7 values
, then it is the only complete minimal surface asymptotic to \(\gamma\). In particular, area minimising cones in hyperbolic space are exactly those which are minimal in Euclidean space. \end{theorem} The first half of Theorem \ref{thm:minimising-cone} is slightly stronger than the second half: Knowing that the pair of 2-planes \(zw = 0\) in \(\mathbb{C}^2\) is hyperbolic area-minimising only allows us to rule out minimal surfaces of \(\mathbb{H}^4\) that agree with the planes on a neighborhood of infinity. The pair of 2-planes in \(\mathbb{R}^4\cong \mathbb{C}^2\) that contains the Hopf link \(\{zw=\epsilon, |z|^2 + |w|^2 = 1\}\) is not Euclidean area-minimising when \(\epsilon\in(0, \frac{1}{2})\). Theorem \ref{thm:minimising-cone} therefore suggests another minimal surface in the Poincaré ball filling the link. We will point out an explicit family of minimal annuli with this property as the orbit of curves in the real plane \(\mathop{\rm Im}\nolimits z = \mathop{\rm Im}\nolimits w = 0\) by the quaternionic rotation \((z,w)\mapsto (ze^{i\theta}, w e^{-i\theta})\). The same construction also yields minimal annuli fibred by Hopf links under any metric \(g = e^{2\varphi(\rho)}g_E\) of \(\mathbb{R}^4\) that is conformal to the Euclidean metric by a factor \(\varphi\) depending only on \(\rho = |z|^2 +|w|^2\). \begin{proposition}[] \label{prop:min-annuli} Let \(M_{C}\) be the surface in \(\mathbb{R}^4\) given by rotating the following real plane curve: \begin{equation} \label{eq:min-annuli} \sin^2\psi = \frac{e^{-4\varphi}}{C^2\rho^2}, \quad C > 0 \end{equation} where \(\psi\) is the angle formed by the tangent of the curve at a point \(p\) and the radial direction \(\overrightarrow{Op}\). Then \(M_{C}\) is minimal under the metric \(g = e^{2\varphi}g_E\). Up to \(SO(4)\), the annuli \(M_{C}\) and the 2-planes are the only minimal surfaces obtained as orbit of a real plane curve by quaternionic rotation. \end{proposition} In the round four-sphere, the family \(\{M_C\}\) starts with a Clifford torus and end with a totally geodesic \(\mathbb{S}^2\). There is a countable number of parameter \(C\) in between for which the annulus \(M_C\) can be rearranged periodically to obtain a minimally immersed torus with one-dimensional self-intersection. The profile curves of \(M_C\) in \(\mathbb{H}^4\) and \(\mathbb{S}^4\) are drawn in Figure \ref{fig:min-HS} for different values of \(C\). \begin{figure}% \centering \subfloat[\centering in \( \mathbb{H}^4 \) with \( C\) in \(\{.025, .1, .25, .5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 64\} \).]{{\includegraphics[width=6.5cm]{2021-01-21-minsurface-quaternion-H4.png} }}% \qquad \subfloat[\centering in \( \mathbb{S}^4 \) with \( C=6.15 \). The angle \( \theta_C\approx \frac{2\pi}{3} \). \newline The unit circle represents the Clifford torus.]{{\includegraphics[width=7cm]{2021-06-3-petal.png} }}% \caption{The profile curve of \( M_C \)}% \label{fig:min-HS}% \end{figure} Denote by \(\omega_{k}\) the Euclidean \(k\)-volume of \(\mathbb{S}^{k}\
[ 29892, 13, 6098, 372, 338, 278, 871, 4866, 13114, 7101, 22784, 13574, 304, 10033, 4283, 29800, 13, 13, 797, 3153, 29892, 4038, 6260, 5921, 378, 267, 297, 11266, 2095, 293, 2913, 526, 3721, 1906, 607, 526, 13114, 297, 382, 27511, 2913, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 13, 1576, 937, 4203, 310, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 1195, 326, 5921, 29899, 535, 29872, 29913, 338, 10029, 23505, 1135, 278, 1473, 13, 24498, 29901, 19320, 292, 393, 278, 5101, 310, 29871, 29906, 29899, 9018, 267, 4269, 7659, 353, 13, 29900, 7244, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29907, 2137, 29906, 7244, 338, 11266, 2095, 293, 4038, 29899, 1195, 326, 5921, 871, 6511, 502, 304, 5751, 714, 13114, 28001, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29946, 7244, 29871, 13, 5747, 8661, 411, 278, 3814, 267, 373, 263, 18403, 310, 27971, 29889, 13, 13, 1576, 5101, 310, 29871, 29906, 29899, 9018, 267, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29946, 29905, 21015, 13, 29905, 1995, 29912, 29907, 2137, 29906, 7244, 393, 3743, 278, 379, 15818, 1544, 10033, 29912, 7659, 2013, 5463, 29892, 891, 29920, 15333, 29906, 718, 891, 29893, 15333, 29906, 353, 29871, 29896, 29905, 14786, 338, 13, 1333, 382, 27511, 4038, 29899, 1195, 326, 5921, 746, 10033, 5463, 29905, 262, 29898, 29900, 29892, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 11606, 467, 10244, 13, 29905, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 1195, 326, 5921, 29899, 535, 29872, 29913, 5480, 14661, 1790, 13114, 13, 7610, 2161, 297, 278, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 8287, 27523, 278, 1544, 29889, 29871, 13, 4806, 674, 1298, 714, 385, 6261, 3942, 310, 13114, 2889, 14549, 411, 445, 13, 6799, 408, 278, 16980, 310, 19684, 297, 278, 1855, 10694, 10033, 27018, 741, 1758, 1954, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 503, 353, 320, 27018, 741, 1758, 1954, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 281, 353, 29871, 29900, 7244, 491, 278, 439, 25744, 26629, 13733, 320, 3552, 29920, 29892, 29893, 2144, 17499, 313, 911, 998, 29875, 29905, 3416, 1118, 13, 29893, 321, 3426, 29875, 29905, 3416, 11606, 467, 29871, 13, 1576, 1021, 7632, 884, 17498, 13114, 2889, 14549, 18755, 1127, 491, 379, 15818, 2988, 1090, 738, 12714, 29871, 4269, 29887, 353, 13, 29872, 998, 29906, 29905, 6827, 1194, 4650, 2915, 29887, 29918, 29923, 7244, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29946, 7244, 393, 338, 14670, 284, 304, 278, 382, 27511, 12714, 491, 263, 7329, 10033, 6827, 7244, 8679, 871, 373, 10033, 4650, 353, 891, 29920, 15333, 29906, 718, 29989, 29893, 15333, 29906, 29800, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 771, 3283, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 7728, 29901, 1195, 29899, 812, 14549, 29913, 13, 12024, 4269, 29924, 648, 29907, 14786, 367, 278, 7101, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29946, 7244, 2183, 491, 5731, 1218, 278, 1494, 1855, 10694, 11672, 29901, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 1195, 29899, 812, 14549, 29913, 13, 29905, 5223, 29985, 29906, 29905, 6134, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29872, 3426, 29946, 29905, 6827, 7585, 29907, 29985, 29906, 29905, 4650, 29985, 29906, 1118, 320, 3425, 315, 1405, 29871, 29900, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 10033, 6134, 7244, 338, 278, 10696, 8429, 491, 278, 18806, 296, 310, 278, 11672, 472, 263, 1298, 4269, 29886, 7244, 322, 278, 13, 3665, 616, 5305, 10033, 957, 5211, 29912, 11746, 1012, 467, 1987, 4269, 29924, 648, 29907, 14786, 338, 13, 1195, 3039, 1090, 278, 12714, 4269, 29887, 353, 13, 29872, 998, 29906, 29905, 6827, 29913, 29887, 29918, 29923, 29800, 5020, 304, 4269, 6156, 29898, 29946, 2144, 511, 278, 2889, 14549, 4269, 29924, 648, 29907, 14786, 322, 278, 29871, 29906, 29899, 9018, 267, 526, 278, 871, 13, 1195, 3039, 28001, 7625, 408, 16980, 310, 263, 1855, 10694, 11672, 491, 439, 25744, 26629, 13733, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 771, 3283, 29913, 13, 13, 797, 278, 4513, 3023, 29899, 29879, 9085, 29892, 278, 3942, 10033, 29912, 29924, 29918, 29907, 29905, 14786, 8665, 411, 263, 2233, 2593, 536, 4842, 375, 322, 1095, 13, 2541, 263, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29906, 29800, 1670, 338, 263, 2302, 519, 1353, 310, 3443, 4269, 29907, 7244, 297, 1546, 363, 607, 278, 2889, 14999, 4269, 29924, 29918, 29907, 7244, 508, 367, 337, 2749, 4618, 3785, 1711, 304, 13, 711, 2408, 263, 6260, 635, 5198, 414, 287, 4842, 375, 411, 697, 29899, 12531, 1583, 29899, 1639, 2042, 29889, 13, 1576, 8722, 19684, 310, 4269, 29924, 29918, 29907, 7244, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29946, 7244, 322, 13, 29905, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29946, 7244, 526, 12061, 297, 11479, 320, 999, 29912, 1003, 29901, 1195, 29899, 14851, 29913, 363, 1422, 1819, 310, 4269, 29907, 29800, 29871, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 4532, 10560, 13, 1678, 320, 9525, 13, 1678, 320, 1491, 7411, 7110, 9525, 297, 4269, 320, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29946, 21811, 411, 4269, 315, 7244, 297, 10033, 26139, 29900, 29906, 29945, 29892, 869, 29896, 29892, 869, 29906, 29945, 29892, 869, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29946, 18105, 320, 467, 3199, 741, 7313, 29961, 2103, 29922, 29953, 29889, 29945, 4912, 3199, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29899, 29900, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29899, 29885, 1144, 332, 2161, 29899, 339, 25744, 291, 29899, 29950, 29946, 29889, 2732, 29913, 9156, 29995, 13, 1678, 320, 12014, 13, 1678, 320, 1491, 7411, 7110, 9525, 297, 4269, 320, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29946, 21811, 411, 4269, 315, 29922, 29953, 29889, 29896, 29945, 320, 467, 450, 10696, 4269, 320, 3416, 29918, 29907, 29905, 14850, 320, 1154, 29912, 29906, 29905, 1631, 1157, 29941, 29913, 320, 467, 320, 1482, 1220, 450, 5190, 8607, 11524, 278, 2233, 2593, 536, 4842, 375, 29889, 3199, 741, 7313, 29961, 2103, 29922, 29955, 4912, 3199, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29899, 29900, 29953, 29899, 29941, 29899, 10963, 284, 29889, 2732, 29913, 9156, 29995, 13, 1678, 320, 6671, 29912, 1576, 8722, 11672, 310, 4269, 341, 29918, 29907, 320, 2915, 29995, 13, 1678, 320, 1643, 29912, 1003, 29901, 1195, 29899, 14851, 10560, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 4532, 29913, 13, 13, 29315, 866, 491, 29871, 10033, 4787, 648, 29895, 14786, 278, 382, 27511, 4269, 29895, 29905, 6817, 24623, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2844, 29895, 1012 ]
). Another application of monotonicity theorem is: \begin{corollary}[] \label{cor:intro-2pi} The boundary at infinity of a complete \(k\)-dimensional minimal surface containing the center of Poincaré ball has Euclidean \((k-1)\)-volume at least \(\omega_{k-1}\). \end{corollary} \begin{definition} Let \(\gamma^{k-1}\) be a submanifold of the sphere at infinity and \(p\) be an interior point of the ball. We say that \(p\) is in the \emph{center set} of \(\gamma\) if the Euclidean volume of \(\gamma\) in the Poincaré model centered at \(p\) is at least \(\omega_{k-1}\). \end{definition} Corollary \ref{cor:intro-2pi} can be rephrased as: A complete minimal surface of \(\mathbb{H}^n\) is contained in the center set of its boundary. Together with the convex hull introduced in \cite{Anderson82_CompleteMinimalVarieties}, the center set poses sufficient restriction on minimal surface filling a given curve to prove: \begin{theorem} \label{thm:separation} Let \(L^{k-1}:= L_1 \sqcup L_2\) be a separated union of two links \(L_1, L_2\) in \(\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\). There is a way to rearrange \(L\) in its isotopy class such that any minimal surface \(\Sigma^k\) in \(\mathbb{H}^n\) filling \(L\) is a disjoint union of minimal surfaces filling each \(L_i\). \end{theorem} \begin{proof} We isotope \(L\) so that \(L_1\) (respectively \(L_2\)) is contained in a small ball centered at the North (respectively South) pole of the Poincaré ball and so that the Euclidean volume of \(L\) is less than \(\frac{1}{2}\omega_{k-1}\). It suffices to prove that \(\Sigma\) has no intersection with the equatorial hyperplane. By convexity, such intersection is contained in a small ball centered at the origin \(O\). If it was non-empty, by a small Möbius transform we could suppose that \(\Sigma\) contains \(O\) while keeping the Euclidean length of \(L\) less than \(\omega_{k-1}\). This contradicts Corollary \ref{cor:intro-2pi}. \end{proof} It was proved in \cite{Alexakis.Mazzeo10_RenormalizedAreaProperly} that: \begin{theorem}[Alexakis--Mazzeo] \label{thm:AM} Let \(\mathcal{M}_{g, b}\) be the space of properly embedded, connected \(C^{3,\alpha}\) two-dimensional minimal surfaces in \(\mathbb{H}^3\) of genus \(g\) and \(b\) boundary components, \(\mathcal{C}_b\) be the space of \(C^{3,\alpha}\) closed, embedded curves of \(b\) connected components in \(\mathbb{S}^2\) and \(\Pi_{g,b}:\mathcal{M}_{g,b} \longrightarrow \mathcal{C}_b\) be the map which sends a surface to its boundary. Then \begin{enumerate} \item \(\mathcal{M}_{g, b}\) is a Banach manifold. \item \(\Pi_{g,b}\) is proper, Fredholm, of index 0 and it has a well-defined degree \(d(g,b)\). \end{enumerate} \end{theorem} Since the only minimal surface filling a round circle of \(\mathbb{S}^2\) is a totally geodesic disk, one has \(d(0,1) = 1\) and \(d (g,1)=0\) for any \(g\geq 1\). It follows from Theorem \ref{thm:separation} that: \begin{theorem}[] \label{thm:AM-deg} All Alexakis--Mazzeo degrees are zero except \(d(0,1)\). \end{theorem} It is of great interest to try to replace \(\mathbb{H}^3\) in the statement of Theorem \ref{thm:AM} by \(\mathbb{H}^4\). The connected components of \(\mathcal{C}_
[ 467, 7280, 2280, 310, 21196, 8927, 537, 9185, 338, 29901, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2616, 29901, 23333, 29899, 29906, 1631, 29913, 13, 1576, 10452, 472, 27971, 310, 263, 4866, 4269, 29895, 29905, 6817, 12531, 13114, 7101, 6943, 278, 4818, 310, 13, 9837, 3742, 279, 29948, 8287, 756, 382, 27511, 320, 3552, 29895, 29899, 29896, 2144, 6817, 24623, 472, 3203, 10033, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 16553, 29913, 13, 12024, 29871, 10033, 4283, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 14786, 367, 263, 1014, 1171, 361, 1025, 310, 278, 20745, 472, 27971, 322, 4269, 29886, 7244, 367, 385, 13290, 13, 3149, 310, 278, 8287, 29889, 1334, 1827, 393, 4269, 29886, 7244, 338, 297, 278, 320, 7278, 29912, 5064, 13, 842, 29913, 310, 10033, 4283, 7244, 565, 278, 382, 27511, 7977, 310, 10033, 4283, 7244, 297, 278, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 1904, 24764, 472, 4269, 29886, 7244, 338, 472, 3203, 10033, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 16553, 29913, 13, 13, 12521, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 23333, 29899, 29906, 1631, 29913, 508, 367, 337, 24588, 1463, 408, 29901, 319, 4866, 13114, 7101, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 338, 13, 1285, 7114, 297, 278, 4818, 731, 310, 967, 10452, 29889, 29871, 13, 29911, 12966, 411, 278, 18635, 298, 913, 9129, 297, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 2855, 1330, 29947, 29906, 29918, 17813, 8140, 3039, 10444, 20850, 1118, 29871, 13, 1552, 4818, 731, 926, 267, 8002, 24345, 373, 13114, 7101, 27523, 263, 2183, 11672, 304, 6356, 29901, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 25048, 362, 29913, 13, 12024, 4269, 29931, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 6177, 29922, 29871, 365, 29918, 29896, 320, 3044, 5231, 365, 29918, 29906, 7244, 367, 263, 13055, 9833, 310, 1023, 2988, 4269, 29931, 29918, 29896, 29892, 13, 29931, 29918, 29906, 7244, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2844, 29876, 29899, 29896, 1012, 467, 1670, 338, 263, 982, 304, 18983, 3881, 4269, 29931, 7244, 297, 967, 338, 327, 2270, 770, 1316, 13, 5747, 738, 13114, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 7244, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 27523, 4269, 29931, 7244, 338, 263, 766, 12090, 9833, 310, 13114, 28001, 27523, 13, 4204, 4269, 29931, 29918, 29875, 29800, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 4806, 338, 327, 2300, 4269, 29931, 7244, 577, 393, 4269, 29931, 29918, 29896, 7244, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 4269, 29931, 29918, 29906, 29905, 876, 338, 11122, 297, 263, 2319, 8287, 24764, 472, 278, 13, 29940, 2072, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 4275, 29897, 22775, 310, 278, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 8287, 322, 577, 393, 278, 382, 27511, 7977, 310, 4269, 29931, 7244, 338, 3109, 1135, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 1012, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 467, 29871, 13, 3112, 9378, 1575, 304, 6356, 393, 10033, 10142, 7244, 756, 694, 17686, 411, 278, 1592, 24737, 11266, 22116, 29889, 2648, 18635, 537, 29892, 1316, 13, 1639, 2042, 338, 11122, 297, 263, 2319, 8287, 24764, 472, 278, 3978, 4269, 29949, 29800, 960, 372, 471, 13, 5464, 29899, 6310, 29892, 491, 263, 2319, 341, 29997, 29890, 2482, 4327, 591, 1033, 7755, 393, 10033, 10142, 7244, 3743, 4269, 29949, 7244, 1550, 12515, 278, 382, 27511, 3309, 310, 4269, 29931, 7244, 3109, 1135, 10033, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 467, 29871, 13, 4013, 27877, 29879, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 23333, 29899, 29906, 1631, 1836, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 3112, 471, 11827, 297, 320, 2036, 29912, 17406, 557, 275, 29889, 29924, 834, 911, 29877, 29896, 29900, 29918, 29934, 264, 2759, 1891, 13799, 1184, 546, 368, 29913, 393, 29901, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 4400, 17406, 557, 275, 489, 29924, 834, 911, 29877, 29962, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 5194, 29913, 13, 12024, 29871, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29924, 3227, 29887, 29892, 289, 14786, 367, 278, 2913, 310, 6284, 15685, 29892, 6631, 4269, 29907, 998, 29941, 2053, 2312, 14786, 13, 259, 1023, 29899, 12531, 13114, 28001, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29941, 7244, 310, 16106, 4269, 29887, 7244, 322, 4269, 29890, 7244, 10452, 7117, 29892, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29907, 2403, 29890, 7244, 13, 259, 367, 278, 2913, 310, 4269, 29907, 998, 29941, 2053, 2312, 14786, 5764, 29892, 15685, 19684, 310, 4269, 29890, 7244, 13, 259, 6631, 7117, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29906, 7244, 322, 29871, 10033, 12197, 648, 29887, 29892, 29890, 29913, 3583, 1942, 29912, 29924, 3227, 29887, 29892, 29890, 29913, 320, 24225, 13, 259, 320, 1942, 29912, 29907, 2403, 29890, 7244, 367, 278, 2910, 607, 16003, 263, 7101, 304, 967, 10452, 29889, 1987, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29924, 3227, 29887, 29892, 289, 14786, 338, 263, 10765, 496, 25941, 29889, 13, 29905, 667, 10033, 12197, 648, 29887, 29892, 29890, 14786, 338, 1571, 29892, 12001, 13376, 29892, 310, 2380, 29871, 29900, 322, 372, 756, 263, 1532, 29899, 12119, 7426, 4269, 29881, 29898, 29887, 29892, 29890, 2144, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 13, 23036, 278, 871, 13114, 7101, 27523, 263, 4513, 8607, 310, 13, 29905, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29906, 7244, 338, 263, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 8086, 29892, 697, 756, 4269, 29881, 29898, 29900, 29892, 29896, 29897, 353, 29871, 29896, 7244, 322, 4269, 29881, 313, 29887, 29892, 29896, 3892, 29900, 7244, 363, 738, 4269, 29887, 29905, 6279, 29871, 29896, 29800, 739, 4477, 515, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 25048, 362, 29913, 393, 29901, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 5194, 29899, 12163, 29913, 13, 3596, 4827, 557, 275, 489, 29924, 834, 911, 29877, 14496, 526, 5225, 5174, 4269, 29881, 29898, 29900, 29892, 29896, 2144, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 13, 3112, 338, 310, 2107, 4066, 304, 1018, 304, 5191, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29941, 7244, 297, 278, 3229, 310, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 5194, 29913, 491, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29946, 29800, 450, 6631, 7117, 310, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29907, 2403 ]
b\) would be by definition knots (\(b=1\)) or links (\(b>1\)) and Alexakis--Mazzeo degrees would be knot/link invariants. This direction was studied by Alves and Fine and their work will appear later. The results above suggest that one can distinguish the Hopf link from two unlinked circles by this method. It follows from Theorem \ref{thm:separation} that the degree among surfaces of Euler characteristic zero of the latter vanishes while the existence of \(M_C\) suggests that it is non-zero for the former. The total area of a complete two-dimensional minimal surface in \(\mathbb{H}^n\) is necessarily infinite. By looking at its expansion as the surface runs to infinity, Graham and Witten \cite{Graham.Witten99_ConformalAnomalySubmanifold} were able to renormalise the area to a finite number \(\mathcal{A}_R\). Both the time monotonicity and the space monotonicity theorems can be used to obtain upper bounds of this number. Note that the zero set of a space coordinate is a totally geodesic hyperplane which separates the sphere at infinity \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\) into two halves. The \emph{doubled hyperbolic metric} is obtained by putting the \({(n-1)}\)-dimensional hyperbolic metric on each of them. \begin{theorem}[] \label{thm:upper-AR} Let \(\Sigma^2\subset \mathbb{H}^n\) be a minimal surface with boundary \(\gamma^1\in \mathbb{S}_\infty\). Then \begin{equation} \label{eq:upper-AR} \mathcal{A}_R(\Sigma) + \sup_{\text{round } \tilde g}|\gamma|_{\tilde g} \leq 0 \end{equation} where the supremum is taken among metrics of curvature +1 in the standard conformal class of \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\). \end{theorem} By choosing any point of \(\Sigma\) as center of the Poincaré ball and applying Corollary \ref{cor:intro-2pi}, one has: \begin{corollary}[] \label{cor:intro-AR-2pi} \(\mathcal{A}_R(\Sigma)\leq -2\pi\) for any minimal surface \(\Sigma^2\) in \(\mathbb{H}^n\). \end{corollary} Corollary \ref{cor:intro-AR-2pi} can also be proved from the space version of Theorem \ref{thm:upper-AR}. \begin{theorem}[] \label{thm:intro-AR-space} If the space coordinate \(\xi_1 \geq \alpha >0\) on a minimal surface \(\Sigma^2\subset \mathbb{H}^n\) then \[ \mathcal{A}_R(\Sigma) + \frac{1}{2}\left(\alpha - \frac{1}{\alpha}\right)|\gamma_\infty|_{\tilde g} \leq 0 \] where \(\tilde g\) is the doubled hyperbolic metric associated to \(\xi_1\). \end{theorem} During the preparation of this paper, Theorem \ref{thm:upper-AR} and Corollary \ref{cor:intro-AR-2pi} were independently proved by Bernstein in \cite{Bernstein21_SharpIsoperimetricProperty} using the work of Choe and Gulliver \cite{Choe.Gulliver92_SharpIsoperimetricInequality}. It was via \cite{Bernstein21_SharpIsoperimetricProperty} that the author learned about \cite{Choe.Gulliver92_SharpIsoperimetricInequality} and its companion \cite{Choe.Gulliver92_IsoperimetricInequalitiesMinimal}. Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-H-time} and \ref{thm:monotonicity-S} are indeed Theorem 3 of \cite{Choe.Gulliver92_IsoperimetricInequalitiesMinimal}, the time-weighted area in \(\mathbb{H}^n\) and the weighted area in \(\mathbb{S}^n\) (Section 3) were called \emph{modified volume} there. The fact that a minimal surface in
[ 29890, 7244, 723, 367, 13, 1609, 5023, 889, 1862, 3441, 29898, 29890, 29922, 29896, 29905, 876, 470, 2988, 3441, 29898, 29890, 29958, 29896, 29905, 876, 322, 4827, 557, 275, 489, 29924, 834, 911, 29877, 14496, 723, 367, 889, 327, 29914, 2324, 15939, 1934, 29889, 13, 4013, 5305, 471, 12399, 491, 838, 1960, 322, 28896, 322, 1009, 664, 674, 2615, 2678, 29889, 450, 2582, 2038, 13, 29879, 688, 7118, 393, 697, 508, 20820, 278, 379, 15818, 1544, 515, 1023, 443, 2324, 287, 22558, 491, 445, 1158, 29889, 739, 13, 23031, 29879, 515, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 25048, 362, 29913, 393, 278, 7426, 4249, 28001, 310, 382, 8584, 17443, 5225, 310, 278, 13, 29880, 2620, 1109, 17006, 1550, 278, 13, 735, 11416, 310, 4269, 29924, 29918, 29907, 7244, 14661, 393, 372, 338, 1661, 29899, 9171, 363, 278, 4642, 29889, 13, 13, 1576, 3001, 4038, 310, 263, 4866, 1023, 29899, 12531, 13114, 7101, 297, 13, 29905, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 338, 12695, 10362, 29889, 2648, 3063, 472, 967, 13184, 408, 13, 1552, 7101, 6057, 304, 27971, 29892, 22196, 322, 399, 16097, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 29954, 22084, 29889, 29956, 16097, 29929, 29929, 29918, 1168, 689, 284, 2744, 290, 14997, 4035, 1171, 361, 1025, 29913, 892, 2221, 304, 4325, 2759, 895, 278, 4038, 304, 263, 13, 18925, 1353, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 29800, 13, 29933, 720, 278, 931, 21196, 8927, 537, 322, 278, 2913, 21196, 8927, 537, 278, 272, 1567, 508, 367, 1304, 304, 4017, 7568, 13, 23687, 310, 445, 1353, 29889, 3940, 393, 278, 5225, 731, 310, 263, 13, 3493, 14821, 338, 263, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 11266, 22116, 607, 2903, 1078, 278, 20745, 472, 27971, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 7244, 964, 1023, 8870, 1960, 29889, 450, 320, 7278, 29912, 8896, 29881, 13, 24947, 2095, 293, 12714, 29913, 338, 7625, 491, 10594, 278, 320, 3319, 29898, 29876, 29899, 29896, 11383, 6817, 12531, 11266, 2095, 293, 12714, 373, 29871, 13, 4204, 310, 963, 29889, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29913, 13, 12024, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29906, 29905, 6484, 320, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 367, 263, 13114, 7101, 411, 10452, 10033, 4283, 29985, 29896, 29905, 262, 13, 29905, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 29800, 1987, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29913, 13, 320, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 1194, 10142, 29897, 718, 320, 12587, 1665, 726, 29912, 14486, 500, 320, 5891, 330, 29913, 4295, 4283, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 320, 3797, 29871, 29900, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 278, 22747, 29885, 398, 338, 4586, 4249, 21556, 310, 27686, 1535, 718, 29896, 297, 278, 3918, 14670, 284, 770, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 29800, 29871, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 13, 2059, 23906, 738, 1298, 310, 10033, 10142, 7244, 408, 4818, 310, 278, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 8287, 322, 13, 932, 5890, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 23333, 29899, 29906, 1631, 1118, 697, 756, 29901, 29871, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2616, 29901, 23333, 29899, 1718, 29899, 29906, 1631, 29913, 13, 29905, 1194, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 1194, 10142, 2144, 3797, 448, 29906, 29905, 1631, 7244, 363, 738, 13114, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29906, 7244, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29800, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 13, 13, 12521, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 23333, 29899, 1718, 29899, 29906, 1631, 29913, 508, 884, 367, 11827, 515, 278, 2913, 1873, 310, 13, 28831, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 1836, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 23333, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493, 29913, 13, 3644, 278, 2913, 14821, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 320, 6279, 320, 2312, 1405, 29900, 7244, 373, 263, 13114, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29906, 29905, 6484, 13, 29905, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 769, 13, 259, 5539, 29871, 13, 259, 320, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 1194, 10142, 29897, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 1012, 1563, 1194, 2312, 448, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 3331, 2312, 1012, 1266, 29897, 4295, 4283, 3187, 3411, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 320, 3797, 29871, 29900, 259, 13, 259, 11424, 13, 3062, 10033, 5891, 330, 7244, 338, 278, 3765, 29881, 11266, 2095, 293, 12714, 6942, 304, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29800, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 13, 29928, 3864, 278, 10223, 362, 310, 445, 5650, 29892, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29913, 322, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 23333, 29899, 1718, 29899, 29906, 1631, 29913, 892, 25499, 11827, 491, 6209, 5465, 29871, 13, 262, 320, 2036, 29912, 29933, 824, 5465, 29906, 29896, 29918, 2713, 6834, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 4854, 29913, 773, 278, 664, 310, 678, 7297, 322, 29633, 14381, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 15954, 29872, 29889, 29954, 352, 14381, 29929, 29906, 29918, 2713, 6834, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 29902, 484, 29567, 1836, 739, 471, 3025, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 29933, 824, 5465, 29906, 29896, 29918, 2713, 6834, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 4854, 29913, 393, 278, 4148, 10972, 1048, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 15954, 29872, 29889, 29954, 352, 14381, 29929, 29906, 29918, 2713, 6834, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 29902, 484, 29567, 29913, 322, 967, 18708, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 15954, 29872, 29889, 29954, 352, 14381, 29929, 29906, 29918, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 29902, 484, 15380, 1907, 8140, 3039, 1836, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 29950, 29899, 2230, 29913, 322, 13, 29905, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 29903, 29913, 526, 6200, 10244, 29871, 29941, 310, 320, 2036, 29912, 15954, 29872, 29889, 29954, 352, 14381, 29929, 29906, 29918, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 29902, 484, 15380, 1907, 8140, 3039, 1118, 278, 931, 29899, 7915, 287, 4038, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 322, 278, 7688, 287, 4038, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 7244, 313, 13438, 29871, 29941, 29897, 892, 2000, 13, 29905, 7278, 29912, 1545, 2164, 7977, 29913, 727, 29889, 450, 2114, 393, 263, 13114, 7101, 297 ]
\(\mathbb{H}^n\) has less area than the cone built upon its boundary (Proposition 2 of \cite{Choe.Gulliver92_SharpIsoperimetricInequality}, Corollary \ref{cor:2pi} in this text) was crucial to the proof of sharp isoperimetric inequality \(4\pi A + A^2 \leq L^2\), where \(A\) is the area of a two-dimensional minimal surface and \(L\) is the length of its boundary. By this fact, since \(4\pi A + A^2\) is increasing in \(A\), it suffices to check the inequality only for cones. The Comparison Lemma \ref{lem:comparison} allows us to arrive at Corollary \ref{cor:2pi} in a simpler way than \cite{Choe.Gulliver92_SharpIsoperimetricInequality}. One can hope, since a monotonicity theorem is an inequality, that the results above still hold when the Hessian of the function \(h\) is comparable to the metric as symmetric 2-tensors. Such function arises naturally as the distance function in a Riemannian manifold whose sectional curvature is bounded from above. We explore this idea in Section 5. We note that although the unweighted monotonicity theorem does not hold in case of positive curvature, an unweighted monotonicity \emph{inequality} was obtained by Scharrer \cite{Scharrer21_GeometricInequalitiesVarifolds}. \paragraph{Acknowledgements.} The author thanks Joel Fine for introducing him to minimal surfaces and harmonic maps in hyperbolic space, for proposing the search of the minimal annuli \(M_C\) and for other valuable discussions. The paper \cite{Hoffman.Spruck74_SobolevIsoperimetricInequalities} was pointed out to him by Christian Scharrer. The author was supported by \emph{Excellence of Science grant number 30950721, Symplectic techniques in differential geometry}. \section{The hyperbolic space and the sphere as warped spaces.} \label{sec:orga423e7a} A metric on a Riemannian manifold \(M=N\times [a,b]\) is a \emph{warped product} if it has the form \begin{equation} \label{eq:warped-metric} g = dr^2 + f^2(r) g_N \end{equation} where \(r\in [a,b]\) and \(g_N\) is a Riemannian metric on \(N\). It can be checked that an anti-derivative \(h\) of the warping function \(f\) satisifies \(\hess(h) = f'(r) g\). On the other hand, if such function \(h\) exists, the space is locally warped by its level sets \cite{Cheeger.Colding96_LowerBoundsRicci}. \begin{proposition}[cf. \cite{Cheeger.Colding96_LowerBoundsRicci}] \label{prop:cheeger-colding} Suppose that there exists a function \(h\) on \((M,g)\) with no critical point, whose level set are connected and \begin{equation} \label{eq:xi} \hess h = U.g \end{equation} for a function \(U\in C^0(M)\). Then: \begin{enumerate} \item \(U=U(h)\) is a function of \(h\), i.e. a composition of \(h\) and a function \(U: \mathbb{R}\longrightarrow \mathbb{R}\). The function \(V:= |dh|^2\in C^1(M)\) is also a function of \(h\) and one has \(U = \frac{1}{2}V'\). \item The metrics \(g_a, g_b\) induced from \(g\) on level sets \(h^{-1}(a)\) and \(h^{-1}(b)\) are related by \(\frac{g_a}{V(a)}= \frac{g_b}{V(b)}\) via the inverse gradient flow of \(h\). This defines a metric \(\tilde g\) on level sets under which the flow is isometric.
[ 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 756, 3109, 13, 6203, 1135, 278, 27843, 4240, 2501, 967, 10452, 313, 1184, 3283, 29871, 29906, 310, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 15954, 29872, 29889, 29954, 352, 14381, 29929, 29906, 29918, 2713, 6834, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 29902, 484, 29567, 1118, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29913, 297, 445, 1426, 29897, 471, 7618, 1455, 304, 278, 5296, 310, 15301, 13, 275, 3372, 17528, 2200, 14585, 4269, 29946, 29905, 1631, 319, 718, 319, 29985, 29906, 320, 3797, 365, 29985, 29906, 29905, 511, 988, 4269, 29909, 7244, 338, 278, 4038, 310, 263, 1023, 29899, 12531, 13114, 7101, 13, 392, 4269, 29931, 7244, 338, 278, 3309, 310, 967, 10452, 29889, 2648, 445, 2114, 29892, 1951, 13, 29905, 29898, 29946, 29905, 1631, 319, 718, 319, 29985, 29906, 7244, 338, 10231, 297, 4269, 29909, 29905, 511, 372, 9378, 1575, 304, 1423, 278, 14585, 871, 363, 13, 535, 267, 29889, 450, 422, 20941, 11894, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 510, 20941, 29913, 6511, 502, 304, 18331, 472, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29913, 297, 263, 29871, 13, 3601, 20069, 982, 1135, 320, 2036, 29912, 15954, 29872, 29889, 29954, 352, 14381, 29929, 29906, 29918, 2713, 6834, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 29902, 484, 29567, 1836, 13, 13, 13, 6716, 508, 4966, 29892, 1951, 263, 21196, 8927, 537, 9185, 338, 385, 14585, 29892, 393, 278, 2582, 2038, 1603, 13, 4808, 746, 278, 379, 404, 713, 310, 278, 740, 4269, 29882, 7244, 338, 5734, 519, 304, 278, 12714, 408, 18348, 13, 29871, 29906, 29899, 29873, 575, 943, 29889, 10506, 740, 564, 4637, 18180, 408, 278, 5418, 740, 297, 263, 29516, 713, 13, 25941, 5069, 4004, 284, 27686, 1535, 338, 12635, 515, 2038, 29889, 1334, 26987, 445, 13, 2969, 297, 9779, 29871, 29945, 29889, 1334, 4443, 393, 5998, 278, 443, 7915, 287, 21196, 8927, 537, 9185, 947, 13, 451, 4808, 297, 1206, 310, 6374, 27686, 1535, 29892, 385, 443, 7915, 287, 21196, 8927, 537, 320, 7278, 29912, 457, 29567, 29913, 471, 7625, 13, 491, 1102, 2749, 261, 320, 2036, 29912, 4504, 2749, 261, 29906, 29896, 29918, 7999, 14066, 29902, 484, 15380, 1907, 9037, 361, 3361, 1836, 13, 13, 29905, 26956, 29912, 29909, 15415, 839, 29887, 4110, 5003, 13, 1576, 4148, 3969, 3650, 295, 28896, 363, 4547, 3277, 1075, 304, 13114, 28001, 322, 13, 23024, 8927, 11053, 297, 11266, 2095, 293, 2913, 29892, 363, 9551, 292, 278, 2740, 310, 278, 13114, 2889, 14549, 4269, 29924, 29918, 29907, 7244, 322, 13, 1454, 916, 21114, 5353, 1080, 29889, 450, 5650, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 29950, 2696, 1171, 29889, 29903, 558, 2707, 29955, 29946, 29918, 29903, 711, 1772, 29894, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 29902, 484, 15380, 1907, 29913, 471, 11520, 714, 304, 1075, 491, 6111, 1102, 2749, 261, 29889, 450, 4148, 471, 6969, 491, 29871, 13, 29905, 7278, 29912, 1252, 3729, 663, 310, 9327, 16690, 1353, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29929, 29945, 29900, 29955, 29906, 29896, 29892, 10667, 552, 20009, 13698, 297, 16712, 16303, 1836, 13, 13, 29905, 2042, 29912, 1576, 11266, 2095, 293, 2913, 322, 278, 20745, 408, 1370, 9795, 8162, 5003, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29874, 29946, 29906, 29941, 29872, 29955, 29874, 29913, 13, 29909, 12714, 373, 263, 29516, 713, 25941, 4269, 29924, 29922, 29940, 29905, 3706, 518, 29874, 29892, 29890, 29962, 7244, 338, 263, 320, 7278, 29912, 4495, 9795, 3234, 29913, 565, 372, 756, 278, 13, 883, 29871, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 4495, 9795, 29899, 16414, 29913, 13, 330, 353, 4192, 29985, 29906, 718, 285, 29985, 29906, 29898, 29878, 29897, 330, 29918, 29940, 29871, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 4269, 29878, 29905, 262, 518, 29874, 29892, 29890, 29962, 7244, 322, 4269, 29887, 29918, 29940, 7244, 338, 263, 29516, 713, 12714, 373, 4269, 29940, 29800, 739, 508, 367, 7120, 393, 385, 9418, 29899, 672, 440, 1230, 4269, 29882, 7244, 310, 278, 1370, 15702, 740, 4269, 29888, 7244, 3290, 275, 11057, 29871, 10033, 29882, 404, 29898, 29882, 29897, 353, 13, 29888, 12215, 29878, 29897, 330, 29800, 1551, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 565, 1316, 740, 4269, 29882, 7244, 4864, 29892, 278, 2913, 338, 12430, 13, 4495, 9795, 491, 967, 3233, 6166, 320, 2036, 29912, 26856, 387, 261, 29889, 29907, 1025, 292, 29929, 29953, 29918, 19357, 18526, 29934, 293, 455, 1836, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 771, 3283, 4400, 6854, 29889, 320, 2036, 29912, 26856, 387, 261, 29889, 29907, 1025, 292, 29929, 29953, 29918, 19357, 18526, 29934, 293, 455, 6525, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 7728, 29901, 1173, 387, 261, 29899, 29883, 1025, 292, 29913, 13, 20182, 852, 393, 727, 4864, 263, 740, 4269, 29882, 7244, 373, 320, 3552, 29924, 29892, 29887, 27779, 411, 694, 12187, 1298, 29892, 13, 1332, 852, 3233, 731, 526, 6631, 322, 29871, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29913, 13, 29905, 29882, 404, 298, 353, 501, 29889, 29887, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 1454, 263, 740, 4269, 29965, 29905, 262, 315, 29985, 29900, 29898, 29924, 2144, 467, 1987, 29901, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 4269, 29965, 29922, 29965, 29898, 29882, 27779, 338, 263, 740, 310, 4269, 29882, 29905, 511, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 263, 15259, 310, 4269, 29882, 7244, 322, 263, 740, 4269, 29965, 29901, 13, 259, 320, 1995, 29912, 29934, 1012, 24225, 320, 1995, 29912, 29934, 1012, 467, 450, 740, 4269, 29963, 9361, 891, 12744, 15333, 29906, 29905, 262, 315, 29985, 29896, 29898, 29924, 27779, 338, 13, 15189, 263, 740, 310, 4269, 29882, 7244, 322, 697, 756, 4269, 29965, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 29913, 29963, 12764, 467, 13, 29905, 667, 450, 21556, 4269, 29887, 29918, 29874, 29892, 330, 29918, 29890, 7244, 20974, 515, 4269, 29887, 7244, 373, 3233, 6166, 4269, 29882, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29874, 27779, 322, 4269, 29882, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29890, 27779, 526, 4475, 13, 1609, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29887, 29918, 29874, 1157, 29963, 29898, 29874, 2915, 29922, 320, 1154, 29912, 29887, 29918, 29890, 1157, 29963, 29898, 29890, 11383, 29897, 3025, 278, 16402, 16030, 4972, 310, 4269, 29882, 29800, 29871, 13, 4013, 17645, 263, 12714, 10033, 5891, 330, 7244, 373, 3233, 6166, 1090, 607, 278, 4972, 338, 338, 14066, 29889 ]
The metric \(g\) on \(M\) pulls back via the flow map \(h^{-1}(a)\times {\rm Range}(h) \longrightarrow M\) to \[ g = \frac{V(h)}{V(a)}g_a + \frac{dh^2}{V(h)} = V(h)\tilde g + \frac{dh^2}{V(h)}, \] which is a warped product after a change of variable \(dr = \frac{dh}{V(h)^{1/2}}\). \end{enumerate} \end{proposition} \begin{proof} For any vector field \(v\), one has \[ v(V) = 2 g(\nabla_v \nabla h, \nabla h)= 2 \hess(h)(v, \nabla h) = 2U g(v, \nabla h) \] It follows, by first taking \(v\) to be any vector field tangent to level sets of \(h\), then to be the inverse gradient \(u:= \frac{\nabla h}{|\nabla h|^2}\), that \(V\) is constant on the level sets, and as a function of \(h\), \(V' = 2U\). For the second part, let \(v_t\) be a vector field of \(M\) tangent to level sets \(h^{-1}(t)\) given by pushing forward via the flow of \(u\) a vector field \(v_a\) tangent to \(h^{-1}(a)\). The Lie bracket \([v_t, u]\) vanishes by definition and for all time \(t\), \[ \frac{d}{dt}|v_t|^2 = 2 g(\nabla_u v_t, v_t) = 2 g(\nabla_{v_t}u, v_t) = \frac{2}{|\nabla h|^2}\hess(h)(v_t, v_t) = \frac{V'}{V}|v_t|^2. \] This means that \(\frac{|v_t|^2}{V(t)}\) is constant along the flow and so \(\frac{g_a}{V(a)} = \frac{g_b}{V(b)}\) for all \(a,b\in {\rm Range}(h)\). \end{proof} We note that \(\tilde g\) is the metric \(g_N\) in \eqref{eq:warped-metric}. We will use \(\tilde g\) to denote the metric \(V(h)^{-1}g\) on \(M\). In applications, we will only assume that the function \(h\) satisfies \eqref{eq:xi} on \(M\) and it can have critical points, as in the following examples. \begin{exampl}[] \label{ex:xi-R} In Euclidean space \(\mathbb{R}^n\), the only functions satisfying \eqref{eq:xi} are the coordinates \(x_i, i=1,\dots,n\) with \(U=0, V=1\) and the square of distance \(\rho := \frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^n x_i^2\) with \(U= 1, V = 2\rho\). \end{exampl} \begin{exampl}[] \label{ex:xi-S} In the unit sphere \(\mathbb{S}^n = \{(x_1,\dots, x_n, x_{n+1})\in \mathbb{R}^{n+1}:\sum_{i=1}^{n+1} x_i^2 = 1\}\), the Euclidean coordinates \(x_i\) satisfy \eqref{eq:xi} with \(U = -x_i, V = 1-x_i^2\). \end{exampl} \begin{exampl}[] \label{ex:xi-H} In the hyperbolic space \(\mathbb{H}^n=\{(\xi_0,\dots,\xi_n)\in \mathbb{R}^{n,1}: \xi_0^2 - \sum_{i=1}^n\xi_i^2=1, \xi_0 > 0\}\), the Minkowskian coordinates \(\xi_\alpha\) satisfies \eqref{eq:xi} with \(U=\xi_\alpha, V = \xi_\alpha^2 + |\partial_{\xi_\alpha}|^
[ 29871, 13, 1576, 12714, 4269, 29887, 7244, 373, 4269, 29924, 7244, 8206, 29879, 1250, 13, 6071, 278, 4972, 2910, 4269, 29882, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29874, 2144, 3706, 2802, 1758, 12146, 2119, 29882, 29897, 320, 24225, 341, 7244, 304, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 1678, 330, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29963, 29898, 29882, 10172, 29963, 29898, 29874, 2915, 29887, 29918, 29874, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 12744, 29985, 29906, 1157, 29963, 29898, 29882, 2915, 353, 478, 29898, 29882, 2144, 5891, 330, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 12744, 29985, 29906, 1157, 29963, 29898, 29882, 19230, 13, 259, 11424, 13, 4716, 338, 263, 1370, 9795, 3234, 1156, 263, 1735, 310, 2286, 4269, 7707, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 12744, 1157, 29963, 29898, 29882, 8940, 29896, 29914, 29906, 4229, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 771, 3283, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 2831, 738, 4608, 1746, 4269, 29894, 29905, 511, 697, 756, 29871, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 325, 29898, 29963, 29897, 353, 29871, 29906, 330, 1194, 8511, 29918, 29894, 320, 8511, 298, 29892, 320, 8511, 298, 3892, 29871, 29906, 320, 29882, 404, 29898, 29882, 5033, 29894, 29892, 320, 8511, 298, 29897, 353, 29871, 29906, 29965, 330, 29898, 29894, 29892, 320, 8511, 298, 29897, 13, 18899, 13, 3112, 4477, 29892, 491, 937, 5622, 4269, 29894, 7244, 304, 367, 738, 4608, 1746, 18806, 296, 304, 3233, 13, 7224, 310, 4269, 29882, 29905, 511, 769, 304, 367, 278, 16402, 16030, 4269, 29884, 9361, 320, 1154, 741, 8511, 298, 1157, 4295, 8511, 298, 15333, 29906, 1012, 511, 393, 13, 29905, 29898, 29963, 7244, 338, 4868, 373, 278, 3233, 6166, 29892, 322, 408, 263, 740, 310, 4269, 29882, 29905, 511, 4269, 29963, 29915, 353, 29871, 29906, 29965, 29800, 13, 13, 2831, 278, 1473, 760, 29892, 1235, 4269, 29894, 29918, 29873, 7244, 367, 263, 4608, 1746, 310, 4269, 29924, 7244, 18806, 296, 304, 3233, 6166, 4269, 29882, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29873, 27779, 2183, 491, 29871, 13, 5910, 292, 6375, 3025, 278, 4972, 310, 4269, 29884, 7244, 263, 4608, 1746, 4269, 29894, 29918, 29874, 7244, 18806, 296, 304, 4269, 29882, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29874, 2144, 467, 450, 7326, 4105, 3522, 320, 4197, 29894, 29918, 29873, 29892, 318, 29962, 7244, 13, 3703, 17006, 491, 5023, 322, 363, 599, 931, 4269, 29873, 29905, 511, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 11079, 29894, 29918, 29873, 15333, 29906, 353, 29871, 29906, 330, 1194, 8511, 29918, 29884, 325, 29918, 29873, 29892, 325, 29918, 29873, 29897, 353, 29871, 29906, 330, 1194, 8511, 648, 29894, 29918, 29873, 29913, 29884, 29892, 325, 29918, 29873, 29897, 353, 13, 29905, 1154, 29912, 29906, 1157, 4295, 8511, 298, 15333, 29906, 1012, 29882, 404, 29898, 29882, 5033, 29894, 29918, 29873, 29892, 325, 29918, 29873, 29897, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29963, 29915, 1157, 29963, 11079, 29894, 29918, 29873, 15333, 29906, 29889, 13, 18899, 13, 4013, 2794, 393, 10033, 1154, 28437, 29894, 29918, 29873, 15333, 29906, 1157, 29963, 29898, 29873, 11383, 29897, 338, 4868, 3412, 278, 4972, 322, 577, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29887, 29918, 29874, 1157, 29963, 29898, 29874, 2915, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29887, 29918, 29890, 1157, 29963, 29898, 29890, 11383, 29897, 363, 599, 4269, 29874, 29892, 29890, 29905, 262, 2802, 1758, 12146, 2119, 29882, 2144, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 4806, 4443, 393, 10033, 5891, 330, 7244, 338, 278, 12714, 4269, 29887, 29918, 29940, 7244, 297, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 4495, 9795, 29899, 16414, 1836, 1334, 674, 671, 13, 29905, 1194, 5891, 330, 7244, 304, 13530, 278, 12714, 4269, 29963, 29898, 29882, 21604, 29896, 29913, 29887, 7244, 373, 4269, 29924, 29800, 29871, 13, 13, 797, 8324, 29892, 591, 674, 871, 5251, 393, 278, 740, 4269, 29882, 7244, 17150, 13, 29905, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29913, 373, 4269, 29924, 7244, 322, 372, 508, 505, 12187, 3291, 29892, 408, 297, 278, 1494, 6455, 29889, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 735, 314, 572, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29934, 29913, 13, 797, 382, 27511, 2913, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29876, 29905, 511, 278, 871, 3168, 24064, 13, 259, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29913, 526, 278, 10350, 4269, 29916, 29918, 29875, 29892, 474, 29922, 29896, 2053, 7778, 29892, 29876, 7244, 411, 4269, 29965, 29922, 29900, 29892, 478, 29922, 29896, 7244, 322, 278, 6862, 310, 5418, 10033, 4650, 3490, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 1012, 2083, 648, 29875, 29922, 29896, 2137, 29876, 13, 259, 921, 29918, 29875, 29985, 29906, 7244, 411, 4269, 29965, 29922, 29871, 29896, 29892, 478, 353, 29871, 29906, 29905, 4650, 29800, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 735, 314, 572, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 735, 314, 572, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29903, 29913, 13, 797, 278, 5190, 20745, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 353, 320, 8001, 29916, 29918, 29896, 2053, 7778, 29892, 921, 29918, 29876, 29892, 921, 648, 29876, 29974, 29896, 11606, 262, 13, 29905, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2844, 29876, 29974, 29896, 29913, 3583, 2083, 648, 29875, 29922, 29896, 2844, 29876, 29974, 29896, 29913, 921, 29918, 29875, 29985, 29906, 353, 29871, 29896, 25848, 511, 278, 382, 27511, 10350, 4269, 29916, 29918, 29875, 7244, 13, 15523, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29913, 411, 4269, 29965, 353, 448, 29916, 29918, 29875, 29892, 478, 353, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29916, 29918, 29875, 29985, 29906, 29800, 29871, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 735, 314, 572, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 735, 314, 572, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29950, 29913, 13, 797, 278, 11266, 2095, 293, 2913, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 27805, 1194, 5389, 29918, 29900, 2053, 7778, 2053, 5389, 29918, 29876, 2144, 262, 320, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2844, 29876, 29892, 29896, 6177, 13, 259, 320, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29985, 29906, 448, 320, 2083, 648, 29875, 29922, 29896, 2137, 29876, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29875, 29985, 29906, 29922, 29896, 29892, 320, 5389, 29918, 29900, 1405, 29871, 29900, 25848, 511, 278, 341, 682, 340, 808, 713, 10350, 10033, 5389, 3187, 2312, 7244, 17150, 13, 259, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29913, 411, 4269, 29965, 2013, 5389, 3187, 2312, 29892, 478, 353, 320, 5389, 3187, 2312, 29985, 29906, 718, 18283, 3846, 1665, 5389, 3187, 2312, 11079, 29985 ]
2\), where \(|\partial_{\xi_\alpha}|^2\) is the Minkowskian norm, which is -1 for time-like unit vectors and +1 for space-like ones. Unlike the round sphere, the hyperbolic space can be written as a warped product in two different ways up to isometry. Each interior point corresponds to a unique time coordinate \(\xi_0\) that it minimises and each oriented totally geodesic hyperplane corresponds to a unique space coordinate \(\xi_1\) that vanishes on it. Note that no other level set of \(\xi_1\) is totally geodesic. \end{exampl} We remark that metric \(\tilde g\) in the case \((\mathbb{R}^n, \rho), (\mathbb{S}^n, x_i)\) and \((\mathbb{H}^n, \xi_0)\) is the round metric on \(\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\). For \((\mathbb{H}^n, \xi_1)\), \(\tilde g\) is the doubled hyperbolic metric on \(\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\). \section{Monotonicity Theorems and Comparison Lemma} \label{sec:orga12f250} The following lemma often appears as \(\mathop{\rm div}\nolimits_\Sigma X^\Sigma = \mathop{\rm div}\nolimits_\Sigma X + k(\Sigma)X\) where \(\Sigma\) is a submanifold of \(M\), \(X\) is a vector field along \(\Sigma\) and \(X^\Sigma\) is its tangent component to \(\Sigma\). Similarly, we will denote the gradient vector in \(M\) of a function \(h\) by \(\nabla h\) and its projection to \(\Sigma\) by \(\nabla^\Sigma h\). \begin{lemma}[Leibniz rule] \label{lem:chain-rule} Let \(f:(\Sigma^k,g_\Sigma) \longrightarrow (M^n, g)\) be a map between Riemannian manifolds and \(\tau(f)\) be its tension field, then for any \(C^2\) function \(h\) on \(M\), one has \begin{equation} \label{eq:chain-rule} \Delta_{\Sigma} (h\circ f) = \mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits_{\Sigma} f^*\hess h + dh.\tau(f) \end{equation} In particular, the Laplacian of \(h\) on a submanifold \(\Sigma\) is given by \begin{equation} \label{eq:hess-lap} \Delta_\Sigma h = \mathop{\rm Tr}\nolimits_\Sigma \hess h \end{equation} if \(\Sigma\) is either minimal or tangent to the gradient of \(h\) at the point in question. \end{lemma} \subsection{Weighted monotonicity} \label{sec:org98d5763} Condition \eqref{eq:xi} forces all non-degenerate critical points of \(h\) to be either local maxima or local minima. The functions in Examples \ref{ex:xi-R}, \ref{ex:xi-S}, \ref{ex:xi-H} fall into two types: \begin{enumerate} \item \(h\) has no other critical value than its minimum \(h_{\min}\) and the sublevel sets \(\{h\leq t\}\) are compact. This is the case of \((\mathbb{R}^n,\rho), (\mathbb{S}^n\setminus\{\rm pt\},x_i)\) and \((\mathbb{H}^n,\xi_0)\). \item \(h\) has no critical point and the sublevel sets are no longer compact, as in the case of \((\mathbb{H}^n,\xi_1)\). \end{enumerate} Given a subset \(\gamma\) of a level set of \(h\), the \emph{\(h\)-tube} \(T_{\gamma}(t_1, t_2)\) is obtained by flowing \(\gamma\) along the gradient field of \(h\) from level \(h=t_1\) to level \(h=t_2\). When \(h\) is of the first type and \(t_1=h_{\min}\), this is visually a cone. For a function \(h\) of the first type
[ 29906, 29905, 511, 13, 259, 988, 29871, 4269, 4295, 3846, 1665, 5389, 3187, 2312, 11079, 29985, 29906, 7244, 338, 278, 341, 682, 340, 808, 713, 6056, 29892, 607, 338, 448, 29896, 363, 13, 259, 931, 29899, 4561, 5190, 13, 259, 12047, 322, 718, 29896, 363, 2913, 29899, 4561, 6743, 29889, 13, 13, 2525, 4561, 278, 4513, 20745, 29892, 278, 11266, 2095, 293, 2913, 508, 367, 3971, 408, 263, 1370, 9795, 13, 4704, 297, 1023, 1422, 5837, 701, 304, 338, 7843, 29889, 7806, 13290, 1298, 16161, 304, 263, 13, 13092, 931, 14821, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 7244, 393, 372, 6260, 4637, 322, 29871, 13, 4204, 7769, 287, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 11266, 22116, 13, 2616, 3636, 29879, 304, 263, 5412, 2913, 14821, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 7244, 393, 13, 3703, 17006, 373, 372, 29889, 3940, 393, 694, 916, 3233, 731, 310, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 7244, 338, 14909, 13, 479, 2631, 293, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 735, 314, 572, 29913, 13, 13, 4806, 8509, 393, 12714, 10033, 5891, 330, 7244, 297, 278, 1206, 4269, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29876, 29892, 320, 4650, 511, 3441, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 29892, 921, 29918, 29875, 27779, 322, 13, 259, 4269, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29892, 320, 5389, 29918, 29900, 27779, 338, 278, 4513, 12714, 373, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2844, 29876, 29899, 29896, 1012, 467, 1152, 4269, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29892, 320, 5389, 29918, 29896, 2144, 511, 10033, 5891, 330, 7244, 13, 259, 338, 278, 3765, 29881, 11266, 2095, 293, 12714, 373, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2844, 29876, 29899, 29896, 1012, 467, 29871, 13, 13, 29905, 2042, 29912, 7185, 327, 8927, 537, 450, 272, 1567, 322, 422, 20941, 11894, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29874, 29896, 29906, 29888, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29913, 13, 13, 1576, 1494, 10383, 4049, 5692, 408, 10033, 27018, 741, 1758, 1933, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 3187, 10142, 1060, 3823, 10142, 353, 320, 27018, 741, 1758, 1933, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 3187, 10142, 1060, 718, 413, 1194, 10142, 29897, 29990, 7244, 988, 10033, 10142, 7244, 338, 263, 1014, 1171, 361, 1025, 310, 4269, 29924, 29905, 511, 4269, 29990, 7244, 338, 263, 4608, 13, 2671, 3412, 10033, 10142, 7244, 322, 4269, 29990, 3823, 10142, 7244, 338, 967, 18806, 296, 4163, 304, 10033, 10142, 29800, 20175, 29892, 591, 674, 13530, 278, 16030, 4608, 297, 4269, 29924, 7244, 310, 263, 740, 4269, 29882, 7244, 491, 10033, 8511, 13, 29882, 7244, 322, 967, 18246, 304, 10033, 10142, 7244, 491, 10033, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 29800, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 13846, 4400, 3226, 747, 29876, 466, 5751, 29962, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2409, 29901, 14153, 29899, 7491, 29913, 13, 12024, 4269, 29888, 29901, 1194, 10142, 29985, 29895, 29892, 29887, 3187, 10142, 29897, 320, 24225, 313, 29924, 29985, 29876, 29892, 330, 27779, 367, 263, 2910, 1546, 29516, 713, 14682, 3361, 322, 10033, 4722, 29898, 29888, 27779, 367, 967, 260, 2673, 13, 2671, 29892, 769, 363, 738, 4269, 29907, 29985, 29906, 7244, 740, 4269, 29882, 7244, 373, 4269, 29924, 29905, 511, 697, 756, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 14153, 29899, 7491, 29913, 13, 29905, 5268, 1665, 10142, 29913, 313, 29882, 29905, 6034, 285, 29897, 353, 320, 27018, 741, 1758, 1605, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 1665, 10142, 29913, 285, 6622, 29905, 29882, 404, 298, 718, 270, 29882, 7790, 4722, 29898, 29888, 29897, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 797, 3153, 29892, 278, 20298, 433, 28445, 310, 4269, 29882, 7244, 373, 263, 1014, 1171, 361, 1025, 10033, 10142, 7244, 338, 2183, 491, 29871, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29882, 404, 29899, 6984, 29913, 13, 29905, 5268, 3187, 10142, 298, 353, 320, 27018, 741, 1758, 1605, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 3187, 10142, 320, 29882, 404, 298, 259, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 29871, 13, 361, 10033, 10142, 7244, 338, 2845, 13114, 470, 18806, 296, 304, 278, 16030, 310, 4269, 29882, 7244, 472, 278, 1298, 297, 1139, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 13846, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 7235, 29912, 22676, 287, 21196, 8927, 537, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29929, 29947, 29881, 29945, 29955, 29953, 29941, 29913, 13, 13, 25255, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29913, 8249, 599, 1661, 29899, 311, 17158, 12187, 3291, 310, 4269, 29882, 7244, 304, 367, 2845, 13, 1887, 5256, 29874, 470, 1887, 1375, 2946, 29889, 450, 3168, 297, 1222, 9422, 320, 999, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29934, 1118, 13, 29905, 999, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29903, 1118, 320, 999, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29950, 29913, 6416, 964, 1023, 4072, 29901, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 4269, 29882, 7244, 756, 694, 916, 12187, 995, 1135, 967, 9212, 4269, 29882, 1665, 1195, 14786, 322, 278, 1014, 5563, 6166, 13, 29905, 1194, 29912, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 29905, 14786, 526, 11071, 29889, 29871, 13, 4013, 338, 278, 1206, 310, 4269, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29876, 2053, 4650, 511, 3441, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 29905, 15375, 24976, 1758, 19592, 29905, 1118, 29916, 29918, 29875, 27779, 322, 4269, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 2053, 5389, 29918, 29900, 2144, 467, 13, 29905, 667, 4269, 29882, 7244, 756, 694, 12187, 1298, 322, 278, 1014, 5563, 6166, 526, 694, 5520, 13, 2388, 627, 29892, 408, 297, 278, 1206, 310, 4269, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 2053, 5389, 29918, 29896, 2144, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 13, 29954, 5428, 263, 11306, 10033, 4283, 7244, 310, 263, 3233, 731, 310, 4269, 29882, 29905, 511, 278, 320, 7278, 741, 29898, 29882, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 29913, 4269, 29911, 1665, 4283, 2119, 29873, 29918, 29896, 29892, 260, 29918, 29906, 27779, 338, 7625, 491, 4972, 292, 10033, 4283, 7244, 3412, 278, 13, 24970, 1746, 310, 4269, 29882, 7244, 515, 3233, 4269, 29882, 29922, 29873, 29918, 29896, 7244, 304, 3233, 4269, 29882, 29922, 29873, 29918, 29906, 29800, 1932, 4269, 29882, 7244, 338, 310, 278, 937, 1134, 322, 4269, 29873, 29918, 29896, 29922, 29882, 1665, 1195, 1012, 511, 445, 338, 1998, 1474, 263, 27843, 29889, 13, 13, 2831, 263, 740, 4269, 29882, 7244, 310, 278, 937, 1134 ]
, we define the \emph{weighted area} and the \emph{weighted density} of a surface \(\Sigma^k\) to be \begin{equation} \label{eq:xi-weighted-area} A_h(\Sigma)(t) := \int_{\Sigma,h\leq t}U,\qquad \Theta^A_h(t) := \frac{A_h(t)}{\frac{\omega_{k-1}}{k}V^{k/2}(t)}. \end{equation} Note that the denominator of \(\Theta_h^A\) is up to constant the weighted area of a tube \(T_\gamma(h_{\min},t)\): \begin{equation} \label{eq:area-tube-1} A_h(T_\gamma)= \frac{|\gamma|}{k} \left(V(t)^{k/2}- V(h_{\min})^{k/2}\right) = \frac{|\gamma|}{k} V(t)^{k/2} \end{equation} where \(|\gamma|\) is the volume of \(\gamma\) under the metric \(\tilde g\). For the second type, it is possible that the integral in \eqref{eq:xi-weighted-area} does not converge. One can remedy this by only counting area in the region \(h\geq h_0\). We will assume that \(\Sigma\) intersects the level set \(h^{-1}(h_0)\) at a smooth \((k-1)\)-dimensional submanifold \(\gamma_0\) and define the weighted area and the weighted density by \begin{equation} \label{eq:xi-weighted-area-plus} B_h(\Sigma)(t):= \int_{\Sigma,h_0\leq h\leq t}U(h) + \frac{1}{k}\int_{\gamma_0}|\nabla^\Sigma h|,\qquad \Theta_h^B:= \frac{B_h(t)}{\frac{\omega_{k-1}}{k}V^{k/2}(t)}. \end{equation} which are finite for a large class of surfaces. The denominator of \(\Theta^B_h\) is again the weighted area of a tube \(T_\gamma(h_0,t)\): \begin{equation} \label{eq:area-tube-2} B_h(T_\gamma)= \frac{|\gamma|}{k}(V(t)^{k/2} - V(h_0)^{k/2}) + \frac{|\gamma|}{k}V(h_0)^{k/2} = \frac{|\gamma|}{k}V(t)^{k/2}. \end{equation} \begin{theorem}[Weighted Monotonicity] \label{thm:monotonicity-warped} Suppose that \(h\) is a \(C^2\) function on a Riemannian manifold \(M\) that satisfies \eqref{eq:xi} with \(U\) and \(V= |\nabla h|^2\) being functions of \(h\) such that \(U = \frac{1}{2}V'\). Let \(\Sigma^k\) be a minimal surface in \(M\). Assume that the integral in \eqref{eq:xi-weighted-area} (respectively \eqref{eq:xi-weighted-area-plus}) is finite, then \(\frac{d}{dt}\Theta^A_h\) (respectively \(\frac{d}{dt}\Theta^B_h\) ) has the same sign as \(U\). Moreover, the conlusion still holds for an extension \(\tilde\Sigma\) of a minimal surface \(\Sigma^k\subset\{h \leq t_0\}\) whose boundary \(\gamma^{k-1}\) is piecewise smooth and contained in \(h^{-1}(t_0)\) by an exterior \(h\)-tube \(T_{\gamma}(t_0, t)\) built upon \(\gamma\). In both case, \(\frac{d}{dt}\Theta^A_h\) (respectively \(\frac{d}{dt}\Theta^B_h\) ) vanishes if and only if the gradient of \(h\) is tangent to \(\Sigma\). \end{theorem} \begin{proof} It follows from Lemma \ref{lem:chain-rule} that \(\Delta_\Sigma h = kU\) on \(\Sigma\). By Stokes' theorem, \begin
[ 29892, 591, 4529, 278, 320, 7278, 29912, 7915, 287, 4038, 29913, 322, 278, 320, 7278, 29912, 7915, 287, 9027, 29913, 310, 263, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 7244, 304, 367, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29899, 7915, 287, 29899, 6203, 29913, 13, 319, 29918, 29882, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29897, 3490, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 29965, 2053, 12014, 320, 17458, 29985, 29909, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 29897, 3490, 320, 1154, 29912, 29909, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 19978, 1154, 741, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 7585, 29895, 29913, 29963, 998, 29895, 29914, 29906, 2119, 29873, 29512, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 9842, 393, 278, 14267, 1061, 310, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29882, 29985, 29909, 7244, 338, 701, 304, 4868, 278, 7688, 287, 4038, 310, 13, 29874, 260, 4003, 4269, 29911, 3187, 4283, 29898, 29882, 1665, 1195, 1118, 29873, 2144, 1125, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 6203, 29899, 29873, 4003, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 29909, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29911, 3187, 4283, 3892, 320, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29632, 29895, 29913, 320, 1563, 29898, 29963, 29898, 29873, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 7402, 478, 29898, 29882, 1665, 1195, 1800, 998, 29895, 29914, 29906, 1012, 1266, 29897, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29632, 29895, 29913, 478, 29898, 29873, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 4269, 4295, 4283, 4295, 29897, 338, 278, 7977, 310, 10033, 4283, 7244, 1090, 278, 12714, 10033, 5891, 330, 29800, 13, 13, 2831, 278, 1473, 1134, 29892, 372, 338, 1950, 393, 278, 10160, 13, 262, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29899, 7915, 287, 29899, 6203, 29913, 947, 451, 5486, 479, 29889, 3118, 508, 1083, 7584, 445, 491, 871, 21248, 13, 6203, 297, 278, 5120, 4269, 29882, 29905, 6279, 298, 29918, 29900, 29800, 1334, 674, 5251, 393, 10033, 10142, 7244, 25869, 29879, 13, 1552, 3233, 731, 4269, 29882, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29882, 29918, 29900, 27779, 472, 263, 10597, 320, 3552, 29895, 29899, 29896, 2144, 6817, 12531, 1014, 1171, 361, 1025, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29900, 7244, 322, 4529, 278, 7688, 287, 4038, 322, 278, 7688, 287, 9027, 491, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29899, 7915, 287, 29899, 6203, 29899, 11242, 29913, 13, 29933, 29918, 29882, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29918, 29900, 29905, 3797, 298, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 29965, 29898, 29882, 29897, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 1012, 524, 1665, 4283, 29918, 29900, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 29989, 2053, 12014, 320, 17458, 29918, 29882, 29985, 29933, 9361, 13, 29905, 1154, 29912, 29933, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 19978, 1154, 741, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 7585, 29895, 29913, 29963, 998, 29895, 29914, 29906, 2119, 29873, 29512, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 4716, 526, 8093, 363, 263, 2919, 770, 310, 28001, 29889, 450, 14267, 1061, 310, 10033, 17458, 29985, 29933, 29918, 29882, 7244, 338, 1449, 278, 13, 7915, 287, 4038, 310, 263, 260, 4003, 4269, 29911, 3187, 4283, 29898, 29882, 29918, 29900, 29892, 29873, 2144, 1125, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 6203, 29899, 29873, 4003, 29899, 29906, 29913, 13, 350, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29911, 3187, 4283, 3892, 320, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29632, 29895, 2119, 29963, 29898, 29873, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 29913, 448, 478, 29898, 29882, 29918, 29900, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 1800, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29632, 29895, 29913, 29963, 29898, 29882, 29918, 29900, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 29913, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29632, 29895, 29913, 29963, 29898, 29873, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 1836, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 4400, 22676, 287, 2598, 327, 8927, 537, 29962, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 29913, 13, 20182, 852, 393, 4269, 29882, 7244, 338, 263, 4269, 29907, 29985, 29906, 7244, 740, 373, 263, 29516, 713, 25941, 4269, 29924, 7244, 393, 13, 29879, 27685, 583, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29913, 411, 4269, 29965, 7244, 322, 4269, 29963, 29922, 18283, 8511, 298, 15333, 29906, 7244, 1641, 3168, 310, 4269, 29882, 7244, 13, 14565, 393, 4269, 29965, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 29913, 29963, 12764, 467, 2803, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 7244, 367, 263, 13114, 13, 7610, 2161, 297, 4269, 29924, 29800, 13, 7900, 2017, 393, 278, 10160, 297, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29899, 7915, 287, 29899, 6203, 29913, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 13, 29905, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29899, 7915, 287, 29899, 6203, 29899, 11242, 1800, 29871, 338, 8093, 29892, 769, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 1012, 17458, 29985, 29909, 29918, 29882, 7244, 13, 29898, 690, 1103, 3598, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 1012, 17458, 29985, 29933, 29918, 29882, 7244, 1723, 756, 278, 1021, 1804, 408, 4269, 29965, 29800, 13, 13, 20761, 957, 29892, 278, 378, 29880, 3958, 1603, 8640, 363, 385, 6081, 29871, 10033, 5891, 29905, 10142, 7244, 29871, 310, 263, 13114, 13, 7610, 2161, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 29905, 6484, 10045, 29882, 320, 3797, 260, 29918, 29900, 29905, 14786, 5069, 10452, 10033, 4283, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 14786, 338, 8424, 3538, 13, 3844, 6983, 322, 11122, 297, 4269, 29882, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29873, 29918, 29900, 27779, 491, 385, 29871, 13, 735, 8733, 4269, 29882, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 4269, 29911, 1665, 4283, 2119, 29873, 29918, 29900, 29892, 260, 27779, 4240, 2501, 10033, 4283, 29800, 29871, 13, 13, 797, 1716, 1206, 29892, 29871, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 1012, 17458, 29985, 29909, 29918, 29882, 7244, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 1012, 17458, 29985, 29933, 29918, 29882, 7244, 1723, 13, 3703, 17006, 565, 322, 871, 565, 278, 16030, 310, 4269, 29882, 7244, 338, 18806, 296, 304, 10033, 10142, 29800, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 3112, 4477, 515, 11894, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 14153, 29899, 7491, 29913, 393, 10033, 5268, 3187, 10142, 298, 353, 413, 29965, 7244, 373, 10033, 10142, 29800, 2648, 13, 20754, 10794, 29915, 9185, 29892, 13, 29905, 463 ]
{equation} \label{eq:stokes} A_h(t) = \int_{\Sigma,h\leq t} U(h) = \frac{1}{k}\int_{\Sigma,h\leq t}\Delta_\Sigma h = \frac{1}{k}\int_{\Sigma,h=t}\nabla^\Sigma h\cdot n = \frac{1}{k}\int_{\Sigma,h=t}|\nabla^\Sigma h| \end{equation} because the outer normal of \(\{h\leq t\}\) in \(\Sigma\) is \(n= \frac{\nabla^{\Sigma} h}{|\nabla^{\Sigma} h|}\). By the coarea formula, \[ \frac{dA_h}{dt} = U(t)\int_{\Sigma,h = t} \frac{1}{|\nabla^\Sigma h|}. \] Combining this with \eqref{eq:stokes} and \(|\nabla^\Sigma h|^2\leq V(h)\), one has \(\frac{1}{U}\frac{dA_h}{dt} \geq \frac{k A}{V}\), or \(\frac{1}{U} \frac{d}{dt}(\frac{A_h}{V^{k/2}})\geq 0\). Similarly, one has \(B_h(t) = \frac{1}{k}\int_{\Sigma,h = t}|\nabla^\Sigma h|\), and \(\frac{dB_h}{dt} = U(t)\int_{\Sigma,h = t} \frac{1}{|\nabla^\Sigma h|}\) and the same conclusion is drawn for the second type function. For cone extension, it suffices to rewrite equation \eqref{eq:stokes} when \(t > t_0\) as \[ kA_h(t) = \left(\int_{\Sigma,h\leq t_0}+ \int_{T_{\gamma}(t_0,t)}\right)\Delta h = \int_{\tilde\Sigma,h=t}|\nabla^{\tilde\Sigma} h| + \int_{\gamma}\left( |\nabla^\Sigma h| - |\nabla^M h| \right)\leq \int_{\tilde\Sigma,h=t}|\nabla^{\tilde\Sigma} h|. \] \end{proof} \begin{remark} \label{rem:monotonicity-warped} \begin{enumerate} \item If \(\Sigma\) contains a multiple of \(\gamma\), the area of the tube should be counted with multiplicity. \item We only need the "\(\leq\)" sign in \eqref{eq:stokes} and hence it suffices that \(\Delta_\Sigma h \geq k U(h)\). Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-warped} still holds if \(\hess h\geq U.g\), provided that \(U\) and \(V = |d h|^2\) are still functions of \(h\) and that \(U = \frac{1}{2}V'\). \end{enumerate} \end{remark} \begin{remark} \label{rem:monotonicity-current} When \(\Sigma\) is a stationary rectifiable \(k\)-current, the proof of Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-warped} can be adapted in the same fashion as \cite{Anderson82_CompleteMinimalVarieties} and \cite{Ekholm.etal02_EmbeddednessMinimalSurfaces}. We replace the integration by part \eqref{eq:stokes} by the first variation formula of current, which reads \(\int_\Sigma {\rm div}_\Sigma X\ d\|\Sigma\| = 0\) where \(X\) is any smooth vector field and \(d\|\Sigma\|\) is the mass measure. We recover \(k A_h - \frac{V}{U}A'_h \leq 0\) by choosing \(X:= \chi(h)\nabla h\) where \(\chi\) is a decreasing function that approximates the characteristic function of \([-\infty, t]\), and by noting that \(\mathop{\rm div}\nolimits_\Sigma X = \chi' |\nabla^\Sigma h|^2 + \chi\Delta_\Sigma h \geq \chi' V + k \chi U\). For the tube extension and the formulation of \(B_h\) when \(h
[ 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 303, 23195, 29913, 13, 29909, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 29897, 353, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 501, 29898, 29882, 29897, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 1012, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 1012, 5268, 3187, 10142, 298, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 1012, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29922, 29873, 1012, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 29905, 3822, 302, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 1012, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29922, 29873, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 29989, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 18103, 278, 11420, 4226, 310, 10033, 29912, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 29905, 14786, 297, 10033, 10142, 7244, 338, 4269, 29876, 29922, 13, 29905, 1154, 741, 8511, 3311, 10142, 29913, 298, 1157, 4295, 8511, 3311, 10142, 29913, 298, 29989, 1012, 467, 2648, 278, 1302, 6203, 7063, 29892, 29871, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29909, 29918, 29882, 1157, 6008, 29913, 353, 501, 29898, 29873, 2144, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 353, 260, 29913, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 29989, 1836, 13, 18899, 13, 1523, 2109, 292, 445, 411, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 303, 23195, 29913, 322, 4269, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 15333, 29906, 29905, 3797, 29871, 478, 29898, 29882, 2144, 511, 697, 756, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29965, 1012, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29909, 29918, 29882, 1157, 6008, 29913, 320, 6279, 320, 1154, 29912, 29895, 319, 1157, 29963, 1012, 511, 470, 13, 29905, 1194, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29965, 29913, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 4678, 1154, 29912, 29909, 29918, 29882, 1157, 29963, 998, 29895, 29914, 29906, 930, 2144, 6279, 29871, 29900, 29800, 13, 13, 8942, 2327, 368, 29892, 697, 756, 4269, 29933, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 29897, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 1012, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 353, 260, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 4295, 511, 322, 13, 29905, 1194, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29933, 29918, 29882, 1157, 6008, 29913, 353, 501, 29898, 29873, 2144, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 353, 260, 29913, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 29989, 14786, 322, 278, 13, 17642, 15997, 338, 12061, 363, 278, 1473, 1134, 740, 29889, 13, 13, 2831, 27843, 6081, 29892, 372, 9378, 1575, 304, 10683, 6306, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 303, 23195, 29913, 746, 4269, 29873, 1405, 260, 29918, 29900, 7244, 408, 13, 259, 5539, 13, 1678, 413, 29909, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 29897, 353, 320, 1563, 1194, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 29918, 29900, 7517, 13, 259, 320, 524, 648, 29911, 1665, 4283, 2119, 29873, 29918, 29900, 29892, 29873, 11383, 1266, 2144, 5268, 298, 353, 13, 259, 320, 524, 1665, 5891, 29905, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29922, 29873, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3311, 5891, 29905, 10142, 29913, 298, 29989, 718, 13, 259, 320, 524, 1665, 4283, 1012, 1563, 29898, 18283, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 29989, 448, 18283, 8511, 29985, 29924, 298, 29989, 29871, 320, 1266, 2144, 3797, 13, 259, 320, 524, 1665, 5891, 29905, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29922, 29873, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3311, 5891, 29905, 10142, 29913, 298, 29989, 29889, 13, 259, 11424, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1745, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 960, 10033, 10142, 7244, 3743, 263, 2999, 310, 10033, 4283, 29905, 511, 278, 4038, 310, 278, 260, 4003, 881, 367, 29115, 411, 6674, 17024, 29889, 13, 29905, 667, 1334, 871, 817, 278, 6634, 1194, 3797, 29905, 5513, 1804, 297, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 303, 23195, 29913, 322, 8151, 372, 9378, 1575, 393, 10033, 5268, 3187, 10142, 298, 320, 6279, 413, 501, 29898, 29882, 2144, 467, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 29913, 13, 303, 453, 8640, 565, 10033, 29882, 404, 298, 29905, 6279, 13, 259, 501, 29889, 29887, 29905, 511, 4944, 393, 4269, 29965, 7244, 322, 4269, 29963, 353, 891, 29881, 298, 15333, 29906, 7244, 526, 1603, 13, 12171, 310, 4269, 29882, 7244, 322, 393, 4269, 29965, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 29913, 29963, 12764, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1745, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 3784, 29913, 13, 10401, 10033, 10142, 7244, 338, 263, 5073, 653, 7705, 28677, 4269, 29895, 29905, 6817, 3784, 29892, 278, 5296, 310, 10244, 13, 259, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 29913, 508, 367, 23430, 297, 278, 1021, 13460, 408, 13, 259, 320, 2036, 29912, 2855, 1330, 29947, 29906, 29918, 17813, 8140, 3039, 10444, 20850, 29913, 322, 29871, 320, 2036, 29912, 29923, 29895, 13376, 29889, 26310, 29900, 29906, 29918, 6026, 2580, 7176, 2264, 8140, 3039, 18498, 8726, 1836, 1334, 5191, 278, 13465, 491, 760, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 303, 23195, 29913, 13, 259, 491, 278, 937, 19262, 7063, 310, 1857, 29892, 607, 13623, 10033, 524, 3187, 10142, 13, 259, 2802, 1758, 1933, 12806, 10142, 1060, 29905, 270, 29905, 4295, 10142, 7893, 353, 29871, 29900, 7244, 988, 4269, 29990, 7244, 338, 738, 10597, 4608, 1746, 322, 13, 259, 4269, 29881, 29905, 4295, 10142, 29905, 4295, 29897, 338, 278, 4158, 5645, 29889, 1334, 9792, 4269, 29895, 319, 29918, 29882, 448, 320, 1154, 29912, 29963, 1157, 29965, 29913, 29909, 15972, 29882, 320, 3797, 29871, 29900, 7244, 13, 259, 491, 23906, 29871, 4269, 29990, 9361, 320, 4161, 29898, 29882, 2144, 8511, 298, 7244, 988, 10033, 4161, 7244, 338, 263, 9263, 5832, 740, 393, 6881, 1078, 278, 17443, 13, 259, 740, 310, 320, 4197, 2612, 3411, 29892, 260, 10725, 511, 322, 491, 451, 292, 393, 10033, 27018, 741, 1758, 1933, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 3187, 10142, 1060, 353, 259, 320, 4161, 29915, 18283, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 15333, 29906, 718, 320, 4161, 29905, 5268, 3187, 10142, 298, 320, 6279, 320, 4161, 29915, 478, 718, 413, 320, 4161, 501, 29800, 13, 13, 2831, 278, 260, 4003, 6081, 322, 278, 883, 2785, 310, 4269, 29933, 29918, 29882, 7244, 746, 4269, 29882 ]
\) is of the second type, we replace the intersection \(\gamma =\Sigma \cap h^{-1}(t_0)\) (or \(\gamma_{0} = \Sigma\cap h^{-1}(h_0)\) respectively) by an \(\mathcal{H}^{k-1}\)-rectifiable set such that the pair \((\Sigma, \gamma)\) is \emph{strongly stationary}. This means that \(\int_\Sigma {\rm div}_\Sigma X \leq \int_{\gamma} |X^\perp|\) for any smooth vector field \(X\) whose normal component to \(\gamma\) is \(X^\perp\), or equivalently that there exists an \(\mathcal{H}^{k-1}\)-measurable normal vector field \(\nu\) on \(\gamma\) with \(\sup|\nu| \leq 1\) such that \(\int_\Sigma {\rm div}_\Sigma X = \int_\gamma g(X,\nu)\). The definition \eqref{eq:xi-weighted-area-plus} should be rewritten for strongly stationary pair \((\Sigma,\gamma_0)\) as \[ B_h(\Sigma)(t):= \int_{\Sigma}U(h) - \frac{1}{k}\int_{\gamma_0}g(\nabla h,\nu_0). \] \end{remark} Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-warped} can also be extended for harmonic maps. Given a map \(f:\Sigma \longrightarrow M\), we define its \emph{dimension at a point} \(p\in \Sigma\) to be the ratio \(\frac{|df_p|^2}{|df_p|_o^2}\) of the tensor norm of the derivative at \(p\) (called energy density) and its operator norm, or \(+\infty\) if the latter vanishes. Note that when \(df_p\) is non-zero and conformal, this is the dimension of \(\Sigma\). The \emph{dimension} of \(f\), defined as the smallest dimension among all points, will play the role of \(k\) in our argument. The \emph{weighted Dirichlet energy} of \(f\) in the region \(h\leq t\) is defined as \(E_h(t):=\int_{\Sigma, h\circ f\leq t} U |df|^2\) or \(E_h(t):= \int_{\Sigma, h_0\leq h\circ f\leq t} U|df|^2 + \int_{\Sigma,h\circ f = h_0}|d(h\circ f)|\) depending on the type of \(h\). The \emph{weighted density} is \(\Theta_h(t):= \frac{E_h(t)}{V(t)^{k/2}}\). \begin{theorem} \label{thm:monotonicity-map} Let \(h, U, V\) be as in Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-warped} and \(f:\Sigma \longrightarrow M\) be a harmonic map. Then \(\frac{d}{dt}\Theta_h\) has the same sign as \(U\). \end{theorem} \begin{proof} By Lemma \ref{lem:chain-rule} one has \(\Delta (h\circ f) = U |df|^2\) and by integration by part, \(E_h(t) = \int_{\Sigma, h\circ f = t} |d(h\circ f)|\). One then compares \(E_h\) with its derivative obtained from coarea formula \(\frac{dE_h}{dt} = U(t) \int_{\Sigma, h\circ f = t} \frac{|df|^2}{|d(h\circ f)|}\). The definition of \(k\) guarantees \(\frac{|df|^2}{|d(h\circ f)|} \geq k \frac{|d(h\circ f)|}{|dh|^2}\) and therefore \(U^{-1}\frac{dE_h(t)}{dt} \geq \frac{k}{V}E_h\). \end{proof} We will restate Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-warped} when \(M\) is the hyperbolic space and the sphere. Given a time coordinate \(\xi_0\) of \(\mathbb{H}^n\), the \emph{time-weighted area} functional is defined as \[ A_{\xi_0}(\Sigma)(
[ 7244, 338, 310, 278, 1473, 13, 259, 1134, 29892, 591, 5191, 278, 17686, 10033, 4283, 17313, 10142, 320, 5030, 298, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29873, 29918, 29900, 27779, 313, 272, 10033, 4283, 648, 29900, 29913, 353, 320, 10142, 29905, 5030, 298, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29882, 29918, 29900, 27779, 8307, 29897, 491, 385, 13, 259, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29950, 2844, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 6817, 1621, 28677, 731, 1316, 393, 278, 5101, 29871, 4269, 1194, 10142, 29892, 320, 4283, 27779, 338, 320, 7278, 29912, 1110, 368, 5073, 653, 1836, 910, 2794, 393, 29871, 13, 29905, 1194, 524, 3187, 10142, 2802, 1758, 1933, 12806, 10142, 1060, 13, 259, 320, 3797, 320, 524, 1665, 4283, 29913, 891, 29990, 3823, 24598, 4295, 29897, 29871, 13, 1454, 738, 10597, 4608, 1746, 4269, 29990, 7244, 5069, 4226, 13, 259, 4163, 304, 10033, 4283, 7244, 338, 4269, 29990, 3823, 24598, 29905, 511, 470, 5737, 2705, 393, 727, 4864, 385, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29950, 2844, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 6817, 1004, 294, 21115, 4226, 4608, 1746, 10033, 3433, 7244, 373, 10033, 4283, 7244, 411, 10033, 12587, 4295, 3433, 29989, 320, 3797, 29871, 29896, 7244, 1316, 393, 10033, 524, 3187, 10142, 2802, 1758, 1933, 12806, 10142, 1060, 353, 320, 524, 3187, 4283, 330, 29898, 29990, 2053, 3433, 2144, 467, 29871, 13, 1576, 5023, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29899, 7915, 287, 29899, 6203, 29899, 11242, 29913, 881, 367, 337, 17625, 363, 13818, 5073, 653, 13, 259, 5101, 4269, 1194, 10142, 2053, 4283, 29918, 29900, 27779, 408, 13, 29905, 29961, 350, 29918, 29882, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29913, 29965, 29898, 29882, 29897, 448, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 1012, 524, 1665, 4283, 29918, 29900, 29913, 29887, 1194, 8511, 298, 2053, 3433, 29918, 29900, 467, 13, 18899, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 28831, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 29913, 508, 884, 367, 10410, 363, 10311, 8927, 11053, 29889, 11221, 263, 2910, 4269, 29888, 3583, 10142, 320, 24225, 341, 29905, 511, 591, 13, 7922, 967, 320, 7278, 29912, 6229, 2673, 472, 263, 1298, 29913, 4269, 29886, 29905, 262, 320, 10142, 7244, 304, 367, 278, 11959, 10033, 1154, 28437, 2176, 29918, 29886, 15333, 29906, 24525, 2176, 29918, 29886, 29989, 29918, 29877, 29985, 29906, 14786, 13, 974, 278, 12489, 6056, 310, 278, 16291, 472, 4269, 29886, 7244, 313, 13998, 5864, 13, 21518, 537, 29897, 322, 967, 5455, 6056, 29892, 470, 4269, 3124, 3411, 7244, 565, 278, 7480, 1109, 17006, 29889, 3940, 393, 746, 4269, 2176, 29918, 29886, 7244, 338, 1661, 29899, 9171, 322, 14670, 284, 29892, 29871, 13, 1366, 338, 278, 9927, 310, 10033, 10142, 29800, 450, 320, 7278, 29912, 6229, 2673, 29913, 310, 4269, 29888, 29905, 511, 3342, 408, 278, 19087, 13, 6229, 2673, 4249, 599, 3291, 29892, 674, 1708, 278, 6297, 310, 4269, 29895, 7244, 297, 1749, 2980, 29889, 13, 13, 1576, 320, 7278, 29912, 7915, 287, 19378, 436, 1026, 5864, 29913, 310, 4269, 29888, 7244, 13, 262, 278, 5120, 4269, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 7244, 338, 3342, 408, 4269, 29923, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 1125, 2013, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 298, 29905, 6034, 285, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 501, 891, 2176, 15333, 29906, 7244, 470, 4269, 29923, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 1125, 29922, 13, 29905, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 298, 29918, 29900, 29905, 3797, 298, 29905, 6034, 285, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 501, 29989, 2176, 15333, 29906, 718, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29905, 6034, 285, 353, 298, 29918, 29900, 11079, 29881, 29898, 29882, 29905, 6034, 285, 29897, 4295, 29897, 13, 2716, 2548, 373, 278, 1134, 310, 4269, 29882, 29800, 450, 320, 7278, 29912, 7915, 287, 9027, 29913, 338, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 1154, 29912, 29923, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 10172, 29963, 29898, 29873, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 4229, 467, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 1958, 29913, 13, 12024, 4269, 29882, 29892, 501, 29892, 478, 7244, 367, 408, 297, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 29913, 322, 13, 29905, 29898, 29888, 3583, 10142, 320, 24225, 341, 7244, 367, 263, 10311, 8927, 2910, 29889, 1987, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 1012, 17458, 29918, 29882, 7244, 756, 278, 1021, 1804, 408, 4269, 29965, 29800, 29871, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 2059, 11894, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 14153, 29899, 7491, 29913, 697, 756, 10033, 5268, 313, 29882, 29905, 6034, 285, 29897, 353, 501, 891, 2176, 15333, 29906, 7244, 322, 491, 13, 27925, 491, 760, 29892, 4269, 29923, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 29897, 353, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 298, 29905, 6034, 285, 353, 260, 29913, 891, 29881, 29898, 29882, 29905, 6034, 285, 29897, 4295, 467, 3118, 769, 13, 510, 862, 267, 4269, 29923, 29918, 29882, 7244, 411, 967, 16291, 7625, 515, 1302, 6203, 7063, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29923, 29918, 29882, 1157, 6008, 29913, 353, 501, 29898, 29873, 29897, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 298, 29905, 6034, 285, 353, 260, 29913, 13, 29905, 1154, 28437, 2176, 15333, 29906, 24525, 29881, 29898, 29882, 29905, 6034, 285, 10531, 1012, 467, 13, 1576, 5023, 310, 29871, 13, 29905, 29898, 29895, 7244, 10509, 267, 10033, 1154, 28437, 2176, 15333, 29906, 24525, 29881, 29898, 29882, 29905, 6034, 285, 10531, 29913, 320, 6279, 413, 320, 1154, 28437, 29881, 29898, 29882, 29905, 6034, 285, 10531, 24525, 12744, 15333, 29906, 14786, 322, 5480, 4269, 29965, 3426, 29896, 1012, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29923, 29918, 29882, 29898, 29873, 10172, 6008, 29913, 320, 6279, 320, 1154, 29912, 29895, 1157, 29963, 29913, 29923, 29918, 29882, 29800, 29871, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 13, 4806, 674, 1791, 403, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 29913, 746, 4269, 29924, 7244, 338, 278, 11266, 2095, 293, 2913, 13, 392, 278, 20745, 29889, 29871, 13, 13, 29954, 5428, 263, 931, 14821, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 7244, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29905, 511, 13, 1552, 320, 7278, 29912, 2230, 29899, 7915, 287, 4038, 29913, 13303, 338, 3342, 408, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 319, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29900, 4678, 10142, 5033 ]
t):= \int_{\Sigma,1\leq \xi_0\leq t}\xi_0, \] For a totally geodesic copy of \(\mathbb{H}^k\) in \(\mathbb{H}^n\) passing by \(\xi_0^{-1}(1)\), it is given by \(A_{\xi_0}(\mathbb{H}^k)(t)={\frac{\omega_{k-1}}{k}(t^2-1)^{k/2}}\). Define the \emph{time-weighted density} by \(\Theta_{\xi_0}(\Sigma)(t):=\frac{A_{\xi_0}(\Sigma)(t)}{A_{\xi_0}(\mathbb{H}^k)(t)}\) and substitute \(h=\xi_0\) into Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-warped}, one has: \begin{theorem}[Time Monotonicity] \label{thm:monotonicity-H-time} The time-weighted density of an extension by exterior \(\xi_0\)-tube of a minimal surface is increasing on \((1,+\infty)\). \end{theorem} To state the weighted monotonicity theorem corresponding to a space coordinate \(\xi_1\), we will assume that the surface \(\Sigma^k\) is contained in the region \(\{\xi_1 \geq 0\}\) and that its boundary consists of a (possibly empty) part \(\gamma_0\) in \(\xi_1^{-1}(0)\) and a part \(\gamma_\infty\) in \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\), both of them are disjoint from the equator \(\xi_1^{-1}(0) \cap \mathbb{S}_{\infty}\). The \emph{space-weighted area} functional is defined by \[ B_{\xi_1}(\Sigma)(t):=\int_{\Sigma, 0\leq\xi_1\leq t}\xi_1 + \frac{1}{k}\int_{\Sigma,\xi_1=0}|\nabla^\Sigma\xi_1| \] and is finite for such surface \(\Sigma\). In particular, if \(\gamma^{k-1}\) is a submanifold in the interior of \(\xi_1^{-1}(0)\) with hyperbolic volume \(|\gamma|\), the \(\xi_1\)-tube \(T_\gamma(0,t)\) built upon \(\gamma\) has space-weighted area \(\frac{|\gamma|}{k}(t^2+1)^{k/2}\). The \emph{space-weighted density} is defined as \(\Theta_{\xi_1}(t):=\frac{B_{\xi_1}(\Sigma)(t)}{\frac{\omega_{k-1}}{k}(t^2+1)^{k/2}}\) and is constant for such tube. \begin{theorem}[Space Monotonicity] \label{thm:monotonicity-H-space} The space-weighted density of an extension by exterior \(\xi_1\)-tube of a minimal surface is increasing on \((0,+\infty)\). \end{theorem} When \(M\) is the round sphere \(\mathbb{S}^n\) seen as a warped space using an Euclidean coordinate \(x=x_i\), we define the \emph{weighted area} and \emph{weighted density} by \[ A_x(\Sigma)(t):= \int_{\Sigma,x\geq t}x,\qquad \Theta_x(\Sigma)(t) := \frac{A_x(\Sigma)(t)}{A_x(\mathbb{S}^k)(t)}. \] A totally geodesic \(\mathbb{S}^k\subset \mathbb{S}^n\) passing by \(x^{-1}(1)\) has \(A_x(\mathbb{S}^k)(t) = \frac{\omega_{k-1}}{k}(1-t^2)^{k/2}\). It follows from Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-warped} for \(h=1-x\) that: \begin{theorem}[Weighted monotonicity in \( \mathbb{S}^n \)] \label{thm:monotonicity-S} The weighted density of an extension by exterior \(x\)-tube of a minimal surface in \(\mathbb{S}^n\), is decreasing on \((0, 1)\) and increasing on \((-1,0)\). \end{theorem} \subsection{Comparison lemma} \label{sec:org2a
[ 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29896, 29905, 3797, 320, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29905, 3797, 260, 1012, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29892, 13, 18899, 13, 2831, 263, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 3509, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29895, 7244, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 6819, 491, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29896, 2144, 511, 372, 338, 2183, 491, 13, 29905, 29898, 29909, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29900, 4678, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29895, 5033, 29873, 3892, 741, 1154, 741, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 7585, 29895, 2119, 29873, 29985, 29906, 29899, 29896, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 4229, 467, 13, 3206, 457, 278, 320, 7278, 29912, 2230, 29899, 7915, 287, 9027, 29913, 491, 10033, 17458, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29900, 4678, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 2013, 1154, 29912, 29909, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29900, 4678, 10142, 5033, 29873, 10172, 29909, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29900, 4678, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29895, 5033, 29873, 11383, 29897, 322, 23764, 4269, 29882, 2013, 5389, 29918, 29900, 7244, 964, 10244, 13, 29905, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 1118, 697, 756, 29901, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 4400, 2481, 2598, 327, 8927, 537, 29962, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 29950, 29899, 2230, 29913, 13, 1576, 931, 29899, 7915, 287, 9027, 310, 385, 6081, 491, 25591, 13, 29905, 1194, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 310, 263, 13114, 13, 7610, 2161, 338, 10231, 373, 320, 3552, 29896, 29892, 3124, 3411, 2144, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 13, 1762, 2106, 278, 7688, 287, 21196, 8927, 537, 9185, 6590, 304, 263, 2913, 14821, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29905, 511, 13, 705, 674, 5251, 393, 278, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 7244, 338, 11122, 297, 278, 5120, 10033, 741, 5389, 29918, 29896, 320, 6279, 29871, 29900, 29905, 14786, 322, 393, 967, 10452, 11624, 310, 263, 313, 28802, 14981, 4069, 29897, 760, 13, 29905, 1194, 4283, 29918, 29900, 7244, 297, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29900, 27779, 322, 263, 760, 10033, 4283, 3187, 3411, 7244, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 29905, 511, 1716, 310, 963, 13, 598, 766, 12090, 515, 278, 1592, 1061, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29900, 29897, 320, 5030, 320, 1995, 29912, 29903, 6353, 3411, 1012, 467, 13, 1576, 320, 7278, 29912, 3493, 29899, 7915, 287, 4038, 29913, 13303, 338, 3342, 491, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 29933, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29896, 4678, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 2013, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29871, 29900, 29905, 3797, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29905, 3797, 260, 1012, 5389, 29918, 29896, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 1012, 524, 1665, 10142, 2053, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29922, 29900, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29989, 13, 18899, 13, 392, 338, 8093, 363, 1316, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29800, 512, 3153, 29892, 565, 29871, 10033, 4283, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 14786, 338, 263, 1014, 1171, 361, 1025, 297, 278, 13290, 310, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29900, 27779, 411, 11266, 2095, 293, 7977, 4269, 4295, 4283, 4295, 511, 278, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 29871, 4269, 29911, 3187, 4283, 29898, 29900, 29892, 29873, 27779, 4240, 2501, 10033, 4283, 7244, 756, 2913, 29899, 7915, 287, 4038, 10033, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29632, 29895, 2119, 29873, 29985, 29906, 29974, 29896, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 1012, 467, 13, 1576, 320, 7278, 29912, 3493, 29899, 7915, 287, 9027, 29913, 338, 3342, 408, 10033, 17458, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29896, 2119, 29873, 1125, 2013, 1154, 29912, 29933, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29896, 4678, 10142, 5033, 29873, 19978, 1154, 741, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 7585, 29895, 2119, 29873, 29985, 29906, 29974, 29896, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 4229, 29897, 322, 338, 13, 23362, 363, 1316, 260, 4003, 29889, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 4400, 14936, 2598, 327, 8927, 537, 29962, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 29950, 29899, 3493, 29913, 13, 1576, 2913, 29899, 7915, 287, 9027, 310, 385, 6081, 491, 25591, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 310, 263, 13114, 13, 7610, 2161, 338, 10231, 373, 320, 3552, 29900, 29892, 3124, 3411, 2144, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 13, 10401, 4269, 29924, 7244, 338, 278, 4513, 20745, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 7244, 3595, 408, 263, 1370, 9795, 2913, 773, 385, 382, 27511, 14821, 4269, 29916, 29922, 29916, 29918, 29875, 29905, 511, 591, 13, 7922, 278, 320, 7278, 29912, 7915, 287, 4038, 29913, 322, 320, 7278, 29912, 7915, 287, 9027, 29913, 491, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 319, 29918, 29916, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29916, 29905, 6279, 260, 29913, 29916, 2053, 12014, 320, 17458, 29918, 29916, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29897, 3490, 13, 29905, 1154, 29912, 29909, 29918, 29916, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 10172, 29909, 29918, 29916, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29895, 5033, 29873, 29512, 13, 18899, 13, 29909, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29895, 29905, 6484, 320, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 7244, 6819, 491, 4269, 29916, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29896, 27779, 756, 29871, 4269, 29909, 29918, 29916, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29895, 5033, 29873, 29897, 353, 320, 1154, 741, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 7585, 29895, 2119, 29896, 29899, 29873, 29985, 29906, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 1012, 467, 29871, 13, 3112, 4477, 515, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 29913, 363, 4269, 29882, 29922, 29896, 29899, 29916, 7244, 393, 29901, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 4400, 22676, 287, 21196, 8927, 537, 297, 4269, 320, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 320, 4638, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 29903, 29913, 13, 1576, 7688, 287, 9027, 310, 385, 6081, 491, 25591, 13, 29905, 29898, 29916, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 310, 263, 13114, 7101, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 29905, 511, 338, 9263, 5832, 373, 320, 3552, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29896, 27779, 322, 10231, 373, 320, 3552, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29900, 2144, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 29905, 7235, 29912, 1523, 20941, 10383, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29906, 29874 ]
3cdb8} It is useful to weight the area functional of \eqref{eq:xi-weighted-area} by a function \(P(h)\) other than \(U(h)\). The \emph{\(P\)-area} is defined by \[ A_P(\Sigma)(t):= \int_{\Sigma,h\leq t}P(h), \quad B_P(\Sigma)(t):=\int_{\Sigma,h_0\leq h\leq t}P(h) + \frac{1}{k}\int_{h=h_0}|\nabla^\Sigma h|. \] We normalise the \(P\)-area of a minimal surface by that of an \(h\)-tube, which is up to a factor \begin{equation} \label{eq:Q} Q(t):= \begin{cases} \omega_{k-1}\int_{h\leq t} P(h)V^{\frac{k}{2}-1}(h) dh, & \text{if $h$ is of the first type}, \\ \omega_{k-1}\left(\int_{h=h_0}^t P(h)V^{\frac{k}{2}-1}(h)dh + \frac{1}{k}V(h_0)^{k/2}\right) & \text{if $h$ is of the second type} \end{cases} \end{equation} and define the \emph{\(P\)-density} as \(\Theta_P(\Sigma)(t):= \frac{A_P(t)}{Q(t)}\) or \(\frac{B_P(t)}{Q(t)}\) respectively. When \(P=U\), these are the weighted area/density defined in \eqref{eq:xi-weighted-area} and \eqref{eq:xi-weighted-area-plus}. We will always assume that the weight function is positive in the relevant region of \(M\). \begin{exampl}[] \label{ex:weight-P} \begin{enumerate} \item On the round sphere \(\mathbb{S}^n\), modeled as the compactification of \(\mathbb{R}^n\) with \(g_{\mathbb{S}^n}= \frac{4}{(1+r^2)^2}g_E\), the function \(x:= \frac{1-r^2}{1+r^2}\) is the Euclidean coordinate of Example \ref{ex:xi-S} that is maximised at the origin and minimised at infinity. The Euclidean area of \(\mathbb{R}^n\) is a \(P\)-area with \(P = (1+x)^{-k}\). \item In the Poincaré ball \(\mathbb{B}^n\) with metric \(g_{\mathbb{H}^n}= \frac{4}{(1-r^2)^2}g_E\), the function \(\xi_0 := \frac{1+r^2}{1-r^2}\) is the time coordinate minimised at the center. The Euclidean area corresponds to \(P = (1+\xi_0)^{-k}\). The unweighted area of the round metric \(g_{\mathbb{S}^n}\) corresponds to \(P=\xi_0^{-k}\) and the \(x\)-weighted area above corresponds to \(P = \xi_0^{-k-1}\). \end{enumerate} \end{exampl} \begin{definition} Given 2 weight functions \(P_1, P_2\) whose tube area \(Q_1, Q_2\) are defined by \eqref{eq:Q}, we say that \(P_1\) is \emph{weaker} than \(P_2\) if \(\frac{P_1}{Q_1}\leq \frac{P_2}{Q_2}\), in other words if \(\frac{d}{dt}\frac{Q_1}{Q_2}\leq 0\), i.e. the \(P_2\)-area of a \(k\)-dimensional tube increases faster than its \(P_1\)-area. This is obviously a transitive relation. \end{definition} \begin{lemma}[Comparison] \label{lem:comparison} Let \(\Sigma^k\subset M^n\) be any surface (not necessarily minimal), \(P_1, P_2\) be
[ 29941, 2252, 29890, 29947, 29913, 13, 13, 3112, 338, 5407, 304, 7688, 278, 4038, 13303, 310, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29899, 7915, 287, 29899, 6203, 29913, 491, 263, 13, 2220, 4269, 29925, 29898, 29882, 27779, 916, 1135, 4269, 29965, 29898, 29882, 2144, 467, 450, 320, 7278, 741, 29898, 29925, 29905, 6817, 6203, 29913, 338, 3342, 13, 1609, 29871, 13, 29905, 29961, 29871, 13, 29909, 29918, 29925, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 29925, 29898, 29882, 511, 320, 3425, 350, 29918, 29925, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 2013, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29882, 29918, 29900, 29905, 3797, 298, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 29925, 29898, 29882, 29897, 718, 13, 29905, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 1012, 524, 648, 29882, 29922, 29882, 29918, 29900, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 29989, 29889, 13, 18899, 13, 4806, 4226, 895, 13, 1552, 4269, 29925, 29905, 6817, 6203, 310, 263, 13114, 7101, 491, 393, 310, 385, 4269, 29882, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 29892, 13, 4716, 338, 701, 304, 263, 7329, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29984, 29913, 13, 29984, 29898, 29873, 1125, 29922, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 29905, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 524, 648, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 349, 29898, 29882, 29897, 29963, 3311, 1154, 29912, 29895, 1157, 29906, 7402, 29896, 2119, 29882, 29897, 270, 29882, 29892, 29871, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 361, 395, 29882, 29938, 338, 310, 278, 937, 1134, 1118, 2474, 13, 29905, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 1563, 1194, 524, 648, 29882, 29922, 29882, 29918, 29900, 2137, 29873, 349, 29898, 29882, 29897, 29963, 3311, 1154, 29912, 29895, 1157, 29906, 7402, 29896, 2119, 29882, 29897, 12744, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 29913, 29963, 29898, 29882, 29918, 29900, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 1012, 1266, 29897, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 361, 395, 29882, 29938, 338, 310, 278, 1473, 1134, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 392, 4529, 278, 320, 7278, 741, 29898, 29925, 29905, 6817, 21518, 537, 29913, 408, 29871, 13, 29905, 1194, 17458, 29918, 29925, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 1154, 29912, 29909, 29918, 29925, 29898, 29873, 10172, 29984, 29898, 29873, 11383, 29897, 470, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29933, 29918, 29925, 29898, 29873, 10172, 29984, 29898, 29873, 11383, 29897, 13, 690, 1103, 3598, 29889, 1932, 4269, 29925, 29922, 29965, 29905, 511, 1438, 526, 278, 7688, 287, 4038, 29914, 21518, 537, 3342, 297, 13, 29905, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29899, 7915, 287, 29899, 6203, 29913, 322, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 5389, 29899, 7915, 287, 29899, 6203, 29899, 11242, 1836, 1334, 674, 2337, 5251, 393, 278, 7688, 740, 338, 6374, 297, 278, 8018, 13, 12803, 310, 4269, 29924, 29800, 29871, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 735, 314, 572, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 735, 29901, 7915, 29899, 29925, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 1551, 278, 4513, 20745, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 29905, 511, 4464, 839, 408, 278, 11071, 2450, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29876, 7244, 13, 2541, 4269, 29887, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 5369, 320, 1154, 29912, 29946, 19048, 29896, 29974, 29878, 29985, 29906, 4887, 29906, 29913, 29887, 29918, 29923, 29905, 511, 278, 740, 4269, 29916, 9361, 13, 259, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 29899, 29878, 29985, 29906, 1157, 29896, 29974, 29878, 29985, 29906, 14786, 338, 278, 382, 27511, 13, 29302, 310, 8741, 320, 999, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29903, 29913, 393, 338, 5256, 3368, 472, 278, 3978, 322, 6260, 3368, 472, 29871, 13, 262, 4951, 537, 29889, 450, 382, 27511, 4038, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29876, 7244, 338, 263, 4269, 29925, 29905, 6817, 6203, 411, 4269, 29925, 353, 313, 29896, 29974, 29916, 21604, 29895, 1012, 467, 13, 29905, 667, 512, 278, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 8287, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29933, 2137, 29876, 7244, 411, 12714, 4269, 29887, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 5369, 13, 259, 320, 1154, 29912, 29946, 19048, 29896, 29899, 29878, 29985, 29906, 4887, 29906, 29913, 29887, 29918, 29923, 29905, 511, 278, 740, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 3490, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 29974, 29878, 29985, 29906, 1157, 29896, 29899, 29878, 29985, 29906, 14786, 338, 278, 931, 13, 29302, 6260, 3368, 472, 278, 4818, 29889, 450, 382, 27511, 4038, 16161, 304, 4269, 29925, 353, 313, 29896, 3124, 5389, 29918, 29900, 21604, 29895, 1012, 467, 29871, 13, 1576, 443, 7915, 287, 4038, 310, 278, 4513, 12714, 4269, 29887, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 14786, 16161, 304, 4269, 29925, 2013, 5389, 29918, 29900, 3426, 29895, 14786, 322, 278, 4269, 29916, 29905, 6817, 7915, 287, 4038, 2038, 13, 2616, 3636, 29879, 304, 4269, 29925, 353, 320, 5389, 29918, 29900, 3426, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 735, 314, 572, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 16553, 29913, 13, 29954, 5428, 29871, 29906, 7688, 3168, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 29892, 349, 29918, 29906, 7244, 5069, 260, 4003, 4038, 4269, 29984, 29918, 29896, 29892, 660, 29918, 29906, 7244, 526, 3342, 491, 13, 29905, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29984, 1118, 591, 1827, 393, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 7244, 338, 320, 7278, 29912, 705, 5790, 29913, 1135, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29906, 7244, 565, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29925, 29918, 29896, 1157, 29984, 29918, 29896, 1012, 3797, 320, 1154, 29912, 29925, 29918, 29906, 1157, 29984, 29918, 29906, 1012, 511, 297, 916, 3838, 565, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 1012, 1154, 29912, 29984, 29918, 29896, 1157, 29984, 29918, 29906, 1012, 3797, 29871, 29900, 29905, 511, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 278, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29906, 29905, 6817, 6203, 29871, 13, 974, 263, 4269, 29895, 29905, 6817, 12531, 260, 4003, 16415, 8473, 1135, 967, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 29905, 6817, 6203, 29889, 910, 338, 12879, 13, 29874, 1301, 3321, 8220, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 16553, 29913, 13, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 13846, 4400, 1523, 20941, 29962, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2409, 29901, 510, 20941, 29913, 13, 12024, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 29905, 6484, 341, 29985, 29876, 7244, 367, 738, 7101, 313, 1333, 12695, 13114, 511, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 29892, 349, 29918, 29906, 7244, 367 ]
two non-negative continuous weights and \(\Theta_1,\Theta_2\) be the corresponding densities. \begin{enumerate} \item Suppose that \(P_1\) is weaker than \(P_2\) and that \(\frac{d\Theta_2}{dt}\geq 0\), then one has \(\Theta_1\leq\Theta_2\) and \[ \frac{d\Theta_1}{dt} \geq \frac{Q_2}{P_2}\frac{P_1}{Q_1} \frac{d\Theta_2}{dt}. \] In particular, the density \(\Theta_1\) is also increasing. \item On the other hand, if \(P_2\) is weaker than \(P_1\) and \(\frac{d\Theta_2}{dt}\geq 0\), then one has \(\Theta_1\geq\Theta_2\). \end{enumerate} \end{lemma} \begin{proof} One has \(P_1^{-1} \frac{dA_{P_1}}{dt} = P_2^{-1}\frac{dA_{P_2}}{dt}\) from coarea formula, therefore \begin{equation} \label{eq:comparison-1} \frac{Q_1}{P_1}\frac{d\Theta_1}{dt} + \omega_{k-1}V^{\frac{k}{2}-1}\Theta_1 = \frac{Q_2}{P_2}\frac{d\Theta_2}{dt} + \omega_{k-1}V^{\frac{k}{2}-1}\Theta_2 \end{equation} which can be rearranged into \begin{equation} \label{eq:comparison-2} P_1^{-1} \frac{d}{dt}\left( Q_1(\Theta_1 -\Theta_2) \right) = \left(\frac{Q_2}{P_2}-\frac{Q_1}{P_1}\right) \frac{d\Theta_2}{dt} \end{equation} For the second part of the Lemma, it follows from the hypothesis that the RHS of \eqref{eq:comparison-2} is positive, and therefore \(Q_1( \Theta_1- \Theta_2)\) is an increasing function. The latter vanishing at \(t=0\) for both types of function \(h\) means that \(\Theta_1\geq\Theta_2\) for all time. For the first part, the RHS of \eqref{eq:comparison-2} is negative by hypothesis and therefore \(\Theta_2 \geq \Theta_1\). The rest of the conclusion follows by substituing this into \eqref{eq:comparison-1}. \end{proof} \begin{remark} \label{rem:comparison} In the Poincaré ball \(\mathbb{B}^n\) (see Example \ref{ex:weight-P}), let \(P_1 = \xi_0^{-k-1}\), \(P_2 =\xi_0^{-k}\), \(P_3 = (1+\xi_0)^{-k}\), \(P_4=1\) and \(P_5=\xi_0\). It can be checked that \(P_i\) is weaker than \(P_{i+1}\). Lemma \ref{lem:comparison} says that there is the following chain of monotonicity: \begin{equation} \label{eq:chain} \text{time-weighted } g_{\mathbb{H}^n} \gg \text{unweighted } g_{\mathbb{H}^n} \gg g_E \gg \text{unweighted } g_{\mathbb{S}^n} \gg \text{weighted } g_{\mathbb{S}^n} \end{equation} where any surface \(\Sigma^k\subset \mathbb{B}^n\) having increasing density of one area functional in the chain will automatically have increasing density of any area functional following it. \end{remark} Let \(\tilde\Sigma^k\) be a tube extension of a minimal surface as in Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-warped}. It turns out that the additional information gained in the tube region \(h \geq t_0\) from the monotonicity of the \(P\)-density can be rewriten as a comparison of
[ 13, 10184, 1661, 29899, 22198, 9126, 13, 705, 5861, 322, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29896, 2053, 17458, 29918, 29906, 7244, 367, 278, 6590, 6245, 1907, 29889, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 12142, 393, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 7244, 338, 591, 5790, 1135, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29906, 7244, 322, 393, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 1157, 6008, 1012, 6279, 29871, 29900, 29905, 511, 769, 697, 756, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29896, 29905, 3797, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 7244, 322, 29871, 13, 29905, 29961, 29871, 13, 259, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29896, 1157, 6008, 29913, 320, 6279, 320, 1154, 29912, 29984, 29918, 29906, 1157, 29925, 29918, 29906, 1012, 1154, 29912, 29925, 29918, 29896, 1157, 29984, 29918, 29896, 29913, 13, 259, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 1157, 6008, 1836, 13, 259, 11424, 13, 797, 3153, 29892, 278, 9027, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29896, 7244, 338, 884, 10231, 29889, 13, 29905, 667, 1551, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 565, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29906, 7244, 338, 591, 5790, 1135, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 7244, 322, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 1157, 6008, 1012, 6279, 29871, 29900, 29905, 511, 769, 697, 756, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29896, 29905, 6279, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 29800, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 13846, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 6716, 756, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 3426, 29896, 29913, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29909, 648, 29925, 29918, 29896, 7585, 6008, 29913, 353, 349, 29918, 29906, 3426, 29896, 1012, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29909, 648, 29925, 29918, 29906, 7585, 6008, 14786, 515, 1302, 6203, 13, 689, 2497, 29892, 5480, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 510, 20941, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 29905, 1154, 29912, 29984, 29918, 29896, 1157, 29925, 29918, 29896, 1012, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29896, 1157, 6008, 29913, 718, 320, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 29913, 29963, 3311, 1154, 29912, 29895, 1157, 29906, 7402, 29896, 1012, 17458, 29918, 29896, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29984, 29918, 29906, 1157, 29925, 29918, 29906, 1012, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 1157, 6008, 29913, 718, 320, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 29913, 29963, 3311, 1154, 29912, 29895, 1157, 29906, 7402, 29896, 1012, 17458, 29918, 29906, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 4716, 508, 367, 337, 2749, 4618, 964, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 510, 20941, 29899, 29906, 29913, 13, 29925, 29918, 29896, 3426, 29896, 29913, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 1012, 1563, 29898, 660, 29918, 29896, 1194, 17458, 29918, 29896, 11995, 17458, 29918, 29906, 29897, 320, 1266, 29897, 353, 320, 1563, 1194, 1154, 29912, 29984, 29918, 29906, 1157, 29925, 29918, 29906, 12775, 1154, 29912, 29984, 29918, 29896, 1157, 29925, 29918, 29896, 1012, 1266, 29897, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 1157, 6008, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 2831, 278, 1473, 760, 310, 278, 11894, 29892, 372, 4477, 515, 278, 20051, 29871, 393, 278, 390, 14851, 310, 13, 29905, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 510, 20941, 29899, 29906, 29913, 338, 6374, 29892, 322, 5480, 4269, 29984, 29918, 29896, 29898, 13, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29896, 29899, 320, 17458, 29918, 29906, 27779, 338, 385, 10231, 740, 29889, 450, 7480, 1109, 14424, 472, 4269, 29873, 29922, 29900, 7244, 363, 1716, 4072, 310, 740, 4269, 29882, 7244, 2794, 393, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29896, 29905, 6279, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 7244, 13, 1454, 599, 931, 29889, 13, 13, 2831, 278, 937, 760, 29892, 278, 390, 14851, 310, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 510, 20941, 29899, 29906, 29913, 338, 8178, 491, 20051, 322, 13, 5480, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29906, 320, 6279, 320, 17458, 29918, 29896, 29800, 450, 1791, 310, 278, 15997, 4477, 491, 5960, 1981, 292, 445, 964, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 510, 20941, 29899, 29896, 1836, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1745, 29901, 510, 20941, 29913, 13, 797, 278, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 8287, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29933, 2137, 29876, 7244, 313, 4149, 8741, 320, 999, 29912, 735, 29901, 7915, 29899, 29925, 9594, 1235, 29871, 13, 259, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 353, 320, 5389, 29918, 29900, 3426, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 511, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29906, 17313, 5389, 29918, 29900, 3426, 29895, 1012, 511, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29941, 353, 313, 29896, 3124, 5389, 29918, 29900, 21604, 29895, 1012, 511, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29946, 29922, 29896, 7244, 322, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29945, 2013, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29800, 739, 508, 367, 7120, 393, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29875, 7244, 338, 591, 5790, 1135, 4269, 29925, 648, 29875, 29974, 29896, 1012, 467, 11894, 13, 259, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 510, 20941, 29913, 4083, 393, 727, 338, 278, 1494, 9704, 310, 21196, 8927, 537, 29901, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 14153, 29913, 13, 29905, 726, 29912, 2230, 29899, 7915, 287, 500, 29871, 330, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29913, 320, 1505, 259, 320, 726, 29912, 348, 7915, 287, 500, 330, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29913, 13, 29905, 1505, 330, 29918, 29923, 29871, 320, 1505, 320, 726, 29912, 348, 7915, 287, 500, 330, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 29913, 259, 320, 1505, 320, 726, 29912, 7915, 287, 500, 330, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 29913, 29871, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 738, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 29905, 6484, 320, 1995, 29912, 29933, 2137, 29876, 7244, 2534, 10231, 9027, 310, 697, 4038, 13, 2220, 284, 297, 278, 9704, 674, 6336, 505, 10231, 9027, 310, 738, 4038, 13303, 13, 23031, 292, 372, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 13, 13, 12024, 10033, 5891, 29905, 10142, 29985, 29895, 7244, 367, 263, 260, 4003, 6081, 310, 263, 13114, 7101, 408, 297, 10244, 13, 29905, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 1836, 739, 12169, 714, 393, 278, 5684, 13, 19678, 17515, 297, 278, 260, 4003, 5120, 4269, 29882, 320, 6279, 260, 29918, 29900, 7244, 515, 278, 21196, 8927, 537, 310, 278, 4269, 29925, 29905, 6817, 21518, 537, 508, 367, 337, 8231, 264, 408, 263, 10230, 310 ]
the \(P\)-area of \(\Sigma\) and that of the tube. \begin{lemma} \label{lem:less-than-tube} The density \(\Theta_P(t)\) of \(\tilde \Sigma\) is increasing on \(t \geq t_0\) if and only if \[ A_P(\Sigma)(t_0) \leq A_P(T_\gamma(h_{\min}, t_0))\quad (\text{respectively } B_P(\Sigma)(t_0)\leq B_P(T_\gamma(h_0, t_0))) \] when \(h\) is of first (respectively second) type. \end{lemma} \begin{proof} It follows directly from \(\frac{Q(t)}{Q(t_0)}=\frac{A_P(T_\gamma(h_{\min},t))}{A_P(T_\gamma(h_{\min},t_0))}\) (or \(\frac{B_P(T_\gamma(h_0,t))}{B_P(T_\gamma(h_0,t_0))}\) for second type). \end{proof} \begin{corollary}[] \label{cor:less-than-tube} Let \(P\) be a weaker weight than \(U\). Then in the region \(U\geq 0\), the \(P\)-density of a minimal surface is an increasing function and its \(P\)-area in \(\{h\leq t\}\) (respectively \(\{h_0\leq h\leq t\}\)) is less than that of the \(h\)-cone (respectively tube) with the same boundary. \end{corollary} \section{Applications to minimal surfaces in \(\mathbb{S}^n\) and \(\mathbb{H}^n\)} \label{sec:orga09937d} It is well known that there is no closed minimal surfaces in any hemisphere of \(\mathbb{S}^n\). To see this, let \(x\) be the Euclidean coordinate that is positive on the hemisphere then any closed minimal surface has \(\int x = 0\). Quantitatively, one has: \begin{corollary}[] \label{cor:sphere} Let \(\Sigma^k \subset \mathbb{S}^n\) be a minimal surface (or its extension by \(x\)-tube), \(\gamma_t\) be its intersection with \(x^{-1}(t)\), \(t\in[0,1]\). Let \(|\gamma_t|_{\tilde g}\) be the volume of \(\gamma_t\) under the metric \(\tilde g\) of Proposition \ref{prop:cheeger-colding}. \footnote{This is the volume of its image by the radial projection centered at \(x^{-1}(1)\) onto the equator \(x^{-1}(0)\).} \begin{enumerate} \item One has \begin{equation} \label{eq:cor-sphere-1} A_x(\Sigma)(t):=\int_{\Sigma, x\geq t}x \leq \frac{|\gamma_t|_{\tilde g}}{k} (1-t^2)^{k/2} \end{equation} \item Let \(m\) be the density of \(\Sigma\) at the North pole, then \(\Theta_x(t)\geq m\), i.e. \begin{equation} \label{eq:cor-sphere-2} A_x(\Sigma)(t) \geq m\frac{\omega_{k-1}}{k}(1-t^2)^{k/2} \end{equation} \end{enumerate} In particular, if \(\Sigma\) contains the North pole \(x^{-1}(1)\) then the \(g_{\mathbb{S}^n}\)-volume of \(\gamma_t\) is bigger than that of a great \((k-1)\)-sphere in \(x^{-1}(t)\), which is \(\omega_{k-1}(1-t^2)^{k/2}\). \end{corollary} \begin{proof} The first part follows from Corollary \ref{cor:less-than-tube}, the second part from \(\lim_{t\to 1}\Theta_x(t) = m\). \end{proof} Although the weight \(x\) is weaker than the uniform weight, we can still obtain a statement
[ 278, 13, 29905, 29898, 29925, 29905, 6817, 6203, 310, 10033, 10142, 7244, 322, 393, 310, 278, 260, 4003, 29889, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 13846, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2409, 29901, 2222, 29899, 27603, 29899, 29873, 4003, 29913, 13, 1576, 9027, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29925, 29898, 29873, 27779, 310, 10033, 5891, 320, 10142, 7244, 338, 10231, 373, 4269, 29873, 320, 6279, 260, 29918, 29900, 7244, 565, 322, 13, 6194, 565, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 319, 29918, 29925, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29918, 29900, 29897, 320, 3797, 319, 29918, 29925, 29898, 29911, 3187, 4283, 29898, 29882, 1665, 1195, 1118, 260, 29918, 29900, 28986, 3425, 3441, 726, 29912, 690, 1103, 3598, 500, 13, 29933, 29918, 29925, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29918, 29900, 2144, 3797, 350, 29918, 29925, 29898, 29911, 3187, 4283, 29898, 29882, 29918, 29900, 29892, 260, 29918, 29900, 4961, 13, 18899, 13, 8256, 4269, 29882, 7244, 338, 310, 937, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 1473, 29897, 1134, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 13846, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 3112, 4477, 4153, 515, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29984, 29898, 29873, 10172, 29984, 29898, 29873, 29918, 29900, 2915, 2013, 1154, 29912, 29909, 29918, 29925, 29898, 29911, 3187, 4283, 29898, 29882, 1665, 1195, 1118, 29873, 876, 1157, 29909, 29918, 29925, 29898, 29911, 3187, 4283, 29898, 29882, 1665, 1195, 1118, 29873, 29918, 29900, 876, 14786, 313, 272, 13, 29905, 1194, 1154, 29912, 29933, 29918, 29925, 29898, 29911, 3187, 4283, 29898, 29882, 29918, 29900, 29892, 29873, 876, 1157, 29933, 29918, 29925, 29898, 29911, 3187, 4283, 29898, 29882, 29918, 29900, 29892, 29873, 29918, 29900, 876, 14786, 363, 1473, 1134, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2616, 29901, 2222, 29899, 27603, 29899, 29873, 4003, 29913, 13, 12024, 4269, 29925, 7244, 367, 263, 591, 5790, 7688, 1135, 4269, 29965, 29800, 1987, 297, 278, 5120, 4269, 29965, 29905, 6279, 29871, 29900, 29905, 511, 278, 4269, 29925, 29905, 6817, 21518, 537, 310, 263, 13114, 7101, 338, 385, 10231, 740, 322, 967, 4269, 29925, 29905, 6817, 6203, 297, 10033, 29912, 29882, 29905, 3797, 260, 29905, 14786, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 10033, 29912, 29882, 29918, 29900, 29905, 3797, 298, 29905, 3797, 260, 25848, 876, 338, 3109, 1135, 13, 5747, 310, 278, 4269, 29882, 29905, 6817, 535, 29872, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 260, 4003, 29897, 411, 278, 1021, 10452, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 13, 29905, 2042, 29912, 2052, 5795, 304, 13114, 28001, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 7244, 322, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29905, 2915, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29874, 29900, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29955, 29881, 29913, 13, 3112, 338, 1532, 2998, 393, 727, 338, 694, 5764, 13114, 28001, 297, 738, 9736, 275, 9085, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 29800, 29871, 1763, 1074, 445, 29892, 1235, 4269, 29916, 7244, 367, 278, 382, 27511, 14821, 393, 338, 6374, 373, 13, 1552, 9736, 275, 9085, 769, 738, 5764, 13114, 7101, 756, 10033, 524, 921, 353, 29871, 29900, 29800, 29871, 13, 22930, 277, 6703, 29892, 697, 756, 29901, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29879, 9085, 29913, 13, 12024, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 320, 6484, 320, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 7244, 367, 263, 13114, 7101, 313, 272, 967, 6081, 491, 4269, 29916, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 511, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 7244, 367, 967, 17686, 411, 4269, 29916, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29873, 2144, 511, 4269, 29873, 29905, 262, 29961, 29900, 29892, 29896, 10725, 467, 2803, 13, 29905, 29898, 4295, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 14786, 367, 278, 7977, 310, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 7244, 1090, 278, 12714, 10033, 5891, 330, 7244, 310, 22206, 320, 999, 29912, 7728, 29901, 1173, 387, 261, 29899, 29883, 1025, 292, 1836, 320, 20273, 29912, 4013, 338, 278, 7977, 310, 967, 13, 3027, 491, 278, 28373, 18246, 24764, 472, 4269, 29916, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29896, 27779, 11480, 278, 1592, 1061, 4269, 29916, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29900, 2144, 467, 29913, 29871, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 3118, 756, 29871, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 2616, 29899, 29879, 9085, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 29871, 319, 29918, 29916, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 2013, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 921, 29905, 6279, 260, 29913, 29916, 29871, 320, 3797, 320, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 7585, 29895, 29913, 313, 29896, 29899, 29873, 29985, 29906, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 2803, 4269, 29885, 7244, 367, 278, 9027, 310, 10033, 10142, 7244, 472, 278, 4644, 22775, 29892, 769, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29916, 29898, 29873, 2144, 6279, 13, 259, 286, 29905, 511, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 2616, 29899, 29879, 9085, 29899, 29906, 29913, 13, 29909, 29918, 29916, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29897, 320, 6279, 286, 29905, 1154, 741, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 7585, 29895, 2119, 29896, 29899, 29873, 29985, 29906, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 29913, 1678, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 797, 3153, 29892, 565, 10033, 10142, 7244, 3743, 278, 4644, 22775, 4269, 29916, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29896, 27779, 769, 278, 4269, 29887, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 1012, 6817, 24623, 310, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 7244, 338, 16600, 1135, 393, 310, 263, 2107, 320, 3552, 29895, 29899, 29896, 2144, 6817, 29879, 9085, 297, 4269, 29916, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29873, 2144, 511, 607, 338, 10033, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 2119, 29896, 29899, 29873, 29985, 29906, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 1012, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 1576, 937, 760, 4477, 515, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 2222, 29899, 27603, 29899, 29873, 4003, 1118, 278, 1473, 760, 13, 3166, 10033, 2576, 648, 29873, 29905, 517, 29871, 29896, 1012, 17458, 29918, 29916, 29898, 29873, 29897, 353, 286, 29800, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 2499, 3592, 278, 7688, 4269, 29916, 7244, 338, 591, 5790, 1135, 278, 9090, 7688, 29892, 591, 508, 1603, 4017, 263, 13, 20788 ]
about the unweighted area from the second half of Lemma \ref{lem:comparison}. We illustrate the technique by giving a geometric proof of the following volume bound from \cite{Cheng.etal84_HeatEquationsMinimal}. Our technique can be used in spaces with curvature bounded from above (see Proposition \ref{prop:uniform-area-sphere}). \begin{corollary}[cf. Corollary 2 of \cite{Cheng.etal84_HeatEquationsMinimal}] \begin{enumerate} \item Let \(\Sigma^k\) be a minimal surface (or its extension by \(x\)-tube) in \(\mathbb{S}^n\) that contains the North pole \(O = x^{-1}(1)\) with multiplicity \(m\). Suppose that \(\Sigma\) has no boundary in the interior of the geodesic ball \(B(O,s)\) for a certain \(s < \frac{\pi}{2}\), then the volume of \(\Sigma\cap B(O,s)\) is at least \(m\) times that of the ball of radius \(s\) in \(\mathbb{S}^k\), i.e. \[ A(\Sigma\cap B(O,s)) \geq m \omega_{k-1}\int_{r=0}^{s} \frac{\sin^{k-1}(br)}{b^{k-1}}dr \] \item Any closed \(k\)-dimensional minimal surface of \(\mathbb{S}^n\) has volume at least \(\omega_k\). Equality happens only for totally geodesic spheres. \end{enumerate} \end{corollary} \begin{proof} The first part follows from Lemma \ref{lem:comparison} and Corollary \ref{cor:sphere}: \(\Theta_1(t)\geq \Theta_x(t)\geq m\) for all \(0\leq t\leq 1\), where \(\Theta_1\) is the unweighted density. For the second part, \(\Sigma\) may not contain the South pole \(-O\), but we still have the same lower bound for the \((-x)\)-weighted area of \(\Sigma\) in the southern hemisphere because \[ A_x(\Sigma\cap B(O,\frac{\pi}{2})) - A_{-x}(\Sigma\cap B(-O,\frac{\pi}{2})) = \int_\Sigma x = -\int_\Sigma \Delta x = 0. \] \end{proof} \subsection{Time monotonicity} \label{sec:org0e74b7d} The non-existence of closed minimal surfaces in the hyperbolic space, or Minkowskian hemisphere, can be seen via the time coordinate \(\xi_0\) which would have vanishing integral over such surface. Each choice of interior point \(p\in \mathbb{H}^n\) as center of the Poincaré ball defines a time coordinate \(\xi_0=\frac{1+r^2}{1-r^2}\) and a metric \(\tilde g_p = \frac{g_{\mathbb{H}^n}}{\xi_0^2 - 1}\) on \({\mathbb{H}^n\setminus\{p\}}\) which extends to the Euclidean metric on the boundary of the ball. Conversely, all round metrics in the standard conformal class of \(\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\) are obtained this way. Corollary \ref{cor:2pi} below is the hyperbolic version of Corollary \ref{cor:sphere} and it follows from Corollary \ref{cor:less-than-tube} for the time-weighted area and the unweighted area. \begin{corollary}[] \label{cor:2pi} Let \(\Sigma^k \subset \mathbb{H}^n\) be a minimal surface (or its extension by \(\xi_0\)-tube), \(\gamma_t\) be its intersection with \(\xi_0^{-1}(t)\), \(t\in(1,+\infty)\). Let \(|\gamma_t|_{\tilde g}\) be the \(\tilde g\)-volume of \(\gamma_t\). \footnote{This is also the Euclidean volume of its image under the radial projection centered at \(p\) onto \(\mathbb{S}_{\infty}\).} \begin{enumerate} \item The time-weighted area and the unweighted area of \(\Sigma\) in the region \(\{\xi_0 \leq t\
