, 955, 414, 13, 1609, 897, 9713, 12030, 261, 297, 12252, 9012, 29871, 29946, 461, 29879, 13, 6295, 1568, 363, 4796, 14828, 479, 29889, 1394, 5505, 278, 14828, 479, 338, 1641, 2221, 304, 1207, 701, 263, 13568, 6288, 5828, 1048, 596, 2834, 393, 4947, 366, 16372, 12251, 9981, 1363, 366, 5995, 304, 367, 515, 263, 7531, 29563, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 2714, 13061, 24511, 471, 4319, 29892, 769, 5870, 1704, 2546, 12340, 24573, 29892, 1058, 13229, 3614, 278, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 1399, 2101, 681, 29908, 16726, 304, 263, 3353, 716, 3233, 297, 7400, 29889, 13, 4013, 5828, 13229, 14455, 297, 7400, 1048, 263, 4098, 8020, 29892, 541, 756, 925, 1286, 22289, 1623, 4940, 278, 5139, 964, 278, 3303, 3900, 29889, 2180, 3203, 13061, 24511, 29892, 408, 4319, 408, 902, 16726, 310, 7531, 19525, 719, 892, 313, 392, 1183, 12879, 1304, 963, 304, 11581, 385, 10631, 511, 2360, 3512, 714, 27121, 297, 2989, 7531, 1072, 19627, 29889, 313, 1349, 820, 1033, 366, 14034, 278, 11531, 594, 29879, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 565, 1183, 750, 8773, 7897, 1704, 2546, 12340, 24573, 29892, 2466, 29892, 2355, 3367, 2986, 701, 278, 901, 1183, 7232, 514, 3276, 902, 7531, 6625, 785, 607, 5331, 304, 902, 23056, 21628, 14171, 8872, 14803, 29889, 13, 3047, 263, 1238, 1624, 297, 902, 1361, 322, 263, 11785, 7254, 528, 1450, 29880, 322, 341, 1893, 275, 269, 1161, 270, 2390, 287, 975, 902, 26671, 29892, 1704, 2546, 12340, 24573, 1754, 902, 19546, 304, 12021, 263, 323, 3352, 29916, 323, 2235, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 317, 1278, 905, 809, 273, 297, 317, 1278, 1219, 265, 297, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 988, 1183, 13173, 902, 7333, 1153, 3174, 29899, 517, 29899, 4018, 267, 5828, 1213, 13, 29908, 3421, 1024, 338, 3879, 1076, 7828, 23606, 1699, 1183, 1497, 29892, 521, 17223, 701, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 925, 2675, 304, 1827, 372, 813, 306, 29915, 29885, 23023, 1848, 1213, 13, 1576, 19174, 623, 433, 566, 287, 322, 923, 14561, 1213, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 29885, 23606, 2233, 273, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 530, 728, 1099, 4302, 341, 1893, 275, 515, 6479, 11156, 12458, 19833, 706, 1699, 12340, 24573, 1497, 29892, 24232, 393, 1183, 13631, 701, 297, 28124, 29874, 29915, 29879, 6426, 4272, 297, 263, 270, 952, 2220, 284, 3942, 22047, 491, 788, 2463, 29892, 21448, 322, 11021, 1608, 1213, 13, 797, 6124, 304, 5995, 292, 4737, 275, 322, 530, 728, 1099, 4302, 902, 16639, 29892, 12340, 24573, 756, 884, 4974, 287, 393, 1183, 29915, 29879, 263, 5153, 5818, 310, 278, 323, 1847, 277, 29892, 263, 2319, 2318, 310, 1894, 2101, 681, 2305, 515, 278, 612, 2679, 265, 322, 4908, 15411, 1213, 13, 6246, 777, 310, 902, 23056, 21628, 29892, 763, 8892, 2681, 26286, 7367, 29892, 385, 25836, 12251, 310, 1894, 2101, 681, 11898, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 317, 1278, 905, 809, 273, 29892, 1827, 12340, 24573, 29915, 29879, 5828, 338, 4240, 373, 263, 15281, 2089, 6614, 1213, 13, 29956, 354, 7367, 29892, 263, 4509, 310, 2315, 277, 15330, 29915, 29879, 12030, 261, 6163, 315, 929, 22900, 29892, 4083, 18530, 27330, 936, 6475, 1510, 12340, 24573, 338, 451, 1894, 2101, 681, 472, 599, 29892, 541, 3265, 310, 9186, 7824, 26815, 1213, 13, 29908, 10401, 306, 4446, 393, 323, 3352, 29916, 29892, 304, 367, 3755, 15993, 29892, 306, 471, 1634, 7273, 287, 491, 920, 2898, 1183, 471, 1985, 304, 1209, 8735, 1283, 408, 1894, 2101, 681, 1699, 26286, 7367, 5429, 315, 5371, 29889, 376, 3492, 29915, 345, 2355, 694, 1492, 304, 2649, 2305, 393, 29915, 29879, 1058, 366, 526, 297, 1797, 304, 11581, 25204, 326, 4135, 29892, 304, 679, 11909, 322, 304, 679, 5220, 292, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 633, 1509, 1213, 13, 6246, 746, 18760, 29892, 12340, 24573, 29915, 29879, 26406, 10083, 901, 763, 23647, 295, 360, 1772, 29920, 284, 1135, 13061, 24511, 29889, 13, 29933, 473, 24573, 3282, 29915, 29873, 5957, 738, 18530, 27330, 936, 10757, 393, 1183, 338, 341, 1893, 275, 29892, 530, 728, 1056, 4302, 470, 323, 1847, 277, 29889, 8669, 29892, 1183, 1497, 1183, 3897, 341, 1893, 275, 297, 902, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29879, 29892, 746, 1183, 471, 16356, 964, 278, 7881, 491, 263, 341, 1893, 275, 5121, 310, 902, 4595, 22212, 29892, 2233, 2593, 536, 8218, 29877, 802, 29892, 1058, 756, 1951, 6423, 1213, 13, 29908, 29923, 854, 2466, 2233, 2593, 536, 4502, 29892, 1906, 289, 13788, 526, 1584, 25871, 1135, 4892, 1363, 278, 3942, 756, 4586, 592, 408, 565, 306, 471, 1009, 10416, 3942, 29889, 512, 2507, 29892, 306, 9080, 278, 341, 1893, 275, 7881, 304, 278, 1900, 310, 590, 11509, 1699, 1183, 5456, 1213, 13, 13468, 4083, 1183, 756, 1063, 16356, 964, 5320, 916, 23507, 408, 1532, 29889, 2296, 3282, 29915, 29873, 5957, 738, 8252, 408, 304, 2020, 1183, 17049, 304, 505, 1063, 6345, 964, 263, 3942, 411, 341, 1893, 275, 29892, 530, 728, 1056, 4302, 322, 323, 1847, 277, 16778, 1213, 13, 3492, 505, 304, 7336, 533, 278, 844, 986, 358, 304, 278, 5828, 29892, 1584, 565, 372, 338, 6446, 1754, 701, 29889, 450, 15993, 8760, 338, 393, 12340, 24573, 1754, 902, 3804, 2086, 4802, 29889, 960, 1183, 750, 3763, 10771, 411, 5995, 292, 341, 1893, 275, 902, 16639, 1728, 2675, 2989, 7531, 10714, 322, 5432, 8735, 376, 28581, 1076, 7828, 23606, 29908, 313, 29902, 29915, 29885, 2181, 292, 292, 408, 306, 1134, 393, 511, 12340, 24573, 1033, 505, 2355, 841, 3448, 411, 278, 867, 2027, 29889, 2296, 750, 274, 1878, 29891, 17643, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 317, 1278, 905, 809, 273, 322, 408, 278, 16021, 8881, 310, 278, 11443, 5827, 2667, 310, 15202, 10550, 29915, 29879, 8907, 310, 1894, 2101, 681, 3938, 459, 793, 29915, 15202, 29889, 9134, 902, 17643, 892, 6631, 411, 16330, 278, 7531, 23093, 310, 7400, 29892, 322, 310, 3236, 29892, 1641, 310, 7531, 902, 16639, 5517, 9213, 11592, 902, 1906, 11909, 29889, 2180, 278, 931, 310, 278, 315, 5371, 29915, 29879, 3461, 373, 902, 3239, 29892, 1183, 1399, 647, 10835, 22225, 278, 3353, 5828, 408 ]
The Writers' Guild of South Africa (WGSA) takes great pleasure in announcing the finalists for the WGSA Muse Awards 2016, set for 11 February 2017. At the event, performance writers in film, television, radio, stage and new media industries will gather to recognise and celebrate the integral role played by their peers in the South African entertainment industry. Since the inaugural WGSA Muse Awards in 2013, this has become the WGSA's annual, most celebrated event. On this occasion the focus is on South African Performance Writers, the cornerstones of our SA film industries. "An award for writers by writers!" On this, the fourth annual WGSA Muse Awards, WGSA is elated to have M-Net, the Gauteng Film Commission and for the first time, the Kwa-Zulu Natal Film Commission on board as sponsors. We also wish to acknowledge Veronica Stewart as one of our Prize sponsors. We still have sponsorship packages available and welcome interested to contact admin@writersguildsa.org for more information. A record number of entries were received for the WGSA Muse Awards 2016, and we would like to thank all the writers who submitted their scripts for consideration. The judging benchmark for this year has been set high, and entries have now been evaluated by the first round judges. The top three scripts reaching or surpassing the standard set by the minimum judging criteria will make up the finalists. These screenplays will proceed to the next phase, where the winners will be selected by a new set of judges, which include big name international writers, agents and Writers' Guild representatives from around the world. The finalists for the WGSA Muse Awards 2016 are: Animation (short film, feature film, series): Clea Mallinson Fairy Wheels Julia Smuts Louw Sam The Hedgehog Paul Ian Johnson and Wayne Thornley Savannah Documentary (short film, feature film, series): Lesiba Maphoso Tša Magoši Uga Carlini Alison TV Comedy / Sitcom: Both Worlds Team Karen Jeynes, Nkuli Sibeko, Chris McEvoy, Thierry Cassuto Puppet Nation Eps 133 Rous House Team Joshua Rous, Luke Rous, Meren Reddy Elke Skewe Pot Onthatile Matshidiso Grumpy Old Man Series 5 Eps 521 TV Drama: Julie Hall Tempy Pushas Salah Sabiti Ya Lla Season 1 Eps 10 Vicki Bawcombe Isikizi Eps 2 TV Drama – spec script: Ben Johnson Merry Christmas Jabulani Cilla Lowen The Handyman Paul Ian Johnson From The Files Of S.I.U. TV Soaps: Philane Ndaba Ring Of Lies Eps 43 Salah Sabiti Isidingo Eps 4453 Steven Pillemer Gold Diggers Season 1 Eps 155 Stage Play: Callum Tilbury, Roland Perold The Pitch Janet van Eeden The Space Between Yolanda Mogatusi Yourself Or Someone Like You Radio Drama: Lesiba Maphoso O Iphihletseng? Paul Ian Johnson Vigilante Tafadzwa Njovana Kundai, The Boy Who Knew It All Feature Film – spec script: Steven Pillemer If A Hipster Is Murdered In A Forest Lesiba Maphoso Mr President Maruwan Gasant Night Of The Dogs Short Film: Gavin Sher Beast Lindokuhle Buthelezi The Worst In Me Marina Bekker En Die Wiele Van Die Bus Gaan Om En Om Best Gauteng Writer: This award is sponsored by the Gauteng Film Commission. Onthatile Matshidiso Grumpy Old Man Series 5 Eps 521 Salah Sabiti Ya Lla Season 1 Eps 10 Sphamandla Madondo Hope No nominations for finalists were made for Webseries The WGSA gratefully acknowledges the hard work of the judges from all industry sectors, who participated in this extensive first round and without whom the WGSA Muse Awards will not happen. This year, our judges were asked to give at least a paragraph of comments / critique, which will be sent in due course to each of the entrants. Our first round judges Ben Johnson, Brigid Olen, David Forbes, Dyllon Campbell, Elsa van Schalkwyk, Eric Bouwer, Francois le Pere,
[ 450, 16849, 414, 29915, 2088, 789, 310, 4275, 10557, 313, 29956, 29954, 8132, 29897, 4893, 2107, 15377, 297, 7475, 3277, 278, 2186, 2879, 363, 278, 399, 29954, 8132, 13301, 9220, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 731, 363, 29871, 29896, 29896, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 2180, 278, 1741, 29892, 4180, 23550, 297, 2706, 29892, 11456, 29892, 7155, 29892, 7408, 322, 716, 5745, 6397, 2722, 674, 11705, 304, 5936, 895, 322, 10894, 403, 278, 10160, 6297, 5318, 491, 1009, 1236, 414, 297, 278, 4275, 11715, 22684, 358, 13661, 29889, 4001, 278, 15069, 3631, 399, 29954, 8132, 13301, 9220, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 445, 756, 4953, 278, 399, 29954, 8132, 29915, 29879, 17568, 29892, 1556, 26301, 1741, 29889, 1551, 445, 10039, 278, 8569, 338, 373, 4275, 11715, 23768, 16849, 414, 29892, 278, 11155, 303, 2873, 310, 1749, 16698, 2706, 6397, 2722, 29889, 376, 2744, 9862, 363, 23550, 491, 23550, 3850, 1551, 445, 29892, 278, 11582, 17568, 399, 29954, 8132, 13301, 9220, 29892, 399, 29954, 8132, 338, 560, 630, 304, 505, 341, 29899, 6779, 29892, 278, 402, 1300, 996, 4643, 11444, 322, 363, 278, 937, 931, 29892, 278, 476, 2766, 29899, 29999, 21528, 26259, 4643, 11444, 373, 7613, 408, 21955, 943, 29889, 1334, 884, 6398, 304, 18145, 5485, 1798, 26082, 22389, 408, 697, 310, 1749, 20604, 21955, 943, 29889, 1334, 1603, 505, 21955, 272, 3527, 9741, 3625, 322, 12853, 8852, 304, 6958, 4113, 29992, 8231, 414, 2543, 789, 4977, 29889, 990, 363, 901, 2472, 29889, 319, 2407, 1353, 310, 9976, 892, 4520, 363, 278, 399, 29954, 8132, 13301, 9220, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 322, 591, 723, 763, 304, 6452, 599, 278, 23550, 1058, 18397, 1009, 12078, 363, 19220, 29889, 450, 6577, 3460, 23513, 363, 445, 1629, 756, 1063, 731, 1880, 29892, 322, 9976, 505, 1286, 1063, 19030, 491, 278, 937, 4513, 6577, 2710, 29889, 450, 2246, 2211, 12078, 20888, 470, 1190, 3364, 292, 278, 3918, 731, 491, 278, 9212, 6577, 3460, 16614, 674, 1207, 701, 278, 2186, 2879, 29889, 4525, 4315, 12922, 674, 8469, 304, 278, 2446, 8576, 29892, 988, 278, 281, 16697, 674, 367, 4629, 491, 263, 716, 731, 310, 6577, 2710, 29892, 607, 3160, 4802, 1024, 6121, 23550, 29892, 19518, 322, 16849, 414, 29915, 2088, 789, 2755, 5056, 515, 2820, 278, 3186, 29889, 450, 2186, 2879, 363, 278, 399, 29954, 8132, 13301, 9220, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 526, 29901, 530, 7715, 313, 12759, 2706, 29892, 4682, 2706, 29892, 3652, 1125, 315, 20774, 23809, 26803, 13822, 29891, 26286, 1379, 22045, 4116, 8842, 4562, 29893, 3685, 450, 379, 12864, 29882, 468, 3739, 22291, 11717, 322, 25843, 498, 1398, 2330, 9583, 812, 801, 10854, 653, 313, 12759, 2706, 29892, 4682, 2706, 29892, 3652, 1125, 2664, 16912, 7315, 29882, 9064, 323, 30039, 29874, 3561, 29877, 29625, 501, 3249, 1704, 1915, 29875, 838, 2285, 5648, 422, 7584, 847, 21988, 510, 29901, 9134, 2787, 29879, 8583, 3467, 264, 2581, 948, 267, 29892, 405, 29895, 14549, 26872, 1416, 29877, 29892, 12821, 4052, 29923, 18644, 29892, 498, 631, 719, 13088, 3066, 12129, 7988, 22900, 382, 567, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29941, 390, 681, 5619, 8583, 22838, 3357, 390, 681, 29892, 25556, 390, 681, 29892, 341, 4578, 4367, 4518, 1260, 446, 317, 446, 705, 10173, 1551, 5747, 488, 5345, 845, 333, 10718, 1632, 398, 2272, 8198, 2315, 10488, 29871, 29945, 382, 567, 29871, 29945, 29906, 29896, 5648, 360, 20556, 29901, 2739, 347, 6573, 6789, 2272, 349, 1878, 294, 3956, 801, 11775, 4812, 25887, 365, 433, 24791, 29871, 29896, 382, 567, 29871, 29896, 29900, 478, 26894, 350, 1450, 510, 915, 1317, 638, 10077, 382, 567, 29871, 29906, 5648, 360, 20556, 785, 1580, 2471, 29901, 4111, 11717, 4702, 719, 17661, 435, 370, 352, 3270, 315, 2911, 17511, 264, 450, 5166, 21909, 3739, 22291, 11717, 3645, 450, 12745, 4587, 317, 29889, 29902, 29889, 29965, 29889, 5648, 1105, 2547, 29901, 5241, 1662, 405, 29881, 5363, 17716, 4587, 365, 583, 382, 567, 29871, 29946, 29941, 3956, 801, 11775, 4812, 1317, 4821, 29877, 382, 567, 29871, 29946, 29946, 29945, 29941, 24703, 349, 1924, 1050, 6650, 10951, 5743, 24791, 29871, 29896, 382, 567, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29945, 24906, 7412, 29901, 8251, 398, 323, 309, 11059, 29892, 24915, 2431, 1025, 450, 349, 2335, 2627, 300, 1109, 382, 6424, 450, 14121, 21674, 612, 324, 5863, 341, 468, 2389, 29875, 3575, 1311, 1394, 3834, 650, 8502, 887, 9204, 360, 20556, 29901, 2664, 16912, 7315, 29882, 9064, 438, 306, 2876, 29882, 10376, 996, 29973, 3739, 22291, 11717, 478, 335, 309, 1647, 323, 2142, 328, 29920, 2766, 405, 29926, 586, 1648, 476, 870, 1794, 29892, 450, 16231, 11644, 476, 1482, 739, 2178, 5169, 1535, 4643, 785, 1580, 2471, 29901, 24703, 349, 1924, 1050, 960, 319, 379, 666, 2475, 1317, 7487, 672, 287, 512, 319, 17300, 2664, 16912, 7315, 29882, 9064, 3237, 7178, 1085, 7262, 273, 402, 13186, 11554, 4587, 450, 360, 12099, 13899, 4643, 29901, 402, 485, 262, 17375, 1522, 579, 17277, 9154, 29882, 280, 1205, 354, 280, 2526, 450, 19662, 303, 512, 2191, 27169, 23461, 3946, 1174, 1640, 399, 9152, 6556, 1640, 8406, 10415, 273, 13352, 1174, 13352, 6407, 402, 1300, 996, 399, 5385, 29901, 910, 9862, 338, 21955, 4395, 491, 278, 402, 1300, 996, 4643, 11444, 29889, 1551, 5747, 488, 5345, 845, 333, 10718, 1632, 398, 2272, 8198, 2315, 10488, 29871, 29945, 382, 567, 29871, 29945, 29906, 29896, 3956, 801, 11775, 4812, 25887, 365, 433, 24791, 29871, 29896, 382, 567, 29871, 29896, 29900, 317, 561, 314, 392, 433, 4104, 18592, 7963, 1939, 10418, 800, 363, 2186, 2879, 892, 1754, 363, 2563, 13757, 450, 399, 29954, 8132, 867, 403, 3730, 24084, 2710, 278, 2898, 664, 310, 278, 6577, 2710, 515, 599, 13661, 409, 14359, 29892, 1058, 25223, 297, 445, 20607, 937, 4513, 322, 1728, 6029, 278, 399, 29954, 8132, 13301, 9220, 674, 451, 3799, 29889, 910, 1629, 29892, 1749, 6577, 2710, 892, 4433, 304, 2367, 472, 3203, 263, 14880, 310, 6589, 847, 29709, 29892, 607, 674, 367, 2665, 297, 2861, 3236, 304, 1269, 310, 278, 9953, 1934, 29889, 8680, 937, 4513, 6577, 2710, 4111, 11717, 29892, 13051, 333, 438, 2435, 29892, 4699, 1152, 5707, 29892, 360, 15114, 265, 22163, 29892, 1260, 4977, 1109, 1102, 2235, 29893, 12072, 29892, 14713, 12476, 556, 29892, 20923, 275, 454, 23133, 29892 ]
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[ 28572, 2918, 4177, 344, 16462, 612, 566, 29882, 11339, 530, 8016, 14342, 29875, 373, 670, 8922, 16239, 9512, 29892, 376, 29902, 626, 1407, 24173, 29892, 541, 1407, 23547, 681, 884, 408, 591, 526, 1067, 1161, 292, 411, 10802, 29874, 273, 29908, 785, 1222, 7009, 573, 13, 29956, 287, 4515, 3250, 29892, 5490, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 448, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29901, 29900, 29946, 2648, 323, 14112, 305, 557, 5689, 8583, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 584, 2744, 8016, 14342, 29875, 338, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 13834, 17240, 297, 278, 18811, 5921, 3186, 322, 540, 756, 1063, 263, 760, 310, 1784, 4696, 19707, 408, 1532, 29889, 450, 11339, 338, 1286, 599, 856, 13, 29925, 661, 329, 273, 350, 4494, 373, 902, 2446, 14064, 29892, 376, 3112, 338, 1554, 393, 306, 505, 451, 2309, 1434, 29908, 785, 1222, 7009, 573, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 584, 29925, 661, 329, 273, 350, 4494, 1754, 385, 21210, 573, 9512, 411, 278, 2706, 2216, 19273, 607, 884, 5810, 1127, 16753, 354, 261, 306, 29939, 5521, 297, 278, 3275, 6297, 29889, 450, 2706, 471, 7371, 491, 856, 13, 29911, 375, 845, 279, 9622, 16946, 373, 13676, 1048, 450, 360, 13163, 28908, 29871, 29906, 29892, 376, 29902, 505, 451, 6091, 1048, 372, 29908, 785, 1222, 7009, 573, 13, 29903, 20510, 29892, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 448, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29901, 29896, 29955, 2648, 323, 14112, 305, 557, 5689, 8583, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 584, 323, 375, 845, 279, 9622, 16946, 380, 2749, 261, 3219, 2749, 436, 756, 7124, 278, 4802, 11844, 29889, 450, 2706, 884, 10819, 530, 2028, 27558, 273, 392, 3270, 4367, 4518, 29892, 922, 261, 271, 9622, 16946, 29892, 405, 559, 261, 566, 24581, 25897, 29892, 322, 856, 13, 1252, 7009, 573, 29991, 23267, 14342, 29875, 373, 13676, 310, 1641, 263, 760, 310, 20303, 15844, 3761, 448, 376, 29902, 471, 19253, 287, 304, 1303, 1048, 372, 29908, 13, 29924, 898, 388, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 448, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29901, 29946, 29946, 2648, 323, 14112, 305, 557, 5689, 19409, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 29901, 23267, 14342, 29875, 756, 1063, 263, 760, 310, 1784, 12298, 322, 1856, 3652, 29892, 322, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 5972, 4890, 393, 278, 20993, 5318, 471, 310, 624, 929, 297, 278, 856, 13, 1252, 7009, 573, 29991, 376, 3421, 3942, 338, 1407, 12187, 310, 590, 664, 29892, 322, 599, 310, 963, 505, 1422, 8386, 29908, 448, 678, 786, 319, 2801, 1383, 276, 3761, 360, 5403, 29893, 9716, 653, 373, 902, 3942, 29892, 701, 11506, 9279, 322, 902, 16342, 577, 2215, 13, 29903, 20510, 29892, 5533, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 448, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29901, 29906, 29906, 2648, 323, 14112, 305, 557, 5689, 8583, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 29901, 1383, 276, 3761, 360, 5403, 29893, 9716, 653, 338, 263, 1224, 24285, 11339, 411, 263, 3464, 310, 9279, 975, 599, 18350, 29879, 29889, 530, 22055, 29899, 685, 287, 29899, 7168, 1383, 276, 3761, 338, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 856, 13, 1252, 7009, 573, 29991, 376, 29923, 854, 1156, 260, 579, 292, 2551, 29892, 8292, 2896, 273, 322, 13843, 29889, 405, 5659, 526, 15935, 403, 1048, 1009, 664, 29908, 448, 390, 29934, 29934, 20993, 306, 845, 29893, 2518, 319, 719, 29874, 373, 902, 7271, 1985, 411, 405, 5659, 322, 8292, 2896, 273, 13, 29903, 20510, 29892, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 448, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29901, 29896, 29929, 2648, 8413, 5403, 29968, 5403, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 29901, 3185, 1253, 306, 845, 29893, 2518, 319, 719, 29874, 1058, 756, 1063, 17737, 17068, 1549, 3273, 2351, 583, 322, 11456, 7825, 455, 1338, 338, 1286, 599, 731, 304, 1207, 902, 8922, 16239, 9512, 856, 13, 1252, 7009, 573, 29991, 376, 29911, 29874, 481, 4149, 349, 812, 29884, 322, 306, 526, 1407, 1422, 10752, 286, 1078, 322, 1900, 7875, 29892, 591, 3013, 17770, 322, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 7404, 373, 6514, 1183, 4083, 29908, 448, 530, 332, 351, 476, 1161, 29891, 481, 13, 29956, 287, 4515, 3250, 29892, 3111, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 448, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29901, 29896, 29945, 2648, 16462, 941, 29874, 476, 398, 23029, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 584, 530, 332, 351, 476, 1161, 29891, 481, 338, 263, 1532, 29899, 5203, 8881, 297, 8922, 16239, 29889, 940, 338, 2998, 363, 1513, 292, 2351, 583, 763, 6054, 28728, 29892, 24347, 388, 12019, 5990, 29892, 402, 25128, 310, 856, 13, 1252, 7009, 573, 29991, 7569, 650, 17240, 260, 820, 3064, 29892, 541, 596, 3942, 29915, 29879, 2304, 14874, 366, 373, 17696, 29901, 1383, 8903, 294, 10288, 29886, 1943, 13, 29903, 20510, 29892, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 448, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29901, 29946, 29955, 2648, 8413, 5403, 29968, 5403, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 29901, 1383, 8903, 294, 10288, 29886, 1943, 338, 694, 7404, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 18012, 29701, 591, 505, 297, 278, 13661, 29889, 1334, 505, 3595, 777, 9560, 4890, 310, 670, 2805, 599, 856, 13, 1252, 7009, 573, 29991, 306, 505, 2337, 5148, 6375, 304, 8743, 10879, 1319, 4890, 29892, 392, 445, 338, 697, 310, 963, 29901, 319, 7184, 598, 264, 530, 29926, 398, 373, 902, 6297, 297, 390, 29934, 29934, 13, 29924, 898, 388, 29892, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 448, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29901, 29900, 29900, 2648, 8413, 5403, 29968, 5403, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 29901, 319, 7184, 598, 264, 530, 29926, 398, 29892, 1058, 471, 3595, 297, 278, 9279, 763, 4134, 310, 525, 29947, 29941, 29892, 897, 1403, 23266, 22167, 29892, 322, 323, 13536, 29874, 349, 532, 8245, 10976, 3219, 284, 29892, 338, 694, 7404, 5279, 15613, 856, 13, 29903, 1129, 3955, 28861, 29991, 390, 8846, 922, 379, 1794, 360, 3357, 29901, 6981, 801, 271, 297, 263, 4655, 270, 488, 29885, 655, 13, 29924, 5005, 5688, 29902, 584, 29934, 370, 922, 379, 1794, 360, 3357, 491, 3091, 29872, 323, 29894, 29892, 7371, 491, 1588, 403, 1416, 1383, 22824, 338, 1048, 263, 5952, 1241, 322, 360, 3357, 29892, 1058, 1708, 10216, 322, 6532, 29889, 1205, 856, 13 ]
Shooting with bigger LED lights. A follow on from an earlier post about the RPS CooLED 50. It's big brother. We take up where we left off yesterday and plumb a little deeper into the RPS line of SMD LED lights. These are the kind of lights that I think are the next step in the evolution of LED lighting for photographers and videographers. Not that RPS lights specifically are the "next step" but that the SMD LED technology is beginning to roll out not just in higher end lights but in lights that just about everyone practicing their imaging craft can afford. The RPS models are just the first, lower price options, with the kind of power and configurability I need that hit my radar. There are lots of competing brands out there at higher price points and from recognizable photo oriented brands. Although I did a lot of work with the earlier LED panels ("a thousand points of light...") I had circled back and by this Summer I was mostly using electronic flash again for a lot of my work. It seemed easier. The bigger panels are just big enough to be a handling burden but not so big that they don't still require more diffusion and modifiers to make their effective radiating size big enough to give me the soft shadows I like in a portrait. With a powerful flash you can bang light through a kingsize bedsheet, if you want, for all the softness you'd ever want. If you need more power it's typically there in reserve. But then Ben came home from school and I wanted to make a nice portrait of him. Problem: He's the world's fastest blinker. His blink reflexes are off the charts. I was getting a 10 % hit rate with electronic flash in soft boxes. So I switched to a constant light source and a quicker frame rate and all the blinks subsided. A good enough reason to take another look at LEDs. Shortly after that a big ad agency booked me to help them create video content for their website and we ended up on location in a series of conference rooms; all of which needed to be lit. We certainly couldn't to it with flashes so we fell back to LEDs and it worked well --- but I found myself wishing for harder, stronger light sources and nostalgic about the days when we used to light with tungsten spots backed up by 1,000 watt ratings. I have a bunch of smaller panels and they are great for modest sets or as accent lights to boost an effect but they don't have the punch I really wanted. When I saw the first RPS light (the CooLED 50) I thought, "well, someone is on the right track and the price is right but.....I'm sure the color will be off or the power won't match the bulk of the unit." I was beyond surprised when I did a color test. I set up a white Lastolite test target and illuminated it with the diffused CooLED 50. I took RPS at their word and set a manual WB by selecting an exact Kelvin color temperature. The box said, "5200K" and that's what I set on the camera. I expected the light to be much bluer and I steeled myself for a trip to GEAR to buy some M/G axis filtration. When I opened the files in PhotoShop CC and stuck an eyedropper on the white (with detail) of the target I was pretty (happily) surprised to find the R.G.B. reading to be something like 245, 246, 245. No hue tweaking required to get to neutral. I measured the Fiilex P360 (same basic technology and a known performer) and it comes in right at 5400K. Not a big jump and certainly in the ballpark for my work. When I saw how great the color was I immediately started thinking about the fixture I had passed up at Precision Camera. It was the CooLED 100 and it was, at $299, just $100 more than its baby brother. I got back in the car and went back to fetch it, ASAP. I was in and out of store in 10 minutes and had both lights set up in a favorite portrait configuration within the hour. The only real difference between the lights (besides the cosmetic touches) is the one full stop increase in power. Both have umbrellas mounts (though I would need wider reflectors to use umbrellas effectively
[ 17550, 11427, 411, 16600, 25023, 26068, 29889, 319, 1101, 373, 515, 385, 8859, 1400, 1048, 278, 390, 7024, 3189, 29877, 20566, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 4802, 8099, 29889, 13, 4806, 2125, 701, 988, 591, 2175, 1283, 22600, 322, 715, 3774, 263, 2217, 25871, 964, 278, 390, 7024, 1196, 310, 317, 5773, 25023, 26068, 29889, 4525, 526, 278, 2924, 310, 26068, 393, 306, 1348, 526, 278, 2446, 4331, 297, 278, 14675, 310, 25023, 3578, 292, 363, 17739, 414, 322, 18900, 1946, 414, 29889, 2216, 393, 390, 7024, 26068, 10816, 526, 278, 376, 4622, 4331, 29908, 541, 393, 278, 317, 5773, 25023, 15483, 338, 6763, 304, 9679, 714, 451, 925, 297, 6133, 1095, 26068, 541, 297, 26068, 393, 925, 1048, 14332, 4120, 18499, 1009, 6382, 292, 25554, 508, 21750, 29889, 450, 390, 7024, 4733, 526, 925, 278, 937, 29892, 5224, 8666, 3987, 29892, 411, 278, 2924, 310, 3081, 322, 17127, 3097, 306, 817, 393, 7124, 590, 2971, 279, 29889, 1670, 526, 14568, 310, 5100, 292, 1506, 4167, 714, 727, 472, 6133, 8666, 3291, 322, 515, 5936, 13902, 15373, 7769, 287, 1506, 4167, 29889, 13, 2499, 3592, 306, 1258, 263, 3287, 310, 664, 411, 278, 8859, 25023, 7243, 1379, 4852, 29874, 10405, 3291, 310, 3578, 856, 1159, 306, 750, 3449, 839, 1250, 322, 491, 445, 13329, 306, 471, 11149, 773, 27758, 11013, 1449, 363, 263, 3287, 310, 590, 664, 29889, 739, 6140, 6775, 29889, 450, 16600, 7243, 1379, 526, 925, 4802, 3307, 304, 367, 263, 11415, 6866, 1145, 541, 451, 577, 4802, 393, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1603, 1996, 901, 23253, 322, 878, 14903, 304, 1207, 1009, 11828, 17937, 1218, 2159, 4802, 3307, 304, 2367, 592, 278, 4964, 528, 23626, 306, 763, 297, 263, 21760, 29889, 2973, 263, 13988, 11013, 366, 508, 289, 574, 3578, 1549, 263, 413, 886, 675, 289, 5779, 4155, 29892, 565, 366, 864, 29892, 363, 599, 278, 4964, 2264, 366, 29915, 29881, 3926, 864, 29889, 960, 366, 817, 901, 3081, 372, 29915, 29879, 12234, 727, 297, 23986, 29889, 13, 6246, 769, 4111, 2996, 3271, 515, 3762, 322, 306, 5131, 304, 1207, 263, 7575, 21760, 310, 1075, 29889, 11583, 29901, 940, 29915, 29879, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 5172, 342, 1999, 682, 261, 29889, 3600, 1999, 682, 2143, 2506, 267, 526, 1283, 278, 24469, 29889, 306, 471, 2805, 263, 29871, 29896, 29900, 1273, 7124, 6554, 411, 27758, 11013, 297, 4964, 16273, 29889, 1105, 306, 26263, 304, 263, 4868, 3578, 2752, 322, 263, 4996, 261, 3515, 6554, 322, 599, 278, 1999, 19363, 11684, 2618, 29889, 319, 1781, 3307, 2769, 304, 2125, 1790, 1106, 472, 25023, 29879, 29889, 13, 21322, 368, 1156, 393, 263, 4802, 594, 946, 3819, 3143, 287, 592, 304, 1371, 963, 1653, 4863, 2793, 363, 1009, 4700, 322, 591, 9698, 701, 373, 4423, 297, 263, 3652, 310, 21362, 19600, 29936, 599, 310, 607, 4312, 304, 367, 11872, 29889, 1334, 8959, 8496, 29915, 29873, 304, 372, 411, 11013, 267, 577, 591, 8379, 1250, 304, 25023, 29879, 322, 372, 3796, 1532, 11474, 541, 306, 1476, 6142, 6398, 292, 363, 22622, 29892, 23505, 3578, 8974, 322, 20990, 9564, 293, 1048, 278, 3841, 746, 591, 1304, 304, 3578, 411, 260, 686, 3510, 805, 1862, 1250, 287, 701, 491, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 281, 1131, 26838, 29889, 306, 505, 263, 14928, 310, 7968, 7243, 1379, 322, 896, 526, 2107, 363, 878, 342, 6166, 470, 408, 1035, 296, 26068, 304, 14505, 385, 2779, 541, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 278, 282, 3322, 306, 2289, 5131, 29889, 13, 10401, 306, 4446, 278, 937, 390, 7024, 3578, 313, 1552, 3189, 29877, 20566, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29897, 306, 2714, 29892, 376, 5872, 29892, 4856, 338, 373, 278, 1492, 5702, 322, 278, 8666, 338, 1492, 541, 18598, 29902, 29915, 29885, 1854, 278, 2927, 674, 367, 1283, 470, 278, 3081, 2113, 29915, 29873, 1993, 278, 21610, 310, 278, 5190, 1213, 306, 471, 8724, 18014, 746, 306, 1258, 263, 2927, 1243, 29889, 306, 731, 701, 263, 4796, 9208, 324, 568, 1243, 3646, 322, 4486, 9735, 630, 372, 411, 278, 2923, 3880, 3189, 29877, 20566, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29889, 306, 3614, 390, 7024, 472, 1009, 1734, 322, 731, 263, 12219, 399, 29933, 491, 18851, 385, 2684, 27326, 3845, 2927, 10430, 29889, 450, 3800, 1497, 29892, 376, 29945, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29968, 29908, 322, 393, 29915, 29879, 825, 306, 731, 373, 278, 10656, 29889, 306, 3806, 278, 3578, 304, 367, 1568, 1999, 2853, 322, 306, 1886, 29872, 839, 6142, 363, 263, 17487, 304, 402, 26441, 304, 15649, 777, 341, 29914, 29954, 9685, 977, 509, 362, 29889, 1932, 306, 6496, 278, 2066, 297, 1963, 3747, 2713, 459, 19178, 322, 10771, 385, 321, 28133, 307, 2496, 373, 278, 4796, 313, 2541, 9493, 29897, 310, 278, 3646, 306, 471, 5051, 313, 29882, 932, 2354, 29897, 18014, 304, 1284, 278, 390, 29889, 29954, 29889, 29933, 29889, 5183, 304, 367, 1554, 763, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29945, 29889, 1939, 298, 434, 7780, 5086, 3734, 304, 679, 304, 21104, 29889, 306, 17005, 278, 383, 29875, 488, 29916, 349, 29941, 29953, 29900, 313, 17642, 6996, 15483, 322, 263, 2998, 2189, 261, 29897, 322, 372, 5304, 297, 1492, 472, 29871, 29945, 29946, 29900, 29900, 29968, 29889, 2216, 263, 4802, 12500, 322, 8959, 297, 278, 8287, 6378, 363, 590, 664, 29889, 13, 10401, 306, 4446, 920, 2107, 278, 2927, 471, 306, 7389, 4687, 7291, 1048, 278, 5713, 15546, 306, 750, 4502, 701, 472, 349, 3757, 2459, 24321, 29889, 739, 471, 278, 3189, 29877, 20566, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 322, 372, 471, 29892, 472, 395, 29906, 29929, 29929, 29892, 925, 395, 29896, 29900, 29900, 901, 1135, 967, 24354, 8099, 29889, 306, 2355, 1250, 297, 278, 1559, 322, 3512, 1250, 304, 6699, 372, 29892, 3339, 3301, 29889, 306, 471, 297, 322, 714, 310, 3787, 297, 29871, 29896, 29900, 6233, 322, 750, 1716, 26068, 731, 701, 297, 263, 25448, 21760, 5285, 2629, 278, 7234, 29889, 450, 871, 1855, 4328, 1546, 278, 26068, 313, 5707, 2247, 278, 6776, 2527, 293, 6023, 267, 29897, 338, 278, 697, 2989, 5040, 7910, 297, 3081, 29889, 13, 29933, 720, 505, 1922, 1030, 645, 294, 5766, 29879, 313, 3592, 306, 723, 817, 25734, 9432, 943, 304, 671, 1922, 1030, 645, 294, 17583 ]
Q: spring-boot strange exceptions when using EnableGlobalMethodSecurity with spring-jpa When I run my app without the @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity annotation it works just fine. However, I want to add support for the @Secured annotation so I would like to add it in. When I do (as shown), I begin to get these exceptions in my tests immediately. @ComponentScan("ltistarter") @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration @EnableTransactionManagement // enables TX management and @Transaction @EnableCaching // enables caching and @Cache* tags @EnableWebMvcSecurity // enable spring security and web mvc hooks @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(securedEnabled = true, proxyTargetClass = true) // allows @Secured flag public class Application extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args); } ... This Exception (or something like it) appears in my tests and at startup (if I force the tests to skip): testJPARelations(ltistarter.ApplicationTests) Time elapsed: 0.007 sec <<< ERROR! org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'ltistarter.ApplicationTests': Injection of autowired dependencies failed; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Could not autowire field: ltistarter.repository.LtiKeyRepository ltistarter.ApplicationTests.ltiKeyRepository; nested exception is org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'ltiKeyRepository': Post-processing of FactoryBean's singleton object failed; nested exception is org.springframework.aop.framework.AopConfigException: Could not generate CGLIB subclass of class [class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy88]: Common causes of this problem include using a final class or a non-visible class; nested exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot subclass final class class com.sun.proxy.$Proxy88 .......... The class it is referring to is here: @Transactional public interface LtiKeyRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<LtiKeyEntity, Long> { /** * @param key the unique key * @return the LtiKeyEntity OR null if there is no entity matching this key */ LtiKeyEntity findByKeyKey(String key); /** * @param key the unique key * @return the number of keys removed (0 or 1) */ int deleteByKeyKey(String key); } That class is not actually a class, it is an interface as per the spring-boot JPA guide here: http://spring.io/guides/gs/accessing-data-jpa/ I suspect that may be the problem here but if it is, how can I make spring-jpa and spring-security play nice together in spring-boot? A: I worked around this by dropping the proxyTargetClass = true from @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity like so: @ComponentScan("ltistarter") @Configuration @EnableAutoConfiguration @EnableTransactionManagement // enables TX management and @Transaction @EnableCaching // enables caching and @Cache* tags @EnableWebMvcSecurity // enable spring security and web mvc hooks @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true, securedEnabled = true) // allows @Secured flag - proxyTargetClass = true causes this to die public class Application extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter { ... You can see the code here: https://github.com/azeckoski/lti_starter A: You are probably hitting this issue in Spring Security: https://jira.spring.io/browse/SEC-2661. The best workaround for now is to not use JPA for UserDetailsService (some would say that UserDetailsService is a very simple interface and it doesn't really warrant the use of JPA anyway). You might also be able to rescue the app some other way (e.g. break up the configuration into smaller pieces, use GlobalAuthenticationConfigurerAdapter, don't use @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity, push the security configuration into a parent project). Update: despite that problem in Spring Security, it is still possible to use JPA for user details with @EnableGlobalMethodSecurity (see here for
[ 660, 29901, 6709, 29899, 4777, 8515, 15283, 746, 773, 1174, 519, 12756, 4062, 13228, 411, 6709, 29899, 29926, 3274, 1932, 306, 1065, 590, 623, 1728, 278, 732, 20701, 12756, 4062, 13228, 17195, 372, 1736, 925, 2691, 29889, 2398, 29892, 306, 864, 304, 788, 2304, 363, 278, 732, 7898, 2955, 17195, 577, 306, 723, 763, 304, 788, 372, 297, 29889, 1932, 306, 437, 313, 294, 4318, 511, 306, 3380, 304, 679, 1438, 15283, 297, 590, 6987, 7389, 29889, 13, 29992, 5308, 29083, 703, 1896, 391, 4254, 1159, 13, 29992, 8614, 13, 29992, 20701, 12300, 8614, 13, 29992, 20701, 12460, 27107, 849, 28936, 323, 29990, 10643, 322, 732, 12460, 13, 29992, 20701, 29907, 9733, 849, 28936, 22488, 322, 732, 10408, 29930, 8282, 13, 29992, 20701, 3609, 27602, 13228, 849, 9025, 6709, 6993, 322, 1856, 286, 7071, 12422, 29879, 13, 29992, 20701, 12756, 4062, 13228, 29898, 3471, 2955, 10861, 353, 1565, 29892, 10166, 8667, 2385, 353, 1565, 29897, 849, 6511, 732, 7898, 2955, 7353, 13, 3597, 770, 8427, 4988, 2563, 27602, 3991, 9945, 6168, 426, 13, 13, 1678, 970, 2294, 1780, 1667, 29898, 1231, 2636, 6389, 29897, 426, 13, 4706, 7206, 4873, 29889, 3389, 29898, 4873, 29889, 1990, 29892, 6389, 416, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 856, 13, 13, 4013, 8960, 313, 272, 1554, 763, 372, 29897, 5692, 297, 590, 6987, 322, 472, 20234, 313, 361, 306, 4889, 278, 6987, 304, 14383, 1125, 13, 13, 1688, 29967, 16320, 295, 800, 29898, 1896, 391, 4254, 29889, 4873, 24376, 29897, 29871, 5974, 560, 28170, 29901, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29955, 5226, 13, 29871, 3532, 29966, 14431, 29991, 1638, 29889, 6688, 29889, 11700, 29889, 14399, 29889, 8217, 9832, 362, 2451, 29901, 13, 29871, 4829, 4969, 17796, 411, 1024, 525, 1896, 391, 4254, 29889, 4873, 24376, 2396, 512, 6929, 13, 29871, 310, 1120, 340, 2859, 9962, 5229, 29936, 9322, 3682, 338, 13, 29871, 1638, 29889, 6688, 29889, 11700, 29889, 14399, 29889, 8217, 9832, 362, 2451, 29901, 6527, 451, 13, 29871, 1120, 340, 533, 1746, 29901, 301, 29873, 391, 4254, 29889, 19033, 29889, 29931, 2034, 2558, 11481, 13, 29871, 301, 29873, 391, 4254, 29889, 4873, 24376, 29889, 1896, 29875, 2558, 11481, 29936, 9322, 3682, 338, 13, 29871, 1638, 29889, 6688, 29889, 11700, 29889, 14399, 29889, 8217, 9832, 362, 2451, 29901, 4829, 13, 29871, 4969, 17796, 411, 1024, 525, 1896, 29875, 2558, 11481, 2396, 4918, 29899, 19170, 310, 13, 29871, 27561, 8217, 29915, 29879, 27130, 1203, 5229, 29936, 9322, 3682, 338, 13, 29871, 1638, 29889, 6688, 29889, 29874, 459, 29889, 4468, 29889, 29909, 459, 3991, 2451, 29901, 6527, 451, 13, 29871, 5706, 8446, 5265, 29933, 19481, 310, 770, 518, 1990, 419, 29889, 11445, 29889, 14701, 7449, 14048, 29947, 29947, 5387, 13, 29871, 13103, 9946, 310, 445, 1108, 3160, 773, 263, 2186, 770, 470, 263, 13, 29871, 1661, 29899, 12872, 770, 29936, 9322, 3682, 338, 13, 29871, 2115, 29889, 3893, 29889, 14126, 12018, 15730, 2451, 29901, 15808, 19481, 2186, 770, 770, 13, 29871, 419, 29889, 11445, 29889, 14701, 7449, 14048, 29947, 29947, 29871, 11296, 636, 13, 13, 1576, 770, 372, 338, 16811, 304, 338, 1244, 29901, 13, 29992, 12460, 284, 13, 3597, 5067, 365, 2034, 2558, 11481, 4988, 349, 6751, 2855, 13685, 292, 11481, 29966, 29931, 2034, 2558, 6691, 29892, 6242, 29958, 426, 13, 1678, 7762, 13, 268, 334, 732, 3207, 1820, 278, 5412, 1820, 13, 268, 334, 732, 2457, 278, 365, 2034, 2558, 6691, 6323, 1870, 565, 727, 338, 694, 7855, 9686, 445, 1820, 13, 268, 3776, 13, 1678, 365, 2034, 2558, 6691, 1284, 2059, 2558, 2558, 29898, 1231, 1820, 416, 13, 13, 1678, 7762, 13, 268, 334, 732, 3207, 1820, 278, 5412, 1820, 13, 268, 334, 732, 2457, 278, 1353, 310, 6611, 6206, 313, 29900, 470, 29871, 29896, 29897, 13, 268, 3776, 13, 1678, 938, 5217, 2059, 2558, 2558, 29898, 1231, 1820, 416, 13, 29913, 13, 13, 7058, 770, 338, 451, 2869, 263, 770, 29892, 372, 338, 385, 5067, 408, 639, 278, 6709, 29899, 4777, 435, 7228, 10754, 1244, 29901, 1732, 597, 4278, 29889, 601, 29914, 2543, 2247, 29914, 3174, 29914, 5943, 292, 29899, 1272, 29899, 29926, 3274, 29914, 13, 29902, 12326, 393, 1122, 367, 278, 1108, 1244, 541, 565, 372, 338, 29892, 920, 508, 306, 1207, 6709, 29899, 29926, 3274, 322, 6709, 29899, 8926, 1708, 7575, 4208, 297, 6709, 29899, 4777, 29973, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 306, 3796, 2820, 445, 491, 4441, 3262, 278, 10166, 8667, 2385, 353, 1565, 515, 732, 20701, 12756, 4062, 13228, 763, 577, 29901, 13, 29992, 5308, 29083, 703, 1896, 391, 4254, 1159, 13, 29992, 8614, 13, 29992, 20701, 12300, 8614, 13, 29992, 20701, 12460, 27107, 849, 28936, 323, 29990, 10643, 322, 732, 12460, 13, 29992, 20701, 29907, 9733, 849, 28936, 22488, 322, 732, 10408, 29930, 8282, 13, 29992, 20701, 3609, 27602, 13228, 849, 9025, 6709, 6993, 322, 1856, 286, 7071, 12422, 29879, 13, 29992, 20701, 12756, 4062, 13228, 29898, 1457, 6747, 10861, 353, 1565, 29892, 26130, 10861, 353, 1565, 29897, 13, 458, 6511, 732, 7898, 2955, 7353, 448, 10166, 8667, 2385, 353, 1565, 9946, 445, 304, 762, 13, 3597, 770, 8427, 4988, 2563, 27602, 3991, 9945, 6168, 426, 13, 856, 13, 13, 3492, 508, 1074, 278, 775, 1244, 29901, 13, 991, 597, 3292, 29889, 510, 29914, 28334, 384, 359, 1984, 29914, 1896, 29875, 29918, 303, 4254, 13, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 887, 526, 3117, 29425, 445, 2228, 297, 7206, 14223, 29901, 2045, 597, 2397, 336, 29889, 4278, 29889, 601, 29914, 23721, 344, 29914, 1660, 29907, 29899, 29906, 29953, 29953, 29896, 29889, 450, 1900, 14725, 363, 1286, 338, 304, 451, 671, 435, 7228, 363, 4911, 10602, 3170, 313, 5372, 723, 1827, 393, 4911, 10602, 3170, 338, 263, 1407, 2560, 5067, 322, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2289, 1370, 21867, 278, 671, 310, 435, 7228, 8763, 467, 887, 1795, 884, 367, 2221, 304, 26429, 278, 623, 777, 916, 982, 313, 29872, 29889, 29887, 29889, 2867, 701, 278, 5285, 964, 7968, 12785, 29892, 671, 12002, 16746, 3991, 9945, 6168, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 671, 732, 20701, 12756, 4062, 13228, 29892, 5503, 278, 6993, 5285, 964, 263, 3847, 2060, 467, 13, 6422, 29901, 15020, 393, 1108, 297, 7206, 14223, 29892, 372, 338, 1603, 1950, 304, 671, 435, 7228, 363, 1404, 4902, 411, 732, 20701, 12756, 4062, 13228, 313, 4149, 1244, 363 ]
Home | About CCW | Contact Us | Climate change Meaning | Causes | Solutions | Emissions | Carbon trading Wild fires Wild fires are normal. They are nature's way of clearing out the old vegetation to allow for new growth. Consequently most forests, woodlands, savannas and grasslands are all prone to fire on occasion. The two words, wild and fire, have sterner connotations for us. Wild suggests out of control, dangerous and unpredictable, whilst fire is a tamed killer, capable of harm any time we drop our guard. The combination is just scary. In Australia the threat of is very real. The Blue Mountains west of Sydney are a designated world heritage area, famed for sandstone cliffs and scenery set among huge tracts of eucalyptus forests. The tall gum trees give off wax that creates a kind of haze making the hillsides appear blue. Along the arterial route that crosses the mountains from the Sydney basin to the farming country spread wide across the west there is a ribbon of villages and small towns. Flammable gum trees, various species of the genus Eucalyptus, surround these settlements. These trees are remarkable in that they are not easily killed by fire. Leaves burn, twigs and branches are lost but boughs survive and after a wildfires new shoots sprout from the charred trunks. It is called epicormic growth and either evolved after fire or, more likely, gave the eucalypts the competitive edge when fire frequency increased. Around the villages in the Blue Mountains are boards designed like a barometer with movable arrows that indicate the current fire hazard – the likelihood or risk of a wild fire happening today. The highest level of risk used to be 'extreme', now a new category has been added 'Catastrophic'. This new category was created following devastating wild fires in the state of Victoria a thousand kilometers to the south. On the 7 February 2009, Black Saturday, 173 people died and 414 were injured when wild fires overran homes and settlements. The fires burnt so hot and were moving so fast that anything in their path perished. Effects of climate on wildfires An impact of climate change will be that the intensity and/or frequency of these events will increase for many areas. Fires need fuel and some wind energy to power them. They occur when plants have grown, dropped leaves and twigs that have dried out. Then on a hot day with gusty winds all you need is a spark. Walk through a gum tree forest on a summer day and all these elements are there, especially when it has been dry for a while. Under climate change scenarios rainfall is expected to vary more than it has done in the past. There will still be rain and rainy periods sufficient to promote plant growth, but there will also be dry periods, extensive dry times that extend the suitable conditions for ignition and spread. Drier forests are not only at a greater risk of ignition but they also burn more intensely. Hot fires also more easily run out of control. This increases risk to property, lives and the human and financial cost of recovery. This increased threat does not stop people living among the trees but it does make the consequences of wildfires more severe. < Wild fires < What is the climate change effect? < climate-change-wisdom home page Disclaimer: Every effort has been made to provide accurate and reliable information on this website. climate-change-wisdom.com and alloporus environmental are not liable for any loss or damage arising out of the use of this website. Read full disclaimer. Copyright notice: The pages on climate-change-wisdom.com are provided freely for information, awareness and personal education purposes. Please respect this use and copyright. Copyright © 2009-2021 by John Mark Dangerfield, alloporus environmental. All rights reserved. Carbon trading About CCW Recent Change find 120+ pages of information on the climate conundrum Why not subscribe to the climate-change-wisdom monthly e-zine? It's FREE and full of pragmatism on the climate conundrum I promise to use it only to send you Pragmatology. wild fire in Winmalee NSW in spring 2014 when 200 properties were lost Reducing emissions while looking for solutions...
[ 8778, 891, 13611, 19178, 29956, 891, 22387, 10783, 891, 2233, 6490, 1735, 16316, 292, 891, 315, 1485, 267, 891, 4956, 17925, 891, 2812, 6847, 891, 1704, 6718, 3534, 292, 13, 29956, 789, 24237, 13, 29956, 789, 24237, 526, 4226, 29889, 2688, 526, 5469, 29915, 29879, 982, 310, 2821, 292, 714, 278, 2030, 18655, 362, 304, 2758, 363, 716, 14321, 29889, 1281, 27284, 1556, 363, 9197, 29892, 8112, 5252, 29892, 4048, 812, 294, 322, 17455, 5252, 526, 599, 544, 650, 304, 3974, 373, 10039, 29889, 13, 1576, 1023, 3838, 29892, 8775, 322, 3974, 29892, 505, 27784, 261, 378, 1333, 800, 363, 502, 29889, 13, 29956, 789, 14661, 714, 310, 2761, 29892, 18215, 322, 443, 27711, 519, 29892, 21109, 3974, 338, 263, 260, 2795, 413, 5495, 29892, 15390, 310, 10311, 738, 931, 591, 5768, 1749, 8372, 29889, 450, 10296, 338, 925, 885, 653, 29889, 13, 797, 8314, 278, 28469, 310, 338, 1407, 1855, 29889, 13, 1576, 10924, 28418, 5833, 310, 16198, 526, 263, 25373, 3186, 902, 16639, 4038, 29892, 285, 2795, 363, 11982, 12734, 1067, 28324, 322, 5763, 708, 731, 4249, 12176, 22330, 29879, 310, 11878, 1052, 29891, 415, 375, 363, 9197, 29889, 450, 15655, 330, 398, 10697, 2367, 1283, 281, 1165, 393, 10017, 263, 2924, 310, 447, 911, 3907, 278, 22696, 2247, 2615, 7254, 29889, 13, 2499, 549, 278, 564, 357, 616, 5782, 393, 4891, 267, 278, 19223, 515, 278, 16198, 2362, 262, 304, 278, 2215, 4056, 4234, 9677, 9377, 4822, 278, 5833, 727, 338, 263, 18130, 6718, 310, 18481, 322, 2319, 20248, 29889, 2379, 4850, 519, 330, 398, 10697, 29892, 5164, 6606, 310, 278, 16106, 16430, 1052, 29891, 415, 375, 29892, 8388, 618, 1438, 16493, 29879, 29889, 13, 1349, 968, 10697, 526, 22567, 297, 393, 896, 526, 451, 5948, 9445, 491, 3974, 29889, 951, 5989, 12138, 29892, 3252, 23379, 322, 14202, 526, 5714, 541, 289, 820, 29879, 10503, 573, 322, 1156, 263, 8775, 29888, 2658, 716, 17394, 1862, 7689, 449, 515, 278, 1373, 1127, 534, 18801, 29889, 739, 338, 2000, 9358, 293, 555, 293, 14321, 322, 2845, 15220, 1490, 1156, 3974, 470, 29892, 901, 5517, 29892, 4846, 278, 11878, 1052, 29891, 16485, 278, 5100, 3321, 7636, 746, 3974, 10868, 11664, 29889, 13, 1433, 618, 278, 18481, 297, 278, 10924, 28418, 526, 1045, 3163, 8688, 763, 263, 2594, 8328, 411, 2351, 519, 564, 5727, 393, 12266, 278, 1857, 3974, 447, 29920, 538, 785, 278, 4188, 22342, 470, 12045, 310, 263, 8775, 3974, 10464, 9826, 29889, 450, 9939, 3233, 310, 12045, 1304, 304, 367, 525, 1062, 10291, 742, 1286, 263, 716, 7663, 756, 1063, 2715, 525, 9694, 579, 19783, 293, 4286, 13, 4013, 716, 7663, 471, 2825, 1494, 2906, 579, 1218, 8775, 24237, 297, 278, 2106, 310, 14212, 263, 10405, 20052, 2699, 304, 278, 7062, 29889, 1551, 278, 29871, 29955, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29892, 6054, 24211, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29941, 2305, 6423, 322, 29871, 29946, 29896, 29946, 892, 28606, 746, 8775, 24237, 975, 661, 17774, 322, 16493, 29879, 29889, 450, 24237, 6866, 593, 577, 7375, 322, 892, 8401, 577, 5172, 393, 3099, 297, 1009, 2224, 639, 3276, 29889, 13, 13971, 29879, 310, 23622, 373, 8775, 29888, 2658, 13, 2744, 10879, 310, 23622, 1735, 674, 367, 393, 278, 26171, 322, 29914, 272, 10868, 310, 1438, 4959, 674, 7910, 363, 1784, 10161, 29889, 13, 29943, 2658, 817, 26413, 322, 777, 8805, 5864, 304, 3081, 963, 29889, 2688, 6403, 746, 18577, 505, 21633, 29892, 13700, 11308, 322, 3252, 23379, 393, 505, 270, 1255, 714, 29889, 1987, 373, 263, 7375, 2462, 411, 330, 504, 29891, 8805, 29879, 599, 366, 817, 338, 263, 16267, 29889, 13, 29956, 2235, 1549, 263, 330, 398, 5447, 13569, 373, 263, 11801, 2462, 322, 599, 1438, 3161, 526, 727, 29892, 7148, 746, 372, 756, 1063, 15589, 363, 263, 1550, 29889, 13, 29177, 23622, 1735, 21846, 1153, 7192, 497, 338, 3806, 304, 13100, 901, 1135, 372, 756, 2309, 297, 278, 4940, 29889, 1670, 674, 1603, 367, 17251, 322, 1153, 4901, 23704, 8002, 304, 27391, 8024, 14321, 29892, 541, 727, 674, 884, 367, 15589, 23704, 29892, 20607, 15589, 3064, 393, 10985, 278, 13907, 5855, 363, 5330, 654, 322, 9677, 29889, 13, 29928, 4336, 363, 9197, 526, 451, 871, 472, 263, 7621, 12045, 310, 5330, 654, 541, 896, 884, 12138, 901, 12838, 873, 29889, 8843, 24237, 884, 901, 5948, 1065, 714, 310, 2761, 29889, 13, 4013, 16415, 12045, 304, 2875, 29892, 12080, 322, 278, 5199, 322, 18161, 3438, 310, 24205, 29889, 13, 4013, 11664, 28469, 947, 451, 5040, 2305, 8471, 4249, 278, 10697, 541, 372, 947, 1207, 278, 27721, 310, 8775, 29888, 2658, 901, 22261, 29889, 13, 29966, 11821, 24237, 13, 29966, 1724, 338, 278, 23622, 1735, 2779, 29973, 13, 29966, 23622, 29899, 3167, 29899, 29893, 275, 3129, 3271, 1813, 13, 4205, 16398, 4193, 29901, 7569, 7225, 756, 1063, 1754, 304, 3867, 16232, 322, 23279, 2472, 373, 445, 4700, 29889, 23622, 29899, 3167, 29899, 29893, 275, 3129, 29889, 510, 322, 25169, 1971, 375, 29380, 526, 451, 619, 519, 363, 738, 6410, 470, 18658, 564, 5921, 714, 310, 278, 671, 310, 445, 4700, 29889, 7523, 2989, 2313, 433, 4193, 29889, 14187, 1266, 8369, 29901, 450, 6515, 373, 23622, 29899, 3167, 29899, 29893, 275, 3129, 29889, 510, 526, 4944, 28472, 363, 2472, 29892, 3773, 8326, 404, 322, 7333, 9793, 11976, 29889, 3529, 3390, 445, 671, 322, 3509, 1266, 29889, 14187, 1266, 29871, 30211, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 491, 2259, 4485, 360, 4600, 2671, 29892, 25169, 1971, 375, 29380, 29889, 2178, 10462, 21676, 29889, 13, 8179, 6718, 3534, 292, 13, 28173, 19178, 29956, 13, 4789, 296, 10726, 13, 2886, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29900, 29974, 6515, 310, 2472, 373, 278, 23622, 378, 870, 5848, 13, 11008, 451, 1014, 13086, 304, 278, 23622, 29899, 3167, 29899, 29893, 275, 3129, 4098, 368, 321, 29899, 29920, 457, 29973, 739, 29915, 29879, 383, 21661, 322, 2989, 310, 282, 1431, 2922, 1608, 373, 278, 23622, 378, 870, 5848, 13, 29902, 11640, 304, 671, 372, 871, 304, 3638, 366, 19825, 2922, 3002, 29889, 13, 29893, 789, 3974, 297, 8892, 655, 17179, 3865, 29956, 297, 6709, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 746, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4426, 892, 5714, 13, 9039, 1682, 292, 953, 6847, 1550, 3063, 363, 6851, 856 ]
So your Insta is looking a bit blah, you're feeling uninspired and you want to research some new ideas. Problem is, you need to navigate a whole World Wide Web of sites to find some! Okay there's Pinterest. And Instagram. But that's not enough. You're looking for something truly unique, truly new. Sure, there are plenty of handmade and party blogs, or Pins where you can find what you want. But you want to find the next unicorn (elusive!) You need to explore emerging trends! But how? If you have a quick look on Google, you will see a lot of authoritative sources for trends. But these reports tend to cost hundreds of dollars. Not exactly high priority spending for a small party business. You can still keep your finger on the pulse and stay ahead of the pack. It's a little more work, but it's worth it for giving your business an edge. Below is a summary of sources I have used to get a feel for emerging trends. It's not quite 'definitive', but rather, inspirational, and you would still need to figure out the practical implementation and how to apply it to your party biz – whether it be product development or theme ideas. Would love to hear what everyone thinks! Social media, devices, and online services have a very real impact on trends, even in the party world. Simple examples are the event hashtag (most popular for weddings), wedding websites, digital printables and custom Snapchat filters. The popularity of photo booths could also be attributed to the rise of social media, selfies and the ubiquitousness (correct according to dictionary.com) of smartphones. In terms of themes, Emoji parties have also been popular. Some of the current big ideas in technology are the Internet of Things and Augmented Reality. Perhaps these trends will translate to the party arena in the form of new party games? Or virtual parties? It remains to be seen. On a personal level, I think a new mini device I've seen advertised might make an impact. It's called the Prynt, and it's a mini smartphone photo printer. Instant photo favours? Or instant photo memory books? Below is a wedding board featuring a hashtag specific to the bride and groom, by Ruby and Co. A wedding board featuring a hashtag specific to the bride and groom. This one is not really a surprise. Disney releases, Harry Potter, Pixar and popular kids' cartoons all dominate party themes. But when a new huge movie or TV show is released, try to think about the wider themes and related topics and how they might have an impact on trends, even on a subconscious level. It might be a stretch, but when I think about the galaxy food trend, I can't help but think about the popularity of the new Star Wars and the Big Bang Theory. It's not only for kids either. Check out this epic fantasy themed wedding, inspired by Game of Thrones. The impact of music clips (and music, but I want to focus on visual trends) on popular culture cannot be denied. One dominant example are shutter shades, which have become hugely popular as party favours and photo booth props. These were rocked by Kanye West in the video for Stronger back in 2006. Keep watching MTV! Below, party favour shutter shades I picked up at a dollar store. Shutter shades have become popular at parties recently. I have separated this one from the first point because this one applies to machinery that can create (somewhat) traditionally mass produced physical products within the home or studio. This helps create small businesses through the democratisation of manufacturing. It includes new inventions or existing inventions re-worked for the home desktop. Recently we have seen the electronic die cutter or plotter, the laser cutter, the 3D printer and even edible ink printers prosper. The influence these products have had on trends is undoubtable. The cake topper trend is definitely a result of the popularity of cutting machines. This trend can also be seen in the popularity of acrylic and timber engraved invites. Kickstarter is a good place to look for these kinds of machines. I'm patiently waiting for a desktop digital foil printer! In addition to the above, we're also seeing current heavy industrial machinery being used for smaller scale cre
[ 1105, 596, 2799, 29874, 338, 3063, 263, 2586, 29268, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 11223, 443, 262, 1028, 2859, 322, 366, 864, 304, 5925, 777, 716, 7014, 29889, 11583, 338, 29892, 366, 817, 304, 23624, 263, 3353, 2787, 399, 680, 2563, 310, 11840, 304, 1284, 777, 29991, 20419, 727, 29915, 29879, 349, 1639, 342, 29889, 1126, 2799, 14442, 29889, 1205, 393, 29915, 29879, 451, 3307, 29889, 887, 29915, 276, 3063, 363, 1554, 19781, 5412, 29892, 19781, 716, 29889, 18585, 29892, 727, 526, 20947, 310, 1361, 26350, 322, 6263, 12618, 29879, 29892, 470, 349, 1144, 988, 366, 508, 1284, 825, 366, 864, 29889, 1205, 366, 864, 304, 1284, 278, 2446, 443, 293, 1398, 313, 295, 375, 573, 14366, 887, 817, 304, 26987, 11176, 3460, 534, 1975, 29991, 1205, 920, 29973, 13, 3644, 366, 505, 263, 4996, 1106, 373, 5087, 29892, 366, 674, 1074, 263, 3287, 310, 4148, 23378, 8974, 363, 534, 1975, 29889, 1205, 1438, 13676, 10331, 304, 3438, 21006, 310, 17208, 29889, 2216, 3721, 1880, 20136, 805, 2548, 363, 263, 2319, 6263, 5381, 29889, 13, 3492, 508, 1603, 3013, 596, 19917, 373, 278, 9505, 344, 322, 7952, 14432, 310, 278, 4870, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 2217, 901, 664, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 7088, 372, 363, 6820, 596, 5381, 385, 7636, 29889, 13, 21140, 340, 338, 263, 15837, 310, 8974, 306, 505, 1304, 304, 679, 263, 4459, 363, 11176, 3460, 534, 1975, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 3755, 525, 1753, 2344, 573, 742, 541, 3265, 29892, 23459, 1288, 29892, 322, 366, 723, 1603, 817, 304, 4377, 714, 278, 15031, 5314, 322, 920, 304, 3394, 372, 304, 596, 6263, 20132, 785, 3692, 372, 367, 3234, 5849, 470, 10929, 7014, 29889, 13, 29956, 483, 5360, 304, 8293, 825, 14332, 22405, 29991, 13, 6295, 1455, 5745, 29892, 9224, 29892, 322, 7395, 5786, 505, 263, 1407, 1855, 10879, 373, 534, 1975, 29892, 1584, 297, 278, 6263, 3186, 29889, 12545, 6455, 526, 278, 1741, 756, 400, 351, 313, 3242, 5972, 363, 14837, 29881, 886, 511, 14837, 8497, 28007, 29892, 13436, 1596, 1849, 322, 2888, 317, 8971, 13496, 18094, 29889, 450, 5972, 537, 310, 15373, 1045, 720, 29879, 1033, 884, 367, 29393, 304, 278, 14451, 310, 5264, 5745, 29892, 1583, 583, 322, 278, 318, 5365, 28358, 681, 2264, 313, 15728, 5034, 304, 8600, 29889, 510, 29897, 310, 15040, 561, 2873, 29889, 512, 4958, 310, 963, 267, 29892, 2812, 29877, 2397, 13973, 505, 884, 1063, 5972, 29889, 3834, 310, 278, 1857, 4802, 7014, 297, 15483, 526, 278, 4685, 310, 28706, 322, 22333, 358, 287, 830, 2877, 29889, 11637, 1438, 534, 1975, 674, 14240, 304, 278, 6263, 564, 2386, 297, 278, 883, 310, 716, 6263, 8090, 29973, 1394, 6901, 13973, 29973, 739, 9242, 304, 367, 3595, 29889, 1551, 263, 7333, 3233, 29892, 306, 1348, 263, 716, 20629, 4742, 306, 29915, 345, 3595, 18811, 3368, 1795, 1207, 385, 10879, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 2000, 278, 349, 719, 593, 29892, 322, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 20629, 15040, 6710, 15373, 23028, 29889, 2799, 424, 15373, 5025, 2470, 29973, 1394, 14426, 15373, 3370, 8277, 29973, 13, 21140, 340, 338, 263, 14837, 8497, 7613, 23425, 263, 756, 400, 351, 2702, 304, 278, 289, 2426, 322, 4071, 290, 29892, 491, 15847, 322, 3189, 29889, 13, 29909, 14837, 8497, 7613, 23425, 263, 756, 400, 351, 2702, 304, 278, 289, 2426, 322, 4071, 290, 29889, 13, 4013, 697, 338, 451, 2289, 263, 16671, 29889, 17944, 27474, 29892, 10686, 10173, 357, 29892, 349, 861, 279, 322, 5972, 413, 4841, 29915, 7774, 29877, 787, 599, 8022, 403, 6263, 963, 267, 29889, 1205, 746, 263, 716, 12176, 14064, 470, 5648, 1510, 338, 5492, 29892, 1018, 304, 1348, 1048, 278, 25734, 963, 267, 322, 4475, 23820, 322, 920, 896, 1795, 505, 385, 10879, 373, 534, 1975, 29892, 1584, 373, 263, 1014, 3200, 8802, 3233, 29889, 739, 1795, 367, 263, 16116, 29892, 541, 746, 306, 1348, 1048, 278, 15400, 29891, 9687, 534, 355, 29892, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 1371, 541, 1348, 1048, 278, 5972, 537, 310, 278, 716, 7828, 9149, 322, 278, 7997, 14320, 24134, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 871, 363, 413, 4841, 2845, 29889, 5399, 714, 445, 9358, 293, 13568, 8995, 963, 287, 14837, 8497, 29892, 20603, 491, 8448, 310, 498, 1617, 267, 29889, 13, 1576, 10879, 310, 4696, 9335, 567, 313, 392, 4696, 29892, 541, 306, 864, 304, 8569, 373, 7604, 534, 1975, 29897, 373, 5972, 9257, 2609, 367, 17935, 29889, 3118, 28526, 1342, 526, 528, 6463, 528, 3076, 29892, 607, 505, 4953, 298, 688, 873, 5972, 408, 6263, 5025, 2470, 322, 15373, 1045, 720, 17761, 29889, 4525, 892, 7679, 287, 491, 476, 1384, 29872, 3122, 297, 278, 4863, 363, 3767, 549, 261, 1250, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29889, 19152, 21217, 28982, 29991, 13, 21140, 340, 29892, 6263, 15381, 528, 6463, 528, 3076, 306, 18691, 701, 472, 263, 11232, 279, 3787, 29889, 13, 2713, 6463, 528, 3076, 505, 4953, 5972, 472, 13973, 10325, 29889, 13, 29902, 505, 13055, 445, 697, 515, 278, 937, 1298, 1363, 445, 697, 16058, 304, 7672, 262, 708, 393, 508, 1653, 313, 5372, 5816, 29897, 11399, 635, 4158, 7371, 9128, 9316, 2629, 278, 3271, 470, 8693, 29889, 910, 6911, 1653, 2319, 5381, 267, 1549, 278, 1261, 16909, 4371, 310, 12012, 3864, 29889, 739, 7805, 716, 11817, 1080, 470, 5923, 11817, 1080, 337, 29899, 1287, 287, 363, 278, 3271, 14616, 29889, 3599, 2705, 591, 505, 3595, 278, 27758, 762, 5700, 357, 470, 6492, 357, 29892, 278, 1869, 261, 5700, 357, 29892, 278, 29871, 29941, 29928, 23028, 322, 1584, 1226, 1821, 297, 29895, 23028, 29879, 25831, 29889, 450, 9949, 1438, 9316, 505, 750, 373, 534, 1975, 338, 563, 283, 29890, 2371, 29889, 450, 274, 1296, 304, 2496, 534, 355, 338, 11630, 263, 1121, 310, 278, 5972, 537, 310, 28967, 14884, 29889, 910, 534, 355, 508, 884, 367, 3595, 297, 278, 5972, 537, 310, 1274, 719, 506, 322, 5335, 495, 3033, 336, 1490, 2437, 3246, 29889, 476, 860, 303, 4254, 338, 263, 1781, 2058, 304, 1106, 363, 1438, 17690, 310, 14884, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 16500, 368, 10534, 363, 263, 14616, 13436, 1701, 309, 23028, 29991, 512, 6124, 304, 278, 2038, 29892, 591, 29915, 276, 884, 8790, 1857, 9416, 18408, 7672, 262, 708, 1641, 1304, 363, 7968, 6287, 907 ]
Order by : Name | Date | Hits | [ Ascendant ] Fatty Acid and Glucose Sensors in Hepatic Lipid Metabolism: Implications in NAFLD The term non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) covers a pathologic spectrum from lipid accumulation alone (simple steatosis) to steatosis with associated inflammation and fibrosis (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis [NASH]). Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis can progress to cirrhosis and potentially to hepatocellular carcinoma. Although a genetic predisposition has been highlighted, NAFLD is strongly associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and hypercaloric diet in the context of obesity and metabolic disease. The dysregulation of specific pathways (insulin signalling, mitochondrial function, fatty acid, and lipoprotein metabolism) have been linked to steatosis, but elucidating the molecular events determining evolution of the disease still requires further research before it can be translated into specific personalized interventional strategies. In this review, the authors focus on the early events of the pathophysiology of NASH, dissecting the metabolic and nutritional pathways involving fatty acids and glucose sensors that can modulate lipid accumulation in the liver, but also condition the progression to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Peripheral Insulin Resistance Predicts Liver Damage in Diabetic Subjects with NAFLD BACKGROUND & AIMS: Surrogate indexes of insulin resistance/sensitivity (IR/IS) are widely used in Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) although they have never been validated in this population. We aimed to validate the available indexes in NAFLD subjects and to test their ability to predict liver damage also in comparison with NAFLD Fibrosis Score (NFS). Surrogate indexes were validated by tracer technique (D2-glucose and U-13C-glucose) in the basal state and during an Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT). The best performing indexes were used in an independent cohort of 145 non-diabetic NAFLD subjects to identify liver damage (fibrosis and NASH). In the validation NAFLD cohort, HOMA-IR, IGR and ISI Stumvoll had the best association with hepatic IR, while peripheral IS was most significantly related to OGIS, ISI Stumvoll and eMCRnodem . In the independent cohort, only OGTT derived indexes were associated with liver damage and OGIS was the best predictor of significant (≥F2) fibrosis (OR=0.76, 95% CI= 0.61-0.96, P=0.0233) and of NASH (OR=0.75, 95% CI=0.63-0.90, P=0.0021). Both OGIS and NFS identified advanced (F3/F4) fibrosis, but OGIS predicted it better than NFS (OR=0.57, 95% CI=0.45-0.72, P<0.001) and was also able to discriminate F2 from F3/F4 (P<0.003). OGIS is associated with peripheral IS in NAFLD and is inversely associated with an increased risk of significant/advanced liver damage in non-diabetic subjects with NAFLD. Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Pathogenesis and Disease Spectrum Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the most common cause of liver dysfunction in the Western world and is increasing owing to its close association with obesity and insulin resistance. NAFLD represents a spectrum of liver disease that, in a minority of patients, can lead to progressive nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), fibrosis, and ultimately hepatocellular carcinoma and liver failure. NAFLD is a complex trait resulting from the interaction between environmental exposure and a susceptible polygenic background and comprising multiple
[ 8170, 491, 584, 4408, 891, 4712, 891, 379, 1169, 891, 518, 1094, 29883, 5818, 4514, 13, 29943, 271, 1017, 7255, 333, 322, 8467, 1682, 852, 317, 575, 943, 297, 940, 29886, 2454, 28428, 333, 4737, 19388, 1608, 29901, 14305, 5795, 297, 405, 5098, 10249, 13, 1576, 1840, 1661, 29899, 284, 1111, 5391, 293, 9950, 1017, 619, 369, 17135, 313, 3521, 29943, 10249, 29897, 18469, 263, 2224, 1189, 293, 18272, 515, 619, 5935, 18414, 2785, 7432, 313, 12857, 1886, 4507, 275, 29897, 304, 1886, 4507, 275, 411, 6942, 4414, 4850, 362, 322, 18755, 1883, 275, 313, 5464, 29899, 284, 1111, 5391, 293, 1886, 1219, 354, 5031, 23448, 518, 29940, 24943, 14664, 10050, 29899, 284, 1111, 5391, 293, 1886, 1219, 354, 5031, 23448, 508, 6728, 304, 5902, 29878, 15656, 275, 322, 19998, 304, 540, 5031, 542, 514, 1070, 1559, 16381, 4125, 29889, 8512, 263, 2531, 7492, 758, 2218, 3283, 756, 1063, 12141, 287, 29892, 405, 5098, 10249, 338, 13818, 6942, 411, 385, 443, 354, 4298, 29891, 301, 7004, 1508, 322, 11266, 1052, 272, 293, 652, 300, 297, 278, 3030, 310, 704, 267, 537, 322, 1539, 19388, 293, 17135, 29889, 450, 270, 952, 1727, 2785, 310, 2702, 2224, 1994, 313, 1144, 352, 262, 1804, 27855, 29892, 1380, 2878, 898, 9315, 740, 29892, 9950, 1017, 22193, 29892, 322, 619, 7323, 4859, 262, 1539, 19388, 1608, 29897, 505, 1063, 9024, 304, 1886, 4507, 275, 29892, 541, 560, 1682, 333, 1218, 278, 13206, 16637, 4959, 3683, 2827, 14675, 310, 278, 17135, 1603, 6858, 4340, 5925, 1434, 372, 508, 367, 20512, 964, 2702, 7333, 1891, 1006, 794, 1848, 16650, 583, 29889, 512, 445, 9076, 29892, 278, 15717, 8569, 373, 278, 4688, 4959, 310, 278, 2224, 3021, 952, 29875, 3002, 310, 16938, 29950, 29892, 766, 8803, 292, 278, 1539, 19388, 293, 322, 18254, 29878, 3245, 2224, 1994, 21677, 9950, 1017, 1274, 4841, 322, 3144, 1682, 852, 4771, 943, 393, 508, 878, 5987, 619, 5935, 18414, 2785, 297, 278, 619, 369, 29892, 541, 884, 4195, 278, 410, 11476, 304, 5902, 29878, 15656, 275, 322, 540, 5031, 542, 514, 1070, 1559, 16381, 4125, 29889, 13, 5894, 29875, 8096, 284, 13377, 352, 262, 2538, 21558, 21099, 919, 29879, 22469, 9865, 482, 297, 4671, 370, 7492, 3323, 622, 29879, 411, 405, 5098, 10249, 13, 29933, 11375, 29954, 1672, 18783, 669, 319, 29902, 4345, 29901, 13, 18498, 9102, 403, 18111, 310, 1663, 352, 262, 17711, 29914, 23149, 24858, 313, 8193, 29914, 3235, 29897, 526, 17644, 1304, 297, 10050, 838, 1111, 5391, 293, 383, 271, 1017, 22469, 360, 895, 559, 313, 3521, 29943, 10249, 29897, 5998, 896, 505, 2360, 1063, 2854, 630, 297, 445, 4665, 29889, 1334, 12242, 287, 304, 12725, 278, 3625, 18111, 297, 405, 5098, 10249, 17800, 322, 304, 1243, 1009, 11509, 304, 8500, 619, 369, 18658, 884, 297, 10230, 411, 405, 5098, 10249, 383, 747, 1883, 275, 2522, 487, 313, 29940, 9998, 467, 13, 18498, 9102, 403, 18111, 892, 2854, 630, 491, 16703, 261, 11043, 313, 29928, 29906, 29899, 3820, 1682, 852, 322, 501, 29899, 29896, 29941, 29907, 29899, 3820, 1682, 852, 29897, 297, 278, 2362, 284, 2106, 322, 2645, 385, 1394, 284, 8467, 1682, 852, 16977, 261, 749, 4321, 313, 29949, 29954, 19988, 467, 450, 1900, 15859, 18111, 892, 1304, 297, 385, 7417, 16165, 441, 310, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29945, 1661, 29899, 6051, 370, 7492, 405, 5098, 10249, 17800, 304, 12439, 619, 369, 18658, 313, 29888, 747, 1883, 275, 322, 16938, 29950, 467, 13, 797, 278, 8845, 405, 5098, 10249, 16165, 441, 29892, 29832, 1529, 29899, 8193, 29892, 306, 14345, 322, 306, 5425, 624, 398, 1555, 29880, 750, 278, 1900, 15477, 411, 540, 29886, 2454, 23292, 29892, 1550, 23603, 8096, 284, 8519, 471, 1556, 16951, 4475, 304, 438, 29954, 3235, 29892, 306, 5425, 624, 398, 1555, 29880, 322, 321, 29924, 11341, 3177, 29885, 869, 512, 278, 7417, 16165, 441, 29892, 871, 438, 29954, 19988, 10723, 18111, 892, 6942, 411, 619, 369, 18658, 322, 438, 29954, 3235, 471, 278, 1900, 8500, 272, 310, 7282, 313, 30386, 29943, 29906, 29897, 18755, 1883, 275, 313, 1955, 29922, 29900, 29889, 29955, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29929, 29945, 29995, 25781, 29922, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29953, 29896, 29899, 29900, 29889, 29929, 29953, 29892, 349, 29922, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29906, 29941, 29941, 29897, 322, 310, 16938, 29950, 313, 1955, 29922, 29900, 29889, 29955, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29929, 29945, 29995, 25781, 29922, 29900, 29889, 29953, 29941, 29899, 29900, 29889, 29929, 29900, 29892, 349, 29922, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29906, 29896, 467, 9134, 438, 29954, 3235, 322, 405, 9998, 15659, 12862, 313, 29943, 29941, 29914, 29943, 29946, 29897, 18755, 1883, 275, 29892, 541, 438, 29954, 3235, 25383, 372, 2253, 1135, 405, 9998, 313, 1955, 29922, 29900, 29889, 29945, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29929, 29945, 29995, 25781, 29922, 29900, 29889, 29946, 29945, 29899, 29900, 29889, 29955, 29906, 29892, 349, 29966, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29897, 322, 471, 884, 2221, 304, 2313, 5632, 16976, 383, 29906, 515, 383, 29941, 29914, 29943, 29946, 313, 29925, 29966, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29941, 467, 13, 29949, 29954, 3235, 338, 6942, 411, 23603, 8096, 284, 8519, 297, 405, 5098, 10249, 322, 338, 297, 874, 873, 6942, 411, 385, 11664, 12045, 310, 7282, 29914, 328, 16858, 619, 369, 18658, 297, 1661, 29899, 6051, 370, 7492, 17800, 411, 405, 5098, 10249, 29889, 13, 12283, 29899, 284, 1111, 5391, 293, 383, 271, 1017, 22469, 360, 895, 559, 29901, 10802, 6352, 6656, 322, 360, 895, 559, 27738, 5848, 13, 12283, 29899, 284, 1111, 5391, 293, 9950, 1017, 619, 369, 17135, 313, 3521, 29943, 10249, 29897, 338, 278, 1556, 3619, 4556, 310, 619, 369, 270, 952, 2220, 297, 278, 10504, 3186, 322, 338, 10231, 8152, 292, 304, 967, 3802, 15477, 411, 704, 267, 537, 322, 1663, 352, 262, 17711, 29889, 405, 5098, 10249, 11524, 263, 18272, 310, 619, 369, 17135, 393, 29892, 297, 263, 9461, 537, 310, 22069, 29892, 508, 3275, 304, 6728, 573, 1661, 284, 1111, 5391, 293, 1886, 1219, 354, 5031, 23448, 313, 29940, 24943, 511, 18755, 1883, 275, 29892, 322, 18973, 540, 5031, 542, 514, 1070, 1559, 16381, 4125, 322, 619, 369, 10672, 29889, 405, 5098, 10249, 338, 263, 4280, 22917, 9819, 515, 278, 14881, 1546, 29380, 14060, 545, 322, 263, 2858, 1547, 1821, 15680, 1885, 293, 3239, 322, 7199, 5921, 2999 ]
