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Richard Albert Mohler Jr. (born October 19, 1959) is an American evangelical theologian, the ninth president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, and host of the podcast The Briefing, where he daily analyzes the news and recent events from an evangelical perspective. He has been described as "one of America's most influential evangelicals". Education and personal life Mohler was born on October 19, 1959, in Lakeland, Florida. During his Lakeland years, he attended Southside Baptist Church. Mohler attended college at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton in Palm Beach County as a Faculty Scholar. He then received a Bachelor of Arts from Samford University, a private, coeducational Baptist-affiliated college in Birmingham, Alabama. His Master of Divinity and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in systematic and historical theology were conferred by the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Career In addition to his presidency at SBTS, Mohler was the host of The Albert Mohler Program, a nationwide radio show "devoted to engaging contemporary culture with Christian beliefs." He currently produces a weekday podcast on the news, The Briefing, in which he provides commentary on current events from a Christian point of view, often providing a historical background as well. He also regularly broadcasts interviews with various different people on a podcast called Thinking in Public. He is former vice chairman of the board of Focus on the Family and a member of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. Christianity Today recognized Mohler as a leader among American evangelicals, and in 2003 Time called him the "reigning intellectual of the evangelical movement in the U.S." Mohler has presented lectures or addresses at a variety of conservative evangelical universities. Mohler served as editor of The Christian Index, the biweekly newsletter of the Georgia Baptist Convention. From 1985 to 1993 he was Associate Editor of the bi-monthly Preaching Magazine. Mohler also served on the Advisory Council for the 2001 English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible. Mohler previously blogged on Crosswalk.com, a web site maintained by Salem Web Network of Richmond, Virginia. Mohler currently blogs on his website, where his podcasts can also be listened to for free. In 2018, Mohler labeled turmoil in the Southern Baptist Convention as the SBC's "own horrifying #MeToo moment" and said it stemmed from "an unorganized conspiracy of silence" about sexual misconduct and abuse. He wrote that the SBC's "issues are far deeper and wider" than the controversy surrounding Paige Patterson, who'd been moved that day from president to president emeritus of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. In early 2019, explosive newspaper reports of sexual abuse by church leaders and volunteers shook the Southern Baptist Convention, and Mohler called for independent third-party investigations. Just days after the Houston Chronicle's 2019 report of allegations of hundreds of sexual abuse cases (some of which were not reported to law enforcement), Mohler apologized in an interview with the newspaper for supporting a religious leader who was accused of helping conceal sexual abuses at his former church. Some have lauded Mohler, while others have questioned the timing and motivations of these comments. One day after Mohler's remarks to the Houston Chronicle, his Southern Baptist Theological Seminary office released a related statement by him. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Mohler joined the staff of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1983 as Coordinator of Foundation Support. In 1987, he became Director of Capital Funding, a post he held until 1989. From 1983 to 1989, while still a student, he had served as assistant to then-President Roy Honeycutt. In February 1993, Mohler was appointed the ninth President of the seminary by the institution's board of trustees to succeed Honeycutt. Theology and other faiths In 2008, Al Mohler declined to sign An Evangelical Manifesto, publishing a lengthy explanation for his decision. Mohler is an Evangelical and an
[ 1.044123178357541, 0.7592306891257988 ]
[ 1.1546666210958818, 0.6532906183291606 ]
[ 1.5411413565269931, 0.6585294796932675 ]
[ 0.4985477110556137, 0.41010112193501563 ]
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[ 6123, 10537, 12929, 1358, 13843, 29889, 313, 4939, 5533, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29929, 29897, 338, 385, 3082, 23077, 936, 278, 1189, 713, 29892, 278, 17081, 386, 6673, 310, 450, 14234, 23759, 391, 450, 5996, 9444, 3821, 297, 5899, 4909, 29892, 24043, 29892, 322, 3495, 310, 278, 2532, 4384, 450, 1771, 2575, 292, 29892, 988, 540, 14218, 16455, 10947, 278, 9763, 322, 7786, 4959, 515, 385, 23077, 936, 18520, 29889, 940, 756, 1063, 5439, 408, 376, 650, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 1556, 7112, 2556, 23077, 936, 29879, 1642, 13, 13, 29923, 29392, 322, 7333, 2834, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 471, 6345, 373, 5533, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29929, 29892, 297, 27229, 14045, 29892, 13813, 29889, 7133, 670, 27229, 14045, 2440, 29892, 540, 14283, 4275, 2975, 23759, 391, 6291, 29889, 12929, 1358, 14283, 12755, 472, 13813, 19948, 3014, 297, 350, 6400, 390, 14114, 297, 3793, 29885, 17594, 5127, 408, 263, 14184, 18857, 1102, 10170, 29889, 940, 769, 4520, 263, 13620, 12779, 310, 11401, 515, 3685, 4006, 3014, 29892, 263, 2024, 29892, 1302, 287, 1682, 1288, 23759, 391, 29899, 3470, 2638, 630, 12755, 297, 350, 28836, 29892, 26911, 29889, 3600, 9082, 310, 4910, 13593, 322, 15460, 310, 16407, 29891, 14496, 297, 1788, 2454, 322, 15839, 278, 3002, 892, 378, 14373, 491, 278, 14234, 23759, 391, 450, 5996, 9444, 3821, 29889, 13, 13, 29907, 598, 261, 13, 797, 6124, 304, 670, 28282, 1270, 472, 317, 29933, 9375, 29892, 12929, 1358, 471, 278, 3495, 310, 450, 10537, 12929, 1358, 7835, 29892, 263, 5233, 8157, 7155, 1510, 376, 3359, 5715, 304, 3033, 6751, 24952, 9257, 411, 6111, 17750, 29879, 1213, 940, 5279, 13880, 263, 4723, 3250, 2532, 4384, 373, 278, 9763, 29892, 450, 1771, 2575, 292, 29892, 297, 607, 540, 8128, 3440, 653, 373, 1857, 4959, 515, 263, 6111, 1298, 310, 1776, 29892, 4049, 13138, 263, 15839, 3239, 408, 1532, 29889, 29871, 940, 884, 25704, 12672, 29879, 1006, 7406, 411, 5164, 1422, 2305, 373, 263, 2532, 4384, 2000, 498, 18159, 297, 5236, 29889, 940, 338, 4642, 11289, 28942, 310, 278, 7613, 310, 383, 5421, 373, 278, 14662, 322, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 8831, 373, 19864, 506, 284, 2315, 6614, 322, 22712, 6614, 29889, 6111, 537, 20628, 14831, 12929, 1358, 408, 263, 11822, 4249, 3082, 23077, 936, 29879, 29892, 322, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 5974, 2000, 1075, 278, 376, 276, 647, 292, 29762, 310, 278, 23077, 936, 10298, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 1213, 12929, 1358, 756, 9132, 13081, 1973, 470, 14157, 472, 263, 12875, 310, 8976, 1230, 23077, 936, 4946, 1907, 29889, 13, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 6766, 408, 6920, 310, 450, 6111, 11374, 29892, 278, 4768, 18448, 368, 9763, 15670, 310, 278, 16762, 23759, 391, 26774, 29889, 3645, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29945, 304, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 540, 471, 6853, 403, 14059, 310, 278, 4768, 29899, 10874, 368, 4721, 9733, 17880, 29889, 12929, 1358, 884, 6766, 373, 278, 2087, 1730, 706, 8831, 363, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 4223, 10117, 10079, 313, 2890, 29963, 29897, 310, 278, 21958, 29889, 12929, 1358, 9251, 12618, 3192, 373, 11189, 20919, 29889, 510, 29892, 263, 1856, 3268, 19949, 491, 317, 12698, 2563, 8527, 310, 28662, 29892, 11653, 29889, 12929, 1358, 5279, 12618, 29879, 373, 670, 4700, 29892, 988, 670, 2532, 4384, 29879, 508, 884, 367, 29616, 304, 363, 3889, 29889, 13, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 12929, 1358, 301, 24025, 7013, 4346, 309, 297, 278, 14234, 23759, 391, 26774, 408, 278, 317, 5371, 29915, 29879, 376, 776, 4029, 29878, 9215, 396, 6816, 1762, 29877, 3256, 29908, 322, 1497, 372, 20805, 2168, 515, 376, 273, 443, 6388, 1891, 21588, 29875, 10068, 310, 15142, 29908, 1048, 18287, 3984, 535, 2199, 322, 633, 1509, 29889, 940, 5456, 393, 278, 317, 5371, 29915, 29879, 376, 12175, 526, 2215, 25871, 322, 25734, 29908, 1135, 278, 19341, 29891, 18830, 2621, 2231, 349, 2620, 1100, 29892, 1058, 29915, 29881, 1063, 6153, 393, 2462, 515, 6673, 304, 6673, 11176, 277, 375, 310, 4275, 22741, 23759, 391, 450, 5996, 9444, 3821, 29889, 13, 13, 797, 4688, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 20389, 573, 19656, 13676, 310, 18287, 633, 1509, 491, 6586, 20251, 322, 27886, 414, 25239, 278, 14234, 23759, 391, 26774, 29892, 322, 12929, 1358, 2000, 363, 7417, 4654, 29899, 22633, 7405, 800, 29889, 3387, 3841, 1156, 278, 24327, 15336, 2512, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 3461, 310, 16831, 800, 310, 21006, 310, 18287, 633, 1509, 4251, 313, 5372, 310, 607, 892, 451, 8967, 304, 4307, 24555, 13561, 511, 12929, 1358, 27746, 1891, 297, 385, 15593, 411, 278, 19656, 363, 20382, 263, 12962, 11822, 1058, 471, 28886, 310, 19912, 10628, 284, 18287, 633, 6394, 472, 670, 4642, 6586, 29889, 3834, 505, 425, 566, 287, 12929, 1358, 29892, 1550, 4045, 505, 1139, 287, 278, 28750, 322, 17385, 800, 310, 1438, 6589, 29889, 3118, 2462, 1156, 12929, 1358, 29915, 29879, 29360, 304, 278, 24327, 15336, 2512, 29892, 670, 14234, 23759, 391, 450, 5996, 9444, 3821, 8034, 5492, 263, 4475, 3229, 491, 1075, 29889, 13, 13, 29903, 283, 5063, 23759, 391, 450, 5996, 9444, 3821, 13, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 8772, 278, 13925, 310, 278, 14234, 23759, 391, 450, 5996, 9444, 3821, 297, 5899, 4909, 29892, 24043, 29892, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29941, 408, 3189, 4194, 1061, 310, 10606, 18601, 29889, 512, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29892, 540, 3897, 15944, 310, 25343, 13249, 292, 29892, 263, 1400, 540, 4934, 2745, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29929, 29889, 3645, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29941, 304, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29929, 29892, 1550, 1603, 263, 8368, 29892, 540, 750, 6766, 408, 20255, 304, 769, 29899, 13504, 1693, 15793, 379, 4992, 29883, 4774, 29889, 512, 6339, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 29892, 12929, 1358, 471, 10658, 278, 17081, 386, 7178, 310, 278, 3031, 3821, 491, 278, 12666, 29915, 29879, 7613, 310, 9311, 12712, 304, 9269, 379, 4992, 29883, 4774, 29889, 13, 13, 1576, 3002, 322, 916, 10847, 29879, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29892, 838, 12929, 1358, 4845, 1312, 304, 1804, 530, 21827, 936, 2315, 361, 4778, 29892, 27256, 263, 3309, 29891, 8252, 363, 670, 10608, 29889, 12929, 1358, 338, 385, 21827, 936, 322, 385 ]
exclusivist, which means that he believes Jesus is the only way through which an individual can attain salvation or have a relationship with God the Father. As a Calvinist, Mohler believes that human salvation is a free gift from God which cannot be earned by human action or will and is only given to the elect. He has publicly advanced this position with respect to Judaism, Islam, and Catholicism. He recently stated that "any belief system, any world view, whether it's Zen Buddhism or Hinduism or dialectical materialism for that matter, Marxism, that keeps persons captive and keeps them from coming to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, yes, is a demonstration of Satanic power." He believes Muslims are motivated by demonic power and in the months after the September 11, 2001 attacks, Mohler characterized Islamic views of Jesus as false and destructive: Media appearances Mohler appeared on MSNBC's Donahue on August 20, 2002. The subject was Christian evangelization of Jews. Mohler and Michael L. Brown, a Messianic Jew, debated this subject as well as Mohler's insistence that salvation lies exclusively in the personal acceptance of Christ before the afterlife with Donahue, a Catholic, and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, an Orthodox Jew. On April 15, 2003, Mohler was interviewed by Time on the subject of evangelizing Iraqi Muslims in the form of Christian aid groups. On May 5, 2003, Mohler appeared on NPR's Fresh Air with Terry Gross to discuss the issue of evangelization of the Iraqis. At issue was whether the coupling of evangelizing with basic human aid relief might be perceived as aggressive or coercive by the Iraqi people, and whether such a perception, if widespread, might place other relief workers in jeopardy. Mohler argued that biblical, evangelical Christianity is not uniquely American, but exists as a movement throughout the world, so that Christian witnessing is not, in his view, to be interpreted as a move on the part of any single nation against the religion of another. At the same time, however, Mohler acknowledged the need for "sensitivity," and distanced himself from the idea that religion coerced. When pressed, Mohler expressed support for the idea of religious freedom as a theoretical matter of law. On December 18, 2004, Mohler debated retired Episcopal bishop John Shelby Spong on Faith Under Fire, a program hosted by Lee Strobel and appearing on PAX, a Christian television network. The subject was the historicity and truthfulness of the Bible. On December 19, 2013, Mohler appeared on CNN to discuss the controversy surrounding comments made by Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty. GLAAD National Spokesman Wilson Cruz was also on the program. Speaking engagements On November 8–9, 2004, Mohler spoke at the annual meeting of the Florida Baptist State Convention. On May 21, 2005, Mohler gave the commencement address at Union University in Jackson, Tennessee. Mohler told graduates they could display the glory of God by telling and defending the truth, sharing the gospel, engaging the culture, changing the world, loving the church and showing the glory of God in their own lives. On February 25, 2014, Mohler delivered a Forum Lecture in the Marriott Center Arena at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. The title of Mohler's lecture was, "Strengthen the Things that Remain: Human Dignity, Human Rights, and Human Flourishing in a Dangerous Age." Justice Sunday Mohler was on the board of directors of Focus on the Family. In this role he was one of the principal organizers of Justice Sunday, a nationally televised event broadcast from Highview Baptist Church, in Louisville on April 24, 2005. Mohler shared the stage with Charles Colson and Focus on the Family founder James Dobson. US Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist appeared at the event via videotape. Another host of the program was Family Research Council president Tony Perkins. The purpose of the broadcast was to mobilize the conservative base in lobbying the United States Senate to curtail debate on the nominations to the
[ 0.37024286729015093, 0.7154010753978385 ]
[ 0.5279466176374803, 1.0400663918920598 ]
[ 0.6179496232871192, 0.7599791207086383 ]
[ 1.0656464295347425, 0.38929015978899256 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 13489, 440, 391, 29892, 607, 2794, 393, 540, 1339, 17180, 13825, 338, 278, 871, 982, 1549, 607, 385, 5375, 508, 1098, 475, 24754, 362, 470, 505, 263, 9443, 411, 4177, 278, 17852, 29889, 1094, 263, 3037, 3845, 391, 29892, 12929, 1358, 1339, 17180, 393, 5199, 24754, 362, 338, 263, 3889, 19797, 515, 4177, 607, 2609, 367, 20591, 491, 5199, 3158, 470, 674, 322, 338, 871, 2183, 304, 278, 3546, 29889, 940, 756, 970, 368, 12862, 445, 2602, 411, 3390, 304, 435, 6191, 1608, 29892, 16427, 29892, 322, 11865, 1608, 29889, 940, 10325, 8703, 393, 376, 1384, 17750, 1788, 29892, 738, 3186, 1776, 29892, 3692, 372, 29915, 29879, 796, 264, 28234, 1608, 470, 379, 19910, 1608, 470, 23725, 936, 5518, 1608, 363, 393, 4383, 29892, 28579, 1608, 29892, 393, 14874, 12407, 4332, 573, 322, 14874, 963, 515, 6421, 304, 10847, 297, 278, 6171, 13825, 2819, 29892, 4874, 29892, 338, 263, 9004, 362, 310, 12178, 273, 293, 3081, 1213, 940, 1339, 17180, 23772, 29879, 526, 17385, 630, 491, 8033, 293, 3081, 322, 297, 278, 7378, 1156, 278, 3839, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29896, 16661, 29892, 12929, 1358, 2931, 1891, 16427, 293, 8386, 310, 13825, 408, 2089, 322, 17912, 573, 29901, 13, 13, 10572, 21712, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 7470, 373, 10888, 29940, 5371, 29915, 29879, 3872, 801, 434, 373, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 29889, 450, 4967, 471, 6111, 23077, 2133, 310, 22057, 29889, 12929, 1358, 322, 5765, 365, 29889, 9817, 29892, 263, 11946, 713, 293, 9576, 29892, 2553, 630, 445, 4967, 408, 1532, 408, 12929, 1358, 29915, 29879, 1663, 11416, 393, 24754, 362, 12185, 13489, 3598, 297, 278, 7333, 3544, 749, 310, 2819, 1434, 278, 1156, 19264, 411, 3872, 801, 434, 29892, 263, 11865, 29892, 322, 16155, 5365, 1383, 29885, 1297, 29891, 350, 866, 496, 29892, 385, 23757, 17324, 9576, 29889, 13, 13, 2951, 3786, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29892, 12929, 1358, 471, 15593, 287, 491, 5974, 373, 278, 4967, 310, 23077, 5281, 21375, 26461, 23772, 29879, 297, 278, 883, 310, 6111, 16226, 6471, 29889, 13, 13, 2951, 2610, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29941, 29892, 12929, 1358, 7470, 373, 405, 10593, 29915, 29879, 383, 3781, 5593, 411, 27571, 402, 2124, 304, 5353, 278, 2228, 310, 23077, 2133, 310, 278, 21375, 29939, 275, 29889, 2180, 2228, 471, 3692, 278, 23638, 310, 23077, 5281, 411, 6996, 5199, 16226, 18892, 1795, 367, 17189, 2347, 408, 946, 3663, 573, 470, 1302, 261, 455, 345, 491, 278, 21375, 26461, 2305, 29892, 322, 3692, 1316, 263, 639, 1441, 29892, 565, 281, 2247, 29886, 949, 29892, 1795, 2058, 916, 18892, 17162, 297, 1444, 459, 538, 29891, 29889, 12929, 1358, 28705, 393, 29727, 506, 284, 29892, 23077, 936, 6111, 537, 338, 451, 20498, 873, 3082, 29892, 541, 4864, 408, 263, 10298, 10106, 278, 3186, 29892, 577, 393, 6111, 16277, 292, 338, 451, 29892, 297, 670, 1776, 29892, 304, 367, 21551, 408, 263, 4337, 373, 278, 760, 310, 738, 2323, 5233, 2750, 278, 13433, 310, 1790, 29889, 2180, 278, 1021, 931, 29892, 3138, 29892, 12929, 1358, 24084, 3192, 278, 817, 363, 376, 23149, 24858, 1699, 322, 1320, 8362, 3654, 515, 278, 2969, 393, 13433, 1302, 261, 1133, 29889, 1932, 15385, 29892, 12929, 1358, 13384, 2304, 363, 278, 2969, 310, 12962, 16082, 408, 263, 23399, 4383, 310, 4307, 29889, 13, 13, 2951, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29892, 12929, 1358, 2553, 630, 16528, 20981, 9708, 284, 26201, 2259, 1383, 295, 1609, 1706, 549, 373, 7748, 389, 7634, 6438, 29892, 263, 1824, 17791, 491, 9371, 624, 307, 6596, 322, 21534, 373, 349, 6604, 29892, 263, 6111, 11456, 3564, 29889, 450, 4967, 471, 278, 22879, 537, 322, 8760, 1319, 2264, 310, 278, 21958, 29889, 13, 13, 2951, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 12929, 1358, 7470, 373, 29696, 304, 5353, 278, 19341, 29891, 18830, 6589, 1754, 491, 5241, 4755, 1100, 310, 360, 2707, 360, 15290, 29891, 29889, 402, 4375, 3035, 3086, 1706, 23195, 1171, 13015, 17960, 471, 884, 373, 278, 1824, 29889, 13, 13, 10649, 5086, 27010, 4110, 13, 2951, 3979, 29871, 29947, 29994, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29892, 12929, 1358, 12707, 472, 278, 17568, 11781, 310, 278, 13813, 23759, 391, 4306, 26774, 29889, 13, 13, 2951, 2610, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29892, 12929, 1358, 4846, 278, 844, 3977, 882, 3211, 472, 7761, 3014, 297, 11886, 29892, 22664, 29889, 12929, 1358, 5429, 10591, 1078, 896, 1033, 2479, 278, 26080, 310, 4177, 491, 14509, 322, 822, 2548, 278, 8760, 29892, 19383, 278, 330, 26265, 29892, 3033, 6751, 278, 9257, 29892, 6480, 278, 3186, 29892, 12355, 292, 278, 6586, 322, 6445, 278, 26080, 310, 4177, 297, 1009, 1914, 12080, 29889, 13, 13, 2951, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 12929, 1358, 20115, 263, 29474, 365, 522, 545, 297, 278, 1085, 374, 1501, 7817, 26053, 472, 1771, 1141, 314, 10443, 3014, 297, 1019, 1365, 29892, 14950, 801, 29889, 450, 3611, 310, 12929, 1358, 29915, 29879, 29197, 471, 29892, 376, 5015, 1477, 264, 278, 28706, 393, 5240, 475, 29901, 12968, 360, 647, 537, 29892, 12968, 26863, 29892, 322, 12968, 2379, 473, 14424, 297, 263, 360, 4600, 681, 16767, 1213, 13, 13, 14084, 625, 16340, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 471, 373, 278, 7613, 310, 1513, 943, 310, 383, 5421, 373, 278, 14662, 29889, 512, 445, 6297, 540, 471, 697, 310, 278, 5882, 8674, 414, 310, 17181, 16340, 29892, 263, 5233, 635, 4382, 11292, 1741, 12672, 515, 5057, 1493, 23759, 391, 6291, 29892, 297, 5899, 4909, 373, 3786, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 29889, 12929, 1358, 7258, 278, 7408, 411, 5322, 1530, 1100, 322, 383, 5421, 373, 278, 14662, 25331, 5011, 21451, 1100, 29889, 3148, 18148, 11019, 537, 951, 1664, 6682, 383, 2021, 7470, 472, 278, 1741, 3025, 18900, 327, 4085, 29889, 7280, 3495, 310, 278, 1824, 471, 14662, 10550, 8831, 6673, 15293, 2431, 11335, 29889, 13, 13, 1576, 6437, 310, 278, 12672, 471, 304, 27227, 675, 278, 8976, 1230, 2967, 297, 658, 1327, 5414, 278, 3303, 3900, 18148, 304, 3151, 18237, 27836, 373, 278, 10418, 800, 304, 278 ]
federal judiciary made by George W. Bush. Theological views On Catholicism Mohler believes the Catholic Church is a "false church" that teaches a "false gospel" and regards the Papacy as an illegitimate office. During a March 13, 2014 podcast of The Briefing, Mohler stated that Evangelicals "simply cannot accept the legitimacy of the papacy" and that "to do otherwise would be to compromise Biblical truth and reverse the Reformation." Mohler has denounced Pope Francis for his perceived left-leaning leadership. Mohler stated that he was one of the original signatories to the Manhattan Declaration because it is a limited ecumenical statement of Christian conviction on the topics of abortion, euthanasia and gay marriage, and not a wide-ranging theological document that subverts confessional integrity. He emphasized that he signed the document in spite of his deep theological disagreements with the Catholic Church. Family Planning Mohler spoke in June 2004, about married adults who choose not to have children. Mohler has also been critical of birth control methods that prevent implantation of the fertilized egg, which he believes "involve nothing less than an early abortion." He has attempted to bring about a new reflection on the topic within evangelical opinion. Gender roles and sexuality In 2017, Mohler signed the Nashville Statement. He opposed the repeal of the US military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy on the grounds of religious liberty. He said of trans people "We cannot affirm someone in a delusion" when asked whether Christians should use a person's preferred name. Science Mohler is a young earth creationist. Yoga According to Mohler, yoga practice is not consistent with Christianity. After voicing his stance on the topic, Mohler stated that he was 'surprised by the depth of the commitment to yoga found on the part of many who identify as Christians'. Libertarianism Mohler has argued that libertarianism is idolatrous, and as a comprehensive world view or fundamental guiding principle for human life, is inconsistent with Christian ideals. He is a proponent of personal liberty, but believes such liberties can run into problems when applied in the political sphere. The more limited economic libertarianism, on the other hand, can be consistent with the "comprehensive world view that Christianity puts forward." Selected bibliography Books authored by R. Albert Mohler Jr. Atheism Remix: A Christian Confronts the New Atheists Culture Shift: Engaging Current Issues with Timeless Truth (Today's Critical Concerns) He Is Not Silent: Preaching in a Postmodern World (September 1, 2008) Desire and Deceit: The Real Cost of the New Sexual Tolerance (September 16, 2008) The Conviction to Lead: The 25 Principles for Leadership That Matters, expresses the view that leadership stems from conviction and moral character (2012). We Cannot Be Silent: Speaking Truth to a Culture Redefining Sex, Marriage, and the Very Meaning of Right and Wrong (October 27, 2015) Acts 1-12 For You, first in a two-part popular-level commentary on the book of Acts (The Good Book Company, 2018) The Apostles' Creed: Discovering Authentic Christianity in an Age of Counterfeits, (Thomas Nelson, 2019) The Gathering Storm: Secularism, Culture, and the Church (Thomas Nelson, 2020)) The Disappearance of God: Dangerous Beliefs in the New Spiritual Openness Multnomah (May 5, 2009) Books edited by R. Albert Mohler Jr. . Theological Education in the Evangelical Tradition (Editor, with D. G. Hart) Books to which R. Albert Mohler Jr. has contributed Feed My Sheep: A Passionate Plea for Preaching The Coming Evangelical Crisis: Current Challenges to the Authority of Script
[ 0.062065895765429833, 0.7756667942737839 ]
[ 0.4133463884336583, 0.3488837595065084 ]
[ 0.4201228233071462, 1.2773722898870292 ]
[ 0.5557778569571771, 0.7222655541253618 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 17097, 6577, 1654, 653, 1754, 491, 5122, 399, 29889, 24715, 29889, 13, 13, 1576, 5996, 8386, 13, 13, 2951, 11865, 1608, 29871, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 1339, 17180, 278, 11865, 6291, 338, 263, 376, 4541, 6586, 29908, 393, 6860, 267, 263, 376, 4541, 330, 26265, 29908, 322, 21778, 278, 8579, 4135, 408, 385, 980, 1397, 277, 6490, 8034, 29889, 7133, 263, 4779, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 2532, 4384, 310, 450, 1771, 2575, 292, 29892, 12929, 1358, 8703, 393, 21827, 936, 29879, 376, 14739, 368, 2609, 3544, 278, 25204, 326, 4135, 310, 278, 3500, 4135, 29908, 322, 393, 376, 517, 437, 6467, 723, 367, 304, 19632, 895, 19864, 506, 284, 8760, 322, 11837, 278, 830, 5404, 1213, 12929, 1358, 756, 972, 20979, 20635, 5845, 363, 670, 17189, 2347, 2175, 29899, 14044, 292, 26001, 29889, 13, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 8703, 393, 540, 471, 697, 310, 278, 2441, 1804, 1061, 583, 304, 278, 29093, 23586, 3826, 23838, 1363, 372, 338, 263, 9078, 21226, 14170, 936, 3229, 310, 6111, 7602, 2463, 373, 278, 23820, 310, 27450, 291, 29892, 321, 2806, 16397, 423, 322, 23852, 13718, 29892, 322, 451, 263, 9377, 29899, 29878, 9776, 278, 5996, 1842, 393, 1014, 369, 1372, 1970, 15750, 28410, 29889, 940, 19310, 1891, 393, 540, 8794, 278, 1842, 297, 21100, 310, 670, 6483, 278, 5996, 22941, 276, 4110, 411, 278, 11865, 6291, 29889, 13, 13, 27104, 1858, 9450, 29871, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 12707, 297, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29892, 1048, 8300, 16157, 29879, 1058, 6755, 451, 304, 505, 4344, 29889, 13, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 756, 884, 1063, 12187, 310, 12060, 2761, 3519, 393, 5557, 13374, 424, 362, 310, 278, 19965, 309, 1891, 19710, 29892, 607, 540, 1339, 17180, 376, 262, 1555, 345, 3078, 3109, 1135, 385, 4688, 27450, 291, 1213, 940, 756, 16388, 304, 6963, 1048, 263, 716, 17842, 373, 278, 11261, 2629, 23077, 936, 9426, 29889, 13, 13, 29954, 1581, 16178, 322, 18287, 537, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 12929, 1358, 8794, 278, 24848, 4909, 6666, 882, 29889, 940, 15869, 278, 5565, 284, 310, 278, 3148, 9121, 29915, 29879, 376, 9176, 29915, 29873, 2244, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2649, 29908, 8898, 373, 278, 25502, 310, 12962, 24169, 29889, 940, 1497, 310, 1301, 2305, 376, 4806, 2609, 2756, 3568, 4856, 297, 263, 628, 3958, 29908, 746, 4433, 3692, 27353, 881, 671, 263, 2022, 29915, 29879, 16389, 1024, 29889, 13, 13, 29903, 15277, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 338, 263, 4123, 8437, 11265, 391, 29889, 13, 13, 29979, 14895, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 12929, 1358, 29892, 343, 14895, 6944, 338, 451, 13747, 411, 6111, 537, 29889, 13, 13, 13555, 992, 18499, 670, 380, 749, 373, 278, 11261, 29892, 12929, 1358, 8703, 393, 540, 471, 525, 7610, 558, 3368, 491, 278, 10809, 310, 278, 9063, 358, 304, 343, 14895, 1476, 373, 278, 760, 310, 1784, 1058, 12439, 408, 27353, 4286, 13, 13, 23410, 2151, 13956, 1608, 13, 29924, 1148, 1358, 756, 28705, 393, 17176, 13956, 1608, 338, 1178, 324, 8141, 681, 29892, 322, 408, 263, 15171, 6270, 3186, 1776, 470, 15281, 1410, 4821, 12502, 363, 5199, 2834, 29892, 338, 22435, 9696, 411, 6111, 1957, 1338, 29889, 940, 338, 263, 410, 3296, 310, 7333, 24169, 29892, 541, 1339, 17180, 1316, 17176, 583, 508, 1065, 964, 4828, 746, 7436, 297, 278, 8604, 20745, 29889, 450, 901, 9078, 17407, 17176, 13956, 1608, 29892, 373, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 508, 367, 13747, 411, 278, 376, 510, 1457, 29882, 6270, 3186, 1776, 393, 6111, 537, 15223, 6375, 1213, 13, 13, 8592, 11721, 5275, 13, 13, 10967, 29879, 4148, 287, 491, 390, 29889, 10537, 12929, 1358, 13843, 29889, 13, 29909, 1552, 1608, 5240, 861, 29901, 319, 6111, 1281, 8862, 29879, 278, 1570, 319, 1552, 2879, 29871, 13, 27926, 1383, 2027, 29901, 2201, 6751, 9626, 16982, 1041, 411, 7870, 6393, 1605, 2806, 313, 29911, 397, 388, 29915, 29879, 15976, 936, 23924, 824, 29879, 29897, 29871, 13, 3868, 1317, 2216, 5664, 296, 29901, 4721, 9733, 297, 263, 4918, 1545, 824, 2787, 29871, 313, 2008, 3266, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29897, 13, 4002, 533, 322, 897, 346, 277, 29901, 450, 8195, 9839, 310, 278, 1570, 21703, 950, 16977, 261, 749, 29871, 313, 2008, 3266, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 29897, 13, 1576, 1281, 29894, 2463, 304, 951, 328, 29901, 450, 29871, 29906, 29945, 14771, 2701, 363, 951, 328, 10475, 2193, 5345, 2153, 29892, 4653, 267, 278, 1776, 393, 26001, 380, 1567, 515, 7602, 2463, 322, 14731, 2931, 313, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 467, 13, 4806, 15808, 1522, 5664, 296, 29901, 5013, 5086, 1605, 2806, 304, 263, 14062, 4367, 1389, 2827, 21703, 29892, 1085, 9081, 29892, 322, 278, 18064, 16316, 292, 310, 10428, 322, 399, 29373, 29871, 313, 25375, 4950, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 29897, 13, 2865, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29896, 29906, 1152, 887, 29892, 937, 297, 263, 1023, 29899, 1595, 5972, 29899, 5563, 3440, 653, 373, 278, 3143, 310, 3185, 29879, 29871, 313, 1576, 7197, 6726, 6938, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 450, 22468, 793, 29915, 6760, 287, 29901, 8565, 957, 292, 13189, 4173, 6111, 537, 297, 385, 16767, 310, 315, 5336, 1725, 1169, 29892, 313, 1349, 18902, 19135, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29897, 13, 1576, 402, 1624, 292, 24444, 29901, 5356, 1070, 1608, 29892, 14062, 29892, 322, 278, 6291, 29871, 313, 1349, 18902, 19135, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 876, 13, 1576, 3295, 932, 21711, 310, 4177, 29901, 360, 4600, 681, 3741, 2575, 29879, 297, 278, 1570, 20799, 950, 6461, 2108, 404, 29871, 9683, 11522, 801, 313, 12703, 29871, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29897, 13, 13, 10967, 29879, 8788, 491, 390, 29889, 10537, 12929, 1358, 13843, 29889, 13, 869, 13, 1576, 5996, 13151, 297, 278, 21827, 936, 18375, 654, 313, 15280, 29892, 411, 360, 29889, 402, 29889, 12321, 29897, 13, 13, 10967, 29879, 304, 607, 390, 29889, 10537, 12929, 1358, 13843, 29889, 756, 26869, 13, 29737, 1619, 2296, 1022, 29901, 319, 6978, 291, 403, 19777, 29874, 363, 4721, 9733, 29871, 13, 1576, 422, 292, 21827, 936, 29524, 275, 29901, 9626, 678, 16047, 267, 304, 278, 13361, 537, 310, 14415 ]
Family Law Probate Land Use and Real Estate Law Personal injury lawsuits are filed by the victim of a personal injury against the liable party in order to seek compensation for damages. Personal injury lawsuits can be brought against a party for negligence, strict liability or intentional wrongs. A party can be charged in personal injury lawsuits for negligence if they failed to prevent injury. Strict liability personal injury lawsuits involve a party's defective product or drug. Intentional wrong in personal injury lawsuits involves willful or malicious wrongdoing on behalf of the liable party. Personal injury lawsuits can be brought under a variety of circumstances. Personal injury lawsuits can be filed for car accidents, work injury, drug injury, medical malpractice, nursing home abuse, slip and fall injury, exposure to toxic materials, dog bite injury, and in cases of wrongful death. If personal injury caused death, personal injury lawsuits can be filed by a decedent's beneficiaries or dependants in order to seek compensation for damages. In personal injury lawsuits, a victim seeks compensation for the injuries they have suffered. Compensation can include medical expenses, disability or deformity, loss of income and pain and suffering. In cases where the defendant acted maliciously or willfully, punitive damages may also be awarded. Punitive damages in personal injury lawsuits are intended to punish the responsible party and deter others from committing the same acts. Most personal injury lawsuits can be settled out of the court system through negotiations with an adjuster from the defendant's insurance company. If negotiations cannot be reached in this manner, a Complaint of Law can be filed in the appropriate civil court. Personal injury lawsuits are best handled by a qualified attorney who can protect and maximize a victim's interest. The laws regarding personal injury lawsuits in each state are different. All states have a statute of limitations which places a time restriction on when personal injury lawsuits can be filed. This time usually begins on the date when the injury occurred, however there are exceptions to this rule. In personal injury lawsuits, two things must be proven by the victim. The first thing that must be established is that the defendant was, in fact, responsible for the injuries that were incurred by the victim. The extent of the damages also must be proven in personal injury lawsuits. If you feel that you might be eligible to file personal injury lawsuits, you should immediately contact us and we can advise you of your legal rights and options. You have a case if the actions of another individual operating an automobile, truck, airplane, motorcycle, or other motor vehicle were careless. Careless is simply another word for negligent, which is defined as failing to do what a reasonable person would do, given a certain set of circumstances. For example, if an individual failed to stop his vehicle at a red light, as a normal person would, he could be considered negligent and responsible for damages. These can include personal injuries caused by his actions for any pain and suffering, permanent injuries, disabilities, or even death. In order for damages to be sought, an injury need not be physical. Such cases that involve being subjected to extreme emotional distress or verbal abuse may also entitle you to damages. In the case of a death within a family, surviving family members can recover damages through wrongful death laws & litigation. Although many personal injury cases only involve minor injuries, you may still be entitled to substantial monetary damages. Medical expenses, no matter how small they are, including hospital expenses, medications, personal therapy can be recovered. In addition, in cases of extreme negligence, punitive damages can be recovered to ensure that the conduct is not repeated in the future. There is an increased use of mediation as a means of resolving personal injury claims. During the past several years this process has become one of the most widely used methods of arriving at a reasonable compromise settlement in an personal injury or wrongful death claim, especially in claims that would be the most expensive and difficult to litigate to a jury verdict. When approached effectively, it ends the claim or litigation without any further costs to the client; when it fails, the injured individual proceeds to use the regular procedures of litigation and jury trial without any penalties. Additionally, mediation is an extremely cost-effective procedure that could save the injured person an enormous amount of
[ -0.3056919569207373, 0.3291526044201881 ]
[ 0.4240901599215166, 0.037314386358617384 ]
[ 1.2063575411762697, 1.4295467514100852 ]
[ 0.4777367489095906, 0.22280246262080794 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 14662, 7927, 1019, 29890, 403, 13, 22677, 4803, 322, 8195, 2661, 403, 7927, 13, 7435, 284, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 526, 934, 29881, 491, 278, 28985, 310, 263, 7333, 24092, 2750, 278, 619, 519, 6263, 297, 1797, 304, 16508, 22874, 362, 363, 5625, 1179, 29889, 16224, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 508, 367, 6296, 2750, 263, 6263, 363, 3480, 3473, 663, 29892, 9406, 619, 3097, 470, 7609, 1848, 2743, 29879, 29889, 319, 6263, 508, 367, 20139, 297, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 363, 3480, 3473, 663, 565, 896, 5229, 304, 5557, 24092, 29889, 3767, 919, 619, 3097, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 25135, 263, 6263, 29915, 29879, 23503, 573, 3234, 470, 15721, 29889, 11171, 1848, 2743, 297, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 20789, 674, 1319, 470, 4439, 14803, 2743, 1867, 292, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 619, 519, 6263, 29889, 13, 7435, 284, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 508, 367, 6296, 1090, 263, 12875, 310, 14209, 29889, 16224, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 508, 367, 934, 29881, 363, 1559, 1035, 16719, 29892, 664, 24092, 29892, 15721, 24092, 29892, 16083, 4439, 29886, 1461, 625, 29892, 302, 1295, 292, 3271, 633, 1509, 29892, 269, 3466, 322, 6416, 24092, 29892, 14060, 545, 304, 304, 27375, 17279, 29892, 11203, 289, 568, 24092, 29892, 322, 297, 4251, 310, 2743, 1319, 4892, 29889, 960, 7333, 24092, 8581, 4892, 29892, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 508, 367, 934, 29881, 491, 263, 316, 1133, 296, 29915, 29879, 7795, 1654, 4314, 470, 8839, 1934, 297, 1797, 304, 16508, 22874, 362, 363, 5625, 1179, 29889, 13, 797, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 29892, 263, 28985, 1074, 2039, 22874, 362, 363, 278, 10899, 14886, 896, 505, 17654, 29889, 3831, 575, 362, 508, 3160, 16083, 1518, 11259, 29892, 766, 3097, 470, 316, 689, 537, 29892, 6410, 310, 17869, 322, 6788, 322, 23164, 29889, 512, 4251, 988, 278, 822, 5818, 27320, 4439, 1654, 5794, 470, 674, 3730, 29892, 6035, 3321, 5625, 1179, 1122, 884, 367, 15074, 29889, 349, 348, 3321, 5625, 1179, 297, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 526, 9146, 304, 6035, 728, 278, 14040, 6263, 322, 270, 1308, 4045, 515, 844, 5367, 278, 1021, 14741, 29889, 13, 29924, 520, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 508, 367, 17141, 714, 310, 278, 8973, 1788, 1549, 27214, 800, 411, 385, 10365, 261, 515, 278, 822, 5818, 29915, 29879, 1663, 18541, 5001, 29889, 960, 27214, 800, 2609, 367, 7450, 297, 445, 8214, 29892, 263, 3831, 433, 524, 310, 7927, 508, 367, 934, 29881, 297, 278, 8210, 7631, 8973, 29889, 16224, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 526, 1900, 16459, 491, 263, 18698, 1098, 25252, 1058, 508, 12566, 322, 5256, 675, 263, 28985, 29915, 29879, 4066, 29889, 13, 1576, 14243, 11211, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 297, 1269, 2106, 526, 1422, 29889, 2178, 5922, 505, 263, 1002, 1082, 310, 27028, 607, 7600, 263, 931, 24345, 373, 746, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 508, 367, 934, 29881, 29889, 910, 931, 5491, 16410, 373, 278, 2635, 746, 278, 24092, 10761, 29892, 3138, 727, 526, 15283, 304, 445, 5751, 29889, 13, 797, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 29892, 1023, 2712, 1818, 367, 16413, 491, 278, 28985, 29889, 450, 937, 2655, 393, 1818, 367, 7841, 338, 393, 278, 822, 5818, 471, 29892, 297, 2114, 29892, 14040, 363, 278, 10899, 14886, 393, 892, 297, 2764, 1127, 491, 278, 28985, 29889, 450, 15834, 310, 278, 5625, 1179, 884, 1818, 367, 16413, 297, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 4459, 393, 366, 1795, 367, 560, 335, 1821, 304, 934, 7333, 24092, 4307, 2146, 1169, 29892, 366, 881, 7389, 6958, 502, 322, 591, 508, 22939, 366, 310, 596, 11706, 10462, 322, 3987, 29889, 13, 3492, 505, 263, 1206, 565, 278, 8820, 310, 1790, 5375, 13598, 385, 3345, 5249, 29892, 534, 2707, 29892, 4799, 22116, 29892, 10992, 23090, 29892, 470, 916, 10992, 19716, 892, 2562, 2222, 29889, 10057, 2222, 338, 3763, 1790, 1734, 363, 3480, 3473, 296, 29892, 607, 338, 3342, 408, 17581, 304, 437, 825, 263, 15590, 2022, 723, 437, 29892, 2183, 263, 3058, 731, 310, 14209, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 565, 385, 5375, 5229, 304, 5040, 670, 19716, 472, 263, 2654, 3578, 29892, 408, 263, 4226, 2022, 723, 29892, 540, 1033, 367, 5545, 3480, 3473, 296, 322, 14040, 363, 5625, 1179, 29889, 4525, 508, 3160, 7333, 10899, 14886, 8581, 491, 670, 8820, 363, 738, 6788, 322, 23164, 29892, 17667, 10899, 14886, 29892, 766, 11614, 29892, 470, 1584, 4892, 29889, 13, 797, 1797, 363, 5625, 1179, 304, 367, 18365, 29892, 385, 24092, 817, 451, 367, 9128, 29889, 10506, 4251, 393, 25135, 1641, 4967, 287, 304, 18677, 23023, 1848, 1320, 1253, 470, 1147, 5521, 633, 1509, 1122, 884, 875, 1740, 366, 304, 5625, 1179, 29889, 512, 278, 1206, 310, 263, 4892, 2629, 263, 3942, 29892, 10503, 4357, 3942, 5144, 508, 9792, 5625, 1179, 1549, 2743, 1319, 4892, 14243, 669, 11872, 335, 362, 29889, 13, 2499, 3592, 1784, 7333, 24092, 4251, 871, 25135, 9461, 10899, 14886, 29892, 366, 1122, 1603, 367, 23437, 304, 23228, 1601, 300, 653, 5625, 1179, 29889, 20795, 1518, 11259, 29892, 694, 4383, 920, 2319, 896, 526, 29892, 3704, 13457, 1518, 11259, 29892, 13589, 800, 29892, 7333, 29220, 27580, 508, 367, 24776, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 297, 4251, 310, 18677, 3480, 3473, 663, 29892, 6035, 3321, 5625, 1179, 508, 367, 24776, 304, 9801, 393, 278, 7512, 338, 451, 10324, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 8439, 338, 385, 11664, 671, 310, 1612, 11685, 408, 263, 2794, 310, 3770, 1747, 7333, 24092, 16726, 29889, 7133, 278, 4940, 3196, 2440, 445, 1889, 756, 4953, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 17644, 1304, 3519, 310, 6974, 292, 472, 263, 15590, 19632, 895, 16493, 297, 385, 7333, 24092, 470, 2743, 1319, 4892, 5995, 29892, 7148, 297, 16726, 393, 723, 367, 278, 1556, 19390, 322, 5189, 304, 11872, 335, 403, 304, 263, 432, 2857, 1147, 8977, 29889, 1932, 26733, 17583, 29892, 372, 10614, 278, 5995, 470, 11872, 335, 362, 1728, 738, 4340, 21544, 304, 278, 3132, 29936, 746, 372, 8465, 29892, 278, 28606, 5375, 8469, 29879, 304, 671, 278, 4943, 28648, 310, 11872, 335, 362, 322, 432, 2857, 14260, 1728, 738, 6584, 1997, 583, 29889, 19814, 29892, 1612, 11685, 338, 385, 14154, 3438, 29899, 15987, 573, 8792, 393, 1033, 4078, 278, 28606, 2022, 385, 18886, 681, 5253, 310 ]
ITsavvy Partners with Stewart-Haas Racing – ITsavvy, one of the fastest growing resources for integrated IT products and technology solutions in the United States, has joined Stewart-Haas Racing (SHR), the championship-winning NASCAR team. The multiyear partnership will be highlighted on the No. 14 Ford Fusion driven by Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series driver Clint Bowyer. ITsavvy will be the primary sponsor of Bowyer and the No. 14 team Sept. 21-22 at Richmond (Va.) Raceway and Nov. 9-11 at ISM Raceway near Phoenix. At all other races, ITsavvy will serve as an associate sponsor. "The crossover between what ITsavvy does and what we do is strong, and ITsavvy can tell a great story with Stewart-Haas Racing," said Mike Verlander, vice president of sales and marketing, SHR. "Walk through our race shop and throughout the garage and you'll see how our racecars and our entire industry relies on technology. From engine diagnostics to fuel-mileage calculations, our business is dependent on technology solutions. The senior-level introductions our sport can make will lead to new business opportunities for ITsavvy. Every company needs what ITsavvy provides, and we're excited to facilitate those introductions." Founded in 2004, ITsavvy is a single-source, end-to-end IT partner. The Addison, Illinois-based company combines a comprehensive, value-added reseller business of more than a million computer, hardware and software products with an industry-leading advanced solutions group. ITsavvy has access to $8 billion in daily inventory in 46 distribution centers around the country with the ability to ship in-stock items the same day they are ordered. "It's our goal to build an ongoing business relationship with every entity we partner with, and in NASCAR it starts with Stewart-Haas Racing," said Mike Theriault, president and CEO, ITsavvy. "We are a business-to-business company, and speed and attention to detail are critical to what we do because it's incredibly important for our clients. Our role with Stewart-Haas Racing allows the team to maximize its performance with our products and technology solutions in a high-speed environment. It provides ITsavvy with an incredibly strong testimonial in an industry where nearly half of America's Fortune 100 companies invest. We can help these companies the same way we're helping Stewart-Haas Racing." ITsavvy is filled with technology solutions experts, which makes its pairing with SHR appropriate. Since its debut in 2009 as a two-car NASCAR Cup Series team, SHR has grown to become a four-car NASCAR Cup Series team while also fielding a full-time NASCAR Xfinity Series team and one part-time Xfinity Series team. Celebrating its 10thyear in 2018, SHR has won two NASCAR Cup Series championships and 48 races. It staffs nearly 400 people and boasts an engineering staff of 50. "Working with ITsavvy gives us a competitive advantage that directly translates to our performance on the racetrack," said Tom McDonough, IT director, SHR. "Anytime you can align with an IT leader, it makes a positive impact on the success of our operation. Most people don't realize how complex our IT needs are day-in and day-out, and having a vested partner in the IT solutions industry is a huge benefit to our operation." "If it makes my racecar faster than everybody else's car, then I'm all for it," said Bowyer, a winner of nine NASCAR Cup Series races, including earlier this season at Martinsville (Va.) Speedway. "While these are stock cars, the technology inside them is impressive, and the research and development that goes into all the parts and pieces we use to build these cars is cutting edge. The days of paper and pencil are long gone. Heck, we're not even using tape measures anymore. It's all digital measurement, and we keep all that data on computers. Technical support and race support go hand in hand, and to have an in-house partner in ITsavvy makes our program that much better." "ITsavvy and SHR operate in different environments, but we share the same attributes – technology, precision,
[ 0.11685291292538025, 0.5729548307819675 ]
[ 0.010454957638971606, 0.4240901599215166 ]
[ -0.6691926970953974, 0.1005564541087283 ]
[ -0.703935695444282, 0.03810517357485317 ]
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[ 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 3455, 8397, 411, 22389, 29899, 24704, 294, 22582, 13, 29994, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 29892, 697, 310, 278, 5172, 342, 15678, 7788, 363, 23387, 13315, 9316, 322, 15483, 6851, 297, 278, 3303, 3900, 29892, 756, 8772, 22389, 29899, 24704, 294, 22582, 313, 7068, 29934, 511, 278, 22401, 29899, 5080, 1076, 16938, 29907, 1718, 3815, 29889, 13, 1576, 2473, 6360, 22056, 4034, 674, 367, 12141, 287, 373, 278, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29946, 14601, 383, 3958, 18225, 491, 2598, 2475, 24836, 16938, 29907, 1718, 6536, 10488, 7156, 2233, 524, 13432, 7598, 29889, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 674, 367, 278, 7601, 21955, 272, 310, 13432, 7598, 322, 278, 1939, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29946, 3815, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29906, 472, 28662, 313, 29963, 29874, 1846, 23613, 1582, 322, 2864, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29896, 472, 8519, 29924, 23613, 1582, 2978, 29715, 29889, 2180, 599, 916, 19830, 29892, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 674, 9080, 408, 385, 25836, 21955, 272, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 274, 1883, 578, 369, 1546, 825, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 947, 322, 825, 591, 437, 338, 4549, 29892, 322, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 508, 2649, 263, 2107, 5828, 411, 22389, 29899, 24704, 294, 22582, 1699, 1497, 12828, 1798, 1049, 261, 29892, 11289, 6673, 310, 16538, 322, 9999, 292, 29892, 317, 20938, 29889, 376, 29956, 2235, 1549, 1749, 8175, 18296, 322, 10106, 278, 7171, 482, 322, 366, 29915, 645, 1074, 920, 1749, 8175, 29883, 1503, 322, 1749, 4152, 13661, 337, 3687, 373, 15483, 29889, 3645, 6012, 652, 20921, 304, 26413, 29899, 26763, 482, 17203, 29892, 1749, 5381, 338, 14278, 373, 15483, 6851, 29889, 450, 16336, 29899, 5563, 4547, 1953, 1749, 7980, 508, 1207, 674, 3275, 304, 716, 5381, 28602, 1907, 363, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 29889, 7569, 5001, 4225, 825, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 8128, 29892, 322, 591, 29915, 276, 24173, 304, 16089, 10388, 1906, 4547, 1953, 1213, 13, 29943, 7261, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29946, 29892, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 338, 263, 2323, 29899, 4993, 29892, 1095, 29899, 517, 29899, 355, 13315, 18096, 29889, 450, 3462, 2285, 29892, 17066, 29899, 6707, 5001, 4145, 1475, 263, 15171, 6270, 29892, 995, 29899, 23959, 620, 4539, 5381, 310, 901, 1135, 263, 7284, 6601, 29892, 12837, 322, 7047, 9316, 411, 385, 13661, 29899, 25369, 12862, 6851, 2318, 29889, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 756, 2130, 304, 395, 29947, 24464, 297, 14218, 11817, 706, 297, 29871, 29946, 29953, 4978, 1644, 414, 2820, 278, 4234, 411, 278, 11509, 304, 7751, 297, 29899, 17712, 4452, 278, 1021, 2462, 896, 526, 10372, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1749, 7306, 304, 2048, 385, 373, 17696, 5381, 9443, 411, 1432, 7855, 591, 18096, 411, 29892, 322, 297, 16938, 29907, 1718, 372, 8665, 411, 22389, 29899, 24704, 294, 22582, 1699, 1497, 12828, 498, 8749, 499, 29892, 6673, 322, 14645, 29949, 29892, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 29889, 376, 4806, 526, 263, 5381, 29899, 517, 29899, 8262, 3335, 5001, 29892, 322, 6210, 322, 8570, 304, 9493, 526, 12187, 304, 825, 591, 437, 1363, 372, 29915, 29879, 29811, 14981, 4100, 363, 1749, 13154, 29889, 8680, 6297, 411, 22389, 29899, 24704, 294, 22582, 6511, 278, 3815, 304, 5256, 675, 967, 4180, 411, 1749, 9316, 322, 15483, 6851, 297, 263, 1880, 29899, 19322, 5177, 29889, 739, 8128, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 411, 385, 29811, 14981, 4549, 1243, 20170, 616, 297, 385, 13661, 988, 8886, 4203, 310, 6813, 29915, 29879, 7236, 1540, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 14582, 13258, 29889, 1334, 508, 1371, 1438, 14582, 278, 1021, 982, 591, 29915, 276, 19912, 22389, 29899, 24704, 294, 22582, 1213, 13, 1806, 29879, 485, 13308, 338, 10423, 411, 15483, 6851, 2902, 1372, 29892, 607, 3732, 967, 5101, 292, 411, 317, 20938, 8210, 29889, 4001, 967, 9512, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 408, 263, 1023, 29899, 4287, 16938, 29907, 1718, 6536, 10488, 3815, 29892, 317, 20938, 756, 21633, 304, 4953, 263, 3023, 29899, 4287, 16938, 29907, 1718, 6536, 10488, 3815, 1550, 884, 1746, 292, 263, 2989, 29899, 2230, 16938, 29907, 1718, 1060, 4951, 537, 10488, 3815, 322, 697, 760, 29899, 2230, 1060, 4951, 537, 10488, 3815, 29889, 315, 6146, 1182, 1218, 967, 29871, 29896, 29900, 386, 6360, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 317, 20938, 756, 2113, 1023, 16938, 29907, 1718, 6536, 10488, 8064, 9981, 322, 29871, 29946, 29947, 19830, 29889, 739, 13925, 29879, 8886, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29900, 2305, 322, 1045, 19416, 385, 21639, 13925, 310, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29889, 13, 29908, 5531, 292, 411, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 4076, 502, 263, 5100, 3321, 10631, 393, 4153, 5578, 1078, 304, 1749, 4180, 373, 278, 11021, 300, 22282, 1699, 1497, 4335, 4052, 10310, 820, 29892, 13315, 8881, 29892, 317, 20938, 29889, 376, 10773, 2230, 366, 508, 7595, 411, 385, 13315, 11822, 29892, 372, 3732, 263, 6374, 10879, 373, 278, 2551, 310, 1749, 5858, 29889, 7849, 2305, 1016, 29915, 29873, 16289, 920, 4280, 1749, 13315, 4225, 526, 2462, 29899, 262, 322, 2462, 29899, 449, 29892, 322, 2534, 263, 325, 2868, 18096, 297, 278, 13315, 6851, 13661, 338, 263, 12176, 14169, 304, 1749, 5858, 1213, 13, 29908, 3644, 372, 3732, 590, 8175, 4287, 8473, 1135, 26077, 1683, 29915, 29879, 1559, 29892, 769, 306, 29915, 29885, 599, 363, 372, 1699, 1497, 13432, 7598, 29892, 263, 19576, 310, 14183, 16938, 29907, 1718, 6536, 10488, 19830, 29892, 3704, 8859, 445, 4259, 472, 3760, 1144, 4909, 313, 29963, 29874, 1846, 24839, 1582, 29889, 376, 8809, 488, 1438, 526, 10961, 18647, 29892, 278, 15483, 2768, 963, 338, 21210, 573, 29892, 322, 278, 5925, 322, 5849, 393, 5771, 964, 599, 278, 5633, 322, 12785, 591, 671, 304, 2048, 1438, 18647, 338, 28967, 7636, 29889, 450, 3841, 310, 5650, 322, 282, 3977, 309, 526, 1472, 7695, 29889, 940, 384, 29892, 591, 29915, 276, 451, 1584, 773, 260, 4085, 15366, 15128, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 599, 13436, 20039, 29892, 322, 591, 3013, 599, 393, 848, 373, 23226, 29889, 8364, 936, 2304, 322, 8175, 2304, 748, 1361, 297, 1361, 29892, 322, 304, 505, 385, 297, 29899, 8697, 18096, 297, 13315, 29879, 485, 13308, 3732, 1749, 1824, 393, 1568, 2253, 1213, 13, 29908, 1806, 29879, 485, 13308, 322, 317, 20938, 21994, 297, 1422, 23136, 29892, 541, 591, 6232, 278, 1021, 8393, 785, 15483, 29892, 16716, 29892 ]
Patriotism and Other Issues A true patriot is one who loves, supports, defends, and is devoted to his country without superficial fanfare. I am a patriot, and I know that America stands for freedom, a word used quite liberally. The freedom we have in America comes from the Bill of Rights, the first Ten Amendments of the Constitution of the United States of America; and because we have these rights (freedoms) a person can burn the US flag in protest or criticize the use of US military forces to invade Iraq. LOSING OUR FREEDOMS After 9-11, Arabs and Muslims were targeted for FBI interrogations and public ridicule and discrimination because of the mood set by this administration. Some were incarcerated for minor visa violations. Almost all Arabs and Muslims were portrayed directly and inferentially by the media and by government officials as being terrorists. After the invasion of Afghanistan, the POWs from Afghanistan were going to be called something different than POWs just so this administration could hold, torture, and deny them the rights they were entitled to while under the jurisdiction of the US. The Supreme Court finally ruled that they could have legal counsel and challenge their detentions. Bush senior and Bush junior had extensive lucrative business and personal contacts with the Saudis. When the FAA canceled air travel, the only people who received special treatment were the family of Osama bin Laden and some prominent Saudis who were rushed out of the US on chartered flights without even being interrogated. Neither Bush President pried into Saudi domestic issues, which could have affected the United States. Meanwhile, the rising tide of Muslim fundamentalism was feeding Al Qaeda and terrorism throughout the world. Bush has also used 9-11 to trample on citizens rights by implementing the USA Patriot Act, which is a subterfuge to conduct searches based on mere suspicion without judicially authorized warrants and without even giving notices of the searches. Congress passed the Act with little or no review. The concept of privacy for the citizen is eroded. The definition of terrorism has also been broadened such that it could include legitimate protest, especially if any violence erupts. The Bush administration is the most secretive of recent presidencies. Bush answers only friendly reporters, which helps to maintain the secrecy of his administration. An FBI translator told the public two years ago that intercepts relevant to 9-11 included references to skyscrapers and had been badly translated to English. Attorney General Ashcroft has ordered that the translators information be retroactively classified so the public cannot have access to the previously disclosed embarrassing information. Bush gives speeches at military locations because the troops cannot criticize the commander-in-chief. When he travels, the Secret Service coordinates with the local police and designates free speech zones which are blocks away from where he will be speaking. After 9-11, which was a terrorist bombing conducted primarily by Saudi Arabian Islamic extremists, the United States attacked Afghanistan. Some of the 9-11 terrorists allegedly trained in Al Qaeda training camps in Afghanistan; therefore, the US believed it had the right to attack a sovereign country in violation of international law and take prisoners of war and hold them without any rights in US custody forever. We diverted our attention from bin Laden and attacked Iraq. We had no justification to invade Iraq, and we have no justification to occupy Iraq. We have been told that we are in Iraq to bring the Iraqi people democracy and that the US has returned sovereignty to Iraq. The US cannot force democracy on another group of people or country because, by definition, democracy comes from the people, themselves. Sovereignty means complete independence and self-governance, but the United States is the law in Iraq. There is no sovereignty for the Iraqi peoplejust a puppet government controlled by the US military. We have encouraged terrorism by our invasion. The reason du jour for our being in Iraq is to give the Iraqi people democracy whether they want it or not. Before that, to get rid of Saddam Hussein because he was a bad guy. How will it look at Saddams trial if Stephen Pelletiere, the CIAs senior political analyst on Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war testifies that he was privy to much of the classified
[ 0.37298221814814847, -0.2933648780597485 ]
[ 0.4634839887103304, 1.312241936251137 ]
[ 0.2882382899871642, -0.3978149073792806 ]
[ 0.3996956408620041, 0.940780656658604 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 23168, 327, 1608, 322, 5901, 16982, 1041, 13, 29909, 1565, 16967, 327, 338, 697, 1058, 12355, 267, 29892, 11286, 29892, 822, 1975, 29892, 322, 338, 24600, 304, 670, 4234, 1728, 2428, 29888, 5611, 13524, 24658, 29889, 306, 626, 263, 16967, 327, 29892, 322, 306, 1073, 393, 6813, 15028, 363, 16082, 29892, 263, 1734, 1304, 3755, 7866, 635, 29889, 450, 16082, 591, 505, 297, 6813, 5304, 515, 278, 6682, 310, 26863, 29892, 278, 937, 12444, 1913, 355, 1860, 310, 278, 20063, 310, 278, 3303, 3900, 310, 6813, 29936, 322, 1363, 591, 505, 1438, 10462, 313, 10745, 287, 4835, 29897, 263, 2022, 508, 12138, 278, 3148, 7353, 297, 10021, 470, 11164, 675, 278, 671, 310, 3148, 9121, 8249, 304, 297, 1564, 311, 21375, 29939, 29889, 13, 29931, 3267, 4214, 438, 4574, 383, 1525, 3352, 29949, 4345, 13, 13555, 29871, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29896, 29892, 10387, 29879, 322, 23772, 29879, 892, 3646, 287, 363, 383, 12809, 1006, 9102, 800, 322, 970, 8177, 293, 1297, 322, 2313, 5632, 3381, 1363, 310, 278, 286, 2092, 731, 491, 445, 17517, 29889, 3834, 892, 297, 4287, 2265, 630, 363, 9461, 1998, 29874, 5537, 800, 29889, 838, 3242, 599, 10387, 29879, 322, 23772, 29879, 892, 2011, 25724, 4153, 322, 10115, 9247, 491, 278, 5745, 322, 491, 5874, 24921, 408, 1641, 15115, 2879, 29889, 2860, 278, 28425, 310, 27135, 9777, 29892, 278, 349, 9806, 29879, 515, 27135, 9777, 892, 2675, 304, 367, 2000, 1554, 1422, 1135, 349, 9806, 29879, 925, 577, 445, 17517, 1033, 4808, 29892, 16263, 545, 29892, 322, 972, 29891, 963, 278, 10462, 896, 892, 23437, 304, 1550, 1090, 278, 24894, 29467, 310, 278, 3148, 29889, 450, 22569, 9245, 7146, 29490, 393, 896, 1033, 505, 11706, 2613, 2838, 322, 18766, 1009, 1439, 296, 1080, 29889, 13, 29933, 1878, 16336, 322, 24715, 20183, 750, 20607, 21626, 29878, 1230, 5381, 322, 7333, 25957, 411, 278, 5701, 566, 275, 29889, 1932, 278, 383, 6344, 508, 346, 839, 4799, 9850, 29892, 278, 871, 2305, 1058, 4520, 4266, 14502, 892, 278, 3942, 310, 6657, 3304, 9016, 365, 4858, 322, 777, 19555, 5701, 566, 275, 1058, 892, 364, 15392, 714, 310, 278, 3148, 373, 1373, 25396, 1652, 5861, 1728, 1584, 1641, 1006, 9102, 630, 29889, 2448, 2121, 24715, 7178, 282, 1255, 964, 5701, 4749, 21849, 5626, 29892, 607, 1033, 505, 15201, 278, 3303, 3900, 29889, 25065, 29892, 278, 20493, 260, 680, 310, 23772, 15281, 1608, 471, 8343, 292, 838, 660, 29874, 8710, 322, 15115, 1608, 10106, 278, 3186, 29889, 13, 29933, 1878, 756, 884, 1304, 29871, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29896, 304, 534, 981, 373, 18363, 10462, 491, 16049, 278, 8278, 23168, 327, 3185, 29892, 607, 338, 263, 1014, 357, 29888, 5710, 304, 7512, 29645, 2729, 373, 15187, 8872, 15353, 1728, 6577, 5611, 368, 4148, 1891, 1370, 29878, 1934, 322, 1728, 1584, 6820, 451, 1575, 310, 278, 29645, 29889, 11559, 4502, 278, 3185, 411, 2217, 470, 694, 9076, 29889, 450, 6964, 310, 5999, 4135, 363, 278, 14497, 264, 338, 604, 6797, 29889, 450, 5023, 310, 15115, 1608, 756, 884, 1063, 2545, 4858, 287, 1316, 393, 372, 1033, 3160, 25204, 6490, 10021, 29892, 7148, 565, 738, 21448, 604, 29884, 16485, 29889, 13, 1576, 24715, 17517, 338, 278, 1556, 7035, 573, 310, 7786, 28282, 2478, 29889, 24715, 6089, 871, 19780, 1634, 272, 2153, 29892, 607, 6911, 304, 7344, 278, 22183, 1270, 310, 670, 17517, 29889, 530, 383, 12809, 5578, 1061, 5429, 278, 970, 1023, 2440, 8020, 393, 23404, 29879, 8018, 304, 29871, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29896, 5134, 9282, 304, 2071, 952, 29883, 2390, 414, 322, 750, 1063, 28042, 20512, 304, 4223, 29889, 6212, 25252, 4593, 12835, 24077, 615, 756, 10372, 393, 278, 5578, 4097, 2472, 367, 24877, 627, 3598, 770, 2164, 577, 278, 970, 2609, 505, 2130, 304, 278, 9251, 766, 15603, 21620, 26771, 292, 2472, 29889, 24715, 4076, 12032, 267, 472, 9121, 14354, 1363, 278, 13230, 2609, 11164, 675, 278, 22079, 29899, 262, 29899, 305, 2575, 29889, 1932, 540, 9850, 29879, 29892, 278, 10213, 6692, 10350, 411, 278, 1887, 10974, 322, 2874, 1078, 3889, 12032, 20542, 607, 526, 10930, 3448, 515, 988, 540, 674, 367, 13590, 29889, 13, 13555, 29871, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29896, 29892, 607, 471, 263, 15115, 391, 13585, 292, 18043, 19434, 491, 5701, 4749, 10387, 713, 16427, 293, 9413, 2879, 29892, 278, 3303, 3900, 22630, 27135, 9777, 29889, 3834, 310, 278, 29871, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29896, 15115, 2879, 16831, 23244, 16370, 297, 838, 660, 29874, 8710, 6694, 3949, 567, 297, 27135, 9777, 29936, 5480, 29892, 278, 3148, 13112, 372, 750, 278, 1492, 304, 5337, 263, 577, 369, 7577, 4234, 297, 5537, 362, 310, 6121, 4307, 322, 2125, 22979, 310, 1370, 322, 4808, 963, 1728, 738, 10462, 297, 3148, 25387, 1486, 22296, 29889, 1334, 652, 1765, 287, 1749, 8570, 515, 9016, 365, 4858, 322, 22630, 21375, 29939, 29889, 1334, 750, 694, 925, 2450, 304, 297, 1564, 311, 21375, 29939, 29892, 322, 591, 505, 694, 925, 2450, 304, 6919, 29891, 21375, 29939, 29889, 13, 4806, 505, 1063, 5429, 393, 591, 526, 297, 21375, 29939, 304, 6963, 278, 21375, 26461, 2305, 1261, 25804, 322, 393, 278, 3148, 756, 4133, 577, 9359, 335, 593, 29891, 304, 21375, 29939, 29889, 450, 3148, 2609, 4889, 1261, 25804, 373, 1790, 2318, 310, 2305, 470, 4234, 1363, 29892, 491, 5023, 29892, 1261, 25804, 5304, 515, 278, 2305, 29892, 6053, 29889, 317, 957, 29872, 335, 593, 29891, 2794, 4866, 21820, 322, 1583, 29899, 29887, 6170, 749, 29892, 541, 278, 3303, 3900, 338, 278, 4307, 297, 21375, 29939, 29889, 1670, 338, 694, 577, 9359, 335, 593, 29891, 363, 278, 21375, 26461, 2305, 5143, 263, 2653, 7988, 5874, 20704, 491, 278, 3148, 9121, 29889, 1334, 505, 18443, 287, 15115, 1608, 491, 1749, 28425, 29889, 13, 1576, 2769, 868, 8694, 363, 1749, 1641, 297, 21375, 29939, 338, 304, 2367, 278, 21375, 26461, 2305, 1261, 25804, 3692, 896, 864, 372, 470, 451, 29889, 10949, 393, 29892, 304, 679, 8177, 310, 317, 1202, 314, 24287, 24195, 1363, 540, 471, 263, 4319, 1410, 29891, 29889, 1128, 674, 372, 1106, 472, 317, 1202, 2232, 14260, 565, 14317, 15549, 1026, 10883, 29892, 278, 25781, 2887, 16336, 8604, 3483, 858, 373, 21375, 29939, 2645, 278, 14883, 29899, 29902, 336, 29939, 1370, 1243, 11057, 393, 540, 471, 5999, 29891, 304, 1568, 310, 278, 770, 2164 ]
material regarding the gassing of the Kurds at Halabja, and his classified report on the issue showed that the Iranians, not the Iraqis, gassed the Kurds? I wonder, who has killed more Iraqi citizens, Saddam Hussein or George W. Bush? Remember Shock and Awe? The media didnt show us the death and suffering of the shock and awe. We Americans get squeamish when we learn of an American getting his head cut off by the insurgents; but during shock and awe 500 and 1000 pound bombs and 2000 pound Cruise Missiles and J-Dam bombs came showering down on Iraqi mothers, daughters, aunts, uncles, sons, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers, etc. who never attacked us. I wonder how many of them had their heads, arms, and legs severed from their torsos? We have dehumanized all Arabs and Muslims such that the loss of their lives or loved-ones or property is considered acceptable in our culture. Before the US invasion of Iraq, the Bush Administration and the media falsely led seventy per cent of the American people to believe that Saddam Hussein and Iraqactually were involved in the 9-11 attacks. How could this happen in an informed republican form of government? Before that, Saddam allegedly had weapons of mass destruction and material to make a nuclear weapon, which were imminent threats to the United States. Now, the Senate Intelligence Committee has found that we invaded Iraq based on false intelligence. ABU GHRAIB AND OTHER ACTS OF DISDAIN FOR INTERNATIONAL LAW The preliminary evidence shows there were rapes, murders, assaults, and torture at Abu Ghraib and that high-ranking officers in the chain of command had knowledge of these war crimes. Congress has been passive in demanding full investigations of the incidents, and the media has spent more time on Saddam Hussein's initial appearance in court than on the Abu Ghraib investigation. The world now knows that in Iraq, which we invaded in violation of international law, we have mistreated prisoners in depraved ways. Shortly after 9-11, Bush and his buddy, Prince Bandar (Saudi Arabian ambassador) AKA Bandar Bush, discussed what to do with any captured Al Qaeda detainees. Why would Bush discuss this issue with the ambassador of a country known for its ruthlessness with dissidents and criminals? Mr. Gonzales, Bush's personal lawyer, advised that the Geneva Conventions provisions were quaint and that Bush's authority might take priority over the Geneva Conventions. The Washington Post reported that Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez borrowed heavily from a list of high-pressure interrogation tactics used at the detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. There is evidence that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld authorized methods of interrogation contrary to the Geneva Conventions, and there is evidence that the Israelis may have been involved in the interrogation process at Abu Ghraib. No, it wasn't just some low-level soldiers who instigated the war crimes at Abu Gharieb; and Congress and the media have done a brilliant job of covering up these egregious acts. Because of strong opposition from other Security Council members, the US has recently dropped a resolution before the United Nations that would have exempted our soldiers from international prosecution. The International Criminal Court hears complaints against persons from a nation that is unable or unwilling to investigate potential war crimes. Although Abu Ghraib has the potential to show that numerous war crimes were condoned at the highest levels, I think the greatest war crimes are the illegal invasion of Iraq by the United States and the conduct of the military operations the indiscriminate bombing, shelling, and killing of innocent women, children, and other non-combatants. The killing and destruction in Iraq as a result of the war is illegal under the law of war, the Geneva Conventions, international law, and the UN Charter, Article 51. Crimes against humanity, genocide, violations of the Geneva Conventions and the law of war, and violations of the laws relating to the International Criminal Court come to mind. I voted for George W. Bush, and I was wrong to have done so. I am hoping a change will restore a respect for
[ -0.33240062778621315, 0.4085937793021162 ]
[ 1.1116915351444485, 1.6775301668383196 ]
[ -0.3895721240467817, 0.2730208438348586 ]
[ 0.8263203648554771, 1.5755150021123077 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 5518, 11211, 278, 330, 465, 292, 310, 278, 9742, 6289, 472, 8142, 370, 1764, 29892, 322, 670, 770, 2164, 3461, 373, 278, 2228, 10018, 393, 278, 14883, 5834, 29892, 451, 278, 21375, 29939, 275, 29892, 330, 465, 287, 278, 9742, 6289, 29973, 306, 4997, 29892, 1058, 756, 9445, 901, 21375, 26461, 18363, 29892, 317, 1202, 314, 24287, 24195, 470, 5122, 399, 29889, 24715, 29973, 22738, 17550, 384, 322, 319, 705, 29973, 13, 1576, 5745, 28950, 1510, 502, 278, 4892, 322, 23164, 310, 278, 19253, 322, 263, 705, 29889, 1334, 23035, 679, 269, 802, 314, 728, 746, 591, 5110, 310, 385, 3082, 2805, 670, 2343, 5700, 1283, 491, 278, 1663, 2007, 1237, 29936, 541, 2645, 19253, 322, 263, 705, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 322, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 282, 618, 13585, 29879, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 282, 618, 11263, 895, 4750, 5475, 322, 435, 29899, 29928, 314, 13585, 29879, 2996, 1510, 3241, 1623, 373, 21375, 26461, 25550, 414, 29892, 29215, 29892, 263, 348, 1372, 29892, 443, 7799, 29892, 18025, 29892, 285, 19467, 29892, 4595, 29885, 720, 414, 29892, 4595, 29888, 19467, 29892, 2992, 29889, 1058, 2360, 22630, 502, 29889, 306, 4997, 920, 1784, 310, 963, 750, 1009, 15883, 29892, 10188, 29892, 322, 21152, 2775, 287, 515, 1009, 260, 943, 359, 29973, 1334, 505, 316, 26029, 1891, 599, 10387, 29879, 322, 23772, 29879, 1316, 393, 278, 6410, 310, 1009, 12080, 470, 18012, 29899, 2873, 470, 2875, 338, 5545, 22691, 297, 1749, 9257, 29889, 13, 18743, 278, 3148, 28425, 310, 21375, 29939, 29892, 278, 24715, 23303, 322, 278, 5745, 285, 1338, 873, 5331, 16741, 29891, 639, 1644, 310, 278, 3082, 2305, 304, 4658, 393, 317, 1202, 314, 24287, 24195, 322, 21375, 29939, 627, 1474, 892, 9701, 297, 278, 29871, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29896, 16661, 29889, 1128, 1033, 445, 3799, 297, 385, 23388, 23925, 273, 883, 310, 5874, 29973, 10949, 393, 29892, 317, 1202, 314, 16831, 23244, 750, 25340, 310, 4158, 22104, 322, 5518, 304, 1207, 263, 20346, 28639, 29892, 607, 892, 527, 1195, 296, 12455, 1446, 304, 278, 3303, 3900, 29889, 2567, 29892, 278, 18148, 3159, 28286, 12930, 756, 1476, 393, 591, 2437, 11932, 21375, 29939, 2729, 373, 2089, 21082, 29889, 13, 2882, 29965, 402, 29950, 4717, 8979, 5300, 438, 29911, 4448, 319, 1783, 29903, 8079, 28657, 7698, 1177, 15842, 2672, 4945, 29940, 8098, 1964, 17900, 29956, 13, 1576, 758, 2576, 3821, 10757, 3697, 727, 892, 1153, 5547, 29892, 7167, 8623, 29892, 29159, 29879, 29892, 322, 16263, 545, 472, 1976, 29884, 13491, 336, 747, 322, 393, 1880, 29899, 661, 9292, 13049, 297, 278, 9704, 310, 1899, 750, 7134, 310, 1438, 1370, 2181, 1355, 29889, 11559, 756, 1063, 1209, 573, 297, 9667, 292, 2989, 7405, 800, 310, 278, 5528, 16719, 29892, 322, 278, 5745, 756, 10398, 901, 931, 373, 317, 1202, 314, 24287, 24195, 29915, 29879, 2847, 10097, 297, 8973, 1135, 373, 278, 1976, 29884, 13491, 336, 747, 22522, 29889, 450, 3186, 1286, 9906, 393, 297, 21375, 29939, 29892, 607, 591, 2437, 11932, 297, 5537, 362, 310, 6121, 4307, 29892, 591, 505, 5862, 276, 630, 22979, 297, 1401, 336, 1490, 5837, 29889, 13, 21322, 368, 1156, 29871, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29896, 29892, 24715, 322, 670, 8619, 4518, 29892, 10787, 5158, 279, 313, 17618, 4749, 10387, 713, 3181, 28760, 29897, 319, 29968, 29909, 5158, 279, 24715, 29892, 15648, 825, 304, 437, 411, 738, 15468, 838, 660, 29874, 8710, 270, 1187, 457, 267, 29889, 3750, 723, 24715, 5353, 445, 2228, 411, 278, 3181, 28760, 310, 263, 4234, 2998, 363, 967, 364, 2806, 2222, 2264, 411, 16317, 16719, 322, 15116, 19016, 29973, 3237, 29889, 27536, 2122, 29892, 24715, 29915, 29879, 7333, 25008, 29892, 594, 11292, 393, 278, 15350, 1564, 1281, 794, 1080, 1326, 12112, 892, 439, 2365, 322, 393, 24715, 29915, 29879, 14329, 1795, 2125, 20136, 975, 278, 15350, 1564, 1281, 794, 1080, 29889, 450, 7660, 4918, 8967, 393, 20445, 4593, 13675, 6491, 3087, 22067, 27942, 287, 20365, 515, 263, 1051, 310, 1880, 29899, 2139, 545, 1006, 9102, 362, 28476, 1199, 1304, 472, 278, 1439, 2509, 4818, 297, 2088, 424, 273, 10178, 6211, 29892, 23653, 29889, 1670, 338, 10757, 393, 17719, 310, 5282, 1947, 20852, 4668, 2495, 4148, 1891, 3519, 310, 1006, 9102, 362, 21138, 304, 278, 15350, 1564, 1281, 794, 1080, 29892, 322, 727, 338, 10757, 393, 278, 11996, 275, 1122, 505, 1063, 9701, 297, 278, 1006, 9102, 362, 1889, 472, 1976, 29884, 13491, 336, 747, 29889, 1939, 29892, 372, 9007, 29915, 29873, 925, 777, 4482, 29899, 5563, 13936, 1058, 832, 335, 630, 278, 1370, 2181, 1355, 472, 1976, 29884, 402, 8222, 10789, 29936, 322, 11559, 322, 278, 5745, 505, 2309, 263, 27592, 4982, 310, 21653, 701, 1438, 321, 7642, 2738, 14741, 29889, 7311, 310, 4549, 19626, 515, 916, 14223, 8831, 5144, 29892, 278, 3148, 756, 10325, 13700, 263, 10104, 1434, 278, 3303, 18269, 393, 723, 505, 429, 3456, 287, 1749, 13936, 515, 6121, 410, 3471, 918, 29889, 450, 4623, 315, 28479, 9245, 540, 1503, 15313, 9466, 2750, 12407, 515, 263, 5233, 393, 338, 9368, 470, 18500, 8873, 304, 23033, 7037, 1370, 2181, 1355, 29889, 13, 2499, 3592, 1976, 29884, 13491, 336, 747, 756, 278, 7037, 304, 1510, 393, 12727, 1370, 2181, 1355, 892, 2148, 22367, 472, 278, 9939, 11174, 29892, 306, 1348, 278, 14176, 1370, 2181, 1355, 526, 278, 27302, 28425, 310, 21375, 29939, 491, 278, 3303, 3900, 322, 278, 7512, 310, 278, 9121, 6931, 278, 1399, 10669, 5632, 16976, 13585, 292, 29892, 6473, 292, 29892, 322, 23393, 310, 21458, 296, 5866, 29892, 4344, 29892, 322, 916, 1661, 29899, 510, 10222, 1934, 29889, 450, 23393, 322, 22104, 297, 21375, 29939, 408, 263, 1121, 310, 278, 1370, 338, 27302, 1090, 278, 4307, 310, 1370, 29892, 278, 15350, 1564, 1281, 794, 1080, 29892, 6121, 4307, 29892, 322, 278, 8291, 2896, 357, 29892, 21746, 29871, 29945, 29896, 29889, 6781, 1355, 2750, 5199, 537, 29892, 2531, 29877, 8204, 29892, 5537, 800, 310, 278, 15350, 1564, 1281, 794, 1080, 322, 278, 4307, 310, 1370, 29892, 322, 5537, 800, 310, 278, 14243, 1104, 1218, 304, 278, 4623, 315, 28479, 9245, 2041, 304, 3458, 29889, 13, 29902, 24854, 363, 5122, 399, 29889, 24715, 29892, 322, 306, 471, 2743, 304, 505, 2309, 577, 29889, 306, 626, 17231, 263, 1735, 674, 17749, 263, 3390, 363 ]
Essential Laboratory Skills Guide From Glass Thermometer to Highly Dynamic Temperature Control Technology Measuring DNA Absorbance with the STS-UV Microspectrometer Additional benefit of zeta potential analysis: understanding wettability and functionalities Automated Powder Dispensing for Pharma & Biotech Breakthrough with a chain of gold atoms 20-Feb-2017 - Universität Konstanz Breakthrough in understanding heat transport Enrique Sahagun Arists' view of the quantized thermal conductance of an atomically thin gold contact. The precise control of electron transport in microelectronics makes complex logic circuits possible that are in daily use in smartphones and laptops. Heat transport is of similar fundamental importance and its control is for instance necessary to efficiently cool the ever smaller chips. An international team including theoretical physicists from Konstanz, Junior Professor Fabian Pauly and Professor Peter Nielaba and their staff, has achieved a real breakthrough in better understanding heat transport at the nanoscale. The team used a system that experimentalists in nanoscience can nowadays realize quite routinely and keeps serving as the "fruit fly" for breakthrough discoveries: a chain of gold atoms. They used it to demonstrate the quantization of the electronic part of the thermal conductance. The study also shows that the Wiedemann-Franz law, a relation from classical physics, remains valid down to the atomic level. To begin with, the test object is a microscopic gold wire. This wire is pulled until its cross section is only one atom wide and a chain of gold atoms forms, before it finally breaks. The physicists send electric current through this atomic chain, that is through the thinnest wire conceivable. With the help of different theoretical models the researchers can predict the conductance value of the electric transport, and also confirm it by experiment. This electric conductance value indicates how much charge current flows when an electrical voltage is applied. The thermal conductance, that indicates the amount of heat flow for a difference in temperature, could not yet be measured for such atomic wires. Now the question was whether the Wiedemann-Franz law, that states that the electric conductance and the thermal conductance are proportional to each other, remains valid also at the atomic scale. Generally, electrons as well as atomic oscillations (also called vibrations or phonons) contribute to heat transport. Quantum mechanics has to be used, at the atomic level, to describe both the electron and the phonon transport. The Wiedemann-Franz law, however, only describes the relation between macroscopic electronic properties. Therefore, initially the researchers had to find out how high the contribution of the phonons is to the thermal conductance. The doctoral researchers Jan Klöckner and Manuel Matt did complementary theoretical calculations, which showed that usually the contribution of phonons to the heat transport in atomically thin gold wires is less than ten percent, and thus is not decisive. At the same time, the simulations confirm the applicability of the Wiedemann-Franz law. Manuel Matt used an efficient, albeit less accurate method that provided statistical results for many gold wire stretching events to calculate the electronic part of the thermal conductance value, while Jan Klöckner applied density functional theory to estimate the electronic and phononic contributions in individual contact geometries. The quantization of the thermal conductance in gold chains, as proven by experiment, ultimately results from the combination of three factors: the quantization of the electrical conductance value in units of the so-called conductance quantum (twice the inverse Klitzing constant 2e2/h), the negligible role of phonons in heat transport and the validity of the Wiedemann-Franz law. For quite some time it has been possible to theoretically calculate, with the help of computer models as developed in the teams of Fabian Pauly and Peter Nielaba, how charges and heat flow through nanostructures. A highly precise experimental setup, as created by the experimental colleagues Professor Edgar Meyhofer and Professor Pramod Reddy from the University of Michigan (USA), was required to be able to compare the theoretical predictions with measurements. In previous experiments the signals from the heat flow through single atom contacts were too small. The Michigan group succeeded in improving the experiment: Now the actual signal can be filtered out and measured. The results of the research team make it possible to study heat transport not only in atomic gold contacts but many other nanosystems. They offer opportunities to experimentally and theoretically explore numerous fundamental quantum heat transport phenomenona that might help to use energy more efficiently, for example by exploiting therm
[ 0.781145495989779, 1.3783239830332386 ]
[ 1.9640307398478745, 2.1216060550031295 ]
[ 2.1295492744161435, 2.5556377666807006 ]
[ 1.3778108617250886, 2.1374109800549306 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 11044, 2556, 16715, 7606, 4971, 6090, 16886, 13, 4591, 402, 605, 498, 837, 8328, 304, 5057, 368, 27747, 6789, 546, 1535, 11264, 17968, 13, 6816, 294, 3864, 25348, 24650, 11831, 749, 411, 278, 6850, 29903, 29899, 29965, 29963, 20279, 1883, 1103, 456, 1308, 13, 2528, 3245, 14169, 310, 503, 1187, 7037, 7418, 29901, 8004, 281, 1803, 3097, 322, 13303, 1907, 13, 28451, 630, 12265, 672, 3295, 29886, 575, 292, 363, 1963, 22824, 669, 3457, 866, 305, 13, 20130, 557, 20678, 411, 263, 9704, 310, 7684, 28422, 13, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29943, 774, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 448, 12855, 22323, 4096, 13, 20130, 557, 20678, 297, 8004, 12871, 8608, 13, 2369, 14090, 24246, 351, 348, 13, 1433, 2879, 29915, 1776, 310, 278, 4323, 1891, 26963, 7512, 749, 310, 385, 12301, 1711, 16835, 7684, 6958, 29889, 13, 1576, 18378, 2761, 310, 11966, 8608, 297, 9200, 15436, 1617, 1199, 3732, 4280, 5900, 3449, 19544, 1950, 393, 526, 297, 14218, 671, 297, 15040, 561, 2873, 322, 425, 415, 3554, 29889, 940, 271, 8608, 338, 310, 2788, 15281, 13500, 322, 967, 2761, 338, 363, 2777, 5181, 304, 29497, 12528, 278, 3926, 7968, 521, 4512, 29889, 530, 6121, 3815, 3704, 23399, 4824, 293, 2879, 515, 22323, 4096, 29892, 15897, 11386, 10629, 713, 3739, 29891, 322, 11386, 5310, 405, 709, 5363, 322, 1009, 13925, 29892, 756, 14363, 263, 1855, 2867, 20678, 297, 2253, 8004, 12871, 8608, 472, 278, 23432, 14174, 744, 29889, 450, 3815, 1304, 263, 1788, 393, 17986, 2879, 297, 302, 16469, 15277, 508, 1286, 328, 1036, 16289, 3755, 6745, 262, 873, 322, 14874, 16330, 408, 278, 376, 29888, 9216, 11340, 29908, 363, 2867, 20678, 6523, 583, 29901, 263, 9704, 310, 7684, 28422, 29889, 2688, 1304, 372, 304, 22222, 278, 4323, 2133, 310, 278, 27758, 760, 310, 278, 26963, 7512, 749, 29889, 450, 6559, 884, 3697, 393, 278, 399, 1000, 24767, 29899, 7675, 29920, 4307, 29892, 263, 8220, 515, 14499, 17558, 29892, 9242, 2854, 1623, 304, 278, 23489, 3233, 29889, 13, 1762, 3380, 411, 29892, 278, 1243, 1203, 338, 263, 9200, 21785, 293, 7684, 8014, 29889, 910, 8014, 338, 20043, 2745, 967, 4891, 4004, 338, 871, 697, 12301, 9377, 322, 263, 9704, 310, 7684, 28422, 7190, 29892, 1434, 372, 7146, 16706, 29889, 450, 4824, 293, 2879, 3638, 12646, 1857, 1549, 445, 23489, 9704, 29892, 393, 338, 1549, 278, 266, 2559, 342, 8014, 10628, 440, 519, 29889, 2973, 278, 1371, 310, 1422, 23399, 4733, 278, 5925, 414, 508, 8500, 278, 7512, 749, 995, 310, 278, 12646, 8608, 29892, 322, 884, 9659, 372, 491, 7639, 29889, 910, 12646, 7512, 749, 995, 14088, 920, 1568, 8323, 1857, 24536, 746, 385, 3546, 16888, 11749, 338, 7436, 29889, 450, 26963, 7512, 749, 29892, 393, 14088, 278, 5253, 310, 12871, 4972, 363, 263, 4328, 297, 10430, 29892, 1033, 451, 3447, 367, 17005, 363, 1316, 23489, 281, 2658, 29889, 13, 10454, 278, 1139, 471, 3692, 278, 399, 1000, 24767, 29899, 7675, 29920, 4307, 29892, 393, 5922, 393, 278, 12646, 7512, 749, 322, 278, 26963, 7512, 749, 526, 29839, 304, 1269, 916, 29892, 9242, 2854, 884, 472, 278, 23489, 6287, 29889, 3251, 635, 29892, 27149, 408, 1532, 408, 23489, 21519, 800, 313, 15189, 2000, 325, 4626, 800, 470, 1374, 265, 787, 29897, 29126, 304, 12871, 8608, 29889, 22746, 398, 7208, 1199, 756, 304, 367, 1304, 29892, 472, 278, 23489, 3233, 29892, 304, 8453, 1716, 278, 11966, 322, 278, 1374, 265, 265, 8608, 29889, 450, 399, 1000, 24767, 29899, 7675, 29920, 4307, 29892, 3138, 29892, 871, 16612, 278, 8220, 1546, 11758, 21785, 293, 27758, 4426, 29889, 7857, 29892, 12919, 278, 5925, 414, 750, 304, 1284, 714, 920, 1880, 278, 11896, 310, 278, 1374, 265, 787, 338, 304, 278, 26963, 7512, 749, 29889, 13, 1576, 11619, 284, 5925, 414, 2627, 12043, 29997, 384, 1089, 322, 13815, 9811, 1258, 19595, 653, 23399, 17203, 29892, 607, 10018, 393, 5491, 278, 11896, 310, 1374, 265, 787, 304, 278, 12871, 8608, 297, 12301, 1711, 16835, 7684, 281, 2658, 338, 3109, 1135, 3006, 10151, 29892, 322, 4550, 338, 451, 22442, 573, 29889, 2180, 278, 1021, 931, 29892, 278, 23876, 9659, 278, 15576, 3097, 310, 278, 399, 1000, 24767, 29899, 7675, 29920, 4307, 29889, 13815, 9811, 1304, 385, 8543, 29892, 394, 6205, 3109, 16232, 1158, 393, 4944, 24148, 2582, 363, 1784, 7684, 8014, 16116, 292, 4959, 304, 8147, 278, 27758, 760, 310, 278, 26963, 7512, 749, 995, 29892, 1550, 2627, 12043, 29997, 384, 1089, 7436, 9027, 13303, 6368, 304, 12678, 278, 27758, 322, 1374, 265, 8927, 20706, 297, 5375, 6958, 28855, 2722, 29889, 450, 4323, 2133, 310, 278, 26963, 7512, 749, 297, 7684, 521, 2708, 29892, 408, 16413, 491, 7639, 29892, 18973, 2582, 515, 278, 10296, 310, 2211, 13879, 29901, 278, 4323, 2133, 310, 278, 3546, 16888, 7512, 749, 995, 297, 10340, 310, 278, 577, 29899, 13998, 7512, 749, 12101, 313, 7516, 625, 278, 16402, 12043, 2784, 292, 4868, 29871, 29906, 29872, 29906, 29914, 29882, 511, 278, 3480, 3473, 1821, 6297, 310, 1374, 265, 787, 297, 12871, 8608, 322, 278, 2854, 537, 310, 278, 399, 1000, 24767, 29899, 7675, 29920, 4307, 29889, 13, 2831, 3755, 777, 931, 372, 756, 1063, 1950, 304, 17237, 1711, 8147, 29892, 411, 278, 1371, 310, 6601, 4733, 408, 8906, 297, 278, 10907, 310, 10629, 713, 3739, 29891, 322, 5310, 405, 709, 5363, 29892, 920, 21090, 322, 12871, 4972, 1549, 23432, 520, 1247, 1973, 29889, 319, 10712, 18378, 17986, 6230, 29892, 408, 2825, 491, 278, 17986, 23056, 21628, 11386, 2155, 5397, 18154, 1251, 571, 322, 11386, 1588, 314, 397, 4367, 4518, 515, 278, 3014, 310, 17098, 313, 27019, 511, 471, 3734, 304, 367, 2221, 304, 7252, 278, 23399, 27303, 411, 20398, 29889, 512, 3517, 15729, 278, 18470, 515, 278, 12871, 4972, 1549, 2323, 12301, 25957, 892, 2086, 2319, 29889, 450, 17098, 2318, 14792, 297, 4857, 1747, 278, 7639, 29901, 2567, 278, 3935, 7182, 508, 367, 22289, 714, 322, 17005, 29889, 13, 1576, 2582, 310, 278, 5925, 3815, 1207, 372, 1950, 304, 6559, 12871, 8608, 451, 871, 297, 23489, 7684, 25957, 541, 1784, 916, 302, 16469, 973, 29879, 29889, 2688, 5957, 28602, 1907, 304, 7639, 635, 322, 17237, 1711, 26987, 12727, 15281, 12101, 12871, 8608, 27791, 2681, 393, 1795, 1371, 304, 671, 5864, 901, 29497, 29892, 363, 1342, 491, 16035, 11407, 14563 ]
HomeBlockchainCan NFTs Fuel Mainstream Crypto Adoption in the Enterprise? Mar. 15, 2021 at 2:51 pm BlockchainNews & AnalysisNewsletter Can NFTs Fuel Mainstream Crypto Adoption in the Enterprise? Sohini Bagchi 10 months ago March 16, 2021 Wonder why Beeple is now the hottest artist on the planet? The American digital artist has just sold a digital image for $69 million through a first of its kind auction at Christie's. What makes it interesting in the tech universe is the artwork titled "Everyday: The First 5000 Days", is a unique digital art authenticated with a unique non-fungible token (NFT). South Carolina-based Beeple, whose real name is Mike Winkelmann, has been creating digital sketches using 3D tools on a daily basis for the past 13 years. His art features a Pikachu with an anorexic human body, obese Mario, Mickey Mouse as a strong man and other incredible imagery of works. If all this may sound a little bizarre, let's get a little closer to business. Late last week when Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey decided to sell his first-ever tweet from 2006 as a non fungible token (NFT), users flocked to buy the tweet. The bids to this tweet have already reached $2.5 million, and the auction will take place next week. Indeed, NFTs are creating a phenomenon in the digital world and already have a number of takers. But what is this NFT 'craze' and why it matters to the digital world? What is NFT anyway? According to MakersPlace, which issued the blockchain based NFT to Beeple's work, an NFT is a collectible digital asset. It is a digital certificate of ownership of an asset on blockchain – a set of publicly accessible online database with unique identification codes and metadata that distinguish from each other. This unique form of cryptocurrency is not owned by any central authority, where the data cannot be altered. Ajeet Khurana, a Blockchain expert, entrepreneur and angel investor explains that NTFs can be used to represent ownership of artwork, properties, a collection, and literally anything that are non-fungible, meaning that they are unique. It is transparent and stored on the blockchain, which makes it easy for everyone to see the 'owner of the token'. For instance, an audio recording, an artwork, and even an events ticket can be a sign of ownership of ones space to watch the program, say a cricket match. The roots of NFT While NFTs are much in-vogue today, the history of NFTs dates back to 2012 when Colored Coins' attempt to use Bitcoins' smallest units, the satoshi, to carry specific ownership information. However, Bitcoin's scripting language was never meant to enable this type of behavior within its network – a reason why satoshi was met with limited success. In 2014, Counterparty, a peer-to-peer financial platform and distributed, open-source Internet protocol, built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. Counterparty allowed asset creation had a decentralized exchange and even a crypto token with the ticker XCP. It had numerous projects and assets, including a trading card game and meme trading. The most popular blockchain that currently enables NFT technology is the Ethereum blockchain. In 2017, Ethereum Request for Comments 721 was released as a cryptocurrency standard for non-fungible tokens. With this standard, NFTs would be much easier to implement. Thereafter, NFTs hit the mainstream with CryptoKitties, a blockchain-based virtual game that allows players to adopt, raise, and trade virtual cats. The appeal of NFT Data researched by Trading Platforms UK indicates that NFT trading volume on the five most popular NFT marketplaces over the last 30 days has hit $419.92 million. The highest daily trading volume was on February 22, 2021, at $64.20 million. The trading volume over the last month highlights the recent surge in NFT interest that has correlated with the entire cryptocurrency market. However, the rise in the NFT marketplace trading volume is mainly
[ 0.23601467524827244, 0.6113057427939328 ]
[ 0.9684412486396711, 1.8064554246926194 ]
[ 0.06504907975334852, 0.6128771412363506 ]
[ -0.19341678029965353, 0.5921970407127175 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 8778, 7445, 14153, 6028, 405, 7818, 29879, 383, 2491, 4241, 5461, 315, 17929, 319, 1867, 683, 297, 278, 9041, 7734, 29973, 13, 7083, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 472, 29871, 29906, 29901, 29945, 29896, 26354, 13, 7445, 14153, 29328, 669, 24352, 29328, 15670, 13, 6028, 405, 7818, 29879, 383, 2491, 4241, 5461, 315, 17929, 319, 1867, 683, 297, 278, 9041, 7734, 29973, 13, 29903, 1148, 2172, 18341, 4161, 29871, 29896, 29900, 7378, 8020, 4779, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 13, 29956, 8417, 2020, 1522, 29872, 552, 338, 1286, 278, 298, 1501, 342, 7664, 373, 278, 15754, 29973, 450, 3082, 13436, 7664, 756, 925, 5239, 263, 13436, 1967, 363, 395, 29953, 29929, 7284, 1549, 263, 937, 310, 967, 2924, 782, 428, 472, 2819, 347, 29915, 29879, 29889, 1724, 3732, 372, 8031, 297, 278, 734, 305, 19859, 338, 278, 1616, 1287, 25278, 376, 26526, 3250, 29901, 450, 3824, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 29900, 24728, 613, 338, 263, 5412, 13436, 1616, 15585, 630, 411, 263, 5412, 1661, 29899, 29888, 686, 1821, 5993, 313, 29940, 7818, 467, 13, 29903, 2438, 13397, 29899, 6707, 1522, 29872, 552, 29892, 5069, 1855, 1024, 338, 12828, 399, 27136, 4403, 29892, 756, 1063, 4969, 13436, 21256, 267, 773, 29871, 29941, 29928, 8492, 373, 263, 14218, 8405, 363, 278, 4940, 29871, 29896, 29941, 2440, 29889, 3600, 1616, 5680, 263, 349, 638, 496, 29884, 411, 385, 385, 487, 27375, 5199, 3573, 29892, 704, 968, 16262, 29892, 20279, 1989, 25992, 408, 263, 4549, 767, 322, 916, 29811, 1821, 6382, 708, 310, 1736, 29889, 13, 3644, 599, 445, 1122, 6047, 263, 2217, 289, 15356, 276, 29892, 1235, 29915, 29879, 679, 263, 2217, 17649, 304, 5381, 29889, 23089, 1833, 4723, 746, 20147, 14645, 29949, 5457, 9579, 7759, 8459, 304, 19417, 670, 937, 29899, 1310, 7780, 300, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 408, 263, 1661, 26933, 1821, 5993, 313, 29940, 7818, 511, 4160, 285, 29113, 304, 15649, 278, 7780, 300, 29889, 450, 289, 4841, 304, 445, 7780, 300, 505, 2307, 7450, 395, 29906, 29889, 29945, 7284, 29892, 322, 278, 782, 428, 674, 2125, 2058, 2446, 4723, 29889, 13, 2568, 12613, 29892, 405, 7818, 29879, 526, 4969, 263, 27791, 265, 297, 278, 13436, 3186, 322, 2307, 505, 263, 1353, 310, 1850, 414, 29889, 1205, 825, 338, 445, 405, 7818, 525, 26844, 911, 29915, 322, 2020, 372, 13750, 304, 278, 13436, 3186, 29973, 13, 5618, 338, 405, 7818, 8763, 29973, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 17232, 414, 22150, 29892, 607, 16610, 278, 2908, 14153, 2729, 405, 7818, 304, 1522, 29872, 552, 29915, 29879, 664, 29892, 385, 405, 7818, 338, 263, 6314, 1821, 13436, 24342, 29889, 739, 338, 263, 13436, 12289, 310, 27428, 310, 385, 24342, 373, 2908, 14153, 785, 263, 731, 310, 970, 368, 15579, 7395, 2566, 411, 5412, 29769, 11561, 322, 15562, 393, 20820, 515, 1269, 916, 29889, 910, 5412, 883, 310, 24941, 542, 10880, 338, 451, 15205, 491, 738, 6555, 14329, 29892, 988, 278, 848, 2609, 367, 10551, 287, 29889, 13, 29909, 1324, 300, 12217, 332, 1648, 29892, 263, 15658, 14153, 17924, 29892, 23440, 1600, 332, 322, 2614, 295, 13258, 272, 18568, 393, 405, 8969, 29879, 508, 367, 1304, 304, 2755, 27428, 310, 1616, 1287, 29892, 4426, 29892, 263, 4333, 29892, 322, 22830, 3099, 393, 526, 1661, 29899, 29888, 686, 1821, 29892, 6593, 393, 896, 526, 5412, 29889, 739, 338, 17772, 322, 6087, 373, 278, 2908, 14153, 29892, 607, 3732, 372, 4780, 363, 14332, 304, 1074, 278, 525, 20348, 310, 278, 5993, 4286, 1152, 2777, 29892, 385, 10348, 16867, 29892, 385, 1616, 1287, 29892, 322, 1584, 385, 4959, 23381, 508, 367, 263, 1804, 310, 27428, 310, 6743, 2913, 304, 6505, 278, 1824, 29892, 1827, 263, 2181, 8522, 1993, 29889, 13, 1576, 16778, 310, 405, 7818, 13, 8809, 488, 405, 7818, 29879, 526, 1568, 297, 29899, 29894, 468, 434, 9826, 29892, 278, 4955, 310, 405, 7818, 29879, 10116, 1250, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 746, 1530, 4395, 3189, 1144, 29915, 4218, 304, 671, 18531, 1111, 1144, 29915, 19087, 10340, 29892, 278, 3290, 26434, 29892, 304, 8677, 2702, 27428, 2472, 29889, 2398, 29892, 18531, 1111, 262, 29915, 29879, 2471, 292, 4086, 471, 2360, 6839, 304, 9025, 445, 1134, 310, 6030, 2629, 967, 3564, 785, 263, 2769, 2020, 3290, 26434, 471, 1539, 411, 9078, 2551, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 315, 5336, 22633, 29892, 263, 23533, 29899, 517, 29899, 412, 261, 18161, 7481, 322, 13235, 29892, 1722, 29899, 4993, 4685, 9608, 29892, 4240, 373, 2246, 310, 278, 18531, 1111, 262, 2908, 14153, 29889, 315, 5336, 22633, 6068, 24342, 11265, 750, 263, 27189, 1705, 1891, 14523, 322, 1584, 263, 274, 17929, 5993, 411, 278, 260, 6541, 1060, 6271, 29889, 739, 750, 12727, 9279, 322, 21608, 29892, 3704, 263, 3534, 292, 5881, 3748, 322, 286, 2004, 3534, 292, 29889, 13, 1576, 1556, 5972, 2908, 14153, 393, 5279, 28936, 405, 7818, 15483, 338, 278, 382, 12711, 398, 2908, 14153, 29889, 512, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 382, 12711, 398, 10729, 363, 461, 29879, 29871, 29955, 29906, 29896, 471, 5492, 408, 263, 24941, 542, 10880, 3918, 363, 1661, 29899, 29888, 686, 1821, 18897, 29889, 2973, 445, 3918, 29892, 405, 7818, 29879, 723, 367, 1568, 6775, 304, 2334, 29889, 1670, 7045, 29892, 405, 7818, 29879, 7124, 278, 1667, 5461, 411, 315, 17929, 29968, 986, 583, 29892, 263, 2908, 14153, 29899, 6707, 6901, 3748, 393, 6511, 10769, 304, 9332, 29892, 12020, 29892, 322, 11302, 6901, 274, 1446, 29889, 13, 1576, 25530, 310, 405, 7818, 13, 1469, 5925, 287, 491, 1605, 9382, 28096, 29879, 10261, 14088, 393, 405, 7818, 3534, 292, 7977, 373, 278, 5320, 1556, 5972, 405, 7818, 9999, 29886, 6048, 975, 278, 1833, 29871, 29941, 29900, 3841, 756, 7124, 395, 29946, 29896, 29929, 29889, 29929, 29906, 7284, 29889, 450, 9939, 14218, 3534, 292, 7977, 471, 373, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29892, 472, 395, 29953, 29946, 29889, 29906, 29900, 7284, 29889, 13, 1576, 3534, 292, 7977, 975, 278, 1833, 4098, 12141, 29879, 278, 7786, 1190, 479, 297, 405, 7818, 4066, 393, 756, 8855, 630, 411, 278, 4152, 24941, 542, 10880, 9999, 29889, 2398, 29892, 278, 14451, 297, 278, 405, 7818, 9999, 6689, 3534, 292, 7977, 338, 14364 ]
driven by factors inherent to their distinct qualities, believes crypto expert and author Justinas Baltrusaitis. According to him, "Each NFT is distinguishable, making it 'easily verifiable' while also preventing it from fake circulation. Basically, every NFT can be traced back to its original issuer while it is indestructible. These unique features make NFT lucrative in the field of artwork and collectibles." Additionally, the entry of big brands and personalities into the NFT field is likely to spur growth. Baltrusaitis predicts, "A combination of high returns and a sense of association among buyers and issuers are fueling the surge in the sector." Khurana also explains that non-fungible tokens do not prevent someone else from viewing the art or sports collectible or listening to the music, and at the same time grant an irrefutable right to some level of ownership and the ability to trade that right. In other words, the advantages are NFTs provide ownership, low friction trading and the ability to share revenues with the original creator. What Enterprises Need To Know The NFT ecosystem is rapidly growing, with brands and celebrities endorsing the same. Already a number of user-friendly platforms have made NFTs more accessible. As Khurana says, brands are already entering the space. "NBA Top Shot taps into fan's nostalgia for collecting digital cards." Mark Cuban, owner of NBA, in fact, sees a future for digital goods in the NBA. However, Khurana agrees that the challenge is creating the market, because it is still very early days. Nonetheless, Khurana is positive that Blockchain and its associate technologies are ripe for opportunity. Businesses will eventually build the structures to support NFTs and find their clients on the decentralized web. Already, Elon Musk's Tesla is taking the leap. The electric car maker has acquired $1.5 billion of bitcoin in January and disclosed plans to accept the asset as payment in the near future. Other investors and enthusiasts are looking towards the 'altcoin market to find the next big thing. With the Blockchain and Ethereum protocol cryptocurrencies well established, whether NFTs can generate sufficient interest in bitcoin and altcoins and deliver an appreciable return on investment is of course a million dollar question. At the same, NFTs are also presenting an opportunity for the adoption of cryptocurrencies. Notably, the focus for mainstream crypto adoption has been centered around Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. However, NFTs tokens offer an alternative as they can capture individuals' attention and onboard them into the blockchain space. NFTs are gaining massive popularity and are becoming quite popular in the world of cryptocurrency. Even though the current use cases are restricted to the sale of rights in collectibles, art, music and video – and Tweets of course, its potential applications are much wider – in finance, healthcare, sport, media, real estate, retail and event management – with some even stating that these assets can touch people's daily lives, and contribute majorly to the growth of the economy. More recently, Taco Bell released a series of $1 NFTs to commemorate the return of their much-loved potatoes. The fast food restaurant reportedly sold out and that some buyers are reselling the NFTs for as much as $3,000. Sure, the hype cycle in full swing. But these are also a sign that NFTs are going mainstream. Or else seasoned entrepreneurs such as Mark Cuban and Jack Dorsey wouldn't have been excited. There are businesses to be built around NFTs. With the industry becoming more robust, we can expect NFTs to play a key role in pushing for cryptocurrency adoption in business. Tags :BeepleBitcoinblockchaincrypto currencyElon Muskhpbjack dorseyNFT Sohini Bagchi March 15, 2021 Sohini Bagchi Sohini Bagchi is Editor at CXOToday, a published author and a storyteller. She can be reached at sohini.bagchi@trivone.com What's this Noise Again Over Bitcoins and NFTs? AWS launches DeepRacer Women's League to promote upskilling, diversity & inclusion in AI The eight graduating startups demonstrated
[ 1.055080581789531, 0.7592306891257988 ]
[ 1.376704565178287, 0.9756037629649099 ]
[ 0.7041818181501843, 0.1664987207687193 ]
[ 0.649427186614281, 0.11874765189069258 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 18225, 491, 13879, 7846, 296, 304, 1009, 8359, 4021, 1907, 29892, 1339, 17180, 274, 17929, 17924, 322, 4148, 3387, 10189, 7392, 509, 375, 1249, 275, 29889, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 1075, 29892, 376, 9760, 405, 7818, 338, 20820, 519, 29892, 3907, 372, 525, 29872, 294, 2354, 1147, 28677, 29915, 1550, 884, 5557, 292, 372, 515, 25713, 18342, 362, 29889, 13702, 29892, 1432, 405, 7818, 508, 367, 16703, 287, 1250, 304, 967, 2441, 1721, 2853, 1550, 372, 338, 1399, 342, 1247, 1821, 29889, 4525, 5412, 5680, 1207, 405, 7818, 21626, 29878, 1230, 297, 278, 1746, 310, 1616, 1287, 322, 6314, 13876, 1213, 13, 2528, 17658, 29892, 278, 6251, 310, 4802, 1506, 4167, 322, 7333, 1907, 964, 278, 405, 7818, 1746, 338, 5517, 304, 805, 332, 14321, 29889, 7392, 509, 375, 1249, 275, 8500, 29879, 29892, 376, 29909, 10296, 310, 1880, 3639, 322, 263, 4060, 310, 15477, 4249, 15649, 414, 322, 17759, 414, 526, 26413, 292, 278, 1190, 479, 297, 278, 17535, 1213, 13, 29968, 29882, 332, 1648, 884, 18568, 393, 1661, 29899, 29888, 686, 1821, 18897, 437, 451, 5557, 4856, 1683, 515, 1776, 292, 278, 1616, 470, 14717, 6314, 1821, 470, 19866, 304, 278, 4696, 29892, 322, 472, 278, 1021, 931, 16690, 385, 3805, 999, 9246, 1492, 304, 777, 3233, 310, 27428, 322, 278, 11509, 304, 11302, 393, 1492, 29889, 13, 797, 916, 3838, 29892, 278, 25486, 526, 405, 7818, 29879, 3867, 27428, 29892, 4482, 1424, 2463, 3534, 292, 322, 278, 11509, 304, 6232, 20957, 1041, 411, 278, 2441, 907, 1061, 29889, 13, 5618, 9041, 558, 4637, 20768, 1763, 19320, 13, 1576, 405, 7818, 321, 3944, 973, 338, 19328, 15678, 29892, 411, 1506, 4167, 322, 7793, 26549, 583, 1095, 943, 292, 278, 1021, 29889, 838, 2040, 263, 1353, 310, 1404, 29899, 18326, 368, 21796, 505, 1754, 405, 7818, 29879, 901, 15579, 29889, 1094, 12217, 332, 1648, 4083, 29892, 1506, 4167, 526, 2307, 18055, 278, 2913, 29889, 376, 29940, 5688, 7488, 1383, 327, 260, 2547, 964, 13524, 29915, 29879, 20990, 9564, 423, 363, 6314, 292, 13436, 15889, 1213, 13, 9802, 28618, 273, 29892, 12271, 310, 21517, 29892, 297, 2114, 29892, 18553, 263, 5434, 363, 13436, 22535, 297, 278, 21517, 29889, 2398, 29892, 12217, 332, 1648, 8571, 267, 393, 278, 18766, 338, 4969, 278, 9999, 29892, 1363, 372, 338, 1603, 1407, 4688, 3841, 29889, 13, 12283, 621, 6393, 29892, 12217, 332, 1648, 338, 6374, 393, 15658, 14153, 322, 967, 25836, 5722, 11763, 526, 10107, 412, 363, 15130, 29889, 15197, 267, 674, 10201, 2048, 278, 12286, 304, 2304, 405, 7818, 29879, 322, 1284, 1009, 13154, 373, 278, 27189, 1705, 1891, 1856, 29889, 13, 2499, 2040, 29892, 1260, 265, 3077, 29895, 29915, 29879, 323, 267, 433, 338, 5622, 278, 454, 481, 29889, 450, 12646, 1559, 2136, 261, 756, 16692, 395, 29896, 29889, 29945, 24464, 310, 2586, 1111, 262, 297, 5490, 322, 766, 15603, 13900, 304, 3544, 278, 24342, 408, 19179, 297, 278, 2978, 5434, 29889, 5901, 13258, 943, 322, 23644, 15736, 29879, 526, 3063, 7113, 278, 525, 1997, 1111, 262, 9999, 304, 1284, 278, 2446, 4802, 2655, 29889, 2973, 278, 15658, 14153, 322, 382, 12711, 398, 9608, 24941, 542, 1038, 15942, 1532, 7841, 29892, 3692, 405, 7818, 29879, 508, 5706, 8002, 4066, 297, 2586, 1111, 262, 322, 5272, 1111, 1144, 322, 12021, 385, 5108, 519, 736, 373, 13258, 358, 338, 310, 3236, 263, 7284, 11232, 279, 1139, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 1021, 29892, 405, 7818, 29879, 526, 884, 2198, 292, 385, 15130, 363, 278, 594, 3385, 310, 24941, 542, 1038, 15942, 29889, 2216, 2197, 29892, 278, 8569, 363, 1667, 5461, 274, 17929, 594, 3385, 756, 1063, 24764, 2820, 18531, 1111, 262, 322, 916, 24941, 542, 1038, 15942, 29889, 2398, 29892, 405, 7818, 29879, 18897, 5957, 385, 8671, 408, 896, 508, 10446, 15724, 29915, 8570, 322, 373, 3377, 963, 964, 278, 2908, 14153, 2913, 29889, 13, 29940, 7818, 29879, 526, 11581, 292, 20364, 5972, 537, 322, 526, 14171, 3755, 5972, 297, 278, 3186, 310, 24941, 542, 10880, 29889, 7753, 2466, 278, 1857, 671, 4251, 526, 22078, 304, 278, 14686, 310, 10462, 297, 6314, 13876, 29892, 1616, 29892, 4696, 322, 4863, 785, 322, 27637, 1691, 310, 3236, 29892, 967, 7037, 8324, 526, 1568, 25734, 785, 297, 1436, 749, 29892, 9045, 18020, 29892, 7980, 29892, 5745, 29892, 1855, 19989, 29892, 3240, 737, 322, 1741, 10643, 785, 411, 777, 1584, 23659, 393, 1438, 21608, 508, 6023, 2305, 29915, 29879, 14218, 12080, 29892, 322, 29126, 4655, 368, 304, 278, 14321, 310, 278, 26504, 29889, 13, 20761, 10325, 29892, 323, 11216, 10914, 5492, 263, 3652, 310, 395, 29896, 405, 7818, 29879, 304, 844, 28927, 403, 278, 736, 310, 1009, 1568, 29899, 417, 1490, 3104, 20452, 29889, 450, 5172, 9687, 27144, 8967, 368, 5239, 714, 322, 393, 777, 15649, 414, 526, 620, 7807, 278, 405, 7818, 29879, 363, 408, 1568, 408, 395, 29941, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 18585, 29892, 278, 298, 668, 11412, 297, 2989, 24500, 29889, 1205, 1438, 526, 884, 263, 1804, 393, 405, 7818, 29879, 526, 2675, 1667, 5461, 29889, 1394, 1683, 4259, 287, 23440, 1600, 1295, 1316, 408, 4485, 28618, 273, 322, 5457, 9579, 7759, 7656, 29915, 29873, 505, 1063, 24173, 29889, 13, 8439, 526, 5381, 267, 304, 367, 4240, 2820, 405, 7818, 29879, 29889, 2973, 278, 13661, 14171, 901, 16424, 29892, 591, 508, 2149, 405, 7818, 29879, 304, 1708, 263, 1820, 6297, 297, 27556, 363, 24941, 542, 10880, 594, 3385, 297, 5381, 29889, 13, 28089, 584, 3629, 29872, 552, 21591, 1111, 262, 1271, 14153, 29883, 17929, 27550, 6489, 265, 3077, 15339, 24381, 21452, 16630, 7759, 29940, 7818, 13, 29903, 1148, 2172, 18341, 4161, 4779, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 13, 29903, 1148, 2172, 18341, 4161, 13, 29903, 1148, 2172, 18341, 4161, 338, 14059, 472, 315, 29990, 2891, 397, 388, 29892, 263, 6369, 4148, 322, 263, 5828, 29873, 4539, 29889, 2296, 508, 367, 7450, 472, 577, 29882, 2172, 29889, 23156, 4161, 29992, 29873, 1150, 650, 29889, 510, 13, 5618, 29915, 29879, 445, 1939, 895, 11454, 6811, 18531, 1111, 1144, 322, 405, 7818, 29879, 29973, 13, 29909, 7811, 6826, 267, 21784, 29934, 562, 261, 10152, 29915, 29879, 5165, 304, 27391, 24081, 29895, 8873, 29892, 6894, 537, 669, 28694, 297, 319, 29902, 13, 1576, 9475, 10591, 1218, 1369, 14340, 28585 ]
Why Did She Leave The House? Do you believe in magic? I do and so did Brigid Shawn O'Grady because it is magic that changed things for her many many years ago in County Clare, Ireland. To begin with, Brigid received two important things when she was born: a wonderful book of magical tales from her grandfather and a horribly misshaped foot by a quirk of nature. Her one foot was as normal as can be, but the other was large and looked like a big boot even without the special leather footwear her father crafted for her. One morning, young Brigid Shawn O'Grady sat by the window of their small farmhouse reading out loud from her book of magical stories. "Brigid!" Her mother's voice shattered the world of make believe and returning her attention to the real world and the broom her mother was offering. The sound of a passing horse drew Brigid to the window where she watched a farmer driving his wagon loaded with hay, and nearby she saw a little girl her own age carrying a book and a lunch pail. Brigid didn't say anything, but she easily remembered the first time she saw the little girl several years before. She was sitting gazing out the window as she was folding clothes for her mother, she saw that little for the third time that week. "That little girl passing our home, that little girl carrying those books, where is she going?" Brigid asked her Mother. "School," her mother told her. At the time, "school" was a new word for her. Brigid took the broom and once again began her morning chores, and once again as she worked she tried to imagine what "the village" was like and what the little girl was learning in her school. Is her teacher kind and encouraging like my mother when she teaches me here in our home? What is her home like? Is it like our home? Brigid finished with her sweeping and then went out to the yard to fetch water from the well to help with her cleaning. The O'Grady home was a very comfortable thatched roof cottage with thick walls of peat cut from the bog a long ways away. The stone fireplace served the family well for preparing meals and for warmth. Surrounding the house were acres of farmland for growing potatoes and wheat and several modest wooden structures. The barn was just big enough for the cow and the plow horse and a winter's supply of grain and straw. The chicken coop and pen for the laying hens was nearby as was a shed for keeping the tools and the rest of the harvest. Not too far from the cottage were a well that provided fresh water and a small vegetable garden which Brigid tended with great loving care. Brigid was the only child of a Michael O'Grady and his wife, Mary. Her parents loved her very much despite the fact that she was born with that terribly misshapen foot. From the day she was born, the people of the nearby village heard of the deformity and imagined her difference signified the most horrible of things. Even without seeing the child, many simply decided that she must be evil. Simply put, the poor child scared just about everyone one except her parents. They loved their daughter very much and did all they could to protect her. They kept her at home and never took her to town or to any public gathering. As time passed, her misshapen foot did not improve. It caused her to walk with a pronounced limp and it required a special home-made leather boot. By the time she was ten, the special boot looked like a large brown hoof with random stitching crossing this way and that. Despite this deformity, Brigid was very helpful to her mother and father. She swept the wooden floor of their cottage, drew water from the well behind the house, helped with the washing, the cooking and with tending their vegetable garden. She became quite skillful at keeping her father's axe sharpened and she even learned to split the much-needed firewood. The chopping and the digging in the garden helped Brigid to become unusually strong for a girl her age. Of course, not being able to leave their yard and being kept confined to the cottage during most of the daylight hours, Brigid had no comparison to make with others her age. Being restricted to such a small part of the world, Brigid became more and more curious about the rest of the world outside her home. Not that much was visible to her. She