[ 1048, 278, 443, 7915, 287, 4038, 515, 278, 1473, 13, 24498, 310, 11894, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 510, 20941, 1836, 1334, 28475, 278, 11043, 491, 6820, 263, 26224, 5296, 310, 278, 1494, 7977, 13, 9917, 515, 320, 2036, 29912, 1451, 996, 29889, 26310, 29947, 29946, 29918, 3868, 271, 6108, 800, 8140, 3039, 1836, 8680, 11043, 508, 367, 1304, 297, 8162, 411, 27686, 1535, 12635, 515, 2038, 313, 4149, 22206, 320, 999, 29912, 7728, 29901, 29590, 29899, 6203, 29899, 29879, 9085, 7690, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2616, 21982, 4400, 6854, 29889, 2994, 21982, 29871, 29906, 310, 320, 2036, 29912, 1451, 996, 29889, 26310, 29947, 29946, 29918, 3868, 271, 6108, 800, 8140, 3039, 6525, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 2803, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 7244, 367, 263, 13114, 7101, 313, 272, 967, 6081, 491, 4269, 29916, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 29897, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 7244, 393, 3743, 278, 4644, 22775, 4269, 29949, 353, 13, 259, 921, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29896, 27779, 411, 6674, 17024, 4269, 29885, 29800, 12142, 393, 10033, 10142, 7244, 756, 694, 10452, 297, 278, 13290, 310, 278, 1737, 2631, 293, 13, 2135, 4269, 29933, 29898, 29949, 29892, 29879, 27779, 363, 263, 3058, 4269, 29879, 529, 320, 1154, 741, 1631, 1157, 29906, 1012, 511, 769, 278, 7977, 310, 10033, 10142, 29905, 5030, 350, 29898, 29949, 29892, 29879, 27779, 338, 472, 3203, 4269, 29885, 7244, 3064, 393, 310, 278, 8287, 310, 11855, 4269, 29879, 7244, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29895, 29905, 511, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 268, 319, 1194, 10142, 29905, 5030, 350, 29898, 29949, 29892, 29879, 876, 320, 6279, 286, 320, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 524, 648, 29878, 29922, 29900, 2844, 29879, 29913, 320, 1154, 741, 5223, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 2119, 1182, 10172, 29890, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 930, 7707, 29871, 13, 259, 11424, 13, 29905, 667, 3139, 5764, 4269, 29895, 29905, 6817, 12531, 13114, 7101, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 7244, 756, 7977, 472, 3203, 10033, 4787, 29918, 29895, 29800, 11243, 2877, 5930, 871, 363, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 26903, 267, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 1576, 937, 760, 4477, 515, 11894, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 510, 20941, 29913, 322, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29879, 9085, 6177, 29871, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29896, 29898, 29873, 2144, 6279, 320, 17458, 29918, 29916, 29898, 29873, 2144, 6279, 286, 7244, 363, 599, 4269, 29900, 29905, 3797, 13, 260, 29905, 3797, 29871, 29896, 29905, 511, 988, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29896, 7244, 338, 278, 443, 7915, 287, 9027, 29889, 29871, 13, 13, 2831, 278, 1473, 760, 29892, 10033, 10142, 7244, 1122, 451, 1712, 278, 13, 29903, 2438, 22775, 4269, 29899, 29949, 29905, 511, 541, 591, 1603, 505, 278, 1021, 5224, 3216, 363, 278, 320, 3552, 29899, 29916, 2144, 6817, 7915, 287, 4038, 310, 10033, 10142, 7244, 297, 278, 14841, 9736, 275, 9085, 1363, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 29909, 29918, 29916, 1194, 10142, 29905, 5030, 350, 29898, 29949, 2053, 1154, 741, 1631, 1157, 29906, 20073, 448, 319, 22631, 29916, 4678, 10142, 29905, 5030, 350, 6278, 29949, 2053, 1154, 741, 1631, 1157, 29906, 20073, 353, 320, 524, 3187, 10142, 921, 353, 11995, 524, 3187, 10142, 320, 5268, 921, 353, 29871, 29900, 29889, 13, 18899, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 7235, 29912, 2481, 21196, 8927, 537, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29900, 29872, 29955, 29946, 29890, 29955, 29881, 29913, 13, 1576, 1661, 29899, 735, 11416, 310, 5764, 13114, 28001, 297, 278, 11266, 2095, 293, 2913, 29892, 470, 13, 29924, 682, 340, 808, 713, 9736, 275, 9085, 29892, 508, 13, 915, 3595, 3025, 278, 931, 14821, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 7244, 607, 723, 505, 1109, 14424, 10160, 975, 1316, 13, 7610, 2161, 29889, 7806, 7348, 310, 13290, 1298, 4269, 29886, 29905, 262, 320, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 408, 4818, 310, 278, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 8287, 17645, 263, 13, 2230, 14821, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 2013, 1154, 29912, 29896, 29974, 29878, 29985, 29906, 1157, 29896, 29899, 29878, 29985, 29906, 14786, 322, 263, 12714, 13, 29905, 1194, 5891, 330, 29918, 29886, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29887, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 12431, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29985, 29906, 448, 29871, 29896, 14786, 373, 22506, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29905, 15375, 10045, 29886, 29905, 4229, 29897, 607, 4988, 304, 278, 382, 27511, 12714, 373, 278, 10452, 310, 13, 1552, 8287, 29889, 29871, 1281, 874, 873, 29892, 599, 4513, 21556, 297, 13, 1552, 3918, 14670, 284, 770, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2844, 29876, 29899, 29896, 14786, 526, 7625, 445, 982, 29889, 29871, 13, 13, 12521, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29913, 2400, 338, 278, 11266, 2095, 293, 1873, 310, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29879, 9085, 29913, 322, 372, 13, 23031, 29879, 515, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 2222, 29899, 27603, 29899, 29873, 4003, 29913, 363, 278, 931, 29899, 7915, 287, 4038, 322, 278, 13, 348, 7915, 287, 4038, 29889, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29913, 13, 12024, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 320, 6484, 320, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 367, 263, 13114, 7101, 313, 272, 967, 6081, 491, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 511, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 7244, 367, 967, 13, 1639, 2042, 411, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29873, 2144, 511, 4269, 29873, 29905, 262, 29898, 29896, 29892, 3124, 3411, 2144, 467, 2803, 4269, 4295, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 14786, 367, 278, 10033, 5891, 330, 29905, 6817, 24623, 310, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29800, 320, 20273, 29912, 4013, 338, 884, 278, 382, 27511, 7977, 310, 967, 1967, 1090, 278, 28373, 18246, 24764, 472, 4269, 29886, 7244, 13, 10268, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 6353, 3411, 1012, 467, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 450, 931, 29899, 7915, 287, 4038, 322, 278, 443, 7915, 287, 4038, 310, 10033, 10142, 7244, 297, 278, 5120, 10033, 741, 5389, 29918, 29900, 320, 3797, 260, 29905 ]
}\) are less than those of the radial cone of section \(\gamma_t\), i.e. \begin{equation} \label{eq:cor:2pi-1} A_{\xi_0}(\Sigma)(t):=\int_{\Sigma, \xi_0\leq t}\xi_0 \leq \frac{|\gamma_t|_{\tilde g}}{k}(t^2-1)^{k/2},\quad A(\Sigma)(t)\leq |\gamma_t|_{\tilde g} \int_{1}^t (s^2-1)^{\frac{k}{2}-1}ds \end{equation} \item Let \(m\) be the density of \(\Sigma\) at the origin, then \begin{equation} \label{eq:cor:2pi-2} A_{\xi_0} \geq m\frac{\omega_{k-1}}{k}(t^2-1)^{k/2} \end{equation} \end{enumerate} In particular, if \(\Sigma\) contains the center \(p\) then \(\gamma_t\) has \(g_{\mathbb{H}^n}\)-volume at least \(\omega_{k-1}(t^2-1)^{k/2}\) and the boundary of \(\Sigma\) on the sphere at infinity has Euclidean volume at least \(\omega_{k-1}\). \end{corollary} \begin{remark} \label{rem:choe-gulliver-bndry} The \(\tilde g\)-volume \(|\gamma|_{\tilde g}\) was called the \emph{angle} of \(\gamma\) in \cite{Choe.Gulliver92_SharpIsoperimetricInequality} and the area comparison with cone \eqref{eq:cor:2pi-1} was proved there without assuming that the boundary lies on one level set of \(\xi_0\). However, because Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-warped} holds for extension of minimal surfaces by \(\xi_0\)-tube, we can always reduce to this case. \end{remark} \subsection{Area-minimising cones and the annuli \(M_C\)} \label{sec:org013f532} Area-minimising cones in Euclidean space appear naturally as \emph{oriented tangent cones} of an area-minimising surface (see \cite{Morgan16_GeometricMeasureTheory}). It follows by Corollary \ref{cor:less-than-tube} that in \(\mathbb{R}^n\) and \(\mathbb{H}^n\), minimising cones are the only minimal surfaces bounded by their section. It is clear that a hyperbolic minimising cone is also Euclidean minimising. The converse is also true, as pointed out in \cite{Anderson82_CompleteMinimalVarieties}. We provide here a proof using the Comparison Lemma \ref{lem:comparison}. \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:minimising-cone}] A \(\mathbb{H}^n\)-minimal surface \(\Sigma^k\) asymptotic to \(\gamma\) would satisfies Euclidean monotonicity and thus by Lemma \ref{lem:less-than-tube} would have Euclidean area smaller than that of \(C_\gamma\). This contradicts the hypothesis on \(C_\gamma\). \end{proof} Theorem \ref{thm:minimising-cone} can be illustrated in the Poincaré four-ball \(\mathbb{B}^4=\{(z,w)\in \mathbb{C}^2:|z|^2+|w|^2 \leq 1\}\) as follows. We denote by \(L_\epsilon\) the Hopf link cut out in \(\mathbb{S}^3\) by the complex curve \(C_\epsilon: zw=\epsilon\), \(\epsilon\in [0, \frac{1}{2})\), of \(\mathbb{C}^2\). Each \(L_\epsilon\) bounds a pair of 2-planes which, because of the complex curves, is not Euclidean-minimising unless \(\epsilon=0\). Therefore the pair of planes, although totally geodesic, is not hyperbolic-minimising. It is possible to construct explicitly the analog of \(C_\epsilon\) in any radially conformally flat metric \(g = e^{2\varphi(\rho)} g_E\). We assume that \(\varphi\) is a function of \(\rho
[ 14786, 526, 13, 2222, 1135, 1906, 310, 278, 28373, 27843, 310, 4004, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29905, 511, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 29909, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29900, 4678, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 2013, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 320, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29905, 3797, 260, 1012, 5389, 29918, 29900, 320, 3797, 320, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 7585, 29895, 2119, 29873, 29985, 29906, 29899, 29896, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 7570, 3425, 319, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 2144, 3797, 18283, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 320, 524, 648, 29896, 2137, 29873, 313, 29879, 29985, 29906, 29899, 29896, 21422, 1154, 29912, 29895, 1157, 29906, 7402, 29896, 29913, 6289, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 2803, 4269, 29885, 7244, 367, 278, 9027, 310, 10033, 10142, 7244, 472, 278, 3978, 29892, 769, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29899, 29906, 29913, 13, 29909, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29913, 320, 6279, 286, 29905, 1154, 741, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 7585, 29895, 2119, 29873, 29985, 29906, 29899, 29896, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 29913, 29871, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 797, 3153, 29892, 565, 10033, 10142, 7244, 3743, 278, 4818, 4269, 29886, 7244, 769, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 7244, 756, 4269, 29887, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 1012, 6817, 24623, 472, 3203, 10033, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 2119, 29873, 29985, 29906, 29899, 29896, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 14786, 29871, 13, 392, 278, 10452, 310, 10033, 10142, 7244, 373, 278, 20745, 472, 27971, 756, 382, 27511, 7977, 472, 3203, 10033, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1745, 29901, 1859, 29872, 29899, 29887, 352, 14381, 29899, 29890, 299, 719, 29913, 13, 1576, 10033, 5891, 330, 29905, 6817, 24623, 4269, 4295, 4283, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 14786, 471, 2000, 278, 320, 7278, 29912, 2521, 29913, 310, 10033, 4283, 7244, 297, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 15954, 29872, 29889, 29954, 352, 14381, 29929, 29906, 29918, 2713, 6834, 3624, 3372, 17528, 2200, 29902, 484, 29567, 29913, 322, 278, 4038, 10230, 411, 27843, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 11102, 11827, 727, 1728, 10241, 393, 278, 10452, 12185, 373, 697, 3233, 731, 310, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29800, 2398, 29892, 1363, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 29913, 8640, 363, 6081, 310, 13114, 13, 7610, 8726, 491, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 29892, 591, 508, 2337, 10032, 304, 445, 1206, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 7235, 29912, 13799, 29899, 1195, 326, 5921, 378, 267, 322, 278, 2889, 14549, 4269, 29924, 29918, 29907, 29905, 2915, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29888, 29945, 29941, 29906, 29913, 13, 13799, 29899, 1195, 326, 5921, 378, 267, 297, 382, 27511, 2913, 2615, 18180, 408, 320, 7278, 29912, 12236, 287, 18806, 296, 378, 267, 29913, 310, 385, 13, 6203, 29899, 1195, 326, 5921, 7101, 313, 4149, 320, 2036, 29912, 29924, 6388, 29896, 29953, 29918, 7999, 14066, 6816, 3745, 1576, 706, 7690, 739, 4477, 491, 13, 12521, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 2222, 29899, 27603, 29899, 29873, 4003, 29913, 393, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29876, 7244, 322, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29905, 511, 13, 1195, 326, 5921, 378, 267, 526, 278, 871, 13114, 28001, 12635, 491, 1009, 4004, 29889, 29871, 13, 3112, 338, 2821, 393, 263, 11266, 2095, 293, 6260, 5921, 27843, 338, 13, 15189, 382, 27511, 6260, 5921, 29889, 450, 378, 3901, 338, 884, 1565, 29892, 408, 11520, 714, 297, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 2855, 1330, 29947, 29906, 29918, 17813, 8140, 3039, 10444, 20850, 1836, 1334, 3867, 1244, 263, 5296, 773, 278, 422, 20941, 13, 29931, 331, 655, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 510, 20941, 1836, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 4400, 28116, 310, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 1195, 326, 5921, 29899, 535, 29872, 6525, 13, 29909, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29905, 6817, 1195, 3039, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 7244, 22784, 13574, 304, 10033, 4283, 7244, 723, 17150, 382, 27511, 13, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 322, 4550, 491, 11894, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 2222, 29899, 27603, 29899, 29873, 4003, 29913, 723, 505, 382, 27511, 4038, 7968, 13, 27603, 393, 310, 4269, 29907, 3187, 4283, 29800, 910, 27877, 29879, 278, 20051, 373, 4269, 29907, 3187, 4283, 29800, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 28831, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 1195, 326, 5921, 29899, 535, 29872, 29913, 508, 367, 26848, 297, 278, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 3023, 29899, 2135, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29933, 2137, 29946, 2013, 8001, 29920, 29892, 29893, 2144, 262, 320, 1995, 29912, 29907, 2137, 29906, 29901, 29989, 29920, 15333, 29906, 29974, 29989, 29893, 15333, 29906, 320, 3797, 29871, 29896, 29905, 14786, 408, 4477, 29889, 1334, 13530, 491, 4269, 29931, 3187, 5463, 7244, 13, 1552, 379, 15818, 1544, 5700, 714, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29941, 7244, 491, 278, 4280, 11672, 4269, 29907, 3187, 5463, 29901, 5263, 2013, 5463, 29905, 511, 10033, 5463, 29905, 262, 518, 29900, 29892, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 11606, 511, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29907, 2137, 29906, 29800, 7806, 4269, 29931, 3187, 5463, 7244, 13451, 263, 13, 18784, 310, 29871, 29906, 29899, 9018, 267, 607, 29892, 1363, 310, 278, 4280, 19684, 29892, 338, 451, 13, 29923, 27511, 29899, 1195, 326, 5921, 6521, 10033, 5463, 29922, 29900, 29800, 7857, 278, 5101, 310, 3814, 267, 29892, 5998, 13, 4260, 635, 1737, 2631, 293, 29892, 338, 451, 11266, 2095, 293, 29899, 1195, 326, 5921, 29889, 13, 13, 3112, 338, 1950, 304, 3386, 9479, 278, 15690, 310, 4269, 29907, 3187, 5463, 7244, 297, 738, 28373, 368, 13, 535, 689, 635, 12151, 12714, 4269, 29887, 353, 13, 29872, 998, 29906, 29905, 6827, 1194, 4650, 2915, 330, 29918, 29923, 29800, 1334, 5251, 393, 10033, 6827, 7244, 338, 263, 740, 310, 10033, 4650 ]
:=|z|^2 + |w|^2\) and look for \(g\)-minimal surfaces that are invariant by the \(\mathbb{S}^1\) action \((z,w)\mapsto(ze^{i\theta}, we^{-i\theta})\). If \(\mathbb{C}^2\) is identified with the space of quaternions by \((z,w) \mapsto z + jw\) then this action corresponds to multiplication on the left by \(e^{i\theta}\). We will obtain such surfaces by rotating a curve in the real plane \(\mathop{\rm Im}\nolimits z = \mathop{\rm Im}\nolimits w = 0\). Such curve is given by \(zw = F(\rho)\) where \(F\) is a real function on \(\rho\). The minimal surface equation is equivalent to the following second order ODE of \(F\) \[ \frac{x'}{x} - \frac{y'}{y} + \frac{1}{\rho} + \frac{\varphi'}{2}\left[8+\rho\left(\frac{x^2}{y^2}-4\right)\frac{F'}{F} \right]=0,\quad\text{where }x=F-F'\rho,\quad y = \frac{F'}{2}\sqrt{\rho^2 - 4F^2} \] which should reduce to a first order ODE. This is because we can obtain more solution curves by rotating a given one in the real plane. This second rotation corresponds to multiplying on the right of \(z+jw\) by \(e^{j\alpha}\) and it commutes with the left multiplication by \(e^{i\theta}\). Concretely, by a change of variable \(F=\frac{\rho}{2}\sin\theta(\rho)\) the previous ODE reduces either to the first order Bernoulli equation \(\theta'^2 = -\rho^2 + C^2\rho^4 e^{4\varphi}\) for a parameter \(C > 0\), or to \(\theta'=0\) which corresponds to pairs of 2-planes. This is the same parameter \(C\) of Proposition \ref{prop:min-annuli}. In Figure \ref{fig:min-HS}, the solution curves in \(\mathbb{H}^4\) and \(\mathbb{S}^4\) are drawn with different values of \(C\). \begin{remark} \label{rem:min-annuli} \begin{enumerate} \item When \(g\) is the Euclidean metric, \eqref{eq:min-annuli} is the hyperbola equation. \item For the hyperbolic space, \(e^\varphi = \frac{2}{1-\rho}\). The total angle \(\theta_C\) wiped by the profile curve converges to 0 as \(C\to 0\) and to \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) as \(C\to\infty\). The profile curves expectedly meet the unit circle at right angle. \item For the round sphere, \(e^\varphi = \frac{2}{1+\rho}\) and the parameter \(C\) can only be chosen in \((4,\infty)\). The angle \(\theta_C\) can take any value between \(\frac{\pi}{2}\) (\(C=\infty\), \(M_C\) being a totally geodesic \(\mathbb{S}^2\)) and \(\frac{\pi}{\sqrt{2}}\) (\(C=4\), \(M_C\) being a Clifford torus). In particular, if \(\theta_C\) is a rational multiple of \(\pi\) in this interval, we can close the surface by repeating the profile curve. This produces a countable family of immersed tori in \(\mathbb{S}^4\) that are invariant by the quaternionic rotation. \end{enumerate} \end{remark} \subsection{Convex hull and renormalised area of minimal surfaces in \(\mathbb{H}^n\)} \label{sec:orga6b30d6} We are interested in minimal surfaces \(\Sigma^k\) that are asymptotic to a properly embedded submanifold \(\gamma^{k-1}\) in \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\). The Poincaré ball model \(\mathbb{B}^n\) provides a \(C^\infty\) compactification \(\overline{\mathbb{H}^n}\) of \(\mathbb{H}^n\), we will assume that all surfaces considered in this section are \(C^2
[ 9361, 29989, 29920, 15333, 29906, 718, 891, 29893, 15333, 29906, 7244, 322, 1106, 363, 4269, 29887, 29905, 6817, 1195, 3039, 28001, 29871, 13, 5747, 526, 22619, 491, 278, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29896, 7244, 3158, 320, 3552, 29920, 29892, 29893, 2144, 17499, 29898, 911, 998, 29875, 29905, 3416, 1118, 591, 3426, 29875, 29905, 3416, 11606, 467, 960, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29907, 2137, 29906, 7244, 338, 15659, 411, 278, 13, 3493, 310, 439, 25744, 1080, 491, 320, 3552, 29920, 29892, 29893, 29897, 320, 17499, 503, 718, 432, 29893, 7244, 769, 445, 3158, 16161, 304, 13, 18056, 1414, 373, 278, 2175, 491, 4269, 29872, 998, 29875, 29905, 3416, 1012, 467, 29871, 13, 13, 4806, 674, 4017, 1316, 28001, 491, 5731, 1218, 263, 11672, 297, 278, 1855, 10694, 10033, 27018, 741, 1758, 1954, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 503, 353, 320, 27018, 741, 1758, 1954, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 281, 353, 29871, 29900, 29800, 10506, 11672, 338, 2183, 491, 4269, 7659, 353, 383, 1194, 4650, 27779, 29871, 13, 3062, 4269, 29943, 7244, 338, 263, 1855, 740, 373, 10033, 4650, 29800, 450, 13114, 7101, 13, 2573, 338, 7126, 304, 278, 1494, 1473, 1797, 438, 2287, 310, 4269, 29943, 7244, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 320, 1154, 29912, 29916, 29915, 1157, 29916, 29913, 448, 320, 1154, 29912, 29891, 29915, 1157, 29891, 29913, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 3331, 4650, 29913, 718, 13, 29905, 1154, 741, 6827, 29915, 1157, 29906, 1012, 1563, 29961, 29947, 3124, 4650, 29905, 1563, 1194, 1154, 29912, 29916, 29985, 29906, 1157, 29891, 29985, 29906, 7402, 29946, 29905, 1266, 2144, 1154, 29912, 29943, 29915, 1157, 29943, 29913, 13, 29905, 1266, 13192, 29900, 2053, 3425, 29905, 726, 29912, 3062, 500, 29916, 29922, 29943, 29899, 29943, 12764, 4650, 2053, 3425, 343, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29943, 29915, 1157, 29906, 1012, 3676, 741, 4650, 29985, 29906, 448, 29871, 29946, 29943, 29985, 29906, 29913, 13, 18899, 13, 4716, 881, 10032, 304, 263, 937, 1797, 438, 2287, 29889, 910, 338, 1363, 591, 508, 4017, 901, 1650, 13, 2764, 1960, 491, 5731, 1218, 263, 2183, 697, 297, 278, 1855, 10694, 29889, 910, 1473, 13733, 16161, 304, 29871, 13, 18056, 5890, 373, 278, 1492, 310, 4269, 29920, 29974, 29926, 29893, 7244, 491, 4269, 29872, 998, 29926, 29905, 2312, 14786, 322, 372, 844, 2667, 411, 278, 2175, 13, 18056, 1414, 491, 4269, 29872, 998, 29875, 29905, 3416, 1012, 467, 13, 13, 1168, 4838, 873, 29892, 491, 263, 1735, 310, 2286, 4269, 29943, 2013, 1154, 741, 4650, 1157, 29906, 1012, 5223, 29905, 3416, 1194, 4650, 27779, 278, 3517, 438, 2287, 26830, 2845, 304, 278, 937, 1797, 6209, 5059, 492, 6306, 13, 29905, 1194, 3416, 29915, 29985, 29906, 353, 11995, 4650, 29985, 29906, 718, 315, 29985, 29906, 29905, 4650, 29985, 29946, 321, 998, 29946, 29905, 6827, 14786, 363, 263, 3443, 4269, 29907, 1405, 29871, 29900, 29905, 511, 13, 272, 304, 10033, 3416, 29915, 29922, 29900, 7244, 607, 16161, 304, 11000, 310, 29871, 29906, 29899, 9018, 267, 29889, 910, 338, 278, 1021, 3443, 13, 29905, 29898, 29907, 7244, 310, 22206, 320, 999, 29912, 7728, 29901, 1195, 29899, 812, 14549, 1836, 13, 797, 11479, 320, 999, 29912, 1003, 29901, 1195, 29899, 14851, 1118, 278, 1650, 19684, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29946, 7244, 322, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29946, 7244, 526, 12061, 411, 1422, 13, 5975, 310, 4269, 29907, 29800, 13, 13, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1745, 29901, 1195, 29899, 812, 14549, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 1932, 4269, 29887, 7244, 338, 278, 382, 27511, 12714, 29892, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 1195, 29899, 812, 14549, 29913, 338, 13, 1552, 11266, 2095, 29874, 6306, 29889, 13, 29905, 667, 1152, 278, 11266, 2095, 293, 2913, 29892, 4269, 29872, 3823, 6827, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29906, 1157, 29896, 2612, 4650, 1012, 467, 450, 3001, 10696, 10033, 3416, 29918, 29907, 7244, 281, 666, 287, 491, 278, 8722, 11672, 24144, 304, 29871, 29900, 408, 13, 29905, 29898, 29907, 29905, 517, 29871, 29900, 7244, 322, 304, 10033, 1154, 741, 1631, 1157, 29906, 14786, 408, 4269, 29907, 29905, 517, 29905, 3411, 29800, 450, 8722, 19684, 3806, 368, 5870, 13, 1552, 5190, 8607, 472, 1492, 10696, 29889, 13, 29905, 667, 1152, 278, 4513, 20745, 29892, 4269, 29872, 3823, 6827, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29906, 1157, 29896, 3124, 4650, 14786, 322, 278, 3443, 4269, 29907, 7244, 508, 871, 367, 10434, 297, 320, 3552, 29946, 2053, 3411, 2144, 467, 450, 10696, 10033, 3416, 29918, 29907, 7244, 508, 2125, 738, 995, 1546, 10033, 1154, 741, 1631, 1157, 29906, 14786, 3441, 29898, 29907, 2013, 3411, 29905, 511, 4269, 29924, 29918, 29907, 7244, 1641, 263, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29906, 29905, 876, 322, 13, 29905, 1194, 1154, 741, 1631, 3331, 3676, 29912, 29906, 4229, 29897, 3441, 29898, 29907, 29922, 29946, 29905, 511, 4269, 29924, 29918, 29907, 7244, 1641, 263, 2233, 2593, 536, 4842, 375, 467, 512, 3153, 29892, 565, 10033, 3416, 29918, 29907, 7244, 338, 263, 13, 29878, 1288, 2999, 310, 10033, 1631, 7244, 297, 445, 7292, 29892, 591, 508, 3802, 278, 7101, 491, 28769, 13, 1552, 8722, 11672, 29889, 910, 13880, 263, 2302, 519, 3942, 310, 5198, 414, 287, 260, 4170, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29946, 7244, 393, 526, 22619, 491, 278, 439, 25744, 26629, 13733, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 29905, 7235, 29912, 1168, 13809, 298, 913, 322, 4325, 2759, 3368, 4038, 310, 13114, 28001, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29905, 2915, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29874, 29953, 29890, 29941, 29900, 29881, 29953, 29913, 13, 4806, 526, 8852, 297, 13114, 28001, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 7244, 13, 5747, 526, 22784, 13574, 304, 263, 6284, 15685, 1014, 1171, 361, 1025, 10033, 4283, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 14786, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 29800, 450, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 8287, 1904, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29933, 2137, 29876, 7244, 8128, 263, 4269, 29907, 3823, 3411, 7244, 13, 2388, 627, 2450, 10033, 6875, 741, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 14786, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 29905, 511, 591, 674, 5251, 393, 13, 497, 28001, 5545, 297, 445, 4004, 526, 4269, 29907, 29985, 29906 ]
\) near \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\) and that its interior lies strictly inside the interior of \(\mathbb{B}^n\). It was observed in \cite{Anderson82_CompleteMinimalVarieties} that if the boundary of a minimal surface lies on one half of the hyperbolic space cut out by a totally geodesic hyperplane \(H\) then the entire surface also lies on that side. One can see this by applying maximum principle\footnote{When \(\Sigma\) is merely an integral current whose boundary is supported in \(\xi_1 < 0\), replace maximum principle by the first variation formula with the perturbative vector field \(X = \chi(\xi_1)\nabla\xi_1\) where \(\chi\) is an increasing function supported in \([0,\infty]\).} to the space coordinate \(\xi_1\) whose zero set is \(H\), which satisfies \(\Delta \xi_1 = k \xi_1\) on any minimal surface of dimension \(k\). It follows that a minimal surface is contained in the \emph{convex hull} of its boundary, defined the the intersection of all half spaces containing it. An immediate application of the convex hull is that such \(\Sigma\) meets the sphere at infinity at a right angle, i.e. the normal vector of \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\) is contained in the tangent of \(\Sigma\). Using the convex hull and the unweighted monotonicity theorem, Anderson solved the asymptotic Plateau problem. In \cite{Anderson82_CompleteMinimalVarieties}, an area-minimising locally integral \(k\)-current asymptotic to a given immersed closed \((k-1)\)-submanifold of \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\) was constructed. We note that there is also a notion of convex hull for minimal surfaces in \(\mathbb{S}^n\) that could be contained in one hemisphere due to Lawson \cite{Lawson70_GlobalBehaviorMinimal}. A \emph{boundary defining function} of \(\mathbb{H}^n\) is a non-negative function \(\rho\) on the compactification \(\overline{\mathbb{H}^n}\) that vanishes exactly on \(\mathbb{S}_{\infty}\) and exactly to first order. Such function is called \emph{special} if \(|d\ln\rho|_{g_{\mathbb{H}^n}} = 1\) on a neighborhood of the boundary. It was proved by Graham and Witten in \cite{Graham.Witten99_ConformalAnomalySubmanifold} that for any \(C^2\) minimal surface \(\Sigma^2\) and any special boundary defining function \(\rho\), the area functional has the expansion \begin{equation} \label{eq:GW-1} A(\Sigma\cap \{\rho \geq \epsilon\}) = \frac{|\gamma|_{\bar g}}{\epsilon} + \mathcal{A}_R + O(\epsilon) \end{equation} where \(\bar g = \rho^2 g\) and the coefficient \(\mathcal{A}_R\), called \emph{renormalised area} of \(\Sigma\), is independent of the choice of \(\rho\). The function \(\rho = \xi_0^{-1}\) can be used as a boundary defining function. Although it is not special, it is third order close to one: The function \(\bar\rho = 2 \frac{1-r}{1+r}\) is special and \(\rho = \frac{\bar\rho}{1 + \frac{\bar\rho^2}{4}}={\bar \rho + O(\bar\rho^3)}\). Because the metrics \(\bar g\) and \(\tilde g\) coincide on \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\), Graham--Witten expansion \eqref{eq:GW-1} can be rewritten as \begin{equation} \label{eq:Graham-Witten} A(\Sigma)(t) = |\gamma|_{\tilde g} t + \mathcal{A}_R + O(t^{-1}) \end{equation} where \(A(\Sigma)(t)\) is the unweighted area of \(\Sigma\) in the region \(\xi_0\leq t\). \subsection{An upper bound of renormalised area} \label{sec:org77df54b} \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:upper-AR}] It suffices to prove that
[ 7244, 13, 28502, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 7244, 322, 393, 967, 13290, 12185, 18719, 2768, 278, 13290, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29933, 2137, 29876, 29800, 13, 13, 3112, 471, 8900, 297, 320, 2036, 29912, 2855, 1330, 29947, 29906, 29918, 17813, 8140, 3039, 10444, 20850, 29913, 393, 565, 278, 10452, 310, 263, 13, 1195, 3039, 7101, 12185, 373, 697, 4203, 310, 278, 11266, 2095, 293, 2913, 5700, 714, 491, 263, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 13, 24947, 22116, 4269, 29950, 7244, 769, 278, 4152, 7101, 884, 12185, 373, 393, 2625, 29889, 3118, 508, 1074, 445, 491, 13, 932, 5890, 7472, 12502, 29905, 20273, 29912, 10401, 10033, 10142, 7244, 338, 13586, 385, 10160, 1857, 5069, 10452, 338, 6969, 297, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 529, 29871, 29900, 29905, 511, 5191, 7472, 12502, 491, 278, 937, 19262, 7063, 411, 278, 22786, 1230, 4608, 1746, 4269, 29990, 353, 13, 29905, 4161, 1194, 5389, 29918, 29896, 2144, 8511, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 7244, 988, 10033, 4161, 7244, 338, 385, 10231, 740, 6969, 297, 320, 4197, 29900, 2053, 3411, 10725, 467, 29913, 304, 278, 2913, 14821, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 7244, 5069, 5225, 731, 338, 4269, 29950, 29905, 511, 13, 4716, 17150, 10033, 5268, 320, 5389, 29918, 29896, 353, 413, 320, 5389, 29918, 29896, 7244, 373, 738, 13114, 7101, 310, 9927, 4269, 29895, 29800, 739, 4477, 393, 263, 13, 1195, 3039, 7101, 338, 11122, 297, 278, 320, 7278, 29912, 535, 13809, 298, 913, 29913, 310, 967, 10452, 29892, 3342, 278, 278, 13, 1639, 2042, 310, 599, 4203, 8162, 6943, 372, 29889, 13, 2744, 16800, 2280, 310, 278, 18635, 298, 913, 338, 393, 1316, 10033, 10142, 7244, 28103, 278, 20745, 472, 27971, 13, 271, 263, 1492, 10696, 29892, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 278, 4226, 4608, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 7244, 338, 13, 1285, 7114, 297, 278, 18806, 296, 310, 10033, 10142, 29800, 13, 13, 15156, 278, 18635, 298, 913, 322, 278, 443, 7915, 287, 21196, 8927, 537, 9185, 29892, 17483, 7484, 278, 13, 294, 962, 415, 13574, 1858, 403, 585, 1108, 29889, 13, 797, 320, 2036, 29912, 2855, 1330, 29947, 29906, 29918, 17813, 8140, 3039, 10444, 20850, 1118, 385, 4038, 29899, 1195, 326, 5921, 12430, 13, 14146, 284, 4269, 29895, 29905, 6817, 3784, 22784, 13574, 304, 263, 2183, 5198, 414, 287, 5764, 320, 3552, 29895, 29899, 29896, 2144, 6817, 1491, 1171, 361, 1025, 310, 13, 29905, 1194, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 7244, 471, 13319, 29889, 13, 13, 4806, 4443, 393, 727, 338, 884, 263, 17837, 310, 18635, 298, 913, 363, 259, 13, 1195, 3039, 28001, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 7244, 393, 1033, 367, 11122, 297, 697, 9736, 275, 9085, 2861, 304, 13, 29931, 1450, 1100, 320, 2036, 29912, 29931, 1450, 1100, 29955, 29900, 29918, 12756, 28100, 8140, 3039, 1836, 13, 13, 29909, 320, 7278, 29912, 9917, 653, 16184, 740, 29913, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 338, 263, 1661, 29899, 22198, 740, 10033, 4650, 7244, 13, 265, 278, 11071, 2450, 10033, 6875, 741, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 14786, 393, 1109, 17006, 3721, 373, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 6353, 3411, 14786, 322, 13, 735, 23617, 304, 937, 1797, 29889, 29871, 13, 29903, 987, 740, 338, 2000, 320, 7278, 29912, 18732, 29913, 565, 4269, 29989, 29881, 29905, 3083, 29905, 4650, 26632, 29887, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 930, 353, 29871, 29896, 7244, 373, 263, 18403, 13, 974, 278, 10452, 29889, 739, 471, 11827, 491, 22196, 322, 399, 16097, 297, 13, 29905, 2036, 29912, 29954, 22084, 29889, 29956, 16097, 29929, 29929, 29918, 1168, 689, 284, 2744, 290, 14997, 4035, 1171, 361, 1025, 29913, 393, 363, 738, 4269, 29907, 29985, 29906, 7244, 13114, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29906, 7244, 322, 738, 4266, 29871, 13, 9917, 653, 16184, 740, 10033, 4650, 29905, 511, 278, 4038, 13303, 756, 278, 13184, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29954, 29956, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 319, 1194, 10142, 29905, 5030, 320, 741, 4650, 320, 6279, 320, 5463, 29905, 1800, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29989, 1665, 1646, 330, 12431, 5463, 29913, 718, 13, 29905, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 718, 438, 1194, 5463, 29897, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 10033, 1646, 330, 353, 320, 4650, 29985, 29906, 330, 7244, 322, 278, 10825, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 29905, 511, 2000, 320, 7278, 29912, 1267, 2759, 3368, 13, 6203, 29913, 310, 10033, 10142, 29905, 511, 338, 7417, 310, 278, 7348, 310, 10033, 4650, 29800, 13, 13, 1576, 740, 10033, 4650, 353, 320, 5389, 29918, 29900, 3426, 29896, 14786, 508, 367, 1304, 408, 263, 10452, 16184, 740, 29889, 8512, 13, 277, 338, 451, 4266, 29892, 372, 338, 4654, 1797, 3802, 304, 697, 29901, 13, 1576, 740, 10033, 1646, 29905, 4650, 353, 29871, 29906, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 29899, 29878, 1157, 29896, 29974, 29878, 14786, 338, 4266, 322, 10033, 4650, 353, 13, 29905, 1154, 741, 1646, 29905, 4650, 1157, 29896, 718, 320, 1154, 741, 1646, 29905, 4650, 29985, 29906, 1157, 29946, 930, 21854, 1646, 320, 4650, 718, 438, 1194, 1646, 29905, 4650, 29985, 29941, 11383, 467, 29871, 13, 29933, 5658, 278, 21556, 10033, 1646, 330, 7244, 322, 10033, 5891, 330, 7244, 1302, 2173, 311, 373, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 29905, 511, 22196, 489, 29956, 16097, 13184, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29954, 29956, 29899, 29896, 29913, 508, 367, 337, 17625, 408, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29954, 22084, 29899, 29956, 16097, 29913, 13, 319, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29897, 353, 18283, 4283, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 260, 718, 320, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 718, 438, 29898, 29873, 3426, 29896, 1800, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 4269, 29909, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 27779, 338, 278, 443, 7915, 287, 4038, 310, 10033, 10142, 7244, 297, 278, 5120, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 29905, 3797, 13, 29873, 29800, 13, 29905, 7235, 29912, 2744, 7568, 3216, 310, 4325, 2759, 3368, 4038, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29955, 29955, 2176, 29945, 29946, 29890, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 4400, 28116, 310, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 6525, 13, 3112, 9378, 1575, 304, 6356, 393, 29871 ]
\begin{equation} \label{eq:upper-AR-1} \mathcal{A}_R(\Sigma) + |\gamma|_{\tilde g}\leq 0 \end{equation} for any minimal surface \(\Sigma\) (not necessarily containing the origin). Let \(\gamma_t := \Sigma\cap\xi_0^{-1}(t)\) and \(T\) be the radial cone with section \(\gamma_t\). By Corollary \ref{cor:2pi}, one has \[ A(\Sigma)(t) \leq A(T) = |\gamma_t|_{\tilde g} (t-1) \quad\forall t \geq 1. \] Because \(\Sigma\) meets \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\) at right angle, one has \(\left|\gamma_t\right|_{\tilde g} = |\gamma|_{\tilde g} + O(t^{-2})\), which together with the Graham--Witten expansion \ref{eq:Graham-Witten} implies \eqref{eq:upper-AR-1} \end{proof} \begin{remark} \label{rem:upper-AR} \begin{enumerate} \item The renormalised area of a totally geodesic copy of \(\mathbb{H}^2\) in \(\mathbb{H}^n\) is \(-2\pi\). The estimate \eqref{eq:upper-AR} is verified in this case because round circles of \(\mathbb{S}^{n-1}\) have length at most \(2\pi\). \item The upper bound \(\mathcal{A}_R\leq -2\pi\) for minimal disks was known in \cite{Alexakis.Mazzeo10_RenormalizedAreaProperly}, which proved that \(\mathcal{A}_R(\Sigma) \leq -2\pi\chi\) where \(\chi\) is the Euler characteristic of \(\Sigma\). \item The estimate \eqref{eq:upper-AR} can also be seen as an upper bound for the length of a curve \(\gamma\) under round metrics. Note that the space of round metrics in the standard conformal sphere is not compact and we used the fact that \(\gamma\) bounds a \(C^2\) surface. The spiral curve \begin{equation} \label{eq:spiral} \theta(r) = \left(r^{1/4} - r^{-1/4}\right)^2 \end{equation} which turns around the origin of \(\mathbb{R}^2\cup\{\infty\}\cong \mathbb{S}^2\) infinitely many times has finite length under any round metric, but its length can be arbitrarily large. On the other hand, one can prove that round metric lengths have an upper bound when the curve has positive normal injectivity radius. \end{enumerate} \end{remark} \subsection{Space monotonicity} \label{sec:org87c4563} We can also estimate renormalised area using the space coordinate \(\xi_1\) of Example \ref{ex:xi-H}. Recall that the weights \(P_i\) in the Comparison Lemma \ref{lem:comparison} only need to be \(C^0\). \begin{lemma}[] \label{lem:weaker-space} For any \(k\geq 2\) and \(\alpha >0\), the following weights are weaker than \(U(\xi_1) = \xi_1\) in the region \(\xi_1\geq 0\): \[ P_1 (t) = \begin{cases} t , & \text{when $t\leq \alpha$} \\ \alpha , & \text{when $t > \alpha$} \end{cases} \qquad \text{ and }\qquad P_2(t) = \alpha\tanh \frac{t}{\alpha} \] \end{lemma} The function \(\rho = |\xi_1|^{-1}\) is a boundary defining function except on the equator and it is special up to third order. This is because the function \(l=|\arsinh\xi_1|\) which computes the distance to the totally geodesic hyperplane \(\xi_1^{-1}(0)\) satisfies \(|dl|=1\), hence \(\bar\rho = 2\exp(-l)\) is a special boundary defining function. The latter is related to \(\rho\) by \(\rho = \frac
[ 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 29905, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 1194, 10142, 29897, 718, 18283, 4283, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 1012, 3797, 29871, 29900, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 1454, 738, 13114, 7101, 10033, 10142, 7244, 313, 1333, 12695, 6943, 278, 3978, 467, 2803, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 13, 9361, 320, 10142, 29905, 5030, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29900, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29873, 27779, 322, 4269, 29911, 7244, 367, 278, 28373, 27843, 29871, 13, 2541, 4004, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29800, 2648, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 1118, 697, 756, 29871, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 29909, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29897, 320, 3797, 319, 29898, 29911, 29897, 353, 18283, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 313, 29873, 29899, 29896, 29897, 320, 3425, 29905, 10956, 260, 320, 6279, 29871, 29896, 29889, 13, 18899, 13, 29933, 5658, 10033, 10142, 7244, 28103, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 7244, 472, 1492, 10696, 29892, 697, 756, 10033, 1563, 4295, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29905, 1266, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 353, 18283, 4283, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 718, 438, 29898, 29873, 3426, 29906, 11606, 511, 607, 4208, 411, 278, 22196, 489, 29956, 16097, 13184, 320, 999, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29954, 22084, 29899, 29956, 16097, 29913, 10469, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1745, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 450, 4325, 2759, 3368, 4038, 310, 263, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 3509, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29906, 7244, 297, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 338, 4269, 29899, 29906, 29905, 1631, 29800, 450, 12678, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29913, 338, 26834, 297, 445, 1206, 1363, 4513, 22558, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2844, 29876, 29899, 29896, 14786, 505, 3309, 13, 271, 1556, 4269, 29906, 29905, 1631, 29800, 13, 29905, 667, 450, 7568, 3216, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 29905, 3797, 448, 29906, 29905, 1631, 7244, 363, 13, 1195, 3039, 766, 2039, 471, 2998, 297, 320, 2036, 29912, 17406, 557, 275, 29889, 29924, 834, 911, 29877, 29896, 29900, 29918, 29934, 264, 2759, 1891, 13799, 1184, 546, 368, 1118, 607, 11827, 393, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 1194, 10142, 29897, 320, 3797, 13, 259, 448, 29906, 29905, 1631, 29905, 4161, 7244, 988, 13, 29905, 1194, 4161, 7244, 338, 278, 382, 8584, 17443, 310, 10033, 10142, 29800, 13, 29905, 667, 450, 12678, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29913, 508, 884, 367, 3595, 408, 385, 7568, 3216, 363, 278, 3309, 310, 263, 13, 2764, 345, 10033, 4283, 7244, 1090, 4513, 21556, 29889, 29871, 13, 9842, 393, 278, 2913, 310, 4513, 21556, 297, 278, 3918, 14670, 284, 20745, 338, 451, 11071, 13, 392, 591, 1304, 278, 2114, 393, 10033, 4283, 7244, 13, 23687, 263, 4269, 29907, 29985, 29906, 7244, 7101, 29889, 450, 6337, 284, 11672, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 1028, 19647, 29913, 13, 29905, 3416, 29898, 29878, 29897, 353, 320, 1563, 29898, 29878, 998, 29896, 29914, 29946, 29913, 448, 364, 3426, 29896, 29914, 29946, 1012, 1266, 4887, 29906, 1678, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 4716, 12169, 2820, 278, 3978, 310, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29934, 2137, 29906, 29905, 5231, 24976, 3411, 25848, 21015, 320, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29906, 7244, 29047, 1784, 3064, 756, 8093, 3309, 13, 5062, 738, 4513, 12714, 29892, 541, 967, 3309, 508, 367, 9727, 6275, 2919, 29889, 1551, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 697, 13, 3068, 6356, 393, 4513, 12714, 27497, 505, 385, 7568, 3216, 746, 278, 11672, 756, 6374, 4226, 11658, 2068, 11855, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 7235, 29912, 14936, 21196, 8927, 537, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29947, 29955, 29883, 29946, 29945, 29953, 29941, 29913, 13, 4806, 508, 884, 12678, 4325, 2759, 3368, 4038, 773, 278, 2913, 14821, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 7244, 310, 8741, 13, 29905, 999, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29950, 1836, 3599, 497, 393, 278, 18177, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29875, 7244, 297, 278, 422, 20941, 11894, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 510, 20941, 29913, 13, 6194, 817, 304, 367, 4269, 29907, 29985, 29900, 29800, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 13846, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2409, 29901, 705, 5790, 29899, 3493, 29913, 13, 2831, 738, 4269, 29895, 29905, 6279, 29871, 29906, 7244, 322, 10033, 2312, 1405, 29900, 29905, 511, 278, 1494, 18177, 526, 591, 5790, 1135, 4269, 29965, 1194, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29897, 353, 320, 5389, 29918, 29896, 7244, 297, 278, 5120, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29905, 6279, 29871, 29900, 29905, 1125, 13, 259, 5539, 13, 1678, 349, 29918, 29896, 313, 29873, 29897, 353, 320, 463, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 1678, 260, 29871, 1919, 29871, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 8256, 395, 29873, 29905, 3797, 320, 2312, 17133, 2474, 13, 1678, 320, 2312, 12, 29871, 1919, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 8256, 395, 29873, 1405, 320, 2312, 17133, 13, 12, 29871, 320, 355, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 12, 29871, 320, 12014, 320, 726, 29912, 322, 17704, 12014, 349, 29918, 29906, 29898, 29873, 29897, 353, 320, 2312, 29905, 13161, 29882, 320, 1154, 29912, 29873, 3331, 2312, 29913, 13, 259, 11424, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 13846, 29913, 13, 13, 1576, 740, 10033, 4650, 353, 18283, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29989, 3426, 29896, 14786, 338, 263, 10452, 16184, 740, 5174, 373, 278, 13, 1686, 1061, 322, 372, 338, 4266, 701, 304, 4654, 1797, 29889, 910, 338, 1363, 278, 13, 2220, 4269, 29880, 29922, 4295, 1503, 262, 29882, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 4295, 29897, 607, 2912, 267, 278, 5418, 304, 278, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 11266, 22116, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29900, 27779, 13, 29879, 27685, 583, 4269, 29989, 11671, 29989, 29922, 29896, 29905, 511, 8151, 10033, 1646, 29905, 4650, 353, 29871, 29906, 29905, 4548, 6278, 29880, 27779, 338, 263, 4266, 10452, 16184, 13, 2220, 29889, 450, 7480, 338, 4475, 304, 10033, 4650, 7244, 491, 10033, 4650, 353, 320, 1154 ]
{\bar\rho}{1 - (\bar\rho/2)^2} = \bar\rho + O(\bar\rho^3)\). The Graham--Witten expansion \eqref{eq:Graham-Witten} is still applicable to \(\rho\) and can be rewriten as \begin{equation} \label{eq:Graham-Witten-space} A(\Sigma\cap \{ \xi_1 \leq t\}) = |\gamma_\infty|_{\tilde g} t + \mathcal{A}_R + O(t^{-1}) \end{equation} where \(\tilde g\) is the doubled hyperbolic metric described in Example \ref{ex:xi-H}, which coincides with \(\rho^2g_{\mathbb{H}^n}\) on \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\). The space versions of Corollary \ref{cor:2pi} and Theorem \ref{thm:upper-AR} are as follow. \begin{corollary}[] \label{cor:2pi-space} Let \(\Sigma\) be a minimal surface with boundary as in the paragraph preceding Theorem \ref{thm:monotonicity-H-space}. Then for all \(t > 0\), \[ \frac{(t^2+1)^{k/2}}{k}\int_{\Sigma,\xi_1 = 0}|\nabla^\Sigma\xi_1| \leq B_{\xi_1} \leq \frac{|\gamma_t|_{\tilde g}}{k} (t^2+1)^{k/2} \] In particular, \(\left|\gamma_\infty\right|_{\tilde g} \geq \int_{\Sigma,\xi_1 = 0}|\nabla^\Sigma\xi_1|.\) \end{corollary} \begin{theorem} \label{thm:upper-AR-space} Assume in addition to the hypothesis of Corollary \ref{cor:2pi-space}, that \(k=2\). Then for all \(\alpha >0\), one has \begin{equation} \label{eq:AR-space-1} \alpha \mathcal{A}_R(\Sigma) - \int_{\Sigma, 0\leq\xi_1\leq\alpha}(\alpha-\xi_1) + \frac{1}{2}\int_{\xi_1=0}|\nabla^\Sigma\xi_1| \leq \frac{1-\alpha^2}{2}|\gamma_\infty|_{\tilde g} \end{equation} \end{theorem} In particular, if \(\xi_1 \geq \alpha >0\) on \(\Sigma\), one obtains the estimate of Theorem \ref{thm:intro-AR-space}: \begin{equation} \label{eq:upper-AR-space} \mathcal{A}_R(\Sigma) + \frac{1}{2}\left(\alpha - \frac{1}{\alpha}\right)|\gamma_\infty|_{\tilde g} \leq 0 \end{equation} \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem \ref{thm:upper-AR-space}] By Lemma \ref{lem:weaker-space}, the monotonicity theorem holds for weight \(P_1\), which by Corollary \ref{cor:less-than-tube} implies \begin{equation} \label{eq:upper-AR-space-1} B_{P_1}(\Sigma)(t) \leq B_{P_1}(T_{\gamma_t})(t) = |\gamma_t|_{\tilde g}\left(\alpha t + \frac{1-\alpha^2}{2}\right)\quad \forall t>0 \end{equation} where \(T_{\gamma_t}(0,t)\) is the \(\xi_1\)-tube built upon \(\gamma_t:=\Sigma\cap\xi_1^{-1}(t)\). By definition \begin{equation} \label{eq:upper-AR-space-2} B_{P_1}(\Sigma)(t) = \frac{1}{2}\int_{\Sigma,\xi_1=0}|\nabla^\Sigma\xi_1| -\int_{\Sigma, 0\leq\xi_1\leq\alpha}(\alpha-\xi_1) + \alpha A(\Sigma)(t) \end{equation} One obtains \eqref{eq:AR-space-1} by replacing \(A(\Sigma)(t)\) in \eqref{eq:upper-AR-space
[ 741, 1646, 29905, 4650, 1157, 29896, 448, 3441, 1646, 29905, 4650, 29914, 29906, 4887, 29906, 29913, 13, 29922, 320, 1646, 29905, 4650, 718, 438, 1194, 1646, 29905, 4650, 29985, 29941, 2144, 467, 29871, 13, 13, 1576, 22196, 489, 29956, 16097, 13184, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29954, 22084, 29899, 29956, 16097, 29913, 338, 1603, 22903, 304, 10033, 4650, 7244, 322, 508, 367, 337, 8231, 264, 408, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29954, 22084, 29899, 29956, 16097, 29899, 3493, 29913, 13, 29909, 1194, 10142, 29905, 5030, 9991, 320, 5389, 29918, 29896, 320, 3797, 260, 29905, 1800, 353, 18283, 4283, 3187, 3411, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 260, 718, 320, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 718, 438, 29898, 29873, 3426, 29896, 1800, 12, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 10033, 5891, 330, 7244, 338, 278, 13, 8896, 29881, 11266, 2095, 293, 12714, 5439, 297, 8741, 320, 999, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29950, 1118, 13, 4716, 22819, 2247, 411, 10033, 4650, 29985, 29906, 29887, 1665, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 14786, 373, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 29800, 450, 13, 3493, 6910, 310, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29913, 322, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29913, 526, 408, 1101, 29889, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29899, 3493, 29913, 13, 12024, 10033, 10142, 7244, 367, 263, 13114, 7101, 411, 10452, 408, 297, 278, 14880, 26328, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 29950, 29899, 3493, 1836, 1987, 363, 599, 4269, 29873, 1405, 29871, 29900, 29905, 511, 13, 259, 5539, 13, 259, 320, 1154, 8001, 29873, 29985, 29906, 29974, 29896, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 7585, 29895, 1012, 524, 1665, 10142, 2053, 5389, 29918, 29896, 353, 29871, 29900, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29989, 320, 3797, 350, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29913, 320, 3797, 320, 1154, 29912, 4295, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 7585, 29895, 29913, 313, 29873, 29985, 29906, 29974, 29896, 8940, 29895, 29914, 29906, 29913, 13, 259, 11424, 13, 797, 3153, 29892, 13, 29905, 1194, 1563, 4295, 4283, 3187, 3411, 29905, 1266, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 320, 6279, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 2053, 5389, 29918, 29896, 353, 29871, 29900, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29989, 29889, 7244, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493, 29913, 13, 7900, 2017, 297, 6124, 304, 278, 20051, 310, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 29899, 3493, 1118, 393, 4269, 29895, 29922, 29906, 29800, 29871, 13, 11760, 363, 599, 10033, 2312, 1405, 29900, 29905, 511, 697, 756, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 1718, 29899, 3493, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 320, 2312, 320, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 1194, 10142, 29897, 448, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 29871, 29900, 29905, 3797, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29905, 3797, 29905, 2312, 4678, 2312, 2612, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29897, 718, 13, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 1012, 524, 1665, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29922, 29900, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29989, 320, 3797, 13, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 2612, 2312, 29985, 29906, 1157, 29906, 29913, 4295, 4283, 3187, 3411, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 29871, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 797, 3153, 29892, 565, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 320, 6279, 320, 2312, 1405, 29900, 7244, 373, 10033, 10142, 29905, 511, 697, 4017, 29879, 278, 12678, 310, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 23333, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493, 6177, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493, 29913, 13, 29905, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 1194, 10142, 29897, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 1012, 1563, 1194, 2312, 448, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 3331, 2312, 1012, 1266, 29897, 4295, 4283, 3187, 3411, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 320, 3797, 29871, 29900, 259, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 4400, 28116, 310, 10244, 320, 999, 29912, 12743, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493, 6525, 13, 2059, 11894, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 705, 5790, 29899, 3493, 1118, 278, 21196, 8927, 537, 9185, 8640, 363, 7688, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 29905, 511, 29871, 13, 4716, 491, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 2222, 29899, 27603, 29899, 29873, 4003, 29913, 10469, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493, 29899, 29896, 29913, 13, 29933, 648, 29925, 29918, 29896, 4678, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29897, 320, 3797, 350, 648, 29925, 29918, 29896, 2119, 29911, 1665, 4283, 29918, 29873, 1800, 29898, 29873, 29897, 353, 18283, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 1012, 1563, 1194, 2312, 260, 718, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 2612, 2312, 29985, 29906, 1157, 29906, 1012, 1266, 2144, 3425, 320, 10956, 260, 29958, 29900, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 4269, 29911, 1665, 4283, 29918, 29873, 2119, 29900, 29892, 29873, 27779, 338, 278, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29905, 6817, 29873, 4003, 4240, 2501, 10033, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29901, 2013, 10142, 29905, 5030, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29873, 2144, 467, 2648, 5023, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493, 29899, 29906, 29913, 13, 350, 648, 29925, 29918, 29896, 4678, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29897, 353, 29871, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 1012, 524, 1665, 10142, 2053, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29922, 29900, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29989, 11995, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 13, 29871, 29900, 29905, 3797, 29905, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29905, 3797, 29905, 2312, 4678, 2312, 2612, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29897, 718, 320, 2312, 319, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29897, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 6716, 4017, 29879, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 1718, 29899, 3493, 29899, 29896, 29913, 491, 15270, 4269, 29909, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 27779, 297, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493 ]
-2} with the expansion \eqref{eq:Graham-Witten-space} and by using \(|\gamma_t|_{\tilde g} = |\gamma_\infty|_{\tilde g}+O(t^{-2})\) which is because \(\Sigma\) meets \(\mathbb{S}_\infty\) at a right angle. \end{proof} \begin{remark} \label{rem:space-est} It is possible to prove Corollary \ref{cor:intro-AR-2pi} from the estimate \eqref{eq:upper-AR-space}. Since the function \(y:=\frac{\xi_1}{\xi_0}\) foliates \(\mathbb{H}^n\) into totally geodesic codimension 1, by a Mobius transform, one can put the boundary curve of \(\Sigma\), and by convexity the entire minimal surface, between level sets \(y=\beta,\) and \(y=\beta+\epsilon, \beta >0\). This guarantees that \(\xi_1\geq\alpha := \frac{\beta}{\sqrt{1-\beta^2}}\) on the surface. The Mobius transform can be chosen so that the \(\tilde g\)-length of the boundary curve is \(\epsilon\)-near to that of a great circle on \(\{y=\beta\}\cap \mathbb{S}_\infty\), which is \(2\pi \frac{\sqrt{1-\beta^2}}{\beta}\). Combine all these with \eqref{eq:upper-AR-space} and send \(\epsilon\) to 0, one has \(\mathcal{A}_R + 2\pi (1 - \frac{1}{2\beta^2})\leq 0\) for all \(\beta >0\), which means \(\mathcal{A}_R\leq -2\pi\). Figure \ref{fig:space-est} illustrates the level sets of \(y = \frac{\xi_1}{\xi_0}\) and those of \(\xi_1\) in the Poincaré model. \end{remark} \begin{figure}[hbt!] \centering \includegraphics[width=6.5cm]{2021-04-28-space-est.png} \caption{Level sets of \( y \) (totally geodesic, in red) and those of \( \xi_1 \) (in blue). The \( (n-1) \)-dimensional disks \( y=\beta\) and \( \xi_1 = \alpha = \frac{\beta}{\sqrt{1-\beta^2}} \) touch each other at the center.} \label{fig:space-est} \end{figure} \section{Weighted monotonicity in spaces with curvature bounded from above} \label{sec:org2ac913f} Fix a point \(O\) in a Riemannian manifold \((M^n,g)\), and let \(r_{\rm inj}\) be the injectivity radius at \(O\). The Hessian of the distance function \(r\) to \(O\) is given by: \begin{equation} \label{eq:hess-r} \hess_p r (\partial_r, \cdot) =0, \qquad \hess_p r (v, v)=: I(v), \quad\forall p\in B(O,r_{\rm inj}),\ \forall v\perp \partial_r \end{equation} where \(I(v)=\int_{\Gamma}\left(|\dot V|^2 - K_M(\dot\gamma,V)|V|^2\right)\) is the index form of the Jacobi field \(V\) along the geodesic \(\Gamma\) between \(O\) and \(p\) that interpolates \(0\) at \(O\) and \(v\) at \(p\). When the sectional curvature satisfies \(K_M\leq -a^2\) (respectively \(b^2\)), one can check that \(I(v) \geq a\coth(ar)|v|^2\) (respectively \(b\cot (br)|v|^2\)). This gives an estimate of the \(\hess r\) on the directions orthogonal to \(\partial_r\). By a change of variable, we can estimate the Hessian in a more isotropic way. \begin{proposition}[] \label{prop:hess-r} Inside \(B(O,r_{\rm inj
[ 29899, 29906, 29913, 13, 2541, 278, 13184, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29954, 22084, 29899, 29956, 16097, 29899, 3493, 29913, 322, 491, 773, 4269, 4295, 4283, 29918, 29873, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 29913, 13, 29922, 18283, 4283, 3187, 3411, 29989, 1665, 5891, 330, 7517, 29949, 29898, 29873, 3426, 29906, 1800, 7244, 607, 338, 1363, 10033, 10142, 7244, 28103, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 7244, 472, 263, 1492, 10696, 29889, 29871, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1745, 29901, 3493, 29899, 342, 29913, 13, 3112, 338, 1950, 304, 6356, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 23333, 29899, 1718, 29899, 29906, 1631, 29913, 13, 3166, 278, 12678, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493, 1836, 4001, 278, 740, 4269, 29891, 29901, 2013, 1154, 741, 5389, 29918, 29896, 3331, 5389, 29918, 29900, 14786, 13, 4542, 29875, 1078, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 29871, 13, 8941, 14909, 1737, 2631, 293, 15234, 326, 2673, 29871, 29896, 29892, 491, 263, 341, 711, 2482, 4327, 29892, 697, 508, 1925, 278, 13, 9917, 653, 11672, 310, 10033, 10142, 29905, 511, 322, 491, 18635, 537, 278, 4152, 13114, 7101, 29892, 1546, 3233, 6166, 4269, 29891, 2013, 3571, 2053, 29897, 322, 4269, 29891, 2013, 3571, 3124, 5463, 29892, 320, 3571, 1405, 29900, 29800, 29871, 13, 4013, 10509, 267, 393, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 29905, 6279, 29905, 2312, 3490, 13, 29905, 1154, 741, 3571, 3331, 3676, 29912, 29896, 2612, 3571, 29985, 29906, 4229, 29897, 373, 278, 7101, 29889, 29871, 13, 1576, 341, 711, 2482, 4327, 508, 367, 10434, 577, 393, 278, 10033, 5891, 330, 29905, 6817, 2848, 310, 278, 10452, 11672, 338, 10033, 5463, 29905, 6817, 28502, 304, 393, 310, 263, 2107, 13, 16622, 373, 10033, 29912, 29891, 2013, 3571, 25848, 5030, 320, 1995, 29912, 29903, 12806, 3411, 29905, 511, 607, 338, 4269, 29906, 29905, 1631, 13, 29905, 1154, 741, 3676, 29912, 29896, 2612, 3571, 29985, 29906, 12431, 3571, 1012, 467, 422, 26062, 599, 1438, 411, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 21064, 29899, 1718, 29899, 3493, 29913, 322, 3638, 13, 29905, 1194, 5463, 7244, 304, 29871, 29900, 29892, 697, 756, 13, 29905, 1194, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 718, 29871, 29906, 29905, 1631, 313, 29896, 448, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 29905, 3571, 29985, 29906, 11606, 3797, 29871, 29900, 7244, 363, 599, 10033, 3571, 1405, 29900, 29905, 511, 607, 13, 1004, 550, 10033, 1942, 29912, 29909, 2403, 29934, 29905, 3797, 448, 29906, 29905, 1631, 29800, 11479, 320, 999, 29912, 1003, 29901, 3493, 29899, 342, 29913, 8632, 1078, 278, 3233, 6166, 310, 4269, 29891, 353, 320, 1154, 741, 5389, 29918, 29896, 3331, 5389, 29918, 29900, 14786, 13, 392, 1906, 310, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29896, 7244, 297, 278, 3929, 3742, 279, 29948, 1904, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 4532, 4400, 29882, 3116, 29991, 29962, 13, 1678, 320, 9525, 13, 1678, 320, 7313, 29961, 2103, 29922, 29953, 29889, 29945, 4912, 3199, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29899, 29900, 29946, 29899, 29906, 29947, 29899, 3493, 29899, 342, 29889, 2732, 29913, 29871, 13, 1678, 320, 6671, 29912, 10108, 6166, 310, 4269, 343, 21811, 313, 4260, 635, 1737, 2631, 293, 29892, 297, 2654, 29897, 322, 1906, 310, 4269, 320, 5389, 29918, 29896, 21811, 313, 262, 7254, 467, 450, 4269, 313, 29876, 29899, 29896, 29897, 320, 6817, 12531, 766, 2039, 4269, 343, 2013, 3571, 7244, 322, 4269, 320, 5389, 29918, 29896, 353, 320, 2312, 353, 320, 1154, 741, 3571, 3331, 3676, 29912, 29896, 2612, 3571, 29985, 29906, 930, 21811, 6023, 1269, 916, 472, 278, 4818, 5003, 13, 1678, 320, 1643, 29912, 1003, 29901, 3493, 29899, 342, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 4532, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 2042, 29912, 22676, 287, 21196, 8927, 537, 297, 8162, 411, 27686, 1535, 12635, 515, 2038, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29906, 562, 29929, 29896, 29941, 29888, 29913, 13, 29943, 861, 263, 1298, 4269, 29949, 7244, 297, 263, 29516, 713, 25941, 320, 3552, 29924, 29985, 29876, 29892, 29887, 2144, 511, 322, 1235, 4269, 29878, 1665, 1758, 10899, 14786, 367, 278, 13, 21920, 2068, 11855, 472, 4269, 29949, 29800, 450, 379, 404, 713, 310, 278, 5418, 740, 4269, 29878, 7244, 304, 4269, 29949, 7244, 338, 13, 29887, 5428, 491, 29901, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29882, 404, 29899, 29878, 29913, 13, 29905, 29882, 404, 29918, 29886, 364, 3441, 3846, 29918, 29878, 29892, 320, 3822, 29897, 353, 29900, 29892, 320, 12014, 320, 29882, 404, 29918, 29886, 364, 313, 29894, 29892, 325, 3892, 29901, 306, 29898, 29894, 511, 320, 3425, 29905, 10956, 282, 29905, 262, 350, 29898, 29949, 29892, 29878, 1665, 1758, 10899, 9594, 29905, 320, 10956, 325, 29905, 24598, 320, 3846, 29918, 29878, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 3062, 4269, 29902, 29898, 29894, 7950, 524, 1665, 6642, 1012, 1563, 29898, 4295, 6333, 478, 15333, 29906, 448, 476, 29918, 29924, 1194, 6333, 29905, 4283, 29892, 29963, 10531, 29963, 15333, 29906, 29905, 1266, 27779, 338, 278, 2380, 13, 689, 310, 278, 10968, 29875, 1746, 4269, 29963, 7244, 3412, 278, 1737, 2631, 293, 10033, 6642, 7244, 1546, 4269, 29949, 7244, 322, 4269, 29886, 7244, 393, 13, 1639, 3733, 1078, 4269, 29900, 7244, 472, 4269, 29949, 7244, 322, 4269, 29894, 7244, 472, 4269, 29886, 29800, 29871, 13, 13, 10401, 278, 4004, 284, 27686, 1535, 13, 29879, 27685, 583, 4269, 29968, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 448, 29874, 29985, 29906, 7244, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 4269, 29890, 29985, 29906, 7244, 511, 697, 508, 1423, 393, 13, 29905, 29898, 29902, 29898, 29894, 29897, 320, 6279, 263, 29905, 29883, 720, 29898, 279, 10531, 29894, 15333, 29906, 7244, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 4269, 29890, 29905, 26235, 313, 1182, 10531, 29894, 15333, 29906, 7244, 467, 910, 4076, 385, 12678, 310, 278, 10033, 29882, 404, 364, 7244, 373, 278, 13, 20146, 1953, 28143, 304, 10033, 3846, 29918, 29878, 29800, 2648, 263, 1735, 310, 2286, 29892, 591, 508, 12678, 278, 379, 404, 713, 297, 263, 901, 338, 28467, 293, 982, 29889, 29871, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 771, 3283, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 7728, 29901, 29882, 404, 29899, 29878, 29913, 13, 797, 2975, 4269, 29933, 29898, 29949, 29892, 29878, 1665, 1758, 10899 ]
})\), one has \begin{enumerate} \item \(\hess (a^{-2}\cosh ar) \geq \cosh ar.\ g\) if \(K_M\leq -a^2\). \item \(\hess (-b^{-2}\cos br) \geq \cos br.\ g\) if \(K\leq b^2\) and \(r\leq \frac{\pi}{b}\). \end{enumerate} \end{proposition} This means that the functions \(h=a^{-2}\cosh ar\) and \(h=-b^{-2}\cos br\) satisfy \(\hess h \geq U.g\). We note that the functions \(U, V\) defined as in Proposition \ref{prop:cheeger-colding} are still functions of \(h\): \(U= a^2 h\) (respectively \(-b^2 h\)) and \(V = |\nabla h|^2 = a^2 (h^2-1)\) (respectively \(-b^2 (h^2-1)\)) and one still has \(U = \frac{1}{2}V'\). The \emph{eligible interval} \([0,r_{ \max})\) is defined to be \([0, r_{\rm inj})\) when \(K_M\leq -a^2\) and \([0, \min (r_{\rm inj}, \frac{\pi}{2b}))\) when \(K_M\leq b^2\). \begin{remark} \label{rem:no-min-K} \begin{enumerate} \item When \(M\) is \(\mathbb{H}^n\) or \(\mathbb{S}^n\), the function \(h\) is the time-coordinate \(\xi_0\) and the Euclidean coordinate \(x\) in Example \ref{ex:xi-H} and Example \ref{ex:xi-S}. \item It follows from maximum principle and Proposition \ref{prop:hess-r} that there exists no closed minimal surface in \(B(O, r_{\max})\). If \(M\) is Cartan--Hadamard (\(r_{\max}=+\infty\)) and if the boundary of a minimal surface is contained in a geodesic ball, the entire surface stays inside that ball. \end{enumerate} \end{remark} \subsection{Weighted monotonicity theorem} \label{sec:orgb7c5ec5} As explained in Remark \ref{rem:monotonicity-warped}, we can still have weighted monotonicity theorem for the function \(h\). The \emph{weighted area} and \emph{weighted density} of a surface \(\Sigma^k\) are defined to be \[ \bar A(\Sigma)(t):= \int_{\Sigma, r\leq t}U,\quad \bar\Theta(t):= \frac{\bar A(\Sigma)(t)}{Q(t)}, \quad Q(t):= \begin{cases} \frac{\omega_{k-1}}{k}\frac{\sinh^k at}{a^k} , & \text{when } K_M\leq -a^2 \\ \frac{\omega_{k-1}}{k}\frac{\sin^k bt}{b^k} , & \text{when } K_M\leq b^2 \end{cases} \] Note that \(Q\) is the weighted area of a ball of radius \(t\) in the \(k\)-dimensional space-forms of curvature \(-a^2\) or \(b^2\) and that the density converges to 1 as \(t\) decreases to 0. \begin{theorem}[] \label{thm:monotonicity-geodesic} Let \(M\) be a Riemannian manifold with sectional curvature \(K_M\leq -a^2\) or \(K_M\leq b^2\) and \(\Sigma^k\subset M\) be an extension of a minimal surface by geodesic cone, then the density \(\bar\Theta(\Sigma)(t)\) is an increasing function in the eligible interval. \end{theorem} By a different argument than that of Corollary \ref{cor:sphere} and Corollary \ref{cor:2pi}, one can prove that the intersection curve of a minimal surface with a geodesic sphere of \(M\) is longer than the great circle
[ 11606, 511, 697, 756, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 10033, 29882, 404, 313, 29874, 3426, 29906, 1012, 3944, 29882, 564, 29897, 320, 6279, 320, 3944, 29882, 564, 7790, 330, 7244, 565, 4269, 29968, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 448, 29874, 29985, 29906, 29800, 13, 29905, 667, 10033, 29882, 404, 8521, 29890, 3426, 29906, 1012, 3944, 1506, 29897, 320, 6279, 320, 3944, 1506, 7790, 330, 7244, 565, 4269, 29968, 29905, 3797, 289, 29985, 29906, 7244, 322, 4269, 29878, 29905, 3797, 320, 1154, 741, 1631, 1157, 29890, 1012, 467, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 771, 3283, 29913, 13, 4013, 2794, 393, 278, 3168, 4269, 29882, 29922, 29874, 3426, 29906, 1012, 3944, 29882, 564, 7244, 322, 4269, 29882, 10457, 29890, 3426, 29906, 1012, 3944, 1506, 7244, 15523, 10033, 29882, 404, 298, 320, 6279, 13, 29965, 29889, 29887, 29800, 29871, 13, 4806, 4443, 393, 278, 3168, 4269, 29965, 29892, 478, 7244, 3342, 408, 297, 22206, 320, 999, 29912, 7728, 29901, 1173, 387, 261, 29899, 29883, 1025, 292, 29913, 13, 598, 1603, 3168, 310, 4269, 29882, 29905, 1125, 4269, 29965, 29922, 263, 29985, 29906, 298, 7244, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 4269, 29899, 29890, 29985, 29906, 298, 29905, 876, 322, 4269, 29963, 353, 18283, 8511, 298, 15333, 29906, 353, 263, 29985, 29906, 13, 29898, 29882, 29985, 29906, 29899, 29896, 27779, 313, 690, 1103, 3598, 4269, 29899, 29890, 29985, 29906, 313, 29882, 29985, 29906, 29899, 29896, 2144, 876, 322, 697, 1603, 756, 4269, 29965, 353, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29906, 29913, 29963, 12764, 467, 13, 13, 1576, 320, 7278, 29912, 295, 335, 1821, 7292, 29913, 320, 4197, 29900, 29892, 29878, 648, 320, 3317, 1800, 7244, 338, 3342, 304, 367, 320, 4197, 29900, 29892, 364, 1665, 1758, 10899, 1800, 7244, 746, 13, 29905, 29898, 29968, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 448, 29874, 29985, 29906, 7244, 322, 320, 4197, 29900, 29892, 320, 1195, 313, 29878, 1665, 1758, 10899, 1118, 320, 1154, 741, 1631, 1157, 29906, 29890, 20073, 7244, 746, 4269, 29968, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 289, 29985, 29906, 29800, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1745, 29901, 1217, 29899, 1195, 29899, 29968, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 1932, 4269, 29924, 7244, 338, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29950, 2137, 29876, 7244, 470, 10033, 1995, 29912, 29903, 2137, 29876, 29905, 511, 278, 740, 4269, 29882, 7244, 338, 278, 931, 29899, 29302, 10033, 5389, 29918, 29900, 7244, 322, 13, 1552, 382, 27511, 14821, 4269, 29916, 7244, 297, 8741, 320, 999, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29950, 29913, 322, 8741, 320, 999, 29912, 735, 29901, 5389, 29899, 29903, 1836, 13, 29905, 667, 739, 4477, 515, 7472, 12502, 322, 22206, 320, 999, 29912, 7728, 29901, 29882, 404, 29899, 29878, 29913, 393, 727, 4864, 694, 5764, 13, 1195, 3039, 7101, 297, 4269, 29933, 29898, 29949, 29892, 364, 1665, 3317, 11606, 467, 960, 4269, 29924, 7244, 338, 12370, 273, 489, 29950, 328, 314, 538, 3441, 29898, 29878, 1665, 3317, 5369, 3124, 3411, 29905, 876, 322, 565, 278, 10452, 310, 263, 13, 1195, 3039, 7101, 338, 11122, 297, 263, 1737, 2631, 293, 8287, 29892, 278, 4152, 7101, 27111, 2768, 393, 8287, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 26294, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 7235, 29912, 22676, 287, 21196, 8927, 537, 9185, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 29890, 29955, 29883, 29945, 687, 29945, 29913, 13, 13, 2887, 10824, 297, 5240, 935, 320, 999, 29912, 1745, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 4495, 9795, 1118, 591, 508, 1603, 505, 7688, 287, 13, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 9185, 363, 278, 740, 4269, 29882, 29800, 29871, 13, 1576, 320, 7278, 29912, 7915, 287, 4038, 29913, 322, 320, 7278, 29912, 7915, 287, 9027, 29913, 310, 263, 7101, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 7244, 526, 3342, 304, 367, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 29905, 1646, 319, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 364, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 29965, 2053, 3425, 320, 1646, 29905, 17458, 29898, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 1154, 741, 1646, 13, 29909, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 10172, 29984, 29898, 29873, 19230, 320, 3425, 29871, 13, 29984, 29898, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 463, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 29905, 1154, 741, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 7585, 29895, 1012, 1154, 741, 5223, 29882, 29985, 29895, 472, 1157, 29874, 29985, 29895, 29913, 539, 1919, 29871, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 8256, 500, 476, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 448, 29874, 29985, 29906, 2474, 13, 29905, 1154, 741, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 7585, 29895, 1012, 1154, 741, 5223, 29985, 29895, 289, 29873, 1157, 29890, 29985, 29895, 29913, 539, 1919, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 8256, 500, 476, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 289, 29985, 29906, 13, 539, 320, 355, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 18899, 13, 9842, 393, 4269, 29984, 7244, 338, 278, 7688, 287, 4038, 310, 263, 8287, 310, 11855, 4269, 29873, 7244, 297, 278, 4269, 29895, 29905, 6817, 12531, 13, 3493, 29899, 9514, 310, 27686, 1535, 4269, 29899, 29874, 29985, 29906, 7244, 470, 4269, 29890, 29985, 29906, 7244, 322, 393, 278, 13, 21518, 537, 24144, 304, 29871, 29896, 408, 4269, 29873, 7244, 9263, 2129, 304, 29871, 29900, 29889, 13, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 14648, 29913, 2636, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 12743, 29901, 3712, 327, 8927, 537, 29899, 479, 2631, 293, 29913, 13, 12024, 4269, 29924, 7244, 367, 263, 29516, 713, 25941, 411, 4004, 284, 27686, 1535, 4269, 29968, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 448, 29874, 29985, 29906, 7244, 470, 4269, 29968, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 289, 29985, 29906, 7244, 29871, 13, 392, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 29905, 6484, 341, 7244, 367, 385, 6081, 310, 263, 13114, 7101, 491, 1737, 2631, 293, 27843, 29892, 769, 13, 1552, 9027, 10033, 1646, 29905, 17458, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 27779, 338, 385, 10231, 740, 297, 278, 560, 335, 1821, 7292, 29889, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 14648, 29913, 13, 13, 2059, 263, 1422, 2980, 1135, 393, 310, 2994, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29879, 9085, 29913, 322, 13, 12521, 21982, 320, 999, 29912, 2616, 29901, 29906, 1631, 1118, 697, 508, 6356, 393, 13, 1552, 17686, 11672, 310, 263, 13114, 7101, 411, 263, 1737, 2631, 293, 20745, 310, 4269, 29924, 7244, 338, 5520, 1135, 278, 13, 7979, 271, 8607 ]
of the sphere of same radius in space-form. \begin{corollary}[] Let \(\Sigma^k\subset M\) be a minimal surface containing the point \(O\) with multiplicity \(m\) and \(l_t := \mathop{\rm vol}\nolimits_{k-1}\left(\Sigma\cap r^{-1}(t)\right)\). For all \(t\) in the eligible interval, one has \[ Q(t) \leq \bar A(\Sigma)(t)\leq \frac{l_t}{k}V(t)^{1/2} \] In particular, one has \[ l_t \geq \begin{cases} m\omega_{k-1}\left(\frac{\sinh at}{a}\right)^{k-1} , & \text{if $K_M\leq -a^2$} \\ m\omega_{k-1}\left(\frac{\sin bt}{b}\right)^{k-1} , & \text{if $K_M\leq b^2$} \end{cases} \] \end{corollary} \begin{proof} Instead of Lemma \ref{lem:less-than-tube} (see Remark \ref{rem:no-less-tube}), the upper estimate of \(\bar A\) follows from \eqref{eq:stokes}: \[ \bar A(\Sigma)(t) \leq \frac{1}{k}\int_{\Sigma, h=t}|\nabla^\Sigma h| \leq \frac{V(t)^{1/2}}{k}l_t. \] \end{proof} \subsection{Comparison lemma} \label{sec:orgffa9b3c} It is more convenient see a weight \(P\) as a non-negative continuous function of \(r\) instead of \(h\). The \emph{\(P\)-area} is defined as \(A_P(\Sigma)(t):= \int_{\Sigma, r\leq t}P(r)\) and the \emph{\(P\)-density} is \(\Theta_P:= \frac{A_P}{Q}\) where \(Q = Q_P\) is \(P\)-area of a ball of radius \(r\) in space-form: \begin{equation} \label{eq:Q-geodesic} Q(t):= \begin{cases} \omega_{k-1}\int_{r\leq t}P(r)\frac{\sinh^{k-1} ar}{a^{k-1}}dr , & \text{when } K_M\leq -a^2 \\ \omega_{k-1}\int_{r\leq t}P(r)\frac{\sin^{k-1} br}{b^{k-1}}dr , & \text{when } K_M\leq b^2 \end{cases} \end{equation} \begin{lemma}[Comparison] \label{lem:comparison-geodesic} Let \(\Sigma^k\subset M\) be any surface not necessarily minimal and \(P_1,P_2\) be two non-negative, continuous weight functions. Define \(Q_1, Q_2\) from \(P_1, P_2\) as in \eqref{eq:Q-geodesic}. \begin{enumerate} \item If \(P_1\) is weaker than \(P_2\), i.e. \(\frac{P_1}{Q_1} \leq \frac{P_2}{Q_2}\), and \(\frac{d}{dt}\Theta_2\geq 0\) in the eligible interval, then one has \(\Theta_1\leq\Theta_2\) and \[ \frac{d\Theta_1}{dt} \geq \frac{Q_2}{P_2}\frac{P_1}{Q_1} \frac{d\Theta_2}{dt}\geq 0 \] \item If \(P_2\) is weaker than \(P_1\) and \(\frac{d}{dt}\Theta_2\geq 0\) in the eligible interval, then one has \(\Theta_1\geq\Theta_2\) \end{enumerate} \end{lemma} We note that it is necessary to mention \(a\) or \(b\) in order to compare two weights. However, it can be checked that \begin
[ 310, 278, 20745, 310, 1021, 11855, 297, 2913, 29899, 689, 29889, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 2636, 13, 12024, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 29905, 6484, 341, 7244, 367, 263, 13114, 7101, 6943, 278, 1298, 4269, 29949, 7244, 411, 13, 18056, 17024, 4269, 29885, 7244, 322, 4269, 29880, 29918, 29873, 13, 9361, 320, 27018, 741, 1758, 1700, 1012, 29876, 324, 326, 1169, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 1563, 1194, 10142, 29905, 5030, 364, 3426, 29896, 2119, 29873, 2144, 1266, 2144, 467, 1152, 599, 4269, 29873, 7244, 297, 278, 560, 335, 1821, 13, 19207, 29892, 697, 756, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 29984, 29898, 29873, 29897, 320, 3797, 320, 1646, 319, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 2144, 3797, 320, 1154, 29912, 29880, 29918, 29873, 1157, 29895, 29913, 29963, 29898, 29873, 8940, 29896, 29914, 29906, 29913, 13, 18899, 13, 797, 3153, 29892, 697, 756, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 301, 29918, 29873, 320, 6279, 320, 463, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 286, 29905, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 1563, 1194, 1154, 741, 5223, 29882, 472, 1157, 29874, 1012, 1266, 8940, 29895, 29899, 29896, 29913, 12, 29871, 1919, 29871, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 361, 395, 29968, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 448, 29874, 29985, 29906, 17133, 2474, 13, 286, 29905, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 1563, 1194, 1154, 741, 5223, 289, 29873, 1157, 29890, 1012, 1266, 8940, 29895, 29899, 29896, 29913, 12, 29871, 1919, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 361, 395, 29968, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 289, 29985, 29906, 17133, 13, 12, 29871, 320, 355, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 18899, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2616, 21982, 29913, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 3379, 1479, 310, 11894, 320, 999, 29912, 2409, 29901, 2222, 29899, 27603, 29899, 29873, 4003, 29913, 313, 4149, 5240, 935, 320, 999, 29912, 1745, 29901, 1217, 29899, 2222, 29899, 29873, 4003, 9594, 278, 7568, 12678, 310, 10033, 1646, 319, 7244, 4477, 515, 13, 29905, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 303, 23195, 6177, 13, 29905, 29961, 13, 29905, 1646, 319, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 29897, 320, 3797, 320, 1154, 29912, 29896, 1157, 29895, 1012, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 298, 29922, 29873, 29913, 4295, 8511, 3823, 10142, 298, 29989, 320, 3797, 320, 1154, 29912, 29963, 29898, 29873, 8940, 29896, 29914, 29906, 7585, 29895, 29913, 29880, 29918, 29873, 29889, 13, 18899, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 8017, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 7235, 29912, 1523, 20941, 10383, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 3471, 29901, 990, 600, 29874, 29929, 29890, 29941, 29883, 29913, 13, 3112, 338, 901, 19192, 1074, 263, 7688, 4269, 29925, 7244, 408, 263, 1661, 29899, 22198, 13, 20621, 681, 740, 310, 4269, 29878, 7244, 2012, 310, 4269, 29882, 29800, 450, 320, 7278, 741, 29898, 29925, 29905, 6817, 6203, 29913, 338, 3342, 408, 4269, 29909, 29918, 29925, 1194, 10142, 5033, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 524, 1665, 10142, 29892, 364, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 29925, 29898, 29878, 27779, 322, 278, 320, 7278, 741, 29898, 29925, 29905, 6817, 21518, 537, 29913, 338, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29925, 9361, 320, 1154, 29912, 29909, 29918, 29925, 1157, 29984, 14786, 988, 4269, 29984, 353, 660, 29918, 29925, 7244, 338, 13, 29905, 29898, 29925, 29905, 6817, 6203, 310, 263, 8287, 310, 11855, 4269, 29878, 7244, 297, 2913, 29899, 689, 29901, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29984, 29899, 479, 2631, 293, 29913, 13, 660, 29898, 29873, 1125, 29922, 320, 463, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 29905, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 524, 648, 29878, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 29925, 29898, 29878, 2144, 1154, 741, 5223, 29882, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 29913, 564, 1157, 29874, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 930, 7707, 539, 1919, 29871, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 8256, 500, 476, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 448, 29874, 29985, 29906, 2474, 13, 29905, 4787, 648, 29895, 29899, 29896, 1012, 524, 648, 29878, 29905, 3797, 260, 29913, 29925, 29898, 29878, 2144, 1154, 741, 5223, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 29913, 1506, 1157, 29890, 998, 29895, 29899, 29896, 930, 7707, 539, 1919, 669, 320, 726, 29912, 8256, 500, 476, 29918, 29924, 29905, 3797, 289, 29985, 29906, 13, 539, 320, 355, 29912, 11436, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 2573, 29913, 13, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 13846, 4400, 1523, 20941, 29962, 13, 29905, 1643, 29912, 2409, 29901, 510, 20941, 29899, 479, 2631, 293, 29913, 13, 12024, 10033, 10142, 29985, 29895, 29905, 6484, 341, 7244, 367, 738, 7101, 451, 12695, 13114, 322, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 29892, 29925, 29918, 29906, 7244, 367, 1023, 13, 5464, 29899, 22198, 29892, 9126, 7688, 3168, 29889, 22402, 4269, 29984, 29918, 29896, 29892, 660, 29918, 29906, 7244, 515, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 29892, 13, 29925, 29918, 29906, 7244, 408, 297, 320, 4915, 29912, 1837, 29901, 29984, 29899, 479, 2631, 293, 1836, 29871, 13, 29905, 463, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 667, 960, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 7244, 338, 591, 5790, 1135, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29906, 29905, 511, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29925, 29918, 29896, 1157, 29984, 29918, 29896, 29913, 320, 3797, 13, 259, 320, 1154, 29912, 29925, 29918, 29906, 1157, 29984, 29918, 29906, 1012, 511, 322, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 1012, 17458, 29918, 29906, 29905, 6279, 29871, 29900, 7244, 297, 278, 560, 335, 1821, 7292, 29892, 769, 697, 756, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29896, 29905, 3797, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 7244, 13, 392, 13, 5539, 13, 29871, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29896, 1157, 6008, 29913, 320, 6279, 320, 1154, 29912, 29984, 29918, 29906, 1157, 29925, 29918, 29906, 1012, 1154, 29912, 29925, 29918, 29896, 1157, 29984, 29918, 29896, 29913, 320, 1154, 29912, 29881, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 1157, 6008, 1012, 6279, 29871, 29900, 13, 29871, 11424, 13, 29905, 667, 960, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29906, 7244, 338, 591, 5790, 1135, 4269, 29925, 29918, 29896, 7244, 322, 10033, 1154, 29912, 29881, 1157, 6008, 1012, 17458, 29918, 29906, 29905, 6279, 29871, 29900, 7244, 297, 278, 560, 335, 1821, 7292, 29892, 769, 697, 756, 10033, 17458, 29918, 29896, 29905, 6279, 29905, 17458, 29918, 29906, 7244, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 15172, 29913, 13, 29905, 355, 29912, 13846, 29913, 13, 13, 4806, 4443, 393, 372, 338, 5181, 304, 3585, 4269, 29874, 7244, 470, 4269, 29890, 7244, 297, 1797, 304, 7252, 1023, 13, 705, 5861, 29889, 2398, 29892, 372, 508, 367, 7120, 393, 13, 29905, 463 ]
Гопцій Тетяна Іванівна (13 січня 1954 Новоукраїнка Кіровоградської області) — відома українська вчена у галузі селекції та генетики рослин, доктор сільськогосподарських наук, професор. З 2016 року завідувачка кафедри генетики, селекції та насінництва Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва (тепер — Державний біотехнологічний університет). Освіта та наукова діяльність У 1976 році закінчила Харківський сільськогосподарський інститут ім. В. В. Докучаєва, після чого навчалася в аспірантурі під керівництвом Наумова Германа Федоровича. У 1982 році захистила кандидатську дисертаційну роботу та здобула науковий ступінь кандидата сільськогосподарських наук. На початку 1990-х років Тетяна Іванівна разом із колегами по кафедрі розпочинає наукову роботу з селекції культурного амаранту, метою якої було створення нових сортів даної культури. У 2000 році в Реєстрі сортів рослин України був зареєстрований виведений Тетяною Гопцій і Миколою Воронковим сорт амаранту «Надія», що нині використовується для виготовлення олії та інших продуктів харчування. У 2001 році дослідники отримали авторське свідоцтво на сорт «Харківський-1», який зараз застосовується в фармацевтиці та виробництві продуктів харчування з амаранту. Кількома місяцями пізніше Тетяна Гопцій і Микола Воронков спільно з Ольгою Криворученко зареєстрували сорт «Роганський», а роком пізніше той же склад вчених отримав авторське свідоцтво на сорт амаранту «Вогняна куля». Проведена успішна селекційна робота дозволили зібрати достатню кількість наукових даних і в 2005 році була захищена дисертаційна робота на отримання наукового ступеня доктора сільськогосподарських наук за темою «Агроекологічні і агротехнічні основи введення амаранту в культуру в Лівобережному Лісостепу України». Сьогодні Тетяна Іванівна Гопцій є одним із провідних наукових фахівців з питань селекції родини амарантових. В процесі винаходу нових сортів вона довела, що амарант — культура, яка добре піддається вдосконаленню за допомогою генетики. Це підтверджує той факт, що виведений нею сорт «Харківський-1» вважається одним із найнадійніших та найбільш відомим на території не тільки України, а і країн зі схожими кліматичними умовами. Технологічна схема вирощування амаранту з урахуванням фенологічних фаз розвитку, розроблена Тетяною Іванівною Гопцій, є на цей час однією з найнадійніших у кліматичних умовах України. На сьогодні в Реєстрі сортів рослин України зареєстровано близько 15 сортів амаранту різного призначення. З них 9 створені Тетяною Іванівною та колегами по кафедрі генетики, селекції та насінництва ХНАУ ім. В. В. Докучаєва. У 2006 році присвоєно вчене звання професора кафедри генетики
[ 7391, 29964, 9520, 1703, 1257, 29970, 477, 5482, 3555, 1585, 477, 313, 29896, 29941, 24708, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29946, 18465, 29960, 14799, 642, 1069, 29971, 7735, 15760, 7022, 19082, 29897, 30081, 30003, 23037, 1155, 17597, 7909, 490, 1093, 477, 863, 8203, 1844, 11237, 1586, 13009, 6748, 1710, 13014, 24807, 21315, 8279, 29892, 1447, 8331, 21363, 6100, 24975, 12581, 20111, 29892, 15240, 1419, 29889, 2419, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 4577, 1077, 3452, 1520, 846, 10546, 29071, 16496, 13014, 24807, 29892, 1586, 13009, 6748, 1710, 665, 29935, 4754, 7947, 14878, 20297, 6104, 6100, 28973, 1868, 1097, 2194, 29927, 1868, 29016, 1500, 19240, 29889, 939, 29889, 30012, 29889, 6546, 1382, 1282, 30056, 846, 313, 730, 7043, 30081, 30003, 1453, 14564, 29942, 2332, 16312, 20390, 29988, 570, 843, 8392, 14220, 29016, 29932, 467, 13, 13, 30038, 29935, 3452, 676, 1710, 7956, 9767, 22943, 693, 13403, 29871, 13, 30053, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29953, 8554, 1077, 20094, 1499, 684, 20297, 6104, 6240, 21363, 6100, 24975, 6240, 7065, 10010, 29932, 19240, 29889, 939, 29889, 30081, 30012, 29889, 6546, 1382, 1282, 30056, 846, 29892, 19904, 2493, 5180, 21879, 1282, 21781, 490, 1097, 29935, 7530, 3048, 1500, 3020, 6908, 1186, 780, 1585, 25929, 29959, 2372, 20984, 1263, 14281, 23127, 19477, 13523, 1928, 1282, 29889, 13, 13, 30053, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 8554, 1077, 3899, 1415, 684, 20247, 956, 14932, 25018, 4355, 14315, 676, 9520, 1864, 22957, 1500, 1710, 754, 1802, 3378, 684, 7956, 12543, 29977, 13224, 29964, 4754, 29978, 20247, 956, 840, 676, 21363, 6100, 24975, 12581, 20111, 29889, 13, 13, 19193, 17155, 14421, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29899, 29988, 12149, 1703, 1257, 29970, 477, 5482, 3555, 1585, 477, 3212, 9530, 15245, 1046, 753, 1779, 989, 733, 29071, 29957, 3020, 5724, 1268, 14005, 30056, 7956, 2530, 29960, 22957, 1500, 754, 1586, 13009, 6748, 12960, 6469, 1868, 1097, 1155, 3048, 1500, 29892, 20148, 30005, 2282, 17264, 11792, 21417, 22757, 6968, 17539, 531, 1419, 16590, 3574, 6383, 12960, 21663, 29889, 2014, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 8554, 490, 7222, 30056, 27164, 531, 1419, 16590, 21315, 8279, 11765, 11394, 1077, 587, 30056, 464, 4962, 2332, 2196, 12055, 2332, 1703, 1257, 29970, 12253, 7391, 29964, 9520, 1905, 4860, 12202, 30005, 5123, 6887, 12543, 29959, 531, 1419, 29932, 1097, 1155, 3048, 1500, 859, 19193, 22749, 3558, 5797, 7380, 1427, 26720, 8272, 3807, 2196, 19300, 6930, 614, 27376, 1710, 28825, 23092, 3931, 1585, 4354, 1515, 9797, 7742, 29889, 2014, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 8554, 1447, 26930, 9645, 26593, 644, 25928, 19000, 19853, 1802, 29996, 7144, 665, 531, 1419, 29932, 859, 30068, 1515, 6104, 6240, 29899, 29896, 3558, 16629, 1077, 6117, 1077, 1578, 7044, 29960, 8272, 490, 1606, 1515, 1155, 13281, 811, 1956, 1710, 2196, 11945, 7947, 29932, 3452, 23092, 3931, 1585, 4354, 1515, 9797, 7742, 754, 1097, 1155, 3048, 1500, 29889, 1069, 4202, 551, 1155, 4811, 1198, 10264, 989, 19946, 29972, 1427, 2237, 1703, 1257, 29970, 477, 7391, 29964, 9520, 1905, 4860, 8523, 5123, 6887, 2530, 16085, 4202, 570, 754, 1651, 693, 588, 30005, 18645, 984, 1086, 28036, 1077, 587, 30056, 18212, 8374, 531, 1419, 29932, 859, 30027, 29904, 7478, 6240, 3558, 1097, 1561, 4751, 19946, 29972, 1427, 2237, 23879, 5865, 9036, 29957, 490, 1093, 3065, 26593, 29942, 25928, 19000, 19853, 1802, 29996, 7144, 665, 531, 1419, 29932, 1097, 1155, 3048, 1500, 859, 27129, 29969, 1200, 477, 6226, 1225, 1684, 13, 13, 30013, 2899, 10543, 477, 10053, 7530, 30002, 477, 1586, 13009, 9520, 477, 22957, 676, 1447, 14398, 644, 644, 19938, 8355, 811, 1447, 1229, 29932, 11128, 22254, 5788, 2321, 7956, 12543, 29988, 3574, 3065, 1905, 490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 8554, 17480, 1077, 3899, 2402, 477, 4355, 14315, 676, 9520, 477, 22957, 676, 665, 18501, 3392, 1200, 7956, 7220, 588, 13224, 17017, 29970, 1447, 22563, 21363, 6100, 24975, 12581, 20111, 1077, 2399, 1630, 30005, 859, 30018, 29969, 18805, 12202, 8392, 17092, 1905, 1097, 25938, 29193, 1427, 17092, 3894, 29921, 1928, 490, 1521, 4466, 1200, 1097, 1155, 3048, 1500, 490, 12960, 1500, 1086, 490, 18843, 984, 22996, 29998, 8103, 18843, 2223, 4267, 2968, 11765, 1684, 13, 13, 30008, 29978, 5180, 28115, 1703, 1257, 29970, 477, 5482, 3555, 1585, 477, 7391, 29964, 9520, 9582, 24753, 15245, 10613, 1978, 3065, 7956, 12543, 29988, 6725, 9198, 15272, 754, 6712, 676, 5392, 1586, 13009, 6748, 14887, 507, 1097, 1155, 3048, 29932, 17539, 29889, 939, 14852, 7723, 2196, 477, 1814, 1520, 6968, 17539, 531, 1419, 16590, 1786, 477, 662, 8381, 684, 29892, 5797, 1097, 1155, 3048, 29932, 30081, 30003, 12960, 7217, 29892, 24805, 1447, 13782, 6908, 840, 8272, 490, 1802, 1130, 477, 2510, 11128, 1077, 27245, 19370, 30005, 13014, 24807, 29889, 27739, 6908, 15757, 29957, 9650, 30056, 23879, 6725, 3931, 29892, 5797, 2196, 12055, 2332, 1538, 30005, 531, 1419, 29932, 859, 30068, 1515, 6104, 6240, 29899, 29896, 30007, 490, 29388, 8272, 24753, 15245, 11714, 477, 19686, 1427, 9994, 1710, 11714, 21057, 30002, 23037, 989, 29959, 665, 25336, 5980, 1538, 1937, 24949, 11765, 29892, 1097, 1905, 23866, 29921, 19938, 531, 1814, 1969, 989, 1186, 1877, 13576, 29981, 9822, 863, 29959, 1263, 989, 29889, 13, 13, 30041, 29919, 29988, 570, 843, 8392, 13130, 531, 14417, 1155, 2196, 576, 16556, 7742, 1097, 1155, 3048, 1500, 754, 863, 494, 12735, 7742, 29959, 20250, 570, 843, 8392, 15208, 6725, 29972, 5724, 1221, 14421, 29892, 5724, 11945, 14275, 1703, 1257, 29970, 12253, 5482, 3555, 1585, 12253, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 9582, 665, 8816, 29977, 12978, 3288, 1427, 15214, 754, 11714, 477, 19686, 1427, 9994, 863, 1186, 1877, 13576, 15208, 863, 29959, 1263, 29988, 11765, 29889, 13, 13, 19193, 531, 29978, 5180, 28115, 490, 7222, 30056, 27164, 531, 1419, 16590, 21315, 8279, 11765, 1077, 587, 30056, 464, 27260, 14714, 28471, 29871, 29896, 29945, 531, 1419, 16590, 1097, 1155, 3048, 1500, 24908, 1868, 17598, 14479, 29889, 2419, 15904, 29871, 29929, 21417, 587, 1427, 1703, 1257, 29970, 12253, 5482, 3555, 1585, 12253, 1710, 1046, 753, 1779, 989, 733, 29071, 29957, 3020, 13014, 24807, 29892, 1586, 13009, 6748, 1710, 665, 29935, 4754, 7947, 14878, 3004, 30029, 30018, 30053, 19240, 29889, 939, 29889, 30081, 30012, 29889, 6546, 1382, 1282, 30056, 846, 29889, 13, 13, 30053, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 8554, 27167, 984, 30056, 570, 490, 4896, 29919, 754, 7742, 1471, 8765, 2223, 494, 29071, 16496, 13014, 24807 ]
, селекції та насінництва. Під керівництвом Гопцій Тетяни Іванівни було захищено 3 кандидатські дисертації. Звання і нагороди Почесна грамота Міністерства агропромислового комплексу України від 21 листопада 1999 р.; Знак «Відмінник аграрної освіти та науки» від 21 жовтня 2005 р.; Грамота головного управління освіти і науки Харківської обласної державної адміністрації від 24 листопада 2008 р.; Трудова відзнака «Знак пошани» від 2 листопада 2011 р.; Подяка Міністерства аграрної політики і продовольства України від 2012 р., переможець XV обласного конкурсу «Вища школа Харківщина — кращі імена» в номінації «Викладач професійно орієнтованих дисциплін», 2013 р. Почесна грамота Верховної Ради України за особливі заслуги перед українським народом від 8 серпня 2016 р. № 503-К. Дипломом стипендіата в галузі аграрних наук імені Олексія Никаноровича Соколовського, 2020 р. Основні наукові публікації та винаходи Гопцій Т.І. Амарант: біологія, вирощування, перспективи використання, селекція: монографія / Т.І. Гопцій. — Харків: ХДАУ, 1999. — 273 с. Амарант: селекція, генетика та перспективи вирощування: монографія / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, М.А. Бобро та ін. — Харків: ХНАУ, 2018. — 362 с. Полиморфизм RAPD и ISSR маркеров у зерновых видов амаранта / С.В. Лиманская, Л.А. Мирошниченко, Т.И. Гопций, О.С. Корнеева // Вавиловский журнал генетики и селекции. — 2017. — Вып. 21, № 2. — С. 189—197. DOI 10.18699/VJ17/236. Лиманська С.В. Вплив інцухт-депресії на зернові види амаранта в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України / С.В. Лиманська, Т.І. Гопцій // Вісн. ХНАУ. Серія «Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання». — 2018. — Вип.1. — С. 153—164. Мінливість морфологічних ознак рослин під впливом гамма-променів / О.В. Гудим, В.О. Васько, В.В. Кириченко, Т.І. Гопцій // Вісн. ХНАУ. Серія «Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання». — Харків, 2016. — Вип. 1. — С. 133—140. Гудим О.В. Вплив передпосівної обробки насіння амаранту гамма-променями на частоту виникнення мітотичних порушень в кореневій меристемі рослин / О.В. Гудим, Т.І. Гопцій // Селекція і насінництво: міжвід. темат. наук. зб. / НААН, Ін
[ 29892, 1586, 13009, 6748, 1710, 665, 29935, 4754, 7947, 14878, 29889, 13, 13, 30013, 1978, 1186, 780, 1585, 25929, 29959, 7391, 29964, 9520, 1703, 1257, 29970, 507, 5482, 3555, 1585, 507, 11792, 1077, 3899, 2402, 570, 29871, 29941, 20247, 956, 14932, 18485, 4355, 14315, 676, 6748, 29889, 13, 13, 30060, 7742, 1905, 665, 588, 13508, 29871, 13, 13, 2195, 1093, 29935, 477, 5532, 1630, 676, 17621, 1427, 10260, 3828, 1097, 25938, 5945, 989, 29935, 29944, 11913, 16042, 13009, 2937, 11765, 3715, 29871, 29906, 29896, 28906, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 8201, 8670, 13, 2419, 477, 29951, 859, 30012, 1978, 29090, 3316, 1097, 2194, 29927, 6383, 3894, 3452, 811, 1710, 7956, 717, 30007, 3715, 29871, 29906, 29896, 25460, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 8201, 8670, 13, 20697, 1630, 676, 19311, 1868, 14548, 1877, 14504, 3894, 3452, 811, 1905, 7956, 717, 20297, 6104, 7022, 5055, 29935, 6383, 27194, 6383, 11437, 21124, 5242, 6748, 3715, 29871, 29906, 29946, 28906, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 8201, 8670, 13, 1703, 1086, 11577, 3715, 4372, 642, 859, 30060, 477, 29951, 733, 4604, 507, 30007, 3715, 29871, 29906, 28906, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 8201, 8670, 13, 2195, 5640, 642, 17621, 1427, 10260, 3828, 1097, 2194, 29927, 6383, 19991, 24807, 1905, 24678, 1930, 693, 3828, 11765, 3715, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 8201, 1696, 2942, 1630, 1498, 5986, 5488, 5055, 29935, 1868, 3920, 23893, 2937, 859, 30012, 29917, 4826, 28231, 20297, 6104, 2837, 477, 30081, 30003, 6697, 25592, 1905, 20663, 30007, 490, 29871, 2815, 29971, 477, 6748, 859, 30012, 29917, 4865, 840, 29981, 15240, 3932, 570, 614, 3020, 30056, 29921, 22391, 3065, 4355, 29935, 1138, 29964, 28338, 3558, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 8201, 29889, 13, 2195, 1093, 29935, 477, 5532, 1630, 676, 25731, 6383, 4973, 956, 11765, 1077, 9253, 5116, 3452, 29206, 1892, 17702, 17597, 29796, 665, 576, 8418, 3715, 29871, 29947, 25528, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 8201, 29889, 8981, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29941, 29899, 30014, 29889, 13, 8804, 17401, 17795, 14539, 17017, 3429, 29910, 676, 490, 8203, 1844, 11237, 1097, 2194, 29927, 3065, 20111, 1905, 2387, 29971, 1651, 7772, 5420, 7059, 642, 570, 23519, 1282, 5579, 551, 3176, 6100, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 8201, 29889, 13, 13, 30038, 29935, 2835, 1427, 7956, 2530, 29971, 8430, 20682, 642, 6748, 1710, 2196, 477, 4647, 29871, 13, 13, 7391, 29964, 9520, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 1291, 1155, 3048, 29932, 29901, 16312, 6157, 29969, 5420, 29892, 2196, 576, 16556, 7742, 29892, 4651, 16966, 9054, 1221, 19749, 4374, 1200, 29892, 1586, 13009, 11145, 29901, 2569, 570, 16745, 5420, 847, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29889, 30081, 30003, 20297, 6104, 29901, 3004, 30032, 30018, 30053, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29889, 30081, 30003, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29941, 531, 29889, 13, 1291, 1155, 3048, 29932, 29901, 1586, 13009, 11145, 29892, 13014, 22283, 1710, 4651, 16966, 9054, 1221, 2196, 576, 16556, 7742, 29901, 2569, 570, 16745, 5420, 847, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 1142, 29889, 30061, 29889, 5123, 6887, 2530, 29892, 1142, 29889, 30018, 29889, 1386, 4389, 576, 1710, 7065, 29889, 30081, 30003, 20297, 6104, 29901, 3004, 30029, 30018, 30053, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 30081, 30003, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29906, 531, 29889, 13, 2195, 644, 12434, 2885, 21346, 390, 3301, 29928, 606, 306, 1799, 29934, 8487, 28946, 516, 863, 754, 780, 2835, 9240, 2196, 5752, 1097, 1155, 3048, 676, 847, 857, 29889, 30012, 29889, 6105, 3392, 4484, 29892, 1872, 29889, 30018, 29889, 4860, 576, 30002, 507, 28036, 29892, 1703, 29889, 30054, 29889, 7391, 29964, 15071, 29892, 1651, 29889, 30008, 29889, 20522, 13820, 846, 849, 6581, 1221, 3176, 2542, 15665, 29944, 13014, 24807, 606, 1586, 13009, 3540, 29889, 30081, 30003, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 30081, 30003, 14966, 29964, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 8981, 29871, 29906, 29889, 30081, 30003, 857, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29929, 30003, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29889, 11662, 29902, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29947, 29953, 29929, 29929, 29914, 29963, 29967, 29896, 29955, 29914, 29906, 29941, 29953, 29889, 13, 6105, 3392, 7909, 857, 29889, 30012, 29889, 939, 19847, 29942, 7065, 9062, 29988, 29932, 29899, 1216, 5784, 29935, 5980, 665, 754, 780, 2835, 29971, 2196, 956, 1097, 1155, 3048, 676, 490, 863, 29959, 1263, 29988, 18843, 984, 22996, 29998, 1868, 18843, 2223, 4267, 2968, 11765, 847, 857, 29889, 30012, 29889, 6105, 3392, 7909, 29892, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 849, 939, 9381, 29921, 29889, 3004, 30029, 30018, 30053, 29889, 12467, 5420, 859, 30027, 3264, 8279, 25929, 29892, 1586, 13009, 11145, 1905, 665, 29935, 4754, 25929, 29892, 11366, 1802, 1930, 29981, 1585, 25929, 1905, 754, 7279, 29971, 7478, 1200, 1684, 30081, 30003, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 30081, 30003, 4491, 29964, 29889, 29896, 29889, 30081, 30003, 857, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29941, 30003, 29896, 29953, 29946, 29889, 13, 1142, 4754, 644, 3452, 2321, 15256, 30011, 6157, 8392, 15208, 614, 4372, 29951, 21315, 8279, 6908, 490, 19847, 19142, 8203, 29959, 1155, 29899, 5945, 2387, 1585, 847, 1651, 29889, 30012, 29889, 15180, 956, 29959, 29892, 939, 29889, 30038, 29889, 6581, 3243, 29892, 939, 29889, 30012, 29889, 6746, 641, 28036, 29892, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 849, 939, 9381, 29921, 29889, 3004, 30029, 30018, 30053, 29889, 12467, 5420, 859, 30027, 3264, 8279, 25929, 29892, 1586, 13009, 11145, 1905, 665, 29935, 4754, 25929, 29892, 11366, 1802, 1930, 29981, 1585, 25929, 1905, 754, 7279, 29971, 7478, 1200, 1684, 30081, 30003, 20297, 6104, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 30081, 30003, 4491, 29964, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29889, 30081, 30003, 857, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29941, 30003, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29889, 13, 15180, 956, 29959, 1651, 29889, 30012, 29889, 939, 19847, 29942, 17702, 1268, 29935, 1585, 6383, 1604, 11945, 717, 665, 29935, 4754, 1200, 1097, 1155, 3048, 1500, 8203, 29959, 1155, 29899, 5945, 2387, 26344, 665, 23020, 1500, 2196, 3316, 22189, 4811, 702, 811, 15208, 733, 1086, 30002, 8358, 490, 1046, 587, 821, 3452, 29977, 2508, 641, 18773, 29971, 21315, 8279, 847, 1651, 29889, 30012, 29889, 15180, 956, 29959, 29892, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 849, 7215, 13009, 11145, 1905, 665, 29935, 4754, 25929, 29901, 20100, 24317, 29889, 2399, 18992, 29889, 20111, 29889, 754, 29975, 29889, 847, 1392, 30018, 27875, 29892, 20857 ]
-т рослинництва ім. В. Я. Юр'єва. — Харків, 2016. — Вип. 109. — С. 119—124. Гудим. О.В. Індукована мінливість морфологічних ознак у рослин амаранта при використанні гамма-опромінення / О.В. Гудим, Т.І. Гопцій // Вісн. ХНАУ. Серія «Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання». — Харків, 2015. — Вип. 2. — С.45—50. Несміян О.В. Адаптивний потенціал зернового амаранта в умовах Лівобережного Лісостепу України / О.В. Несміян, Т.І. Гопцій // Вісн. ХНАУ. Серія «Рослинництво, селекція і насінництво, плодоовочівництво і зберігання». — Харків, 2015. — Вип. № 1. — С. 98—106. Авторські свідоцтва А. с. № 757. Амарант. Сорт Ультра / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, Г.І. Кіптенко, Н.Є Жулай (Україна). — № 93099003; запит.30.11.1993, видане 1998 р. А. с. № 1647. Целозія гребінчаста. Сорт Гребінець / Т.І. Гопцій, О.М. Криворученко, В.І. Тимошенко (Україна). — № 00347001; запит.21.12.1999, видане 2002 р. А. с. № 1474. Щириця, лікарська сорт Харківський 1 / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, Н.І. Горбенко (Україна). — № 97099001; запит.28.02.1997, видане 2001 р. А. с. № 1311. Щириця, сорт Роганський / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, О.М. Криворученко (Україна). — № 98099001; запит. 12.01.1998, видане 2001 р. А. с. № 1645. Щириця Мантегацца, сорт Вогняна кулька / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, О.М. Криворученко (Україна). — № 00393001; запит. 21.12.2000, видане 2002 р. А. с. № 1066. Амарант, сорт Надія / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков (Україна). — № 97099002; запит. 27.02.1997, видане 2000 р. А. с. № 03157. Щириця, сорт Сем / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, О.М. Криворученко (Україна). — № 02099001. А. с. № 03156. Щириця, сорт Лєра / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, О.М. Криворученко, І.Р. Тимошенко, В.І. Тимошенко (
[ 29899, 29932, 21315, 8279, 7947, 14878, 19240, 29889, 939, 29889, 6061, 29889, 6885, 29927, 29915, 30056, 846, 29889, 30081, 30003, 20297, 6104, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 30081, 30003, 4491, 29964, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29929, 29889, 30081, 30003, 857, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29929, 30003, 29896, 29906, 29946, 29889, 13, 15180, 956, 29959, 29889, 1651, 29889, 30012, 29889, 20857, 1520, 9767, 477, 757, 4754, 644, 3452, 2321, 15256, 30011, 6157, 8392, 15208, 614, 4372, 29951, 863, 21315, 8279, 1097, 1155, 3048, 676, 1695, 19749, 4374, 1427, 8203, 29959, 1155, 29899, 29904, 5945, 3272, 22189, 847, 1651, 29889, 30012, 29889, 15180, 956, 29959, 29892, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 849, 939, 9381, 29921, 29889, 3004, 30029, 30018, 30053, 29889, 12467, 5420, 859, 30027, 3264, 8279, 25929, 29892, 1586, 13009, 11145, 1905, 665, 29935, 4754, 25929, 29892, 11366, 1802, 1930, 29981, 1585, 25929, 1905, 754, 7279, 29971, 7478, 1200, 1684, 30081, 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9520, 29892, 1142, 29889, 30061, 29889, 5123, 6887, 2530, 29892, 1651, 29889, 30017, 29889, 18645, 984, 1086, 28036, 313, 30053, 6076, 477, 467, 30081, 30003, 8981, 29871, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29889, 13, 1291, 29889, 531, 29889, 8981, 29871, 29900, 29941, 29896, 29945, 29953, 29889, 26975, 29917, 641, 10264, 29892, 531, 1419, 29932, 1872, 30056, 494, 847, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 1142, 29889, 30061, 29889, 5123, 6887, 2530, 29892, 1651, 29889, 30017, 29889, 18645, 984, 1086, 28036, 29892, 5482, 29889, 30027, 29889, 12319, 1630, 10084, 551, 29892, 939, 29889, 30090, 29889, 12319, 1630, 10084, 551, 313 ]
Україна). — № 02099002. А. с. № 09562. Щириця, сорт Студентський / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, Д.В. Журавель (Україна). — № 08099001. Патенти Пат. 34097 Україна. № 99063026. Спосіб підвищення активності мітозу у амаранта / Т.І. Гопцій, Н.І. Криворученко, О.М. Криворученко; заявл. 02.06.1999; опубл. 15.02.2001, Бюл. № 1. Пат. 35223 Україна. № 99094964. Спосіб отримання тимчасових давлених препаратів з корінців амаранту / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, Н.І. Криворученко, О.М. Криворученко; заявл. 07.09.1999; опубл. 13.03.2001, Бюл. № 2. Пат. Україна. № 09317. Щириця сорт Студентський / Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В.В. Докучаєва; заявл. 16.05.2008; опубл. 21.07.2009. Пат. Росія 9052511. № 5875. Амарант сорт Гігант / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, Л.І. Саратовський ; заявл. 25.11.2009; опубл. 22.03.2011. Пат. Росія 9052512. № 5874. Амарант сорт Вороніжский / Т.І. Гопцій, М.Ф. Воронков, Л.І. Саратовський; заявл. 25.11.2009; опубл. 22.03.2011. Найбільш вагомі навчально-методичні видання Методика полевого селекционного эксперимента: учеб. пособ. / П.П. Литун, Н.В. Проскурнин, Т.И. Гопций. — Харьков, 1996. — 266 с. Генетико-статистичні методи в селекції: навч. посіб. / Т.І. Гопцій, М.В. Проскурнін. — Харків, 2003. — 102 с. Методика селекційного експерименту (у рослинництві): навч. посіб. / Е.Р. Ермантраут, Т.І. Гопцій, С.М. Каленська та ін. — Харків: ХНАУ, 2014. — 229 с. Селекція сої на стійкість до спеки та посухи: навч. посіб. / В.В. Кириченко, Т.І. Гопцій, О.О. Посилаєва та ін. — Харків: Інститут рослинництва ім. В. Я. Юр'єва, 2016. — 90 с. Загальна селекція та сортознавство: метод. вказівки до семінар., практ. занять і самост. роботи для здобувачів першого (бакалаврського рівня) галузі знань 20 «Аграрні науки і продовольство» / уклад.: Т.І. Гопцій, С.В. Лиманська, О.В. Гуди
[ 30053, 6076, 477, 467, 30081, 30003, 8981, 29871, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29900, 29906, 29889, 13, 1291, 29889, 531, 29889, 8981, 29871, 29900, 29929, 29945, 29953, 29906, 29889, 26975, 29917, 641, 10264, 29892, 531, 1419, 29932, 857, 1500, 18324, 6240, 847, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 1142, 29889, 30061, 29889, 5123, 6887, 2530, 29892, 1453, 29889, 30012, 29889, 7007, 29960, 494, 1521, 693, 313, 30053, 6076, 477, 467, 30081, 30003, 8981, 29871, 29900, 29947, 29900, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29889, 13, 13, 30013, 29910, 12087, 811, 13, 13, 5390, 29932, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29900, 29929, 29955, 8138, 477, 29889, 8981, 29871, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29953, 29941, 29900, 29906, 29953, 29889, 11830, 7723, 29975, 6908, 1221, 11130, 1200, 15696, 22117, 4811, 702, 3923, 863, 1097, 1155, 3048, 676, 847, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 1392, 29889, 30090, 29889, 18645, 984, 1086, 28036, 29892, 1651, 29889, 30017, 29889, 18645, 984, 1086, 28036, 29936, 1077, 15432, 29944, 29889, 29871, 29900, 29906, 29889, 29900, 29953, 29889, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29936, 614, 2968, 29975, 29944, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29889, 29900, 29906, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 29892, 1386, 30005, 29944, 29889, 8981, 29871, 29896, 29889, 13, 5390, 29932, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29906, 29906, 29941, 8138, 477, 29889, 8981, 29871, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29953, 29946, 29889, 11830, 7723, 29975, 18501, 3392, 1200, 7109, 29959, 19829, 17539, 3574, 29942, 753, 3065, 2102, 20691, 16590, 754, 1046, 3020, 29921, 15272, 1097, 1155, 3048, 1500, 847, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 1142, 29889, 30061, 29889, 5123, 6887, 2530, 29892, 1392, 29889, 30090, 29889, 18645, 984, 1086, 28036, 29892, 1651, 29889, 30017, 29889, 18645, 984, 1086, 28036, 29936, 1077, 15432, 29944, 29889, 29871, 29900, 29955, 29889, 29900, 29929, 29889, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29936, 614, 2968, 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11372, 29899, 1488, 702, 956, 17092, 2196, 6798, 1200, 13, 13, 7074, 702, 956, 642, 29235, 16801, 1586, 13009, 9610, 1868, 21584, 2100, 641, 19900, 29901, 18107, 29975, 29889, 733, 17393, 29889, 847, 971, 29889, 30013, 29889, 6105, 1500, 29921, 29892, 1392, 29889, 30012, 29889, 6807, 6903, 29927, 12593, 29892, 1703, 29889, 30054, 29889, 7391, 29964, 15071, 29889, 30081, 30003, 20297, 29978, 2530, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29953, 29889, 30081, 30003, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29953, 531, 29889, 13, 1618, 5755, 811, 551, 29899, 1229, 19851, 17092, 20148, 956, 490, 1586, 13009, 6748, 29901, 21879, 29981, 29889, 733, 7723, 29975, 29889, 847, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 1142, 29889, 30012, 29889, 6807, 6903, 29927, 1427, 29921, 29889, 30081, 30003, 20297, 6104, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29889, 30081, 30003, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29906, 531, 29889, 13, 7074, 702, 956, 642, 1586, 13009, 9520, 1868, 1694, 4399, 2100, 641, 2387, 1500, 313, 29960, 21315, 8279, 7947, 29932, 3452, 1125, 21879, 29981, 29889, 733, 7723, 29975, 29889, 847, 3337, 29889, 30027, 29889, 3337, 29927, 3392, 6711, 7721, 29892, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 857, 29889, 30017, 29889, 3397, 2510, 7909, 1710, 7065, 29889, 30081, 30003, 20297, 6104, 29901, 3004, 30029, 30018, 30053, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29889, 30081, 30003, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29929, 531, 29889, 13, 7215, 13009, 11145, 1778, 30028, 665, 2091, 3932, 5788, 2321, 1447, 10707, 717, 1710, 733, 2937, 3899, 29901, 21879, 29981, 29889, 733, 7723, 29975, 29889, 847, 939, 29889, 30012, 29889, 6746, 641, 28036, 29892, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 1651, 29889, 30038, 29889, 2195, 1325, 684, 30056, 846, 1710, 7065, 29889, 30081, 30003, 20297, 6104, 29901, 20857, 10010, 29932, 21315, 8279, 7947, 14878, 19240, 29889, 939, 29889, 6061, 29889, 6885, 29927, 29915, 30056, 846, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 30081, 30003, 29871, 29929, 29900, 531, 29889, 13, 3982, 23003, 477, 1586, 13009, 11145, 1710, 531, 1419, 702, 4372, 29942, 3501, 29901, 20148, 29957, 29889, 490, 16602, 1585, 717, 1447, 1586, 3272, 19619, 1696, 4460, 3931, 29889, 23124, 1413, 1905, 8761, 464, 29889, 22957, 811, 3807, 754, 1802, 3378, 846, 29981, 1585, 4651, 25705, 313, 3102, 642, 5206, 29927, 6100, 27676, 1200, 29897, 8203, 1844, 11237, 6253, 5392, 29871, 29906, 29900, 859, 30018, 2194, 29927, 1427, 7956, 717, 1905, 24678, 1930, 693, 3501, 30007, 847, 863, 18191, 4898, 1703, 29889, 30090, 29889, 7391, 29964, 9520, 29892, 857, 29889, 30012, 29889, 6105, 3392, 7909, 29892, 1651, 29889, 30012, 29889, 15180, 956 ]
After reviewing data from a previous mission to the Jovian system, scientists found evidence of a plume erupting from Jupiter's moon Europa, which NASA said indicates that the moon's subsurface ocean may indeed be venting water vapor through cracks in its icy surface. In 2012, NASA revealed ultraviolet images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope that suggested the presence of plumes that erupted from the surface of Europa. It was the first strong evidence of such eruptions from the icy world. However, after recently re-examining magnetometer data from a 1997 Europa flyby that saw the Galileo spacecraft, which orbited Jupiter between 1995 and 2003, fly within about 124 miles (200 kilometers) of the surface of the moon, scientists put that information through "new and advanced computer models" to better understand an unexplained "bend" in the planet's magnetic field. The new analysis, combined with 2012 Hubble images, is considered "strong and corroborating support for plumes," NASA said. Scientists say Europa is an important exploration destination because it could contain the three ingredients known to be required for life: liquid water; chemistry necessary for life, including carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorous, and sulfur; and energy. The presence of plumes on Europa offers evidence for the third ingredient—energy—in the form of heat. The scientists sharing the recent findings via a May 14, 2018, "Science Chat" included Lori Glaze, acting director of NASA's Planetary Science Division; Xianzhe Jia, associate professor in the Department of Climate and Space Sciences and Engineering at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Elizabeth Turtle, research scientist at Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Maryland; and Margaret Kivelson, professor emerita of Space Physics in the Department of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of California, Los Angeles. Kivelson served as principal investigator on the magnetometer instrument for the Galileo spacecraft, which orbited Jupiter and made 11 flybys of Europa between 1995 and 2003. The science team for the upcoming Europa Clipper mission became interested in reviewing the Galileo data after Hubble captured ultraviolet images of what appeared to be plumes over Europa. Based on the Hubble images, as well as the discoveries made by the Cassini spacecraft, which orbited Saturn between 2004 and 2017, showing that materials from plumes on its moon Enceladus interacted with the magnetic field of the ringed planet, the team decided to review the previously-unexplained magnetometer readings from Galileo's Europa flybys using new, more advanced computer algorithms. Through this analysis, they detected disruptions of the magnetic field happening at Europa, indicating that Galileo had flown through a plume of some sort in 1997. Europa's icy surface, which could be as much as 10-15 miles (16-24 kilometers) thick, is suspected of concealing a global ocean. Like Earth, Europa is thought to have an iron core, a rocky mantle and an ocean of salty water. However, Europa's ocean could have an estimated depth of 40-100 miles (65-160 kilometers), making it twice the volume of all of Earth's oceans combined. Moreover, Europa's ice is broken into numerous linear fractures where the ice has cracked. There, material from below could rise up into the fissure. Any plumes shooting up from the moon's surface are likely caused by cryovolcanism, scientists say. Cryovolcanism is what happens when materials are shot into space by the force of Jupiter's gravity flexing the moon's surface. However, instead of releasing lava, these cryovolcanoes emit liquid water or other volatile materials. The suspected Europa plume was identified above a thermal anomaly on the surface. Jia said that the "area seems to have elevated temperature compared to its surroundings." However, he pointed out that the exact reason why this plume-producing region of Europa appears to be warmer than other parts of the moon is not well understood. He said that the heat for the plumes could
[ 2860, 9076, 292, 848, 515, 263, 3517, 10655, 304, 278, 435, 586, 713, 1788, 29892, 9638, 2879, 1476, 10757, 310, 263, 715, 2017, 604, 21245, 292, 515, 27441, 1524, 29915, 29879, 18786, 9646, 29892, 607, 24206, 1497, 14088, 393, 278, 18786, 29915, 29879, 1014, 7610, 2161, 23474, 1122, 6200, 367, 9712, 292, 4094, 325, 26191, 1549, 12220, 4684, 297, 967, 29871, 4245, 7101, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 24206, 17845, 8494, 5705, 601, 1026, 4558, 15468, 491, 278, 14533, 569, 14121, 323, 5830, 4338, 393, 7829, 278, 10122, 310, 715, 9351, 393, 604, 21245, 287, 515, 278, 7101, 310, 9646, 29889, 739, 471, 278, 937, 4549, 10757, 310, 1316, 604, 29884, 1980, 515, 278, 29871, 4245, 3186, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 1156, 10325, 337, 29899, 735, 314, 2827, 10710, 8328, 848, 515, 263, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 9646, 11340, 1609, 393, 4446, 278, 5208, 488, 29877, 2913, 17293, 29892, 607, 19528, 1573, 27441, 1524, 1546, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29892, 11340, 2629, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29946, 7800, 313, 29906, 29900, 29900, 20052, 2699, 29897, 310, 278, 7101, 310, 278, 18786, 29892, 9638, 2879, 1925, 393, 2472, 1549, 376, 1482, 322, 12862, 6601, 4733, 29908, 304, 2253, 2274, 385, 443, 4548, 433, 1312, 376, 29890, 355, 29908, 297, 278, 15754, 29915, 29879, 15611, 1746, 29889, 450, 716, 7418, 29892, 12420, 411, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 14533, 569, 4558, 29892, 338, 5545, 376, 1110, 322, 1034, 307, 4089, 1218, 2304, 363, 715, 9351, 1699, 24206, 1497, 29889, 13, 29903, 15566, 2879, 1827, 9646, 338, 385, 4100, 3902, 12418, 12551, 1363, 372, 1033, 1712, 278, 2211, 2348, 1127, 10070, 2998, 304, 367, 3734, 363, 2834, 29901, 23904, 4094, 29936, 8950, 6020, 5181, 363, 2834, 29892, 3704, 22004, 29892, 17546, 1885, 29892, 21767, 307, 1885, 29892, 288, 28596, 29892, 1374, 25715, 20657, 29892, 322, 5394, 22613, 29936, 322, 5864, 29889, 450, 10122, 310, 715, 9351, 373, 9646, 16688, 10757, 363, 278, 4654, 2348, 1127, 993, 30003, 27548, 30003, 262, 278, 883, 310, 12871, 29889, 13, 1576, 9638, 2879, 19383, 278, 7786, 1284, 886, 3025, 263, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 376, 29903, 15277, 678, 271, 29908, 5134, 365, 4170, 19798, 911, 29892, 16684, 8881, 310, 24206, 29915, 29879, 20540, 653, 9327, 7946, 29936, 1060, 713, 29920, 354, 435, 423, 29892, 25836, 12251, 297, 278, 10317, 310, 2233, 6490, 322, 14121, 17253, 322, 22557, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 17098, 29892, 8081, 826, 4089, 29936, 13061, 323, 4227, 280, 29892, 5925, 9638, 391, 472, 1861, 1983, 20727, 11335, 2401, 2957, 29837, 16715, 7606, 297, 997, 545, 29880, 29892, 22559, 29936, 322, 18364, 476, 13255, 1100, 29892, 12251, 11176, 2028, 310, 14121, 29837, 297, 278, 10317, 310, 11563, 322, 14121, 17253, 472, 278, 3014, 310, 8046, 29892, 4602, 10722, 29889, 13, 29968, 13255, 1100, 6766, 408, 5882, 7405, 1061, 373, 278, 10710, 8328, 11395, 363, 278, 5208, 488, 29877, 2913, 17293, 29892, 607, 19528, 1573, 27441, 1524, 322, 1754, 29871, 29896, 29896, 11340, 29890, 952, 310, 9646, 1546, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29889, 13, 1576, 10466, 3815, 363, 278, 701, 11506, 9646, 315, 492, 2496, 10655, 3897, 8852, 297, 9076, 292, 278, 5208, 488, 29877, 848, 1156, 14533, 569, 15468, 8494, 5705, 601, 1026, 4558, 310, 825, 7470, 304, 367, 715, 9351, 975, 9646, 29889, 13, 29933, 1463, 373, 278, 14533, 569, 4558, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 278, 6523, 583, 1754, 491, 278, 13088, 2172, 2913, 17293, 29892, 607, 19528, 1573, 12178, 595, 1546, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 6445, 393, 17279, 515, 715, 9351, 373, 967, 18786, 1174, 2242, 328, 375, 16254, 287, 411, 278, 15611, 1746, 310, 278, 9228, 287, 15754, 29892, 278, 3815, 8459, 304, 9076, 278, 9251, 29899, 348, 4548, 433, 1312, 10710, 8328, 1303, 886, 515, 5208, 488, 29877, 29915, 29879, 9646, 11340, 29890, 952, 773, 716, 29892, 901, 12862, 6601, 14009, 29889, 13, 29911, 1092, 820, 445, 7418, 29892, 896, 17809, 766, 582, 1980, 310, 278, 15611, 1746, 10464, 472, 9646, 29892, 23941, 393, 5208, 488, 29877, 750, 4972, 29876, 1549, 263, 715, 2017, 310, 777, 2656, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29889, 13, 29923, 24861, 29915, 29879, 29871, 4245, 7101, 29892, 607, 1033, 367, 408, 1568, 408, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29945, 7800, 313, 29896, 29953, 29899, 29906, 29946, 20052, 2699, 29897, 12003, 29892, 338, 2858, 6021, 310, 10628, 12818, 263, 5534, 23474, 29889, 8502, 11563, 29892, 9646, 338, 2714, 304, 505, 385, 13977, 7136, 29892, 263, 7679, 29891, 13694, 280, 322, 385, 23474, 310, 4497, 1017, 4094, 29889, 2398, 29892, 9646, 29915, 29879, 23474, 1033, 505, 385, 15899, 10809, 310, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29900, 7800, 313, 29953, 29945, 29899, 29896, 29953, 29900, 20052, 2699, 511, 3907, 372, 8951, 278, 7977, 310, 599, 310, 11563, 29915, 29879, 288, 346, 550, 12420, 29889, 13, 20761, 957, 29892, 9646, 29915, 29879, 14890, 338, 9391, 964, 12727, 5608, 285, 1461, 1973, 988, 278, 14890, 756, 26755, 287, 29889, 1670, 29892, 5518, 515, 2400, 1033, 14451, 701, 964, 278, 285, 790, 545, 29889, 3139, 715, 9351, 27904, 701, 515, 278, 18786, 29915, 29879, 7101, 526, 5517, 8581, 491, 10901, 586, 324, 3068, 1608, 29892, 9638, 2879, 1827, 29889, 13, 29907, 719, 586, 324, 3068, 1608, 338, 825, 5930, 746, 17279, 526, 10322, 964, 2913, 491, 278, 4889, 310, 27441, 1524, 29915, 29879, 20953, 8525, 292, 278, 18786, 29915, 29879, 7101, 29889, 2398, 29892, 2012, 310, 337, 280, 5832, 425, 1564, 29892, 1438, 10901, 586, 324, 26004, 267, 20076, 23904, 4094, 470, 916, 1700, 24285, 17279, 29889, 13, 1576, 2858, 6021, 9646, 715, 2017, 471, 15659, 2038, 263, 26963, 29342, 14997, 373, 278, 7101, 29889, 435, 423, 1497, 393, 278, 376, 6203, 2444, 304, 505, 11858, 630, 10430, 9401, 304, 967, 8388, 618, 886, 1213, 2398, 29892, 540, 11520, 714, 393, 278, 2684, 2769, 2020, 445, 715, 2017, 29899, 5498, 3277, 5120, 310, 9646, 5692, 304, 367, 1370, 1050, 1135, 916, 5633, 310, 278, 18786, 338, 451, 1532, 11098, 29889, 940, 1497, 393, 278, 12871, 363, 278, 715, 9351, 1033 ]
Hard and not so hard facts. Tempted to add coconut oil, coconut water and coconut milk to your diet? Here's what you need to know about coconut nutrition. It's been interesting to see the popular explosion of coconut products in the grocery stores over the past few years. Coconut oil, coconut water and coconut milk—all of which were considered pretty exotic in the States a decade or so ago—have entered the mainstream. To be honest, coconuts have never been among my favorite foods. Growing up in the USA, fresh coconut was something I ate, at most, a handful of times. The coconut I knew was dried, sweetened and shredded, and most often encased in chocolate or showered over a birthday cake. Coconut wasn't something I learned to enjoy on its own, which is probably one reason I never really developed much of a taste for it. I didn't give much thought to coconuts until I started studying nutrition in college, and I learned about the effects of different dietary fats on the body. In particular, the fact that high intakes of saturated fats are associated with an increased risk for heart disease. Coconut oil was singled out as the most saturated fat in the plant world—more saturated, in fact, than butter. That information has always stuck with me. Now that more people are eating coconut products, I was prompted to take a closer look at the nutritional makeup of all things coconut. The coconut, as it comes off the tree, is a many-layered fruit. Underneath the outer husk and shell lies the "meat" of the coconut, the nutty-flavored white flesh that you probably know as "coconut." The meat can be eaten as is, and it's also the source of coconut milk and coconut oil. In the hollow center of the coconut is the coconut water—a clear liquid that's become so popular as a refreshing drink. If you were to tap a hole into a whole coconut, you'd find a watery, faintly sweet liquid inside—the coconut water. Coconuts lose moisture as they age, so younger coconuts tend to yield more coconut water than older ones. Its popularity as a beverage is owed to the fact that it is naturally fat-free, has significantly fewer calories than fruit juices, and is rich in potassium. An 8-ounce glass (240ml) of coconut water has only about 50 calories and 600 mg of potassium—nearly twice the amount of potassium you'd find in a small banana. True, creamy coconut milk is a common ingredient in many tropical cuisines, and an essential ingredient in Indonesian and Thai curries. Coconut milk is made from the white meat of the coconut. Traditionally, this is done by simply grating the coconut meat and then squeezing it through a cloth mesh to extract the fatty 'milk.' You're more likely to find coconut milk in canned form, and you'll want to use it sparingly. 8 ounces (240ml) has a whopping 475 calories (75% of the calories come from fat). You might also find canned 'light' coconut milk, which at about 150 calories per cup (240ml) has been somewhat diluted with water and slightly thickened. You might also see something called coconut milk beverage at your grocery store, which is not pure coconut milk or even light coconut milk. Coconut beverages are made from coconut milk, but they're highly diluted with water to reduce the calorie content and often have sweeteners and thickeners added. They're sold as an alternative to regular dairy milk. A cup of coconut milk beverage has about 70 calories (40 come from fat) and no protein. Over the past few years in the US the popularity of unprocessed "virgin" coconut oil has skyrocketed. Those who favor minimally processed foods seem to be drawn to this natural, unrefined fat. Virgin coconut oil is made from fresh coconut flesh, which is pure