Graham Green Subscribe to Graham Green's Posts Contact: Read more about Graham Green COVID-19, health and safety and dismissal By Graham Green & Jonathan Lord on 5 May 2021 COVID-19 has thrown up numerous and multi-varied concerns for employers and employees alike. One notable area of consideration and concern has been the delicate and difficult issue of dismissals related to health and safety reasons. A recent case has shed more light on how Tribunals may deal with the pandemic-related workplace issue of employees' refusal to work on health and safety grounds, due to fear of COVID-19. Rodgers v Leeds Laser Cutting Limited ET/1803829/2020 Case Facts This case considered the availability and legitimacy of fears over exposure to/contracting COVID-19 at work acting as grounds for statutory protection against unfair dismissal. The Claimant refused to come into work after another colleague began to show symptoms of COVID‑19, and self-isolated. He informed the Respondent that he would not return to work until lockdown eased, as he was concerned for his very young child, who has sickle cell disease. After a month of refusing to attend work, the Respondent was dismissed. The Claimant did not have sufficient service to claim ordinary unfair dismissal, so instead claimed that he had been automatically unfairly dismissed for exercising his rights to leave the workplace and take steps to protect himself where he reasonably believed there was a serious and imminent danger, under sections 100(1)(d) and (e) of the Employment Rights Act 1996. … Continue Reading COVID-19, health and safety and dismissal Posted in COVID-19/Novel coronavirus, Dismissals, Employment (UK), Employment Tribunals Equal pay: Comparators in different establishments By Graham Green & Laura Brown on 8 April 2021 In the long-running case of Asda Stores v Brierley and others, the Supreme Court ruled that, for the purposes of an equal pay claim, a group of female retail store employees could rely upon the work of mainly male depot distribution employees for comparison even though they are located at different sites. Generally speaking, an equal pay claim can only progress if the claimant can establish a disparity between their contractual terms and those of an appropriate comparator of the opposite sex performing equal work at either: the same establishment; or a different establishment where "common terms" apply either generally or between the individual and their comparator. Continue Reading Equal pay: Comparators in different establishments Posted in Employment (UK), Equal Pay Important upcoming changes that UK employers need to be aware of By Graham Green & Helena Tiernay on 26 March 2021 The start of April sees a number of important changes that employers in the UK need to be aware of: 1st April 2021 – Increases to National Minimum Wage (employers should note the change to the age categories): Age over 23: £8.91 (from £8.72 for over 25 year olds) Age 21-22: £8.36 (from £8.20 for 21-24 year olds) Age 18-20: £6.56 (from £6.45) Apprentices: £4.30 (from £4.15) 4th April 2021 – Statutory rate increases: Statutory sick pay: £96.35 per week (up from £95.85) Statutory maternity, paternity, adoption, shared parental, and parental bereavement pay: £151.97 per week (up from £151.20) Continue Reading Important upcoming changes that UK employers need to be aware of Posted in Employment (UK) UK Employment Law update – December 2020 By Robin B. Jeffcott, Graham Green, David Ashmore & Alison Heaton on 3 December 2020 Welcome to our monthly newsletter, with a summary of the latest news and developments in UK employment law. A PDF version of this newsletter can be accessed here. This issue will provide recent case law updates, law reform and
[ 22196, 7646, 13, 4035, 13086, 304, 22196, 7646, 29915, 29879, 4918, 29879, 13, 13443, 29901, 7523, 901, 1048, 22196, 7646, 13, 3217, 13044, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29892, 9045, 322, 15332, 322, 18918, 284, 13, 2059, 22196, 7646, 669, 20983, 6171, 373, 29871, 29945, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 13, 3217, 13044, 29899, 29896, 29929, 756, 12005, 701, 12727, 322, 2473, 29899, 1707, 1000, 21838, 363, 5703, 414, 322, 22873, 394, 9345, 29889, 3118, 18697, 4038, 310, 19220, 322, 5932, 756, 1063, 278, 628, 9593, 322, 5189, 2228, 310, 18918, 1338, 4475, 304, 9045, 322, 15332, 9590, 29889, 319, 7786, 1206, 756, 28453, 901, 3578, 373, 920, 16855, 348, 1338, 1122, 5376, 411, 278, 7243, 24552, 29899, 12817, 664, 6689, 2228, 310, 22873, 29915, 2143, 375, 284, 304, 664, 373, 9045, 322, 15332, 25502, 29892, 2861, 304, 8866, 310, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29889, 13, 29934, 397, 5743, 325, 951, 5779, 7413, 261, 315, 329, 1259, 28873, 382, 29911, 29914, 29896, 29947, 29900, 29941, 29947, 29906, 29929, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 8259, 26748, 29879, 13, 4013, 1206, 5545, 278, 20847, 3097, 322, 25204, 326, 4135, 310, 8866, 29879, 975, 14060, 545, 304, 29914, 1285, 1461, 292, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 472, 664, 16684, 408, 25502, 363, 1002, 329, 706, 13047, 2750, 29395, 1466, 18918, 284, 29889, 13, 1576, 6015, 326, 424, 15964, 304, 2041, 964, 664, 1156, 1790, 23056, 3437, 4689, 304, 1510, 25828, 4835, 310, 19937, 30477, 29896, 29929, 29892, 322, 1583, 29899, 275, 324, 630, 29889, 940, 23388, 278, 2538, 2818, 296, 393, 540, 723, 451, 736, 304, 664, 2745, 7714, 3204, 321, 1463, 29892, 408, 540, 471, 15041, 363, 670, 1407, 4123, 2278, 29892, 1058, 756, 17319, 280, 3038, 17135, 29889, 2860, 263, 4098, 310, 2143, 4746, 304, 14333, 664, 29892, 278, 2538, 2818, 296, 471, 18918, 287, 29889, 13, 1576, 6015, 326, 424, 1258, 451, 505, 8002, 2669, 304, 5995, 15311, 29395, 1466, 18918, 284, 29892, 577, 2012, 17049, 393, 540, 750, 1063, 6336, 29395, 1466, 368, 18918, 287, 363, 24472, 3476, 292, 670, 10462, 304, 5967, 278, 664, 6689, 322, 2125, 6576, 304, 12566, 3654, 988, 540, 2769, 2197, 13112, 727, 471, 263, 10676, 322, 527, 1195, 296, 9703, 29892, 1090, 13926, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29898, 29896, 5033, 29881, 29897, 322, 313, 29872, 29897, 310, 278, 7361, 22812, 26863, 3185, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29953, 29889, 16088, 13, 1323, 14150, 21439, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29892, 9045, 322, 15332, 322, 18918, 284, 13, 6747, 287, 297, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29914, 25363, 295, 25082, 485, 22693, 29892, 360, 28303, 1338, 29892, 7361, 22812, 313, 19960, 511, 7361, 22812, 16855, 348, 1338, 13, 9843, 5146, 29901, 28663, 4097, 297, 1422, 10127, 1860, 13, 2059, 22196, 7646, 669, 21671, 9817, 373, 29871, 29947, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 13, 797, 278, 1472, 29899, 21094, 1206, 310, 1094, 1388, 624, 2361, 325, 350, 4336, 2330, 322, 4045, 29892, 278, 22569, 9245, 29490, 393, 29892, 363, 278, 11976, 310, 385, 5186, 5146, 5995, 29892, 263, 2318, 310, 12944, 3240, 737, 3787, 22873, 1033, 19104, 2501, 278, 664, 310, 14364, 14263, 1401, 327, 4978, 22873, 363, 10230, 1584, 2466, 896, 526, 5982, 472, 1422, 11840, 29889, 13, 5631, 635, 13590, 29892, 385, 5186, 5146, 5995, 508, 871, 6728, 565, 278, 5995, 424, 508, 10127, 263, 17508, 537, 1546, 1009, 8078, 950, 4958, 322, 1906, 310, 385, 8210, 5734, 1061, 310, 278, 11564, 7916, 15859, 5186, 664, 472, 2845, 29901, 13, 1552, 1021, 25012, 29936, 470, 13, 29874, 1422, 25012, 988, 376, 9435, 4958, 29908, 3394, 2845, 6892, 470, 1546, 278, 5375, 322, 1009, 5734, 1061, 29889, 13, 1323, 14150, 21439, 11243, 284, 5146, 29901, 28663, 4097, 297, 1422, 10127, 1860, 13, 6747, 287, 297, 7361, 22812, 313, 19960, 511, 11243, 284, 14617, 13, 17518, 424, 701, 11506, 3620, 393, 10261, 5703, 414, 817, 304, 367, 9543, 310, 13, 2059, 22196, 7646, 669, 6162, 2386, 29088, 29876, 388, 373, 29871, 29906, 29953, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 13, 1576, 1369, 310, 3786, 18553, 263, 1353, 310, 4100, 3620, 393, 5703, 414, 297, 278, 10261, 817, 304, 367, 9543, 310, 29901, 13, 29896, 303, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 785, 512, 1037, 2129, 304, 3086, 3080, 12539, 399, 482, 313, 3451, 2376, 414, 881, 4443, 278, 1735, 304, 278, 5046, 13997, 1125, 13, 22406, 975, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29901, 15151, 29947, 29889, 29929, 29896, 313, 3166, 15151, 29947, 29889, 29955, 29906, 363, 975, 29871, 29906, 29945, 1629, 2030, 29879, 29897, 13, 22406, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29906, 29901, 15151, 29947, 29889, 29941, 29953, 313, 3166, 15151, 29947, 29889, 29906, 29900, 363, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29946, 1629, 2030, 29879, 29897, 13, 22406, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29901, 15151, 29953, 29889, 29945, 29953, 313, 3166, 15151, 29953, 29889, 29946, 29945, 29897, 13, 2052, 7771, 1575, 29901, 15151, 29946, 29889, 29941, 29900, 313, 3166, 15151, 29946, 29889, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 29946, 386, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 785, 6666, 329, 706, 6554, 16415, 29901, 13, 9513, 329, 706, 17319, 5146, 29901, 15151, 29929, 29953, 29889, 29941, 29945, 639, 4723, 313, 786, 515, 15151, 29929, 29945, 29889, 29947, 29945, 29897, 13, 9513, 329, 706, 1775, 824, 537, 29892, 2373, 824, 537, 29892, 594, 3385, 29892, 7258, 3847, 284, 29892, 322, 3847, 284, 9218, 485, 882, 5146, 29901, 15151, 29896, 29945, 29896, 29889, 29929, 29955, 639, 4723, 313, 786, 515, 15151, 29896, 29945, 29896, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 1323, 14150, 21439, 16032, 424, 701, 11506, 3620, 393, 10261, 5703, 414, 817, 304, 367, 9543, 310, 13, 6747, 287, 297, 7361, 22812, 313, 19960, 29897, 13, 19960, 7361, 22812, 7927, 2767, 785, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 2059, 13104, 350, 29889, 12208, 29883, 1501, 29892, 22196, 7646, 29892, 4699, 12835, 5514, 669, 838, 2285, 940, 14114, 373, 29871, 29941, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 28862, 2763, 304, 1749, 4098, 368, 9763, 15670, 29892, 411, 263, 15837, 310, 278, 9281, 9763, 322, 2693, 1860, 297, 10261, 5703, 358, 4307, 29889, 319, 11328, 1873, 310, 445, 9763, 15670, 508, 367, 20592, 1244, 29889, 13, 4013, 2228, 674, 3867, 7786, 1206, 4307, 11217, 29892, 4307, 11736, 322 ]
legislative developments, COVID-19 updates and any other news over recent weeks. Case law updates Collective redundancy consultation: The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled on the reference period and threshold numbers required for the Collective Redundancies Directive, and has concluded that where the threshold number of dismissals is met at any point across the relevant reference period, then dismissals occurring both before and after that point are subject to collective consultation rules. This raises questions as to whether section 188 of the Trade Union and Labour Relations (Consolidation) Act 1992 (TULRCA), which applies the Directive in the UK (and which excludes the need to count employees whose proposed dismissal consultation has started) is compatible with the Directive. In the absence of amendments to TULRCA to clarify the situation, employers planning redundancies will need to have this case in mind, with an understanding of past redundancies as well as anticipated ones, when assessing whether the relevant thresholds for collective consultation are met. [UQ v. Marclean Technologies – NB: no English transcript is currently available] Discrimination: The Court of Appeal has upheld the 'cost plus' basis for seeking to justify indirect discrimination, i.e., cost savings alone cannot be a legitimate aim and will rarely succeed as a defence, although it may be a factor where there is 'something else' (including where an employer is subject to financial constraints and is required to reduce its costs). Although not changing established principles, this case acts as a reminder that cost in itself should not be relied upon to rationalise potentially discriminatory practices. Incidentally the court also said that the phrase 'cost plus' should be avoided as inelegant. [Heskett v. Secretary of State for Justice] Health and safety detriments: Following a judicial review, the High Court has held that the UK failed to properly implement the EU Health and Safety Framework Directive in the Employment Rights Act 1996 when only providing protection against detriment on health and safety grounds to employees and not also to workers. The Independent Workers' Union of Great Britain, which initiated the proceedings, is calling for the government to urgently amend UK legislation to reflect this decision, which would significantly expand the scope of protection at a time when health and safety is particularly pertinent. [HC: IWUGB v. DWP] Settlement agreement – COT3: Where arguments are being made to set aside a COT3 settlement due to misrepresentation, it is permissible for the tribunal to consider without prejudice communications. [Cole v. Elders Voice] Summary termination: A firm was entitled to rely on a self-employed stockbroker's repudiatory breach of contract to summarily terminate their relationship, notwithstanding the firm also having committed a repudiatory breach. [HC: Palmeri v. Charles Stanley & Co] Tribunal hearings: An appeal against a decision to hold a merits hearing in person rather than remotely during the pandemic has been dismissed, reiterating the strong case management discretion held by judges. [Omooba v. Michael Garrett Associates] Tribunal procedure – applications to amend pleadings: The Employment Appeals Tribunal has provided detailed guidance on the procedure to be followed when considering applications to amend, including how arguments in support of such an application should be approached, the matters to consider before such an application is made, and the importance of showing the consequences of the amendment being refused. This also reminds us that the tribunal has wide case management powers, and the appellant courts will seldom interfere. [Vaughan v. Modality Partnership] Whistleblowing: The Court of Appeal has upheld the principle that multiple separate communications taken together could amount to a protected disclosure even if none of them, taken separately, would do so. Whether it is appropriate to take this approach is a matter of common sense and fact dependent, and it is not necessarily an error for the tribunal to fail to consider the composite approach. In the present case, the claimant failed to clarify which of his 37 communications should be grouped together, and the specific protected disclosure which arose from that combination. [Simpson v. Cantor Fitzgerald Europe] Continue Reading UK Employment Law update – December 2020 Posted in Contracts, COVID-19/Novel coronavirus, Discrimination, Dismissals, Emp
[ 13332, 1230, 2693, 1860, 29892, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 11217, 322, 738, 916, 9763, 975, 7786, 11405, 29889, 13, 8259, 4307, 11217, 13, 28916, 573, 22275, 6906, 8799, 362, 29901, 450, 7824, 9245, 310, 17181, 313, 11206, 29967, 29897, 756, 29490, 373, 278, 3407, 3785, 322, 16897, 3694, 3734, 363, 278, 24930, 573, 4367, 870, 273, 2478, 8797, 573, 29892, 322, 756, 22834, 393, 988, 278, 16897, 1353, 310, 18918, 1338, 338, 1539, 472, 738, 1298, 4822, 278, 8018, 3407, 3785, 29892, 769, 18918, 1338, 13920, 292, 1716, 1434, 322, 1156, 393, 1298, 526, 4967, 304, 6314, 573, 8799, 362, 6865, 29889, 910, 1153, 4637, 5155, 408, 304, 3692, 4004, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 310, 278, 27226, 7761, 322, 29453, 6376, 800, 313, 13696, 17211, 362, 29897, 3185, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 313, 29911, 13309, 29934, 5454, 511, 607, 16058, 278, 8797, 573, 297, 278, 10261, 313, 392, 607, 429, 27722, 278, 817, 304, 2302, 22873, 5069, 7972, 18918, 284, 8799, 362, 756, 4687, 29897, 338, 15878, 411, 278, 8797, 573, 29889, 512, 278, 18070, 310, 626, 355, 1860, 304, 323, 13309, 29934, 5454, 304, 15544, 278, 6434, 29892, 5703, 414, 18987, 22275, 273, 2478, 674, 817, 304, 505, 445, 1206, 297, 3458, 29892, 411, 385, 8004, 310, 4940, 22275, 273, 2478, 408, 1532, 408, 23483, 630, 6743, 29892, 746, 24809, 292, 3692, 278, 8018, 266, 3781, 3361, 363, 6314, 573, 8799, 362, 526, 1539, 29889, 518, 29965, 29984, 325, 29889, 1085, 14941, 8364, 11763, 785, 405, 29933, 29901, 694, 4223, 1301, 924, 338, 5279, 3625, 29962, 13, 4205, 29883, 5632, 3381, 29901, 450, 9245, 310, 2401, 29872, 284, 756, 318, 561, 2495, 278, 525, 18253, 2298, 29915, 8405, 363, 25738, 304, 26922, 26377, 2313, 5632, 3381, 29892, 474, 29889, 29872, 1696, 3438, 4048, 886, 7432, 2609, 367, 263, 25204, 6490, 12242, 322, 674, 23703, 9269, 408, 263, 28399, 29892, 5998, 372, 1122, 367, 263, 7329, 988, 727, 338, 525, 14481, 1683, 29915, 313, 18271, 988, 385, 5703, 261, 338, 4967, 304, 18161, 11938, 322, 338, 3734, 304, 10032, 967, 21544, 467, 8512, 451, 6480, 7841, 18671, 29892, 445, 1206, 14741, 408, 263, 1083, 4995, 393, 3438, 297, 3528, 881, 451, 367, 337, 2957, 2501, 304, 17903, 895, 19998, 2313, 20386, 7606, 23274, 29889, 9266, 1693, 635, 278, 8973, 884, 1497, 393, 278, 16549, 525, 18253, 2298, 29915, 881, 367, 28305, 408, 297, 29872, 1397, 424, 29889, 518, 29950, 8488, 1803, 325, 29889, 17719, 310, 4306, 363, 17181, 29962, 13, 3868, 4298, 322, 15332, 1439, 5632, 1237, 29901, 12206, 263, 6577, 5611, 9076, 29892, 278, 5057, 9245, 756, 4934, 393, 278, 10261, 5229, 304, 6284, 2334, 278, 19007, 15202, 322, 14795, 3305, 16657, 8797, 573, 297, 278, 7361, 22812, 26863, 3185, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29953, 746, 871, 13138, 13047, 2750, 1439, 29878, 2073, 373, 9045, 322, 15332, 25502, 304, 22873, 322, 451, 884, 304, 17162, 29889, 450, 25266, 5244, 414, 29915, 7761, 310, 7027, 14933, 29892, 607, 14511, 630, 278, 8469, 886, 29892, 338, 5432, 363, 278, 5874, 304, 5065, 29887, 2705, 626, 355, 10261, 13332, 362, 304, 9432, 445, 10608, 29892, 607, 723, 16951, 7985, 278, 6874, 310, 13047, 472, 263, 931, 746, 9045, 322, 15332, 338, 10734, 13499, 8946, 29889, 518, 19127, 29901, 306, 29956, 29965, 7210, 325, 29889, 360, 26433, 29962, 13, 29903, 1803, 944, 17327, 785, 315, 2891, 29941, 29901, 6804, 6273, 526, 1641, 1754, 304, 731, 17786, 263, 315, 2891, 29941, 16493, 2861, 304, 3984, 276, 26081, 29892, 372, 338, 3635, 790, 1821, 363, 278, 9434, 17507, 304, 2050, 1728, 758, 17675, 625, 7212, 800, 29889, 518, 29907, 1772, 325, 29889, 382, 430, 414, 4785, 625, 29962, 13, 26289, 1840, 3381, 29901, 319, 9226, 471, 23437, 304, 19104, 373, 263, 1583, 29899, 3451, 2376, 287, 10961, 6729, 3946, 29915, 29879, 1634, 4749, 7606, 2078, 496, 310, 8078, 304, 19138, 2354, 29504, 1009, 9443, 29892, 451, 2541, 11235, 278, 9226, 884, 2534, 19355, 263, 1634, 4749, 7606, 2078, 496, 29889, 518, 19127, 29901, 3793, 1050, 29875, 325, 29889, 5322, 21631, 669, 3189, 29962, 13, 29911, 1091, 17507, 8293, 886, 29901, 530, 25530, 2750, 263, 10608, 304, 4808, 263, 2778, 1169, 22514, 297, 2022, 3265, 1135, 1083, 327, 873, 2645, 278, 7243, 24552, 756, 1063, 18918, 287, 29892, 337, 1524, 1218, 278, 4549, 1206, 10643, 766, 4838, 291, 4934, 491, 6577, 2710, 29889, 518, 29949, 4346, 15330, 325, 29889, 5765, 7455, 13158, 6853, 1078, 29962, 13, 29911, 1091, 17507, 8792, 785, 8324, 304, 626, 355, 5644, 328, 886, 29901, 450, 7361, 22812, 2401, 29872, 1338, 16855, 17507, 756, 4944, 13173, 27323, 373, 278, 8792, 304, 367, 5643, 746, 13858, 8324, 304, 626, 355, 29892, 3704, 920, 6273, 297, 2304, 310, 1316, 385, 2280, 881, 367, 26733, 29892, 278, 13750, 304, 2050, 1434, 1316, 385, 2280, 338, 1754, 29892, 322, 278, 13500, 310, 6445, 278, 27721, 310, 278, 626, 355, 358, 1641, 15964, 29889, 910, 884, 1083, 12772, 502, 393, 278, 9434, 17507, 756, 9377, 1206, 10643, 10801, 29892, 322, 278, 623, 514, 424, 28033, 674, 269, 2495, 290, 1006, 29888, 406, 29889, 518, 29963, 2987, 5403, 325, 29889, 3382, 2877, 3455, 8397, 4034, 29962, 13, 8809, 391, 19982, 677, 292, 29901, 450, 9245, 310, 2401, 29872, 284, 756, 318, 561, 2495, 278, 12502, 393, 2999, 5004, 7212, 800, 4586, 4208, 1033, 5253, 304, 263, 6364, 766, 25071, 1584, 565, 5642, 310, 963, 29892, 4586, 16949, 29892, 723, 437, 577, 29889, 26460, 372, 338, 8210, 304, 2125, 445, 2948, 338, 263, 4383, 310, 3619, 4060, 322, 2114, 14278, 29892, 322, 372, 338, 451, 12695, 385, 1059, 363, 278, 9434, 17507, 304, 4418, 304, 2050, 278, 20842, 2948, 29889, 512, 278, 2198, 1206, 29892, 278, 5995, 424, 5229, 304, 15544, 607, 310, 670, 29871, 29941, 29955, 7212, 800, 881, 367, 27831, 4208, 29892, 322, 278, 2702, 6364, 766, 25071, 607, 28811, 515, 393, 10296, 29889, 518, 8942, 11869, 325, 29889, 15498, 272, 22963, 914, 2741, 4092, 29962, 13, 1323, 14150, 21439, 10261, 7361, 22812, 7927, 2767, 785, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 6747, 287, 297, 2866, 1461, 29879, 29892, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29914, 25363, 295, 25082, 485, 22693, 29892, 8565, 5632, 3381, 29892, 360, 28303, 1338, 29892, 7361 ]
loyment (UK), Employment Tribunals Preparing for a post-COVID-19 return to the workplace: what do UK employers need to think about from a health and safety and HR perspective? By Robin B. Jeffcott, Graham Green, David Ashmore, Nicholas Rock, Adam Hedley, Jennifer Travers, Jake Williams & Alison Heaton on 28 May 2020 Over recent weeks, the UK government has announced the first steps it is taking to get businesses up and running again in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. This publication highlights a number of key areas for UK employers to consider as they start to plan ahead to re-establish and maintain their businesses, while at the same time ensuring that they comply with their legal obligations towards the workforce. While the considerations are plentiful, this guidance focuses on health and safety, human resources, and workplace planning and management. To view the publication, please click here. We would be delighted to answer any questions you may have. Please feel free to speak to any of the key contacts mentioned in the publication or to your usual Reed Smith contact.… Continue Reading Preparing for a post-COVID-19 return to the workplace: what do UK employers need to think about from a health and safety and HR perspective? Posted in COVID-19/Novel coronavirus, Employment (UK) Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (updated position as at 20 April 2020) By Robin B. Jeffcott, Graham Green, David Ashmore & Alison Heaton on 22 April 2020 On 20 March 2020, the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announced the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (the Scheme) as part of the UK government's measures to help support businesses through the current COVID-19 pandemic. We have seen various iterations of guidance on the Scheme (on 26 March, 4 April, 9 April, 15 April and 17 April), and on 15 April 2020, a Treasury Direction was issued setting out the legal framework. Here is the updated position, as at 20 April 2020. About the Scheme What is the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme? It is a temporary scheme announced by the UK government on 20 March 2020 as part of its package of measures to help support businesses through the current COVID-19 pandemic. What does the Scheme do? The Scheme allows an employer to designate certain individuals who are paid wages via the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system as 'furloughed', keeping them on payroll but not requiring them to work. The employer can then seek reimbursement of some of its labour costs from the government (see below). How is the Scheme accessed? Reimbursement is via an HMRC portal which went live on 20 April 2020. When does the Scheme start? It will be backdated to start from 1 March 2020 and will run for an initial period of four months, but may be extended. Employers can use the Scheme at any time while it is open. Is the Scheme compulsory? It does not appear to be a compulsory scheme; employers are not obliged to make use of the Scheme, and workers will need to consent to be furloughed if it means a change to their terms and conditions (see 'Does a worker have to consent to furlough?' below).… Continue Reading Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (updated position as at 20 April 2020) On 20 March 2020, the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announced the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (the Scheme) as part of the UK government's measures to help support businesses through the current COVID-19 pandemic. We have seen various iterations of guidance on the Scheme (on 26 March, 4 April, 9 April, and 15 April), and on 15 April 2020, a Treasury Direction was issued setting out the legal framework. Here is the updated position, as at 15 April 2020. What does the Scheme do? The Scheme allows an employer to designate certain individuals who are paid wages via the Pay as You Earn (PAY
[ 22812, 313, 19960, 511, 7361, 22812, 16855, 348, 1338, 13, 6572, 862, 292, 363, 263, 1400, 29899, 3217, 13044, 29899, 29896, 29929, 736, 304, 278, 664, 6689, 29901, 825, 437, 10261, 5703, 414, 817, 304, 1348, 1048, 515, 263, 9045, 322, 15332, 322, 379, 29934, 18520, 29973, 13, 2059, 13104, 350, 29889, 12208, 29883, 1501, 29892, 22196, 7646, 29892, 4699, 12835, 5514, 29892, 24234, 8027, 29892, 11783, 28561, 2330, 29892, 23774, 9633, 3201, 874, 29892, 435, 1296, 11648, 669, 838, 2285, 940, 14114, 373, 29871, 29906, 29947, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 3563, 7786, 11405, 29892, 278, 10261, 5874, 756, 9326, 278, 937, 6576, 372, 338, 5622, 304, 679, 5381, 267, 701, 322, 2734, 1449, 297, 278, 281, 1296, 310, 278, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 29889, 910, 17745, 12141, 29879, 263, 1353, 310, 1820, 10161, 363, 10261, 5703, 414, 304, 2050, 408, 896, 1369, 304, 3814, 14432, 304, 337, 29899, 342, 370, 1674, 322, 7344, 1009, 5381, 267, 29892, 1550, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 5662, 3864, 393, 896, 752, 368, 411, 1009, 11706, 10788, 800, 7113, 278, 664, 10118, 29889, 5806, 278, 2050, 800, 526, 715, 296, 6845, 29892, 445, 27323, 8569, 267, 373, 9045, 322, 15332, 29892, 5199, 7788, 29892, 322, 664, 6689, 18987, 322, 10643, 29889, 13, 1762, 1776, 278, 17745, 29892, 3113, 2828, 1244, 29889, 1334, 723, 367, 15319, 287, 304, 1234, 738, 5155, 366, 1122, 505, 29889, 3529, 4459, 3889, 304, 7726, 304, 738, 310, 278, 1820, 25957, 5276, 297, 278, 17745, 470, 304, 596, 9670, 830, 287, 7075, 6958, 29889, 30098, 13, 1323, 14150, 21439, 4721, 862, 292, 363, 263, 1400, 29899, 3217, 13044, 29899, 29896, 29929, 736, 304, 278, 664, 6689, 29901, 825, 437, 10261, 5703, 414, 817, 304, 1348, 1048, 515, 263, 9045, 322, 15332, 322, 379, 29934, 18520, 29973, 13, 6747, 287, 297, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29914, 25363, 295, 25082, 485, 22693, 29892, 7361, 22812, 313, 19960, 29897, 13, 12521, 265, 485, 22693, 17163, 4649, 2509, 1102, 2004, 313, 21402, 2602, 408, 472, 29871, 29906, 29900, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 2059, 13104, 350, 29889, 12208, 29883, 1501, 29892, 22196, 7646, 29892, 4699, 12835, 5514, 669, 838, 2285, 940, 14114, 373, 29871, 29906, 29906, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 2951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 278, 521, 273, 3729, 272, 29892, 390, 29603, 8991, 557, 29892, 9326, 278, 2994, 265, 485, 22693, 17163, 4649, 2509, 1102, 2004, 313, 1552, 1102, 2004, 29897, 408, 760, 310, 278, 10261, 5874, 29915, 29879, 15366, 304, 1371, 2304, 5381, 267, 1549, 278, 1857, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 29889, 1334, 505, 3595, 5164, 24372, 310, 27323, 373, 278, 1102, 2004, 313, 265, 29871, 29906, 29953, 4779, 29892, 29871, 29946, 3786, 29892, 29871, 29929, 3786, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29945, 3786, 322, 29871, 29896, 29955, 3786, 511, 322, 373, 29871, 29896, 29945, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 263, 6479, 294, 2857, 360, 8684, 471, 16610, 4444, 714, 278, 11706, 6890, 29889, 2266, 338, 278, 4784, 2602, 29892, 408, 472, 29871, 29906, 29900, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 28173, 278, 1102, 2004, 13, 5618, 338, 278, 2994, 265, 485, 22693, 17163, 4649, 2509, 1102, 2004, 29973, 739, 338, 263, 13201, 11380, 9326, 491, 278, 10261, 5874, 373, 29871, 29906, 29900, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 408, 760, 310, 967, 3577, 310, 15366, 304, 1371, 2304, 5381, 267, 1549, 278, 1857, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 29889, 13, 5618, 947, 278, 1102, 2004, 437, 29973, 450, 1102, 2004, 6511, 385, 5703, 261, 304, 2874, 403, 3058, 15724, 1058, 526, 12530, 281, 1179, 3025, 278, 14617, 1094, 887, 382, 2753, 313, 7228, 29979, 29923, 29897, 1788, 408, 525, 29888, 2271, 820, 287, 742, 12515, 963, 373, 5146, 1245, 541, 451, 26795, 963, 304, 664, 29889, 450, 5703, 261, 508, 769, 16508, 337, 19977, 1295, 882, 310, 777, 310, 967, 23390, 21544, 515, 278, 5874, 313, 4149, 2400, 467, 13, 5328, 338, 278, 1102, 2004, 20592, 29973, 830, 19977, 1295, 882, 338, 3025, 385, 379, 29924, 10363, 25792, 607, 3512, 5735, 373, 29871, 29906, 29900, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 10401, 947, 278, 1102, 2004, 1369, 29973, 739, 674, 367, 1250, 9715, 304, 1369, 515, 29871, 29896, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 674, 1065, 363, 385, 2847, 3785, 310, 3023, 7378, 29892, 541, 1122, 367, 10410, 29889, 7361, 2376, 414, 508, 671, 278, 1102, 2004, 472, 738, 931, 1550, 372, 338, 1722, 29889, 13, 3624, 278, 1102, 2004, 752, 7273, 706, 29973, 739, 947, 451, 2615, 304, 367, 263, 752, 7273, 706, 11380, 29936, 5703, 414, 526, 451, 24474, 304, 1207, 671, 310, 278, 1102, 2004, 29892, 322, 17162, 674, 817, 304, 20218, 304, 367, 285, 2271, 820, 287, 565, 372, 2794, 263, 1735, 304, 1009, 4958, 322, 5855, 313, 4149, 525, 25125, 263, 15645, 505, 304, 20218, 304, 285, 2271, 820, 17901, 2400, 467, 30098, 13, 1323, 14150, 21439, 2994, 265, 485, 22693, 17163, 4649, 2509, 1102, 2004, 313, 21402, 2602, 408, 472, 29871, 29906, 29900, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 2951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 278, 521, 273, 3729, 272, 29892, 390, 29603, 8991, 557, 29892, 9326, 278, 2994, 265, 485, 22693, 17163, 4649, 2509, 1102, 2004, 313, 1552, 1102, 2004, 29897, 408, 760, 310, 278, 10261, 5874, 29915, 29879, 15366, 304, 1371, 2304, 5381, 267, 1549, 278, 1857, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 29889, 1334, 505, 3595, 5164, 24372, 310, 27323, 373, 278, 1102, 2004, 313, 265, 29871, 29906, 29953, 4779, 29892, 29871, 29946, 3786, 29892, 29871, 29929, 3786, 29892, 322, 29871, 29896, 29945, 3786, 511, 322, 373, 29871, 29896, 29945, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 263, 6479, 294, 2857, 360, 8684, 471, 16610, 4444, 714, 278, 11706, 6890, 29889, 2266, 338, 278, 4784, 2602, 29892, 408, 472, 29871, 29896, 29945, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 5618, 947, 278, 1102, 2004, 437, 29973, 450, 1102, 2004, 6511, 385, 5703, 261, 304, 2874, 403, 3058, 15724, 1058, 526, 12530, 281, 1179, 3025, 278, 14617, 408, 887, 382, 2753, 313, 7228, 29979 ]
E) system as 'furloughed', keeping them on payroll but not requiring them to work. The employer can then seek reimbursement of some of their labour costs from the government (see below). How is the Scheme accessed? Reimbursement is via an HMRC portal which is due to be live by the end of April 2020. When does the Scheme start? It will be backdated to start from 1 March 2020 and will run for an initial period of three months, but may be extended. Employers can use the Scheme at any time while it is open. As HMRC is having to build its information technology infrastructure from scratch to administer the Scheme, there may be a delay in funds being available. It is expected to be operational by the end of April. Coronavirus (COVID-19) monthly round up as at 1 April 2020 By Robin B. Jeffcott, Graham Green, David Ashmore & Alison Heaton on 2 April 2020 What a month March has been! With the COVID-19 pandemic taking hold across the UK and globally, we've seen the UK government responding to the crisis by imposing increasingly restrictive limits on our activities, closing schools and workplaces, introducing emergency legislation within days, and announcing unprecedented levels of financial support. With updates and developments happening daily, it can be hard to keep up. So here's a roundup of where we are, as at 1 April 2020, in respect of key COVID-19 issues affecting the workplace. Workplace closures On 20 March 2020, the prime minister announced that certain businesses (pubs, restaurants, cinemas, theatres, gyms, casinos, leisure centres, etc.) should close, and within days this was extended to businesses that were not providing essential services. The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 came into force on 26 March 2020 detailing, specifically, which businesses must close (schedule 2), which can remain open (any business not listed in schedule 2), and which can remain open with limitations (schedule 1). This legislation will be reviewed every 21 days, with the first review due by 15 April 2020. Businesses failing to comply with this legislation face prosecution and fines.… Continue Reading Coronavirus (COVID-19) monthly round up as at 1 April 2020 Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme in the UK (updated position as at 27 March 2020) By Robin B. Jeffcott, David Ashmore, Graham Green & Alison Heaton on 30 March 2020 On 20 March 2020, the chancellor, Rishi Sunak, announced the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (the Scheme) as part of the UK government's measures to help support businesses through the current COVID-19 pandemic. Brief guidance followed after the announcement, with more detailed guidance released on the evening of 26 March 2020. There is a lot we still do not know, but here is the updated position. What is the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme? It is a temporary scheme announced by the UK government on 20 March 2020 as part of its package of measures to help support businesses through the current COVID-19 pandemic. The aim of the scheme is to protect jobs and avoid redundancies in organisations whose operations have been severely affected. What does the Scheme do? The Scheme allows an employer to designate certain individuals who are paid wages via the Pay As You Earn (PAYE) system as "furloughed", keeping them on payroll as an alternative to terminating their employment. The employer can then seek reimbursement of some of their labour costs from the government (see #2 under "Payments under the Scheme"). How is the Scheme accessed? Reimbursement is via an HMRC portal. In guidance released last week, the suggestion was that employers must notify HMRC which individuals have furloughed status, along with details of their earnings, although the updated guidance suggests a more general approach to claiming under the Scheme (see #1 under "Payments under the Scheme"). We expect
[ 29923, 29897, 1788, 408, 525, 29888, 2271, 820, 287, 742, 12515, 963, 373, 5146, 1245, 541, 451, 26795, 963, 304, 664, 29889, 450, 5703, 261, 508, 769, 16508, 337, 19977, 1295, 882, 310, 777, 310, 1009, 23390, 21544, 515, 278, 5874, 313, 4149, 2400, 467, 13, 5328, 338, 278, 1102, 2004, 20592, 29973, 830, 19977, 1295, 882, 338, 3025, 385, 379, 29924, 10363, 25792, 607, 338, 2861, 304, 367, 5735, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 10401, 947, 278, 1102, 2004, 1369, 29973, 739, 674, 367, 1250, 9715, 304, 1369, 515, 29871, 29896, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 674, 1065, 363, 385, 2847, 3785, 310, 2211, 7378, 29892, 541, 1122, 367, 10410, 29889, 7361, 2376, 414, 508, 671, 278, 1102, 2004, 472, 738, 931, 1550, 372, 338, 1722, 29889, 1094, 379, 29924, 10363, 338, 2534, 304, 2048, 967, 2472, 15483, 22035, 12425, 515, 22728, 304, 4113, 1531, 278, 1102, 2004, 29892, 727, 1122, 367, 263, 9055, 297, 29199, 1641, 3625, 29889, 739, 338, 3806, 304, 367, 1751, 1288, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 3786, 29889, 13, 12521, 265, 485, 22693, 313, 3217, 13044, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29897, 4098, 368, 4513, 701, 408, 472, 29871, 29896, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 2059, 13104, 350, 29889, 12208, 29883, 1501, 29892, 22196, 7646, 29892, 4699, 12835, 5514, 669, 838, 2285, 940, 14114, 373, 29871, 29906, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 5618, 263, 4098, 4779, 756, 1063, 29991, 2973, 278, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 5622, 4808, 4822, 278, 10261, 322, 13149, 635, 29892, 591, 29915, 345, 3595, 278, 10261, 5874, 10049, 292, 304, 278, 24161, 491, 7275, 292, 10231, 368, 9250, 573, 13071, 373, 1749, 14188, 29892, 14382, 12462, 322, 664, 29886, 6048, 29892, 4547, 3277, 11176, 14703, 13332, 362, 2629, 3841, 29892, 322, 7475, 3277, 443, 1457, 1133, 14927, 11174, 310, 18161, 2304, 29889, 2973, 11217, 322, 2693, 1860, 10464, 14218, 29892, 372, 508, 367, 2898, 304, 3013, 701, 29889, 1105, 1244, 29915, 29879, 263, 4513, 786, 310, 988, 591, 526, 29892, 408, 472, 29871, 29896, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 297, 3390, 310, 1820, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 5626, 6602, 292, 278, 664, 6689, 29889, 13, 5531, 6689, 4694, 1973, 13, 2951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 278, 6019, 11050, 9326, 393, 3058, 5381, 267, 313, 5467, 29879, 29892, 12374, 1934, 29892, 4670, 8609, 29892, 278, 271, 690, 29892, 330, 962, 29879, 29892, 3209, 8226, 29892, 454, 275, 545, 1644, 690, 29892, 2992, 1846, 881, 3802, 29892, 322, 2629, 3841, 445, 471, 10410, 304, 5381, 267, 393, 892, 451, 13138, 18853, 5786, 29889, 13, 1576, 15202, 14409, 428, 313, 12521, 265, 485, 22693, 29892, 11654, 4146, 1080, 29897, 313, 8100, 1049, 29897, 2169, 8250, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 2996, 964, 4889, 373, 29871, 29906, 29953, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 9493, 292, 29892, 10816, 29892, 607, 5381, 267, 1818, 3802, 313, 816, 11272, 29871, 29906, 511, 607, 508, 3933, 1722, 313, 1384, 5381, 451, 9904, 297, 20410, 29871, 29906, 511, 322, 607, 508, 3933, 1722, 411, 27028, 313, 816, 11272, 29871, 29896, 467, 910, 13332, 362, 674, 367, 9076, 287, 1432, 29871, 29906, 29896, 3841, 29892, 411, 278, 937, 9076, 2861, 491, 29871, 29896, 29945, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 15197, 267, 17581, 304, 752, 368, 411, 445, 13332, 362, 3700, 410, 3471, 918, 322, 1436, 267, 29889, 30098, 13, 1323, 14150, 21439, 2994, 265, 485, 22693, 313, 3217, 13044, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29897, 4098, 368, 4513, 701, 408, 472, 29871, 29896, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 12521, 265, 485, 22693, 17163, 4649, 2509, 1102, 2004, 297, 278, 10261, 313, 21402, 2602, 408, 472, 29871, 29906, 29955, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29897, 13, 2059, 13104, 350, 29889, 12208, 29883, 1501, 29892, 4699, 12835, 5514, 29892, 22196, 7646, 669, 838, 2285, 940, 14114, 373, 29871, 29941, 29900, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 2951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 278, 521, 273, 3729, 272, 29892, 390, 29603, 8991, 557, 29892, 9326, 278, 2994, 265, 485, 22693, 17163, 4649, 2509, 1102, 2004, 313, 1552, 1102, 2004, 29897, 408, 760, 310, 278, 10261, 5874, 29915, 29879, 15366, 304, 1371, 2304, 5381, 267, 1549, 278, 1857, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 29889, 1771, 2575, 27323, 5643, 1156, 278, 7475, 13561, 29892, 411, 901, 13173, 27323, 5492, 373, 278, 11005, 310, 29871, 29906, 29953, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 1670, 338, 263, 3287, 591, 1603, 437, 451, 1073, 29892, 541, 1244, 338, 278, 4784, 2602, 29889, 13, 5618, 338, 278, 2994, 265, 485, 22693, 17163, 4649, 2509, 1102, 2004, 29973, 739, 338, 263, 13201, 11380, 9326, 491, 278, 10261, 5874, 373, 29871, 29906, 29900, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 408, 760, 310, 967, 3577, 310, 15366, 304, 1371, 2304, 5381, 267, 1549, 278, 1857, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 7243, 24552, 29889, 450, 12242, 310, 278, 11380, 338, 304, 12566, 17643, 322, 4772, 22275, 273, 2478, 297, 17459, 800, 5069, 6931, 505, 1063, 2775, 873, 15201, 29889, 13, 5618, 947, 278, 1102, 2004, 437, 29973, 450, 1102, 2004, 6511, 385, 5703, 261, 304, 2874, 403, 3058, 15724, 1058, 526, 12530, 281, 1179, 3025, 278, 14617, 1094, 887, 382, 2753, 313, 7228, 29979, 29923, 29897, 1788, 408, 376, 29888, 2271, 820, 287, 613, 12515, 963, 373, 5146, 1245, 408, 385, 8671, 304, 6624, 1218, 1009, 5703, 358, 29889, 450, 5703, 261, 508, 769, 16508, 337, 19977, 1295, 882, 310, 777, 310, 1009, 23390, 21544, 515, 278, 5874, 313, 4149, 396, 29906, 1090, 376, 15467, 1860, 1090, 278, 1102, 2004, 2564, 13, 5328, 338, 278, 1102, 2004, 20592, 29973, 830, 19977, 1295, 882, 338, 3025, 385, 379, 29924, 10363, 25792, 29889, 512, 27323, 5492, 1833, 4723, 29892, 278, 8998, 471, 393, 5703, 414, 1818, 26051, 379, 29924, 10363, 607, 15724, 505, 285, 2271, 820, 287, 4660, 29892, 3412, 411, 4902, 310, 1009, 2326, 11753, 29892, 5998, 278, 4784, 27323, 14661, 263, 901, 2498, 2948, 304, 5995, 292, 1090, 278, 1102, 2004, 313, 4149, 396, 29896, 1090, 376, 15467, 1860, 1090, 278, 1102, 2004, 2564, 1334, 2149 ]
Google wants new industrywide standards to balance privacy and ads personalization Most internet users understand the free content they consume is supported by data-driven advertising. Most people would prefer not to pay for content, but are also increasingly concerned about online privacy. Google is seeking to navigate a middle path that balances privacy and user control over data and personalized advertising, which the internet has become increasingly dependent on. Building on announcements earlier this year at Google I/O related to Chrome and third-party cookie blocking, the company is initiating an ambitious standards discussion with the broader industry about how to support both user privacy and personalized, data-driven advertising. The core principles. The guiding principles of the initiative are "transparency, choice and control." Google's Chetna Bindra, senior product manager, user trust and privacy, believes that this effort will potentially take several years to come to fruition. She also believes that the solution must be holistic and involve broad industry agreement about standards or it won't work. This ambitious effort to start an industrywide discussion is partly a reaction to the rise of ad blocking and partly to Apple's implementation of "Intelligent Tracking Prevention," designed to prevent third-party ad tracking across the internet on the Safari browser. Apple's business model doesn't rely on advertising and the company has sought to make user privacy a differentiated feature of its products. Unlike Apple, Google sits at the center of a massive advertising ecosystem. However in one of two blog posts this morning on the new standards initiative, Google cites internal data that argues when cookies go away so does revenue for publishers: "When advertising is made less relevant by removing cookies, funding for publishers falls by 52% on average." The company says the revenue hit is even larger for news publishers (62%) in the absence of cookies and personalized ads. Blocking cookies isn't the answer. Google argues that simply blocking cookies won't work to deliver true user control because, according to Bindra's blog post, "broad cookie restrictions have led some industry participants to use workarounds like fingerprinting, an opaque tracking technique that bypasses user choice and doesn't allow reasonable transparency or control. Adoption of such workarounds represents a step back for user privacy, not a step forward." Illustrations of how user controls over data-driven ads might work Concrete proposals in report. A companion document (.pdf), "Giving users more transparency, choice and control over how their data is used in digital advertising," presents a more concrete vision of how to potentially implement some of these ideas. The document, created after feedback from stakeholders, says users should be able to see and have control over: What data is being collected, by whom and why Who is responsible for an ad, and What caused an ad to appear It presents hypothetical screenshots, users controls, flows and permissions. The document is mostly intended to stimulate discussion among a broad range of stakeholders. This is what Google ultimately hopes the industry can develop and agree upon: A standard way to surface how data is being collected A standard way to label ads with metadata A standard way to surface the companies involved in showing ads A centralized registry of participating companies Shared understanding of how to address practices that bypass the standards arrived at through industry discussion Google says in the proposal that it's going to "launch an early, experimental, open-source browser extension that will display information for ads shown to a user and will work across different browsers. We plan to start with the ads that Google shows on our own properties and on the properties of our publishing partners." Google has also created a feedback form to respond to these ideas. Why we should care. The reasons are obvious. The broad digital ads ecosystem has become more reliant on data and personalization over time. But as that system has become more sophisticated, users have become more concerned and various initiatives, including privacy laws (e.g., CCPA), have arisen in response. However, Google's Chetna Bindra says the initiative is not a specific response to such laws. While this effort is partly self-interested, Google is right in trying to find "a middle way" that empowers users but enables the advertising ecosystem to function effectively. The industry's previous "Ad Choices" effort is a dismal failure — because people don't understand or engage with it. For this initiative to work two broad things need to happen:
[ 5087, 10753, 716, 13661, 8157, 20801, 304, 17346, 5999, 4135, 322, 594, 29879, 7333, 2133, 13, 29924, 520, 8986, 4160, 2274, 278, 3889, 2793, 896, 29151, 338, 6969, 491, 848, 29899, 24477, 854, 18811, 5921, 29889, 7849, 2305, 723, 5821, 451, 304, 5146, 363, 2793, 29892, 541, 526, 884, 10231, 368, 15041, 1048, 7395, 5999, 4135, 29889, 13, 14207, 338, 25738, 304, 23624, 263, 7256, 2224, 393, 6411, 2925, 5999, 4135, 322, 1404, 2761, 975, 848, 322, 7333, 1891, 18811, 5921, 29892, 607, 278, 8986, 756, 4953, 10231, 368, 14278, 373, 29889, 17166, 373, 7475, 29883, 4110, 8859, 445, 1629, 472, 5087, 306, 29914, 29949, 4475, 304, 10228, 322, 4654, 29899, 22633, 15327, 23473, 29892, 278, 5001, 338, 14511, 1218, 385, 626, 2966, 2738, 20801, 10679, 411, 278, 2545, 1664, 13661, 1048, 920, 304, 2304, 1716, 1404, 5999, 4135, 322, 7333, 1891, 29892, 848, 29899, 24477, 854, 18811, 5921, 29889, 13, 1576, 7136, 18671, 29889, 450, 1410, 4821, 18671, 310, 278, 14511, 1230, 526, 376, 3286, 862, 3819, 29892, 7348, 322, 2761, 1213, 5087, 29915, 29879, 678, 300, 1056, 29672, 336, 29892, 16336, 3234, 8455, 29892, 1404, 9311, 322, 5999, 4135, 29892, 1339, 17180, 393, 445, 7225, 674, 19998, 2125, 3196, 2440, 304, 2041, 304, 285, 582, 654, 29889, 2296, 884, 1339, 17180, 393, 278, 1650, 1818, 367, 8753, 4695, 322, 25135, 7300, 13661, 17327, 1048, 20801, 470, 372, 2113, 29915, 29873, 664, 29889, 13, 4013, 626, 2966, 2738, 7225, 304, 1369, 385, 13661, 8157, 10679, 338, 22669, 263, 19848, 304, 278, 14451, 310, 594, 23473, 322, 22669, 304, 12113, 29915, 29879, 5314, 310, 376, 2928, 9347, 296, 17026, 292, 4721, 7316, 1699, 8688, 304, 5557, 4654, 29899, 22633, 594, 23110, 4822, 278, 8986, 373, 278, 24544, 4714, 29889, 12113, 29915, 29879, 5381, 1904, 1838, 29915, 29873, 19104, 373, 18811, 5921, 322, 278, 5001, 756, 18365, 304, 1207, 1404, 5999, 4135, 263, 17473, 630, 4682, 310, 967, 9316, 29889, 13, 2525, 4561, 12113, 29892, 5087, 269, 1169, 472, 278, 4818, 310, 263, 20364, 18811, 5921, 321, 3944, 973, 29889, 2398, 297, 697, 310, 1023, 12618, 11803, 445, 7250, 373, 278, 716, 20801, 14511, 1230, 29892, 5087, 274, 3246, 7463, 848, 393, 1852, 1041, 746, 21046, 748, 3448, 577, 947, 337, 9947, 363, 9805, 414, 29901, 376, 10401, 18811, 5921, 338, 1754, 3109, 8018, 491, 11077, 21046, 29892, 5220, 292, 363, 9805, 414, 20074, 491, 29871, 29945, 29906, 29995, 373, 6588, 1213, 450, 5001, 4083, 278, 337, 9947, 7124, 338, 1584, 7200, 363, 9763, 9805, 414, 313, 29953, 29906, 10997, 297, 278, 18070, 310, 21046, 322, 7333, 1891, 594, 29879, 29889, 13, 7445, 292, 21046, 3508, 29915, 29873, 278, 1234, 29889, 5087, 1852, 1041, 393, 3763, 23473, 21046, 2113, 29915, 29873, 664, 304, 12021, 1565, 1404, 2761, 1363, 29892, 5034, 304, 29672, 336, 29915, 29879, 12618, 1400, 29892, 376, 6729, 328, 15327, 25091, 505, 5331, 777, 13661, 27138, 304, 671, 664, 279, 3885, 763, 19917, 2158, 292, 29892, 385, 1015, 19772, 23110, 11043, 393, 491, 3364, 267, 1404, 7348, 322, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2758, 15590, 1301, 862, 3819, 470, 2761, 29889, 319, 1867, 683, 310, 1316, 664, 279, 3885, 11524, 263, 4331, 1250, 363, 1404, 5999, 4135, 29892, 451, 263, 4331, 6375, 1213, 13, 10002, 4627, 800, 310, 920, 1404, 11761, 975, 848, 29899, 24477, 854, 594, 29879, 1795, 664, 13, 1168, 9084, 9551, 1338, 297, 3461, 29889, 319, 18708, 1842, 14544, 5140, 511, 376, 29954, 4357, 4160, 901, 1301, 862, 3819, 29892, 7348, 322, 2761, 975, 920, 1009, 848, 338, 1304, 297, 13436, 18811, 5921, 1699, 22981, 263, 901, 18387, 18551, 310, 920, 304, 19998, 2334, 777, 310, 1438, 7014, 29889, 450, 1842, 29892, 2825, 1156, 16705, 515, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 29892, 4083, 4160, 881, 367, 2221, 304, 1074, 322, 505, 2761, 975, 29901, 13, 5618, 848, 338, 1641, 16531, 29892, 491, 6029, 322, 2020, 13, 22110, 338, 14040, 363, 385, 594, 29892, 322, 13, 5618, 8581, 385, 594, 304, 2615, 13, 3112, 22981, 13752, 300, 936, 11844, 29882, 1862, 29892, 4160, 11761, 29892, 24536, 322, 11239, 29889, 450, 1842, 338, 11149, 9146, 304, 20436, 5987, 10679, 4249, 263, 7300, 3464, 310, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 825, 5087, 18973, 26926, 278, 13661, 508, 2693, 322, 8661, 2501, 29901, 13, 29909, 3918, 982, 304, 7101, 920, 848, 338, 1641, 16531, 13, 29909, 3918, 982, 304, 3858, 594, 29879, 411, 15562, 13, 29909, 3918, 982, 304, 7101, 278, 14582, 9701, 297, 6445, 594, 29879, 13, 29909, 6555, 1891, 21235, 310, 5221, 1218, 14582, 13, 21741, 8004, 310, 920, 304, 3211, 23274, 393, 491, 3364, 278, 20801, 11977, 472, 1549, 13661, 10679, 13, 14207, 4083, 297, 278, 24963, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 376, 15343, 385, 4688, 29892, 17986, 29892, 1722, 29899, 4993, 4714, 6081, 393, 674, 2479, 2472, 363, 594, 29879, 4318, 304, 263, 1404, 322, 674, 664, 4822, 1422, 14376, 29889, 1334, 3814, 304, 1369, 411, 278, 594, 29879, 393, 5087, 3697, 373, 1749, 1914, 4426, 322, 373, 278, 4426, 310, 1749, 27256, 22056, 1213, 13, 14207, 756, 884, 2825, 263, 16705, 883, 304, 10049, 304, 1438, 7014, 29889, 13, 11008, 591, 881, 2562, 29889, 450, 9590, 526, 6924, 29889, 450, 7300, 13436, 594, 29879, 321, 3944, 973, 756, 4953, 901, 12536, 424, 373, 848, 322, 7333, 2133, 975, 931, 29889, 1205, 408, 393, 1788, 756, 4953, 901, 269, 3021, 4695, 630, 29892, 4160, 505, 4953, 901, 15041, 322, 5164, 14511, 5056, 29892, 3704, 5999, 4135, 14243, 313, 29872, 29889, 29887, 1696, 315, 6271, 29909, 511, 505, 564, 7674, 297, 2933, 29889, 2398, 29892, 5087, 29915, 29879, 678, 300, 1056, 29672, 336, 4083, 278, 14511, 1230, 338, 451, 263, 2702, 2933, 304, 1316, 14243, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 445, 7225, 338, 22669, 1583, 29899, 1639, 2868, 29892, 5087, 338, 1492, 297, 1811, 304, 1284, 376, 29874, 7256, 982, 29908, 393, 3710, 340, 414, 4160, 541, 28936, 278, 18811, 5921, 321, 3944, 973, 304, 740, 17583, 29889, 13, 1576, 13661, 29915, 29879, 3517, 376, 3253, 14542, 1575, 29908, 7225, 338, 263, 766, 5156, 10672, 813, 1363, 2305, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2274, 470, 3033, 482, 411, 372, 29889, 1152, 445, 14511, 1230, 304, 664, 1023, 7300, 2712, 817, 304, 3799, 29901 ]
Coverage Evaluation Interviewing Overcame Challenges, but Further Research Needed Brenda S. Farrell As part of its Accuracy and Coverage Evaluation (ACE), the U.S. Census Bureau interviewed people across the country to develop an estimate of the number of persons missed, counted more than once, or otherwise improperly counted in the 2000 census. In conducting the interviews, which took place in person or over the phone, Census faced several challenges, including (1) completing the operation on schedule, (2) ensuring data quality, (3) overcoming unexpected computer problems, (4) obtaining a quality address list, and (5) keeping the interviews independent of census follow-up operations to ensure unbiased estimates of census errors. The Bureau completed the interviews largely ahead of schedule. On the basis of the results of its quality assurance program, the Bureau assumes that about one-tenth of one percent of all cases nationally would have failed the program because they were believed to have been falsified. Early on, the Bureau dealt with an unexpected problem with its automated work management system, which allows supervisors to selectively reassign work among interviewers. According to the Bureau officials, the Bureau addressed the underlying programming error within two weeks, and the operations proceeded on schedule. The address list used for interviews had fewer nonexistent listings than did the lists used by the major census questionnaire delivery operations. An accurate address list is important to prevent unnecessary and costly efforts to locate nonexistent addresses. Although the Bureau implemented controls to keep the nonresponse operation separate from the interviews, the assumed independence of the census and ACE was put at risk because another follow-up operation intended to improve census coverage overlapped with the interviews. Comments: In March 2003, the Bureau reported that proxy response was related to unresolved or less complete answers to important coverage measurement questions during the A.C.E. in 2000. The findings of the March 2003 report were echoed in subsequent Bureau research used to inform the planning for the Bureau's coverage measurement program for the 2010 Census. For example, in a February 2004 report, the Bureau noted that "The 2010 coverage measurement program should minimize proxy interviews and only accept interviews from knowledgeable respondents." Recommendation: As the Bureau documents its lessons learned from the 2000 Decennial Census and as part of its planning efforts for 2010, the Secretary of Commerce should conduct research that determines the relationship, if any, between operational measures of person interviewing, such as proxy rates, and the accuracy of A.C.E. estimates of census undercounts as planned. Agency Affected: Department of Commerce Comments: The Bureau concurred with GAO's recommendation and developed an action plan for implementation. The action plan noted that for future coverage evaluation operations, the Bureau is to develop a comprehensive glossary of terms, definitions, and formulae to be used by all Bureau divisions working on the project. This could prevent the use of different terminology across the Bureau and help the Bureau in evaluating results and procedures. Recommendation: As the Bureau documents its lessons learned from the 2000 Decennial Census and as part of its planning efforts for 2010, the Secretary of Commerce should conduct research that determines how best to define, measure, and report interview quality failure rates that include interviews rejected for all reasons, and not just for a subset of reasons such as falsification. Comments: In May 2006, the Bureau issued an action plan for the 2010 Research and Development Planning Group on Coverage Measurement. In the plan, the Bureau indicated that, during the 2006 test, person interviewing will be scheduled such that it may occur before or around the same time as the census coverage follow-up interview. In its August 2005 evaluation study plan, the Bureau indicated it would determine whether person interviewing is adversely affecting census results. Part of this analysis will determine the extent to which these operations overlap during the 2006 test. This analysis will provide information about the likely level of overlap in Census 2000. Recommendation: As the Bureau documents its lessons learned from the 2000 Decennial Census and as part of its planning efforts for 2010, the Secretary of Commerce should conduct research that determines and documents the extent, if any, of the actual overlap between census follow-up operations and A.C.E. person interview
[ 26428, 482, 382, 4387, 362, 4124, 1493, 292, 6811, 29883, 420, 678, 16047, 267, 29892, 541, 8725, 10550, 2448, 19226, 13, 12432, 8395, 317, 29889, 8413, 15044, 13, 2887, 760, 310, 967, 4831, 332, 4135, 322, 26428, 482, 382, 4387, 362, 313, 11538, 511, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 20121, 18903, 15593, 287, 2305, 4822, 278, 4234, 304, 2693, 385, 12678, 310, 278, 1353, 310, 12407, 13726, 29892, 29115, 901, 1135, 2748, 29892, 470, 6467, 4857, 546, 368, 29115, 297, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 16411, 29889, 512, 7512, 292, 278, 1006, 7406, 29892, 607, 3614, 2058, 297, 2022, 470, 975, 278, 9008, 29892, 20121, 20050, 3196, 18066, 267, 29892, 3704, 313, 29896, 29897, 1614, 1259, 278, 5858, 373, 20410, 29892, 313, 29906, 29897, 5662, 3864, 848, 11029, 29892, 313, 29941, 29897, 975, 11506, 15668, 6601, 4828, 29892, 313, 29946, 29897, 4017, 292, 263, 11029, 3211, 1051, 29892, 322, 313, 29945, 29897, 12515, 278, 1006, 7406, 7417, 310, 16411, 1101, 29899, 786, 6931, 304, 9801, 443, 5365, 1463, 21875, 310, 16411, 4436, 29889, 450, 18903, 8676, 278, 1006, 7406, 18425, 14432, 310, 20410, 29889, 1551, 278, 8405, 310, 278, 2582, 310, 967, 11029, 1223, 18541, 1824, 29892, 278, 18903, 15894, 393, 1048, 697, 29899, 29873, 9097, 310, 697, 10151, 310, 599, 4251, 5233, 635, 723, 505, 5229, 278, 1824, 1363, 896, 892, 13112, 304, 505, 1063, 285, 1338, 2164, 29889, 11095, 373, 29892, 278, 18903, 316, 1997, 411, 385, 15668, 1108, 411, 967, 3345, 630, 664, 10643, 1788, 29892, 607, 6511, 2428, 1730, 943, 304, 1831, 3598, 337, 16645, 664, 4249, 15593, 414, 29889, 7579, 304, 278, 18903, 24921, 29892, 278, 18903, 20976, 278, 14407, 8720, 1059, 2629, 1023, 11405, 29892, 322, 278, 6931, 24825, 373, 20410, 29889, 450, 3211, 1051, 1304, 363, 1006, 7406, 750, 28145, 5642, 29916, 9696, 1051, 886, 1135, 1258, 278, 8857, 1304, 491, 278, 4655, 16411, 1139, 15421, 28289, 6931, 29889, 530, 16232, 3211, 1051, 338, 4100, 304, 5557, 19039, 322, 3438, 368, 14231, 304, 26694, 5642, 29916, 9696, 14157, 29889, 8512, 278, 18903, 8762, 11761, 304, 3013, 278, 1661, 5327, 5858, 5004, 515, 278, 1006, 7406, 29892, 278, 12023, 21820, 310, 278, 16411, 322, 319, 4741, 471, 1925, 472, 12045, 1363, 1790, 1101, 29899, 786, 5858, 9146, 304, 11157, 16411, 23746, 975, 433, 2986, 411, 278, 1006, 7406, 29889, 13, 1523, 1860, 29901, 512, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29892, 278, 18903, 8967, 393, 10166, 2933, 471, 4475, 304, 443, 9778, 1490, 470, 3109, 4866, 6089, 304, 4100, 23746, 20039, 5155, 2645, 278, 319, 29889, 29907, 29889, 29923, 29889, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 450, 1284, 886, 310, 278, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 3461, 892, 2916, 287, 297, 15352, 18903, 5925, 1304, 304, 1871, 278, 18987, 363, 278, 18903, 29915, 29879, 23746, 20039, 1824, 363, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 20121, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 297, 263, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 3461, 29892, 278, 18903, 11682, 393, 376, 1576, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 23746, 20039, 1824, 881, 6260, 675, 10166, 1006, 7406, 322, 871, 3544, 1006, 7406, 515, 7134, 519, 10049, 1237, 1213, 13, 1123, 2055, 355, 362, 29901, 1094, 278, 18903, 10701, 967, 3109, 787, 10972, 515, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 3826, 2108, 616, 20121, 322, 408, 760, 310, 967, 18987, 14231, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 278, 17719, 310, 422, 15667, 881, 7512, 5925, 393, 3683, 1475, 278, 9443, 29892, 565, 738, 29892, 1546, 1751, 1288, 15366, 310, 2022, 15593, 292, 29892, 1316, 408, 10166, 19257, 29892, 322, 278, 13600, 310, 319, 29889, 29907, 29889, 29923, 29889, 21875, 310, 16411, 1090, 2798, 29879, 408, 20458, 29889, 13, 29909, 14703, 319, 7161, 287, 29901, 10317, 310, 422, 15667, 13, 1523, 1860, 29901, 450, 18903, 378, 2764, 1127, 411, 402, 29909, 29949, 29915, 29879, 29303, 322, 8906, 385, 3158, 3814, 363, 5314, 29889, 450, 3158, 3814, 11682, 393, 363, 5434, 23746, 17983, 6931, 29892, 278, 18903, 338, 304, 2693, 263, 15171, 6270, 3144, 2209, 653, 310, 4958, 29892, 15848, 29892, 322, 7063, 29872, 304, 367, 1304, 491, 599, 18903, 25884, 1985, 373, 278, 2060, 29889, 910, 1033, 5557, 278, 671, 310, 1422, 6624, 3002, 4822, 278, 18903, 322, 1371, 278, 18903, 297, 6161, 1218, 2582, 322, 28648, 29889, 13, 1123, 2055, 355, 362, 29901, 1094, 278, 18903, 10701, 967, 3109, 787, 10972, 515, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 3826, 2108, 616, 20121, 322, 408, 760, 310, 967, 18987, 14231, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 278, 17719, 310, 422, 15667, 881, 7512, 5925, 393, 3683, 1475, 920, 1900, 304, 4529, 29892, 5645, 29892, 322, 3461, 15593, 11029, 10672, 19257, 393, 3160, 1006, 7406, 22225, 363, 599, 9590, 29892, 322, 451, 925, 363, 263, 11306, 310, 9590, 1316, 408, 285, 1338, 2450, 29889, 13, 1523, 1860, 29901, 512, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29892, 278, 18903, 16610, 385, 3158, 3814, 363, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 10550, 322, 14650, 1858, 9450, 6431, 373, 26428, 482, 2191, 3745, 358, 29889, 512, 278, 3814, 29892, 278, 18903, 18694, 393, 29892, 2645, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 1243, 29892, 2022, 15593, 292, 674, 367, 21467, 1316, 393, 372, 1122, 6403, 1434, 470, 2820, 278, 1021, 931, 408, 278, 16411, 23746, 1101, 29899, 786, 15593, 29889, 512, 967, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 17983, 6559, 3814, 29892, 278, 18903, 18694, 372, 723, 8161, 3692, 2022, 15593, 292, 338, 19901, 873, 6602, 292, 16411, 2582, 29889, 3455, 310, 445, 7418, 674, 8161, 278, 15834, 304, 607, 1438, 6931, 25457, 2645, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 1243, 29889, 910, 7418, 674, 3867, 2472, 1048, 278, 5517, 3233, 310, 25457, 297, 20121, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 1123, 2055, 355, 362, 29901, 1094, 278, 18903, 10701, 967, 3109, 787, 10972, 515, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 3826, 2108, 616, 20121, 322, 408, 760, 310, 967, 18987, 14231, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 278, 17719, 310, 422, 15667, 881, 7512, 5925, 393, 3683, 1475, 322, 10701, 278, 15834, 29892, 565, 738, 29892, 310, 278, 3935, 25457, 1546, 16411, 1101, 29899, 786, 6931, 322, 319, 29889, 29907, 29889, 29923, 29889, 2022, 15593 ]
The networking IP stack is modular and highly configurable via build-time configuration options. You can minimize system memory consumption by enabling only those network features required by your application. Almost all features can be disabled if not needed. IPv6 The support for IPv6 is enabled by default. Various IPv6 sub-options can be enabled or disabled depending on networking needs. Developer can set the number of unicast and multicast IPv6 addresses that are active at the same time. The IPv6 address for the device can be set either statically or dynamically using SLAAC (Stateless Address Auto Configuration) (RFC 4862). The system also supports multiple IPv6 prefixes and the maximum IPv6 prefix count can be configured at build time. The IPv6 neighbor cache can be disabled if not needed, and its size can be configured at build time. The IPv6 neighbor discovery support (RFC 4861) is enabled by default. Multicast Listener Discovery v2 support (RFC 3810) is enabled by default. IPv6 header compression (6lo) is available for IPv6 connectivity for Bluetooth IPSP (RFC 7668) and IEEE 802.15.4 networks (RFC 4944). IPv4 The legacy IPv4 is supported by the networking stack. It cannot be used by IEEE 802.15.4 or Bluetooth IPSP as those network technologies support only IPv6. IPv4 can be used in Ethernet based networks. By default IPv4 support is disabled. DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) client is supported (RFC 2131). The IPv4 address can also be configured manually. Static IPv4 addresses are supported by default. Dual stack support. The networking stack allows a developer to configure the system to use both IPv6 and IPv4 at the same time. UDP User Datagram Protocol (RFC 768) is supported. The developer can send UDP datagrams (client side support) or create a listener to receive UDP packets destined to certain port (server side support). TCP Transmission Control Protocol (RFC 793) is supported. Both server and client roles can be used the the application. The amount of TCP sockets that are available to applications can be configured at build time. BSD Sockets API Support for a subset of a BSD sockets compatible API is implemented. Both blocking and non-blocking datagram (UDP) and stream (TCP) sockets are supported. Secure Sockets API Experimental support for TLS/DTLS secure protocols and configuration options for sockets API. Secure functions for the implementation are provided by mbedTLS library. MQTT Message Queue Telemetry Transport (ISO/IEC PRF 20922) is supported. A sample MQTT Publisher client application for MQTT v3.1.1 is implemented. CoAP Constrained Application Protocol (RFC 7252) is supported. Both CoAP client and CoAP Server sample applications are implemented. LWM2M OMA Lightweight Machine-to-Machine Protocol (LwM2M specification 1.0.2) is supported via the "Register Device" API (Register, De-Register and Update) and has template implementations for Security, Server, Device Management and Firmware objects. Bootstrap support is currently not supported. LwM2M client implements the library as an example. DNS Domain Name Service (RFC 1035) client functionality is supported. Applications can use the DNS API to query domain name information or IP addresses from the DNS server. Both IPv4 (A) and IPv6 (AAAA) records can be queried. Both multicast DNS (mDNS) (RFC 6762) and link-local multicast name resolution (LLMNR) (RFC 4795) are supported. Network Management API. Applications can use network management API to listen management events generated by core stack when for example IP address is added to the device, or network interface is coming up etc. Multiple Network Technologies. The Zephyr OS can be configured to support multiple network technologies at the same time simply by enabling them in Kconfig: for example, Ethernet and 802.15.4 support. Note that no automatic IP routing functionality is provided between these technologies. Applications can send data according to their needs to desired network interface. Minimal
[ 450, 28127, 5641, 5096, 338, 878, 1070, 322, 10712, 17127, 519, 3025, 2048, 29899, 2230, 5285, 3987, 29889, 887, 508, 6260, 675, 1788, 3370, 27430, 491, 427, 17961, 871, 1906, 3564, 5680, 3734, 491, 596, 2280, 29889, 838, 3242, 599, 5680, 508, 367, 12708, 565, 451, 4312, 29889, 13, 5690, 29894, 29953, 450, 2304, 363, 5641, 29894, 29953, 338, 9615, 491, 2322, 29889, 9586, 681, 5641, 29894, 29953, 1014, 29899, 6768, 508, 367, 9615, 470, 12708, 8679, 373, 28127, 4225, 29889, 13, 21956, 261, 508, 731, 278, 1353, 310, 443, 293, 579, 322, 1773, 293, 579, 5641, 29894, 29953, 14157, 393, 526, 6136, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 29889, 13, 1576, 5641, 29894, 29953, 3211, 363, 278, 4742, 508, 367, 731, 2845, 1002, 1711, 470, 11200, 773, 317, 4375, 2477, 313, 9513, 6393, 16428, 11133, 20999, 29897, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29946, 29947, 29953, 29906, 467, 13, 1576, 1788, 884, 11286, 2999, 5641, 29894, 29953, 10944, 267, 322, 278, 7472, 5641, 29894, 29953, 10944, 2302, 508, 367, 13252, 472, 2048, 931, 29889, 13, 1576, 5641, 29894, 29953, 12307, 7090, 508, 367, 12708, 565, 451, 4312, 29892, 322, 967, 2159, 508, 367, 13252, 472, 2048, 931, 29889, 13, 1576, 5641, 29894, 29953, 12307, 20699, 2304, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29946, 29947, 29953, 29896, 29897, 338, 9615, 491, 2322, 29889, 13, 6857, 293, 579, 2391, 759, 8565, 22205, 325, 29906, 2304, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29941, 29947, 29896, 29900, 29897, 338, 9615, 491, 2322, 29889, 13, 5690, 29894, 29953, 4839, 24221, 313, 29953, 417, 29897, 338, 3625, 363, 5641, 29894, 29953, 4511, 2068, 363, 3164, 20930, 5641, 5550, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29955, 29953, 29953, 29947, 29897, 322, 7159, 17896, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29906, 29889, 29896, 29945, 29889, 29946, 14379, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29946, 29929, 29946, 29946, 467, 13, 5690, 29894, 29946, 450, 25000, 5641, 29894, 29946, 338, 6969, 491, 278, 28127, 5096, 29889, 739, 2609, 367, 1304, 491, 7159, 17896, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29906, 29889, 29896, 29945, 29889, 29946, 470, 3164, 20930, 5641, 5550, 408, 1906, 3564, 5722, 11763, 2304, 871, 5641, 29894, 29953, 29889, 5641, 29894, 29946, 508, 367, 1304, 297, 382, 721, 1212, 2729, 14379, 29889, 2648, 2322, 5641, 29894, 29946, 2304, 338, 12708, 29889, 13, 29928, 29950, 6271, 313, 24001, 16956, 20999, 1019, 5770, 29897, 3132, 338, 6969, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29941, 29896, 467, 13, 1576, 5641, 29894, 29946, 3211, 508, 884, 367, 13252, 7522, 29889, 624, 2454, 5641, 29894, 29946, 14157, 526, 6969, 491, 2322, 29889, 13, 29928, 950, 5096, 2304, 29889, 450, 28127, 5096, 6511, 263, 13897, 304, 10822, 278, 1788, 304, 671, 1716, 5641, 29894, 29953, 322, 5641, 29894, 29946, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 29889, 13, 29965, 11191, 4911, 13373, 14442, 1019, 5770, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29955, 29953, 29947, 29897, 338, 6969, 29889, 450, 13897, 508, 3638, 501, 11191, 1418, 10312, 2232, 313, 4645, 2625, 2304, 29897, 470, 1653, 263, 13254, 304, 7150, 501, 11191, 23912, 2731, 1312, 304, 3058, 2011, 313, 2974, 2625, 2304, 467, 13, 29911, 6271, 4103, 6737, 11264, 1019, 5770, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29955, 29929, 29941, 29897, 338, 6969, 29889, 9134, 1923, 322, 3132, 16178, 508, 367, 1304, 278, 278, 2280, 29889, 450, 5253, 310, 19374, 577, 9737, 393, 526, 3625, 304, 8324, 508, 367, 13252, 472, 2048, 931, 29889, 13, 29933, 7230, 1105, 9737, 3450, 18601, 363, 263, 11306, 310, 263, 350, 7230, 577, 9737, 15878, 3450, 338, 8762, 29889, 9134, 23473, 322, 1661, 29899, 1271, 292, 1418, 14442, 313, 29965, 11191, 29897, 322, 4840, 313, 29911, 6271, 29897, 577, 9737, 526, 6969, 29889, 13, 7898, 545, 1105, 9737, 3450, 1222, 27910, 2304, 363, 27658, 29914, 12972, 8547, 11592, 9608, 29879, 322, 5285, 3987, 363, 577, 9737, 3450, 29889, 5356, 545, 3168, 363, 278, 5314, 526, 4944, 491, 286, 2580, 29911, 8547, 3489, 29889, 13, 25566, 19988, 7777, 5462, 434, 1920, 2409, 27184, 15710, 313, 29096, 29914, 8673, 29907, 12089, 29943, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29929, 29906, 29906, 29897, 338, 6969, 29889, 319, 4559, 341, 29984, 19988, 12904, 261, 3132, 2280, 363, 341, 29984, 19988, 325, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29889, 29896, 338, 8762, 29889, 13, 7967, 3301, 1281, 4151, 1312, 8427, 1019, 5770, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29955, 29906, 29945, 29906, 29897, 338, 6969, 29889, 9134, 3189, 3301, 3132, 322, 3189, 3301, 5656, 4559, 8324, 526, 8762, 29889, 13, 29931, 26735, 29906, 29924, 438, 1529, 12790, 7915, 6189, 29899, 517, 29899, 29076, 1019, 5770, 313, 29931, 29893, 29924, 29906, 29924, 21992, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29900, 29889, 29906, 29897, 338, 6969, 3025, 278, 376, 15213, 21830, 29908, 3450, 313, 15213, 29892, 897, 29899, 15213, 322, 10318, 29897, 322, 756, 4472, 20240, 363, 14223, 29892, 5656, 29892, 21830, 15057, 322, 383, 3568, 2519, 3618, 29889, 25746, 2304, 338, 5279, 451, 6969, 29889, 365, 29893, 29924, 29906, 29924, 3132, 10703, 278, 3489, 408, 385, 1342, 29889, 13, 29928, 3059, 28460, 4408, 6692, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29941, 29945, 29897, 3132, 9863, 338, 6969, 29889, 2401, 5795, 508, 671, 278, 16332, 3450, 304, 2346, 5354, 1024, 2472, 470, 5641, 14157, 515, 278, 16332, 1923, 29889, 9134, 5641, 29894, 29946, 313, 29909, 29897, 322, 5641, 29894, 29953, 313, 23184, 29897, 6475, 508, 367, 22320, 1000, 29889, 9134, 1773, 293, 579, 16332, 313, 29885, 29928, 3059, 29897, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29953, 29955, 29953, 29906, 29897, 322, 1544, 29899, 2997, 1773, 293, 579, 1024, 10104, 313, 2208, 29924, 16514, 29897, 313, 29934, 8610, 29871, 29946, 29955, 29929, 29945, 29897, 526, 6969, 29889, 13, 13724, 15057, 3450, 29889, 2401, 5795, 508, 671, 3564, 10643, 3450, 304, 11621, 10643, 4959, 5759, 491, 7136, 5096, 746, 363, 1342, 5641, 3211, 338, 2715, 304, 278, 4742, 29892, 470, 3564, 5067, 338, 6421, 701, 2992, 29889, 13, 15329, 552, 8527, 8364, 11763, 29889, 450, 3091, 561, 4316, 6570, 508, 367, 13252, 304, 2304, 2999, 3564, 5722, 11763, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 3763, 491, 427, 17961, 963, 297, 476, 2917, 29901, 363, 1342, 29892, 382, 721, 1212, 322, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29906, 29889, 29896, 29945, 29889, 29946, 2304, 29889, 3940, 393, 694, 18428, 5641, 21398, 9863, 338, 4944, 1546, 1438, 5722, 11763, 29889, 2401, 5795, 508, 3638, 848, 5034, 304, 1009, 4225, 304, 7429, 3564, 5067, 29889, 13, 8140, 3039 ]