[ 1.444068403625179, 1.444068403625179 ]
[ 0.2915836449045974, 0.6461281040039217 ]
[ 1.0440381155516765, 1.013603223247065 ]
[ -0.6961315846395234, -0.30007296129802175 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3750, 7440, 2296, 951, 1351, 450, 5619, 29973, 13, 6132, 366, 4658, 297, 15709, 29973, 306, 437, 322, 577, 1258, 13051, 333, 1383, 18101, 438, 29915, 3338, 3714, 1363, 372, 338, 15709, 393, 3939, 2712, 363, 902, 1784, 1784, 2440, 8020, 297, 5127, 6015, 276, 29892, 12126, 29889, 1763, 3380, 411, 29892, 13051, 333, 4520, 1023, 4100, 2712, 746, 1183, 471, 6345, 29901, 263, 20695, 3143, 310, 2320, 936, 29763, 515, 902, 4595, 22212, 322, 263, 4029, 1091, 368, 3052, 29882, 10501, 3661, 491, 263, 439, 6793, 310, 5469, 29889, 2439, 697, 3661, 471, 408, 4226, 408, 508, 367, 29892, 541, 278, 916, 471, 2919, 322, 5148, 763, 263, 4802, 6579, 1584, 1728, 278, 4266, 454, 1624, 3661, 705, 279, 902, 4783, 25554, 287, 363, 902, 29889, 13, 6716, 7250, 29892, 4123, 13051, 333, 1383, 18101, 438, 29915, 3338, 3714, 3290, 491, 278, 3474, 310, 1009, 2319, 17888, 8697, 5183, 714, 22526, 515, 902, 3143, 310, 2320, 936, 15874, 29889, 13, 29908, 29933, 8966, 333, 3850, 2439, 5637, 29915, 29879, 7314, 528, 2620, 287, 278, 3186, 310, 1207, 4658, 322, 7863, 902, 8570, 304, 278, 1855, 3186, 322, 278, 2545, 290, 902, 5637, 471, 27032, 29889, 13, 1576, 6047, 310, 263, 6819, 10435, 15010, 13051, 333, 304, 278, 3474, 988, 1183, 20654, 263, 2215, 1050, 19500, 670, 281, 12841, 7500, 411, 14842, 29892, 322, 20810, 1183, 4446, 263, 2217, 7826, 902, 1914, 5046, 19436, 263, 3143, 322, 263, 301, 3322, 282, 737, 29889, 13, 29933, 8966, 333, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1827, 3099, 29892, 541, 1183, 5948, 21832, 278, 937, 931, 1183, 4446, 278, 2217, 7826, 3196, 2440, 1434, 29889, 2296, 471, 16246, 12642, 292, 714, 278, 3474, 408, 1183, 471, 900, 8497, 22095, 363, 902, 5637, 29892, 1183, 4446, 393, 2217, 363, 278, 4654, 931, 393, 4723, 29889, 13, 29908, 7058, 2217, 7826, 6819, 1749, 3271, 29892, 393, 2217, 7826, 19436, 1906, 8277, 29892, 988, 338, 1183, 2675, 3026, 13051, 333, 4433, 902, 21869, 29889, 13, 29908, 4504, 1507, 1699, 902, 5637, 5429, 902, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 931, 29892, 376, 27041, 29908, 471, 263, 716, 1734, 363, 902, 29889, 13, 29933, 8966, 333, 3614, 278, 2545, 290, 322, 2748, 1449, 4689, 902, 7250, 521, 2361, 29892, 322, 2748, 1449, 408, 1183, 3796, 1183, 1898, 304, 14034, 825, 376, 1552, 5720, 29908, 471, 763, 322, 825, 278, 2217, 7826, 471, 6509, 297, 902, 3762, 29889, 1317, 902, 15703, 2924, 322, 18443, 292, 763, 590, 5637, 746, 1183, 6860, 267, 592, 1244, 297, 1749, 3271, 29973, 1724, 338, 902, 3271, 763, 29973, 1317, 372, 763, 1749, 3271, 29973, 13, 29933, 8966, 333, 7743, 411, 902, 7901, 26819, 322, 769, 3512, 714, 304, 278, 29413, 304, 6699, 4094, 515, 278, 1532, 304, 1371, 411, 902, 5941, 292, 29889, 13, 1576, 438, 29915, 3338, 3714, 3271, 471, 263, 1407, 25561, 393, 26902, 17526, 274, 1501, 482, 411, 12003, 14603, 310, 1236, 271, 5700, 515, 278, 26652, 263, 1472, 5837, 3448, 29889, 450, 12565, 3974, 6689, 6766, 278, 3942, 1532, 363, 10223, 292, 592, 1338, 322, 363, 14294, 386, 29889, 317, 1038, 12449, 278, 3699, 892, 23931, 310, 2215, 828, 392, 363, 15678, 3104, 20452, 322, 21266, 271, 322, 3196, 878, 342, 27278, 12286, 29889, 450, 2594, 29876, 471, 925, 4802, 3307, 363, 278, 21282, 322, 278, 282, 677, 10435, 322, 263, 13851, 29915, 29879, 11421, 310, 2646, 262, 322, 380, 1610, 29889, 450, 521, 21475, 1302, 459, 322, 6584, 363, 278, 6568, 292, 298, 575, 471, 20810, 408, 471, 263, 28453, 363, 12515, 278, 8492, 322, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 4023, 10147, 29889, 2216, 2086, 2215, 515, 278, 274, 1501, 482, 892, 263, 1532, 393, 4944, 10849, 4094, 322, 263, 2319, 18655, 519, 16423, 607, 13051, 333, 260, 2760, 411, 2107, 12355, 292, 2562, 29889, 13, 29933, 8966, 333, 471, 278, 871, 2278, 310, 263, 5765, 438, 29915, 3338, 3714, 322, 670, 6532, 29892, 6182, 29889, 2439, 11825, 18012, 902, 1407, 1568, 15020, 278, 2114, 393, 1183, 471, 6345, 411, 393, 1935, 1091, 368, 3052, 29882, 481, 264, 3661, 29889, 13, 4591, 278, 2462, 1183, 471, 6345, 29892, 278, 2305, 310, 278, 20810, 5720, 6091, 310, 278, 316, 689, 537, 322, 6382, 1312, 902, 4328, 1804, 2164, 278, 1556, 4029, 11710, 310, 2712, 29889, 7753, 1728, 8790, 278, 2278, 29892, 1784, 3763, 8459, 393, 1183, 1818, 367, 16126, 29889, 3439, 17632, 1925, 29892, 278, 6460, 2278, 885, 1965, 925, 1048, 14332, 697, 5174, 902, 11825, 29889, 2688, 18012, 1009, 8750, 1407, 1568, 322, 1258, 599, 896, 1033, 304, 12566, 902, 29889, 2688, 8126, 902, 472, 3271, 322, 2360, 3614, 902, 304, 4726, 470, 304, 738, 970, 11705, 292, 29889, 13, 2887, 931, 4502, 29892, 902, 3052, 29882, 481, 264, 3661, 1258, 451, 11157, 29889, 739, 8581, 902, 304, 6686, 411, 263, 11504, 20979, 2485, 29886, 322, 372, 3734, 263, 4266, 3271, 29899, 26350, 454, 1624, 6579, 29889, 2648, 278, 931, 1183, 471, 3006, 29892, 278, 4266, 6579, 5148, 763, 263, 2919, 17354, 17992, 411, 4036, 380, 2335, 292, 24067, 445, 982, 322, 393, 29889, 13, 4002, 29886, 568, 445, 316, 689, 537, 29892, 13051, 333, 471, 1407, 8444, 304, 902, 5637, 322, 4783, 29889, 2296, 7901, 415, 278, 27278, 11904, 310, 1009, 274, 1501, 482, 29892, 15010, 4094, 515, 278, 1532, 5742, 278, 3699, 29892, 9213, 411, 278, 471, 2790, 29892, 278, 7984, 292, 322, 411, 260, 2548, 1009, 18655, 519, 16423, 29889, 2296, 3897, 3755, 19911, 1319, 472, 12515, 902, 4783, 29915, 29879, 4853, 29872, 528, 279, 2238, 287, 322, 1183, 1584, 10972, 304, 6219, 278, 1568, 29899, 484, 19226, 3974, 6115, 29889, 450, 3060, 3262, 322, 278, 4697, 3460, 297, 278, 16423, 9213, 13051, 333, 304, 4953, 18325, 1474, 4549, 363, 263, 7826, 902, 5046, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29892, 451, 1641, 2221, 304, 5967, 1009, 29413, 322, 1641, 8126, 1970, 1312, 304, 278, 274, 1501, 482, 2645, 1556, 310, 278, 2462, 4366, 6199, 29892, 13051, 333, 750, 694, 10230, 304, 1207, 411, 4045, 902, 5046, 29889, 13, 3629, 292, 22078, 304, 1316, 263, 2319, 760, 310, 278, 3186, 29892, 13051, 333, 3897, 901, 322, 901, 12758, 1048, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 3186, 5377, 902, 3271, 29889, 2216, 393, 1568, 471, 7962, 304, 902, 29889, 2296 ]
watched out the little windows of her family's cottage and wondered at the limited sights she could see from her vegetable garden in the side yard. Day after day she would see the little girl, a girl not taller than herself and probably the same age she would guess. "I want to go to school," she insisted one day to her father. "It is best you stay at home," her Father told her. "You're different, Brigid," her mother added. "It is best you stay inside our house," her father gently instructed and let go of her hands. "Here at home you are safe," her mother assured her. "That's a good girl." He gave her a quick hug, she kissed him on the cheek and then he was out the door, out to the fields to tend the crops. Brigid loved learning and she loved her leather-bound collection of Irish folk tales that her grandfather had given her when she was born. Her mother taught her to read using that book of dreamy stories and far-away adventures. As Brigid learned her letters and then words, she would read the book of folk tales over and over until the pages were worn. For the next couple years, Brigid was content to stay in the house, learning from her mother and father and occasionally working in her little vegetable garden next to their cottage. Of course, she was not allowed to stay outside for too long. I know what a "village" is. Brigid would think. But is it like the villages and towns in my book? Is there a castle? Does it have a moat? Is there a marketplace? Brigid would read and dream. Then, all in one day, she saw several different people passing on the road that ran close to the front door of their cottage. There was a very tall bearded man leading his horse as it pulled a cart full of colorful cloth and silks heading to the village. Then there was a farmer and his wife walking from the village with a large basket full of breads and cabbages. I've never grown a cabbage that large, Brigid thought. A shepherd with a bundle of sheep's wool tied to his horse was headed to the village followed closely by a young boy leading a horse that had obviously thrown a shoe. The boy stopped and spoke with Brigid's mother who was tending the front walk. "To you as well," she answered. "Ah, that's good news. Thank you," he said with a smile and a doff of his hat. He then continued down the road towards the village. Her mother turned and saw Brigid peering out the window and gave a wave. She had made up her mind. The next morning, before the sun had risen, when everything was gray and oh-so-still, and her mother and father still asleep, she carefully opened the big front door, stepped out of the cottage and quietly closed the door behind her. She looked up and then down the road. Not a soul was in sight. For the first time in her walking talking life she left the house and yard that had confined her for a little more than twelve years. She walked the dirt road she'd never been allowed and was soon on the street in the little village of Lisdoonvarna. There she saw the village green on which she'd never walked, and beyond it, between two very tall pine trees, the wooden schoolhouse of which she had only heard tell. Suddenly a rooster crowed in the distance. Brigid startled. A shiver ran up her spine to her neck making the hair on the back of her neck bristle. The sun will soon light the village, she thought. I should hurry. She hurried across the green to the schoolhouse. There she peeked in through the schoolhouse windows and saw the rows of wooden chairs, desks with their ink wells, books and a world of maps upon the walls. How, she wondered, could a place so wonderful harm me? The aroma of fresh baking bread drew her toward the bake shop where she gazed through the window at soda bread and yesterday's dainty cakes. Onward Brigid went. At the tailor's shop she was dazzled by the bright red dress and the feathered hats in the store window. She was distracted by so many wonders that before she knew it, the sun was up and the day had begun. The street cleaner was inspecting his domain. The tailor and the baker were opening their
[ 1.4878980173531393, 1.849492330608812 ]
[ 0.3846963311327028, -0.41571464471274144 ]
[ 1.257082361683955, 0.22736850537794176 ]
[ -0.46656065846620637, -0.9270031959469669 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 20654, 714, 278, 2217, 5417, 310, 902, 3942, 29915, 29879, 274, 1501, 482, 322, 4997, 287, 472, 278, 9078, 269, 5861, 1183, 1033, 1074, 515, 902, 18655, 519, 16423, 297, 278, 2625, 29413, 29889, 13, 12742, 1156, 2462, 1183, 723, 1074, 278, 2217, 7826, 29892, 263, 7826, 451, 260, 12572, 1135, 8735, 322, 3117, 278, 1021, 5046, 1183, 723, 4140, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 864, 304, 748, 304, 3762, 1699, 1183, 1663, 12652, 697, 2462, 304, 902, 4783, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 338, 1900, 366, 7952, 472, 3271, 1699, 902, 17852, 5429, 902, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 29915, 276, 1422, 29892, 13051, 333, 1699, 902, 5637, 2715, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 338, 1900, 366, 7952, 2768, 1749, 3699, 1699, 902, 4783, 330, 2705, 18690, 287, 322, 1235, 748, 310, 902, 6567, 29889, 13, 29908, 10605, 472, 3271, 366, 526, 9109, 1699, 902, 5637, 28715, 902, 29889, 13, 29908, 7058, 29915, 29879, 263, 1781, 7826, 1213, 940, 4846, 902, 263, 4996, 298, 688, 29892, 1183, 20057, 287, 1075, 373, 278, 923, 1416, 322, 769, 540, 471, 714, 278, 3050, 29892, 714, 304, 278, 4235, 304, 10331, 278, 8182, 567, 29889, 13, 29933, 8966, 333, 18012, 6509, 322, 1183, 18012, 902, 454, 1624, 29899, 9917, 4333, 310, 12601, 19589, 29763, 393, 902, 4595, 22212, 750, 2183, 902, 746, 1183, 471, 6345, 29889, 2439, 5637, 16187, 902, 304, 1303, 773, 393, 3143, 310, 12561, 29891, 15874, 322, 2215, 29899, 21694, 17623, 1973, 29889, 1094, 13051, 333, 10972, 902, 8721, 322, 769, 3838, 29892, 1183, 723, 1303, 278, 3143, 310, 19589, 29763, 975, 322, 975, 2745, 278, 6515, 892, 28043, 29889, 13, 2831, 278, 2446, 7303, 2440, 29892, 13051, 333, 471, 2793, 304, 7952, 297, 278, 3699, 29892, 6509, 515, 902, 5637, 322, 4783, 322, 23025, 1985, 297, 902, 2217, 18655, 519, 16423, 2446, 304, 1009, 274, 1501, 482, 29889, 4587, 3236, 29892, 1183, 471, 451, 6068, 304, 7952, 5377, 363, 2086, 1472, 29889, 13, 29902, 1073, 825, 263, 376, 29894, 453, 482, 29908, 338, 29889, 13051, 333, 723, 1348, 29889, 1205, 338, 372, 763, 278, 18481, 322, 20248, 297, 590, 3143, 29973, 1317, 727, 263, 20610, 29973, 5538, 372, 505, 263, 2730, 271, 29973, 1317, 727, 263, 9999, 6689, 29973, 13, 29933, 8966, 333, 723, 1303, 322, 12561, 29889, 13, 11760, 29892, 599, 297, 697, 2462, 29892, 1183, 4446, 3196, 1422, 2305, 6819, 373, 278, 6520, 393, 6350, 3802, 304, 278, 4565, 3050, 310, 1009, 274, 1501, 482, 29889, 1670, 471, 263, 1407, 15655, 367, 25600, 767, 8236, 670, 10435, 408, 372, 20043, 263, 7774, 2989, 310, 2927, 1319, 13950, 322, 4047, 2039, 28435, 304, 278, 5720, 29889, 1987, 727, 471, 263, 2215, 1050, 322, 670, 6532, 22049, 515, 278, 5720, 411, 263, 2919, 25972, 2989, 310, 18423, 29879, 322, 7776, 29890, 1179, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 345, 2360, 21633, 263, 7776, 17807, 393, 2919, 29892, 13051, 333, 2714, 29889, 13, 29909, 1183, 561, 2018, 411, 263, 11846, 310, 29735, 29915, 29879, 281, 1507, 21351, 304, 670, 10435, 471, 2343, 287, 304, 278, 5720, 5643, 16467, 491, 263, 4123, 8023, 8236, 263, 10435, 393, 750, 12879, 12005, 263, 528, 7297, 29889, 450, 8023, 11084, 322, 12707, 411, 13051, 333, 29915, 29879, 5637, 1058, 471, 260, 2548, 278, 4565, 6686, 29889, 13, 29908, 1762, 366, 408, 1532, 1699, 1183, 7699, 29889, 13, 29908, 17565, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 1781, 9763, 29889, 3374, 366, 1699, 540, 1497, 411, 263, 17819, 322, 263, 437, 600, 310, 670, 3056, 29889, 940, 769, 7572, 1623, 278, 6520, 7113, 278, 5720, 29889, 13, 18650, 5637, 6077, 322, 4446, 13051, 333, 1236, 3241, 714, 278, 3474, 322, 4846, 263, 10742, 29889, 13, 13468, 750, 1754, 701, 902, 3458, 29889, 13, 1576, 2446, 7250, 29892, 1434, 278, 6575, 750, 5161, 264, 29892, 746, 4129, 471, 16749, 322, 9360, 29899, 578, 29899, 303, 453, 29892, 322, 902, 5637, 322, 4783, 1603, 408, 5436, 29892, 1183, 16112, 6496, 278, 4802, 4565, 3050, 29892, 28996, 714, 310, 278, 274, 1501, 482, 322, 25970, 5764, 278, 3050, 5742, 902, 29889, 13, 13468, 5148, 701, 322, 769, 1623, 278, 6520, 29889, 2216, 263, 10752, 471, 297, 11126, 29889, 13, 2831, 278, 937, 931, 297, 902, 22049, 9963, 2834, 1183, 2175, 278, 3699, 322, 29413, 393, 750, 1970, 1312, 902, 363, 263, 2217, 901, 1135, 17680, 2440, 29889, 13, 13468, 17096, 278, 270, 2728, 6520, 1183, 29915, 29881, 2360, 1063, 6068, 322, 471, 4720, 373, 278, 11952, 297, 278, 2217, 5720, 310, 15285, 1867, 265, 1707, 1056, 29889, 1670, 1183, 4446, 278, 5720, 7933, 373, 607, 1183, 29915, 29881, 2360, 17096, 29892, 322, 8724, 372, 29892, 1546, 1023, 1407, 15655, 282, 457, 10697, 29892, 278, 27278, 3762, 8697, 310, 607, 1183, 750, 871, 6091, 2649, 29889, 13, 29903, 566, 1145, 368, 263, 696, 15664, 11660, 287, 297, 278, 5418, 29889, 13051, 333, 1369, 839, 29889, 319, 528, 2147, 6350, 701, 902, 805, 457, 304, 902, 18873, 3907, 278, 11315, 373, 278, 1250, 310, 902, 18873, 1506, 391, 280, 29889, 13, 1576, 6575, 674, 4720, 3578, 278, 5720, 29892, 1183, 2714, 29889, 306, 881, 12166, 719, 29889, 13, 13468, 29117, 4822, 278, 7933, 304, 278, 3762, 8697, 29889, 1670, 1183, 1236, 1416, 287, 297, 1549, 278, 3762, 8697, 5417, 322, 4446, 278, 4206, 310, 27278, 521, 7121, 29892, 553, 2039, 411, 1009, 297, 29895, 1532, 29879, 29892, 8277, 322, 263, 3186, 310, 11053, 2501, 278, 14603, 29889, 13, 5328, 29892, 1183, 4997, 287, 29892, 1033, 263, 2058, 577, 20695, 10311, 592, 29973, 13, 1576, 263, 456, 29874, 310, 10849, 289, 5086, 18423, 15010, 902, 11183, 278, 289, 1296, 18296, 988, 1183, 12642, 287, 1549, 278, 3474, 472, 269, 8887, 18423, 322, 22600, 29915, 29879, 270, 475, 1017, 274, 6926, 29889, 13, 2951, 1328, 13051, 333, 3512, 29889, 2180, 278, 12464, 272, 29915, 29879, 18296, 1183, 471, 270, 7511, 839, 491, 278, 11785, 2654, 10714, 322, 278, 1238, 1624, 287, 298, 1446, 297, 278, 3787, 3474, 29889, 13, 13468, 471, 1320, 1461, 287, 491, 577, 1784, 281, 18452, 393, 1434, 1183, 6363, 372, 29892, 278, 6575, 471, 701, 322, 278, 2462, 750, 23580, 29889, 450, 11952, 27372, 471, 16096, 292, 670, 5354, 29889, 450, 12464, 272, 322, 278, 289, 5790, 892, 8718, 1009 ]
shops. The teacher was opening the school. The little girl Brigid had seen so often passing her cottage stepped from the crowd and approached Brigid. Brigid wanted to reply. She wanted to be friendly. But the nasty looks from all of the grownups made her want to flee. "Excuse me, I need be going home," Brigid managed to stutter. "Would you like to play with me?" Brianna asked her. "That!" Brianna's mother said with disdain as she pointed to Brigid's strangely shaped boot that covered her misshaped foot. "Enough!" Her mother exclaimed as she pulled her daughter away from Brigid. By this time, quite a few people had gathered near her, but they all turned their backs on Brigid. They refused to talk to her, but they certainly had plenty to say to each other about her. "That affliction! Her frightening difference," said one man to another. "She's got a hoof, like a sheep, one man told the woman who ran the clothing store. 'Tis not my fault, ma'am," Brigid tried to tell her, but the woman would not turn 'round and face Brigid. "Poor thing. She's so twisted on the outside," observed one woman. "Perhaps the inside as well," her companion replied. 'Tis nothing I've done," Brigid tried to explain to the people who had turned their backs on her. "A monster!" decried the street cleaner. He spit on the ground by Brigid's feet causing her to step back. He quickly swept the ground where she once stood. "What have I done?" Brigid begged. "Do you see her?" another asked. "Why won't you look at me?" Brigid asked. The grownups would only look at each other as their comments became louder. "I wish I could," replied Brigid, tears welling up in her eyes. "Stop ... stop ... stop!" Brigid pleaded, backing away from the mob. Her misshaped foot stepped on a stone, not a really big one, but big enough for her to lose her balance and fall into the dusty dirty street. "I've done nothing wrong!" she cried out. The comments and taunts suddenly stopped. All the town's folk fell silent as Brigid's father pushed his way through the crowd and stood protectively above the defenseless child on the ground. His stern look caused the villagers to move away whispering among themselves. "You were not to let her in the village!" declared the street sweeper. Michael O'Grady did not respond. He stooped down, gently lifted his daughter from the dirty roadway and carried her away. "Who? That awful girl? Pretend she was never here," her mother demanded. With those hateful words stinging in their ears, Brigid's father carried her all the way to the safe confines of their little cottage. Home. The sights and smells and sounds: her book on the table, the crackling fire, the aroma of fresh made porridge mingling with the scent of the moist peat walls, the creak of the wooden floor boards – all were very comforting to Brigid as her father placed her down on the wooden chair beside the hearth. Her father handed her mother a bucket of water and a cloth. "They stared at me and they made fun of me." Brigid explained. "That man said I have a hoof not a foot! A hoof like a sheep!" And she began to cry again. "But they do not know me," Brigid pleaded. "They were frightened by your foot when you were a babe in my arms. For them nothing has changed," her mother explained. "Now you know the cruel truth of the world!" her father shouted. This stunned Brigid. She'd never seen either parent raise their voice in such a manner. "If they took the time…" Brigid began, but stopped. She looked at her father looking at her. There was great concern and love in his hazel eyes and she immediately knew he understood what she wanted to say without her saying it. "Things different cause fear," her mother added. "But it's just imagination," Brigid. "Imagination can make people do the wrong thing," her father gently added. "That is why we protect you and keep you here," her mother added. Surprised by his force
[ 0.35654611300016337, 1.5098128242171196 ]
[ -0.6646120175147923, -0.5088273309408468 ]
[ -0.09727034587124471, 0.653456997642499 ]
[ -0.6392266100214915, -0.5423255675290716 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 528, 3554, 29889, 450, 15703, 471, 8718, 278, 3762, 29889, 13, 1576, 2217, 7826, 13051, 333, 750, 3595, 577, 4049, 6819, 902, 274, 1501, 482, 28996, 515, 278, 19174, 322, 26733, 13051, 333, 29889, 13, 29933, 8966, 333, 5131, 304, 8908, 29889, 2296, 5131, 304, 367, 19780, 29889, 1205, 278, 11777, 29891, 3430, 515, 599, 310, 278, 6548, 3433, 567, 1754, 902, 864, 304, 9115, 29872, 29889, 13, 29908, 1252, 29883, 1509, 592, 29892, 306, 817, 367, 2675, 3271, 1699, 13051, 333, 8745, 304, 380, 6463, 29889, 13, 29908, 29956, 483, 366, 763, 304, 1708, 411, 592, 3026, 350, 374, 9713, 4433, 902, 29889, 13, 29908, 7058, 3850, 350, 374, 9713, 29915, 29879, 5637, 1497, 411, 766, 29881, 475, 408, 1183, 11520, 304, 13051, 333, 29915, 29879, 851, 574, 873, 528, 10501, 6579, 393, 10664, 902, 3052, 29882, 10501, 3661, 29889, 13, 29908, 2369, 820, 3850, 2439, 5637, 17463, 408, 1183, 20043, 902, 8750, 3448, 515, 13051, 333, 29889, 13, 2059, 445, 931, 29892, 3755, 263, 2846, 2305, 750, 22229, 2978, 902, 29892, 541, 896, 599, 6077, 1009, 1250, 29879, 373, 13051, 333, 29889, 2688, 15964, 304, 5193, 304, 902, 29892, 541, 896, 8959, 750, 20947, 304, 1827, 304, 1269, 916, 1048, 902, 29889, 13, 29908, 7058, 2756, 506, 12757, 29991, 2439, 22739, 8333, 4328, 1699, 1497, 697, 767, 304, 1790, 29889, 13, 29908, 13468, 29915, 29879, 2355, 263, 17992, 29892, 763, 263, 29735, 29892, 697, 767, 5429, 278, 6114, 1058, 6350, 278, 1067, 6046, 3787, 29889, 13, 29915, 29911, 275, 451, 590, 12570, 29892, 611, 29915, 314, 1699, 13051, 333, 1898, 304, 2649, 902, 29892, 541, 278, 6114, 723, 451, 2507, 525, 14486, 322, 3700, 13051, 333, 29889, 13, 29908, 9837, 272, 2655, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29879, 577, 3252, 12652, 373, 278, 5377, 1699, 8900, 697, 6114, 29889, 13, 29908, 5894, 4252, 278, 2768, 408, 1532, 1699, 902, 18708, 10352, 29889, 13, 29915, 29911, 275, 3078, 306, 29915, 345, 2309, 1699, 13051, 333, 1898, 304, 5649, 304, 278, 2305, 1058, 750, 6077, 1009, 1250, 29879, 373, 902, 29889, 13, 29908, 29909, 1601, 2475, 3850, 316, 699, 287, 278, 11952, 27372, 29889, 940, 805, 277, 373, 278, 5962, 491, 13051, 333, 29915, 29879, 6900, 10805, 902, 304, 4331, 1250, 29889, 940, 9098, 7901, 415, 278, 5962, 988, 1183, 2748, 8389, 29889, 13, 29908, 5618, 505, 306, 2309, 3026, 13051, 333, 25945, 287, 29889, 13, 29908, 6132, 366, 1074, 902, 3026, 1790, 4433, 29889, 13, 29908, 11008, 2113, 29915, 29873, 366, 1106, 472, 592, 3026, 13051, 333, 4433, 29889, 13, 1576, 6548, 3433, 567, 723, 871, 1106, 472, 1269, 916, 408, 1009, 6589, 3897, 301, 283, 672, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 6398, 306, 1033, 1699, 10352, 13051, 333, 29892, 20190, 1532, 292, 701, 297, 902, 5076, 29889, 13, 29908, 16329, 2023, 5040, 2023, 5040, 3850, 13051, 333, 5644, 11932, 29892, 27436, 3448, 515, 278, 22458, 29889, 2439, 3052, 29882, 10501, 3661, 28996, 373, 263, 12565, 29892, 451, 263, 2289, 4802, 697, 29892, 541, 4802, 3307, 363, 902, 304, 14074, 902, 17346, 322, 6416, 964, 278, 19786, 29891, 26616, 11952, 29889, 376, 29902, 29915, 345, 2309, 3078, 2743, 3850, 1183, 10680, 714, 29889, 13, 1576, 6589, 322, 11062, 348, 1372, 11584, 11084, 29889, 2178, 278, 4726, 29915, 29879, 19589, 8379, 17436, 408, 13051, 333, 29915, 29879, 4783, 18760, 670, 982, 1549, 278, 19174, 322, 8389, 12566, 3598, 2038, 278, 822, 575, 6393, 2278, 373, 278, 5962, 29889, 13, 29950, 275, 27784, 1106, 8581, 278, 4213, 18150, 304, 4337, 3448, 21039, 292, 4249, 6053, 29889, 13, 29908, 3492, 892, 451, 304, 1235, 902, 297, 278, 5720, 3850, 8052, 278, 11952, 7901, 11356, 29889, 13, 24083, 438, 29915, 3338, 3714, 1258, 451, 10049, 29889, 940, 6258, 28605, 1623, 29892, 330, 2705, 26239, 670, 8750, 515, 278, 26616, 6520, 1582, 322, 8988, 902, 3448, 29889, 13, 29908, 22110, 29973, 2193, 28893, 7826, 29973, 349, 2267, 355, 1183, 471, 2360, 1244, 1699, 902, 5637, 24432, 29889, 13, 3047, 1906, 298, 22279, 3838, 380, 292, 292, 297, 1009, 22827, 29892, 13051, 333, 29915, 29879, 4783, 8988, 902, 599, 278, 982, 304, 278, 9109, 1970, 1475, 310, 1009, 2217, 274, 1501, 482, 29889, 13, 11184, 29889, 450, 269, 5861, 322, 1560, 10071, 322, 10083, 29901, 902, 3143, 373, 278, 1591, 29892, 278, 26755, 1847, 3974, 29892, 278, 263, 456, 29874, 310, 10849, 1754, 1277, 8605, 286, 292, 1847, 411, 278, 885, 296, 310, 278, 2730, 391, 1236, 271, 14603, 29892, 278, 907, 557, 310, 278, 27278, 11904, 1045, 3163, 785, 599, 892, 1407, 13016, 292, 304, 13051, 333, 408, 902, 4783, 7180, 902, 1623, 373, 278, 27278, 11774, 17620, 278, 8293, 386, 29889, 13, 18650, 4783, 29692, 902, 5637, 263, 20968, 310, 4094, 322, 263, 13950, 29889, 13, 29908, 15597, 380, 1965, 472, 592, 322, 896, 1754, 2090, 310, 592, 1213, 13051, 333, 10824, 29889, 376, 7058, 767, 1497, 306, 505, 263, 17992, 451, 263, 3661, 29991, 319, 17992, 763, 263, 29735, 3850, 1126, 1183, 4689, 304, 10901, 1449, 29889, 13, 29908, 6246, 896, 437, 451, 1073, 592, 1699, 13051, 333, 5644, 11932, 29889, 13, 29908, 15597, 892, 22739, 6419, 491, 596, 3661, 746, 366, 892, 263, 289, 4302, 297, 590, 10188, 29889, 1152, 963, 3078, 756, 3939, 1699, 902, 5637, 10824, 29889, 13, 29908, 10454, 366, 1073, 278, 24116, 8760, 310, 278, 3186, 3850, 902, 4783, 21272, 287, 29889, 13, 4013, 380, 5963, 287, 13051, 333, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29881, 2360, 3595, 2845, 3847, 12020, 1009, 7314, 297, 1316, 263, 8214, 29889, 13, 29908, 3644, 896, 3614, 278, 931, 30098, 29908, 13051, 333, 4689, 29892, 541, 11084, 29889, 2296, 5148, 472, 902, 4783, 3063, 472, 902, 29889, 1670, 471, 2107, 5932, 322, 5360, 297, 670, 447, 10533, 5076, 322, 1183, 7389, 6363, 540, 11098, 825, 1183, 5131, 304, 1827, 1728, 902, 5934, 372, 29889, 13, 29908, 1349, 886, 1422, 4556, 8866, 1699, 902, 5637, 2715, 29889, 13, 29908, 6246, 372, 29915, 29879, 925, 28038, 1699, 13051, 333, 29889, 13, 29908, 1888, 351, 3381, 508, 1207, 2305, 437, 278, 2743, 2655, 1699, 902, 4783, 330, 2705, 2715, 29889, 13, 29908, 7058, 338, 2020, 591, 12566, 366, 322, 3013, 366, 1244, 1699, 902, 5637, 2715, 29889, 13, 18498, 558, 3368, 491, 670, 4889 ]
keyword research, seo How to Do YouTube Keyword Research in 3 Easy Steps Looking to grow your YouTube channel and attract more views? The "trick" is to target topics with search demand. This is the approach that helped us grow our YouTube channel from ~10,000 to over 200,000 monthly views in around a year. We also gained over 50,000 new subscribers in that same period. In this post, I'll run you through our three-step process for finding the best keywords to target on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kAuM2nQb_P8 Step #1: Map out a hierarchy of topics Imagine that you sell phone cases online, and you're creating a new channel where you'll unbox new smartphones to attract an audience of potential customers. Your first thought might be to go after broad topics with huge search volumes. The problem is that if you create videos on topics that are too broad, then you'll attract an irrelevant audience. By the same notion, if you create videos on super-niche topics, then you won't attract enough people. Solve this by first mapping out a hierarchy of topics to cover. If we were doing this for our unboxing channel, then "unboxing" might be at the top of the hierarchy. From there, you might list popular brands. Then under each of those, you could add specific models. Feel free to go as deep as necessary with your hierarchy. If you're struggling to do this process manually, one trick is to use the wildcard (*) operator with YouTube autosuggest. For example, we could search for something like Samsung Galaxy S* to find phone models. Step #2. Generate keyword ideas and find search volumes Next, use keyword research tools to find what people are searching for in relation to your list of topics. There are a lot of keyword research tools out there, but most of them only show Google search volumes and not YouTube ones. These are almost entirely useless because people search on YouTube very differently to how they search on Google. For example, Google Trends tells us that searches for "pizza dough recipe" are slowly declining in recent years on Google… … whereas they're on the rise on YouTube. Now, you might think the solution to this is to look at the number of video views on YouTube. But this can also be quite misleading. For example, we rank on YouTube for "SEO audit," and our video has racked up an impressive 640,000 views over the past three years. That averages out to around 18,000 views/month. But one quick look at our YouTube analytics tells you that our views are from paid YouTube ads, not organic search. With that in mind, here are three tools for finding YouTube keyword ideas and search volumes that actually work. 1. Ahrefs Keywords Explorer Head over to Ahrefs Keywords Explorer, select YouTube as the search engine, and enter a seed keyword. Let's go for "unboxing." You can see this keyword gets 40,000 monthly searches in the US. The problem is that this topic is way too broad, which is probably why only 32% of searches result in clicks. Think about it. If someone searches for "unboxing" on YouTube, what do they want to see you unbox? Chances are you have no idea, and they probably don't either. Instead, head to the "Phrase match" report which shows you keyword ideas containing your seed keywords. In this case, we get ~120,000 suggestions. But there's a problem: some ideas are unrelated to smartphones—which is the topic of our channel. We wouldn't want to create a video where we unbox a Nintendo Switch, despite its high search demand. To solve this, look back at your hierarchy from step one, then paste some of the topics into the "Include" filter separated by commas. Switch the toggle to "Any word" to see keywords that contain any words in your list—plus your seed. You should end up with a much more manageable list of super-relevant keywords. To narrow down the list even further, filter for keywords with at least 500 monthly searches. Most keyword research tools like Keywords Explorer use rounded annual averages for search volume estimations. For that reason, it's worth checking for declining or seasonal trends before pursuing a keyword. If
[ -0.11992972686278046, 0.07165362376842116 ]
[ 0.4563214743850915, 0.5494341606131969 ]
[ 1.510706464222382, 1.0541830796532135 ]
[ -0.17000444788537755, -0.20642363164091795 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 13553, 5925, 29892, 409, 29877, 13, 5328, 304, 1938, 14711, 7670, 1742, 10550, 297, 29871, 29941, 382, 8995, 2443, 567, 13, 14959, 292, 304, 6548, 596, 14711, 8242, 322, 13978, 901, 8386, 29973, 450, 376, 509, 860, 29908, 338, 304, 3646, 23820, 411, 2740, 9667, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 278, 2948, 393, 9213, 502, 6548, 1749, 14711, 8242, 515, 3695, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 304, 975, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 4098, 368, 8386, 297, 2820, 263, 1629, 29889, 13, 4806, 884, 17515, 975, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 716, 21696, 2596, 297, 393, 1021, 3785, 29889, 13, 797, 445, 1400, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 1065, 366, 1549, 1749, 2211, 29899, 10568, 1889, 363, 9138, 278, 1900, 29361, 304, 3646, 373, 14711, 29889, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 19567, 29889, 510, 29914, 12344, 29973, 29894, 29922, 29895, 29909, 29884, 29924, 29906, 29876, 29984, 29890, 29918, 29925, 29947, 13, 14448, 396, 29896, 29901, 7315, 714, 263, 21277, 310, 23820, 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304, 748, 408, 6483, 408, 5181, 411, 596, 21277, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 29915, 276, 20042, 304, 437, 445, 1889, 7522, 29892, 697, 8938, 338, 304, 671, 278, 8775, 7543, 3070, 29897, 5455, 411, 14711, 1120, 359, 688, 7118, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 591, 1033, 2740, 363, 1554, 763, 317, 28935, 5208, 26825, 317, 29930, 304, 1284, 9008, 4733, 29889, 13, 14448, 396, 29906, 29889, 3251, 403, 13553, 7014, 322, 1284, 2740, 18167, 13, 9190, 29892, 671, 13553, 5925, 8492, 304, 1284, 825, 2305, 526, 11975, 363, 297, 8220, 304, 596, 1051, 310, 23820, 29889, 13, 8439, 526, 263, 3287, 310, 13553, 5925, 8492, 714, 727, 29892, 541, 1556, 310, 963, 871, 1510, 5087, 2740, 18167, 322, 451, 14711, 6743, 29889, 4525, 526, 4359, 9186, 19315, 1363, 2305, 2740, 373, 14711, 1407, 17587, 304, 920, 896, 2740, 373, 5087, 29889, 13, 2831, 1342, 29892, 5087, 1605, 1975, 10603, 502, 393, 29645, 363, 376, 29886, 24990, 270, 820, 9522, 412, 29908, 526, 14205, 4845, 2827, 297, 7786, 2440, 373, 5087, 30098, 13, 30098, 13452, 896, 29915, 276, 373, 278, 14451, 373, 14711, 29889, 13, 10454, 29892, 366, 1795, 1348, 278, 1650, 304, 445, 338, 304, 1106, 472, 278, 1353, 310, 4863, 8386, 373, 14711, 29889, 1205, 445, 508, 884, 367, 3755, 3984, 25369, 29889, 13, 2831, 1342, 29892, 591, 7115, 373, 14711, 363, 376, 1660, 29949, 12990, 277, 1699, 322, 1749, 4863, 756, 1153, 384, 287, 701, 385, 21210, 573, 29871, 29953, 29946, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 8386, 975, 278, 4940, 2211, 2440, 29889, 13, 7058, 4759, 1179, 714, 304, 2820, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 8386, 29914, 10874, 29889, 13, 6246, 697, 4996, 1106, 472, 1749, 14711, 16114, 1199, 10603, 366, 393, 1749, 8386, 526, 515, 12530, 14711, 594, 29879, 29892, 451, 2894, 293, 2740, 29889, 13, 3047, 393, 297, 3458, 29892, 1244, 526, 2211, 8492, 363, 9138, 14711, 13553, 7014, 322, 2740, 18167, 393, 2869, 664, 29889, 13, 29896, 29889, 9070, 24539, 7670, 9303, 21508, 13, 5494, 975, 304, 9070, 24539, 7670, 9303, 21508, 29892, 1831, 14711, 408, 278, 2740, 6012, 29892, 322, 3896, 263, 16717, 13553, 29889, 2803, 29915, 29879, 748, 363, 376, 348, 1884, 292, 1213, 13, 3492, 508, 1074, 445, 13553, 4947, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 4098, 368, 29645, 297, 278, 3148, 29889, 13, 1576, 1108, 338, 393, 445, 11261, 338, 982, 2086, 7300, 29892, 607, 338, 3117, 2020, 871, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29995, 310, 29645, 1121, 297, 19367, 29889, 13, 1349, 682, 1048, 372, 29889, 960, 4856, 29645, 363, 376, 348, 1884, 292, 29908, 373, 14711, 29892, 825, 437, 896, 864, 304, 1074, 366, 443, 1884, 29973, 678, 2925, 526, 366, 505, 694, 2969, 29892, 322, 896, 3117, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2845, 29889, 13, 3379, 1479, 29892, 2343, 304, 278, 376, 29925, 1092, 559, 1993, 29908, 3461, 607, 3697, 366, 13553, 7014, 6943, 596, 16717, 29361, 29889, 13, 797, 445, 1206, 29892, 591, 679, 3695, 29896, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 10529, 29889, 13, 6246, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 1108, 29901, 777, 7014, 526, 443, 12817, 304, 15040, 561, 2873, 30003, 4716, 338, 278, 11261, 310, 1749, 8242, 29889, 1334, 7656, 29915, 29873, 864, 304, 1653, 263, 4863, 988, 591, 443, 1884, 263, 405, 28481, 28176, 29892, 15020, 967, 1880, 2740, 9667, 29889, 13, 1762, 4505, 445, 29892, 1106, 1250, 472, 596, 21277, 515, 4331, 697, 29892, 769, 11417, 777, 310, 278, 23820, 964, 278, 376, 29419, 29908, 4175, 13055, 491, 844, 294, 29889, 28176, 278, 20429, 304, 376, 10773, 1734, 29908, 304, 1074, 29361, 393, 1712, 738, 3838, 297, 596, 1051, 30003, 11242, 596, 16717, 29889, 13, 3492, 881, 1095, 701, 411, 263, 1568, 901, 10933, 519, 1051, 310, 2428, 29899, 276, 6591, 29361, 29889, 13, 1762, 12474, 1623, 278, 1051, 1584, 4340, 29892, 4175, 363, 29361, 411, 472, 3203, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 4098, 368, 29645, 29889, 13, 29924, 520, 13553, 5925, 8492, 763, 7670, 9303, 21508, 671, 28240, 17568, 4759, 1179, 363, 2740, 7977, 4844, 800, 29889, 1152, 393, 2769, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 7088, 8454, 363, 4845, 2827, 470, 4259, 284, 534, 1975, 1434, 12359, 26420, 263, 13553, 29889, 13, 3644 ]
you look at the keyword "iPhone 8 unboxing" in Keywords Explorer, there's a spike followed by a downward trend. This makes sense as the spike occurs around the time the iPhone 8 was released. It becomes less popular over time as Apple and other manufacturers release new models. Long story short, declining topics like this often aren't the best targets. 2. YouTube ads With YouTube ads, you can pay to show your video in YouTube search for any keyword. For example, if you had an iPhone X unboxing video, then you could run YouTube ads for the keyword "iPhone X unboxing." Let your ad run for 30 days, then check the Search Terms report in Google Ads where you'll see the number of ad impressions on a keyword by keyword basis. The number of impressions a keyword gets should be an underestimation of search volume because your ad won't show for every search. But it should still be enough to provide a rough estimation. 3. YouTube Autosuggest + Google Trends Start typing a seed keyword into the YouTube search bar and you'll see a list of related queries pop up. These are 'autosuggest' results, and they're a great source of keyword ideas. For example, if you type "iPhone * unboxing," then you get suggestions like "iPhone XS Max unboxing" and "iPhone 7 unboxing." If you see any interesting suggestions, throw them into Google Trends, then change the dropdown to "YouTube search" to see their relative popularity. Here, you can see that more people search for "iPhone XS unboxing" than "iPhone 5S unboxing." Unfortunately, combining autosuggest results with Google Trends won't show you absolute search volumes. If you happen to know the rough search volume of just one keyword, then you can "guesstimate" the volume of others by comparing their relative popularities in Google Trends. Pair method #3 with method #2 to do that. Step #3. Check search intent Fail to match search intent, and you're dead in the water before you even start. That's because YouTube, much like Google, tries to return results that its users actually want to see. It's why when you search for "Apple," YouTube shows you videos about Apple, the computer company… … as opposed to the fruit. Understanding search intent is a critical part of the keyword research process, and the easiest way to start is to ask yourself a simple question: "What would someone searching for this keyword want to see?" For some keywords, this couldn't be more obvious. If someone searches for "Galaxy S9 unboxing," then they want you to take the thing out of the box and show them everything that's inside. On the other hand, if they're searching for "iPhone apps," then that's more open to interpretation. Do they want to know about this year's must-have apps? Or new app releases? Or perhaps where to buy apps on iOS and Android? The easiest way to figure this out is to head to YouTube, search for the keyword, then look at the top few search results. Here, you can see that people searching for "iPhone apps" want to watch videos about a bunch of apps. Specifically, the top apps released this year. If you wanted to rank for this keyword, then this is the style of video you'd want to create. For best results, check the top search results on YouTube in an incognito tab. YouTube often personalizes search results based on factors like search history. Bonus tip: "Double dip" to get video traffic from Google Have you ever done a Google search and seen videos in the search results? No matter whether they show up as video carousels, dedicated results, featured videos, or a mixture of them all, their presence tells you something important: People searching for this topic in Google want to see videos. If you can create videos around topics that are likely to rank in Google, then you can effectively "double dip" and pull in traffic from two search engines instead of one. Here are three ways to find such topics. 1. Look for keywords with video results Take one of the keywords from your list and paste it into Google. Look at the search results. Is there a video carousel in the results? Or perhaps a dedicated video SERP feature? If so, then there may be an opportunity to "double dip" and get traffic from both YouTube and Google. To see how much traffic the current video results are getting from Google,
[ -0.49813135469506314, 0.375721569006146 ]
[ 0.24502730179054474, 0.2844211305793585 ]
[ 0.5824422489317395, 1.1049079001608988 ]
[ -0.22203185325043526, -0.28706610995675735 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 366, 1106, 472, 278, 13553, 376, 29875, 9861, 29871, 29947, 443, 1884, 292, 29908, 297, 7670, 9303, 21508, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 263, 805, 9345, 5643, 491, 263, 1623, 1328, 534, 355, 29889, 13, 4013, 3732, 4060, 408, 278, 805, 9345, 10008, 2820, 278, 931, 278, 18483, 29871, 29947, 471, 5492, 29889, 739, 7415, 3109, 5972, 975, 931, 408, 12113, 322, 916, 12012, 332, 414, 6507, 716, 4733, 29889, 13, 8208, 5828, 3273, 29892, 4845, 2827, 23820, 763, 445, 4049, 9455, 29915, 29873, 278, 1900, 22525, 29889, 13, 29906, 29889, 14711, 594, 29879, 13, 3047, 14711, 594, 29879, 29892, 366, 508, 5146, 304, 1510, 596, 4863, 297, 14711, 2740, 363, 738, 13553, 29889, 13, 2831, 1342, 29892, 565, 366, 750, 385, 18483, 1060, 443, 1884, 292, 4863, 29892, 769, 366, 1033, 1065, 14711, 594, 29879, 363, 278, 13553, 376, 29875, 9861, 1060, 443, 1884, 292, 1213, 13, 12024, 596, 594, 1065, 363, 29871, 29941, 29900, 3841, 29892, 769, 1423, 278, 11856, 11814, 29879, 3461, 297, 5087, 2087, 29879, 988, 366, 29915, 645, 1074, 278, 1353, 310, 594, 21210, 1080, 373, 263, 13553, 491, 13553, 8405, 29889, 13, 1576, 1353, 310, 21210, 1080, 263, 13553, 4947, 881, 367, 385, 1090, 342, 7715, 310, 2740, 7977, 1363, 596, 594, 2113, 29915, 29873, 1510, 363, 1432, 2740, 29889, 1205, 372, 881, 1603, 367, 3307, 304, 3867, 263, 12164, 23248, 29889, 13, 29941, 29889, 14711, 5202, 359, 688, 7118, 718, 5087, 1605, 1975, 13, 4763, 19229, 263, 16717, 13553, 964, 278, 14711, 2740, 2594, 322, 366, 29915, 645, 1074, 263, 1051, 310, 4475, 9365, 1835, 701, 29889, 4525, 526, 525, 1300, 359, 688, 7118, 29915, 2582, 29892, 322, 896, 29915, 276, 263, 2107, 2752, 310, 13553, 7014, 29889, 13, 2831, 1342, 29892, 565, 366, 1134, 376, 29875, 9861, 334, 443, 1884, 292, 1699, 769, 366, 679, 10529, 763, 376, 29875, 9861, 1060, 29903, 5918, 443, 1884, 292, 29908, 322, 376, 29875, 9861, 29871, 29955, 443, 1884, 292, 1213, 13, 3644, 366, 1074, 738, 8031, 10529, 29892, 3183, 963, 964, 5087, 1605, 1975, 29892, 769, 1735, 278, 14687, 304, 376, 3492, 13425, 2740, 29908, 304, 1074, 1009, 6198, 5972, 537, 29889, 13, 10605, 29892, 366, 508, 1074, 393, 901, 2305, 2740, 363, 376, 29875, 9861, 1060, 29903, 443, 1884, 292, 29908, 1135, 376, 29875, 9861, 29871, 29945, 29903, 443, 1884, 292, 1213, 13, 2525, 7524, 29892, 29299, 1120, 359, 688, 7118, 2582, 411, 5087, 1605, 1975, 2113, 29915, 29873, 1510, 366, 8380, 2740, 18167, 29889, 960, 366, 3799, 304, 1073, 278, 12164, 2740, 7977, 310, 925, 697, 13553, 29892, 769, 366, 508, 376, 29887, 1041, 303, 6490, 29908, 278, 7977, 310, 4045, 491, 17420, 1009, 6198, 5972, 1907, 297, 5087, 1605, 1975, 29889, 13, 20547, 1158, 396, 29941, 411, 1158, 396, 29906, 304, 437, 393, 29889, 13, 14448, 396, 29941, 29889, 5399, 2740, 7609, 13, 16243, 304, 1993, 2740, 7609, 29892, 322, 366, 29915, 276, 7123, 297, 278, 4094, 1434, 366, 1584, 1369, 29889, 13, 7058, 29915, 29879, 1363, 14711, 29892, 1568, 763, 5087, 29892, 14335, 304, 736, 2582, 393, 967, 4160, 2869, 864, 304, 1074, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 2020, 746, 366, 2740, 363, 376, 2052, 280, 1699, 14711, 3697, 366, 19707, 1048, 12113, 29892, 278, 6601, 5001, 30098, 13, 30098, 408, 15869, 304, 278, 15774, 29889, 13, 29177, 11235, 2740, 7609, 338, 263, 12187, 760, 310, 278, 13553, 5925, 1889, 29892, 322, 278, 19075, 982, 304, 1369, 338, 304, 2244, 7535, 263, 2560, 1139, 29901, 13, 29908, 5618, 723, 4856, 11975, 363, 445, 13553, 864, 304, 1074, 3026, 13, 2831, 777, 29361, 29892, 445, 8496, 29915, 29873, 367, 901, 6924, 29889, 13, 3644, 4856, 29645, 363, 376, 29954, 284, 26825, 317, 29929, 443, 1884, 292, 1699, 769, 896, 864, 366, 304, 2125, 278, 2655, 714, 310, 278, 3800, 322, 1510, 963, 4129, 393, 29915, 29879, 2768, 29889, 1551, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 565, 896, 29915, 276, 11975, 363, 376, 29875, 9861, 11446, 1699, 769, 393, 29915, 29879, 901, 1722, 304, 19854, 29889, 13, 6132, 896, 864, 304, 1073, 1048, 445, 1629, 29915, 29879, 1818, 29899, 17532, 11446, 29973, 1394, 716, 623, 27474, 29973, 1394, 6060, 988, 304, 15649, 11446, 373, 10012, 322, 5669, 29973, 13, 1576, 19075, 982, 304, 4377, 445, 714, 338, 304, 2343, 304, 14711, 29892, 2740, 363, 278, 13553, 29892, 769, 1106, 472, 278, 2246, 2846, 2740, 2582, 29889, 13, 10605, 29892, 366, 508, 1074, 393, 2305, 11975, 363, 376, 29875, 9861, 11446, 29908, 864, 304, 6505, 19707, 1048, 263, 14928, 310, 11446, 29889, 26321, 29892, 278, 2246, 11446, 5492, 445, 1629, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 5131, 304, 7115, 363, 445, 13553, 29892, 769, 445, 338, 278, 3114, 310, 4863, 366, 29915, 29881, 864, 304, 1653, 29889, 13, 2831, 1900, 2582, 29892, 1423, 278, 2246, 2740, 2582, 373, 14711, 297, 385, 5528, 3811, 2049, 4434, 29889, 14711, 4049, 7333, 7093, 2740, 2582, 2729, 373, 13879, 763, 2740, 4955, 29889, 13, 29933, 265, 375, 6872, 29901, 376, 11843, 28191, 29908, 304, 679, 4863, 12469, 515, 5087, 13, 25559, 366, 3926, 2309, 263, 5087, 2740, 322, 3595, 19707, 297, 278, 2740, 2582, 29973, 13, 3782, 4383, 3692, 896, 1510, 701, 408, 4863, 1559, 681, 1379, 29892, 16955, 2582, 29892, 15000, 19707, 29892, 470, 263, 29544, 310, 963, 599, 29892, 1009, 10122, 10603, 366, 1554, 4100, 29901, 13, 15666, 1991, 11975, 363, 445, 11261, 297, 5087, 864, 304, 1074, 19707, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 508, 1653, 19707, 2820, 23820, 393, 526, 5517, 304, 7115, 297, 5087, 29892, 769, 366, 508, 17583, 376, 8896, 28191, 29908, 322, 8206, 297, 12469, 515, 1023, 2740, 24000, 2012, 310, 697, 29889, 13, 10605, 526, 2211, 5837, 304, 1284, 1316, 23820, 29889, 13, 29896, 29889, 7419, 363, 29361, 411, 4863, 2582, 13, 26772, 697, 310, 278, 29361, 515, 596, 1051, 322, 11417, 372, 964, 5087, 29889, 13, 14959, 472, 278, 2740, 2582, 29889, 1317, 727, 263, 4863, 1559, 21299, 297, 278, 2582, 29973, 1394, 6060, 263, 16955, 4863, 26996, 29925, 4682, 29973, 13, 3644, 577, 29892, 769, 727, 1122, 367, 385, 15130, 304, 376, 8896, 28191, 29908, 322, 679, 12469, 515, 1716, 14711, 322, 5087, 29889, 13, 1762, 1074, 920, 1568, 12469, 278, 1857, 4863, 2582, 526, 2805, 515, 5087, 29892 ]
In which I share a bunch of opinions about characters in a super fun tag! So this is pretty much what it sounds like. It's a bunch of character-related questions. And since I really love characters, it should be fun! 1. Who is the most tough and awesome character? Shh. I censor things. Whadya gonna do 'bout it? Huh? I know I can't list them all, but can I do two? Anuska Anand did two, so it's not without precedent. I'm doing two. I'm going with Miss Pross from A Tale of Two Cities and Eponine Thenardier from Les Miserables. Miss Pross, though. She's amazing. A lot of "strong" female characters these days are all: "I act like I don't have emotions and that's what makes me tough." I don't mind these characters (I mean, I tend to be that way myself). It's just that by promoting that image of a strong female character, we can start to think that's the only way of being strong. Miss Pross is not like that at all. It was in vain for Madame Defarge to struggle and to strike; Miss Pross, with the vigorous tenacity of love, always so much stronger than hate, clasped her tight, and even lifted her from the floor in the struggle that they had. And then we've got Eponine-casually-stares-down-a-gang-of-six-armed-men-Thenardier. I'm ready to fight anyone who thinks "strong female characters" are a 21st century invention. I'm going to take this to not mean characters we're supposed to dislike, so villains are out. Romeo: MY LIFE IS OVER!!! ROSALINE WON'T MARRY ME!!! EVERYTHING IS HORRIBLE AND I WILL NEVER BE HAPPY AGAIN!!!! Those are all actual quotes from Shakespeare's text, by the way. 3. If you could date a fictional character,whom would it be? Hmm. Not gonna tell you. 😀 Gotta have some secrets. I had to think about this one. I feel like there have been a lot of books lately that I started reading, was intrigued by the plot, and then couldn't finish because the protagonist was too bland. So really any of those. 5.What character made all the wrong choices which didn't add anything to the story? Intriguing question. Um…yeah that's tough because usually you're like "NO! DON'T DO IT!" but you understand why they had to. If not plot-wise, then at least thematically. Hmm…No. I don't have an answer. 6. Which Character do you love to hate? *calculates risk of mentioning Les Mis twice in one post* Looks like I'll lose approximately 32 followers (Heh. As in 1832. Darn, I've just lost even more of you, haven't I?) It'll hurt, but not enough to prevent me. All the characters in Les Mis are pretty complex—like real life people, neither all good nor all bad. But not these two. They are pure, unadulterated evil. They are the kind of criminals who rob dead people, and they are also good contenders for the "Worst Parents in Literature" award. The pavement was not as hard to him as his mother's heart. 7. Favorite sidekick character with the most heart. This one was easy. Rudy Steiner all the way! Oh, there are too many! And if non-canon ones count, we'll be here all night. A small sad fact about me is that probably the majority of my ships will never be canon. 9. Who do you think is the strongest character? Bit broad, isn't it? How on earth am I supposed to pick just like the strongest character in all of literature? That's just…that just isn't possible. I can think of so many that would qualify, but they're too different to compare. I'm sorry but once again I just can't. It's not gonna happen. No way I'd be able to begin to decide. 11. Whom do you tag? I hope you guys appreciate that, with the exception of Rome
[ 0.2825836398342303, -0.1098283705739146 ]
[ -0.43272561623518374, -1.0370627624272137 ]
[ -0.524309928520321, -0.5667127081634643 ]
[ -1.4576827306705553, -1.3692361415499572 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 512, 607, 306, 6232, 263, 14928, 310, 26971, 1048, 4890, 297, 263, 2428, 2090, 4055, 29991, 13, 6295, 445, 338, 5051, 1568, 825, 372, 10083, 763, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 14928, 310, 2931, 29899, 12817, 5155, 29889, 1126, 1951, 306, 2289, 5360, 4890, 29892, 372, 881, 367, 2090, 29991, 13, 29896, 29889, 11644, 338, 278, 1556, 260, 820, 322, 29663, 2931, 29973, 13, 2713, 29882, 29889, 306, 274, 6073, 2712, 29889, 806, 3714, 29874, 330, 11586, 437, 525, 29890, 449, 372, 29973, 12895, 29882, 29973, 13, 29902, 1073, 306, 508, 29915, 29873, 1051, 963, 599, 29892, 541, 508, 306, 437, 1023, 29973, 530, 375, 1335, 530, 392, 1258, 1023, 29892, 577, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 1728, 9399, 296, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 2599, 1023, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 2675, 411, 4750, 1019, 893, 515, 319, 323, 744, 310, 7803, 315, 1907, 322, 382, 1112, 457, 1987, 538, 631, 515, 2664, 341, 7608, 1849, 29889, 13, 18552, 1019, 893, 29892, 2466, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29879, 21863, 292, 29889, 319, 3287, 310, 376, 1110, 29908, 12944, 4890, 1438, 3841, 526, 599, 29901, 376, 29902, 1044, 763, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 23023, 1080, 322, 393, 29915, 29879, 825, 3732, 592, 260, 820, 1213, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 3458, 1438, 4890, 313, 29902, 2099, 29892, 306, 10331, 304, 367, 393, 982, 6142, 467, 739, 29915, 29879, 925, 393, 491, 2504, 11427, 393, 1967, 310, 263, 4549, 12944, 2931, 29892, 591, 508, 1369, 304, 1348, 393, 29915, 29879, 278, 871, 982, 310, 1641, 4549, 29889, 4750, 1019, 893, 338, 451, 763, 393, 472, 599, 29889, 13, 3112, 471, 297, 15722, 363, 18080, 5282, 279, 479, 304, 21117, 322, 304, 21283, 29936, 4750, 1019, 893, 29892, 411, 278, 14877, 20657, 3006, 5946, 310, 5360, 29892, 2337, 577, 1568, 23505, 1135, 26277, 29892, 1067, 4692, 287, 902, 19932, 29892, 322, 1584, 26239, 902, 515, 278, 11904, 297, 278, 21117, 393, 896, 750, 29889, 13, 2855, 769, 591, 29915, 345, 2355, 382, 1112, 457, 29899, 9398, 1474, 29899, 303, 5114, 29899, 3204, 29899, 29874, 29899, 8029, 29899, 974, 29899, 28319, 29899, 279, 2168, 29899, 1527, 29899, 11760, 538, 631, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 7960, 304, 8589, 5019, 1058, 22405, 376, 1110, 12944, 4890, 29908, 526, 263, 29871, 29906, 29896, 303, 6462, 297, 7316, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 2675, 304, 2125, 445, 304, 451, 2099, 4890, 591, 29915, 276, 7424, 304, 766, 4561, 29892, 577, 21031, 1144, 526, 714, 29889, 13, 29934, 608, 29877, 29901, 19519, 365, 6545, 29923, 8519, 438, 5348, 21004, 390, 3267, 1964, 8895, 399, 1164, 29915, 29911, 23851, 13207, 22986, 21004, 382, 5348, 29979, 4690, 4214, 8519, 379, 1955, 3960, 29933, 1307, 5300, 306, 399, 24071, 14693, 5348, 20700, 379, 3301, 20055, 319, 12739, 1177, 6824, 6824, 13, 1349, 852, 526, 599, 3935, 11839, 515, 23688, 29915, 29879, 1426, 29892, 491, 278, 982, 29889, 13, 29941, 29889, 960, 366, 1033, 2635, 263, 26797, 1848, 2931, 29892, 1332, 290, 723, 372, 367, 29973, 13, 29950, 4317, 29889, 2216, 330, 11586, 2649, 366, 29889, 29871, 243, 162, 155, 131, 402, 13536, 505, 777, 22183, 1372, 29889, 13, 29902, 750, 304, 1348, 1048, 445, 697, 29889, 306, 4459, 763, 727, 505, 1063, 263, 3287, 310, 8277, 301, 2486, 393, 306, 4687, 5183, 29892, 471, 11158, 5526, 287, 491, 278, 6492, 29892, 322, 769, 8496, 29915, 29873, 8341, 1363, 278, 15572, 391, 471, 2086, 18742, 29889, 1105, 2289, 738, 310, 1906, 29889, 13, 29945, 29889, 5618, 2931, 1754, 599, 278, 2743, 19995, 607, 3282, 29915, 29873, 788, 3099, 304, 278, 5828, 29973, 13, 797, 509, 5526, 292, 1139, 29889, 6379, 30098, 4099, 801, 393, 29915, 29879, 260, 820, 1363, 5491, 366, 29915, 276, 763, 376, 6632, 29991, 360, 1164, 29915, 29911, 11662, 13315, 3850, 541, 366, 2274, 2020, 896, 750, 304, 29889, 960, 451, 6492, 29899, 3538, 29892, 769, 472, 3203, 963, 19574, 29889, 28756, 30098, 3782, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 385, 1234, 29889, 13, 29953, 29889, 8449, 26804, 437, 366, 5360, 304, 26277, 29973, 13, 29930, 15807, 1078, 12045, 310, 3585, 292, 2664, 20929, 8951, 297, 697, 1400, 29930, 19887, 763, 306, 29915, 645, 14074, 14235, 29871, 29941, 29906, 1101, 414, 313, 3868, 29882, 29889, 1094, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29941, 29906, 29889, 360, 2753, 29892, 306, 29915, 345, 925, 5714, 1584, 901, 310, 366, 29892, 7359, 29915, 29873, 306, 7897, 739, 29915, 645, 21682, 29892, 541, 451, 3307, 304, 5557, 592, 29889, 13, 3596, 278, 4890, 297, 2664, 20929, 526, 5051, 4280, 30003, 4561, 1855, 2834, 2305, 29892, 9561, 599, 1781, 3643, 599, 4319, 29889, 1205, 451, 1438, 1023, 29889, 2688, 526, 8296, 29892, 443, 328, 352, 357, 630, 16126, 29889, 2688, 526, 278, 2924, 310, 15116, 19016, 1058, 10832, 7123, 2305, 29892, 322, 896, 526, 884, 1781, 640, 21043, 363, 278, 376, 29956, 272, 303, 1459, 1237, 297, 5449, 1535, 29908, 9862, 29889, 13, 1576, 23952, 882, 471, 451, 408, 2898, 304, 1075, 408, 670, 5637, 29915, 29879, 5192, 29889, 13, 29955, 29889, 383, 17118, 568, 2625, 29895, 860, 2931, 411, 278, 1556, 5192, 29889, 13, 4013, 697, 471, 4780, 29889, 10670, 29891, 2443, 4983, 599, 278, 982, 29991, 13, 9048, 29892, 727, 526, 2086, 1784, 29991, 1126, 565, 1661, 29899, 3068, 265, 6743, 2302, 29892, 591, 29915, 645, 367, 1244, 599, 4646, 29889, 319, 2319, 14610, 2114, 1048, 592, 338, 393, 3117, 278, 13638, 310, 590, 13968, 674, 2360, 367, 15355, 29889, 13, 29929, 29889, 11644, 437, 366, 1348, 338, 278, 4549, 342, 2931, 29973, 13, 21591, 7300, 29892, 3508, 29915, 29873, 372, 29973, 1128, 373, 8437, 626, 306, 7424, 304, 5839, 925, 763, 278, 4549, 342, 2931, 297, 599, 310, 12845, 29973, 2193, 29915, 29879, 925, 30098, 5747, 925, 3508, 29915, 29873, 1950, 29889, 306, 508, 1348, 310, 577, 1784, 393, 723, 4021, 1598, 29892, 541, 896, 29915, 276, 2086, 1422, 304, 7252, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 7423, 541, 2748, 1449, 306, 925, 508, 29915, 29873, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 330, 11586, 3799, 29889, 1939, 982, 306, 29915, 29881, 367, 2221, 304, 3380, 304, 11097, 29889, 13, 29896, 29896, 29889, 806, 290, 437, 366, 4055, 29973, 13, 29902, 4966, 366, 18239, 11188, 393, 29892, 411, 278, 3682, 310, 9184 ]
o and Juliet, I own all of the books in this post but unless I happened to already have a picture of my copy, I found pictures on google because I am just that lazy. This is really beautiful, funny, and an entertaining good read! Éponine is such a powerful and complex character. I was thinking of doing an aerial silks performance to the song On My Own, because I love the pace and the tune of the song. Your writing was great for helping me try to "get into her shoes" and think about how her experiences have shaped her. If you could describe Éponine using three words, what would they be? 🙂 Thanks for sharing! Thank you! I love Les Mis for the complexity and vividness of its characters, and Eponine has always been one of the most interesting for me. I'm not as familiar with the musical as I am with the book, but that song is absolutely beautiful! What a powerful quote. She is truly, like you said, a wonderfully vivid character. Thank you for sharing the link to the review! This really made me laugh! I always want to give Romeo such a slap whenever I revisit Rom and Jules! So many classics! I love it. Haha this is hilarious! Your abridged speech for Romeo is spot on! It's so so silly. I never took Romeo seriously; it's a tragedy first and foremost. I have to suppress a giggle when I hear people say that they want an undying love like Romeo and Juliet. Are you sure? The same is said of Wuthering Heights, and I really don't agree with that either. Yeah, I definitely love that play, but as a tragedy! Not as the epitome of true love! And yes. Even though Wuthering Heights is a favourite of mine, again, it isn't because "oh it's so romantic!" No, it isn't! Okay, it's fixed. 😛 Link should now show whole post. BLEH!!!! Yay! I'm excited to read it. Okay, you might already follow her and there might be more Les Mis fans than I'd originally thought but it was worth the try. Ohhhh. Sorry for the build up. Hey, I'm glad you got to know her since way back. It's never been a case of "oh, I don't like that because it was written 200 years ago," or some other decision that isn't really based on whether I think I'd actually like it or not. It's mostly about time, and the fact it is a long book. Can't wait to read your answers! Sorry I didn't respond sooner; silly WordPress thought this was spam. *Huge eye roll* I swear I have to check there constantly because legit comments are always ending up there. Thanks for doing this!Great answers,I don't like romeo and Juliet either. I whole heartedly agree with the whole Romeo thing. I actually hate that story. I love the Baz Luhrmann movie adaption though. I actually like the story, but not at all as a love story. It's interesting to me as a tragedy, because if it hadn't been for the whole feuding families thing, they would have just been stupid, irresponsible teenagers who would have matured eventually. But because the grownups were also stupid and irresponsible, they ended up being stupid, irresponsible DEAD teenagers. And I just like how the tragedy is partially from their own choices, partially from outside circumstances. But anyway! What bugs me is when people uphold it as the ultimate love story. It isn't. It just isn't. It is a great study for tragedy, but I'm really weird with tragedies. If it's all depressing all the time, I'll be on such a downer for days. I need a tragedy to be somewhat bitter sweet, something good has to happen to counter act the sadness for me to enjoy it. It bugs me so SO much when people hold it up as the greatest love story ever! It wasn't love, it was a crush, a teenage rebellion against their parents, let's be honest here. Baz' movies just have a really cool style to them. It's really entertaining how he places the movie in a modern setting, yet still sicks to Shakespearian dialog
[ 1.1317824058134616, -0.008472388828006331 ]
[ -1.072875334053408, -1.5527637938444128 ]
[ -0.07698041766817056, -0.8099540740042244 ]
[ -1.327614217257911, -1.6709950926672918 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29877, 322, 2739, 2035, 29892, 306, 1914, 599, 310, 278, 8277, 297, 445, 1400, 541, 6521, 306, 9559, 304, 2307, 505, 263, 7623, 310, 590, 3509, 29892, 306, 1476, 14956, 373, 5386, 1363, 306, 626, 925, 393, 17366, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 2289, 9560, 29892, 2090, 1460, 29892, 322, 385, 22684, 292, 1781, 1303, 29991, 3067, 1112, 457, 338, 1316, 263, 13988, 322, 4280, 2931, 29889, 306, 471, 7291, 310, 2599, 385, 14911, 616, 4047, 2039, 4180, 304, 278, 4823, 1551, 1619, 438, 1233, 29892, 1363, 306, 5360, 278, 27725, 322, 278, 260, 1540, 310, 278, 4823, 29889, 3575, 5007, 471, 2107, 363, 19912, 592, 1018, 304, 376, 657, 964, 902, 17394, 267, 29908, 322, 1348, 1048, 920, 902, 27482, 505, 528, 10501, 902, 29889, 960, 366, 1033, 8453, 3067, 1112, 457, 773, 2211, 3838, 29892, 825, 723, 896, 367, 29973, 29871, 243, 162, 156, 133, 1834, 363, 19383, 29991, 13, 25271, 366, 29991, 306, 5360, 2664, 20929, 363, 278, 13644, 322, 325, 3640, 2264, 310, 967, 4890, 29892, 322, 382, 1112, 457, 756, 2337, 1063, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 8031, 363, 592, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 408, 9985, 411, 278, 9636, 408, 306, 626, 411, 278, 3143, 29892, 541, 393, 4823, 338, 13312, 9560, 29991, 13, 5618, 263, 13988, 14978, 29889, 2296, 338, 19781, 29892, 763, 366, 1497, 29892, 263, 4997, 3730, 325, 3640, 2931, 29889, 3374, 366, 363, 19383, 278, 1544, 304, 278, 9076, 29991, 13, 4013, 2289, 1754, 592, 10569, 29991, 306, 2337, 864, 304, 2367, 9184, 29877, 1316, 263, 269, 6984, 10940, 306, 23484, 277, 6033, 322, 27151, 29991, 13, 6295, 1784, 770, 1199, 29991, 306, 5360, 372, 29889, 13, 29950, 25613, 445, 338, 298, 309, 1306, 681, 29991, 3575, 633, 2429, 3192, 12032, 363, 9184, 29877, 338, 9758, 373, 29991, 739, 29915, 29879, 577, 577, 24866, 29889, 306, 2360, 3614, 9184, 29877, 25798, 29936, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 1020, 3192, 29891, 937, 322, 363, 331, 520, 29889, 306, 505, 304, 21301, 263, 19340, 6234, 746, 306, 8293, 2305, 1827, 393, 896, 864, 385, 563, 5414, 5360, 763, 9184, 29877, 322, 2739, 2035, 29889, 4683, 366, 1854, 29973, 450, 1021, 338, 1497, 310, 399, 14107, 292, 940, 5861, 29892, 322, 306, 2289, 1016, 29915, 29873, 8661, 411, 393, 2845, 29889, 13, 29979, 29872, 801, 29892, 306, 11630, 5360, 393, 1708, 29892, 541, 408, 263, 1020, 3192, 29891, 29991, 2216, 408, 278, 9358, 277, 608, 310, 1565, 5360, 29991, 1126, 4874, 29889, 7753, 2466, 399, 14107, 292, 940, 5861, 338, 263, 15381, 568, 310, 7903, 29892, 1449, 29892, 372, 3508, 29915, 29873, 1363, 376, 1148, 372, 29915, 29879, 577, 6017, 7716, 3850, 1939, 29892, 372, 3508, 29915, 29873, 29991, 13, 20434, 388, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 4343, 29889, 29871, 243, 162, 155, 158, 6645, 881, 1286, 1510, 3353, 1400, 29889, 350, 1307, 29950, 6824, 6824, 13, 29979, 388, 29991, 306, 29915, 29885, 24173, 304, 1303, 372, 29889, 13, 20434, 388, 29892, 366, 1795, 2307, 1101, 902, 322, 727, 1795, 367, 901, 2664, 20929, 24909, 1135, 306, 29915, 29881, 10437, 2714, 541, 372, 471, 7088, 278, 1018, 29889, 13, 9048, 25446, 29882, 29889, 8221, 363, 278, 2048, 701, 29889, 18637, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 10932, 366, 2355, 304, 1073, 902, 1951, 982, 1250, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 2360, 1063, 263, 1206, 310, 376, 1148, 29892, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 763, 393, 1363, 372, 471, 3971, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 2440, 8020, 1699, 470, 777, 916, 10608, 393, 3508, 29915, 29873, 2289, 2729, 373, 3692, 306, 1348, 306, 29915, 29881, 2869, 763, 372, 470, 451, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 11149, 1048, 931, 29892, 322, 278, 2114, 372, 338, 263, 1472, 3143, 29889, 13, 6028, 29915, 29873, 4480, 304, 1303, 596, 6089, 29991, 8221, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 10049, 29548, 29936, 24866, 10803, 10923, 2714, 445, 471, 805, 314, 29889, 334, 29950, 5710, 10977, 9679, 29930, 306, 7901, 279, 306, 505, 304, 1423, 727, 21003, 1363, 25204, 6589, 526, 2337, 17140, 701, 727, 29889, 13, 16894, 363, 2599, 445, 29991, 25120, 271, 6089, 29892, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 763, 364, 608, 29877, 322, 2739, 2035, 2845, 29889, 13, 29902, 3353, 5192, 23244, 8661, 411, 278, 3353, 9184, 29877, 2655, 29889, 13, 29902, 2869, 26277, 393, 5828, 29889, 13, 29902, 5360, 278, 350, 834, 3182, 1092, 4403, 14064, 594, 29874, 683, 2466, 29889, 13, 29902, 2869, 763, 278, 5828, 29892, 541, 451, 472, 599, 408, 263, 5360, 5828, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 8031, 304, 592, 408, 263, 1020, 3192, 29891, 29892, 1363, 565, 372, 27222, 29915, 29873, 1063, 363, 278, 3353, 1238, 566, 292, 13175, 2655, 29892, 896, 723, 505, 925, 1063, 20239, 29892, 3805, 26679, 1821, 734, 264, 18150, 1058, 723, 505, 286, 1535, 29881, 10201, 29889, 1205, 1363, 278, 6548, 3433, 567, 892, 884, 20239, 322, 3805, 26679, 1821, 29892, 896, 9698, 701, 1641, 20239, 29892, 3805, 26679, 1821, 5012, 3035, 734, 264, 18150, 29889, 1126, 306, 925, 763, 920, 278, 1020, 3192, 29891, 338, 22039, 515, 1009, 1914, 19995, 29892, 22039, 515, 5377, 14209, 29889, 1205, 8763, 29991, 1724, 24557, 592, 338, 746, 2305, 318, 561, 1025, 372, 408, 278, 8494, 6490, 5360, 5828, 29889, 739, 3508, 29915, 29873, 29889, 739, 925, 3508, 29915, 29873, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 263, 2107, 6559, 363, 1020, 3192, 29891, 29892, 541, 306, 29915, 29885, 2289, 13543, 411, 1020, 3192, 583, 29889, 960, 372, 29915, 29879, 599, 316, 2139, 292, 599, 278, 931, 29892, 306, 29915, 645, 367, 373, 1316, 263, 1623, 261, 363, 3841, 29889, 306, 817, 263, 1020, 3192, 29891, 304, 367, 10579, 22773, 14225, 29892, 1554, 1781, 756, 304, 3799, 304, 6795, 1044, 278, 14610, 2264, 363, 592, 304, 13389, 372, 29889, 13, 3112, 24557, 592, 577, 7791, 1568, 746, 2305, 4808, 372, 701, 408, 278, 14176, 5360, 5828, 3926, 29991, 13, 3112, 9007, 29915, 29873, 5360, 29892, 372, 471, 263, 2181, 1878, 29892, 263, 734, 264, 482, 337, 12562, 291, 2750, 1009, 11825, 29892, 1235, 29915, 29879, 367, 15993, 1244, 29889, 13, 29933, 834, 29915, 2351, 583, 925, 505, 263, 2289, 12528, 3114, 304, 963, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 2289, 22684, 292, 920, 540, 7600, 278, 14064, 297, 263, 5400, 4444, 29892, 3447, 1603, 269, 7358, 304, 22476, 13956, 7928 ]
Description: Report presenting a theory based on the principle of downwash and boundary conditions, which will predict the spanwise loading due to arbitrary spanwise angle-of-attack distribution, including uniform angle of attack, that induced by rolling, spanwise variation of twist or camber, and that due to deflection of arbitrary control surfaces of low aspect ratio. For plan forms with unswept trailing edges that the spanwise loading distribution, only the slope of the region at the wing trailing edge has an effect. Description: "In the first part, the boundary conditions for an open wind tunnel (incompressible flow) are examined with special reference to the effects of the closed entrance and exit sections. In the second part, solutions are derived for four types of two-dimensional open tunnels, including one in which the pressures on the two free surfaces are not equal. In the third part, a general method is given for calculating the boundary effect in an open circular wind tunnel of finite jet length" (p. 509). Creator: Katzoff, S.; Gardner, Clifford S.; Diesendruck, Leo & Eisenstadt, Bertram J. Description: On some small scale each constituent of an immiscible mixture occupies a separate region of space. Given sufficient time and computing power, we could solve the continuum field equations and boundary conditions for this het erogenous system. This usually represents an enormously difficult task that is well beyond today's computational ca- pabilities. Mixture theories approximate this complex heterogeneous formulation with a set of field equations for an equivalent homoge- neous mat erial. In this work, we compare the theory for immiscible mixtures by Drumheller and Bedford with the theory of Passman, Nunziato, and Walsh. We describe the conditions under which these theories reduce to an equivalent formulation, and we also investigate the differences in their microinertial descriptions. Two variables play special roles in both theories. They are t he true material density and the volume fraction. Here we use a kinematical approach based on two new variables-t he true deformation gradient and the distention gradient. We show how the true deformation gra- dient is connected to the true material density and, in the absence of chemical reactions, the volume fraction is the inverse of the deter- minant of the distention gradient. However, when chemical reactions occur, the distention gradient and the volume fraction are not directly connected. We ako present a mixture model for a granuIar expIosive. This model is based upon the work of Baer and Nunziato, but our theory differs from their work in that we Present a three-dimension-al rnodd, `.. ` - - we cast the constitutive postulates in terms of the distention gradient rather than the volume fraction, and we incorporate elastic-plastic effects into the constitutive description of the solid granules. Description: Electronic structure calculations frequently invoke periodic boundary conditions to solve for electrostatic potentials. For systems that are electronically charged, or contain dipole (or higher) moments, this artifice introduces spurious potentials due to the interactions between the system and multipole moments of its periodic images in aperiodic directions. I describe a method to properly handle the multipole moments of the electron density in electronic structure calculations using periodic boundary conditions. The density for which an electrostatic potential is to be evaluated is divided into two pieces. A local density is constructed that matches the desired moments of the full density, and its potential computed treating this density as isolated. With the density of this local moment countercharge removed from the full density, the remainder density lacks the troublesome moments and its electrostatic potential can be evaluated accurately using periodic boundary conditions. Description: Domain walls in random-field Ising magnets can be investigated in groundstates into which walls are induced by prepared boundary conditions. We outline recent progress, and new results on (domain wall) wetting in random field systems. This is studied in fixed disorder configurations in the presence of an external field, which is varied. Description: We explore the validity of the generalized Bekenstein bound, S<= pi M a. We define the entropy S as the logarithm of the number of states which have energy eigenvalue below M and are localized to a flat space region of width alpha. If boundary conditions that localize field modes are imposed by fiat, then the bound encounters well-known difficulties with negative Casimir energy and large species number, as well as novel problems arising only in the generalized form. In realistic systems, however, finite-size effects contribute additional energy. We study two different models for estimating such contributions. Our analysis suggests that the bound is both valid and
[ -0.1500839874793313, -0.023538818546992697 ]
[ 0.6962657042805939, 0.6962657042805939 ]
[ 0.9222985463332315, 1.0947629360593618 ]
[ 1.9293013585947, 1.9605178018137346 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 12953, 29901, 13969, 2198, 292, 263, 6368, 2729, 373, 278, 12502, 310, 1623, 29893, 1161, 322, 10452, 5855, 29892, 607, 674, 8500, 278, 10638, 3538, 8363, 2861, 304, 11472, 10638, 3538, 10696, 29899, 974, 29899, 1131, 547, 4978, 29892, 3704, 9090, 10696, 310, 5337, 29892, 393, 20974, 491, 27777, 29892, 10638, 3538, 19262, 310, 3252, 391, 470, 3949, 495, 29892, 322, 393, 2861, 304, 822, 1464, 310, 11472, 2761, 28001, 310, 4482, 9565, 11959, 29889, 1152, 3814, 7190, 411, 9644, 705, 415, 25053, 12770, 393, 278, 10638, 3538, 8363, 4978, 29892, 871, 278, 24968, 310, 278, 5120, 472, 278, 21612, 25053, 7636, 756, 385, 2779, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 376, 797, 278, 937, 760, 29892, 278, 10452, 5855, 363, 385, 1722, 8805, 26086, 313, 262, 510, 2139, 1821, 4972, 29897, 526, 4392, 1312, 411, 4266, 3407, 304, 278, 9545, 310, 278, 5764, 19546, 322, 6876, 13926, 29889, 512, 278, 1473, 760, 29892, 6851, 526, 10723, 363, 3023, 4072, 310, 1023, 29899, 12531, 1722, 260, 5963, 1379, 29892, 3704, 697, 297, 607, 278, 3965, 1973, 373, 278, 1023, 3889, 28001, 526, 451, 5186, 29889, 512, 278, 4654, 760, 29892, 263, 2498, 1158, 338, 2183, 363, 25202, 278, 10452, 2779, 297, 385, 1722, 19308, 8805, 26086, 310, 8093, 22588, 3309, 29908, 313, 29886, 29889, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29929, 467, 13, 9832, 1061, 29901, 12553, 2502, 600, 29892, 317, 8670, 15971, 1089, 29892, 2233, 2593, 536, 317, 8670, 6065, 355, 10857, 29892, 22533, 669, 17215, 9516, 29892, 2292, 509, 314, 435, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 1551, 777, 2319, 6287, 1269, 10719, 296, 310, 385, 5198, 275, 15520, 29544, 6919, 583, 263, 5004, 5120, 310, 2913, 29889, 11221, 8002, 931, 322, 20602, 3081, 29892, 591, 1033, 4505, 278, 3133, 398, 1746, 10693, 322, 10452, 5855, 363, 445, 1681, 604, 6352, 681, 1788, 29889, 910, 5491, 11524, 385, 18886, 5794, 5189, 3414, 393, 338, 1532, 8724, 9826, 29915, 29879, 26845, 5777, 29899, 282, 11614, 29889, 5493, 15546, 25841, 26368, 445, 4280, 25745, 23724, 883, 2785, 411, 263, 731, 310, 1746, 10693, 363, 385, 7126, 3632, 21317, 29899, 452, 681, 1775, 604, 616, 29889, 512, 445, 664, 29892, 591, 7252, 278, 6368, 363, 5198, 275, 15520, 3737, 486, 1973, 491, 4942, 398, 29882, 4539, 322, 14195, 4006, 411, 278, 6368, 310, 6978, 1171, 29892, 405, 348, 2526, 1219, 29892, 322, 5260, 845, 29889, 1334, 8453, 278, 5855, 1090, 607, 1438, 25841, 10032, 304, 385, 7126, 883, 2785, 29892, 322, 591, 884, 23033, 278, 12651, 297, 1009, 9200, 262, 814, 616, 2342, 1980, 29889, 7803, 3651, 1708, 4266, 16178, 297, 1716, 25841, 29889, 2688, 526, 260, 540, 1565, 5518, 9027, 322, 278, 7977, 15958, 29889, 2266, 591, 671, 263, 19015, 4579, 936, 2948, 2729, 373, 1023, 716, 3651, 29899, 29873, 540, 1565, 316, 5404, 16030, 322, 278, 1320, 2509, 16030, 29889, 1334, 1510, 920, 278, 1565, 316, 5404, 2646, 29899, 652, 296, 338, 6631, 304, 278, 1565, 5518, 9027, 322, 29892, 297, 278, 18070, 310, 22233, 337, 7387, 29892, 278, 7977, 15958, 338, 278, 16402, 310, 278, 270, 1308, 29899, 1375, 424, 310, 278, 1320, 2509, 16030, 29889, 2398, 29892, 746, 22233, 337, 7387, 6403, 29892, 278, 1320, 2509, 16030, 322, 278, 7977, 15958, 526, 451, 4153, 6631, 29889, 1334, 263, 2901, 2198, 263, 29544, 1904, 363, 263, 3803, 29884, 29902, 279, 1518, 29902, 359, 573, 29889, 910, 1904, 338, 2729, 2501, 278, 664, 310, 6000, 261, 322, 405, 348, 2526, 1219, 29892, 541, 1749, 6368, 2923, 414, 515, 1009, 664, 297, 393, 591, 4360, 296, 263, 2211, 29899, 6229, 2673, 29899, 284, 364, 29876, 22861, 29892, 421, 636, 421, 448, 448, 591, 4320, 278, 20016, 11067, 1400, 352, 1078, 297, 4958, 310, 278, 1320, 2509, 16030, 3265, 1135, 278, 7977, 15958, 29892, 322, 591, 11039, 403, 560, 6288, 29899, 572, 6288, 9545, 964, 278, 20016, 11067, 6139, 310, 278, 7773, 3803, 2540, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 28251, 293, 3829, 17203, 13672, 15928, 29591, 10452, 5855, 304, 4505, 363, 28118, 7959, 7037, 29879, 29889, 1152, 6757, 393, 526, 11966, 1711, 20139, 29892, 470, 1712, 652, 15831, 313, 272, 6133, 29897, 19462, 29892, 445, 1616, 28833, 4547, 778, 805, 332, 2738, 7037, 29879, 2861, 304, 278, 22060, 1546, 278, 1788, 322, 6674, 1772, 19462, 310, 967, 29591, 4558, 297, 263, 19145, 293, 18112, 29889, 306, 8453, 263, 1158, 304, 6284, 4386, 278, 6674, 1772, 19462, 310, 278, 11966, 9027, 297, 27758, 3829, 17203, 773, 29591, 10452, 5855, 29889, 450, 9027, 363, 607, 385, 28118, 7959, 7037, 338, 304, 367, 19030, 338, 13931, 964, 1023, 12785, 29889, 319, 1887, 9027, 338, 13319, 393, 7087, 278, 7429, 19462, 310, 278, 2989, 9027, 29892, 322, 967, 7037, 15712, 2578, 1218, 445, 9027, 408, 23968, 29889, 2973, 278, 9027, 310, 445, 1887, 3256, 6795, 23367, 6206, 515, 278, 2989, 9027, 29892, 278, 21162, 9027, 425, 4684, 278, 18835, 608, 19462, 322, 967, 28118, 7959, 7037, 508, 367, 19030, 7913, 2486, 773, 29591, 10452, 5855, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 28460, 14603, 297, 4036, 29899, 2671, 1317, 292, 10710, 29879, 508, 367, 7405, 630, 297, 5962, 28631, 964, 607, 14603, 526, 20974, 491, 13240, 10452, 5855, 29889, 1334, 27887, 7786, 6728, 29892, 322, 716, 2582, 373, 313, 7247, 10090, 29897, 7990, 1259, 297, 4036, 1746, 6757, 29889, 910, 338, 12399, 297, 4343, 766, 2098, 22920, 297, 278, 10122, 310, 385, 7029, 1746, 29892, 607, 338, 23821, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 1334, 26987, 278, 2854, 537, 310, 278, 28803, 23461, 264, 5465, 3216, 29892, 317, 14065, 2930, 341, 263, 29889, 1334, 4529, 278, 24687, 317, 408, 278, 1480, 23830, 29885, 310, 278, 1353, 310, 5922, 607, 505, 5864, 7388, 1767, 2400, 341, 322, 526, 1887, 1891, 304, 263, 12151, 2913, 5120, 310, 2920, 15595, 29889, 960, 10452, 5855, 393, 1887, 675, 1746, 18893, 526, 527, 4752, 491, 5713, 271, 29892, 769, 278, 3216, 2094, 1309, 2153, 1532, 29899, 5203, 23553, 411, 8178, 6960, 17216, 5864, 322, 2919, 6606, 1353, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 9554, 4828, 564, 5921, 871, 297, 278, 28803, 883, 29889, 512, 1855, 4695, 6757, 29892, 3138, 29892, 8093, 29899, 2311, 9545, 29126, 5684, 5864, 29889, 1334, 6559, 1023, 1422, 4733, 363, 4844, 1218, 1316, 20706, 29889, 8680, 7418, 14661, 393, 278, 3216, 338, 1716, 2854, 322 ]
nontrivial if interactions are properly included, so that the entropy S counts the bound states of interacting fields. Description: We present a numerical investigation of steady flow paths in a two-dimensional, unsaturated discrete-fracture network. The fracture network is constructed using field measurement data including fracture density, trace lengths, and orientations from a particular site. The fracture network with a size of 100m x 150m contains more than 20,000 fractures. The steady state unsaturated flow in the fracture network is investigated for different boundary conditions. Simulation results indicate that the flow paths are generally vertical, and horizontal fractures mainly provide pathways between neighboring vertical paths. The simulation results support that the average spacing between flow paths in a layered system tends to increase or flow becomes more focused with depth as long as flow is gravity driven (Liu et al. 2002). Description: In this report the results of experiments of water injection in fractured porous media comprising a number of water-wet matrix blocks are reported for the first time. The blocks experience an advancing fracture-water level (FWL). Immersion-type experiments are performed for comparison; the dominant recovery mechanism changed from co-current to counter-current imbibition when the boundary conditions changed from advancing FWL to immersion-type. Single block experiments of co-current and counter-current imbibition was performed and co-current imbibition leads to more efficient recovery was found. Description: The widely-used algorithm of Crouch and Starfield is unstable when used to solve our mixed boundary equation problem of interest. Altering the boundary conditions and correspondingly rearranging the system of equations to utilize double-sided boundary elements overcomes this drawback. The new algorithm described here is more physically realistic as in that it allows for rotation of the fault segments in the strain field resulting from satisfying the fault static shear strength condition. Preliminary test results indicate that a fault trifurcation gap model may describe the non-strike slip components to some of the seismicity. Creator: Aster, R.; Flores, R. & Fehler, M. Description: A plane-wave method for computing the three-dimensional scattering of propagating elastic waves by a planar fracture with heterogeneous fracture compliance distribution is presented. This method is based upon the spatial Fourier transform of the seismic displacement-discontinuity (SDD) boundary conditions (also called linear slip interface conditions), and therefore, called the wave-number-domain SDD method (wd-SDD method). The resulting boundary conditions explicitly show the coupling between plane waves with an incident wave number component (specular component) and scattered waves which do not follow Snell's law (nonspecular components) if the fracture is viewed as a planar boundary. For a spatially periodic fracture compliance distribution, these boundary conditions can be cast into a linear system of equations that can be solved for the amplitudes of individual wave modes and wave numbers. We demonstrate the developed technique for a simulated fracture with a stochastic (correlated) surface compliance distribution. Low- and high-frequency solutions of the method are also compared to the predictions by low-order Born series in the weak and strong scattering limit. Creator: Nakagawa, Seiji; Nihei, Kurt T. & Myer, Larry R. Description: The present invention provides an edge cladding for a slab laser, the edge cladding comprising a cooling channel system therein. Creator: Albrecht, Georg F.; Beach, Raymond J. & Solarz, Richard W. Description: FFT-based fast Poisson and fast Helmholtz solvers on rectangular parallelepipeds for periodic boundary conditions in one-, two and three space dimensions can also be used to solve Dirichlet and Neumann boundary value problems. For non-zero boundary conditions, this is the special, grid-aligned case of jump corrections used in the Explicit Jump Immersed Interface method. Fast elastostatic solvers for periodic boundary conditions in two and three dimensions can also be based on the FFT. From the periodic solvers we derive fast solvers for the new 'normal' boundary conditions and essential boundary conditions on rectangular parallelepipeds. The periodic case allows a simple proof of existence and uniqueness of the solutions to the discretization of normal boundary conditions. Numerical examples demonstrate the efficiency of the fast elastostatic solvers for non-periodic boundary conditions. More importantly, the fast solvers on rectangular parallelepipeds can be used together
[ -0.026963007119489596, -0.09407710314042886 ]
[ 0.8681660480863268, 0.4205089027588972 ]
[ 1.1353427924655102, 0.6078046591855821 ]
[ 1.8252465478645845, 2.220654828639023 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 302, 609, 9473, 565, 22060, 526, 6284, 5134, 29892, 577, 393, 278, 24687, 317, 18139, 278, 3216, 5922, 310, 16254, 292, 4235, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 1334, 2198, 263, 16259, 22522, 310, 27357, 4972, 10898, 297, 263, 1023, 29899, 12531, 29892, 9644, 1337, 630, 19554, 29899, 29888, 1461, 545, 3564, 29889, 450, 285, 1461, 545, 3564, 338, 13319, 773, 1746, 20039, 848, 3704, 285, 1461, 545, 9027, 29892, 9637, 27497, 29892, 322, 7769, 800, 515, 263, 3153, 3268, 29889, 450, 285, 1461, 545, 3564, 411, 263, 2159, 310, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29885, 921, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29900, 29885, 3743, 901, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 285, 1461, 1973, 29889, 450, 27357, 2106, 9644, 1337, 630, 4972, 297, 278, 285, 1461, 545, 3564, 338, 7405, 630, 363, 1422, 10452, 5855, 29889, 3439, 2785, 2582, 12266, 393, 278, 4972, 10898, 526, 6892, 11408, 29892, 322, 14698, 285, 1461, 1973, 14364, 3867, 2224, 1994, 1546, 12307, 292, 11408, 10898, 29889, 450, 17402, 2582, 2304, 393, 278, 6588, 29250, 1546, 4972, 10898, 297, 263, 7546, 287, 1788, 29867, 304, 7910, 470, 4972, 7415, 901, 21309, 411, 10809, 408, 1472, 408, 4972, 338, 20953, 18225, 313, 29931, 5871, 634, 394, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 467, 13, 9868, 29901, 512, 445, 3461, 278, 2582, 310, 15729, 310, 4094, 20859, 297, 285, 1461, 2955, 1277, 681, 5745, 7199, 5921, 263, 1353, 310, 4094, 29899, 29893, 300, 4636, 10930, 526, 8967, 363, 278, 937, 931, 29889, 450, 10930, 7271, 385, 3061, 19985, 285, 1461, 545, 29899, 13405, 3233, 313, 29943, 29956, 29931, 467, 1954, 29885, 4455, 29899, 1853, 15729, 526, 8560, 363, 10230, 29936, 278, 28526, 24205, 13336, 3939, 515, 1302, 29899, 3784, 304, 6795, 29899, 3784, 527, 18508, 654, 746, 278, 10452, 5855, 3939, 515, 3061, 19985, 383, 29956, 29931, 304, 5198, 4455, 29899, 1853, 29889, 16740, 2908, 15729, 310, 1302, 29899, 3784, 322, 6795, 29899, 3784, 527, 18508, 654, 471, 8560, 322, 1302, 29899, 3784, 527, 18508, 654, 11981, 304, 901, 8543, 24205, 471, 1476, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 450, 17644, 29899, 3880, 5687, 310, 6781, 3222, 322, 7828, 2671, 338, 443, 13844, 746, 1304, 304, 4505, 1749, 12849, 10452, 6306, 1108, 310, 4066, 29889, 20561, 292, 278, 10452, 5855, 322, 6590, 368, 337, 2749, 9776, 278, 1788, 310, 10693, 304, 3667, 675, 3765, 29899, 29879, 2618, 10452, 3161, 975, 26807, 445, 4216, 1627, 29889, 450, 716, 5687, 5439, 1244, 338, 901, 4824, 1711, 1855, 4695, 408, 297, 393, 372, 6511, 363, 13733, 310, 278, 12570, 24611, 297, 278, 5312, 262, 1746, 9819, 515, 24064, 278, 12570, 2294, 1183, 279, 9324, 4195, 29889, 4721, 2576, 3821, 1243, 2582, 12266, 393, 263, 12570, 27735, 332, 9252, 17261, 1904, 1122, 8453, 278, 1661, 29899, 303, 20995, 269, 3466, 7117, 304, 777, 310, 278, 409, 1608, 24798, 29889, 13, 9832, 1061, 29901, 319, 2475, 29892, 390, 8670, 2379, 2361, 29892, 390, 29889, 669, 5169, 29882, 1358, 29892, 341, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 319, 10694, 29899, 27766, 1158, 363, 20602, 278, 2211, 29899, 12531, 14801, 292, 310, 13089, 1218, 560, 6288, 20037, 491, 263, 3814, 279, 285, 1461, 545, 411, 25745, 23724, 285, 1461, 545, 752, 13036, 4978, 338, 9132, 29889, 910, 1158, 338, 2729, 2501, 278, 18652, 27506, 4327, 310, 278, 409, 1608, 293, 12272, 9552, 29899, 2218, 20621, 537, 313, 7230, 29928, 29897, 10452, 5855, 313, 15189, 2000, 5608, 269, 3466, 5067, 5855, 511, 322, 5480, 29892, 2000, 278, 10742, 29899, 4537, 29899, 7247, 317, 7858, 1158, 313, 9970, 29899, 7230, 29928, 1158, 467, 450, 9819, 10452, 5855, 9479, 1510, 278, 23638, 1546, 10694, 20037, 411, 385, 15134, 10742, 1353, 4163, 313, 6550, 1070, 4163, 29897, 322, 29574, 20037, 607, 437, 451, 1101, 317, 18437, 29915, 29879, 4307, 313, 29876, 787, 3135, 1070, 7117, 29897, 565, 278, 285, 1461, 545, 338, 24774, 408, 263, 3814, 279, 10452, 29889, 1152, 263, 18652, 368, 29591, 285, 1461, 545, 752, 13036, 4978, 29892, 1438, 10452, 5855, 508, 367, 4320, 964, 263, 5608, 1788, 310, 10693, 393, 508, 367, 7484, 363, 278, 22252, 8192, 310, 5375, 10742, 18893, 322, 10742, 3694, 29889, 1334, 22222, 278, 8906, 11043, 363, 263, 1027, 7964, 285, 1461, 545, 411, 263, 380, 28225, 313, 2616, 12817, 29897, 7101, 752, 13036, 4978, 29889, 17511, 29899, 322, 1880, 29899, 10745, 23860, 6851, 310, 278, 1158, 526, 884, 9401, 304, 278, 27303, 491, 4482, 29899, 2098, 19298, 3652, 297, 278, 8062, 322, 4549, 14801, 292, 4046, 29889, 13, 9832, 1061, 29901, 20962, 351, 10011, 29892, 922, 13188, 29936, 15981, 354, 29875, 29892, 22478, 323, 29889, 669, 1619, 261, 29892, 26977, 390, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 450, 2198, 297, 7316, 8128, 385, 7636, 1067, 4676, 363, 263, 2243, 370, 1869, 261, 29892, 278, 7636, 1067, 4676, 7199, 5921, 263, 12528, 292, 8242, 1788, 727, 262, 29889, 13, 9832, 1061, 29901, 838, 1030, 2570, 29892, 6158, 383, 8670, 17594, 29892, 21380, 435, 29889, 669, 4956, 11129, 29892, 6123, 399, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 383, 7818, 29899, 6707, 5172, 3929, 17387, 322, 5172, 6162, 29885, 5391, 17559, 899, 874, 373, 7705, 6825, 610, 3498, 280, 13096, 5779, 363, 29591, 10452, 5855, 297, 697, 15767, 1023, 322, 2211, 2913, 13391, 508, 884, 367, 1304, 304, 4505, 19378, 436, 1026, 322, 2448, 22553, 10452, 995, 4828, 29889, 1152, 1661, 29899, 9171, 10452, 5855, 29892, 445, 338, 278, 4266, 29892, 6856, 29899, 13671, 1206, 310, 12500, 14515, 1953, 1304, 297, 278, 12027, 4019, 435, 3427, 1954, 13269, 287, 25796, 1158, 29889, 23786, 560, 24186, 7959, 899, 874, 363, 29591, 10452, 5855, 297, 1023, 322, 2211, 13391, 508, 884, 367, 2729, 373, 278, 383, 7818, 29889, 3645, 278, 29591, 899, 874, 591, 21340, 5172, 899, 874, 363, 278, 716, 525, 8945, 29915, 10452, 5855, 322, 18853, 10452, 5855, 373, 7705, 6825, 610, 3498, 280, 13096, 5779, 29889, 450, 29591, 1206, 6511, 263, 2560, 5296, 310, 10379, 322, 20498, 18543, 310, 278, 6851, 304, 278, 766, 4838, 2133, 310, 4226, 10452, 5855, 29889, 405, 4680, 936, 6455, 22222, 278, 19201, 310, 278, 5172, 560, 24186, 7959, 899, 874, 363, 1661, 29899, 19145, 293, 10452, 5855, 29889, 5853, 4100, 368, 29892, 278, 5172, 899, 874, 373, 7705, 6825, 610, 3498, 280, 13096, 5779, 508, 367, 1304, 4208 ]
with the Immersed Interface Method to solve problems on non-rectangular domains with general boundary conditions. Details of this are reported in the preprint The Explicit Jump Immersed Interface Method for 2D Linear Elastostatics by the author. Description: We have previously reported on the incorporation of a circular boundary condition into the program POISSON for two-dimensional problems (Incorporation of a Circular Boundary Condition into the Program POISSON, S. Caspi, M. Helm, and L.J. Laslett, LBID-887, SSC MAG Note-S, February 13, 1984). The least square method has now been generalized to accept any suitable set of orthogonal functions which can describe the vector potential function outside a circular boundary so located that no external sources are present. We have proceeded to incorporate the boundary condition into cartesian problems which involve no symmetry, and into axis-symmetry cylindrical problems that may have left-right symmetry, antisymmetry or no symmetry. Creator: Caspi, S.; Helm, M. & Laslett, L.J. Description: An iterative method for calculation of the narrow-band impedance is described for a system with a small variation in boundary conditions, so that the variation can be considered as a perturbation.The results are compared with the degeneracy of the spectrum of an unperturbed system.The method also can be applied to transverse impedance calculations. Description: An approach to stabilize the two-surface, time domain FEM/BI hybrid by means of a unified boundary condition is presented. The first-order symplectic finite element formulation is used along with a version of the unified boundary condition of Jin reformulated for Maxwell's first-order equations in time to provide both stability and accuracy over the first-order ABC. Several results are presented to validate the numerical solutions. In particular the dipole in a free-space box is analyzed and compared to the Dirchlet boundary condition of Ziolkowski and Madsen and to a Neuman boundary condition approach. Creator: Madsen, N; Fasenfest, B J; White, D; Stowell, M; Jandhyala, V; Pingenot, J et al. Description: Two verification problems were developed to test non-reflecting boundary segments in DYNA3D (Whirley and Engelmann, 1993). The problems simulate 1-D wave propagation in a semi-infinite rod using a finite length rod and non-reflecting boundary conditions. One problem examines pure pressure wave propagation, and the other problem explores pure shear wave propagation. In both problems the non-reflecting boundary segments yield results that differ only slightly (less than 6%) during a short duration from their corresponding theoretical solutions. The errors appear to be due to the inability to generate a true step-function compressive wave in the pressure wave propagation problem and due to segment integration inaccuracies in the shear wave propagation problem. These problems serve as verification problems and as regression test problems for DYNA3D. Active vibration damping in the presence of uncertainties. Description: Several control design techniques including PlD, LQG, and PPF are investigated For adive vibration damping of a cantilever beam with uncertain boundary conditions. Step disturbances were used to evaluate the performance of the designed controllers. Description: Several recent papers have examined higher mode eigenvalues and eigenfunctions fo r multiplying systems. The general application focus of these papers is related to determining the dominance ratio, which is of great interest to people analyzing loosely coupled fissile systems . For large systems, we derived some simple approximations to the dominance ratio, and we continue this analysis in this paper. In the previous papers, we were able to utilize semianalytical techriiques because we mainly examined one-dimensional Cartesian systems. In this paper we analyze the effectiveness of using reflective boundary conditions for multi-dimensional system s and expand past work by examining two- and three-dimensional eigenfunctions. Atom-to-continuum methods for gaining a fundamental understanding of fracture. Creator: McDowell, David Lynn (Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA); Reedy, Earl David, Jr.; Templeton, Jeremy Alan; Jones, Reese E.; Moody, Neville Reid; Zimmerman, Jonathan A. et al. Description: This article presents an implementation of periodic boundary conditions (PBC) for Dislocation Dynamics (DD) simulations in three dimensions
[ 0.20862116666829722, 0.0285088477549602 ]
[ 0.7822158761834603, 1.4626547370811533 ]
[ 1.2469373975824178, 1.5715762488316043 ]
[ 2.0957890557628844, 1.8772739532296423 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 411, 278, 1954, 13269, 287, 25796, 8108, 304, 4505, 4828, 373, 1661, 29899, 1621, 6825, 21904, 411, 2498, 10452, 5855, 29889, 25577, 310, 445, 526, 8967, 297, 278, 758, 2158, 450, 12027, 4019, 435, 3427, 1954, 13269, 287, 25796, 8108, 363, 29871, 29906, 29928, 22985, 1260, 24186, 6112, 1199, 491, 278, 4148, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 1334, 505, 9251, 8967, 373, 278, 11039, 362, 310, 263, 19308, 10452, 4195, 964, 278, 1824, 21521, 29902, 1799, 1164, 363, 1023, 29899, 12531, 4828, 313, 797, 2616, 1971, 362, 310, 263, 12594, 1070, 350, 618, 653, 11790, 654, 964, 278, 7835, 21521, 29902, 1799, 1164, 29892, 317, 29889, 6960, 1631, 29892, 341, 29889, 6162, 29885, 29892, 322, 365, 29889, 29967, 29889, 7413, 13650, 29892, 365, 29933, 1367, 29899, 29947, 29947, 29955, 29892, 5886, 29907, 341, 10051, 3940, 29899, 29903, 29892, 6339, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 467, 450, 3203, 6862, 1158, 756, 1286, 1063, 28803, 304, 3544, 738, 13907, 731, 310, 28143, 3168, 607, 508, 8453, 278, 4608, 7037, 740, 5377, 263, 19308, 10452, 577, 5982, 393, 694, 7029, 8974, 526, 2198, 29889, 1334, 505, 24825, 304, 11039, 403, 278, 10452, 4195, 964, 7774, 18970, 4828, 607, 25135, 694, 18446, 29892, 322, 964, 9685, 29899, 11967, 2527, 719, 20396, 513, 16888, 4828, 393, 1122, 505, 2175, 29899, 1266, 18446, 29892, 3677, 275, 962, 2527, 719, 470, 694, 18446, 29889, 13, 9832, 1061, 29901, 6960, 1631, 29892, 317, 8670, 6162, 29885, 29892, 341, 29889, 669, 7413, 13650, 29892, 365, 29889, 29967, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 530, 4256, 1230, 1158, 363, 13944, 310, 278, 12474, 29899, 4980, 25275, 749, 338, 5439, 363, 263, 1788, 411, 263, 2319, 19262, 297, 10452, 5855, 29892, 577, 393, 278, 19262, 508, 367, 5545, 408, 263, 22786, 362, 29889, 1576, 2582, 526, 9401, 411, 278, 3587, 759, 4135, 310, 278, 18272, 310, 385, 443, 10700, 28179, 1788, 29889, 1576, 1158, 884, 508, 367, 7436, 304, 1301, 3901, 25275, 749, 17203, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 530, 2948, 304, 16160, 675, 278, 1023, 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362, 1108, 29889, 4525, 4828, 9080, 408, 1147, 2450, 4828, 322, 408, 17855, 1243, 4828, 363, 360, 29979, 3521, 29941, 29928, 29889, 13, 9966, 325, 26218, 270, 1160, 292, 297, 278, 10122, 310, 443, 6327, 2365, 583, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 21882, 2761, 2874, 13698, 3704, 1858, 29928, 29892, 365, 29984, 29954, 29892, 322, 349, 13691, 526, 7405, 630, 1152, 594, 573, 325, 26218, 270, 1160, 292, 310, 263, 5107, 488, 369, 22913, 411, 17999, 10452, 5855, 29889, 16696, 1320, 25006, 778, 892, 1304, 304, 14707, 278, 4180, 310, 278, 8688, 21385, 29889, 13, 9868, 29901, 21882, 7786, 15055, 505, 4392, 1312, 6133, 4464, 25973, 322, 7388, 12171, 1701, 364, 6674, 5890, 6757, 29889, 450, 2498, 2280, 8569, 310, 1438, 15055, 338, 4475, 304, 3683, 2827, 278, 8022, 749, 11959, 29892, 607, 338, 310, 2107, 4066, 304, 2305, 29537, 292, 658, 359, 873, 7303, 29881, 285, 790, 488, 6757, 869, 1152, 2919, 6757, 29892, 591, 10723, 777, 2560, 6881, 800, 304, 278, 8022, 749, 11959, 29892, 322, 591, 6773, 445, 7418, 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313, 29925, 5371, 29897, 363, 3295, 5479, 22554, 1199, 313, 7858, 29897, 23876, 297, 2211, 13391 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29947, 29955, 29892, 29906, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29906, 29946, 29929, 29897, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29995, 416, 4949, 10228, 29896, 29900, 29974, 29892, 29903, 2142, 1306, 29945, 29889, 29896, 29974, 3776, 13, 4706, 3239, 29901, 448, 29877, 29899, 10660, 29899, 24970, 29898, 29946, 29945, 12163, 29892, 29871, 15552, 29890, 29898, 29906, 29900, 29955, 29892, 29906, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29906, 29945, 29945, 29897, 29871, 29900, 13667, 23973, 29898, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29892, 29906, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29906, 29945, 29906, 29897, 29871, 29946, 29946, 13667, 23973, 29898, 29896, 29947, 29955, 29892, 29906, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29906, 29946, 29929, 29897, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29995, 416, 4949, 19198, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29974, 3776, 13, 4706, 3239, 29901, 448, 1516, 29899, 10660, 29899, 24970, 29898, 29946, 29945, 12163, 29892, 29871, 15552, 29890, 29898, 29906, 29900, 29955, 29892, 29906, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29906, 29945, 29945, 29897, 29871, 29900, 13667, 23973, 29898, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29892, 29906, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29906, 29945, 29906, 29897, 29871, 29946, 29946, 13667, 23973, 29898, 29896, 29947, 29955, 29892, 29906, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29906, 29946, 29929, 29897, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29995, 416, 4949, 7159, 29896, 29900, 29974, 3776, 13, 4706, 3239, 29901, 5608, 29899, 24970, 29898, 29946, 29945, 12163, 29892, 29871, 15552, 29890, 29898, 29906, 29900, 29955, 29892, 29906, 29941, 29896, 29892, 29906, 29945, 29945, 29897, 29871, 29900, 13667, 23973, 29898, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29892, 29906, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29906, 29945, 29906, 29897, 29871, 29946, 29946, 13667, 23973, 29898, 29896, 29947, 29955, 29892, 29906, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29906, 29946, 29929, 29897, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29995, 416, 4949, 399, 29941, 29907, 3776, 13, 4706, 4175, 29901, 410, 29887, 333, 29901, 29928, 29990, 2940, 13372, 29889, 11277, 29889, 24970, 29898, 1369, 3306, 710, 2433, 29937, 29883, 1725, 29955, 600, 742, 1095, 3306, 710, 2433, 29937, 1327, 1388, 29888, 29929, 742, 25584, 993, 1542, 29922, 29896, 3482, 4949, 7159, 29953, 29899, 29929, 6416, 1627, 373, 14698, 16030, 3776, 13, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 1678, 869, 21720, 726, 29912, 13, 268, 13, 4706, 1426, 29899, 2520, 29901, 4818, 29936, 13, 4706, 11408, 29899, 2520, 29901, 17662, 29936, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 268, 13, 12, 5515, 5997, 363, 4889, 5912, 3776, 13, 12, 29889, 3177, 426, 13, 12, 12, 25893, 29901, 396, 18725, 29936, 13, 12, 12, 25893, 29899, 2103, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29945, 1756, 29936, 13, 12, 29913, 13, 12, 29889, 2324, 426, 13, 12, 12, 25893, 29901, 396, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29936, 13, 12, 29913, 13, 12, 29889, 26172, 29912, 13, 12, 1678, 2920, 29901, 29947, 29900, 29900, 1756, 29936, 13, 12, 29913, 13, 1678, 869, 10154, 12632, 426, 13, 4706, 2602, 29901, 8380, 29936, 12, 13, 4706, 1426, 29899, 2520, 29901, 2175, 29936, 12, 12, 12, 13, 4706, 7164, 29901, 29871, 29906, 1756, 29936, 12, 12, 12, 13, 4706, 4079, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29953, 1756, 7209, 29899, 643, 361, 29936, 12, 12, 13, 4706, 3239, 29901, 396, 29888, 6854, 6854, 29883, 29936, 12, 13, 4706, 7164, 29901, 29906, 1756, 29936, 13, 4706, 5139, 29901, 29871, 29945, 1756, 29936, 12, 13, 4706, 5139, 29899, 3293, 29901, 2929, 333, 29936, 13, 4706, 5139, 29899, 13471, 29901, 29871, 29947, 1756, 29936, 12, 13, 1678, 500, 259, 13, 13, 12, 5515, 5997, 363, 2578, 331, 481, 3776, 13, 13, 13, 1678, 883, 426, 13, 4706, 2602, 29901, 8380, 29936, 13, 4706, 1492, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29900, 1756, 29936, 13, 4706, 2246, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29900, 1756, 29936, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 13, 1678, 869, 17619, 426, 13, 4706, 5139, 29901, 7773, 29871, 29941, 1756, 396, 29888, 2142, 2142, 29874, 29936, 13, 4706, 5139, 29899, 2780, 29901, 396, 29888, 2142, 2142, 29874, 29936, 13, 4706, 5139, 29899, 13471, 29901, 29945, 1756, 2056, 13, 4706, 4079, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29946, 1756, 7209, 29899, 643, 361, 29936, 13, 4706, 1196, 29899, 3545, 29901, 29871, 29896, 29906, 1756, 29936, 13, 4706, 11969, 29901, 7934, 29936, 13, 4706, 2602, 29901, 8380, 29936, 13, 4706, 1426, 29899, 12860, 29901, 29871, 29906, 1756, 29936, 13, 1678, 500, 13, 13, 13, 13, 268, 13, 12, 829, 3293, 29958, 13, 12, 29966, 2587, 29958, 13, 12, 29966, 2154, 4765, 543, 1124, 597, 8205, 3605, 27901, 479, 29889, 510, 29914, 29881, 29941, 29899, 12632, 29914, 7729, 29879, 29914, 29881, 29941, 29889, 12632, 29889, 29894, 29900, 29889, 29953, 29889, 29941, 29889, 1315, 5319, 2154, 29958, 13, 13, 12, 29966, 4563, 1178, 543, 3257, 29908, 770, 543, 21890, 29899, 20227, 29899, 3332, 1013, 13, 12, 12, 29966, 4563, 770, 2433, 798, 11041, 13, 268, 12, 12, 12, 29966, 4563, 770, 2433, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29915, 5299, 29882, 29896, 1178, 543, 517, 415, 1740, 29908, 1405, 12165, 5286, 362, 310, 12968, 3673, 713, 7488, 1199, 829, 29882, 29896, 2565, 4563, 29958, 13, 12, 308, 12, 29966, 4563, 770, 2433, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29896, 1426, 29899, 1266, 29915, 2565, 4563, 29958, 13, 12, 12, 12, 29966, 4563, 770, 2433, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29896, 1426, 29899, 5064, 29915, 5299, 29874, 2822, 543, 1124, 597, 2409, 787, 549, 29889, 3292, 29889, 601, 29914, 29887, 23365, 29889, 1420, 3254, 29882, 29941, 29958, 29954, 23365, 829, 29882, 29941, 2565, 29874, 2565, 4563, 29958, 13, 12, 12, 829, 4563, 29958, 13, 12, 829, 4563, 29958, 13, 12, 13, 12, 29966, 4563, 1178, 543, 2813, 1013, 13, 4706, 529, 2492, 1178, 543, 2813, 2492, 29908, 4765, 543, 1124, 597, 2409, 787, 549, 29889, 3292, 29889, 601, 29914, 4836, 29914, 11569, 5286, 362, 29918, 974, 29918, 26029, 3673, 713, 29918, 3332, 1199, 29914, 2492, 29914, 29879, 29906, 29889, 6173, 29908, 5272, 543, 13228, 8831, 2138, 11376, 12968, 3673, 713, 23920, 362, 297, 8713, 2849, 5319, 2492, 29958, 13, 4706, 10341, 29966, 29886, 7595, 29922, 1266, 3114, 543, 9264, 29899, 1266, 29901, 29906, 29900, 1756, 12334, 13228, 8831, 2138, 11376, 12968, 3673, 713, 23920, 362, 297, 8713, 2849, 29966, 1182, 5299, 9278, 29958, 3904, 1963, 3747, 29914, 3410, 1032, 383, 5037, 412, 829, 9278, 2565, 29886, 29958, 15110, 13, 4706, 529, 29886, 7595, 29922, 1266, 3114, 543, 9264, 29899, 1266, 29901, 29906, 29900, 1756, 12334, 29950, 10011, 1976, 6051, 11319, 363, 2422, 635, 3295, 13974, 1133, 6254, 5711, 29966, 1182, 5299, 9278, 29958, 3904, 1963, 3747, 29914, 29911, 711, 262, 10920, 829 ]
small></p> </div> <div id="content0"> <!-- JiaThis Button BEGIN --> <div class="jiathis_style_24x24"> <a class="jiathis_button_fb"></a> <a class="jiathis_button_twitter"></a> <a class="jiathis_button_linkedin"></a> <a class="jiathis_button_douban"></a> <a class="jiathis_button_tsina"></a> <a href="http://www.jiathis.com/share?uid=2058140" class="jiathis jiathis_txt jtico jtico_jiathis" target="_blank"></a> <a class="jiathis_counter_style"></a> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> var jiathis_config = {data_track_clickback:'true'}; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://v3.jiathis.com/code/jia.js?uid=2058140" charset="utf-8"></script> <!-- JiaThis Button END --> <div class="bigtext" style="font-weight:700;font-size:28px;"> <br> <p>Find humanitarian topics helps us to deal with the pressing challenges and urgent problems. The goal of this data visualization is to investigate topics about humanity. The data comes from: <ul> <li><a href="https://unite.un.org/ideas/content/visualizechange-world-humanitarian-summit-data-challenge">WHS master data catelogue</a></li> <li>26,222 tweets containing #humanitarian during 5 Nov 2014 - 15 Aug 2015</li> </ul> </p> </div> <p class="smalltext"> * Mouseover following graphs to get more information </p> </div> <hr class="style-two"></hr> <div id="content1"> <h1>We care about ... topics/subtopics</h1> <div class="container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-4"> <ul class="bigtext"> <li>All subtopics connects with each other</li> <li>Important topics are: <ul> <li>Ensuring affected people, particularly women, have a stronger voice and greater role in humanitarian action</li> <li>Adapting the humanitarian system to new contexts, actors, and challenges</li> <li>Localizing preparedness and response</li> </ul> </li> <li>Frequently mentioned subtopics are: <ul> <li>1E. Subsidiarity</li> <li>1C. Programming based on the needs of affected people</li> <li>1B. Community engagement</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="smalltext"> The size of nodes shows the number of times that a subtopic is mentioned in a file. The weight of links presents the number of times that two subtopics appear in the same file. Nodes are colored by topics. </p> </div> <div class="col-md-8" id="forcelayout" > </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="style-two"></hr> <div id="content2"> <h1>Who care about ... topics</h1> <div class="container"> <div class="row "> <div class="col-md-7" id="heatmap" ></div> <div class="col-md-1"></div>
[ -1.4103351904082377, -0.7638483879208228 ]
[ -1.703176594674429, -0.7398184179298005 ]
[ -1.3400284483095366, 0.1411363105148766 ]