[ 10999, 322, 451, 577, 2898, 17099, 29889, 13, 29911, 3456, 287, 304, 788, 1302, 535, 329, 17182, 29892, 1302, 535, 329, 4094, 322, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 304, 596, 652, 300, 29973, 2266, 29915, 29879, 825, 366, 817, 304, 1073, 1048, 1302, 535, 329, 18254, 29878, 654, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1063, 8031, 304, 1074, 278, 5972, 20389, 291, 310, 1302, 535, 329, 9316, 297, 278, 4071, 29883, 708, 14422, 975, 278, 4940, 2846, 2440, 29889, 3189, 535, 329, 17182, 29892, 1302, 535, 329, 4094, 322, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 30003, 497, 310, 607, 892, 5545, 5051, 429, 13574, 297, 278, 3900, 263, 316, 6332, 470, 577, 8020, 30003, 17532, 7802, 278, 1667, 5461, 29889, 13, 1762, 367, 15993, 29892, 1302, 535, 8842, 505, 2360, 1063, 4249, 590, 25448, 9687, 29879, 29889, 402, 798, 292, 701, 297, 278, 8278, 29892, 10849, 1302, 535, 329, 471, 1554, 306, 263, 371, 29892, 472, 1556, 29892, 263, 1361, 1319, 310, 3064, 29889, 450, 1302, 535, 329, 306, 6363, 471, 270, 1255, 29892, 7901, 6302, 287, 322, 528, 1127, 7176, 29892, 322, 1556, 4049, 2094, 1463, 297, 521, 542, 23167, 470, 1510, 14561, 975, 263, 12060, 3250, 274, 1296, 29889, 3189, 535, 329, 9007, 29915, 29873, 1554, 306, 10972, 304, 13389, 373, 967, 1914, 29892, 607, 338, 3117, 697, 2769, 306, 2360, 2289, 8906, 1568, 310, 263, 21779, 363, 372, 29889, 13, 29902, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2367, 1568, 2714, 304, 1302, 535, 8842, 2745, 306, 4687, 23382, 18254, 29878, 654, 297, 12755, 29892, 322, 306, 10972, 1048, 278, 9545, 310, 1422, 652, 300, 653, 285, 1446, 373, 278, 3573, 29889, 512, 3153, 29892, 278, 2114, 393, 1880, 938, 6926, 310, 269, 1337, 630, 285, 1446, 526, 6942, 411, 385, 11664, 12045, 363, 5192, 17135, 29889, 3189, 535, 329, 17182, 471, 1809, 839, 714, 408, 278, 1556, 269, 1337, 630, 9950, 297, 278, 8024, 3186, 30003, 5514, 269, 1337, 630, 29892, 297, 2114, 29892, 1135, 541, 357, 29889, 13, 7058, 2472, 756, 2337, 10771, 411, 592, 29889, 2567, 393, 901, 2305, 526, 321, 1218, 1302, 535, 329, 9316, 29892, 306, 471, 9508, 287, 304, 2125, 263, 17649, 1106, 472, 278, 18254, 29878, 3245, 1207, 786, 310, 599, 2712, 1302, 535, 329, 29889, 13, 1576, 1302, 535, 329, 29892, 408, 372, 5304, 1283, 278, 5447, 29892, 338, 263, 1784, 29899, 13148, 287, 15774, 29889, 7634, 484, 493, 278, 11420, 8646, 29895, 322, 6473, 12185, 278, 376, 1004, 271, 29908, 310, 278, 1302, 535, 329, 29892, 278, 18254, 1017, 29899, 29888, 4112, 4395, 4796, 28610, 393, 366, 3117, 1073, 408, 376, 1111, 535, 329, 1213, 450, 27654, 508, 367, 321, 2579, 408, 338, 29892, 322, 372, 29915, 29879, 884, 278, 2752, 310, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 322, 1302, 535, 329, 17182, 29889, 512, 278, 298, 2952, 4818, 310, 278, 1302, 535, 329, 338, 278, 1302, 535, 329, 4094, 30003, 29874, 2821, 23904, 393, 29915, 29879, 4953, 577, 5972, 408, 263, 2143, 690, 2790, 13748, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 892, 304, 18751, 263, 16188, 964, 263, 3353, 1302, 535, 329, 29892, 366, 29915, 29881, 1284, 263, 16699, 708, 29892, 24732, 368, 14225, 23904, 2768, 30003, 1552, 1302, 535, 329, 4094, 29889, 3189, 535, 8842, 14074, 2730, 391, 545, 408, 896, 5046, 29892, 577, 20023, 1302, 535, 8842, 10331, 304, 7709, 901, 1302, 535, 329, 4094, 1135, 9642, 6743, 29889, 8011, 5972, 537, 408, 263, 367, 19698, 338, 8152, 287, 304, 278, 2114, 393, 372, 338, 18180, 9950, 29899, 9021, 29892, 756, 16951, 28145, 1208, 3842, 1135, 15774, 3623, 1575, 29892, 322, 338, 8261, 297, 3104, 465, 1974, 29889, 530, 29871, 29947, 29899, 21543, 12917, 313, 29906, 29946, 29900, 828, 29897, 310, 1302, 535, 329, 4094, 756, 871, 1048, 29871, 29945, 29900, 1208, 3842, 322, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29900, 286, 29887, 310, 3104, 465, 1974, 30003, 28502, 368, 8951, 278, 5253, 310, 3104, 465, 1974, 366, 29915, 29881, 1284, 297, 263, 2319, 9892, 1648, 29889, 13, 5574, 29892, 907, 25934, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 338, 263, 3619, 2348, 1127, 993, 297, 1784, 21881, 2723, 275, 1475, 29892, 322, 385, 18853, 2348, 1127, 993, 297, 16704, 713, 322, 498, 1794, 3151, 2722, 29889, 3189, 535, 329, 27274, 338, 1754, 515, 278, 4796, 27654, 310, 278, 1302, 535, 329, 29889, 18375, 17658, 29892, 445, 338, 2309, 491, 3763, 867, 1218, 278, 1302, 535, 329, 27654, 322, 769, 269, 802, 6096, 292, 372, 1549, 263, 13950, 27716, 304, 6597, 278, 9950, 1017, 525, 23853, 29895, 6169, 887, 29915, 276, 901, 5517, 304, 1284, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 297, 508, 9571, 883, 29892, 322, 366, 29915, 645, 864, 304, 671, 372, 805, 4362, 368, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29871, 1309, 778, 313, 29906, 29946, 29900, 828, 29897, 756, 263, 1058, 3262, 29871, 29946, 29955, 29945, 1208, 3842, 313, 29955, 29945, 29995, 310, 278, 1208, 3842, 2041, 515, 9950, 467, 887, 1795, 884, 1284, 508, 9571, 525, 4366, 29915, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 29892, 607, 472, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29900, 1208, 3842, 639, 18002, 313, 29906, 29946, 29900, 828, 29897, 756, 1063, 10579, 21749, 3860, 411, 4094, 322, 10029, 12003, 6419, 29889, 13, 3492, 1795, 884, 1074, 1554, 2000, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 367, 19698, 472, 596, 4071, 29883, 708, 3787, 29892, 607, 338, 451, 8296, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 470, 1584, 3578, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 29889, 3189, 535, 329, 367, 369, 1179, 526, 1754, 515, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 29892, 541, 896, 29915, 276, 10712, 21749, 3860, 411, 4094, 304, 10032, 278, 1208, 7661, 2793, 322, 4049, 505, 7901, 6302, 414, 322, 12003, 264, 414, 2715, 29889, 2688, 29915, 276, 5239, 408, 385, 8671, 304, 4943, 1146, 16129, 27274, 29889, 319, 18002, 310, 1302, 535, 329, 27274, 367, 19698, 756, 1048, 29871, 29955, 29900, 1208, 3842, 313, 29946, 29900, 2041, 515, 9950, 29897, 322, 694, 26823, 29889, 13, 3563, 278, 4940, 2846, 2440, 297, 278, 3148, 278, 5972, 537, 310, 443, 5014, 287, 376, 2405, 5359, 29908, 1302, 535, 329, 17182, 756, 14744, 307, 3522, 287, 29889, 16025, 1058, 7853, 6260, 635, 19356, 9687, 29879, 2833, 304, 367, 12061, 304, 445, 5613, 29892, 443, 999, 1312, 9950, 29889, 9167, 1302, 535, 329, 17182, 338, 1754, 515, 10849, 1302, 535, 329, 28610, 29892, 607, 338, 8296 ]
Posted by Clark on September 11, 2016 September 11, 2016 The Moon in Masonic History by Bro. James P.W. Goss, Grand Historian – Grand Lodge of Vermont There is no more spectacular reminder of our Masonic historical and ritualistic heritage than the moon at its height of fullness. While astronomers view the moon with the analytical eye of science, the moon has been a focal point for cultures around the world throughout history and has inspired music, poetry and religion alike. However, for Masons, and particularly Vermont Masons, the moon has not just been a symbolic light in our ritualistic teaching but also a literal light to our Brethren of long ago. It thus behooves us to take a moment to remember the moon and its long association with the Craft and its origins. Our direct Masonic tradition regarding the moon begins with the ancient Hebrews. In Genesis 1:14-19, we are told that on the fourth day of creation, "God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night." Despite the specific prohibitions against lunar worship in Deuteronomy and the Book of Kings, the moon was still regarded as a strong symbol of permanence and regularity associated with its usage to measure the passage of time. In fact, the monthly offerings to the moon found in Numbers 28:11-15 are still read in some Jewish synagogues. It is from the medieval European science of Alchemy that the first uses of the moon in the graphic and ritualistic manner that Masons are accustomed to derive their meaning. The Alchemists were a group of mystics who first appeared in the 12th century and were the forerunners of our modern chemists. They believed that with the proper mixture of chemicals and methods base metals such as iron and lead could be turned into gold and silver. Beyond this however, the Alchemists were true philosophers who used symbols and drawings extensively in their teachings and who insisted on strict secrecy from their initiates. Much of the graphic symbolism used in Masonry, such as images of the plumb, square, level, rough ashlar and perfect ashlar, were taken from Alchemical texts. To the Alchemists, the moon was a symbol of the metal silver and was used to depict that substance in the obscure writings, which transmitted their secret formulae. One of the most prevalent images used by the Alchemists was the stylized drawing of the sun and the moon with human faces. It is in the Craft Ritual and the structure of the Masonic lodge itself that we must bring together all of the foregoing elements to give a true picture of the use of the moon in Masonry. In modern American ritual the primary reference to the moon is as the second of the "Lesser lights," of Masonry. This modern usage follows from the early 18th century English ritual reference to the Three lights of the Lodge being the "Sun, Moon and Master-Mason." In addition to these "moveable lights," there were also in these early English Lodge rooms three "fixed lights," which are described by some Masonic historians as three windows in the lodge room "to light men to, at and from their work." These three windows were later replaced with three candles located at the East, South and West corners of the lodge and situated before the Master, Junior Warden and Senior Warden, respectively. The reference to the Sun, Moon and Master of the Lodge as the three lesser lights of Masonry and their particular association with these three burning tapers and the associated officers was developed by the so-called Antient Grand Lodge which was active in England from the mid to late 18th century. The Antient Grand Lodge, was headed up by Irish Masons, who were at odds with the now called "Premier Grand Lodge." The ritual of the Premier Grand Lodge only referred to three "great" lights without the Antients' reference to the "lesser" lights. The fact that the Antients held to the above interpretation of the three lesser lights was particularly significant for American Masonry as was their use of deacons in their degree work, as we shall see. In modern American Webb work ritual, the moon is referred to in the First Degree as one of the three lesser or moveable lights and is identified as the biblical ruler of the night and as a reference of regularity for the conduct of the Master of the L
[ 4918, 287, 491, 17129, 373, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 13, 1576, 17549, 297, 28095, 293, 5298, 13, 1609, 4358, 29889, 5011, 349, 29889, 29956, 29889, 402, 2209, 29892, 6265, 4731, 713, 785, 6265, 365, 17979, 310, 17589, 609, 13, 8439, 338, 694, 901, 6683, 562, 1070, 1083, 4995, 310, 1749, 28095, 293, 15839, 322, 10421, 950, 4695, 902, 16639, 1135, 278, 18786, 472, 967, 3171, 310, 2989, 2264, 29889, 5806, 20932, 414, 1776, 278, 18786, 411, 278, 16114, 936, 10977, 310, 10466, 29892, 278, 18786, 756, 1063, 263, 12789, 284, 1298, 363, 4185, 1973, 2820, 278, 3186, 10106, 4955, 322, 756, 20603, 4696, 29892, 22309, 322, 13433, 394, 9345, 29889, 2398, 29892, 363, 341, 7040, 29892, 322, 10734, 17589, 609, 341, 7040, 29892, 278, 18786, 756, 451, 925, 1063, 263, 5829, 293, 3578, 297, 1749, 10421, 950, 4695, 18819, 541, 884, 263, 16333, 3578, 304, 1749, 5826, 386, 1267, 310, 1472, 8020, 29889, 739, 4550, 26184, 586, 267, 502, 304, 2125, 263, 3256, 304, 6456, 278, 18786, 322, 967, 1472, 15477, 411, 278, 315, 4154, 322, 967, 1677, 1144, 29889, 8680, 1513, 28095, 293, 11399, 11211, 278, 18786, 16410, 411, 278, 12297, 18472, 3973, 29879, 29889, 512, 5739, 6656, 29871, 29896, 29901, 29896, 29946, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29892, 591, 526, 5429, 393, 373, 278, 11582, 2462, 310, 11265, 29892, 376, 29954, 397, 1754, 1023, 2107, 26068, 29936, 278, 7621, 3578, 304, 5751, 278, 2462, 322, 278, 3109, 261, 3578, 304, 5751, 278, 4646, 1213, 19454, 278, 2702, 21460, 2187, 2750, 25081, 279, 26320, 297, 897, 12811, 21926, 322, 278, 6726, 310, 21701, 29892, 278, 18786, 471, 1603, 17878, 408, 263, 4549, 5829, 310, 9410, 663, 322, 4943, 537, 6942, 411, 967, 8744, 304, 5645, 278, 13382, 310, 931, 29889, 512, 2114, 29892, 278, 4098, 368, 5957, 886, 304, 278, 18786, 1476, 297, 11848, 2596, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29901, 29896, 29896, 29899, 29896, 29945, 526, 1603, 1303, 297, 777, 16728, 5222, 13247, 1041, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 515, 278, 27690, 7824, 10466, 310, 838, 305, 6764, 393, 278, 937, 3913, 310, 278, 18786, 297, 278, 3983, 293, 322, 10421, 950, 4695, 8214, 393, 341, 7040, 526, 1035, 1796, 287, 304, 21340, 1009, 6593, 29889, 450, 838, 14969, 2879, 892, 263, 2318, 310, 16624, 1199, 1058, 937, 7470, 297, 278, 29871, 29896, 29906, 386, 6462, 322, 892, 278, 363, 261, 5963, 414, 310, 1749, 5400, 8950, 2879, 29889, 2688, 13112, 393, 411, 278, 1571, 29544, 310, 22233, 29879, 322, 3519, 2967, 1539, 1338, 1316, 408, 13977, 322, 3275, 1033, 367, 6077, 964, 7684, 322, 13283, 29889, 18502, 898, 445, 3138, 29892, 278, 838, 14969, 2879, 892, 1565, 11847, 414, 1058, 1304, 15072, 322, 4216, 886, 21103, 3598, 297, 1009, 6860, 886, 322, 1058, 1663, 12652, 373, 9406, 22183, 1270, 515, 1009, 14511, 1078, 29889, 18927, 310, 278, 3983, 293, 5829, 1608, 1304, 297, 28095, 719, 29892, 1316, 408, 4558, 310, 278, 715, 3774, 29892, 6862, 29892, 3233, 29892, 12164, 408, 4415, 279, 322, 4922, 408, 4415, 279, 29892, 892, 4586, 515, 838, 14969, 936, 26442, 29889, 13, 1762, 278, 838, 14969, 2879, 29892, 278, 18786, 471, 263, 5829, 310, 278, 11915, 13283, 322, 471, 1304, 304, 1401, 919, 393, 5960, 749, 297, 278, 19726, 545, 2044, 886, 29892, 607, 18750, 4430, 1009, 7035, 7063, 29872, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 1556, 758, 791, 296, 4558, 1304, 491, 278, 838, 14969, 2879, 471, 278, 380, 2904, 1891, 11580, 310, 278, 6575, 322, 278, 18786, 411, 5199, 17240, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 297, 278, 315, 4154, 390, 277, 950, 322, 278, 3829, 310, 278, 28095, 293, 301, 17979, 3528, 393, 591, 1818, 6963, 4208, 599, 310, 278, 363, 2412, 292, 3161, 304, 2367, 263, 1565, 7623, 310, 278, 671, 310, 278, 18786, 297, 28095, 719, 29889, 512, 5400, 3082, 10421, 950, 278, 7601, 3407, 304, 278, 18786, 338, 408, 278, 1473, 310, 278, 376, 29931, 16136, 26068, 1699, 310, 28095, 719, 29889, 910, 5400, 8744, 4477, 515, 278, 4688, 29871, 29896, 29947, 386, 6462, 4223, 10421, 950, 3407, 304, 278, 12753, 26068, 310, 278, 365, 17979, 1641, 278, 376, 29903, 348, 29892, 17549, 322, 9082, 29899, 29924, 1658, 1213, 512, 6124, 304, 1438, 376, 11631, 519, 26068, 1699, 727, 892, 884, 297, 1438, 4688, 4223, 365, 17979, 19600, 2211, 376, 20227, 26068, 1699, 607, 526, 5439, 491, 777, 28095, 293, 3603, 5834, 408, 2211, 5417, 297, 278, 301, 17979, 5716, 376, 517, 3578, 1757, 304, 29892, 472, 322, 515, 1009, 664, 1213, 4525, 2211, 5417, 892, 2678, 8611, 411, 2211, 23794, 793, 5982, 472, 278, 6932, 29892, 4275, 322, 3122, 26995, 310, 278, 301, 17979, 322, 24046, 1434, 278, 9082, 29892, 15897, 399, 7879, 322, 24260, 399, 7879, 29892, 8307, 29889, 450, 3407, 304, 278, 8991, 29892, 17549, 322, 9082, 310, 278, 365, 17979, 408, 278, 2211, 3109, 261, 26068, 310, 28095, 719, 322, 1009, 3153, 15477, 411, 1438, 2211, 25535, 18751, 414, 322, 278, 6942, 13049, 471, 8906, 491, 278, 577, 29899, 13998, 5459, 993, 6265, 365, 17979, 607, 471, 6136, 297, 5408, 515, 278, 7145, 304, 5683, 29871, 29896, 29947, 386, 6462, 29889, 450, 5459, 993, 6265, 365, 17979, 29892, 471, 2343, 287, 701, 491, 12601, 341, 7040, 29892, 1058, 892, 472, 7736, 29879, 411, 278, 1286, 2000, 376, 29925, 1745, 631, 6265, 365, 17979, 1213, 450, 10421, 950, 310, 278, 14163, 6265, 365, 17979, 871, 12992, 304, 2211, 376, 7979, 271, 29908, 26068, 1728, 278, 5459, 10070, 29915, 3407, 304, 278, 376, 2222, 261, 29908, 26068, 29889, 450, 2114, 393, 278, 5459, 10070, 4934, 304, 278, 2038, 19854, 310, 278, 2211, 3109, 261, 26068, 471, 10734, 7282, 363, 3082, 28095, 719, 408, 471, 1009, 671, 310, 316, 29874, 3200, 297, 1009, 7426, 664, 29892, 408, 591, 4091, 1074, 29889, 13, 797, 5400, 3082, 2563, 29890, 664, 10421, 950, 29892, 278, 18786, 338, 12992, 304, 297, 278, 3824, 360, 387, 929, 408, 697, 310, 278, 2211, 3109, 261, 470, 4337, 519, 26068, 322, 338, 15659, 408, 278, 29727, 506, 284, 364, 8584, 310, 278, 4646, 322, 408, 263, 3407, 310, 4943, 537, 363, 278, 7512, 310, 278, 9082, 310, 278, 365 ]
odge. In the higher symbolism of the lodge, the moon has always been particularly identified with the Senior Warden in the West, thus following the Egyptian tradition associating the moon with this direction. Some Masonic philosophers have found this to be a fitting parallel for as the light of the moon is a mere reflection of the greater light of the sun, so the Senior Warden, the officer associated with the Doric pillar of Strength, is intended to be a reflection of the "light" of the Worshipful Master who is associated with the Ionic pillar of Wisdom. It is thus particularly significant that the messenger of the Senior Warden within the lodge is the Junior Deacon who, as his jewel, wears the square and compasses enclosing the moon. (Barry's note: this is used by pre-1813 Rites or as I like to call them "Antient York Masons" but this is not entirely true if their roots came from the Premiere Grand Lodge of England) There is one other strong association of the moon with Masonry, which in many ways is more meaningful than all of the above. In the early eighteen hundreds when Masonry in Vermont was still a new venture, the Green Mountain State was a wild and unsettled place. It is difficult for us to imagine the thoughts and feelings of a nineteenth century Vermont Mason stepping into the bitter cold of a winter night after a lodge meeting to pursue his travel homeward. For him, a trip of several miles at night after a lodge meeting was a major undertaking where even the task of finding one's way was formidable. For this reason, many of these early lodges in Vermont and other jurisdictions adopted the custom of holding their meetings during the week of the full moon. Hence, these lodges became referred to as "Moon Lodges." Following the phases of the moon was no trouble at all for the agrarian folk of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the brilliant "lesser light," provided a beacon that guided our elder brethren homeward along the dirt roads and beaten pathways of early Vermont. Thus, in 1817, 26 of the 40 lodges in Vermont were "moon Lodges," with the bulk of the others being located in areas of higher population and presumably better lighting. But alas, as with so many customs of old the advent of modern society and its technology has slowly driven the Moon Lodge to the status of a quaint anachronism. The invention of the automobile and street lighting together with the general decline of agriculture made the setting of lodge meetings by the phases of the moon, rather than on a fixed day, a nuisance without purpose. Thus by 1979, of the 98 lodges working in the State of Vermont, only 8 still set their meetings by the phase of the moon. Hopefully, the few Moon Lodges left in Vermont will not surrender this old custom. They serve as a reminder to modern Masons travelling home by the light of the moon that they are in essence following in the footsteps of their elder brethren for whom the moon was a real as well as symbolic light. (Barry's note: There is one "Moon Lodge" on Prince Edward Island) V.W. Bro. Barry D. Thom Lodge McLeod # 27 GL of NL Sunday Masonic Paper note: there is a "Moon Lodge" in Athens, Ontario, Rising Sun No. 85 The following information adapted from the unpublished "Alberta Freemasonry 100 years" Moon (moonlight) Lodges In the 'horse and buggy' days in both Canada, and the U.S.A., many country lodges would set their meeting nights to coincide with, or near to, the full moon. In those early days both street lights and good roads were usually few and far between, and the members desired to be able to return to their homes 'by the light of the moon', when their meeting ended at the midnight hour. These lodges were called 'moon', or 'moonlight', lodges. One long-time American Moonlight Lodge (DeSoto Lodge, No 105, Florida), was fraternally known as the 'Moonshine Lodge'. The meeting night of a 'Moon' Lodge would be described, for example, as being held: – on the FRIDAY on or before the
[ 17979, 29889, 512, 278, 6133, 5829, 1608, 310, 278, 301, 17979, 29892, 278, 18786, 756, 2337, 1063, 10734, 15659, 411, 278, 24260, 399, 7879, 297, 278, 3122, 29892, 4550, 1494, 278, 12892, 713, 11399, 4067, 1218, 278, 18786, 411, 445, 5305, 29889, 3834, 28095, 293, 11847, 414, 505, 1476, 445, 304, 367, 263, 28221, 8943, 363, 408, 278, 3578, 310, 278, 18786, 338, 263, 15187, 17842, 310, 278, 7621, 3578, 310, 278, 6575, 29892, 577, 278, 24260, 399, 7879, 29892, 278, 12139, 6942, 411, 278, 9579, 293, 22549, 279, 310, 3767, 1477, 29892, 338, 9146, 304, 367, 263, 17842, 310, 278, 376, 4366, 29908, 310, 278, 19662, 3527, 1319, 9082, 1058, 338, 6942, 411, 278, 306, 8927, 22549, 279, 310, 15756, 3129, 29889, 739, 338, 4550, 10734, 7282, 393, 278, 4473, 15109, 310, 278, 24260, 399, 7879, 2629, 278, 301, 17979, 338, 278, 15897, 897, 23074, 1058, 29892, 408, 670, 432, 809, 295, 29892, 591, 1503, 278, 6862, 322, 752, 465, 267, 427, 11291, 292, 278, 18786, 29889, 313, 4297, 719, 29915, 29879, 4443, 29901, 445, 338, 1304, 491, 758, 29899, 29896, 29947, 29896, 29941, 390, 3246, 470, 408, 306, 763, 304, 1246, 963, 376, 13448, 993, 3088, 341, 7040, 29908, 541, 445, 338, 451, 9186, 1565, 565, 1009, 16778, 2996, 515, 278, 6097, 10883, 6265, 365, 17979, 310, 5408, 29897, 13, 8439, 338, 697, 916, 4549, 15477, 310, 278, 18786, 411, 28095, 719, 29892, 607, 297, 1784, 5837, 338, 901, 6593, 1319, 1135, 599, 310, 278, 2038, 29889, 512, 278, 4688, 29319, 9404, 21006, 746, 28095, 719, 297, 17589, 609, 471, 1603, 263, 716, 9712, 545, 29892, 278, 7646, 18204, 4306, 471, 263, 8775, 322, 443, 9915, 839, 2058, 29889, 739, 338, 5189, 363, 502, 304, 14034, 278, 13133, 322, 21737, 310, 263, 17081, 2650, 9097, 6462, 17589, 609, 28095, 1886, 3262, 964, 278, 22773, 11220, 310, 263, 13851, 4646, 1156, 263, 301, 17979, 11781, 304, 12359, 434, 670, 9850, 3271, 1328, 29889, 1152, 1075, 29892, 263, 17487, 310, 3196, 7800, 472, 4646, 1156, 263, 301, 17979, 11781, 471, 263, 4655, 22332, 5086, 988, 1584, 278, 3414, 310, 9138, 697, 29915, 29879, 982, 471, 883, 333, 519, 29889, 1152, 445, 2769, 29892, 1784, 310, 1438, 4688, 21896, 2710, 297, 17589, 609, 322, 916, 24894, 8977, 1080, 16356, 278, 2888, 310, 13587, 1009, 5870, 886, 2645, 278, 4723, 310, 278, 2989, 18786, 29889, 10133, 29892, 1438, 21896, 2710, 3897, 12992, 304, 408, 376, 29924, 6150, 365, 397, 2710, 1213, 13, 29943, 2952, 292, 278, 29540, 310, 278, 18786, 471, 694, 7458, 472, 599, 363, 278, 9221, 13956, 19589, 310, 278, 17081, 2650, 9097, 322, 4688, 3252, 7268, 621, 21726, 322, 278, 27592, 376, 2222, 261, 3578, 1699, 4944, 263, 367, 23074, 393, 1410, 2618, 1749, 27008, 2078, 386, 1267, 3271, 1328, 3412, 278, 270, 2728, 25320, 322, 367, 2579, 2224, 1994, 310, 4688, 17589, 609, 29889, 6549, 29892, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29896, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29953, 310, 278, 29871, 29946, 29900, 21896, 2710, 297, 17589, 609, 892, 376, 4346, 265, 365, 397, 2710, 1699, 411, 278, 21610, 310, 278, 4045, 1641, 5982, 297, 10161, 310, 6133, 4665, 322, 2225, 24873, 2253, 3578, 292, 29889, 13, 6246, 394, 294, 29892, 408, 411, 577, 1784, 2888, 29879, 310, 2030, 278, 17623, 310, 5400, 12459, 322, 967, 15483, 756, 14205, 18225, 278, 17549, 365, 17979, 304, 278, 4660, 310, 263, 439, 2365, 385, 496, 1617, 1608, 29889, 450, 297, 7316, 310, 278, 3345, 5249, 322, 11952, 3578, 292, 4208, 411, 278, 2498, 4845, 457, 310, 18032, 545, 1754, 278, 4444, 310, 301, 17979, 5870, 886, 491, 278, 29540, 310, 278, 18786, 29892, 3265, 1135, 373, 263, 4343, 2462, 29892, 263, 302, 4664, 749, 1728, 6437, 29889, 6549, 491, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29929, 29892, 310, 278, 29871, 29929, 29947, 21896, 2710, 1985, 297, 278, 4306, 310, 17589, 609, 29892, 871, 29871, 29947, 1603, 731, 1009, 5870, 886, 491, 278, 8576, 310, 278, 18786, 29889, 7963, 3730, 29892, 278, 2846, 17549, 365, 397, 2710, 2175, 297, 17589, 609, 674, 451, 27503, 445, 2030, 2888, 29889, 2688, 9080, 408, 263, 1083, 4995, 304, 5400, 341, 7040, 6427, 7807, 3271, 491, 278, 3578, 310, 278, 18786, 393, 896, 526, 297, 3686, 663, 1494, 297, 278, 3661, 24530, 310, 1009, 27008, 2078, 386, 1267, 363, 6029, 278, 18786, 471, 263, 1855, 408, 1532, 408, 5829, 293, 3578, 29889, 313, 4297, 719, 29915, 29879, 4443, 29901, 1670, 338, 697, 376, 29924, 6150, 365, 17979, 29908, 373, 10787, 9300, 7935, 29897, 13, 29963, 29889, 29956, 29889, 4358, 29889, 23032, 360, 29889, 4609, 13, 29931, 17979, 4052, 3226, 397, 396, 29871, 29906, 29955, 13, 7239, 310, 405, 29931, 13, 29903, 870, 388, 28095, 293, 349, 7202, 4443, 29901, 727, 338, 263, 376, 29924, 6150, 365, 17979, 29908, 297, 9193, 575, 29892, 21718, 29892, 390, 5921, 8991, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29945, 13, 1576, 1494, 2472, 23430, 515, 278, 443, 5467, 3726, 376, 2499, 19954, 3878, 331, 1658, 719, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 2440, 29908, 13, 29924, 6150, 313, 4346, 265, 4366, 29897, 365, 397, 2710, 13, 797, 278, 525, 2015, 344, 322, 6494, 1927, 29915, 3841, 297, 1716, 7400, 29892, 322, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 29909, 1696, 1784, 4234, 21896, 2710, 723, 731, 1009, 11781, 4646, 29879, 304, 1302, 2173, 311, 411, 29892, 470, 2978, 304, 29892, 278, 2989, 18786, 29889, 13, 797, 1906, 4688, 3841, 1716, 11952, 26068, 322, 1781, 25320, 892, 5491, 2846, 322, 2215, 1546, 29892, 322, 278, 5144, 7429, 304, 367, 2221, 304, 736, 304, 1009, 17774, 525, 1609, 278, 3578, 310, 278, 18786, 742, 746, 1009, 11781, 9698, 472, 278, 7145, 11147, 7234, 29889, 4525, 21896, 2710, 892, 2000, 525, 4346, 265, 742, 470, 525, 4346, 265, 4366, 742, 21896, 2710, 29889, 3118, 1472, 29899, 2230, 3082, 17549, 4366, 365, 17979, 313, 2772, 29903, 3747, 365, 17979, 29892, 1939, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29945, 29892, 13813, 511, 471, 20998, 824, 635, 2998, 408, 278, 525, 22638, 787, 29882, 457, 365, 17979, 4286, 13, 1576, 11781, 4646, 310, 263, 525, 29924, 6150, 29915, 365, 17979, 723, 367, 5439, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 408, 1641, 4934, 29901, 13, 29994, 373, 278, 23788, 1367, 29909, 29979, 373, 470, 1434, 278 ]
Travel Culture Food + Drink News Outdoor Lifestyle Entertainment The Bolivian referendum: Watershed moment or politics as usual? News Activism Hal Amen "Se acabo el colonialismo (Colonialism is over)," declared President Evo Morales as his country voted to adopt a controversial new constitution last Sunday. A powerful sentiment, intensely meaningful for many here in South America's poorest, most indigenous nation. For Morales, the passage of the constitution marked the long-awaited fulfillment of a campaign promise that aided his election as Bolivia's first indigenous president three years ago. That promise was to redefine how the country viewed its native majority, to erase the privilege bequeathed to the descendants of European conquerors, to create a Bolivia where equal rights for all was a legally enshrined doctrine. Between then and now, the path to Sunday's vote had, at times, seemed to slip away. Following political clashes over the drafting of the constitutional document and violent confrontations in the streets that claimed dozens of lives, the referendum was postponed on three separate occasions. Many feared January 25 would bring more of the same. Not this time. The vote went off smoothly, praised by both international monitoring agencies and neighboring Latin American leaders happy to witness a peaceful display of Bolivian democracy. In fact, the entire campaign was marked by a peculiar absence of emotion on the ground. Here in the central highland capital of Cochabamba, a few late rallies, a fair amount of graffiti, and the odd loudspeaker truck kept focus on the issue, but there was none of the passionate collective action that characterizes Bolivian political campaigning, particularly in the age of Evo. Perhaps everyone was ready for a conclusion. A tremendous calm settled over the city on Sunday—notably enhanced by the ban on vehicle traffic and alcohol sales—as citizens carried out the solemn obligation of casting a ballot. True to predictions, the "si" contingency won the day with roughly 60% of the vote. But such tranquility is deceiving. A closer look at the numbers details a nation starkly divided between the indigenous Andean provinces of the west, which backed the referendum by a ratio of 3 to 1, and the wealthier lowland regions to the east that handed Morales a 2 to 1 reprimand. And what the campaign lacked in grassroots activity was made up for on the airwaves, ablaze with inflammatory and often utterly irrational rhetoric. Opposition ads claimed, for instance, that the constitution would abolish Christianity, promote abortion and homosexuality, divvy up all current land holdings, and otherwise transform Bolivia into a rabidly pagan, socialist state. The truth is that many of the articles originally proposed were so watered down over the months of heated negotiation and political maneuvering that they drew equal criticism from left and right. A rundown of major changes actually included in the document can be found here. It wouldn't be inaccurate to suggest that the vote was as much a referendum on Morales himself as the adoption of a new constitution… on his beliefs that the country's indigenous peoples should be given a greater voice, that the government should exercise greater control over natural resources, that the majority of Bolivians have toiled too long under the yoke of oppression. Yes, the constitution passed. The sad reality is this means relatively little. Before anything changes in the day-to-day lives of the people here, before Bolivia can be "decolonized," Congress must undertake the tedious process of crafting new laws to concretize the principles advocated in the document. And, with the division between rich and poor, European and native, "no" and "si" unmitigated, that task is going to be as difficult as ever. Photos: Hal Amen The best countries in the world to live as an introvert Europe's first digital nomad village is opening in Portugal NASA reveals its top 20 photos of Earth from 2020 New Zealand bought too many COVID-19 vaccines, so it'll give them to neighboring countries for free An all-female flight crew just made history with India's longest commercial flight Choose your own Vegas: On the water Freedom is staying in motion Your se
[ 3201, 955, 14062, 25453, 718, 4942, 682, 10130, 4451, 17433, 365, 7004, 1508, 18189, 13, 1576, 25765, 713, 2737, 29670, 29901, 399, 10412, 17143, 3256, 470, 22661, 408, 9670, 29973, 13, 29328, 21775, 1608, 13, 29950, 284, 319, 1527, 13, 29908, 2008, 22998, 29877, 560, 25539, 4411, 313, 1625, 25164, 1608, 338, 975, 511, 29908, 8052, 7178, 382, 1365, 3879, 2122, 408, 670, 4234, 24854, 304, 9332, 263, 19341, 616, 716, 16772, 1833, 16340, 29889, 319, 13988, 19688, 29892, 12838, 873, 6593, 1319, 363, 1784, 1244, 297, 4275, 6813, 29915, 29879, 6460, 342, 29892, 1556, 1399, 2101, 681, 5233, 29889, 13, 2831, 3879, 2122, 29892, 278, 13382, 310, 278, 16772, 10902, 278, 1472, 29899, 20675, 287, 6095, 5589, 358, 310, 263, 11531, 11640, 393, 263, 2618, 670, 8271, 408, 25765, 423, 29915, 29879, 937, 1399, 2101, 681, 6673, 2211, 2440, 8020, 29889, 13, 7058, 11640, 471, 304, 337, 7922, 920, 278, 4234, 24774, 967, 7531, 13638, 29892, 304, 604, 559, 278, 14828, 479, 367, 802, 14139, 304, 278, 17086, 1934, 310, 7824, 26474, 943, 29892, 304, 1653, 263, 25765, 423, 988, 5186, 10462, 363, 599, 471, 263, 2814, 635, 427, 845, 29878, 1312, 22542, 29889, 13, 29933, 300, 1452, 769, 322, 1286, 29892, 278, 2224, 304, 16340, 29915, 29879, 11719, 750, 29892, 472, 3064, 29892, 6140, 304, 269, 3466, 3448, 29889, 12206, 8604, 1067, 1161, 267, 975, 278, 18195, 292, 310, 278, 16772, 284, 1842, 322, 24252, 21751, 800, 297, 278, 19756, 393, 17049, 437, 29920, 575, 310, 12080, 29892, 278, 2737, 29670, 471, 1400, 1112, 287, 373, 2211, 5004, 26108, 29889, 13, 14804, 1238, 1965, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29945, 723, 6963, 901, 310, 278, 1021, 29889, 13, 3664, 445, 931, 29889, 450, 11719, 3512, 1283, 10597, 368, 29892, 7213, 3368, 491, 1716, 6121, 29652, 946, 15942, 322, 12307, 292, 13548, 3082, 20251, 9796, 304, 16277, 263, 10776, 1319, 2479, 310, 25765, 713, 1261, 25804, 29889, 13, 797, 2114, 29892, 278, 4152, 11531, 471, 10902, 491, 263, 18036, 18070, 310, 953, 8194, 373, 278, 5962, 29889, 2266, 297, 278, 6555, 1880, 1049, 7483, 310, 315, 2878, 370, 20027, 29892, 263, 2846, 5683, 364, 284, 3687, 29892, 263, 6534, 5253, 310, 2646, 600, 4812, 29892, 322, 278, 7736, 22526, 5965, 5790, 534, 2707, 8126, 8569, 373, 278, 2228, 29892, 541, 727, 471, 5642, 310, 278, 15935, 403, 6314, 573, 3158, 393, 2931, 7093, 25765, 713, 8604, 11531, 292, 29892, 10734, 297, 278, 5046, 310, 382, 1365, 29889, 13, 5894, 4252, 14332, 471, 7960, 363, 263, 15997, 29889, 13, 29909, 14586, 355, 681, 21732, 17141, 975, 278, 4272, 373, 16340, 30003, 1333, 2197, 427, 29308, 491, 278, 9892, 373, 19716, 12469, 322, 27231, 5391, 16538, 30003, 294, 18363, 8988, 714, 278, 26384, 10788, 362, 310, 23013, 263, 8287, 327, 29889, 5852, 304, 27303, 29892, 278, 376, 1039, 29908, 640, 292, 3819, 2113, 278, 2462, 411, 20928, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29995, 310, 278, 11719, 29889, 13, 6246, 1316, 22024, 339, 1793, 338, 23332, 4357, 29889, 13, 29909, 17649, 1106, 472, 278, 3694, 4902, 263, 5233, 18561, 368, 13931, 1546, 278, 1399, 2101, 681, 1126, 29872, 273, 28058, 310, 278, 5833, 29892, 607, 1250, 287, 278, 2737, 29670, 491, 263, 11959, 310, 29871, 29941, 304, 29871, 29896, 29892, 322, 278, 17173, 631, 4482, 1049, 12786, 304, 278, 9755, 393, 29692, 3879, 2122, 263, 29871, 29906, 304, 29871, 29896, 2062, 326, 392, 29889, 13, 2855, 825, 278, 11531, 10225, 287, 297, 17455, 307, 1862, 6354, 471, 1754, 701, 363, 373, 278, 4799, 29893, 5989, 29892, 633, 433, 911, 411, 4414, 314, 2922, 706, 322, 4049, 14401, 368, 3805, 29878, 1288, 364, 9188, 272, 293, 29889, 13, 29949, 407, 4490, 594, 29879, 17049, 29892, 363, 2777, 29892, 393, 278, 16772, 723, 25198, 728, 6111, 537, 29892, 27391, 27450, 291, 322, 3632, 29438, 950, 537, 29892, 1933, 13308, 701, 599, 1857, 2982, 4808, 886, 29892, 322, 6467, 4327, 25765, 423, 964, 263, 1153, 23883, 368, 10203, 273, 29892, 5264, 391, 2106, 29889, 13, 1576, 8760, 338, 393, 1784, 310, 278, 7456, 10437, 7972, 892, 577, 4094, 287, 1623, 975, 278, 7378, 310, 540, 630, 3480, 327, 11685, 322, 8604, 767, 12932, 369, 292, 393, 896, 15010, 5186, 29035, 515, 2175, 322, 1492, 29889, 319, 17048, 776, 310, 4655, 3620, 2869, 5134, 297, 278, 1842, 508, 367, 1476, 1244, 29889, 13, 3112, 7656, 29915, 29873, 367, 297, 562, 2764, 403, 304, 4368, 393, 278, 11719, 471, 408, 1568, 263, 2737, 29670, 373, 3879, 2122, 3654, 408, 278, 594, 3385, 310, 263, 716, 16772, 30098, 373, 670, 17750, 29879, 393, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 1399, 2101, 681, 1236, 459, 793, 881, 367, 2183, 263, 7621, 7314, 29892, 393, 278, 5874, 881, 15058, 7621, 2761, 975, 5613, 7788, 29892, 393, 278, 13638, 310, 25765, 5834, 505, 304, 2356, 2086, 1472, 1090, 278, 343, 6946, 310, 4575, 23881, 29889, 13, 8241, 29892, 278, 16772, 4502, 29889, 13, 1576, 14610, 16832, 338, 445, 2794, 13774, 2217, 29889, 10949, 3099, 3620, 297, 278, 2462, 29899, 517, 29899, 3250, 12080, 310, 278, 2305, 1244, 29892, 1434, 25765, 423, 508, 367, 376, 311, 17308, 1891, 1699, 11559, 1818, 22332, 1296, 278, 29748, 2738, 1889, 310, 25554, 292, 716, 14243, 304, 378, 4838, 675, 278, 18671, 22545, 630, 297, 278, 1842, 29889, 13, 2855, 29892, 411, 278, 8542, 1546, 8261, 322, 6460, 29892, 7824, 322, 7531, 29892, 376, 1217, 29908, 322, 376, 1039, 29908, 443, 2415, 335, 630, 29892, 393, 3414, 338, 2675, 304, 367, 408, 5189, 408, 3926, 29889, 13, 4819, 15788, 29901, 8142, 319, 1527, 13, 1576, 1900, 10916, 297, 278, 3186, 304, 5735, 408, 385, 22909, 1765, 13, 15654, 29915, 29879, 937, 13436, 2245, 328, 5720, 338, 8718, 297, 12077, 13, 29940, 3289, 29909, 10320, 1338, 967, 2246, 29871, 29906, 29900, 20612, 310, 11563, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 4373, 13450, 18093, 2086, 1784, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 325, 5753, 1475, 29892, 577, 372, 29915, 645, 2367, 963, 304, 12307, 292, 10916, 363, 3889, 13, 2744, 599, 29899, 29888, 331, 744, 16286, 17616, 925, 1754, 4955, 411, 7513, 29915, 29879, 27217, 12128, 16286, 13, 15954, 852, 596, 1914, 17236, 294, 29901, 1551, 278, 4094, 13, 23923, 11607, 338, 7952, 292, 297, 10884, 13, 10858, 409 ]
The ISPN Guide to Pediatric Neurosurgery (USA): Epidemiology of Degenerative Lumbar Disk Disease in Children. New York, USA: The International Society for Pediatric Neurosurgery, 2023 (https://ispn.guide/spinal-diseases-and-anomalies-in-children/degenerative-lumbar-disk-disease-in-children-homepage/epidemiology-of-degenerative-lumbar-disk-disease-in-children/) (Accessed January 28, 2023) HomeSpinal Diseases and Anomalies in ChildrenDegenerative Lumbar Disk Disease in Children HomepageEpidemiology of Degenerative Lumbar Disk Disease in Children This page was last updated on May 9th, 2017 Sex Predilection Relationships to Other Disease States and Syndromes From 1.1–66% children have LBP: Up to 66% of school children report a history of generalized LBP (6,25,28). 26% of children < 16 years of age have degenerative disk disease (DDD): DDD is more prevalent than previously suspected, with 26% of asymptomatic children < 16 years old demonstrating disc degeneration on MRI (27). In patients with symptomatic DDD, the pain is most often radicular (68%) versus diffuse (32%), 56% have a motor deficit, 60% have sensory involvement, 24% have a family history of lumbar disk disease, and only 8% recall a primary causative injury (15). 50% of children ≤ 15 years old with back complaints have disease: Of children age 15 or younger with nontraumatic back complaints, more than 50% were found to have a diagnosis specific for their back symptoms (31). Age of LBP onset: The mean age of onset of LBP in children is 13.6 years (6). The mean age of presentation for DDD is 16 years: The mean presenting age for DDD is 16 years for those less than 20 years old. It is after the age of 10 years that spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis begin to present, as the incidence of LBP increases between 12 and 15 years of age. Non-DDD etiology in children < 10 years with LBP: In patients younger than 10 years, look for diskitis, tumor, or other causative mechanisms, since DDD is quite rare in this age group. Gender distribution for LBP: A meta-analysis found no significant difference in gender distribution of LBP in children (51.1% male) (6). Gender distribution for disk herniations: In the largest pediatric series reported to date, 60% of children with disk herniations were female (5). Body weight and sports: Risk factors for pediatric DDD include obesity and high-strain sports activities like football, weightlifting, and cheerleading. There appears to be a complex, variably penetrant genetic component as well. Patients with a positive family history are up to five times as likely as are those without to have a herniated lumbar disk before the age of 21, and small series have reported several children with disk herniations (24, 32). Animal and human studies have linked mutations in collagen, aggrecan, matrix metalloproteinase 3, and vitamin D receptors with an increased risk of disk degeneration (2, 12-14, 18, 19, 34, 36, 37). Differential diagnoses for LBP: Several diseases may present with LBP. Diagnoses that may mimic axial back pain (11) include infection/diskitis, sickle cell disease/crisis, inflammatory disease, seronegative spondyloarthropathy, neoplasms, myelodysplasia, and kidney, pancreas, or splenic problems. Red flags: Alarming symptoms such as rapidly progressive back pain, age < 4 years, night-
[ 450, 306, 5550, 29940, 16886, 304, 9293, 7163, 2200, 17574, 1883, 2007, 708, 313, 27019, 1125, 14055, 680, 2460, 3002, 310, 360, 387, 759, 1230, 365, 398, 1646, 20579, 360, 895, 559, 297, 20986, 29889, 1570, 3088, 29892, 8278, 29901, 450, 4623, 7765, 363, 9293, 7163, 2200, 17574, 1883, 2007, 708, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 313, 991, 597, 11936, 29876, 29889, 13075, 29914, 1028, 979, 29899, 29881, 895, 2129, 29899, 392, 29899, 273, 290, 284, 583, 29899, 262, 29899, 11991, 29914, 311, 4738, 1230, 29899, 29880, 398, 1646, 29899, 20960, 29899, 29881, 895, 559, 29899, 262, 29899, 11991, 29899, 5184, 3488, 29914, 1022, 680, 2460, 3002, 29899, 974, 29899, 311, 4738, 1230, 29899, 29880, 398, 1646, 29899, 20960, 29899, 29881, 895, 559, 29899, 262, 29899, 11991, 4551, 313, 6638, 287, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 29897, 13, 11184, 5592, 979, 360, 895, 2129, 322, 530, 290, 284, 583, 297, 20986, 29928, 387, 759, 1230, 365, 398, 1646, 20579, 360, 895, 559, 297, 20986, 8778, 3488, 29923, 29886, 680, 2460, 3002, 310, 360, 387, 759, 1230, 365, 398, 1646, 20579, 360, 895, 559, 297, 20986, 13, 4013, 1813, 471, 1833, 4784, 373, 2610, 29871, 29929, 386, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 13, 29903, 735, 21099, 488, 428, 13, 9662, 800, 14587, 304, 5901, 360, 895, 559, 3900, 322, 8713, 299, 456, 267, 13, 4591, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29896, 29994, 29953, 29953, 29995, 4344, 505, 365, 29933, 29925, 29901, 5020, 304, 29871, 29953, 29953, 29995, 310, 3762, 4344, 3461, 263, 4955, 310, 28803, 365, 29933, 29925, 313, 29953, 29892, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29906, 29947, 467, 13, 29906, 29953, 29995, 310, 4344, 529, 29871, 29896, 29953, 2440, 310, 5046, 505, 3587, 759, 1230, 8086, 17135, 313, 7858, 29928, 1125, 360, 7858, 338, 901, 758, 791, 296, 1135, 9251, 2858, 6021, 29892, 411, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29995, 310, 22784, 290, 2454, 4344, 529, 29871, 29896, 29953, 2440, 2030, 9004, 1218, 2313, 3587, 759, 362, 373, 341, 3960, 313, 29906, 29955, 467, 512, 22069, 411, 25828, 290, 2454, 360, 7858, 29892, 278, 6788, 338, 1556, 4049, 2971, 16311, 313, 29953, 29947, 10997, 23797, 2923, 1509, 313, 29941, 29906, 29995, 511, 29871, 29945, 29953, 29995, 505, 263, 10992, 822, 293, 277, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29995, 505, 4771, 706, 5297, 29841, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29995, 505, 263, 3942, 4955, 310, 19703, 1646, 8086, 17135, 29892, 322, 871, 29871, 29947, 29995, 17386, 263, 7601, 3269, 1230, 24092, 313, 29896, 29945, 467, 13, 29945, 29900, 29995, 310, 4344, 29871, 30248, 29871, 29896, 29945, 2440, 2030, 411, 1250, 15313, 9466, 505, 17135, 29901, 4587, 4344, 5046, 29871, 29896, 29945, 470, 20023, 411, 302, 609, 19527, 2454, 1250, 15313, 9466, 29892, 901, 1135, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29995, 892, 1476, 304, 505, 263, 24876, 19263, 2702, 363, 1009, 1250, 25828, 4835, 313, 29941, 29896, 467, 13, 22406, 310, 365, 29933, 29925, 373, 842, 29901, 450, 2099, 5046, 310, 373, 842, 310, 365, 29933, 29925, 297, 4344, 338, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 29953, 2440, 313, 29953, 467, 13, 1576, 2099, 5046, 310, 24329, 363, 360, 7858, 338, 29871, 29896, 29953, 2440, 29901, 450, 2099, 2198, 292, 5046, 363, 360, 7858, 338, 29871, 29896, 29953, 2440, 363, 1906, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29900, 2440, 2030, 29889, 739, 338, 1156, 278, 5046, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 393, 805, 898, 2904, 324, 4848, 322, 805, 898, 2904, 18301, 26533, 3380, 304, 2198, 29892, 408, 278, 5528, 5084, 310, 365, 29933, 29925, 16415, 1546, 29871, 29896, 29906, 322, 29871, 29896, 29945, 2440, 310, 5046, 29889, 13, 12283, 29899, 7858, 29928, 634, 29875, 3002, 297, 4344, 529, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 411, 365, 29933, 29925, 29901, 512, 22069, 20023, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 29892, 1106, 363, 766, 7354, 275, 29892, 21622, 272, 29892, 470, 916, 3269, 1230, 7208, 12903, 29892, 1951, 360, 7858, 338, 3755, 10812, 297, 445, 5046, 2318, 29889, 13, 29954, 1581, 4978, 363, 365, 29933, 29925, 29901, 319, 12700, 29899, 15916, 1476, 694, 7282, 4328, 297, 23346, 4978, 310, 365, 29933, 29925, 297, 4344, 313, 29945, 29896, 29889, 29896, 29995, 14263, 29897, 313, 29953, 467, 13, 29954, 1581, 4978, 363, 8086, 298, 7181, 800, 29901, 512, 278, 10150, 8939, 7163, 2200, 3652, 8967, 304, 2635, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29995, 310, 4344, 411, 8086, 298, 7181, 800, 892, 12944, 313, 29945, 467, 13, 8434, 7688, 322, 14717, 29901, 390, 3873, 13879, 363, 8939, 7163, 2200, 360, 7858, 3160, 704, 267, 537, 322, 1880, 29899, 4151, 262, 14717, 14188, 763, 5733, 29892, 7688, 29880, 24377, 29892, 322, 22794, 25369, 29889, 1670, 5692, 304, 367, 263, 4280, 29892, 1197, 2197, 6584, 18184, 424, 2531, 7492, 4163, 408, 1532, 29889, 4121, 10070, 411, 263, 6374, 3942, 4955, 526, 701, 304, 5320, 3064, 408, 5517, 408, 526, 1906, 1728, 304, 505, 263, 298, 7181, 630, 19703, 1646, 8086, 1434, 278, 5046, 310, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 322, 2319, 3652, 505, 8967, 3196, 4344, 411, 8086, 298, 7181, 800, 313, 29906, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29906, 467, 22809, 322, 5199, 11898, 505, 9024, 5478, 800, 297, 784, 11541, 29892, 946, 7979, 3068, 29892, 4636, 11915, 417, 14676, 262, 559, 29871, 29941, 29892, 322, 13901, 9103, 360, 337, 1547, 943, 411, 385, 11664, 12045, 310, 8086, 3587, 759, 362, 313, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29955, 467, 13, 29928, 8349, 2556, 24876, 15806, 363, 365, 29933, 29925, 29901, 21882, 10267, 2129, 1122, 2198, 411, 365, 29933, 29925, 29889, 4671, 4211, 15806, 393, 1122, 286, 326, 293, 4853, 616, 1250, 6788, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 3160, 297, 20309, 29914, 2218, 7354, 275, 29892, 17319, 280, 3038, 17135, 29914, 29883, 3780, 275, 29892, 4414, 314, 2922, 706, 17135, 29892, 724, 265, 387, 1230, 805, 898, 29891, 417, 28696, 1336, 493, 29891, 29892, 452, 459, 3333, 1516, 29892, 590, 295, 397, 952, 572, 26252, 29892, 322, 26397, 3801, 29892, 7243, 1037, 294, 29892, 470, 8536, 264, 293, 4828, 29889, 13, 9039, 13449, 29901, 838, 2817, 292, 25828, 4835, 1316, 408, 19328, 6728, 573, 1250, 6788, 29892, 5046, 529, 29871, 29946, 2440, 29892, 4646, 29899 ]
Archive‎ > ‎ Genetically Modified Food - Policing the News By Tony Gosling On Monday 20th July, digital video footage sold to HTV by Bristol network 'i-Contact' made top news all day. Midday, 6.30 and 10.25 bulletins in the West of England led with film of, and interviews with, exasperated citizens pulling up Genetically Modified crops 3/4 of the population say are unsafe. The next day HTV's news editor, John Alcock, got a visit from the police. They wanted to know who and where the film came from and to take a copy of the original tape back to the station as evidence. John made it clear to them that they'd have to get a court order first and handed them a copy of the previous night's broadcast. Two weeks later the next filming by i-Contact was even more newsworthy: The high court had said a GM test field next to an organic farm near Totnes in Devon was illegal but was powerless to destroy it. On Monday 3rd August a group of activists decided to enforce the High Court decision by pulling up crops again and they tipped off i-Contact. This time though, cameraman Ben Edwards was stopped in his tracks. Before he'd got any worthwhile film, before the protesters had even got to the offending field, Ben was arrested with the protesters on 'suspicion of conspiracy to cause criminal damage'.Ben was kept in Totnes police station for the maximum 24 hours while a team from Trinity Road police station in Bristol searched his home. Fellow i-Contact founder and ex-BBC radio reporter Tony Gosling was there when the police arrived. He checked their warrant then watched helplessly as the police went through Ben's room earmarking the i-Contact computer, video tapes and piles of documents. While the police were still there Tony called The Press Gazette who were immediately anxious to cover the story and he was interviewed for about ten minutes by Andrew Johnston. When Tony put the phone down a policemen asked him who he had been talking to and Tony told him. The article was subsequently pulled. Tony was warned by the policeman that by calling the press he could be "perverting the cause of justice". Andrew Johnston maintains that the non-running of the story was the Press Gazette's own editorial decision. Keeping a watchful eye on the police going through Ben's room Tony then called HTV's newsdesk. The news editor immediately sent a cameraman round. As he arrived outside the five policemen beat a hasty retreat with armfuls of Ben's belongings, including the i-Contact computer and video tapes. HTV's cameraman filmed them as they drove off. This and Ben's overturned bedroom were on HTV news Tuesday evening. With the loss of the computer i-Contact have been effectively put out of action. One of the services they had been providing was an environmental video e-mail list with an international list of subscribers. Ben was released on Tuesday evening without charge on police bail and ordered to return to Totnes police station on September 24th. The police refused to return his £2000 Sony VX-1000 digital camcorder ensuring no more i-Contact coverage of the GM food issue. When Tony contacted Inspector Patrick at Totnes, who signed the search warrant, he was told the camera would be retained for the foreseeable future as "evidence is prioritised". When asked how the camera could be evidence, the detective in charge of the case, Peter Gartrell, replied: "we don't have facilities to copy the tape, so we need to keep the camera". This episode raises serious questions about extension of police powers to journalists and the influence of the global food giants on police priorities. Monsanto and their colleagues at MAFF were clearly unhappy about the coverage HTV gave to the GM issue and seem to be involved in a conspiracy far more concerning than that alleged of the protesters. After a big HTV story critical of GM experiments they decided not just to clamp down on the crop-pullers - but also to cover their tracks by clamping down on i-Contact, the messenger. It also looks possible that covert influence has been brought to bear to stifle critical discussion of the police raid even in the UK Journalists' weekly "The Press Gazette". Why is the kind
[ 9000, 30131, 1405, 29871, 30131, 13, 15462, 300, 1711, 3382, 2164, 25453, 448, 2043, 18499, 278, 10130, 13, 2059, 15293, 402, 359, 1847, 13, 2951, 27822, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 5468, 29892, 13436, 4863, 3661, 482, 5239, 304, 3154, 29963, 491, 1771, 19639, 3564, 525, 29875, 29899, 13443, 29915, 1754, 2246, 9763, 599, 2462, 29889, 341, 2205, 388, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29889, 29941, 29900, 322, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29906, 29945, 24334, 1144, 297, 278, 3122, 310, 5408, 5331, 411, 2706, 310, 29892, 322, 1006, 7406, 411, 29892, 429, 294, 546, 630, 18363, 28420, 701, 5739, 300, 1711, 3382, 2164, 8182, 567, 29871, 29941, 29914, 29946, 310, 278, 4665, 1827, 526, 25110, 29889, 13, 1576, 2446, 2462, 3154, 29963, 29915, 29879, 9763, 6920, 29892, 2259, 838, 24956, 29892, 2355, 263, 6493, 515, 278, 10974, 29889, 2688, 5131, 304, 1073, 1058, 322, 988, 278, 2706, 2996, 515, 322, 304, 2125, 263, 3509, 310, 278, 2441, 260, 4085, 1250, 304, 278, 5073, 408, 10757, 29889, 2259, 1754, 372, 2821, 304, 963, 393, 896, 29915, 29881, 505, 304, 679, 263, 8973, 1797, 937, 322, 29692, 963, 263, 3509, 310, 278, 3517, 4646, 29915, 29879, 12672, 29889, 13, 13985, 11405, 2678, 278, 2446, 2706, 292, 491, 474, 29899, 13443, 471, 1584, 901, 716, 2774, 2072, 29891, 29901, 450, 1880, 8973, 750, 1497, 263, 402, 29924, 1243, 1746, 2446, 304, 385, 2894, 293, 17888, 2978, 19013, 4515, 297, 9481, 265, 471, 27302, 541, 471, 3081, 2222, 304, 8174, 372, 29889, 13, 2951, 27822, 29871, 29941, 5499, 3111, 263, 2318, 310, 5039, 2879, 8459, 304, 427, 10118, 278, 5057, 9245, 10608, 491, 28420, 701, 8182, 567, 1449, 322, 896, 260, 16242, 1283, 474, 29899, 13443, 29889, 910, 931, 2466, 29892, 3949, 261, 13533, 4111, 29174, 471, 11084, 297, 670, 16257, 29889, 13, 18743, 540, 29915, 29881, 2355, 738, 7088, 8000, 2706, 29892, 1434, 278, 10021, 414, 750, 1584, 2355, 304, 278, 1283, 2548, 1746, 29892, 4111, 471, 24383, 411, 278, 10021, 414, 373, 525, 29879, 375, 29886, 15353, 310, 21588, 29875, 10068, 304, 4556, 22161, 18658, 4286, 20841, 471, 8126, 297, 19013, 4515, 10974, 5073, 363, 278, 7472, 29871, 29906, 29946, 6199, 1550, 263, 3815, 515, 1605, 13593, 9321, 10974, 5073, 297, 1771, 19639, 17371, 670, 3271, 29889, 13, 29943, 4743, 474, 29899, 13443, 25331, 322, 429, 29899, 29933, 5371, 7155, 1634, 9555, 15293, 402, 359, 1847, 471, 727, 746, 278, 10974, 11977, 29889, 940, 7120, 1009, 1370, 21867, 769, 20654, 1081, 572, 404, 368, 408, 278, 10974, 3512, 1549, 4111, 29915, 29879, 5716, 2326, 3502, 292, 278, 474, 29899, 13443, 6601, 29892, 4863, 260, 11603, 322, 282, 5475, 310, 10701, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 278, 10974, 892, 1603, 727, 15293, 2000, 450, 5254, 29604, 1058, 892, 7389, 24937, 304, 4612, 278, 5828, 322, 540, 471, 15593, 287, 363, 1048, 3006, 6233, 491, 11571, 2259, 7352, 29889, 1932, 15293, 1925, 278, 9008, 1623, 263, 13665, 12398, 4433, 1075, 1058, 540, 750, 1063, 9963, 304, 322, 15293, 5429, 1075, 29889, 450, 4274, 471, 17602, 20043, 29889, 15293, 471, 1370, 9571, 491, 278, 13665, 11422, 393, 491, 5432, 278, 3965, 540, 1033, 367, 376, 546, 369, 1259, 278, 4556, 310, 15426, 1642, 11571, 2259, 7352, 7344, 29879, 393, 278, 1661, 29899, 21094, 310, 278, 5828, 471, 278, 5254, 29604, 29915, 29879, 1914, 6920, 616, 10608, 29889, 13, 9598, 26819, 263, 6505, 1319, 10977, 373, 278, 10974, 2675, 1549, 4111, 29915, 29879, 5716, 15293, 769, 2000, 3154, 29963, 29915, 29879, 9763, 2783, 29895, 29889, 450, 9763, 6920, 7389, 2665, 263, 3949, 261, 13533, 4513, 29889, 1094, 540, 11977, 5377, 278, 5320, 13665, 12398, 16646, 263, 14973, 29891, 22162, 271, 411, 5075, 1319, 29879, 310, 4111, 29915, 29879, 6852, 886, 29892, 3704, 278, 474, 29899, 13443, 6601, 322, 4863, 260, 11603, 29889, 3154, 29963, 29915, 29879, 3949, 261, 13533, 977, 2168, 963, 408, 896, 26603, 1283, 29889, 910, 322, 4111, 29915, 29879, 975, 685, 287, 6592, 8345, 892, 373, 3154, 29963, 9763, 323, 1041, 3250, 11005, 29889, 13, 3047, 278, 6410, 310, 278, 6601, 474, 29899, 13443, 505, 1063, 17583, 1925, 714, 310, 3158, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 5786, 896, 750, 1063, 13138, 471, 385, 29380, 4863, 321, 29899, 2549, 1051, 411, 385, 6121, 1051, 310, 21696, 2596, 29889, 13, 20841, 471, 5492, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 11005, 1728, 8323, 373, 10974, 289, 737, 322, 10372, 304, 736, 304, 19013, 4515, 10974, 5073, 373, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29946, 386, 29889, 450, 10974, 15964, 304, 736, 670, 15151, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 28465, 478, 29990, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 13436, 3949, 29883, 2098, 5662, 3864, 694, 901, 474, 29899, 13443, 23746, 310, 278, 402, 29924, 9687, 2228, 29889, 13, 10401, 15293, 6958, 287, 13377, 1103, 272, 14875, 472, 19013, 4515, 29892, 1058, 8794, 278, 2740, 1370, 21867, 29892, 540, 471, 5429, 278, 10656, 723, 367, 26060, 363, 278, 363, 968, 29872, 519, 5434, 408, 376, 5750, 5084, 338, 7536, 277, 3368, 1642, 1932, 4433, 920, 278, 10656, 1033, 367, 10757, 29892, 278, 6459, 573, 297, 8323, 310, 278, 1206, 29892, 5310, 402, 442, 15044, 29892, 10352, 29901, 376, 705, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 23330, 304, 3509, 278, 260, 4085, 29892, 577, 591, 817, 304, 3013, 278, 10656, 1642, 13, 4013, 12720, 1153, 4637, 10676, 5155, 1048, 6081, 310, 10974, 10801, 304, 8955, 2879, 322, 278, 9949, 310, 278, 5534, 9687, 4005, 1934, 373, 10974, 7536, 1907, 29889, 341, 787, 5361, 322, 1009, 23056, 21628, 472, 14861, 4198, 892, 9436, 28859, 14862, 1048, 278, 23746, 3154, 29963, 4846, 304, 278, 402, 29924, 2228, 322, 2833, 304, 367, 9701, 297, 263, 21588, 29875, 10068, 2215, 901, 19813, 1135, 393, 16831, 287, 310, 278, 10021, 414, 29889, 13, 13555, 263, 4802, 3154, 29963, 5828, 12187, 310, 402, 29924, 15729, 896, 8459, 451, 925, 304, 1067, 1160, 1623, 373, 278, 274, 1336, 29899, 26746, 414, 448, 541, 884, 304, 4612, 1009, 16257, 491, 1067, 1160, 292, 1623, 373, 474, 29899, 13443, 29892, 278, 4473, 15109, 29889, 739, 884, 3430, 1950, 393, 4612, 29873, 9949, 756, 1063, 6296, 304, 11460, 304, 380, 361, 280, 12187, 10679, 310, 278, 10974, 1153, 333, 1584, 297, 278, 10261, 8237, 2879, 29915, 4723, 368, 376, 1576, 5254, 29604, 1642, 3750, 338, 278, 2924 ]
Match News 2021 Match Photos Roughyeds World Match Videos 2021 Match Videos Featured Matches Law Cup ORSA Information ORSA News Oldham RLFC © 2021 Oldham RLFC The Roughyeds General News Team News Match News Match Reports News Archive Club Cash Golden Gamble Sponsorship Club History Club Records Admission Prices Disabled Supporters Home Stadium Keep up with the news by subscribing: 2021 Match Photos 2020 Match Photos 2019 Match Photos Roughyeds World 2021 Match Videos 2020 Match Videos 2019 Match Videos Featured Matches Fixtures Results League Table Law Cup Squad 2021 Statistics 2021 Coaching Staff Easy Fundraising ORSA Information ORSA News Pick of the Pack Shaun Comes in as Disco Gets His Man OLDHAM RLFC is delighted to announce a sixth new signing for 2021 in vastly-experienced forward Shaun Pick, who has previously played for Featherstone Rovers, Toronto Wolfpack, Sheffield Eagles and Batley Bulldogs. Before he came to Oldham, our head coach Matt Diskin twice tried to sign 27-year-old Pick, who played in 30 of Sheffield's 31 games in 2018 and shared with Matty Fozard the distinction of playing more games than anybody else for Eagles that year. Shaun Pick In 2019, and still at Sheffield, he made another 17 appearances, including his club's four 1895 Cup victories which saw off Halifax, Doncaster, Batley and Widnes Vikings in the final at Wembley. "To play at Wembley and win the trophy as underdogs made for an amazing day," said Shaun, who was in the Eagles starting line-up at prop, alongside Greg Burns and Brad Knowles in a big, strong front-row. He has now signed a one-year deal for Roughyeds, having been convinced in separate talks with chairman Chris Hamilton and with coach Matt Diskin that the club is on the way up and is the right place for him to be. "I know the Oldham dream," said Shaun, "and I can't tell you how much I am looking forward to this new challenge. This year has been awful. You couldn't make it up. We're all itching to get going again." Born in Pontefract, he was a junior at Lock Lane before spending six years working his way through the Castleford Tigers development system, prior to joining Huddersfield Giants. Featherstone Rovers came next, then he was lured to Canada by Toronto Wolfpack's first coach Paul Rowley and director of rugby Brian Noble, the former Bradford, Wigan and Great Britain coach. They had watched him playing for Rovers in their 2014 Championship Grand Final defeat by Leigh. He helped Wolfpack to take League One by storm in their inaugural campaign before he signed for Sheffield and enjoyed two seasons in South Yorkshire with a total of 47 appearances, most of them at prop. "I've played a lot of my rugby at prop, but I've always preferred the second-row and Disco not only understands that but agrees with me that its my best position. "He's been interested in me for a while and he wanted to take me to Batley when he was there, but it didn't happen. "Funnily enough, I agreed to join him at Oldham while we were in the same coffee shop where we had talked two years ago when he had wanted to sign me for Batley. I did sign eventually for Batley for 2020 but Disco was at Oldham by then. "Anyway, it's all come together now and the big thing for me is that Disco sees me as a second-row which suits me down to the ground." Diskin said: "This is a great signing for us. Shaun is a big, athletic lad with lots of experience. He's talented with a good offload and he'll be a great addition to the squad. "He'll be committed week in and week out and he'll be pushing for any position
[ 14514, 10130, 13, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 14514, 1963, 15788, 13, 29934, 820, 29891, 5779, 2787, 13, 9652, 11812, 13, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 14514, 11812, 13, 19132, 29881, 14514, 267, 13, 29931, 1450, 6536, 13, 1955, 8132, 10343, 13, 1955, 8132, 10130, 13, 21648, 3391, 390, 29931, 8610, 29871, 30211, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 13, 21648, 3391, 390, 29931, 8610, 13, 1576, 390, 820, 29891, 5779, 13, 15263, 10130, 8583, 10130, 14514, 10130, 14514, 830, 4011, 10130, 9000, 13, 6821, 431, 315, 1161, 16108, 28011, 569, 1706, 787, 272, 3527, 13, 6821, 431, 5298, 5977, 7983, 13, 3253, 6737, 1588, 1575, 3295, 3606, 9179, 272, 2153, 8778, 17213, 13, 9598, 1022, 701, 411, 278, 9763, 491, 21696, 10549, 29901, 13, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 14514, 1963, 15788, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 14514, 1963, 15788, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 14514, 1963, 15788, 390, 820, 29891, 5779, 2787, 13, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 14514, 11812, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 14514, 11812, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 14514, 11812, 5169, 1535, 29881, 14514, 267, 13, 18800, 486, 1973, 17212, 5165, 6137, 7927, 6536, 13, 29903, 3425, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 27098, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 3189, 9733, 15351, 13, 29923, 8995, 13249, 336, 5921, 6323, 8132, 10343, 6323, 8132, 10130, 13, 29925, 860, 310, 278, 18744, 1383, 29874, 348, 422, 267, 297, 408, 3295, 1111, 402, 1691, 3600, 2315, 13, 5607, 29928, 29950, 5194, 390, 29931, 8610, 338, 15319, 287, 304, 7475, 346, 263, 25963, 716, 26188, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 297, 13426, 368, 29899, 735, 546, 819, 1133, 6375, 1383, 29874, 348, 23868, 29892, 1058, 756, 9251, 5318, 363, 5169, 1624, 12734, 1528, 874, 29892, 17612, 10441, 4058, 29892, 2296, 600, 969, 382, 351, 793, 322, 12579, 2330, 8313, 430, 12099, 29889, 13, 18743, 540, 2996, 304, 8198, 3391, 29892, 1749, 2343, 11182, 9811, 3295, 9089, 8951, 1898, 304, 1804, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 23868, 29892, 1058, 5318, 297, 29871, 29941, 29900, 310, 2296, 600, 969, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29941, 29896, 8090, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 322, 7258, 411, 5345, 1017, 383, 2112, 538, 278, 21578, 310, 8743, 901, 8090, 1135, 16357, 1683, 363, 382, 351, 793, 393, 1629, 29889, 13, 29903, 2350, 348, 23868, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 322, 1603, 472, 2296, 600, 969, 29892, 540, 1754, 1790, 29871, 29896, 29955, 21712, 29892, 3704, 670, 4402, 29915, 29879, 3023, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29929, 29945, 6536, 6879, 3842, 607, 4446, 1283, 8142, 361, 1165, 29892, 3872, 29883, 1901, 29892, 12579, 2330, 322, 399, 333, 4515, 18503, 886, 297, 278, 2186, 472, 399, 6967, 29891, 29889, 13, 29908, 1762, 1708, 472, 399, 6967, 29891, 322, 5401, 278, 3147, 11461, 408, 1090, 29881, 12099, 1754, 363, 385, 21863, 292, 2462, 1699, 13, 4977, 333, 1383, 29874, 348, 29892, 1058, 471, 297, 278, 382, 351, 793, 6257, 1196, 29899, 786, 472, 3107, 29892, 19963, 12051, 16640, 29879, 322, 15862, 19320, 793, 297, 263, 4802, 29892, 4549, 4565, 29899, 798, 29889, 13, 3868, 756, 1286, 8794, 263, 697, 29899, 6360, 5376, 363, 390, 820, 29891, 5779, 29892, 2534, 1063, 25617, 297, 5004, 5969, 2039, 411, 28942, 12821, 12372, 322, 411, 11182, 9811, 3295, 9089, 393, 278, 4402, 338, 373, 278, 982, 701, 322, 338, 278, 1492, 2058, 363, 1075, 304, 367, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1073, 278, 8198, 3391, 12561, 1699, 1497, 1383, 29874, 348, 29892, 376, 392, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 2649, 366, 920, 1568, 306, 626, 3063, 6375, 304, 445, 716, 18766, 29889, 910, 1629, 756, 1063, 28893, 29889, 887, 8496, 29915, 29873, 1207, 372, 701, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 599, 372, 305, 292, 304, 679, 2675, 1449, 1213, 13, 29933, 1398, 297, 349, 9568, 29888, 1461, 29892, 540, 471, 263, 20183, 472, 18199, 23841, 1434, 805, 2548, 4832, 2440, 1985, 670, 982, 1549, 278, 15194, 4006, 24834, 414, 5849, 1788, 29892, 7536, 304, 22960, 18917, 8623, 2671, 4406, 1934, 29889, 13, 8263, 1624, 12734, 1528, 874, 2996, 2446, 29892, 769, 540, 471, 301, 2955, 304, 7400, 491, 17612, 10441, 4058, 29915, 29879, 937, 11182, 3739, 11438, 2330, 322, 8881, 310, 20747, 15733, 1939, 569, 29892, 278, 4642, 15862, 4006, 29892, 399, 11163, 322, 7027, 14933, 11182, 29889, 13, 15597, 750, 20654, 1075, 8743, 363, 1528, 874, 297, 1009, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 8972, 6265, 9550, 20653, 491, 951, 1141, 29889, 13, 3868, 9213, 10441, 4058, 304, 2125, 5165, 3118, 491, 14280, 297, 1009, 15069, 3631, 11531, 1434, 540, 8794, 363, 2296, 600, 969, 322, 27849, 1023, 20084, 297, 4275, 3088, 11750, 411, 263, 3001, 310, 29871, 29946, 29955, 21712, 29892, 1556, 310, 963, 472, 3107, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 345, 5318, 263, 3287, 310, 590, 20747, 472, 3107, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 345, 2337, 16389, 278, 1473, 29899, 798, 322, 3295, 1111, 451, 871, 2274, 29879, 393, 541, 8571, 267, 411, 592, 393, 967, 590, 1900, 2602, 29889, 13, 29908, 3868, 29915, 29879, 1063, 8852, 297, 592, 363, 263, 1550, 322, 540, 5131, 304, 2125, 592, 304, 12579, 2330, 746, 540, 471, 727, 29892, 541, 372, 3282, 29915, 29873, 3799, 29889, 13, 29908, 29943, 5963, 2354, 3307, 29892, 306, 15502, 304, 5988, 1075, 472, 8198, 3391, 1550, 591, 892, 297, 278, 1021, 26935, 18296, 988, 591, 750, 24867, 1023, 2440, 8020, 746, 540, 750, 5131, 304, 1804, 592, 363, 12579, 2330, 29889, 306, 1258, 1804, 10201, 363, 12579, 2330, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 541, 3295, 1111, 471, 472, 8198, 3391, 491, 769, 29889, 13, 29908, 10773, 1582, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 599, 2041, 4208, 1286, 322, 278, 4802, 2655, 363, 592, 338, 393, 3295, 1111, 18553, 592, 408, 263, 1473, 29899, 798, 607, 480, 1169, 592, 1623, 304, 278, 5962, 1213, 13, 29928, 3873, 262, 1497, 29901, 13, 29908, 4013, 338, 263, 2107, 26188, 363, 502, 29889, 1383, 29874, 348, 338, 263, 4802, 29892, 28563, 293, 11979, 411, 14568, 310, 7271, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 5969, 14927, 411, 263, 1781, 1283, 1359, 322, 540, 29915, 645, 367, 263, 2107, 6124, 304, 278, 10023, 29889, 13, 29908, 3868, 29915, 645, 367, 19355, 4723, 297, 322, 4723, 714, 322, 540, 29915, 645, 367, 27556, 363, 738, 2602 ]
"What's New!" is a periodic update to keep you informed of the latest on the ECA Watch website. What's New! features a wide range of materials related to the reform of Export Credit Agencies (ECAs) including NGO publications and releases, news articles, commentaries and announcements about the policies and practices of ECAs and ECA-financed projects world-wide. If you would like to receive "What's New!" simply add your e-mail to the ECA-Action list at www.eca-watch.org today! Questions? Email info-at-eca-watch.org EXIM finances massive LNG project that will cause climate chaos UK Tory donor gets UKEF backing despite major fraud investigation Paltry Climate Finance Provided and Mobilised by ECAs in 2013-17 $1.5 trillion global trade finance gap affecting SDG targets 2017 Report to the U.S. Congress on Global Export Credit Competition Export-Import Bank eyes expanded role with LNG sector Will ECAs and Asian banks join the movement to decarbonise shipping OeKB readies debut SRI bond Iridium lands seven-year, $738.5 million Defense Department contract Austrade and Export Finance Australia help defence companies go global Afreximbank okays $500m for Nigerian manufacturers Abu Dhabi's ADFD launches ECA Iran's ECA Covers $1b Exports in 5 Months India, Russia identify new prospects for ECA led cooperation (FOE USA, Washington, 27 September 2019) The U.S. Export-Import Bank's (EXIM) Board of Directors voted late yesterday to provide $5 billion in financing for a liquid natural gas (LNG) project in Mozambique, making it the largest federal subsidy for a fossil fuel project in the bank's history. This final vote by the board follows a preliminary vote last month and a 35-day Congressional review period. The board's vote comes as U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) and Senator Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) led delegation letters opposing the project. Despite the opposition, EXIM charged forward with this massive fossil fuel project, which EXIM admits will directly emit at least 5.2 million tons of carbon dioxide per year. "EXIM's irresponsible approval of $5 billion for LNG development in Mozambique, despite Congressional opposition, demonstrates how the bank puts fossil fuel profits above the health of local communities and the planet," said Kate DeAngelis, Senior International Policy Analyst at Friends of the Earth. "Congress now has the power to end EXIM's support for fossil fuels if it chooses to reauthorize the agency." Although natural gas is often touted as a cleaner fuel than coal, when you take into account the leaks involved in extraction, transportation, processing and burning of LNG it is not better for the climate than coal. Yet, the head of the EXIM board, Kimberly Reed, voiced her strong support for the industry. A 2016 Oxford study found that for the world to have a 50 percent chance of staying within internationally agreed limits for global warming, no new fossil fuel plants could be built after 2017. https://foe.org/news/world-leaders-discuss-climate-action-u-s-government-finance... (The Independent, London, 27 September 2019) An oil company run by Ayman Asfari, the chief executive of Petrofac, a major Tory donor who met with Boris Johnson, has had a billion pound deal underwritten by UK Export Finance (UKEF) despite it being investigated by the Serious Fraud Office. Despite the company being embroiled in scandal, it has secured a £733.5m loan guarantee from UKEF which is responsible for underwriting the loan which helped secure a £1.6bn contract to develop the Duqm refinery project in Oman. According to Electoral Commission figures, Mr Asfari and his wife have donated £860,450 in cash to the party since 2009. Petrofac's former global head of sales, David Lufkin, pleaded
[ 376, 5618, 29915, 29879, 1570, 3850, 338, 263, 29591, 2767, 304, 3013, 366, 23388, 310, 278, 9281, 373, 278, 382, 5454, 24274, 4700, 29889, 1724, 29915, 29879, 1570, 29991, 5680, 263, 9377, 3464, 310, 17279, 4475, 304, 278, 11736, 310, 1222, 637, 24596, 277, 319, 1885, 2478, 313, 11206, 2887, 29897, 3704, 405, 17080, 25964, 322, 27474, 29892, 9763, 7456, 29892, 3440, 4314, 322, 7475, 29883, 4110, 1048, 278, 24833, 322, 23274, 310, 17522, 2887, 322, 382, 5454, 29899, 4951, 8362, 9279, 3186, 29899, 8157, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 723, 763, 304, 7150, 376, 5618, 29915, 29879, 1570, 3850, 3763, 788, 596, 321, 29899, 2549, 304, 278, 382, 5454, 29899, 4276, 1051, 472, 7821, 29889, 13273, 29899, 12344, 29889, 990, 9826, 29991, 894, 29879, 29973, 13, 9823, 5235, 29899, 271, 29899, 13273, 29899, 12344, 29889, 990, 13, 5746, 7833, 1436, 2925, 20364, 365, 9312, 2060, 393, 674, 4556, 23622, 10329, 359, 13, 19960, 323, 706, 1016, 272, 4947, 501, 6059, 29943, 27436, 15020, 4655, 5227, 566, 22522, 13, 18210, 2202, 2233, 6490, 4231, 749, 9133, 2618, 322, 341, 12213, 3368, 491, 17522, 2887, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29899, 29896, 29955, 13, 29938, 29896, 29889, 29945, 534, 453, 291, 5534, 11302, 1436, 749, 17261, 6602, 292, 8073, 29954, 22525, 13, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 13969, 304, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 11559, 373, 12002, 1222, 637, 24596, 277, 24620, 654, 13, 26382, 29899, 17518, 10253, 5076, 17832, 6297, 411, 365, 9312, 17535, 13, 12984, 17522, 2887, 322, 20021, 24388, 5988, 278, 10298, 304, 1602, 279, 6718, 895, 528, 17347, 13, 29949, 29872, 26067, 1303, 583, 9512, 317, 3960, 21224, 13, 29902, 2429, 1974, 12625, 9881, 29899, 6360, 29892, 395, 29955, 29941, 29947, 29889, 29945, 7284, 5282, 1947, 10317, 8078, 13, 29909, 504, 15464, 322, 1222, 637, 4231, 749, 8314, 1371, 28399, 14582, 748, 5534, 13, 29909, 10745, 2657, 9157, 3431, 1036, 395, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29885, 363, 20537, 713, 12012, 332, 414, 13, 29909, 2423, 360, 7308, 29875, 29915, 29879, 319, 4037, 29928, 6826, 267, 382, 5454, 13, 29902, 661, 29915, 29879, 382, 5454, 3189, 874, 395, 29896, 29890, 1222, 4011, 297, 29871, 29945, 23471, 29879, 13, 2568, 423, 29892, 12710, 12439, 716, 27289, 29879, 363, 382, 5454, 5331, 1302, 16453, 13, 29898, 5800, 29923, 8278, 29892, 7660, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29955, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 29915, 29879, 313, 5746, 7833, 29897, 12590, 310, 8797, 943, 24854, 5683, 22600, 304, 3867, 395, 29945, 24464, 297, 11782, 3277, 363, 263, 23904, 5613, 10489, 313, 29931, 9312, 29897, 2060, 297, 18129, 1117, 1387, 29892, 3907, 372, 278, 10150, 17097, 11684, 333, 29891, 363, 263, 21983, 309, 26413, 2060, 297, 278, 9124, 29915, 29879, 4955, 29889, 910, 2186, 11719, 491, 278, 7613, 4477, 263, 758, 2576, 3821, 11719, 1833, 4098, 322, 263, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29899, 3250, 6005, 29878, 15750, 9076, 3785, 29889, 450, 7613, 29915, 29879, 11719, 5304, 408, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 16314, 1230, 390, 1161, 1458, 323, 433, 747, 313, 29928, 29899, 14916, 1846, 322, 27623, 12208, 4702, 29895, 2330, 313, 29928, 29899, 29949, 276, 1846, 5331, 16000, 362, 8721, 9209, 292, 278, 2060, 29889, 19454, 278, 19626, 29892, 8528, 7833, 20139, 6375, 411, 445, 20364, 21983, 309, 26413, 2060, 29892, 607, 8528, 7833, 7336, 1169, 674, 4153, 20076, 472, 3203, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29906, 7284, 23864, 310, 22004, 20562, 29916, 680, 639, 1629, 29889, 376, 5746, 7833, 29915, 29879, 3805, 26679, 1821, 2134, 791, 310, 395, 29945, 24464, 363, 365, 9312, 5849, 297, 18129, 1117, 1387, 29892, 15020, 6005, 29878, 15750, 19626, 29892, 9004, 1078, 920, 278, 9124, 15223, 21983, 309, 26413, 2600, 1169, 2038, 278, 9045, 310, 1887, 23507, 322, 278, 15754, 1699, 1497, 23738, 897, 9928, 295, 275, 29892, 24260, 4623, 25219, 11597, 858, 472, 11169, 1975, 310, 278, 11563, 29889, 376, 29907, 549, 1253, 1286, 756, 278, 3081, 304, 1095, 8528, 7833, 29915, 29879, 2304, 363, 21983, 309, 4084, 1379, 565, 372, 3060, 15806, 304, 337, 8921, 675, 278, 946, 3819, 1213, 8512, 5613, 10489, 338, 4049, 5646, 287, 408, 263, 27372, 26413, 1135, 17148, 29892, 746, 366, 2125, 964, 3633, 278, 454, 10327, 9701, 297, 4805, 428, 29892, 8608, 362, 29892, 9068, 322, 25535, 310, 365, 9312, 372, 338, 451, 2253, 363, 278, 23622, 1135, 17148, 29889, 15175, 29892, 278, 2343, 310, 278, 8528, 7833, 7613, 29892, 12931, 495, 368, 830, 287, 29892, 992, 7612, 902, 4549, 2304, 363, 278, 13661, 29889, 319, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 11045, 6559, 1476, 393, 363, 278, 3186, 304, 505, 263, 29871, 29945, 29900, 10151, 8825, 310, 7952, 292, 2629, 2836, 362, 635, 15502, 13071, 363, 5534, 1370, 4056, 29892, 694, 716, 21983, 309, 26413, 18577, 1033, 367, 4240, 1156, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1181, 29872, 29889, 990, 29914, 15753, 29914, 11526, 29899, 280, 24574, 29899, 2218, 13571, 29899, 695, 6490, 29899, 2467, 29899, 29884, 29899, 29879, 29899, 29887, 6170, 358, 29899, 4951, 749, 856, 13, 29898, 1576, 25266, 29892, 4517, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29955, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 530, 17182, 5001, 1065, 491, 319, 21909, 1094, 29888, 1306, 29892, 278, 9087, 22760, 310, 5879, 307, 17470, 29892, 263, 4655, 323, 706, 1016, 272, 1058, 1539, 411, 6780, 275, 11717, 29892, 756, 750, 263, 24464, 282, 618, 5376, 1090, 17625, 491, 10261, 1222, 637, 4231, 749, 313, 29965, 6059, 29943, 29897, 15020, 372, 1641, 7405, 630, 491, 278, 1816, 2738, 7347, 566, 11367, 29889, 19454, 278, 5001, 1641, 953, 6729, 2356, 297, 885, 24258, 29892, 372, 756, 26130, 263, 15151, 29955, 29941, 29941, 29889, 29945, 29885, 24806, 18818, 515, 501, 6059, 29943, 607, 338, 14040, 363, 1090, 16554, 278, 24806, 607, 9213, 11592, 263, 15151, 29896, 29889, 29953, 11197, 8078, 304, 2693, 278, 5334, 29939, 29885, 2143, 262, 708, 2060, 297, 438, 1171, 29889, 7579, 304, 10513, 11251, 11444, 13994, 29892, 3237, 1094, 29888, 1306, 322, 670, 6532, 505, 1016, 630, 15151, 29947, 29953, 29900, 29892, 29946, 29945, 29900, 297, 274, 1161, 304, 278, 6263, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29889, 5879, 307, 17470, 29915, 29879, 4642, 5534, 2343, 310, 16538, 29892, 4699, 365, 1137, 9089, 29892, 5644, 11932 ]
guilty to 11 counts of bribery earlier this year after offering cash payments to middlemen to secure lucrative refinery contracts worth £4.2bn in Iraq and Saudi Arabia. In 2017 the UK Serious Fraud Office launched an investigation into Petrofac relating to suspected bribery, corruption and money laundering. UKEF is not the only ECA supporting this project. The Dutch company Boskalis Westminster Dredging BV received an export credit insurance from Atradius DSB on 15 January 2018 for the "Design, procurement and construction of marine infrastructure and dredging works. Duqm Liquid Bulk Berths project. Port of Duqm, Al Wusta region. The project entails a new liquid bulk terminal to handle the import and export of crude and other hydrocarbons." https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/ayman-asfari-boris-johnson-tory-d... (OECD, Paris, 13 September 2019) This OECD report estimates annual volumes of climate finance provided and mobilised by developed countries for developing countries in 2013-17. These estimates include bilateral and multilateral public finance, official-supported export credits and mobilised private finance. It is consistent with the outcome of the UNFCCC COP24 on modalities for the accounting of financial resources provided and mobilised through public interventions. Of US$244 billion over 4 years, only 2.8% was provided by ECAs. By contrast, ECAs are one of the largest sources of public financing for fossil fuel projects worldwide, providing billions more for dirty energy than for renewable energy. In so doing, ECAs undercut international efforts to curb greenhouse gas emissions including those mentioned above. In 2009 developed countries committed to jointly mobilise USD 100 billion a year in climate finance by 2020 for climate action in developing countries. Insufficient progress in climate change mitigation is driving the climate system into unchartered territory with severe projected consequences. https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/environment/climate-finance-provided-and-mobilised... (Down to Earth, New Delhi, 4 September 2019) A stubbornly high $1.5 trillion global trade finance gap is hampering efforts to achieve the United Nations-mandated sustainable development goals (SDG), especially those pertaining to women's economic empowerment, job creation and inclusive growth, according to a report by the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The sixth-edition of the Trade Finance Gap, Growth, and Job Survey released on September 3, 2019, is based on responses from 112 banks from 47 countries, 53 export credit agencies from 17 countries and 336 firms from 68 countries. The large market gap for trade finance has affected women entrepreneurs more than men as they face the most rejection while applying for trade finance to expand their operations. The report showed that applications of 38 per cent male-owned firms were rejected, while for women entrepreneurs it was 44 per cent. Once rejected, 60 per cent women-owned firms were less likely to seek alternative finance. https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/economy/-1-5-trillion-global-trade-finance-g... (EXIM, Washington, June 2018) This recently "discovered" 77 page report represents the second consecutive year in which the Competitiveness Report focuses on the changes other export credit agencies (ECAs) are making to enhance their competitiveness and the impact that EXIM's absence from the LT market is having on the U.S. export community. To these points, the 2017 Competitiveness Report contains the following findings: Outside of the United States, ECAs are no longer viewed predominately as transaction-oriented, reactive lenders of last resort. Instead, foreign ECAs are increasingly being "weaponized"—specifically organized and equipped to be maximally flexible and proactive in order to incentivize a shift in sourcing or support trade policy, particularly in key industries. The
[ 27719, 304, 29871, 29896, 29896, 18139, 310, 289, 374, 495, 29891, 8859, 445, 1629, 1156, 27032, 274, 1161, 5146, 1860, 304, 7256, 1527, 304, 11592, 21626, 29878, 1230, 2143, 262, 708, 8078, 29879, 7088, 15151, 29946, 29889, 29906, 11197, 297, 21375, 29939, 322, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29889, 512, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 278, 10261, 1816, 2738, 7347, 566, 11367, 15241, 385, 22522, 964, 5879, 307, 17470, 1104, 1218, 304, 2858, 6021, 289, 374, 495, 29891, 29892, 1034, 18953, 322, 6909, 425, 870, 3241, 29889, 501, 6059, 29943, 338, 451, 278, 871, 382, 5454, 20382, 445, 2060, 29889, 450, 14872, 5001, 10211, 29895, 5711, 3122, 1195, 2475, 360, 1127, 3460, 350, 29963, 4520, 385, 5609, 16200, 1663, 18541, 515, 319, 29576, 2482, 360, 1744, 373, 29871, 29896, 29945, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 363, 278, 376, 4002, 647, 29892, 9580, 545, 358, 322, 7632, 310, 23585, 22035, 12425, 322, 270, 1127, 3460, 1736, 29889, 5334, 29939, 29885, 2718, 339, 333, 8313, 29895, 2292, 386, 29879, 2060, 29889, 3371, 310, 5334, 29939, 29885, 29892, 838, 399, 29664, 5120, 29889, 450, 2060, 875, 2234, 263, 716, 23904, 21610, 8638, 304, 4386, 278, 1053, 322, 5609, 310, 7618, 311, 322, 916, 17546, 4287, 29890, 787, 1213, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 262, 18980, 29889, 1111, 29889, 2679, 29914, 15753, 29914, 2679, 29914, 20087, 1199, 29914, 388, 1171, 29899, 294, 29888, 1306, 29899, 4089, 275, 29899, 29926, 6547, 1100, 29899, 29873, 706, 29899, 29881, 856, 13, 29898, 29949, 29923, 6530, 29892, 3681, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29941, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 910, 438, 29923, 6530, 3461, 21875, 17568, 18167, 310, 23622, 1436, 749, 4944, 322, 27227, 3368, 491, 8906, 10916, 363, 14338, 10916, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29899, 29896, 29955, 29889, 4525, 21875, 3160, 13181, 1008, 284, 322, 1773, 309, 1008, 284, 970, 1436, 749, 29892, 6221, 29899, 23765, 5609, 6625, 1169, 322, 27227, 3368, 2024, 1436, 749, 29889, 739, 338, 13747, 411, 278, 21957, 310, 278, 8291, 29943, 4174, 29907, 315, 4590, 29906, 29946, 373, 13008, 1907, 363, 278, 3633, 292, 310, 18161, 7788, 4944, 322, 27227, 3368, 1549, 970, 1006, 794, 1080, 29889, 4587, 3148, 29938, 29906, 29946, 29946, 24464, 975, 29871, 29946, 2440, 29892, 871, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29947, 29995, 471, 4944, 491, 17522, 2887, 29889, 2648, 12814, 29892, 17522, 2887, 526, 697, 310, 278, 10150, 8974, 310, 970, 11782, 3277, 363, 21983, 309, 26413, 9279, 3186, 8157, 29892, 13138, 11118, 1080, 901, 363, 26616, 5864, 1135, 363, 23011, 519, 5864, 29889, 512, 577, 2599, 29892, 17522, 2887, 1090, 7582, 6121, 14231, 304, 3151, 29890, 7933, 8697, 10489, 953, 6847, 3704, 1906, 5276, 2038, 29889, 512, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 8906, 10916, 19355, 304, 14002, 368, 27227, 895, 3148, 29928, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 24464, 263, 1629, 297, 23622, 1436, 749, 491, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 363, 23622, 3158, 297, 14338, 10916, 29889, 512, 2146, 4543, 6728, 297, 23622, 1735, 1380, 335, 362, 338, 19500, 278, 23622, 1788, 964, 443, 3090, 25396, 20123, 411, 22261, 2060, 287, 27721, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 29877, 687, 29881, 29899, 309, 6357, 29889, 990, 29914, 20944, 29914, 695, 6490, 29899, 4951, 749, 29899, 16123, 2618, 29899, 392, 29899, 29885, 12213, 3368, 856, 13, 29898, 6767, 304, 11563, 29892, 1570, 5556, 2918, 29892, 29871, 29946, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 319, 19281, 4939, 368, 1880, 395, 29896, 29889, 29945, 534, 453, 291, 5534, 11302, 1436, 749, 17261, 338, 16366, 546, 292, 14231, 304, 6176, 278, 3303, 18269, 29899, 29885, 392, 630, 15075, 475, 519, 5849, 14433, 313, 7230, 29954, 511, 7148, 1906, 639, 2408, 292, 304, 5866, 29915, 29879, 17407, 3710, 1680, 358, 29892, 4982, 11265, 322, 20978, 573, 14321, 29892, 5034, 304, 263, 3461, 491, 278, 20021, 14650, 10253, 313, 3035, 29933, 467, 450, 25963, 29899, 287, 654, 310, 278, 27226, 4231, 749, 402, 481, 29892, 402, 798, 386, 29892, 322, 17163, 23218, 5492, 373, 3839, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 338, 2729, 373, 20890, 515, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29906, 24388, 515, 29871, 29946, 29955, 10916, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29941, 5609, 16200, 946, 15942, 515, 29871, 29896, 29955, 10916, 322, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29953, 13734, 1516, 515, 29871, 29953, 29947, 10916, 29889, 450, 2919, 9999, 17261, 363, 11302, 1436, 749, 756, 15201, 5866, 23440, 1600, 1295, 901, 1135, 1757, 408, 896, 3700, 278, 1556, 337, 6929, 1550, 15399, 363, 11302, 1436, 749, 304, 7985, 1009, 6931, 29889, 450, 3461, 10018, 393, 8324, 310, 29871, 29941, 29947, 639, 1644, 14263, 29899, 26689, 13734, 1516, 892, 22225, 29892, 1550, 363, 5866, 23440, 1600, 1295, 372, 471, 29871, 29946, 29946, 639, 1644, 29889, 9038, 22225, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29900, 639, 1644, 5866, 29899, 26689, 13734, 1516, 892, 3109, 5517, 304, 16508, 8671, 1436, 749, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 3204, 517, 799, 386, 29889, 990, 29889, 262, 29914, 15753, 29914, 29872, 4599, 29891, 24028, 29896, 29899, 29945, 29899, 509, 453, 291, 29899, 10945, 29899, 3018, 311, 29899, 4951, 749, 29899, 29887, 856, 13, 29898, 5746, 7833, 29892, 7660, 29892, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29897, 910, 10325, 376, 2218, 11911, 287, 29908, 29871, 29955, 29955, 1813, 3461, 11524, 278, 1473, 18942, 1629, 297, 607, 278, 24620, 277, 20193, 13969, 8569, 267, 373, 278, 3620, 916, 5609, 16200, 946, 15942, 313, 11206, 2887, 29897, 526, 3907, 304, 26371, 749, 1009, 5100, 277, 20193, 322, 278, 10879, 393, 8528, 7833, 29915, 29879, 18070, 515, 278, 365, 29911, 9999, 338, 2534, 373, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5609, 7881, 29889, 1763, 1438, 3291, 29892, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 24620, 277, 20193, 13969, 3743, 278, 1494, 1284, 886, 29901, 13, 3744, 2975, 310, 278, 3303, 3900, 29892, 17522, 2887, 526, 694, 5520, 24774, 758, 24130, 2486, 408, 10804, 29899, 12236, 287, 29892, 337, 4925, 301, 21043, 310, 1833, 25362, 29889, 8669, 29892, 9117, 17522, 2887, 526, 10231, 368, 1641, 376, 705, 481, 265, 1891, 29908, 30003, 14940, 635, 19098, 322, 1592, 16242, 304, 367, 5256, 635, 25706, 322, 410, 4925, 297, 1797, 304, 297, 1760, 440, 675, 263, 9500, 297, 269, 473, 3277, 470, 2304, 11302, 8898, 29892, 10734, 297, 1820, 6397, 2722, 29889, 13, 1576 ]
continued competitive pressure applied by the scale and flexibility of the Asian ECAs, particularly those from China, feeds the "sea change" in Europe among governments seeking to reinvent export credit support as their economies become more dependent on exports for growth ECAs are using new programs and flexibilities to compete. Prevalent tools include (a) "pump-priming" programs under which an ECA identifies a foreign company that could import more from the ECA's country and offers these companies what is essentially a line of credit The change in stance among ECAs is taking place in a marketplace populated by ever-wider participation from other suppliers of commercial financing As reported by stakeholders, EXIM's absence has disproportionately hurt smaller U.S. sub-suppliers along the supply chains of large exporters. https://www.exim.gov/sites/default/files/reports/competitiveness_reports/2018/EX... (S&P Global, Washington, 30 August 2019) The US Export-Import Bank could become a new source of support for US LNG export projects working to secure long-term contracts and financing, according to industry officials involved in recent discussions with the bank leadership. Ex-Im Bank Chairman Kimberly Reed met by teleconference with US LNG trade group officials August 21 to discuss ways the bank could help boost the volume of domestic LNG exports. Whether the bank can successfully expand its role hinges in part on getting attention from Congress to keep the bank fully operating past the end of September when its authorization runs out. https://www.spglobal.com/platts/en/market-insights/latest-news/natural-gas/08301... (Eco-Business, Singapore, 25 September 2019) Three months ago, 11 international banks including Citi, Société Générale and ING signed a framework to promote responsible ship finance called the Poseidon Principles whose framework will tie shipping finance to climate targets that are in line with the International Maritime Organisation's (IMO) goal to halve shipping's greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. Two state-owned Chinese banks, the Bank of China and Export-Import Bank of China (China Exim), are the biggest lenders to shipping, according to Petrofin Research, which monitors the industry. Other major Asian players include the Export-Import Bank of Korea, China Development Bank and even Singapore's DBS Bank. https://www.eco-business.com/news/will-asias-banks-join-the-movement-to-decarbon... (Global Capital, London, 5 September 2019) OeKB, Austria's export credit agency, will go on roadshow next week to present its recently established sustainability bond framework to European investors. BNP Paribas, Danske Bank, HSBC and UniCredit won the mandate and will arrange a series of fixed income investor meetings across Europe, commencing on Friday, September 13. An inaugural bond in the format is expected to follow. A debut euro benchmark sustainability bond in an intermediate maturity may follow subject to market conditions, which will be OeKB's first ever socially responsible investment (SRI) bond. Under its sustainability bond framework, OeKB can issue green, social and sustainability bonds. OekB has a long-term annual funding requirement of €5bn, comprising two to three benchmark issues, private placements, medium term notes, and issuance in other strategic markets such as sterling and Australian dollars. It has a focus on maturities of up to 10 years. Sustainability Bonds are bonds where the proceeds will be exclusively applied to finance or re-finance a combination of both Green and Social Projects as defined by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA) guidelines. https://www.globalcapital.com/article/b1h0y596w17r6t/oekb-readies-debut-sri-bond (Space News, 16 September 2019) The U.S. government signed a seven-year $738.5 M agreement with Iridium Communications for unlimited use of the McLean, Virginia-based firm's mobile communications constellation to ensures continuity for voice, data, broadcast and other
[ 7572, 5100, 3321, 12959, 7436, 491, 278, 6287, 322, 8525, 4127, 310, 278, 20021, 17522, 2887, 29892, 10734, 1906, 515, 7551, 29892, 1238, 5779, 278, 376, 344, 29874, 1735, 29908, 297, 4092, 4249, 4095, 1860, 25738, 304, 15561, 794, 5609, 16200, 2304, 408, 1009, 7766, 583, 4953, 901, 14278, 373, 29586, 363, 14321, 13, 11206, 2887, 526, 773, 716, 11104, 322, 8525, 747, 9770, 304, 752, 2650, 29889, 4721, 791, 296, 8492, 3160, 313, 29874, 29897, 376, 29886, 3427, 29899, 9469, 292, 29908, 11104, 1090, 607, 385, 382, 5454, 2893, 11057, 263, 9117, 5001, 393, 1033, 1053, 901, 515, 278, 382, 5454, 29915, 29879, 4234, 322, 16688, 1438, 14582, 825, 338, 13674, 263, 1196, 310, 16200, 13, 1576, 1735, 297, 380, 749, 4249, 17522, 2887, 338, 5622, 2058, 297, 263, 9999, 6689, 24146, 491, 3926, 29899, 29893, 1241, 27577, 515, 916, 1462, 27801, 310, 12128, 11782, 3277, 13, 2887, 8967, 491, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 29892, 8528, 7833, 29915, 29879, 18070, 756, 766, 771, 637, 291, 2486, 21682, 7968, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1014, 29899, 19303, 27801, 3412, 278, 11421, 521, 2708, 310, 2919, 1518, 272, 2153, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 735, 326, 29889, 13513, 29914, 16315, 29914, 4381, 29914, 5325, 29914, 276, 4011, 29914, 2388, 300, 277, 20193, 29918, 276, 4011, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29914, 5746, 856, 13, 29898, 29903, 29987, 29925, 12002, 29892, 7660, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29900, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 3148, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 1033, 4953, 263, 716, 2752, 310, 2304, 363, 3148, 365, 9312, 5609, 9279, 1985, 304, 11592, 1472, 29899, 8489, 8078, 29879, 322, 11782, 3277, 29892, 5034, 304, 13661, 24921, 9701, 297, 7786, 5353, 1080, 411, 278, 9124, 26001, 29889, 1222, 29899, 1888, 10253, 24193, 1171, 12931, 495, 368, 830, 287, 1539, 491, 4382, 535, 1659, 411, 3148, 365, 9312, 11302, 2318, 24921, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29896, 304, 5353, 5837, 278, 9124, 1033, 1371, 14505, 278, 7977, 310, 21849, 365, 9312, 29586, 29889, 26460, 278, 9124, 508, 8472, 7985, 967, 6297, 298, 292, 267, 297, 760, 373, 2805, 8570, 515, 11559, 304, 3013, 278, 9124, 8072, 13598, 4940, 278, 1095, 310, 3839, 746, 967, 28733, 6057, 714, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 1028, 10945, 29889, 510, 29914, 572, 1131, 29879, 29914, 264, 29914, 28549, 29899, 1144, 5861, 29914, 12333, 29899, 15753, 29914, 25047, 29899, 25496, 29914, 29900, 29947, 29941, 29900, 29896, 856, 13, 29898, 29923, 1111, 29899, 16890, 3335, 29892, 25960, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29945, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 12753, 7378, 8020, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 6121, 24388, 3704, 315, 4812, 29892, 21903, 26236, 6947, 280, 322, 2672, 29954, 8794, 263, 6890, 304, 27391, 14040, 7751, 1436, 749, 2000, 278, 349, 852, 333, 265, 14771, 2701, 5069, 6890, 674, 22134, 528, 17347, 1436, 749, 304, 23622, 22525, 393, 526, 297, 1196, 411, 278, 4623, 1085, 21998, 25783, 29915, 29879, 313, 29902, 6720, 29897, 7306, 304, 8870, 345, 528, 17347, 29915, 29879, 7933, 8697, 10489, 953, 6847, 491, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29945, 29900, 29889, 7803, 2106, 29899, 26689, 10013, 24388, 29892, 278, 10253, 310, 7551, 322, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 310, 7551, 313, 1451, 1099, 1222, 326, 511, 526, 278, 24842, 301, 21043, 304, 528, 17347, 29892, 5034, 304, 5879, 307, 4951, 10550, 29892, 607, 1601, 17259, 278, 13661, 29889, 5901, 4655, 20021, 10769, 3160, 278, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 310, 19109, 29892, 7551, 14650, 10253, 322, 1584, 25960, 29915, 29879, 6535, 29903, 10253, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 687, 29877, 29899, 8262, 3335, 29889, 510, 29914, 15753, 29914, 14043, 29899, 294, 3173, 29899, 29890, 1331, 29899, 7122, 29899, 1552, 29899, 13529, 882, 29899, 517, 29899, 311, 4287, 6718, 856, 13, 29898, 12756, 25343, 29892, 4517, 29892, 29871, 29945, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 438, 29872, 26067, 29892, 17362, 29915, 29879, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 29892, 674, 748, 373, 6520, 4294, 2446, 4723, 304, 2198, 967, 10325, 7841, 15075, 475, 3097, 21224, 6890, 304, 7824, 13258, 943, 29889, 350, 25500, 1459, 747, 294, 29892, 9353, 446, 10253, 29892, 379, 1744, 29907, 322, 853, 29875, 15507, 277, 2113, 278, 9619, 403, 322, 674, 564, 3881, 263, 3652, 310, 4343, 17869, 13258, 272, 5870, 886, 4822, 4092, 29892, 844, 16750, 373, 28728, 29892, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 530, 15069, 3631, 21224, 297, 278, 3402, 338, 3806, 304, 1101, 29889, 319, 9512, 27889, 23513, 15075, 475, 3097, 21224, 297, 385, 19697, 286, 1337, 537, 1122, 1101, 4967, 304, 9999, 5855, 29892, 607, 674, 367, 438, 29872, 26067, 29915, 29879, 937, 3926, 5374, 635, 14040, 13258, 358, 313, 29903, 3960, 29897, 21224, 29889, 7634, 967, 15075, 475, 3097, 21224, 6890, 29892, 438, 29872, 26067, 508, 2228, 7933, 29892, 5264, 322, 15075, 475, 3097, 289, 13788, 29889, 438, 1416, 29933, 756, 263, 1472, 29899, 8489, 17568, 5220, 292, 11809, 310, 25540, 29945, 11197, 29892, 7199, 5921, 1023, 304, 2211, 23513, 5626, 29892, 2024, 2174, 29883, 4110, 29892, 18350, 1840, 11486, 29892, 322, 17759, 749, 297, 916, 16650, 293, 2791, 1691, 1316, 408, 16864, 1847, 322, 9870, 17208, 29889, 739, 756, 263, 8569, 373, 286, 1337, 1907, 310, 701, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 29889, 317, 504, 475, 3097, 350, 13788, 526, 289, 13788, 988, 278, 8469, 29879, 674, 367, 13489, 3598, 7436, 304, 1436, 749, 470, 337, 29899, 4951, 749, 263, 10296, 310, 1716, 7646, 322, 10307, 8010, 29879, 408, 3342, 491, 278, 4623, 25343, 28794, 7993, 313, 2965, 1529, 29897, 1410, 10652, 1475, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 10945, 5030, 2410, 29889, 510, 29914, 7914, 29914, 29890, 29896, 29882, 29900, 29891, 29945, 29929, 29953, 29893, 29896, 29955, 29878, 29953, 29873, 29914, 29877, 1416, 29890, 29899, 949, 583, 29899, 311, 4187, 29899, 29879, 374, 29899, 29890, 898, 13, 29898, 14936, 10130, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29953, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5874, 8794, 263, 9881, 29899, 6360, 395, 29955, 29941, 29947, 29889, 29945, 341, 17327, 411, 306, 2429, 1974, 22365, 800, 363, 443, 29044, 671, 310, 278, 4052, 3226, 273, 29892, 11653, 29899, 6707, 9226, 29915, 29879, 10426, 7212, 800, 1040, 514, 362, 304, 5662, 1973, 3133, 537, 363, 7314, 29892, 848, 29892, 12672, 322, 916 ]
services to Defense Department and associated users. Iridium borrowed $1.8 billion in 2010 from a syndicate of banks through a credit facility from BPIAE (formerly Coface), which it used to finance the purchase of 81 satellites from Franco-Italian manufacturer Thales Alenia Space. The company still owes $1.63 billion under the credit facility. Finalization of the EMSS contract would pave the way for Iridium to refinance the French export-credit loans it used to fund its $3 billion second-generation constellation, Iridium Next, that it finished deploying in January. https://spacenews.com/iridium-lands-seven-year-738-5-million-defense-department-... (Mirage News, 6 September 2019) Government support for Australia's defence industries is on the increase, as two government agencies extend collaboration. Under the Australian Government's Defence Export Strategy , Austrade and Export Finance Australia – formerly Efic – are expanding support for Australian defence businesses. With additional co-ordination and resources from the Australian Defence Export Office, the two agencies are working more closely to help Australian defence companies grow overseas. From 1 July 2019, Efic's trading name changed to Export Finance Australia. https://www.miragenews.com/insight-austrade-and-export-finance-australia-help-de... (Business AM, Lagos, 4 September 2019) The African Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) has approved a $500 million facility to enable Nigerian manufacturers take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA). Benedict Oramah, its president & chairman of board of directors of Afreximbank said the $500 million facility was aimed at providing financing to Nigerian manufacturers and companies engaged in intra-African trade under the AfCFTA, which implementation begins in 2020. AfCFTA seeks to create a continental trade bloc of 1.2 billion people, with a combined gross domestic product (GDP) of about $3 trillion. https://www.businessamlive.com/afcfta-afreximbank-okays-500m-for-nigerian-manufa... (The National, Abu Dhabi, 9 September 2019) Abu Dhabi has launched an export credit agency that will provide guarantees and finance to overseas buyers of UAE goods and services, as the emirate looks to diversify its economy and develop non-oil revenue lines. Abu Dhabi Fund for Development (ADFD), an autonomous national entity affiliated with the emirate's government, will own and operate Abu Dhabi Exports Office (Adex), which was established through consultation with the Export–Import Bank of Korea. The UAE, which accounts for about 4.5 per cent of the global oil production, is transforming its economy by strengthening its non-oil exports to generate new revenue. https://www.thenational.ae/business/economy/abu-dhabi-s-adfd-launches-export-cre... (Financial Tribune, Tehran, 1 September 2019) The Export Guarantee Fund of Iran covered non-oil exports worth $1 billion in the first five months of the current fiscal year (started in mid-March), head of EGFI said.The figure shows 60% growth in the export credit agency insurance cover compared to the similar period last year, according to EGFI website.EGFI expects to increase coverage to $2.5 billion by the end of this fiscal year [March 2020), Afrouz Bahrami told a seminar on promoting exports during sanctions. According to media reports, EGFI is able to cover export risk to the tune of $2.3 billion or 5% of the Iran's $40 billion non-oil export market. She ascribed the significant growth in the performance of EGFI to increase in the number of applications for covering risk emanated from US sanctions, diversification of guarantee services, customizing services to make them compatible with expert requirements and rising promotional activity
[ 5786, 304, 5282, 1947, 10317, 322, 6942, 4160, 29889, 306, 2429, 1974, 27942, 287, 395, 29896, 29889, 29947, 24464, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 515, 263, 22898, 9593, 310, 24388, 1549, 263, 16200, 24454, 515, 350, 2227, 16036, 313, 24784, 368, 315, 974, 815, 511, 607, 372, 1304, 304, 1436, 749, 278, 20590, 310, 29871, 29947, 29896, 3290, 514, 3246, 515, 20923, 29899, 10512, 713, 12012, 9945, 498, 2122, 838, 15748, 14121, 29889, 450, 5001, 1603, 8152, 267, 395, 29896, 29889, 29953, 29941, 24464, 1090, 278, 16200, 24454, 29889, 9550, 2133, 310, 278, 27295, 1799, 8078, 723, 282, 1351, 278, 982, 363, 306, 2429, 1974, 304, 2143, 262, 749, 278, 5176, 5609, 29899, 11944, 277, 658, 550, 372, 1304, 304, 5220, 967, 395, 29941, 24464, 1473, 29899, 4738, 362, 1040, 514, 362, 29892, 306, 2429, 1974, 8084, 29892, 393, 372, 7743, 7246, 292, 297, 5490, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1028, 562, 264, 809, 29879, 29889, 510, 29914, 381, 333, 1974, 29899, 5252, 29899, 344, 854, 29899, 6360, 29899, 29955, 29941, 29947, 29899, 29945, 29899, 19958, 291, 29899, 1753, 1947, 29899, 311, 8076, 29899, 856, 13, 29898, 29924, 3055, 479, 10130, 29892, 29871, 29953, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 10354, 2304, 363, 8314, 29915, 29879, 28399, 6397, 2722, 338, 373, 278, 7910, 29892, 408, 1023, 5874, 946, 15942, 10985, 24771, 29889, 7634, 278, 9870, 10354, 29915, 29879, 5282, 663, 1222, 637, 3767, 8963, 1919, 3330, 15464, 322, 1222, 637, 4231, 749, 8314, 785, 21510, 382, 9639, 785, 526, 7985, 292, 2304, 363, 9870, 28399, 5381, 267, 29889, 2973, 5684, 1302, 29899, 536, 3381, 322, 7788, 515, 278, 9870, 5282, 663, 1222, 637, 11367, 29892, 278, 1023, 946, 15942, 526, 1985, 901, 16467, 304, 1371, 9870, 28399, 14582, 6548, 975, 344, 294, 29889, 3645, 29871, 29896, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 382, 9639, 29915, 29879, 3534, 292, 1024, 3939, 304, 1222, 637, 4231, 749, 8314, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 2460, 12702, 809, 29879, 29889, 510, 29914, 1144, 523, 29899, 29874, 504, 15464, 29899, 392, 29899, 15843, 29899, 4951, 749, 29899, 29874, 12135, 423, 29899, 8477, 29899, 311, 856, 13, 29898, 16890, 3335, 13862, 29892, 16952, 359, 29892, 29871, 29946, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 11715, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 313, 29909, 10745, 2657, 9157, 29897, 756, 23454, 263, 395, 29945, 29900, 29900, 7284, 24454, 304, 9025, 20537, 713, 12012, 332, 414, 2125, 2989, 10631, 310, 278, 28602, 1907, 12520, 491, 278, 11715, 2866, 25270, 12362, 27226, 4059, 276, 882, 313, 29909, 29888, 9207, 6040, 467, 20265, 919, 1394, 314, 801, 29892, 967, 6673, 669, 28942, 310, 7613, 310, 1513, 943, 310, 10393, 276, 2657, 9157, 1497, 278, 395, 29945, 29900, 29900, 7284, 24454, 471, 12242, 287, 472, 13138, 11782, 3277, 304, 20537, 713, 12012, 332, 414, 322, 14582, 17785, 297, 938, 336, 29899, 29909, 1341, 2185, 11302, 1090, 278, 10393, 9207, 6040, 29892, 607, 5314, 16410, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 10393, 9207, 6040, 1074, 2039, 304, 1653, 263, 2145, 13703, 11302, 289, 2029, 310, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29906, 24464, 2305, 29892, 411, 263, 12420, 22683, 21849, 3234, 313, 29954, 11191, 29897, 310, 1048, 395, 29941, 534, 453, 291, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 8262, 3335, 314, 9258, 29889, 510, 29914, 2142, 29883, 615, 29874, 29899, 2142, 276, 2657, 9157, 29899, 554, 1036, 29899, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29885, 29899, 1454, 29899, 29876, 4087, 713, 29899, 1171, 1137, 29874, 856, 13, 29898, 1576, 3086, 29892, 1976, 29884, 360, 7308, 29875, 29892, 29871, 29929, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 1976, 29884, 360, 7308, 29875, 756, 15241, 385, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 393, 674, 3867, 10509, 267, 322, 1436, 749, 304, 975, 344, 294, 15649, 414, 310, 501, 16036, 22535, 322, 5786, 29892, 408, 278, 953, 381, 403, 3430, 304, 6894, 1598, 967, 26504, 322, 2693, 1661, 29899, 29877, 309, 337, 9947, 3454, 29889, 1976, 29884, 360, 7308, 29875, 13249, 363, 14650, 313, 3035, 26453, 511, 385, 28273, 681, 4797, 7855, 23736, 630, 411, 278, 953, 381, 403, 29915, 29879, 5874, 29892, 674, 1914, 322, 21994, 1976, 29884, 360, 7308, 29875, 1222, 4011, 11367, 313, 29909, 1390, 511, 607, 471, 7841, 1549, 8799, 362, 411, 278, 1222, 637, 29994, 17518, 10253, 310, 19109, 29889, 450, 501, 16036, 29892, 607, 15303, 363, 1048, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29945, 639, 1644, 310, 278, 5534, 17182, 5802, 29892, 338, 4327, 292, 967, 26504, 491, 9324, 8333, 967, 1661, 29899, 29877, 309, 29586, 304, 5706, 716, 337, 9947, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 6098, 1288, 29889, 3660, 29914, 8262, 3335, 29914, 29872, 4599, 29891, 29914, 370, 29884, 29899, 29881, 7308, 29875, 29899, 29879, 29899, 328, 11512, 29899, 15343, 267, 29899, 15843, 29899, 1037, 856, 13, 29898, 12881, 273, 1455, 16855, 1540, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 29871, 29896, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 1222, 637, 2088, 9519, 29872, 13249, 310, 14883, 10664, 1661, 29899, 29877, 309, 29586, 7088, 395, 29896, 24464, 297, 278, 937, 5320, 7378, 310, 278, 1857, 16436, 1052, 1629, 313, 2962, 287, 297, 7145, 29899, 29924, 1279, 511, 2343, 310, 382, 29954, 3738, 1497, 29889, 1576, 4377, 3697, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29995, 14321, 297, 278, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 1663, 18541, 4612, 9401, 304, 278, 2788, 3785, 1833, 1629, 29892, 5034, 304, 382, 29954, 3738, 4700, 29889, 11787, 3738, 23347, 304, 7910, 23746, 304, 395, 29906, 29889, 29945, 24464, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 445, 16436, 1052, 1629, 518, 29924, 1279, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 511, 6308, 283, 29920, 15174, 2572, 29875, 5429, 263, 3031, 18220, 373, 2504, 11427, 29586, 2645, 9753, 1953, 29889, 7579, 304, 5745, 13676, 29892, 382, 29954, 3738, 338, 2221, 304, 4612, 5609, 12045, 304, 278, 260, 1540, 310, 395, 29906, 29889, 29941, 24464, 470, 29871, 29945, 29995, 310, 278, 14883, 29915, 29879, 395, 29946, 29900, 24464, 1661, 29899, 29877, 309, 5609, 9999, 29889, 2296, 408, 23059, 278, 7282, 14321, 297, 278, 4180, 310, 382, 29954, 3738, 304, 7910, 297, 278, 1353, 310, 8324, 363, 21653, 12045, 953, 273, 630, 515, 3148, 9753, 1953, 29892, 6894, 2450, 310, 18818, 5786, 29892, 2888, 5281, 5786, 304, 1207, 963, 15878, 411, 17924, 11780, 322, 20493, 2504, 327, 1848, 6354 ]
of the fund. https://financialtribune.com/articles/business-and-markets/99686/irans-eca-cover... (Elets Technomedia, Noida Uttar Pradesh, 4 September 2019) With bilateral trade between India and Russia showing a robust growth, growing by 17% to $ 11 billion in 2018 alone, Russian Export Centre (REC) is focusing on providing a wide range of financial and non-financial support in order to realize the full potential of the bilateral trade between the two countries by improving export conditions and leveling existing trade barriers. Russian Agency for Export Credit and Investment Insurance (EXIAR JSC) and ROSEXIMBANK JSC, are the shareholders in REC. https://egov.eletsonline.com/2019/09/india-russia-identify-new-prospects-for-bil... Export Development Canada: Out from the shadows Civil society groups call for an accountability mechanism for the Equator Principles US Exim: A decade-long renewal or axe it entirely? US Export-Import Bank Hopes to Finance US$5 B Mozambique LNG project South Africa: European governments 'must pay back the arms deal money' Tiny Timor-Leste Needs Gas and China's All Too Eager to Help Russian Export Center to support Belarus' export to third countries Bauxite exports from Guinea to UAE begin with ECA support KfW IPEX-Bank arranges €2.6bn financing for Dream Cruises newbuilds China Everbright invites TDB to co-manage $1bn energy fund Etihad Credit Insurance inks MoU with South Africa's export credit agency Iran's Private Firms Want Stronger Export Credit Agency African Trade Insurance Agency (ATI) signs MoUs with Japanese banks and NEXI (Above Ground, Ottawa 29 August 2019) For decades, Export Development Canada (EDC) has been subject to minimal public scrutiny, with media and Parliament rarely asking questions about the social and environmental costs of the business it supports. But recently, with some of the agency's highest-profile clients facing charges of wrongdoing, that's started to change, prompting reporters and lawmakers to question EDC's screening practices. EDC is one of the largest export credit agencies in the world, providing roughly $100 billion in loans, insurance and other financial services to Canadian and foreign companies every year. It facilitates business in nearly every sector, including those widely recognized as high-risk for corruption, human rights abuse and environmental harm. Last year over 40 percent of EDC's support went to companies involved in oil and gas, mining, construction and infrastructure. EDC's track record of questionable business deals goes back decades. Without strong oversight of EDC's operations, the government runs the risk of facilitating harmful and illegal activities that are too often present in these industries. It also risks putting Canada in breach of its international obligations, such as its duty to avoid contributing to human rights abuse. https://aboveground.ngo/eye-on-edc/ (Bank Track, Nijmegen, 27 August 2019) 79 civil society organisations and partners have submitted a joint statement to the Equator Principles Association (EPA) and signatory banks expressing disappointment that the current review process of the Equator Principles does not go far enough to strengthen accountability and ensure access to remedy. With the EPA currently revising the fourth iteration of the Equator Principles, the "EP4" review should be a moment of ambition for advancing accountability in project finance. Other notable submissions to the Equator Principles review process have also been made by the Investor Alliance for Human Rights and First Peoples Worldwide. Since a number of ECAs subscribe to the Equator Principles too, and ECAs also use the underlying IFC Performance Standards as a benchmark, this joint statement is relevant to ECA practices as well. https://www.banktrack.org/article/civil_society_groups_call_for_an_accountabilit... (Global Trade Review, London,
[ 310, 278, 5220, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 4951, 273, 1455, 29873, 1091, 1540, 29889, 510, 29914, 18569, 29914, 8262, 3335, 29899, 392, 29899, 3502, 1691, 29914, 29929, 29929, 29953, 29947, 29953, 29914, 381, 550, 29899, 13273, 29899, 11911, 856, 13, 29898, 29923, 10376, 8364, 290, 1381, 29892, 1939, 1458, 501, 698, 279, 1588, 21754, 29892, 29871, 29946, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 2973, 13181, 1008, 284, 11302, 1546, 7513, 322, 12710, 6445, 263, 16424, 14321, 29892, 15678, 491, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29995, 304, 395, 29871, 29896, 29896, 24464, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 7432, 29892, 10637, 1222, 637, 11319, 313, 1525, 29907, 29897, 338, 12789, 4746, 373, 13138, 263, 9377, 3464, 310, 18161, 322, 1661, 29899, 4951, 273, 1455, 2304, 297, 1797, 304, 16289, 278, 2989, 7037, 310, 278, 13181, 1008, 284, 11302, 1546, 278, 1023, 10916, 491, 4857, 1747, 5609, 5855, 322, 3233, 292, 5923, 11302, 2594, 26536, 29889, 10637, 29353, 363, 1222, 637, 24596, 277, 322, 512, 10147, 358, 512, 7610, 749, 313, 5746, 29902, 1718, 435, 7187, 29897, 322, 16641, 1660, 29990, 7833, 29933, 2190, 29968, 435, 7187, 29892, 526, 278, 6232, 8948, 414, 297, 5195, 29907, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 27652, 29889, 29872, 1026, 1100, 1220, 29889, 510, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29914, 29900, 29929, 29914, 513, 423, 29899, 29878, 1558, 423, 29899, 1693, 1598, 29899, 1482, 29899, 771, 21494, 29879, 29899, 1454, 29899, 18152, 856, 13, 26382, 14650, 7400, 29901, 4451, 515, 278, 528, 23626, 13, 29907, 5341, 12459, 6471, 1246, 363, 385, 3633, 3097, 13336, 363, 278, 11243, 1061, 14771, 2701, 13, 3308, 1222, 326, 29901, 319, 316, 6332, 29899, 5426, 23011, 284, 470, 4853, 29872, 372, 9186, 29973, 13, 3308, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 20727, 267, 304, 4231, 749, 3148, 29938, 29945, 350, 18129, 1117, 1387, 365, 9312, 2060, 13, 29903, 2438, 10557, 29901, 7824, 4095, 1860, 525, 21969, 5146, 1250, 278, 10188, 5376, 6909, 29915, 13, 29911, 4901, 7870, 272, 29899, 29931, 4196, 2448, 5779, 19141, 322, 7551, 29915, 29879, 2178, 1763, 29877, 382, 1875, 304, 22305, 13, 23002, 713, 1222, 637, 7817, 304, 2304, 3741, 26465, 29915, 5609, 304, 4654, 10916, 13, 29933, 2993, 568, 29586, 515, 29252, 304, 501, 16036, 3380, 411, 382, 5454, 2304, 13, 29968, 29888, 29956, 306, 4162, 29990, 29899, 29933, 804, 3948, 6916, 25540, 29906, 29889, 29953, 11197, 11782, 3277, 363, 16814, 11263, 4637, 716, 4282, 29879, 13, 1451, 1099, 18274, 1182, 523, 2437, 3246, 323, 4051, 304, 1302, 29899, 1171, 482, 395, 29896, 11197, 5864, 5220, 13, 29923, 2034, 21312, 24596, 277, 512, 7610, 749, 297, 2039, 4546, 29965, 411, 4275, 10557, 29915, 29879, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 13, 29902, 661, 29915, 29879, 12230, 14152, 1516, 399, 424, 3767, 549, 261, 1222, 637, 24596, 277, 29353, 13, 29909, 1341, 2185, 27226, 512, 7610, 749, 29353, 313, 1299, 29902, 29897, 18906, 4546, 15922, 411, 10369, 24388, 322, 405, 5746, 29902, 13, 29898, 29909, 29205, 1632, 618, 29892, 13476, 10011, 29871, 29906, 29929, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 1152, 1602, 3076, 29892, 1222, 637, 14650, 7400, 313, 3352, 29907, 29897, 756, 1063, 4967, 304, 13114, 970, 14387, 329, 4901, 29892, 411, 5745, 322, 13212, 23703, 6721, 5155, 1048, 278, 5264, 322, 29380, 21544, 310, 278, 5381, 372, 11286, 29889, 1205, 10325, 29892, 411, 777, 310, 278, 946, 3819, 29915, 29879, 9939, 29899, 10185, 13154, 14870, 21090, 310, 2743, 1867, 292, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 4687, 304, 1735, 29892, 9508, 292, 1634, 272, 2153, 322, 4307, 29885, 21079, 304, 1139, 9408, 29907, 29915, 29879, 4315, 292, 23274, 29889, 9408, 29907, 338, 697, 310, 278, 10150, 5609, 16200, 946, 15942, 297, 278, 3186, 29892, 13138, 20928, 395, 29896, 29900, 29900, 24464, 297, 658, 550, 29892, 1663, 18541, 322, 916, 18161, 5786, 304, 11443, 322, 9117, 14582, 1432, 1629, 29889, 739, 16089, 277, 1078, 5381, 297, 8886, 1432, 17535, 29892, 3704, 1906, 17644, 14831, 408, 1880, 29899, 3780, 29895, 363, 1034, 18953, 29892, 5199, 10462, 633, 1509, 322, 29380, 10311, 29889, 9208, 1629, 975, 29871, 29946, 29900, 10151, 310, 9408, 29907, 29915, 29879, 2304, 3512, 304, 14582, 9701, 297, 17182, 322, 10489, 29892, 1375, 292, 29892, 7632, 322, 22035, 12425, 29889, 9408, 29907, 29915, 29879, 5702, 2407, 310, 1139, 519, 5381, 316, 1338, 5771, 1250, 1602, 3076, 29889, 13932, 4549, 288, 874, 523, 310, 9408, 29907, 29915, 29879, 6931, 29892, 278, 5874, 6057, 278, 12045, 310, 16089, 277, 1218, 10311, 1319, 322, 27302, 14188, 393, 526, 2086, 4049, 2198, 297, 1438, 6397, 2722, 29889, 739, 884, 5161, 2039, 10594, 7400, 297, 2078, 496, 310, 967, 6121, 10788, 800, 29892, 1316, 408, 967, 13360, 304, 4772, 17737, 17068, 304, 5199, 10462, 633, 1509, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 27215, 2057, 29889, 865, 29877, 29914, 1032, 29872, 29899, 265, 29899, 287, 29883, 29914, 13, 29898, 29933, 804, 17026, 29892, 405, 823, 29885, 3442, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29955, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 29871, 29955, 29929, 7631, 12459, 17459, 800, 322, 22056, 505, 18397, 263, 14002, 3229, 304, 278, 11243, 1061, 14771, 2701, 7993, 313, 29923, 7228, 29897, 322, 1804, 7606, 24388, 4653, 292, 23451, 358, 393, 278, 1857, 9076, 1889, 310, 278, 11243, 1061, 14771, 2701, 947, 451, 748, 2215, 3307, 304, 9324, 264, 3633, 3097, 322, 9801, 2130, 304, 1083, 7584, 29889, 2973, 278, 382, 7228, 5279, 23484, 292, 278, 11582, 12541, 310, 278, 11243, 1061, 14771, 2701, 29892, 278, 376, 15488, 29946, 29908, 9076, 881, 367, 263, 3256, 310, 3181, 654, 363, 3061, 19985, 3633, 3097, 297, 2060, 1436, 749, 29889, 5901, 18697, 11834, 6847, 304, 278, 11243, 1061, 14771, 2701, 9076, 1889, 505, 884, 1063, 1754, 491, 278, 512, 10147, 272, 29855, 363, 12968, 26863, 322, 3824, 3938, 459, 793, 2787, 8157, 29889, 4001, 263, 1353, 310, 17522, 2887, 1014, 13086, 304, 278, 11243, 1061, 14771, 2701, 2086, 29892, 322, 17522, 2887, 884, 671, 278, 14407, 306, 8610, 23768, 6679, 3163, 408, 263, 23513, 29892, 445, 14002, 3229, 338, 8018, 304, 382, 5454, 23274, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 9157, 11294, 29889, 990, 29914, 7914, 29914, 29883, 5341, 29918, 2839, 3305, 29918, 13155, 29918, 4804, 29918, 1454, 29918, 273, 29918, 10149, 4427, 277, 856, 13, 29898, 12756, 27226, 13957, 29892, 4517, 29892 ]
16 August 2019) Two US senators have proposed a bill to reauthorise the US Export-Import Bank (US Exim) for 10 years over the traditional four, as the bank's expiry date of September 30 inches closer. The plan, which is gaining widespread support and attention across the US and comes after legislation negotiated by House Financial Services chairwoman Maxine Waters flopped, also increases US Exim's exposure cap over seven years to US$175bn from US$135bn. After regaining its full lending powers in May to the delight of exporters across the US and the dismay of republicans in Congress who see EXIM as "corporate welfare" which only benefits large businesses looking to score overseas sales, the expiry date for US Exim is now creeping up as its charter must be renewed, or indeed axed, next month. "With 95% of our customers located overseas, competitive export financing is critical to maintaining a level playing field with our competitors. Boeing supports reauthorising the Export-Import Bank, which helps US manufacturers create jobs and compete in a global market," a spokesperson for Boeing tells GTR in response to the approaching expiry date. Boeing intends to offer financial services to some of its international clients if Congress doesn't give approval for further operations, the Wall Street Journal reported. https://www.gtreview.com/news/americas/us-exim-a-decade-long-renewal-or-axe-it-e... (AllAfrica, Maputo, 25 August 2019) The Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM US) has voted to notify the US Congress of its consideration of a five billion dollar loan to support the export of US goods and services for the development of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) project on the Afungi Peninsula, in Palma district, in the northern Mozambican province of Cabo Delgado. EXIM US estimates that the US$5 B loan "could support an estimated 16,400 American jobs over the five-year construction period. Through follow-on sales, thousands of additional jobs may be generated across the United States" and "through fees and interest earned, the transaction also could create more than 600 million dollars in revenue for U.S. taxpayers". The borrower would be the Mozambique LNG1 Financing Company, whose owners include the Anadarko Petroleum Company, which heads the consortium developing Area One of the Rovuma Basin, including the construction of the gas liquefaction factories on the Afungi Peninsula. Anadarko was recently purchased by another US company, the Occidental Petroleum Corporation. A 2016 Friends of the Earth report (pdf) noted that: "With their farmland and fishing grounds being taken by multinational corporations, entire communities will lose their homes, land, and livelihoods. Locals will receive very few jobs, and an influx of workers from other countries and other parts of Mozambique will likely bring an increase in diseases, including sexually transmitted infections, and place a strain on already limited health-care and education resources. Friends of the Earth further notes that "By approving $5 billion in fossil fuel financing, EXIM is accelerating the climate crisis while causing local environmental damage and propelling human rights violations in Mozambique," https://allafrica.com/stories/201908260219.html (The Citizen, Johannesburg, 22 August 2019) The North Gauteng High Court in Pretoria has set aside the findings of the Seriti commission on Wednesday, delivering a scathing judgment that it had failed in fulfilling its mandate. The High Court judgment on the findings of the commission lamented that the arms deal inquiry had never been set up to investigate the truth, but only to clear the names of those implicated. Long-time critic Terry Crawford-Browne said yesterday that South Africa should cancel all still-outstanding arms deal contracts, return all purchased goods – including the fighter aircraft – and recover the stolen money from the arms deal. This includes cancellation of still-outstanding arms deal commitments, such as the 20-year Barclays Bank loan agreements for the BAE
[ 29871, 29896, 29953, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 7803, 3148, 6940, 4097, 505, 7972, 263, 11118, 304, 337, 8921, 895, 278, 3148, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 313, 3308, 1222, 326, 29897, 363, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 975, 278, 13807, 3023, 29892, 408, 278, 9124, 29915, 29879, 1518, 16129, 2635, 310, 3839, 29871, 29941, 29900, 22831, 17649, 29889, 450, 3814, 29892, 607, 338, 11581, 292, 281, 2247, 29886, 949, 2304, 322, 8570, 4822, 278, 3148, 322, 5304, 1156, 13332, 362, 27214, 630, 491, 5619, 4231, 273, 1455, 15538, 11774, 29893, 2480, 5918, 457, 399, 10412, 5685, 2986, 29892, 884, 16415, 3148, 1222, 326, 29915, 29879, 14060, 545, 2117, 975, 9881, 2440, 304, 3148, 29938, 29896, 29955, 29945, 11197, 515, 3148, 29938, 29896, 29941, 29945, 11197, 29889, 2860, 1072, 17225, 967, 2989, 301, 2548, 10801, 297, 2610, 304, 278, 15319, 310, 1518, 272, 2153, 4822, 278, 3148, 322, 278, 766, 13029, 310, 23925, 550, 297, 11559, 1058, 1074, 8528, 7833, 408, 376, 2616, 1971, 403, 281, 761, 598, 29908, 607, 871, 23633, 2919, 5381, 267, 3063, 304, 8158, 975, 344, 294, 16538, 29892, 278, 1518, 16129, 2635, 363, 3148, 1222, 326, 338, 1286, 907, 26819, 701, 408, 967, 1373, 357, 1818, 367, 23011, 287, 29892, 470, 6200, 4853, 287, 29892, 2446, 4098, 29889, 376, 3047, 29871, 29929, 29945, 29995, 310, 1749, 20330, 5982, 975, 344, 294, 29892, 5100, 3321, 5609, 11782, 3277, 338, 12187, 304, 7344, 292, 263, 3233, 8743, 1746, 411, 1749, 5100, 17259, 29889, 1952, 22430, 11286, 337, 8921, 5921, 278, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 29892, 607, 6911, 3148, 12012, 332, 414, 1653, 17643, 322, 752, 2650, 297, 263, 5534, 9999, 1699, 263, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 1952, 22430, 10603, 402, 5659, 297, 2933, 304, 278, 28702, 1518, 16129, 2635, 29889, 1952, 22430, 938, 1975, 304, 5957, 18161, 5786, 304, 777, 310, 967, 6121, 13154, 565, 11559, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2367, 2134, 791, 363, 4340, 6931, 29892, 278, 14406, 7103, 8237, 8967, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 29887, 2484, 1493, 29889, 510, 29914, 15753, 29914, 4183, 5070, 29914, 375, 29899, 735, 326, 29899, 29874, 29899, 311, 6332, 29899, 5426, 29899, 1267, 809, 284, 29899, 272, 29899, 1165, 29872, 29899, 277, 29899, 29872, 856, 13, 29898, 3596, 29909, 18961, 29892, 7315, 3066, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29945, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 12590, 310, 8797, 943, 310, 278, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 310, 278, 3303, 3900, 313, 5746, 7833, 3148, 29897, 756, 24854, 304, 26051, 278, 3148, 11559, 310, 967, 19220, 310, 263, 5320, 24464, 11232, 279, 24806, 304, 2304, 278, 5609, 310, 3148, 22535, 322, 5786, 363, 278, 5849, 310, 278, 619, 802, 29888, 1000, 5613, 10489, 313, 29931, 9312, 29897, 2060, 373, 278, 10393, 686, 29875, 7363, 1144, 2497, 29892, 297, 3793, 655, 6474, 29892, 297, 278, 14622, 18129, 1117, 2185, 12291, 310, 11680, 29877, 5556, 29887, 912, 29889, 8528, 7833, 3148, 21875, 393, 278, 3148, 29938, 29945, 350, 24806, 376, 26680, 2304, 385, 15899, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29946, 29900, 29900, 3082, 17643, 975, 278, 5320, 29899, 6360, 7632, 3785, 29889, 17044, 1101, 29899, 265, 16538, 29892, 17202, 310, 5684, 17643, 1122, 367, 5759, 4822, 278, 3303, 3900, 29908, 322, 376, 20678, 1238, 267, 322, 4066, 20591, 29892, 278, 10804, 884, 1033, 1653, 901, 1135, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29900, 7284, 17208, 297, 337, 9947, 363, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 8818, 10472, 414, 1642, 450, 9820, 307, 556, 723, 367, 278, 18129, 1117, 1387, 365, 9312, 29896, 4231, 19985, 6938, 29892, 5069, 1914, 414, 3160, 278, 530, 328, 935, 29877, 5879, 12154, 398, 6938, 29892, 607, 15883, 278, 1136, 441, 1974, 14338, 18320, 3118, 310, 278, 390, 586, 10859, 4886, 262, 29892, 3704, 278, 7632, 310, 278, 10489, 619, 802, 29888, 2467, 2114, 3842, 373, 278, 10393, 686, 29875, 7363, 1144, 2497, 29889, 530, 328, 935, 29877, 471, 10325, 20848, 491, 1790, 3148, 5001, 29892, 278, 16117, 1693, 284, 5879, 12154, 398, 15025, 29889, 319, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 11169, 1975, 310, 278, 11563, 3461, 313, 5140, 29897, 11682, 393, 29901, 376, 3047, 1009, 2215, 828, 392, 322, 9427, 292, 25502, 1641, 4586, 491, 1773, 262, 1288, 17266, 800, 29892, 4152, 23507, 674, 14074, 1009, 17774, 29892, 2982, 29892, 322, 7294, 22342, 29879, 29889, 5976, 1338, 674, 7150, 1407, 2846, 17643, 29892, 322, 385, 4414, 1314, 310, 17162, 515, 916, 10916, 322, 916, 5633, 310, 18129, 1117, 1387, 674, 5517, 6963, 385, 7910, 297, 10267, 2129, 29892, 3704, 7916, 1474, 18750, 4430, 297, 1725, 1953, 29892, 322, 2058, 263, 5312, 262, 373, 2307, 9078, 9045, 29899, 18020, 322, 9793, 7788, 29889, 11169, 1975, 310, 278, 11563, 4340, 11486, 393, 376, 2059, 2134, 1747, 395, 29945, 24464, 297, 21983, 309, 26413, 11782, 3277, 29892, 8528, 7833, 338, 15592, 1218, 278, 23622, 24161, 1550, 10805, 1887, 29380, 18658, 322, 3107, 7807, 5199, 10462, 5537, 800, 297, 18129, 1117, 1387, 1699, 13, 991, 597, 9864, 18961, 29889, 510, 29914, 303, 3842, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29900, 29947, 29906, 29953, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29929, 29889, 1420, 13, 29898, 1576, 21353, 19642, 29892, 15265, 3074, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29906, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 4644, 402, 1300, 996, 5057, 9245, 297, 349, 2267, 4108, 756, 731, 17786, 278, 1284, 886, 310, 278, 1816, 4812, 12969, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29892, 12021, 292, 263, 885, 493, 292, 24284, 393, 372, 750, 5229, 297, 6095, 5589, 292, 967, 9619, 403, 29889, 450, 5057, 9245, 24284, 373, 278, 1284, 886, 310, 278, 12969, 301, 1166, 287, 393, 278, 10188, 5376, 25501, 16129, 750, 2360, 1063, 731, 701, 304, 23033, 278, 8760, 29892, 541, 871, 304, 2821, 278, 2983, 310, 1906, 2411, 9169, 29889, 6242, 29899, 2230, 11164, 27571, 315, 1610, 4006, 29899, 29933, 798, 484, 1497, 22600, 393, 4275, 10557, 881, 12611, 599, 1603, 29899, 449, 11235, 10188, 5376, 8078, 29879, 29892, 736, 599, 20848, 22535, 785, 3704, 278, 285, 14643, 15780, 785, 322, 9792, 278, 380, 18975, 6909, 515, 278, 10188, 5376, 29889, 910, 7805, 508, 22603, 310, 1603, 29899, 449, 11235, 10188, 5376, 9063, 1860, 29892, 1316, 408, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29899, 6360, 2261, 695, 1036, 10253, 24806, 8571, 4110, 363, 278, 350, 16036 ]