Divisive Race Ends With Hyde-Smith Win JACKSON, Miss. (AP) -- Republican U.S. Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith returns to Washington as a solidly loyal Trump supporter after the president stumped for her in what was a divisive runoff marked by racial turmoil over a video-recorded remark Hyde-Smith made decried as racist. Hyde-Smith defeated Democrat Mike Espy, who was vying to become the state's first African-American senator since Reconstruction, during Tuesday's runoff. The race was rocked by the video, in which Hyde-Smith said of a supporter, "If he invited me to a public hanging, I'd be on the front row." A separate video showed her talking about "liberal folks" and making it "just a little more difficult" for them to vote. The comments by Hyde-Smith, who is white, made Mississippi's history of racist lynchings a theme of the runoff and spurred many black voters to return to the polls on Tuesday. In the aftermath of the video, Republicans worried they could face a repeat of last year's special election in Alabama, in which a flawed Republican candidate handed Democrats a reliable GOP Senate seat in the Deep South. The GOP pumped resources into Mississippi, and President Donald Trump made a strong effort on behalf of Hyde-Smith, holding last-minute rallies in Mississippi on Monday. Speaking to supporters after her win, Hyde-Smith vowed to fight for everyone in the state when she goes to Washington. "I want everybody to know, no matter who you voted for today, I'm going to always represent every Mississippian. I will work very hard and do my very best to make Mississippi very proud," she said. Speaking to reporters later she said Trump had called to congratulate her and said she'd "been through a storm" and "survived it with grace." Her supporters said the furor over her comments was overblown. They also stuck by her as a photo was circulated of her wearing a replica Confederate military hat during a 2014 visit to Beauvoir, the last home of Confederate president Jefferson Davis. "So many things are taken out of context," said Elizabeth Gallinghouse, 84, from Diamondhead, Mississippi. "The fact that she toured Jefferson Davis's house. You or I could have done the same thing. They said, 'Put this cap on. Hold this gun.' It was a fun time. She wasn't trying to send any messages." The contest caps a campaign season that exposed persistent racial divisions in America — and the willingness of some political candidates to exploit them to win elections. With Hyde-Smith's victory, Republicans control 53 of the Senate's 100 seats. The GOP lost control of the House, where Democrats will assume the majority in January. In the final weeks of the runoff, Hyde-Smith's campaign said the remark about making voting difficult was a joke. She said the "public hanging" comment was "an exaggerated expression of regard" for a fellow cattle rancher. During a televised debate nine days after the video was publicized, she apologized to "anyone that was offended by my comments," but also said the remark was used as a "weapon" against her. Democratic opponent Espy, 64, a former U.S. agriculture secretary, replied: "I don't know what's in your heart, but I know what came out of your mouth." Addressing his supporters Tuesday night, Espy said: "While this is not the result we were hoping for, I am proud of the historic campaign we ran and grateful for the support we received across Mississippi. We built the largest grassroots organization our state has seen in a generation." The "public hanging" comment also resonated with his supporters. "That really offended me," said Charles Connley, 60, a black voter from Picayune. Some corporate donors, including Walmart, requested refunds on their campaign contributions to Hyde-Smith after the videos surfaced. Hyde-Smith was in her second term as Mississippi agriculture commissioner when Republican Gov. Phil Bryant appointed her to temporarily succeed GOP Sen. Thad Cochran. The longtime lawmaker retired in April amid health concerns. The win makes Hyde-
[ 4910, 275, 573, 23613, 2796, 29879, 2973, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 8892, 13, 29967, 11375, 3094, 29892, 4750, 29889, 313, 3301, 29897, 1192, 21178, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5811, 29889, 315, 513, 29891, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 3639, 304, 7660, 408, 263, 7773, 368, 28108, 27504, 1462, 9555, 1156, 278, 6673, 380, 3427, 287, 363, 902, 297, 825, 471, 263, 8572, 573, 1065, 2696, 10902, 491, 1153, 1455, 7013, 4346, 309, 975, 263, 4863, 29899, 11651, 287, 8509, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 1754, 316, 699, 287, 408, 11021, 391, 29889, 13, 26322, 311, 29899, 29209, 16235, 4432, 16909, 12828, 5984, 29891, 29892, 1058, 471, 325, 5414, 304, 4953, 278, 2106, 29915, 29879, 937, 11715, 29899, 14689, 6940, 1061, 1951, 830, 3075, 4080, 29892, 2645, 323, 1041, 3250, 29915, 29879, 1065, 2696, 29889, 13, 1576, 8175, 471, 7679, 287, 491, 278, 4863, 29892, 297, 607, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 1497, 310, 263, 1462, 9555, 29892, 376, 3644, 540, 23610, 592, 304, 263, 970, 298, 9776, 29892, 306, 29915, 29881, 367, 373, 278, 4565, 1948, 1213, 319, 5004, 4863, 10018, 902, 9963, 1048, 376, 492, 495, 284, 900, 2039, 29908, 322, 3907, 372, 376, 5143, 263, 2217, 901, 5189, 29908, 363, 963, 304, 11719, 29889, 13, 1576, 6589, 491, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 29892, 1058, 338, 4796, 29892, 1754, 24743, 29915, 29879, 4955, 310, 11021, 391, 301, 948, 305, 886, 263, 10929, 310, 278, 1065, 2696, 322, 805, 332, 1127, 1784, 4628, 9014, 414, 304, 736, 304, 278, 1248, 3137, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 1156, 755, 310, 278, 4863, 29892, 8063, 550, 6365, 1255, 896, 1033, 3700, 263, 12312, 310, 1833, 1629, 29915, 29879, 4266, 8271, 297, 26911, 29892, 297, 607, 263, 17422, 8734, 21178, 14020, 29692, 14189, 1446, 263, 23279, 402, 4590, 18148, 12949, 297, 278, 21784, 4275, 29889, 450, 402, 4590, 282, 3427, 287, 7788, 964, 24743, 29892, 322, 7178, 18935, 27504, 1754, 263, 4549, 7225, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 29892, 13587, 1833, 29899, 1195, 1082, 364, 284, 3687, 297, 24743, 373, 27822, 29889, 13, 10649, 5086, 304, 1462, 272, 2153, 1156, 902, 5401, 29892, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 325, 20937, 304, 8589, 363, 14332, 297, 278, 2106, 746, 1183, 5771, 304, 7660, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 864, 26077, 304, 1073, 29892, 694, 4383, 1058, 366, 24854, 363, 9826, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 2337, 2755, 1432, 23030, 8377, 713, 29889, 306, 674, 664, 1407, 2898, 322, 437, 590, 1407, 1900, 304, 1207, 24743, 1407, 22314, 1699, 1183, 1497, 29889, 5013, 5086, 304, 1634, 272, 2153, 2678, 1183, 1497, 27504, 750, 2000, 304, 378, 629, 271, 5987, 902, 322, 1497, 1183, 29915, 29881, 376, 915, 264, 1549, 263, 14280, 29908, 322, 376, 7610, 29894, 2347, 372, 411, 17659, 1213, 13, 18650, 1462, 272, 2153, 1497, 278, 3261, 272, 975, 902, 6589, 471, 975, 29890, 677, 29876, 29889, 2688, 884, 10771, 491, 902, 408, 263, 15373, 471, 18342, 630, 310, 902, 591, 4362, 263, 1634, 10123, 24606, 403, 9121, 3056, 2645, 263, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 6493, 304, 23826, 7869, 29892, 278, 1833, 3271, 310, 24606, 403, 6673, 29011, 15225, 29889, 13, 29908, 6295, 1784, 2712, 526, 4586, 714, 310, 3030, 1699, 1497, 13061, 8130, 292, 8697, 29892, 29871, 29947, 29946, 29892, 515, 22904, 898, 2813, 29892, 24743, 29889, 376, 1576, 2114, 393, 1183, 11943, 1127, 29011, 15225, 29915, 29879, 3699, 29889, 887, 470, 306, 1033, 505, 2309, 278, 1021, 2655, 29889, 2688, 1497, 29892, 525, 22908, 445, 2117, 373, 29889, 21771, 445, 13736, 6169, 739, 471, 263, 2090, 931, 29889, 2296, 9007, 29915, 29873, 1811, 304, 3638, 738, 7191, 1213, 13, 1576, 17793, 26091, 263, 11531, 4259, 393, 19884, 28152, 1153, 1455, 25884, 297, 6813, 813, 322, 278, 17762, 2264, 310, 777, 8604, 21669, 304, 16035, 277, 963, 304, 5401, 20209, 29889, 2973, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 29915, 29879, 15354, 29892, 8063, 550, 2761, 29871, 29945, 29941, 310, 278, 18148, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 22091, 29889, 450, 402, 4590, 5714, 2761, 310, 278, 5619, 29892, 988, 14189, 1446, 674, 5251, 278, 13638, 297, 5490, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 2186, 11405, 310, 278, 1065, 2696, 29892, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 29915, 29879, 11531, 1497, 278, 8509, 1048, 3907, 28931, 5189, 471, 263, 2958, 446, 29889, 2296, 1497, 278, 376, 3597, 298, 9776, 29908, 3440, 471, 376, 273, 429, 9921, 630, 4603, 310, 4880, 29908, 363, 263, 10404, 27498, 6350, 4630, 29889, 7133, 263, 4382, 11292, 27836, 14183, 3841, 1156, 278, 4863, 471, 970, 1891, 29892, 1183, 27746, 1891, 304, 376, 1384, 650, 393, 471, 1283, 2760, 491, 590, 6589, 1699, 541, 884, 1497, 278, 8509, 471, 1304, 408, 263, 376, 705, 481, 265, 29908, 2750, 902, 29889, 13, 29928, 331, 8415, 2454, 23995, 296, 5984, 29891, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29946, 29892, 263, 4642, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 18032, 545, 28274, 29892, 10352, 29901, 376, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 825, 29915, 29879, 297, 596, 5192, 29892, 541, 306, 1073, 825, 2996, 714, 310, 596, 13394, 1213, 13, 7061, 292, 670, 1462, 272, 2153, 323, 1041, 3250, 4646, 29892, 5984, 29891, 1497, 29901, 376, 8809, 488, 445, 338, 451, 278, 1121, 591, 892, 17231, 363, 29892, 306, 626, 22314, 310, 278, 22879, 11531, 591, 6350, 322, 28656, 363, 278, 2304, 591, 4520, 4822, 24743, 29889, 1334, 4240, 278, 10150, 17455, 307, 1862, 13013, 1749, 2106, 756, 3595, 297, 263, 12623, 1213, 13, 1576, 376, 3597, 298, 9776, 29908, 3440, 884, 27396, 630, 411, 670, 1462, 272, 2153, 29889, 376, 7058, 2289, 1283, 2760, 592, 1699, 1497, 5322, 1281, 29876, 2330, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29892, 263, 4628, 9014, 261, 515, 14612, 388, 1540, 29889, 13, 9526, 17266, 403, 1016, 943, 29892, 3704, 5260, 28402, 29892, 13877, 2143, 870, 29879, 373, 1009, 11531, 20706, 304, 9665, 311, 29899, 29209, 1156, 278, 19707, 1190, 17470, 287, 29889, 13, 26322, 311, 29899, 29209, 471, 297, 902, 1473, 1840, 408, 24743, 18032, 545, 12969, 261, 746, 21178, 402, 586, 29889, 5241, 13307, 424, 10658, 902, 304, 5382, 6275, 9269, 402, 4590, 5811, 29889, 498, 328, 315, 2878, 661, 29889, 450, 1472, 2230, 4307, 28107, 16528, 297, 3786, 28655, 9045, 21838, 29889, 13, 1576, 5401, 3732, 9665, 311, 29899 ]
Opinions of Monday, 25 May 2020 Columnist: Luqman Abubakari Transforming and sustaining electricity supply in Ghana In the past years, Ghana has experienced severe electricity supply challenges costing the nation an average of US $2.1 million in loss of production daily. The electricity supply challenges can be attributed to a number of factors, including a high level of losses in the distribution system, which is mainly due to the obsolete nature of distribution equipment, as well as non- payment of revenue by consumers and also overdependence on thermal and hydro sources for electricity generation and a poor tariff structure. Solving Ghana's electricity challenges would require measures including but not limited to diversifying the electricity generation mix through the development of other hydro power and renewable energy sources for which the country has huge potential. Electricity is very important for the survival and existence of human in this 21st century. The building block of every sector of the nation economy is based on electricity, which is very important for quality healthcare delivery, education, transport, effective communication, mineral exploration and many more. Isolated diesel generator plants dispersed electricity across Ghana which dated back in the colonial days of the Gold Coast (Nyarko, 2017). The Akosombo Dam Project over the Volta River provided a total installed capacity of 912 MW for electricity generation was completed in 1972 and in 1982; the Kpong Hydroelectric Power Station was commissioned, increasing the installed generation capacity by 160 MW (Nyarko, 2017). Information to the write up of this policy brief is informed by two reports: World Bank's Energizing Economic Growth in Ghana: Making the Power and Petroleum Sector Rise to the Challenge, published in June 2013, and Ghana Constraints Analysis: Partnership for Growth, published in 2011 by a joint United States and Government of Ghana Technical Team. This policy brief has outline briefly the state of energy demand and the supply gap, the supply-side challenges and finally identify some key issues that should be the focus of policy decision- making. Rapid increase in population growth, increased urbanization and rural electrification, increasing technology penetration, and the pressure to transform into a middle-income country has engineered a dramatic increase in demand for electricity in Ghana (African centre for economic transformation (2015). Electricity supply in Ghana, over the past decade is faced with a lot of supply challenges resulting in considerable impact on the economic situation of the country (Nyarko, 2017). Electricity in Ghana has been ranked as the second most important constraint to business activities in the country and it was established that Ghana lost about 1.8 percent of GDP during the 2007 electricity supply crisis (Mathrani, et al., 2013). Some countries are successful in renewable electricity supply which has helped in transforming and sustaining electricity supply such as USA, United Kingdom, Iceland, Sweden, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Uruguay, Denmark, Morocco, Kenya, Canada, Germany, Spain, Australia, China and France. For these countries, the existence of solar energy policies managed to increase solar power generation signi?cantly (K.H Solangi et al, 2011). In order to promote and ensure the rapid, effective and smooth development of renewable energy, the Malaysian government has formulated a series of policies on renewable energy development, including laws, regulations, economic encouragement, technical research and development, industrialized support and renewable energy model projects, etc. These policies provide signi?cant motivation and interest for the development and use of renewable energy technologies. However, Malaysia's renewable energy development policy has a few limitations, such as lack of coordination and consistence in policy framework; less encouragement in lower level, lack of regional policies innovation; unhealthy and incomplete ?nancing and investment system; inadequate investment in technical research and development of renewable energies(K.H Solangi et al, 2011). This policy brief presents the state of the electricity supply in Ghana and discusses the roles of ministry of energy in the in-electricity supply. It also discusses pertinent issues relating to demand and supply of electricity including unfulfilled and future demand for electricity
[ 6461, 262, 1080, 310, 27822, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29945, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 4409, 391, 29901, 3182, 29939, 1171, 1976, 431, 557, 1306, 13, 13372, 292, 322, 15075, 17225, 12646, 537, 11421, 297, 13491, 1648, 13, 797, 278, 4940, 2440, 29892, 13491, 1648, 756, 18860, 22261, 12646, 537, 11421, 18066, 267, 3438, 292, 278, 5233, 385, 6588, 310, 3148, 395, 29906, 29889, 29896, 7284, 297, 6410, 310, 5802, 14218, 29889, 450, 12646, 537, 11421, 18066, 267, 508, 367, 29393, 304, 263, 1353, 310, 13879, 29892, 3704, 263, 1880, 3233, 310, 28495, 297, 278, 4978, 1788, 29892, 607, 338, 14364, 2861, 304, 278, 704, 2170, 371, 5469, 310, 4978, 21083, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 1661, 29899, 19179, 310, 337, 9947, 491, 11233, 414, 322, 884, 975, 2716, 355, 663, 373, 26963, 322, 17546, 8974, 363, 12646, 537, 12623, 322, 263, 6460, 9913, 2593, 3829, 29889, 13, 13296, 1747, 13491, 1648, 29915, 29879, 12646, 537, 18066, 267, 723, 1996, 15366, 3704, 541, 451, 9078, 304, 6894, 9215, 278, 12646, 537, 12623, 6837, 1549, 278, 5849, 310, 916, 17546, 3081, 322, 23011, 519, 5864, 8974, 363, 607, 278, 4234, 756, 12176, 7037, 29889, 13, 29923, 781, 2200, 537, 338, 1407, 4100, 363, 278, 10503, 2561, 322, 10379, 310, 5199, 297, 445, 29871, 29906, 29896, 303, 6462, 29889, 450, 5214, 2908, 310, 1432, 17535, 310, 278, 5233, 26504, 338, 2729, 373, 12646, 537, 29892, 607, 338, 1407, 4100, 363, 11029, 9045, 18020, 28289, 29892, 9793, 29892, 8608, 29892, 11828, 12084, 29892, 1375, 13537, 3902, 12418, 322, 1784, 901, 29889, 1317, 324, 630, 2977, 295, 15299, 18577, 29106, 287, 12646, 537, 4822, 13491, 1648, 607, 29797, 1250, 297, 278, 25539, 3841, 310, 278, 6650, 17700, 313, 29940, 29891, 935, 29877, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 450, 10813, 359, 290, 833, 9865, 8010, 975, 278, 3684, 941, 6163, 4944, 263, 3001, 5130, 13284, 310, 29871, 29929, 29896, 29906, 341, 29956, 363, 12646, 537, 12623, 471, 8676, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29906, 322, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 29936, 278, 476, 29886, 549, 379, 11279, 15436, 2200, 9206, 12039, 471, 12969, 287, 29892, 10231, 278, 5130, 12623, 13284, 491, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29900, 341, 29956, 313, 29940, 29891, 935, 29877, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 13, 20350, 304, 278, 2436, 701, 310, 445, 8898, 11473, 338, 23388, 491, 1023, 13676, 29901, 2787, 10253, 29915, 29879, 15163, 29887, 5281, 12884, 293, 402, 798, 386, 297, 13491, 1648, 29901, 341, 5086, 278, 9206, 322, 5879, 12154, 398, 317, 3019, 390, 895, 304, 278, 27211, 29892, 6369, 297, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 322, 13491, 1648, 1281, 4151, 9466, 24352, 29901, 3455, 8397, 4034, 363, 402, 798, 386, 29892, 6369, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 491, 263, 14002, 3303, 3900, 322, 10354, 310, 13491, 1648, 8364, 936, 8583, 29889, 910, 8898, 11473, 756, 27887, 23359, 278, 2106, 310, 5864, 9667, 322, 278, 11421, 17261, 29892, 278, 11421, 29899, 2975, 18066, 267, 322, 7146, 12439, 777, 1820, 5626, 393, 881, 367, 278, 8569, 310, 8898, 10608, 29899, 3907, 29889, 13, 29934, 481, 333, 7910, 297, 4665, 14321, 29892, 11664, 17164, 2133, 322, 17692, 3546, 29878, 2450, 29892, 10231, 15483, 6584, 18184, 362, 29892, 322, 278, 12959, 304, 4327, 964, 263, 7256, 29899, 262, 2763, 4234, 756, 6012, 14561, 263, 8541, 2454, 7910, 297, 9667, 363, 12646, 537, 297, 13491, 1648, 313, 29909, 1341, 2185, 8442, 363, 17407, 13852, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 467, 13, 29923, 781, 2200, 537, 11421, 297, 13491, 1648, 29892, 975, 278, 4940, 316, 6332, 338, 20050, 411, 263, 3287, 310, 11421, 18066, 267, 9819, 297, 15620, 10879, 373, 278, 17407, 6434, 310, 278, 4234, 313, 29940, 29891, 935, 29877, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 26953, 537, 297, 13491, 1648, 756, 1063, 26642, 408, 278, 1473, 1556, 4100, 7276, 304, 5381, 14188, 297, 278, 4234, 322, 372, 471, 7841, 393, 13491, 1648, 5714, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29947, 10151, 310, 402, 11191, 2645, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 12646, 537, 11421, 24161, 313, 11309, 661, 29875, 29892, 634, 394, 1696, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 467, 13, 9526, 10916, 526, 9150, 297, 23011, 519, 12646, 537, 11421, 607, 756, 9213, 297, 4327, 292, 322, 15075, 17225, 12646, 537, 11421, 1316, 408, 8278, 29892, 3303, 12626, 29892, 306, 2242, 392, 29892, 24506, 29892, 17513, 29750, 29892, 13656, 279, 29296, 29892, 29233, 29892, 3384, 3502, 29892, 3879, 542, 1111, 29892, 10015, 3761, 29892, 7400, 29892, 9556, 29892, 13616, 29892, 8314, 29892, 7551, 322, 3444, 29889, 1152, 1438, 10916, 29892, 278, 10379, 310, 21635, 5864, 24833, 8745, 304, 7910, 21635, 3081, 12623, 1804, 29875, 29973, 29883, 10835, 313, 29968, 29889, 29950, 4956, 574, 29875, 634, 394, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 467, 13, 797, 1797, 304, 27391, 322, 9801, 278, 10952, 29892, 11828, 322, 10597, 5849, 310, 23011, 519, 5864, 29892, 278, 26417, 713, 5874, 756, 883, 7964, 263, 3652, 310, 24833, 373, 23011, 519, 5864, 5849, 29892, 3704, 14243, 29892, 1072, 8250, 29892, 17407, 18443, 882, 29892, 16905, 5925, 322, 5849, 29892, 18408, 1891, 2304, 322, 23011, 519, 5864, 1904, 9279, 29892, 2992, 29889, 4525, 24833, 3867, 1804, 29875, 29973, 29883, 424, 17385, 362, 322, 4066, 363, 278, 5849, 322, 671, 310, 23011, 519, 5864, 5722, 11763, 29889, 2398, 29892, 26417, 423, 29915, 29879, 23011, 519, 5864, 5849, 8898, 756, 263, 2846, 27028, 29892, 1316, 408, 10225, 310, 29311, 3381, 322, 5718, 663, 297, 8898, 6890, 29936, 3109, 18443, 882, 297, 5224, 3233, 29892, 10225, 310, 14014, 24833, 24233, 362, 29936, 443, 354, 4298, 29891, 322, 28907, 1577, 13707, 3277, 322, 13258, 358, 1788, 29936, 297, 1943, 339, 403, 13258, 358, 297, 16905, 5925, 322, 5849, 310, 23011, 519, 18190, 583, 29898, 29968, 29889, 29950, 4956, 574, 29875, 634, 394, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 467, 13, 4013, 8898, 11473, 22981, 278, 2106, 310, 278, 12646, 537, 11421, 297, 13491, 1648, 322, 5353, 267, 278, 16178, 310, 1375, 6020, 310, 5864, 297, 278, 297, 29899, 15436, 2200, 537, 11421, 29889, 739, 884, 5353, 267, 13499, 8946, 5626, 1104, 1218, 304, 9667, 322, 11421, 310, 12646, 537, 3704, 443, 1319, 26940, 322, 5434, 9667, 363, 12646, 537 ]
. The policy brief concludes with a discussion of the challenges facing electricity supply in Ghana and the recommendation available in transforming and sustaining electricity supply in Ghana. GHANA ELECTRICITY DEMAND, SUPPLY AND USAGE Ghana has experienced an increase of 49.8 percent in peak load over the last 10 years; increasing from 1,393 MW in 2006 to 2,087 MW in 2016 (Energy Commission of Ghana, 2016; VRA, 2015; Energy Commission of Ghana, 2017). Gross electricity consumption in Ghana took a rather sharp decline from 9,059 GWh in 2006 to 7,413 GWh in 2007 (a reduction of 18.2 percent of the 2006 figure) before rising steadily by an annual average of 10.8 percent till 2014. This trend however declined by 11.3 percent from 2014 to 2015 before increasing by 15.3 percent in 2016 (Energy Commission of Ghana, 2016a; Energy Commission of Ghana, 2017). Ghana's electricity supply performance, access and security in global and continental perspective according to Energy Architecture Performance Index (EAPI) is far behind the world top 10 performers in which its average electricity supply score of 0.45 is above the SSA average of 0.28 and it lags considerably behind the global average of 0.84. ECONOMIC COST OF FAILURE OF ELECTRICITY SUPPLY Power failures cause significant direct and indirect costs to utilities, consumers, and the general economy. According to World Bank estimates, the direct cost of power outages to African nations is typically about 2% of GDP. "For reference, Ghana's GDP growth averaged about 5% between 2000 and 2010, meaning that power unreliability in those years negated a significant amount of potential economic growth. The World Bank again estimates that Ghana's nominal GDP as of 2008 was approximately $16.1 billion, meaning that power outages potentially cost the economy more than US$320 million per year. Supply interruption imposes substantial cost on households because of damage to appliances and the spoilage of food and compromises public safety in the delivery of health care services, often with tragic consequences and the greater the technology penetration into economic activities, the greater the economic losses. Direct costs to utilities, among other things, include cost of repairing damaged equipment, process restart costs; generation revenue losses, and reduced equipment's life span. GHANA'S ELECTRICITY SUPPLY CHALLENGES Ghana has been heavily dependent on hydro sources, mainly from the Akosombo dam for electricity generation as demonstrated. This has been because hydro sources are known to provide the cheapest source of electricity as compared to thermal and renewable energy sources. The West African Gas Pipeline, transporting natural gas from Nigeria has been the major supplier of natural gas for electricity generation until the commissioning of the Atuabo gas processing facility owned by the Ghana Gas Company in 2015 (Boadu et al 2015). Gas supply from Nigeria has however not been reliable with the Nigerians citing non-payment of debt as one of the major reasons. Renewable energy provides viable alternatives to the power crises, seeing that the country is endowed with abundant renewable energy resources particularly solar. The Renewable Energy Act was therefore passed into law in 2011 to provide the legal framework for the adoption of renewable energy sources into the generation mix. The Energy Commission under the auspices of the Ministry of Energy should fully introduce the National Rooftop Solar PV Programme as a means of providing capital subsidy for the development of rooftop solar PV systems to residential facilities. The programme will seeks to help reduce the burden on the conventional power generation facilities. Sporadic efforts made are not adequate to improve the situation without strong state initiatives in terms of proper planning, programme design, financial support and institutional arrangement. There is a need of proper integration of local resources in hybrid technology combinations to ensure adequate,
[ 29889, 450, 8898, 11473, 378, 27722, 411, 263, 10679, 310, 278, 18066, 267, 14870, 12646, 537, 11421, 297, 13491, 1648, 322, 278, 29303, 3625, 297, 4327, 292, 322, 15075, 17225, 12646, 537, 11421, 297, 13491, 1648, 29889, 13, 29954, 29950, 2190, 29909, 382, 3281, 29934, 2965, 11937, 5012, 1529, 2797, 29892, 317, 4897, 7390, 29979, 5300, 8278, 1692, 13, 29954, 29882, 1648, 756, 18860, 385, 7910, 310, 29871, 29946, 29929, 29889, 29947, 10151, 297, 19224, 2254, 975, 278, 1833, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 29936, 10231, 515, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29941, 29929, 29941, 341, 29956, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 304, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29900, 29947, 29955, 341, 29956, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 313, 29923, 1089, 1927, 11444, 310, 13491, 1648, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29936, 478, 4717, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29936, 24836, 11444, 310, 13491, 1648, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 13, 29954, 2124, 12646, 537, 27430, 297, 13491, 1648, 3614, 263, 3265, 15301, 4845, 457, 515, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29900, 29945, 29929, 402, 8809, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 304, 29871, 29955, 29892, 29946, 29896, 29941, 402, 8809, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 313, 29874, 20376, 310, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29889, 29906, 10151, 310, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 4377, 29897, 1434, 20493, 28325, 2354, 491, 385, 17568, 6588, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29947, 10151, 3428, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29889, 910, 534, 355, 3138, 4845, 1312, 491, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29889, 29941, 10151, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 1434, 10231, 491, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29889, 29941, 10151, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 313, 29923, 1089, 1927, 11444, 310, 13491, 1648, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29874, 29936, 24836, 11444, 310, 13491, 1648, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 467, 13, 29954, 29882, 1648, 29915, 29879, 12646, 537, 11421, 4180, 29892, 2130, 322, 6993, 297, 5534, 322, 2145, 13703, 18520, 5034, 304, 24836, 28333, 23768, 11374, 313, 29923, 8787, 29897, 338, 2215, 5742, 278, 3186, 2246, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2189, 414, 297, 607, 967, 6588, 12646, 537, 11421, 8158, 310, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29946, 29945, 338, 2038, 278, 5886, 29909, 6588, 310, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29906, 29947, 322, 372, 301, 810, 2050, 2197, 5742, 278, 5534, 6588, 310, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29947, 29946, 29889, 13, 29923, 6007, 6488, 2965, 315, 3718, 8079, 13515, 6227, 11499, 8079, 382, 3281, 29934, 2965, 11937, 317, 4897, 7390, 29979, 13, 21472, 4418, 1973, 4556, 7282, 1513, 322, 26377, 21544, 304, 3667, 1907, 29892, 11233, 414, 29892, 322, 278, 2498, 26504, 29889, 7579, 304, 2787, 10253, 21875, 29892, 278, 1513, 3438, 310, 3081, 714, 1179, 304, 11715, 19079, 338, 12234, 1048, 29871, 29906, 29995, 310, 402, 11191, 29889, 376, 2831, 3407, 29892, 13491, 1648, 29915, 29879, 402, 11191, 14321, 4759, 4063, 1048, 29871, 29945, 29995, 1546, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 6593, 393, 3081, 443, 276, 492, 3097, 297, 1906, 2440, 3480, 630, 263, 7282, 5253, 310, 7037, 17407, 14321, 29889, 450, 2787, 10253, 1449, 21875, 393, 13491, 1648, 29915, 29879, 2245, 979, 402, 11191, 408, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 471, 14235, 395, 29896, 29953, 29889, 29896, 24464, 29892, 6593, 393, 3081, 714, 1179, 19998, 3438, 278, 26504, 901, 1135, 3148, 29938, 29941, 29906, 29900, 7284, 639, 1629, 29889, 13, 20182, 368, 1006, 18953, 7275, 267, 23228, 3438, 373, 26850, 1363, 310, 18658, 304, 623, 492, 2925, 322, 278, 13345, 309, 482, 310, 9687, 322, 19632, 4637, 970, 15332, 297, 278, 28289, 310, 9045, 2562, 5786, 29892, 4049, 411, 25305, 293, 27721, 322, 278, 7621, 278, 15483, 6584, 18184, 362, 964, 17407, 14188, 29892, 278, 7621, 278, 17407, 28495, 29889, 8797, 21544, 304, 3667, 1907, 29892, 4249, 916, 2712, 29892, 3160, 3438, 310, 26032, 292, 5625, 4063, 21083, 29892, 1889, 10715, 21544, 29936, 12623, 337, 9947, 28495, 29892, 322, 12212, 21083, 29915, 29879, 2834, 10638, 29889, 13, 29954, 29950, 2190, 29909, 29915, 29903, 382, 3281, 29934, 2965, 11937, 317, 4897, 7390, 29979, 5868, 1964, 1307, 29940, 1692, 29903, 13, 29954, 29882, 1648, 756, 1063, 20365, 14278, 373, 17546, 8974, 29892, 14364, 515, 278, 10813, 359, 290, 833, 5625, 363, 12646, 537, 12623, 408, 28585, 29889, 910, 756, 1063, 1363, 17546, 8974, 526, 2998, 304, 3867, 278, 923, 13198, 2752, 310, 12646, 537, 408, 9401, 304, 26963, 322, 23011, 519, 5864, 8974, 29889, 13, 1576, 3122, 11715, 19141, 349, 23828, 29892, 8608, 292, 5613, 10489, 515, 20537, 423, 756, 1063, 278, 4655, 1462, 4926, 310, 5613, 10489, 363, 12646, 537, 12623, 2745, 278, 12969, 292, 310, 278, 2180, 29884, 370, 29877, 10489, 9068, 24454, 15205, 491, 278, 13491, 1648, 19141, 6938, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 313, 8431, 13467, 634, 394, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 467, 19141, 11421, 515, 20537, 423, 756, 3138, 451, 1063, 23279, 411, 278, 20537, 5834, 7537, 292, 1661, 29899, 27825, 310, 2553, 29873, 408, 697, 310, 278, 4655, 9590, 29889, 13, 29934, 264, 809, 519, 5864, 8128, 3516, 519, 27809, 304, 278, 3081, 2181, 4637, 29892, 8790, 393, 278, 4234, 338, 1095, 20937, 411, 18666, 424, 23011, 519, 5864, 7788, 10734, 21635, 29889, 450, 7493, 809, 519, 24836, 3185, 471, 5480, 4502, 964, 4307, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 304, 3867, 278, 11706, 6890, 363, 278, 594, 3385, 310, 23011, 519, 5864, 8974, 964, 278, 12623, 6837, 29889, 13, 1576, 24836, 11444, 1090, 278, 1770, 29886, 1575, 310, 278, 20886, 310, 24836, 881, 8072, 14944, 278, 3086, 1528, 29877, 615, 459, 4956, 279, 349, 29963, 7835, 1004, 408, 263, 2794, 310, 13138, 7483, 11684, 333, 29891, 363, 278, 5849, 310, 696, 29877, 615, 459, 21635, 349, 29963, 6757, 304, 20201, 616, 23330, 29889, 450, 19607, 674, 1074, 2039, 304, 1371, 10032, 278, 6866, 1145, 373, 278, 28557, 3081, 12623, 23330, 29889, 13, 29903, 1971, 26538, 14231, 1754, 526, 451, 19967, 339, 403, 304, 11157, 278, 6434, 1728, 4549, 2106, 14511, 5056, 297, 4958, 310, 1571, 18987, 29892, 19607, 2874, 29892, 18161, 2304, 322, 12666, 284, 24628, 29889, 1670, 338, 263, 817, 310, 1571, 13465, 310, 1887, 7788, 297, 7498, 19515, 15483, 18240, 304, 9801, 19967, 339, 403, 29892 ]
Here is a complete list of questions and answers about our activities, including clear and accurate information regarding our organization. * What is Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo? Humana Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo (FPP) is an NGDO. Since 1987 it carries out cooperation programs in Africa, Latin America and Asia thanks to the resources obtained by the management of used textile. Its legal form is a foundation. It is registered as such in the register of Welfare Foundations Ministry of Health, Social Services and Equality , with the number 08-0347. * Is Humana an NGO? Yes. Humana is registered under the NGDO's Registry of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation for Development (AECID). * Who are the members of the Board of Trustees? You can find all the information by clicking here. * What is the social purpose of Humana? The Bylaw of Fundación Pueblo para Pueblo indicates that its aims are environmental protection, humanitarian aid to developing communities and assistance to other groups in Spain. * Does Humana have a social purpose in Spain? Yes, promote social welfare programs, formed by the so - called Aid Vouchers. The Foundation also has a Project Social Agriculture in Catalonia and Madrid and establishes agreements with local authorities to help disadvantaged groups. Furthermore, Humana helps disadvantage people through municipalities concentrating the aid on education, and assistance to families with low income. It carries out a Global Citizenship Program on textile reusing and environmental protection. * What are the values that define Humana? Environmental protection, development cooperation, social support, job creation, professionalism and transparency. * What is the Federation Humana People to People? * What do we do with the clothes? * Does Humana sell the collected clothes? It is true that Humana is an atypical ONGD regarding the economic activity carried out in relation to the second hand clothes, but the final social purpose as a non-profit organization is clear and indisputable. * What percentage of the generated income is allocated to the social purpose? All annual resources are dedicated to development programs in the South and welfare in Spain. The information is public and available to anyone through our website and our Annual Report. In the Annual Accounts which are audited externally all resources for social purposes are listed in detail. * Does Humana also receive external funding? Yes, part of the programs are being carried out with funds from entities such as the European Commission or AECID. * Is Humana an organization analyzed by FUNDACIÓN LEALTAD? From May 10, 2015, Fundación Lealtad has launched a new accreditation system. There is no intention from Humana to apply again for this accreditation, as there are differences of interpretation on compliance with the principles. From April 5, 2016, we have received the SGS NGO Benchmarking certification, an impartial assessment of the compliance level of a NGO with international best practices. * Humana does not give away clothes but sells it in Africa. There is also the opinion that sending clothes to Africa limits the development of these countries. The clothes are sold at very affordable price to wholesalers and retailers in the country of destination. The profits are reinvested in development projects. By selling clothes at low prices we achieve a feeling of greater dignity for people, creation of stable jobs in the countries, generation of an economic flow and the elimination of possible mafias which emerge when giving away the clothes. This view is also used by other international aid programs. There are studies, such as the one from Oxfam International, which valuate positively the effect of selling used clothes in African countries. * When selling clothes in Africa. Humana creates an unfair competitive situation for the local industries. The Federation Humana People to People and its members do not work aspects of used clothing in countries with regulatory standards regarding the secondhand clothing industry. In many of the countries in the South we work in, the vast majority of people cannot afford to buy new clothes, neither of local nor imported production. * Humana sells clothes in Spain? Yes, through its network of shops. In addition, the clothes which Humana does not have not ability to classify, are being sold to recycling companies, most of which are in Spain. * Clothing for sale in Humana shops has been washed
[ 2266, 338, 263, 4866, 1051, 310, 5155, 322, 6089, 1048, 1749, 14188, 29892, 3704, 2821, 322, 16232, 2472, 11211, 1749, 13013, 29889, 13, 29930, 1724, 338, 13863, 1648, 13249, 2709, 349, 434, 14073, 1702, 349, 434, 14073, 29973, 13, 29950, 398, 1648, 13249, 2709, 349, 434, 14073, 1702, 349, 434, 14073, 313, 29943, 18009, 29897, 338, 385, 405, 29954, 3970, 29889, 4001, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 372, 1559, 2722, 714, 1302, 16453, 11104, 297, 10557, 29892, 13548, 6813, 322, 14325, 3969, 304, 278, 7788, 7625, 491, 278, 10643, 310, 1304, 1426, 488, 29889, 13, 29902, 1372, 11706, 883, 338, 263, 22778, 29889, 739, 338, 15443, 408, 1316, 297, 278, 6036, 310, 399, 761, 598, 7460, 800, 20886, 310, 15202, 29892, 10307, 15538, 322, 11243, 2877, 1919, 411, 278, 1353, 29871, 29900, 29947, 29899, 29900, 29941, 29946, 29955, 29889, 13, 29930, 1317, 13863, 1648, 385, 405, 17080, 29973, 13, 8241, 29889, 13863, 1648, 338, 15443, 1090, 278, 405, 29954, 3970, 29915, 29879, 2169, 6020, 310, 278, 10432, 29353, 363, 4623, 3189, 16453, 363, 14650, 313, 29909, 11206, 1367, 467, 13, 29930, 11644, 526, 278, 5144, 310, 278, 12590, 310, 20692, 12712, 29973, 13, 3492, 508, 1284, 599, 278, 2472, 491, 14855, 1244, 29889, 13, 29930, 1724, 338, 278, 5264, 6437, 310, 13863, 1648, 29973, 13, 1576, 2648, 10653, 310, 13249, 2709, 349, 434, 14073, 1702, 349, 434, 14073, 14088, 393, 967, 263, 9893, 526, 29380, 13047, 29892, 5199, 3673, 713, 16226, 304, 14338, 23507, 322, 18872, 304, 916, 6471, 297, 13616, 29889, 13, 29930, 5538, 13863, 1648, 505, 263, 5264, 6437, 297, 13616, 29973, 13, 8241, 29892, 27391, 5264, 281, 761, 598, 11104, 29892, 8429, 491, 278, 577, 448, 2000, 319, 333, 478, 3222, 414, 29889, 450, 10606, 884, 756, 263, 8010, 10307, 27051, 545, 297, 11732, 6405, 322, 9669, 322, 10127, 267, 8571, 4110, 411, 1887, 21142, 304, 1371, 766, 17263, 424, 4063, 6471, 29889, 16478, 29892, 13863, 1648, 6911, 766, 17263, 8501, 2305, 1549, 11677, 1907, 14953, 1218, 278, 16226, 373, 9793, 29892, 322, 18872, 304, 13175, 411, 4482, 17869, 29889, 739, 1559, 2722, 714, 263, 12002, 21353, 466, 575, 4034, 7835, 373, 1426, 488, 337, 4746, 322, 29380, 13047, 29889, 13, 29930, 1724, 526, 278, 1819, 393, 4529, 13863, 1648, 29973, 13, 18649, 284, 13047, 29892, 5849, 1302, 16453, 29892, 5264, 2304, 29892, 4982, 11265, 29892, 10257, 1608, 322, 1301, 862, 3819, 29889, 13, 29930, 1724, 338, 278, 20438, 13863, 1648, 11647, 304, 11647, 29973, 13, 29930, 1724, 437, 591, 437, 411, 278, 22095, 29973, 13, 29930, 5538, 13863, 1648, 19417, 278, 16531, 22095, 29973, 13, 3112, 338, 1565, 393, 13863, 1648, 338, 385, 472, 1478, 936, 6732, 29954, 29928, 11211, 278, 17407, 6354, 8988, 714, 297, 8220, 304, 278, 1473, 1361, 22095, 29892, 541, 278, 2186, 5264, 6437, 408, 263, 1661, 29899, 771, 9202, 13013, 338, 2821, 322, 1399, 275, 649, 519, 29889, 13, 29930, 1724, 19649, 310, 278, 5759, 17869, 338, 19591, 304, 278, 5264, 6437, 29973, 13, 3596, 17568, 7788, 526, 16955, 304, 5849, 11104, 297, 278, 4275, 322, 281, 761, 598, 297, 13616, 29889, 450, 2472, 338, 970, 322, 3625, 304, 5019, 1549, 1749, 4700, 322, 1749, 8081, 950, 13969, 29889, 512, 278, 8081, 950, 16535, 29879, 607, 526, 12990, 1573, 3622, 635, 599, 7788, 363, 5264, 11976, 526, 9904, 297, 9493, 29889, 13, 29930, 5538, 13863, 1648, 884, 7150, 7029, 5220, 292, 29973, 13, 8241, 29892, 760, 310, 278, 11104, 526, 1641, 8988, 714, 411, 29199, 515, 16212, 1316, 408, 278, 7824, 11444, 470, 319, 11206, 1367, 29889, 13, 29930, 1317, 13863, 1648, 385, 13013, 29537, 287, 491, 383, 18783, 2477, 29902, 30178, 29940, 11060, 1964, 29911, 3035, 29973, 13, 4591, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29892, 13249, 2709, 951, 1997, 328, 756, 15241, 263, 716, 1035, 1127, 7018, 1788, 29889, 1670, 338, 694, 16392, 515, 13863, 1648, 304, 3394, 1449, 363, 445, 1035, 1127, 7018, 29892, 408, 727, 526, 12651, 310, 19854, 373, 752, 13036, 411, 278, 18671, 29889, 13, 4591, 3786, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 591, 505, 4520, 278, 317, 10749, 405, 17080, 4111, 16580, 292, 2284, 2450, 29892, 385, 527, 3846, 24809, 358, 310, 278, 752, 13036, 3233, 310, 263, 405, 17080, 411, 6121, 1900, 23274, 29889, 13, 29930, 13863, 1648, 947, 451, 2367, 3448, 22095, 541, 269, 10071, 372, 297, 10557, 29889, 1670, 338, 884, 278, 9426, 393, 9348, 22095, 304, 10557, 13071, 278, 5849, 310, 1438, 10916, 29889, 13, 1576, 22095, 526, 5239, 472, 1407, 21750, 519, 8666, 304, 377, 6544, 284, 414, 322, 3240, 737, 414, 297, 278, 4234, 310, 12551, 29889, 450, 2600, 1169, 526, 337, 11569, 2868, 297, 5849, 9279, 29889, 2648, 269, 7807, 22095, 472, 4482, 26094, 591, 6176, 263, 11223, 310, 7621, 18085, 537, 363, 2305, 29892, 11265, 310, 13714, 17643, 297, 278, 10916, 29892, 12623, 310, 385, 17407, 4972, 322, 278, 29007, 3381, 310, 1950, 611, 29888, 3173, 607, 11176, 479, 746, 6820, 3448, 278, 22095, 29889, 13, 4013, 1776, 338, 884, 1304, 491, 916, 6121, 16226, 11104, 29889, 1670, 526, 11898, 29892, 1316, 408, 278, 697, 515, 9471, 29888, 314, 4623, 29892, 607, 17134, 403, 13686, 3598, 278, 2779, 310, 269, 7807, 1304, 22095, 297, 11715, 10916, 29889, 13, 29930, 1932, 269, 7807, 22095, 297, 10557, 29889, 13863, 1648, 10017, 385, 29395, 1466, 5100, 3321, 6434, 363, 278, 1887, 6397, 2722, 29889, 13, 1576, 20438, 13863, 1648, 11647, 304, 11647, 322, 967, 5144, 437, 451, 664, 21420, 310, 1304, 1067, 6046, 297, 10916, 411, 24378, 7606, 20801, 11211, 278, 1473, 3179, 1067, 6046, 13661, 29889, 512, 1784, 310, 278, 10916, 297, 278, 4275, 591, 664, 297, 29892, 278, 13426, 13638, 310, 2305, 2609, 21750, 304, 15649, 716, 22095, 29892, 9561, 310, 1887, 3643, 19673, 5802, 29889, 13, 29930, 13863, 1648, 269, 10071, 22095, 297, 13616, 29973, 13, 8241, 29892, 1549, 967, 3564, 310, 528, 3554, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 278, 22095, 607, 13863, 1648, 947, 451, 505, 451, 11509, 304, 770, 1598, 29892, 526, 1641, 5239, 304, 1162, 29891, 19914, 14582, 29892, 1556, 310, 607, 526, 297, 13616, 29889, 13, 29930, 2233, 6046, 363, 14686, 297, 13863, 1648, 528, 3554, 756, 1063, 471, 17143 ]
The last Virtex4all partners' meeting took place in Zaragoza, from 9th to 12th September, 2010. Over the period of two years, the partners from the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Luxembourg, Spain and Turkey, worked hard to further refine and supplement the materials of the original award winning Virtex project and to clarify the levels using the Common European Framework for Reference (CEF). The FASE organization, the host of the last meeting, was represented by Maria Martin. Since its creation, FASE has specialized in developing ICT solutions for training programs and has been a pioneer in the development of e-learning methodology for lifelong learning. FASE has participated in more than 40 European projects implementing the use of ICTs in educational and training fields. While cold weather dominated most parts of Europe, Zaragoza welcomed us with a bright blue sky and high temperatures. Back in summer dresses, the partners met in Hotel Romareda for their first dinner together. On Friday morning, Maria accompanied us to the University of Zaragoza, where the meeting took place. It was going to be a long day. Final adjustments to the competence tests had been made followed by 15 minutes presentations by each partner on how to use Virtex4all as an intercultural communication tool in preparing students for their placement abroad. After lunch at the University cafeteria, the meeting continued with a lecture and workshop led by Carmen Boogaard from the University of Amsterdam on marketing strategies - an inevitable step in crossing the borders of the meeting rooms and spreading Virtex4all to the whole world. Marketing strategies were explained and each country partners were asked to fill in the format on how to approach the matter in their own country. To lighten up and to relax a little, Natalia Komanicka presented a movie on intercultural incidents, "The Tourist Trap", a British reality show from 1998, where four different nationalities (the British, the Americans, the Germans and the Japanese) find themselves exposed to identical incidents but does each nationality behave in an identical way? Obviously not. We felt like we really needed a siesta. After a short rest we were eager to go to downtown Zaragoza, where we strolled along with the natives who were clearly enjoying pleasant weather and charming atmosphere of the main square, Plaza del Pilar. A short peek into the famous Basilica del Pilar, one of the most visited churches in Spain, and we were off to the Las Palomas Restaurant to taste tapas in buffet style. Tapas, as explained by Maria, is a name given to a wide variety of appetizers and meals. It is not a particular type of food. Anything can be tapas - paella, ham and cheese on toast, meat or vegetable dishes, as long as it is small. It was nearly midnight and we were sitting in a Café at the Plaza watching people who didn't seem to hurry anywhere. Saturday morning meeting took place on the new premises of FASE. Financial tasks were finalized as well as all the tests were now ready to be posted on the website both in English and in German. The tasks were completed. Feeling satisfaction from well accomplished work and a little relief at the same time, we headed off for lunch to taste the original Spanish paella. The afternoon was free with a lot of options - discovering old Zaragoza from a sightseeing bus, shopping or just sitting on shores of Ebro river and enjoying magnificent views. The final dinner in Club Nautico was an unforgettable experience. Top level cuisine with seven courses was a true pleasure for our taste buds. It was almost midnight, time to say good-bye. Last cheers to the success of the project and to its future! Next meeting will be organized in Zaragoza, Spain on September 9th – 12th , 2010. Virtex4All is a 'transfer of innovation' programme intended to ensure that full use is made of the prize-winning materials devised as part of the original Virtex project coordinated by Elzemien Warnink of the Netherlands. The materials are used for language learning – both in class and for independent learning - for students of the hospitality and tourism professions; the task of the Virtex4All team is to refine and supplement the materials, and above all to clarify the levels of the tasks in each of the six units using the Common European Framework of Reference (CE
[ 450, 1833, 6749, 4776, 29946, 497, 22056, 29915, 11781, 3614, 2058, 297, 22453, 4425, 1362, 29892, 515, 29871, 29929, 386, 304, 29871, 29896, 29906, 386, 3839, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29889, 6811, 278, 3785, 310, 1023, 2440, 29892, 278, 22056, 515, 278, 24553, 29892, 278, 21489, 8063, 29892, 2661, 6405, 29892, 23812, 18041, 29892, 13616, 322, 26459, 29892, 3796, 2898, 304, 4340, 2143, 457, 322, 1462, 944, 278, 17279, 310, 278, 2441, 9862, 15613, 6749, 4776, 2060, 322, 304, 15544, 278, 11174, 773, 278, 13103, 7824, 16657, 363, 12105, 313, 4741, 29943, 467, 13, 1576, 383, 8127, 13013, 29892, 278, 3495, 310, 278, 1833, 11781, 29892, 471, 9875, 491, 6217, 6502, 29889, 4001, 967, 11265, 29892, 383, 8127, 756, 4266, 1891, 297, 14338, 306, 1783, 6851, 363, 6694, 11104, 322, 756, 1063, 263, 29323, 261, 297, 278, 5849, 310, 321, 29899, 21891, 1158, 3002, 363, 11747, 295, 549, 6509, 29889, 383, 8127, 756, 25223, 297, 901, 1135, 29871, 29946, 29900, 7824, 9279, 16049, 278, 671, 310, 306, 1783, 29879, 297, 28976, 322, 6694, 4235, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 11220, 14826, 8022, 630, 1556, 5633, 310, 4092, 29892, 22453, 4425, 1362, 5476, 510, 287, 502, 411, 263, 11785, 7254, 14744, 322, 1880, 6238, 3698, 29889, 7437, 297, 11801, 10714, 267, 29892, 278, 22056, 1539, 297, 16923, 6033, 598, 1388, 363, 1009, 937, 17803, 4208, 29889, 13, 2951, 28728, 7250, 29892, 6217, 21302, 502, 304, 278, 3014, 310, 22453, 4425, 1362, 29892, 988, 278, 11781, 3614, 2058, 29889, 739, 471, 2675, 304, 367, 263, 1472, 2462, 29889, 9550, 10365, 1860, 304, 278, 5100, 663, 6987, 750, 1063, 1754, 5643, 491, 29871, 29896, 29945, 6233, 2198, 800, 491, 1269, 18096, 373, 920, 304, 671, 6749, 4776, 29946, 497, 408, 385, 1006, 29883, 499, 3631, 12084, 5780, 297, 10223, 292, 8041, 363, 1009, 2174, 13561, 28177, 29889, 13, 13555, 301, 3322, 472, 278, 3014, 274, 2142, 1308, 423, 29892, 278, 11781, 7572, 411, 263, 29197, 322, 664, 19032, 5331, 491, 1704, 1527, 1952, 14895, 538, 515, 278, 3014, 310, 17399, 373, 9999, 292, 16650, 583, 448, 385, 297, 5750, 8270, 4331, 297, 24067, 278, 28199, 310, 278, 11781, 19600, 322, 9677, 292, 6749, 4776, 29946, 497, 304, 278, 3353, 3186, 29889, 4485, 15133, 16650, 583, 892, 10824, 322, 1269, 4234, 22056, 892, 4433, 304, 5445, 297, 278, 3402, 373, 920, 304, 2948, 278, 4383, 297, 1009, 1914, 4234, 29889, 13, 1762, 3578, 264, 701, 322, 304, 26681, 263, 2217, 29892, 26259, 423, 476, 2480, 860, 29874, 9132, 263, 14064, 373, 1006, 29883, 499, 3631, 5528, 16719, 29892, 376, 1576, 6371, 391, 323, 2390, 613, 263, 4908, 16832, 1510, 515, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 29892, 988, 3023, 1422, 4797, 1907, 313, 1552, 4908, 29892, 278, 23035, 29892, 278, 7287, 550, 322, 278, 10369, 29897, 1284, 6053, 19884, 304, 13557, 5528, 16719, 541, 947, 1269, 4797, 537, 23389, 297, 385, 13557, 982, 29973, 25735, 451, 29889, 13, 4806, 7091, 763, 591, 2289, 4312, 263, 1354, 4405, 29889, 2860, 263, 3273, 1791, 591, 892, 19888, 304, 748, 304, 16611, 593, 776, 22453, 4425, 1362, 29892, 988, 591, 380, 24476, 3412, 411, 278, 302, 5056, 1058, 892, 9436, 11418, 5414, 21246, 14826, 322, 1373, 4056, 25005, 310, 278, 1667, 6862, 29892, 13494, 1362, 628, 349, 2327, 29889, 319, 3273, 1236, 1416, 964, 278, 13834, 4886, 309, 983, 628, 349, 2327, 29892, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 16669, 26014, 297, 13616, 29892, 322, 591, 892, 1283, 304, 278, 7413, 3793, 18902, 390, 22837, 424, 304, 21779, 18751, 294, 297, 20487, 300, 3114, 29889, 323, 481, 294, 29892, 408, 10824, 491, 6217, 29892, 338, 263, 1024, 2183, 304, 263, 9377, 12875, 310, 623, 300, 19427, 322, 592, 1338, 29889, 739, 338, 451, 263, 3153, 1134, 310, 9687, 29889, 530, 1541, 292, 508, 367, 18751, 294, 448, 3300, 3547, 29892, 16366, 322, 923, 968, 373, 304, 579, 29892, 27654, 470, 18655, 519, 270, 17006, 29892, 408, 1472, 408, 372, 338, 2319, 29889, 739, 471, 8886, 7145, 11147, 322, 591, 892, 16246, 297, 263, 315, 28059, 472, 278, 13494, 1362, 21217, 2305, 1058, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2833, 304, 12166, 719, 12214, 29889, 13, 29903, 20510, 7250, 11781, 3614, 2058, 373, 278, 716, 5188, 4637, 310, 383, 8127, 29889, 4231, 273, 1455, 9595, 892, 2186, 1891, 408, 1532, 408, 599, 278, 6987, 892, 1286, 7960, 304, 367, 8059, 373, 278, 4700, 1716, 297, 4223, 322, 297, 5332, 29889, 450, 9595, 892, 8676, 29889, 5169, 14067, 26470, 515, 1532, 24799, 664, 322, 263, 2217, 18892, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 29892, 591, 2343, 287, 1283, 363, 301, 3322, 304, 21779, 278, 2441, 10432, 3300, 3547, 29889, 13, 1576, 17724, 471, 3889, 411, 263, 3287, 310, 3987, 448, 6523, 292, 2030, 22453, 4425, 1362, 515, 263, 11126, 4149, 292, 3593, 29892, 17394, 3262, 470, 925, 16246, 373, 528, 2361, 310, 382, 6729, 8580, 322, 11418, 5414, 29154, 296, 8386, 29889, 450, 2186, 17803, 297, 5977, 405, 1300, 1417, 471, 385, 443, 1454, 657, 2371, 7271, 29889, 7488, 3233, 2723, 275, 457, 411, 9881, 21888, 471, 263, 1565, 15377, 363, 1749, 21779, 8619, 29879, 29889, 13, 3112, 471, 4359, 7145, 11147, 29892, 931, 304, 1827, 1781, 29899, 26966, 29889, 9208, 923, 414, 304, 278, 2551, 310, 278, 2060, 322, 304, 967, 5434, 29991, 13, 9190, 11781, 674, 367, 19098, 297, 22453, 4425, 1362, 29892, 13616, 373, 3839, 29871, 29929, 386, 785, 29871, 29896, 29906, 386, 1919, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29889, 13, 29963, 381, 4776, 29946, 3596, 338, 263, 525, 3286, 571, 310, 24233, 362, 29915, 19607, 9146, 304, 9801, 393, 2989, 671, 338, 1754, 310, 278, 26836, 29899, 5080, 1076, 17279, 316, 11292, 408, 760, 310, 278, 2441, 6749, 4776, 2060, 6615, 630, 491, 1260, 10479, 819, 399, 2753, 682, 310, 278, 24553, 29889, 13, 1576, 17279, 526, 1304, 363, 4086, 6509, 785, 1716, 297, 770, 322, 363, 7417, 6509, 448, 363, 8041, 310, 278, 13457, 537, 322, 6282, 1608, 2600, 10964, 29936, 278, 3414, 310, 278, 6749, 4776, 29946, 3596, 3815, 338, 304, 2143, 457, 322, 1462, 944, 278, 17279, 29892, 322, 2038, 599, 304, 15544, 278, 11174, 310, 278, 9595, 297, 1269, 310, 278, 4832, 10340, 773, 278, 13103, 7824, 16657, 310, 12105, 313, 4741 ]
Coffin up for the borough budget: Crem costs could soar, parking will go through the car roof - and blue badge holders may not escape ... Yesterday it was the turn of Chancellor George Osborne to address the financial problems facing the nation. Today it's a local affair, when Boston Borough Council's Cabinet of Curiosities hears from the borough's Osborne equivalent - Councillor Raymond Singleton-McGuire, who is presenting a draft budget setting report. Like the head honcho in Westminster, our local chancellor faces some big problems. Financial aid from government has been cut from £6,107,626 to £5,320,953 – and that of course means higher charges. As with national governments, who treat drinkers, drivers and smokers as cash cows to raise the lion's share of their income, Boston Borough Council is launching an attack along the same lines. We've already seen the first skirmishes with a plan to raise allotment fees by 465% over four years. The idea is to try to force plot holders to form their own associations - and save the borough money – but it has met considerable opposition, and is now being reviewed by another of those Task and Finish groups that seem to say much and achieve little. Then – as we disclosed last week - Boston's 18 parishes are being asked either to accept responsibility for "footway" lighting or pay £68 a light to meet the cost - which will force parish precepts up from ... at the lowest 13.6% in Wyberton to 105.2% in Frampton ... and save the borough tens of thousands of pounds. Given the narrow operational scope of borough councils, there seems little room for manoeuvre when it comes to increasing prices. So, as with central government and its penalties on drinkers, drivers and smokers, the borough has to look at how to claw in more from the few services it provides. Step forward the quick and the dead – users of cars and crems. A pick and mix programme of parking increases are being proposed that could yield £126,000 in 2012/13 and £166,000 in following years. Perhaps the most controversial would be charging disabled Blue Badge holders, but just what is planned is unclear. On one hand the report says: "The council would not be able to charge disabled badge holders for parking in the on street car parks such as the Market Place and Wide Bargate, but could reduce their "free" parking period from three to two hours." But then it goes on to add: "The estimated income from charging disabled drivers would be between £60,000 and £100,000 (assumed £80,000) dependant upon what other measures are also introduced." Other possibilities include a general increase of 10p across all tariffs to bring in £72,000, and increasing coach parking from £2 to £3 a day to make a further £4,000. Then there's the suggestion of upping tariffs in town centre short stay car parks only. They are the most used - and so less likely to lose custom if charges go up. An extra 10p would bring in £31,000. Raising prices in the cheapest all day car parks from £2.10 to £2.50 would generate another £11,000, and removing the "60p for 30 minutes" tariff in town centre car parks – except for the Market Place – would pull in a further £25,000. The final idea is to re-introduce evening parking charges, which could gross £22,500 – although that would fall to £15,000 because of the cost of enforcement. Whilst the report discusses charges for cremation and burial fees averaging five per-cent, this is probably because the proposal is to leave many charges unchanged. However, the suggested rise for an adult cremation fee is £100 – from £440 to £540 – which again puts prices well ahead of Alford's crematorium, which has steadily eroded Boston's income since it opened a few years ago. Obviously
[ 315, 2696, 262, 701, 363, 278, 9820, 820, 23562, 29901, 315, 1745, 21544, 1033, 577, 279, 29892, 610, 9292, 674, 748, 1549, 278, 1559, 17526, 448, 322, 7254, 4319, 479, 4808, 414, 1122, 451, 10169, 2023, 13, 29979, 18358, 372, 471, 278, 2507, 310, 22433, 3729, 272, 5122, 6657, 4089, 484, 304, 3211, 278, 18161, 4828, 14870, 278, 5233, 29889, 13, 29911, 397, 388, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 1887, 26195, 29892, 746, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 29915, 29879, 11680, 10157, 310, 10837, 2363, 1907, 540, 1503, 515, 278, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 6657, 4089, 484, 7126, 448, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 21380, 6106, 11285, 29899, 27297, 9485, 533, 29892, 1058, 338, 2198, 292, 263, 18195, 23562, 4444, 3461, 29889, 13, 27552, 278, 2343, 4207, 1859, 297, 3122, 1195, 2475, 29892, 1749, 1887, 521, 273, 3729, 272, 17240, 777, 4802, 4828, 29889, 13, 12881, 273, 1455, 16226, 515, 5874, 756, 1063, 5700, 515, 15151, 29953, 29892, 29896, 29900, 29955, 29892, 29953, 29906, 29953, 304, 15151, 29945, 29892, 29941, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29929, 29945, 29941, 785, 322, 393, 310, 3236, 2794, 6133, 21090, 29889, 13, 2887, 411, 4797, 4095, 1860, 29892, 1058, 7539, 13748, 414, 29892, 18563, 322, 1560, 554, 414, 408, 274, 1161, 274, 1242, 304, 12020, 278, 301, 291, 29915, 29879, 6232, 310, 1009, 17869, 29892, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 338, 6826, 292, 385, 5337, 3412, 278, 1021, 3454, 29889, 13, 4806, 29915, 345, 2307, 3595, 278, 937, 2071, 3568, 17006, 411, 263, 3814, 304, 12020, 599, 327, 358, 1238, 267, 491, 29871, 29946, 29953, 29945, 29995, 975, 3023, 2440, 29889, 450, 2969, 338, 304, 1018, 304, 4889, 6492, 4808, 414, 304, 883, 1009, 1914, 27733, 448, 322, 4078, 278, 9820, 820, 6909, 785, 541, 372, 756, 1539, 15620, 19626, 29892, 322, 338, 1286, 1641, 9076, 287, 491, 1790, 310, 1906, 9330, 322, 4231, 728, 6471, 393, 2833, 304, 1827, 1568, 322, 6176, 2217, 29889, 13, 11760, 785, 408, 591, 766, 15603, 1833, 4723, 448, 12115, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29947, 610, 17006, 526, 1641, 4433, 2845, 304, 3544, 23134, 363, 376, 6661, 1582, 29908, 3578, 292, 470, 5146, 15151, 29953, 29947, 263, 3578, 304, 5870, 278, 3438, 448, 607, 674, 4889, 19373, 758, 1547, 29879, 701, 515, 2023, 472, 278, 19604, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 29953, 29995, 297, 10167, 495, 880, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29945, 29889, 29906, 29995, 297, 383, 2572, 12533, 2023, 322, 4078, 278, 9820, 820, 25187, 310, 17202, 310, 24261, 29889, 13, 29954, 5428, 278, 12474, 1751, 1288, 6874, 310, 9820, 820, 2613, 29883, 2719, 29892, 727, 2444, 2217, 5716, 363, 767, 7297, 4090, 276, 746, 372, 5304, 304, 10231, 26094, 29889, 13, 6295, 29892, 408, 411, 6555, 5874, 322, 967, 6584, 1997, 583, 373, 13748, 414, 29892, 18563, 322, 1560, 554, 414, 29892, 278, 9820, 820, 756, 304, 1106, 472, 920, 304, 3711, 29893, 297, 901, 515, 278, 2846, 5786, 372, 8128, 29889, 13, 14448, 6375, 278, 4996, 322, 278, 7123, 785, 4160, 310, 18647, 322, 907, 1516, 29889, 13, 29909, 5839, 322, 6837, 19607, 310, 610, 9292, 16415, 526, 1641, 7972, 393, 1033, 7709, 15151, 29896, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29914, 29896, 29941, 322, 15151, 29896, 29953, 29953, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 297, 1494, 2440, 29889, 13, 5894, 4252, 278, 1556, 19341, 616, 723, 367, 9151, 292, 12708, 10924, 9178, 479, 4808, 414, 29892, 541, 925, 825, 338, 20458, 338, 20871, 29889, 13, 2951, 697, 1361, 278, 3461, 4083, 29901, 376, 1576, 18701, 723, 451, 367, 2221, 304, 8323, 12708, 4319, 479, 4808, 414, 363, 610, 9292, 297, 278, 373, 11952, 1559, 610, 2039, 1316, 408, 278, 28794, 15484, 322, 399, 680, 350, 1191, 403, 29892, 541, 1033, 10032, 1009, 376, 9021, 29908, 610, 9292, 3785, 515, 2211, 304, 1023, 6199, 1213, 13, 6246, 769, 372, 5771, 373, 304, 788, 29901, 376, 1576, 15899, 17869, 515, 9151, 292, 12708, 18563, 723, 367, 1546, 15151, 29953, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 322, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 313, 465, 21571, 15151, 29947, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29897, 1401, 5818, 2501, 825, 916, 15366, 526, 884, 9129, 1213, 13, 16107, 24496, 3160, 263, 2498, 7910, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29886, 4822, 599, 9913, 28324, 304, 6963, 297, 15151, 29955, 29906, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 322, 10231, 11182, 610, 9292, 515, 15151, 29906, 304, 15151, 29941, 263, 2462, 304, 1207, 263, 4340, 15151, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 11760, 727, 29915, 29879, 278, 8998, 310, 318, 3262, 9913, 28324, 297, 4726, 8442, 3273, 7952, 1559, 610, 2039, 871, 29889, 2688, 526, 278, 1556, 1304, 448, 322, 577, 3109, 5517, 304, 14074, 2888, 565, 21090, 748, 701, 29889, 13, 2744, 4805, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29886, 723, 6963, 297, 15151, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 29934, 1759, 292, 26094, 297, 278, 923, 13198, 599, 2462, 1559, 610, 2039, 515, 15151, 29906, 29889, 29896, 29900, 304, 15151, 29906, 29889, 29945, 29900, 723, 5706, 1790, 15151, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 322, 11077, 278, 376, 29953, 29900, 29886, 363, 29871, 29941, 29900, 6233, 29908, 9913, 2593, 297, 4726, 8442, 1559, 610, 2039, 785, 5174, 363, 278, 28794, 15484, 785, 723, 8206, 297, 263, 4340, 15151, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 1576, 2186, 2969, 338, 304, 337, 29899, 524, 3518, 346, 11005, 610, 9292, 21090, 29892, 607, 1033, 22683, 15151, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 785, 5998, 393, 723, 6416, 304, 15151, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 1363, 310, 278, 3438, 310, 24555, 13561, 29889, 13, 8809, 16613, 278, 3461, 5353, 267, 21090, 363, 907, 29885, 362, 322, 6866, 616, 1238, 267, 4759, 6751, 5320, 639, 29899, 1760, 29892, 445, 338, 3117, 1363, 278, 24963, 338, 304, 5967, 1784, 21090, 443, 15033, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 278, 7829, 14451, 363, 385, 16157, 907, 29885, 362, 27684, 338, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29900, 785, 515, 15151, 29946, 29946, 29900, 304, 15151, 29945, 29946, 29900, 785, 607, 1449, 15223, 26094, 1532, 14432, 310, 838, 4006, 29915, 29879, 907, 29885, 1061, 1974, 29892, 607, 756, 28325, 2354, 604, 6797, 12115, 29915, 29879, 17869, 1951, 372, 6496, 263, 2846, 2440, 8020, 29889, 13, 6039, 16604 ]
, these are not all the proposals – but they are likely to be among the most heavily challenged. Once finalised, the plan is to publish the budget on the council website for consultation by all stakeholders. It seems that we are no longer ratepayers – which is probably why someone thinks that we can be charged so much. Posted by Boston Eye at Wednesday, November 30, 2011 No comments: Which bright spark thought that spending £35,000 on this was value for money? It's fair to say that the Market Place was never going to look good this year no matter how hard anyone tried to dress it up for Christmas. But are we alone in thinking that with £35,000 being thrown at this year's Christmas lights we might have expected something a little better? Even Councillor Derek Richmond, the borough's town centre Czar, appeared to damn them with faint praise on BBC Radio Lincolnshire ahead of Thursday's switch-on ceremony. "I think they're the best value we could get," he said. "Even with the £10,000 extra from Boston BID (bringing the total spend to £35,000) we only had two companies that could come in within our budget." It's not easy to fathom out just how the cost of the lights breaks down. We understand that the council's £25,000 covers all costs associated with the Christmas lights. Presumably this includes the electricity – which last year cost £2,060. On top of that, Boston Business Improvement District is paying an extra £10,000 this year and next. During negotiations, big discounts were offered to the council to extend the planned three year contract to five years - and the council is never one to miss a good deal when they see one! The borough (that's us, the ratepayers) will pay £25,000 for the five years of the contract. Boston BID will contribute £20,000 in total - £10,000 this year and next - bringing the total to £145,000. At the time of the new contract, we were told that some of the lights in use last year were as much as 40 years old – which suggested that they were owned by the council rather than hired … but if that was the case .... why was the annual cost so high? Given that the new lights are available on a five year deal, does this mean that they are "rented" – in which case they work out very expensive. The company which was awarded the contract – Festive Lighting – displays a selection of lights for different budgets on its website – which you can see below … click on photo to see enlargement The "large" budget examples are priced at £20,000-plus, and given that the borough is spending almost twice that amount, we would have expected to see quite a lot more for our money. So would our readers. My expectations may have been goaded to an unreasonable level by an ever enthusing Councillor Richmond over the airwaves of Radio Lincolnshire, but I'm afraid to say the new lighting scheme represents an expensive lack of imagination. An expensive lack of imagination which perfectly reflects that of our august council in just about every other area. A very effective visual aid, I have to say. Very disappointing, but a perfect compliment to the already very drab and equally disappointing Market Place revamp. Amongst other things, I fail to see the point in decorating what is essentially a construction site (Market place) and a place most people go out of their way now to avoid, with Christmas lighting. One of our readers sent in the following photos which perfectly illustrate the comments above. We accept that the predictable reaction of many of our readers will be to say that Boston Eye is simply criticising for its own sake - but we wonder how many of our councillors could put their hands on their hearts and say that they are really pleased with this much-hyped display, and feel that it is good value for money? Posted by Boston Eye at Tuesday, November 29, 2011 No comments: Don't let BID and borough council stall until time runs out Last week we looked back at the minutes of September's full council meeting - and the persistent but fruitless attempts by Independent Councillor Richard Legg