[ -1.8530910114449937, -0.7813264609248054 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 9278, 2565, 29886, 29958, 13, 1678, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 268, 13, 268, 13, 1678, 529, 4563, 1178, 543, 3051, 29900, 1013, 13, 4706, 10341, 435, 423, 4013, 11025, 22815, 6660, 13, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 2397, 493, 275, 29918, 3293, 29918, 29906, 29946, 29916, 29906, 29946, 1013, 13, 9651, 529, 29874, 770, 543, 2397, 493, 275, 29918, 3092, 29918, 14943, 5319, 29874, 29958, 13, 9651, 529, 29874, 770, 543, 2397, 493, 275, 29918, 3092, 29918, 24946, 5319, 29874, 29958, 13, 9651, 529, 29874, 770, 543, 2397, 493, 275, 29918, 3092, 29918, 2324, 287, 262, 5319, 29874, 29958, 13, 9651, 529, 29874, 770, 543, 2397, 493, 275, 29918, 3092, 29918, 29881, 283, 2571, 5319, 29874, 29958, 13, 9651, 529, 29874, 770, 543, 2397, 493, 275, 29918, 3092, 29918, 1372, 1099, 5319, 29874, 29958, 13, 9651, 529, 29874, 2822, 543, 1124, 597, 1636, 29889, 2397, 493, 275, 29889, 510, 29914, 13653, 29973, 5416, 29922, 29906, 29900, 29945, 29947, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29908, 770, 543, 2397, 493, 275, 19841, 493, 275, 29918, 3945, 432, 29873, 1417, 432, 29873, 1417, 29918, 2397, 493, 275, 29908, 3646, 543, 29918, 19465, 5319, 29874, 29958, 13, 9651, 529, 29874, 770, 543, 2397, 493, 275, 29918, 11808, 29918, 3293, 5319, 29874, 29958, 13, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 4706, 529, 2154, 1134, 543, 726, 29914, 7729, 1013, 13, 4706, 722, 19841, 493, 275, 29918, 2917, 353, 426, 1272, 29918, 11294, 29918, 3808, 1627, 11283, 3009, 29915, 3400, 13, 4706, 1533, 2154, 29958, 13, 4706, 529, 2154, 1134, 543, 726, 29914, 7729, 29908, 4765, 543, 1124, 597, 29894, 29941, 29889, 2397, 493, 275, 29889, 510, 29914, 401, 29914, 29926, 423, 29889, 1315, 29973, 5416, 29922, 29906, 29900, 29945, 29947, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29908, 17425, 543, 9420, 29899, 29947, 5319, 2154, 29958, 13, 4706, 10341, 435, 423, 4013, 11025, 11056, 6660, 29871, 13, 308, 13, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 3752, 726, 29908, 3114, 543, 5657, 29899, 7915, 29901, 29955, 29900, 29900, 29936, 5657, 29899, 2311, 29901, 29906, 29947, 1756, 12334, 13, 9651, 529, 1182, 29958, 13, 9651, 529, 29886, 29958, 12542, 5199, 3673, 713, 23820, 6911, 502, 304, 5376, 411, 278, 24795, 18066, 267, 322, 5065, 5362, 4828, 29889, 450, 7306, 310, 445, 848, 7604, 2133, 338, 304, 23033, 23820, 1048, 5199, 537, 29889, 450, 848, 5304, 515, 29901, 13, 9651, 529, 352, 29958, 13, 9651, 529, 492, 5299, 29874, 2822, 543, 991, 597, 348, 568, 29889, 348, 29889, 990, 29914, 680, 294, 29914, 3051, 29914, 20119, 675, 3167, 29899, 11526, 29899, 26029, 3673, 713, 29899, 2083, 2415, 29899, 1272, 29899, 305, 11768, 1013, 29956, 14851, 5835, 848, 6635, 295, 468, 434, 829, 29874, 2565, 492, 29958, 13, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29906, 29906, 29906, 7780, 1691, 6943, 396, 26029, 3673, 713, 2645, 29871, 29945, 2864, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 448, 29871, 29896, 29945, 22333, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 9651, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 9651, 1533, 29886, 29958, 13, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 4706, 529, 29886, 770, 543, 9278, 726, 1013, 13, 9651, 334, 25992, 957, 1494, 18445, 304, 679, 901, 2472, 13, 4706, 1533, 29886, 29958, 13, 4706, 13, 1678, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 1678, 529, 1092, 770, 543, 3293, 29899, 10184, 5319, 1092, 29958, 13, 1678, 529, 4563, 1178, 543, 3051, 29896, 1013, 13, 4706, 529, 29882, 29896, 29958, 4806, 2562, 1048, 2023, 23820, 29914, 1491, 3332, 1199, 829, 29882, 29896, 29958, 13, 1678, 13, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 7611, 1013, 13, 9651, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 798, 376, 29958, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29946, 1013, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 352, 770, 543, 3752, 726, 1013, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 3596, 1014, 3332, 1199, 4511, 29879, 411, 1269, 916, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 17518, 424, 23820, 526, 29901, 29871, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 29923, 1983, 3864, 15201, 2305, 29892, 10734, 5866, 29892, 505, 263, 23505, 7314, 322, 7621, 6297, 297, 5199, 3673, 713, 3158, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 29909, 1388, 415, 292, 278, 5199, 3673, 713, 1788, 304, 716, 3030, 29879, 29892, 29701, 29892, 322, 18066, 267, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 7717, 5281, 13240, 2264, 322, 2933, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 23923, 339, 2705, 5276, 1014, 3332, 1199, 526, 29901, 29871, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 29896, 29923, 29889, 3323, 29879, 333, 4447, 537, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 29896, 29907, 29889, 7835, 4056, 2729, 373, 278, 4225, 310, 15201, 2305, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 29896, 29933, 29889, 19184, 3033, 5049, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 29886, 770, 543, 9278, 726, 1013, 13, 462, 4706, 450, 2159, 310, 7573, 3697, 278, 1353, 310, 3064, 393, 263, 1014, 13010, 338, 5276, 297, 263, 934, 29889, 450, 7688, 310, 2988, 22981, 278, 1353, 310, 3064, 393, 1023, 1014, 3332, 1199, 2615, 297, 278, 1021, 934, 29889, 405, 2631, 526, 28684, 491, 23820, 29889, 13, 462, 1678, 1533, 29886, 29958, 13, 18884, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29947, 29908, 1178, 543, 1454, 2242, 1534, 29908, 1405, 13, 18884, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 9651, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 1678, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 1678, 529, 1092, 770, 543, 3293, 29899, 10184, 5319, 1092, 29958, 13, 268, 13, 1678, 529, 4563, 1178, 543, 3051, 29906, 1013, 13, 4706, 529, 29882, 29896, 29958, 22110, 2562, 1048, 2023, 23820, 829, 29882, 29896, 29958, 13, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 7611, 1013, 13, 9651, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 798, 376, 29958, 13, 462, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29955, 29908, 1178, 543, 354, 271, 1958, 29908, 1405, 829, 4563, 29958, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29896, 5319, 4563, 29958 ]
<div class="col-md-4"> <ul class="bigtext"> <li>The public and stakeholder groups put forward most of topics</li> <li>Different groups have various concerns: <ul> <li>The public and stakeholder groups want to ensure effected people play a greater role in humanitarian action</li> <li>WHS final reports focus more on new challenges</li> <li>Regions pay attention to efforts of environment and investment in innovation, but countries do not</li> <li>Gender and finance gap issues have not yet gain enough attention</li> </ul> </li> </ul> <ul class="list-unstyled smalltext"> <li>Public input: public submissions</li> <li>WHS output: final consultation reports</li> <li>Stakeholder group: stakeholder analysis pieces</li> <li>National context: country submissions</li> <li>Regional context: region submissions</li> <li>Uncategorized: files do not belong to any category above</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="style-two"></hr> <div id="content3"> <h1>Other topics ...</h1> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12" id="treemap" ></div> <div class="col-md-12"> <ul class="bigtext"> <li>Most hashtags belong to location, funding, organization, politics</li> <li>Some inspiring hashtags are: <ul> <li>Locations: Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Ukraine, South Sudan etc. <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li>It is high priority to improve the humanitarian situation in these areas.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Funding <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li>How to collect enough funding and distribute it efficiently and fairly?</li> </ul> </li> <li>Organizations: UN, NGO, EU etc. <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li>How to improve these organizations' ability in humanitarian actions?</li> <li>How to involve more organizations?</li> </ul> </li> <li>People: Humanitarian heroes, Merlene Hutto Byars, Michael Jackson, Angelina Jolie <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li>What is the role of the famous in humanity?</li> </ul> </li> <li>Potential topics related to humanitarian: health, career, immigration, peace, art etc. <ul class="list-unstyled"> <li>Solve problems in these areas will make the world better.</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="smalltext"> All the text is real hashtag. Only hashtags of which the stem words appear more than 60 times have been included. Some hashtags are merged with other hashtags having same meaning. </p> </div> </div> </div> <hr class="style-two"></hr> <div id="content4"> <h1>3C Action</h1> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <ul class="bigtext"> <li style="font-weight:700;font-size:28px;">
[ -0.7035826690448773, -0.7693270896368178 ]
[ 0.0015018147324230133, -0.5571743026362092 ]
[ 0.3846154489517664, 0.4049053771548406 ]
[ -0.40672914229639, -0.968625120239013 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29946, 1013, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 352, 770, 543, 3752, 726, 1013, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 1576, 970, 322, 380, 1296, 7694, 6471, 1925, 6375, 1556, 310, 23820, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 29928, 15622, 6471, 505, 5164, 21838, 29901, 29871, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 1576, 970, 322, 380, 1296, 7694, 6471, 864, 304, 9801, 2779, 287, 2305, 1708, 263, 7621, 6297, 297, 5199, 3673, 713, 3158, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 29956, 14851, 2186, 13676, 8569, 901, 373, 716, 18066, 267, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 4597, 1080, 5146, 8570, 304, 14231, 310, 5177, 322, 13258, 358, 297, 24233, 362, 29892, 541, 10916, 437, 451, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 492, 29958, 29954, 1581, 322, 1436, 749, 17261, 5626, 505, 451, 3447, 11581, 3307, 8570, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 352, 770, 543, 1761, 29899, 6465, 29891, 839, 2319, 726, 1013, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 19858, 1881, 29901, 970, 11834, 6847, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 29956, 14851, 1962, 29901, 2186, 8799, 362, 13676, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 855, 1296, 7694, 2318, 29901, 380, 1296, 7694, 7418, 12785, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 27325, 3030, 29901, 4234, 11834, 6847, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 4597, 1848, 3030, 29901, 5120, 11834, 6847, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 2525, 29883, 20440, 1891, 29901, 2066, 437, 451, 6852, 304, 738, 7663, 2038, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 18884, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 9651, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 1678, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 1678, 529, 1092, 770, 543, 3293, 29899, 10184, 5319, 1092, 29958, 13, 268, 13, 1678, 529, 4563, 1178, 543, 3051, 29941, 1013, 13, 4706, 529, 29882, 29896, 29958, 16107, 23820, 2023, 829, 29882, 29896, 29958, 13, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 7611, 1013, 13, 9651, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 798, 1013, 13, 462, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29896, 29906, 29908, 1178, 543, 2484, 331, 481, 29908, 1405, 829, 4563, 29958, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29896, 29906, 1013, 13, 18884, 529, 352, 770, 543, 3752, 726, 1013, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 492, 29958, 29924, 520, 756, 400, 810, 6852, 304, 4423, 29892, 5220, 292, 29892, 13013, 29892, 22661, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 492, 29958, 9526, 8681, 8491, 756, 400, 810, 526, 29901, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 3524, 800, 29901, 8713, 2849, 29892, 612, 12398, 29892, 21375, 29939, 29892, 23961, 29892, 4275, 8383, 273, 2992, 29889, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 352, 770, 543, 1761, 29899, 6465, 29891, 839, 1013, 13, 462, 18884, 529, 492, 29958, 3112, 338, 1880, 20136, 304, 11157, 278, 5199, 3673, 713, 6434, 297, 1438, 10161, 21106, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 29943, 870, 292, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 352, 770, 543, 1761, 29899, 6465, 29891, 839, 1013, 13, 462, 18884, 529, 492, 29958, 5328, 304, 6314, 3307, 5220, 292, 322, 1320, 2666, 372, 29497, 322, 12558, 29973, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 27356, 17063, 29901, 8291, 29892, 405, 17080, 29892, 19007, 2992, 29889, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 352, 770, 543, 1761, 29899, 6465, 29891, 839, 1013, 13, 462, 18884, 529, 492, 29958, 5328, 304, 11157, 1438, 25700, 29915, 11509, 297, 5199, 3673, 713, 8820, 29973, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 18884, 529, 492, 29958, 5328, 304, 25135, 901, 25700, 29973, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 15666, 1991, 29901, 12968, 3673, 713, 13444, 267, 29892, 4702, 29880, 1600, 379, 17317, 2648, 1503, 29892, 5765, 11886, 29892, 17323, 1099, 435, 324, 347, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 352, 770, 543, 1761, 29899, 6465, 29891, 839, 1013, 13, 462, 18884, 529, 492, 29958, 5618, 338, 278, 6297, 310, 278, 13834, 297, 5199, 537, 29973, 829, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 529, 492, 29958, 29925, 327, 2556, 23820, 4475, 304, 5199, 3673, 713, 29901, 9045, 29892, 6413, 29892, 5198, 16783, 29892, 10776, 29892, 1616, 2992, 29889, 13, 462, 9651, 529, 352, 770, 543, 1761, 29899, 6465, 29891, 839, 1013, 13, 462, 18884, 529, 492, 29958, 13296, 345, 4828, 297, 1438, 10161, 674, 1207, 278, 3186, 2253, 21106, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 9651, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 462, 4706, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 462, 1678, 1533, 492, 29958, 13, 18884, 1533, 352, 29958, 13, 18884, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 18884, 529, 29886, 770, 543, 9278, 726, 1013, 13, 462, 1678, 2178, 278, 1426, 338, 1855, 756, 400, 351, 29889, 9333, 756, 400, 810, 310, 607, 278, 20805, 3838, 2615, 901, 1135, 29871, 29953, 29900, 3064, 505, 1063, 5134, 29889, 3834, 756, 400, 810, 526, 19412, 411, 916, 756, 400, 810, 2534, 1021, 6593, 29889, 13, 18884, 1533, 29886, 29958, 13, 9651, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 1678, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 268, 13, 1678, 529, 1092, 770, 543, 3293, 29899, 10184, 5319, 1092, 29958, 13, 268, 13, 1678, 529, 4563, 1178, 543, 3051, 29946, 1013, 13, 4706, 529, 29882, 29896, 29958, 29941, 29907, 9123, 829, 29882, 29896, 29958, 13, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 7611, 1013, 13, 9651, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 798, 1013, 13, 18884, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 1054, 29899, 3487, 29899, 29896, 29906, 1013, 13, 18884, 529, 352, 770, 543, 3752, 726, 1013, 13, 462, 1678, 529, 492, 3114, 543, 5657, 29899, 7915, 29901, 29955, 29900, 29900, 29936, 5657, 29899, 2311, 29901, 29906, 29947, 1756, 12334 ]
Lisa Buratynski back with Canada on biggest stage of WBHF play Having returned for a second consecutive appearance with Canada's national ball hockey team at the WBHF World Championships, Lisa Buratynski continues to blossom into a cornerstone for the program's future. Gaining continued confidence with this subsequent chapter of her international experience, the result brought with it another podium finish, contributing towards Canada's status as one of the sport's elite nations. With the 2018 edition of the Worlds contested in Russia, Buratynski and her Canadian teammates reached the gold medal game, renewing rivalries with another longtime hockey power. Despite the fact that the host country emerged victorious, the valiant Canadians refused to quit, forcing the fight for gold to be decided in a highly intense shootout affair. Despite the final result of the shootout not reflecting the desired outcome, a valiant Canadian contingent denied its opportunity to repeat as gold medalists, it represented a chance for Buratynski, the native of Ajax, Ontario to experience continued growth as a world-class competitor, gaining an even more profound appreciation of donning the Maple Leaf through jubilation and desolation. "It is always a great experience playing for Team Canada. Since this was my second year with the team, I got to know the girls better and it really felt more like a family. This was a fantastic group to play and travel with, and (it) made Russia a great experience. Unfortunately, we did not get the outcome we wanted, but the work ethic and the passion everyone left out on the floor in the final game was unmatchable." Demonstrating a solid skill set on the hardcourt, along with tremendous determination, the privilege of donning the Maple Leaf is one that stands as an integral aspect of Buratynski's sporting endeavors. While the opportunity to experience a second straight podium finish represented a proud milestone, her memories of the event reflect a compelling character and humility. Employing tremendous maturity, Buratynski indicates how the learning process involved a more cerebral approach to the game, while excelling under expectations. Entering the tournament as defending gold medalists, which was understandably, a new experience for Buratynski, she accepted it as a personal challenge, eager to surpass expectations, while overcoming any adversity with a combination of character and resolve, "I think there is always pressure to be better. Each experience is a learning opportunity for us to make smarter plays and be better positionally. We definitely were the team to beat all tournament so the pressure was on. There was not really much difference between Czech and Russia. The plane ride was a little longer and getting adapted to the time zone was difficult. I was not used to the sun setting at 11 pm and back up at 3 am. Our curtains in the hotel did not block out the light very well, so sleep was interrupted, thank God for naps! We lost a few girls, but the girls we picked up made up for it. They worked hard on and off the floor and played like they have been on this team for years." Held just a few weeks before the FIFA World Cup, which was also hosted in Russia, the WBHF Worlds presented an opportunity for Buratynski to indulge in the nation's sporting zeitgeist. Along with a tour of the renowned Red Square, an integral structure in Moscow's landscape, the theme of growth in Burtaynski's ball hockey career certainly took on a more worldly meaning, "It is hard to pick a favorite moment because this trip was so much fun. I loved playing against the Russians, because their skill set was close to ours and we had to work hard to earn our goals. Our trip to Moscow on the first night was fun, as we got to see all the fanfest activities for FIFA getting set up, and touring Red Square. It is always fun to explore a new city and try different food." In addition to her status as a member of Canada's national team, Buratynski's abilities and keen instinct have also translated into a strong on-ice leadership at the university level. Suiting up for the Brock Badgers, based out of St. Catharines, Ontario, over the course of three seasons, Buratynski logged over 65 appearances. Simultaneously part of a proud international legacy for the program, Buratynski is joined by a collection of players at Brock that have excelled on the ice or
[ 1.2523138435653527, 1.3344943693052782 ]
[ 0.2844211305793585, 0.49571530317390533 ]
[ 0.29331077203793277, 0.6382395514901934 ]
[ -0.5231404618007066, -0.480217852374534 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29420, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 1250, 411, 7400, 373, 24842, 7408, 310, 399, 29933, 29950, 29943, 1708, 13, 29950, 5555, 4133, 363, 263, 1473, 18942, 10097, 411, 7400, 29915, 29879, 4797, 8287, 18881, 3815, 472, 278, 399, 29933, 29950, 29943, 2787, 15125, 29892, 29420, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 18172, 304, 1999, 2209, 290, 964, 263, 11155, 12734, 363, 278, 1824, 29915, 29879, 5434, 29889, 402, 17225, 7572, 16420, 411, 445, 15352, 16385, 310, 902, 6121, 7271, 29892, 278, 1121, 6296, 411, 372, 1790, 2532, 1974, 8341, 29892, 17737, 17068, 7113, 7400, 29915, 29879, 4660, 408, 697, 310, 278, 7980, 29915, 29879, 560, 568, 19079, 29889, 13, 3047, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 12203, 310, 278, 2787, 29879, 640, 2868, 297, 12710, 29892, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 322, 902, 11443, 3815, 29885, 1078, 7450, 278, 7684, 12807, 3748, 29892, 23011, 292, 17055, 2722, 411, 1790, 1472, 2230, 18881, 3081, 29889, 19454, 278, 2114, 393, 278, 3495, 4234, 11176, 3192, 6879, 23308, 29892, 278, 659, 29875, 424, 9145, 5834, 15964, 304, 23283, 29892, 28172, 278, 8589, 363, 7684, 304, 367, 8459, 297, 263, 10712, 17818, 344, 15049, 449, 26195, 29889, 13, 4002, 29886, 568, 278, 2186, 1121, 310, 278, 15049, 449, 451, 9432, 292, 278, 7429, 21957, 29892, 263, 659, 29875, 424, 11443, 640, 292, 296, 17935, 967, 15130, 304, 12312, 408, 7684, 12807, 2879, 29892, 372, 9875, 263, 8825, 363, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 29892, 278, 7531, 310, 21586, 29892, 21718, 304, 7271, 7572, 14321, 408, 263, 3186, 29899, 1990, 5100, 2105, 29892, 11581, 292, 385, 1584, 901, 2600, 618, 5108, 362, 310, 1016, 1076, 278, 7315, 280, 951, 2142, 1549, 432, 431, 8634, 322, 553, 22671, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 338, 2337, 263, 2107, 7271, 8743, 363, 8583, 7400, 29889, 4001, 445, 471, 590, 1473, 1629, 411, 278, 3815, 29892, 306, 2355, 304, 1073, 278, 14000, 2253, 322, 372, 2289, 7091, 901, 763, 263, 3942, 29889, 910, 471, 263, 13568, 6288, 2318, 304, 1708, 322, 9850, 411, 29892, 322, 313, 277, 29897, 1754, 12710, 263, 2107, 7271, 29889, 13, 2525, 7524, 29892, 591, 1258, 451, 679, 278, 21957, 591, 5131, 29892, 541, 278, 664, 11314, 293, 322, 278, 15935, 14332, 2175, 714, 373, 278, 11904, 297, 278, 2186, 3748, 471, 443, 4352, 519, 1213, 13, 29928, 9857, 710, 1218, 263, 7773, 19911, 731, 373, 278, 2898, 27845, 29892, 3412, 411, 14586, 355, 681, 3683, 3381, 29892, 278, 14828, 479, 310, 1016, 1076, 278, 7315, 280, 951, 2142, 338, 697, 393, 15028, 408, 385, 10160, 9565, 310, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 29915, 29879, 7980, 292, 26009, 943, 29889, 5806, 278, 15130, 304, 7271, 263, 1473, 7812, 2532, 1974, 8341, 9875, 263, 22314, 2316, 27744, 29892, 902, 2626, 3842, 310, 278, 1741, 9432, 263, 752, 7807, 2931, 322, 3165, 1793, 29889, 13, 10495, 2376, 292, 14586, 355, 681, 286, 1337, 537, 29892, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 14088, 920, 278, 6509, 1889, 9701, 263, 901, 274, 406, 1182, 284, 2948, 304, 278, 3748, 29892, 1550, 12567, 292, 1090, 2149, 800, 29889, 9041, 292, 278, 14743, 408, 822, 2548, 7684, 12807, 2879, 29892, 607, 471, 2274, 2197, 29892, 263, 716, 7271, 363, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 29892, 1183, 9259, 372, 408, 263, 7333, 18766, 29892, 19888, 304, 1190, 3364, 2149, 800, 29892, 1550, 975, 11506, 738, 19901, 537, 411, 263, 10296, 310, 2931, 322, 8814, 29892, 13, 29908, 29902, 1348, 727, 338, 2337, 12959, 304, 367, 2253, 29889, 7806, 7271, 338, 263, 6509, 15130, 363, 502, 304, 1207, 1560, 4254, 13582, 322, 367, 2253, 2602, 635, 29889, 1334, 11630, 892, 278, 3815, 304, 16646, 599, 14743, 577, 278, 12959, 471, 373, 29889, 1670, 471, 451, 2289, 1568, 4328, 1546, 21489, 322, 12710, 29889, 13, 1576, 10694, 22203, 471, 263, 2217, 5520, 322, 2805, 23430, 304, 278, 931, 10640, 471, 5189, 29889, 306, 471, 451, 1304, 304, 278, 6575, 4444, 472, 29871, 29896, 29896, 26354, 322, 1250, 701, 472, 29871, 29941, 626, 29889, 8680, 3151, 2408, 29879, 297, 278, 16730, 1258, 451, 2908, 714, 278, 3578, 1407, 1532, 29892, 577, 8709, 471, 27803, 29892, 6452, 4177, 363, 302, 2547, 29991, 13, 4806, 5714, 263, 2846, 14000, 29892, 541, 278, 14000, 591, 18691, 701, 1754, 701, 363, 372, 29889, 2688, 3796, 2898, 373, 322, 1283, 278, 11904, 322, 5318, 763, 896, 505, 1063, 373, 445, 3815, 363, 2440, 1213, 13, 29950, 2495, 925, 263, 2846, 11405, 1434, 278, 21581, 2787, 6536, 29892, 607, 471, 884, 17791, 297, 12710, 29892, 278, 399, 29933, 29950, 29943, 2787, 29879, 9132, 385, 15130, 363, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 304, 29156, 479, 297, 278, 5233, 29915, 29879, 7980, 292, 29402, 479, 391, 29889, 838, 549, 411, 263, 6282, 310, 278, 4325, 26689, 4367, 19256, 29892, 385, 10160, 3829, 297, 25820, 29915, 29879, 24400, 29892, 278, 10929, 310, 14321, 297, 350, 4227, 388, 29876, 2574, 29915, 29879, 8287, 18881, 6413, 8959, 3614, 373, 263, 901, 3186, 368, 6593, 29892, 13, 29908, 3112, 338, 2898, 304, 5839, 263, 25448, 3256, 1363, 445, 17487, 471, 577, 1568, 2090, 29889, 306, 18012, 8743, 2750, 278, 11688, 1039, 550, 29892, 1363, 1009, 19911, 731, 471, 3802, 304, 1749, 29879, 322, 591, 750, 304, 664, 2898, 304, 2326, 29876, 1749, 14433, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 17487, 304, 25820, 373, 278, 937, 4646, 471, 2090, 29892, 408, 591, 2355, 304, 1074, 599, 278, 13524, 29613, 14188, 363, 21581, 2805, 731, 701, 29892, 322, 6282, 292, 4367, 19256, 29889, 739, 338, 2337, 2090, 304, 26987, 263, 716, 4272, 322, 1018, 1422, 9687, 1213, 13, 797, 6124, 304, 902, 4660, 408, 263, 4509, 310, 7400, 29915, 29879, 4797, 3815, 29892, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 29915, 29879, 633, 9770, 322, 28430, 26508, 505, 884, 20512, 964, 263, 4549, 373, 29899, 625, 26001, 472, 278, 16372, 3233, 29889, 2166, 11407, 701, 363, 278, 4358, 384, 9178, 5743, 29892, 2729, 714, 310, 624, 29889, 315, 493, 279, 1475, 29892, 21718, 29892, 975, 278, 3236, 310, 2211, 20084, 29892, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 13817, 975, 29871, 29953, 29945, 21712, 29889, 13, 8942, 499, 1662, 5794, 760, 310, 263, 22314, 6121, 25000, 363, 278, 1824, 29892, 6640, 271, 948, 2574, 338, 8772, 491, 263, 4333, 310, 10769, 472, 4358, 384, 393, 505, 10616, 839, 373, 278, 14890, 470 ]
The Team Faces New Threats in TITANS #23 By AJ Zender TITANS #23 by Dan Abnett, Brandon Peterson, and Ivan Plascencia While its plot has a few confusing elements and some of the characterization falters a bit, TITANS #23 is largely a fantastic reintroduction to the team. With a deeper focus on the more human elements of these superhumans, this is a really interesting new direction for the series. Grand New Direction User Rating 0 Be the first one ! Dan Abnett's run on the Rebirth TITANS always focused on family. This group of young heroes came together as children, and they have faced innumerable foes together. Now, though, that team is no more. Nightwing has picked and chosen a new team of heroes in TITANS #23, one without that familial bond. With the Source Wall destroyed after the events of DARK NIGHTS: METAL and NO JUSTICE, ambient energy is bombarding the planet. All around the world, seemingly normal people have begun to develop incredible new superpowers. And when a young man in Manhattan suddenly has lightning pouring from his hands, only the new Titans can save the day. However, when the threat is a scared innocent, are these long-time heroes able to defuse the situation? TITANS #23 page 1. Image courtesy of DC Entertainment. DARK NIGHTS METAL changed the face of the DC Universe. None of the former rules apply to this new status quo. For the most part, this has become one of DC's most brilliant decisions. The spin-off series from this multiversal event have given the company a greater depth. The same can very much be said about TITANS #23. I have been a fan of TITANS since its Rebirth launch. Dan Abnett's focus on the friendship dynamic really set that story apart. Now that he has taken the team in the entirely opposite direction, I'm happy to say that it works just as well. Bridging the Gap in DARK NIGHTS: METAL #5 TITANS #23 introduces a team that barely trusts each other and has little experience working together. They can barely work as a unit, and that provides some fantastic character moments throughout. It is that sense of character that drives the potency of this plot. While the Titans face a potentially world-ending event with the new metahumans, the true source of their current battle is a teenage boy. They aren't battling Darkseid or Mr. Twister. They have to face off against someone who is scared and utterly alone. That provides a new and unique tension to the series. For the first time, these characters can't just punch their way out of trouble. They have to work around the problems to come up with new solutions. Trust me, there is plenty of over-the-top action in this story. However, the main focus falls on the characters' abilities to express their humanity. This does lead to some confusing elements, as most of the necessary exposition comes from lengthy dialogue. Nevertheless, Dan Abnett manages to focus very intently on new elements that reinvigorate the TITANS mythos. TITANS #23 pages 2 & 3. Image courtesy of DC Entertainment. Dan Abnett knows how to handle characterization. And in TITANS #23, I feel like he nailed it. It isn't absolutely perfect. He doesn't entirely focus on the individuals on the team. Rather, he delves into the team dynamics. The individuals of the team aren't particularly well-characterized. Each has a really strong moment in this story that showcases key parts of their personalities, but only two get any real highlight. The focus on the team, though, really helps with the first issue of this new arc. Hope Isn't Enough to Save the World: Superman in the 21st Century Together, this team is a mess. Each member of this group has some darkness to overcome. Beast Boy, for example, can no longer control his powers, which in turn gives the young man severe anxiety and something of an identity crisis. Each of these team members is broken in some way. What we get, then, is a deeper attention to the current status quo, meaning that we have a strong baseline for the character arcs. With that said, the main highlight character, Night
[ 0.9729000560496055, 1.444068403625179 ]
[ -0.06296081419472686, 0.3059086735550752 ]
[ 0.39983289510407205, 0.8411388335209349 ]
[ -0.24024144512820544, 0.2748298679858656 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 8583, 383, 3302, 1570, 498, 276, 1446, 297, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 13, 2059, 319, 29967, 796, 1581, 13, 29911, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 491, 3951, 1976, 20764, 29892, 1771, 9214, 5879, 1330, 29892, 322, 16560, 1858, 6151, 5760, 13, 8809, 488, 967, 6492, 756, 263, 2846, 16051, 3161, 322, 777, 310, 278, 2931, 2133, 11092, 2153, 263, 2586, 29892, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 338, 18425, 263, 13568, 6288, 337, 524, 13210, 304, 278, 3815, 29889, 2973, 263, 25871, 8569, 373, 278, 901, 5199, 3161, 310, 1438, 2428, 16063, 550, 29892, 445, 338, 263, 2289, 8031, 716, 5305, 363, 278, 3652, 29889, 13, 3338, 392, 1570, 360, 8684, 13, 2659, 390, 1218, 29871, 29900, 1522, 278, 937, 697, 1738, 13, 18529, 1976, 20764, 29915, 29879, 1065, 373, 278, 12936, 7515, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 2337, 21309, 373, 3942, 29889, 910, 2318, 310, 4123, 13444, 267, 2996, 4208, 408, 4344, 29892, 322, 896, 505, 20050, 297, 14068, 1701, 267, 4208, 29889, 2567, 29892, 2466, 29892, 393, 3815, 338, 694, 901, 29889, 11554, 16958, 756, 18691, 322, 10434, 263, 716, 3815, 310, 13444, 267, 297, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 29892, 697, 1728, 393, 1832, 616, 21224, 29889, 13, 3047, 278, 7562, 14406, 14416, 1156, 278, 4959, 310, 360, 1718, 29968, 405, 22530, 29903, 29901, 341, 2544, 1964, 322, 11698, 435, 17321, 12107, 29892, 25040, 5864, 338, 13585, 20272, 278, 15754, 29889, 2178, 2820, 278, 3186, 29892, 2833, 11687, 4226, 2305, 505, 23580, 304, 2693, 29811, 1821, 716, 2428, 12248, 414, 29889, 1126, 746, 263, 4123, 767, 297, 29093, 23586, 11584, 756, 3578, 1076, 1671, 292, 515, 670, 6567, 29892, 871, 278, 716, 11810, 550, 508, 4078, 278, 2462, 29889, 2398, 29892, 746, 278, 28469, 338, 263, 885, 1965, 21458, 296, 29892, 526, 1438, 1472, 29899, 2230, 13444, 267, 2221, 304, 822, 1509, 278, 6434, 29973, 13, 29911, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 1813, 29871, 29896, 29889, 7084, 2085, 2167, 29891, 310, 13681, 18189, 29889, 13, 29928, 1718, 29968, 405, 22530, 29903, 341, 2544, 1964, 3939, 278, 3700, 310, 278, 13681, 853, 12193, 29889, 6213, 310, 278, 4642, 6865, 3394, 304, 445, 716, 4660, 439, 29877, 29889, 1152, 278, 1556, 760, 29892, 445, 756, 4953, 697, 310, 13681, 29915, 29879, 1556, 27592, 1602, 12112, 29889, 450, 10917, 29899, 2696, 3652, 515, 445, 1773, 1536, 284, 1741, 505, 2183, 278, 5001, 263, 7621, 10809, 29889, 450, 1021, 508, 1407, 1568, 367, 1497, 1048, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 29889, 306, 505, 1063, 263, 13524, 310, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 1951, 967, 12936, 7515, 6826, 29889, 3951, 1976, 20764, 29915, 29879, 8569, 373, 278, 27994, 7343, 2289, 731, 393, 5828, 12435, 29889, 2567, 393, 540, 756, 4586, 278, 3815, 297, 278, 9186, 11564, 5305, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 9796, 304, 1827, 393, 372, 1736, 925, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 29933, 2429, 3460, 278, 402, 481, 297, 360, 1718, 29968, 405, 22530, 29903, 29901, 341, 2544, 1964, 396, 29945, 13, 29911, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 4547, 778, 263, 3815, 393, 16079, 368, 9311, 29879, 1269, 916, 322, 756, 2217, 7271, 1985, 4208, 29889, 2688, 508, 16079, 368, 664, 408, 263, 5190, 29892, 322, 393, 8128, 777, 13568, 6288, 2931, 19462, 10106, 29889, 739, 338, 393, 4060, 310, 2931, 393, 25100, 278, 3104, 3819, 310, 445, 6492, 29889, 5806, 278, 11810, 550, 3700, 263, 19998, 3186, 29899, 2548, 1741, 411, 278, 716, 1539, 801, 398, 550, 29892, 278, 1565, 2752, 310, 1009, 1857, 10555, 338, 263, 734, 264, 482, 8023, 29889, 2688, 9455, 29915, 29873, 8957, 1847, 15317, 344, 333, 470, 3237, 29889, 8168, 1531, 29889, 2688, 505, 304, 3700, 1283, 2750, 4856, 1058, 338, 885, 1965, 322, 14401, 368, 7432, 29889, 2193, 8128, 263, 716, 322, 5412, 260, 2673, 304, 278, 3652, 29889, 13, 2831, 278, 937, 931, 29892, 1438, 4890, 508, 29915, 29873, 925, 282, 3322, 1009, 982, 714, 310, 7458, 29889, 2688, 505, 304, 664, 2820, 278, 4828, 304, 2041, 701, 411, 716, 6851, 29889, 20692, 592, 29892, 727, 338, 20947, 310, 975, 29899, 1552, 29899, 3332, 3158, 297, 445, 5828, 29889, 2398, 29892, 278, 1667, 8569, 20074, 373, 278, 4890, 29915, 633, 9770, 304, 4653, 1009, 5199, 537, 29889, 910, 947, 3275, 304, 777, 16051, 3161, 29892, 408, 1556, 310, 278, 5181, 429, 3283, 5304, 515, 3309, 29891, 7928, 434, 29889, 25678, 29892, 3951, 1976, 20764, 767, 1179, 304, 8569, 1407, 938, 2705, 373, 716, 3161, 393, 337, 11569, 335, 272, 403, 278, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 22082, 359, 29889, 13, 29911, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 6515, 29871, 29906, 669, 29871, 29941, 29889, 7084, 2085, 2167, 29891, 310, 13681, 18189, 29889, 13, 18529, 1976, 20764, 9906, 920, 304, 4386, 2931, 2133, 29889, 1126, 297, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 29892, 306, 4459, 763, 540, 1055, 2356, 372, 29889, 739, 3508, 29915, 29873, 13312, 4922, 29889, 940, 1838, 29915, 29873, 9186, 8569, 373, 278, 15724, 373, 278, 3815, 29889, 390, 1624, 29892, 540, 628, 1960, 964, 278, 3815, 19753, 29889, 450, 15724, 310, 278, 3815, 9455, 29915, 29873, 10734, 1532, 29899, 18609, 1891, 29889, 7806, 756, 263, 2289, 4549, 3256, 297, 445, 5828, 393, 1510, 11436, 1820, 5633, 310, 1009, 7333, 1907, 29892, 541, 871, 1023, 679, 738, 1855, 12141, 29889, 450, 8569, 373, 278, 3815, 29892, 2466, 29892, 2289, 6911, 411, 278, 937, 2228, 310, 445, 716, 15232, 29889, 13, 29950, 2300, 29489, 29915, 29873, 1174, 820, 304, 16913, 278, 2787, 29901, 5670, 1171, 297, 278, 29871, 29906, 29896, 303, 24027, 13, 29911, 12966, 29892, 445, 3815, 338, 263, 4473, 29889, 7806, 4509, 310, 445, 2318, 756, 777, 23490, 304, 25688, 29889, 1522, 579, 16231, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 508, 694, 5520, 2761, 670, 10801, 29892, 607, 297, 2507, 4076, 278, 4123, 767, 22261, 14919, 21549, 322, 1554, 310, 385, 10110, 24161, 29889, 7806, 310, 1438, 3815, 5144, 338, 9391, 297, 777, 982, 29889, 1724, 591, 679, 29892, 769, 29892, 338, 263, 25871, 8570, 304, 278, 1857, 4660, 439, 29877, 29892, 6593, 393, 591, 505, 263, 4549, 2362, 5570, 363, 278, 2931, 564, 2395, 29889, 13, 3047, 393, 1497, 29892, 278, 1667, 12141, 2931, 29892, 11554 ]
wing, has some rather amazing characterization. Of these characters, he is the least broken in terms of personal history. However, he has no idea how to work within this group. During his past excursions as leader, whether it be leading the other former Robins in ROBIN WAR or the Titans, he had close personal bonds with the members. This team consists nearly completely of strangers. His former tricks don't work anymore, and he can't truly get a handle on his teammates. What's more, he feels betrayed by the Justice League, who sent Miss Martian to babysit them. For so many years, Nightwing has seemed like a fairly pristine character, with very few flaws. However, TITANS #23 manages to poke some holes in that façade. The Real vs. the Weird The art for TITANS #23 comes from the practiced hand of Brandon Peterson, and I was rather impressed by the showing. There were a few spots where his work felt a bit inconsistent. Some of the close-ups on characters seemed to clash a bit with the more bombastic action scenes around them. However, overall, I deeply enjoy his style. There is a huge amount of energy in his pencils and inks, and that gives the action sequences a huge boost in intrigue. I especially enjoyed his attention to atmosphere. There are a lot of different emotions working in this story. No matter the moment, though, Peterson and colorist Ivan Plascencia manage to get the story across in absolutely beautiful fashion. Things Go Dark in TEEN TITANS SPECIAL #1 TITANS #23: Final Thoughts TITANS #23 is a really strong reintroduction to this iconic team. While vastly different from the original iteration, the focus on the team dynamics gives this story a definite intrigue. I really cannot wait to see where Abnett takes these characters in the future. I also really appreciated the balance within the plot. There are some fantastic action sequences, and the energy levels of the story never once drop. However, this issue provided a problem that they couldn't simply punch away. That new element sets this story apart. It adds a new tension to the game that simply didn't, and couldn't, exist before. TITANS #23 has its issues, yes. However, what it brings to the team is rather exciting, to say the least. Tagsbeast boybrandon petersoncomicComic BookComic Book Reviewcomic bookscomic reviewcomicscomics reviewDan AbnettDCDC Comicsdc entertainmentDonna TroyEntertainmentIvan PlascenciaMiss MartianNightwingravenreviewreviewsSteelsuperheroteen titansTitansTITANS #23 Previous article Zine of the Week #2: QUEERS READ THIS! Next article A Journey of Self-Discovery Into the Past in HAWKMAN #2 More By AJ Zender More In Comic Book Articles Something's Killing Off Civilization in THE CLOCK #1 In a race against time, a disease researcher tries to find a cure for an incurable cancer … CRISIS Part 3 has just released and things aren't looking so good for the heroes of the mu… CRISIS Part 2 has just released and the heroes of the multiverse are reeling from the even… Distrust Takes Center Stage in TEEN TITANS #24 The team must work together or risk dying in a collapsing building in TEEN TITANS #24. … Isolation Takes a Heavy Toll in TITANS #29 Can the team survive starvation and each other in TITANS #29? … A Younger Thor Finds Love in THOR #7 Loki and Odin give Thor his greatest challenge yet: Mortal Love. … On ComicsVerse's Past Use of Pirated Comics I wrote about piracy yesterday. It turns out ComicsVerse did use pirated comics in the pas… Piracy and Comics: Morality in the Digital World Over the weekend, Comic Book Twitter lit up with a discussion of digital piracy of comics.… Show ComicsVerse some Love! Leave a Reply! Cancel reply Apple PodcastsGoogle PodcastsTuneInAndroidStitcheriHeartRadioRSS Latest Comics Articles Want some pop culture news? Head on over to Monkeys
[ 0.9619426526176154, -0.7638483879208228 ]
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[ 16958, 29892, 756, 777, 3265, 21863, 292, 2931, 2133, 29889, 4587, 1438, 4890, 29892, 540, 338, 278, 3203, 9391, 297, 4958, 310, 7333, 4955, 29889, 2398, 29892, 540, 756, 694, 2969, 920, 304, 664, 2629, 445, 2318, 29889, 7133, 670, 4940, 5566, 1295, 1080, 408, 11822, 29892, 3692, 372, 367, 8236, 278, 916, 4642, 6417, 1144, 297, 390, 14824, 1177, 399, 1718, 470, 278, 11810, 550, 29892, 540, 750, 3802, 7333, 289, 13788, 411, 278, 5144, 29889, 910, 3815, 11624, 8886, 6446, 310, 851, 13873, 29889, 3600, 4642, 534, 7358, 1016, 29915, 29873, 664, 15128, 29892, 322, 540, 508, 29915, 29873, 19781, 679, 263, 4386, 373, 670, 3815, 29885, 1078, 29889, 1724, 29915, 29879, 901, 29892, 540, 23880, 1010, 25724, 491, 278, 17181, 5165, 29892, 1058, 2665, 4750, 3760, 713, 304, 289, 370, 952, 277, 963, 29889, 1152, 577, 1784, 2440, 29892, 11554, 16958, 756, 6140, 763, 263, 12558, 544, 391, 457, 2931, 29892, 411, 1407, 2846, 17422, 5652, 29889, 2398, 29892, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 767, 1179, 304, 772, 446, 777, 26532, 297, 393, 2258, 30019, 1943, 29889, 13, 1576, 8195, 7186, 29889, 278, 1334, 1823, 13, 1576, 1616, 363, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 5304, 515, 278, 4120, 7612, 1361, 310, 1771, 9214, 5879, 1330, 29892, 322, 306, 471, 3265, 527, 13120, 491, 278, 6445, 29889, 1670, 892, 263, 2846, 805, 1862, 988, 670, 664, 7091, 263, 2586, 22435, 9696, 29889, 3834, 310, 278, 3802, 29899, 14340, 373, 4890, 6140, 304, 1067, 1161, 263, 2586, 411, 278, 901, 13585, 6288, 3158, 20407, 2820, 963, 29889, 2398, 29892, 12463, 29892, 306, 24344, 13389, 670, 3114, 29889, 1670, 338, 263, 12176, 5253, 310, 5864, 297, 670, 282, 3977, 2719, 322, 297, 2039, 29892, 322, 393, 4076, 278, 3158, 15602, 263, 12176, 14505, 297, 11158, 12137, 29889, 306, 7148, 27849, 670, 8570, 304, 25005, 29889, 1670, 526, 263, 3287, 310, 1422, 23023, 1080, 1985, 297, 445, 5828, 29889, 1939, 4383, 278, 3256, 29892, 2466, 29892, 5879, 1330, 322, 2927, 391, 16560, 1858, 6151, 5760, 10933, 304, 679, 278, 5828, 4822, 297, 13312, 9560, 13460, 29889, 13, 1349, 886, 2921, 15317, 297, 17067, 1430, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 317, 4162, 8426, 1964, 396, 29896, 13, 29911, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 29901, 9550, 498, 1774, 29879, 13, 29911, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 338, 263, 2289, 4549, 337, 524, 13210, 304, 445, 9849, 293, 3815, 29889, 5806, 13426, 368, 1422, 515, 278, 2441, 12541, 29892, 278, 8569, 373, 278, 3815, 19753, 4076, 445, 5828, 263, 24860, 11158, 12137, 29889, 306, 2289, 2609, 4480, 304, 1074, 988, 1976, 20764, 4893, 1438, 4890, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 306, 884, 2289, 7556, 278, 17346, 2629, 278, 6492, 29889, 1670, 526, 777, 13568, 6288, 3158, 15602, 29892, 322, 278, 5864, 11174, 310, 278, 5828, 2360, 2748, 5768, 29889, 2398, 29892, 445, 2228, 4944, 263, 1108, 393, 896, 8496, 29915, 29873, 3763, 282, 3322, 3448, 29889, 2193, 716, 1543, 6166, 445, 5828, 12435, 29889, 739, 12778, 263, 716, 260, 2673, 304, 278, 3748, 393, 3763, 3282, 29915, 29873, 29892, 322, 8496, 29915, 29873, 29892, 1863, 1434, 29889, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 756, 967, 5626, 29892, 4874, 29889, 2398, 29892, 825, 372, 23522, 304, 278, 3815, 338, 3265, 5566, 11407, 29892, 304, 1827, 278, 3203, 29889, 13, 28089, 915, 579, 8023, 1182, 9214, 5697, 1330, 510, 293, 1523, 293, 6726, 1523, 293, 6726, 13957, 510, 293, 8277, 510, 293, 9076, 510, 1199, 510, 1199, 9076, 18529, 1976, 20764, 29928, 6530, 29907, 25083, 13891, 22684, 358, 10310, 1056, 323, 4727, 10399, 2408, 358, 29902, 3703, 1858, 6151, 5760, 18552, 3760, 713, 29940, 523, 16958, 336, 854, 27828, 276, 7406, 7789, 1379, 14805, 2276, 866, 264, 4329, 550, 29911, 277, 550, 29911, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29941, 13, 6572, 2366, 4274, 796, 457, 310, 278, 15511, 396, 29906, 29901, 660, 4462, 23598, 5195, 3035, 3446, 3235, 29991, 13, 9190, 4274, 319, 435, 473, 3801, 310, 21782, 29899, 4205, 11911, 29891, 512, 517, 278, 19793, 297, 379, 29376, 29968, 27616, 396, 29906, 13, 20761, 2648, 319, 29967, 796, 1581, 13, 20761, 512, 422, 293, 6726, 12952, 13, 16804, 29915, 29879, 476, 8873, 5947, 12886, 2133, 297, 6093, 315, 21339, 396, 29896, 13, 797, 263, 8175, 2750, 931, 29892, 263, 17135, 5925, 261, 14335, 304, 1284, 263, 274, 545, 363, 385, 297, 2764, 519, 23900, 16088, 13, 11341, 3235, 3235, 3455, 29871, 29941, 756, 925, 5492, 322, 2712, 9455, 29915, 29873, 3063, 577, 1781, 363, 278, 13444, 267, 310, 278, 3887, 30098, 13, 11341, 3235, 3235, 3455, 29871, 29906, 756, 925, 5492, 322, 278, 13444, 267, 310, 278, 1773, 12193, 526, 337, 14067, 515, 278, 1584, 30098, 13, 29928, 2132, 504, 323, 6926, 7817, 24906, 297, 17067, 1430, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29946, 13, 1576, 3815, 1818, 664, 4208, 470, 12045, 27116, 297, 263, 784, 14128, 292, 5214, 297, 17067, 1430, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29946, 29889, 16088, 13, 29902, 2929, 362, 323, 6926, 263, 940, 5301, 323, 3028, 297, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29929, 13, 6028, 278, 3815, 10503, 573, 5810, 29894, 362, 322, 1269, 916, 297, 323, 1806, 2190, 29903, 396, 29906, 29929, 29973, 16088, 13, 29909, 10443, 261, 16419, 10987, 29879, 8155, 297, 3446, 1955, 396, 29955, 13, 29931, 21025, 322, 6715, 262, 2367, 16419, 670, 14176, 18766, 3447, 29901, 15533, 284, 8155, 29889, 16088, 13, 2951, 25083, 6565, 344, 29915, 29879, 19793, 4803, 310, 16937, 630, 25083, 13, 29902, 5456, 1048, 2930, 10068, 22600, 29889, 739, 12169, 714, 25083, 6565, 344, 1258, 671, 21625, 630, 419, 1199, 297, 278, 2331, 30098, 13, 12197, 10068, 322, 25083, 29901, 3879, 2877, 297, 278, 15918, 2787, 13, 3563, 278, 4723, 355, 29892, 422, 293, 6726, 20147, 11872, 701, 411, 263, 10679, 310, 13436, 2930, 10068, 310, 419, 1199, 29889, 30098, 13, 8964, 25083, 6565, 344, 777, 8155, 29991, 951, 1351, 263, 10088, 368, 29991, 12, 19420, 8908, 13, 2052, 280, 8594, 4384, 29879, 14207, 8594, 4384, 29879, 29911, 1540, 797, 8136, 855, 2335, 13613, 3868, 442, 21818, 29934, 1799, 13, 13992, 342, 25083, 12952, 13, 29956, 424, 777, 1835, 9257, 9763, 29973, 12252, 373, 975, 304, 2598, 8149 ]
HomeLatest NewsEgypt Latest NewsEgypt female students protest after Al-Azhar campus rape covered up Egypt female students protest after Al-Azhar campus rape covered up March 26, 2019 MEO Staff Egypt Latest News Hundreds of female students at Egypt's Al-Azhar University held a protest yesterday, accusing college officials of attempting to cover up the rape of a woman on campus the week before. Screams were heard at a nearby park within the Assuit university compound at 6pm on 18 March when a student from the Arabic Language Faculty was assaulted and raped. Found with her clothes ripped and bloodied, she was quickly taken to hospital by fellow students, but died from a severe haemorrhage caused by her injuries. The attacker was seen to have escaped by climbing over the compound wall, but in the aftermath of the student's death, university authorities denied that the incident had taken place. University officials claimed that the girl had travelled home for a holiday with her parents, despite eyewitness accounts to the contrary. "The [Al-Azhar Media] centre has noticed that some of the social networking pages of anonymous stories about the incident … all containing false lies, without any specific facts that can be referred to, but only spreads confusion and panic among the students of Al-Azhar," the university said in a press release. Officials later banned discussion of the assault, with a voice recording allegedly of Al-Azhar Vice President Osama Al-Raouf threatening students with dismissal and further legal action if they published any "rumors" about the incident on social media. In response, students organized a demonstration calling for the university to acknowledge the incident, the housing administration to be held responsible for its negligence, and investigate the case to locate the perpetrator. Using the hashtag "The rights of student at Al-Azhar University", they shared videos and photos of the demonstration on social media. However, in attempting to leave the campus, the protesters found themselves surrounded by security forces, who called on them to end the rally. Videos from the protest show the women peacefully chanting, but security forces later closing the gates to the compound, accusing them of inciting others to protest. Two students are believed to have been detained in the demonstrations after testifying to having witnessed the assault. بنات الأزهر انهارده ف جامعة أسيوط..#بنت_الأزهر pic.twitter.com/G8FMTXA9nW — رانيا (@rania_ibrahim99) March 24, 2019 Sexual assault has been identified as a persistent problem in Egypt; a 2017 report from the UN Women and Promundo found that some 60 per cent of women said they had been victims of some form of sexual harassment during their lifetimes. However last August, Al-Azhar University issued a statement denouncing sexual abuse against women and calling for anti-harassment laws to be used to punish perpetrators. "The holy Al-Azhar asserts that criminalizing harassment must be absolute regardless of the context or conditions," the statement read. "Blaming harassment on a woman's clothing or behavior is a wrong way of thinking. Harassment is an attack on a woman's privacy as well as her dignity and freedom. This appalling phenomenon also leads to the loss of the sense of security." Initiatives to tackle sexual harassment in the country have also proven futile; in November an experiment conducted by grassroots media outlet Egyptian Streets found that approximately 95 per cent of calls made to a hotline dedicated to victims of sexual harassment in Egypt were ignored. The president of the National Council of Women (NCW) which advertised the hotline had previously claimed that the rate of sexual harassment in Egypt was only 9.6 per cent in 2016, adding that 99 per cent of reports of abuse by women were invented. Al-Azhar Royal adviser 'Saud al-Qahtani' absent from Saudi trial Algerian army chief calls for Bouteflika to be declared 'unfit to rule' Egypt: Fire kills seven COVID-19 patients at hospital in Alexandria Badrawy Private Hospital said the blaze was caused by an electrical fault in
[ -0.3748605660851747, -0.30226776834824043 ]
[ 0.3059086735550752, 0.32381495936817234 ]
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[ 8778, 13992, 342, 10130, 29923, 28779, 7053, 342, 10130, 29923, 28779, 12944, 8041, 10021, 1156, 838, 29899, 16748, 8222, 24165, 1153, 412, 10664, 701, 13, 29923, 28779, 12944, 8041, 10021, 1156, 838, 29899, 16748, 8222, 24165, 1153, 412, 10664, 701, 13, 29924, 1279, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 22986, 29949, 15351, 12892, 7053, 342, 10130, 13, 29950, 6453, 29879, 310, 12944, 8041, 472, 12892, 29915, 29879, 838, 29899, 16748, 8222, 3014, 4934, 263, 10021, 22600, 29892, 1035, 4746, 12755, 24921, 310, 15661, 304, 4612, 701, 278, 1153, 412, 310, 263, 6114, 373, 24165, 278, 4723, 1434, 29889, 13, 29903, 1037, 2232, 892, 6091, 472, 263, 20810, 14089, 2629, 278, 4007, 3121, 16372, 752, 618, 472, 29871, 29953, 3358, 373, 29871, 29896, 29947, 4779, 746, 263, 8368, 515, 278, 10387, 293, 17088, 14184, 18857, 471, 29159, 287, 322, 1153, 9795, 29889, 7460, 411, 902, 22095, 10107, 2986, 322, 10416, 1000, 29892, 1183, 471, 9098, 4586, 304, 13457, 491, 10404, 8041, 29892, 541, 6423, 515, 263, 22261, 447, 28927, 19046, 482, 8581, 491, 902, 10899, 14886, 29889, 13, 1576, 5337, 261, 471, 3595, 304, 505, 19824, 491, 10784, 10549, 975, 278, 752, 618, 10090, 29892, 541, 297, 278, 1156, 755, 310, 278, 8368, 29915, 29879, 4892, 29892, 16372, 21142, 17935, 393, 278, 15134, 750, 4586, 2058, 29889, 3014, 24921, 17049, 393, 278, 7826, 750, 9850, 839, 3271, 363, 263, 8753, 22394, 411, 902, 11825, 29892, 15020, 321, 29891, 809, 277, 2264, 15303, 304, 278, 21138, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 518, 2499, 29899, 16748, 8222, 8213, 29962, 8442, 756, 10548, 393, 777, 310, 278, 5264, 28127, 6515, 310, 21560, 15874, 1048, 278, 15134, 16088, 599, 6943, 2089, 12185, 29892, 1728, 738, 2702, 17099, 393, 508, 367, 12992, 304, 29892, 541, 871, 9677, 29879, 14679, 322, 7243, 293, 4249, 278, 8041, 310, 838, 29899, 16748, 8222, 1699, 278, 16372, 1497, 297, 263, 3965, 6507, 29889, 13, 29949, 7880, 29879, 2678, 289, 11310, 10679, 310, 278, 29159, 29892, 411, 263, 7314, 16867, 16831, 23244, 310, 838, 29899, 16748, 8222, 21400, 7178, 6657, 3304, 838, 29899, 29934, 29874, 283, 29888, 20616, 292, 8041, 411, 18918, 284, 322, 4340, 11706, 3158, 565, 896, 6369, 738, 376, 5848, 943, 29908, 1048, 278, 15134, 373, 5264, 5745, 29889, 13, 797, 2933, 29892, 8041, 19098, 263, 9004, 362, 5432, 363, 278, 16372, 304, 18145, 5485, 278, 15134, 29892, 278, 27261, 17517, 304, 367, 4934, 14040, 363, 967, 3480, 3473, 663, 29892, 322, 23033, 278, 1206, 304, 26694, 278, 25722, 29878, 1061, 29889, 5293, 278, 756, 400, 351, 376, 1576, 10462, 310, 8368, 472, 838, 29899, 16748, 8222, 3014, 613, 896, 7258, 19707, 322, 20612, 310, 278, 9004, 362, 373, 5264, 5745, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 297, 15661, 304, 5967, 278, 24165, 29892, 278, 10021, 414, 1476, 6053, 22047, 491, 6993, 8249, 29892, 1058, 2000, 373, 963, 304, 1095, 278, 364, 635, 29889, 13, 29963, 7958, 515, 278, 10021, 1510, 278, 5866, 10776, 3730, 26639, 292, 29892, 541, 6993, 8249, 2678, 14382, 278, 29341, 304, 278, 752, 618, 29892, 1035, 4746, 963, 310, 5528, 11407, 4045, 304, 10021, 29889, 7803, 8041, 526, 13112, 304, 505, 1063, 1439, 7114, 297, 278, 9004, 800, 1156, 1243, 9215, 304, 2534, 16277, 287, 278, 29159, 29889, 13, 30177, 30162, 30112, 30195, 24508, 30372, 30295, 30204, 30156, 29871, 30112, 30162, 30204, 30112, 30156, 30172, 30204, 29871, 30241, 29871, 30270, 30112, 30159, 30218, 30242, 29871, 30372, 30198, 30163, 30171, 30367, 636, 29937, 30177, 30162, 30195, 29918, 19233, 30372, 30295, 30204, 30156, 11942, 29889, 24946, 29889, 510, 29914, 29954, 29947, 29943, 11490, 29990, 29909, 29929, 29876, 29956, 13, 30003, 29871, 30156, 30112, 30162, 30163, 30112, 20164, 661, 423, 29918, 747, 19856, 326, 29929, 29929, 29897, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 13, 29903, 735, 950, 29159, 756, 1063, 15659, 408, 263, 28152, 1108, 297, 12892, 29936, 263, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 3461, 515, 278, 8291, 10152, 322, 9705, 6201, 1476, 393, 777, 29871, 29953, 29900, 639, 1644, 310, 5866, 1497, 896, 750, 1063, 6879, 9893, 310, 777, 883, 310, 18287, 4023, 465, 358, 2645, 1009, 11747, 300, 1355, 29889, 13, 17245, 1833, 3111, 29892, 838, 29899, 16748, 8222, 3014, 16610, 263, 3229, 972, 1309, 3277, 18287, 633, 1509, 2750, 5866, 322, 5432, 363, 9418, 29899, 8222, 465, 358, 14243, 304, 367, 1304, 304, 6035, 728, 25722, 3605, 943, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 26630, 838, 29899, 16748, 8222, 408, 643, 1372, 393, 22161, 5281, 4023, 465, 358, 1818, 367, 8380, 17126, 310, 278, 3030, 470, 5855, 1699, 278, 3229, 1303, 29889, 376, 29933, 5288, 292, 4023, 465, 358, 373, 263, 6114, 29915, 29879, 1067, 6046, 470, 6030, 338, 263, 2743, 982, 310, 7291, 29889, 3536, 465, 358, 338, 385, 5337, 373, 263, 6114, 29915, 29879, 5999, 4135, 408, 1532, 408, 902, 18085, 537, 322, 16082, 29889, 910, 623, 27855, 27791, 265, 884, 11981, 304, 278, 6410, 310, 278, 4060, 310, 6993, 1213, 13, 797, 4812, 5056, 304, 22002, 280, 18287, 4023, 465, 358, 297, 278, 4234, 505, 884, 16413, 3105, 488, 29936, 297, 3979, 385, 7639, 18043, 491, 17455, 307, 1862, 5745, 714, 1026, 12892, 713, 11738, 1691, 1476, 393, 14235, 29871, 29929, 29945, 639, 1644, 310, 5717, 1754, 304, 263, 7375, 1220, 16955, 304, 6879, 9893, 310, 18287, 4023, 465, 358, 297, 12892, 892, 17262, 29889, 13, 1576, 6673, 310, 278, 3086, 8831, 310, 10152, 313, 15868, 29956, 29897, 607, 18811, 3368, 278, 7375, 1220, 750, 9251, 17049, 393, 278, 6554, 310, 18287, 4023, 465, 358, 297, 12892, 471, 871, 29871, 29929, 29889, 29953, 639, 1644, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 4417, 393, 29871, 29929, 29929, 639, 1644, 310, 13676, 310, 633, 1509, 491, 5866, 892, 11817, 287, 29889, 13, 2499, 29899, 16748, 8222, 13, 9588, 4605, 25228, 261, 525, 29903, 15052, 394, 29899, 29984, 29874, 400, 3270, 29915, 29207, 515, 5701, 4749, 14260, 13, 2499, 914, 713, 9987, 9087, 5717, 363, 350, 2663, 20157, 1335, 304, 367, 8052, 525, 348, 9202, 304, 5751, 29915, 13, 29923, 28779, 29901, 6438, 413, 6090, 9881, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 22069, 472, 13457, 297, 13878, 2849, 13, 22050, 1610, 29891, 12230, 15967, 1497, 278, 12995, 911, 471, 8581, 491, 385, 3546, 16888, 12570, 297 ]
Staff Picks: Fred Melamed, Lennon Parham, and Non-Traditional Casting in Theater Need a great book to read, album to listen to, or TV show to get hooked on? The Flavorwire team is here to help: in this weekly feature, our editorial staffers recommend the cultural object or experience they've enjoyed most in the past seven days. Scroll through for our picks below. Fred Melamed One pleasant consequence of the current TV boom is that the staggering amount of shows in production means lots of work for actors — particularly, lots of meaty supporting roles for performers like Fred Melamed, who's done great work on a few series in recent years. Melamed is a veteran screen actor — he's appeared in several Woody Allen movies, including Hannah and her Sisters and Crimes and Misdemeanors — but you might recognize him more from his role as the cuckolding Sy Ableman in the Coen Brothers' 2009 film, A Serious Man. This year, Melamed has a memorable role as Maria Bamford's manager in the comedian's Netflix series, Lady Dynamite, and had an arc on New Girl back in January (not to mention a part in the Coen Brothers' Hail, Caesar!). Last year — on top of a guest role on a particularly good fourth season episode of Girls — he played Michaela Watkins' father on the Hulu original series Casual, which returns for a second season next week. Melamed often plays a wise authority figure who seems to say all the right things but leaves you scratching your head (he'd make a great fictional president). Keep your eyes peeled for this perennial supporting actor! — Lara Zarum, Contributor, TV Lennon Parham in Veep and Lady Dynamite In keeping with Lara's post, two comedies I — and probably you — have been watching lately have been bolstered by the hilarity of UCB vet Lennon Parham's delivery as the useless friend of two central characters. In Veep, she plays Selina Meyers' semi-friend, Karen, from her lawyer past. In the fourth season, Karen worked as Selina's advisor until Selina finally realized the self-nullifying nature of her advice, and how she always chimes in while masterfully and convincingly saying nothing. Similarly, as Maria Bamford's friend/assistant Larissa on Lady Dynamite, she assumes an air of self-importance and sensitivity while never really helping, and transparently gets out of being a good friend by, say, not visiting Bamford in the psych ward because she's too much of an "empath." In both roles Parham's humor comes from a sense of self-assurance and good intentions coasting atop the insecurities of someone who gets by on sharply knowing how to not know what they're doing at all. Whether her characters are spewing the jargon of bureaucracy or hippiedom, they do it with such compassionate intonation as to elude, at least for a while, their friends' realizations of how futile they are. Parham has crafted the funniest lenders of helping hindering hands on TV. — Moze Halperin, Associate Editor Apple Workshops as People Watching Experiences I attended my first Apple Workshop at the Apple Store in SoHo this weekend. Attended is a strong word. I casually sat in while my girlfriend got her phone fixed. I was surprised to find that it was actually not attended solely by the elderly, but groups of international movers and shakers, and a couple of other curious wanna-be techies like me. I should also mention that it was the SoHo, NY location so everyone was extremely well dressed. It was one of my favorite people watching experiences to date, and I figured out how to type a text message in bold if I want. — Sesali Bowen, (Pop) Culture and Politics Staff Writer Non-Traditional Casting I had the very good fortune to see two outstanding plays this weekend: The Taming of the Shrew, the Public Theater's first Shakespeare in the Park production of the summer, and Hamilton, which needs no introduction. I consider both to be works of genius, not only in the performance or the storytelling, but in the casting. Shrew director Phyllida Lloyd upends the play's difficult gender politics with an all-female cast. Hamilton is famous partly
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[ 15351, 349, 7358, 29901, 12001, 6286, 2795, 29892, 365, 2108, 265, 1459, 3391, 29892, 322, 10050, 29899, 2308, 328, 3245, 4834, 292, 297, 16150, 13, 8139, 287, 263, 2107, 3143, 304, 1303, 29892, 3769, 304, 11621, 304, 29892, 470, 5648, 1510, 304, 679, 12422, 287, 373, 29973, 450, 383, 4112, 272, 22376, 3815, 338, 1244, 304, 1371, 29901, 297, 445, 4723, 368, 4682, 29892, 1749, 6920, 616, 13925, 414, 6907, 278, 16375, 1203, 470, 7271, 896, 29915, 345, 27849, 1556, 297, 278, 4940, 9881, 3841, 29889, 28797, 1549, 363, 1749, 5839, 29879, 2400, 29889, 13, 29943, 1127, 6286, 2795, 13, 6716, 21246, 17004, 310, 278, 1857, 5648, 1045, 290, 338, 393, 278, 380, 9921, 292, 5253, 310, 3697, 297, 5802, 2794, 14568, 310, 664, 363, 29701, 813, 10734, 29892, 14568, 310, 592, 11156, 20382, 16178, 363, 2189, 414, 763, 12001, 6286, 2795, 29892, 1058, 29915, 29879, 2309, 2107, 664, 373, 263, 2846, 3652, 297, 7786, 2440, 29889, 6286, 2795, 338, 263, 25808, 273, 4315, 11339, 813, 540, 29915, 29879, 7470, 297, 3196, 14962, 1486, 16092, 2351, 583, 29892, 3704, 13889, 801, 322, 902, 28088, 29879, 322, 6781, 1355, 322, 20929, 311, 12676, 943, 813, 541, 366, 1795, 18720, 1075, 901, 515, 670, 6297, 408, 278, 274, 2707, 1025, 292, 8713, 319, 1031, 273, 297, 278, 3189, 264, 25522, 29915, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 2706, 29892, 319, 1816, 2738, 2315, 29889, 13, 4013, 1629, 29892, 6286, 2795, 756, 263, 26959, 519, 6297, 408, 6217, 350, 314, 4006, 29915, 29879, 8455, 297, 278, 419, 287, 713, 29915, 29879, 12670, 20157, 29916, 3652, 29892, 10040, 22554, 568, 29892, 322, 750, 385, 15232, 373, 1570, 18620, 1250, 297, 5490, 313, 1333, 304, 3585, 263, 760, 297, 278, 3189, 264, 25522, 29915, 379, 737, 29892, 9243, 26892, 29991, 467, 9208, 1629, 813, 373, 2246, 310, 263, 17838, 6297, 373, 263, 10734, 1781, 11582, 4259, 12720, 310, 23992, 813, 540, 5318, 3375, 29874, 3100, 14269, 11335, 29915, 4783, 373, 278, 379, 21528, 2441, 3652, 6960, 950, 29892, 607, 3639, 363, 263, 1473, 4259, 2446, 4723, 29889, 6286, 2795, 4049, 13582, 263, 19396, 14329, 4377, 1058, 2444, 304, 1827, 599, 278, 1492, 2712, 541, 11308, 366, 22728, 292, 596, 2343, 313, 354, 29915, 29881, 1207, 263, 2107, 26797, 1848, 6673, 467, 19152, 596, 5076, 1236, 29872, 839, 363, 445, 639, 2108, 616, 20382, 11339, 29991, 813, 365, 2518, 22453, 398, 29892, 2866, 1091, 3406, 29892, 5648, 13, 29931, 2108, 265, 1459, 3391, 297, 8980, 1022, 322, 10040, 22554, 568, 13, 797, 12515, 411, 365, 2518, 29915, 29879, 1400, 29892, 1023, 419, 287, 583, 306, 813, 322, 3117, 366, 813, 505, 1063, 21217, 301, 2486, 505, 1063, 15772, 2475, 287, 491, 278, 298, 2327, 537, 310, 501, 21685, 325, 300, 365, 2108, 265, 1459, 3391, 29915, 29879, 28289, 408, 278, 19315, 5121, 310, 1023, 6555, 4890, 29889, 512, 8980, 1022, 29892, 1183, 13582, 8365, 1099, 18154, 414, 29915, 12647, 29899, 18326, 29892, 3467, 264, 29892, 515, 902, 25008, 4940, 29889, 512, 278, 11582, 4259, 29892, 3467, 264, 3796, 408, 8365, 1099, 29915, 29879, 594, 19188, 2745, 8365, 1099, 7146, 16387, 278, 1583, 29899, 4304, 9215, 5469, 310, 902, 9848, 29892, 322, 920, 1183, 2337, 521, 1355, 297, 1550, 5835, 3730, 322, 17953, 3277, 368, 5934, 3078, 29889, 20175, 29892, 408, 6217, 350, 314, 4006, 29915, 29879, 5121, 29914, 465, 22137, 8218, 16343, 373, 10040, 22554, 568, 29892, 1183, 15894, 385, 4799, 310, 1583, 29899, 5215, 749, 322, 4771, 24858, 1550, 2360, 2289, 19912, 29892, 322, 1301, 862, 2705, 4947, 714, 310, 1641, 263, 1781, 5121, 491, 29892, 1827, 29892, 451, 6493, 292, 350, 314, 4006, 297, 278, 11643, 281, 538, 1363, 1183, 29915, 29879, 2086, 1568, 310, 385, 376, 331, 2084, 1213, 512, 1716, 16178, 1459, 3391, 29915, 29879, 27448, 5304, 515, 263, 4060, 310, 1583, 29899, 465, 18541, 322, 1781, 7609, 1080, 12180, 292, 472, 459, 278, 28405, 2764, 1907, 310, 4856, 1058, 4947, 491, 373, 15301, 368, 13797, 920, 304, 451, 1073, 825, 896, 29915, 276, 2599, 472, 599, 29889, 26460, 902, 4890, 526, 961, 16958, 278, 432, 1191, 265, 310, 289, 13411, 29883, 10068, 470, 7251, 407, 1000, 290, 29892, 896, 437, 372, 411, 1316, 752, 465, 291, 403, 297, 880, 362, 408, 304, 560, 1151, 29892, 472, 3203, 363, 263, 1550, 29892, 1009, 7875, 29915, 8869, 800, 310, 920, 3105, 488, 896, 526, 29889, 1459, 3391, 756, 25554, 287, 278, 2090, 1240, 342, 301, 21043, 310, 19912, 298, 513, 3241, 6567, 373, 5648, 29889, 813, 4546, 911, 8142, 546, 262, 29892, 6853, 403, 14059, 13, 2052, 280, 5244, 845, 3554, 408, 11647, 24274, 292, 28224, 819, 778, 13, 29902, 14283, 590, 937, 12113, 5244, 19032, 472, 278, 12113, 14491, 297, 1105, 29950, 29877, 445, 4723, 355, 29889, 6212, 2760, 338, 263, 4549, 1734, 29889, 306, 3209, 1474, 3290, 297, 1550, 590, 7826, 18326, 2355, 902, 9008, 4343, 29889, 306, 471, 18014, 304, 1284, 393, 372, 471, 2869, 451, 14283, 14419, 368, 491, 278, 27008, 368, 29892, 541, 6471, 310, 6121, 2730, 874, 322, 528, 21079, 29892, 322, 263, 7303, 310, 916, 12758, 281, 9713, 29899, 915, 734, 305, 583, 763, 592, 29889, 306, 881, 884, 3585, 393, 372, 471, 278, 1105, 29950, 29877, 29892, 23526, 4423, 577, 14332, 471, 14154, 1532, 27121, 29889, 739, 471, 697, 310, 590, 25448, 2305, 21217, 27482, 304, 2635, 29892, 322, 306, 14788, 714, 920, 304, 1134, 263, 1426, 2643, 297, 14288, 565, 306, 864, 29889, 813, 22948, 2606, 13432, 264, 29892, 313, 12310, 29897, 14062, 322, 6934, 1199, 15351, 399, 5385, 13, 12283, 29899, 2308, 328, 3245, 4834, 292, 13, 29902, 750, 278, 1407, 1781, 19717, 304, 1074, 1023, 714, 11235, 13582, 445, 4723, 355, 29901, 450, 323, 11500, 310, 278, 1383, 3973, 29892, 278, 5236, 16150, 29915, 29879, 937, 23688, 297, 278, 4815, 5802, 310, 278, 11801, 29892, 322, 12372, 29892, 607, 4225, 694, 18707, 29889, 306, 2050, 1716, 304, 367, 1736, 310, 26858, 29892, 451, 871, 297, 278, 4180, 470, 278, 5828, 29873, 7807, 29892, 541, 297, 278, 23013, 29889, 1383, 3973, 8881, 1963, 15114, 1458, 27054, 701, 1975, 278, 1708, 29915, 29879, 5189, 23346, 22661, 411, 385, 599, 29899, 29888, 331, 744, 4320, 29889, 12372, 338, 13834, 22669 ]
for casting people of color as the Founding Fathers and the women in their lives. Of the approximately 50 performers I saw this weekend, I believe only two were white, non-Hispanic men. As a white man myself, I guess I was "supposed" to be aggrieved or affronted by this, but I applaud it. The women playing the men of Shrew were just as cruel and unforgivable as the Shakespeare demands. In fact, with gender blurred, I discovered how much of the play is simply about money, marrying rich — and thus treating women as property, or prizes to be won. As for Hamilton, seeing famous historical figures portrayed by actors of color didn't seem "wrong" or "weird." The first act is about a group of powerless men taking their destiny into their own hands; in 2016, that group wouldn't be entirely white, straight, Christian, and male. I know I'm hardly the first or loudest or most important voice on this issue, but I urge everyone to see plays that feature non-traditional casting to get a fresh perspective on some classic works; and I encourage budding directors to think outside the box when it comes to casting. Shrew, by the way, runs through June 26 in NYC. — Jason Ginsburg, Social Media Editor The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared (dir. Felix Herngren) The 100 Year-Old Man Who Climbed out the Window and Disappeared, released in 2013, is essentially Sweden's take on Forrest Gump. Centered on the titular centenarian Allan Karlsson, played by Robert Gustafsson, the film tells the story of an old man who escapes from a nursing home only to bumble his way into a gang-related criminal act that involves a suitcase full of cash. Throughout, we're treated to snippets of his life as an orphan with a penchant for explosives, and from there the film creates an alternate history that involves Stalin, Einstein's fictional brother Herbert, Robert Oppenheimer, and an escape from an internment camp. It's a charming tale, but it's also bloody: early on, the young Karlsson explodes a man, his disembodied head landing on the hood of his wife's car. At some point, an elephant named Sonja is involved, and that elephant may or may not sit on a man's head. It's set-piece after set-piece, and to list them all here would be exhausting. Instead, go watch the film; it's a good way to kill two hours of a beautiful summer day. — Shane Barnes, Associate Editor Pinkwash's "Longer Now" Pinkwash's Joey Doubek and Ashley Arnwine moved to Philadelphia shortly after Doubek's mom died of breast cancer in 2009. Most of their recorded output (a 2014 EP, a 2015 single, and their debut LP Collective Sigh) is a direct response to the experience; the name itself is a reference to dubious corporate pink-ribbon campaigns and co-opted LGBTI movements. For music about loss, Collective Sigh is aggressive, angular, and unforgiving. Arnwine's drumming is virtuosic, keeping time amid rapidly shifting tempos, with intermittent stutter steps and perpetually crashing symbols. Here on "Longer Now," a screeching guitar riff is offset with an almost serene synthesizer tone, and Doubek's wail feels both pained and cathartic. — Matthew Ismael Ruiz, Music Editor Another Round podcast crossover with Call Your Girlfriend It doesn't matter if you like podcasts; if you don't, but you're into feminism, pop culture, politics, racial justice, or just lady friendships, you need to be listening to Call Your Girlfriend with Ann Friedman and Aminatou Sow and Buzzfeed's Another Round podcast with Heben Nigatu and Tracy Clayton. They're both more Pop Culture Happy Hour than This American Life, with sardonic segments honoring the forgotten heroes of white history (with Whine About It's Matt Bellassai), with interviews with Jenna Wortham, Melinda Gates, Hillary Clinton, and Roxane Gay
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 363, 23013, 2305, 310, 2927, 408, 278, 7460, 292, 383, 19467, 322, 278, 5866, 297, 1009, 12080, 29889, 4587, 278, 14235, 29871, 29945, 29900, 2189, 414, 306, 4446, 445, 4723, 355, 29892, 306, 4658, 871, 1023, 892, 4796, 29892, 1661, 29899, 29950, 275, 8357, 293, 1757, 29889, 1094, 263, 4796, 767, 6142, 29892, 306, 4140, 306, 471, 376, 19303, 2662, 29908, 304, 367, 946, 629, 6402, 470, 2756, 24416, 287, 491, 445, 29892, 541, 306, 623, 433, 566, 372, 29889, 450, 5866, 8743, 278, 1757, 310, 1383, 3973, 892, 925, 408, 24116, 322, 29395, 990, 440, 519, 408, 278, 23688, 1261, 4167, 29889, 512, 2114, 29892, 411, 23346, 1999, 332, 1127, 29892, 306, 10943, 920, 1568, 310, 278, 1708, 338, 3763, 1048, 6909, 29892, 20479, 292, 8261, 813, 322, 4550, 2578, 1218, 5866, 408, 2875, 29892, 470, 3691, 10947, 304, 367, 2113, 29889, 1094, 363, 12372, 29892, 8790, 13834, 15839, 13994, 2011, 25724, 491, 29701, 310, 2927, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2833, 376, 15866, 549, 29908, 470, 376, 705, 1823, 1213, 450, 937, 1044, 338, 1048, 263, 2318, 310, 3081, 2222, 1757, 5622, 1009, 2731, 4901, 964, 1009, 1914, 6567, 29936, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 393, 2318, 7656, 29915, 29873, 367, 9186, 4796, 29892, 7812, 29892, 6111, 29892, 322, 14263, 29889, 306, 1073, 306, 29915, 29885, 15155, 278, 937, 470, 22526, 342, 470, 1556, 4100, 7314, 373, 445, 2228, 29892, 541, 306, 5065, 479, 14332, 304, 1074, 13582, 393, 4682, 1661, 29899, 29576, 3245, 23013, 304, 679, 263, 10849, 18520, 373, 777, 22037, 1736, 29936, 322, 306, 13731, 6617, 8619, 8497, 1513, 943, 304, 1348, 5377, 278, 3800, 746, 372, 5304, 304, 23013, 29889, 1383, 3973, 29892, 491, 278, 982, 29892, 6057, 1549, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29953, 297, 23526, 29907, 29889, 813, 21776, 402, 1144, 3074, 29892, 10307, 8213, 14059, 13, 1576, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 8905, 29899, 21648, 2315, 11644, 2233, 326, 2580, 714, 278, 18379, 322, 3295, 932, 21128, 313, 3972, 29889, 26346, 25962, 20378, 29897, 13, 1576, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 8905, 29899, 21648, 2315, 11644, 2233, 326, 2580, 714, 278, 18379, 322, 3295, 932, 21128, 29892, 5492, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 338, 13674, 24506, 29915, 29879, 2125, 373, 1152, 5060, 402, 3427, 29889, 7817, 287, 373, 278, 4329, 1070, 1644, 264, 13956, 2178, 273, 8425, 12371, 29892, 5318, 491, 4755, 12512, 2142, 12371, 29892, 278, 2706, 10603, 278, 5828, 310, 385, 2030, 767, 1058, 3966, 11603, 515, 263, 302, 1295, 292, 3271, 871, 304, 289, 15563, 670, 982, 964, 263, 20676, 29899, 12817, 22161, 1044, 393, 20789, 263, 14726, 4878, 2989, 310, 274, 1161, 29889, 17044, 449, 29892, 591, 29915, 276, 14914, 304, 9830, 27421, 310, 670, 2834, 408, 385, 470, 16711, 411, 263, 6584, 13775, 363, 20389, 3145, 29892, 322, 515, 727, 278, 2706, 10017, 385, 25010, 4955, 393, 20789, 624, 25977, 29892, 2694, 5465, 29915, 29879, 26797, 1848, 8099, 19116, 29892, 4755, 438, 7785, 27400, 29892, 322, 385, 10169, 515, 385, 2836, 358, 4242, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 263, 1373, 4056, 17694, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 884, 6668, 1486, 29901, 4688, 373, 29892, 278, 4123, 8425, 12371, 3902, 2631, 263, 767, 29892, 670, 766, 1590, 397, 1000, 2343, 25325, 373, 278, 298, 2092, 310, 670, 6532, 29915, 29879, 1559, 29889, 2180, 777, 1298, 29892, 385, 4552, 561, 424, 4257, 5791, 1764, 338, 9701, 29892, 322, 393, 4552, 561, 424, 1122, 470, 1122, 451, 7845, 373, 263, 767, 29915, 29879, 2343, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 731, 29899, 12343, 346, 1156, 731, 29899, 12343, 346, 29892, 322, 304, 1051, 963, 599, 1244, 723, 367, 27096, 292, 29889, 8669, 29892, 748, 6505, 278, 2706, 29936, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 1781, 982, 304, 12088, 1023, 6199, 310, 263, 9560, 11801, 2462, 29889, 813, 1383, 1662, 2261, 4515, 29892, 6853, 403, 14059, 13, 29925, 682, 29893, 1161, 29915, 29879, 376, 8208, 261, 2567, 29908, 13, 29925, 682, 29893, 1161, 29915, 29879, 3650, 1032, 19176, 16863, 322, 12835, 2330, 13767, 29893, 457, 6153, 304, 18292, 21734, 1156, 19176, 16863, 29915, 29879, 16823, 6423, 310, 24207, 23900, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29929, 29889, 7849, 310, 1009, 10478, 1962, 313, 29874, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 16502, 29892, 263, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 2323, 29892, 322, 1009, 9512, 23671, 24930, 573, 317, 1141, 29897, 338, 263, 1513, 2933, 304, 278, 7271, 29936, 278, 1024, 3528, 338, 263, 3407, 304, 15416, 2738, 17266, 403, 282, 682, 29899, 1091, 6718, 11531, 29879, 322, 1302, 29899, 3670, 287, 365, 7210, 24301, 24147, 29889, 1152, 4696, 1048, 6410, 29892, 24930, 573, 317, 1141, 338, 946, 3663, 573, 29892, 6401, 29892, 322, 29395, 990, 4357, 29889, 13767, 29893, 457, 29915, 29879, 24103, 4056, 338, 4610, 29884, 359, 293, 29892, 12515, 931, 28655, 19328, 528, 24377, 1350, 1066, 29892, 411, 1006, 18344, 296, 380, 6463, 6576, 322, 25722, 1474, 8095, 292, 15072, 29889, 2266, 373, 376, 8208, 261, 2567, 1699, 263, 885, 929, 305, 292, 11210, 364, 2593, 338, 9210, 411, 385, 4359, 724, 1600, 14710, 267, 3950, 16225, 29892, 322, 19176, 16863, 29915, 29879, 281, 737, 23880, 1716, 6788, 287, 322, 274, 493, 442, 293, 29889, 813, 22292, 1317, 655, 295, 9723, 466, 29892, 6125, 14059, 13, 2744, 1228, 21595, 2532, 4384, 274, 1883, 578, 369, 411, 8251, 3575, 18620, 18326, 13, 3112, 1838, 29915, 29873, 4383, 565, 366, 763, 2532, 4384, 29879, 29936, 565, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 29892, 541, 366, 29915, 276, 964, 21991, 1608, 29892, 1835, 9257, 29892, 22661, 29892, 1153, 1455, 15426, 29892, 470, 925, 11379, 5121, 9981, 29892, 366, 817, 304, 367, 19866, 304, 8251, 3575, 18620, 18326, 411, 8081, 6662, 1171, 322, 319, 1195, 271, 283, 317, 340, 322, 350, 18813, 18798, 29915, 29879, 7280, 21595, 2532, 4384, 411, 379, 5154, 405, 335, 8088, 322, 323, 10068, 26234, 880, 29889, 2688, 29915, 276, 1716, 901, 6977, 14062, 28569, 379, 473, 1135, 910, 3082, 4634, 29892, 411, 269, 538, 8927, 24611, 4207, 8253, 278, 20898, 13444, 267, 310, 4796, 4955, 313, 2541, 806, 457, 13611, 739, 29915, 29879, 9811, 10914, 465, 1794, 511, 411, 1006, 7406, 411, 21116, 1056, 399, 2072, 314, 29892, 6286, 11054, 402, 1078, 29892, 9143, 653, 2233, 16929, 29892, 322, 1528, 29916, 1662, 28832 ]
Strictly Come Dancing returned for its ninth series on 10 September 2011 with a launch show, with the live shows starting on 30 September and 1 October 2011. The show was broadcast from Wembley Arena on 19 November with all proceeds going to the BBC charity, Children in Need. The final took place at the Blackpool Tower Ballroom and was the first episode in 3D, and was shown on BBC HD and 18 cinemas around the country. As in series 8 there are 14 couples with one new male professional, Pasha Kovalev, replacing Jared Murillo. Sir Bruce Forsyth and Tess Daly continued to present the main show on BBC One, while the results show was presented by Daly and Claudia Winkleman. Former contestant Zoe Ball replaced Winkleman as the regular presenter of the spin-off show Strictly Come Dancing: It Takes Two due to Winkleman's family commitments. On 5 and 6 November Jennifer Grey, the winner of the eleventh series of Dancing with the Stars, the American version of 'Strictly', was a guest judge, replacing Len Goodman while he had a week off. In Goodman's absence, Craig Revel Horwood was head Judge. The full lineup of celebrities was revealed on 6 September 2011 on The One Show. As in the previous series, the celebrities did not know who would be their professional partner until they were introduced to each other at the Launch Show. McFly drummer Harry Judd and Aliona Vilani won the show on 17 December 2011. Vilani also became the third female professional to reach two consecutive finals, after Lilia Kopylova and Erin Boag, having come second with Matt Baker in 2010. This was Alesha Dixon's last series as a judge after three years, which the BBC announced on 2 January 2012, where she left the show as a judge for rival show, Britain's Got Talent. She was replaced by series 7 judge Darcey Bussell for the tenth series, where she lasted for seven years until 2018. Couples Scoring chart Average chart This table only counts for dances scored on a traditional 40-points scale (the scores for the Swing-a-Thon in Week 9 have not been included) Couples' highest and lowest scoring dances Highest and lowest scoring performances of the series The best and worst performances in each dance according to the judges' marks are as follows: Rory Bremner and Holly Valance are the only celebrities not to be on this list. Weekly scores and songs Unless indicated otherwise, individual judges scores in the charts below (given in parentheses) are listed in this order from left to right: Craig Revel Horwood, Len Goodman, Alesha Dixon, Bruno Tonioli. Launch show Musical guest: Dolly Parton – "Together You and I" Week 1 Night 1 – Friday Running order Night 2 – Saturday Running order Week 2 Musical guest: Will Young – "Come On" Running order Week 3: Broadway Night Musical guests: Kenny Wormald & Julianne Hough—"Holding Out for a Hero" / "Footloose" and Susan Boyle—"Unchained Melody" Running order Week 4 Musical guest: Caro Emerald – "That Man" Running order Week 5: Halloween Night Musical guests: The Wanted – "Lightning" Running order Week 6 Individual judges scores in the chart below (given in parentheses) are listed in this order from left to right: Craig Revel Horwood, Jennifer Grey, Alesha Dixon, Bruno Tonioli. Musical guests: Westlife – "Flying Without Wings" and Bruce Forsyth – "Young and Foolish" Running order Week 7 Musical guest(s): Christina Perri – "Jar of Hearts" and André Rieu & his Johann Strauss Orchestra – "We'll Meet Again" Running order * Due to an injury in his back, Artem missed out
[ 0.27984428897623276, -0.928209439400674 ]
[ 0.6031530180524884, -0.3566239015295207 ]
[ -0.2989015073892941, -0.7769829406742288 ]
[ -0.8320531811557366, -1.3224114767214052 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3767, 919, 368, 16760, 3951, 3277, 4133, 363, 967, 17081, 386, 3652, 373, 29871, 29896, 29900, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 411, 263, 6826, 1510, 29892, 411, 278, 5735, 3697, 6257, 373, 29871, 29941, 29900, 3839, 322, 29871, 29896, 5533, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29889, 450, 1510, 471, 12672, 515, 399, 6967, 29891, 26053, 373, 29871, 29896, 29929, 3979, 411, 599, 8469, 29879, 2675, 304, 278, 14129, 1373, 537, 29892, 20986, 297, 20768, 29889, 450, 2186, 3614, 2058, 472, 278, 29871, 6054, 10109, 23615, 13402, 8345, 322, 471, 278, 937, 12720, 297, 29871, 29941, 29928, 29892, 322, 471, 4318, 373, 14129, 18435, 322, 29871, 29896, 29947, 4670, 8609, 2820, 278, 4234, 29889, 1094, 297, 3652, 29871, 29947, 727, 526, 29871, 29896, 29946, 3581, 2701, 411, 697, 716, 14263, 10257, 29892, 349, 26840, 476, 586, 744, 29894, 29892, 15270, 435, 1965, 7487, 9093, 29889, 13, 13, 29903, 381, 18885, 383, 943, 1541, 322, 323, 404, 9400, 29891, 7572, 304, 2198, 278, 1667, 1510, 373, 14129, 3118, 29892, 1550, 278, 2582, 1510, 471, 9132, 491, 9400, 29891, 322, 25886, 423, 399, 682, 280, 1171, 29889, 3812, 261, 17793, 424, 796, 7297, 13402, 8611, 399, 682, 280, 1171, 408, 278, 4943, 2198, 261, 310, 278, 10917, 29899, 2696, 1510, 3767, 919, 368, 16760, 3951, 3277, 29901, 739, 323, 6926, 7803, 2861, 304, 399, 682, 280, 1171, 29915, 29879, 3942, 9063, 1860, 29889, 1551, 29871, 29945, 322, 29871, 29953, 3979, 23774, 9633, 25529, 29892, 278, 19576, 310, 278, 4552, 794, 29882, 3652, 310, 3951, 3277, 411, 278, 25435, 29892, 278, 3082, 1873, 310, 525, 5015, 919, 368, 742, 471, 263, 17838, 16833, 29892, 15270, 16206, 7197, 1171, 1550, 540, 750, 263, 4723, 1283, 29889, 512, 7197, 1171, 29915, 29879, 18070, 29892, 28050, 830, 955, 6912, 6115, 471, 2343, 26817, 29889, 13, 13, 1576, 2989, 1196, 786, 310, 7793, 26549, 583, 471, 17845, 373, 29871, 29953, 3839, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 373, 450, 3118, 7704, 29889, 1094, 297, 278, 3517, 3652, 29892, 278, 7793, 26549, 583, 1258, 451, 1073, 1058, 723, 367, 1009, 10257, 18096, 2745, 896, 892, 9129, 304, 1269, 916, 472, 278, 997, 3322, 7704, 29889, 4052, 29943, 368, 24103, 1050, 10686, 8660, 29881, 322, 838, 16017, 16450, 3270, 2113, 278, 1510, 373, 29871, 29896, 29955, 5846, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29889, 16450, 3270, 884, 3897, 278, 4654, 12944, 10257, 304, 6159, 1023, 18942, 2186, 29879, 29892, 1156, 365, 11836, 476, 2270, 417, 1564, 322, 1425, 262, 1952, 351, 29892, 2534, 2041, 1473, 411, 9811, 22652, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29889, 13, 13, 4013, 471, 319, 793, 2350, 360, 28778, 29915, 29879, 1833, 3652, 408, 263, 16833, 1156, 2211, 2440, 29892, 607, 278, 14129, 9326, 373, 29871, 29906, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 988, 1183, 2175, 278, 1510, 408, 263, 16833, 363, 17055, 1510, 29892, 14933, 29915, 29879, 15992, 10288, 296, 29889, 2296, 471, 8611, 491, 3652, 29871, 29955, 16833, 7335, 346, 29891, 350, 1558, 514, 363, 278, 260, 9097, 3652, 29892, 988, 1183, 1833, 287, 363, 9881, 2440, 2745, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29889, 13, 13, 29907, 283, 2701, 13, 13, 29903, 2616, 292, 8727, 13, 13, 29909, 19698, 8727, 13, 4013, 1591, 871, 18139, 363, 270, 2925, 15569, 373, 263, 13807, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29899, 9748, 6287, 313, 1552, 19435, 363, 278, 3925, 292, 29899, 29874, 29899, 1349, 265, 297, 15511, 29871, 29929, 505, 451, 1063, 5134, 29897, 13, 13, 29907, 283, 2701, 29915, 9939, 322, 19604, 26654, 270, 2925, 13, 13, 16382, 342, 322, 19604, 26654, 21637, 310, 278, 3652, 29871, 13, 1576, 1900, 322, 17322, 21637, 297, 1269, 17948, 5034, 304, 278, 6577, 2710, 29915, 17997, 526, 408, 4477, 29901, 13, 13, 1678, 13, 29934, 706, 350, 1745, 1089, 322, 4168, 368, 2630, 749, 526, 278, 871, 7793, 26549, 583, 451, 304, 367, 373, 445, 1051, 29889, 13, 13, 22606, 368, 19435, 322, 12516, 13, 2525, 2222, 18694, 6467, 29892, 5375, 6577, 2710, 19435, 297, 278, 24469, 2400, 313, 29887, 5428, 297, 29494, 29897, 526, 9904, 297, 445, 1797, 515, 2175, 304, 1492, 29901, 28050, 830, 955, 6912, 6115, 29892, 16206, 7197, 1171, 29892, 319, 793, 2350, 360, 28778, 29892, 20975, 323, 5271, 5079, 29889, 13, 13, 17641, 1510, 13, 14958, 936, 17838, 29901, 11201, 368, 3455, 265, 785, 376, 29911, 12966, 887, 322, 306, 29908, 13, 13, 22606, 29871, 29896, 13, 13, 29940, 523, 29871, 29896, 785, 28728, 13, 13, 27795, 1797, 13, 13, 29940, 523, 29871, 29906, 785, 24211, 13, 13, 27795, 1797, 13, 13, 22606, 29871, 29906, 29871, 13, 13, 14958, 936, 17838, 29901, 2811, 10443, 785, 376, 27796, 1551, 29908, 13, 27795, 1797, 13, 13, 22606, 29871, 29941, 29901, 23291, 11554, 29871, 13, 13, 14958, 936, 28865, 29901, 10015, 1460, 399, 555, 2741, 669, 27180, 484, 379, 820, 30003, 29908, 29144, 292, 4451, 363, 263, 22167, 29908, 847, 376, 13440, 417, 852, 29908, 322, 25914, 1952, 1508, 30003, 29908, 2525, 305, 7114, 6286, 1486, 29908, 13, 27795, 1797, 13, 13, 22606, 29871, 29946, 259, 13, 13, 14958, 936, 17838, 29901, 1704, 29877, 27718, 2741, 785, 376, 7058, 2315, 29908, 13, 27795, 1797, 13, 13, 22606, 29871, 29945, 29901, 6573, 4657, 264, 11554, 259, 13, 13, 14958, 936, 28865, 29901, 450, 399, 9714, 785, 376, 20769, 1076, 29908, 13, 27795, 1797, 13, 13, 22606, 29871, 29953, 259, 13, 13, 2568, 23352, 6577, 2710, 19435, 297, 278, 8727, 2400, 313, 29887, 5428, 297, 29494, 29897, 526, 9904, 297, 445, 1797, 515, 2175, 304, 1492, 29901, 28050, 830, 955, 6912, 6115, 29892, 23774, 9633, 25529, 29892, 319, 793, 2350, 360, 28778, 29892, 20975, 323, 5271, 5079, 29889, 13, 13, 14958, 936, 28865, 29901, 3122, 19264, 785, 376, 29943, 5890, 13932, 399, 886, 29908, 322, 18885, 383, 943, 1541, 785, 376, 3492, 865, 322, 383, 1507, 728, 29908, 13, 27795, 1797, 13, 13, 22606, 29871, 29955, 259, 13, 13, 14958, 936, 17838, 29898, 29879, 1125, 2819, 1099, 2431, 374, 785, 376, 29967, 279, 310, 940, 5708, 29908, 322, 16552, 390, 9532, 669, 670, 6828, 7357, 1558, 23685, 785, 376, 4806, 29915, 645, 2191, 300, 11454, 29908, 13, 27795, 1797, 13, 13, 29930, 16809, 304, 385, 24092, 297, 670, 1250, 29892, 826, 1356, 13726, 714 ]
The 50s 1960s 70s in the United Kingdom. The night life, music, television, pirate radio, London, Caroline, fashion, work and school. Recent history. Society History Rays Rants I Hope 著作 Ray's Rants UK の情報はPlayer FM及びコミュニティによって発見されました。著作権は出版社によって所持されます。そして、番組のオーディオは、その出版社のサーバから直接にストリーミングされます。Player FMで購読ボタンをタップし、更新できて、または他のポッドキャストアプリにフィードのURLを貼り付けます。 The 50s 1960s 70s in the United Kingdom. The night life, music, television, pirate radio, London, Caroline, fashion, work and school. Recent history. « » The Summer of 1976 Who remembers the summer of 1976? Hot for ten weeks, a drought, hosepipe bans... And now we have the summer of 2022. Join me for a chat about the heat, political correctness, and lots of other stuff. 270 つのエピソード The 50s 1960s 70s in the United Kingdom. The night life, music, television, pirate radio, London, Caroline, fashion, work and school. Recent history.に似ているもの Unobscured iHeartPodcasts and Grim & Mild 月ごとの Each season of Unobscured digs deep into one of history's darkest and most misunderstood moments, and sheds light on the true story beneath the myth. Explore the Salem witch trials (S1), the Spiritualist Movement (S2), Jack the Ripper (S3), and Grigori Rasputin (S4) through the narrative storytelling of Aaron Mahnke, along with prominent historian interviews. The History Network The military history podcast specialists, looking at all aspects of war through the ages. In Our Time: Culture Popular culture, poetry, music and visual arts and the roles they play in our society. The History of Byzantium thehistoryofbyzantium@gmail.com A podcast telling the story of the Roman (Byzantine) Empire from 476 AD to 1453. www.thehistoryofbyzantium.com Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information. The Way I Heard It with Mike Rowe In The Way I Heard It, Mike Rowe gives a different take on a variety of topics—from pop culture to politics, history to Hollywood, each mystery is a trueish tale about someone you know, filled with facts that you don't. Delivered with Mike's signature blend of charm, wit, and ingenuity, these stories are part of a larger mosaic—full of surprising revelations, sharp observations, and intimate, behind-the-scenes moments drawn from Mike's own life and career. Revisionist History is Malcolm Gladwell's journey through the overlooked and the misunderstood. Every episode re-examines something from the past—an event, a person, an idea, even a song—and asks whether we got it right the first time. From Pushkin Industries. Because sometimes the past deserves a second chance. To get early access to ad-free episodes and extra content, subscribe to Pushkin+ in Apple Podcasts are pushkin.fm/pus. iHeartMedia is the exclusive podcast partner of Pushkin Industries. Join Holly and Tracy as they bring you the greatest and strangest Stuff You Missed In History Class in this podcast by iHeartRadio. Dan Snow's History Hit History Hit History! The most exciting and important things that have ever happened on the planet! Featuring reports from the weird and wonderful places around the world where history has been made and interviews with some of the best historians writing today. Dan also covers some of the major anniversaries as they pass by and explores the deep history behind today's headlines
[ -1.0268260702885847, 0.12096193921237652 ]
[ -1.0478065339150722, 0.36679004531960563 ]
[ -1.0940130688472625, 1.0440381155516765 ]
[ -1.5201156171086245, -0.5681766845698346 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 29879, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29879, 297, 278, 3303, 12626, 29889, 450, 4646, 2834, 29892, 4696, 29892, 11456, 29892, 21625, 403, 7155, 29892, 4517, 29892, 26980, 29892, 13460, 29892, 664, 322, 3762, 29889, 3599, 296, 4955, 29889, 13, 6295, 455, 3305, 5298, 390, 1036, 390, 1934, 306, 7963, 13, 235, 148, 154, 30732, 9596, 29915, 29879, 390, 1934, 10261, 29871, 30199, 30993, 31519, 30449, 9075, 20499, 31436, 31298, 30459, 30627, 30645, 30635, 30572, 30532, 30353, 30787, 30665, 30466, 31657, 31192, 30566, 30553, 30441, 30326, 30366, 30267, 235, 148, 154, 30732, 233, 171, 172, 30449, 30544, 30845, 30564, 30353, 30787, 30665, 30466, 30744, 31695, 30566, 30553, 30441, 30427, 30267, 31110, 30326, 30466, 30330, 31982, 234, 184, 135, 30199, 30514, 30185, 30597, 30532, 30514, 30449, 30330, 31110, 30199, 30544, 30845, 30564, 30199, 30615, 30185, 30517, 30412, 30513, 31157, 31092, 30353, 30255, 30279, 30303, 30185, 30627, 30203, 30521, 30566, 30553, 30441, 30427, 30267, 9075, 20499, 30499, 235, 182, 191, 235, 173, 176, 31003, 30369, 30203, 30396, 30369, 30317, 30605, 30326, 30330, 31100, 30374, 30499, 30538, 30466, 30330, 30441, 30366, 30449, 31221, 30199, 31205, 30317, 30335, 30454, 30561, 30255, 30279, 30310, 30605, 30303, 30353, 30423, 30532, 30185, 30335, 30199, 4219, 30396, 235, 181, 191, 30453, 31689, 30807, 30441, 30427, 30267, 13, 1576, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 29879, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29879, 297, 278, 3303, 12626, 29889, 450, 4646, 2834, 29892, 4696, 29892, 11456, 29892, 21625, 403, 7155, 29892, 4517, 29892, 26980, 29892, 13460, 29892, 664, 322, 3762, 29889, 3599, 296, 4955, 29889, 859, 2047, 13, 1576, 13329, 310, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29953, 13, 22110, 1083, 13415, 278, 11801, 310, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29953, 29973, 8843, 363, 3006, 11405, 29892, 263, 4192, 1774, 29892, 298, 852, 17760, 289, 550, 856, 1126, 1286, 591, 505, 278, 11801, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29889, 3650, 262, 592, 363, 263, 13563, 1048, 278, 12871, 29892, 8604, 1959, 2264, 29892, 322, 14568, 310, 916, 6433, 29889, 13, 29906, 29955, 29900, 29871, 30773, 30199, 30600, 31172, 31051, 30185, 30335, 13, 1576, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29879, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29900, 29879, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29879, 297, 278, 3303, 12626, 29889, 450, 4646, 2834, 29892, 4696, 29892, 11456, 29892, 21625, 403, 7155, 29892, 4517, 29892, 26980, 29892, 13460, 29892, 664, 322, 3762, 29889, 3599, 296, 4955, 29889, 30353, 231, 191, 191, 30466, 30298, 30332, 30723, 30199, 13, 2525, 711, 1557, 2955, 13, 29875, 3868, 442, 27345, 4384, 29879, 322, 1632, 326, 669, 341, 789, 13, 30534, 31622, 30364, 30199, 13, 9760, 4259, 310, 853, 711, 1557, 2955, 4697, 29879, 6483, 964, 697, 310, 4955, 29915, 29879, 6501, 342, 322, 1556, 19818, 9337, 19462, 29892, 322, 528, 5779, 3578, 373, 278, 1565, 5828, 19540, 278, 22082, 29889, 1222, 572, 487, 278, 317, 12698, 281, 2335, 3367, 1338, 313, 29903, 29896, 511, 278, 20799, 950, 391, 14104, 882, 313, 29903, 29906, 511, 5457, 278, 21710, 2496, 313, 29903, 29941, 511, 322, 1632, 335, 4170, 25351, 649, 262, 313, 29903, 29946, 29897, 1549, 278, 15474, 1230, 5828, 29873, 7807, 310, 319, 5022, 341, 5422, 446, 29892, 3412, 411, 19555, 27629, 1006, 7406, 29889, 13, 1576, 5298, 8527, 13, 1576, 9121, 4955, 2532, 4384, 4266, 2879, 29892, 3063, 472, 599, 21420, 310, 1370, 1549, 278, 24646, 29889, 13, 797, 8680, 5974, 29901, 14062, 13, 12310, 1070, 9257, 29892, 22309, 29892, 4696, 322, 7604, 16930, 322, 278, 16178, 896, 1708, 297, 1749, 12459, 29889, 13, 1576, 5298, 310, 2648, 29920, 424, 1974, 13, 1552, 18434, 974, 1609, 29920, 424, 1974, 29992, 21980, 29889, 510, 13, 29909, 2532, 4384, 14509, 278, 5828, 310, 278, 5917, 313, 2059, 29920, 20578, 29897, 13378, 515, 29871, 29946, 29955, 29953, 11033, 304, 29871, 29896, 29946, 29945, 29941, 29889, 7821, 29889, 1552, 18434, 974, 1609, 29920, 424, 1974, 29889, 510, 16956, 287, 373, 319, 4384, 29889, 2823, 1274, 579, 29889, 510, 29914, 22534, 4135, 363, 901, 2472, 29889, 13, 1576, 5307, 306, 940, 538, 739, 411, 12828, 390, 4657, 13, 797, 450, 5307, 306, 940, 538, 739, 29892, 12828, 390, 4657, 4076, 263, 1422, 2125, 373, 263, 12875, 310, 23820, 30003, 3166, 1835, 9257, 304, 22661, 29892, 4955, 304, 19180, 29892, 1269, 29236, 338, 263, 1565, 728, 17694, 1048, 4856, 366, 1073, 29892, 10423, 411, 17099, 393, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 29889, 5556, 2147, 287, 411, 12828, 29915, 29879, 12608, 1999, 355, 310, 21192, 29892, 12309, 29892, 322, 2348, 4814, 537, 29892, 1438, 15874, 526, 760, 310, 263, 7200, 286, 3628, 293, 30003, 8159, 310, 26800, 20474, 800, 29892, 15301, 13917, 29892, 322, 938, 6490, 29892, 5742, 29899, 1552, 29899, 1557, 25487, 19462, 12061, 515, 12828, 29915, 29879, 1914, 2834, 322, 6413, 29889, 13, 1123, 4924, 391, 5298, 338, 3792, 1054, 29885, 19319, 5872, 29915, 29879, 16342, 1549, 278, 975, 6914, 287, 322, 278, 19818, 9337, 29889, 7569, 12720, 337, 29899, 735, 314, 1475, 1554, 515, 278, 4940, 30003, 273, 1741, 29892, 263, 2022, 29892, 385, 2969, 29892, 1584, 263, 4823, 30003, 392, 19514, 3692, 591, 2355, 372, 1492, 278, 937, 931, 29889, 3645, 349, 1878, 9089, 12157, 2722, 29889, 7311, 6041, 278, 4940, 16964, 1960, 263, 1473, 8825, 29889, 1763, 679, 4688, 2130, 304, 594, 29899, 9021, 23238, 322, 4805, 2793, 29892, 1014, 13086, 304, 349, 1878, 9089, 29974, 297, 12113, 8594, 4384, 29879, 526, 5503, 9089, 29889, 24826, 29914, 13364, 29889, 474, 3868, 442, 10572, 338, 278, 29192, 2532, 4384, 18096, 310, 349, 1878, 9089, 12157, 2722, 29889, 13, 17242, 4168, 368, 322, 323, 10068, 408, 896, 6963, 366, 278, 14176, 322, 851, 574, 342, 624, 3096, 887, 4750, 287, 512, 5298, 4134, 297, 445, 2532, 4384, 491, 474, 3868, 442, 21818, 29889, 13, 18529, 24392, 29915, 29879, 5298, 14309, 13, 20570, 14309, 13, 20570, 29991, 450, 1556, 5566, 11407, 322, 4100, 2712, 393, 505, 3926, 9559, 373, 278, 15754, 29991, 5169, 19021, 13676, 515, 278, 13543, 322, 20695, 7600, 2820, 278, 3186, 988, 4955, 756, 1063, 1754, 322, 1006, 7406, 411, 777, 310, 278, 1900, 3603, 5834, 5007, 9826, 29889, 3951, 884, 18469, 777, 310, 278, 4655, 6957, 874, 4314, 408, 896, 1209, 491, 322, 3902, 2361, 278, 6483, 4955, 5742, 9826, 29915, 29879, 2343, 9012 ]
Social Participation Social Participation Toggle submenu Ecological Transformation Ecological Transformation Toggle submenu Ecology & Sustainability Local Politics & Urban Development Future of Democracy Toggle submenu The State of the Present Democracy & Media Politics Cultural Policy & New Media Net Policy International Division Toggle submenu International Agricultural Policy Foreign & Security Policy Promotion of Democracy International Gender Policy & LGBTI Our Work worldwide Our Work worldwide Toggle submenu EU/North America Southeast & Eastern Europe About the Foundation Toggle submenu Friends and supporters of the Heinrich Böll Foundation Tu Was - Foundation for Solidarity Scholarships Toggle submenu Service Links Menu - en Perspectives Africa: Women, Custom and Access to Justice Heinrich Böll Foundation, Regional Office Southern Africa Perspectives Afrika Custom and tradition are at the core of common understanding and the dispensation of justice in great parts of African societies. The right to customary practices is enshrined in a number of constitutions in sub-Saharan Africa. As a matter of fact, traditional court systems remain an important, if not crucial, vehicle for dispute resolution in most African settings where the state law and legal practice institutions are socially, economically and geographically inaccessible for the great majority of citizens, and women in particular. Efforts to ensure access to justice and to protect and defend human rights must acknowledge, reconcile and integrate a country's statutory and customary justice systems, as well as international human rights standards. This is a complex undertaking especially considering the divergent tenets of the different legal systems. Custom, the foundation for customary law, regulates communal and social relations and resolves disputes on the basis of recognised practices. It is assigned members of these communities themselves who are mandated to uphold, interpret and implement the custom. Statute, which determines the statutory law, centres on individual entitlements and is enacted by the legislative arm of government in order to regulate relations among citizens, and between citizens and the state. A major difference is that customs are often unwritten, flexible, and vary according to geographical location. Unlike statutory law, which is written and often appears rigid, customary law derives from oral tradition and is hence difficult to trace. There is no uniform application of customary law, as it is determined by specific cultural practices. It therefore represents a dynamic form of law, dependent on the values and practices of a given community at a particular time. African legislatures constantly contend with the difficulties of reconciling these two systems of law. In most cases, rather than being integrated, they co-exist side by side, thereby challenging both the constitutionally enshrined equality of citizens and the impartial administration of and access to justice and legal protection. A particular challenge emerges when the work of interpreting and implementing customary law is limited to men, and where practices are strongly influenced by patriarchal norms. But not only are women often prevented from actively participating in codifying culture, their unequal position in society is also reflected in statutory law systems. Primary concerns in this context relate to the promotion of gender justice and women's rights within the parameters of the law as well as questions linked to women's fair and equal access to justice. Largely based on presentations made during a symposium on "The application of customary law in the South African legal setting, traditional courts and other models: A women's rights perspective", co-hosted by the Women's Legal Centre, the Heinrich Böll Foundation and the South African law firm Bowman Gilfillan, held in Cape Town on 22 August 2013, this issue of Perspectives provides insight into some of the following country-specific challenges and controversies with regards to women's access to justice in selected sub-Saharan African states. How does customary law, and the way in which the national legislative process is used, entrench gender inequalities, affecting gendered power relations in South Africa? How do the courts determine the content of living customary law in this country? What choices are afforded to women trying to find their way through the myriad and complex systems of justice in Zimbabwe? Is the statutory law capable of delivering equity and justice? Can the traditional justice systems and customary laws be creatively employed to ensure access to justice for women in Kenya? To what extent has
[ 0.3455887095681733, 1.8714071374727923 ]
[ 0.07849884372874091, 1.3408919935520924 ]
[ 1.1556327206685844, 2.45418812566533 ]
[ 0.35287097603345213, 1.9084903964486768 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 10307, 3455, 12654, 362, 13, 6295, 1455, 3455, 12654, 362, 323, 9804, 1014, 6510, 13, 29923, 21553, 936, 4103, 5404, 13, 29923, 21553, 936, 4103, 5404, 323, 9804, 1014, 6510, 13, 29923, 1054, 6933, 669, 317, 504, 475, 3097, 13, 7717, 6934, 1199, 669, 22589, 14650, 13, 20154, 310, 4432, 25804, 323, 9804, 1014, 6510, 13, 1576, 4306, 310, 278, 4360, 296, 13, 29928, 331, 25804, 669, 8213, 6934, 1199, 13, 29907, 499, 3631, 25219, 669, 1570, 8213, 13, 6779, 25219, 13, 17579, 1288, 7946, 323, 9804, 1014, 6510, 13, 17579, 1288, 27051, 3631, 25219, 13, 27755, 669, 14223, 25219, 13, 18571, 8194, 310, 4432, 25804, 13, 17579, 1288, 402, 1581, 25219, 669, 365, 7210, 24301, 13, 29949, 332, 5244, 3186, 8157, 13, 29949, 332, 5244, 3186, 8157, 323, 9804, 1014, 6510, 13, 29923, 29965, 29914, 29940, 2072, 6813, 13, 29903, 449, 15879, 669, 16162, 4092, 13, 28173, 278, 10606, 323, 9804, 1014, 6510, 13, 27034, 1975, 322, 1462, 272, 2153, 310, 278, 12612, 350, 22232, 10606, 13, 23215, 12547, 448, 10606, 363, 4956, 333, 279, 537, 13, 4504, 10170, 9981, 323, 9804, 1014, 6510, 13, 3170, 6645, 29879, 20019, 448, 427, 13, 15136, 1103, 3145, 10557, 29901, 10152, 29892, 8701, 322, 11028, 304, 17181, 13, 3868, 262, 4018, 350, 22232, 10606, 29892, 16208, 11367, 14234, 10557, 13, 15136, 1103, 3145, 319, 22231, 13, 7281, 322, 11399, 526, 472, 278, 7136, 310, 3619, 8004, 322, 278, 12272, 575, 362, 310, 15426, 297, 2107, 5633, 310, 11715, 5374, 20850, 29889, 450, 1492, 304, 2888, 653, 23274, 338, 427, 845, 29878, 1312, 297, 263, 1353, 310, 16772, 29879, 297, 1014, 29899, 29903, 801, 23029, 10557, 29889, 1094, 263, 4383, 310, 2114, 29892, 13807, 8973, 6757, 3933, 385, 4100, 29892, 565, 451, 7618, 1455, 29892, 19716, 363, 28447, 10104, 297, 1556, 11715, 6055, 988, 278, 2106, 4307, 322, 11706, 6944, 21561, 526, 5374, 635, 29892, 7766, 1711, 322, 1737, 1946, 1711, 297, 5943, 1821, 363, 278, 2107, 13638, 310, 18363, 29892, 322, 5866, 297, 3153, 29889, 382, 600, 441, 29879, 304, 9801, 2130, 304, 15426, 322, 304, 12566, 322, 24663, 5199, 10462, 1818, 18145, 5485, 29892, 8265, 21873, 322, 22782, 263, 4234, 29915, 29879, 1002, 329, 706, 322, 2888, 653, 15426, 6757, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 6121, 5199, 10462, 20801, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 4280, 22332, 5086, 7148, 13858, 278, 17089, 5362, 3006, 1691, 310, 278, 1422, 11706, 6757, 29889, 8701, 29892, 278, 22778, 363, 2888, 653, 4307, 29892, 24378, 1078, 3817, 284, 322, 5264, 5302, 322, 3770, 1960, 8937, 267, 373, 278, 8405, 310, 5936, 3368, 23274, 29889, 739, 338, 9859, 5144, 310, 1438, 23507, 6053, 1058, 526, 9619, 630, 304, 318, 561, 1025, 29892, 6613, 322, 2334, 278, 2888, 29889, 6666, 1082, 29892, 607, 3683, 1475, 278, 1002, 329, 706, 4307, 29892, 1644, 690, 373, 5375, 875, 277, 944, 29879, 322, 338, 427, 627, 287, 491, 278, 13332, 1230, 5075, 310, 5874, 297, 1797, 304, 1072, 5987, 5302, 4249, 18363, 29892, 322, 1546, 18363, 322, 278, 2106, 29889, 13, 29909, 4655, 4328, 338, 393, 2888, 29879, 526, 4049, 443, 17625, 29892, 25706, 29892, 322, 13100, 5034, 304, 1737, 19711, 4423, 29889, 853, 4561, 1002, 329, 706, 4307, 29892, 607, 338, 3971, 322, 4049, 5692, 12912, 333, 29892, 2888, 653, 4307, 589, 3145, 515, 470, 284, 11399, 322, 338, 8151, 5189, 304, 9637, 29889, 1670, 338, 694, 9090, 2280, 310, 2888, 653, 4307, 29892, 408, 372, 338, 10087, 491, 2702, 16375, 23274, 29889, 739, 5480, 11524, 263, 7343, 883, 310, 4307, 29892, 14278, 373, 278, 1819, 322, 23274, 310, 263, 2183, 7881, 472, 263, 3153, 931, 29889, 13, 29909, 1341, 2185, 13332, 3698, 21003, 640, 355, 411, 278, 23553, 310, 8265, 5553, 292, 1438, 1023, 6757, 310, 4307, 29889, 512, 1556, 4251, 29892, 3265, 1135, 1641, 23387, 29892, 896, 1302, 29899, 28997, 2625, 491, 2625, 29892, 27999, 18066, 292, 1716, 278, 16772, 635, 427, 845, 29878, 1312, 17193, 310, 18363, 322, 278, 527, 3846, 17517, 310, 322, 2130, 304, 15426, 322, 11706, 13047, 29889, 13, 29909, 3153, 18766, 11176, 2710, 746, 278, 664, 310, 5133, 1259, 322, 16049, 2888, 653, 4307, 338, 9078, 304, 1757, 29892, 322, 988, 23274, 526, 13818, 28482, 491, 16967, 1279, 284, 6056, 29879, 29889, 1205, 451, 871, 526, 5866, 4049, 5557, 287, 515, 1044, 3598, 5221, 1218, 297, 15234, 9215, 9257, 29892, 1009, 1597, 15380, 2602, 297, 12459, 338, 884, 25312, 297, 1002, 329, 706, 4307, 6757, 29889, 28267, 21838, 297, 445, 3030, 29279, 304, 278, 22360, 310, 23346, 15426, 322, 5866, 29915, 29879, 10462, 2629, 278, 4128, 310, 278, 4307, 408, 1532, 408, 5155, 9024, 304, 5866, 29915, 29879, 6534, 322, 5186, 2130, 304, 15426, 29889, 13, 29931, 1191, 873, 2729, 373, 2198, 800, 1754, 2645, 263, 5016, 1066, 1974, 373, 376, 1576, 2280, 310, 2888, 653, 4307, 297, 278, 4275, 11715, 11706, 4444, 29892, 13807, 28033, 322, 916, 4733, 29901, 319, 5866, 29915, 29879, 10462, 18520, 613, 1302, 29899, 3069, 287, 491, 278, 10152, 29915, 29879, 5682, 284, 11319, 29892, 278, 12612, 350, 22232, 10606, 322, 278, 4275, 11715, 4307, 9226, 13432, 1171, 11788, 5589, 273, 29892, 4934, 297, 20922, 8421, 373, 29871, 29906, 29906, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 445, 2228, 310, 9034, 1103, 3145, 8128, 25483, 964, 777, 310, 278, 1494, 4234, 29899, 14940, 18066, 267, 322, 19341, 583, 411, 21778, 304, 5866, 29915, 29879, 2130, 304, 15426, 297, 4629, 1014, 29899, 29903, 801, 23029, 11715, 5922, 29889, 13, 5328, 947, 2888, 653, 4307, 29892, 322, 278, 982, 297, 607, 278, 4797, 13332, 1230, 1889, 338, 1304, 29892, 875, 4615, 23346, 297, 11745, 1907, 29892, 6602, 292, 23346, 287, 3081, 5302, 297, 4275, 10557, 29973, 13, 5328, 437, 278, 28033, 8161, 278, 2793, 310, 8471, 2888, 653, 4307, 297, 445, 4234, 29973, 1724, 19995, 526, 21750, 287, 304, 5866, 1811, 304, 1284, 1009, 982, 1549, 278, 590, 374, 328, 322, 4280, 6757, 310, 15426, 297, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 29973, 13, 3624, 278, 1002, 329, 706, 4307, 15390, 310, 12021, 292, 1592, 537, 322, 15426, 29973, 1815, 278, 13807, 15426, 6757, 322, 2888, 653, 14243, 367, 907, 6703, 15723, 304, 9801, 2130, 304, 15426, 363, 5866, 297, 10015, 3761, 29973, 13, 1762, 825, 15834, 756 ]
Global Clinical Decision Support Systems Market – Size, Outlook, Trends and Forecast (2023 – 2030) Clinical decision support system is an essential tool which provides information to the members of the care team which contains clinicians, nurses, patients, administrative staff or other members. The clinical decision support systems market is projected to reach $1,775.0 Million by 2023 from $901.0 Million in 2017, at a CAGR of 11.8%. Drivers that affecting the growth of the market is the growing incidence of medication errors and adoption of cloud computing in healthcare are the factors improves market growth. High investments in infrastructure are hampering the market growth. Technological advancements in healthcare it solutions is an opportunity to increase in market value. Define, estimate, and forecast the Clinical Decision Support Systems market statistics by component, product, type, model, delivery model, application, level of interactivity, setting(Segments), and regions concerning the individual growth drivers, market trends and their contribution toward the Clinical Decision Support Systems market growth Recent competitive developments including M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions), Partnerships, and Product Innovations are provided in the Clinical Decision Support Systems Market Analysis Analysis and conclusions on the future Clinical Decision Support Systems market outlook. Top-down and bottom-up approaches are used to validate the Clinical Decision Support Systems Market Size and are used to estimate the size of other dependent submarkets. Key players in the market are identified through various secondary sources; databases including Bloomberg Businessweek, Hoovers, Factiva, journals and associations and the market revenues are estimated and are thoroughly validated through primary and secondary research. Secondary research involves the study of annual and financial reports of top players in the market, whereas primary research includes extensive interviews with the KoL's such as CEOs, directors, board members, VP's, sales managers, engineers, marketing executives, technicians, account managers, investors, strategic decision makers and others. The Clinical Decision Support Systems Market shares and breakdowns are determined using secondary sources and are verified by the primary sources. All possible parameters/factors that are affecting the Clinical Decision Support Systems market demand are covered in the research study are verified through primary research, analysed and interpreted to get the final qualitative and quantitative data. This data is collected and added with detailed analysis from Envision Inteligence and presented in this report. The Clinical Decision Support Systems Market segmentation is as follows: By Component Integrated CDSS Standalone CDSS Therapeutic clinical decision support systems Diagnostic clinical decision support systems Knowledge-Based CDSS Non-Knowledge-Based CDSS By Delivery Mode On-Premise CDSS Cloud-Based CDSS Conventional clinical decision support systems Advanced clinical decision support systems By Level of Interactivity Active CDSS Passive CDSS By Setting Inpatient settings Ambulatory care settings Clinical Decision Support Systems Market is segmented by geography into North America, South America, Europe, APAC and Middle East & Africa. U.S., Canada, Mexico and Costa Rica are analysed under North American region which is usually turning as the hotspot in the market. The South American region is further segregated into Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Columbia and some other emerging economies. In Europe, the market is extensively examined by covering U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Poland, Switzerland and some other promising economies. APAC is further categorised by countries into China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia & New Zealand, Malaysia, Singapore and many other emerging nations. In the Middle East & African region, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Iran, Iraq, Qatar, South Africa, Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria and so on countries are evaluated to understand the market growth lucidly. With the given research report, Envision Inteligence offers customisations as per the client's specific requirements. The following customisation options offered for the Clinical Decision Support Systems Market include: Global Clinical Decision Support Systems Market Research Report Includes: Identify the latest developments, market shares and strategies that are employed by the significant Clinical Decision Support Systems market players, such as Autonomy Corporation plc.