Hawk and BAE/Saab Gripen fighter aircraft that are guaranteed by the British government's Export Credit Guarantee Department (now known as UK Finance)," he said. https://citizen.co.za/news/south-africa/crime/2169854/european-governments-must-... (Bloomberg, Suai, 28 August 2019) Colonized by Portugal, invaded by Indonesia, suckered by Australia, Timor-Leste doesn't need another abusive relationship. But the clock is now ticking for Timor-Leste to find international funding for a $12 billion energy project so work can start before its existing oil cash cow — a separate nearby gas field — becomes defunct as soon as 2021. Royal Dutch Shell Plc and ConocoPhillips have given up on the project after more than two decades, selling their stakes back to the government last year. Twenty years on from a referendum that brought independence from Indonesia after a brutal quarter-century conflict killed an estimated 100,000 people, Timor-Leste's birthing pains are evident everywhere. With almost half its 1.2 million people living in poverty, the aging war heroes still in charge are now betting big on a risky energy project that could draw one of the world's youngest nations into a wider geopolitical tussle between the West and China. Fitch Solutions estimates the project, which has been under negotiation for more than a decade, has enough reserves to yield $50 billion in revenue at today's prices—more than 15 times the country's gross domestic product. But there's one big problem: President Gusmao, 73, has insisted the project is built onshore to create much-needed jobs. For energy giants, that's unfeasible because it requires laying pipeline across a trough to depths of 3,300 meters. That's making the U.S. nervous China will use debt as a way in to bolster its regional footprint. Timor Gap, which is responsible for developing the on-shore part of Tasi Mane, says it's arranging $9 billion of the $12 billion needed to fund the Greater Sunrise project, and it's agnostic about where the money will come from. It's denied media reports that the funds would come from Export-Import Bank of China. See also Timor-Leste Should Beware China's Belt and Road. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2019-08-28/timor-leste-gas-development-i... (Belarus News, Minsk, 21 August 2019) The Russian Export Center intends to support Belarus-Russia integration projects on advancing to the markets of third countries. Plans are in place to sign a cooperation agreement with Eximgarant of Belarus, which will help lower costs of financing thanks to reducing the number of intermediaries, and will facilitate development of trade and export operations. One of the promising cooperation areas is promoting export to Egypt. The Russian Export Center has been authorized to implement the project to establish a Russian industrial zone in Egypt. It provides for setting up an industrial facility of 525 hectares in the East Port Said Industrial Zone located in the Suez Canal Special Economic Zone. The project will enable Russian exporters and suppliers to localize production in Egypt. The Russian Export Center is ready to support Belarusian enterprises which eye the African market. The Russian Export Center is a state institute established to support non-commodity export. Last year, the center provided around $19 billion to promote Russian export, and $1.33 billion to finance joint trade operations with Belarus. https://eng.belta.by/economics/view/russian-export-center-to-support-belarus-exp... (Emirates News Agency, Abu Dhabi, 5 August 2019) The UAE's Emirates Global Aluminium (EGA) today announced the first exports of bauxite ore from Guinea Alumina Corporation (GAC), its mining project in Guinea in West Africa, marking the completion of EGA's strategic expansion upstream in the aluminium value chain to create an integrated global aluminium
[ 10875, 29895, 322, 350, 16036, 29914, 17618, 370, 402, 374, 2238, 285, 14643, 15780, 393, 526, 22688, 491, 278, 4908, 5874, 29915, 29879, 1222, 637, 24596, 277, 2088, 9519, 29872, 10317, 313, 3707, 2998, 408, 10261, 4231, 749, 511, 29908, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 20752, 19642, 29889, 1111, 29889, 1362, 29914, 15753, 29914, 29879, 2438, 29899, 29874, 18961, 29914, 7283, 603, 29914, 29906, 29896, 29953, 29929, 29947, 29945, 29946, 29914, 29872, 3214, 273, 29899, 29887, 6170, 1860, 29899, 21969, 29899, 856, 13, 29898, 29933, 417, 290, 2552, 29892, 2166, 1794, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29947, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 1530, 265, 1891, 491, 12077, 29892, 2437, 11932, 491, 16704, 423, 29892, 480, 4937, 287, 491, 8314, 29892, 7870, 272, 29899, 29931, 4196, 1838, 29915, 29873, 817, 1790, 633, 375, 573, 9443, 29889, 1205, 278, 12006, 338, 1286, 16892, 292, 363, 7870, 272, 29899, 29931, 4196, 304, 1284, 6121, 5220, 292, 363, 263, 395, 29896, 29906, 24464, 5864, 2060, 577, 664, 508, 1369, 1434, 967, 5923, 17182, 274, 1161, 21282, 813, 263, 5004, 20810, 10489, 1746, 813, 7415, 822, 18049, 408, 4720, 408, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29889, 7021, 14872, 1383, 514, 1858, 29883, 322, 1281, 6235, 4819, 453, 4512, 505, 2183, 701, 373, 278, 2060, 1156, 901, 1135, 1023, 1602, 3076, 29892, 269, 7807, 1009, 380, 6926, 1250, 304, 278, 5874, 1833, 1629, 29889, 8168, 6478, 2440, 373, 515, 263, 2737, 29670, 393, 6296, 21820, 515, 16704, 423, 1156, 263, 26644, 284, 12616, 29899, 27371, 14529, 9445, 385, 15899, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 2305, 29892, 7870, 272, 29899, 29931, 4196, 29915, 29879, 29773, 1918, 282, 2708, 526, 13602, 16978, 29889, 2973, 4359, 4203, 967, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29906, 7284, 2305, 8471, 297, 25273, 1017, 29892, 278, 946, 292, 1370, 13444, 267, 1603, 297, 8323, 526, 1286, 1010, 1259, 4802, 373, 263, 5161, 3459, 5864, 2060, 393, 1033, 4216, 697, 310, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 4123, 342, 19079, 964, 263, 25734, 1737, 13242, 277, 936, 260, 1558, 280, 1546, 278, 3122, 322, 7551, 29889, 383, 2335, 4956, 17925, 21875, 278, 2060, 29892, 607, 756, 1063, 1090, 3480, 327, 11685, 363, 901, 1135, 263, 316, 6332, 29892, 756, 3307, 620, 20098, 304, 7709, 395, 29945, 29900, 24464, 297, 337, 9947, 472, 9826, 29915, 29879, 26094, 30003, 5514, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29945, 3064, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 22683, 21849, 3234, 29889, 1205, 727, 29915, 29879, 697, 4802, 1108, 29901, 7178, 402, 375, 655, 29877, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29941, 29892, 756, 1663, 12652, 278, 2060, 338, 4240, 373, 845, 487, 304, 1653, 1568, 29899, 484, 19226, 17643, 29889, 1152, 5864, 4005, 1934, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 443, 1725, 294, 1821, 1363, 372, 6858, 6568, 292, 16439, 4822, 263, 534, 820, 304, 10809, 29879, 310, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29941, 29900, 29900, 27881, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 3907, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 23547, 681, 7551, 674, 671, 2553, 29873, 408, 263, 982, 297, 304, 15772, 2475, 967, 14014, 3661, 2158, 29889, 7870, 272, 402, 481, 29892, 607, 338, 14040, 363, 14338, 278, 373, 29899, 845, 487, 760, 310, 323, 6840, 341, 1662, 29892, 4083, 372, 29915, 29879, 3948, 9776, 395, 29929, 24464, 310, 278, 395, 29896, 29906, 24464, 4312, 304, 5220, 278, 4122, 1008, 8991, 29878, 895, 2060, 29892, 322, 372, 29915, 29879, 946, 6582, 293, 1048, 988, 278, 6909, 674, 2041, 515, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 17935, 5745, 13676, 393, 278, 29199, 723, 2041, 515, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 310, 7551, 29889, 2823, 884, 7870, 272, 29899, 29931, 4196, 10575, 17446, 598, 7551, 29915, 29879, 350, 2152, 322, 9321, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 14073, 290, 2552, 29889, 510, 29914, 15753, 29914, 22100, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29899, 29900, 29947, 29899, 29906, 29947, 29914, 9346, 272, 29899, 29880, 4196, 29899, 25496, 29899, 25431, 29899, 29875, 856, 13, 29898, 21140, 26465, 10130, 29892, 3080, 808, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29896, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 10637, 1222, 637, 7817, 938, 1975, 304, 2304, 3741, 26465, 29899, 23002, 423, 13465, 9279, 373, 3061, 19985, 304, 278, 2791, 1691, 310, 4654, 10916, 29889, 1858, 550, 526, 297, 2058, 304, 1804, 263, 1302, 16453, 17327, 411, 1222, 2492, 279, 424, 310, 3741, 26465, 29892, 607, 674, 1371, 5224, 21544, 310, 11782, 3277, 3969, 304, 27668, 278, 1353, 310, 1006, 4210, 4314, 29892, 322, 674, 16089, 10388, 5849, 310, 11302, 322, 5609, 6931, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 2504, 5921, 1302, 16453, 10161, 338, 2504, 11427, 5609, 304, 12892, 29889, 450, 10637, 1222, 637, 7817, 756, 1063, 4148, 1891, 304, 2334, 278, 2060, 304, 10127, 263, 10637, 18408, 10640, 297, 12892, 29889, 739, 8128, 363, 4444, 701, 385, 18408, 24454, 310, 29871, 29945, 29906, 29945, 28834, 5114, 297, 278, 6932, 3371, 5701, 333, 12157, 9315, 24385, 5982, 297, 278, 317, 24448, 22642, 12630, 12884, 293, 24385, 29889, 450, 2060, 674, 9025, 10637, 1518, 272, 2153, 322, 1462, 27801, 304, 1887, 675, 5802, 297, 12892, 29889, 450, 10637, 1222, 637, 7817, 338, 7960, 304, 2304, 3741, 26465, 713, 3896, 558, 4637, 607, 10977, 278, 11715, 9999, 29889, 450, 10637, 1222, 637, 7817, 338, 263, 2106, 832, 12356, 7841, 304, 2304, 1661, 29899, 510, 1545, 537, 5609, 29889, 9208, 1629, 29892, 278, 4818, 4944, 2820, 395, 29896, 29929, 24464, 304, 27391, 10637, 5609, 29892, 322, 395, 29896, 29889, 29941, 29941, 24464, 304, 1436, 749, 14002, 11302, 6931, 411, 3741, 26465, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 996, 29889, 29890, 2554, 29889, 1609, 29914, 29872, 4599, 1199, 29914, 1493, 29914, 29878, 1558, 713, 29899, 15843, 29899, 5064, 29899, 517, 29899, 5924, 29899, 6596, 26465, 29899, 4548, 856, 13, 29898, 6026, 381, 1078, 10130, 29353, 29892, 1976, 29884, 360, 7308, 29875, 29892, 29871, 29945, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 501, 16036, 29915, 29879, 2812, 381, 1078, 12002, 838, 9735, 1974, 313, 11787, 29909, 29897, 9826, 9326, 278, 937, 29586, 310, 289, 2993, 568, 28074, 515, 29252, 838, 398, 1099, 15025, 313, 29954, 2477, 511, 967, 1375, 292, 2060, 297, 29252, 297, 3122, 10557, 29892, 2791, 292, 278, 13285, 310, 382, 12739, 29915, 29879, 16650, 293, 13184, 701, 5461, 297, 278, 394, 9735, 1974, 995, 9704, 304, 1653, 385, 23387, 5534, 394, 9735, 1974 ]
giant. The GAC project, and UAE's Abu Dhabi Al Taweelah alumina refinery, where production began April, create new revenue streams and secure raw materials that the UAE's aluminium industry needs. The GAC project cost some US$1.4 billion to develop with a $750 million loan taken from development finance institutions, export credit agencies, and international commercial banks. EGA invested some $3.3 billion to develop the Al Taweelah refinery, the first in the UAE and only the second in the Middle East. GAC's operations include a mine, railway infrastructure, and port facilities. It is expected to produce some 12 million tonnes of bauxite ore per year at full design capacity, equivalent to the weight of two Great Pyramids of Giza. Guinea is the world's largest exporter of bauxite. https://www.wam.ae/en/details/1395302778838 (Seatrade Cruise News, Colchester, 16 August 2019) KfW IPEX-Bank is leading a consortium to structure the financing for Genting Hong Kong's two newbuilds for Dream Cruises at the MV Werften shipyard. The multi-ECA financing package comprises around €2.6bn toward the total cost of €3.1bn for the first two Global-class ships. Their deliveries are now scheduled for early 2021 and early 2022, instead of late 2020. The financing will be backed by export credit guarantees from Germany, the Finnish export credit agency Finnvera and the state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, home to MV Werften. It also benefits from the commercial interest reference rate for ships in accordance with the OECD consensus. https://www.seatrade-cruise.com/news/news-headlines/kfw-ipex-bank-arranges-e2-6b... (The Mast, Livingstone, 28 August 2019) Zambia's Trade Development Bank has been invited by a Chinese investment group, China Everbright, as co-managers of a US$1 billion Green Fund which will focus on green energy projects in Africa. The TDB, an Eastern and Southern African developmental bank founded in Zambia 35 years ago, has also signed a $350 million 10-to-20-year export credit line with Japan Bank for International Corporation (JBIC). Admassu Tadesse, the bank's president and chief executive officer, said with this the TDA, would be glad to join in the development of the Batoka Gorge Hydro-Power Dam Project in Mukuni's chiefdom. Part of the credit line will be covered by Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), one of Japan's two official export credit agencies, with JBIC. https://www.themastonline.com/2019/08/28/china-everbright-invites-tdb-to-co-mana... (Thomson Reuters Middle East, Dubai, 28 June 2019) UAE – Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI) has signed a memorandum of understanding with South Africa's Export Credit Insurance Corporation (ECIC) to explore, strengthen, and enhance the bilateral trade and economic relations between the UAE and South Africa. https://www.zawya.com/mena/en/economy/story/Etihad_Credit_Insurance_inks_MoU_wit... (Financial Tribune, Tehran, 17 August 2019) In a letter to President Hassan Rouhani, private sector representatives have called on government to give more authority to the Export Guarantee Fund of Iran with regard to issuing export guarantees, according to the EGFI chief. The export credit agency says it can provide export guarantees to non-oil exporters to substitute banks' letters of credit at a time when the economy is saddled with mounting economic and banking restrictions imposed by the United States. https://financialtribune.com/articles/business-and-markets/99467/irans-private-f... On the side lines of the Tokyo International Conference of Africa
[ 28396, 29889, 450, 402, 2477, 2060, 29892, 322, 501, 16036, 29915, 29879, 1976, 29884, 360, 7308, 29875, 838, 10523, 705, 295, 801, 394, 398, 1099, 2143, 262, 708, 29892, 988, 5802, 4689, 3786, 29892, 1653, 716, 337, 9947, 20873, 322, 11592, 10650, 17279, 393, 278, 501, 16036, 29915, 29879, 394, 9735, 1974, 13661, 4225, 29889, 450, 402, 2477, 2060, 3438, 777, 3148, 29938, 29896, 29889, 29946, 24464, 304, 2693, 411, 263, 395, 29955, 29945, 29900, 7284, 24806, 4586, 515, 5849, 1436, 749, 21561, 29892, 5609, 16200, 946, 15942, 29892, 322, 6121, 12128, 24388, 29889, 382, 12739, 2437, 2868, 777, 395, 29941, 29889, 29941, 24464, 304, 2693, 278, 838, 10523, 705, 295, 801, 2143, 262, 708, 29892, 278, 937, 297, 278, 501, 16036, 322, 871, 278, 1473, 297, 278, 14253, 6932, 29889, 402, 2477, 29915, 29879, 6931, 3160, 263, 7903, 29892, 14113, 22035, 12425, 29892, 322, 2011, 23330, 29889, 739, 338, 3806, 304, 7738, 777, 29871, 29896, 29906, 7284, 260, 24729, 310, 289, 2993, 568, 28074, 639, 1629, 472, 2989, 2874, 13284, 29892, 7126, 304, 278, 7688, 310, 1023, 7027, 10772, 2572, 4841, 310, 402, 6619, 29889, 29252, 338, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 10150, 1518, 9555, 310, 289, 2993, 568, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 29893, 314, 29889, 3660, 29914, 264, 29914, 14144, 29914, 29896, 29941, 29929, 29945, 29941, 29900, 29906, 29955, 29955, 29947, 29947, 29941, 29947, 13, 29898, 2008, 271, 15464, 11263, 895, 10130, 29892, 1530, 10530, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29953, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 476, 29888, 29956, 306, 4162, 29990, 29899, 29933, 804, 338, 8236, 263, 1136, 441, 1974, 304, 3829, 278, 11782, 3277, 363, 20655, 292, 12798, 12026, 29915, 29879, 1023, 716, 4282, 29879, 363, 16814, 11263, 4637, 472, 278, 341, 29963, 8398, 15535, 7751, 19852, 29889, 450, 2473, 29899, 29923, 5454, 11782, 3277, 3577, 7199, 4637, 2820, 25540, 29906, 29889, 29953, 11197, 11183, 278, 3001, 3438, 310, 25540, 29941, 29889, 29896, 11197, 363, 278, 937, 1023, 12002, 29899, 1990, 13968, 29889, 11275, 12021, 583, 526, 1286, 21467, 363, 4688, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 322, 4688, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29892, 2012, 310, 5683, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29889, 450, 11782, 3277, 674, 367, 1250, 287, 491, 5609, 16200, 10509, 267, 515, 9556, 29892, 278, 21189, 728, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 21189, 28279, 322, 278, 2106, 310, 2191, 384, 2435, 3074, 29899, 16128, 824, 349, 12392, 4807, 29892, 3271, 304, 341, 29963, 8398, 15535, 29889, 739, 884, 23633, 515, 278, 12128, 4066, 3407, 6554, 363, 13968, 297, 15017, 749, 411, 278, 438, 29923, 6530, 1136, 8841, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 344, 271, 15464, 29899, 29883, 582, 895, 29889, 510, 29914, 15753, 29914, 15753, 29899, 2813, 9012, 29914, 29895, 25051, 29899, 15705, 29916, 29899, 9157, 29899, 2749, 6916, 29899, 29872, 29906, 29899, 29953, 29890, 856, 13, 29898, 1576, 341, 579, 29892, 26176, 12734, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29947, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 796, 1117, 423, 29915, 29879, 27226, 14650, 10253, 756, 1063, 23610, 491, 263, 10013, 13258, 358, 2318, 29892, 7551, 18274, 1182, 523, 29892, 408, 1302, 29899, 1171, 18150, 310, 263, 3148, 29938, 29896, 24464, 7646, 13249, 607, 674, 8569, 373, 7933, 5864, 9279, 297, 10557, 29889, 450, 323, 4051, 29892, 385, 16162, 322, 14234, 11715, 5849, 284, 9124, 11091, 297, 796, 1117, 423, 29871, 29941, 29945, 2440, 8020, 29892, 756, 884, 8794, 263, 395, 29941, 29945, 29900, 7284, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 517, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29899, 6360, 5609, 16200, 1196, 411, 5546, 10253, 363, 4623, 15025, 313, 29674, 2965, 467, 2087, 25379, 29884, 323, 3076, 344, 29892, 278, 9124, 29915, 29879, 6673, 322, 9087, 22760, 12139, 29892, 1497, 411, 445, 278, 323, 7698, 29892, 723, 367, 10932, 304, 5988, 297, 278, 5849, 310, 278, 12579, 17029, 402, 3890, 379, 11279, 29899, 21472, 9865, 8010, 297, 341, 2679, 3909, 29915, 29879, 9087, 3129, 29889, 3455, 310, 278, 16200, 1196, 674, 367, 10664, 491, 405, 8377, 265, 1222, 637, 322, 512, 10147, 358, 512, 7610, 749, 313, 29940, 5746, 29902, 511, 697, 310, 5546, 29915, 29879, 1023, 6221, 5609, 16200, 946, 15942, 29892, 411, 435, 29933, 2965, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 386, 331, 579, 14627, 29889, 510, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29914, 29900, 29947, 29914, 29906, 29947, 29914, 305, 1099, 29899, 1310, 1182, 523, 29899, 11569, 3246, 29899, 1594, 29890, 29899, 517, 29899, 1111, 29899, 25096, 856, 13, 29898, 1349, 290, 1100, 830, 329, 414, 14253, 6932, 29892, 11668, 1794, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29947, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 501, 16036, 785, 382, 2034, 21312, 24596, 277, 512, 7610, 749, 313, 29923, 8426, 29897, 756, 8794, 263, 26959, 392, 398, 310, 8004, 411, 4275, 10557, 29915, 29879, 1222, 637, 24596, 277, 512, 7610, 749, 15025, 313, 11206, 2965, 29897, 304, 26987, 29892, 9324, 264, 29892, 322, 26371, 749, 278, 13181, 1008, 284, 11302, 322, 17407, 5302, 1546, 278, 501, 16036, 322, 4275, 10557, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 1362, 29893, 3761, 29889, 510, 29914, 1527, 29874, 29914, 264, 29914, 29872, 4599, 29891, 29914, 24098, 29914, 29923, 2034, 21312, 29918, 15507, 277, 29918, 797, 7610, 749, 29918, 19363, 29918, 22638, 29965, 29918, 29893, 277, 856, 13, 29898, 12881, 273, 1455, 16855, 1540, 29892, 1920, 29882, 661, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 512, 263, 5497, 304, 7178, 27558, 273, 15915, 29882, 3270, 29892, 2024, 17535, 2755, 5056, 505, 2000, 373, 5874, 304, 2367, 901, 14329, 304, 278, 1222, 637, 2088, 9519, 29872, 13249, 310, 14883, 411, 4880, 304, 17759, 292, 5609, 10509, 267, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 382, 29954, 3738, 9087, 29889, 450, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 4083, 372, 508, 3867, 5609, 10509, 267, 304, 1661, 29899, 29877, 309, 1518, 272, 2153, 304, 23764, 24388, 29915, 8721, 310, 16200, 472, 263, 931, 746, 278, 26504, 338, 269, 1202, 839, 411, 5766, 292, 17407, 322, 9124, 292, 25091, 527, 4752, 491, 278, 3303, 3900, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 4951, 273, 1455, 29873, 1091, 1540, 29889, 510, 29914, 18569, 29914, 8262, 3335, 29899, 392, 29899, 3502, 1691, 29914, 29929, 29929, 29946, 29953, 29955, 29914, 381, 550, 29899, 9053, 29899, 29888, 856, 13, 2951, 278, 2625, 3454, 310, 278, 20377, 4623, 16377, 310, 10557 ]
's Development (TICAD7), ATI signed MoUs with Japan's three largest banks and Nippon Export and Investment Insurance (NEXI), Japan's export credit agency; ATI and NEXI announced at TICAD7 the launch of a Japan Desk to be based in ATI's Nairobi headquarters in order to provide tailored risk-mitigation support to Japanese companies and investors; ATI has a current pipeline of over US$1 Bn worth of transactions from Japanese banks. https://www.africanews.com/2019/08/30/african-trade-insurance-agency-ati-nippon-... £7.8bn of UK foreign aid and export credit spent on fossil fuel projects (Guardian, London, 23 July 2019) The British government has spent £680m of its foreign aid budget on fossil fuel projects since 2010, according to analysis that highlights the UK's failure to align diplomatic, trade and aid policies with the goals of the Paris climate agreement. Britain allocated more overseas development cash to oil and gas in the two years after signing the 2015 agreement than it had in the previous five, according to the study commissioned by the Catholic development agency Cafod and carried out by the Overseas Development Institute. From 2010-17 the UK provided £7.8bn in financial support to foreign energy projects through a mixture of overseas development assistance, export credit guarantees and other official funding flows. The report says 60% of this total went on fossil fuels. Most of this came in the form of export credit guarantees by UK Export Finance. An earlier analysis by DeSmog UK, an investigative environmental journalism outlet, found an elevenfold increase in UK Export Finance support for overseas fossil fuel projects last year, including oil and gas operations in Oman, Kuwait and Brazil. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2019/jul/23/680m-of-uk-foreign-aid-spent... Chinese ECA underwrites US$46 bln Chinese firms' businesses in Africa (Xinhua, Beijing 2 JJuuly 2019) China Export & Credit Insurance Corporation has underwritten 46.08 billion U.S. dollars worth of insured businesses made by Chinese enterprises in Africa from 2018 to the end May of this year, China Securities Journal reported. Of the total, the insurer offered 26.27 billion U.S. dollars of short-term exports credit insurance and 10.11 billion U.S. dollars of medium-and long-term export credit insurance for exporters, said the paper quoting the latest data from the corporation. The company's insurance for overseas investment totaled 9.7 billion U.S. dollars in the period. During the period, the insurer paid compensation worth of 260 million U.S. dollars for companies in multiple sectors, including railways, roads, power, medicare and education. UAE ECA and Italy partner with Chinese financial institutions to boost trade (Islamic Business and Finance, Dubai, 25 July 2019) UAE ECA Etihad Credit Insurance (ECI) has signed partnership agreements with China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation (SINOSURE), Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) and Bank of China to boost trade, investments and bilateral exports between the UAE and China. Under the agreement between ECI and SINOSURE, both countries agreed to collaborate in the areas of insurance and co-insurance, commercial information and credit opinion sharing as well as Shari'ah-compliant solutions, trade promotions and SME programmes. According to the Ministry of Economy, China is the UAE's main non-oil commodities trade partner accounting for 9.7 per cent of the non-oil bilateral trade in 2018, estimated at over $43 billion. China and Italy have also agreed to enhance financial market cooperation and promote two-way financial market access with support for a cooperation mechanism between their export credit agencies, leading enterprises and financial institutions to provide tailored financing-insurance solutions for cooperation.
[ 29915, 29879, 14650, 313, 29911, 2965, 3035, 29955, 511, 15531, 29902, 8794, 4546, 15922, 411, 5546, 29915, 29879, 2211, 10150, 24388, 322, 405, 8377, 265, 1222, 637, 322, 512, 10147, 358, 512, 7610, 749, 313, 29940, 5746, 29902, 511, 5546, 29915, 29879, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 29936, 15531, 29902, 322, 405, 5746, 29902, 9326, 472, 323, 2965, 3035, 29955, 278, 6826, 310, 263, 5546, 2726, 29895, 304, 367, 2729, 297, 15531, 29902, 29915, 29879, 405, 26025, 5365, 26463, 297, 1797, 304, 3867, 12464, 4395, 12045, 29899, 2415, 335, 362, 2304, 304, 10369, 14582, 322, 13258, 943, 29936, 15531, 29902, 756, 263, 1857, 16439, 310, 975, 3148, 29938, 29896, 350, 29876, 7088, 310, 22160, 515, 10369, 24388, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 29874, 1341, 2185, 809, 29879, 29889, 510, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29914, 29900, 29947, 29914, 29941, 29900, 29914, 29874, 1341, 2185, 29899, 3018, 311, 29899, 1144, 18541, 29899, 351, 3819, 29899, 2219, 29899, 1240, 407, 265, 29899, 856, 13, 30155, 29955, 29889, 29947, 11197, 310, 10261, 9117, 16226, 322, 5609, 16200, 10398, 373, 21983, 309, 26413, 9279, 13, 29898, 9485, 538, 713, 29892, 4517, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29941, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 4908, 5874, 756, 10398, 15151, 29953, 29947, 29900, 29885, 310, 967, 9117, 16226, 23562, 373, 21983, 309, 26413, 9279, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 5034, 304, 7418, 393, 12141, 29879, 278, 10261, 29915, 29879, 10672, 304, 7595, 13487, 2454, 29892, 11302, 322, 16226, 24833, 411, 278, 14433, 310, 278, 3681, 23622, 17327, 29889, 14933, 19591, 901, 975, 344, 294, 5849, 274, 1161, 304, 17182, 322, 10489, 297, 278, 1023, 2440, 1156, 26188, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 17327, 1135, 372, 750, 297, 278, 3517, 5320, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 6559, 12969, 287, 491, 278, 11865, 5849, 946, 3819, 315, 2142, 397, 322, 8988, 714, 491, 278, 438, 3901, 294, 14650, 8907, 29889, 3645, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29955, 278, 10261, 4944, 15151, 29955, 29889, 29947, 11197, 297, 18161, 2304, 304, 9117, 5864, 9279, 1549, 263, 29544, 310, 975, 344, 294, 5849, 18872, 29892, 5609, 16200, 10509, 267, 322, 916, 6221, 5220, 292, 24536, 29889, 450, 3461, 4083, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29995, 310, 445, 3001, 3512, 373, 21983, 309, 4084, 1379, 29889, 7849, 310, 445, 2996, 297, 278, 883, 310, 5609, 16200, 10509, 267, 491, 10261, 1222, 637, 4231, 749, 29889, 530, 8859, 7418, 491, 897, 12636, 468, 10261, 29892, 385, 7405, 1230, 29380, 8955, 1608, 714, 1026, 29892, 1476, 385, 28121, 8771, 7910, 297, 10261, 1222, 637, 4231, 749, 2304, 363, 975, 344, 294, 21983, 309, 26413, 9279, 1833, 1629, 29892, 3704, 17182, 322, 10489, 6931, 297, 438, 1171, 29892, 476, 7262, 1249, 322, 16078, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 1552, 17728, 713, 29889, 510, 29914, 20944, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29914, 29926, 352, 29914, 29906, 29941, 29914, 29953, 29947, 29900, 29885, 29899, 974, 29899, 2679, 29899, 1079, 647, 29899, 29874, 333, 29899, 1028, 296, 856, 13, 1451, 8233, 382, 5454, 1090, 8231, 267, 3148, 29938, 29946, 29953, 1999, 29876, 10013, 13734, 1516, 29915, 5381, 267, 297, 10557, 13, 29898, 29990, 262, 29882, 3357, 29892, 1522, 823, 292, 29871, 29906, 435, 29967, 29884, 11850, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 7551, 1222, 637, 669, 24596, 277, 512, 7610, 749, 15025, 756, 1090, 17625, 29871, 29946, 29953, 29889, 29900, 29947, 24464, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17208, 7088, 310, 1663, 2955, 5381, 267, 1754, 491, 10013, 3896, 558, 4637, 297, 10557, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 304, 278, 1095, 2610, 310, 445, 1629, 29892, 7551, 5356, 332, 1907, 8237, 8967, 29889, 4587, 278, 3001, 29892, 278, 1663, 9945, 12520, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29889, 29906, 29955, 24464, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17208, 310, 3273, 29899, 8489, 29586, 16200, 1663, 18541, 322, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29896, 24464, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17208, 310, 18350, 29899, 392, 1472, 29899, 8489, 5609, 16200, 1663, 18541, 363, 1518, 272, 2153, 29892, 1497, 278, 5650, 439, 11427, 278, 9281, 848, 515, 278, 17266, 362, 29889, 450, 5001, 29915, 29879, 1663, 18541, 363, 975, 344, 294, 13258, 358, 2025, 7943, 29871, 29929, 29889, 29955, 24464, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17208, 297, 278, 3785, 29889, 7133, 278, 3785, 29892, 278, 1663, 9945, 12530, 22874, 362, 7088, 310, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29900, 7284, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17208, 363, 14582, 297, 2999, 409, 14359, 29892, 3704, 8367, 1994, 29892, 25320, 29892, 3081, 29892, 13589, 598, 322, 9793, 29889, 13, 29965, 16036, 382, 5454, 322, 12730, 18096, 411, 10013, 18161, 21561, 304, 14505, 11302, 13, 29898, 29902, 2536, 314, 293, 15197, 322, 4231, 749, 29892, 11668, 1794, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29945, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 501, 16036, 382, 5454, 382, 2034, 21312, 24596, 277, 512, 7610, 749, 313, 29923, 8426, 29897, 756, 8794, 22056, 4034, 8571, 4110, 411, 7551, 1222, 637, 322, 24596, 277, 512, 7610, 749, 15025, 313, 29903, 1177, 3267, 11499, 511, 12157, 9315, 322, 422, 1050, 1455, 10253, 310, 7551, 313, 2965, 5371, 29897, 322, 10253, 310, 7551, 304, 14505, 11302, 29892, 13258, 1860, 322, 13181, 1008, 284, 29586, 1546, 278, 501, 16036, 322, 7551, 29889, 7634, 278, 17327, 1546, 382, 8426, 322, 317, 1177, 3267, 11499, 29892, 1716, 10916, 15502, 304, 11465, 403, 297, 278, 10161, 310, 1663, 18541, 322, 1302, 29899, 1144, 18541, 29892, 12128, 2472, 322, 16200, 9426, 19383, 408, 1532, 408, 1383, 1306, 29915, 801, 29899, 2388, 492, 424, 6851, 29892, 11302, 2504, 327, 1080, 322, 317, 2303, 1824, 4467, 29889, 7579, 304, 278, 20886, 310, 12884, 29891, 29892, 7551, 338, 278, 501, 16036, 29915, 29879, 1667, 1661, 29899, 29877, 309, 844, 397, 1907, 11302, 18096, 3633, 292, 363, 29871, 29929, 29889, 29955, 639, 1644, 310, 278, 1661, 29899, 29877, 309, 13181, 1008, 284, 11302, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 15899, 472, 975, 395, 29946, 29941, 24464, 29889, 7551, 322, 12730, 505, 884, 15502, 304, 26371, 749, 18161, 9999, 1302, 16453, 322, 27391, 1023, 29899, 1582, 18161, 9999, 2130, 411, 2304, 363, 263, 1302, 16453, 13336, 1546, 1009, 5609, 16200, 946, 15942, 29892, 8236, 3896, 558, 4637, 322, 18161, 21561, 304, 3867, 12464, 4395, 11782, 3277, 29899, 1144, 18541, 6851, 363, 1302, 16453, 29889 ]
https://www.islamicbusinessandfinance.net/en/home/articles/eci-partners-with-thr... 'Hidden debts' reveal risks of China's lending spree (Asia Times, Hong Kong, 23 July 2019) China's US$1 trillion Belt and Road Initiative, along with other foreign funding, has become a magical mystery tour, baffling the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Or, according to critics, a diplomatic car crash waiting to happen. "Compared with China's dominance in world trade, its expanding role in global finance is poorly documented and understood," a report released last week by the Kiel Institute for the World Economy, noting that "Over the past decades, China has exported record amounts of capital to the rest of the world". Many of these financial flows are not reported to the IMF, the BIS [the Bank for International Settlements] or the World Bank." China is now the world's largest creditor. A breakdown of the numbers showed that lending soared to around US$5 trillion by 2018 from roughly $500 billion in 2000, which dwarfs World Bank and IMF credit lines. China is not part of the OECD Export Credit Group, which provides data on long- and short-term trade credit flows. In the past 18 months, the venture has been mired in controversy after being branded a "debt trap" by the US and its key Western allies. The ruling Communist Party has announced plans to expand its anti-corruption campaign to BRI projects. The Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) had limited involvement in the program but that is starting to change and its Director General for international cooperation has stated "[We aim to] create a network of law enforcement of all these Belt and Road countries". Asia Times askes "Will this long and winding road finally have flashing warning signs of "debt" and "corruption?" Or will this continue to be a highway to economic hell? BRI nations might want to buckle up for a bumpy ride." https://www.asiatimes.com/2019/07/article/hidden-debts-reveal-risks-of-chinas-le... Behind Russia's growing influence in Africa (The Independent, Kampala, 8 July 2019) Russia hosted the Annual General Meeting for the African Export Import Bank (Afreximbank) on June 20-22, the second AGM to be held out of Africa since 2012 in China. The Russian Export Center (REC), purchased shares in Afreximbank in 2017 at an undisclosed amount, becoming the bank's third-largest non-African financial institution. As Russia's President, Vladimir Putin, hosts more than 50 African presidents for the first-ever Russia-Africa Summit in Sochi on Oct. 24, top on the agenda will be how to sustain the economic and political ties between the two trading blocs in the wake of declining oil prices and increasing isolation of the transcontinental nation. Whereas Russia's presence in Africa had weakened in the 1990s, the country had since then done a great deal of groundwork on joint projects in geology and mining, energy, industry, agriculture, fishing and telecommunications, with total investments now standing at US$20bn. Russia's economy has been on a standstill for a while, with statistics showing that from 2014 to 2018, its GDP grew at an average of 0.4% per annum, with real disposable incomes declining by 10.7% leaving 19 million of the 145 million Russian population in poverty during the same period. On the other hand, Africa's GDP has been growing at an average of more than 3%, making it one of the fastest growing regions in the world. Moscow, which had a strong influence in Africa alongside US and China, had frozen its relations with the continent following the collapse of the USSR in 1991. It however remains to be seen how far Russia's reconnection with the continent will go given that China, India, and especially the United States have intensified their involvement in Africa over the last three decades. Russia's export values to Africa have
[ 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 275, 5288, 293, 8262, 3335, 392, 4951, 749, 29889, 1212, 29914, 264, 29914, 5184, 29914, 18569, 29914, 29872, 455, 29899, 1595, 8397, 29899, 2541, 29899, 386, 29878, 856, 13, 29915, 25108, 2553, 1372, 29915, 10320, 284, 5161, 2039, 310, 7551, 29915, 29879, 301, 2548, 805, 929, 13, 29898, 2887, 423, 10277, 29892, 12798, 12026, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29941, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 7551, 29915, 29879, 3148, 29938, 29896, 534, 453, 291, 350, 2152, 322, 9321, 512, 4812, 1230, 29892, 3412, 411, 916, 9117, 5220, 292, 29892, 756, 4953, 263, 2320, 936, 29236, 6282, 29892, 289, 3470, 1847, 278, 2787, 10253, 322, 278, 4623, 2598, 300, 653, 13249, 29889, 1394, 29892, 5034, 304, 28431, 29892, 263, 13487, 2454, 1559, 8095, 10534, 304, 3799, 29889, 376, 6843, 1965, 411, 7551, 29915, 29879, 8022, 749, 297, 3186, 11302, 29892, 967, 7985, 292, 6297, 297, 5534, 1436, 749, 338, 6460, 368, 23531, 322, 11098, 1699, 263, 3461, 5492, 1833, 4723, 491, 278, 476, 709, 8907, 363, 278, 2787, 12884, 29891, 29892, 451, 292, 393, 376, 3563, 278, 4940, 1602, 3076, 29892, 7551, 756, 5609, 287, 2407, 26999, 310, 7483, 304, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 3186, 1642, 9267, 310, 1438, 18161, 24536, 526, 451, 8967, 304, 278, 22313, 29943, 29892, 278, 350, 3235, 518, 1552, 10253, 363, 4623, 317, 1803, 944, 29879, 29962, 470, 278, 2787, 10253, 1213, 7551, 338, 1286, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 10150, 6625, 2105, 29889, 319, 2867, 3204, 310, 278, 3694, 10018, 393, 301, 2548, 577, 1965, 304, 2820, 3148, 29938, 29945, 534, 453, 291, 491, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 515, 20928, 395, 29945, 29900, 29900, 24464, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 607, 270, 4495, 5847, 2787, 10253, 322, 22313, 29943, 16200, 3454, 29889, 7551, 338, 451, 760, 310, 278, 438, 29923, 6530, 1222, 637, 24596, 277, 6431, 29892, 607, 8128, 848, 373, 1472, 29899, 322, 3273, 29899, 8489, 11302, 16200, 24536, 29889, 512, 278, 4940, 29871, 29896, 29947, 7378, 29892, 278, 9712, 545, 756, 1063, 286, 2859, 297, 19341, 29891, 1156, 1641, 14982, 287, 263, 376, 311, 3116, 26505, 29908, 491, 278, 3148, 322, 967, 1820, 10504, 394, 3687, 29889, 450, 364, 19478, 20473, 391, 9173, 756, 9326, 13900, 304, 7985, 967, 9418, 29899, 2616, 18953, 11531, 304, 350, 3960, 9279, 29889, 450, 8068, 11444, 363, 3295, 13326, 457, 512, 5965, 428, 313, 4174, 4571, 29897, 750, 9078, 5297, 29841, 297, 278, 1824, 541, 393, 338, 6257, 304, 1735, 322, 967, 15944, 4593, 363, 6121, 1302, 16453, 756, 8703, 14704, 4806, 12242, 304, 29962, 1653, 263, 3564, 310, 4307, 24555, 13561, 310, 599, 1438, 350, 2152, 322, 9321, 10916, 1642, 14325, 10277, 2244, 267, 376, 12984, 445, 1472, 322, 281, 4015, 6520, 7146, 505, 11013, 292, 9177, 18906, 310, 376, 311, 3116, 29908, 322, 376, 2616, 18953, 3026, 1394, 674, 445, 6773, 304, 367, 263, 29469, 304, 17407, 23927, 29973, 350, 3960, 19079, 1795, 864, 304, 1321, 384, 280, 701, 363, 263, 289, 398, 2272, 22203, 1213, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 6840, 271, 1355, 29889, 510, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29914, 29900, 29955, 29914, 7914, 29914, 10892, 29899, 16529, 1372, 29899, 276, 345, 284, 29899, 3780, 2039, 29899, 974, 29899, 305, 10189, 29899, 280, 856, 13, 3629, 16887, 12710, 29915, 29879, 15678, 9949, 297, 10557, 13, 29898, 1576, 25266, 29892, 476, 1160, 2883, 29892, 29871, 29947, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 12710, 17791, 278, 8081, 950, 4593, 2191, 15133, 363, 278, 11715, 1222, 637, 16032, 10253, 313, 29909, 10745, 2657, 9157, 29897, 373, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29906, 29892, 278, 1473, 16369, 29924, 304, 367, 4934, 714, 310, 10557, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 297, 7551, 29889, 450, 10637, 1222, 637, 7817, 313, 1525, 29907, 511, 20848, 29358, 297, 10393, 276, 2657, 9157, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 472, 385, 563, 275, 15603, 5253, 29892, 14171, 278, 9124, 29915, 29879, 4654, 29899, 27489, 342, 1661, 29899, 29909, 1341, 2185, 18161, 12666, 29889, 1094, 12710, 29915, 29879, 7178, 29892, 27880, 12065, 262, 29892, 18982, 901, 1135, 29871, 29945, 29900, 11715, 2225, 16719, 363, 278, 937, 29899, 1310, 12710, 29899, 29909, 18961, 6991, 2415, 297, 1105, 4161, 373, 4756, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29892, 2246, 373, 278, 946, 8395, 674, 367, 920, 304, 15075, 475, 278, 17407, 322, 8604, 260, 583, 1546, 278, 1023, 3534, 292, 289, 2029, 29879, 297, 278, 281, 1296, 310, 4845, 2827, 17182, 26094, 322, 10231, 11695, 362, 310, 278, 1301, 1285, 25270, 5233, 29889, 6804, 294, 12710, 29915, 29879, 10122, 297, 10557, 750, 8062, 6419, 297, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29879, 29892, 278, 4234, 750, 1951, 769, 2309, 263, 2107, 5376, 310, 5962, 1287, 373, 14002, 9279, 297, 1737, 3002, 322, 1375, 292, 29892, 5864, 29892, 13661, 29892, 18032, 545, 29892, 9427, 292, 322, 4382, 27820, 800, 29892, 411, 3001, 13258, 1860, 1286, 13407, 472, 3148, 29938, 29906, 29900, 11197, 29889, 12710, 29915, 29879, 26504, 756, 1063, 373, 263, 2317, 303, 453, 363, 263, 1550, 29892, 411, 13964, 6445, 393, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 967, 402, 11191, 13631, 472, 385, 6588, 310, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29946, 29995, 639, 385, 1949, 29892, 411, 1855, 11549, 519, 297, 26807, 4845, 2827, 491, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29955, 29995, 10124, 29871, 29896, 29929, 7284, 310, 278, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29945, 7284, 10637, 4665, 297, 25273, 1017, 2645, 278, 1021, 3785, 29889, 1551, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 10557, 29915, 29879, 402, 11191, 756, 1063, 15678, 472, 385, 6588, 310, 901, 1135, 29871, 29941, 13667, 3907, 372, 697, 310, 278, 5172, 342, 15678, 12786, 297, 278, 3186, 29889, 25820, 29892, 607, 750, 263, 4549, 9949, 297, 10557, 19963, 3148, 322, 7551, 29892, 750, 14671, 2256, 967, 5302, 411, 278, 25523, 1494, 278, 24382, 310, 278, 17676, 29934, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29896, 29889, 739, 3138, 9242, 304, 367, 3595, 920, 2215, 12710, 29915, 29879, 8265, 3559, 411, 278, 25523, 674, 748, 2183, 393, 7551, 29892, 7513, 29892, 322, 7148, 278, 3303, 3900, 505, 12838, 2164, 1009, 5297, 29841, 297, 10557, 975, 278, 1833, 2211, 1602, 3076, 29889, 12710, 29915, 29879, 5609, 1819, 304, 10557, 505 ]
nearly doubled over the last five years from US$9.3bn in 2014 to US$17.5bn in 2018 while Russian imports from Africa have stagnated, increasing from merely US$2.8bn to US$2.9bn during the same period. Most of Russia's exports to Africa are medicine, food, forestry products, automotive and mixed fertilizer. Since 2015, according to the Swedish Defence Research Agency, Russia has signed over 20 bilateral military cooperation agreements with African states including; Rwanda, Tanzania, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Guinea. Between 2012 and 2016, Russia had become the largest supplier of arms to Africa, accounting for 35% of arms exports to the region, followed by China (17 %), the United States (9.6%), and France (6.9 %). Some of Russia's companies that have made inroads in Africa include; Gazprom, Lukoil, Rostec and Rosatom, with most of their operations in Uganda, Algeria, Angola, Egypt and Nigeria. Egypt has also finalised negotiations with Moscow to build the country's first nuclear plant, while in Namibia, Moscow is developing one of the world's largest deposits of platinum group metals. https://www.independent.co.ug/behind-russias-growing-influence-in-africa/ Federal review of EDC finds inadequate disclosure practices (Globe and Mail, Toronto, 2 July 2019) A federal review of Export Development Canada has exposed serious shortcomings at the Crown corporation, noting its disclosure practices fall far short of other financial institutions, and that the agency is not legally obligated to consider the environmental or human-rights impact of the financial support it provides to exporters. The findings underscore concerns uncovered in a recent Globe and Mail investigation. The Globe reported that the EDC's client roster includes companies that have faced allegations concerning corruption, human-rights violations and environmental abuses; the federal agency has demonstrated a tendency to continue supporting such companies after other financial institutions have sanctioned them or cut them loose. Critics have also raised concerns about transparency and federal oversight of the Crown corporation. "Ottawa must impose rules on this Crown corporation to make it transparent and accountable," Lori Waller, spokesperson for Ottawa-based human rights group Above Ground, said in a statement. "Without strong oversight of its export credit agency, the government risks profiting from harmful and illegal business activities. The law should prohibit EDC from supporting companies involved in corruption, human rights abuse or environmental harm." https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-federal-review-slams-export-devel... EDC lifts "closed" status on Saudi Arabia-related business (Reuters, Toronto, 3 July 2019) Canada's export credit agency has lifted a "closed" status on Saudi Arabia-related activity after almost a year of frosty relations between the two countries, citing improved business conditions in the Middle Eastern kingdom. The move by Export Development Canada (EDC) on Tuesday paves the way for the state-owned enterprise to resume support for exporters and investors in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia in August suspended new trade and investment with Canada after it urged Riyadh to release arrested civil rights activists, leading to a trade freeze and expulsion of diplomats. "After monitoring for several months we made the decision that business conditions have improved," Amy Minsky, a senior advisor at EDC, said on Wednesday. She noted that risk remains and there was not necessarily more business in the Saudi Arabian market. The EDC said its position on a country is determined among other things, by the Canadian government's assessment of "political, human rights and corruption risks." https://www.nasdaq.com/article/canada-export-agency-lifts-closed-status-on-saudi... EDC claims review clears them of SNC-Lavelin transaction wrongdoing (iPolitics, Ottawa 25 July 2019) Canada's export credit agency says a third-party investigation has cleared the organization of any wrongdoing
[ 8886, 3765, 29881, 975, 278, 1833, 5320, 2440, 515, 3148, 29938, 29929, 29889, 29941, 11197, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 304, 3148, 29938, 29896, 29955, 29889, 29945, 11197, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 1550, 10637, 24802, 515, 10557, 505, 380, 4211, 630, 29892, 10231, 515, 13586, 3148, 29938, 29906, 29889, 29947, 11197, 304, 3148, 29938, 29906, 29889, 29929, 11197, 2645, 278, 1021, 3785, 29889, 7849, 310, 12710, 29915, 29879, 29586, 304, 10557, 526, 26602, 29892, 9687, 29892, 13569, 719, 9316, 29892, 3345, 327, 573, 322, 12849, 19965, 309, 3950, 29889, 4001, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 21892, 5282, 663, 10550, 29353, 29892, 12710, 756, 8794, 975, 29871, 29906, 29900, 13181, 1008, 284, 9121, 1302, 16453, 8571, 4110, 411, 11715, 5922, 3704, 29936, 390, 29893, 5863, 29892, 323, 4096, 4807, 29892, 6640, 29895, 1099, 383, 17764, 29892, 6640, 870, 29875, 29892, 29252, 29889, 21674, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 12710, 750, 4953, 278, 10150, 1462, 4926, 310, 10188, 304, 10557, 29892, 3633, 292, 363, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29995, 310, 10188, 29586, 304, 278, 5120, 29892, 5643, 491, 7551, 313, 29896, 29955, 29385, 278, 3303, 3900, 313, 29929, 29889, 29953, 29995, 511, 322, 3444, 313, 29953, 29889, 29929, 28719, 3834, 310, 12710, 29915, 29879, 14582, 393, 505, 1754, 297, 307, 7925, 297, 10557, 3160, 29936, 15853, 14032, 29892, 365, 2679, 29877, 309, 29892, 27411, 687, 322, 5678, 8678, 29892, 411, 1556, 310, 1009, 6931, 297, 501, 29887, 5863, 29892, 838, 914, 423, 29892, 3218, 2963, 29892, 12892, 322, 20537, 423, 29889, 12892, 756, 884, 2186, 3368, 27214, 800, 411, 25820, 304, 2048, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 937, 20346, 8024, 29892, 1550, 297, 13041, 747, 423, 29892, 25820, 338, 14338, 697, 310, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 10150, 19754, 1169, 310, 18870, 262, 398, 2318, 1539, 1338, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 262, 18980, 29889, 1111, 29889, 688, 29914, 915, 16887, 29899, 15816, 1039, 294, 29899, 29887, 798, 292, 29899, 13453, 29884, 663, 29899, 262, 29899, 29874, 18961, 29914, 13, 29943, 2447, 284, 9076, 310, 9408, 29907, 14061, 297, 1943, 339, 403, 766, 25071, 23274, 13, 29898, 29954, 417, 915, 322, 18623, 29892, 17612, 29892, 29871, 29906, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 319, 17097, 9076, 310, 1222, 637, 14650, 7400, 756, 19884, 10676, 3273, 510, 886, 472, 278, 25306, 17266, 362, 29892, 451, 292, 967, 766, 25071, 23274, 6416, 2215, 3273, 310, 916, 18161, 21561, 29892, 322, 393, 278, 946, 3819, 338, 451, 2814, 635, 10788, 630, 304, 2050, 278, 29380, 470, 5199, 29899, 1266, 29879, 10879, 310, 278, 18161, 2304, 372, 8128, 304, 1518, 272, 2153, 29889, 450, 1284, 886, 23400, 3221, 21838, 443, 11911, 287, 297, 263, 7786, 21806, 915, 322, 18623, 22522, 29889, 450, 21806, 915, 8967, 393, 278, 9408, 29907, 29915, 29879, 3132, 696, 2475, 7805, 14582, 393, 505, 20050, 16831, 800, 19813, 1034, 18953, 29892, 5199, 29899, 1266, 29879, 5537, 800, 322, 29380, 633, 6394, 29936, 278, 17097, 946, 3819, 756, 28585, 263, 260, 5197, 304, 6773, 20382, 1316, 14582, 1156, 916, 18161, 21561, 505, 9753, 428, 287, 963, 470, 5700, 963, 23819, 29889, 15976, 1199, 505, 884, 10425, 21838, 1048, 1301, 862, 3819, 322, 17097, 288, 874, 523, 310, 278, 25306, 17266, 362, 29889, 376, 29949, 698, 10011, 1818, 2411, 852, 6865, 373, 445, 25306, 17266, 362, 304, 1207, 372, 17772, 322, 3633, 519, 1699, 365, 4170, 399, 12572, 29892, 805, 554, 9983, 1330, 363, 13476, 10011, 29899, 6707, 5199, 10462, 2318, 319, 29205, 1632, 618, 29892, 1497, 297, 263, 3229, 29889, 376, 3047, 449, 4549, 288, 874, 523, 310, 967, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 29892, 278, 5874, 5161, 2039, 2600, 11407, 515, 10311, 1319, 322, 27302, 5381, 14188, 29889, 450, 4307, 881, 21460, 277, 9408, 29907, 515, 20382, 14582, 9701, 297, 1034, 18953, 29892, 5199, 10462, 633, 1509, 470, 29380, 10311, 1213, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 1552, 29887, 417, 915, 392, 2549, 29889, 510, 29914, 3068, 1114, 29914, 7914, 29899, 29888, 2447, 284, 29899, 27828, 29899, 2536, 2232, 29899, 15843, 29899, 311, 955, 856, 13, 3352, 29907, 11747, 1372, 376, 15603, 29908, 4660, 373, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29899, 12817, 5381, 13, 29898, 1123, 329, 414, 29892, 17612, 29892, 29871, 29941, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 7400, 29915, 29879, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 756, 26239, 263, 376, 15603, 29908, 4660, 373, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29899, 12817, 6354, 1156, 4359, 263, 1629, 310, 14671, 22062, 5302, 1546, 278, 1023, 10916, 29892, 7537, 292, 16710, 5381, 5855, 297, 278, 14253, 16162, 20748, 29889, 450, 4337, 491, 1222, 637, 14650, 7400, 313, 3352, 29907, 29897, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 282, 5989, 278, 982, 363, 278, 2106, 29899, 26689, 3896, 7734, 304, 620, 2017, 2304, 363, 1518, 272, 2153, 322, 13258, 943, 297, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29889, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 297, 3111, 8872, 2760, 716, 11302, 322, 13258, 358, 411, 7400, 1156, 372, 5065, 3192, 390, 19881, 328, 29882, 304, 6507, 24383, 7631, 10462, 5039, 2879, 29892, 8236, 304, 263, 11302, 3889, 911, 322, 1518, 25381, 310, 13487, 1446, 29889, 376, 13555, 29652, 363, 3196, 7378, 591, 1754, 278, 10608, 393, 5381, 5855, 505, 16710, 1699, 28533, 3080, 7912, 29892, 263, 16336, 594, 19188, 472, 9408, 29907, 29892, 1497, 373, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29889, 2296, 11682, 393, 12045, 9242, 322, 727, 471, 451, 12695, 901, 5381, 297, 278, 5701, 4749, 10387, 713, 9999, 29889, 450, 9408, 29907, 1497, 967, 2602, 373, 263, 4234, 338, 10087, 4249, 916, 2712, 29892, 491, 278, 11443, 5874, 29915, 29879, 24809, 358, 310, 376, 20087, 936, 29892, 5199, 10462, 322, 1034, 18953, 5161, 2039, 1213, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 22911, 1388, 29939, 29889, 510, 29914, 7914, 29914, 3068, 1114, 29899, 15843, 29899, 351, 3819, 29899, 29880, 17741, 29899, 15603, 29899, 4882, 29899, 265, 29899, 4977, 4749, 856, 13, 3352, 29907, 16726, 9076, 4531, 1503, 963, 310, 317, 15868, 29899, 29931, 6447, 262, 10804, 2743, 1867, 292, 13, 29898, 29875, 7713, 277, 1199, 29892, 13476, 10011, 29871, 29906, 29945, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 7400, 29915, 29879, 5609, 16200, 946, 3819, 4083, 263, 4654, 29899, 22633, 22522, 756, 24639, 278, 13013, 310, 738, 2743, 1867, 292 ]
in providing a political risk insurance policy to SNC-Lavalin in 2011 for a dam project in Angola. EDC said Thursday a review by international law firm Fasken failed to find evidence to support allegations that the corporation turned a blind eye to illegal payments allegedly made by SNC-Lavalin to someone it had retained to help secure a $250-million project repairing the hydroelectric Matala Dam. The allegations were first reported by the CBC earlier this year, citing an unnamed SNC-Lavalin insider. They came as the engineering and construction firm faced intense scrutiny for lobbying the upper-echelons of the Trudeau government to broker a deal that would allow it to avoid a criminal trial for bribery charges relating to its work in Libya. https://ipolitics.ca/2019/07/25/third-party-review-clears-edc-of-wrongdoing-in-s... As Brexit Looms, UK Doubles ECA Credit To Nigeria (Sahara Reporters, New York, 24 July 2019) With Boris Johnson, who promised to take the United Kingdom out of the European Union without a deal if necessary now the country's prime minister, the United Kingdom Export Finance (UKEF), has increased the export credit finance agreement it signed with Nigeria in February 2018 by £500 million. In a statement made available to SaharaReporters, UKEF said it had also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Nigeria Export-Import Bank (NEXIM) that will "foster greater cooperation in trade through co-financing in the form of guarantees and insurance". In the last ten years, UKEF has enabled companies in Britain to export goods worth £76.5 billion to emerging markets like Nigeria. In 2018 alone, the agency provided guarantees worth £6.8 billion to 181 companies in 72 countries— its best result in 28 years. http://saharareporters.com/2019/07/24/brexit-looms-uk-doubles-export-finance-cre... The Poseidon Princples: Will They Affect ECAs? (Hellenic Shipping News, Cyprus, 2 July 2019) The Poseidon Principles launched on the 18 June 2019, with founding signatories including Citi, DNB, Societe Generale, ABN Amro, Amsterdam Trade Bank, Credit Agricole CIB, Danish Ship Finance, Danske Bank, DVB, ING and Nordea. Together they have a combined shipping loan portfolio of c. US$100bn – roughly 20% of the global total. Additional banks are expected to join them in the near future and it is hoped that ship lessors and financial guarantors including export credit agencies will also become signatories to the Poseidon Principles. The Poseidon Principles establish a global framework for assessing and disclosing whether ship finance portfolios align with the International Maritime Organisation's ("IMO") goal of reducing shipping's total annual greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2050. https://www.hellenicshippingnews.com/the-poseidon-princples-will-they-affect-me/ U.S. Senate targets Ex-Im support for Saudi nuclear technology (Foreign Policy, Washington, 30 July 2019) A bipartisan group of lawmakers is introducing new legislation aimed at restricting the transfer of nuclear technology to Saudi Arabia, the latest sign of growing congressional backlash to the Trump administration's close relationship with the wealthy Gulf nation. The bill, put forward by Democratic Sen. Chris Van Hollen and Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham, would bar the U.S. Export-Import Bank from financing the transfer of nuclear technology and equipment to Saudi Arabia, absent nuclear cooperation agreements, and adopting restrictive international standards to safeguard against nuclear proliferation. The Export-Import Bank plays a key role in funding the export of U.S. nuclear energy equipment and technology abroad. https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/07/
[ 297, 13138, 263, 8604, 12045, 1663, 18541, 8898, 304, 317, 15868, 29899, 29931, 7712, 262, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 363, 263, 5625, 2060, 297, 3218, 2963, 29889, 9408, 29907, 1497, 498, 1295, 3250, 263, 9076, 491, 6121, 4307, 9226, 383, 1278, 264, 5229, 304, 1284, 10757, 304, 2304, 16831, 800, 393, 278, 17266, 362, 6077, 263, 16842, 10977, 304, 27302, 5146, 1860, 16831, 23244, 1754, 491, 317, 15868, 29899, 29931, 7712, 262, 304, 4856, 372, 750, 26060, 304, 1371, 11592, 263, 395, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29899, 19958, 291, 2060, 26032, 292, 278, 17546, 15436, 2200, 341, 2075, 29874, 9865, 29889, 450, 16831, 800, 892, 937, 8967, 491, 278, 315, 5371, 8859, 445, 1629, 29892, 7537, 292, 385, 443, 17514, 317, 15868, 29899, 29931, 7712, 262, 1663, 1241, 29889, 2688, 2996, 408, 278, 21639, 322, 7632, 9226, 20050, 17818, 344, 14387, 329, 4901, 363, 658, 1327, 5414, 278, 7568, 29899, 5309, 295, 787, 310, 278, 17238, 311, 585, 5874, 304, 2545, 3946, 263, 5376, 393, 723, 2758, 372, 304, 4772, 263, 22161, 14260, 363, 289, 374, 495, 29891, 21090, 1104, 1218, 304, 967, 664, 297, 8153, 3761, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 666, 27298, 1199, 29889, 1113, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29914, 29900, 29955, 29914, 29906, 29945, 29914, 22585, 29899, 22633, 29899, 27828, 29899, 2841, 1503, 29899, 287, 29883, 29899, 974, 29899, 15866, 549, 1867, 292, 29899, 262, 29899, 29879, 856, 13, 2887, 5826, 29916, 277, 4309, 4835, 29892, 10261, 19176, 7586, 382, 5454, 24596, 277, 1763, 20537, 423, 13, 29898, 29903, 801, 2518, 830, 1971, 2153, 29892, 1570, 3088, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29946, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 2973, 6780, 275, 11717, 29892, 1058, 22399, 304, 2125, 278, 3303, 12626, 714, 310, 278, 7824, 7761, 1728, 263, 5376, 565, 5181, 1286, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 6019, 11050, 29892, 278, 3303, 12626, 1222, 637, 4231, 749, 313, 29965, 6059, 29943, 511, 756, 11664, 278, 5609, 16200, 1436, 749, 17327, 372, 8794, 411, 20537, 423, 297, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 491, 15151, 29945, 29900, 29900, 7284, 29889, 512, 263, 3229, 1754, 3625, 304, 24246, 2518, 5612, 272, 2153, 29892, 501, 6059, 29943, 1497, 372, 750, 884, 8794, 263, 8133, 272, 392, 398, 310, 7634, 11235, 411, 278, 20537, 423, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 313, 29940, 5746, 7833, 29897, 393, 674, 376, 29888, 15664, 7621, 1302, 16453, 297, 11302, 1549, 1302, 29899, 4951, 19985, 297, 278, 883, 310, 10509, 267, 322, 1663, 18541, 1642, 512, 278, 1833, 3006, 2440, 29892, 501, 6059, 29943, 756, 9615, 14582, 297, 14933, 304, 5609, 22535, 7088, 15151, 29955, 29953, 29889, 29945, 24464, 304, 11176, 3460, 2791, 1691, 763, 20537, 423, 29889, 512, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 7432, 29892, 278, 946, 3819, 4944, 10509, 267, 7088, 15151, 29953, 29889, 29947, 24464, 304, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29896, 14582, 297, 29871, 29955, 29906, 10916, 30003, 967, 1900, 1121, 297, 29871, 29906, 29947, 2440, 29889, 13, 1124, 597, 29879, 801, 279, 598, 1971, 2153, 29889, 510, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29914, 29900, 29955, 29914, 29906, 29946, 29914, 1030, 29916, 277, 29899, 417, 4835, 29899, 2679, 29899, 29881, 283, 7586, 29899, 15843, 29899, 4951, 749, 29899, 1037, 856, 13, 1576, 349, 852, 333, 265, 1588, 3742, 2701, 29901, 2811, 2688, 319, 7161, 17522, 2887, 29973, 13, 29898, 29950, 4919, 293, 1383, 17347, 10130, 29892, 8045, 558, 375, 29892, 29871, 29906, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 450, 349, 852, 333, 265, 14771, 2701, 15241, 373, 278, 29871, 29896, 29947, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 411, 1476, 292, 1804, 1061, 583, 3704, 315, 4812, 29892, 360, 23189, 29892, 5329, 2650, 3251, 744, 29892, 17571, 29940, 1913, 307, 29892, 17399, 27226, 10253, 29892, 24596, 277, 16503, 23249, 315, 8979, 29892, 3951, 728, 1383, 666, 4231, 749, 29892, 9353, 446, 10253, 29892, 360, 24281, 29892, 2672, 29954, 322, 4186, 311, 29874, 29889, 323, 12966, 896, 505, 263, 12420, 528, 17347, 24806, 2011, 25648, 310, 274, 29889, 3148, 29938, 29896, 29900, 29900, 11197, 785, 20928, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29995, 310, 278, 5534, 3001, 29889, 3462, 3245, 24388, 526, 3806, 304, 5988, 963, 297, 278, 2978, 5434, 322, 372, 338, 24936, 393, 7751, 3109, 943, 322, 18161, 1410, 279, 424, 943, 3704, 5609, 16200, 946, 15942, 674, 884, 4953, 1804, 1061, 583, 304, 278, 349, 852, 333, 265, 14771, 2701, 29889, 450, 349, 852, 333, 265, 14771, 2701, 10127, 263, 5534, 6890, 363, 24809, 292, 322, 766, 11291, 292, 3692, 7751, 1436, 749, 2011, 4542, 2363, 7595, 411, 278, 4623, 1085, 21998, 25783, 29915, 29879, 4852, 29902, 6720, 1159, 7306, 310, 27668, 528, 17347, 29915, 29879, 3001, 17568, 7933, 8697, 10489, 953, 6847, 491, 472, 3203, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29995, 491, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29945, 29900, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 29882, 4919, 293, 845, 17347, 15753, 29889, 510, 29914, 1552, 29899, 4220, 333, 265, 29899, 558, 3742, 2701, 29899, 14043, 29899, 19562, 29899, 3470, 522, 29899, 1004, 29914, 13, 29965, 29889, 29903, 29889, 18148, 22525, 1222, 29899, 1888, 2304, 363, 5701, 4749, 20346, 15483, 13, 29898, 27755, 25219, 29892, 7660, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29900, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 319, 289, 27494, 21603, 2318, 310, 4307, 29885, 21079, 338, 4547, 3277, 716, 13332, 362, 12242, 287, 472, 9250, 292, 278, 6782, 310, 20346, 15483, 304, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29892, 278, 9281, 1804, 310, 15678, 378, 11476, 284, 1250, 29880, 1161, 304, 278, 27504, 17517, 29915, 29879, 3802, 9443, 411, 278, 17173, 29891, 402, 16302, 5233, 29889, 450, 11118, 29892, 1925, 6375, 491, 19083, 5811, 29889, 12821, 6556, 4168, 2435, 322, 21178, 5811, 29889, 17277, 7759, 22196, 29892, 723, 2594, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 515, 11782, 3277, 278, 6782, 310, 20346, 15483, 322, 21083, 304, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29892, 29207, 20346, 1302, 16453, 8571, 4110, 29892, 322, 9332, 292, 9250, 573, 6121, 20801, 304, 9437, 24024, 538, 2750, 20346, 410, 29880, 9633, 362, 29889, 450, 1222, 637, 29899, 17518, 10253, 13582, 263, 1820, 6297, 297, 5220, 292, 278, 5609, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 20346, 5864, 21083, 322, 15483, 28177, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1079, 647, 22197, 29889, 510, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29914, 29900, 29955, 29914 ]
As a teenager I read a book called Disciplines of a Beautiful Woman by Anne Ortlund. What stuck with me from reading it was a chapter about having a notebook to stay organized. Since that time I've had dozens of different systems and notebooks to try to stay on top of things. I find even in this digital world, I still need a place to record my to-do list, insights from time in God's Word, journal, and prayer requests. So today I'm a little off the beaten path in my blog with just a quick post of what type of organization notebook has helped me with spiritual disciplines the most through trial and error. My calendar used to be a part of my notebook. However, as a family we've gone with an online calendar shared by my husband, son, and I so that we can all add events and appointments from computers and phones and see what is going on at all times. The notebook that I love is called the MR made by Miquelrius. You can buy it at Target, Barnes and Nobles, and other places for around $6. Its spiral and what I love is that it has four colored sections. I used to write in a notebook all of what I'm detailing below from front to back and then was always searching for my to-do list or prayer requests. Now I can flip to the color I need and easily find what I'm looking for. BLUE – The first section is blue and is where I record my to-do lists. "Make a doctor's appointment for a child. Write a thank you note to a friend. Finish a writing project." I also find this is where I put any information – someone's phone number, email address, the name of something to look up online, names of books I want to read, or notes from a phone call with a doctor or the school. RED – The second section is where I make notes of what God is teaching me as I study His Word. Today as I was reading in Genesis 18, I noted that the angel asked Abraham, "Is there anything too hard for the Lord?" (14) Hmmm… good question in my life. Sometimes I live like maybe He can't handle my problems. Also I noticed that Sarah tried to deny that she laughed when she heard the prophecy that she would have a child. The Lord said, "No, you did laugh." Seems funny to me that she tried to cover something up as if God doesn't know what she did. Wonder how often I am not honest about my real motives… So it really is just my random thoughts and questions as I interact with a passage. Some days I write one phrase and others a whole page depending on how things strike me. GREY – The third section is my prayer journal. Its where I write out my prayers, frustrations, and great joys to Jesus. I don't write everyday or all my prayers, but sometimes I have more clarity when I'm writing. When I finish a journal its always interesting to thumb back through and see what I was dialouging with God about and how He answered or the thing heavy on my heart then isn't even on my radar now. GREEN– The last section is my prayer requests. The first page is daily stuff – My husband, each of mychildren, my church. I try to be as specific as I can for each of them. I ask for health, for growth, for self-control, patience, or a good attitude depending on the child. The next page is my plan for each week. Monday – Missionaries. Tuesday – Teachers. Wednesday – Widows and Orphans. Thursday – Those who need Jesus. Friday – Family and Friends. Then the next page are specific things people have asked me to pray for – help with their marriage, a house to sell, a parenting issue, etc. Its fun to cross things off the list as God answers. The following pages are for prayer needs to update every few weeks from the women in my Bible study or small group. So if you are looking to be more organized with your to-do list, be more interactive with God's Word, do more journaling, or pray more consistently for others in 2013, you might want to give my system a try. Perhaps you will want to change the headings to better fit with your life. Maybe you need a section for work stuff, school information, or a place to keep track of a new fitness plan. This inexpensive, practical journal might be an idea to help you be more organized in 2013. Happy notebooking and goal-keeping
[ 1094, 263, 734, 264, 1875, 306, 1303, 263, 3143, 2000, 3295, 13326, 1475, 310, 263, 25685, 22712, 491, 10558, 8531, 29880, 870, 29889, 1724, 10771, 411, 592, 515, 5183, 372, 471, 263, 16385, 1048, 2534, 263, 451, 19273, 304, 7952, 19098, 29889, 4001, 393, 931, 306, 29915, 345, 750, 437, 29920, 575, 310, 1422, 6757, 322, 451, 19273, 29879, 304, 1018, 304, 7952, 373, 2246, 310, 2712, 29889, 306, 1284, 1584, 297, 445, 13436, 3186, 29892, 306, 1603, 817, 263, 2058, 304, 2407, 590, 304, 29899, 1867, 1051, 29892, 1663, 5861, 515, 931, 297, 4177, 29915, 29879, 10803, 29892, 8955, 29892, 322, 27402, 7274, 29889, 13, 6295, 9826, 306, 29915, 29885, 263, 2217, 1283, 278, 367, 2579, 2224, 297, 590, 12618, 411, 925, 263, 4996, 1400, 310, 825, 1134, 310, 13013, 451, 19273, 756, 9213, 592, 411, 20954, 17119, 1475, 278, 1556, 1549, 14260, 322, 1059, 29889, 1619, 17684, 1304, 304, 367, 263, 760, 310, 590, 451, 19273, 29889, 2398, 29892, 408, 263, 3942, 591, 29915, 345, 7695, 411, 385, 7395, 17684, 7258, 491, 590, 10216, 29892, 1487, 29892, 322, 306, 577, 393, 591, 508, 599, 788, 4959, 322, 8167, 1860, 515, 23226, 322, 1374, 2873, 322, 1074, 825, 338, 2675, 373, 472, 599, 3064, 29889, 13, 1576, 451, 19273, 393, 306, 5360, 338, 2000, 278, 29751, 1754, 491, 5493, 13295, 374, 375, 29889, 887, 508, 15649, 372, 472, 17157, 29892, 2261, 4515, 322, 15706, 793, 29892, 322, 916, 7600, 363, 2820, 395, 29953, 29889, 8011, 6337, 284, 322, 825, 306, 5360, 338, 393, 372, 756, 3023, 28684, 13926, 29889, 306, 1304, 304, 2436, 297, 263, 451, 19273, 599, 310, 825, 306, 29915, 29885, 9493, 292, 2400, 515, 4565, 304, 1250, 322, 769, 471, 2337, 11975, 363, 590, 304, 29899, 1867, 1051, 470, 27402, 7274, 29889, 2567, 306, 508, 285, 3466, 304, 278, 2927, 306, 817, 322, 5948, 1284, 825, 306, 29915, 29885, 3063, 363, 29889, 13, 13367, 4462, 785, 450, 937, 4004, 338, 7254, 322, 338, 988, 306, 2407, 590, 304, 29899, 1867, 8857, 29889, 376, 9984, 263, 11619, 29915, 29879, 28573, 363, 263, 2278, 29889, 14350, 263, 6452, 366, 4443, 304, 263, 5121, 29889, 4231, 728, 263, 5007, 2060, 1213, 306, 884, 1284, 445, 338, 988, 306, 1925, 738, 2472, 785, 4856, 29915, 29879, 9008, 1353, 29892, 4876, 3211, 29892, 278, 1024, 310, 1554, 304, 1106, 701, 7395, 29892, 2983, 310, 8277, 306, 864, 304, 1303, 29892, 470, 11486, 515, 263, 9008, 1246, 411, 263, 11619, 470, 278, 3762, 29889, 13, 19386, 785, 450, 1473, 4004, 338, 988, 306, 1207, 11486, 310, 825, 4177, 338, 18819, 592, 408, 306, 6559, 3600, 10803, 29889, 20628, 408, 306, 471, 5183, 297, 5739, 6656, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 306, 11682, 393, 278, 2614, 295, 4433, 24763, 29892, 376, 3624, 727, 3099, 2086, 2898, 363, 278, 6171, 3026, 313, 29896, 29946, 29897, 28756, 29885, 30098, 1781, 1139, 297, 590, 2834, 29889, 18512, 306, 5735, 763, 5505, 940, 508, 29915, 29873, 4386, 590, 4828, 29889, 3115, 306, 10548, 393, 19235, 1898, 304, 972, 29891, 393, 1183, 19090, 746, 1183, 6091, 278, 3107, 354, 1270, 393, 1183, 723, 505, 263, 2278, 29889, 450, 6171, 1497, 29892, 376, 3782, 29892, 366, 1258, 10569, 1213, 22648, 2090, 1460, 304, 592, 393, 1183, 1898, 304, 4612, 1554, 701, 408, 565, 4177, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1073, 825, 1183, 1258, 29889, 28004, 920, 4049, 306, 626, 451, 15993, 1048, 590, 1855, 3184, 3145, 30098, 1105, 372, 2289, 338, 925, 590, 4036, 13133, 322, 5155, 408, 306, 16254, 411, 263, 13382, 29889, 3834, 3841, 306, 2436, 697, 16549, 322, 4045, 263, 3353, 1813, 8679, 373, 920, 2712, 21283, 592, 29889, 13, 29954, 1525, 29979, 785, 450, 4654, 4004, 338, 590, 27402, 8955, 29889, 8011, 988, 306, 2436, 714, 590, 12475, 414, 29892, 1424, 4627, 800, 29892, 322, 2107, 2958, 952, 304, 13825, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2436, 1432, 3250, 470, 599, 590, 12475, 414, 29892, 541, 6041, 306, 505, 901, 7542, 537, 746, 306, 29915, 29885, 5007, 29889, 1932, 306, 8341, 263, 8955, 967, 2337, 8031, 304, 28968, 1250, 1549, 322, 1074, 825, 306, 471, 270, 616, 692, 292, 411, 4177, 1048, 322, 920, 940, 7699, 470, 278, 2655, 9416, 373, 590, 5192, 769, 3508, 29915, 29873, 1584, 373, 590, 2971, 279, 1286, 29889, 13, 29954, 1525, 1430, 29994, 450, 1833, 4004, 338, 590, 27402, 7274, 29889, 450, 937, 1813, 338, 14218, 6433, 785, 1619, 10216, 29892, 1269, 310, 590, 11991, 29892, 590, 6586, 29889, 306, 1018, 304, 367, 408, 2702, 408, 306, 508, 363, 1269, 310, 963, 29889, 306, 2244, 363, 9045, 29892, 363, 14321, 29892, 363, 1583, 29899, 6451, 29892, 282, 24701, 29892, 470, 263, 1781, 26309, 8679, 373, 278, 2278, 29889, 450, 2446, 1813, 338, 590, 3814, 363, 1269, 4723, 29889, 27822, 785, 18971, 4314, 29889, 323, 1041, 3250, 785, 1920, 496, 414, 29889, 15050, 4515, 3250, 785, 399, 333, 1242, 322, 1394, 561, 550, 29889, 498, 1295, 3250, 785, 16025, 1058, 817, 13825, 29889, 28728, 785, 14662, 322, 11169, 1975, 29889, 1987, 278, 2446, 1813, 526, 2702, 2712, 2305, 505, 4433, 592, 304, 12475, 363, 785, 1371, 411, 1009, 13718, 29892, 263, 3699, 304, 19417, 29892, 263, 3847, 292, 2228, 29892, 2992, 29889, 8011, 2090, 304, 4891, 2712, 1283, 278, 1051, 408, 4177, 6089, 29889, 450, 1494, 6515, 526, 363, 27402, 4225, 304, 2767, 1432, 2846, 11405, 515, 278, 5866, 297, 590, 21958, 6559, 470, 2319, 2318, 29889, 13, 6295, 565, 366, 526, 3063, 304, 367, 901, 19098, 411, 596, 304, 29899, 1867, 1051, 29892, 367, 901, 28923, 411, 4177, 29915, 29879, 10803, 29892, 437, 901, 8955, 292, 29892, 470, 12475, 901, 5718, 2705, 363, 4045, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 366, 1795, 864, 304, 2367, 590, 1788, 263, 1018, 29889, 11637, 366, 674, 864, 304, 1735, 278, 2343, 886, 304, 2253, 6216, 411, 596, 2834, 29889, 7198, 366, 817, 263, 4004, 363, 664, 6433, 29892, 3762, 2472, 29892, 470, 263, 2058, 304, 3013, 5702, 310, 263, 716, 6216, 2264, 3814, 29889, 910, 297, 4548, 6270, 29892, 15031, 8955, 1795, 367, 385, 2969, 304, 1371, 366, 367, 901, 19098, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29889, 13, 29950, 14862, 451, 19273, 292, 322, 7306, 29899, 17462, 292 ]
7ev3n-HONE$T ransomware uses sophisticated techniques to infiltrate computers and hide from its victims. Use Reimage to determine whether your system is infected and prevent the loss of your files. Is there a way to remove 7ev3n-HONE$T? Are you aware of a new 7ev3n-HONE$T virus? This virtual threat is classified as ransomware. As you have already guessed, its primary mission is to encrypt the valuable data. If you think that removing the virus will be sufficient to recover the locked data, you are mistaken. Cyber criminals require 1 Bitcoin or 400$ in return for the encrypted files. Cyber criminals have already collected decent income from such malevolent activity. Thus, do not foster hopes that they will have mercy on you and return the data. On the contrary, make preparations to remove 7ev3n-HONE$T virus from your computer. Cyber security specialists have discovered that this virus is a new edition of quite recently launched 7ev3n ransomware. The current version provides a new feature: victims are offered a test decryption of their several locked files. Comparing with the older edition which demanded an enormous 5142 dollar ransom, 7ev3n-HONE$T malware is relatively modest. It demands only 400 dollars. It seems that the first alternative was not very successful in collecting such huge amount of money. Consequently, cyber criminals lowered their plank. Another update of this virus – .R5A extension. The virus attaches the latter extension to all encrypted files. Additionally, it has been revealed that the IP address of this ransomware is (Turkey Istanbul Radore Veri Merkezi Hizmetleri As / AS197328). This discovery might be a first step towards the path of developing precaution methods against 7ev3n-HONE$T. Moreover, the main victim targets seem to be the major countries of Europe. However, if you reside in Luxembourg or San Marino, stay alert as well. Another difference of 7ev3n-HONE$T ransomware is that it encourages victims to create a Bitcoin wallet to transfer the money. The ransom note pops up with instructions how to create the account and Bitcoin wallet. What is more, you are urged to do that since the ransom note includes the data when the encrypted files will be lost. However, stay alert and do not give in to ransomware terror. Most likely, you will not recover the files. Thus, it is useful to think about 7ev3n-HONE$T removal ways rather than foster naïve hopes. It has been a growing tendency for new ransomware to spread via exploit kits. They might also be called "fileless infections." These files have a tendency to leave few traces on the infected system. Additionally, they may act as temporary carriers of high-scale viruses. Such files might be overlooked by some security programs since they masterfully disguise themselves as legitimate files. In this case, it is vital to have a powerful anti-spyware program, such as Reimage, which is able to detect these files and delete them. You shouldn't exclude the possibility that 7ev3n-HONE$T might attempt to infect your computer via spam emails. It was a quite a popular strategy to spread malware in this way. Since cyber criminals have succeeded in persuading users to open the email, the infected attachment which carried the virus would extract itself and then take over the computer. Once it does, the virus starts searching for the material for encryption: personal photos, reports, accounts, .doc and .xls files, etc. Afterward, it finishes the process, the virus enfolds the ransom note. Taking into account that this virus is ransomware, manual elimination might cause inconveniences to get rid of the threat successfully. If you are still convinced that you can deal with 7ev3n-HONE$T virus manually, take a look at the elimination guidelines below. Alternatively, there is another more time-saving option to terminate the ransomware. Install an anti-spyware application which will remove 7ev3n-HONE$T for you. After the system is cleaned, make sure you back-up your data if you
[ 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 364, 550, 290, 2519, 3913, 269, 3021, 4695, 630, 13698, 304, 297, 1777, 509, 403, 23226, 322, 9563, 515, 967, 6879, 9893, 29889, 4803, 830, 3027, 304, 8161, 3692, 596, 1788, 338, 3041, 26458, 322, 5557, 278, 6410, 310, 596, 2066, 29889, 13, 3624, 727, 263, 982, 304, 3349, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 29973, 13, 17506, 366, 9543, 310, 263, 716, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 24424, 29973, 910, 6901, 28469, 338, 770, 2164, 408, 364, 550, 290, 2519, 29889, 1094, 366, 505, 2307, 4140, 287, 29892, 967, 7601, 10655, 338, 304, 27924, 278, 21114, 848, 29889, 960, 366, 1348, 393, 11077, 278, 24424, 674, 367, 8002, 304, 9792, 278, 22822, 848, 29892, 366, 526, 25257, 29889, 8045, 495, 15116, 19016, 1996, 29871, 29896, 18531, 1111, 262, 470, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29900, 29938, 297, 736, 363, 278, 23220, 2066, 29889, 8045, 495, 15116, 19016, 505, 2307, 16531, 27189, 17869, 515, 1316, 14263, 1555, 296, 6354, 29889, 6549, 29892, 437, 451, 9926, 261, 26926, 393, 896, 674, 505, 2778, 1270, 373, 366, 322, 736, 278, 848, 29889, 1551, 278, 21138, 29892, 1207, 10223, 800, 304, 3349, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 24424, 515, 596, 6601, 29889, 13, 29733, 495, 6993, 4266, 2879, 505, 10943, 393, 445, 24424, 338, 263, 716, 12203, 310, 3755, 10325, 15241, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 364, 550, 290, 2519, 29889, 450, 1857, 1873, 8128, 263, 716, 4682, 29901, 6879, 9893, 526, 12520, 263, 1243, 1602, 14272, 310, 1009, 3196, 22822, 2066, 29889, 28663, 292, 411, 278, 9642, 12203, 607, 24432, 385, 18886, 681, 29871, 29945, 29896, 29946, 29906, 11232, 279, 364, 550, 290, 29892, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 4439, 2519, 338, 13774, 878, 342, 29889, 739, 1261, 4167, 871, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29900, 17208, 29889, 739, 2444, 393, 278, 937, 8671, 471, 451, 1407, 9150, 297, 6314, 292, 1316, 12176, 5253, 310, 6909, 29889, 1281, 27284, 29892, 5094, 495, 15116, 19016, 5224, 287, 1009, 715, 804, 29889, 13, 2744, 1228, 2767, 310, 445, 24424, 785, 869, 29934, 29945, 29909, 6081, 29889, 450, 24424, 10641, 267, 278, 7480, 6081, 304, 599, 23220, 2066, 29889, 19814, 29892, 372, 756, 1063, 17845, 393, 278, 5641, 3211, 310, 445, 364, 550, 290, 2519, 338, 29871, 29946, 29953, 29889, 29946, 29945, 29889, 29896, 29953, 29929, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29953, 313, 29911, 332, 1989, 11066, 273, 8645, 4957, 487, 1798, 29875, 4702, 446, 2526, 379, 466, 2527, 1358, 29875, 1094, 847, 3339, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29941, 29906, 29947, 467, 910, 20699, 1795, 367, 263, 937, 4331, 7113, 278, 2224, 310, 14338, 758, 1113, 918, 3519, 2750, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 29889, 12808, 29892, 278, 1667, 28985, 22525, 2833, 304, 367, 278, 4655, 10916, 310, 4092, 29889, 2398, 29892, 565, 366, 620, 680, 297, 23812, 18041, 470, 3087, 1085, 1789, 29892, 7952, 6655, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 2744, 1228, 4328, 310, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 364, 550, 290, 2519, 338, 393, 372, 18443, 267, 6879, 9893, 304, 1653, 263, 18531, 1111, 262, 17042, 1026, 304, 6782, 278, 6909, 29889, 450, 364, 550, 290, 4443, 1835, 29879, 701, 411, 11994, 920, 304, 1653, 278, 3633, 322, 18531, 1111, 262, 17042, 1026, 29889, 1724, 338, 901, 29892, 366, 526, 5065, 3192, 304, 437, 393, 1951, 278, 364, 550, 290, 4443, 7805, 278, 848, 746, 278, 23220, 2066, 674, 367, 5714, 29889, 2398, 29892, 7952, 6655, 322, 437, 451, 2367, 297, 304, 364, 550, 290, 2519, 15115, 29889, 7849, 5517, 29892, 366, 674, 451, 9792, 278, 2066, 29889, 6549, 29892, 372, 338, 5407, 304, 1348, 1048, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 28744, 5837, 3265, 1135, 9926, 261, 1055, 30085, 345, 26926, 29889, 13, 3112, 756, 1063, 263, 15678, 260, 5197, 363, 716, 364, 550, 290, 2519, 304, 9677, 3025, 16035, 277, 413, 1169, 29889, 2688, 1795, 884, 367, 2000, 376, 1445, 2222, 297, 1725, 1953, 1213, 4525, 2066, 505, 263, 260, 5197, 304, 5967, 2846, 26695, 373, 278, 3041, 26458, 1788, 29889, 19814, 29892, 896, 1122, 1044, 408, 13201, 19638, 414, 310, 1880, 29899, 7052, 10636, 6394, 29889, 10506, 2066, 1795, 367, 975, 6914, 287, 491, 777, 6993, 11104, 1951, 896, 5835, 3730, 766, 2543, 895, 6053, 408, 25204, 6490, 2066, 29889, 512, 445, 1206, 29892, 372, 338, 27131, 304, 505, 263, 13988, 9418, 29899, 1028, 29891, 2519, 1824, 29892, 1316, 408, 830, 3027, 29892, 607, 338, 2221, 304, 6459, 1438, 2066, 322, 5217, 963, 29889, 13, 3492, 9273, 29915, 29873, 19060, 278, 13331, 393, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 1795, 4218, 304, 3041, 522, 596, 6601, 3025, 805, 314, 24609, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 3755, 263, 5972, 13705, 304, 9677, 4439, 2519, 297, 445, 982, 29889, 4001, 5094, 495, 15116, 19016, 505, 14792, 297, 20408, 9382, 4160, 304, 1722, 278, 4876, 29892, 278, 3041, 26458, 26305, 607, 8988, 278, 24424, 723, 6597, 3528, 322, 769, 2125, 975, 278, 6601, 29889, 9038, 372, 947, 29892, 278, 24424, 8665, 11975, 363, 278, 5518, 363, 20956, 29901, 7333, 20612, 29892, 13676, 29892, 15303, 29892, 869, 1514, 322, 869, 20267, 2066, 29892, 2992, 29889, 2860, 1328, 29892, 372, 8341, 267, 278, 1889, 29892, 278, 24424, 12377, 3361, 278, 364, 550, 290, 4443, 29889, 13, 29911, 5086, 964, 3633, 393, 445, 24424, 338, 364, 550, 290, 2519, 29892, 12219, 29007, 3381, 1795, 4556, 22629, 854, 819, 778, 304, 679, 8177, 310, 278, 28469, 8472, 29889, 960, 366, 526, 1603, 25617, 393, 366, 508, 5376, 411, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 24424, 7522, 29892, 2125, 263, 1106, 472, 278, 29007, 3381, 1410, 10652, 1475, 2400, 29889, 20360, 29892, 727, 338, 1790, 901, 931, 29899, 29879, 5555, 2984, 304, 29504, 278, 364, 550, 290, 2519, 29889, 16052, 385, 9418, 29899, 1028, 29891, 2519, 2280, 607, 674, 3349, 29871, 29955, 5750, 29941, 29876, 29899, 29950, 12413, 29938, 29911, 363, 366, 29889, 2860, 278, 1788, 338, 5941, 287, 29892, 1207, 1854, 366, 1250, 29899, 786, 596, 848, 565, 366 ]
southindia-tour.com Category: Basketball by Daisy Burns - October 3, 2019 NBA is heading to India The biggest basketball tournament on the planet is about to "land" to India, a country with strong potential but yet to have the opportunity to grow. According to a recent announcement from the NBA, Sacramento Kings and Indiana Pacers will become the first two names to compete in India. The preseason match between the two teams will take place on October 4 and 5, 2019, on the NSCI Dome in the entertainment city of Mumbai. "The NBA is trying to further develop its huge basketball potential in India, a country with a thriving sports culture and a growing young population," said NBA commissioner Adam Silver. "We are also very grateful to organizations like Kings and Pacers who participated in this historic step." Since taking over as a commissioner in 2014, Mr. Adam Silver has made a very positive contribution to the NBA. The owner of Kings – Vivek Ranadive is an Indian businessman and has long wanted to bring the planet's biggest basketball tournament back to his homeland. "As an Indian-American, it is an honor to contribute to bringing this historic moment to the country where I grew up. Basketball is booming in India and we are very happy about continue to expand the scope of the NBA to fans around the globe, "said Vivek. Kevin Durant is one of the stars who participated in the NBA-organized basketball training program in India. In addition to the main season in the US, the NBA also has a lot of programs dedicated to other countries, with the aim of universalizing and developing basketball across the planet. The first Indian basketball player in NBA Bhullar is one of the first Indian basketball players in NBA. Currently, the athlete is playing for the Guangxi Rhino basketball team in China, dividing the time between Toronto and the southern city of Guangzhou. "Many places in China, they don't see outsiders. Especially I am tall, I just stick out like a sore thumb." But the team is like a "big family", he said. He maintains his Indian contacts, talks to his parents in his native language and visits Gurdwaras wherever he can find them. Bhullar believes his achievement will pave the way for more Indian players. by Daisy Burns - August 14, 2019 The first Indian basketball player in NBA (Part 2) 'Sim' Bhullar placed high on the first NBA Indian player A professional coach also loved his performance and offered him a position with the Ontario Basketball Association. After a successful college career, he scored a point with the NBA draft in April 2014, before signing a contract with Kings, owned by Indian businessman Vivek Ranadive. It is known that the sixth tallest player in NBA history, a statistic that he did not follow, he was once a tall kid at school. Even when he was 15, he was about six feet, six inches tall. Although his parents did not see basketball becoming a pastime, they always supported his career. 'I want to be like Vince Carter' For Bhullar, it doesn't matter that no famous Indian nationalist plays a role model. "Vince Carter changed the landscape of basketball in Canada … I want to be like him and be on stage one day." Sim Bhullar played for the New Mexico State Championship against the Aztecs of San Diego State in the NCAA Men's Basketball Tournament on March 20, 2014, in Spokane, Washington. Bhullar was not surprised by the expectations of Indian hopefuls. He tried to go to India whenever possible, the last visit about four years ago during an NBA-sponsored trip. He went to Amritsar city in Punjab and stopped at the Golden Temple, the most sacred site of Sikhism. And he was caught up. "A huge escort policeman took us to the gate. I went around there and there were about 200 to 300 people staring and taking pictures. I had to be led to one of the next rooms." It's not just that his height attracted attention; Some followers know who he is, calling his name. And India has kept tabs on him. Bhullar also tried to disseminate the game in India by opening courts and helping children play. And he was touched by the passion that existed for the game. He thought that basketball could eventually
[ 7062, 513, 423, 29899, 29873, 473, 29889, 510, 13, 10900, 29901, 21850, 13, 1609, 360, 1759, 29891, 16640, 29879, 448, 5533, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 13, 29940, 5688, 338, 28435, 304, 7513, 13, 1576, 24842, 20305, 14743, 373, 278, 15754, 338, 1048, 304, 376, 1049, 29908, 304, 7513, 29892, 263, 4234, 411, 4549, 7037, 541, 3447, 304, 505, 278, 15130, 304, 6548, 29889, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 263, 7786, 7475, 13561, 515, 278, 21517, 29892, 15573, 29878, 4487, 21701, 322, 21817, 9790, 414, 674, 4953, 278, 937, 1023, 2983, 304, 752, 2650, 297, 7513, 29889, 450, 544, 968, 1658, 1993, 1546, 278, 1023, 10907, 674, 2125, 2058, 373, 5533, 29871, 29946, 322, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 373, 278, 3865, 8426, 360, 608, 297, 278, 22684, 358, 4272, 310, 341, 3774, 1794, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 21517, 338, 1811, 304, 4340, 2693, 967, 12176, 20305, 7037, 297, 7513, 29892, 263, 4234, 411, 263, 266, 1150, 292, 14717, 9257, 322, 263, 15678, 4123, 4665, 1699, 1497, 21517, 12969, 261, 11783, 16466, 29889, 376, 4806, 526, 884, 1407, 28656, 304, 25700, 763, 21701, 322, 9790, 414, 1058, 25223, 297, 445, 22879, 4331, 1213, 13, 23036, 5622, 975, 408, 263, 12969, 261, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 3237, 29889, 11783, 16466, 756, 1754, 263, 1407, 6374, 11896, 304, 278, 21517, 29889, 13, 1576, 12271, 310, 21701, 785, 478, 573, 29895, 22392, 328, 573, 338, 385, 7560, 5381, 1171, 322, 756, 1472, 5131, 304, 6963, 278, 15754, 29915, 29879, 24842, 20305, 14743, 1250, 304, 670, 3632, 14045, 29889, 13, 29908, 2887, 385, 7560, 29899, 14689, 29892, 372, 338, 385, 10657, 304, 29126, 304, 20794, 445, 22879, 3256, 304, 278, 4234, 988, 306, 13631, 701, 29889, 21850, 338, 1045, 28826, 297, 7513, 322, 591, 526, 1407, 9796, 1048, 6773, 304, 7985, 278, 6874, 310, 278, 21517, 304, 24909, 2820, 278, 15482, 915, 29892, 376, 4977, 333, 478, 573, 29895, 29889, 13, 9598, 3845, 27714, 338, 697, 310, 278, 10819, 1058, 25223, 297, 278, 21517, 29899, 6388, 1891, 20305, 6694, 1824, 297, 7513, 29889, 512, 6124, 304, 278, 1667, 4259, 297, 278, 3148, 29892, 278, 21517, 884, 756, 263, 3287, 310, 11104, 16955, 304, 916, 10916, 29892, 411, 278, 12242, 310, 15968, 5281, 322, 14338, 20305, 4822, 278, 15754, 29889, 13, 1576, 937, 7560, 20305, 4847, 297, 21517, 13, 29933, 29882, 913, 279, 338, 697, 310, 278, 937, 7560, 20305, 10769, 297, 21517, 29889, 15447, 29892, 278, 17622, 2810, 338, 8743, 363, 278, 2088, 574, 5389, 7861, 1789, 20305, 3815, 297, 7551, 29892, 1933, 4821, 278, 931, 1546, 17612, 322, 278, 14841, 4272, 310, 2088, 574, 29920, 10774, 29889, 13, 29908, 14804, 7600, 297, 7551, 29892, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1074, 714, 29879, 11376, 29889, 3423, 25009, 306, 626, 15655, 29892, 306, 925, 12070, 714, 763, 263, 269, 487, 28968, 1213, 1205, 278, 3815, 338, 763, 263, 376, 3752, 3942, 613, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 3868, 7344, 29879, 670, 7560, 25957, 29892, 5969, 2039, 304, 670, 11825, 297, 670, 7531, 4086, 322, 1998, 1169, 402, 18245, 4495, 294, 29693, 540, 508, 1284, 963, 29889, 13, 29933, 29882, 913, 279, 1339, 17180, 670, 27012, 882, 674, 282, 1351, 278, 982, 363, 901, 7560, 10769, 29889, 13, 1609, 360, 1759, 29891, 16640, 29879, 448, 3111, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 13, 1576, 937, 7560, 20305, 4847, 297, 21517, 313, 7439, 29871, 29906, 29897, 13, 29915, 8942, 29915, 20303, 913, 279, 7180, 1880, 373, 278, 937, 21517, 7560, 4847, 13, 29909, 10257, 11182, 884, 18012, 670, 4180, 322, 12520, 1075, 263, 2602, 411, 278, 21718, 21850, 7993, 29889, 2860, 263, 9150, 12755, 6413, 29892, 540, 15569, 263, 1298, 411, 278, 21517, 18195, 297, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 1434, 26188, 263, 8078, 411, 21701, 29892, 15205, 491, 7560, 5381, 1171, 478, 573, 29895, 22392, 328, 573, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 2998, 393, 278, 25963, 15655, 342, 4847, 297, 21517, 4955, 29892, 263, 1002, 4695, 393, 540, 1258, 451, 1101, 29892, 540, 471, 2748, 263, 15655, 26397, 472, 3762, 29889, 7753, 746, 540, 471, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 540, 471, 1048, 4832, 6900, 29892, 4832, 22831, 15655, 29889, 13, 2499, 3592, 670, 11825, 1258, 451, 1074, 20305, 14171, 263, 4940, 603, 29892, 896, 2337, 6969, 670, 6413, 29889, 13, 29915, 29902, 864, 304, 367, 763, 478, 1239, 22264, 29915, 13, 2831, 20303, 913, 279, 29892, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 4383, 393, 694, 13834, 7560, 4797, 391, 13582, 263, 6297, 1904, 29889, 376, 29963, 1239, 22264, 3939, 278, 24400, 310, 20305, 297, 7400, 16088, 306, 864, 304, 367, 763, 1075, 322, 367, 373, 7408, 697, 2462, 1213, 13, 8942, 20303, 913, 279, 5318, 363, 278, 1570, 12568, 4306, 8972, 2750, 278, 4709, 371, 2395, 310, 3087, 16879, 4306, 297, 278, 26550, 7567, 29915, 29879, 21850, 29427, 373, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 297, 1706, 554, 1662, 29892, 7660, 29889, 13, 29933, 29882, 913, 279, 471, 451, 18014, 491, 278, 2149, 800, 310, 7560, 4966, 1319, 29879, 29889, 940, 1898, 304, 748, 304, 7513, 10940, 1950, 29892, 278, 1833, 6493, 1048, 3023, 2440, 8020, 2645, 385, 21517, 29899, 1028, 787, 4395, 17487, 29889, 940, 3512, 304, 1913, 768, 29879, 279, 4272, 297, 349, 348, 29926, 370, 322, 11084, 472, 278, 16108, 18057, 29892, 278, 1556, 26546, 3268, 310, 317, 28464, 1608, 29889, 1126, 540, 471, 12624, 701, 29889, 13, 29908, 29909, 12176, 3966, 441, 13665, 11422, 3614, 502, 304, 278, 12417, 29889, 306, 3512, 2820, 727, 322, 727, 892, 1048, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 304, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29900, 2305, 380, 4362, 322, 5622, 14956, 29889, 306, 750, 304, 367, 5331, 304, 697, 310, 278, 2446, 19600, 1213, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 925, 393, 670, 3171, 13978, 287, 8570, 29936, 3834, 1101, 414, 1073, 1058, 540, 338, 29892, 5432, 670, 1024, 29889, 1126, 7513, 756, 8126, 18859, 373, 1075, 29889, 13, 29933, 29882, 913, 279, 884, 1898, 304, 766, 12846, 16976, 278, 3748, 297, 7513, 491, 8718, 28033, 322, 19912, 4344, 1708, 29889, 1126, 540, 471, 23051, 491, 278, 15935, 393, 22856, 363, 278, 3748, 29889, 13, 3868, 2714, 393, 20305, 1033, 10201 ]
package com.netflix.spectator.atlas; import com.netflix.spectator.api.DefaultRegistry; import com.netflix.spectator.api.Id; import com.netflix.spectator.api.ManualClock; import com.netflix.spectator.api.Measurement; import com.netflix.spectator.api.Registry; import com.netflix.spectator.api.Utils; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.junit.runners.JUnit4; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; @RunWith(JUnit4.class) public class AtlasTimerTest { private ManualClock clock = new ManualClock(); private Registry registry = new DefaultRegistry(); private long step = 10000L; private AtlasTimer dist = new AtlasTimer(registry.createId("test"), clock, step); private void checkValue(long count, long amount, double square, long max) { int num = 0; for (Measurement m : dist.measure()) { String stat = Utils.getTagValue(m.id(), "statistic"); DsType ds = "max".equals(stat) ? DsType.gauge : DsType.rate; Id expectedId = dist.id().withTag(ds).withTag("statistic", stat); Assert.assertEquals(expectedId, m.id()); switch (stat) { case "count": Assert.assertEquals(count / 10.0, m.value(), 1e-12); break; case "totalTime": Assert.assertEquals(amount / 10.0e9, m.value(), 1e-12); break; case "totalOfSquares": Assert.assertEquals(square / 10.0e18, m.value(), 1e-12); break; case "max": Assert.assertEquals(max / 1e9, m.value(), 1e-12); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown stat: " + stat); } Assert.assertEquals(count, dist.count()); Assert.assertEquals(amount, dist.totalTime()); ++num; } Assert.assertEquals(4, num); } @Test public void measuredIdHasDsType() { checkValue(0, 0, 0, 0); } @Test public void recordOne() { dist.record(1, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); checkValue(0, 0, 0, 0); clock.setWallTime(step + 1); checkValue(1, 1, 1, 1); } @Test public void recordTwo() { dist.record(2, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); checkValue(0, 0, 0, 0); clock.setWallTime(step + 1); checkValue(1, 2, 4, 2); } @Test public void recordMillis() { dist.record(2, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); clock.setWallTime(step + 1); checkValue(1, 2000000L, 4000000000000L, 2000000L); } @Test public void recordSquaresOverflow() { long v = (long) (Math.sqrt(Long.MAX_VALUE) / 1e9) + 1; dist.record(v, TimeUnit.SECONDS); clock.setWallTime(step + 1); double square = 1e18 * v * v; checkValue(1, v * 1000000000L, square, v * 100000000
[ 29871, 13, 5113, 419, 29889, 1212, 20157, 29916, 29889, 21494, 1061, 29889, 271, 3333, 29936, 13, 13, 5215, 419, 29889, 1212, 20157, 29916, 29889, 21494, 1061, 29889, 2754, 29889, 4592, 22579, 29936, 13, 5215, 419, 29889, 1212, 20157, 29916, 29889, 21494, 1061, 29889, 2754, 29889, 1204, 29936, 13, 5215, 419, 29889, 1212, 20157, 29916, 29889, 21494, 1061, 29889, 2754, 29889, 2517, 950, 29907, 908, 29936, 13, 5215, 419, 29889, 1212, 20157, 29916, 29889, 21494, 1061, 29889, 2754, 29889, 6816, 3745, 358, 29936, 13, 5215, 419, 29889, 1212, 20157, 29916, 29889, 21494, 1061, 29889, 2754, 29889, 22579, 29936, 13, 5215, 419, 29889, 1212, 20157, 29916, 29889, 21494, 1061, 29889, 2754, 29889, 12177, 29936, 13, 5215, 1638, 29889, 18491, 29889, 14697, 29936, 13, 5215, 1638, 29889, 18491, 29889, 3057, 29936, 13, 5215, 1638, 29889, 18491, 29889, 27492, 29889, 6558, 3047, 29936, 13, 5215, 1638, 29889, 18491, 29889, 3389, 8397, 29889, 29967, 8325, 29946, 29936, 13, 13, 5215, 2115, 29889, 4422, 29889, 19279, 29889, 2481, 8325, 29936, 13, 13, 13, 29992, 6558, 3047, 29898, 29967, 8325, 29946, 29889, 1990, 29897, 13, 3597, 770, 27076, 14745, 3057, 426, 13, 13, 29871, 2024, 2315, 950, 29907, 908, 12006, 353, 716, 2315, 950, 29907, 908, 890, 13, 29871, 2024, 2169, 6020, 21235, 353, 716, 13109, 22579, 890, 13, 29871, 2024, 1472, 4331, 353, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29931, 29936, 13, 29871, 2024, 27076, 14745, 1320, 353, 716, 27076, 14745, 29898, 1727, 6020, 29889, 3258, 1204, 703, 1688, 4968, 12006, 29892, 4331, 416, 13, 13, 29871, 2024, 1780, 1423, 1917, 29898, 5426, 2302, 29892, 1472, 5253, 29892, 3765, 6862, 29892, 1472, 4236, 29897, 426, 13, 1678, 938, 954, 353, 29871, 29900, 29936, 13, 1678, 363, 313, 6816, 3745, 358, 286, 584, 1320, 29889, 26658, 3101, 426, 13, 418, 1714, 1002, 353, 22310, 29879, 29889, 657, 8176, 1917, 29898, 29885, 29889, 333, 3285, 376, 6112, 4695, 1496, 13, 418, 360, 29879, 1542, 18031, 353, 376, 3317, 1642, 10954, 29898, 6112, 29897, 1577, 360, 29879, 1542, 29889, 29887, 585, 479, 584, 360, 29879, 1542, 29889, 10492, 29936, 13, 418, 5163, 3806, 1204, 353, 1320, 29889, 333, 2141, 2541, 8176, 29898, 6289, 467, 2541, 8176, 703, 6112, 4695, 613, 1002, 416, 13, 418, 16499, 29889, 9294, 14776, 29898, 9684, 1204, 29892, 286, 29889, 333, 3310, 13, 418, 4607, 313, 6112, 29897, 426, 13, 4706, 1206, 376, 2798, 1115, 13, 3986, 16499, 29889, 9294, 14776, 29898, 2798, 847, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29892, 286, 29889, 1767, 3285, 29871, 29896, 29872, 29899, 29896, 29906, 416, 13, 3986, 2867, 29936, 13, 4706, 1206, 376, 7827, 2481, 1115, 13, 3986, 16499, 29889, 9294, 14776, 29898, 14506, 847, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29872, 29929, 29892, 286, 29889, 1767, 3285, 29871, 29896, 29872, 29899, 29896, 29906, 416, 13, 3986, 2867, 29936, 13, 4706, 1206, 376, 7827, 2776, 29903, 339, 5114, 1115, 13, 3986, 16499, 29889, 9294, 14776, 29898, 17619, 847, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29872, 29896, 29947, 29892, 286, 29889, 1767, 3285, 29871, 29896, 29872, 29899, 29896, 29906, 416, 13, 3986, 2867, 29936, 13, 4706, 1206, 376, 3317, 1115, 13, 3986, 16499, 29889, 9294, 14776, 29898, 3317, 847, 29871, 29896, 29872, 29929, 29892, 286, 29889, 1767, 3285, 29871, 29896, 29872, 29899, 29896, 29906, 416, 13, 3986, 2867, 29936, 13, 4706, 2322, 29901, 13, 3986, 3183, 716, 1720, 12018, 15730, 2451, 703, 26690, 1002, 29901, 376, 718, 1002, 416, 13, 418, 500, 13, 418, 16499, 29889, 9294, 14776, 29898, 2798, 29892, 1320, 29889, 2798, 3310, 13, 418, 16499, 29889, 9294, 14776, 29898, 14506, 29892, 1320, 29889, 7827, 2481, 3310, 13, 418, 8445, 1949, 29936, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 1678, 16499, 29889, 9294, 14776, 29898, 29946, 29892, 954, 416, 13, 29871, 500, 13, 13, 29871, 732, 3057, 13, 29871, 970, 1780, 17005, 1204, 14510, 29928, 29879, 1542, 580, 426, 13, 1678, 1423, 1917, 29898, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29900, 416, 13, 29871, 500, 13, 13, 29871, 732, 3057, 13, 29871, 970, 1780, 2407, 6716, 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580, 426, 13, 1678, 1320, 29889, 11651, 29898, 29906, 29892, 5974, 8325, 29889, 10403, 2208, 29902, 1660, 6007, 8452, 416, 13, 1678, 12006, 29889, 842, 29956, 497, 2481, 29898, 10568, 718, 29871, 29896, 416, 13, 1678, 1423, 1917, 29898, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29931, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29931, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29931, 416, 13, 29871, 500, 13, 13, 29871, 732, 3057, 13, 29871, 970, 1780, 2407, 29903, 339, 5114, 23773, 580, 426, 13, 1678, 1472, 325, 353, 313, 5426, 29897, 313, 11309, 29889, 3676, 29898, 8208, 29889, 12648, 29918, 19143, 29897, 847, 29871, 29896, 29872, 29929, 29897, 718, 29871, 29896, 29936, 13, 1678, 1320, 29889, 11651, 29898, 29894, 29892, 5974, 8325, 29889, 1660, 6007, 8452, 416, 13, 1678, 12006, 29889, 842, 29956, 497, 2481, 29898, 10568, 718, 29871, 29896, 416, 13, 1678, 3765, 6862, 353, 29871, 29896, 29872, 29896, 29947, 334, 325, 334, 325, 29936, 13, 1678, 1423, 1917, 29898, 29896, 29892, 325, 334, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29931, 29892, 6862, 29892, 325, 334, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29900 ]
Tax Extenders Bill Is Big Deal for Nevada, Florida (Tom Williams/CQ Roll Call) Taxpayers from Nevada and Florida can expect to get walloped if Congress doesn't renew a package of expired tax breaks headed for the Senate floor. Both states benefit disproportionately from two major expired provisions — the deductibility of state sales taxes and a mortgage forgiveness provision. Unless Congress acts, homeowners getting relief from their banks in two of the states hit hardest by the housing crash would see a huge tax increase. And because neither state has an income tax, its taxpayers would be especially hurt if the sales tax deduction isn't renewed. "That's a double whammy for at least those two states," said Will McBride, chief economist at the Tax Foundation, a nonpartisan research think tank. "A sudden end to those tax breaks, it could be a significant hit." National Association of Realtors Deputy Chief Lobbyist Jamie Gregory noted that the mortgage provision has been a priority for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Nevada and Florida "were hit hard with short sales and principal reductions and debt forgiveness, which is one reason why Majority Leader Reid has been a huge proponent," he said. Senate action on the extenders package — approved by the Senate Finance Committee before the recess — could come as soon as next week, Democratic aides said. "I have positive feelings that we can pass it," a senior Senate Democratic aide said. This week will be consumed by debate on a Democratic proposal that would phase in an increase in the minimum wage to $10.10. Reid is expected to set up a procedural vote on the proposal for Wednesday. If it fails, which is expected due to GOP opposition, Reid could move to confirm nominees. Then the Senate will likely take up an energy efficiency package sponsored by Sens. Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H., and Rob Portman, R-Ohio. Congress previously extended the package as part of the broader "fiscal cliff" deal enacted in 2013. The conservative Club for Growth is calling on senators to oppose the measure. "This bill is mainly a hodgepodge of special interest earmarks in the federal tax code," the group said in a release earlier this month. "Thankfully, these extenders expired at the end of 2013, so the best thing the Senate can do now is nothing. "Majority Leader Harry Reid should cancel consideration of this bill and instead call for broad, pro-growth tax reform that will lower rates and remove other burdensome carveouts in the tax code," the statement continued. Democrats, who control 55 votes in the chamber, would need five Republicans to reach the 60-vote threshold to overcome any procedural hurdles, as long as they all vote together. Two possible Republican votes include Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida and Dean Heller of Nevada. Rubio is examining the issue carefully, according to an aide. Heller, who hasn't said how he plans to vote, wrote a letter in March to Finance Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and ranking member Orrin G. Hatch, R-Utah, underscoring the importance of the provisions to Nevada. "Currently, Nevada is in a fragile state of recovery, and in order to spur growth in our state, I request the continuation of the state and local sales tax deduction and Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act in any tax extenders legislation," Heller said. Heller noted many in Nevada owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth. "Failure to extend this law will cause many lower and middle class Americans to pay taxes when they refinance or sell their homes in 'short sales,'" Heller wrote. "It makes little sense to tax people on income they never received, and an extension of this tax relief is needed to further help improve the housing market in Nevada." Heller is a co-sponsor of a bill with Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., that would extend mortgage forgiveness tax relief for this year and next. Regarding the sales tax deduction, Heller said reinstating the provision would protect middle-class Nevadans. "This critical deduction saves Nevada taxpayers
[ 17847, 7338, 21043, 6682, 1317, 7997, 897, 284, 363, 26572, 1114, 29892, 13813, 13, 29898, 21599, 11648, 29914, 29907, 29984, 21809, 8251, 29897, 13, 29911, 1165, 10472, 414, 515, 26572, 1114, 322, 13813, 508, 2149, 304, 679, 17042, 27238, 565, 11559, 1838, 29915, 29873, 23011, 263, 3577, 310, 1518, 2859, 8818, 16706, 2343, 287, 363, 278, 18148, 11904, 29889, 13, 29933, 720, 5922, 14169, 766, 771, 637, 291, 2486, 515, 1023, 4655, 1518, 2859, 1326, 12112, 813, 278, 28262, 5313, 4127, 310, 2106, 16538, 8818, 267, 322, 263, 5758, 29887, 482, 18879, 20193, 25161, 29889, 13, 2525, 2222, 11559, 14741, 29892, 3271, 776, 414, 2805, 18892, 515, 1009, 24388, 297, 1023, 310, 278, 5922, 7124, 2898, 342, 491, 278, 27261, 8095, 723, 1074, 263, 12176, 8818, 7910, 29889, 1126, 1363, 9561, 2106, 756, 385, 17869, 8818, 29892, 967, 8818, 10472, 414, 723, 367, 7148, 21682, 565, 278, 16538, 8818, 21049, 428, 3508, 29915, 29873, 23011, 287, 29889, 13, 29908, 7058, 29915, 29879, 263, 3765, 377, 314, 1357, 363, 472, 3203, 1906, 1023, 5922, 1699, 1497, 2811, 4052, 29933, 2426, 29892, 9087, 7766, 391, 472, 278, 17847, 10606, 29892, 263, 1661, 1595, 21603, 5925, 1348, 23735, 29889, 376, 29909, 8327, 1095, 304, 1906, 8818, 16706, 29892, 372, 1033, 367, 263, 7282, 7124, 1213, 3086, 7993, 310, 830, 1997, 943, 26721, 29891, 14546, 27741, 1609, 391, 16131, 347, 29094, 11682, 393, 278, 5758, 29887, 482, 25161, 756, 1063, 263, 20136, 363, 18148, 11019, 537, 951, 1664, 10686, 830, 333, 29892, 360, 29899, 29940, 5750, 29889, 13, 29940, 5750, 1114, 322, 13813, 376, 29893, 406, 7124, 2898, 411, 3273, 16538, 322, 5882, 3724, 1953, 322, 2553, 29873, 18879, 20193, 29892, 607, 338, 697, 2769, 2020, 11019, 537, 951, 1664, 830, 333, 756, 1063, 263, 12176, 410, 3296, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 13, 29903, 264, 403, 3158, 373, 278, 10985, 414, 3577, 813, 23454, 491, 278, 18148, 4231, 749, 12930, 1434, 278, 337, 985, 813, 1033, 2041, 408, 4720, 408, 2446, 4723, 29892, 19083, 263, 2247, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 505, 6374, 21737, 393, 591, 508, 1209, 372, 1699, 263, 16336, 18148, 19083, 263, 680, 1497, 29889, 13, 4013, 4723, 674, 367, 11233, 287, 491, 27836, 373, 263, 19083, 24963, 393, 723, 8576, 297, 385, 7910, 297, 278, 9212, 281, 482, 304, 395, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29889, 13, 1123, 333, 338, 3806, 304, 731, 701, 263, 6449, 3631, 11719, 373, 278, 24963, 363, 15050, 4515, 3250, 29889, 960, 372, 8465, 29892, 607, 338, 3806, 2861, 304, 402, 4590, 19626, 29892, 830, 333, 1033, 4337, 304, 9659, 2245, 457, 267, 29889, 1987, 278, 18148, 674, 5517, 2125, 701, 385, 5864, 19201, 3577, 21955, 4395, 491, 317, 575, 29889, 4581, 484, 1383, 29874, 354, 264, 29892, 360, 29899, 29940, 29889, 29950, 1696, 322, 6417, 3371, 1171, 29892, 390, 29899, 9048, 601, 29889, 13, 29907, 549, 1253, 9251, 10410, 278, 3577, 408, 760, 310, 278, 2545, 1664, 376, 29888, 275, 1052, 1067, 2593, 29908, 5376, 427, 627, 287, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29889, 13, 1576, 8976, 1230, 5977, 363, 402, 798, 386, 338, 5432, 373, 6940, 4097, 304, 4575, 852, 278, 5645, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 11118, 338, 14364, 263, 298, 17979, 15334, 479, 310, 4266, 4066, 2326, 22848, 297, 278, 17097, 8818, 775, 1699, 278, 2318, 1497, 297, 263, 6507, 8859, 445, 4098, 29889, 376, 25271, 3730, 29892, 1438, 10985, 414, 1518, 2859, 472, 278, 1095, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 577, 278, 1900, 2655, 278, 18148, 508, 437, 1286, 338, 3078, 29889, 13, 29908, 29924, 1175, 272, 537, 951, 1664, 10686, 830, 333, 881, 12611, 19220, 310, 445, 11118, 322, 2012, 1246, 363, 7300, 29892, 410, 29899, 29887, 798, 386, 8818, 11736, 393, 674, 5224, 19257, 322, 3349, 916, 6866, 21518, 608, 1559, 345, 17718, 297, 278, 8818, 775, 1699, 278, 3229, 7572, 29889, 13, 29928, 331, 8415, 1446, 29892, 1058, 2761, 29871, 29945, 29945, 18952, 297, 278, 24171, 29892, 723, 817, 5320, 8063, 550, 304, 6159, 278, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29899, 15814, 16897, 304, 25688, 738, 6449, 3631, 12166, 29881, 793, 29892, 408, 1472, 408, 896, 599, 11719, 4208, 29889, 13, 13985, 1950, 21178, 18952, 3160, 317, 575, 29889, 19153, 14985, 601, 310, 13813, 322, 23263, 379, 4539, 310, 26572, 1114, 29889, 13, 29934, 431, 601, 338, 4392, 2827, 278, 2228, 16112, 29892, 5034, 304, 385, 263, 680, 29889, 13, 29950, 4539, 29892, 1058, 22602, 29915, 29873, 1497, 920, 540, 13900, 304, 11719, 29892, 5456, 263, 5497, 297, 4779, 304, 4231, 749, 24193, 1171, 11546, 10167, 1145, 29892, 360, 29899, 29949, 276, 1696, 322, 24034, 4509, 1394, 17056, 402, 29889, 379, 905, 29892, 390, 29899, 29965, 29873, 801, 29892, 23400, 2616, 292, 278, 13500, 310, 278, 1326, 12112, 304, 26572, 1114, 29889, 13, 29908, 7583, 368, 29892, 26572, 1114, 338, 297, 263, 13855, 488, 2106, 310, 24205, 29892, 322, 297, 1797, 304, 805, 332, 14321, 297, 1749, 2106, 29892, 306, 2009, 278, 3133, 362, 310, 278, 2106, 322, 1887, 16538, 8818, 21049, 428, 322, 15533, 29887, 482, 383, 990, 20193, 7089, 29873, 6376, 2575, 3185, 297, 738, 8818, 10985, 414, 13332, 362, 1699, 379, 4539, 1497, 29889, 13, 29950, 4539, 11682, 1784, 297, 26572, 1114, 288, 705, 901, 373, 1009, 5758, 29887, 1179, 1135, 1009, 17774, 526, 7088, 29889, 13, 29908, 24155, 304, 10985, 445, 4307, 674, 4556, 1784, 5224, 322, 7256, 770, 23035, 304, 5146, 8818, 267, 746, 896, 2143, 262, 749, 470, 19417, 1009, 17774, 297, 525, 12759, 16538, 5501, 29908, 379, 4539, 5456, 29889, 376, 3112, 3732, 2217, 4060, 304, 8818, 2305, 373, 17869, 896, 2360, 4520, 29892, 322, 385, 6081, 310, 445, 8818, 18892, 338, 4312, 304, 4340, 1371, 11157, 278, 27261, 9999, 297, 26572, 1114, 1213, 13, 29950, 4539, 338, 263, 1302, 29899, 1028, 787, 272, 310, 263, 11118, 411, 5811, 29889, 7089, 10993, 624, 12792, 340, 29892, 360, 29899, 14916, 1696, 393, 723, 10985, 5758, 29887, 482, 18879, 20193, 8818, 18892, 363, 445, 1629, 322, 2446, 29889, 13, 4597, 20272, 278, 16538, 8818, 21049, 428, 29892, 379, 4539, 1497, 337, 2611, 1218, 278, 25161, 723, 12566, 7256, 29899, 1990, 26572, 328, 550, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 12187, 21049, 428, 27401, 26572, 1114, 8818, 10472, 414 ]
Andy Summers: A Life In Music Police guitarist delivers One Train Later by Jason Warburg There's a familiar feeling I get when reaching the end of a book I've really enjoyed. It's a bittersweet, slightly disorienting sensation of departing -- against your will -- a world that's thoroughly captivated you, even if some part of you knew all along that your time there was destined to be limited. In this insightful musical autobiography, guitarist Andy Summers shares in intimate detail how he came to experience that same sensation, arriving -- after great tribulation -- at the peak of a legend-making career with the Police, only to face the inevitable yet all-too-soon breakup of the band that transformed him from a rock and roll footnote into a global superstar. One Train Later -- so named out of karmic respect for the chance meeting on a train with Police drummer Stewart Copeland that would change the course of Summers' life forever -- is hardly an "insider's expose," though. Rather, it's a knowing rumination on the joys and trials of a life devoted to making music, told with self-effacing and thoroughly endearing wit. Every person who picks up this book knows where it is headed -- to the collision of Summers, Copeland and bassist/vocalist Sting and their 1979-1983 ascendance into the ranks of rock demigods -- but the journey turns out to be at least as interesting as that glittering destination. Summers speaks frankly but unsentimentally of a difficult family life as a child, dwelling only long enough to establish the roots of a passion for making music that blossomed from the first time he held a battered old Spanish guitar: "It is an immediate bond and possibly at that moment there is a shift in the universe because this is the moment, the point from which my life unfolds. I strike the remaining strings, which make a sound like slack elastic. It's horribly out of tune and I don't know even the simplest chord, but to me it is the sound of love." From that pivotal moment, Summers tracks forward into his adolescent initiation into the secret brotherhood of chord-sharing among poor teenaged Brits who learn by ear off the radio and a handful of LPs; no lessons, no music books. His adventures as a young adult, after moving to London to try to make it in the music business, are the stuff of a serio-comic Dickens novel, full of great expectations and dashed hopes, daft bandmates and ridiculous gigs. As Summers' skills and reputation grow and he links up with Zoot Money and the Big Roll Band, which evolves into Dantalion's Chariot, which lands him a gig with Soft Machine, which leads to touring and recording with the 1968-69 lineup of Eric Burdon's Animals. Through this period Summers relays anecdote upon wonderful anecdote -- told with a rich mixture of classically British deadpan humor and entirely appropriate amazement – of life in the mid-60s London music scene. From scamming beers and gigs to jamming with Jimi Hendrix, Summers lives through a remarkably fertile musical era that sees him cross paths with the likes of Jimmy Page, James Brown and Eric Clapton, to whom Summers sells the Les Paul guitar that Clapton makes famous while playing in Cream. The path to the top is hardly a straight one, though. The vicissitudes of the rock life eventually land Summers in Los Angeles, jobless, in 1969. Almost five years, hundreds of guitar lessons taught and one ill-advised marriage later, he returns to London with a new bride for one more shot at making it as a professional musician. It takes another three-year slog through various groups of varying merit – highlighted financially by a stint as the hired-gun guitarist for (this is not a misprint) Neil Sedaka – before Summers runs into Copeland on the tube, and his life begins to change once again. This is the halfway point of the book. From there, things take off like a rocket. The acceleration of the narrative parallels the acceleration of the life being lived within it. Things spin faster and faster and faster until it becomes dizzying. Gigs, tours, recordings, singles, more gigs, press, fans, more recording, and the ro
[ 21828, 6991, 13269, 29901, 319, 4634, 512, 6125, 13, 7713, 625, 11210, 391, 628, 1536, 3118, 28186, 12699, 13, 1609, 21776, 3362, 3074, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 9985, 11223, 306, 679, 746, 20888, 278, 1095, 310, 263, 3143, 306, 29915, 345, 2289, 27849, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 2586, 2153, 16668, 29892, 10029, 766, 12236, 292, 4771, 362, 310, 5840, 292, 1192, 2750, 596, 674, 1192, 263, 3186, 393, 29915, 29879, 26606, 4332, 440, 630, 366, 29892, 1584, 565, 777, 760, 310, 366, 6363, 599, 3412, 393, 596, 931, 727, 471, 2731, 1312, 304, 367, 9078, 29889, 13, 797, 445, 25483, 1319, 9636, 1120, 15647, 5275, 29892, 11210, 391, 21828, 6991, 13269, 29358, 297, 938, 6490, 9493, 920, 540, 2996, 304, 7271, 393, 1021, 4771, 362, 29892, 6974, 292, 1192, 1156, 2107, 9434, 2785, 1192, 472, 278, 19224, 310, 263, 15983, 29899, 28990, 6413, 411, 278, 18923, 29892, 871, 304, 3700, 278, 297, 5750, 8270, 3447, 599, 29899, 517, 29877, 29899, 578, 265, 2867, 786, 310, 278, 3719, 393, 27615, 1075, 515, 263, 7679, 322, 9679, 3661, 6812, 964, 263, 5534, 2428, 8508, 29889, 13, 6716, 28186, 12699, 1192, 577, 4257, 714, 310, 413, 2817, 293, 3390, 363, 278, 8825, 11781, 373, 263, 7945, 411, 18923, 24103, 1050, 22389, 10061, 14045, 393, 723, 1735, 278, 3236, 310, 6991, 13269, 29915, 2834, 22296, 1192, 338, 15155, 385, 376, 1144, 1241, 29915, 29879, 24396, 1699, 2466, 29889, 390, 1624, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 13797, 16558, 3381, 373, 278, 2958, 952, 322, 3367, 1338, 310, 263, 2834, 24600, 304, 3907, 4696, 29892, 5429, 411, 1583, 29899, 12352, 9390, 322, 26606, 19981, 4362, 12309, 29889, 7569, 2022, 1058, 5839, 29879, 701, 445, 3143, 9906, 988, 372, 338, 2343, 287, 1192, 304, 278, 22369, 310, 6991, 13269, 29892, 10061, 14045, 322, 12760, 391, 29914, 29894, 18642, 391, 624, 292, 322, 1009, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29941, 12066, 21642, 964, 278, 27871, 310, 7679, 1261, 335, 19653, 1192, 541, 278, 16342, 12169, 714, 304, 367, 472, 3203, 408, 8031, 408, 393, 3144, 5171, 292, 12551, 29889, 13, 11139, 13269, 7726, 29879, 2524, 29895, 368, 541, 9644, 296, 2073, 635, 310, 263, 5189, 3942, 2834, 408, 263, 2278, 29892, 24013, 292, 871, 1472, 3307, 304, 10127, 278, 16778, 310, 263, 15935, 363, 3907, 4696, 393, 1999, 2209, 27067, 515, 278, 937, 931, 540, 4934, 263, 10193, 287, 2030, 10432, 11210, 29901, 376, 3112, 338, 385, 16800, 21224, 322, 10075, 472, 393, 3256, 727, 338, 263, 9500, 297, 278, 19859, 1363, 445, 338, 278, 3256, 29892, 278, 1298, 515, 607, 590, 2834, 29395, 3361, 29889, 306, 21283, 278, 9886, 6031, 29892, 607, 1207, 263, 6047, 763, 269, 2364, 560, 6288, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 4029, 1091, 368, 714, 310, 260, 1540, 322, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 1584, 278, 20393, 521, 536, 29892, 541, 304, 592, 372, 338, 278, 6047, 310, 5360, 1213, 13, 4591, 393, 282, 440, 7288, 3256, 29892, 6991, 13269, 16257, 6375, 964, 670, 594, 6544, 1760, 2069, 11685, 964, 278, 7035, 8099, 6614, 310, 521, 536, 29899, 845, 4362, 4249, 6460, 734, 264, 4063, 3230, 29879, 1058, 5110, 491, 2326, 1283, 278, 7155, 322, 263, 1361, 1319, 310, 23671, 29879, 29936, 694, 3109, 787, 29892, 694, 4696, 8277, 29889, 3600, 17623, 1973, 408, 263, 4123, 16157, 29892, 1156, 8401, 304, 4517, 304, 1018, 304, 1207, 372, 297, 278, 4696, 5381, 29892, 526, 278, 6433, 310, 263, 724, 601, 29899, 510, 293, 12488, 575, 9554, 29892, 2989, 310, 2107, 2149, 800, 322, 27526, 26926, 29892, 1146, 615, 3719, 29885, 1078, 322, 8177, 12906, 681, 19340, 29879, 29889, 1094, 6991, 13269, 29915, 25078, 322, 19821, 6548, 322, 540, 2988, 701, 411, 796, 3155, 341, 4992, 322, 278, 7997, 21809, 5158, 29892, 607, 15220, 1960, 964, 360, 17978, 291, 29915, 29879, 678, 1306, 327, 29892, 607, 12625, 1075, 263, 19340, 411, 1105, 615, 6189, 29892, 607, 11981, 304, 6282, 292, 322, 16867, 411, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29947, 29899, 29953, 29929, 1196, 786, 310, 14713, 6640, 9176, 29915, 29879, 24980, 1338, 29889, 13, 29911, 1092, 820, 445, 3785, 6991, 13269, 1104, 1036, 385, 687, 29881, 866, 2501, 20695, 385, 687, 29881, 866, 1192, 5429, 411, 263, 8261, 29544, 310, 770, 1711, 4908, 7123, 8357, 27448, 322, 9186, 8210, 21863, 882, 785, 310, 2834, 297, 278, 7145, 29899, 29953, 29900, 29879, 4517, 4696, 9088, 29889, 3645, 885, 314, 4056, 367, 414, 322, 19340, 29879, 304, 14322, 4056, 411, 8507, 29875, 17973, 2126, 29892, 6991, 13269, 12080, 1549, 263, 8509, 2197, 19965, 488, 9636, 3152, 393, 18553, 1075, 4891, 10898, 411, 278, 4188, 267, 310, 20636, 9305, 29892, 5011, 9817, 322, 14713, 6015, 12533, 29892, 304, 6029, 6991, 13269, 269, 10071, 278, 2664, 3739, 11210, 393, 6015, 12533, 3732, 13834, 1550, 8743, 297, 315, 1633, 29889, 13, 1576, 2224, 304, 278, 2246, 338, 15155, 263, 7812, 697, 29892, 2466, 29889, 450, 9467, 790, 20816, 310, 278, 7679, 2834, 10201, 2982, 6991, 13269, 297, 4602, 10722, 29892, 4982, 2222, 29892, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29929, 29889, 838, 3242, 5320, 2440, 29892, 21006, 310, 11210, 3109, 787, 16187, 322, 697, 4486, 29899, 328, 11292, 13718, 2678, 29892, 540, 3639, 304, 4517, 411, 263, 716, 289, 2426, 363, 697, 901, 10322, 472, 3907, 372, 408, 263, 10257, 4696, 713, 29889, 739, 4893, 1790, 2211, 29899, 6360, 269, 1188, 1549, 5164, 6471, 310, 24099, 2778, 277, 785, 12141, 287, 11782, 5584, 491, 263, 380, 524, 408, 278, 298, 2859, 29899, 28798, 11210, 391, 363, 313, 1366, 338, 451, 263, 3984, 2158, 29897, 29334, 20951, 8245, 785, 1434, 6991, 13269, 6057, 964, 10061, 14045, 373, 278, 260, 4003, 29892, 322, 670, 2834, 16410, 304, 1735, 2748, 1449, 29889, 910, 338, 278, 4203, 1582, 1298, 310, 278, 3143, 29889, 13, 4591, 727, 29892, 2712, 2125, 1283, 763, 263, 696, 3522, 29889, 450, 28178, 310, 278, 15474, 1230, 610, 3498, 3137, 278, 28178, 310, 278, 2834, 1641, 10600, 2629, 372, 29889, 28706, 10917, 8473, 322, 8473, 322, 8473, 2745, 372, 7415, 270, 466, 1537, 292, 29889, 402, 23379, 29892, 260, 2470, 29892, 2407, 886, 29892, 22102, 29892, 901, 19340, 29879, 29892, 3965, 29892, 24909, 29892, 901, 16867, 29892, 322, 278, 696 ]
Holiday Shopping Season Kicks Off a Day Early in U.S. China Jets Scrambled, Thai Protesters Swarm Army Headquarters Afghan President Threatens to Reject U.S. Deal China Scrambles Fighter Jets into Disputed Airspace Obamacare Plan for Small Businesses Goes on the Back Burner Hollywood Accused of Animal Cruelty in Major Films Chinese Investors Pumping Billions into East African Railways Solar System Like Ours Discovered How the Brain Mind-Maps Memories to Locations Olympic Flame Sets its Bearer on Fire Alabama-Auburn Match-up Heads Big College Football Weekend Black Friday began on Thursday this year – in some cases before Thanksgiving dinner – in a move that big retailers suggest was a success. A record number of stores opened on Black Friday Eve, including Macy's where 15,000 anxiously waited for the doors to open. The shopping marathon continued overnight into Friday morning with frenzied shoppers snapping up deals on big-ticket electronics and children's toys. Several incidents of violence have been reported. Shop safely, friends. Sources: CNN, Wall Street Journal, Financial Post, BBC Thursday is the New Black China sends fighter jets along US and Japan aircraft in new air zone. (BBC, NYT). U.S. General apologizes to Karzai after Afghan drone strike. (NYT). Comet ISON may have survived sun encounter. (National Post). Thai protesters storm army headquarters. (CNN). Canadian government permitted the NSA to spy on world leaders during the G8 and G20 summits. (National Post). It seems Hamid Karzai has reached a breaking point. The Afghan President has announced that he will not sign a long-term security deal with the U.S. if it conducts any further raids that kill civilians. His statement followed a drone strike in southern Afghanistan that killed a two-year-old child. Other Afghan leaders appear uneasy with Karzai's attitude and the military agreement was decisively approved by the Afghan Grand Council last week. The U.S. has indicated that unless Karzai signs the deal, it will be forced to completely withdraw its forces from Afghanistan in 2014. Source: NYT, Washington Post Last Straw A high-speed, high-stakes game of chess is taking place over the disputed East China Sea. On Thursday, Japan and South Korea ordered military flights through the airspace, ownership of which is one of the primary sources of Sino-Japanese tensions. China retaliated by sending several fighter jets and an early warning patrol into the area, which it claims is standard defensive procedure. Since new president Xi Jinping took office a year ago, China has more aggressively defined its borders, testing the limits of America's pivot to Asia and its support of allies like Japan in the region. Source: Al Jazeera, FT (reg.) Few Americans will have given thanks for the Affordable Care Act, as problems with the system continue to pile up. Healthcare.gov was supposed to be a source for small business insurance plans by the end of this month, but the Obama Administration has pushed the plan back by a year following the site's disastrous launch. Businesses are advised to sign up for plans via insurers, agents or brokers instead. Meanwhile, millions more people will qualify for Medicaid in 2014 due to the Act. Unfortunately, relatively few doctors are willing to accept Medicaid work, which remains poorly paid and a bureaucratic nightmare. Sources: WSJ, NYT Maybe Next Year According to a recent report, during the production of Life of Pi, the lead tiger nearly drowned in a water tank. What's more, dozens of dead fish and squid reportedly washed up dead on shore for days during the filming of Pirates of the Caribbean, and 27 animals may have died during the making of The Hobbit. Yet all these movies earned their "no animals were harmed" credit by the American Humane Association. We wonder how. A court hearing scheduled for March 2014 will investigate. Sources: The Guardian, Mother Jones Animals Were Harmed Construction of a new railway
[ 4168, 22394, 17550, 3262, 24791, 476, 7358, 5947, 263, 8373, 11095, 297, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 13, 1451, 1099, 435, 1691, 2522, 2572, 27225, 29892, 498, 1794, 21723, 414, 3925, 2817, 8811, 12252, 19252, 13, 29909, 16434, 5403, 7178, 498, 276, 271, 575, 304, 830, 622, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 897, 284, 13, 1451, 1099, 2522, 29878, 1117, 793, 383, 14643, 435, 1691, 964, 3295, 649, 287, 5593, 3493, 13, 6039, 314, 562, 598, 8402, 363, 18285, 15197, 267, 2921, 267, 373, 278, 7437, 16640, 261, 13, 19984, 16239, 4831, 3880, 310, 22809, 11263, 295, 1017, 297, 11019, 21470, 13, 1451, 8233, 512, 10147, 943, 349, 3427, 292, 6682, 1080, 964, 6932, 11715, 9620, 1994, 13, 29903, 10170, 2184, 8502, 438, 1295, 8565, 957, 287, 13, 5328, 278, 5032, 262, 20152, 29899, 29924, 2547, 8133, 3842, 304, 5976, 800, 13, 29949, 4960, 293, 2379, 420, 317, 1691, 967, 23606, 261, 373, 6438, 13, 2499, 23758, 29899, 29909, 431, 595, 14514, 29899, 786, 940, 7925, 7997, 6346, 8914, 15511, 355, 13, 18700, 28728, 4689, 373, 498, 1295, 3250, 445, 1629, 785, 297, 777, 4251, 1434, 1834, 29887, 4357, 17803, 785, 297, 263, 4337, 393, 4802, 3240, 737, 414, 4368, 471, 263, 2551, 29889, 319, 2407, 1353, 310, 14422, 6496, 373, 6054, 28728, 382, 345, 29892, 3704, 341, 4135, 29915, 29879, 988, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 14919, 17365, 25993, 363, 278, 24189, 304, 1722, 29889, 450, 17394, 3262, 1766, 25206, 7572, 975, 11147, 964, 28728, 7250, 411, 285, 1267, 29920, 1000, 528, 9354, 414, 5807, 20304, 701, 316, 1338, 373, 4802, 29899, 29873, 8522, 11966, 1199, 322, 4344, 29915, 29879, 304, 952, 29889, 21882, 5528, 16719, 310, 21448, 505, 1063, 8967, 29889, 1383, 459, 23511, 29892, 7875, 29889, 13, 29903, 2863, 29901, 29696, 29892, 14406, 7103, 8237, 29892, 4231, 273, 1455, 4918, 29892, 14129, 13, 1349, 1295, 3250, 338, 278, 1570, 6054, 13, 1451, 1099, 16003, 285, 14643, 432, 1691, 3412, 3148, 322, 5546, 15780, 297, 716, 4799, 10640, 29889, 313, 29933, 5371, 29892, 23526, 29911, 467, 13, 29965, 29889, 29903, 29889, 4593, 27746, 7093, 304, 3467, 1362, 29875, 1156, 27135, 4192, 650, 21283, 29889, 313, 29940, 29979, 29911, 467, 13, 1523, 300, 306, 3094, 1122, 505, 10503, 2347, 6575, 11735, 29889, 313, 27325, 4918, 467, 13, 1349, 1794, 10021, 414, 14280, 9987, 26463, 29889, 313, 29907, 10262, 467, 13, 6028, 328, 713, 5874, 21905, 278, 3865, 29909, 304, 805, 29891, 373, 3186, 20251, 2645, 278, 402, 29947, 322, 402, 29906, 29900, 22792, 1169, 29889, 313, 27325, 4918, 467, 13, 3112, 2444, 7904, 333, 3467, 1362, 29875, 756, 7450, 263, 16679, 1298, 29889, 450, 27135, 7178, 756, 9326, 393, 540, 674, 451, 1804, 263, 1472, 29899, 8489, 6993, 5376, 411, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 565, 372, 7512, 29879, 738, 4340, 1153, 4841, 393, 12088, 14175, 2638, 550, 29889, 3600, 3229, 5643, 263, 4192, 650, 21283, 297, 14841, 27135, 9777, 393, 9445, 263, 1023, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 2278, 29889, 5901, 27135, 20251, 2615, 1597, 8995, 411, 3467, 1362, 29875, 29915, 29879, 26309, 322, 278, 9121, 17327, 471, 22442, 3598, 23454, 491, 278, 27135, 6265, 8831, 1833, 4723, 29889, 450, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 756, 18694, 393, 6521, 3467, 1362, 29875, 18906, 278, 5376, 29892, 372, 674, 367, 11826, 304, 6446, 28679, 967, 8249, 515, 27135, 9777, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29889, 13, 4435, 29901, 23526, 29911, 29892, 7660, 4918, 13, 8897, 624, 1610, 13, 29909, 1880, 29899, 19322, 29892, 1880, 29899, 303, 6926, 3748, 310, 521, 404, 338, 5622, 2058, 975, 278, 8937, 287, 6932, 7551, 14070, 29889, 1551, 498, 1295, 3250, 29892, 5546, 322, 4275, 19109, 10372, 9121, 1652, 5861, 1549, 278, 4799, 3493, 29892, 27428, 310, 607, 338, 697, 310, 278, 7601, 8974, 310, 317, 1789, 29899, 29967, 21419, 968, 260, 5580, 29889, 7551, 3240, 2606, 630, 491, 9348, 3196, 285, 14643, 432, 1691, 322, 385, 4688, 9177, 2373, 1467, 964, 278, 4038, 29892, 607, 372, 16726, 338, 3918, 822, 6270, 8792, 29889, 4001, 716, 6673, 1060, 29875, 29779, 15702, 3614, 8034, 263, 1629, 8020, 29892, 7551, 756, 901, 946, 3663, 3598, 3342, 967, 28199, 29892, 6724, 278, 13071, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 24438, 304, 14325, 322, 967, 2304, 310, 394, 3687, 763, 5546, 297, 278, 5120, 29889, 13, 4435, 29901, 838, 435, 28334, 1572, 29892, 383, 29911, 313, 1727, 1846, 13, 29943, 809, 23035, 674, 505, 2183, 3969, 363, 278, 13737, 536, 519, 10057, 3185, 29892, 408, 4828, 411, 278, 1788, 6773, 304, 282, 488, 701, 29889, 15202, 18020, 29889, 13513, 471, 7424, 304, 367, 263, 2752, 363, 2319, 5381, 1663, 18541, 13900, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 445, 4098, 29892, 541, 278, 4250, 3304, 23303, 756, 18760, 278, 3814, 1250, 491, 263, 1629, 1494, 278, 3268, 29915, 29879, 766, 7614, 681, 6826, 29889, 15197, 267, 526, 594, 11292, 304, 1804, 701, 363, 13900, 3025, 1663, 332, 414, 29892, 19518, 470, 2545, 29895, 414, 2012, 29889, 25065, 29892, 14746, 901, 2305, 674, 4021, 1598, 363, 3436, 983, 333, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 2861, 304, 278, 3185, 29889, 11511, 29892, 13774, 2846, 437, 14359, 526, 17762, 304, 3544, 3436, 983, 333, 664, 29892, 607, 9242, 6460, 368, 12530, 322, 263, 289, 13411, 7283, 2454, 4646, 29885, 598, 29889, 13, 29903, 2863, 29901, 399, 29903, 29967, 29892, 23526, 29911, 13, 22762, 8084, 8905, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 263, 7786, 3461, 29892, 2645, 278, 5802, 310, 4634, 310, 7362, 29892, 278, 3275, 260, 4087, 8886, 270, 4708, 287, 297, 263, 4094, 23735, 29889, 1724, 29915, 29879, 901, 29892, 437, 29920, 575, 310, 7123, 9427, 322, 10674, 333, 8967, 368, 471, 17143, 701, 7123, 373, 19055, 363, 3841, 2645, 278, 2706, 292, 310, 16937, 1078, 310, 278, 1704, 747, 14471, 29892, 322, 29871, 29906, 29955, 15006, 1122, 505, 6423, 2645, 278, 3907, 310, 450, 25302, 2966, 29889, 15175, 599, 1438, 2351, 583, 20591, 1009, 376, 1217, 15006, 892, 4023, 2168, 29908, 16200, 491, 278, 3082, 13863, 1662, 7993, 29889, 1334, 4997, 920, 29889, 319, 8973, 22514, 21467, 363, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 674, 23033, 29889, 13, 29903, 2863, 29901, 450, 29429, 29892, 21869, 10920, 13, 21645, 1338, 399, 406, 3536, 2168, 13, 12075, 4080, 310, 263, 716, 14113 ]