[ 29892, 1438, 526, 451, 599, 278, 9551, 1338, 785, 541, 896, 526, 5517, 304, 367, 4249, 278, 1556, 20365, 18066, 287, 29889, 13, 26222, 2186, 3368, 29892, 278, 3814, 338, 304, 9805, 278, 23562, 373, 278, 18701, 4700, 363, 8799, 362, 491, 599, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 29889, 13, 3112, 2444, 393, 591, 526, 694, 5520, 6554, 10472, 414, 785, 607, 338, 3117, 2020, 4856, 22405, 393, 591, 508, 367, 20139, 577, 1568, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 12115, 382, 4099, 472, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 1939, 6589, 29901, 13, 8809, 436, 11785, 16267, 2714, 393, 805, 2548, 15151, 29941, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 373, 445, 13, 11102, 995, 363, 6909, 29973, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 6534, 304, 1827, 393, 278, 28794, 15484, 471, 2360, 2675, 304, 1106, 1781, 445, 1629, 694, 4383, 920, 2898, 5019, 1898, 304, 10714, 372, 701, 363, 17661, 29889, 13, 6246, 526, 591, 7432, 297, 7291, 393, 411, 15151, 29941, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 1641, 12005, 472, 445, 1629, 29915, 29879, 17661, 26068, 591, 1795, 505, 3806, 1554, 263, 2217, 2253, 29973, 13, 29923, 854, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 360, 20400, 28662, 29892, 278, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 4726, 8442, 15185, 279, 29892, 7470, 304, 5625, 29876, 963, 411, 24732, 7213, 895, 373, 14129, 9204, 17274, 11750, 14432, 310, 498, 1295, 3250, 29915, 29879, 4607, 29899, 265, 25672, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1348, 896, 29915, 276, 278, 1900, 995, 591, 1033, 679, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 29923, 854, 411, 278, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 4805, 515, 12115, 350, 1367, 313, 1182, 292, 292, 278, 3001, 18864, 304, 15151, 29941, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29897, 591, 871, 750, 1023, 14582, 393, 1033, 2041, 297, 2629, 1749, 23562, 1213, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 4780, 304, 285, 493, 290, 714, 925, 920, 278, 3438, 310, 278, 26068, 16706, 1623, 29889, 13, 4806, 2274, 393, 278, 18701, 29915, 29879, 15151, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 18469, 599, 21544, 6942, 411, 278, 17661, 26068, 29889, 13, 13504, 24873, 445, 7805, 278, 12646, 537, 785, 607, 1833, 1629, 3438, 15151, 29906, 29892, 29900, 29953, 29900, 29889, 13, 2951, 2246, 310, 393, 29892, 12115, 15197, 1954, 16123, 882, 7457, 338, 5146, 292, 385, 4805, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 445, 1629, 322, 2446, 29889, 13, 29928, 3864, 27214, 800, 29892, 4802, 2313, 792, 29879, 892, 12520, 304, 278, 18701, 304, 10985, 278, 20458, 2211, 1629, 8078, 304, 5320, 2440, 448, 322, 278, 18701, 338, 2360, 697, 304, 3052, 263, 1781, 5376, 746, 896, 1074, 697, 29991, 13, 1576, 9820, 820, 313, 5747, 29915, 29879, 502, 29892, 278, 6554, 10472, 414, 29897, 674, 5146, 15151, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 363, 278, 5320, 2440, 310, 278, 8078, 29889, 12115, 350, 1367, 674, 29126, 15151, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 297, 3001, 448, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 445, 1629, 322, 2446, 448, 20794, 278, 3001, 304, 15151, 29896, 29946, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 931, 310, 278, 716, 8078, 29892, 591, 892, 5429, 393, 777, 310, 278, 26068, 297, 671, 1833, 1629, 892, 408, 1568, 408, 29871, 29946, 29900, 2440, 2030, 785, 607, 7829, 393, 896, 892, 15205, 491, 278, 18701, 3265, 1135, 298, 2859, 16088, 541, 565, 393, 471, 278, 1206, 13035, 2020, 471, 278, 17568, 3438, 577, 1880, 29973, 13, 29954, 5428, 393, 278, 716, 26068, 526, 3625, 373, 263, 5320, 1629, 5376, 29892, 947, 445, 2099, 393, 896, 526, 376, 7771, 287, 29908, 785, 297, 607, 1206, 896, 664, 714, 1407, 19390, 29889, 13, 1576, 5001, 607, 471, 15074, 278, 8078, 785, 14615, 573, 12790, 292, 785, 14423, 263, 9262, 310, 26068, 363, 1422, 8619, 20078, 373, 967, 4700, 785, 607, 366, 508, 1074, 2400, 16088, 13, 3808, 373, 15373, 304, 1074, 427, 27489, 882, 13, 1576, 376, 16961, 29908, 23562, 6455, 526, 544, 7612, 472, 15151, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29899, 11242, 29892, 322, 2183, 393, 278, 9820, 820, 338, 805, 2548, 4359, 8951, 393, 5253, 29892, 591, 723, 505, 3806, 304, 1074, 3755, 263, 3287, 901, 363, 1749, 6909, 29889, 13, 6295, 723, 1749, 22176, 29889, 13, 3421, 2149, 800, 1122, 505, 1063, 748, 11932, 304, 385, 443, 23147, 519, 3233, 491, 385, 3926, 875, 29882, 4746, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 28662, 975, 278, 4799, 29893, 5989, 310, 9204, 17274, 11750, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 29885, 13421, 304, 1827, 278, 716, 3578, 292, 11380, 11524, 385, 19390, 10225, 310, 28038, 29889, 530, 19390, 10225, 310, 28038, 607, 7970, 9432, 29879, 393, 310, 1749, 15251, 18701, 297, 925, 1048, 1432, 916, 4038, 29889, 319, 1407, 11828, 7604, 16226, 29892, 306, 505, 304, 1827, 29889, 13, 29963, 708, 23451, 292, 29892, 541, 263, 4922, 13162, 2073, 304, 278, 2307, 1407, 270, 4201, 322, 18018, 23451, 292, 28794, 15484, 6664, 1160, 29889, 13, 6833, 549, 303, 916, 2712, 29892, 306, 4418, 304, 1074, 278, 1298, 297, 10200, 1218, 825, 338, 13674, 263, 7632, 3268, 313, 9802, 300, 2058, 29897, 322, 263, 2058, 1556, 2305, 748, 714, 310, 1009, 982, 1286, 304, 4772, 29892, 411, 17661, 3578, 292, 29889, 13, 6716, 310, 1749, 22176, 2665, 297, 278, 1494, 20612, 607, 7970, 28475, 278, 6589, 2038, 29889, 13, 4806, 3544, 393, 278, 8500, 519, 19848, 310, 1784, 310, 1749, 22176, 674, 367, 304, 1827, 393, 12115, 382, 4099, 338, 3763, 11164, 5921, 363, 967, 1914, 16563, 448, 541, 591, 4997, 920, 1784, 310, 1749, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 1033, 1925, 1009, 6567, 373, 1009, 26490, 322, 1827, 393, 896, 526, 2289, 22301, 411, 445, 1568, 29899, 29882, 1478, 287, 2479, 29892, 322, 4459, 393, 372, 338, 1781, 995, 363, 6909, 29973, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 12115, 382, 4099, 472, 323, 1041, 3250, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 1939, 6589, 29901, 13, 10310, 29915, 29873, 1235, 350, 1367, 322, 9820, 820, 18701, 380, 497, 2745, 931, 6057, 714, 13, 8897, 4723, 591, 5148, 1250, 472, 278, 6233, 310, 3839, 29915, 29879, 2989, 18701, 11781, 448, 322, 278, 28152, 541, 15774, 2222, 14734, 491, 25266, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 6123, 5682, 29887 ]
ott to make some headway regarding the town's useless Business Improvement District. His questions then were rebuffed by the portfolio holder responsible for the BID, Councillor Derek Richmond – and the same has now happened at the most recent council meeting a week ago today. Councillor Leggott was one of the five members of the Task and Finish Group which met more than a year ago - and concluded that the BID was guilty of lack of communication and management. The other members of the group were fellow independent Councillor Brian Rush, and three Conservative councillors – although the Tories were not in power at the time – joint deputy leaders Michael Brookes and Raymond Singleton-McGuire and cabinet member Mike Gilbert. Councillor Leggott says that one of the worrying aspects of the BID issue is "the present silence of some of the other members of that Task and Finish group who … identified the serious communication problem then existing within the BID project. "Whether those members are, behind the scenes-within the confines of their cabinet office, making similar noises to myself I do not know. Not a peep to me from any of them on the matter. "It would seem that Task and Finish is taken by some to mean Task and Forget." In response to questions, Councillor Richmond has clung to the line that he has invited the BID manager to portfolio holder meetings on about a monthly basis. This, he maintains, "ensures that both BID and the council are ensuring as far as possible that we are as coordinated in terms of town centre projects and related work and that we weren't being duplicating (sic) - and that this will continue to happen. "But I didn't, nor do I intend to have regular meetings with the BID board to discuss their business, that's not for me to do." Later, he said: "I do not monitor BID, I do not believe that is within my remit, it wasn't done in the past and nowhere in the Task and Finish report does it state that I or anybody else should be doing this. As it should be, BID themselves will update the Scrutiny Committee in March." Councillor Leggott detects a discrepancy between the claims that Councillor Richmond - on the one hand invites the BID manager to approximately monthly meetings - whilst simultaneously claiming that he doesn't intend to have regular meetings with the company. Councillor Leggott has e-mailed all elected members to express concerns that there seems to be no interest in any ongoing monitoring of measures to improve the communication problems identified within Boston BID. "Turn it out to grass and assume it is improving seems to be the attitude," he says. "Having sat on the task and finish group and heard the differing of opinion from the BID board and some of the participating businesses as to the level of the problem and the damage the same problem was doing to the chances of participants wholly embracing the scheme (necessary for its success) I believe that our leaders could, justifiably, be 'in there' watching (and perhaps praying) for signs of improvement before next spring. "But, given Councillor Richmond's reply, that looks unlikely to happen." Interestingly, Boston Borough Council's attitude toward Boston BID contrasts sharply with that of Lincoln City Council and Lincoln BIG – the Business Improvement Group. The council repeatedly uses the word partnership in discussion documents, and entrusts the BIG with major tasks. Compare the situation in Boston, where the council sits idly by whilst the BID undertakes projects that were once its responsibility, thus saving it money. But worse still, it seems never to check whether the job has been done properly. Councillor Leggott is right to press for the BID to be called to account within the twelve months allocated by the Task and Finish group. Indeed, we would have thought that the group had reasonably assumed BID would take steps to address the major flaws identified in its operation before the review date. He is also right to question why the Tory members of the reporting group seem happy to let sleeping BIDs lie now that they are in power. Posted by Boston Eye at Monday, November 28, 2011 No comments: Our Friday miscellany of the week's Boston Borough Council may have ambitious plans to generate its own electricity to save thousands of
[ 1501, 304, 1207, 777, 2343, 1582, 11211, 278, 4726, 29915, 29879, 19315, 15197, 1954, 16123, 882, 7457, 29889, 13, 29950, 275, 5155, 769, 892, 337, 28040, 287, 491, 278, 2011, 25648, 19464, 14040, 363, 278, 350, 1367, 29892, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 360, 20400, 28662, 785, 322, 278, 1021, 756, 1286, 9559, 472, 278, 1556, 7786, 18701, 11781, 263, 4723, 8020, 9826, 29889, 13, 29907, 1309, 29883, 453, 272, 5682, 29887, 1501, 471, 697, 310, 278, 5320, 5144, 310, 278, 9330, 322, 4231, 728, 6431, 607, 1539, 901, 1135, 263, 1629, 8020, 448, 322, 22834, 393, 278, 350, 1367, 471, 27719, 310, 10225, 310, 12084, 322, 10643, 29889, 13, 1576, 916, 5144, 310, 278, 2318, 892, 10404, 7417, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 15733, 390, 1878, 29892, 322, 2211, 15312, 1230, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 785, 5998, 278, 323, 3842, 892, 451, 297, 3081, 472, 278, 931, 785, 14002, 20723, 29891, 20251, 5765, 18737, 267, 322, 21380, 6106, 11285, 29899, 27297, 9485, 533, 322, 28966, 4509, 12828, 23657, 29889, 13, 29907, 1309, 29883, 453, 272, 5682, 29887, 1501, 4083, 393, 697, 310, 278, 15982, 292, 21420, 310, 278, 350, 1367, 2228, 338, 376, 1552, 2198, 15142, 310, 777, 310, 278, 916, 5144, 310, 393, 9330, 322, 4231, 728, 2318, 1058, 16088, 15659, 278, 10676, 12084, 1108, 769, 5923, 2629, 278, 350, 1367, 2060, 29889, 13, 29908, 8809, 1979, 1906, 5144, 526, 29892, 5742, 278, 20407, 29899, 2541, 262, 278, 1970, 1475, 310, 1009, 28966, 8034, 29892, 3907, 2788, 694, 4637, 304, 6142, 306, 437, 451, 1073, 29889, 2216, 263, 1236, 1022, 304, 592, 515, 738, 310, 963, 373, 278, 4383, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 723, 2833, 393, 9330, 322, 4231, 728, 338, 4586, 491, 777, 304, 2099, 9330, 322, 1152, 657, 1213, 13, 797, 2933, 304, 5155, 29892, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 28662, 756, 1067, 686, 304, 278, 1196, 393, 540, 756, 23610, 278, 350, 1367, 8455, 304, 2011, 25648, 19464, 5870, 886, 373, 1048, 263, 4098, 368, 8405, 29889, 13, 4013, 29892, 540, 7344, 29879, 29892, 376, 575, 1973, 393, 1716, 350, 1367, 322, 278, 18701, 526, 5662, 3864, 408, 2215, 408, 1950, 393, 591, 526, 408, 6615, 630, 297, 4958, 310, 4726, 8442, 9279, 322, 4475, 664, 322, 393, 591, 2949, 264, 29915, 29873, 1641, 5141, 506, 1218, 313, 29879, 293, 29897, 448, 322, 393, 445, 674, 6773, 304, 3799, 29889, 13, 29908, 6246, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 29892, 3643, 437, 306, 24042, 304, 505, 4943, 5870, 886, 411, 278, 350, 1367, 7613, 304, 5353, 1009, 5381, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 451, 363, 592, 304, 437, 1213, 13, 29931, 1008, 29892, 540, 1497, 29901, 376, 29902, 437, 451, 11819, 350, 1367, 29892, 306, 437, 451, 4658, 393, 338, 2629, 590, 1083, 277, 29892, 372, 9007, 29915, 29873, 2309, 297, 278, 4940, 322, 1286, 4150, 297, 278, 9330, 322, 4231, 728, 3461, 947, 372, 2106, 393, 306, 470, 16357, 1683, 881, 367, 2599, 445, 29889, 1094, 372, 881, 367, 29892, 350, 1367, 6053, 674, 2767, 278, 2522, 23798, 4901, 12930, 297, 4779, 1213, 13, 29907, 1309, 29883, 453, 272, 5682, 29887, 1501, 6459, 29879, 263, 766, 1037, 29886, 6906, 1546, 278, 16726, 393, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 28662, 448, 373, 278, 697, 1361, 2437, 3246, 278, 350, 1367, 8455, 304, 14235, 4098, 368, 5870, 886, 448, 21109, 21699, 5995, 292, 393, 540, 1838, 29915, 29873, 24042, 304, 505, 4943, 5870, 886, 411, 278, 5001, 29889, 13, 29907, 1309, 29883, 453, 272, 5682, 29887, 1501, 756, 321, 29899, 655, 2356, 599, 11467, 5144, 304, 4653, 21838, 393, 727, 2444, 304, 367, 694, 4066, 297, 738, 373, 17696, 29652, 310, 15366, 304, 11157, 278, 12084, 4828, 15659, 2629, 12115, 350, 1367, 29889, 13, 29908, 27407, 372, 714, 304, 17455, 322, 5251, 372, 338, 4857, 1747, 2444, 304, 367, 278, 26309, 1699, 540, 4083, 29889, 13, 29908, 29950, 5555, 3290, 373, 278, 3414, 322, 8341, 2318, 322, 6091, 278, 1163, 292, 310, 9426, 515, 278, 350, 1367, 7613, 322, 777, 310, 278, 5221, 1218, 5381, 267, 408, 304, 278, 3233, 310, 278, 1108, 322, 278, 18658, 278, 1021, 1108, 471, 2599, 304, 278, 521, 2925, 310, 27138, 377, 18368, 7232, 945, 292, 278, 11380, 313, 15107, 653, 363, 967, 2551, 29897, 306, 4658, 393, 1749, 20251, 1033, 29892, 925, 6832, 2197, 29892, 367, 525, 262, 727, 29915, 21217, 313, 392, 6060, 12475, 292, 29897, 363, 18906, 310, 20414, 1434, 2446, 6709, 29889, 13, 29908, 6246, 29892, 2183, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 28662, 29915, 29879, 8908, 29892, 393, 3430, 25057, 304, 3799, 1213, 13, 4074, 342, 11687, 29892, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 29915, 29879, 26309, 11183, 12115, 350, 1367, 12814, 29879, 15301, 368, 411, 393, 310, 17274, 4412, 8831, 322, 17274, 350, 6259, 785, 278, 15197, 1954, 16123, 882, 6431, 29889, 13, 1576, 18701, 28424, 3913, 278, 1734, 22056, 4034, 297, 10679, 10701, 29892, 322, 9953, 504, 29879, 278, 350, 6259, 411, 4655, 9595, 29889, 13, 6843, 598, 278, 6434, 297, 12115, 29892, 988, 278, 18701, 269, 1169, 1178, 368, 491, 21109, 278, 350, 1367, 22332, 6926, 9279, 393, 892, 2748, 967, 23134, 29892, 4550, 14238, 372, 6909, 29889, 13, 6246, 15029, 1603, 29892, 372, 2444, 2360, 304, 1423, 3692, 278, 4982, 756, 1063, 2309, 6284, 29889, 13, 29907, 1309, 29883, 453, 272, 5682, 29887, 1501, 338, 1492, 304, 3965, 363, 278, 350, 1367, 304, 367, 2000, 304, 3633, 2629, 278, 17680, 7378, 19591, 491, 278, 9330, 322, 4231, 728, 2318, 29889, 13, 2568, 12613, 29892, 591, 723, 505, 2714, 393, 278, 2318, 750, 2769, 2197, 12023, 350, 1367, 723, 2125, 6576, 304, 3211, 278, 4655, 17422, 5652, 15659, 297, 967, 5858, 1434, 278, 9076, 2635, 29889, 13, 3868, 338, 884, 1492, 304, 1139, 2020, 278, 323, 706, 5144, 310, 278, 23415, 2318, 2833, 9796, 304, 1235, 8709, 292, 350, 1367, 29879, 3804, 1286, 393, 896, 526, 297, 3081, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 12115, 382, 4099, 472, 27822, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 1939, 6589, 29901, 13, 29949, 332, 28728, 3984, 3729, 1384, 13, 974, 278, 4723, 29915, 29879, 13, 29933, 11253, 6780, 820, 8831, 1122, 505, 626, 2966, 2738, 13900, 304, 5706, 967, 1914, 12646, 537, 304, 4078, 17202, 310 ]
pounds, but the parish councils that it bills for what it calls "footway" lighting – to distinguish it from street lights, which are the responsibility of the county council, are in for an electric shock of their own. A "briefing document" to the parishes asks them either to accept responsibility for the lighting or else pay £68 a light to meet the cost. This will have the effect of raising parish precepts from – at the lowest 13.6% in Wyberton to 105.2% in Frampton. One parish councillor told us: "Whilst I can understand Boston Borough Council trying to sort out the financial hole it is in, I wonder what the response will be to parish councils who refuse ... or dim or turn off their lights during certain hours? It's exactly a month to Christmas Day – and our congratulations go to local businessman Darron Abbott for persuading a number of our borough councillors to form a choir to entertain visitors to the Christmas Market weekend on Sunday December 11th. Councillors volunteering so far are Carol Taylor, Derek Richmond, Paul Kenny, Paul Gleeson, Mike Gilbert and Judith Skinner – and we understand that joint deputy leader Michael Brookes has also agreed to take part. According to the publicity, Councillor Taylor may attend dressed as a Christmas pudding! We felt that not only did this lend an entirely different meaning to the phrase "Carol singing" – but it sent us to the drawing board for an artist's impression - see our picture on the left! As Mr Abbott has invited all councillors to take part, we hope that more volunteers will be forthcoming – otherwise we'll all know who the gloomy ones are! He said: "It will give the councillors a chance to show the public they are up for a bit of fun and are prepared to muck in. In these times of doom and gloom it will be nice to show Boston has community spirit." How true – and may we add that we hope that seeing Tory, Labour, Independent and BDI councillors all singing from the same song sheet may be the shape of things to come. Talking of singing from the same song sheet, we see that the group leaders on Boston Borough Council have written to local MP Mark Simmonds urging that he again asks Communities Secretary Eric Pickles for more money because of the pressure on services from the "rapid and significant" population change since 2004 caused by the influx of migrant workers. Does this mean that the council is losing faith in the likelihood of a result from the meetings that have taken place to date? And surely, Mr Simmonds shouldn't need prompting to do his job … should he? On the issue of Boston and immigration, we mentioned on Tuesday how the BBC locally had a field day this time last week with more than 15 minutes' airtime across two radio shows and one TV programme to say absolutely nothing new about the matter. This didn't stop them wheeling out two MEPs on Wednesday to react at length to the news that a Latvian living in Boston who killed another migrant whilst drink driving was a convicted murderer in his home country. The reason why he was able to come here could adequately be summarised in a single sentence. But it seems that the BBC likes any chance to drag Boston through the mire. And incidentally, was the introductory script on BBC Radio Lincolnshire entirely accurate, when it said that the MEPs' concern came "… after a convicted killer from Latvia was allowed into Lincolnshire to kill again …" How do you do that, then? Do you fill in an application form, or something similar? They say that there's nothing new under the sun, and we were entertained to note the strong resemblance between Boston BID's long awaited 3D map and those produced 350 years ago by the celebrated artist Wenceslaus Hollar (see below) Given the obvious difficulties of the day, Hollar created his maps with no need for dozens of aerial photographs – and given that time was money in those days, we suspect he probably produced them much quicker than the year or more it has taken Boston BID. Unfortunately the BID map uses the same information published on the recently refurbished so-called tourist information boards – and that means that a number of items are wrong – including South Square being pictured as the Market Place. Again, because of the time factor, the police non-emergency number is now out of date, and we wonder
[ 24261, 29892, 541, 278, 19373, 2613, 29883, 2719, 393, 372, 289, 6090, 363, 825, 372, 5717, 376, 6661, 1582, 29908, 3578, 292, 785, 304, 20820, 372, 515, 11952, 26068, 29892, 607, 526, 278, 23134, 310, 278, 15178, 18701, 29892, 526, 297, 363, 385, 12646, 19253, 310, 1009, 1914, 29889, 319, 376, 1182, 2575, 292, 1842, 29908, 304, 278, 610, 17006, 19514, 963, 2845, 304, 3544, 23134, 363, 278, 3578, 292, 470, 1683, 5146, 15151, 29953, 29947, 263, 3578, 304, 5870, 278, 3438, 29889, 910, 674, 505, 278, 2779, 310, 29263, 19373, 758, 1547, 29879, 515, 785, 472, 278, 19604, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 29953, 29995, 297, 10167, 495, 880, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29945, 29889, 29906, 29995, 297, 383, 2572, 12533, 29889, 3118, 19373, 2613, 29883, 453, 272, 5429, 502, 29901, 376, 8809, 16613, 306, 508, 2274, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 1811, 304, 2656, 714, 278, 18161, 16188, 372, 338, 297, 29892, 306, 4997, 825, 278, 2933, 674, 367, 304, 19373, 2613, 29883, 2719, 1058, 26506, 2023, 470, 3964, 470, 2507, 1283, 1009, 26068, 2645, 3058, 6199, 29973, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 3721, 263, 4098, 304, 17661, 8373, 785, 322, 1749, 378, 629, 271, 8250, 748, 304, 1887, 5381, 1171, 7335, 1617, 13896, 1501, 363, 20408, 9382, 263, 1353, 310, 1749, 9820, 820, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 304, 883, 263, 3060, 381, 304, 22684, 26824, 304, 278, 17661, 28794, 4723, 355, 373, 16340, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29896, 386, 29889, 6237, 29883, 453, 943, 27886, 3241, 577, 2215, 526, 8562, 12537, 29892, 360, 20400, 28662, 29892, 3739, 10015, 1460, 29892, 3739, 402, 280, 267, 265, 29892, 12828, 23657, 322, 8660, 389, 4971, 3993, 785, 322, 591, 2274, 393, 14002, 20723, 29891, 11822, 5765, 18737, 267, 756, 884, 15502, 304, 2125, 760, 29889, 7579, 304, 278, 970, 537, 29892, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 12537, 1122, 14333, 27121, 408, 263, 17661, 282, 566, 8497, 29991, 1334, 7091, 393, 451, 871, 1258, 445, 301, 355, 385, 9186, 1422, 6593, 304, 278, 16549, 376, 8179, 324, 23623, 29908, 785, 541, 372, 2665, 502, 304, 278, 11580, 7613, 363, 385, 7664, 29915, 29879, 17188, 448, 1074, 1749, 7623, 373, 278, 2175, 29991, 1094, 3237, 13896, 1501, 756, 23610, 599, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 304, 2125, 760, 29892, 591, 4966, 393, 901, 27886, 414, 674, 367, 11483, 11506, 785, 6467, 591, 29915, 645, 599, 1073, 1058, 278, 15482, 16103, 6743, 526, 29991, 940, 1497, 29901, 376, 3112, 674, 2367, 278, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 263, 8825, 304, 1510, 278, 970, 896, 526, 701, 363, 263, 2586, 310, 2090, 322, 526, 13240, 304, 286, 2707, 297, 29889, 512, 1438, 3064, 310, 437, 290, 322, 15482, 290, 372, 674, 367, 7575, 304, 1510, 12115, 756, 7881, 8548, 1213, 1128, 1565, 785, 322, 1122, 591, 788, 393, 591, 4966, 393, 8790, 323, 706, 29892, 29453, 29892, 25266, 322, 350, 4571, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 599, 23623, 515, 278, 1021, 4823, 9869, 1122, 367, 278, 8267, 310, 2712, 304, 2041, 29889, 13, 29911, 2235, 292, 310, 23623, 515, 278, 1021, 4823, 9869, 29892, 591, 1074, 393, 278, 2318, 20251, 373, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 505, 3971, 304, 1887, 16379, 4485, 3439, 8315, 29879, 5065, 3460, 393, 540, 1449, 19514, 20473, 1907, 17719, 14713, 23868, 793, 363, 901, 6909, 1363, 310, 278, 12959, 373, 5786, 515, 278, 376, 2390, 333, 322, 7282, 29908, 4665, 1735, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 8581, 491, 278, 4414, 1314, 310, 9725, 424, 17162, 29889, 5538, 445, 2099, 393, 278, 18701, 338, 19035, 10847, 297, 278, 4188, 22342, 310, 263, 1121, 515, 278, 5870, 886, 393, 505, 4586, 2058, 304, 2635, 29973, 1126, 18880, 29892, 3237, 3439, 8315, 29879, 9273, 29915, 29873, 817, 9508, 292, 304, 437, 670, 4982, 16088, 881, 540, 29973, 13, 2951, 278, 2228, 310, 12115, 322, 5198, 16783, 29892, 591, 5276, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 920, 278, 14129, 12430, 750, 263, 1746, 2462, 445, 931, 1833, 4723, 411, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29945, 6233, 29915, 4799, 2230, 4822, 1023, 7155, 3697, 322, 697, 5648, 19607, 304, 1827, 13312, 3078, 716, 1048, 278, 4383, 29889, 910, 3282, 29915, 29873, 5040, 963, 18875, 292, 714, 1023, 341, 15488, 29879, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 304, 7657, 472, 3309, 304, 278, 9763, 393, 263, 7053, 29894, 713, 8471, 297, 12115, 1058, 9445, 1790, 9725, 424, 21109, 13748, 19500, 471, 263, 7602, 18186, 13406, 261, 297, 670, 3271, 4234, 29889, 450, 2769, 2020, 540, 471, 2221, 304, 2041, 1244, 1033, 19967, 339, 2486, 367, 19138, 3368, 297, 263, 2323, 10541, 29889, 1205, 372, 2444, 393, 278, 14129, 4188, 267, 738, 8825, 304, 8338, 12115, 1549, 278, 286, 533, 29889, 1126, 15134, 635, 29892, 471, 278, 22909, 2199, 706, 2471, 373, 14129, 9204, 17274, 11750, 9186, 16232, 29892, 746, 372, 1497, 393, 278, 341, 15488, 29879, 29915, 5932, 2996, 376, 30098, 1156, 263, 7602, 18186, 413, 5495, 515, 7053, 6071, 471, 6068, 964, 17274, 11750, 304, 12088, 1449, 16088, 29908, 1128, 437, 366, 437, 393, 29892, 769, 29973, 1938, 366, 5445, 297, 385, 2280, 883, 29892, 470, 1554, 2788, 29973, 13, 15597, 1827, 393, 727, 29915, 29879, 3078, 716, 1090, 278, 6575, 29892, 322, 591, 892, 875, 814, 7114, 304, 4443, 278, 4549, 620, 13365, 749, 1546, 12115, 350, 1367, 29915, 29879, 1472, 7272, 287, 29871, 29941, 29928, 2910, 322, 1906, 7371, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29900, 2440, 8020, 491, 278, 26301, 7664, 399, 2063, 15273, 379, 26810, 313, 4149, 2400, 29897, 13, 29954, 5428, 278, 6924, 23553, 310, 278, 2462, 29892, 379, 26810, 2825, 670, 11053, 411, 694, 817, 363, 437, 29920, 575, 310, 14911, 616, 17739, 29879, 785, 322, 2183, 393, 931, 471, 6909, 297, 1906, 3841, 29892, 591, 12326, 540, 3117, 7371, 963, 1568, 4996, 261, 1135, 278, 1629, 470, 901, 372, 756, 4586, 12115, 350, 1367, 29889, 11511, 278, 350, 1367, 2910, 3913, 278, 1021, 2472, 6369, 373, 278, 10325, 2143, 9265, 3276, 577, 29899, 13998, 6282, 391, 2472, 1045, 3163, 785, 322, 393, 2794, 393, 263, 1353, 310, 4452, 526, 2743, 785, 3704, 4275, 19256, 1641, 282, 919, 2955, 408, 278, 28794, 15484, 29889, 11454, 29892, 1363, 310, 278, 931, 7329, 29892, 278, 10974, 1661, 29899, 25154, 14703, 1353, 338, 1286, 714, 310, 2635, 29892, 322, 591, 4997 ]
how the town's businesses feel about their hard earned money being spent to announce that the Springfields shopping outlet is just "a short drive away." So it's about par for the course for the BID, really. One final chapter in the saga … we hear that the £17,000 paid for this exercise apparently did not actually include a stock of maps - which have to be bought for an extra 50p each. It can only be good news that another 6,000 properties in the Boston floodplain have been signed up to receive free flood warnings by telephone. The news came just in time to remind us to attend the last of the Environment Agency's drop-in sessions on the planned Boston flood barrier. We came away not entirely convinced that the preferred location was the right one. As is so often the case with projects such as this at all levels, it focussed on the town centre first and foremost, and means that considerable extra construction to raise river banks to protect areas presently not considered at risk of flooding will be needed. We also asked why the Environment Agency flood risk maps are drawn up as if no protection of any kind existed. We were told that it was a government idea – to emphasise the potential danger. Now we know who to blame next time our premiums go up with a jolt – or worse still if we are refused insurance entirely, as happens quite often in Boston. It's good to see that something is at last being done to address long-standing problems in Wormgate caused by traffic using the road as a rat run. We have always said that Wormgate is badly neglected and could have a huge tourist impact with a little cosmetic surgery. It does seem, though, that at least one problem need not exist at all. We hear that "when rain gathers in large puddles, where the road surface has dipped, the vehicles throw waves of water against the properties." Then, why is no-one levelling the road surface so that these puddles do not form? Presumably this is the job of Lincolnshire County Council, which is to investigate placing bollards in the road - but at the same time warning that it could take six to nine months before they are in place. We wouldn't mind betting that any such problem in Lincoln would be far more rapidly resolved. But we also think that an interim suggestion that extra police should be employed to "dissuade" people from using the road as a shortcut may well cause more trouble than it prevents. If no order to the contrary exists, surely motorists can use the road as they wish. On the one hand, Boston's Giles Academy describes itself as "leading edge" – whilst in the same breath placing the advert below in our local papers. "Wanna be …?" Presumably, the academy thinks that such an advert makes the place look "cool." The word that springs to our mind is "naff." Finally, we mentioned that the last time the Business Target appeared in our local paper, out of 40 news stories, none featured Boston- and the nearest to the town concerned in-house awards to Marshalls of Butterwick. Nothing much has changed with the current issue. Of roughly the same number of stories, again, none is from Boston – and co-incidentally the only nearby story again involves Butterwick … this time featuring a firm that has invented the "world's first alcoholic foam." It's scarcely Nobel prize-winning stuff, and critics of Boston might detect a certain irony. But it begs a few questions. Firstly - is the supplement based on enquiries by reporters? If so, are they neglecting to make many calls to Boston? If not, then we must ask what Boston businesses are doing to promote themselves by providing information to local supplements such as this? Meanwhile, the Target produces a generously paged publication - when the reality is that trees are being felled in vain just to make it look good. Posted by Boston Eye at Friday, November 25, 2011 1 comment: Homelessness report has a much bigger story to tell Christmas must be coming – because interest in homelessness is gathering momentum. It's even on the agenda in Boston – at tonight's meeting of the borough's Corporate and Community Committee. The committee asked for the discussion, and several speakers will 'give evidence' so members can discuss the issues and examine areas for future consideration - including Centrepoint Outreach, the Crime Reduction Initiative and Axiom Housing. A summary about homelessness from Boston Mayflower
[ 920, 278, 4726, 29915, 29879, 5381, 267, 4459, 1048, 1009, 2898, 20591, 6909, 1641, 10398, 304, 7475, 346, 393, 278, 7206, 9621, 17394, 3262, 714, 1026, 338, 925, 376, 29874, 3273, 7899, 3448, 1213, 1105, 372, 29915, 29879, 1048, 610, 363, 278, 3236, 363, 278, 350, 1367, 29892, 2289, 29889, 3118, 2186, 16385, 297, 278, 269, 7781, 16088, 591, 8293, 393, 278, 15151, 29896, 29955, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 12530, 363, 445, 15058, 13229, 1258, 451, 2869, 3160, 263, 10961, 310, 11053, 448, 607, 505, 304, 367, 18093, 363, 385, 4805, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29886, 1269, 29889, 13, 3112, 508, 871, 367, 1781, 9763, 393, 1790, 29871, 29953, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 4426, 297, 278, 12115, 5685, 397, 24595, 505, 1063, 8794, 701, 304, 7150, 3889, 5685, 397, 18116, 491, 4382, 6710, 29889, 450, 9763, 2996, 925, 297, 931, 304, 1083, 513, 502, 304, 14333, 278, 1833, 310, 278, 16738, 29353, 29915, 29879, 5768, 29899, 262, 21396, 373, 278, 20458, 12115, 5685, 397, 2594, 4336, 29889, 1334, 2996, 3448, 451, 9186, 25617, 393, 278, 16389, 4423, 471, 278, 1492, 697, 29889, 1094, 338, 577, 4049, 278, 1206, 411, 9279, 1316, 408, 445, 472, 599, 11174, 29892, 372, 12789, 1558, 287, 373, 278, 4726, 8442, 937, 322, 363, 331, 520, 29892, 322, 2794, 393, 15620, 4805, 7632, 304, 12020, 8580, 24388, 304, 12566, 10161, 28681, 451, 5545, 472, 12045, 310, 5685, 3689, 674, 367, 4312, 29889, 1334, 884, 4433, 2020, 278, 16738, 29353, 5685, 397, 12045, 11053, 526, 12061, 701, 408, 565, 694, 13047, 310, 738, 2924, 22856, 29889, 1334, 892, 5429, 393, 372, 471, 263, 5874, 2969, 785, 304, 19310, 895, 278, 7037, 9703, 29889, 2567, 591, 1073, 1058, 304, 1999, 420, 2446, 931, 1749, 5188, 21425, 748, 701, 411, 263, 432, 14339, 785, 470, 15029, 1603, 565, 591, 526, 15964, 1663, 18541, 9186, 29892, 408, 5930, 3755, 4049, 297, 12115, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1781, 304, 1074, 393, 1554, 338, 472, 1833, 1641, 2309, 304, 3211, 1472, 29899, 11235, 4828, 297, 399, 555, 17062, 8581, 491, 12469, 773, 278, 6520, 408, 263, 7548, 1065, 29889, 1334, 505, 2337, 1497, 393, 399, 555, 17062, 338, 28042, 22851, 287, 322, 1033, 505, 263, 12176, 6282, 391, 10879, 411, 263, 2217, 6776, 2527, 293, 25300, 708, 29889, 739, 947, 2833, 29892, 2466, 29892, 393, 472, 3203, 697, 1108, 817, 451, 1863, 472, 599, 29889, 1334, 8293, 393, 376, 8256, 17251, 330, 19467, 297, 2919, 282, 566, 29881, 793, 29892, 988, 278, 6520, 7101, 756, 652, 2986, 29892, 278, 24413, 3183, 20037, 310, 4094, 2750, 278, 4426, 1213, 1987, 29892, 2020, 338, 694, 29899, 650, 14453, 7807, 278, 6520, 7101, 577, 393, 1438, 282, 566, 29881, 793, 437, 451, 883, 29973, 4360, 24873, 445, 338, 278, 4982, 310, 17274, 11750, 5127, 8831, 29892, 607, 338, 304, 23033, 24421, 289, 3028, 3163, 297, 278, 6520, 448, 541, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 9177, 393, 372, 1033, 2125, 4832, 304, 14183, 7378, 1434, 896, 526, 297, 2058, 29889, 1334, 7656, 29915, 29873, 3458, 1010, 1259, 393, 738, 1316, 1108, 297, 17274, 723, 367, 2215, 901, 19328, 11527, 29889, 1205, 591, 884, 1348, 393, 385, 1006, 326, 8998, 393, 4805, 10974, 881, 367, 15723, 304, 376, 29881, 790, 29884, 1943, 29908, 2305, 515, 773, 278, 6520, 408, 263, 21697, 1122, 1532, 4556, 901, 7458, 1135, 372, 28057, 29889, 960, 694, 1797, 304, 278, 21138, 4864, 29892, 18880, 10992, 2879, 508, 671, 278, 6520, 408, 896, 6398, 29889, 13, 2951, 278, 697, 1361, 29892, 12115, 29915, 29879, 402, 5475, 10355, 16612, 3528, 408, 376, 25369, 7636, 29908, 785, 21109, 297, 278, 1021, 16172, 24421, 278, 18811, 2400, 297, 1749, 1887, 15055, 29889, 13, 29908, 29956, 9713, 367, 16088, 3026, 4360, 24873, 29892, 278, 263, 9567, 22405, 393, 1316, 385, 18811, 3732, 278, 2058, 1106, 376, 1111, 324, 1213, 450, 1734, 393, 7689, 886, 304, 1749, 3458, 338, 376, 1056, 600, 1213, 13, 12881, 635, 29892, 591, 5276, 393, 278, 1833, 931, 278, 15197, 17157, 7470, 297, 1749, 1887, 5650, 29892, 714, 310, 29871, 29946, 29900, 9763, 15874, 29892, 5642, 15000, 12115, 29899, 322, 278, 20471, 304, 278, 4726, 15041, 297, 29899, 8697, 24441, 304, 13216, 4293, 310, 1205, 357, 6669, 29889, 9531, 1568, 756, 3939, 411, 278, 1857, 2228, 29889, 4587, 20928, 278, 1021, 1353, 310, 15874, 29892, 1449, 29892, 5642, 338, 515, 12115, 785, 322, 1302, 29899, 3742, 1693, 635, 278, 871, 20810, 5828, 1449, 20789, 1205, 357, 6669, 16088, 445, 931, 23425, 263, 9226, 393, 756, 11817, 287, 278, 376, 11526, 29915, 29879, 937, 27231, 5391, 293, 1701, 314, 1213, 739, 29915, 29879, 20558, 27813, 26836, 29899, 5080, 1076, 6433, 29892, 322, 28431, 310, 12115, 1795, 6459, 263, 3058, 3805, 2592, 29889, 1205, 372, 1812, 29879, 263, 2846, 5155, 29889, 3824, 368, 448, 338, 278, 1462, 944, 2729, 373, 427, 6578, 2722, 491, 1634, 272, 2153, 29973, 960, 577, 29892, 526, 896, 22851, 292, 304, 1207, 1784, 5717, 304, 12115, 29973, 960, 451, 29892, 769, 591, 1818, 2244, 825, 12115, 5381, 267, 526, 2599, 304, 27391, 6053, 491, 13138, 2472, 304, 1887, 1462, 944, 29879, 1316, 408, 445, 29973, 25065, 29892, 278, 17157, 13880, 263, 1176, 5794, 282, 4063, 17745, 448, 746, 278, 16832, 338, 393, 10697, 526, 1641, 7995, 839, 297, 15722, 925, 304, 1207, 372, 1106, 1781, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 12115, 382, 4099, 472, 28728, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29871, 29896, 3440, 29901, 13, 24259, 6393, 2264, 3461, 756, 263, 1568, 16600, 5828, 304, 2649, 13, 18687, 8247, 1818, 367, 6421, 785, 1363, 4066, 297, 3632, 6393, 2264, 338, 11705, 292, 19399, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1584, 373, 278, 946, 8395, 297, 12115, 785, 472, 15243, 523, 29915, 29879, 11781, 310, 278, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 12767, 403, 322, 19184, 12930, 29889, 13, 1576, 21118, 4433, 363, 278, 10679, 29892, 322, 3196, 7726, 414, 674, 525, 29887, 573, 10757, 29915, 577, 5144, 508, 5353, 278, 5626, 322, 25917, 10161, 363, 5434, 19220, 448, 3704, 11319, 3149, 4451, 276, 496, 29892, 278, 29682, 4367, 29884, 428, 512, 4812, 1230, 322, 319, 5389, 290, 379, 681, 292, 29889, 319, 15837, 1048, 3632, 6393, 2264, 515, 12115, 2610, 1731, 261 ]
will also be presented. The debate follows a row earlier this year between the council and Centrepoint, who accused the borough of refusing to recognise the "hidden" homeless. The charity said they helped about 40 homeless people each month, but the council's official figures were no more than 12 - based on the government's definition of homelessness, which says "rough sleeping" is people sleeping out in the open. Centrepoint said that many homeless people remained hidden at night for safety, and therefore eluded the count. Certainly, there are plenty of figures to go at on tonight's agenda – including many that are completely unrelated to homelessness – but which paint a worrying picture of Boston in the future. These include projections that the number of married couples will decline by 800 between 2001 and 2033 – from 12,000 to 11,200 – whilst the number of couples living together will rise from 2,150 to 3,800, and the number of lone parent families will increase from 1,850 to 3,000. Although this does not bear directly on homelessness, it shows the apparently irresistible decline in family life – an issue which many people feel needs addressing independently. There are a larger number of houses in multiple occupation than we would have thought – a total of 460 - and also a large number of vacant dwellings that might be used to ease homelessness … including 137 owned by social landlords and 48 belonging to other public sector organisations. And again, a large number of the borough's 28,237 houses are deemed to be not decent – 8,100 - or are thought to be hazardous - 5,650. A total of 4,210 households are in fuel poverty - which exists if more than 10% of the occupants' net household income needs to be spent to provide adequate warmth and hot water. It's calculated that over the next 20 years or so the borough will need between 220 and 255 new dwellings a year - of which at least half will need to be affordable. When the report eventually gets to the issue of rough sleeping it says that the Crime Reduction Initiative had "reconnected" 80 migrant rough sleepers as at November 14th - and a multi agency meeting on November 8th agreed on a current figure of 18. Between April 2010 and March 2011 the borough's Housing Department helped in 177 homelessness cases. Oddly enough, for a report designed to help councillors address the issue of homelessness, the details have more to say about wider social problems facing Boston in the years ahead. Whilst we are not denying that homelessness is an important issue that must be addressed, the decline of the borough's social infrastructure, problems with existing housing, and the need for a high level of house building which also include a high level of affordability, almost demands a separate debate in itself. If you want to read the report in full, you will find it by clicking here and then following the link to tonight's Corporate and Community Committee agenda. Item 5. Posted by Boston Eye at Thursday, November 24, 2011 No comments: Rulers' September song was: "You are wrong" Once again, we find that some of the most enlightening information appears in the minutes of meetings – in particular the sections beyond the control of the Tory rulers – when questions can be put to portfolio holders by ordinary members. So it was on the night of Monday's council meeting that we perused the minutes of its last "proper" session in September. It highlights an interesting attitude from the "leadership" towards anyone who dares to challenge their version of events. It is a simple philosophy - "You are wrong." Independent Councillor Ossy Snell asked what the point was of spending £140,000 "renovating" the Hussey Tower, if - when it was finished – it would still not have a roof. Council leader Peter Bedford said that even though water would still get in, it would not cause further deterioration. "
[ 674, 884, 367, 9132, 29889, 13, 1576, 27836, 4477, 263, 1948, 8859, 445, 1629, 1546, 278, 18701, 322, 11319, 3149, 29892, 1058, 28886, 278, 9820, 820, 310, 2143, 4746, 304, 5936, 895, 278, 376, 10892, 29908, 3632, 6393, 29889, 13, 1576, 1373, 537, 1497, 896, 9213, 1048, 29871, 29946, 29900, 3632, 6393, 2305, 1269, 4098, 29892, 541, 278, 18701, 29915, 29879, 6221, 13994, 892, 694, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29906, 448, 2729, 373, 278, 5874, 29915, 29879, 5023, 310, 3632, 6393, 2264, 29892, 607, 4083, 376, 10573, 8709, 292, 29908, 338, 2305, 8709, 292, 714, 297, 278, 1722, 29889, 13, 29907, 14056, 3149, 1497, 393, 1784, 3632, 6393, 2305, 9488, 7934, 472, 4646, 363, 15332, 29892, 322, 5480, 560, 566, 287, 278, 2302, 29889, 13, 29907, 13946, 368, 29892, 727, 526, 20947, 310, 13994, 304, 748, 472, 373, 15243, 523, 29915, 29879, 946, 8395, 785, 3704, 1784, 393, 526, 6446, 443, 12817, 304, 3632, 6393, 2264, 785, 541, 607, 10675, 263, 15982, 292, 7623, 310, 12115, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 1349, 968, 3160, 410, 24247, 393, 278, 1353, 310, 8300, 3581, 2701, 674, 4845, 457, 491, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29900, 1546, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29941, 29941, 785, 515, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 304, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29906, 29900, 29900, 785, 21109, 278, 1353, 310, 3581, 2701, 8471, 4208, 674, 14451, 515, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29896, 29945, 29900, 304, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29947, 29900, 29900, 29892, 322, 278, 1353, 310, 301, 650, 3847, 13175, 674, 7910, 515, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29947, 29945, 29900, 304, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 2499, 3592, 445, 947, 451, 11460, 4153, 373, 3632, 6393, 2264, 29892, 372, 3697, 278, 13229, 3805, 690, 391, 1821, 4845, 457, 297, 3942, 2834, 785, 385, 2228, 607, 1784, 2305, 4459, 4225, 3211, 292, 25499, 29889, 13, 8439, 526, 263, 7200, 1353, 310, 12955, 297, 2999, 26818, 1135, 591, 723, 505, 2714, 785, 263, 3001, 310, 29871, 29946, 29953, 29900, 448, 322, 884, 263, 2919, 1353, 310, 11757, 424, 24013, 886, 393, 1795, 367, 1304, 304, 16326, 3632, 6393, 2264, 16088, 3704, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29955, 15205, 491, 5264, 2982, 29880, 4339, 322, 29871, 29946, 29947, 23329, 304, 916, 970, 17535, 17459, 800, 29889, 13, 2855, 1449, 29892, 263, 2919, 1353, 310, 278, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 29906, 29941, 29955, 12955, 526, 316, 22580, 304, 367, 451, 27189, 785, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29896, 29900, 29900, 448, 470, 526, 2714, 304, 367, 447, 29920, 538, 681, 448, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29953, 29945, 29900, 29889, 13, 29909, 3001, 310, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29906, 29896, 29900, 26850, 526, 297, 26413, 25273, 1017, 448, 607, 4864, 565, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29995, 310, 278, 6919, 1934, 29915, 7787, 22329, 17869, 4225, 304, 367, 10398, 304, 3867, 19967, 339, 403, 14294, 386, 322, 7375, 4094, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 12833, 393, 975, 278, 2446, 29871, 29906, 29900, 2440, 470, 577, 278, 9820, 820, 674, 817, 1546, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29945, 716, 24013, 886, 263, 1629, 448, 310, 607, 472, 3203, 4203, 674, 817, 304, 367, 21750, 519, 29889, 13, 10401, 278, 3461, 10201, 4947, 304, 278, 2228, 310, 12164, 8709, 292, 372, 4083, 393, 278, 29682, 4367, 29884, 428, 512, 4812, 1230, 750, 376, 276, 18045, 29908, 29871, 29947, 29900, 9725, 424, 12164, 8709, 414, 408, 472, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29946, 386, 448, 322, 263, 2473, 946, 3819, 11781, 373, 3979, 29871, 29947, 386, 15502, 373, 263, 1857, 4377, 310, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29889, 13, 29933, 300, 1452, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 322, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 278, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 379, 681, 292, 10317, 9213, 297, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29955, 3632, 6393, 2264, 4251, 29889, 13, 29949, 1289, 368, 3307, 29892, 363, 263, 3461, 8688, 304, 1371, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 3211, 278, 2228, 310, 3632, 6393, 2264, 29892, 278, 4902, 505, 901, 304, 1827, 1048, 25734, 5264, 4828, 14870, 12115, 297, 278, 2440, 14432, 29889, 13, 8809, 16613, 591, 526, 451, 972, 5414, 393, 3632, 6393, 2264, 338, 385, 4100, 2228, 393, 1818, 367, 20976, 29892, 278, 4845, 457, 310, 278, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 5264, 22035, 12425, 29892, 4828, 411, 5923, 27261, 29892, 322, 278, 817, 363, 263, 1880, 3233, 310, 3699, 5214, 607, 884, 3160, 263, 1880, 3233, 310, 21750, 3097, 29892, 4359, 1261, 4167, 263, 5004, 27836, 297, 3528, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 864, 304, 1303, 278, 3461, 297, 2989, 29892, 366, 674, 1284, 372, 491, 14855, 1244, 322, 769, 1494, 278, 1544, 304, 15243, 523, 29915, 29879, 12767, 403, 322, 19184, 12930, 946, 8395, 29889, 10976, 29871, 29945, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 12115, 382, 4099, 472, 498, 1295, 3250, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 1939, 6589, 29901, 13, 29934, 352, 414, 29915, 3839, 13, 21453, 471, 29901, 13, 29908, 3492, 526, 2743, 29908, 13, 26222, 1449, 29892, 591, 1284, 393, 777, 310, 278, 1556, 427, 4366, 8333, 2472, 5692, 297, 278, 6233, 310, 5870, 886, 785, 297, 3153, 278, 13926, 8724, 278, 2761, 310, 278, 323, 706, 364, 352, 414, 785, 746, 5155, 508, 367, 1925, 304, 2011, 25648, 4808, 414, 491, 15311, 5144, 29889, 13, 6295, 372, 471, 373, 278, 4646, 310, 27822, 29915, 29879, 18701, 11781, 393, 591, 639, 3880, 278, 6233, 310, 967, 1833, 376, 771, 546, 29908, 4867, 297, 3839, 29889, 13, 3112, 12141, 29879, 385, 8031, 26309, 515, 278, 376, 280, 328, 10475, 29908, 7113, 5019, 1058, 270, 5114, 304, 18766, 1009, 1873, 310, 4959, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 263, 2560, 22237, 448, 376, 3492, 526, 2743, 1213, 13, 2568, 1022, 3906, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 438, 893, 29891, 317, 18437, 4433, 825, 278, 1298, 471, 310, 805, 2548, 15151, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 376, 1267, 586, 1218, 29908, 278, 24287, 7759, 23615, 29892, 565, 448, 746, 372, 471, 7743, 785, 372, 723, 1603, 451, 505, 263, 17526, 29889, 13, 29907, 1309, 5553, 11822, 5310, 14195, 4006, 1497, 393, 1584, 2466, 4094, 723, 1603, 679, 297, 29892, 372, 723, 451, 4556, 4340, 270, 1308, 1611, 362, 29889, 13, 29908 ]
In simple terms - a roof is not essential." Councillor Snell persisted. "Even if we do finally put a roof on and floors in the Hussey Tower there will be no history in there. It will only be four walls, all the rest will be modern materials." But the leader was unmoved. Showing a knowledge of more recent, as well as medieval history, he replied: "We all know that some 10 years ago it was nicknamed 'Ossy Tower' as you wanted to demolish it." And after a few more words, he concluded: "If you want to be a (sic) 'historic vandal' that is up to you, but I am for preserving our history and buildings." No flexible response was forthcoming either from Councillor Derek Richmond, portfolio holder with responsibility for Boston Business Improvement District among other things. He more or less shrugged off a question from Independent Councillor Richard Leggott about what the BID was doing to improve communication with members, and when asked what monitoring took place on the effectiveness of measures to improve it, replied: "The only monitoring that takes place is if I ask and they tell me." Clearly a man who takes responsibility seriously. Back to the leader, and another dismissive reply to a question from Boston District Independents' Leader Councillor Helen Staples, about how knowledgeable his cabinet members were about their budgets. Asked why the portfolio holder was unable to answer questions on the total amount allocated to the sport and leisure budgets, he said that budgets were detailed and complex - and the expectation that individual officers and members would be able to recite budget value without prior warning "is perhaps misplaced." We can understand that no-one can have every little number at their fingertips - but the question was apparently about the total budget figure, which we thought would be something a portfolio holder ought to know. And as we have noted earlier, Councillor Bedford simply can't resist a gratuitous and barbed snipe whenever the opportunity arises, ending this particular session with the totally irrelevant: "I should also mention that under the previous administration the Portfolio Holder for Revenues and Benefits visited that service area on only two occasions in a year, so don't tell us we don't understand" At least he had the good grace to apologise after Councillor Alison Austin questioned why members of the council were not told of the first meeting of the South East Lincolnshire Joint Strategic Planning Committee, though he distanced himself as far as possible from responsibility. "Perhaps partly because this is a new venture and because meetings are administered by South Holland, there was an oversight on our part regarding the very first meeting." Another question - from Independent Councillor Brian Rush - about the Mail on Sunday columnist Peter Hitchens's now famous feature, "Boston Lincolngrad" asked where, if Mr Hitchens accepted the leader's invitation to revisit Boston, would he take him, to show what he had called 'the Real Boston?'" Out came the sniper's rifle again. "As you are aware there were many inaccuracies in the report written by Mr. Hitchin (sic) which I have raised with him and asked that he address in the interests of fairness, accuracy and balance." To write at such length about Boston without a word of recognition for the hard work done by committed staff and partner agencies was an insult that, as leader, he had to respond to. "My invitation to Mr. Hitchin (sic) to revisit Boston is to demonstrate the work that is being undertaken with the migrant population by the council and other organisations … rather than a tour of buildings or areas within the town. "However, such a tour could include a visit to Wrangle where between 240 and 250 migrant workers are accommodated by Staples Vegetables. They represent as much as ten per cent of the population of the village and are a good example of harmonious living and working arrangements in the borough by people from overseas." What is interesting about minutes like these is that they are accepted to be the "official record" of events. In the case of the answers regarding Peter Hitchens, the allegation of inaccuracy now becomes a fact – as does the following line … "Mr. Hitchin (sic) admitted he lifted some information in his article from another publication, which turned out to be incorrect." To set the record straight, Mr H
[ 797, 2560, 4958, 448, 263, 17526, 338, 451, 18853, 1213, 13, 29907, 1309, 29883, 453, 272, 317, 18437, 3736, 12652, 29889, 13, 29908, 29923, 854, 565, 591, 437, 7146, 1925, 263, 17526, 373, 322, 5685, 943, 297, 278, 24287, 7759, 23615, 727, 674, 367, 694, 4955, 297, 727, 29889, 739, 674, 871, 367, 3023, 14603, 29892, 599, 278, 1791, 674, 367, 5400, 17279, 1213, 13, 6246, 278, 11822, 471, 443, 29885, 8238, 29889, 13, 8964, 292, 263, 7134, 310, 901, 7786, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 27690, 4955, 29892, 540, 10352, 29901, 376, 4806, 599, 1073, 393, 777, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 8020, 372, 471, 25985, 17514, 525, 29949, 893, 29891, 23615, 29915, 408, 366, 5131, 304, 27745, 728, 372, 1213, 13, 2855, 1156, 263, 2846, 901, 3838, 29892, 540, 22834, 29901, 376, 3644, 366, 864, 304, 367, 263, 313, 29879, 293, 29897, 525, 16211, 293, 325, 24258, 29915, 393, 338, 701, 304, 366, 29892, 541, 306, 626, 363, 2225, 29530, 1749, 4955, 322, 13814, 1213, 13, 3782, 25706, 2933, 471, 11483, 11506, 2845, 515, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 360, 20400, 28662, 29892, 2011, 25648, 19464, 411, 23134, 363, 12115, 15197, 1954, 16123, 882, 7457, 4249, 916, 2712, 29889, 13, 3868, 901, 470, 3109, 528, 582, 1505, 287, 1283, 263, 1139, 515, 25266, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 6123, 5682, 29887, 1501, 1048, 825, 278, 350, 1367, 471, 2599, 304, 11157, 12084, 411, 5144, 29892, 322, 746, 4433, 825, 29652, 3614, 2058, 373, 278, 2779, 20193, 310, 15366, 304, 11157, 372, 29892, 10352, 29901, 376, 1576, 871, 29652, 393, 4893, 2058, 338, 565, 306, 2244, 322, 896, 2649, 592, 1213, 13, 18759, 368, 263, 767, 1058, 4893, 23134, 25798, 29889, 13, 5841, 304, 278, 11822, 29892, 322, 1790, 18918, 573, 8908, 304, 263, 1139, 515, 12115, 7457, 28052, 1237, 29915, 951, 1664, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 21758, 624, 481, 793, 29892, 1048, 920, 7134, 519, 670, 28966, 5144, 892, 1048, 1009, 8619, 20078, 29889, 13, 29909, 808, 287, 2020, 278, 2011, 25648, 19464, 471, 9368, 304, 1234, 5155, 373, 278, 3001, 5253, 19591, 304, 278, 7980, 322, 454, 275, 545, 8619, 20078, 29892, 540, 1497, 393, 8619, 20078, 892, 13173, 322, 4280, 448, 322, 278, 23227, 393, 5375, 13049, 322, 5144, 723, 367, 2221, 304, 1162, 568, 23562, 995, 1728, 7536, 9177, 376, 275, 6060, 3984, 13974, 1133, 1213, 13, 4806, 508, 2274, 393, 694, 29899, 650, 508, 505, 1432, 2217, 1353, 472, 1009, 285, 292, 814, 4512, 448, 541, 278, 1139, 471, 13229, 1048, 278, 3001, 23562, 4377, 29892, 607, 591, 2714, 723, 367, 1554, 263, 2011, 25648, 19464, 12722, 304, 1073, 29889, 13, 2855, 408, 591, 505, 11682, 8859, 29892, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 14195, 4006, 3763, 508, 29915, 29873, 9241, 263, 20715, 3121, 681, 322, 2594, 2580, 9830, 412, 10940, 278, 15130, 564, 4637, 29892, 17140, 445, 3153, 4867, 411, 278, 14909, 28190, 29901, 376, 29902, 881, 884, 3585, 393, 1090, 278, 3517, 17517, 278, 3371, 25648, 379, 3194, 363, 830, 854, 1041, 322, 4111, 1389, 1169, 16669, 393, 2669, 4038, 373, 871, 1023, 26108, 297, 263, 1629, 29892, 577, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2649, 502, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2274, 29908, 13, 4178, 3203, 540, 750, 278, 1781, 17659, 304, 27746, 895, 1156, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 838, 2285, 24518, 1139, 287, 2020, 5144, 310, 278, 18701, 892, 451, 5429, 310, 278, 937, 11781, 310, 278, 4275, 6932, 17274, 11750, 435, 2461, 3767, 1845, 293, 1858, 9450, 12930, 29892, 2466, 540, 1320, 8362, 3654, 408, 2215, 408, 1950, 515, 23134, 29889, 13, 29908, 5894, 4252, 22669, 1363, 445, 338, 263, 716, 9712, 545, 322, 1363, 5870, 886, 526, 4113, 1531, 287, 491, 4275, 20262, 29892, 727, 471, 385, 288, 874, 523, 373, 1749, 760, 11211, 278, 1407, 937, 11781, 1213, 13, 2744, 1228, 1139, 448, 515, 25266, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 15733, 390, 1878, 448, 1048, 278, 18623, 373, 16340, 1897, 391, 5310, 379, 2335, 575, 29915, 29879, 1286, 13834, 4682, 29892, 376, 29933, 11253, 17274, 5105, 29908, 4433, 988, 29892, 565, 3237, 379, 2335, 575, 9259, 278, 11822, 29915, 29879, 2437, 7018, 304, 23484, 277, 12115, 29892, 723, 540, 2125, 1075, 29892, 304, 1510, 825, 540, 750, 2000, 525, 1552, 8195, 12115, 29973, 11838, 13, 3744, 2996, 278, 9830, 546, 29915, 29879, 17018, 280, 1449, 29889, 13, 29908, 2887, 366, 526, 9543, 727, 892, 1784, 297, 5753, 2002, 2478, 297, 278, 3461, 3971, 491, 3237, 29889, 379, 2335, 262, 313, 29879, 293, 29897, 607, 306, 505, 10425, 411, 1075, 322, 4433, 393, 540, 3211, 297, 278, 20017, 310, 6534, 2264, 29892, 13600, 322, 17346, 1213, 13, 1762, 2436, 472, 1316, 3309, 1048, 12115, 1728, 263, 1734, 310, 19679, 363, 278, 2898, 664, 2309, 491, 19355, 13925, 322, 18096, 946, 15942, 471, 385, 1663, 499, 393, 29892, 408, 11822, 29892, 540, 750, 304, 10049, 304, 29889, 13, 29908, 3421, 2437, 7018, 304, 3237, 29889, 379, 2335, 262, 313, 29879, 293, 29897, 304, 23484, 277, 12115, 338, 304, 22222, 278, 664, 393, 338, 1641, 22332, 9424, 411, 278, 9725, 424, 4665, 491, 278, 18701, 322, 916, 17459, 800, 16088, 3265, 1135, 263, 6282, 310, 13814, 470, 10161, 2629, 278, 4726, 29889, 13, 29908, 17245, 29892, 1316, 263, 6282, 1033, 3160, 263, 6493, 304, 399, 5854, 988, 1546, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29900, 9725, 424, 17162, 526, 24803, 630, 491, 624, 481, 793, 17236, 300, 1849, 29889, 2688, 2755, 408, 1568, 408, 3006, 639, 1644, 310, 278, 4665, 310, 278, 5720, 322, 526, 263, 1781, 1342, 310, 10311, 265, 2738, 8471, 322, 1985, 15196, 4110, 297, 278, 9820, 820, 491, 2305, 515, 975, 344, 294, 1213, 13, 5618, 338, 8031, 1048, 6233, 763, 1438, 338, 393, 896, 526, 9259, 304, 367, 278, 376, 29877, 7880, 2407, 29908, 310, 4959, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 1206, 310, 278, 6089, 11211, 5310, 379, 2335, 575, 29892, 278, 16831, 362, 310, 297, 562, 2764, 4135, 1286, 7415, 263, 2114, 785, 408, 947, 278, 1494, 1196, 16088, 13, 29908, 20335, 29889, 379, 2335, 262, 313, 29879, 293, 29897, 20186, 540, 26239, 777, 2472, 297, 670, 4274, 515, 1790, 17745, 29892, 607, 6077, 714, 304, 367, 10240, 1213, 13, 1762, 731, 278, 2407, 7812, 29892, 3237, 379 ]
itchens acknowledged at the time that he lifted one item, not "some" items of information: "The explosion in the illegal distillery couldn't be heard five miles away. Bang to rights! It's a fair cop! I got it out of the 'Independent'. The whole article collapses as a result. I have 'invited' him (Councillor Bedford) to read my article properly, as he doesn't seem to have done it properly the first time." Another item of concern is the regular rejection of propositions at council meetings to suspend Procedure Rule 17.5 so that members can speak more than once during a debate. Such applications are invariably followed by the sentence "On being put to the vote the proposition was lost." That, of course, is because the Conservative majority on the council apparently wishes to encourage brevity rather than debate. This particular meeting began at 6-30pm and ended at 7-45pm, and from beginning to end covered 18 different items - not including supplementary questions from members - an average of just over four minutes an item. It that really enough, or does it merely pay lip service to the idea of democratic local government? Newton Dunn - "we get cheaper vegetables" mark over Boston talks For some strange reason last Friday's news on both BBC local radio and television was dominated by Boston and immigration issues. The peg for the story alternated between the visit by a Home Office team to hear from local people – something which had happened a full week before - and the fact that the protest march which was cancelled on October 18th – more than a month ago - was … er … still not going to happen. Thin stuff indeed – but it gave BBC Radio Lincolnshire programme pieces for the breakfast and lunchtime shows, and provided Look North with the chance to say the same thing all over again on television that evening. At breakfast, we heard short clips from the march organiser Dean Everitt and Councillor Mike Gilbert – portfolio holder for communities – followed by an interview with Labour group leader Councillor Paul Kenny during which the debate advanced little ... quite possibly because he had not met the Home Office team. On to lunchtime, and a live interview this time with Dean Everitt, telling us why he called the march and why he postponed it – followed by a chat with one of our Euro MPs, Bill Newton Dunn … a former Tory turned Lib Dem. Again, nothing he said was particularly enlightening – he's a politician, isn't he? – but he did feel that migrant workers accepting lower pay than local people was clearly not without benefits … "It's a market place, I suppose, and if people are willing to work cheaper, then we get cheaper vegetables as a result." Later that day, it was the turn of Look North to keep the story going - ad nauseam. There was a filmed report - again including Dean Everitt and Councillor Gilbert – and then another live interview with Bill Newton Dunn … you've got to get your money's worth when there's an MEP in town. We're not experts as far as body language is concerned, but we have to say we wondered why Mr Newton Dunn spoke with his eyes nearly closed for much of the interview. One of the many websites devoted to the subject suggests:" Closing the eyes shuts out the world. This can mean 'I do not want to see what is in front of me, it is so terrible.' Sometimes when people are talking they close their eyes. This is an equivalent to turning away so eye contact can be avoided." Whatever the reason, Mr Newton Dunn came up with another bon mot along the lines of the morning's quote on wages – this time on pressures caused by immigration. "It's a seasonal business in the Boston area, picking the fruit and vegetables, so its very hard to plan and it puts a great strain at peak times." Perhaps as well as keeping his eyes closed, he does not listen too closely as well. He reminded us that we were "all Europeans together" and banged the same drum that he had earlier in the day - that the real problem was illegal immigration from countries like Africa. All of this made Friday one of those days that we dislike. A quiet news agenda for the BBC – it was Children in Need, so they all had more important things to think about – meant that the Boston story was an easy knock-off … even though there was no real news peg to speak of. Per
[ 2335, 575, 24084, 3192, 472, 278, 931, 393, 540, 26239, 697, 2944, 29892, 451, 376, 5372, 29908, 4452, 310, 2472, 29901, 376, 1576, 20389, 291, 297, 278, 27302, 1320, 19486, 8496, 29915, 29873, 367, 6091, 5320, 7800, 3448, 29889, 14320, 304, 10462, 29991, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 6534, 5614, 29991, 306, 2355, 372, 714, 310, 278, 525, 2568, 1022, 3906, 4286, 450, 3353, 4274, 784, 14128, 267, 408, 263, 1121, 29889, 306, 505, 525, 11569, 1573, 29915, 1075, 313, 29907, 1309, 29883, 453, 272, 14195, 4006, 29897, 304, 1303, 590, 4274, 6284, 29892, 408, 540, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2833, 304, 505, 2309, 372, 6284, 278, 937, 931, 1213, 13, 2744, 1228, 2944, 310, 5932, 338, 278, 4943, 337, 6929, 310, 9551, 2187, 472, 18701, 5870, 886, 304, 8872, 355, 1019, 26600, 27308, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29889, 29945, 577, 393, 5144, 508, 7726, 901, 1135, 2748, 2645, 263, 27836, 29889, 13, 29903, 987, 8324, 526, 15939, 2197, 5643, 491, 278, 10541, 376, 2951, 1641, 1925, 304, 278, 11719, 278, 26619, 471, 5714, 1213, 13, 7058, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 338, 1363, 278, 15312, 1230, 13638, 373, 278, 18701, 13229, 28688, 304, 13731, 6617, 2078, 17037, 3265, 1135, 27836, 29889, 13, 4013, 3153, 11781, 4689, 472, 29871, 29953, 29899, 29941, 29900, 3358, 322, 9698, 472, 29871, 29955, 29899, 29946, 29945, 3358, 29892, 322, 515, 6763, 304, 1095, 10664, 29871, 29896, 29947, 1422, 4452, 448, 451, 3704, 1462, 944, 653, 5155, 515, 5144, 448, 385, 6588, 310, 925, 975, 3023, 6233, 385, 2944, 29889, 13, 3112, 393, 2289, 3307, 29892, 470, 947, 372, 13586, 5146, 17441, 2669, 304, 278, 2969, 310, 1261, 8415, 2454, 1887, 5874, 29973, 13, 4373, 880, 360, 5963, 448, 376, 705, 679, 923, 7202, 18655, 1849, 29908, 13, 3502, 975, 13, 29933, 11253, 5969, 2039, 13, 2831, 777, 8515, 2769, 1833, 28728, 29915, 29879, 9763, 373, 1716, 14129, 1887, 7155, 322, 11456, 471, 8022, 630, 491, 12115, 322, 5198, 16783, 5626, 29889, 13, 1576, 282, 387, 363, 278, 5828, 5136, 630, 1546, 278, 6493, 491, 263, 8778, 11367, 3815, 304, 8293, 515, 1887, 2305, 785, 1554, 607, 750, 9559, 263, 2989, 4723, 1434, 448, 322, 278, 2114, 393, 278, 10021, 8575, 607, 471, 12611, 839, 373, 5533, 29871, 29896, 29947, 386, 785, 901, 1135, 263, 4098, 8020, 448, 471, 16088, 604, 16088, 1603, 451, 2675, 304, 3799, 29889, 13, 1349, 262, 6433, 6200, 785, 541, 372, 4846, 14129, 9204, 17274, 11750, 19607, 12785, 363, 278, 26044, 322, 301, 3322, 2230, 3697, 29892, 322, 4944, 7419, 4644, 411, 278, 8825, 304, 1827, 278, 1021, 2655, 599, 975, 1449, 373, 11456, 393, 11005, 29889, 13, 4178, 26044, 29892, 591, 6091, 3273, 9335, 567, 515, 278, 8575, 2894, 7608, 23263, 18274, 986, 322, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 12828, 23657, 785, 2011, 25648, 19464, 363, 23507, 785, 5643, 491, 385, 15593, 411, 29453, 2318, 11822, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 3739, 10015, 1460, 2645, 607, 278, 27836, 12862, 2217, 2023, 3755, 10075, 1363, 540, 750, 451, 1539, 278, 8778, 11367, 3815, 29889, 13, 2951, 304, 301, 3322, 2230, 29892, 322, 263, 5735, 15593, 445, 931, 411, 23263, 18274, 986, 29892, 14509, 502, 2020, 540, 2000, 278, 8575, 322, 2020, 540, 1400, 1112, 287, 372, 785, 5643, 491, 263, 13563, 411, 697, 310, 1749, 11652, 16379, 29879, 29892, 6682, 19017, 360, 5963, 16088, 263, 4642, 323, 706, 6077, 8153, 4432, 29889, 13, 14769, 475, 29892, 3078, 540, 1497, 471, 10734, 427, 4366, 8333, 785, 540, 29915, 29879, 263, 14099, 29892, 3508, 29915, 29873, 540, 29973, 785, 541, 540, 1258, 4459, 393, 9725, 424, 17162, 25967, 5224, 5146, 1135, 1887, 2305, 471, 9436, 451, 1728, 23633, 16088, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 9999, 2058, 29892, 306, 7755, 29892, 322, 565, 2305, 526, 17762, 304, 664, 923, 7202, 29892, 769, 591, 679, 923, 7202, 18655, 1849, 408, 263, 1121, 1213, 13, 29931, 1008, 393, 2462, 29892, 372, 471, 278, 2507, 310, 7419, 4644, 304, 3013, 278, 5828, 2675, 448, 594, 302, 1071, 314, 29889, 13, 8439, 471, 263, 977, 2168, 3461, 448, 1449, 3704, 23263, 18274, 986, 322, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 23657, 785, 322, 769, 1790, 5735, 15593, 411, 6682, 19017, 360, 5963, 16088, 366, 29915, 345, 2355, 304, 679, 596, 6909, 29915, 29879, 7088, 746, 727, 29915, 29879, 385, 341, 15488, 297, 4726, 29889, 13, 4806, 29915, 276, 451, 2902, 1372, 408, 2215, 408, 3573, 4086, 338, 15041, 29892, 541, 591, 505, 304, 1827, 591, 4997, 287, 2020, 3237, 19017, 360, 5963, 12707, 411, 670, 5076, 8886, 5764, 363, 1568, 310, 278, 15593, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 1784, 28007, 24600, 304, 278, 4967, 14661, 6160, 2233, 14556, 278, 5076, 528, 8842, 714, 278, 3186, 29889, 910, 508, 2099, 525, 29902, 437, 451, 864, 304, 1074, 825, 338, 297, 4565, 310, 592, 29892, 372, 338, 577, 16403, 6169, 18512, 746, 2305, 526, 9963, 896, 3802, 1009, 5076, 29889, 910, 338, 385, 7126, 304, 14712, 3448, 577, 10977, 6958, 508, 367, 28305, 1213, 13, 8809, 5564, 278, 2769, 29892, 3237, 19017, 360, 5963, 2996, 701, 411, 1790, 10814, 3184, 3412, 278, 3454, 310, 278, 7250, 29915, 29879, 14978, 373, 281, 1179, 785, 445, 931, 373, 3965, 1973, 8581, 491, 5198, 16783, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 4259, 284, 5381, 297, 278, 12115, 4038, 29892, 5839, 292, 278, 15774, 322, 18655, 1849, 29892, 577, 967, 1407, 2898, 304, 3814, 322, 372, 15223, 263, 2107, 5312, 262, 472, 19224, 3064, 1213, 13, 5894, 4252, 408, 1532, 408, 12515, 670, 5076, 5764, 29892, 540, 947, 451, 11621, 2086, 16467, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 3868, 1083, 513, 287, 502, 393, 591, 892, 376, 497, 4092, 550, 4208, 29908, 322, 289, 4618, 278, 1021, 24103, 393, 540, 750, 8859, 297, 278, 2462, 448, 393, 278, 1855, 1108, 471, 27302, 5198, 16783, 515, 10916, 763, 10557, 29889, 13, 3596, 310, 445, 1754, 28728, 697, 310, 1906, 3841, 393, 591, 766, 4561, 29889, 13, 29909, 11813, 9763, 946, 8395, 363, 278, 14129, 785, 372, 471, 20986, 297, 20768, 29892, 577, 896, 599, 750, 901, 4100, 2712, 304, 1348, 1048, 785, 6839, 393, 278, 12115, 5828, 471, 385, 4780, 18232, 29899, 2696, 16088, 1584, 2466, 727, 471, 694, 1855, 9763, 282, 387, 304, 7726, 310, 29889, 13, 5894 ]
haps understandably, people seem obliged to accept an invitation to broadcast – even if there is really nothing to say. The result was around 15 minutes of air time dedicated – yet again - to a negative portrait of Boston. A simple refusal from those approached would have spared us from still more poor publicity. "I'm sorry, there's really nothing to add, so I hope you won't mind if I don't take part," is the kind of answer that we had in mind – one that would have sent the newshounds from the BBC baying after another, more malleable victim. Only one thing was of real interest in all of this. At the end of the BBC Radio Lincolnshire breakfast show interviews, presenter Rod Whiting read out the following – almost by way of a disclaimer. "A statement by the UK Border Agency says that Home Office researchers recently visited Boston with the support of the council to listen to the views of public service providers, local residents and employers on migration. It's part of a larger piece of work looking at the impact of migrants on public services in the UK and is not specific to Boston." We find it very strange that someone felt the need to issue such a clarification - and wonder why. We also find the statement oddly contradictory when compared with the press release which quoted council leader Peter Bedford when the march was postponed. "We had not been able to say anything until now about the sensitive talks we were having with the Home Office over the past few months which have concluded only recently with the Home Office agreeing to come to Boston to speak to people here about issues around immigration. I hope this provides an answer to critics who have accused us of having our heads in the sand and doing nothing." If nothing else, the statement suggested by omission that the talks were "specific to Boston," and to learn now that Boston was simply added to the route of a travelling sideshow is a great disappointment. Perhaps some clarification might be helpful. Posted by Boston Eye at Tuesday, November 22, 2011 1 comment: Cabinet's bright idea lacked solar flair! At the beginning of the month, we expressed concern at the rush by Boston Borough Council's cabinet of curiosities to spend a fortune on installing solar energy panels on the roof of the Geoff Moulder Leisure Complex. Our worry was that because of the tightness of the timetable, and despite a recommendation that the decision should be endorsed by the full council, reports of the meeting quoted council leader Peter Bedford as saying that "the mayor has agreed that such a decision should be treated as urgent" which we were told meant that the matter would not go before the full council after all. The urgency was because of the need to benefit from a guaranteed rate of 32.9p for every kilowatt hour generated. But applications had to be in by December 12th to qualify for the payment – which would then be guaranteed until 31st March 2012 and protected for 25 years linked to the rate of inflation. Any later with the applications, and the payment would drop by about half. Glittering figures were bandied about, with profits on a best case scenario of £3,914,068 with a payback time for the cost of less than eight years; a "likely case" where profits would be £1,752,624 and even in the worst case, £1,293,362. But now, it seems tonight's meeting of the full council will have its voice heard after all. The indecent haste to rush things through by 12th December – which was the date for applications which guaranteed the higher rate of return – just one small point was overlooked … the time it would take to process the applications – which is between 45 and 60 days. Obviously this means that the council will miss the deadline, and makes us wonder whether anything else might have been overlooked as well. The 32.9p payment that the cabinet had hoped for will now fall to 15.2p - although the higher rate will still be paid until the end of March, and the link to inflation will be maintained. A slightly different calculation is used in the report to this evening's meeting from the one originally given to the cabinet. It compares "export" profits and uses them to calculate a payback period. So, with a 50% export and 50% usage, payback would take 14.