[ -1.0049112634246047, -0.7857631947848029 ]
[ 0.2521898161157836, 0.47780901736080816 ]
[ 0.3744704848502294, 0.4201228233071462 ]
[ 0.5869943001762118, 0.7638874784174079 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 12002, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 28794, 785, 21179, 29892, 4451, 6914, 29892, 1605, 1975, 322, 28297, 4384, 313, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 785, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29941, 29900, 29897, 13, 29907, 1915, 936, 10608, 2304, 1788, 338, 385, 18853, 5780, 607, 8128, 2472, 304, 278, 5144, 310, 278, 2562, 3815, 607, 3743, 24899, 14722, 29892, 302, 1295, 267, 29892, 22069, 29892, 19185, 13925, 470, 916, 5144, 29889, 450, 24899, 936, 10608, 2304, 6757, 9999, 338, 2060, 287, 304, 6159, 395, 29896, 29892, 29955, 29955, 29945, 29889, 29900, 8649, 291, 491, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 515, 395, 29929, 29900, 29896, 29889, 29900, 8649, 291, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 472, 263, 315, 10051, 29934, 310, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29889, 29947, 15543, 360, 374, 874, 393, 6602, 292, 278, 14321, 310, 278, 9999, 338, 278, 15678, 5528, 5084, 310, 13589, 362, 4436, 322, 594, 3385, 310, 9570, 20602, 297, 9045, 18020, 526, 278, 13879, 4857, 1960, 9999, 14321, 29889, 5057, 13258, 1860, 297, 22035, 12425, 526, 16366, 546, 292, 278, 9999, 14321, 29889, 8364, 5996, 3061, 4564, 4110, 297, 9045, 18020, 372, 6851, 338, 385, 15130, 304, 7910, 297, 9999, 995, 29889, 13, 3206, 457, 29892, 12678, 29892, 322, 29821, 579, 278, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 9999, 13964, 491, 4163, 29892, 3234, 29892, 1134, 29892, 1904, 29892, 28289, 1904, 29892, 2280, 29892, 3233, 310, 1006, 10072, 29892, 4444, 29898, 17669, 1860, 511, 322, 12786, 19813, 278, 5375, 14321, 18563, 29892, 9999, 534, 1975, 322, 1009, 11896, 11183, 278, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 9999, 14321, 13, 4789, 296, 5100, 3321, 2693, 1860, 3704, 341, 29987, 29909, 313, 15836, 5743, 322, 7255, 7680, 2187, 511, 3455, 8397, 14587, 29892, 322, 10969, 512, 13715, 800, 526, 4944, 297, 278, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 28794, 24352, 13, 21067, 4848, 322, 21204, 1080, 373, 278, 5434, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 9999, 714, 6914, 29889, 13, 7031, 29899, 3204, 322, 5970, 29899, 786, 13501, 526, 1304, 304, 12725, 278, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 28794, 21179, 322, 526, 1304, 304, 12678, 278, 2159, 310, 916, 14278, 1014, 3502, 1691, 29889, 7670, 10769, 297, 278, 9999, 526, 15659, 1549, 5164, 16723, 8974, 29936, 21218, 3704, 11447, 290, 2552, 15197, 18448, 29892, 379, 3634, 874, 29892, 26748, 4244, 29892, 21824, 1338, 322, 27733, 322, 278, 9999, 20957, 1041, 526, 15899, 322, 526, 26606, 2854, 630, 1549, 7601, 322, 16723, 5925, 29889, 6440, 653, 5925, 20789, 278, 6559, 310, 17568, 322, 18161, 13676, 310, 2246, 10769, 297, 278, 9999, 29892, 13452, 7601, 5925, 7805, 20607, 1006, 7406, 411, 278, 8224, 29931, 29915, 29879, 1316, 408, 14645, 24768, 29892, 1513, 943, 29892, 7613, 5144, 29892, 478, 29925, 29915, 29879, 29892, 16538, 767, 18150, 29892, 6012, 414, 29892, 9999, 292, 6704, 3145, 29892, 5722, 14722, 29892, 3633, 767, 18150, 29892, 13258, 943, 29892, 16650, 293, 10608, 2136, 414, 322, 4045, 29889, 450, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 28794, 29358, 322, 2867, 3204, 29879, 526, 10087, 773, 16723, 8974, 322, 526, 26834, 491, 278, 7601, 8974, 29889, 2178, 1950, 4128, 29914, 17028, 943, 393, 526, 6602, 292, 278, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 9999, 9667, 526, 10664, 297, 278, 5925, 6559, 526, 26834, 1549, 7601, 5925, 29892, 3483, 952, 287, 322, 21551, 304, 679, 278, 2186, 4021, 23378, 322, 4323, 23378, 848, 29889, 910, 848, 338, 16531, 322, 2715, 411, 13173, 7418, 515, 1174, 4924, 18555, 335, 663, 322, 9132, 297, 445, 3461, 29889, 13, 1576, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 28794, 10768, 362, 338, 408, 4477, 29901, 13, 2059, 15924, 13, 23573, 630, 7307, 1799, 13, 11042, 18785, 7307, 1799, 13, 1349, 1572, 412, 329, 293, 24899, 936, 10608, 2304, 6757, 13, 12130, 21780, 24899, 936, 10608, 2304, 6757, 13, 29968, 3707, 5485, 29899, 29933, 1463, 7307, 1799, 13, 12283, 29899, 29968, 3707, 5485, 29899, 29933, 1463, 7307, 1799, 13, 2059, 360, 27657, 21864, 13, 2951, 29899, 29925, 1745, 895, 7307, 1799, 13, 20442, 29899, 29933, 1463, 7307, 1799, 13, 1168, 794, 1848, 24899, 936, 10608, 2304, 6757, 13, 3253, 16858, 24899, 936, 10608, 2304, 6757, 13, 2059, 21597, 310, 4124, 10072, 13, 9966, 7307, 1799, 13, 7129, 573, 7307, 1799, 13, 2059, 21605, 13, 797, 5031, 993, 6055, 13, 6833, 8645, 7606, 2562, 6055, 13, 29907, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 28794, 338, 10768, 287, 491, 1737, 5275, 964, 4644, 6813, 29892, 4275, 6813, 29892, 4092, 29892, 12279, 2477, 322, 14253, 6932, 669, 10557, 29889, 501, 29889, 29903, 1696, 7400, 29892, 12568, 322, 17513, 29750, 526, 3483, 952, 287, 1090, 4644, 3082, 5120, 607, 338, 5491, 14712, 408, 278, 7375, 17500, 297, 278, 9999, 29889, 450, 4275, 3082, 5120, 338, 4340, 2377, 1727, 630, 964, 16078, 29892, 13798, 29892, 13430, 29892, 15411, 322, 777, 916, 11176, 3460, 7766, 583, 29889, 512, 4092, 29892, 278, 9999, 338, 21103, 3598, 4392, 1312, 491, 21653, 501, 29889, 29968, 1696, 9556, 29892, 3444, 29892, 12730, 29892, 13616, 29892, 24553, 29892, 18898, 29892, 28806, 322, 777, 916, 2504, 5921, 7766, 583, 29889, 12279, 2477, 338, 4340, 11608, 3368, 491, 10916, 964, 7551, 29892, 7513, 29892, 5546, 29892, 4275, 19109, 29892, 8314, 669, 1570, 13450, 29892, 26417, 423, 29892, 25960, 322, 1784, 916, 11176, 3460, 19079, 29889, 512, 278, 14253, 6932, 669, 11715, 5120, 29892, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29892, 501, 16036, 29892, 14883, 29892, 21375, 29939, 29892, 660, 14873, 29892, 4275, 10557, 29892, 838, 914, 423, 29892, 3879, 542, 1111, 29892, 20537, 423, 322, 577, 373, 10916, 526, 19030, 304, 2274, 278, 9999, 14321, 21626, 333, 368, 29889, 13, 3047, 278, 2183, 5925, 3461, 29892, 1174, 4924, 18555, 335, 663, 16688, 2888, 275, 800, 408, 639, 278, 3132, 29915, 29879, 2702, 11780, 29889, 450, 1494, 2888, 4371, 3987, 12520, 363, 278, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 28794, 3160, 29901, 13, 12756, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 28794, 10550, 13969, 512, 27722, 29901, 13, 7648, 1598, 278, 9281, 2693, 1860, 29892, 9999, 29358, 322, 16650, 583, 393, 526, 15723, 491, 278, 7282, 315, 1915, 936, 3826, 2459, 18601, 23985, 9999, 10769, 29892, 1316, 408, 13, 6147, 21926, 15025, 715, 29883, 29889 ]
My Facebook just pretty much exploded with photographs of Cecil, the GPS-collared male lion who was baited out of Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe this month, shot, skinned, and beheaded so that a dentist from Minnesota could have something pretty on his wall. Okay, it was terrible, it was stupid, let's all fantasize about hideous fates befalling the hunter and the horrible guides who helped him do it. Now, look past that for just a moment. Approximately 655 lion trophies, perhaps more — each one shot, skinned, and beheaded — are exported from Africa every year. The same tragedy which befell Cecil happens, on average, nearly twice a day. Why does only Cecil's death deserve global attention? He was perfectly happy to "[pursue] an activity I love and practice responsibly and legally" until he found out the lion had a name. Likewise, most of us were much less interested in him and his hobby until we found out the lion had a name. Compare the reaction of people to the 19-year-old who posted photos of herself with unnamed trophy animals (including a lion) in 2014 to the backlash coming at Cecil's killer today. The 19-year-old blipped across my screen. The dentist has held top billing for several days. Serial killers do not relate to their victims as other people; they must "depersonalize" them before committing atrocities upon them. Scientists do not name their laboratory animals. (Part of why Jane Goodall's research was considered so groundbreaking is that she did name the chimps, which was considered scandalously unprofessional at the time.) Likewise, while dairy cows (who can live with their humans for years) sometimes have names; beef cattle (eaten after 18 months) generally do not. Factory farmed animals do not have names. (These animals all get identification numbers, which is a practice we've seen elsewhere as well, and for remarkably similar reasons.) And hunters rarely name their targets (with some notable exceptions, such as "Old Three Toes"). Looking at it the other way, when did you last see a pet owner whose dogs were named 1, 2, and 3? Animal shelters name their animals, even if the animals also receive ID numbers. Show and race horses are named. Zoo animals (at least the "charismatic megafauna") are named. Animals on television are named. And individual wild animals which are somehow distinctive, like Cecil, can become named. This makes them Real. We do not hold the same love for "tigers" that we do for Tigger; we do not hold the same love for "wolves" that we do for the Sawtooth Pack; we do not hold the same love for "lions" that we do for Cecil. German Shepherds and collies were generic until we met Rin Tin Tin and Lassie. There is something about becoming Real, being given a name, which changes the animal's perceived nature, often causing humans to treat it as a member of our extended family, rather than as a fashion statement, furniture, or food. I am hesitant to call the process making the animal a person, but that is a very close description. I am very interested in this mechanism, because it lies at the heart of what keeps us from becoming like that Minnesota dentist. *Please note that all animals have a personality, whether humans can perceive it or not. Arkansas Democratic campaign manager's cat killed and left for children to find, with political message scrawled on its corpse. This is a chimpanzee threat display. Pure and simple. Except, honestly, that chimps are nicer in that they generally use inanimate objects to threaten each other. This very human tendency for frustration to emerge via the arms when it can't fit out through the mouth is why I had to wait three years to start working out what I had to say about the treatment of laboratory animals and the current state of the system. My original expressions of outrage, while I was still open-mouthed and freshly damaged by the experience, might have looked a lot like this — flailing, gibbering, violent — except that I am a grown-up and I don't argue through violence. People don't listen to what you have to say when you are hurting them — they
[ 1.1043888972334865, 0.4414659895980865 ]
[ 1.7205052527897529, 0.14117084407458105 ]
[ 0.11070141821026537, -0.09219786382047616 ]
[ 0.3840874192524868, -0.3989250314916314 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1619, 13327, 925, 5051, 1568, 3902, 6797, 411, 17739, 29879, 310, 21325, 309, 29892, 278, 402, 7024, 29899, 1054, 433, 1127, 14263, 301, 291, 1058, 471, 289, 1249, 287, 714, 310, 379, 29893, 927, 3086, 4815, 297, 796, 19977, 370, 705, 445, 4098, 29892, 10322, 29892, 2071, 27464, 29892, 322, 367, 2813, 287, 577, 393, 263, 12042, 391, 515, 20994, 1033, 505, 1554, 5051, 373, 670, 10090, 29889, 13, 20434, 388, 29892, 372, 471, 16403, 29892, 372, 471, 20239, 29892, 1235, 29915, 29879, 599, 13568, 294, 675, 1048, 9563, 681, 285, 1078, 367, 11950, 292, 278, 298, 8428, 322, 278, 4029, 11710, 1410, 2247, 1058, 9213, 1075, 437, 372, 29889, 2567, 29892, 1106, 4940, 393, 363, 925, 263, 3256, 29889, 28268, 2657, 2486, 29871, 29953, 29945, 29945, 301, 291, 3147, 561, 583, 29892, 6060, 901, 813, 1269, 697, 10322, 29892, 2071, 27464, 29892, 322, 367, 2813, 287, 813, 526, 5609, 287, 515, 10557, 1432, 1629, 29889, 450, 1021, 1020, 3192, 29891, 607, 15823, 514, 21325, 309, 5930, 29892, 373, 6588, 29892, 8886, 8951, 263, 2462, 29889, 3750, 947, 871, 21325, 309, 29915, 29879, 4892, 553, 7143, 5534, 8570, 29973, 13, 3868, 471, 7970, 9796, 304, 14704, 29886, 1295, 434, 29962, 385, 6354, 306, 5360, 322, 6944, 5544, 14981, 322, 2814, 635, 29908, 2745, 540, 1476, 714, 278, 301, 291, 750, 263, 1024, 29889, 8502, 3538, 29892, 1556, 310, 502, 892, 1568, 3109, 8852, 297, 1075, 322, 670, 298, 711, 1609, 2745, 591, 1476, 714, 278, 301, 291, 750, 263, 1024, 29889, 3831, 598, 278, 19848, 310, 2305, 304, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 1058, 8059, 20612, 310, 8735, 411, 443, 17514, 3147, 11461, 15006, 313, 18271, 263, 301, 291, 29897, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 304, 278, 1250, 29880, 1161, 6421, 472, 21325, 309, 29915, 29879, 413, 5495, 9826, 29889, 450, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 289, 492, 2986, 4822, 590, 4315, 29889, 450, 12042, 391, 756, 4934, 2246, 289, 8873, 363, 3196, 3841, 29889, 13, 9125, 12088, 414, 437, 451, 29279, 304, 1009, 6879, 9893, 408, 916, 2305, 29936, 896, 1818, 376, 2716, 1330, 284, 675, 29908, 963, 1434, 844, 5367, 472, 10198, 1907, 2501, 963, 29889, 23753, 2879, 437, 451, 1024, 1009, 10212, 7606, 15006, 29889, 313, 7439, 310, 2020, 10447, 7197, 497, 29915, 29879, 5925, 471, 5545, 577, 5962, 1030, 5086, 338, 393, 1183, 1258, 1024, 278, 20674, 567, 29892, 607, 471, 5545, 885, 24258, 5794, 443, 23221, 15750, 472, 278, 931, 1846, 8502, 3538, 29892, 1550, 1146, 16129, 274, 1242, 313, 15970, 508, 5735, 411, 1009, 25618, 363, 2440, 29897, 6041, 505, 2983, 29936, 367, 1389, 27498, 313, 29872, 2579, 1156, 29871, 29896, 29947, 7378, 29897, 6892, 437, 451, 29889, 27561, 2215, 2168, 15006, 437, 451, 505, 2983, 29889, 313, 1349, 968, 15006, 599, 679, 29769, 3694, 29892, 607, 338, 263, 6944, 591, 29915, 345, 3595, 17551, 408, 1532, 29892, 322, 363, 8509, 2197, 2788, 9590, 1846, 1126, 9074, 2153, 23703, 1024, 1009, 22525, 313, 2541, 777, 18697, 15283, 29892, 1316, 408, 376, 21648, 12753, 1763, 267, 2564, 13, 14959, 292, 472, 372, 278, 916, 982, 29892, 746, 1258, 366, 1833, 1074, 263, 5697, 12271, 5069, 26361, 892, 4257, 29871, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29892, 322, 29871, 29941, 29973, 22809, 528, 295, 2153, 1024, 1009, 15006, 29892, 1584, 565, 278, 15006, 884, 7150, 3553, 3694, 29889, 7704, 322, 8175, 15100, 526, 4257, 29889, 796, 3634, 15006, 313, 271, 3203, 278, 376, 3090, 1608, 2454, 4508, 2142, 29874, 4347, 1159, 526, 4257, 29889, 24980, 1338, 373, 11456, 526, 4257, 29889, 1126, 5375, 8775, 15006, 607, 526, 10431, 8359, 573, 29892, 763, 21325, 309, 29892, 508, 4953, 4257, 29889, 910, 3732, 963, 8195, 29889, 13, 4806, 437, 451, 4808, 278, 1021, 5360, 363, 376, 29873, 335, 414, 29908, 393, 591, 437, 363, 323, 3567, 29936, 591, 437, 451, 4808, 278, 1021, 5360, 363, 376, 24437, 1960, 29908, 393, 591, 437, 363, 278, 317, 1450, 517, 720, 18744, 29936, 591, 437, 451, 4808, 278, 1021, 5360, 363, 376, 29880, 1080, 29908, 393, 591, 437, 363, 21325, 309, 29889, 5332, 2296, 561, 2018, 29879, 322, 784, 3687, 892, 10035, 2745, 591, 1539, 390, 262, 323, 262, 323, 262, 322, 365, 465, 347, 29889, 13, 8439, 338, 1554, 1048, 14171, 8195, 29892, 1641, 2183, 263, 1024, 29892, 607, 3620, 278, 13019, 29915, 29879, 17189, 2347, 5469, 29892, 4049, 10805, 25618, 304, 7539, 372, 408, 263, 4509, 310, 1749, 10410, 3942, 29892, 3265, 1135, 408, 263, 13460, 3229, 29892, 15252, 17252, 29892, 470, 9687, 29889, 306, 626, 19066, 277, 424, 304, 1246, 278, 1889, 3907, 278, 13019, 263, 2022, 29892, 541, 393, 338, 263, 1407, 3802, 6139, 29889, 306, 626, 1407, 8852, 297, 445, 13336, 29892, 1363, 372, 12185, 472, 278, 5192, 310, 825, 14874, 502, 515, 14171, 763, 393, 20994, 12042, 391, 29889, 13, 29930, 12148, 4443, 393, 599, 15006, 505, 263, 2022, 2877, 29892, 3692, 25618, 508, 17189, 573, 372, 470, 451, 29889, 13, 1433, 29895, 13353, 19083, 11531, 8455, 29915, 29879, 6635, 9445, 322, 2175, 363, 4344, 304, 1284, 29892, 411, 8604, 2643, 885, 1610, 839, 373, 967, 1034, 27358, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 263, 521, 6574, 22668, 29872, 28469, 2479, 29889, 349, 545, 322, 2560, 29889, 1222, 1547, 29892, 15993, 368, 29892, 393, 20674, 567, 526, 16588, 261, 297, 393, 896, 6892, 671, 297, 20131, 3618, 304, 20616, 1269, 916, 29889, 13, 4013, 1407, 5199, 260, 5197, 363, 1424, 11036, 304, 11176, 479, 3025, 278, 10188, 746, 372, 508, 29915, 29873, 6216, 714, 1549, 278, 13394, 338, 2020, 306, 750, 304, 4480, 2211, 2440, 304, 1369, 1985, 714, 825, 306, 750, 304, 1827, 1048, 278, 14502, 310, 10212, 7606, 15006, 322, 278, 1857, 2106, 310, 278, 1788, 29889, 1619, 2441, 12241, 310, 714, 6617, 29892, 1550, 306, 471, 1603, 1722, 29899, 21026, 287, 322, 10849, 368, 5625, 4063, 491, 278, 7271, 29892, 1795, 505, 5148, 263, 3287, 763, 445, 813, 17422, 6504, 29892, 330, 747, 495, 292, 29892, 24252, 813, 5174, 393, 306, 626, 263, 21633, 29899, 786, 322, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 27754, 1549, 21448, 29889, 11647, 1016, 29915, 29873, 11621, 304, 825, 366, 505, 304, 1827, 746, 366, 526, 12166, 1259, 963, 813, 896 ]
The post IPL2019 : धवन पहुंचे "शिखर" पर, किया के कारनामा appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post बढ़ेगी कैश की किल्लत सिर्फ 5 दिन ही खुले रहेगें बैंक, जानिए क्या है पूरा सच appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post साध्वी PRAGYA का एक और आपत्तिजनक बयान, अयोध्या विवादित ढ़ांचे पर कहा ये appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post मिनटों में घर बैठे AADHAR CARD में ऐसे बदलें अपना मोबाइल नंबर और पता, ये है पूरा प्रोसेस appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post सरकार पर RABRI DEVI को आया गुस्सा, TWEET में लिखा ये… appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post जोरदार झटका!-PETROL-DIESELकी कीमतों में हुई बढ़ोतरी, जाने अपने शहर के बारे में appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post उत्तर प्रदेश में ताबड़तोड़ रैलियां करेंगे CM YOGI ADITYANATH appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post अमिताभ-धर्मेंद्र की इस सुपरहिट फिल्म का बनेगा रीमेक appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post IPL 2019 श्रेयस और धवन की धमाकेदार पारी,पंजाब को पड़ी भारी appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post विंग कमांडर अभिनंदन की पोस्टिंग की गई श्रीनगर एयरबेस से बा
[ -2.38006539413936, -2.3362357804114 ]
[ -2.5483532850526163, -2.4910531704507055 ]
[ -2.5168442840878376, -2.638583853306282 ]
[ -2.3889732867050877, -2.3993787677780993 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 1400, 5641, 29931, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 584, 29871, 31437, 30610, 30424, 29871, 30621, 30714, 30702, 30757, 31132, 30569, 376, 31009, 30436, 31667, 30316, 29908, 29871, 30621, 30316, 29892, 29871, 30444, 30436, 30640, 30269, 29871, 30444, 30569, 29871, 30444, 30269, 30316, 30424, 30269, 30485, 30269, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 29871, 31012, 227, 167, 165, 31821, 30569, 30875, 30580, 29871, 30444, 31678, 31009, 29871, 30444, 30580, 29871, 30444, 30436, 30603, 30296, 30603, 30475, 29871, 30489, 30436, 30316, 30296, 227, 167, 174, 29871, 29945, 29871, 30694, 30436, 30424, 29871, 30714, 30580, 29871, 31667, 30702, 30603, 30569, 29871, 30316, 30714, 30569, 30875, 30569, 30757, 29871, 31012, 31678, 30757, 30444, 29892, 29871, 30871, 30269, 30424, 30436, 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हर, भेजा वीर चक्र के लिए नाम appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post February में 3 गुना बढ़ा रोजगार, ईपीएफओ के पे-रोल डेटा में हुआ खुलासा appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post राष्‍ट्रपति की शरण में जेट कर्मचारी, बकाया सैलरी और इमर्जेंसी फंड देने की लगाई गुहार appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post कांग्रेस सरकार ने गरीबों से छीन लिया उनका दाल-भात: शिवराज appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post IPL: अब स्मिथ होंगे राजस्थान रॉयल्स के नए कप्तान… appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. तुर्पिन दम्पति ने अपने 12 बच्चों को जेलनुमा घर में दी अमानवीय यातनाएँ! The post तुर्पिन दम्पति ने अपने 12 बच्चों को जेलनुमा घर में दी अमानवीय यातनाएँ! appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post ट्रम्प ने म्यूलर जांच रिपोर्ट को निराधार बताया appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post बिना पुरुषों के हज यात्रा पर केरल की 86% महिलाएं appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post मामा की तरह 'चौकीदार' को करना है विदा : कमलनाथ appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post बिहारः तीसरे चरण की 5 सीटों के चुनाव में 28
[ -2.3910227975713503, -2.1609173254995584 ]
[ -2.677278542906916, -2.4767281418002276 ]
[ -2.6284388892047454, -2.3443798943617074 ]
[ -2.3889732867050877, -2.180863665244857 ]
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करोड़पति उम्मीदवार appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post बीजेपी में शामिल हो रहे हैं सनी देओल ? appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post हार्दिक पांड्या और केएल राहुल पर लगा जुर्माना, जानिए क्या है पूरा मामला appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post HDFC बैंक का Q4 में प्रॉफिट 23 फीसदी बढ़ा, 5885 करोड़ रुपए का हुआ मुनाफा appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post साध्वी प्रज्ञा को EC का कारण बताओ नोटिस, इतने घंटे में देना होगा जबाव… appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post क्यों स्कूल जाने लगी हैं दीपिका appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post मोदी पर बनी WEB SERIES पर चुनाव आयोग ने लगाई रोक appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post राहुल गांधी का नामांकन रद्द करने पर सुनवाई टली, वकील ने मांगा समय… appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post GoAir डोमेस्टिक फ्लाइट पर दे रहा है बंपर डिस्‍काउंट, अब मात्र 1375 रुपए में भरिए उड़ान appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post OPD में नियमित होगी कैंसर मरीजों की जांच appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post शॉर्ट सर्किट से गेहूं की फसल में
[ -2.511554235323241, -2.35815058727538 ]
[ -2.4910531704507055, -2.748903686159305 ]
[ -2.6487288174078194, -2.7400334943216533 ]
[ -2.2432965516829264, -2.3993787677780993 ]
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लगी भीषण आग appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post कार की टक्कर से दम्पति की मौत, दो बच्चे घायल appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post यदि आपने बुक करा रखा है जेट एयरवेज का टिकट, तो जानिए कैसे मिलेगा आपको रिफंड appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post भीड़ से हटकर पीएम के बारे में ये बातें करते हैं राहुल गांधी… appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post शादी का झांसा देकर 3 साल तक करता रहा रेप, केस दर्ज appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post कार्तिक और कृति के बीच है सब नॉर्मल, सोशल मीडिया पर ऐसे बताया appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post कंगना की फिल्म MENTAL HAI KYA विवादों में…डॉक्टर्स ने जताया ऐतराज appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post 'स्पीड ब्रेकर' दीदी को 23 मई के बाद समझ आएगा विकास रोकने का नतीजा- पीएम मोदी appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post डीजल के दाम में तीन दिन बाद भारी उछाल, पेट्रोल के भाव रहे स्थिर appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post लापता डिप्टी मजिस्ट्रेट की पत्नी ने कहा: हमारे संबंध अच्छे थे, अफवाह न फैलाएं appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार
[ -2.4458098147313008, -2.3471931838433897 ]
[ -2.820528829411694, -2.7632287148097827 ]
[ -2.466119463580152, -2.638583853306282 ]
[ -2.47221713528918, -2.3993787677780993 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
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, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post अफगानिस्तान की राजधानी KABUL में आतंकी हमला appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post अवध की सात लोकसभा सीटों पर त्रिकोणीय मुकाबले के आसार appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post गाजीपुर : मुकाबला बाहुबली बनाम विकासवाद के बीच appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post CONGRESS-AAP में नहीं होगा गठबंधन, सिसोदिया बोले- कांग्रेस ने किया समय बर्बाद appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post भीतरघात के भंवर में फंस सकती है कांग्रेस appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post विक्की कौशल के साथ बड़ा हादसा, लगे 13 टांके appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post नेताओं के बयान से हिमाचल में बढ़ी चुनावी सरगर्मी appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post #BIRTHDAY SPECIAL: ममता कुलकर्णी मना रही हैं आज अपना 47वां बर्थडे appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. The post पंजाब को मात देकर घेरलू मैदान पर हार के सिलसिले को तोड़ना चाहेगी दिल्ली appeared first on Hindusthan Samachar | हिंदी समाचार, Breaking News in Hindi, Latest news in Hindi. #METOO: चीफ जस्टिस पर लगे यौन शोषण के आरोप, RANJAN GOGOI ने किया आरोपों से किनारा.. The post #METOO: चीफ जस्टिस पर लगे यौन शोषण के आरोप, RANJAN GOGOI ने किया आरोपों
[ -2.40198020100334, -2.248576552955479 ]
[ -2.519703227751661, -2.691603571557394 ]
[ -2.5980039969001343, -2.6791637097124306 ]
[ -2.368162324559065, -2.3473513624130415 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 29871, 31350, 227, 167, 174, 30875, 30269, 30424, 30436, 30489, 30296, 30475, 30269, 30424, 29871, 30444, 30580, 29871, 30316, 30269, 30871, 31437, 30269, 30424, 30580, 476, 2882, 13309, 29871, 30485, 30569, 30757, 29871, 31732, 30475, 30757, 30444, 30580, 29871, 30714, 30485, 30603, 30269, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 29871, 31350, 30610, 31437, 29871, 30444, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30269, 30475, 29871, 30603, 30799, 30444, 30489, 31380, 30269, 29871, 30489, 30580, 31329, 30799, 30757, 29871, 30621, 30316, 29871, 30475, 30296, 30316, 30436, 30444, 30799, 31377, 30580, 30640, 29871, 30485, 30702, 30444, 30269, 31012, 30603, 30569, 29871, 30444, 30569, 29871, 31732, 30489, 30269, 30316, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 29871, 30875, 30269, 30871, 30580, 30621, 30702, 30316, 584, 29871, 30485, 30702, 30444, 30269, 31012, 30603, 30269, 29871, 31012, 30269, 30714, 30702, 31012, 30603, 30580, 29871, 31012, 30424, 30269, 30485, 29871, 30610, 30436, 30444, 30269, 30489, 30610, 30269, 30694, 29871, 30444, 30569, 29871, 31012, 30580, 31132, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 8707, 29954, 26785, 29899, 29909, 3301, 29871, 30485, 30569, 30757, 29871, 30424, 30714, 30580, 30757, 29871, 30714, 30799, 30875, 30269, 29871, 30875, 227, 167, 163, 31012, 30757, 31437, 30424, 29892, 29871, 30489, 30436, 30489, 30799, 30694, 30436, 30640, 30269, 29871, 31012, 30799, 30603, 30569, 29899, 29871, 30444, 30269, 30757, 30875, 30296, 30316, 30569, 30489, 29871, 30424, 30569, 29871, 30444, 30436, 30640, 30269, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30640, 29871, 31012, 30316, 30296, 31012, 30269, 30694, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 29871, 31380, 30580, 30475, 30316, 227, 167, 155, 30269, 30475, 29871, 30444, 30569, 29871, 31380, 30757, 30610, 30316, 29871, 30485, 30569, 30757, 29871, 227, 167, 174, 30757, 30489, 29871, 30489, 30444, 30475, 30580, 29871, 30714, 31678, 29871, 30444, 30269, 30757, 30875, 30296, 30316, 30569, 30489, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 29871, 30610, 30436, 30444, 30296, 30444, 30580, 29871, 30444, 227, 168, 143, 31009, 30603, 29871, 30444, 30569, 29871, 30489, 30269, 31927, 29871, 31012, 31447, 31821, 30269, 29871, 30714, 30269, 30694, 30489, 30269, 29892, 29871, 30603, 30875, 30569, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29871, 31329, 30269, 30757, 30444, 30569, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 29871, 30424, 30569, 30475, 30269, 227, 167, 150, 30757, 29871, 30444, 30569, 29871, 31012, 30640, 30269, 30424, 29871, 30489, 30569, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30603, 29871, 30485, 30569, 30757, 29871, 31012, 227, 167, 165, 31821, 30580, 29871, 31132, 30702, 30424, 30269, 30610, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30316, 30875, 30316, 30296, 30485, 30580, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 396, 29933, 8193, 4690, 28658, 317, 4162, 8426, 1964, 29901, 29871, 30485, 30485, 30475, 30269, 29871, 30444, 30702, 30603, 30444, 30316, 30296, 31377, 30580, 29871, 30485, 30424, 30269, 29871, 30316, 30714, 30580, 29871, 30714, 31678, 30757, 29871, 31732, 30871, 29871, 31350, 30621, 30424, 30269, 29871, 29946, 29955, 30610, 30269, 30757, 29871, 31012, 30316, 30296, 31927, 31447, 30569, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 1576, 1400, 29871, 30621, 30757, 30871, 30269, 31012, 29871, 30444, 30799, 29871, 30485, 30269, 30475, 29871, 30694, 30569, 30444, 30316, 29871, 227, 167, 155, 30569, 30316, 30603, 31413, 29871, 30485, 31678, 30694, 30269, 30424, 29871, 30621, 30316, 29871, 30714, 30269, 30316, 29871, 30444, 30569, 29871, 30489, 30436, 30603, 30489, 30436, 30603, 30569, 29871, 30444, 30799, 29871, 30475, 30799, 31447, 31821, 30424, 30269, 29871, 31132, 30269, 30714, 30569, 30875, 30580, 29871, 30694, 30436, 30603, 30296, 30603, 30580, 7470, 937, 373, 379, 20041, 5403, 3685, 496, 279, 891, 29871, 30714, 30436, 30757, 30694, 30580, 29871, 30489, 30485, 30269, 31132, 30269, 30316, 29892, 5826, 5086, 10130, 297, 379, 14108, 29892, 7053, 342, 9763, 297, 379, 14108, 29889, 13, 29937, 2303, 4986, 29949, 29901, 29871, 31132, 30580, 227, 167, 174, 29871, 30871, 30489, 30296, 31329, 30436, 30489, 29871, 30621, 30316, 29871, 30603, 30875, 30569, 29871, 30640, 227, 168, 143, 30424, 29871, 31009, 30799, 31330, 31377, 29871, 30444, 30569, 29871, 31732, 30316, 30799, 30621, 29892, 390, 2190, 29967, 2190, 21947, 17080, 29902, 29871, 30424, 30569, 29871, 30444, 30436, 30640, 30269, 29871, 31732, 30316, 30799, 30621, 30799, 30757, 29871, 30489, 30569, 29871, 30444, 30436, 30424, 30269, 30316, 30269, 636, 13, 1576, 1400, 396, 2303, 4986, 29949, 29901, 29871, 31132, 30580, 227, 167, 174, 29871, 30871, 30489, 30296, 31329, 30436, 30489, 29871, 30621, 30316, 29871, 30603, 30875, 30569, 29871, 30640, 227, 168, 143, 30424, 29871, 31009, 30799, 31330, 31377, 29871, 30444, 30569, 29871, 31732, 30316, 30799, 30621, 29892, 390, 2190, 29967, 2190, 21947, 17080, 29902, 29871, 30424, 30569, 29871, 30444, 30436, 30640, 30269, 29871, 31732, 30316, 30799, 30621, 30799, 30757, 29871 ]
VBOX 3i uses a powerful GPS/GLONASS receiver logging data 100 times a second to achieve high level accuracy. With IMU integration, USB and Bluetooth connectivity, compact flash card logging and audio functionality for voice tagging, the VBOX 3i represents a flexible solution to a range of testing requirements. VBOX 3i has the ability to utilise data from a RACELOGIC IMU and uses a Kalman Filter to improve all parameters measured in real-time. IMU integration ensures accurate test results in areas of unreliable satellite reception, typically caused by trees, buildings and bridges. The vehicle's body angles are also measured to a high accuracy without the need to use a dual antenna system. Dynamic overshoot is eliminated through lever arm correction. Velocity and heading data are calculated from Doppler Shift in the GPS carrier signal, providing users with unparalleled accuracy. For example, over 10 tests between two light barriers placed exactly 1000m apart, the VBOX will report a distance within ±2-3 cm, on every test, and the average comes out to within less than 1cm. Impressive for a device using satellites 18,000 km away! Brake distance accuracy is equally impressive, using a brake pedal mounted trigger input, VBOX 3i will measure the braking distance to within ±1.8 cm for a typical 100-0 kph brake stop. More about GPS accuracy. VBOX 3i comes in three versions, single antenna, dual antenna and (dual antenna) RTK. In conjunction with a DGPS Base Station (Option 1) VBOX 3i Single Antenna can achieve a positional accuracy of 80 cm. The VBOX 3i has a host of features which makes it a very powerful and flexible vehicle testing data logger. VBOX 3i is compatible with all existing peripherals. See Modules, Telemetry Systems and Display Overview for more information. VBOX 3i has the ability to utilise data from a RACELOGIC IMU and uses a Kalman Filter to improve all parameters measured in real-time. All captured data is processed at 100 Hz, improving accuracy / noise levels and enhancing the dynamic response to velocity. IMU integration ensures accurate test results in areas of unreliable satellite reception, typically caused by trees, buildings and bridges. The vehicle's attitude (pitch, roll and yaw angles) is also measured to a high accuracy without the need to use a dual antenna system (roll/pitch at 0.06° rms, Yaw at 0.5° rms). Dynamic overshoot is eliminated through lever arm correction. VBOX Test Suite comes equipped with a set of test configurations, such as Brake testing, Aquaplane, Coast-down, Lane Change, Pass-By Noise, and so on. The VBOX Test Suite Brake Testing plugin, for example, is designed so that engineers can conduct brake stop testing that conforms to regulations specified in all regions. The brake test plugin is configured to produce results based on speed to speed parameters or by a variety of alternative inputs such as trigger, brake pressure or position values. By using a physical pressure switch on the brake pedal, a precise 'start of braking event' can be captured. The brake/event trigger input is oversampled to 25 nS for high distance accuracy. Each of the four analogue input channels have a dedicated analogue converter. Data is recorded from each channel simultaneously to avoid latency between analogue channel data. The name, scale and offset of each analogue input channel can be adjusted using VBOX Tools software to allow sensor calibration and therefore logging of data in standard SI units. The analogue input connector also provides two power outputs that may be used for driving sensors. These are in the form of a 5 V DC isolated supply and an output equal to the VBOX power supply voltage. Log rates can be set to either 100 Hz or 500 Hz. VBOX 3i can accept a supply voltage between 7-30 V DC. Low current consumption results in extended battery life. Both 16 bit analogue outputs can be configured to output velocity (or other GPS parameters) for use by additional data logging equipment. The voltage output range is from 0 to 5 V DC with a resolution of 76
[ 0.3291526044201881, 0.2305359735322774 ]
[ 1.6632051381878419, 1.605905023585931 ]
[ 0.8208489053178607, 0.9527334386378428 ]
[ 0.7430765162713848, 1.0136190241696847 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 478, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 3913, 263, 13988, 402, 7024, 29914, 7239, 1164, 22933, 19870, 12183, 848, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 3064, 263, 1473, 304, 6176, 1880, 3233, 13600, 29889, 2973, 22313, 29965, 13465, 29892, 12951, 322, 3164, 20930, 4511, 2068, 29892, 11071, 11013, 5881, 12183, 322, 10348, 9863, 363, 7314, 4055, 3460, 29892, 278, 478, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 11524, 263, 25706, 1650, 304, 263, 3464, 310, 6724, 11780, 29889, 13, 29963, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 756, 278, 11509, 304, 3667, 895, 848, 515, 263, 390, 11538, 14480, 2965, 22313, 29965, 322, 3913, 263, 9172, 1171, 19916, 304, 11157, 599, 4128, 17005, 297, 1855, 29899, 2230, 29889, 22313, 29965, 13465, 5662, 1973, 16232, 1243, 2582, 297, 10161, 310, 443, 276, 492, 519, 28421, 25647, 29892, 12234, 8581, 491, 10697, 29892, 13814, 322, 28635, 2710, 29889, 13, 1576, 19716, 29915, 29879, 3573, 23619, 526, 884, 17005, 304, 263, 1880, 13600, 1728, 278, 817, 304, 671, 263, 14581, 25504, 1056, 1788, 29889, 27747, 975, 845, 3155, 338, 10397, 630, 1549, 26610, 5075, 26385, 29889, 13, 29963, 295, 25245, 322, 28435, 848, 526, 12833, 515, 1938, 407, 1358, 1383, 2027, 297, 278, 402, 7024, 1559, 4336, 7182, 29892, 13138, 4160, 411, 443, 862, 3498, 839, 13600, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 975, 29871, 29896, 29900, 6987, 1546, 1023, 3578, 2594, 26536, 7180, 3721, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29885, 12435, 29892, 278, 478, 8456, 29990, 674, 3461, 263, 5418, 2629, 29871, 30221, 29906, 29899, 29941, 7477, 29892, 373, 1432, 1243, 29892, 322, 278, 6588, 5304, 714, 304, 2629, 3109, 1135, 29871, 29896, 4912, 29889, 1954, 2139, 573, 363, 263, 4742, 773, 3290, 514, 3246, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 2383, 3448, 29991, 13, 28183, 446, 5418, 13600, 338, 18018, 21210, 573, 29892, 773, 263, 4105, 446, 8939, 284, 19239, 7135, 1881, 29892, 478, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 674, 5645, 278, 4105, 9292, 5418, 304, 2629, 29871, 30221, 29896, 29889, 29947, 7477, 363, 263, 15662, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29899, 29900, 413, 561, 4105, 446, 5040, 29889, 5853, 1048, 402, 7024, 13600, 29889, 13, 29963, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 5304, 297, 2211, 6910, 29892, 2323, 25504, 1056, 29892, 14581, 25504, 1056, 322, 313, 700, 284, 25504, 1056, 29897, 390, 29911, 29968, 29889, 512, 9589, 651, 411, 263, 360, 29954, 7024, 7399, 12039, 313, 8375, 29871, 29896, 29897, 478, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 16740, 530, 841, 1056, 508, 6176, 263, 2602, 284, 13600, 310, 29871, 29947, 29900, 7477, 29889, 13, 1576, 478, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 756, 263, 3495, 310, 5680, 607, 3732, 372, 263, 1407, 13988, 322, 25706, 19716, 6724, 848, 17927, 29889, 13, 29963, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 338, 15878, 411, 599, 5923, 23603, 8096, 1338, 29889, 2823, 3382, 2540, 29892, 1920, 2409, 27184, 23985, 322, 17440, 6811, 1493, 363, 901, 2472, 29889, 13, 29963, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 756, 278, 11509, 304, 3667, 895, 848, 515, 263, 390, 11538, 14480, 2965, 22313, 29965, 322, 3913, 263, 9172, 1171, 19916, 304, 11157, 599, 4128, 17005, 297, 1855, 29899, 2230, 29889, 2178, 15468, 848, 338, 19356, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 379, 29920, 29892, 4857, 1747, 13600, 847, 11462, 11174, 322, 427, 5403, 3277, 278, 7343, 2933, 304, 12885, 29889, 13, 7833, 29965, 13465, 5662, 1973, 16232, 1243, 2582, 297, 10161, 310, 443, 276, 492, 519, 28421, 25647, 29892, 12234, 8581, 491, 10697, 29892, 13814, 322, 28635, 2710, 29889, 13, 1576, 19716, 29915, 29879, 26309, 313, 29886, 2335, 29892, 9679, 322, 343, 1450, 23619, 29897, 338, 884, 17005, 304, 263, 1880, 13600, 1728, 278, 817, 304, 671, 263, 14581, 25504, 1056, 1788, 313, 1245, 29914, 29886, 2335, 472, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29953, 30073, 364, 1516, 29892, 612, 1450, 472, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29945, 30073, 364, 1516, 467, 27747, 975, 845, 3155, 338, 10397, 630, 1549, 26610, 5075, 26385, 29889, 13, 29963, 8456, 29990, 4321, 2166, 568, 5304, 1592, 16242, 411, 263, 731, 310, 1243, 22920, 29892, 1316, 408, 5032, 446, 6724, 29892, 16020, 481, 25821, 29892, 17700, 29899, 3204, 29892, 23841, 10726, 29892, 6978, 29899, 2059, 1939, 895, 29892, 322, 577, 373, 29889, 13, 1576, 478, 8456, 29990, 4321, 2166, 568, 5032, 446, 4321, 292, 7079, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 338, 8688, 577, 393, 6012, 414, 508, 7512, 4105, 446, 5040, 6724, 393, 378, 9514, 304, 1072, 8250, 6790, 297, 599, 12786, 29889, 450, 4105, 446, 1243, 7079, 338, 13252, 304, 7738, 2582, 2729, 373, 6210, 304, 6210, 4128, 470, 491, 263, 12875, 310, 8671, 10970, 1316, 408, 7135, 29892, 4105, 446, 12959, 470, 2602, 1819, 29889, 13, 2059, 773, 263, 9128, 12959, 4607, 373, 278, 4105, 446, 8939, 284, 29892, 263, 18378, 525, 2962, 310, 4105, 9292, 1741, 29915, 508, 367, 15468, 29889, 450, 4105, 446, 29914, 3696, 7135, 1881, 338, 288, 874, 981, 29881, 304, 29871, 29906, 29945, 302, 29903, 363, 1880, 5418, 13600, 29889, 13, 9760, 310, 278, 3023, 15690, 434, 1881, 18196, 505, 263, 16955, 15690, 434, 29105, 29889, 3630, 338, 10478, 515, 1269, 8242, 21699, 304, 4772, 23316, 1270, 1546, 15690, 434, 8242, 848, 29889, 450, 1024, 29892, 6287, 322, 9210, 310, 1269, 15690, 434, 1881, 8242, 508, 367, 10365, 287, 773, 478, 8456, 29990, 27564, 7047, 304, 2758, 23530, 1208, 26218, 322, 5480, 12183, 310, 848, 297, 3918, 22717, 10340, 29889, 450, 15690, 434, 1881, 1826, 2801, 884, 8128, 1023, 3081, 14391, 393, 1122, 367, 1304, 363, 19500, 4771, 943, 29889, 4525, 526, 297, 278, 883, 310, 263, 29871, 29945, 478, 13681, 23968, 11421, 322, 385, 1962, 5186, 304, 278, 478, 8456, 29990, 3081, 11421, 11749, 29889, 4522, 19257, 508, 367, 731, 304, 2845, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 379, 29920, 470, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29900, 379, 29920, 29889, 13, 29963, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 508, 3544, 263, 11421, 11749, 1546, 29871, 29955, 29899, 29941, 29900, 478, 13681, 29889, 17511, 1857, 27430, 2582, 297, 10410, 16988, 2834, 29889, 13, 29933, 720, 29871, 29896, 29953, 2586, 15690, 434, 14391, 508, 367, 13252, 304, 1962, 12885, 313, 272, 916, 402, 7024, 4128, 29897, 363, 671, 491, 5684, 848, 12183, 21083, 29889, 450, 11749, 1962, 3464, 338, 515, 29871, 29900, 304, 29871, 29945, 478, 13681, 411, 263, 10104, 310, 29871, 29955, 29953, 29871 ]
μV per bit. Data is logged in a space-delimited text format. Recording time dependent on flash card capacity, log frequency, number of channels and logging conditions. Approximately 29Mb per hour used when logging GPS data at 100 Hz; approx. 182 MB per hour total logging capacity. Please note only compact flash cards up to 32 GB capacity are supported. directly from the CAN bus of the vehicle using the RACELOGIC Vehicle CAN Database. * 95 % Circle of Error Probable (CEP) = 95 % of the position readings fall within a circle of the stated radius. 2 cm accuracy requires an RTK option and RTK enabled Base Station. ** Not using DGPS and crossing the start/finish line at 100 km/h. *** Approximately 29 MB per hour used when logging GPS data at 100 Hz; Approx. 182 MB per hour total logging capacity. **** 15.5 ms with fixed CAN latency. A VBOX 3i Dual Antenna (VB3iSL) uses a GPS/GLONASS receiver to achieve high level accuracy and thanks to the twin antennas has the ability to measure slip and pitch/roll angles at 100 Hz. The system is so accurate that it can even detect the difference a side wind makes to the slip angle measurement, a feat that even the very best inertial systems cannot currently replicate. Watch a demo video here. In addition to GPS, the VB3iSL tracks the Russian GLONASS range of satellites. The advantage of using both satellite constellations is that there are almost twice as many satellites in view, helping to maintain a robust satellite connection and increasing the accuracy of the system. More about GPS accuracy. Utilising two GPS/GLONASS antennas, the VB3iSL measures all of the normal VBOX GPS parameters, plus the azimuth and elevation between the antennas, i.e. the direction the antennas are pointing, and the angle between them measured from the horizontal. This allows the unit to measure slip angle, and also pitch angle (or roll angle depending on how the antennas are mounted), all at 100 Hz. This system is ideal for vehicle dynamics testing. The VBOX 3i Dual Antenna comes with a VBOX Manager, a display enabling you to change the dynamic modes and filter settings, set up slip angle data and define antenna locations. An optional Dual Antenna Mounting Pole (max. width 2.5m) ensures the most accurate attitude measurement. VBOX 3i Dual Antenna together with an IMU provide a highly accurate speed, distance, heading, and yaw rate measurement for use in testing Electronic Stability Control with a steering robot. The VBOX 3i Dual Antenna has a host of features which makes it a very powerful and flexible vehicle testing data logger. VBOX Test Suite comes equipped with a set of test configurations (see below), with additional tests added as they are developed. Brake Testing – Using a brake pedal mounted trigger input, VB3iSL will measure braking distance to within ±1.8cm. Circuit Testing - Extract and analyse lap information. Dynamic Tests - Slip and pitch angles updated at 100 Hz alongside speed, distance and acceleration. Steady State Cornering - Slip angle without any drift or correction over time. VB3iSLR features a powerful GPS engine embracing two antennas and capable of providing 100 Hz signal up date rate for all GPS/GLONASS parameters (i.e. velocity, heading & position). Velocity and heading are calculated via Doppler Shift in the GPS carrier signal, providing you with unparalleled data accuracy. Two CAN Bus interfaces are available. The first CAN Bus connections allows data to be logged from external RACELOGIC modules such as TC8 and FIM03. The second CAN Bus interface allows you to log up to 16 CAN signals from a different CAN source (e.g. Vehicle CAN Bus, laser height sensors, or steering wheel sensor). VBOX Tools analyisis software is able to load signal data from an industry standard CAN database file (.DBC). VBOX 3i can accept a supply voltage between 7 to 30V DC. Low
[ -0.73371552848285, -0.2406323740432962 ]
[ 1.4125171368044813, 0.9397911913387156 ]
[ 0.26794836178409004, 0.3744704848502294 ]
[ 0.5557778569571771, 0.5297641542746483 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 30167, 29963, 639, 2586, 29889, 13, 1469, 338, 13817, 297, 263, 2913, 29899, 6144, 326, 1573, 1426, 3402, 29889, 3599, 3278, 931, 14278, 373, 11013, 5881, 13284, 29892, 1480, 10868, 29892, 1353, 310, 18196, 322, 12183, 5855, 29889, 28268, 2657, 2486, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29924, 29890, 639, 7234, 1304, 746, 12183, 402, 7024, 848, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 379, 29920, 29936, 2134, 29916, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29906, 13232, 639, 7234, 3001, 12183, 13284, 29889, 3529, 4443, 871, 11071, 11013, 15889, 701, 304, 29871, 29941, 29906, 19289, 13284, 526, 6969, 29889, 13, 11851, 368, 515, 278, 315, 2190, 3593, 310, 278, 19716, 773, 278, 390, 11538, 14480, 2965, 8980, 29882, 2512, 315, 2190, 5470, 29889, 13, 29930, 29871, 29929, 29945, 1273, 27927, 310, 4829, 1019, 29890, 519, 313, 4741, 29925, 29897, 353, 29871, 29929, 29945, 1273, 310, 278, 2602, 1303, 886, 6416, 2629, 263, 8607, 310, 278, 8703, 11855, 29889, 29871, 29906, 7477, 13600, 6858, 385, 390, 29911, 29968, 2984, 322, 390, 29911, 29968, 9615, 7399, 12039, 29889, 13, 1068, 2216, 773, 360, 29954, 7024, 322, 24067, 278, 1369, 29914, 4951, 728, 1196, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 2383, 29914, 29882, 29889, 13, 17435, 28268, 2657, 2486, 29871, 29906, 29929, 13232, 639, 7234, 1304, 746, 12183, 402, 7024, 848, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 379, 29920, 29936, 28268, 29916, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29906, 13232, 639, 7234, 3001, 12183, 13284, 29889, 13, 2328, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29889, 29945, 10887, 411, 4343, 315, 2190, 23316, 1270, 29889, 13, 29909, 478, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 360, 950, 530, 841, 1056, 313, 24281, 29941, 29875, 12750, 29897, 3913, 263, 402, 7024, 29914, 7239, 1164, 22933, 19870, 304, 6176, 1880, 3233, 13600, 322, 3969, 304, 278, 3252, 262, 25504, 22911, 756, 278, 11509, 304, 5645, 269, 3466, 322, 15905, 29914, 1245, 23619, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 379, 29920, 29889, 13, 1576, 1788, 338, 577, 16232, 393, 372, 508, 1584, 6459, 278, 4328, 263, 2625, 8805, 3732, 304, 278, 269, 3466, 10696, 20039, 29892, 263, 1238, 271, 393, 1584, 278, 1407, 1900, 297, 814, 616, 6757, 2609, 5279, 1634, 5926, 29889, 24274, 263, 13455, 4863, 1244, 29889, 13, 797, 6124, 304, 402, 7024, 29892, 278, 21045, 29941, 29875, 12750, 16257, 278, 10637, 12729, 1164, 22933, 3464, 310, 3290, 514, 3246, 29889, 450, 10631, 310, 773, 1716, 28421, 1040, 514, 800, 338, 393, 727, 526, 4359, 8951, 408, 1784, 3290, 514, 3246, 297, 1776, 29892, 19912, 304, 7344, 263, 16424, 28421, 3957, 322, 10231, 278, 13600, 310, 278, 1788, 29889, 5853, 1048, 402, 7024, 13600, 29889, 13, 7270, 5921, 1023, 402, 7024, 29914, 7239, 1164, 22933, 25504, 22911, 29892, 278, 21045, 29941, 29875, 12750, 15366, 599, 310, 278, 4226, 478, 8456, 29990, 402, 7024, 4128, 29892, 2298, 278, 2698, 326, 2806, 322, 11858, 362, 1546, 278, 25504, 22911, 29892, 474, 29889, 29872, 29889, 278, 5305, 278, 25504, 22911, 526, 13330, 29892, 322, 278, 10696, 1546, 963, 17005, 515, 278, 14698, 29889, 910, 6511, 278, 5190, 304, 5645, 269, 3466, 10696, 29892, 322, 884, 15905, 10696, 313, 272, 9679, 10696, 8679, 373, 920, 278, 25504, 22911, 526, 19239, 511, 599, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 379, 29920, 29889, 910, 1788, 338, 10839, 363, 19716, 19753, 6724, 29889, 13, 1576, 478, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 360, 950, 530, 841, 1056, 5304, 411, 263, 478, 8456, 29990, 15629, 29892, 263, 2479, 427, 17961, 366, 304, 1735, 278, 7343, 18893, 322, 4175, 6055, 29892, 731, 701, 269, 3466, 10696, 848, 322, 4529, 25504, 1056, 14354, 29889, 530, 13136, 360, 950, 530, 841, 1056, 8040, 292, 349, 1772, 313, 3317, 29889, 2920, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29945, 29885, 29897, 5662, 1973, 278, 1556, 16232, 26309, 20039, 29889, 13, 29963, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 360, 950, 530, 841, 1056, 4208, 411, 385, 22313, 29965, 3867, 263, 10712, 16232, 6210, 29892, 5418, 29892, 28435, 29892, 322, 343, 1450, 6554, 20039, 363, 671, 297, 6724, 28251, 293, 624, 3097, 11264, 411, 263, 1886, 3241, 19964, 29889, 13, 1576, 478, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 360, 950, 530, 841, 1056, 756, 263, 3495, 310, 5680, 607, 3732, 372, 263, 1407, 13988, 322, 25706, 19716, 6724, 848, 17927, 29889, 13, 29963, 8456, 29990, 4321, 2166, 568, 5304, 1592, 16242, 411, 263, 731, 310, 1243, 22920, 313, 4149, 2400, 511, 411, 5684, 6987, 2715, 408, 896, 526, 8906, 29889, 13, 28183, 446, 4321, 292, 785, 5293, 263, 4105, 446, 8939, 284, 19239, 7135, 1881, 29892, 21045, 29941, 29875, 12750, 674, 5645, 4105, 9292, 5418, 304, 2629, 29871, 30221, 29896, 29889, 29947, 4912, 29889, 13, 23495, 3121, 4321, 292, 448, 7338, 1461, 322, 16455, 344, 23012, 2472, 29889, 13, 24001, 4321, 29879, 448, 317, 3466, 322, 15905, 23619, 4784, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 379, 29920, 19963, 6210, 29892, 5418, 322, 28178, 29889, 13, 7789, 3714, 4306, 2994, 1089, 292, 448, 317, 3466, 10696, 1728, 738, 4192, 2027, 470, 26385, 975, 931, 29889, 13, 24281, 29941, 29875, 12750, 29934, 5680, 263, 13988, 402, 7024, 6012, 7232, 945, 292, 1023, 25504, 22911, 322, 15390, 310, 13138, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29900, 379, 29920, 7182, 701, 2635, 6554, 363, 599, 402, 7024, 29914, 7239, 1164, 22933, 4128, 313, 29875, 29889, 29872, 29889, 12885, 29892, 28435, 669, 2602, 467, 12019, 25245, 322, 28435, 526, 12833, 3025, 1938, 407, 1358, 1383, 2027, 297, 278, 402, 7024, 1559, 4336, 7182, 29892, 13138, 366, 411, 443, 862, 3498, 839, 848, 13600, 29889, 13, 13985, 315, 2190, 8406, 19510, 526, 3625, 29889, 450, 937, 315, 2190, 8406, 12368, 6511, 848, 304, 367, 13817, 515, 7029, 390, 11538, 14480, 2965, 10585, 1316, 408, 323, 29907, 29947, 322, 383, 7833, 29900, 29941, 29889, 450, 1473, 315, 2190, 8406, 5067, 6511, 366, 304, 1480, 701, 304, 29871, 29896, 29953, 315, 2190, 18470, 515, 263, 1422, 315, 2190, 2752, 313, 29872, 29889, 29887, 29889, 8980, 29882, 2512, 315, 2190, 8406, 29892, 1869, 261, 3171, 4771, 943, 29892, 470, 1886, 3241, 18875, 23530, 467, 478, 8456, 29990, 27564, 16455, 15773, 7047, 338, 2221, 304, 2254, 7182, 848, 515, 385, 13661, 3918, 315, 2190, 2566, 934, 14544, 22840, 467, 13, 29963, 8456, 29990, 29871, 29941, 29875, 508, 3544, 263, 11421, 11749, 1546, 29871, 29955, 304, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29963, 13681, 29889, 17511 ]
We've come to the end of this tutorial on Discounted Cash Flow analysis. Using Gamestop's publicly available data, we have determined that Gamestop's stock is worth $23.78 (I have used "we" throughout this tutorial, but of course you are welcome to get different results by modifying the model). Considering the stock at the time of the research as evidenced by the Introduction page was $50.29, it seems like a good investment to bet against Gamestop's stock, or at least avoid buying it. I'll also reiterate that all the data and spreadsheets used for this tutorial are available for download so that you can tinker with it and read more information about Gamestop's operations. If you have any questions or comments, your emails to loganfrederick [at] gmail.com are welcome. Gamestop uses a combination of leasing and owning for its retail locations and distribution centers. It is possible that the renewing leases could help or hurt Gamestop in some significant way or that the financing environment might affect how these leases are paid. Lease accounting is discussed in the 10K on page 35 and page 49. The model uses a standard 35% corporate tax rate. Gamestop has some tax credits that can be used in the future to potentially help its earnings, but has also had some historical years with effective tax rates above 35%. These were not used in the model and should be to get a more accurate price. After attempting to use comparable companies to Gamestop to select the model's Weighted Average Cost of Capital, I set this value to 8% as it seemed the most reasonable. A more rigorous model for selecting the WACC involving different comparison companies or industry information could be used. Despite all the discussion about what might affect Gamestop's sales in the future, the model uses a simple method for growing and declining sales. The first couple projected years grow based on previous sales growth rates due to the launch of new game hardware. Then the last few years show steady sales decline based on the reasons given in the thesis. A better, potentially more accurate method for estimating future revenue would include factors such as projected consumer spending patterns, more precise adjustments for the potential hardware and software sales with a new gaming generation (which could be determined using patterns from past generation launches), and other sector and economic factors. Why has SG&A increased by $400 million in five years? This is the primary question which came to mind when building the model. This does not explain the $400 million increase from 2008 to 2011. Although sales grew by approximately $700 million from 2008 to 2011, sales dropped in fiscal 2012 back to 2008 levels, while SG&A remained stagnant, presumably for the fixed cost/same-­store sales decrease reasons listed above. If revenue remains around the 2008 levels, it would be worth investigating if Gamestop could bring its SG&A costs down as well. In the Introduction, I mentioned that future estimates of a company's profitability are inherently inaccurate because nobody truly knows what will happen in the future. Additionally, the farther into the future you try to guess, the less accurate your guesses will generally be. To compensate for this, financial analysts use the previously noted Time Value of Money principle to "discount" future Free Cash Flow (which we found in the last section). Discounting means that if we want to use future profits to determine the company's value today, we have to make those profits less valuable because there is a chance the company won't actually earn those profits in the future. So the next question is: How much less should future cash flow be worth? The common technique in finance is to apply a "Discount Factor" or "Discount Rate" to decrease the future cash flows. In our Gamestop model below, we find the Present Value for every year into the future we have found Free Cash Flow ("Present Value of FCF" in the spreadsheet). "N" is how many years into the future. What do we use as the discount rate ("r" in the equation)? This is where we use the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC). A longer definition is in the Glossary, but the WACC represents the minimum expected rate of return an investor in the
[ -0.08243486199393939, 0.036042062614453384 ]
[ 0.6318030753534439, 0.6676156469796384 ]
[ 1.1049079001608988, 1.0338931514501393 ]
[ 0.47253400837308485, 1.1280793159728117 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1334, 29915, 345, 2041, 304, 278, 1095, 310, 445, 9673, 373, 3295, 2798, 287, 315, 1161, 22787, 7418, 29889, 5293, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 970, 368, 3625, 848, 29892, 591, 505, 10087, 393, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 10961, 338, 7088, 395, 29906, 29941, 29889, 29955, 29947, 313, 29902, 505, 1304, 376, 705, 29908, 10106, 445, 9673, 29892, 541, 310, 3236, 366, 526, 12853, 304, 679, 1422, 2582, 491, 23815, 278, 1904, 467, 10056, 292, 278, 10961, 472, 278, 931, 310, 278, 5925, 408, 3415, 3615, 1133, 491, 278, 27576, 1813, 471, 395, 29945, 29900, 29889, 29906, 29929, 29892, 372, 2444, 763, 263, 1781, 13258, 358, 304, 1010, 2750, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 10961, 29892, 470, 472, 3203, 4772, 1321, 5414, 372, 29889, 13, 29902, 29915, 645, 884, 337, 1524, 403, 393, 599, 278, 848, 322, 9677, 19360, 1304, 363, 445, 9673, 526, 3625, 363, 5142, 577, 393, 366, 508, 260, 682, 261, 411, 372, 322, 1303, 901, 2472, 1048, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 6931, 29889, 13, 3644, 366, 505, 738, 5155, 470, 6589, 29892, 596, 24609, 304, 1480, 273, 10745, 672, 860, 518, 271, 29962, 330, 2549, 29889, 510, 526, 12853, 29889, 13, 29954, 314, 342, 459, 3913, 263, 10296, 310, 454, 5832, 322, 8152, 1076, 363, 967, 3240, 737, 14354, 322, 4978, 1644, 414, 29889, 739, 338, 1950, 393, 278, 23011, 292, 454, 2129, 1033, 1371, 470, 21682, 28011, 342, 459, 297, 777, 7282, 982, 470, 393, 278, 11782, 3277, 5177, 1795, 6602, 920, 1438, 454, 2129, 526, 12530, 29889, 951, 559, 3633, 292, 338, 15648, 297, 278, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29968, 373, 1813, 29871, 29941, 29945, 322, 1813, 29871, 29946, 29929, 29889, 13, 1576, 1904, 3913, 263, 3918, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29995, 17266, 403, 8818, 6554, 29889, 28011, 342, 459, 756, 777, 8818, 6625, 1169, 393, 508, 367, 1304, 297, 278, 5434, 304, 19998, 1371, 967, 2326, 11753, 29892, 541, 756, 884, 750, 777, 15839, 2440, 411, 11828, 8818, 19257, 2038, 29871, 29941, 29945, 15543, 4525, 892, 451, 1304, 297, 278, 1904, 322, 881, 367, 304, 679, 263, 901, 16232, 8666, 29889, 13, 13555, 15661, 304, 671, 5734, 519, 14582, 304, 28011, 342, 459, 304, 1831, 278, 1904, 29915, 29879, 1334, 523, 287, 319, 19698, 9839, 310, 25343, 29892, 306, 731, 445, 995, 304, 29871, 29947, 29995, 408, 372, 6140, 278, 1556, 15590, 29889, 319, 901, 12912, 20657, 1904, 363, 18851, 278, 399, 2477, 29907, 21677, 1422, 10230, 14582, 470, 13661, 2472, 1033, 367, 1304, 29889, 13, 4002, 29886, 568, 599, 278, 10679, 1048, 825, 1795, 6602, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 16538, 297, 278, 5434, 29892, 278, 1904, 3913, 263, 2560, 1158, 363, 15678, 322, 4845, 2827, 16538, 29889, 450, 937, 7303, 2060, 287, 2440, 6548, 2729, 373, 3517, 16538, 14321, 19257, 2861, 304, 278, 6826, 310, 716, 3748, 12837, 29889, 1987, 278, 1833, 2846, 2440, 1510, 27357, 16538, 4845, 457, 2729, 373, 278, 9590, 2183, 297, 278, 266, 6656, 29889, 13, 29909, 2253, 29892, 19998, 901, 16232, 1158, 363, 4844, 1218, 5434, 337, 9947, 723, 3160, 13879, 1316, 408, 2060, 287, 21691, 805, 2548, 15038, 29892, 901, 18378, 10365, 1860, 363, 278, 7037, 12837, 322, 7047, 16538, 411, 263, 716, 330, 11500, 12623, 313, 4716, 1033, 367, 10087, 773, 15038, 515, 4940, 12623, 6826, 267, 511, 322, 916, 17535, 322, 17407, 13879, 29889, 13, 11008, 756, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 11664, 491, 395, 29946, 29900, 29900, 7284, 297, 5320, 2440, 29973, 910, 338, 278, 7601, 1139, 607, 2996, 304, 3458, 746, 5214, 278, 1904, 29889, 13, 4013, 947, 451, 5649, 278, 395, 29946, 29900, 29900, 7284, 7910, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29889, 8512, 16538, 13631, 491, 14235, 395, 29955, 29900, 29900, 7284, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 16538, 13700, 297, 16436, 1052, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 1250, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 11174, 29892, 1550, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 9488, 380, 4211, 424, 29892, 2225, 24873, 363, 278, 4343, 3438, 29914, 17642, 29899, 30191, 8899, 16538, 23806, 9590, 9904, 2038, 29889, 960, 337, 9947, 9242, 2820, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 11174, 29892, 372, 723, 367, 7088, 7405, 1218, 565, 28011, 342, 459, 1033, 6963, 967, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 21544, 1623, 408, 1532, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 27576, 29892, 306, 5276, 393, 5434, 21875, 310, 263, 5001, 29915, 29879, 21665, 3097, 526, 7846, 2705, 297, 562, 2764, 403, 1363, 23196, 19781, 9906, 825, 674, 3799, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 19814, 29892, 278, 26645, 964, 278, 5434, 366, 1018, 304, 4140, 29892, 278, 3109, 16232, 596, 4140, 267, 674, 6892, 367, 29889, 1763, 22874, 403, 363, 445, 29892, 18161, 3483, 858, 29879, 671, 278, 9251, 11682, 5974, 7865, 310, 341, 4992, 12502, 304, 376, 2218, 2798, 29908, 5434, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 313, 4716, 591, 1476, 297, 278, 1833, 4004, 467, 3295, 2798, 292, 2794, 393, 565, 591, 864, 304, 671, 5434, 2600, 1169, 304, 8161, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 995, 9826, 29892, 591, 505, 304, 1207, 1906, 2600, 1169, 3109, 21114, 1363, 727, 338, 263, 8825, 278, 5001, 2113, 29915, 29873, 2869, 2326, 29876, 1906, 2600, 1169, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 6295, 278, 2446, 1139, 338, 29901, 1128, 1568, 3109, 881, 5434, 274, 1161, 4972, 367, 7088, 29973, 13, 1576, 3619, 11043, 297, 1436, 749, 338, 304, 3394, 263, 376, 4205, 2798, 383, 7168, 29908, 470, 376, 4205, 2798, 390, 403, 29908, 304, 23806, 278, 5434, 274, 1161, 24536, 29889, 13, 797, 1749, 28011, 342, 459, 1904, 2400, 29892, 591, 1284, 278, 4360, 296, 7865, 363, 1432, 1629, 964, 278, 5434, 591, 505, 1476, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 4852, 13504, 296, 7865, 310, 7992, 29943, 29908, 297, 278, 9677, 9855, 467, 376, 29940, 29908, 338, 920, 1784, 2440, 964, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 5618, 437, 591, 671, 408, 278, 2313, 792, 6554, 4852, 29878, 29908, 297, 278, 6306, 6877, 910, 338, 988, 591, 671, 278, 1334, 523, 287, 319, 19698, 9839, 310, 25343, 313, 29956, 2477, 29907, 467, 319, 5520, 5023, 338, 297, 278, 402, 6758, 653, 29892, 541, 278, 399, 2477, 29907, 11524, 278, 9212, 3806, 6554, 310, 736, 385, 13258, 272, 297, 278 ]
company would expect the company to earn with the investor's money. Therefore, discounting by the investor's minimum expected investment return turns future profits into their present value based on investor expectations. How do we determine what the WACC should be? There are some different ways to determine the WACC. In my case, I tried initially to find Gamestop's WACC using data from similar companies, but the value this produced was too low. You can see this work if you download the Excel workbook and view the "WACC" spreadsheet. The lower the WACC, the higher the stock price, since you are discounting or decreasing the cash flows by this rate. So I manually set the WACC at 8% in the model, which seemed realistically fair. Applying the Present Value formula onto each future year's FCF gives us the "Present Value of Free Cash Flow" row in the Excel model. With the knowledge of what the company's future profits are worth to us today, we can determine how much the company is worth. The company's value is called the "Enterprise Value". Again, a longer definition of Enterprise Value is in the Glossary. Here we can define the Enterprise Value as the sum of the Present Value of Free Cash Flows (in the spreadsheet as "Cumulative Present Value of FCF") plus the Terminal Value. The Terminal Value represents the value of the company for all the years beyond our model combined into one amount. This can be determined in different ways. In my model I chose to use the "Perpetuity Growth Method." Simply put, this takes the last year's Free Cash Flow in the model and grows it at a small rate indefinitely into the future and then discounting it back to its present value. The Terminal Value requires choosing a "perpetual growth rate", also known as the rate at which the company will grow forever into the future. This percentage should be low as it's impossible for company to grow faster than the entire economy forever. For Gamestop, I chose a one percent perpetual growth rate. Based on the Thesis and Supporting Arguments, I do not believe the company will grow very fast in the future, but I did not choose zero growth to keep my model a little more conservative and assume that Gamestop will not go completely bankrupt. Adding the Cumulative Present Value of FCF and the Terminal Value gives us the Enterprise Value. Congratulations, you have now found the value for the entire company! In my model, I determined that the entire Gamestop company is worth approximately $2.357 billion. Next we will take the value of the company and determine how much each share of stock gets of that value. Adding the Enterprise Value plus the company's cash gives us the Equity Value, which is the value of the company which belongs to the shareholders. Gamestop has $635 million of cash in the bank, so added onto the Enterprise Value gives Gamestop an Equity Value of $3.006 billion. Fully Diluted Shares Outstanding is the number of all the company's stock. To reiterate in English, the stock price is the total value of the company and its cash divided by the total number of shares of stock that exist. FDSO is the "Shares Outstanding" (shares available in the market) plus new shares of stock that can be created by stock options in owned by the company and its employees. Gamestop has 126.4 million shares of stock. Take Gamestop's $3.006 billion in Equity Value divided by its 126.4 million shares and you find that every share of stock is worth $23.78. Now that we've discussed the business, potential problems, and historical financial performance of Gamestop, we can attempt to predict the future to determine if the stock is under-, over-, or correctly valued in the stock market. Below is the second half of the DCF Excel spreadsheet with the future projections for Gamestop's financials and projected Free Cash Flow, followed by an explanation of how these numbers were found. Future Sales: In your typical DCF model, you can just grow sales every year into the future using the average growth rate I list in cell G3 in the above spreadsheet. In reality, business rarely have revenue every year change by the same amount. Specifically with Gamestop, I chose to have temporary high growth in the near future because of all the new video game consoles being released in
[ 0.26614753468624514, -0.058807960843710774 ]
[ 0.4240901599215166, 1.1260165637949262 ]
[ 1.8657802077761796, 1.2367924334808809 ]
[ 1.1384847970458232, 0.7534819973443964 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 5001, 723, 2149, 278, 5001, 304, 2326, 29876, 411, 278, 13258, 272, 29915, 29879, 6909, 29889, 7857, 29892, 2313, 792, 292, 491, 278, 13258, 272, 29915, 29879, 9212, 3806, 13258, 358, 736, 12169, 5434, 2600, 1169, 964, 1009, 2198, 995, 2729, 373, 13258, 272, 2149, 800, 29889, 13, 5328, 437, 591, 8161, 825, 278, 399, 2477, 29907, 881, 367, 29973, 13, 8439, 526, 777, 1422, 5837, 304, 8161, 278, 399, 2477, 29907, 29889, 512, 590, 1206, 29892, 306, 1898, 12919, 304, 1284, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 399, 2477, 29907, 773, 848, 515, 2788, 14582, 29892, 541, 278, 995, 445, 7371, 471, 2086, 4482, 29889, 887, 508, 1074, 445, 664, 565, 366, 5142, 278, 11388, 664, 2909, 322, 1776, 278, 376, 29956, 2477, 29907, 29908, 9677, 9855, 29889, 450, 5224, 278, 399, 2477, 29907, 29892, 278, 6133, 278, 10961, 8666, 29892, 1951, 366, 526, 2313, 792, 292, 470, 9263, 5832, 278, 274, 1161, 24536, 491, 445, 6554, 29889, 1105, 306, 7522, 731, 278, 399, 2477, 29907, 472, 29871, 29947, 29995, 297, 278, 1904, 29892, 607, 6140, 1855, 391, 1711, 6534, 29889, 13, 2052, 5890, 278, 4360, 296, 7865, 7063, 11480, 1269, 5434, 1629, 29915, 29879, 7992, 29943, 4076, 502, 278, 376, 13504, 296, 7865, 310, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 29908, 1948, 297, 278, 11388, 1904, 29889, 13, 3047, 278, 7134, 310, 825, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 5434, 2600, 1169, 526, 7088, 304, 502, 9826, 29892, 591, 508, 8161, 920, 1568, 278, 5001, 338, 7088, 29889, 450, 5001, 29915, 29879, 995, 338, 2000, 278, 376, 10399, 7734, 7865, 1642, 11454, 29892, 263, 5520, 5023, 310, 9041, 7734, 7865, 338, 297, 278, 402, 6758, 653, 29889, 2266, 591, 508, 4529, 278, 9041, 7734, 7865, 408, 278, 2533, 310, 278, 4360, 296, 7865, 310, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 29879, 313, 262, 278, 9677, 9855, 408, 376, 29907, 398, 28524, 4360, 296, 7865, 310, 7992, 29943, 1159, 2298, 278, 29175, 7865, 29889, 13, 1576, 29175, 7865, 11524, 278, 995, 310, 278, 5001, 363, 599, 278, 2440, 8724, 1749, 1904, 12420, 964, 697, 5253, 29889, 910, 508, 367, 10087, 297, 1422, 5837, 29889, 512, 590, 1904, 306, 12784, 304, 671, 278, 376, 5894, 10963, 29884, 537, 402, 798, 386, 8108, 1213, 3439, 17632, 1925, 29892, 445, 4893, 278, 1833, 1629, 29915, 29879, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 297, 278, 1904, 322, 25088, 372, 472, 263, 2319, 6554, 297, 1753, 18639, 964, 278, 5434, 322, 769, 2313, 792, 292, 372, 1250, 304, 967, 2198, 995, 29889, 450, 29175, 7865, 6858, 23906, 263, 376, 546, 10963, 950, 14321, 6554, 613, 884, 2998, 408, 278, 6554, 472, 607, 278, 5001, 674, 6548, 22296, 964, 278, 5434, 29889, 910, 19649, 881, 367, 4482, 408, 372, 29915, 29879, 9301, 363, 5001, 304, 6548, 8473, 1135, 278, 4152, 26504, 22296, 29889, 1152, 28011, 342, 459, 29892, 306, 12784, 263, 697, 10151, 25722, 950, 14321, 6554, 29889, 16564, 373, 278, 498, 6656, 322, 18601, 292, 11842, 9331, 29892, 306, 437, 451, 4658, 278, 5001, 674, 6548, 1407, 5172, 297, 278, 5434, 29892, 541, 306, 1258, 451, 6755, 5225, 14321, 304, 3013, 590, 1904, 263, 2217, 901, 8976, 1230, 322, 5251, 393, 28011, 342, 459, 674, 451, 748, 6446, 9124, 6685, 29889, 13, 2528, 292, 278, 315, 398, 28524, 4360, 296, 7865, 310, 7992, 29943, 322, 278, 29175, 7865, 4076, 502, 278, 9041, 7734, 7865, 29889, 6005, 3605, 8250, 29892, 366, 505, 1286, 1476, 278, 995, 363, 278, 4152, 5001, 29991, 512, 590, 1904, 29892, 306, 10087, 393, 278, 4152, 28011, 342, 459, 5001, 338, 7088, 14235, 395, 29906, 29889, 29941, 29945, 29955, 24464, 29889, 13, 9190, 591, 674, 2125, 278, 995, 310, 278, 5001, 322, 8161, 920, 1568, 1269, 6232, 310, 10961, 4947, 310, 393, 995, 29889, 18804, 278, 9041, 7734, 7865, 2298, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 274, 1161, 4076, 502, 278, 11243, 537, 7865, 29892, 607, 338, 278, 995, 310, 278, 5001, 607, 14393, 304, 278, 6232, 8948, 414, 29889, 28011, 342, 459, 756, 395, 29953, 29941, 29945, 7284, 310, 274, 1161, 297, 278, 9124, 29892, 577, 2715, 11480, 278, 9041, 7734, 7865, 4076, 28011, 342, 459, 385, 11243, 537, 7865, 310, 395, 29941, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29953, 24464, 29889, 13, 29943, 352, 368, 360, 309, 3860, 1383, 5114, 4451, 11235, 338, 278, 1353, 310, 599, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 10961, 29889, 1763, 337, 1524, 403, 297, 4223, 29892, 278, 10961, 8666, 338, 278, 3001, 995, 310, 278, 5001, 322, 967, 274, 1161, 13931, 491, 278, 3001, 1353, 310, 29358, 310, 10961, 393, 1863, 29889, 383, 29928, 6156, 338, 278, 376, 2713, 5114, 4451, 11235, 29908, 313, 845, 5114, 3625, 297, 278, 9999, 29897, 2298, 716, 29358, 310, 10961, 393, 508, 367, 2825, 491, 10961, 3987, 297, 15205, 491, 278, 5001, 322, 967, 22873, 29889, 13, 29954, 314, 342, 459, 756, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29953, 29889, 29946, 7284, 29358, 310, 10961, 29889, 13, 26772, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 395, 29941, 29889, 29900, 29900, 29953, 24464, 297, 11243, 537, 7865, 13931, 491, 967, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29953, 29889, 29946, 7284, 29358, 322, 366, 1284, 393, 1432, 6232, 310, 10961, 338, 7088, 395, 29906, 29941, 29889, 29955, 29947, 29889, 13, 10454, 393, 591, 29915, 345, 15648, 278, 5381, 29892, 7037, 4828, 29892, 322, 15839, 18161, 4180, 310, 28011, 342, 459, 29892, 591, 508, 4218, 304, 8500, 278, 5434, 304, 8161, 565, 278, 10961, 338, 1090, 15767, 975, 15767, 470, 5149, 659, 6742, 297, 278, 10961, 9999, 29889, 13, 21140, 340, 338, 278, 1473, 4203, 310, 278, 360, 9207, 11388, 9677, 9855, 411, 278, 5434, 410, 24247, 363, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 22347, 1338, 322, 2060, 287, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 29892, 5643, 491, 385, 8252, 310, 920, 1438, 3694, 892, 1476, 29889, 13, 20154, 28389, 29901, 512, 596, 15662, 360, 9207, 1904, 29892, 366, 508, 925, 6548, 16538, 1432, 1629, 964, 278, 5434, 773, 278, 6588, 14321, 6554, 306, 1051, 297, 3038, 402, 29941, 297, 278, 2038, 9677, 9855, 29889, 512, 16832, 29892, 5381, 23703, 505, 337, 9947, 1432, 1629, 1735, 491, 278, 1021, 5253, 29889, 26321, 411, 28011, 342, 459, 29892, 306, 12784, 304, 505, 13201, 1880, 14321, 297, 278, 2978, 5434, 1363, 310, 599, 278, 716, 4863, 3748, 1136, 6544, 1641, 5492, 297, 29871 ]
2013 and the pent up videogame demand saved up for this occasion. However, for all the reasons listed in my "Supporting Arguments", I decrease the company's revenue in the future. For the specific percentages, I used Gamestop's best and worst annual growth rates in the past five years. Cost of Revenue and SG&A Projections: To find Gamestop's future Earnings Before Taxes, Interest, Depreciation and Amortization, we need to subtract out its future Cost of Revenue and SG&A costs. To predict those costs, at the bottom of the spreadsheet I have included some extra information: The Cost of Revenue growth rate taken from the CAGR column and SG&A as a percentage of Revenue. SG&A as a percentage of Revenue is based on the average ratio of SG&A to Revenue from past years and using that average ratio in the future. Depreciation and Amortization: Future D&A was set at 2% of future revenue. This is another standard number that you could try and modify if you see major changes in these expenses, but I did not see such reasons. If you compare the future projections of D&A using this "2% of future revenue metric", you will see it is relatively close to the past values and thus seems like a reasonable assumption. Capital Expenditures: Future Capex was set at 1.85% of future revenue, which was the average Capex over the previous five years. Increase in Net Working Capital: This is the most complex part of the Free Cash Flow equation, so I have dedicated a separate post to explaining the details on how to project future changes in Net Working Capital. EBIAT represents the company's earnings that could be used to pay off any debts in the event of a liquidation (hence why "Interest" is not taken out, interest comes from those debts). Capex is subtracted because it is a use of the company's cash. Even though it can be considered cash spent wisely to improve the business, it is still less cash available to the owners (the stock holders). The Increase in Net Working Capital is subtracted because an increase in NWC, like Capex, means cash has been used to either increase the company's assets or decrease its liabilities. Both of these are not strictly good nor bad, but they are uses of cash that are not available for the investors to pocket. However, the remaining cash is available for investors. Using the steps and descriptions above for each row in the Excel spreadsheet model and every column representing the next five year's of the company's operations, we can use the simple math explained above and in the past to estimate future Free Cash Flow. With our guesses for the company's future profits, we can now determine what the stock price should be. Increase in Net Working Capital: Increase in Net Working Capital is the most complicated of our future projections. This is because to properly find future NWC, you have to predict future Current Assets and future Current Liabilities. All of the numbers in the 2008 through 2012 columns were taken from the 2008 through 2012 Gamestop Balance Sheets. The projections for the 2013-2017 values are found by taking the average growth rates or most recent value for the assets and liabilities and using those values or rates in future years. Accounts Receivables: Amounts owed to the company for products or services it has given on credit to other business or individuals. Inventories: Inventories are the company's raw materials and products made or in the process of being made. Prepaid Expenses: These are expenses paid by the company before receiving the products or services for which it has paid. An example of a prepaid expense is an insurance premium which is paid completely upfront but covers a company or person for some amount of time such as a year. The insurance is a prepaid expense which initially is an asset that will get used over the course of the year, decreasing the asset over that time. Cash and Cash Equivalents: The company's cash and assets that can almost immediately be turned into cash, such as commercial paper and Treasury Bills. Other Current Assets: Assets that do not fall into the above categories but are still assets that can be turned into cash within a year. These kinds of assets are typically non-recurring or not large
[ -0.9117733342526889, -0.24611107575929125 ]
[ -0.014613842499364454, 0.6676156469796384 ]
[ -0.04147304331279079, 1.1657776847701213 ]
[ 0.378884678715981, 0.5193586732016368 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 322, 278, 11137, 701, 18900, 468, 420, 9667, 7160, 701, 363, 445, 10039, 29889, 2398, 29892, 363, 599, 278, 9590, 9904, 297, 590, 376, 14039, 292, 11842, 9331, 613, 306, 23806, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 337, 9947, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 1152, 278, 2702, 10151, 1179, 29892, 306, 1304, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 1900, 322, 17322, 17568, 14321, 19257, 297, 278, 4940, 5320, 2440, 29889, 13, 25733, 310, 830, 9947, 322, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 1019, 24247, 29901, 1763, 1284, 28011, 342, 459, 29915, 29879, 5434, 382, 2753, 886, 10949, 17847, 267, 29892, 23829, 29892, 897, 1457, 455, 362, 322, 1913, 441, 2133, 29892, 591, 817, 304, 23197, 714, 967, 5434, 9839, 310, 830, 9947, 322, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 21544, 29889, 1763, 8500, 1906, 21544, 29892, 472, 278, 5970, 310, 278, 9677, 9855, 306, 505, 5134, 777, 4805, 2472, 29901, 450, 9839, 310, 830, 9947, 14321, 6554, 4586, 515, 278, 315, 10051, 29934, 1897, 322, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 408, 263, 19649, 310, 830, 9947, 29889, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 408, 263, 19649, 310, 830, 9947, 338, 2729, 373, 278, 6588, 11959, 310, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 304, 830, 9947, 515, 4940, 2440, 322, 773, 393, 6588, 11959, 297, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 8498, 4361, 362, 322, 1913, 441, 2133, 29901, 16367, 360, 29987, 29909, 471, 731, 472, 29871, 29906, 29995, 310, 5434, 337, 9947, 29889, 910, 338, 1790, 3918, 1353, 393, 366, 1033, 1018, 322, 6623, 565, 366, 1074, 4655, 3620, 297, 1438, 1518, 11259, 29892, 541, 306, 1258, 451, 1074, 1316, 9590, 29889, 960, 366, 7252, 278, 5434, 410, 24247, 310, 360, 29987, 29909, 773, 445, 376, 29906, 29995, 310, 5434, 337, 9947, 12714, 613, 366, 674, 1074, 372, 338, 13774, 3802, 304, 278, 4940, 1819, 322, 4550, 2444, 763, 263, 15590, 11833, 29889, 13, 12415, 2410, 12027, 355, 277, 1973, 29901, 16367, 20922, 29916, 471, 731, 472, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29947, 29945, 29995, 310, 5434, 337, 9947, 29892, 607, 471, 278, 6588, 20922, 29916, 975, 278, 3517, 5320, 2440, 29889, 13, 797, 1037, 559, 297, 12670, 24176, 25343, 29901, 910, 338, 278, 1556, 4280, 760, 310, 278, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 6306, 29892, 577, 306, 505, 16955, 263, 5004, 1400, 304, 24232, 278, 4902, 373, 920, 304, 2060, 5434, 3620, 297, 12670, 24176, 25343, 29889, 13, 29923, 12809, 1299, 11524, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 2326, 11753, 393, 1033, 367, 1304, 304, 5146, 1283, 738, 2553, 1372, 297, 278, 1741, 310, 263, 23904, 362, 313, 29882, 663, 2020, 376, 4074, 342, 29908, 338, 451, 4586, 714, 29892, 4066, 5304, 515, 1906, 2553, 1372, 467, 13, 29907, 4085, 29916, 338, 23197, 287, 1363, 372, 338, 263, 671, 310, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 274, 1161, 29889, 7753, 2466, 372, 508, 367, 5545, 274, 1161, 10398, 22573, 873, 304, 11157, 278, 5381, 29892, 372, 338, 1603, 3109, 274, 1161, 3625, 304, 278, 1914, 414, 313, 1552, 10961, 4808, 414, 467, 13, 1576, 512, 1037, 559, 297, 12670, 24176, 25343, 338, 23197, 287, 1363, 385, 7910, 297, 405, 29956, 29907, 29892, 763, 20922, 29916, 29892, 2794, 274, 1161, 756, 1063, 1304, 304, 2845, 7910, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 21608, 470, 23806, 967, 619, 11614, 29889, 9134, 310, 1438, 526, 451, 18719, 1781, 3643, 4319, 29892, 541, 896, 526, 3913, 310, 274, 1161, 393, 526, 451, 3625, 363, 278, 13258, 943, 304, 24589, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 278, 9886, 274, 1161, 338, 3625, 363, 13258, 943, 29889, 13, 15156, 278, 6576, 322, 2342, 1980, 2038, 363, 1269, 1948, 297, 278, 11388, 9677, 9855, 1904, 322, 1432, 1897, 15783, 278, 2446, 5320, 1629, 29915, 29879, 310, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 6931, 29892, 591, 508, 671, 278, 2560, 5844, 10824, 2038, 322, 297, 278, 4940, 304, 12678, 5434, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 29889, 13, 3047, 1749, 4140, 267, 363, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 5434, 2600, 1169, 29892, 591, 508, 1286, 8161, 825, 278, 10961, 8666, 881, 367, 29889, 13, 797, 1037, 559, 297, 12670, 24176, 25343, 29901, 512, 1037, 559, 297, 12670, 24176, 25343, 338, 278, 1556, 12092, 310, 1749, 5434, 410, 24247, 29889, 910, 338, 1363, 304, 6284, 1284, 5434, 405, 29956, 29907, 29892, 366, 505, 304, 8500, 5434, 9626, 1094, 7224, 322, 5434, 9626, 2718, 11614, 29889, 13, 3596, 310, 278, 3694, 297, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 1549, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 4341, 892, 4586, 515, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 1549, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 28011, 342, 459, 7392, 749, 2296, 1691, 29889, 450, 410, 24247, 363, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 1819, 526, 1476, 491, 5622, 278, 6588, 14321, 19257, 470, 1556, 7786, 995, 363, 278, 21608, 322, 619, 11614, 322, 773, 1906, 1819, 470, 19257, 297, 5434, 2440, 29889, 13, 10601, 29879, 24328, 440, 1849, 29901, 1913, 792, 29879, 8152, 287, 304, 278, 5001, 363, 9316, 470, 5786, 372, 756, 2183, 373, 16200, 304, 916, 5381, 470, 15724, 29889, 13, 797, 794, 3842, 29901, 512, 794, 3842, 526, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 10650, 17279, 322, 9316, 1754, 470, 297, 278, 1889, 310, 1641, 1754, 29889, 13, 6572, 3274, 333, 12027, 11259, 29901, 4525, 526, 1518, 11259, 12530, 491, 278, 5001, 1434, 13442, 278, 9316, 470, 5786, 363, 607, 372, 756, 12530, 29889, 530, 1342, 310, 263, 758, 3274, 333, 1518, 1947, 338, 385, 1663, 18541, 5188, 1974, 607, 338, 12530, 6446, 701, 8862, 541, 18469, 263, 5001, 470, 2022, 363, 777, 5253, 310, 931, 1316, 408, 263, 1629, 29889, 450, 1663, 18541, 338, 263, 758, 3274, 333, 1518, 1947, 607, 12919, 338, 385, 24342, 393, 674, 679, 1304, 975, 278, 3236, 310, 278, 1629, 29892, 9263, 5832, 278, 24342, 975, 393, 931, 29889, 13, 29907, 1161, 322, 315, 1161, 11243, 2561, 1237, 29901, 450, 5001, 29915, 29879, 274, 1161, 322, 21608, 393, 508, 4359, 7389, 367, 6077, 964, 274, 1161, 29892, 1316, 408, 12128, 5650, 322, 6479, 294, 2857, 350, 6090, 29889, 13, 16107, 9626, 1094, 7224, 29901, 1094, 7224, 393, 437, 451, 6416, 964, 278, 2038, 13997, 541, 526, 1603, 21608, 393, 508, 367, 6077, 964, 274, 1161, 2629, 263, 1629, 29889, 4525, 17690, 310, 21608, 526, 12234, 1661, 29899, 3757, 1038, 292, 470, 451, 2919 ]
enough to require their own category on the balance sheet. Some examples of this could be cash paid in advance to suppliers or employees that is accounted separately from the rest of the company's cash or small investments in other companies or assets the company has made. Accounts Payable: Payments owed to the company for products or services already provided to a customer. This can be thought of in non-accounting terms as customers' unpaid bills. Accrued Liabilities: Expenses such as salaries, rent, interest, and taxes that the company owes but has not yet paid. Other Current Liabilities: Other types of liabilities that don't fit into one of the other categories, possibly don't occur very often, and are due to be paid or worked off within a year. Day Sales Outstanding (DSO): DSO tells you how a company is managing its Account Receivables. The lower the number, the faster the company is getting paid by its customers. The equation for DSO is: (AR/Sales) * 365. Days Inventory Held (DHI): DHI tells you how a company is managing its Inventory. The lower the number, the faster the company is selling or getting rid of its old product inventory. The equation for DHI is: (Inventory/Cost of Revenue) * 365. Prepaids and Other Current Assets as a Percentage of Sales: This percentage is used to project the Prepaid and Other Current Assets into the future by setting them to a percentage of the future Revenue. Days Payable Outstanding (DPO): DPO tells you how long it takes a company to pay its suppliers. The larger this number, the longer amount of time the company is taking to pay its suppliers. A larger number is good because it means the company is not rushed to pay its bills and has time to invest its cash into other parts of the business before having to pay bills. The equation for DPO is: (Accounts Payable/Cost of Revenue) * 365. Accrued Liabilities as as Percentage of Sales: This percentage is used to project the Accrued Liabilities into the future by setting them to a percentage of the future Revenue. Other Current Liabilities as a Percentage of Sales: This percentage is used to project the Other Current Liabilities as a percentage of the future Revenue. Now that we've highlighted the important vocabulary used in Discounted Cash Flow modeling, we can build a model for Gamestop. The goal of the DCF is to find the value of the company based on its future profit discounted at some rate to factor in the uncertainty of those profits. This "value" is called "intrinsic value", which is different from the "market value" of the company. In the marketplace, anyone can buy the company or its stock for whatever someone is willing to sell to them at a "market price". This can be unrelated to how much money the business actually makes. The key points to remember are that although the market value can be unrelated to the health of a business, it can be easily seen in the market. The intrinsic value is how much a company is actually worth based on how much money it will make, but predicting the future is harder to see. Given the information that companies are required by law to publish about themselves (the accounting statements in SEC filings), how can we divine the intrinsic value of a company? This is done by taking the company's revenues and removing all of the expenses that affect its cash until you are left with the Free Cash Flow. Finding how much cash a company makes is vital to its intrinsic value. To get the actual numbers to plug into the DCF, we pull from the publicly published accounting statements. The DCF model is generally built using annual data, so taking these data points from one year's SEC filings will give you one year's Free Cash Flow. But the company's intrinsic value isn't really determined by what happened in the past! What we want to know is how a business will do in the future after we've invested our money. As I pointed out in the introduction, we obviously don't know the future, so the best we can do is use past performance, along with our educated guesses (hence the thesis and researched supporting arguments), to predict the future. While revenue growth between 2008 to 2012 was almost flat (rising until 2011 then falling dramatically in 2012, possibly
[ -0.6405775993109343, 0.06069622033643107 ]
[ 0.36679004531960563, 0.6282218181908246 ]
[ 1.0338931514501393, 1.7744755308623459 ]
[ 0.28523534905887715, 0.9511861377316155 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3307, 304, 1996, 1009, 1914, 7663, 373, 278, 17346, 9869, 29889, 3834, 6455, 310, 445, 1033, 367, 274, 1161, 12530, 297, 6564, 304, 1462, 27801, 470, 22873, 393, 338, 3633, 287, 16949, 515, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 274, 1161, 470, 2319, 13258, 1860, 297, 916, 14582, 470, 21608, 278, 5001, 756, 1754, 29889, 13, 10601, 29879, 14617, 519, 29901, 14617, 1860, 8152, 287, 304, 278, 5001, 363, 9316, 470, 5786, 2307, 4944, 304, 263, 11962, 29889, 910, 508, 367, 2714, 310, 297, 1661, 29899, 10149, 292, 4958, 408, 20330, 29915, 443, 3274, 333, 289, 6090, 29889, 13, 7504, 582, 287, 2718, 11614, 29901, 12027, 11259, 1316, 408, 4497, 4314, 29892, 23990, 29892, 4066, 29892, 322, 8818, 267, 393, 278, 5001, 8152, 267, 541, 756, 451, 3447, 12530, 29889, 13, 16107, 9626, 2718, 11614, 29901, 5901, 4072, 310, 619, 11614, 393, 1016, 29915, 29873, 6216, 964, 697, 310, 278, 916, 13997, 29892, 10075, 1016, 29915, 29873, 6403, 1407, 4049, 29892, 322, 526, 2861, 304, 367, 12530, 470, 3796, 1283, 2629, 263, 1629, 29889, 13, 12742, 28389, 4451, 11235, 313, 29928, 6156, 1125, 360, 6156, 10603, 366, 920, 263, 5001, 338, 767, 6751, 967, 16535, 24328, 440, 1849, 29889, 450, 5224, 278, 1353, 29892, 278, 8473, 278, 5001, 338, 2805, 12530, 491, 967, 20330, 29889, 450, 6306, 363, 360, 6156, 338, 29901, 313, 1718, 29914, 29903, 2122, 29897, 334, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29945, 29889, 13, 25991, 512, 23886, 379, 2495, 313, 29928, 17628, 1125, 360, 17628, 10603, 366, 920, 263, 5001, 338, 767, 6751, 967, 512, 23886, 29889, 450, 5224, 278, 1353, 29892, 278, 8473, 278, 5001, 338, 269, 7807, 470, 2805, 8177, 310, 967, 2030, 3234, 11817, 706, 29889, 450, 6306, 363, 360, 17628, 338, 29901, 313, 797, 23886, 29914, 25733, 310, 830, 9947, 29897, 334, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29945, 29889, 13, 6572, 3274, 4841, 322, 5901, 9626, 1094, 7224, 408, 263, 2431, 1760, 482, 310, 28389, 29901, 910, 19649, 338, 1304, 304, 2060, 278, 4721, 3274, 333, 322, 5901, 9626, 1094, 7224, 964, 278, 5434, 491, 4444, 963, 304, 263, 19649, 310, 278, 5434, 830, 9947, 29889, 13, 25991, 14617, 519, 4451, 11235, 313, 11191, 29949, 1125, 360, 13152, 10603, 366, 920, 1472, 372, 4893, 263, 5001, 304, 5146, 967, 1462, 27801, 29889, 450, 7200, 445, 1353, 29892, 278, 5520, 5253, 310, 931, 278, 5001, 338, 5622, 304, 5146, 967, 1462, 27801, 29889, 319, 7200, 1353, 338, 1781, 1363, 372, 2794, 278, 5001, 338, 451, 364, 15392, 304, 5146, 967, 289, 6090, 322, 756, 931, 304, 13258, 967, 274, 1161, 964, 916, 5633, 310, 278, 5381, 1434, 2534, 304, 5146, 289, 6090, 29889, 450, 6306, 363, 360, 13152, 338, 29901, 313, 10601, 29879, 14617, 519, 29914, 25733, 310, 830, 9947, 29897, 334, 29871, 29941, 29953, 29945, 29889, 13, 7504, 582, 287, 2718, 11614, 408, 408, 2431, 1760, 482, 310, 28389, 29901, 910, 19649, 338, 1304, 304, 2060, 278, 4831, 582, 287, 2718, 11614, 964, 278, 5434, 491, 4444, 963, 304, 263, 19649, 310, 278, 5434, 830, 9947, 29889, 13, 16107, 9626, 2718, 11614, 408, 263, 2431, 1760, 482, 310, 28389, 29901, 910, 19649, 338, 1304, 304, 2060, 278, 5901, 9626, 2718, 11614, 408, 263, 19649, 310, 278, 5434, 830, 9947, 29889, 13, 10454, 393, 591, 29915, 345, 12141, 287, 278, 4100, 7931, 370, 352, 653, 1304, 297, 3295, 2798, 287, 315, 1161, 22787, 1904, 292, 29892, 591, 508, 2048, 263, 1904, 363, 28011, 342, 459, 29889, 13, 1576, 7306, 310, 278, 360, 9207, 338, 304, 1284, 278, 995, 310, 278, 5001, 2729, 373, 967, 5434, 21665, 2313, 792, 287, 472, 777, 6554, 304, 7329, 297, 278, 25812, 310, 1906, 2600, 1169, 29889, 910, 376, 1767, 29908, 338, 2000, 376, 262, 509, 28594, 995, 613, 607, 338, 1422, 515, 278, 376, 28549, 995, 29908, 310, 278, 5001, 29889, 512, 278, 9999, 6689, 29892, 5019, 508, 15649, 278, 5001, 470, 967, 10961, 363, 6514, 4856, 338, 17762, 304, 19417, 304, 963, 472, 263, 376, 28549, 8666, 1642, 910, 508, 367, 443, 12817, 304, 920, 1568, 6909, 278, 5381, 2869, 3732, 29889, 13, 1576, 1820, 3291, 304, 6456, 526, 393, 5998, 278, 9999, 995, 508, 367, 443, 12817, 304, 278, 9045, 310, 263, 5381, 29892, 372, 508, 367, 5948, 3595, 297, 278, 9999, 29889, 450, 11158, 28594, 995, 338, 920, 1568, 263, 5001, 338, 2869, 7088, 2729, 373, 920, 1568, 6909, 372, 674, 1207, 29892, 541, 8500, 292, 278, 5434, 338, 22622, 304, 1074, 29889, 13, 29954, 5428, 278, 2472, 393, 14582, 526, 3734, 491, 4307, 304, 9805, 1048, 6053, 313, 1552, 3633, 292, 9506, 297, 3725, 29907, 977, 886, 511, 920, 508, 591, 25616, 278, 11158, 28594, 995, 310, 263, 5001, 29973, 13, 4013, 338, 2309, 491, 5622, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 20957, 1041, 322, 11077, 599, 310, 278, 1518, 11259, 393, 6602, 967, 274, 1161, 2745, 366, 526, 2175, 411, 278, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 29889, 383, 4015, 920, 1568, 274, 1161, 263, 5001, 3732, 338, 27131, 304, 967, 11158, 28594, 995, 29889, 13, 1762, 679, 278, 3935, 3694, 304, 18665, 964, 278, 360, 9207, 29892, 591, 8206, 515, 278, 970, 368, 6369, 3633, 292, 9506, 29889, 13, 1576, 360, 9207, 1904, 338, 6892, 4240, 773, 17568, 848, 29892, 577, 5622, 1438, 848, 3291, 515, 697, 1629, 29915, 29879, 3725, 29907, 977, 886, 674, 2367, 366, 697, 1629, 29915, 29879, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 29889, 13, 6246, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 11158, 28594, 995, 3508, 29915, 29873, 2289, 10087, 491, 825, 9559, 297, 278, 4940, 29991, 1724, 591, 864, 304, 1073, 338, 920, 263, 5381, 674, 437, 297, 278, 5434, 1156, 591, 29915, 345, 2437, 2868, 1749, 6909, 29889, 1094, 306, 11520, 714, 297, 278, 18707, 29892, 591, 12879, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 278, 5434, 29892, 577, 278, 1900, 591, 508, 437, 338, 671, 4940, 4180, 29892, 3412, 411, 1749, 27729, 4140, 267, 313, 29882, 663, 278, 266, 6656, 322, 5925, 287, 20382, 6273, 511, 304, 8500, 278, 5434, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 337, 9947, 14321, 1546, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 471, 4359, 12151, 313, 3780, 292, 2745, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 769, 20327, 8541, 19574, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 10075 ]
due to consumers waiting for the new gaming systems), SG&A expenses rose by $400 million over this period. EBIAT has decreased from 2008 to 2012. Capital Expenditures decreased from 2008 to 2012, which helped free up cash for the shareholders but could also signal decreased investment back into the business. Despite the increase in SG&A and flat Earnings metrics, Free Cash Flow has more than doubled over the past five years, a good sign for stockholders. On the far right I have included a column with the Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of the various financial data to show how these parts of the Gamestop business have grown over the past five years. We can use these growth rates to attempt to predict into the future, along with our own modifications based on our beliefs in the future of the business. Sales/Revenue: Sales or Revenue is the total dollar amount a company has "realized" (received) through the sales of its products and services during a given time period. Cost of Goods Sold/Cost of Revenue: These are the costs directly associated with producing the company's products or services, which include the cost of materials used and the labor of making the product or doing the service. Gross Profit: The profit earned by a company after subtracting the costs directly related to producing its products or services. This can be used as an indicator of the company's efficiency and for determining gross profit margins. Selling, General, and Administrative Expenses: These are expenses a company incurs that are required to run the business but not to directly make an individual product or service. Basic examples of this are building rents, utilities, and administrative and sales employee salaries. Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA): A common metric for operating cash flow since it reflects the company's total cash operating costs for producing its products or services. It is also important for comparing companies in the same industry against each other because EBITDA is free from the differences companies have in the "capital structure" (whether a company is funded by stock investment or debt, and the interest expenses that come with debt) or tax rates. If this is not given by the company, it is calculated by taking the company's reported "EBIT" number and adding back in Depreciation and Amortization. These are added because they are not cash expenses (cash was spent at some point in time, but not on a continuing basis). This is a non-Generally Accepted Accounting Principle measure, but is commonly used by companies and financial analysts. Depreciation and Amortization: These are two methods for decreasing the value of an asset because it has been partially used. The layperson example of depreciation is of an individual's car losing value after buying and driving it because the car has been used and is therefore older and potentially more "worn down". Companies have assets which they depreciate in a similar manner. Amortization is reducing the value of an "intangible asset". An layperson's example of this is an "amortizing home loan", where the loan's principal value decreases steadily with each mortgage payment. While the house might be an asset, the loan is what is being paid, and financial instruments like loans can be considered "intangible". Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT, also known as Operating Income, Operating Profit, or Operating Earnings): The reason EBIT is also called Operating Income because it is the measure of a company's profit after all its operational expenses (the SG&A, Depreciation, Amortization, and Cost of Goods Sold) that are part of earning its revenue are subtracted from its revenue. The only expenses left are interest on debt and taxes, which do not directly affect the business's operations except as final expenses. Taxes: The taxes applied on a company's earnings. Typically for basic modeling purposes analysts will use 35% to 45% tax rates, but companies will give more detailed tax expenses or credits in their public filings. Earnings Before Interest After Taxes (EBIAT): Earnings after taxes is sometimes used as a metric for comparing companies, but less so compared to EBITDA. Taxes are taken out because they are an exp
[ -0.5830512312929863, -0.4036237500941487 ]
[ 0.6067342752151079, 0.25577107327840304 ]
[ 0.3440355925456181, 0.9527334386378428 ]
[ 0.47253400837308485, 0.8159148837824656 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 2861, 304, 11233, 414, 10534, 363, 278, 716, 330, 11500, 6757, 511, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 1518, 11259, 11492, 491, 395, 29946, 29900, 29900, 7284, 975, 445, 3785, 29889, 13, 29923, 12809, 1299, 756, 9263, 1463, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29889, 13, 12415, 2410, 12027, 355, 277, 1973, 9263, 1463, 515, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29906, 29892, 607, 9213, 3889, 701, 274, 1161, 363, 278, 6232, 8948, 414, 541, 1033, 884, 7182, 9263, 1463, 13258, 358, 1250, 964, 278, 5381, 29889, 13, 4002, 29886, 568, 278, 7910, 297, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 322, 12151, 382, 2753, 886, 21556, 29892, 12362, 315, 1161, 22787, 756, 901, 1135, 3765, 29881, 975, 278, 4940, 5320, 2440, 29892, 263, 1781, 1804, 363, 10961, 8948, 414, 29889, 13, 2951, 278, 2215, 1492, 306, 505, 5134, 263, 1897, 411, 278, 3831, 618, 8081, 950, 402, 798, 386, 390, 403, 313, 5454, 14345, 29897, 310, 278, 5164, 18161, 848, 304, 1510, 920, 1438, 5633, 310, 278, 28011, 342, 459, 5381, 505, 21633, 975, 278, 4940, 5320, 2440, 29889, 1334, 508, 671, 1438, 14321, 19257, 304, 4218, 304, 8500, 964, 278, 5434, 29892, 3412, 411, 1749, 1914, 26278, 2729, 373, 1749, 17750, 29879, 297, 278, 5434, 310, 278, 5381, 29889, 13, 29903, 2122, 29914, 1123, 9947, 29901, 28389, 470, 830, 9947, 338, 278, 3001, 11232, 279, 5253, 263, 5001, 756, 376, 6370, 1891, 29908, 313, 13556, 2347, 29897, 1549, 278, 16538, 310, 967, 9316, 322, 5786, 2645, 263, 2183, 931, 3785, 29889, 13, 25733, 310, 7197, 29879, 19019, 29914, 25733, 310, 830, 9947, 29901, 4525, 526, 278, 21544, 4153, 6942, 411, 20811, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 9316, 470, 5786, 29892, 607, 3160, 278, 3438, 310, 17279, 1304, 322, 278, 10212, 310, 3907, 278, 3234, 470, 2599, 278, 2669, 29889, 13, 29954, 2124, 6175, 277, 29901, 450, 21665, 20591, 491, 263, 5001, 1156, 23197, 292, 278, 21544, 4153, 4475, 304, 20811, 967, 9316, 470, 5786, 29889, 910, 508, 367, 1304, 408, 385, 27717, 310, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 19201, 322, 363, 3683, 2827, 22683, 21665, 15276, 1144, 29889, 13, 29903, 7807, 29892, 4593, 29892, 322, 24510, 1230, 12027, 11259, 29901, 4525, 526, 1518, 11259, 263, 5001, 5528, 1295, 393, 526, 3734, 304, 1065, 278, 5381, 541, 451, 304, 4153, 1207, 385, 5375, 3234, 470, 2669, 29889, 19219, 6455, 310, 445, 526, 5214, 364, 1237, 29892, 3667, 1907, 29892, 322, 19185, 322, 16538, 19001, 4497, 4314, 29889, 13, 29923, 2753, 886, 10949, 23829, 29892, 17847, 267, 29892, 897, 1457, 455, 362, 29892, 322, 1913, 441, 2133, 313, 29923, 22698, 7698, 1125, 319, 3619, 12714, 363, 13598, 274, 1161, 4972, 1951, 372, 9432, 29879, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 3001, 274, 1161, 13598, 21544, 363, 20811, 967, 9316, 470, 5786, 29889, 739, 338, 884, 4100, 363, 17420, 14582, 297, 278, 1021, 13661, 2750, 1269, 916, 1363, 382, 22698, 7698, 338, 3889, 515, 278, 12651, 14582, 505, 297, 278, 376, 5030, 2410, 3829, 29908, 313, 1332, 1979, 263, 5001, 338, 5220, 287, 491, 10961, 13258, 358, 470, 2553, 29873, 29892, 322, 278, 4066, 1518, 11259, 393, 2041, 411, 2553, 29873, 29897, 470, 8818, 19257, 29889, 960, 445, 338, 451, 2183, 491, 278, 5001, 29892, 372, 338, 12833, 491, 5622, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 8967, 376, 29923, 22698, 29908, 1353, 322, 4417, 1250, 297, 897, 1457, 455, 362, 322, 1913, 441, 2133, 29889, 4525, 526, 2715, 1363, 896, 526, 451, 274, 1161, 1518, 11259, 313, 29883, 1161, 471, 10398, 472, 777, 1298, 297, 931, 29892, 541, 451, 373, 263, 3133, 292, 8405, 467, 910, 338, 263, 1661, 29899, 5631, 635, 29848, 287, 16535, 292, 14771, 552, 5645, 29892, 541, 338, 15574, 1304, 491, 14582, 322, 18161, 3483, 858, 29879, 29889, 13, 8498, 4361, 362, 322, 1913, 441, 2133, 29901, 4525, 526, 1023, 3519, 363, 9263, 5832, 278, 995, 310, 385, 24342, 1363, 372, 756, 1063, 22039, 1304, 29889, 450, 6568, 10532, 1342, 310, 1401, 4361, 362, 338, 310, 385, 5375, 29915, 29879, 1559, 19035, 995, 1156, 1321, 5414, 322, 19500, 372, 1363, 278, 1559, 756, 1063, 1304, 322, 338, 5480, 9642, 322, 19998, 901, 376, 29893, 1398, 1623, 1642, 3831, 273, 583, 505, 21608, 607, 896, 1401, 4361, 403, 297, 263, 2788, 8214, 29889, 1913, 441, 2133, 338, 27668, 278, 995, 310, 385, 376, 524, 574, 1821, 24342, 1642, 530, 6568, 10532, 29915, 29879, 1342, 310, 445, 338, 385, 376, 314, 441, 5281, 3271, 24806, 613, 988, 278, 24806, 29915, 29879, 5882, 995, 9263, 2129, 28325, 2354, 411, 1269, 5758, 29887, 482, 19179, 29889, 5806, 278, 3699, 1795, 367, 385, 24342, 29892, 278, 24806, 338, 825, 338, 1641, 12530, 29892, 322, 18161, 23643, 763, 658, 550, 508, 367, 5545, 376, 524, 574, 1821, 1642, 13, 29923, 2753, 886, 10949, 23829, 322, 17847, 267, 313, 29923, 22698, 29892, 884, 2998, 408, 6607, 1218, 512, 2763, 29892, 6607, 1218, 6175, 277, 29892, 470, 6607, 1218, 382, 2753, 886, 1125, 450, 2769, 382, 22698, 338, 884, 2000, 6607, 1218, 512, 2763, 1363, 372, 338, 278, 5645, 310, 263, 5001, 29915, 29879, 21665, 1156, 599, 967, 1751, 1288, 1518, 11259, 313, 1552, 317, 29954, 29987, 29909, 29892, 897, 1457, 455, 362, 29892, 1913, 441, 2133, 29892, 322, 9839, 310, 7197, 29879, 19019, 29897, 393, 526, 760, 310, 2326, 1076, 967, 337, 9947, 526, 23197, 287, 515, 967, 337, 9947, 29889, 450, 871, 1518, 11259, 2175, 526, 4066, 373, 2553, 29873, 322, 8818, 267, 29892, 607, 437, 451, 4153, 6602, 278, 5381, 29915, 29879, 6931, 5174, 408, 2186, 1518, 11259, 29889, 13, 29911, 1165, 267, 29901, 450, 8818, 267, 7436, 373, 263, 5001, 29915, 29879, 2326, 11753, 29889, 14213, 1711, 363, 6996, 1904, 292, 11976, 3483, 858, 29879, 674, 671, 29871, 29941, 29945, 29995, 304, 29871, 29946, 29945, 29995, 8818, 19257, 29892, 541, 14582, 674, 2367, 901, 13173, 8818, 1518, 11259, 470, 6625, 1169, 297, 1009, 970, 977, 886, 29889, 13, 29923, 2753, 886, 10949, 23829, 2860, 17847, 267, 313, 29923, 12809, 1299, 1125, 382, 2753, 886, 1156, 8818, 267, 338, 6041, 1304, 408, 263, 12714, 363, 17420, 14582, 29892, 541, 3109, 577, 9401, 304, 382, 22698, 7698, 29889, 17847, 267, 526, 4586, 714, 1363, 896, 526, 385, 1518 ]
Whether students are beginning their undergraduate education and pursuing a strong liberal arts foundation or seeking an advanced degree with a professional focus, the University's schools and colleges adhere to the highest standard of academic enterprise and innovation. A leading research institution and a truly global university, NYU is working towards becoming the future of idea capital. As such, the University's schools, colleges, and degree-granting campuses offer a diverse spectrum of undergraduate, graduate, doctoral and specialized degree programs. Browse the descriptions of the schools and colleges below for a brief introduction to the kinds of programs that are offered, and access their websites for more details on courses, paths of study, missions and visions. Arts & Science consists of the College of Arts & Science, the Graduate School of Arts & Science, and the Liberal Studies. The College offers the B.A. and the B.S. degrees in a wide range of programs in the humanities, science, social sciences, and foreign languages and literatures. The Graduate School offers the degrees of M.A., M.S., M.F.A., and Ph.D. in most areas of the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Several advanced certificate programs are offered. Both schools jointly offer a B.A./M.A. in several disciplines. The program in Liberal Studies offers a Global Liberal Studies B.A. degree. The College of Dentistry offers a predoctoral program leading to the Doctor of Dental Surgery degree, as well as advanced education programs in the dental specialties and an allied health program in dental hygiene. The College offers DDS, MS, BS, and AAS degree programs. The Courant Institute comprises New York University's Department of Mathematics and Computer Science and a variety of sponsored research activities. The Institute offers Master of Science and Ph.D. programs in both mathematics and computer science. The Courant Institute is also responsible for New York University's undergraduate programs in computer science and mathematics. The Institute of Fine Arts is dedicated to graduate teaching and advanced research in the history of art, archaeology, and the conservation and technology of works of art. The Institute offers the degrees of Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy, M.S. in the Conservation of Historic and Artistic Works and an M.A. in the History of Art and Archaeology for those M.A. students choosing to specialize in Conservation, and the Certificate in Curatorial Studies issued jointly with the Metropolitan Museum of Art as part of the Ph.D. program. The Leonard N. Stern School of Business offers B.S., M.B.A., and Ph.D. degrees. Students may specialize in accounting; economics; finance; information systems; international business; management; marketing; operations management; statistics; and actuarial science. Enrollment in the graduate program may be full or part time. As a top-ranked school of public affairs, NYU Wagner offers curricula covering domestic and international issues including nonprofit management, financial management, public policy analysis, urban public policy studies, urban planning, and health policy and management. NYU Wagner offers the M.P.A., M.P.A.-Health, M.U.P., Executive M.P.A., and Ph.D degrees. NYU Wagner also offers an undergraduate major and several minors, professional certificates, and a non-degree program. The School of Professional Studies (SPS) captures the expertise of key sectors where New York leads globally: Real Estate (through the Schack Institute); Hospitality, Tourism, Sports Management (through the Preston Robert Tisch Center); Global Affairs; Philanthropy; Communications Media, Publishing, Digital Arts, Design; Business, Marketing, Finance; and the Liberal and Allied Arts, among others. Vibrant professional and academic networks attract full-time undergraduate and graduate students immersed in university life, working professionals in 14 graduate programs, motivated adults earning undergraduate degrees (through the Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies), and New Yorkers of all backgrounds enrolled in 4,000 continuing education courses, certificate programs, conferences, and seminars annually. The Silver School of Social Work provides a rich environment for the education of professional social workers, offering programs at the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral level. The School also serves as a major postgraduate training center for hundreds of practitioners in the New York region. Through its research centers and other projects, the School is a key source of scholarly
[ 1.5098128242171196, 0.507210410190027 ]
[ 0.7750533618582215, 0.18593655860732403 ]
[ 2.3527384846499593, 1.8150553872684942 ]
[ 0.6546299271507867, 0.5245614137381425 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 26460, 8041, 526, 6763, 1009, 1090, 5105, 27240, 9793, 322, 12359, 26420, 263, 4549, 26054, 16930, 22778, 470, 25738, 385, 12862, 7426, 411, 263, 10257, 8569, 29892, 278, 3014, 29915, 29879, 12462, 322, 18400, 267, 594, 4150, 304, 278, 9939, 3918, 310, 21567, 3896, 7734, 322, 24233, 362, 29889, 319, 8236, 5925, 12666, 322, 263, 19781, 5534, 16372, 29892, 23526, 29965, 338, 1985, 7113, 14171, 278, 5434, 310, 2969, 7483, 29889, 1094, 1316, 29892, 278, 3014, 29915, 29879, 12462, 29892, 18400, 267, 29892, 322, 7426, 29899, 629, 424, 292, 4242, 6394, 5957, 263, 16984, 18272, 310, 1090, 5105, 27240, 29892, 10591, 403, 29892, 11619, 284, 322, 4266, 1891, 7426, 11104, 29889, 22415, 344, 278, 2342, 1980, 310, 278, 12462, 322, 18400, 267, 2400, 363, 263, 11473, 18707, 304, 278, 17690, 310, 11104, 393, 526, 12520, 29892, 322, 2130, 1009, 28007, 363, 901, 4902, 373, 21888, 29892, 10898, 310, 6559, 29892, 3052, 1080, 322, 1998, 1080, 29889, 13, 1433, 1372, 669, 9327, 11624, 310, 278, 6346, 310, 11401, 669, 9327, 29892, 278, 1632, 13467, 403, 4523, 310, 11401, 669, 9327, 29892, 322, 278, 25910, 16972, 29889, 450, 6346, 16688, 278, 350, 29889, 29909, 29889, 322, 278, 350, 29889, 29903, 29889, 14496, 297, 263, 9377, 3464, 310, 11104, 297, 278, 5199, 1907, 29892, 10466, 29892, 5264, 21195, 29892, 322, 9117, 10276, 322, 4631, 3698, 29889, 450, 1632, 13467, 403, 4523, 16688, 278, 14496, 310, 341, 29889, 29909, 1696, 341, 29889, 29903, 1696, 341, 29889, 29943, 29889, 29909, 1696, 322, 1963, 29889, 29928, 29889, 297, 1556, 10161, 310, 278, 5199, 1907, 29892, 5264, 21195, 29892, 322, 5613, 21195, 29889, 21882, 12862, 12289, 11104, 526, 12520, 29889, 9134, 12462, 14002, 368, 5957, 263, 350, 29889, 29909, 6904, 29924, 29889, 29909, 29889, 297, 3196, 17119, 1475, 29889, 450, 1824, 297, 25910, 16972, 16688, 263, 12002, 25910, 16972, 350, 29889, 29909, 29889, 7426, 29889, 13, 1576, 6346, 310, 360, 296, 6020, 16688, 263, 758, 1867, 2801, 284, 1824, 8236, 304, 278, 15460, 310, 360, 13703, 317, 2007, 708, 7426, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 12862, 9793, 11104, 297, 278, 12042, 284, 4266, 2938, 322, 385, 394, 2957, 9045, 1824, 297, 12042, 284, 298, 4790, 3530, 29889, 450, 6346, 16688, 360, 8452, 29892, 10888, 29892, 350, 29903, 29892, 322, 319, 3289, 7426, 11104, 29889, 13, 1576, 6325, 424, 8907, 7199, 4637, 1570, 3088, 3014, 29915, 29879, 10317, 310, 13486, 1199, 322, 20972, 9327, 322, 263, 12875, 310, 21955, 4395, 5925, 14188, 29889, 450, 8907, 16688, 9082, 310, 9327, 322, 1963, 29889, 29928, 29889, 11104, 297, 1716, 23964, 322, 6601, 10466, 29889, 450, 6325, 424, 8907, 338, 884, 14040, 363, 1570, 3088, 3014, 29915, 29879, 1090, 5105, 27240, 11104, 297, 6601, 10466, 322, 23964, 29889, 13, 1576, 8907, 310, 28896, 11401, 338, 16955, 304, 10591, 403, 18819, 322, 12862, 5925, 297, 278, 4955, 310, 1616, 29892, 3190, 3660, 3002, 29892, 322, 278, 24201, 322, 15483, 310, 1736, 310, 1616, 29889, 450, 8907, 16688, 278, 14496, 310, 9082, 310, 11401, 322, 15460, 310, 16407, 29891, 29892, 341, 29889, 29903, 29889, 297, 278, 15312, 362, 310, 17939, 322, 3012, 4695, 13976, 322, 385, 341, 29889, 29909, 29889, 297, 278, 5298, 310, 3012, 322, 2595, 3660, 3002, 363, 1906, 341, 29889, 29909, 29889, 8041, 23906, 304, 4266, 675, 297, 15312, 362, 29892, 322, 278, 18410, 8021, 297, 10837, 24737, 16972, 16610, 14002, 368, 411, 278, 28788, 6838, 310, 3012, 408, 760, 310, 278, 1963, 29889, 29928, 29889, 1824, 29889, 13, 1576, 26921, 405, 29889, 23413, 4523, 310, 15197, 16688, 350, 29889, 29903, 1696, 341, 29889, 29933, 29889, 29909, 1696, 322, 1963, 29889, 29928, 29889, 14496, 29889, 5088, 1237, 1122, 4266, 675, 297, 3633, 292, 29936, 7766, 1199, 29936, 1436, 749, 29936, 2472, 6757, 29936, 6121, 5381, 29936, 10643, 29936, 9999, 292, 29936, 6931, 10643, 29936, 13964, 29936, 322, 20331, 27521, 10466, 29889, 1174, 1245, 358, 297, 278, 10591, 403, 1824, 1122, 367, 2989, 470, 760, 931, 29889, 13, 2887, 263, 2246, 29899, 10003, 287, 3762, 310, 970, 19469, 29892, 23526, 29965, 25439, 16688, 16256, 293, 2497, 21653, 21849, 322, 6121, 5626, 3704, 1661, 771, 9202, 10643, 29892, 18161, 10643, 29892, 970, 8898, 7418, 29892, 17164, 970, 8898, 11898, 29892, 17164, 18987, 29892, 322, 9045, 8898, 322, 10643, 29889, 23526, 29965, 25439, 16688, 278, 341, 29889, 29925, 29889, 29909, 1696, 341, 29889, 29925, 29889, 29909, 9229, 3868, 4298, 29892, 341, 29889, 29965, 29889, 29925, 1696, 28841, 341, 29889, 29925, 29889, 29909, 1696, 322, 1963, 29889, 29928, 14496, 29889, 23526, 29965, 25439, 884, 16688, 385, 1090, 5105, 27240, 4655, 322, 3196, 1375, 943, 29892, 10257, 23199, 1078, 29892, 322, 263, 1661, 29899, 12163, 929, 1824, 29889, 13, 1576, 4523, 310, 20031, 16972, 313, 5550, 29903, 29897, 4332, 1973, 278, 17924, 895, 310, 1820, 409, 14359, 988, 1570, 3088, 11981, 13149, 635, 29901, 8195, 2661, 403, 313, 20678, 278, 1102, 547, 8907, 416, 15967, 537, 29892, 6371, 1608, 29892, 12453, 15057, 313, 20678, 278, 1588, 21496, 4755, 323, 783, 7817, 416, 12002, 26049, 29936, 5241, 9716, 14441, 29936, 22365, 800, 8213, 29892, 19088, 29892, 15918, 11401, 29892, 12037, 29936, 15197, 29892, 4485, 15133, 29892, 4231, 749, 29936, 322, 278, 25910, 322, 838, 2957, 11401, 29892, 4249, 4045, 29889, 478, 4626, 424, 10257, 322, 21567, 14379, 13978, 2989, 29899, 2230, 1090, 5105, 27240, 322, 10591, 403, 8041, 5198, 414, 287, 297, 16372, 2834, 29892, 1985, 6351, 1338, 297, 29871, 29896, 29946, 10591, 403, 11104, 29892, 17385, 630, 16157, 29879, 2326, 1076, 1090, 5105, 27240, 14496, 313, 20678, 278, 7946, 310, 2401, 2957, 7634, 5105, 27240, 16972, 511, 322, 1570, 3088, 414, 310, 599, 3239, 29879, 427, 24476, 297, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 3133, 292, 9793, 21888, 29892, 12289, 11104, 29892, 378, 10662, 29892, 322, 3031, 262, 1503, 2889, 1474, 29889, 13, 1576, 16466, 4523, 310, 10307, 5244, 8128, 263, 8261, 5177, 363, 278, 9793, 310, 10257, 5264, 17162, 29892, 27032, 11104, 472, 278, 1090, 5105, 27240, 29892, 5835, 29915, 29879, 29892, 322, 11619, 284, 3233, 29889, 450, 4523, 884, 19700, 408, 263, 4655, 1400, 5105, 27240, 6694, 4818, 363, 21006, 310, 4120, 654, 414, 297, 278, 1570, 3088, 5120, 29889, 17044, 967, 5925, 1644, 414, 322, 916, 9279, 29892, 278, 4523, 338, 263, 1820, 2752, 310, 21344, 368 ]
Pakistan Archives • JoshWho News Undercover Video Shows Twitter Senior Executive Outlining Censorship Push Melania Trump delivers her farewell address First Lady Melania Trump Sends Farewell Message NTD Business Full Broadcast (Jan. 18) Migrant Caravan Says They're Banking on Help From Biden Sara Carter: National Guard in DC 'are not an enemy' Ontario and Quebec Report Drop in Number of New COVID-19 Cases President Trump Signs Executive Order Creating Garden at Mt. Rushmore to Honor American Heroes JoshWho TV JoshWho Radio NewsMax Live 24/7 Free Fast VPN JoshWho OS Live DDoS Map Leaked Zoom Call: US Federal Employees Conspiring to Sabotage the Trump Administration (VIDEO) The Deep State runs deep. A leaked Zoom call has surfaced online showing a number of US Government officials discussing how to sabotage the Trump Administration. They admit doing this through leaking or withholding information. The group even praised a statement by President Harry S. Truman where he said: "I thought I was the […] < JoshWho News home Tag: "Pakistan" National Power Grid Breakdown Plunges Pakistan Into Darkness: Officials A general view of a residential area is seen during a power breakdown in Karachi, Pakistan, on Jan. 10, 2021. (Akhtar Soomro/Reuters) ISLAMABAD—A breakdown in Pakistan's national power grid plunged the country into darkness on Saturday night, officials said. "A countrywide blackout has been caused by a sudden plunge in the frequency in the power […] China, Russia, other human rights abusers elected to U.N. Human Rights Council October 13, 2020 China, Russia, Cuba, and Pakistan, all of whom have highly questionable track records on human rights, were appointed to the United Nations Human Rights Council on Tuesday afternoon. Breaking down the votes, China received 72%, Cuba 88%, Russia 82%, and Pakistan 87.5%. Saudi Arabia's bid, on the other hand, failed to gain […] Warning: 'Chinese weapons labs…can't master concept of safety' As Intel Surfaces That Pakistan & China Signed Secret BioWarfare Deal Pakistan and China have allegedly entered a three year bio-warfare agreement to cooperate on projects associated with the deadly anthrax agent, as well as other dangerous viruses, according to an exclusive report written by The Klaxon. U.S. intelligence officials and analysts are warning that the United States cannot afford to ignore the information and the […] Exclusive: Afghanistan Taliban commander says his group rejects Democratic system, pushing for Islamic State This story originally posted on The Dark Wire: An Investigation Foundation ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: As uncertainty grows over whether the U.S. and Afghanistan's militant Taliban could finalize a peace deal amid ongoing talks – as well as the anticipation of a new U.S. administration – a top commander in the group told The Dark Wire: An […] Pakistan Bans TikTok over 'Immoral and Indecent' Content The Pakistan Telecommunications Authority (PTA) on Friday blocked the controversial Chinese video streaming app TikTok because it allegedly failed to filter "immoral and indecent" content — Prime Minister Imran Khan was reportedly involved in the decision. According to the PTA, "a number of complaints from different segments of society" were made about "immoral and indecent" content […] As Virus Infections Surge, Countries End Lockdowns NEW DELHI — At Nigambodh Ghat, the oldest cremation grounds in India's capital, the bodies keep coming. One ambulance arrives with five inside. Then another. Then another, in an endless display of death. As the coronavirus pandemic surges in New Delhi, a public health care system that was already strained might be reaching its breaking […] Anti-Voter Fraud Group Finds Suspicious Link Between Nevada State Website and Intelligence-Linked Pakistani Company An anti-voter fraud organization has alerted state and federal government authorities after it found a suspicious link between a Nevada state government website and a Pakistani
[ -1.5473027333081137, -1.328154664668312 ]
[ -0.2429749437595195, 0.2844211305793585 ]
[ -1.6494498534064175, -1.3501734124110736 ]
[ -1.1507210390167149, -0.2857654248226309 ]
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[ 21215, 28320, 10266, 22838, 22110, 10130, 13, 29177, 11911, 13987, 1383, 1242, 20147, 24260, 28841, 4451, 1915, 292, 315, 6073, 3527, 349, 1878, 13, 29924, 295, 4807, 27504, 628, 1536, 902, 20036, 5872, 3211, 13, 6730, 10040, 6286, 4807, 27504, 317, 1975, 383, 598, 5872, 7777, 13, 20321, 29928, 15197, 14846, 25484, 313, 26626, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29897, 13, 29924, 4481, 424, 1704, 29080, 317, 1036, 2688, 29915, 276, 10253, 292, 373, 22305, 3645, 350, 3615, 13, 29903, 2518, 22264, 29901, 3086, 13211, 297, 13681, 525, 598, 451, 385, 11103, 29915, 13, 29949, 593, 2628, 322, 27605, 13969, 20724, 297, 9681, 310, 1570, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 315, 2129, 13, 13504, 1693, 27504, 9954, 29879, 28841, 8170, 26221, 19906, 472, 341, 29873, 29889, 390, 1878, 5514, 304, 18236, 3082, 22167, 267, 13, 29967, 10578, 22110, 5648, 13, 29967, 10578, 22110, 9204, 13, 29328, 7976, 10782, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29914, 29955, 13, 20475, 23786, 478, 15695, 13, 29967, 10578, 22110, 6570, 13, 23859, 360, 6132, 29903, 7315, 13, 3226, 12535, 17421, 290, 8251, 29901, 3148, 14879, 7361, 2376, 12712, 2138, 29886, 8491, 304, 11775, 327, 482, 278, 27504, 23303, 313, 13044, 29923, 29949, 29897, 13, 1576, 21784, 4306, 6057, 6483, 29889, 319, 454, 12535, 17421, 290, 1246, 756, 1190, 17470, 287, 7395, 6445, 263, 1353, 310, 3148, 10354, 24921, 5353, 292, 920, 304, 15296, 327, 482, 278, 27504, 23303, 29889, 2688, 20000, 2599, 445, 1549, 454, 5086, 470, 411, 8948, 292, 2472, 29889, 450, 2318, 1584, 7213, 3368, 263, 3229, 491, 7178, 10686, 317, 29889, 1605, 7889, 988, 540, 1497, 29901, 376, 29902, 2714, 306, 471, 278, 518, 30098, 29962, 13, 29966, 22838, 22110, 10130, 3271, 13, 8176, 29901, 376, 29925, 557, 9777, 29908, 13, 27325, 9206, 11657, 28301, 3204, 1858, 686, 267, 21215, 512, 517, 15317, 2264, 29901, 10564, 29879, 13, 29909, 2498, 1776, 310, 263, 20201, 616, 4038, 338, 3595, 2645, 263, 3081, 2867, 3204, 297, 3467, 26213, 29892, 21215, 29892, 373, 2627, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29889, 313, 29909, 29895, 400, 279, 1105, 290, 307, 29914, 1123, 329, 414, 29897, 8519, 4375, 1529, 29933, 3035, 30003, 29909, 2867, 3204, 297, 21215, 29915, 29879, 4797, 3081, 6856, 715, 686, 287, 278, 4234, 964, 23490, 373, 24211, 4646, 29892, 24921, 1497, 29889, 376, 29909, 4234, 8157, 4628, 449, 756, 1063, 8581, 491, 263, 8327, 715, 19440, 297, 278, 10868, 297, 278, 3081, 518, 30098, 29962, 13, 1451, 1099, 29892, 12710, 29892, 916, 5199, 10462, 633, 7193, 11467, 304, 501, 29889, 29940, 29889, 12968, 26863, 8831, 13, 25375, 4950, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 7551, 29892, 12710, 29892, 23653, 29892, 322, 21215, 29892, 599, 310, 6029, 505, 10712, 1139, 519, 5702, 6475, 373, 5199, 10462, 29892, 892, 10658, 304, 278, 3303, 18269, 12968, 26863, 8831, 373, 323, 1041, 3250, 17724, 29889, 5826, 5086, 1623, 278, 18952, 29892, 7551, 4520, 29871, 29955, 29906, 13667, 23653, 29871, 29947, 29947, 13667, 12710, 29871, 29947, 29906, 13667, 322, 21215, 29871, 29947, 29955, 29889, 29945, 15543, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 29915, 29879, 21000, 29892, 373, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 5229, 304, 11581, 518, 30098, 29962, 13, 22709, 29901, 525, 1451, 8233, 25340, 301, 6897, 30098, 3068, 29915, 29873, 5835, 6964, 310, 15332, 29915, 1094, 18555, 6298, 8726, 2193, 21215, 669, 7551, 9954, 287, 10213, 21184, 29956, 279, 24658, 897, 284, 13, 29925, 557, 9777, 322, 7551, 505, 16831, 23244, 7802, 263, 2211, 1629, 17799, 29899, 4495, 24658, 17327, 304, 1302, 3372, 403, 373, 9279, 6942, 411, 278, 7123, 368, 24612, 336, 29916, 10823, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 916, 18215, 10636, 6394, 29892, 5034, 304, 385, 29192, 3461, 3971, 491, 450, 476, 21222, 265, 29889, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 21082, 24921, 322, 3483, 858, 29879, 526, 9177, 393, 278, 3303, 3900, 2609, 21750, 304, 11455, 278, 2472, 322, 278, 518, 30098, 29962, 13, 1252, 7009, 573, 29901, 27135, 9777, 10288, 747, 273, 22079, 4083, 670, 2318, 12560, 29879, 19083, 1788, 29892, 27556, 363, 16427, 293, 4306, 13, 4013, 5828, 10437, 8059, 373, 450, 15317, 399, 533, 29901, 530, 28246, 362, 10606, 8519, 4375, 1529, 29933, 3035, 29892, 21215, 29901, 1094, 25812, 25088, 975, 3692, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 322, 27135, 9777, 29915, 29879, 5549, 424, 10288, 747, 273, 1033, 2186, 675, 263, 10776, 5376, 28655, 373, 17696, 5969, 2039, 785, 408, 1532, 408, 278, 23483, 362, 310, 263, 716, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 17517, 785, 263, 2246, 22079, 297, 278, 2318, 5429, 450, 15317, 399, 533, 29901, 530, 518, 30098, 29962, 13, 29925, 557, 9777, 350, 550, 323, 638, 29911, 554, 975, 525, 1888, 29885, 11251, 322, 1894, 687, 296, 29915, 10576, 13, 1576, 21215, 9699, 27820, 800, 13361, 537, 313, 29925, 6040, 29897, 373, 28728, 24370, 278, 19341, 616, 10013, 4863, 24820, 623, 323, 638, 29911, 554, 1363, 372, 16831, 23244, 5229, 304, 4175, 376, 6727, 11251, 322, 5704, 1760, 29908, 2793, 813, 15512, 7668, 1954, 661, 18915, 471, 8967, 368, 9701, 297, 278, 10608, 29889, 7579, 304, 278, 349, 6040, 29892, 376, 29874, 1353, 310, 15313, 9466, 515, 1422, 24611, 310, 12459, 29908, 892, 1754, 1048, 376, 6727, 11251, 322, 5704, 1760, 29908, 2793, 518, 30098, 29962, 13, 2887, 6749, 375, 512, 1725, 1953, 6298, 479, 29892, 3917, 2722, 2796, 18199, 3204, 29879, 13, 28577, 5012, 29931, 17628, 813, 2180, 405, 335, 1117, 397, 29882, 402, 2455, 29892, 278, 23947, 907, 29885, 362, 25502, 297, 7513, 29915, 29879, 7483, 29892, 278, 17873, 3013, 6421, 29889, 3118, 3181, 352, 749, 6974, 267, 411, 5320, 2768, 29889, 1987, 1790, 29889, 1987, 1790, 29892, 297, 385, 1095, 2222, 2479, 310, 4892, 29889, 1094, 278, 25082, 485, 22693, 7243, 24552, 1190, 2710, 297, 1570, 5556, 2918, 29892, 263, 970, 9045, 2562, 1788, 393, 471, 2307, 5312, 1312, 1795, 367, 20888, 967, 16679, 518, 30098, 29962, 13, 13448, 29875, 29899, 29963, 17084, 7347, 566, 6431, 10987, 29879, 9511, 29886, 14803, 6645, 21674, 26572, 1114, 4306, 13253, 322, 3159, 28286, 29899, 6595, 287, 14371, 391, 3270, 6938, 13, 2744, 9418, 29899, 29894, 17084, 5227, 566, 13013, 756, 6655, 287, 2106, 322, 17097, 5874, 21142, 1156, 372, 1476, 263, 8872, 14803, 1544, 1546, 263, 26572, 1114, 2106, 5874, 4700, 322, 263, 14371, 391, 3270 ]
Free shipping above 70.00 USD & 30 days return The Frenchman The Tennis Coach Help me choose! Generous Gel Stay Silky Serum Sensual Bundles Erogenous Ecstasy Intimate Kiss All Sensual Bundles Vulva Talks What is Vulva Talks? Female Pleasure 101 Sex Tips for Women Woman Masturbation JOIN OUR SELF-LOVE CLUB! Benefits include happier mood, better sleep, a natural glow and… a FREE tote bag for any purchase of two items! I've read and accept the T&C and privacy policy. Brain And Orgasm: What Happens When You Have Sex? The Interactions You Did Not Suspect Between Brain and Orgasm Posted 17/03/2017 by Clara Although hundreds of thousands of orgasms happen across the world every day, science still doesn't have a clear answer as to what they are and how they work, and what are the connections between brain and orgasm. To most scientists, orgasms are a new field of study and are considered a human phenomenon. Julia Heiman, director Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender and Reproduction says, "The amount of speculation versus actual data on both the function and value of orgasm is remarkable." Although orgasms are common and widespread for the human population, when looking at women in particular it's an entirely different story. Studies show that one in every four women in the United States have a hard time achieving orgasm. In addition, 5 to 10 percent of women are anorgasmic. This means that they're unable to achieve orgasm at all. Today, many scientists and health professionals alike have a heightened interest in studying the female orgasm. What is an Orgasm? The definition of an orgasm for men and women differ, but the general definition for both sexes is "a compelling, brief event that is an integration of cognitive, emotional, somatic, visceral, and neural processes," according to sexologist Komisaruk. The modern definition of an orgasm incorporates a variety of complex levels that differ based on gender. For example, men can only have one orgasm at a time before needing a rest period. While on the other hand, women can have multiple orgasms one after the other. While orgasms are biologically different, the general consensus between men and women when describing the feeling of orgasm are nearly identical. When you experience an orgasm, there are several physical and neurological things that go on in your body. Physically, your heart rate increases to a similar rate of when you are exercising. Your breathing also gets quicker and heavier, increasing in speed as you near climax. For women, there is a pleasurable release of sexual tension that is accompanied by multiple contractions of the genital muscles. If a women is continually stimulated, she may very well experience multiple orgasms in a row. Some women may even ejaculate a clear fluid from the Skene's glands that are located near the urethra. This is a rare occurrence, and usually happens with intense sexual excitement or during an orgasm. Orgasms Produce Altered States of Mind As scientists are continuing to study the orgasm and its effects on the human body, they have discovered new and interesting ways in which humans are neurologically affected by sexual pleasure. Many people describe having altered states of mind when they orgasm. Some have said they experience a feeling of loss of control, like their body is taking over. Other's claim to have experiences related to that of being on controlled substances. When you orgasm, certain chemicals are released into your brain that also happen when you are on drugs, including dopamine and serotonin. Sex scientist Georgiadis claims that having an orgasm offsets the brain functions that usually control your attention and behavior, causing you to feel like you've lost all control. "I don't think orgasm turns off consciousness but it changes it," Georgiadis says. This is a side effect of having an orgasm, but it is still debated as to whether it plays any role in the amount of pleasure one experiences. Georgiadis is currently working on this theory as a way to explain why anorgasmic women are unable to orgasm, and ways in which he can change that. Wh
[ -0.41321147809714004, 0.34284935871017574 ]
[ -1.1265941914926998, 0.8824910767368046 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 12362, 528, 17347, 2038, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29889, 29900, 29900, 3148, 29928, 669, 29871, 29941, 29900, 3841, 736, 13, 1576, 5176, 1171, 13, 1576, 29010, 3189, 496, 13, 29648, 592, 6755, 29991, 13, 5631, 681, 18685, 13, 855, 388, 5664, 3459, 1816, 398, 13, 29903, 575, 950, 24240, 793, 13, 29923, 307, 1885, 681, 382, 29883, 303, 8995, 13, 2928, 6490, 476, 790, 13, 3596, 317, 575, 950, 24240, 793, 13, 29963, 352, 1564, 10288, 2039, 13, 5618, 338, 478, 352, 1564, 10288, 2039, 29973, 13, 29943, 331, 744, 19777, 3745, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29896, 13, 29903, 735, 323, 4512, 363, 10152, 13, 29956, 2480, 341, 579, 9265, 362, 13, 29967, 6992, 438, 4574, 3725, 29931, 29943, 29899, 3927, 12064, 17332, 7466, 29991, 13, 20841, 1389, 1169, 3160, 2250, 631, 286, 2092, 29892, 2253, 8709, 29892, 263, 5613, 330, 677, 322, 30098, 263, 383, 21661, 304, 371, 19548, 363, 738, 20590, 310, 1023, 4452, 29991, 13, 29902, 29915, 345, 1303, 322, 3544, 278, 323, 29987, 29907, 322, 5999, 4135, 8898, 29889, 13, 22097, 1126, 1394, 29887, 11625, 29901, 1724, 379, 932, 575, 1932, 887, 6975, 21703, 29973, 13, 1576, 4124, 7387, 887, 7440, 2216, 9511, 1103, 21674, 5032, 262, 322, 1394, 29887, 11625, 13, 6747, 287, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29914, 29900, 29941, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 491, 29042, 13, 2499, 3592, 21006, 310, 17202, 310, 1638, 294, 1516, 3799, 4822, 278, 3186, 1432, 2462, 29892, 10466, 1603, 1838, 29915, 29873, 505, 263, 2821, 1234, 408, 304, 825, 896, 526, 322, 920, 896, 664, 29892, 322, 825, 526, 278, 12368, 1546, 17294, 322, 1638, 11625, 29889, 1763, 1556, 9638, 2879, 29892, 1638, 294, 1516, 526, 263, 716, 1746, 310, 6559, 322, 526, 5545, 263, 5199, 27791, 265, 29889, 22045, 940, 25895, 29892, 8881, 20311, 7759, 8907, 363, 10550, 297, 21703, 29892, 402, 1581, 322, 830, 24601, 4083, 29892, 376, 1576, 5253, 310, 1580, 2785, 23797, 3935, 848, 373, 1716, 278, 740, 322, 995, 310, 1638, 11625, 338, 22567, 1213, 13, 2499, 3592, 1638, 294, 1516, 526, 3619, 322, 281, 2247, 29886, 949, 363, 278, 5199, 4665, 29892, 746, 3063, 472, 5866, 297, 3153, 372, 29915, 29879, 385, 9186, 1422, 5828, 29889, 16972, 1510, 393, 697, 297, 1432, 3023, 5866, 297, 278, 3303, 3900, 505, 263, 2898, 931, 3657, 15387, 1638, 11625, 29889, 512, 6124, 29892, 29871, 29945, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 10151, 310, 5866, 526, 385, 990, 11625, 293, 29889, 910, 2794, 393, 896, 29915, 276, 9368, 304, 6176, 1638, 11625, 472, 599, 29889, 13, 29911, 397, 388, 29892, 1784, 9638, 2879, 322, 9045, 6351, 1338, 394, 9345, 505, 263, 3171, 6419, 4066, 297, 23382, 278, 12944, 1638, 11625, 29889, 13, 5618, 338, 385, 1394, 29887, 11625, 29973, 13, 1576, 5023, 310, 385, 1638, 11625, 363, 1757, 322, 5866, 1163, 29892, 541, 278, 2498, 5023, 363, 1716, 7916, 267, 338, 376, 29874, 752, 7807, 29892, 11473, 1741, 393, 338, 385, 13465, 310, 25323, 3321, 29892, 23023, 1848, 29892, 1047, 2454, 29892, 1998, 2265, 284, 29892, 322, 19677, 10174, 1699, 5034, 304, 7916, 19915, 7107, 275, 279, 2679, 29889, 450, 5400, 5023, 310, 385, 1638, 11625, 11039, 1078, 263, 12875, 310, 4280, 11174, 393, 1163, 2729, 373, 23346, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 1757, 508, 871, 505, 697, 1638, 11625, 472, 263, 931, 1434, 817, 292, 263, 1791, 3785, 29889, 5806, 373, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 5866, 508, 505, 2999, 1638, 294, 1516, 697, 1156, 278, 916, 29889, 5806, 1638, 294, 1516, 526, 4768, 1189, 1711, 1422, 29892, 278, 2498, 1136, 8841, 1546, 1757, 322, 5866, 746, 20766, 278, 11223, 310, 1638, 11625, 526, 8886, 13557, 29889, 13, 10401, 366, 7271, 385, 1638, 11625, 29892, 727, 526, 3196, 9128, 322, 452, 2192, 1188, 936, 2712, 393, 748, 373, 297, 596, 3573, 29889, 11661, 1711, 29892, 596, 5192, 6554, 16415, 304, 263, 2788, 6554, 310, 746, 366, 526, 24472, 3476, 292, 29889, 3575, 16172, 292, 884, 4947, 4996, 261, 322, 14200, 631, 29892, 10231, 297, 6210, 408, 366, 2978, 10784, 1165, 29889, 1152, 5866, 29892, 727, 338, 263, 5644, 294, 21115, 6507, 310, 18287, 260, 2673, 393, 338, 21302, 491, 2999, 6761, 1953, 310, 278, 2531, 2410, 2301, 7799, 29889, 960, 263, 5866, 338, 2145, 1474, 20436, 7964, 29892, 1183, 1122, 1407, 1532, 7271, 2999, 1638, 294, 1516, 297, 263, 1948, 29889, 3834, 5866, 1122, 1584, 8574, 562, 5987, 263, 2821, 22576, 515, 278, 4971, 1600, 29915, 29879, 330, 5252, 393, 526, 5982, 2978, 278, 318, 276, 386, 336, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 10812, 27170, 29892, 322, 5491, 5930, 411, 17818, 344, 18287, 29163, 470, 2645, 385, 1638, 11625, 29889, 13, 2816, 25496, 1516, 7138, 346, 20561, 287, 3900, 310, 20152, 13, 2887, 9638, 2879, 526, 3133, 292, 304, 6559, 278, 1638, 11625, 322, 967, 9545, 373, 278, 5199, 3573, 29892, 896, 505, 10943, 716, 322, 8031, 5837, 297, 607, 25618, 526, 452, 2192, 1188, 1711, 15201, 491, 18287, 15377, 29889, 9267, 2305, 8453, 2534, 10551, 287, 5922, 310, 3458, 746, 896, 1638, 11625, 29889, 3834, 505, 1497, 896, 7271, 263, 11223, 310, 6410, 310, 2761, 29892, 763, 1009, 3573, 338, 5622, 975, 29889, 5901, 29915, 29879, 5995, 304, 505, 27482, 4475, 304, 393, 310, 1641, 373, 20704, 5960, 2925, 29889, 1932, 366, 1638, 11625, 29892, 3058, 22233, 29879, 526, 5492, 964, 596, 17294, 393, 884, 3799, 746, 366, 526, 373, 5883, 3174, 29892, 3704, 22357, 314, 457, 322, 724, 327, 265, 262, 29889, 13, 29903, 735, 9638, 391, 6158, 29875, 328, 275, 16726, 393, 2534, 385, 1638, 11625, 1283, 7224, 278, 17294, 3168, 393, 5491, 2761, 596, 8570, 322, 6030, 29892, 10805, 366, 304, 4459, 763, 366, 29915, 345, 5714, 599, 2761, 29889, 376, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 1638, 11625, 12169, 1283, 19861, 2264, 541, 372, 3620, 372, 1699, 6158, 29875, 328, 275, 4083, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 2625, 2779, 310, 2534, 385, 1638, 11625, 29892, 541, 372, 338, 1603, 2553, 630, 408, 304, 3692, 372, 13582, 738, 6297, 297, 278, 5253, 310, 15377, 697, 27482, 29889, 6158, 29875, 328, 275, 338, 5279, 1985, 373, 445, 6368, 408, 263, 982, 304, 5649, 2020, 385, 990, 11625, 293, 5866, 526, 9368, 304, 1638, 11625, 29892, 322, 5837, 297, 607, 540, 508, 1735, 393, 29889, 13, 8809 ]
ile many scientists have been studying the effects of orgasms on the brain and altered states of mind, they have also discovered that many people are able to use their brain alone to orgasm. These amazing discovery has triggered a lot of research into the field trying to figure out how certain people can orgasm with their brain alone, in the hopes that new discoveries about the science behind orgasms will be found. You Can Orgasm with Your Brain Alone There's an incredible phenomenon that some people have experienced and other are trying to learn where women can orgasm with only their brain. This type of orgasm doesn't not involve any physical stimulation whether it's self-stimulation or from a partner. When an orgasm occurs, thirty different areas of the brain are activated. This areas involve such things as touch, memory, reward systems, and even pain. Scientists and real women have discovered that these same areas can be activated and orgasm achieved with the power of thought. When Komisaruk studied a group of women's brain activities while they fantasised about imagined clitoral touches and other arousal zones, he found that the exact same reactions were happening in the brain as when there were actual physical clitoral touches happening. The only difference between a real orgasm and an imagined one is the amount of blood flow rushing to the genital areas, which Komisaruk found out has a lot less to do with pleasure than was originally thought. Even noticeable physical changes occurred during a thought powered orgasm including an increased heart rate, blood pressure, higher pain threshold, and the size of the pupil. They mimicked the same physical reactions one experiences when undergoing a traditional, physical orgasm. The idea of there being a connection between thought and sexuality has been around since the early 1970's when the Masters and Johnson research team began conducting experiments. The connection between thought and orgasm is most strongly found in the brains of women. Sex therapist Dr. Iam Kerner has said, "The brain is the most powerful sex organ." While men are capable of climaxing through thought, it's much less common and more difficult for them than women. The female orgasm has long been a mystery, but with the help of modern technology and an increased interest by scientists, we're breaking down the barriers of the orgasm and gaining a better understanding of female sexuality. Orgasms have many effects on the body including an altered state of consciousness in the brain, and physical effects like rapid breathing and faster heart rate. The human brain is in fact the most powerful sex organ, and has the ability to induce an orgasm without any physical touch. For a healthy and happy sex life, it's important for women to have a better understanding of orgasms and just how powerful their brain can be! Intriguing, no? More surprising sex tips for women here! We research our articles by using the reliable sources and working with experts like sexologists to bring you valuable insights. And we use that knowledge to create the best vibrators for female orgasm wonders, designed to unlock the wonders of the female orgasm! https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg18625033-900-genes-blamed-for-fickle-female-orgasm/ https://www.newscientist.com/blogs/shortsharpscience/2010/11/pain-brain-regions-also-active.html The Variety Of The Female Orgasm A Refreshing Outlook On What It Means To Orgasm For Women The Female Libido Decoded What Really Drives Women's Desire Vaginal or Clitoral Orgasm: Are You Determined to Get Only One Type Of Big O? ...Or Do You Get To Choose From Different Fragrances? Upgrade your sensual life with our collection of elegant products One smile a day keeps the doctor away … Get our sexual wellness tips on Facebook! Unlock a world of pleasure Meet our Tennis Coach, a sensual G-spot vibrator Smile Makers – Discover how we reinvent sexual wellness for women MORE ARTICLES FOR YOU TO ENJOY... Get Acquainted With Your Vulva The Role Of The Clitoris In Question A Recipe For Pleasure – A Story of Women's Erotica Four Times For A Sensual Break During The Holiday Season The
[ 0.9838574594815955, 0.5373432696279997 ]
[ 1.5915799949354532, 0.10177701528576726 ]
[ 1.5005615001208448, 0.5672248027794338 ]
[ 0.47253400837308485, -0.17520718842188332 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 488, 1784, 9638, 2879, 505, 1063, 23382, 278, 9545, 310, 1638, 294, 1516, 373, 278, 17294, 322, 10551, 287, 5922, 310, 3458, 29892, 896, 505, 884, 10943, 393, 1784, 2305, 526, 2221, 304, 671, 1009, 17294, 7432, 304, 1638, 11625, 29889, 4525, 21863, 292, 20699, 756, 19799, 263, 3287, 310, 5925, 964, 278, 1746, 1811, 304, 4377, 714, 920, 3058, 2305, 508, 1638, 11625, 411, 1009, 17294, 7432, 29892, 297, 278, 26926, 393, 716, 6523, 583, 1048, 278, 10466, 5742, 1638, 294, 1516, 674, 367, 1476, 29889, 13, 3492, 1815, 1394, 29887, 11625, 411, 3575, 5032, 262, 838, 650, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 385, 29811, 1821, 27791, 265, 393, 777, 2305, 505, 18860, 322, 916, 526, 1811, 304, 5110, 988, 5866, 508, 1638, 11625, 411, 871, 1009, 17294, 29889, 910, 1134, 310, 1638, 11625, 1838, 29915, 29873, 451, 25135, 738, 9128, 20436, 2785, 3692, 372, 29915, 29879, 1583, 29899, 303, 326, 2785, 470, 515, 263, 18096, 29889, 13, 10401, 385, 1638, 11625, 10008, 29892, 17058, 1422, 10161, 310, 278, 17294, 526, 5039, 630, 29889, 910, 10161, 25135, 1316, 2712, 408, 6023, 29892, 3370, 29892, 20751, 6757, 29892, 322, 1584, 6788, 29889, 23753, 2879, 322, 1855, 5866, 505, 10943, 393, 1438, 1021, 10161, 508, 367, 5039, 630, 322, 1638, 11625, 14363, 411, 278, 3081, 310, 2714, 29889, 1932, 7107, 275, 279, 2679, 12399, 263, 2318, 310, 5866, 29915, 29879, 17294, 14188, 1550, 896, 13568, 294, 3368, 1048, 6382, 1312, 1067, 2105, 284, 6023, 267, 322, 916, 564, 681, 284, 20542, 29892, 540, 1476, 393, 278, 2684, 1021, 337, 7387, 892, 10464, 297, 278, 17294, 408, 746, 727, 892, 3935, 9128, 1067, 2105, 284, 6023, 267, 10464, 29889, 13, 1576, 871, 4328, 1546, 263, 1855, 1638, 11625, 322, 385, 6382, 1312, 697, 338, 278, 5253, 310, 10416, 4972, 364, 21616, 304, 278, 2531, 2410, 10161, 29892, 607, 7107, 275, 279, 2679, 1476, 714, 756, 263, 3287, 3109, 304, 437, 411, 15377, 1135, 471, 10437, 2714, 29889, 7753, 8369, 519, 9128, 3620, 10761, 2645, 263, 2714, 3081, 287, 1638, 11625, 3704, 385, 11664, 5192, 6554, 29892, 10416, 12959, 29892, 6133, 6788, 16897, 29892, 322, 278, 2159, 310, 278, 23449, 309, 29889, 2688, 286, 326, 17840, 278, 1021, 9128, 337, 7387, 697, 27482, 746, 1090, 17696, 263, 13807, 29892, 9128, 1638, 11625, 29889, 13, 1576, 2969, 310, 727, 1641, 263, 3957, 1546, 2714, 322, 18287, 537, 756, 1063, 2820, 1951, 278, 4688, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29900, 29915, 29879, 746, 278, 27863, 322, 11717, 5925, 3815, 4689, 7512, 292, 15729, 29889, 450, 3957, 1546, 2714, 322, 1638, 11625, 338, 1556, 13818, 1476, 297, 278, 4105, 1144, 310, 5866, 29889, 21703, 29220, 481, 391, 4942, 29889, 306, 314, 476, 15479, 756, 1497, 29892, 376, 1576, 17294, 338, 278, 1556, 13988, 7916, 2894, 1213, 5806, 1757, 526, 15390, 310, 10784, 1165, 292, 1549, 2714, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 1568, 3109, 3619, 322, 901, 5189, 363, 963, 1135, 5866, 29889, 13, 1576, 12944, 1638, 11625, 756, 1472, 1063, 263, 29236, 29892, 541, 411, 278, 1371, 310, 5400, 15483, 322, 385, 11664, 4066, 491, 9638, 2879, 29892, 591, 29915, 276, 16679, 1623, 278, 2594, 26536, 310, 278, 1638, 11625, 322, 11581, 292, 263, 2253, 8004, 310, 12944, 18287, 537, 29889, 1394, 25496, 1516, 505, 1784, 9545, 373, 278, 3573, 3704, 385, 10551, 287, 2106, 310, 19861, 2264, 297, 278, 17294, 29892, 322, 9128, 9545, 763, 10952, 16172, 292, 322, 8473, 5192, 6554, 29889, 450, 5199, 17294, 338, 297, 2114, 278, 1556, 13988, 7916, 2894, 29892, 322, 756, 278, 11509, 304, 9013, 346, 385, 1638, 11625, 1728, 738, 9128, 6023, 29889, 1152, 263, 9045, 29891, 322, 9796, 7916, 2834, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 4100, 363, 5866, 304, 505, 263, 2253, 8004, 310, 1638, 294, 1516, 322, 925, 920, 13988, 1009, 17294, 508, 367, 29991, 13, 797, 509, 5526, 292, 29892, 694, 29973, 5853, 26800, 7916, 25562, 363, 5866, 1244, 29991, 1334, 5925, 1749, 7456, 491, 773, 278, 23279, 8974, 322, 1985, 411, 2902, 1372, 763, 7916, 1189, 2879, 304, 6963, 366, 21114, 1663, 5861, 29889, 13, 2855, 591, 671, 393, 7134, 304, 1653, 278, 1900, 325, 747, 3605, 943, 363, 12944, 1638, 11625, 281, 18452, 29892, 8688, 304, 443, 908, 278, 281, 18452, 310, 278, 12944, 1638, 11625, 29991, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 15753, 15566, 391, 29889, 510, 29914, 7914, 29914, 29885, 29887, 29896, 29947, 29953, 29906, 29945, 29900, 29941, 29941, 29899, 29929, 29900, 29900, 29899, 1885, 267, 29899, 2204, 2795, 29899, 1454, 29899, 29888, 860, 280, 29899, 29888, 331, 744, 29899, 990, 11625, 29914, 13, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 15753, 15566, 391, 29889, 510, 29914, 25762, 29914, 12759, 845, 279, 567, 15277, 29914, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29914, 29896, 29896, 29914, 29886, 475, 29899, 2634, 262, 29899, 1727, 1080, 29899, 15189, 29899, 4925, 29889, 1420, 13, 1576, 9586, 3305, 4587, 450, 19361, 744, 1394, 29887, 11625, 13, 29909, 9897, 690, 2790, 4451, 6914, 1551, 1724, 739, 2191, 550, 1763, 1394, 29887, 11625, 1152, 10152, 13, 1576, 19361, 744, 8153, 1941, 3826, 6797, 13, 5618, 830, 635, 360, 1150, 267, 10152, 29915, 29879, 2726, 533, 13, 29963, 351, 979, 470, 2233, 2105, 284, 1394, 29887, 11625, 29901, 4683, 887, 5953, 837, 1312, 304, 3617, 9333, 3118, 5167, 4587, 7997, 438, 29973, 13, 856, 2816, 1938, 887, 3617, 1763, 14542, 852, 3645, 360, 15622, 7347, 629, 2925, 29973, 13, 3373, 8228, 596, 4771, 950, 2834, 411, 1749, 4333, 310, 19232, 9316, 13, 6716, 17819, 263, 2462, 14874, 278, 11619, 3448, 16088, 13, 2577, 1749, 18287, 1532, 2264, 25562, 373, 13327, 29991, 13, 2525, 908, 263, 3186, 310, 15377, 2191, 300, 1749, 29010, 3189, 496, 29892, 263, 4771, 950, 402, 29899, 17500, 325, 4626, 1061, 13, 12636, 488, 17232, 414, 785, 8565, 957, 920, 591, 15561, 794, 18287, 1532, 2264, 363, 5866, 13, 6720, 1525, 9033, 29911, 2965, 17101, 15842, 612, 27269, 7495, 12524, 29967, 29949, 29979, 856, 13, 2577, 7255, 339, 2365, 287, 2973, 3575, 478, 352, 1564, 13, 1576, 1528, 280, 4587, 450, 2233, 2105, 275, 512, 894, 13, 29909, 830, 24044, 1152, 19777, 3745, 785, 319, 13740, 310, 10152, 29915, 29879, 382, 5450, 983, 13, 29943, 473, 10277, 1152, 319, 317, 575, 950, 28301, 7133, 450, 4168, 22394, 24791, 13, 1576 ]
The Maleficent Seven 2018year 86min N/AIMDB Seven of the West's most infamous outlaws assemble to steal the largest stash of gold in North America's frontier history, from the most corrupt bank in the most corrupt settlement. Soldier Blue Candice Bergen, Peter Strauss, Donald Pleasence, John Anderson After a cavalry patrol is ambushed by the Cheyenne, the two survivors, a soldier and a woman, must reach the safety of the nearest fort. Shalako Sean Connery, Brigitte Bardot, Stephen Boyd, Jack Hawkins In 1880 New Mexico, a group of European hunters runs afoul of the Apache but is aided by an ex-cavalryman turned guide. Drama, Romance, Western Clark Gable, Marilyn Monroe, Montgomery Clift, Thelma Ritter A divorcée falls for an over-the-hill cowboy who is struggling to maintain his romantically independent lifestyle. Romance, Western John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara, Ben Johnson, Claude Jarman Jr. A cavalry officer posted on the Rio Grande must deal with murderous raiding Apaches, his son who's a risk-taking recruit and his wife from whom he has been separated for many years. The Ballad of Gregorio Cortez Edward James Olmos, James Gammon, Tom Bower, Bruce McGill After he is accused of murdering a lawman in 1901 Texas, a Mexican-American farmer flees and manages to elude a large posse for two weeks before he is finally captured. Comedy, Western Terence Hill, Nancy Morgan, Roger Miller, Ron Carey Lucky Luke becomes the Sheriff of Daisy Town and runs out all the criminals. Then the Dalton brothers arrive and try to get the Indians to break the peace treaty and attack the town. Comedy, Drama, Musical, Mystery, Romance, Western Liam Neeson, James Franco, David Krumholtz, Clancy Brown The Cowboys Adventure, Drama, Western John Wayne, Roscoe Lee Browne, Bruce Dern, Colleen Dewhurst Rancher Wil Andersen is forced to hire inexperienced boys as cowhands in order to get his herd to market on time but the rough drive is full of dangers and a gang of cattle rustlers is trailing them. Comedy, Musical, Western Sonny & Cher, George Sanders, Norman Alden, Larry Duran Sonny and Cher spoof many Hollywood classic movie scenes. Drama, Western Sharon Stone, Jason Lewis, Tommy Flanagan, Christina Moore Running Wild is about Stella Davis, a widow who saves her ranch by working with convicts to rehabilitate a herd of wild horses that wandered on to her property. Stella must fight prejudice,... Madeleine Stowe, Mary Stuart Masterson, Andie MacDowell, Drew Barrymore Four prostitutes join together to travel the Old West. Howard Truesdale, Kathleen Myers, Ray Thompson, Brown Eyes With little luck at keeping a job in the city a New Yorker tries work in the country and eventually finds his way leading a herd of cattle to the West Coast. Django Kill... If You Live, Shoot! Action, Horror, Western Tomas Milian, Marilù Tolo, Piero Lulli, Milo Quesada Various factions, including a half-breed bandit, a gang of homosexual cowboys and a priest, feud over stolen gold in a surreal town. Duel in the Sun Jennifer Jones, Joseph Cotten, Gregory Peck, Lionel Barrymore Beautiful half-breed Pearl Chavez becomes the ward of her dead father's first love and finds herself torn between her sons, one good and the other bad. The Last Hunt Robert Taylor, Stewart Granger, Lloyd Nolan, Debra Paget In 1883 South Dakota, two buffalo hunters start a personal feud over a captured squaw and a stand-off with a Dakota raiding party over some stolen horses. Yellowstone Kelly Clint Walker, Edd Byrnes, John Russell, Ray Danton In 187
[ -0.8898585273887087, -0.6926252656128872 ]
[ 0.037314386358617384, 0.1250551868427936 ]
[ -1.3603183765126108, -1.248723771395703 ]
[ -1.0414634877500937, -0.9426114175564841 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 27208, 9639, 296, 26647, 13, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 6360, 29871, 29947, 29953, 1195, 405, 29914, 29909, 7833, 4051, 13, 2008, 854, 310, 278, 3122, 29915, 29879, 1556, 3041, 314, 681, 714, 433, 5652, 24940, 304, 1886, 284, 278, 10150, 380, 1161, 310, 7684, 297, 4644, 6813, 29915, 29879, 4565, 631, 4955, 29892, 515, 278, 1556, 1034, 6685, 9124, 297, 278, 1556, 1034, 6685, 16493, 29889, 13, 29903, 1025, 631, 10924, 13, 29907, 392, 625, 2292, 1885, 29892, 5310, 7357, 1558, 29892, 18935, 19777, 294, 663, 29892, 2259, 17483, 13, 13555, 263, 16873, 719, 2373, 1467, 338, 3181, 15392, 491, 278, 6561, 29891, 4584, 29892, 278, 1023, 10503, 440, 943, 29892, 263, 20767, 322, 263, 6114, 29892, 1818, 6159, 278, 15332, 310, 278, 20471, 5162, 29889, 13, 2713, 284, 4614, 13, 2008, 273, 1281, 29876, 708, 29892, 13051, 5388, 350, 538, 327, 29892, 14317, 1952, 2941, 29892, 5457, 10875, 11335, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29900, 1570, 12568, 29892, 263, 2318, 310, 7824, 9074, 2153, 6057, 2511, 5059, 310, 278, 13380, 541, 338, 263, 2618, 491, 385, 429, 29899, 29883, 7712, 719, 1171, 6077, 10754, 29889, 13, 29928, 20556, 29892, 6033, 749, 29892, 10504, 13, 6821, 935, 402, 519, 29892, 1085, 309, 948, 2598, 26968, 29892, 4526, 27157, 708, 2233, 2027, 29892, 498, 295, 655, 27917, 13, 29909, 25074, 29883, 1318, 20074, 363, 385, 975, 29899, 1552, 29899, 29131, 21282, 19415, 1058, 338, 20042, 304, 7344, 670, 6017, 424, 1711, 7417, 301, 7004, 1508, 29889, 13, 29934, 290, 749, 29892, 10504, 13, 11639, 25843, 29892, 3219, 545, 264, 438, 29915, 29950, 2518, 29892, 4111, 11717, 29892, 19108, 15864, 1171, 13843, 29889, 13, 29909, 16873, 719, 12139, 8059, 373, 278, 11611, 12848, 1818, 5376, 411, 13406, 681, 1153, 4821, 6225, 14520, 29892, 670, 1487, 1058, 29915, 29879, 263, 12045, 29899, 29873, 5086, 1162, 9216, 322, 670, 6532, 515, 6029, 540, 756, 1063, 13055, 363, 1784, 2440, 29889, 13, 1576, 13402, 328, 310, 12051, 10893, 2994, 371, 29920, 13, 3853, 1328, 5011, 7137, 7681, 29892, 5011, 28011, 3712, 29892, 4335, 350, 1680, 29892, 18885, 22805, 453, 13, 13555, 540, 338, 28886, 310, 13406, 292, 263, 4307, 1171, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29900, 29896, 10319, 29892, 263, 24777, 29899, 14689, 2215, 1050, 9115, 267, 322, 767, 1179, 304, 560, 1151, 263, 2919, 926, 344, 363, 1023, 11405, 1434, 540, 338, 7146, 15468, 29889, 13, 1523, 7584, 29892, 10504, 13, 29911, 261, 663, 9143, 29892, 24190, 20549, 29892, 14159, 16498, 29892, 11546, 10057, 29891, 13, 29931, 14395, 25556, 7415, 278, 17375, 2593, 310, 360, 1759, 29891, 8421, 322, 6057, 714, 599, 278, 15116, 19016, 29889, 1987, 278, 9400, 880, 21383, 18331, 322, 1018, 304, 679, 278, 17072, 304, 2867, 278, 10776, 7539, 29891, 322, 5337, 278, 4726, 29889, 13, 1523, 7584, 29892, 360, 20556, 29892, 28554, 29892, 22890, 708, 29892, 6033, 749, 29892, 10504, 13, 29931, 2829, 2448, 267, 265, 29892, 5011, 20923, 29892, 4699, 476, 5848, 5391, 17559, 29892, 2233, 6906, 9817, 13, 1576, 21638, 833, 952, 13, 3253, 794, 545, 29892, 360, 20556, 29892, 10504, 13, 11639, 25843, 29892, 5678, 1111, 29872, 9371, 22415, 484, 29892, 18885, 360, 824, 29892, 1530, 280, 264, 360, 809, 29882, 26268, 13, 29934, 273, 4630, 4624, 19897, 264, 338, 11826, 304, 298, 533, 297, 735, 546, 819, 1133, 12544, 408, 21282, 3179, 29879, 297, 1797, 304, 679, 670, 902, 29881, 304, 9999, 373, 931, 541, 278, 12164, 7899, 338, 2989, 310, 270, 13873, 322, 263, 20676, 310, 27498, 21580, 9306, 338, 25053, 963, 29889, 13, 1523, 7584, 29892, 28554, 29892, 10504, 13, 29903, 265, 1460, 669, 23816, 29892, 5122, 8564, 414, 29892, 21296, 18242, 264, 29892, 26977, 7073, 273, 13, 29903, 265, 1460, 322, 23816, 13345, 974, 1784, 19180, 22037, 14064, 20407, 29889, 13, 29928, 20556, 29892, 10504, 13, 2713, 5022, 15681, 29892, 21776, 15037, 29892, 27036, 2379, 273, 18939, 29892, 2819, 1099, 18588, 13, 27795, 11821, 338, 1048, 624, 3547, 15225, 29892, 263, 9449, 340, 1058, 27401, 902, 6350, 305, 491, 1985, 411, 7602, 919, 29879, 304, 337, 29882, 4427, 10388, 263, 902, 29881, 310, 8775, 15100, 393, 281, 3825, 287, 373, 304, 902, 2875, 29889, 624, 3547, 1818, 8589, 758, 17675, 625, 29892, 856, 13, 29924, 1943, 280, 457, 624, 4657, 29892, 6182, 24710, 9082, 1100, 29892, 1126, 347, 4326, 29928, 340, 514, 29892, 360, 3973, 23032, 5514, 13, 29943, 473, 16810, 277, 2667, 5988, 4208, 304, 9850, 278, 8198, 3122, 29889, 13, 5328, 538, 17238, 267, 23276, 29892, 19663, 280, 264, 1619, 414, 29892, 9596, 22348, 29892, 9817, 382, 3582, 13, 3047, 2217, 9885, 472, 12515, 263, 4982, 297, 278, 4272, 263, 1570, 3088, 261, 14335, 664, 297, 278, 4234, 322, 10201, 14061, 670, 982, 8236, 263, 902, 29881, 310, 27498, 304, 278, 3122, 17700, 29889, 13, 29928, 5364, 29021, 856, 960, 887, 10782, 29892, 17550, 327, 29991, 13, 4276, 29892, 6912, 729, 29892, 10504, 13, 29911, 18902, 3833, 713, 29892, 1085, 309, 30071, 323, 3543, 29892, 12939, 29877, 365, 352, 492, 29892, 3833, 29877, 751, 267, 1114, 13, 10444, 681, 2258, 1953, 29892, 3704, 263, 4203, 29899, 1030, 287, 3719, 277, 29892, 263, 20676, 310, 3632, 29438, 950, 21282, 833, 952, 322, 263, 18781, 29892, 1238, 566, 975, 380, 18975, 7684, 297, 263, 1190, 6370, 4726, 29889, 13, 29928, 2491, 297, 278, 8991, 13, 29967, 2108, 9633, 10920, 29892, 6936, 26783, 841, 29892, 29094, 3938, 384, 29892, 21934, 295, 23032, 5514, 13, 3629, 1300, 6845, 4203, 29899, 1030, 287, 21265, 29880, 678, 1351, 29920, 7415, 278, 281, 538, 310, 902, 7123, 4783, 29915, 29879, 937, 5360, 322, 14061, 8735, 10146, 1546, 902, 18025, 29892, 697, 1781, 322, 278, 916, 4319, 29889, 13, 1576, 9208, 379, 1657, 13, 9588, 2151, 12537, 29892, 22389, 1632, 4600, 29892, 27054, 405, 26510, 29892, 7089, 336, 349, 26084, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29941, 4275, 22679, 4616, 29892, 1023, 20487, 7003, 9074, 2153, 1369, 263, 7333, 1238, 566, 975, 263, 15468, 10674, 1450, 322, 263, 2317, 29899, 2696, 411, 263, 22679, 4616, 1153, 4821, 6263, 975, 777, 380, 18975, 15100, 29889, 13, 29979, 4743, 12734, 21872, 13, 6821, 524, 19512, 29892, 20861, 2648, 29878, 4515, 29892, 2259, 20679, 29892, 9596, 360, 11960, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29955 ]
Food Management is part of the Informa Connect Division of Informa PLC Senior Dining Top 50 Contract Companies FM Best Concepts Menu Trends Chef Dan Giusti's Brigaid pilot program with New York City Department of Education shows scratch cooking school meals is feasible 5 things: Cafeteria worker takes student's lunch over $6 meal debt College dining trending: Butler University and Northern Illinois University renovate dining centers and c-stores; a smoothie robot Child nutrition advocates speak out about proposed USDA changes to school meals United States Department of Agriculture announces proposed changes in school meal rules affecting fruit and vegetable requirements, meal patterns and administrative reviews Flavor of the Month: Labneh, classic Middle Eastern cuisine College Dining Trending: 2019's top C&U trends, robotic dining 8 delicious food service recipes to try Nominations now open for Food Management's Best Concepts 2020 News & Trends>K-12 Schools How to get taste test success for K12 One school director shares secrets of getting kids to try new food and collecting the feedback and data that makes taste testing worthwhile. Tara Fitzpatrick | Mar 19, 2018 Amanda Warren, school nutrition supervisor at Staunton (Va.) City Schools, a small district in the Shenandoah Valley, takes a progressive approach to taste testing new menu items for the six schools in her district. First, try a single chickpea. Then move onto hummus. Then try hummus on healthier nachos. That's how Warren first introduced students to hummus during a summer feeding program. Now it's a popular menu item, part of "neato nachos" with hummus, salsa, cheese and whole-grain chips, a protein and fiber-rich lunch that kids love. "If we would've just put hummus cups on the line, kids would've said, 'Ew, what's this? I'm not trying this,'" Warren says. "But since they had already tried it in a fun, safe way that's exploratory, they were more likely to try it." Recently, three new items were introduced at the high school: Buffalo mac 'n cheese, a new burger with a familiar flavor profile (more on that later) and "slam dunk dip," a layered bean dip-inspired protein bowl, all of which make use of USDA commodities and meet national school lunch guidelines So how do you find those winning menu items? How do you relate to students of different ages? How do you collect data? Read on for Warren's best advice on the trial-and-error world of taste testing in schools. Setting up and gathering feedback For lunchtime taste tests, Warren sets up a table—in the middle of cafeteria but not in the way of traffic—and makes herself noticeable with signage and her personality: "This is what we're tasting today, come talk to me," she says to kids. It's important to get out into the cafeteria—after planning the logistics—rather than just placing new items on the line. "If we do that, we don't reach our [lunch] packers, and those are the ones we want," Warren says. From this thought came the idea to use a rolling cart in some cases, dressing it up with a tablecloth, "like a Caesar salad cart you see in restaurants." Two staffers follow Warren along with the cart, one with the voting box or chart and the other distributing stickers and high-fives—two of the most effective incentives for the younger grades. A simple voting mechanism of yes or no has proven to be more effective than a more extensive questionnaire or comment card format, Warren has found, since kids already have a short lunch period. At the middle schools and high schools, a chart is divided into three sections—one for each menu item—featured columns to check yes or no. For elementary school taste tests, Warren uses a color-coded board that's easier for younger kids to handle. Appealing to different age groups There's obviously a big difference between a kindergartner and a high school senior…and a lot of variation in between. So taste testing should be tailored to
[ -0.23309915918380303, 0.7208797771138336 ]
[ 0.40260261694579996, 0.3739525596448445 ]
[ 1.0744730078562876, 1.784620494963883 ]
[ -0.7813264609248054, -0.6241061453372717 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 25453, 15057, 338, 760, 310, 278, 15162, 29874, 14971, 7946, 310, 15162, 29874, 349, 12182, 13, 29903, 264, 1611, 360, 2827, 13, 7031, 29871, 29945, 29900, 2866, 1461, 3831, 273, 583, 13, 22192, 6407, 1281, 1547, 29879, 13, 6823, 1605, 1975, 13, 26856, 29888, 3951, 4406, 504, 29875, 29915, 29879, 1771, 4324, 333, 19840, 1824, 411, 1570, 3088, 4412, 10317, 310, 13151, 3697, 22728, 7984, 292, 3762, 592, 1338, 338, 28326, 1821, 13, 29945, 2712, 29901, 315, 2142, 1308, 423, 15645, 4893, 8368, 29915, 29879, 301, 3322, 975, 395, 29953, 592, 284, 2553, 29873, 13, 1625, 4424, 270, 2827, 534, 2548, 29901, 29384, 3014, 322, 14299, 17066, 3014, 25615, 403, 270, 2827, 1644, 414, 322, 274, 29899, 303, 2361, 29936, 263, 10597, 347, 19964, 13, 5938, 18254, 29878, 654, 22545, 1078, 7726, 714, 1048, 7972, 3148, 7698, 3620, 304, 3762, 592, 1338, 13, 2525, 1573, 3900, 10317, 310, 27051, 545, 7475, 778, 7972, 3620, 297, 3762, 592, 284, 6865, 6602, 292, 15774, 322, 18655, 519, 11780, 29892, 592, 284, 15038, 322, 19185, 21804, 13, 29943, 4112, 272, 310, 278, 23471, 29901, 12016, 9113, 29892, 22037, 14253, 16162, 2723, 275, 457, 13, 1625, 4424, 360, 2827, 1605, 2548, 29901, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29915, 29879, 2246, 315, 29987, 29965, 534, 1975, 29892, 19964, 293, 270, 2827, 13, 29947, 628, 14803, 9687, 2669, 9522, 5547, 304, 1018, 13, 29940, 5817, 800, 1286, 1722, 363, 25453, 15057, 29915, 29879, 6407, 1281, 1547, 29879, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 13, 29328, 669, 1605, 1975, 29958, 29968, 29899, 29896, 29906, 4523, 29879, 13, 5328, 304, 679, 21779, 1243, 2551, 363, 476, 29896, 29906, 13, 6716, 3762, 8881, 29358, 22183, 1372, 310, 2805, 413, 4841, 304, 1018, 716, 9687, 322, 6314, 292, 278, 16705, 322, 848, 393, 3732, 21779, 6724, 7088, 8000, 29889, 13, 29911, 2518, 22963, 5031, 9131, 891, 1085, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 13, 6833, 5863, 24511, 29892, 3762, 18254, 29878, 654, 2428, 19188, 472, 7434, 348, 880, 313, 29963, 29874, 1846, 4412, 4523, 29879, 29892, 263, 2319, 6474, 297, 278, 1383, 264, 1743, 801, 13939, 29892, 4893, 263, 6728, 573, 2948, 304, 21779, 6724, 716, 6143, 4452, 363, 278, 4832, 12462, 297, 902, 6474, 29889, 13, 6730, 29892, 1018, 263, 2323, 521, 860, 412, 29874, 29889, 1987, 4337, 11480, 3165, 8366, 29889, 1987, 1018, 3165, 8366, 373, 9045, 631, 2644, 359, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 920, 24511, 937, 9129, 8041, 304, 3165, 8366, 2645, 263, 11801, 8343, 292, 1824, 29889, 2567, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 5972, 6143, 2944, 29892, 760, 310, 376, 484, 1219, 2644, 359, 29908, 411, 3165, 8366, 29892, 269, 1338, 29874, 29892, 923, 968, 322, 3353, 29899, 3874, 262, 521, 4512, 29892, 263, 26823, 322, 5713, 495, 29899, 4018, 301, 3322, 393, 413, 4841, 5360, 29889, 13, 29908, 3644, 591, 723, 29915, 345, 925, 1925, 3165, 8366, 2723, 567, 373, 278, 1196, 29892, 413, 4841, 723, 29915, 345, 1497, 29892, 525, 29923, 29893, 29892, 825, 29915, 29879, 445, 29973, 306, 29915, 29885, 451, 1811, 445, 5501, 29908, 24511, 4083, 29889, 376, 6246, 1951, 896, 750, 2307, 1898, 372, 297, 263, 2090, 29892, 9109, 982, 393, 29915, 29879, 3902, 272, 7606, 29892, 896, 892, 901, 5517, 304, 1018, 372, 1213, 13, 4789, 2705, 29892, 2211, 716, 4452, 892, 9129, 472, 278, 1880, 3762, 29901, 22274, 7003, 5825, 525, 29876, 923, 968, 29892, 263, 716, 6866, 914, 411, 263, 9985, 21054, 272, 8722, 313, 5514, 373, 393, 2678, 29897, 322, 376, 2536, 314, 270, 2960, 28191, 1699, 263, 7546, 287, 17796, 28191, 29899, 262, 1028, 2859, 26823, 12580, 29880, 29892, 599, 310, 607, 1207, 671, 310, 3148, 7698, 844, 397, 1907, 322, 5870, 4797, 3762, 301, 3322, 1410, 10652, 1475, 13, 6295, 920, 437, 366, 1284, 1906, 15613, 6143, 4452, 29973, 1128, 437, 366, 29279, 304, 8041, 310, 1422, 24646, 29973, 1128, 437, 366, 6314, 848, 29973, 7523, 373, 363, 24511, 29915, 29879, 1900, 9848, 373, 278, 14260, 29899, 392, 29899, 2704, 3186, 310, 21779, 6724, 297, 12462, 29889, 13, 29020, 701, 322, 11705, 292, 16705, 13, 2831, 301, 3322, 2230, 21779, 6987, 29892, 24511, 6166, 701, 263, 1591, 30003, 262, 278, 7256, 310, 274, 2142, 1308, 423, 541, 451, 297, 278, 982, 310, 12469, 30003, 392, 3732, 8735, 8369, 519, 411, 1804, 482, 322, 902, 2022, 2877, 29901, 376, 4013, 338, 825, 591, 29915, 276, 260, 579, 292, 9826, 29892, 2041, 5193, 304, 592, 1699, 1183, 4083, 304, 413, 4841, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 4100, 304, 679, 714, 964, 278, 274, 2142, 1308, 423, 30003, 7045, 18987, 278, 1480, 6765, 30003, 29878, 1624, 1135, 925, 24421, 716, 4452, 373, 278, 1196, 29889, 13, 29908, 3644, 591, 437, 393, 29892, 591, 1016, 29915, 29873, 6159, 1749, 518, 29880, 3322, 29962, 4870, 414, 29892, 322, 1906, 526, 278, 6743, 591, 864, 1699, 24511, 4083, 29889, 3645, 445, 2714, 2996, 278, 2969, 304, 671, 263, 27777, 7774, 297, 777, 4251, 29892, 10714, 292, 372, 701, 411, 263, 1591, 695, 720, 29892, 376, 4561, 263, 9243, 26892, 4497, 328, 7774, 366, 1074, 297, 12374, 1934, 1213, 13, 13985, 13925, 414, 1101, 24511, 3412, 411, 278, 7774, 29892, 697, 411, 278, 28931, 3800, 470, 8727, 322, 278, 916, 22965, 17068, 12070, 414, 322, 1880, 29899, 29888, 3145, 30003, 10184, 310, 278, 1556, 11828, 297, 1760, 3145, 363, 278, 20023, 867, 3076, 29889, 13, 29909, 2560, 28931, 13336, 310, 4874, 470, 694, 756, 16413, 304, 367, 901, 11828, 1135, 263, 901, 20607, 1139, 15421, 470, 3440, 5881, 3402, 29892, 24511, 756, 1476, 29892, 1951, 413, 4841, 2307, 505, 263, 3273, 301, 3322, 3785, 29889, 13, 4178, 278, 7256, 12462, 322, 1880, 12462, 29892, 263, 8727, 338, 13931, 964, 2211, 13926, 30003, 650, 363, 1269, 6143, 2944, 30003, 14394, 29881, 4341, 304, 1423, 4874, 470, 694, 29889, 1152, 22470, 3762, 21779, 6987, 29892, 24511, 3913, 263, 2927, 29899, 29659, 7613, 393, 29915, 29879, 6775, 363, 20023, 413, 4841, 304, 4386, 29889, 13, 2052, 29872, 12818, 304, 1422, 5046, 6471, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 12879, 263, 4802, 4328, 1546, 263, 2924, 261, 13323, 1089, 322, 263, 1880, 3762, 16336, 30098, 392, 263, 3287, 310, 19262, 297, 1546, 29889, 1105, 21779, 6724, 881, 367, 12464, 4395, 304 ]
the locations you're visiting, Warren says. During one cafeteria taste test, Warren was having trouble getting elementary school kids to try black beans. Since Warren knows that kids in this age range enjoy watching silly/outlandish "challenges" on YouTube, inspiration struck. "I just took one scoop of black beans and I said, 'Who wants to do my super-duper black bean challenge? Just eat one bean,'" she says. Before she knew it, one boy had tried it, a group of his friends had gathered and high-fives ensued, and "I even got kids asking for more bites." For kindergartners, Warren has started to do tasting labs, complete with lab coats and a fun science theme. "We let them explore new food after they've had lunch." And at the high school level, Warren is taking advantage of the fact that many students are ready for more grown-up flavors. She recently tested Buffalo mac 'n cheese that uses USDA chicken, USDA cheese, Buffalo sauce and whole-grain pasta. There's a tiny amount of bacon on top, not enough to mess up the nutritional profile, but enough to get kids saying, "Is that bacon on there?" That burger—labeled by its manufacturer as a meatloaf burger—has a flavor profile that pretty much appeals to all ages: the McDonald's burger. Warren is part of a purchasing co-op made up of other small districts in the area, and when they taste tested this patty, Warren was instantly transported to the drive-thru. The only problem was, the meatloaf moniker. "Kids don't want a meatloaf burger," she says. So instead, the burger was named after the school's mascot, the Fighting Leemen (the burgers are called LeePeople burgers, a more gender-neutral term). Quantitative vs. qualitative data Both are important, because sometimes anecdotal evidence can lead to more concrete data with follow-up. For example, Warren has seen how gradually introducing chickpeas, then hummus has affected choosing behavior in students. "I think it does; I've seen it anecdotally," she says. "But I also want the data to back it up." Sometimes trying a new menu item without announcing it first—just placing it on the line—can provide a baseline number for how interested kids are in that item, Warren says. Relying more on numbers, a recent tasting lab of bell peppers began with plain raw pepper strips at the kindergarten level. "We tried three colors," Warren says. "We said, 'If green's not your flavor, try red or yellow.'" The test found 60 of 80 students trying the peppers. The next flavor lab incorporated the peppers into "cowboy caviar," the healthy snack dip with black beans, corn, onions and peppers. And the next time, pepper boats will be tested, with data being collected along the way, ultimately determining how bell peppers can and should be used on the menu, according to students' tastes. Make farm-to-school part of taste testing Since labor and facilities limitations can put a damper on using a bunch of unexpected fresh produce at most schools, taste tests are a good way to introduce a vegetable that may not be practical for everyday menus. Working with local growers and the Chef Ann Foundation, Warren has been incorporating more local products than ever. But it's work, she says. "We did school-wide tastings in cafeterias with a grant for Project Produce to get fresh-snipped green beans," Warrens says. "Most students may be used to the way we cook them in the South—cooked down—so I wanted them to try an al dente green bean. But I was snipping 80 pounds of green beans. The processing part is just too much on a regular basis, but it's good to expose the students to other things." No shortcuts: You have to be there Getting out into lunchrooms and interacting with students is imperative to finding out what they really think and making the most of taste tests. Sometimes this can be a little daunting to any school foodservice director, Warren admits. "It can be intimidating," she says, recalling a less-than-civil interaction with a high school student
[ 0.4688594981780617, 0.5537793747759848 ]
[ 0.6497093611665411, 0.574502960751533 ]
[ 1.2165025052778067, 1.520851428323919 ]
[ -0.8476614027652539, -0.37681338421148186 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 278, 14354, 366, 29915, 276, 6493, 292, 29892, 24511, 4083, 29889, 13, 29928, 3864, 697, 274, 2142, 1308, 423, 21779, 1243, 29892, 24511, 471, 2534, 7458, 2805, 22470, 3762, 413, 4841, 304, 1018, 4628, 367, 550, 29889, 4001, 24511, 9906, 393, 413, 4841, 297, 445, 5046, 3464, 13389, 21217, 24866, 29914, 449, 1049, 728, 376, 305, 16047, 267, 29908, 373, 14711, 29892, 8681, 12232, 15469, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 925, 3614, 697, 885, 26793, 310, 4628, 367, 550, 322, 306, 1497, 29892, 525, 22110, 10753, 304, 437, 590, 2428, 29899, 700, 546, 4628, 17796, 18766, 29973, 3387, 17545, 697, 17796, 5501, 29908, 1183, 4083, 29889, 10949, 1183, 6363, 372, 29892, 697, 8023, 750, 1898, 372, 29892, 263, 2318, 310, 670, 7875, 750, 22229, 322, 1880, 29899, 29888, 3145, 427, 2146, 287, 29892, 322, 376, 29902, 1584, 2355, 413, 4841, 6721, 363, 901, 2586, 267, 1213, 13, 2831, 2924, 261, 13323, 8397, 29892, 24511, 756, 4687, 304, 437, 260, 579, 292, 301, 6897, 29892, 4866, 411, 9775, 1302, 1446, 322, 263, 2090, 10466, 10929, 29889, 376, 4806, 1235, 963, 26987, 716, 9687, 1156, 896, 29915, 345, 750, 301, 3322, 1213, 13, 2855, 472, 278, 1880, 3762, 3233, 29892, 24511, 338, 5622, 10631, 310, 278, 2114, 393, 1784, 8041, 526, 7960, 363, 901, 21633, 29899, 786, 21054, 943, 29889, 2296, 10325, 9528, 22274, 7003, 5825, 525, 29876, 923, 968, 393, 3913, 3148, 7698, 521, 21475, 29892, 3148, 7698, 923, 968, 29892, 22274, 7003, 12507, 346, 322, 3353, 29899, 3874, 262, 4940, 29874, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 263, 21577, 5253, 310, 9922, 535, 373, 2246, 29892, 451, 3307, 304, 4473, 701, 278, 18254, 29878, 3245, 8722, 29892, 541, 3307, 304, 679, 413, 4841, 5934, 29892, 376, 3624, 393, 9922, 535, 373, 727, 3026, 13, 7058, 6866, 914, 30003, 29880, 24025, 491, 967, 12012, 9945, 408, 263, 27654, 417, 2142, 6866, 914, 30003, 5349, 263, 21054, 272, 8722, 393, 5051, 1568, 5929, 1338, 304, 599, 24646, 29901, 278, 4052, 28080, 29915, 29879, 6866, 914, 29889, 13, 29956, 279, 1267, 338, 760, 310, 263, 10596, 5832, 1302, 29899, 459, 1754, 701, 310, 916, 2319, 24172, 297, 278, 4038, 29892, 322, 746, 896, 21779, 9528, 445, 2373, 1017, 29892, 24511, 471, 26232, 8608, 287, 304, 278, 7899, 29899, 386, 582, 29889, 450, 871, 1108, 471, 29892, 278, 27654, 417, 2142, 1601, 5603, 29889, 376, 29968, 4841, 1016, 29915, 29873, 864, 263, 27654, 417, 2142, 6866, 914, 1699, 1183, 4083, 29889, 1105, 2012, 29892, 278, 6866, 914, 471, 4257, 1156, 278, 3762, 29915, 29879, 5516, 26235, 29892, 278, 26650, 292, 951, 12398, 313, 1552, 26072, 414, 526, 2000, 9371, 15666, 1991, 26072, 414, 29892, 263, 901, 23346, 29899, 17821, 1705, 1840, 467, 13, 22930, 23378, 7186, 29889, 4021, 23378, 848, 13, 29933, 720, 526, 4100, 29892, 1363, 6041, 385, 687, 6333, 284, 10757, 508, 3275, 304, 901, 18387, 848, 411, 1101, 29899, 786, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 24511, 756, 3595, 920, 22020, 4547, 3277, 521, 860, 412, 294, 29892, 769, 3165, 8366, 756, 15201, 23906, 6030, 297, 8041, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1348, 372, 947, 29936, 306, 29915, 345, 3595, 372, 385, 687, 6333, 635, 1699, 1183, 4083, 29889, 376, 6246, 306, 884, 864, 278, 848, 304, 1250, 372, 701, 1213, 13, 29903, 14618, 1811, 263, 716, 6143, 2944, 1728, 7475, 3277, 372, 937, 30003, 5143, 24421, 372, 373, 278, 1196, 30003, 3068, 3867, 263, 2362, 5570, 1353, 363, 920, 8852, 413, 4841, 526, 297, 393, 2944, 29892, 24511, 4083, 29889, 13, 29934, 873, 292, 901, 373, 3694, 29892, 263, 7786, 260, 579, 292, 9775, 310, 22623, 1236, 22437, 4689, 411, 8656, 10650, 1236, 2496, 10076, 567, 472, 278, 2924, 15064, 8109, 3233, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 1898, 2211, 11955, 1699, 24511, 4083, 29889, 376, 4806, 1497, 29892, 525, 3644, 7933, 29915, 29879, 451, 596, 21054, 272, 29892, 1018, 2654, 470, 13328, 6169, 29908, 13, 1576, 1243, 1476, 29871, 29953, 29900, 310, 29871, 29947, 29900, 8041, 1811, 278, 1236, 22437, 29889, 450, 2446, 21054, 272, 9775, 11039, 630, 278, 1236, 22437, 964, 376, 20587, 19415, 18346, 4447, 1699, 278, 9045, 29891, 5807, 547, 28191, 411, 4628, 367, 550, 29892, 26343, 29892, 373, 1080, 322, 1236, 22437, 29889, 1126, 278, 2446, 931, 29892, 1236, 2496, 25462, 674, 367, 9528, 29892, 411, 848, 1641, 16531, 3412, 278, 982, 29892, 18973, 3683, 2827, 920, 22623, 1236, 22437, 508, 322, 881, 367, 1304, 373, 278, 6143, 29892, 5034, 304, 8041, 29915, 260, 579, 267, 29889, 13, 9984, 17888, 29899, 517, 29899, 27041, 760, 310, 21779, 6724, 13, 23036, 10212, 322, 23330, 27028, 508, 1925, 263, 5625, 546, 373, 773, 263, 14928, 310, 15668, 10849, 7738, 472, 1556, 12462, 29892, 21779, 6987, 526, 263, 1781, 982, 304, 14944, 263, 18655, 519, 393, 1122, 451, 367, 15031, 363, 1432, 3250, 1757, 375, 29889, 13, 5531, 292, 411, 1887, 6548, 414, 322, 278, 6561, 29888, 8081, 10606, 29892, 24511, 756, 1063, 11039, 1218, 901, 1887, 9316, 1135, 3926, 29889, 1205, 372, 29915, 29879, 664, 29892, 1183, 4083, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 1258, 3762, 29899, 8157, 260, 579, 886, 297, 274, 2142, 1308, 3173, 411, 263, 16690, 363, 8010, 7138, 346, 304, 679, 10849, 29899, 29879, 1240, 2986, 7933, 367, 550, 1699, 399, 2749, 575, 4083, 29889, 376, 29924, 520, 8041, 1122, 367, 1304, 304, 278, 982, 591, 7984, 963, 297, 278, 4275, 30003, 1111, 12504, 1623, 30003, 578, 306, 5131, 963, 304, 1018, 385, 394, 270, 2016, 7933, 17796, 29889, 1205, 306, 471, 9830, 3262, 29871, 29947, 29900, 24261, 310, 7933, 367, 550, 29889, 450, 9068, 760, 338, 925, 2086, 1568, 373, 263, 4943, 8405, 29892, 541, 372, 29915, 29879, 1781, 304, 24396, 278, 8041, 304, 916, 2712, 1213, 13, 3782, 21697, 29879, 29901, 887, 505, 304, 367, 727, 13, 2577, 1259, 714, 964, 301, 3322, 18901, 322, 16254, 292, 411, 8041, 338, 10112, 1230, 304, 9138, 714, 825, 896, 2289, 1348, 322, 3907, 278, 1556, 310, 21779, 6987, 29889, 18512, 445, 508, 367, 263, 2217, 1146, 348, 1259, 304, 738, 3762, 9687, 5509, 8881, 29892, 24511, 7336, 1169, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 508, 367, 938, 326, 333, 1218, 1699, 1183, 4083, 29892, 17386, 292, 263, 3109, 29899, 27603, 29899, 29883, 5341, 14881, 411, 263, 1880, 3762, 8368 ]
Étienne de Silhouette, né le à Limoges où son père Arnaud de Silhouette, originaire de Biarritz, était en poste, et mort le à Bry-sur-Marne, est un philosophe des Lumières qui fut contrôleur général des finances de Louis XV. Étienne de Silhouette avait épousé le 7 mai 1745 Anne Astruc, fille de Jean Astruc médecin de Louis XV. Silhouette était l'ami des philosophes des Lumières, Jean-Jacques Rousseau et Montesquieu. Il fut nommé le 4 mars 1759 ministre des finances de Louis XV. Son ministère était dépourvu de moyens pour réformer un état très affaibli par la guerre de Sept ans et les famines. Il fut vite congédié face à l'hostilité des courtisans et du roi qui rejetèrent ses projets de réformes qui s'avéraient pourtant indispensables, 30 ans avant la Révolution française. Directeur au ministère des Finances en 1986, Claude-Joseph Blondel écrivait ainsi : « Silhouette était en avance sur son temps, une réforme en profondeur de la fiscalité aurait peut-être permis, sinon de faire l'économie d'une Révolution, du moins d'en limiter les conséquences tragiques ». Historia de novembre 1986 Silhouette mourut sans descendance, le 20 janvier 1767 dans son château de Bry-sur-Marne. Biographie Grâce au soutien personnel de Madame de Pompadour, il fut chancelier de la maison d'Orléans, puis contrôleur général des finances de Louis XV de mars à . Il voulut restaurer les finances en taxant les privilégiés et les plus riches : suspension des exemptions fiscales de certains titulaires d'offices, suppression de pensions royales, partage des intérêts du capital perçus par les fermiers généraux. Osant s'attaquer au budget de la Cour royale, il fut renvoyé de la Cour le et acquit en 1760 le château de Bry à Bry-sur-Marne qu'il entreprit de faire reconstruire et où il se retira de la vie publique. Il subit les critiques de la noblesse, et même de Voltaire, lequel, après l'avoir longtemps couvert d'éloges, se rangea par prudence du côté des puissants contempteurs du ministre déchu et jugea que ses mesures pouvaient être justifiables mais ne convenaient pas à un temps de guerre. Ce passage éclair au poste de contrôleur général des finances et cette impopularité ont fait dire à plusieurs auteurs, comme Louis-Sébastien Mercier dans son Tableau de Paris ou Honoré de Balzac, que c'était l'origine du nom commun "". Celui-ci qualifiait alors ce qui est mesquin ou inachevé, évoquant l'état auquel ses mesures réduisaient ceux qu'elles touchaient, comme les culottes sans gousset pour y déposer son argent. Ainsi furent appelés « à la Silhouette » les portraits réalisés en ombre chinoise et tracés puis découpés d'après l'ombre du visage, à la mode à l'époque. Passionné lui-même par cette technique de portrait bon marché, il avait pris l'habitude de faire asseoir ses invités près d'un écran de parchemin, les éclairant avec une lampe de sa propre conception et détourant leur ombre. Il est l'auteur de nombreux essais philosophiques ou économiques et a également traduit en français plusieurs ouvrages d'Alexander Pope et de William Warburton (The Alliance between Church and State, 1736, traduit sous le titre Dissertations sur l'Union de la Religion, de la Morale, et de la Politique, 1742) ainsi que de Baltasar Gracián. À sa mort en 1767, les travaux du château de Bry sont achevés par son cousin et héritier, le fermier général Clément de Laage.