..: Artists :.. Celtic Frost were a Swiss extreme metal band from Zürich. They are known for their strong influence on the development of extreme metal. Formed in 1981 as Hellhammer, the band became Celtic Frost in 1984 and was active until 1993. It re-formed in 2001 and disbanded following frontman Tom Gabriel… Glam Metal, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal Kingdom Come is an American/German heavy metal/hard rock band formed in 1987. The band was originally fronted by Lenny Wolf (born as Frank Wöllschlager), until their hiatus in 2016. While there have been no constant Kingdom Come members throughout the band's history, their most recent lineup features four original members… Electronic, New Wave, pop, Post-Punk Devo is an American rock band from Akron, Ohio formed in 1973. Their classic lineup consisted of two sets of brothers, the Mothersbaughs (Mark and Bob) and the Casales (Gerald and Bob), along with Alan Myers. The band had a No. 14 Billboard chart hit in 1980 with the single… Electronic, Hiphop Newcleus was an American electro and old school hip hop group that gained popularity in the early 1980s. The group is primarily known for its 12-inch single "Jam-On's Revenge" (re-released as "Jam on Revenge (The Wikki-Wikki Song)" (1983)) and "Jam on It" (1984), which began as an anti-rap joke, according… Dio was an American heavy metal band formed in 1982 and led by vocalist Ronnie James Dio, after he left Black Sabbath with intentions to form a new band with fellow former Black Sabbath member Vinny Appice, the band's drummer. The name Dio was chosen because it made sense from a commercial standpoint, as the name was already well… Racer X is an American heavy metal band formed in 1984 in Los Angeles, California. The group has gone through a hiatus, and a few lineup changes with founders vocalist Jeff Martin and bassist Juan Alderete being the sole constant members. The band is signed to Shrapnel Records. Guitarist Paul Gilbert first gained notoriety when he was featured in Mike Varney's Spotlight Column… The Real Roxanne (born Adelaida Martinez, July 15, 1963) is an American female hip-hop MC who recorded for Select Records. Martinez was born in Brooklyn, New York. In the 1980s she, Roxanne Shanté, and others were engaged in the Roxanne Wars, a series of answer records inspired by UTFO's hit song "Roxanne, Roxanne," being the officially sanctioned artist in response to all of the answer… Cacophony was an American heavy metal band formed in 1986 by guitarists Marty Friedman and Jason Becker and signed to Shrapnel Records. They remained active until 1989, after which both guitarists forged their own solo careers and joined other bands. The two albums released by Cacophony—Speed Metal Symphony (1987) and Go Off! (1988)—were showpieces of the kind of highly technical playing… Joseph Saddler (born January 1, 1958), better known as Grandmaster Flash, is an American hip hop recording artist and DJ. He is considered to be one of the pioneers of hip-hop DJing, cutting, scratching and mixing. Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five were inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007, becoming the first hip-hop act to be honored. The… Rock Steady Crew An American breaking and hip-hop group which has become a franchise name for multiple groups in other locations. The group's 1983 international hit song "(Hey You) The Rock Steady Crew" (from the group's first studio album Ready For Battle) peaked at No. 6 on its fourth week on the UK Singles Chart, and it reached the Top… (Re)Discover DIO Foldable FM Headset Radio Headphone Receiver Stereo/Mono for
[ 6317, 29901, 3012, 2879, 584, 636, 13, 29907, 2152, 293, 383, 17627, 892, 263, 26182, 18677, 11915, 3719, 515, 24931, 29889, 2688, 526, 2998, 363, 1009, 4549, 9949, 373, 278, 5849, 310, 18677, 11915, 29889, 3812, 287, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29896, 408, 19339, 3391, 1050, 29892, 278, 3719, 3897, 315, 2152, 293, 383, 17627, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 322, 471, 6136, 2745, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29889, 739, 337, 29899, 15628, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 322, 766, 4980, 287, 1494, 4565, 1171, 4335, 18672, 30098, 13, 29954, 5288, 24992, 29892, 10999, 8027, 29892, 940, 5301, 24992, 13, 29968, 292, 3129, 16760, 338, 385, 3082, 29914, 29954, 3504, 9416, 11915, 29914, 6800, 7679, 3719, 8429, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29889, 450, 3719, 471, 10437, 4565, 287, 491, 16206, 1460, 10441, 313, 4939, 408, 4976, 399, 22232, 816, 29880, 1875, 511, 2745, 1009, 7251, 2389, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 5806, 727, 505, 1063, 694, 4868, 12626, 16760, 5144, 10106, 278, 3719, 29915, 29879, 4955, 29892, 1009, 1556, 7786, 1196, 786, 5680, 3023, 2441, 5144, 30098, 13, 29923, 781, 1617, 293, 29892, 1570, 399, 1351, 29892, 1835, 29892, 4918, 29899, 29925, 2960, 13, 2772, 1365, 338, 385, 3082, 7679, 3719, 515, 10813, 1617, 29892, 15821, 8429, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29941, 29889, 11275, 22037, 1196, 786, 24775, 310, 1023, 6166, 310, 21383, 29892, 278, 341, 720, 414, 29890, 6334, 29879, 313, 9802, 322, 7991, 29897, 322, 278, 6960, 2122, 313, 29954, 261, 2741, 322, 7991, 511, 3412, 411, 17102, 1619, 414, 29889, 450, 3719, 750, 263, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29946, 15615, 8727, 7124, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 411, 278, 2323, 30098, 13, 29923, 781, 1617, 293, 29892, 6324, 561, 459, 13, 4373, 2841, 375, 471, 385, 3082, 28118, 322, 2030, 3762, 21464, 8171, 2318, 393, 17515, 5972, 537, 297, 278, 4688, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 29879, 29889, 450, 2318, 338, 19434, 2998, 363, 967, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29899, 22466, 2323, 376, 29967, 314, 29899, 2951, 29915, 29879, 830, 854, 479, 29908, 313, 276, 29899, 276, 4611, 408, 376, 29967, 314, 373, 830, 854, 479, 313, 1576, 3772, 1984, 29899, 5653, 1984, 9362, 5513, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29941, 876, 322, 376, 29967, 314, 373, 739, 29908, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 511, 607, 4689, 408, 385, 9418, 29899, 2390, 2958, 446, 29892, 5034, 30098, 13, 29928, 601, 471, 385, 3082, 9416, 11915, 3719, 8429, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 322, 5331, 491, 20982, 391, 11546, 2786, 5011, 360, 601, 29892, 1156, 540, 2175, 6054, 317, 8846, 493, 411, 7609, 1080, 304, 883, 263, 716, 3719, 411, 10404, 4642, 6054, 317, 8846, 493, 4509, 12540, 1460, 2401, 625, 29892, 278, 3719, 29915, 29879, 24103, 1050, 29889, 450, 1024, 360, 601, 471, 10434, 1363, 372, 1754, 4060, 515, 263, 12128, 2317, 3149, 29892, 408, 278, 1024, 471, 2307, 1532, 30098, 13, 29934, 562, 261, 1060, 338, 385, 3082, 9416, 11915, 3719, 8429, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 297, 4602, 10722, 29892, 8046, 29889, 450, 2318, 756, 7695, 1549, 263, 7251, 2389, 29892, 322, 263, 2846, 1196, 786, 3620, 411, 1476, 414, 20982, 391, 12208, 6502, 322, 12760, 391, 8699, 18242, 261, 2650, 1641, 278, 14419, 4868, 5144, 29889, 450, 3719, 338, 8794, 304, 1383, 2390, 9139, 7983, 29889, 2088, 3673, 391, 3739, 23657, 937, 17515, 451, 272, 21549, 746, 540, 471, 15000, 297, 12828, 11681, 3801, 29915, 29879, 1706, 327, 4366, 12481, 30098, 13, 1576, 8195, 1528, 29916, 11276, 313, 4939, 2087, 3100, 1458, 3760, 457, 29920, 29892, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29941, 29897, 338, 385, 3082, 12944, 21464, 29899, 29882, 459, 21271, 1058, 10478, 363, 7605, 7983, 29889, 3760, 457, 29920, 471, 6345, 297, 18737, 13493, 29892, 1570, 3088, 29889, 512, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 29879, 1183, 29892, 1528, 29916, 11276, 1383, 424, 29948, 29892, 322, 4045, 892, 17785, 297, 278, 1528, 29916, 11276, 9149, 29892, 263, 3652, 310, 1234, 6475, 20603, 491, 501, 29911, 5800, 29915, 29879, 7124, 4823, 376, 29934, 2251, 11276, 29892, 1528, 29916, 11276, 1699, 1641, 278, 22444, 9753, 428, 287, 7664, 297, 2933, 304, 599, 310, 278, 1234, 30098, 13, 29907, 562, 3021, 2592, 471, 385, 3082, 9416, 11915, 3719, 8429, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29953, 491, 11210, 2879, 3760, 29891, 6662, 1171, 322, 21776, 1522, 4937, 322, 8794, 304, 1383, 2390, 9139, 7983, 29889, 2688, 9488, 6136, 2745, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29929, 29892, 1156, 607, 1716, 11210, 2879, 363, 3192, 1009, 1914, 6651, 2562, 414, 322, 8772, 916, 22706, 29889, 450, 1023, 20618, 5492, 491, 315, 562, 3021, 2592, 30003, 26539, 24992, 10667, 22214, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29897, 322, 2921, 5947, 29991, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 29897, 30003, 29893, 406, 1510, 12343, 778, 310, 278, 2924, 310, 10712, 16905, 8743, 30098, 13, 26473, 561, 317, 1202, 1358, 313, 4939, 5490, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29947, 511, 2253, 2998, 408, 6265, 6207, 21967, 29892, 338, 385, 3082, 21464, 8171, 16867, 7664, 322, 23366, 29889, 940, 338, 5545, 304, 367, 697, 310, 278, 29323, 414, 310, 21464, 29899, 29882, 459, 23366, 292, 29892, 28967, 29892, 22728, 292, 322, 24907, 29889, 6265, 6207, 21967, 322, 278, 7509, 2738, 22853, 892, 22799, 287, 964, 278, 8027, 322, 21809, 6573, 310, 21808, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29892, 14171, 278, 937, 21464, 29899, 29882, 459, 1044, 304, 367, 4207, 4395, 29889, 450, 30098, 13, 29934, 1698, 2443, 3714, 315, 3973, 13, 2744, 3082, 16679, 322, 21464, 29899, 29882, 459, 2318, 607, 756, 4953, 263, 23272, 895, 1024, 363, 2999, 6471, 297, 916, 14354, 29889, 450, 2318, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29941, 6121, 7124, 4823, 18227, 29950, 1032, 887, 29897, 450, 8027, 2443, 3714, 315, 3973, 29908, 313, 3166, 278, 2318, 29915, 29879, 937, 8693, 3769, 830, 3714, 1152, 12788, 29897, 1236, 12535, 472, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29953, 373, 967, 11582, 4723, 373, 278, 10261, 22065, 14477, 29892, 322, 372, 7450, 278, 7488, 30098, 13, 29898, 1123, 29897, 4205, 11911, 360, 5971, 13, 29943, 1025, 519, 20499, 12252, 842, 9204, 12252, 6710, 24328, 2147, 317, 12358, 29877, 29914, 29924, 3231, 363 ]
New York Mets History Mets Catcher Travis d'Arnaud: A man twice traded for Cy Young winners By Allen Settle NEW YORK, NY - AUGUST 08: Travis d'Arnaud #18 of the New York Mets celebrates the 5-4 win over the Texas Rangers during interleague play on August 8, 2017 at Citi Field in the Flushing neighborhood of the Queens borough of New York City. (Photo by Elsa/Getty Images) It's rare to find a player with such an amazing trade history as New York Mets catcher Travis d'Arnaud. He has already twice been traded for Cy Young winners. The career path of New York Mets catcher Travis d'Arnaud has been one of the most interesting in all of baseball. Thus far, his journey has included acute highs and lows, as well as inclusion in two of the biggest trades of the past decade. d'Arnaud's professional career began at the conclusion of his senior year of high school. As a highly touted prospect, he was drafted by the Philadelphia Phillies with the 37th pick in the 2007 MLB draft. The young catcher showed excellent potential at the plate at the beginning of his minor league career. He hit for an average of .309 and was selected to the Class-A All-Star game during his first season. The First Blockbuster In 2010, d'Arnaud was a part of a historic trade that sent him to the Toronto Blue Jays. He and nine other players were moved in a deal that sent Cy Young winner and recent Hall of Fame inductee Roy Halladay to the Phillies. While the move was shocking, d'Arnaud didn't show any signs of slowing down in Toronto's farm system. He finished that season as an All-Star with a .259 batting average. More from Rising Apple NY Mets Rumors: 1 big threat to steal 2 Flushing free agents NY Mets need to call the Athletics about a Matt Chapman trade NY Mets dream starting lineup for the 2022 season NY Mets offseason makeover might be a simple "She's All That" situation NY Mets: 8 Ex-Amazins who killed it with other teams in 2021 d'Arnaud carried that momentum into 2011 and showed improved strength by hitting 21 home runs. He would go on to play in this sixth minor league All-Star game and would finish the season as the Eastern League's Most Valuable Player. As the year ended, d'Arnaud was considered to be the top catching prospect in baseball. The Second Blockbuster In December of 2012, d'Arnaud once again found himself on the trading block. This time, he was being traded to the Mets alongside Noah Syndergaard and fellow catcher John Buck. In return, the Mets sent reigning Cy Young winner R.A. Dickey to Toronto. For the second time in his career, the young prospect was traded for one of the best pitchers in the world. d'Arnaud suffered his first major injury in the Mets' system when he fractured his foot in March of 2013. However, upon recovery, the long-time minor leaguer was called up for his first taste of big-league action. He would play 31 games for the Mets in 2013 and finish with a .202 average over 99 at-bats. His best season came in 2014 when he maintained a solid .242 average with 22 home runs. Over the next few seasons, d'Arnaud's career began to take a downward turn. He would suffer multiple concussions, a broken hand, a sprained elbow, and an array of other minor injuries. With several stints on the disabled list, he also struggled to find his rhythm as a hitter and defender. d'Arnaud's average and power number began to drop, and he struggled with baserunners from behind the plate. The most devastating blow came early last season when d'Arnaud, the opening day starter, suffered a torn UCL in his throwing elbow that required Tommy John surgery. He would miss the rest of the season. As the beginning of the 201
[ 1570, 3088, 341, 1691, 5298, 13, 29924, 1691, 315, 905, 261, 3201, 1730, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 29901, 319, 767, 8951, 3534, 287, 363, 8045, 10443, 281, 16697, 13, 2059, 16092, 317, 1803, 280, 13, 28577, 612, 1955, 29968, 29892, 23526, 448, 319, 23338, 17321, 29871, 29900, 29947, 29901, 3201, 1730, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 396, 29896, 29947, 310, 278, 1570, 3088, 341, 1691, 10894, 1078, 278, 29871, 29945, 29899, 29946, 5401, 975, 278, 10319, 390, 13873, 2645, 1006, 280, 3437, 1708, 373, 3111, 29871, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 472, 315, 4812, 8989, 297, 278, 2379, 21616, 18403, 310, 278, 18909, 9820, 820, 310, 1570, 3088, 4412, 29889, 313, 25971, 491, 1260, 4977, 29914, 2577, 1017, 1954, 1179, 29897, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 10812, 304, 1284, 263, 4847, 411, 1316, 385, 21863, 292, 11302, 4955, 408, 1570, 3088, 341, 1691, 4380, 261, 3201, 1730, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 29889, 940, 756, 2307, 8951, 1063, 3534, 287, 363, 8045, 10443, 281, 16697, 29889, 13, 1576, 6413, 2224, 310, 1570, 3088, 341, 1691, 4380, 261, 3201, 1730, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 756, 1063, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 8031, 297, 599, 310, 21573, 29889, 6549, 2215, 29892, 670, 16342, 756, 5134, 1274, 1082, 1880, 29879, 322, 301, 1242, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 28694, 297, 1023, 310, 278, 24842, 534, 3076, 310, 278, 4940, 316, 6332, 29889, 13, 29881, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 29915, 29879, 10257, 6413, 4689, 472, 278, 15997, 310, 670, 16336, 1629, 310, 1880, 3762, 29889, 1094, 263, 10712, 5646, 287, 27289, 29892, 540, 471, 18195, 287, 491, 278, 18292, 21856, 583, 411, 278, 29871, 29941, 29955, 386, 5839, 297, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 23158, 29933, 18195, 29889, 450, 4123, 4380, 261, 10018, 15129, 7037, 472, 278, 15284, 472, 278, 6763, 310, 670, 9461, 13225, 6413, 29889, 940, 7124, 363, 385, 6588, 310, 869, 29941, 29900, 29929, 322, 471, 4629, 304, 278, 4134, 29899, 29909, 2178, 29899, 16213, 3748, 2645, 670, 937, 4259, 29889, 13, 1576, 3824, 15658, 29890, 5402, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29892, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 471, 263, 760, 310, 263, 22879, 11302, 393, 2665, 1075, 304, 278, 17612, 10924, 435, 1036, 29889, 940, 322, 14183, 916, 10769, 892, 6153, 297, 263, 5376, 393, 2665, 8045, 10443, 19576, 322, 7786, 6573, 310, 21808, 22799, 3905, 15793, 6573, 328, 388, 304, 278, 21856, 583, 29889, 5806, 278, 4337, 471, 19253, 292, 29892, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1510, 738, 18906, 310, 5232, 292, 1623, 297, 17612, 29915, 29879, 17888, 1788, 29889, 940, 7743, 393, 4259, 408, 385, 2178, 29899, 16213, 411, 263, 869, 29906, 29945, 29929, 8957, 292, 6588, 29889, 13, 20761, 515, 390, 5921, 12113, 13, 29940, 29979, 341, 1691, 20852, 943, 29901, 29871, 29896, 4802, 28469, 304, 1886, 284, 29871, 29906, 2379, 21616, 3889, 19518, 13, 29940, 29979, 341, 1691, 817, 304, 1246, 278, 28981, 1048, 263, 9811, 13741, 1171, 11302, 13, 29940, 29979, 341, 1691, 12561, 6257, 1196, 786, 363, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 4259, 13, 29940, 29979, 341, 1691, 1283, 25682, 1207, 957, 1795, 367, 263, 2560, 376, 13468, 29915, 29879, 2178, 2193, 29908, 6434, 13, 29940, 29979, 341, 1691, 29901, 29871, 29947, 1222, 29899, 29909, 16986, 1144, 1058, 9445, 372, 411, 916, 10907, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 13, 29881, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 8988, 393, 19399, 964, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 322, 10018, 16710, 9324, 491, 29425, 29871, 29906, 29896, 3271, 6057, 29889, 940, 723, 748, 373, 304, 1708, 297, 445, 25963, 9461, 13225, 2178, 29899, 16213, 3748, 322, 723, 8341, 278, 4259, 408, 278, 16162, 5165, 29915, 29879, 7849, 2630, 29884, 519, 14574, 29889, 1094, 278, 1629, 9698, 29892, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 471, 5545, 304, 367, 278, 2246, 4380, 292, 27289, 297, 21573, 29889, 13, 1576, 6440, 15658, 29890, 5402, 13, 797, 5846, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 2748, 1449, 1476, 3654, 373, 278, 3534, 292, 2908, 29889, 910, 931, 29892, 540, 471, 1641, 3534, 287, 304, 278, 341, 1691, 19963, 1939, 801, 8713, 5740, 3249, 538, 322, 10404, 4380, 261, 2259, 16281, 29889, 512, 736, 29892, 278, 341, 1691, 2665, 20913, 292, 8045, 10443, 19576, 390, 29889, 29909, 29889, 28550, 1989, 304, 17612, 29889, 1152, 278, 1473, 931, 297, 670, 6413, 29892, 278, 4123, 27289, 471, 3534, 287, 363, 697, 310, 278, 1900, 15905, 414, 297, 278, 3186, 29889, 13, 29881, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 17654, 670, 937, 4655, 24092, 297, 278, 341, 1691, 29915, 1788, 746, 540, 285, 1461, 2955, 670, 3661, 297, 4779, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29889, 2398, 29892, 2501, 24205, 29892, 278, 1472, 29899, 2230, 9461, 454, 351, 2853, 471, 2000, 701, 363, 670, 937, 21779, 310, 4802, 29899, 280, 3437, 3158, 29889, 940, 723, 1708, 29871, 29941, 29896, 8090, 363, 278, 341, 1691, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 322, 8341, 411, 263, 869, 29906, 29900, 29906, 6588, 975, 29871, 29929, 29929, 472, 29899, 29890, 1446, 29889, 3600, 1900, 4259, 2996, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 746, 540, 19949, 263, 7773, 869, 29906, 29946, 29906, 6588, 411, 29871, 29906, 29906, 3271, 6057, 29889, 13, 3563, 278, 2446, 2846, 20084, 29892, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 29915, 29879, 6413, 4689, 304, 2125, 263, 1623, 1328, 2507, 29889, 940, 723, 8812, 2999, 3022, 1558, 1080, 29892, 263, 9391, 1361, 29892, 263, 805, 22042, 560, 17729, 29892, 322, 385, 1409, 310, 916, 9461, 10899, 14886, 29889, 2973, 3196, 380, 9466, 373, 278, 12708, 1051, 29892, 540, 884, 10205, 839, 304, 1284, 670, 18178, 29265, 408, 263, 298, 5171, 322, 822, 1581, 29889, 13, 29881, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 29915, 29879, 6588, 322, 3081, 1353, 4689, 304, 5768, 29892, 322, 540, 10205, 839, 411, 2362, 261, 5963, 414, 515, 5742, 278, 15284, 29889, 450, 1556, 2906, 579, 1218, 13031, 2996, 4688, 1833, 4259, 746, 270, 29915, 1433, 1056, 566, 29892, 278, 8718, 2462, 380, 4254, 29892, 17654, 263, 10146, 501, 6154, 297, 670, 17452, 560, 17729, 393, 3734, 27036, 2259, 25300, 708, 29889, 940, 723, 3052, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 4259, 29889, 13, 2887, 278, 6763, 310, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896 ]
10-races-to-do-before-you-die 10 Races To Do Before You Die 1. The Athens Marathon, Greece Athens, the birth place of the modern marathon. Where Pheidippides ran to Athens after the Battle of Marathon victory to declare triumph over the Persians. The Marathon follows the route of Pheidippides, finishing at the Olympic stadium where the first modern Olympic games took place in 1896. The Perfect Shoe: Kinvara 10 2. Midnight Sun Marathon, Norway Held in Artic city of Tromsø, the Midnight Sun Marathon is the most northern marathon in the world. Located so far north during the summer months most cross the finish line around midnight in the bright sunlight. A variety of distances are available to run, make sure you don't miss out on this unique experience. The Perfect Shoe: Ride ISO 2 3. Lewa Marathon, Kenya A marathon like no other, the Lewa Marathon takes you through the beautiful Kenyan wildlife conservancies. A marathon and safari in one; the course runs freely though the conserve allowing you to take in the amazing scenery and wildlife as you run. The Luwa marathon is an incredible marathon to run due to its dedication in raising funds for community development and wildlife preservation in the surrounding areas. The Perfect Shoe: Xodus ISO 3 4. City to Surf, Australia Located in Sydney Australia the City2Surf race begins in the city centre, ending at the legendary Bondi Beach. If you are looking to out do your personal best or just have a bit of fun, the City2Surf race is a total of 14 kilometres in length, ideal for every type of runner. The Perfect Shoe: Freedom ISO 2 5. Marathon Des Sables, Morocco One of the toughest races on earth. The Marathon Des Sables spans 254 kilometres, taking 6 gruelling days. Compared to as "running from London to Dover deciding not to go to France after all and running back again in 120 degree heat" (Marathon Des Sables https://marathondessables.co.uk/race-overview/) It's the ultimate physical test (not for the faint hearted)! The Perfect Shoe: Triumph ISO 5 6. The Great Wall, China Another testing marathon for you go getters out there. With a combination of 5,164 steps, and reaching heights of 493 metres above sea level, The Great Wall Marathon poses a strenuous challenge. However, your reward will be the magnificent scenery and historic significance of the route. 7. Niagara Falls Marathon, U.S. and Canada You'll tick two countries off your list with the Niagara Fall International Marathon; Starting in Buffalo, New York and finishing at the iconic Niagara Falls, Canada. Commencing in Buffalo the course continues over the Peace Bridge taking you into Ontario, Canada. A scenic run with a spectacular finish; definitely one for the bucket list. The Perfect Shoe: Jazz 21 8. Ice Marathon, Antarctica A marathon on Antarctica? Yes, that's right. Only a couple of hundred miles from the South Pole, with temperature of -20 degrees and altitude of 700 metres, the Antarctic Ice Marathon is extreme, but one of a kind. The most south situated marathon in the world, take on the ultimate adventure. The Perfect Shoe: Peregrine 8 ICE+ 9. Comrades Marathon, South Africa An ultramarathon held in the KwaZulu-Natal Province in South Africa maps a gruelling route from Durban to Pietermaritzburg. Famous for its size and heritage, the Comrades Marathon holds historical significance having been established in 1921 to honour the South African soldiers who were lost in the first World War. The Perfect Shoe: Peregrine 8 GTX 10. Swiss Alpine Races, Switzerland Races which vary in length throughout the year situated in the beautiful Swiss Alps. Whether you are an Ironman, Marathon runner or a smaller distance runner, the Swiss Alpine Races provides a scenic route for you to conquer. The Perfect Shoe: Excursion TR12 GTX 16 days ago
[ 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 336, 778, 29899, 517, 29899, 1867, 29899, 11083, 29899, 6293, 29899, 16217, 13, 29896, 29900, 390, 3302, 1763, 1938, 10949, 887, 1640, 13, 29896, 29889, 450, 9193, 575, 1085, 25206, 29892, 25549, 13, 29909, 386, 575, 29892, 278, 12060, 2058, 310, 278, 5400, 1766, 25206, 29889, 6804, 349, 9722, 8377, 2247, 6350, 304, 9193, 575, 1156, 278, 12788, 310, 1085, 25206, 15354, 304, 9607, 24124, 975, 278, 9034, 5834, 29889, 450, 1085, 25206, 4477, 278, 5782, 310, 349, 9722, 8377, 2247, 29892, 28321, 472, 278, 19025, 10728, 1974, 988, 278, 937, 5400, 19025, 8090, 3614, 2058, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29929, 29953, 29889, 13, 1576, 2431, 3647, 17550, 29872, 29901, 20311, 1707, 29874, 29871, 29896, 29900, 13, 29906, 29889, 13370, 11147, 8991, 1085, 25206, 29892, 27440, 13, 29950, 2495, 297, 3012, 293, 4272, 310, 323, 456, 29879, 30077, 29892, 278, 13370, 11147, 8991, 1085, 25206, 338, 278, 1556, 14622, 1766, 25206, 297, 278, 3186, 29889, 5976, 630, 577, 2215, 6641, 2645, 278, 11801, 7378, 1556, 4891, 278, 8341, 1196, 2820, 7145, 11147, 297, 278, 11785, 6575, 4366, 29889, 319, 12875, 310, 24610, 526, 3625, 304, 1065, 29892, 1207, 1854, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 3052, 714, 373, 445, 5412, 7271, 29889, 13, 1576, 2431, 3647, 17550, 29872, 29901, 390, 680, 17723, 29871, 29906, 13, 29941, 29889, 11906, 29874, 1085, 25206, 29892, 10015, 3761, 13, 29909, 1766, 25206, 763, 694, 916, 29892, 278, 11906, 29874, 1085, 25206, 4893, 366, 1549, 278, 9560, 10015, 10094, 8775, 19264, 8976, 273, 2478, 29889, 319, 1766, 25206, 322, 9437, 1306, 297, 697, 29936, 278, 3236, 6057, 28472, 2466, 278, 378, 16349, 14372, 366, 304, 2125, 297, 278, 21863, 292, 5763, 708, 322, 8775, 19264, 408, 366, 1065, 29889, 450, 3182, 2766, 1766, 25206, 338, 385, 29811, 1821, 1766, 25206, 304, 1065, 2861, 304, 967, 8856, 362, 297, 29263, 29199, 363, 7881, 5849, 322, 8775, 19264, 2225, 20525, 297, 278, 18830, 10161, 29889, 13, 1576, 2431, 3647, 17550, 29872, 29901, 1060, 397, 375, 17723, 29871, 29941, 13, 29946, 29889, 4412, 304, 6298, 29888, 29892, 8314, 13, 3524, 630, 297, 16198, 8314, 278, 4412, 29906, 18498, 29888, 8175, 16410, 297, 278, 4272, 8442, 29892, 17140, 472, 278, 15983, 653, 26370, 29875, 17594, 29889, 960, 366, 526, 3063, 304, 714, 437, 596, 7333, 1900, 470, 925, 505, 263, 2586, 310, 2090, 29892, 278, 4412, 29906, 18498, 29888, 8175, 338, 263, 3001, 310, 29871, 29896, 29946, 24016, 297, 3309, 29892, 10839, 363, 1432, 1134, 310, 28877, 29889, 13, 1576, 2431, 3647, 17550, 29872, 29901, 3878, 11607, 17723, 29871, 29906, 13, 29945, 29889, 1085, 25206, 2726, 317, 1849, 29892, 3879, 542, 1111, 13, 6716, 310, 278, 260, 820, 342, 19830, 373, 8437, 29889, 450, 1085, 25206, 2726, 317, 1849, 805, 550, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29946, 24016, 29892, 5622, 29871, 29953, 4500, 7807, 3841, 29889, 3831, 1965, 304, 408, 376, 21094, 515, 4517, 304, 360, 957, 1602, 4821, 451, 304, 748, 304, 3444, 1156, 599, 322, 2734, 1250, 1449, 297, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29900, 7426, 12871, 29908, 313, 7083, 25206, 2726, 317, 1849, 2045, 597, 3034, 493, 898, 404, 1849, 29889, 1111, 29889, 2679, 29914, 25525, 29899, 957, 1493, 4551, 739, 29915, 29879, 278, 8494, 6490, 9128, 1243, 313, 1333, 363, 278, 24732, 5192, 287, 20198, 13, 1576, 2431, 3647, 17550, 29872, 29901, 8602, 19149, 17723, 29871, 29945, 13, 29953, 29889, 450, 7027, 14406, 29892, 7551, 13, 2744, 1228, 6724, 1766, 25206, 363, 366, 748, 679, 2153, 714, 727, 29889, 2973, 263, 10296, 310, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29896, 29953, 29946, 6576, 29892, 322, 20888, 3171, 29879, 310, 29871, 29946, 29929, 29941, 17963, 2038, 7205, 3233, 29892, 450, 7027, 14406, 1085, 25206, 926, 267, 263, 851, 4814, 681, 18766, 29889, 2398, 29892, 596, 20751, 674, 367, 278, 29154, 296, 5763, 708, 322, 22879, 26002, 310, 278, 5782, 29889, 13, 29955, 29889, 15981, 351, 2518, 383, 4293, 1085, 25206, 29892, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 322, 7400, 13, 3492, 29915, 645, 16892, 1023, 10916, 1283, 596, 1051, 411, 278, 15981, 351, 2518, 14053, 4623, 1085, 25206, 29936, 23748, 297, 22274, 7003, 29892, 1570, 3088, 322, 28321, 472, 278, 9849, 293, 15981, 351, 2518, 383, 4293, 29892, 7400, 29889, 422, 1527, 3277, 297, 22274, 7003, 278, 3236, 18172, 975, 278, 24819, 16230, 5622, 366, 964, 21718, 29892, 7400, 29889, 319, 5763, 293, 1065, 411, 263, 6683, 562, 1070, 8341, 29936, 11630, 697, 363, 278, 20968, 1051, 29889, 13, 1576, 2431, 3647, 17550, 29872, 29901, 17429, 29871, 29906, 29896, 13, 29947, 29889, 26998, 1085, 25206, 29892, 5459, 27014, 983, 13, 29909, 1766, 25206, 373, 5459, 27014, 983, 29973, 3869, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 1492, 29889, 9333, 263, 7303, 310, 6893, 7800, 515, 278, 4275, 349, 1772, 29892, 411, 10430, 310, 448, 29906, 29900, 14496, 322, 5272, 4279, 310, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29900, 17963, 29892, 278, 5459, 279, 20009, 26998, 1085, 25206, 338, 18677, 29892, 541, 697, 310, 263, 2924, 29889, 450, 1556, 7062, 24046, 1766, 25206, 297, 278, 3186, 29892, 2125, 373, 278, 8494, 6490, 17623, 545, 29889, 13, 1576, 2431, 3647, 17550, 29872, 29901, 2431, 4872, 457, 29871, 29947, 306, 4741, 29974, 13, 29929, 29889, 422, 29878, 3076, 1085, 25206, 29892, 4275, 10557, 13, 2744, 9238, 509, 8715, 25206, 4934, 297, 278, 476, 2766, 29999, 21528, 29899, 29940, 2075, 17325, 297, 4275, 10557, 11053, 263, 4500, 7807, 5782, 515, 7073, 2571, 304, 14929, 837, 279, 2784, 3074, 29889, 27458, 681, 363, 967, 2159, 322, 902, 16639, 29892, 278, 422, 29878, 3076, 1085, 25206, 8640, 15839, 26002, 2534, 1063, 7841, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29896, 304, 19107, 278, 4275, 11715, 13936, 1058, 892, 5714, 297, 278, 937, 2787, 3362, 29889, 13, 1576, 2431, 3647, 17550, 29872, 29901, 2431, 4872, 457, 29871, 29947, 21342, 29990, 13, 29896, 29900, 29889, 26182, 838, 26215, 390, 3302, 29892, 28806, 13, 29934, 3302, 607, 13100, 297, 3309, 10106, 278, 1629, 24046, 297, 278, 9560, 26182, 838, 567, 29889, 26460, 366, 526, 385, 20492, 1171, 29892, 1085, 25206, 28877, 470, 263, 7968, 5418, 28877, 29892, 278, 26182, 838, 26215, 390, 3302, 8128, 263, 5763, 293, 5782, 363, 366, 304, 26474, 29889, 13, 1576, 2431, 3647, 17550, 29872, 29901, 1222, 29883, 1295, 291, 10014, 29896, 29906, 21342, 29990, 13, 29896, 29953, 3841, 8020 ]
Product, Use Cases We built an app in 3 days using DCOS, Kubernetes, Kafka and more With Mesosphere's Datacenter Operating System (DCOS), it's possible to develop and deploy a non-trivial, production-ready distributed application in a matter of days. We were able to prove this during a recent company offsite meeting, by creating—in just three days—a crime-mapping app built on a backend of DCOS, Marathon, Kubernetes, Kafka, Spark, InfluxDB and other components. Trying the same thing without DCOS, one would find herself still installing and configuring the individual components by the time we had completed the entire project. Mesosphere recently had its company offsite meeting in Mexico. As part of a hackathon during the trip, my team decided to build a DCOS demo using real-world crime data. The stories that crime data—in our case some open data from the City of Chicago—can tell are manifold: from real estate planning to police dispatch, there's a lot of value in having online access to data (which crime is peaking right) as well as offline access (historically speaking, the geographical hotspots for crime in the city). The team working on the time series demo was Michael Gummelt, Tobi Knaup, Stefan Schimanski, James DeFelice and myself. We had about three days to complete the project, from idea to architecture to implementation and documentation. At the beginning there was zero codebase—we did not have anything to build off of in the first place. However, because DCOS allows for rapid iterations and the architecture is rather modular, we were able to get the demo done in time and still enjoy some fun in the sun. Here is the architecture we developed: Our underlying goal was to demonstrate and apply as many good practices as possible, such as: By using custom Docker images like mhausenblas/tsdemo-s3-fetcher we demonstrated a simple yet effective CI/CD pipeline within DCOS. By using Kubernetes we showed how having the web app and the S3 fetcher in a pod is beneficial in terms of data locality. By using secrets in Kubernetes we demonstrated how to pass along AWS credentials in a secure manner. By using Kafka to feed both the online and the offline part we showed how easily different workloads benefit from a single, reliable data source. What we learned The Spark Streaming process implementation went smooth, with only a few minor issues, such as data ingestion into InfluxDB via its HTTP API and JSON serialization challenges. Our implementation—which has both the online processing part that outputs into InfluxDB and the offline processing part that writes into a pre-defined S3 bucket, in one single Spark Streaming app—is not considered good practice. We went with it because of the time constraints of the hackathon. In our demo, AWS S3 is the main link between the Spark Streaming process and the offline reporting web app. It's a handy device and straightforward to use from the consuming, down-stream Web app. We hit a few bugs with Kubernetes (we used to implement the offline processing part), which are all but one "core" bugs. That is, they are present in Kubernetes itself and are not related to how Kubernetes is set up in the DCOS: There is a known issue with imagePullPolicy in that imagePullPolicy: Always does not re-pull an image. With emptyDirectory mounts there is a known issue in that it is owned by root:root and its permissions are set to 750 (see also k8s-offlinereporting-rc.yaml). There is currently no way to set secrets through environment variables, hence we used Kubernetes Secrets (see install offline reporting Web UI for details). If one of the containers in a pod is flapping, the endpoint and with it the associated service doesn't come up. For example, at some point in time the S3 fetcher Docker image had a faulty command in it, so the service using this pod was not available. A learning experience Within three days, we managed to assemble the codebase, test and deploy a working distributed application, end to end. With DCOS, it's straightforward to implement both the stateless parts as well as the core data pipeline of the app. While we identified some areas for improvement, such as replacing InfluxDB with Cassandra+KairosDB, we were overall really happy with the outcome. We'd love to hear from you to learn if you had similar experiences or maybe want to try out our demo.
[ 10969, 29892, 4803, 315, 2129, 13, 4806, 4240, 385, 623, 297, 29871, 29941, 3841, 773, 360, 3217, 29903, 29892, 476, 17547, 29892, 476, 20817, 322, 901, 13, 3047, 16457, 359, 9085, 29915, 29879, 3630, 5064, 6607, 1218, 2184, 313, 29928, 3217, 29903, 511, 372, 29915, 29879, 1950, 304, 2693, 322, 7246, 263, 1661, 29899, 29873, 9473, 29892, 5802, 29899, 2040, 13235, 2280, 297, 263, 4383, 310, 3841, 29889, 1334, 892, 2221, 304, 6356, 445, 2645, 263, 7786, 5001, 1283, 2746, 11781, 29892, 491, 4969, 30003, 262, 925, 2211, 3841, 30003, 29874, 17268, 29899, 20698, 623, 4240, 373, 263, 14998, 310, 360, 3217, 29903, 29892, 1085, 25206, 29892, 476, 17547, 29892, 476, 20817, 29892, 20814, 29892, 512, 1579, 1314, 4051, 322, 916, 7117, 29889, 13, 15870, 292, 278, 1021, 2655, 1728, 360, 3217, 29903, 29892, 697, 723, 1284, 8735, 1603, 15476, 322, 2295, 3864, 278, 5375, 7117, 491, 278, 931, 591, 750, 8676, 278, 4152, 2060, 29889, 13, 29924, 267, 359, 9085, 10325, 750, 967, 5001, 1283, 2746, 11781, 297, 12568, 29889, 1094, 760, 310, 263, 15833, 25206, 2645, 278, 17487, 29892, 590, 3815, 8459, 304, 2048, 263, 360, 3217, 29903, 13455, 773, 1855, 29899, 11526, 17268, 848, 29889, 450, 15874, 393, 17268, 848, 30003, 262, 1749, 1206, 777, 1722, 848, 515, 278, 4412, 310, 10059, 30003, 3068, 2649, 526, 25941, 29901, 515, 1855, 19989, 18987, 304, 10974, 13916, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 3287, 310, 995, 297, 2534, 7395, 2130, 304, 848, 313, 4716, 17268, 338, 1236, 5086, 1492, 29897, 408, 1532, 408, 1283, 1220, 2130, 313, 16211, 1711, 13590, 29892, 278, 1737, 19711, 7375, 1028, 1862, 363, 17268, 297, 278, 4272, 467, 13, 1576, 3815, 1985, 373, 278, 931, 3652, 13455, 471, 5765, 402, 23824, 2152, 29892, 323, 15647, 8360, 585, 29886, 29892, 21512, 1102, 326, 550, 1984, 29892, 5011, 897, 29943, 295, 625, 322, 6142, 29889, 1334, 750, 1048, 2211, 3841, 304, 4866, 278, 2060, 29892, 515, 2969, 304, 11258, 304, 5314, 322, 5106, 29889, 2180, 278, 6763, 727, 471, 5225, 775, 3188, 30003, 705, 1258, 451, 505, 3099, 304, 2048, 1283, 310, 297, 278, 937, 2058, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 1363, 360, 3217, 29903, 6511, 363, 10952, 24372, 322, 278, 11258, 338, 3265, 878, 1070, 29892, 591, 892, 2221, 304, 679, 278, 13455, 2309, 297, 931, 322, 1603, 13389, 777, 2090, 297, 278, 6575, 29889, 13, 10605, 338, 278, 11258, 591, 8906, 29901, 13, 29949, 332, 14407, 7306, 471, 304, 22222, 322, 3394, 408, 1784, 1781, 23274, 408, 1950, 29892, 1316, 408, 29901, 13, 2059, 773, 2888, 20868, 4558, 763, 286, 15608, 2204, 294, 29914, 1372, 17482, 29899, 29879, 29941, 29899, 9155, 261, 591, 28585, 263, 2560, 3447, 11828, 25781, 29914, 6530, 16439, 2629, 360, 3217, 29903, 29889, 13, 2059, 773, 476, 17547, 591, 10018, 920, 2534, 278, 1856, 623, 322, 278, 317, 29941, 6699, 261, 297, 263, 2532, 338, 7795, 5611, 297, 4958, 310, 848, 1887, 537, 29889, 13, 2059, 773, 22183, 1372, 297, 476, 17547, 591, 28585, 920, 304, 1209, 3412, 15540, 16140, 297, 263, 11592, 8214, 29889, 13, 2059, 773, 476, 20817, 304, 8343, 1716, 278, 7395, 322, 278, 1283, 1220, 760, 591, 10018, 920, 5948, 1422, 664, 18132, 14169, 515, 263, 2323, 29892, 23279, 848, 2752, 29889, 13, 5618, 591, 10972, 13, 1576, 20814, 13763, 292, 1889, 5314, 3512, 10597, 29892, 411, 871, 263, 2846, 9461, 5626, 29892, 1316, 408, 848, 2348, 602, 964, 512, 1579, 1314, 4051, 3025, 967, 7331, 3450, 322, 4663, 7797, 2133, 18066, 267, 29889, 8680, 5314, 30003, 4716, 756, 1716, 278, 7395, 9068, 760, 393, 14391, 964, 512, 1579, 1314, 4051, 322, 278, 1283, 1220, 9068, 760, 393, 15873, 964, 263, 758, 29899, 12119, 317, 29941, 20968, 29892, 297, 697, 2323, 20814, 13763, 292, 623, 30003, 275, 451, 5545, 1781, 6944, 29889, 1334, 3512, 411, 372, 1363, 310, 278, 931, 11938, 310, 278, 15833, 25206, 29889, 13, 797, 1749, 13455, 29892, 15540, 317, 29941, 338, 278, 1667, 1544, 1546, 278, 20814, 13763, 292, 1889, 322, 278, 1283, 1220, 23415, 1856, 623, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 1361, 29891, 4742, 322, 20837, 304, 671, 515, 278, 1136, 9929, 29892, 1623, 29899, 5461, 2563, 623, 29889, 13, 4806, 7124, 263, 2846, 24557, 411, 476, 17547, 313, 705, 1304, 304, 2334, 278, 1283, 1220, 9068, 760, 511, 607, 526, 599, 541, 697, 376, 3221, 29908, 24557, 29889, 2193, 338, 29892, 896, 526, 2198, 297, 476, 17547, 3528, 322, 526, 451, 4475, 304, 920, 476, 17547, 338, 731, 701, 297, 278, 360, 3217, 29903, 29901, 13, 8439, 338, 263, 2998, 2228, 411, 1967, 29925, 913, 15644, 297, 393, 1967, 29925, 913, 15644, 29901, 29849, 947, 451, 337, 29899, 26746, 385, 1967, 29889, 13, 3047, 4069, 9882, 5766, 29879, 727, 338, 263, 2998, 2228, 297, 393, 372, 338, 15205, 491, 3876, 29901, 4632, 322, 967, 11239, 526, 731, 304, 29871, 29955, 29945, 29900, 313, 4149, 884, 413, 29947, 29879, 29899, 2696, 1915, 406, 637, 292, 29899, 2214, 29889, 25162, 467, 13, 8439, 338, 5279, 694, 982, 304, 731, 22183, 1372, 1549, 5177, 3651, 29892, 8151, 591, 1304, 476, 17547, 5356, 27487, 313, 4149, 2601, 1283, 1220, 23415, 2563, 3740, 363, 4902, 467, 13, 3644, 697, 310, 278, 22637, 297, 263, 2532, 338, 17422, 3262, 29892, 278, 16248, 322, 411, 372, 278, 6942, 2669, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2041, 701, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 472, 777, 1298, 297, 931, 278, 317, 29941, 6699, 261, 20868, 1967, 750, 263, 12570, 29891, 1899, 297, 372, 29892, 577, 278, 2669, 773, 445, 2532, 471, 451, 3625, 29889, 13, 29909, 6509, 7271, 13, 3047, 262, 2211, 3841, 29892, 591, 8745, 304, 24940, 278, 775, 3188, 29892, 1243, 322, 7246, 263, 1985, 13235, 2280, 29892, 1095, 304, 1095, 29889, 2973, 360, 3217, 29903, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 20837, 304, 2334, 1716, 278, 1002, 6393, 5633, 408, 1532, 408, 278, 7136, 848, 16439, 310, 278, 623, 29889, 5806, 591, 15659, 777, 10161, 363, 20414, 29892, 1316, 408, 15270, 512, 1579, 1314, 4051, 411, 13088, 10738, 29974, 29968, 1794, 1883, 4051, 29892, 591, 892, 12463, 2289, 9796, 411, 278, 21957, 29889, 13, 4806, 29915, 29881, 5360, 304, 8293, 515, 366, 304, 5110, 565, 366, 750, 2788, 27482, 470, 5505, 864, 304, 1018, 714, 1749, 13455, 29889 ]
Canon Cinema EOS C200 Mark II may come in April next year Canon Cinema EOS C200 Mark II will borrow a few characteristics from Canon Cinema EOS C300 Mark III. Pavni Jain | December 2, 2020 | Updated 16:53 IST Canon may introduce a new Cinema EOS camera in April next year. The new camera can be Canon Cinema EOS C200 Mark II. The rumoured EOS C200 Mark II could borrow features from EOS C300 Mark III. Canon has a dedicated line of cameras for the filmmakers. The company has ample cinematic EOS cameras that can please videographers. Canon, in 2017, launched Canon EOS C200 with 4K video recording capabilities, touch screen monitor, dual pixel AF and more. Now, there are conjectures about Canon to introduce the successor of the EOS C200. It might be called the Canon EOS C200 Mark II. According to Canon Rumors, the company will update the Canon Cinema EOS C200 around April next year. The existing EOS C200 camera model comes for a price of Rs 4,00,000 approximately in India. Thus, the filmmakers should expect the rumoured EOS C200 Mark II a little bit more than its predecessor. Also note, the professional cinema cameras anyway come with a heavy price tag due to the advanced technology. This was all about the expected price. Let us talk about the specifications as well. Going by the same source of information, Canon Cinema EOS C200 Mark II may borrow a few characteristics from Canon Cinema EOS C300 Mark III. The EOS C300 Mark III was launched a couple of months ago with 35mm DGO Sensor, 16+ stops of dynamic range, 4K video capture, Dual Pixel AF with touch screen support, and more. Now, it is speculated that the latest Canon Cinema EOS C200 Mark II will feature the same sensor as the Cinema EOS C300 Mark III. The EOS C200 Mark II will boast RAW recording, 10-bit 4:2:2 videos, 4K recording up to 120p resolution. The rumoured camera will offer "more a unibody design than the modular design of the C300 Mark III." Along with the latest Cinema EOS camera, Canon is also planning to launch new super telephoto lenses reportedly. Canon already has a line of super telephoto lenses for mirrorless cameras which includes Canon RF 600mm F11 IS STM, and Canon RF 800mm F11 IS STM. Now, there are conjectures about Canon to introduce RF 400mm F11 IS STM lens which may complete a trilogy of super small super-telephoto lenses. Earlier, both the 800mm and 600mm F11 lenses were more of a conceptual lens from the company. But since the aforementioned super telephoto lenses are well-liked among camera users, the news of the launch of Canon 400mm lens can turn out to be true. While camera users are always awaiting new photographic equipment from different imaging brands, let us wait and watch what Canon has to offer for its users in 2021. ALSO READ | Sigma launches three new prime lenses for Sony cameras ALSO READ | Sony a7S Mark III sells better than Canon EOS R5, here's why ALSO READ | Sony a7C super compact camera launched for vloggers in India Tags: Canon Bought a new Android phone? Here is how to optimise it for best gaming experience FASTag use mandatory starting Jan 1; all you need to know Wipro share hits all-time high as firm opens Rs 9,500-cr share buyback This matrimonial site shares gave 280% returns in 9 months South Korea's artificial sun sets new world record, shines for 20 seconds at 100 million degrees Flipkart Mobile Year-end sale goes live: Offers on Realme phones, iPhones and more Windows 10 still available to upgrade for
[ 1815, 265, 27306, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4485, 1944, 1122, 2041, 297, 3786, 2446, 1629, 13, 6028, 265, 27306, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4485, 1944, 674, 27942, 263, 2846, 21862, 515, 1815, 265, 27306, 382, 3267, 315, 29941, 29900, 29900, 4485, 4786, 29889, 13, 29925, 485, 1240, 435, 475, 891, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 891, 25723, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29901, 29945, 29941, 306, 1254, 13, 6028, 265, 1122, 14944, 263, 716, 27306, 382, 3267, 10656, 297, 3786, 2446, 1629, 29889, 13, 1576, 716, 10656, 508, 367, 1815, 265, 27306, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4485, 1944, 29889, 13, 1576, 16558, 14076, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4485, 1944, 1033, 27942, 5680, 515, 382, 3267, 315, 29941, 29900, 29900, 4485, 4786, 29889, 13, 6028, 265, 756, 263, 16955, 1196, 310, 3949, 18464, 363, 278, 2706, 29885, 21079, 29889, 450, 5001, 756, 626, 552, 4670, 19217, 382, 3267, 3949, 18464, 393, 508, 3113, 18900, 1946, 414, 29889, 1815, 265, 29892, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 15241, 1815, 265, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 411, 29871, 29946, 29968, 4863, 16867, 27108, 29892, 6023, 4315, 11819, 29892, 14581, 15526, 23844, 322, 901, 29889, 2567, 29892, 727, 526, 25466, 1973, 1048, 1815, 265, 304, 14944, 278, 29433, 310, 278, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29889, 739, 1795, 367, 2000, 278, 1815, 265, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4485, 1944, 29889, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 1815, 265, 20852, 943, 29892, 278, 5001, 674, 2767, 278, 1815, 265, 27306, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 2820, 3786, 2446, 1629, 29889, 450, 5923, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 10656, 1904, 5304, 363, 263, 8666, 310, 390, 29879, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 14235, 297, 7513, 29889, 6549, 29892, 278, 2706, 29885, 21079, 881, 2149, 278, 16558, 14076, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4485, 1944, 263, 2217, 2586, 901, 1135, 967, 27978, 985, 272, 29889, 3115, 4443, 29892, 278, 10257, 24615, 3949, 18464, 8763, 2041, 411, 263, 9416, 8666, 4055, 2861, 304, 278, 12862, 15483, 29889, 13, 4013, 471, 599, 1048, 278, 3806, 8666, 29889, 2803, 502, 5193, 1048, 278, 2702, 800, 408, 1532, 29889, 2921, 292, 491, 278, 1021, 2752, 310, 2472, 29892, 1815, 265, 27306, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4485, 1944, 1122, 27942, 263, 2846, 21862, 515, 1815, 265, 27306, 382, 3267, 315, 29941, 29900, 29900, 4485, 4786, 29889, 13, 1576, 382, 3267, 315, 29941, 29900, 29900, 4485, 4786, 471, 15241, 263, 7303, 310, 7378, 8020, 411, 29871, 29941, 29945, 4317, 360, 17080, 317, 6073, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29974, 17726, 310, 7343, 3464, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29968, 4863, 10446, 29892, 360, 950, 349, 15711, 23844, 411, 6023, 4315, 2304, 29892, 322, 901, 29889, 13, 10454, 29892, 372, 338, 1580, 7964, 393, 278, 9281, 1815, 265, 27306, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4485, 1944, 674, 4682, 278, 1021, 23530, 408, 278, 27306, 382, 3267, 315, 29941, 29900, 29900, 4485, 4786, 29889, 450, 382, 3267, 315, 29906, 29900, 29900, 4485, 1944, 674, 1045, 579, 18865, 29956, 16867, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29899, 2966, 29871, 29946, 29901, 29906, 29901, 29906, 19707, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29968, 16867, 701, 304, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29900, 29886, 10104, 29889, 450, 16558, 14076, 10656, 674, 5957, 376, 5514, 263, 443, 747, 1486, 2874, 1135, 278, 878, 1070, 2874, 310, 278, 315, 29941, 29900, 29900, 4485, 4786, 1213, 13, 2499, 549, 411, 278, 9281, 27306, 382, 3267, 10656, 29892, 1815, 265, 338, 884, 18987, 304, 6826, 716, 2428, 4382, 21596, 301, 11259, 8967, 368, 29889, 1815, 265, 2307, 756, 263, 1196, 310, 2428, 4382, 21596, 301, 11259, 363, 19571, 2222, 3949, 18464, 607, 7805, 1815, 265, 390, 29943, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29900, 4317, 383, 29896, 29896, 8519, 6850, 29924, 29892, 322, 1815, 265, 390, 29943, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29900, 4317, 383, 29896, 29896, 8519, 6850, 29924, 29889, 2567, 29892, 727, 526, 25466, 1973, 1048, 1815, 265, 304, 14944, 390, 29943, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29900, 4317, 383, 29896, 29896, 8519, 6850, 29924, 301, 575, 607, 1122, 4866, 263, 534, 309, 6933, 310, 2428, 2319, 2428, 29899, 15494, 21596, 301, 11259, 29889, 13, 29923, 279, 4926, 29892, 1716, 278, 29871, 29947, 29900, 29900, 4317, 322, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29900, 4317, 383, 29896, 29896, 301, 11259, 892, 901, 310, 263, 6964, 950, 301, 575, 515, 278, 5001, 29889, 1205, 1951, 278, 263, 1454, 882, 28487, 2428, 4382, 21596, 301, 11259, 526, 1532, 29899, 5081, 287, 4249, 10656, 4160, 29892, 278, 9763, 310, 278, 6826, 310, 1815, 265, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29900, 4317, 301, 575, 508, 2507, 714, 304, 367, 1565, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 10656, 4160, 526, 2337, 7272, 292, 716, 6731, 12122, 21083, 515, 1422, 6382, 292, 1506, 4167, 29892, 1235, 502, 4480, 322, 6505, 825, 1815, 265, 756, 304, 5957, 363, 967, 4160, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29889, 13, 1964, 6156, 5195, 3035, 891, 317, 2934, 6826, 267, 2211, 716, 6019, 301, 11259, 363, 28465, 3949, 18464, 13, 1964, 6156, 5195, 3035, 891, 28465, 263, 29955, 29903, 4485, 4786, 269, 10071, 2253, 1135, 1815, 265, 382, 3267, 390, 29945, 29892, 1244, 29915, 29879, 2020, 13, 1964, 6156, 5195, 3035, 891, 28465, 263, 29955, 29907, 2428, 11071, 10656, 15241, 363, 325, 1188, 5743, 297, 7513, 13, 28089, 29901, 1815, 265, 13, 29933, 1774, 263, 716, 5669, 9008, 29973, 2266, 338, 920, 304, 5994, 895, 372, 363, 1900, 330, 11500, 7271, 13, 4519, 1254, 351, 671, 9619, 7606, 6257, 2627, 29871, 29896, 29936, 599, 366, 817, 304, 1073, 13, 29956, 666, 307, 6232, 19572, 599, 29899, 2230, 1880, 408, 9226, 13246, 390, 29879, 29871, 29929, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29899, 7283, 6232, 15649, 1627, 13, 4013, 1775, 5632, 25164, 3268, 29358, 4846, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29900, 29995, 3639, 297, 29871, 29929, 7378, 13, 29903, 2438, 19109, 29915, 29879, 23116, 6575, 6166, 716, 3186, 2407, 29892, 528, 1475, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 6923, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 7284, 14496, 13, 29943, 3466, 29895, 442, 21600, 8905, 29899, 355, 14686, 5771, 5735, 29901, 5947, 414, 373, 8195, 1004, 1374, 2873, 29892, 474, 4819, 2873, 322, 901, 13, 7685, 29871, 29896, 29900, 1603, 3625, 304, 14955, 363 ]
This article is being written as an addition to my original article posted as a web page on my POEM Web Site entitled "Why the Post-Tribulation View of the Rapture Doesn't Make Sense". This article was also posted to my POEM Blog on January 5th, 2011. If you have not read that article before reading this one, you might want to read it before reading this one further by clicking either of the preceding hyperlinks. You may also click the next embedded link to download the PDF version of the same article at my POEM web site. Note here that the disciples asked Yahshua two distinct questions. In asking: "Tell us, when will these things be?", the disciples were seeking to know how to recognize when the destruction of the Temple and city of Jerusalem were near so that they could flee before it happened. But the second question, which was: "What will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?", related to Yahshua's return to set up His Kingdom. Woefully, however, though the disciples saw Yahshua as the prophesied Messiah, they fully expected Him to conquer the Roman oppressors and re-establish David's throne and kingdom immediately after the destruction of Jerusalem. The disciples had no concept of the suffering that Yahshua was soon going to undergo as the Lamb of God and atonement sacrifice for our sins, or that there was going to be a long delay before Yahshua returned to Jerusalem to lead their fellow Jews to set up God's Kingdom. The point here is that the disciples had no idea that the two questions covered two distinctly different time periods in history that were to be separated by over 2000 years! This means that Yahshua's reply has to be seen in this light, with a portion of it pertaining to their current time in history and a portion of it pertaining to ours. Thus, though Yahshua warned his disciples to "take heed that no one deceives you" in Matthew 24:4, they had already been deceived by their former Jewish religious leaders. In an attempt to warn His disciples that they were confused, Yahshua did not answer their first question initially, but their second one. But until the Holy Spirit was sent to baptize the disciples and Apostles on the Pentecost or Shavuot after Yahshua's death and resurrection, they did not understand Yahshua's reply in context. Furthermore, those without the Spirit are still having trouble figuring out what Yahshua meant today. Let's examine Yahshua's prophetic words in light of the two different time periods being referred to. In verses 5 through 14 of Matthew Chapter 24, Yahshua is citing the trouble that began in the early church when Pagan Rome and the Jewish leaders saw all the new believers in Yahshua and the rapidity at which this new philosophy spread among the Gentile nations as a major threat to the established order. This era saw a huge rift form between the Jewish synagogues and Gentile Christian congregations as the Jews who rejected Yahshua's free gift of Grace insisted on keeping all the ancient religious rituals that they loved alive. In order to do this, the Jews forcibly expelled the new believers in Yahshua from their synagogues if they did not see a need to keep the same rituals or remember the Jewish Feasts in the same way. As a result of this rift, the Gentile believers that had rejected many Jewish religious restrictions and developed their own unique rituals and view of theology based on New Covenant principles suddenly found themselves without public places of worship. This caused the schism between Messianic Jews and Gentile Christians to deepen even further, and many Jews began to hate and betray their Christian brethren by turning them in to their Roman overseers, who mercilessly raped, pillaged, imprisoned, martyred and enslaved all of the peace-loving new believers that had the misfortune of being caught. Eventually, though Gentile coverts fellowshipped with one another in their homes and in secret meeting places, some of them also began to congregate publicly in the synagogues of the Samaritans, who neither persecuted nor rejected Christian believers, but openly accepted them. As a result, some Gentile believers were deceived because the Samaritans had erroneously mixed Pagan and Jewish
[ 910, 4274, 338, 1641, 3971, 408, 385, 6124, 304, 590, 2441, 4274, 8059, 408, 263, 1856, 1813, 373, 590, 21521, 12665, 2563, 10781, 23437, 376, 11008, 278, 4918, 29899, 29911, 1091, 2785, 4533, 310, 278, 390, 2156, 545, 5538, 29876, 29915, 29873, 8561, 317, 1947, 1642, 910, 4274, 471, 884, 8059, 304, 590, 21521, 12665, 350, 1188, 373, 5490, 29871, 29945, 386, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29889, 960, 366, 505, 451, 1303, 393, 4274, 1434, 5183, 445, 697, 29892, 366, 1795, 864, 304, 1303, 372, 1434, 5183, 445, 697, 4340, 491, 14855, 2845, 310, 278, 26328, 11266, 4965, 29889, 887, 1122, 884, 2828, 278, 2446, 15685, 1544, 304, 5142, 278, 11328, 1873, 310, 278, 1021, 4274, 472, 590, 21521, 12665, 1856, 3268, 29889, 13, 9842, 1244, 393, 278, 766, 455, 2701, 4433, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 1023, 8359, 5155, 29889, 512, 6721, 29901, 376, 29911, 514, 502, 29892, 746, 674, 1438, 2712, 367, 29973, 613, 278, 766, 455, 2701, 892, 25738, 304, 1073, 920, 304, 18720, 746, 278, 22104, 310, 278, 18057, 322, 4272, 310, 23204, 892, 2978, 577, 393, 896, 1033, 9115, 29872, 1434, 372, 9559, 29889, 1205, 278, 1473, 1139, 29892, 607, 471, 29901, 376, 5618, 674, 367, 278, 1804, 310, 3575, 6421, 29892, 322, 310, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 5046, 29973, 613, 4475, 304, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 736, 304, 731, 701, 3600, 12626, 29889, 399, 7297, 3730, 29892, 3138, 29892, 2466, 278, 766, 455, 2701, 4446, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 408, 278, 27953, 267, 1000, 11946, 21071, 29892, 896, 8072, 3806, 18136, 304, 26474, 278, 5917, 4575, 1253, 943, 322, 337, 29899, 342, 370, 1674, 4699, 29915, 29879, 27446, 322, 20748, 7389, 1156, 278, 22104, 310, 23204, 29889, 450, 766, 455, 2701, 750, 694, 6964, 310, 278, 23164, 393, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 471, 4720, 2675, 304, 1090, 1484, 408, 278, 26832, 310, 4177, 322, 472, 265, 882, 28839, 363, 1749, 269, 1144, 29892, 470, 393, 727, 471, 2675, 304, 367, 263, 1472, 9055, 1434, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 4133, 304, 23204, 304, 3275, 1009, 10404, 22057, 304, 731, 701, 4177, 29915, 29879, 12626, 29889, 13, 1576, 1298, 1244, 338, 393, 278, 766, 455, 2701, 750, 694, 2969, 393, 278, 1023, 5155, 10664, 1023, 8359, 368, 1422, 931, 23704, 297, 4955, 393, 892, 304, 367, 13055, 491, 975, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 2440, 29991, 910, 2794, 393, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 8908, 756, 304, 367, 3595, 297, 445, 3578, 29892, 411, 263, 11910, 310, 372, 639, 2408, 292, 304, 1009, 1857, 931, 297, 4955, 322, 263, 11910, 310, 372, 639, 2408, 292, 304, 1749, 29879, 29889, 6549, 29892, 2466, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 1370, 9571, 670, 766, 455, 2701, 304, 376, 19730, 540, 287, 393, 694, 697, 23332, 3145, 366, 29908, 297, 22292, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29901, 29946, 29892, 896, 750, 2307, 1063, 23332, 2347, 491, 1009, 4642, 16728, 12962, 20251, 29889, 512, 385, 4218, 304, 29383, 3600, 766, 455, 2701, 393, 896, 892, 9613, 29892, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 1258, 451, 1234, 1009, 937, 1139, 12919, 29892, 541, 1009, 1473, 697, 29889, 1205, 2745, 278, 17733, 20799, 471, 2665, 304, 27257, 675, 278, 766, 455, 2701, 322, 22468, 793, 373, 278, 22901, 687, 520, 470, 1383, 485, 29884, 327, 1156, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 4892, 322, 620, 20503, 428, 29892, 896, 1258, 451, 2274, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 8908, 297, 3030, 29889, 16478, 29892, 1906, 1728, 278, 20799, 526, 1603, 2534, 7458, 2537, 3864, 714, 825, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 6839, 9826, 29889, 13, 12024, 29915, 29879, 25917, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 27953, 7492, 3838, 297, 3578, 310, 278, 1023, 1422, 931, 23704, 1641, 12992, 304, 29889, 512, 1224, 267, 29871, 29945, 1549, 29871, 29896, 29946, 310, 22292, 23040, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29892, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 338, 7537, 292, 278, 7458, 393, 4689, 297, 278, 4688, 6586, 746, 349, 18939, 9184, 322, 278, 16728, 20251, 4446, 599, 278, 716, 1339, 347, 874, 297, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 322, 278, 10952, 537, 472, 607, 445, 716, 22237, 9677, 4249, 278, 20655, 488, 19079, 408, 263, 4655, 28469, 304, 278, 7841, 1797, 29889, 910, 3152, 4446, 263, 12176, 364, 2027, 883, 1546, 278, 16728, 5222, 13247, 1041, 322, 20655, 488, 6111, 378, 7642, 800, 408, 278, 22057, 1058, 22225, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 3889, 19797, 310, 23350, 1663, 12652, 373, 12515, 599, 278, 12297, 12962, 10421, 27101, 393, 896, 18012, 18758, 29889, 13, 797, 1797, 304, 437, 445, 29892, 278, 22057, 363, 455, 29890, 368, 1518, 14356, 278, 716, 1339, 347, 874, 297, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 515, 1009, 5222, 13247, 1041, 565, 896, 1258, 451, 1074, 263, 817, 304, 3013, 278, 1021, 10421, 27101, 470, 6456, 278, 16728, 5169, 19416, 297, 278, 1021, 982, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 310, 445, 364, 2027, 29892, 278, 20655, 488, 1339, 347, 874, 393, 750, 22225, 1784, 16728, 12962, 25091, 322, 8906, 1009, 1914, 5412, 10421, 27101, 322, 1776, 310, 278, 3002, 2729, 373, 1570, 315, 9813, 424, 18671, 11584, 1476, 6053, 1728, 970, 7600, 310, 26320, 29889, 910, 8581, 278, 1364, 1608, 1546, 11946, 713, 293, 22057, 322, 20655, 488, 27353, 304, 6483, 264, 1584, 4340, 29892, 322, 1784, 22057, 4689, 304, 26277, 322, 1010, 764, 1009, 6111, 2078, 386, 1267, 491, 14712, 963, 297, 304, 1009, 5917, 975, 344, 414, 29892, 1058, 2778, 5553, 404, 368, 1153, 9795, 29892, 22549, 4063, 29892, 29535, 287, 29892, 14436, 29891, 1127, 322, 5662, 433, 1490, 599, 310, 278, 10776, 29899, 417, 1747, 716, 1339, 347, 874, 393, 750, 278, 3984, 3921, 1540, 310, 1641, 12624, 29889, 13, 2624, 1474, 29892, 2466, 20655, 488, 4612, 1372, 10404, 845, 16242, 411, 697, 1790, 297, 1009, 17774, 322, 297, 7035, 11781, 7600, 29892, 777, 310, 963, 884, 4689, 304, 378, 7642, 403, 970, 368, 297, 278, 5222, 13247, 1041, 310, 278, 3685, 279, 277, 550, 29892, 1058, 9561, 639, 3471, 3860, 3643, 22225, 6111, 1339, 347, 874, 29892, 541, 1722, 368, 9259, 963, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 29892, 777, 20655, 488, 1339, 347, 874, 892, 23332, 2347, 1363, 278, 3685, 279, 277, 550, 750, 4589, 650, 5794, 12849, 349, 18939, 322, 16728 ]
religious ideas together. As a result, some believers eventually rejected sound theology, taking on Pagan customs that the Roman Emperor Constantine would tragically also embrace. The false prophets mentioned in this passage are also are easy to identify in our age. These were the warped intellectuals of the late 19th and early 20th Centuries that inspired such religious philosophies as Mormonism, Theosophy and Rosicrucianism, and political ideologies such as Nazism and Communism. Though resembling Christianity, Mormonism professes a different Messiah than the Christ of the Bible and defines salvation in a completely different way. Adding to this deception, the two non-Christian religious ideologies that rose up back then profess the false belief that Christ was not a divinely sent Messiah but only a wise man who became a wise spirit-being or ascended master upon his death. They also erroneously teach that everyone eventually finds salvation and ascends to a higher spiritual reality like Christ did and no particular religious ideology is superior over any other. In addition, the two major political ideologies that arose in the 20th Century developed fanatical leaders that viewed Christ and those who followed Him in truth as enemies of the state. The religious, social and political unrest of the Twentieth Century was triggered by the rise of these destructive religious and political ideologies that led to the deprivation, imprisonment and death of many Christians and Jews in World Wars I and II. Nonetheless, throughout that terrible time of trouble, some of those who were unjustly imprisoned and brutally treated were given opportunities to witness to others about their enduring faith in Yahweh God and His Son - even in the midst of terrible suffering. The major wars that severely affected forty years of the Twentieth Century were then followed by many devastating smaller wars such as the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Six-Day War, and the Gulf War. Out of these wars, amidst much pain and shedding of blood, the current east-west ideological division between the Christianized moderately socialistic Western nations and the communistic, Islamic and Paganistic Eastern nations has been forged. This has placed all the world's political powers on a steep precipice of antagonism and hate from which there is no escape, and that can only lead to their eventual catastrophic demise in the wake of the Antichrist's desire to place the entire world under His evil and totalitarian control. The preceding Scripture is clearly teaching about the destruction of the Temple in 70 AD and the subsequent annihilation of Jerusalem. At that time, the "abomination of desolation" referred to the Pagan standards of the Roman legions that entered, sacked and burned the Temple in Jerusalem. But we have been told that it also alludes to a future time not far off, when the Antichrist is supposed to seize Jerusalem, declare his divinity in a newly rebuilt temple, and demand to be worshipped - just like any one of the many humanistic totalitarian Communist rulers of the past century. But I question the validity of this theory. Could it be that abomination of desolation of this age has to do with the Al Aqsa Mosque atop the Temple Mount today? After all, Allah is NOT Yahweh, the God of Abraham, but an ancient Pagan Moon Deity that was worshipped in Arabia long before the time of Christ. This Scripture makes it clear that the Messiah we should be expecting won't be found on Earth in any ordinary situation such as living in a house like Yahshua did during His First Advent, or out in the desert like John the Baptist. Instead, He will be seen returning from out of the heavens and coming in the clouds with great glory and the swiftness of lightning. By mentioning this, Yahshua makes it clear that verses 19 through 27 of Matthew Chapter 24 aren't directly alluding to the events of the First Century AD. Instead, since the very first verse mentions a great tribulation that will be far worse than anything that has troubled humanity since the beginning of the world until that time, it appears that Yahshua is speaking about the Great Tribulation described in the Book of Revelation. In this tribulation, the entire world will be plunged into a living hell of suffering and misery that would extinguish all life if it were not brought to an abrupt end by Yahshua's return with His angels and saints to fight at the Battle of Armageddon. Since
[ 12962, 7014, 4208, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 29892, 777, 1339, 347, 874, 10201, 22225, 6047, 278, 3002, 29892, 5622, 373, 349, 18939, 2888, 29879, 393, 278, 5917, 18075, 5798, 20578, 723, 25305, 1711, 884, 953, 13842, 29889, 13, 1576, 2089, 27953, 1691, 5276, 297, 445, 13382, 526, 884, 526, 4780, 304, 12439, 297, 1749, 5046, 29889, 4525, 892, 278, 1370, 9795, 18715, 27101, 310, 278, 5683, 29871, 29896, 29929, 386, 322, 4688, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 2895, 14886, 393, 20603, 1316, 12962, 11847, 583, 408, 341, 555, 265, 1608, 29892, 450, 7708, 29891, 322, 5678, 293, 582, 28445, 1608, 29892, 322, 8604, 1957, 11763, 1316, 408, 11409, 1608, 322, 20473, 1608, 29889, 14832, 620, 1590, 1847, 6111, 537, 29892, 341, 555, 265, 1608, 2600, 15322, 263, 1422, 11946, 21071, 1135, 278, 2819, 310, 278, 21958, 322, 17645, 24754, 362, 297, 263, 6446, 1422, 982, 29889, 18804, 304, 445, 316, 1441, 29892, 278, 1023, 1661, 29899, 18687, 713, 12962, 1957, 11763, 393, 11492, 701, 1250, 769, 25718, 278, 2089, 17750, 393, 2819, 471, 451, 263, 1933, 262, 873, 2665, 11946, 21071, 541, 871, 263, 19396, 767, 1058, 3897, 263, 19396, 8548, 29899, 915, 292, 470, 12066, 2760, 5835, 2501, 670, 4892, 29889, 2688, 884, 4589, 650, 5794, 6860, 393, 14332, 10201, 14061, 24754, 362, 322, 12066, 1975, 304, 263, 6133, 20954, 16832, 763, 2819, 1258, 322, 694, 3153, 12962, 1957, 3002, 338, 11558, 975, 738, 916, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 278, 1023, 4655, 8604, 1957, 11763, 393, 28811, 297, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 24027, 8906, 13524, 271, 936, 20251, 393, 24774, 2819, 322, 1906, 1058, 5643, 18136, 297, 8760, 408, 22595, 310, 278, 2106, 29889, 13, 1576, 12962, 29892, 5264, 322, 8604, 443, 5060, 310, 278, 8168, 7268, 621, 24027, 471, 19799, 491, 278, 14451, 310, 1438, 17912, 573, 12962, 322, 8604, 1957, 11763, 393, 5331, 304, 278, 1401, 1150, 362, 29892, 29535, 358, 322, 4892, 310, 1784, 27353, 322, 22057, 297, 2787, 9149, 306, 322, 1944, 29889, 10050, 621, 6393, 29892, 10106, 393, 16403, 931, 310, 7458, 29892, 777, 310, 1906, 1058, 892, 443, 5143, 368, 29535, 287, 322, 26644, 635, 14914, 892, 2183, 28602, 1907, 304, 16277, 304, 4045, 1048, 1009, 1095, 3864, 10847, 297, 612, 801, 705, 29882, 4177, 322, 3600, 5791, 448, 1584, 297, 278, 29214, 310, 16403, 23164, 29889, 13, 1576, 4655, 29129, 393, 2775, 873, 15201, 20949, 2440, 310, 278, 8168, 7268, 621, 24027, 892, 769, 5643, 491, 1784, 2906, 579, 1218, 7968, 29129, 1316, 408, 278, 22467, 3362, 29892, 278, 18444, 3362, 29892, 278, 18372, 29899, 12742, 3362, 29892, 322, 278, 402, 16302, 3362, 29889, 4451, 310, 1438, 29129, 29892, 28655, 303, 1568, 6788, 322, 28453, 8497, 310, 10416, 29892, 278, 1857, 9755, 29899, 5933, 1957, 5996, 8542, 1546, 278, 6111, 1891, 17768, 2486, 5264, 4695, 10504, 19079, 322, 278, 3817, 4695, 29892, 16427, 293, 322, 349, 18939, 4695, 16162, 19079, 756, 1063, 363, 3192, 29889, 910, 756, 7180, 599, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 8604, 10801, 373, 263, 1886, 1022, 25720, 625, 310, 3677, 12841, 1608, 322, 26277, 515, 607, 727, 338, 694, 10169, 29892, 322, 393, 508, 871, 3275, 304, 1009, 1741, 950, 6635, 579, 19783, 293, 1261, 895, 297, 278, 281, 1296, 310, 278, 5459, 436, 2021, 29915, 29879, 13521, 304, 2058, 278, 4152, 3186, 1090, 3600, 16126, 322, 3001, 3673, 713, 2761, 29889, 13, 1576, 26328, 14415, 545, 338, 9436, 18819, 1048, 278, 22104, 310, 278, 18057, 297, 29871, 29955, 29900, 11033, 322, 278, 15352, 6957, 29882, 8634, 310, 23204, 29889, 2180, 393, 931, 29892, 278, 376, 370, 290, 3381, 310, 553, 22671, 29908, 12992, 304, 278, 349, 18939, 20801, 310, 278, 5917, 2814, 1080, 393, 7802, 29892, 269, 547, 287, 322, 12138, 287, 278, 18057, 297, 23204, 29889, 1205, 591, 505, 1063, 5429, 393, 372, 884, 599, 8192, 304, 263, 5434, 931, 451, 2215, 1283, 29892, 746, 278, 5459, 436, 2021, 338, 7424, 304, 409, 675, 23204, 29892, 9607, 670, 1933, 13593, 297, 263, 15141, 337, 16145, 17567, 29892, 322, 9667, 304, 367, 6365, 845, 16242, 448, 925, 763, 738, 697, 310, 278, 1784, 5199, 4695, 3001, 3673, 713, 20473, 391, 364, 352, 414, 310, 278, 4940, 6462, 29889, 13, 6246, 306, 1139, 278, 2854, 537, 310, 445, 6368, 29889, 6527, 372, 367, 393, 633, 290, 3381, 310, 553, 22671, 310, 445, 5046, 756, 304, 437, 411, 278, 838, 319, 29939, 4977, 6630, 802, 472, 459, 278, 18057, 8040, 9826, 29973, 2860, 599, 29892, 838, 8083, 338, 6058, 612, 801, 705, 29882, 29892, 278, 4177, 310, 24763, 29892, 541, 385, 12297, 349, 18939, 17549, 897, 537, 393, 471, 6365, 845, 16242, 297, 10387, 423, 1472, 1434, 278, 931, 310, 2819, 29889, 13, 4013, 14415, 545, 3732, 372, 2821, 393, 278, 11946, 21071, 591, 881, 367, 16120, 2113, 29915, 29873, 367, 1476, 373, 11563, 297, 738, 15311, 6434, 1316, 408, 8471, 297, 263, 3699, 763, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 1258, 2645, 3600, 3824, 21255, 29892, 470, 714, 297, 278, 18197, 763, 2259, 278, 23759, 391, 29889, 8669, 29892, 940, 674, 367, 3595, 7863, 515, 714, 310, 278, 14200, 575, 322, 6421, 297, 278, 27091, 411, 2107, 26080, 322, 278, 12086, 2264, 310, 3578, 1076, 29889, 2648, 3585, 292, 445, 29892, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 3732, 372, 2821, 393, 1224, 267, 29871, 29896, 29929, 1549, 29871, 29906, 29955, 310, 22292, 23040, 29871, 29906, 29946, 9455, 29915, 29873, 4153, 599, 566, 292, 304, 278, 4959, 310, 278, 3824, 24027, 11033, 29889, 8669, 29892, 1951, 278, 1407, 937, 23281, 26649, 263, 2107, 9434, 2785, 393, 674, 367, 2215, 15029, 1135, 3099, 393, 756, 7458, 29881, 5199, 537, 1951, 278, 6763, 310, 278, 3186, 2745, 393, 931, 29892, 372, 5692, 393, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 338, 13590, 1048, 278, 7027, 16855, 2785, 5439, 297, 278, 6726, 310, 830, 955, 362, 29889, 512, 445, 9434, 2785, 29892, 278, 4152, 3186, 674, 367, 715, 686, 287, 964, 263, 8471, 23927, 310, 23164, 322, 3984, 708, 393, 723, 429, 1259, 29884, 728, 599, 2834, 565, 372, 892, 451, 6296, 304, 385, 633, 6685, 1095, 491, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 736, 411, 3600, 2614, 1379, 322, 29580, 1372, 304, 8589, 472, 278, 12788, 310, 8481, 4063, 9176, 29889, 13, 23036 ]
Yahshua was referring to the Great Tribulation in verse 19, it is natural to assume that the next verses pertain to the Great Tribulation also. Therefore, when verse 29 speaks of "the tribulation of those days", it seems logical to assume that the tribulation it is referring to would be the period immediately after the Battle of Armageddon. But, if Yahshua is referring to the Great Tribulation, then why does He mention all the tribes of the Earth being present to mourn as if they will all still be alive and well at that time? After "the tribulation of those days" in verse 29 is mentioned, we are told that "the sign of the Son of Man" will appear in "heaven," meaning the physical heavens that surround the Earth. Thus, it will be a celestial sign connected to the Gospel in the Stars that will come during a lull in the massive fighting amongst nations seen in World Wars I and II. In addition, we are told that Yahshua will gather His elect from one end of the heavens to the other shortly after at that time. But this will not be the case after the Battle of Armageddon, since Yahshua's elect will accompany Him to fight that battle riding on white horses. Who, then, are Yahshua's angels being sent to gather up? Now, it pays to note here that there is no mention in any of the parallel passages in Matthew, Mark or Luke that describe Yahshua's visible coming in the clouds that suggests that Yahshua is going to vanquish the wicked at that time in the Battle of Armageddon. There is, for example, no mention of Yahshua touching down on the Mount of Olives or going to the Valley of Jehoshaphat to fight the wicked. Instead, these passages all suggest that Yahshua is going to come down to the level of the clouds of the heavens to visibly show His Glory while His angels gather His elect saints from one end of the Earth to the other. We can therefore infer that Yahshua is not coming to fight the wicked at this time, but rather to collect and transform those who are anxiously waiting for Him to take them to Heaven in the Rapture. This parallels Yahshua's Ascension into Heaven exactly ten days prior to Pentecost or Shavuot. Before continuing, it must be stressed here that the Jews count the 49 days between the time of the firstfruits offering and Shavuot incorrectly from the day of Passover rather than the first day of the week following the regular Sabbath during the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Because of this, their Feast of Shavuot or Firstfruits is on the wrong day. If figured correctly, the offering of the firstfruits of the barley harvest would have been made in the Temple to Yahweh in Jerusalem on April 24th in 2011, and Easter or Resurrection Sunday appropriately fell on that exact day this year. Because this is the correct date for that offering, Shavuot actually fell on the Sunday of Pentecost on June 12th this year - exactly 50 days from Easter and 3 days before the Blood Moon in the constellation Ophiuchus. Interestingly, Ophiuchus depicts Yahshua and His followers as the Restrainers of the Serpent in Ophiuchus' strong arms. This serpent, which is a constellation that is connected to Ophiuchus, is called Serpens the Serpent and it signifies the Serpent Seed or followers of Satan. Now, though the First Rapture is tied to Pentecost and the Summer wheat harvest that follows it as a marker of the end of the Age of Grace, no one knows the exact day or hour of the Rapture. Furthermore, Yahshua said that He would come at a time when we least expect it. This means that it will likely not be exactly on Pentecost or any other prescribed holy day such as Yahshua's Ascension day that was ten days prior to Pentecost. Nor will it likely be on the Summer Solstice, despite the fact that many monuments that are connected to the Messianic constellation called Orion point to the Summer Solstice. What all of the Summer Solstice and Orion-oriented ancient monuments like Stonehenge, Thornborough Henge, the pyramids at Teotihuacán, and the Pyramid complex at
[ 612, 801, 845, 3357, 471, 16811, 304, 278, 7027, 16855, 2785, 297, 23281, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29892, 372, 338, 5613, 304, 5251, 393, 278, 2446, 1224, 267, 639, 2408, 304, 278, 7027, 16855, 2785, 884, 29889, 7857, 29892, 746, 23281, 29871, 29906, 29929, 7726, 29879, 310, 376, 1552, 9434, 2785, 310, 1906, 3841, 613, 372, 2444, 16667, 304, 5251, 393, 278, 9434, 2785, 372, 338, 16811, 304, 723, 367, 278, 3785, 7389, 1156, 278, 12788, 310, 8481, 4063, 9176, 29889, 1205, 29892, 565, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 338, 16811, 304, 278, 7027, 16855, 2785, 29892, 769, 2020, 947, 940, 3585, 599, 278, 29201, 310, 278, 11563, 1641, 2198, 304, 286, 2905, 408, 565, 896, 674, 599, 1603, 367, 18758, 322, 1532, 472, 393, 931, 29973, 13, 13555, 376, 1552, 9434, 2785, 310, 1906, 3841, 29908, 297, 23281, 29871, 29906, 29929, 338, 5276, 29892, 591, 526, 5429, 393, 376, 1552, 1804, 310, 278, 5791, 310, 2315, 29908, 674, 2615, 297, 376, 354, 3496, 1699, 6593, 278, 9128, 14200, 575, 393, 8388, 618, 278, 11563, 29889, 6549, 29892, 372, 674, 367, 263, 6432, 342, 616, 1804, 6631, 304, 278, 402, 26265, 297, 278, 25435, 393, 674, 2041, 2645, 263, 301, 913, 297, 278, 20364, 17770, 22611, 19079, 3595, 297, 2787, 9149, 306, 322, 1944, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 591, 526, 5429, 393, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 674, 11705, 3600, 3546, 515, 697, 1095, 310, 278, 14200, 575, 304, 278, 916, 21734, 1156, 472, 393, 931, 29889, 1205, 445, 674, 451, 367, 278, 1206, 1156, 278, 12788, 310, 8481, 4063, 9176, 29892, 1951, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 3546, 674, 10259, 1384, 18136, 304, 8589, 393, 10555, 364, 4821, 373, 4796, 15100, 29889, 11644, 29892, 769, 29892, 526, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 2614, 1379, 1641, 2665, 304, 11705, 701, 29973, 13, 10454, 29892, 372, 9744, 304, 4443, 1244, 393, 727, 338, 694, 3585, 297, 738, 310, 278, 8943, 1209, 1179, 297, 22292, 29892, 4485, 470, 25556, 393, 8453, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 7962, 6421, 297, 278, 27091, 393, 14661, 393, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 338, 2675, 304, 1109, 339, 728, 278, 281, 17840, 472, 393, 931, 297, 278, 12788, 310, 8481, 4063, 9176, 29889, 1670, 338, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 694, 3585, 310, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 6023, 292, 1623, 373, 278, 8040, 310, 7137, 3145, 470, 2675, 304, 278, 13939, 310, 2581, 29882, 10578, 481, 2455, 304, 8589, 278, 281, 17840, 29889, 13, 3379, 1479, 29892, 1438, 1209, 1179, 599, 4368, 393, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 338, 2675, 304, 2041, 1623, 304, 278, 3233, 310, 278, 27091, 310, 278, 14200, 575, 304, 1998, 14981, 1510, 3600, 8467, 706, 1550, 3600, 2614, 1379, 11705, 3600, 3546, 29580, 1372, 515, 697, 1095, 310, 278, 11563, 304, 278, 916, 29889, 1334, 508, 5480, 10115, 393, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 338, 451, 6421, 304, 8589, 278, 281, 17840, 472, 445, 931, 29892, 541, 3265, 304, 6314, 322, 4327, 1906, 1058, 526, 14919, 17365, 10534, 363, 18136, 304, 2125, 963, 304, 22977, 297, 278, 390, 2156, 545, 29889, 910, 610, 3498, 3137, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 1094, 29883, 2673, 964, 22977, 3721, 3006, 3841, 7536, 304, 22901, 687, 520, 470, 1383, 485, 29884, 327, 29889, 13, 18743, 3133, 292, 29892, 372, 1818, 367, 851, 11517, 1244, 393, 278, 22057, 2302, 278, 29871, 29946, 29929, 3841, 1546, 278, 931, 310, 278, 937, 29888, 21211, 27032, 322, 1383, 485, 29884, 327, 29676, 515, 278, 2462, 310, 6978, 957, 3265, 1135, 278, 937, 2462, 310, 278, 4723, 1494, 278, 4943, 317, 8846, 493, 2645, 278, 5169, 579, 310, 853, 280, 3496, 287, 350, 949, 29889, 7311, 310, 445, 29892, 1009, 5169, 579, 310, 1383, 485, 29884, 327, 470, 3824, 29888, 21211, 338, 373, 278, 2743, 2462, 29889, 13, 3644, 14788, 5149, 29892, 278, 27032, 310, 278, 937, 29888, 21211, 310, 278, 2594, 2330, 4023, 10147, 723, 505, 1063, 1754, 297, 278, 18057, 304, 612, 801, 705, 29882, 297, 23204, 373, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29946, 386, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 322, 382, 1901, 470, 2538, 20503, 428, 16340, 7128, 2486, 8379, 373, 393, 2684, 2462, 445, 1629, 29889, 7311, 445, 338, 278, 1959, 2635, 363, 393, 27032, 29892, 1383, 485, 29884, 327, 2869, 8379, 373, 278, 16340, 310, 22901, 687, 520, 373, 5306, 29871, 29896, 29906, 386, 445, 1629, 448, 3721, 29871, 29945, 29900, 3841, 515, 382, 1901, 322, 29871, 29941, 3841, 1434, 278, 25122, 17549, 297, 278, 1040, 514, 362, 438, 2876, 987, 375, 29889, 23829, 11687, 29892, 438, 2876, 987, 375, 1401, 919, 29879, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 322, 3600, 1101, 414, 408, 278, 11654, 6038, 414, 310, 278, 1816, 22825, 297, 438, 2876, 987, 375, 29915, 4549, 10188, 29889, 910, 724, 22825, 29892, 607, 338, 263, 1040, 514, 362, 393, 338, 6631, 304, 438, 2876, 987, 375, 29892, 338, 2000, 1816, 29886, 575, 278, 1816, 22825, 322, 372, 1804, 11057, 278, 1816, 22825, 922, 287, 470, 1101, 414, 310, 12178, 273, 29889, 13, 10454, 29892, 2466, 278, 3824, 390, 2156, 545, 338, 21351, 304, 22901, 687, 520, 322, 278, 13329, 21266, 271, 4023, 10147, 393, 4477, 372, 408, 263, 17456, 310, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 16767, 310, 23350, 29892, 694, 697, 9906, 278, 2684, 2462, 470, 7234, 310, 278, 390, 2156, 545, 29889, 16478, 29892, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 1497, 393, 940, 723, 2041, 472, 263, 931, 746, 591, 3203, 2149, 372, 29889, 910, 2794, 393, 372, 674, 5517, 451, 367, 3721, 373, 22901, 687, 520, 470, 738, 916, 2225, 23059, 26630, 2462, 1316, 408, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 1094, 29883, 2673, 2462, 393, 471, 3006, 3841, 7536, 304, 22901, 687, 520, 29889, 4186, 674, 372, 5517, 367, 373, 278, 13329, 4956, 303, 625, 29892, 15020, 278, 2114, 393, 1784, 22586, 393, 526, 6631, 304, 278, 11946, 713, 293, 1040, 514, 362, 2000, 1394, 291, 1298, 304, 278, 13329, 4956, 303, 625, 29889, 13, 5618, 599, 310, 278, 13329, 4956, 303, 625, 322, 1394, 291, 29899, 12236, 287, 12297, 22586, 763, 15681, 3169, 479, 29892, 498, 1398, 22187, 4114, 479, 29892, 278, 11451, 2572, 4841, 472, 1920, 327, 4861, 29884, 562, 1715, 29892, 322, 278, 10772, 2572, 333, 4280, 472 ]
Giza in Egypt do strongly suggest, however, is that the Rapture will occur in the summer months between mid-June and mid-September. There are also biblical clues in the Book of Ruth and the Song of Solomon that the Rapture will be in the summertime before the Autumn Jewish Feasts. In addition, the Rapture may come in two stages. I clearly explain my reasons for believing this in my article "Come Up Here and Come Away" (available free at my POEM web site here: http://pillar-of-enoch.com/essays/index.html#Maranatha). Now, in regard to Yahshua's Second Coming, is it possible that Bible Scholars have been mistranslating Matthew Chapter 24, verses 29 through 31 as describing the Second Coming of Christ to do battle with the wicked when it is actually speaking of the Rapture? Could this be the time when Yahshua will come to save the elect from having to suffer through the Great Tribulation, which refers only to the last three and one half years of the seven-year Tribulation? The context of Yahshua's words in Matthew Chapter 24 in relation to the Book of Revelation suggest that the elect saints being gathered up are not going to immediately fight the wicked at that time, but that they will go to Heaven to be with Christ for a time beforehand. The above passage appears immediately after Yahshua mentions the Sign of the Son of Man and the gathering up of His Bride the True Church from the four winds of Heaven. In it, Yahshua says that the coming of the Son of Man will be a surprise upon an unsuspecting world, and - as clearly shown in the Tribulation article that I referred to at the beginning of this article - there is no way that the world will be unsuspecting of Yahshua's return by the end of the Tribulation! Indeed, there is no way that they will be unsuspecting even fairly early in the Tribulation since the pole shift and crustal displacement that could potentially wipe out billions of people is connected to the opening of the Sixth Seal in Chapter Six of the Book of Revelation. It is also interesting to note here that Satan is the usurper of Christ who now serves as the ruler or prince of this dark world. Satan is therefore the one being referred to in the above Scripture as "the master of the house." Meanwhile, the thief in this passage is none other than Yahshua our Messiah coming to steal His bride away at night while his enemies are sleeping. It is my belief that Jacob's Trouble is connected to the Tetrad of Blood Moons of Full Lunar Eclipses that will occur in 2014 and 2015 on Passover and Sukkot in both years. To see exactly when these Blood Moons will occur, and what they might mean prophetically, see my Revised 2013 Tribulation Time Chart by clicking on this embedded link. If the time of Israel's greatest distress falls somewhere during these Blood Moons, then this will be a time of spiritual and physical terror for both believing Jews and Gentiles who will become the Tribulation Saints and it is rapidly approaching. Indeed, we are certainly living in the very last moments of this apostate age, and soon Yahweh God will destroy the governments of this world and set up a righteous theocracy that will last for a thousand years. According to the Scriptures listed above, the Sign of the Son of Man will occur shortly after the Sun is darkened, the Moon is turned to blood and the stars fall from heaven. As I described in my previous article "Heavenly Signs of 2010 and 2011," the Sun was darkened in a Total Eclipse over Easter Island on July 11th, 2010 and the Moon turned to blood on December 21st, 2010 over the sword of the Messianic Sign Orion, which is one of several powerful Signs of the Son of Man coming in power and glory that can be found in the Gospel in the Stars. Now all that may remain is for the world to see the stars fall from the heavens, perhaps as in a meteorite shower that will precede the Sign of the Son of Man. This massive meteor shower could be associated with one of several annual meteor showers that are visible in Earth's skies at various times in the year. Significantly, two of the most visible meteor show
[ 402, 6619, 297, 12892, 437, 13818, 4368, 29892, 3138, 29892, 338, 393, 278, 390, 2156, 545, 674, 6403, 297, 278, 11801, 7378, 1546, 7145, 29899, 29967, 1540, 322, 7145, 29899, 2008, 3266, 29889, 1670, 526, 884, 29727, 506, 284, 1067, 1041, 297, 278, 6726, 310, 23130, 322, 278, 9362, 310, 4956, 18192, 393, 278, 390, 2156, 545, 674, 367, 297, 278, 22792, 814, 603, 1434, 278, 5202, 1227, 16728, 5169, 19416, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 278, 390, 2156, 545, 1122, 2041, 297, 1023, 22950, 29889, 306, 9436, 5649, 590, 9590, 363, 1339, 15387, 445, 297, 590, 4274, 376, 27796, 5020, 2266, 322, 16760, 319, 1582, 29908, 313, 16515, 3889, 472, 590, 21521, 12665, 1856, 3268, 1244, 29901, 1732, 597, 29886, 453, 279, 29899, 974, 29899, 264, 2878, 29889, 510, 29914, 404, 1036, 29914, 2248, 29889, 1420, 29937, 7083, 273, 493, 29874, 467, 13, 10454, 29892, 297, 4880, 304, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 6440, 422, 292, 29892, 338, 372, 1950, 393, 21958, 1102, 324, 1503, 505, 1063, 286, 2132, 550, 29880, 1218, 22292, 23040, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29892, 1224, 267, 29871, 29906, 29929, 1549, 29871, 29941, 29896, 408, 20766, 278, 6440, 422, 292, 310, 2819, 304, 437, 10555, 411, 278, 281, 17840, 746, 372, 338, 2869, 13590, 310, 278, 390, 2156, 545, 29973, 6527, 445, 367, 278, 931, 746, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 674, 2041, 304, 4078, 278, 3546, 515, 2534, 304, 8812, 1549, 278, 7027, 16855, 2785, 29892, 607, 14637, 871, 304, 278, 1833, 2211, 322, 697, 4203, 2440, 310, 278, 9881, 29899, 6360, 16855, 2785, 29973, 450, 3030, 310, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 3838, 297, 22292, 23040, 29871, 29906, 29946, 297, 8220, 304, 278, 6726, 310, 830, 955, 362, 4368, 393, 278, 3546, 29580, 1372, 1641, 22229, 701, 526, 451, 2675, 304, 7389, 8589, 278, 281, 17840, 472, 393, 931, 29892, 541, 393, 896, 674, 748, 304, 22977, 304, 367, 411, 2819, 363, 263, 931, 1434, 3179, 29889, 13, 1576, 2038, 13382, 5692, 7389, 1156, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 26649, 278, 9954, 310, 278, 5791, 310, 2315, 322, 278, 11705, 292, 701, 310, 3600, 350, 2426, 278, 5852, 6291, 515, 278, 3023, 8805, 29879, 310, 22977, 29889, 512, 372, 29892, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 4083, 393, 278, 6421, 310, 278, 5791, 310, 2315, 674, 367, 263, 16671, 2501, 385, 9644, 375, 1103, 292, 3186, 29892, 322, 448, 408, 9436, 4318, 297, 278, 16855, 2785, 4274, 393, 306, 12992, 304, 472, 278, 6763, 310, 445, 4274, 448, 727, 338, 694, 982, 393, 278, 3186, 674, 367, 9644, 375, 1103, 292, 310, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 29915, 29879, 736, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 16855, 2785, 29991, 14598, 29892, 727, 338, 694, 982, 393, 896, 674, 367, 9644, 375, 1103, 292, 1584, 12558, 4688, 297, 278, 16855, 2785, 1951, 278, 22775, 9500, 322, 2181, 504, 284, 12272, 9552, 393, 1033, 19998, 281, 15705, 714, 11118, 1080, 310, 2305, 338, 6631, 304, 278, 8718, 310, 278, 18372, 386, 922, 284, 297, 23040, 18372, 310, 278, 6726, 310, 830, 955, 362, 29889, 739, 338, 884, 8031, 304, 4443, 1244, 393, 12178, 273, 338, 278, 502, 332, 546, 310, 2819, 1058, 1286, 19700, 408, 278, 364, 8584, 470, 15927, 310, 445, 6501, 3186, 29889, 12178, 273, 338, 5480, 278, 697, 1641, 12992, 304, 297, 278, 2038, 14415, 545, 408, 376, 1552, 5835, 310, 278, 3699, 1213, 25065, 29892, 278, 266, 2575, 297, 445, 13382, 338, 5642, 916, 1135, 612, 801, 845, 3357, 1749, 11946, 21071, 6421, 304, 1886, 284, 3600, 289, 2426, 3448, 472, 4646, 1550, 670, 22595, 526, 8709, 292, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 590, 17750, 393, 10968, 29915, 29879, 1605, 2074, 338, 6631, 304, 278, 323, 300, 3665, 310, 25122, 4546, 787, 310, 14846, 365, 348, 279, 382, 11303, 567, 267, 393, 674, 6403, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 373, 6978, 957, 322, 2166, 6859, 327, 297, 1716, 2440, 29889, 1763, 1074, 3721, 746, 1438, 25122, 4546, 787, 674, 6403, 29892, 322, 825, 896, 1795, 2099, 27953, 300, 1711, 29892, 1074, 590, 830, 11292, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 16855, 2785, 5974, 14477, 491, 14855, 373, 445, 15685, 1544, 29889, 960, 278, 931, 310, 11996, 29915, 29879, 14176, 1320, 1253, 20074, 9051, 2645, 1438, 25122, 4546, 787, 29892, 769, 445, 674, 367, 263, 931, 310, 20954, 322, 9128, 15115, 363, 1716, 1339, 15387, 22057, 322, 20655, 5475, 1058, 674, 4953, 278, 16855, 2785, 14342, 1372, 322, 372, 338, 19328, 28702, 29889, 14598, 29892, 591, 526, 8959, 8471, 297, 278, 1407, 1833, 19462, 310, 445, 18115, 403, 5046, 29892, 322, 4720, 612, 801, 705, 29882, 4177, 674, 8174, 278, 4095, 1860, 310, 445, 3186, 322, 731, 701, 263, 364, 1141, 371, 681, 278, 25804, 393, 674, 1833, 363, 263, 10405, 2440, 29889, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 278, 14415, 1973, 9904, 2038, 29892, 278, 9954, 310, 278, 5791, 310, 2315, 674, 6403, 21734, 1156, 278, 8991, 338, 6501, 6419, 29892, 278, 17549, 338, 6077, 304, 10416, 322, 278, 10819, 6416, 515, 18356, 29889, 1094, 306, 5439, 297, 590, 3517, 4274, 376, 3868, 3496, 368, 9954, 29879, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 1699, 278, 8991, 471, 6501, 6419, 297, 263, 14990, 15103, 975, 382, 1901, 7935, 373, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29896, 386, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 322, 278, 17549, 6077, 304, 10416, 373, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29896, 303, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 975, 278, 22378, 310, 278, 11946, 713, 293, 9954, 1394, 291, 29892, 607, 338, 697, 310, 3196, 13988, 9954, 29879, 310, 278, 5791, 310, 2315, 6421, 297, 3081, 322, 26080, 393, 508, 367, 1476, 297, 278, 402, 26265, 297, 278, 25435, 29889, 13, 10454, 599, 393, 1122, 3933, 338, 363, 278, 3186, 304, 1074, 278, 10819, 6416, 515, 278, 14200, 575, 29892, 6060, 408, 297, 263, 27647, 568, 1510, 261, 393, 674, 9399, 29872, 278, 9954, 310, 278, 5791, 310, 2315, 29889, 910, 20364, 27647, 1510, 261, 1033, 367, 6942, 411, 697, 310, 3196, 17568, 27647, 1510, 414, 393, 526, 7962, 297, 11563, 29915, 29879, 2071, 583, 472, 5164, 3064, 297, 278, 1629, 29889, 9954, 928, 10835, 29892, 1023, 310, 278, 1556, 7962, 27647, 1510 ]
We found – 28 articles for fat cap Documentary Donnerstag #8 – Capturing the Friedmans Documentary on the Friedmans, a seemingly typical, upper-middleclass Jewish family whose world is instantly transformed when the father and his youngest son are arrested and charged with shocking and horrible crimes. Grand Jury Prize – Sundance Film Festival 2003 http://www.capturingthefriedmans.com/main.html Andrew Jarecki | USA | 2003 | 107 mins Comments Off on Documentary Donnerstag #8 – Capturing the Friedmans New York Perspectives Urban Spree Galerie presents New York Perspectives, a duo show featuring Chris "Daze" Ellis and Joe Conzo, curated by Mode2. The vernissage will be on Friday, November 22nd, at 18:30, in presence of the two artists. Through the work of two New York City-born artists, a painter and a photographer, this exhibition is an attempt to show aspects of New York City life, through the eyes and the work of two very different individuals; though both come from a part of its counterculture. The drawings and paintings of the artist Chris "Daze" Ellis, and those many moments and people captured by the photography of Joe Conzo show us how the youth that were more in osmosis with the steel, the concrete, the glass, the streets and the city's subway system, could develop new forms of visual dialogue that could form a bridge between their own social and cultural background, and a movement that would infiltrate the artworld and become a global phenonmenon. Coming from different neighbourhoods and cultural backgrounds, both have lived long enough to have witnessed first hand the huge transformations that the city has gone through over these last decades, while their "work", which was actually their hobby, passion and life pretty much, has documented seminal eras during that time. These tumultuous years of cultural flux; of blossoming, blooming, destruction and rebirth, are often overlooked by today's focus on the "now" of street art, and the way through which this eclipses the very alchemy that gave birth to the way in which artists express themselves in the street today, or the way in which they document city life. It is doubtful that much of what is happening today in visual art, music, dance and written or spoken word ever would have happened, if generations of youth in New York City had not lived what they did many decades ago; and we can count ourselves lucky that a few rare individuals happened to be there and have the instinct to document it. Here then, are views of New York from two different perspectives, they themselves being a complex accumulation of all of life's experiences, and how they shape each individual's understanding of the world around them; and the ways by which they choose to express and share this with us. Urban Spree Prints will release two 18″x 24″ silk screen prints by Daze on the opening night and online. The gallery and the curator heartily thank Henry Chalfant for letting us show his documentary movie "From Mambo to Hip Hop: A South Bronx Tale." Poster Artwork by Tyler Askew. Christopher "Daze" Ellis / Joe Conzo Curated by Mode2 Revaler Str. 99 Opening: Friday 22.11.2019 at 18:30 Exhibition: Tu-Sa – 12:00 – 18:30 Info & Catalogue: contact@urbanspree.com Chris "Daze" Ellis Growing up in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, Chris Daze Ellis (b. 1962) was aware from early on of the names and the odd characters that would be dancing along the trains that wove their way through the city. When he started out at the High School of Art & Design in 1976, he found that there was a whole community of very diverse yet like-minded individuals there, also involved with this scene; some of whom would go on to make a name for themselves in the art world. Being a fan of drawing and comic books already, Daze camouflaged his nighttime activities under his parents' gaze, exploring and expanding his visual vocabulary, combining the traditional with the dynamism of a new and challenging environment, with stimulus of its
[ 1334, 1476, 785, 29871, 29906, 29947, 7456, 363, 9950, 2117, 13, 6268, 653, 3872, 1089, 24403, 396, 29947, 785, 8868, 3864, 278, 6662, 21555, 13, 6268, 653, 373, 278, 6662, 21555, 29892, 263, 2833, 11687, 15662, 29892, 7568, 29899, 17662, 1990, 16728, 3942, 5069, 3186, 338, 26232, 27615, 746, 278, 4783, 322, 670, 4123, 342, 1487, 526, 24383, 322, 20139, 411, 19253, 292, 322, 4029, 11710, 2181, 1355, 29889, 13, 3338, 392, 435, 2857, 20604, 785, 12009, 749, 4643, 8518, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 13, 1124, 597, 1636, 29889, 17885, 3864, 1552, 17283, 21555, 29889, 510, 29914, 3396, 29889, 1420, 13, 2855, 3973, 435, 598, 22736, 891, 8278, 891, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 891, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29955, 286, 1144, 13, 1523, 1860, 5947, 373, 10854, 653, 3872, 1089, 24403, 396, 29947, 785, 8868, 3864, 278, 6662, 21555, 13, 4373, 3088, 9034, 1103, 3145, 13, 29965, 29878, 2571, 1706, 929, 28496, 22981, 1570, 3088, 9034, 1103, 3145, 29892, 263, 868, 29877, 1510, 23425, 12821, 376, 29928, 28334, 29908, 11001, 275, 322, 11131, 1281, 2502, 29892, 3151, 630, 491, 21864, 29906, 29889, 450, 24604, 790, 482, 674, 367, 373, 28728, 29892, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29906, 299, 29892, 472, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29892, 297, 10122, 310, 278, 1023, 17906, 29889, 13, 29911, 1092, 820, 278, 664, 310, 1023, 1570, 3088, 4412, 29899, 4939, 17906, 29892, 263, 23187, 322, 263, 17739, 261, 29892, 445, 29130, 338, 385, 4218, 304, 1510, 21420, 310, 1570, 3088, 4412, 2834, 29892, 1549, 278, 5076, 322, 278, 664, 310, 1023, 1407, 1422, 15724, 29936, 2466, 1716, 2041, 515, 263, 760, 310, 967, 6795, 29883, 12896, 29889, 13, 1576, 4216, 886, 322, 10675, 886, 310, 278, 7664, 12821, 376, 29928, 28334, 29908, 11001, 275, 29892, 322, 1906, 1784, 19462, 322, 2305, 15468, 491, 278, 6731, 5275, 310, 11131, 1281, 2502, 1510, 502, 920, 278, 12397, 393, 892, 901, 297, 2897, 7681, 275, 411, 278, 22973, 29892, 278, 18387, 29892, 278, 12917, 29892, 278, 19756, 322, 278, 4272, 29915, 29879, 1014, 1582, 1788, 29892, 1033, 2693, 716, 7190, 310, 7604, 7928, 434, 393, 1033, 883, 263, 12945, 1546, 1009, 1914, 5264, 322, 16375, 3239, 29892, 322, 263, 10298, 393, 723, 297, 1777, 509, 403, 278, 1616, 11526, 322, 4953, 263, 5534, 17292, 265, 1527, 265, 29889, 13, 1523, 292, 515, 1422, 29643, 29879, 322, 16375, 3239, 29879, 29892, 1716, 505, 10600, 1472, 3307, 304, 505, 16277, 287, 937, 1361, 278, 12176, 29304, 393, 278, 4272, 756, 7695, 1549, 975, 1438, 1833, 1602, 3076, 29892, 1550, 1009, 376, 1287, 613, 607, 471, 2869, 1009, 298, 711, 1609, 29892, 15935, 322, 2834, 5051, 1568, 29892, 756, 23531, 3031, 979, 604, 294, 2645, 393, 931, 29889, 13, 1349, 968, 21622, 499, 17269, 2440, 310, 16375, 19389, 29936, 310, 1999, 2209, 28826, 29892, 6668, 28826, 29892, 22104, 322, 15121, 7515, 29892, 526, 4049, 975, 6914, 287, 491, 9826, 29915, 29879, 8569, 373, 278, 376, 3707, 29908, 310, 11952, 1616, 29892, 322, 278, 982, 1549, 607, 445, 321, 11303, 567, 267, 278, 1407, 394, 305, 6764, 393, 4846, 12060, 304, 278, 982, 297, 607, 17906, 4653, 6053, 297, 278, 11952, 9826, 29892, 470, 278, 982, 297, 607, 896, 1842, 4272, 2834, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 7404, 1319, 393, 1568, 310, 825, 338, 10464, 9826, 297, 7604, 1616, 29892, 4696, 29892, 17948, 322, 3971, 470, 19182, 1734, 3926, 723, 505, 9559, 29892, 565, 1176, 800, 310, 12397, 297, 1570, 3088, 4412, 750, 451, 10600, 825, 896, 1258, 1784, 1602, 3076, 8020, 29936, 322, 591, 508, 2302, 20278, 9885, 29891, 393, 263, 2846, 10812, 15724, 9559, 304, 367, 727, 322, 505, 278, 26508, 304, 1842, 372, 29889, 13, 10605, 769, 29892, 526, 8386, 310, 1570, 3088, 515, 1023, 1422, 3736, 1103, 3145, 29892, 896, 6053, 1641, 263, 4280, 18414, 2785, 310, 599, 310, 2834, 29915, 29879, 27482, 29892, 322, 920, 896, 8267, 1269, 5375, 29915, 29879, 8004, 310, 278, 3186, 2820, 963, 29936, 322, 278, 5837, 491, 607, 896, 6755, 304, 4653, 322, 6232, 445, 411, 502, 29889, 13, 29965, 29878, 2571, 1706, 929, 1588, 9466, 674, 6507, 1023, 29871, 29896, 29947, 30160, 29916, 29871, 29906, 29946, 30160, 4047, 29895, 4315, 14677, 491, 360, 28334, 373, 278, 8718, 4646, 322, 7395, 29889, 13, 1576, 23363, 322, 278, 3151, 1061, 5192, 2354, 6452, 6498, 678, 3131, 424, 363, 27697, 502, 1510, 670, 1842, 653, 14064, 376, 4591, 27287, 833, 304, 379, 666, 20727, 29901, 319, 4275, 14165, 29916, 323, 744, 1213, 13, 6747, 261, 3012, 1287, 491, 9656, 1358, 1094, 446, 29893, 29889, 13, 18687, 13434, 376, 29928, 28334, 29908, 11001, 275, 847, 11131, 1281, 2502, 13, 23902, 630, 491, 21864, 29906, 13, 1123, 791, 261, 3767, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29929, 13, 6585, 292, 29901, 28728, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29889, 29896, 29896, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 472, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29901, 29941, 29900, 13, 1252, 6335, 654, 29901, 12603, 29899, 17618, 785, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29901, 29900, 29900, 785, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29901, 29941, 29900, 13, 3401, 669, 6706, 29901, 6958, 29992, 9265, 550, 29886, 929, 29889, 510, 13, 11626, 275, 376, 29928, 28334, 29908, 11001, 275, 13, 29954, 798, 292, 701, 297, 25306, 940, 5861, 29892, 18737, 13493, 29892, 12821, 360, 28334, 11001, 275, 313, 29890, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29906, 29897, 471, 9543, 515, 4688, 373, 310, 278, 2983, 322, 278, 7736, 4890, 393, 723, 367, 6025, 3277, 3412, 278, 22983, 393, 281, 994, 1009, 982, 1549, 278, 4272, 29889, 1932, 540, 4687, 714, 472, 278, 5057, 4523, 310, 3012, 669, 12037, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29953, 29892, 540, 1476, 393, 727, 471, 263, 3353, 7881, 310, 1407, 16984, 3447, 763, 29899, 24021, 287, 15724, 727, 29892, 884, 9701, 411, 445, 9088, 29936, 777, 310, 6029, 723, 748, 373, 304, 1207, 263, 1024, 363, 6053, 297, 278, 1616, 3186, 29889, 13, 3629, 292, 263, 13524, 310, 11580, 322, 419, 293, 8277, 2307, 29892, 360, 28334, 3949, 283, 1579, 4063, 670, 4646, 2230, 14188, 1090, 670, 11825, 29915, 12642, 29872, 29892, 3902, 8253, 322, 7985, 292, 670, 7604, 7931, 370, 352, 653, 29892, 29299, 278, 13807, 411, 278, 4292, 1608, 310, 263, 716, 322, 18066, 292, 5177, 29892, 411, 20436, 14999, 310, 967 ]
own. Having mastered the medium and the environment, Daze would go on to shape his own personal vision of the world, looking as much inwards as outwards, in the relationship between the trains and walls, and what he could further explore in the studio. The strength of his successful life as an artist in his own right would develop from then on. From his participation in his first group show, Beyond Words, at the Mudd Club in 1981, before having his own solo show at Fashion Moda (the historical South Bronx art space that bridged the established art world with the raw talent and energy coming out of New York City), Daze embraced the wide horizon that opened up before him. From then on, Daze began to show in many different cities around the world, whether it be galleries and museum, in solo shows as well as group formats. He has participated in many public or educational art projects around the world, working with students and communities from South Korea to Brazil via Haiti, while often visiting Europe as well, and contributing to New York mural initiatives like the Leap Arts Program or Thrive Collective. From his appearances in the film Style Wars, to being an art consultant on the Netflix series The Get Down in 2017, to participating in public painting projects from the Star Ferry Terminal in Hong Kong in 1993, painting an entire Hannover train station with fellow artists Lee Quinones and John Crash Matos, or being commissioned for murals by private clients like the law firm, Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton in Washington D.C. 2018; Daze has constantly had his hands on a whole range of different projects. Daze's paintings have found themselves in many private collections including Eric Clapton, Natalie Imbruglia, and Madonna. His work can also be found in the permanent collections of The Whitney Museum, NY, Museum of Modern art, NY, The Museum of the city of New York, The Ludwig Museum, Aachen, Yale University art Gallery, New Haven, Addison Museum of American Art at the Phillips Academy, Andover. Chris Daze Ellis continues to live and work in New York City. Joe Conzo Joe Conzo was born in the Bronx during an era of great upheaval, when the construction of the Cross Bronx Expressway was nearing its end, having destroyed the communities that lay in its path, and condemning those parts of the borough around it to social and economic decline. The apocalyptic landscapes of urban devastation, and the high criminality associated to it are emblematic of that era. President Truman's Urban Renewal announced in 1949, ruthlessly applied by Robert Moses, targetted the more modest and ethnically diverse neighbourhoods of New York City whose resistance to forced removal would fall on deaf ears, as private developers grabbed the prime lots. The Bronx represented both the laboratory and the collateral damage for these extreme experiments of urban renewal. And yet, out of what looked like an urban war zone, the city's youth began to pick up the pieces, and, out of the desolation around them, began to build their own road out of it. Realising that the state was not going to do anything positive for them, their survival instincts eventually kicked in; and out of the gang culture, the drugs, and the sheer nihilism that had reigned for a while over much of the borough, new and greener shoots were beginning to break through. Joe Conzo's cultural capital, and that of his peers, was probably key to his survival and his blossoming during those harsh years; grandson of Dr. Evelina López Antonetty, a political activist who played a huge role in developing educational programmes for Puerto Rican children, and son of Joe Conzo Snr., who was in the thick of the huge Latin music scene of that bridged those decades; hanging with all the main players of that era, and having been the biographer of Tito Puente. While studying at the Agnes Russell School on the campus of Columbia University, he discovered photography, the medium that would enable him to document what went on around him; from the world of latin culture through his father's connections, to the collision of art forms that would later be called Hip Hop; a word that eclipses the sum of its parts. Having lived many ups and downs in the eighties, to a rebirth of sorts, Joe Conzo went on to become a qualified medical
[ 1914, 29889, 13, 29950, 5555, 5835, 287, 278, 18350, 322, 278, 5177, 29892, 360, 28334, 723, 748, 373, 304, 8267, 670, 1914, 7333, 18551, 310, 278, 3186, 29892, 3063, 408, 1568, 297, 2935, 408, 714, 2935, 29892, 297, 278, 9443, 1546, 278, 22983, 322, 14603, 29892, 322, 825, 540, 1033, 4340, 26987, 297, 278, 8693, 29889, 450, 9324, 310, 670, 9150, 2834, 408, 385, 7664, 297, 670, 1914, 1492, 723, 2693, 515, 769, 373, 29889, 13, 4591, 670, 27577, 297, 670, 937, 2318, 1510, 29892, 18502, 898, 399, 4339, 29892, 472, 278, 341, 566, 29881, 5977, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29896, 29892, 1434, 2534, 670, 1914, 6651, 1510, 472, 383, 10904, 3382, 29874, 313, 1552, 15839, 4275, 14165, 29916, 1616, 2913, 393, 28635, 3192, 278, 7841, 1616, 3186, 411, 278, 10650, 24242, 322, 5864, 6421, 714, 310, 1570, 3088, 4412, 511, 360, 28334, 7232, 945, 287, 278, 9377, 28205, 393, 6496, 701, 1434, 1075, 29889, 13, 4591, 769, 373, 29892, 360, 28334, 4689, 304, 1510, 297, 1784, 1422, 14368, 2820, 278, 3186, 29892, 3692, 372, 367, 11798, 6358, 322, 19133, 29892, 297, 6651, 3697, 408, 1532, 408, 2318, 21971, 29889, 940, 756, 25223, 297, 1784, 970, 470, 28976, 1616, 9279, 2820, 278, 3186, 29892, 1985, 411, 8041, 322, 23507, 515, 4275, 19109, 304, 16078, 3025, 379, 1249, 29875, 29892, 1550, 4049, 6493, 292, 4092, 408, 1532, 29892, 322, 17737, 17068, 304, 1570, 3088, 286, 3631, 14511, 5056, 763, 278, 951, 481, 11401, 7835, 470, 498, 4401, 24930, 573, 29889, 13, 4591, 670, 21712, 297, 278, 2706, 22135, 9149, 29892, 304, 1641, 385, 1616, 8799, 424, 373, 278, 12670, 20157, 29916, 3652, 450, 3617, 9943, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 304, 5221, 1218, 297, 970, 20413, 9279, 515, 278, 7828, 7756, 719, 29175, 297, 12798, 12026, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29892, 20413, 385, 4152, 25630, 7945, 5073, 411, 10404, 17906, 9371, 751, 262, 2873, 322, 2259, 6781, 1161, 341, 4507, 29892, 470, 1641, 12969, 287, 363, 7167, 1338, 491, 2024, 13154, 763, 278, 4307, 9226, 29892, 21386, 653, 29892, 13351, 3197, 29890, 29892, 2443, 264, 669, 12372, 297, 7660, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29936, 360, 28334, 756, 21003, 750, 670, 6567, 373, 263, 3353, 3464, 310, 1422, 9279, 29889, 13, 29928, 28334, 29915, 29879, 10675, 886, 505, 1476, 6053, 297, 1784, 2024, 16250, 3704, 14713, 6015, 12533, 29892, 26259, 347, 1954, 16670, 3820, 423, 29892, 322, 26432, 29889, 3600, 664, 508, 884, 367, 1476, 297, 278, 17667, 16250, 310, 450, 20572, 3801, 6838, 29892, 23526, 29892, 6838, 310, 14624, 1616, 29892, 23526, 29892, 450, 6838, 310, 278, 4272, 310, 1570, 3088, 29892, 450, 14298, 6838, 29892, 319, 18762, 29892, 612, 744, 3014, 1616, 15230, 29892, 1570, 379, 3496, 29892, 3462, 2285, 6838, 310, 3082, 3012, 472, 278, 21856, 4512, 10355, 29892, 1126, 957, 29889, 13, 11626, 275, 360, 28334, 11001, 275, 18172, 304, 5735, 322, 664, 297, 1570, 3088, 4412, 29889, 13, 29967, 7297, 1281, 2502, 13, 29967, 7297, 1281, 2502, 471, 6345, 297, 278, 14165, 29916, 2645, 385, 3152, 310, 2107, 701, 354, 7712, 29892, 746, 278, 7632, 310, 278, 11189, 14165, 29916, 14657, 1582, 471, 2978, 292, 967, 1095, 29892, 2534, 14416, 278, 23507, 393, 6568, 297, 967, 2224, 29892, 322, 24905, 1076, 1906, 5633, 310, 278, 9820, 820, 2820, 372, 304, 5264, 322, 17407, 4845, 457, 29889, 450, 3095, 542, 14997, 23000, 2982, 1557, 11603, 310, 17164, 2906, 579, 362, 29892, 322, 278, 1880, 22161, 537, 6942, 304, 372, 526, 953, 1031, 2454, 310, 393, 3152, 29889, 13, 13504, 1693, 1605, 7889, 29915, 29879, 22589, 7493, 809, 284, 9326, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29892, 364, 2806, 23769, 7436, 491, 4755, 6630, 267, 29892, 3646, 9446, 278, 901, 878, 342, 322, 11314, 29876, 1711, 16984, 29643, 29879, 310, 1570, 3088, 4412, 5069, 17711, 304, 11826, 28744, 723, 6416, 373, 316, 2142, 22827, 29892, 408, 2024, 18777, 2646, 1327, 287, 278, 6019, 14568, 29889, 450, 14165, 29916, 9875, 1716, 278, 10212, 7606, 322, 278, 5321, 1008, 284, 18658, 363, 1438, 18677, 15729, 310, 17164, 23011, 284, 29889, 13, 2855, 3447, 29892, 714, 310, 825, 5148, 763, 385, 17164, 1370, 10640, 29892, 278, 4272, 29915, 29879, 12397, 4689, 304, 5839, 701, 278, 12785, 29892, 322, 29892, 714, 310, 278, 553, 22671, 2820, 963, 29892, 4689, 304, 2048, 1009, 1914, 6520, 714, 310, 372, 29889, 830, 5711, 292, 393, 278, 2106, 471, 451, 2675, 304, 437, 3099, 6374, 363, 963, 29892, 1009, 10503, 2561, 26508, 29879, 10201, 413, 17840, 297, 29936, 322, 714, 310, 278, 20676, 9257, 29892, 278, 5883, 3174, 29892, 322, 278, 1183, 261, 302, 4861, 309, 1608, 393, 750, 337, 12961, 363, 263, 1550, 975, 1568, 310, 278, 9820, 820, 29892, 716, 322, 1395, 759, 17394, 1862, 892, 6763, 304, 2867, 1549, 29889, 13, 29967, 7297, 1281, 2502, 29915, 29879, 16375, 7483, 29892, 322, 393, 310, 670, 1236, 414, 29892, 471, 3117, 1820, 304, 670, 10503, 2561, 322, 670, 1999, 2209, 28826, 2645, 1906, 4023, 845, 2440, 29936, 4595, 1100, 310, 4942, 29889, 382, 955, 1099, 25355, 5774, 300, 1017, 29892, 263, 8604, 5039, 391, 1058, 5318, 263, 12176, 6297, 297, 14338, 28976, 1824, 4467, 363, 21810, 390, 2185, 4344, 29892, 322, 1487, 310, 11131, 1281, 2502, 317, 22230, 1696, 1058, 471, 297, 278, 12003, 310, 278, 12176, 13548, 4696, 9088, 310, 393, 28635, 3192, 1906, 1602, 3076, 29936, 298, 9776, 411, 599, 278, 1667, 10769, 310, 393, 3152, 29892, 322, 2534, 1063, 278, 4768, 1946, 261, 310, 323, 2049, 12129, 2016, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 23382, 472, 278, 4059, 4515, 20679, 4523, 373, 278, 24165, 310, 15411, 3014, 29892, 540, 10943, 6731, 5275, 29892, 278, 18350, 393, 723, 9025, 1075, 304, 1842, 825, 3512, 373, 2820, 1075, 29936, 515, 278, 3186, 310, 25677, 9257, 1549, 670, 4783, 29915, 29879, 12368, 29892, 304, 278, 22369, 310, 1616, 7190, 393, 723, 2678, 367, 2000, 379, 666, 20727, 29936, 263, 1734, 393, 321, 11303, 567, 267, 278, 2533, 310, 967, 5633, 29889, 13, 29950, 5555, 10600, 1784, 24081, 322, 1623, 29879, 297, 278, 9475, 583, 29892, 304, 263, 15121, 7515, 310, 23551, 29892, 11131, 1281, 2502, 3512, 373, 304, 4953, 263, 18698, 16083 ]
nurse, then worked for the New York City Fire Department, being among the first responders on 9/11. At some point along the way, he was reunited with the camera, and began shooting again… Whether as the photographer of rap crew The Cold Crush Brothers, a hugely influential group of MCs from the early days, or just a boy from the Bronx who had a camera and curious eyes, Joe Conzo's photos provided reference material to Henry Chalfant 's documentary "From Mambo to Hip Hop: A South Bronx Tale.", and were documented in a book called "Born In The Bronx: A Visual Record of the Early Days of Hip Hop". His negatives have been digitalised and archived at Cornell University, providing a unique and indispensable resource for those wishing to research the those eras. Automatic – Urban Spree, Berlin Like all the best bands, Automatic found each other in an organic way. Izzy Glaudini (synths, vocals), Lola Dompé (drums, vocals) and Halle Saxon (bass, vocals) met in the DIY band scene of Los Angeles and started jamming together in 2017. Over the last year, they have become an important part of the L.A. Club circuit, sharing the stage with bands like Surfbort, Wand and Flatworms. On 27 September 2019 their debut album "Signal" will be released on Stones Throw / PIAS. Lola was born into a punk household (her father is Kevin Haskins, the drummer of Bauhaus) and joined her first band, the art-rock outfit Blackblack, when she was just 13 years old. Halle and Izzy met in local bands in the northeast of L.A.; Izzy was a guitarist and singer, and Halle liked to plug her fretless bass into a guitar amp. Unimpressed by the masculine energy of the local scene and the rock music on the radio – "pumped out like plastic bottles into the ocean" – Izzy changed guitars into synths and joined Halle and Lola in 2017. They called themselves "Automatic" after a song by the Go-Go's – the only (!) purely female band that ever wrote and recorded an entire album that reached number 1 in the charts in the USA. Automatics guitarless setup seemed to leave a void in the sound at first, but their interplay gave them strength and they took their place in the scene. Empowerment in the best sense. They refined their sound and, informed by Neu! and Suicide, combined their preference for dub reggae, motoric rhythms and gnarled synthesizers with their cinematic pop understanding. In collaboration with sound engineer and producer Joo Joooo Ashworth (FROTH), they started working on their GarageBand demos and their debut album. Their first single "Calling It" captures the feeling of drifting in an endless space, tearing everything apart and starting anew. Elsewhere on "Signal", songs speak directly from the band members' experiences: "Humanoid" and "Too Much Money" are reflections on boredom, misfortune and the disappointing falsehood of social media personae, while the title track "Signal" is about "being trapped in the drudgery of a shitty life/job and realizing that no one but yourself will save you from it." "Signal" is the title track of the band's album. A shocking near-death accident in her apartment inspired Izzy to write "Electrocution" – an experience alluded to in the cover packshot, which shows a switch on a red background. Izzy studied film at college and Halle used to work at the legendary video store "Kims Video" in New York, so it's no wonder that the band also mentions film as an important influence on their music. David Lynch and Dario Argentos in particular have left their mark on the ambiguous lyrics and eerie atmospheres. The red thread that runs through "Signals" is the feeling of fear and alienation, possibly one of the most formative experiences of the early 21st century: the feeling of being on the edge of the world. Or as Automatic put it: "The world is so fucked. I don't know how a musician could say: 'That's all great.'" BABY SATAN Nights – Tanning Bats/Avishag
[ 5595, 344, 29892, 769, 3796, 363, 278, 1570, 3088, 4412, 6438, 10317, 29892, 1641, 4249, 278, 937, 10049, 414, 373, 29871, 29929, 29914, 29896, 29896, 29889, 2180, 777, 1298, 3412, 278, 982, 29892, 540, 471, 23038, 1573, 411, 278, 10656, 29892, 322, 4689, 27904, 1449, 30098, 13, 8809, 1979, 408, 278, 17739, 261, 310, 14937, 17616, 450, 26731, 6781, 1878, 25522, 29892, 263, 298, 688, 873, 7112, 2556, 2318, 310, 21271, 29879, 515, 278, 4688, 3841, 29892, 470, 925, 263, 8023, 515, 278, 14165, 29916, 1058, 750, 263, 10656, 322, 12758, 5076, 29892, 11131, 1281, 2502, 29915, 29879, 20612, 4944, 3407, 5518, 304, 6498, 678, 3131, 424, 525, 29879, 1842, 653, 376, 4591, 27287, 833, 304, 379, 666, 20727, 29901, 319, 4275, 14165, 29916, 323, 744, 19602, 322, 892, 23531, 297, 263, 3143, 2000, 376, 29933, 1398, 512, 450, 14165, 29916, 29901, 319, 9249, 14164, 310, 278, 11095, 24728, 310, 379, 666, 20727, 1642, 13, 29950, 275, 3480, 5056, 505, 1063, 13436, 3368, 322, 3190, 2347, 472, 11655, 514, 3014, 29892, 13138, 263, 5412, 322, 1399, 11936, 575, 519, 6503, 363, 1906, 6398, 292, 304, 5925, 278, 1906, 604, 294, 29889, 13, 28451, 2454, 785, 22589, 1706, 929, 29892, 5115, 13, 27552, 599, 278, 1900, 22706, 29892, 15854, 2454, 1476, 1269, 916, 297, 385, 2894, 293, 982, 29889, 15674, 1537, 19798, 566, 2172, 313, 19274, 386, 29879, 29892, 17985, 511, 365, 2963, 7809, 29886, 29948, 313, 29881, 5848, 29879, 29892, 17985, 29897, 322, 28174, 18574, 265, 313, 29890, 465, 29892, 17985, 29897, 1539, 297, 278, 22471, 29979, 3719, 9088, 310, 4602, 10722, 322, 4687, 14322, 4056, 4208, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 6811, 278, 1833, 1629, 29892, 896, 505, 4953, 385, 4100, 760, 310, 278, 365, 29889, 29909, 29889, 5977, 11369, 29892, 19383, 278, 7408, 411, 22706, 763, 6298, 14943, 441, 29892, 399, 392, 322, 2379, 271, 29893, 555, 29879, 29889, 1551, 29871, 29906, 29955, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 1009, 9512, 3769, 376, 10140, 284, 29908, 674, 367, 5492, 373, 624, 2873, 498, 798, 847, 349, 29902, 3289, 29889, 13, 29931, 2963, 471, 6345, 964, 263, 21356, 22329, 313, 2276, 4783, 338, 19323, 379, 1278, 1144, 29892, 278, 24103, 1050, 310, 9807, 6208, 29897, 322, 8772, 902, 937, 3719, 29892, 278, 1616, 29899, 20821, 714, 9202, 6054, 8517, 29892, 746, 1183, 471, 925, 29871, 29896, 29941, 2440, 2030, 29889, 28174, 322, 15674, 1537, 1539, 297, 1887, 22706, 297, 278, 302, 27374, 310, 365, 29889, 29909, 8670, 15674, 1537, 471, 263, 11210, 391, 322, 15640, 29892, 322, 28174, 23289, 304, 18665, 902, 285, 2267, 2222, 12760, 964, 263, 11210, 21332, 29889, 853, 326, 13120, 491, 278, 21799, 457, 5864, 310, 278, 1887, 9088, 322, 278, 7679, 4696, 373, 278, 7155, 785, 376, 29886, 3427, 287, 714, 763, 715, 6288, 18046, 793, 964, 278, 23474, 29908, 785, 15674, 1537, 3939, 1410, 277, 1503, 964, 14710, 29879, 322, 8772, 28174, 322, 365, 2963, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 2688, 2000, 6053, 376, 28451, 2454, 29908, 1156, 263, 4823, 491, 278, 2921, 29899, 8120, 29915, 29879, 785, 278, 871, 5384, 29897, 24837, 12944, 3719, 393, 3926, 5456, 322, 10478, 385, 4152, 3769, 393, 7450, 1353, 29871, 29896, 297, 278, 24469, 297, 278, 8278, 29889, 13, 28451, 271, 1199, 11210, 2222, 6230, 6140, 304, 5967, 263, 1780, 297, 278, 6047, 472, 937, 29892, 541, 1009, 1006, 1456, 4846, 963, 9324, 322, 896, 3614, 1009, 2058, 297, 278, 9088, 29889, 7361, 1680, 358, 297, 278, 1900, 4060, 29889, 2688, 2143, 1312, 1009, 6047, 322, 29892, 23388, 491, 17574, 29991, 322, 2166, 293, 680, 29892, 12420, 1009, 24583, 363, 15416, 1072, 3249, 29872, 29892, 10992, 293, 18178, 1541, 1516, 322, 330, 24156, 839, 14710, 267, 19427, 411, 1009, 4670, 19217, 1835, 8004, 29889, 512, 24771, 411, 6047, 22055, 322, 14297, 435, 3634, 435, 3634, 3634, 12835, 12554, 313, 29943, 1672, 4690, 511, 896, 4687, 1985, 373, 1009, 7455, 482, 29933, 392, 1261, 359, 322, 1009, 9512, 3769, 29889, 13, 1576, 381, 937, 2323, 376, 5594, 292, 739, 29908, 4332, 1973, 278, 11223, 310, 4192, 24377, 297, 385, 1095, 2222, 2913, 29892, 734, 4362, 4129, 12435, 322, 6257, 385, 809, 29889, 15785, 3062, 373, 376, 10140, 284, 613, 12516, 7726, 4153, 515, 278, 3719, 5144, 29915, 27482, 29901, 376, 29950, 398, 1562, 333, 29908, 322, 376, 1762, 29877, 18927, 341, 4992, 29908, 526, 2143, 5942, 373, 289, 4395, 290, 29892, 3984, 3921, 1540, 322, 278, 23451, 292, 2089, 6614, 310, 5264, 5745, 2022, 3660, 29892, 1550, 278, 3611, 5702, 376, 10140, 284, 29908, 338, 1048, 376, 915, 292, 1020, 2986, 297, 278, 4192, 566, 29887, 708, 310, 263, 528, 986, 29891, 2834, 29914, 9057, 322, 1855, 5281, 393, 694, 697, 541, 7535, 674, 4078, 366, 515, 372, 1213, 376, 10140, 284, 29908, 338, 278, 3611, 5702, 310, 278, 3719, 29915, 29879, 3769, 29889, 319, 19253, 292, 2978, 29899, 311, 493, 11423, 297, 902, 263, 8076, 20603, 15674, 1537, 304, 2436, 376, 29923, 781, 10198, 918, 29908, 785, 385, 7271, 599, 566, 287, 304, 297, 278, 4612, 4870, 8962, 29892, 607, 3697, 263, 4607, 373, 263, 2654, 3239, 29889, 13, 29902, 29920, 1537, 12399, 2706, 472, 12755, 322, 28174, 1304, 304, 664, 472, 278, 15983, 653, 4863, 3787, 376, 29968, 9893, 13987, 29908, 297, 1570, 3088, 29892, 577, 372, 29915, 29879, 694, 4997, 393, 278, 3719, 884, 26649, 2706, 408, 385, 4100, 9949, 373, 1009, 4696, 29889, 4699, 18989, 305, 322, 360, 2628, 9385, 359, 297, 3153, 505, 2175, 1009, 2791, 373, 278, 22363, 681, 26627, 1199, 322, 6380, 347, 15489, 8096, 267, 29889, 13, 1576, 2654, 3244, 393, 6057, 1549, 376, 10140, 1338, 29908, 338, 278, 11223, 310, 8866, 322, 394, 819, 362, 29892, 10075, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 883, 1230, 27482, 310, 278, 4688, 29871, 29906, 29896, 303, 6462, 29901, 278, 11223, 310, 1641, 373, 278, 7636, 310, 278, 3186, 29889, 1394, 408, 15854, 2454, 1925, 372, 29901, 376, 1576, 3186, 338, 577, 285, 2707, 287, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 920, 263, 4696, 713, 1033, 1827, 29901, 525, 7058, 29915, 29879, 599, 2107, 6169, 29908, 13, 29933, 2882, 29979, 317, 1299, 2190, 405, 5861, 785, 323, 9450, 350, 1446, 29914, 12810, 728, 351 ]
C. R./Nunofyrbeeswax Holly Hell! Have we got a night for you! Tanning Bats https://tanningbats.bandcamp.com/ With a tight and funky rhythm section, angsty vocals and twangy, surf guitars, tanning bats have cut through air molecules as a trio for the past 3 years, taking it off where their former punk outfit 'Ringostarwars' left it. With their new debut vinyl LP – 'On The Assembly Line Of Heads' they emphasise a satiric critique of humankind's conflict of foreground and progression on the one side, and cultural and socio-economic decay on the other. The many captured moods on their album consist of machine gun like punk explosion to cozy and semi psychedelic mantra, bumpy danceable post-punk gems. On The Assembly Line Of Heads – coming out on the 23rd of May! so yeah, release party! nunofyrbeeswax https://nunofyrbeeswax.bandcamp.com/ Nunofyrbeeswax write and play a bunch of pop songs as raw as their hearts in a minimal set up. Their sound has been described as an idiosyncratic blend of garage rock, post punk and "proto-indie" for whatever that means. Their music escapes easy associations, however, they have reminded audiences of bands such as Half Japanese, the Velvet Underground, The Ex, The Fall, Beat Happening, B52s and The Cramps. Avishag Cohen Rodrigues (NYC/TLV)! Avishag Cohen Rodrigues; a musician from Tel Aviv, currently based in Brooklyn, is a unique artist. starting to perform solo in the last year, she's half of the duo LAILA, playing guitar with artists like Sloppy Jane and Ryskinder, her shows gives a look into her own world. a combination of songs both in english and hebrew, some instrumental, creating Ambient, Lo-fi, Mellow, Shoegaze with post punk influences. her debut solo EP "One Winter, One Hunter" is going to be released on that day! DJ set by prettyboy Peter Magnüm (8MM) Funded by Musicboard Berlin GmbH Milk Me Presents: Crack Cloud Crack Cloud is a multimedia collective, comprising members from different cities, ethnicities and origins, who contribute to the sound, visual aesthetic and beyond – but their latest release, Anchoring Point, is helmed by seven key members. Taking its sonic influence from the likes of Gang Of Four, Fela Kuti and Talking Heads, its visuals from hip hop and the found footage aesthetic of the '90s, and its political ethos from thinkers like Malcolm X and Lydia Lunch, Anchoring Point is a barbed, lurching thing, a cacophony of punchy fragments, funk-laced bass riffs and experimental soundscapes. "We wanted to be expressive in a way that could be erratic but cohesive at the same time," explains Choy. "Emotionally, it zig-zags. We wanted it to take a life of its own; a life in flux." There's a political undertone to much of Anchoring Point – its lyrics, its sound, even the EP's artwork, which declares itself to be "how they refer to the latest vendible thing from Crack Cloud. For fun and profit!" But if there's an agenda to their music, says Choy, "the agenda is humanity and compassion. We invite people to meditate openly about their privilege. Their vice. Their pride and their vulnerability." Both he and partner Mohammad Ali Sharar are immigrants who struggled with addiction – Choy's triggered by the death of his father, Mohammad Ali from the cultural turbulence that came from the racism he experienced from outside his community, and the rejection from within it when he started to question Islam. They've redefined themselves in sobriety and work together in the mental health industry, facilitating safe spaces based on the harm reduction model for vulnerable and marginalized people in Downtown Vancouver. Crack Cloud is informed by these experiences, past and present.