[ 4252, 2274, 2197, 29892, 2305, 2833, 24474, 304, 3544, 385, 2437, 7018, 304, 12672, 785, 1584, 565, 727, 338, 2289, 3078, 304, 1827, 29889, 13, 1576, 1121, 471, 2820, 29871, 29896, 29945, 6233, 310, 4799, 931, 16955, 785, 3447, 1449, 448, 304, 263, 8178, 21760, 310, 12115, 29889, 13, 29909, 2560, 2143, 375, 284, 515, 1906, 26733, 723, 505, 805, 1965, 502, 515, 1603, 901, 6460, 970, 537, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 29885, 7423, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 2289, 3078, 304, 788, 29892, 577, 306, 4966, 366, 2113, 29915, 29873, 3458, 565, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2125, 760, 1699, 338, 278, 2924, 310, 1234, 393, 591, 750, 297, 3458, 785, 697, 393, 723, 505, 2665, 278, 716, 845, 3885, 515, 278, 14129, 23041, 292, 1156, 1790, 29892, 901, 286, 3498, 519, 28985, 29889, 13, 11730, 697, 2655, 471, 310, 1855, 4066, 297, 599, 310, 445, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 14129, 9204, 17274, 11750, 26044, 1510, 1006, 7406, 29892, 2198, 261, 7733, 806, 11407, 1303, 714, 278, 1494, 785, 4359, 491, 982, 310, 263, 2313, 433, 4193, 29889, 13, 29908, 29909, 3229, 491, 278, 10261, 20830, 29353, 4083, 393, 8778, 11367, 5925, 414, 10325, 16669, 12115, 411, 278, 2304, 310, 278, 18701, 304, 11621, 304, 278, 8386, 310, 970, 2669, 1326, 11376, 29892, 1887, 24060, 322, 5703, 414, 373, 20332, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 760, 310, 263, 7200, 8424, 310, 664, 3063, 472, 278, 10879, 310, 9725, 1934, 373, 970, 5786, 297, 278, 10261, 322, 338, 451, 2702, 304, 12115, 1213, 13, 4806, 1284, 372, 1407, 8515, 393, 4856, 7091, 278, 817, 304, 2228, 1316, 263, 7542, 2450, 448, 322, 4997, 2020, 29889, 13, 4806, 884, 1284, 278, 3229, 7736, 368, 27877, 706, 746, 9401, 411, 278, 3965, 6507, 607, 23153, 18701, 11822, 5310, 14195, 4006, 746, 278, 8575, 471, 1400, 1112, 287, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 750, 451, 1063, 2221, 304, 1827, 3099, 2745, 1286, 1048, 278, 20502, 5969, 2039, 591, 892, 2534, 411, 278, 8778, 11367, 975, 278, 4940, 2846, 7378, 607, 505, 22834, 871, 10325, 411, 278, 8778, 11367, 8661, 292, 304, 2041, 304, 12115, 304, 7726, 304, 2305, 1244, 1048, 5626, 2820, 5198, 16783, 29889, 306, 4966, 445, 8128, 385, 1234, 304, 28431, 1058, 505, 28886, 502, 310, 2534, 1749, 15883, 297, 278, 11982, 322, 2599, 3078, 1213, 13, 3644, 3078, 1683, 29892, 278, 3229, 7829, 491, 2703, 2333, 393, 278, 5969, 2039, 892, 376, 14940, 304, 12115, 1699, 322, 304, 5110, 1286, 393, 12115, 471, 3763, 2715, 304, 278, 5782, 310, 263, 6427, 7807, 11192, 3525, 338, 263, 2107, 23451, 358, 29889, 13, 5894, 4252, 777, 7542, 2450, 1795, 367, 8444, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 12115, 382, 4099, 472, 323, 1041, 3250, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29871, 29896, 3440, 29901, 13, 29907, 370, 10157, 29915, 29879, 11785, 2969, 13, 2364, 287, 21635, 17422, 381, 29991, 13, 4178, 278, 6763, 310, 278, 4098, 29892, 591, 13384, 5932, 472, 278, 364, 1878, 491, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 29915, 29879, 28966, 310, 20301, 1907, 304, 18864, 263, 19717, 373, 15476, 21635, 5864, 7243, 1379, 373, 278, 17526, 310, 278, 28295, 341, 483, 261, 951, 275, 545, 26596, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 15982, 471, 393, 1363, 310, 278, 19932, 2264, 310, 278, 5335, 300, 519, 29892, 322, 15020, 263, 29303, 393, 278, 10608, 881, 367, 1095, 943, 287, 491, 278, 2989, 18701, 29892, 13676, 310, 278, 11781, 23153, 18701, 11822, 5310, 14195, 4006, 408, 5934, 393, 376, 1552, 9105, 756, 15502, 393, 1316, 263, 10608, 881, 367, 14914, 408, 5065, 5362, 29908, 607, 591, 892, 5429, 6839, 393, 278, 4383, 723, 451, 748, 1434, 278, 2989, 18701, 1156, 599, 29889, 13, 1576, 5065, 14703, 471, 1363, 310, 278, 817, 304, 14169, 515, 263, 22688, 6554, 310, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29889, 29929, 29886, 363, 1432, 4679, 340, 1131, 7234, 5759, 29889, 1205, 8324, 750, 304, 367, 297, 491, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29906, 386, 304, 4021, 1598, 363, 278, 19179, 785, 607, 723, 769, 367, 22688, 2745, 29871, 29941, 29896, 303, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 322, 6364, 363, 29871, 29906, 29945, 2440, 9024, 304, 278, 6554, 310, 4414, 362, 29889, 3139, 2678, 411, 278, 8324, 29892, 322, 278, 19179, 723, 5768, 491, 1048, 4203, 29889, 13, 29954, 29880, 5171, 292, 13994, 892, 3719, 1000, 1048, 29892, 411, 2600, 1169, 373, 263, 1900, 1206, 10483, 310, 15151, 29941, 29892, 29929, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29953, 29947, 411, 263, 5146, 1627, 931, 363, 278, 3438, 310, 3109, 1135, 9475, 2440, 29936, 263, 376, 21280, 1206, 29908, 988, 2600, 1169, 723, 367, 15151, 29896, 29892, 29955, 29945, 29906, 29892, 29953, 29906, 29946, 322, 1584, 297, 278, 17322, 1206, 29892, 15151, 29896, 29892, 29906, 29929, 29941, 29892, 29941, 29953, 29906, 29889, 13, 6246, 1286, 29892, 372, 2444, 15243, 523, 29915, 29879, 11781, 310, 278, 2989, 18701, 674, 505, 967, 7314, 6091, 1156, 599, 29889, 13, 1576, 5704, 1760, 756, 371, 304, 364, 1878, 2712, 1549, 491, 29871, 29896, 29906, 386, 5846, 785, 607, 471, 278, 2635, 363, 8324, 607, 22688, 278, 6133, 6554, 310, 736, 785, 925, 697, 2319, 1298, 471, 975, 6914, 287, 16088, 278, 931, 372, 723, 2125, 304, 1889, 278, 8324, 785, 607, 338, 1546, 29871, 29946, 29945, 322, 29871, 29953, 29900, 3841, 29889, 13, 6039, 16604, 445, 2794, 393, 278, 18701, 674, 3052, 278, 7123, 1220, 29892, 322, 3732, 502, 4997, 3692, 3099, 1683, 1795, 505, 1063, 975, 6914, 287, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 1576, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29889, 29929, 29886, 19179, 393, 278, 28966, 750, 24936, 363, 674, 1286, 6416, 304, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29889, 29906, 29886, 448, 5998, 278, 6133, 6554, 674, 1603, 367, 12530, 2745, 278, 1095, 310, 4779, 29892, 322, 278, 1544, 304, 4414, 362, 674, 367, 19949, 29889, 13, 29909, 10029, 1422, 13944, 338, 1304, 297, 278, 3461, 304, 445, 11005, 29915, 29879, 11781, 515, 278, 697, 10437, 2183, 304, 278, 28966, 29889, 13, 3112, 752, 5114, 376, 15843, 29908, 2600, 1169, 322, 3913, 963, 304, 8147, 263, 5146, 1627, 3785, 29889, 13, 6295, 29892, 411, 263, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29995, 5609, 322, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29995, 8744, 29892, 5146, 1627, 723, 2125, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29889 ]
45 years with profits of £90,943; 20% export would take 9.81 years and yield £192,902, and using all the power without any exports would take pay back 8.08 years with profits of £260,875. As well as the solar panels, which will cost £105,167, there is another proposal – to spend £22,132 of capital on energy efficient lighting at the Moulder complex. It is estimated that this proposal will generate average annual savings of £4,047 – about the cost of a year's muzak at the centre – plus annual maintenance savings which are to be "clarified" – which is always a worrying word. The report's conclusion is that: "Based on a set of cautious assumptions, it is believed that investment in solar PV would still represent a worthwhile investment and also demonstrate community leadership on the environment." Given the way that things have gone so far, we hope that tonight's meeting will look long and hard at the proposals - and ensure that there are no potentially nasty surprises lurking in the wings. Wednesday's publication of Lincolnshire's unemployment figures showed an increase in longer-term joblessness, and - compared with this time last year - more than 1,000 people claiming benefits. In Boston, unemployment was eight fewer than last month – but year on year 10% higher - with 137 more people seeking work. This placed Boston fourth on the list of the county's 13 economic areas, and came against the backdrop of the news that 34 out of 55 staff at Pinguin Foods on the Marsh Lane Industrial Estate could be sacked – although the company hopes it might be less. The news underlines two things. Firstly - that what some of our leaders see as core employment in the area ... i.e. field and packhouse work ... is undergoing a steady decline; and secondly that more effort must be put into creating new, non-agricultural employment in Boston. It's now roughly 100 days since Boston's Labour councillors launched a campaign on their website for local people to identify local "grot spots" - which would be drawn to the attention of Worst Street in the hope that something would be done about them. We said at the time that we were sure there would be no shortage of nominations. But as is so often the case - whether anything has been done about any of them is another matter entirely. Perhaps a progress report would help … Interestingly, in the same week that we reported the launch of Labour's campaign, we also noted the closure of the Maud Foster Tearooms, blamed on the totally pointless Spilsby Road roadworks that have done nothing at all to improve the way traffic flows through town. Even though we have mentioned the fate of the tearooms before, it has been ignored by people who should know better. This month's issue of Lincolnshire Focus magazine carries the advert below. click to enlarge the picture Given that the advert is produced by Boston BID, it comes as no surprise that it is wrong in some respect. But Boston Borough Council is another culprit - telling readers of its website "Maud's tearoom is a traditional tea shop serving morning coffees, lunches and afternoon teas," whilst posting a link to the mill's own site which quite clearly states "Maud's Tea Room has now closed." More seriously, we think that the BID advert is also misleading. The photo of the Market Place - which of course is now a building site - makes no mention of the work currently being undertaken, nor that the site of the market has moved pro tem. Presumably, this was because the BID thought that such information might put people off visiting the town. But a carefully written piece, explaining what is going on, and pointing out that the town ought soon to have one of the finest market places in the country, is surely far preferable to having people visit and feel cheated. In yesterday's blog, we reproduced figures from the Lincolnshire Observatory showing who does what in the world of work in the county – giving the lie to the idea that Boston is a place where most residents work in the fields. The same statistics showed Overall Household Recycling and Composting Rate (as a percentage of household waste) for local authority districts for 2010-11. Perhaps the recent rush to rec
[ 29946, 29945, 2440, 411, 2600, 1169, 310, 15151, 29929, 29900, 29892, 29929, 29946, 29941, 29936, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29995, 5609, 723, 2125, 29871, 29929, 29889, 29947, 29896, 2440, 322, 7709, 15151, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29892, 29929, 29900, 29906, 29892, 322, 773, 599, 278, 3081, 1728, 738, 29586, 723, 2125, 5146, 1250, 29871, 29947, 29889, 29900, 29947, 2440, 411, 2600, 1169, 310, 15151, 29906, 29953, 29900, 29892, 29947, 29955, 29945, 29889, 13, 2887, 1532, 408, 278, 21635, 7243, 1379, 29892, 607, 674, 3438, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29945, 29892, 29896, 29953, 29955, 29892, 727, 338, 1790, 24963, 785, 304, 18864, 15151, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29896, 29941, 29906, 310, 7483, 373, 5864, 8543, 3578, 292, 472, 278, 341, 483, 261, 4280, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 15899, 393, 445, 24963, 674, 5706, 6588, 17568, 4048, 886, 310, 15151, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29946, 29955, 785, 1048, 278, 3438, 310, 263, 1629, 29915, 29879, 23948, 557, 472, 278, 8442, 785, 2298, 17568, 25413, 4048, 886, 607, 526, 304, 367, 376, 16544, 2164, 29908, 785, 607, 338, 2337, 263, 15982, 292, 1734, 29889, 13, 1576, 3461, 29915, 29879, 15997, 338, 393, 29901, 376, 29933, 1463, 373, 263, 731, 310, 274, 1300, 2738, 20813, 29892, 372, 338, 13112, 393, 13258, 358, 297, 21635, 349, 29963, 723, 1603, 2755, 263, 7088, 8000, 13258, 358, 322, 884, 22222, 7881, 26001, 373, 278, 5177, 1213, 13, 29954, 5428, 278, 982, 393, 2712, 505, 7695, 577, 2215, 29892, 591, 4966, 393, 15243, 523, 29915, 29879, 11781, 674, 1106, 1472, 322, 2898, 472, 278, 9551, 1338, 448, 322, 9801, 393, 727, 526, 694, 19998, 11777, 29891, 11468, 4637, 301, 332, 9292, 297, 278, 24745, 29889, 13, 29956, 287, 4515, 3250, 29915, 29879, 17745, 310, 17274, 11750, 29915, 29879, 443, 3451, 22812, 13994, 10018, 385, 7910, 297, 5520, 29899, 8489, 4982, 2222, 2264, 29892, 322, 448, 9401, 411, 445, 931, 1833, 1629, 448, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 2305, 5995, 292, 23633, 29889, 512, 12115, 29892, 443, 3451, 22812, 471, 9475, 28145, 1135, 1833, 4098, 785, 541, 1629, 373, 1629, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29995, 6133, 448, 411, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29955, 901, 2305, 25738, 664, 29889, 910, 7180, 12115, 11582, 373, 278, 1051, 310, 278, 15178, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29941, 17407, 10161, 29892, 322, 2996, 2750, 278, 1250, 8865, 310, 278, 9763, 393, 29871, 29941, 29946, 714, 310, 29871, 29945, 29945, 13925, 472, 349, 6202, 262, 25453, 29879, 373, 278, 13216, 23841, 12157, 9315, 2661, 403, 1033, 367, 269, 547, 287, 785, 5998, 278, 5001, 26926, 372, 1795, 367, 3109, 29889, 450, 9763, 1090, 9012, 1023, 2712, 29889, 3824, 368, 448, 393, 825, 777, 310, 1749, 20251, 1074, 408, 7136, 5703, 358, 297, 278, 4038, 2023, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 1746, 322, 4870, 8697, 664, 2023, 338, 1090, 17696, 263, 27357, 4845, 457, 29936, 322, 1473, 368, 393, 901, 7225, 1818, 367, 1925, 964, 4969, 716, 29892, 1661, 29899, 351, 2200, 499, 3631, 5703, 358, 297, 12115, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1286, 20928, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 3841, 1951, 12115, 29915, 29879, 29453, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 15241, 263, 11531, 373, 1009, 4700, 363, 1887, 2305, 304, 12439, 1887, 376, 29887, 5450, 805, 1862, 29908, 448, 607, 723, 367, 12061, 304, 278, 8570, 310, 19662, 303, 7103, 297, 278, 4966, 393, 1554, 723, 367, 2309, 1048, 963, 29889, 1334, 1497, 472, 278, 931, 393, 591, 892, 1854, 727, 723, 367, 694, 3273, 482, 310, 10418, 800, 29889, 1205, 408, 338, 577, 4049, 278, 1206, 448, 3692, 3099, 756, 1063, 2309, 1048, 738, 310, 963, 338, 1790, 4383, 9186, 29889, 11637, 263, 6728, 3461, 723, 1371, 16088, 13, 4074, 342, 11687, 29892, 297, 278, 1021, 4723, 393, 591, 8967, 278, 6826, 310, 29453, 29915, 29879, 11531, 29892, 591, 884, 11682, 278, 18424, 310, 278, 3219, 566, 383, 15664, 323, 799, 29877, 4835, 29892, 1999, 2795, 373, 278, 14909, 1298, 2222, 1706, 2719, 1609, 9321, 6520, 13129, 393, 505, 2309, 3078, 472, 599, 304, 11157, 278, 982, 12469, 24536, 1549, 4726, 29889, 7753, 2466, 591, 505, 5276, 278, 23779, 310, 278, 734, 8854, 4835, 1434, 29892, 372, 756, 1063, 17262, 491, 2305, 1058, 881, 1073, 2253, 29889, 910, 4098, 29915, 29879, 2228, 310, 17274, 11750, 383, 5421, 14853, 1559, 2722, 278, 18811, 2400, 29889, 13, 3808, 304, 427, 16961, 278, 7623, 13, 29954, 5428, 393, 278, 18811, 338, 7371, 491, 12115, 350, 1367, 29892, 372, 5304, 408, 694, 16671, 393, 372, 338, 2743, 297, 777, 3390, 29889, 1205, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 338, 1790, 13949, 19428, 448, 14509, 22176, 310, 967, 4700, 376, 29924, 15052, 29915, 29879, 734, 8854, 290, 338, 263, 13807, 23429, 18296, 16330, 7250, 19785, 12712, 29892, 301, 3322, 267, 322, 17724, 734, 294, 1699, 21109, 16742, 263, 1544, 304, 278, 3533, 29915, 29879, 1914, 3268, 607, 3755, 9436, 5922, 376, 29924, 15052, 29915, 29879, 1920, 29874, 25114, 756, 1286, 5764, 1213, 5853, 25798, 29892, 591, 1348, 393, 278, 350, 1367, 18811, 338, 884, 3984, 25369, 29889, 450, 15373, 310, 278, 28794, 15484, 448, 607, 310, 3236, 338, 1286, 263, 5214, 3268, 448, 3732, 694, 3585, 310, 278, 664, 5279, 1641, 22332, 9424, 29892, 3643, 393, 278, 3268, 310, 278, 9999, 756, 6153, 410, 1350, 29889, 4360, 24873, 29892, 445, 471, 1363, 278, 350, 1367, 2714, 393, 1316, 2472, 1795, 1925, 2305, 1283, 6493, 292, 278, 4726, 29889, 1205, 263, 16112, 3971, 8424, 29892, 24232, 825, 338, 2675, 373, 29892, 322, 13330, 714, 393, 278, 4726, 12722, 4720, 304, 505, 697, 310, 278, 1436, 342, 9999, 7600, 297, 278, 4234, 29892, 338, 18880, 2215, 5821, 519, 304, 2534, 2305, 6493, 322, 4459, 923, 630, 29889, 13, 797, 22600, 29915, 29879, 12618, 29892, 591, 9483, 1133, 13994, 515, 278, 17274, 11750, 21651, 7606, 6445, 1058, 947, 825, 297, 278, 3186, 310, 664, 297, 278, 15178, 785, 6820, 278, 3804, 304, 278, 2969, 393, 12115, 338, 263, 2058, 988, 1556, 24060, 664, 297, 278, 4235, 29889, 450, 1021, 13964, 10018, 6811, 497, 5619, 8948, 3599, 29891, 19914, 322, 422, 2490, 292, 390, 403, 313, 294, 263, 19649, 310, 22329, 19863, 29897, 363, 1887, 14329, 24172, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29896, 29889, 13, 5894, 4252, 278, 7786, 364, 1878, 304, 1162 ]
ycle in Boston may have come too late, but the figures show the borough at the bottom of the compost heap with a meagre 29% - almost half that of the top recyclers West Lindsey, with 56% . It seems that progress is taking place since the planned Boston march about immigration levels was postponed - with claims that police activity with regard to anti-social behaviour is increasing. We also hear that there should be some news of Boston Borough Council's task and finish group by the end of the month. There is also to be a review of the current Designated Public Places Order, which might feature a total drinks ban for some areas – subject to changes in the law. The Boston Protest March Facebook page, meanwhile, changes almost daily, but seems to be fragmenting, with many complaints from people about removal of their comments and the like. As recently as yesterday, chunks of older messages disappeared – prompting suggestions that the site had been hacked. The page has also prompted the following e-mail from an anonymous reader concerned that the public interest is being marginalised in the debate. He writes: "Following your blog on the stifling of free speech by Councillor Bedford, I was minded to pose another question. Since the announcement of a march in Boston on the subject of immigration, organised almost entirely on a popular social networking site, the "leadership" of this group seem to have been invited to meet with local councillors, the Home Office, the MP and others. On what basis has the council decided that these are the only people that require consultation on the problems within Boston? Are the silent (or those not on Facebook) majority to be ignored in favour of those who call for action via the internet? In fact, how many members of this "group" are just viewing the posts and have no intention of marching? A lot of the comments come from people who don't even live in or have any connection to Boston. What worried me was the "public meeting" that seemed to be by invite only. Is there going to be no general consultation of the borough's citizens if the problems we face are that great? In the last few days there seems to be a great deal of infighting on their page and the "banning" of people who don't agree with the moderators of the group. I'm not sure this is the example of a democratic group challenging the council." We wonder what bright spark decided that last Sunday would be a good day to erect new road signage and undertake white lining on many of Boston's main roads. Traffic through the town was gridlocked during the day, with not only John Adams Way, but many of its tributary roads, choked with traffic. In case the traffic managers at – presumably County Hall – had not noticed, Sunday was Remembrance Day. When we arrived to park shortly after 10am, much of The Green was already taken up by contractors' vehicles, and as 11am approached, parking problems for late arrivals were acute. This, on a day that is guaranteed to be one of the busiest in the calendar for town centre parking. Apropos that, whilst we can understand that signs proclaiming a 60p charge for half an hour's parking on The Green on Sunday is intended as a demonstration of generosity, we felt that it would have been more appropriate to remove them last weekend. The reasons? Firstly, half an hour isn't long enough for attendees at the War Memorial service, and secondly the signs broadcast the impression that people were being warned to "pay up or else" rather than being made aware of reduced charges. A lesson for next year, perhaps? Is it really true that this week is Boston Enterprise Week? We read of a couple of events on Wednesday under that heading on Boston Borough Council's website comprising a Dragon's Den event staged by Young Enterprise and a Junior Chamber International event on optimising your online business profile. Aside from that there is a speed networking event being staged next week. Try as we might, we can find no reference to the event on Boston Business Improvement District's website, and the whole thing seems a little half hearted, to say the least. In the current economic climate we would have expected an "Enterprise Week" to be … well, enterprising – if nothing else! On Wednesday, we mentioned the Boston Town Area Committee, and its budget surplus of £13,281. Despite having so much unspent cash, splashing out on some fencing to make life more liveable for
[ 13317, 297, 12115, 1122, 505, 2041, 2086, 5683, 29892, 541, 278, 13994, 1510, 278, 9820, 820, 472, 278, 5970, 310, 278, 752, 520, 16947, 411, 263, 592, 351, 276, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29995, 448, 4359, 4203, 393, 310, 278, 2246, 1162, 29891, 695, 414, 3122, 17277, 7759, 29892, 411, 29871, 29945, 29953, 29995, 869, 13, 3112, 2444, 393, 6728, 338, 5622, 2058, 1951, 278, 20458, 12115, 8575, 1048, 5198, 16783, 11174, 471, 1400, 1112, 287, 448, 411, 16726, 393, 10974, 6354, 411, 4880, 304, 9418, 29899, 24911, 10468, 338, 10231, 29889, 1334, 884, 8293, 393, 727, 881, 367, 777, 9763, 310, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 29915, 29879, 3414, 322, 8341, 2318, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 4098, 29889, 1670, 338, 884, 304, 367, 263, 9076, 310, 278, 1857, 12037, 630, 5236, 23178, 8170, 29892, 607, 1795, 4682, 263, 3001, 13748, 29879, 9892, 363, 777, 10161, 785, 4967, 304, 3620, 297, 278, 4307, 29889, 13, 1576, 12115, 21723, 4779, 13327, 1813, 29892, 2099, 8000, 29892, 3620, 4359, 14218, 29892, 541, 2444, 304, 367, 9376, 292, 29892, 411, 1784, 15313, 9466, 515, 2305, 1048, 28744, 310, 1009, 6589, 322, 278, 763, 29889, 1094, 10325, 408, 22600, 29892, 521, 18801, 310, 9642, 7191, 24273, 785, 9508, 292, 10529, 393, 278, 3268, 750, 1063, 15833, 287, 29889, 450, 1813, 756, 884, 9508, 287, 278, 1494, 321, 29899, 2549, 515, 385, 21560, 9591, 15041, 393, 278, 970, 4066, 338, 1641, 15276, 979, 3368, 297, 278, 27836, 29889, 940, 15873, 29901, 376, 29943, 2952, 292, 596, 12618, 373, 278, 380, 361, 1847, 310, 3889, 12032, 491, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 14195, 4006, 29892, 306, 471, 3458, 287, 304, 18593, 1790, 1139, 29889, 4001, 278, 7475, 13561, 310, 263, 8575, 297, 12115, 373, 278, 4967, 310, 5198, 16783, 29892, 2894, 3368, 4359, 9186, 373, 263, 5972, 5264, 28127, 3268, 29892, 278, 376, 280, 328, 10475, 29908, 310, 445, 2318, 2833, 304, 505, 1063, 23610, 304, 5870, 411, 1887, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 29892, 278, 8778, 11367, 29892, 278, 16379, 322, 4045, 29889, 1551, 825, 8405, 756, 278, 18701, 8459, 393, 1438, 526, 278, 871, 2305, 393, 1996, 8799, 362, 373, 278, 4828, 2629, 12115, 29973, 4683, 278, 17436, 313, 272, 1906, 451, 373, 13327, 29897, 13638, 304, 367, 17262, 297, 15381, 310, 1906, 1058, 1246, 363, 3158, 3025, 278, 8986, 29973, 512, 2114, 29892, 920, 1784, 5144, 310, 445, 376, 2972, 29908, 526, 925, 1776, 292, 278, 11803, 322, 505, 694, 16392, 310, 8575, 292, 29973, 319, 3287, 310, 278, 6589, 2041, 515, 2305, 1058, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1584, 5735, 297, 470, 505, 738, 3957, 304, 12115, 29889, 1724, 6365, 1255, 592, 471, 278, 376, 3597, 11781, 29908, 393, 6140, 304, 367, 491, 2437, 568, 871, 29889, 1317, 727, 2675, 304, 367, 694, 2498, 8799, 362, 310, 278, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 18363, 565, 278, 4828, 591, 3700, 526, 393, 2107, 29973, 512, 278, 1833, 2846, 3841, 727, 2444, 304, 367, 263, 2107, 5376, 310, 3041, 523, 292, 373, 1009, 1813, 322, 278, 376, 29890, 9450, 29908, 310, 2305, 1058, 1016, 29915, 29873, 8661, 411, 278, 17768, 4097, 310, 278, 2318, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 1854, 445, 338, 278, 1342, 310, 263, 1261, 8415, 2454, 2318, 18066, 292, 278, 18701, 1213, 13, 4806, 4997, 825, 11785, 16267, 8459, 393, 1833, 16340, 723, 367, 263, 1781, 2462, 304, 14737, 312, 716, 6520, 1804, 482, 322, 22332, 1296, 4796, 301, 2827, 373, 1784, 310, 12115, 29915, 29879, 1667, 25320, 29889, 3201, 2416, 1549, 278, 4726, 471, 6856, 29113, 2645, 278, 2462, 29892, 411, 451, 871, 2259, 20359, 5307, 29892, 541, 1784, 310, 967, 9434, 329, 653, 25320, 29892, 521, 12504, 411, 12469, 29889, 512, 1206, 278, 12469, 767, 18150, 472, 785, 2225, 24873, 5127, 6573, 785, 750, 451, 10548, 29892, 16340, 471, 5240, 1590, 11115, 8373, 29889, 1932, 591, 11977, 304, 14089, 21734, 1156, 29871, 29896, 29900, 314, 29892, 1568, 310, 450, 7646, 471, 2307, 4586, 701, 491, 8078, 943, 29915, 24413, 29892, 322, 408, 29871, 29896, 29896, 314, 26733, 29892, 610, 9292, 4828, 363, 5683, 18517, 29879, 892, 1274, 1082, 29889, 910, 29892, 373, 263, 2462, 393, 338, 22688, 304, 367, 697, 310, 278, 3593, 12239, 297, 278, 17684, 363, 4726, 8442, 610, 9292, 29889, 13, 29909, 771, 1066, 393, 29892, 21109, 591, 508, 2274, 393, 18906, 9580, 8342, 292, 263, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29886, 8323, 363, 4203, 385, 7234, 29915, 29879, 610, 9292, 373, 450, 7646, 373, 16340, 338, 9146, 408, 263, 9004, 362, 310, 1176, 359, 537, 29892, 591, 7091, 393, 372, 723, 505, 1063, 901, 8210, 304, 3349, 963, 1833, 4723, 355, 29889, 450, 9590, 29973, 3824, 368, 29892, 4203, 385, 7234, 3508, 29915, 29873, 1472, 3307, 363, 472, 841, 311, 267, 472, 278, 3362, 19722, 2669, 29892, 322, 1473, 368, 278, 18906, 12672, 278, 17188, 393, 2305, 892, 1641, 1370, 9571, 304, 376, 10472, 701, 470, 1683, 29908, 3265, 1135, 1641, 1754, 9543, 310, 12212, 21090, 29889, 319, 3109, 265, 363, 2446, 1629, 29892, 6060, 29973, 13, 3624, 372, 2289, 1565, 393, 445, 4723, 338, 12115, 9041, 7734, 15511, 29973, 1334, 1303, 310, 263, 7303, 310, 4959, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 1090, 393, 28435, 373, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 29915, 29879, 4700, 7199, 5921, 263, 24339, 29915, 29879, 3384, 1741, 380, 4063, 491, 10443, 9041, 7734, 322, 263, 15897, 25037, 4623, 1741, 373, 5994, 5921, 596, 7395, 5381, 8722, 29889, 1094, 680, 515, 393, 727, 338, 263, 6210, 28127, 1741, 1641, 380, 4063, 2446, 4723, 29889, 3967, 408, 591, 1795, 29892, 591, 508, 1284, 694, 3407, 304, 278, 1741, 373, 12115, 15197, 1954, 16123, 882, 7457, 29915, 29879, 4700, 29892, 322, 278, 3353, 2655, 2444, 263, 2217, 4203, 5192, 287, 29892, 304, 1827, 278, 3203, 29889, 512, 278, 1857, 17407, 23622, 591, 723, 505, 3806, 385, 376, 10399, 7734, 15511, 29908, 304, 367, 16088, 1532, 29892, 3896, 558, 5921, 785, 565, 3078, 1683, 29991, 13, 2951, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29892, 591, 5276, 278, 12115, 8421, 18320, 12930, 29892, 322, 967, 23562, 1190, 11242, 310, 15151, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29906, 29947, 29896, 29889, 19454, 2534, 577, 1568, 443, 1028, 296, 274, 1161, 29892, 8536, 1161, 292, 714, 373, 777, 285, 16750, 304, 1207, 2834, 901, 5735, 519, 363 ]
residents of Punchbowl Lane was declared to be neither an "optimum, cost effective or proportionate solution." At the same meeting, the committee discussed an application by the South Lincolnshire Community Voluntary Service for financial help towards next year's Boston Community Showcase. Apparently, in the real world the event would cost around £70,000 to stage – but by some miracle, the Showcase Partnership keeps it down to about £14,000. A letter asks if BTAC would be willing to "consider sponsoring" the event – which we hope does not mean footing the entire bill. It's reported that SLCVS already gets around £100,000 a year from Boston Borough Council, plus the laughable community "hub" at a peppercorn rent, as well as a big chunk of the Placecheck monies. According to the Charity Commission, SLCVS had an income in 2010 of £794,433 - of which it carried forward a hefty chunk to the following year. It seem to us that the SLVCS considers Boston Borough Council a soft touch – and that the council should be asking more questions about where the money is going before it acts as the organisation's sugar daddy. Finally, no matter how arcane the language, we can usually make sense of most things that appear in the Boston Standard. But for once, we were baffled by the piece below which appeared in this week's Memory Lane feature ... If anyone can explain from the information published how finding two bob ended up with a puffin in a cardboard box, we would be delighted to hear. New figures give the lie to the cauli-cutting myth In recent weeks we have been critical of our local "politicians" for their willingness to classify Boston as an area where the only place for people to work is in the fields and packhouses. On a recent radio phone-in, our local MP Mark Simmonds was asked about the lack of jobs for local people, and responded: "I can meet some young people in Boston who say 'Mark, when are you going to get all these migrants out of our town, and I say to them, 'Well, when you're prepared to go into the fields or the packhouses." Similarly, Boston Borough Council leader Peter Bedford – in another radio interview – offered this verdict on jobs: "It's the fact that our population have got to get used to the fact of starting to apply for such jobs (in the packhouses) again." Obviously, there are always people who for various reasons qualify only for jobs such as these – but we suspect that they are in a minority, and not what the great and the good of Boston would have us believe. To suggest – as Mr Simmonds and Councillor Bedford have done – that the alternative to the fields and packhouses is the dole queue, is unfair … and derogatory of the people they claim to represent. That is why it is interesting to see the latest break down of who-does-what in the county from the Lincolnshire Research Observatory. It has produced sets of figures for 2010 showing – as a percentage of all employees – the proportion of people working within each broad industrial group. Sources for the figures include the Office for National Statistics and DEFRA. They show that far from being a society of cauli-cutters as our masters claim, we are very much a white-collar community. The biggest employment area by far is public administration, education and health – which accounts for 26.6% of the borough's workers. This is followed by banking, finance and insurance, with 22.5% – and then distribution, hotels and restaurants at 22.1%. It is only then that we see then entry of agriculture and fishing – at a comparatively meagre 5.7%. After that, the list comprises: transport and communications 5.3%, "other services" 2.6%, construction 2.3% and energy and water at just 1%. What this tells us is that despite the poor quality of education locally, Bostonians are achieving against the odds. For this they should be credited, not categorised – and wrongly categorised at that. What we need now is for our politicians to get to work for once, and make a case for better quality jobs to come to Boston, plus more by way of educational opportunities to help our citizens develop new skills The borough needs new investment by modern
[ 24060, 310, 349, 3322, 17729, 29880, 23841, 471, 8052, 304, 367, 9561, 385, 376, 3670, 12539, 29892, 3438, 11828, 470, 18618, 403, 1650, 1213, 2180, 278, 1021, 11781, 29892, 278, 21118, 15648, 385, 2280, 491, 278, 4275, 17274, 11750, 19184, 3684, 1657, 653, 6692, 363, 18161, 1371, 7113, 2446, 1629, 29915, 29879, 12115, 19184, 7704, 4878, 29889, 27466, 2705, 29892, 297, 278, 1855, 3186, 278, 1741, 723, 3438, 2820, 15151, 29955, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 304, 7408, 785, 541, 491, 777, 3737, 10792, 29892, 278, 7704, 4878, 3455, 8397, 4034, 14874, 372, 1623, 304, 1048, 15151, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 319, 5497, 19514, 565, 350, 8687, 723, 367, 17762, 304, 376, 3200, 1241, 21955, 8253, 29908, 278, 1741, 785, 607, 591, 4966, 947, 451, 2099, 3661, 292, 278, 4152, 11118, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 8967, 393, 317, 12182, 21819, 2307, 4947, 2820, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 263, 1629, 515, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 29892, 2298, 278, 10569, 519, 7881, 376, 29882, 431, 29908, 472, 263, 1236, 2496, 29883, 1398, 23990, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 263, 4802, 19875, 310, 278, 15484, 3198, 1601, 583, 29889, 7579, 304, 278, 2896, 537, 11444, 29892, 317, 12182, 21819, 750, 385, 17869, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 310, 15151, 29955, 29929, 29946, 29892, 29946, 29941, 29941, 448, 310, 607, 372, 8988, 6375, 263, 540, 3312, 19875, 304, 278, 1494, 1629, 29889, 739, 2833, 304, 502, 393, 278, 27146, 8257, 29903, 1136, 11376, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 263, 4964, 6023, 785, 322, 393, 278, 18701, 881, 367, 6721, 901, 5155, 1048, 988, 278, 6909, 338, 2675, 1434, 372, 14741, 408, 278, 24788, 29915, 29879, 26438, 270, 25644, 29889, 13, 12881, 635, 29892, 694, 4383, 920, 15232, 1662, 278, 4086, 29892, 591, 508, 5491, 1207, 4060, 310, 1556, 2712, 393, 2615, 297, 278, 12115, 10117, 29889, 1205, 363, 2748, 29892, 591, 892, 289, 3470, 839, 491, 278, 8424, 2400, 607, 7470, 297, 445, 4723, 29915, 29879, 18914, 23841, 4682, 2023, 13, 3644, 5019, 508, 5649, 515, 278, 2472, 6369, 920, 9138, 1023, 289, 711, 9698, 701, 411, 263, 2653, 600, 262, 297, 263, 5881, 3377, 3800, 29892, 591, 723, 367, 15319, 287, 304, 8293, 29889, 13, 4373, 13994, 2367, 278, 3804, 304, 278, 5777, 14549, 29899, 7582, 1259, 22082, 13, 797, 7786, 11405, 591, 505, 1063, 12187, 310, 1749, 1887, 376, 20087, 14722, 29908, 363, 1009, 17762, 2264, 304, 770, 1598, 12115, 408, 385, 4038, 988, 278, 871, 2058, 363, 2305, 304, 664, 338, 297, 278, 4235, 322, 4870, 29882, 23676, 29889, 13, 2951, 263, 7786, 7155, 9008, 29899, 262, 29892, 1749, 1887, 16379, 4485, 3439, 8315, 29879, 471, 4433, 1048, 278, 10225, 310, 17643, 363, 1887, 2305, 29892, 322, 10049, 287, 29901, 376, 29902, 508, 5870, 777, 4123, 2305, 297, 12115, 1058, 1827, 525, 9802, 29892, 746, 526, 366, 2675, 304, 679, 599, 1438, 9725, 1934, 714, 310, 1749, 4726, 29892, 322, 306, 1827, 304, 963, 29892, 525, 11284, 29892, 746, 366, 29915, 276, 13240, 304, 748, 964, 278, 4235, 470, 278, 4870, 29882, 23676, 1213, 13, 8942, 2327, 368, 29892, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 11822, 5310, 14195, 4006, 785, 297, 1790, 7155, 15593, 785, 12520, 445, 1147, 8977, 373, 17643, 29901, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 278, 2114, 393, 1749, 4665, 505, 2355, 304, 679, 1304, 304, 278, 2114, 310, 6257, 304, 3394, 363, 1316, 17643, 313, 262, 278, 4870, 29882, 23676, 29897, 1449, 1213, 13, 6039, 16604, 29892, 727, 526, 2337, 2305, 1058, 363, 5164, 9590, 4021, 1598, 871, 363, 17643, 1316, 408, 1438, 785, 541, 591, 12326, 393, 896, 526, 297, 263, 9461, 537, 29892, 322, 451, 825, 278, 2107, 322, 278, 1781, 310, 12115, 723, 505, 502, 4658, 29889, 13, 1762, 4368, 785, 408, 3237, 3439, 8315, 29879, 322, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 14195, 4006, 505, 2309, 785, 393, 278, 8671, 304, 278, 4235, 322, 4870, 29882, 23676, 338, 278, 437, 280, 9521, 29892, 338, 29395, 1466, 16088, 322, 589, 468, 7606, 310, 278, 2305, 896, 5995, 304, 2755, 29889, 13, 7058, 338, 2020, 372, 338, 8031, 304, 1074, 278, 9281, 2867, 1623, 310, 1058, 29899, 13221, 29899, 5816, 297, 278, 15178, 515, 278, 17274, 11750, 10550, 21651, 7606, 29889, 13, 3112, 756, 7371, 6166, 310, 13994, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 6445, 785, 408, 263, 19649, 310, 599, 22873, 785, 278, 18618, 310, 2305, 1985, 2629, 1269, 7300, 18408, 2318, 29889, 13, 29903, 2863, 363, 278, 13994, 3160, 278, 11367, 363, 3086, 27098, 322, 5012, 29943, 4717, 29889, 13, 15597, 1510, 393, 2215, 515, 1641, 263, 12459, 310, 5777, 14549, 29899, 7582, 2153, 408, 1749, 5835, 29879, 5995, 29892, 591, 526, 1407, 1568, 263, 4796, 29899, 1054, 4675, 7881, 29889, 13, 1576, 24842, 5703, 358, 4038, 491, 2215, 338, 970, 17517, 29892, 9793, 322, 9045, 785, 607, 15303, 363, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29889, 29953, 29995, 310, 278, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 17162, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 5643, 491, 9124, 292, 29892, 1436, 749, 322, 1663, 18541, 29892, 411, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29889, 29945, 29995, 785, 322, 769, 13, 27691, 29892, 7375, 1379, 322, 12374, 1934, 472, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29889, 29896, 15543, 13, 3112, 338, 871, 769, 393, 591, 1074, 769, 6251, 310, 18032, 545, 322, 9427, 292, 785, 472, 263, 5734, 6703, 592, 351, 276, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29955, 15543, 13, 13555, 393, 29892, 278, 1051, 7199, 4637, 29901, 8608, 322, 7212, 800, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29941, 13667, 376, 1228, 5786, 29908, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29953, 13667, 7632, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29995, 322, 5864, 322, 4094, 472, 925, 29871, 29896, 15543, 13, 5618, 445, 10603, 502, 338, 393, 15020, 278, 6460, 11029, 310, 9793, 12430, 29892, 350, 520, 5271, 550, 526, 3657, 15387, 2750, 278, 7736, 29879, 29889, 13, 2831, 445, 896, 881, 367, 6625, 1573, 29892, 451, 11608, 3368, 785, 322, 2743, 368, 11608, 3368, 472, 393, 29889, 13, 5618, 591, 817, 1286, 338, 363, 1749, 2832, 14722, 304, 679, 304, 664, 363, 2748, 29892, 322, 1207, 263, 1206, 363, 2253, 11029, 17643, 304, 2041, 304, 12115, 29892, 2298, 901, 491, 982, 310, 28976, 28602, 1907, 304, 1371, 1749, 18363, 2693, 716, 25078, 13, 1576, 9820, 820, 4225, 716, 13258, 358, 491, 5400 ]
industry, and with more financial support for broadband services promised, efforts should be made to ensure that we get our fair share of whatever is going. Quality broadband will do much to reduce the impediments that have held Boston back for so long – in particular, the remoteness of the district and the poor road infrastructure. What we are asking for is commitment and effort from those who hitherto have sat back and accepted the status quo. We need imaginative and far-sighted leadership. But where to find it is the next problem to solve. Sorry - things have to be much worse before we will help! Back in September, we reported one of those issues where commonsense should prevail - but doesn't. It concerns residents in Punchbowl Lane, who are beset by anti-social behaviour from people using an access route from Ingelow Avenue, and who had appealed for help from Boston Borough Council. The borough's Policy and Projects Committee asked the Cabinet to consider doing something about the access - but the legal advice was that it was a public highway which the council couldn't close – so the problem was sent to BTAC - the Boston Town Area Committee. BTAC faced three choices. • note the situation and do nothing. • formally ask the County Council to put the access on its Definitive Map, which records public rights of way - which it may not agree to do, and which would still not make it possible to close it or to maintain it to a decent standard. • use BTAC cash to improve security in the area. Now, a report before tonight's BTAC meeting again highlights the stupidity of rules and regulations which seem designed to hinder peoples' lives rather than to help them. One option which has been investigated in more detail since the last meeting is creating a gating order – quite simply closing the access at certain times. But that can't be done – and guess why? The amount of crime being committed is not enough. "In the case of the footpath under scrutiny, although incidents of crime and anti-social behaviour have been formally reported, the number and nature do not indicate a 'significant' crime and anti-social behaviour issue with the access," says a report to the committee. And in little by way of consolation, it notes that this in no way intended to minimise the trauma and concern felt by those living immediately beside the access. Apparently, no crime or anti-social behaviour has been reported to the council's anti-social behaviour team since April. The last four incidents reported to the police were about bricks being thrown into a resident's garden, and fencing being stolen in March; an alleged drug deal in the access route in May, and metal being banged in the alley and youths with lights in September. The report adds that Lincolnshire Police have no current intention to press for a gating order, and the council's own ASB team doesn't have enough evidence to pursue one with the County Council alone. This - as we pointed out last time - is the same anti-social behaviour team which posed larger than life for a poster campaign, with the apparently incorrect assertion that no one need suffer from anti-social behaviour. The report therefore concludes that: "It is questionable whether pursuing a gating order is actually a feasible option at the present time." Once a gating order is ruled out, the remaining options are to fence the access, or install CCTV. Fencing would cost between £4,200 and £6,300 – depending on the type used. As far as CCTV is concerned, providing the sort of camera the council likes would be around £25,000 - plus running costs of between £5,000 and £6,000 a year. And the final conclusion? "Unfortunately there does not appear to be an optimum, cost effective and proportionate solution to the issues at hand. In determining what if any further action or recommendation(s) the committee takes, its members may wish to consider what if any precedence may be set by any option(s) or recommendations it determines to take." Ironically, another report to BTAC says that committee is underspent for the financial year 2010/11 to the tune of £52,374. This is largely due to the ward improvement and Central Park budgets, being underspent by £13,781 and £19,500 - although the Central Park underspent is because a project started just before the end of the financial year.
[ 13661, 29892, 322, 411, 901, 18161, 2304, 363, 7300, 4980, 5786, 22399, 29892, 14231, 881, 367, 1754, 304, 9801, 393, 591, 679, 1749, 6534, 6232, 310, 6514, 338, 2675, 29889, 13, 24399, 537, 7300, 4980, 674, 437, 1568, 304, 10032, 278, 25275, 7862, 393, 505, 4934, 12115, 1250, 363, 577, 1472, 785, 297, 3153, 29892, 278, 1083, 16368, 404, 310, 278, 6474, 322, 278, 6460, 6520, 22035, 12425, 29889, 13, 5618, 591, 526, 6721, 363, 338, 9063, 358, 322, 7225, 515, 1906, 1058, 298, 2121, 517, 505, 3290, 1250, 322, 9259, 278, 4660, 439, 29877, 29889, 13, 4806, 817, 6382, 262, 1230, 322, 2215, 29899, 29879, 523, 287, 26001, 29889, 13, 6246, 988, 304, 1284, 372, 338, 278, 2446, 1108, 304, 4505, 29889, 13, 29903, 3818, 448, 2712, 505, 304, 367, 1568, 15029, 1434, 591, 674, 1371, 29991, 13, 5841, 297, 3839, 29892, 591, 8967, 697, 310, 1906, 5626, 988, 844, 787, 1947, 881, 12379, 737, 448, 541, 1838, 29915, 29873, 29889, 13, 3112, 21838, 24060, 297, 349, 3322, 17729, 29880, 23841, 29892, 1058, 526, 3008, 300, 491, 9418, 29899, 24911, 10468, 515, 2305, 773, 385, 2130, 5782, 515, 512, 7467, 340, 18874, 29892, 322, 1058, 750, 5929, 7943, 363, 1371, 515, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 29889, 13, 1576, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 25219, 322, 8010, 29879, 12930, 4433, 278, 11680, 10157, 304, 2050, 2599, 1554, 1048, 278, 2130, 448, 541, 278, 11706, 9848, 471, 393, 372, 471, 263, 970, 29469, 607, 278, 18701, 8496, 29915, 29873, 3802, 785, 577, 278, 1108, 471, 2665, 304, 350, 8687, 448, 278, 12115, 8421, 18320, 12930, 29889, 13, 29933, 8687, 20050, 2211, 19995, 29889, 13, 30119, 4443, 278, 6434, 322, 437, 3078, 29889, 13, 30119, 28269, 2244, 278, 5127, 8831, 304, 1925, 278, 2130, 373, 967, 5282, 2344, 573, 7315, 29892, 607, 6475, 970, 10462, 310, 982, 448, 607, 372, 1122, 451, 8661, 304, 437, 29892, 322, 607, 723, 1603, 451, 1207, 372, 1950, 304, 3802, 372, 470, 304, 7344, 372, 304, 263, 27189, 3918, 29889, 13, 30119, 671, 350, 8687, 274, 1161, 304, 11157, 6993, 297, 278, 4038, 29889, 13, 10454, 29892, 263, 3461, 1434, 15243, 523, 29915, 29879, 350, 8687, 11781, 1449, 12141, 29879, 278, 20239, 537, 310, 6865, 322, 1072, 8250, 607, 2833, 8688, 304, 298, 4995, 1236, 459, 793, 29915, 12080, 3265, 1135, 304, 1371, 963, 29889, 13, 6716, 2984, 607, 756, 1063, 7405, 630, 297, 901, 9493, 1951, 278, 1833, 11781, 338, 4969, 263, 330, 1218, 1797, 785, 3755, 3763, 14382, 278, 2130, 472, 3058, 3064, 29889, 13, 6246, 393, 508, 29915, 29873, 367, 2309, 785, 322, 4140, 2020, 29973, 13, 1576, 5253, 310, 17268, 1641, 19355, 338, 451, 3307, 29889, 13, 29908, 797, 278, 1206, 310, 278, 3661, 2084, 1090, 14387, 329, 4901, 29892, 5998, 5528, 16719, 310, 17268, 322, 9418, 29899, 24911, 10468, 505, 1063, 28269, 8967, 29892, 278, 1353, 322, 5469, 437, 451, 12266, 263, 525, 4530, 928, 424, 29915, 17268, 322, 9418, 29899, 24911, 10468, 2228, 411, 278, 2130, 1699, 4083, 263, 3461, 304, 278, 21118, 29889, 13, 2855, 297, 2217, 491, 982, 310, 1136, 22671, 29892, 372, 11486, 393, 445, 297, 694, 982, 9146, 304, 6260, 895, 278, 1020, 10859, 322, 5932, 7091, 491, 1906, 8471, 7389, 17620, 278, 2130, 29889, 13, 2052, 279, 2705, 29892, 694, 17268, 470, 9418, 29899, 24911, 10468, 756, 1063, 8967, 304, 278, 18701, 29915, 29879, 9418, 29899, 24911, 10468, 3815, 1951, 3786, 29889, 450, 1833, 3023, 5528, 16719, 8967, 304, 278, 10974, 892, 1048, 1506, 7358, 1641, 12005, 964, 263, 20201, 29915, 29879, 16423, 29892, 322, 285, 16750, 1641, 380, 18975, 297, 4779, 29936, 385, 16831, 287, 15721, 5376, 297, 278, 2130, 5782, 297, 2610, 29892, 322, 11915, 1641, 289, 4618, 297, 278, 394, 2330, 322, 12397, 29879, 411, 26068, 297, 3839, 29889, 13, 1576, 3461, 12778, 393, 17274, 11750, 18923, 505, 694, 1857, 16392, 304, 3965, 363, 263, 330, 1218, 1797, 29892, 322, 278, 18701, 29915, 29879, 1914, 319, 1744, 3815, 1838, 29915, 29873, 505, 3307, 10757, 304, 12359, 434, 697, 411, 278, 5127, 8831, 7432, 29889, 13, 4013, 448, 408, 591, 11520, 714, 1833, 931, 448, 338, 278, 1021, 9418, 29899, 24911, 10468, 3815, 607, 926, 287, 7200, 1135, 2834, 363, 263, 10368, 11531, 29892, 411, 278, 13229, 10240, 28306, 393, 694, 697, 817, 8812, 515, 9418, 29899, 24911, 10468, 29889, 13, 1576, 3461, 5480, 378, 27722, 393, 29901, 376, 3112, 338, 1139, 519, 3692, 12359, 26420, 263, 330, 1218, 1797, 338, 2869, 263, 28326, 1821, 2984, 472, 278, 2198, 931, 1213, 13, 26222, 263, 330, 1218, 1797, 338, 29490, 714, 29892, 278, 9886, 3987, 526, 304, 285, 663, 278, 2130, 29892, 470, 2601, 315, 1783, 29963, 29889, 13, 29943, 16750, 723, 3438, 1546, 15151, 29946, 29892, 29906, 29900, 29900, 322, 15151, 29953, 29892, 29941, 29900, 29900, 785, 8679, 373, 278, 1134, 1304, 29889, 13, 2887, 2215, 408, 315, 1783, 29963, 338, 15041, 29892, 13138, 278, 2656, 310, 10656, 278, 18701, 4188, 267, 723, 367, 2820, 15151, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 448, 2298, 2734, 21544, 310, 1546, 15151, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 322, 15151, 29953, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 263, 1629, 29889, 13, 2855, 278, 2186, 15997, 29973, 13, 29908, 2525, 7524, 727, 947, 451, 2615, 304, 367, 385, 5994, 398, 29892, 3438, 11828, 322, 18618, 403, 1650, 304, 278, 5626, 472, 1361, 29889, 512, 3683, 2827, 825, 565, 738, 4340, 3158, 470, 29303, 29898, 29879, 29897, 278, 21118, 4893, 29892, 967, 5144, 1122, 6398, 304, 2050, 825, 565, 738, 9399, 663, 1122, 367, 731, 491, 738, 2984, 29898, 29879, 29897, 470, 6907, 800, 372, 3683, 1475, 304, 2125, 1213, 13, 29902, 1617, 1711, 29892, 1790, 3461, 304, 350, 8687, 4083, 393, 21118, 338, 23400, 22825, 363, 278, 18161, 1629, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29914, 29896, 29896, 304, 278, 260, 1540, 310, 15151, 29945, 29906, 29892, 29941, 29955, 29946, 29889, 910, 338, 18425, 2861, 304, 278, 281, 538, 20414, 322, 8068, 4815, 8619, 20078, 29892, 1641, 23400, 22825, 491, 15151, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29955, 29947, 29896, 322, 15151, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 448, 5998, 278, 8068, 4815, 23400, 22825, 338, 1363, 263, 2060, 4687, 925, 1434, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 18161, 1629, 29889 ]
The report concludes: "The biggest risk regarding whether there is a further underspend in 2011/12 remains the Ward Improvement budget. The Committee needs to develop a forward plan for the use of such reserves as part of its overall financial strategy." Members are urged to think about how they intend to use their remaining ward allocation of reserves of £13,281 for 2011/12 – i.e. spend it in the next four months. As it seems there is nothing else to spend the money on at present, surely a special case could be made to use some of it without a queue forming of people wanting to cash in on the "precedent" established? No, that would be too easy. Posted by Boston Eye at Wednesday, November 16, 2011 1 comment: Pilgrim's progress - and MP's involvement Two letters to Boston Eye in as many days have raised issues regarding the town's Pilgrim Hospital. The first, from Independent Boston Borough Councillor Brian Rush, concerns the hospital, our MP Mark Simmonds, and his involvement with the private, stock exchange listed, Circle Health Care. Circle is a so-called John Lewis-style partnership - which has been appointed to manage the debt-ridden Hinchingbrooke hospital in Huntingdon. It is the first time in NHS history that a private company has been given the right to deliver a full range of hospital services – re-igniting a debate about the use of business in the health sector. Circle also employs Mr Simmonds - a former shadow minister for health - as a strategic adviser at £50,000 a year - paid in quarterly instalments of £12,500 ... each for ten hours' work. Councillor Rush writes: "Am I right in suggesting that we may have now discovered that the truth behind MP Mark Simmonds sudden interest in the Pilgrim Hospital may be more to do with his business relationship with Circle Healthcare. "I am not opposed to any initiative that will improve our health service, so long as users are well provided for, and the administration is well regulated and accountable. "I confess, I was somewhat surprised recently when Mark Simmonds added his own condemnation to the criticism - reported by the media - regarding the level of care and service at Pilgrim Hospital. "The charitable soul that I am, conceded that it may well have been due to his new local residential status, which might at last be allowing him to take more of an interest in his local electorate than he had previously. "It would be disingenuous of me to try to defend substandard health care - if it is in fact true – but ... if we begin to discover that the true reason for Mr Simmonds's observations over past weeks and months, was not because of a genuine concern for patients, but more to do with promoting and furthering the ambitions of a private company - in which he has a declared financial interest - then he should be absolutely ashamed of himself. "I am hopeful that I have misunderstood the situation, and that his efforts are honourable." Our second letter is from regular reader Robin Smith "What a mind boggling week of reports on Boston Eye regarding what is really going on in the dark recesses in the Rotten Borough of Boston," he writes. "It's really mind blowing to see what antics our substandard governing representatives are actually up to - or not - as the case may be. "Their total disregard for the views and opinions of the hard-working and law-abiding local and small businesspeople of the town seems to know no bounds. "As is very obvious to all in the area, our once highly-esteemed Pilgrim Hospital and its very hard working and dedicated staff are still having to endure constant and ongoing denigration - despite the fact that none of these problems were created by them, but by the increase in demand caused by the elephant in the room that is the huge rapid and continuing increase in the town's population - plus the simultaneous budget shortfall, and ongoing vast budget cuts yet to come - when what is required is a huge increase in budget to match the rise in numbers of our new residents. "Of course, politics and the compulsory inferior management compound the situation. "Our supposed member of parliament's response to the very serious Pilgrim situation has had me quite puzzled for some time. "I - along
[ 13, 1576, 3461, 378, 27722, 29901, 376, 1576, 24842, 12045, 11211, 3692, 727, 338, 263, 4340, 23400, 14081, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29914, 29896, 29906, 9242, 278, 21910, 1954, 16123, 882, 23562, 29889, 450, 12930, 4225, 304, 2693, 263, 6375, 3814, 363, 278, 671, 310, 1316, 620, 20098, 408, 760, 310, 967, 12463, 18161, 13705, 1213, 13, 29924, 13415, 526, 5065, 3192, 304, 1348, 1048, 920, 896, 24042, 304, 671, 1009, 9886, 281, 538, 24082, 310, 620, 20098, 310, 15151, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29906, 29947, 29896, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29914, 29896, 29906, 785, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 18864, 372, 297, 278, 2446, 3023, 7378, 29889, 13, 2887, 372, 2444, 727, 338, 3078, 1683, 304, 18864, 278, 6909, 373, 472, 2198, 29892, 18880, 263, 4266, 1206, 1033, 367, 1754, 304, 671, 777, 310, 372, 1728, 263, 9521, 25391, 310, 2305, 24507, 304, 274, 1161, 297, 373, 278, 376, 1457, 1133, 296, 29908, 7841, 29973, 13, 3782, 29892, 393, 723, 367, 2086, 4780, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 12115, 382, 4099, 472, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29871, 29896, 3440, 29901, 13, 29925, 309, 629, 326, 29915, 29879, 6728, 448, 322, 16379, 29915, 29879, 5297, 29841, 13, 13985, 8721, 304, 12115, 382, 4099, 297, 408, 1784, 3841, 505, 10425, 5626, 11211, 278, 4726, 29915, 29879, 14970, 629, 326, 15967, 29889, 13, 1576, 937, 29892, 515, 25266, 12115, 6780, 820, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 15733, 390, 1878, 29892, 21838, 278, 13457, 29892, 1749, 16379, 4485, 3439, 8315, 29879, 29892, 322, 670, 5297, 29841, 411, 278, 2024, 29892, 10961, 14523, 9904, 29892, 27927, 15202, 10057, 29889, 13, 23495, 280, 338, 263, 577, 29899, 13998, 2259, 15037, 29899, 3293, 22056, 4034, 448, 607, 756, 1063, 10658, 304, 10933, 278, 2553, 29873, 29899, 2429, 1145, 12448, 305, 292, 6729, 6946, 13457, 297, 16899, 1259, 9176, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 278, 937, 931, 297, 405, 14851, 4955, 393, 263, 2024, 5001, 756, 1063, 2183, 278, 1492, 304, 12021, 263, 2989, 3464, 310, 13457, 5786, 785, 337, 29899, 647, 11407, 263, 27836, 1048, 278, 671, 310, 5381, 297, 278, 9045, 17535, 29889, 13, 23495, 280, 884, 3710, 417, 952, 3237, 3439, 8315, 29879, 448, 263, 4642, 15504, 11050, 363, 9045, 448, 408, 263, 16650, 293, 25228, 261, 472, 15151, 29945, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 263, 1629, 448, 12530, 297, 12616, 368, 20226, 1860, 310, 15151, 29896, 29906, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 2023, 1269, 363, 3006, 6199, 29915, 664, 29889, 13, 29907, 1309, 29883, 453, 272, 390, 1878, 15873, 29901, 13, 29908, 6833, 306, 1492, 297, 26233, 393, 591, 1122, 505, 1286, 10943, 393, 278, 8760, 5742, 16379, 4485, 3439, 8315, 29879, 8327, 4066, 297, 278, 14970, 629, 326, 15967, 1122, 367, 901, 304, 437, 411, 670, 5381, 9443, 411, 27927, 15202, 18020, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 626, 451, 15869, 304, 738, 14511, 1230, 393, 674, 11157, 1749, 9045, 2669, 29892, 577, 1472, 408, 4160, 526, 1532, 4944, 363, 29892, 322, 278, 17517, 338, 1532, 1072, 7964, 322, 3633, 519, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1970, 404, 29892, 306, 471, 10579, 18014, 10325, 746, 4485, 3439, 8315, 29879, 2715, 670, 1914, 24905, 29876, 362, 304, 278, 29035, 448, 8967, 491, 278, 5745, 448, 11211, 278, 3233, 310, 2562, 322, 2669, 472, 14970, 629, 326, 15967, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 1373, 8270, 10752, 393, 306, 626, 29892, 27943, 287, 393, 372, 1122, 1532, 505, 1063, 2861, 304, 670, 716, 1887, 20201, 616, 4660, 29892, 607, 1795, 472, 1833, 367, 14372, 1075, 304, 2125, 901, 310, 385, 4066, 297, 670, 1887, 3546, 272, 403, 1135, 540, 750, 9251, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 723, 367, 766, 4289, 17269, 310, 592, 304, 1018, 304, 24663, 1014, 15770, 9045, 2562, 448, 565, 372, 338, 297, 2114, 1565, 785, 541, 2023, 565, 591, 3380, 304, 6523, 393, 278, 1565, 2769, 363, 3237, 3439, 8315, 29879, 29915, 29879, 13917, 975, 4940, 11405, 322, 7378, 29892, 471, 451, 1363, 310, 263, 29120, 457, 5932, 363, 22069, 29892, 541, 901, 304, 437, 411, 2504, 11427, 322, 4340, 292, 278, 3181, 2187, 310, 263, 2024, 5001, 448, 297, 607, 540, 756, 263, 8052, 18161, 4066, 448, 769, 540, 881, 367, 13312, 23723, 2795, 310, 3654, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 626, 4966, 1319, 393, 306, 505, 19818, 9337, 278, 6434, 29892, 322, 393, 670, 14231, 526, 4207, 283, 18104, 1213, 13, 29949, 332, 1473, 5497, 338, 515, 4943, 9591, 13104, 7075, 13, 29908, 5618, 263, 3458, 26652, 29887, 1847, 4723, 310, 13676, 373, 12115, 382, 4099, 11211, 825, 338, 2289, 2675, 373, 297, 278, 6501, 337, 985, 267, 297, 278, 24373, 6780, 820, 310, 12115, 1699, 540, 15873, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 2289, 3458, 13031, 292, 304, 1074, 825, 3677, 1199, 1749, 1014, 15770, 14765, 1076, 2755, 5056, 526, 2869, 701, 304, 448, 470, 451, 448, 408, 278, 1206, 1122, 367, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 381, 3001, 766, 1727, 538, 363, 278, 8386, 322, 26971, 310, 278, 2898, 29899, 22899, 322, 4307, 29899, 370, 4821, 1887, 322, 2319, 5381, 25719, 310, 278, 4726, 2444, 304, 1073, 694, 13451, 29889, 13, 29908, 2887, 338, 1407, 6924, 304, 599, 297, 278, 4038, 29892, 1749, 2748, 10712, 29899, 4196, 22580, 14970, 629, 326, 15967, 322, 967, 1407, 2898, 1985, 322, 16955, 13925, 526, 1603, 2534, 304, 1095, 545, 4868, 322, 373, 17696, 972, 16783, 448, 15020, 278, 2114, 393, 5642, 310, 1438, 4828, 892, 2825, 491, 963, 29892, 541, 491, 278, 7910, 297, 9667, 8581, 491, 278, 4552, 561, 424, 297, 278, 5716, 393, 338, 278, 12176, 10952, 322, 3133, 292, 7910, 297, 278, 4726, 29915, 29879, 4665, 448, 2298, 278, 16991, 681, 23562, 3273, 11950, 29892, 322, 373, 17696, 13426, 23562, 5700, 29879, 3447, 304, 2041, 448, 746, 825, 338, 3734, 338, 263, 12176, 7910, 297, 23562, 304, 1993, 278, 14451, 297, 3694, 310, 1749, 716, 24060, 29889, 13, 29908, 2776, 3236, 29892, 22661, 322, 278, 752, 7273, 706, 20773, 10643, 752, 618, 278, 6434, 29889, 13, 29908, 29949, 332, 7424, 4509, 310, 22765, 29915, 29879, 2933, 304, 278, 1407, 10676, 14970, 629, 326, 6434, 756, 750, 592, 3755, 20285, 839, 363, 777, 931, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 448, 3412 ]
with many other locals - actually expected him to stand up and bang the drum vigorously - for what is, after all, the town's and his constituency's greatest asset and employer – but, of course, what you expect you rarely get. "I was recently told by a reliable union source that the problems at Pilgrim are so serious that ward closures and redundancies of up to 800 staff have been proposed and are a real possibility in the near future. "Time will tell on that one. "An ambulance service source informed me that it was not at all unusual at times to have 8-10 vehicles with patients waiting outside the grossly overworked A&E department, as there were often no trolleys or beds available in the entire hospital. "Yes, I am a retired health service worker, and was proud to have worked for the service in the area for many years. "The following snippets from a report in the Daily Torygraph regarding failing hospitals set my alarm bells ringing. "'Hinchingbrooke Hospital will be handed over to Circle, one of Britain's most prominent health care providers.' "The report also states that as part of the contract, Circle could earn up to £40 million in fees over the next decade. "Around twenty other failing hospitals are out to tender. "I wonder, could this possibly be what the future holds for Pilgrim Hospital - as sadly it still appears to be failing - and could a possible conflict of interest be on the horizon for someone." Leader demands free speech - just as long as it is his! Throughout history, the road to free speech has been littered with obstacles. But who would have thought that in these enlightened days, none other than the leader of Boston borough council, Peter Bedford, would still be flying that obstructionist flag?? He sparked something of a war of words last Thursday with a spate of e-mails to Boston Eye after our blog of week a ago today headed Psst! - don't let on, but the Home Office has been and gone ... If you missed it, you can read it by clicking here Just as popular myth has it that Prince Charles has a member of staff for every occasion, so Czar Peter does not dirty his hands by putting his fingers to the keyboard to e-mail the likes of Boston Eye. Instead he delegated the task to his Communications Manager, Mr Andrew Malkin, who has the unenviable duty of relaying the leader's message along with the appropriate instructions. Thus it was that this e-mail found its way into our inbox at 12-46 last Thursday … To say that we were surprised would be an understatement – particularly as more than one councillor had told us that the news of the Home Office visit reached them via Boston Eye. In light of that – and some of Councillor Bedford's other comments, we felt that a robust reply was called for … Clearly Councillor Bedford has no comprehension of just how rude it is to address deeply personal attacks via a third party – or perhaps he does. Whatever the answer, he failed to respect our request – again leaving the task to poor Mr Malkin. We took the view that by this time, Councillor Bedford had let the genie out of the bottle; and that the inherent unfairness of demanding the right to attack - but to expect his victim to sit idly by as a spectator whilst being accused of all kinds of unprofessional conduct, was too much to demand ... and we told him so. The e-mail response above was posted to Councillor Bedford on Friday morning – since when nothing has been received by way of reply. So Boston Eye reader, it's for you to decide. In almost half a century as a writer, this is only the second time that the editor of Boston Eye has been accused of inaccuracy or misinformation - let alone had allegations of possible criminality made against him. Amazingly, both occasions have occurred within four months, and each time, the complainant has been the Leader of the Council, Peter Bedford - which we feel says far more about the accuser than the accused. Apart from last week's episode, the other was the Case of the Hallaton Helmet – which you can read by clicking here. Of course, Councillor Bedford is correct when he says that mistakes should be rectified. Regrettably, it is
[ 411, 1784, 916, 1180, 1338, 448, 2869, 3806, 1075, 304, 2317, 701, 322, 289, 574, 278, 24103, 14877, 272, 5794, 448, 363, 825, 338, 29892, 1156, 599, 29892, 278, 4726, 29915, 29879, 322, 670, 10719, 3819, 29915, 29879, 14176, 24342, 322, 5703, 261, 785, 541, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 825, 366, 2149, 366, 23703, 679, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 471, 10325, 5429, 491, 263, 23279, 9833, 2752, 393, 278, 4828, 472, 14970, 629, 326, 526, 577, 10676, 393, 281, 538, 4694, 1973, 322, 22275, 273, 2478, 310, 701, 304, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29900, 13925, 505, 1063, 7972, 322, 526, 263, 1855, 13331, 297, 278, 2978, 5434, 29889, 13, 29908, 2481, 674, 2649, 373, 393, 697, 29889, 13, 29908, 2744, 3181, 352, 749, 2669, 2752, 23388, 592, 393, 372, 471, 451, 472, 599, 22910, 472, 3064, 304, 505, 29871, 29947, 29899, 29896, 29900, 24413, 411, 22069, 10534, 5377, 278, 22683, 368, 975, 1287, 287, 319, 29987, 29923, 14311, 29892, 408, 727, 892, 4049, 694, 260, 28872, 952, 470, 289, 5779, 3625, 297, 278, 4152, 13457, 29889, 13, 29908, 8241, 29892, 306, 626, 263, 16528, 9045, 2669, 15645, 29892, 322, 471, 22314, 304, 505, 3796, 363, 278, 2669, 297, 278, 4038, 363, 1784, 2440, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 1494, 9830, 27421, 515, 263, 3461, 297, 278, 23331, 323, 706, 4262, 11211, 17581, 29418, 277, 1338, 731, 590, 21200, 289, 10071, 9228, 292, 29889, 13, 29908, 29915, 29950, 22466, 292, 6729, 6946, 15967, 674, 367, 29692, 975, 304, 27927, 29892, 697, 310, 14933, 29915, 29879, 1556, 19555, 9045, 2562, 1326, 11376, 6169, 13, 29908, 1576, 3461, 884, 5922, 393, 408, 760, 310, 278, 8078, 29892, 27927, 1033, 2326, 29876, 701, 304, 15151, 29946, 29900, 7284, 297, 1238, 267, 975, 278, 2446, 316, 6332, 29889, 13, 29908, 1433, 618, 10081, 916, 17581, 29418, 277, 1338, 526, 714, 304, 22707, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 4997, 29892, 1033, 445, 10075, 367, 825, 278, 5434, 8640, 363, 14970, 629, 326, 15967, 448, 408, 14610, 368, 372, 1603, 5692, 304, 367, 17581, 448, 322, 1033, 263, 1950, 14529, 310, 4066, 367, 373, 278, 28205, 363, 4856, 1213, 13, 29931, 1479, 261, 1261, 4167, 3889, 12032, 448, 925, 408, 1472, 408, 372, 338, 670, 29991, 13, 29911, 1092, 820, 449, 4955, 29892, 278, 6520, 304, 3889, 12032, 756, 1063, 301, 5171, 287, 411, 14979, 23435, 29889, 13, 6246, 1058, 723, 505, 2714, 393, 297, 1438, 427, 4366, 6419, 3841, 29892, 5642, 916, 1135, 278, 11822, 310, 12115, 9820, 820, 18701, 29892, 5310, 14195, 4006, 29892, 723, 1603, 367, 22764, 393, 14979, 4080, 391, 7353, 8773, 13, 3868, 16267, 287, 1554, 310, 263, 1370, 310, 3838, 1833, 498, 1295, 3250, 411, 263, 805, 403, 310, 321, 29899, 2549, 29879, 304, 12115, 382, 4099, 1156, 1749, 12618, 310, 4723, 263, 8020, 9826, 2343, 287, 10144, 303, 29991, 448, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1235, 373, 29892, 541, 278, 8778, 11367, 756, 1063, 322, 7695, 2023, 13, 3644, 366, 13726, 372, 29892, 366, 508, 1303, 372, 491, 14855, 1244, 13, 14084, 408, 5972, 22082, 756, 372, 393, 10787, 5322, 756, 263, 4509, 310, 13925, 363, 1432, 10039, 29892, 577, 15185, 279, 5310, 947, 451, 26616, 670, 6567, 491, 10594, 670, 23915, 304, 278, 12247, 304, 321, 29899, 2549, 278, 4188, 267, 310, 12115, 382, 4099, 29889, 13, 3379, 1479, 540, 16000, 630, 278, 3414, 304, 670, 22365, 800, 15629, 29892, 3237, 11571, 341, 2235, 262, 29892, 1058, 756, 278, 443, 264, 1403, 519, 13360, 310, 29856, 292, 278, 11822, 29915, 29879, 2643, 3412, 411, 278, 8210, 11994, 29889, 13, 1349, 375, 372, 471, 393, 445, 321, 29899, 2549, 1476, 967, 982, 964, 1749, 297, 1884, 472, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29946, 29953, 1833, 498, 1295, 3250, 16088, 13, 1762, 1827, 393, 591, 892, 18014, 723, 367, 385, 1090, 20788, 785, 10734, 408, 901, 1135, 697, 2613, 29883, 453, 272, 750, 5429, 502, 393, 278, 9763, 310, 278, 8778, 11367, 6493, 7450, 963, 3025, 12115, 382, 4099, 29889, 13, 797, 3578, 310, 393, 785, 322, 777, 310, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 14195, 4006, 29915, 29879, 916, 6589, 29892, 591, 7091, 393, 263, 16424, 8908, 471, 2000, 363, 16088, 13, 18759, 368, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 14195, 4006, 756, 694, 15171, 2673, 310, 925, 920, 364, 1151, 372, 338, 304, 3211, 24344, 7333, 16661, 3025, 263, 4654, 6263, 785, 470, 6060, 540, 947, 29889, 13, 8809, 5564, 278, 1234, 29892, 540, 5229, 304, 3390, 1749, 2009, 785, 1449, 10124, 278, 3414, 304, 6460, 3237, 341, 2235, 262, 29889, 13, 4806, 3614, 278, 1776, 393, 491, 445, 931, 29892, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 14195, 4006, 750, 1235, 278, 2531, 347, 714, 310, 278, 18046, 280, 29936, 322, 393, 278, 7846, 296, 29395, 1466, 2264, 310, 9667, 292, 278, 1492, 304, 5337, 448, 541, 304, 2149, 670, 28985, 304, 7845, 1178, 368, 491, 408, 263, 6683, 1061, 21109, 1641, 28886, 310, 599, 17690, 310, 443, 23221, 15750, 7512, 29892, 471, 2086, 1568, 304, 9667, 2023, 322, 591, 5429, 1075, 577, 29889, 13, 1576, 321, 29899, 2549, 2933, 2038, 471, 8059, 304, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 14195, 4006, 373, 28728, 7250, 785, 1951, 746, 3078, 756, 1063, 4520, 491, 982, 310, 8908, 29889, 13, 6295, 12115, 382, 4099, 9591, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 363, 366, 304, 11097, 29889, 13, 797, 4359, 4203, 263, 6462, 408, 263, 9227, 29892, 445, 338, 871, 278, 1473, 931, 393, 278, 6920, 310, 12115, 382, 4099, 756, 1063, 28886, 310, 297, 562, 2764, 4135, 470, 3984, 19678, 448, 1235, 7432, 750, 16831, 800, 310, 1950, 22161, 537, 1754, 2750, 1075, 29889, 13, 29909, 16986, 11687, 29892, 1716, 26108, 505, 10761, 2629, 3023, 7378, 29892, 322, 1269, 931, 29892, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 756, 1063, 278, 951, 1664, 310, 278, 8831, 29892, 5310, 14195, 4006, 448, 607, 591, 4459, 4083, 2215, 901, 1048, 278, 1035, 1792, 1135, 278, 28886, 29889, 13, 29909, 1595, 515, 1833, 4723, 29915, 29879, 12720, 29892, 278, 916, 471, 278, 11733, 310, 278, 6573, 14114, 6162, 2527, 785, 607, 366, 508, 1303, 491, 14855, 1244, 29889, 13, 2776, 3236, 29892, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 14195, 4006, 338, 1959, 746, 540, 4083, 393, 28947, 881, 367, 7705, 2164, 29889, 13, 4597, 13158, 2197, 29892, 372, 338 ]
impossible to turn the clock back to Thursday 5th May, and the local elections when voters made the greatest mistake of all - which saw an ill-prepared Tory party seize power. But the leadership, of course, is entirely another matter - and an area where correction can still be made. Posted by Boston Eye at Monday, November 14, 2011 1 comment: We wondered what the Boston Borough Council tent was doing pitched on Fish Hill during Wednesday's market day – and thanks to Independent Councillor Richard Leggott, we now know. He tells us: "After a stint on Boston Borough Council consultation team on Fish Hill, Wednesday 9th November, I would like to report, through your blog, my observations. 1: It's difficult to interest younger people in the exercise of consultation by tick box. It was generally the middle-aged to older members of the public who took away the form and s.a.e. 2: It was further evident that there were many of the younger passers-by whose first language was not English. 3: General satisfaction levels in council service delivery ranged from 'very happy' to 'c--p.' (I'm telling it as it is here). Singular and recurring observations and questions included the following. I'm quite happy except for --. What on earth is the point of ripping up our Market Place to lose so many parking spaces --absolutely crazy! Look at that tattered flag flying above the Assembly Rooms. Is it right the Market Place will not be finished until next July? Here come those buses again; look how they struggle to turn round. Why can't we have a bus coming in from ---------? Where is the Tourist Information Centre? I'm not from Boston, thank you. Dyznite przcoiiankovic-- or something similar. Who do I need to contact about a rude stallholder? Before I ticket these cars parked on Fish Hill, do any of them belong to any of you? There was also a comment which I cannot repeat about the management of BID. Presumably, from the knowledge displayed, a 'reluctant member' of that scheme. My final comments. Well done Boston Borough Council staff. You were a model of tact and diplomacy, sometimes in the face of strong criticism. I was pleased to see other councillors doing a stint to help you. And what happened to those chocolates ? A final note from us - what a shame that the event was not better publicised. We note that the Boston District Independents' (formerly BBI) leader Councillor Helen Staples had a complaint against her upheld by the borough council's Consideration and Hearings sub committee. The allegation was that she failed to declare a personal interest in the consideration of a planning application. The details appeared in the public notice announcements in the Boston Standard – but we couldn't find it in the Boston Target. Unfortunately, although a reference number for the application was given in the notice, no trace of it could be found in a search of planning applications. The committee decided that Councillor Staples had a "close association" with one of the objectors to the application, which she failed to declare, and which was a breach of the council's code of conduct. There was a time when such announcements appeared in the council's own notices on its website, but this had not happened as we went to press. Frankly we wonder what the point of all this is. Councillor Staples's punishment is to be censured by the sub committee – which means ... what, exactly? Perhaps it's the political equivalent of a yellow card in sport. But does it carry any weight? Is it regarded as a serious matter? Somehow, we think not. Our MP Mark Simmonds has announced a meeting with Communities Secretary Eric Pickles, because he says the government needs to understand the pressures that the rise in Boston's population has put on our community. He said: "We need to make sure that those who are in the Boston area legally and legitimately and are making a contribution are welcomed and those who are not are sent back from whence they came." We are sure that the government already understands the issues – but simply chooses to do nothing about them. We are equally sure that 99.9% of people live in the area legitimately, and therefore – whether they make a contribution or not, cannot be sent anywhere at all ... which makes Mr Simmonds's words
[ 9301, 304, 2507, 278, 12006, 1250, 304, 498, 1295, 3250, 29871, 29945, 386, 2610, 29892, 322, 278, 1887, 20209, 746, 9014, 414, 1754, 278, 14176, 10171, 310, 599, 448, 607, 4446, 385, 4486, 29899, 15287, 1965, 323, 706, 6263, 409, 675, 3081, 29889, 13, 6246, 278, 26001, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 338, 9186, 1790, 4383, 448, 322, 385, 4038, 988, 26385, 508, 1603, 367, 1754, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 12115, 382, 4099, 472, 27822, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29871, 29896, 3440, 29901, 13, 4806, 4997, 287, 825, 278, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 12033, 471, 2599, 15905, 287, 373, 12030, 9143, 2645, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29915, 29879, 9999, 2462, 785, 322, 3969, 304, 25266, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 6123, 5682, 29887, 1501, 29892, 591, 1286, 1073, 29889, 940, 10603, 502, 29901, 376, 13555, 263, 380, 524, 373, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 8799, 362, 3815, 373, 12030, 9143, 29892, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29871, 29929, 386, 3979, 29892, 306, 723, 763, 304, 3461, 29892, 1549, 596, 12618, 29892, 590, 13917, 29889, 13, 29896, 29901, 739, 29915, 29879, 5189, 304, 4066, 20023, 2305, 297, 278, 15058, 310, 8799, 362, 491, 16892, 3800, 29889, 739, 471, 6892, 278, 7256, 29899, 4063, 304, 9642, 5144, 310, 278, 970, 1058, 3614, 3448, 278, 883, 322, 269, 29889, 29874, 29889, 29872, 29889, 13, 29906, 29901, 739, 471, 4340, 13602, 393, 727, 892, 1784, 310, 278, 20023, 1209, 414, 29899, 1609, 5069, 937, 4086, 471, 451, 4223, 29889, 13, 29941, 29901, 4593, 26470, 11174, 297, 18701, 2669, 28289, 364, 4618, 515, 525, 1201, 9796, 29915, 304, 525, 29883, 489, 29886, 6169, 313, 29902, 29915, 29885, 14509, 372, 408, 372, 338, 1244, 467, 13, 10873, 1070, 322, 1162, 1038, 292, 13917, 322, 5155, 5134, 278, 1494, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 3755, 9796, 5174, 363, 1192, 29889, 13, 5618, 373, 8437, 338, 278, 1298, 310, 10107, 3262, 701, 1749, 28794, 15484, 304, 14074, 577, 1784, 610, 9292, 8162, 1192, 370, 2929, 11579, 12220, 1537, 29991, 13, 14959, 472, 393, 260, 2620, 287, 7353, 22764, 2038, 278, 13266, 1528, 4835, 29889, 13, 3624, 372, 1492, 278, 28794, 15484, 674, 451, 367, 7743, 2745, 2446, 5468, 29973, 13, 10605, 2041, 1906, 3593, 267, 1449, 29936, 1106, 920, 896, 21117, 304, 2507, 4513, 29889, 13, 11008, 508, 29915, 29873, 591, 505, 263, 3593, 6421, 297, 515, 448, 1378, 29973, 13, 11921, 338, 278, 6371, 391, 10343, 11319, 29973, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 451, 515, 12115, 29892, 6452, 366, 29889, 13, 29928, 29891, 3749, 568, 5629, 1111, 29875, 713, 9756, 293, 489, 470, 1554, 2788, 29889, 13, 22110, 437, 306, 817, 304, 6958, 1048, 263, 364, 1151, 380, 497, 7694, 29973, 13, 18743, 306, 23381, 1438, 18647, 14089, 287, 373, 12030, 9143, 29892, 437, 738, 310, 963, 6852, 304, 738, 310, 366, 29973, 13, 8439, 471, 884, 263, 3440, 607, 306, 2609, 12312, 1048, 278, 10643, 310, 350, 1367, 29889, 4360, 24873, 29892, 515, 278, 7134, 8833, 29892, 263, 525, 2674, 5313, 424, 4509, 29915, 310, 393, 11380, 29889, 13, 3421, 2186, 6589, 29889, 13, 11284, 2309, 12115, 6780, 820, 8831, 13925, 29889, 887, 892, 263, 1904, 310, 28476, 322, 13487, 4135, 29892, 6041, 297, 278, 3700, 310, 4549, 29035, 29889, 306, 471, 22301, 304, 1074, 916, 2613, 29883, 453, 943, 2599, 263, 380, 524, 304, 1371, 366, 29889, 1126, 825, 9559, 304, 1906, 521, 542, 324, 1078, 1577, 13, 29909, 2186, 4443, 515, 502, 448, 825, 263, 28503, 393, 278, 1741, 471, 451, 2253, 970, 3368, 29889, 13, 4806, 4443, 393, 278, 12115, 7457, 28052, 1237, 29915, 313, 24784, 368, 350, 12809, 29897, 11822, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 21758, 624, 481, 793, 750, 263, 15313, 524, 2750, 902, 318, 561, 2495, 491, 278, 9820, 820, 18701, 29915, 29879, 10056, 362, 322, 379, 799, 886, 1014, 21118, 29889, 450, 16831, 362, 471, 393, 1183, 5229, 304, 9607, 263, 7333, 4066, 297, 278, 19220, 310, 263, 18987, 2280, 29889, 450, 4902, 7470, 297, 278, 970, 8369, 7475, 29883, 4110, 297, 278, 12115, 10117, 785, 541, 591, 8496, 29915, 29873, 1284, 372, 297, 278, 12115, 17157, 29889, 11511, 29892, 5998, 263, 3407, 1353, 363, 278, 2280, 471, 2183, 297, 278, 8369, 29892, 694, 9637, 310, 372, 1033, 367, 1476, 297, 263, 2740, 310, 18987, 8324, 29889, 450, 21118, 8459, 393, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 624, 481, 793, 750, 263, 376, 5358, 15477, 29908, 411, 697, 310, 278, 1203, 943, 304, 278, 2280, 29892, 607, 1183, 5229, 304, 9607, 29892, 322, 607, 471, 263, 2078, 496, 310, 278, 18701, 29915, 29879, 775, 310, 7512, 29889, 1670, 471, 263, 931, 746, 1316, 7475, 29883, 4110, 7470, 297, 278, 18701, 29915, 29879, 1914, 451, 1575, 373, 967, 4700, 29892, 541, 445, 750, 451, 9559, 408, 591, 3512, 304, 3965, 29889, 4976, 368, 591, 4997, 825, 278, 1298, 310, 599, 445, 338, 29889, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 624, 481, 793, 29915, 29879, 6035, 18310, 338, 304, 367, 19343, 2955, 491, 278, 1014, 21118, 785, 607, 2794, 2023, 825, 29892, 3721, 29973, 11637, 372, 29915, 29879, 278, 8604, 7126, 310, 263, 13328, 5881, 297, 7980, 29889, 1205, 947, 372, 8677, 738, 7688, 29973, 1317, 372, 17878, 408, 263, 10676, 4383, 29973, 3834, 3525, 29892, 591, 1348, 451, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 16379, 4485, 3439, 8315, 29879, 756, 9326, 263, 11781, 411, 20473, 1907, 17719, 14713, 23868, 793, 29892, 1363, 540, 4083, 278, 5874, 4225, 304, 2274, 278, 3965, 1973, 393, 278, 14451, 297, 12115, 29915, 29879, 4665, 756, 1925, 373, 1749, 7881, 29889, 940, 1497, 29901, 376, 4806, 817, 304, 1207, 1854, 393, 1906, 1058, 526, 297, 278, 12115, 4038, 2814, 635, 322, 25204, 15084, 322, 526, 3907, 263, 11896, 526, 5476, 510, 287, 322, 1906, 1058, 526, 451, 526, 2665, 1250, 515, 377, 663, 896, 2996, 1213, 1334, 526, 1854, 393, 278, 5874, 2307, 2274, 29879, 278, 5626, 785, 541, 3763, 3060, 15806, 304, 437, 3078, 1048, 963, 29889, 1334, 526, 18018, 1854, 393, 29871, 29929, 29929, 29889, 29929, 29995, 310, 2305, 5735, 297, 278, 4038, 25204, 15084, 29892, 322, 5480, 785, 3692, 896, 1207, 263, 11896, 470, 451, 29892, 2609, 367, 2665, 12214, 472, 599, 2023, 607, 3732, 3237, 3439, 8315, 29879, 29915, 29879, 3838 ]
seem rather hollow . He is also meeting Health Secretary Andrew Lansley to ask for more financial support to cope with the rise in population. Critics will say that he still doesn't get it. The issue is one of numbers – not integration or payment for the extra bodies. Throughout the recent debates, protesters have made this clear – they are saying that Boston simply has too high a proportion of migrants and that this is changing the face of the town. Speaking of Mr Simmonds, we note that just days after his announcement that he was pressing the Olympic torch committee to include his constituency among the areas to be visited, that Wrangle and Boston are listed among the thousand or so places that it will pass through. It would be unkind to suggest that when his announcement was made that the route had almost certainly been decided, but we are sure that if Boston had not been on it, then changes would have been made between the middle of last week and Monday of this to ensure that we received a visit! This of course means that joy will be unconfined. The borough's portfolio holder for leisure services, Councillor Yvonne Gunter, has already declared that being part of the torch relay is fantastic and "something really positive for Boston." We may be getting old – we are getting old! – but we fail to see what, if anything it will do for us. Wrangle councillor Maureen Dennis also calls the news exciting and claims that it "will form a real attachment for many with the Olympics." Meanwhile games organising committee chairman Sebastian (Lord) Coe is even more ecstatic. "We are thrilled to confirm that Boston and Wrangle will act as host locations for the Olympic flame…" he shrills. We can imagine the scene around the committee table. "Hey! Boston and Wrangle are on the list. Oh, wow!" Or something like that. Clearly the news has prompted Boston to push the boat out in no uncertain fashion. Four 2012 projects in the area have already received funding for Olympic projects. They include a grant of £150 to Boston's Central Park Community Gardens - for painting five tractor tyres to replicate the Olympic rings which then be planted with colourful flowers and plants. A Turner prize winner if ever we heard of one! On a drive into Boston down Spilsby Road, we noted a line of banners hanging from the street lights proclaiming that despite the chaotic "improvement" work in Boston Market Place, business was going on as usual. The wording on the banners is so small that we almost hit a lamppost trying to read it – but stopping would have meant blocking the road. Presumably these banners are displayed on other roads into Boston, but we can't quite see the point. By the time you read the message, you are so close to town that you will complete your journey in any case. The fact that Boston remains open for business needs to be issued in places from where people are expected to pay us a visit. We are sure that the news of the refurbishment work has spread far and wide – and the message needs to be as well. Never mind, soon the Christmas lights will be blazing away – and there was some unexpected news for the press-ganged levy payers of Boston Business Improvement District, who contributed £10,000 to the costs. Not only are they chipping in this year, but they are paying another £10k towards next year's illuminations as well. Although it has been claimed that this double dip into the funds of our hard-pressed local businesses has been "previously publicised" this is the first time that we have heard of the deal. And by the sound of it, even more money could have been forthcoming had the BID not been up for re-election in 2013. And let's not forget that next year the BID has high hopes of part funding a free concert in Central Park to the tune of a further £10,000. How easy it is to be generous with other people's money. But will someone please tell us how this is "mproving life for our local businesses? In a little publicised move, Lincolnshire police have introduced a new 101 number for non-emergency calls. The service will be used to report crimes such as stolen cars or damaged property, but does not replace 999 for emergency calls. The calls will be handled round the clock by specially trained staff. A police spokesman said: "We have probably missed out on calls from some members of the public who in the past