[ 0.7537519874098038, 1.055080581789531 ]
[ -0.04953109983490397, -0.3396129300070784 ]
[ -0.4932409759593637, -0.8505339304103726 ]
[ 0.45692578676356754, 0.44131756515405024 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 9769, 7081, 316, 5664, 10774, 2353, 29892, 5273, 454, 29871, 818, 9628, 468, 267, 6722, 1487, 15732, 826, 1056, 566, 316, 5664, 10774, 2353, 29892, 1677, 21735, 316, 3457, 279, 18238, 29892, 6303, 427, 23277, 29892, 634, 5758, 454, 29871, 818, 13307, 29899, 7610, 29899, 7083, 484, 29892, 707, 443, 8578, 359, 29148, 553, 365, 15547, 5908, 1750, 3105, 4313, 12161, 332, 10684, 553, 1436, 2925, 316, 5899, 5488, 29889, 13, 13, 22353, 7081, 316, 5664, 10774, 2353, 7905, 7930, 681, 29948, 454, 29871, 29955, 5530, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29946, 29945, 10558, 10186, 582, 29883, 29892, 18003, 316, 4581, 10186, 582, 29883, 25974, 262, 316, 5899, 5488, 29889, 13, 13, 26729, 10774, 2353, 6303, 301, 29915, 4479, 553, 11847, 267, 553, 365, 15547, 5908, 29892, 4581, 29899, 24288, 1912, 390, 681, 14654, 634, 4526, 267, 339, 9532, 29889, 1720, 3105, 21624, 454, 29871, 29946, 7438, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29945, 29929, 21753, 553, 1436, 2925, 316, 5899, 5488, 29889, 5791, 9668, 1908, 6303, 17631, 473, 24845, 316, 19966, 575, 1671, 1841, 24784, 443, 2852, 271, 9577, 2756, 29874, 2690, 610, 425, 12573, 316, 28742, 6063, 634, 966, 5216, 1475, 29889, 1720, 3105, 325, 568, 378, 29887, 2487, 29875, 29948, 3700, 818, 301, 29915, 3069, 309, 2131, 553, 8973, 275, 550, 634, 868, 14100, 1750, 337, 4026, 13546, 3999, 410, 27499, 316, 1841, 689, 267, 1750, 269, 29915, 485, 6947, 993, 1671, 29873, 424, 1399, 11936, 575, 1849, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29900, 6063, 10042, 425, 5027, 4068, 11076, 29889, 13, 13, 17392, 5411, 782, 9668, 1908, 553, 4231, 2925, 427, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29953, 29892, 19108, 29899, 26473, 561, 3164, 898, 295, 904, 20812, 1249, 8288, 584, 13, 13, 30009, 5664, 10774, 2353, 6303, 427, 1029, 749, 1190, 1487, 8714, 29892, 1597, 1841, 689, 29872, 427, 2600, 13469, 332, 316, 425, 16436, 1052, 2131, 26030, 8164, 29899, 5474, 3635, 275, 29892, 4457, 265, 316, 9073, 301, 29915, 29948, 4599, 347, 270, 29915, 1540, 5027, 4068, 29892, 868, 11387, 270, 29915, 264, 2485, 1524, 966, 1136, 21871, 2063, 1020, 3146, 1912, 9871, 11094, 29871, 316, 7005, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29953, 13, 13, 26729, 10774, 2353, 286, 473, 329, 7209, 17086, 749, 29892, 454, 29871, 29906, 29900, 8891, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29953, 29955, 1465, 1487, 20085, 316, 13307, 29899, 7610, 29899, 7083, 484, 29889, 13, 13, 20517, 4437, 29871, 13, 13, 3338, 20032, 782, 13267, 819, 24127, 316, 18080, 316, 14351, 8305, 473, 29892, 980, 3105, 521, 273, 2242, 631, 316, 425, 18234, 270, 29915, 29949, 2096, 29948, 550, 29892, 7847, 4313, 12161, 332, 10684, 553, 1436, 2925, 316, 5899, 5488, 316, 7438, 818, 869, 1720, 325, 5059, 329, 12374, 261, 966, 1436, 2925, 427, 8818, 424, 966, 5999, 309, 2445, 29875, 743, 634, 966, 2298, 8261, 267, 584, 8872, 2673, 553, 11875, 1980, 16436, 1052, 267, 316, 23563, 4329, 352, 7147, 270, 29915, 2696, 1575, 29892, 1462, 23881, 316, 282, 5580, 20258, 2122, 29892, 760, 482, 553, 26842, 29145, 868, 7483, 639, 30019, 375, 610, 966, 16895, 4285, 16805, 1314, 29889, 6657, 424, 269, 29915, 14975, 7808, 782, 23562, 316, 425, 6325, 25441, 29892, 980, 3105, 4325, 18644, 29948, 316, 425, 6325, 454, 29871, 634, 10695, 277, 427, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29953, 29900, 454, 20085, 316, 13307, 818, 13307, 29899, 7610, 29899, 7083, 484, 439, 29915, 309, 2637, 19428, 316, 9073, 17789, 582, 533, 634, 6722, 980, 409, 337, 2034, 336, 316, 425, 6316, 2529, 9854, 29889, 13, 13, 14126, 1014, 277, 966, 3994, 3783, 316, 425, 26784, 344, 29892, 634, 6701, 316, 3684, 19073, 29892, 27612, 29892, 7907, 301, 29915, 28619, 1472, 27761, 3581, 1765, 270, 29915, 29948, 1188, 267, 29892, 409, 3464, 29874, 610, 544, 566, 663, 868, 21384, 553, 2653, 790, 1934, 640, 3451, 371, 1295, 868, 21753, 1437, 305, 29884, 634, 3623, 479, 29874, 712, 3999, 4883, 1973, 7446, 1564, 993, 7848, 925, 6832, 1849, 3503, 452, 9973, 10978, 2331, 818, 443, 8714, 316, 12573, 29889, 7747, 13382, 904, 16398, 381, 782, 23277, 316, 4313, 12161, 332, 10684, 553, 1436, 2925, 634, 5278, 2411, 459, 1070, 2131, 4625, 5246, 2970, 818, 10741, 19117, 29892, 4191, 5899, 29899, 29903, 10126, 579, 819, 4702, 13241, 1465, 1487, 6137, 585, 316, 3681, 2123, 18236, 29948, 316, 7392, 29920, 562, 29892, 712, 274, 29915, 14386, 301, 29915, 17234, 868, 2245, 3817, 376, 1642, 14227, 1481, 29899, 455, 4021, 361, 423, 277, 8532, 2257, 1750, 707, 4883, 24150, 2123, 297, 1829, 12491, 29892, 904, 1365, 12150, 301, 29915, 28323, 782, 13295, 3999, 4883, 1973, 1841, 700, 8069, 993, 19449, 439, 29915, 4999, 6023, 10978, 29892, 4191, 966, 13949, 1501, 267, 7209, 330, 681, 842, 1671, 343, 1437, 1066, 261, 1487, 19896, 29889, 23719, 1039, 24257, 16794, 743, 859, 818, 425, 5664, 10774, 2353, 2047, 966, 2011, 336, 1169, 12036, 743, 427, 2703, 1030, 521, 1789, 895, 634, 16703, 743, 7847, 4224, 1132, 743, 270, 29915, 19908, 301, 29915, 290, 1030, 868, 1998, 482, 29892, 818, 425, 4464, 818, 301, 29915, 25165, 29889, 13, 13, 7129, 291, 5483, 3911, 29899, 18202, 610, 5278, 11043, 316, 21760, 10814, 8575, 29948, 29892, 980, 7905, 19445, 301, 29915, 7308, 4279, 316, 9073, 18678, 6390, 3999, 2437, 7719, 16573, 270, 29915, 348, 24618, 661, 316, 610, 14969, 262, 29892, 966, 904, 16398, 381, 424, 2535, 1597, 301, 314, 412, 316, 872, 26138, 26192, 634, 20854, 473, 424, 6267, 2703, 1030, 29889, 13, 13, 14126, 707, 301, 29915, 29874, 19072, 316, 20081, 3686, 1759, 8578, 359, 459, 2918, 1912, 2123, 23837, 3783, 634, 263, 8648, 3534, 3121, 427, 7691, 10741, 19612, 22428, 270, 29915, 17406, 3825, 20635, 634, 316, 4667, 3362, 8399, 880, 313, 1576, 29855, 1546, 6291, 322, 4306, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29941, 29953, 29892, 3534, 3121, 5898, 454, 13275, 3295, 1940, 800, 1190, 301, 29915, 19986, 316, 425, 27099, 29892, 316, 425, 3879, 744, 29892, 634, 316, 425, 6934, 1387, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29946, 29906, 29897, 8288, 712, 316, 16834, 294, 279, 4989, 455, 1715, 29889, 13, 13, 30113, 872, 5758, 427, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29953, 29955, 29892, 966, 25902, 868, 20085, 316, 13307, 3435, 263, 1173, 28010, 610, 1487, 22618, 634, 22500, 768, 631, 29892, 454, 16895, 631, 10684, 2233, 15471, 316, 997, 482, 29889, 13, 13 ]
Zosia Mamet Girls, Ep. 4.10, "Home Birth" is a hilarious, graceful finale With "Home Birth", Lena Dunham and the rest of the Girls team end what has been a strong, but somewhat disjointed season in peak form, delivering a fantastic season ender that could have easily, and satisfyingly, served as a series finale. The episode is creative, moving and laugh out loud rewind-the-DVR-repeatedly-and-belly-laugh-each-time funny (more on Ray later). Even better, it services all of its main characters, putting them in moments of crisis and forcing them to make what could easily become life-altering decisions, all while feeling natural to the characters' journeys. Read More about Girls, Ep. 4.10, "Home Birth" is a hilarious, graceful finale Girls, Ep. 4.03-04, "Female Author" and "Cubbies": Everything old is new again Well that was quick. After only three episodes, Hannah is out of Iowa and back in New York and while the end of "Cubbies" promises plenty of knotty, interesting developments to come, it's hard not to be disappointed. Girls coped very well with Hannah's lack of proximity to the group. In the age of Skype, there's no reason she couldn't have stayed in close communication with the entire New York crew while exploring her surroundings a bit more and coming to grips with herself in this new context. Most of Hannah's peers at the Writers' Workshop remain undeveloped and it's unlikely any of them will return any time soon. In Iowa, Hannah is surrounded by fellow writers who can challenge her and force her to reevaluate and either commit to or adjust their artistic and personal choices. Unfortunately, Hannah retreats from this challenge and, after a lovely dinner with her Dad, makes another substantial life choice without consulting Adam. Read More about Girls, Ep. 4.03-04, "Female Author" and "Cubbies": Everything old is new again Girls 3.12 "Two Plane Rides" is a Mix of Darkness and Success for Its Characters Girls, Season 3, Episode 12: "Two Plane Rides" Written and Directed by Lena Dunham Airs at 10 PM EST on HBO In "Two Plane Rides", Lena Dunham manages to capitalize on last week's big reveal where Hannah (Lena Dunham) finds out that Marnie (Allison Williams) and Ray (Alex Karpovsky) have been sleeping together for most … Read More about Girls 3.12 "Two Plane Rides" is a Mix of Darkness and Success for Its Characters Girls, Ep. 3.10, "Role-Play" takes central relationship to a dark place Girls Season 3, Episode 10: "Role-Play" Written by Lena Dunham and Judd Apatow Directed by Jesse Peretz Airs Sundays at 10 PM on HBO All the tension building up from Adam (Adam Driver) getting a part in a Broadway play to Hannah's (Lena Dunham) mom's offhanded comment about "keeping the job, not the guy" last week … Read More about Girls, Ep. 3.10, "Role-Play" takes central relationship to a dark place Girls 3.08 "Incidentals" is a Strong Episode for Adam and Jessa Girls Season 3, Episode 8: "Incidentals" Written by Lena Dunham and Sarah Heyward Directed by Richard Shepard Airs Sundays at 10 PM on HBO With the exception of the storyline involving his sister, Adam (Adam Driver) has been on the margins of Girls Season Three. Much of the focus has been on Hannah's (Lena Dunham) writing career … Read More about Girls 3.08 "Incidentals" is a Strong Episode for Adam and Jessa Girls 3.07 "Beach House" Lays the Main Characters' Relationships Bare Girls, Season 3, Episode 7: "Beach House" Written by Jenni Konner, Lena Dunham, and Judd Apatow Directed
[ 0.9564639509016203, -0.276243935197264 ]
[ -1.054969048240311, -1.5026261935677405 ]
[ -0.27353909713545144, -0.919012438095748 ]
[ -1.0492675985548525, -1.2235594065277957 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 796, 359, 423, 27287, 300, 13, 29954, 9968, 29892, 14055, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29892, 376, 11184, 350, 7515, 29908, 338, 263, 298, 309, 1306, 681, 29892, 17659, 1319, 10996, 13, 3047, 376, 11184, 350, 7515, 613, 365, 2386, 11566, 3391, 322, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 23992, 3815, 1095, 825, 756, 1063, 263, 4549, 29892, 541, 10579, 766, 12090, 287, 4259, 297, 19224, 883, 29892, 12021, 292, 263, 13568, 6288, 4259, 1095, 261, 393, 1033, 505, 5948, 29892, 322, 24064, 368, 29892, 6766, 408, 263, 3652, 10996, 29889, 450, 12720, 338, 907, 1230, 29892, 8401, 322, 10569, 714, 22526, 337, 14800, 29899, 1552, 29899, 29928, 29963, 29934, 29899, 276, 412, 630, 368, 29899, 392, 29899, 6596, 368, 29899, 433, 6129, 29899, 4204, 29899, 2230, 2090, 1460, 313, 5514, 373, 9596, 2678, 467, 7753, 2253, 29892, 372, 5786, 599, 310, 967, 1667, 4890, 29892, 10594, 963, 297, 19462, 310, 24161, 322, 28172, 963, 304, 1207, 825, 1033, 5948, 4953, 2834, 29899, 13794, 292, 1602, 12112, 29892, 599, 1550, 11223, 5613, 304, 278, 4890, 29915, 8694, 484, 952, 29889, 13, 6359, 5853, 1048, 23992, 29892, 14055, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29892, 376, 11184, 350, 7515, 29908, 338, 263, 298, 309, 1306, 681, 29892, 17659, 1319, 10996, 13, 29954, 9968, 29892, 14055, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29900, 29941, 29899, 29900, 29946, 29892, 376, 29943, 331, 744, 13361, 29908, 322, 376, 29907, 431, 29890, 583, 1115, 17296, 2030, 338, 716, 1449, 13, 11284, 393, 471, 4996, 29889, 2860, 871, 2211, 23238, 29892, 13889, 801, 338, 714, 310, 25327, 322, 1250, 297, 1570, 3088, 322, 1550, 278, 1095, 310, 376, 29907, 431, 29890, 583, 29908, 27584, 20947, 310, 889, 327, 1017, 29892, 8031, 2693, 1860, 304, 2041, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 2898, 451, 304, 367, 23451, 287, 29889, 23992, 5614, 287, 1407, 1532, 411, 13889, 801, 29915, 29879, 10225, 310, 23203, 537, 304, 278, 2318, 29889, 512, 278, 5046, 310, 4971, 668, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 694, 2769, 1183, 8496, 29915, 29873, 505, 27661, 297, 3802, 12084, 411, 278, 4152, 1570, 3088, 17616, 1550, 3902, 8253, 902, 8388, 618, 886, 263, 2586, 901, 322, 6421, 304, 330, 374, 567, 411, 8735, 297, 445, 716, 3030, 29889, 7849, 310, 13889, 801, 29915, 29879, 1236, 414, 472, 278, 16849, 414, 29915, 5244, 19032, 3933, 563, 29872, 1830, 287, 322, 372, 29915, 29879, 25057, 738, 310, 963, 674, 736, 738, 931, 4720, 29889, 512, 25327, 29892, 13889, 801, 338, 22047, 491, 10404, 23550, 1058, 508, 18766, 902, 322, 4889, 902, 304, 337, 24219, 403, 322, 2845, 9063, 304, 470, 10365, 1009, 1616, 4695, 322, 7333, 19995, 29889, 11511, 29892, 13889, 801, 22162, 1446, 515, 445, 18766, 322, 29892, 1156, 263, 12355, 873, 17803, 411, 902, 360, 328, 29892, 3732, 1790, 23228, 2834, 7348, 1728, 8799, 292, 11783, 29889, 13, 6359, 5853, 1048, 23992, 29892, 14055, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29900, 29941, 29899, 29900, 29946, 29892, 376, 29943, 331, 744, 13361, 29908, 322, 376, 29907, 431, 29890, 583, 1115, 17296, 2030, 338, 716, 1449, 13, 29954, 9968, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29906, 376, 13985, 1858, 1662, 390, 2247, 29908, 338, 263, 23478, 310, 15317, 2264, 322, 21397, 363, 8011, 2896, 21706, 13, 29954, 9968, 29892, 24791, 29871, 29941, 29892, 382, 12907, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29901, 376, 13985, 1858, 1662, 390, 2247, 29908, 16849, 841, 322, 8797, 287, 491, 365, 2386, 11566, 3391, 5593, 29879, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 11278, 382, 1254, 373, 379, 8456, 512, 376, 13985, 1858, 1662, 390, 2247, 613, 365, 2386, 11566, 3391, 767, 1179, 304, 7483, 675, 373, 1833, 4723, 29915, 29879, 4802, 10320, 284, 988, 13889, 801, 313, 29931, 2386, 11566, 3391, 29897, 14061, 714, 393, 1085, 2786, 313, 3596, 2285, 11648, 29897, 322, 9596, 313, 17406, 3467, 29886, 586, 7912, 29897, 505, 1063, 8709, 292, 4208, 363, 1556, 16088, 13, 6359, 5853, 1048, 23992, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29906, 376, 13985, 1858, 1662, 390, 2247, 29908, 338, 263, 23478, 310, 15317, 2264, 322, 21397, 363, 8011, 2896, 21706, 13, 29954, 9968, 29892, 14055, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29892, 376, 16727, 29899, 13454, 29908, 4893, 6555, 9443, 304, 263, 6501, 2058, 13, 29954, 9968, 24791, 29871, 29941, 29892, 382, 12907, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29901, 376, 16727, 29899, 13454, 29908, 16849, 841, 491, 365, 2386, 11566, 3391, 322, 8660, 29881, 319, 5031, 340, 8797, 287, 491, 435, 5340, 2431, 6618, 5593, 29879, 12009, 1036, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 11278, 373, 379, 8456, 2178, 278, 260, 2673, 5214, 701, 515, 11783, 313, 3253, 314, 26391, 29897, 2805, 263, 760, 297, 263, 23291, 1708, 304, 13889, 801, 29915, 29879, 313, 29931, 2386, 11566, 3391, 29897, 16823, 29915, 29879, 1283, 3179, 287, 3440, 1048, 376, 17462, 292, 278, 4982, 29892, 451, 278, 1410, 29891, 29908, 1833, 4723, 16088, 13, 6359, 5853, 1048, 23992, 29892, 14055, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29900, 29892, 376, 16727, 29899, 13454, 29908, 4893, 6555, 9443, 304, 263, 6501, 2058, 13, 29954, 9968, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29900, 29947, 376, 797, 29883, 1693, 1338, 29908, 338, 263, 3767, 549, 382, 12907, 363, 11783, 322, 435, 9297, 13, 29954, 9968, 24791, 29871, 29941, 29892, 382, 12907, 29871, 29947, 29901, 376, 797, 29883, 1693, 1338, 29908, 16849, 841, 491, 365, 2386, 11566, 3391, 322, 19235, 18637, 1328, 8797, 287, 491, 6123, 2296, 29886, 538, 5593, 29879, 12009, 1036, 472, 29871, 29896, 29900, 11278, 373, 379, 8456, 2973, 278, 3682, 310, 278, 5828, 1220, 21677, 670, 9883, 29892, 11783, 313, 3253, 314, 26391, 29897, 756, 1063, 373, 278, 15276, 1144, 310, 23992, 24791, 12753, 29889, 18927, 310, 278, 8569, 756, 1063, 373, 13889, 801, 29915, 29879, 313, 29931, 2386, 11566, 3391, 29897, 5007, 6413, 16088, 13, 6359, 5853, 1048, 23992, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29900, 29947, 376, 797, 29883, 1693, 1338, 29908, 338, 263, 3767, 549, 382, 12907, 363, 11783, 322, 435, 9297, 13, 29954, 9968, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29900, 29955, 376, 3629, 496, 5619, 29908, 365, 1036, 278, 4241, 2896, 21706, 29915, 6376, 800, 14587, 350, 598, 13, 29954, 9968, 29892, 24791, 29871, 29941, 29892, 382, 12907, 29871, 29955, 29901, 376, 3629, 496, 5619, 29908, 16849, 841, 491, 21116, 1240, 5250, 1089, 29892, 365, 2386, 11566, 3391, 29892, 322, 8660, 29881, 319, 5031, 340, 8797, 287 ]
BritainBusinessInternational UK house price rally to end next year but no big crash expected By Reuters News Service November 25, 2022 November 25, 2022 01050 British house prices will fall in 2023, putting an end to years of bumper rises, but a large crash was unlikely despite the cost of living crisis and increased borrowing costs putting a lid on buyers' ability to fund purchases, a Reuters poll found. As in much of the world, inflation has soared in Britain and so the Bank of England is pressing ahead with a series of interest rate increases just as the economy slips into a recession. That has put a bigger hole in the wallets of indebted consumers. House prices fell for the first time in 28 months in October, according to a survey from the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors which also showed a measure of expectations for house prices in 12 months' time slumped. They will fall 4.7 per cent next year nationwide, marking the first annual drop in over a decade, having likely risen 6.3 per cent this year, according to the Nov. 8-24 poll of 20 housing market specialists. "There is a rebalancing but nothing like we saw after the global financial crisis. Supply is still relatively tight so that is helping support prices," said Chris Druce at estate agency Knight Frank. During the financial crisis house prices fell around 19 per cent from peak to trough but have since roughly doubled, according to Land Registry data. UK housebuilder Taylor Wimpey Plc (TW.L) said earlier this month it would build fewer homes this year than originally planned while bigger rival Persimmon Plc (PSN.L) has said it expects 2023 land additions to be significantly lower, both likely affecting supply. Prices will stage a modest recovery and increase 1.0 per cent in 2024 – far behind expectations for general inflation – and then rise 3.5 per cent in 2025. When asked about the chance of a price crash within a year nine of 16 respondents said it was high or very high. Seven said it was low or very low. However, many of those who said the chance was high noted it would be more a correction than a crash. "We see a one-year correction in 2023, with the economic performance and job numbers a little better than expected. 2023 will be a very difficult year but life will feel semi-normal in 2024," said Tony Williams at consultancy Building Value. The BoE has raised Bank Rate from a pandemic-era record low of 0.10 per cent to 3.00 per cent in under a year and is set to add another 50 basis points next month, another Reuters poll predicted, making borrowing even more expensive. When asked how much prices would fall from peak to trough the median response was 10 per cent but that would still not be enough to make housing affordable – as a group, analysts said prices would need to fall 15 per cent to do so. Peak-to-trough forecasts were in a 2.0 per cent to 17.5 per cent range. Rating the value of national house prices on a scale of 1 to 10 from extremely cheap to extremely expensive, the median response from analysts was 8, up from August's 7 estimate. In London, it was an unchanged 8. In London, usually bolstered by foreign investment and a dearth of supply, the median forecast showed prices would fall 7.0 per cent next year. They will then flatline in 2024 and rise 4.0 per cent in 2025, according to the poll. Forecasts for next year were in a wide range, from a 12.5 per cent drop to a 4.0 per cent rise, highlighting uncertainty in the market. "Prices have further to fall in London due to exacerbated affordability issues. New builds are also likely to plummet in London as build cost inflation and reduced development finance starts to bite," said Mark Farmer at Cast Consultancy. businessBusinessPick Light snow observed in Troodos mountains Black Friday faces green backlash in Belgium Cypriot based tech firm automates investment decisions process Panis Pieri January
[ -0.16367373587642836, 0.08261102720041123 ]
[ -0.24929810093726945, 0.288002387741978 ]
[ -0.5826434721041592, -0.2481766868816087 ]
[ -0.6353245546191122, -0.08676059930128527 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 14933, 16890, 3335, 17579, 1288, 13, 19960, 3699, 8666, 364, 635, 304, 1095, 2446, 1629, 541, 694, 4802, 8095, 3806, 13, 2059, 830, 329, 414, 10130, 6692, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29906, 29871, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29945, 29900, 13, 29933, 768, 728, 3699, 26094, 674, 6416, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 29892, 10594, 385, 1095, 304, 2440, 310, 289, 398, 546, 364, 4637, 29892, 541, 263, 2919, 8095, 471, 25057, 15020, 278, 3438, 310, 8471, 24161, 322, 11664, 27942, 292, 21544, 10594, 263, 17343, 373, 15649, 414, 29915, 11509, 304, 5220, 10596, 2129, 29892, 263, 830, 329, 414, 21180, 1476, 29889, 13, 2887, 297, 1568, 310, 278, 3186, 29892, 4414, 362, 756, 577, 1965, 297, 14933, 322, 577, 278, 10253, 310, 5408, 338, 24795, 14432, 411, 263, 3652, 310, 4066, 6554, 16415, 925, 408, 278, 26504, 20662, 567, 964, 263, 337, 985, 291, 29889, 2193, 756, 1925, 263, 16600, 16188, 297, 278, 17042, 10376, 310, 5704, 3116, 287, 11233, 414, 29889, 13, 29950, 1709, 26094, 8379, 363, 278, 937, 931, 297, 29871, 29906, 29947, 7378, 297, 5533, 29892, 5034, 304, 263, 18994, 515, 278, 7021, 28218, 310, 2896, 25396, 23218, 943, 607, 884, 10018, 263, 5645, 310, 2149, 800, 363, 3699, 26094, 297, 29871, 29896, 29906, 7378, 29915, 931, 2243, 3427, 287, 29889, 13, 15597, 674, 6416, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29955, 639, 1644, 2446, 1629, 5233, 8157, 29892, 2791, 292, 278, 937, 17568, 5768, 297, 975, 263, 316, 6332, 29892, 2534, 5517, 5161, 264, 29871, 29953, 29889, 29941, 639, 1644, 445, 1629, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 2864, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29899, 29906, 29946, 21180, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 27261, 9999, 4266, 2879, 29889, 13, 29908, 8439, 338, 263, 337, 5521, 19985, 541, 3078, 763, 591, 4446, 1156, 278, 5534, 18161, 24161, 29889, 9179, 368, 338, 1603, 13774, 19932, 577, 393, 338, 19912, 2304, 26094, 1699, 1497, 12821, 16597, 346, 472, 19989, 946, 3819, 22980, 4976, 29889, 13, 29928, 3864, 278, 18161, 24161, 3699, 26094, 8379, 2820, 29871, 29896, 29929, 639, 1644, 515, 19224, 304, 534, 820, 541, 505, 1951, 20928, 3765, 29881, 29892, 5034, 304, 3172, 2169, 6020, 848, 29889, 13, 19960, 3699, 16409, 12537, 399, 326, 412, 29891, 1858, 29883, 313, 16240, 29889, 29931, 29897, 1497, 8859, 445, 4098, 372, 723, 2048, 28145, 17774, 445, 1629, 1135, 10437, 20458, 1550, 16600, 17055, 9034, 326, 3712, 1858, 29883, 313, 7024, 29940, 29889, 29931, 29897, 756, 1497, 372, 23347, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 2982, 788, 2187, 304, 367, 16951, 5224, 29892, 1716, 5517, 6602, 292, 11421, 29889, 13, 4040, 1575, 674, 7408, 263, 878, 342, 24205, 322, 7910, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29900, 639, 1644, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29946, 785, 2215, 5742, 2149, 800, 363, 2498, 4414, 362, 785, 322, 769, 14451, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29945, 639, 1644, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29945, 29889, 13, 10401, 4433, 1048, 278, 8825, 310, 263, 8666, 8095, 2629, 263, 1629, 14183, 310, 29871, 29896, 29953, 10049, 1237, 1497, 372, 471, 1880, 470, 1407, 1880, 29889, 26647, 1497, 372, 471, 4482, 470, 1407, 4482, 29889, 2398, 29892, 1784, 310, 1906, 1058, 1497, 278, 8825, 471, 1880, 11682, 372, 723, 367, 901, 263, 26385, 1135, 263, 8095, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 1074, 263, 697, 29899, 6360, 26385, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 29892, 411, 278, 17407, 4180, 322, 4982, 3694, 263, 2217, 2253, 1135, 3806, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 674, 367, 263, 1407, 5189, 1629, 541, 2834, 674, 4459, 12647, 29899, 8945, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29946, 1699, 1497, 15293, 11648, 472, 8799, 6906, 17166, 7865, 29889, 13, 1576, 1952, 29923, 756, 10425, 10253, 390, 403, 515, 263, 7243, 24552, 29899, 1572, 2407, 4482, 310, 29871, 29900, 29889, 29896, 29900, 639, 1644, 304, 29871, 29941, 29889, 29900, 29900, 639, 1644, 297, 1090, 263, 1629, 322, 338, 731, 304, 788, 1790, 29871, 29945, 29900, 8405, 3291, 2446, 4098, 29892, 1790, 830, 329, 414, 21180, 25383, 29892, 3907, 27942, 292, 1584, 901, 19390, 29889, 13, 10401, 4433, 920, 1568, 26094, 723, 6416, 515, 19224, 304, 534, 820, 278, 19194, 2933, 471, 29871, 29896, 29900, 639, 1644, 541, 393, 723, 1603, 451, 367, 3307, 304, 1207, 27261, 21750, 519, 785, 408, 263, 2318, 29892, 3483, 858, 29879, 1497, 26094, 723, 817, 304, 6416, 29871, 29896, 29945, 639, 1644, 304, 437, 577, 29889, 13, 15666, 557, 29899, 517, 29899, 509, 820, 29821, 19416, 892, 297, 263, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29900, 639, 1644, 304, 29871, 29896, 29955, 29889, 29945, 639, 1644, 3464, 29889, 13, 29934, 1218, 278, 995, 310, 4797, 3699, 26094, 373, 263, 6287, 310, 29871, 29896, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 515, 14154, 28773, 304, 14154, 19390, 29892, 278, 19194, 2933, 515, 3483, 858, 29879, 471, 29871, 29947, 29892, 701, 515, 3111, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29955, 12678, 29889, 512, 4517, 29892, 372, 471, 385, 443, 15033, 29871, 29947, 29889, 13, 797, 4517, 29892, 5491, 15772, 2475, 287, 491, 9117, 13258, 358, 322, 263, 9425, 386, 310, 11421, 29892, 278, 19194, 29821, 579, 10018, 26094, 723, 6416, 29871, 29955, 29889, 29900, 639, 1644, 2446, 1629, 29889, 2688, 674, 769, 12151, 1220, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29946, 322, 14451, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29900, 639, 1644, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29945, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 21180, 29889, 13, 29943, 487, 4384, 29879, 363, 2446, 1629, 892, 297, 263, 9377, 3464, 29892, 515, 263, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29889, 29945, 639, 1644, 5768, 304, 263, 29871, 29946, 29889, 29900, 639, 1644, 14451, 29892, 12141, 292, 25812, 297, 278, 9999, 29889, 13, 29908, 4040, 1575, 505, 4340, 304, 6416, 297, 4517, 2861, 304, 429, 562, 23936, 630, 21750, 3097, 5626, 29889, 1570, 23315, 526, 884, 5517, 304, 715, 398, 2527, 297, 4517, 408, 2048, 3438, 4414, 362, 322, 12212, 5849, 1436, 749, 8665, 304, 289, 568, 1699, 1497, 4485, 8413, 1050, 472, 4834, 2138, 499, 6906, 29889, 13, 8262, 3335, 16890, 3335, 29925, 860, 13, 20769, 15007, 8900, 297, 8316, 24463, 19223, 13, 18700, 28728, 17240, 7933, 1250, 29880, 1161, 297, 9923, 1974, 13, 29907, 1478, 374, 327, 2729, 734, 305, 9226, 3345, 1078, 13258, 358, 1602, 12112, 1889, 13, 23684, 275, 12939, 29875, 5490 ]
JavaScript, GitHub, AWS crowned winners in massive survey of 32,000 developers Devs across the world reveal their tools, language choices, and more Tim Anderson Fri 16 Jul 2021 // 13:00 UTC A survey of nearly 32,000 developers has confirmed the dominance of JavaScript, showing a remarkable 91 per cent using GitHub, and growth in use of AWS despite the efforts of Microsoft and Google. The survey was huge, with sections on 13 different programming languages, big data, databases, DevOps, developer demographics, microservices, collaborating tools, testing, and more. JavaScript topped the language popularity charts, with 69 per cent usage, or 39 per cent when developers were asked to specify their "primary programming language." This is the same as last year, though it should perhaps be combined with TypeScript, which has risen from 12 to 13 per cent. More notable perhaps is that Java has declined from 37 to 32 per cent, while PHP is up from 15 to 22 per cent. All is not what it seems. The "State of the Developer Ecosystem" survey is annual, but the 2021 effort was the biggest yet, up from just under 20,000 respondents last year. Why the difference? JetBrains told us that the 2021 survey is global, whereas previously it targeted "18 countries, which contains 70 per cent of developers in the world." JetBrains noted that these additional developers tended to use more PHP and less Java. Still, it means that the company no longer argues that Java is the world's most used primary programming language, and has conceded that title to JavaScript. Language trends over 5 years, in answer to the question 'what programming languages have you used in the last 12 months?' Language losers? No big surprises. Scala was down from 5 to 3 per cent "used in the last 12 months." Visual Basic was down from 5 to 4 per cent. Objective-C was down from 4 to 3 per cent. And even Swift, once the bright star of new languages, down from 9 to 7 per cent (though the expanded regions could be a factor there). There were some notable regional differences. Java was most popular in China and South Korea. The UK was above average for use of JavaScript, PHP, and Python, the USA for JavaScript and Python, and India for JavaScript, Python, and C++, for example. This is a huge survey, and we looked at the points of interest; if you're interested in the detail, the whole results can be found here. Biggest takeaways According to the survey, desktop applications are not dead. 71 per cent of respondents said they develop back-end web applications, 58 per cent front-end web, 32 per cent desktop, and 30 per cent mobile. That places desktop development ahead of mobile, perhaps reflective of the grunt work of building custom business software. Gender distribution was dispiritingly male but the proportion of female developers decreased as experience increased. Developers with 16+ years of experience are 97 per cent male, while those which less than a year are 88 per cent male. "The diversity in the tech industry is increasing among younger developers," said the report, taking an optimistic view, but it may also be that female developers drop out of the profession earlier. What do developers earn? More in the USA than anywhere else, by a huge margin, according to this survey, with a median net salary of $102,000 versus $54,000 in Canada and UK (the second-placed countries). 63 per cent of those surveyed were fully employed, with most of the others being students, self-employed or freelance. The biggest group of developers are 21 to 29-years-old Another takeaway was that developers are young. According to the survey, 48 per cent said they were between 21 and 29, the largest group. Just 14 per cent were over 40. Again, there are big regional differences, Anastassiya Sichkarenko, the market research analyst who worked on the report, told us. "In the USA there are a lot of developers who are very experienced, but in countries like India, there is a huge amount of young developers." A remarkable 91 per cent use GitHub, though the figures change dramatically when focused
[ 0.08808972891640628, 0.31545585013020055 ]
[ 1.3838670795035257, 1.9783557684983522 ]
[ 0.4962100540686743, 1.1556327206685844 ]
[ -0.18301129922664197, 0.014692841160577215 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 8286, 29892, 25492, 29892, 15540, 20844, 287, 281, 16697, 297, 20364, 18994, 310, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 18777, 13, 2772, 4270, 4822, 278, 3186, 10320, 284, 1009, 8492, 29892, 4086, 19995, 29892, 322, 901, 13, 13711, 17483, 11169, 29871, 29896, 29953, 2739, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 849, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29901, 29900, 29900, 17998, 13, 29909, 18994, 310, 8886, 29871, 29941, 29906, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 18777, 756, 16725, 278, 8022, 749, 310, 8286, 29892, 6445, 263, 22567, 29871, 29929, 29896, 639, 1644, 773, 25492, 29892, 322, 14321, 297, 671, 310, 15540, 15020, 278, 14231, 310, 7783, 322, 5087, 29889, 13, 1576, 18994, 471, 12176, 29892, 411, 13926, 373, 29871, 29896, 29941, 1422, 8720, 10276, 29892, 4802, 848, 29892, 21218, 29892, 9481, 29949, 567, 29892, 13897, 1261, 1946, 1199, 29892, 9200, 9916, 29892, 11465, 1218, 8492, 29892, 6724, 29892, 322, 901, 29889, 13, 16963, 304, 2986, 278, 4086, 5972, 537, 24469, 29892, 411, 29871, 29953, 29929, 639, 1644, 8744, 29892, 470, 29871, 29941, 29929, 639, 1644, 746, 18777, 892, 4433, 304, 6084, 1009, 376, 16072, 8720, 4086, 1213, 13, 4013, 338, 278, 1021, 408, 1833, 1629, 29892, 2466, 372, 881, 6060, 367, 12420, 411, 5167, 4081, 29892, 607, 756, 5161, 264, 515, 29871, 29896, 29906, 304, 29871, 29896, 29941, 639, 1644, 29889, 5853, 18697, 6060, 338, 393, 3355, 756, 4845, 1312, 515, 29871, 29941, 29955, 304, 29871, 29941, 29906, 639, 1644, 29892, 1550, 5048, 338, 701, 515, 29871, 29896, 29945, 304, 29871, 29906, 29906, 639, 1644, 29889, 13, 3596, 338, 451, 825, 372, 2444, 29889, 450, 376, 2792, 310, 278, 10682, 261, 382, 3944, 973, 29908, 18994, 338, 17568, 29892, 541, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 7225, 471, 278, 24842, 3447, 29892, 701, 515, 925, 1090, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 10049, 1237, 1833, 1629, 29889, 13, 11008, 278, 4328, 29973, 27804, 28183, 1144, 5429, 502, 393, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 18994, 338, 5534, 29892, 13452, 9251, 372, 3646, 287, 376, 29896, 29947, 10916, 29892, 607, 3743, 29871, 29955, 29900, 639, 1644, 310, 18777, 297, 278, 3186, 1213, 27804, 28183, 1144, 11682, 393, 1438, 5684, 18777, 260, 2760, 304, 671, 901, 5048, 322, 3109, 3355, 29889, 12074, 29892, 372, 2794, 393, 278, 5001, 694, 5520, 1852, 1041, 393, 3355, 338, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 1556, 1304, 7601, 8720, 4086, 29892, 322, 756, 27943, 287, 393, 3611, 304, 8286, 29889, 13, 21233, 534, 1975, 975, 29871, 29945, 2440, 29892, 297, 1234, 304, 278, 1139, 525, 5816, 8720, 10276, 505, 366, 1304, 297, 278, 1833, 29871, 29896, 29906, 7378, 17901, 13, 21233, 1232, 414, 29973, 1939, 4802, 11468, 4637, 29889, 24419, 471, 1623, 515, 29871, 29945, 304, 29871, 29941, 639, 1644, 376, 3880, 297, 278, 1833, 29871, 29896, 29906, 7378, 1213, 9249, 19219, 471, 1623, 515, 29871, 29945, 304, 29871, 29946, 639, 1644, 29889, 4669, 573, 29899, 29907, 471, 1623, 515, 29871, 29946, 304, 29871, 29941, 639, 1644, 29889, 1126, 1584, 14156, 29892, 2748, 278, 11785, 5810, 310, 716, 10276, 29892, 1623, 515, 29871, 29929, 304, 29871, 29955, 639, 1644, 313, 3592, 278, 17832, 12786, 1033, 367, 263, 7329, 727, 467, 13, 8439, 892, 777, 18697, 14014, 12651, 29889, 3355, 471, 1556, 5972, 297, 7551, 322, 4275, 19109, 29889, 450, 10261, 471, 2038, 6588, 363, 671, 310, 8286, 29892, 5048, 29892, 322, 5132, 29892, 278, 8278, 363, 8286, 322, 5132, 29892, 322, 7513, 363, 8286, 29892, 5132, 29892, 322, 315, 10024, 363, 1342, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 263, 12176, 18994, 29892, 322, 591, 5148, 472, 278, 3291, 310, 4066, 29936, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 8852, 297, 278, 9493, 29892, 278, 3353, 2582, 508, 367, 1476, 1244, 29889, 13, 6970, 7118, 2125, 1450, 1036, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 278, 18994, 29892, 14616, 8324, 526, 451, 7123, 29889, 29871, 29955, 29896, 639, 1644, 310, 10049, 1237, 1497, 896, 2693, 1250, 29899, 355, 1856, 8324, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29947, 639, 1644, 4565, 29899, 355, 1856, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29906, 639, 1644, 14616, 29892, 322, 29871, 29941, 29900, 639, 1644, 10426, 29889, 2193, 7600, 14616, 5849, 14432, 310, 10426, 29892, 6060, 9432, 573, 310, 278, 867, 1657, 664, 310, 5214, 2888, 5381, 7047, 29889, 13, 29954, 1581, 4978, 471, 12272, 381, 11407, 368, 14263, 541, 278, 18618, 310, 12944, 18777, 9263, 1463, 408, 7271, 11664, 29889, 10682, 414, 411, 29871, 29896, 29953, 29974, 2440, 310, 7271, 526, 29871, 29929, 29955, 639, 1644, 14263, 29892, 1550, 1906, 607, 3109, 1135, 263, 1629, 526, 29871, 29947, 29947, 639, 1644, 14263, 29889, 13, 29908, 1576, 6894, 537, 297, 278, 734, 305, 13661, 338, 10231, 4249, 20023, 18777, 1699, 1497, 278, 3461, 29892, 5622, 385, 5994, 4695, 1776, 29892, 541, 372, 1122, 884, 367, 393, 12944, 18777, 5768, 714, 310, 278, 6351, 8859, 29889, 13, 5618, 437, 18777, 2326, 29876, 29973, 5853, 297, 278, 8278, 1135, 12214, 1683, 29892, 491, 263, 12176, 5906, 29892, 5034, 304, 445, 18994, 29892, 411, 263, 19194, 7787, 4497, 653, 310, 395, 29896, 29900, 29906, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 23797, 395, 29945, 29946, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 297, 7400, 322, 10261, 313, 1552, 1473, 29899, 13974, 1133, 10916, 467, 29871, 29953, 29941, 639, 1644, 310, 1906, 18994, 287, 892, 8072, 15723, 29892, 411, 1556, 310, 278, 4045, 1641, 8041, 29892, 1583, 29899, 3451, 2376, 287, 470, 3005, 295, 749, 29889, 13, 1576, 24842, 2318, 310, 18777, 526, 29871, 29906, 29896, 304, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29899, 6360, 29879, 29899, 1025, 13, 2744, 1228, 2125, 21694, 471, 393, 18777, 526, 4123, 29889, 7579, 304, 278, 18994, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29947, 639, 1644, 1497, 896, 892, 1546, 29871, 29906, 29896, 322, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29892, 278, 10150, 2318, 29889, 3387, 29871, 29896, 29946, 639, 1644, 892, 975, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29889, 11454, 29892, 727, 526, 4802, 14014, 12651, 29892, 530, 579, 465, 29875, 3761, 317, 436, 5689, 264, 2901, 29892, 278, 9999, 5925, 3483, 858, 1058, 3796, 373, 278, 3461, 29892, 5429, 502, 29889, 376, 797, 278, 8278, 727, 526, 263, 3287, 310, 18777, 1058, 526, 1407, 18860, 29892, 541, 297, 10916, 763, 7513, 29892, 727, 338, 263, 12176, 5253, 310, 4123, 18777, 1213, 13, 29909, 22567, 29871, 29929, 29896, 639, 1644, 671, 25492, 29892, 2466, 278, 13994, 1735, 8541, 19574, 746, 21309 ]
on company use GitHub is dominant, though less in business versus personal projects. 91 per cent of developers said they used GitHub (up from 71 per cent last year), but only 48 per cent used it for business – though it is still ahead of second-placed GitLab at 36 per cent. The survey also observed a marked growth in use of GitHub Actions, up from 15 per cent last year to 45 per cent today, though Jenkins kept its top spot. Use of GitHub for issue tracking was also up, with no direct comparison with last year because of different breakdown of the data, but this year 38 per cent of businesses and 42 per cent of personal projects used GitHub Issues. Top for issue tracking in business was Jira at 42 per cent. As for version control technology, Git was up from 90 to 93 per cent, Subversion down from 9 to 7 per cent. Also of note: 67 per cent of developers said they use Git (or SVN etc) from the terminal, though 57 per cent also use it from an IDE. Huh, it's as if something happened that made people not like CentOS so much Jackie 'You have no authority here' Weaver: We need more 50-somethings in UK tech Legacy applications, shiny new cloud – how do you make them work together? Hybrid working? Buckle in, there's no turning back as survey takers insist: You can't make us go back In the world of containers, 37 per cent of "respondents who are involved in infrastructure development" use Kubernetes, actually a slight decline from 40 per cent last year. "It's about the same, but probably it's stopped its rapid ascent," said Sichkarenko. 64 per cent of those surveyed use Amazon Web Services (AWS), 25 per cent Google Cloud, and 22 per cent Microsoft Azure. That compares to 62, 30, and 25 per cent last year. In other words, AWS has slightly increased its share of DevOps usage among this community. Alibaba Cloud also made a showing, at 12 per cent, perhaps reflecting the global nature of the new survey. There was also a look at how these figures vary according to company size. Azure usage was higher in larger companies, whereas Google Cloud was higher among individual and small company users. AWS peaked in the middle, among companies with 51-1,000 employees. An intriguing section asked whether cloud services were used in the development workflow. 64 per cent did not use them at all, but of those that did, 52 per cent said that their data was stored in the cloud, and 40 per cent said that "it is hard to reproduce the application environment for local development." This is a common issue with applications that depend on multiple services: setting up a local development environment can get complex. The language-specific sections generated some intriguing statistics too. In the C# world, 66 per cent were doing .NET Core development, versus 62 per cent for .NET Framework. Microsoft's cross-platform .NET has crept ahead. Last year it was 75 per cent .NET Framework, 68 per cent .NET Core. There is no such thing as an unbiased survey, and this one suffered from being run by a vendor, JetBrains, leading (as the report itself acknowledged) to the problem that "JetBrains users might have been more willing on average to complete the survey." This bias was most evidenced in the question on IDEs. JetBrains reports that 75 per cent of Java developers use IntelliJ IDEA (a JetBrains product), which is not far removed from Snyk's recent survey of 2,000 Java developers, which showed 72 per cent using IDEA. That said, Snyk's survey revealed 25 per cent usage for Eclipse and 23 per cent for VS Code, where JetBrains has 11 and 4 per cent (again, specific to Java developers). In both surveys developers could choose more than one. There could of course be bias in the (much smaller) Snyk survey too. However, the JetBrains survey is exceptional for the number of participants and the detail of the questions – though in order to reduce the "response burden," the survey did not show all sections to all participants. JetBrains did make some effort to obtain good data. The number of respondents before data cleansing
[ -0.2228265934663123, 0.4661201473200642 ]
[ 1.2048042213725538, 1.8064554246926194 ]
[ 0.10562893615949683, 1.1353427924655102 ]
[ -0.15179485600760736, 0.5297641542746483 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 373, 5001, 671, 13, 28712, 16046, 338, 28526, 29892, 2466, 3109, 297, 5381, 23797, 7333, 9279, 29889, 29871, 29929, 29896, 639, 1644, 310, 18777, 1497, 896, 1304, 25492, 313, 786, 515, 29871, 29955, 29896, 639, 1644, 1833, 1629, 511, 541, 871, 29871, 29946, 29947, 639, 1644, 1304, 372, 363, 5381, 785, 2466, 372, 338, 1603, 14432, 310, 1473, 29899, 13974, 1133, 11786, 28632, 472, 29871, 29941, 29953, 639, 1644, 29889, 13, 1576, 18994, 884, 8900, 263, 10902, 14321, 297, 671, 310, 25492, 319, 1953, 29892, 701, 515, 29871, 29896, 29945, 639, 1644, 1833, 1629, 304, 29871, 29946, 29945, 639, 1644, 9826, 29892, 2466, 23750, 8126, 967, 2246, 9758, 29889, 4803, 310, 25492, 363, 2228, 23110, 471, 884, 701, 29892, 411, 694, 1513, 10230, 411, 1833, 1629, 1363, 310, 1422, 2867, 3204, 310, 278, 848, 29892, 541, 445, 1629, 29871, 29941, 29947, 639, 1644, 310, 5381, 267, 322, 29871, 29946, 29906, 639, 1644, 310, 7333, 9279, 1304, 25492, 16982, 1041, 29889, 13, 7031, 363, 2228, 23110, 297, 5381, 471, 435, 3055, 472, 29871, 29946, 29906, 639, 1644, 29889, 1094, 363, 1873, 2761, 15483, 29892, 11786, 471, 701, 515, 29871, 29929, 29900, 304, 29871, 29929, 29941, 639, 1644, 29892, 3323, 3259, 1623, 515, 29871, 29929, 304, 29871, 29955, 639, 1644, 29889, 3115, 310, 4443, 29901, 29871, 29953, 29955, 639, 1644, 310, 18777, 1497, 896, 671, 11786, 313, 272, 13955, 29940, 2992, 29897, 515, 278, 8638, 29892, 2466, 29871, 29945, 29955, 639, 1644, 884, 671, 372, 515, 385, 15004, 29889, 13, 29950, 16099, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 408, 565, 1554, 9559, 393, 1754, 2305, 451, 763, 2895, 3267, 577, 1568, 13, 27006, 347, 525, 3492, 505, 694, 14329, 1244, 29915, 1334, 12483, 29901, 1334, 817, 901, 29871, 29945, 29900, 29899, 22708, 621, 886, 297, 10261, 734, 305, 13, 22988, 4135, 8324, 29892, 528, 4901, 716, 9570, 785, 920, 437, 366, 1207, 963, 664, 4208, 29973, 13, 26322, 19515, 1985, 29973, 16281, 280, 297, 29892, 727, 29915, 29879, 694, 14712, 1250, 408, 18994, 1850, 414, 1663, 391, 29901, 887, 508, 29915, 29873, 1207, 502, 748, 1250, 13, 797, 278, 3186, 310, 22637, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29955, 639, 1644, 310, 376, 3636, 1237, 1058, 526, 9701, 297, 22035, 12425, 5849, 29908, 671, 476, 17547, 29892, 2869, 263, 7248, 4845, 457, 515, 29871, 29946, 29900, 639, 1644, 1833, 1629, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 1048, 278, 1021, 29892, 541, 3117, 372, 29915, 29879, 11084, 967, 10952, 408, 1760, 1699, 1497, 317, 436, 5689, 264, 2901, 29889, 13, 29953, 29946, 639, 1644, 310, 1906, 18994, 287, 671, 16631, 2563, 15538, 313, 29909, 7811, 511, 29871, 29906, 29945, 639, 1644, 5087, 14293, 29892, 322, 29871, 29906, 29906, 639, 1644, 7783, 12634, 29889, 2193, 752, 5114, 304, 29871, 29953, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29892, 322, 29871, 29906, 29945, 639, 1644, 1833, 1629, 29889, 512, 916, 3838, 29892, 15540, 756, 10029, 11664, 967, 6232, 310, 9481, 29949, 567, 8744, 4249, 445, 7881, 29889, 13, 29909, 1982, 5363, 14293, 884, 1754, 263, 6445, 29892, 472, 29871, 29896, 29906, 639, 1644, 29892, 6060, 9432, 292, 278, 5534, 5469, 310, 278, 716, 18994, 29889, 1670, 471, 884, 263, 1106, 472, 920, 1438, 13994, 13100, 5034, 304, 5001, 2159, 29889, 13, 28413, 8744, 471, 6133, 297, 7200, 14582, 29892, 13452, 5087, 14293, 471, 6133, 4249, 5375, 322, 2319, 5001, 4160, 29889, 15540, 1236, 12535, 297, 278, 7256, 29892, 4249, 14582, 411, 29871, 29945, 29896, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 22873, 29889, 13, 2744, 11158, 5526, 292, 4004, 4433, 3692, 9570, 5786, 892, 1304, 297, 278, 5849, 27321, 29889, 29871, 29953, 29946, 639, 1644, 1258, 451, 671, 963, 472, 599, 29892, 541, 310, 1906, 393, 1258, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29906, 639, 1644, 1497, 393, 1009, 848, 471, 6087, 297, 278, 9570, 29892, 322, 29871, 29946, 29900, 639, 1644, 1497, 393, 376, 277, 338, 2898, 304, 18532, 278, 2280, 5177, 363, 1887, 5849, 1213, 910, 338, 263, 3619, 2228, 411, 8324, 393, 8839, 373, 2999, 5786, 29901, 4444, 701, 263, 1887, 5849, 5177, 508, 679, 4280, 29889, 13, 1576, 4086, 29899, 14940, 13926, 5759, 777, 11158, 5526, 292, 13964, 2086, 29889, 512, 278, 315, 29937, 3186, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29953, 639, 1644, 892, 2599, 869, 6006, 10239, 5849, 29892, 23797, 29871, 29953, 29906, 639, 1644, 363, 869, 6006, 16657, 29889, 7783, 29915, 29879, 4891, 29899, 12120, 869, 6006, 756, 907, 415, 14432, 29889, 9208, 1629, 372, 471, 29871, 29955, 29945, 639, 1644, 869, 6006, 16657, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29947, 639, 1644, 869, 6006, 10239, 29889, 13, 8439, 338, 694, 1316, 2655, 408, 385, 443, 5365, 1463, 18994, 29892, 322, 445, 697, 17654, 515, 1641, 1065, 491, 263, 27042, 29892, 27804, 28183, 1144, 29892, 8236, 313, 294, 278, 3461, 3528, 24084, 3192, 29897, 304, 278, 1108, 393, 376, 29967, 300, 28183, 1144, 4160, 1795, 505, 1063, 901, 17762, 373, 6588, 304, 4866, 278, 18994, 1213, 13, 4013, 24003, 471, 1556, 3415, 3615, 1133, 297, 278, 1139, 373, 15004, 29879, 29889, 27804, 28183, 1144, 13676, 393, 29871, 29955, 29945, 639, 1644, 310, 3355, 18777, 671, 3159, 5481, 29967, 15004, 29909, 313, 29874, 27804, 28183, 1144, 3234, 511, 607, 338, 451, 2215, 6206, 515, 317, 1460, 29895, 29915, 29879, 7786, 18994, 310, 29871, 29906, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 3355, 18777, 29892, 607, 10018, 29871, 29955, 29906, 639, 1644, 773, 15004, 29909, 29889, 13, 7058, 1497, 29892, 317, 1460, 29895, 29915, 29879, 18994, 17845, 29871, 29906, 29945, 639, 1644, 8744, 363, 15103, 322, 29871, 29906, 29941, 639, 1644, 363, 12221, 5920, 29892, 988, 27804, 28183, 1144, 756, 29871, 29896, 29896, 322, 29871, 29946, 639, 1644, 313, 351, 475, 29892, 2702, 304, 3355, 18777, 467, 512, 1716, 26946, 952, 18777, 1033, 6755, 901, 1135, 697, 29889, 1670, 1033, 310, 3236, 367, 24003, 297, 278, 313, 29885, 987, 7968, 29897, 317, 1460, 29895, 18994, 2086, 29889, 2398, 29892, 278, 27804, 28183, 1144, 18994, 338, 3682, 284, 363, 278, 1353, 310, 27138, 322, 278, 9493, 310, 278, 5155, 785, 2466, 297, 1797, 304, 10032, 278, 376, 5327, 6866, 1145, 1699, 278, 18994, 1258, 451, 1510, 599, 13926, 304, 599, 27138, 29889, 13, 29967, 300, 28183, 1144, 1258, 1207, 777, 7225, 304, 4017, 1781, 848, 29889, 450, 1353, 310, 10049, 1237, 1434, 848, 4531, 550, 292 ]
Well I woke up early but I did not hear Becky stirring and I was still tired so I went back to sleep. I did eventually hear her getting ready, so I did the same. I got done and went downstairs to find cooked bacon, biscuits in the oven and eggs ready to be made. Scrambled they were and good they tasted. Well we finished sooner than she had planned so we caught some of the Today Show. We eventually headed out and went to Tom & Jerry's Air Boat Tour. I thought it would be more of a "ride" than a tour but I really enjoyed the stops we made and I took a lot of pictures, crocs, a Snail Kite (bird) and some herrings etc. It was a very informative tour and Capt. Jim was a lot of fun. We did do what I would call a jet wash but I think it was more of an aqua-donut. We might have done more interesting maneuvers but our boat was full. Regardless if you are in Orlando you have to take a tour. Plus you can also hold and pet a baby gator, way cool! After the tour we headed to GatorLand, which is everything gator, gator wrestling, gator jumping etc. Here is another place where you could spend at least a few hours and take a lot of pictures. We tried to see the gator wrestling but it was too crowded, but from what I could hear I think it was more gator-cation, still sounded good. After that we headed over to another part of the park and saw the Jumping Gator show. This is not the time of year for gators as they are cold blooded reptiles and need warmth in order to get motivated. The show is funny and the jokes aren't bad, but the gators disappointed. After that we took the nature walk around GatorLand and read some of the signs that pointed out things in the area. Never saw any wildlife to take pictures of but it was nice, plus I got a back shot of Becky with her long hair. I did snap 2 others while here are the park, she is camera shy so I must be more stealthy. After the nature walk we headed to the other end of GatorLand where there used to be aquariums, well those have been removed and they had a huge cage with Burmese Pythons, there was one there that I am guessing was upwards of 20'. Well after snapping their pics it was time to go as we were getting tired and I think the sunburn was getting to us. Next Stop was a place called Old Town, in Kissimmee; here you can find a Fun Spot which is what I would describe as a permanent but quality carnival, all rides and games and well kept. Old Town is just what is it, a place that looks like 1887, cobblestone streets etc. Well I guess every Sat. they have a car show/parade; well we were early enough that we got to see all of the cars parked, there were a lot of your standard fare of muscle cars and street rods. There was an Amphicar there which always intrigues me, there were a few late 60's Toyota Cornas an Austin Healey, two MG's and a Triumph. So after the cars we walked the 2 blocks of Old Town, we began to smell food and it was sounding good. Of what we saw there wasn't quite what we had in mind but it did smell good. So we left and headed to a place called Tu Tu Tango, the cuisine if like what you would see on the Food Channel. Things that you don't quite think would go together but when it arrives at your table it quite delicious. We shared a Strawberry Salad, Curry Chicken Skewers and a flat bread pizza. For dessert she had the Fudge Brownie Sundae and I had a Rocky Road Cookie. Well after dinner we went back home and both felt really tired and thought we would catch a movie on TV. Well about 20 minutes in Becky said she was tired and I said to her that if she wanted to go up then go, she did not have to entertain me. So a quick kiss and she headed up, about 20 minutes later I grabbed a glass of water and headed to bed as well. 8:30 and heading to my room? Well I wrote all of this, I am sunburned and this is more air and walking then I get at home in
[ -0.6460563010269292, -0.7227581250508599 ]
[ -0.7469809322550394, -1.0370627624272137 ]
[ -1.081331863720341, -1.8016243149294735 ]
[ -2.2120801084638915, -2.118430778806788 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 5674, 306, 281, 6946, 701, 4688, 541, 306, 1258, 451, 8293, 19573, 29891, 23546, 5393, 322, 306, 471, 1603, 23407, 577, 306, 3512, 1250, 304, 8709, 29889, 306, 1258, 10201, 8293, 902, 2805, 7960, 29892, 577, 306, 1258, 278, 1021, 29889, 306, 2355, 2309, 322, 3512, 1623, 303, 7121, 304, 1284, 7984, 287, 9922, 535, 29892, 2652, 4979, 1169, 297, 278, 288, 854, 322, 29808, 7960, 304, 367, 1754, 29889, 2522, 2572, 27225, 896, 892, 322, 1781, 896, 260, 28470, 29889, 5674, 591, 7743, 29548, 1135, 1183, 750, 20458, 577, 591, 12624, 777, 310, 278, 20628, 7704, 29889, 13, 4806, 10201, 2343, 287, 714, 322, 3512, 304, 4335, 669, 23052, 29915, 29879, 5593, 1952, 271, 6371, 29889, 306, 2714, 372, 723, 367, 901, 310, 263, 376, 2426, 29908, 1135, 263, 6282, 541, 306, 2289, 27849, 278, 17726, 591, 1754, 322, 306, 3614, 263, 3287, 310, 14956, 29892, 8182, 2395, 29892, 263, 22639, 737, 476, 568, 313, 18513, 29897, 322, 777, 902, 29878, 886, 2992, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 1407, 1871, 1230, 6282, 322, 8868, 29889, 8507, 471, 263, 3287, 310, 2090, 29889, 1334, 1258, 437, 825, 306, 723, 1246, 263, 22588, 471, 29882, 541, 306, 1348, 372, 471, 901, 310, 385, 10592, 29874, 29899, 9176, 329, 29889, 1334, 1795, 505, 2309, 901, 8031, 767, 12932, 874, 541, 1749, 13006, 471, 2989, 29889, 2169, 538, 2222, 565, 366, 526, 297, 1394, 28514, 366, 505, 304, 2125, 263, 6282, 29889, 15113, 366, 508, 884, 4808, 322, 5697, 263, 24354, 330, 1061, 29892, 982, 12528, 29991, 2860, 278, 6282, 591, 2343, 287, 304, 402, 1061, 22677, 29892, 607, 338, 4129, 330, 1061, 29892, 330, 1061, 24613, 1847, 29892, 330, 1061, 12500, 292, 2992, 29889, 13, 10605, 338, 1790, 2058, 988, 366, 1033, 18864, 472, 3203, 263, 2846, 6199, 322, 2125, 263, 3287, 310, 14956, 29889, 1334, 1898, 304, 1074, 278, 330, 1061, 24613, 1847, 541, 372, 471, 2086, 11660, 7176, 29892, 541, 515, 825, 306, 1033, 8293, 306, 1348, 372, 471, 901, 330, 1061, 29899, 9252, 29892, 1603, 6047, 287, 1781, 29889, 2860, 393, 591, 2343, 287, 975, 304, 1790, 760, 310, 278, 14089, 322, 4446, 278, 435, 3427, 292, 402, 1061, 1510, 29889, 910, 338, 451, 278, 931, 310, 1629, 363, 330, 4097, 408, 896, 526, 11220, 6668, 6797, 337, 415, 5475, 322, 817, 14294, 386, 297, 1797, 304, 679, 17385, 630, 29889, 450, 1510, 338, 2090, 1460, 322, 278, 432, 23195, 9455, 29915, 29873, 4319, 29892, 541, 278, 330, 4097, 23451, 287, 29889, 2860, 393, 591, 3614, 278, 5469, 6686, 2820, 402, 1061, 22677, 322, 1303, 777, 310, 278, 18906, 393, 11520, 714, 2712, 297, 278, 4038, 29889, 12391, 4446, 738, 8775, 19264, 304, 2125, 14956, 310, 541, 372, 471, 7575, 29892, 2298, 306, 2355, 263, 1250, 10322, 310, 19573, 29891, 411, 902, 1472, 11315, 29889, 306, 1258, 15101, 29871, 29906, 4045, 1550, 1244, 526, 278, 14089, 29892, 1183, 338, 10656, 528, 29891, 577, 306, 1818, 367, 901, 1886, 4298, 29891, 29889, 2860, 278, 5469, 6686, 591, 2343, 287, 304, 278, 916, 1095, 310, 402, 1061, 22677, 988, 727, 1304, 304, 367, 10592, 1306, 6762, 29892, 1532, 1906, 505, 1063, 6206, 322, 896, 750, 263, 12176, 274, 482, 411, 6640, 29885, 968, 349, 1541, 787, 29892, 727, 471, 697, 727, 393, 306, 626, 20680, 471, 701, 2935, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 4286, 5674, 1156, 5807, 20304, 1009, 282, 1199, 372, 471, 931, 304, 748, 408, 591, 892, 2805, 23407, 322, 306, 1348, 278, 6575, 18712, 471, 2805, 304, 502, 29889, 13, 9190, 22303, 471, 263, 2058, 2000, 8198, 8421, 29892, 297, 476, 790, 326, 17897, 29936, 1244, 366, 508, 1284, 263, 13811, 1706, 327, 607, 338, 825, 306, 723, 8453, 408, 263, 17667, 541, 11029, 1559, 29876, 2561, 29892, 599, 364, 2247, 322, 8090, 322, 1532, 8126, 29889, 8198, 8421, 338, 925, 825, 338, 372, 29892, 263, 2058, 393, 3430, 763, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29955, 29892, 274, 711, 2204, 27744, 19756, 2992, 29889, 5674, 306, 4140, 1432, 12178, 29889, 896, 505, 263, 1559, 1510, 29914, 862, 1943, 29936, 1532, 591, 892, 4688, 3307, 393, 591, 2355, 304, 1074, 599, 310, 278, 18647, 14089, 287, 29892, 727, 892, 263, 3287, 310, 596, 3918, 20036, 310, 2301, 2841, 18647, 322, 11952, 696, 6289, 29889, 1670, 471, 385, 1913, 561, 293, 279, 727, 607, 2337, 11158, 335, 1041, 592, 29892, 727, 892, 263, 2846, 5683, 29871, 29953, 29900, 29915, 29879, 29411, 4616, 11655, 294, 385, 24518, 940, 744, 29891, 29892, 1023, 341, 29954, 29915, 29879, 322, 263, 8602, 19149, 29889, 1105, 1156, 278, 18647, 591, 17096, 278, 29871, 29906, 10930, 310, 8198, 8421, 29892, 591, 4689, 304, 1560, 514, 9687, 322, 372, 471, 6047, 292, 1781, 29889, 4587, 825, 591, 4446, 727, 9007, 29915, 29873, 3755, 825, 591, 750, 297, 3458, 541, 372, 1258, 1560, 514, 1781, 29889, 13, 6295, 591, 2175, 322, 2343, 287, 304, 263, 2058, 2000, 12603, 12603, 323, 4524, 29892, 278, 2723, 275, 457, 565, 763, 825, 366, 723, 1074, 373, 278, 25453, 17368, 29889, 28706, 393, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 3755, 1348, 723, 748, 4208, 541, 746, 372, 6974, 267, 472, 596, 1591, 372, 3755, 628, 14803, 29889, 1334, 7258, 263, 624, 1610, 16344, 3956, 328, 29892, 10837, 719, 678, 21475, 317, 446, 17538, 322, 263, 12151, 18423, 282, 24990, 29889, 1152, 6808, 814, 1183, 750, 278, 383, 566, 479, 22415, 2786, 12009, 3660, 322, 306, 750, 263, 8027, 29891, 9321, 17278, 347, 29889, 13, 11284, 1156, 17803, 591, 3512, 1250, 3271, 322, 1716, 7091, 2289, 23407, 322, 2714, 591, 723, 4380, 263, 14064, 373, 5648, 29889, 5674, 1048, 29871, 29906, 29900, 6233, 297, 19573, 29891, 1497, 1183, 471, 23407, 322, 306, 1497, 304, 902, 393, 565, 1183, 5131, 304, 748, 701, 769, 748, 29892, 1183, 1258, 451, 505, 304, 22684, 592, 29889, 1105, 263, 4996, 20057, 322, 1183, 2343, 287, 701, 29892, 1048, 29871, 29906, 29900, 6233, 2678, 306, 2646, 1327, 287, 263, 12917, 310, 4094, 322, 2343, 287, 304, 6592, 408, 1532, 29889, 29871, 29947, 29901, 29941, 29900, 322, 28435, 304, 590, 5716, 29973, 5674, 306, 5456, 599, 310, 445, 29892, 306, 626, 6575, 18712, 287, 322, 445, 338, 901, 4799, 322, 22049, 769, 306, 679, 472, 3271, 297, 29871 ]
A life-long vegetarian and a loyal carnivore review Burger King's Impossible Whopper Diversions Staff Burger King's Impossible Whopper combines an Impossible Burger patty with classic Whopper ingredients (Audrey Decker/For The Diamondback). By Audrey Decker and Evan Haynos Whether you're a meat-eater or a vegetarian, it's hard to argue with the facts — beef is not a sustainable food. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations found that cattle is the animal species most responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, at 65 percent of the total livestock emissions. Another study shows that producing red meat requires 11 times more water and 28 times more land than pork or chicken. In August 2019, Burger King put its spin on a well-known solution by releasing its take on a beef replacement burger. It paired the widely-accessible Impossible Burger — a plant-based burger substitute — with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, mayonnaise and ketchup to create the Impossible Whopper. While beef isn't sustainable, alternatives come at a price — $1.40 to be exact. The Original Whopper is $4.19, and the Impossible Whopper is $5.59. Hopefully, in the future, restaurants and fast-food chains will provide comparable prices for vegetarian options, but Burger King carrying a meatless burger is already a step in the right direction. Here's how the Impossible Whopper stacks up for us, a life-long vegetarian and loyal carnivore: Audrey (vegetarian) The taste of the patty was bland, similar to any standard veggie burger I've eaten before. It had more of a "meaty" taste than the substitute burgers I usually eat, such as black bean burgers, probably because it was prepared the way Burger King makes its other burgers. I was raised a vegetarian, so I've literally never eaten a beef burger before, but the squishy bun and toppings made it taste like what I imagine a real burger to taste like. [Read more: Review: This bi-weekly menu from the Green Tidings food truck has its ups and downs] Although I didn't mind the actual patty, the burger as a whole did not taste very good. The aftertaste was almost chemical, and I altogether had a weird feeling in my mouth after I finished eating. In my experience, fast food usually has a bad aftertaste, but if Burger King can improve the vehicle by which the patty was served, I'd be pretty happy with the meatless burger. Evan (carnivore) My only other experience with an alternative burger is Hip City Veg's "Smokehouse Burger," a Beyond Meat patty whose flavor was transformed by the crispy onions, barbecue sauce and melted gouda cheese that topped it. The Impossible Whopper had less glamorous toppings — lettuce, tomato, onions, pickles, ketchup and mayo — and at times felt simply like a vehicle to carry these low-quality condiments. The absence of cheese on the burger (the traditional Whopper way) also had an effect. While I understand the Whopper is BK's flagship burger, it might have done better to create a custom sandwich with more flavorful toppings, including a slice of highly processed and delicious cheese. This kind of concoction would hide the simple fact that it tastes bland and doesn't totally mirror the beef patty it aims to represent. Surprisingly, I enjoyed the texture of the Impossible Whopper. It was fairly chewy, but not any more than other meat substitutes. If anything, it was less chewy than some fake chicken I've tried before. The patty was thin enough that each bite didn't take me ages to chew. I do wish the burger were less dry — in ads I've seen for other restaurants' Impossible Burgers, they looked as moist as a real hamburger. The texture was pretty good for fake meat, but it lacked the juiciness I craved. There's a slight tug of resistance when you bite into a ground beef hamburger as the char of the seared be
[ 0.2771049381182352, 0.08261102720041123 ]
[ -0.1511492718242305, -1.0119939622888776 ]
[ 0.07012156180411706, -0.6901166855548176 ]
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[ 319, 2834, 29899, 5426, 18655, 13956, 322, 263, 28108, 1559, 29876, 440, 487, 9076, 6640, 914, 4088, 29915, 29879, 1954, 27338, 11644, 2496, 13, 29928, 1536, 1080, 15351, 13, 29933, 26120, 4088, 29915, 29879, 1954, 27338, 11644, 2496, 4145, 1475, 385, 1954, 27338, 6640, 914, 2373, 1017, 411, 22037, 11644, 2496, 2348, 1127, 10070, 313, 29909, 566, 8903, 897, 4937, 29914, 2831, 450, 22904, 898, 1627, 467, 13, 2059, 8612, 8903, 897, 4937, 322, 382, 3703, 11389, 17639, 13, 8809, 1979, 366, 29915, 276, 263, 27654, 29899, 29872, 1008, 470, 263, 18655, 13956, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 2898, 304, 27754, 411, 278, 17099, 813, 367, 1389, 338, 451, 263, 15075, 475, 519, 9687, 29889, 450, 25453, 322, 27051, 545, 9205, 2133, 310, 278, 3303, 18269, 1476, 393, 27498, 338, 278, 13019, 6606, 1556, 14040, 363, 7933, 8697, 10489, 953, 6847, 29892, 472, 29871, 29953, 29945, 10151, 310, 278, 3001, 7294, 342, 1698, 953, 6847, 29889, 7280, 6559, 3697, 393, 20811, 2654, 27654, 6858, 29871, 29896, 29896, 3064, 901, 4094, 322, 29871, 29906, 29947, 3064, 901, 2982, 1135, 282, 548, 470, 521, 21475, 29889, 13, 797, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 6640, 914, 4088, 1925, 967, 10917, 373, 263, 1532, 29899, 5203, 1650, 491, 337, 280, 5832, 967, 2125, 373, 263, 367, 1389, 16920, 6866, 914, 29889, 739, 3300, 2859, 278, 17644, 29899, 5943, 1821, 1954, 27338, 6640, 914, 813, 263, 8024, 29899, 6707, 6866, 914, 23764, 813, 411, 11343, 24551, 29892, 6454, 1219, 29892, 373, 291, 29892, 5839, 793, 29892, 1122, 11586, 895, 322, 413, 3486, 786, 304, 1653, 278, 1954, 27338, 11644, 2496, 29889, 13, 8809, 488, 367, 1389, 3508, 29915, 29873, 15075, 475, 519, 29892, 27809, 2041, 472, 263, 8666, 813, 395, 29896, 29889, 29946, 29900, 304, 367, 2684, 29889, 450, 8533, 11644, 2496, 338, 395, 29946, 29889, 29896, 29929, 29892, 322, 278, 1954, 27338, 11644, 2496, 338, 395, 29945, 29889, 29945, 29929, 29889, 7963, 3730, 29892, 297, 278, 5434, 29892, 12374, 1934, 322, 5172, 29899, 1181, 397, 521, 2708, 674, 3867, 5734, 519, 26094, 363, 18655, 13956, 3987, 29892, 541, 6640, 914, 4088, 19436, 263, 27654, 2222, 6866, 914, 338, 2307, 263, 4331, 297, 278, 1492, 5305, 29889, 13, 10605, 29915, 29879, 920, 278, 1954, 27338, 11644, 2496, 5096, 29879, 701, 363, 502, 29892, 263, 2834, 29899, 5426, 18655, 13956, 322, 28108, 1559, 29876, 440, 487, 29901, 13, 29909, 566, 8903, 313, 345, 657, 13956, 29897, 13, 1576, 21779, 310, 278, 2373, 1017, 471, 18742, 29892, 2788, 304, 738, 3918, 12461, 12053, 6866, 914, 306, 29915, 345, 321, 2579, 1434, 29889, 739, 750, 901, 310, 263, 376, 1004, 11156, 29908, 21779, 1135, 278, 23764, 26072, 414, 306, 5491, 17545, 29892, 1316, 408, 4628, 17796, 26072, 414, 29892, 3117, 1363, 372, 471, 13240, 278, 982, 6640, 914, 4088, 3732, 967, 916, 26072, 414, 29889, 306, 471, 10425, 263, 18655, 13956, 29892, 577, 306, 29915, 345, 22830, 2360, 321, 2579, 263, 367, 1389, 6866, 914, 1434, 29892, 541, 278, 10674, 728, 29891, 289, 348, 322, 304, 27775, 1754, 372, 21779, 763, 825, 306, 14034, 263, 1855, 6866, 914, 304, 21779, 763, 29889, 13, 29961, 6359, 901, 29901, 13957, 29901, 910, 4768, 29899, 18448, 368, 6143, 515, 278, 7646, 323, 333, 886, 9687, 534, 2707, 756, 967, 24081, 322, 1623, 29879, 29962, 13, 2499, 3592, 306, 3282, 29915, 29873, 3458, 278, 3935, 2373, 1017, 29892, 278, 6866, 914, 408, 263, 3353, 1258, 451, 21779, 1407, 1781, 29889, 450, 1156, 29873, 4350, 471, 4359, 22233, 29892, 322, 306, 19148, 750, 263, 13543, 11223, 297, 590, 13394, 1156, 306, 7743, 321, 1218, 29889, 512, 590, 7271, 29892, 5172, 9687, 5491, 756, 263, 4319, 1156, 29873, 4350, 29892, 541, 565, 6640, 914, 4088, 508, 11157, 278, 19716, 491, 607, 278, 2373, 1017, 471, 6766, 29892, 306, 29915, 29881, 367, 5051, 9796, 411, 278, 27654, 2222, 6866, 914, 29889, 13, 29923, 3703, 313, 29883, 2753, 440, 487, 29897, 13, 3421, 871, 916, 7271, 411, 385, 8671, 6866, 914, 338, 379, 666, 4412, 17236, 29915, 29879, 376, 29903, 4346, 446, 8697, 6640, 914, 1699, 263, 18502, 898, 2191, 271, 2373, 1017, 5069, 21054, 272, 471, 27615, 491, 278, 2181, 275, 2272, 373, 1080, 29892, 2594, 19385, 434, 12507, 346, 322, 286, 2152, 287, 330, 283, 1388, 923, 968, 393, 304, 2986, 372, 29889, 450, 1954, 27338, 11644, 2496, 750, 3109, 3144, 314, 20657, 304, 27775, 813, 11343, 24551, 29892, 6454, 1219, 29892, 373, 1080, 29892, 5839, 793, 29892, 413, 3486, 786, 322, 7502, 813, 322, 472, 3064, 7091, 3763, 763, 263, 19716, 304, 8677, 1438, 4482, 29899, 29567, 2148, 7862, 29889, 13, 1576, 18070, 310, 923, 968, 373, 278, 6866, 914, 313, 1552, 13807, 11644, 2496, 982, 29897, 884, 750, 385, 2779, 29889, 5806, 306, 2274, 278, 11644, 2496, 338, 350, 29968, 29915, 29879, 13449, 4034, 6866, 914, 29892, 372, 1795, 505, 2309, 2253, 304, 1653, 263, 2888, 11982, 16416, 411, 901, 21054, 272, 1319, 304, 27775, 29892, 3704, 263, 22780, 310, 10712, 19356, 322, 628, 14803, 923, 968, 29889, 910, 2924, 310, 378, 1111, 428, 723, 9563, 278, 2560, 2114, 393, 372, 260, 579, 267, 18742, 322, 1838, 29915, 29873, 14909, 19571, 278, 367, 1389, 2373, 1017, 372, 263, 9893, 304, 2755, 29889, 13, 18498, 558, 5921, 368, 29892, 306, 27849, 278, 18459, 310, 278, 1954, 27338, 11644, 2496, 29889, 739, 471, 12558, 923, 12822, 29892, 541, 451, 738, 901, 1135, 916, 27654, 5960, 277, 2667, 29889, 960, 3099, 29892, 372, 471, 3109, 923, 12822, 1135, 777, 25713, 521, 21475, 306, 29915, 345, 1898, 1434, 29889, 450, 2373, 1017, 471, 16835, 3307, 393, 1269, 289, 568, 3282, 29915, 29873, 2125, 592, 24646, 304, 923, 29893, 29889, 306, 437, 6398, 278, 6866, 914, 892, 3109, 15589, 813, 297, 594, 29879, 306, 29915, 345, 3595, 363, 916, 12374, 1934, 29915, 1954, 27338, 11202, 414, 29892, 896, 5148, 408, 2730, 391, 408, 263, 1855, 298, 1117, 26120, 29889, 450, 18459, 471, 5051, 1781, 363, 25713, 27654, 29892, 541, 372, 10225, 287, 278, 3623, 293, 3335, 306, 12220, 1490, 29889, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 7248, 260, 688, 310, 17711, 746, 366, 289, 568, 964, 263, 5962, 367, 1389, 298, 1117, 26120, 408, 278, 1373, 310, 278, 409, 1965, 367 ]
Dr. Syntax Scattered Observations on Books and Publishing Max Perkins Lives! When I am not wearing my Bloomsbury Press hat or my Dr. Syntax periwig, I serve on the board of the Center for Fiction--a literary organization formerly known as the Mercantile Library. The original name reflects its origin, in 1820, as a lending library organized by Wall Street businesses so their clerks could improve themselves through literature. This fall, the Library has renamed itself and embraced a new mission toward which it has been evolving for many years. It is now the only organization in America exclusively devoted to the art of fiction--including the reading, writing, publishing, and most importantly, enjoyment of it. I like to think this makes us simultaneously one of the oldest and one of the newest cultural centers in the country. Monday night was the Center's annual benefit dinner and awards ceremony. We awarded the our First Novel prize--chosen by a panel of first-class writers including last year's winner, Hannah Tinti--to John Pipkin's extraordinary Woodsburner. (For the full list of finalists, which all had ardent supporters, visit the Center's website.) And I had the enjoyable task of presenting the Maxwell Perkins Award to Doubleday editor Gerald Howard. The Perkins Award, named named after the legendary Scribner's editor Maxwell Perkins, honors a publishing person who has, over a career, discovered, nurtured, and championed writers of fiction. (Past winners are Nan Talese, Gary Fisketjon, Drenka Willen, and Jonathan Galassi.) Launching and sustaining fiction writers is demanding and sometimes lonely work; we hope to provide one ink-stained wretch a year with some recognition, and at least one night away from the manuscripts. I can remember being an editorial assistant and shirking an hour of work with some colleagues while one of them read aloud from a hilarious and brilliant first novel by one David Foster Wallace. It had been published as a paperback original by Gerry Howard. He's still publishing surprising new writers twenty years later. One of our colleagues called Gerry "the champion of the transgressive," and I know she meant that as a high compliment. It's challenging enough, at this cultural moment, to publish books by authors that everyone admires and those who have a track record of success; it's far more demanding to find writers whose work is unfamiliar, against the grain, or that makes people uncomfortable, and to publish them with skill, energy and commitment. But this is what Gerry has managed to do for a few decades now. He has published, among many others, Gordon Lish, Don DeLillo, William S. Burroughs, A. M. Homes, Walter Mosley, Paul Auster, Ana Castillo, Walter Kirn, Kate Christensen, and Gore Vidal. Chuck Palahniuk, who has published with Gerry since his first novel, flew to New York from the Pacific Northwest just to present a tribute to Gerry at Monday's event. It's a wonderful irony that Gerald Howard once wrote an article titled "Mistah Perkins--He Dead." In that essay, published in 1989, he unflinchingly considered the many pressures that squeeze editors in the commercial publishing business; how difficult it had become for a would-be Max Perkins to find and acquire work of the best quality; and how hard it was to publish that work with success in the crowded, noisy marketplace that we operate in. Many of the problems Gerry identified back then have only grown more acute; but I think he himself has given the lie to his article. Even in a book industry dominated by blockbuster titles and mass marketing, dedicated editors still ply their trade. Whether you think they are bucking the system or justifying it, editors like Gerry--and many others, too many for the Perkins award to recognize all of them--continue to find and publish original, challenging, and enduring books. (Disclosure: some of the above is drawn from remarks I made in presenting the award. If you were there on Monday, please forgive redundancy. You also got to listen to Chuck Palahniuk's far funnier appreciation of Gerry so you've come out ahead.) Labels: Center for Fiction, Fiction, Gerald Howard, Prizes Alfred H
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 4942, 29889, 21306, 13, 4421, 2620, 287, 21651, 800, 373, 13730, 322, 19088, 13, 7976, 2431, 11335, 365, 3145, 29991, 13, 10401, 306, 626, 451, 591, 4362, 590, 11447, 4835, 11059, 5254, 3056, 470, 590, 4942, 29889, 21306, 23603, 9192, 29892, 306, 9080, 373, 278, 7613, 310, 278, 7817, 363, 383, 2463, 489, 29874, 22937, 13013, 21510, 2998, 408, 278, 4702, 29883, 424, 488, 9538, 29889, 450, 2441, 1024, 9432, 29879, 967, 3978, 29892, 297, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29906, 29900, 29892, 408, 263, 301, 2548, 3489, 19098, 491, 14406, 7103, 5381, 267, 577, 1009, 28238, 2039, 1033, 11157, 6053, 1549, 12845, 29889, 910, 6416, 29892, 278, 9538, 756, 19533, 3528, 322, 7232, 945, 287, 263, 716, 10655, 11183, 607, 372, 756, 1063, 15220, 1747, 363, 1784, 2440, 29889, 739, 338, 1286, 278, 871, 13013, 297, 6813, 13489, 3598, 24600, 304, 278, 1616, 310, 24159, 489, 18271, 278, 5183, 29892, 5007, 29892, 27256, 29892, 322, 1556, 4100, 368, 29892, 13389, 358, 310, 372, 29889, 306, 763, 304, 1348, 445, 3732, 502, 21699, 697, 310, 278, 23947, 322, 697, 310, 278, 716, 342, 16375, 1644, 414, 297, 278, 4234, 29889, 13, 29924, 898, 388, 4646, 471, 278, 7817, 29915, 29879, 17568, 14169, 17803, 322, 24441, 25672, 29889, 1334, 15074, 278, 1749, 3824, 2864, 295, 26836, 489, 305, 7749, 491, 263, 9451, 310, 937, 29899, 1990, 23550, 3704, 1833, 1629, 29915, 29879, 19576, 29892, 13889, 801, 323, 524, 29875, 489, 517, 2259, 349, 666, 9089, 29915, 29879, 28163, 10180, 29879, 18712, 261, 29889, 313, 2831, 278, 2989, 1051, 310, 2186, 2879, 29892, 607, 599, 750, 564, 25873, 1462, 272, 2153, 29892, 6493, 278, 7817, 29915, 29879, 4700, 1846, 1126, 306, 750, 278, 13389, 519, 3414, 310, 2198, 292, 278, 5918, 5872, 2431, 11335, 7526, 304, 11599, 3250, 6920, 5681, 2741, 17430, 29889, 13, 1576, 2431, 11335, 7526, 29892, 4257, 4257, 1156, 278, 15983, 653, 317, 699, 29890, 1089, 29915, 29879, 6920, 5918, 5872, 2431, 11335, 29892, 4207, 943, 263, 27256, 2022, 1058, 756, 29892, 975, 263, 6413, 29892, 10943, 29892, 302, 4227, 2955, 29892, 322, 8064, 287, 23550, 310, 24159, 29889, 313, 29925, 579, 281, 16697, 526, 25701, 10288, 968, 29892, 23529, 383, 3873, 300, 13022, 29892, 360, 1267, 1335, 2811, 264, 29892, 322, 20983, 5208, 465, 29875, 1846, 997, 3322, 292, 322, 15075, 17225, 24159, 23550, 338, 9667, 292, 322, 6041, 23123, 873, 664, 29936, 591, 4966, 304, 3867, 697, 297, 29895, 29899, 303, 7114, 281, 10301, 263, 1629, 411, 777, 19679, 29892, 322, 472, 3203, 697, 4646, 3448, 515, 278, 27593, 29879, 29889, 13, 29902, 508, 6456, 1641, 385, 6920, 616, 20255, 322, 528, 6793, 292, 385, 7234, 310, 664, 411, 777, 23056, 21628, 1550, 697, 310, 963, 1303, 394, 2736, 515, 263, 298, 309, 1306, 681, 322, 27592, 937, 9554, 491, 697, 4699, 383, 15664, 5260, 1265, 29889, 739, 750, 1063, 6369, 408, 263, 5650, 1627, 2441, 491, 5681, 719, 17430, 29889, 940, 29915, 29879, 1603, 27256, 26800, 716, 23550, 10081, 2440, 2678, 29889, 13, 6716, 310, 1749, 23056, 21628, 2000, 5681, 719, 376, 1552, 8064, 310, 278, 1301, 3663, 573, 1699, 322, 306, 1073, 1183, 6839, 393, 408, 263, 1880, 13162, 2073, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 18066, 292, 3307, 29892, 472, 445, 16375, 3256, 29892, 304, 9805, 8277, 491, 15717, 393, 14332, 7336, 2658, 322, 1906, 1058, 505, 263, 5702, 2407, 310, 2551, 29936, 372, 29915, 29879, 2215, 901, 9667, 292, 304, 1284, 23550, 5069, 664, 338, 443, 8302, 4447, 29892, 2750, 278, 2646, 262, 29892, 470, 393, 3732, 2305, 443, 510, 3921, 519, 29892, 322, 304, 9805, 963, 411, 19911, 29892, 5864, 322, 9063, 358, 29889, 1205, 445, 338, 825, 5681, 719, 756, 8745, 304, 437, 363, 263, 2846, 1602, 3076, 1286, 29889, 940, 756, 6369, 29892, 4249, 1784, 4045, 29892, 16965, 365, 728, 29892, 3872, 897, 29931, 9093, 29892, 4667, 317, 29889, 350, 1038, 820, 29879, 29892, 319, 29889, 341, 29889, 15089, 267, 29892, 10705, 6630, 2330, 29892, 3739, 3330, 261, 29892, 20367, 4834, 9093, 29892, 10705, 5201, 29876, 29892, 23738, 2819, 14762, 29892, 322, 402, 487, 18895, 284, 29889, 678, 2707, 3793, 801, 1240, 2679, 29892, 1058, 756, 6369, 411, 5681, 719, 1951, 670, 937, 9554, 29892, 9115, 29893, 304, 1570, 3088, 515, 278, 14328, 4644, 5933, 925, 304, 2198, 263, 260, 2666, 304, 5681, 719, 472, 27822, 29915, 29879, 1741, 29889, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 263, 20695, 3805, 2592, 393, 5681, 2741, 17430, 2748, 5456, 385, 4274, 25278, 376, 29924, 391, 801, 2431, 11335, 489, 3868, 16992, 1213, 512, 393, 3686, 388, 29892, 6369, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29929, 29892, 540, 443, 1579, 22466, 11687, 5545, 278, 1784, 3965, 1973, 393, 269, 802, 29872, 911, 3863, 943, 297, 278, 12128, 27256, 5381, 29936, 920, 5189, 372, 750, 4953, 363, 263, 723, 29899, 915, 5918, 2431, 11335, 304, 1284, 322, 1274, 1548, 664, 310, 278, 1900, 11029, 29936, 322, 920, 2898, 372, 471, 304, 9805, 393, 664, 411, 2551, 297, 278, 11660, 7176, 29892, 694, 13344, 9999, 6689, 393, 591, 21994, 297, 29889, 13, 14804, 310, 278, 4828, 5681, 719, 15659, 1250, 769, 505, 871, 21633, 901, 1274, 1082, 29936, 541, 306, 1348, 540, 3654, 756, 2183, 278, 3804, 304, 670, 4274, 29889, 7753, 297, 263, 3143, 13661, 8022, 630, 491, 2908, 29890, 5402, 17735, 322, 4158, 9999, 292, 29892, 16955, 3863, 943, 1603, 282, 368, 1009, 11302, 29889, 26460, 366, 1348, 896, 526, 1321, 384, 292, 278, 1788, 470, 925, 9215, 372, 29892, 3863, 943, 763, 5681, 719, 489, 392, 1784, 4045, 29892, 2086, 1784, 363, 278, 2431, 11335, 9862, 304, 18720, 599, 310, 963, 489, 19878, 304, 1284, 322, 9805, 2441, 29892, 18066, 292, 29892, 322, 1095, 3864, 8277, 29889, 13, 29898, 4205, 25071, 29901, 777, 310, 278, 2038, 338, 12061, 515, 29360, 306, 1754, 297, 2198, 292, 278, 9862, 29889, 960, 366, 892, 727, 373, 27822, 29892, 3113, 18879, 573, 22275, 6906, 29889, 887, 884, 2355, 304, 11621, 304, 678, 2707, 3793, 801, 1240, 2679, 29915, 29879, 2215, 2090, 11697, 5108, 362, 310, 5681, 719, 577, 366, 29915, 345, 2041, 714, 14432, 1846, 13, 4775, 29879, 29901, 7817, 363, 383, 2463, 29892, 383, 2463, 29892, 5681, 2741, 17430, 29892, 349, 7485, 267, 13, 2499, 18447, 379 ]
The reporting of the unfair dismissal claims brought by former Citibank ForEx traders following their dismissal by the bank has raised an interesting issue, which may become relevant if there are potential investigations into the recent scandal which has hit the car industry. According to the reports of the Employment Tribunal proceedings, a key aspect of the claims is that the individuals were just doing what their managers asked/told them to do. Can an individual who is dismissed for engaging in activity that is unlawful or a regulatory breach argue that he or she has been unfairly dismissed because he or she simply followed instructions from management to engage in that activity? By way of reminder, under s98 of the Employment Rights Act ("ERA") there are five fair reasons for dismissal (i) misconduct; (ii) capability; (iii) redundancy; (iv) illegality; and (v) some other substantial reason. If there is a potentially fair reason to dismiss an employee, the dismissal will only be fair if the sanction of dismissal is reasonable in the circumstances and the employer follows a fair process in effecting the dismissal. the tribunal must assess the reasonableness of the employer's conduct, not the level of injustice to the employee. This is an area where the particular circumstances of the case will be critical. On the one hand, if an employee has done something that is obviously illegal or in breach of relevant regulatory requirements simply because his boss told him to (and without questioning his boss or other senior employees), the dismissal is likely to be fair. On the other hand, take the example of a junior employee who is asked to do something that she feels is wrong, but which she did not know was actually illegal and which was not obviously illegal. If the employee has raised her concerns, but her boss assures her that the course of action is acceptable, it is likely to be reasonable for the employee to defer to her boss's greater knowledge and experience. In this scenario, it is likely to be unfair to dismiss the employee. This will be especially the case if the employee also raised her concerns with another superior member of staff or a specialist department such as Legal or Compliance. Another potential scenario is where an employee knows that she is being asked to do something illegal and she raises this concern to her boss, but her boss tells her that if she does not follow his instructions she will be dismissed. In this situation, it is far less clear whether subsequently dismissing the junior employee for doing what she was told would be fair. The employee knows she is doing something illegal, but she has raised this and has been threatened with dismissal if she does not do as she has been told. On balance, dismissing the employee is likely to be unfair, although the employee would be in a better position if she had also raised her concerns with another more senior employee or a specialist department such as Legal or Compliance who had also told her just to do as her boss had told her. Employers may face the situation where employees are providing different versions of what happened. For example, a more junior employee may allege that he raised concerns but was forced by his manager to carry out her instructions, whereas the manager may state that the employer never raised any concerns. In this scenario, the case of Monie v Coral Racing Ltd ICR 109 is instructive. In that case, it was decided that if an employer, despite carrying out a full investigation, cannot identify the particular culprit(s) who is/are responsible for the misconduct, it may be reasonable to dismiss all those who could have been responsible. This is a very difficult position for an employer. A balance needs to be struck between taking firm action in relation to staff who have committed serious acts of misconduct and ensuring that employees are treated fairly. In high profile cases like the ForEx scandal, adverse publicity can easily cause an employer to lean more towards taking firm action, even if there is the risk of facing claims from a dismissed employee. However, it is important for the employer to bear in mind that, if the employee has raised concerns about the illegality of instructions, any employment tribunal claim is likely to include a whistleblowing claim, which will remove the cap on unfair dismissal compensation. This can result in the employer facing significant potential legal liabilities if a number of employees are dismissed and/or the employees who are dismissed are high earners. It may also mean that the employer could be in the employment tribunal very quickly if the employee, having alleged whistleblowing, applies for an interim hearing within seven days.