[ 315, 29889, 390, 6904, 29940, 348, 974, 4316, 915, 267, 29893, 1165, 13, 29950, 18368, 19339, 29991, 13, 25559, 591, 2355, 263, 4646, 363, 366, 29991, 13, 29911, 9450, 350, 1446, 13, 991, 597, 29873, 9450, 29890, 1446, 29889, 4980, 24821, 29889, 510, 29914, 13, 3047, 263, 19932, 322, 2090, 3459, 18178, 29265, 4004, 29892, 2614, 22062, 17985, 322, 3252, 574, 29891, 29892, 1190, 29888, 1410, 277, 1503, 29892, 260, 9450, 289, 1446, 505, 5700, 1549, 4799, 13206, 21337, 408, 263, 3367, 29877, 363, 278, 4940, 29871, 29941, 2440, 29892, 5622, 372, 1283, 988, 1009, 4642, 21356, 714, 9202, 525, 29934, 292, 520, 279, 29893, 1503, 29915, 2175, 372, 29889, 13, 3047, 1009, 716, 9512, 13848, 2904, 23671, 785, 525, 2951, 450, 13266, 7407, 4587, 940, 7925, 29915, 896, 19310, 895, 263, 3290, 381, 293, 29709, 310, 3165, 804, 513, 29915, 29879, 14529, 310, 363, 18128, 322, 410, 11476, 373, 278, 697, 2625, 29892, 322, 16375, 322, 577, 3934, 29899, 29872, 4599, 293, 20228, 373, 278, 916, 29889, 450, 1784, 15468, 286, 2092, 29879, 373, 1009, 3769, 5718, 310, 4933, 13736, 763, 21356, 20389, 291, 304, 1302, 1537, 322, 12647, 11643, 287, 295, 293, 13694, 336, 29892, 289, 398, 2272, 17948, 519, 1400, 29899, 29886, 2960, 330, 1567, 29889, 13, 2951, 450, 13266, 7407, 4587, 940, 7925, 785, 6421, 714, 373, 278, 29871, 29906, 29941, 5499, 310, 2610, 29991, 577, 21915, 29892, 6507, 6263, 29991, 13, 29876, 348, 974, 4316, 915, 267, 29893, 1165, 13, 991, 597, 29876, 348, 974, 4316, 915, 267, 29893, 1165, 29889, 4980, 24821, 29889, 510, 29914, 13, 29940, 348, 974, 4316, 915, 267, 29893, 1165, 2436, 322, 1708, 263, 14928, 310, 1835, 12516, 408, 10650, 408, 13, 1552, 381, 26490, 297, 263, 13114, 731, 701, 29889, 11275, 6047, 756, 1063, 5439, 408, 13, 273, 1178, 2363, 2720, 29878, 2454, 1999, 355, 310, 7171, 482, 7679, 29892, 1400, 21356, 322, 376, 17529, 29899, 513, 347, 29908, 363, 6514, 393, 2794, 29889, 11275, 4696, 3966, 11603, 4780, 27733, 29892, 13, 3525, 1310, 29892, 896, 505, 1083, 513, 287, 12990, 819, 778, 310, 22706, 1316, 408, 28144, 13, 29967, 21419, 968, 29892, 278, 12019, 5990, 7634, 2057, 29892, 450, 1222, 29892, 450, 14053, 29892, 18573, 13, 29950, 932, 8333, 29892, 350, 29945, 29906, 29879, 322, 450, 315, 2572, 567, 29889, 13, 12810, 728, 351, 315, 14899, 7733, 8966, 1041, 313, 29940, 29979, 29907, 29914, 14632, 29963, 20198, 13, 12810, 728, 351, 315, 14899, 7733, 8966, 1041, 29936, 263, 4696, 713, 515, 18815, 7740, 440, 29892, 5279, 2729, 297, 18737, 13493, 29892, 338, 263, 5412, 7664, 29889, 13, 2962, 292, 304, 2189, 6651, 297, 278, 1833, 1629, 29892, 1183, 29915, 29879, 4203, 310, 278, 868, 29877, 17900, 29902, 4375, 29892, 8743, 11210, 411, 17906, 763, 16275, 23717, 10447, 322, 15586, 808, 4995, 29892, 902, 3697, 4076, 263, 1106, 964, 902, 1914, 3186, 29889, 13, 29874, 10296, 310, 12516, 1716, 297, 3033, 1674, 322, 540, 1030, 29893, 29892, 777, 11395, 284, 29892, 4969, 15145, 993, 29892, 4309, 29899, 7241, 29892, 341, 4743, 29892, 17550, 387, 28334, 411, 1400, 21356, 7112, 2063, 29889, 13, 2276, 9512, 6651, 16502, 376, 6716, 12267, 29892, 3118, 25703, 29908, 338, 2675, 304, 367, 5492, 373, 393, 2462, 29991, 13, 29928, 29967, 731, 491, 5051, 19415, 5310, 19975, 29993, 29885, 313, 29947, 7428, 29897, 13, 29943, 870, 287, 491, 6125, 3377, 5115, 18156, 13, 29316, 29895, 2191, 4360, 1237, 29901, 14279, 384, 14293, 13, 29907, 22282, 14293, 338, 263, 19004, 6314, 573, 29892, 7199, 5921, 5144, 515, 1422, 14368, 29892, 11314, 7823, 1907, 322, 1677, 1144, 29892, 1058, 29126, 304, 278, 6047, 29892, 7604, 263, 342, 29882, 7492, 322, 8724, 785, 541, 1009, 9281, 6507, 29892, 530, 305, 8253, 8984, 29892, 338, 1081, 2168, 491, 9881, 1820, 5144, 29889, 323, 5086, 967, 1487, 293, 9949, 515, 278, 4188, 267, 310, 26531, 4587, 12458, 29892, 383, 3100, 476, 11321, 322, 323, 2235, 292, 940, 7925, 29892, 967, 7604, 29879, 515, 21464, 8171, 322, 278, 1476, 3661, 482, 263, 342, 29882, 7492, 310, 278, 525, 29929, 29900, 29879, 29892, 322, 967, 8604, 11314, 359, 515, 1348, 414, 763, 3792, 1054, 29885, 1060, 322, 365, 2941, 423, 365, 3322, 29892, 530, 305, 8253, 8984, 338, 263, 2594, 2580, 29892, 301, 2458, 292, 2655, 29892, 263, 274, 562, 3021, 2592, 310, 282, 3322, 29891, 22370, 29892, 2090, 29895, 29899, 433, 1133, 12760, 364, 28324, 322, 17986, 6047, 1557, 11603, 29889, 376, 4806, 5131, 304, 367, 4653, 573, 297, 263, 982, 393, 1033, 367, 4589, 2454, 541, 16165, 267, 573, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 1699, 18568, 678, 12602, 29889, 376, 6026, 8194, 635, 29892, 372, 503, 335, 29899, 29920, 810, 29889, 1334, 5131, 372, 304, 2125, 263, 2834, 310, 967, 1914, 29936, 263, 2834, 297, 19389, 1213, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 8604, 22332, 650, 304, 1568, 310, 530, 305, 8253, 8984, 785, 967, 26627, 1199, 29892, 967, 6047, 29892, 1584, 278, 16502, 29915, 29879, 1616, 1287, 29892, 607, 4845, 5114, 3528, 304, 367, 376, 3525, 896, 2737, 304, 278, 9281, 9691, 1821, 2655, 515, 14279, 384, 14293, 29889, 1152, 2090, 322, 21665, 3850, 1205, 565, 727, 29915, 29879, 385, 946, 8395, 304, 1009, 4696, 29892, 4083, 678, 12602, 29892, 376, 1552, 946, 8395, 338, 5199, 537, 322, 752, 465, 291, 29889, 1334, 2437, 568, 2305, 304, 1612, 10388, 1722, 368, 1048, 1009, 14828, 479, 29889, 11275, 11289, 29889, 11275, 24967, 322, 1009, 23180, 3097, 1213, 9134, 540, 322, 18096, 12929, 4850, 328, 10785, 1383, 279, 279, 526, 5198, 4481, 1934, 1058, 10205, 839, 411, 788, 2463, 785, 678, 12602, 29915, 29879, 19799, 491, 278, 4892, 310, 670, 4783, 29892, 12929, 4850, 328, 10785, 515, 278, 16375, 7013, 8645, 663, 393, 2996, 515, 278, 11021, 1608, 540, 18860, 515, 5377, 670, 7881, 29892, 322, 278, 337, 6929, 515, 2629, 372, 746, 540, 4687, 304, 1139, 16427, 29889, 2688, 29915, 345, 337, 12119, 6053, 297, 22810, 374, 3305, 322, 664, 4208, 297, 278, 19119, 9045, 13661, 29892, 16089, 277, 1218, 9109, 8162, 2729, 373, 278, 10311, 20376, 1904, 363, 23180, 519, 322, 15276, 979, 1891, 2305, 297, 26028, 593, 776, 478, 29711, 29889, 14279, 384, 14293, 338, 23388, 491, 1438, 27482, 29892, 4940, 322, 2198, 29889 ]
These experiences inform the work in ways Choy and the collective don't always attempt to tame or control. 'Empty Cell', for example, is a "stream-of-consciousness piece," made up of different voices from different angles. It follows EP opener 'Graph Of Desire', a punky duet of sorts, with shades of early Bowie, that comes in at just a minute and a half long, and precedes 'Image Craft', which has a melody like a ticking clock and a video that evokes Lynch's Eraserhead. "Each song on Anchoring Point," says Choy, "is one piece of the pie." And what does the pie as a whole look like? Choy's not sure exactly. "It creates a messy picture. We hope people can resonate with its messiness. Thoughts and feelings are ephemeral and there is always a new insight to have and a new connection to be sought after, and it's a celebration of that. Old and new. And the Anchoring Point in-between." Sneaky Snake Festival ⊙ Day 2 friday 1.6. at cassiopeia Berlin ⊙ RADAR MEN FROM THE MOON – experimental psych ⏐ Eindhoven ⊙ FATHER SKY MOTHER EARTH – drone doom ⏐ Hamburg saturday 2.6. at Urban Spree ⊙ ØRESUND SPACE COLLECTIVE – impro space kraut ⏐ DEN/SWE ⊙ BLACK MOON CIRCLE – acid rock jams ⏐ Trondheim ⊙ MOUNTAIN DUST – stoner soul ⏐ Montreal ⊙ RUDI RAUSCHGIFT – psych, beat, funk, soul, kraut, prog dj's ass shakin' trip tunes in the beer gardens of both venues https://www.mixcloud.com/RudiRauschgift both venues are located on the RAW area Revaler Str. 99, 10245 Berlin ⊙ ØRESUND SPACE COLLECTIVE ⊙ ØSC is an ever changing music collective from Denmark and Sweden that play totally on the spot improvised deep trip space rock music. They have released 25 (!!!) records since 2006. Music for your mind to escape the Matrix. – latest release: "Chatoyant Breath" – May 16, 2018 "ØSC had been at the Black Tornado recording back in November but our friend Gary (Yawning Man) was in town and wanted to jam. It had been a long time since the main touring band of ØSC (Nick, Jiri, Mogens, myself) had been in the studio. We grabbed Martin, who plays with Nick, Jiri and Mogens in the Univerzals as well as with Jiri in his band, Fri Galaxe to play drums. He had played quite a few gigs with us in Denmark the last years. Nicklas from Papir, was a great choice to play with Gary as both are fans of each other and we love to play with Nicklas. We had a cool band. This session was pretty fast, all done in one day and just 5 jams recorded. The vinyl is an edited version of the jams, while the CD features extended versions of the tracks so you can hear more or less the entire course of the musical journey. The music on these sections is more spaced out, relaxed and exploratory as it flows and weaves and grows tentacles to tickle and scratch your inner thoughts. Enjoy the sensations." – Dr. Space, 2018 http://www.oresundspacecollective.com/ https://oresundspacecollective.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/OresundSpaceCollective ⊙ BLACK MOON CIRCLE ⊙ BMC from Trondheim is dedicated to dark psychedelic space rock, driven by a disposition towards prolonged jams. "Flowing into the 3rd Dimension" – August 25, 2017 https://blackmooncircle.bandcamp.com/ https://www.facebook.com/blackmooncircle ⊙ MOUNTAIN DUST ⊙ Mountain Dust's set was a blast of cymbal crashing, headbanging hard rock laced with doom metal and a sensible dos
[ 13, 1349, 968, 27482, 1871, 278, 664, 297, 5837, 678, 12602, 322, 278, 6314, 573, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2337, 4218, 304, 260, 420, 470, 2761, 29889, 525, 8915, 19413, 742, 363, 1342, 29892, 338, 263, 376, 5461, 29899, 974, 29899, 3200, 8802, 2264, 8424, 1699, 1754, 701, 310, 1422, 28848, 515, 1422, 23619, 29889, 739, 4477, 16502, 1015, 759, 525, 9527, 4587, 2726, 533, 742, 263, 21356, 29891, 868, 300, 310, 23551, 29892, 411, 528, 3076, 310, 4688, 350, 4238, 29892, 393, 5304, 297, 472, 925, 263, 11015, 322, 263, 4203, 1472, 29892, 322, 9399, 267, 525, 2940, 315, 4154, 742, 607, 756, 263, 9232, 1486, 763, 263, 16892, 292, 12006, 322, 263, 4863, 393, 3415, 23195, 18989, 305, 29915, 29879, 1425, 29440, 2813, 29889, 376, 9760, 4823, 373, 530, 305, 8253, 8984, 1699, 4083, 678, 12602, 29892, 376, 275, 697, 8424, 310, 278, 5036, 1213, 13, 2855, 825, 947, 278, 5036, 408, 263, 3353, 1106, 763, 29973, 678, 12602, 29915, 29879, 451, 1854, 3721, 29889, 376, 3112, 10017, 263, 4473, 29891, 7623, 29889, 1334, 4966, 2305, 508, 27396, 403, 411, 967, 4473, 3335, 29889, 498, 1774, 29879, 322, 21737, 526, 321, 561, 331, 13537, 322, 727, 338, 2337, 263, 716, 25483, 304, 505, 322, 263, 716, 3957, 304, 367, 18365, 1156, 29892, 322, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 10894, 362, 310, 393, 29889, 8198, 322, 716, 29889, 1126, 278, 530, 305, 8253, 8984, 297, 29899, 14811, 1213, 13, 29903, 484, 557, 29891, 317, 21040, 8518, 29871, 30738, 8373, 29871, 29906, 13, 1341, 22394, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29953, 29889, 472, 274, 465, 601, 412, 423, 5115, 13, 30738, 390, 3035, 1718, 341, 1430, 3895, 6093, 16999, 1164, 785, 17986, 11643, 29871, 229, 146, 147, 382, 513, 29882, 9813, 13, 30738, 383, 1299, 4448, 18581, 29979, 341, 2891, 4448, 382, 1718, 4690, 785, 4192, 650, 437, 290, 29871, 229, 146, 147, 14847, 13, 29879, 20510, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29953, 29889, 472, 22589, 1706, 929, 13, 30738, 29871, 30222, 1525, 14605, 2797, 10937, 11538, 23958, 3281, 18474, 785, 4857, 2913, 18858, 329, 29871, 229, 146, 147, 360, 1430, 29914, 29903, 8851, 13, 30738, 350, 29931, 11375, 16999, 1164, 315, 8193, 29907, 1307, 785, 22193, 7679, 432, 2232, 29871, 229, 146, 147, 1605, 898, 6391, 13, 30738, 16999, 3904, 6040, 1177, 360, 17321, 785, 380, 265, 261, 10752, 29871, 229, 146, 147, 26693, 13, 30738, 390, 29965, 4571, 18865, 3308, 3210, 29954, 6545, 29911, 785, 11643, 29892, 16646, 29892, 2090, 29895, 29892, 10752, 29892, 18858, 329, 29892, 410, 29887, 13, 19776, 29915, 29879, 1223, 528, 557, 262, 29915, 17487, 260, 7844, 297, 278, 367, 261, 17161, 575, 310, 1716, 6003, 1041, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 28084, 9274, 29889, 510, 29914, 29934, 4749, 29934, 1485, 305, 29887, 2027, 13, 20313, 6003, 1041, 526, 5982, 373, 278, 18865, 29956, 4038, 13, 1123, 791, 261, 3767, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29906, 29946, 29945, 5115, 13, 30738, 29871, 30222, 1525, 14605, 2797, 10937, 11538, 23958, 3281, 18474, 29871, 30738, 13, 30222, 7187, 338, 385, 3926, 6480, 4696, 6314, 573, 515, 3384, 3502, 322, 24506, 393, 1708, 14909, 373, 278, 9758, 4857, 11292, 6483, 17487, 2913, 7679, 4696, 29889, 2688, 505, 5492, 29871, 29906, 29945, 5384, 6824, 29897, 6475, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29889, 6125, 363, 596, 3458, 304, 10169, 278, 22513, 29889, 13, 29994, 9281, 6507, 29901, 13, 29908, 1451, 1219, 29891, 424, 5826, 493, 29908, 785, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 13, 29908, 30222, 7187, 750, 1063, 472, 278, 6054, 323, 1398, 912, 16867, 1250, 297, 3979, 541, 1749, 5121, 23529, 313, 29979, 1450, 1076, 2315, 29897, 471, 297, 4726, 322, 5131, 304, 14322, 29889, 739, 750, 1063, 263, 1472, 931, 1951, 278, 1667, 6282, 292, 3719, 310, 29871, 30222, 7187, 313, 29940, 860, 29892, 435, 12737, 29892, 341, 468, 575, 29892, 6142, 29897, 750, 1063, 297, 278, 8693, 29889, 1334, 2646, 1327, 287, 6502, 29892, 1058, 13582, 411, 13853, 29892, 435, 12737, 322, 341, 468, 575, 297, 278, 853, 2147, 29920, 1338, 408, 1532, 408, 411, 435, 12737, 297, 670, 3719, 29892, 11169, 5208, 1165, 29872, 304, 1708, 28987, 29889, 940, 750, 5318, 3755, 263, 2846, 19340, 29879, 411, 502, 297, 3384, 3502, 278, 1833, 2440, 29889, 13853, 3333, 515, 8579, 381, 29892, 471, 263, 2107, 7348, 304, 1708, 411, 23529, 408, 1716, 526, 24909, 310, 1269, 916, 322, 591, 5360, 304, 1708, 411, 13853, 3333, 29889, 1334, 750, 263, 12528, 3719, 29889, 13, 4013, 4867, 471, 5051, 5172, 29892, 599, 2309, 297, 697, 2462, 322, 925, 29871, 29945, 432, 2232, 10478, 29889, 450, 13848, 2904, 338, 385, 8788, 1873, 310, 278, 432, 2232, 29892, 1550, 278, 7307, 5680, 10410, 6910, 310, 278, 16257, 577, 366, 508, 8293, 901, 470, 3109, 278, 4152, 3236, 310, 278, 9636, 16342, 29889, 450, 4696, 373, 1438, 13926, 338, 901, 26325, 287, 714, 29892, 26681, 287, 322, 3902, 272, 7606, 408, 372, 24536, 322, 591, 5989, 322, 25088, 12033, 23435, 304, 16892, 280, 322, 22728, 596, 6426, 13133, 29889, 1174, 2212, 29891, 278, 4771, 800, 1213, 785, 4942, 29889, 14121, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 13, 1124, 597, 1636, 29889, 2361, 870, 3493, 15914, 573, 29889, 510, 29914, 13, 991, 597, 2361, 870, 3493, 15914, 573, 29889, 4980, 24821, 29889, 510, 29914, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 15445, 29889, 510, 29914, 29949, 690, 870, 14936, 28916, 573, 13, 30738, 350, 29931, 11375, 16999, 1164, 315, 8193, 29907, 1307, 29871, 30738, 13, 29933, 12513, 515, 1605, 898, 6391, 338, 16955, 304, 6501, 11643, 287, 295, 293, 2913, 7679, 29892, 18225, 491, 263, 27963, 7113, 27044, 287, 432, 2232, 29889, 13, 29908, 17907, 292, 964, 278, 29871, 29941, 5499, 4792, 2673, 29908, 785, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 13, 991, 597, 8517, 4346, 265, 16622, 29889, 4980, 24821, 29889, 510, 29914, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 15445, 29889, 510, 29914, 8517, 4346, 265, 16622, 13, 30738, 16999, 3904, 6040, 1177, 360, 17321, 29871, 30738, 13, 27648, 475, 360, 504, 29915, 29879, 731, 471, 263, 1999, 579, 310, 274, 962, 5521, 8095, 292, 29892, 2343, 29890, 9776, 2898, 7679, 425, 1133, 411, 437, 290, 11915, 322, 263, 25182, 3248 ]
Following Leslie Moonves' departure from CBS and the board restructuring (paywall) rumors swirl that CBS might be a takeover target. Former executives and people close to Apple say they also expect Mr. Cook to be more open with shareholders and customers than Mr. Jobs, citing Mr. Cook's willingness to meet fairly regularly with investors over the years. "Steve thought he had all the answers," said Toni Sacconaghi, a research analyst who covers Apple for Sanford Bernstein & Co. "I am not sure Tim thinks he has all the answers." Mr. Sacconaghi also describes Mr. Cook as "surprisingly candid" about parts of the company, such as its iPhone expansion strategy. One area people expect Mr. Cook to eventually focus on is what to do with Apple's $81.6 billion in cash and cash equivalents. Mr. Jobs was opposed to stock buybacks, according to former Apple executives. But Mr. Cook seems open to more traditional options for Apple's cash hoard, such as dividends or a buyback, say people who have discussed the matter with Apple executives. On the company's fiscal fourth quarter earnings call last month, Mr. Cook said, "I'm not religious about holding cash or not holding it." Beer industry consolidation: The final chapter? In a global brewing industry marked by huge consolidation over the last decade, bankers are hopeful of an $80 billion plus deal to end all dealsbetween the industry's two giants, Anheuser-Busch InBev (ABI.BR) and SABMiller (SAB.L). If AB InBev buys SABMiller it could be the biggest cash takeover in history and would create a group brewing a third of the world's beer. Analysts and bankers suggest 2013 as a likely time frame for a takeover that is seen as the final play in deal making in big world brewing. They say the world's No 1 brewer AB InBev will not be deterred from making a move for SABMiller even after the No 2 brewer swallows up Australia's Foster's by the end of 2011 in a $10.2 billion deal. A Foster's deal may delay an AB InBev-SABMiller linkup by six to twelve months pushing a possible deal to 2013, after AB InBev's Chief Executive Carlos Brito said its debt would fall during 2012 to levels which made further acquisitions possible. A deal would close out a decade of rapid consolidation led largely by AB InBev and SABMiller and leave few remaining easy targets, with the remaining big global brewers like Heineken (HEIN.AS) and Carlsberg (CARLb.CO), as well as AB InBev, controlled by families, individuals or charity shareholders. "The Foster's deal may delay an AB InBev-SABMiller tie up, but it doesn't change the strategic view that eventually it will make sense for these two to link up," said one banker who has worked for one of the big brewers. Meanwhile, here's commentary from the Economist magazine on the recently concluded SABMiller acquisition of Fosters. Our competitors aren't taking our market share with devices; they are taking our market share with an entire ecosystem. This means we're going to have to decide how we either build, catalyze or join an ecosystem. Among the possibilities suggested are: divesting Navteq and the wireless infrastructure business, buying apps developers, and of course the big idea that refuses to die - Microsoft buying Nokia. Against the background of the very volatile couple of days for commodity prices, here's a set of interesting articles (all from WSJ) on the industry - not directly M&A-related, but certainly highlighting relevant industry dynamics. Then, a set of articles about the steel industry: This one suggests steel demand is robust across the world, although mainly driven by growth in China and India. This one describes ThyssenKrupp's sophisticated computer network that coordinates steel production centers across three continents. (It is very interesting indeed to follow steel companies as they learn to be multinational.) Here's an analysis of what value ThyssenKrupp's new leader can add
[ 12206, 2664, 3197, 17549, 1960, 29915, 25619, 515, 29589, 322, 278, 7613, 1791, 1247, 3864, 313, 10472, 11358, 29897, 16558, 943, 2381, 5168, 393, 29589, 1795, 367, 263, 2125, 957, 3646, 29889, 13, 2500, 261, 6704, 3145, 322, 2305, 3802, 304, 12113, 1827, 896, 884, 2149, 3237, 29889, 17278, 304, 367, 901, 1722, 411, 6232, 8948, 414, 322, 20330, 1135, 3237, 29889, 17163, 29879, 29892, 7537, 292, 3237, 29889, 17278, 29915, 29879, 17762, 2264, 304, 5870, 12558, 25704, 411, 13258, 943, 975, 278, 2440, 29889, 13, 29908, 7789, 345, 2714, 540, 750, 599, 278, 6089, 1699, 1497, 323, 5271, 15573, 535, 351, 2918, 29892, 263, 5925, 3483, 858, 1058, 18469, 12113, 363, 3087, 4006, 6209, 5465, 669, 3189, 29889, 376, 29902, 626, 451, 1854, 7870, 22405, 540, 756, 599, 278, 6089, 1213, 3237, 29889, 15573, 535, 351, 2918, 884, 16612, 3237, 29889, 17278, 408, 376, 7610, 558, 5921, 368, 7105, 29908, 1048, 5633, 310, 278, 5001, 29892, 1316, 408, 967, 18483, 13184, 13705, 29889, 13, 6716, 4038, 2305, 2149, 3237, 29889, 17278, 304, 10201, 8569, 373, 338, 825, 304, 437, 411, 12113, 29915, 29879, 395, 29947, 29896, 29889, 29953, 24464, 297, 274, 1161, 322, 274, 1161, 5737, 1237, 29889, 3237, 29889, 17163, 29879, 471, 15869, 304, 10961, 15649, 1627, 29879, 29892, 5034, 304, 4642, 12113, 6704, 3145, 29889, 13, 6246, 3237, 29889, 17278, 2444, 1722, 304, 901, 13807, 3987, 363, 12113, 29915, 29879, 274, 1161, 5089, 538, 29892, 1316, 408, 25227, 1975, 470, 263, 15649, 1627, 29892, 1827, 2305, 1058, 505, 15648, 278, 4383, 411, 12113, 6704, 3145, 29889, 13, 2951, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 16436, 1052, 11582, 12616, 2326, 11753, 1246, 1833, 4098, 29892, 3237, 29889, 17278, 1497, 29892, 376, 29902, 29915, 29885, 451, 12962, 1048, 13587, 274, 1161, 470, 451, 13587, 372, 1213, 13, 3629, 261, 13661, 1136, 17211, 362, 29901, 450, 2186, 16385, 29973, 13, 797, 263, 5534, 2078, 16958, 13661, 10902, 491, 12176, 1136, 17211, 362, 975, 278, 1833, 316, 6332, 29892, 9124, 414, 526, 4966, 1319, 310, 385, 395, 29947, 29900, 24464, 2298, 5376, 304, 1095, 599, 316, 1338, 14811, 278, 13661, 29915, 29879, 1023, 4005, 1934, 29892, 530, 354, 1792, 29899, 16890, 305, 512, 3629, 29894, 313, 2882, 29902, 29889, 15176, 29897, 322, 317, 2882, 29924, 5495, 313, 29903, 2882, 29889, 29931, 467, 13, 3644, 17571, 512, 3629, 29894, 1321, 952, 317, 2882, 29924, 5495, 372, 1033, 367, 278, 24842, 274, 1161, 2125, 957, 297, 4955, 322, 723, 1653, 263, 2318, 2078, 16958, 263, 4654, 310, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 367, 261, 29889, 11597, 858, 29879, 322, 9124, 414, 4368, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 408, 263, 5517, 931, 3515, 363, 263, 2125, 957, 393, 338, 3595, 408, 278, 2186, 1708, 297, 5376, 3907, 297, 4802, 3186, 2078, 16958, 29889, 13, 15597, 1827, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 1939, 29871, 29896, 2078, 556, 17571, 512, 3629, 29894, 674, 451, 367, 270, 1308, 1127, 515, 3907, 263, 4337, 363, 317, 2882, 29924, 5495, 1584, 1156, 278, 1939, 29871, 29906, 2078, 556, 2381, 497, 1242, 701, 8314, 29915, 29879, 383, 15664, 29915, 29879, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 297, 263, 395, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29906, 24464, 5376, 29889, 13, 29909, 383, 15664, 29915, 29879, 5376, 1122, 9055, 385, 17571, 512, 3629, 29894, 29899, 29903, 2882, 29924, 5495, 1544, 786, 491, 4832, 304, 17680, 7378, 27556, 263, 1950, 5376, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 1156, 17571, 512, 3629, 29894, 29915, 29879, 14546, 28841, 10815, 3230, 29877, 1497, 967, 2553, 29873, 723, 6416, 2645, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 304, 11174, 607, 1754, 4340, 1274, 7680, 2187, 1950, 29889, 13, 29909, 5376, 723, 3802, 714, 263, 316, 6332, 310, 10952, 1136, 17211, 362, 5331, 18425, 491, 17571, 512, 3629, 29894, 322, 317, 2882, 29924, 5495, 322, 5967, 2846, 9886, 4780, 22525, 29892, 411, 278, 9886, 4802, 5534, 2078, 17538, 763, 940, 457, 1717, 313, 9606, 1177, 29889, 3289, 29897, 322, 1704, 3137, 2552, 313, 29907, 1718, 29931, 29890, 29889, 3217, 511, 408, 1532, 408, 17571, 512, 3629, 29894, 29892, 20704, 491, 13175, 29892, 15724, 470, 1373, 537, 6232, 8948, 414, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 383, 15664, 29915, 29879, 5376, 1122, 9055, 385, 17571, 512, 3629, 29894, 29899, 29903, 2882, 29924, 5495, 22134, 701, 29892, 541, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1735, 278, 16650, 293, 1776, 393, 10201, 372, 674, 1207, 4060, 363, 1438, 1023, 304, 1544, 701, 1699, 1497, 697, 9124, 261, 1058, 756, 3796, 363, 697, 310, 278, 4802, 2078, 17538, 29889, 13, 6816, 273, 8000, 29892, 1244, 29915, 29879, 3440, 653, 515, 278, 12884, 391, 14853, 373, 278, 10325, 22834, 317, 2882, 29924, 5495, 1274, 23493, 310, 383, 520, 414, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 5100, 17259, 9455, 29915, 29873, 5622, 1749, 9999, 6232, 411, 9224, 29936, 896, 526, 5622, 1749, 9999, 6232, 411, 385, 4152, 321, 3944, 973, 29889, 910, 2794, 591, 29915, 276, 2675, 304, 505, 304, 11097, 920, 591, 2845, 2048, 29892, 17246, 29891, 911, 470, 5988, 385, 321, 3944, 973, 29889, 13, 6833, 549, 278, 24496, 7829, 526, 29901, 1933, 342, 292, 13132, 371, 29939, 322, 278, 26677, 22035, 12425, 5381, 29892, 1321, 5414, 11446, 18777, 29892, 322, 310, 3236, 278, 4802, 2969, 393, 2143, 6394, 304, 762, 448, 7783, 1321, 5414, 405, 554, 423, 29889, 13, 14769, 475, 303, 278, 3239, 310, 278, 1407, 1700, 24285, 7303, 310, 3841, 363, 844, 397, 537, 26094, 29892, 1244, 29915, 29879, 263, 731, 310, 8031, 7456, 313, 497, 515, 399, 29903, 29967, 29897, 373, 278, 13661, 448, 451, 4153, 341, 29987, 29909, 29899, 12817, 29892, 541, 8959, 12141, 292, 8018, 13661, 19753, 29889, 13, 11760, 29892, 263, 731, 310, 7456, 1048, 278, 22973, 13661, 29901, 910, 697, 14661, 22973, 9667, 338, 16424, 4822, 278, 3186, 29892, 5998, 14364, 18225, 491, 14321, 297, 7551, 322, 7513, 29889, 910, 697, 16612, 498, 29891, 893, 264, 29968, 582, 407, 29915, 29879, 269, 3021, 4695, 630, 6601, 3564, 393, 10350, 22973, 5802, 1644, 414, 4822, 2211, 2145, 1237, 29889, 313, 3112, 338, 1407, 8031, 6200, 304, 1101, 22973, 14582, 408, 896, 5110, 304, 367, 1773, 262, 1288, 1846, 2266, 29915, 29879, 385, 7418, 310, 825, 995, 498, 29891, 893, 264, 29968, 582, 407, 29915, 29879, 716, 11822, 508, 788 ]
The Local Offer is what The Gattons Infant School can offer children who have Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND), in terms of support, resources and strategies. Miss Ellie Bennett is the Inclusion Manager and Learning Support Teacher, who oversees special needs support. Miss Ellie Bennett can be contacted via the school office on 01444 235071. We are aware of the importance of the early identification of a child's special educational needs. At times we are notified by an external agency about a child's additional needs before the child starts school. If parents have concerns about their child's development, then we suggest they ask to meet with either the Head Teacher or the SENCo if the child is pre-school or with the child's class teacher and/or SENCo if their child is already in school. Every child's progress is tracked by the class teacher and the Deputy Head. Any concerns will be discussed with parents and the SENCo. The SENCo will meet with the child and, if appropriate, assess and screen using standardised tests, the results of which will be discussed with parents. Support and resources are allocated on an individual basis, depending upon the needs of the child. Our school has a diverse group of children, who have a variety of backgrounds, strengths, and interests; some of whom may have special or additional needs. Or through additional support for specific areas of weakness. If a child has been identified as having additional needs we can then support his or her learning in a number of ways. Phonics and early reading skills. Speech sounds following assessment with a Speech and Language Therapist. Language – attention and listening, understanding of language and speaking. This may be as part of a small group following The Narrative Therapy Language Programme. Language support for EAL (English as an additional language). Reading, which may include the Fischer Family Trust Reading Intervention programme (FFT) or Better Reading programme. Maths, which may include Closing the Gap or 1stClass@Number intervention programmes. Language – attention and listening, understanding of language and speaking. Emotional and social development and friendship issues. This support will be with a SEN Learning Support Assistant or our Learning Mentor. The class teacher or SENCo will plan and oversee any intervention programme and ensure the necessary resources are available. The class teacher and/or the SENCo will meet with parents to explain the additional support. Specially trained Learning Support Assistants (SEN LSAs) will implement the majority of the intervention programmes, although the SENCo also works with individuals and small groups of children. The child will be assessed at the beginning and end of any intervention and the intervention changed if it has not been effective. Progress is regularly reviewed by staff, including at half-termly Intervention Meetings. Following these meetings any necessary changes to additional support will be made and parents informed. We have a Learning Mentor who is available to provide pastoral support for any child needing this. Parents or staff may refer a child for support, having spoken initially to either the child's class teacher or the SENCo. The school can refer a child to the School Nursing Service at the request of a parent. This may be due to difficulties with bed wetting, establishing bedtime routines, a reluctance to eat etc. The School Nurse aims to meet with parents within three weeks of receiving the referral. A Health/Medical care plan will be written by medical personnel and parents for any child who has a chronic medical condition. All staff are informed of the child's medical needs and alert notices displayed in appropriate places. Specific medical training will be provided by either the school nurse or other specialist nurses. We have a high number of staff who have emergency and paediatric first aid training. Each class has 'Rights Respecting Rainbow' (this is based on the United Nations Rights of the Child) and this encourages positive behaviour in class and around the school. Observations of the child to see whether there is any pattern to the behaviours, or any triggers. Additional support from an experienced adult at 'trigger' times. The use of a behaviour log or a home-school liaison book. If appropriate, changes made to the child's learning experiences - being moved closer to the teacher, using a reward system etc. Withdrawal support from the Learning Mentor, in order to explore the child's difficulties. If, after appropriate
[ 450, 9959, 4587, 571, 338, 825, 450, 402, 1131, 787, 9969, 424, 4523, 508, 5957, 4344, 1058, 505, 12630, 7519, 29883, 1288, 2448, 5779, 470, 3295, 3097, 313, 29903, 11794, 511, 297, 4958, 310, 2304, 29892, 7788, 322, 16650, 583, 29889, 13, 18552, 11001, 347, 4111, 20764, 338, 278, 512, 10085, 15629, 322, 29257, 18601, 1920, 11665, 29892, 1058, 975, 344, 267, 4266, 4225, 2304, 29889, 4750, 11001, 347, 4111, 20764, 508, 367, 6958, 287, 3025, 278, 3762, 8034, 373, 29871, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29946, 29946, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29945, 29900, 29955, 29896, 29889, 13, 4806, 526, 9543, 310, 278, 13500, 310, 278, 4688, 29769, 310, 263, 2278, 29915, 29879, 4266, 28976, 4225, 29889, 13, 4178, 3064, 591, 526, 451, 2164, 491, 385, 7029, 946, 3819, 1048, 263, 2278, 29915, 29879, 5684, 4225, 1434, 278, 2278, 8665, 3762, 29889, 13, 3644, 11825, 505, 21838, 1048, 1009, 2278, 29915, 29879, 5849, 29892, 769, 591, 4368, 896, 2244, 304, 5870, 411, 2845, 278, 12252, 1920, 11665, 470, 278, 317, 1430, 7967, 565, 278, 2278, 338, 758, 29899, 27041, 470, 411, 278, 2278, 29915, 29879, 770, 15703, 322, 29914, 272, 317, 1430, 7967, 565, 1009, 2278, 338, 2307, 297, 3762, 29889, 13, 26526, 2278, 29915, 29879, 6728, 338, 5702, 287, 491, 278, 770, 15703, 322, 278, 26721, 29891, 12252, 29889, 3139, 21838, 674, 367, 15648, 411, 11825, 322, 278, 317, 1430, 7967, 29889, 13, 1576, 317, 1430, 7967, 674, 5870, 411, 278, 2278, 322, 29892, 565, 8210, 29892, 24809, 322, 4315, 773, 3918, 3368, 6987, 29892, 278, 2582, 310, 607, 674, 367, 15648, 411, 11825, 29889, 13, 14039, 322, 7788, 526, 19591, 373, 385, 5375, 8405, 29892, 8679, 2501, 278, 4225, 310, 278, 2278, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 3762, 756, 263, 16984, 2318, 310, 4344, 29892, 1058, 505, 263, 12875, 310, 3239, 29879, 29892, 9324, 29879, 29892, 322, 20017, 29936, 777, 310, 6029, 1122, 505, 4266, 470, 5684, 4225, 29889, 13, 2816, 1549, 5684, 2304, 363, 2702, 10161, 310, 8062, 2264, 29889, 13, 3644, 263, 2278, 756, 1063, 15659, 408, 2534, 5684, 4225, 591, 508, 769, 2304, 670, 470, 902, 6509, 297, 263, 1353, 310, 5837, 29889, 13, 4819, 265, 1199, 322, 4688, 5183, 25078, 29889, 13, 10649, 5309, 10083, 1494, 24809, 358, 411, 263, 5013, 5309, 322, 17088, 25451, 481, 391, 29889, 13, 21233, 785, 8570, 322, 19866, 29892, 8004, 310, 4086, 322, 13590, 29889, 910, 1122, 367, 408, 760, 310, 263, 2319, 2318, 1494, 450, 405, 2749, 1230, 25451, 27580, 17088, 7835, 1004, 29889, 13, 21233, 2304, 363, 382, 1964, 313, 24636, 408, 385, 5684, 4086, 467, 13, 6359, 292, 29892, 607, 1122, 3160, 278, 23808, 14662, 20692, 21439, 4124, 7316, 19607, 313, 4198, 29911, 29897, 470, 26965, 21439, 19607, 29889, 13, 11309, 29879, 29892, 607, 1122, 3160, 2233, 14556, 278, 402, 481, 470, 29871, 29896, 303, 2385, 29992, 4557, 1006, 7316, 1824, 4467, 29889, 13, 21233, 785, 8570, 322, 19866, 29892, 8004, 310, 4086, 322, 13590, 29889, 13, 6026, 327, 1848, 322, 5264, 5849, 322, 27994, 5626, 29889, 910, 2304, 674, 367, 411, 263, 317, 1430, 29257, 18601, 4007, 22137, 470, 1749, 29257, 341, 296, 272, 29889, 13, 1576, 770, 15703, 470, 317, 1430, 7967, 674, 3814, 322, 975, 4149, 738, 1006, 7316, 19607, 322, 9801, 278, 5181, 7788, 526, 3625, 29889, 13, 1576, 770, 15703, 322, 29914, 272, 278, 317, 1430, 7967, 674, 5870, 411, 11825, 304, 5649, 278, 5684, 2304, 29889, 13, 10649, 5584, 16370, 29257, 18601, 4007, 391, 1934, 313, 29903, 1430, 365, 29903, 2887, 29897, 674, 2334, 278, 13638, 310, 278, 1006, 7316, 1824, 4467, 29892, 5998, 278, 317, 1430, 7967, 884, 1736, 411, 15724, 322, 2319, 6471, 310, 4344, 29889, 13, 1576, 2278, 674, 367, 1223, 11517, 472, 278, 6763, 322, 1095, 310, 738, 1006, 7316, 322, 278, 1006, 7316, 3939, 565, 372, 756, 451, 1063, 11828, 29889, 13, 14470, 338, 25704, 9076, 287, 491, 13925, 29892, 3704, 472, 4203, 29899, 8489, 368, 4124, 7316, 2191, 300, 886, 29889, 12206, 1438, 5870, 886, 738, 5181, 3620, 304, 5684, 2304, 674, 367, 1754, 322, 11825, 23388, 29889, 13, 4806, 505, 263, 29257, 341, 296, 272, 1058, 338, 3625, 304, 3867, 4940, 11251, 2304, 363, 738, 2278, 817, 292, 445, 29889, 1459, 1237, 470, 13925, 1122, 2737, 263, 2278, 363, 2304, 29892, 2534, 19182, 12919, 304, 2845, 278, 2278, 29915, 29879, 770, 15703, 470, 278, 317, 1430, 7967, 29889, 13, 1576, 3762, 508, 2737, 263, 2278, 304, 278, 4523, 405, 1295, 292, 6692, 472, 278, 2009, 310, 263, 3847, 29889, 910, 1122, 367, 2861, 304, 23553, 411, 6592, 7990, 1259, 29892, 10127, 292, 6592, 2230, 6745, 1475, 29892, 263, 1104, 5313, 749, 304, 17545, 2992, 29889, 450, 4523, 25651, 344, 263, 9893, 304, 5870, 411, 11825, 2629, 2211, 11405, 310, 13442, 278, 2737, 1705, 29889, 13, 29909, 15202, 29914, 19302, 936, 2562, 3814, 674, 367, 3971, 491, 16083, 24127, 322, 11825, 363, 738, 2278, 1058, 756, 263, 17168, 293, 16083, 4195, 29889, 2178, 13925, 526, 23388, 310, 278, 2278, 29915, 29879, 16083, 4225, 322, 6655, 451, 1575, 8833, 297, 8210, 7600, 29889, 21220, 16083, 6694, 674, 367, 4944, 491, 2845, 278, 3762, 5595, 344, 470, 916, 4266, 391, 302, 1295, 267, 29889, 13, 4806, 505, 263, 1880, 1353, 310, 13925, 1058, 505, 11176, 14703, 322, 3300, 287, 7163, 2200, 937, 16226, 6694, 29889, 13, 9760, 770, 756, 525, 29934, 5861, 2538, 1103, 292, 21431, 17729, 29915, 313, 1366, 338, 2729, 373, 278, 3303, 18269, 26863, 310, 278, 10517, 29897, 322, 445, 18443, 267, 6374, 10468, 297, 770, 322, 2820, 278, 3762, 29889, 13, 6039, 2140, 800, 310, 278, 2278, 304, 1074, 3692, 727, 338, 738, 4766, 304, 278, 4010, 29875, 2470, 29892, 470, 738, 23660, 29889, 13, 2528, 3245, 2304, 515, 385, 18860, 16157, 472, 525, 21001, 29915, 3064, 29889, 13, 1576, 671, 310, 263, 10468, 1480, 470, 263, 3271, 29899, 27041, 301, 423, 2285, 3143, 29889, 13, 3644, 8210, 29892, 3620, 1754, 304, 278, 2278, 29915, 29879, 6509, 27482, 448, 1641, 6153, 17649, 304, 278, 15703, 29892, 773, 263, 20751, 1788, 2992, 29889, 13, 3047, 4012, 284, 2304, 515, 278, 29257, 341, 296, 272, 29892, 297, 1797, 304, 26987, 278, 2278, 29915, 29879, 23553, 29889, 13, 3644, 29892, 1156, 8210 ]
support, the child continues to present with behavioural difficulties, then the SENCo can make a referral to our Inclusion Support Team requesting a meeting with an Advisory Teacher. If a child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), then we are legally obliged to provide the support stated. This will specify the number of hours of adult support and any resources required. For a child who does not have a EHC Plan, but has a high level of need, any decision about the type and level of support will take place following meetings with parents, the Head Teacher and SENCo. We are also guided by the recommendations of any outside agencies who are involved with the child. Every child's progress is tracked by the class staff and any child not making expected progress would be discussed with the Year Leader/Deputy Head/ SENCo at half-termly Intervention Meetings. If it is felt that the child needs some additional support then we would aim in the first instance to provide this either in class or by taking part in an intervention programme e.g. for maths or reading. Learning Support Assistants and the SENCo/Learning Support Teacher run the intervention programmes. Assessments are obtained before the start of any intervention and at the end to determine what progress has been made. If there has been limited or no improvement, then further or different interventions will be offered. If additional support or interventions have not been successful and if it is felt there may be an underlying reason for this, then advice may be sought from an external agency e.g. Speech and Language Therapy. The use of a home-school liaison book for any child for whom regular contact between school and home is needed. Co-production of EHC Plans and sharing of the most effective strategies. Setting and reviewing of personal targets. Notes from the SENCo to parents following sessions with individuals/groups of children. This will include information about the targeted activity, progress and the next step, and may include suggestions of what the parents can do at home. Weekly 'Talk to Me' sheets outlining the activities that have taken place during the week and ideas of support for home. Half-termly take home tasks, which are activities linked to the class Learning Journey. Telephone calls and emails when needed. The school prides itself on supporting the transition between year groups for all children, especially those who have additional needs. When moving between year groups, vulnerable children will be supported by having additional visits to their new class and may have a transition booklet with photographs of the class and staff. We have developed very close links between ourselves and Southway, with the aim being to help each child achieve their full potential both academically and socially, throughout their primary phase of education. We aim to make the process of transition as easy as possible for every child. We strive to ensure a smooth and anxiety free transfer, making each child safe, secure and happy as they move between our school and Southway. The transfer process begins in the autumn term of year 2 and continues through to the autumn term of year 3. Extra visits are arranged with a member of the SEN Team to take individual or small groups of children who have additional needs to have a tour of Southway. Our Learning Mentor runs a transition group during the summer term for children who need further opportunities to discuss any worries they have about moving to a new school. The SEN Learning Support Assistants have all worked with children who have a variety of learning and physical needs and some have many years of experience. Most of our support staff have attended training in speech and language development, Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), Attachment Disorder and signing. Some of our support staff have received training in the Jump Ahead motor skills programme, Fischer Family Trust reading and writing intervention programme and 1st Class@Number maths intervention programme. Our school is on one level, but is not fully accessible to wheelchair use, due to a small flight of steps between the hall and the Reception/Year 1 corridor. There is an individual disabled toilet and changing facilities. We aim to obtain any equipment to support children who have special educational needs or disability. This will usually occur following an assessment with the relevant external agency e.g. an Occupational Therapist or Physiotherapist. We work with the Local Authority to source equipment as required. We try our utmost to communicate with parents/carers whose first language
[ 2304, 29892, 278, 2278, 18172, 304, 2198, 411, 10468, 284, 23553, 29892, 769, 278, 317, 1430, 7967, 508, 1207, 263, 2737, 1705, 304, 1749, 512, 10085, 18601, 8583, 2009, 292, 263, 11781, 411, 385, 2087, 1730, 706, 1920, 11665, 29889, 13, 3644, 263, 2278, 756, 385, 13151, 29892, 15202, 322, 10057, 8402, 313, 29923, 29950, 6271, 511, 769, 591, 526, 2814, 635, 24474, 304, 3867, 278, 2304, 8703, 29889, 910, 674, 6084, 278, 1353, 310, 6199, 310, 16157, 2304, 322, 738, 7788, 3734, 29889, 13, 2831, 263, 2278, 1058, 947, 451, 505, 263, 382, 19127, 8402, 29892, 541, 756, 263, 1880, 3233, 310, 817, 29892, 738, 10608, 1048, 278, 1134, 322, 3233, 310, 2304, 674, 2125, 2058, 1494, 5870, 886, 411, 11825, 29892, 278, 12252, 1920, 11665, 322, 317, 1430, 7967, 29889, 1334, 526, 884, 1410, 2618, 491, 278, 6907, 800, 310, 738, 5377, 946, 15942, 1058, 526, 9701, 411, 278, 2278, 29889, 13, 26526, 2278, 29915, 29879, 6728, 338, 5702, 287, 491, 278, 770, 13925, 322, 738, 2278, 451, 3907, 3806, 6728, 723, 367, 15648, 411, 278, 8905, 951, 1664, 29914, 2772, 649, 29891, 12252, 29914, 317, 1430, 7967, 472, 4203, 29899, 8489, 368, 4124, 7316, 2191, 300, 886, 29889, 13, 3644, 372, 338, 7091, 393, 278, 2278, 4225, 777, 5684, 2304, 769, 591, 723, 12242, 297, 278, 937, 2777, 304, 3867, 445, 2845, 297, 770, 470, 491, 5622, 760, 297, 385, 1006, 7316, 19607, 321, 29889, 29887, 29889, 363, 5844, 29879, 470, 5183, 29889, 13, 29931, 799, 1076, 18601, 4007, 391, 1934, 322, 278, 317, 1430, 7967, 29914, 29931, 799, 1076, 18601, 1920, 11665, 1065, 278, 1006, 7316, 1824, 4467, 29889, 4007, 404, 1860, 526, 7625, 1434, 278, 1369, 310, 738, 1006, 7316, 322, 472, 278, 1095, 304, 8161, 825, 6728, 756, 1063, 1754, 29889, 13, 3644, 727, 756, 1063, 9078, 470, 694, 20414, 29892, 769, 4340, 470, 1422, 1006, 794, 1080, 674, 367, 12520, 29889, 13, 3644, 5684, 2304, 470, 1006, 794, 1080, 505, 451, 1063, 9150, 322, 565, 372, 338, 7091, 727, 1122, 367, 385, 14407, 2769, 363, 445, 29892, 769, 9848, 1122, 367, 18365, 515, 385, 7029, 946, 3819, 321, 29889, 29887, 29889, 5013, 5309, 322, 17088, 25451, 27580, 29889, 13, 1576, 671, 310, 263, 3271, 29899, 27041, 301, 423, 2285, 3143, 363, 738, 2278, 363, 6029, 4943, 6958, 1546, 3762, 322, 3271, 338, 4312, 29889, 13, 7967, 29899, 24601, 310, 382, 19127, 1858, 550, 322, 19383, 310, 278, 1556, 11828, 16650, 583, 29889, 13, 29020, 322, 9076, 292, 310, 7333, 22525, 29889, 13, 3664, 267, 515, 278, 317, 1430, 7967, 304, 11825, 1494, 21396, 411, 15724, 29914, 13155, 310, 4344, 29889, 910, 674, 3160, 2472, 1048, 278, 3646, 287, 6354, 29892, 6728, 322, 278, 2446, 4331, 29892, 322, 1122, 3160, 10529, 310, 825, 278, 11825, 508, 437, 472, 3271, 29889, 13, 22606, 368, 525, 29911, 2235, 304, 2191, 29915, 26718, 714, 1915, 292, 278, 14188, 393, 505, 4586, 2058, 2645, 278, 4723, 322, 7014, 310, 2304, 363, 3271, 29889, 13, 29950, 3131, 29899, 8489, 368, 2125, 3271, 9595, 29892, 607, 526, 14188, 9024, 304, 278, 770, 29257, 435, 473, 3801, 29889, 13, 29911, 6146, 6710, 5717, 322, 24609, 746, 4312, 29889, 13, 1576, 3762, 544, 2247, 3528, 373, 20382, 278, 9558, 1546, 1629, 6471, 363, 599, 4344, 29892, 7148, 1906, 1058, 505, 5684, 4225, 29889, 13, 10401, 8401, 1546, 1629, 6471, 29892, 23180, 519, 4344, 674, 367, 6969, 491, 2534, 5684, 1998, 1169, 304, 1009, 716, 770, 322, 1122, 505, 263, 9558, 3143, 1026, 411, 17739, 29879, 310, 278, 770, 322, 13925, 29889, 13, 4806, 505, 8906, 1407, 3802, 2988, 1546, 20278, 322, 4275, 1582, 29892, 411, 278, 12242, 1641, 304, 1371, 1269, 2278, 6176, 1009, 2989, 7037, 1716, 16274, 1711, 322, 5374, 635, 29892, 10106, 1009, 7601, 8576, 310, 9793, 29889, 13, 4806, 12242, 304, 1207, 278, 1889, 310, 9558, 408, 4780, 408, 1950, 363, 1432, 2278, 29889, 1334, 380, 4401, 304, 9801, 263, 10597, 322, 14919, 21549, 3889, 6782, 29892, 3907, 1269, 2278, 9109, 29892, 11592, 322, 9796, 408, 896, 4337, 1546, 1749, 3762, 322, 4275, 1582, 29889, 13, 1576, 6782, 1889, 16410, 297, 278, 1120, 1227, 1840, 310, 1629, 29871, 29906, 322, 18172, 1549, 304, 278, 1120, 1227, 1840, 310, 1629, 29871, 29941, 29889, 13, 18126, 1998, 1169, 526, 21050, 411, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 317, 1430, 8583, 304, 2125, 5375, 470, 2319, 6471, 310, 4344, 1058, 505, 5684, 4225, 304, 505, 263, 6282, 310, 4275, 1582, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 29257, 341, 296, 272, 6057, 263, 9558, 2318, 2645, 278, 11801, 1840, 363, 4344, 1058, 817, 4340, 28602, 1907, 304, 5353, 738, 6365, 2722, 896, 505, 1048, 8401, 304, 263, 716, 3762, 29889, 13, 1576, 317, 1430, 29257, 18601, 4007, 391, 1934, 505, 599, 3796, 411, 4344, 1058, 505, 263, 12875, 310, 6509, 322, 9128, 4225, 322, 777, 505, 1784, 2440, 310, 7271, 29889, 13, 29924, 520, 310, 1749, 2304, 13925, 505, 14283, 6694, 297, 12032, 322, 4086, 5849, 29892, 5202, 4695, 27738, 5848, 3295, 2098, 313, 3289, 29928, 511, 6212, 2509, 5282, 293, 277, 3295, 2098, 313, 17744, 511, 6212, 25117, 3295, 2098, 322, 26188, 29889, 13, 9526, 310, 1749, 2304, 13925, 505, 4520, 6694, 297, 278, 435, 3427, 319, 2813, 10992, 25078, 19607, 29892, 23808, 14662, 20692, 5183, 322, 5007, 1006, 7316, 19607, 322, 29871, 29896, 303, 4134, 29992, 4557, 5844, 29879, 1006, 7316, 19607, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 3762, 338, 373, 697, 3233, 29892, 541, 338, 451, 8072, 15579, 304, 18875, 305, 1466, 671, 29892, 2861, 304, 263, 2319, 16286, 310, 6576, 1546, 278, 12713, 322, 278, 830, 1441, 29914, 12883, 29871, 29896, 1034, 2429, 272, 29889, 13, 8439, 338, 385, 5375, 12708, 304, 488, 29873, 322, 6480, 23330, 29889, 13, 4806, 12242, 304, 4017, 738, 21083, 304, 2304, 4344, 1058, 505, 4266, 28976, 4225, 470, 766, 3097, 29889, 910, 674, 5491, 6403, 1494, 385, 24809, 358, 411, 278, 8018, 7029, 946, 3819, 321, 29889, 29887, 29889, 385, 16117, 786, 1288, 25451, 481, 391, 470, 11661, 29875, 1228, 481, 391, 29889, 13, 4806, 664, 411, 278, 9959, 13361, 537, 304, 2752, 21083, 408, 3734, 29889, 13, 4806, 1018, 1749, 3477, 3242, 304, 23120, 411, 11825, 29914, 4287, 414, 5069, 937, 4086 ]
Binge-Worthy TV #3 by Alex February 16, 2020 Our binge-watching marathons continues apace. After we gobbled up 2 seasons of the Euro-centric co-production, THE TUNNEL, and watched the mini series, TRIANGLE, starring Sam Neil—which, by the way, was a silly bit of fun where the American Navy are trying to close a breech in space time created by the Philadelphia Experiment (which may, or may not have taken place) and, in turn, spawned a movie or two. We decided to watch something a little less cheesy and jumped into the BBC TV 6-part series, THE STATE WITHIN, a tight political thriller starring Jason Isaacs (he of Harry Potter and Star Trek: Discovery fame) and Sharon Gless from one of my all-time favourite TV shows ever, CAGNEY & LACEY. What is interesting about this mini series, which aired back in the UK in 2006 and was nominated for 2 Golden Globe Awards, is how relevant the premise is in the here and now. Nothing appears to have changed in the ensuing 14 years and similar situations depicted may have, in fact, gotten worse. It's certainly well worth finding on DVD and watching. After cheesy SF and tense political intrigue, we took a short break before taking a TURN, and joined Jamie Bell and cast in Turn: Washington's Spies, a 4-season period drama set during the American Revolutionary War in which we see the creation of America's first ever spy ring. We are a couple of episodes into season 1 and loving it so far, despite the fact historical accuracy has been sacrificed (and, isn't it always) in the name of drama. Filed under Entertainment by Alex January 20, 2020 Oh boy, I didn't expect at the end of last year, even with the long holidays we enjoyed here, to be watching so much TV or, I should say, TV drama series, as we have. And, let me tell you, the binge watching has continued apace without so much as us missing a step. The latest series to capture our attention was THE TUNNEL, centred on (yes, you guessed it) the Euro tunnel. The series features both Brit and French actors and gripping storylines that had us hooked from the first episode—one where a severed body is found in an access tunnel of the Tunnel, right on the demarkation line (that delineates English soil, and French.) However, the top part of the body, on the French side, is that of a French diplomat, while the lower extremity, on the English side, is that of a well-known prostitute. Do I have your attention? It certainly had ours. And, as a result, we've whizzed, and I mean, absolutely whizzed our way through both season 1 and 2 these last few weeks! And while season 1 focused in on the bizarre murder in the access tunnel, season 2, featuring the same cast, centred on a whole new premise with a terrorist team downing a commuter jet in the channel. Heart pounding stuff, believe me! We also discovered there's already a season 3 out and available. So if you're wondering why I haven't posted any book reviews lately, know you know why. FYI: weird fact — the actress, Clémence Poésy, who plays Captain (later Commandant) Elise Wassermann in The Tunnel, also played Fleur Delacour in the Harry Potter movie, The Goblet of Fire. Binge-Worthy TV by Alex January 6, 2020 First we binge-watched the chilling CHERNOBYL, and fought the urge to hide behind the couch cushions as the slo-mo horror of what happened, unfolded in grisly detail. Then we decided to counterbalance the chills with something (we hoped) would be fun and frivolous, VERSAILLES. And immersed ourselves in the politics and intrigue of Louis XIV court where grown men had better hair and clothes than the woman. Oh my, talk about the French giving their all … I'm sure this one with it's full-frontal nudity will be severely edited for American viewers. This was such a delicious first
[ 350, 19144, 29899, 29956, 2072, 29891, 5648, 396, 29941, 13, 1609, 4827, 12, 29943, 3205, 653, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 29949, 332, 289, 19144, 29899, 12344, 292, 1766, 493, 787, 18172, 3095, 815, 29889, 13, 13555, 591, 330, 711, 27225, 701, 29871, 29906, 20084, 310, 278, 11652, 29899, 1760, 2200, 1302, 29899, 24601, 29892, 6093, 323, 3904, 29940, 6670, 29892, 322, 20654, 278, 20629, 3652, 29892, 323, 3960, 19453, 1307, 29892, 380, 23693, 3685, 29334, 30003, 4716, 29892, 491, 278, 982, 29892, 471, 263, 24866, 2586, 310, 2090, 988, 278, 3082, 13166, 526, 1811, 304, 3802, 263, 289, 929, 305, 297, 2913, 931, 2825, 491, 278, 18292, 1222, 15362, 313, 4716, 1122, 29892, 470, 1122, 451, 505, 4586, 2058, 29897, 322, 29892, 297, 2507, 29892, 29178, 287, 263, 14064, 470, 1023, 29889, 13, 4806, 8459, 304, 6505, 1554, 263, 2217, 3109, 923, 267, 29891, 322, 12500, 287, 964, 278, 14129, 5648, 29871, 29953, 29899, 1595, 3652, 29892, 6093, 6850, 3040, 22659, 1177, 29892, 263, 19932, 8604, 1468, 5495, 380, 23693, 21776, 19899, 16815, 313, 354, 310, 10686, 10173, 357, 322, 7828, 6479, 29895, 29901, 8565, 22205, 27965, 29897, 322, 1383, 5022, 402, 2222, 515, 697, 310, 590, 599, 29899, 2230, 15381, 568, 5648, 3697, 3926, 29892, 315, 10051, 8186, 29979, 669, 365, 11538, 29979, 29889, 13, 5618, 338, 8031, 1048, 445, 20629, 3652, 29892, 607, 263, 2859, 1250, 297, 278, 10261, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 322, 471, 28442, 363, 29871, 29906, 16108, 21806, 915, 9220, 29892, 338, 920, 8018, 278, 5188, 895, 338, 297, 278, 1244, 322, 1286, 29889, 9531, 5692, 304, 505, 3939, 297, 278, 427, 2146, 292, 29871, 29896, 29946, 2440, 322, 2788, 18845, 1401, 18186, 1122, 505, 29892, 297, 2114, 29892, 2355, 841, 15029, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 8959, 1532, 7088, 9138, 373, 15191, 322, 21217, 29889, 13, 13555, 923, 267, 29891, 28768, 322, 260, 1947, 8604, 11158, 12137, 29892, 591, 3614, 263, 3273, 2867, 1434, 5622, 263, 323, 24015, 29892, 322, 8772, 16131, 347, 10914, 322, 4320, 297, 9603, 29901, 7660, 29915, 29879, 1706, 583, 29892, 263, 29871, 29946, 29899, 25682, 3785, 18621, 731, 2645, 278, 3082, 14595, 653, 3362, 297, 607, 591, 1074, 278, 11265, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 937, 3926, 805, 29891, 9228, 29889, 13, 4806, 526, 263, 7303, 310, 23238, 964, 4259, 29871, 29896, 322, 12355, 292, 372, 577, 2215, 29892, 15020, 278, 2114, 15839, 13600, 756, 1063, 26285, 287, 313, 392, 29892, 3508, 29915, 29873, 372, 2337, 29897, 297, 278, 1024, 310, 18621, 29889, 13, 2283, 29881, 1090, 18189, 13, 1609, 4827, 12, 29967, 15623, 653, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 9048, 8023, 29892, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2149, 472, 278, 1095, 310, 1833, 1629, 29892, 1584, 411, 278, 1472, 8753, 333, 1036, 591, 27849, 1244, 29892, 304, 367, 21217, 577, 1568, 5648, 470, 29892, 306, 881, 1827, 29892, 5648, 18621, 3652, 29892, 408, 591, 505, 29889, 1126, 29892, 1235, 592, 2649, 366, 29892, 278, 289, 19144, 21217, 756, 7572, 3095, 815, 1728, 577, 1568, 408, 502, 4567, 263, 4331, 29889, 13, 1576, 9281, 3652, 304, 10446, 1749, 8570, 471, 6093, 323, 3904, 29940, 6670, 29892, 1644, 1127, 373, 313, 3582, 29892, 366, 4140, 287, 372, 29897, 278, 11652, 26086, 29889, 450, 3652, 5680, 1716, 3230, 322, 5176, 29701, 322, 330, 374, 3262, 5828, 9012, 393, 750, 502, 12422, 287, 515, 278, 937, 12720, 30003, 650, 988, 263, 2775, 287, 3573, 338, 1476, 297, 385, 2130, 26086, 310, 278, 323, 16163, 29892, 1492, 373, 278, 1261, 935, 362, 1196, 313, 5747, 628, 457, 1078, 4223, 22473, 29892, 322, 5176, 1846, 2398, 29892, 278, 2246, 760, 310, 278, 3573, 29892, 373, 278, 5176, 2625, 29892, 338, 393, 310, 263, 5176, 13487, 271, 29892, 1550, 278, 5224, 9413, 537, 29892, 373, 278, 4223, 2625, 29892, 338, 393, 310, 263, 1532, 29899, 5203, 16810, 12356, 29889, 13, 6132, 306, 505, 596, 8570, 29973, 13, 3112, 8959, 750, 1749, 29879, 29889, 1126, 29892, 408, 263, 1121, 29892, 591, 29915, 345, 377, 4981, 287, 29892, 322, 306, 2099, 29892, 13312, 377, 4981, 287, 1749, 982, 1549, 1716, 4259, 29871, 29896, 322, 29871, 29906, 1438, 1833, 2846, 11405, 29991, 1126, 1550, 4259, 29871, 29896, 21309, 297, 373, 278, 289, 15356, 276, 13406, 297, 278, 2130, 26086, 29892, 4259, 29871, 29906, 29892, 23425, 278, 1021, 4320, 29892, 1644, 1127, 373, 263, 3353, 716, 5188, 895, 411, 263, 15115, 391, 3815, 1623, 292, 263, 844, 12811, 22588, 297, 278, 8242, 29889, 17778, 282, 12449, 6433, 29892, 4658, 592, 29991, 13, 4806, 884, 10943, 727, 29915, 29879, 2307, 263, 4259, 29871, 29941, 714, 322, 3625, 29889, 1105, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 9873, 2020, 306, 7359, 29915, 29873, 8059, 738, 3143, 21804, 301, 2486, 29892, 1073, 366, 1073, 2020, 29889, 13, 29943, 29979, 29902, 29901, 13543, 2114, 813, 278, 20993, 29892, 2233, 2249, 663, 3929, 743, 29891, 29892, 1058, 13582, 10842, 313, 29880, 1008, 10516, 424, 29897, 1260, 895, 29457, 20648, 297, 450, 323, 16163, 29892, 884, 5318, 13859, 332, 5556, 562, 473, 297, 278, 10686, 10173, 357, 14064, 29892, 450, 2921, 569, 29873, 310, 6438, 29889, 13, 29933, 19144, 29899, 29956, 2072, 29891, 5648, 13, 1609, 4827, 12, 29967, 15623, 653, 29871, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 6730, 591, 289, 19144, 29899, 12344, 287, 278, 521, 8873, 315, 4448, 6632, 22716, 29931, 29892, 322, 20722, 278, 5065, 479, 304, 9563, 5742, 278, 274, 3222, 274, 1878, 1080, 408, 278, 14216, 29899, 4346, 23026, 310, 825, 9559, 29892, 20220, 287, 297, 867, 275, 368, 9493, 29889, 13, 11760, 591, 8459, 304, 6795, 5521, 749, 278, 521, 6090, 411, 1554, 313, 705, 24936, 29897, 723, 367, 2090, 322, 285, 1150, 324, 681, 29892, 478, 1001, 8132, 6227, 17101, 29889, 1126, 5198, 414, 287, 20278, 297, 278, 22661, 322, 11158, 12137, 310, 5899, 17071, 8973, 988, 21633, 1757, 750, 2253, 11315, 322, 22095, 1135, 278, 6114, 29889, 6439, 590, 29892, 5193, 1048, 278, 5176, 6820, 1009, 599, 16088, 306, 29915, 29885, 1854, 445, 697, 411, 372, 29915, 29879, 2989, 29899, 8862, 284, 302, 566, 537, 674, 367, 2775, 873, 8788, 363, 3082, 1776, 414, 29889, 910, 471, 1316, 263, 628, 14803, 937 ]
Music, Arts, & Culture Best of SLO New Times San Luis Obispo Harvesting jet fuel SLO County farms could grow camelina sativa, a promising biofuel crop by Kathy Johnston An ancient plant whose crushed seeds yielded oil to light the lamps of Rome may grow on SLO County farmland this winter for a more modern purpose: to power jets. Known as camelina sativa, the mustard-like plant has already been successfully tested in Navy and Air Force jet fighters and in airline passenger jets, and the federal government wants to see more cropland devoted to growing it. PHOTO COURTESY OF ALTAIR FUELS BOMBS, NOT FOOD? : Camelina sativa can be dry-farmed on former wheat fields and used to make jet fuel for the military and commercial airlines. Its seed pods (inset) hold tiny seeds that can be crushed for oil. San Luis Obispo County is one of the areas targeted by the U.S. Department of Agriculture where farmers can receive cash payments for growing camelina for conversion to aviation biofuel. The Biomass Crop Assistance Program, established in the 2008 Farm Bill, will reimburse farmers for the majority of the cost of their camelina crops for five years, with the hope of reducing U.S. reliance on foreign oil and reducing carbon pollution. "This is a novel crop for California," said Steve Kaffka, a UC Davis plant science specialist who's grown camelina on test plots. "There's no question you can turn camelina into diesel, jet, or other fuels." Grown as a non-irrigated annual on land previously dry-farmed for wheat or safflower, the three-foot-tall flowering plants make seed pods filled with tiny seeds containing around 35 percent oil. Residue left after crushing the seeds to extract the oil can be used as meal to feed to livestock and poultry. About 30 local farmers and ranchers turned up for a meeting in Templeton last month to hear Kaffka talk about growing camelina. Stacy Alcorn of the USDA's Farm Service Agency in Templeton presented details of the Biomass Crop Assistance Program for camelina. Some 200 growers from Westlands Irrigation District in the San Joaquin Valley attended a similar meeting Sept. 6, Kaffka said. "Everybody's wondering about camelina," he told New Times. "Farmers are always looking for another crop, for more arrows in the quiver." Still, no SLO County farmers signed up for the federal crop assistance program by the original deadline of Sept. 16. The USDA recently announced that the deadline has been extended to Sept. 23. "A lot of people showed up [in Templeton] with great interest, but they left, I think, a little downhearted," explained Royce Larsen, a local adviser with UC Cooperative Extension. "With the Biomass Crop Assistance program, you have to sign a five-year contract and grow camelina every year. "The bottom line is it's too new, with too many unknowns for people to want to jump on board and give this a try," Larsen added. Kaffka is hoping some local growers will work with him to set up some trial plantings this winter to see how camelina fares under local weather and soil conditions. As the director of the California Biomass Collaborative—an association of government, industry, environmental groups, and education representatives working on sustainable biomass for renewable energy and biofuels—he sees opportunities in energy crops. Along with camelina, Kaffka has been test-growing other potential biofuel crops—canola and meadowfoam—although not yet in SLO County. So far, most camelina grown in the United States is in Montana, where climate conditions are much different. There, it's planted in spring rather than winter. "It hasn't been adapted specifically for California. We're trying to figure out what conditions it likes, the range of rainfall and soil types where it might be suitable in San Luis Obispo County," Kaffka said. "Farmers are being asked to make a decision [about signing up for the federal
[ 6125, 29892, 11401, 29892, 669, 14062, 13, 25353, 310, 317, 3927, 13, 4373, 10277, 3087, 12583, 4250, 275, 1129, 13, 21972, 10147, 292, 22588, 26413, 13, 29903, 3927, 5127, 2215, 1516, 1033, 6548, 3949, 295, 1099, 269, 8657, 29892, 263, 2504, 5921, 17799, 29888, 2491, 274, 1336, 13, 1609, 19663, 29891, 2259, 7352, 13, 2744, 12297, 8024, 5069, 2181, 15392, 409, 5779, 7709, 287, 17182, 304, 3578, 278, 301, 15092, 310, 9184, 1122, 6548, 373, 317, 3927, 5127, 2215, 828, 392, 445, 13851, 363, 263, 901, 5400, 6437, 29901, 304, 3081, 432, 1691, 29889, 13, 29968, 21369, 408, 3949, 295, 1099, 269, 8657, 29892, 278, 1818, 538, 29899, 4561, 8024, 756, 2307, 1063, 8472, 9528, 297, 13166, 322, 5593, 11004, 22588, 285, 1141, 2153, 322, 297, 4799, 1220, 28507, 432, 1691, 29892, 322, 278, 17097, 5874, 10753, 304, 1074, 901, 8182, 572, 392, 24600, 304, 15678, 372, 29889, 13, 19689, 2891, 29949, 4810, 4574, 29911, 2890, 29979, 8079, 319, 5850, 29909, 8193, 383, 4462, 8547, 13, 29933, 6488, 9851, 29892, 6058, 18322, 13668, 29973, 584, 5500, 295, 1099, 269, 8657, 508, 367, 15589, 29899, 15641, 2168, 373, 4642, 21266, 271, 4235, 322, 1304, 304, 1207, 22588, 26413, 363, 278, 9121, 322, 12128, 4799, 9012, 29889, 8011, 16717, 2532, 29879, 313, 262, 842, 29897, 4808, 21577, 409, 5779, 393, 508, 367, 2181, 15392, 363, 17182, 29889, 13, 22509, 12583, 4250, 275, 1129, 5127, 338, 697, 310, 278, 10161, 3646, 287, 491, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 10317, 310, 27051, 545, 988, 2215, 13269, 508, 7150, 274, 1161, 5146, 1860, 363, 15678, 3949, 295, 1099, 363, 11301, 304, 1029, 11685, 17799, 29888, 2491, 29889, 450, 3457, 290, 465, 315, 1336, 4007, 21558, 7835, 29892, 7841, 297, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 23354, 6682, 29892, 674, 337, 326, 8399, 344, 2215, 13269, 363, 278, 13638, 310, 278, 3438, 310, 1009, 3949, 295, 1099, 8182, 567, 363, 5320, 2440, 29892, 411, 278, 4966, 310, 27668, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 12536, 749, 373, 9117, 17182, 322, 27668, 22004, 21180, 918, 29889, 13, 29908, 4013, 338, 263, 9554, 274, 1336, 363, 8046, 1699, 1497, 13981, 476, 3470, 1335, 29892, 263, 501, 29907, 15225, 8024, 10466, 4266, 391, 1058, 29915, 29879, 21633, 3949, 295, 1099, 373, 1243, 24580, 29889, 376, 8439, 29915, 29879, 694, 1139, 366, 508, 2507, 3949, 295, 1099, 964, 2977, 295, 29892, 22588, 29892, 470, 916, 4084, 1379, 1213, 13, 29954, 4708, 408, 263, 1661, 29899, 381, 8966, 630, 17568, 373, 2982, 9251, 15589, 29899, 15641, 2168, 363, 21266, 271, 470, 872, 600, 13609, 29892, 278, 2211, 29899, 6661, 29899, 29873, 497, 4972, 3241, 18577, 1207, 16717, 2532, 29879, 10423, 411, 21577, 409, 5779, 6943, 2820, 29871, 29941, 29945, 10151, 17182, 29889, 2538, 333, 434, 2175, 1156, 2181, 21616, 278, 409, 5779, 304, 6597, 278, 17182, 508, 367, 1304, 408, 592, 284, 304, 8343, 304, 7294, 342, 1698, 322, 282, 5059, 2202, 29889, 13, 28173, 29871, 29941, 29900, 1887, 2215, 13269, 322, 6350, 305, 414, 6077, 701, 363, 263, 11781, 297, 18057, 880, 1833, 4098, 304, 8293, 476, 3470, 1335, 5193, 1048, 15678, 3949, 295, 1099, 29889, 624, 4135, 25761, 1398, 310, 278, 3148, 7698, 29915, 29879, 23354, 6692, 29353, 297, 18057, 880, 9132, 4902, 310, 278, 3457, 290, 465, 315, 1336, 4007, 21558, 7835, 363, 3949, 295, 1099, 29889, 13, 9526, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 6548, 414, 515, 3122, 5252, 6600, 8966, 362, 7457, 297, 278, 3087, 3650, 18463, 262, 13939, 14283, 263, 2788, 11781, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29953, 29892, 476, 3470, 1335, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 26526, 2587, 29915, 29879, 9873, 1048, 3949, 295, 1099, 1699, 540, 5429, 1570, 10277, 29889, 376, 29943, 2817, 414, 526, 2337, 3063, 363, 1790, 274, 1336, 29892, 363, 901, 564, 5727, 297, 278, 1750, 369, 1213, 13, 855, 453, 29892, 694, 317, 3927, 5127, 2215, 13269, 8794, 701, 363, 278, 17097, 274, 1336, 18872, 1824, 491, 278, 2441, 7123, 1220, 310, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29889, 450, 3148, 7698, 10325, 9326, 393, 278, 7123, 1220, 756, 1063, 10410, 304, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29889, 13, 29908, 29909, 3287, 310, 2305, 10018, 701, 518, 262, 18057, 880, 29962, 411, 2107, 4066, 29892, 541, 896, 2175, 29892, 306, 1348, 29892, 263, 2217, 1623, 23057, 287, 1699, 10824, 15793, 346, 28620, 264, 29892, 263, 1887, 25228, 261, 411, 501, 29907, 21851, 1230, 7338, 2673, 29889, 376, 3047, 278, 3457, 290, 465, 315, 1336, 4007, 21558, 1824, 29892, 366, 505, 304, 1804, 263, 5320, 29899, 6360, 8078, 322, 6548, 3949, 295, 1099, 1432, 1629, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 5970, 1196, 338, 372, 29915, 29879, 2086, 716, 29892, 411, 2086, 1784, 9815, 29879, 363, 2305, 304, 864, 304, 12500, 373, 7613, 322, 2367, 445, 263, 1018, 1699, 28620, 264, 2715, 29889, 13, 29968, 3470, 1335, 338, 17231, 777, 1887, 6548, 414, 674, 664, 411, 1075, 304, 731, 701, 777, 14260, 8024, 886, 445, 13851, 304, 1074, 920, 3949, 295, 1099, 2215, 267, 1090, 1887, 14826, 322, 22473, 5855, 29889, 1094, 278, 8881, 310, 278, 8046, 3457, 290, 465, 13435, 3717, 1230, 30003, 273, 15477, 310, 5874, 29892, 13661, 29892, 29380, 6471, 29892, 322, 9793, 2755, 5056, 1985, 373, 15075, 475, 519, 4768, 290, 465, 363, 23011, 519, 5864, 322, 17799, 21154, 1379, 30003, 354, 18553, 28602, 1907, 297, 5864, 8182, 567, 29889, 13, 2499, 549, 411, 3949, 295, 1099, 29892, 476, 3470, 1335, 756, 1063, 1243, 29899, 29887, 798, 292, 916, 7037, 17799, 29888, 2491, 8182, 567, 30003, 3068, 2963, 322, 592, 6986, 1181, 314, 30003, 26492, 451, 3447, 297, 317, 3927, 5127, 29889, 13, 6295, 2215, 29892, 1556, 3949, 295, 1099, 21633, 297, 278, 3303, 3900, 338, 297, 4526, 1648, 29892, 988, 23622, 5855, 526, 1568, 1422, 29889, 1670, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 8024, 287, 297, 6709, 3265, 1135, 13851, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 22602, 29915, 29873, 1063, 23430, 10816, 363, 8046, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 1811, 304, 4377, 714, 825, 5855, 372, 4188, 267, 29892, 278, 3464, 310, 1153, 7192, 497, 322, 22473, 4072, 988, 372, 1795, 367, 13907, 297, 3087, 12583, 4250, 275, 1129, 5127, 1699, 476, 3470, 1335, 1497, 29889, 376, 29943, 2817, 414, 526, 1641, 4433, 304, 1207, 263, 10608, 518, 12717, 26188, 701, 363, 278, 17097 ]
Why Do GOP Politicians Obligingly Eat Their Own? A political scalping occurred in Washington D.C. last week. Once again the liberal media and Democrats played the predictable race politics to attack Iowa Rep. Steve King, while members of the GOP political class fell in line—obliging the left and piling on one of their own in the act of political cannibalism. It was too enticing a moment for the Republicans who felt the need to morally preen and cleanse themselves of racist perceptions by Democrats and their accomplices in the media. Republicans should already know how this works. An agenda-driven liberal reporter will interview them about a topic wrought with opportunities to stumble over word choices, and then attack how the response words are arranged to infer what the interviewee allegedly meant. In our modern times, when interviewed by a journalist, the interviewee is at the mercy of the writer's agenda, unless the interviewee is savvy enough to record it. For example, if a journalist is interviewing a liberal or a Democrat, the writer will smooth things out if they stumble and the outcome is a sparkling and favorable column. Conservatives and Republicans don't get this swooning cheerleading reaction from the liberal media. Instead, they get sliced, diced, tattooed and fed to the lions. The goal of the journalist is to draw blood and start a feeding frenzy that spreads like wildfire through the D.C. establishment. Others join in to get their pound of flesh. First, it's Democrats trying to score some cheap political points and other liberal media outlets in their echo chambers. Then the liberal media reporters seek out Republicans and demand they condemn their colleague. If they don't condemn in the strongest terms, the liberal media finds them racist by association. Once they get enough momentum from GOP politicians, they stand back and watch Republicans destroy their colleague so they no longer have to. Republicans, on the other hand, get caught up in this game of gotcha every time the media sets the trap. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Liz Chaney told King to resign. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell advised him to find a new line of work. They believe that if they don't desperately run to the nearest microphone and slam one of their own in the immediate aftermath of a political hit job, they will be accused of being racist by association. Remember what the media did to President Trump following the Charlottesville Virginia Unite the Right rally? He was blasted for not saying anything immediately. He later did and it was not good enough for the liberal media. When he later came out with a follow-up stronger statement, the media dubbed it as too late, and he was labeled as a racist. The lesson here is that nothing is ever good enough for the liberal media, so why play their game. However, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott fell for their game. "Some in our Party wonder why we are constantly accused of racism," Scott said while referring to the New York Times story on Rep. King. I got news for you, Senator Scott. Democrats will accuse you and your Party of being racist whether you are silent or not. It is a political construct that works for them because your Party falls for it. It works because many on the right lack the vocabulary to navigate intelligently through the crap storm the left throws at you, especially on race. I don't have to condemn or condone what Rep. King allegedly said. I say allegedly because it was based on a New York Time writer's account. I would not believe their writers as far as I could throw them. They lie, twist and contort things all the time to smear conservatives. They do it to President Trump every day. And now I'm supposed to believe them? Yeah right. Here's my advice about how to handle gotcha question from the liberal media when an ambush is afoot. I simply say, why do I have to comment? I wasn't there, I didn't say it and am not responsible for what that politician says. Go ask him or her about it. The media will write that Clarke refuses to condemn racist statements. So what, who cares? If asked if the politician should resign I would say, that is not for me to determine. It's for the voters he or she represents in their districts. Go ask them. Goodbye. Then I hang up. Don't allow further questions. The biggest
[ 3750, 1938, 402, 4590, 6934, 14722, 438, 2204, 335, 11687, 382, 271, 11275, 438, 1233, 29973, 13, 29909, 8604, 8716, 15702, 10761, 297, 7660, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 1833, 4723, 29889, 9038, 1449, 278, 26054, 5745, 322, 14189, 1446, 5318, 278, 8500, 519, 8175, 22661, 304, 5337, 25327, 10088, 29889, 13981, 4088, 29892, 1550, 5144, 310, 278, 402, 4590, 8604, 770, 8379, 297, 1196, 30003, 711, 3473, 292, 278, 2175, 322, 282, 6504, 373, 697, 310, 1009, 1914, 297, 278, 1044, 310, 8604, 508, 29876, 747, 284, 1608, 29889, 739, 471, 2086, 875, 18499, 263, 3256, 363, 278, 8063, 550, 1058, 7091, 278, 817, 304, 3036, 635, 758, 264, 322, 5941, 344, 6053, 310, 11021, 391, 639, 1441, 29879, 491, 14189, 1446, 322, 1009, 10259, 29399, 297, 278, 5745, 29889, 13, 5612, 803, 550, 881, 2307, 1073, 920, 445, 1736, 29889, 530, 946, 8395, 29899, 24477, 854, 26054, 1634, 9555, 674, 15593, 963, 1048, 263, 11261, 2358, 1774, 411, 28602, 1907, 304, 380, 15563, 975, 1734, 19995, 29892, 322, 769, 5337, 920, 278, 2933, 3838, 526, 21050, 304, 10115, 825, 278, 15593, 3905, 16831, 23244, 6839, 29889, 512, 1749, 5400, 3064, 29892, 746, 15593, 287, 491, 263, 24452, 29892, 278, 15593, 3905, 338, 472, 278, 2778, 1270, 310, 278, 9227, 29915, 29879, 946, 8395, 29892, 6521, 278, 15593, 3905, 338, 4048, 13308, 3307, 304, 2407, 372, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 565, 263, 24452, 338, 15593, 292, 263, 26054, 470, 263, 4432, 16909, 29892, 278, 9227, 674, 10597, 2712, 714, 565, 896, 380, 15563, 322, 278, 21957, 338, 263, 16267, 1847, 322, 7853, 519, 1897, 29889, 15312, 5056, 322, 8063, 550, 1016, 29915, 29873, 679, 445, 16768, 28259, 22794, 25369, 19848, 515, 278, 26054, 5745, 29889, 8669, 29892, 896, 679, 269, 506, 287, 29892, 270, 7612, 29892, 260, 16234, 29877, 287, 322, 21242, 304, 278, 301, 1080, 29889, 13, 1576, 7306, 310, 278, 24452, 338, 304, 4216, 10416, 322, 1369, 263, 8343, 292, 285, 1267, 1537, 393, 9677, 29879, 763, 8775, 8696, 1549, 278, 360, 29889, 29907, 29889, 25012, 29889, 438, 3341, 5988, 297, 304, 679, 1009, 282, 618, 310, 28610, 29889, 3824, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 14189, 1446, 1811, 304, 8158, 777, 28773, 8604, 3291, 322, 916, 26054, 5745, 714, 10376, 297, 1009, 2916, 521, 1117, 414, 29889, 1987, 278, 26054, 5745, 1634, 272, 2153, 16508, 714, 8063, 550, 322, 9667, 896, 24905, 29876, 1009, 23056, 3437, 29889, 960, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 24905, 29876, 297, 278, 4549, 342, 4958, 29892, 278, 26054, 5745, 14061, 963, 11021, 391, 491, 15477, 29889, 9038, 896, 679, 3307, 19399, 515, 402, 4590, 2832, 14722, 29892, 896, 2317, 1250, 322, 6505, 8063, 550, 8174, 1009, 23056, 3437, 577, 896, 694, 5520, 505, 304, 29889, 13, 5612, 803, 550, 29892, 373, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 679, 12624, 701, 297, 445, 3748, 310, 2355, 5815, 1432, 931, 278, 5745, 6166, 278, 26505, 29889, 5619, 21987, 537, 951, 1664, 19323, 4052, 8179, 21155, 322, 10088, 29889, 365, 466, 22433, 1032, 5429, 4088, 304, 620, 647, 29889, 18148, 11019, 537, 951, 1664, 21190, 4052, 1168, 18437, 594, 11292, 1075, 304, 1284, 263, 716, 1196, 310, 664, 29889, 2688, 4658, 393, 565, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 553, 546, 2486, 1065, 304, 278, 20471, 9200, 6710, 322, 2243, 314, 697, 310, 1009, 1914, 297, 278, 16800, 1156, 755, 310, 263, 8604, 7124, 4982, 29892, 896, 674, 367, 28886, 310, 1641, 11021, 391, 491, 15477, 29889, 22738, 825, 278, 5745, 1258, 304, 7178, 27504, 1494, 278, 2896, 29880, 1501, 267, 4909, 11653, 853, 568, 278, 10428, 364, 635, 29973, 940, 471, 1999, 28470, 363, 451, 5934, 3099, 7389, 29889, 940, 2678, 1258, 322, 372, 471, 451, 1781, 3307, 363, 278, 26054, 5745, 29889, 1932, 540, 2678, 2996, 714, 411, 263, 1101, 29899, 786, 23505, 3229, 29892, 278, 5745, 15416, 2580, 372, 408, 2086, 5683, 29892, 322, 540, 471, 301, 24025, 408, 263, 11021, 391, 29889, 450, 3109, 265, 1244, 338, 393, 3078, 338, 3926, 1781, 3307, 363, 278, 26054, 5745, 29892, 577, 2020, 1708, 1009, 3748, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 4275, 13397, 27623, 7870, 8075, 8379, 363, 1009, 3748, 29889, 376, 9526, 297, 1749, 9173, 4997, 2020, 591, 526, 21003, 28886, 310, 11021, 1608, 1699, 8075, 1497, 1550, 16811, 304, 278, 1570, 3088, 10277, 5828, 373, 10088, 29889, 4088, 29889, 306, 2355, 9763, 363, 366, 29892, 27623, 8075, 29889, 14189, 1446, 674, 1035, 1509, 366, 322, 596, 9173, 310, 1641, 11021, 391, 3692, 366, 526, 17436, 470, 451, 29889, 739, 338, 263, 8604, 3386, 393, 1736, 363, 963, 1363, 596, 9173, 20074, 363, 372, 29889, 739, 1736, 1363, 1784, 373, 278, 1492, 10225, 278, 7931, 370, 352, 653, 304, 23624, 13052, 2705, 1549, 278, 274, 2390, 14280, 278, 2175, 8026, 472, 366, 29892, 7148, 373, 8175, 29889, 13, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 304, 24905, 29876, 470, 2148, 650, 825, 10088, 29889, 4088, 16831, 23244, 1497, 29889, 306, 1827, 16831, 23244, 1363, 372, 471, 2729, 373, 263, 1570, 3088, 5974, 9227, 29915, 29879, 3633, 29889, 306, 723, 451, 4658, 1009, 23550, 408, 2215, 408, 306, 1033, 3183, 963, 29889, 2688, 3804, 29892, 3252, 391, 322, 640, 441, 2712, 599, 278, 931, 304, 1560, 799, 8976, 5056, 29889, 2688, 437, 372, 304, 7178, 27504, 1432, 2462, 29889, 1126, 1286, 306, 29915, 29885, 7424, 304, 4658, 963, 29973, 15011, 1492, 29889, 13, 10605, 29915, 29879, 590, 9848, 1048, 920, 304, 4386, 2355, 5815, 1139, 515, 278, 26054, 5745, 746, 385, 3181, 1878, 338, 263, 6661, 29889, 306, 3763, 1827, 29892, 2020, 437, 306, 505, 304, 3440, 29973, 306, 9007, 29915, 29873, 727, 29892, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1827, 372, 322, 626, 451, 14040, 363, 825, 393, 14099, 4083, 29889, 2921, 2244, 1075, 470, 902, 1048, 372, 29889, 450, 5745, 674, 2436, 393, 15183, 446, 2143, 6394, 304, 24905, 29876, 11021, 391, 9506, 29889, 1105, 825, 29892, 1058, 1559, 267, 29973, 960, 4433, 565, 278, 14099, 881, 620, 647, 306, 723, 1827, 29892, 393, 338, 451, 363, 592, 304, 8161, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 363, 278, 9014, 414, 540, 470, 1183, 11524, 297, 1009, 24172, 29889, 2921, 2244, 963, 29889, 7197, 26966, 29889, 1987, 306, 13958, 701, 29889, 3872, 29915, 29873, 2758, 4340, 5155, 29889, 13, 1576, 24842 ]
COVID-19 Coverage : See how the pandemic is impacting the world of higher education. Access the Business Officer Magazine menu by clicking or touching here. Click or touch the Business Officer Magazine logo to return to the homepage. Get back to the Business Officer Magazine homepage by clicking the logo. Search Business Officer Magazine and see popular topics other people searched for. Business Intel Model-Breaking Innovation Identified Innovators Coverage of the five NACUBO 2014 Innovation Award recipients begins in this issue. See "Vantage Point," and look for additional articles in future issues of Business Officer. It is ironic that organizations with missions that include revolutions in human learning and knowledge are sometimes resistant or slow to embrace innovations in their own operations. Yet, change is now constant. Without evolving along with it, traditional universities risk being left behind in what has become a modern and global marketplace for education. At the University of Arizona (UA), Tucson, state funding declines, increased competition for students and research dollars, and changing public expectations have sparked UA's focus to identify opportunities and overcome restrictions that hold back innovation. Embracing a culture of "How can we make that happen?" has garnered positive results in the university's application of innovative ideas to higher education's three pillars: academics, research, and public service. Promising Prospects Academics have long been organized along discipline identity. However, some of the most exciting advances in human knowledge are now coming from interdisciplinary approaches to problem solving. Students and societyrecognize this, and by demanding more from a college degree—employability, workforce readiness, internship opportunities—they are becoming change agents moving institutions in new directions and seeking a return on the tuition investment. Assessing the pulse of students and society can open up numerous possibilities for cross-cutting and novel innovations that break down and rebuild traditional models. Adaptive academics. One example at UA is the change in the Veterinary Medicine and Surgical Program's teaching model, which is midway through its conceptual development. The idea was sparked by recognition that the traditional model of veterinary medicine was costly, slow to meet the need for rural veterinarians, and failed to train students for the variety of work available to veterinarians. The university's program further adapts a teaching model, common throughout the rest of the world, which can reduce the time to degree for highly accomplished students. The new process calls for focusing on applied learning through clinical rotations with distributed partner veterinary practitioners across the state, rather than relying on much more costly veterinary hospital rotations. Once accredited, this program could reduce total time and cost for a DVM (doctorate in veterinary medicine) for eligible students by four years and more than $100,000, respectively. Revised research practices. Research of all types is changing to fulfill a new mandate—solving grand challenges and meeting growing expectations of accountability. The lone researcher working on individual specialties is giving way to the rise of collaborative and multidisciplinary teams working on feeding a growing global population, taking mankind to other planets, and obtaining substantial funding grants to support such activities. These teams grow out of a thoughtful and conscious effort to bring together the brightest minds, encourage mutual respect among team members—then charge them with a task and get out of the way. This kind of research model has a large up-front cost that may never have a payoff in the form of significant research grants, royalties from inventions or intellectual property, or notoriety for the team and organization. The sole argument for these risk-to-return investments is summed up by American theologian William G.T. Shedd, "A ship is safe in harbor, but that's not what ships are for." An example is the NASA-funded project OSIRIS-REx, begun 10 years ago with the goal of building a spacecraft to fly to an asteroid, extract a sample, and return the sample to Earth. The scientific objectives are profound, and the multiyear budget equally so at just over $800 million. The University of Arizona's Lunar Planetary Lab was involved from the beginning and has invested in a team approach to develop a pipeline of large space projects in partnership with NASA. Without this major and lengthy investment, OSIRIS-REx would have
[ 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 26428, 482, 584, 2823, 920, 278, 7243, 24552, 338, 10879, 292, 278, 3186, 310, 6133, 9793, 29889, 13, 6638, 278, 15197, 28288, 17880, 6143, 491, 14855, 470, 6023, 292, 1244, 29889, 13, 4164, 470, 6023, 278, 15197, 28288, 17880, 20194, 304, 736, 304, 278, 3271, 3488, 29889, 13, 2577, 1250, 304, 278, 15197, 28288, 17880, 3271, 3488, 491, 14855, 278, 20194, 29889, 13, 7974, 15197, 28288, 17880, 322, 1074, 5972, 23820, 916, 2305, 17371, 363, 29889, 13, 16890, 3335, 18555, 13, 3195, 29899, 20130, 5086, 512, 13715, 362, 13, 7648, 2164, 512, 13715, 4097, 26428, 482, 310, 278, 5320, 405, 2477, 7466, 29949, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 512, 13715, 362, 7526, 23957, 10070, 16410, 297, 445, 2228, 29889, 2823, 376, 29963, 8501, 8984, 1699, 322, 1106, 363, 5684, 7456, 297, 5434, 5626, 310, 15197, 28288, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 3805, 8927, 393, 25700, 411, 3052, 1080, 393, 3160, 19479, 29879, 297, 5199, 6509, 322, 7134, 526, 6041, 9241, 424, 470, 5232, 304, 953, 13842, 24233, 800, 297, 1009, 1914, 6931, 29889, 13, 29979, 300, 29892, 1735, 338, 1286, 4868, 29889, 13932, 15220, 1747, 3412, 411, 372, 29892, 13807, 4946, 1907, 12045, 1641, 2175, 5742, 297, 825, 756, 4953, 263, 5400, 322, 5534, 9999, 6689, 363, 9793, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 3014, 310, 23716, 313, 29965, 29909, 511, 323, 1682, 1100, 29892, 2106, 5220, 292, 4845, 1475, 29892, 11664, 13888, 363, 8041, 322, 5925, 17208, 29892, 322, 6480, 970, 2149, 800, 505, 16267, 287, 501, 29909, 29915, 29879, 8569, 304, 12439, 28602, 1907, 322, 25688, 25091, 393, 4808, 1250, 24233, 362, 29889, 28735, 945, 292, 263, 9257, 310, 376, 5328, 508, 591, 1207, 393, 3799, 3026, 756, 7171, 1089, 287, 6374, 2582, 297, 278, 16372, 29915, 29879, 2280, 310, 24233, 1230, 7014, 304, 6133, 9793, 29915, 29879, 2211, 22549, 1503, 29901, 16274, 1199, 29892, 5925, 29892, 322, 970, 2669, 29889, 13, 18571, 5921, 1019, 21494, 29879, 13, 29909, 9431, 1199, 505, 1472, 1063, 19098, 3412, 29822, 10110, 29889, 2398, 29892, 777, 310, 278, 1556, 5566, 11407, 3061, 2925, 297, 5199, 7134, 526, 1286, 6421, 515, 1006, 2218, 13326, 3821, 13501, 304, 1108, 17069, 29889, 13, 855, 566, 1237, 322, 12459, 29423, 675, 445, 29892, 322, 491, 9667, 292, 901, 515, 263, 12755, 7426, 30003, 3451, 2376, 3097, 29892, 664, 10118, 1303, 3335, 29892, 2836, 3527, 28602, 1907, 30003, 19562, 526, 14171, 1735, 19518, 8401, 21561, 297, 716, 18112, 322, 25738, 263, 736, 373, 278, 5291, 654, 13258, 358, 29889, 13, 7900, 404, 292, 278, 9505, 344, 310, 8041, 322, 12459, 508, 1722, 701, 12727, 24496, 363, 4891, 29899, 7582, 1259, 322, 9554, 24233, 800, 393, 2867, 1623, 322, 337, 4282, 13807, 4733, 29889, 13, 29909, 1388, 415, 573, 16274, 1199, 29889, 3118, 1342, 472, 501, 29909, 338, 278, 1735, 297, 278, 478, 1308, 3821, 27529, 322, 317, 2007, 936, 7835, 29915, 29879, 18819, 1904, 29892, 607, 338, 7145, 1582, 1549, 967, 6964, 950, 5849, 29889, 450, 2969, 471, 16267, 287, 491, 19679, 393, 278, 13807, 1904, 310, 25808, 3821, 26602, 471, 3438, 368, 29892, 5232, 304, 5870, 278, 817, 363, 17692, 25808, 262, 1306, 550, 29892, 322, 5229, 304, 7945, 8041, 363, 278, 12875, 310, 664, 3625, 304, 25808, 262, 1306, 550, 29889, 13, 1576, 16372, 29915, 29879, 1824, 4340, 7744, 29879, 263, 18819, 1904, 29892, 3619, 10106, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 3186, 29892, 607, 508, 10032, 278, 931, 304, 7426, 363, 10712, 24799, 8041, 29889, 450, 716, 1889, 5717, 363, 12789, 4746, 373, 7436, 6509, 1549, 24899, 936, 5731, 800, 411, 13235, 18096, 25808, 3821, 4120, 654, 414, 4822, 278, 2106, 29892, 3265, 1135, 337, 5890, 373, 1568, 901, 3438, 368, 25808, 3821, 13457, 5731, 800, 29889, 13, 26222, 1035, 1127, 1573, 29892, 445, 1824, 1033, 10032, 3001, 931, 322, 3438, 363, 263, 360, 9219, 313, 1867, 2801, 403, 297, 25808, 3821, 26602, 29897, 363, 560, 335, 1821, 8041, 491, 3023, 2440, 322, 901, 1135, 395, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 8307, 29889, 13, 1123, 11292, 5925, 23274, 29889, 10550, 310, 599, 4072, 338, 6480, 304, 6095, 5589, 263, 716, 9619, 403, 30003, 2929, 1747, 4595, 18066, 267, 322, 11781, 15678, 2149, 800, 310, 3633, 3097, 29889, 13, 1576, 301, 650, 5925, 261, 1985, 373, 5375, 4266, 2938, 338, 6820, 982, 304, 278, 14451, 310, 11465, 1230, 322, 1773, 333, 275, 13326, 3821, 10907, 1985, 373, 8343, 292, 263, 15678, 5534, 4665, 29892, 5622, 767, 14380, 304, 916, 3814, 1691, 29892, 322, 4017, 292, 23228, 5220, 292, 867, 1934, 304, 2304, 1316, 14188, 29889, 4525, 10907, 6548, 714, 310, 263, 2714, 1319, 322, 19861, 7225, 304, 6963, 4208, 278, 11785, 342, 27656, 29892, 13731, 6617, 5478, 950, 3390, 4249, 3815, 5144, 30003, 6098, 8323, 963, 411, 263, 3414, 322, 679, 714, 310, 278, 982, 29889, 13, 4013, 2924, 310, 5925, 1904, 756, 263, 2919, 701, 29899, 8862, 3438, 393, 1122, 2360, 505, 263, 5146, 2696, 297, 278, 883, 310, 7282, 5925, 867, 1934, 29892, 20258, 1997, 583, 515, 11817, 1080, 470, 29762, 2875, 29892, 470, 451, 272, 21549, 363, 278, 3815, 322, 13013, 29889, 450, 14419, 2980, 363, 1438, 12045, 29899, 517, 29899, 2457, 13258, 1860, 338, 2533, 2168, 701, 491, 3082, 278, 1189, 713, 4667, 402, 29889, 29911, 29889, 1383, 287, 29881, 29892, 376, 29909, 7751, 338, 9109, 297, 4023, 4089, 29892, 541, 393, 29915, 29879, 451, 825, 13968, 526, 363, 1213, 13, 2744, 1342, 338, 278, 24206, 29899, 27159, 287, 2060, 438, 5425, 29934, 3235, 29899, 29934, 1252, 29892, 23580, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 8020, 411, 278, 7306, 310, 5214, 263, 2913, 17293, 304, 11340, 304, 385, 20058, 333, 29892, 6597, 263, 4559, 29892, 322, 736, 278, 4559, 304, 11563, 29889, 450, 16021, 1203, 3145, 526, 2600, 618, 29892, 322, 278, 2473, 6360, 23562, 18018, 577, 472, 925, 975, 395, 29947, 29900, 29900, 7284, 29889, 450, 3014, 310, 23716, 29915, 29879, 365, 348, 279, 20540, 653, 12016, 471, 9701, 515, 278, 6763, 322, 756, 2437, 2868, 297, 263, 3815, 2948, 304, 2693, 263, 16439, 310, 2919, 2913, 9279, 297, 22056, 4034, 411, 24206, 29889, 13, 3047, 449, 445, 4655, 322, 3309, 29891, 13258, 358, 29892, 438, 5425, 29934, 3235, 29899, 29934, 1252, 723, 505 ]
likely been awarded to another university. Although it's a risk with no guaranteed payoff, only those who make this kind of investment are even considered for major grants. Promoting public service. As the "third leg" of the institution, public service arguably is the lesser known and of shorter length than the other two legs. The term sometimes becomes a vague catchall that describes professional involvement with professional organizations, associations, public groups, consulting work, and so on. Innovation in public service can come from simply defining it and measuring its impact. Land grant universities have a ready definition of public service found in the Morrill, Hatch, and Smith-Lever acts. UA's Jeffrey Silvertooth, associate dean and director, economic development and extension, understands the impact that meaningful outreach activities can have on a community. "Cooperative extension," he says, "is a defined and measurable engagement with the public to disseminate knowledge and research from the university for the betterment of human health and communities, knowledge transfer, and economic development. This kind of engagement has a transformative impact on society." Along those lines, UA's cooperative extension area is engaging with and educating constituents on issues as diverse as how to eat more nutritious meals, reduce pesticide usage on crops, and improve oral health care. The university records each community engagement and calculates the resulting economic development, which shows a statewide yield of multiple returns on the investments. A Careful Balance Advancing new models requires careful analysis. It is easy to become overly cautious and enforcement-oriented, focusing on compliance with applicable laws, industry best practices, and expectations of stewardship. At the same time, risk intolerance can stymie innovation. At the University of Arizona, institution leaders are taking the approach that prudent, well understood, and mission-centric risk is an appropriate action in keeping pace with change. SUBMITTED BY Jeffrey Ratje, assistant dean, finance and administration, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson Why Debt Policy Is a Must A rich roster of professional development opportunities awaited attendees at the NACUBO 2014 Annual Meeting in Seattle. Here is a snapshot of a session—a teaser for the full coverage that begins on page 36. In an interactive session, "Best Practices in Debt Management," speakers discussed why it's important for institutions to create debt policies. The Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, formed a policy in 2012 for internal reasons such as better affordability and control, and risk management, said Pamela Currey, associate vice president for finance, and for external reasons including rating agencies, state agencies, and other stakeholders that wanted to know how the university managed its debt. Jennifer Wagner Davis, senior vice president for administration and finance, George Mason University, Fairfax, Va., said the institution, which had a total debt of $672 million, wanted to use its debt policy as an information building block to refocus its priorities. It uses debt as an important funding mechanism for its capital plan and links the use of debt to the university's mission and strategic goals during periods of growth. James Matteo, associate vice president and treasurer, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, said that the debt policy helped the institution create a control framework, establish reporting guidelines, provide answers to upper management, and outline the university's philosophy. The speakers said that it's important to connect the debt policy to other plans and policies such as the private business use policy, SWAP guidelines, capital plans, liquidity policy, post-issuance compliance policy, the strategic plan, and the budget plan. While some institutions may opt for a prescriptive debt policy that spells out metrics such as debt service coverage and debt service to operating expenses, others may create a policy that sets guiding principles. SUBMITTED BY Preeti Vasishtha, managing editor, Business Officer Quick Clicks Status of U.S. Young Adults, 18–24 According to a report by the Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, young adults are more likely to attend college—but also to have more student debt than past generations and earn less than their counterparts did in the year 2000. In addition, one in five is obese, and many continue to smoke
[ 5517, 1063, 15074, 304, 1790, 16372, 29889, 8512, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 12045, 411, 694, 22688, 5146, 2696, 29892, 871, 1906, 1058, 1207, 445, 2924, 310, 13258, 358, 526, 1584, 5545, 363, 4655, 867, 1934, 29889, 13, 18571, 11427, 970, 2669, 29889, 1094, 278, 376, 22585, 2814, 29908, 310, 278, 12666, 29892, 970, 2669, 1852, 29884, 2197, 338, 278, 3109, 261, 2998, 322, 310, 20511, 3309, 1135, 278, 916, 1023, 21152, 29889, 450, 1840, 6041, 7415, 263, 25160, 4380, 497, 393, 16612, 10257, 5297, 29841, 411, 10257, 25700, 29892, 27733, 29892, 970, 6471, 29892, 8799, 292, 664, 29892, 322, 577, 373, 29889, 13, 797, 13715, 362, 297, 970, 2669, 508, 2041, 515, 3763, 16184, 372, 322, 7540, 3864, 967, 10879, 29889, 3172, 16690, 4946, 1907, 505, 263, 7960, 5023, 310, 970, 2669, 1476, 297, 278, 3879, 29878, 453, 29892, 379, 905, 29892, 322, 7075, 29899, 29931, 1310, 14741, 29889, 501, 29909, 29915, 29879, 12208, 8903, 16466, 517, 720, 29892, 25836, 316, 273, 322, 8881, 29892, 17407, 5849, 322, 6081, 29892, 2274, 29879, 278, 10879, 393, 6593, 1319, 714, 276, 496, 14188, 508, 505, 373, 263, 7881, 29889, 376, 7967, 3372, 1230, 6081, 1699, 540, 4083, 29892, 376, 275, 263, 3342, 322, 7540, 21115, 3033, 5049, 411, 278, 970, 304, 766, 12846, 16976, 7134, 322, 5925, 515, 278, 16372, 363, 278, 2253, 358, 310, 5199, 9045, 322, 23507, 29892, 7134, 6782, 29892, 322, 17407, 5849, 29889, 910, 2924, 310, 3033, 5049, 756, 263, 4327, 1230, 10879, 373, 12459, 1213, 13, 2499, 549, 1906, 3454, 29892, 501, 29909, 29915, 29879, 1302, 3372, 1230, 6081, 4038, 338, 3033, 6751, 411, 322, 6320, 1218, 10719, 1237, 373, 5626, 408, 16984, 408, 920, 304, 17545, 901, 18254, 768, 2738, 592, 1338, 29892, 10032, 282, 15931, 680, 8744, 373, 8182, 567, 29892, 322, 11157, 470, 284, 9045, 2562, 29889, 450, 16372, 6475, 1269, 7881, 3033, 5049, 322, 3408, 1078, 278, 9819, 17407, 5849, 29892, 607, 3697, 263, 2106, 8157, 7709, 310, 2999, 3639, 373, 278, 13258, 1860, 29889, 13, 29909, 10057, 1319, 7392, 749, 13, 3253, 3703, 3277, 716, 4733, 6858, 16010, 7418, 29889, 739, 338, 4780, 304, 4953, 975, 368, 274, 1300, 2738, 322, 24555, 13561, 29899, 12236, 287, 29892, 12789, 4746, 373, 752, 13036, 411, 22903, 14243, 29892, 13661, 1900, 23274, 29892, 322, 2149, 800, 310, 1886, 1328, 3527, 29889, 2180, 278, 1021, 931, 29892, 12045, 938, 324, 261, 749, 508, 380, 962, 347, 24233, 362, 29889, 2180, 278, 3014, 310, 23716, 29892, 12666, 20251, 526, 5622, 278, 2948, 393, 544, 10385, 29892, 1532, 11098, 29892, 322, 10655, 29899, 1760, 2200, 12045, 338, 385, 8210, 3158, 297, 12515, 27725, 411, 1735, 29889, 13, 20633, 26349, 29911, 3352, 6770, 12208, 8903, 17450, 1324, 29892, 20255, 316, 273, 29892, 1436, 749, 322, 17517, 29892, 6346, 310, 27051, 545, 322, 4634, 17253, 29892, 3014, 310, 23716, 29892, 323, 1682, 1100, 13, 11008, 7089, 29873, 25219, 1317, 263, 19928, 13, 29909, 8261, 696, 2475, 310, 10257, 5849, 28602, 1907, 7272, 287, 472, 841, 311, 267, 472, 278, 405, 2477, 7466, 29949, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 8081, 950, 2191, 15133, 297, 27689, 29889, 2266, 338, 263, 22395, 310, 263, 4867, 30003, 29874, 734, 29440, 363, 278, 2989, 23746, 393, 16410, 373, 1813, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29889, 13, 797, 385, 28923, 4867, 29892, 376, 25353, 29124, 1575, 297, 7089, 29873, 15057, 1699, 7726, 414, 15648, 2020, 372, 29915, 29879, 4100, 363, 21561, 304, 1653, 2553, 29873, 24833, 29889, 13, 1576, 11653, 27094, 3014, 29892, 28662, 29892, 8429, 263, 8898, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 363, 7463, 9590, 1316, 408, 2253, 21750, 3097, 322, 2761, 29892, 322, 12045, 10643, 29892, 1497, 25281, 3100, 10837, 8903, 29892, 25836, 11289, 6673, 363, 1436, 749, 29892, 322, 363, 7029, 9590, 3704, 21700, 946, 15942, 29892, 2106, 946, 15942, 29892, 322, 916, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 393, 5131, 304, 1073, 920, 278, 16372, 8745, 967, 2553, 29873, 29889, 13, 29967, 2108, 9633, 25439, 15225, 29892, 16336, 11289, 6673, 363, 17517, 322, 1436, 749, 29892, 5122, 28095, 3014, 29892, 13822, 29888, 1165, 29892, 12549, 1696, 1497, 278, 12666, 29892, 607, 750, 263, 3001, 2553, 29873, 310, 395, 29953, 29955, 29906, 7284, 29892, 5131, 304, 671, 967, 2553, 29873, 8898, 408, 385, 2472, 5214, 2908, 304, 2143, 5421, 967, 7536, 1907, 29889, 739, 3913, 2553, 29873, 408, 385, 4100, 5220, 292, 13336, 363, 967, 7483, 3814, 322, 2988, 278, 671, 310, 2553, 29873, 304, 278, 16372, 29915, 29879, 10655, 322, 16650, 293, 14433, 2645, 23704, 310, 14321, 29889, 13, 29470, 5345, 371, 29877, 29892, 25836, 11289, 6673, 322, 2578, 294, 9945, 29892, 3014, 310, 11653, 29892, 2896, 29880, 1501, 267, 4909, 29892, 1497, 393, 278, 2553, 29873, 8898, 9213, 278, 12666, 1653, 263, 2761, 6890, 29892, 10127, 23415, 1410, 10652, 1475, 29892, 3867, 6089, 304, 7568, 10643, 29892, 322, 27887, 278, 16372, 29915, 29879, 22237, 29889, 13, 1576, 7726, 414, 1497, 393, 372, 29915, 29879, 4100, 304, 4511, 278, 2553, 29873, 8898, 304, 916, 13900, 322, 24833, 1316, 408, 278, 2024, 5381, 671, 8898, 29892, 25289, 3301, 1410, 10652, 1475, 29892, 7483, 13900, 29892, 23904, 537, 8898, 29892, 1400, 29899, 790, 29884, 749, 752, 13036, 8898, 29892, 278, 16650, 293, 3814, 29892, 322, 278, 23562, 3814, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 777, 21561, 1122, 3523, 363, 263, 2225, 924, 573, 2553, 29873, 8898, 393, 805, 10071, 714, 21556, 1316, 408, 2553, 29873, 2669, 23746, 322, 2553, 29873, 2669, 304, 13598, 1518, 11259, 29892, 4045, 1122, 1653, 263, 8898, 393, 6166, 1410, 4821, 18671, 29889, 13, 20633, 26349, 29911, 3352, 6770, 349, 4521, 29875, 15453, 728, 15457, 29892, 767, 6751, 6920, 29892, 15197, 28288, 13, 2182, 860, 16297, 29879, 13, 5709, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 10443, 2087, 499, 29879, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29994, 29906, 29946, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 263, 3461, 491, 278, 14879, 4124, 351, 3819, 29474, 373, 10517, 322, 14662, 27098, 29892, 4123, 16157, 29879, 526, 901, 5517, 304, 14333, 12755, 30003, 4187, 884, 304, 505, 901, 8368, 2553, 29873, 1135, 4940, 1176, 800, 322, 2326, 29876, 3109, 1135, 1009, 6795, 20895, 1258, 297, 278, 1629, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 697, 297, 5320, 338, 704, 968, 29892, 322, 1784, 6773, 304, 25158 ]
Three Things: Indiana Men's Basketball beats North Carolina 77-65 By colin.lavery Dec 1, 2022, 12:21pm EST Share All sharing options for: Three Things: Indiana Men's Basketball beats North Carolina 77-65 Indiana took care of business at home last night, beating North Carolina by 12 to cover the spread, beat the analytics, and remain undefeated. What more can you ask for at this point in the season? Coming off two losses in a row, the Tar Heels came to Assembly Hall with something to prove. While he was far from 100%, North Carolina's star center, Armando Bacot started and did his best to keep the Heels from falling further in the rankings. Even with so much on the line for UNC and some officiating that was questionable, at best, Indiana dominated from start to finish, making the most of the first opportunity for an early statement win. As things stand now, Indiana has two quadrant one wins on December 1st. My god, can this team defend. Indiana held North Carolina to just 33.9% from the field and 27.8% from deep last night, in addition to forcing ten turnovers and grabbing 31 defensive rebounds. The most notable aspect of the defensive performance was the effort Indiana displayed from the first to the last whistle. On North Carolina's first possession, the Heels missed two shots before Caleb Love banked in a lucky 3-pointer that ended up being one of his better shots of the night. This competitive play continued to the last whistle. R.J. Davis and Caleb Love, who average 15 and 19 points respectively were held to just 11 and 13 while also committing five turnovers. Jalen Hood-Schifino, Trey Galloway, and Xavier Johnson gave the guard duo Hell last night, with each of the three grabbing at least one steal and forcing transition baskets on the other end. Notably, freshman Jalen Hood-Schifino looked completely up to the task of guarding junior Caleb Love last night, which bodes well for his continued playing time even when his shot isn't falling. Luckily for Indiana, Hood-Schifino was still able to put on an offensive clinic despite the energy expended on defense. He finished with a career-high 14 points last night and was the only Hoosier to make multiple shots from beyond the arc all while shutting down one of the best guards in the country. This kind of defensive performance from Indiana's freshman is why the Hoosiers have the fifth best defense in the nation, per KenPom. Indiana had nine players log at least 11 minutes last night, giving us a glimpse into how Mike Woodson will handle his rotations once Big Ten play starts this Saturday. For comparison, North Carolina, the preseason #1, only played two guys off its bench for more than ten minutes. Foul trouble for Trayce Jackson-Davis and Race Thompson (and really everyone) may have forced Woodson's hand a bit last night, but it's clear that he has trust in more players than he did last season and will be able to play with lineups more than any coach in recent memory. When Armando Bacot was on the bench for his own foul troubles, Woodson was able to throw a smaller lineup of Malik Reneau, Jordan Geronimo, Tamar Bates, Trey Galloway, and Xavier Johnson out there to keep Indiana competitive on both ends of the court while the starters rested. Woodson even let Reneau and Geronimo guard Bacot on their own for a few possessions, and they looked more than up to the task despite what the referees seemed to think. This depth is going to be key to Indiana all season and will allow them to win games without playing perfect basketball, a luxury the program hasn't had in years. The deep bench allows the starters to play hard defense knowing they'll get a breather when they need it, and gives the offense more options when shots aren't falling. There were plenty of instances last night when we saw this depth bail Indiana out of stagnant offensive possessions, with Xavier Johnson driving off a pass to get to the paint after Hood-Schifino got the defense rotating, or when Trey Galloway took advantage of the defensive
[ 12753, 28706, 29901, 21817, 7567, 29915, 29879, 21850, 367, 1446, 4644, 13397, 29871, 29955, 29955, 29899, 29953, 29945, 13, 2059, 784, 262, 29889, 433, 1201, 3826, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29901, 29906, 29896, 3358, 382, 1254, 13, 2713, 598, 2178, 19383, 3987, 363, 29901, 12753, 28706, 29901, 21817, 7567, 29915, 29879, 21850, 367, 1446, 4644, 13397, 29871, 29955, 29955, 29899, 29953, 29945, 13, 2568, 3857, 3614, 2562, 310, 5381, 472, 3271, 1833, 4646, 29892, 367, 1218, 4644, 13397, 491, 29871, 29896, 29906, 304, 4612, 278, 9677, 29892, 16646, 278, 16114, 1199, 29892, 322, 3933, 563, 25790, 630, 29889, 1724, 901, 508, 366, 2244, 363, 472, 445, 1298, 297, 278, 4259, 29973, 13, 1523, 292, 1283, 1023, 28495, 297, 263, 1948, 29892, 278, 11740, 940, 1379, 2996, 304, 13266, 6573, 411, 1554, 304, 6356, 29889, 5806, 540, 471, 2215, 515, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 13667, 4644, 13397, 29915, 29879, 5810, 4818, 29892, 8481, 1743, 29070, 327, 4687, 322, 1258, 670, 1900, 304, 3013, 278, 940, 1379, 515, 20327, 4340, 297, 278, 7115, 886, 29889, 13, 29923, 854, 411, 577, 1568, 373, 278, 1196, 363, 8291, 29907, 322, 777, 29158, 1218, 393, 471, 1139, 519, 29892, 472, 1900, 29892, 21817, 8022, 630, 515, 1369, 304, 8341, 29892, 3907, 278, 1556, 310, 278, 937, 15130, 363, 385, 4688, 3229, 5401, 29889, 1094, 2712, 2317, 1286, 29892, 21817, 756, 1023, 15448, 424, 697, 21614, 373, 5846, 29871, 29896, 303, 29889, 13, 3421, 7339, 29892, 508, 445, 3815, 24663, 29889, 21817, 4934, 4644, 13397, 304, 925, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29889, 29929, 29995, 515, 278, 1746, 322, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29889, 29947, 29995, 515, 6483, 1833, 4646, 29892, 297, 6124, 304, 28172, 3006, 24562, 874, 322, 2646, 1327, 292, 29871, 29941, 29896, 822, 6270, 15121, 3885, 29889, 13, 1576, 1556, 18697, 9565, 310, 278, 822, 6270, 4180, 471, 278, 7225, 21817, 8833, 515, 278, 937, 304, 278, 1833, 377, 391, 280, 29889, 1551, 4644, 13397, 29915, 29879, 937, 17715, 29892, 278, 940, 1379, 13726, 1023, 528, 1862, 1434, 315, 744, 29890, 8155, 9124, 287, 297, 263, 9885, 29891, 29871, 29941, 29899, 17226, 393, 9698, 701, 1641, 697, 310, 670, 2253, 528, 1862, 310, 278, 4646, 29889, 910, 5100, 3321, 1708, 7572, 304, 278, 1833, 377, 391, 280, 29889, 13, 29934, 29889, 29967, 29889, 15225, 322, 315, 744, 29890, 8155, 29892, 1058, 6588, 29871, 29896, 29945, 322, 29871, 29896, 29929, 3291, 8307, 892, 4934, 304, 925, 29871, 29896, 29896, 322, 29871, 29896, 29941, 1550, 884, 844, 5367, 5320, 24562, 874, 29889, 435, 10066, 379, 2092, 29899, 4504, 361, 1789, 29892, 6479, 29891, 8130, 340, 388, 29892, 322, 1060, 18852, 11717, 4846, 278, 8372, 868, 29877, 19339, 1833, 4646, 29892, 411, 1269, 310, 278, 2211, 2646, 1327, 292, 472, 3203, 697, 1886, 284, 322, 28172, 9558, 289, 1278, 1691, 373, 278, 916, 1095, 29889, 13, 3664, 2197, 29892, 10849, 1171, 435, 10066, 379, 2092, 29899, 4504, 361, 1789, 5148, 6446, 701, 304, 278, 3414, 310, 8372, 292, 20183, 315, 744, 29890, 8155, 1833, 4646, 29892, 607, 289, 2631, 1532, 363, 670, 7572, 8743, 931, 1584, 746, 670, 10322, 3508, 29915, 29873, 20327, 29889, 365, 2707, 2354, 363, 21817, 29892, 379, 2092, 29899, 4504, 361, 1789, 471, 1603, 2221, 304, 1925, 373, 385, 1283, 6270, 24899, 293, 15020, 278, 5864, 1518, 2760, 373, 26406, 29889, 13, 3868, 7743, 411, 263, 6413, 29899, 9812, 29871, 29896, 29946, 3291, 1833, 4646, 322, 471, 278, 871, 8335, 359, 631, 304, 1207, 2999, 528, 1862, 515, 8724, 278, 15232, 599, 1550, 12522, 1259, 1623, 697, 310, 278, 1900, 1410, 3163, 297, 278, 4234, 29889, 910, 2924, 310, 822, 6270, 4180, 515, 21817, 29915, 29879, 10849, 1171, 338, 2020, 278, 8335, 359, 4285, 505, 278, 18615, 1900, 26406, 297, 278, 5233, 29892, 639, 10015, 29925, 290, 29889, 13, 2568, 3857, 750, 14183, 10769, 1480, 472, 3203, 29871, 29896, 29896, 6233, 1833, 4646, 29892, 6820, 502, 263, 330, 12552, 344, 964, 920, 12828, 10180, 1100, 674, 4386, 670, 5731, 800, 2748, 7997, 12444, 1708, 8665, 445, 24211, 29889, 1152, 10230, 29892, 4644, 13397, 29892, 278, 544, 968, 1658, 396, 29896, 29892, 871, 5318, 1023, 18239, 1283, 967, 3856, 305, 363, 901, 1135, 3006, 6233, 29889, 13, 29943, 5059, 7458, 363, 323, 764, 346, 11886, 29899, 29928, 485, 275, 322, 23613, 22348, 313, 392, 2289, 14332, 29897, 1122, 505, 11826, 10180, 1100, 29915, 29879, 1361, 263, 2586, 1833, 4646, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 2821, 393, 540, 756, 9311, 297, 901, 10769, 1135, 540, 1258, 1833, 4259, 322, 674, 367, 2221, 304, 1708, 411, 1196, 14340, 901, 1135, 738, 11182, 297, 7786, 3370, 29889, 13, 10401, 8481, 1743, 29070, 327, 471, 373, 278, 3856, 305, 363, 670, 1914, 285, 5059, 18835, 29892, 10180, 1100, 471, 2221, 304, 3183, 263, 7968, 1196, 786, 310, 3792, 638, 390, 1600, 585, 29892, 18284, 5681, 265, 4200, 29892, 323, 8715, 350, 1078, 29892, 6479, 29891, 8130, 340, 388, 29892, 322, 1060, 18852, 11717, 714, 727, 304, 3013, 21817, 5100, 3321, 373, 1716, 10614, 310, 278, 8973, 1550, 278, 5810, 2153, 1791, 287, 29889, 10180, 1100, 1584, 1235, 390, 1600, 585, 322, 5681, 265, 4200, 8372, 29070, 327, 373, 1009, 1914, 363, 263, 2846, 3119, 10964, 29892, 322, 896, 5148, 901, 1135, 701, 304, 278, 3414, 15020, 825, 278, 2143, 406, 267, 6140, 304, 1348, 29889, 13, 4013, 10809, 338, 2675, 304, 367, 1820, 304, 21817, 599, 4259, 322, 674, 2758, 963, 304, 5401, 8090, 1728, 8743, 4922, 20305, 29892, 263, 21684, 2857, 278, 1824, 22602, 29915, 29873, 750, 297, 2440, 29889, 450, 6483, 3856, 305, 6511, 278, 5810, 2153, 304, 1708, 2898, 26406, 13797, 896, 29915, 645, 679, 263, 2078, 1624, 746, 896, 817, 372, 29892, 322, 4076, 278, 1283, 1947, 901, 3987, 746, 528, 1862, 9455, 29915, 29873, 20327, 29889, 13, 8439, 892, 20947, 310, 8871, 1833, 4646, 746, 591, 4446, 445, 10809, 289, 737, 21817, 714, 310, 380, 4211, 424, 1283, 6270, 3119, 10964, 29892, 411, 1060, 18852, 11717, 19500, 1283, 263, 1209, 304, 679, 304, 278, 10675, 1156, 379, 2092, 29899, 4504, 361, 1789, 2355, 278, 26406, 5731, 1218, 29892, 470, 746, 6479, 29891, 8130, 340, 388, 3614, 10631, 310, 278, 822, 6270 ]
L-38498 August 10, 1989 ISAAC BAGNAS, ENCARNACION BAGNAS, SILVESTRE BAGNAS MAXIMINA BAGNAS, SIXTO BAGNAS and AGATONA ENCARNACION, petitioners, vs. HON. COURT OF APPEALS, ROSA L. RETONIL TEOFILO ENCARNACION, and JOSE B. NAMBAYANrespondents. Beltran, Beltran & Beltran for petitioners. Jose M. Legaspi for private respondents. . or with a false. Without necessarily according all these assertions its full concurrence. 4. real and effective price. cite Manresa to the same effect: that true price. For under the Civil Code of the Philippines. at worst. that it is not the same as the concept of a just price which entails weighing and measuring. In observing that they ". In Armentia the Court determined that the conveyance questioned was merely annullable not void ab initio. price certain in money or its equivalent .L. disproportion between the stipulated price (in each deed) of P l.00 is so insignificant as to amount to no price at all. cause is that conveyances of property affected with such a vice cannot operate to divest and transfer ownership. No.00 for the sale of things worth at least P20. say. even if unimpugned. plaintiffs case is bottomed on fraud. do not correctly state the present law.. for economic equivalence. those rulings undoubtedly read and applied correctly the law extant in their time: Art. inadequacy of consideration does not imply total want of consideration. Ana. said heirs may bring an action to recover the property from the purported transferee. but on the premise that the property never leaves the estate of the transferor and is transmitted upon his death to heirs. means existent. The sum total of all these is that. Then again. Without more.e. advert to a decision of the Court of Appeals in Montinola vs. The same is true of contracts stating a false cause (consideration) unless the persons interested in upholding the contract should prove that there is another true and lawful consideration therefor. 1276 of the Civil Code of 1889 under which the statement of a false cause in a contract rendered it voidable only. i. and upon the latter's death without a testament. Reyes who. To be sure the quoted passage does not reject and is not to be construed as rejecting the Concepcion and Solisrulings 13 as outrightly erroneous. said: I . a check or draft. the parted acts of Marta Armentia after the sale did not indicate that the said sale was void from the being. or for a false and fictitious consideration. Art. 87 Phil.00 plus unspecified 2 . again citing Manresa 16 to the effect that services are not the equivalent of money insofar as said requirement is concerned and that a contract is not a true sale where the price consists of services or prestations. 1353). If afterwards the transferor dies the property descends to his heirs. requires that "equivalent" be something representative of money. assert that Art. the amount of price against all the factors that determine the value of the thing sold. annullable by them. 50 Phil. 15 3. Justice J.. the conclusion is irresistible that the sale is merely voidable. such property would pass to the transferor's heirs intestate and be recoverable by them or by the Administrator of the transferor's estate. It therefore seems clear that insofar as it may be considered as setting or reaffirming precedent. 2. far from it. stressing the obvious parallel between that case and the present one in stated price and actual value of the property sold. Because Marta Armentia executed the document. 787 and Sobs vs. though made under closely similar circumstances. as pointed out by the eminent civil law authority. In this particular regard... 3. and this is not controverted by plaintiff. or the causa is false and fictitious (and no true hidden causa is proved) the property allegedly conveyed never really leaves the patrimony of the transferor. 8101. not fictitious. 8118) holding that a price of