[ 2833, 3265, 298, 2952, 869, 940, 338, 884, 11781, 15202, 17719, 11571, 365, 550, 2330, 304, 2244, 363, 901, 18161, 2304, 304, 1302, 412, 411, 278, 14451, 297, 4665, 29889, 15976, 1199, 674, 1827, 393, 540, 1603, 1838, 29915, 29873, 679, 372, 29889, 450, 2228, 338, 697, 310, 3694, 785, 451, 13465, 470, 19179, 363, 278, 4805, 17873, 29889, 17044, 449, 278, 7786, 2553, 1078, 29892, 10021, 414, 505, 1754, 445, 2821, 785, 896, 526, 5934, 393, 12115, 3763, 756, 2086, 1880, 263, 18618, 310, 9725, 1934, 322, 393, 445, 338, 6480, 278, 3700, 310, 278, 4726, 29889, 13, 10649, 5086, 310, 3237, 3439, 8315, 29879, 29892, 591, 4443, 393, 925, 3841, 1156, 670, 7475, 13561, 393, 540, 471, 24795, 278, 19025, 4842, 305, 21118, 304, 3160, 670, 10719, 3819, 4249, 278, 10161, 304, 367, 16669, 29892, 393, 399, 5854, 322, 12115, 526, 9904, 4249, 278, 10405, 470, 577, 7600, 393, 372, 674, 1209, 1549, 29889, 739, 723, 367, 443, 14380, 304, 4368, 393, 746, 670, 7475, 13561, 471, 1754, 393, 278, 5782, 750, 4359, 8959, 1063, 8459, 29892, 541, 591, 526, 1854, 393, 565, 12115, 750, 451, 1063, 373, 372, 29892, 769, 3620, 723, 505, 1063, 1754, 1546, 278, 7256, 310, 1833, 4723, 322, 27822, 310, 445, 304, 9801, 393, 591, 4520, 263, 6493, 29991, 13, 4013, 310, 3236, 2794, 393, 15331, 674, 367, 443, 5527, 1312, 29889, 450, 9820, 820, 29915, 29879, 2011, 25648, 19464, 363, 454, 275, 545, 5786, 29892, 6237, 29883, 453, 272, 612, 29894, 7293, 402, 8428, 29892, 756, 2307, 8052, 393, 1641, 760, 310, 278, 4842, 305, 29856, 338, 13568, 6288, 322, 376, 14481, 2289, 6374, 363, 12115, 1213, 1334, 1122, 367, 2805, 2030, 785, 591, 526, 2805, 2030, 29991, 785, 541, 591, 4418, 304, 1074, 825, 29892, 565, 3099, 372, 674, 437, 363, 502, 29889, 399, 5854, 2613, 29883, 453, 272, 3219, 545, 264, 27974, 884, 5717, 278, 9763, 5566, 11407, 322, 16726, 393, 372, 376, 14043, 883, 263, 1855, 26305, 363, 1784, 411, 278, 16373, 1213, 25065, 8090, 2894, 5921, 21118, 28942, 26631, 313, 29931, 536, 29897, 3189, 29872, 338, 1584, 901, 21226, 7959, 29889, 376, 4806, 526, 1468, 24455, 304, 9659, 393, 12115, 322, 399, 5854, 674, 1044, 408, 3495, 14354, 363, 278, 19025, 1652, 420, 30098, 29908, 540, 14653, 6090, 29889, 1334, 508, 14034, 278, 9088, 2820, 278, 21118, 1591, 29889, 376, 29950, 1032, 29991, 12115, 322, 399, 5854, 526, 373, 278, 1051, 29889, 6439, 29892, 281, 340, 3850, 1394, 1554, 763, 393, 29889, 13, 18759, 368, 278, 9763, 756, 9508, 287, 12115, 304, 5503, 278, 13006, 714, 297, 694, 17999, 13460, 29889, 12458, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 9279, 297, 278, 4038, 505, 2307, 4520, 5220, 292, 363, 19025, 9279, 29889, 2688, 3160, 263, 16690, 310, 15151, 29896, 29945, 29900, 304, 12115, 29915, 29879, 8068, 4815, 19184, 15971, 575, 448, 363, 20413, 5320, 1020, 2801, 7911, 690, 304, 1634, 5926, 278, 19025, 28774, 607, 769, 367, 8024, 287, 411, 12384, 1319, 18281, 322, 18577, 29889, 319, 24215, 26836, 19576, 565, 3926, 591, 6091, 310, 697, 29991, 13, 2951, 263, 7899, 964, 12115, 1623, 1706, 2719, 1609, 9321, 29892, 591, 11682, 263, 1196, 310, 289, 812, 414, 298, 9776, 515, 278, 11952, 26068, 9580, 8342, 292, 393, 15020, 278, 10329, 13574, 376, 326, 16123, 882, 29908, 664, 297, 12115, 28794, 15484, 29892, 5381, 471, 2675, 373, 408, 9670, 29889, 450, 1734, 292, 373, 278, 289, 812, 414, 338, 577, 2319, 393, 591, 4359, 7124, 263, 301, 314, 407, 520, 1811, 304, 1303, 372, 785, 541, 25480, 723, 505, 6839, 23473, 278, 6520, 29889, 4360, 24873, 1438, 289, 812, 414, 526, 8833, 373, 916, 25320, 964, 12115, 29892, 541, 591, 508, 29915, 29873, 3755, 1074, 278, 1298, 29889, 2648, 278, 931, 366, 1303, 278, 2643, 29892, 366, 526, 577, 3802, 304, 4726, 393, 366, 674, 4866, 596, 16342, 297, 738, 1206, 29889, 450, 2114, 393, 12115, 9242, 1722, 363, 5381, 4225, 304, 367, 16610, 297, 7600, 515, 988, 2305, 526, 3806, 304, 5146, 502, 263, 6493, 29889, 1334, 526, 1854, 393, 278, 9763, 310, 278, 2143, 9265, 18310, 664, 756, 9677, 2215, 322, 9377, 785, 322, 278, 2643, 4225, 304, 367, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 29940, 1310, 3458, 29892, 4720, 278, 17661, 26068, 674, 367, 12995, 19583, 3448, 785, 322, 727, 471, 777, 15668, 9763, 363, 278, 3965, 29899, 29887, 4618, 454, 13308, 5146, 414, 310, 12115, 15197, 1954, 16123, 882, 7457, 29892, 1058, 26869, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 304, 278, 21544, 29889, 2216, 871, 526, 896, 521, 17347, 297, 445, 1629, 29892, 541, 896, 526, 5146, 292, 1790, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29895, 7113, 2446, 1629, 29915, 29879, 4486, 9735, 800, 408, 1532, 29889, 8512, 372, 756, 1063, 17049, 393, 445, 3765, 28191, 964, 278, 29199, 310, 1749, 2898, 29899, 13120, 1887, 5381, 267, 756, 1063, 376, 1457, 16604, 970, 3368, 29908, 445, 338, 278, 937, 931, 393, 591, 505, 6091, 310, 278, 5376, 29889, 1126, 491, 278, 6047, 310, 372, 29892, 1584, 901, 6909, 1033, 505, 1063, 11483, 11506, 750, 278, 350, 1367, 451, 1063, 701, 363, 337, 29899, 29872, 1464, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29889, 1126, 1235, 29915, 29879, 451, 9566, 393, 2446, 1629, 278, 350, 1367, 756, 1880, 26926, 310, 760, 5220, 292, 263, 3889, 13135, 297, 8068, 4815, 304, 278, 260, 1540, 310, 263, 4340, 15151, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 1128, 4780, 372, 338, 304, 367, 1176, 681, 411, 916, 2305, 29915, 29879, 6909, 29889, 1205, 674, 4856, 3113, 2649, 502, 920, 445, 338, 376, 29885, 771, 1747, 2834, 363, 1749, 1887, 5381, 267, 29973, 13, 797, 263, 2217, 970, 3368, 4337, 29892, 17274, 11750, 10974, 505, 9129, 263, 716, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29896, 1353, 363, 1661, 29899, 25154, 14703, 5717, 29889, 450, 2669, 674, 367, 1304, 304, 3461, 2181, 1355, 1316, 408, 380, 18975, 18647, 470, 5625, 4063, 2875, 29892, 541, 947, 451, 5191, 29871, 29929, 29929, 29929, 363, 11176, 14703, 5717, 29889, 450, 5717, 674, 367, 16459, 4513, 278, 12006, 491, 961, 5584, 16370, 13925, 29889, 319, 10974, 805, 23195, 1171, 1497, 29901, 376, 4806, 505, 3117, 13726, 714, 373, 5717, 515, 777, 5144, 310, 278, 970, 1058, 297, 278, 4940 ]
If you rely on Western media for insight into people's deepest inclinations, you're likely under the impression no one has ever been motivated by religion (not really) to do harm. If a man admits to killing his wife in a fit of jealousy, we are satisfied with the explanation. No one on the nightly news assures us jealousy could not have been his true motive, that there must be underlying causes which have absolutely nothing to do with his wife's alleged infidelity. Yet when a man kills in the name of Islam, we insist socioeconomic inequality and oppression must be the root cause with religion the all-too-convenient scapegoat. He is simply expressing his real grievances, we tell ourselves, in religious terms. When well-meaning liberals fail to convince their opponents the doctrine of Jihad as expressed in the Qur'an, for example, has no causal connection to acts of violence in the real world, they grasp at another straw: if religion is to be held accountable for its crimes, then why not atheism? What about Stalin, Hitler (who was not an atheist), or Mao? These arguments have inspired the chart below, which outlines various reasons (according to the friends of religion) one might act well or poorly. Many would have you believe that Q1 is a regular occurrence. Look at all the good, they remind you, which is done in the name of religion. If you attempt to stack Q1 against Q3, they reply that Q3 is an oversimple, unsophisticated way to account for behavior. Human motivations are so complex, religion could never be the root cause. Religion is only used to justify actions, they say. I actually agree with religious apologists on Q2. There is no logical path from "I do not accept belief in any gods" to "therefore I will be kind to my neighbor." If one does good in the name of atheism, it is to make the point that one does not need a god to do good, which is different than claiming to be motivated by the fact of atheism itself. I also agree with Q1, for that matter, which means, for those not keeping track, the whole top half of the chart looks fine to me. The bottom half is worse than false; it's false and inconsistent with the top half. If there is a connection between religious beliefs and some good behaviors (i.e. I'd better tell the truth or Yahweh will be angry), and there seems little question there is, then why can't the same be said of some bad behaviors. A disturbingly large portion of Islam advocates death as the penalty for apostasy. Nations under sharia law will reward Muslims who leave the faith with death. Are we to believe this would be the case absent religious motivation? Is anyone prepared to claim this punishment is only meted out to people whose accusers wish them dead for other, unrelated reasons? The argument that religion can and does motivate bad behavior is so easy to make, it gets boring fast. Moving onto Q4, I must again deny any reasonable path to "therefore, do evil" from "there are no gods." Suppose I want to murder my neighbor. Can you imagine a world in which I desire his death because there are no gods and for no more relevant reason? I will grant that a belief in a god might discourage one from murdering him, but how could a lack of belief ever be the cause? It's not even a coherent form of justification. "Why did you murder him?" Because he stole my property. "Why did you consider murder an appropriate response?" Because theism has not been justified to my satisfaction. Suppose, on the other hand, my neighbor is worshiping the wrong god, and I am under explicit orders to have him killed (Deut 13:8). There is a clear and rational path from my devotion to religious doctrine and my murderous act. Were this reported in the news today, reporters would scour sources for ulterior motives and, in their absence, assure viewers this was not a religiously motivated attack, but the act of a deranged extremist. As though the two were mutually exclusive. My argument is simple: beliefs inform behaviors. We can often take people at their word when they attribute their actions to certain beliefs. When a Christian tells me he has nothing against homosexuality personally but opposes gay marriage on account of his religion, how presumptuous would it be to insist he is a bigot, that religion
[ 960, 366, 19104, 373, 10504, 5745, 363, 25483, 964, 2305, 29915, 29879, 6483, 342, 1343, 262, 800, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 5517, 1090, 278, 17188, 694, 697, 756, 3926, 1063, 17385, 630, 491, 13433, 313, 1333, 2289, 29897, 304, 437, 10311, 29889, 13, 3644, 263, 767, 7336, 1169, 304, 23393, 670, 6532, 297, 263, 6216, 310, 1444, 20521, 29891, 29892, 591, 526, 15787, 411, 278, 8252, 29889, 1939, 697, 373, 278, 4646, 368, 9763, 1223, 1973, 502, 1444, 20521, 29891, 1033, 451, 505, 1063, 670, 1565, 3184, 573, 29892, 393, 727, 1818, 367, 14407, 9946, 607, 505, 13312, 3078, 304, 437, 411, 670, 6532, 29915, 29879, 16831, 287, 3041, 10652, 537, 29889, 15175, 746, 263, 767, 413, 6090, 297, 278, 1024, 310, 16427, 29892, 591, 1663, 391, 577, 3934, 29872, 4599, 293, 14585, 322, 4575, 23881, 1818, 367, 278, 3876, 4556, 411, 13433, 278, 599, 29899, 517, 29877, 29899, 535, 854, 993, 885, 481, 2412, 271, 29889, 940, 338, 3763, 4653, 292, 670, 1855, 867, 10384, 2925, 29892, 591, 2649, 20278, 29892, 297, 12962, 4958, 29889, 13, 10401, 1532, 29899, 12676, 292, 7866, 1338, 4418, 304, 7602, 1239, 1009, 23995, 1237, 278, 22542, 310, 435, 4861, 328, 408, 13384, 297, 278, 660, 332, 29915, 273, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 756, 694, 3269, 284, 3957, 304, 14741, 310, 21448, 297, 278, 1855, 3186, 29892, 896, 25274, 472, 1790, 380, 1610, 29901, 565, 13433, 338, 304, 367, 4934, 3633, 519, 363, 967, 2181, 1355, 29892, 769, 2020, 451, 472, 354, 1608, 29973, 1724, 1048, 624, 25977, 29892, 23151, 313, 15970, 471, 451, 385, 472, 354, 391, 511, 470, 3219, 29877, 29973, 13, 1349, 968, 6273, 505, 20603, 278, 8727, 2400, 29892, 607, 714, 9012, 5164, 9590, 313, 5753, 3278, 304, 278, 7875, 310, 13433, 29897, 697, 1795, 1044, 1532, 470, 6460, 368, 29889, 13, 14804, 723, 505, 366, 4658, 393, 660, 29896, 338, 263, 4943, 27170, 29889, 7419, 472, 599, 278, 1781, 29892, 896, 1083, 513, 366, 29892, 607, 338, 2309, 297, 278, 1024, 310, 13433, 29889, 960, 366, 4218, 304, 5096, 660, 29896, 2750, 660, 29941, 29892, 896, 8908, 393, 660, 29941, 338, 385, 288, 874, 326, 552, 29892, 9644, 3021, 4695, 630, 982, 304, 3633, 363, 6030, 29889, 12968, 17385, 800, 526, 577, 4280, 29892, 13433, 1033, 2360, 367, 278, 3876, 4556, 29889, 27099, 338, 871, 1304, 304, 26922, 8820, 29892, 896, 1827, 29889, 13, 29902, 2869, 8661, 411, 12962, 27746, 2879, 373, 660, 29906, 29889, 1670, 338, 694, 16667, 2224, 515, 376, 29902, 437, 451, 3544, 17750, 297, 738, 27379, 29908, 304, 376, 12711, 1079, 306, 674, 367, 2924, 304, 590, 12307, 1213, 960, 697, 947, 1781, 297, 278, 1024, 310, 472, 354, 1608, 29892, 372, 338, 304, 1207, 278, 1298, 393, 697, 947, 451, 817, 263, 7339, 304, 437, 1781, 29892, 607, 338, 1422, 1135, 5995, 292, 304, 367, 17385, 630, 491, 278, 2114, 310, 472, 354, 1608, 3528, 29889, 13, 29902, 884, 8661, 411, 660, 29896, 29892, 363, 393, 4383, 29892, 607, 2794, 29892, 363, 1906, 451, 12515, 5702, 29892, 278, 3353, 2246, 4203, 310, 278, 8727, 3430, 2691, 304, 592, 29889, 450, 5970, 4203, 338, 15029, 1135, 2089, 29936, 372, 29915, 29879, 2089, 322, 22435, 9696, 411, 278, 2246, 4203, 29889, 960, 727, 338, 263, 3957, 1546, 12962, 17750, 29879, 322, 777, 1781, 4010, 18930, 313, 29875, 29889, 29872, 29889, 306, 29915, 29881, 2253, 2649, 278, 8760, 470, 612, 801, 705, 29882, 674, 367, 26230, 511, 322, 727, 2444, 2217, 1139, 727, 338, 29892, 769, 2020, 508, 29915, 29873, 278, 1021, 367, 1497, 310, 777, 4319, 4010, 18930, 29889, 319, 29543, 11687, 2919, 11910, 310, 16427, 22545, 1078, 4892, 408, 278, 27368, 363, 18115, 8995, 29889, 18269, 1090, 528, 4568, 4307, 674, 20751, 23772, 29879, 1058, 5967, 278, 10847, 411, 4892, 29889, 4683, 591, 304, 4658, 445, 723, 367, 278, 1206, 29207, 12962, 17385, 362, 29973, 1317, 5019, 13240, 304, 5995, 445, 6035, 18310, 338, 871, 1539, 287, 714, 304, 2305, 5069, 1035, 7193, 6398, 963, 7123, 363, 916, 29892, 443, 12817, 9590, 29973, 13, 1576, 2980, 393, 13433, 508, 322, 947, 17385, 403, 4319, 6030, 338, 577, 4780, 304, 1207, 29892, 372, 4947, 289, 8253, 5172, 29889, 14104, 292, 11480, 660, 29946, 29892, 306, 1818, 1449, 972, 29891, 738, 15590, 2224, 304, 376, 12711, 1079, 29892, 437, 16126, 29908, 515, 376, 12711, 526, 694, 27379, 1213, 12142, 306, 864, 304, 13406, 590, 12307, 29889, 1815, 366, 14034, 263, 3186, 297, 607, 306, 13521, 670, 4892, 1363, 727, 526, 694, 27379, 322, 363, 694, 901, 8018, 2769, 29973, 306, 674, 16690, 393, 263, 17750, 297, 263, 7339, 1795, 2313, 283, 6617, 697, 515, 13406, 292, 1075, 29892, 541, 920, 1033, 263, 10225, 310, 17750, 3926, 367, 278, 4556, 29973, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 1584, 263, 16165, 261, 296, 883, 310, 925, 2450, 29889, 376, 11008, 1258, 366, 13406, 1075, 3026, 7311, 540, 380, 1772, 590, 2875, 29889, 376, 11008, 1258, 366, 2050, 13406, 385, 8210, 2933, 3026, 7311, 278, 1608, 756, 451, 1063, 925, 2164, 304, 590, 26470, 29889, 13, 20182, 852, 29892, 373, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 590, 12307, 338, 26320, 292, 278, 2743, 7339, 29892, 322, 306, 626, 1090, 6261, 11299, 304, 505, 1075, 9445, 313, 2772, 329, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29901, 29947, 467, 1670, 338, 263, 2821, 322, 17903, 2224, 515, 590, 2906, 8194, 304, 12962, 22542, 322, 590, 13406, 681, 1044, 29889, 399, 406, 445, 8967, 297, 278, 9763, 9826, 29892, 1634, 272, 2153, 723, 885, 473, 8974, 363, 9238, 8733, 3184, 3145, 322, 29892, 297, 1009, 18070, 29892, 1223, 545, 1776, 414, 445, 471, 451, 263, 12962, 368, 17385, 630, 5337, 29892, 541, 278, 1044, 310, 263, 589, 4618, 9413, 391, 29889, 1094, 2466, 278, 1023, 892, 5478, 1474, 29192, 29889, 13, 3421, 2980, 338, 2560, 29901, 17750, 29879, 1871, 4010, 18930, 29889, 1334, 508, 4049, 2125, 2305, 472, 1009, 1734, 746, 896, 5352, 1009, 8820, 304, 3058, 17750, 29879, 29889, 1932, 263, 6111, 10603, 592, 540, 756, 3078, 2750, 3632, 29438, 950, 537, 22345, 541, 9209, 267, 23852, 13718, 373, 3633, 310, 670, 13433, 29892, 920, 2225, 398, 415, 17269, 723, 372, 367, 304, 1663, 391, 540, 338, 263, 4802, 327, 29892, 393, 13433 ]
Sec. 12. Admission tax; fees. (a) A tax is hereby imposed upon admissions to riverboat and casino gambling facilities operated by licensed owners authorized pursuant to this Act. Until July 1, 2002, the rate is $2 per person admitted. From July 1, 2002 until July 1, 2003, the rate is $3 per person admitted. From July 1, 2003 until August 23, 2005 (the effective date of Public Act 94-673), for a licensee that admitted 1,000,000 persons or fewer in the previous calendar year, the rate is $3 per person admitted; for a licensee that admitted more than 1,000,000 but no more than 2,300,000 persons in the previous calendar year, the rate is $4 per person admitted; and for a licensee that admitted more than 2,300,000 persons in the previous calendar year, the rate is $5 per person admitted. Beginning on August 23, 2005 (the effective date of Public Act 94-673), for a licensee that admitted 1,000,000 persons or fewer in calendar year 2004, the rate is $2 per person admitted, and for all other licensees, including licensees that were not conducting gambling operations in 2004, the rate is $3 per person admitted. This admission tax is imposed upon the licensed owner conducting gambling. (1) The admission tax shall be paid for each admission, except that a person who exits a riverboat gambling facility and reenters that riverboat gambling facility within the same gaming day shall be subject only to the initial admission tax. (2) (Blank). (3) The riverboat licensee may issue tax-free passes to actual and necessary officials and employees of the licensee or other persons actually working on the riverboat. (4) The number and issuance of tax-free passes is subject to the rules of the Board, and a list of all persons to whom the tax-free passes are issued shall be filed with the Board. (a-5) A fee is hereby imposed upon admissions operated by licensed managers on behalf of the State pursuant to Section 7.3 at the rates provided in this subsection (a-5). For a licensee that admitted 1,000,000 persons or fewer in the previous calendar year, the rate is $3 per person admitted; for a licensee that admitted more than 1,000,000 but no more than 2,300,000 persons in the previous calendar year, the rate is $4 per person admitted; and for a licensee that admitted more than 2,300,000 persons in the previous calendar year, the rate is $5 per person admitted. (1) The admission fee shall be paid for each admission. (3) The licensed manager may issue fee-free passes to actual and necessary officials and employees of the manager or other persons actually working on the riverboat. (4) The number and issuance of fee-free passes is subject to the rules of the Board, and a list of all persons to whom the fee-free passes are issued shall be filed with the Board. (b) Except as provided in subsection (b-5), from the tax imposed under subsection (a) and the fee imposed under subsection (a-5), a municipality shall receive from the State $1 for each person embarking on a riverboat docked within the municipality or entering a casino located within the municipality, and a county shall receive $1 for each person entering a casino or embarking on a riverboat docked within the county but outside the boundaries of any municipality. The municipality's or county's share shall be collected by the Board on behalf of the State and remitted quarterly by the State, subject to appropriation, to the treasurer of the unit of local government for deposit in the general fund. (b-5) From the tax imposed under subsection (a) and the fee imposed under subsection (a-5), $1 for each person embarking on a riverboat designated in paragraph (4) of subsection (e-5) of Section 7 shall be
[ 5356, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29889, 2087, 6737, 8818, 29936, 1238, 267, 29889, 13, 29898, 29874, 29897, 319, 8818, 338, 1244, 1609, 527, 4752, 2501, 7336, 6847, 304, 8580, 833, 271, 322, 3209, 1789, 330, 1117, 1847, 23330, 19623, 491, 7794, 21144, 1914, 414, 4148, 1891, 12359, 29884, 424, 304, 445, 3185, 29889, 28609, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29906, 639, 2022, 20186, 29889, 3645, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 2745, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29941, 639, 2022, 20186, 29889, 3645, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 2745, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 313, 1552, 11828, 2635, 310, 5236, 3185, 29871, 29929, 29946, 29899, 29953, 29955, 29941, 511, 363, 263, 19405, 29872, 393, 20186, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 12407, 470, 28145, 297, 278, 3517, 17684, 1629, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29941, 639, 2022, 20186, 29936, 363, 263, 19405, 29872, 393, 20186, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 541, 694, 901, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29941, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 12407, 297, 278, 3517, 17684, 1629, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29946, 639, 2022, 20186, 29936, 322, 363, 263, 19405, 29872, 393, 20186, 901, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29941, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 12407, 297, 278, 3517, 17684, 1629, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29945, 639, 2022, 20186, 29889, 14893, 1076, 373, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 313, 1552, 11828, 2635, 310, 5236, 3185, 29871, 29929, 29946, 29899, 29953, 29955, 29941, 511, 363, 263, 19405, 29872, 393, 20186, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 12407, 470, 28145, 297, 17684, 1629, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29906, 639, 2022, 20186, 29892, 322, 363, 599, 916, 19405, 267, 29892, 3704, 19405, 267, 393, 892, 451, 7512, 292, 330, 1117, 1847, 6931, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29941, 639, 2022, 20186, 29889, 910, 594, 6737, 8818, 338, 527, 4752, 2501, 278, 7794, 21144, 12271, 7512, 292, 330, 1117, 1847, 29889, 13, 29898, 29896, 29897, 450, 594, 6737, 8818, 4091, 367, 12530, 363, 1269, 13, 328, 6737, 29892, 5174, 393, 263, 2022, 1058, 429, 1169, 263, 8580, 833, 271, 330, 1117, 1847, 24454, 322, 337, 296, 414, 393, 8580, 833, 271, 330, 1117, 1847, 24454, 2629, 278, 1021, 330, 11500, 2462, 4091, 367, 4967, 871, 304, 278, 2847, 594, 6737, 8818, 29889, 13, 29898, 29906, 29897, 313, 10358, 804, 467, 13, 29898, 29941, 29897, 450, 8580, 833, 271, 19405, 29872, 1122, 2228, 8818, 29899, 9021, 14517, 13, 517, 3935, 322, 5181, 24921, 322, 22873, 310, 278, 19405, 29872, 470, 916, 12407, 2869, 1985, 373, 278, 8580, 833, 271, 29889, 13, 29898, 29946, 29897, 450, 1353, 322, 17759, 749, 310, 8818, 29899, 9021, 14517, 338, 13, 16009, 304, 278, 6865, 310, 278, 12590, 29892, 322, 263, 1051, 310, 599, 12407, 304, 6029, 278, 8818, 29899, 9021, 14517, 526, 16610, 4091, 367, 934, 29881, 411, 278, 12590, 29889, 13, 29898, 29874, 29899, 29945, 29897, 319, 27684, 338, 1244, 1609, 527, 4752, 2501, 7336, 6847, 19623, 491, 7794, 21144, 767, 18150, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 4306, 12359, 29884, 424, 304, 9779, 29871, 29955, 29889, 29941, 472, 278, 19257, 4944, 297, 445, 1014, 2042, 313, 29874, 29899, 29945, 467, 1152, 263, 19405, 29872, 393, 20186, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 12407, 470, 28145, 297, 278, 3517, 17684, 1629, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29941, 639, 2022, 20186, 29936, 363, 263, 19405, 29872, 393, 20186, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 541, 694, 901, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29941, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 12407, 297, 278, 3517, 17684, 1629, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29946, 639, 2022, 20186, 29936, 322, 363, 263, 19405, 29872, 393, 20186, 901, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29941, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 12407, 297, 278, 3517, 17684, 1629, 29892, 278, 6554, 338, 395, 29945, 639, 2022, 20186, 29889, 13, 29898, 29896, 29897, 450, 594, 6737, 27684, 4091, 367, 12530, 363, 1269, 13, 328, 6737, 29889, 13, 29898, 29941, 29897, 450, 7794, 21144, 8455, 1122, 2228, 27684, 29899, 9021, 14517, 304, 13, 19304, 322, 5181, 24921, 322, 22873, 310, 278, 8455, 470, 916, 12407, 2869, 1985, 373, 278, 8580, 833, 271, 29889, 13, 29898, 29946, 29897, 450, 1353, 322, 17759, 749, 310, 27684, 29899, 9021, 14517, 338, 13, 16009, 304, 278, 6865, 310, 278, 12590, 29892, 322, 263, 1051, 310, 599, 12407, 304, 6029, 278, 27684, 29899, 9021, 14517, 526, 16610, 4091, 367, 934, 29881, 411, 278, 12590, 29889, 13, 29898, 29890, 29897, 1222, 1547, 408, 4944, 297, 1014, 2042, 313, 29890, 29899, 29945, 511, 515, 278, 8818, 527, 4752, 1090, 1014, 2042, 313, 29874, 29897, 322, 278, 27684, 527, 4752, 1090, 1014, 2042, 313, 29874, 29899, 29945, 511, 263, 21511, 4091, 7150, 515, 278, 4306, 395, 29896, 363, 1269, 2022, 7232, 935, 292, 373, 263, 8580, 833, 271, 23630, 287, 2629, 278, 21511, 470, 18055, 263, 3209, 1789, 5982, 2629, 278, 21511, 29892, 322, 263, 15178, 4091, 7150, 395, 29896, 363, 1269, 2022, 18055, 263, 3209, 1789, 470, 7232, 935, 292, 373, 263, 8580, 833, 271, 23630, 287, 2629, 278, 15178, 541, 5377, 278, 24371, 310, 738, 21511, 29889, 450, 21511, 29915, 29879, 470, 15178, 29915, 29879, 6232, 4091, 367, 16531, 491, 278, 12590, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 4306, 322, 1083, 4430, 12616, 368, 491, 278, 4306, 29892, 4967, 304, 7128, 362, 29892, 304, 278, 2578, 294, 9945, 310, 278, 5190, 310, 1887, 5874, 363, 19754, 277, 297, 278, 2498, 5220, 29889, 13, 29898, 29890, 29899, 29945, 29897, 3645, 278, 8818, 527, 4752, 1090, 1014, 2042, 313, 29874, 29897, 322, 278, 27684, 527, 4752, 1090, 1014, 2042, 313, 29874, 29899, 29945, 511, 395, 29896, 363, 1269, 2022, 7232, 935, 292, 373, 263, 8580, 833, 271, 25373, 297, 14880, 313, 29946, 29897, 310, 1014, 2042, 313, 29872, 29899, 29945, 29897, 310, 9779, 29871, 29955, 4091, 367 ]
divided as follows: $0.70 to the City of Rockford, $0.05 to the City of Loves Park, $0.05 to the Village of Machesney Park, and $0.20 to Winnebago County. The municipality's or county's share shall be collected by the Board on behalf of the State and remitted monthly by the State, subject to appropriation, to the treasurer of the unit of local government for deposit in the general fund. (b-10) From the tax imposed under subsection (a) and the fee imposed under subsection (a-5), $1 for each person embarking on a riverboat or entering a casino designated in paragraph (1) of subsection (e-5) of Section 7 shall be divided as follows: $0.70 to the City of Chicago, $0.15 to the Village of Maywood, and $0.15 to the Village of Summit. (b-15) From the tax imposed under subsection (a) and the fee imposed under subsection (a-5), $1 for each person embarking on a riverboat or entering a casino designated in paragraph (2) of subsection (e-5) of Section 7 shall be divided as follows: $0.70 to the City of Danville and $0.30 to Vermilion County. (c) The licensed owner shall pay the entire admission tax to the Board and the licensed manager shall pay the entire admission fee to the Board. Such payments shall be made daily. Accompanying each payment shall be a return on forms provided by the Board which shall include other information regarding admissions as the Board may require. Failure to submit either the payment or the return within the specified time may result in suspension or revocation of the owners or managers license. (c-5) A tax is imposed on admissions to organization gaming facilities at the rate of $3 per person admitted by an organization gaming licensee. The tax is imposed upon the organization gaming licensee. admission, except that a person who exits an organization gaming facility and reenters that organization gaming facility within the same gaming day, as the term "gaming day" is defined by the Board by rule, shall be subject only to the initial admission tax. The Board shall establish, by rule, a procedure to determine whether a person admitted to an organization gaming facility has paid the admission tax. (2) An organization gaming licensee may issue tax-free passes to actual and necessary officials and employees of the licensee and other persons associated with its gaming operations. (4) The organization gaming licensee shall pay the entire admission tax to the Board. Such payments shall be made daily. Accompanying each payment shall be a return on forms provided by the Board, which shall include other information regarding admission as the Board may require. Failure to submit either the payment or the return within the specified time may result in suspension or revocation of the organization gaming license. From the tax imposed under this subsection (c-5), a municipality other than the Village of Stickney or the City of Collinsville in which an organization gaming facility is located, or if the organization gaming facility is not located within a municipality, then the county in which the organization gaming facility is located, except as otherwise provided in this Section, shall receive, subject to appropriation, $1 for each person who enters the organization gaming facility. For each admission to the organization gaming facility in excess of 1,500,000 in a year, from the tax imposed under this subsection (c-5), the county in which the organization gaming facility is located shall receive, subject to appropriation, $0.30, which shall be in addition to any other moneys paid to the county under this Section. From the tax imposed under this subsection (c-5) on an organization gaming facility located in the Village of Stickney, $1 for each person who enters the organization gaming facility shall be distributed as follows, subject to appropriation: $0.24 to the Village of Stickney, $0.49 to the Town of Cicero, $0.05 to the City of Berwyn, and $0.17 to the Stickney Public Health District, and $0.05 to the City of Bridgeview. From the tax imposed under this subsection (c-5) on an organization gaming facility located in the City of Collinsville, the following shall each receive 10 c
[ 13931, 408, 4477, 29901, 395, 29900, 29889, 29955, 29900, 304, 278, 4412, 310, 8027, 4006, 29892, 395, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29945, 304, 278, 4412, 310, 23974, 267, 4815, 29892, 395, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29945, 304, 278, 24720, 310, 341, 14520, 3801, 4815, 29892, 322, 395, 29900, 29889, 29906, 29900, 304, 8892, 484, 29890, 4425, 5127, 29889, 13, 1576, 21511, 29915, 29879, 470, 15178, 29915, 29879, 6232, 4091, 367, 16531, 491, 278, 12590, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 4306, 322, 1083, 4430, 4098, 368, 491, 278, 4306, 29892, 4967, 304, 7128, 362, 29892, 304, 278, 2578, 294, 9945, 310, 278, 5190, 310, 1887, 5874, 363, 19754, 277, 297, 278, 2498, 5220, 29889, 13, 29898, 29890, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29897, 3645, 278, 8818, 527, 4752, 1090, 1014, 2042, 313, 29874, 29897, 322, 278, 27684, 527, 4752, 1090, 1014, 2042, 313, 29874, 29899, 29945, 511, 395, 29896, 363, 1269, 2022, 7232, 935, 292, 373, 263, 8580, 833, 271, 470, 18055, 263, 3209, 1789, 25373, 297, 14880, 313, 29896, 29897, 310, 1014, 2042, 313, 29872, 29899, 29945, 29897, 310, 9779, 29871, 29955, 4091, 367, 13931, 408, 4477, 29901, 395, 29900, 29889, 29955, 29900, 304, 278, 4412, 310, 10059, 29892, 395, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29945, 304, 278, 24720, 310, 2610, 6115, 29892, 322, 395, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29945, 304, 278, 24720, 310, 6991, 2415, 29889, 13, 29898, 29890, 29899, 29896, 29945, 29897, 3645, 278, 8818, 527, 4752, 1090, 1014, 2042, 313, 29874, 29897, 322, 278, 27684, 527, 4752, 1090, 1014, 2042, 313, 29874, 29899, 29945, 511, 395, 29896, 363, 1269, 2022, 7232, 935, 292, 373, 263, 8580, 833, 271, 470, 18055, 263, 3209, 1789, 25373, 297, 14880, 313, 29906, 29897, 310, 1014, 2042, 313, 29872, 29899, 29945, 29897, 310, 9779, 29871, 29955, 4091, 367, 13931, 408, 4477, 29901, 395, 29900, 29889, 29955, 29900, 304, 278, 4412, 310, 3951, 4909, 322, 395, 29900, 29889, 29941, 29900, 304, 17589, 309, 291, 5127, 29889, 13, 29898, 29883, 29897, 450, 7794, 21144, 12271, 4091, 5146, 278, 4152, 594, 6737, 8818, 304, 278, 12590, 322, 278, 7794, 21144, 8455, 4091, 5146, 278, 4152, 594, 6737, 27684, 304, 278, 12590, 29889, 10506, 5146, 1860, 4091, 367, 1754, 14218, 29889, 7255, 14518, 292, 1269, 19179, 4091, 367, 263, 736, 373, 7190, 4944, 491, 278, 12590, 607, 4091, 3160, 916, 2472, 11211, 7336, 6847, 408, 278, 12590, 1122, 1996, 29889, 29098, 545, 304, 9752, 2845, 278, 19179, 470, 278, 736, 2629, 278, 6790, 931, 1122, 1121, 297, 8872, 2673, 470, 6664, 10610, 310, 278, 1914, 414, 470, 767, 18150, 19405, 29889, 13, 29898, 29883, 29899, 29945, 29897, 319, 8818, 338, 527, 4752, 373, 7336, 6847, 304, 13013, 330, 11500, 23330, 472, 278, 6554, 310, 395, 29941, 639, 2022, 20186, 491, 385, 13013, 330, 11500, 19405, 29872, 29889, 450, 8818, 338, 527, 4752, 2501, 278, 13013, 330, 11500, 19405, 29872, 29889, 13, 328, 6737, 29892, 5174, 393, 263, 2022, 1058, 429, 1169, 385, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 322, 337, 296, 414, 393, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 2629, 278, 1021, 330, 11500, 2462, 29892, 408, 278, 1840, 376, 29887, 11500, 2462, 29908, 338, 3342, 491, 278, 12590, 491, 5751, 29892, 4091, 367, 4967, 871, 304, 278, 2847, 594, 6737, 8818, 29889, 450, 12590, 4091, 10127, 29892, 491, 5751, 29892, 263, 8792, 304, 8161, 3692, 263, 2022, 20186, 304, 385, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 756, 12530, 278, 594, 6737, 8818, 29889, 13, 29898, 29906, 29897, 530, 13013, 330, 11500, 19405, 29872, 1122, 2228, 13, 20725, 29899, 9021, 14517, 304, 3935, 322, 5181, 24921, 322, 22873, 310, 278, 19405, 29872, 322, 916, 12407, 6942, 411, 967, 330, 11500, 6931, 29889, 13, 29898, 29946, 29897, 450, 13013, 330, 11500, 19405, 29872, 4091, 5146, 278, 13, 296, 533, 594, 6737, 8818, 304, 278, 12590, 29889, 13, 29903, 987, 5146, 1860, 4091, 367, 1754, 14218, 29889, 7255, 14518, 292, 1269, 19179, 4091, 367, 263, 736, 373, 7190, 4944, 491, 278, 12590, 29892, 607, 4091, 3160, 916, 2472, 11211, 594, 6737, 408, 278, 12590, 1122, 1996, 29889, 29098, 545, 304, 9752, 2845, 278, 19179, 470, 278, 736, 2629, 278, 6790, 931, 1122, 1121, 297, 8872, 2673, 470, 6664, 10610, 310, 278, 13013, 330, 11500, 19405, 29889, 13, 4591, 278, 8818, 527, 4752, 1090, 445, 1014, 2042, 313, 29883, 29899, 29945, 511, 263, 21511, 916, 1135, 278, 24720, 310, 624, 860, 3801, 470, 278, 4412, 310, 26410, 4909, 297, 607, 385, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 338, 5982, 29892, 470, 565, 278, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 338, 451, 5982, 2629, 263, 21511, 29892, 769, 278, 15178, 297, 607, 278, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 338, 5982, 29892, 5174, 408, 6467, 4944, 297, 445, 9779, 29892, 4091, 7150, 29892, 4967, 304, 7128, 362, 29892, 395, 29896, 363, 1269, 2022, 1058, 24395, 278, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 29889, 1152, 1269, 594, 6737, 304, 278, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 297, 19163, 310, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 297, 263, 1629, 29892, 515, 278, 8818, 527, 4752, 1090, 445, 1014, 2042, 313, 29883, 29899, 29945, 511, 278, 15178, 297, 607, 278, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 338, 5982, 4091, 7150, 29892, 4967, 304, 7128, 362, 29892, 395, 29900, 29889, 29941, 29900, 29892, 607, 4091, 367, 297, 6124, 304, 738, 916, 286, 650, 952, 12530, 304, 278, 15178, 1090, 445, 9779, 29889, 13, 4591, 278, 8818, 527, 4752, 1090, 445, 1014, 2042, 313, 29883, 29899, 29945, 29897, 373, 385, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 5982, 297, 278, 24720, 310, 624, 860, 3801, 29892, 395, 29896, 363, 1269, 2022, 1058, 24395, 278, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 4091, 367, 13235, 408, 4477, 29892, 4967, 304, 7128, 362, 29901, 395, 29900, 29889, 29906, 29946, 304, 278, 24720, 310, 624, 860, 3801, 29892, 395, 29900, 29889, 29946, 29929, 304, 278, 8421, 310, 24945, 1489, 29892, 395, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29945, 304, 278, 4412, 310, 2292, 29893, 948, 29892, 322, 395, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29955, 304, 278, 624, 860, 3801, 5236, 15202, 7457, 29892, 322, 395, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29945, 304, 278, 4412, 310, 16230, 1493, 29889, 13, 4591, 278, 8818, 527, 4752, 1090, 445, 1014, 2042, 313, 29883, 29899, 29945, 29897, 373, 385, 13013, 330, 11500, 24454, 5982, 297, 278, 4412, 310, 26410, 4909, 29892, 278, 1494, 4091, 1269, 7150, 29871, 29896, 29900, 274 ]
Testimony on Isotretinoin (Accutane) Article Comments of Larry D. Sasich, Pharm.D., M.P.H, FASHP, Public Citizen's Health Research Group Before the FDA's Dermatologic and Ophthalmic Drugs Advisory Committee meeting on isotretinoin (Accutane) Public Citizen's apprehension over the safety of Accutane began shortly after its approval in May 1982, when we petitioned the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to take immediate action to warn patients and physicians about the serious adverse effects associated with the use of this drug in September 1983.[1] The thrust of our petition was a request for a boxed warning on the possibility of birth defects, spontaneous abortions, pseudotumor cerebri, impaired vision, and regional ileitis (Crohn's Disease) caused by Accutane. In addition, we asked for the mandatory distribution by pharmacists of labeling written for patients, then called Patient Package Inserts, explaining the risks of this drug in non-technical language. A final rule that became effective on June 1, 1999 gave the FDA the authority to require patient labeling, now known as Medication Guides, for drugs that present a serious risk to the public's health.[2] Accutane is a drug that clearly meets this standard. An Accutane Medication Guide would inform patients not only about the risk of birth defects and the other adverse effects mentioned above, but also of the possibility of depression, psychosis, and suicidal ideation; erratic bone growth and premature closure of the growth plates; inflammation of the pancreas; elevations of particular blood fats (triglycerides); hearing impairment; decreased night vision and corneal opacities; anaphylactic and other allergic reactions; and drug interactions all now in the drug's professional product labeling.[3] On April 26, 1988 the FDA's Dermatologic Drugs Advisory Committee recommended, without specifying a method, that the prescribing of Accutane be restricted. Shortly thereafter, we again petitioned the FDA on May 17, 1988 to limit the prescribing of the drug to board-certified or board-eligible dermatologists. Dermatologists would have been required to register with the FDA and be assigned a prescriber number. To prevent the "off-label" use of Accutane, dermatologists would have been required to certify by affidavit that they had read and would follow the regulations and the drug's approved labeling. Pharmacists would have been prohibited from knowingly filling prescriptions from physicians who were not dermatologists and registered with the FDA. Both physicians and pharmacists would have been subject to criminal penalties for violating the regulations. A copy of our 1988 petition is attached to these comments for reference. We believe that the legal theory outlined in our 1988 petition shows that the FDA then had the authority to require the restrictions outlined above and that this theory is as sound today as it was 12 years ago. In fact, since our 1988 petition there have been several recent examples of the "creative" use of the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to place limitations on the use of certain drugs in a manner consistent with our petition. To reduce the chance of potentially life-threatening agranulocytosis the original labeling for the atypical antipsychotic drug clozapine (Clozaril), required " a baseline white blood cell (WBC) and differential count before initiation of treatment and a WBC count every week throughout treatment" and that "The distribution of Clozaril is contingent upon performance of the required blood tests."[4] Clozapine was approved on September 26, 1989. The approved labeling for thalidomide (Thalomid), a drug cleared for marketing on July 16, 1998, requires that only prescribers and pharmacists registered with the System for Thalidomide Education and Prescribing Safety (STEPS) program are allowed to prescribe and dispense the drug. Also, "patients must be advised of
[ 4321, 326, 2592, 373, 1317, 327, 2267, 1789, 262, 313, 7504, 329, 1662, 29897, 21746, 13, 1523, 1860, 310, 26977, 360, 29889, 317, 294, 436, 29892, 1963, 2817, 29889, 29928, 1696, 341, 29889, 29925, 29889, 29950, 29892, 383, 3289, 3954, 29892, 5236, 21353, 19642, 29915, 29879, 15202, 10550, 6431, 13, 18743, 278, 383, 7698, 29915, 29879, 360, 837, 271, 1189, 293, 322, 438, 561, 386, 284, 13076, 16597, 3174, 2087, 1730, 706, 12930, 11781, 373, 338, 327, 2267, 1789, 262, 313, 7504, 329, 1662, 29897, 13, 19858, 21353, 19642, 29915, 29879, 623, 9003, 2673, 975, 278, 15332, 310, 4831, 329, 1662, 4689, 21734, 1156, 967, 2134, 791, 297, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 29892, 746, 591, 5697, 654, 287, 278, 25453, 322, 360, 11124, 23303, 313, 29943, 7698, 29897, 304, 2125, 16800, 3158, 304, 29383, 22069, 322, 4824, 14722, 1048, 278, 10676, 594, 3901, 9545, 6942, 411, 278, 671, 310, 445, 15721, 297, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29941, 7226, 29896, 29962, 450, 29684, 310, 1749, 5697, 654, 471, 263, 2009, 363, 263, 3800, 287, 9177, 373, 278, 13331, 310, 12060, 23503, 29879, 29892, 805, 609, 23584, 27450, 1080, 29892, 19923, 327, 398, 272, 274, 406, 29890, 374, 29892, 2411, 29874, 2859, 18551, 29892, 322, 14014, 474, 280, 23448, 313, 29907, 307, 3123, 29915, 29879, 360, 895, 559, 29897, 8581, 491, 4831, 329, 1662, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 591, 4433, 363, 278, 9619, 7606, 4978, 491, 1374, 2817, 562, 2879, 310, 3858, 292, 3971, 363, 22069, 29892, 769, 2000, 4121, 993, 22029, 512, 643, 1372, 29892, 24232, 278, 5161, 2039, 310, 445, 15721, 297, 1661, 29899, 21695, 936, 4086, 29889, 13, 29909, 2186, 5751, 393, 3897, 11828, 373, 5306, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 4846, 278, 383, 7698, 278, 14329, 304, 1996, 16500, 3858, 292, 29892, 1286, 2998, 408, 22247, 362, 2088, 2247, 29892, 363, 5883, 3174, 393, 2198, 263, 10676, 12045, 304, 278, 970, 29915, 29879, 9045, 7226, 29906, 29962, 4831, 329, 1662, 338, 263, 15721, 393, 9436, 28103, 445, 3918, 29889, 13, 2744, 4831, 329, 1662, 22247, 362, 16886, 723, 1871, 22069, 451, 871, 1048, 278, 12045, 310, 12060, 23503, 29879, 322, 278, 916, 594, 3901, 9545, 5276, 2038, 29892, 541, 884, 310, 278, 13331, 310, 316, 2590, 29892, 11643, 19263, 29892, 322, 23921, 23670, 1957, 362, 29936, 4589, 2454, 289, 650, 14321, 322, 5188, 1535, 18424, 310, 278, 14321, 715, 1078, 29936, 4414, 4850, 362, 310, 278, 7243, 1037, 294, 29936, 11858, 800, 310, 3153, 10416, 285, 1446, 313, 509, 335, 368, 2265, 2247, 416, 22514, 2411, 1466, 358, 29936, 9263, 1463, 4646, 18551, 322, 1034, 484, 284, 1015, 562, 1907, 29936, 385, 481, 5819, 433, 20009, 322, 916, 599, 15064, 293, 337, 7387, 29936, 322, 15721, 22060, 599, 1286, 297, 278, 15721, 29915, 29879, 10257, 3234, 3858, 292, 7226, 29941, 29962, 13, 2951, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 278, 383, 7698, 29915, 29879, 360, 837, 271, 1189, 293, 16597, 3174, 2087, 1730, 706, 12930, 13622, 29892, 1728, 22146, 263, 1158, 29892, 393, 278, 2225, 699, 10549, 310, 4831, 329, 1662, 367, 22078, 29889, 13899, 368, 727, 7045, 29892, 591, 1449, 5697, 654, 287, 278, 383, 7698, 373, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 304, 4046, 278, 2225, 699, 10549, 310, 278, 15721, 304, 7613, 29899, 6327, 2164, 470, 7613, 29899, 295, 335, 1821, 589, 2922, 1189, 2879, 29889, 360, 837, 271, 1189, 2879, 723, 505, 1063, 3734, 304, 6036, 411, 278, 383, 7698, 322, 367, 9859, 263, 2225, 699, 495, 1353, 29889, 1763, 5557, 278, 376, 2696, 29899, 1643, 29908, 671, 310, 4831, 329, 1662, 29892, 589, 2922, 1189, 2879, 723, 505, 1063, 3734, 304, 2284, 1598, 491, 2756, 333, 485, 277, 393, 896, 750, 1303, 322, 723, 1101, 278, 1072, 8250, 322, 278, 15721, 29915, 29879, 23454, 3858, 292, 29889, 1963, 2817, 562, 2879, 723, 505, 1063, 21460, 1573, 515, 1073, 11687, 27523, 2225, 699, 1980, 515, 4824, 14722, 1058, 892, 451, 589, 2922, 1189, 2879, 322, 15443, 411, 278, 383, 7698, 29889, 9134, 4824, 14722, 322, 1374, 2817, 562, 2879, 723, 505, 1063, 4967, 304, 22161, 6584, 1997, 583, 363, 5537, 1218, 278, 1072, 8250, 29889, 319, 3509, 310, 1749, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 5697, 654, 338, 10959, 304, 1438, 6589, 363, 3407, 29889, 13, 4806, 4658, 393, 278, 11706, 6368, 714, 21354, 297, 1749, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 5697, 654, 3697, 393, 278, 383, 7698, 769, 750, 278, 14329, 304, 1996, 278, 25091, 714, 21354, 2038, 322, 393, 445, 6368, 338, 408, 6047, 9826, 408, 372, 471, 29871, 29896, 29906, 2440, 8020, 29889, 512, 2114, 29892, 1951, 1749, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 5697, 654, 727, 505, 1063, 3196, 7786, 6455, 310, 278, 376, 1037, 1230, 29908, 671, 310, 278, 25453, 29892, 360, 11124, 322, 13526, 2527, 293, 3185, 304, 2058, 27028, 373, 278, 671, 310, 3058, 5883, 3174, 297, 263, 8214, 13747, 411, 1749, 5697, 654, 29889, 13, 1762, 10032, 278, 8825, 310, 19998, 2834, 29899, 386, 276, 2579, 292, 9221, 273, 352, 542, 3637, 19263, 278, 2441, 3858, 292, 363, 278, 472, 1478, 936, 9418, 567, 3376, 13574, 15721, 17184, 29920, 481, 457, 313, 29907, 417, 26687, 309, 511, 3734, 376, 263, 2362, 5570, 4796, 10416, 3038, 313, 29956, 5371, 29897, 322, 16712, 2302, 1434, 2069, 11685, 310, 14502, 322, 263, 399, 5371, 2302, 1432, 4723, 10106, 14502, 29908, 322, 393, 376, 1576, 4978, 310, 27397, 26687, 309, 338, 640, 292, 296, 2501, 4180, 310, 278, 3734, 10416, 6987, 1213, 29961, 29946, 29962, 27397, 29920, 481, 457, 471, 23454, 373, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29929, 29889, 13, 1576, 23454, 3858, 292, 363, 266, 284, 333, 290, 680, 313, 1349, 17419, 333, 511, 263, 15721, 24639, 363, 9999, 292, 373, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 29892, 6858, 393, 871, 2225, 699, 2596, 322, 1374, 2817, 562, 2879, 15443, 411, 278, 2184, 363, 498, 284, 333, 290, 680, 13151, 322, 4360, 699, 10549, 14795, 3305, 313, 1254, 29923, 7024, 29897, 1824, 526, 6068, 304, 2225, 29581, 322, 12272, 1947, 278, 15721, 29889, 3115, 29892, 376, 5031, 10070, 1818, 367, 594, 11292, 310 ]
, agree to, and comply with the requirements of the (STEPS) program in order to receive product."[5] Thalidomide and Accutane are drugs that may have similar risks in causing birth defects. The use of trovafloxacin (Trovan), a fluoroquinolone antibiotic approved in 1997, was restricted to hospital or long-term nursing care facilities on June 9, 1999 after reports of serious liver injury.[6] The labeling for the anti-arrhythmic agent dofetilide (Tikosyn), approved on October 1, 1999, states it is " available only to hospitals and prescribers who have received appropriate TIKOSYN dosing and treatment initiation education."[7] In addition to requiring a Medication Guide for Accutane and the restriction of the drug's prescribing to FDA-registered dermatologists and its labeled use, the FDA must require a postmarketing study to determine if these interventions will have met the agency's goals as stated in the questions to this committee: no patients beginning the drug if they are pregnant and no pregnancies occurring while on Accutane treatment. This study protocol should be approved by the FDA's Office of Postmarketing Drug Risk Assessment (OPDRA). At a minimum, the study should last one year and include evaluation of the requirements that only a limited supply of Accutane is provided to women and that the drug is not provided without proof of a negative pregnancy test. The precedent for this latter requirement is the clozaril "no blood, no drug" policy mentioned above. Public Citizen believes that Accutane is a beneficial drug when it is used for its approved indication: severe recalcitrant nodular acne. However, if the combination of a Medication Guide and the prescribing and dispensing restrictions mentioned above cannot be shown in a postmarketing study to meet the FDA's no-pregnancy goals after one year, the drug should be immediately removed from the market. Continuing Medical Education programs, professional product labeling changes, and optional patient information brochures have been the Pavlovian responses to drug safety issues by manufacturers and the FDA for years. It is time to admit that this is a failed paradigm and recognize that rigorously enforced regulation may be the only way to ensure that patients are informed and that drugs are prescribed appropriately. Where industry interests have been at stake, the FDA has been innovative in interpreting the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act to get drugs such as clozapine, thalidomide and dofetilide on the market. It is time for the agency use the same creativity to protect the public's safety. We hope that it will not be necessary to return to this committee in the future to discuss how to reduce Accutane's risks to patients. [1] Wolfe SM, LaCheen C. Citizen's petition to add warnings to the professional product labeling of isotretinoin (Accutane). Public Citizen's Health Research Group, September 8, 1983. [2] Department of Health and Human Services, Food and Drug Administration. Prescription Drug Product Labeling; Medication Guide Requirements Final Rule. Federal Register December 1, 1998, Volume 63, Number 230, pages 66377 to 66400. [3] Professional Product Labeling for Accutane (isotretinoin) accessed at www.rocheusa.com/products/accutane/pi.html on September 16, 2000. [4] Physicians' Desk Reference 45th ed. Professional Product Labeling for Clozaril (clozapine).Montvale NJ: Medical Economics Company, Inc., 1991. [5] Physicians' Desk Reference 54th ed. Professional Product Labeling for Thalomid (thalidomide).Montvale NJ: Medical Economics Company, Inc., 2000. [6] Food and Drug Administration Public Health Advisory for Trovan (trovafloxacin/alatrofloxacin mesylate) June 9, 1999. [7] Professional Product Labeling for dofetilide (Tikosyn) accessed at www
[ 29892, 8661, 304, 29892, 322, 752, 368, 411, 278, 11780, 310, 278, 313, 1254, 29923, 7024, 29897, 1824, 297, 1797, 304, 7150, 3234, 1213, 29961, 29945, 29962, 498, 284, 333, 290, 680, 322, 4831, 329, 1662, 526, 5883, 3174, 393, 1122, 505, 2788, 5161, 2039, 297, 10805, 12060, 23503, 29879, 29889, 13, 1576, 671, 310, 25307, 29888, 417, 29916, 562, 262, 313, 29911, 307, 3703, 511, 263, 20501, 5801, 24150, 324, 650, 3677, 747, 29875, 13574, 23454, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29892, 471, 22078, 304, 13457, 470, 1472, 29899, 8489, 302, 1295, 292, 2562, 23330, 373, 5306, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 1156, 13676, 310, 10676, 619, 369, 24092, 7226, 29953, 29962, 13, 1576, 3858, 292, 363, 278, 9418, 29899, 2749, 29882, 1541, 13076, 10823, 437, 29888, 300, 309, 680, 313, 29911, 638, 359, 948, 511, 23454, 373, 5533, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29892, 5922, 372, 338, 376, 3625, 871, 304, 29418, 277, 1338, 322, 2225, 699, 2596, 1058, 505, 4520, 8210, 323, 23328, 3267, 29979, 29940, 3248, 292, 322, 14502, 2069, 11685, 9793, 1213, 29961, 29955, 29962, 13, 797, 6124, 304, 26795, 263, 22247, 362, 16886, 363, 4831, 329, 1662, 322, 278, 24345, 310, 278, 15721, 29915, 29879, 2225, 699, 10549, 304, 383, 7698, 29899, 9573, 287, 589, 2922, 1189, 2879, 322, 967, 301, 24025, 671, 29892, 278, 383, 7698, 1818, 1996, 263, 1400, 3502, 15133, 6559, 304, 8161, 565, 1438, 1006, 794, 1080, 674, 505, 1539, 278, 946, 3819, 29915, 29879, 14433, 408, 8703, 297, 278, 5155, 304, 445, 21118, 29901, 694, 22069, 6763, 278, 15721, 565, 896, 526, 758, 5138, 424, 322, 694, 758, 5138, 273, 2478, 13920, 292, 1550, 373, 4831, 329, 1662, 14502, 29889, 910, 6559, 9608, 881, 367, 23454, 491, 278, 383, 7698, 29915, 29879, 11367, 310, 4918, 3502, 15133, 360, 11124, 390, 3873, 4007, 404, 358, 313, 4590, 29928, 4717, 467, 2180, 263, 9212, 29892, 278, 6559, 881, 1833, 697, 1629, 322, 3160, 17983, 310, 278, 11780, 393, 871, 263, 9078, 11421, 310, 4831, 329, 1662, 338, 4944, 304, 5866, 322, 393, 278, 15721, 338, 451, 4944, 1728, 5296, 310, 263, 8178, 758, 5138, 6906, 1243, 29889, 450, 9399, 296, 363, 445, 7480, 11809, 338, 278, 17184, 26687, 309, 376, 1217, 10416, 29892, 694, 15721, 29908, 8898, 5276, 2038, 29889, 13, 19858, 21353, 19642, 1339, 17180, 393, 4831, 329, 1662, 338, 263, 7795, 5611, 15721, 746, 372, 338, 1304, 363, 967, 23454, 4221, 362, 29901, 22261, 337, 1052, 20752, 21867, 18778, 1070, 1274, 484, 29889, 2398, 29892, 565, 278, 10296, 310, 263, 22247, 362, 16886, 322, 278, 2225, 699, 10549, 322, 12272, 575, 292, 25091, 5276, 2038, 2609, 367, 4318, 297, 263, 1400, 3502, 15133, 6559, 304, 5870, 278, 383, 7698, 29915, 29879, 694, 29899, 1457, 5138, 6906, 14433, 1156, 697, 1629, 29892, 278, 15721, 881, 367, 7389, 6206, 515, 278, 9999, 29889, 13, 1323, 8675, 292, 20795, 13151, 11104, 29892, 10257, 3234, 3858, 292, 3620, 29892, 322, 13136, 16500, 2472, 2545, 305, 1973, 505, 1063, 278, 20096, 5590, 713, 20890, 304, 15721, 15332, 5626, 491, 12012, 332, 414, 322, 278, 383, 7698, 363, 2440, 29889, 739, 338, 931, 304, 20000, 393, 445, 338, 263, 5229, 26811, 335, 29885, 322, 18720, 393, 12912, 272, 5794, 24555, 1133, 1072, 2785, 1122, 367, 278, 871, 982, 304, 9801, 393, 22069, 526, 23388, 322, 393, 5883, 3174, 526, 2225, 23059, 7128, 2486, 29889, 13, 11921, 13661, 20017, 505, 1063, 472, 380, 1296, 29892, 278, 383, 7698, 756, 1063, 24233, 1230, 297, 5133, 1259, 278, 25453, 29892, 360, 11124, 322, 13526, 2527, 293, 3185, 304, 679, 5883, 3174, 1316, 408, 17184, 29920, 481, 457, 29892, 266, 284, 333, 290, 680, 322, 437, 29888, 300, 309, 680, 373, 278, 9999, 29889, 739, 338, 931, 363, 278, 946, 3819, 671, 278, 1021, 907, 28157, 304, 12566, 278, 970, 29915, 29879, 15332, 29889, 13, 4806, 4966, 393, 372, 674, 451, 367, 5181, 304, 736, 304, 445, 21118, 297, 278, 5434, 304, 5353, 920, 304, 10032, 4831, 329, 1662, 29915, 29879, 5161, 2039, 304, 22069, 29889, 13, 29961, 29896, 29962, 11902, 1725, 13766, 29892, 997, 26856, 264, 315, 29889, 21353, 19642, 29915, 29879, 5697, 654, 304, 788, 18116, 304, 278, 10257, 3234, 3858, 292, 310, 338, 327, 2267, 1789, 262, 313, 7504, 329, 1662, 467, 5236, 21353, 19642, 29915, 29879, 15202, 10550, 6431, 29892, 3839, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29941, 29889, 13, 29961, 29906, 29962, 10317, 310, 15202, 322, 12968, 15538, 29892, 25453, 322, 360, 11124, 23303, 29889, 4360, 3395, 360, 11124, 10969, 15796, 292, 29936, 22247, 362, 16886, 830, 1548, 1860, 9550, 27308, 29889, 14879, 12577, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29947, 29892, 16934, 29871, 29953, 29941, 29892, 9681, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29900, 29892, 6515, 29871, 29953, 29953, 29941, 29955, 29955, 304, 29871, 29953, 29953, 29946, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 29961, 29941, 29962, 20031, 10969, 15796, 292, 363, 4831, 329, 1662, 313, 275, 327, 2267, 1789, 262, 29897, 20592, 472, 7821, 29889, 307, 1173, 11326, 29889, 510, 29914, 14456, 29914, 5753, 329, 1662, 29914, 1631, 29889, 1420, 373, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 29961, 29946, 29962, 11661, 14722, 29915, 2726, 29895, 12105, 29871, 29946, 29945, 386, 1226, 29889, 20031, 10969, 15796, 292, 363, 27397, 26687, 309, 313, 15126, 29920, 481, 457, 467, 24665, 29894, 744, 405, 29967, 29901, 20795, 12884, 1199, 6938, 29892, 9266, 1696, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29896, 29889, 13, 29961, 29945, 29962, 11661, 14722, 29915, 2726, 29895, 12105, 29871, 29945, 29946, 386, 1226, 29889, 20031, 10969, 15796, 292, 363, 498, 17419, 333, 313, 386, 284, 333, 290, 680, 467, 24665, 29894, 744, 405, 29967, 29901, 20795, 12884, 1199, 6938, 29892, 9266, 1696, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 29961, 29953, 29962, 25453, 322, 360, 11124, 23303, 5236, 15202, 2087, 1730, 706, 363, 8316, 3703, 313, 29873, 307, 1564, 29888, 417, 29916, 562, 262, 29914, 284, 7816, 29888, 417, 29916, 562, 262, 4883, 2904, 403, 29897, 5306, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29889, 13, 29961, 29955, 29962, 20031, 10969, 15796, 292, 363, 437, 29888, 300, 309, 680, 313, 29911, 638, 359, 948, 29897, 20592, 472, 7821 ]
Food shortages and exploding food prices, after bankrupting entire nations, are some of the next steps on the elite agenda. We could easily green the entire Sahara desert in only a few years. We have the technology to do this and it would be unbelievable cheap, but the elite agenda is different. If we allow them to get away with all their crimes, then we are really in more trouble then we can imagine in our worst nightmares. Start to grow your own organic garden this year and prepare yourself. By changing our reality we influence the world. The elitists want to push GMOs as a solution to the coming world hunger crisis, that they themselves have created in the first place. Dr Henry Kissinger, at the height of his powers as US Secretary of State, was speaking to the landmark 1974 World Food Conference. Since then, the number of hungry people worldwide has almost exactly doubled: from 460 million to 925 million. And this week the airwaves have been full of warnings that the formidable figure could be about to increase further, as a new food crisis takes hold. Some experts warned that the world could be on the verge of a "nightmare scenario" of cut‑throat competition for the control of shrinking supplies. The cause of such alarm? On Wednesday, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) reported that global food prices had hit a record high and were likely to go on rising, entering what Abdolreza Abbassian, its senior grains economist, called "danger territory". That is bad enough for Britain, adding to the inflationary pressures from the soaring cost of oil and other commodities, not to mention the VAT increase. But for the world's poor, who have to spend 80 per cent of their income on food, it could be catastrophic. Robert Zoellick, president of the World Bank, warns that the rising prices are "a threat to global growth and social stability", and Nicolas Sarkozy has identified them as a priority for the G20, which he chairs this year. Already they are higher than in 2008, when they drove the tally of the malnourished briefly above a billion for the first time in history, and caused riots in countries as far apart as Indonesia, Cameroon and Mexico. That ended nearly two decades during which the number of hungry people had stayed the same, while the world population grew by 1.2 billion, so that the proportion of an increasing humanity without enough to eat steadily fell. But the crisis of two years ago, and the one that may be unfolding now, are polar opposites of the one behind the World Food Conference. Then, bad harvests had produced a real shortage. Now, we have bumper crops: the past three years have produced the biggest harvests ever. The issue is not one of supply, but of demand. The mushrooming middle classes of India and China helped cause the 2008 price hike by eating more meat, which, in turn, mops up grain: it can take, for example, 8lb of cereals to produce one of beef. And cars contributed as well as cows. Biofuels (another project on the elite agenda) transferred over 100 million tons of cereals from plates to petrol tanks: to fill a 4 x 4 tank requires enough grain to feed a poor person for a year. Speculation, too, helped drive prices up. The same factors are at work again, though fortunately the hungry are not yet as badly hit. This is partly because the price of rice, which feeds almost half of humanity, has remained relatively stable; and partly because it is mainly the higher-quality wheat and maize – eaten by the better off – that has got much more expensive. But things remain volatile, since the world has heavily run down its grain stocks over the past decade, and much of what remains is in China, which does not readily release them even when prices are high. So the present abrupt rises have been brought about by a harvest that is only 1.4 per cent down on last year, and prices remain unusually hostage to the weather. So if it is all so precarious at times of bumper harvests, what will happen if – or rather, when – we get a really bad one? That is what is worrying Lester Brown, president of the Washingtion-based Earth Policy Institute,
[ 25453, 3273, 1179, 322, 3902, 3689, 9687, 26094, 29892, 1156, 9124, 6685, 292, 4152, 19079, 29892, 526, 777, 310, 278, 2446, 6576, 373, 278, 560, 568, 946, 8395, 29889, 13, 4806, 1033, 5948, 7933, 278, 4152, 24246, 2518, 18197, 297, 871, 263, 2846, 2440, 29889, 13, 4806, 505, 278, 15483, 304, 437, 445, 322, 372, 723, 367, 443, 6596, 10384, 519, 28773, 29892, 541, 278, 560, 568, 946, 8395, 338, 1422, 29889, 13, 3644, 591, 2758, 963, 304, 679, 3448, 411, 599, 1009, 2181, 1355, 29892, 769, 591, 526, 2289, 297, 901, 7458, 769, 591, 508, 14034, 297, 1749, 17322, 4646, 3034, 267, 29889, 13, 4763, 304, 6548, 596, 1914, 2894, 293, 16423, 445, 1629, 322, 19012, 7535, 29889, 2648, 6480, 1749, 16832, 591, 9949, 278, 3186, 29889, 13, 1576, 560, 277, 2879, 864, 304, 5503, 402, 6720, 29879, 408, 263, 1650, 304, 278, 6421, 3186, 18757, 261, 24161, 29892, 393, 896, 6053, 505, 2825, 297, 278, 937, 2058, 29889, 13, 25639, 6498, 476, 790, 5621, 29892, 472, 278, 3171, 310, 670, 10801, 408, 3148, 17719, 310, 4306, 29892, 471, 13590, 304, 278, 2982, 3502, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29946, 2787, 25453, 16377, 29889, 4001, 769, 29892, 278, 1353, 310, 9074, 14793, 2305, 3186, 8157, 756, 4359, 3721, 3765, 29881, 29901, 515, 29871, 29946, 29953, 29900, 7284, 304, 29871, 29929, 29906, 29945, 7284, 29889, 13, 2855, 445, 4723, 278, 4799, 29893, 5989, 505, 1063, 2989, 310, 18116, 393, 278, 883, 333, 519, 4377, 1033, 367, 1048, 304, 7910, 4340, 29892, 408, 263, 716, 9687, 24161, 4893, 4808, 29889, 3834, 2902, 1372, 1370, 9571, 393, 278, 3186, 1033, 367, 373, 278, 1147, 479, 310, 263, 376, 11147, 29885, 598, 10483, 29908, 310, 5700, 30477, 386, 307, 271, 13888, 363, 278, 2761, 310, 14653, 18159, 28075, 29889, 13, 1576, 4556, 310, 1316, 21200, 29973, 1551, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29892, 278, 25453, 322, 27051, 545, 25783, 313, 4519, 29949, 29897, 8967, 393, 5534, 9687, 26094, 750, 7124, 263, 2407, 1880, 322, 892, 5517, 304, 748, 373, 20493, 29892, 18055, 825, 17860, 324, 276, 1362, 13896, 465, 713, 29892, 967, 16336, 2646, 1144, 7766, 391, 29892, 2000, 376, 29881, 4600, 20123, 1642, 13, 7058, 338, 4319, 3307, 363, 14933, 29892, 4417, 304, 278, 4414, 362, 653, 3965, 1973, 515, 278, 577, 4362, 3438, 310, 17182, 322, 916, 844, 397, 1907, 29892, 451, 304, 3585, 278, 478, 1299, 7910, 29889, 1205, 363, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 6460, 29892, 1058, 505, 304, 18864, 29871, 29947, 29900, 639, 1644, 310, 1009, 17869, 373, 9687, 29892, 372, 1033, 367, 6635, 579, 19783, 293, 29889, 13, 9588, 2151, 17421, 295, 1406, 29892, 6673, 310, 278, 2787, 10253, 29892, 1370, 1983, 393, 278, 20493, 26094, 526, 376, 29874, 28469, 304, 5534, 14321, 322, 5264, 25806, 613, 322, 22456, 317, 935, 29877, 1537, 756, 15659, 963, 408, 263, 20136, 363, 278, 402, 29906, 29900, 29892, 607, 540, 521, 7121, 445, 1629, 29889, 13, 2499, 2040, 896, 526, 6133, 1135, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29892, 746, 896, 26603, 278, 260, 635, 310, 278, 4439, 29876, 473, 3276, 23359, 2038, 263, 24464, 363, 278, 937, 931, 297, 4955, 29892, 322, 8581, 10107, 1862, 297, 10916, 408, 2215, 12435, 408, 16704, 423, 29892, 5500, 1489, 265, 322, 12568, 29889, 2193, 9698, 8886, 1023, 1602, 3076, 2645, 607, 278, 1353, 310, 9074, 14793, 2305, 750, 27661, 278, 1021, 29892, 1550, 278, 3186, 4665, 13631, 491, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29906, 24464, 29892, 577, 393, 278, 18618, 310, 385, 10231, 5199, 537, 1728, 3307, 304, 17545, 28325, 2354, 8379, 29889, 13, 6246, 278, 24161, 310, 1023, 2440, 8020, 29892, 322, 278, 697, 393, 1122, 367, 20220, 292, 1286, 29892, 526, 16755, 9209, 3246, 310, 278, 697, 5742, 278, 2787, 25453, 16377, 29889, 1987, 29892, 4319, 4023, 29894, 9197, 750, 7371, 263, 1855, 3273, 482, 29889, 2567, 29892, 591, 505, 289, 398, 546, 8182, 567, 29901, 278, 4940, 2211, 2440, 505, 7371, 278, 24842, 4023, 29894, 9197, 3926, 29889, 450, 2228, 338, 451, 697, 310, 11421, 29892, 541, 310, 9667, 29889, 13, 1576, 286, 1878, 8345, 292, 7256, 4413, 310, 7513, 322, 7551, 9213, 4556, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 8666, 7251, 446, 491, 321, 1218, 901, 27654, 29892, 607, 29892, 297, 2507, 29892, 286, 3554, 701, 2646, 262, 29901, 372, 508, 2125, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 29871, 29947, 27728, 310, 274, 406, 1338, 304, 7738, 697, 310, 367, 1389, 29889, 1126, 18647, 26869, 408, 1532, 408, 274, 1242, 29889, 21184, 21154, 1379, 313, 23327, 2060, 373, 278, 560, 568, 946, 8395, 29897, 18440, 975, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 7284, 23864, 310, 274, 406, 1338, 515, 715, 1078, 304, 5697, 1467, 260, 1331, 29901, 304, 5445, 263, 29871, 29946, 921, 29871, 29946, 23735, 6858, 3307, 2646, 262, 304, 8343, 263, 6460, 2022, 363, 263, 1629, 29889, 5013, 1810, 362, 29892, 2086, 29892, 9213, 7899, 26094, 701, 29889, 13, 1576, 1021, 13879, 526, 472, 664, 1449, 29892, 2466, 5162, 348, 2486, 278, 9074, 14793, 526, 451, 3447, 408, 28042, 7124, 29889, 910, 338, 22669, 1363, 278, 8666, 310, 19408, 29892, 607, 1238, 5779, 4359, 4203, 310, 5199, 537, 29892, 756, 9488, 13774, 13714, 29936, 322, 22669, 1363, 372, 338, 14364, 278, 6133, 29899, 29567, 21266, 271, 322, 611, 675, 785, 321, 2579, 491, 278, 2253, 1283, 785, 393, 756, 2355, 1568, 901, 19390, 29889, 13, 6246, 2712, 3933, 1700, 24285, 29892, 1951, 278, 3186, 756, 20365, 1065, 1623, 967, 2646, 262, 10961, 29879, 975, 278, 4940, 316, 6332, 29892, 322, 1568, 310, 825, 9242, 338, 297, 7551, 29892, 607, 947, 451, 28520, 6507, 963, 1584, 746, 26094, 526, 1880, 29889, 1105, 278, 2198, 633, 6685, 364, 4637, 505, 1063, 6296, 1048, 491, 263, 4023, 10147, 393, 338, 871, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29946, 639, 1644, 1623, 373, 1833, 1629, 29892, 322, 26094, 3933, 18325, 1474, 3495, 482, 304, 278, 14826, 29889, 13, 6295, 565, 372, 338, 599, 577, 8303, 1306, 681, 472, 3064, 310, 289, 398, 546, 4023, 29894, 9197, 29892, 825, 674, 3799, 565, 785, 470, 3265, 29892, 746, 785, 591, 679, 263, 2289, 4319, 697, 29973, 2193, 338, 825, 338, 15982, 292, 365, 4156, 9817, 29892, 6673, 310, 278, 399, 1161, 292, 12757, 29899, 6707, 11563, 25219, 8907, 29892 ]
Karen and the Monumental Mural, Karen Series Part 8 of 10 Note: please see previous posts to catch up – they are a series that all tie together! Around 1990 or so my husband Bill was once again looking for work. And this time he had a lead in another town in another part of the state. I didn't like it. Bill had had a lot of various jobs over the years and I never really minded. It wasn't all that stable, but we always got by and I did the private party work – and a lot of artwork on the side – and we always managed. But this was different. By now our kids were getting pretty grown. The boys were going to be seniors in high school and Ellyn was soon to be a freshman. All our family lived locally or in surrounding towns. Family was our life – we were with one or another of them all the time and that was our world. How could we be the first to move away from that? I told Bill flat out NO for the first time in our long marriage. But he did it anyway. He took a job in Middletown Ohio – 2 hours away – and moved into an apartment with his boss and friend from high school. I stayed behind and took care of the house and kids. And worked in my art business as much as possible to keep my mind off what was happening. Bill lived down south and came home on weekends for over a year. At that point this seemed like something he was going to stick with, so I put my foot down and said we needed to move to where he worked so we could be a family again. The kids and I had mixed feelings about it, but what were we to do? In hindsight, I now know that Bill was moving on in more ways than one, but I didn't realize it then. And when I gave him an ultimatum, he said, "fine, move down here. But only if you sell the house yourself and we don't lose money on it." I was fine with that. I kept a very nice house and it was decorated and painted up like a fairy tale. I listed it "For Sale By Owner" in September 1990 and got a bidding war on my hands. I think I showed it 7 times the first week and got 4 offers. One lady had cash and sweetened the pot. All I had to do was hire a lawyer to complete the sale and it was a done deal. But then there we were with 30 days to get out and nowhere to go. Yikes! Meanwhile, my mural painting business had blossomed and I had more work than I could handle. I painted by day, packed whenever I wasn't working, and went house-hunting in Middletown when time permitted. I moved myself and my kids into my brother's house and stored all our household goods in his barn. It was stressful because it happened so fast! We got moved to Middletown and it was culture shock. Everything was so different. And Bill and I hadn't lived together for over a year. Plus, I had numerous painting jobs in progress in Lancaster so I spent more than half my time going back to finish work and staying at my brother's house. What a whirlwind! Karen was a common denominator for me. We talked a lot and she would help me figure things out. Plus she was now on the local school board and was instrumental in figuring out how to get my boys graduated when we moved during their senior year. Credit requirements were vastly different in Lancaster and Middletown schools so we went to the board and actually instituted a policy for students who move during their senior year. The boys were able to go to school in M'town but abide by Lancaster requirements. All they had to do was return to Lancaster to graduate with their original class. Karen also requested permission to be able to hand them their diplomas when they walked across the stage on Fulton Field. She did that and gave them big embarrassing smooches on the cheek – and we all stood and cheered from the stands. At the same time my brother was in the process of opening a new independent restaurant called Tavern at the Mill on South Columbus Street. It really had been an old mill and he wanted some special artwork to bring it to life. So one day, Larry called me and said "I know what I want." When I asked him what it was he explained, "I had a dream about flying horses. I want flying horses over historic Lancaster and whatever you can think of
[ 3467, 264, 322, 278, 23542, 284, 341, 3631, 29892, 3467, 264, 10488, 3455, 29871, 29947, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 13, 9842, 29901, 3113, 1074, 3517, 11803, 304, 4380, 701, 785, 896, 526, 263, 3652, 393, 599, 22134, 4208, 29991, 13, 1433, 618, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 470, 577, 590, 10216, 6682, 471, 2748, 1449, 3063, 363, 664, 29889, 1126, 445, 931, 540, 750, 263, 3275, 297, 1790, 4726, 297, 1790, 760, 310, 278, 2106, 29889, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 763, 372, 29889, 13, 29933, 453, 750, 750, 263, 3287, 310, 5164, 17643, 975, 278, 2440, 322, 306, 2360, 2289, 3458, 287, 29889, 739, 9007, 29915, 29873, 599, 393, 13714, 29892, 541, 591, 2337, 2355, 491, 322, 306, 1258, 278, 2024, 6263, 664, 785, 322, 263, 3287, 310, 1616, 1287, 373, 278, 2625, 785, 322, 591, 2337, 8745, 29889, 1205, 445, 471, 1422, 29889, 13, 2059, 1286, 1749, 413, 4841, 892, 2805, 5051, 21633, 29889, 450, 12544, 892, 2675, 304, 367, 6940, 18930, 297, 1880, 3762, 322, 1260, 13493, 471, 4720, 304, 367, 263, 10849, 1171, 29889, 2178, 1749, 3942, 10600, 12430, 470, 297, 18830, 20248, 29889, 14662, 471, 1749, 2834, 785, 591, 892, 411, 697, 470, 1790, 310, 963, 599, 278, 931, 322, 393, 471, 1749, 3186, 29889, 1128, 1033, 591, 367, 278, 937, 304, 4337, 3448, 515, 393, 29973, 306, 5429, 6682, 12151, 714, 11698, 363, 278, 937, 931, 297, 1749, 1472, 13718, 29889, 13, 6246, 540, 1258, 372, 8763, 29889, 940, 3614, 263, 4982, 297, 341, 2205, 1026, 776, 15821, 785, 29871, 29906, 6199, 3448, 785, 322, 6153, 964, 385, 263, 8076, 411, 670, 289, 2209, 322, 5121, 515, 1880, 3762, 29889, 306, 27661, 5742, 322, 3614, 2562, 310, 278, 3699, 322, 413, 4841, 29889, 1126, 3796, 297, 590, 1616, 5381, 408, 1568, 408, 1950, 304, 3013, 590, 3458, 1283, 825, 471, 10464, 29889, 13, 29933, 453, 10600, 1623, 7062, 322, 2996, 3271, 373, 4723, 1975, 363, 975, 263, 1629, 29889, 2180, 393, 1298, 445, 6140, 763, 1554, 540, 471, 2675, 304, 12070, 411, 29892, 577, 306, 1925, 590, 3661, 1623, 322, 1497, 591, 4312, 304, 4337, 304, 988, 540, 3796, 577, 591, 1033, 367, 263, 3942, 1449, 29889, 450, 413, 4841, 322, 306, 750, 12849, 21737, 1048, 372, 29892, 541, 825, 892, 591, 304, 437, 29973, 13, 797, 298, 12772, 523, 29892, 306, 1286, 1073, 393, 6682, 471, 8401, 373, 297, 901, 5837, 1135, 697, 29892, 541, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 16289, 372, 769, 29889, 1126, 746, 306, 4846, 1075, 385, 8494, 15840, 398, 29892, 540, 1497, 29892, 376, 29888, 457, 29892, 4337, 1623, 1244, 29889, 1205, 871, 565, 366, 19417, 278, 3699, 7535, 322, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 14074, 6909, 373, 372, 1213, 306, 471, 2691, 411, 393, 29889, 13, 29902, 8126, 263, 1407, 7575, 3699, 322, 372, 471, 10200, 630, 322, 23139, 701, 763, 263, 6534, 29891, 17694, 29889, 306, 9904, 372, 376, 2831, 317, 744, 2648, 438, 23007, 29908, 297, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 322, 2355, 263, 289, 2205, 292, 1370, 373, 590, 6567, 29889, 306, 1348, 306, 10018, 372, 29871, 29955, 3064, 278, 937, 4723, 322, 2355, 29871, 29946, 16688, 29889, 3118, 11379, 750, 274, 1161, 322, 7901, 6302, 287, 278, 3104, 29889, 2178, 306, 750, 304, 437, 471, 298, 533, 263, 25008, 304, 4866, 278, 14686, 322, 372, 471, 263, 2309, 5376, 29889, 1205, 769, 727, 591, 892, 411, 29871, 29941, 29900, 3841, 304, 679, 714, 322, 1286, 4150, 304, 748, 29889, 612, 29379, 29991, 13, 6816, 273, 8000, 29892, 590, 286, 3631, 20413, 5381, 750, 1999, 2209, 27067, 322, 306, 750, 901, 664, 1135, 306, 1033, 4386, 29889, 306, 23139, 491, 2462, 29892, 4870, 287, 10940, 306, 9007, 29915, 29873, 1985, 29892, 322, 3512, 3699, 29899, 29882, 348, 1259, 297, 341, 2205, 1026, 776, 746, 931, 21905, 29889, 306, 6153, 6142, 322, 590, 413, 4841, 964, 590, 8099, 29915, 29879, 3699, 322, 6087, 599, 1749, 22329, 22535, 297, 670, 2594, 29876, 29889, 739, 471, 22884, 1319, 1363, 372, 9559, 577, 5172, 29991, 13, 4806, 2355, 6153, 304, 341, 2205, 1026, 776, 322, 372, 471, 9257, 19253, 29889, 17296, 471, 577, 1422, 29889, 1126, 6682, 322, 306, 27222, 29915, 29873, 10600, 4208, 363, 975, 263, 1629, 29889, 15113, 29892, 306, 750, 12727, 20413, 17643, 297, 6728, 297, 24994, 1901, 577, 306, 10398, 901, 1135, 4203, 590, 931, 2675, 1250, 304, 8341, 664, 322, 7952, 292, 472, 590, 8099, 29915, 29879, 3699, 29889, 1724, 263, 377, 5168, 14800, 29991, 13, 29968, 8326, 471, 263, 3619, 14267, 1061, 363, 592, 29889, 1334, 24867, 263, 3287, 322, 1183, 723, 1371, 592, 4377, 2712, 714, 29889, 15113, 1183, 471, 1286, 373, 278, 1887, 3762, 7613, 322, 471, 11395, 284, 297, 2537, 3864, 714, 920, 304, 679, 590, 12544, 23588, 746, 591, 6153, 2645, 1009, 16336, 1629, 29889, 24596, 277, 11780, 892, 13426, 368, 1422, 297, 24994, 1901, 322, 341, 2205, 1026, 776, 12462, 577, 591, 3512, 304, 278, 7613, 322, 2869, 25444, 3860, 263, 8898, 363, 8041, 1058, 4337, 2645, 1009, 16336, 1629, 29889, 450, 12544, 892, 2221, 304, 748, 304, 3762, 297, 341, 29915, 27734, 541, 633, 680, 491, 24994, 1901, 11780, 29889, 2178, 896, 750, 304, 437, 471, 736, 304, 24994, 1901, 304, 10591, 403, 411, 1009, 2441, 770, 29889, 3467, 264, 884, 13877, 10751, 304, 367, 2221, 304, 1361, 963, 1009, 13487, 294, 746, 896, 17096, 4822, 278, 7408, 373, 383, 499, 265, 8989, 29889, 2296, 1258, 393, 322, 4846, 963, 4802, 21620, 26771, 292, 1560, 29877, 2878, 267, 373, 278, 923, 1416, 785, 322, 591, 599, 8389, 322, 923, 14561, 515, 278, 15028, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 1021, 931, 590, 8099, 471, 297, 278, 1889, 310, 8718, 263, 716, 7417, 27144, 2000, 10523, 3228, 472, 278, 8649, 373, 4275, 11990, 375, 7103, 29889, 739, 2289, 750, 1063, 385, 2030, 3533, 322, 540, 5131, 777, 4266, 1616, 1287, 304, 6963, 372, 304, 2834, 29889, 13, 6295, 697, 2462, 29892, 26977, 2000, 592, 322, 1497, 376, 29902, 1073, 825, 306, 864, 1213, 1932, 306, 4433, 1075, 825, 372, 471, 540, 10824, 29892, 376, 29902, 750, 263, 12561, 1048, 22764, 15100, 29889, 306, 864, 22764, 15100, 975, 22879, 24994, 1901, 322, 6514, 366, 508, 1348, 310 ]
Expositor's Dictionary of Texts Jude 1 Gray's Concise Commentary Smith's Writings Zerr's N.T. Commentary He that bids us 'contend for the Faith once delivered to the Saints,' tells us that we should do it by 'avoiding the spirit of Cain, Corah, and Balaam'; and by 'building up ourselves in the most holy Faith,' not pinning it upon other men's sleeves. Praying 'in the Holy Ghost,' not mumbling over matins. Keeping 'ourselves in the love of God,' not destroying men because they will not be of our Faith. 'Waiting for the mercy of Jesus Christ'; not cruel, but merciful. Cromwell's Declaration to the People of Ireland (1650). The participation which we have of the knowledge of truth, whatsoever she is, it is not by our owne strength we have gotten it; God hath sufficiently taught it us in that he hath made choice of the simple, common, and ignorant to teach us His wonderfull secrets. Our faith hath not been purchased by us: it is a gift proceeding from the liberality of others. It is not by our discourse or understanding that we have received our religion. Montaigne ( Florio ), ii. 12. References. I. 3. J. Clifford, The Christian Certainties, p. 107. R. W. Dale, Fellowship with Christ, p. 88. Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. xxvii. No. 1592. H. S. Seekings, Preacher's Magazine, vol. xvii. p. 321. W. M. Sinclair, Simplicity in Christ, p. 27. F. B. Woodward, Sermons (2nd Series), p. 133. J. G. Rogers, Christian World Pulpit, vol. liv. p. 347. H. Allen, Penny Pulpit, No. 1640, p. 165. J. Keble, Sermons for the Saints' Days, p. 424. Church Family Newspaper, vol. xiv. p. 832. Expositor (5th Series), vol. i. p. 144. A. Maclaren, Expositions of Holy Scripture Jude, p. 87. I. 4, 8. Ibid. vol. vi. p. 203. I. 5-7. Ibid. p. 377. I. 6. J. Budgen, Parochial Sermons, vol. ii. p. 86. 7. Expositor (4th Series), vol. i. p. 33. In Luther's Table Talk this passage occurs, 'I often think with amazement what a battle there must be between the devils and angels. I think that the angels must often give way for a time, while they fight for us' [ Ich halt, das die Engel auch offtmals ein weil unterligen , cum certant pro nobis ]. E. Kroker, Luther's Tischreden, p. 295, No. 586. Reference. I. 11. B. J. Snell, Christian World Pulpit, vol. li. p. 153. Masked Perils of Spiritual Life and Fellowship The ungodly men who had crept unawares into the Christian community are likened by the Apostle to sunken rocks which amid smooth seas and under fair skies prove fatal to the mariner. But these hidden rocks present themselves in moods, theories, and sentiments, as well as in false brethren; and against these subtlest perils we must diligently watch. We seek now to indicate several of these submerged reefs. I. The quest of spiritual power whilst forgetting the uses of such power is one of these hidden rocks. Miss J. M. Fry made the following statement at a recent religious gathering: 'Many persons are actuated by mere vanity in desiring the attainment of spiritual power'. We understand how wealth may be desired for mere vanity: not with an appreciation of its uses, but out of the passion of possession and the desire of display. Intellectual power be coveted from the same motive.