[ 0.449684042172079, 0.5565187256339824 ]
[ 0.5458529034505775, -0.21583572932404407 ]
[ 1.1556327206685844, 1.0846179719578246 ]
[ 1.1801067213378693, 1.0448354673887195 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 23415, 310, 278, 29395, 1466, 18918, 284, 16726, 6296, 491, 4642, 21353, 747, 804, 1152, 1252, 3534, 414, 1494, 1009, 18918, 284, 491, 278, 9124, 756, 10425, 385, 8031, 2228, 29892, 607, 1122, 4953, 8018, 565, 727, 526, 7037, 7405, 800, 964, 278, 7786, 885, 24258, 607, 756, 7124, 278, 1559, 13661, 29889, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 278, 13676, 310, 278, 7361, 22812, 16855, 17507, 8469, 886, 29892, 263, 1820, 9565, 310, 278, 16726, 338, 393, 278, 15724, 892, 925, 2599, 825, 1009, 767, 18150, 4433, 29914, 29873, 1025, 963, 304, 437, 29889, 13, 6028, 385, 5375, 1058, 338, 18918, 287, 363, 3033, 6751, 297, 6354, 393, 338, 443, 10653, 1319, 470, 263, 24378, 7606, 2078, 496, 27754, 393, 540, 470, 1183, 756, 1063, 29395, 1466, 368, 18918, 287, 1363, 540, 470, 1183, 3763, 5643, 11994, 515, 10643, 304, 3033, 482, 297, 393, 6354, 29973, 13, 2059, 982, 310, 1083, 4995, 29892, 1090, 269, 29929, 29947, 310, 278, 7361, 22812, 26863, 3185, 4852, 1001, 29909, 1159, 727, 526, 5320, 6534, 9590, 363, 18918, 284, 313, 29875, 29897, 3984, 535, 2199, 29936, 313, 2236, 29897, 2117, 3097, 29936, 313, 25609, 29897, 22275, 6906, 29936, 313, 440, 29897, 980, 1397, 2877, 29936, 322, 313, 29894, 29897, 777, 916, 23228, 2769, 29889, 960, 727, 338, 263, 19998, 6534, 2769, 304, 18918, 385, 19001, 29892, 278, 18918, 284, 674, 871, 367, 6534, 565, 278, 9753, 428, 310, 18918, 284, 338, 15590, 297, 278, 14209, 322, 278, 5703, 261, 4477, 263, 6534, 1889, 297, 2779, 292, 278, 18918, 284, 29889, 13, 1552, 9434, 17507, 1818, 24809, 278, 2769, 370, 2435, 404, 310, 278, 5703, 261, 29915, 29879, 7512, 29892, 451, 278, 3233, 310, 297, 5143, 625, 304, 278, 19001, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 385, 4038, 988, 278, 3153, 14209, 310, 278, 1206, 674, 367, 12187, 29889, 1551, 278, 697, 1361, 29892, 565, 385, 19001, 756, 2309, 1554, 393, 338, 12879, 27302, 470, 297, 2078, 496, 310, 8018, 24378, 7606, 11780, 3763, 1363, 670, 289, 2209, 5429, 1075, 304, 313, 392, 1728, 1139, 292, 670, 289, 2209, 470, 916, 16336, 22873, 511, 278, 18918, 284, 338, 5517, 304, 367, 6534, 29889, 13, 2951, 278, 916, 1361, 29892, 2125, 278, 1342, 310, 263, 20183, 19001, 1058, 338, 4433, 304, 437, 1554, 393, 1183, 23880, 338, 2743, 29892, 541, 607, 1183, 1258, 451, 1073, 471, 2869, 27302, 322, 607, 471, 451, 12879, 27302, 29889, 960, 278, 19001, 756, 10425, 902, 21838, 29892, 541, 902, 289, 2209, 1223, 1973, 902, 393, 278, 3236, 310, 3158, 338, 22691, 29892, 372, 338, 5517, 304, 367, 15590, 363, 278, 19001, 304, 316, 571, 304, 902, 289, 2209, 29915, 29879, 7621, 7134, 322, 7271, 29889, 512, 445, 10483, 29892, 372, 338, 5517, 304, 367, 29395, 1466, 304, 18918, 278, 19001, 29889, 910, 674, 367, 7148, 278, 1206, 565, 278, 19001, 884, 10425, 902, 21838, 411, 1790, 11558, 4509, 310, 13925, 470, 263, 4266, 391, 14311, 1316, 408, 5682, 284, 470, 3831, 13036, 29889, 13, 2744, 1228, 7037, 10483, 338, 988, 385, 19001, 9906, 393, 1183, 338, 1641, 4433, 304, 437, 1554, 27302, 322, 1183, 1153, 4637, 445, 5932, 304, 902, 289, 2209, 29892, 541, 902, 289, 2209, 10603, 902, 393, 565, 1183, 947, 451, 1101, 670, 11994, 1183, 674, 367, 18918, 287, 29889, 512, 445, 6434, 29892, 372, 338, 2215, 3109, 2821, 3692, 17602, 18918, 292, 278, 20183, 19001, 363, 2599, 825, 1183, 471, 5429, 723, 367, 6534, 29889, 450, 19001, 9906, 1183, 338, 2599, 1554, 27302, 29892, 541, 1183, 756, 10425, 445, 322, 756, 1063, 29513, 411, 18918, 284, 565, 1183, 947, 451, 437, 408, 1183, 756, 1063, 5429, 29889, 1551, 17346, 29892, 18918, 292, 278, 19001, 338, 5517, 304, 367, 29395, 1466, 29892, 5998, 278, 19001, 723, 367, 297, 263, 2253, 2602, 565, 1183, 750, 884, 10425, 902, 21838, 411, 1790, 901, 16336, 19001, 470, 263, 4266, 391, 14311, 1316, 408, 5682, 284, 470, 3831, 13036, 1058, 750, 884, 5429, 902, 925, 304, 437, 408, 902, 289, 2209, 750, 5429, 902, 29889, 13, 10495, 2376, 414, 1122, 3700, 278, 6434, 988, 22873, 526, 13138, 1422, 6910, 310, 825, 9559, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29892, 263, 901, 20183, 19001, 1122, 394, 4424, 393, 540, 10425, 21838, 541, 471, 11826, 491, 670, 8455, 304, 8677, 714, 902, 11994, 29892, 13452, 278, 8455, 1122, 2106, 393, 278, 5703, 261, 2360, 10425, 738, 21838, 29889, 512, 445, 10483, 29892, 278, 1206, 310, 2598, 347, 325, 2994, 284, 22582, 19806, 29871, 306, 11341, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29929, 338, 18690, 573, 29889, 512, 393, 1206, 29892, 372, 471, 8459, 393, 565, 385, 5703, 261, 29892, 15020, 19436, 714, 263, 2989, 22522, 29892, 2609, 12439, 278, 3153, 13949, 19428, 29898, 29879, 29897, 1058, 338, 29914, 598, 14040, 363, 278, 3984, 535, 2199, 29892, 372, 1122, 367, 15590, 304, 18918, 599, 1906, 1058, 1033, 505, 1063, 14040, 29889, 13, 4013, 338, 263, 1407, 5189, 2602, 363, 385, 5703, 261, 29889, 319, 17346, 4225, 304, 367, 15469, 1546, 5622, 9226, 3158, 297, 8220, 304, 13925, 1058, 505, 19355, 10676, 14741, 310, 3984, 535, 2199, 322, 5662, 3864, 393, 22873, 526, 14914, 12558, 29889, 512, 1880, 8722, 4251, 763, 278, 1152, 1252, 885, 24258, 29892, 594, 3901, 970, 537, 508, 5948, 4556, 385, 5703, 261, 304, 20793, 901, 7113, 5622, 9226, 3158, 29892, 1584, 565, 727, 338, 278, 12045, 310, 14870, 16726, 515, 263, 18918, 287, 19001, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 372, 338, 4100, 363, 278, 5703, 261, 304, 11460, 297, 3458, 393, 29892, 565, 278, 19001, 756, 10425, 21838, 1048, 278, 980, 1397, 2877, 310, 11994, 29892, 738, 5703, 358, 9434, 17507, 5995, 338, 5517, 304, 3160, 263, 377, 391, 19982, 677, 292, 5995, 29892, 607, 674, 3349, 278, 2117, 373, 29395, 1466, 18918, 284, 22874, 362, 29889, 910, 508, 1121, 297, 278, 5703, 261, 14870, 7282, 7037, 11706, 619, 11614, 565, 263, 1353, 310, 22873, 526, 18918, 287, 322, 29914, 272, 278, 22873, 1058, 526, 18918, 287, 526, 1880, 2326, 8397, 29889, 739, 1122, 884, 2099, 393, 278, 5703, 261, 1033, 367, 297, 278, 5703, 358, 9434, 17507, 1407, 9098, 565, 278, 19001, 29892, 2534, 16831, 287, 377, 391, 19982, 677, 292, 29892, 16058, 363, 385, 1006, 326, 22514, 2629, 9881, 3841, 29889 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 25553, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 365, 6897, 8565, 1558, 291, 7613, 5977, 7525, 3080, 484, 25332, 29889, 13, 2499, 535, 22600, 23051, 435, 994, 269, 24870, 540, 29892, 5998, 1766, 569, 29892, 9378, 414, 278, 4889, 310, 278, 4824, 8910, 304, 2462, 10372, 304, 367, 14614, 6156, 29899, 4986, 5607, 29899, 29900, 29929, 478, 346, 360, 17204, 18440, 515, 278, 2030, 17567, 29892, 988, 2284, 2450, 8389, 29892, 2284, 2450, 338, 8988, 714, 29892, 5998, 2284, 2450, 367, 263, 7339, 322, 263, 12565, 29889, 13, 29963, 475, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29899, 29946, 29941, 29906, 18410, 2450, 17582, 325, 735, 800, 15722, 6041, 29892, 541, 2337, 325, 735, 800, 29889, 13, 12011, 750, 263, 5232, 12309, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 365, 6897, 393, 723, 748, 694, 8473, 1135, 2284, 2450, 471, 5331, 263, 11364, 29891, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 21029, 894, 29879, 8004, 29892, 263, 301, 2375, 14424, 297, 7316, 29892, 322, 2038, 599, 29892, 29811, 1821, 23503, 310, 3370, 577, 393, 29892, 2284, 2450, 338, 694, 4997, 29892, 565, 515, 599, 1438, 3078, 15620, 1033, 367, 23892, 29889, 13, 2831, 445, 2769, 1234, 505, 298, 2121, 517, 10434, 304, 748, 304, 1906, 310, 278, 1556, 29871, 29953, 29946, 29906, 29899, 29929, 29929, 29947, 18410, 2450, 530, 5956, 21246, 6434, 29892, 988, 727, 471, 278, 1900, 9973, 13396, 310, 21896, 3460, 29892, 25161, 29892, 322, 5001, 29892, 408, 278, 27683, 29879, 310, 350, 18303, 267, 297, 3444, 29892, 1906, 310, 1858, 3424, 631, 267, 373, 278, 4565, 4285, 310, 9556, 322, 10980, 12096, 29892, 1906, 310, 21311, 297, 28806, 29892, 1906, 310, 3182, 17630, 297, 323, 22142, 1384, 29892, 322, 7148, 1906, 310, 360, 3547, 14439, 29892, 607, 1234, 505, 278, 1556, 322, 472, 5164, 20084, 5204, 14927, 29889, 13, 1252, 314, 360, 17204, 349, 2176, 29871, 29946, 29896, 1919, 988, 5260, 15831, 29892, 13590, 310, 9184, 29892, 16612, 902, 1407, 5796, 1144, 408, 5796, 1312, 29889, 13, 4819, 542, 291, 29892, 304, 697, 1058, 27803, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 894, 29879, 670, 13590, 491, 10899, 332, 2738, 322, 1407, 4575, 13716, 374, 681, 3838, 29892, 1754, 694, 916, 736, 1135, 15142, 29892, 322, 304, 2367, 1075, 2989, 24169, 322, 454, 275, 545, 304, 9712, 670, 269, 552, 264, 607, 540, 2534, 16205, 2309, 29892, 322, 278, 14280, 13031, 29876, 975, 29892, 1728, 738, 3585, 310, 445, 29543, 749, 29892, 540, 24825, 297, 670, 2313, 10242, 988, 540, 750, 2175, 1283, 1434, 29889, 13, 855, 309, 1129, 2534, 19824, 515, 278, 25535, 310, 670, 4726, 29892, 988, 540, 5714, 6532, 29892, 4344, 29892, 322, 22535, 29892, 4432, 300, 374, 375, 2043, 1611, 29883, 10778, 8790, 1075, 29892, 297, 577, 2107, 263, 5796, 262, 310, 670, 4234, 29892, 2615, 411, 385, 563, 391, 28179, 2302, 264, 749, 29892, 4433, 1075, 565, 540, 750, 4520, 694, 6410, 1763, 607, 540, 1754, 1234, 29892, 1939, 322, 393, 29892, 6452, 4177, 29892, 3078, 471, 5714, 310, 1222, 314, 14348, 5811, 13273, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 4392, 3381, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 4392, 3381, 910, 884, 471, 278, 6593, 310, 278, 8578, 359, 13434, 5459, 275, 6098, 267, 29892, 746, 540, 5644, 294, 10835, 1497, 29892, 393, 1757, 881, 15252, 728, 6053, 411, 1316, 2712, 408, 723, 5785, 29892, 322, 1795, 411, 278, 12271, 10169, 278, 14280, 4671, 6352, 267, 997, 814, 2482, 29892, 7813, 4006, 3014, 4658, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 435, 29940, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29946, 29900, 29124, 625, 4392, 3381, 322, 8959, 263, 19396, 767, 2360, 1232, 267, 3099, 565, 540, 505, 3654, 29889, 13, 4013, 10404, 1122, 505, 15401, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 21029, 894, 29879, 18232, 287, 670, 26414, 2750, 278, 5962, 263, 6893, 315, 29906, 29900, 29929, 29900, 29899, 29945, 29945, 29900, 1222, 314, 4321, 894, 29879, 3064, 297, 263, 2462, 29892, 3447, 540, 674, 367, 472, 670, 1425, 1484, 269, 408, 3770, 1082, 322, 380, 332, 4518, 408, 1434, 29889, 13, 5618, 15823, 514, 349, 4316, 29878, 14116, 297, 278, 10555, 540, 20722, 2750, 278, 2138, 352, 951, 3845, 375, 297, 12730, 674, 9080, 502, 304, 1716, 11976, 363, 2466, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 29124, 625, 1222, 314, 894, 29879, 491, 14653, 2736, 292, 670, 2022, 1090, 278, 5075, 473, 310, 13727, 23435, 322, 3907, 1075, 19531, 670, 1914, 29892, 540, 563, 283, 3116, 23244, 21634, 670, 1914, 2834, 29892, 3447, 29892, 491, 393, 1407, 2794, 29892, 540, 471, 411, 284, 1407, 2978, 2734, 964, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 29301, 16886, 349, 2176, 278, 916, 286, 783, 2575, 310, 19035, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 21029, 894, 29879, 1222, 314, 14348, 278, 10555, 29889, 13, 29923, 29873, 3025, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 325, 861, 10345, 2310, 992, 455, 425, 29916, 532, 8828, 487, 707, 1126, 472, 3309, 322, 411, 14656, 338, 263, 13382, 6496, 491, 867, 2575, 363, 14401, 749, 319, 29923, 484, 333, 29892, 325, 346, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29896, 512, 278, 1370, 393, 19693, 1754, 2501, 278, 9449, 340, 310, 4088, 2259, 310, 14198, 653, 29892, 1048, 350, 6191, 29892, 263, 767, 472, 10188, 471, 10734, 4586, 8369, 310, 491, 1432, 697, 363, 670, 13512, 11798, 424, 10468, 297, 263, 3058, 29871, 29896, 29999, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896, 29945, 530, 5956, 11735, 322, 29892, 9815, 29892, 10712, 844, 2760, 29892, 322, 301, 1166, 287, 29892, 1641, 2175, 7123, 2501, 278, 2058, 541, 491, 5642, 577, 1568, 408, 491, 390, 1759, 1512, 29883, 29892, 263, 5332, 18120, 29892, 1058, 471, 29047, 427, 314, 14076, 310, 577, 10812, 263, 659, 473, 29889, 13, 29911, 275, 694, 3578, 2655, 304, 1207, 263, 1854, 22162, 271, 2284, 2450, 674, 367, 3307, 363, 502, 304, 437, 1728, 24907, 916, 3896, 558, 4637, 29889, 13, 5328, 1568, 901, 27189, 723, 2284, 2450, 367, 304, 1074, 1009, 4413, 380, 3973, 287, 411, 7933, 11308, 322, 2691, 18281, 29892, 1135, 411, 278, 6668, 1486, 380, 17204, 310, 29773, 305, 322, 674, 1242, 399, 406, 2284, 2450, 2175, 304, 590, 20520, 29889, 13, 29968, 292, 29651, 471, 20668, 29871, 29896, 29999 ]
Home News Briefs Vista Outdoor closes sale of eyewear brands Vista Outdoor closes sale of eyewear brands Luisa Beltran Vista Outdoor Inc said Sept. 4 that it completed the sale of its eyewear brands Bollé, Cébé and Serengeti. Vista Outdoor's net proceeds from the sale was about $154 million. In July, Vista Outdoor said it reached a deal to sell the eyewear brands to a "significant" European PE fund. FARMINGTON, Utah, Sept. 4, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Vista Outdoor Inc. ("Vista Outdoor") (NYSE: VSTO) announced today that it has completed the divestiture of the legal entities operating its Bollé, Cébé and Serengeti brands (the "Eyewear Brands"). "Completing the sale of our Eyewear brands is a positive step in our strategic transformation plan," said Chris Metz, Vista Outdoor's Chief Executive Officer. "We believe this is a mutually beneficial arrangement for both parties, and we are excited that the buyer will help these iconic brands thrive." Vista Outdoor announced its intention sell the Eyewear business in November of 2017. In May of 2018, the company announced its transformation plan to explore strategic options for several brands outside of the company's core markets of ammunition, hunting and shooting accessories, hydration bottles and packs, and outdoor cooking products. In July, the company announced it had entered into a definitive agreement to sell the eyewear brands to an entity controlled by a significant European private equity fund. Gross proceeds from the divestiture were $158 million. Vista Outdoor's net proceeds from the sale, after certain transaction adjustments and financial advisor fees, were approximately $154 million. The purchase price will be subject to a customary post-closing true-up for working capital and other items. "We are eager to build on the momentum from this sale," said Metz. "We are hard at work on the next stage of our transformation plan and confident in our ability to put Vista Outdoor on a path for future success." Robert W. Baird & Co. served as transaction and financial advisor and Reed Smith LLP served as legal advisor to Vista Outdoor in connection with the transaction. About Vista Outdoor Inc. Vista Outdoor is a leading global designer, manufacturer and marketer of consumer products in the growing outdoor sports and recreation markets. The company operates in two segments, Outdoor Products and Shooting Sports, and has a portfolio of well-recognized brands that provides consumers with a wide range of performance-driven, high-quality and innovative products for individual outdoor recreational pursuits. Vista Outdoor products are sold at leading retailers and distributors across North America and worldwide. Vista Outdoor is headquartered in Farmington, Utah and has manufacturing operations and facilities in 13 U.S. States, Canada, Mexico and Puerto Rico along with international sales and sourcing operations in Asia, Australia, Canada, and Europe. For news and information visit www.vistaoutdoor.com or follow us on Twitter @VistaOutdoorInc and Facebook at www.facebook.com/vistaoutdoor. Forward-Looking Statements Certain statements in this press release and other oral and written statements made by Vista Outdoor from time to time are forward-looking statements, including those that discuss, among other things: Vista Outdoor's plans, objectives, expectations, intentions, strategies, goals, outlook or other non-historical matters; projections with respect to future revenues, income, earnings per share or other financial measures for Vista Outdoor; and the assumptions that underlie these matters. The words 'believe', 'expect', 'anticipate', 'intend', 'aim', 'should' and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. To the extent that any such information is forward-looking, it is intended to fit within the safe harbor for forward-looking information provided by the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Numerous risks, uncertainties and other factors could cause Vista Outdoor's actual results to differ materially from expectations described in such forward-looking statements,
[ -0.3926663466621586, -0.4145811535261388 ]
[ -0.1104124715994344, -0.7469809322550394 ]
[ -1.1016217919234153, -1.2943761098526196 ]
[ -1.0674771904326226, -0.8281511257533573 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 8778, 10130, 1771, 2575, 29879, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 4694, 267, 14686, 310, 10977, 705, 279, 1506, 4167, 13, 29963, 2079, 4451, 17433, 4694, 267, 14686, 310, 10977, 705, 279, 1506, 4167, 13, 29931, 4664, 29874, 3741, 509, 273, 13, 29963, 2079, 4451, 17433, 9266, 1497, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29946, 393, 372, 8676, 278, 14686, 310, 967, 10977, 705, 279, 1506, 4167, 350, 3028, 29948, 29892, 315, 10126, 29948, 322, 1816, 264, 657, 29875, 29889, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 29915, 29879, 7787, 8469, 29879, 515, 278, 14686, 471, 1048, 395, 29896, 29945, 29946, 7284, 29889, 512, 5468, 29892, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 1497, 372, 7450, 263, 5376, 304, 19417, 278, 10977, 705, 279, 1506, 4167, 304, 263, 376, 4530, 928, 424, 29908, 7824, 349, 29923, 5220, 29889, 13, 29943, 1718, 29924, 4214, 29911, 1164, 29892, 14950, 801, 29892, 28742, 29889, 29871, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 847, 10593, 4373, 2774, 533, 29914, 813, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 9266, 29889, 4852, 29963, 2079, 4451, 17433, 1159, 313, 29940, 29979, 1660, 29901, 478, 1254, 29949, 29897, 9326, 9826, 393, 372, 756, 8676, 278, 1933, 342, 17252, 310, 278, 11706, 16212, 13598, 967, 350, 3028, 29948, 29892, 315, 10126, 29948, 322, 1816, 264, 657, 29875, 1506, 4167, 313, 1552, 376, 29923, 4099, 705, 279, 1771, 4167, 2564, 13, 29908, 8909, 1259, 278, 14686, 310, 1749, 382, 4099, 705, 279, 1506, 4167, 338, 263, 6374, 4331, 297, 1749, 16650, 293, 13852, 3814, 1699, 1497, 12821, 4737, 29920, 29892, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 29915, 29879, 14546, 28841, 28288, 29889, 376, 4806, 4658, 445, 338, 263, 5478, 1474, 7795, 5611, 24628, 363, 1716, 13973, 29892, 322, 591, 526, 24173, 393, 278, 1321, 7598, 674, 1371, 1438, 9849, 293, 1506, 4167, 266, 4401, 1213, 13, 29963, 2079, 4451, 17433, 9326, 967, 16392, 19417, 278, 382, 4099, 705, 279, 5381, 297, 3979, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 512, 2610, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 278, 5001, 9326, 967, 13852, 3814, 304, 26987, 16650, 293, 3987, 363, 3196, 1506, 4167, 5377, 310, 278, 5001, 29915, 29879, 7136, 2791, 1691, 310, 626, 24579, 654, 29892, 29826, 322, 27904, 2130, 3842, 29892, 27246, 29878, 362, 18046, 793, 322, 4870, 29879, 29892, 322, 714, 17433, 7984, 292, 9316, 29889, 512, 5468, 29892, 278, 5001, 9326, 372, 750, 7802, 964, 263, 8422, 573, 17327, 304, 19417, 278, 10977, 705, 279, 1506, 4167, 304, 385, 7855, 20704, 491, 263, 7282, 7824, 2024, 1592, 537, 5220, 29889, 13, 29954, 2124, 8469, 29879, 515, 278, 1933, 342, 17252, 892, 395, 29896, 29945, 29947, 7284, 29889, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 29915, 29879, 7787, 8469, 29879, 515, 278, 14686, 29892, 1156, 3058, 10804, 10365, 1860, 322, 18161, 594, 19188, 1238, 267, 29892, 892, 14235, 395, 29896, 29945, 29946, 7284, 29889, 450, 20590, 8666, 674, 367, 4967, 304, 263, 2888, 653, 1400, 29899, 11291, 292, 1565, 29899, 786, 363, 1985, 7483, 322, 916, 4452, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 526, 19888, 304, 2048, 373, 278, 19399, 515, 445, 14686, 1699, 1497, 4737, 29920, 29889, 376, 4806, 526, 2898, 472, 664, 373, 278, 2446, 7408, 310, 1749, 13852, 3814, 322, 24332, 297, 1749, 11509, 304, 1925, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 373, 263, 2224, 363, 5434, 2551, 1213, 13, 9588, 2151, 399, 29889, 350, 1466, 29881, 669, 3189, 29889, 6766, 408, 10804, 322, 18161, 594, 19188, 322, 830, 287, 7075, 365, 13208, 6766, 408, 11706, 594, 19188, 304, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 297, 3957, 411, 278, 10804, 29889, 13, 28173, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 9266, 29889, 13, 29963, 2079, 4451, 17433, 338, 263, 8236, 5534, 23383, 29892, 12012, 9945, 322, 2791, 1308, 310, 21691, 9316, 297, 278, 15678, 714, 17433, 14717, 322, 28709, 362, 2791, 1691, 29889, 450, 5001, 1751, 1078, 297, 1023, 24611, 29892, 4451, 17433, 10969, 29879, 322, 17550, 11427, 12453, 29892, 322, 756, 263, 2011, 25648, 310, 1532, 29899, 29423, 1891, 1506, 4167, 393, 8128, 11233, 414, 411, 263, 9377, 3464, 310, 4180, 29899, 24477, 854, 29892, 1880, 29899, 29567, 322, 24233, 1230, 9316, 363, 5375, 714, 17433, 28709, 1288, 12359, 19544, 29889, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 9316, 526, 5239, 472, 8236, 3240, 737, 414, 322, 22965, 29560, 4822, 4644, 6813, 322, 3186, 8157, 29889, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 338, 2343, 339, 4254, 287, 297, 23354, 4885, 29892, 14950, 801, 322, 756, 12012, 3864, 6931, 322, 23330, 297, 29871, 29896, 29941, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 3900, 29892, 7400, 29892, 12568, 322, 21810, 26421, 3412, 411, 6121, 16538, 322, 269, 473, 3277, 6931, 297, 14325, 29892, 8314, 29892, 7400, 29892, 322, 4092, 29889, 1152, 9763, 322, 2472, 6493, 7821, 29889, 29894, 2079, 449, 17433, 29889, 510, 470, 1101, 502, 373, 20147, 732, 29963, 2079, 3744, 17433, 797, 29883, 322, 13327, 472, 7821, 29889, 15445, 29889, 510, 29914, 29894, 2079, 449, 17433, 29889, 13, 2831, 1328, 29899, 14959, 292, 6666, 4110, 13, 29907, 13946, 9506, 297, 445, 3965, 6507, 322, 916, 470, 284, 322, 3971, 9506, 1754, 491, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 515, 931, 304, 931, 526, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 29892, 3704, 1906, 393, 5353, 29892, 4249, 916, 2712, 29901, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 29915, 29879, 13900, 29892, 1203, 3145, 29892, 2149, 800, 29892, 7609, 1080, 29892, 16650, 583, 29892, 14433, 29892, 714, 6914, 470, 916, 1661, 29899, 16211, 936, 13750, 29936, 410, 24247, 411, 3390, 304, 5434, 20957, 1041, 29892, 17869, 29892, 2326, 11753, 639, 6232, 470, 916, 18161, 15366, 363, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 29936, 322, 278, 20813, 393, 1090, 3197, 1438, 13750, 29889, 450, 3838, 525, 6596, 2418, 742, 525, 17854, 742, 525, 7716, 666, 403, 742, 525, 524, 355, 742, 525, 29874, 326, 742, 525, 9344, 29915, 322, 2788, 12241, 526, 9146, 304, 12439, 1316, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 29889, 1763, 278, 15834, 393, 738, 1316, 2472, 338, 6375, 29899, 23261, 29892, 372, 338, 9146, 304, 6216, 2629, 278, 9109, 4023, 4089, 363, 6375, 29899, 23261, 2472, 4944, 491, 278, 12230, 5356, 332, 1907, 21395, 335, 362, 23933, 3185, 310, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29945, 29889, 405, 4680, 681, 5161, 2039, 29892, 443, 6327, 2365, 583, 322, 916, 13879, 1033, 4556, 478, 2079, 4451, 17433, 29915, 29879, 3935, 2582, 304, 1163, 5518, 368, 515, 2149, 800, 5439, 297, 1316, 6375, 29899, 23261, 9506, 29892 ]
Visitors on Campus Dr. Yogesh Snehi, Ambedkar University, Delhi, gave a talk on Urs, Qawwali and Memorialising Sufi Saints of Punjab. Oncology medical team from Continental Hospital gave a talk on cancer awareness, prevention, early detection, cure, and palliation as part of World Cancer Day celebration. Sri Gunaranjan founder of United Care Development Services gave a talk on Joy of Giving Early. Dr. Mazharuddin Syed Ahmed, Technology Evangelist gave a talk on Integrating Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Virtual Design and Construction (VDC) in Architectural Curriculum. Prof. B Ananthanarayan, IISc Bangalore gave a talk on Joys of Discovery in Modern Research. Prof. Petri Toiviainen from University of Jyväskylä gave a KCIS Invited talk on Machine Learning in Music Research. Dr. Vineet Vashista, IIT Gandhinagar gave a talk on Human-Robot Collaboration – A Focus on System Design and Control. Social activist Dr. Sandeep Pandey gave a talk on present discontent in society and its future consequences. Dr. C Mohan, IBM Fellow at the IBM Almaden Research Center, Silicon Valley and a Distinguished Visiting Professor at Tsinghua University, China gave a talk on State of permissionless and permissioned blockchains: myths and reality. Dr. Yu Wang, Tsinghua University gave a talk on Neural Networks on Chip Design from the Users perspective. Prof. Amit Sheth gave a talk on Knowledge Graphs and their central role in big data processing: Past, Present, and Future on. Prof. Philippe Fournier-Viger, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China on Algorithms to Discover High Utility Patterns in Symbolic Data. Alumnus Tarun Nayak (IPS), batch of 2002-2006 gave a talk on Journey from IIIT to Government and interacted with the students. Prof. Martin Banks, University of California, Berkeley gave a distinguished lecture on Picture Perception. Dr. Mohit Kumar, Data Scientist at Udaan gave a talk on Data Science Challenges in trillion dollar B2B e-commerce. Prof. Raghu Santanam, McCord Endowed Chair of Business, W P Carey School of Business, Arizona State University delivered a KCIS Invited Talk on AI & Future of Work. Dr. Srinath Sridhar, Stanford University gave a talk on Digitizing Human Physical Interactions and Skills from Visual Data. Prof. Takayuki Arai, Department of Information and Communication Sciences, Faculty of Science and Technology, Sophia University, Japan gave a ISCA Distinguished Lecture on Introduction to Speech Science with Vocal-tract Models. Prof. Raymond M Klein, Professor Emeritus, Department of Psychology & Neuroscience, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada gave a Distinguished Lecture on Applications of Experimental Psychology to Real World Problems. Prof. Subbarao Kambhampati, Department of Computer Science at Arizona State University gave a talk on Synthesizing Explainable Behavior for Human-AI Collaboration. Dr. Sajan Goud Lingala, Assistant Professor at the Roy J Carver Department of Biomedical Engineering, and Department of Radiology, University of Iowa gave a talk on Seeing speech using novel high speed magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Mr. Sandeep Gupta, Product Manager for TensorFlow at Google presented an Overview of TensorFlow and its ecosystem . Madhuri Gaddam, UG2k11 batch gave a talk in which she shared her experiences, in life and beyond and interacted with students and faculty. Mr. Akun Sabharwal, IPS Officer gave a talk on Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances' Abuse. Dr. Ram Mohan Vadapalli, Radiologist at Vijaya Diagnostics, Hyderabad gave a talk on My Brain in relation to the use of Substance. Mr. Baijesh Ramesh, Psychotherapist, Chetna Hospital gave a talk on A Mind Body Behaviour and Substance Use – An Encounter with Hungry Ghosts
[ -0.045453625410972864, -0.11376618743228605 ]
[ 1.1403415924454041, 1.1260165637949262 ]
[ 1.0643280437547507, 0.9628784027393797 ]
[ -0.3130798126392862, 0.1811805383287618 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 5741, 17259, 373, 7259, 375, 13, 25639, 29889, 612, 468, 12094, 317, 484, 2918, 29892, 1913, 2580, 5689, 3014, 29892, 5556, 2918, 29892, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 18373, 29892, 660, 1450, 29893, 2606, 322, 19722, 5921, 317, 1137, 29875, 14342, 1372, 310, 349, 348, 29926, 370, 29889, 13, 2951, 1054, 6933, 16083, 3815, 515, 2866, 25270, 15967, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 23900, 3773, 8326, 404, 29892, 5557, 291, 29892, 4688, 15326, 29892, 274, 545, 29892, 322, 5112, 492, 362, 408, 760, 310, 2787, 1815, 2265, 8373, 10894, 362, 29889, 13, 29903, 374, 21429, 23029, 8931, 25331, 310, 3303, 10057, 14650, 15538, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 26515, 310, 402, 4357, 11095, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 17326, 8222, 566, 24581, 8713, 287, 9070, 2168, 29892, 17968, 21827, 391, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 17100, 1218, 17166, 10343, 3382, 7807, 313, 29933, 7833, 29897, 322, 19181, 12037, 322, 5798, 4080, 313, 10699, 29907, 29897, 297, 2595, 4496, 3631, 315, 1038, 12906, 398, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 29889, 350, 530, 9716, 273, 279, 388, 273, 29892, 1944, 4421, 14320, 284, 487, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 3650, 952, 310, 8565, 22205, 297, 14624, 10550, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 29889, 5879, 374, 1763, 440, 423, 7026, 515, 3014, 310, 435, 29891, 10424, 808, 2904, 29986, 4846, 263, 476, 29907, 3235, 15518, 1573, 5193, 373, 6189, 29257, 297, 6125, 10550, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 478, 457, 300, 478, 1161, 2079, 29892, 306, 1806, 28572, 11222, 28641, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 12968, 29899, 21860, 327, 13435, 3717, 362, 785, 319, 383, 5421, 373, 2184, 12037, 322, 11264, 29889, 13, 6295, 1455, 5039, 391, 4942, 29889, 3087, 24535, 349, 4182, 29891, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 2198, 766, 3051, 297, 12459, 322, 967, 5434, 27721, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 315, 12929, 273, 29892, 27955, 25940, 472, 278, 27955, 838, 29885, 4858, 10550, 7817, 29892, 5664, 4144, 13939, 322, 263, 6652, 6202, 3276, 5741, 11407, 11386, 472, 323, 2976, 29882, 3357, 3014, 29892, 7551, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 4306, 310, 10751, 2222, 322, 10751, 287, 2908, 305, 2708, 29901, 22082, 29879, 322, 16832, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 27669, 23856, 29892, 323, 2976, 29882, 3357, 3014, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 2448, 3631, 8527, 29879, 373, 678, 666, 12037, 515, 278, 23861, 18520, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 29889, 1913, 277, 1383, 621, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 19320, 5485, 12367, 29879, 322, 1009, 6555, 6297, 297, 4802, 848, 9068, 29901, 19793, 29892, 4360, 296, 29892, 322, 16367, 373, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 29889, 18442, 383, 2905, 631, 29899, 29963, 4087, 29892, 3536, 2109, 8907, 310, 17968, 29892, 1383, 4666, 3169, 29892, 7551, 373, 11545, 12404, 304, 8565, 957, 5057, 22310, 537, 25860, 29879, 297, 23858, 293, 3630, 29889, 13, 2499, 1227, 375, 11740, 348, 405, 388, 557, 313, 5690, 29903, 511, 9853, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29906, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 435, 473, 3801, 515, 1944, 1806, 304, 10354, 322, 16254, 287, 411, 278, 8041, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 29889, 6502, 350, 1331, 29892, 3014, 310, 8046, 29892, 2292, 27279, 4846, 263, 20660, 29197, 373, 28908, 2431, 1441, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 12929, 277, 476, 24540, 29892, 3630, 23753, 391, 472, 501, 1388, 273, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 3630, 9327, 678, 16047, 267, 297, 534, 453, 291, 11232, 279, 350, 29906, 29933, 321, 29899, 22529, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 29889, 390, 351, 6905, 4169, 273, 314, 29892, 15612, 536, 2796, 20937, 24193, 310, 15197, 29892, 399, 349, 10057, 29891, 4523, 310, 15197, 29892, 23716, 4306, 3014, 20115, 263, 476, 29907, 3235, 15518, 1573, 323, 2235, 373, 319, 29902, 669, 16367, 310, 5244, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 317, 17056, 493, 317, 2429, 8222, 29892, 7813, 4006, 3014, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 10951, 277, 5281, 12968, 11661, 936, 4124, 7387, 322, 4971, 6090, 515, 9249, 3630, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 29889, 14619, 388, 19267, 319, 17016, 29892, 10317, 310, 10343, 322, 22365, 362, 17253, 29892, 14184, 18857, 310, 9327, 322, 17968, 29892, 19122, 423, 3014, 29892, 5546, 4846, 263, 8519, 5454, 6652, 6202, 3276, 365, 522, 545, 373, 27576, 304, 5013, 5309, 9327, 411, 478, 18642, 29899, 29873, 1461, 3382, 1379, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 29889, 21380, 341, 21151, 29892, 11386, 27718, 277, 375, 29892, 10317, 310, 16777, 3002, 669, 17574, 1883, 15277, 29892, 9400, 29882, 681, 347, 3014, 29892, 8142, 361, 1165, 29892, 16216, 11032, 423, 29892, 7400, 4846, 263, 6652, 6202, 3276, 365, 522, 545, 373, 2401, 5795, 310, 1222, 27910, 16777, 3002, 304, 8195, 2787, 11583, 29879, 29889, 13, 1184, 29888, 29889, 3323, 1646, 6241, 476, 1117, 29882, 1160, 2219, 29892, 10317, 310, 20972, 9327, 472, 23716, 4306, 3014, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 10829, 26041, 5281, 12027, 7420, 519, 1522, 16300, 363, 12968, 29899, 23869, 13435, 3717, 362, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 317, 1175, 273, 402, 2736, 365, 292, 2883, 29892, 4007, 22137, 11386, 472, 278, 15793, 435, 1704, 369, 10317, 310, 3457, 27067, 936, 22557, 29892, 322, 10317, 310, 4957, 29875, 3002, 29892, 3014, 310, 25327, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 2823, 292, 12032, 773, 9554, 1880, 6210, 15611, 27396, 749, 6382, 292, 313, 29924, 3960, 467, 13, 20335, 29889, 3087, 24535, 2088, 28363, 29892, 10969, 15629, 363, 323, 6073, 17907, 472, 5087, 9132, 385, 6811, 1493, 310, 323, 6073, 17907, 322, 967, 321, 3944, 973, 869, 13, 21878, 29882, 5338, 402, 1202, 314, 29892, 501, 29954, 29906, 29895, 29896, 29896, 9853, 4846, 263, 5193, 297, 607, 1183, 7258, 902, 27482, 29892, 297, 2834, 322, 8724, 322, 16254, 287, 411, 8041, 322, 4024, 18857, 29889, 13, 20335, 29889, 10813, 348, 11775, 8222, 14625, 29892, 5641, 29903, 28288, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 405, 5666, 13574, 16597, 3174, 322, 16777, 28467, 293, 3323, 303, 2925, 29915, 1976, 1509, 29889, 13, 25639, 29889, 8292, 12929, 273, 478, 328, 481, 284, 492, 29892, 4957, 29875, 19915, 472, 478, 823, 9010, 4671, 20921, 29892, 9665, 672, 20143, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 1619, 5032, 262, 297, 8220, 304, 278, 671, 310, 3323, 303, 749, 29889, 13, 20335, 29889, 6000, 823, 12094, 390, 1280, 29882, 29892, 16777, 1228, 481, 391, 29892, 678, 300, 1056, 15967, 4846, 263, 5193, 373, 319, 20152, 24928, 1522, 8708, 8975, 322, 3323, 303, 749, 4803, 785, 530, 11346, 5336, 411, 16899, 14793, 402, 23525 ]
import { Component, Input } from "@angular/core"; import { ApiDefinition } from "../../../components/api/api.component"; import { SuiPopupConfig } from "ng2-semantic-ui"; const exampleStandardTemplate = ` <button class="ui green icon button" suiPopup popupHeader="Example" popupText="This is an example popup"> <i class="add icon"></i> </button> `; const exampleTemplateTemplate = ` <ng-template let-popup #popupTemplate> <div class="header">Rating</div> <div class="content"> <sui-rating class="star" (click)="popup.close()"></sui-rating> </div> </ng-template> <button class="ui icon button" suiPopup [popupTemplate]="popupTemplate" popupTrigger="outsideClick"> <i class="star icon"></i> Rate </button> `; const examplePlacementTemplate = ` <div class="ui card" suiPopup popupText="You can customise my placement!" popupInverted [popupPlacement]="position"> <div class="content"> <div class="header">Positioning</div> <div class="description"> Popup placement can be anywhere around the content. </div> </div> </div> `; @Component({ selector: "demo-page-popup", templateUrl: "./popup.page.html" }) export class PopupPage { public api:ApiDefinition = [ { selector: "[suiPopup]", properties: [ { name: "popupText", type: "string", description: "Sets the text within the popup." }, { name: "popupHeader", type: "string", description: "Sets the title of the popup." }, { name: "popupPlacement", type: "PopupPlacement", description: "Sets the placement of the popup relative to the anchor.", defaultValue: "top left" }, { name: "popupInverted", type: "boolean", description: "When <code>true</code> the popup has a black background with white text.", defaultValue: "false" }, { name: "popupTrigger", type: "PopupTrigger", description: "Specifies the trigger for the popup. Options are: <code>hover</code>, " + "<code>click</code>, <code>outsideClick</code>, <code>focus</code> & <code>manual</code>.", defaultValue: "hover" }, { name: "popupDelay", type: "number", description: "Sets the time delay in milliseconds before the popup opens after triggered.", defaultValue: "0" }, { name: "popupTemplate", type: "TemplateRef<ITemplatePopupContext<T>>", description: "Sets the template to use when rendering the popup." }, { name: "popupTemplateContext", type: "T", description: "Sets the context object available to the popup template." }, { name: "popupBasic", type: "boolean", description: "When <code>true</code> the popup's arrow is hidden.", defaultValue: "false" }, { name: "popupTransition", type: "string", description: "Sets the transition to use when displaying the popup.", defaultValue: "scale" }, { name: "popupTransitionDuration", type: "number", description: "Sets the duration of the transition used when displaying the popup.", defaultValue: "200" }, { name: "popupConfig", type: "IPopupConfig",
[ -0.43649596039011895, -1.311718559520327 ]
[ -1.0012501908010194, -1.5026261935677405 ]
[ 0.19693361307333052, -0.6355875035090558 ]
[ 0.20719424101129064, -0.22463322351868814 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1053, 426, 15924, 29892, 10567, 500, 515, 17962, 6825, 29914, 3221, 1769, 13, 5215, 426, 29749, 14683, 500, 515, 376, 21546, 6995, 14036, 29914, 2754, 29914, 2754, 29889, 9700, 1769, 13, 5215, 426, 317, 1481, 12310, 786, 3991, 500, 515, 376, 865, 29906, 29899, 12846, 7716, 29899, 1481, 1769, 13, 13, 3075, 1342, 15449, 6733, 353, 421, 13, 29966, 3092, 770, 543, 1481, 7933, 9849, 2826, 29908, 480, 29875, 12310, 786, 18218, 7850, 543, 14023, 29908, 18218, 1626, 543, 4013, 338, 385, 1342, 18218, 1013, 13, 1678, 529, 29875, 770, 543, 1202, 9849, 5319, 29875, 29958, 13, 829, 3092, 29958, 13, 21966, 13, 13, 3075, 1342, 6733, 6733, 353, 421, 13, 29966, 865, 29899, 6886, 1235, 29899, 7323, 786, 396, 7323, 786, 6733, 29958, 13, 1678, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 6672, 1013, 29934, 1218, 829, 4563, 29958, 13, 1678, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 3051, 1013, 13, 4706, 529, 29879, 1481, 29899, 29741, 770, 543, 8508, 29908, 313, 3808, 29897, 543, 7323, 786, 29889, 5358, 580, 5319, 29879, 1481, 29899, 29741, 29958, 13, 1678, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 829, 865, 29899, 6886, 29958, 13, 29966, 3092, 770, 543, 1481, 9849, 2826, 29908, 480, 29875, 12310, 786, 518, 7323, 786, 6733, 24927, 7323, 786, 6733, 29908, 18218, 20211, 543, 449, 2975, 4164, 1013, 13, 1678, 529, 29875, 770, 543, 8508, 9849, 5319, 29875, 29958, 390, 403, 13, 829, 3092, 29958, 13, 21966, 13, 13, 3075, 1342, 29925, 9552, 6733, 353, 421, 13, 29966, 4563, 770, 543, 1481, 5881, 29908, 480, 29875, 12310, 786, 18218, 1626, 543, 3492, 508, 2888, 895, 590, 2174, 13561, 3850, 18218, 797, 1765, 287, 518, 7323, 786, 29925, 9552, 24927, 3283, 1013, 13, 1678, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 3051, 1013, 13, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 6672, 1013, 8003, 292, 829, 4563, 29958, 13, 4706, 529, 4563, 770, 543, 8216, 1013, 13, 9651, 6977, 786, 2174, 13561, 508, 367, 12214, 2820, 278, 2793, 29889, 13, 4706, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 1678, 1533, 4563, 29958, 13, 829, 4563, 29958, 13, 21966, 13, 13, 29992, 5308, 3319, 13, 1678, 11764, 29901, 376, 17482, 29899, 3488, 29899, 7323, 786, 613, 13, 1678, 4472, 5983, 29901, 376, 6904, 7323, 786, 29889, 3488, 29889, 1420, 29908, 13, 1800, 13, 15843, 770, 6977, 786, 5074, 426, 13, 1678, 970, 7882, 29901, 11713, 14683, 353, 518, 13, 4706, 426, 13, 9651, 11764, 29901, 14704, 29879, 1481, 12310, 786, 29962, 613, 13, 9651, 4426, 29901, 518, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 1626, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 1807, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 29903, 1691, 278, 1426, 2629, 278, 18218, 1213, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 7850, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 1807, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 29903, 1691, 278, 3611, 310, 278, 18218, 1213, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 29925, 9552, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 12310, 786, 29925, 9552, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 29903, 1691, 278, 2174, 13561, 310, 278, 18218, 6198, 304, 278, 17360, 19602, 13, 462, 1678, 2322, 1917, 29901, 376, 3332, 2175, 29908, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 797, 1765, 287, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 20054, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 10401, 529, 401, 29958, 3009, 829, 401, 29958, 278, 18218, 756, 263, 4628, 3239, 411, 4796, 1426, 19602, 13, 462, 1678, 2322, 1917, 29901, 376, 4541, 29908, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 20211, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 12310, 786, 20211, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 10299, 11057, 278, 7135, 363, 278, 18218, 29889, 25186, 526, 29901, 529, 401, 29958, 13194, 829, 401, 10202, 376, 718, 13, 462, 462, 9872, 401, 29958, 3808, 829, 401, 10202, 529, 401, 29958, 449, 2975, 4164, 829, 401, 10202, 529, 401, 29958, 18037, 829, 401, 29958, 669, 529, 401, 29958, 11288, 829, 401, 15513, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 2322, 1917, 29901, 376, 13194, 29908, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 24996, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 4537, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 29903, 1691, 278, 931, 9055, 297, 3533, 21462, 1434, 278, 18218, 13246, 1156, 19799, 19602, 13, 462, 1678, 2322, 1917, 29901, 376, 29900, 29908, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 6733, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 6733, 5620, 29966, 1806, 331, 2341, 12310, 786, 2677, 29966, 29911, 6778, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 29903, 1691, 278, 4472, 304, 671, 746, 15061, 278, 18218, 1213, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 6733, 2677, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 29911, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 29903, 1691, 278, 3030, 1203, 3625, 304, 278, 18218, 4472, 1213, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 16616, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 20054, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 10401, 529, 401, 29958, 3009, 829, 401, 29958, 278, 18218, 29915, 29879, 16578, 338, 7934, 19602, 13, 462, 1678, 2322, 1917, 29901, 376, 4541, 29908, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 4300, 654, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 1807, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 29903, 1691, 278, 9558, 304, 671, 746, 16384, 278, 18218, 19602, 13, 462, 1678, 2322, 1917, 29901, 376, 7052, 29908, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 4300, 654, 18984, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 4537, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 6139, 29901, 376, 29903, 1691, 278, 14385, 310, 278, 9558, 1304, 746, 16384, 278, 18218, 19602, 13, 462, 1678, 2322, 1917, 29901, 376, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29908, 13, 18884, 2981, 13, 18884, 426, 13, 462, 1678, 1024, 29901, 376, 7323, 786, 3991, 613, 13, 462, 1678, 1134, 29901, 376, 5690, 459, 786, 3991, 613, 13, 462 ]
Fight Against Malaria Scourge In Nigeria: ALGON Identifies With Stakeholders In Asaba May 18, 2021 ..As WABIO FOUNDATION Presents Test And Treat Malaria Outreach Programme Medical Supplies Donated By The Ibru Organisation In the picture (From Left to Right: Mr. Emeka Ugwu-Oju, Founder, NESH Foundation; Hon. Kenneth Ibru, representing IBRU Organisation; Mrs. Ebele Enemchukwu, Founder, WABIO Foundation; Barrister Chiedu Ebie, Secretary to the State Government, Delta State; Dr. Mordi Ononye, Commissioner of Health, Delta State; National President, ALGON Hon. Kolade Alabi ably represented by Hon. Itiako Malik Ikpokpo, Chief of Staff to the National President, ALGON. ) In line with the National Malaria Elimination Programme (NMEP) and the World Health Organization's standards for the controls of Malaria pandemic in Nigeria, the Delta State Government has taken delivery of some kits and Malaria user-friendly medical products from the founder, NESH/Director, Fyodor Biotechnologies, Mr. Emeka Ogwu-Oju, who in the company of Hon. Kenneth Ibru, representing Ibru Foundation; Mrs Ebele Enemchukwu, Dr. Mordi Ononye, Commissioner of Health, Delta State; National President of ALGON Hon. Kolade Alabi ably represented by Hon. Itiako Malik Ikpokpo, Chief of Staff to President, ALGON through the founder WABIO Foundation; Barrister Chiedu Ebie, who doubles as the representative of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa and his Secretary to the State Government, Delta State. During the event, Governor Okowa used the opportunity to appreciate the efforts of the stakeholders and facilitators who in his words were 'Delta friendly' and benevolent. The Governor pledged the support of the state to strengthen the awareness campaign and have wider coverage across the state. It will be recalled that Nigeria is among the top high burden countries and one of the two epi-centers of malaria transmission across the globe. It has since the year 2000, continued to make progress in the fight against this preventable disease of which Malaria has been widely identified as almost high risk in the country of which its success story is incomplete without the mention of Malaria interventions by key stakeholders, Governments, donor agencies, NGOs and international partners and so on. Bearing in mind that it is a critical target of the Sustainable Development Goals, there have been some landmark improvements with renewed interest in research and innovations in diagnostic methods, drugs and vaccines, and the development of control measures to eradicate malaria. This was the trust and driving force of the donor the Ibru Foundation hence the supply of its Test and Treat Malaria Kit to the state. Speaking at the event the Founder NESH and IBRU Foundation were all of the views that Malaria is one of the most severe global public health problems worldwide, particularly in Africa, with Nigeria having the greatest number of malaria cases. They stated that the community-based study so far carried was designed to investigate the prevalence and risk factors of malaria and to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) regarding malaria among rural communities in Nigeria. NESH has continued with the implementation of a cross-section of community-based study which was conducted with considerations on demographic, socioeconomic, and environmental information as well as KAP data were collected using a pre-tested questionnaire. It seeks to provide massive awareness on the dangers of not using insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), and having no toilets in the house. Its channels of transmission, symptoms, and prevention of malaria, respectively. It was agreed that nipping it in the bud will yield a far-reaching result. It is in a bid to fast-track the fight against malaria, that ALGON through the National Executive Council approved the participation of the association in hope of its trickle-down effect to the grassroots when implemented. In the event, The representative of Hon Alabi Kolade David, ALGON National President who is the Chief of Staff to the National President had called for effective implementation, funding, and massive sensitization of the rural populace, Hon. It
[ -0.8432895628027509, -0.40636310095214623 ]
[ -0.2609651652873656, 0.3560462738317473 ]
[ -0.5033859400609008, 0.6686744437948046 ]
[ -1.2183566659912899, 0.1343558735002099 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 26650, 11454, 303, 3792, 4568, 2522, 473, 479, 512, 20537, 423, 29901, 14445, 29954, 1164, 13355, 11057, 2973, 624, 1296, 8948, 414, 512, 1094, 5363, 2610, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 13, 636, 2887, 399, 2882, 5971, 18322, 18783, 8098, 4360, 1237, 4321, 1126, 6479, 271, 3792, 4568, 4451, 276, 496, 7835, 1004, 20795, 9179, 3687, 3872, 630, 2648, 450, 306, 16670, 25783, 512, 278, 7623, 313, 4591, 19941, 304, 10428, 29901, 3237, 29889, 382, 1004, 1335, 501, 29887, 29893, 29884, 29899, 29949, 4900, 29892, 7460, 261, 29892, 405, 2890, 29950, 10606, 29936, 7906, 29889, 28576, 306, 16670, 29892, 15783, 306, 15176, 29965, 25783, 29936, 6285, 29889, 382, 915, 280, 1174, 331, 305, 2679, 29893, 29884, 29892, 7460, 261, 29892, 399, 2882, 5971, 10606, 29936, 2261, 29878, 1531, 678, 1000, 29884, 382, 10993, 29892, 17719, 304, 278, 4306, 10354, 29892, 360, 2554, 4306, 29936, 4942, 29889, 341, 536, 29875, 1551, 2592, 29872, 29892, 11444, 261, 310, 15202, 29892, 360, 2554, 4306, 29936, 3086, 7178, 29892, 14445, 29954, 1164, 7906, 29889, 10451, 1943, 838, 19266, 633, 368, 9875, 491, 7906, 29889, 739, 423, 2901, 3792, 638, 306, 29895, 29886, 554, 1129, 29892, 14546, 310, 15351, 304, 278, 3086, 7178, 29892, 14445, 29954, 1164, 29889, 1723, 512, 1196, 411, 278, 3086, 3792, 4568, 1260, 326, 3381, 7835, 1004, 313, 29940, 2303, 29925, 29897, 322, 278, 2787, 15202, 9205, 2133, 29915, 29879, 20801, 363, 278, 11761, 310, 3792, 4568, 7243, 24552, 297, 20537, 423, 29892, 278, 360, 2554, 4306, 10354, 756, 4586, 28289, 310, 777, 413, 1169, 322, 3792, 4568, 1404, 29899, 18326, 368, 16083, 9316, 515, 278, 25331, 29892, 405, 2890, 29950, 29914, 17392, 272, 29892, 383, 29891, 17606, 3457, 866, 3049, 11763, 29892, 3237, 29889, 382, 1004, 1335, 20807, 29893, 29884, 29899, 29949, 4900, 29892, 1058, 297, 278, 5001, 310, 7906, 29889, 28576, 306, 16670, 29892, 15783, 306, 16670, 10606, 29936, 6285, 382, 915, 280, 1174, 331, 305, 2679, 29893, 29884, 29892, 4942, 29889, 341, 536, 29875, 1551, 2592, 29872, 29892, 11444, 261, 310, 15202, 29892, 360, 2554, 4306, 29936, 3086, 7178, 310, 14445, 29954, 1164, 7906, 29889, 10451, 1943, 838, 19266, 633, 368, 9875, 491, 7906, 29889, 739, 423, 2901, 3792, 638, 306, 29895, 29886, 554, 1129, 29892, 14546, 310, 15351, 304, 7178, 29892, 14445, 29954, 1164, 1549, 278, 25331, 399, 2882, 5971, 10606, 29936, 2261, 29878, 1531, 678, 1000, 29884, 382, 10993, 29892, 1058, 27641, 408, 278, 21097, 310, 15431, 960, 29872, 1384, 29875, 3674, 5604, 322, 670, 17719, 304, 278, 4306, 10354, 29892, 360, 2554, 4306, 29889, 7133, 278, 1741, 29892, 15431, 3674, 5604, 1304, 278, 15130, 304, 11188, 278, 14231, 310, 278, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 322, 16089, 277, 4097, 1058, 297, 670, 3838, 892, 525, 5268, 19780, 29915, 322, 13982, 1555, 296, 29889, 450, 15431, 282, 839, 3192, 278, 2304, 310, 278, 2106, 304, 9324, 264, 278, 3773, 8326, 404, 11531, 322, 505, 25734, 23746, 4822, 278, 2106, 29889, 739, 674, 367, 337, 13998, 393, 20537, 423, 338, 4249, 278, 2246, 1880, 6866, 1145, 10916, 322, 697, 310, 278, 1023, 321, 1631, 29899, 1760, 414, 310, 4439, 4568, 22713, 4822, 278, 15482, 915, 29889, 739, 756, 1951, 278, 1629, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29892, 7572, 304, 1207, 6728, 297, 278, 8589, 2750, 445, 5557, 519, 17135, 310, 607, 3792, 4568, 756, 1063, 17644, 15659, 408, 4359, 1880, 12045, 297, 278, 4234, 310, 607, 967, 2551, 5828, 338, 28907, 1728, 278, 3585, 310, 3792, 4568, 1006, 794, 1080, 491, 1820, 380, 1296, 8948, 414, 29892, 6769, 1860, 29892, 1016, 272, 946, 15942, 29892, 405, 17080, 29879, 322, 6121, 22056, 322, 577, 373, 29889, 23606, 292, 297, 3458, 393, 372, 338, 263, 12187, 3646, 310, 278, 317, 504, 475, 519, 14650, 2921, 1338, 29892, 727, 505, 1063, 777, 2982, 3502, 28473, 411, 23011, 287, 4066, 297, 5925, 322, 24233, 800, 297, 652, 21780, 3519, 29892, 5883, 3174, 322, 325, 5753, 1475, 29892, 322, 278, 5849, 310, 2761, 15366, 304, 604, 328, 9593, 4439, 4568, 29889, 910, 471, 278, 9311, 322, 19500, 4889, 310, 278, 1016, 272, 278, 306, 16670, 10606, 8151, 278, 11421, 310, 967, 4321, 322, 6479, 271, 3792, 4568, 26240, 304, 278, 2106, 29889, 5013, 5086, 472, 278, 1741, 278, 7460, 261, 405, 2890, 29950, 322, 306, 15176, 29965, 10606, 892, 599, 310, 278, 8386, 393, 3792, 4568, 338, 697, 310, 278, 1556, 22261, 5534, 970, 9045, 4828, 3186, 8157, 29892, 10734, 297, 10557, 29892, 411, 20537, 423, 2534, 278, 14176, 1353, 310, 4439, 4568, 4251, 29889, 2688, 8703, 393, 278, 7881, 29899, 6707, 6559, 577, 2215, 8988, 471, 8688, 304, 23033, 278, 758, 791, 663, 322, 12045, 13879, 310, 4439, 4568, 322, 304, 14707, 278, 7134, 29892, 1098, 20816, 29892, 322, 23274, 313, 29968, 3301, 29897, 11211, 4439, 4568, 4249, 17692, 23507, 297, 20537, 423, 29889, 405, 2890, 29950, 756, 7572, 411, 278, 5314, 310, 263, 4891, 29899, 2042, 310, 7881, 29899, 6707, 6559, 607, 471, 18043, 411, 2050, 800, 373, 1261, 12122, 29892, 577, 3934, 29872, 4599, 293, 29892, 322, 29380, 2472, 408, 1532, 408, 476, 3301, 848, 892, 16531, 773, 263, 758, 29899, 1688, 287, 1139, 15421, 29889, 739, 1074, 2039, 304, 3867, 20364, 3773, 8326, 404, 373, 278, 270, 13873, 310, 451, 773, 17564, 293, 680, 29899, 2484, 630, 302, 1691, 313, 1806, 29940, 29879, 511, 322, 2534, 694, 304, 488, 1372, 297, 278, 3699, 29889, 8011, 18196, 310, 22713, 29892, 25828, 4835, 29892, 322, 5557, 291, 310, 4439, 4568, 29892, 8307, 29889, 739, 471, 15502, 393, 6836, 3262, 372, 297, 278, 8619, 674, 7709, 263, 2215, 29899, 276, 9733, 1121, 29889, 739, 338, 297, 263, 21000, 304, 5172, 29899, 11294, 278, 8589, 2750, 4439, 4568, 29892, 393, 14445, 29954, 1164, 1549, 278, 3086, 28841, 8831, 23454, 278, 27577, 310, 278, 15477, 297, 4966, 310, 967, 8938, 280, 29899, 3204, 2779, 304, 278, 17455, 307, 1862, 746, 8762, 29889, 512, 278, 1741, 29892, 450, 21097, 310, 7906, 838, 19266, 10451, 1943, 4699, 29892, 14445, 29954, 1164, 3086, 7178, 1058, 338, 278, 14546, 310, 15351, 304, 278, 3086, 7178, 750, 2000, 363, 11828, 5314, 29892, 5220, 292, 29892, 322, 20364, 4771, 277, 2133, 310, 278, 17692, 14938, 815, 29892, 7906, 29889, 739 ]
We chose 51 of 133 wedding officiants near Tacoma for you! Heart 2 Heart Weddings is a company operated by a professionally Certified Wedding Specialist. We provide services for EVERY bride and groom, making certain you get what you wish within your budget. We also offer beautiful and meaningful Wedding Officiant Services for your very personalized wedding ceremony. Consultations are always free. Let us guide you and help you enjoy this magical (and stressful!) time as you plan your future together. We know you and your family deserve the position of "honored attendees", not stressed-out helpers! Just give a call! A happy marriage is a healthy marriage. Be blessed by our professional Non Denominational services from the quality local wedding ceremony celebrants at JP Weddings to start your life beautifully. Congratulations! My joy is providing you with the ceremony that is meaningful and joyous for you, in the place that means the most to you. We have a sanctuary available for rent, and I have performed ceremonies standing in water on the beach, in an elevator, in homes, parks, and in restaurants. Together we will decide the elements that reflect your ideas and ideals. Contact me! Make your magical moments happen at Day Island Bed & Breakfast The Day Island B&B is perfect for small intimate weddings (under 40 people – arrangements can be made for a larger group.) Owner/Operator Joyce O'Kane is an ordained minister. At High tide the ceremony can be performed on the dock or in the yard during low tide. Special attention is given to the ceremony itself – the vows are written to reflect the thoughts and feeling of each couple. The Bed and Breakfast Suite is avail for the Honeymoon. Catering is NOT included in wedding services. Facility is NOT handicap accessible. My name is Cynthia Curry and it would be my honor to co-create a unique ceremony that reflects your beliefs and values. I believe that events that evoke our emotions, that bring us to that soft place inside our hearts...that make us appreciate the miracle of love...these ARE the big moments of our lives and are worthy of thoughtfully crafted ceremonies that are completely authenic to the participants. Please feel free to call me for a no cost chat to see if I am the right Celebrant for you. I serve the Puget Sound Region. I am a non denominational minister, performing services for 9 years. Your wedding, commitment/bonding ceremony, handfasting, or vow renewal is a special day and I will write or help you write a unique ceremony to reflect your personalities, your life. Religious, Civil; Small, Large; Formal, Informal; In a Church, on the Beach; in your Living Room, I will be there to help make the beginning of your New Life, a Joyful, Loving memory. Short Notice? Low Budget? You will still have a Beautiful Ceremony. We at Lyonheart Events would love to make your dream wedding come true! We offer wedding coordination and planning from the engagement party to the honeymoon. We will work with all of your vendors to help coordinate the wedding of your dreams. Whether your wedding is a year or a month away we can help you with all aspects of your wedding. We offer several packages to fit any budget and we can work on a custom package just for you and your dream wedding. All of your wedding floral needs can be fulfilled here at A Rhapsody In Bloom Florist. Every bouquet is designed personally for you, in the flowers that are your favorites. Our Designers can create your ceremony location and reception flowers with your budget and needs in mind. Your wedding day is a celebration of your love. My intention is for you to be as delighted about your ceremony as you are about your love for each other. Having been in the Floral industry for 25 years and owning my own Floral Shop for 20, I decided to become a Wedding Officiant . Hello. My name is Lori and I am a wedding officiant and celebrant in Tacoma, WA. I offer low-cost wedding packages that are a romantic alternative to going to the courthouse. I am available to perform small weddings in my home office for as little as $50 for military couples during the week (restrictions apply. Call for details). Please call to get a free no obligation consult
[ 0.9455065474696303, 0.8688047234456997 ]
[ -0.9905064193131611, -1.2662632208348577 ]
[ -0.04147304331279079, -0.31538707405429184 ]
[ -1.127308706602439, -1.0752813012373812 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 1334, 12784, 29871, 29945, 29896, 310, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29941, 14837, 8497, 29158, 1934, 2978, 10523, 510, 29874, 363, 366, 29991, 13, 3868, 442, 29871, 29906, 17778, 15050, 29881, 886, 338, 263, 5001, 19623, 491, 263, 6351, 635, 18410, 2164, 15050, 8497, 12630, 391, 29889, 1334, 3867, 5786, 363, 382, 5348, 29979, 289, 2426, 322, 4071, 290, 29892, 3907, 3058, 366, 679, 825, 366, 6398, 2629, 596, 23562, 29889, 1334, 884, 5957, 9560, 322, 6593, 1319, 15050, 8497, 5947, 1654, 424, 15538, 363, 596, 1407, 7333, 1891, 14837, 8497, 25672, 29889, 2138, 499, 800, 526, 2337, 3889, 29889, 2803, 502, 10754, 366, 322, 1371, 366, 13389, 445, 2320, 936, 313, 392, 22884, 1319, 14366, 931, 408, 366, 3814, 596, 5434, 4208, 29889, 1334, 1073, 366, 322, 596, 3942, 553, 7143, 278, 2602, 310, 376, 27305, 4395, 472, 841, 311, 267, 613, 451, 851, 11517, 29899, 449, 1371, 414, 29991, 3387, 2367, 263, 1246, 29991, 13, 29909, 9796, 13718, 338, 263, 9045, 29891, 13718, 29889, 1522, 1999, 11517, 491, 1749, 10257, 10050, 3384, 5817, 1288, 5786, 515, 278, 11029, 1887, 14837, 8497, 25672, 10894, 1934, 472, 435, 29925, 15050, 29881, 886, 304, 1369, 596, 2834, 9560, 368, 29889, 13, 29907, 549, 3605, 8250, 29991, 1619, 15331, 338, 13138, 366, 411, 278, 25672, 393, 338, 6593, 1319, 322, 15331, 681, 363, 366, 29892, 297, 278, 2058, 393, 2794, 278, 1556, 304, 366, 29889, 1334, 505, 263, 9753, 22999, 653, 3625, 363, 23990, 29892, 322, 306, 505, 8560, 5147, 9857, 583, 13407, 297, 4094, 373, 278, 25695, 29892, 297, 385, 11858, 1061, 29892, 297, 17774, 29892, 610, 2039, 29892, 322, 297, 12374, 1934, 29889, 323, 12966, 591, 674, 11097, 278, 3161, 393, 9432, 596, 7014, 322, 1957, 1338, 29889, 22387, 592, 29991, 13, 9984, 596, 2320, 936, 19462, 3799, 472, 8373, 7935, 14195, 669, 28301, 11255, 450, 8373, 7935, 350, 29987, 29933, 338, 4922, 363, 2319, 938, 6490, 14837, 29881, 886, 313, 5062, 29871, 29946, 29900, 2305, 785, 15196, 4110, 508, 367, 1754, 363, 263, 7200, 2318, 1846, 438, 23007, 29914, 26486, 26515, 346, 438, 29915, 29968, 1662, 338, 385, 4356, 7114, 11050, 29889, 2180, 5057, 260, 680, 278, 25672, 508, 367, 8560, 373, 278, 23630, 470, 297, 278, 29413, 2645, 4482, 260, 680, 29889, 12630, 8570, 338, 2183, 304, 278, 25672, 3528, 785, 278, 325, 1242, 526, 3971, 304, 9432, 278, 13133, 322, 11223, 310, 1269, 7303, 29889, 450, 14195, 322, 28301, 11255, 2166, 568, 338, 20847, 363, 278, 379, 650, 962, 6150, 29889, 315, 1008, 292, 338, 6058, 5134, 297, 14837, 8497, 5786, 29889, 14184, 1793, 338, 6058, 1361, 293, 481, 15579, 29889, 13, 3421, 1024, 338, 315, 948, 386, 423, 10837, 719, 322, 372, 723, 367, 590, 10657, 304, 1302, 29899, 3258, 263, 5412, 25672, 393, 9432, 29879, 596, 17750, 29879, 322, 1819, 29889, 306, 4658, 393, 4959, 393, 321, 5744, 1749, 23023, 1080, 29892, 393, 6963, 502, 304, 393, 4964, 2058, 2768, 1749, 26490, 856, 5747, 1207, 502, 11188, 278, 3737, 10792, 310, 5360, 856, 386, 968, 319, 1525, 278, 4802, 19462, 310, 1749, 12080, 322, 526, 24717, 310, 2714, 3730, 25554, 287, 5147, 9857, 583, 393, 526, 6446, 1120, 3169, 293, 304, 278, 27138, 29889, 3529, 4459, 3889, 304, 1246, 592, 363, 263, 694, 3438, 13563, 304, 1074, 565, 306, 626, 278, 1492, 315, 6146, 1182, 424, 363, 366, 29889, 306, 9080, 278, 12129, 657, 14976, 11069, 29889, 13, 29902, 626, 263, 1661, 14267, 1288, 11050, 29892, 15859, 5786, 363, 29871, 29929, 2440, 29889, 3575, 14837, 8497, 29892, 9063, 358, 29914, 29890, 898, 292, 25672, 29892, 1361, 11255, 292, 29892, 470, 325, 340, 23011, 284, 338, 263, 4266, 2462, 322, 306, 674, 2436, 470, 1371, 366, 2436, 263, 5412, 25672, 304, 9432, 596, 7333, 1907, 29892, 596, 2834, 29889, 16221, 2738, 29892, 12886, 29936, 18285, 29892, 8218, 479, 29936, 383, 2759, 29892, 15162, 284, 29936, 512, 263, 6291, 29892, 373, 278, 17594, 29936, 297, 596, 26176, 25114, 29892, 306, 674, 367, 727, 304, 1371, 1207, 278, 6763, 310, 596, 1570, 4634, 29892, 263, 26515, 1319, 29892, 365, 21081, 3370, 29889, 13899, 16393, 29973, 17511, 7038, 657, 29973, 887, 674, 1603, 505, 263, 25685, 10580, 331, 2592, 29889, 13, 4806, 472, 22105, 23057, 28488, 723, 5360, 304, 1207, 596, 12561, 14837, 8497, 2041, 1565, 29991, 1334, 5957, 14837, 8497, 29311, 3381, 322, 18987, 515, 278, 3033, 5049, 6263, 304, 278, 298, 650, 962, 6150, 29889, 1334, 674, 664, 411, 599, 310, 596, 9691, 943, 304, 1371, 14821, 278, 14837, 8497, 310, 596, 12561, 29879, 29889, 26460, 596, 14837, 8497, 338, 263, 1629, 470, 263, 4098, 3448, 591, 508, 1371, 366, 411, 599, 21420, 310, 596, 14837, 8497, 29889, 1334, 5957, 3196, 9741, 304, 6216, 738, 23562, 322, 591, 508, 664, 373, 263, 2888, 3577, 925, 363, 366, 322, 596, 12561, 14837, 8497, 29889, 13, 3596, 310, 596, 14837, 8497, 1652, 11251, 4225, 508, 367, 6095, 26940, 1244, 472, 319, 390, 4252, 1486, 512, 11447, 290, 6953, 391, 29889, 7569, 16380, 12621, 338, 8688, 22345, 363, 366, 29892, 297, 278, 18281, 393, 526, 596, 7853, 3246, 29889, 8680, 12037, 414, 508, 1653, 596, 25672, 4423, 322, 25647, 18281, 411, 596, 23562, 322, 4225, 297, 3458, 29889, 3575, 14837, 8497, 2462, 338, 263, 10894, 362, 310, 596, 5360, 29889, 1619, 16392, 338, 363, 366, 304, 367, 408, 15319, 287, 1048, 596, 25672, 408, 366, 526, 1048, 596, 5360, 363, 1269, 916, 29889, 15950, 1063, 297, 278, 6953, 284, 13661, 363, 29871, 29906, 29945, 2440, 322, 8152, 1076, 590, 1914, 6953, 284, 1383, 459, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29892, 306, 8459, 304, 4953, 263, 15050, 8497, 5947, 1654, 424, 869, 13, 10994, 29889, 1619, 1024, 338, 365, 4170, 322, 306, 626, 263, 14837, 8497, 29158, 424, 322, 10894, 424, 297, 10523, 510, 29874, 29892, 399, 29909, 29889, 306, 5957, 4482, 29899, 18253, 14837, 8497, 9741, 393, 526, 263, 6017, 7716, 8671, 304, 2675, 304, 278, 2085, 386, 1709, 29889, 306, 626, 3625, 304, 2189, 2319, 14837, 29881, 886, 297, 590, 3271, 8034, 363, 408, 2217, 408, 395, 29945, 29900, 363, 9121, 3581, 2701, 2645, 278, 4723, 313, 5060, 4146, 1080, 3394, 29889, 8251, 363, 4902, 467, 3529, 1246, 304, 679, 263, 3889, 694, 10788, 362, 8799 ]
A common piece of middleware, which grew out of the CableLabs OpenCable process as a way to make interactive TV applications as portable as the devices they run on. Put another way, OCAP is a software layer that resides above an incumbent operating system, and below any applications, such as electronic program guides, on-demand wares, or clickable items that come along with a specific TV program. OCAP requires an 8×16 memory footprint (8 Megabytes of flash memory, 16 Megabytes of dynamic random access memory, or DRAM). In processing power, it requires at least a 130 MHz processor (the faster, the better). Second is a set of Java "packages," which is Java-speak for the software modules that enable application program interfaces, or APIs. APIs are the programming calls available to developers when making interactive applications. Third, OCAP 1.0 needs a mechanism for applying business policies, such as via a "monitor app" (see definition). A monitor application handles resource allocation, such as software downloads and overall applications management. The device in a hybrid fiber/coax network that converts lightwave signals, traveling on optical fibers, back into radio frequency signals for the final ride over coaxial cable, to homes and businesses. Also known as an "optical node." In general, the closer the ONU/node is to the home, the higher the reliability, and speeds delivered, in terms of data communications. ONUs are also used in telco/DSL networks, to advance fiber deeper toward homes. The group within CableLabs, and shepherded by CableLabs' member cable companies, responsible for advanced digital set-top box technology, policy and process. Begun in 1997, OpenCables aim is to produce "an ongoing set of interface specifications that define the next generation of digital cable television set-top boxes, and other digital devices to be deployed by cable operators in North America," according to the groups published charter. Key to these interface specifications was the definition of a removable security module, which was the basis for making the devices fully portable from one cable system to another regardless of the network operator. This milestone — and federal mandate — was met by its deadline of July, 2000. A suite of software that instructs silicon hardware how to communicate with other chips, and corresponding applications. In cable broadband lexicon, operating systems almost always correlate with digital set-top boxes. (Operating systems weren't required in analog set-tops, because those units didn't contain many applications that couldn't be handled solely at the component level). The easiest way to visualize what a set-top operating system does is to consider the PC operating system — such as Microsoft Windows, Unix, and MacOS. PC operating systems do the heavy lifting across several fronts, including the control of: the CPU chip, the movement of data to and from hard disks, printers, floppy disks, and other peripheral devices; memory usage, and file systems/data storage. Notably, however, cable providers are increasingly specifying "middleware" software, such as OCAP (OpenCable Applications Platform) which runs on top of a set-top operating system, to manage a widening list of interactive applications. This is primarily because cable providers were and are wary of ceding too much applications control to the operating system provider community. An umbrella term that covers the devices and technologies used to distribute broadband communications (voice, video and data) from a laser transmitter launch point, through fiber optic cable, to companion receivers. Usage: Most of the first upgrade was about adding opto-electronics into the system, for reliability and segmentation. A seven-layer chart that is as entwined with the world of data communications as the alphabet is to language. "OSI" stands for "Open Systems Interconnect," developed by the International Standards Organization (ISO). The seven layers define how different types of data interact with other types of data. The ultimate goal of OSI is that any vendors data system, connected to any network, can share information with any other suppliers system. In that sense, the OSI stack is a sort of recipe for interoperability. 7 (top layer): Application: Defines common applications and how to link them, over a system, to a user. 6: Presentation: Establishes a common syntax between applications, so that apps can run independently, but in a coordinated fashion. 5: Session: Descri
[ 0.22779662267427986, -0.09065291456793195 ]
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[ 1.1801067213378693, 0.9095642134395694 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 319, 3619, 8424, 310, 7256, 2519, 29892, 607, 13631, 714, 310, 278, 315, 519, 29931, 6897, 4673, 29907, 519, 1889, 408, 263, 982, 304, 1207, 28923, 5648, 8324, 408, 2011, 519, 408, 278, 9224, 896, 1065, 373, 29889, 13, 22908, 1790, 982, 29892, 438, 29907, 3301, 338, 263, 7047, 7546, 393, 620, 2247, 2038, 385, 5528, 3774, 296, 13598, 1788, 29892, 322, 2400, 738, 8324, 29892, 1316, 408, 27758, 1824, 1410, 2247, 29892, 373, 29899, 2310, 392, 1370, 267, 29892, 470, 2828, 519, 4452, 393, 2041, 3412, 411, 263, 2702, 5648, 1824, 29889, 13, 20166, 3301, 6858, 385, 29871, 29947, 30122, 29896, 29953, 3370, 3661, 2158, 313, 29947, 13727, 10798, 2167, 310, 11013, 3370, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29953, 13727, 10798, 2167, 310, 7343, 4036, 2130, 3370, 29892, 470, 360, 25058, 467, 512, 9068, 3081, 29892, 372, 6858, 472, 3203, 263, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29900, 341, 12661, 21433, 313, 1552, 8473, 29892, 278, 2253, 467, 13, 11863, 338, 263, 731, 310, 3355, 376, 8318, 1699, 607, 338, 3355, 29899, 5965, 557, 363, 278, 7047, 10585, 393, 9025, 2280, 1824, 19510, 29892, 470, 23649, 29889, 23649, 526, 278, 8720, 5717, 3625, 304, 18777, 746, 3907, 28923, 8324, 29889, 13, 1349, 1823, 29892, 438, 29907, 3301, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29900, 4225, 263, 13336, 363, 15399, 5381, 24833, 29892, 1316, 408, 3025, 263, 376, 3712, 2105, 623, 29908, 313, 4149, 5023, 467, 319, 11819, 2280, 17766, 6503, 24082, 29892, 1316, 408, 7047, 5142, 29879, 322, 12463, 8324, 10643, 29889, 13, 1576, 4742, 297, 263, 7498, 19515, 5713, 495, 29914, 1111, 1165, 3564, 393, 29436, 3578, 27766, 18470, 29892, 9850, 292, 373, 27070, 18755, 414, 29892, 1250, 964, 7155, 10868, 18470, 363, 278, 2186, 22203, 975, 1302, 1165, 616, 21387, 29892, 304, 17774, 322, 5381, 267, 29889, 3115, 2998, 408, 385, 376, 3670, 936, 2943, 1213, 512, 2498, 29892, 278, 17649, 278, 6732, 29965, 29914, 3177, 338, 304, 278, 3271, 29892, 278, 6133, 278, 12536, 3097, 29892, 322, 961, 5779, 20115, 29892, 297, 4958, 310, 848, 7212, 800, 29889, 6732, 15922, 526, 884, 1304, 297, 13547, 1111, 29914, 8452, 29931, 14379, 29892, 304, 6564, 5713, 495, 25871, 11183, 17774, 29889, 13, 1576, 2318, 2629, 315, 519, 29931, 6897, 29892, 322, 1183, 561, 2018, 287, 491, 315, 519, 29931, 6897, 29915, 4509, 21387, 14582, 29892, 14040, 363, 12862, 13436, 731, 29899, 3332, 3800, 15483, 29892, 8898, 322, 1889, 29889, 17964, 348, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29955, 29892, 4673, 29907, 1849, 12242, 338, 304, 7738, 376, 273, 373, 17696, 731, 310, 5067, 2702, 800, 393, 4529, 278, 2446, 12623, 310, 13436, 21387, 11456, 731, 29899, 3332, 16273, 29892, 322, 916, 13436, 9224, 304, 367, 21168, 491, 21387, 12768, 297, 4644, 6813, 1699, 5034, 304, 278, 6471, 6369, 1373, 357, 29889, 13, 2558, 304, 1438, 5067, 2702, 800, 471, 278, 5023, 310, 263, 4030, 519, 6993, 3883, 29892, 607, 471, 278, 8405, 363, 3907, 278, 9224, 8072, 2011, 519, 515, 697, 21387, 1788, 304, 1790, 17126, 310, 278, 3564, 5455, 29889, 910, 2316, 27744, 813, 322, 17097, 9619, 403, 813, 471, 1539, 491, 967, 7123, 1220, 310, 5468, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29889, 13, 29909, 9460, 310, 7047, 393, 18690, 29879, 4047, 4144, 12837, 920, 304, 23120, 411, 916, 521, 4512, 29892, 322, 6590, 8324, 29889, 512, 21387, 7300, 4980, 19566, 4144, 29892, 13598, 6757, 4359, 2337, 18088, 411, 13436, 731, 29899, 3332, 16273, 29889, 313, 7094, 1218, 6757, 2949, 264, 29915, 29873, 3734, 297, 15690, 731, 29899, 3332, 29879, 29892, 1363, 1906, 10340, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1712, 1784, 8324, 393, 8496, 29915, 29873, 367, 16459, 14419, 368, 472, 278, 4163, 3233, 467, 13, 1576, 19075, 982, 304, 7604, 675, 825, 263, 731, 29899, 3332, 13598, 1788, 947, 338, 304, 2050, 278, 9609, 13598, 1788, 813, 1316, 408, 7783, 3852, 29892, 26663, 29892, 322, 4326, 3267, 29889, 9609, 13598, 6757, 437, 278, 9416, 11747, 1259, 4822, 3196, 4565, 29879, 29892, 3704, 278, 2761, 310, 29901, 278, 10808, 29830, 29892, 278, 10298, 310, 848, 304, 322, 515, 2898, 766, 2039, 29892, 23028, 29879, 29892, 5685, 23717, 766, 2039, 29892, 322, 916, 23603, 8096, 284, 9224, 29936, 3370, 8744, 29892, 322, 934, 6757, 29914, 1272, 8635, 29889, 13, 3664, 2197, 29892, 3138, 29892, 21387, 1326, 11376, 526, 10231, 368, 22146, 376, 17662, 2519, 29908, 7047, 29892, 1316, 408, 438, 29907, 3301, 313, 6585, 29907, 519, 2401, 5795, 28096, 29897, 607, 6057, 373, 2246, 310, 263, 731, 29899, 3332, 13598, 1788, 29892, 304, 10933, 263, 281, 3615, 292, 1051, 310, 28923, 8324, 29889, 910, 338, 19434, 1363, 21387, 1326, 11376, 892, 322, 526, 281, 653, 310, 274, 21219, 2086, 1568, 8324, 2761, 304, 278, 13598, 1788, 13113, 7881, 29889, 13, 2744, 1922, 1030, 13520, 1840, 393, 18469, 278, 9224, 322, 5722, 11763, 1304, 304, 1320, 2666, 7300, 4980, 7212, 800, 313, 14917, 29892, 4863, 322, 848, 29897, 515, 263, 1869, 261, 22649, 357, 6826, 1298, 29892, 1549, 5713, 495, 3523, 293, 21387, 29892, 304, 18708, 2414, 1536, 29889, 13, 27573, 29901, 7849, 310, 278, 937, 14955, 471, 1048, 4417, 3523, 29877, 29899, 15436, 1617, 1199, 964, 278, 1788, 29892, 363, 12536, 3097, 322, 10768, 362, 29889, 13, 29909, 9881, 29899, 13148, 8727, 393, 338, 408, 875, 29893, 1312, 411, 278, 3186, 310, 848, 7212, 800, 408, 278, 22968, 338, 304, 4086, 29889, 376, 3267, 29902, 29908, 15028, 363, 376, 6585, 23985, 4124, 6915, 1699, 8906, 491, 278, 4623, 6679, 3163, 9205, 2133, 313, 29096, 467, 450, 9881, 15359, 4529, 920, 1422, 4072, 310, 848, 16254, 411, 916, 4072, 310, 848, 29889, 450, 8494, 6490, 7306, 310, 438, 5425, 338, 393, 738, 9691, 943, 848, 1788, 29892, 6631, 304, 738, 3564, 29892, 508, 6232, 2472, 411, 738, 916, 1462, 27801, 1788, 29889, 512, 393, 4060, 29892, 278, 438, 5425, 5096, 338, 263, 2656, 310, 9522, 412, 363, 1006, 3372, 3097, 29889, 13, 29955, 313, 3332, 7546, 1125, 8427, 29901, 5282, 1475, 3619, 8324, 322, 920, 304, 1544, 963, 29892, 975, 263, 1788, 29892, 304, 263, 1404, 29889, 13, 29953, 29901, 4360, 9233, 29901, 2661, 370, 1674, 267, 263, 3619, 5877, 1546, 8324, 29892, 577, 393, 11446, 508, 1065, 25499, 29892, 541, 297, 263, 6615, 630, 13460, 29889, 13, 29945, 29901, 16441, 29901, 20355 ]
IU Southeast to offer courses in Harrison County (NEW ALBANY, Ind.)–IU Southeast, the Harrison County Economic Development Corporation (HCEDC) and the Harrison County Community Foundation (HCCF) have finalized an agreement to provide IU Southeast credited courses at the Harrison County Lifelong Learning Center in Corydon, Ind. The courses will allow many students of Harrison County—including nearly 700 Harrison County residents currently enrolled at IU Southeast—to further their coursework toward IU Southeast academic degrees without leaving their home county. Two courses, Speech 121 (public speaking) and Psychology 102, will begin during the week of Aug. 22. Each class meets once weekly, in the evening. Both will be taught by IU Southeast faculty. Students will receive full credit. To support students interested in the courses, the HCEDC is offering $350 per course for students currently employed full-time or part-time in Harrison county, including those who work in the county but do not reside there. "Increasing educational attainment levels leads to more productive employees for our businesses and higher paying jobs," said Tom Fields, HCEDC director of communications and business expansion. "It also makes Harrison County more attractive for companies seeking to locate in an area with a skilled workforce." For its part, the HCCF is offering $200 per course to high school graduates aged 18 and over who complete a course offered at the Harrison County Lifelong Learning Center, and an additional $200 if they complete the course with a GPA of 2.8 or higher. To be eligible, students must also have resided in Harrison County for at least two years. Students 25 and over must register with Education Matters of Southern Indiana, a regional initiative to boost educational attainment among adults with some post-secondary education but no degree. "These classes at Lifelong Learning are an extension of the Foundation and Education Matters Southern Indiana effort to increase the educational attainment in the region," said Steve Gilliland, President and CEO of the HCCF. "We hope by reducing travel time and costs, more of our residents will be encouraged to further their education." The Foundation already awards a $20,000 scholarship at each of the four Harrison County high schools to a student planning to attend IU Southeast. In both cases, support is provided in the form of a rebate, disbursed upon successful completion of the course. Students will enroll at IU Southeast and provide registration documentation to the supporting organizations to be considered for the reimbursement. Both the HCEDC and HCCF are members of the Harrison County College Success Coalition, a network of local organizations interested in increasing college access and success for young people in Harrison County, and a chapter of the statewide umbrella group. The courses are viewed as a first step in providing additional IU Southeast programming at the remote location in Harrison County. "IU Southeast is 'our university' in Harrison County," said Darrell Voelker, HCEDC executive director. "Our residents have been attending classes on campus for many years and we have been partners with the university on many projects in the past. Now, this great partnership grows stronger with classes offered locally that make it more convenient for Harrison County people to have the opportunity to further their education." The new offerings are part of a growing slate of partnerships in the region that enable students to attend selected classes at the Mid-America Science Park in Scottsburg, Ind. and at Ivy Tech Community College in Madison. Ind. "It has been a pleasure to work with the Harrison County Foundation and the Harrison County Economic Development Corporation to help provide educational opportunities to the citizens of this region," said IU Southeast Chancellor Dr. Ray Wallace. "They get it: Residents who attain higher educational preparation tend to stay in their locality and therefore make it an even more resilient one." An Open House will be held on Tues., July 19 from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Harrison County Lifelong Learning Center, 101 Hwy 62 W., Suite 104, in Corydon. To learn more about the event and IU Southeast courses offered in Harrison County, or to register, please contact Nicole McKendrick in the IU Southeast Office of Admissions at 812-941-21
[ 0.06754459748142487, 0.48803495418404436 ]
[ 0.3560462738317473, 0.345302502343889 ]
[ 1.4295467514100852, 1.4396917155116224 ]
[ -0.6385762674544283, -0.6382510961708967 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 304, 5957, 21888, 297, 26954, 5127, 13, 29898, 28577, 14445, 29933, 2190, 29979, 29892, 1894, 1846, 29994, 29902, 29965, 317, 449, 15879, 29892, 278, 26954, 5127, 12884, 293, 14650, 15025, 313, 19127, 3352, 29907, 29897, 322, 278, 26954, 5127, 19184, 10606, 313, 29950, 4174, 29943, 29897, 505, 2186, 1891, 385, 17327, 304, 3867, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 6625, 1573, 21888, 472, 278, 26954, 5127, 365, 361, 295, 549, 29257, 7817, 297, 315, 706, 9176, 29892, 1894, 29889, 13, 1576, 21888, 674, 2758, 1784, 8041, 310, 26954, 5127, 30003, 18271, 8886, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29900, 26954, 5127, 24060, 5279, 427, 24476, 472, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 30003, 517, 4340, 1009, 3236, 1287, 11183, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 21567, 14496, 1728, 10124, 1009, 3271, 15178, 29889, 13, 13985, 21888, 29892, 5013, 5309, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29896, 313, 3597, 13590, 29897, 322, 16777, 3002, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29906, 29892, 674, 3380, 2645, 278, 4723, 310, 22333, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29906, 29889, 7806, 770, 28103, 2748, 4723, 368, 29892, 297, 278, 11005, 29889, 9134, 674, 367, 16187, 491, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 4024, 18857, 29889, 5088, 1237, 674, 7150, 2989, 16200, 29889, 13, 1762, 2304, 8041, 8852, 297, 278, 21888, 29892, 278, 379, 29907, 3352, 29907, 338, 27032, 395, 29941, 29945, 29900, 639, 3236, 363, 8041, 5279, 15723, 2989, 29899, 2230, 470, 760, 29899, 2230, 297, 26954, 15178, 29892, 3704, 1906, 1058, 664, 297, 278, 15178, 541, 437, 451, 620, 680, 727, 29889, 13, 29908, 797, 1037, 5832, 28976, 1098, 475, 358, 11174, 11981, 304, 901, 3234, 573, 22873, 363, 1749, 5381, 267, 322, 6133, 5146, 292, 17643, 1699, 1497, 4335, 8989, 29879, 29892, 379, 29907, 3352, 29907, 8881, 310, 7212, 800, 322, 5381, 13184, 29889, 376, 3112, 884, 3732, 26954, 5127, 901, 13978, 573, 363, 14582, 25738, 304, 26694, 297, 385, 4038, 411, 263, 2071, 24455, 664, 10118, 1213, 13, 2831, 967, 760, 29892, 278, 379, 4174, 29943, 338, 27032, 395, 29906, 29900, 29900, 639, 3236, 304, 1880, 3762, 10591, 1078, 26552, 29871, 29896, 29947, 322, 975, 1058, 4866, 263, 3236, 12520, 472, 278, 26954, 5127, 365, 361, 295, 549, 29257, 7817, 29892, 322, 385, 5684, 395, 29906, 29900, 29900, 565, 896, 4866, 278, 3236, 411, 263, 402, 7228, 310, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29947, 470, 6133, 29889, 1763, 367, 560, 335, 1821, 29892, 8041, 1818, 884, 505, 620, 2618, 297, 26954, 5127, 363, 472, 3203, 1023, 2440, 29889, 5088, 1237, 29871, 29906, 29945, 322, 975, 1818, 6036, 411, 13151, 5345, 2153, 310, 14234, 21817, 29892, 263, 14014, 14511, 1230, 304, 14505, 28976, 1098, 475, 358, 4249, 16157, 29879, 411, 777, 1400, 29899, 7496, 653, 9793, 541, 694, 7426, 29889, 13, 29908, 1349, 968, 4413, 472, 365, 361, 295, 549, 29257, 526, 385, 6081, 310, 278, 10606, 322, 13151, 5345, 2153, 14234, 21817, 7225, 304, 7910, 278, 28976, 1098, 475, 358, 297, 278, 5120, 1699, 1497, 13981, 28047, 309, 392, 29892, 7178, 322, 14645, 29949, 310, 278, 379, 4174, 29943, 29889, 376, 4806, 4966, 491, 27668, 9850, 931, 322, 21544, 29892, 901, 310, 1749, 24060, 674, 367, 18443, 287, 304, 4340, 1009, 9793, 1213, 13, 1576, 10606, 2307, 24441, 263, 395, 29906, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 21344, 3527, 472, 1269, 310, 278, 3023, 26954, 5127, 1880, 12462, 304, 263, 8368, 18987, 304, 14333, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 29889, 13, 797, 1716, 4251, 29892, 2304, 338, 4944, 297, 278, 883, 310, 263, 15121, 403, 29892, 766, 29890, 1295, 287, 2501, 9150, 13285, 310, 278, 3236, 29889, 5088, 1237, 674, 427, 1245, 472, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 322, 3867, 22583, 5106, 304, 278, 20382, 25700, 304, 367, 5545, 363, 278, 337, 19977, 1295, 882, 29889, 13, 29933, 720, 278, 379, 29907, 3352, 29907, 322, 379, 4174, 29943, 526, 5144, 310, 278, 26954, 5127, 6346, 21397, 3189, 284, 654, 29892, 263, 3564, 310, 1887, 25700, 8852, 297, 10231, 12755, 2130, 322, 2551, 363, 4123, 2305, 297, 26954, 5127, 29892, 322, 263, 16385, 310, 278, 2106, 8157, 1922, 1030, 13520, 2318, 29889, 13, 1576, 21888, 526, 24774, 408, 263, 937, 4331, 297, 13138, 5684, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 8720, 472, 278, 7592, 4423, 297, 26954, 5127, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 29965, 317, 449, 15879, 338, 525, 473, 16372, 29915, 297, 26954, 5127, 1699, 1497, 7335, 15044, 4785, 295, 3946, 29892, 379, 29907, 3352, 29907, 22760, 8881, 29889, 376, 29949, 332, 24060, 505, 1063, 1098, 2548, 4413, 373, 24165, 363, 1784, 2440, 322, 591, 505, 1063, 22056, 411, 278, 16372, 373, 1784, 9279, 297, 278, 4940, 29889, 2567, 29892, 445, 2107, 22056, 4034, 25088, 23505, 411, 4413, 12520, 12430, 393, 1207, 372, 901, 19192, 363, 26954, 5127, 2305, 304, 505, 278, 15130, 304, 4340, 1009, 9793, 1213, 13, 1576, 716, 5957, 886, 526, 760, 310, 263, 15678, 2243, 403, 310, 22056, 14587, 297, 278, 5120, 393, 9025, 8041, 304, 14333, 4629, 4413, 472, 278, 13370, 29899, 29048, 9327, 4815, 297, 11032, 1372, 3074, 29892, 1894, 29889, 322, 472, 306, 13308, 1920, 305, 19184, 6346, 297, 4104, 2285, 29889, 1894, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 756, 1063, 263, 15377, 304, 664, 411, 278, 26954, 5127, 10606, 322, 278, 26954, 5127, 12884, 293, 14650, 15025, 304, 1371, 3867, 28976, 28602, 1907, 304, 278, 18363, 310, 445, 5120, 1699, 1497, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 22433, 3729, 272, 4942, 29889, 9596, 5260, 1265, 29889, 376, 15597, 679, 372, 29901, 2538, 16719, 1058, 1098, 475, 6133, 28976, 10223, 362, 10331, 304, 7952, 297, 1009, 1887, 537, 322, 5480, 1207, 372, 385, 1584, 901, 620, 309, 993, 697, 1213, 13, 2744, 4673, 5619, 674, 367, 4934, 373, 323, 1041, 1696, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29929, 515, 29871, 29941, 29901, 29941, 29900, 304, 29871, 29953, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 472, 278, 26954, 5127, 365, 361, 295, 549, 29257, 7817, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29896, 379, 12822, 29871, 29953, 29906, 399, 1696, 2166, 568, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29946, 29892, 297, 315, 706, 9176, 29889, 1763, 5110, 901, 1048, 278, 1741, 322, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 21888, 12520, 297, 26954, 5127, 29892, 470, 304, 6036, 29892, 3113, 6958, 405, 23249, 24053, 355, 9131, 297, 278, 28668, 317, 449, 15879, 11367, 310, 2087, 29885, 6847, 472, 29871, 29947, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29929, 29946, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29896 ]
The Afflictions of the Prophets Kenneth E. Bowers | Apr 3, 2016 The Founders of all of the world's great religions lived extraordinary lives. Baha'is believe that these holy messengers not only revealed God's Word to humanity but also exemplified in their lives and conduct, to a degree impossible for ordinary mortals, the qualities and virtues that God desires for us to attain. These messengers represent everything noble and good. Their conduct points the way for us all, offering a glimpse of what it means to be truly human. They show us how to meet tests and difficulties, how to behave in prosperity and in adversity, how to love our neighbor, how to forgive and show mercy, and also how and when to act with justice. They show us the true meaning of success, of power, and of distinction. They reveal the road to eternal life by walking it themselves. Baha'is believe that Baha'u'llah, God's latest messenger, is in the same ranks as the great prophets who have gone before. He cannot be considered a mere philosopher, thinker, or mystic. The proof lies in his words and his deeds, as close examination proves. Like all of the other messengers, Baha'u'llah was chosen by God to be the bearer of a new revelation: Not of Mine own volition have I revealed Myself, but God, of His own choosing, hath manifested Me. – Baha'u'llah, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p. 11. Baha'u'llah was destined, like Moses, Christ, and Muhammad before him, to bear great sufferings for the sake of his divine mission. For well over four decades he endured every kind of misfortune. In the days of the Bab, before declaring his own station, he was brutally beaten, shorn of his possessions, and imprisoned under chains that left him scarred for life. He was exiled four times, betrayed by his own half-brother, driven into a self-imposed retreat for two years in the mountains of Kurdistan, poisoned nearly to death, consigned by the authorities to the dreadful prison of Akka, and subjected to incessant abuse and calumny. "Recall thou to mind My sorrows," Baha'u'llah wrote, recounting his lifelong sufferings: My cares and anxieties, My woes and trials, the state of My captivity, the tears that I have shed, the bitterness of Mine anguish, and now My imprisonment in this far-off land. . . . By the righteousness of God! Every morning I arose from My bed, I discovered the hosts of countless afflictions massed behind My door; and every night when I lay down, lo! My heart was torn with agony at what it had suffered from the fiendish cruelty of its foes. With every piece of bread the Ancient Beauty breaketh is coupled the assault of a fresh affliction, and with every drop He drinketh is mixed the bitterness of the most woeful of trials. He is preceded in every step He taketh by an army of unforeseen calamities, while in His rear follow legions of agonizing sorrows. Such is My plight, wert thou to ponder it in thine heart. Let not, however, thy soul grieve over that which God hath rained down upon Us. Merge thy will in His pleasure, for We have, at no time, desired anything whatsoever except His Will, and have welcomed each one of His irrevocable decrees. – Gleanings from the Writings of Baha'u'llah, pp. 119-120. Baha'u'llah bore these afflictions for one reason—so that all humanity might become illumined with faith and live together in peace and harmony. But he, like the prophets before him, lived his life in relative obscurity, His revelation unacknowledged by an indifferent and distracted humanity: We have accepted to be tried by ills and troubles, that ye may sanctify yourselves from all earthly defilements. Why, then, refuse ye to ponder Our purpose in your hearts? By the righteousness of God! Whoso will reflect upon the tribulations We have suffered, his soul will assuredly melt away with sorrow
[ 2.112470012976574, 2.1453422232725443 ]
[ 0.9111411340377601, -0.08623898575175319 ]
[ 1.8962151000807907, 0.6179496232871192 ]
[ 0.9199696945125809, 1.1072683538267887 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 13737, 29176, 1080, 310, 278, 1019, 561, 1691, 13, 29968, 2108, 621, 382, 29889, 13432, 414, 891, 319, 558, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 13, 1576, 7460, 414, 310, 599, 310, 278, 3186, 29915, 29879, 2107, 4931, 1080, 10600, 28163, 12080, 29889, 15174, 29874, 29915, 275, 4658, 393, 1438, 26630, 4473, 21709, 451, 871, 17845, 4177, 29915, 29879, 10803, 304, 5199, 537, 541, 884, 29455, 2164, 297, 1009, 12080, 322, 7512, 29892, 304, 263, 7426, 9301, 363, 15311, 5758, 1338, 29892, 278, 4021, 1907, 322, 4610, 1041, 393, 4177, 553, 2658, 363, 502, 304, 1098, 475, 29889, 13, 1349, 968, 4473, 21709, 2755, 4129, 15996, 322, 1781, 29889, 11275, 7512, 3291, 278, 982, 363, 502, 599, 29892, 27032, 263, 330, 12552, 344, 310, 825, 372, 2794, 304, 367, 19781, 5199, 29889, 2688, 1510, 502, 920, 304, 5870, 6987, 322, 23553, 29892, 920, 304, 23389, 297, 25831, 537, 322, 297, 19901, 537, 29892, 920, 304, 5360, 1749, 12307, 29892, 920, 304, 18879, 573, 322, 1510, 2778, 1270, 29892, 322, 884, 920, 322, 746, 304, 1044, 411, 15426, 29889, 2688, 1510, 502, 278, 1565, 6593, 310, 2551, 29892, 310, 3081, 29892, 322, 310, 21578, 29889, 2688, 10320, 284, 278, 6520, 304, 634, 17196, 2834, 491, 22049, 372, 6053, 29889, 13, 29933, 25613, 29915, 275, 4658, 393, 15174, 29874, 29915, 29884, 29915, 29880, 8083, 29892, 4177, 29915, 29879, 9281, 4473, 15109, 29892, 338, 297, 278, 1021, 27871, 408, 278, 2107, 27953, 1691, 1058, 505, 7695, 1434, 29889, 940, 2609, 367, 5545, 263, 15187, 8578, 359, 13434, 29892, 1348, 261, 29892, 470, 16624, 293, 29889, 450, 5296, 12185, 297, 670, 3838, 322, 670, 316, 5779, 29892, 408, 3802, 4392, 3381, 28281, 29889, 13, 27552, 599, 310, 278, 916, 4473, 21709, 29892, 15174, 29874, 29915, 29884, 29915, 29880, 8083, 471, 10434, 491, 4177, 304, 367, 278, 11460, 261, 310, 263, 716, 20474, 362, 29901, 13, 3664, 310, 26833, 1914, 1700, 654, 505, 306, 17845, 28924, 761, 29892, 541, 4177, 29892, 310, 3600, 1914, 23906, 29892, 23870, 14682, 2868, 2191, 29889, 785, 15174, 29874, 29915, 29884, 29915, 29880, 8083, 29892, 14055, 391, 280, 304, 278, 5791, 310, 278, 10441, 29892, 282, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29889, 13, 29933, 25613, 29915, 29884, 29915, 29880, 8083, 471, 2731, 1312, 29892, 763, 6630, 267, 29892, 2819, 29892, 322, 29610, 1434, 1075, 29892, 304, 11460, 2107, 8812, 886, 363, 278, 16563, 310, 670, 25616, 10655, 29889, 1152, 1532, 975, 3023, 1602, 3076, 540, 1095, 2955, 1432, 2924, 310, 3984, 3921, 1540, 29889, 512, 278, 3841, 310, 278, 14525, 29892, 1434, 25136, 670, 1914, 5073, 29892, 540, 471, 26644, 635, 367, 2579, 29892, 528, 1398, 310, 670, 3119, 10964, 29892, 322, 29535, 287, 1090, 521, 2708, 393, 2175, 1075, 21990, 1127, 363, 2834, 29889, 940, 471, 429, 2356, 3023, 3064, 29892, 1010, 25724, 491, 670, 1914, 4203, 29899, 6729, 721, 29892, 18225, 964, 263, 1583, 29899, 326, 4752, 22162, 271, 363, 1023, 2440, 297, 278, 19223, 310, 9742, 5721, 273, 29892, 27908, 287, 8886, 304, 4892, 29892, 1136, 12961, 491, 278, 21142, 304, 278, 21005, 1319, 8475, 310, 10813, 1335, 29892, 322, 4967, 287, 304, 297, 985, 424, 633, 1509, 322, 1208, 1227, 29891, 29889, 376, 4789, 497, 12595, 304, 3458, 1619, 7319, 5727, 1699, 15174, 29874, 29915, 29884, 29915, 29880, 8083, 5456, 29892, 1162, 792, 292, 670, 11747, 295, 549, 8812, 886, 29901, 13, 3421, 1559, 267, 322, 14919, 2035, 583, 29892, 1619, 8879, 267, 322, 3367, 1338, 29892, 278, 2106, 310, 1619, 4332, 2068, 29892, 278, 20190, 393, 306, 505, 28453, 29892, 278, 2586, 725, 404, 310, 26833, 385, 2543, 728, 29892, 322, 1286, 1619, 29535, 358, 297, 445, 2215, 29899, 2696, 2982, 29889, 869, 869, 869, 13, 2059, 278, 364, 1141, 371, 681, 2264, 310, 4177, 29991, 7569, 7250, 306, 28811, 515, 1619, 6592, 29892, 306, 10943, 278, 18982, 310, 2302, 2222, 2756, 29176, 1080, 4158, 287, 5742, 1619, 3050, 29936, 322, 1432, 4646, 746, 306, 6568, 1623, 29892, 658, 29991, 1619, 5192, 471, 10146, 411, 946, 2592, 472, 825, 372, 750, 17654, 515, 278, 5713, 355, 728, 24116, 1017, 310, 967, 1701, 267, 29889, 2973, 1432, 8424, 310, 18423, 278, 530, 15566, 19618, 29891, 2867, 621, 338, 7303, 29881, 278, 29159, 310, 263, 10849, 2756, 506, 12757, 29892, 322, 411, 1432, 5768, 940, 13748, 621, 338, 12849, 278, 2586, 725, 404, 310, 278, 1556, 281, 7297, 1319, 310, 3367, 1338, 29889, 940, 338, 9399, 287, 297, 1432, 4331, 940, 1850, 621, 491, 385, 9987, 310, 443, 1454, 968, 264, 1208, 314, 1907, 29892, 1550, 297, 3600, 18983, 1101, 2814, 1080, 310, 946, 265, 5281, 7319, 5727, 29889, 13, 29903, 987, 338, 1619, 715, 523, 29892, 281, 814, 12595, 304, 282, 8417, 372, 297, 266, 457, 5192, 29889, 2803, 451, 29892, 3138, 29892, 13874, 10752, 867, 2418, 975, 393, 607, 4177, 23870, 1153, 1312, 1623, 2501, 10783, 29889, 4702, 479, 13874, 674, 297, 3600, 15377, 29892, 363, 1334, 505, 29892, 472, 694, 931, 29892, 7429, 3099, 825, 578, 1310, 5174, 3600, 2811, 29892, 322, 505, 5476, 510, 287, 1269, 697, 310, 3600, 3805, 13478, 542, 519, 9263, 267, 29889, 785, 402, 14044, 886, 515, 278, 16849, 886, 310, 15174, 29874, 29915, 29884, 29915, 29880, 8083, 29892, 6499, 29889, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29906, 29900, 29889, 13, 29933, 25613, 29915, 29884, 29915, 29880, 8083, 23888, 1438, 2756, 29176, 1080, 363, 697, 2769, 30003, 578, 393, 599, 5199, 537, 1795, 4953, 4486, 398, 1312, 411, 10847, 322, 5735, 4208, 297, 10776, 322, 10311, 2592, 29889, 1205, 540, 29892, 763, 278, 27953, 1691, 1434, 1075, 29892, 10600, 670, 2834, 297, 6198, 19726, 7710, 29892, 3600, 20474, 362, 443, 547, 3707, 839, 3192, 491, 385, 1399, 15622, 322, 1320, 1461, 287, 5199, 537, 29901, 13, 4806, 505, 9259, 304, 367, 1898, 491, 4486, 29879, 322, 18835, 29892, 393, 8007, 1122, 9753, 312, 1598, 596, 5210, 515, 599, 8437, 368, 822, 488, 1860, 29889, 3750, 29892, 769, 29892, 26506, 8007, 304, 282, 8417, 8680, 6437, 297, 596, 26490, 29973, 2648, 278, 364, 1141, 371, 681, 2264, 310, 4177, 29991, 806, 9064, 674, 9432, 2501, 278, 9434, 8250, 1334, 505, 17654, 29892, 670, 10752, 674, 28715, 368, 286, 2152, 3448, 411, 28543 ]
Architecture Film New media art Dance Literature Theatre Design Music Visual arts Intangible heritage Monuments & sites About · Contact · Help · Desk · ⚙ · 3,368 articles Contents · A–Ž index Nova revija Institute From Culture.si (Redirected from Nova revija Publishing House) This logo is missing! If you have it, please email it to us. Inštitut Nove revije, zavod za humanistiko http://institut-nr.si info@nova-revija.si Gospodinjska ulica 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana 386 (0) 1 244 4577 SI-1 Tomaž Zalaznik, Director tomaz.zalaznik@nova-revija.si Dean Komel, head of the research programme dean.komel@guest.arnes.si The Institute of Nova revija for Humanities is an organisation dedicated to interdisciplinary research and study pertaining to the fields of humanities, social sciences and arts, to the publication of journals and books, and to the organisation of scientific meetings, conferences and other related events. The institute was founded by Nova revija Publishing House in 2006. The Nova revija Publishing House was formed in 1990 around the journal of the same name, launched in 1982 by Cankarjeva Publishing House. Nova revija Journal became a vehicle for and a persistent voice of intellectual scepticism and freedom. The legendary 57th issue, published in 1987, is today regarded a symbol of the Slovene fight for independence. Entitled Contributions toward the Slovene National Programme, the special issue addressed questions related to the then political situation in Slovenia, calling for greater sovereignty and condemning the rising centralist policy in Yugoslavia. The journal featured articles in the fields of literature and culture, such as contemporary Slovene literature, translations, discussions, and interviews. Nova revija ceased publication in 2010. In the 1990s and 2000s Nova revija publishing house launched four other periodicals – Phainomena, Poligrafi, Ampak, and Dignitas – and also published several book collections. In 2010 Ampak, a monthly illustrated magazine for culture, politics and economy, has ceased publication after 10 years. In 1993 the Nova revija Publishing House established together with the Slovene Writers' Association the Josip Jurčič Foundation to bestow journalists with a Jurčič Award. Since 2008 the award has been granted by the Josip Jurčič Foundation of the Nova revija Institute. The institute publishes Phainomena, a philosophical journal, Poligrafi, a journal for religious studies, and a diverse array of book titles in Slovenian and English. Notable in its publishing programme is Slovenski zgodovinski atlas (Slovenian Historical Atlas), which is a pioneer work of Slovene historiography. They launched online bookshop EBEREM where you can buy their books and journals. The institute aims to facilitate a platform whereby research and innovation will be integrated and translated into all aspects of social, cultural, and economic life. The interdisciplinary and specialised research conducted at the institute draws impetus from all facets of the humanities as well as from the current historical moment and social reality, such as law, ecology, and cognitive science. They foster cooperation with foreign individuals and organisations, in particular from Southeast and East Europe. Graduate and postgraduate students figure significantly in the activities and projects initiated by the institute, encouraging fruitful application of received academic knowledge. Phainomena Journal Poligrafi Journal Jurčič Award Rožanc Award Nova revija Institute website EBEREM (in Slovenian) Phainomena journal website Retrieved from "https://www.culture.si/w/index.php?title=Nova_revija_Institute&oldid=254847" Literature publishers NOT ROBOT WRITING DONE TOPROOFREAD NIFERTIK NEEDSUPDATE NOVERIFY NODEPO Articles maintained by Simon Smole Events worldwide Culture.si Blog Nerd files
[ -0.16547143487698923, 0.9948148629135857 ]
[ -0.300666758363592, 1.6202300522364086 ]
[ 0.17664368487025636, 1.115052864262436 ]
[ -0.6489817485274398, 0.36327645710646367 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 28333, 4643, 1570, 5745, 1616, 13, 29928, 749, 5449, 1535, 15521, 13, 4002, 647, 6125, 9249, 16930, 13, 2928, 574, 1821, 902, 16639, 13, 7185, 9331, 669, 11840, 13, 28173, 2880, 22387, 2880, 22305, 2880, 2726, 29895, 2880, 29871, 229, 157, 156, 2880, 29871, 29941, 29892, 29941, 29953, 29947, 7456, 2866, 1237, 2880, 319, 29994, 30144, 2380, 13, 29940, 4273, 6664, 8044, 8907, 13, 4591, 14062, 29889, 1039, 13, 29898, 24735, 287, 515, 16216, 6664, 8044, 19088, 5619, 29897, 13, 4013, 20194, 338, 4567, 29991, 13, 3644, 366, 505, 372, 29892, 3113, 4876, 372, 304, 502, 29889, 13, 797, 8925, 12937, 405, 994, 6664, 7253, 29892, 503, 485, 397, 4022, 5199, 391, 10349, 13, 1124, 597, 2611, 12937, 29899, 22230, 29889, 1039, 13, 3888, 29992, 29876, 4273, 29899, 13478, 8044, 29889, 1039, 13, 29954, 23245, 262, 29926, 4621, 318, 10123, 29871, 29947, 29892, 22717, 29899, 29896, 29900, 29900, 29900, 365, 23427, 14042, 1648, 13, 29941, 29947, 29953, 313, 29900, 29897, 29871, 29896, 29871, 29906, 29946, 29946, 29871, 29946, 29945, 29955, 29955, 13, 5425, 29899, 29896, 13, 29911, 4125, 30044, 796, 284, 834, 5585, 29892, 15944, 13, 15135, 834, 29889, 29920, 284, 834, 5585, 29992, 29876, 4273, 29899, 13478, 8044, 29889, 1039, 13, 2772, 273, 7107, 295, 29892, 2343, 310, 278, 5925, 19607, 13, 311, 273, 29889, 7218, 295, 29992, 2543, 342, 29889, 2753, 267, 29889, 1039, 13, 1576, 8907, 310, 16216, 6664, 8044, 363, 12968, 1907, 338, 385, 24788, 16955, 304, 1006, 2218, 13326, 3821, 5925, 322, 6559, 639, 2408, 292, 304, 278, 4235, 310, 5199, 1907, 29892, 5264, 21195, 322, 16930, 29892, 304, 278, 17745, 310, 21824, 1338, 322, 8277, 29892, 322, 304, 278, 24788, 310, 16021, 5870, 886, 29892, 378, 10662, 322, 916, 4475, 4959, 29889, 13, 1576, 832, 12356, 471, 11091, 491, 16216, 6664, 8044, 19088, 5619, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29953, 29889, 13, 1576, 16216, 6664, 8044, 19088, 5619, 471, 8429, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 2820, 278, 8955, 310, 278, 1021, 1024, 29892, 15241, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 491, 315, 804, 279, 1324, 1564, 19088, 5619, 29889, 16216, 6664, 8044, 8237, 3897, 263, 19716, 363, 322, 263, 28152, 7314, 310, 29762, 269, 1547, 293, 1608, 322, 16082, 29889, 450, 15983, 653, 29871, 29945, 29955, 386, 2228, 29892, 6369, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29892, 338, 9826, 17878, 263, 5829, 310, 278, 24917, 29872, 8589, 363, 21820, 29889, 4284, 17707, 2866, 3224, 29879, 11183, 278, 24917, 29872, 3086, 7835, 1004, 29892, 278, 4266, 2228, 20976, 5155, 4475, 304, 278, 769, 8604, 6434, 297, 24917, 423, 29892, 5432, 363, 7621, 577, 9359, 335, 593, 29891, 322, 24905, 1076, 278, 20493, 6555, 391, 8898, 297, 612, 688, 17464, 423, 29889, 13, 1576, 8955, 15000, 7456, 297, 278, 4235, 310, 12845, 322, 9257, 29892, 1316, 408, 24952, 24917, 29872, 12845, 29892, 5578, 800, 29892, 5353, 1080, 29892, 322, 1006, 7406, 29889, 16216, 6664, 8044, 24886, 17745, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 29889, 13, 797, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29879, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29879, 16216, 6664, 8044, 27256, 3699, 15241, 3023, 916, 3785, 936, 29879, 785, 1963, 475, 28342, 29892, 2043, 335, 1929, 29875, 29892, 319, 1526, 557, 29892, 322, 360, 647, 16628, 785, 322, 884, 6369, 3196, 3143, 16250, 29889, 512, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29900, 319, 1526, 557, 29892, 263, 4098, 368, 26848, 14853, 363, 9257, 29892, 22661, 322, 26504, 29892, 756, 24886, 17745, 1156, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29941, 278, 16216, 6664, 8044, 19088, 5619, 7841, 4208, 411, 278, 24917, 29872, 16849, 414, 29915, 7993, 278, 5875, 666, 16081, 30026, 8953, 10606, 304, 1900, 340, 8955, 2879, 411, 263, 16081, 30026, 8953, 7526, 29889, 4001, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29947, 278, 9862, 756, 1063, 16896, 491, 278, 5875, 666, 16081, 30026, 8953, 10606, 310, 278, 16216, 6664, 8044, 8907, 29889, 13, 1576, 832, 12356, 9805, 267, 1963, 475, 28342, 29892, 263, 11847, 936, 8955, 29892, 2043, 335, 1929, 29875, 29892, 263, 8955, 363, 12962, 11898, 29892, 322, 263, 16984, 1409, 310, 3143, 17735, 297, 24917, 713, 322, 4223, 29889, 24844, 297, 967, 27256, 19607, 338, 22250, 575, 1984, 503, 17083, 586, 262, 2574, 472, 3333, 313, 29903, 417, 854, 713, 20315, 27076, 511, 607, 338, 263, 29323, 261, 664, 310, 24917, 29872, 3603, 29875, 5275, 29889, 2688, 15241, 7395, 3143, 19032, 382, 13635, 12665, 988, 366, 508, 15649, 1009, 8277, 322, 21824, 1338, 29889, 13, 1576, 832, 12356, 263, 9893, 304, 16089, 10388, 263, 7481, 988, 1609, 5925, 322, 24233, 362, 674, 367, 23387, 322, 20512, 964, 599, 21420, 310, 5264, 29892, 16375, 29892, 322, 17407, 2834, 29889, 450, 1006, 2218, 13326, 3821, 322, 4266, 3368, 5925, 18043, 472, 278, 832, 12356, 4216, 29879, 2411, 300, 375, 515, 599, 4024, 1691, 310, 278, 5199, 1907, 408, 1532, 408, 515, 278, 1857, 15839, 3256, 322, 5264, 16832, 29892, 1316, 408, 4307, 29892, 321, 1054, 6933, 29892, 322, 25323, 3321, 10466, 29889, 2688, 9926, 261, 1302, 16453, 411, 9117, 15724, 322, 17459, 800, 29892, 297, 3153, 515, 317, 449, 15879, 322, 6932, 4092, 29889, 1632, 13467, 403, 322, 1400, 5105, 27240, 8041, 4377, 16951, 297, 278, 14188, 322, 9279, 14511, 630, 491, 278, 832, 12356, 29892, 18443, 292, 15774, 1319, 2280, 310, 4520, 21567, 7134, 29889, 13, 4819, 475, 28342, 8237, 13, 7713, 335, 1929, 29875, 8237, 13, 29967, 332, 30026, 8953, 7526, 13, 9588, 30044, 4564, 7526, 13, 29940, 4273, 6664, 8044, 8907, 4700, 13, 29923, 13635, 12665, 313, 262, 24917, 713, 29897, 13, 4819, 475, 28342, 8955, 4700, 13, 8015, 2546, 1490, 515, 376, 991, 597, 1636, 29889, 29883, 12896, 29889, 1039, 29914, 29893, 29914, 2248, 29889, 1961, 29973, 3257, 29922, 29940, 4273, 29918, 13478, 8044, 29918, 3379, 12356, 29987, 1025, 333, 29922, 29906, 29945, 29946, 29947, 29946, 29955, 29908, 13, 24938, 1535, 9805, 414, 13, 12256, 390, 14824, 2891, 13, 9980, 1806, 4214, 360, 12413, 13, 29911, 4590, 1672, 9800, 16310, 13, 29940, 6545, 20161, 23328, 13, 8186, 3352, 29903, 14474, 13, 6632, 5348, 6545, 29979, 13, 6632, 2287, 13152, 13, 9986, 4027, 19949, 491, 11254, 4116, 1772, 13, 13634, 3186, 8157, 13, 27926, 29889, 1039, 350, 1188, 13, 29940, 2018, 2066 ]
Klitschko retains world titles as Parker and Browne march on It's not often that the Heavyweight division has a bit of everything but that's what we got this past Saturday as we got prospects, world class boxing and a very fun to watch fight. The headline bout, by far, was in Germany as the dominant Wladimir Klitschko (62-3, 52) defended his WBA "super", WBO, IBF and IBO world titles with an excellent performance against WBO mandatory challenger Alex Leapai (30-5-3, 24). Although many complain about Klitschko holding he really didn't hold against Leapai and instead he resorted to jabbing and landing straights with ease. The activity was amazing for a 38 year old and when Leapai was eventually stopped in round 5 there was little doubt that these two were a million miles apart in terms of skill. On the same card fans also got the chance to see the very highly touted Joseph Parker (8-0, 7) stopping Marcelo Luiz Nascimento (17-6, 15). Parker, from New Zealand, was taken beyond round 6 for the first time in his career though will have learned a lot and developed considerably from this fight, especially considering that he's still a professional novice. We're hoping to see Parker given some high level sparring between now and his next fight though as there is still a lot that needs sorting out with the way he fights. Another bout in Germany saw the debuting Freskim Povataj (1-0, 1) stop fellow debutant Ali Fatah (0-1) in the second round. Whilst the Klitschko bout was the biggest of the night it wasn't the best, in fact it wasn't even the best title fight of the night. That honour belongs to the European title fight that saw Australia's Lucas Browne (20-0, 18) stopping Canadian Eric Martel Bahoeli (10-4, 7) in 5 rounds of a bout that had action, blood and real excitement. Browne, one of our favourite fighters in the division, looked horribly out of shape at 273lbs but had more than enough for the Canadian who was dropped several times by "Big Daddy". Staying in Europe, though moving over to Poland, fans got a quadro of action. The main event of Polish action saw Marcin Rekowski (14-1, 11) over-come American veteran Oliver McCall (57-14-0-2, 37) and over-come his sole defeat in the process. Despite avenging his loss Rekowski came in at a career high weight whilst McCall was at his lowest weight for almost 7 years! A complete mismatch on the Polish show saw former world title challenger Albert Sosnowski (48-6-2, 29) stop the horribly over-matched Wlodzimierz Letr (1-3, 1). Another of the bouts saw Michal Cieslak (5-0, 2) score a very credible stoppage victory over Art Binkowski (16-5-3, 11) who had only been stopped once in his previous 23 bouts. The remaining Polish bout saw Roman Bugaj (17-8-1, 9) defeat the very limited Patryk Kowoll (2-12, 1) via a 4 round decision. In Sweden novice professional Joel Larsson (3-0, 1) out pointed the win-less Jakub Kozera (0-2) over 4 rounds. The only Heavyweight bout in the US appears to have been a contest that saw Jean Pierre Augustin (3-0, 1) score the first stoppage of his career as he saw off the debuting Joseph Bowman (0-1) inside a round. Chisora stops Pala in controversial fashion, Bence suffers big upset Although Friday's Heavyweight action was disappointing we've got to admit that Saturday's was thoroughly interesting and truly global. The highest profile bout, and arguably the one with the strangest ending, was in Britain as former world title challenger Dereck Chisora (19-4, 13) stopped Czech fighter Ondrej Pala (32-4, 22). The fight, which had been interesting in the first 2 rounds, ended
[ 0.5154284627640195, -0.18430447202572217 ]
[ 0.7177532472563105, 0.7678908475329825 ]
[ -0.6710948778644356, -1.2284338431926287 ]
[ -0.7689699521506042, -0.7234459724561787 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 12043, 20641, 2901, 11551, 29879, 3186, 17735, 408, 24239, 322, 22415, 484, 8575, 373, 13, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 4049, 393, 278, 940, 5301, 7915, 8542, 756, 263, 2586, 310, 4129, 541, 393, 29915, 29879, 825, 591, 2355, 445, 4940, 24211, 408, 591, 2355, 27289, 29879, 29892, 3186, 770, 3800, 292, 322, 263, 1407, 2090, 304, 6505, 8589, 29889, 13, 1576, 2343, 1220, 25927, 29892, 491, 2215, 29892, 471, 297, 9556, 408, 278, 28526, 399, 4528, 17216, 12043, 20641, 2901, 313, 29953, 29906, 29899, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29906, 29897, 822, 2760, 670, 399, 5688, 376, 9136, 613, 399, 8456, 29892, 15731, 29943, 322, 306, 8456, 3186, 17735, 411, 385, 15129, 4180, 2750, 399, 8456, 9619, 7606, 521, 5442, 914, 4827, 951, 481, 1794, 313, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29945, 29899, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29946, 467, 8512, 1784, 752, 7420, 1048, 12043, 20641, 2901, 13587, 540, 2289, 3282, 29915, 29873, 4808, 2750, 951, 481, 1794, 322, 2012, 540, 620, 18054, 304, 432, 8846, 292, 322, 25325, 5312, 5861, 411, 16326, 29889, 450, 6354, 471, 21863, 292, 363, 263, 29871, 29941, 29947, 1629, 2030, 322, 746, 951, 481, 1794, 471, 10201, 11084, 297, 4513, 29871, 29945, 727, 471, 2217, 7404, 393, 1438, 1023, 892, 263, 7284, 7800, 12435, 297, 4958, 310, 19911, 29889, 13, 2951, 278, 1021, 5881, 24909, 884, 2355, 278, 8825, 304, 1074, 278, 1407, 10712, 5646, 287, 6936, 24239, 313, 29947, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29897, 25480, 16633, 29877, 3182, 466, 405, 6151, 6174, 313, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29953, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29945, 467, 24239, 29892, 515, 1570, 13450, 29892, 471, 4586, 8724, 4513, 29871, 29953, 363, 278, 937, 931, 297, 670, 6413, 2466, 674, 505, 10972, 263, 3287, 322, 8906, 2050, 2197, 515, 445, 8589, 29892, 7148, 13858, 393, 540, 29915, 29879, 1603, 263, 10257, 2420, 625, 29889, 1334, 29915, 276, 17231, 304, 1074, 24239, 2183, 777, 1880, 3233, 805, 23693, 1546, 1286, 322, 670, 2446, 8589, 2466, 408, 727, 338, 1603, 263, 3287, 393, 4225, 16548, 714, 411, 278, 982, 540, 285, 5861, 29889, 13, 2744, 1228, 25927, 297, 9556, 4446, 278, 9512, 292, 383, 690, 20903, 349, 586, 532, 29926, 313, 29896, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29897, 5040, 10404, 9512, 424, 10785, 383, 532, 29882, 313, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29897, 297, 278, 1473, 4513, 29889, 13, 8809, 16613, 278, 12043, 20641, 2901, 25927, 471, 278, 24842, 310, 278, 4646, 372, 9007, 29915, 29873, 278, 1900, 29892, 297, 2114, 372, 9007, 29915, 29873, 1584, 278, 1900, 3611, 8589, 310, 278, 4646, 29889, 2193, 19107, 14393, 304, 278, 7824, 3611, 8589, 393, 4446, 8314, 29915, 29879, 24243, 22415, 484, 313, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29897, 25480, 11443, 14713, 3760, 295, 15174, 29877, 5037, 313, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29955, 29897, 297, 29871, 29945, 364, 3885, 310, 263, 25927, 393, 750, 3158, 29892, 10416, 322, 1855, 29163, 29889, 22415, 484, 29892, 697, 310, 1749, 15381, 568, 285, 1141, 2153, 297, 278, 8542, 29892, 5148, 4029, 1091, 368, 714, 310, 8267, 472, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29880, 5824, 541, 750, 901, 1135, 3307, 363, 278, 11443, 1058, 471, 13700, 3196, 3064, 491, 376, 6970, 360, 25644, 1642, 13, 855, 388, 292, 297, 4092, 29892, 2466, 8401, 975, 304, 18898, 29892, 24909, 2355, 263, 18890, 307, 310, 3158, 29889, 13, 1576, 1667, 1741, 310, 19919, 3158, 4446, 14440, 262, 830, 7000, 2574, 313, 29896, 29946, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29897, 975, 29899, 2763, 3082, 25808, 273, 19731, 4052, 5594, 313, 29945, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29946, 29899, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29955, 29897, 322, 975, 29899, 2763, 670, 14419, 20653, 297, 278, 1889, 29889, 19454, 263, 854, 3460, 670, 6410, 830, 7000, 2574, 2996, 297, 472, 263, 6413, 1880, 7688, 21109, 4052, 5594, 471, 472, 670, 19604, 7688, 363, 4359, 29871, 29955, 2440, 29991, 13, 29909, 4866, 29635, 373, 278, 19919, 1510, 4446, 4642, 3186, 3611, 521, 5442, 914, 10537, 317, 359, 3707, 2574, 313, 29946, 29947, 29899, 29953, 29899, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29929, 29897, 5040, 278, 4029, 1091, 368, 975, 29899, 4352, 287, 399, 29880, 397, 29920, 326, 15952, 2803, 29878, 313, 29896, 29899, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29896, 467, 7280, 310, 278, 289, 17718, 4446, 3375, 284, 315, 583, 18170, 313, 29945, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29897, 8158, 263, 1407, 6625, 1821, 6258, 407, 482, 15354, 975, 3012, 350, 682, 11716, 313, 29896, 29953, 29899, 29945, 29899, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29897, 1058, 750, 871, 1063, 11084, 2748, 297, 670, 3517, 29871, 29906, 29941, 289, 17718, 29889, 13, 1576, 9886, 19919, 25927, 4446, 5917, 28209, 1175, 313, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29947, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29929, 29897, 20653, 278, 1407, 9078, 4121, 719, 29895, 476, 340, 3028, 313, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29897, 3025, 263, 29871, 29946, 4513, 10608, 29889, 13, 797, 24506, 2420, 625, 10257, 3650, 295, 8218, 12371, 313, 29941, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29897, 714, 11520, 278, 5401, 29899, 2222, 13669, 431, 476, 2112, 1572, 313, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29897, 975, 29871, 29946, 364, 3885, 29889, 13, 1576, 871, 940, 5301, 7915, 25927, 297, 278, 3148, 5692, 304, 505, 1063, 263, 17793, 393, 4446, 4581, 9181, 3111, 262, 313, 29941, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29897, 8158, 278, 937, 6258, 407, 482, 310, 670, 6413, 408, 540, 4446, 1283, 278, 9512, 292, 6936, 13432, 1171, 313, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29897, 2768, 263, 4513, 29889, 13, 1451, 275, 2207, 17726, 27000, 297, 19341, 616, 13460, 29892, 350, 663, 9378, 414, 4802, 24081, 300, 13, 2499, 3592, 28728, 29915, 29879, 940, 5301, 7915, 3158, 471, 23451, 292, 591, 29915, 345, 2355, 304, 20000, 393, 24211, 29915, 29879, 471, 26606, 8031, 322, 19781, 5534, 29889, 13, 1576, 9939, 8722, 25927, 29892, 322, 1852, 29884, 2197, 278, 697, 411, 278, 851, 574, 342, 17140, 29892, 471, 297, 14933, 408, 4642, 3186, 3611, 521, 5442, 914, 360, 406, 384, 678, 275, 2207, 313, 29896, 29929, 29899, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29897, 11084, 21489, 285, 14643, 438, 299, 276, 29926, 27000, 313, 29941, 29906, 29899, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29906, 467, 450, 8589, 29892, 607, 750, 1063, 8031, 297, 278, 937, 29871, 29906, 364, 3885, 29892, 9698 ]
in the third as the referee ruled Pala unfit to continue. Unfortunately it appeared that Pala was fine to continue but had made a clumsy mistake and was then tagged by two cheap shots. It seemed likely that Chisora was going to go on to score a stoppage but unfortunately the ending was less than satisfactory. On the same card as the Chisora/Pala fight there was a victory for Scottish giant Gary Cornish (17-0, 9) who stopped Ivica Perkovic (20-23, 15). Although Perkovic has got a losing record this is still, easily, the best win on Cornish's record and the type of result that tells us that there is real development in Cornish, even if he'll never be a world champion himself. Staying in Europe, though moving down to France, Ibrahima Mariko (4-1, 2) out pointed David Spilmont (2-2, 1) over 6 rounds. The busiest European action was in Poland where we had 4 bouts on a show in Czestochowa. This show was headlined by Marcin Siwy (7-0, 4) stopping Istvan Ruzsinszky (12-9-1, 8) in the third round of a scheduled 8. Prior to the main event Marcin Najman (15-4, 11) had stopped the debuting Alex Serbic (0-1), Tomasz Dobosz (1-0, 1) had taken out Oliver Nagy (2-3) inside a round and Jacek Chruslicki (3-0, 1) took a majority decision over Ferenc Zsalek (12-38-3, 1). In a notable Canadian upset Didier Bence (9-1, 3) was stopped in 2 rounds by fellow Canadian Eric Martel Bahoeli (10-3, 7). The fight saw Bence looking pretty good in the opening round before Martel connected hard early in the second. Bence did recover to his feet though was never able to clear his head and after 2 subsequent knockdowns the referee was forced to stop the fighter under the 3-knockdown rule. This is a major setback for Bence who did look promising through really kick-start Martel's career which seemed all but over 12 month ago when he was stopped by Bogdan Dinu. Martel's victory over Bence was one of two Heavyweight bouts in Canada with the other seeing Dillon Carman (6-2, 5) stopping Sylvera Louis (5-3, 2) inside a round. This result sees Carman avenging a loss from earlier this year when Louis stopped him in the fifth round. If we go with the biggest upset happening in Canada then the most obvious result occurred in the US as Travis Kauffman (27-1, 20) made extremely light work of Jason Barnett (14-15, 7), forcing an opening round stoppage. This saw Kauffman claiming the World Boxing Union Intercontinental Heavyweight . On the same show Randy Easton (1-2-1, 1) scored his first victory as he stopped William Monroe (0-2) in just 43 seconds. Surprisingly the action actually extended as far as Africa as Kenya played host for Morris Okola (4-0, 2) who defeated James Nyariki (0-9) via a unanimous decision over 4 rounds. Mariko smashes Peczeli, Jennings steps up! With so much action in the Heavyweight division this weekend it can be easy to forget about some of the lower quality match up, one of which was the first Heavyweight bout of the weekend. In France the 28 year old Ibrahima Mariko (3-0, 2) took out Hungarian veteran Laszlo Peczeli (4-6-1). This may have been the 4th time that Peczeli had been stopped (and 3rd time in 4 bouts) but it was still an impressive performance by the French novice. In America we had the highest profile bout of the night as the highly ranked Bryant Jennings (17-0, 9) stopped Russian Andrey Fedosov (24-3, 19). Fedosov showed off his toughness and came to fight but was unable to hurt Jennings who landed his own sharp counters. Going on this result Jennings is
[ -0.2611775054782776, -0.3406186803602057 ]
[ 0.7607283332077437, 1.0472289062172986 ]
[ -1.1041580329487997, -0.8936500278419052 ]
[ -0.6390640243797258, -0.6393891956632574 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 297, 278, 4654, 408, 278, 2143, 23987, 29490, 27000, 443, 9202, 304, 6773, 29889, 11511, 372, 7470, 393, 27000, 471, 2691, 304, 6773, 541, 750, 1754, 263, 1067, 6762, 29891, 10171, 322, 471, 769, 4055, 3192, 491, 1023, 28773, 528, 1862, 29889, 739, 6140, 5517, 393, 678, 275, 2207, 471, 2675, 304, 748, 373, 304, 8158, 263, 6258, 407, 482, 541, 15428, 278, 17140, 471, 3109, 1135, 5119, 3832, 29889, 13, 2951, 278, 1021, 5881, 408, 278, 678, 275, 2207, 29914, 29925, 2883, 8589, 727, 471, 263, 15354, 363, 17780, 28396, 23529, 11655, 728, 313, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29929, 29897, 1058, 11084, 306, 29894, 983, 2431, 9756, 293, 313, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29945, 467, 8512, 2431, 9756, 293, 756, 2355, 263, 19035, 2407, 445, 338, 1603, 29892, 5948, 29892, 278, 1900, 5401, 373, 11655, 728, 29915, 29879, 2407, 322, 278, 1134, 310, 1121, 393, 10603, 502, 393, 727, 338, 1855, 5849, 297, 11655, 728, 29892, 1584, 565, 540, 29915, 645, 2360, 367, 263, 3186, 8064, 3654, 29889, 13, 855, 388, 292, 297, 4092, 29892, 2466, 8401, 1623, 304, 3444, 29892, 306, 2634, 29882, 2946, 1085, 10349, 313, 29946, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29897, 714, 11520, 4699, 1706, 309, 14132, 313, 29906, 29899, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29897, 975, 29871, 29953, 364, 3885, 29889, 13, 1576, 3593, 12239, 7824, 3158, 471, 297, 18898, 988, 591, 750, 29871, 29946, 289, 17718, 373, 263, 1510, 297, 15185, 342, 2878, 5604, 29889, 910, 1510, 471, 2343, 21354, 491, 14440, 262, 6101, 12822, 313, 29955, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29946, 29897, 25480, 11066, 3703, 390, 3365, 29879, 1144, 29920, 3459, 313, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29947, 29897, 297, 278, 4654, 4513, 310, 263, 21467, 29871, 29947, 29889, 22096, 304, 278, 1667, 1741, 14440, 262, 18913, 1171, 313, 29896, 29945, 29899, 29946, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29897, 750, 11084, 278, 9512, 292, 4827, 1816, 29890, 293, 313, 29900, 29899, 29896, 511, 4335, 12617, 21451, 13165, 313, 29896, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29897, 750, 4586, 714, 19731, 405, 6485, 313, 29906, 29899, 29941, 29897, 2768, 263, 4513, 322, 435, 815, 29895, 678, 15816, 1406, 29875, 313, 29941, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29897, 3614, 263, 13638, 10608, 975, 7756, 3977, 796, 29879, 744, 29895, 313, 29896, 29906, 29899, 29941, 29947, 29899, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29896, 467, 13, 797, 263, 18697, 11443, 24081, 300, 7440, 631, 350, 663, 313, 29929, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29941, 29897, 471, 11084, 297, 29871, 29906, 364, 3885, 491, 10404, 11443, 14713, 3760, 295, 15174, 29877, 5037, 313, 29896, 29900, 29899, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29955, 467, 450, 8589, 4446, 350, 663, 3063, 5051, 1781, 297, 278, 8718, 4513, 1434, 3760, 295, 6631, 2898, 4688, 297, 278, 1473, 29889, 350, 663, 1258, 9792, 304, 670, 6900, 2466, 471, 2360, 2221, 304, 2821, 670, 2343, 322, 1156, 29871, 29906, 15352, 18232, 3204, 29879, 278, 2143, 23987, 471, 11826, 304, 5040, 278, 285, 14643, 1090, 278, 29871, 29941, 29899, 29895, 1217, 384, 3204, 5751, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 4655, 731, 1627, 363, 350, 663, 1058, 1258, 1106, 2504, 5921, 1549, 2289, 24817, 29899, 2962, 3760, 295, 29915, 29879, 6413, 607, 6140, 599, 541, 975, 29871, 29896, 29906, 4098, 8020, 746, 540, 471, 11084, 491, 15872, 18386, 360, 8675, 29889, 13, 15838, 295, 29915, 29879, 15354, 975, 350, 663, 471, 697, 310, 1023, 940, 5301, 7915, 289, 17718, 297, 7400, 411, 278, 916, 8790, 360, 12794, 1704, 1171, 313, 29953, 29899, 29906, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29897, 25480, 19628, 28279, 5899, 313, 29945, 29899, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29897, 2768, 263, 4513, 29889, 910, 1121, 18553, 1704, 1171, 263, 854, 3460, 263, 6410, 515, 8859, 445, 1629, 746, 5899, 11084, 1075, 297, 278, 18615, 4513, 29889, 13, 3644, 591, 748, 411, 278, 24842, 24081, 300, 10464, 297, 7400, 769, 278, 1556, 6924, 1121, 10761, 297, 278, 3148, 408, 3201, 1730, 476, 28411, 1171, 313, 29906, 29955, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29897, 1754, 14154, 3578, 664, 310, 21776, 2261, 20764, 313, 29896, 29946, 29899, 29896, 29945, 29892, 29871, 29955, 511, 28172, 385, 8718, 4513, 6258, 407, 482, 29889, 910, 4446, 476, 28411, 1171, 5995, 292, 278, 2787, 11773, 292, 7761, 4124, 1285, 25270, 940, 5301, 7915, 869, 13, 2951, 278, 1021, 1510, 390, 13910, 6932, 265, 313, 29896, 29899, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29897, 15569, 670, 937, 15354, 408, 540, 11084, 4667, 2598, 26968, 313, 29900, 29899, 29906, 29897, 297, 925, 29871, 29946, 29941, 6923, 29889, 13, 18498, 558, 5921, 368, 278, 3158, 2869, 10410, 408, 2215, 408, 10557, 408, 10015, 3761, 5318, 3495, 363, 23112, 3674, 2963, 313, 29946, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29897, 1058, 16235, 5011, 405, 8553, 10058, 313, 29900, 29899, 29929, 29897, 3025, 263, 443, 11576, 681, 10608, 975, 29871, 29946, 364, 3885, 29889, 13, 7083, 10349, 1560, 1161, 267, 349, 27750, 5037, 29892, 23774, 886, 6576, 701, 29991, 13, 3047, 577, 1568, 3158, 297, 278, 940, 5301, 7915, 8542, 445, 4723, 355, 372, 508, 367, 4780, 304, 9566, 1048, 777, 310, 278, 5224, 11029, 1993, 701, 29892, 697, 310, 607, 471, 278, 937, 940, 5301, 7915, 25927, 310, 278, 4723, 355, 29889, 13, 797, 3444, 278, 29871, 29906, 29947, 1629, 2030, 306, 2634, 29882, 2946, 1085, 10349, 313, 29941, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29897, 3614, 714, 14198, 13956, 25808, 273, 7413, 29920, 417, 349, 27750, 5037, 313, 29946, 29899, 29953, 29899, 29896, 467, 910, 1122, 505, 1063, 278, 29871, 29946, 386, 931, 393, 349, 27750, 5037, 750, 1063, 11084, 313, 392, 29871, 29941, 5499, 931, 297, 29871, 29946, 289, 17718, 29897, 541, 372, 471, 1603, 385, 21210, 573, 4180, 491, 278, 5176, 2420, 625, 29889, 13, 797, 6813, 591, 750, 278, 9939, 8722, 25927, 310, 278, 4646, 408, 278, 10712, 26642, 13307, 424, 23774, 886, 313, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29900, 29892, 29871, 29929, 29897, 11084, 10637, 1126, 8903, 17972, 359, 586, 313, 29906, 29946, 29899, 29941, 29892, 29871, 29896, 29929, 467, 17972, 359, 586, 10018, 1283, 670, 260, 820, 2264, 322, 2996, 304, 8589, 541, 471, 9368, 304, 21682, 23774, 886, 1058, 2982, 287, 670, 1914, 15301, 2613, 2153, 29889, 2921, 292, 373, 445, 1121, 23774, 886, 338 ]
Magazine Home Westmont News Westmont Magazine Reshaping Potter's Clay Westmont students started Potter's Clay in 1976 to serve the people of Ensenada, Mexico, amidst a remarkable movement of ministry on campus in the late 1970s. Students like Dave Dolan '78, Duane Alleman '78 and Gordon Aeschilman '79 challenged their peers to stretch their concept of ministry. They desired to serve God in more diverse ways and take full responsibility for their activities. Potter's Clay grew out of Aeschilman's visits to Ensenada to experience a different kind of outreach. "I spent most of my time in the downtown area and the dump," he said. "I helped people build shacks out of whatever material we could find, and I also washed a lot of kids' hair, trying to get the lice out." He and Clara McKinney Maranville '79 developed a plan to include other students in what they were learning in Ensenada. "We knew we couldn't save the world by going to Mexico," Aeschilman said. "But the experiences I'd had in Ensenada challenged some of my narrow-minded categories of what Christian service is. We wanted others to benefit from these experiences. Eventually we came to see that Potter's Clay is a great opportunity for giving, but we originally conceived of the program as a way for students to learn." The students asked only for time during chapel to announce the trip and worked on the logistics of getting more than 200 students to Mexico. "We begged for buses and tents from local churches," Aeschilman says. "The college helped us cut down our costs by getting a grant for $2,500." Throughout the decades, the outreach has continued and expanded. Students formed teams to build and repair houses and churches, teach vacation Bible school, support local churches, provide some medical and dental care, pray and lead musical worship, play soccer and basketball, teach surfing, and even cut hair. Leaders on the core team trained their successors, handing down responsibility for planning, organizing and implementing the movement of hundreds of students to Mexico and their pursuit of various ministries. Potter's Clay has remained a student-run ministry. Troy Harris '74, retired assistant vice president for institutional resilience, worked closely with the ministry for 22 years, traveling with the students to Ensenada several times each year. Until 2007, three Mexican men worked with the Westmont students on planning activities: Dr. Ramon Vidauri; Rubén Castañeda, pastor of La Gran Comisión, and Juan Monge. Then Juan moved away, leaving Vidauri and Castañeda. Since 2014, Castañeda has been the sole contact. In March 2020, Westmont shut down for the rest of the spring semester and moved classes online just as students were returning from Potter's Clay and spring break. The pandemic forced the ministry's leaders to cancel the trip in 2021 for the first time in 43 years. The break in the action created an opportunity to reevaluate the role of Potter's Clay, both for the students and those in Ensenada. With the evolution in knowledge surrounding missions and development, the core team saw a need to review and assess the program. Director Taylor Mache, a senior who had attended Potter's Clay each year, explains why she pursued this initiative. "In my years on Potter's Clay, I've always felt this disconnect: Something in my heart doesn't feel right." A Spanish and psychology double major, Mache also studied in Querétaro with Westmont in Mexico. Her passion to see Potter's Clay rededicate itself to its mission and become a truly relational ministry inspired her to direct the core team. "I had this desire in my heart to see it honor the Gospel at its core," she says. With support from Jennie Estrada Fuentes '08, assistant director of campus life for ministry, and Professor Cynthia Toms, who teaches global studies and kinesiology, the core team asked students in the global studies minor, which Toms directs, to undertake a thorough review of the ministry. Student researchers Kenna Brase '22, Cody LeFebre '22, Zab Potter '22 and Mache named their study "Asset-Based Community
[ 1.1043888972334865, 1.1153463006654765 ]
[ 0.9469537056639544, 0.9111411340377601 ]
[ 1.5309963924254562, 1.409256823207011 ]
[ -0.48281922264278687, 0.12395039242719835 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 17880, 8778, 13, 16128, 14132, 10130, 13, 16128, 14132, 17880, 2538, 29882, 21430, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 13, 16128, 14132, 8041, 4687, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29953, 304, 9080, 278, 2305, 310, 1174, 4881, 1114, 29892, 12568, 29892, 28655, 303, 263, 22567, 10298, 310, 1375, 6020, 373, 24165, 297, 278, 5683, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29900, 29879, 29889, 5088, 1237, 763, 17841, 11201, 273, 525, 29955, 29947, 29892, 5334, 1662, 20615, 1171, 525, 29955, 29947, 322, 16965, 319, 1968, 309, 1171, 525, 29955, 29929, 18066, 287, 1009, 1236, 414, 304, 16116, 1009, 6964, 310, 1375, 6020, 29889, 2688, 7429, 304, 9080, 4177, 297, 901, 16984, 5837, 322, 2125, 2989, 23134, 363, 1009, 14188, 29889, 13, 29925, 327, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 13631, 714, 310, 319, 1968, 309, 1171, 29915, 29879, 1998, 1169, 304, 1174, 4881, 1114, 304, 7271, 263, 1422, 2924, 310, 714, 276, 496, 29889, 376, 29902, 10398, 1556, 310, 590, 931, 297, 278, 16611, 593, 776, 4038, 322, 278, 16766, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 29902, 9213, 2305, 2048, 528, 26514, 714, 310, 6514, 5518, 591, 1033, 1284, 29892, 322, 306, 884, 471, 17143, 263, 3287, 310, 413, 4841, 29915, 11315, 29892, 1811, 304, 679, 278, 301, 625, 714, 1213, 13, 3868, 322, 29042, 24053, 262, 3801, 1085, 273, 4909, 525, 29955, 29929, 8906, 263, 3814, 304, 3160, 916, 8041, 297, 825, 896, 892, 6509, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 29889, 376, 4806, 6363, 591, 8496, 29915, 29873, 4078, 278, 3186, 491, 2675, 304, 12568, 1699, 319, 1968, 309, 1171, 1497, 29889, 376, 6246, 278, 27482, 306, 29915, 29881, 750, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 18066, 287, 777, 310, 590, 12474, 29899, 24021, 287, 13997, 310, 825, 6111, 2669, 338, 29889, 1334, 5131, 4045, 304, 14169, 515, 1438, 27482, 29889, 6864, 1474, 591, 2996, 304, 1074, 393, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 338, 263, 2107, 15130, 363, 6820, 29892, 541, 591, 10437, 10628, 2347, 310, 278, 1824, 408, 263, 982, 363, 8041, 304, 5110, 1213, 13, 1576, 8041, 4433, 871, 363, 931, 2645, 10708, 295, 304, 7475, 346, 278, 17487, 322, 3796, 373, 278, 1480, 6765, 310, 2805, 901, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 8041, 304, 12568, 29889, 376, 4806, 25945, 287, 363, 3593, 267, 322, 260, 1237, 515, 1887, 26014, 1699, 319, 1968, 309, 1171, 4083, 29889, 376, 1576, 12755, 9213, 502, 5700, 1623, 1749, 21544, 491, 2805, 263, 16690, 363, 395, 29906, 29892, 29945, 29900, 29900, 1213, 13, 29911, 1092, 820, 449, 278, 1602, 3076, 29892, 278, 714, 276, 496, 756, 7572, 322, 17832, 29889, 5088, 1237, 8429, 10907, 304, 2048, 322, 26032, 12955, 322, 26014, 29892, 6860, 11757, 362, 21958, 3762, 29892, 2304, 1887, 26014, 29892, 3867, 777, 16083, 322, 12042, 284, 2562, 29892, 12475, 322, 3275, 9636, 26320, 29892, 1708, 269, 11953, 322, 20305, 29892, 6860, 1190, 29888, 292, 29892, 322, 1584, 5700, 11315, 29889, 951, 24574, 373, 278, 7136, 3815, 16370, 1009, 2551, 943, 29892, 1361, 292, 1623, 23134, 363, 18987, 29892, 2894, 5281, 322, 16049, 278, 10298, 310, 21006, 310, 8041, 304, 12568, 322, 1009, 12359, 3121, 310, 5164, 9668, 2722, 29889, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 756, 9488, 263, 8368, 29899, 3389, 1375, 6020, 29889, 13, 29911, 4727, 20349, 525, 29955, 29946, 29892, 16528, 20255, 11289, 6673, 363, 12666, 284, 620, 2638, 663, 29892, 3796, 16467, 411, 278, 1375, 6020, 363, 29871, 29906, 29906, 2440, 29892, 9850, 292, 411, 278, 8041, 304, 1174, 4881, 1114, 3196, 3064, 1269, 1629, 29889, 28609, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29892, 2211, 24777, 1757, 3796, 411, 278, 3122, 14132, 8041, 373, 18987, 14188, 29901, 4942, 29889, 8292, 265, 478, 1458, 5338, 29936, 14985, 1690, 4834, 5259, 8710, 29892, 4940, 272, 310, 997, 6274, 422, 11861, 29892, 322, 8699, 2598, 479, 29889, 1987, 8699, 6153, 3448, 29892, 10124, 478, 1458, 5338, 322, 4834, 5259, 8710, 29889, 4001, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29892, 4834, 5259, 8710, 756, 1063, 278, 14419, 6958, 29889, 13, 797, 4779, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29892, 3122, 14132, 12522, 1623, 363, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 6709, 3031, 4156, 322, 6153, 4413, 7395, 925, 408, 8041, 892, 7863, 515, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 322, 6709, 2867, 29889, 450, 7243, 24552, 11826, 278, 1375, 6020, 29915, 29879, 20251, 304, 12611, 278, 17487, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 363, 278, 937, 931, 297, 29871, 29946, 29941, 2440, 29889, 450, 2867, 297, 278, 3158, 2825, 385, 15130, 304, 337, 24219, 403, 278, 6297, 310, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 29892, 1716, 363, 278, 8041, 322, 1906, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 29889, 13, 3047, 278, 14675, 297, 7134, 18830, 3052, 1080, 322, 5849, 29892, 278, 7136, 3815, 4446, 263, 817, 304, 9076, 322, 24809, 278, 1824, 29889, 15944, 12537, 341, 1829, 29892, 263, 16336, 1058, 750, 14283, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 1269, 1629, 29892, 18568, 2020, 1183, 12359, 6742, 445, 14511, 1230, 29889, 376, 797, 590, 2440, 373, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 29892, 306, 29915, 345, 2337, 7091, 445, 766, 6915, 29901, 12538, 297, 590, 5192, 1838, 29915, 29873, 4459, 1492, 1213, 319, 10432, 322, 11643, 3002, 3765, 4655, 29892, 341, 1829, 884, 12399, 297, 751, 261, 1893, 8854, 411, 3122, 14132, 297, 12568, 29889, 2439, 15935, 304, 1074, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 2654, 7486, 403, 3528, 304, 967, 10655, 322, 4953, 263, 19781, 1104, 1288, 1375, 6020, 20603, 902, 304, 1513, 278, 7136, 3815, 29889, 376, 29902, 750, 445, 13521, 297, 590, 5192, 304, 1074, 372, 10657, 278, 402, 26265, 472, 967, 7136, 1699, 1183, 4083, 29889, 13, 3047, 2304, 515, 23774, 347, 382, 710, 1114, 11871, 5326, 525, 29900, 29947, 29892, 20255, 8881, 310, 24165, 2834, 363, 1375, 6020, 29892, 322, 11386, 315, 948, 386, 423, 4335, 29879, 29892, 1058, 6860, 267, 5534, 11898, 322, 413, 1475, 29875, 3002, 29892, 278, 7136, 3815, 4433, 8041, 297, 278, 5534, 11898, 9461, 29892, 607, 4335, 29879, 1513, 29879, 29892, 304, 22332, 1296, 263, 17826, 9076, 310, 278, 1375, 6020, 29889, 15740, 5925, 414, 10015, 1056, 1771, 559, 525, 29906, 29906, 29892, 315, 1486, 951, 29943, 774, 276, 525, 29906, 29906, 29892, 796, 370, 10173, 357, 525, 29906, 29906, 322, 341, 1829, 4257, 1009, 6559, 376, 26405, 29899, 29933, 1463, 19184 ]
Development and Future Directions in Potter's Clay." Through the financial support of Donn and Daisy Tognazzini, these researchers joined members of the core team in a visit to Ensenada in October to talk to people and identify the greatest assets and talent that individuals in the community possess. This approach supports the ideas and abilities of local people building on their strength, with students then working together with them to add capacity and resources to accomplish the community's desired goals. The students asked Ensenada residents what the good life looks like for them and how they wanted to achieve it. They sought to avoid naming problems themselves, which could reinforce stereotypes. "There are questions about how we, as a community, think about community development as a form of missions," Toms says. "When students enter a community, we want to consider the assets that are already there that we can build from, rather than taking something that's our idea and overlaying it." The student researchers presented their findings and recommendations in an event at the Westmont Global Leadership Center December 9. They focused on the areas of public health, vacation Bible school, the history of the church in Mexico and immigration. After carefully considering the report, the core team decided that Potter's Clay will begin serving under the umbrella of Rancho Aqua Viva (RAV), which has a wider and more diverse ministry. Not only has RAV hosted hundreds of travelers from Westmont on their property each spring, but it serves 10 to 15 churches in Ensenada, operates a seminary and reaches broadly into the community. This change allows Potter's Clay to work with more strategic partners, extending the college's reach and influence in the Ensenada community. The student leaders had proposed a period of transition with RAV and La Gran Comisión. But Castañeda, who is nearing retirement, chose to step aside to allow Potter's Clay to begin working with RAV this year. Fuentes had been concerned that the students were coordinating with only one pastor and one church. "Working through RAV is a healthier way of doing ministry by serving the whole community and learning to be good stewards of what God has entrusted us with: our finances, gifts, talents and skills," Fuentes says. The core team traveled to Ensenada to meet with Castañeda in person, recalling his years of service, giving him an award and taking him out to dinner. "We had a healing conversation to hear his heart and desire to still be connected with the ministry in different ways," Fuentes says. "Working with Rancho Agua Viva is a natural next step," Harris says. "They're a good,establishedministrythatassistslotsof American organizations. They have the staff to coordinate effectively with Potter's Clay." Because RAV already does many of the same things as Potter's Clay, the core team won't need to travel to Ensenada every other week to plan for the Juntos weekend and the week-long Potter's Clay. "Students have midterms, papers and exams, and the excitement wears off," Fuentes says. "They start feeling the weight of it. It's not realistic for us to continue operating this way." This spring, Potter's Clay will scale back its efforts to fewer than 40 students, focusing on three ministries: optical, children's ministry and mercy sites, a new initiative aimed at volunteering with the elderly and underserved. The team is reexamining the future of the construction teams to improve the process of choosing families to receive new homes. The student leaders also seek to strengthen the local economy by possibly purchasing construction materials in Ensenada and hiring professional workers from the community. Seminary students at RAV already volunteer for underserved groups in Ensenada. The core team seeks to assign smaller groups of five Westmont students to work with several seminary students to serve at a home for the elderly and at local churches. Mache says they're reconsidering ministries at rehabilitation centers, facilities for the unhoused and centers for children with disabilities. "We want to be gentle, recognizing the potential harm of working with vulnerable populations and then leaving after just a few days," she says. "We're trying to think creatively about how we can serve children with disabilities who need constant and stable support. A group of U.S. students coming in for a week can feel unstable, so we want to respect that and hold to those boundaries."