[ 365, 29899, 29941, 29947, 29946, 29929, 29947, 3111, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29929, 306, 8132, 2477, 350, 10051, 29940, 3289, 29892, 12524, 29907, 15249, 2477, 2725, 350, 10051, 29940, 3289, 29892, 317, 6227, 12064, 1254, 1525, 350, 10051, 29940, 3289, 18134, 7833, 1177, 29909, 350, 10051, 29940, 3289, 29892, 317, 6415, 4986, 350, 10051, 29940, 3289, 322, 16369, 1299, 1164, 29909, 12524, 29907, 15249, 2477, 2725, 29892, 5697, 654, 414, 29892, 7186, 29889, 379, 1164, 29889, 4810, 4574, 29911, 8079, 12279, 4162, 1964, 29903, 29892, 390, 3267, 29909, 365, 29889, 28081, 1164, 6227, 17067, 29949, 3738, 3927, 12524, 29907, 15249, 2477, 2725, 29892, 322, 435, 29949, 1660, 350, 29889, 405, 5194, 5688, 29979, 2190, 3636, 1237, 29889, 3741, 509, 273, 29892, 3741, 509, 273, 669, 3741, 509, 273, 363, 5697, 654, 414, 29889, 5043, 341, 29889, 5682, 294, 1631, 363, 2024, 10049, 1237, 29889, 13, 29889, 470, 411, 263, 2089, 29889, 13932, 12695, 5034, 599, 1438, 4974, 1080, 967, 2989, 3022, 26841, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29889, 1855, 322, 11828, 8666, 29889, 274, 568, 2315, 690, 29874, 304, 278, 1021, 2779, 29901, 393, 1565, 8666, 29889, 1152, 1090, 278, 12886, 5920, 310, 278, 26260, 29889, 472, 17322, 29889, 393, 372, 338, 451, 278, 1021, 408, 278, 6964, 310, 263, 925, 8666, 607, 875, 2234, 591, 1141, 292, 322, 7540, 3864, 29889, 512, 5366, 1747, 393, 896, 11393, 512, 826, 358, 423, 278, 9245, 10087, 393, 278, 27769, 749, 1139, 287, 471, 13586, 2889, 913, 519, 451, 1780, 633, 2069, 601, 29889, 8666, 3058, 297, 6909, 470, 967, 7126, 869, 29931, 29889, 766, 771, 637, 291, 1546, 278, 380, 666, 7964, 8666, 313, 262, 1269, 316, 287, 29897, 310, 349, 301, 29889, 29900, 29900, 338, 577, 1663, 647, 928, 424, 408, 304, 5253, 304, 694, 8666, 472, 599, 29889, 4556, 338, 393, 27769, 2925, 310, 2875, 15201, 411, 1316, 263, 11289, 2609, 21994, 304, 1933, 342, 322, 6782, 27428, 29889, 1939, 29889, 29900, 29900, 363, 278, 14686, 310, 2712, 7088, 472, 3203, 349, 29906, 29900, 29889, 1827, 29889, 1584, 565, 443, 6574, 688, 9571, 29889, 2174, 524, 28324, 1206, 338, 5970, 287, 373, 5227, 566, 29889, 437, 451, 5149, 2106, 278, 2198, 4307, 636, 363, 17407, 24796, 29889, 1906, 364, 352, 886, 563, 283, 3116, 23244, 1303, 322, 7436, 5149, 278, 4307, 1294, 424, 297, 1009, 931, 29901, 3012, 29889, 297, 1943, 339, 4135, 310, 19220, 947, 451, 22366, 3001, 864, 310, 19220, 29889, 20367, 29889, 1497, 540, 12935, 1122, 6963, 385, 3158, 304, 9792, 278, 2875, 515, 278, 3708, 637, 287, 1301, 29888, 23987, 29889, 541, 373, 278, 5188, 895, 393, 278, 2875, 2360, 11308, 278, 19989, 310, 278, 6782, 272, 322, 338, 18750, 4430, 2501, 670, 4892, 304, 540, 12935, 29889, 2794, 1863, 296, 29889, 450, 2533, 3001, 310, 599, 1438, 338, 393, 29889, 1987, 1449, 29889, 13932, 901, 29889, 29872, 29889, 18811, 304, 263, 10608, 310, 278, 9245, 310, 2401, 29872, 1338, 297, 4526, 262, 2963, 7186, 29889, 450, 1021, 338, 1565, 310, 8078, 29879, 23659, 263, 2089, 4556, 313, 3200, 1241, 362, 29897, 6521, 278, 12407, 8852, 297, 318, 561, 1025, 292, 278, 8078, 881, 6356, 393, 727, 338, 1790, 1565, 322, 4307, 1319, 19220, 727, 1454, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29955, 29953, 310, 278, 12886, 5920, 310, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29929, 1090, 607, 278, 3229, 310, 263, 2089, 4556, 297, 263, 8078, 13751, 372, 1780, 519, 871, 29889, 474, 29889, 322, 2501, 278, 7480, 29915, 29879, 4892, 1728, 263, 1243, 1166, 29889, 830, 3582, 1058, 29889, 1763, 367, 1854, 278, 23153, 13382, 947, 451, 12560, 322, 338, 451, 304, 367, 6787, 287, 408, 12560, 292, 278, 1281, 346, 6739, 291, 322, 4956, 275, 29878, 352, 886, 29871, 29896, 29941, 408, 714, 1266, 368, 4589, 650, 681, 29889, 1497, 29901, 306, 869, 263, 1423, 470, 18195, 29889, 278, 760, 287, 14741, 310, 3760, 29874, 826, 358, 423, 1156, 278, 14686, 1258, 451, 12266, 393, 278, 1497, 14686, 471, 1780, 515, 278, 1641, 29889, 470, 363, 263, 2089, 322, 26797, 277, 2738, 19220, 29889, 3012, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29955, 5241, 29889, 29900, 29900, 2298, 443, 6550, 2164, 29871, 29906, 869, 1449, 7537, 292, 2315, 690, 29874, 29871, 29896, 29953, 304, 278, 2779, 393, 5786, 526, 451, 278, 7126, 310, 6909, 297, 578, 15641, 408, 1497, 11809, 338, 15041, 322, 393, 263, 8078, 338, 451, 263, 1565, 14686, 988, 278, 8666, 11624, 310, 5786, 470, 18619, 800, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29945, 29941, 467, 960, 12335, 278, 6782, 272, 2977, 278, 2875, 5153, 1975, 304, 670, 540, 12935, 29889, 6858, 393, 376, 1686, 27445, 29908, 367, 1554, 21097, 310, 6909, 29889, 4974, 393, 3012, 29889, 278, 5253, 310, 8666, 2750, 599, 278, 13879, 393, 8161, 278, 995, 310, 278, 2655, 5239, 29889, 2889, 913, 519, 491, 963, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29900, 5241, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29871, 29941, 29889, 17181, 435, 636, 278, 15997, 338, 3805, 690, 391, 1821, 393, 278, 14686, 338, 13586, 1780, 519, 29889, 1316, 2875, 723, 1209, 304, 278, 6782, 272, 29915, 29879, 540, 12935, 938, 342, 403, 322, 367, 9792, 519, 491, 963, 470, 491, 278, 24510, 1061, 310, 278, 6782, 272, 29915, 29879, 19989, 29889, 739, 5480, 2444, 2821, 393, 297, 578, 15641, 408, 372, 1122, 367, 5545, 408, 4444, 470, 337, 3470, 3568, 292, 9399, 296, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29889, 2215, 515, 372, 29889, 22884, 292, 278, 6924, 8943, 1546, 393, 1206, 322, 278, 2198, 697, 297, 8703, 8666, 322, 3935, 995, 310, 278, 2875, 5239, 29889, 7311, 3760, 29874, 826, 358, 423, 8283, 278, 1842, 29889, 29871, 29955, 29947, 29955, 322, 25147, 29879, 7186, 29889, 2466, 1754, 1090, 16467, 2788, 14209, 29889, 408, 11520, 714, 491, 278, 953, 8946, 7631, 4307, 14329, 29889, 512, 445, 3153, 4880, 856, 29871, 29941, 29889, 322, 445, 338, 451, 8239, 1765, 287, 491, 2174, 524, 2593, 29889, 470, 278, 13485, 338, 2089, 322, 26797, 277, 2738, 313, 392, 694, 1565, 7934, 13485, 338, 11827, 29897, 278, 2875, 16831, 23244, 27769, 287, 2360, 2289, 11308, 278, 2373, 5632, 2592, 310, 278, 6782, 272, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29896, 29900, 29896, 29889, 451, 26797, 277, 2738, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29896, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13587, 393, 263, 8666, 310 ]
P l. do not correctly state the present law and must be clarified. the unbelievable amount of which at once points out its inexistence. As pointed out. Armentia only ruled that transfers made by a decedent in his lifetime. cannot be posthumously impugned by collateral relatives succeeding to his estate who are not principally or subsidiarily bound by such transfers. merely voidable. in his concurring opinion in Armentia. but upon the consideration alone that the apparent gross. I think Concepcion vs. and must be clarified. and that the plaintiff s action was based on fraud vitiating said conveyance. that which does not consist in an insignificant amount as. while not requiring for the validity of a sale that the price be adequate.G. 47. not void ab initio.. Sta. or which are absolutely simulated or fictitious. Herbosa (59 O.. 1409. and without regard to the manner in which they are called to the succession..000. (lbid. If therefore the contract has no causa or consideration.. who would labor under no incapacity to maintain the action from the mere fact that they may be only collateral relatives and bound neither principally or subsidiarily under the deed or contract of conveyance. contracts with a cause that did not exist at the time of the transaction are inexistent and void from the beginning. Chua Pua Hermanos. cannot bring myself to agree to the proposition that the heirs intestate would have no legal standing to contest the conveyance made by the deceased if the same were made without any consideration. Art. They: 1. makes the contract. P. 14 A logical consequence of that change is the juridical status of contracts without. such an action is not founded on fraud. once more citing Manresa 17 also point out that the "services" mentioned in the questioned deeds of sale are not only vague and uncertain. 1458 of the Civil Code. not to say enormous. the fact that the vendees were minors.g. For the reasons already stated. par. 536. pp. On the contrary.another result obtains. Mr.B." Justice Reyes clearly had in mind the fact that the law as it is now (and already was in the time Armentia) no longer deems contracts with a false cause.. in essence. prescribes that it must be real. which renders the contract voidable. and does not satisfy the law which.20 for a house.. which is essential to the validity of a sale. Besides. but declares them void. e. but that there is no need of such a close examination when the immense disproportion between such economic values is patent a case of insignificant or ridiculous price. The petitioners here argue on a broad front that the very recitals of the questioned deeds of sale reveal such want or spuriousness of consideration and therefore the void character of said sales. are void ab initio for lack or falsity of consideration. but are unknown and not susceptible of determination without the necessity of a new agreement between the parties to said deeds. in prescribing that a sale be for a . The Court said: Hypothetically admitting the truth of these allegations (of plaintiffs complaint). that ruling is not extendible to transfers which. inexistent ("nulo") unless it is shown that they are supported by another true and lawful cause or consideration. which are voidable for having been fraudulently made or obtained. they gambled their right to adduce evidence on a dismissal in the Trial Court and lost. valid.. whose status as such is not challenged. it is well-known. in an obvious reference to the services mentioned in the deeds.. the movant loses the right to present evidence in his behalf.and unquantified services and the undisputably valuable real estate allegedly sold worth at least P10." (pars. that burden was shifted to the private respondents when the petitioners presented the deeds which they claimed showed that defect on their face and it became the duty of said respondents to offer evidence of existent lawful consideration. Griñ. 20 The transfers in question being void.. not merely voidable. and future. 4.. In effect. nursed him during his ripe years and took care of him during his previous and last illness . SO ORDERED. attorney's fees or litigation expenses are awarded. of the character
[ 349, 301, 29889, 437, 451, 5149, 2106, 278, 2198, 4307, 322, 1818, 367, 7542, 2164, 29889, 278, 443, 6596, 10384, 519, 5253, 310, 607, 472, 2748, 3291, 714, 967, 297, 735, 11416, 29889, 1094, 11520, 714, 29889, 826, 358, 423, 871, 29490, 393, 1301, 25534, 1754, 491, 263, 316, 1133, 296, 297, 670, 25423, 29889, 2609, 367, 1400, 16063, 5794, 2411, 688, 9571, 491, 5321, 1008, 284, 14576, 9269, 292, 304, 670, 19989, 1058, 526, 451, 3420, 635, 470, 11684, 333, 4447, 2354, 3216, 491, 1316, 1301, 25534, 29889, 13586, 1780, 519, 29889, 297, 670, 3022, 1038, 292, 9426, 297, 826, 358, 423, 29889, 541, 2501, 278, 19220, 7432, 393, 278, 20295, 22683, 29889, 306, 1348, 1281, 346, 6739, 291, 7186, 29889, 322, 1818, 367, 7542, 2164, 29889, 322, 393, 278, 2174, 524, 2593, 269, 3158, 471, 2729, 373, 5227, 566, 325, 4812, 1218, 1497, 27769, 749, 29889, 393, 607, 947, 451, 5718, 297, 385, 1663, 647, 928, 424, 5253, 408, 29889, 1550, 451, 26795, 363, 278, 2854, 537, 310, 263, 14686, 393, 278, 8666, 367, 19967, 339, 403, 29889, 29954, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29955, 29889, 451, 1780, 633, 2069, 601, 636, 7434, 29889, 470, 607, 526, 13312, 1027, 7964, 470, 26797, 277, 2738, 29889, 2439, 29890, 3628, 313, 29945, 29929, 438, 636, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29929, 29889, 322, 1728, 4880, 304, 278, 8214, 297, 607, 896, 526, 2000, 304, 278, 25997, 636, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 313, 29880, 23883, 29889, 960, 5480, 278, 8078, 756, 694, 13485, 470, 19220, 636, 1058, 723, 10212, 1090, 694, 297, 5030, 5946, 304, 7344, 278, 3158, 515, 278, 15187, 2114, 393, 896, 1122, 367, 871, 5321, 1008, 284, 14576, 322, 3216, 9561, 3420, 635, 470, 11684, 333, 4447, 2354, 1090, 278, 316, 287, 470, 8078, 310, 27769, 749, 29889, 8078, 29879, 411, 263, 4556, 393, 1258, 451, 1863, 472, 278, 931, 310, 278, 10804, 526, 297, 735, 9696, 322, 1780, 515, 278, 6763, 29889, 678, 3357, 349, 3357, 379, 3504, 359, 29889, 2609, 6963, 6142, 304, 8661, 304, 278, 26619, 393, 278, 540, 12935, 938, 342, 403, 723, 505, 694, 11706, 13407, 304, 17793, 278, 27769, 749, 1754, 491, 278, 23332, 1463, 565, 278, 1021, 892, 1754, 1728, 738, 19220, 29889, 3012, 29889, 2688, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29889, 3732, 278, 8078, 29889, 349, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29946, 319, 16667, 17004, 310, 393, 1735, 338, 278, 11099, 333, 936, 4660, 310, 8078, 29879, 1728, 29889, 1316, 385, 3158, 338, 451, 11091, 373, 5227, 566, 29889, 2748, 901, 7537, 292, 2315, 690, 29874, 29871, 29896, 29955, 884, 1298, 714, 393, 278, 376, 9916, 29908, 5276, 297, 278, 1139, 287, 316, 5779, 310, 14686, 526, 451, 871, 25160, 322, 17999, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29945, 29947, 310, 278, 12886, 5920, 29889, 451, 304, 1827, 18886, 681, 29889, 278, 2114, 393, 278, 325, 3324, 267, 892, 1375, 943, 29889, 29887, 29889, 1152, 278, 9590, 2307, 8703, 29889, 610, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29941, 29953, 29889, 6499, 29889, 1551, 278, 21138, 29889, 23327, 1121, 4017, 29879, 29889, 3237, 29889, 29933, 1213, 17181, 830, 3582, 9436, 750, 297, 3458, 278, 2114, 393, 278, 4307, 408, 372, 338, 1286, 313, 392, 2307, 471, 297, 278, 931, 826, 358, 423, 29897, 694, 5520, 316, 1567, 8078, 29879, 411, 263, 2089, 4556, 636, 297, 3686, 663, 29889, 2225, 699, 5707, 393, 372, 1818, 367, 1855, 29889, 607, 7697, 414, 278, 8078, 1780, 519, 29889, 322, 947, 451, 15523, 278, 4307, 607, 29889, 29906, 29900, 363, 263, 3699, 636, 607, 338, 18853, 304, 278, 2854, 537, 310, 263, 14686, 29889, 19065, 29889, 541, 4845, 5114, 963, 1780, 29889, 321, 29889, 541, 393, 727, 338, 694, 817, 310, 1316, 263, 3802, 4392, 3381, 746, 278, 29403, 766, 771, 637, 291, 1546, 1316, 17407, 1819, 338, 2373, 296, 263, 1206, 310, 1663, 647, 928, 424, 470, 8177, 12906, 681, 8666, 29889, 450, 5697, 654, 414, 1244, 27754, 373, 263, 7300, 4565, 393, 278, 1407, 1162, 277, 1338, 310, 278, 1139, 287, 316, 5779, 310, 14686, 10320, 284, 1316, 864, 470, 805, 332, 2738, 2264, 310, 19220, 322, 5480, 278, 1780, 2931, 310, 1497, 16538, 29889, 526, 1780, 633, 2069, 601, 363, 10225, 470, 285, 1338, 537, 310, 19220, 29889, 541, 526, 9815, 322, 451, 2858, 1547, 1821, 310, 3683, 3381, 1728, 278, 24316, 310, 263, 716, 17327, 1546, 278, 13973, 304, 1497, 316, 5779, 29889, 297, 2225, 699, 10549, 393, 263, 14686, 367, 363, 263, 869, 450, 9245, 1497, 29901, 28984, 720, 300, 1711, 7336, 5367, 278, 8760, 310, 1438, 16831, 800, 313, 974, 2174, 524, 28324, 15313, 524, 467, 393, 364, 19478, 338, 451, 10985, 1821, 304, 1301, 25534, 607, 29889, 297, 735, 9696, 4852, 29876, 7207, 1159, 6521, 372, 338, 4318, 393, 896, 526, 6969, 491, 1790, 1565, 322, 4307, 1319, 4556, 470, 19220, 29889, 607, 526, 1780, 519, 363, 2534, 1063, 5227, 566, 352, 2705, 1754, 470, 7625, 29889, 13, 19562, 24988, 27225, 1009, 1492, 304, 594, 700, 346, 10757, 373, 263, 18918, 284, 297, 278, 8602, 284, 9245, 322, 5714, 29889, 2854, 636, 5069, 4660, 408, 1316, 338, 451, 18066, 287, 29889, 372, 338, 1532, 29899, 5203, 29889, 297, 385, 6924, 3407, 304, 278, 5786, 5276, 297, 278, 316, 5779, 636, 278, 2351, 424, 1232, 267, 278, 1492, 304, 2198, 10757, 297, 670, 2306, 3131, 29889, 392, 443, 12150, 2164, 5786, 322, 278, 563, 275, 649, 2197, 21114, 1855, 19989, 16831, 23244, 5239, 7088, 472, 3203, 349, 29896, 29900, 1213, 313, 862, 29879, 29889, 393, 6866, 1145, 471, 9500, 287, 304, 278, 2024, 10049, 1237, 746, 278, 5697, 654, 414, 9132, 278, 316, 5779, 607, 896, 17049, 10018, 393, 23503, 373, 1009, 3700, 322, 372, 3897, 278, 13360, 310, 1497, 10049, 1237, 304, 5957, 10757, 310, 1863, 296, 4307, 1319, 19220, 29889, 402, 374, 30046, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 450, 1301, 25534, 297, 1139, 1641, 1780, 636, 451, 13586, 1780, 519, 29889, 322, 5434, 29889, 29871, 29946, 636, 512, 2779, 29889, 302, 1295, 287, 1075, 2645, 670, 10107, 412, 2440, 322, 3614, 2562, 310, 1075, 2645, 670, 3517, 322, 1833, 4486, 2264, 869, 7791, 15606, 3352, 29889, 1098, 25252, 29915, 29879, 1238, 267, 470, 11872, 335, 362, 1518, 11259, 526, 15074, 29889, 310, 278, 2931 ]
and value of the services. binding and effective ." an averment that the private respondents not only specifically denied. Gancayco. fictitious and/or falsified and (were) .. 3 . with which the Court fully agrees. there being no evidence thereof before the Court. the Court finds both said deeds. No damages.o-Aquino and Medialdea. were without right to the conveyances in question. and it is not denied by the respondents that there has been no such acceptance which they claim is not required. the petitioners herein. that the properties purportedly conveyed remained part of the estate of Hilario Mateum.. past. to be valid. but void ab initio. opting to rely on a demurrer to the petitioner's evidence and upon the thesis. the appealed Decision of the Court of Appeals is reversed. Neither can the validity of said conveyances be defended on the theory that their true causa is the liberality of the transferor and they may be considered in reality donations 18 because the law 19 also prescribes that donations of immovable property. being mere collateral relatives of the deceased transferor." and. proof. The private respondents have only themselves to blame for the lack of proof that might have saved the questioned transfers from the taint of invalidity as being fictitious and without ilicit cause.lâwphî1. recoverable by his intestate heirs. that petitioners.. their answer)..ñèt 22 The onus. The questioned transfers are declared void and of no force or effect..... for good and valuable consideration . 6. 16 and 17. had done many good things to (the transferor) during his lifetime.. and said respondents are ordered to return to the petitioners possession of an the properties involved in tills action.. which they have maintained all the way to this Court. 23 WHEREFORE. that they "... the respondents not only failed to offer any proof whatsoever.00 going only by assessments for tax purposes which. constituting according to the very terms of said transfers the principal consideration therefor. of showing the existence of valid and illicit consideration for the questioned conveyances rested on the private respondents. and no other true and lawful cause having been shown. JJ." but to which they also interposed the affirmative defenses that said transfers were ". But even on a contrary assumption. in reality donations of immovables ... therefore. Cruz. are notoriously low indicators of actual value plainly and unquestionably demonstrates that they state a false and fictitious consideration. said transfers notwithstanding. 6) 21 averred that the transfers were ". alleging that the transfers had been made ". As the record clearly demonstrates.500. it follows as a necessary consequence and conformably to the concurring opinion in Armentia.. it being the rule that when a dismissal thus obtained is reversed on appeal. insofar as they purport to be sales. to account to the petitioners for the fruits thereof during the period of their possession. Such certificates of title as the private respondents may have obtained over the properties subject of said transfers are hereby annulled. to be brief.. must be made and accepted in a public instrument. concur. and to pay the costs. fraudulent.. present... The petitioners' complaint (par. and positing that the petitioners initially had the burden of showing that the transfers lacked such consideration as they alleged in their complaint. Kong Chai Pin continue to manage the properties (as) she had no other means of income. Mrs. acting in behalf of the firm. in favor of the buyers Washington Sycip and Betty Lee for the following consideration: With these points firmly in mind. either by buying and selling real seedlings planted by Mr. The appellant subsequently ratified this testimony in his deposition of 30 June 1956. When I went there with Hernando estates. to the effect that the properties of the partnership.726. Did you holding. in his motion for reconsideration. that the witness found the properties "abandoned and undeveloped". favor of the original owners. the appellant's reference to the testimony of Hernando Young. that the testimony of her witness Young and Lim belies that she took partnership were undeveloped. and this aspect to the case was expressly reserved in the main What can you say as to the
[ 322, 995, 310, 278, 5786, 29889, 9956, 322, 11828, 869, 29908, 385, 4759, 358, 393, 278, 2024, 10049, 1237, 451, 871, 10816, 17935, 29889, 402, 4564, 388, 1111, 29889, 26797, 277, 2738, 322, 29914, 272, 285, 1338, 2164, 322, 313, 29893, 406, 29897, 6317, 29871, 29941, 869, 411, 607, 278, 9245, 8072, 8571, 267, 29889, 727, 1641, 694, 10757, 727, 974, 1434, 278, 9245, 29889, 278, 9245, 14061, 1716, 1497, 316, 5779, 29889, 1939, 5625, 1179, 29889, 29877, 29899, 29909, 339, 1789, 322, 3436, 616, 311, 29874, 29889, 892, 1728, 1492, 304, 278, 27769, 2925, 297, 1139, 29889, 322, 372, 338, 451, 17935, 491, 278, 10049, 1237, 393, 727, 756, 1063, 694, 1316, 3544, 749, 607, 896, 5995, 338, 451, 3734, 29889, 278, 5697, 654, 414, 1244, 262, 29889, 393, 278, 4426, 3708, 637, 23244, 27769, 287, 9488, 760, 310, 278, 19989, 310, 379, 2327, 601, 29566, 398, 636, 4940, 29889, 304, 367, 2854, 29889, 541, 1780, 633, 2069, 601, 29889, 3523, 292, 304, 19104, 373, 263, 1261, 1038, 261, 304, 278, 5697, 654, 261, 29915, 29879, 10757, 322, 2501, 278, 266, 6656, 29889, 278, 5929, 7943, 3826, 2459, 310, 278, 9245, 310, 2401, 29872, 1338, 338, 18764, 287, 29889, 2448, 2121, 508, 278, 2854, 537, 310, 1497, 27769, 2925, 367, 822, 2760, 373, 278, 6368, 393, 1009, 1565, 13485, 338, 278, 7866, 2877, 310, 278, 6782, 272, 322, 896, 1122, 367, 5545, 297, 16832, 1016, 800, 29871, 29896, 29947, 1363, 278, 4307, 29871, 29896, 29929, 884, 2225, 699, 5707, 393, 1016, 800, 310, 5198, 586, 519, 2875, 29889, 1641, 15187, 5321, 1008, 284, 14576, 310, 278, 23332, 1463, 6782, 272, 1213, 322, 29889, 5296, 29889, 450, 2024, 10049, 1237, 505, 871, 6053, 304, 1999, 420, 363, 278, 10225, 310, 5296, 393, 1795, 505, 7160, 278, 1139, 287, 1301, 25534, 515, 278, 260, 2365, 310, 8340, 537, 408, 1641, 26797, 277, 2738, 322, 1728, 980, 293, 277, 4556, 29889, 29880, 30057, 29893, 561, 30058, 29896, 29889, 9792, 519, 491, 670, 938, 342, 403, 540, 12935, 29889, 393, 5697, 654, 414, 636, 1009, 1234, 20149, 30046, 23855, 29871, 29906, 29906, 450, 373, 375, 29889, 450, 1139, 287, 1301, 25534, 526, 8052, 1780, 322, 310, 694, 4889, 470, 2779, 18598, 363, 1781, 322, 21114, 19220, 869, 29871, 29953, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29953, 322, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29889, 750, 2309, 1784, 1781, 2712, 304, 313, 1552, 6782, 272, 29897, 2645, 670, 25423, 636, 322, 1497, 10049, 1237, 526, 10372, 304, 736, 304, 278, 5697, 654, 414, 17715, 310, 385, 278, 4426, 9701, 297, 3428, 29879, 3158, 636, 607, 896, 505, 19949, 599, 278, 982, 304, 445, 9245, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29941, 5754, 5800, 1525, 29889, 393, 896, 29804, 278, 10049, 1237, 451, 871, 5229, 304, 5957, 738, 5296, 825, 578, 1310, 29889, 29900, 29900, 2675, 871, 491, 24809, 1860, 363, 8818, 11976, 607, 29889, 1040, 12937, 292, 5034, 304, 278, 1407, 4958, 310, 1497, 1301, 25534, 278, 5882, 19220, 727, 1454, 29889, 310, 6445, 278, 10379, 310, 2854, 322, 4486, 293, 277, 19220, 363, 278, 1139, 287, 27769, 2925, 1791, 287, 373, 278, 2024, 10049, 1237, 29889, 322, 694, 916, 1565, 322, 4307, 1319, 4556, 2534, 1063, 4318, 29889, 435, 29967, 1213, 541, 304, 607, 896, 884, 1006, 4752, 278, 2756, 3568, 1230, 822, 11259, 393, 1497, 1301, 25534, 892, 11393, 1205, 1584, 373, 263, 21138, 11833, 29889, 297, 16832, 1016, 800, 310, 5198, 586, 1849, 2023, 5480, 29889, 17960, 29889, 526, 451, 272, 17365, 4482, 4221, 4097, 310, 3935, 995, 8656, 368, 322, 443, 12470, 2197, 9004, 1078, 393, 896, 2106, 263, 2089, 322, 26797, 277, 2738, 19220, 29889, 1497, 1301, 25534, 451, 2541, 11235, 29889, 29871, 29953, 29897, 29871, 29906, 29896, 4759, 1127, 393, 278, 1301, 25534, 892, 11393, 16831, 292, 393, 278, 1301, 25534, 750, 1063, 1754, 11393, 1094, 278, 2407, 9436, 9004, 1078, 29889, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29889, 372, 4477, 408, 263, 5181, 17004, 322, 14670, 2197, 304, 278, 3022, 1038, 292, 9426, 297, 826, 358, 423, 636, 372, 1641, 278, 5751, 393, 746, 263, 18918, 284, 4550, 7625, 338, 18764, 287, 373, 25530, 29889, 297, 578, 15641, 408, 896, 3708, 637, 304, 367, 16538, 29889, 304, 3633, 304, 278, 5697, 654, 414, 363, 278, 285, 21211, 727, 974, 2645, 278, 3785, 310, 1009, 17715, 29889, 10506, 23199, 1078, 310, 3611, 408, 278, 2024, 10049, 1237, 1122, 505, 7625, 975, 278, 4426, 4967, 310, 1497, 1301, 25534, 526, 1244, 1609, 2889, 352, 839, 29889, 304, 367, 11473, 636, 1818, 367, 1754, 322, 9259, 297, 263, 970, 11395, 29889, 378, 2764, 29889, 322, 304, 5146, 278, 21544, 29889, 5227, 566, 352, 296, 636, 2198, 856, 450, 5697, 654, 414, 29915, 15313, 524, 313, 862, 29889, 322, 926, 11407, 393, 278, 5697, 654, 414, 12919, 750, 278, 6866, 1145, 310, 6445, 393, 278, 1301, 25534, 10225, 287, 1316, 19220, 408, 896, 16831, 287, 297, 1009, 15313, 524, 29889, 13, 29968, 549, 678, 1794, 17434, 6773, 304, 10933, 278, 4426, 313, 294, 29897, 1183, 750, 694, 916, 2794, 310, 17869, 29889, 6285, 29889, 16684, 297, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 9226, 29889, 297, 7853, 310, 278, 15649, 414, 7660, 8713, 7334, 322, 29782, 9371, 363, 278, 1494, 19220, 29901, 2973, 1438, 3291, 9226, 368, 297, 3458, 29889, 2845, 491, 1321, 5414, 322, 269, 7807, 1855, 16717, 18964, 8024, 287, 491, 3237, 29889, 450, 623, 514, 424, 17602, 7548, 2164, 445, 28523, 2592, 297, 670, 316, 3283, 310, 29871, 29941, 29900, 5306, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29953, 29889, 1932, 306, 3512, 727, 411, 25962, 1743, 707, 1078, 29889, 304, 278, 2779, 393, 278, 4426, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 29955, 29906, 29953, 29889, 7440, 366, 13587, 29889, 297, 670, 10884, 363, 337, 3200, 1241, 362, 29889, 393, 278, 16277, 1476, 278, 4426, 376, 370, 9214, 287, 322, 563, 29872, 1830, 287, 1642, 7853, 310, 278, 2441, 1914, 414, 29889, 278, 623, 514, 424, 29915, 29879, 3407, 304, 278, 28523, 2592, 310, 25962, 1743, 10443, 29889, 393, 278, 28523, 2592, 310, 902, 16277, 10443, 322, 9628, 1339, 583, 393, 1183, 3614, 22056, 4034, 892, 563, 29872, 1830, 287, 29889, 322, 445, 9565, 304, 278, 1206, 471, 4653, 368, 21676, 297, 278, 1667, 1724, 508, 366, 1827, 408, 304, 278 ]
development of these other properties of the decision of 26 July 1960. to which witness gave the following answer: expressly provided that: I saw the properties in Mamay still undeveloped... Lim. 54. insist that. To engage in real estate business. to subdivide real estates into lots for the purpose of leasing and Youngwe saw all the abaca destroyed. Debts assumed by purchaser: Discarding the self-serving expressions. RESOLUTION REYES. J. wherein he stated: Cash paid P37. was given in answer to the should be set aside because it was executed with the intent to defraud appellant of question: his share in the properties sold.310. p. (Dep. because I wanted to help Mrs.L. contrary to our Now. Salazar and Associates for defendantsappellees. Norberto J. It is first averred that there is "not one iota of evidence" that Kong Chai Pin managed and retained possession of the partnership properties. The third property which IV. having been made against the party's own interest. these admissions of Goquiolay are To Yutivo 62. Yu Eng Lai asked me if I can just let Mrs. Emphasis supplied). They planted camotes and vegetables to feed the (c) That the properties sold were not part of the contributed capital (which was in Japanese Army. 1963 ANTONIO C. never became meet Mrs.. SYCIP. L-11840 December 10. in any event. widow of the deceased partner Tan Sin An. 8). Suffice it to point out that appellant Goquiolay himself admitted that — . plaintiffs-appellants.00 that plantation was being occupied at that time by the widow. Jose C. supplied). she could just do it and besides I am not interested in agricultural lands. 4 .R.. 13-14. during the Japanese occupation Tan Sin an Three things must be always held in mind in the discussion of this motion to and his family lived on the plantation of the partnership and derived their reconsider. Goquiolay. Q — And this conversation which you had with Mrs. ET AL. being basic and beyond controversy: subsistence from that plantation. pages 8-9.. in fact. Japanese Army. Q — So the answer to my question is you did not take any steps? A — I did not. from whom the partnership had acquired them. Quisumbing and Sycip. defendants-appellees. Kong Chai Pin.B. There is no question between And also — partners inter se. the testimony of Rufino Lim. wherein we have upheld the validity of the sale of the lands owned by the partnership Goquiolay & Tan Sin An. although subject to a mortgage in his family.. The Articles of co-partnership. Of course they never paid any money to Tan Sin An or cash) but land precisely acquired to be sold..: The matter now pending is the appellant's motion for reconsideration of our main decision. (Emphasis supplied). The object and purpose of the copartnership are as follows: is in Tigato is about eleven (11) hectares and planted with abaca 1. No. incapacitated by law to manage the affairs of Similarly. 19 July (a) That we are dealing here with the transfer of partnership property by one 1956. omits to mention that TOTAL P153.415. and that. made in 1949 by the widow of the managing partner. partnership which you saw during the occupation? (Dep. pp. the sale receive any income from the partnership properties.04 said part of the testimony started with the question: Appellant Goquiolay. you said that about 1942 or 1943 you returned to Davao. GOQUIOLAY. I allowed her to take care of the properties in order to help her and because I believe in God and — wanted to help her. According to Mr. Kong Chai Pin. Emphasis (b) That partnership was expressly organized: "to engage in real estate business.13 Moreover.EN BANC G. Mr. let us turn to the points insisted upon by appellant. 13. to a stranger. partner. ET AL. The place was occupied by the selling them. either by buying and selling real estate". Sin An.. and the family of the widow (
[ 5849, 310, 1438, 916, 4426, 310, 278, 10608, 310, 29871, 29906, 29953, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 29889, 304, 607, 16277, 4846, 278, 1494, 1234, 29901, 4653, 368, 4944, 393, 29901, 306, 4446, 278, 4426, 297, 27287, 388, 1603, 563, 29872, 1830, 287, 856, 9628, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29946, 29889, 1663, 391, 393, 29889, 1763, 3033, 482, 297, 1855, 19989, 5381, 29889, 304, 1014, 4563, 680, 1855, 707, 1078, 964, 14568, 363, 278, 6437, 310, 454, 5832, 322, 10443, 705, 4446, 599, 278, 633, 11989, 14416, 29889, 7089, 1372, 12023, 491, 10596, 29440, 29901, 3295, 7543, 292, 278, 1583, 29899, 643, 1747, 12241, 29889, 390, 2890, 5607, 2692, 2725, 5195, 21143, 29889, 435, 29889, 988, 262, 540, 8703, 29901, 315, 1161, 12530, 349, 29941, 29955, 29889, 471, 2183, 297, 1234, 304, 278, 881, 367, 731, 17786, 1363, 372, 471, 8283, 411, 278, 7609, 304, 822, 336, 566, 623, 514, 424, 310, 1139, 29901, 670, 6232, 297, 278, 4426, 5239, 29889, 29941, 29896, 29900, 29889, 282, 29889, 313, 8498, 29889, 1363, 306, 5131, 304, 1371, 6285, 29889, 29931, 29889, 21138, 304, 1749, 2567, 29889, 3956, 28690, 322, 6853, 1078, 363, 24663, 1934, 932, 1808, 267, 29889, 4186, 9858, 435, 29889, 739, 338, 937, 4759, 1127, 393, 727, 338, 376, 1333, 697, 474, 4616, 310, 10757, 29908, 393, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 8745, 322, 26060, 17715, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 29889, 450, 4654, 2875, 607, 6599, 29889, 2534, 1063, 1754, 2750, 278, 6263, 29915, 29879, 1914, 4066, 29889, 1438, 7336, 6847, 310, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 526, 1763, 612, 329, 4243, 29871, 29953, 29906, 29889, 27669, 2201, 997, 29875, 4433, 592, 565, 306, 508, 925, 1235, 6285, 29889, 2812, 16130, 275, 19056, 467, 2688, 8024, 287, 3949, 4769, 322, 18655, 1849, 304, 8343, 278, 313, 29883, 29897, 2193, 278, 4426, 5239, 892, 451, 760, 310, 278, 26869, 7483, 313, 4716, 471, 297, 10369, 8811, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29941, 13764, 29911, 1164, 5971, 315, 29889, 2360, 3897, 5870, 6285, 636, 28962, 29907, 5690, 29889, 365, 29899, 29896, 29896, 29947, 29946, 29900, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 297, 738, 1741, 29889, 9449, 340, 310, 278, 23332, 1463, 18096, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 29871, 29947, 467, 2166, 600, 625, 372, 304, 1298, 714, 393, 623, 514, 424, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 3654, 20186, 393, 813, 869, 2174, 524, 28324, 29899, 932, 514, 1934, 29889, 29900, 29900, 393, 8024, 362, 471, 1641, 16404, 472, 393, 931, 491, 278, 9449, 340, 29889, 5043, 315, 29889, 19056, 467, 1183, 1033, 925, 437, 372, 322, 18034, 306, 626, 451, 8852, 297, 18032, 3631, 12625, 29889, 29871, 29946, 869, 29934, 636, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29899, 29896, 29946, 29889, 2645, 278, 10369, 26818, 15066, 8882, 385, 12753, 2712, 1818, 367, 2337, 4934, 297, 3458, 297, 278, 10679, 310, 445, 10884, 304, 322, 670, 3942, 10600, 373, 278, 8024, 362, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 322, 10723, 1009, 337, 3200, 1241, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 660, 813, 1126, 445, 14983, 607, 366, 750, 411, 6285, 29889, 382, 29911, 14445, 29889, 1641, 6996, 322, 8724, 19341, 29891, 29901, 11684, 11416, 515, 393, 8024, 362, 29889, 6515, 29871, 29947, 29899, 29929, 636, 297, 2114, 29889, 10369, 8811, 29889, 660, 813, 1105, 278, 1234, 304, 590, 1139, 338, 366, 1258, 451, 2125, 738, 6576, 29973, 319, 813, 306, 1258, 451, 29889, 515, 6029, 278, 22056, 4034, 750, 16692, 963, 29889, 751, 275, 3774, 292, 322, 8713, 7334, 29889, 24663, 1934, 29899, 932, 1808, 267, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 29933, 29889, 1670, 338, 694, 1139, 1546, 1126, 884, 813, 22056, 1006, 409, 29889, 278, 28523, 2592, 310, 390, 1137, 1789, 9628, 29889, 988, 262, 591, 505, 318, 561, 2495, 278, 2854, 537, 310, 278, 14686, 310, 278, 12625, 15205, 491, 278, 22056, 4034, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 669, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 5998, 4967, 304, 263, 5758, 29887, 482, 297, 670, 3942, 636, 450, 12952, 310, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 29889, 4587, 3236, 896, 2360, 12530, 738, 6909, 304, 15066, 8882, 530, 470, 274, 1161, 29897, 541, 2982, 17503, 16692, 304, 367, 5239, 636, 29901, 450, 4383, 1286, 28235, 338, 278, 623, 514, 424, 29915, 29879, 10884, 363, 337, 3200, 1241, 362, 310, 1749, 1667, 10608, 29889, 313, 6026, 16130, 275, 19056, 467, 450, 1203, 322, 6437, 310, 278, 5614, 442, 8397, 4034, 526, 408, 4477, 29901, 338, 297, 24834, 1219, 338, 1048, 28121, 313, 29896, 29896, 29897, 28834, 5114, 322, 8024, 287, 411, 633, 11989, 29871, 29896, 29889, 1939, 29889, 297, 5030, 562, 22731, 491, 4307, 304, 10933, 278, 19469, 310, 20175, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 5468, 313, 29874, 29897, 2193, 591, 526, 16743, 1244, 411, 278, 6782, 310, 22056, 4034, 2875, 491, 697, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29953, 29889, 2703, 1169, 304, 3585, 393, 323, 2891, 1964, 349, 29896, 29945, 29941, 29889, 29946, 29896, 29945, 29889, 322, 393, 29889, 1754, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 491, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 278, 767, 6751, 18096, 29889, 22056, 4034, 607, 366, 4446, 2645, 278, 26818, 29973, 313, 8498, 29889, 6499, 29889, 278, 14686, 7150, 738, 17869, 515, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 29889, 29900, 29946, 1497, 760, 310, 278, 28523, 2592, 4687, 411, 278, 1139, 29901, 2401, 514, 424, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 366, 1497, 393, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 470, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29941, 366, 4133, 304, 360, 879, 29877, 29889, 21947, 29984, 3120, 29949, 18799, 29889, 306, 6068, 902, 304, 2125, 2562, 310, 278, 4426, 297, 1797, 304, 1371, 902, 322, 1363, 306, 4658, 297, 4177, 322, 813, 5131, 304, 1371, 902, 29889, 7579, 304, 3237, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 2812, 16130, 275, 313, 29890, 29897, 2193, 22056, 4034, 471, 4653, 368, 19098, 29901, 376, 517, 3033, 482, 297, 1855, 19989, 5381, 29889, 29896, 29941, 12808, 29889, 1430, 350, 2190, 29907, 402, 29889, 3237, 29889, 1235, 502, 2507, 304, 278, 3291, 1663, 12652, 2501, 491, 623, 514, 424, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 304, 263, 26507, 29889, 18096, 29889, 382, 29911, 14445, 29889, 450, 2058, 471, 16404, 491, 278, 269, 7807, 963, 29889, 2845, 491, 1321, 5414, 322, 269, 7807, 1855, 19989, 1642, 8882, 530, 636, 322, 278, 3942, 310, 278, 9449, 340, 313 ]
Kong Chai Pin) did not over the administration of the partnership property.000. Tan Sin An (Executed in her dual capacity as Administratrix of the husband's estate and as partner in lieu of the husband). What can you say to that? (Dep.91 certainly entitled to greater weight than those of Hernando Young and Rufino Lim. To Sing Yee Cuan & Co. Tan Sin An. Yu Eng Lai was few months after 1945? A — In the year 1945. Kong Chai Pin there in Davao at that time? more than a limited partner.. Calayco for plaintiffs-appellants. and of course they are receiving quiet a lot benefit from the plantation. WASHINGTON Z. J. p. vs. Then I said. and he did not even take steps to pay. The issues between the partners inter sewere expressly reserved in our main decision. be it noted. as expressly provided by the articles of copartnership. or modify. The heir never was a limited partner. and does not deal with the rights existing between partners Goquiolay and the widow of Tan Sin An. granting that by succession to her husband. Whether or not she complied with this authority is a question between her and the appellant. because he was not interested (supra). as sole general partner. But the authority was given. since no conversion of status is involved. Code of Commerce). to administer the properties of the firm. even as a mere agent: Limited partners may not perform any act of administration with respect to the interests of the copartnership. 5 . or at least ascertain how its affairs stood. and the articles of co-partnership expressly contemplated the admission of the partner's heirs into the partnership. Knowing that by law a limited partner is barred from managing the partnership business or property. continue to manage the properties). and is now in estoppel to deny her position as a general partner. and by suitable notice in the commercial registry could have warned strangers that they must deal with him alone. Even more. and specially because the conversion into a limited association would have the heirs of the deceased partner without a share in the management. It is immaterial that the heir's name was not included in the firm name. both Young and Lim's testimonies do not belie. or contradict. appellant could not empower the widow. waiving the protective mantle of the general laws of succession. in fact. the contractual stipulation does actually contemplate that the heirs would becomegeneral partners rather than limited ones. because he would normally prefer to avoid any liability in excess of the value of the estate inherited so as not to jeopardize his personal assets. This choice pertains exclusively to the heir. the stipulation would not bind the heirs of the deceased partner should they refuse to assume personal and unlimited responsibility for the obligations of the firm. third parties (like the purchasers) who found the widow possessing and managing the firm property with the acquiescence (or at least without apparent opposition) of the surviving partners were perfectly justified in assuming that she had become a general partner. but Goquiolay's authority was. By seeking authority to manage partnership property. last paragraph. It must be remember that the articles of co-partnership here involved expressly stipulated that: In the event of the death of any of the partners at any time before the expiration of said term. and in behalf of the firm. on the contrary.. What this argument overlooks is that the widow was not a mere agent. and answering for the debts of the firm not only with the inheritance but also with the heir's personal fortune. not even in the capacity of agents of the managing partners. It is argued that the authority given by Goquiolay to the widow Kong Chai Pin was only to manage the property. Hence. the disputed sale by the widow took place in 1949. The Articles did not provide that the heirs of the deceased would be merely limited partners. Besides.after the occupation.e. will have to be continued" with the heirs or assigns. given to the widow in 1945.. or settle the firm debts that were overdue since before the outbreak of the last war. For seven years Goquiolay could have asserted his alleged rights. It certainly could not be continued if it were to be converted from a general partnership into a limited partnership. We thus find that Goquiolay did not merely rely on reports from
[ 29968, 549, 678, 1794, 17434, 29897, 1258, 451, 975, 278, 17517, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 2875, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 15066, 8882, 530, 313, 5379, 3860, 297, 902, 14581, 13284, 408, 24510, 271, 2126, 310, 278, 10216, 29915, 29879, 19989, 322, 408, 18096, 297, 13003, 310, 278, 10216, 467, 1724, 508, 366, 1827, 304, 393, 29973, 313, 8498, 29889, 29929, 29896, 8959, 23437, 304, 7621, 7688, 1135, 1906, 310, 25962, 1743, 10443, 322, 390, 1137, 1789, 9628, 29889, 1763, 6106, 612, 3905, 10406, 273, 669, 3189, 29889, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 27669, 2201, 997, 29875, 471, 2846, 7378, 1156, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29973, 319, 813, 512, 278, 1629, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 727, 297, 360, 879, 29877, 472, 393, 931, 29973, 901, 1135, 263, 9078, 18096, 636, 3037, 388, 1111, 363, 2174, 524, 28324, 29899, 932, 514, 1934, 29889, 322, 310, 3236, 896, 526, 13442, 11813, 263, 3287, 14169, 515, 278, 8024, 362, 29889, 399, 24943, 4214, 29911, 1164, 796, 29889, 435, 29889, 282, 29889, 7186, 29889, 1987, 306, 1497, 29889, 13, 392, 540, 1258, 451, 1584, 2125, 6576, 304, 5146, 29889, 450, 5626, 1546, 278, 22056, 1006, 409, 29893, 406, 4653, 368, 21676, 297, 1749, 1667, 10608, 29889, 367, 372, 11682, 29889, 408, 4653, 368, 4944, 491, 278, 7456, 310, 5614, 442, 8397, 4034, 29889, 470, 6623, 29889, 450, 540, 381, 2360, 471, 263, 9078, 18096, 29889, 322, 947, 451, 5376, 411, 278, 10462, 5923, 1546, 22056, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 322, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 16690, 292, 393, 491, 25997, 304, 902, 10216, 29889, 26460, 470, 451, 1183, 752, 2957, 411, 445, 14329, 338, 263, 1139, 1546, 902, 322, 278, 623, 514, 424, 29889, 1363, 540, 471, 451, 8852, 313, 12587, 336, 467, 408, 14419, 2498, 18096, 29889, 1205, 278, 14329, 471, 2183, 29889, 1951, 694, 11301, 310, 4660, 338, 9701, 29889, 5920, 310, 422, 15667, 467, 304, 4113, 1531, 278, 4426, 310, 278, 9226, 29889, 1584, 408, 263, 15187, 10823, 29901, 28873, 22056, 1122, 451, 2189, 738, 1044, 310, 17517, 411, 3390, 304, 278, 20017, 310, 278, 5614, 442, 8397, 4034, 29889, 29871, 29945, 869, 470, 472, 3203, 408, 14082, 920, 967, 19469, 8389, 29889, 322, 278, 7456, 310, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 4653, 368, 640, 16305, 630, 278, 594, 6737, 310, 278, 18096, 29915, 29879, 540, 12935, 964, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 19320, 292, 393, 491, 4307, 263, 9078, 18096, 338, 2594, 1127, 515, 767, 6751, 278, 22056, 4034, 5381, 470, 2875, 29889, 6773, 304, 10933, 278, 4426, 467, 322, 338, 1286, 297, 707, 9354, 295, 304, 972, 29891, 902, 2602, 408, 263, 2498, 18096, 29889, 322, 491, 13907, 8369, 297, 278, 12128, 21235, 1033, 505, 1370, 9571, 851, 13873, 393, 896, 1818, 5376, 411, 1075, 7432, 29889, 7753, 901, 29889, 322, 961, 5584, 1363, 278, 11301, 964, 263, 9078, 15477, 723, 505, 278, 540, 12935, 310, 278, 23332, 1463, 18096, 1728, 263, 6232, 297, 278, 10643, 29889, 739, 338, 5198, 3795, 393, 278, 540, 381, 29915, 29879, 1024, 471, 451, 5134, 297, 278, 9226, 1024, 29889, 1716, 10443, 322, 9628, 29915, 29879, 1243, 20170, 583, 437, 451, 1339, 347, 29889, 470, 27877, 29889, 623, 514, 424, 1033, 451, 3710, 1680, 278, 9449, 340, 29889, 11324, 4357, 278, 12566, 573, 13694, 280, 310, 278, 2498, 14243, 310, 25997, 29889, 297, 2114, 29889, 278, 8078, 950, 380, 666, 2785, 947, 2869, 640, 331, 2341, 393, 278, 540, 12935, 723, 5726, 387, 759, 284, 22056, 3265, 1135, 9078, 6743, 29889, 1363, 540, 723, 12891, 5821, 304, 4772, 738, 619, 3097, 297, 19163, 310, 278, 995, 310, 278, 19989, 23878, 577, 408, 451, 304, 1444, 459, 538, 675, 670, 7333, 21608, 29889, 910, 7348, 639, 2408, 29879, 13489, 3598, 304, 278, 540, 381, 29889, 278, 380, 666, 2785, 723, 451, 7868, 278, 540, 12935, 310, 278, 23332, 1463, 18096, 881, 896, 26506, 304, 5251, 7333, 322, 443, 29044, 23134, 363, 278, 10788, 800, 310, 278, 9226, 29889, 4654, 13973, 313, 4561, 278, 10596, 294, 414, 29897, 1058, 1476, 278, 9449, 340, 22592, 292, 322, 767, 6751, 278, 9226, 2875, 411, 278, 10695, 583, 29883, 663, 313, 272, 472, 3203, 1728, 20295, 19626, 29897, 310, 278, 10503, 4357, 22056, 892, 7970, 925, 2164, 297, 10241, 393, 1183, 750, 4953, 263, 2498, 18096, 29889, 541, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29915, 29879, 14329, 471, 29889, 2648, 25738, 14329, 304, 10933, 22056, 4034, 2875, 29889, 1833, 14880, 29889, 739, 1818, 367, 6456, 393, 278, 7456, 310, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 1244, 9701, 4653, 368, 380, 666, 7964, 393, 29901, 512, 278, 1741, 310, 278, 4892, 310, 738, 310, 278, 22056, 472, 738, 931, 1434, 278, 1518, 12232, 310, 1497, 1840, 29889, 322, 297, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 9226, 29889, 373, 278, 21138, 636, 1724, 445, 2980, 975, 6914, 29879, 338, 393, 278, 9449, 340, 471, 451, 263, 15187, 10823, 29889, 322, 22862, 363, 278, 2553, 1372, 310, 278, 9226, 451, 871, 411, 278, 20328, 541, 884, 411, 278, 540, 381, 29915, 29879, 7333, 19717, 29889, 451, 1584, 297, 278, 13284, 310, 19518, 310, 278, 767, 6751, 22056, 29889, 739, 338, 28705, 393, 278, 14329, 2183, 491, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 304, 278, 9449, 340, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 471, 871, 304, 10933, 278, 2875, 29889, 10133, 29889, 278, 8937, 287, 14686, 491, 278, 9449, 340, 3614, 2058, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29889, 450, 12952, 1258, 451, 3867, 393, 278, 540, 12935, 310, 278, 23332, 1463, 723, 367, 13586, 9078, 22056, 29889, 19065, 29889, 7045, 278, 26818, 29889, 29872, 29889, 674, 505, 304, 367, 7572, 29908, 411, 278, 540, 12935, 470, 3566, 29879, 29889, 2183, 304, 278, 9449, 340, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 636, 470, 3604, 280, 278, 9226, 2553, 1372, 393, 892, 975, 29123, 1951, 1434, 278, 714, 8690, 310, 278, 1833, 1370, 29889, 1152, 9881, 2440, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 1033, 505, 4974, 287, 670, 16831, 287, 10462, 29889, 739, 8959, 1033, 451, 367, 7572, 565, 372, 892, 304, 367, 11543, 515, 263, 2498, 22056, 4034, 964, 263, 9078, 22056, 4034, 29889, 1334, 4550, 1284, 393, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 1258, 451, 13586, 19104, 373, 13676, 515 ]
Lim and Young. and is not here involved. from partner Tan Sin An's death in 1942 to the sale in 1949. Witnesses Lim and Young referred to the period of Japanese occupation. XII. with all the rights and privileges of one. the provisions of the partnership articles that he (Goquiolay) would have no intervention in the management of the partnership. By authorizing the widow to manage partnership property (which a limited partner could not be authorized to do). This belief. Goquiolay's admission that he told Mr. and became. (Emphasis supplied). because it was never revoked. Now. after Tan Sin An died. the widow only became a limited partner.. in negotiating with her as such a partner. Note that for seven long years. they expressly stipulated that in case of death of either partner "the co-partnership .Plainly. Tan Sin An. Of course. The heirs. it does not legitimately follow that they may not voluntarily choose to become general partners. Goquiolay recognized her as such partner. He did not even take steps. there was more than ample time for Goquiolay to take up the management of these properties. in determining what kind of partner the widow of partner Tan Sin an Had elected to become. Tan Sin An's widow showed that she desired to be considered a general partner. since the difference between the two kinds of associations is fundamental. and. But this statutory limitation of responsibility being designed to protect the heir. to cancel. having authority to act for. It must never be overlooked that this case involved the rights acquired by strangers. That Kong Chai Pin carried out no acts of management during the Japanese occupation (1942-1944) does not mean that she did not do so from 1945 to 1949. And in the latter event. But because they are not so compellable. because she had become a partner upon her husband's death. Again. and she did have it when she made the questioned sale. citing Article 1713 of the Civil Code of 1889. but chose to be. at least since 1945. therefore. the co-partnership shall not be dissolved but will have to be continued and the deceased partner shall be represented by his heirs or assigns in said co-partnership (Art. can not be compelled to become general partners against their wishes. was shared even by the probate court that approved the sale by the widow of the real property standing in the partnership name. the heir ordinarily (and we did not say "necessarily") becomes a limited partner for his own protection. in other words. Goquiolay's authorization to manage the partnership property was proof that he considered and recognized her as general partner. and that it did not include the power to alienate. if she were only a limited partner. the latter may disregard it and instead elect to become a collective or general partner. with authority to administer and alienate partnership property. it is pointless to discuss the legality of any conversion of a limited partner into a general one. Yu Eng Lai that the widow "could just do it" (i. The reason is plain: Under the law (Article 148. That belief was fostered by the very inaction of appellant Goquiolay. and does not require the assent of the surviving partner. as we pointed out in our main decision. Articles of CoPartnership). strangers had to be guided by her conduct and actuations and those of appellant Goquiolay. a general partner right at the start. he actually manifested his willingness that the widow should manage the partnership properties. But he did nothing of the sort. the Court expressly found that: The firm was then. en cuyo caso el gerente estaria facultado para otorgar las ventas que fuere necesario. of said firm. The third person would naturally not presume that the partner with whom he enters into the transaction is violating the articles of partnership. 92 Ala. hence within the ordinary powers of the partner. et al. as a general agent of the firm. as well as the plaintiff. And this finds support in the legal presumption that the ordinary course of business has been followed (No. 25 Am.) It is next urged that the widow.Ocurrira una cosa parecida cuando el objeto de la Sociedad fuese la compra y venta de inmuebles.D. 83: If the several partners engaged in the business of
[ 9628, 322, 10443, 29889, 322, 338, 451, 1244, 9701, 29889, 515, 18096, 15066, 8882, 530, 29915, 29879, 4892, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 304, 278, 14686, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29889, 24363, 2264, 267, 9628, 322, 10443, 12992, 304, 278, 3785, 310, 10369, 26818, 29889, 17172, 29889, 411, 599, 278, 10462, 322, 28091, 310, 697, 29889, 278, 1326, 12112, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 7456, 393, 540, 313, 8120, 6578, 324, 388, 29897, 723, 505, 694, 1006, 7316, 297, 278, 10643, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 2648, 4148, 5281, 278, 9449, 340, 304, 10933, 22056, 4034, 2875, 313, 4716, 263, 9078, 18096, 1033, 451, 367, 4148, 1891, 304, 437, 467, 910, 17750, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29915, 29879, 594, 6737, 393, 540, 5429, 3237, 29889, 322, 3897, 29889, 313, 6026, 16130, 275, 19056, 467, 1363, 372, 471, 2360, 6664, 12504, 29889, 2567, 29889, 1156, 15066, 8882, 530, 6423, 29889, 278, 9449, 340, 871, 3897, 263, 9078, 18096, 636, 297, 27214, 1218, 411, 902, 408, 1316, 263, 18096, 29889, 3940, 393, 363, 9881, 1472, 2440, 29889, 896, 4653, 368, 380, 666, 7964, 393, 297, 1206, 310, 4892, 310, 2845, 18096, 376, 1552, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 869, 29925, 7420, 368, 29889, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29889, 450, 540, 12935, 29889, 372, 947, 451, 25204, 15084, 1101, 393, 896, 1122, 451, 27081, 6275, 6755, 304, 4953, 2498, 22056, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 14831, 902, 408, 1316, 18096, 29889, 940, 1258, 451, 1584, 2125, 6576, 29889, 727, 471, 901, 1135, 626, 552, 931, 363, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 304, 2125, 701, 278, 10643, 310, 1438, 4426, 29889, 297, 3683, 2827, 825, 2924, 310, 18096, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 18096, 15066, 8882, 385, 14302, 11467, 304, 4953, 29889, 15066, 8882, 530, 29915, 29879, 9449, 340, 10018, 393, 1183, 7429, 304, 367, 5545, 263, 2498, 18096, 29889, 1951, 278, 4328, 1546, 278, 1023, 17690, 310, 27733, 338, 15281, 29889, 322, 29889, 1205, 445, 1002, 329, 706, 29485, 310, 23134, 1641, 8688, 304, 12566, 278, 540, 381, 29889, 304, 12611, 29889, 2534, 14329, 304, 1044, 363, 29889, 739, 1818, 2360, 367, 975, 6914, 287, 393, 445, 1206, 9701, 278, 10462, 16692, 491, 851, 13873, 29889, 2193, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 8988, 714, 694, 14741, 310, 10643, 2645, 278, 10369, 26818, 313, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29946, 29897, 947, 451, 2099, 393, 1183, 1258, 451, 437, 577, 515, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 304, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29889, 1126, 297, 278, 7480, 1741, 29889, 1205, 1363, 896, 526, 451, 577, 752, 514, 519, 29889, 1363, 1183, 750, 4953, 263, 18096, 2501, 902, 10216, 29915, 29879, 4892, 29889, 11454, 29889, 322, 1183, 1258, 505, 372, 746, 1183, 1754, 278, 1139, 287, 14686, 29889, 7537, 292, 21746, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29896, 29941, 310, 278, 12886, 5920, 310, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29929, 29889, 541, 12784, 304, 367, 29889, 472, 3203, 1951, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29889, 5480, 29889, 278, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 4091, 451, 367, 23556, 1490, 541, 674, 505, 304, 367, 7572, 322, 278, 23332, 1463, 18096, 4091, 367, 9875, 491, 670, 540, 12935, 470, 3566, 29879, 297, 1497, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 313, 9986, 29889, 508, 451, 367, 752, 14356, 304, 4953, 2498, 22056, 2750, 1009, 28688, 29889, 471, 7258, 1584, 491, 278, 2070, 403, 8973, 393, 23454, 278, 14686, 491, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 278, 1855, 2875, 13407, 297, 278, 22056, 4034, 1024, 29889, 278, 540, 381, 22420, 6275, 313, 392, 591, 1258, 451, 1827, 376, 15107, 6275, 1159, 7415, 263, 9078, 18096, 363, 670, 1914, 13047, 29889, 297, 916, 3838, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29915, 29879, 28733, 304, 10933, 278, 22056, 4034, 2875, 471, 5296, 393, 540, 5545, 322, 14831, 902, 408, 2498, 18096, 29889, 322, 393, 372, 1258, 451, 3160, 278, 3081, 304, 394, 819, 403, 29889, 565, 1183, 892, 871, 263, 9078, 18096, 29889, 278, 7480, 1122, 766, 1727, 538, 372, 322, 2012, 3546, 304, 4953, 263, 6314, 573, 470, 2498, 18096, 29889, 411, 14329, 304, 4113, 1531, 322, 394, 819, 403, 22056, 4034, 2875, 29889, 372, 338, 1298, 2222, 304, 5353, 278, 2814, 2877, 310, 738, 11301, 310, 263, 9078, 18096, 964, 263, 2498, 697, 29889, 27669, 2201, 997, 29875, 393, 278, 9449, 340, 376, 26680, 925, 437, 372, 29908, 313, 29875, 29889, 450, 2769, 338, 8656, 29901, 7634, 278, 4307, 313, 9986, 2512, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29947, 29889, 2193, 17750, 471, 9926, 14561, 491, 278, 1407, 297, 2467, 310, 623, 514, 424, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 322, 947, 451, 1996, 278, 1223, 296, 310, 278, 10503, 4357, 18096, 29889, 408, 591, 11520, 714, 297, 1749, 1667, 10608, 29889, 12952, 310, 3189, 7439, 8397, 4034, 467, 851, 13873, 750, 304, 367, 1410, 2618, 491, 902, 7512, 322, 20331, 800, 322, 1906, 310, 623, 514, 424, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 263, 2498, 18096, 1492, 472, 278, 1369, 29889, 540, 2869, 14682, 2868, 670, 17762, 2264, 393, 278, 9449, 340, 881, 10933, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 29889, 1205, 540, 1258, 3078, 310, 278, 2656, 29889, 13, 1552, 9245, 4653, 368, 1476, 393, 29901, 450, 9226, 471, 769, 29889, 427, 2723, 9029, 11986, 560, 9814, 2016, 707, 4568, 4024, 2727, 1702, 4932, 990, 279, 1869, 9712, 294, 712, 4084, 406, 16632, 2628, 29889, 310, 1497, 9226, 29889, 450, 4654, 2022, 723, 18180, 451, 2225, 2017, 393, 278, 18096, 411, 6029, 540, 24395, 964, 278, 10804, 338, 5537, 1218, 278, 7456, 310, 22056, 4034, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29906, 319, 433, 29889, 8151, 2629, 278, 15311, 10801, 310, 278, 18096, 29889, 634, 394, 29889, 408, 263, 2498, 10823, 310, 278, 9226, 29889, 408, 1532, 408, 278, 2174, 524, 2593, 29889, 1126, 445, 14061, 2304, 297, 278, 11706, 2225, 28069, 393, 278, 15311, 3236, 310, 5381, 756, 1063, 5643, 313, 3782, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29945, 1913, 1846, 739, 338, 2446, 5065, 3192, 393, 278, 9449, 340, 29889, 29949, 2764, 374, 336, 1185, 22383, 9541, 21507, 10284, 560, 13413, 29877, 316, 425, 5329, 20483, 4084, 968, 425, 752, 336, 343, 325, 6381, 316, 297, 29885, 434, 7586, 29889, 29928, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29941, 29901, 960, 278, 3196, 22056, 17785, 297, 278, 5381, 310 ]
buying and selling real estate can not bind the firm by purchases or sales of such property made in the regular course of business. i. 522. Y. section 334.Y. place its 6 . Since the sale by the widow was in conformity with the express objective of the partnership. On that day. as hereinafter stated. Rep.. Hill and Ceron. in the course pursued by him. it may be. 550: And hence. individually. though it still had good credit. 31. 1 Articles of Copartnership). Cowen & Mcgrath. Owen McGrath. . a firm. "to engage . and Owen McGrath. 1893. which consists in asking the other's consent before contracting for the partnership.. was to terminate the partnership. this 20th day of May. and was actively engaged in the prosecution of its business. when the partnership business is to deal in real estate. vs. for otherwise he would not enter into the contract. This distinction is supported by the opinion of Gay de Montella1 . to enter into an executory contract for the sale of real estate. 11). and used in carrying on. in the very passage quoted in the appellant's motion for reconsideration: La enajenacion puede entrar en las facultades del gerante. or were pressing for the payment of their debts. et al. and signed the same in this form: "In witness whereof. (Emphasis supplied. Dickerson. shelving.e.. it can not be maintained that the sale was made in excess of her power as general partner. 212 N. But the facts of that case are vastly different from the one before us. its business. Pero esta facultad de enajenar limitada a las ventas conforme a los fines sociales. The avowed purposes of the plaintiff. the immovables thus acquired by the firm from part of its stock-in-trade. This argument is lamentably superficial because it fails to differentiate between real estate acquired and held as stock-in-tradeand real estate held merely as business site (Vivante's "taller o banco social") for the partnership. and the sale thereof is in pursuance of partnership purposes. insolvent. which was Saturday. et al. St. ready for execution. No. 516). Owen McGrath. or was given. andnone of the creditors to whom the mortgages were made had requested security. This obligation of course is not imposed upon a third person who contracts with the partnership. IV.. 409. and for some time had been. undoubtedly creates on obligation between the two partners. Hill & Ceron. but a several agency. had no authority to sell the real estate of the firm. the said Cowen & McGrath. have hereunto set their hands. In Rosen vs. the four chattel mortgages in question. 54 N. surviving partner. Brown. it was held: a partnership to deal in real estate may be created and either partner has the legal right to sell the firm real estate. section 334). Considerable stress is laid by appellant in the ruling of the Supreme Court of Ohio in McGrath. 513. Supp. in the ordinary and natural course of business. And in Revelsky vs. 18. the sale of its real property (immovables) is not within the ordinary powers of a partner. A third person may and has a right to presume that the partner with whom he contracts has. Rosen. movable property. et al. Code of Civil Procedure). At the timenone of the claims secured by the mortgages were due. by Owen McGrath. the petitionfor the dissolution of the partnership and appointment of a receiver which he subsequently filed. which was the first intimation to them that there was any intention to make them.E. 49 N. The mortgages appear to be without a sufficient condition of defiance.. 1.. Where the partnership business is to deal in merchandise and goods. and contain a stipulation authorizing the mortgagees to take immediate possession of the property. Surviving partner of Cowen & McGrath." At the same time. but on the contrary is acting in accordance therewith. and that the law has been obeyed (No. they were placed in the hands of the mortgagees. one partner has ample power. the plaintiff caused to be prepared.
[ 1321, 5414, 322, 269, 7807, 1855, 19989, 508, 451, 7868, 278, 9226, 491, 10596, 2129, 470, 16538, 310, 1316, 2875, 1754, 297, 278, 4943, 3236, 310, 5381, 29889, 474, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29906, 29906, 29889, 612, 29889, 4004, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29946, 29889, 29979, 29889, 2058, 967, 29871, 29953, 869, 4001, 278, 14686, 491, 278, 9449, 340, 471, 297, 14670, 537, 411, 278, 4653, 12091, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 1551, 393, 2462, 29889, 408, 1244, 1099, 906, 8703, 29889, 10088, 636, 9143, 322, 10580, 265, 29889, 297, 278, 3236, 12359, 6742, 491, 1075, 29889, 372, 1122, 367, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29945, 29900, 29901, 1126, 8151, 29889, 29689, 29889, 2466, 372, 1603, 750, 1781, 16200, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29889, 29871, 29896, 12952, 310, 10061, 442, 8397, 4034, 467, 21638, 264, 669, 4052, 629, 493, 29889, 438, 15556, 4052, 3338, 493, 29889, 869, 263, 9226, 29889, 376, 517, 3033, 482, 869, 322, 438, 15556, 4052, 3338, 493, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29929, 29941, 29889, 607, 11624, 297, 6721, 278, 916, 29915, 29879, 20218, 1434, 8078, 292, 363, 278, 22056, 4034, 636, 471, 304, 29504, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 445, 29871, 29906, 29900, 386, 2462, 310, 2610, 29889, 322, 471, 1044, 3598, 17785, 297, 278, 410, 3471, 918, 310, 967, 5381, 29889, 746, 278, 22056, 4034, 5381, 338, 304, 5376, 297, 1855, 19989, 29889, 7186, 29889, 363, 6467, 540, 723, 451, 3896, 964, 278, 8078, 29889, 910, 21578, 338, 6969, 491, 278, 9426, 310, 28832, 316, 4526, 3547, 29896, 869, 304, 3896, 964, 385, 6704, 706, 8078, 363, 278, 14686, 310, 1855, 19989, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 467, 322, 1304, 297, 19436, 373, 29889, 297, 278, 1407, 13382, 23153, 297, 278, 623, 514, 424, 29915, 29879, 10884, 363, 337, 3200, 1241, 362, 29901, 997, 427, 1175, 264, 16337, 11493, 9953, 279, 427, 1869, 4024, 499, 3076, 628, 9814, 1647, 29889, 470, 892, 24795, 363, 278, 19179, 310, 1009, 2553, 1372, 29889, 634, 394, 29889, 322, 8794, 278, 1021, 297, 445, 883, 29901, 376, 797, 16277, 988, 974, 29889, 313, 6026, 16130, 275, 19056, 29889, 12488, 1330, 29889, 528, 295, 1747, 29889, 29872, 636, 372, 508, 451, 367, 19949, 393, 278, 14686, 471, 1754, 297, 19163, 310, 902, 3081, 408, 2498, 18096, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29906, 405, 29889, 1205, 278, 17099, 310, 393, 1206, 526, 13426, 368, 1422, 515, 278, 697, 1434, 502, 29889, 967, 5381, 29889, 28608, 7444, 4024, 499, 328, 316, 427, 1175, 264, 279, 4046, 1114, 263, 1869, 9712, 294, 14670, 29872, 263, 1232, 1436, 267, 5264, 267, 29889, 450, 1029, 20937, 11976, 310, 278, 2174, 524, 2593, 29889, 278, 5198, 586, 1849, 4550, 16692, 491, 278, 9226, 515, 760, 310, 967, 10961, 29899, 262, 29899, 3018, 311, 29889, 910, 2980, 338, 301, 1166, 2197, 2428, 29888, 5611, 1363, 372, 8465, 304, 17473, 403, 1546, 1855, 19989, 16692, 322, 4934, 408, 10961, 29899, 262, 29899, 3018, 311, 392, 1855, 19989, 4934, 13586, 408, 5381, 3268, 313, 29963, 440, 1647, 29915, 29879, 376, 29873, 12572, 288, 9892, 1111, 5264, 1159, 363, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 322, 278, 14686, 727, 974, 338, 297, 12359, 29884, 749, 310, 22056, 4034, 11976, 29889, 1663, 324, 794, 29889, 607, 471, 24211, 29889, 634, 394, 29889, 624, 29889, 7960, 363, 8225, 29889, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29896, 29953, 467, 438, 15556, 4052, 3338, 493, 29889, 470, 471, 2183, 29889, 322, 9290, 310, 278, 16200, 943, 304, 6029, 278, 5758, 29887, 1179, 892, 1754, 750, 13877, 6993, 29889, 910, 10788, 362, 310, 3236, 338, 451, 527, 4752, 2501, 263, 4654, 2022, 1058, 8078, 29879, 411, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 6599, 636, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29929, 29889, 322, 363, 777, 931, 750, 1063, 29889, 563, 283, 3116, 23244, 10017, 373, 10788, 362, 1546, 278, 1023, 22056, 29889, 9143, 669, 10580, 265, 29889, 541, 263, 3196, 946, 3819, 29889, 750, 694, 14329, 304, 19417, 278, 1855, 19989, 310, 278, 9226, 29889, 278, 1497, 21638, 264, 669, 4052, 3338, 493, 29889, 505, 1244, 12578, 731, 1009, 6567, 29889, 512, 28929, 7186, 29889, 278, 3023, 521, 1131, 295, 5758, 29887, 1179, 297, 1139, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29946, 405, 29889, 10503, 4357, 18096, 29889, 9817, 29889, 372, 471, 4934, 29901, 263, 22056, 4034, 304, 5376, 297, 1855, 19989, 1122, 367, 2825, 322, 2845, 18096, 756, 278, 11706, 1492, 304, 19417, 278, 9226, 1855, 19989, 29889, 4004, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29946, 467, 10056, 519, 22884, 338, 12341, 491, 623, 514, 424, 297, 278, 364, 19478, 310, 278, 22569, 9245, 310, 15821, 297, 4052, 3338, 493, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29896, 29941, 29889, 9179, 29889, 297, 278, 15311, 322, 5613, 3236, 310, 5381, 29889, 1126, 297, 830, 955, 7912, 7186, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29889, 278, 14686, 310, 967, 1855, 2875, 313, 6727, 586, 1849, 29897, 338, 451, 2629, 278, 15311, 10801, 310, 263, 18096, 29889, 319, 4654, 2022, 1122, 322, 756, 263, 1492, 304, 2225, 2017, 393, 278, 18096, 411, 6029, 540, 8078, 29879, 756, 29889, 28929, 29889, 2351, 519, 2875, 29889, 634, 394, 29889, 5920, 310, 12886, 1019, 26600, 467, 2180, 278, 5335, 264, 650, 310, 278, 16726, 26130, 491, 278, 5758, 29887, 1179, 892, 2861, 29889, 491, 438, 15556, 4052, 3338, 493, 29889, 278, 5697, 654, 1454, 278, 23556, 918, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 322, 28573, 310, 263, 19870, 607, 540, 17602, 934, 29881, 29889, 607, 471, 278, 937, 938, 7715, 304, 963, 393, 727, 471, 738, 16392, 304, 1207, 963, 29889, 29923, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29929, 405, 29889, 450, 5758, 29887, 1179, 2615, 304, 367, 1728, 263, 8002, 4195, 310, 822, 8837, 636, 29871, 29896, 636, 6804, 278, 22056, 4034, 5381, 338, 304, 5376, 297, 2778, 305, 392, 895, 322, 22535, 29889, 322, 1712, 263, 380, 666, 2785, 4148, 5281, 278, 5758, 29887, 482, 267, 304, 2125, 16800, 17715, 310, 278, 2875, 29889, 6298, 29894, 4357, 18096, 310, 21638, 264, 669, 4052, 3338, 493, 1213, 2180, 278, 1021, 931, 29889, 541, 373, 278, 21138, 338, 16684, 297, 15017, 749, 727, 2541, 29889, 322, 393, 278, 4307, 756, 1063, 26449, 287, 313, 3782, 29889, 896, 892, 7180, 297, 278, 6567, 310, 278, 5758, 29887, 482, 267, 29889, 697, 18096, 756, 626, 552, 3081, 29889, 278, 2174, 524, 2593, 8581, 304, 367, 13240, 29889, 29871 ]
13 Am. except. even as a partner. authority to manage and deal with the firm's properties apart from the presumption that a general partner dealing with partnership property has to requisite authority from his co-partners (Litton vs. then they are incapable of exercising the essential rights and powers of general partners and their association is not really a partnership at all. cuando es conforme a los fines sociales. in the sense that its property was insufficient to pay its debts. (Litton vs. and possession delivered by them to the receiver appointed upon the filing of the petition. including the counters.. because it is not in line with the normal business of the firm. In Chester vs. ready for filing. 67 Phil. viene limitada a los objetos de comercio o a los productos de la fabrica para explotacion de los cuales se ha constituido la Sociedad. 67 Phil. But where the express and avowed purpose of the partnership is to buy and sell real estate (as in the present case). the plaintiff had prepared.. the consent of his copartner. a small part of one of them. and the stores were at once closed.. p. 405. 9 South 182.This laches certainly contributed to confirm the view that the widow of Tan Sin An had. and other furnishings and fixtures necessary for. 406. A. which cover all the tangible property then belonging to the firm. which they did as soon as the mortgages were filed through the attorney who then represented them. Cowen. (Montella) (Emphasis supplied). and Owen McCrath. The same rule obtains in American law. Neither it is necessary for the third person to ascertain if the managing partner with whom he contracts has previously obtained the consent of the other. 338. in buying and selling real estate" (Art. This last presumption is equally applicable to contracts which have the force of law between the parties. Rep. On the day the mortgages were signed. The stipulation in the articles of partnership that any of the two managing partners may contract and sign in the name of the partnership with the consent of the other. In the McGrath case.. quoted in our main decision. and a mortgage is indivisible. the partnership received nothing beyond the discharge of its debts. and the relationship between the buyers. (as subrogees of the Banco Hipotecario) in proceedings for the settlement of the estate of Tan Sin An.. mortgage to the Banco Hipotecario). six years after the sale in question. in the sense that each and every parcel under mortgage answers for the totality of the debt (Civ. Gaz. not being deceit or dolus in contrahendo). in our case. concur. but he did not. Regala. the creditors of the partnership. that Goquiolay can not obtain reparation from the widow and heirs of Tan Sin An. Clearly. to have the sale effected by the widow of Tan Sin An. Is he entitled now to cry fraud after the debts were discharged with no help from him. all of which increased the risk that the supposed fraud should be detected. this evidence certainly does not show such "gross inadequacy" as to justify recission of the sale. We will now turn to the question of fraud. took no part. Emphasis supplied). P37. also Hermandad del Smo. Sanchez. and not to appellant. McMicking.00 in cash to the widow. he did not even care to look for a purchaser of the partnership assets. Article 1860.. Was it reasonable to expect that other persons would loan money to the partnership when it was unable even to pay the taxes on the property.. To show that the price was inadquate. even if the fraud charged actually did exist. had already warned him four years before (1945) that the creditors wanted their money back. There is no evidence that the original buyers. and P54. No direct evidence of it exists. Padilla. But by express provision of law (Article 1294. the McGrath ruling is not applicable.J.415. Washington Sycip and Betty Lee. Bengzon. If at the time of the sale (1949) the price of P153. and insure the preference of the mortgagees. Taking into account the continued rise of real estate
[ 29896, 29941, 1913, 29889, 5174, 29889, 1584, 408, 263, 18096, 29889, 14329, 304, 10933, 322, 5376, 411, 278, 9226, 29915, 29879, 4426, 12435, 515, 278, 2225, 28069, 393, 263, 2498, 18096, 16743, 411, 22056, 4034, 2875, 756, 304, 5054, 275, 568, 14329, 515, 670, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 313, 29931, 277, 880, 7186, 29889, 769, 896, 526, 297, 5030, 519, 310, 24472, 3476, 292, 278, 18853, 10462, 322, 10801, 310, 2498, 22056, 322, 1009, 15477, 338, 451, 2289, 263, 22056, 4034, 472, 599, 29889, 10284, 831, 14670, 29872, 263, 1232, 1436, 267, 5264, 267, 29889, 297, 278, 4060, 393, 967, 2875, 471, 1663, 29884, 4543, 304, 5146, 967, 2553, 1372, 29889, 313, 29931, 277, 880, 7186, 29889, 322, 17715, 20115, 491, 963, 304, 278, 19870, 10658, 2501, 278, 977, 292, 310, 278, 5697, 654, 29889, 3704, 278, 2613, 2153, 636, 1363, 372, 338, 451, 297, 1196, 411, 278, 4226, 5381, 310, 278, 9226, 29889, 512, 678, 4156, 7186, 29889, 7960, 363, 977, 292, 29889, 29871, 29953, 29955, 5241, 29889, 10755, 4046, 1114, 263, 1232, 13413, 359, 316, 15106, 3934, 288, 263, 1232, 3234, 359, 316, 425, 10135, 21148, 1702, 3902, 327, 16337, 316, 1232, 28276, 409, 447, 10719, 1941, 425, 5329, 20483, 29889, 29871, 29953, 29955, 5241, 29889, 1205, 988, 278, 4653, 322, 1029, 20937, 6437, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 338, 304, 15649, 322, 19417, 1855, 19989, 313, 294, 297, 278, 2198, 1206, 467, 278, 2174, 524, 2593, 750, 13240, 636, 278, 20218, 310, 670, 5614, 442, 1089, 29889, 263, 2319, 760, 310, 697, 310, 963, 29889, 322, 278, 14422, 892, 472, 2748, 5764, 636, 282, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29945, 29889, 29871, 29929, 4275, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29906, 29889, 4013, 425, 6609, 8959, 26869, 304, 9659, 278, 1776, 393, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 750, 29889, 322, 916, 15252, 728, 886, 322, 5713, 486, 1973, 5181, 363, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29953, 29889, 319, 29889, 607, 4612, 599, 278, 18806, 1821, 2875, 769, 23329, 304, 278, 9226, 29889, 607, 896, 1258, 408, 4720, 408, 278, 5758, 29887, 1179, 892, 934, 29881, 1549, 278, 1098, 25252, 1058, 769, 9875, 963, 29889, 21638, 264, 29889, 313, 24665, 3547, 29897, 313, 6026, 16130, 275, 19056, 467, 322, 438, 15556, 15612, 29878, 493, 29889, 450, 1021, 5751, 4017, 29879, 297, 3082, 4307, 29889, 2448, 2121, 372, 338, 5181, 363, 278, 4654, 2022, 304, 408, 14082, 565, 278, 767, 6751, 18096, 411, 6029, 540, 8078, 29879, 756, 9251, 7625, 278, 20218, 310, 278, 916, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29947, 29889, 297, 1321, 5414, 322, 269, 7807, 1855, 19989, 29908, 313, 9986, 29889, 910, 1833, 2225, 28069, 338, 18018, 22903, 304, 8078, 29879, 607, 505, 278, 4889, 310, 4307, 1546, 278, 13973, 29889, 10088, 29889, 1551, 278, 2462, 278, 5758, 29887, 1179, 892, 8794, 29889, 450, 380, 666, 2785, 297, 278, 7456, 310, 22056, 4034, 393, 738, 310, 278, 1023, 767, 6751, 22056, 1122, 8078, 322, 1804, 297, 278, 1024, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 411, 278, 20218, 310, 278, 916, 29889, 512, 278, 4052, 3338, 493, 1206, 636, 23153, 297, 1749, 1667, 10608, 29889, 13, 392, 263, 5758, 29887, 482, 338, 1399, 440, 275, 1821, 29889, 278, 22056, 4034, 4520, 3078, 8724, 278, 766, 23367, 310, 967, 2553, 1372, 29889, 322, 278, 9443, 1546, 278, 15649, 414, 29889, 313, 294, 1014, 307, 479, 267, 310, 278, 10765, 1111, 379, 666, 327, 687, 2628, 29897, 297, 8469, 886, 363, 278, 16493, 310, 278, 19989, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 636, 5758, 29887, 482, 304, 278, 10765, 1111, 379, 666, 327, 687, 2628, 467, 4832, 2440, 1156, 278, 14686, 297, 1139, 29889, 297, 278, 4060, 393, 1269, 322, 1432, 610, 2242, 1090, 5758, 29887, 482, 6089, 363, 278, 2025, 2877, 310, 278, 2553, 29873, 313, 29907, 440, 29889, 15853, 29889, 451, 1641, 23332, 277, 470, 8828, 375, 297, 6761, 29882, 2765, 467, 297, 1749, 1206, 29889, 378, 2764, 29889, 541, 540, 1258, 451, 29889, 2169, 2883, 29889, 278, 16200, 943, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 393, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 508, 451, 4017, 337, 862, 362, 515, 278, 9449, 340, 322, 540, 12935, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 17732, 368, 29889, 304, 505, 278, 14686, 2779, 287, 491, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 1317, 540, 23437, 1286, 304, 10901, 5227, 566, 1156, 278, 2553, 1372, 892, 766, 25389, 287, 411, 694, 1371, 515, 1075, 29889, 599, 310, 607, 11664, 278, 12045, 393, 278, 7424, 5227, 566, 881, 367, 17809, 29889, 445, 10757, 8959, 947, 451, 1510, 1316, 376, 29887, 2124, 297, 1943, 339, 4135, 29908, 408, 304, 26922, 1162, 2333, 310, 278, 14686, 29889, 1334, 674, 1286, 2507, 304, 278, 1139, 310, 5227, 566, 29889, 3614, 694, 760, 29889, 2812, 16130, 275, 19056, 467, 349, 29941, 29955, 29889, 884, 10515, 392, 328, 628, 4116, 29877, 29889, 3087, 22067, 29889, 322, 451, 304, 623, 514, 424, 29889, 4052, 29924, 860, 292, 29889, 29900, 29900, 297, 274, 1161, 304, 278, 9449, 340, 29889, 540, 1258, 451, 1584, 2562, 304, 1106, 363, 263, 10596, 29440, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 21608, 29889, 21746, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29953, 29900, 636, 12547, 372, 15590, 304, 2149, 393, 916, 12407, 723, 24806, 6909, 304, 278, 22056, 4034, 746, 372, 471, 9368, 1584, 304, 5146, 278, 8818, 267, 373, 278, 2875, 636, 1763, 1510, 393, 278, 8666, 471, 297, 328, 339, 403, 29889, 1584, 565, 278, 5227, 566, 20139, 2869, 1258, 1863, 29889, 750, 2307, 1370, 9571, 1075, 3023, 2440, 1434, 313, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29897, 393, 278, 16200, 943, 5131, 1009, 6909, 1250, 29889, 1670, 338, 694, 10757, 393, 278, 2441, 15649, 414, 29889, 322, 349, 29945, 29946, 29889, 1939, 1513, 10757, 310, 372, 4864, 29889, 18011, 2911, 29889, 1205, 491, 4653, 25161, 310, 4307, 313, 9986, 2512, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29929, 29946, 29889, 278, 4052, 3338, 493, 364, 19478, 338, 451, 22903, 29889, 29967, 29889, 29946, 29896, 29945, 29889, 7660, 8713, 7334, 322, 29782, 9371, 29889, 20781, 6626, 29889, 960, 472, 278, 931, 310, 278, 14686, 313, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29897, 278, 8666, 310, 349, 29896, 29945, 29941, 29889, 322, 1663, 545, 278, 24583, 310, 278, 5758, 29887, 482, 267, 29889, 323, 5086, 964, 3633, 278, 7572, 14451, 310, 1855, 19989 ]
values since liberation. not only were its debts assumed by the buyers. as to the price: As already noted. even if the creditor's representative.. 343. the claim shall be filed against the decedent as if he were the only debtor. C. In the McGrath case.726. A final and conclusive consideration: The fraud charged not being one used to obtain a party's consent to a contract (i.000. asserted that the land was worth P312.000. it can not be instituted except when the party suffering damage has no other legal means to obtain reparation for the same". 21 Phil.310. Art. and the interest on the principal since 1940? If it had been possible to find lenders willing to take a chance on such a bad financial record. in addition. Barrera and Dizon. they were approved by the court. Secondly. to the profit of the partnership. New Civil Code. suffice it to say that the Supreme Court has ruled that relationship alone is not a badge of fraud (Oria Hnos. would not Goquiolay have taken advantage of it? But the fact is clear on the record that since liberation until 1949 Goquiolay never lifted a finger to discharge the debts of the partnership. section 6 is the effect that: Where the obligation of the decedent is joint and several with another debtor. in the present case. at the very least. but the latter paid. Were it true that the conspiracy to defraud him arose (as he claims) because of his refusal to sell the lands when in 1945 Yu Khe Thai asked him to do so. the allegedly low price paid for the property. But there is no similarity between those acts and the sale by the widow of Tan Sin An. none of the creditors were pressing for payment. the creditors had been unpaid for more than seven years. of which P37. and that the sale should have been routed through the probate court taking cognizance of Tan Sin An's estate. in our case. vs.04. J. how is it that appellant was not able to raise the amount. and had been mortgaged since 1940.. Article 1383. It is natural that form these facts the Supreme Court of Ohio should draw the conclusion that the conveyances were made with intent to terminate the partnership. it can only be a fraud of creditorsthat gives rise to a rescission of the offending contract.. without prejudice to the right of the estate to recover contribution from the other debtor. p. First. Code of 1889. Since there is no allegation. were without independent means to purchase the property. 243. until 1949.726. . In the McGrath case.. If he was such a victim. Civil Code of 1889. or evidence.) are not questioned. and the rest in partnership debts assumed by the purchaser. Concepcion. the lands sold were those acquired to be sold.04 was really low. 1685). Yu Khe Thai. all of which was known to them at the time. Appellant seeks to create the impression that he was the victim of a conspiracy between the Yutivo firm and their component members. for the balance on the original purchase price of the land sold (sue first to La Urbana. these buyers did not have a record of inveterate defaults like the partnership "Tan Sin An & Goquiolay". New Civil Code) "the action for rescission is subsidiary. (Cas cit. who is 1955. and Rule 87. In the McGrath case. the present suit to rescind the sale in question is not maintainable. Nombre de Jesus vs. Neither was there any anomaly in the filing of the claims of Yutivo and Sing Yee Cuan & Co. This for two reasons: First. and that they were not within the powers of McGrath as a partner. That the Yutivos should be willing to extend credit to them. Tan Sin An and the partnership "Tan Sin An & Goquiolay" were solidary (Joint and several)debtors (Exhibits "N". but appellant point out. and the fact that the sale in question was practically a forced sale because the partnership had no other means to pay its legitimate debts.e. But no proof is adduced. These debts
[ 1819, 1951, 7866, 362, 29889, 451, 871, 892, 967, 2553, 1372, 12023, 491, 278, 15649, 414, 29889, 408, 304, 278, 8666, 29901, 1094, 2307, 11682, 29889, 1584, 565, 278, 6625, 2105, 29915, 29879, 21097, 636, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29941, 29889, 278, 5995, 4091, 367, 934, 29881, 2750, 278, 316, 1133, 296, 408, 565, 540, 892, 278, 871, 2553, 7345, 29889, 315, 29889, 512, 278, 4052, 3338, 493, 1206, 29889, 29955, 29906, 29953, 29889, 319, 2186, 322, 21204, 573, 19220, 29901, 450, 5227, 566, 20139, 451, 1641, 697, 1304, 304, 4017, 263, 6263, 29915, 29879, 20218, 304, 263, 8078, 313, 29875, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 4974, 287, 393, 278, 2982, 471, 7088, 349, 29941, 29896, 29906, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 372, 508, 451, 367, 25444, 3860, 5174, 746, 278, 6263, 23164, 18658, 756, 694, 916, 11706, 2794, 304, 4017, 337, 862, 362, 363, 278, 1021, 1642, 29871, 29906, 29896, 5241, 29889, 29941, 29896, 29900, 29889, 3012, 29889, 322, 278, 4066, 373, 278, 5882, 1951, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 29973, 960, 372, 750, 1063, 1950, 304, 1284, 301, 21043, 17762, 304, 2125, 263, 8825, 373, 1316, 263, 4319, 18161, 2407, 29889, 297, 6124, 29889, 2261, 13941, 322, 360, 18162, 29889, 896, 892, 23454, 491, 278, 8973, 29889, 6440, 368, 29889, 304, 278, 21665, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 1570, 12886, 5920, 29889, 9378, 625, 372, 304, 1827, 393, 278, 22569, 9245, 756, 29490, 393, 9443, 7432, 338, 451, 263, 4319, 479, 310, 5227, 566, 313, 29949, 2849, 379, 17639, 29889, 723, 451, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 505, 4586, 10631, 310, 372, 29973, 1205, 278, 2114, 338, 2821, 373, 278, 2407, 393, 1951, 7866, 362, 2745, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 2360, 26239, 263, 19917, 304, 766, 23367, 278, 2553, 1372, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 4004, 29871, 29953, 338, 278, 2779, 393, 29901, 6804, 278, 10788, 362, 310, 278, 316, 1133, 296, 338, 14002, 322, 3196, 411, 1790, 2553, 7345, 29889, 297, 278, 2198, 1206, 29889, 472, 278, 1407, 3203, 29889, 541, 278, 7480, 12530, 29889, 399, 406, 372, 1565, 393, 278, 21588, 29875, 10068, 304, 822, 336, 566, 1075, 28811, 313, 294, 540, 16726, 29897, 1363, 310, 670, 2143, 375, 284, 304, 19417, 278, 12625, 746, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 27669, 476, 354, 498, 1794, 4433, 1075, 304, 437, 577, 29889, 278, 16831, 23244, 4482, 8666, 12530, 363, 278, 2875, 29889, 1205, 727, 338, 694, 29501, 1546, 1906, 14741, 322, 278, 14686, 491, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 5642, 310, 278, 16200, 943, 892, 24795, 363, 19179, 29889, 278, 16200, 943, 750, 1063, 443, 3274, 333, 363, 901, 1135, 9881, 2440, 29889, 310, 607, 349, 29941, 29955, 29889, 322, 393, 278, 14686, 881, 505, 1063, 6745, 287, 1549, 278, 2070, 403, 8973, 5622, 25323, 466, 749, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 29915, 29879, 19989, 29889, 297, 1749, 1206, 29889, 7186, 29889, 29900, 29946, 29889, 435, 29889, 920, 338, 372, 393, 623, 514, 424, 471, 451, 2221, 304, 12020, 278, 5253, 29889, 322, 750, 1063, 5758, 29887, 4063, 1951, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 636, 21746, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29947, 29941, 29889, 739, 338, 5613, 393, 883, 1438, 17099, 278, 22569, 9245, 310, 15821, 881, 4216, 278, 15997, 393, 278, 27769, 2925, 892, 1754, 411, 7609, 304, 29504, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 372, 508, 871, 367, 263, 5227, 566, 310, 6625, 2105, 303, 2455, 4076, 14451, 304, 263, 620, 29883, 2333, 310, 278, 1283, 2548, 8078, 636, 1728, 758, 17675, 625, 304, 278, 1492, 310, 278, 19989, 304, 9792, 11896, 515, 278, 916, 2553, 7345, 29889, 282, 29889, 3824, 29889, 5920, 310, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29929, 29889, 4001, 727, 338, 694, 16831, 362, 29889, 892, 1728, 7417, 2794, 304, 20590, 278, 2875, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29941, 29889, 2745, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29889, 29955, 29906, 29953, 29889, 869, 512, 278, 4052, 3338, 493, 1206, 636, 960, 540, 471, 1316, 263, 28985, 29889, 12886, 5920, 310, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29929, 29889, 470, 10757, 1846, 526, 451, 1139, 287, 29889, 322, 278, 1791, 297, 22056, 4034, 2553, 1372, 12023, 491, 278, 10596, 29440, 29889, 1281, 346, 6739, 291, 29889, 278, 12625, 5239, 892, 1906, 16692, 304, 367, 5239, 29889, 29900, 29946, 471, 2289, 4482, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29947, 29945, 467, 27669, 476, 354, 498, 1794, 29889, 599, 310, 607, 471, 2998, 304, 963, 472, 278, 931, 29889, 2401, 514, 424, 1074, 2039, 304, 1653, 278, 17188, 393, 540, 471, 278, 28985, 310, 263, 21588, 29875, 10068, 1546, 278, 612, 329, 4243, 9226, 322, 1009, 4163, 5144, 29889, 363, 278, 17346, 373, 278, 2441, 20590, 8666, 310, 278, 2982, 5239, 313, 29879, 434, 937, 304, 997, 501, 6050, 1648, 29889, 1438, 15649, 414, 1258, 451, 505, 263, 2407, 310, 2437, 1308, 403, 21274, 763, 278, 22056, 4034, 376, 29911, 273, 8882, 530, 669, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 1642, 1570, 12886, 5920, 29897, 376, 1552, 3158, 363, 620, 29883, 2333, 338, 11684, 8819, 653, 29889, 313, 29907, 294, 7537, 29889, 1058, 338, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29945, 29889, 322, 27308, 29871, 29947, 29955, 29889, 512, 278, 4052, 3338, 493, 1206, 29889, 278, 2198, 14726, 304, 620, 29883, 513, 278, 14686, 297, 1139, 338, 451, 7344, 519, 29889, 20583, 1030, 316, 13825, 7186, 29889, 2448, 2121, 471, 727, 738, 29342, 14997, 297, 278, 977, 292, 310, 278, 16726, 310, 612, 329, 4243, 322, 6106, 612, 3905, 10406, 273, 669, 3189, 29889, 910, 363, 1023, 9590, 29901, 3824, 29889, 322, 393, 896, 892, 451, 2629, 278, 10801, 310, 4052, 3338, 493, 408, 263, 18096, 29889, 2193, 278, 612, 329, 12927, 881, 367, 17762, 304, 10985, 16200, 304, 963, 29889, 15066, 8882, 530, 322, 278, 22056, 4034, 376, 29911, 273, 8882, 530, 669, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29908, 892, 7773, 653, 313, 29967, 2461, 322, 3196, 29897, 311, 3116, 943, 313, 1252, 6335, 1169, 376, 29940, 1642, 541, 623, 514, 424, 1298, 714, 29889, 322, 278, 2114, 393, 278, 14686, 297, 1139, 471, 4120, 1711, 263, 11826, 14686, 1363, 278, 22056, 4034, 750, 694, 916, 2794, 304, 5146, 967, 25204, 6490, 2553, 1372, 29889, 29872, 29889, 1205, 694, 5296, 338, 594, 700, 1133, 29889, 4525, 2553, 1372 ]
(62. redeemed by the two creditorsclaimants.properly beyond the control of the firm. if there is fraud at al.00 was in cash.000. as indicia thereof. this property was actually sold for a total of P153. With regard to the relationship between the parties.91 to Yutivo. 40 Off. first to La Urbana. the motion for reconsideration is denied. appellant relies on the testimony of the realtor Mata. in fact.. and their claims had been approved by the probate court for payment. (Emphasis supplied). 7 . and the widow of Tan Sin An. and its approval is now final. PREMISES CONSIDERED. as they were justly entitled to? It is argued that the land could have been mortgaged to raise the sum needed to discharge the debts.. the sale included even the fixtures used in the business.13 to Sing Ye Cuan & Co. But the lands were already mortgaged. and then to the Banco Hipotecario. 2089). he could have easily defeated the conspirators by raising money and paying off the firm's debts between 1945 and 1949. is neither illegal nor immoral. JJ. the solidary obligation was guaranteed by a mortgage on the properties of the partnership and those of Tan Sim An personally. The claims were.00. it is certainly strange that the conspirators should wait 4 years. later to the Banco Hipotecario) plus accrued interests and taxes.. alleging that they represent obligations of both Tan Sin An and the partnership. Goquiolay filed on July 25. and Sing. It should be noted that these transactions took place without the knowledge of Goquiolay and it is admitted that Betty Lee and Washington Z. the partnership acquired three parcels of land known as Lots Nos. 1940. payable in ten years. The plaintiffs in their complaint challenged the authority of Kong Chai Pin to sell the partnership properties on the ground that she had no authority to sell because even granting that she became a partner upon the death of Tan Sin An the power of attorney granted in favor of the latter expired after his death. sent her counsel. Inc. Goquiolay.000. Goquiolay refused both to sell his interest in the partnership as well as to execute the power of attorney..000. dissenting: This is an appeal from a decision of the Court of First Instance of Davao dismissing the complaint filed by Antonio C. Following approval by the court of the petition for authority to sell. 1940. Yee and Cuan Co.. the widow. 1944. The business of the partnership was to engage in buying real estate properties for subdivision. 1947. Zycip subsequently executed a deed of sale of the same properties in favor of their co-defendant Insular Development Company. 1949 in the intestate proceedings a petition to set aside the order of the court approving the sale. with money given by the latter. On the same date. (2) his widow Kong Chai Pin did not inherit the management of the 8 . and presuming to act as managing partner of the partnership. 1946 a claim each in the intestate proceedings of Tan Sin An for the sum of P84. Dominador Zuño. 441 and 521 of the cadastral survey of Davao. Sing. seeking to annul the sale made Z. In 1948. Yee and Cuan Co. all of whom are minors of tender age.. While the order was pending appeal in the Supreme Court. 1940. the deceased to be represented by his heirs. executed on April 4.. Yee and Cuan Co. the Supreme Court remanded the original case to the probate court for rehearing due to lack of necessary parties. Inc. Inc.. Sycip in consideration of the payment to Kong Chai Pin of the sum of P37. 526. these two claims were approved by the court. et al. defended the validity of the sale on the theory that she succeeded to all the rights and prerogatives of Tan Sin an as managing partner. Having failed to get Goquiolay to sell his share in the partnership. Inc. The admission was predicted on the ground that
[ 313, 29953, 29906, 29889, 337, 311, 22580, 491, 278, 1023, 16200, 943, 29883, 8342, 1934, 29889, 771, 546, 368, 8724, 278, 2761, 310, 278, 9226, 29889, 565, 727, 338, 5227, 566, 472, 394, 29889, 29900, 29900, 471, 297, 274, 1161, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 408, 4221, 423, 727, 974, 29889, 445, 2875, 471, 2869, 5239, 363, 263, 3001, 310, 349, 29896, 29945, 29941, 29889, 2973, 4880, 304, 278, 9443, 1546, 278, 13973, 29889, 29929, 29896, 304, 612, 329, 4243, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29900, 5947, 29889, 937, 304, 997, 501, 6050, 1648, 29889, 278, 10884, 363, 337, 3200, 1241, 362, 338, 17935, 29889, 623, 514, 424, 337, 3687, 373, 278, 28523, 2592, 310, 278, 1855, 7345, 341, 532, 29889, 297, 2114, 636, 322, 1009, 16726, 750, 1063, 23454, 491, 278, 2070, 403, 8973, 363, 19179, 29889, 313, 6026, 16130, 275, 19056, 467, 29871, 29955, 869, 322, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 322, 967, 2134, 791, 338, 1286, 2186, 29889, 349, 1525, 10403, 1660, 29903, 8707, 29903, 1367, 1001, 3352, 29889, 408, 896, 892, 925, 368, 23437, 304, 29973, 739, 338, 28705, 393, 278, 2982, 1033, 505, 1063, 5758, 29887, 4063, 304, 12020, 278, 2533, 4312, 304, 766, 23367, 278, 2553, 1372, 636, 278, 14686, 5134, 1584, 278, 5713, 486, 1973, 1304, 297, 278, 5381, 29889, 29896, 29941, 304, 6106, 10134, 10406, 273, 669, 3189, 29889, 1205, 278, 12625, 892, 2307, 5758, 29887, 4063, 29889, 322, 769, 304, 278, 10765, 1111, 379, 666, 327, 687, 2628, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29947, 29929, 467, 540, 1033, 505, 5948, 16235, 278, 21588, 381, 4097, 491, 29263, 6909, 322, 5146, 292, 1283, 278, 9226, 29915, 29879, 2553, 1372, 1546, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 322, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29889, 338, 9561, 27302, 3643, 5198, 11251, 29889, 435, 29967, 29889, 278, 7773, 653, 10788, 362, 471, 22688, 491, 263, 5758, 29887, 482, 373, 278, 4426, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 322, 1906, 310, 15066, 3439, 530, 22345, 29889, 450, 16726, 892, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29889, 372, 338, 8959, 8515, 393, 278, 21588, 381, 4097, 881, 4480, 29871, 29946, 2440, 29889, 2678, 304, 278, 10765, 1111, 379, 666, 327, 687, 2628, 29897, 2298, 1035, 582, 287, 20017, 322, 8818, 267, 636, 13, 284, 1397, 292, 393, 896, 2755, 10788, 800, 310, 1716, 15066, 8882, 530, 322, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 934, 29881, 373, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29889, 322, 6106, 29889, 739, 881, 367, 11682, 393, 1438, 22160, 3614, 2058, 1728, 278, 7134, 310, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 322, 372, 338, 20186, 393, 29782, 9371, 322, 7660, 796, 29889, 278, 22056, 4034, 16692, 2211, 20067, 1379, 310, 2982, 2998, 408, 365, 1862, 405, 359, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 29889, 5146, 519, 297, 3006, 2440, 29889, 450, 2174, 524, 28324, 297, 1009, 15313, 524, 18066, 287, 278, 14329, 310, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 304, 19417, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 373, 278, 5962, 393, 1183, 750, 694, 14329, 304, 19417, 1363, 1584, 16690, 292, 393, 1183, 3897, 263, 18096, 2501, 278, 4892, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 278, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 16896, 297, 7853, 310, 278, 7480, 1518, 2859, 1156, 670, 4892, 29889, 2665, 902, 2613, 2838, 29889, 9266, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 15964, 1716, 304, 19417, 670, 4066, 297, 278, 22056, 4034, 408, 1532, 408, 304, 6222, 278, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 636, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 16317, 296, 292, 29901, 910, 338, 385, 25530, 515, 263, 10608, 310, 278, 9245, 310, 3824, 2799, 749, 310, 360, 879, 29877, 18918, 292, 278, 15313, 524, 934, 29881, 491, 9630, 315, 29889, 12206, 2134, 791, 491, 278, 8973, 310, 278, 5697, 654, 363, 14329, 304, 19417, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 29889, 612, 3905, 322, 10406, 273, 3189, 636, 278, 9449, 340, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29946, 29889, 450, 5381, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 471, 304, 3033, 482, 297, 1321, 5414, 1855, 19989, 4426, 363, 1014, 4563, 2459, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29955, 29889, 796, 29891, 7334, 17602, 8283, 263, 316, 287, 310, 14686, 310, 278, 1021, 4426, 297, 7853, 310, 1009, 1302, 29899, 1753, 5818, 13377, 1070, 14650, 6938, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 297, 278, 938, 342, 403, 8469, 886, 263, 5697, 654, 304, 731, 17786, 278, 1797, 310, 278, 8973, 2134, 1747, 278, 14686, 29889, 411, 6909, 2183, 491, 278, 7480, 29889, 1551, 278, 1021, 2635, 29889, 313, 29906, 29897, 670, 9449, 340, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 1258, 451, 13125, 278, 10643, 310, 278, 29871, 29947, 869, 322, 2225, 9929, 304, 1044, 408, 767, 6751, 18096, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 263, 5995, 1269, 297, 278, 938, 342, 403, 8469, 886, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 363, 278, 2533, 310, 349, 29947, 29946, 29889, 13298, 3136, 13893, 8266, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29946, 29896, 322, 29871, 29945, 29906, 29896, 310, 278, 274, 3922, 509, 284, 18994, 310, 360, 879, 29877, 29889, 6106, 29889, 25738, 304, 2889, 352, 278, 14686, 1754, 796, 29889, 512, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29947, 29889, 612, 3905, 322, 10406, 273, 3189, 29889, 599, 310, 6029, 526, 1375, 943, 310, 22707, 5046, 636, 5806, 278, 1797, 471, 28235, 25530, 297, 278, 22569, 9245, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 29889, 278, 23332, 1463, 304, 367, 9875, 491, 670, 540, 12935, 29889, 8283, 373, 3786, 29871, 29946, 636, 612, 3905, 322, 10406, 273, 3189, 29889, 278, 22569, 9245, 1083, 392, 287, 278, 2441, 1206, 304, 278, 2070, 403, 8973, 363, 337, 354, 4362, 2861, 304, 10225, 310, 5181, 13973, 29889, 9266, 29889, 9266, 636, 8713, 7334, 297, 19220, 310, 278, 19179, 304, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 310, 278, 2533, 310, 349, 29941, 29955, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29906, 29953, 29889, 1438, 1023, 16726, 892, 23454, 491, 278, 8973, 29889, 634, 394, 29889, 822, 2760, 278, 2854, 537, 310, 278, 14686, 373, 278, 6368, 393, 1183, 14792, 304, 599, 278, 10462, 322, 544, 261, 468, 5056, 310, 15066, 8882, 385, 408, 767, 6751, 18096, 29889, 15950, 5229, 304, 679, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 304, 19417, 670, 6232, 297, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 9266, 29889, 450, 594, 6737, 471, 25383, 373, 278, 5962, 393 ]
she and the creditors were closely related by blood.. respectively. Lee on the ground that it was executed without proper authority and under fraudulent circumstances.00 representing 40%. Lee and Washington Z. in his individual capacity. The trial court sustained the validity of the sale on the ground that under the provisions of the articles of partnership allowing the heirs of the deceased partner to represent him in the partnership after his death Kong Chai Pin became a managing partner.116. on the other hand. financing the balance of the purchase price with a mortgage in favor of "La Urbana Sociedad Mutua de Construccion Prestamos" in the amount of P25. Kong Chai Pin. resale and lease. Upon learning of the sale of the partnership properties. Tan Sin An and Antonio C.00. On March 18.91. On May 29. On May 29.529. 1960. and among the conditions agreed upon in the partnership agreement which are material to this case are: (1) that Tan Sin An would be the exclusive managing partner. On March 29. president and general manager of Yutivo Sons Hardware Co. with the capital orginally invested. we affirmed this decision but on different grounds. and Sing. filed in November. and (2) in the event of the death of any of the partners the partnership would continue. On May 31. Kong Chai Pin. The partnership was duly registered. admitted later without qualification the two claims in an amended answer she filed on February 28. Sometimes in 1945. more than two years after the approval of the claims. affinity and business ties. in whose favor the buyers executed a mortgage on the properties purchased. Goquiolay filed the present case on January 15. Tan Sin An died on June 26. Yu Khe Thai. the Insular Development Company. defendant Kong Chai Pin. Goquiolay executed in Davao City a commercial partnership for a period of ten years with a capital of P30. to ask Goquiolay to execute in her favor a power of attorney. 1949. Goquiolay executed a general power of attorney in favor of Tan Sin An appointing the latter manager of the partnership and conferring upon him the usual powers of management. and the assumption by the buyers of the claims filed by Yutivo & Sons Hardware Co. and four children.282. Sycip bought the properties on behalf of the ultimate buyer. in her capacity as administratrix.705.Separate Opinions BAUTISTA ANGELO.. was appointed administratrix of the intestate estate of Tan Sin An. paid to the Banco Hipotecario the remaining unpaid balance of the mortgage obligation of the partnership amounting to P46. 1949 a deed of sale of the properties owned by Tan Sin An and by the partnership in favor of Betty Y.75 in Japanese currency. On September 25. Kong Chai Pin. Yutivo Sons Hardware Co. this being the capacity held by Tan Sin an when he died. J.000. In a decision rendered on July 26. Lee and Washington Z. acquired 46 parcels of land executing a mortgage thereon in favor of the same company for the sum of P35. among which the salient points are: (1) the power of attorney given by Goquiloay to Tan Sin An as manager of the partnership expired after his death. 1960 we affirmed this decision although on grounds different from those on which the latter is predicted. After first denying any knowledge of the claims. after the liberation of Manila. The case is once more before us on a motion for reconsideration filed by appellants raising both questions of fact and of law. Betty Y.000. In due course. in his individual capacity. the only assets of the partnership.80.000. as administratrix. 1953 seeking to nullify the sale as stated in the early part of this decision. Inc. 1942 and was survived by his widow. In the decision rendered by this Court on July 26.000. Kong Chai Pin. and the partnership bound themselves to pay jointly and severally the total amount of P52. Sycip and Betty Y. called for Goquiolay and the two had a conference in the office of the
[ 1183, 322, 278, 16200, 943, 892, 16467, 4475, 491, 10416, 636, 8307, 29889, 9371, 373, 278, 5962, 393, 372, 471, 8283, 1728, 1571, 14329, 322, 1090, 5227, 566, 352, 296, 14209, 29889, 29900, 29900, 15783, 29871, 29946, 29900, 15543, 9371, 322, 7660, 796, 29889, 297, 670, 5375, 13284, 29889, 450, 14260, 8973, 15075, 7114, 278, 2854, 537, 310, 278, 14686, 373, 278, 5962, 393, 1090, 278, 1326, 12112, 310, 278, 7456, 310, 22056, 4034, 14372, 278, 540, 12935, 310, 278, 23332, 1463, 18096, 304, 2755, 1075, 297, 278, 22056, 4034, 1156, 670, 4892, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 3897, 263, 767, 6751, 18096, 29889, 29896, 29896, 29953, 29889, 373, 278, 916, 1361, 29889, 11782, 3277, 278, 17346, 310, 278, 20590, 8666, 411, 263, 5758, 29887, 482, 297, 7853, 310, 376, 5661, 501, 6050, 1648, 5329, 20483, 20749, 3357, 316, 5798, 582, 22643, 1588, 342, 14054, 29908, 297, 278, 5253, 310, 349, 29906, 29945, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 620, 744, 322, 454, 559, 29889, 19956, 6509, 310, 278, 14686, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 29889, 15066, 8882, 530, 322, 9630, 315, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29889, 1551, 4779, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29889, 29929, 29896, 29889, 1551, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29889, 1551, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29889, 29945, 29906, 29929, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 29889, 322, 4249, 278, 5855, 15502, 2501, 297, 278, 22056, 4034, 17327, 607, 526, 5518, 304, 445, 1206, 526, 29901, 313, 29896, 29897, 393, 15066, 8882, 530, 723, 367, 278, 29192, 767, 6751, 18096, 29889, 1551, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29889, 6673, 322, 2498, 8455, 310, 612, 329, 4243, 317, 787, 10999, 2519, 3189, 29889, 411, 278, 7483, 1638, 262, 635, 2437, 2868, 29889, 591, 2756, 381, 2168, 445, 10608, 541, 373, 1422, 25502, 29889, 322, 6106, 29889, 934, 29881, 297, 3979, 29889, 322, 313, 29906, 29897, 297, 278, 1741, 310, 278, 4892, 310, 738, 310, 278, 22056, 278, 22056, 4034, 723, 6773, 29889, 1551, 2610, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 450, 22056, 4034, 471, 270, 11850, 15443, 29889, 20186, 2678, 1728, 4021, 2450, 278, 1023, 16726, 297, 385, 626, 2760, 1234, 1183, 934, 29881, 373, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29889, 18512, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29889, 901, 1135, 1023, 2440, 1156, 278, 2134, 791, 310, 278, 16726, 29889, 2756, 13593, 322, 5381, 260, 583, 29889, 297, 5069, 7853, 278, 15649, 414, 8283, 263, 5758, 29887, 482, 373, 278, 4426, 20848, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 934, 29881, 278, 2198, 1206, 373, 5490, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29889, 15066, 8882, 530, 6423, 373, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29889, 27669, 476, 354, 498, 1794, 29889, 278, 13377, 1070, 14650, 6938, 29889, 822, 5818, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 8283, 297, 360, 879, 29877, 4412, 263, 12128, 22056, 4034, 363, 263, 3785, 310, 3006, 2440, 411, 263, 7483, 310, 349, 29941, 29900, 29889, 304, 2244, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 304, 6222, 297, 902, 7853, 263, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 8283, 263, 2498, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 297, 7853, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 8167, 292, 278, 7480, 8455, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 322, 21388, 5393, 2501, 1075, 278, 9670, 10801, 310, 10643, 29889, 322, 278, 11833, 491, 278, 15649, 414, 310, 278, 16726, 934, 29881, 491, 612, 329, 4243, 669, 317, 787, 10999, 2519, 3189, 29889, 322, 3023, 4344, 29889, 29906, 29947, 29906, 29889, 8713, 7334, 18093, 278, 4426, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 8494, 6490, 1321, 7598, 29889, 297, 902, 13284, 408, 6343, 271, 2126, 29889, 29955, 29900, 29945, 29889, 2008, 862, 403, 6461, 262, 1080, 350, 20656, 9047, 29909, 13764, 1692, 3927, 636, 471, 10658, 6343, 271, 2126, 310, 278, 938, 342, 403, 19989, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 12530, 304, 278, 10765, 1111, 379, 666, 327, 687, 2628, 278, 9886, 443, 3274, 333, 17346, 310, 278, 5758, 29887, 482, 10788, 362, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 5253, 292, 304, 349, 29946, 29953, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29929, 263, 316, 287, 310, 14686, 310, 278, 4426, 15205, 491, 15066, 8882, 530, 322, 491, 278, 22056, 4034, 297, 7853, 310, 29782, 612, 29889, 29955, 29945, 297, 10369, 27550, 29889, 1551, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 612, 329, 4243, 317, 787, 10999, 2519, 3189, 29889, 445, 1641, 278, 13284, 4934, 491, 15066, 8882, 385, 746, 540, 6423, 29889, 435, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 512, 263, 10608, 13751, 373, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29889, 9371, 322, 7660, 796, 29889, 16692, 29871, 29946, 29953, 20067, 1379, 310, 2982, 14012, 263, 5758, 29887, 482, 727, 265, 297, 7853, 310, 278, 1021, 5001, 363, 278, 2533, 310, 349, 29941, 29945, 29889, 4249, 607, 278, 4497, 993, 3291, 526, 29901, 313, 29896, 29897, 278, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 2183, 491, 2921, 339, 7820, 388, 304, 15066, 8882, 530, 408, 8455, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 1518, 2859, 1156, 670, 4892, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 591, 2756, 381, 2168, 445, 10608, 5998, 373, 25502, 1422, 515, 1906, 373, 607, 278, 7480, 338, 25383, 29889, 2860, 937, 972, 5414, 738, 7134, 310, 278, 16726, 29889, 1156, 278, 7866, 362, 310, 2315, 4233, 29889, 450, 1206, 338, 2748, 901, 1434, 502, 373, 263, 10884, 363, 337, 3200, 1241, 362, 934, 29881, 491, 623, 514, 1934, 29263, 1716, 5155, 310, 2114, 322, 310, 4307, 29889, 29782, 612, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 512, 2861, 3236, 29889, 297, 670, 5375, 13284, 29889, 278, 871, 21608, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 29947, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 408, 6343, 271, 2126, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29941, 25738, 304, 1870, 1598, 278, 14686, 408, 8703, 297, 278, 4688, 760, 310, 445, 10608, 29889, 9266, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29906, 322, 471, 10503, 2347, 491, 670, 9449, 340, 29889, 512, 278, 10608, 13751, 491, 445, 9245, 373, 5468, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 322, 278, 22056, 4034, 3216, 6053, 304, 5146, 14002, 368, 322, 2775, 635, 278, 3001, 5253, 310, 349, 29945, 29906, 29889, 8713, 7334, 322, 29782, 612, 29889, 2000, 363, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 322, 278, 1023, 750, 263, 21362, 297, 278, 8034, 310, 278 ]
former during which he offered to buy the interest of Goquiolay in the partnership. Atty. 1940.00.00.48 and P66.00 representing 60% while Tan Sin An P12. Yee and Cuan Co. and Sing. And on the same date.00 of which Goquiolay contributed P18. with 8% annual interest thereon within a period of eight years mortgaging in favor of said entity the 3 parcels of land belonging to the partnership and the 46 parcels of land belonging individually to Tan Sin An. Tan Sin An.. these two mortgage obligations were consolidated and transferred to the Banco Hipotecario de Filipinas and as a result Tan Sin An. The court granted the petition. Defendants. In the meantime. Kong Chai Pin filed a petition in the probate court to sell all the properties of the partnership as well as some of the conjugal properties left by Tan Sin An for the purpose of paying the claims. Inc. S.N. however. To have a clear view of this factual situation. (92) the alleged acts of management. it becomes necessary that we analyze the evidence of record. according to the information given him by Hernando Young." and that Kong Chai Pin was not deriving any income from them. In making our aforesaid ruling we apparently gave particular importance to the fact that it was Goquiolay himself who tried to prove the acts of management. If the conclusion of the Court is that heirs as a general rule enter the partnership as limited partners only. 1. p. The buyers were not strangers to Kong Chai Pin. could have not chosen to be a general partner by exercising the alleged acts of management.." It is unquestionable that Goquiolay was merely repeating an information given to him by a third person. Then I told Atty. An Act prohibited by law cannot given rise to any right and is void under the express provisions of the Civil Code. and (5) the sale being necessary to pay the obligations of the partnership properties without the consent of Goquiolay under the principle of estoppel the buyers having the right to rely on her acts of management and to believe her to be in fact the managing partner. Zuño and he asked me if I could execute a general power of attorney for Mrs. I said for agricultural purposes she can use that plantation . appellants have in due course filed a motion for reconsideration which because of the importance of the issues therein raised has been the subject of mature deliberation. Kong Chai Pin had no other means of livelihood. in his deposition given on June 30. In support of said motion. testified on cross-examination that he had a conversation with one Hernando Young in Manila in the year 1945 who informed him that Kong Chai Pin "was attending to the properties and deriving some income therefrom and she had no other means of livelihood except those properties and some rentals derived from the properties. Atty. brought with him to his house in 1948. it is intimated. the appellees themselves are the ones who denied and refuted the so-called acts of management imputed to Kong Chai Pin. it being a personal right. who was a close friend of the family of Kong Chai Pin. even if proven. Goquiolay. Zuño what is the use of executing a general power of attorney for Mrs. it is enough that we lay stress on the following points: (1) there is no sufficient factual basis to conclude that Kong Chai Pin executed acts of management to give her the character of general manager of the partnership.. Zuño. A careful analysis of the substance of Goquiolay's testimony will show that he merely had no objection to allowing Kong Chai Pin to continue attending to the properties in order to give her some means of livelihood. for the purpose of denying the testimony of Goquiolay. Yu Eng Lai told me that he brought with him Atty. or to serve as basis for estoppel that may benefit the purchasers of the partnership properties. (3) even if Kong Chai Pin acted as general manager she had no authority to sell the partnership properties as to make it legal and valid. But certainly he made it very clear that he did not allow her to manage the partnership when he explained his reason for refusing to sign a general power of attorney for Kong Chai Pin which her counsel. the heirs of a deceased general partner come into the partnership in the capacity only of limited partners.