[ 1222, 1066, 2105, 29915, 29879, 13343, 310, 3992, 29879, 13, 29967, 1151, 29871, 29896, 13, 29954, 764, 29915, 29879, 23924, 895, 461, 653, 13, 29209, 29915, 29879, 16849, 886, 13, 29999, 3127, 29915, 29879, 405, 29889, 29911, 29889, 461, 653, 13, 3868, 393, 289, 4841, 502, 525, 1285, 355, 363, 278, 7748, 389, 2748, 20115, 304, 278, 14342, 1372, 5501, 10603, 502, 393, 591, 881, 437, 372, 491, 525, 485, 3398, 292, 278, 8548, 310, 315, 475, 29892, 2994, 801, 29892, 322, 350, 2883, 314, 2670, 322, 491, 525, 25237, 701, 20278, 297, 278, 1556, 26630, 7748, 389, 5501, 451, 12534, 1076, 372, 2501, 916, 1757, 29915, 29879, 12844, 29872, 1960, 29889, 349, 764, 292, 525, 262, 278, 17733, 28484, 5501, 451, 286, 3774, 1847, 975, 1775, 1144, 29889, 19152, 292, 525, 2470, 295, 1960, 297, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 5501, 451, 8174, 292, 1757, 1363, 896, 674, 451, 367, 310, 1749, 7748, 389, 29889, 525, 15716, 292, 363, 278, 2778, 1270, 310, 13825, 2819, 2670, 451, 24116, 29892, 541, 16856, 6845, 29889, 13, 29907, 456, 5872, 29915, 29879, 3826, 23838, 304, 278, 11647, 310, 12126, 313, 29896, 29953, 29945, 29900, 467, 13, 1576, 27577, 607, 591, 505, 310, 278, 7134, 310, 8760, 29892, 825, 578, 1310, 1183, 338, 29892, 372, 338, 451, 491, 1749, 8152, 484, 9324, 591, 505, 2355, 841, 372, 29936, 4177, 23870, 18430, 16187, 372, 502, 297, 393, 540, 23870, 1754, 7348, 310, 278, 2560, 29892, 3619, 29892, 322, 16245, 424, 304, 6860, 502, 3600, 4997, 8159, 22183, 1372, 29889, 8680, 10847, 23870, 451, 1063, 20848, 491, 502, 29901, 372, 338, 263, 19797, 8469, 292, 515, 278, 7866, 2877, 310, 4045, 29889, 739, 338, 451, 491, 1749, 2313, 10242, 470, 8004, 393, 591, 505, 4520, 1749, 13433, 29889, 13, 24665, 29874, 4895, 313, 6953, 601, 10353, 13607, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29889, 13, 1123, 10662, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29889, 435, 29889, 2233, 2593, 536, 29892, 450, 6111, 18410, 2365, 583, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29955, 29889, 390, 29889, 399, 29889, 360, 744, 29892, 25940, 3527, 411, 2819, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29947, 29889, 1706, 332, 25339, 29892, 317, 837, 787, 29892, 1700, 29889, 15473, 1403, 29875, 29889, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29929, 29906, 29889, 379, 29889, 317, 29889, 922, 1416, 886, 29892, 4721, 11665, 29915, 29879, 17880, 29892, 1700, 29889, 921, 1403, 29875, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29896, 29889, 399, 29889, 341, 29889, 317, 3742, 433, 381, 29892, 3439, 29886, 17024, 297, 2819, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29889, 383, 29889, 350, 29889, 10180, 1328, 29892, 317, 837, 787, 313, 29906, 299, 10488, 511, 282, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29941, 29889, 435, 29889, 402, 29889, 9272, 414, 29892, 6111, 2787, 349, 15323, 277, 29892, 1700, 29889, 7294, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29955, 29889, 379, 29889, 16092, 29892, 7363, 1460, 349, 15323, 277, 29892, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29946, 29900, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29945, 29889, 435, 29889, 4813, 569, 29892, 317, 837, 787, 363, 278, 14342, 1372, 29915, 24728, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29906, 29946, 29889, 6291, 14662, 1570, 1028, 7202, 29892, 1700, 29889, 921, 440, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29941, 29906, 29889, 1222, 1066, 2105, 313, 29945, 386, 10488, 511, 1700, 29889, 474, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29946, 29889, 319, 29889, 4326, 4675, 264, 29892, 1222, 1066, 2187, 310, 17733, 14415, 545, 435, 1151, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29955, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29947, 29889, 306, 23883, 29889, 1700, 29889, 3516, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29941, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29955, 29889, 306, 23883, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29955, 29955, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29953, 29889, 435, 29889, 7038, 1885, 29892, 1459, 2878, 616, 317, 837, 787, 29892, 1700, 29889, 13607, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29953, 29889, 29871, 29955, 29889, 1222, 1066, 2105, 313, 29946, 386, 10488, 511, 1700, 29889, 474, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29889, 13, 797, 24760, 29915, 29879, 6137, 323, 2235, 445, 13382, 10008, 29892, 525, 29902, 4049, 1348, 411, 21863, 882, 825, 263, 10555, 727, 1818, 367, 1546, 278, 2906, 2719, 322, 2614, 1379, 29889, 306, 1348, 393, 278, 2614, 1379, 1818, 4049, 2367, 982, 363, 263, 931, 29892, 1550, 896, 8589, 363, 502, 29915, 518, 15158, 25212, 29892, 1697, 762, 29167, 2907, 310, 615, 14685, 1011, 24107, 3662, 27846, 1919, 13299, 2284, 424, 410, 694, 18809, 29871, 1822, 13, 29923, 29889, 476, 307, 3946, 29892, 24760, 29915, 29879, 323, 783, 1127, 264, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29945, 29892, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29947, 29953, 29889, 13, 7422, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29889, 350, 29889, 435, 29889, 317, 18437, 29892, 6111, 2787, 349, 15323, 277, 29892, 1700, 29889, 619, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29941, 29889, 13, 19832, 287, 2431, 2719, 310, 20799, 950, 4634, 322, 25940, 3527, 13, 1576, 443, 17083, 368, 1757, 1058, 750, 907, 415, 1185, 4495, 267, 964, 278, 6111, 7881, 526, 619, 1717, 287, 491, 278, 22468, 280, 304, 6575, 1717, 23150, 607, 28655, 10597, 409, 294, 322, 1090, 6534, 2071, 583, 6356, 18409, 304, 278, 1766, 4983, 29889, 1205, 1438, 7934, 23150, 2198, 6053, 297, 286, 2092, 29879, 29892, 25841, 29892, 322, 2665, 7862, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 297, 2089, 2078, 386, 1267, 29936, 322, 2750, 1438, 12059, 29880, 342, 639, 2719, 591, 1818, 21749, 335, 2705, 6505, 29889, 1334, 16508, 1286, 304, 12266, 3196, 310, 1438, 1014, 1050, 3192, 337, 1389, 29879, 29889, 13, 29902, 29889, 450, 21126, 310, 20954, 3081, 21109, 9566, 1259, 278, 3913, 310, 1316, 3081, 338, 697, 310, 1438, 7934, 23150, 29889, 4750, 435, 29889, 341, 29889, 383, 719, 1754, 278, 1494, 3229, 472, 263, 7786, 12962, 11705, 292, 29901, 525, 14804, 12407, 526, 20331, 630, 491, 15187, 1109, 537, 297, 553, 8491, 278, 1098, 475, 358, 310, 20954, 3081, 4286, 1334, 2274, 920, 17173, 1122, 367, 7429, 363, 15187, 1109, 537, 29901, 451, 411, 385, 5108, 362, 310, 967, 3913, 29892, 541, 714, 310, 278, 15935, 310, 17715, 322, 278, 13521, 310, 2479, 29889, 18555, 781, 950, 3081, 367, 18838, 300, 287, 515, 278, 1021, 3184, 573, 29889 ]
Spiritual power should be sought so that the ignoble elements of our nature may be effectually purged, that the sanctification of our faculties may be complete, and that all our work for God and man may be efficient. To lose sight of these practical uses is to fall into a subtle snare of refined selfishness and vanity. II. The cultivation of character in the artistic spirit is a snare of the spiritual life. He who has understood the teaching of Christ never forgets that the good is the beautiful, and that the two must be sought in this order. He remembers that loveliness of character is first a question of essence and not of form. To cultivate moral beauty in the spirit of art and fashion is to make shipwreck on the coral reef of a silver sea. III. Sensuous enjoyment may insinuate itself into spiritual culture so as to become a peril. It might be thought that there is little to fear from sensuality in a fervent spiritual life: it would seem so essentially coarse and vulgar as not to be susceptible of concealment or decoration. But it is not so. The 'love-feast' became an orgie, and the heavenly love of the individual saint may imperceptibly degenerate into dangerous sentimentalism and profane passion. IV. To cultivate fervent devoutness apart from practical life is another peril of the spiritual. Contact with the realities of the worldly life is necessary to the health, and sanity of the soul, to the strength and soundness of our piety. V. Talking too much about our spiritual life may prove to its detriment. A French critic writes: 'Beware of an artist who talks too well of his art. He wastes his art in talk.' And it is as certainly true in regard to religion. There is much that is sacred and secret about the experiences of the soul, and it is dangerous to violate its delicacy. W. L. Watkinson, The Ashes of Roses, p. 224. Autumn Trees Without Fruit In the Revised Version of the New Testament the expressive phrase, 'Autumn trees without fruit,' takes the place of the obscure rendering, 'Trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit'. Possibly the thought underlying this almost contradictory combination of terms is that of a tree yielding fruit that never comes to perfection, but remains on the boughs, shrivelled, good for nothing but to be burned. The new rendering is, however, a great gain. It presents, concisely and graphically, the main thought of the writer in words that cannot be misunderstood: 'Autumn trees without fruit' are trees without fruit at the very time when they ought to be full of fruit. St. Jude's words are a picturesque description of character. In his days such trees were growing in the innermost enclosure of the garden of the Lord. But there are 'autumn trees without fruit' outside the Church as well as within its borders. I. The glory of the autumn is that it is the fruit-bearing season, when our eyes are gladdened by the sight of Vines with clustering branches growing, Plants with goodly burden bowing. Amidst the abounding autumnal increase, a fruitless tree in an orchard is an anomaly, a surprise. Why has the tree no fruit in autumn? It would be easy to draw out the parable in detail, and to show how each reason finds an analogy in some fault of character. It is, however, more important to remind those whose lives are in the springtime, that the teaching of this text is rather for them than for those whose years are in the sear and yellow leaf. How often the tree is fruitless in autumn on account of some disaster that befell it in the spring or early summer! II. A twofold judgment must be passed on 'autumn trees without fruit,' whatever be the cause of their barrenness. (1) An autumn tree without fruit is a grievous loss, a bitter disappointment to its owner. (2) An autumn tree without fruit is also a failure in itself, inasmuch as the great purpose of its existence is unfulfilled. In both these respects it is a striking but sorrowful emblem of every human life that yields no fruit of praise to God and blessing unto men. III. From a verse in St. Jude's short epistle the conditions of fruitfulness may be learnt: 'Ye, beloved, rooting yourselves in your most holy faith
[ 20799, 950, 3081, 881, 367, 18365, 577, 393, 278, 5330, 29877, 569, 3161, 310, 1749, 5469, 1122, 367, 2779, 1474, 282, 2007, 287, 29892, 393, 278, 9753, 312, 2450, 310, 1749, 4024, 499, 583, 1122, 367, 4866, 29892, 322, 393, 599, 1749, 664, 363, 4177, 322, 767, 1122, 367, 8543, 29889, 1763, 14074, 11126, 310, 1438, 15031, 3913, 338, 304, 6416, 964, 263, 12059, 280, 5807, 598, 310, 2143, 1312, 1583, 728, 2264, 322, 1109, 537, 29889, 13, 2687, 29889, 450, 18834, 362, 310, 2931, 297, 278, 1616, 4695, 8548, 338, 263, 5807, 598, 310, 278, 20954, 2834, 29889, 940, 1058, 756, 11098, 278, 18819, 310, 2819, 2360, 9566, 29879, 393, 278, 1781, 338, 278, 9560, 29892, 322, 393, 278, 1023, 1818, 367, 18365, 297, 445, 1797, 29889, 940, 1083, 13415, 393, 12355, 295, 3335, 310, 2931, 338, 937, 263, 1139, 310, 3686, 663, 322, 451, 310, 883, 29889, 1763, 18834, 403, 14731, 15409, 297, 278, 8548, 310, 1616, 322, 13460, 338, 304, 1207, 7751, 29893, 18217, 373, 278, 1034, 284, 337, 1389, 310, 263, 13283, 7205, 29889, 13, 5287, 29889, 317, 575, 17269, 13389, 358, 1122, 1663, 8675, 403, 3528, 964, 20954, 9257, 577, 408, 304, 4953, 263, 639, 309, 29889, 739, 1795, 367, 2714, 393, 727, 338, 2217, 304, 8866, 515, 4771, 950, 537, 297, 263, 6013, 794, 20954, 2834, 29901, 372, 723, 2833, 577, 13674, 1302, 7989, 322, 12799, 5397, 408, 451, 304, 367, 2858, 1547, 1821, 310, 10628, 284, 358, 470, 10200, 362, 29889, 1205, 372, 338, 451, 577, 29889, 450, 525, 417, 345, 29899, 1725, 579, 29915, 3897, 385, 1638, 347, 29892, 322, 278, 18356, 368, 5360, 310, 278, 5375, 22635, 1122, 10112, 1547, 14981, 3587, 759, 403, 964, 18215, 19688, 284, 1608, 322, 2600, 1662, 15935, 29889, 13, 5667, 29889, 1763, 18834, 403, 6013, 794, 2906, 449, 2264, 12435, 515, 15031, 2834, 338, 1790, 639, 309, 310, 278, 20954, 29889, 22387, 411, 278, 1855, 1907, 310, 278, 3186, 368, 2834, 338, 5181, 304, 278, 9045, 29892, 322, 9753, 537, 310, 278, 10752, 29892, 304, 278, 9324, 322, 6047, 2264, 310, 1749, 282, 21549, 29889, 13, 29963, 29889, 323, 2235, 292, 2086, 1568, 1048, 1749, 20954, 2834, 1122, 6356, 304, 967, 1439, 29878, 2073, 29889, 319, 5176, 11164, 15873, 29901, 525, 29933, 809, 598, 310, 385, 7664, 1058, 5969, 2039, 2086, 1532, 310, 670, 1616, 29889, 940, 471, 2167, 670, 1616, 297, 5193, 6169, 1126, 372, 338, 408, 8959, 1565, 297, 4880, 304, 13433, 29889, 1670, 338, 1568, 393, 338, 26546, 322, 7035, 1048, 278, 27482, 310, 278, 10752, 29892, 322, 372, 338, 18215, 304, 5537, 403, 967, 628, 293, 4135, 29889, 13, 29956, 29889, 365, 29889, 14269, 9089, 1100, 29892, 450, 12835, 267, 310, 5678, 267, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29946, 29889, 13, 6147, 1227, 6479, 267, 13932, 383, 9216, 13, 797, 278, 830, 11292, 10079, 310, 278, 1570, 29198, 278, 4653, 573, 16549, 29892, 525, 6147, 1227, 10697, 1728, 15774, 5501, 4893, 278, 2058, 310, 278, 19726, 545, 15061, 29892, 525, 29911, 11003, 5069, 15774, 411, 261, 621, 29892, 1728, 15774, 4286, 29863, 14981, 278, 2714, 14407, 445, 4359, 27877, 706, 10296, 310, 4958, 338, 393, 310, 263, 5447, 7709, 292, 15774, 393, 2360, 5304, 304, 639, 20309, 29892, 541, 9242, 373, 278, 289, 820, 29879, 29892, 528, 374, 955, 839, 29892, 1781, 363, 3078, 541, 304, 367, 12138, 287, 29889, 450, 716, 15061, 338, 29892, 3138, 29892, 263, 2107, 11581, 29889, 739, 22981, 29892, 3022, 275, 873, 322, 3983, 1711, 29892, 278, 1667, 2714, 310, 278, 9227, 297, 3838, 393, 2609, 367, 19818, 9337, 29901, 525, 6147, 1227, 10697, 1728, 15774, 29915, 526, 10697, 1728, 15774, 472, 278, 1407, 931, 746, 896, 12722, 304, 367, 2989, 310, 15774, 29889, 624, 29889, 435, 1151, 29915, 29879, 3838, 526, 263, 14956, 802, 6139, 310, 2931, 29889, 512, 670, 3841, 1316, 10697, 892, 15678, 297, 278, 7622, 837, 520, 427, 25071, 310, 278, 16423, 310, 278, 6171, 29889, 1205, 727, 526, 525, 1300, 1227, 10697, 1728, 15774, 29915, 5377, 278, 6291, 408, 1532, 408, 2629, 967, 28199, 29889, 13, 29902, 29889, 450, 26080, 310, 278, 1120, 1227, 338, 393, 372, 338, 278, 15774, 29899, 29890, 799, 292, 4259, 29892, 746, 1749, 5076, 526, 10932, 1145, 287, 491, 278, 11126, 310, 13, 29963, 1475, 411, 16993, 3241, 14202, 15678, 29892, 13, 3247, 1934, 411, 1781, 368, 6866, 1145, 12580, 292, 29889, 13, 29909, 6563, 303, 278, 633, 12449, 1120, 1227, 284, 7910, 29892, 263, 15774, 2222, 5447, 297, 385, 22624, 538, 338, 385, 29342, 14997, 29892, 263, 16671, 29889, 3750, 756, 278, 5447, 694, 15774, 297, 1120, 1227, 29973, 739, 723, 367, 4780, 304, 4216, 714, 278, 610, 519, 297, 9493, 29892, 322, 304, 1510, 920, 1269, 2769, 14061, 385, 3483, 6933, 297, 777, 12570, 310, 2931, 29889, 739, 338, 29892, 3138, 29892, 901, 4100, 304, 1083, 513, 1906, 5069, 12080, 526, 297, 278, 6709, 2230, 29892, 393, 278, 18819, 310, 445, 1426, 338, 3265, 363, 963, 1135, 363, 1906, 5069, 2440, 526, 297, 278, 409, 279, 322, 13328, 20447, 29889, 1128, 4049, 278, 5447, 338, 15774, 2222, 297, 1120, 1227, 373, 3633, 310, 777, 766, 1901, 393, 15823, 514, 372, 297, 278, 6709, 470, 4688, 11801, 29991, 13, 2687, 29889, 319, 1023, 8771, 24284, 1818, 367, 4502, 373, 525, 1300, 1227, 10697, 1728, 15774, 5501, 6514, 367, 278, 4556, 310, 1009, 2594, 1267, 2264, 29889, 313, 29896, 29897, 530, 1120, 1227, 5447, 1728, 15774, 338, 263, 867, 10384, 681, 6410, 29892, 263, 22773, 23451, 358, 304, 967, 12271, 29889, 313, 29906, 29897, 530, 1120, 1227, 5447, 1728, 15774, 338, 884, 263, 10672, 297, 3528, 29892, 297, 11625, 987, 408, 278, 2107, 6437, 310, 967, 10379, 338, 443, 1319, 26940, 29889, 512, 1716, 1438, 3390, 29879, 372, 338, 263, 29191, 541, 28543, 1319, 953, 1031, 310, 1432, 5199, 2834, 393, 17498, 694, 15774, 310, 7213, 895, 304, 4177, 322, 17065, 292, 20550, 1757, 29889, 13, 5287, 29889, 3645, 263, 23281, 297, 624, 29889, 435, 1151, 29915, 29879, 3273, 9358, 391, 280, 278, 5855, 310, 15774, 1319, 2264, 1122, 367, 24298, 593, 29901, 525, 29979, 29872, 29892, 1339, 8238, 29892, 3876, 292, 596, 5210, 297, 596, 1556, 26630, 10847 ]
, praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God'. (1) The roots of a tree need moisture and nourishment, also room to grow. (2) Prayer is an essential condition of fruitfulness. (3) Finally, to keep ourselves in the love of God is essential to our bearing fruit that is ripe and sweet and mellow. J. G. Tasker, God's Garden, p. 115. References. I. 12. H. Woodcock, Sermon Outlines (1st Series), p. 5. Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. xiv. No. 797. Expositor (6th Series), vol. ix. p. 98. I. 12-18. Ibid. (5th Series), vol. vi. p. 203. I. 13. Ibid. (4th Series), vol. ii. p. 288. I. 14, 15. Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. xxii. No. 1307. I. 19. Spurgeon, Ibid., vol. iv. No. 167. Expositor (4th Series), vol. ii. pp. 43, 44. I. 20. M. Johnson, Christian World Pulpit, vol. lviii. p. 309. Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. xii. No. 719. I. 20, 21. T. Arnold, The Interpretation of Scripture, p. 277. H. Alford, Quebec Chapel Sermons, vol. i. p. 395. C. D. Ball, The Saintly Calling, p. 163. A. Maclaren, Expositions of Holy Scripture Jude, p. 97. St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles Our text is taken from the Epistle of St. Jude, this being the day on which we commemorate St. Simon and St. Jude. It is not of their work that I desire to speak; let us concentrate our minds upon the exhortation of our text. This brief injunction is charged with tenderness, though not with that alone. In the same breath it whispers of the love of God, and of the responsibility of man. This very short Epistle is for vigour surpassed, perhaps, by no portion of any other. Its matter and tenor are most striking, and in large part awfulness is the tone of it. Short as it is, it finds room for some statements not found elsewhere in Scripture, or only darkly intimated, such as those respecting the angels who lost their first estate, and Michael the archangel, and the fresh particulars respecting Enoch and Balaam. Its warnings are of the most thrilling and unqualified character. As we read through the short, sharp, incisive sentences we wonder how they must have smitten the ear of those to whom they were originally addressed. Yet the outcome of all is a sentence breathing tenderest solicitude and the warmth of love itself. It seems that a fearful apostasy was in the very air all around, and the writer of the Epistle trembled with fear lest it should find a harbour in the heart of those whom he now so earnestly warns. And he sums up all in these sentences of pleading counsel, 'Ye, beloved, building up yourselves in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, keep yourselves on the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life'. There are many places and relationships in our human life, in which it is honourable and a privilege to be how suggestive to bring them one and all into comparison with this position, the position of being 'in the love of God'. This is supremely best. I. What the Love of God is. Far, infinitely far from being a word only, or a vague profession, it is so great a necessity, that if it were once withdrawn in every sense, our own hold on life would be lost. Through many a channel it streams. There is the love which He has for all He has made; for us, as He made us, and as He would see us again. It is a creative, parental, guardian love. How good it is to be at present still inalienably in this love! There is the pitying love which
[ 29892, 12475, 292, 297, 278, 17733, 20799, 29892, 3013, 596, 5210, 297, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 4286, 313, 29896, 29897, 450, 16778, 310, 263, 5447, 817, 2730, 391, 545, 322, 302, 473, 18310, 29892, 884, 5716, 304, 6548, 29889, 313, 29906, 29897, 349, 764, 261, 338, 385, 18853, 4195, 310, 15774, 1319, 2264, 29889, 313, 29941, 29897, 9788, 29892, 304, 3013, 20278, 297, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 338, 18853, 304, 1749, 24638, 15774, 393, 338, 10107, 412, 322, 14225, 322, 286, 4743, 29889, 13, 29967, 29889, 402, 29889, 9330, 261, 29892, 4177, 29915, 29879, 19906, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29945, 29889, 13, 1123, 10662, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29889, 379, 29889, 10180, 24956, 29892, 317, 837, 265, 4451, 9012, 313, 29896, 303, 10488, 511, 282, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29889, 1706, 332, 25339, 29892, 317, 837, 787, 29892, 1700, 29889, 921, 440, 29889, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29955, 29929, 29955, 29889, 1222, 1066, 2105, 313, 29953, 386, 10488, 511, 1700, 29889, 474, 29916, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29947, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29947, 29889, 306, 23883, 29889, 313, 29945, 386, 10488, 511, 1700, 29889, 3516, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29941, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 306, 23883, 29889, 313, 29946, 386, 10488, 511, 1700, 29889, 13607, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29947, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29889, 1706, 332, 25339, 29892, 317, 837, 787, 29892, 1700, 29889, 15473, 2236, 29889, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29900, 29955, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29889, 1706, 332, 25339, 29892, 306, 23883, 1696, 1700, 29889, 20444, 29889, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29955, 29889, 1222, 1066, 2105, 313, 29946, 386, 10488, 511, 1700, 29889, 13607, 29889, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29946, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29889, 341, 29889, 11717, 29892, 6111, 2787, 349, 15323, 277, 29892, 1700, 29889, 301, 1403, 2236, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29929, 29889, 1706, 332, 25339, 29892, 317, 837, 787, 29892, 1700, 29889, 921, 2236, 29889, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29955, 29896, 29929, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29889, 323, 29889, 20720, 29892, 450, 4124, 19819, 362, 310, 14415, 545, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29955, 29889, 379, 29889, 838, 4006, 29892, 27605, 13741, 295, 317, 837, 787, 29892, 1700, 29889, 474, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29929, 29945, 29889, 315, 29889, 360, 29889, 13402, 29892, 450, 4107, 368, 8251, 292, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29941, 29889, 319, 29889, 4326, 4675, 264, 29892, 1222, 1066, 2187, 310, 17733, 14415, 545, 435, 1151, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29955, 29889, 13, 855, 29889, 11254, 322, 624, 29889, 435, 1151, 29892, 22468, 793, 13, 29949, 332, 1426, 338, 4586, 515, 278, 14055, 391, 280, 310, 624, 29889, 435, 1151, 29892, 445, 1641, 278, 2462, 373, 607, 591, 844, 28927, 403, 624, 29889, 11254, 322, 624, 29889, 435, 1151, 29889, 739, 338, 451, 310, 1009, 664, 393, 306, 13521, 304, 7726, 29936, 1235, 502, 10484, 10492, 1749, 27656, 2501, 278, 429, 29882, 441, 362, 310, 1749, 1426, 29889, 910, 11473, 10899, 651, 338, 20139, 411, 10331, 824, 404, 29892, 2466, 451, 411, 393, 7432, 29889, 512, 278, 1021, 16172, 372, 17352, 6774, 310, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 29892, 322, 310, 278, 23134, 310, 767, 29889, 910, 1407, 3273, 14055, 391, 280, 338, 363, 14877, 473, 1190, 3364, 287, 29892, 6060, 29892, 491, 694, 11910, 310, 738, 916, 29889, 8011, 4383, 322, 3006, 272, 526, 1556, 29191, 29892, 322, 297, 2919, 760, 28893, 2264, 338, 278, 16225, 310, 372, 29889, 13899, 408, 372, 338, 29892, 372, 14061, 5716, 363, 777, 9506, 451, 1476, 17551, 297, 14415, 545, 29892, 470, 871, 6501, 368, 938, 326, 630, 29892, 1316, 408, 1906, 3390, 292, 278, 2614, 1379, 1058, 5714, 1009, 937, 19989, 29892, 322, 5765, 278, 3190, 9477, 29892, 322, 278, 10849, 3153, 29879, 3390, 292, 1174, 2878, 322, 350, 2883, 314, 29889, 8011, 18116, 526, 310, 278, 1556, 1468, 8873, 322, 443, 15380, 2164, 2931, 29889, 1094, 591, 1303, 1549, 278, 3273, 29892, 15301, 29892, 297, 3476, 573, 25260, 591, 4997, 920, 896, 1818, 505, 1560, 16097, 278, 2326, 310, 1906, 304, 6029, 896, 892, 10437, 20976, 29889, 15175, 278, 21957, 310, 599, 338, 263, 10541, 16172, 292, 22707, 342, 26978, 4279, 322, 278, 14294, 386, 310, 5360, 3528, 29889, 739, 2444, 393, 263, 8866, 1319, 18115, 8995, 471, 297, 278, 1407, 4799, 599, 2820, 29892, 322, 278, 9227, 310, 278, 14055, 391, 280, 14586, 27225, 411, 8866, 301, 342, 372, 881, 1284, 263, 4023, 6526, 297, 278, 5192, 310, 1906, 6029, 540, 1286, 577, 24828, 368, 1370, 1983, 29889, 1126, 540, 25470, 701, 599, 297, 1438, 25260, 310, 5644, 9382, 2613, 2838, 29892, 525, 29979, 29872, 29892, 1339, 8238, 29892, 5214, 701, 596, 5210, 297, 596, 1556, 26630, 10847, 29892, 12475, 292, 297, 278, 17733, 28484, 29892, 3013, 596, 5210, 373, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 29892, 3063, 363, 278, 2778, 1270, 310, 1749, 6171, 13825, 2819, 20550, 634, 17196, 2834, 4286, 1670, 526, 1784, 7600, 322, 21702, 297, 1749, 5199, 2834, 29892, 297, 607, 372, 338, 4207, 283, 18104, 322, 263, 14828, 479, 304, 367, 920, 4368, 573, 304, 6963, 963, 697, 322, 599, 964, 10230, 411, 445, 2602, 29892, 278, 2602, 310, 1641, 525, 262, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 4286, 910, 338, 22747, 29885, 873, 1900, 29889, 13, 29902, 29889, 1724, 278, 8155, 310, 4177, 338, 29889, 8413, 29892, 29047, 2215, 515, 1641, 263, 1734, 871, 29892, 470, 263, 25160, 6351, 29892, 372, 338, 577, 2107, 263, 24316, 29892, 393, 565, 372, 892, 2748, 411, 19811, 1233, 297, 1432, 4060, 29892, 1749, 1914, 4808, 373, 2834, 723, 367, 5714, 29889, 17044, 1784, 263, 8242, 372, 20873, 29889, 1670, 338, 278, 5360, 607, 940, 756, 363, 599, 940, 756, 1754, 29936, 363, 502, 29892, 408, 940, 1754, 502, 29892, 322, 408, 940, 723, 1074, 502, 1449, 29889, 739, 338, 263, 907, 1230, 29892, 3847, 284, 29892, 8372, 713, 5360, 29889, 1128, 1781, 372, 338, 304, 367, 472, 2198, 1603, 297, 284, 819, 2197, 297, 445, 5360, 29991, 1670, 338, 278, 28875, 292, 5360, 607 ]
He has for us as sinners, for a whole saddened, suffering, sinful world and this love, so real, so commanding, overweighs all. How good to have the resort and refuge of this love! There is the fostering, welcoming love, which He has, to receive and to help first repentant conviction, first penitent tearfulness, first practical endeavour, first symptoms of the returning prodigal. Oh, how good to have the help of this love! I There is the love which He has to those who have strayed from the Lord, who have fallen, who have denied Him! and whom He would receive again, with tenfold pitying grace. There is the love which He has to a company of brethren and sisters in the truth, in Christ. Oh, how needed is this love! II. The Fulness of Sense in which We may be in it. The love of God is so vast, that there is no risk of not being entirely surrounded by it, safely wrapped in it bathed in it. The love of the creature has danger in it; but in and to the love of God, you may literally give yourself up, 'spirit, soul, and body,' with a safe and a blessed abandon. The love of God has no fickleness, no uncertainty about it. 'The gifts and calling of God are without repentance.' Nothing 'shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus.' III. We may Keep in it for Ever. Of all else that is innocent, honourable, good, and great, in which we may rest, we have to say (as when some morning awakes us), it is time to be getting up! But never, never so, if our place of folding is 'in the love of God'. In it, work and rest, sleep and wake, day to day, and night to night, while you live even here below; and when you last lie down to sleep 'in' it, let the morn awake you, it will be still to find you 'in' it; 'in' it satisfied; 'in' it 'clad in bright and deathless bloom;' 'in' it, for ever supremely blest! So then, 'keep yourselves in the love of God' in the one only way of doing so, by giving yourself afresh to Him Who alone can 'keep you'. References. I. 21. J. W. Brown, Christian World Pulpit, vol. xxxvii. p. 8. Spurgeon, Sermons, vol. xxii. No. 1286. J. Binney, King's Weigh-House Chapel Sermons, p. 218. I. 22, 23. Expositor (6th Series), vol. iv. p. 200. I. 23. C. Perren, Revival Sermon in Outlines, p. 260. Security and Glory Jude 1:24-65.1.25 I. The first thought for our consideration is God's provision for our security and glory. 'Unto Him that is able to keep you from falling.' The more accurate translation, which you will find in the revised version of the New Testament: 'To guard you from stumbling.' The word here translated 'keep' is a strong word. It is even impregnated with a strong military flavour, and suggests the picture of an armed force. In the centre stands one whose life is threatened by fierce and hostile bands, but by his side stands an invincible Warrior pledged to protect him from all evil. 'To guard you from stumbling.' That does not mean that we can expect at present to be guarded in such a way that we shall be absolutely sinless. The stumbling here spoken of is akin to falling, and marks failure of a very grievous type. It is such a stumble as leaves our life halt and maimed, takes the power out of us, and renders us a prey to the evil one. Such stumbling as this God can save us from. The exercise of this power depends on the human response to it. 'He is able.' Why then are there some that stumble? Not because God's power is deficient, but because they withdraw themselves outside the circle of His power. 'And to make you stand before the presence of His glory faultless in exceeding joy.' The word translated 'blameless' does not necessarily mean 'without sin'. It is sometimes used in the Scriptures of
[ 940, 756, 363, 502, 408, 269, 16697, 29892, 363, 263, 3353, 14610, 1145, 287, 29892, 23164, 29892, 4457, 1319, 3186, 322, 445, 5360, 29892, 577, 1855, 29892, 577, 1899, 292, 29892, 975, 705, 1141, 29879, 599, 29889, 1128, 1781, 304, 505, 278, 25362, 322, 25447, 310, 445, 5360, 29991, 1670, 338, 278, 9926, 3241, 29892, 5476, 11506, 5360, 29892, 607, 940, 756, 29892, 304, 7150, 322, 304, 1371, 937, 1634, 296, 424, 7602, 2463, 29892, 937, 6584, 277, 296, 734, 279, 1319, 2264, 29892, 937, 15031, 26009, 473, 29892, 937, 25828, 4835, 310, 278, 7863, 410, 7501, 284, 29889, 6439, 29892, 920, 1781, 304, 505, 278, 1371, 310, 445, 5360, 29991, 306, 1670, 338, 278, 5360, 607, 940, 756, 304, 1906, 1058, 505, 380, 25724, 515, 278, 6171, 29892, 1058, 505, 19225, 29892, 1058, 505, 17935, 18136, 29991, 322, 6029, 940, 723, 7150, 1449, 29892, 411, 3006, 8771, 28875, 292, 17659, 29889, 1670, 338, 278, 5360, 607, 940, 756, 304, 263, 5001, 310, 2078, 386, 1267, 322, 9883, 29879, 297, 278, 8760, 29892, 297, 2819, 29889, 6439, 29892, 920, 4312, 338, 445, 5360, 29991, 13, 2687, 29889, 450, 23004, 2264, 310, 317, 1947, 297, 607, 1334, 1122, 367, 297, 372, 29889, 450, 5360, 310, 4177, 338, 577, 13426, 29892, 393, 727, 338, 694, 12045, 310, 451, 1641, 9186, 22047, 491, 372, 29892, 23511, 21021, 297, 372, 289, 14139, 297, 372, 29889, 450, 5360, 310, 278, 23940, 756, 9703, 297, 372, 29936, 541, 297, 322, 304, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 29892, 366, 1122, 22830, 2367, 7535, 701, 29892, 525, 1028, 14987, 29892, 10752, 29892, 322, 3573, 5501, 411, 263, 9109, 322, 263, 1999, 11517, 11807, 29889, 450, 5360, 310, 4177, 756, 694, 22312, 2435, 404, 29892, 694, 25812, 1048, 372, 29889, 525, 1576, 330, 17741, 322, 5432, 310, 4177, 526, 1728, 1634, 296, 749, 6169, 9531, 525, 845, 497, 367, 2221, 304, 5004, 502, 515, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 29892, 607, 338, 297, 2819, 13825, 6169, 13, 5287, 29889, 1334, 1122, 19152, 297, 372, 363, 18274, 29889, 4587, 599, 1683, 393, 338, 21458, 296, 29892, 4207, 283, 18104, 29892, 1781, 29892, 322, 2107, 29892, 297, 607, 591, 1122, 1791, 29892, 591, 505, 304, 1827, 313, 294, 746, 777, 7250, 3773, 6926, 502, 511, 372, 338, 931, 304, 367, 2805, 701, 29991, 1205, 2360, 29892, 2360, 577, 29892, 565, 1749, 2058, 310, 900, 8497, 338, 525, 262, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 4286, 512, 372, 29892, 664, 322, 1791, 29892, 8709, 322, 281, 1296, 29892, 2462, 304, 2462, 29892, 322, 4646, 304, 4646, 29892, 1550, 366, 5735, 1584, 1244, 2400, 29936, 322, 746, 366, 1833, 3804, 1623, 304, 8709, 525, 262, 29915, 372, 29892, 1235, 278, 286, 1398, 3773, 1296, 366, 29892, 372, 674, 367, 1603, 304, 1284, 366, 525, 262, 29915, 372, 29936, 525, 262, 29915, 372, 15787, 29936, 525, 262, 29915, 372, 525, 695, 328, 297, 11785, 322, 4892, 2222, 6668, 290, 29936, 29915, 525, 262, 29915, 372, 29892, 363, 3926, 22747, 29885, 873, 1999, 342, 29991, 1105, 769, 29892, 525, 17462, 596, 5210, 297, 278, 5360, 310, 4177, 29915, 297, 278, 697, 871, 982, 310, 2599, 577, 29892, 491, 6820, 7535, 2511, 3781, 304, 18136, 11644, 7432, 508, 525, 17462, 366, 4286, 13, 1123, 10662, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29889, 435, 29889, 399, 29889, 9817, 29892, 6111, 2787, 349, 15323, 277, 29892, 1700, 29889, 921, 4419, 1403, 29875, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29889, 1706, 332, 25339, 29892, 317, 837, 787, 29892, 1700, 29889, 15473, 2236, 29889, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29947, 29953, 29889, 435, 29889, 27662, 3801, 29892, 4088, 29915, 29879, 1334, 1141, 29899, 29950, 1709, 13741, 295, 317, 837, 787, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29947, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29889, 1222, 1066, 2105, 313, 29953, 386, 10488, 511, 1700, 29889, 20444, 29889, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29889, 306, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29889, 315, 29889, 2431, 1267, 29892, 11459, 2561, 317, 837, 265, 297, 4451, 9012, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29900, 29889, 13, 13228, 322, 8467, 706, 13, 29967, 1151, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29906, 29946, 29899, 29953, 29945, 29889, 29896, 29889, 29906, 29945, 13, 29902, 29889, 450, 937, 2714, 363, 1749, 19220, 338, 4177, 29915, 29879, 25161, 363, 1749, 6993, 322, 26080, 29889, 525, 2525, 517, 18136, 393, 338, 2221, 304, 3013, 366, 515, 20327, 6169, 450, 901, 16232, 13962, 29892, 607, 366, 674, 1284, 297, 278, 337, 11292, 1873, 310, 278, 1570, 29198, 29901, 525, 1762, 8372, 366, 515, 380, 3774, 1847, 6169, 450, 1734, 1244, 20512, 525, 17462, 29915, 338, 263, 4549, 1734, 29889, 739, 338, 1584, 527, 1457, 5138, 630, 411, 263, 4549, 9121, 21054, 473, 29892, 322, 14661, 278, 7623, 310, 385, 23926, 4889, 29889, 512, 278, 8442, 15028, 697, 5069, 2834, 338, 29513, 491, 21334, 346, 322, 3495, 488, 22706, 29892, 541, 491, 670, 2625, 15028, 385, 2437, 2173, 569, 3362, 13479, 282, 839, 3192, 304, 12566, 1075, 515, 599, 16126, 29889, 525, 1762, 8372, 366, 515, 380, 3774, 1847, 6169, 2193, 947, 451, 2099, 393, 591, 508, 2149, 472, 2198, 304, 367, 8372, 287, 297, 1316, 263, 982, 393, 591, 4091, 367, 13312, 4457, 2222, 29889, 450, 380, 3774, 1847, 1244, 19182, 310, 338, 263, 9089, 304, 20327, 29892, 322, 17997, 10672, 310, 263, 1407, 867, 10384, 681, 1134, 29889, 739, 338, 1316, 263, 380, 15563, 408, 11308, 1749, 2834, 25212, 322, 611, 326, 287, 29892, 4893, 278, 3081, 714, 310, 502, 29892, 322, 7697, 414, 502, 263, 758, 29891, 304, 278, 16126, 697, 29889, 10506, 380, 3774, 1847, 408, 445, 4177, 508, 4078, 502, 515, 29889, 450, 15058, 310, 445, 3081, 7111, 373, 278, 5199, 2933, 304, 372, 29889, 525, 3868, 338, 2221, 6169, 3750, 769, 526, 727, 777, 393, 380, 15563, 29973, 2216, 1363, 4177, 29915, 29879, 3081, 338, 822, 293, 993, 29892, 541, 1363, 896, 28679, 6053, 5377, 278, 8607, 310, 3600, 3081, 29889, 525, 2855, 304, 1207, 366, 2317, 1434, 278, 10122, 310, 3600, 26080, 12570, 2222, 297, 13461, 292, 15331, 6169, 450, 1734, 20512, 525, 2204, 314, 6393, 29915, 947, 451, 12695, 2099, 525, 14037, 4457, 4286, 739, 338, 6041, 1304, 297, 278, 14415, 1973, 310 ]
I really like public speaking. I love presenting at conferences, talking in front of a group of my peers. Oh, I get nervous of course, but I find it thrilling to discuss and perform creative theoretical ideas with supportive people. Teaching, though, is a whole different ball game. It scares me witless. There are two main reasons for this. When I'm presenting at conferences, the ideas are subtly different to those of the classroom, and I am able and encouraged, often, to embark on flights of intellectual fancy. It doesn't work that way with teaching. There can be theory, of course, but the knowledge outcomes for the students must be concrete. My worry always is that I'll get something wrong, teach them something incorrect, or be unable to explain something properly. I'll either get called out on this or feel bad about it when I realise. Either way, the outcome won't be pleasant. To my knowledge, I've never made any such mistake. But the horror that I might do so is always there. I'm no natural commander. I'm better than I was when I began my PhD, but I'm still unable to walk into a room and immediately receive attention and respect. This is partly due to my physical stature, and partly, I think, an issue of confidence in the way I carry myself. I'm short, skinny and bespectacled, with hair that does exactly what it wants, and the innocent face of a twelve year old. As a consequence, I have to work especially hard to make anything like an authoritative impression. And that immediate control of a situation and attention is crucial for a teacher. My teaching experiences were sometimes difficult specifically because of the nature of my audience. I was twenty eight when I finished my PhD, and because the students I taught were all postgraduate, I was the same age or younger than most of them, and many of them had a great deal more experience of real life than I actually did. This didn't exactly make me seem like a legitimate authority figure, I'm sure. It was, and is, really important to me that I get over these hurdles. Teaching is such a huge part of an academic career. Gaining teaching experience during your PhD is really valuable, as it allows you to develop, professionally and personally, in a safe environment. We were quite limited in what we could do in my doctoral cohort, because our department was entirely postgraduate. Most PhD candidates get far more opportunity to teach than we did - so if you have the chances, take them. From a purely mercenary point of view, it does no harm to your CV. Despite the lack, I gained teaching experience in several different ways. Perhaps one of the easiest things to do is assist with field trips led by an experienced tutor. In that way, you get to observe teaching in a different context, and, if you are lucky, are able to become party to some of the organisation and planning. Ask your supervisor if they plan to do field trips , and if it would be possible for you to be involved. It may also be possible for you to teach established classes and courses. Usually, you'll just have to learn the information and structure of the class, so it doesn't require too much planning on your part. Once again, however, you get to see more directly the effort and work that goes into teaching. I've had some of my best teaching experiences this way: I assisted with Care of Collections practical sessions, which was a huge amount of fun. I got to help people in a very tangible way, explain very concrete things to them, and let the science monkey that hides inside this museologist-historian out to play. Perhaps the most terrifying form of teaching, however, is going it alone. Developing your own classes and workshops, and maybe a series or sessions, is a lot of work. You have to think about different learning styles and needs, tangible learning outcomes, teaching methods, media and materials, environmental and time management, and evaluation - both that given by the students and your own personal self assessment. It's not easy. But it is worthwhile. I led a field trip to Manchester Museum - it was kind of at the last minute, due to the illness of the original tutor. But I worked up to it, developed a plan on the bus on the way up there, and delivered. It was only a small group of special option students, but still, they were intelligent and asked smart questions. So it was scary. But I met one of those students at a recent conference: and she still remembers the day, and
[ 306, 2289, 763, 970, 13590, 29889, 306, 5360, 2198, 292, 472, 378, 10662, 29892, 9963, 297, 4565, 310, 263, 2318, 310, 590, 1236, 414, 29889, 6439, 29892, 306, 679, 23547, 681, 310, 3236, 29892, 541, 306, 1284, 372, 1468, 8873, 304, 5353, 322, 2189, 907, 1230, 23399, 7014, 411, 2304, 573, 2305, 29889, 13, 29911, 4204, 292, 29892, 2466, 29892, 338, 263, 3353, 1422, 8287, 3748, 29889, 739, 885, 5114, 592, 12309, 2222, 29889, 1670, 526, 1023, 1667, 9590, 363, 445, 29889, 13, 10401, 306, 29915, 29885, 2198, 292, 472, 378, 10662, 29892, 278, 7014, 526, 12059, 368, 1422, 304, 1906, 310, 278, 770, 8345, 29892, 322, 306, 626, 2221, 322, 18443, 287, 29892, 4049, 29892, 304, 7232, 935, 373, 1652, 5861, 310, 29762, 19231, 29889, 739, 1838, 29915, 29873, 664, 393, 982, 411, 18819, 29889, 1670, 508, 367, 6368, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 541, 278, 7134, 714, 26807, 363, 278, 8041, 1818, 367, 18387, 29889, 1619, 15982, 2337, 338, 393, 306, 29915, 645, 679, 1554, 2743, 29892, 6860, 963, 1554, 10240, 29892, 470, 367, 9368, 304, 5649, 1554, 6284, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 2845, 679, 2000, 714, 373, 445, 470, 4459, 4319, 1048, 372, 746, 306, 1855, 895, 29889, 20370, 982, 29892, 278, 21957, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 21246, 29889, 13, 1762, 590, 7134, 29892, 306, 29915, 345, 2360, 1754, 738, 1316, 10171, 29889, 1205, 278, 23026, 393, 306, 1795, 437, 577, 338, 2337, 727, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 694, 5613, 22079, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 2253, 1135, 306, 471, 746, 306, 4689, 590, 1963, 29928, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 29885, 1603, 9368, 304, 6686, 964, 263, 5716, 322, 7389, 7150, 8570, 322, 3390, 29889, 910, 338, 22669, 2861, 304, 590, 9128, 1002, 545, 29892, 322, 22669, 29892, 306, 1348, 29892, 385, 2228, 310, 16420, 297, 278, 982, 306, 8677, 6142, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 3273, 29892, 19309, 1460, 322, 3008, 1103, 562, 839, 29892, 411, 11315, 393, 947, 3721, 825, 372, 10753, 29892, 322, 278, 21458, 296, 3700, 310, 263, 17680, 1629, 2030, 29889, 1094, 263, 17004, 29892, 306, 505, 304, 664, 7148, 2898, 304, 1207, 3099, 763, 385, 4148, 23378, 17188, 29889, 1126, 393, 16800, 2761, 310, 263, 6434, 322, 8570, 338, 7618, 1455, 363, 263, 15703, 29889, 13, 3421, 18819, 27482, 892, 6041, 5189, 10816, 1363, 310, 278, 5469, 310, 590, 20026, 29889, 306, 471, 10081, 9475, 746, 306, 7743, 590, 1963, 29928, 29892, 322, 1363, 278, 8041, 306, 16187, 892, 599, 1400, 5105, 27240, 29892, 306, 471, 278, 1021, 5046, 470, 20023, 1135, 1556, 310, 963, 29892, 322, 1784, 310, 963, 750, 263, 2107, 5376, 901, 7271, 310, 1855, 2834, 1135, 306, 2869, 1258, 29889, 910, 3282, 29915, 29873, 3721, 1207, 592, 2833, 763, 263, 25204, 6490, 14329, 4377, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 1854, 29889, 13, 3112, 471, 29892, 322, 338, 29892, 2289, 4100, 304, 592, 393, 306, 679, 975, 1438, 12166, 29881, 793, 29889, 1920, 9733, 338, 1316, 263, 12176, 760, 310, 385, 21567, 6413, 29889, 402, 17225, 18819, 7271, 2645, 596, 1963, 29928, 338, 2289, 21114, 29892, 408, 372, 6511, 366, 304, 2693, 29892, 6351, 635, 322, 22345, 29892, 297, 263, 9109, 5177, 29889, 1334, 892, 3755, 9078, 297, 825, 591, 1033, 437, 297, 590, 11619, 284, 16165, 441, 29892, 1363, 1749, 14311, 471, 9186, 1400, 5105, 27240, 29889, 7849, 1963, 29928, 21669, 679, 2215, 901, 15130, 304, 6860, 1135, 591, 1258, 448, 577, 565, 366, 505, 278, 521, 2925, 29892, 2125, 963, 29889, 3645, 263, 24837, 2778, 10278, 653, 1298, 310, 1776, 29892, 372, 947, 694, 10311, 304, 596, 25778, 29889, 13, 4002, 29886, 568, 278, 10225, 29892, 306, 17515, 18819, 7271, 297, 3196, 1422, 5837, 29889, 11637, 697, 310, 278, 19075, 2712, 304, 437, 338, 6985, 411, 1746, 3367, 567, 5331, 491, 385, 18860, 260, 3406, 29889, 512, 393, 982, 29892, 366, 679, 304, 14111, 18819, 297, 263, 1422, 3030, 29892, 322, 29892, 565, 366, 526, 9885, 29891, 29892, 526, 2221, 304, 4953, 6263, 304, 777, 310, 278, 24788, 322, 18987, 29889, 26579, 596, 2428, 19188, 565, 896, 3814, 304, 437, 1746, 3367, 567, 1919, 322, 565, 372, 723, 367, 1950, 363, 366, 304, 367, 9701, 29889, 13, 3112, 1122, 884, 367, 1950, 363, 366, 304, 6860, 7841, 4413, 322, 21888, 29889, 26991, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 925, 505, 304, 5110, 278, 2472, 322, 3829, 310, 278, 770, 29892, 577, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1996, 2086, 1568, 18987, 373, 596, 760, 29889, 9038, 1449, 29892, 3138, 29892, 366, 679, 304, 1074, 901, 4153, 278, 7225, 322, 664, 393, 5771, 964, 18819, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 750, 777, 310, 590, 1900, 18819, 27482, 445, 982, 29901, 306, 6985, 287, 411, 10057, 310, 1530, 5942, 15031, 21396, 29892, 607, 471, 263, 12176, 5253, 310, 2090, 29889, 306, 2355, 304, 1371, 2305, 297, 263, 1407, 18806, 1821, 982, 29892, 5649, 1407, 18387, 2712, 304, 963, 29892, 322, 1235, 278, 10466, 1601, 1989, 393, 298, 2247, 2768, 445, 23200, 19915, 29899, 16211, 713, 714, 304, 1708, 29889, 13, 5894, 4252, 278, 1556, 1935, 29878, 9215, 883, 310, 18819, 29892, 3138, 29892, 338, 2675, 372, 7432, 29889, 10682, 292, 596, 1914, 4413, 322, 664, 845, 3554, 29892, 322, 5505, 263, 3652, 470, 21396, 29892, 338, 263, 3287, 310, 664, 29889, 887, 505, 304, 1348, 1048, 1422, 6509, 11949, 322, 4225, 29892, 18806, 1821, 6509, 714, 26807, 29892, 18819, 3519, 29892, 5745, 322, 17279, 29892, 29380, 322, 931, 10643, 29892, 322, 17983, 448, 1716, 393, 2183, 491, 278, 8041, 322, 596, 1914, 7333, 1583, 24809, 358, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 4780, 29889, 1205, 372, 338, 7088, 8000, 29889, 306, 5331, 263, 1746, 17487, 304, 19659, 6838, 448, 372, 471, 2924, 310, 472, 278, 1833, 11015, 29892, 2861, 304, 278, 4486, 2264, 310, 278, 2441, 260, 3406, 29889, 1205, 306, 3796, 701, 304, 372, 29892, 8906, 263, 3814, 373, 278, 3593, 373, 278, 982, 701, 727, 29892, 322, 20115, 29889, 739, 471, 871, 263, 2319, 2318, 310, 4266, 2984, 8041, 29892, 541, 1603, 29892, 896, 892, 13052, 296, 322, 4433, 15040, 5155, 29889, 1105, 372, 471, 885, 653, 29889, 1205, 306, 1539, 697, 310, 1906, 8041, 472, 263, 7786, 21362, 29901, 322, 1183, 1603, 1083, 13415, 278, 2462, 29892, 322 ]
On occasion, I help a friend who owns several businesses. His latest venture is required to comply with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). My friend is computer savvy. So between the two of us, I assumed the network was up to snuff. Then went through a compliance audit. The audit was eye opening. We embarked on a crash course in PCI DSS compliance with the help of a consultant. My friend thought the consultant could help prepare for the mandatory adoption of PCI DSS 2.0 by January 1, 2011. The PCI Security Standards Council defines PCI DSS this way: "The goal of the PCI Data Security Standard is to protect cardholder data that is processed, stored, or transmitted by merchants. The security controls and processes required by PCI DSS are vital for protecting cardholder account data, including the PAN -- the primary account number printed on the front of a payment card." The consultant's first step was to get familiar with the network. He eventually proclaimed it to be in decent shape, security-wise. Yet the look on his face told us there was more. Sure enough, he went on to explain that more attention must be paid to protecting cardholder data. The consultant pointed out that PCI DSS consists of 12 requirements. These requirements are organized into six guides. Although the requirements are for PCI DSS compliance, I dare say the guides are a good primer for any business network, regardless of whether PCI DSS is a factor. With that in mind, I've used the guides as the basis for these tips. Well-maintained firewalls are required, specifically to protect cardholder data. Any and all default security settings must be changed, specially usernames and passwords. Our consultant then asked whether my friend had offsite workers who connected to the business's network. I immediately knew where he was going. PCI DSS applies to them as well -- something we had not considered but needed to. Cardholder data refers to any information that is available on the payment card. PCI DSS recommends that no data be stored unless absolutely necessary. The slide in Figure A (courtesy of PCI Security Standards Council) provides guidelines for cardholder-data retention. One thing the consultant stressed: After a business transaction has been completed, any data gleaned from the magnetic strip must be deleted. PCI DSS also stresses that cardholder data sent over open or public networks needs to be encrypted. The minimum required encryption is SSL/TLS or IPSEC. Something else to remember: WEP has been disallowed since July 2010. I mention this as some hardware, like legacy PoS scanners, can use only WEP. If that is your situation, move the scanners to a network segment that is not carrying sensitive traffic. It's not obvious, but this PCI DSS guide subtly suggests that all computers have antivirus software and a traceable update procedure. The consultant advised making sure the antivirus application has audit logging and that it is turned on. PCI DSS mandates that all system components and software have the latest vendor patches installed within 30 days of their release. It also requires the company to have a service or software application that will alert the appropriate people when new security vulnerabilities are found. Digital access: Only employees whose work requires it are allowed access to systems containing cardholder data. Physical access: Procedures should be developed to prevent any possibility of unauthorized people obtaining cardholder data. Unique ID: All users will be required to have an identifiable user name. Strong password practices should be used, preferably two-factor. The consultant passed along some advice about the second requirement. When it comes to checking the network for vulnerabilities, perform pen tests and scan the network for rogue devices, such as unauthorized Wi-Fi equipment. It is well worth the money to have an independent source do the work. Doing so removes any bias from company personnel. Create an incident response plan, since figuring out what to do after the fact is wrong in so many ways. If cardholder data is shared with contractors and other businesses, require third parties to agree to the information security policy. Make sure the policy reflects how to take care of end-of-life equipment, specifically hard drives. There is a wealth of information on the PCI Security Standards Council's Web site. But if you are new to PCI DSS, or the least bit concerned about upgrading to 2.0, I
[ 1551, 10039, 29892, 306, 1371, 263, 5121, 1058, 1914, 29879, 3196, 5381, 267, 29889, 3600, 9281, 9712, 545, 338, 3734, 304, 752, 368, 411, 278, 14617, 358, 9160, 12157, 719, 3630, 14223, 10117, 313, 29925, 8426, 360, 1799, 467, 1619, 5121, 338, 6601, 4048, 13308, 29889, 1105, 1546, 278, 1023, 310, 502, 29892, 306, 12023, 278, 3564, 471, 701, 304, 5807, 3096, 29889, 1987, 3512, 1549, 263, 752, 13036, 12990, 277, 29889, 450, 12990, 277, 471, 10977, 8718, 29889, 1334, 7232, 935, 287, 373, 263, 8095, 3236, 297, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 752, 13036, 411, 278, 1371, 310, 263, 8799, 424, 29889, 1619, 5121, 2714, 278, 8799, 424, 1033, 1371, 19012, 363, 278, 9619, 7606, 594, 3385, 310, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29900, 491, 5490, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29889, 450, 349, 8426, 14223, 6679, 3163, 8831, 17645, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 445, 982, 29901, 376, 1576, 7306, 310, 278, 349, 8426, 3630, 14223, 10117, 338, 304, 12566, 5881, 7694, 848, 393, 338, 19356, 29892, 6087, 29892, 470, 18750, 4430, 491, 2778, 305, 1934, 29889, 450, 6993, 11761, 322, 10174, 3734, 491, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 526, 27131, 363, 12566, 292, 5881, 7694, 3633, 848, 29892, 3704, 278, 349, 2190, 1192, 278, 7601, 3633, 1353, 13350, 373, 278, 4565, 310, 263, 19179, 5881, 1213, 450, 8799, 424, 29915, 29879, 937, 4331, 471, 304, 679, 9985, 411, 278, 3564, 29889, 940, 10201, 9580, 13190, 372, 304, 367, 297, 27189, 8267, 29892, 6993, 29899, 3538, 29889, 15175, 278, 1106, 373, 670, 3700, 5429, 502, 727, 471, 901, 29889, 18585, 3307, 29892, 540, 3512, 373, 304, 5649, 393, 901, 8570, 1818, 367, 12530, 304, 12566, 292, 5881, 7694, 848, 29889, 13, 1576, 8799, 424, 11520, 714, 393, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 11624, 310, 29871, 29896, 29906, 11780, 29889, 4525, 11780, 526, 19098, 964, 4832, 1410, 2247, 29889, 8512, 278, 11780, 526, 363, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 752, 13036, 29892, 306, 23222, 1827, 278, 1410, 2247, 526, 263, 1781, 7130, 363, 738, 5381, 3564, 29892, 17126, 310, 3692, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 338, 263, 7329, 29889, 2973, 393, 297, 3458, 29892, 306, 29915, 345, 1304, 278, 1410, 2247, 408, 278, 8405, 363, 1438, 25562, 29889, 13, 11284, 29899, 29885, 2365, 7114, 3974, 29893, 4293, 526, 3734, 29892, 10816, 304, 12566, 5881, 7694, 848, 29889, 13, 10773, 322, 599, 2322, 6993, 6055, 1818, 367, 3939, 29892, 961, 5584, 502, 824, 1280, 322, 27630, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 8799, 424, 769, 4433, 3692, 590, 5121, 750, 1283, 2746, 17162, 1058, 6631, 304, 278, 5381, 29915, 29879, 3564, 29889, 306, 7389, 6363, 988, 540, 471, 2675, 29889, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 16058, 304, 963, 408, 1532, 1192, 1554, 591, 750, 451, 5545, 541, 4312, 304, 29889, 13, 13200, 7694, 848, 14637, 304, 738, 2472, 393, 338, 3625, 373, 278, 19179, 5881, 29889, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 5052, 1975, 393, 694, 848, 367, 6087, 6521, 13312, 5181, 29889, 450, 20343, 297, 11479, 319, 313, 29883, 473, 2167, 29891, 310, 349, 8426, 14223, 6679, 3163, 8831, 29897, 8128, 1410, 10652, 1475, 363, 5881, 7694, 29899, 1272, 3240, 2509, 29889, 13, 6716, 2655, 278, 8799, 424, 851, 11517, 29901, 2860, 263, 5381, 10804, 756, 1063, 8676, 29892, 738, 848, 330, 14044, 287, 515, 278, 15611, 17820, 1818, 367, 11132, 29889, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 884, 851, 15322, 393, 5881, 7694, 848, 2665, 975, 1722, 470, 970, 14379, 4225, 304, 367, 23220, 29889, 450, 9212, 3734, 20956, 338, 17122, 29914, 29911, 8547, 470, 5641, 1660, 29907, 29889, 12538, 1683, 304, 6456, 29901, 399, 15488, 756, 1063, 766, 24622, 1951, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29889, 306, 3585, 445, 408, 777, 12837, 29892, 763, 25000, 3929, 29903, 885, 812, 414, 29892, 508, 671, 871, 399, 15488, 29889, 960, 393, 338, 596, 6434, 29892, 4337, 278, 885, 812, 414, 304, 263, 3564, 10768, 393, 338, 451, 19436, 20502, 12469, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 6924, 29892, 541, 445, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 10754, 12059, 368, 14661, 393, 599, 23226, 505, 3677, 440, 22693, 7047, 322, 263, 9637, 519, 2767, 8792, 29889, 450, 8799, 424, 594, 11292, 3907, 1854, 278, 3677, 440, 22693, 2280, 756, 12990, 277, 12183, 322, 393, 372, 338, 6077, 373, 29889, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 9619, 1078, 393, 599, 1788, 7117, 322, 7047, 505, 278, 9281, 27042, 13261, 267, 5130, 2629, 29871, 29941, 29900, 3841, 310, 1009, 6507, 29889, 739, 884, 6858, 278, 5001, 304, 505, 263, 2669, 470, 7047, 2280, 393, 674, 6655, 278, 8210, 2305, 746, 716, 6993, 23180, 11614, 526, 1476, 29889, 13, 27103, 2130, 29901, 9333, 22873, 5069, 664, 6858, 372, 526, 6068, 2130, 304, 6757, 6943, 5881, 7694, 848, 29889, 13, 25847, 936, 2130, 29901, 1019, 1133, 1973, 881, 367, 8906, 304, 5557, 738, 13331, 310, 1185, 329, 2015, 1891, 2305, 4017, 292, 5881, 7694, 848, 29889, 13, 8110, 802, 3553, 29901, 2178, 4160, 674, 367, 3734, 304, 505, 385, 2893, 28677, 1404, 1024, 29889, 3767, 549, 4800, 23274, 881, 367, 1304, 29892, 5821, 2197, 1023, 29899, 19790, 29889, 13, 1576, 8799, 424, 4502, 3412, 777, 9848, 1048, 278, 1473, 11809, 29889, 1932, 372, 5304, 304, 8454, 278, 3564, 363, 23180, 11614, 29892, 2189, 6584, 6987, 322, 12812, 278, 3564, 363, 696, 13000, 9224, 29892, 1316, 408, 1185, 329, 2015, 1891, 14570, 29899, 18800, 21083, 29889, 739, 338, 1532, 7088, 278, 6909, 304, 505, 385, 7417, 2752, 437, 278, 664, 29889, 1938, 292, 577, 25388, 738, 24003, 515, 5001, 24127, 29889, 13, 4391, 385, 15134, 2933, 3814, 29892, 1951, 2537, 3864, 714, 825, 304, 437, 1156, 278, 2114, 338, 2743, 297, 577, 1784, 5837, 29889, 13, 3644, 5881, 7694, 848, 338, 7258, 411, 8078, 943, 322, 916, 5381, 267, 29892, 1996, 4654, 13973, 304, 8661, 304, 278, 2472, 6993, 8898, 29889, 13, 9984, 1854, 278, 8898, 9432, 29879, 920, 304, 2125, 2562, 310, 1095, 29899, 974, 29899, 19264, 21083, 29892, 10816, 2898, 25100, 29889, 13, 8439, 338, 263, 17173, 310, 2472, 373, 278, 349, 8426, 14223, 6679, 3163, 8831, 29915, 29879, 2563, 3268, 29889, 1205, 565, 366, 526, 716, 304, 349, 8426, 360, 1799, 29892, 470, 278, 3203, 2586, 15041, 1048, 20337, 292, 304, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29900, 29892, 306 ]
Beyond Compliance: Abstracts Michael Bernstein Ethics and society review: ethics reflection as a precondition to research funding Artificial intelligence (AI) research is routinely criticized for its realized and potential impacts on society, and we lack adequate institutional responses to this criticism and to the responsibility that it reflects. AI research often falls outside the purview of existing feedback mechanisms such as Institutional Review Boards (IRBs), which are designed to evaluate harms to human subjects rather than harms to human society. In response, we have developed the Ethics and Society Review board (ESR) at Stanford University, a feedback panel that works with researchers to mitigate negative ethical and societal aspects of AI research. The ESR's main insight is to serve as a requirement for funding: researchers cannot receive grant funding from a major AI funding program at our university until the researchers complete the ESR process for the proposal. We will describe the ESR as we have designed and run it over two years and more than 70 proposals. We analyze aggregate ESR feedback on these proposals, finding that the panel most commonly identifies issues of harms to minority groups, inclusion of diverse stakeholders in the research plan, dual use, and representation in data. Surveys and interviews of researchers who interacted with the ESR found that 58% felt that it had influenced the design of their research project, 100% are willing to continue submitting future projects to the ESR, and that they sought additional scaffolding for reasoning through ethics and society issues. Michael Bernstein is an Associate Professor of Computer Science and STMicroelectronics Faculty Scholar at Stanford University, where he is a member of the Human-Computer Interaction Group. His research focuses on the design of social computing systems. This research has won best paper awards at top conferences in human-computer interaction, including CHI, CSCW, and UIST, and has been reported in venues such as The New York Times, New Scientist, Wired, and The Guardian. Michael has been recognized with an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship, UIST Lasting Impact Award, and the Patrick J. McGovern Tech for Humanity Prize. He holds a bachelor's degree in Symbolic Systems from Stanford University, as well as a master's degree and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from MIT. Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye The search for anonymous data - From de-identification to privacy-preserving systems We live in a time when information about most of our movements and actions is collected and stored in real time. The availability of large-scale behavioral data dramatically increases our capacity to understand and potentially affect the behavior of individuals and collectives. The use of this data, however, raises legitimate privacy concerns. Anonymization is meant to address these concerns: allowing data to be fully used while preserving individuals' privacy. In this talk, I will first describe a line of research in attacks against de-identified datasets showing how traditional data protection mechanisms mostly fail to protect people's privacy in the age of big data. I will then describe what I see as a necessary evolution of the notion of data anonymization towards an anonymous use of data and discuss the pros and cons of some of the modern privacy engineering techniques currently developed ranging from Differential Privacy to Query-Based Systems. I will conclude by describing how, when combined, I think they will allow large-scale behavioral data to be used while giving individual strong privacy guarantees. Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye is an Associate Professor at Imperial College London where he heads the Computational Privacy Group. He's currently a Special Adviser on AI and Data Protection to EC Justice Commissioner Reynders and a Parliament-appointed expert to the Belgian Data Protection Agency. In 2018-2019, he was a Special Adviser to EC Commissioner Vestager for who he co-authored the Competition policy for the digital era report. He's affiliated with the Data Science Institute and Department of Computing. He was previously a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard working with Latanya Sweeney and Gary King and he received his PhD from MIT under the supervision of Alex "Sandy" Pentland. Bernd Stahl Realising ethics and responsible innovation in a large neuroinformatics project The talk will describe how ethical reflection and responsible innovation can be put in practice in a large neuroinformatics research project.