[ 1.3344943693052782, 0.9729000560496055 ]
[ 0.7249157615815494, 0.2808398734167391 ]
[ 1.9266499923854021, 0.8005589771147866 ]
[ 0.1499640951097272, -0.09196333983779104 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 14650, 322, 16367, 14818, 1953, 297, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 1213, 13, 29911, 1092, 820, 278, 18161, 2304, 310, 360, 3409, 322, 360, 1759, 29891, 323, 3811, 7511, 2172, 29892, 1438, 5925, 414, 8772, 5144, 310, 278, 7136, 3815, 297, 263, 6493, 304, 1174, 4881, 1114, 297, 5533, 304, 5193, 304, 2305, 322, 12439, 278, 14176, 21608, 322, 24242, 393, 15724, 297, 278, 7881, 22592, 29889, 910, 2948, 11286, 278, 7014, 322, 633, 9770, 310, 1887, 2305, 5214, 373, 1009, 9324, 29892, 411, 8041, 769, 1985, 4208, 411, 963, 304, 788, 13284, 322, 7788, 304, 12709, 278, 7881, 29915, 29879, 7429, 14433, 29889, 13, 1576, 8041, 4433, 1174, 4881, 1114, 24060, 825, 278, 1781, 2834, 3430, 763, 363, 963, 322, 920, 896, 5131, 304, 6176, 372, 29889, 2688, 18365, 304, 4772, 22006, 4828, 6053, 29892, 607, 1033, 15561, 10118, 269, 12358, 327, 7384, 29889, 13, 29908, 8439, 526, 5155, 1048, 920, 591, 29892, 408, 263, 7881, 29892, 1348, 1048, 7881, 5849, 408, 263, 883, 310, 3052, 1080, 1699, 4335, 29879, 4083, 29889, 376, 10401, 8041, 3896, 263, 7881, 29892, 591, 864, 304, 2050, 278, 21608, 393, 526, 2307, 727, 393, 591, 508, 2048, 515, 29892, 3265, 1135, 5622, 1554, 393, 29915, 29879, 1749, 2969, 322, 27292, 292, 372, 1213, 13, 1576, 8368, 5925, 414, 9132, 1009, 1284, 886, 322, 6907, 800, 297, 385, 1741, 472, 278, 3122, 14132, 12002, 951, 328, 10475, 7817, 5846, 29871, 29929, 29889, 2688, 21309, 373, 278, 10161, 310, 970, 9045, 29892, 11757, 362, 21958, 3762, 29892, 278, 4955, 310, 278, 6586, 297, 12568, 322, 5198, 16783, 29889, 13, 13555, 16112, 13858, 278, 3461, 29892, 278, 7136, 3815, 8459, 393, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 674, 3380, 16330, 1090, 278, 1922, 1030, 13520, 310, 22392, 1859, 16020, 29874, 478, 4244, 313, 4717, 29963, 511, 607, 756, 263, 25734, 322, 901, 16984, 1375, 6020, 29889, 2216, 871, 756, 390, 7520, 17791, 21006, 310, 9850, 414, 515, 3122, 14132, 373, 1009, 2875, 1269, 6709, 29892, 541, 372, 19700, 29871, 29896, 29900, 304, 29871, 29896, 29945, 26014, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 29892, 1751, 1078, 263, 3031, 3821, 322, 22170, 7300, 368, 964, 278, 7881, 29889, 910, 1735, 6511, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 304, 664, 411, 901, 16650, 293, 22056, 29892, 23771, 278, 12755, 29915, 29879, 6159, 322, 9949, 297, 278, 1174, 4881, 1114, 7881, 29889, 13, 1576, 8368, 20251, 750, 7972, 263, 3785, 310, 9558, 411, 390, 7520, 322, 997, 6274, 422, 11861, 29889, 1205, 4834, 5259, 8710, 29892, 1058, 338, 2978, 292, 3240, 19211, 29892, 12784, 304, 4331, 17786, 304, 2758, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 304, 3380, 1985, 411, 390, 7520, 445, 1629, 29889, 11871, 5326, 750, 1063, 15041, 393, 278, 8041, 892, 6615, 1218, 411, 871, 697, 4940, 272, 322, 697, 6586, 29889, 376, 5531, 292, 1549, 390, 7520, 338, 263, 9045, 631, 982, 310, 2599, 1375, 6020, 491, 16330, 278, 3353, 7881, 322, 6509, 304, 367, 1781, 1886, 2935, 310, 825, 4177, 756, 9953, 16656, 502, 411, 29901, 1749, 1436, 2925, 29892, 330, 17741, 29892, 5969, 1237, 322, 25078, 1699, 11871, 5326, 4083, 29889, 13, 1576, 7136, 3815, 1020, 345, 839, 304, 1174, 4881, 1114, 304, 5870, 411, 4834, 5259, 8710, 297, 2022, 29892, 17386, 292, 670, 2440, 310, 2669, 29892, 6820, 1075, 385, 9862, 322, 5622, 1075, 714, 304, 17803, 29889, 376, 4806, 750, 263, 540, 12818, 14983, 304, 8293, 670, 5192, 322, 13521, 304, 1603, 367, 6631, 411, 278, 1375, 6020, 297, 1422, 5837, 1699, 11871, 5326, 4083, 29889, 13, 29908, 5531, 292, 411, 22392, 1859, 24106, 29874, 478, 4244, 338, 263, 5613, 2446, 4331, 1699, 20349, 4083, 29889, 376, 15597, 29915, 276, 263, 1781, 29892, 342, 370, 3726, 1195, 6020, 5747, 465, 391, 2536, 327, 578, 29888, 3082, 25700, 29889, 2688, 505, 278, 13925, 304, 14821, 17583, 411, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 1213, 13, 29933, 5658, 390, 7520, 2307, 947, 1784, 310, 278, 1021, 2712, 408, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 29892, 278, 7136, 3815, 2113, 29915, 29873, 817, 304, 9850, 304, 1174, 4881, 1114, 1432, 916, 4723, 304, 3814, 363, 278, 435, 1657, 359, 4723, 355, 322, 278, 4723, 29899, 5426, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 29889, 376, 855, 566, 1237, 505, 7145, 357, 1516, 29892, 15055, 322, 429, 2232, 29892, 322, 278, 29163, 591, 1503, 1283, 1699, 11871, 5326, 4083, 29889, 376, 15597, 1369, 11223, 278, 7688, 310, 372, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 1855, 4695, 363, 502, 304, 6773, 13598, 445, 982, 1213, 13, 4013, 6709, 29892, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 674, 6287, 1250, 967, 14231, 304, 28145, 1135, 29871, 29946, 29900, 8041, 29892, 12789, 4746, 373, 2211, 9668, 2722, 29901, 27070, 29892, 4344, 29915, 29879, 1375, 6020, 322, 2778, 1270, 11840, 29892, 263, 716, 14511, 1230, 12242, 287, 472, 27886, 3241, 411, 278, 27008, 368, 322, 23400, 9841, 29889, 13, 1576, 3815, 338, 337, 735, 314, 2827, 278, 5434, 310, 278, 7632, 10907, 304, 11157, 278, 1889, 310, 23906, 13175, 304, 7150, 716, 17774, 29889, 450, 8368, 20251, 884, 16508, 304, 9324, 264, 278, 1887, 26504, 491, 10075, 10596, 5832, 7632, 17279, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 322, 298, 8491, 10257, 17162, 515, 278, 7881, 29889, 13, 28516, 3821, 8041, 472, 390, 7520, 2307, 27886, 261, 363, 23400, 9841, 6471, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 29889, 450, 7136, 3815, 1074, 2039, 304, 3566, 7968, 6471, 310, 5320, 3122, 14132, 8041, 304, 664, 411, 3196, 3031, 3821, 8041, 304, 9080, 472, 263, 3271, 363, 278, 27008, 368, 322, 472, 1887, 26014, 29889, 341, 1829, 4083, 896, 29915, 276, 337, 3200, 1241, 292, 9668, 2722, 472, 337, 29882, 4427, 7018, 1644, 414, 29892, 23330, 363, 278, 28859, 26165, 322, 1644, 414, 363, 4344, 411, 766, 11614, 29889, 376, 4806, 864, 304, 367, 9914, 29892, 5936, 5281, 278, 7037, 10311, 310, 1985, 411, 23180, 519, 23093, 322, 769, 10124, 1156, 925, 263, 2846, 3841, 1699, 1183, 4083, 29889, 376, 4806, 29915, 276, 1811, 304, 1348, 907, 6703, 1048, 920, 591, 508, 9080, 4344, 411, 766, 11614, 1058, 817, 4868, 322, 13714, 2304, 29889, 319, 2318, 310, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 8041, 6421, 297, 363, 263, 4723, 508, 4459, 443, 13844, 29892, 577, 591, 864, 304, 3390, 393, 322, 4808, 304, 1906, 24371, 1213 ]
Concerns related to COVID-19 have led to a pause in the work of the dental team. The new partnership with RAV is part of a three-year plan. "We're testing it out this spring with the goal of seeing growth, developing healthy relationships and acting ethically," Fuentes says. "We intend to focus on the entire community. We'll audit the process again, inviting conversations with RAV and Dr. Toms' global studies minor students. In five to 10 years, we foresee a new form of relationships with the community in Ensenada — and we hope that alums and volunteers will think we've done the right thing." The core team reached out to alumni and community volunteers to get their perspective on the changes. "We sent them all emails, and it's been helpful to get their feedback, which identifies some of the things we can't see," Mache says. "Some of the local doctors have worked with folks in Ensenada for more than 18 years, making friends and building relationships. That's a more constant thing than students coming and going. We care deeply about continuing those long-term relationships." Potter stressed the importance of medical/dental teams operating under existing guidelines for the Mexican healthcare system, which includes limitations on treatment by foreigners. "This isn't just an opportunity for pre-med students to get experience," she says. "This is about the people there. We should keep in mind the importance of honoring human dignity and the dangers of giving healthcare in a materialistic way." Following interviews and research, she found that residents in Ensenada already had free access to healthcare, although a need exists for better access to dental care and optometry. Other suggestions included focusing on preventative health and education, such as vaccination clinics, sanitation and tooth-brushing as well as hands-on clinical assistance. LeFebre recommended that future Potter's Clay participants challenge their assumptions about immigration and approach the topic with a more nuanced perspective. "I suggest the integration of a border-immersion program into future Potter's Clay activities," he says. "This would help students act with greater empathy and compassion for the people of Mexico." Mache believes the Potter's Clay core team and participants would benefit from learning more about the history and context of the church in Mexico. "It's important to understand the dynamic of the relationship between the Catholic church and Protestant churches because it's very different than in the U.S.," she said. "Students should also be trained to see the church not just as an institution, but as the people they interact with." As a result of the research, Potter's Clay now requires its student volunteers to attend training seminars to better prepare them for their cross-cultural experience. Topics include: » Who we are and are not as a ministry » Potter's Clay history and new transitions » Poverty and how we address it and face it » Cross-cultural involvement and the four modes of ministry engagement » Get to know Ensenada and Mexico: Where are we going? History and current research » Media Ethics: How to properly share about your experience Following the week in Mexico, students, core team members and partners in Ensenada will participate in debriefing sessions that address issues such as coping with feelings, lessons and growth, and engaging and connecting for change. "We have the opportunity to change the general perception of what the spring break experience offers and to be more intentional in coming alongside Ensenadans to promote self- efficacy even when we're not physically present," says Carlos Sandoval '22, a core team member for the past two years. "The chance to initiate a new direction for the organization and pass the torch to the next leaders who choose to step up really excites me." "There is something to be said about groups of different cultures coming together as the body of Christ to recognize the place and role of the global church," Mache says. "One of our biggest goals for students is having the space and environment to embrace another culture, sit in tension with it and break down the constructs in their mind about cultural differences to see what the Kingdom of God looks like and to form cross-cultural relationships. "I couldn't quite pinpoint it, but through the research I uncovered why I never felt connected to the community of Ensenada," Mache says. Toms praises Fuentes' support for the student research. "J
[ 0.8085390045697542, 1.3783239830332386 ]
[ 0.17698341570077544, 0.9541162199891933 ]
[ 1.1759226488716583, 2.3527384846499593 ]
[ -0.16740307761712467, 0.5193586732016368 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 13, 1168, 29883, 824, 29879, 4475, 304, 19937, 29899, 29896, 29929, 505, 5331, 304, 263, 19957, 297, 278, 664, 310, 278, 12042, 284, 3815, 29889, 13, 1576, 716, 22056, 4034, 411, 390, 7520, 338, 760, 310, 263, 2211, 29899, 6360, 3814, 29889, 376, 4806, 29915, 276, 6724, 372, 714, 445, 6709, 411, 278, 7306, 310, 8790, 14321, 29892, 14338, 9045, 29891, 21702, 322, 16684, 11314, 1711, 1699, 11871, 5326, 4083, 29889, 376, 4806, 24042, 304, 8569, 373, 278, 4152, 7881, 29889, 1334, 29915, 645, 12990, 277, 278, 1889, 1449, 29892, 2437, 11407, 9678, 800, 411, 390, 7520, 322, 4942, 29889, 4335, 29879, 29915, 5534, 11898, 9461, 8041, 29889, 512, 5320, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 29892, 591, 363, 968, 29872, 263, 716, 883, 310, 21702, 411, 278, 7881, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 813, 322, 591, 4966, 393, 394, 6762, 322, 27886, 414, 674, 1348, 591, 29915, 345, 2309, 278, 1492, 2655, 1213, 13, 1576, 7136, 3815, 7450, 714, 304, 394, 1227, 29875, 322, 7881, 27886, 414, 304, 679, 1009, 18520, 373, 278, 3620, 29889, 376, 4806, 2665, 963, 599, 24609, 29892, 322, 372, 29915, 29879, 1063, 8444, 304, 679, 1009, 16705, 29892, 607, 2893, 11057, 777, 310, 278, 2712, 591, 508, 29915, 29873, 1074, 1699, 341, 1829, 4083, 29889, 376, 9526, 310, 278, 1887, 437, 14359, 505, 3796, 411, 900, 2039, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 363, 901, 1135, 29871, 29896, 29947, 2440, 29892, 3907, 7875, 322, 5214, 21702, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 263, 901, 4868, 2655, 1135, 8041, 6421, 322, 2675, 29889, 1334, 2562, 24344, 1048, 3133, 292, 1906, 1472, 29899, 8489, 21702, 1213, 13, 29925, 327, 357, 851, 11517, 278, 13500, 310, 16083, 29914, 29881, 13703, 10907, 13598, 1090, 5923, 1410, 10652, 1475, 363, 278, 24777, 9045, 18020, 1788, 29892, 607, 7805, 27028, 373, 14502, 491, 9117, 414, 29889, 376, 4013, 3508, 29915, 29873, 925, 385, 15130, 363, 758, 29899, 2168, 8041, 304, 679, 7271, 1699, 1183, 4083, 29889, 376, 4013, 338, 1048, 278, 2305, 727, 29889, 1334, 881, 3013, 297, 3458, 278, 13500, 310, 4207, 8253, 5199, 18085, 537, 322, 278, 270, 13873, 310, 6820, 9045, 18020, 297, 263, 5518, 4695, 982, 1213, 12206, 1006, 7406, 322, 5925, 29892, 1183, 1476, 393, 24060, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 2307, 750, 3889, 2130, 304, 9045, 18020, 29892, 5998, 263, 817, 4864, 363, 2253, 2130, 304, 12042, 284, 2562, 322, 3523, 7843, 29889, 5901, 10529, 5134, 12789, 4746, 373, 5557, 1230, 9045, 322, 9793, 29892, 1316, 408, 325, 5753, 3381, 24899, 1199, 29892, 9753, 7018, 322, 304, 720, 29899, 1182, 21616, 408, 1532, 408, 6567, 29899, 265, 24899, 936, 18872, 29889, 13, 3226, 29943, 774, 276, 13622, 393, 5434, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 27138, 18766, 1009, 20813, 1048, 5198, 16783, 322, 2948, 278, 11261, 411, 263, 901, 4948, 8362, 18520, 29889, 376, 29902, 4368, 278, 13465, 310, 263, 5139, 29899, 6727, 4455, 1824, 964, 5434, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 14188, 1699, 540, 4083, 29889, 376, 4013, 723, 1371, 8041, 1044, 411, 7621, 953, 2084, 29891, 322, 752, 465, 291, 363, 278, 2305, 310, 12568, 1213, 13, 29924, 1829, 1339, 17180, 278, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 7136, 3815, 322, 27138, 723, 14169, 515, 6509, 901, 1048, 278, 4955, 322, 3030, 310, 278, 6586, 297, 12568, 29889, 376, 3112, 29915, 29879, 4100, 304, 2274, 278, 7343, 310, 278, 9443, 1546, 278, 11865, 6586, 322, 21723, 424, 26014, 1363, 372, 29915, 29879, 1407, 1422, 1135, 297, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 1696, 29908, 1183, 1497, 29889, 376, 855, 566, 1237, 881, 884, 367, 16370, 304, 1074, 278, 6586, 451, 925, 408, 385, 12666, 29892, 541, 408, 278, 2305, 896, 16254, 411, 1213, 13, 2887, 263, 1121, 310, 278, 5925, 29892, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 1286, 6858, 967, 8368, 27886, 414, 304, 14333, 6694, 3031, 262, 1503, 304, 2253, 19012, 963, 363, 1009, 4891, 29899, 29883, 499, 3631, 7271, 29889, 7488, 1199, 3160, 29901, 13, 30007, 11644, 591, 526, 322, 526, 451, 408, 263, 1375, 6020, 13, 30007, 10173, 357, 29915, 29879, 26234, 4955, 322, 716, 1301, 2187, 13, 30007, 349, 957, 1017, 322, 920, 591, 3211, 372, 322, 3700, 372, 13, 30007, 11189, 29899, 29883, 499, 3631, 5297, 29841, 322, 278, 3023, 18893, 310, 1375, 6020, 3033, 5049, 13, 30007, 3617, 304, 1073, 1174, 4881, 1114, 322, 12568, 29901, 6804, 526, 591, 2675, 29973, 5298, 322, 1857, 5925, 13, 30007, 8213, 13772, 1199, 29901, 1128, 304, 6284, 6232, 1048, 596, 7271, 13, 29943, 2952, 292, 278, 4723, 297, 12568, 29892, 8041, 29892, 7136, 3815, 5144, 322, 22056, 297, 1174, 4881, 1114, 674, 5221, 403, 297, 316, 1182, 2575, 292, 21396, 393, 3211, 5626, 1316, 408, 5614, 292, 411, 21737, 29892, 3109, 787, 322, 14321, 29892, 322, 3033, 6751, 322, 16791, 363, 1735, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 505, 278, 15130, 304, 1735, 278, 2498, 639, 1441, 310, 825, 278, 6709, 2867, 7271, 16688, 322, 304, 367, 901, 7609, 1848, 297, 6421, 19963, 1174, 4881, 328, 550, 304, 27391, 1583, 29899, 6366, 4135, 1584, 746, 591, 29915, 276, 451, 4824, 1711, 2198, 1699, 4083, 10815, 8564, 10611, 525, 29906, 29906, 29892, 263, 7136, 3815, 4509, 363, 278, 4940, 1023, 2440, 29889, 376, 1576, 8825, 304, 14511, 403, 263, 716, 5305, 363, 278, 13013, 322, 1209, 278, 4842, 305, 304, 278, 2446, 20251, 1058, 6755, 304, 4331, 701, 2289, 5566, 3246, 592, 1213, 13, 29908, 8439, 338, 1554, 304, 367, 1497, 1048, 6471, 310, 1422, 4185, 1973, 6421, 4208, 408, 278, 3573, 310, 2819, 304, 18720, 278, 2058, 322, 6297, 310, 278, 5534, 6586, 1699, 341, 1829, 4083, 29889, 376, 6716, 310, 1749, 24842, 14433, 363, 8041, 338, 2534, 278, 2913, 322, 5177, 304, 953, 13842, 1790, 9257, 29892, 7845, 297, 260, 2673, 411, 372, 322, 2867, 1623, 278, 3386, 29879, 297, 1009, 3458, 1048, 16375, 12651, 304, 1074, 825, 278, 12626, 310, 4177, 3430, 763, 322, 304, 883, 4891, 29899, 29883, 499, 3631, 21702, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 8496, 29915, 29873, 3755, 12534, 3149, 372, 29892, 541, 1549, 278, 5925, 306, 443, 11911, 287, 2020, 306, 2360, 7091, 6631, 304, 278, 7881, 310, 1174, 4881, 1114, 1699, 341, 1829, 4083, 29889, 13, 29911, 4835, 7213, 4637, 11871, 5326, 29915, 2304, 363, 278, 8368, 5925, 29889, 376, 29967 ]
Section 1. Name. The name of this organization shall be "The Jane Austen Society of North America, Metropolitan Kansas City Region" [JASNA-KC], herein after referred to as the "Region". Section 2. Principal Office. The principal office shall be located at the Regional Coordinator's address. Section 3. Affiliation. The Region is a region of The Jane Austen Society of North America (JASNA) and is thus part of JASNA. It is required to operate in conformity with the purposes and bylaws of JASNA and the practices adopted by the JASNA Board of Directors for regions. Section 1. Purpose and Mission. The Purpose and Mission of the Region are the same as those of JASNA. The Purpose of the Region is to promote discussion and encourage the exchange of ideas among readers who enjoy the works of Jane Austen. The Mission is to foster among the widest number of readers the study, appreciation, and understanding of Jane Austen's works, her life, and her genius. Section 2. Nonprofit Status. The Region, by virtue of its affiliation with JASNA, is a nonprofit organization. No part of the assets or income of the Region shall be distributable to or accrue to the benefit of its individual members or officers. Section 3. Dissolution of the Region. In the event of dissolution of the Region, no member shall be entitled to any distribution or division of its remaining property or proceeds therefrom, except as payment for existing debts of the Region. The balance of all money or other property received or held by the Region from any source after the payment of all debts and obligations of the Region shall be surrendered to JASNA. Section 1. Qualifications. To be a voting member of the Region, a person must be a member of JASNA in good standing, which means paying national dues and any applicable regional dues. All JASNA members are entitled to join the Region and may join multiple regions. Section 2. Friends. JASNA-KC recognizes "Friends of the Kansas City Region." The Friends are not members of the national organization so would not be called a Region member as stated in Article 3 Section 1. Section 3. Open meetings. Whether a meeting is open or closed to the public will be determined in advance of each meeting. The member or Friend hosting an event needs to relate this information in the meeting invitation/announcement. Section 4. Dues. Annual Region dues payable by members are fixed at $_0_ per year. National dues are determined by JASNA and are paid directly to JASNA. The JASNA-KC chapter does not collect dues but retains the right to do so. Donations are always welcome. Section 5. Regular Meetings. JASNA-KC regular meetings and programs will be held on dates and times established by the Regional Coordinator [RC], Executive Committee [ExCom] and/or event host. Notice of meetings and programs shall be given to all Members and Friends as soon as they are known or at least thirty days prior to each event. If possible each meeting or program should include a social time scheduled either before or after the event and mentioned in the meeting announcement. JASNA-KC meets a minimum of five times yearly, including, 1). Planning meeting, 2). Box Hill Picnic, 3). December birthday party. It is preferable for program ideas to be presented at the yearly planning meeting so members can express interest or no in the various ideas offered. This also allows for establishing an advance calendar. Section 6. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of the Region shall be the same as JASNA's fiscal year, beginning September 1 and ending on the following August 31. Section 7. Reporting Requirements. By November 1, the Region's Treasurer shall complete and return the Financial Report form provided by the JASNA Treasurer. By November 1, the Regional Coordinator shall complete and return the Region Report form provided by the JASNA Vice President of Regions. Section 1. Designation of Officers. The Region's officers shall include the Region Coordinator [RC], Region Treasurer [RT], and Region Secretary [RS]. The officers shall manage the affairs of the Region and exercise all the duties and powers of the Region as set forth in these by-laws. Section 2. Term of Office. JASNA-KC's elected officers shall serve for a term of two (
[ -0.12523721915015065, -0.4789558986890805 ]
[ -0.5052460737782274, -0.6198463029820493 ]
[ 1.0947629360593618, 0.6737469258455732 ]
[ 0.03030106277009452, -0.3781140693456083 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 9779, 29871, 29896, 29889, 4408, 29889, 450, 1024, 310, 445, 13013, 4091, 367, 376, 1576, 10447, 3330, 264, 7765, 310, 4644, 6813, 29892, 28788, 20029, 4412, 11069, 29908, 518, 29967, 3289, 3521, 29899, 29968, 29907, 1402, 1244, 262, 1156, 12992, 304, 408, 278, 376, 18457, 1642, 13, 13438, 29871, 29906, 29889, 14771, 7830, 11367, 29889, 450, 5882, 8034, 4091, 367, 5982, 472, 278, 16208, 3189, 4194, 1061, 29915, 29879, 3211, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29941, 29889, 13737, 2638, 362, 29889, 450, 11069, 338, 263, 5120, 310, 450, 10447, 3330, 264, 7765, 310, 4644, 6813, 313, 29967, 3289, 3521, 29897, 322, 338, 4550, 760, 310, 435, 3289, 3521, 29889, 739, 338, 3734, 304, 21994, 297, 14670, 537, 411, 278, 11976, 322, 14905, 5652, 310, 435, 3289, 3521, 322, 278, 23274, 16356, 491, 278, 435, 3289, 3521, 12590, 310, 8797, 943, 363, 12786, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29896, 29889, 15247, 4220, 322, 18971, 29889, 450, 15247, 4220, 322, 18971, 310, 278, 11069, 526, 278, 1021, 408, 1906, 310, 435, 3289, 3521, 29889, 450, 15247, 4220, 310, 278, 11069, 338, 304, 27391, 10679, 322, 13731, 6617, 278, 14523, 310, 7014, 4249, 22176, 1058, 13389, 278, 1736, 310, 10447, 3330, 264, 29889, 450, 18971, 338, 304, 9926, 261, 4249, 278, 9449, 342, 1353, 310, 22176, 278, 6559, 29892, 5108, 362, 29892, 322, 8004, 310, 10447, 3330, 264, 29915, 29879, 1736, 29892, 902, 2834, 29892, 322, 902, 26858, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29906, 29889, 10050, 771, 9202, 16034, 29889, 450, 11069, 29892, 491, 27935, 310, 967, 23736, 362, 411, 435, 3289, 3521, 29892, 338, 263, 1661, 771, 9202, 13013, 29889, 1939, 760, 310, 278, 21608, 470, 17869, 310, 278, 11069, 4091, 367, 22965, 9246, 304, 470, 1035, 29878, 434, 304, 278, 14169, 310, 967, 5375, 5144, 470, 13049, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29941, 29889, 360, 790, 324, 918, 310, 278, 11069, 29889, 512, 278, 1741, 310, 23556, 918, 310, 278, 11069, 29892, 694, 4509, 4091, 367, 23437, 304, 738, 4978, 470, 8542, 310, 967, 9886, 2875, 470, 8469, 29879, 727, 3166, 29892, 5174, 408, 19179, 363, 5923, 2553, 1372, 310, 278, 11069, 29889, 450, 17346, 310, 599, 6909, 470, 916, 2875, 4520, 470, 4934, 491, 278, 11069, 515, 738, 2752, 1156, 278, 19179, 310, 599, 2553, 1372, 322, 10788, 800, 310, 278, 11069, 4091, 367, 27503, 287, 304, 435, 3289, 3521, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29896, 29889, 15146, 8232, 29889, 1763, 367, 263, 28931, 4509, 310, 278, 11069, 29892, 263, 2022, 1818, 367, 263, 4509, 310, 435, 3289, 3521, 297, 1781, 13407, 29892, 607, 2794, 5146, 292, 4797, 27447, 322, 738, 22903, 14014, 27447, 29889, 2178, 435, 3289, 3521, 5144, 526, 23437, 304, 5988, 278, 11069, 322, 1122, 5988, 2999, 12786, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29906, 29889, 11169, 1975, 29889, 435, 3289, 3521, 29899, 29968, 29907, 5936, 7093, 376, 27034, 1975, 310, 278, 20029, 4412, 11069, 1213, 450, 11169, 1975, 526, 451, 5144, 310, 278, 4797, 13013, 577, 723, 451, 367, 2000, 263, 11069, 4509, 408, 8703, 297, 21746, 29871, 29941, 9779, 29871, 29896, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29941, 29889, 4673, 5870, 886, 29889, 26460, 263, 11781, 338, 1722, 470, 5764, 304, 278, 970, 674, 367, 10087, 297, 6564, 310, 1269, 11781, 29889, 450, 4509, 470, 20702, 23376, 385, 1741, 4225, 304, 29279, 445, 2472, 297, 278, 11781, 2437, 7018, 29914, 812, 1309, 13561, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29946, 29889, 360, 1041, 29889, 8081, 950, 11069, 27447, 5146, 519, 491, 5144, 526, 4343, 472, 7471, 29900, 29918, 639, 1629, 29889, 3086, 27447, 526, 10087, 491, 435, 3289, 3521, 322, 526, 12530, 4153, 304, 435, 3289, 3521, 29889, 450, 435, 3289, 3521, 29899, 29968, 29907, 16385, 947, 451, 6314, 27447, 541, 11551, 29879, 278, 1492, 304, 437, 577, 29889, 3872, 800, 526, 2337, 12853, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29945, 29889, 2169, 1070, 2191, 300, 886, 29889, 435, 3289, 3521, 29899, 29968, 29907, 4943, 5870, 886, 322, 11104, 674, 367, 4934, 373, 10116, 322, 3064, 7841, 491, 278, 16208, 3189, 4194, 1061, 518, 10363, 1402, 28841, 12930, 518, 1252, 1523, 29962, 322, 29914, 272, 1741, 3495, 29889, 16393, 310, 5870, 886, 322, 11104, 4091, 367, 2183, 304, 599, 341, 13415, 322, 11169, 1975, 408, 4720, 408, 896, 526, 2998, 470, 472, 3203, 17058, 29871, 3841, 7536, 304, 1269, 1741, 29889, 13, 3644, 1950, 1269, 11781, 470, 1824, 881, 3160, 263, 5264, 931, 21467, 2845, 1434, 470, 1156, 278, 1741, 322, 5276, 297, 278, 11781, 7475, 13561, 29889, 13, 29967, 3289, 3521, 29899, 29968, 29907, 28103, 263, 9212, 310, 5320, 3064, 1629, 368, 29892, 3704, 29892, 29871, 29896, 467, 1858, 9450, 11781, 29892, 29871, 29906, 467, 11773, 9143, 14612, 7823, 29892, 29871, 29941, 467, 5846, 12060, 3250, 6263, 29889, 13, 3112, 338, 5821, 519, 363, 1824, 7014, 304, 367, 9132, 472, 278, 1629, 368, 18987, 11781, 577, 5144, 508, 4653, 4066, 470, 694, 297, 278, 5164, 7014, 12520, 29889, 910, 884, 6511, 363, 10127, 292, 385, 6564, 17684, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29953, 29889, 383, 275, 1052, 8905, 29889, 450, 16436, 1052, 1629, 310, 278, 11069, 4091, 367, 278, 1021, 408, 435, 3289, 3521, 29915, 29879, 16436, 1052, 1629, 29892, 6763, 3839, 29871, 29896, 322, 17140, 373, 278, 1494, 3111, 29871, 29941, 29896, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29955, 29889, 13969, 292, 830, 1548, 1860, 29889, 2648, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29892, 278, 11069, 29915, 29879, 6479, 294, 9945, 4091, 4866, 322, 736, 278, 4231, 273, 1455, 13969, 883, 4944, 491, 278, 435, 3289, 3521, 6479, 294, 9945, 29889, 2648, 3979, 29871, 29896, 29892, 278, 16208, 3189, 4194, 1061, 4091, 4866, 322, 736, 278, 11069, 13969, 883, 4944, 491, 278, 435, 3289, 3521, 21400, 7178, 310, 2169, 1080, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29896, 29889, 12037, 362, 310, 20339, 414, 29889, 450, 11069, 29915, 29879, 13049, 4091, 3160, 278, 11069, 3189, 4194, 1061, 518, 10363, 1402, 11069, 6479, 294, 9945, 518, 13079, 1402, 322, 11069, 17719, 518, 12445, 1822, 450, 13049, 4091, 10933, 278, 19469, 310, 278, 11069, 322, 15058, 599, 278, 22204, 322, 10801, 310, 278, 11069, 408, 731, 11483, 297, 1438, 491, 29899, 433, 5652, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29906, 29889, 11814, 310, 11367, 29889, 435, 3289, 3521, 29899, 29968, 29907, 29915, 29879, 11467, 13049, 4091, 9080, 363, 263, 1840, 310, 1023, 313 ]
2) years and may be re-elected for up to two (2) additional terms. No officer shall be eligible to serve for more than three consecutive terms in the same office. The term of office shall commence on the day of December 16 and end on December 16 two years hence. For continuity, the officer's terms will be staggered. Section 3. Nominating of Officers. Region members may nominate other members or themselves for office by submitting an individual's name for the ballot. Only individuals who are members in good standing of JASNA and the Region may be elected to office. Nominations may NOT be made from the floor. Nominations must be submitted to the RC in writing no later than (60) sixty days prior to the election of officers. At least (30) thirty days prior to the election, the RC shall submit to the Membership a slate listing all of the nominees who are members in good standing and eligible for election. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for conducting the election. Section 4. Election. The election of the RC and RT shall be held at the annual planning meeting. A quorum consisting of at least 15 percent of the members of the Region must be present for the election to be conducted. If a quorum is not present, the election shall be held at a special meeting called for that purpose or at the next regular meeting of the members at which a quorum is present. A member is elected to office by a majority vote of the members at the meeting. No member shall vote or be represented by proxy. Advance voting by e-mail or mail is allowed if the member requests an e-mail or paper ballot at least two weeks before the election meeting. In order to be counted, the completed e-mail or paper ballot must be received by any Executive Committee member the day before the election. Section 5. Executive Committee. The ExCom shall consist of all elected officers of the Region and past RC. This group will manage the affairs of the Region and exercise all the duties and powers of the Region as set forth in these by-laws. The ExCom shall hold meetings as often as it deems necessary to diligently conduct business. Section 6. Duties of the Region Coordinator. Serves as the representative of the Region to JASNA and of JASNA to the Region by informing JASNA of programs, meetings and regional activities and by disseminating information received from JASNA and other Regions to JASNA-KC members. Attends the JASNA Annual General Meeting if possible and participates in the Regional Coordinators' meeting while there. Presides over meetings and has general charge of the affairs of the Region. May delegate duties to the Treasurer, Secretary and willing volunteers. Section 8. Duties of the Secretary. Records the minutes of all planning and business meetings as needed and distributes the minutes to RC and region members. Keeps copies of all minutes of meetings in the Region's Record Book. May assist the RC in other miscellaneous duties. Section 9. Duties of the immediate Past Region Coordinator. May advise and is a voting member of the Executive Committee. Section 10. Duties of Region Librarian. Maintains the collection of books and media owned by the Region and circulates them to members at their request. This is a volunteer or appointed position and may be shared among the members. Each election meeting should offer an opportunity for the current Librarian to resign, continue, and/or add a partner. The Librarian is not a member of the Executive Committee. Section 11. Vacancies. These shall be filled for the remaining unexpired term. Members shall be notified of vacancies in any office resulting from any cause other than expiration of the term. The RC may make a temporary appointment to the vacancy until members can vote on the permanent replacement. If the RC position is vacant, the remaining ExCom may make a temporary appointment until members can vote on the permanent replacement. Nominations will be taken prior to the next meeting of members. The election shall be held at the next meeting, and the candidate receiving a majority of the votes shall be elected. Section 12. Resignation of Officers. Any Officer may resign at any time by giving written notice to the RC. The RC may resign at any time by giving written notice to the ExCom. Notice of intent to resign should be given a reasonable time prior to the date of resignation if possible. Section 13. Removal of Officers. The ExCom has the authority to recommend
[ -0.5474396701390185, -0.9062946325366938 ]
[ -0.48733978796513017, -0.793537275369092 ]
[ 0.6027321771348135, 0.24765843358101589 ]
[ 0.03810517357485317, -0.07375374796002085 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 29906, 29897, 2440, 322, 1122, 367, 337, 29899, 15436, 287, 363, 701, 304, 1023, 313, 29906, 29897, 5684, 4958, 29889, 1939, 12139, 4091, 367, 560, 335, 1821, 304, 9080, 363, 901, 1135, 2211, 18942, 4958, 297, 278, 1021, 8034, 29889, 450, 1840, 310, 8034, 4091, 24108, 373, 278, 2462, 310, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29953, 322, 1095, 373, 5846, 29871, 29896, 29953, 1023, 2440, 8151, 29889, 1152, 3133, 537, 29892, 278, 12139, 29915, 29879, 4958, 674, 367, 380, 9921, 287, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29941, 29889, 405, 5817, 1218, 310, 20339, 414, 29889, 11069, 5144, 1122, 10418, 403, 916, 5144, 470, 6053, 363, 8034, 491, 11834, 5367, 385, 5375, 29915, 29879, 1024, 363, 278, 8287, 327, 29889, 9333, 15724, 1058, 526, 5144, 297, 1781, 13407, 310, 435, 3289, 3521, 322, 278, 11069, 1122, 367, 11467, 304, 8034, 29889, 405, 5817, 800, 1122, 6058, 367, 1754, 515, 278, 11904, 29889, 13, 29940, 5817, 800, 1818, 367, 18397, 304, 278, 29138, 297, 5007, 694, 2678, 1135, 313, 29953, 29900, 29897, 1354, 29312, 3841, 7536, 304, 278, 8271, 310, 13049, 29889, 2180, 3203, 313, 29941, 29900, 29897, 17058, 3841, 7536, 304, 278, 8271, 29892, 278, 29138, 4091, 9752, 304, 278, 341, 1590, 10475, 263, 2243, 403, 18028, 599, 310, 278, 2245, 457, 267, 1058, 526, 5144, 297, 1781, 13407, 322, 560, 335, 1821, 363, 8271, 29889, 450, 28841, 12930, 4091, 367, 14040, 363, 7512, 292, 278, 8271, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29946, 29889, 382, 1464, 29889, 450, 8271, 310, 278, 29138, 322, 390, 29911, 4091, 367, 4934, 472, 278, 17568, 18987, 11781, 29889, 319, 439, 17220, 19849, 310, 472, 3203, 29871, 29896, 29945, 10151, 310, 278, 5144, 310, 278, 11069, 1818, 367, 2198, 363, 278, 8271, 304, 367, 18043, 29889, 960, 263, 439, 17220, 338, 451, 2198, 29892, 278, 8271, 4091, 367, 4934, 472, 263, 4266, 11781, 2000, 363, 393, 6437, 470, 472, 278, 2446, 4943, 11781, 310, 278, 5144, 472, 607, 263, 439, 17220, 338, 2198, 29889, 319, 4509, 338, 11467, 304, 8034, 491, 263, 13638, 11719, 310, 278, 5144, 472, 278, 11781, 29889, 1939, 4509, 4091, 11719, 470, 367, 9875, 491, 10166, 29889, 13, 3253, 29894, 749, 28931, 491, 321, 29899, 2549, 470, 10524, 338, 6068, 565, 278, 4509, 7274, 385, 321, 29899, 2549, 470, 5650, 8287, 327, 472, 3203, 1023, 11405, 1434, 278, 8271, 11781, 29889, 512, 1797, 304, 367, 29115, 29892, 278, 8676, 321, 29899, 2549, 470, 5650, 8287, 327, 1818, 367, 4520, 491, 738, 28841, 12930, 4509, 278, 2462, 1434, 278, 8271, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29945, 29889, 28841, 12930, 29889, 450, 1222, 1523, 4091, 5718, 310, 599, 11467, 13049, 310, 278, 11069, 322, 4940, 29138, 29889, 910, 2318, 674, 10933, 278, 19469, 310, 278, 11069, 322, 15058, 599, 278, 22204, 322, 10801, 310, 278, 11069, 408, 731, 11483, 297, 1438, 491, 29899, 433, 5652, 29889, 450, 1222, 1523, 4091, 4808, 5870, 886, 408, 4049, 408, 372, 316, 1567, 5181, 304, 21749, 335, 2705, 7512, 5381, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29953, 29889, 360, 329, 583, 310, 278, 11069, 3189, 4194, 1061, 29889, 1816, 1960, 408, 278, 21097, 310, 278, 11069, 304, 435, 3289, 3521, 322, 310, 435, 3289, 3521, 304, 278, 11069, 491, 1871, 292, 435, 3289, 3521, 310, 11104, 29892, 5870, 886, 322, 14014, 14188, 322, 491, 766, 12846, 262, 1218, 2472, 4520, 515, 435, 3289, 3521, 322, 916, 2169, 1080, 304, 435, 3289, 3521, 29899, 29968, 29907, 5144, 29889, 6212, 1975, 278, 435, 3289, 3521, 8081, 950, 4593, 2191, 15133, 565, 1950, 322, 5221, 1078, 297, 278, 16208, 3189, 4194, 4097, 29915, 11781, 1550, 727, 29889, 4360, 2247, 975, 5870, 886, 322, 756, 2498, 8323, 310, 278, 19469, 310, 278, 11069, 29889, 2610, 13341, 22204, 304, 278, 6479, 294, 9945, 29892, 17719, 322, 17762, 27886, 414, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29947, 29889, 360, 329, 583, 310, 278, 17719, 29889, 7983, 278, 6233, 310, 599, 18987, 322, 5381, 5870, 886, 408, 4312, 322, 1320, 5026, 278, 6233, 304, 29138, 322, 5120, 5144, 29889, 476, 3905, 567, 14591, 310, 599, 6233, 310, 5870, 886, 297, 278, 11069, 29915, 29879, 14164, 6726, 29889, 2610, 6985, 278, 29138, 297, 916, 3984, 3729, 23584, 22204, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29929, 29889, 360, 329, 583, 310, 278, 16800, 19793, 11069, 3189, 4194, 1061, 29889, 2610, 22939, 322, 338, 263, 28931, 4509, 310, 278, 28841, 12930, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29889, 360, 329, 583, 310, 11069, 365, 4626, 13956, 29889, 341, 2365, 2708, 278, 4333, 310, 8277, 322, 5745, 15205, 491, 278, 11069, 322, 18342, 1078, 963, 304, 5144, 472, 1009, 2009, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 27886, 261, 470, 10658, 2602, 322, 1122, 367, 7258, 4249, 278, 5144, 29889, 7806, 8271, 11781, 881, 5957, 385, 15130, 363, 278, 1857, 365, 4626, 13956, 304, 620, 647, 29892, 6773, 29892, 322, 29914, 272, 788, 263, 18096, 29889, 450, 365, 4626, 13956, 338, 451, 263, 4509, 310, 278, 28841, 12930, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29889, 478, 562, 273, 2478, 29889, 4525, 4091, 367, 10423, 363, 278, 9886, 443, 4548, 2859, 1840, 29889, 341, 13415, 4091, 367, 451, 2164, 310, 11757, 273, 2478, 297, 738, 8034, 9819, 515, 738, 4556, 916, 1135, 1518, 12232, 310, 278, 1840, 29889, 450, 29138, 1122, 1207, 263, 13201, 28573, 304, 278, 11757, 6906, 2745, 5144, 508, 11719, 373, 278, 17667, 16920, 29889, 960, 278, 29138, 2602, 338, 11757, 424, 29892, 278, 9886, 1222, 1523, 1122, 1207, 263, 13201, 28573, 2745, 5144, 508, 11719, 373, 278, 17667, 16920, 29889, 405, 5817, 800, 674, 367, 4586, 7536, 304, 278, 2446, 11781, 310, 5144, 29889, 450, 8271, 4091, 367, 4934, 472, 278, 2446, 11781, 29892, 322, 278, 14020, 13442, 263, 13638, 310, 278, 18952, 4091, 367, 11467, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29889, 2538, 25072, 310, 20339, 414, 29889, 3139, 28288, 1122, 620, 647, 472, 738, 931, 491, 6820, 3971, 8369, 304, 278, 29138, 29889, 450, 29138, 1122, 620, 647, 472, 738, 931, 491, 6820, 3971, 8369, 304, 278, 1222, 1523, 29889, 16393, 310, 7609, 304, 620, 647, 881, 367, 2183, 263, 15590, 931, 7536, 304, 278, 2635, 310, 620, 25072, 565, 1950, 29889, 13, 13438, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29889, 5240, 10611, 310, 20339, 414, 29889, 450, 1222, 1523, 756, 278, 14329, 304, 6907 ]
LINE BREAKS AND roots have been a recurring problem when it comes to cleaning sewer lines. Over the years, we've used mechanical equipment designed to rip, tear and cut away roots. If dirt and gravel were brought back, we could safely assume the line was either separated or broken and we could get an approximate location by measuring the length of cables we had run into the line. Finding additional cleanouts often presented a challenge if the lateral location wasn't known or obvious. A metal detector often helped for locating below-grade cleanouts but was limited by its short depth range. The depth of the line could be determined once a cleanout was removed by extending a foot tape to the bottom. Not an exact science, but fairly close. If only we had X-ray vision! Remember the 45,000-sq.-ft. timber-framed farmer's market building where we'd inspected sewer lines with General Pipe Cleaner's Gen-Eye 3 system? (March, pg. 34) or see http://www.contractormag.com/articles/column.cfm?columnid=286. One of those lines was a 12-in. terracotta combination sanitary sewer and storm water drain. My architectural print from 1888 (the year the building was constructed) clearly shows this line being run straight along a sidewall, exiting the building and continuing in a straight line out into the street. The only point of access for this line is the towers where dual copper roof conductors drop down and disappear into the concrete. From the original blueprint, the line was thought to run under a corner restaurant while passing by the neighboring basement where the leak was appearing next door. A 116-year-old 12-in. terracotta line with cement joints certainly raised suspicion as the source of infiltration! A brick lying in the line, which proved impossible to bypass, stymied our attempt to video the entire line. The crystal-clear color video image can be flipped on-screen to avoid standing on your head for proper orientation. Before retrieving the camera, General's Gen-Eye digital locator was used and the video monitor indicated we were some 55 ft. down the line - right in the middle of the corner restaurant's dining area. In spite of our standing exactly where the print showed the line, we couldn't seem to get a location signal. Our General Pipe representative kept getting an indication the signal was coming from outside the restaurant where numerous vendor stands are located. Within a few minutes, he had pinpointed the exact location of the camera head and its depth below the concrete. The line was diverging from the centuries-old print and running toward the opposite corner on a 45-degree angle! If we had attempted to excavate by the blueprint, we would have met with failure and created a huge mess. Next up was the Ridgid SeeSnake Plus system with its NaviTrack locator. To be fair, I made no mention of the brick or the line's deviation from the blueprint. Ridgid's color camera image was also quite clear and the image was self-leveling. If you've ever witnessed customers craning their necks to orient the horizontal while viewing older sewer-line tapes, you'll appreciate how quickly a self-leveling image is taken for granted. A set of stand-offs was attached to the camera to keep it out of any puddles and I knew there were several low spots we would encounter. Once again, the brick proved to be impassable. The NaviTrack locator was taken to the same spot inside the corner restaurant and the search began. Ridgid's locator comes with multiple sounds that remind you of a cross between a casino's slot machines and a pinball machine. As their representative explained it to me, we were looking for the "poles" of the signal. If you think of the signal in 3-D terms, it would look like a Ferris wheel with the poles being the outer edges from an overhead view. NaviTrack comes with three colored discs to mark the poles and the sweet spot (center), which is centered directly over the camera. A soon as the locator was turned on, a signal indicated a pole was off to the side and not where the blueprint suggested where it would be located. Within just a few minutes, the first pole was located and that spot corresponded with where the Gen-Eye had determined our line
[ 0.23601467524827244, 0.26340818382824766 ]
[ 1.3480545078773314, 0.7678908475329825 ]
[ 0.7904140130132495, 0.25273091563178446 ]
[ 0.6234134839317521, 0.09793668974466951 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 365, 8895, 350, 1525, 29909, 17557, 5300, 16778, 505, 1063, 263, 1162, 1038, 292, 1108, 746, 372, 5304, 304, 5941, 292, 409, 556, 3454, 29889, 6811, 278, 2440, 29892, 591, 29915, 345, 1304, 28310, 21083, 8688, 304, 18290, 29892, 734, 279, 322, 5700, 3448, 16778, 29889, 960, 270, 2728, 322, 2646, 955, 892, 6296, 1250, 29892, 591, 1033, 23511, 5251, 278, 1196, 471, 2845, 13055, 470, 9391, 322, 591, 1033, 679, 385, 26368, 4423, 491, 7540, 3864, 278, 3309, 310, 274, 1849, 591, 750, 1065, 964, 278, 1196, 29889, 13, 29943, 4015, 5684, 5941, 17718, 4049, 9132, 263, 18766, 565, 278, 2678, 284, 4423, 9007, 29915, 29873, 2998, 470, 6924, 29889, 319, 11915, 1439, 3019, 4049, 9213, 363, 1180, 1218, 2400, 29899, 8228, 5941, 17718, 541, 471, 9078, 491, 967, 3273, 10809, 3464, 29889, 450, 10809, 310, 278, 1196, 1033, 367, 10087, 2748, 263, 5941, 449, 471, 6206, 491, 23771, 263, 3661, 260, 4085, 304, 278, 5970, 29889, 2216, 385, 2684, 10466, 29892, 541, 12558, 3802, 29889, 960, 871, 591, 750, 1060, 29899, 764, 18551, 29991, 13, 7301, 1096, 278, 29871, 29946, 29945, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29899, 3044, 9229, 615, 29889, 5335, 495, 29899, 1341, 2795, 2215, 1050, 29915, 29879, 9999, 5214, 988, 591, 29915, 29881, 1663, 6021, 409, 556, 3454, 411, 4593, 7362, 412, 315, 14044, 261, 29915, 29879, 5739, 29899, 29923, 4099, 29871, 29941, 1788, 29973, 313, 29924, 1279, 29892, 23822, 29889, 29871, 29941, 29946, 29897, 470, 1074, 1732, 597, 1636, 29889, 1285, 1461, 555, 351, 29889, 510, 29914, 18569, 29914, 4914, 29889, 6854, 29885, 29973, 4914, 333, 29922, 29906, 29947, 29953, 29889, 13, 6716, 310, 1906, 3454, 471, 263, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29899, 262, 29889, 1935, 945, 13536, 10296, 9753, 277, 653, 409, 556, 322, 14280, 4094, 270, 6038, 29889, 1619, 6956, 3631, 1596, 515, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29947, 29947, 313, 1552, 1629, 278, 5214, 471, 13319, 29897, 9436, 3697, 445, 1196, 1641, 1065, 7812, 3412, 263, 2625, 11358, 29892, 6876, 292, 278, 5214, 322, 3133, 292, 297, 263, 7812, 1196, 714, 964, 278, 11952, 29889, 450, 871, 1298, 310, 2130, 363, 445, 1196, 338, 278, 304, 17538, 988, 14581, 1302, 2496, 17526, 7512, 943, 5768, 1623, 322, 25417, 964, 278, 18387, 29889, 13, 4591, 278, 2441, 7254, 2158, 29892, 278, 1196, 471, 2714, 304, 1065, 1090, 263, 11155, 27144, 1550, 6819, 491, 278, 12307, 292, 2362, 882, 988, 278, 24993, 471, 21534, 2446, 3050, 29889, 319, 29871, 29896, 29896, 29953, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 29871, 29896, 29906, 29899, 262, 29889, 1935, 945, 13536, 1196, 411, 274, 882, 14002, 29879, 8959, 10425, 8872, 15353, 408, 278, 2752, 310, 297, 1777, 509, 362, 29991, 319, 28645, 19214, 297, 278, 1196, 29892, 607, 11827, 9301, 304, 491, 3364, 29892, 380, 962, 1000, 1749, 4218, 304, 4863, 278, 4152, 1196, 29889, 450, 10901, 11195, 29899, 8551, 2927, 4863, 1967, 508, 367, 285, 492, 2986, 373, 29899, 10525, 304, 4772, 13407, 373, 596, 2343, 363, 1571, 19843, 29889, 13, 18743, 5663, 15387, 278, 10656, 29892, 4593, 29915, 29879, 5739, 29899, 29923, 4099, 13436, 1180, 1061, 471, 1304, 322, 278, 4863, 11819, 18694, 591, 892, 777, 29871, 29945, 29945, 11791, 29889, 1623, 278, 1196, 448, 1492, 297, 278, 7256, 310, 278, 11155, 27144, 29915, 29879, 270, 2827, 4038, 29889, 512, 21100, 310, 1749, 13407, 3721, 988, 278, 1596, 10018, 278, 1196, 29892, 591, 8496, 29915, 29873, 2833, 304, 679, 263, 4423, 7182, 29889, 13, 29949, 332, 4593, 7362, 412, 21097, 8126, 2805, 385, 4221, 362, 278, 7182, 471, 6421, 515, 5377, 278, 27144, 988, 12727, 27042, 15028, 526, 5982, 29889, 23732, 263, 2846, 6233, 29892, 540, 750, 12534, 3149, 287, 278, 2684, 4423, 310, 278, 10656, 2343, 322, 967, 10809, 2400, 278, 18387, 29889, 450, 1196, 471, 17089, 3460, 515, 278, 21726, 29899, 1025, 1596, 322, 2734, 11183, 278, 11564, 11155, 373, 263, 29871, 29946, 29945, 29899, 12163, 929, 10696, 29991, 960, 591, 750, 16388, 304, 5566, 485, 403, 491, 278, 7254, 2158, 29892, 591, 723, 505, 1539, 411, 10672, 322, 2825, 263, 12176, 4473, 29889, 13, 9190, 701, 471, 278, 390, 333, 29887, 333, 2823, 29903, 21040, 15113, 1788, 411, 967, 13132, 29875, 17936, 1180, 1061, 29889, 1763, 367, 6534, 29892, 306, 1754, 694, 3585, 310, 278, 28645, 470, 278, 1196, 29915, 29879, 29522, 515, 278, 7254, 2158, 29889, 390, 333, 29887, 333, 29915, 29879, 2927, 10656, 1967, 471, 884, 3755, 2821, 322, 278, 1967, 471, 1583, 29899, 5563, 292, 29889, 960, 366, 29915, 345, 3926, 16277, 287, 20330, 274, 661, 292, 1009, 452, 4684, 304, 7769, 278, 14698, 1550, 1776, 292, 9642, 409, 556, 29899, 1220, 260, 11603, 29892, 366, 29915, 645, 11188, 920, 9098, 263, 1583, 29899, 5563, 292, 1967, 338, 4586, 363, 16896, 29889, 13, 29909, 731, 310, 2317, 29899, 22450, 471, 10959, 304, 278, 10656, 304, 3013, 372, 714, 310, 738, 282, 566, 29881, 793, 322, 306, 6363, 727, 892, 3196, 4482, 805, 1862, 591, 723, 11735, 29889, 9038, 1449, 29892, 278, 28645, 11827, 304, 367, 2411, 465, 519, 29889, 450, 13132, 29875, 17936, 1180, 1061, 471, 4586, 304, 278, 1021, 9758, 2768, 278, 11155, 27144, 322, 278, 2740, 4689, 29889, 13, 29934, 333, 29887, 333, 29915, 29879, 1180, 1061, 5304, 411, 2999, 10083, 393, 1083, 513, 366, 310, 263, 4891, 1546, 263, 3209, 1789, 29915, 29879, 21497, 14884, 322, 263, 12534, 2135, 4933, 29889, 1094, 1009, 21097, 10824, 372, 304, 592, 29892, 591, 892, 3063, 363, 278, 376, 3733, 267, 29908, 310, 278, 7182, 29889, 960, 366, 1348, 310, 278, 7182, 297, 29871, 29941, 29899, 29928, 4958, 29892, 372, 723, 1106, 763, 263, 16541, 275, 18875, 411, 278, 1248, 267, 1641, 278, 11420, 12770, 515, 385, 18702, 1776, 29889, 13132, 29875, 17936, 5304, 411, 2211, 28684, 2313, 29879, 304, 2791, 278, 1248, 267, 322, 278, 14225, 9758, 313, 5064, 511, 607, 338, 24764, 4153, 975, 278, 10656, 29889, 13, 29909, 4720, 408, 278, 1180, 1061, 471, 6077, 373, 29892, 263, 7182, 18694, 263, 22775, 471, 1283, 304, 278, 2625, 322, 451, 988, 278, 7254, 2158, 7829, 988, 372, 723, 367, 5982, 29889, 23732, 925, 263, 2846, 6233, 29892, 278, 937, 22775, 471, 5982, 322, 393, 9758, 3928, 287, 411, 988, 278, 5739, 29899, 29923, 4099, 750, 10087, 1749, 1196 ]
Why Wi-Fi 6 Will See Blazing Fast Adoption Posted by: Neeraj Periwal Wi-Fi 6: coming soon to a network near you Most marketers are guilty at one point or another of hyping up a minor improvement as if it were a major innovation. Think of the relatively unimportant year-over-year changes made to mature household products: it's unlikely that that new lawnmower you bought a few days ago is really as game-changing as the manufacturer wants you to believe, at least when compared to last year's model. The technology industry is by no means innocent in this regard — plenty of tech products are heralded as revolutionary upon release, even if their improvements are more iterative than transformational. Every so often, however, the tech world gives birth to a game-changing invention that moves the goalposts and results in rapid adoption. For these types of generation-defining technological changes to happen, a whole host of forces needs to move. In the music industry, for example, the shift from digital downloads to streaming occurred quickly thanks to the rapid proliferation of smartphones, the availability of fast cellular data, and the decoupling of individual tracks from albums that services like iTunes had enabled in the early 2000s. The creation of the newest generation of Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi 6, represents a similarly meaningful shift. Consumers are adopting network-connected devices faster than ever before; wireless vendors (including Cisco Meraki) are introducing Wi-Fi 6 enabled networking devices at breakneck speed; and a brand new cellular standard, 5G, is already making waves in the world of wireless. In other words, the whole ecosystem is moving in lockstep toward a faster, better wireless future. If past patterns are any indication, Wi-Fi 6 will have a major impact on the entire industry and see quicker adoption than any previous Wi-Fi generation. Here are a few reasons why. 1. Wi-Fi 6: built on a set of proven, foundational technologies While Wi-Fi 6 introduces a new collection of breakthrough technologies, like BSS Coloring and Target Wake Time (TWT), it is based on a number of foundational, trusted technologies that have been enhanced instead of being rebuilt from the ground up. For example: Wi-Fi 6 makes the jump from 256 QAM (Quadrature Amplitude Modulation) to 1024 QAM. The higher the number, the greater number of packets that can be sent efficiently. This increase means up to a 2.5x increase in throughput and a 25% increase in spectral efficiency. Multi-user MIMO (MU-MIMO), a technology introduced with Wi-Fi 5, allows APs to send and receive packets to and from multiple clients simultaneously. Combined with 8×8 support, this will result in significantly faster speeds in different directions. OFDMA, which replaces the older OFDM, significantly reduces overhead and latency, especially when a multitude of clients are connecting to the network. OFDMA is based on trusted technology from LTE. What's the upshot here? Though Wi-Fi 6 will be a revolution in wireless, it's also in many ways an evolution of existing technologies. The rollout of Wi-Fi 6 networking hardware and devices alike should be relatively smooth, so consumers will be able to start using Wi-Fi 6 quickly. 2. More devices — and more demands — than ever There's a good reason the Wi-Fi Alliance sat down way back in 2013 and started hashing out its plans for Wi-Fi 6. Since the mid-2000s, there has been an absolute explosion of smartphones, laptops, and tablets, and this trend shows no signs of waning: four billion Wi-Fi equipped devices will ship in 2019, and by the end of this year, the 30 billionth Wi-Fi device will have shipped — that's three times the cumulative number (10 billion) reached in 2014! And all of these devices, of course, rely on consistent connectivity to function. For that reason alone, Wi-Fi 6, with its focus on high density coverage, is long overdue. But Wi-Fi 6 offers even more than this. First, it's a much more power-efficient standard, because thanks to a feature known as Target
[ 1.0112509680615707, 0.9564639509016203 ]
[ 0.6174780467029662, 1.6202300522364086 ]
[ 0.9730233668409168, 1.6324460334408268 ]
[ 0.1811805383287618, 0.9928080620236617 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3750, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 2811, 2823, 10465, 19583, 23786, 319, 1867, 683, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 29901, 2448, 261, 1175, 2431, 9429, 284, 13, 29956, 29875, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 29901, 6421, 4720, 304, 263, 3564, 2978, 366, 13, 29924, 520, 2791, 2699, 526, 27719, 472, 697, 1298, 470, 1790, 310, 10163, 292, 701, 263, 9461, 20414, 408, 565, 372, 892, 263, 4655, 24233, 362, 29889, 25086, 310, 278, 13774, 443, 17001, 1629, 29899, 957, 29899, 6360, 3620, 1754, 304, 286, 1535, 22329, 9316, 29901, 372, 29915, 29879, 25057, 393, 393, 716, 425, 1233, 29885, 1680, 366, 18093, 263, 2846, 3841, 8020, 338, 2289, 408, 3748, 29899, 305, 9776, 408, 278, 12012, 9945, 10753, 366, 304, 4658, 29892, 472, 3203, 746, 9401, 304, 1833, 1629, 29915, 29879, 1904, 29889, 13, 1576, 15483, 13661, 338, 491, 694, 2794, 21458, 296, 297, 445, 4880, 813, 20947, 310, 734, 305, 9316, 526, 902, 2741, 287, 408, 19479, 653, 2501, 6507, 29892, 1584, 565, 1009, 28473, 526, 901, 4256, 1230, 1135, 4327, 1288, 29889, 7569, 577, 4049, 29892, 3138, 29892, 278, 734, 305, 3186, 4076, 12060, 304, 263, 3748, 29899, 305, 9776, 297, 7316, 393, 16229, 278, 7306, 14080, 322, 2582, 297, 10952, 594, 3385, 29889, 13, 2831, 1438, 4072, 310, 12623, 29899, 1753, 2827, 5722, 5996, 3620, 304, 3799, 29892, 263, 3353, 3495, 310, 8249, 4225, 304, 4337, 29889, 512, 278, 4696, 13661, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 278, 9500, 515, 13436, 5142, 29879, 304, 24820, 10761, 9098, 3969, 304, 278, 10952, 410, 29880, 9633, 362, 310, 15040, 561, 2873, 29892, 278, 20847, 3097, 310, 5172, 3038, 1070, 848, 29892, 322, 278, 1602, 283, 10335, 310, 5375, 16257, 515, 20618, 393, 5786, 763, 474, 29911, 7844, 750, 9615, 297, 278, 4688, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29879, 29889, 13, 1576, 11265, 310, 278, 716, 342, 12623, 310, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29892, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 29892, 11524, 263, 22829, 6593, 1319, 9500, 29889, 2138, 398, 414, 526, 9332, 292, 3564, 29899, 18045, 9224, 8473, 1135, 3926, 1434, 29936, 26677, 9691, 943, 313, 18271, 315, 275, 1111, 4702, 9940, 29897, 526, 4547, 3277, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 9615, 28127, 9224, 472, 2867, 484, 384, 6210, 29936, 322, 263, 14982, 716, 3038, 1070, 3918, 29892, 29871, 29945, 29954, 29892, 338, 2307, 3907, 20037, 297, 278, 3186, 310, 26677, 29889, 512, 916, 3838, 29892, 278, 3353, 321, 3944, 973, 338, 8401, 297, 7714, 10568, 11183, 263, 8473, 29892, 2253, 26677, 5434, 29889, 13, 3644, 4940, 15038, 526, 738, 4221, 362, 29892, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 674, 505, 263, 4655, 10879, 373, 278, 4152, 13661, 322, 1074, 4996, 261, 594, 3385, 1135, 738, 3517, 14570, 29899, 18800, 12623, 29889, 2266, 526, 263, 2846, 9590, 2020, 29889, 13, 29896, 29889, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 29901, 4240, 373, 263, 731, 310, 16413, 29892, 1476, 1288, 5722, 11763, 13, 8809, 488, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 4547, 778, 263, 716, 4333, 310, 2867, 20678, 5722, 11763, 29892, 763, 350, 1799, 1530, 8253, 322, 17157, 399, 1296, 5974, 313, 16240, 29911, 511, 372, 338, 2729, 373, 263, 1353, 310, 1476, 1288, 29892, 9311, 287, 5722, 11763, 393, 505, 1063, 427, 29308, 2012, 310, 1641, 337, 16145, 515, 278, 5962, 701, 29889, 1152, 1342, 29901, 13, 29956, 29875, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 3732, 278, 12500, 515, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29953, 660, 5194, 313, 2182, 7887, 1535, 1913, 2830, 1151, 3382, 2785, 29897, 304, 29871, 29896, 29900, 29906, 29946, 660, 5194, 29889, 450, 6133, 278, 1353, 29892, 278, 7621, 1353, 310, 23912, 393, 508, 367, 2665, 29497, 29889, 910, 7910, 2794, 701, 304, 263, 29871, 29906, 29889, 29945, 29916, 7910, 297, 1549, 649, 322, 263, 29871, 29906, 29945, 29995, 7910, 297, 23161, 19201, 29889, 13, 15329, 29899, 1792, 341, 29902, 6720, 313, 29924, 29965, 29899, 10403, 6720, 511, 263, 15483, 9129, 411, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29945, 29892, 6511, 12279, 29879, 304, 3638, 322, 7150, 23912, 304, 322, 515, 2999, 13154, 21699, 29889, 422, 29890, 1312, 411, 29871, 29947, 30122, 29947, 2304, 29892, 445, 674, 1121, 297, 16951, 8473, 961, 5779, 297, 1422, 18112, 29889, 13, 9800, 29928, 1529, 29892, 607, 1634, 6048, 278, 9642, 8079, 23560, 29892, 16951, 26830, 18702, 322, 23316, 1270, 29892, 7148, 746, 263, 1773, 4279, 310, 13154, 526, 16791, 304, 278, 3564, 29889, 8079, 29928, 1529, 338, 2729, 373, 9311, 287, 15483, 515, 365, 4330, 29889, 13, 5618, 29915, 29879, 278, 24081, 8711, 1244, 29973, 14832, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 674, 367, 263, 19479, 297, 26677, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 884, 297, 1784, 5837, 385, 14675, 310, 5923, 5722, 11763, 29889, 450, 9679, 449, 310, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 28127, 12837, 322, 9224, 394, 9345, 881, 367, 13774, 10597, 29892, 577, 11233, 414, 674, 367, 2221, 304, 1369, 773, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 9098, 29889, 13, 29906, 29889, 5853, 9224, 813, 322, 901, 1261, 4167, 813, 1135, 3926, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 1781, 2769, 278, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29855, 3290, 1623, 982, 1250, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 322, 4687, 756, 2790, 714, 967, 13900, 363, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 29889, 4001, 278, 7145, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29900, 29879, 29892, 727, 756, 1063, 385, 8380, 20389, 291, 310, 15040, 561, 2873, 29892, 425, 415, 3554, 29892, 322, 1591, 1372, 29892, 322, 445, 534, 355, 3697, 694, 18906, 310, 281, 273, 292, 29901, 3023, 24464, 14570, 29899, 18800, 1592, 16242, 9224, 674, 7751, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 322, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 445, 1629, 29892, 278, 29871, 29941, 29900, 24464, 386, 14570, 29899, 18800, 4742, 674, 505, 528, 16242, 813, 393, 29915, 29879, 2211, 3064, 278, 13299, 28524, 1353, 313, 29896, 29900, 24464, 29897, 7450, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29991, 1126, 599, 310, 1438, 9224, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 19104, 373, 13747, 4511, 2068, 304, 740, 29889, 1152, 393, 2769, 7432, 29892, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 29892, 411, 967, 8569, 373, 1880, 9027, 23746, 29892, 338, 1472, 975, 29123, 29889, 13, 6246, 14570, 29899, 18800, 29871, 29953, 16688, 1584, 901, 1135, 445, 29889, 13, 6730, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 1568, 901, 3081, 29899, 8462, 3918, 29892, 1363, 3969, 304, 263, 4682, 2998, 408, 17157 ]
New Enverus Knowledge Hub | Get Energy Insights On Demand! Enverus Services ACCESS TOUR Natural Gas Market Remains Volatile: Too Much Supply Still Chasing Too Little Demand Media Contact: Jon Haubert | 303.396.5996 Written by John Egan for Industrial Info Resources (Sugar Land, Texas)–For U.S. natural gas producers, this could be as good as it gets for the next few years. A weak winter heating season has caused one consulting firm, Drillinginfo Incorporated (Austin, Texas), to sharply reduce its average gas price forecast for 2017. In November 2016, the firm forecasted gas prices at Henry Hub would average $4.25 per million British thermal units (MMBtu) for 2017. That forecast assumed normal winter weather. But the just-concluded winter heating season was significantly warmer than normal, causing Drillinginfo to lower its 2017 price forecast to $3.50 per MMBtu, an 18% decline. "Demand didn't show up because winter didn't show up," Maria Sanchez, Drillinginfo's manager of energy analysis, said in an interview. Looking farther into the future, Drillinginfo predicts gas prices will hold steady at an average of $3.50 per MMBtu in 2018 before falling to an average of $3.25 per MMBtu in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Still, the firm's forecast of $3.50 per MMBtu this year is significantly better than producers received for their product in 2016. Last year, gas prices averaged about $2.51 per MMBtu and briefly fell to less than $2 per MMBtu in some months, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) (Washington, D.C.). In a new report to clients, "Redefining Bullish," Drillinginfo sets out its more pessimistic price scenario for gas as well as oil. "Compared to our forecast in late 2016, we now see prices as being lower for longer," Sanchez said, adding: "We're in a period of persistent low prices," where demand, while strong, is outstripped by production growth. The "Redefining Bullish" report notes the increasing complexity and volatility of the U.S. natural gas market. Factors affecting demand and production, and thus supply and prices, include exports to Mexico, liquefied natural gas (LNG) exports, midstream and pipeline constraints and increased demand from petrochemical companies. "Last year, low prices were one of the main reasons gas production fell by about 1.4 billion cubic feet per day (Bcf/d) compared to 2015," Sanchez told Industrial Info. "That's the first time production has declined in a decade. Right now, production is about 2 Bcf/d below 2016 production." Dry gas production averaged about 70.5 Bcf/d for the first three months of 2017, she noted. Another factor keeping prices low, at least in the Marcellus and Utica shale regions, is a shortage of pipeline takeaway capacity. But Sanchez told Industrial Info she sees that situation improving this year, as four major gas pipelines coming out of the Marcellus and Utica are scheduled to be operating by the end of this year. The four projects are the ET Rover, Atlantic Sunrise, Leach Xpress and Rayne Xpress. These four pipeline projects will add about 5.6 Bcf/d of takeaway capacity from the Marcellus and Utica shales by the winter heating season of 2017-2018, she predicted. The total investment value of those four projects is about $8.6 billion, according to Industrial Info's North American Project Platform. That platform has a new "umbrella project" search function so subscribers can more easily identify all the different projects that are part of a larger project. The Rover pipeline project, for example, comprises 28 separate projects. Atlantic Sunrise has 11 separate projects, while Leach Xpress has nine, according to the platform. Gas production from the Marcellus Shale is expected to increase about 1 Bcf/d this year compared
[ -0.5912692838669789, 0.20862116666829722 ]
[ -0.18696184345042488, 1.5127923373578256 ]
[ -0.5872404089626682, 0.26794836178409004 ]
[ -0.42363804904003377, 0.649427186614281 ]
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[ 1570, 1174, 369, 375, 19320, 5485, 14533, 891, 3617, 24836, 13377, 5861, 1551, 4432, 392, 29991, 13, 2369, 369, 375, 15538, 13, 2477, 23524, 7495, 4574, 13, 29940, 18771, 19141, 28794, 5240, 2708, 3684, 24285, 29901, 1763, 29877, 18927, 9179, 368, 12074, 678, 5832, 1763, 29877, 11143, 4432, 392, 13, 10572, 22387, 29901, 9937, 5952, 431, 814, 891, 29871, 29941, 29900, 29941, 29889, 29941, 29929, 29953, 29889, 29945, 29929, 29929, 29953, 13, 29956, 20833, 491, 2259, 382, 6249, 363, 12157, 9315, 22140, 27562, 313, 29903, 688, 279, 3172, 29892, 10319, 29897, 29994, 2831, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5613, 10489, 1391, 22543, 29892, 445, 1033, 367, 408, 1781, 408, 372, 4947, 363, 278, 2446, 2846, 2440, 29889, 319, 8062, 13851, 540, 1218, 4259, 756, 8581, 697, 8799, 292, 9226, 29892, 4942, 8873, 3888, 512, 2616, 1971, 630, 313, 29909, 504, 262, 29892, 10319, 511, 304, 15301, 368, 10032, 967, 6588, 10489, 8666, 29821, 579, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 13, 797, 3979, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 278, 9226, 29821, 28470, 10489, 26094, 472, 6498, 14533, 723, 6588, 395, 29946, 29889, 29906, 29945, 639, 7284, 4908, 26963, 10340, 313, 7428, 29933, 9161, 29897, 363, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29889, 2193, 29821, 579, 12023, 4226, 13851, 14826, 29889, 1205, 278, 925, 29899, 535, 13347, 13851, 540, 1218, 4259, 471, 16951, 1370, 1050, 1135, 4226, 29892, 10805, 4942, 8873, 3888, 304, 5224, 967, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 8666, 29821, 579, 304, 395, 29941, 29889, 29945, 29900, 639, 341, 9486, 9161, 29892, 385, 29871, 29896, 29947, 29995, 4845, 457, 29889, 376, 29928, 331, 392, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1510, 701, 1363, 13851, 3282, 29915, 29873, 1510, 701, 1699, 6217, 3087, 22067, 29892, 4942, 8873, 3888, 29915, 29879, 8455, 310, 5864, 7418, 29892, 1497, 297, 385, 15593, 29889, 13, 14959, 292, 26645, 964, 278, 5434, 29892, 4942, 8873, 3888, 8500, 29879, 10489, 26094, 674, 4808, 27357, 472, 385, 6588, 310, 395, 29941, 29889, 29945, 29900, 639, 341, 9486, 9161, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 1434, 20327, 304, 385, 6588, 310, 395, 29941, 29889, 29906, 29945, 639, 341, 9486, 9161, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29929, 29892, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 322, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 29889, 13, 855, 453, 29892, 278, 9226, 29915, 29879, 29821, 579, 310, 395, 29941, 29889, 29945, 29900, 639, 341, 9486, 9161, 445, 1629, 338, 16951, 2253, 1135, 1391, 22543, 4520, 363, 1009, 3234, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29889, 9208, 1629, 29892, 10489, 26094, 4759, 4063, 1048, 395, 29906, 29889, 29945, 29896, 639, 341, 9486, 9161, 322, 23359, 8379, 304, 3109, 1135, 395, 29906, 639, 341, 9486, 9161, 297, 777, 7378, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 24836, 10343, 23303, 313, 29923, 10764, 29897, 313, 29956, 7321, 29892, 360, 29889, 29907, 6250, 13, 797, 263, 716, 3461, 304, 13154, 29892, 376, 9039, 1389, 2827, 20293, 728, 1699, 4942, 8873, 3888, 6166, 714, 967, 901, 282, 404, 326, 4695, 8666, 10483, 363, 10489, 408, 1532, 408, 17182, 29889, 376, 6843, 1965, 304, 1749, 29821, 579, 297, 5683, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 29892, 591, 1286, 1074, 26094, 408, 1641, 5224, 363, 5520, 1699, 3087, 22067, 1497, 29892, 4417, 29901, 376, 4806, 29915, 276, 297, 263, 3785, 310, 28152, 4482, 26094, 1699, 988, 9667, 29892, 1550, 4549, 29892, 338, 714, 303, 374, 2986, 491, 5802, 14321, 29889, 450, 376, 9039, 1389, 2827, 20293, 728, 29908, 3461, 11486, 278, 10231, 13644, 322, 1700, 271, 1793, 310, 278, 501, 29889, 29903, 29889, 5613, 10489, 9999, 29889, 26748, 943, 6602, 292, 9667, 322, 5802, 29892, 322, 4550, 11421, 322, 26094, 29892, 3160, 29586, 304, 12568, 29892, 619, 802, 29888, 1000, 5613, 10489, 313, 29931, 9312, 29897, 29586, 29892, 7145, 5461, 322, 16439, 11938, 322, 11664, 9667, 515, 5697, 307, 14969, 936, 14582, 29889, 13, 29908, 8897, 1629, 29892, 4482, 26094, 892, 697, 310, 278, 1667, 9590, 10489, 5802, 8379, 491, 1048, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29946, 24464, 13630, 293, 6900, 639, 2462, 313, 29933, 6854, 29914, 29881, 29897, 9401, 304, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29945, 1699, 3087, 22067, 5429, 12157, 9315, 22140, 29889, 376, 7058, 29915, 29879, 278, 937, 931, 5802, 756, 4845, 1312, 297, 263, 316, 6332, 29889, 10428, 1286, 29892, 5802, 338, 1048, 29871, 29906, 350, 6854, 29914, 29881, 2400, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29953, 5802, 1213, 360, 719, 10489, 5802, 4759, 4063, 1048, 29871, 29955, 29900, 29889, 29945, 350, 6854, 29914, 29881, 363, 278, 937, 2211, 7378, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29892, 1183, 11682, 29889, 13, 2744, 1228, 7329, 12515, 26094, 4482, 29892, 472, 3203, 297, 278, 1085, 3729, 375, 322, 14950, 983, 528, 744, 12786, 29892, 338, 263, 3273, 482, 310, 16439, 2125, 21694, 13284, 29889, 1205, 3087, 22067, 5429, 12157, 9315, 22140, 1183, 18553, 393, 6434, 4857, 1747, 445, 1629, 29892, 408, 3023, 4655, 10489, 8450, 24210, 6421, 714, 310, 278, 1085, 3729, 375, 13, 392, 14950, 983, 526, 21467, 304, 367, 13598, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 445, 1629, 29889, 450, 3023, 9279, 526, 278, 382, 29911, 390, 957, 29892, 19948, 8991, 29878, 895, 29892, 951, 496, 1060, 2139, 322, 9596, 484, 1060, 2139, 29889, 4525, 3023, 16439, 9279, 674, 788, 1048, 29871, 29945, 29889, 29953, 350, 6854, 29914, 29881, 310, 2125, 21694, 13284, 515, 278, 1085, 3729, 375, 322, 14950, 983, 528, 2122, 491, 278, 13851, 540, 1218, 4259, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29892, 1183, 25383, 29889, 13, 1576, 3001, 13258, 358, 995, 310, 1906, 3023, 9279, 338, 1048, 395, 29947, 29889, 29953, 24464, 29892, 5034, 304, 12157, 9315, 22140, 29915, 29879, 4644, 3082, 8010, 28096, 29889, 2193, 7481, 756, 263, 716, 376, 398, 1030, 13520, 2060, 29908, 2740, 740, 577, 21696, 2596, 508, 901, 5948, 12439, 599, 278, 1422, 9279, 393, 526, 760, 310, 263, 7200, 2060, 29889, 450, 390, 957, 16439, 2060, 29892, 363, 1342, 29892, 7199, 4637, 29871, 29906, 29947, 5004, 9279, 29889, 19948, 8991, 29878, 895, 756, 29871, 29896, 29896, 5004, 9279, 29892, 1550, 951, 496, 1060, 2139, 756, 14183, 29892, 5034, 304, 278, 7481, 29889, 13, 29954, 294, 5802, 515, 278, 1085, 3729, 375, 1383, 744, 338, 3806, 304, 7910, 1048, 29871, 29896, 350, 6854, 29914, 29881, 445, 1629, 9401 ]
The SECOND worst problem for Writers (after Writers' block)... If there's one major problem for writers – second only to Writers' Block – it has to be BACK ACHE. Image courtesy of David Castillo Dominici / FreeDigitalPhotos.net I'm lucky that I've rarely been troubled by the former, but my back is now KILLING me! I was very naughty when I started writing my latest novel. Perhaps, if I'd suffered from more bouts of procrastination, I would have got up from the desk more often – but no, for the entire eight weeks of that first draft, I was practically glued to my chair. Now I'm paying the price. But, at least I've learnt my lesson. Now, every day – I do stretches. I've always been a fan of Yoga and Pilates' exercises, so I do these too – in short bursts when I'm boiling the kettle or making lunch. I know I should stop and go for a walk, I know I should take time out for a game of tennis in the local park – but when I'm in the thick of getting a story down – it's unthinkable. The answer, I've discovered, is not the Perfect Chair. No matter how fabulously comfy a chair may be, it makes you sit still – and it's the sitting still that causes the problems. I've tried the Swedish kneelers too, but apparently you can develop poor posture using those and it's not great for the knees. As no expert in the area of back complaints, and assuming that there will be others out there who share this plight, I thought I'd pass on this site by Paul Ingraham, which I've found useful: http://saveyourself.ca/tutorials/low-back-pain.php These aren't pretty, but they do work (and you can do them at your desk!): Image courtesy of Paul Ingraham I also like this one - and you get to hug yourself, too! Okay – now back to my edits… If you enjoyed this post, Please Share it using the buttons below. Thank you! To Subscribe to this weekly Blog - Just use the sidebar ---> AJ Waines is the author of Psychological Thrillers: The Evil Beneath and Girl on a Train. Both books hit the Number One spot in 'Murder' and 'Psychological Thrillers' in the UK Kindle charts. Posted by AJ Waines at 13:31 No comments: Labels: bad back, exercises., novel, Paul Ingraham, stretching, writers' block, writers' problems Book Titles that Grab Following my recent blog about the Image on a book cover, I thought I'd look at Titles. The title of a book, (backed up by the image on the cover), gives us our first impression of the novel. Those two or three seconds when a reader's eyes fall on the cover are crucial – the title needs to grab our attention, generate intrigue and compel us to take a closer look. The Lord of the Flies by William Golding was initially entitled Strangers from Within and was rejected by at least ten publishers before it was finally accepted for publication in 1954, by the young editor Charles Monteith at Faber and Faber. The editor's note (below, in green pen) says 'Rubbish and dull. Pointless'. Golding's original rejection letter - Faber Books on flickr Monteith spotted the potential of the novel and initiated the change of title, and in my opinion, I think the new one is a stroke of genius; it's instantly visual, striking and sinister to boot. It is said to be a reference to the Hebrew name Beelzebub, literally meaning "Lord of Flies", a name often used as a synonym for Satan. It may also be a reference to a line from King Lear - "As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods — They kill us for their sport". (King Lear Act IV, Scene 1). Personally, I think the earlier cover version for it (below) is far better than the current one. As a writer, finding a title early in the writing process gives me an instant focus. Strangely, it makes me feel that the book already exists on some
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 450, 3725, 6007, 29928, 17322, 1108, 363, 16849, 414, 313, 7045, 16849, 414, 29915, 2908, 467, 636, 13, 3644, 727, 29915, 29879, 697, 4655, 1108, 363, 23550, 785, 1473, 871, 304, 16849, 414, 29915, 15658, 785, 372, 756, 304, 367, 350, 11375, 319, 3210, 29923, 29889, 13, 2940, 2085, 2167, 29891, 310, 4699, 4834, 9093, 13298, 1654, 847, 12362, 27103, 4819, 15788, 29889, 1212, 13, 29902, 29915, 29885, 9885, 29891, 393, 306, 29915, 345, 23703, 1063, 7458, 29881, 491, 278, 4642, 29892, 541, 590, 1250, 338, 1286, 476, 24071, 4214, 592, 29991, 306, 471, 1407, 302, 6482, 29891, 746, 306, 4687, 5007, 590, 9281, 9554, 29889, 11637, 29892, 565, 306, 29915, 29881, 17654, 515, 901, 289, 17718, 310, 410, 7283, 579, 3381, 29892, 306, 723, 505, 2355, 701, 515, 278, 553, 29895, 901, 4049, 785, 541, 694, 29892, 363, 278, 4152, 9475, 11405, 310, 393, 937, 18195, 29892, 306, 471, 4120, 1711, 3144, 6742, 304, 590, 11774, 29889, 13, 10454, 306, 29915, 29885, 5146, 292, 278, 8666, 29889, 1205, 29892, 472, 3203, 306, 29915, 345, 24298, 593, 590, 3109, 265, 29889, 2567, 29892, 1432, 2462, 785, 306, 437, 380, 2267, 6609, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 2337, 1063, 263, 13524, 310, 612, 14895, 322, 14970, 1078, 29915, 24472, 3476, 267, 29892, 577, 306, 437, 1438, 2086, 785, 297, 3273, 20887, 29879, 746, 306, 29915, 29885, 1045, 6504, 278, 413, 1803, 280, 470, 3907, 301, 3322, 29889, 306, 1073, 306, 881, 5040, 322, 748, 363, 263, 6686, 29892, 306, 1073, 306, 881, 2125, 931, 714, 363, 263, 3748, 310, 22556, 297, 278, 1887, 14089, 785, 541, 746, 306, 29915, 29885, 297, 278, 12003, 310, 2805, 263, 5828, 1623, 785, 372, 29915, 29879, 443, 386, 682, 519, 29889, 13, 1576, 1234, 29892, 306, 29915, 345, 10943, 29892, 338, 451, 278, 2431, 3647, 24193, 29889, 1939, 4383, 920, 10135, 352, 5794, 419, 29888, 29891, 263, 11774, 1122, 367, 29892, 372, 3732, 366, 7845, 1603, 785, 322, 372, 29915, 29879, 278, 16246, 1603, 393, 9946, 278, 4828, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 1898, 278, 21892, 17905, 295, 414, 2086, 29892, 541, 13229, 366, 508, 2693, 6460, 1400, 545, 773, 1906, 322, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 2107, 363, 278, 17905, 267, 29889, 13, 2887, 694, 17924, 297, 278, 4038, 310, 1250, 15313, 9466, 29892, 322, 10241, 393, 727, 674, 367, 4045, 714, 727, 1058, 6232, 445, 715, 523, 29892, 306, 2714, 306, 29915, 29881, 1209, 373, 445, 3268, 491, 3739, 512, 3874, 3391, 29892, 607, 306, 29915, 345, 1476, 5407, 29901, 13, 1124, 597, 7620, 8066, 1311, 29889, 1113, 29914, 12631, 29879, 29914, 677, 29899, 1627, 29899, 29886, 475, 29889, 1961, 13, 1349, 968, 9455, 29915, 29873, 5051, 29892, 541, 896, 437, 664, 313, 392, 366, 508, 437, 963, 472, 596, 553, 29895, 29991, 1125, 13, 2940, 2085, 2167, 29891, 310, 3739, 512, 3874, 3391, 13, 29902, 884, 763, 445, 697, 448, 322, 366, 679, 304, 298, 688, 7535, 29892, 2086, 29991, 13, 20434, 388, 785, 1286, 1250, 304, 590, 1226, 1169, 30098, 13, 3644, 366, 27849, 445, 1400, 29892, 3529, 26849, 372, 773, 278, 9828, 2400, 29889, 3374, 366, 29991, 13, 1762, 3323, 13086, 304, 445, 4723, 368, 350, 1188, 448, 3387, 671, 278, 2625, 1646, 11474, 29958, 13, 29909, 29967, 399, 13116, 338, 278, 4148, 310, 16777, 5996, 498, 29878, 453, 414, 29901, 450, 7298, 309, 350, 1600, 493, 322, 18620, 373, 263, 28186, 29889, 9134, 8277, 7124, 278, 9681, 3118, 9758, 297, 525, 29924, 332, 672, 29915, 322, 525, 29925, 29879, 3376, 5996, 498, 29878, 453, 414, 29915, 297, 278, 10261, 13187, 280, 24469, 29889, 13, 6747, 287, 491, 319, 29967, 399, 13116, 472, 29871, 29896, 29941, 29901, 29941, 29896, 1939, 6589, 29901, 13, 4775, 29879, 29901, 4319, 1250, 29892, 24472, 3476, 267, 1696, 9554, 29892, 3739, 512, 3874, 3391, 29892, 16116, 292, 29892, 23550, 29915, 2908, 29892, 23550, 29915, 4828, 13, 10967, 11810, 793, 393, 22351, 13, 29943, 2952, 292, 590, 7786, 12618, 1048, 278, 7084, 373, 263, 3143, 4612, 29892, 306, 2714, 306, 29915, 29881, 1106, 472, 11810, 793, 29889, 13, 1576, 3611, 310, 263, 3143, 29892, 313, 1627, 287, 701, 491, 278, 1967, 373, 278, 4612, 511, 4076, 502, 1749, 937, 17188, 310, 278, 9554, 29889, 16025, 1023, 470, 2211, 6923, 746, 263, 9591, 29915, 29879, 5076, 6416, 373, 278, 4612, 526, 7618, 1455, 785, 278, 3611, 4225, 304, 17229, 1749, 8570, 29892, 5706, 11158, 12137, 322, 752, 295, 502, 304, 2125, 263, 17649, 1106, 29889, 13, 1576, 6171, 310, 278, 383, 3687, 491, 4667, 6650, 292, 471, 12919, 23437, 3767, 13873, 515, 23732, 322, 471, 22225, 491, 472, 3203, 3006, 9805, 414, 1434, 372, 471, 7146, 9259, 363, 17745, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29945, 29946, 29892, 491, 278, 4123, 6920, 5322, 11240, 389, 472, 10629, 261, 322, 10629, 261, 29889, 13, 1576, 6920, 29915, 29879, 4443, 313, 22503, 29892, 297, 7933, 6584, 29897, 4083, 525, 29934, 431, 29890, 728, 322, 270, 913, 29889, 8984, 2222, 4286, 13, 29954, 1025, 292, 29915, 29879, 2441, 337, 6929, 5497, 448, 10629, 261, 13730, 373, 285, 1406, 29878, 13, 7185, 371, 389, 805, 15048, 278, 7037, 310, 278, 9554, 322, 14511, 630, 278, 1735, 310, 3611, 29892, 322, 297, 590, 9426, 29892, 306, 1348, 278, 716, 697, 338, 263, 19782, 310, 26858, 29936, 372, 29915, 29879, 26232, 7604, 29892, 29191, 322, 4457, 1531, 304, 6579, 29889, 739, 338, 1497, 304, 367, 263, 3407, 304, 278, 18472, 3973, 1024, 1522, 295, 29920, 774, 431, 29892, 22830, 6593, 376, 29931, 536, 310, 383, 3687, 613, 263, 1024, 4049, 1304, 408, 263, 5222, 4735, 363, 12178, 273, 29889, 739, 1122, 884, 367, 263, 3407, 304, 263, 1196, 515, 4088, 19530, 448, 376, 2887, 285, 3687, 304, 864, 265, 12544, 29892, 526, 591, 304, 278, 27379, 813, 2688, 12088, 502, 363, 1009, 7980, 1642, 313, 29968, 292, 19530, 3185, 6599, 29892, 2522, 1600, 29871, 29896, 467, 5196, 635, 29892, 306, 1348, 278, 8859, 4612, 1873, 363, 372, 313, 22503, 29897, 338, 2215, 2253, 1135, 278, 1857, 697, 29889, 13, 2887, 263, 9227, 29892, 9138, 263, 3611, 4688, 297, 278, 5007, 1889, 4076, 592, 385, 14426, 8569, 29889, 3767, 574, 873, 29892, 372, 3732, 592, 4459, 393, 278, 3143, 2307, 4864, 373, 777 ]
level and merely needs to be brought out into the light. My titles are often changed later and that's fine by me – at times the original words may have personal meaning for me, but insufficient 'global' resonance. Penny Hancock, author of the psychological thriller, Tideline, told me the title came via her husband. 'He's an artist and quite poetic and thinks in terms of images, so he took the idea of the Thames tide coming in and out and the lines that are crossed in the book and came up with 'Tidemark' which sounded a bit grubby somehow!! Another friend suggested 'Tideline'.' Paula Daly, author of Just what Kind of Mother are You? considered Stripped Bare and No Milk Today for her book. In my view, the title she chose has much more direct impact. Titles often change considerably in translations: My debut psychological thriller, The Evil Beneath, (which I originally called 'Body under the Bridge') became Ressac Mortel ('Deadly Undertow') at the French bookclub, France Loisirs, then Les Noyees de la Tamise ('The Drowned Women of the Thames') with the publisher, Editions les Escales. In Germany, Random House chose Todesdunkel, which translates as 'The Darkness of Death'. I think they all give strong, but slightly different, visual impressions. Titles can change even between English speaking countries, reflecting cultural differences. This is often a pitfall for the reader who can be fooled into thinking a different title is a new book. Agatha Christie's Sparkling Cyanide in the UK is published as Remembered Death in the US, for example. One, Two, Buckle my Shoe in the UK was turned into The Patriotic Murders (US) - which sounds poles apart. Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo originally had the Swedish title Män som hatar kvinnor - literally meaning, 'Men who Hate Women'. I think changing it to the one we all know was a good move! This post originally appeared in the Crime Readers' Association when I was Featured Author in March. Labels: Crime Readers' Association, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, Lord of the Flies, Paula Daly, Penny Hancock, Steig Larsson, titles, William Golding Writers' Notebooks - 'A Junkyard of the Mind' Coleridge Notebook - British Library There's a new website from the British Library, Discovering Literature, giving the public a chance to see inside the notebooks of well known authors - appealing to anyone interested in the process of writing. Writing is a mysterious series of steps. A reader sees the finished product; the glossy book looks neat and polished, but the journey to get there is different for each writer and is often a messy one! Lawrence Norfolk (on Radio 3's recent radio programme 'Writers and their Notebooks') calls this type of notebook a 'Junkyard of the mind' - a depository for ideas, aspects of the weather, snippets of conversation, names of train stations, graffiti tags, observations, diagrams, sketches of characters and so on. AS Byatt spent around two years working on a book before 'finding' her characters; the notebook was the 'compost' where they gradually emerged. She tried writing a diary but burnt it after two weeks ('too obscene', she says) so her notebooks rarely contain anything personal. She knows posterity may be interested in them, so she sticks to her fictional musings. Badisha's Notebooks - British Library (for what she calls her 'obsessive scribblings') David Mitchell, author of Cloud Atlas, uses his notebooks to write letters from his characters on what they think about the book they're in, their views on politics, God etc. He finds their register, use of language and develops their 'voice' this way, getting under their skin - but the material won't appear in the end product. My own notebooks are transitory; I don't tend to go back to them as they're always attached to a particular novel and once the novel is done, the notebook is defunct. I like a spiral-bound one that lies flat and have one in practically every room of the house, so when I get an idea I can catch it wherever I am. Most ideas come when I've just got into bed or
[ 1.9042793477687625, 1.2249203349853774 ]
[ 0.36320878815698615, 0.6318030753534439 ]
[ 0.06758532077873279, 1.3382420744962515 ]
[ -0.1778085586901362, -0.1778085586901362 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3233, 322, 13586, 4225, 304, 367, 6296, 714, 964, 278, 3578, 29889, 1619, 17735, 526, 4049, 3939, 2678, 322, 393, 29915, 29879, 2691, 491, 592, 785, 472, 3064, 278, 2441, 3838, 1122, 505, 7333, 6593, 363, 592, 29892, 541, 1663, 29884, 4543, 525, 10945, 29915, 27396, 749, 29889, 13, 29925, 264, 1460, 7169, 24956, 29892, 4148, 310, 278, 11643, 5996, 1468, 5495, 29892, 323, 333, 5570, 29892, 5429, 592, 278, 3611, 2996, 3025, 902, 10216, 29889, 525, 3868, 29915, 29879, 385, 7664, 322, 3755, 772, 7492, 322, 22405, 297, 4958, 310, 4558, 29892, 577, 540, 3614, 278, 2969, 310, 278, 498, 1280, 260, 680, 6421, 297, 322, 714, 322, 278, 3454, 393, 526, 21692, 297, 278, 3143, 322, 2996, 701, 411, 525, 29911, 680, 3502, 29915, 607, 6047, 287, 263, 2586, 867, 431, 1609, 10431, 6824, 7280, 5121, 7829, 525, 29911, 333, 5570, 4286, 29915, 13, 11868, 2497, 9400, 29891, 29892, 4148, 310, 3387, 825, 13187, 310, 21869, 526, 887, 29973, 5545, 624, 374, 2986, 350, 598, 322, 1939, 3833, 29895, 20628, 363, 902, 3143, 29889, 512, 590, 1776, 29892, 278, 3611, 1183, 12784, 756, 1568, 901, 1513, 10879, 29889, 13, 29911, 277, 793, 4049, 1735, 2050, 2197, 297, 5578, 800, 29901, 1619, 9512, 11643, 5996, 1468, 5495, 29892, 450, 7298, 309, 350, 1600, 493, 29892, 313, 4716, 306, 10437, 2000, 525, 8434, 1090, 278, 16230, 1495, 3897, 12167, 562, 15533, 295, 6702, 29928, 1479, 368, 14211, 814, 340, 1495, 472, 278, 5176, 3143, 29066, 29892, 3444, 4309, 275, 12935, 29892, 769, 2664, 1939, 4099, 267, 316, 425, 16939, 895, 6702, 1576, 360, 4708, 287, 10152, 310, 278, 498, 1280, 1495, 411, 278, 9805, 261, 29892, 2155, 2187, 966, 3423, 1052, 267, 29889, 512, 9556, 29892, 16968, 5619, 12784, 323, 2631, 29881, 2960, 295, 29892, 607, 5578, 1078, 408, 525, 1576, 15317, 2264, 310, 14450, 4286, 306, 1348, 896, 599, 2367, 4549, 29892, 541, 10029, 1422, 29892, 7604, 21210, 1080, 29889, 13, 29911, 277, 793, 508, 1735, 1584, 1546, 4223, 13590, 10916, 29892, 9432, 292, 16375, 12651, 29889, 910, 338, 4049, 263, 22754, 11950, 363, 278, 9591, 1058, 508, 367, 7953, 839, 964, 7291, 263, 1422, 3611, 338, 263, 716, 3143, 29889, 4059, 493, 29874, 2819, 347, 29915, 29879, 20814, 1847, 8045, 273, 680, 297, 278, 10261, 338, 6369, 408, 22738, 287, 14450, 297, 278, 3148, 29892, 363, 1342, 29889, 3118, 29892, 7803, 29892, 16281, 280, 590, 17550, 29872, 297, 278, 10261, 471, 6077, 964, 450, 23168, 13574, 7487, 8623, 313, 3308, 29897, 448, 607, 10083, 1248, 267, 12435, 29889, 13, 855, 5876, 8218, 12371, 29915, 29879, 450, 18620, 411, 278, 24339, 323, 16234, 29877, 10437, 750, 278, 21892, 3611, 341, 3363, 1047, 3056, 279, 10908, 2559, 272, 448, 22830, 6593, 29892, 525, 28154, 1058, 379, 403, 10152, 4286, 306, 1348, 6480, 372, 304, 278, 697, 591, 599, 1073, 471, 263, 1781, 4337, 29991, 13, 4013, 1400, 10437, 7470, 297, 278, 29682, 7523, 414, 29915, 7993, 746, 306, 471, 5169, 1535, 29881, 13361, 297, 4779, 29889, 13, 4775, 29879, 29901, 29682, 7523, 414, 29915, 7993, 29892, 18620, 411, 278, 24339, 323, 16234, 29877, 29892, 6171, 310, 278, 383, 3687, 29892, 2621, 2497, 9400, 29891, 29892, 7363, 1460, 7169, 24956, 29892, 2443, 335, 8218, 12371, 29892, 17735, 29892, 4667, 6650, 292, 13, 29956, 768, 414, 29915, 2216, 19273, 29879, 448, 525, 29909, 435, 2960, 19852, 310, 278, 20152, 29915, 13, 1625, 261, 5525, 2216, 19273, 448, 4908, 9538, 13, 8439, 29915, 29879, 263, 716, 4700, 515, 278, 4908, 9538, 29892, 8565, 957, 292, 5449, 1535, 29892, 6820, 278, 970, 263, 8825, 304, 1074, 2768, 278, 451, 19273, 29879, 310, 1532, 2998, 15717, 448, 5929, 12818, 304, 5019, 8852, 297, 278, 1889, 310, 5007, 29889, 13, 29956, 768, 292, 338, 263, 22277, 2738, 3652, 310, 6576, 29889, 319, 9591, 18553, 278, 7743, 3234, 29936, 278, 3144, 2209, 29891, 3143, 3430, 28539, 322, 1248, 3276, 29892, 541, 278, 16342, 304, 679, 727, 338, 1422, 363, 1269, 9227, 322, 338, 4049, 263, 4473, 29891, 697, 29991, 13, 29931, 1450, 17540, 4186, 17976, 313, 265, 9204, 29871, 29941, 29915, 29879, 7786, 7155, 19607, 525, 29956, 768, 414, 322, 1009, 2216, 19273, 29879, 1495, 5717, 445, 1134, 310, 451, 19273, 263, 525, 29967, 2960, 19852, 310, 278, 3458, 29915, 448, 263, 316, 7036, 363, 7014, 29892, 21420, 310, 278, 14826, 29892, 9830, 27421, 310, 14983, 29892, 2983, 310, 7945, 16355, 29892, 2646, 600, 4812, 8282, 29892, 13917, 29892, 7936, 25402, 29892, 21256, 267, 310, 4890, 322, 577, 373, 29889, 3339, 2648, 1131, 10398, 2820, 1023, 2440, 1985, 373, 263, 3143, 1434, 525, 2886, 292, 29915, 902, 4890, 29936, 278, 451, 19273, 471, 278, 525, 2388, 520, 29915, 988, 896, 22020, 11176, 3192, 29889, 2296, 1898, 5007, 263, 652, 653, 541, 6866, 593, 372, 1156, 1023, 11405, 6702, 517, 29877, 19726, 1600, 742, 1183, 4083, 29897, 577, 902, 451, 19273, 29879, 23703, 1712, 3099, 7333, 29889, 2296, 9906, 10368, 537, 1122, 367, 8852, 297, 963, 29892, 577, 1183, 380, 7358, 304, 902, 26797, 1848, 2301, 886, 29889, 13, 22050, 728, 29874, 29915, 29879, 2216, 19273, 29879, 448, 4908, 9538, 313, 1454, 825, 1183, 5717, 902, 525, 26290, 404, 573, 27438, 1327, 18964, 1495, 13, 19504, 26676, 29892, 4148, 310, 14293, 27076, 29892, 3913, 670, 451, 19273, 29879, 304, 2436, 8721, 515, 670, 4890, 373, 825, 896, 1348, 1048, 278, 3143, 896, 29915, 276, 297, 29892, 1009, 8386, 373, 22661, 29892, 4177, 2992, 29889, 940, 14061, 1009, 6036, 29892, 671, 310, 4086, 322, 2693, 29879, 1009, 525, 14917, 29915, 445, 982, 29892, 2805, 1090, 1009, 19309, 448, 541, 278, 5518, 2113, 29915, 29873, 2615, 297, 278, 1095, 3234, 29889, 13, 3421, 1914, 451, 19273, 29879, 526, 1301, 5047, 29936, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 10331, 304, 748, 1250, 304, 963, 408, 896, 29915, 276, 2337, 10959, 304, 263, 3153, 9554, 322, 2748, 278, 9554, 338, 2309, 29892, 278, 451, 19273, 338, 822, 18049, 29889, 306, 763, 263, 6337, 284, 29899, 9917, 697, 393, 12185, 12151, 322, 505, 697, 297, 4120, 1711, 1432, 5716, 310, 278, 3699, 29892, 577, 746, 306, 679, 385, 2969, 306, 508, 4380, 372, 29693, 306, 626, 29889, 7849, 7014, 2041, 746, 306, 29915, 345, 925, 2355, 964, 6592, 470 ]
when I'm reading or watching something entirely different on TV! Somehow, by switching to 'not thinking' about my current book, messages pop up from my subconscious, pointing out holes in the plot and 'what ifs?'. The jottings include research I need to do for certain aspects of my stories, plot threads, details, queries about the plot, character traits and so on. I cross through the notes once they're transferred somewhere else - to my research file, main body of writing, novel 'scraps' - the bits I want to add, but don't yet know where. According to Rachel Foss from the British Library, on-line Blogs and live Twitter feeds are the 'new notebooks'. Authors' websites are becoming a significant literary production - 'The 21st century incarnation of the notebook', she says. Mark Twain's Notebook - Bancroft Library, California What are your notebooks like? How do you use them? Are you intrigued by what happens behind the scenes - the hidden backstory - to a novel? Labels: AS Byatt, british library, Cloud Atlas, creativity., Junkyard of the mind, writers' notebooks Book Covers with Clout I've been thinking about book covers this week and the impact they make. We live in a heightened visual world these days, so the cover of a book HAS to grab a reader or else he or she will move on. The cover goes hand in hand with the title, of course, and often reinforces, questions or shows some kind of twist on the title itself. Here are a few recent and new covers for Psychological Thrillers that are BIG on impact, in my view. I've not read any of them (but they're now on my wish list!), so my judgement, like any browsing reader, is purely based on instant response. What do you think? Nuala Casey's novel, Summer Lies Bleeding comes out in August 2014. The image tells a story of its own. It instantly says 'city' with the flats in the background. Dawn is breaking and there's no one about. Centre stage is a lonely bench in a park and someone has left a scarf behind. It's the colour of blood and stands out. Questions go racing through my mind straight away. Whose scarf is it? Why did they leave it? What has happened just before this seemingly innocent picture? Here's what the jacket says: 'Four lives are about to come crashing together... Devastated by the murder of his sister in Soho seven years ago, Mark Davis travels to London to carry out an act of violence that he believes will avenge her death. PhD student Stella is returning to London with her partner Paula to visit a fertility clinic. But Stella is hiding a secret that could tear their lives apart. Recovering alcoholic Seb has left his wild days behind him. But a chance encounter with a stranger brings back tragic memories and puts his family in serious danger. Kerstin Engel is a brilliant but troubled research analyst. But an unseen enemy lies in wait and threatens to destroy her career and her mind. As crowds gather in Soho to mark the restaurant launch, a terrifying sequence of events brings these characters together and the last days of summer to a shocking end.' The Back Road by Rachel Abbott shows an action shot of imminent danger. There's a woman in the distance on a secluded road late at night, a car heading straight for her. This implies an angry or purposeful driver who isn't about to pull over. The yellow of the headlights is startling and dominates the image, which is full of shadows, telling us it's going to be a dark, chilling read. The blurb says: 'A girl lies close to death in a dark, deserted lane. A driver drags her body to the side of the road. A shadowy figure hides in the trees, watching and waiting. For Ellie Saunders last night's hit and run on the back road could destroy everything she has. She was out that night, but if she reveals where she was and why, her family will be torn apart. She is living on a knife-edge, knowing that her every move is being observed....' Out today, Mr Mercedes is a new departure into Psyche Thrillers for Stephen King. I like the grim grey cover - a kind of nightmarish image - with one umbrella standing out
[ 1.3125795624412981, 1.8933219443367724 ]
[ -0.12115624308729271, 0.42767141708413603 ]
[ 0.2831658079363957, 0.1005564541087283 ]
[ -0.6307721566496697, -0.0971660803742968 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 746, 306, 29915, 29885, 5183, 470, 21217, 1554, 9186, 1422, 373, 5648, 29991, 3834, 3525, 29892, 491, 21293, 304, 525, 1333, 7291, 29915, 1048, 590, 1857, 3143, 29892, 7191, 1835, 701, 515, 590, 1014, 3200, 8802, 29892, 13330, 714, 26532, 297, 278, 6492, 322, 525, 5816, 565, 29879, 29973, 4286, 450, 432, 1501, 886, 3160, 5925, 306, 817, 304, 437, 363, 3058, 21420, 310, 590, 15874, 29892, 6492, 9717, 29892, 4902, 29892, 9365, 1048, 278, 6492, 29892, 2931, 1020, 1169, 322, 577, 373, 29889, 306, 4891, 1549, 278, 11486, 2748, 896, 29915, 276, 18440, 9051, 1683, 448, 304, 590, 5925, 934, 29892, 1667, 3573, 310, 5007, 29892, 9554, 525, 1557, 336, 567, 29915, 448, 278, 9978, 306, 864, 304, 788, 29892, 541, 1016, 29915, 29873, 3447, 1073, 988, 29889, 13, 7504, 3278, 304, 23647, 295, 383, 2209, 515, 278, 4908, 9538, 29892, 373, 29899, 1220, 350, 20756, 322, 5735, 20147, 1238, 5779, 526, 278, 525, 1482, 451, 19273, 29879, 4286, 13189, 943, 29915, 28007, 526, 14171, 263, 7282, 22937, 5802, 448, 525, 1576, 29871, 29906, 29896, 303, 6462, 5528, 2753, 362, 310, 278, 451, 19273, 742, 1183, 4083, 29889, 13, 9802, 8168, 475, 29915, 29879, 2216, 19273, 448, 350, 4564, 307, 615, 9538, 29892, 8046, 13, 5618, 526, 596, 451, 19273, 29879, 763, 29973, 1128, 437, 366, 671, 963, 29973, 4683, 366, 11158, 5526, 287, 491, 825, 5930, 5742, 278, 20407, 448, 278, 7934, 1250, 24098, 448, 304, 263, 9554, 29973, 13, 4775, 29879, 29901, 3339, 2648, 1131, 29892, 6791, 728, 3489, 29892, 14293, 27076, 29892, 907, 28157, 1696, 435, 2960, 19852, 310, 278, 3458, 29892, 23550, 29915, 451, 19273, 29879, 13, 10967, 3189, 874, 411, 2233, 449, 13, 29902, 29915, 345, 1063, 7291, 1048, 3143, 18469, 445, 4723, 322, 278, 10879, 896, 1207, 29889, 1334, 5735, 297, 263, 3171, 6419, 7604, 3186, 1438, 3841, 29892, 577, 278, 4612, 310, 263, 3143, 379, 3289, 304, 17229, 263, 9591, 470, 1683, 540, 470, 1183, 674, 4337, 373, 29889, 450, 4612, 5771, 1361, 297, 1361, 411, 278, 3611, 29892, 310, 3236, 29892, 322, 4049, 15561, 1454, 778, 29892, 5155, 470, 3697, 777, 2924, 310, 3252, 391, 373, 278, 3611, 3528, 29889, 13, 10605, 526, 263, 2846, 7786, 322, 716, 18469, 363, 16777, 5996, 498, 29878, 453, 414, 393, 526, 350, 6259, 373, 10879, 29892, 297, 590, 1776, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 451, 1303, 738, 310, 963, 313, 4187, 896, 29915, 276, 1286, 373, 590, 6398, 1051, 29991, 511, 577, 590, 6577, 29887, 882, 29892, 763, 738, 3347, 2976, 9591, 29892, 338, 24837, 2729, 373, 14426, 2933, 29889, 1724, 437, 366, 1348, 29973, 13, 29940, 950, 29874, 11733, 29891, 29915, 29879, 9554, 29892, 13329, 365, 583, 24718, 21219, 5304, 714, 297, 3111, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29946, 29889, 450, 1967, 10603, 263, 5828, 310, 967, 1914, 29889, 739, 26232, 4083, 525, 12690, 29915, 411, 278, 1652, 1446, 297, 278, 3239, 29889, 7266, 1233, 338, 16679, 322, 727, 29915, 29879, 694, 697, 1048, 29889, 11319, 7408, 338, 263, 23123, 873, 3856, 305, 297, 263, 14089, 322, 4856, 756, 2175, 263, 21990, 29888, 5742, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 278, 12384, 310, 10416, 322, 15028, 714, 29889, 894, 29879, 748, 28965, 1549, 590, 3458, 7812, 3448, 29889, 806, 852, 21990, 29888, 338, 372, 29973, 3750, 1258, 896, 5967, 372, 29973, 1724, 756, 9559, 925, 1434, 445, 2833, 11687, 21458, 296, 7623, 29973, 13, 10605, 29915, 29879, 825, 278, 28015, 300, 4083, 29901, 13, 29915, 29943, 473, 12080, 526, 1048, 304, 2041, 8095, 292, 4208, 856, 13, 16618, 579, 630, 491, 278, 13406, 310, 670, 9883, 297, 1105, 1251, 9881, 2440, 8020, 29892, 4485, 15225, 9850, 29879, 304, 4517, 304, 8677, 714, 385, 1044, 310, 21448, 393, 540, 1339, 17180, 674, 263, 854, 479, 902, 4892, 29889, 1963, 29928, 8368, 624, 3547, 338, 7863, 304, 4517, 411, 902, 18096, 2621, 2497, 304, 6493, 263, 19965, 1793, 24899, 293, 29889, 1205, 624, 3547, 338, 25508, 263, 7035, 393, 1033, 734, 279, 1009, 12080, 12435, 29889, 3599, 957, 292, 27231, 5391, 293, 13280, 756, 2175, 670, 8775, 3841, 5742, 1075, 29889, 1205, 263, 8825, 11735, 411, 263, 26507, 23522, 1250, 25305, 293, 2626, 3842, 322, 15223, 670, 3942, 297, 10676, 9703, 29889, 12693, 303, 262, 29167, 338, 263, 27592, 541, 7458, 29881, 5925, 3483, 858, 29889, 1205, 385, 443, 28026, 11103, 12185, 297, 4480, 322, 28469, 575, 304, 8174, 902, 6413, 322, 902, 3458, 29889, 13, 2887, 11660, 6289, 11705, 297, 1105, 1251, 304, 2791, 278, 27144, 6826, 29892, 263, 1935, 29878, 9215, 5665, 310, 4959, 23522, 1438, 4890, 4208, 322, 278, 1833, 3841, 310, 11801, 304, 263, 19253, 292, 1095, 6169, 13, 1576, 7437, 9321, 491, 23647, 295, 13896, 1501, 3697, 385, 3158, 10322, 310, 527, 1195, 296, 9703, 29889, 1670, 29915, 29879, 263, 6114, 297, 278, 5418, 373, 263, 409, 13347, 6520, 5683, 472, 4646, 29892, 263, 1559, 28435, 7812, 363, 902, 29889, 910, 10469, 385, 26230, 470, 6437, 1319, 7156, 1058, 3508, 29915, 29873, 1048, 304, 8206, 975, 29889, 450, 13328, 310, 278, 2343, 4366, 29879, 338, 1369, 1847, 322, 8022, 1078, 278, 1967, 29892, 607, 338, 2989, 310, 528, 23626, 29892, 14509, 502, 372, 29915, 29879, 2675, 304, 367, 263, 6501, 29892, 521, 8873, 1303, 29889, 13, 1576, 1999, 9265, 4083, 29901, 13, 29915, 29909, 7826, 12185, 3802, 304, 4892, 297, 263, 6501, 29892, 18197, 287, 301, 1662, 29889, 319, 7156, 8338, 29879, 902, 3573, 304, 278, 2625, 310, 278, 6520, 29889, 319, 15504, 29891, 4377, 298, 2247, 297, 278, 10697, 29892, 21217, 322, 10534, 29889, 1152, 11001, 347, 23863, 299, 414, 1833, 4646, 29915, 29879, 7124, 322, 1065, 373, 278, 1250, 6520, 1033, 8174, 4129, 1183, 756, 29889, 2296, 471, 714, 393, 4646, 29892, 541, 565, 1183, 10320, 1338, 988, 1183, 471, 322, 2020, 29892, 902, 3942, 674, 367, 10146, 12435, 29889, 2296, 338, 8471, 373, 263, 889, 1607, 29899, 12864, 29892, 13797, 393, 902, 1432, 4337, 338, 1641, 8900, 3045, 29915, 13, 3744, 9826, 29892, 3237, 4702, 28352, 338, 263, 716, 25619, 964, 10144, 29891, 1173, 498, 29878, 453, 414, 363, 14317, 4088, 29889, 306, 763, 278, 867, 326, 18345, 4612, 448, 263, 2924, 310, 4646, 3034, 728, 1967, 448, 411, 697, 1922, 1030, 13520, 13407, 714 ]
Do the things! How we found our mojo through making Covid-19, Strategy By Laura Hewitt, Senior Coach, &us If this year has revealed anything about creativity it's that an epic constraint (erm, like not being able to leave the house for 3 months) won't dampen human creativity. If anything, it fuels it. Humans were made to make stuff. Otherwise, we'd have no wheel, no art, and no theme parks. Tell us there are new rules that threaten to hold us back, and we'll tap into deeper instincts to bend those rules, in even more remarkable ways. Lockdown has released our inner maker. Just look at the immense rise of Tiktok. In the US alone they added 12 million users in quarantine due to people's inherent need to create. (And show off). Entertaining ourselves is a primal need, and it's kicked in big time, with a swing of their hips, a weird transition and that song about Carole Baskin. Could we be in the biggest example of collective experimentation and innovation we have ever seen? This maker spirit isn't just restricted to the great and less great of Silicon Valley; we've seen the newly entrepreneurial everywhere. My new favourite is US dance studio owner and choreographer, Ryan Heffington, who faced with no work hosted a virtual dance studio from his quarantine apartment which now draws thousands of people to his Instagram. This weekly cathartic cardio dance workout drags people from all over the world, from Russia to Japan, through the lockdown blues. It's not just the mega brands making the boldest moves in – this time the making is coming from kitchens and bedrooms. It's scary, but exciting. In fact, most exciting things are scary at one stage. This is why we tell our clients to start by starting. We tell them not to think too much. Which is hard, since many of our clients have degrees and PHDs and MBAs. Being a genius is great… apart from when it results in constant over-analysis. But in this crisis there's been no time for "could we, would we, should we?". In every corner of every industry people are jumping in and adapting, with rule books being thrown out the window. And once you start, it's not that scary anymore. We become freer when we ignore the over-preparer in our heads – that annoying voice that tells you to worry about how people will react to an idea, and filters your thoughts. It's what improvisers know when they say "accept the offer". Life throws curve balls. We just need to just get better at catching them. But the best are on hand to help us. The BBC series Grayson's Art Club drew 1.3 million viewers a week, as the Turner Prize winner went on a mission to bring the nation together through art. Each week there was a theme (The view from my window, Great Britain, Animals, Fantasy) and viewers send in their pieces, with selected submissions going into an exhibition when the crisis subsides. Whilst Perry talks to artists, creatives and celebrities over Zoom it's the creativity of everyday people that stands out: those who would never normally see themselves as artists. Even when it's a picture of a bin, the results are brilliantly human, epitomising the ordinary-extraordinarily spirit in everyone to make, even when the world is spinning out of control. The more years people work, the more they have the magic and spontaneity stamped out of them. At &us, we believe that's a tragedy. That's why we tell people to stop thinking, unleash their inner maker, and start experimenting. These times have created some immense pressures, and for many businesses the most productive way to respond is to invent and diversify. So, we coach teams to undo their inner critics. It's not easy but it is deeply satisfying to see someone throw off the shackles of corporate nonsense. And when that spirit kicks in, you're unstoppable. Play with everything: your digital products, your internal communications platforms, your HR strategy, your pricing model, where you work, even! If it's scary, it's probably exciting, too. First, we face the fear. Then we do the things. It's really that simple. &us has released a new
[ 1.5645998413770699, 1.8933219443367724 ]
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[ 1938, 278, 2712, 29991, 1128, 591, 1476, 1749, 2730, 2212, 1549, 3907, 13, 29907, 586, 333, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29892, 3767, 8963, 13, 2059, 21671, 379, 809, 986, 29892, 24260, 3189, 496, 29892, 669, 375, 13, 3644, 445, 1629, 756, 17845, 3099, 1048, 907, 28157, 372, 29915, 29879, 393, 385, 9358, 293, 7276, 313, 837, 29892, 763, 451, 1641, 2221, 304, 5967, 278, 3699, 363, 29871, 29941, 7378, 29897, 2113, 29915, 29873, 270, 1160, 264, 5199, 907, 28157, 29889, 960, 3099, 29892, 372, 4084, 1379, 372, 29889, 13, 29950, 398, 550, 892, 1754, 304, 1207, 6433, 29889, 13466, 29892, 591, 29915, 29881, 505, 694, 18875, 29892, 694, 1616, 29892, 322, 694, 10929, 610, 2039, 29889, 24948, 502, 727, 526, 716, 6865, 393, 20616, 304, 4808, 502, 1250, 29892, 322, 591, 29915, 645, 18751, 964, 25871, 26508, 29879, 304, 289, 355, 1906, 6865, 29892, 297, 1584, 901, 22567, 5837, 29889, 13, 16542, 3204, 756, 5492, 1749, 6426, 2136, 261, 29889, 13, 14084, 1106, 472, 278, 29403, 14451, 310, 323, 638, 17082, 29889, 512, 278, 3148, 7432, 896, 2715, 29871, 29896, 29906, 7284, 4160, 297, 20089, 20578, 2861, 304, 2305, 29915, 29879, 7846, 296, 817, 304, 1653, 29889, 313, 2855, 1510, 1283, 467, 17465, 292, 20278, 338, 263, 1903, 284, 817, 29892, 322, 372, 29915, 29879, 413, 17840, 297, 4802, 931, 29892, 411, 263, 24500, 310, 1009, 298, 4512, 29892, 263, 13543, 9558, 322, 393, 4823, 1048, 1704, 1772, 350, 1278, 262, 29889, 13, 23323, 591, 367, 297, 278, 24842, 1342, 310, 6314, 573, 7639, 362, 322, 24233, 362, 591, 505, 3926, 3595, 29973, 910, 2136, 261, 8548, 3508, 29915, 29873, 925, 22078, 304, 278, 2107, 322, 3109, 2107, 310, 5664, 4144, 13939, 29936, 591, 29915, 345, 3595, 278, 15141, 23440, 1600, 332, 616, 16978, 29889, 1619, 716, 15381, 568, 338, 3148, 17948, 8693, 12271, 322, 521, 487, 1946, 261, 29892, 20916, 940, 600, 4885, 29892, 1058, 20050, 411, 694, 664, 17791, 263, 6901, 17948, 8693, 515, 670, 20089, 20578, 263, 8076, 607, 1286, 4216, 29879, 17202, 310, 2305, 304, 670, 2799, 14442, 29889, 910, 4723, 368, 274, 493, 442, 293, 5881, 601, 17948, 664, 449, 8338, 29879, 2305, 515, 599, 975, 278, 3186, 29892, 515, 12710, 304, 5546, 29892, 1549, 278, 7714, 3204, 1999, 1041, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 925, 278, 286, 2442, 1506, 4167, 3907, 278, 14288, 342, 16229, 297, 785, 445, 931, 278, 3907, 338, 6421, 515, 413, 2335, 575, 322, 6592, 18901, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 885, 653, 29892, 541, 5566, 11407, 29889, 13, 797, 2114, 29892, 1556, 5566, 11407, 2712, 526, 885, 653, 472, 697, 7408, 29889, 910, 338, 2020, 591, 2649, 1749, 13154, 304, 1369, 491, 6257, 29889, 1334, 2649, 963, 451, 304, 1348, 2086, 1568, 29889, 8449, 338, 2898, 29892, 1951, 1784, 310, 1749, 13154, 505, 14496, 322, 349, 26124, 29879, 322, 13232, 2887, 29889, 28265, 263, 26858, 338, 2107, 30098, 12435, 515, 746, 372, 2582, 297, 4868, 975, 29899, 15916, 29889, 13, 6246, 297, 445, 24161, 727, 29915, 29879, 1063, 694, 931, 363, 376, 26680, 591, 29892, 723, 591, 29892, 881, 591, 29973, 1642, 512, 1432, 11155, 310, 1432, 13661, 2305, 526, 12500, 292, 297, 322, 7744, 292, 29892, 411, 5751, 8277, 1641, 12005, 714, 278, 3474, 29889, 1126, 2748, 366, 1369, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 451, 393, 885, 653, 15128, 29889, 13, 4806, 4953, 3005, 261, 746, 591, 11455, 278, 975, 29899, 1457, 862, 261, 297, 1749, 15883, 785, 393, 12327, 5414, 7314, 393, 10603, 366, 304, 15982, 1048, 920, 2305, 674, 7657, 304, 385, 2969, 29892, 322, 18094, 596, 13133, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 825, 4857, 1730, 414, 1073, 746, 896, 1827, 376, 16044, 278, 5957, 1642, 4634, 8026, 11672, 26563, 29889, 1334, 925, 817, 304, 925, 679, 2253, 472, 4380, 292, 963, 29889, 13, 6246, 278, 1900, 526, 373, 1361, 304, 1371, 502, 29889, 450, 14129, 3652, 18956, 1100, 29915, 29879, 3012, 5977, 15010, 29871, 29896, 29889, 29941, 7284, 1776, 414, 263, 4723, 29892, 408, 278, 24215, 20604, 19576, 3512, 373, 263, 10655, 304, 6963, 278, 5233, 4208, 1549, 1616, 29889, 7806, 4723, 727, 471, 263, 10929, 313, 1576, 1776, 515, 590, 3474, 29892, 7027, 14933, 29892, 24980, 1338, 29892, 18089, 8995, 29897, 322, 1776, 414, 3638, 297, 1009, 12785, 29892, 411, 4629, 11834, 6847, 2675, 964, 385, 29130, 746, 278, 24161, 11684, 2247, 29889, 13, 8809, 16613, 28376, 5969, 2039, 304, 17906, 29892, 907, 5056, 322, 7793, 26549, 583, 975, 17421, 290, 372, 29915, 29879, 278, 907, 28157, 310, 1432, 3250, 2305, 393, 15028, 714, 29901, 1906, 1058, 723, 2360, 12891, 1074, 6053, 408, 17906, 29889, 7753, 746, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 7623, 310, 263, 9016, 29892, 278, 2582, 526, 1506, 12840, 10835, 5199, 29892, 9358, 277, 290, 5921, 278, 15311, 29899, 17833, 4194, 6275, 8548, 297, 14332, 304, 1207, 29892, 1584, 746, 278, 3186, 338, 10917, 1076, 714, 310, 2761, 29889, 13, 1576, 901, 2440, 2305, 664, 29892, 278, 901, 896, 505, 278, 15709, 322, 805, 609, 1662, 537, 25214, 287, 714, 310, 963, 29889, 2180, 669, 375, 29892, 591, 4658, 393, 29915, 29879, 263, 1020, 3192, 29891, 29889, 2193, 29915, 29879, 2020, 591, 2649, 2305, 304, 5040, 7291, 29892, 443, 280, 1161, 1009, 6426, 2136, 261, 29892, 322, 1369, 7639, 292, 29889, 13, 1349, 968, 3064, 505, 2825, 777, 29403, 3965, 1973, 29892, 322, 363, 1784, 5381, 267, 278, 1556, 3234, 573, 982, 304, 10049, 338, 304, 11817, 322, 6894, 1598, 29889, 1105, 29892, 591, 11182, 10907, 304, 563, 29877, 1009, 6426, 28431, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 451, 4780, 541, 372, 338, 24344, 24064, 304, 1074, 4856, 3183, 1283, 278, 528, 547, 793, 310, 17266, 403, 302, 787, 1947, 29889, 13, 2855, 746, 393, 8548, 413, 7358, 297, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 443, 7864, 407, 519, 29889, 7412, 411, 4129, 29901, 596, 13436, 9316, 29892, 596, 7463, 7212, 800, 21796, 29892, 596, 379, 29934, 13705, 29892, 596, 544, 18499, 1904, 29892, 988, 366, 664, 29892, 1584, 29991, 960, 372, 29915, 29879, 885, 653, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 3117, 5566, 11407, 29892, 2086, 29889, 13, 6730, 29892, 591, 3700, 278, 8866, 29889, 1987, 591, 437, 278, 2712, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 2289, 393, 2560, 29889, 13, 29987, 375, 756, 5492, 263, 716 ]
Please excuse our regularly scheduled Simple Tuesday post as we break out and celebrate a grand, old bridal shower (bloggy style) for Paige. For those of you who don't know beautiful Paige, she's an awesome writer and photographer who blogs over at Approaching Joy, and this talented beauty is getting married this weekend. I'm so delighted that Gina asked me, "Wanna do something for Paige?" My quick response? Yes, yes, yes!! Paige, we've gathered some great ladies who wanted to celebrate you!! They'll be joining in the blog hop, too - don't cheat and scroll down...yet. Paige is a natural community-builder, and she is that girl you know you want to be friends with as soon as you meet her. Paige and I took an Alt Summit class together in early Spring, before I started blogging, and she is my shover. You know, like the person who pushes you out of the plane when you're all suited up and ready to go sky diving but you don't have the guts to actually jump. Yup, that's Paige. She's also been my parachute, supporting me and relying on me (making me feel knowledgeable) throughout this new(ish) adventure in our lives. Instead I'll be sending fabulous wedding thoughts and quiet marriage prayers down your way, Paige. I made a little something for you, taken right from your own webpages of wisdom and wit. I remember reading this for the first time on your blog many months ago and thinking Approaching Joy was named so well! I hope you and your man put your ear to the ground many, many times and recognize the great joy that is headed your way because of all the goodness you put out into the world. When I got married 10 years ago, we asked our guests to offer some advice on marriage as a part of their response cards. We have them all in one big book now - the wonderfully sweet and outlandishly funny recommendations on how to live well with the one you love. Here's my 2 cents for you.. it may sound familiar. Paige and I, in one of our many late night email chats, were talking life stuff, and she asked me how I do it all. God bless her, she doesn't see me in real life to know that I don't do it all or I may do it ALL but not so well. My answer was a lot of late night stream of consciousness and some kudos to my husband. My hubby and I have a lot of give and take. I take a lot; he gives a lot. We fill in each other's gaps. Through the thick, gritty nastiness and the floating, beautiful gifts of life, we've learned to laugh. To laugh at ourselves, to laugh at each other (I am an ug-ly cryer), to laugh at the bleakest situations, to laugh at our own shattered brilliances, to laugh at our children and our parenting, too. If I really could be your fairy godsister and offer you one magical gift, it would be laughter. Please laugh. It'll bind you together and carry you through. A lot. Let's laugh! Enjoy the other amazing gifts our friends have brought, Paige. Thank you for being such a spectacular source of joy for me on the interwebs and in real life. Sparkle for me this weekend, will ya? Well, hello, friends! How was the weekend? We were busy bees over here, and I'm excited to welcome you to a new Pars Caeli feature, Make It Mondays!! Every Monday we'll kick off the week with a fun project for your home, your children, yourself, or something else magical. You then have the whole week and weekend to find some time to fit the fun into your schedule! I carved out time this weekend, between football games and birthday parties, for some prep of our St. Jude DIY date with other wonderful blogger friends. You and I have until Wednesday to submit pictures to Louise. Special thanks to Paige(who is right now living it up in NYC for New York Fashion Week!!) for thinking up this crafty goodness. To sum it up, we're all making kits for the Happy Craft Cart of St. Jude's Research Hospital. These baggies will contain the supplies needed to make a simple craft and lift a child's spirit in the process. I knew that I wanted to
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[ 3529, 5566, 1509, 1749, 25704, 21467, 12545, 323, 1041, 3250, 1400, 408, 591, 2867, 714, 322, 10894, 403, 263, 4595, 29892, 2030, 1506, 23670, 1510, 261, 313, 7312, 1927, 3114, 29897, 363, 2621, 2231, 29889, 1152, 1906, 310, 366, 1058, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1073, 9560, 2621, 2231, 29892, 1183, 29915, 29879, 385, 29663, 9227, 322, 17739, 261, 1058, 12618, 29879, 975, 472, 28268, 9733, 26515, 29892, 322, 445, 5969, 14927, 15409, 338, 2805, 8300, 445, 4723, 355, 29889, 306, 29915, 29885, 577, 15319, 287, 393, 402, 1099, 4433, 592, 29892, 376, 29956, 9713, 437, 1554, 363, 2621, 2231, 3026, 1619, 4996, 2933, 29973, 3869, 29892, 4874, 29892, 4874, 6824, 2621, 2231, 29892, 591, 29915, 345, 22229, 777, 2107, 22281, 1058, 5131, 304, 10894, 403, 366, 6824, 2688, 29915, 645, 367, 22960, 297, 278, 12618, 8171, 29892, 2086, 448, 1016, 29915, 29873, 923, 271, 322, 6355, 1623, 856, 29891, 300, 29889, 13, 11868, 2231, 338, 263, 5613, 7881, 29899, 16409, 29892, 322, 1183, 338, 393, 7826, 366, 1073, 366, 864, 304, 367, 7875, 411, 408, 4720, 408, 366, 5870, 902, 29889, 2621, 2231, 322, 306, 3614, 385, 10790, 6991, 2415, 770, 4208, 297, 4688, 7206, 29892, 1434, 306, 4687, 12618, 3460, 29892, 322, 1183, 338, 590, 528, 957, 29889, 887, 1073, 29892, 763, 278, 2022, 1058, 5503, 267, 366, 714, 310, 278, 10694, 746, 366, 29915, 276, 599, 480, 1573, 701, 322, 7960, 304, 748, 14744, 1933, 292, 541, 366, 1016, 29915, 29873, 505, 278, 330, 8842, 304, 2869, 12500, 29889, 612, 786, 29892, 393, 29915, 29879, 2621, 2231, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29879, 884, 1063, 590, 610, 496, 1082, 29892, 20382, 592, 322, 337, 5890, 373, 592, 313, 28990, 592, 4459, 7134, 519, 29897, 10106, 445, 716, 29898, 728, 29897, 17623, 545, 297, 1749, 12080, 29889, 13, 3379, 1479, 306, 29915, 645, 367, 9348, 10135, 352, 681, 14837, 8497, 13133, 322, 11813, 13718, 12475, 414, 1623, 596, 982, 29892, 2621, 2231, 29889, 306, 1754, 263, 2217, 1554, 363, 366, 29892, 4586, 1492, 515, 596, 1914, 1856, 12292, 310, 29714, 322, 12309, 29889, 306, 6456, 5183, 445, 363, 278, 937, 931, 373, 596, 12618, 1784, 7378, 8020, 322, 7291, 28268, 9733, 26515, 471, 4257, 577, 1532, 29991, 306, 4966, 366, 322, 596, 767, 1925, 596, 2326, 304, 278, 5962, 1784, 29892, 1784, 3064, 322, 18720, 278, 2107, 15331, 393, 338, 2343, 287, 596, 982, 1363, 310, 599, 278, 1781, 2264, 366, 1925, 714, 964, 278, 3186, 29889, 13, 10401, 306, 2355, 8300, 29871, 29896, 29900, 2440, 8020, 29892, 591, 4433, 1749, 28865, 304, 5957, 777, 9848, 373, 13718, 408, 263, 760, 310, 1009, 2933, 15889, 29889, 1334, 505, 963, 599, 297, 697, 4802, 3143, 1286, 448, 278, 4997, 3730, 14225, 322, 714, 1049, 728, 368, 2090, 1460, 6907, 800, 373, 920, 304, 5735, 1532, 411, 278, 697, 366, 5360, 29889, 2266, 29915, 29879, 590, 29871, 29906, 274, 1237, 363, 366, 636, 372, 1122, 6047, 9985, 29889, 13, 11868, 2231, 322, 306, 29892, 297, 697, 310, 1749, 1784, 5683, 4646, 4876, 521, 1446, 29892, 892, 9963, 2834, 6433, 29892, 322, 1183, 4433, 592, 920, 306, 437, 372, 599, 29889, 4177, 17065, 902, 29892, 1183, 1838, 29915, 29873, 1074, 592, 297, 1855, 2834, 304, 1073, 393, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 437, 372, 599, 470, 306, 1122, 437, 372, 15149, 541, 451, 577, 1532, 29889, 1619, 1234, 471, 263, 3287, 310, 5683, 4646, 4840, 310, 19861, 2264, 322, 777, 413, 566, 359, 304, 590, 10216, 29889, 1619, 19766, 1609, 322, 306, 505, 263, 3287, 310, 2367, 322, 2125, 29889, 306, 2125, 263, 3287, 29936, 540, 4076, 263, 3287, 29889, 1334, 5445, 297, 1269, 916, 29915, 29879, 330, 2547, 29889, 17044, 278, 12003, 29892, 330, 768, 1017, 11777, 3335, 322, 278, 16526, 29892, 9560, 330, 17741, 310, 2834, 29892, 591, 29915, 345, 10972, 304, 10569, 29889, 1763, 10569, 472, 20278, 29892, 304, 10569, 472, 1269, 916, 313, 29902, 626, 385, 318, 29887, 29899, 368, 10901, 261, 511, 304, 10569, 472, 278, 10767, 557, 342, 18845, 29892, 304, 10569, 472, 1749, 1914, 528, 2620, 287, 1506, 453, 713, 778, 29892, 304, 10569, 472, 1749, 4344, 322, 1749, 3847, 292, 29892, 2086, 29889, 13, 3644, 306, 2289, 1033, 367, 596, 6534, 29891, 27379, 1531, 322, 5957, 366, 697, 2320, 936, 19797, 29892, 372, 723, 367, 10569, 357, 29889, 13, 12148, 10569, 29889, 739, 29915, 645, 7868, 366, 4208, 322, 8677, 366, 1549, 29889, 319, 3287, 29889, 2803, 29915, 29879, 10569, 29991, 13, 2369, 2212, 29891, 278, 916, 21863, 292, 330, 17741, 1749, 7875, 505, 6296, 29892, 2621, 2231, 29889, 3374, 366, 363, 1641, 1316, 263, 6683, 562, 1070, 2752, 310, 15331, 363, 592, 373, 278, 1006, 2676, 29879, 322, 297, 1855, 2834, 29889, 20814, 280, 363, 592, 445, 4723, 355, 29892, 674, 9343, 29973, 13, 11284, 29892, 22172, 29892, 7875, 29991, 1128, 471, 278, 4723, 355, 29973, 1334, 892, 19587, 367, 267, 975, 1244, 29892, 322, 306, 29915, 29885, 24173, 304, 12853, 366, 304, 263, 716, 1459, 29879, 315, 4271, 29875, 4682, 29892, 8561, 739, 12125, 1036, 6824, 13, 26526, 27822, 591, 29915, 645, 24817, 1283, 278, 4723, 411, 263, 2090, 2060, 363, 596, 3271, 29892, 596, 4344, 29892, 7535, 29892, 470, 1554, 1683, 2320, 936, 29889, 887, 769, 505, 278, 3353, 4723, 322, 4723, 355, 304, 1284, 777, 931, 304, 6216, 278, 2090, 964, 596, 20410, 29991, 13, 29902, 1559, 1490, 714, 931, 445, 4723, 355, 29892, 1546, 5733, 8090, 322, 12060, 3250, 13973, 29892, 363, 777, 8273, 310, 1749, 624, 29889, 435, 1151, 22471, 29979, 2635, 411, 916, 20695, 12618, 914, 7875, 29889, 887, 322, 306, 505, 2745, 15050, 4515, 3250, 304, 9752, 14956, 304, 24417, 29889, 12630, 3969, 304, 2621, 2231, 29898, 15970, 338, 1492, 1286, 8471, 372, 701, 297, 23526, 29907, 363, 1570, 3088, 383, 10904, 15511, 6824, 29897, 363, 7291, 701, 445, 12220, 3312, 1781, 2264, 29889, 1763, 2533, 372, 701, 29892, 591, 29915, 276, 599, 3907, 413, 1169, 363, 278, 28569, 315, 4154, 12370, 310, 624, 29889, 435, 1151, 29915, 29879, 10550, 15967, 29889, 4525, 289, 16170, 583, 674, 1712, 278, 28075, 4312, 304, 1207, 263, 2560, 25554, 322, 13777, 263, 2278, 29915, 29879, 8548, 297, 278, 1889, 29889, 13, 29902, 6363, 393, 306, 5131, 304 ]
grab my kiddos and get them involved in the creation of these bags. I've started a Pinterest board for anyone who wants some ideas (go, go visit!!). Introducing my 7-year old to Pinterest was a trip. She's hooked. We were blown away by a few crafts by Minieco, and we decided to give them a go. Have you seen her photos and crafts(wo)manship? Outstanding!! Our first batch of Happy Cart Crafts will be baggies of these glitter paper beads. Some of the kits will have the beads already made so that younger artists (under 7) will still feel confident in their results, and other kits will have the paper and glittler glue needed to make it all from scratch! First step? Cut isoceles (ish) triangles out of your paper. Ours were about an inch at the thick end. Next, begin with the thick end and tightly (the key!) wind the entire triangle around the skewer. We made different shapes by doing this. Some beads were exactly symmetrical, some looked more like cones or party hats, and others looked like a wobbly top. As you get close to the end of the wrapped paper, squirt a dollop of glitter glue on the front and back of the end tail and graciously smear it all over the end and the rest of the bead. This will help secure the tight wrap and spread the glitter around the whole bead. Once the bead is secured, carefully remove it from the skewer and let it dry for a few minutes before crafting further. We spent an evening making all our beads and the next afternoon making accessories out of them. My 7-year old REALLY got into this project. She's a talky crafter so I had the pleasure of hearing her elaborate on how good she felt creating something she knew would make other children–children who really needed it–happy. She alone made half the beads, and she made me very proud. Again. She's anxious to make more Happy Cart Crafts, and we'll be sharing those with you, too! Beads like these work well when made from magazines, too. Maybe you and/or your kiddos would like to give them a try?! And because little brothers like to get in on everything, here's little L's anklet. Thanks for stopping in on Make It Monday! It's gonna be a great week, friends. Tra la la la la, we made it! It's Friday, and I'm wrapping up a whole lot of work today. Feels so good. My buddy, Paige (one of my major blog inspirers) is here today, readers. And she has brought an ah-mazing present! Enjoy, enjoy the first vlog we've had on this here blog...a charming DIY. Paige is the head honcho over at Approaching Joy (you should also totally follow her on Twitter cause this girl knows how to brighten a day). Okay, let's be honest she's the only honcho, but she's one of those people who dig alone time. If you adore pretty things and slightly offbeat humor and have a propensity to enjoy small beautiful moments in life, you're probably already her friend. Go say "Hi" on her blog or Twitter (just make another tab and come on right back). As a *kid I loved going to the library. It was a chance to learn about new people and cool places and let my imagination get even wilder. When I found out that the Pars Caeli family loved taking trips to the local library, I instantly knew about a project that would encourage both their reading and artistic skills: A "real" bookmark designed by your children (with some technical help from you) that they will be proud to use all summer. *Confession: I'm still a proud bookworm. 2. Scan the image onto your computer and open in up into Photoshop or Photoshop Elements. Click on these words Bookmark DIY Screencast to watch the simple DIY! 3. Use the Paint Bucket tool and fill in the lines of the scanned image. 4. Crop the image so that the scanned edges are cut off. 6. Click the Edit button at the top of the screen and then click "define brush". It will ask you to name and save the brush. 7. Create a new document that is 3x8.5 inches. 8.