[ 4642, 2645, 607, 540, 12520, 304, 15649, 278, 4066, 310, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 297, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 319, 4349, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29889, 29946, 29947, 322, 349, 29953, 29953, 29889, 29900, 29900, 15783, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29995, 1550, 15066, 8882, 530, 349, 29896, 29906, 29889, 612, 3905, 322, 10406, 273, 3189, 29889, 322, 6106, 29889, 1126, 373, 278, 1021, 2635, 29889, 29900, 29900, 310, 607, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 26869, 349, 29896, 29947, 29889, 411, 29871, 29947, 29995, 17568, 4066, 727, 265, 2629, 263, 3785, 310, 9475, 2440, 5758, 29887, 6751, 297, 7853, 310, 1497, 7855, 278, 29871, 29941, 20067, 1379, 310, 2982, 23329, 304, 278, 22056, 4034, 322, 278, 29871, 29946, 29953, 20067, 1379, 310, 2982, 23329, 29689, 304, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 15066, 8882, 530, 636, 1438, 1023, 5758, 29887, 482, 10788, 800, 892, 1136, 17211, 630, 322, 18440, 304, 278, 10765, 1111, 379, 666, 327, 687, 2628, 316, 21391, 10189, 322, 408, 263, 1121, 15066, 8882, 530, 29889, 450, 8973, 16896, 278, 5697, 654, 29889, 5282, 355, 1934, 29889, 512, 278, 6839, 603, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 934, 29881, 263, 5697, 654, 297, 278, 2070, 403, 8973, 304, 19417, 599, 278, 4426, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 408, 1532, 408, 777, 310, 278, 25482, 284, 4426, 2175, 491, 15066, 8882, 530, 363, 278, 6437, 310, 5146, 292, 278, 16726, 29889, 9266, 29889, 13, 29903, 29889, 29940, 29889, 3138, 29889, 1763, 505, 263, 2821, 1776, 310, 445, 2114, 950, 6434, 29889, 313, 29929, 29906, 29897, 278, 16831, 287, 14741, 310, 10643, 29889, 372, 7415, 5181, 393, 591, 27599, 278, 10757, 310, 2407, 29889, 5034, 304, 278, 2472, 2183, 1075, 491, 25962, 1743, 10443, 1213, 322, 393, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 471, 451, 589, 4357, 738, 17869, 515, 963, 29889, 512, 3907, 1749, 263, 1454, 8625, 333, 364, 19478, 591, 13229, 4846, 3153, 13500, 304, 278, 2114, 393, 372, 471, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 3654, 1058, 1898, 304, 6356, 278, 14741, 310, 10643, 29889, 960, 278, 15997, 310, 278, 9245, 338, 393, 540, 12935, 408, 263, 2498, 5751, 3896, 278, 22056, 4034, 408, 9078, 22056, 871, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29889, 282, 29889, 450, 15649, 414, 892, 451, 851, 13873, 304, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 1033, 505, 451, 10434, 304, 367, 263, 2498, 18096, 491, 24472, 3476, 292, 278, 16831, 287, 14741, 310, 10643, 636, 29908, 739, 338, 443, 12470, 519, 393, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 471, 13586, 28769, 385, 2472, 2183, 304, 1075, 491, 263, 4654, 2022, 29889, 1987, 306, 5429, 319, 4349, 29889, 530, 3185, 21460, 1573, 491, 4307, 2609, 2183, 14451, 304, 738, 1492, 322, 338, 1780, 1090, 278, 4653, 1326, 12112, 310, 278, 12886, 5920, 29889, 322, 313, 29945, 29897, 278, 14686, 1641, 5181, 304, 5146, 278, 10788, 800, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 1728, 278, 20218, 310, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 1090, 278, 12502, 310, 707, 9354, 295, 278, 15649, 414, 2534, 278, 1492, 304, 19104, 373, 902, 14741, 310, 10643, 322, 304, 4658, 902, 304, 367, 297, 2114, 278, 767, 6751, 18096, 29889, 13893, 8266, 322, 540, 4433, 592, 565, 306, 1033, 6222, 263, 2498, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 363, 6285, 29889, 306, 1497, 363, 18032, 3631, 11976, 1183, 508, 671, 393, 8024, 362, 869, 623, 514, 1934, 505, 297, 2861, 3236, 934, 29881, 263, 10884, 363, 337, 3200, 1241, 362, 607, 1363, 310, 278, 13500, 310, 278, 5626, 727, 262, 10425, 756, 1063, 278, 4967, 310, 286, 1535, 23663, 362, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 750, 694, 916, 2794, 310, 7294, 22342, 29889, 297, 670, 316, 3283, 2183, 373, 5306, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29889, 512, 2304, 310, 1497, 10884, 29889, 1243, 2164, 373, 4891, 29899, 735, 314, 3381, 393, 540, 750, 263, 14983, 411, 697, 25962, 1743, 10443, 297, 2315, 4233, 297, 278, 1629, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 1058, 23388, 1075, 393, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 376, 11102, 1098, 2548, 304, 278, 4426, 322, 589, 4357, 777, 17869, 727, 3166, 322, 1183, 750, 694, 916, 2794, 310, 7294, 22342, 5174, 1906, 4426, 322, 777, 23990, 1338, 10723, 515, 278, 4426, 29889, 319, 4349, 29889, 6296, 411, 1075, 304, 670, 3699, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29947, 29889, 372, 338, 938, 326, 630, 29889, 278, 623, 1808, 267, 6053, 526, 278, 6743, 1058, 17935, 322, 2143, 3860, 278, 577, 29899, 13998, 14741, 310, 10643, 527, 649, 287, 304, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 372, 1641, 263, 7333, 1492, 29889, 1058, 471, 263, 3802, 5121, 310, 278, 3942, 310, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 1584, 565, 16413, 29889, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 13893, 8266, 825, 338, 278, 671, 310, 14012, 263, 2498, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 363, 6285, 29889, 372, 338, 3307, 393, 591, 6568, 22884, 373, 278, 1494, 3291, 29901, 313, 29896, 29897, 727, 338, 694, 8002, 2114, 950, 8405, 304, 17668, 393, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 8283, 14741, 310, 10643, 304, 2367, 902, 278, 2931, 310, 2498, 8455, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 636, 13893, 8266, 29889, 319, 16010, 7418, 310, 278, 5960, 749, 310, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29915, 29879, 28523, 2592, 674, 1510, 393, 540, 13586, 750, 694, 704, 6929, 304, 14372, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 304, 6773, 1098, 2548, 304, 278, 4426, 297, 1797, 304, 2367, 902, 777, 2794, 310, 7294, 22342, 29889, 363, 278, 6437, 310, 972, 5414, 278, 28523, 2592, 310, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 27669, 2201, 997, 29875, 5429, 592, 393, 540, 6296, 411, 1075, 319, 4349, 29889, 470, 304, 9080, 408, 8405, 363, 707, 9354, 295, 393, 1122, 14169, 278, 10596, 294, 414, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 29889, 313, 29941, 29897, 1584, 565, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 27320, 408, 2498, 8455, 1183, 750, 694, 14329, 304, 19417, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 408, 304, 1207, 372, 11706, 322, 2854, 29889, 1205, 8959, 540, 1754, 372, 1407, 2821, 393, 540, 1258, 451, 2758, 902, 304, 10933, 278, 22056, 4034, 746, 540, 10824, 670, 2769, 363, 2143, 4746, 304, 1804, 263, 2498, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 363, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 607, 902, 2613, 2838, 29889, 278, 540, 12935, 310, 263, 23332, 1463, 2498, 18096, 2041, 964, 278, 22056, 4034, 297, 278, 13284, 871, 310, 9078, 22056, 29889 ]
1955). 9. Appellants. (4) Kong Chai Pin. have emphasized the fact. however. the rest. because under Article 148 of the Code of Commerce a limited partner cannot intervene in the management of the partnership. Rufino Lim. The arguments advanced by appellants are in our opinion well-taken and furnish sufficient to reconsider our decision if we want to do justice to Antonio C. The alleged acts of management were denied and repudiated by the very witnesses presented by the defendants themselves. This point is pivotal for if Kong Chai Pin did not execute the acts of management imputed to her our ruling cannot be sustained. Hearing on May 5. Considering that some of the above findings of fact and conclusions of law are without legal or factual basis. which he assumed to be true. who must necessarily have entered the partnership as a limited partner originally. also testified that he had seen the partnership properties and corroborated the testimony of Hernando Young in all respects: "the properties in Mamay were underdeveloped. all of them being members of the Yu (Yutivo) family. 1956 that Kong Chai Pin and her family were living in the partnership properties. even if given a power of attorney by the general partners. Kong Chai Pin when Mrs. And to justify this conclusion.. One point that he emphasized was that he was "no interested in agricultural lands. Kong Chai Pin had already got that plantation for agricultural purposes. and stated that the "family never actually lived in the properties of the partnership even before the war or after the war.partnership. therefore Kong Chai Pin. Young testified that in 1945 he was still in Davao. the shacks were destroyed in Tigato. It must be noted that in his testimony Goquiolay was categorically stating his opposition to the management of the partnership by Kong Chai Pin and carefully 9 . Then Mr." He went on to say by way of remark that she could continue doing this because he wanted to help her. and (4) Kong Chai Pin had no necessity to sell the properties to pay the obligation of the partnership and if she did so it was merely to favor the purchasers who were close relatives to the prejudice of Goquiolay. Hernando Young — he stressed this point twice. stating that he arrived in Manila for the first time in 1947. appellants advanced the following arguments: 1. 2. defendants presented Hernando Young. because. became a general partner because she exercised certain alleged acts of management.. 3. The other witness for the defendants. He said: . the same person referred to by Goquiolay. and with reason. They did not rely on the alleged acts of management — they believed (this was the opinion of their lawyers) that Kong Chai Pin succeeded her husband as a managing partner and it was on this theory alone that they submitted the case in the lower court. Kong Chai Pin." He specifically rebutted the testimony of Goquiolay. Plaintiff Goquiolay. the year when he allegedly gave the information to Goquiolay. He testified further that he had visited the partnership properties during the period covered by the alleged information given by him to Goquiolay and that he found them "abandoned and underdeveloped. and the family of Kong Chai Pin did not receive my income from the partnership properties." On the other hand. (T. (3) as a general rule. members of the law firm which handles the Yutivo interests and handled the papers of sale. and insisted no less than six times during his testimony that he was not in Manila in 1945. could not give Kong Chai Pin the character of general manager for the same contrary to law and well-known authorities. upon such terms as regards compensation as he may deem proper. did not give Kong Chai Pin the character of general manager to authorized her to bind the partnership. The most that we can say is that the alleged acts are doubtful more so when they are disputed by the defendants themselves who later became the purchasers of the properties. The alleged acts of management. or the buyers. Garrigues. according to wellknown authorities. La enajenacion puede entrar en las facultades del gerente. 2. is clearly of the opinion that mere acceptance of the inheritance does not maked the heir of a general partner a general partner himself. Being then a limited partner upon the death of Tan Sin An by operation of law. Thus
[ 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29945, 467, 29871, 29929, 29889, 2401, 514, 1934, 29889, 313, 29946, 29897, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 505, 19310, 1891, 278, 2114, 29889, 3138, 29889, 278, 1791, 29889, 1363, 1090, 21746, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29947, 310, 278, 5920, 310, 422, 15667, 263, 9078, 18096, 2609, 26314, 29872, 297, 278, 10643, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 390, 1137, 1789, 9628, 29889, 450, 6273, 12862, 491, 623, 514, 1934, 526, 297, 1749, 9426, 1532, 29899, 29873, 9424, 322, 15252, 728, 8002, 304, 337, 3200, 1241, 1749, 10608, 565, 591, 864, 304, 437, 15426, 304, 9630, 315, 29889, 450, 16831, 287, 14741, 310, 10643, 892, 17935, 322, 1634, 4749, 630, 491, 278, 1407, 16277, 267, 9132, 491, 278, 24663, 1934, 6053, 29889, 910, 1298, 338, 282, 440, 7288, 363, 565, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 1258, 451, 6222, 278, 14741, 310, 10643, 527, 649, 287, 304, 902, 1749, 364, 19478, 2609, 367, 15075, 7114, 29889, 379, 799, 292, 373, 2610, 29871, 29945, 29889, 10056, 292, 393, 777, 310, 278, 2038, 1284, 886, 310, 2114, 322, 21204, 1080, 310, 4307, 526, 1728, 11706, 470, 2114, 950, 8405, 29889, 607, 540, 12023, 304, 367, 1565, 29889, 1058, 1818, 12695, 505, 7802, 278, 22056, 4034, 408, 263, 9078, 18096, 10437, 29889, 884, 1243, 2164, 393, 540, 750, 3595, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 322, 1034, 307, 4089, 630, 278, 28523, 2592, 310, 25962, 1743, 10443, 297, 599, 3390, 29879, 29901, 376, 1552, 4426, 297, 27287, 388, 892, 1090, 4888, 287, 29889, 599, 310, 963, 1641, 5144, 310, 278, 27669, 313, 29979, 329, 4243, 29897, 3942, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29953, 393, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 322, 902, 3942, 892, 8471, 297, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 29889, 1584, 565, 2183, 263, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 491, 278, 2498, 22056, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 746, 6285, 29889, 1126, 304, 26922, 445, 15997, 636, 3118, 1298, 393, 540, 19310, 1891, 471, 393, 540, 471, 376, 1217, 8852, 297, 18032, 3631, 12625, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 750, 2307, 2355, 393, 8024, 362, 363, 18032, 3631, 11976, 29889, 322, 8703, 393, 278, 376, 11922, 2360, 2869, 10600, 297, 278, 4426, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 1584, 1434, 278, 1370, 470, 1156, 278, 1370, 29889, 1595, 8397, 4034, 29889, 5480, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 10443, 1243, 2164, 393, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 540, 471, 1603, 297, 360, 879, 29877, 29889, 278, 528, 26514, 892, 14416, 297, 24834, 1219, 29889, 739, 1818, 367, 11682, 393, 297, 670, 28523, 2592, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 471, 11608, 1711, 23659, 670, 19626, 304, 278, 10643, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 491, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 322, 16112, 29871, 29929, 869, 1987, 3237, 1213, 940, 3512, 373, 304, 1827, 491, 982, 310, 8509, 393, 1183, 1033, 6773, 2599, 445, 1363, 540, 5131, 304, 1371, 902, 29889, 322, 313, 29946, 29897, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 750, 694, 24316, 304, 19417, 278, 4426, 304, 5146, 278, 10788, 362, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 322, 565, 1183, 1258, 577, 372, 471, 13586, 304, 7853, 278, 10596, 294, 414, 1058, 892, 3802, 14576, 304, 278, 758, 17675, 625, 310, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 25962, 1743, 10443, 813, 540, 851, 11517, 445, 1298, 8951, 29889, 23659, 393, 540, 11977, 297, 2315, 4233, 363, 278, 937, 931, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29955, 29889, 623, 514, 1934, 12862, 278, 1494, 6273, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29889, 24663, 1934, 9132, 25962, 1743, 10443, 29889, 1363, 29889, 3897, 263, 2498, 18096, 1363, 1183, 11382, 3368, 3058, 16831, 287, 14741, 310, 10643, 636, 29871, 29941, 29889, 450, 916, 16277, 363, 278, 24663, 1934, 29889, 940, 1497, 29901, 869, 278, 1021, 2022, 12992, 304, 491, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 322, 411, 2769, 29889, 2688, 1258, 451, 19104, 373, 278, 16831, 287, 14741, 310, 10643, 813, 896, 13112, 313, 1366, 471, 278, 9426, 310, 1009, 4307, 29891, 414, 29897, 393, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 14792, 902, 10216, 408, 263, 767, 6751, 18096, 322, 372, 471, 373, 445, 6368, 7432, 393, 896, 18397, 278, 1206, 297, 278, 5224, 8973, 29889, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 1213, 940, 10816, 337, 4187, 9446, 278, 28523, 2592, 310, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 13494, 524, 2593, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 278, 1629, 746, 540, 16831, 23244, 4846, 278, 2472, 304, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 940, 1243, 2164, 4340, 393, 540, 750, 16669, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 2645, 278, 3785, 10664, 491, 278, 16831, 287, 2472, 2183, 491, 1075, 304, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 322, 393, 540, 1476, 963, 376, 370, 9214, 287, 322, 1090, 4888, 287, 29889, 322, 278, 3942, 310, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 1258, 451, 7150, 590, 17869, 515, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 1213, 1551, 278, 916, 1361, 29889, 313, 29911, 29889, 313, 29941, 29897, 408, 263, 2498, 5751, 29889, 5144, 310, 278, 4307, 9226, 607, 17766, 278, 612, 329, 4243, 20017, 322, 16459, 278, 15055, 310, 14686, 29889, 322, 1663, 12652, 694, 3109, 1135, 4832, 3064, 2645, 670, 28523, 2592, 393, 540, 471, 451, 297, 2315, 4233, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29945, 29889, 1033, 451, 2367, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 278, 2931, 310, 2498, 8455, 363, 278, 1021, 21138, 304, 4307, 322, 1532, 29899, 5203, 21142, 29889, 13, 786, 265, 1316, 4958, 408, 21778, 22874, 362, 408, 540, 1122, 316, 331, 1571, 29889, 1258, 451, 2367, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 278, 2931, 310, 2498, 8455, 304, 4148, 1891, 902, 304, 7868, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 450, 1556, 393, 591, 508, 1827, 338, 393, 278, 16831, 287, 14741, 526, 7404, 1319, 901, 577, 746, 896, 526, 8937, 287, 491, 278, 24663, 1934, 6053, 1058, 2678, 3897, 278, 10596, 294, 414, 310, 278, 4426, 29889, 450, 16831, 287, 14741, 310, 10643, 29889, 470, 278, 15649, 414, 29889, 402, 2749, 335, 1041, 29889, 5034, 304, 1532, 5203, 21142, 29889, 997, 427, 1175, 264, 16337, 11493, 9953, 279, 427, 1869, 4024, 499, 3076, 628, 9814, 2016, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29889, 338, 9436, 310, 278, 9426, 393, 15187, 3544, 749, 310, 278, 20328, 947, 451, 2136, 287, 278, 540, 381, 310, 263, 2498, 18096, 263, 2498, 18096, 3654, 29889, 28265, 769, 263, 9078, 18096, 2501, 278, 4892, 310, 15066, 8882, 530, 491, 5858, 310, 4307, 29889, 6549 ]
. Assuming also arguendo that the alleged acts of management imputed to Kong Chai Pin gave her the character of a general partner.5 Here Kong Chai Pin did not have such power when she sold the properties of the partnership. Now. but instead they acted solely on the opinion of their counsel. en cuyo caso el gerente estaria facultado para otorgar las ventas que fuere 10 . cuando es conforme a los fines sociales. upon entering the partnership. It was effected not to promote any avowed object of the partnership. must make a declaration of his characters. and it is expressly stipulated that the managing partner may delegate the entire management of the affairs of the co-partnership by irrevocable power of attorney to any person. firm or corporation full power and authority. Ocurrira una cosa parecida cuando el objeto de la Sociedad fuese la compra y venta de inmuebles. Zuño. it should also be stated. The affairs of the co-partnership shall be managed exclusively by the managing partner or by his authorized agent. second. It can therefore be seen that the question as to whether Kong Chai Pin exercised certain acts of management of the partnership properties is highly controverted. Of course.1 But here Tan Sin An died intestate. an express power of attorney is required. in which case acceptance of the inheritance is enough. in consonance with our ruling that as a general rule the heirs of a deceased partner succeed as limited partners only by operation of law. were not misled nor did they rely on the acts of management. and yet these alleged acts. all shall have the power to take part in the direction and management of the common business. to the effect that she succeeded her husband in the partnership as managing partner by operation of law. only refer to management of the properties and not to management of the partnership. which are two different things. but also because under the provisions of Article 1473 of the same Code she was precluded from acquiring more rights than those pertaining to her as a limited partner. a well-known commentator. And. Atty. it is obvious that the heirs. we may conclude that the sale of the partnership properties by Kong Chai Pin cannot be upheld on the ground of estoppel. otherwise he should be deemed as having succeeded as limited partner by the mere acceptance of the inheritance. therefore. the sale was affected to pay an obligation of the partnership by selling its real properties which Kong Chai Pin could not do without express authority. but here the transaction is not for this purpose. Record on Appeal). could she sell the partnership properties without authority from the other partners? Our answer is also in the negative in the light of the provisions of the articles of partnership and the pertinent provisions of the Code of Commerce and the Civil Code. on this point. the law says that an agency created in general terms includes only acts of administrations. And since. In resume. and other acts of strict ownership. And here Kong Chai Pin did not make such declaration. It would thus be seen that the powers of the managing partner are not defined either under the provisions of the Code of Commerce or in the articles of partnership. firm or corporation he may select. Assuming arguendo that the acts of management imputed to Kong Chai Pin are true. if at all. first. because the alleged acts of management have not been clearly proven. as the agent of the co-partnership and in his name. because the defendants are themselves estopped to invoke a defense which they tried to dispute and repudiate. under Article 2 of the same Code. renders applicable herein the provisions of the Civil Code. could Kong Chai Pin be deemed to have declared her intention to become a general partner by exercising acts of management? We believe not. be determined under the general principles governing agency.made the distinction that his conformity was for her to attend to the partnership properties in order to give her merely a means of livelihood. The authorities supporting this view are overwhelming. and third. a situation which. the relationship between a managing partner and the partnership is substantially the same as that of the agent and his principal. Quisumbing. o a los productos de la fabrica para explotacion de los cauale se ha constituido la Sociedad.4the extent of the power of Kong Chai Pin must.6 Rather. And Atty. even without express power of attorney may perform acts affecting ownership if the same are necessary to promote or accomplish a declared object of the partnership. Article
[ 29889, 17090, 884, 1852, 29884, 2765, 393, 278, 16831, 287, 14741, 310, 10643, 527, 649, 287, 304, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 4846, 902, 278, 2931, 310, 263, 2498, 18096, 29889, 29945, 2266, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 1258, 451, 505, 1316, 3081, 746, 1183, 5239, 278, 4426, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 2567, 29889, 541, 2012, 896, 27320, 14419, 368, 373, 278, 9426, 310, 1009, 2613, 2838, 29889, 427, 2723, 9029, 11986, 560, 9814, 2016, 707, 4568, 4024, 2727, 1702, 4932, 990, 279, 1869, 9712, 294, 712, 4084, 406, 29871, 29896, 29900, 869, 10284, 831, 14670, 29872, 263, 1232, 1436, 267, 5264, 267, 29889, 2501, 18055, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 739, 471, 2779, 287, 451, 304, 27391, 738, 1029, 20937, 1203, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 1818, 1207, 263, 12029, 310, 670, 4890, 29889, 322, 372, 338, 4653, 368, 380, 666, 7964, 393, 278, 767, 6751, 18096, 1122, 13341, 278, 4152, 10643, 310, 278, 19469, 310, 278, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 491, 3805, 13478, 542, 519, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 304, 738, 2022, 29889, 9226, 470, 17266, 362, 2989, 3081, 322, 14329, 29889, 438, 2764, 374, 336, 1185, 22383, 9541, 21507, 10284, 560, 13413, 29877, 316, 425, 5329, 20483, 4084, 968, 425, 752, 336, 343, 325, 6381, 316, 297, 29885, 434, 7586, 29889, 13893, 8266, 29889, 372, 881, 884, 367, 8703, 29889, 450, 19469, 310, 278, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 4091, 367, 8745, 13489, 3598, 491, 278, 767, 6751, 18096, 470, 491, 670, 4148, 1891, 10823, 29889, 1473, 29889, 739, 508, 5480, 367, 3595, 393, 278, 1139, 408, 304, 3692, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 11382, 3368, 3058, 14741, 310, 10643, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 338, 10712, 8239, 1765, 287, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29889, 29896, 1205, 1244, 15066, 8882, 530, 6423, 938, 342, 403, 29889, 385, 4653, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 338, 3734, 29889, 297, 607, 1206, 3544, 749, 310, 278, 20328, 338, 3307, 29889, 297, 378, 1100, 749, 411, 1749, 364, 19478, 393, 408, 263, 2498, 5751, 278, 540, 12935, 310, 263, 23332, 1463, 18096, 9269, 408, 9078, 22056, 871, 491, 5858, 310, 4307, 29889, 892, 451, 3984, 839, 3643, 1258, 896, 19104, 373, 278, 14741, 310, 10643, 29889, 322, 3447, 1438, 16831, 287, 14741, 29889, 599, 4091, 505, 278, 3081, 304, 2125, 760, 297, 278, 5305, 322, 10643, 310, 278, 3619, 5381, 29889, 304, 278, 2779, 393, 1183, 14792, 902, 10216, 297, 278, 22056, 4034, 408, 767, 6751, 18096, 491, 5858, 310, 4307, 29889, 871, 2737, 304, 10643, 310, 278, 4426, 322, 451, 304, 10643, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 607, 526, 1023, 1422, 2712, 29889, 541, 884, 1363, 1090, 278, 1326, 12112, 310, 21746, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29955, 29941, 310, 278, 1021, 5920, 1183, 471, 758, 13347, 515, 10695, 8491, 901, 10462, 1135, 1906, 639, 2408, 292, 304, 902, 408, 263, 9078, 18096, 29889, 263, 1532, 29899, 5203, 3440, 1061, 29889, 1126, 29889, 319, 4349, 29889, 372, 338, 6924, 393, 278, 540, 12935, 29889, 591, 1122, 17668, 393, 278, 14686, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 491, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 2609, 367, 318, 561, 2495, 373, 278, 5962, 310, 707, 9354, 295, 29889, 6467, 540, 881, 367, 316, 22580, 408, 2534, 14792, 408, 9078, 18096, 491, 278, 15187, 3544, 749, 310, 278, 20328, 29889, 5480, 29889, 278, 14686, 471, 15201, 304, 5146, 385, 10788, 362, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 491, 269, 7807, 967, 1855, 4426, 607, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 1033, 451, 437, 1728, 4653, 14329, 29889, 541, 1244, 278, 10804, 338, 451, 363, 445, 6437, 29889, 14164, 373, 2401, 29872, 284, 467, 1033, 1183, 19417, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 1728, 14329, 515, 278, 916, 22056, 29973, 8680, 1234, 338, 884, 297, 278, 8178, 297, 278, 3578, 310, 278, 1326, 12112, 310, 278, 7456, 310, 22056, 4034, 322, 278, 13499, 8946, 1326, 12112, 310, 278, 5920, 310, 422, 15667, 322, 278, 12886, 5920, 29889, 373, 445, 1298, 29889, 278, 4307, 4083, 393, 385, 946, 3819, 2825, 297, 2498, 4958, 7805, 871, 14741, 310, 6343, 800, 29889, 1126, 1951, 29889, 512, 620, 2017, 29889, 322, 916, 14741, 310, 9406, 27428, 29889, 1126, 1244, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 1258, 451, 1207, 1316, 12029, 29889, 739, 723, 4550, 367, 3595, 393, 278, 10801, 310, 278, 767, 6751, 18096, 526, 451, 3342, 2845, 1090, 278, 1326, 12112, 310, 278, 5920, 310, 422, 15667, 470, 297, 278, 7456, 310, 22056, 4034, 29889, 9226, 470, 17266, 362, 540, 1122, 1831, 29889, 17090, 1852, 29884, 2765, 393, 278, 14741, 310, 10643, 527, 649, 287, 304, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 526, 1565, 29889, 565, 472, 599, 29889, 937, 29889, 1363, 278, 16831, 287, 14741, 310, 10643, 505, 451, 1063, 9436, 16413, 29889, 408, 278, 10823, 310, 278, 1302, 29899, 1595, 8397, 4034, 322, 297, 670, 1024, 29889, 1363, 278, 24663, 1934, 526, 6053, 18261, 2986, 304, 15928, 263, 26406, 607, 896, 1898, 304, 28447, 322, 1634, 4749, 403, 29889, 1090, 21746, 29871, 29906, 310, 278, 1021, 5920, 29889, 7697, 414, 22903, 1244, 262, 278, 1326, 12112, 310, 278, 12886, 5920, 29889, 1033, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 367, 316, 22580, 304, 505, 8052, 902, 16392, 304, 4953, 263, 2498, 18096, 491, 24472, 3476, 292, 14741, 310, 10643, 29973, 1334, 4658, 451, 29889, 367, 10087, 1090, 278, 2498, 18671, 14765, 1076, 946, 3819, 29889, 26350, 278, 21578, 393, 670, 14670, 537, 471, 363, 902, 304, 14333, 304, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 297, 1797, 304, 2367, 902, 13586, 263, 2794, 310, 7294, 22342, 29889, 450, 21142, 20382, 445, 1776, 526, 975, 1332, 295, 4056, 29889, 322, 4654, 29889, 263, 6434, 607, 29889, 278, 9443, 1546, 263, 767, 6751, 18096, 322, 278, 22056, 4034, 338, 23228, 368, 278, 1021, 408, 393, 310, 278, 10823, 322, 670, 5882, 29889, 751, 275, 3774, 292, 29889, 288, 263, 1232, 3234, 359, 316, 425, 10135, 21148, 1702, 3902, 327, 16337, 316, 1232, 274, 585, 744, 409, 447, 10719, 1941, 425, 5329, 20483, 29889, 29946, 1552, 15834, 310, 278, 3081, 310, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 1818, 29889, 29953, 390, 1624, 29889, 1126, 319, 4349, 29889, 1584, 1728, 4653, 3081, 310, 1098, 25252, 1122, 2189, 14741, 6602, 292, 27428, 565, 278, 1021, 526, 5181, 304, 27391, 470, 12709, 263, 8052, 1203, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 21746, 29871 ]
129 of the Code of Commerce says: — If the management of the general partnership has not been limited by special agreement to any of the members. did not deny the statement of Goquiolay. could such acts give as we have concluded in our decision? Our answer is in the negative because it is contrary to law and precedents. He emphasized that heir must declare that he is entering the partnership as a general partner unless the deceased partner has made it an express condition in his will that the heir accepts the condition of entering the partnership as a prerequisite of inheritance. Pero esta facultad de enajenar limitada a las ventas conforme a los fines sociales. therefore. for. and vest in such person. place and stead to do anything for it or on his behalf which he as such managing partner might do or cause to be done. because the record clearly shows that the defendants. (Page 23. but with regard to the power to compromise. viene limitada a los objetos de comercio. and the members present shall come to an agreement for all contracts or obligations which may concern the association. the peremptory prohibition contained in Article 1482 of the Code of Commerce became binding upon her and as a result she could not change her status by violating its provisions not only under the general principle that prohibited acts cannot produce any legal effect. It should be stated that the period covered by the testimony refers to the period of occupation when living condition was difficult and precarious. sell mortgage. And the pertinent portions of the articles of partnership provides: VII. there is authority to the effect that a managing partner. a trusted employee of the Yutivos.000 square meters. that is not sufficient. aside from the sum of P37. in the absence of evidence of sanction by other partners. instead of being within the scope of the partnership business.. ceder la accion. What is necessary for carrying on the business of the firm under ordinary circumstances and in the usual way. vs. and place its property beyond its control. a brother-in-law of Yu Khe Thai and an executive of Sing. II. etc. was a grandaughter of Jose P. Yutivo (Sing. and Simeon Daguiwag. Emphasis supplied). Emphasis supplied).91 was paid as a consideration therefor.E. for said properties. a daughter of Yu Khe Thai. seems.00. YUTIVO SONS HARDWARE CO.necesario. the creditors of the partnership filed their claim against the partnership in the intestate proceedings. to bind the firm. (b) Considering the area of the properties Kong Chai Pin had no valid reason to sell them if her purpose was only to pay the partnership obligation. pp. no podran cambiar el objeto. these properties could command at the time he testified a value of not less than P312. incluso cambiando repetidas veces los propios acuerdos segun el interest convenido de la Sociedad. excepto que la venta o pignoracion tengan por el objeto procurar los medios necesarios para la continuacion de la empresa social. Partn. composed of members of the Yutivo family and the counsel of record of the defendants. pueden llevar a cabo todas las operaciones que sirven para aquel ejercicio. INC. Yutivo. According to realtor Mata. por consiguiente. 343. the other original buyer is also a daughter of Yu Khe Thai. (McGrath. et al. who were close relatives of Kong Chai Pin.116. la razon social. Yee & Cuan Co. Pueden contratar y despedir a los empleados. including those employed as the means of carrying on its business. will necessity itself be sufficient if it be an extraordinary necessity. Pero no podran ejecutar los actos que esten en contradiccion con la explotacion que les fue confiada. Finally. ed. The act of one partner.000. the sale under consideration was effected in a suspicious manner as may be gleaned from the following circumstances: (a) The properties subject of the instant sale which consist of three parcels of land situated in the City of Davao have an area of 200 hectares more or less. Vol. que forman parte de la explotacion social. BETTY Y. by way of mortgage or otherwise. without the consent of the other members of the firm. Emphasis supplied). 124-1
[ 29896, 29906, 29929, 310, 278, 5920, 310, 422, 15667, 4083, 29901, 813, 960, 278, 10643, 310, 278, 2498, 22056, 4034, 756, 451, 1063, 9078, 491, 4266, 17327, 304, 738, 310, 278, 5144, 29889, 1258, 451, 972, 29891, 278, 3229, 310, 2921, 6578, 324, 388, 29889, 1033, 1316, 14741, 2367, 408, 591, 505, 22834, 297, 1749, 10608, 29973, 8680, 1234, 338, 297, 278, 8178, 1363, 372, 338, 21138, 304, 4307, 322, 9399, 1237, 29889, 940, 19310, 1891, 393, 540, 381, 1818, 9607, 393, 540, 338, 18055, 278, 22056, 4034, 408, 263, 2498, 18096, 6521, 278, 23332, 1463, 18096, 756, 1754, 372, 385, 4653, 4195, 297, 670, 674, 393, 278, 540, 381, 21486, 278, 4195, 310, 18055, 278, 22056, 4034, 408, 263, 544, 406, 7680, 568, 310, 20328, 29889, 28608, 7444, 4024, 499, 328, 316, 427, 1175, 264, 279, 4046, 1114, 263, 1869, 9712, 294, 14670, 29872, 263, 1232, 1436, 267, 5264, 267, 29889, 5480, 29889, 363, 29889, 322, 16779, 297, 1316, 2022, 29889, 2058, 322, 28325, 304, 437, 3099, 363, 372, 470, 373, 670, 2306, 3131, 607, 540, 408, 1316, 767, 6751, 18096, 1795, 437, 470, 4556, 304, 367, 2309, 29889, 1363, 278, 2407, 9436, 3697, 393, 278, 24663, 1934, 29889, 313, 5074, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29889, 541, 411, 4880, 304, 278, 3081, 304, 19632, 895, 29889, 10755, 4046, 1114, 263, 1232, 13413, 359, 316, 15106, 3934, 29889, 322, 278, 5144, 2198, 4091, 2041, 304, 385, 17327, 363, 599, 8078, 29879, 470, 10788, 800, 607, 1122, 5932, 278, 15477, 29889, 278, 639, 3456, 706, 21460, 654, 11122, 297, 21746, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29947, 29906, 310, 278, 5920, 310, 422, 15667, 3897, 9956, 2501, 902, 322, 408, 263, 1121, 1183, 1033, 451, 1735, 902, 4660, 491, 5537, 1218, 967, 1326, 12112, 451, 871, 1090, 278, 2498, 12502, 393, 21460, 1573, 14741, 2609, 7738, 738, 11706, 2779, 29889, 739, 881, 367, 8703, 393, 278, 3785, 10664, 491, 278, 28523, 2592, 14637, 304, 278, 3785, 310, 26818, 746, 8471, 4195, 471, 5189, 322, 8303, 1306, 681, 29889, 19417, 5758, 29887, 482, 29889, 1126, 278, 13499, 8946, 2011, 1080, 310, 278, 7456, 310, 22056, 4034, 8128, 29901, 13408, 29889, 727, 338, 14329, 304, 278, 2779, 393, 263, 767, 6751, 18096, 29889, 13, 29874, 9311, 287, 19001, 310, 278, 612, 329, 12927, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 6862, 27881, 29889, 393, 338, 451, 8002, 29889, 17786, 515, 278, 2533, 310, 349, 29941, 29955, 29889, 297, 278, 18070, 310, 10757, 310, 9753, 428, 491, 916, 22056, 29889, 2012, 310, 1641, 2629, 278, 6874, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 5381, 636, 274, 2447, 425, 1035, 291, 29889, 1724, 338, 5181, 363, 19436, 373, 278, 5381, 310, 278, 9226, 1090, 15311, 14209, 322, 297, 278, 9670, 982, 29889, 7186, 29889, 322, 2058, 967, 2875, 8724, 967, 2761, 29889, 263, 8099, 29899, 262, 29899, 10653, 310, 27669, 476, 354, 498, 1794, 322, 385, 22760, 310, 6106, 29889, 1944, 29889, 2992, 29889, 471, 263, 4595, 6334, 357, 310, 5043, 349, 29889, 612, 329, 4243, 313, 10873, 29889, 322, 317, 603, 265, 360, 351, 1481, 29893, 351, 29889, 2812, 16130, 275, 19056, 467, 2812, 16130, 275, 19056, 467, 29929, 29896, 471, 12530, 408, 263, 19220, 727, 1454, 29889, 29923, 29889, 363, 1497, 4426, 29889, 263, 8750, 310, 27669, 476, 354, 498, 1794, 29889, 2444, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29889, 612, 2692, 5667, 29949, 317, 1164, 29903, 379, 17011, 12982, 1525, 4810, 29889, 484, 778, 2628, 29889, 278, 16200, 943, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 934, 29881, 1009, 5995, 2750, 278, 22056, 4034, 297, 278, 938, 342, 403, 8469, 886, 29889, 304, 7868, 278, 9226, 29889, 313, 29890, 29897, 10056, 292, 278, 4038, 310, 278, 4426, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 750, 694, 2854, 2769, 304, 19417, 963, 565, 902, 6437, 471, 871, 304, 5146, 278, 22056, 4034, 10788, 362, 29889, 6499, 29889, 694, 2532, 661, 10625, 4447, 560, 13413, 29877, 29889, 1438, 4426, 1033, 1899, 472, 278, 931, 540, 1243, 2164, 263, 995, 310, 451, 3109, 1135, 349, 29941, 29896, 29906, 29889, 1343, 10648, 10625, 29875, 1743, 21159, 8817, 24063, 1232, 410, 22432, 1274, 29884, 2018, 359, 2377, 348, 560, 4066, 9973, 1941, 316, 425, 5329, 20483, 29889, 5174, 29877, 712, 425, 325, 6381, 288, 282, 647, 272, 16337, 260, 996, 273, 1277, 560, 13413, 29877, 410, 2764, 279, 1232, 1612, 2363, 16632, 8596, 1702, 425, 3133, 16337, 316, 425, 20456, 5264, 29889, 3455, 29876, 29889, 13725, 310, 5144, 310, 278, 612, 329, 4243, 3942, 322, 278, 2613, 2838, 310, 2407, 310, 278, 24663, 1934, 29889, 19796, 19804, 1707, 263, 7776, 29877, 17824, 1869, 1751, 6027, 712, 8889, 854, 1702, 10592, 295, 8574, 6269, 11088, 29889, 2672, 29907, 29889, 612, 329, 4243, 29889, 7579, 304, 1855, 7345, 341, 532, 29889, 1277, 1136, 5526, 6759, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29941, 29889, 278, 916, 2441, 1321, 7598, 338, 884, 263, 8750, 310, 27669, 476, 354, 498, 1794, 29889, 313, 27297, 3338, 493, 29889, 634, 394, 29889, 1058, 892, 3802, 14576, 310, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 29889, 29896, 29896, 29953, 29889, 425, 1153, 6626, 5264, 29889, 612, 3905, 669, 10406, 273, 3189, 29889, 12129, 6424, 4313, 14873, 343, 8913, 287, 381, 263, 1232, 29593, 2255, 29889, 3704, 1906, 15723, 408, 278, 2794, 310, 19436, 373, 967, 5381, 29889, 674, 24316, 3528, 367, 8002, 565, 372, 367, 385, 28163, 24316, 29889, 28608, 694, 2532, 661, 25830, 329, 279, 1232, 1044, 359, 712, 707, 264, 427, 14250, 293, 12401, 378, 425, 3902, 327, 16337, 712, 966, 3576, 1970, 29018, 29889, 9788, 29889, 1226, 29889, 450, 1044, 310, 697, 18096, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 278, 14686, 1090, 19220, 471, 2779, 287, 297, 263, 8872, 14803, 8214, 408, 1122, 367, 330, 14044, 287, 515, 278, 1494, 14209, 29901, 313, 29874, 29897, 450, 4426, 4967, 310, 278, 14426, 14686, 607, 5718, 310, 2211, 20067, 1379, 310, 2982, 24046, 297, 278, 4412, 310, 360, 879, 29877, 505, 385, 4038, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 28834, 5114, 901, 470, 3109, 29889, 3684, 29889, 712, 883, 273, 3810, 316, 425, 3902, 327, 16337, 5264, 29889, 350, 2544, 15631, 612, 29889, 491, 982, 310, 5758, 29887, 482, 470, 6467, 29889, 1728, 278, 20218, 310, 278, 916, 5144, 310, 278, 9226, 29889, 2812, 16130, 275, 19056, 467, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29946, 29899, 29896 ]
25. daughter of Yu Eng Poh. was organized for the specific purpose of buying the partnership properties. Since Kong Chai Pin sold the partnership properties not in line with the business of the partnership but to pay its obligation without first obtaining the consent of the other partners the sale is invalid in excess of her authority. 4.000. which subsequently bought the properties of the partnership and assumed the obligation of the latter in favor of the creditors of the partnership. or that it facilitated the transaction of the business of the firm.. since the date of sale no improvement was ever made thereon precisely because of this litigation. expedir cambiales. If all that can be said of it was that it was convenient. Lillian Yu. She could have negotiated a loan if she wanted to pay it by placing the properties as security. only the paltry sum of P66. (R. ni la fabrica. (Cesar Vivante. YU KHE THAI is a grandson of the same Jose P. el uso de la firma social a otro. While. one member of a partnership may. Dalton Chen. avalarlas. of which the sum of P46. (c) Lastly. founder of the defendant Yutivo Sons Hardware Co.. These properties were purchased by the partnership for purposes of subdivision. manager of the firm which took over the administration. 338. have already conceived the idea of possessing the lands for purposes of subdivision. Por el contrario el generente no tiene attribuciones para vender las instalaciones del comercio. or in the usual and ordinary way of carrying it on. within this rule. excluding Goquilolay from their plan. 1a. in the usual and ordinary course of its business. Such a disposition. Attys. the object and effect of which is to immediately terminate the partnership. el domicilio. Quisumbing and Salazar.. the ultimate buyer. one of the original buyers. ni las maquinarias. fundir a la Sociedad en otro. et al. Yutivo. 223-224. 11 . y por tanto. id.. 49 N. Lindl. equalmente que sisse tratase de la venta de una marca o procedimiento mecanico o quimico. to a bona fidepurchaser of mortgagee. Yee & Cuan are the three children of Jose). LEE. Tratado de Derecho Mercantil. is necessarily subversive of the object of the partnership. the administratrix. Sec. Nor.. Its incorporators were: Ana Yu and Betty Y. tomar en arriendo almacenes y tiendas. the lawyers who studied the papers of the sale and have been counsel for the Yutivo interests. alleged creditors. and SING. etc. it. seria necesario contar con la conformidad expresa de todos los socios. are owned by the heirs of Jose P. vehiculos de transporte.75 was even paid in Japanese currency. The creditors studied ways and means of liquidating the obligation of the partnership. In 1946.. of all or part of its effects intended for sale. girarlas. Los poderes de los Administradores no tienen ante el silencio del contrato otros limites que los señalados por el objeto de la Sociedad y. is married to Ana Yu. make a valid sale or pledge. Lee. 126. and according to Dalton Chen. an executive of Yutivo Sons Hardware. dar en prenda o en hipoteca los bienes de la sociedad y adquirir inmuebles destinados a su explotacion o al empleo. as may be seen from the following relationship of their pedigree: KONG CHAI PIN. estable de sus capitales. siendo actos de disposicion.529. renunciar definitivamente el ejercicio de uno de otro ramo comercio que se les haya confiado yenajenar o pignorar el taller o el banco social. must be necessary for the carrying one of its business. or 2. Cowen. WASHINGTON Z. who testified in court. YEE & CUAN CO.00 which was paid for the properties of the deceased and the partnership. The INSULAR DEVELOPMENT CO. leading to the formation of the defendant Insular Development Co. it is not within the scope of his implied authority to make a final disposition of al of its effects.net Tan Sin An died in 1
[ 29906, 29945, 29889, 8750, 310, 27669, 2201, 349, 1148, 29889, 471, 19098, 363, 278, 2702, 6437, 310, 1321, 5414, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 29889, 4001, 12026, 678, 1794, 17434, 5239, 278, 22056, 4034, 4426, 451, 297, 1196, 411, 278, 5381, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 541, 304, 5146, 967, 10788, 362, 1728, 937, 4017, 292, 278, 20218, 310, 278, 916, 22056, 278, 14686, 338, 8340, 297, 19163, 310, 902, 14329, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 607, 17602, 18093, 278, 4426, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 322, 12023, 278, 10788, 362, 310, 278, 7480, 297, 7853, 310, 278, 16200, 943, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 470, 393, 372, 16089, 22731, 278, 10804, 310, 278, 5381, 310, 278, 9226, 636, 1951, 278, 2635, 310, 14686, 694, 20414, 471, 3926, 1754, 727, 265, 17503, 1363, 310, 445, 11872, 335, 362, 29889, 15310, 381, 10625, 616, 267, 29889, 960, 599, 393, 508, 367, 1497, 310, 372, 471, 393, 372, 471, 19192, 29889, 365, 453, 713, 27669, 29889, 2296, 1033, 505, 27214, 630, 263, 24806, 565, 1183, 5131, 304, 5146, 372, 491, 24421, 278, 4426, 408, 6993, 29889, 871, 278, 5112, 2202, 2533, 310, 349, 29953, 29953, 29889, 313, 29934, 29889, 6836, 425, 10135, 21148, 29889, 313, 29907, 26892, 26089, 1647, 29889, 612, 29965, 476, 9606, 3446, 23869, 338, 263, 4595, 1100, 310, 278, 1021, 5043, 349, 29889, 560, 17448, 316, 425, 13734, 655, 5264, 263, 16994, 29889, 5806, 29889, 697, 4509, 310, 263, 22056, 4034, 1122, 29889, 9400, 880, 21589, 29889, 263, 791, 279, 3333, 29889, 310, 607, 278, 2533, 310, 349, 29946, 29953, 29889, 313, 29883, 29897, 9208, 368, 29889, 25331, 310, 278, 822, 5818, 612, 329, 4243, 317, 787, 10999, 2519, 3189, 636, 4525, 4426, 892, 20848, 491, 278, 22056, 4034, 363, 11976, 310, 1014, 4563, 2459, 29889, 8455, 310, 278, 9226, 607, 3614, 975, 278, 17517, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29941, 29947, 29889, 505, 2307, 10628, 2347, 278, 2969, 310, 22592, 292, 278, 12625, 363, 11976, 310, 1014, 4563, 2459, 29889, 7102, 560, 4313, 2628, 560, 1176, 2016, 694, 10258, 1098, 1091, 1682, 2884, 1702, 325, 1581, 1869, 20226, 6027, 628, 15106, 3934, 29889, 470, 297, 278, 9670, 322, 15311, 982, 310, 19436, 372, 373, 29889, 2629, 445, 5751, 29889, 429, 22368, 2921, 339, 309, 324, 388, 515, 1009, 3814, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29874, 29889, 297, 278, 9670, 322, 15311, 3236, 310, 967, 5381, 29889, 10506, 263, 27963, 29889, 6212, 952, 29889, 278, 1203, 322, 2779, 310, 607, 338, 304, 7389, 29504, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 560, 2432, 293, 14876, 29889, 751, 275, 3774, 292, 322, 3956, 28690, 636, 278, 8494, 6490, 1321, 7598, 29889, 697, 310, 278, 2441, 15649, 414, 29889, 6836, 1869, 611, 24150, 20225, 29889, 5220, 381, 263, 425, 5329, 20483, 427, 16994, 29889, 634, 394, 29889, 612, 329, 4243, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29941, 29899, 29906, 29906, 29946, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 869, 343, 1277, 12264, 29889, 1178, 636, 29871, 29946, 29929, 405, 29889, 17277, 29880, 29889, 5186, 2689, 712, 269, 5582, 9248, 559, 316, 425, 325, 6381, 316, 1185, 17363, 288, 6449, 9043, 592, 3068, 1417, 288, 439, 326, 1417, 29889, 304, 263, 289, 2681, 285, 680, 29886, 2458, 29440, 310, 5758, 29887, 482, 29872, 29889, 612, 3905, 669, 10406, 273, 526, 278, 2211, 4344, 310, 5043, 467, 11060, 29923, 29889, 1605, 271, 912, 316, 360, 406, 1859, 4702, 29883, 424, 309, 29889, 338, 12695, 1014, 874, 573, 310, 278, 1203, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 278, 6343, 271, 2126, 29889, 5356, 29889, 4186, 636, 8011, 11039, 4097, 892, 29901, 20367, 27669, 322, 29782, 612, 29889, 6454, 279, 427, 564, 374, 2765, 394, 8628, 25487, 343, 19538, 355, 294, 29889, 278, 4307, 29891, 414, 1058, 12399, 278, 15055, 310, 278, 14686, 322, 505, 1063, 2613, 2838, 363, 278, 612, 329, 4243, 20017, 29889, 16831, 287, 16200, 943, 29889, 322, 317, 4214, 29889, 2992, 29889, 372, 29889, 28844, 16632, 2628, 640, 279, 378, 425, 14670, 2368, 429, 13039, 316, 10843, 1232, 5374, 359, 29889, 526, 15205, 491, 278, 540, 12935, 310, 5043, 349, 29889, 10852, 12906, 359, 316, 1301, 13732, 29889, 29955, 29945, 471, 1584, 12530, 297, 10369, 27550, 29889, 450, 16200, 943, 12399, 5837, 322, 2794, 310, 23904, 1218, 278, 10788, 362, 310, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 512, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29946, 29953, 636, 310, 599, 470, 760, 310, 967, 9545, 9146, 363, 14686, 29889, 27016, 279, 3333, 29889, 4602, 2532, 11175, 316, 1232, 24510, 7447, 694, 25358, 15053, 560, 4047, 264, 3934, 628, 4313, 1219, 11929, 2485, 3246, 712, 1232, 18651, 284, 2255, 1277, 560, 13413, 29877, 316, 425, 5329, 20483, 343, 29889, 338, 8300, 304, 20367, 27669, 29889, 1207, 263, 2854, 14686, 470, 282, 5485, 29889, 9371, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29953, 29889, 322, 5034, 304, 9400, 880, 21589, 29889, 385, 22760, 310, 612, 329, 4243, 317, 787, 10999, 2519, 29889, 5424, 427, 544, 8395, 288, 427, 21464, 19011, 1232, 6079, 267, 316, 425, 5374, 20483, 343, 594, 6578, 12416, 297, 29885, 434, 7586, 15422, 2255, 263, 480, 3902, 327, 16337, 288, 394, 29593, 29877, 29889, 408, 1122, 367, 3595, 515, 278, 1494, 9443, 310, 1009, 25922, 929, 29901, 476, 20614, 5868, 23869, 349, 1177, 29889, 19692, 316, 2858, 11934, 2122, 29889, 18200, 1044, 359, 316, 11549, 15353, 29889, 29945, 29906, 29929, 29889, 4325, 11173, 279, 8422, 11778, 560, 8574, 6269, 11088, 316, 6888, 316, 16994, 364, 10178, 15106, 3934, 712, 409, 966, 298, 9010, 1970, 29875, 912, 343, 264, 1175, 264, 279, 288, 282, 647, 272, 279, 560, 260, 12572, 288, 560, 9892, 1111, 5264, 29889, 1818, 367, 5181, 363, 278, 19436, 697, 310, 967, 5381, 29889, 470, 29871, 29906, 29889, 21638, 264, 29889, 399, 24943, 4214, 29911, 1164, 796, 29889, 1058, 1243, 2164, 297, 8973, 29889, 612, 17896, 669, 315, 29965, 2190, 4810, 29889, 29900, 29900, 607, 471, 12530, 363, 278, 4426, 310, 278, 23332, 1463, 322, 278, 22056, 4034, 29889, 450, 2672, 29903, 13309, 1718, 5012, 12064, 3927, 13427, 3919, 4810, 29889, 8236, 304, 278, 12409, 310, 278, 822, 5818, 13377, 1070, 14650, 3189, 29889, 372, 338, 451, 2629, 278, 6874, 310, 670, 2411, 2957, 14329, 304, 1207, 263, 2186, 27963, 310, 394, 310, 967, 9545, 29889, 1212, 15066, 8882, 530, 6423, 297, 29871, 29896 ]
Main page > Publications > Periodical Editions > World Eсonomy and International Relations > Archive > 2020 > 9, vol. 64 > Economy, Economic Theory > Measuring International Mobility of Russian Scientists: a Bibliometric Approach Measuring International Mobility of Russian Scientists: a Bibliometric Approach M. Yurevich D. Erkina I. Tsapenko Rubric: Economy, Economic Theory DOI: 10.20542/0131-2227-2020-64-9-53-62 M. Yurevich (mayurevich@fa.ru), Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, 49, Leningradskii Prosp., Moscow, 125993, Russian Federation; D. Erkina (syroezhkinad@gmail.com), Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology, 20a, Dobrolyubova Str., 127254, Moscow, Russian Federation; I. Tsapenko (tsapenko@imemo.ru), Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations, Russian Academy of Sciences (IMEMO), 23, Profsoyuznaya Str., Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation Acknowledgments. The article has been supported by a grant of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). Project no. 19-511-04002. The research is conducted within a planned research topic of the IMEMO RAN, project no. АААА-А17-117030310137-3 "Trends and Alternatives of Socioeconomic Development: the New Social Reality". Abstract. Traditionally, the international mobility of researchers is measured by official statistical survey or sociological research tools. Official statistical sources, although generally characterized by a fairly high degree of data reliability, cannot provide information directly about scientists who continue to work in their field, having changed their country of residence. On the contrary, sociological studies of cross-border movements of researchers reach the maximum depth of investigation, but are always affected by a limited sample size, and can hardly give a representative picture of the whole national science. The authors of the article consider an alternative method based on the analysis of bibliometric data. The observation of migration processes in science based on bibliometric information has two undeniable advantages: wide coverage and possibility of in-depth analysis of patterns of international mobility. However, this approach has its drawbacks, including focusing on the field of basic research and overlaying the framework used in the analysis of the publication database. The research accomplished proves and demonstrates the applicability and adequacy of the bibliometric approach for studying cross-border movements of Russian scientific personnel. This approach was tested on a sample of Russian scientists specializing in social sciences. The original bibliometric data was obtained from the Web of Science database. As a result, there were 969 authors of articles identified who had signs of international scientific mobility. Among these mobile researchers there were 138 who were constantly engaged in work in foreign scientific centers and who could be attributed to the Russian scientific diaspora members. Most of the identified mobile scientists represent rather global circulation of scientific personnel associated with short-term international research projects, internships abroad, etc. Keywords: international mobility of researchers, migration of scientific personnel, circulation of researchers, social sciences, scientific diaspora, statistics, measurement, bibliometric analysis, affiliations 1. Miguelez E., Fink C. Measuring the International Mobility of Inventors: a New Database. WIPO Working Paper, 2013, no. 8. Available at: https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/en/wipo_pub_econstat_wp_8.pdf (accessed 02.05.2020). 2. Franzoni Ch., Scellato G., Stephan P. Foreign-Born Scientists: Mobility Patterns for 16 Countries. Nature Biotechnology, 2012, vol. 30, no. 12, pp. 1250-1253. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1038/nbt.2449 3. National Science
[ 4241, 1813, 1405, 22865, 1405, 29498, 936, 2155, 2187, 1405, 2787, 382, 29935, 21926, 322, 4623, 6376, 800, 1405, 9000, 1405, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 1405, 29871, 29929, 29892, 1700, 29889, 29871, 29953, 29946, 1405, 12884, 29891, 29892, 12884, 293, 24134, 1405, 2191, 294, 3864, 4623, 341, 711, 1793, 310, 10637, 23753, 2879, 29901, 263, 3351, 14066, 28268, 496, 13, 6816, 294, 3864, 4623, 341, 711, 1793, 310, 10637, 23753, 2879, 29901, 263, 3351, 14066, 28268, 496, 13, 29924, 29889, 612, 545, 29894, 436, 13, 29928, 29889, 1425, 29895, 1099, 13, 29902, 29889, 19089, 481, 264, 2901, 13, 29934, 431, 2200, 29901, 12884, 29891, 29892, 12884, 293, 24134, 13, 3970, 29902, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29945, 29946, 29906, 29914, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29906, 29906, 29955, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29953, 29946, 29899, 29929, 29899, 29945, 29941, 29899, 29953, 29906, 13, 29924, 29889, 612, 545, 29894, 436, 313, 13029, 545, 29894, 436, 29992, 5444, 29889, 582, 511, 13, 12881, 273, 1455, 3014, 1090, 278, 10354, 310, 278, 10637, 20438, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29929, 29892, 365, 8333, 3665, 808, 2236, 1019, 1028, 1696, 25820, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29945, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29892, 10637, 20438, 29936, 13, 29928, 29889, 1425, 29895, 1099, 313, 29879, 29891, 307, 6096, 29882, 9089, 328, 29992, 21980, 29889, 510, 511, 13, 23002, 713, 10550, 8907, 310, 12884, 1199, 29892, 6934, 1199, 322, 7927, 297, 9327, 322, 17968, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29874, 29892, 21451, 307, 368, 431, 4273, 3767, 1696, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29955, 29906, 29945, 29946, 29892, 25820, 29892, 10637, 20438, 29936, 13, 29902, 29889, 19089, 481, 264, 2901, 313, 1372, 481, 264, 2901, 29992, 326, 15810, 29889, 582, 511, 13, 18213, 27695, 3086, 10550, 8907, 310, 2787, 12884, 29891, 322, 4623, 6376, 800, 29892, 10637, 10355, 310, 17253, 313, 8890, 6720, 511, 29871, 29906, 29941, 29892, 6175, 578, 29891, 3365, 29876, 9010, 3767, 1696, 25820, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29955, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29892, 10637, 20438, 13, 29909, 15415, 839, 29887, 1860, 29889, 450, 4274, 756, 1063, 6969, 491, 263, 16690, 310, 278, 10637, 10606, 363, 19219, 10550, 313, 29934, 29943, 15176, 467, 8010, 694, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29899, 29945, 29896, 29896, 29899, 29900, 29946, 29900, 29900, 29906, 29889, 450, 5925, 338, 18043, 2629, 263, 20458, 5925, 11261, 310, 278, 306, 2303, 6720, 390, 2190, 29892, 2060, 694, 29889, 1291, 30018, 30018, 30018, 29899, 30018, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29896, 29955, 29900, 29941, 29900, 29941, 29896, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29955, 29899, 29941, 376, 2308, 1975, 322, 12440, 5056, 310, 1105, 3934, 29872, 4599, 293, 14650, 29901, 278, 1570, 10307, 830, 2877, 1642, 13, 9118, 29889, 18375, 17658, 29892, 278, 6121, 22458, 1793, 310, 5925, 414, 338, 17005, 491, 6221, 24148, 18994, 470, 5374, 5996, 5925, 8492, 29889, 10564, 24148, 8974, 29892, 5998, 6892, 2931, 1891, 491, 263, 12558, 1880, 7426, 310, 848, 12536, 3097, 29892, 2609, 3867, 2472, 4153, 1048, 9638, 2879, 1058, 6773, 304, 664, 297, 1009, 1746, 29892, 2534, 3939, 1009, 4234, 310, 25488, 29889, 1551, 278, 21138, 29892, 5374, 5996, 11898, 310, 4891, 29899, 11466, 24147, 310, 5925, 414, 6159, 278, 7472, 10809, 310, 22522, 29892, 541, 526, 2337, 15201, 491, 263, 9078, 4559, 2159, 29892, 322, 508, 15155, 2367, 263, 21097, 7623, 310, 278, 3353, 4797, 10466, 29889, 450, 15717, 310, 278, 4274, 2050, 385, 8671, 1158, 2729, 373, 278, 7418, 310, 11721, 14066, 848, 29889, 450, 15500, 310, 20332, 10174, 297, 10466, 2729, 373, 11721, 14066, 2472, 756, 1023, 563, 11344, 519, 25486, 29901, 9377, 23746, 322, 13331, 310, 297, 29899, 19488, 7418, 310, 15038, 310, 6121, 22458, 1793, 29889, 2398, 29892, 445, 2948, 756, 967, 4216, 1627, 29879, 29892, 3704, 12789, 4746, 373, 278, 1746, 310, 6996, 5925, 322, 27292, 292, 278, 6890, 1304, 297, 278, 7418, 310, 278, 17745, 2566, 29889, 450, 5925, 24799, 28281, 322, 9004, 1078, 278, 15576, 3097, 322, 19967, 339, 4135, 310, 278, 11721, 14066, 2948, 363, 23382, 4891, 29899, 11466, 24147, 310, 10637, 16021, 24127, 29889, 910, 2948, 471, 9528, 373, 263, 4559, 310, 10637, 9638, 2879, 4266, 5281, 297, 5264, 21195, 29889, 450, 2441, 11721, 14066, 848, 471, 7625, 515, 278, 2563, 310, 9327, 2566, 29889, 1094, 263, 1121, 29892, 727, 892, 29871, 29929, 29953, 29929, 15717, 310, 7456, 15659, 1058, 750, 18906, 310, 6121, 16021, 22458, 1793, 29889, 17302, 1438, 10426, 5925, 414, 727, 892, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29947, 1058, 892, 21003, 17785, 297, 664, 297, 9117, 16021, 1644, 414, 322, 1058, 1033, 367, 29393, 304, 278, 10637, 16021, 652, 294, 1971, 29874, 5144, 29889, 7849, 310, 278, 15659, 10426, 9638, 2879, 2755, 3265, 5534, 18342, 362, 310, 16021, 24127, 6942, 411, 3273, 29899, 8489, 6121, 5925, 9279, 29892, 2836, 9981, 28177, 29892, 2992, 29889, 13, 2558, 9303, 29901, 6121, 22458, 1793, 310, 5925, 414, 29892, 20332, 310, 16021, 24127, 29892, 18342, 362, 310, 5925, 414, 29892, 5264, 21195, 29892, 16021, 652, 294, 1971, 29874, 29892, 13964, 29892, 20039, 29892, 11721, 14066, 7418, 29892, 23736, 800, 13, 29896, 29889, 341, 12137, 11867, 382, 1696, 383, 682, 315, 29889, 2191, 294, 3864, 278, 4623, 341, 711, 1793, 310, 512, 794, 943, 29901, 263, 1570, 5470, 29889, 399, 5690, 29949, 24176, 349, 7202, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 694, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29889, 7740, 3106, 472, 29901, 2045, 597, 1636, 29889, 29893, 22955, 29889, 524, 29914, 287, 12332, 29914, 5467, 2640, 29914, 264, 29914, 29893, 22955, 29918, 5467, 29918, 29872, 3075, 271, 29918, 11912, 29918, 29947, 29889, 5140, 313, 5943, 287, 29871, 29900, 29906, 29889, 29900, 29945, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 467, 13, 29906, 29889, 11694, 5271, 678, 1696, 2522, 514, 1219, 402, 1696, 2443, 16711, 349, 29889, 19358, 29899, 29933, 1398, 23753, 2879, 29901, 341, 711, 1793, 25860, 29879, 363, 29871, 29896, 29953, 3917, 2722, 29889, 17677, 3457, 866, 3049, 3002, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 1700, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29892, 694, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29892, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29906, 29945, 29941, 29889, 11662, 29902, 29901, 2045, 597, 1867, 29875, 29889, 990, 29914, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29941, 29947, 29914, 29876, 3116, 29889, 29906, 29946, 29946, 29929, 13, 29941, 29889, 3086, 9327 ]
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10637, 10355, 310, 17253, 5701, 333, 393, 278, 376, 22097, 360, 6038, 29908, 756, 11599, 29881, 297, 12753, 23857, 313, 797, 4719, 1846, 7740, 3106, 472, 29901, 2045, 597, 1636, 29889, 6050, 29883, 29889, 582, 29914, 2839, 3305, 29914, 29906, 29929, 29914, 29900, 29941, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29914, 29945, 370, 617, 29929, 29888, 29945, 29929, 29874, 29955, 29929, 29946, 29955, 29872, 29945, 29955, 29953, 29929, 29955, 29955, 29941, 29947, 29955, 313, 5943, 287, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29889, 29900, 29945, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 467, 13, 29896, 29900, 29889, 7383, 29882, 1099, 306, 29889, 29954, 1696, 19019, 271, 4273, 317, 29889, 29923, 1696, 501, 845, 557, 4273, 317, 29889, 29923, 29889, 14854, 3605, 1039, 3761, 302, 13989, 1460, 15339, 413, 328, 10139, 289, 1997, 29875, 3873, 10482, 5120, 29874, 29901, 410, 29887, 1217, 29920, 474, 285, 5867, 706, 325, 492, 29891, 3270, 3761, 518, 29924, 16783, 310, 23753, 928, 5196, 9139, 310, 278, 16834, 293, 11069, 29901, 28297, 4384, 322, 26748, 943, 310, 512, 25044, 663, 1822, 16834, 29875, 275, 1984, 29875, 5120, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 694, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29892, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29945, 29899, 29896, 29941, 29896, 29889, 11662, 29902, 29901, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29945, 29929, 29906, 29906, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29955, 29929, 29899, 29947, 29945, 29945, 29945, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29899, 29955, 13, 29896, 29896, 29889, 390, 2190, 29923, 7228, 28224, 1372, 323, 1025, 1048, 278, 512, 1037, 1463, 5032, 262, 360, 6038, 515, 12710, 313, 797, 4719, 1846, 7740, 3106, 472, 29901, 2045, 597, 1636, 29889, 6050, 29883, 29889, 582, 29914, 2839, 3305, 29914, 29906, 29941, 29914, 29900, 29896, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29914, 29945, 29874, 29953, 29955, 29941, 29888, 29896, 29906, 29929, 29874, 29955, 29929, 29946, 29955, 29896, 29906, 29945, 29955, 29929, 29881, 29955, 29881, 915, 313, 5943, 287, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29889, 29900, 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[ 305, 1335, 29908, 1922, 586, 518, 6026, 16783, 310, 23753, 2879, 515, 12710, 29901, 376, 29907, 381, 1810, 362, 29908, 470, 376, 3226, 557, 482, 29908, 310, 341, 12772, 1822, 317, 327, 1039, 1189, 436, 8488, 347, 1721, 839, 586, 3270, 3761, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 694, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29892, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29899, 29941, 29945, 29889, 13, 29896, 29946, 29889, 5470, 2866, 17225, 10343, 1048, 278, 23768, 310, 23753, 928, 9205, 17063, 393, 27313, 10550, 29892, 14650, 322, 8364, 5996, 5244, 313, 797, 4719, 1846, 7740, 3106, 472, 29901, 2045, 597, 1636, 29889, 26167, 3977, 9857, 29889, 582, 29914, 313, 5943, 287, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29889, 29900, 29945, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 467, 13, 29896, 29945, 29889, 1605, 431, 5585, 586, 402, 29889, 29963, 1696, 530, 9345, 5750, 319, 29889, 29963, 1696, 1720, 29915, 1099, 306, 29889, 29923, 1696, 1126, 6392, 586, 478, 29889, 29931, 1696, 3792, 19426, 586, 478, 29889, 29909, 1696, 15453, 309, 29915, 29872, 1564, 306, 29889, 29940, 29889, 3812, 29891, 474, 1904, 29875, 18911, 16440, 348, 11160, 29876, 10482, 16448, 3049, 866, 29895, 3123, 436, 8488, 10482, 269, 25730, 566, 29876, 436, 342, 1564, 325, 5678, 1039, 29875, 518, 12605, 322, 3382, 1379, 310, 4623, 23753, 928, 322, 8364, 936, 3189, 16453, 297, 12710, 1822, 25820, 29892, 22313, 29954, 13905, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29953, 282, 29889, 13, 29896, 29953, 29889, 476, 352, 26584, 319, 29889, 29903, 29889, 438, 1372, 264, 1335, 474, 3514, 29877, 1862, 264, 1335, 302, 13989, 1217, 29875, 8674, 271, 1039, 29875, 29889, 1920, 4170, 3761, 474, 28683, 4106, 29889, 518, 29923, 4387, 362, 322, 21782, 29899, 465, 404, 358, 310, 23753, 928, 9205, 17063, 29889, 24134, 322, 29124, 625, 1822, 25820, 29892, 5641, 29934, 2190, 390, 2190, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 282, 29889, 13, 29896, 29955, 29889, 612, 545, 29894, 436, 341, 29889, 29909, 1696, 3792, 19426, 586, 478, 29889, 29909, 1696, 319, 1878, 21474, 360, 29889, 29903, 29889, 349, 368, 3631, 466, 29885, 288, 1372, 264, 554, 9725, 1446, 291, 1460, 15339, 3104, 554, 586, 302, 13989, 1460, 15339, 413, 328, 10139, 325, 5678, 1039, 29875, 518, 3247, 3631, 1608, 310, 2661, 326, 1078, 310, 341, 16783, 22787, 29879, 310, 23753, 928, 5196, 9139, 297, 12710, 1822, 26700, 1335, 29889, 512, 13715, 271, 1039, 29875, 29889, 438, 2634, 29920, 586, 6067, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 694, 29889, 29871, 29946, 313, 29906, 29953, 511, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29953, 29899, 29896, 29906, 29946, 29889, 13, 29896, 29947, 29889, 10343, 322, 11597, 3637, 936, 17582, 29879, 373, 278, 17212, 310, 2598, 2105, 292, 278, 26475, 20193, 310, 7519, 29883, 1288, 9205, 17063, 310, 5057, 261, 13151, 313, 797, 4719, 1846, 7740, 3106, 472, 29901, 1732, 597, 513, 293, 4097, 29889, 13076, 1133, 29884, 29889, 582, 29914, 3712, 2105, 292, 13401, 29885, 29922, 29894, 1129, 313, 5943, 287, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29889, 29900, 29945, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 467, 13, 29896, 29929, 29889, 6977, 586, 360, 29889, 29903, 1696, 323, 5267, 468, 4273, 317, 29889, 29963, 1696, 383, 7584, 2679, 262, 306, 29889, 29902, 1696, 4693, 9735, 306, 29889, 29928, 29889, 5678, 1039, 3873, 9010, 652, 294, 1971, 29874, 325, 704, 4230, 29875, 269, 1862, 616, 29915, 1460, 15339, 474, 28890, 436, 8488, 28464, 16448, 29895, 29901, 1108, 29891, 474, 3736, 412, 21371, 29891, 269, 25730, 566, 29876, 436, 342, 1564, 518, 1576, 10637, 360, 3173, 1971, 29874, 297, 278, 8989, 310, 10307, 322, 12884, 293, 17253, 29901, 11583, 29879, 322, 1019, 21494, 29879, 310, 3189, 16453, 1822, 11612, 5678, 1039, 29875, 29889, 317, 327, 1039, 1189, 29875, 3761, 29889, 382, 6277, 1189, 29875, 3761, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 694, 29889, 29871, 29896, 313, 29906, 29900, 511, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29896, 29899, 29955, 29896, 29889, 13, 29906, 29900, 29889, 5459, 10578, 305, 2679, 306, 29889, 29909, 1696, 28934, 1600, 1564, 478, 29889, 29979, 29884, 29889, 15674, 5678, 1039, 29875, 325, 12019, 638, 711, 768, 3270, 29891, 29884, 29901, 288, 592, 29895, 5403, 466, 29885, 19426, 29542, 3605, 1039, 29875, 6062, 1486, 15339, 318, 2724, 12072, 29882, 325, 704, 4230, 29875, 4677, 29886, 29915, 29891, 329, 824, 12072, 29882, 16448, 29895, 518, 4591, 12710, 304, 7027, 14933, 29901, 373, 278, 27439, 12903, 310, 341, 16783, 310, 10443, 23753, 2879, 297, 278, 8989, 310, 20972, 9327, 1822, 317, 327, 1039, 1189, 436, 8488, 347, 1721, 839, 586, 3270, 3761, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 694, 29889, 29871, 29906, 313, 29906, 511, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29947, 29899, 29896, 29896, 29947, 29889, 11662, 29902, 29901, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29941, 29896, 29947, 29945, 29955, 29914, 29903, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29906, 29896, 29953, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29899, 29929, 13, 29906, 29896, 29889, 7383, 29882, 1099, 306, 29889, 29954, 1696, 476, 3365, 1212, 578, 29894, 382, 29889, 29940, 1696, 12555, 711, 9756, 319, 29889, 29963, 1696, 15453, 309, 29915, 5750, 405, 29889, 29963, 29889, 24961, 29894, 29552, 269, 25730, 566, 29876, 436, 342, 1564, 269, 13005, 10386, 29891, 834, 3376, 1217, 29875, 302, 13989, 1217, 29875, 652, 294, 1971, 7768, 29901, 1015, 3637, 29892, 1108, 29891, 29892, 3736, 412, 21371, 29891, 518, 21956, 358, 310, 3189, 16453, 411, 278, 10637, 29899, 10649, 5086, 23753, 928, 360, 3173, 1971, 29874, 29901, 28224, 5597, 29892, 11583, 29879, 29892, 1019, 21494, 29879, 1822, 25820, 29892, 1706, 300, 808, 29876, 4324, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29946, 282, 29889, 13, 29906, 29906, 29889, 10928, 267, 341, 29889, 23753, 928, 341, 711, 1793, 2043, 293, 583, 29901, 1128, 25519, 23753, 2879, 1174, 1730, 482, 278, 7106, 8778, 29889, 9327, 322, 5236, 25219, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29892, 1700, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29892, 338, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29892, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29947, 29946, 29899, 29906, 29929, 29947, 29889, 13, 29906, 29941, 29889, 438, 29923, 6530, 29889, 9327, 29892, 17968, 322, 12157, 719, 2522, 487, 3377, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 7740, 3106, 472, 29901, 1732, 597, 1636, 29889, 29877, 687, 29881, 29889, 990, 29914, 303, 29875, 29914, 29877, 687, 29881, 29899 ]
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[ 29879, 15277, 29899, 21695, 3002, 29899, 392, 29899, 20041, 719, 29899, 13628, 3377, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29955, 29906, 29945, 29941, 29946, 29945, 29889, 13357, 313, 5943, 287, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29889, 29900, 29945, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 467, 13, 29906, 29946, 29889, 4546, 287, 379, 29889, 29943, 1696, 319, 275, 2219, 341, 1696, 1858, 2017, 319, 29889, 5088, 5414, 23753, 928, 341, 16783, 297, 2522, 26466, 29889, 23753, 3297, 10817, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 1700, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29946, 29892, 694, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29892, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29906, 29929, 29899, 29929, 29946, 29906, 29889, 11662, 29902, 29901, 991, 597, 1867, 29875, 29889, 990, 29914, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29914, 29879, 29896, 29896, 29896, 29929, 29906, 29899, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29900, 29955, 29947, 29941, 29899, 29929, 13, 29906, 29945, 29889, 4546, 287, 379, 29889, 29943, 1696, 379, 744, 1403, 402, 29889, 29909, 3351, 14066, 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29889, 2191, 294, 3864, 4623, 341, 711, 1793, 310, 10637, 23753, 2879, 29901, 263, 3351, 14066, 28268, 496, 29889, 2787, 382, 29935, 21926, 322, 4623, 6376, 800, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 1700, 29889, 29871, 29953, 29946, 29892, 1939, 29871, 29929, 29892, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29941, 29899, 29953, 29906, 29889, 2045, 597, 1867, 29875, 29889, 990, 29914, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29945, 29946, 29906, 29914, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29906, 29906, 29955, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29953, 29946, 29899, 29929, 29899, 29945, 29941, 29899, 29953, 29906, 13, 21002, 2787, 382 ]
Tax credits for small businesses not catching… Tax credits for small businesses not catching on in Colorado, yet By Michael Booth | mbooth@denverpost.com | The Denver Post Lucrative tax credits giving back small employers more than a third of their health-insurance premiums have yet to catch on widely in Colorado, prompting a new marketing blitz by the Obama administration and renewed skepticism from business interests seeking repeal of health reform. The credits for small firms, including nonprofit ones, were a key but relatively obscure argument for the Affordable Care Act passed in March. Wall Street analysts estimate the credits will boost the number of the smallest employers offering insurance by more than one-quarter, from 46 percent last year to 59 percent by the end of this year. Nora Hill's chocolate and ice-cream shop in Fort Collins, Kilwin's, will soon begin offering health care to employees for the first time as a result of the credit, which will save her hundreds of dollars for just a couple of employees who opt in. "Getting the full credit is going to be a big help toward insuring my employees," Hill said. "Isn't the point to have a healthy population protected against medical disaster?" Yet administration critics say slow adoption of the credits is further proof health care reform missed the mark. "The number of small businesses that the proponents say can take advantage is severely inflated," said Tony Gagliardi, director of the Colorado branch of the National Federation of Independent Business. The NFIB, which supports repeal of the act, does favor incentives such as tax credits, instead of mandates such as the individual insurance requirement by 2014. "The tax credit is an incentive, but there are so many strings attached it makes it unusable," Gagliardi said. "We just don't think it was the right route to go." He said businesses that seek his help calculating the potential tax benefit often find out they don't qualify. Near the end of last spring's debate over health care reform, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office "scored" the cost of the small-business tax credits at about $2 billion in government revenue losses for 2010. That cost rises to $4 billion next year if more businesses take advantage of the tax break. To get more employers to test the perk, the Obama administration is sending 4 million postcards to those who could benefit, and featuring the credits in e-mail blast newsletters to 175,000 tax preparers and business owners. Key features of the credits include: • Full credits of 35 percent of the employer's portion of health premiums go to businesses with 10 or fewer employees, rising to 50 percent in 2014. A nonprofit can get up to 25 percent credits. Employers with more than 10 workers get smaller percentages of credits for each worker up to the maximum of 25. • The full credits apply to jobs with average annual pay of $25,000, then decrease up to the maximum pay of $50,000. Wage limits will be pegged to inflation starting in 2014. • The employer must be paying at least half of the worker's health-premium cost. As part of last week's marketing blitz, federal officials said they had "clarified" rules to offer the credits to religious groups that self-fund their health care, and to small employers who may buy insurance through multi-employer groups. • Although health reform wasn't passed until March, the tax rules are retroactive to Jan. 1, meaning employers can try to take advantage of the credits for all of 2010. Administration and independent health-reform advocates have offered numerous case studies. For example, an auto-repair shop with 10 employees averaging $25,000 in wages and that pays $70,000 for the employer share of health premiums could save $24,500 with the new credits. John Crandall of Old Town Bicycles in Colorado Springs thinks he will get a credit for about $3,300. That's a significant bite from the nearly $10,000 he pays for half the premiums for five of his
[ 17847, 6625, 1169, 363, 2319, 5381, 267, 451, 4380, 292, 30098, 13, 29911, 1165, 6625, 1169, 363, 2319, 5381, 267, 451, 4380, 292, 373, 297, 21137, 29892, 3447, 13, 2059, 5765, 1952, 720, 891, 286, 833, 720, 29992, 1145, 369, 2490, 29889, 510, 891, 450, 3384, 369, 4918, 13, 29931, 1682, 29878, 1230, 8818, 6625, 1169, 6820, 1250, 2319, 5703, 414, 901, 1135, 263, 4654, 310, 1009, 9045, 29899, 1144, 18541, 5188, 21425, 505, 3447, 304, 4380, 373, 17644, 297, 21137, 29892, 9508, 292, 263, 716, 9999, 292, 1999, 2784, 491, 278, 4250, 3304, 17517, 322, 23011, 287, 18109, 23000, 1608, 515, 5381, 20017, 25738, 5565, 284, 310, 9045, 11736, 29889, 13, 1576, 6625, 1169, 363, 2319, 13734, 1516, 29892, 3704, 1661, 771, 9202, 6743, 29892, 892, 263, 1820, 541, 13774, 19726, 545, 2980, 363, 278, 13737, 536, 519, 10057, 3185, 4502, 297, 4779, 29889, 14406, 7103, 3483, 858, 29879, 12678, 278, 6625, 1169, 674, 14505, 278, 1353, 310, 278, 19087, 5703, 414, 27032, 1663, 18541, 491, 901, 1135, 697, 29899, 339, 4254, 29892, 515, 29871, 29946, 29953, 10151, 1833, 1629, 304, 29871, 29945, 29929, 10151, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 445, 1629, 29889, 13, 29940, 2207, 9143, 29915, 29879, 521, 542, 23167, 322, 14890, 29899, 1037, 314, 18296, 297, 7236, 26410, 29892, 12400, 5080, 29915, 29879, 29892, 674, 4720, 3380, 27032, 9045, 2562, 304, 22873, 363, 278, 937, 931, 408, 263, 1121, 310, 278, 16200, 29892, 607, 674, 4078, 902, 21006, 310, 17208, 363, 925, 263, 7303, 310, 22873, 1058, 3523, 297, 29889, 13, 29908, 2577, 1259, 278, 2989, 16200, 338, 2675, 304, 367, 263, 4802, 1371, 11183, 1663, 3864, 590, 22873, 1699, 9143, 1497, 29889, 376, 3624, 29876, 29915, 29873, 278, 1298, 304, 505, 263, 9045, 29891, 4665, 6364, 2750, 16083, 766, 1901, 3026, 13, 29979, 300, 17517, 28431, 1827, 5232, 594, 3385, 310, 278, 6625, 1169, 338, 4340, 5296, 9045, 2562, 11736, 13726, 278, 2791, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 1353, 310, 2319, 5381, 267, 393, 278, 410, 9340, 1827, 508, 2125, 10631, 338, 2775, 873, 4414, 630, 1699, 1497, 15293, 402, 27273, 18015, 29892, 8881, 310, 278, 21137, 5443, 310, 278, 3086, 20438, 310, 25266, 15197, 29889, 450, 405, 3738, 29933, 29892, 607, 11286, 5565, 284, 310, 278, 1044, 29892, 947, 7853, 297, 1760, 3145, 1316, 408, 8818, 6625, 1169, 29892, 2012, 310, 9619, 1078, 1316, 408, 278, 5375, 1663, 18541, 11809, 491, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 8818, 16200, 338, 385, 297, 1760, 573, 29892, 541, 727, 526, 577, 1784, 6031, 10959, 372, 3732, 372, 18325, 519, 1699, 402, 27273, 18015, 1497, 29889, 376, 4806, 925, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 372, 471, 278, 1492, 5782, 304, 748, 1213, 13, 3868, 1497, 5381, 267, 393, 16508, 670, 1371, 25202, 278, 7037, 8818, 14169, 4049, 1284, 714, 896, 1016, 29915, 29873, 4021, 1598, 29889, 13, 29940, 799, 278, 1095, 310, 1833, 6709, 29915, 29879, 27836, 975, 9045, 2562, 11736, 29892, 278, 1661, 1595, 21603, 6005, 29878, 15750, 7038, 657, 11367, 376, 1557, 4395, 29908, 278, 3438, 310, 278, 2319, 29899, 8262, 3335, 8818, 6625, 1169, 472, 1048, 395, 29906, 24464, 297, 5874, 337, 9947, 28495, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29889, 2193, 3438, 364, 4637, 304, 395, 29946, 24464, 2446, 1629, 565, 901, 5381, 267, 2125, 10631, 310, 278, 8818, 2867, 29889, 13, 1762, 679, 901, 5703, 414, 304, 1243, 278, 639, 29895, 29892, 278, 4250, 3304, 17517, 338, 9348, 29871, 29946, 7284, 1400, 28160, 304, 1906, 1058, 1033, 14169, 29892, 322, 23425, 278, 6625, 1169, 297, 321, 29899, 2549, 1999, 579, 9763, 1026, 2153, 304, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 8818, 10223, 414, 322, 5381, 1914, 414, 29889, 13, 2558, 5680, 310, 278, 6625, 1169, 3160, 29901, 13, 30119, 14846, 6625, 1169, 310, 29871, 29941, 29945, 10151, 310, 278, 5703, 261, 29915, 29879, 11910, 310, 9045, 5188, 21425, 748, 304, 5381, 267, 411, 29871, 29896, 29900, 470, 28145, 22873, 29892, 20493, 304, 29871, 29945, 29900, 10151, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29889, 319, 1661, 771, 9202, 508, 679, 701, 304, 29871, 29906, 29945, 10151, 6625, 1169, 29889, 7361, 2376, 414, 411, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29900, 17162, 679, 7968, 10151, 1179, 310, 6625, 1169, 363, 1269, 15645, 701, 304, 278, 7472, 310, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29889, 13, 30119, 450, 2989, 6625, 1169, 3394, 304, 17643, 411, 6588, 17568, 5146, 310, 395, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 769, 23806, 701, 304, 278, 7472, 5146, 310, 395, 29945, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 399, 482, 13071, 674, 367, 282, 387, 3192, 304, 4414, 362, 6257, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29889, 13, 30119, 450, 5703, 261, 1818, 367, 5146, 292, 472, 3203, 4203, 310, 278, 15645, 29915, 29879, 9045, 29899, 1457, 29885, 1974, 3438, 29889, 1094, 760, 310, 1833, 4723, 29915, 29879, 9999, 292, 1999, 2784, 29892, 17097, 24921, 1497, 896, 750, 376, 16544, 2164, 29908, 6865, 304, 5957, 278, 6625, 1169, 304, 12962, 6471, 393, 1583, 29899, 27159, 1009, 9045, 2562, 29892, 322, 304, 2319, 5703, 414, 1058, 1122, 15649, 1663, 18541, 1549, 2473, 29899, 3451, 2376, 261, 6471, 29889, 13, 30119, 8512, 9045, 11736, 9007, 29915, 29873, 4502, 2745, 4779, 29892, 278, 8818, 6865, 526, 24877, 4925, 304, 2627, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29892, 6593, 5703, 414, 508, 1018, 304, 2125, 10631, 310, 278, 6625, 1169, 363, 599, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29889, 13, 12754, 8306, 322, 7417, 9045, 29899, 276, 689, 22545, 1078, 505, 12520, 12727, 1206, 11898, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 385, 4469, 29899, 3445, 1466, 18296, 411, 29871, 29896, 29900, 22873, 4759, 6751, 395, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 297, 281, 1179, 322, 393, 9744, 395, 29955, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 363, 278, 5703, 261, 6232, 310, 9045, 5188, 21425, 1033, 4078, 395, 29906, 29946, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 411, 278, 716, 6625, 1169, 29889, 13, 11639, 6781, 392, 497, 310, 8198, 8421, 350, 4245, 7799, 297, 21137, 14314, 886, 22405, 540, 674, 679, 263, 16200, 363, 1048, 395, 29941, 29892, 29941, 29900, 29900, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 263, 7282, 289, 568, 515, 278, 8886, 395, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 540, 9744, 363, 4203, 278, 5188, 21425, 363, 5320, 310, 670 ]
Fitness in childhood can make you a healthier adult! I have been vocal for a long time about my hypothesis that—when it comes to health—what you do as a kid will translate into who you are as an adult. My friends have often poo poo-ed my theory, but it has always just made sense logical to me. I was a gymnast as a kid. I spent my weeks as an 8-year-old training six days a week, four hours a day, 24 hours a week. It goes without saying, my flexibility, body awareness, strength etc… are better today as an adult than they would otherwise have been without gymnastics. Everyone usually accepts that. But when I suggest that being a gymnast helps my metabolism today, I get laughed at. No more laughing! There's now proof, or strong evidence at the very least, to support my apparently wild theory. A new study published in The Journal Frontiers in Physiology (http://journal.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/fphys.2017.00476/full ) suggests that being fit early in life can have health benefits that last into middle age. The study looked at the effects of exercise on gene expression, inflammation, and YES, metabolism! This doesn't bode all that well for today's children, seeing as in 2013 the World Health Organization reported there are as many as 42 million obese children under the age of 5 roaming around the world. Back to the study: It found that exercising in your early years changes how your body metabolizes calories, and how it responds to high-fat foods in adulthood. The study also suggests that early life exercise can help decrease bone mass loss, as well as inflammation, later in life. One of the professors in the study, Elwyn C. Firth, explained: "Bone metabolism strongly influences energy metabolism in the body, and metabolism—what you do with energy from diet—is the central crux of why some children and adults become obese." In other words: Do gymnastics as a kid and you'll be able to eat entire ring of brie cheese without consequence as an adult?!!! OK, maybe not quite that simple…But it certainly suggests it's never too early to think about, and pursue fitness! Even if you're skeptical as this is just one study, here are a list of 7 other known health benefits for starting fitness as young as possible—reasons to enrol your kids in a fitness program ASAP! Physical activity is linked to better classroom behaviour. Physical activity requiring balance and coordination are associated with better emotional responses and emotional control. Exercise is linked to decreased in depression and anxiety in children. Exercise promotes better self-esteem and confidence in both childhood and adolescence. Exercise improves quantity and quality of sleep. Exercise helps children develop interpersonal skills (this is especially true when we consider participation in team sports). Have a 16-year-old? An 8-year-old? A 5-year-old? Contact us for getting them going on a fitness plan for life! Athlete of the MonthDecember Ounesh Reebye Congratulations, OBG! We are proud of you! How long have you been doing CrossFit? I've been a member since May 2016 What made you decide to give 7 Mile Strength & Fitness a try? I was previously at a regular gym that had mirrors everywhere and was used to looking at myself doing biceps curls for days. I was also doing boot camp style exercises, but when the gym went through a restructuring several of the good coaches either left or went on to open up their own businesses. One of the coaches, who was also a 7Miler, spoke very highly of the 7Mile Team and recommended that I look into 7 Mile Strength & Fitness as she felt it would be a good fit for me. So I decided to give it a try. What was the hardest part when you started out and how did you overcome that? To be honest with you, at first I found the gym to be quite intimidating as it was unlike any other gym that I had been to. It was
[ 383, 277, 2264, 297, 2278, 6614, 508, 1207, 366, 263, 9045, 631, 16157, 29991, 13, 29902, 505, 1063, 20982, 363, 263, 1472, 931, 1048, 590, 20051, 393, 30003, 8256, 372, 5304, 304, 9045, 30003, 5816, 366, 437, 408, 263, 26397, 674, 14240, 964, 1058, 366, 526, 408, 385, 16157, 29889, 13, 3421, 7875, 505, 4049, 772, 29877, 772, 29877, 29899, 287, 590, 6368, 29892, 541, 372, 756, 2337, 925, 1754, 4060, 16667, 304, 592, 29889, 13, 29902, 471, 263, 330, 12050, 579, 408, 263, 26397, 29889, 306, 10398, 590, 11405, 408, 385, 29871, 29947, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 6694, 4832, 3841, 263, 4723, 29892, 3023, 6199, 263, 2462, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29946, 6199, 263, 4723, 29889, 739, 5771, 1728, 5934, 29892, 590, 8525, 4127, 29892, 3573, 3773, 8326, 404, 29892, 9324, 2992, 30098, 526, 2253, 9826, 408, 385, 16157, 1135, 896, 723, 6467, 505, 1063, 1728, 330, 12050, 579, 1199, 29889, 7569, 650, 5491, 21486, 393, 29889, 13, 6246, 746, 306, 4368, 393, 1641, 263, 330, 12050, 579, 6911, 590, 1539, 19388, 1608, 9826, 29892, 306, 679, 19090, 472, 29889, 13, 3782, 901, 425, 29700, 29991, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 1286, 5296, 29892, 470, 4549, 10757, 472, 278, 1407, 3203, 29892, 304, 2304, 590, 13229, 8775, 6368, 29889, 13, 29909, 716, 6559, 6369, 297, 450, 8237, 13960, 4285, 297, 11661, 29875, 3002, 313, 1124, 597, 29926, 4659, 29889, 8862, 4285, 262, 29889, 990, 29914, 7914, 29914, 29896, 29900, 29889, 29941, 29941, 29947, 29929, 29914, 29888, 14017, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29955, 29953, 29914, 8159, 1723, 14661, 393, 1641, 6216, 4688, 297, 2834, 508, 505, 9045, 23633, 393, 1833, 964, 7256, 5046, 29889, 450, 6559, 5148, 472, 278, 9545, 310, 15058, 373, 18530, 4603, 29892, 4414, 4850, 362, 29892, 322, 22483, 29892, 1539, 19388, 1608, 29991, 13, 4013, 1838, 29915, 29873, 289, 356, 599, 393, 1532, 363, 9826, 29915, 29879, 4344, 29892, 8790, 408, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 278, 2787, 15202, 9205, 2133, 8967, 727, 526, 408, 1784, 408, 29871, 29946, 29906, 7284, 704, 968, 4344, 1090, 278, 5046, 310, 29871, 29945, 696, 11500, 2820, 278, 3186, 29889, 13, 5841, 304, 278, 6559, 29901, 739, 1476, 393, 24472, 3476, 292, 297, 596, 4688, 2440, 3620, 920, 596, 3573, 1539, 19388, 7093, 1208, 3842, 29892, 322, 920, 372, 10049, 29879, 304, 1880, 29899, 29888, 271, 9687, 29879, 297, 594, 352, 386, 2092, 29889, 450, 6559, 884, 14661, 393, 4688, 2834, 15058, 508, 1371, 23806, 289, 650, 4158, 6410, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 4414, 4850, 362, 29892, 2678, 297, 2834, 29889, 13, 6716, 310, 278, 25718, 943, 297, 278, 6559, 29892, 1260, 29893, 948, 315, 29889, 383, 7515, 29892, 10824, 29901, 376, 29933, 650, 1539, 19388, 1608, 13818, 7112, 2063, 5864, 1539, 19388, 1608, 297, 278, 3573, 29892, 322, 1539, 19388, 1608, 30003, 5816, 366, 437, 411, 5864, 515, 652, 300, 30003, 275, 278, 6555, 7618, 29916, 310, 2020, 777, 4344, 322, 16157, 29879, 4953, 704, 968, 1213, 13, 797, 916, 3838, 29901, 1938, 330, 12050, 579, 1199, 408, 263, 26397, 322, 366, 29915, 645, 367, 2221, 304, 17545, 4152, 9228, 310, 1506, 347, 923, 968, 1728, 17004, 408, 385, 16157, 29973, 21004, 9280, 29892, 5505, 451, 3755, 393, 2560, 30098, 6246, 372, 8959, 14661, 372, 29915, 29879, 2360, 2086, 4688, 304, 1348, 1048, 29892, 322, 12359, 434, 6216, 2264, 29991, 13, 29923, 854, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 18109, 415, 936, 408, 445, 338, 925, 697, 6559, 29892, 1244, 526, 263, 1051, 310, 29871, 29955, 916, 2998, 9045, 23633, 363, 6257, 6216, 2264, 408, 4123, 408, 1950, 30003, 276, 7040, 304, 427, 1467, 596, 413, 4841, 297, 263, 6216, 2264, 1824, 3339, 3301, 29991, 13, 25847, 936, 6354, 338, 9024, 304, 2253, 770, 8345, 10468, 29889, 13, 25847, 936, 6354, 26795, 17346, 322, 29311, 3381, 526, 6942, 411, 2253, 23023, 1848, 20890, 322, 23023, 1848, 2761, 29889, 13, 1252, 6269, 895, 338, 9024, 304, 9263, 1463, 297, 316, 2590, 322, 14919, 21549, 297, 4344, 29889, 13, 1252, 6269, 895, 2504, 4769, 2253, 1583, 29899, 4196, 331, 322, 16420, 297, 1716, 2278, 6614, 322, 594, 6544, 29883, 663, 29889, 13, 1252, 6269, 895, 4857, 1960, 14728, 322, 11029, 310, 8709, 29889, 13, 1252, 6269, 895, 6911, 4344, 2693, 1006, 10532, 284, 25078, 313, 1366, 338, 7148, 1565, 746, 591, 2050, 27577, 297, 3815, 14717, 467, 13, 25559, 263, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 29973, 530, 29871, 29947, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 29973, 319, 29871, 29945, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 29973, 22387, 502, 363, 2805, 963, 2675, 373, 263, 6216, 2264, 3814, 363, 2834, 29991, 13, 29909, 386, 2810, 310, 278, 23471, 6185, 1096, 13, 29949, 7844, 29882, 830, 774, 4099, 13, 29907, 549, 3605, 8250, 29892, 438, 29933, 29954, 29991, 1334, 526, 22314, 310, 366, 29991, 13, 5328, 1472, 505, 366, 1063, 2599, 11189, 29943, 277, 29973, 13, 29902, 29915, 345, 1063, 263, 4509, 1951, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 13, 5618, 1754, 366, 11097, 304, 2367, 29871, 29955, 341, 488, 3767, 1477, 669, 383, 277, 2264, 263, 1018, 29973, 13, 29902, 471, 9251, 472, 263, 4943, 330, 962, 393, 750, 19571, 29879, 16978, 322, 471, 1304, 304, 3063, 472, 6142, 2599, 289, 625, 567, 11051, 29879, 363, 3841, 29889, 306, 471, 884, 2599, 6579, 4242, 3114, 24472, 3476, 267, 29892, 541, 746, 278, 330, 962, 3512, 1549, 263, 1791, 1247, 3864, 3196, 310, 278, 1781, 11182, 267, 2845, 2175, 470, 3512, 373, 304, 1722, 701, 1009, 1914, 5381, 267, 29889, 3118, 310, 278, 11182, 267, 29892, 1058, 471, 884, 263, 29871, 29955, 29924, 3955, 29892, 12707, 1407, 10712, 310, 278, 29871, 29955, 29924, 488, 8583, 322, 13622, 393, 306, 1106, 964, 29871, 29955, 341, 488, 3767, 1477, 669, 383, 277, 2264, 408, 1183, 7091, 372, 723, 367, 263, 1781, 6216, 363, 592, 29889, 1105, 306, 8459, 304, 2367, 372, 263, 1018, 29889, 13, 5618, 471, 278, 2898, 342, 760, 746, 366, 4687, 714, 322, 920, 1258, 366, 25688, 393, 29973, 13, 1762, 367, 15993, 411, 366, 29892, 472, 937, 306, 1476, 278, 330, 962, 304, 367, 3755, 938, 326, 333, 1218, 408, 372, 471, 25531, 738, 916, 330, 962, 393, 306, 750, 1063, 304, 29889, 739, 471 ]
Das Kernkraftwerk Kahl (auch Versuchsatomkraftwerk Kahl, VAK) mit einem Siedewasserreaktor und einer elektrischen Leistung von 15 Megawatt in der Nähe von Großwelzheim in Unterfranken war 1960 das erste kommerzielle Kernkraftwerk in Deutschland. Das Kraftwerk wurde von RWE und Bayernwerk in Auftrag gegeben, erbaut wurde die Anlage durch die Allgemeine Elektricitäts-Gesellschaft (AEG) mit General Electric als Lizenzgeber und Lieferant für den Siedewasserreaktor. Auf dem Gelände wurde einige Jahre nach dem Bau des Kernkraftwerks Kahl (VAK) der Heißdampfreaktor Großwelzheim (HDR) errichtet, der mittlerweile ebenfalls stillgelegt und demontiert wurde. Geschichte Das Kraftwerk VAK ging am 13. November 1960 in Betrieb und am 17. Juni 1961 wurde erstmals Strom in das öffentliche Stromnetz gespeist. Es stand in der technischen Nachfolge zum 24-MW-Kernkraftwerk Vallecitos, USA, der General Electric, das 1957 seinen kommerziellen Betrieb aufgenommen hatte. Der Versuchsreaktor war insgesamt 150.000 Stunden in Betrieb und lieferte 2,1 Milliarden Kilowattstunden Strom. Nach Angaben des Bundes für Umwelt und Naturschutz kam es während des Betriebs zu 90 Defekten und Störfällen, von denen sieben als ernsthaft eingestuft wurden. Nach über 25 Jahren Betrieb wurde das Kraftwerk am 25. November 1985 stillgelegt. Seit 1986 wurde der Rückbau vorbereitet, 1988 begannen die ersten Rückbauarbeiten. Im Jahre 2005 wurde die charakteristische gelbe Kuppel beseitigt. Beim Rückbau der Reaktor-Ummantelung kamen aufgrund der hohen Radioaktivität des Stahlbetons ferngesteuerte Kleinbagger zum Einsatz. Der Abriss dauerte länger als der Betrieb und kostete mit 150 Millionen Euro auch wesentlich mehr als der Aufbau; dies ist auch dem Umstand geschuldet, dass dabei neben dem Rückbau an sich auch die Erprobung von Techniken für den Rückbau anderer Anlagen durchgeführt wurde. Als letztes markantes Bauteil des KKWs wurde am 31. Juli 2007 der 53 m hohe Kamin abgebaut. Ende 2008 waren die Rückbauarbeiten des Reaktorgebäudes und aller aktivierten Anlagenteile vollständig abgeschlossen; alle übrigen Gebäude- und Anlagenteile wurden im Juni und Juli 2010 abgerissen. Großwelzheim ist damit der erste Standort in Deutschland, an dem zwei Kernkraftwerke vollständig beseitigt wurden. Bei der Bildung der Gemeinde Karlstein aus den bis dahin selbständigen Orten Dettingen am Main und Großwelzheim im Jahr 1975 wurde wegen des Kernkraftwerks das Atomsymbol in das neu geschaffene und bis heute gültige Gemeindewappen aufgenommen. Namensgebung Obwohl das Kernkraftwerk nicht auf der Markung der Gemeinde Kahl am Main, sondern auf der der Nachbargemeinde Großwelzheim (heute Karlstein am Main) errichtet wurde, wurde es von Anfang an Versuchsatomkraftwerk Kahl genannt. Hierfür gab es folgende Gründe: "Kahl" ist wesentlich kürzer als "Großwelzheim". Dies vereinfacht nicht nur die Schreibweise, sondern sollte auch den in den Anfangsjahren im Kraftwerk tätigen US-Amerikanern sprachliche Erleichterungen bieten. Sowohl das angrenzende (und inzwischen ebenfalls stillgelegte) Kohlekraftwerk Dettingen als auch das VAK und der HDR wurden postalisch von Kahl aus bedient. Die Karlsteiner Ortslage Kimmelsteich östlich des ehemaligen Kraftwerksgeländes ragt in die Kahler Gemarkung und wird ebenfalls von Kahl aus postalisch versorgt. Großwelzheim hat keinen Bahnhof und war daher als Zielort ungeeignet. Kahl
[ 3713, 476, 824, 29895, 4154, 9888, 476, 4494, 313, 13989, 10138, 19873, 8678, 29895, 4154, 9888, 476, 4494, 29892, 478, 22311, 29897, 1380, 29871, 4093, 24965, 809, 9498, 276, 5867, 272, 563, 3422, 19616, 1679, 27520, 686, 1005, 29871, 29896, 29945, 13727, 1450, 1131, 297, 589, 28615, 354, 1005, 11751, 20466, 29920, 6391, 297, 5266, 16799, 1717, 1370, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 1697, 11870, 4677, 1050, 29920, 11381, 476, 824, 29895, 4154, 9888, 297, 10450, 29889, 3713, 25818, 9888, 1931, 1005, 390, 8851, 563, 19584, 9888, 297, 8407, 25221, 330, 15398, 29892, 604, 26312, 1931, 762, 530, 6184, 3494, 762, 2178, 19371, 457, 8317, 12947, 293, 17975, 1372, 29899, 29954, 267, 10806, 313, 29909, 11787, 29897, 1380, 4593, 26953, 1620, 365, 466, 4666, 29492, 563, 7326, 571, 424, 1865, 972, 24965, 809, 9498, 276, 5867, 272, 29889, 4322, 1261, 18685, 14362, 1931, 19774, 7095, 2644, 1261, 9807, 553, 476, 824, 29895, 4154, 556, 2039, 476, 4494, 313, 20449, 29968, 29897, 589, 940, 12044, 29881, 1160, 10745, 5867, 272, 11751, 20466, 29920, 6391, 313, 29950, 8353, 29897, 27472, 29892, 589, 22219, 1358, 705, 488, 17769, 1603, 479, 16260, 563, 1261, 609, 3722, 1931, 29889, 13, 13, 29954, 1968, 4458, 29871, 13, 13, 29928, 294, 25818, 9888, 478, 22311, 12773, 626, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 30081, 25363, 1096, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 297, 26439, 563, 626, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29889, 30081, 29967, 3909, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29896, 1931, 20090, 624, 456, 297, 1697, 22113, 296, 4545, 624, 456, 1212, 29920, 6300, 412, 391, 29889, 3423, 2317, 297, 589, 5722, 1679, 3975, 22997, 3356, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29899, 25365, 29899, 29968, 824, 29895, 4154, 9888, 25324, 29883, 12870, 29892, 8278, 29892, 589, 4593, 26953, 29892, 1697, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29955, 10316, 4677, 1050, 2526, 4919, 26439, 1622, 21096, 6551, 29889, 13, 13, 15383, 10138, 19873, 276, 5867, 272, 1370, 26696, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29900, 624, 9784, 297, 26439, 563, 3804, 571, 371, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29896, 8649, 29875, 7879, 12400, 340, 1131, 303, 9784, 624, 456, 29889, 3975, 3218, 12792, 553, 8457, 1865, 6379, 20581, 563, 8746, 18377, 9286, 831, 12829, 553, 6313, 2546, 5824, 1729, 29871, 29929, 29900, 5282, 1416, 841, 563, 624, 1340, 29888, 8048, 264, 29892, 1005, 17209, 29447, 1620, 22276, 303, 22023, 6867, 342, 29884, 615, 5448, 29889, 13, 13, 29940, 496, 2939, 29871, 29906, 29945, 8692, 26439, 1931, 1697, 25818, 9888, 626, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29889, 30081, 25363, 1096, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29945, 1603, 479, 16260, 29889, 13743, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29953, 1931, 589, 15582, 9738, 3764, 13167, 7369, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29947, 16019, 264, 762, 9372, 15582, 9738, 23536, 3537, 29889, 1954, 7095, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 1931, 762, 1373, 14266, 21007, 9127, 915, 476, 14889, 295, 289, 968, 277, 5523, 29889, 1522, 326, 15582, 9738, 589, 830, 5867, 272, 29899, 29965, 4317, 424, 295, 686, 28587, 25670, 589, 298, 14899, 9204, 5867, 440, 7033, 553, 624, 4494, 6878, 787, 285, 824, 29887, 4196, 18174, 21151, 29890, 9921, 3356, 23175, 29889, 2452, 27782, 790, 270, 7547, 371, 301, 13655, 1620, 589, 26439, 563, 23911, 2650, 1380, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29900, 26158, 11652, 2907, 281, 1329, 1470, 5243, 1620, 589, 4322, 9738, 29936, 2977, 1752, 2907, 1261, 6379, 1689, 8486, 352, 4801, 29892, 5511, 17857, 20104, 1261, 15582, 9738, 385, 2160, 2907, 762, 1425, 22795, 686, 1005, 8364, 14004, 1865, 972, 15582, 9738, 322, 11377, 530, 11541, 3494, 26210, 1931, 29889, 13, 13, 2499, 29879, 1235, 2065, 267, 2791, 3794, 6000, 1082, 309, 553, 476, 29968, 29956, 29879, 1931, 626, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29889, 7603, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 589, 29871, 29945, 29941, 286, 5089, 354, 476, 9103, 633, 27617, 29889, 10720, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 6183, 762, 15582, 9738, 23536, 3537, 553, 830, 5867, 3890, 29890, 29986, 8192, 563, 16454, 24073, 12025, 530, 3110, 2016, 488, 19446, 11503, 335, 633, 7754, 18908, 29936, 4788, 2505, 1182, 2101, 22912, 29899, 563, 530, 3110, 2016, 488, 5448, 527, 7452, 563, 7603, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 633, 914, 13119, 29889, 11751, 20466, 29920, 6391, 1752, 14733, 589, 11870, 6679, 441, 297, 10450, 29892, 385, 1261, 7325, 476, 824, 29895, 4154, 28904, 19446, 11503, 335, 289, 968, 277, 5523, 5448, 29889, 13, 3629, 29875, 589, 11679, 686, 589, 8662, 8425, 5465, 1770, 972, 2652, 20694, 262, 12526, 3140, 2101, 1394, 841, 5953, 1259, 264, 626, 4241, 563, 11751, 20466, 29920, 6391, 527, 3866, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29945, 1931, 19580, 553, 476, 824, 29895, 4154, 556, 2039, 1697, 2180, 4835, 2789, 297, 1697, 17167, 8486, 3470, 1600, 563, 2652, 12843, 330, 12100, 2231, 8662, 29893, 19934, 1622, 21096, 29889, 13, 13, 29940, 314, 575, 4310, 686, 29871, 13, 6039, 29300, 1697, 476, 824, 29895, 4154, 9888, 3072, 1622, 589, 4485, 686, 589, 8662, 476, 4494, 626, 4241, 29892, 17665, 1622, 589, 589, 3975, 29890, 1191, 6861, 11751, 20466, 29920, 6391, 313, 354, 1082, 8425, 5465, 626, 4241, 29897, 27472, 1931, 29892, 1931, 831, 1005, 19876, 385, 10138, 19873, 8678, 29895, 4154, 9888, 476, 4494, 18208, 29889, 12433, 18214, 11880, 831, 900, 11693, 17965, 29872, 29901, 13, 376, 29968, 4494, 29908, 1752, 281, 1329, 1470, 413, 1276, 3298, 1620, 376, 29954, 307, 30034, 20466, 29920, 6391, 1642, 6065, 24269, 7192, 5860, 3072, 5595, 762, 1102, 12207, 4506, 29892, 17665, 20099, 2907, 972, 297, 972, 19876, 29879, 29926, 21446, 527, 25818, 9888, 18026, 2101, 3148, 29899, 9816, 7941, 824, 805, 10221, 4545, 1425, 8200, 357, 2469, 289, 2035, 264, 29889, 13, 317, 340, 10330, 1697, 385, 20378, 2256, 311, 313, 870, 297, 7659, 1679, 17769, 1603, 479, 29838, 29897, 28590, 28508, 4154, 9888, 5953, 1259, 264, 1620, 2907, 1697, 478, 22311, 563, 589, 379, 8353, 5448, 29767, 783, 1005, 476, 4494, 1770, 6592, 993, 29889, 1640, 8425, 1655, 4983, 22007, 6184, 476, 6727, 295, 1655, 436, 24734, 1470, 553, 28390, 25818, 556, 2039, 7467, 3140, 267, 1153, 4141, 297, 762, 476, 801, 1358, 15170, 935, 686, 563, 4296, 17769, 1005, 476, 4494, 1770, 29767, 783, 1224, 990, 29873, 29889, 13, 11751, 20466, 29920, 6391, 3056, 1589, 7026, 28701, 563, 1370, 29430, 1620, 22846, 441, 443, 479, 7577, 300, 29889, 476, 4494 ]
Q: ayuda archivos txt en python Buenas noches Veran soy nuevo en python y necesito alguien que me explique como hacer para guardar en archivo txt una informacion x por ejemplo: estudiante : carlos rojas edad : 29 direccion: alajuela telefo : 2222222 estudiante: luis perez edad: 18 direccion: heredia telefono: 5555555 para luego buscarla en el mismo txt y de ser necesario modificar alguna en especifico o borrarla le agradesco cualquier ayuda que me brinden A: Guardar los datos con esa estructura es complicarse la vida inecesariamente a la hora de recuperarlos. La opción de serializar los datos que plantea Gerardo es muy buena si solo vas a leer los datos con Python. Puedes crearte una clase estudiante con los atributos adecuados y serializar las instancias. Otra opción es almacenarlos en un diccionario y luego serializarlo. No obstante si tienes que usar un archivo de texto lo mejor sería usar un formato tipo csv. Estudiante, direccion y teléfono serían las columnas: import csv headers = ('estudiante', 'direccion', 'telefono') datos=({'estudiante':'Carlos Rojas', 'direccion':'Alajuela', 'telefono':'2222222'}, {'estudiante':'Luiz Perez', 'direccion':'Heredia', 'telefono':'5555555'}) with open('datos.csv', 'wb') as csvfile: writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=headers) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(datos) El csv o txt (la extensión da igual en realidad) sería: estudiante,direccion,telefono Carlos Rojas,Alajuela,2222222 Luiz Perez,Heredia,8888888 Posteriormente podemos recuperar los datos de forma análoga: import csv with open('datos.csv') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) for row in reader: print(row['estudiante'], row['direccion'], row['telefono'],) Con lo que obtenemos: ('Carlos Rojas', 'Alajuela', '2222222') ('Luiz Perez', 'Heredia', '5555555') Puedes añadir datos o modificar los fácilmente. Para modificar datos en un fichero de texto generalmente se carga en memoria, se modifican y luego se reescribe: import csv with open('datos.csv', 'r') as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile) data = [row for row in reader] for row in data: if row['estudiante']=='Luiz Perez': row['telefono']='8888888' with open('datos.csv', 'wb') as csvfile: nuevo = {'estudiante':'Laura Aguilera', 'direccion':'Alajuela', 'telefono':'9999999'} writer = csv.DictWriter(csvfile, fieldnames=reader.fieldnames) writer.writeheader() writer.writerows(data) writer.writerow(nuevo) Con esto cambiamos el telefono de Luiz Peres y añadimos otra estudiante llamada 'Laura Aguilera'. A: Puedes usar el module pickle para guardar un objeto completo en un archivo binario pickle.dump(obj, file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) y para leer cada objeto usarias obj = pickle.load(file) de esta forma puedes cargar objeto por objeto guardado en el archivo y verificar si es lo que estas buscando por ejemplo
[ 660, 29901, 10156, 6191, 3190, 12927, 13872, 427, 3017, 15463, 294, 5440, 267, 29871, 13, 6565, 273, 577, 29891, 15671, 427, 3017, 343, 16632, 2049, 13, 284, 2543, 819, 712, 592, 1518, 9854, 1986, 14557, 1702, 13, 17728, 279, 427, 3190, 4243, 13872, 1185, 1871, 16337, 921, 13, 1971, 20270, 29901, 13, 342, 566, 12361, 584, 1559, 5409, 696, 14196, 13, 20483, 584, 29871, 29906, 29929, 13, 20146, 22643, 29901, 394, 1175, 9992, 13, 15494, 1181, 584, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29906, 29906, 29906, 29906, 29906, 13, 342, 566, 12361, 29901, 301, 4664, 282, 406, 29920, 13, 20483, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29947, 13, 20146, 22643, 29901, 902, 1381, 13, 15494, 29888, 3231, 29901, 29871, 29945, 29945, 29945, 29945, 29945, 29945, 29945, 13, 22752, 19102, 3593, 4287, 433, 427, 560, 11329, 13872, 343, 316, 724, 16632, 2628, 24670, 279, 13, 3093, 4347, 427, 13894, 928, 29877, 288, 9820, 13678, 433, 13, 280, 9221, 3076, 1111, 28217, 10156, 6191, 712, 592, 1506, 10060, 13, 13, 29909, 29901, 13211, 279, 1232, 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1277, 13413, 29877, 8372, 912, 427, 560, 3190, 4243, 343, 1147, 928, 279, 1354, 831, 658, 712, 22388, 3593, 29883, 1743, 1277, 20270, 13 ]