[ 18502, 898, 3831, 13036, 29901, 25513, 29879, 13, 24083, 6209, 5465, 13, 29923, 386, 1199, 322, 12459, 9076, 29901, 11314, 1199, 17842, 408, 263, 758, 16122, 304, 5925, 5220, 292, 13, 9986, 928, 616, 21082, 313, 23869, 29897, 5925, 338, 6745, 262, 873, 11164, 1891, 363, 967, 16387, 322, 7037, 10879, 29879, 373, 12459, 29892, 322, 591, 10225, 19967, 339, 403, 12666, 284, 20890, 304, 445, 29035, 322, 304, 278, 23134, 393, 372, 9432, 29879, 29889, 319, 29902, 5925, 4049, 20074, 5377, 278, 3708, 1493, 310, 5923, 16705, 7208, 12903, 1316, 408, 28218, 284, 13957, 1952, 3163, 313, 8193, 29933, 29879, 511, 607, 526, 8688, 304, 14707, 4023, 1516, 304, 5199, 17800, 3265, 1135, 4023, 1516, 304, 5199, 12459, 29889, 512, 2933, 29892, 591, 505, 8906, 278, 13772, 1199, 322, 7765, 13957, 7613, 313, 2890, 29934, 29897, 472, 7813, 4006, 3014, 29892, 263, 16705, 9451, 393, 1736, 411, 5925, 414, 304, 1380, 335, 403, 8178, 11314, 936, 322, 5374, 26310, 21420, 310, 319, 29902, 5925, 29889, 450, 382, 14098, 29915, 29879, 1667, 25483, 338, 304, 9080, 408, 263, 11809, 363, 5220, 292, 29901, 5925, 414, 2609, 7150, 16690, 5220, 292, 515, 263, 4655, 319, 29902, 5220, 292, 1824, 472, 1749, 16372, 2745, 278, 5925, 414, 4866, 278, 382, 14098, 1889, 363, 278, 24963, 29889, 1334, 674, 8453, 278, 382, 14098, 408, 591, 505, 8688, 322, 1065, 372, 975, 1023, 2440, 322, 901, 1135, 29871, 29955, 29900, 9551, 1338, 29889, 1334, 27599, 20431, 382, 14098, 16705, 373, 1438, 9551, 1338, 29892, 9138, 393, 278, 9451, 1556, 15574, 2893, 11057, 5626, 310, 4023, 1516, 304, 9461, 537, 6471, 29892, 28694, 310, 16984, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 297, 278, 5925, 3814, 29892, 14581, 671, 29892, 322, 8954, 297, 848, 29889, 6298, 345, 952, 322, 1006, 7406, 310, 5925, 414, 1058, 16254, 287, 411, 278, 382, 14098, 1476, 393, 29871, 29945, 29947, 29995, 7091, 393, 372, 750, 28482, 278, 2874, 310, 1009, 5925, 2060, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29995, 526, 17762, 304, 6773, 11834, 5367, 5434, 9279, 304, 278, 382, 14098, 29892, 322, 393, 896, 18365, 5684, 885, 3470, 1025, 292, 363, 24481, 1549, 11314, 1199, 322, 12459, 5626, 29889, 13, 24083, 6209, 5465, 338, 385, 6853, 403, 11386, 310, 20972, 9327, 322, 6850, 29924, 2357, 15436, 1617, 1199, 14184, 18857, 1102, 10170, 472, 7813, 4006, 3014, 29892, 988, 540, 338, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 12968, 29899, 20606, 261, 4124, 2467, 6431, 29889, 3600, 5925, 8569, 267, 373, 278, 2874, 310, 5264, 20602, 6757, 29889, 910, 5925, 756, 2113, 1900, 5650, 24441, 472, 2246, 378, 10662, 297, 5199, 29899, 12097, 261, 14881, 29892, 3704, 5868, 29902, 29892, 315, 7187, 29956, 29892, 322, 3740, 1254, 29892, 322, 756, 1063, 8967, 297, 6003, 1041, 1316, 408, 450, 1570, 3088, 10277, 29892, 1570, 23753, 391, 29892, 399, 2859, 29892, 322, 450, 29429, 29889, 5765, 756, 1063, 14831, 411, 385, 12299, 349, 29889, 16275, 273, 25940, 3527, 29892, 3740, 1254, 9208, 292, 14305, 627, 7526, 29892, 322, 278, 14875, 435, 29889, 22805, 6170, 1920, 305, 363, 12968, 537, 20604, 29889, 940, 8640, 263, 289, 496, 12779, 29915, 29879, 7426, 297, 23858, 293, 23985, 515, 7813, 4006, 3014, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 263, 5835, 29915, 29879, 7426, 322, 263, 1963, 29889, 29928, 29889, 297, 20972, 9327, 515, 341, 1806, 29889, 13, 29979, 1960, 29899, 17406, 392, 276, 316, 4526, 2212, 4099, 13, 1576, 2740, 363, 21560, 848, 448, 3645, 316, 29899, 1693, 2450, 304, 5999, 4135, 29899, 4569, 29530, 6757, 13, 4806, 5735, 297, 263, 931, 746, 2472, 1048, 1556, 310, 1749, 24147, 322, 8820, 338, 16531, 322, 6087, 297, 1855, 931, 29889, 450, 20847, 3097, 310, 2919, 29899, 7052, 6030, 284, 848, 8541, 19574, 16415, 1749, 13284, 304, 2274, 322, 19998, 6602, 278, 6030, 310, 15724, 322, 6314, 3145, 29889, 450, 671, 310, 445, 848, 29892, 3138, 29892, 1153, 4637, 25204, 6490, 5999, 4135, 21838, 29889, 13, 2744, 4735, 2133, 338, 6839, 304, 3211, 1438, 21838, 29901, 14372, 848, 304, 367, 8072, 1304, 1550, 2225, 29530, 15724, 29915, 5999, 4135, 29889, 512, 445, 5193, 29892, 306, 674, 937, 8453, 263, 1196, 310, 5925, 297, 16661, 2750, 316, 29899, 1693, 2164, 20035, 6445, 920, 13807, 848, 13047, 7208, 12903, 11149, 4418, 304, 12566, 2305, 29915, 29879, 5999, 4135, 297, 278, 5046, 310, 4802, 848, 29889, 306, 674, 769, 8453, 825, 306, 1074, 408, 263, 5181, 14675, 310, 278, 17837, 310, 848, 385, 4735, 2133, 7113, 385, 21560, 671, 310, 848, 322, 5353, 278, 10791, 322, 1136, 310, 777, 310, 278, 5400, 5999, 4135, 21639, 13698, 5279, 8906, 364, 9776, 515, 360, 8349, 2556, 18936, 4135, 304, 13641, 29899, 29933, 1463, 23985, 29889, 306, 674, 17668, 491, 20766, 920, 29892, 746, 12420, 29892, 306, 1348, 896, 674, 2758, 2919, 29899, 7052, 6030, 284, 848, 304, 367, 1304, 1550, 6820, 5375, 4549, 5999, 4135, 10509, 267, 29889, 13, 29979, 1960, 29899, 17406, 392, 276, 316, 4526, 2212, 4099, 338, 385, 6853, 403, 11386, 472, 21080, 6346, 4517, 988, 540, 15883, 278, 11796, 1288, 18936, 4135, 6431, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 5279, 263, 12630, 2087, 1730, 261, 373, 319, 29902, 322, 3630, 14409, 428, 304, 17522, 17181, 11444, 261, 27147, 299, 414, 322, 263, 13212, 29899, 932, 2461, 287, 17924, 304, 278, 9923, 713, 3630, 14409, 428, 29353, 29889, 512, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 540, 471, 263, 12630, 2087, 1730, 261, 304, 17522, 11444, 261, 478, 342, 1875, 363, 1058, 540, 1302, 29899, 8921, 287, 278, 24620, 654, 8898, 363, 278, 13436, 3152, 3461, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 23736, 630, 411, 278, 3630, 9327, 8907, 322, 10317, 310, 11796, 292, 29889, 940, 471, 9251, 263, 1400, 1867, 2801, 284, 5925, 261, 472, 22221, 1985, 411, 7053, 20912, 317, 1452, 1032, 322, 23529, 4088, 322, 540, 4520, 670, 1963, 29928, 515, 341, 1806, 1090, 278, 2428, 4924, 310, 4827, 376, 29903, 13910, 29908, 22901, 1049, 29889, 13, 17104, 299, 624, 4494, 13, 1123, 5711, 292, 11314, 1199, 322, 14040, 24233, 362, 297, 263, 2919, 452, 2192, 262, 4830, 1199, 2060, 13, 1576, 5193, 674, 8453, 920, 11314, 936, 17842, 322, 14040, 24233, 362, 508, 367, 1925, 297, 6944, 297, 263, 2919, 452, 2192, 262, 4830, 1199, 5925, 2060, 29889 ]
The project in question is the EU-funded Future and Emerging Technologies Human Brain Project (HBP, www.humanbrainproject.eu). The HBP has a duration of 10 years (2013-2023), core EU funding in the area of €450 million, more than 100 partner organisations and over 500 researchers. It brings together neuroscience, medicine and computer science with a view to building an infrastructure for brain research. It was recognised from the outset that this project would raise many ethical concerns and the project therefore has always had a strong component focused on ethics and society with particular emphasis on responsible innovation. In the talk I will discuss the various issues that need to be addressed in the project. This provides the background for an overview of the structures and processes that were put in practice in order to address these. I will end by highlighting some of the lessons learned and the challenges that the project now faces in the transition from a research project to a distributed infrastructure. Bernd Carsten Stahl is Professor of Critical Research in Technology and Director the Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. His interests cover philosophical issues arising from the intersections of business, technology, and information. This includes the ethics of ICT and critical approaches to information systems. Catherine Tessier Research ethics training: debating is learning Research ethics has to be experienced through one's involvement in debates about real research situations. Actually, ethics is not compliance but a thought about which values to consider to make a decision and how they may conflict with one another. That is why ethics considerations about questionable projects involving digital technologies go beyond checking a list of predefined properties. We will give an insight of how researchers can experiment ethics through debating. We will also claim that, in the context of responsible research, thinking about one's own research is as necessary as studying the state-of-the-art. Dr. Catherine Tessier is a senior researcher at ONERA, Toulouse, France. Her research focuses on modelling ethical reasoning and on ethical issues related to the use of "autonomous" robots. She is also ONERA's research integrity and ethics officer. She is a member of the French national ethics committee for digital technologies and a member of the ethics committee of the French ministry of defense. She is also a member of Inria's Research Ethics Board (Coerle). Sally Wyatt New digital research possibilities/Old ethical forms In this presentation, I will reflect on the opportunities provided to researchers by digital technologies, across all stages of research, from data collection to publication, including analysis and engagement with citizens and other social partners. Digital technologies also make collaboration across distance much easier than in the past. Understanding the challenges facing society, including those raised by the climate crisis, poverty, pandemics and large-scale displacements of people, all require interdisciplinary research to enrich our knowledge and possibilities for action. The values, norms and practicies guiding ethical research practices have a long history. These are often very much dependent on national and disciplinary cultures, and often driven by high-profile instances of fraud or abuse. Thus while the growth of interdisciplinary and international research teams may contribute to the solution of urgent societal problems, it may be accompanied by misunderstandings and conflicts about what constitutes responsible and good research. There are no simple solutions but I will attempt to provide some indications of actions that might promote good research. Some actions are appropriate for individual researchers and research groups, others are for universities and funding agencies. Sally Wyatt is Professor of Digital Cultures in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at Maastricht University. She is also the chair of ZonMw Health Councils programme called 'Promoting Good Science'. Her research focuses on the ways in which digital technologies are used in healthcare, and on what digital technologies mean for the production of knowledge in the humanities and the social sciences. Sylvie Delacroix Data Trusts and the need for bottom-up data empowerment infrastructure Data Trusts are a proposed bottom-up mechanism, whereby data subjects choose to pool the rights they have over their personal data within the legal framework of the Trust. They aim to empower us, data subjects to 'take the reins' of our data in a way that acknowledges both our vulnerability and our limited ability to engage with the day-to-day choices underlying data governance
[ 450, 2060, 297, 1139, 338, 278, 19007, 29899, 27159, 287, 16367, 322, 27718, 3460, 8364, 11763, 12968, 5032, 262, 8010, 313, 29950, 29933, 29925, 29892, 7821, 29889, 26029, 2634, 262, 4836, 29889, 12932, 467, 450, 379, 29933, 29925, 756, 263, 14385, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 511, 7136, 19007, 5220, 292, 297, 278, 4038, 310, 25540, 29946, 29945, 29900, 7284, 29892, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 18096, 17459, 800, 322, 975, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 5925, 414, 29889, 739, 23522, 4208, 17167, 1883, 15277, 29892, 26602, 322, 6601, 10466, 411, 263, 1776, 304, 5214, 385, 22035, 12425, 363, 17294, 5925, 29889, 739, 471, 5936, 3368, 515, 278, 714, 842, 393, 445, 2060, 723, 12020, 1784, 11314, 936, 21838, 322, 278, 2060, 5480, 756, 2337, 750, 263, 4549, 4163, 21309, 373, 11314, 1199, 322, 12459, 411, 3153, 19310, 275, 373, 14040, 24233, 362, 29889, 512, 278, 5193, 306, 674, 5353, 278, 5164, 5626, 393, 817, 304, 367, 20976, 297, 278, 2060, 29889, 910, 8128, 278, 3239, 363, 385, 975, 1493, 310, 278, 12286, 322, 10174, 393, 892, 1925, 297, 6944, 297, 1797, 304, 3211, 1438, 29889, 306, 674, 1095, 491, 12141, 292, 777, 310, 278, 3109, 787, 10972, 322, 278, 18066, 267, 393, 278, 2060, 1286, 17240, 297, 278, 9558, 515, 263, 5925, 2060, 304, 263, 13235, 22035, 12425, 29889, 13, 17104, 299, 1704, 3510, 624, 4494, 338, 11386, 310, 15976, 936, 10550, 297, 17968, 322, 15944, 278, 11319, 363, 11796, 292, 322, 10307, 2538, 29886, 787, 4127, 472, 897, 4526, 3921, 3014, 29892, 951, 293, 4156, 29892, 10261, 29889, 3600, 20017, 4612, 11847, 936, 5626, 564, 5921, 515, 278, 1006, 27117, 310, 5381, 29892, 15483, 29892, 322, 2472, 29889, 910, 7805, 278, 11314, 1199, 310, 306, 1783, 322, 12187, 13501, 304, 2472, 6757, 29889, 13, 29907, 16490, 323, 404, 631, 13, 1666, 2842, 11314, 1199, 6694, 29901, 2553, 1218, 338, 6509, 13, 1666, 2842, 11314, 1199, 756, 304, 367, 18860, 1549, 697, 29915, 29879, 5297, 29841, 297, 2553, 1078, 1048, 1855, 5925, 18845, 29889, 12823, 29892, 11314, 1199, 338, 451, 752, 13036, 541, 263, 2714, 1048, 607, 1819, 304, 2050, 304, 1207, 263, 10608, 322, 920, 896, 1122, 14529, 411, 697, 1790, 29889, 2193, 338, 2020, 11314, 1199, 2050, 800, 1048, 1139, 519, 9279, 21677, 13436, 5722, 11763, 748, 8724, 8454, 263, 1051, 310, 758, 12119, 4426, 29889, 1334, 674, 2367, 385, 25483, 310, 920, 5925, 414, 508, 7639, 11314, 1199, 1549, 2553, 1218, 29889, 1334, 674, 884, 5995, 393, 29892, 297, 278, 3030, 310, 14040, 5925, 29892, 7291, 1048, 697, 29915, 29879, 1914, 5925, 338, 408, 5181, 408, 23382, 278, 2106, 29899, 974, 29899, 1552, 29899, 442, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 21688, 323, 404, 631, 338, 263, 16336, 5925, 261, 472, 6732, 1001, 29909, 29892, 24649, 1709, 29892, 3444, 29889, 2439, 5925, 8569, 267, 373, 878, 7807, 11314, 936, 24481, 322, 373, 11314, 936, 5626, 4475, 304, 278, 671, 310, 376, 1300, 4917, 681, 29908, 10832, 1862, 29889, 2296, 338, 884, 6732, 1001, 29909, 29915, 29879, 5925, 28410, 322, 11314, 1199, 12139, 29889, 2296, 338, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 5176, 4797, 11314, 1199, 21118, 363, 13436, 5722, 11763, 322, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 11314, 1199, 21118, 310, 278, 5176, 1375, 6020, 310, 26406, 29889, 2296, 338, 884, 263, 4509, 310, 512, 2849, 29915, 29879, 10550, 13772, 1199, 12590, 313, 7967, 261, 280, 467, 13, 29903, 635, 10167, 1131, 13, 4373, 13436, 5925, 24496, 29914, 21648, 11314, 936, 7190, 13, 797, 445, 24329, 29892, 306, 674, 9432, 373, 278, 28602, 1907, 4944, 304, 5925, 414, 491, 13436, 5722, 11763, 29892, 4822, 599, 22950, 310, 5925, 29892, 515, 848, 4333, 304, 17745, 29892, 3704, 7418, 322, 3033, 5049, 411, 18363, 322, 916, 5264, 22056, 29889, 15918, 5722, 11763, 884, 1207, 24771, 4822, 5418, 1568, 6775, 1135, 297, 278, 4940, 29889, 7634, 11235, 278, 18066, 267, 14870, 12459, 29892, 3704, 1906, 10425, 491, 278, 23622, 24161, 29892, 25273, 1017, 29892, 7243, 2310, 1199, 322, 2919, 29899, 7052, 12272, 4620, 4110, 310, 2305, 29892, 599, 1996, 1006, 2218, 13326, 3821, 5925, 304, 427, 4018, 1749, 7134, 322, 24496, 363, 3158, 29889, 13, 1576, 1819, 29892, 6056, 29879, 322, 4120, 293, 583, 1410, 4821, 11314, 936, 5925, 23274, 505, 263, 1472, 4955, 29889, 4525, 526, 4049, 1407, 1568, 14278, 373, 4797, 322, 17119, 3821, 4185, 1973, 29892, 322, 4049, 18225, 491, 1880, 29899, 10185, 8871, 310, 5227, 566, 470, 633, 1509, 29889, 6549, 1550, 278, 14321, 310, 1006, 2218, 13326, 3821, 322, 6121, 5925, 10907, 1122, 29126, 304, 278, 1650, 310, 5065, 5362, 5374, 26310, 4828, 29892, 372, 1122, 367, 21302, 491, 19818, 1689, 886, 322, 28792, 1048, 825, 20016, 2667, 14040, 322, 1781, 5925, 29889, 13, 8439, 526, 694, 2560, 6851, 541, 306, 674, 4218, 304, 3867, 777, 4221, 800, 310, 8820, 393, 1795, 27391, 1781, 5925, 29889, 3834, 8820, 526, 8210, 363, 5375, 5925, 414, 322, 5925, 6471, 29892, 4045, 526, 363, 4946, 1907, 322, 5220, 292, 946, 15942, 29889, 13, 29903, 635, 10167, 1131, 338, 11386, 310, 15918, 7965, 1973, 297, 278, 14184, 18857, 310, 11401, 322, 10307, 17253, 472, 3219, 7614, 1428, 3014, 29889, 2296, 338, 884, 278, 11774, 310, 796, 265, 29924, 29893, 15202, 6237, 29883, 2719, 19607, 2000, 525, 18571, 11427, 7197, 9327, 4286, 2439, 5925, 8569, 267, 373, 278, 5837, 297, 607, 13436, 5722, 11763, 526, 1304, 297, 9045, 18020, 29892, 322, 373, 825, 13436, 5722, 11763, 2099, 363, 278, 5802, 310, 7134, 297, 278, 5199, 1907, 322, 278, 5264, 21195, 29889, 13, 29903, 2904, 25965, 5556, 562, 307, 861, 13, 1469, 20692, 29879, 322, 278, 817, 363, 5970, 29899, 786, 848, 3710, 1680, 358, 22035, 12425, 13, 1469, 20692, 29879, 526, 263, 7972, 5970, 29899, 786, 13336, 29892, 988, 1609, 848, 17800, 6755, 304, 11565, 278, 10462, 896, 505, 975, 1009, 7333, 848, 2629, 278, 11706, 6890, 310, 278, 20692, 29889, 2688, 12242, 304, 3710, 1680, 502, 29892, 848, 17800, 304, 525, 19730, 278, 337, 1144, 29915, 310, 1749, 848, 297, 263, 982, 393, 24084, 2710, 1716, 1749, 23180, 3097, 322, 1749, 9078, 11509, 304, 3033, 482, 411, 278, 2462, 29899, 517, 29899, 3250, 19995, 14407, 848, 4095, 749 ]
. Specifically, there are three key problems that bottom-up data trusts seek to address: Lack of mechanisms to empower groups, not just individuals Can we do better than current 'make belief' consent? Can we challenge the assumed trade-off between promoting data-reliant common goods on one hand and addressing vulnerabilities that stem from data sharing on the other? Sylvie Delacroix is a professor in law and ethics at the University of Birmingham and a fellow of the Alan Turing Institute. Her interest in the infrastructure that molds our habits notably leads her to pay attention to the power imbalances that stem from our increased reliance on data-reliant tools. As a concrete way of mitigating the latter, she co-chairs the Data trust Initiative. @SylvieDelacroix Rowena Rodrigues Looking back, moving forward: AI research ethics This presentation will share results of the EU-funded Horizon 2020 SIENNA project – what we learnt from our surveys of research ethics committee (REC) approaches and AI codes: identified ethical values and principles, guidance, areas of advancements, what new Codes should consider, and specific guidance to develop RECs in the field. The presentation will also cover how SIENNA were results incorporated into Horizon Europe. We will also share some insights on how the EU AI Act might impact researchers in the future. Rowena Rodrigues co-leads and works to drive the growth of the Innovation & Research services of Trilateral Research in defined strategic business areas. She carries out legal and policy research related to new technologies and provides regulatory, industry and policy advice. Rowena's background lies in research and consultancy in law (including human rights), ethics and impacts of new and emerging technologies (e.g., AI, robotics, human enhancement technologies). She has expertise in various types of impact assessments (privacy, legal, ethical, socio-economic), comparative legal analysis, privacy, and data protection (law, policy, and practice). She a keen interest in the intersections of ethics and law in relation to new technologies, responsible research and innovation, cybersecurity, and law enforcement research. She was deputy coordinator of the SIENNA project. https://trilateralresearch.com/tri_profile/rowena-rodrigues Raja Chatila Responsible development use and governance of AI Innovations in several sectors, from healthcare to e-commerce and transportation, including public services, are enabled and accelerated by digital technologies such as Artificial Intelligence systems. While it enables to increase productivity or reduce costs through automation by means of physical or software processes, this technology has a direct impact on lifestyles of individuals and on society. The formulation of the principles of medical bioethics became a necessity after the criminal misuse of medical sciences by the Nazi regime. The negative impacts of AI systems in terms of discrimination and bias, but also their transformative impact on society and work, and their limitations in terms of robustness has raised the awareness of scientists and developers, of decision and law-makers, as well as of the general public, about issues that emerge from the development and deployment of this technology. As they become more powerful (but not necessarily more performant) questions about the very nature of AI system become more acute, as recently shown with the debate about large language models. Innovation often outpace regulation. Ethical reflection and ethics initiatives and committees have the capacity to question the motivations and relevance of specific technological choices, their safety, their impact on ethical principles, on rights and values, on populations and on the environment. This leads to the formulation of digital ethics principles to ground the development, deployment and use of the technology and to define responsible governance frameworks that can be achieved through a combination of regulation, codes of conduct, tecno-ethical standard development, certification, and public oversight. Raja Chatila is Professor Emeritus of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and IT Ethics at Sorbonne University in Paris. He is former director of the SMART Laboratory of Excellence on Human-Machine Interactions and of the Institute of Intelligent Systems and Robotics. He is co-chair of the Responsible AI Working group of the Global Partnership on AI (GPAI). He is chair of the IEEE Global Initi
[ 29889, 13, 10299, 928, 635, 29892, 727, 526, 2211, 1820, 4828, 393, 5970, 29899, 786, 848, 9311, 29879, 16508, 304, 3211, 29901, 13, 29931, 547, 310, 7208, 12903, 304, 3710, 1680, 6471, 29892, 451, 925, 15724, 13, 6028, 591, 437, 2253, 1135, 1857, 525, 5675, 17750, 29915, 20218, 29973, 13, 6028, 591, 18766, 278, 12023, 11302, 29899, 2696, 1546, 2504, 11427, 848, 29899, 276, 492, 424, 3619, 22535, 373, 697, 1361, 322, 3211, 292, 23180, 11614, 393, 20805, 515, 848, 19383, 373, 278, 916, 29973, 13, 29903, 2904, 25965, 5556, 562, 307, 861, 338, 263, 12251, 297, 4307, 322, 11314, 1199, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 350, 28836, 322, 263, 10404, 310, 278, 17102, 323, 3864, 8907, 29889, 2439, 4066, 297, 278, 22035, 12425, 393, 286, 3361, 1749, 2299, 1169, 451, 2197, 11981, 902, 304, 5146, 8570, 304, 278, 3081, 527, 5521, 2925, 393, 20805, 515, 1749, 11664, 12536, 749, 373, 848, 29899, 276, 492, 424, 8492, 29889, 1094, 263, 18387, 982, 310, 1380, 335, 1218, 278, 7480, 29892, 1183, 1302, 29899, 305, 7121, 278, 3630, 9311, 512, 4812, 1230, 29889, 732, 29903, 2904, 25965, 13157, 562, 307, 861, 13, 4301, 2386, 7733, 8966, 1041, 13, 14959, 292, 1250, 29892, 8401, 6375, 29901, 319, 29902, 5925, 11314, 1199, 13, 4013, 24329, 674, 6232, 2582, 310, 278, 19007, 29899, 27159, 287, 6912, 18162, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 22717, 1430, 3521, 2060, 785, 825, 591, 24298, 593, 515, 1749, 26946, 952, 310, 5925, 11314, 1199, 21118, 313, 1525, 29907, 29897, 13501, 322, 319, 29902, 11561, 29901, 15659, 11314, 936, 1819, 322, 18671, 29892, 27323, 29892, 10161, 310, 3061, 4564, 4110, 29892, 825, 716, 315, 2631, 881, 2050, 29892, 322, 2702, 27323, 304, 2693, 5195, 29907, 29879, 297, 278, 1746, 29889, 450, 24329, 674, 884, 4612, 920, 22717, 1430, 3521, 892, 2582, 11039, 630, 964, 6912, 18162, 4092, 29889, 1334, 674, 884, 6232, 777, 1663, 5861, 373, 920, 278, 19007, 319, 29902, 3185, 1795, 10879, 5925, 414, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 4301, 2386, 7733, 8966, 1041, 1302, 29899, 280, 7925, 322, 1736, 304, 7899, 278, 14321, 310, 278, 512, 13715, 362, 669, 10550, 5786, 310, 1605, 309, 1008, 284, 10550, 297, 3342, 16650, 293, 5381, 10161, 29889, 2296, 1559, 2722, 714, 11706, 322, 8898, 5925, 4475, 304, 716, 5722, 11763, 322, 8128, 24378, 7606, 29892, 13661, 322, 8898, 9848, 29889, 11438, 2386, 29915, 29879, 3239, 12185, 297, 5925, 322, 8799, 6906, 297, 4307, 313, 18271, 5199, 10462, 511, 11314, 1199, 322, 10879, 29879, 310, 716, 322, 11176, 3460, 5722, 11763, 313, 29872, 29889, 29887, 1696, 319, 29902, 29892, 19964, 1199, 29892, 5199, 26371, 27967, 5722, 11763, 467, 2296, 756, 17924, 895, 297, 5164, 4072, 310, 10879, 24809, 1860, 313, 22534, 4135, 29892, 11706, 29892, 11314, 936, 29892, 577, 3934, 29899, 29872, 4599, 293, 511, 5734, 1230, 11706, 7418, 29892, 5999, 4135, 29892, 322, 848, 13047, 313, 10653, 29892, 8898, 29892, 322, 6944, 467, 2296, 263, 28430, 4066, 297, 278, 1006, 27117, 310, 11314, 1199, 322, 4307, 297, 8220, 304, 716, 5722, 11763, 29892, 14040, 5925, 322, 24233, 362, 29892, 5094, 495, 8926, 29892, 322, 4307, 24555, 13561, 5925, 29889, 2296, 471, 20723, 29891, 6615, 1061, 310, 278, 22717, 1430, 3521, 2060, 29889, 2045, 597, 509, 309, 1008, 284, 690, 2842, 29889, 510, 29914, 3626, 29918, 10185, 29914, 798, 2386, 29899, 5964, 8966, 1041, 13, 29934, 9919, 678, 271, 4233, 13, 1666, 29886, 787, 1821, 5849, 671, 322, 4095, 749, 310, 319, 29902, 13, 797, 13715, 800, 297, 3196, 409, 14359, 29892, 515, 9045, 18020, 304, 321, 29899, 22529, 322, 8608, 362, 29892, 3704, 970, 5786, 29892, 526, 9615, 322, 15592, 630, 491, 13436, 5722, 11763, 1316, 408, 3012, 928, 616, 3159, 28286, 6757, 29889, 5806, 372, 28936, 304, 7910, 3234, 2068, 470, 10032, 21544, 1549, 3345, 362, 491, 2794, 310, 9128, 470, 7047, 10174, 29892, 445, 15483, 756, 263, 1513, 10879, 373, 301, 7004, 5577, 310, 15724, 322, 373, 12459, 29889, 13, 1576, 883, 2785, 310, 278, 18671, 310, 16083, 17799, 621, 1199, 3897, 263, 24316, 1156, 278, 22161, 3984, 1509, 310, 16083, 21195, 491, 278, 11409, 29875, 22384, 29889, 450, 8178, 10879, 29879, 310, 319, 29902, 6757, 297, 4958, 310, 2313, 5632, 3381, 322, 24003, 29892, 541, 884, 1009, 4327, 1230, 10879, 373, 12459, 322, 664, 29892, 322, 1009, 27028, 297, 4958, 310, 16424, 2264, 756, 10425, 278, 3773, 8326, 404, 310, 9638, 2879, 322, 18777, 29892, 310, 10608, 322, 4307, 29899, 29885, 21079, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 310, 278, 2498, 970, 29892, 1048, 5626, 393, 11176, 479, 515, 278, 5849, 322, 18209, 310, 445, 15483, 29889, 1094, 896, 4953, 901, 13988, 313, 4187, 451, 12695, 901, 2189, 424, 29897, 5155, 1048, 278, 1407, 5469, 310, 319, 29902, 1788, 4953, 901, 1274, 1082, 29892, 408, 10325, 4318, 411, 278, 27836, 1048, 2919, 4086, 4733, 29889, 13, 797, 13715, 362, 4049, 714, 3535, 1072, 2785, 29889, 13772, 936, 17842, 322, 11314, 1199, 14511, 5056, 322, 844, 5388, 267, 505, 278, 13284, 304, 1139, 278, 17385, 800, 322, 29527, 749, 310, 2702, 5722, 5996, 19995, 29892, 1009, 15332, 29892, 1009, 10879, 373, 11314, 936, 18671, 29892, 373, 10462, 322, 1819, 29892, 373, 23093, 322, 373, 278, 5177, 29889, 910, 11981, 304, 278, 883, 2785, 310, 13436, 11314, 1199, 18671, 304, 5962, 278, 5849, 29892, 18209, 322, 671, 310, 278, 15483, 322, 304, 4529, 14040, 4095, 749, 29143, 393, 508, 367, 14363, 1549, 263, 10296, 310, 1072, 2785, 29892, 11561, 310, 7512, 29892, 13784, 1217, 29899, 621, 936, 3918, 5849, 29892, 2284, 2450, 29892, 322, 970, 288, 874, 523, 29889, 13, 29934, 9919, 678, 271, 4233, 338, 11386, 27718, 277, 375, 310, 3012, 928, 616, 3159, 28286, 29892, 6417, 327, 1199, 322, 13315, 13772, 1199, 472, 17784, 6718, 484, 3014, 297, 3681, 29889, 940, 338, 4642, 8881, 310, 278, 317, 1529, 13079, 16715, 7606, 310, 1222, 3729, 663, 373, 12968, 29899, 29076, 4124, 7387, 322, 310, 278, 8907, 310, 3159, 9347, 296, 23985, 322, 6417, 327, 1199, 29889, 940, 338, 1302, 29899, 305, 1466, 310, 278, 2538, 29886, 787, 1821, 319, 29902, 24176, 2318, 310, 278, 12002, 3455, 8397, 4034, 373, 319, 29902, 313, 29954, 7228, 29902, 467, 940, 338, 11774, 310, 278, 7159, 17896, 12002, 512, 4812 ]
ative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems and member of the French National Pilot Committee on Digital Ethics (CNPEN). He is IEEE Fellow and recipient of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Pioneer Award. Teaching ethics in NLP: DIY (do it yourself) In the past 5 years, ethical issues have become more visible in AI, in particular in Natural Language Processing. "Ethics and NLP" tracks have appeared in many of the domain top conferences and an Ethics committee has been put in place by the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL). However, training in ethics is still too rare, with less than 38% of respondents of the "ethics in NLP" survey of 2022, who say they participated to some training on the subject (either as teachers or as students). Building material on the subject and making it available is therefore paramount. I started doing so in 2017, with two goals in mind: i) put the students in action from the very beginning and ii) do not limit ethics to consequentialism. I'll share my experience with you and show what a well-organized Do It Yourself (DIY) can bring to such a training. All the produced material is available on my Web page (https://members.loria.fr/KFort/). Karën Fort is Associate Professor at Sorbonne Université and does her research at the LORIA laboratory in Nancy. Her primary research interest is manual annotation for natural language processing (NLP), which she extended to crowdsourcing annotation, in particular using Games With A Purpose (GWAPs). She also developped an interest in ethics in NLP and co-organized the first colloquium on the subject in 2014, in France, followed by a national workshop (ETeRNAL 2015 and 2020) and a special issue of the TAL journal in 2016. She initiated the ethics and NLP French blog (http://www.ethique-et-tal.org/) as well as the survey on ethics in NLP (Fort & Couillault, 2016). She was co-chair of the first two ethics committees in the field (EMNLP 2020 and NAACL 2021) and is co-chair of the newly created ethics committee of the association for computational linguistics (ACL). She was also a member of the Sorbonne IRB. She teaches ethics in data science and NLP at Assas University in Paris, at IDMC in Nancy (NLP Master), and at the University of Malta. Gordana Dodig-Crnkovic Research-based perspective in teaching ethics to engineering students During more than twenty years, starting 2001 at Mälardalen University, Gordana has been teaching students of Computer Science, Engineering, Interaction Design and occasionally Economics in courses "Professional ethics" at Mälardalen University (Bachelor, Master and PhD levels) (2001-2014), and "Research Ethics and Sustainable Development" at Chalmers University of Technology (PhD level) 2014-2017. During the years Gordana also had regular guest lectures in Professional Ethics, Ethics of Computing, Ethics of AI, Design Ethics, Ethics for Cognitive Scientists, Robotic Ethics and Ethics of Autonomous Cars. In all educational work in ethics she is using current research, and especially ethical aspects of the emerging technologies. In this talk Gordana will present lessons learned, illustrated by concrete examples from the courses, sketching briefly future possibilities, anticipations and hopes for further developments. Gordana Dodig-Crnković is Professor of Interaction Design at Chalmers University of Technology and Professor of Computer Science at Mälardalen University, Sweden. She holds PhD degrees in Physics and Computer Science. Her research focuses on the relationships between computation, information and cognition, including ethical and value aspects. She is a member of the editorial board of the Springer SAPERE series, World Scientific Series in Information Studies, and various journals. She is a member of the AI Ethics Committee at Chalmers and the Karel Capek Center for Values in Science and Technology. More information: http://gordana.se Panagiotis Kavouras Open science: hopes, challenges
[ 1230, 373, 13772, 1199, 310, 5202, 4917, 681, 322, 3159, 9347, 296, 23985, 322, 4509, 310, 278, 5176, 3086, 14970, 327, 12930, 373, 15918, 13772, 1199, 313, 13778, 29925, 1430, 467, 940, 338, 7159, 17896, 25940, 322, 23957, 993, 310, 278, 7159, 17896, 6417, 327, 1199, 322, 15854, 362, 7765, 349, 1421, 261, 7526, 29889, 13, 29911, 4204, 292, 11314, 1199, 297, 405, 13208, 29901, 22471, 29979, 313, 1867, 372, 7535, 29897, 13, 797, 278, 4940, 29871, 29945, 2440, 29892, 11314, 936, 5626, 505, 4953, 901, 7962, 297, 319, 29902, 29892, 297, 3153, 297, 18385, 17088, 10554, 292, 29889, 376, 29923, 386, 1199, 322, 405, 13208, 29908, 16257, 505, 7470, 297, 1784, 310, 278, 5354, 2246, 378, 10662, 322, 385, 13772, 1199, 21118, 756, 1063, 1925, 297, 2058, 491, 278, 7993, 363, 11796, 1288, 365, 6202, 6765, 313, 2477, 29931, 467, 2398, 29892, 6694, 297, 11314, 1199, 338, 1603, 2086, 10812, 29892, 411, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29941, 29947, 29995, 310, 10049, 1237, 310, 278, 376, 621, 1199, 297, 405, 13208, 29908, 18994, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29892, 1058, 1827, 896, 25223, 304, 777, 6694, 373, 278, 4967, 313, 29872, 2121, 408, 27335, 470, 408, 8041, 467, 17166, 5518, 373, 278, 4967, 322, 3907, 372, 3625, 338, 5480, 1828, 792, 29889, 306, 4687, 2599, 577, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 411, 1023, 14433, 297, 3458, 29901, 474, 29897, 1925, 278, 8041, 297, 3158, 515, 278, 1407, 6763, 322, 13607, 29897, 437, 451, 4046, 11314, 1199, 304, 14161, 2556, 1608, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 6232, 590, 7271, 411, 366, 322, 1510, 825, 263, 1532, 29899, 6388, 1891, 1938, 739, 3575, 1311, 313, 4571, 29979, 29897, 508, 6963, 304, 1316, 263, 6694, 29889, 2178, 278, 7371, 5518, 338, 3625, 373, 590, 2563, 1813, 313, 991, 597, 28109, 29889, 29880, 4108, 29889, 1341, 29914, 29968, 29943, 441, 12495, 13, 24115, 28063, 7236, 338, 6853, 403, 11386, 472, 17784, 6718, 484, 2116, 2131, 322, 947, 902, 5925, 472, 278, 365, 1955, 10764, 10212, 7606, 297, 24190, 29889, 2439, 7601, 5925, 4066, 338, 12219, 17195, 363, 5613, 4086, 9068, 313, 29940, 13208, 511, 607, 1183, 10410, 304, 11660, 6289, 473, 3277, 17195, 29892, 297, 3153, 773, 12482, 2973, 319, 15247, 4220, 313, 29954, 29956, 3301, 29879, 467, 2296, 884, 316, 955, 29877, 2986, 385, 4066, 297, 11314, 1199, 297, 405, 13208, 322, 1302, 29899, 6388, 1891, 278, 937, 784, 417, 339, 1974, 373, 278, 4967, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 297, 3444, 29892, 5643, 491, 263, 4797, 664, 19032, 313, 2544, 29872, 29934, 29940, 1964, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29897, 322, 263, 4266, 2228, 310, 278, 323, 1964, 8955, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 2296, 14511, 630, 278, 11314, 1199, 322, 405, 13208, 5176, 12618, 313, 1124, 597, 1636, 29889, 621, 1387, 29899, 300, 29899, 20411, 29889, 990, 4551, 408, 1532, 408, 278, 18994, 373, 11314, 1199, 297, 405, 13208, 313, 29943, 441, 669, 19565, 2911, 499, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 467, 2296, 471, 1302, 29899, 305, 1466, 310, 278, 937, 1023, 11314, 1199, 844, 5388, 267, 297, 278, 1746, 313, 12665, 29940, 13208, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 8598, 2477, 29931, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29897, 322, 338, 1302, 29899, 305, 1466, 310, 278, 15141, 2825, 11314, 1199, 21118, 310, 278, 15477, 363, 26845, 21110, 6765, 313, 2477, 29931, 467, 2296, 471, 884, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 17784, 6718, 484, 23292, 29933, 29889, 2296, 6860, 267, 11314, 1199, 297, 848, 10466, 322, 405, 13208, 472, 4007, 294, 3014, 297, 3681, 29892, 472, 3553, 12513, 297, 24190, 313, 29940, 13208, 9082, 511, 322, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 3792, 941, 29889, 13, 29954, 536, 1648, 360, 397, 335, 29899, 20647, 29876, 9756, 293, 13, 1666, 2842, 29899, 6707, 18520, 297, 18819, 11314, 1199, 304, 21639, 8041, 13, 29928, 3864, 901, 1135, 10081, 2440, 29892, 6257, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 472, 341, 5581, 538, 10066, 3014, 29892, 402, 536, 1648, 756, 1063, 18819, 8041, 310, 20972, 9327, 29892, 22557, 29892, 4124, 2467, 12037, 322, 23025, 12884, 1199, 297, 21888, 376, 1184, 29888, 15750, 11314, 1199, 29908, 472, 341, 5581, 538, 10066, 3014, 313, 29933, 496, 12779, 29892, 9082, 322, 1963, 29928, 11174, 29897, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 511, 322, 376, 1666, 2842, 13772, 1199, 322, 317, 504, 475, 519, 14650, 29908, 472, 27598, 13269, 3014, 310, 17968, 313, 4819, 29928, 3233, 29897, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 7133, 278, 2440, 402, 536, 1648, 884, 750, 4943, 17838, 13081, 1973, 297, 20031, 13772, 1199, 29892, 13772, 1199, 310, 11796, 292, 29892, 13772, 1199, 310, 319, 29902, 29892, 12037, 13772, 1199, 29892, 13772, 1199, 363, 315, 3811, 3321, 23753, 2879, 29892, 6417, 13574, 13772, 1199, 322, 13772, 1199, 310, 5202, 4917, 681, 315, 1503, 29889, 512, 599, 28976, 664, 297, 11314, 1199, 1183, 338, 773, 1857, 5925, 29892, 322, 7148, 11314, 936, 21420, 310, 278, 11176, 3460, 5722, 11763, 29889, 512, 445, 5193, 402, 536, 1648, 674, 2198, 3109, 787, 10972, 29892, 26848, 491, 18387, 6455, 515, 278, 21888, 29892, 21256, 292, 23359, 5434, 24496, 29892, 23483, 800, 322, 26926, 363, 4340, 2693, 1860, 29889, 13, 29954, 536, 1648, 360, 397, 335, 29899, 20647, 29876, 29895, 14843, 338, 11386, 310, 4124, 2467, 12037, 472, 27598, 13269, 3014, 310, 17968, 322, 11386, 310, 20972, 9327, 472, 341, 5581, 538, 10066, 3014, 29892, 24506, 29889, 2296, 8640, 1963, 29928, 14496, 297, 29837, 322, 20972, 9327, 29889, 2439, 5925, 8569, 267, 373, 278, 21702, 1546, 16287, 29892, 2472, 322, 25323, 654, 29892, 3704, 11314, 936, 322, 995, 21420, 29889, 2296, 338, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 6920, 616, 7613, 310, 278, 26667, 317, 3301, 27267, 3652, 29892, 2787, 23753, 928, 10488, 297, 10343, 16972, 29892, 322, 5164, 21824, 1338, 29889, 2296, 338, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 319, 29902, 13772, 1199, 12930, 472, 27598, 13269, 322, 278, 476, 17243, 20922, 29895, 7817, 363, 2630, 1041, 297, 9327, 322, 17968, 29889, 5853, 2472, 29901, 1732, 597, 29887, 536, 1648, 29889, 344, 13, 23684, 17698, 327, 275, 476, 485, 473, 294, 13, 6585, 10466, 29901, 26926, 29892, 18066, 267 ]
and the intervention of ROSiE project Open science (OS) has come to foster free sharing of the outputs of research and to boost the institutionalization of such practices. More broadly, there have been arguments supporting that OS carries the potential to open up all stages of the research process. This could render science more relevant to societal needs by integrating consultation processes, more collaborative by enabling citizens to participate, more reliable by making research more transparent, and more equitable by the free sharing of its results. However, as almost all scientific breakthroughs, OS is a double-edged knife, since it raises acute concerns about research ethics and research integrity. It is therefore crucial to identify and analyse current ethical, social, legal, and research integrity-related challenges in the context of OS practice. ROSiE (Responsible Open Science in Europe) project is applying an elaborate work plan to apply this broad identification and analysis exercise, in order develop relevant guidelines and training materials that are going to be funneled through an open online platform: the ROSiE Knowledge Hub. Already, ROSiE – being at the middle of its timeline – has performed a mapping of existing OS policies, guidelines, and OS infrastructures, while it has produced a preliminary set of recommendations, elements of which are going to be part of the presentation. We plan to connect these elements with the currently acknowledged interventions that need to be made so as to ensure that research ethics and research integrity will become a structural component of OS. In this way, ROSiE has the ambition to support the endeavors that strive ensure that the systemic changes OS may cause will be mostly beneficial to the modus operandi of research. Acknowledgements: This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under GA No 101006430. Dr Kavouras is a senior researcher at the School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens. He is a physicist with an MSc in Materials Science and Technology and a PhD in Physics. For several years he was involved in research on solid waste management and characterization of mechanical properties at the micro-scale and nano-scale. Currently, his main research interest is on Research Integrity through the participation in several Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe projects. He is also involved in capacity building and awareness raising activities for research integrity in Greece. Jeroen van der Ham Beyond "human subject": the challenges of ethics oversight in digital science Research in digital science and cybersecurity has given rise to new dilemmas. Digital infrastructures form a fundamental part of our current society. This means that many digital experiments and measurements can have an indirect effect on humans. This means that ethics oversight in this area can not be simply limited to "human subject research". Jeroen will provide some examples and experiences in dealing with these kinds of dilemmas. Jeroen van der Ham is associate professor of Cyber Security Incident Response at the University of Twente. Jeroen combines this with his work at the National Cyber Security Centre in The Netherlands (NCSC-NL). At NCSC-NL he focuses on the many developments in coordinated vulnerability disclosure and ethics of the security profession. At the University of Twente he focuses on incident response, ethics of incident response and internet security research, denial of service attacks, and anonymization in network measurements. He is also a member of the Ethics Committee of the EEMCS faculty at the University of Twente. Casey Fiesler Data is people: research ethics and the limits of human subjects review Everyone's tweets, blog posts, photos, reviews, and dating profiles are all potentially being used for science. Though much of this research stems from social science and purposefully engages with the human aspects of online content, in many cases this human-created content simply becomes "data"—for example, for the creation of training datasets for machine learning algorithms. In these kinds of contexts—from algorithms trained on dating profile photos to recognize gender to algorithms that can predict mental health conditions from your tweets—traditional ethical oversight such as university Institutional Review Boards often does not apply. But what is the line between "data" and human subjects research? Casey Fiesler is an associate professor of Information Science (and Computer Science by courtesy) at University of Colorado Boulder. She researches and teaches in the areas of technology ethics, internet
[ 322, 278, 1006, 7316, 310, 390, 3267, 29875, 29923, 2060, 13, 6585, 10466, 313, 3267, 29897, 756, 2041, 304, 9926, 261, 3889, 19383, 310, 278, 14391, 310, 5925, 322, 304, 14505, 278, 12666, 284, 2133, 310, 1316, 23274, 29889, 5853, 7300, 368, 29892, 727, 505, 1063, 6273, 20382, 393, 6570, 1559, 2722, 278, 7037, 304, 1722, 701, 599, 22950, 310, 278, 5925, 1889, 29889, 910, 1033, 4050, 10466, 901, 8018, 304, 5374, 26310, 4225, 491, 3990, 1218, 8799, 362, 10174, 29892, 901, 11465, 1230, 491, 427, 17961, 18363, 304, 5221, 403, 29892, 901, 23279, 491, 3907, 5925, 901, 17772, 29892, 322, 901, 1592, 8270, 491, 278, 3889, 19383, 310, 967, 2582, 29889, 2398, 29892, 408, 4359, 599, 16021, 2867, 20678, 29879, 29892, 6570, 338, 263, 3765, 29899, 287, 3192, 889, 1607, 29892, 1951, 372, 1153, 4637, 1274, 1082, 21838, 1048, 5925, 11314, 1199, 322, 5925, 28410, 29889, 739, 338, 5480, 7618, 1455, 304, 12439, 322, 16455, 344, 1857, 11314, 936, 29892, 5264, 29892, 11706, 29892, 322, 5925, 28410, 29899, 12817, 18066, 267, 297, 278, 3030, 310, 6570, 6944, 29889, 390, 3267, 29875, 29923, 313, 1666, 29886, 787, 1821, 4673, 9327, 297, 4092, 29897, 2060, 338, 15399, 385, 19430, 664, 3814, 304, 3394, 445, 7300, 29769, 322, 7418, 15058, 29892, 297, 1797, 2693, 8018, 1410, 10652, 1475, 322, 6694, 17279, 393, 526, 2675, 304, 367, 2090, 484, 839, 1549, 385, 1722, 7395, 7481, 29901, 278, 390, 3267, 29875, 29923, 19320, 5485, 14533, 29889, 838, 2040, 29892, 390, 3267, 29875, 29923, 785, 1641, 472, 278, 7256, 310, 967, 5335, 5570, 785, 756, 8560, 263, 10417, 310, 5923, 6570, 24833, 29892, 1410, 10652, 1475, 29892, 322, 6570, 22035, 5313, 1973, 29892, 1550, 372, 756, 7371, 263, 758, 2576, 3821, 731, 310, 6907, 800, 29892, 3161, 310, 607, 526, 2675, 304, 367, 760, 310, 278, 24329, 29889, 1334, 3814, 304, 4511, 1438, 3161, 411, 278, 5279, 24084, 3192, 1006, 794, 1080, 393, 817, 304, 367, 1754, 577, 408, 304, 9801, 393, 5925, 11314, 1199, 322, 5925, 28410, 674, 4953, 263, 2281, 3631, 4163, 310, 6570, 29889, 512, 445, 982, 29892, 390, 3267, 29875, 29923, 756, 278, 3181, 654, 304, 2304, 278, 26009, 943, 393, 380, 4401, 9801, 393, 278, 1788, 293, 3620, 6570, 1122, 4556, 674, 367, 11149, 7795, 5611, 304, 278, 878, 375, 1751, 392, 29875, 310, 5925, 29889, 13, 29909, 15415, 839, 29887, 4110, 29901, 910, 2060, 756, 4520, 5220, 292, 515, 278, 7824, 7761, 29915, 29879, 6912, 18162, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 5925, 322, 24233, 362, 19607, 1090, 402, 29909, 1939, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29946, 29941, 29900, 29889, 13, 25639, 476, 485, 473, 294, 338, 263, 16336, 5925, 261, 472, 278, 4523, 310, 12677, 936, 22557, 29892, 3086, 8364, 936, 3014, 310, 9193, 575, 29889, 940, 338, 263, 4824, 293, 391, 411, 385, 341, 4421, 297, 17582, 29879, 9327, 322, 17968, 322, 263, 1963, 29928, 297, 29837, 29889, 1152, 3196, 2440, 540, 471, 9701, 297, 5925, 373, 7773, 19863, 10643, 322, 2931, 2133, 310, 28310, 4426, 472, 278, 9200, 29899, 7052, 322, 302, 1562, 29899, 7052, 29889, 15447, 29892, 670, 1667, 5925, 4066, 338, 373, 10550, 17100, 537, 1549, 278, 27577, 297, 3196, 6912, 18162, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 6912, 18162, 4092, 9279, 29889, 940, 338, 884, 9701, 297, 13284, 5214, 322, 3773, 8326, 404, 29263, 14188, 363, 5925, 28410, 297, 25549, 29889, 13, 29967, 1489, 264, 1109, 589, 7904, 13, 29933, 1032, 898, 376, 26029, 4967, 1115, 278, 18066, 267, 310, 11314, 1199, 288, 874, 523, 297, 13436, 10466, 13, 1666, 2842, 297, 13436, 10466, 322, 5094, 495, 8926, 756, 2183, 14451, 304, 716, 270, 488, 4317, 294, 29889, 15918, 22035, 5313, 1973, 883, 263, 15281, 760, 310, 1749, 1857, 12459, 29889, 910, 2794, 393, 1784, 13436, 15729, 322, 20398, 508, 505, 385, 26377, 2779, 373, 25618, 29889, 910, 2794, 393, 11314, 1199, 288, 874, 523, 297, 445, 4038, 508, 451, 367, 3763, 9078, 304, 376, 26029, 4967, 5925, 1642, 435, 1489, 264, 674, 3867, 777, 6455, 322, 27482, 297, 16743, 411, 1438, 17690, 310, 270, 488, 4317, 294, 29889, 13, 29967, 1489, 264, 1109, 589, 7904, 338, 25836, 12251, 310, 8045, 495, 14223, 9266, 1693, 13291, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 8168, 2016, 29889, 435, 1489, 264, 4145, 1475, 445, 411, 670, 664, 472, 278, 3086, 8045, 495, 14223, 11319, 297, 450, 24553, 313, 15868, 7187, 29899, 25103, 467, 2180, 25166, 7187, 29899, 25103, 540, 8569, 267, 373, 278, 1784, 2693, 1860, 297, 6615, 630, 23180, 3097, 766, 25071, 322, 11314, 1199, 310, 278, 6993, 6351, 29889, 2180, 278, 3014, 310, 8168, 2016, 540, 8569, 267, 373, 15134, 2933, 29892, 11314, 1199, 310, 15134, 2933, 322, 8986, 6993, 5925, 29892, 972, 616, 310, 2669, 16661, 29892, 322, 385, 4735, 2133, 297, 3564, 20398, 29889, 940, 338, 884, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 13772, 1199, 12930, 310, 278, 382, 12665, 9295, 4024, 18857, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 8168, 2016, 29889, 13, 8259, 29891, 383, 583, 1358, 13, 1469, 338, 2305, 29901, 5925, 11314, 1199, 322, 278, 13071, 310, 5199, 17800, 9076, 13, 26526, 650, 29915, 29879, 7780, 1691, 29892, 12618, 11803, 29892, 20612, 29892, 21804, 29892, 322, 270, 1218, 28723, 526, 599, 19998, 1641, 1304, 363, 10466, 29889, 14832, 1568, 310, 445, 5925, 380, 1567, 515, 5264, 10466, 322, 6437, 3730, 3033, 1179, 411, 278, 5199, 21420, 310, 7395, 2793, 29892, 297, 1784, 4251, 445, 5199, 29899, 11600, 2793, 3763, 7415, 376, 1272, 29908, 30003, 1454, 1342, 29892, 363, 278, 11265, 310, 6694, 20035, 363, 4933, 6509, 14009, 29889, 512, 1438, 17690, 310, 3030, 29879, 30003, 3166, 14009, 16370, 373, 270, 1218, 8722, 20612, 304, 18720, 23346, 304, 14009, 393, 508, 8500, 19119, 9045, 5855, 515, 596, 7780, 1691, 30003, 29576, 3245, 11314, 936, 288, 874, 523, 1316, 408, 16372, 28218, 284, 13957, 1952, 3163, 4049, 947, 451, 3394, 29889, 1205, 825, 338, 278, 1196, 1546, 376, 1272, 29908, 322, 5199, 17800, 5925, 29973, 13, 8259, 29891, 383, 583, 1358, 338, 385, 25836, 12251, 310, 10343, 9327, 313, 392, 20972, 9327, 491, 2085, 2167, 29891, 29897, 472, 3014, 310, 21137, 350, 483, 261, 29889, 2296, 5925, 267, 322, 6860, 267, 297, 278, 10161, 310, 15483, 11314, 1199, 29892, 8986 ]
law and policy, and online communities. Her work on research ethics for data science, ethics education in computing, and broadening participation in computing is supported by the National Science Foundation, and she is the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award. She holds a PhD in Human-Centered Computing from Georgia Tech and a JD from Vanderbilt Law School. Inioluwa Deborah Raji Research accountability in machine learning Many in the machine learning field see ethical challenges as an issue for other stakeholders to solve. In this talk, I delve into the reality of what responsibilities ML researchers have in protecting those potentially impacted by the design, development and possible deployment of their research. In particular, I'll discuss my personal experiences in participating in the research ethics review process at the Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) conference, one of the largest international publication venues for ML research. I'll discuss the challenges specific to implementing this system at scale and the impact this development has had on the move towards more meaningful ethical oversight for machine learning research more broadly. Deborah is a Mozilla fellow and CS PhD student at University of California, Berkeley, who is interested in questions on algorithmic auditing and evaluation. In the past, she worked closely with the Algorithmic Justice League initiative to highlight bias in deployed AI products. She has also worked with Google's Ethical AI team and been a research fellow at the Partnership on AI and AI Now Institute at New York University working on various projects to operationalize ethical considerations in ML engineering practice. Recently, she was named to Forbes 30 Under 30 and MIT Tech Review 35 Under 35 Innovators. Dirk Lanzerath Ethics reviews in modern research: learning from medical RECs The use of ethics committees in medical research was not always a matter of course. It has arisen from negative experiences during the Second World War and research thereafter. Independent ethics committees are supposed to consult researchers. The objective of the consultation is to protect the research participants and their data. That this is also a problem in other scientific disciplines is by no means new experience, but that RECs can also be beneficial here is rather new. In the meantime, this is also strongly promoted by research funding agencies and scientific journals. But how can RECs be used outside of medicine without the administrative burden being greater than the societal benefit? How does ethical consultation become a research facilitator rather than a research impediment? How can other disciplines learn from developments in medical research? Professor of Ethics and Research Ethics, graduated in biology, philosophy and education; PhD and venia legendi (habilitation) of the faculty of philosophy of the University of Bonn; Secretary General of the European Network of Research Ethics Committees (EUREC); Head of the German Reference Centre for Ethics in the Life Sciences (DRZE), Bonn (Central Research Institute of the University of Bonn and Research Centre of the North Rhine Westfalian Academy of Sciences, Humanities and the Arts); honorary professor at the Centre for Ethics and Responsibility at University of Applied Sciences Bonn Rhein-Sieg; member of the board of the Central Ethics Committee at the German Physician Association; member of the Ethics Committee of the Medical Association North Rhine; member of the Ethics Committee of the University of Maastricht; member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Research Ethics Review"; study abroad professor for ethics/bioethics/environmental ethics/research integrity/ethics and the arts at the Study Abroad Program of the Loyola Marymount University, Los Angeles, Ca. (USA) at the Academy of International Education (AIB). Philip Brey Research ethics guidelines for the computer and information sciences I will present, discuss and defend research ethics guidelines for the computer and information sciences. Only very recently has there been an effort to establish research ethics frameworks and ethics committees for these fields. Arguments are presented concerning these developments, and a specific proposal is made for ethics guidelines for the computer and information sciences. It is argued that although there are shared issues and principles for research ethics across scientific fields, all scientific fields raise unique ethical issues that require special ethical principles and guidelines. Following this discussion, the historical development of professional ethics and research ethics in the engineering science and the computer and information sciences is discussed, and special guidelines for these fields are presented that were developed as part of
[ 4307, 322, 8898, 29892, 322, 7395, 23507, 29889, 2439, 664, 373, 5925, 11314, 1199, 363, 848, 10466, 29892, 11314, 1199, 9793, 297, 20602, 29892, 322, 2545, 4858, 292, 27577, 297, 20602, 338, 6969, 491, 278, 3086, 9327, 10606, 29892, 322, 1183, 338, 278, 23957, 993, 310, 385, 3865, 29943, 12766, 1525, 1001, 7526, 29889, 2296, 8640, 263, 1963, 29928, 297, 12968, 29899, 13409, 287, 11796, 292, 515, 16762, 1920, 305, 322, 263, 435, 29928, 515, 478, 3825, 29890, 2782, 7927, 4523, 29889, 13, 797, 29875, 20424, 2766, 7089, 272, 801, 15496, 29875, 13, 1666, 2842, 3633, 3097, 297, 4933, 6509, 13, 14804, 297, 278, 4933, 6509, 1746, 1074, 11314, 936, 18066, 267, 408, 385, 2228, 363, 916, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 304, 4505, 29889, 512, 445, 5193, 29892, 306, 628, 345, 964, 278, 16832, 310, 825, 5544, 747, 9770, 23158, 5925, 414, 505, 297, 12566, 292, 1906, 19998, 10879, 287, 491, 278, 2874, 29892, 5849, 322, 1950, 18209, 310, 1009, 5925, 29889, 512, 3153, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 5353, 590, 7333, 27482, 297, 5221, 1218, 297, 278, 5925, 11314, 1199, 9076, 1889, 472, 278, 2448, 3631, 10343, 10554, 292, 23985, 313, 29940, 5411, 5690, 29903, 29897, 21362, 29892, 697, 310, 278, 10150, 6121, 17745, 6003, 1041, 363, 23158, 5925, 29889, 306, 29915, 645, 5353, 278, 18066, 267, 2702, 304, 16049, 445, 1788, 472, 6287, 322, 278, 10879, 445, 5849, 756, 750, 373, 278, 4337, 7113, 901, 6593, 1319, 11314, 936, 288, 874, 523, 363, 4933, 6509, 5925, 901, 7300, 368, 29889, 13, 10251, 272, 801, 338, 263, 18129, 2911, 10404, 322, 21107, 1963, 29928, 8368, 472, 3014, 310, 8046, 29892, 2292, 27279, 29892, 1058, 338, 8852, 297, 5155, 373, 5687, 293, 12990, 11407, 322, 17983, 29889, 512, 278, 4940, 29892, 1183, 3796, 16467, 411, 278, 29068, 293, 17181, 5165, 14511, 1230, 304, 12141, 24003, 297, 21168, 319, 29902, 9316, 29889, 2296, 756, 884, 3796, 411, 5087, 29915, 29879, 13772, 936, 319, 29902, 3815, 322, 1063, 263, 5925, 10404, 472, 278, 3455, 8397, 4034, 373, 319, 29902, 322, 319, 29902, 2567, 8907, 472, 1570, 3088, 3014, 1985, 373, 5164, 9279, 304, 1751, 1288, 675, 11314, 936, 2050, 800, 297, 23158, 21639, 6944, 29889, 3599, 2705, 29892, 1183, 471, 4257, 304, 1152, 5707, 29871, 29941, 29900, 7634, 29871, 29941, 29900, 322, 341, 1806, 1920, 305, 13957, 29871, 29941, 29945, 7634, 29871, 29941, 29945, 512, 13715, 4097, 29889, 13, 29928, 6793, 18273, 3298, 493, 13, 29923, 386, 1199, 21804, 297, 5400, 5925, 29901, 6509, 515, 16083, 5195, 29907, 29879, 13, 1576, 671, 310, 11314, 1199, 844, 5388, 267, 297, 16083, 5925, 471, 451, 2337, 263, 4383, 310, 3236, 29889, 739, 756, 564, 7674, 515, 8178, 27482, 2645, 278, 6440, 2787, 3362, 322, 5925, 727, 7045, 29889, 25266, 11314, 1199, 844, 5388, 267, 526, 7424, 304, 8799, 5925, 414, 29889, 450, 12091, 310, 278, 8799, 362, 338, 304, 12566, 278, 5925, 27138, 322, 1009, 848, 29889, 2193, 445, 338, 884, 263, 1108, 297, 916, 16021, 17119, 1475, 338, 491, 694, 2794, 716, 7271, 29892, 541, 393, 5195, 29907, 29879, 508, 884, 367, 7795, 5611, 1244, 338, 3265, 716, 29889, 512, 278, 6839, 603, 29892, 445, 338, 884, 13818, 21201, 491, 5925, 5220, 292, 946, 15942, 322, 16021, 21824, 1338, 29889, 1205, 920, 508, 5195, 29907, 29879, 367, 1304, 5377, 310, 26602, 1728, 278, 19185, 6866, 1145, 1641, 7621, 1135, 278, 5374, 26310, 14169, 29973, 1128, 947, 11314, 936, 8799, 362, 4953, 263, 5925, 16089, 277, 1061, 3265, 1135, 263, 5925, 25275, 2073, 29973, 1128, 508, 916, 17119, 1475, 5110, 515, 2693, 1860, 297, 16083, 5925, 29973, 13, 1184, 29888, 6329, 310, 13772, 1199, 322, 10550, 13772, 1199, 29892, 23588, 297, 4768, 3002, 29892, 22237, 322, 9793, 29936, 1963, 29928, 322, 6003, 423, 15983, 29875, 313, 29882, 4427, 7018, 29897, 310, 278, 4024, 18857, 310, 22237, 310, 278, 3014, 310, 25056, 29936, 17719, 4593, 310, 278, 7824, 8527, 310, 10550, 13772, 1199, 1876, 5388, 267, 313, 29923, 11499, 29907, 416, 12252, 310, 278, 5332, 12105, 11319, 363, 13772, 1199, 297, 278, 4634, 17253, 313, 8353, 10721, 511, 25056, 313, 23369, 1705, 10550, 8907, 310, 278, 3014, 310, 25056, 322, 10550, 11319, 310, 278, 4644, 7861, 457, 3122, 18263, 713, 10355, 310, 17253, 29892, 12968, 1907, 322, 278, 11401, 416, 10657, 653, 12251, 472, 278, 11319, 363, 13772, 1199, 322, 2538, 29886, 787, 4127, 472, 3014, 310, 2401, 2957, 17253, 25056, 19009, 29899, 29903, 5876, 29936, 4509, 310, 278, 7613, 310, 278, 8068, 13772, 1199, 12930, 472, 278, 5332, 11661, 8910, 7993, 29936, 4509, 310, 278, 13772, 1199, 12930, 310, 278, 20795, 7993, 4644, 7861, 457, 29936, 4509, 310, 278, 13772, 1199, 12930, 310, 278, 3014, 310, 3219, 7614, 1428, 29936, 4509, 310, 278, 14059, 616, 12590, 310, 278, 8237, 376, 1666, 2842, 13772, 1199, 13957, 1769, 6559, 28177, 12251, 363, 11314, 1199, 29914, 24840, 621, 1199, 29914, 20944, 284, 11314, 1199, 29914, 690, 2842, 28410, 29914, 621, 1199, 322, 278, 16930, 472, 278, 29301, 1976, 9972, 7835, 310, 278, 4309, 29891, 2963, 6182, 16476, 3014, 29892, 4602, 10722, 29892, 9243, 29889, 313, 27019, 29897, 472, 278, 10355, 310, 4623, 13151, 313, 29909, 8979, 467, 13, 4819, 309, 666, 5826, 29891, 13, 1666, 2842, 11314, 1199, 1410, 10652, 1475, 363, 278, 6601, 322, 2472, 21195, 13, 29902, 674, 2198, 29892, 5353, 322, 24663, 5925, 11314, 1199, 1410, 10652, 1475, 363, 278, 6601, 322, 2472, 21195, 29889, 9333, 1407, 10325, 756, 727, 1063, 385, 7225, 304, 10127, 5925, 11314, 1199, 29143, 322, 11314, 1199, 844, 5388, 267, 363, 1438, 4235, 29889, 11842, 9331, 526, 9132, 19813, 1438, 2693, 1860, 29892, 322, 263, 2702, 24963, 338, 1754, 363, 11314, 1199, 1410, 10652, 1475, 363, 278, 6601, 322, 2472, 21195, 29889, 739, 338, 28705, 393, 5998, 727, 526, 7258, 5626, 322, 18671, 363, 5925, 11314, 1199, 4822, 16021, 4235, 29892, 599, 16021, 4235, 12020, 5412, 11314, 936, 5626, 393, 1996, 4266, 11314, 936, 18671, 322, 1410, 10652, 1475, 29889, 12206, 445, 10679, 29892, 278, 15839, 5849, 310, 10257, 11314, 1199, 322, 5925, 11314, 1199, 297, 278, 21639, 10466, 322, 278, 6601, 322, 2472, 21195, 338, 15648, 29892, 322, 4266, 1410, 10652, 1475, 363, 1438, 4235, 526, 9132, 393, 892, 8906, 408, 760, 310 ]
Crime novels we guarantee you'll love September 25, 2014 by leedslibraries We've handpicked the following crime novels from recommendations by Leeds Readers. Money back if you don't enjoy them 🙂 Ian Rankin – Saints of the Shadow Bible Rebus is back on the force, albeit with a demotion and a chip on his shoulder. A 30-year-old case is being reopened, and Rebus's team from back then is suspected of foul play. With Malcolm Fox as the investigating officer, are the past and present about to collide in a shocking and murderous fashion? And does Rebus have anything to hide? His old colleagues called themselves 'the Saints', and swore a bond on something called 'the Shadow Bible'. Times have changed and the crimes of the past may not stay hidden much longer, especially with a referendum on Scottish independence just around the corner. Who are the saints and who are the sinners? And can the one ever become the other? David Hewson – The House of Dolls Anneliese Vos, 16-year-old daughter of Amsterdam detective, Pieter Vos, disappeared 3 years ago in mysterious circumstances. Her distraught father's desperate search reveals nothing and he leaves the police force. One day, while Vos is wasting time at the Rijksmuseum staring at a doll's house that seems to be connected to the case, Laura Bakker, a misfit trainee detective, visits him. She tells him that Katja Prins, daughter of a local politician, has gone missing in similar circumstances. Vos finds himself drawn back into the life of a detective . Belinda Bauer – Rubbernecker Patrick has been on the outside all his life. Thoughtful, but different, and infuriating even to his own mother, his life changes when he follows an obsession with death to study anatomy at university. When he uncovers a crime that everybody else was too close to see, he proves finally that he has been right all along: nothing is exactly as it seems, and that there have been many more lies closer to home Harry Bingham – The strange death of Fiona Griffiths –When DC Fiona Griffiths says 'yes' to her policeman boyfriend, it's an affirmation that she wants finally to put her psychological breakdown behind her. She still can't resist the challenge of an undercover policing course. Finding it easy to assume a new identity, she comes top of the class. So when an ingenious payroll fraud starts to look like the tip of a huge criminal iceberg, she's selected to infiltrate the fraudsters' operation. Posing as a meek former payroll clerk forced to work as a cleaner, she hopes the criminals will try to recruit her – knowing that if they discover her real identity, she's dead. Luke Delaney – The Keeper – Different to most cops, DI Sean Corrigan's no psychic, but his own dark past enables him to see a crime through the eyes of the offender. He understands what drives a person to commit murder, rape, arson – but sometimes his gift seems more like a burden. When the body of a brutally murdered woman is found in the woods, Corrigan and his team are on the case, yet it's not the act of a one-time offender. They're on the trail of someone who has been taking women from their homes and keeping them captive before disposing of their bodies James Oswald – The hangman's song –The body of a man is founding hanging in an empty house. To the Edinburgh police force this appears to be a simple suicide case. Days later another body is found. The body is hanging from an identical rope and the noose has been tied using the same knot. Then a third body is found. As McLean digs deeper he descends into a world where the lines of reality are blurred and that the most irrational answers become the only explanations Andrea Camilleri – Angelica's Smile – When members of Vigata's elite are targeted in a series of perfectly executed burglaries, Inspector Montalbano reluctantly takes the case. It soon becomes clear however that more links these privileged few than simply their lost possessions. It isn't long too before Montalbano finds himself taken with one of the victims, the captivatingly
[ 29682, 2420, 1379, 591, 18818, 366, 29915, 645, 5360, 13, 2008, 3266, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 491, 454, 5779, 492, 8464, 13, 4806, 29915, 345, 1361, 29886, 17840, 278, 1494, 17268, 2420, 1379, 515, 6907, 800, 491, 951, 5779, 7523, 414, 29889, 341, 4992, 1250, 565, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 13389, 963, 29871, 243, 162, 156, 133, 13, 29902, 273, 22125, 262, 785, 14342, 1372, 310, 278, 1383, 6986, 21958, 12936, 375, 338, 1250, 373, 278, 4889, 29892, 394, 6205, 411, 263, 1261, 8194, 322, 263, 29830, 373, 670, 23468, 29889, 319, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 1206, 338, 1641, 337, 3150, 287, 29892, 322, 12936, 375, 29915, 29879, 3815, 515, 1250, 769, 338, 2858, 6021, 310, 285, 5059, 1708, 29889, 2973, 3792, 1054, 29885, 14802, 408, 278, 7405, 1218, 12139, 29892, 526, 278, 4940, 322, 2198, 1048, 304, 784, 7459, 297, 263, 19253, 292, 322, 13406, 681, 13460, 29973, 1126, 947, 12936, 375, 505, 3099, 304, 9563, 29973, 3600, 2030, 23056, 21628, 2000, 6053, 525, 1552, 14342, 1372, 742, 322, 2381, 487, 263, 21224, 373, 1554, 2000, 525, 1552, 1383, 6986, 21958, 4286, 10277, 505, 3939, 322, 278, 2181, 1355, 310, 278, 4940, 1122, 451, 7952, 7934, 1568, 5520, 29892, 7148, 411, 263, 2737, 29670, 373, 17780, 21820, 925, 2820, 278, 11155, 29889, 11644, 526, 278, 29580, 1372, 322, 1058, 526, 278, 269, 16697, 29973, 1126, 508, 278, 697, 3926, 4953, 278, 916, 29973, 13, 19504, 379, 809, 1100, 785, 450, 5619, 310, 360, 3028, 29879, 8081, 295, 21928, 478, 359, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 8750, 310, 17399, 6459, 573, 29892, 7362, 1308, 478, 359, 29892, 24273, 29871, 29941, 2440, 8020, 297, 22277, 2738, 14209, 29889, 2439, 1320, 336, 688, 400, 4783, 29915, 29879, 553, 21194, 2740, 10320, 1338, 3078, 322, 540, 11308, 278, 10974, 4889, 29889, 3118, 2462, 29892, 1550, 478, 359, 338, 471, 1259, 931, 472, 278, 390, 823, 2039, 25360, 380, 4362, 472, 263, 11232, 29915, 29879, 3699, 393, 2444, 304, 367, 6631, 304, 278, 1206, 29892, 21671, 23336, 3946, 29892, 263, 3984, 9202, 1020, 457, 29872, 6459, 573, 29892, 1998, 1169, 1075, 29889, 2296, 10603, 1075, 393, 12553, 1764, 1588, 1144, 29892, 8750, 310, 263, 1887, 14099, 29892, 756, 7695, 4567, 297, 2788, 14209, 29889, 478, 359, 14061, 3654, 12061, 1250, 964, 278, 2834, 310, 263, 6459, 573, 869, 13, 21140, 11054, 350, 7547, 785, 14985, 495, 484, 4937, 14875, 756, 1063, 373, 278, 5377, 599, 670, 2834, 29889, 498, 1774, 1319, 29892, 541, 1422, 29892, 322, 3041, 5338, 1218, 1584, 304, 670, 1914, 5637, 29892, 670, 2834, 3620, 746, 540, 4477, 385, 704, 7924, 411, 4892, 304, 6559, 385, 8678, 29891, 472, 16372, 29889, 1932, 540, 443, 1111, 874, 263, 17268, 393, 26077, 1683, 471, 2086, 3802, 304, 1074, 29892, 540, 28281, 7146, 393, 540, 756, 1063, 1492, 599, 3412, 29901, 3078, 338, 3721, 408, 372, 2444, 29892, 322, 393, 727, 505, 1063, 1784, 901, 12185, 17649, 304, 3271, 13, 21972, 719, 350, 16094, 785, 450, 8515, 4892, 310, 383, 16017, 22990, 389, 29879, 785, 10401, 13681, 383, 16017, 22990, 389, 29879, 4083, 525, 3582, 29915, 304, 902, 13665, 11422, 8023, 18326, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 385, 2756, 3568, 362, 393, 1183, 10753, 7146, 304, 1925, 902, 11643, 5996, 2867, 3204, 5742, 902, 29889, 2296, 1603, 508, 29915, 29873, 9241, 278, 18766, 310, 385, 1090, 11911, 13665, 292, 3236, 29889, 383, 4015, 372, 4780, 304, 5251, 263, 716, 10110, 29892, 1183, 5304, 2246, 310, 278, 770, 29889, 1105, 746, 385, 24386, 2738, 5146, 1245, 5227, 566, 8665, 304, 1106, 763, 278, 6872, 310, 263, 12176, 22161, 14890, 2552, 29892, 1183, 29915, 29879, 4629, 304, 297, 1777, 509, 403, 278, 5227, 566, 23080, 29915, 5858, 29889, 10321, 292, 408, 263, 592, 1416, 4642, 5146, 1245, 1067, 5968, 11826, 304, 664, 408, 263, 27372, 29892, 1183, 26926, 278, 15116, 19016, 674, 1018, 304, 1162, 9216, 902, 785, 13797, 393, 565, 896, 6523, 902, 1855, 10110, 29892, 1183, 29915, 29879, 7123, 29889, 13, 24126, 446, 5556, 273, 1032, 785, 450, 476, 3905, 546, 785, 360, 15622, 304, 1556, 274, 3554, 29892, 22471, 922, 273, 2994, 8966, 273, 29915, 29879, 694, 11643, 293, 29892, 541, 670, 1914, 6501, 4940, 28936, 1075, 304, 1074, 263, 17268, 1549, 278, 5076, 310, 278, 1283, 1581, 29889, 940, 2274, 29879, 825, 25100, 263, 2022, 304, 9063, 13406, 29892, 1153, 412, 29892, 564, 1100, 785, 541, 6041, 670, 19797, 2444, 901, 763, 263, 6866, 1145, 29889, 1932, 278, 3573, 310, 263, 26644, 635, 13406, 287, 6114, 338, 1476, 297, 278, 25013, 29892, 2994, 8966, 273, 322, 670, 3815, 526, 373, 278, 1206, 29892, 3447, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 278, 1044, 310, 263, 697, 29899, 2230, 1283, 1581, 29889, 2688, 29915, 276, 373, 278, 26203, 310, 4856, 1058, 756, 1063, 5622, 5866, 515, 1009, 17774, 322, 12515, 963, 4332, 573, 1434, 11549, 292, 310, 1009, 17873, 13, 29470, 438, 2774, 2741, 785, 450, 13958, 1171, 29915, 29879, 4823, 785, 1576, 3573, 310, 263, 767, 338, 1476, 292, 298, 9776, 297, 385, 4069, 3699, 29889, 1763, 278, 25200, 10974, 4889, 445, 5692, 304, 367, 263, 2560, 23921, 680, 1206, 29889, 24728, 2678, 1790, 3573, 338, 1476, 29889, 450, 3573, 338, 298, 9776, 515, 385, 13557, 696, 412, 322, 278, 694, 852, 756, 1063, 21351, 773, 278, 1021, 889, 327, 29889, 1987, 263, 4654, 3573, 338, 1476, 29889, 1094, 4052, 3226, 273, 4697, 29879, 25871, 540, 5153, 1975, 964, 263, 3186, 988, 278, 3454, 310, 16832, 526, 1999, 332, 1127, 322, 393, 278, 1556, 3805, 29878, 1288, 6089, 4953, 278, 871, 7309, 800, 13, 2855, 5638, 5500, 5495, 29875, 785, 17323, 983, 29915, 29879, 4116, 488, 785, 1932, 5144, 310, 478, 335, 532, 29915, 29879, 560, 568, 526, 3646, 287, 297, 263, 3652, 310, 7970, 8283, 26072, 29880, 4314, 29892, 13377, 1103, 272, 4526, 284, 29890, 1562, 1104, 5313, 10835, 4893, 278, 1206, 29889, 739, 4720, 7415, 2821, 3138, 393, 901, 2988, 1438, 14828, 3192, 2846, 1135, 3763, 1009, 5714, 3119, 10964, 29889, 739, 3508, 29915, 29873, 1472, 2086, 1434, 4526, 284, 29890, 1562, 14061, 3654, 4586, 411, 697, 310, 278, 6879, 9893, 29892, 278, 4332, 440, 1218, 368 ]
SEC Media Days kicks off from Hoover, Ala. next week, and Florida football, along with the other 13 teams that will be in attendance, will have a lot of questions heading into the 2016 season. Without further ado, here the biggest questions that both head coach Jim McElwain and his players will likely be asked next week. 1. Who will be the starting quarterback for the season opener? There's been so much inconsistency at this position in Gainesville that we've seemingly been asking this virtually every offseason since 2012. In case you forgot, in 2012 it came down to Jeff Driskel and Jacoby Brissett. Driskel eventually was named the starter, and Florida hasn't been able to find a true leader under center until 2015, and that didn't last long at all once Will Grier was suspended indefinitely by the NCAA for performance enhancing drugs after Week 6. Florida Faithful's chances for their QB savior was crushed with Grier's announcement to transfer being the final nail in the coffin. So who is it in 2016? Most fans are clamoring for redshirt sophomore Luke Del Rio, who completed 10-of-11 passes for 176 yards and two touchdowns during Florida's spring game. Given that he seems to have the best handle on McElwain's offense, and the fact that he's a true pro-style quarterback, don't be surprised if he starts week one. Behind Del Rio is Purdue graduate transfer Austin Appleby, and true freshman early enrollee Feleipe Franks, who could likely redshirt in 2016. Having these two guys is very positive for the depth at QB this season. 2. What's the biggest challenge entering year two after a 10-win inaugural season? We saw Florida fall victim to letting early success go to the head even before their 2015 season was over — the back-end of the Gators' season was pretty embarrassing. It featured a lackluster offense that barely beat Vanderbilt, almost lost to FAU and got whipped by rival Florida State and capped off with a 41-7 loss to Michigan in the Buffalo Wild Wings Bowl. So, this question in part has a couple of follow-ups: How much of the success was having Grier running the offense? Can the players view 2015's 10-win season in a vacuum — in a " one game at a time" element? Whether or not last year was just a fluke or not (reminiscent to that 2012 Florida team, right?) will be answered on the field this season. But it's up to McElwain to have the returning players put 2015 in the perspective of 'yes, we won ten games, but there was, and still is a lot left to accomplish'. McElwain wasn't hired by Jeremy Foley to just compete for/win SEC East titles. He was brought to Gainesville to win championships — both SEC and national ones — not participation ribbons. Mac made Florida history by becoming the first Gator head coach to win ten games in his first season. It's up to him to prove that that's just the beginning. Is winning the SEC East a goal or a requirement in 2016? Given the current state of the SEC East, this should probably be a requirement, especially given that Florida, realistically, has to just get past two legitimate teams to make this a reality. Tennessee has emerged as the preseason SEC East favorite, and rightfully so — Jalen Hurd and Josh Dobbs look like an incredibly formidable offensive unit behind an experienced offensive line. Not to mention they came incredibly close to beating Florida both in 2014 and 2015. Georgia has fell victim to preseason hype in my opinion, but you can't blame the Dawgs for having high expectations after hiring Kirby Smart and managing to keep five-star quarterback Jacob Eason, who is looking like he could make the start under center for week one. So technically speaking — Florida just has to get past two teams and take care of Kentucky, Missouri and South Carolina to make it to Atlanta again. It sounds easier to do on paper, obviously, but circling two big games
[ 3725, 29907, 8213, 24728, 413, 7358, 1283, 515, 8335, 957, 29892, 319, 433, 29889, 2446, 4723, 29892, 322, 13813, 5733, 29892, 3412, 411, 278, 916, 29871, 29896, 29941, 10907, 393, 674, 367, 297, 14333, 749, 29892, 674, 505, 263, 3287, 310, 5155, 28435, 964, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 4259, 29889, 13932, 4340, 594, 29877, 29892, 1244, 278, 24842, 5155, 393, 1716, 2343, 11182, 8507, 4052, 6489, 29893, 475, 322, 670, 10769, 674, 5517, 367, 4433, 2446, 4723, 29889, 13, 29896, 29889, 11644, 674, 367, 278, 6257, 12616, 1627, 363, 278, 4259, 1015, 759, 29973, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 1063, 577, 1568, 22435, 391, 3819, 472, 445, 2602, 297, 402, 13116, 4909, 393, 591, 29915, 345, 2833, 11687, 1063, 6721, 445, 4610, 1474, 1432, 1283, 25682, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29889, 512, 1206, 366, 9640, 29892, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 372, 2996, 1623, 304, 12208, 360, 3780, 10265, 322, 10968, 29891, 1771, 790, 1803, 29889, 360, 3780, 10265, 10201, 471, 4257, 278, 380, 4254, 29892, 322, 13813, 22602, 29915, 29873, 1063, 2221, 304, 1284, 263, 1565, 11822, 1090, 4818, 2745, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29892, 322, 393, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1833, 1472, 472, 599, 2748, 2811, 402, 4336, 471, 8872, 2760, 297, 1753, 18639, 491, 278, 26550, 363, 4180, 427, 5403, 3277, 5883, 3174, 1156, 15511, 29871, 29953, 29889, 13813, 7748, 389, 1319, 29915, 29879, 521, 2925, 363, 1009, 660, 29933, 4048, 1611, 471, 2181, 15392, 411, 402, 4336, 29915, 29879, 7475, 13561, 304, 6782, 1641, 278, 2186, 302, 737, 297, 278, 19785, 262, 29889, 13, 6295, 1058, 338, 372, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29973, 7849, 24909, 526, 1067, 314, 8253, 363, 2654, 845, 2728, 269, 3021, 290, 487, 25556, 5556, 11611, 29892, 1058, 8676, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 974, 29899, 29896, 29896, 14517, 363, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29953, 17454, 322, 1023, 6023, 3204, 29879, 2645, 13813, 29915, 29879, 6709, 3748, 29889, 11221, 393, 540, 2444, 304, 505, 278, 1900, 4386, 373, 4052, 6489, 29893, 475, 29915, 29879, 1283, 1947, 29892, 322, 278, 2114, 393, 540, 29915, 29879, 263, 1565, 410, 29899, 3293, 12616, 1627, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 367, 18014, 565, 540, 8665, 4723, 697, 29889, 1522, 16887, 5556, 11611, 338, 15247, 29123, 10591, 403, 6782, 24518, 12113, 1609, 29892, 322, 1565, 10849, 1171, 4688, 427, 1467, 17179, 5169, 280, 15705, 1352, 2039, 29892, 1058, 1033, 5517, 2654, 845, 2728, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 15950, 1438, 1023, 18239, 338, 1407, 6374, 363, 278, 10809, 472, 660, 29933, 445, 4259, 29889, 13, 29906, 29889, 1724, 29915, 29879, 278, 24842, 18766, 18055, 1629, 1023, 1156, 263, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 5080, 15069, 3631, 4259, 29973, 13, 4806, 4446, 13813, 6416, 28985, 304, 27697, 4688, 2551, 748, 304, 278, 2343, 1584, 1434, 1009, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 4259, 471, 975, 813, 278, 1250, 29899, 355, 310, 278, 402, 4097, 29915, 4259, 471, 5051, 21620, 26771, 292, 29889, 739, 15000, 263, 10225, 29880, 5402, 1283, 1947, 393, 16079, 368, 16646, 478, 3825, 29890, 2782, 29892, 4359, 5714, 304, 13515, 29965, 322, 2355, 377, 16242, 491, 17055, 13813, 4306, 322, 274, 17280, 1283, 411, 263, 29871, 29946, 29896, 29899, 29955, 6410, 304, 17098, 297, 278, 22274, 7003, 11821, 399, 886, 27207, 29889, 13, 6295, 29892, 445, 1139, 297, 760, 756, 263, 7303, 310, 1101, 29899, 14340, 29901, 1128, 1568, 310, 278, 2551, 471, 2534, 402, 4336, 2734, 278, 1283, 1947, 29973, 1815, 278, 10769, 1776, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 5080, 4259, 297, 263, 11757, 29884, 398, 813, 297, 263, 376, 697, 3748, 472, 263, 931, 29908, 1543, 29973, 26460, 470, 451, 1833, 1629, 471, 925, 263, 20501, 446, 470, 451, 313, 276, 1195, 275, 1760, 304, 393, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 13813, 3815, 29892, 1492, 7897, 674, 367, 7699, 373, 278, 1746, 445, 4259, 29889, 13, 6246, 372, 29915, 29879, 701, 304, 4052, 6489, 29893, 475, 304, 505, 278, 7863, 10769, 1925, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 297, 278, 18520, 310, 525, 3582, 29892, 591, 2113, 3006, 8090, 29892, 541, 727, 471, 29892, 322, 1603, 338, 263, 3287, 2175, 304, 12709, 4286, 4052, 6489, 29893, 475, 9007, 29915, 29873, 298, 2859, 491, 5677, 6764, 383, 1772, 29891, 304, 925, 752, 2650, 363, 29914, 5080, 3725, 29907, 6932, 17735, 29889, 940, 471, 6296, 304, 402, 13116, 4909, 304, 5401, 8064, 9981, 813, 1716, 3725, 29907, 322, 4797, 6743, 813, 451, 27577, 18130, 29890, 787, 29889, 4326, 1754, 13813, 4955, 491, 14171, 278, 937, 402, 1061, 2343, 11182, 304, 5401, 3006, 8090, 297, 670, 937, 4259, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 701, 304, 1075, 304, 6356, 393, 393, 29915, 29879, 925, 278, 6763, 29889, 13, 3624, 15613, 278, 3725, 29907, 6932, 263, 7306, 470, 263, 11809, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29973, 13, 29954, 5428, 278, 1857, 2106, 310, 278, 3725, 29907, 6932, 29892, 445, 881, 3117, 367, 263, 11809, 29892, 7148, 2183, 393, 13813, 29892, 1855, 391, 1711, 29892, 756, 304, 925, 679, 4940, 1023, 25204, 6490, 10907, 304, 1207, 445, 263, 16832, 29889, 22664, 756, 11176, 3192, 408, 278, 544, 968, 1658, 3725, 29907, 6932, 25448, 29892, 322, 1492, 3730, 577, 813, 435, 10066, 379, 18245, 322, 22838, 21451, 5824, 1106, 763, 385, 29811, 14981, 883, 333, 519, 1283, 6270, 5190, 5742, 385, 18860, 1283, 6270, 1196, 29889, 2216, 304, 3585, 896, 2996, 29811, 14981, 3802, 304, 367, 1218, 13813, 1716, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29889, 13, 7999, 990, 423, 756, 8379, 28985, 304, 544, 968, 1658, 298, 668, 297, 590, 9426, 29892, 541, 366, 508, 29915, 29873, 1999, 420, 278, 29461, 3174, 363, 2534, 1880, 2149, 800, 1156, 298, 8491, 5201, 1609, 4116, 442, 322, 767, 6751, 304, 3013, 5320, 29899, 8508, 12616, 1627, 10968, 382, 1658, 29892, 1058, 338, 3063, 763, 540, 1033, 1207, 278, 1369, 1090, 4818, 363, 4723, 697, 29889, 1105, 5722, 1711, 13590, 813, 13813, 925, 756, 304, 679, 4940, 1023, 10907, 322, 2125, 2562, 310, 24043, 29892, 19171, 322, 4275, 13397, 304, 1207, 372, 304, 26484, 1449, 29889, 739, 10083, 6775, 304, 437, 373, 5650, 29892, 12879, 29892, 541, 5902, 19914, 1023, 4802, 8090 ]
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I have already reviewed and analysed a bunch of Internet Marketing Courses. As a matter, nowadays there are more and more people creating products and training courses that teach others how to make money online. But could these guys help you to create a real business with consistent income ? Sadly the majority cannot, because they don`t do what they teach. Fortunately there are some exceptions, there are courses out there where you can really gain and – if you follow them step by step and do it consistently – you will earn money. Buzzinar is one of them. Buzzinar has been created by Omar and Melinda Martin, who practise successful Internet Marketing since 2007. With their own system, they've already created several millions. Additionally they became an authority in Internet Marketing by founding of IMTrustWorthy.com, an organization that is responsible for telling what is and what is not a good Internet Marketing product. Let me mention first, that Buzzinar is NOT an automated system. It is even nothing near like that. Much more, Buzzinar is an Internet Marketing training course, in which Omar and Melinda reveal their knowledge to build sales funnels and lists and even provide members software tools, website themes and other resources. All this knowledge they collected over years with a lot of tests and tweaks, so it is extremely valueable. What do you get with Buzzinar ? WordPress themes that are dedicated for Internet Marketing and list building. These materials not only tell you what you should do and why to do that, but also they provide you how to do that by showing all in high quality videos. When joining in the course, you`ll find that the layout of the members area is extremely user friendly and a pleasure to navigate. There are no gimmicks or hidden upsells to worry about. Basic Membership: You can start with Buzzinar already at 7$. This is the basic membership and already provides a lot of material. You will learn how to quickly create a sales funnel that virally extract leads, build your lists and make sales on complete autopilot. You will learn top strategies to develop profitable recurring backends. Pro Membership: The price is 27$ and you will get additionally 6 step-by-step video modules to ensure that you master the sales funnel creation process and also links to resources for all this. You will further get a 10 page HTML-website that is specifically designed to create viral sales funnels. You can arrange the pages in a number of different ways to create several types of sales funnels. And you are also getting the Buzzinar WordPress theme with come with various design colors and includes the word for word pages layout for you to easily modify. Mack Daddy Membership: The price is 47$ and with this highest membership level you will get access to the custom-built Buzzinar HTML-software application and WordPress plugin. These tools are easy to use and extremely powerful when inserted into your sales funnels. Additionally you will get professionally written autoresponder series with approximately 40 mails included. You can insert this in your sales funnel and segment your prospects into multiple buyer levels. And on the top of this you will get a crazy bonus which will put your funnels onto another level. Buzzinar is made for beginners and intermediate marketers. Newbies will learn how to make money and especially where to begin. More advanced marketers who are already earning some money but don`t find a stable way to do it, will discover the solution to build a list and having their own system. Buzzinar is easy to understand and follow, everything is explained step-by-step. With the videos you will look the creators of Buzzinar over the shoulders. Besides, you can choose your favorite way of learning, because Buzzinar provides you with PDFs, audios and videos. Buzzinar not only includes learning material, it also gives you many useful gifts that will make the course more value. For example you will get Web Traffic Pack, The Viral Funnel report and a lot more. Sure, it will take you a time for learning this all, but believe me, you will be rewarded. And you still will need practice in doing the steps you learned. But this is the way of business, that you have to invest something before you will make profits. So if you are dedicated to your (new) business, I can highly recommend you Buzzinar. If you are waiting for an automated cash cow, which everything do for you, you are wrong here (and you will be wrong everywhere, even if some people want to make
[ 306, 505, 2307, 9076, 287, 322, 3483, 952, 287, 263, 14928, 310, 4685, 4485, 15133, 315, 29781, 29889, 1094, 263, 4383, 29892, 1286, 328, 1036, 727, 526, 901, 322, 901, 2305, 4969, 9316, 322, 6694, 21888, 393, 6860, 4045, 920, 304, 1207, 6909, 7395, 29889, 1205, 1033, 1438, 18239, 1371, 366, 304, 1653, 263, 1855, 5381, 411, 13747, 17869, 1577, 21772, 368, 278, 13638, 2609, 29892, 1363, 896, 1016, 29952, 29873, 437, 825, 896, 6860, 29889, 7236, 348, 2486, 727, 526, 777, 15283, 29892, 727, 526, 21888, 714, 727, 988, 366, 508, 2289, 11581, 322, 785, 565, 366, 1101, 963, 4331, 491, 4331, 322, 437, 372, 5718, 2705, 785, 366, 674, 2326, 29876, 6909, 29889, 350, 18813, 18220, 338, 697, 310, 963, 29889, 13, 29933, 18813, 18220, 756, 1063, 2825, 491, 438, 3034, 322, 6286, 11054, 6502, 29892, 1058, 4120, 895, 9150, 4685, 4485, 15133, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29889, 2973, 1009, 1914, 1788, 29892, 896, 29915, 345, 2307, 2825, 3196, 14746, 29889, 19814, 896, 3897, 385, 14329, 297, 4685, 4485, 15133, 491, 1476, 292, 310, 22313, 2308, 504, 29956, 2072, 29891, 29889, 510, 29892, 385, 13013, 393, 338, 14040, 363, 14509, 825, 338, 322, 825, 338, 451, 263, 1781, 4685, 4485, 15133, 3234, 29889, 13, 12024, 592, 3585, 937, 29892, 393, 350, 18813, 18220, 338, 6058, 385, 3345, 630, 1788, 29889, 739, 338, 1584, 3078, 2978, 763, 393, 29889, 18927, 901, 29892, 350, 18813, 18220, 338, 385, 4685, 4485, 15133, 6694, 3236, 29892, 297, 607, 438, 3034, 322, 6286, 11054, 10320, 284, 1009, 7134, 304, 2048, 16538, 2090, 29876, 1379, 322, 8857, 322, 1584, 3867, 5144, 7047, 8492, 29892, 4700, 963, 267, 322, 916, 7788, 29889, 2178, 445, 7134, 896, 16531, 975, 2440, 411, 263, 3287, 310, 6987, 322, 7780, 10327, 29892, 577, 372, 338, 14154, 995, 519, 29889, 13, 5618, 437, 366, 679, 411, 350, 18813, 18220, 1577, 13, 14463, 10923, 963, 267, 393, 526, 16955, 363, 4685, 4485, 15133, 322, 1051, 5214, 29889, 13, 1349, 968, 17279, 451, 871, 2649, 366, 825, 366, 881, 437, 322, 2020, 304, 437, 393, 29892, 541, 884, 896, 3867, 366, 920, 304, 437, 393, 491, 6445, 599, 297, 1880, 11029, 19707, 29889, 1932, 22960, 297, 278, 3236, 29892, 366, 29952, 645, 1284, 393, 278, 5912, 310, 278, 5144, 4038, 338, 14154, 1404, 19780, 322, 263, 15377, 304, 23624, 29889, 1670, 526, 694, 330, 6727, 7358, 470, 7934, 24081, 10071, 304, 15982, 1048, 29889, 13, 16616, 341, 1590, 10475, 29901, 887, 508, 1369, 411, 350, 18813, 18220, 2307, 472, 29871, 29955, 1504, 910, 338, 278, 6996, 28512, 322, 2307, 8128, 263, 3287, 310, 5518, 29889, 887, 674, 5110, 920, 304, 9098, 1653, 263, 16538, 2090, 9139, 393, 10636, 635, 6597, 11981, 29892, 2048, 596, 8857, 322, 1207, 16538, 373, 4866, 1120, 459, 309, 327, 29889, 887, 674, 5110, 2246, 16650, 583, 304, 2693, 2600, 8270, 1162, 1038, 292, 1250, 1975, 29889, 13, 1184, 341, 1590, 10475, 29901, 450, 8666, 338, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29938, 322, 366, 674, 679, 6124, 635, 29871, 29953, 4331, 29899, 1609, 29899, 10568, 4863, 10585, 304, 9801, 393, 366, 5835, 278, 16538, 2090, 9139, 11265, 1889, 322, 884, 2988, 304, 7788, 363, 599, 445, 29889, 887, 674, 4340, 679, 263, 29871, 29896, 29900, 1813, 4544, 29899, 22942, 393, 338, 10816, 8688, 304, 1653, 10636, 284, 16538, 2090, 29876, 1379, 29889, 887, 508, 564, 3881, 278, 6515, 297, 263, 1353, 310, 1422, 5837, 304, 1653, 3196, 4072, 310, 16538, 2090, 29876, 1379, 29889, 1126, 366, 526, 884, 2805, 278, 350, 18813, 18220, 10803, 10923, 10929, 411, 2041, 411, 5164, 2874, 11955, 322, 7805, 278, 1734, 363, 1734, 6515, 5912, 363, 366, 304, 5948, 6623, 29889, 13, 29924, 547, 360, 25644, 341, 1590, 10475, 29901, 450, 8666, 338, 29871, 29946, 29955, 29938, 322, 411, 445, 9939, 28512, 3233, 366, 674, 679, 2130, 304, 278, 2888, 29899, 16145, 350, 18813, 18220, 4544, 29899, 20415, 2280, 322, 10803, 10923, 7079, 29889, 4525, 8492, 526, 4780, 304, 671, 322, 14154, 13988, 746, 15478, 964, 596, 16538, 2090, 29876, 1379, 29889, 19814, 366, 674, 679, 6351, 635, 3971, 1120, 2361, 27582, 3652, 411, 14235, 29871, 29946, 29900, 611, 2719, 5134, 29889, 887, 508, 4635, 445, 297, 596, 16538, 2090, 9139, 322, 10768, 596, 27289, 29879, 964, 2999, 1321, 7598, 11174, 29889, 1126, 373, 278, 2246, 310, 445, 366, 674, 679, 263, 12220, 1537, 28920, 607, 674, 1925, 596, 2090, 29876, 1379, 11480, 1790, 3233, 29889, 13, 29933, 18813, 18220, 338, 1754, 363, 1812, 16697, 322, 19697, 2791, 2699, 29889, 1570, 29890, 583, 674, 5110, 920, 304, 1207, 6909, 322, 7148, 988, 304, 3380, 29889, 5853, 12862, 2791, 2699, 1058, 526, 2307, 2326, 1076, 777, 6909, 541, 1016, 29952, 29873, 1284, 263, 13714, 982, 304, 437, 372, 29892, 674, 6523, 278, 1650, 304, 2048, 263, 1051, 322, 2534, 1009, 1914, 1788, 29889, 350, 18813, 18220, 338, 4780, 304, 2274, 322, 1101, 29892, 4129, 338, 10824, 4331, 29899, 1609, 29899, 10568, 29889, 2973, 278, 19707, 366, 674, 1106, 278, 907, 4097, 310, 350, 18813, 18220, 975, 278, 26671, 29889, 19065, 29892, 366, 508, 6755, 596, 25448, 982, 310, 6509, 29892, 1363, 350, 18813, 18220, 8128, 366, 411, 11328, 29879, 29892, 12990, 2363, 322, 19707, 29889, 13, 29933, 18813, 18220, 451, 871, 7805, 6509, 5518, 29892, 372, 884, 4076, 366, 1784, 5407, 330, 17741, 393, 674, 1207, 278, 3236, 901, 995, 29889, 1152, 1342, 366, 674, 679, 2563, 3201, 2416, 18744, 29892, 450, 6749, 284, 383, 16163, 3461, 322, 263, 3287, 901, 29889, 18585, 29892, 372, 674, 2125, 366, 263, 931, 363, 6509, 445, 599, 29892, 541, 4658, 592, 29892, 366, 674, 367, 20751, 287, 29889, 1126, 366, 1603, 674, 817, 6944, 297, 2599, 278, 6576, 366, 10972, 29889, 1205, 445, 338, 278, 982, 310, 5381, 29892, 393, 366, 505, 304, 13258, 1554, 1434, 366, 674, 1207, 2600, 1169, 29889, 13, 6295, 565, 366, 526, 16955, 304, 596, 313, 1482, 29897, 5381, 29892, 306, 508, 10712, 6907, 366, 350, 18813, 18220, 29889, 960, 366, 526, 10534, 363, 385, 3345, 630, 274, 1161, 21282, 29892, 607, 4129, 437, 363, 366, 29892, 366, 526, 2743, 1244, 313, 392, 366, 674, 367, 2743, 16978, 29892, 1584, 565, 777, 2305, 864, 304, 1207 ]