[ 0.6606140582378881, -0.0790106734214425 ]
[ -0.39691304460898935, -1.5814138511453681 ]
[ 0.6280945873886563, -0.21647367406430534 ]
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[ 17229, 590, 413, 2205, 359, 322, 679, 963, 9701, 297, 278, 11265, 310, 1438, 289, 810, 29889, 306, 29915, 345, 4687, 263, 349, 1639, 342, 7613, 363, 5019, 1058, 10753, 777, 7014, 313, 1484, 29892, 748, 6493, 6824, 467, 3159, 3518, 3277, 590, 29871, 29955, 29899, 6360, 2030, 304, 349, 1639, 342, 471, 263, 17487, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29879, 12422, 287, 29889, 13, 4806, 892, 13031, 29876, 3448, 491, 263, 2846, 25554, 29879, 491, 3080, 347, 1111, 29892, 322, 591, 8459, 304, 2367, 963, 263, 748, 29889, 6975, 366, 3595, 902, 20612, 322, 25554, 29879, 29898, 827, 29897, 21555, 4034, 29973, 4451, 11235, 6824, 13, 29949, 332, 937, 9853, 310, 28569, 12370, 315, 4154, 29879, 674, 367, 289, 16170, 583, 310, 1438, 3144, 5171, 5650, 367, 7925, 29889, 3834, 310, 278, 413, 1169, 674, 505, 278, 367, 7925, 2307, 1754, 577, 393, 20023, 17906, 313, 5062, 29871, 29955, 29897, 674, 1603, 4459, 24332, 297, 1009, 2582, 29892, 322, 916, 413, 1169, 674, 505, 278, 5650, 322, 3144, 986, 1358, 3144, 434, 4312, 304, 1207, 372, 599, 515, 22728, 29991, 13, 6730, 4331, 29973, 315, 329, 338, 542, 5830, 313, 728, 29897, 3367, 19536, 714, 310, 596, 5650, 29889, 438, 1295, 892, 1048, 385, 297, 305, 472, 278, 12003, 1095, 29889, 13, 9190, 29892, 3380, 411, 278, 12003, 1095, 322, 19932, 368, 313, 1552, 1820, 14366, 8805, 278, 4152, 17205, 2820, 278, 18109, 556, 29889, 1334, 1754, 1422, 25834, 491, 2599, 445, 29889, 3834, 367, 7925, 892, 3721, 9682, 16888, 29892, 777, 5148, 901, 763, 378, 267, 470, 6263, 298, 1446, 29892, 322, 4045, 5148, 763, 263, 20469, 29890, 368, 2246, 29889, 13, 2887, 366, 679, 3802, 304, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 21021, 5650, 29892, 10674, 2728, 263, 8828, 4757, 310, 3144, 5171, 3144, 434, 373, 278, 4565, 322, 1250, 310, 278, 1095, 12464, 322, 2646, 455, 5794, 1560, 799, 372, 599, 975, 278, 1095, 322, 278, 1791, 310, 278, 367, 328, 29889, 910, 674, 1371, 11592, 278, 19932, 12244, 322, 9677, 278, 3144, 5171, 2820, 278, 3353, 367, 328, 29889, 13, 26222, 278, 367, 328, 338, 26130, 29892, 16112, 3349, 372, 515, 278, 18109, 556, 322, 1235, 372, 15589, 363, 263, 2846, 6233, 1434, 25554, 292, 4340, 29889, 1334, 10398, 385, 11005, 3907, 599, 1749, 367, 7925, 322, 278, 2446, 17724, 3907, 2130, 3842, 714, 310, 963, 29889, 13, 3421, 29871, 29955, 29899, 6360, 2030, 5195, 9818, 29979, 2355, 964, 445, 2060, 29889, 2296, 29915, 29879, 263, 5193, 29891, 12220, 906, 577, 306, 750, 278, 15377, 310, 22514, 902, 19430, 373, 920, 1781, 1183, 7091, 4969, 1554, 1183, 6363, 723, 1207, 916, 4344, 29994, 11991, 1058, 2289, 4312, 372, 29994, 29882, 14862, 29889, 2296, 7432, 1754, 4203, 278, 367, 7925, 29892, 322, 1183, 1754, 592, 1407, 22314, 29889, 11454, 29889, 13, 13468, 29915, 29879, 24937, 304, 1207, 901, 28569, 12370, 315, 4154, 29879, 29892, 322, 591, 29915, 645, 367, 19383, 1906, 411, 366, 29892, 2086, 29991, 350, 1479, 29879, 763, 1438, 664, 1532, 746, 1754, 515, 2320, 834, 1475, 29892, 2086, 29889, 7198, 366, 322, 29914, 272, 596, 413, 2205, 359, 723, 763, 304, 2367, 963, 263, 1018, 29973, 29991, 13, 2855, 1363, 2217, 21383, 763, 304, 679, 297, 373, 4129, 29892, 1244, 29915, 29879, 2217, 365, 29915, 29879, 385, 29895, 1026, 29889, 1834, 363, 25480, 297, 373, 8561, 739, 27822, 29991, 739, 29915, 29879, 330, 11586, 367, 263, 2107, 4723, 29892, 7875, 29889, 13, 5323, 425, 425, 425, 425, 29892, 591, 1754, 372, 29991, 739, 29915, 29879, 28728, 29892, 322, 306, 29915, 29885, 28489, 701, 263, 3353, 3287, 310, 664, 9826, 29889, 5169, 1379, 577, 1781, 29889, 13, 3421, 8619, 4518, 29892, 2621, 2231, 313, 650, 310, 590, 4655, 12618, 23459, 414, 29897, 338, 1244, 9826, 29892, 22176, 29889, 1126, 1183, 756, 6296, 385, 21023, 29899, 16986, 292, 2198, 29991, 1174, 2212, 29891, 29892, 13389, 278, 937, 325, 1188, 591, 29915, 345, 750, 373, 445, 1244, 12618, 856, 29874, 1373, 4056, 22471, 29979, 29889, 13, 11868, 2231, 338, 278, 2343, 4207, 1859, 975, 472, 28268, 9733, 26515, 313, 6293, 881, 884, 14909, 1101, 902, 373, 20147, 4556, 445, 7826, 9906, 920, 304, 11785, 264, 263, 2462, 467, 20419, 29892, 1235, 29915, 29879, 367, 15993, 1183, 29915, 29879, 278, 871, 4207, 1859, 29892, 541, 1183, 29915, 29879, 697, 310, 1906, 2305, 1058, 4697, 7432, 931, 29889, 960, 366, 594, 487, 5051, 2712, 322, 10029, 1283, 915, 271, 27448, 322, 505, 263, 3107, 575, 537, 304, 13389, 2319, 9560, 19462, 297, 2834, 29892, 366, 29915, 276, 3117, 2307, 902, 5121, 29889, 2921, 1827, 376, 18567, 29908, 373, 902, 12618, 470, 20147, 313, 5143, 1207, 1790, 4434, 322, 2041, 373, 1492, 1250, 467, 13, 2887, 263, 334, 29895, 333, 306, 18012, 2675, 304, 278, 3489, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 8825, 304, 5110, 1048, 716, 2305, 322, 12528, 7600, 322, 1235, 590, 28038, 679, 1584, 281, 2700, 29889, 1932, 306, 1476, 714, 393, 278, 1459, 29879, 315, 4271, 29875, 3942, 18012, 5622, 3367, 567, 304, 278, 1887, 3489, 29892, 306, 26232, 6363, 1048, 263, 2060, 393, 723, 13731, 6617, 1716, 1009, 5183, 322, 1616, 4695, 25078, 29901, 319, 376, 6370, 29908, 3143, 3502, 8688, 491, 596, 4344, 313, 2541, 777, 16905, 1371, 515, 366, 29897, 393, 896, 674, 367, 22314, 304, 671, 599, 11801, 29889, 13, 29930, 16376, 1211, 29901, 306, 29915, 29885, 1603, 263, 22314, 3143, 29893, 555, 29889, 13, 29906, 29889, 2522, 273, 278, 1967, 11480, 596, 6601, 322, 1722, 297, 701, 964, 19040, 10578, 459, 470, 19040, 10578, 459, 10619, 29879, 29889, 13, 4164, 373, 1438, 3838, 6726, 3502, 22471, 29979, 317, 1037, 3977, 579, 304, 6505, 278, 2560, 22471, 29979, 29991, 13, 29941, 29889, 4803, 278, 349, 2365, 16281, 300, 5780, 322, 5445, 297, 278, 3454, 310, 278, 885, 11310, 1967, 29889, 13, 29946, 29889, 315, 1336, 278, 1967, 577, 393, 278, 885, 11310, 12770, 526, 5700, 1283, 29889, 13, 29953, 29889, 16297, 278, 7641, 2826, 472, 278, 2246, 310, 278, 4315, 322, 769, 2828, 376, 7922, 1506, 1878, 1642, 13, 3112, 674, 2244, 366, 304, 1024, 322, 4078, 278, 1506, 1878, 29889, 13, 29955, 29889, 6204, 263, 716, 1842, 393, 338, 29871, 29941, 29916, 29947, 29889, 29945, 22831, 29889, 13, 29947, 29889 ]
Migraine sufferers are more likely to have depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, other pain conditions and fatigue. There are numerous types of headaches, with pain levels and treatment varying depending on the classification. Perhaps the type of headache most commonly cited as the cause of severe pain and a multitude of other unpleasant symptoms is the migraine headache. However, not every "bad" headache is a migraine. It's estimated that more than 20 million Americans suffer from headaches, ranging from mild tension headaches to full-blown migraines. Tension type and migraine headaches are the most common, and most headaches are considered "daily" or chronic if they occur at least 15 days per month. In light of June being Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, we are sharing information on this debilitating condition and how to identify the symptoms associated with head pain. Among those statistics are actors Lisa Kudrow, Ben Affleck, Marcia Cross, Kristin Chenoweth, tennis star Serena Williams and many other celebrities who have shared their migraine stories with the press. These celebrities demonstrate that migraines can affect people from all walks of life; that these headaches have the potential to negatively impact the lives of those who suffer from them in a very significant way. Migraines affect three times more women than men, probably because the headaches have a strong hormonal influence. The World Health Organization places migraine as one of the 20 most disabling medical illnesses on the planet, and The American Migraine Foundation states on their website that those with migraines are more likely to have depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, other pain conditions and fatigue. How can those experiencing head pain distinguish one headache type from another in order to determine the best course of treatment? Everyday headaches can be triggered by any number of common causes: allergies, stress, fatigue, dehydration, or caffeine withdrawal for example. Regular headaches can often be treated by getting adequate rest, drinking more liquids, avoiding certain foods. These headaches often present as pressure or tightness around the head, and the intensity waxes and wanes. It's typically non pulsating and not worsened by routine physical activity like walking or climbing stairs. When experiencing a migraine, patients often feel as though someone turned up their hearing aid too high or forced them to wear night vision goggles in broad daylight, and this causes intense pain and nausea. Some people are just born with a tendency to get migraines or cluster headaches, and certain stimuli can provoke the pain system to go haywire. I recently spoke with Men's Health about the intense pain that accompanies cluster headaches, which typically affect more men than women, unlike migraines. Light, sound, certain foods or additives can spark unbearable pain that may last anywhere from four hours to several days. Migraine headaches can be one-sided, pulsating, pounding, and be aggravated by routine physical activity. The onset is usually gradual, and then builds until it peaks, and then subsides. During the headache, patients may also experience nausea/vomiting, or photophobia (light sensitivity), or phonophobia (sound sensitivity). Migraine with aura is a neurological phenomenon that accompanies or precedes a migraine attack. It can leads to the sufferer's vision being temporarily compromised or otherwise altered, for example. The manifestation of an aura can vary from seeing black spots or small sparkles to feeling pins and needles in the hand, arm, face, or tongue. Less common are feelings of weakness or imbalance. A headache that is associated with some neurological deficit, like weakness or paralysis. A headache that leads to an increase in pressure inside the head (increased intracranial pressure). A headache that occurs with position (worse when lying down or standing up, coughing, straining). A headache that wakes you up. Each week on Aches and Gains radio show, I outline a new pain source, what causes it, who can be affected, and most importantly, how it can be treated or managed. Visit the radio show page for a complete list of podcasts for past episodes. Aches and Gains airs every Saturday at 5 p.m. and 5
[ 0.6113057427939328, 0.5839122342139575 ]
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[ 1.5512863206285303, 1.4194017873085483 ]
[ 0.0667202465256349, 0.4673312678365791 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 14854, 12096, 8812, 414, 526, 901, 5517, 304, 505, 316, 2590, 29892, 14919, 21549, 29892, 8709, 766, 20488, 29892, 916, 6788, 5855, 322, 9950, 12137, 29889, 13, 8439, 526, 12727, 4072, 310, 2343, 14520, 29892, 411, 6788, 11174, 322, 14502, 24099, 8679, 373, 278, 12965, 29889, 11637, 278, 1134, 310, 2343, 1829, 1556, 15574, 274, 1573, 408, 278, 4556, 310, 22261, 6788, 322, 263, 1773, 4279, 310, 916, 443, 552, 13186, 25828, 4835, 338, 278, 29542, 12096, 2343, 1829, 29889, 13, 17245, 29892, 451, 1432, 376, 12313, 29908, 2343, 1829, 338, 263, 29542, 12096, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 15899, 393, 901, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29900, 7284, 23035, 8812, 515, 2343, 14520, 29892, 364, 9776, 515, 286, 789, 260, 2673, 2343, 14520, 304, 2989, 29899, 29890, 677, 29876, 29542, 336, 1475, 29889, 323, 2673, 1134, 322, 29542, 12096, 2343, 14520, 526, 278, 1556, 3619, 29892, 322, 1556, 2343, 14520, 526, 5545, 376, 29881, 8683, 29908, 470, 17168, 293, 565, 896, 6403, 472, 3203, 29871, 29896, 29945, 3841, 639, 4098, 29889, 512, 3578, 310, 5306, 1641, 14854, 12096, 322, 12252, 1829, 319, 4495, 18543, 23471, 29892, 591, 526, 19383, 2472, 373, 445, 2553, 309, 277, 1218, 4195, 322, 920, 304, 12439, 278, 25828, 4835, 6942, 411, 2343, 6788, 29889, 13, 6833, 549, 1906, 13964, 526, 29701, 29420, 476, 566, 798, 29892, 4111, 13737, 280, 384, 29892, 1085, 1512, 11189, 29892, 17773, 262, 21589, 340, 621, 29892, 22556, 5810, 1816, 2386, 11648, 322, 1784, 916, 7793, 26549, 583, 1058, 505, 7258, 1009, 29542, 12096, 15874, 411, 278, 3965, 29889, 4525, 7793, 26549, 583, 22222, 393, 29542, 336, 1475, 508, 6602, 2305, 515, 599, 17042, 2039, 310, 2834, 29936, 393, 1438, 2343, 14520, 505, 278, 7037, 304, 3480, 6703, 10879, 278, 12080, 310, 1906, 1058, 8812, 515, 963, 297, 263, 1407, 7282, 982, 29889, 13, 29924, 335, 336, 1475, 6602, 2211, 3064, 901, 5866, 1135, 1757, 29892, 3117, 1363, 278, 2343, 14520, 505, 263, 4549, 298, 555, 7177, 9949, 29889, 450, 2787, 15202, 9205, 2133, 7600, 29542, 12096, 408, 697, 310, 278, 29871, 29906, 29900, 1556, 766, 17961, 16083, 4486, 2264, 267, 373, 278, 15754, 29892, 322, 450, 3082, 14854, 12096, 10606, 5922, 373, 1009, 4700, 393, 1906, 411, 29542, 336, 1475, 526, 901, 5517, 304, 505, 316, 2590, 29892, 14919, 21549, 29892, 8709, 766, 20488, 29892, 916, 6788, 5855, 322, 9950, 12137, 29889, 13, 5328, 508, 1906, 10623, 3277, 2343, 6788, 20820, 697, 2343, 1829, 1134, 515, 1790, 297, 1797, 304, 8161, 278, 1900, 3236, 310, 14502, 29973, 13, 26526, 3250, 2343, 14520, 508, 367, 19799, 491, 738, 1353, 310, 3619, 9946, 29901, 599, 15064, 583, 29892, 22884, 29892, 9950, 12137, 29892, 316, 29882, 2941, 29878, 362, 29892, 470, 274, 3470, 29872, 457, 28679, 284, 363, 1342, 29889, 2169, 1070, 2343, 14520, 508, 4049, 367, 14914, 491, 2805, 19967, 339, 403, 1791, 29892, 13748, 292, 901, 15617, 4841, 29892, 4772, 292, 3058, 9687, 29879, 29889, 4525, 2343, 14520, 4049, 2198, 408, 12959, 470, 19932, 2264, 2820, 278, 2343, 29892, 322, 278, 26171, 281, 1165, 267, 322, 281, 17297, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 12234, 1661, 282, 7273, 1218, 322, 451, 281, 943, 6419, 491, 26529, 9128, 6354, 763, 22049, 470, 10784, 10549, 380, 7121, 29889, 13, 10401, 10623, 3277, 263, 29542, 12096, 29892, 22069, 4049, 4459, 408, 2466, 4856, 6077, 701, 1009, 22514, 16226, 2086, 1880, 470, 11826, 963, 304, 19531, 4646, 18551, 330, 468, 29887, 793, 297, 7300, 2462, 4366, 29892, 322, 445, 9946, 17818, 344, 6788, 322, 302, 1071, 29874, 29889, 13, 9526, 2305, 526, 925, 6345, 411, 263, 260, 5197, 304, 679, 29542, 336, 1475, 470, 9867, 2343, 14520, 29892, 322, 3058, 20436, 14549, 508, 1326, 6946, 278, 6788, 1788, 304, 748, 14842, 22376, 29889, 306, 10325, 12707, 411, 7567, 29915, 29879, 15202, 1048, 278, 17818, 344, 6788, 393, 18509, 583, 9867, 2343, 14520, 29892, 607, 12234, 6602, 901, 1757, 1135, 5866, 29892, 25531, 29542, 336, 1475, 29889, 13, 20769, 29892, 6047, 29892, 3058, 9687, 29879, 470, 788, 277, 3145, 508, 16267, 443, 29890, 799, 519, 6788, 393, 1122, 1833, 12214, 515, 3023, 6199, 304, 3196, 3841, 29889, 14854, 12096, 2343, 14520, 508, 367, 697, 29899, 29879, 2618, 29892, 282, 7273, 1218, 29892, 282, 12449, 29892, 322, 367, 946, 3874, 29894, 630, 491, 26529, 9128, 6354, 29889, 450, 373, 842, 338, 5491, 4656, 950, 29892, 322, 769, 23315, 2745, 372, 1236, 10327, 29892, 322, 769, 11684, 2247, 29889, 7133, 278, 2343, 1829, 29892, 22069, 1122, 884, 7271, 302, 1071, 29874, 29914, 29894, 290, 11407, 29892, 470, 6731, 3021, 711, 423, 313, 4366, 4771, 24858, 511, 470, 1374, 265, 3021, 711, 423, 313, 29802, 4771, 24858, 467, 13, 29924, 335, 12096, 411, 263, 2002, 338, 263, 452, 2192, 1188, 936, 27791, 265, 393, 18509, 583, 470, 9399, 267, 263, 29542, 12096, 5337, 29889, 739, 508, 11981, 304, 278, 8812, 261, 29915, 29879, 18551, 1641, 5382, 6275, 19632, 3368, 470, 6467, 10551, 287, 29892, 363, 1342, 29889, 450, 10419, 362, 310, 385, 263, 2002, 508, 13100, 515, 8790, 4628, 805, 1862, 470, 2319, 16267, 793, 304, 11223, 282, 1144, 322, 817, 793, 297, 278, 1361, 29892, 5075, 29892, 3700, 29892, 470, 26820, 29889, 27898, 3619, 526, 21737, 310, 8062, 2264, 470, 527, 5521, 749, 29889, 13, 29909, 2343, 1829, 393, 338, 6942, 411, 777, 452, 2192, 1188, 936, 822, 293, 277, 29892, 763, 8062, 2264, 470, 610, 284, 4848, 29889, 13, 29909, 2343, 1829, 393, 11981, 304, 385, 7910, 297, 12959, 2768, 278, 2343, 313, 262, 1037, 1463, 938, 945, 661, 616, 12959, 467, 13, 29909, 2343, 1829, 393, 10008, 411, 2602, 313, 13762, 344, 746, 19214, 1623, 470, 13407, 701, 29892, 274, 820, 292, 29892, 5312, 2827, 467, 13, 29909, 2343, 1829, 393, 281, 6926, 366, 701, 29889, 13, 9760, 4723, 373, 319, 6609, 322, 402, 2708, 7155, 1510, 29892, 306, 27887, 263, 716, 6788, 2752, 29892, 825, 9946, 372, 29892, 1058, 508, 367, 15201, 29892, 322, 1556, 4100, 368, 29892, 920, 372, 508, 367, 14914, 470, 8745, 29889, 5741, 277, 278, 7155, 1510, 1813, 363, 263, 4866, 1051, 310, 2532, 4384, 29879, 363, 4940, 23238, 29889, 319, 6609, 322, 402, 2708, 4799, 29879, 1432, 24211, 472, 29871, 29945, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 322, 29871, 29945 ]
It's Oscar season and you can smell the talent in the air. So, either you can buy a new Renuzit or give in to the glamour and pageantry of it all. Might we suggest: —The Lincoln Hall Oscar Viewing Party with Mercedes Join local lovely Mercedes Tyler for a Red Carpet experience like no other. RSVP on Facebook (just search for Oscar and Mercedes; it's bound to come up) for a special VIP cocktail reception 4:30-5:30 p.m. Don your best celebrity look-alike garb for a chance to win big cash and prizes. Mercedes will unleash her tongue for the Red Carpet roast. Plus, check out a special performance by Quixotoc Theater Company. No cover!!! —Sidetrack's Oscar Party It's always a gold-plated hoot with your host Circuit Mom, who will host a special Showtunes Sunday starting at 4 and leading up to the big night. Each hour, four lucky attendees will be selected to watch the show from the Sidetrack Showbox, which includes complimentary cocktails served up by the scandalous Sidetrack Golden Boys. —On the Carpet at Center On Halsted Browse the silent auction, win special raffle prizes and delight in the splendor of the transformed third floor of the Center, including the swanky tent on the roof deck. This is a once-a-year treat and all funds will help out the Center, which we all know and love. And a special thanks to Mike and Darin for lending Nightspots their very own mini-Oscar for use on this week's cover. With a little gay fairy dust and a heapin' helpin' o' Photoshop, we made that little guy grow to at least twice his size. We list this among our more special talents. Can ya smell it? Well, after several aborted attempts to spend a week in Key West (Guess who had a flight booked for Tues., February 1), I have re-planned my trip for April and will be jetting down to Austin, Tex. this weekend. Maybe I'll bring y'all back somethin' nice. SHOWBIZ RuPaul, LGBTQ athletes, film winners, Charles Busch 2020-11-02 - RuPaul has a lot of irons in the fire, according to out.com. Not only is she on the cover of Cosmopolitan UK's January 2021 issue, but the drag icon has also posted her new five-track Hey Sis, It's Christmas EP. Also, ... Kirk Williamson: Telling stories 2020-09-30 - Many of you might know me only through my byline on the masthead or, if you're a bit older (and drunker), by my time in the bars as editor of Nightspots. Hey, I WAS that guy from the magazine. But if you have never ... Karlin's memoir reflects on heyday of Chicago LGBT media 2020-04-29 - Fort Lauderdale-based author Rick Karlin, a native Chicagoan who for many years wrote about food and entertainment, among other topics, for LGBT papers in the Windy City, said that the machinations of the local gay media ... ART Paul Heyer in solo show presented by MCA 2018-06-20 - The Museum of Contemporary Art (MCA) Chicago features artist Paul Heyer's first-ever solo show, "Chicago Works: Paul Heyer," through July 1. Heyer is a native of Chicago's south suburbs. Growing up in an arts appreciative household, ... - "I can't wait to shove this up Adam's ass!"—Blake Shelton's comment after being named "People" magazine's Sexiest Man Alive. I don't really understand all these "straight guys" who are obsessed with ass play. But, hey, as ... THEATER REVIEW Sylvester, or The Wicked Uncle 2017-09-25 - Playwright: adapted by Christina Calvit from the novel by Georgette Heyer At: Lifeline Theatre, 6912 N. Glenwood Ave. Tickets: $40. Runs through: Oct. 2
[ 0.5455613222019923, -0.16281768873330416 ]
[ -0.8938124759224363, -0.48554915938382043 ]
[ -1.6291599252033433, -1.269013699598777 ]
[ -1.7074142764228322, -1.395249844232486 ]
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[ 739, 29915, 29879, 19054, 4259, 322, 366, 508, 1560, 514, 278, 24242, 297, 278, 4799, 29889, 1105, 29892, 2845, 366, 508, 15649, 263, 716, 7493, 3365, 277, 470, 2367, 297, 304, 278, 3144, 27419, 322, 1813, 15328, 310, 372, 599, 29889, 341, 523, 591, 4368, 29901, 13, 30003, 1576, 17274, 6573, 19054, 4533, 292, 9173, 411, 4702, 28352, 3650, 262, 1887, 12355, 873, 4702, 28352, 9656, 1358, 363, 263, 4367, 1704, 10963, 7271, 763, 694, 916, 29889, 390, 7597, 29925, 373, 13327, 313, 5143, 2740, 363, 19054, 322, 4702, 28352, 29936, 372, 29915, 29879, 3216, 304, 2041, 701, 29897, 363, 263, 4266, 5473, 29925, 1302, 384, 18237, 25647, 29871, 29946, 29901, 29941, 29900, 29899, 29945, 29901, 29941, 29900, 282, 29889, 29885, 29889, 3872, 596, 1900, 10894, 537, 1106, 29899, 2606, 446, 7171, 29890, 363, 263, 8825, 304, 5401, 4802, 274, 1161, 322, 3691, 10947, 29889, 4702, 28352, 674, 443, 280, 1161, 902, 26820, 363, 278, 4367, 1704, 10963, 696, 579, 29889, 15113, 29892, 1423, 714, 263, 4266, 4180, 491, 751, 861, 327, 542, 16150, 6938, 29889, 1939, 4612, 21004, 13, 30003, 29903, 333, 300, 22282, 29915, 29879, 19054, 9173, 739, 29915, 29879, 2337, 263, 7684, 29899, 572, 630, 298, 3155, 411, 596, 3495, 12594, 3121, 341, 290, 29892, 1058, 674, 3495, 263, 4266, 7704, 29873, 7844, 16340, 6257, 472, 29871, 29946, 322, 8236, 701, 304, 278, 4802, 4646, 29889, 7806, 7234, 29892, 3023, 9885, 29891, 472, 841, 311, 267, 674, 367, 4629, 304, 6505, 278, 1510, 515, 278, 19732, 300, 22282, 7704, 1884, 29892, 607, 7805, 13162, 2073, 653, 1302, 384, 29873, 2234, 6766, 701, 491, 278, 885, 392, 20521, 19732, 300, 22282, 16108, 22148, 29889, 13, 30003, 2951, 278, 1704, 10963, 472, 7817, 1551, 8142, 16470, 22415, 344, 278, 17436, 782, 428, 29892, 5401, 4266, 1153, 600, 280, 3691, 10947, 322, 15319, 297, 278, 8536, 12184, 310, 278, 27615, 4654, 11904, 310, 278, 7817, 29892, 3704, 278, 2381, 804, 29891, 12033, 373, 278, 17526, 19810, 29889, 910, 338, 263, 2748, 29899, 29874, 29899, 6360, 7539, 322, 599, 29199, 674, 1371, 714, 278, 7817, 29892, 607, 591, 599, 1073, 322, 5360, 29889, 13, 2855, 263, 4266, 3969, 304, 12828, 322, 7335, 262, 363, 301, 2548, 11554, 1028, 1862, 1009, 1407, 1914, 20629, 29899, 29949, 14494, 363, 671, 373, 445, 4723, 29915, 29879, 4612, 29889, 2973, 263, 2217, 23852, 6534, 29891, 19786, 322, 263, 16947, 262, 29915, 1371, 262, 29915, 288, 29915, 19040, 10578, 459, 29892, 591, 1754, 393, 2217, 1410, 29891, 6548, 304, 472, 3203, 8951, 670, 2159, 29889, 1334, 1051, 445, 4249, 1749, 901, 4266, 5969, 1237, 29889, 1815, 9343, 1560, 514, 372, 29973, 13, 11284, 29892, 1156, 3196, 633, 18054, 14734, 304, 18864, 263, 4723, 297, 7670, 3122, 313, 9485, 404, 1058, 750, 263, 16286, 3143, 287, 363, 323, 1041, 1696, 6339, 29871, 29896, 511, 306, 505, 337, 29899, 572, 11310, 590, 17487, 363, 3786, 322, 674, 367, 22588, 1259, 1623, 304, 24518, 29892, 8490, 29889, 445, 4723, 355, 29889, 7198, 306, 29915, 645, 6963, 343, 29915, 497, 1250, 1047, 621, 262, 29915, 7575, 29889, 13, 7068, 9806, 12809, 29999, 9723, 18275, 29892, 365, 7210, 29911, 29984, 28563, 267, 29892, 2706, 281, 16697, 29892, 5322, 8406, 305, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29896, 29896, 29899, 29900, 29906, 13, 29899, 9723, 18275, 756, 263, 3287, 310, 3805, 787, 297, 278, 3974, 29892, 5034, 304, 714, 29889, 510, 29889, 2216, 871, 338, 1183, 373, 278, 4612, 310, 13526, 29885, 13242, 8929, 10261, 29915, 29879, 5490, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 2228, 29892, 541, 278, 8338, 9849, 756, 884, 8059, 902, 716, 5320, 29899, 11294, 18637, 317, 275, 29892, 739, 29915, 29879, 17661, 16502, 29889, 3115, 29892, 2023, 13, 29968, 6793, 4667, 1100, 29901, 323, 7807, 15874, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29900, 29929, 29899, 29941, 29900, 13, 29899, 9267, 310, 366, 1795, 1073, 592, 871, 1549, 590, 491, 1220, 373, 278, 286, 579, 2813, 470, 29892, 565, 366, 29915, 276, 263, 2586, 9642, 313, 392, 4192, 27560, 511, 491, 590, 931, 297, 278, 22306, 408, 6920, 310, 11554, 1028, 1862, 29889, 18637, 29892, 306, 399, 3289, 393, 1410, 29891, 515, 278, 14853, 29889, 1205, 565, 366, 505, 2360, 2023, 13, 24115, 1915, 29915, 29879, 2626, 6390, 9432, 29879, 373, 540, 2941, 388, 310, 10059, 365, 7210, 29911, 5745, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29899, 29900, 29946, 29899, 29906, 29929, 13, 29899, 7236, 997, 566, 2018, 744, 29899, 6707, 4148, 24218, 3467, 1915, 29892, 263, 7531, 10059, 273, 1058, 363, 1784, 2440, 5456, 1048, 9687, 322, 22684, 358, 29892, 4249, 916, 23820, 29892, 363, 365, 7210, 29911, 15055, 297, 278, 17311, 29891, 4412, 29892, 1497, 393, 278, 7672, 262, 800, 310, 278, 1887, 23852, 5745, 2023, 13, 8322, 3739, 940, 7598, 297, 6651, 1510, 9132, 491, 341, 5454, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29947, 29899, 29900, 29953, 29899, 29906, 29900, 13, 29899, 450, 6838, 310, 27183, 653, 3012, 313, 29924, 5454, 29897, 10059, 5680, 7664, 3739, 940, 7598, 29915, 29879, 937, 29899, 1310, 6651, 1510, 29892, 376, 1451, 9384, 13976, 29901, 3739, 940, 7598, 1699, 1549, 5468, 29871, 29896, 29889, 940, 7598, 338, 263, 7531, 310, 10059, 29915, 29879, 7062, 1014, 332, 5824, 29889, 402, 798, 292, 701, 297, 385, 16930, 5108, 1230, 22329, 29892, 2023, 13, 29899, 376, 29902, 508, 29915, 29873, 4480, 304, 528, 994, 445, 701, 11783, 29915, 29879, 1223, 3850, 30003, 29933, 433, 446, 1383, 295, 880, 29915, 29879, 3440, 1156, 1641, 4257, 376, 15666, 1991, 29908, 14853, 29915, 29879, 21703, 12239, 2315, 319, 9258, 29889, 306, 1016, 29915, 29873, 2289, 2274, 599, 1438, 376, 4151, 523, 18239, 29908, 1058, 526, 20881, 11517, 411, 1223, 1708, 29889, 1205, 29892, 540, 29891, 29892, 408, 2023, 13, 28350, 1299, 1001, 5195, 29963, 8673, 29956, 19628, 29894, 4156, 29892, 470, 450, 399, 17840, 29108, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29955, 29899, 29900, 29929, 29899, 29906, 29945, 13, 29899, 7412, 29893, 1266, 29901, 23430, 491, 2819, 1099, 3037, 29894, 277, 515, 278, 9554, 491, 1879, 272, 657, 371, 940, 7598, 2180, 29901, 365, 361, 5570, 15521, 29892, 29871, 29953, 29929, 29896, 29906, 405, 29889, 27197, 6115, 319, 345, 29889, 323, 860, 1691, 29901, 395, 29946, 29900, 29889, 390, 6948, 1549, 29901, 4756, 29889, 29871, 29906 ]
Libyan-Maltese relations are foreign relations between Libya and Malta. Both countries established diplomatic relations soon after Malta's independence. Both countries had very close ties and cooperation during Dom Mintoff's governments. Libya has an embassy in Attard and Malta has an embassy in Tripoli. In 2013, Libyan Prime Minister Ali Zeidan, said that the relationship between the two countries is "excellent". History Early relations (1964-1980) During the Mintoff years following the independence of Malta, Libya had loaned several million dollars to Malta to make up for the loss of rental income which followed the closure of British military bases in Malta; These closer ties with Libya meant a dramatic new (but short-lived) development in Maltese foreign policy: Western media reported that Malta appeared to be turning its back on NATO, the UK, and Europe generally. By at least the 1970s Libya already had a permanent embassy in Malta located at the prominent Villa Drago, in Sliema. The villa is also known as Dar Tarak or Dar Tarek, and is now a Grade 1 scheduled building. History books were published that began to spread the idea of a disconnection between the Italian and Catholic populations, and instead tried to promote the theory of closer cultural and ethnic ties with North Africa. This new development was noted by Boissevain in 1991: ...the Labour government broke off relations with NATO and sought links with the Arab world. After 900 years of being linked to Europe, Malta began to look southward. Muslims, still remembered in folklore for savage pirate attacks, were redefined as blood brothers. Gaddafi even claimed that the Maltese people were of Arab origin, through Phoenician descent. Between 1975 and 1976, the Libyan government gave Malta's 1st (Maritime) Battery of the Malta Land Force (now the Maritime Squadron of the AFM) four patrol boats. The Saipem incident (1980) In 1980 an oil rig of the Italian company Saipem commissioned by Texaco to drill on behalf of the Maltese government 68 nautical miles south-east of Malta had to stop operations after being threatened by a Libyan gunboat. Both Malta and Libya claimed economic rights to the area and this incident raised tensions. The matter was referred to the International Court of Justice in 1982 but the court's ruling in 1985 dealt only with the delineation of a small part of the contested territory. Improving relations (1982-1987) Malta and Libya had entered into a Friendship and Cooperation Treaty, in response to repeated overtures by Gaddafi for a closer, more formal union between the two countries; and, for a brief period, Arabic had become a compulsory subject in Maltese secondary schools. In 1984 the Mariam Al-Batool Mosque was officially opened by Muammar Gaddafi in Malta, two years after its completion. Nationalist governments to Libyan Civil War (1987-2011) Following the termination of the Mintoff and Mifsud-Bonnici governments, Malta retained its excellent relations with Libya. Relations cooled in 2005 following the assassination in Malta of Fathi Shaqaqi, presumably by the Mossad, but relations were later normalised. On 21 February 2011, in the beginning of the first Libyan Civil War, two Libyan Air Force fighter jets defected to Malta instead of bombing protesters in Benghazi. The Maltese government's refusal to extradite the pilots or return the aircraft to Libya swiftly established the island state as an unfriendly neighbour of the Gaddafi government amidst the Libyan uprising. Malta also coordinated the evacuation of tens of thousands of foreign workers who got caught up in the conflict; and played a lesser role in the later international intervention in the conflict. On 11 March, one of Gaddafi's cousins attempted to bribe Maltese Air Force officials in order to purchase jet fuel.
[ 0.38393962158013856, 0.4852956033260468 ]
[ 2.0213308544497854, 1.9497057111973966 ]
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[ 512, 512 ]
[ 8153, 10094, 29899, 29924, 1997, 968, 5302, 526, 9117, 5302, 1546, 8153, 3761, 322, 3792, 941, 29889, 9134, 10916, 7841, 13487, 2454, 5302, 4720, 1156, 3792, 941, 29915, 29879, 21820, 29889, 9134, 10916, 750, 1407, 3802, 260, 583, 322, 1302, 16453, 2645, 7809, 3080, 517, 600, 29915, 29879, 4095, 1860, 29889, 8153, 3761, 756, 385, 7232, 465, 29891, 297, 6212, 538, 322, 3792, 941, 756, 385, 7232, 465, 29891, 297, 8602, 3733, 29875, 29889, 512, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29941, 29892, 8153, 10094, 15512, 7668, 10785, 3091, 29219, 29892, 1497, 393, 278, 9443, 1546, 278, 1023, 10916, 338, 376, 735, 3729, 296, 1642, 13, 13, 20570, 13, 13, 29923, 279, 368, 5302, 313, 29896, 29929, 29953, 29946, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 29897, 13, 13, 29928, 3864, 278, 3080, 517, 600, 2440, 1494, 278, 21820, 310, 3792, 941, 29892, 8153, 3761, 750, 24806, 287, 3196, 7284, 17208, 304, 3792, 941, 304, 1207, 701, 363, 278, 6410, 310, 364, 13703, 17869, 607, 5643, 278, 18424, 310, 4908, 9121, 22561, 297, 3792, 941, 29936, 4525, 17649, 260, 583, 411, 8153, 3761, 6839, 263, 8541, 2454, 716, 313, 4187, 3273, 29899, 29880, 2347, 29897, 5849, 297, 341, 1997, 968, 9117, 8898, 29901, 10504, 5745, 8967, 393, 3792, 941, 7470, 304, 367, 14712, 967, 1250, 373, 26038, 29949, 29892, 278, 10261, 29892, 322, 4092, 6892, 29889, 2648, 472, 3203, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29900, 29879, 8153, 3761, 2307, 750, 263, 17667, 7232, 465, 29891, 297, 3792, 941, 5982, 472, 278, 19555, 14439, 12225, 29877, 29892, 297, 317, 492, 2603, 29889, 450, 21031, 338, 884, 2998, 408, 7335, 11740, 557, 470, 7335, 323, 598, 29895, 29892, 322, 338, 1286, 263, 4989, 311, 29871, 29896, 21467, 5214, 29889, 13, 13, 20570, 8277, 892, 6369, 393, 4689, 304, 9677, 278, 2969, 310, 263, 766, 9965, 1546, 278, 10545, 322, 11865, 23093, 29892, 322, 2012, 1898, 304, 27391, 278, 6368, 310, 17649, 16375, 322, 11314, 7823, 260, 583, 411, 4644, 10557, 29889, 29871, 910, 716, 5849, 471, 11682, 491, 1952, 5582, 29894, 475, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29896, 29901, 13, 856, 1552, 29453, 5874, 14455, 1283, 5302, 411, 26038, 29949, 322, 18365, 2988, 411, 278, 10387, 3186, 29889, 2860, 29871, 29929, 29900, 29900, 2440, 310, 1641, 9024, 304, 4092, 29892, 3792, 941, 4689, 304, 1106, 7062, 1328, 29889, 23772, 29879, 29892, 1603, 21832, 297, 900, 6321, 487, 363, 4048, 482, 21625, 403, 16661, 29892, 892, 337, 12119, 408, 10416, 21383, 29889, 13, 29954, 1202, 2142, 29875, 1584, 17049, 393, 278, 341, 1997, 968, 2305, 892, 310, 10387, 3978, 29892, 1549, 21884, 264, 8910, 26815, 29889, 13, 13, 29933, 300, 1452, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29945, 322, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29955, 29953, 29892, 278, 8153, 10094, 5874, 4846, 3792, 941, 29915, 29879, 29871, 29896, 303, 313, 7083, 21998, 29897, 350, 2620, 29891, 310, 278, 3792, 941, 3172, 11004, 313, 3707, 278, 1085, 21998, 26070, 310, 278, 319, 22192, 29897, 3023, 2373, 1467, 25462, 29889, 13, 13, 1576, 5701, 666, 331, 15134, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 29897, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29900, 385, 17182, 12912, 310, 278, 10545, 5001, 5701, 666, 331, 12969, 287, 491, 8490, 11216, 304, 4192, 453, 373, 2306, 3131, 310, 278, 341, 1997, 968, 5874, 29871, 29953, 29947, 1055, 329, 936, 7800, 7062, 29899, 23027, 310, 3792, 941, 750, 304, 5040, 6931, 1156, 1641, 29513, 491, 263, 8153, 10094, 13736, 833, 271, 29889, 9134, 3792, 941, 322, 8153, 3761, 17049, 17407, 10462, 304, 278, 4038, 322, 445, 15134, 10425, 260, 5580, 29889, 450, 4383, 471, 12992, 304, 278, 4623, 9245, 310, 17181, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 541, 278, 8973, 29915, 29879, 364, 19478, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29945, 316, 1997, 871, 411, 278, 628, 457, 362, 310, 263, 2319, 760, 310, 278, 640, 2868, 20123, 29889, 13, 13, 1888, 771, 1747, 5302, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 29899, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29897, 13, 22995, 941, 322, 8153, 3761, 750, 7802, 964, 263, 20702, 3527, 322, 3189, 16453, 6479, 11156, 29892, 297, 2933, 304, 10324, 975, 29873, 1973, 491, 402, 1202, 2142, 29875, 363, 263, 17649, 29892, 901, 11595, 9833, 1546, 278, 1023, 10916, 29936, 322, 29892, 363, 263, 11473, 3785, 29892, 10387, 293, 750, 4953, 263, 752, 7273, 706, 4967, 297, 341, 1997, 968, 16723, 12462, 29889, 512, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29946, 278, 1085, 2829, 838, 29899, 29933, 1219, 324, 6630, 802, 471, 22444, 6496, 491, 8229, 314, 3034, 402, 1202, 2142, 29875, 297, 3792, 941, 29892, 1023, 2440, 1156, 967, 13285, 29889, 13, 13, 27325, 391, 4095, 1860, 304, 8153, 10094, 12886, 3362, 313, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29955, 29899, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29897, 13, 13, 29943, 2952, 292, 278, 1840, 3381, 310, 278, 3080, 517, 600, 322, 341, 10270, 566, 29899, 29933, 3409, 1654, 4095, 1860, 29892, 3792, 941, 26060, 967, 15129, 5302, 411, 8153, 3761, 29889, 6376, 800, 1302, 29877, 839, 297, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29945, 1494, 278, 20105, 3381, 297, 3792, 941, 310, 383, 493, 29875, 1383, 29874, 25621, 26461, 29892, 2225, 24873, 491, 278, 341, 2209, 328, 29892, 541, 5302, 892, 2678, 4226, 3368, 29889, 13, 13, 2951, 29871, 29906, 29896, 6339, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29896, 29896, 29892, 297, 278, 6763, 310, 278, 937, 8153, 10094, 12886, 3362, 29892, 1023, 8153, 10094, 5593, 11004, 285, 14643, 432, 1691, 23503, 287, 304, 3792, 941, 2012, 310, 13585, 292, 10021, 414, 297, 20781, 29882, 18861, 29889, 450, 341, 1997, 968, 5874, 29915, 29879, 2143, 375, 284, 304, 17541, 328, 568, 278, 8230, 1862, 470, 736, 278, 15780, 304, 8153, 3761, 12086, 368, 7841, 278, 11359, 2106, 408, 385, 443, 18326, 368, 17647, 310, 278, 402, 1202, 2142, 29875, 5874, 28655, 303, 278, 8153, 10094, 318, 558, 5921, 29889, 3792, 941, 884, 6615, 630, 278, 3415, 22061, 362, 310, 25187, 310, 17202, 310, 9117, 17162, 1058, 2355, 12624, 701, 297, 278, 14529, 29936, 322, 5318, 263, 3109, 261, 6297, 297, 278, 2678, 6121, 1006, 7316, 297, 278, 14529, 29889, 13, 13, 2951, 29871, 29896, 29896, 4779, 29892, 697, 310, 402, 1202, 2142, 29875, 29915, 29879, 274, 681, 1144, 16388, 304, 289, 374, 915, 341, 1997, 968, 5593, 11004, 24921, 297, 1797, 304, 20590, 22588, 26413, 29889, 13 ]
Irwin Law: Criminal Law (Fifth Edition) Chapter 10 - The special part B. Sexual Offences Author: Kent Roach Profession: Faculty of Law and Centre of Criminology. University of Toronto 1) Sexual Assault Offences. 2) The Actus Reus of Sexual Assault. a) Assaults under Section 265. b) Sexual Assaults Distinguished from Other Assaults and Sexual Offences. c) Consent under Section 273. 1 d) Consent in Ewanchuk. e) Specific Instances Where Consent Is Not Valid. 3) The Mens Rea of Sexual Assault. a) Mistaken Belief in Consent. b) Establishing an Air of Reality for a Mistake of Fact Defence. c) Wilful Blindness in Relation to Consent. d) Restrictions on the Pappajohn Mistake of Fact Defence under Section 273. 2 e) The Requirement of Reasonable Steps in Section 273. 2(b) f) Mistake of Fact Precluded if Based on a Mistake of Law. g) The Constitutionality of Section 273. 2(b) h) Sexual Assault and Intoxication. 1) Sexual Assault Offences Sexual offences have been the site of much controversy and change over the past three decades of Canadian criminal law. In 1982, Parliament abolished the offence of rape and replaced it with three new offences of sexual assault. The offences - sexual assault under section 271; sexual assault with a weapon, threats to a third party, or causing bodily harm under section 272; and aggravated sexual assault under section 273 - were deliberately modelled after the corresponding assault offences in sections 266 to 268 of the Code in an attempt to emphasize that sexual assault is a crime of violence. The actus reus was broadened from rape to sexual assault and the new offences, unlike the old offence of rape, applied to both genders and to a man who sexually assaulted his wife. In 1992, Parliament again reformed the offence of sexual assault in order to emphasize factors that were particular to the context of sexual encounters and violence. Parliament defined consent to mean the voluntary agreement to engage in the sexual activity in question. It provided a "no means no" law that states that there will be no consent if the complainant, having initially consented to engage in sexual activity, expresses by words or conduct, a lack of agreement. The law also provides that there will be no consent if the complainant is incapable of consenting, is induced to consent by an abuse of a position of trust, power, or authority, or if a third party purports to provide consent.197 The law also addressed the mens rea for sexual assault by placing a se ries of restrictions on the defence that the accused had a mistaken belief that the complainant was consenting to the sexual activity. There are other sexual offences that relate specifically to sexual activity with children. In 1990, the Supreme Court struck down the of-fence of statutory rape of a girl under fourteen years of age regardless of the accused's belief about the girl's age or the girl's consent. The Court concluded that the offence was an absolute liability offence because it required no fault in relation to the age of the girl.198It also concluded that the legitimate objective of protecting children could be satisfied by new and broader offences of sexual interference that would protect both boys and girls and provide the accused a limited defence if he or she took all reasonable steps to ascertain the age of the child,199as well as a defence in cases where the accused was close in age to the child.200These new offences, like the 1982 sexual assault reforms, expand the actus reus. They apply to sexual interference, invitation to sexual touching, and sexual exploitation.201The age of consent, including for those offences, has recently been raised from fourteen to sixteen years of age.202 2) The Actus Reus of Sexual Assault The actus reus of sexual assault is extremely complex because it involves a generic definition of assault, a specific definition of what constitutes consent for the purpose of
[ -0.11017078943116429, 0.6222631462259228 ]
[ 0.8824910767368046, 1.1045290208192098 ]
[ 1.520851428323919, 1.6933158180500494 ]
[ 1.4194327860171347, 1.5130821156742384 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 6600, 5080, 7927, 29901, 315, 28479, 7927, 313, 29943, 361, 386, 17138, 29897, 13, 1451, 3314, 29871, 29896, 29900, 448, 450, 4266, 760, 13, 29933, 29889, 21703, 950, 5947, 2063, 13, 13720, 29901, 13272, 1528, 496, 13, 1184, 29888, 1211, 29901, 14184, 18857, 310, 7927, 322, 11319, 310, 315, 20386, 3002, 29889, 3014, 310, 17612, 13, 29896, 29897, 21703, 950, 4007, 1292, 5947, 2063, 29889, 13, 29906, 29897, 450, 3185, 375, 830, 375, 310, 21703, 950, 4007, 1292, 29889, 13, 29874, 29897, 4007, 1292, 29879, 1090, 9779, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29945, 29889, 13, 29890, 29897, 21703, 950, 4007, 1292, 29879, 6652, 6202, 3276, 515, 5901, 4007, 1292, 29879, 322, 21703, 950, 5947, 2063, 29889, 13, 29883, 29897, 2138, 296, 1090, 9779, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29871, 29896, 13, 29881, 29897, 2138, 296, 297, 382, 11440, 305, 2679, 29889, 13, 29872, 29897, 21220, 2799, 2925, 6804, 2138, 296, 1317, 2216, 15758, 29889, 13, 29941, 29897, 450, 13368, 830, 29874, 310, 21703, 950, 4007, 1292, 29889, 13, 29874, 29897, 341, 391, 9424, 3741, 2575, 297, 2138, 296, 29889, 13, 29890, 29897, 2661, 370, 1674, 292, 385, 5593, 310, 830, 2877, 363, 263, 341, 391, 1296, 310, 26748, 5282, 663, 29889, 13, 29883, 29897, 4624, 1319, 3164, 513, 2264, 297, 6376, 362, 304, 2138, 296, 29889, 13, 29881, 29897, 11654, 4146, 1080, 373, 278, 349, 932, 1175, 6547, 341, 391, 1296, 310, 26748, 5282, 663, 1090, 9779, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29871, 29906, 13, 29872, 29897, 450, 830, 1548, 358, 310, 830, 1658, 519, 2443, 567, 297, 9779, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29898, 29890, 29897, 13, 29888, 29897, 341, 391, 1296, 310, 26748, 4721, 13347, 565, 16564, 373, 263, 341, 391, 1296, 310, 7927, 29889, 13, 29887, 29897, 450, 20063, 2877, 310, 9779, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29871, 29906, 29898, 29890, 29897, 13, 29882, 29897, 21703, 950, 4007, 1292, 322, 512, 517, 27375, 362, 29889, 13, 29896, 29897, 21703, 950, 4007, 1292, 5947, 2063, 13, 29903, 735, 950, 1283, 2063, 505, 1063, 278, 3268, 310, 1568, 19341, 29891, 322, 1735, 975, 278, 4940, 2211, 1602, 3076, 310, 11443, 22161, 4307, 29889, 512, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 29892, 13212, 25198, 3276, 278, 1283, 663, 310, 1153, 412, 322, 8611, 372, 411, 2211, 716, 1283, 2063, 310, 18287, 29159, 29889, 450, 1283, 2063, 448, 18287, 29159, 1090, 4004, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29896, 29936, 18287, 29159, 411, 263, 28639, 29892, 12455, 1446, 304, 263, 4654, 6263, 29892, 470, 10805, 13004, 2354, 10311, 1090, 4004, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29906, 29936, 322, 946, 3874, 29894, 630, 18287, 29159, 1090, 4004, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29941, 448, 892, 23663, 2486, 1904, 839, 1156, 278, 6590, 29159, 1283, 2063, 297, 13926, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29953, 304, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29947, 310, 278, 5920, 297, 385, 4218, 304, 19310, 675, 393, 18287, 29159, 338, 263, 17268, 310, 21448, 29889, 450, 1044, 375, 337, 375, 471, 2545, 4858, 287, 515, 1153, 412, 304, 18287, 29159, 322, 278, 716, 1283, 2063, 29892, 25531, 278, 2030, 1283, 663, 310, 1153, 412, 29892, 7436, 304, 1716, 330, 21043, 322, 304, 263, 767, 1058, 7916, 1474, 29159, 287, 670, 6532, 29889, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 29892, 13212, 1449, 11736, 287, 278, 1283, 663, 310, 18287, 29159, 297, 1797, 304, 19310, 675, 13879, 393, 892, 3153, 304, 278, 3030, 310, 18287, 2094, 1309, 2153, 322, 21448, 29889, 13212, 3342, 20218, 304, 2099, 278, 27081, 653, 17327, 304, 3033, 482, 297, 278, 18287, 6354, 297, 1139, 29889, 739, 4944, 263, 376, 1217, 2794, 694, 29908, 4307, 393, 5922, 393, 727, 674, 367, 694, 20218, 565, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 29892, 2534, 12919, 1136, 14927, 304, 3033, 482, 297, 18287, 6354, 29892, 4653, 267, 491, 3838, 470, 7512, 29892, 263, 10225, 310, 17327, 29889, 450, 4307, 884, 8128, 393, 727, 674, 367, 694, 20218, 565, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 338, 297, 5030, 519, 13, 974, 20218, 292, 29892, 338, 20974, 304, 20218, 491, 385, 633, 1509, 310, 263, 2602, 310, 9311, 29892, 3081, 29892, 470, 14329, 29892, 470, 565, 263, 4654, 6263, 3708, 4011, 304, 3867, 20218, 29889, 29896, 29929, 29955, 13, 1576, 4307, 884, 20976, 278, 18664, 337, 29874, 363, 18287, 29159, 491, 24421, 263, 409, 28201, 310, 25091, 373, 278, 28399, 393, 278, 28886, 750, 263, 25257, 17750, 393, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 471, 20218, 292, 304, 278, 18287, 6354, 29889, 13, 8439, 526, 916, 18287, 1283, 2063, 393, 29279, 10816, 304, 18287, 6354, 411, 4344, 29889, 512, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29900, 29892, 278, 22569, 9245, 15469, 1623, 278, 310, 29899, 29888, 663, 310, 1002, 329, 706, 1153, 412, 310, 263, 7826, 1090, 3023, 9404, 2440, 310, 5046, 17126, 310, 278, 28886, 29915, 29879, 17750, 1048, 278, 7826, 29915, 29879, 5046, 470, 278, 7826, 29915, 29879, 20218, 29889, 450, 9245, 22834, 393, 278, 1283, 663, 471, 385, 8380, 619, 3097, 1283, 663, 1363, 372, 3734, 694, 12570, 297, 8220, 304, 278, 5046, 310, 278, 7826, 29889, 29896, 29929, 29947, 3112, 884, 22834, 393, 278, 25204, 6490, 12091, 310, 12566, 292, 4344, 1033, 367, 15787, 491, 716, 322, 2545, 1664, 1283, 2063, 310, 18287, 1006, 1659, 393, 723, 12566, 1716, 12544, 322, 14000, 322, 3867, 278, 28886, 263, 9078, 28399, 565, 540, 470, 1183, 3614, 599, 15590, 6576, 304, 408, 14082, 278, 5046, 310, 278, 2278, 29892, 29896, 29929, 29929, 294, 1532, 408, 263, 28399, 297, 4251, 988, 278, 28886, 471, 3802, 297, 5046, 304, 278, 2278, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29900, 1349, 968, 716, 1283, 2063, 29892, 763, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29947, 29906, 18287, 29159, 337, 9514, 29892, 7985, 278, 1044, 375, 337, 375, 29889, 2688, 3394, 304, 18287, 1006, 1659, 29892, 2437, 7018, 304, 18287, 6023, 292, 29892, 322, 18287, 16035, 7018, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29896, 1576, 5046, 310, 20218, 29892, 3704, 363, 1906, 1283, 2063, 29892, 756, 10325, 1063, 10425, 515, 3023, 9404, 304, 4832, 9404, 2440, 310, 5046, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29906, 13, 29906, 29897, 450, 3185, 375, 830, 375, 310, 21703, 950, 4007, 1292, 13, 1576, 1044, 375, 337, 375, 310, 18287, 29159, 338, 14154, 4280, 1363, 372, 20789, 263, 10035, 5023, 310, 29159, 29892, 263, 2702, 5023, 310, 825, 20016, 2667, 20218, 363, 278, 6437, 310 ]
sexual assault offences, the Court's interpretation of consent as depending on the subjective views of the complainant, as well as common law restrictions that vitiate consent. a) Assaults under Section 265 Section 265 provides a generic definition that defines all assaults to include the intentional application of force, directly or indirectly, to another person without that person's consent203or attempting or threatening by acts or gestures to apply force if it causes the other person to believe upon reasonable grounds that the accused has the ability to effect his or her purpose.204These two provisions define different ways of committing an assault.205The result is a broad definition of assault that can include any touching without consent. b) Sexual Assaults Distinguished from Other Assaults and Sexual Offences The courts have distinguished sexual assaults from assaults on the basis of whether the circumstances viewed objectively are sexual. The intent or motive of the accused to obtain sexual gratification may be a factor, but it is not a requirement. Sexual assault differs from the sexual offences with respect to young persons in sections 151 through 153.1 of the Code because it does not require that the touching be for a sexual purpose.206The courts will examine all the circumstances including "the part of the body touched, the nature of the conduct, the words and gestures accompanying the act and all other circumstances surrounding the conduct"207in determining whether the assault is sexual. The Supreme Court has determined that a man grabbing a fifteen year old around her breasts and shoulders while saying "Come on, dear, don't hit me, I know you want it" was an assault of a sexual nature.208More controversially, that Court has also held that a father's actions in grabbing his three-year-old son's genitals causing bruising and severe pain in an attempt to discipline the child who had been grabbing the private parts of others was a sexual assault because it invaded the child's sexual integrity. Sopinka J. dissented on the basis that the father's actions constituted assault, not sexual assault.209The Court has continued to confirm that with respect to sexual assault "the Crown need not prove that the accused had any mens rea with respect to the sexual nature of his or her behaviour."210 c) Consent under Section 273 1 In 1992, Parliament enacted section 273.1, which defines consent for the purposes of the sexual offences as "the voluntary agreement of the complainant to engage in the sexual activity in question." There is, for ex- ample, no voluntary consent when the accused threatened to distribute nude photographs of his ex-girlfriend if she did not have sex with him.211As will be discussed in greater detail later in this chapter, the 1992 reforms were called the "no means no" reforms because they also provide a concrete list of circumstances in which consent would not be obtained. The idea was to provide a legal definition of what did and did not constitute consent. A person who thought that no meant yes or that consent could be given by a third party or by a person who was not capable of giving consent would arguably have a mistaken belief about the law, which, as discussed in chapter 3, cannot be an excuse for criminal conduct. d) Consent in Ewanchuk In a very important decision rendered in 1999, R. v. Ewanchuk,212the Supreme Court interpreted the actus reus of sexual assault as requiring proof of three elements "i) touching, ii) the sexual nature of the conduct, and iii) the absence of consent." The Court held that the touching and sexual nature were determined on an objective basis, but that the third factor of absence of consent "is subjective and determined by reference to the complainant's internal state of mind towards the touching at the time that it occurred."213If the complainant says that she did not consent, the only issue is whether she is a credible complainant. "The accused's perception of the complainant's state of mind is not relevant"214when determining whether there was consent for the purpose of determining whether the actus reus has been committed. The accused's belief that the complainant consented is only relevant to determine the mens rea of the offence. The Supreme Court in Ewanchuk rejected the defence of implied consent to sexual assault.215In
[ 0.16753090379833438, -0.38444829408816605 ]
[ 0.6532906183291606, -0.24459770091133143 ]
[ 1.0947629360593618, 0.43026778740868327 ]
[ 1.5651095210392962, 1.2217286456299155 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 18287, 29159, 1283, 2063, 29892, 278, 9245, 29915, 29879, 19854, 310, 20218, 408, 8679, 373, 278, 4967, 573, 8386, 310, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 3619, 4307, 25091, 393, 325, 4812, 403, 20218, 29889, 13, 29874, 29897, 4007, 1292, 29879, 1090, 9779, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29945, 13, 13438, 29871, 29906, 29953, 29945, 8128, 263, 10035, 5023, 393, 17645, 599, 29159, 29879, 304, 3160, 278, 7609, 1848, 2280, 310, 4889, 29892, 4153, 470, 26377, 368, 29892, 304, 1790, 2022, 1728, 393, 2022, 29915, 29879, 20218, 29906, 29900, 29941, 272, 15661, 470, 20616, 292, 491, 14741, 470, 7737, 1973, 304, 3394, 4889, 565, 372, 9946, 278, 916, 2022, 304, 13, 6596, 2418, 2501, 15590, 25502, 393, 278, 28886, 756, 278, 11509, 304, 2779, 670, 470, 902, 6437, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29946, 1349, 968, 1023, 1326, 12112, 4529, 1422, 5837, 310, 844, 5367, 385, 29159, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29945, 1576, 1121, 338, 263, 7300, 5023, 310, 29159, 393, 508, 3160, 738, 6023, 292, 1728, 20218, 29889, 13, 29890, 29897, 21703, 950, 4007, 1292, 29879, 6652, 6202, 3276, 515, 5901, 4007, 1292, 29879, 322, 21703, 950, 5947, 2063, 13, 1576, 28033, 505, 20660, 18287, 29159, 29879, 515, 29159, 29879, 373, 278, 8405, 310, 3692, 278, 14209, 24774, 1203, 3598, 526, 18287, 29889, 450, 7609, 470, 3184, 573, 310, 278, 28886, 304, 4017, 18287, 20715, 2450, 1122, 367, 263, 7329, 29892, 541, 372, 338, 451, 263, 11809, 29889, 21703, 950, 29159, 2923, 414, 515, 278, 18287, 1283, 2063, 411, 3390, 304, 4123, 12407, 297, 13926, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29896, 1549, 29871, 29896, 29945, 29941, 29889, 29896, 310, 278, 5920, 1363, 372, 947, 451, 1996, 393, 278, 6023, 292, 367, 363, 263, 18287, 6437, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29953, 1576, 28033, 674, 25917, 599, 278, 14209, 3704, 376, 1552, 760, 310, 278, 3573, 23051, 29892, 278, 5469, 310, 278, 7512, 29892, 278, 3838, 322, 7737, 1973, 10259, 1384, 292, 278, 1044, 322, 599, 916, 14209, 18830, 278, 7512, 29908, 29906, 29900, 29955, 262, 3683, 2827, 3692, 278, 29159, 338, 18287, 29889, 450, 22569, 9245, 756, 10087, 393, 263, 767, 2646, 1327, 292, 263, 25020, 1629, 2030, 2820, 902, 2078, 19416, 322, 26671, 1550, 5934, 376, 27796, 373, 29892, 9425, 29892, 1016, 29915, 29873, 7124, 592, 29892, 306, 1073, 366, 864, 372, 29908, 471, 385, 29159, 310, 263, 18287, 5469, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29947, 20761, 19341, 616, 368, 29892, 393, 9245, 756, 884, 4934, 393, 263, 4783, 29915, 29879, 8820, 297, 2646, 1327, 292, 670, 2211, 29899, 6360, 29899, 1025, 1487, 29915, 29879, 2531, 277, 1338, 10805, 19702, 5921, 322, 22261, 6788, 297, 385, 4218, 304, 29822, 278, 2278, 1058, 750, 1063, 2646, 1327, 292, 278, 2024, 5633, 310, 4045, 471, 263, 18287, 29159, 1363, 372, 2437, 11932, 278, 2278, 29915, 29879, 18287, 28410, 29889, 317, 459, 682, 29874, 435, 29889, 16317, 14927, 373, 278, 8405, 393, 278, 4783, 29915, 29879, 8820, 20016, 3860, 29159, 29892, 451, 18287, 29159, 29889, 29906, 29900, 29929, 1576, 9245, 756, 7572, 304, 9659, 393, 411, 3390, 304, 18287, 29159, 376, 1552, 25306, 817, 451, 6356, 393, 278, 28886, 750, 738, 18664, 337, 29874, 411, 3390, 304, 278, 18287, 5469, 310, 670, 470, 902, 10468, 1213, 29906, 29896, 29900, 13, 29883, 29897, 2138, 296, 1090, 9779, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29871, 29896, 13, 797, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 29892, 13212, 427, 627, 287, 4004, 29871, 29906, 29955, 29941, 29889, 29896, 29892, 607, 17645, 20218, 363, 278, 11976, 310, 278, 18287, 1283, 2063, 408, 376, 1552, 27081, 653, 17327, 310, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 304, 3033, 482, 297, 278, 18287, 6354, 297, 1139, 1213, 1670, 338, 29892, 363, 429, 29899, 13, 981, 29892, 694, 27081, 653, 20218, 746, 278, 28886, 29513, 304, 1320, 2666, 302, 1151, 17739, 29879, 310, 670, 429, 29899, 29887, 5168, 18326, 565, 1183, 1258, 451, 505, 7916, 411, 1075, 29889, 29906, 29896, 29896, 2887, 674, 367, 15648, 297, 7621, 9493, 2678, 297, 445, 16385, 29892, 278, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29906, 337, 9514, 892, 2000, 278, 376, 1217, 2794, 694, 29908, 337, 9514, 1363, 896, 884, 3867, 263, 18387, 1051, 310, 14209, 297, 607, 20218, 723, 451, 367, 7625, 29889, 450, 2969, 471, 304, 3867, 263, 11706, 5023, 310, 825, 1258, 322, 1258, 451, 1040, 12356, 20218, 29889, 319, 2022, 1058, 2714, 393, 694, 6839, 4874, 470, 393, 20218, 1033, 367, 2183, 491, 263, 4654, 6263, 470, 491, 263, 2022, 1058, 471, 451, 15390, 310, 6820, 20218, 723, 1852, 29884, 2197, 505, 263, 25257, 17750, 1048, 278, 4307, 29892, 607, 29892, 408, 15648, 297, 16385, 29871, 29941, 29892, 2609, 367, 385, 5566, 1509, 363, 22161, 7512, 29889, 13, 29881, 29897, 2138, 296, 297, 382, 11440, 305, 2679, 13, 797, 263, 1407, 4100, 10608, 13751, 297, 29871, 29896, 29929, 29929, 29929, 29892, 390, 29889, 325, 29889, 382, 11440, 305, 2679, 29892, 29906, 29896, 29906, 1552, 13, 29903, 786, 10291, 9245, 21551, 278, 1044, 375, 337, 375, 310, 18287, 29159, 408, 26795, 5296, 310, 2211, 3161, 376, 29875, 29897, 6023, 292, 29892, 13607, 29897, 278, 18287, 5469, 310, 278, 7512, 29892, 322, 474, 2236, 29897, 278, 18070, 310, 20218, 1213, 450, 9245, 4934, 393, 278, 6023, 292, 322, 18287, 5469, 892, 10087, 373, 385, 12091, 8405, 29892, 541, 393, 278, 4654, 7329, 310, 18070, 310, 20218, 376, 275, 4967, 573, 322, 10087, 491, 3407, 304, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 29915, 29879, 7463, 2106, 310, 3458, 7113, 278, 6023, 292, 472, 278, 931, 393, 372, 10761, 1213, 29906, 29896, 29941, 3644, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 4083, 393, 1183, 1258, 451, 20218, 29892, 278, 871, 2228, 338, 3692, 1183, 338, 263, 6625, 1821, 752, 7420, 424, 29889, 376, 1576, 28886, 29915, 29879, 639, 1441, 310, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 29915, 29879, 2106, 310, 3458, 338, 451, 8018, 29908, 29906, 29896, 29946, 8256, 3683, 2827, 3692, 727, 471, 20218, 363, 278, 6437, 310, 3683, 2827, 3692, 278, 1044, 375, 337, 375, 756, 1063, 19355, 29889, 450, 28886, 29915, 29879, 17750, 393, 278, 752, 7420, 424, 1136, 14927, 338, 871, 8018, 304, 8161, 278, 18664, 337, 29874, 310, 278, 1283, 663, 29889, 13, 1576, 22569, 9245, 297, 382, 11440, 305, 2679, 22225, 278, 28399, 310, 2411, 2957, 20218, 304, 18287, 29159, 29889, 29906, 29896, 29945, 797 ]
A NEW SONG FOR ODYSSEUS The blind man, Homer, and his secretary had been waiting in the olive grove for nearly two days when word got back to them from Mount Olympus. Homer first heard the popping sound that always accompanied a god taking human form, then the sure, even footfalls that told him this time it was Pallas Athene. He said her name. "How could you be so sure it was me?" Athene asked, amused and intrigued. Homer touched his chest near his heart with the fingers of one hand. "In here I know all of you better than I know myself." Next he touched his head. "And in here, Pallas Athene, where I create my stories, I know you best of all, the god of art." "Perhaps you know me too well," Athene warned, an edge in her voice. "What threat could a mere human pose to one such as you, especially a blind human?" Athene laughed at the poet's question. "Your own words reveal how dangerous you are. You could talk a leopard out of its spots." "Perhaps," Homer admitted, showing half a smile. "Have you word from your father about my new story? Does he like it?" "Oh, yes. Very much. He asked me to bring a contract with me for you to seal. As soon as you've done so production can begin." Homer nodded and Athene handed a scroll to his secretary, who read it out loud to his master. "What's this about minor changes?" Homer demanded a moment later, interrupting his secretary. Athene shrugged, then remembered that Homer could not see. "Nothing important, I'm sure. Father, being the kind of god that he is - " "Full of thunder," Homer interjected. " - being the kind of god that he is, would like to spice up the action a bit." "What does 'spice up' mean, exactly?" Athene drew in a deep breath. "A little more blood and gore, I suspect." "This is going to turn into another Iliad, isn't it?" The poet was angry. "Of course not, Homer," she said soothingly. "None of us could afford another adventure on that scale." "Another debacle on that scale, you mean. How many worshippers did Zeus lose in that one? Over ten thousand, wasn't it?" "Something like that," Athene admitted. "If only he'd stuck to the original plot - " "Yes, alright. Keep your voice down. He might hear you, and no one likes having their mistakes rammed down their throat." "Well, he'd better stay with the story this time." "You mean you'll seal the contract?" Homer nodded glumly. "What choice does a mere mortal have before the will of his gods?" Athene realised Homer was speaking rhetorically and didn't reply. Anyway, the answer would only have depressed him further. Odysseus was the hardest nut to crack. "Look, it took me ten years to get home the last time," he earnestly explained to them, "and that was after ten years spent fighting outside Troy's bloody walls." "The idea's got a lot of popular support," Hermes said. "Especially among the gods," Iris added. "I'm just not interested in a rematch - " "It's not a rematch, Odysseus, it's a sequel. Son Of Helen Of Troy." "What's a sequel?" "Like Odyssey was to Iliad, like your son Telemachus is to you," Hermes explained. "So we're talking about a sequel to a sequel - " "Look, Odysseus, it's got everything going for it," Iris interrupted, impatient with semantics. She started ticking points off on her fingers. "Public interest, a great story, great characters, divine inspiration, meaningful dialogue . . . you name it, Son Of Helen Of Troy's got it." "Everything, huh?" asked the King of Ithaca, his suspicious nature making him sceptical. Hermes leaned across the slate table around which they'd gathered and said, in a confidential tone: "Homer's written the story, based on an original concept
[ 2.0138533820886635, 1.455025807057169 ]
[ 0.16803027279422683, 0.40260261694579996 ]
[ 0.4860650899671372, 0.13606382846410806 ]
[ 0.09793668974466951, 0.16036957618273873 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 319, 29091, 317, 20614, 15842, 438, 29928, 21554, 1660, 3308, 13, 1576, 16842, 767, 29892, 379, 12392, 29892, 322, 670, 28274, 750, 1063, 10534, 297, 278, 288, 9258, 4071, 345, 363, 8886, 1023, 3841, 746, 1734, 2355, 1250, 304, 963, 515, 8040, 6167, 375, 29889, 379, 12392, 937, 6091, 278, 772, 3262, 6047, 393, 2337, 21302, 263, 7339, 5622, 5199, 883, 29892, 769, 278, 1854, 29892, 1584, 3661, 12559, 393, 5429, 1075, 445, 931, 372, 471, 349, 15892, 9193, 1600, 29889, 13, 3868, 1497, 902, 1024, 29889, 13, 29908, 5328, 1033, 366, 367, 577, 1854, 372, 471, 592, 3026, 9193, 1600, 4433, 29892, 626, 3880, 322, 11158, 5526, 287, 29889, 13, 29950, 12392, 23051, 670, 521, 342, 2978, 670, 5192, 411, 278, 23915, 310, 697, 1361, 29889, 376, 797, 1244, 306, 1073, 599, 310, 366, 2253, 1135, 306, 1073, 6142, 1213, 8084, 540, 23051, 670, 2343, 29889, 376, 2855, 297, 1244, 29892, 349, 15892, 9193, 1600, 29892, 988, 306, 1653, 590, 15874, 29892, 306, 1073, 366, 1900, 310, 599, 29892, 278, 7339, 310, 1616, 1213, 13, 29908, 5894, 4252, 366, 1073, 592, 2086, 1532, 1699, 9193, 1600, 1370, 9571, 29892, 385, 7636, 297, 902, 7314, 29889, 13, 29908, 5618, 28469, 1033, 263, 15187, 5199, 18593, 304, 697, 1316, 408, 366, 29892, 7148, 263, 16842, 5199, 3026, 13, 29909, 386, 1600, 19090, 472, 278, 9821, 29915, 29879, 1139, 29889, 376, 10858, 1914, 3838, 10320, 284, 920, 18215, 366, 526, 29889, 887, 1033, 5193, 263, 454, 459, 538, 714, 310, 967, 805, 1862, 1213, 13, 29908, 5894, 4252, 1699, 379, 12392, 20186, 29892, 6445, 4203, 263, 17819, 29889, 376, 25559, 366, 1734, 515, 596, 4783, 1048, 590, 716, 5828, 29973, 5538, 540, 763, 372, 3026, 13, 29908, 9048, 29892, 4874, 29889, 18064, 1568, 29889, 940, 4433, 592, 304, 6963, 263, 8078, 411, 592, 363, 366, 304, 409, 284, 29889, 1094, 4720, 408, 366, 29915, 345, 2309, 577, 5802, 508, 3380, 1213, 13, 29950, 12392, 18778, 7176, 322, 9193, 1600, 29692, 263, 6355, 304, 670, 28274, 29892, 1058, 1303, 372, 714, 22526, 304, 670, 5835, 29889, 13, 29908, 5618, 29915, 29879, 445, 1048, 9461, 3620, 3026, 379, 12392, 24432, 263, 3256, 2678, 29892, 23754, 292, 670, 28274, 29889, 13, 29909, 386, 1600, 528, 582, 1505, 287, 29892, 769, 21832, 393, 379, 12392, 1033, 451, 1074, 29889, 376, 26521, 4100, 29892, 306, 29915, 29885, 1854, 29889, 17852, 29892, 1641, 278, 2924, 310, 7339, 393, 540, 338, 448, 376, 13, 29908, 13658, 310, 266, 5062, 1699, 379, 12392, 1006, 622, 287, 29889, 13, 29908, 448, 1641, 278, 2924, 310, 7339, 393, 540, 338, 29892, 723, 763, 304, 805, 625, 701, 278, 3158, 263, 2586, 1213, 13, 29908, 5618, 947, 525, 1028, 625, 701, 29915, 2099, 29892, 3721, 3026, 13, 29909, 386, 1600, 15010, 297, 263, 6483, 16172, 29889, 376, 29909, 2217, 901, 10416, 322, 330, 487, 29892, 306, 12326, 1213, 13, 29908, 4013, 338, 2675, 304, 2507, 964, 1790, 306, 492, 328, 29892, 3508, 29915, 29873, 372, 3026, 450, 9821, 471, 26230, 29889, 13, 29908, 2776, 3236, 451, 29892, 379, 12392, 1699, 1183, 1497, 577, 6046, 368, 29889, 376, 8516, 310, 502, 1033, 21750, 1790, 17623, 545, 373, 393, 6287, 1213, 13, 29908, 2744, 1228, 2553, 6436, 373, 393, 6287, 29892, 366, 2099, 29889, 1128, 1784, 6365, 845, 8377, 414, 1258, 3091, 375, 14074, 297, 393, 697, 29973, 6811, 3006, 10405, 29892, 9007, 29915, 29873, 372, 3026, 13, 29908, 16804, 763, 393, 1699, 9193, 1600, 20186, 29889, 13, 29908, 3644, 871, 540, 29915, 29881, 10771, 304, 278, 2441, 6492, 448, 376, 13, 29908, 8241, 29892, 394, 1266, 29889, 19152, 596, 7314, 1623, 29889, 940, 1795, 8293, 366, 29892, 322, 694, 697, 4188, 267, 2534, 1009, 28947, 13472, 2168, 1623, 1009, 20961, 271, 1213, 13, 29908, 11284, 29892, 540, 29915, 29881, 2253, 7952, 411, 278, 5828, 445, 931, 1213, 13, 29908, 3492, 2099, 366, 29915, 645, 409, 284, 278, 8078, 3026, 13, 29950, 12392, 18778, 7176, 3144, 398, 368, 29889, 376, 5618, 7348, 947, 263, 15187, 5758, 284, 505, 1434, 278, 674, 310, 670, 27379, 3026, 13, 29909, 386, 1600, 1855, 3368, 379, 12392, 471, 13590, 364, 9188, 272, 1711, 322, 3282, 29915, 29873, 8908, 29889, 18110, 29892, 278, 1234, 723, 871, 505, 316, 13120, 1075, 4340, 29889, 13, 29949, 29881, 952, 344, 375, 471, 278, 2898, 342, 18254, 304, 26755, 29889, 13, 29908, 14959, 29892, 372, 3614, 592, 3006, 2440, 304, 679, 3271, 278, 1833, 931, 1699, 540, 24828, 368, 10824, 304, 963, 29892, 376, 392, 393, 471, 1156, 3006, 2440, 10398, 17770, 5377, 323, 4727, 29915, 29879, 6668, 1486, 14603, 1213, 13, 29908, 1576, 2969, 29915, 29879, 2355, 263, 3287, 310, 5972, 2304, 1699, 10515, 267, 1497, 29889, 13, 29908, 29923, 5965, 5584, 4249, 278, 27379, 1699, 306, 3780, 2715, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 29885, 925, 451, 8852, 297, 263, 1083, 905, 448, 376, 13, 29908, 3112, 29915, 29879, 451, 263, 1083, 905, 29892, 6715, 952, 344, 375, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 263, 8617, 295, 29889, 5791, 4587, 21758, 4587, 323, 4727, 1213, 13, 29908, 5618, 29915, 29879, 263, 8617, 295, 3026, 13, 29908, 27552, 6715, 952, 7759, 471, 304, 306, 492, 328, 29892, 763, 596, 1487, 1920, 2409, 496, 375, 338, 304, 366, 1699, 10515, 267, 10824, 29889, 13, 29908, 6295, 591, 29915, 276, 9963, 1048, 263, 8617, 295, 304, 263, 8617, 295, 448, 376, 13, 29908, 14959, 29892, 6715, 952, 344, 375, 29892, 372, 29915, 29879, 2355, 4129, 2675, 363, 372, 1699, 306, 3780, 27803, 29892, 2411, 271, 993, 411, 29505, 29889, 2296, 4687, 16892, 292, 3291, 1283, 373, 902, 23915, 29889, 376, 19858, 4066, 29892, 263, 2107, 5828, 29892, 2107, 4890, 29892, 25616, 8681, 12232, 29892, 6593, 1319, 7928, 434, 869, 869, 869, 366, 1024, 372, 29892, 5791, 4587, 21758, 4587, 323, 4727, 29915, 29879, 2355, 372, 1213, 13, 29908, 26526, 1918, 29892, 298, 16099, 3026, 4433, 278, 4088, 310, 306, 386, 11989, 29892, 670, 8872, 14803, 5469, 3907, 1075, 269, 1547, 936, 29889, 13, 29950, 837, 267, 20793, 287, 4822, 278, 2243, 403, 1591, 2820, 607, 896, 29915, 29881, 22229, 322, 1497, 29892, 297, 263, 24332, 616, 16225, 29901, 376, 29950, 12392, 29915, 29879, 3971, 278, 5828, 29892, 2729, 373, 385, 2441, 6964 ]
by Ares himself." Odysseus was impressed, and his expression showed it. "And Phoebus Apollo's agreed to do the music." Hermes rested back, giving his news more time to sink in. This was a mistake, for it gave Odysseus an opportunity to discover what he thought was their plan's fatal flaw. The two gods were surprised when he slowly shook his head. "What's wrong?" Hermes asked nervously, wondering what it was they'd overlooked in the sales pitch. "More than half the original cast is dead and gone, remember? Achilles, Hector, Agamemnon, Paris, Patroclus, Priam, Aias, Cassandra . . ." his face clouded over ". . . not to mention the entire contingent from Ithaca, except me . . ." Iris glanced nervously over her shoulder to make sure no one else was listening in, and said: "Apparently the Great Director's been having chats about that very problem with Persephone . . ." She let the sentence fade without finishing, but winked knowingly at Odysseus. He was wide-eyed. "You mean Hades is willing to release them?" "As special guest stars only; but at least they'll be making an appearance, no matter how brief." Odysseus could not speak. Hermes sensed it was time to move in for the kill. "We haven't discussed payment yet," he said. "I think you'll be very interested in our proposal." Odysseus was the hardest nut to crack, but the gods had brought with them a big enough mallet. "I can't believe you're going off to war again," Penelope said to her husband even as she helped him pack a few things. "Not after the last time." "It may not come to a war," Odysseus tried to explain for the hundredth time. She ignored his protest. "Will you be taking your great bow with you?" Odysseus closed his eyes and prayed desperately for courage for himself and understanding for Penelope. A sudden, horrifying intuition suggested to him that Penelope perhaps understood things better than anyone, and that her misgivings were entirely appropriate. He opened his eyes, turned to his wife and laid his hands on her shoulders. "The gods have promised me I'll return, and before the year is out." "Another year Ithaca must be without its rightful king." "Telemachus will rule with a fairer hand than mine. Our son was born to rule." "In his own time," Penelope rejoined, shrugging off his hands. Odysseus didn't reply. He felt he was losing the argument, and he didn't want Penelope to see that he couldn't defend his position. That would mean leaving under an even darker cloud. Penelope and Telemachus accompanied him down to the beach. This time he wasn't taking a fleet with him: Just one bireme, its fifty crew and six trusty followers. The ship left soon after dawn, heading southeast towards the Gulf of Corinth, farewelled by a small crowd of well-wishers that had gathered quietly by the edge of the sea. Menelaus glumly looked out from where he stood on Sparta's great wall. On the distant northern horizon he could see huge clouds of dust. The enemy had arrived. The gods' new epic was about to begin. He was joined on the wall by his wife, Helen. "They've come," he told her. "So I see. Don't look so despondent, husband. We will survive this war. It has been promised to us by Aphrodite herself." "She promised the same thing to Priam and his sons," Menelaus pointed out. Helen bit back an angry reply. Why must her men always prove to be such fatalists? Even her son, Tydeus, was turning into one. Which reminded her . . . "Where is he?" Menelaus glanced at her. "Your son, you mean?" "Our son." Menelaus nodded towards the advancing enemy. "They don't think so. They attack Sparta because they believe this house protects Paris's whelp." "He has your eyes," she said lamely. "God's teeth, woman; nine out of ten Achaeans have brown eyes! But he has
[ 1.5865146482410502, 1.8823645409047824 ]
[ 0.15549587272505883, 0.27367735909150026 ]
[ 0.26794836178409004, 0.4201228233071462 ]
[ 0.2800326085223714, 0.40489838139850987 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 491, 319, 690, 3654, 1213, 6715, 952, 344, 375, 471, 527, 13120, 29892, 322, 670, 4603, 10018, 372, 29889, 376, 2855, 21884, 774, 375, 28017, 417, 29915, 29879, 15502, 304, 437, 278, 4696, 1213, 13, 29950, 837, 267, 1791, 287, 1250, 29892, 6820, 670, 9763, 901, 931, 304, 28169, 297, 29889, 910, 471, 263, 10171, 29892, 363, 372, 4846, 6715, 952, 344, 375, 385, 15130, 304, 6523, 825, 540, 2714, 471, 1009, 3814, 29915, 29879, 18409, 285, 10653, 29889, 450, 1023, 27379, 892, 18014, 746, 540, 14205, 25239, 670, 2343, 29889, 13, 29908, 5618, 29915, 29879, 2743, 3026, 10515, 267, 4433, 23547, 5794, 29892, 9873, 825, 372, 471, 896, 29915, 29881, 975, 6914, 287, 297, 278, 16538, 15905, 29889, 13, 29908, 20761, 1135, 4203, 278, 2441, 4320, 338, 7123, 322, 7695, 29892, 6456, 29973, 15542, 7545, 29892, 379, 3019, 29892, 4059, 314, 331, 5464, 29892, 3681, 29892, 4121, 307, 7009, 29892, 8289, 314, 29892, 319, 3173, 29892, 13088, 10738, 869, 869, 869, 29908, 670, 3700, 9570, 287, 975, 11393, 869, 869, 451, 304, 3585, 278, 4152, 640, 292, 296, 515, 306, 386, 11989, 29892, 5174, 592, 869, 869, 869, 29908, 13, 29902, 3780, 3144, 8362, 23547, 5794, 975, 902, 23468, 304, 1207, 1854, 694, 697, 1683, 471, 19866, 297, 29892, 322, 1497, 29901, 376, 2052, 279, 2705, 278, 7027, 15944, 29915, 29879, 1063, 2534, 521, 1446, 1048, 393, 1407, 1108, 411, 2431, 344, 6710, 869, 869, 869, 29908, 2296, 1235, 278, 10541, 28747, 1728, 28321, 29892, 541, 281, 682, 287, 1073, 11687, 472, 6715, 952, 344, 375, 29889, 13, 3868, 471, 9377, 29899, 1032, 287, 29889, 376, 3492, 2099, 379, 3076, 338, 17762, 304, 6507, 963, 3026, 13, 29908, 2887, 4266, 17838, 10819, 871, 29936, 541, 472, 3203, 896, 29915, 645, 367, 3907, 385, 10097, 29892, 694, 4383, 920, 11473, 1213, 13, 29949, 29881, 952, 344, 375, 1033, 451, 7726, 29889, 10515, 267, 4771, 287, 372, 471, 931, 304, 4337, 297, 363, 278, 12088, 29889, 13, 29908, 4806, 7359, 29915, 29873, 15648, 19179, 3447, 1699, 540, 1497, 29889, 376, 29902, 1348, 366, 29915, 645, 367, 1407, 8852, 297, 1749, 24963, 1213, 13, 29949, 29881, 952, 344, 375, 471, 278, 2898, 342, 18254, 304, 26755, 29892, 541, 278, 27379, 750, 6296, 411, 963, 263, 4802, 3307, 4439, 1026, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 508, 29915, 29873, 4658, 366, 29915, 276, 2675, 1283, 304, 1370, 1449, 1699, 7363, 295, 2300, 1497, 304, 902, 10216, 1584, 408, 1183, 9213, 1075, 4870, 263, 2846, 2712, 29889, 376, 3664, 1156, 278, 1833, 931, 1213, 13, 29908, 3112, 1122, 451, 2041, 304, 263, 1370, 1699, 6715, 952, 344, 375, 1898, 304, 5649, 363, 278, 6893, 386, 931, 29889, 13, 13468, 17262, 670, 10021, 29889, 376, 12984, 366, 367, 5622, 596, 2107, 12580, 411, 366, 3026, 13, 29949, 29881, 952, 344, 375, 5764, 670, 5076, 322, 12475, 287, 553, 546, 2486, 363, 19872, 363, 3654, 322, 8004, 363, 7363, 295, 2300, 29889, 319, 8327, 29892, 4029, 29878, 9215, 26877, 654, 7829, 304, 1075, 393, 7363, 295, 2300, 6060, 11098, 2712, 2253, 1135, 5019, 29892, 322, 393, 902, 3984, 25624, 886, 892, 9186, 8210, 29889, 13, 3868, 6496, 670, 5076, 29892, 6077, 304, 670, 6532, 322, 12341, 670, 6567, 373, 902, 26671, 29889, 376, 1576, 27379, 505, 22399, 592, 306, 29915, 645, 736, 29892, 322, 1434, 278, 1629, 338, 714, 1213, 13, 29908, 2744, 1228, 1629, 306, 386, 11989, 1818, 367, 1728, 967, 1492, 1319, 6989, 1213, 13, 29908, 7141, 2409, 496, 375, 674, 5751, 411, 263, 6534, 261, 1361, 1135, 7903, 29889, 8680, 1487, 471, 6345, 304, 5751, 1213, 13, 29908, 797, 670, 1914, 931, 1699, 7363, 295, 2300, 19136, 1312, 29892, 528, 582, 1505, 292, 1283, 670, 6567, 29889, 13, 29949, 29881, 952, 344, 375, 3282, 29915, 29873, 8908, 29889, 940, 7091, 540, 471, 19035, 278, 2980, 29892, 322, 540, 3282, 29915, 29873, 864, 7363, 295, 2300, 304, 1074, 393, 540, 8496, 29915, 29873, 24663, 670, 2602, 29889, 2193, 723, 2099, 10124, 1090, 385, 1584, 6501, 261, 9570, 29889, 13, 29925, 264, 295, 2300, 322, 1920, 2409, 496, 375, 21302, 1075, 1623, 304, 278, 25695, 29889, 910, 931, 540, 9007, 29915, 29873, 5622, 263, 22338, 411, 1075, 29901, 3387, 697, 289, 533, 1004, 29892, 967, 19044, 17616, 322, 4832, 9311, 29891, 1101, 414, 29889, 450, 7751, 2175, 4720, 1156, 27470, 29892, 28435, 13267, 15879, 7113, 278, 402, 16302, 310, 2994, 22653, 29892, 20036, 29893, 14356, 491, 263, 2319, 19174, 310, 1532, 29899, 29893, 728, 414, 393, 750, 22229, 25970, 491, 278, 7636, 310, 278, 7205, 29889, 13, 28154, 295, 1485, 3144, 398, 368, 5148, 714, 515, 988, 540, 8389, 373, 25673, 29874, 29915, 29879, 2107, 10090, 29889, 1551, 278, 21188, 14622, 28205, 540, 1033, 1074, 12176, 27091, 310, 19786, 29889, 450, 11103, 750, 11977, 29889, 450, 27379, 29915, 716, 9358, 293, 471, 1048, 304, 3380, 29889, 13, 3868, 471, 8772, 373, 278, 10090, 491, 670, 6532, 29892, 21758, 29889, 376, 15597, 29915, 345, 2041, 1699, 540, 5429, 902, 29889, 13, 29908, 6295, 306, 1074, 29889, 3872, 29915, 29873, 1106, 577, 553, 2818, 296, 29892, 10216, 29889, 1334, 674, 10503, 573, 445, 1370, 29889, 739, 756, 1063, 22399, 304, 502, 491, 319, 561, 5964, 568, 8735, 1213, 13, 29908, 13468, 22399, 278, 1021, 2655, 304, 8289, 314, 322, 670, 18025, 1699, 7567, 295, 1485, 11520, 714, 29889, 13, 29950, 4498, 2586, 1250, 385, 26230, 8908, 29889, 3750, 1818, 902, 1757, 2337, 6356, 304, 367, 1316, 18409, 2879, 29973, 7753, 902, 1487, 29892, 9656, 311, 375, 29892, 471, 14712, 964, 697, 29889, 8449, 1083, 513, 287, 902, 869, 869, 869, 13, 29908, 11921, 338, 540, 3026, 13, 28154, 295, 1485, 3144, 8362, 472, 902, 29889, 376, 10858, 1487, 29892, 366, 2099, 3026, 13, 29908, 29949, 332, 1487, 1213, 13, 28154, 295, 1485, 18778, 7176, 7113, 278, 3061, 19985, 11103, 29889, 376, 15597, 1016, 29915, 29873, 1348, 577, 29889, 2688, 5337, 25673, 29874, 1363, 896, 4658, 445, 3699, 12566, 29879, 3681, 29915, 29879, 377, 295, 29886, 1213, 13, 29908, 3868, 756, 596, 5076, 1699, 1183, 1497, 301, 314, 873, 29889, 13, 29908, 29954, 397, 29915, 29879, 25287, 29892, 6114, 29936, 14183, 714, 310, 3006, 15542, 3660, 550, 505, 17354, 5076, 29991, 1205, 540, 756 ]
Paris's hair, Paris's nose, Paris's bloody adulterous mouth . . ." The sentence was strangled by his bitterness. "They're my friends out there, Helen. I fought by their sides for ten long years so we could free you, and now because of you I must fight against them." He turned his face away from her. "The gods have betrayed me." The gods have betrayed us all, Helen thought grimly. As they have ever done. Pallas Athene eventually found Homer sitting on the edge of a cliff overlooking the great harbour of Thera. "It is quite a view," she said to him. "I wouldn't know," he replied. "Why do you come here?" "The updrafts are refreshing, and the wine they make here is excellent. Better than that Anatolian muck I was raised on." "The story is about to start," she told him. Homer sighed. It was a sad sound and sent a shiver down Athene's spine. "I know. Even this far away I can hear your father chortling." Athene felt she should be angry at the poet's words, but because she understood, even if she didn't yet know, what was about to happen in far away Sparta, she found her anger consumed by an unnatural sympathy. "Tell me, Homer, does your story have a happy ending?" "Oh, yes. All my stories have happy endings." "Iliad was a tragedy," she pointed out. "Not originally." For a while neither of them said anything. The white houses around them, the cobalt sea below, the great arc of the harbour and the gusts of fresh Mediterranean air all worked towards a feeling of peace and general calm. Athene understood then that even without eyes Homer saw things better than most mortals. She wondered briefly if her kind really had created humanity. The species seemed infinitely more complex, emotionally and spiritually, than those who resided on Mt Olympus. This man, this blind poet, scared her; in his own way he was more godlike than she could ever be. "I have to go back." Homer said nothing. "What will you do now?" "I'm already working on another story. It's about the end of the world." "I look forward to hearing it when it's finished," Athene admitted. "I shouldn't if I were you. Zeus will probably want to produce it like he has all the others." But Athene didn't hear the warning. She was already gone. Odysseus found he was camped next to Diomedes, his closest friend from the days of the Trojan war. Their reunion was warm and sincere, eventually made boisterous by too much wine. As night carried on and their followers left them to find places to sleep, the two old warriors sat together around a spluttering campfire. "Have you been in touch with Menelaus at all?" Odysseus asked. "I tried soon after the high priests announced the war, but the gods had already sealed Sparta off from all contact with the outside." Diomedes poked the fire with the tip of his sword, watched orange sparks scatter and fall. "I don't like this fighting between old comrades. If I'd known this was what Zeus had in mind I'd never have signed up." "We all would have come anyway, in the end. This is something the gods willed, and who are we to refuse them?" "Have you ever met Tydeus?" Diomedes asked, changing the subject. Odysseus shook his head. "He came to Argos last year on an embassy from his father . . . well, from Menelaus . . . and he impressed everyone with his intelligence and courtesy. And to boot, he's as beautiful as his mother to look at. I think the gods have it in for him. If it wasn't this war, they'd have thought of something else to get him." "You've become cynical with age." "Perhaps. That doesn't mean I'm wrong." "No. No, it doesn't mean you're wrong. The gods have always been jealous of us humans. We can dream, where they cannot. We can die, where they cannot." "And we can love." "So can the gods, by all accounts." "Not as truly as we. The gods
[ 2.265873661024435, 1.6413016654010006 ]
[ -0.1542828718415225, -0.09429681436764693 ]
[ -0.24564044585622447, -0.08205289971893909 ]
[ 0.42570934354453294, -0.18821403976314774 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 3681, 29915, 29879, 11315, 29892, 3681, 29915, 29879, 26414, 29892, 3681, 29915, 29879, 6668, 1486, 594, 352, 357, 681, 13394, 869, 869, 869, 29908, 450, 10541, 471, 851, 574, 839, 491, 670, 2586, 725, 404, 29889, 376, 15597, 29915, 276, 590, 7875, 714, 727, 29892, 21758, 29889, 306, 20722, 491, 1009, 11192, 363, 3006, 1472, 2440, 577, 591, 1033, 3889, 366, 29892, 322, 1286, 1363, 310, 366, 306, 1818, 8589, 2750, 963, 1213, 940, 6077, 670, 3700, 3448, 515, 902, 29889, 376, 1576, 27379, 505, 1010, 25724, 592, 1213, 13, 1576, 27379, 505, 1010, 25724, 502, 599, 29892, 21758, 2714, 867, 326, 368, 29889, 1094, 896, 505, 3926, 2309, 29889, 13, 29925, 15892, 9193, 1600, 10201, 1476, 379, 12392, 16246, 373, 278, 7636, 310, 263, 1067, 2593, 975, 23261, 278, 2107, 4023, 6526, 310, 498, 1572, 29889, 13, 29908, 3112, 338, 3755, 263, 1776, 1699, 1183, 1497, 304, 1075, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 7656, 29915, 29873, 1073, 1699, 540, 10352, 29889, 13, 29908, 11008, 437, 366, 2041, 1244, 3026, 13, 29908, 1576, 3329, 4154, 29879, 526, 2143, 690, 2790, 29892, 322, 278, 19006, 896, 1207, 1244, 338, 15129, 29889, 26965, 1135, 393, 530, 14947, 713, 286, 2707, 306, 471, 10425, 373, 1213, 13, 29908, 1576, 5828, 338, 1048, 304, 1369, 1699, 1183, 5429, 1075, 29889, 13, 29950, 12392, 269, 25398, 29889, 739, 471, 263, 14610, 6047, 322, 2665, 263, 528, 2147, 1623, 9193, 1600, 29915, 29879, 805, 457, 29889, 376, 29902, 1073, 29889, 7753, 445, 2215, 3448, 306, 508, 8293, 596, 4783, 521, 441, 1847, 1213, 13, 29909, 386, 1600, 7091, 1183, 881, 367, 26230, 472, 278, 9821, 29915, 29879, 3838, 29892, 541, 1363, 1183, 11098, 29892, 1584, 565, 1183, 3282, 29915, 29873, 3447, 1073, 29892, 825, 471, 1048, 304, 3799, 297, 2215, 3448, 25673, 29874, 29892, 1183, 1476, 902, 27343, 11233, 287, 491, 385, 443, 25047, 29738, 29889, 13, 29908, 29911, 514, 592, 29892, 379, 12392, 29892, 947, 596, 5828, 505, 263, 9796, 17140, 3026, 13, 29908, 9048, 29892, 4874, 29889, 2178, 590, 15874, 505, 9796, 1095, 886, 1213, 13, 29908, 29902, 492, 328, 471, 263, 1020, 3192, 29891, 1699, 1183, 11520, 714, 29889, 13, 29908, 3664, 10437, 1213, 13, 2831, 263, 1550, 9561, 310, 963, 1497, 3099, 29889, 450, 4796, 12955, 2820, 963, 29892, 278, 274, 711, 1997, 7205, 2400, 29892, 278, 2107, 15232, 310, 278, 4023, 6526, 322, 278, 330, 504, 29879, 310, 10849, 25620, 10800, 273, 4799, 599, 3796, 7113, 263, 11223, 310, 10776, 322, 2498, 21732, 29889, 9193, 1600, 11098, 769, 393, 1584, 1728, 5076, 379, 12392, 4446, 2712, 2253, 1135, 1556, 5758, 1338, 29889, 2296, 4997, 287, 23359, 565, 902, 2924, 2289, 750, 2825, 5199, 537, 29889, 450, 6606, 6140, 29047, 901, 4280, 29892, 953, 8194, 635, 322, 8548, 1474, 29892, 1135, 1906, 1058, 620, 2618, 373, 341, 29873, 6167, 375, 29889, 910, 767, 29892, 445, 16842, 9821, 29892, 885, 1965, 902, 29936, 297, 670, 1914, 982, 540, 471, 901, 7339, 4561, 1135, 1183, 1033, 3926, 367, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 505, 304, 748, 1250, 1213, 379, 12392, 1497, 3078, 29889, 376, 5618, 674, 366, 437, 1286, 3026, 13, 29908, 29902, 29915, 29885, 2307, 1985, 373, 1790, 5828, 29889, 739, 29915, 29879, 1048, 278, 1095, 310, 278, 3186, 1213, 13, 29908, 29902, 1106, 6375, 304, 22514, 372, 746, 372, 29915, 29879, 7743, 1699, 9193, 1600, 20186, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 9273, 29915, 29873, 565, 306, 892, 366, 29889, 3091, 375, 674, 3117, 864, 304, 7738, 372, 763, 540, 756, 599, 278, 4045, 1213, 13, 6246, 9193, 1600, 3282, 29915, 29873, 8293, 278, 9177, 29889, 2296, 471, 2307, 7695, 29889, 13, 29949, 29881, 952, 344, 375, 1476, 540, 471, 4242, 287, 2446, 304, 4671, 290, 11696, 29892, 670, 21438, 5121, 515, 278, 3841, 310, 278, 8316, 8931, 1370, 29889, 11275, 337, 13094, 471, 14294, 322, 269, 3742, 406, 29892, 10201, 1754, 1045, 1531, 681, 491, 2086, 1568, 19006, 29889, 1094, 4646, 8988, 373, 322, 1009, 1101, 414, 2175, 963, 304, 1284, 7600, 304, 8709, 29892, 278, 1023, 2030, 1370, 28739, 3290, 4208, 2820, 263, 8536, 6463, 292, 4242, 8696, 29889, 13, 29908, 25559, 366, 1063, 297, 6023, 411, 7567, 295, 1485, 472, 599, 3026, 6715, 952, 344, 375, 4433, 29889, 13, 29908, 29902, 1898, 4720, 1156, 278, 1880, 3691, 9197, 9326, 278, 1370, 29892, 541, 278, 27379, 750, 2307, 409, 7943, 25673, 29874, 1283, 515, 599, 6958, 411, 278, 5377, 1213, 4671, 290, 11696, 11293, 287, 278, 3974, 411, 278, 6872, 310, 670, 22378, 29892, 20654, 24841, 16267, 29879, 14801, 322, 6416, 29889, 376, 29902, 1016, 29915, 29873, 763, 445, 17770, 1546, 2030, 419, 29878, 3076, 29889, 960, 306, 29915, 29881, 2998, 445, 471, 825, 3091, 375, 750, 297, 3458, 306, 29915, 29881, 2360, 505, 8794, 701, 1213, 13, 29908, 4806, 599, 723, 505, 2041, 8763, 29892, 297, 278, 1095, 29889, 910, 338, 1554, 278, 27379, 281, 24455, 29892, 322, 1058, 526, 591, 304, 26506, 963, 3026, 13, 29908, 25559, 366, 3926, 1539, 9656, 311, 375, 3026, 4671, 290, 11696, 4433, 29892, 6480, 278, 4967, 29889, 6715, 952, 344, 375, 25239, 670, 2343, 29889, 376, 3868, 2996, 304, 11842, 359, 1833, 1629, 373, 385, 7232, 465, 29891, 515, 670, 4783, 869, 869, 869, 1532, 29892, 515, 7567, 295, 1485, 869, 869, 869, 322, 540, 527, 13120, 14332, 411, 670, 21082, 322, 2085, 2167, 29891, 29889, 1126, 304, 6579, 29892, 540, 29915, 29879, 408, 9560, 408, 670, 5637, 304, 1106, 472, 29889, 306, 1348, 278, 27379, 505, 372, 297, 363, 1075, 29889, 960, 372, 9007, 29915, 29873, 445, 1370, 29892, 896, 29915, 29881, 505, 2714, 310, 1554, 1683, 304, 679, 1075, 1213, 13, 29908, 3492, 29915, 345, 4953, 274, 948, 936, 411, 5046, 1213, 13, 29908, 5894, 4252, 29889, 2193, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2099, 306, 29915, 29885, 2743, 1213, 13, 29908, 3782, 29889, 1939, 29892, 372, 1838, 29915, 29873, 2099, 366, 29915, 276, 2743, 29889, 450, 27379, 505, 2337, 1063, 1444, 20521, 310, 502, 25618, 29889, 1334, 508, 12561, 29892, 988, 896, 2609, 29889, 1334, 508, 762, 29892, 988, 896, 2609, 1213, 13, 29908, 2855, 591, 508, 5360, 1213, 13, 29908, 6295, 508, 278, 27379, 29892, 491, 599, 15303, 1213, 13, 29908, 3664, 408, 19781, 408, 591, 29889, 450, 27379 ]
Euro 2020: 'France were better' concede German fans 16 June 2021 | 2:28 pm German fans watching the their side's first Euro 2020 match from a Munich beer garden concede "the French were a bit better," after they watch a Mats Hummels own goal hand France a 1-0 victory, as fans attending the game at the Allianz Arena say they were still grateful to be watching football in a stadium again. Blame Game: What went wrong at the Stade de France? First it was a stadium fiasco, then a blame game. Now will political football lead to sackings? French senators are questioning Emmanuel Macron's interior minister after the tear-gassing of Liverpool fans shut out of last Saturday's Champions League final, as well as the claim that up to 40,000 English supporters showed up with forged tickets or no tickets. France votes again: What's at stake in the legislative elections? This week, we explore the upcoming French legislative elections, the so-called "third round" of the presidential race. This time, French voters are electing 577 MPs to the Assemblée nationale, the lower house of parliament. Though arguably just as important as the race for the Élysée Palace, turnout tends to be lower. So do these elections work? We tell you more in this edition of French Connections. German justice minister: Can't prosecute Putin 'as long as he is head of state' Marco Buschmann told DW that Germany is collecting evidence against Putin and others for war crimes prosecutions. He said a structural investigation has been opened to collect evidence in Russia's war of aggression. Ukraine: German minister explores alternative grain routes with Kyiv German Agriculture Minister Cem Özdemir visited Ukraine in a show of solidarity amid concerns over grain exports. The minister said the parties were exploring alternative routes to shipping across the Black Sea. France: Macron's majority under threat in parliamentary elections Emmanuel Macron's alliance is in a tight race with the new left-wing union NUPES according to initial projections. Macron is predicted to win a greater number of districts which could grant him a parliamentary majority. New left-wing alliance eyes gains in France's parliamentary elections A new left-wing coalition wants to win a majority in France's upcoming legislative elections and challenge Emmanuel Macron's hold on parliamentary power. Their chances are slim but not impossible. Meet the medieval castle builders in France's Burgundy region More than 20 years ago, a community of men and women in the French region of Burgundy set themselves a massive challenge: to build a castle using the techniques of the Middle Ages. The site in the town of Guédelon is open to visitors, offering them an immersion into the 13th century. Today, nearly 40 people work every day on this medieval construction site. Stone quarrying is the first step in building a castle. And to transport the stones to the site, modern machines are banned: everything is done like in the 13th century, with horsepower. German high court rules antisemitic church sculpture doesn't have to be removed A member of the Jewish community launched the suit against the medieval "Jewish pig" sculpture in Germany's Wittenberg. Previous judges had ruled against him, citing the Holocaust memorial and context plaque beside it. Macron in Kyiv, France's youth vote, rainbow toys and QR code menus We take a look at how the press is covering the French, German and Italian leaders' visit to Kyiv. Meanwhile, French papers are largely divided over the country's upcoming legislative elections on Sunday. Also, Thailand gets closer to same-sex marriage legislation, while Saudi Arabia confiscates rainbow-coloured toys. Finally, the Washington Post debates whether QR code menus in restaurants should stay or go. France's troubled EPR nuclear reactor set to go online by end of 2023 Executives at France's state-backed utility EDF say they're confident the troubled nuclear reactor at their Flamanville plant will be able to go online by the end of 2023. Under construction since 2007, the new EPR
[ -0.2026238808885806, 0.3620248147161584 ]
[ -0.29395190118368053, 1.0902039921687319 ]
[ -0.6457324676105929, 0.3136007002410069 ]
[ -0.7618161839129087, -0.1986195208361593 ]
[ 512, 512 ]
[ 11652, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 29901, 525, 16066, 892, 2253, 29915, 27943, 29872, 5332, 24909, 13, 29896, 29953, 5306, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29896, 891, 29871, 29906, 29901, 29906, 29947, 26354, 13, 29954, 3504, 24909, 21217, 278, 1009, 2625, 29915, 29879, 937, 11652, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29900, 1993, 515, 263, 13564, 436, 367, 261, 16423, 27943, 29872, 376, 1552, 5176, 892, 263, 2586, 2253, 1699, 1156, 896, 6505, 263, 341, 1446, 13863, 29885, 1379, 1914, 7306, 1361, 3444, 263, 29871, 29896, 29899, 29900, 15354, 29892, 408, 24909, 1098, 2548, 278, 3748, 472, 278, 838, 492, 4096, 26053, 1827, 896, 892, 1603, 28656, 304, 367, 21217, 5733, 297, 263, 10728, 1974, 1449, 29889, 13, 10358, 420, 8448, 29901, 1724, 3512, 2743, 472, 278, 624, 1943, 316, 3444, 29973, 13, 6730, 372, 471, 263, 10728, 1974, 285, 3173, 1111, 29892, 769, 263, 1999, 420, 3748, 29889, 2567, 674, 8604, 5733, 3275, 304, 269, 547, 886, 29973, 5176, 6940, 4097, 526, 1139, 292, 2812, 22670, 4326, 1617, 29915, 29879, 13290, 11050, 1156, 278, 734, 279, 29899, 29887, 465, 292, 310, 24607, 24909, 12522, 714, 310, 1833, 24211, 29915, 29879, 22036, 5165, 2186, 29892, 408, 1532, 408, 278, 5995, 393, 701, 304, 29871, 29946, 29900, 29892, 29900, 29900, 29900, 4223, 1462, 272, 2153, 10018, 701, 411, 363, 3192, 16892, 1691, 470, 694, 16892, 1691, 29889, 13, 16066, 18952, 1449, 29901, 1724, 29915, 29879, 472, 380, 1296, 297, 278, 13332, 1230, 20209, 29973, 13, 4013, 4723, 29892, 591, 26987, 278, 701, 11506, 5176, 13332, 1230, 20209, 29892, 278, 577, 29899, 13998, 376, 22585, 4513, 29908, 310, 278, 6673, 616, 8175, 29889, 910, 931, 29892, 5176, 9014, 414, 526, 3546, 292, 29871, 29945, 29955, 29955, 16379, 29879, 304, 278, 4007, 13365, 1318, 7174, 29892, 278, 5224, 3699, 310, 22765, 29889, 14832, 1852, 29884, 2197, 925, 408, 4100, 408, 278, 8175, 363, 278, 3067, 368, 29879, 1318, 24537, 29892, 2507, 449, 29867, 304, 367, 5224, 29889, 1105, 437, 1438, 20209, 664, 29973, 1334, 2649, 366, 901, 297, 445, 12203, 310, 5176, 1281, 484, 1953, 29889, 13, 29954, 3504, 15426, 11050, 29901, 1815, 29915, 29873, 410, 3471, 1082, 12065, 262, 525, 294, 1472, 408, 540, 338, 2343, 310, 2106, 29915, 13, 7083, 1111, 8406, 305, 4403, 5429, 360, 29956, 393, 9556, 338, 6314, 292, 10757, 2750, 12065, 262, 322, 4045, 363, 1370, 2181, 1355, 410, 3471, 17925, 29889, 940, 1497, 263, 2281, 3631, 22522, 756, 1063, 6496, 304, 6314, 10757, 297, 12710, 29915, 29879, 1370, 310, 946, 11476, 29889, 13, 29965, 29895, 12096, 29901, 5332, 11050, 3902, 2361, 8671, 2646, 262, 12049, 411, 16931, 440, 13, 29954, 3504, 27051, 545, 7668, 315, 331, 6450, 29920, 2310, 381, 16669, 23961, 297, 263, 1510, 310, 7773, 279, 537, 28655, 21838, 975, 2646, 262, 29586, 29889, 450, 11050, 1497, 278, 13973, 892, 3902, 8253, 8671, 12049, 304, 528, 17347, 4822, 278, 6054, 14070, 29889, 13, 16066, 29901, 4326, 1617, 29915, 29879, 13638, 1090, 28469, 297, 22765, 653, 20209, 13, 6026, 22670, 4326, 1617, 29915, 29879, 394, 13036, 338, 297, 263, 19932, 8175, 411, 278, 716, 2175, 29899, 16958, 9833, 405, 4897, 2890, 5034, 304, 2847, 410, 24247, 29889, 4326, 1617, 338, 25383, 304, 5401, 263, 7621, 1353, 310, 24172, 607, 1033, 16690, 1075, 263, 22765, 653, 13638, 29889, 13, 4373, 2175, 29899, 16958, 394, 13036, 5076, 330, 2708, 297, 3444, 29915, 29879, 22765, 653, 20209, 13, 29909, 716, 2175, 29899, 16958, 17148, 654, 10753, 304, 5401, 263, 13638, 297, 3444, 29915, 29879, 701, 11506, 13332, 1230, 20209, 322, 18766, 2812, 22670, 4326, 1617, 29915, 29879, 4808, 373, 22765, 653, 3081, 29889, 11275, 521, 2925, 526, 2243, 326, 541, 451, 9301, 29889, 13, 6816, 300, 278, 27690, 20610, 2048, 414, 297, 3444, 29915, 29879, 11202, 870, 29891, 5120, 13, 20761, 1135, 29871, 29906, 29900, 2440, 8020, 29892, 263, 7881, 310, 1757, 322, 5866, 297, 278, 5176, 5120, 310, 11202, 870, 29891, 731, 6053, 263, 20364, 18766, 29901, 304, 2048, 263, 20610, 773, 278, 13698, 310, 278, 14253, 319, 2710, 29889, 450, 3268, 297, 278, 4726, 310, 2088, 2487, 295, 265, 338, 1722, 304, 26824, 29892, 27032, 963, 385, 5198, 4455, 964, 278, 29871, 29896, 29941, 386, 6462, 29889, 20628, 29892, 8886, 29871, 29946, 29900, 2305, 664, 1432, 2462, 373, 445, 27690, 7632, 3268, 29889, 15681, 20089, 719, 292, 338, 278, 937, 4331, 297, 5214, 263, 20610, 29889, 1126, 304, 8608, 278, 25702, 304, 278, 3268, 29892, 5400, 14884, 526, 289, 11310, 29901, 4129, 338, 2309, 763, 297, 278, 29871, 29896, 29941, 386, 6462, 29892, 411, 10435, 13519, 29889, 13, 29954, 3504, 1880, 8973, 6865, 3677, 275, 21976, 293, 6586, 17039, 545, 1838, 29915, 29873, 505, 304, 367, 6206, 13, 29909, 4509, 310, 278, 16728, 7881, 15241, 278, 14726, 2750, 278, 27690, 376, 29967, 809, 728, 282, 335, 29908, 17039, 545, 297, 9556, 29915, 29879, 399, 16097, 2552, 29889, 4721, 2366, 6577, 2710, 750, 29490, 2750, 1075, 29892, 7537, 292, 278, 4168, 6400, 504, 2626, 9020, 322, 3030, 2174, 802, 17620, 372, 29889, 13, 15735, 1617, 297, 16931, 440, 29892, 3444, 29915, 29879, 12397, 11719, 29892, 17251, 17729, 304, 952, 322, 660, 29934, 775, 1757, 375, 13, 4806, 2125, 263, 1106, 472, 920, 278, 3965, 338, 21653, 278, 5176, 29892, 5332, 322, 10545, 20251, 29915, 6493, 304, 16931, 440, 29889, 25065, 29892, 5176, 15055, 526, 18425, 13931, 975, 278, 4234, 29915, 29879, 701, 11506, 13332, 1230, 20209, 373, 16340, 29889, 3115, 29892, 498, 26517, 4947, 17649, 304, 1021, 29899, 14167, 13718, 13332, 362, 29892, 1550, 5701, 4749, 10387, 423, 1970, 10669, 1078, 17251, 17729, 29899, 1054, 14076, 304, 952, 29889, 9788, 29892, 278, 7660, 4918, 2553, 1078, 3692, 660, 29934, 775, 1757, 375, 297, 12374, 1934, 881, 7952, 470, 748, 29889, 13, 16066, 29915, 29879, 7458, 29881, 382, 10593, 20346, 337, 7168, 731, 304, 748, 7395, 491, 1095, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 13, 5379, 329, 3145, 472, 3444, 29915, 29879, 2106, 29899, 1627, 287, 19725, 382, 4037, 1827, 896, 29915, 276, 24332, 278, 7458, 29881, 20346, 337, 7168, 472, 1009, 2379, 13533, 4909, 8024, 674, 367, 2221, 304, 748, 7395, 491, 278, 1095, 310, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29906, 29941, 29889, 7634, 7632, 1951, 29871, 29906, 29900, 29900, 29955, 29892, 278, 716, 382, 10593 ]