pankajrajdeo's picture
effe148 verified
    - name: LAT
      dtype: string
    - name: NWD
      dtype: string
    - name: CUI
      dtype: string
    - name: LUI
      dtype: string
    - name: SUI
      dtype: string
    - name: train
      num_bytes: 4847892256
      num_examples: 45455967
  download_size: 1481159775
  dataset_size: 4847892256
  - config_name: default
      - split: train
        path: data/train-*

Dataset Description for MRXNW (Normalized Word Index)

The MRXNW (Normalized Word Index) data is part of the UMLS (Unified Medical Language System) Metathesaurus, specifically available in the Rich Release Format (RRF). This dataset contains normalized words found in unique English-language Metathesaurus strings. It serves as an index facilitating efficient lookup and normalization of medical terms, supporting various applications in medical informatics and health-related software solutions.


The MRXNW dataset is designed to provide a structured index of normalized words from the UMLS Metathesaurus. It helps developers and researchers quickly identify and work with normalized forms of medical terms, thereby enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of information retrieval, natural language processing, and other applications requiring standardized medical vocabulary.

Column Descriptions

LAT (Language Abbreviation)

  • Description: The abbreviation of the language of the string in which the word appears.
  • Values: The value is always ENG for English-language strings in this edition of the Metathesaurus.
    • Example: ENG

NWD (Normalized Word)

  • Description: The normalized word in lowercase.
  • Values: Alphanumeric strings representing normalized forms of words.
    • Example: anemia

CUI (Concept Unique Identifier)

  • Description: A unique identifier assigned to each concept within the UMLS Metathesaurus.
  • Values: Alphanumeric strings, such as C0002871. Each value uniquely identifies a medical concept.
    • Example: C0002871

LUI (Lexical Unique Identifier)

  • Description: A unique identifier for a term within the UMLS Metathesaurus.
  • Values: Alphanumeric strings, such as L0002871. Each value uniquely identifies a term.
    • Example: L0002871

SUI (String Unique Identifier)

  • Description: A unique identifier for a string within the UMLS Metathesaurus.
  • Values: Alphanumeric strings, such as S0013742. Each value uniquely identifies a string.
    • Example: S0013742

Example Record

LAT:        ENG
NWD:        anemia
CUI:        C0002871
LUI:        L0002871
SUI:        S0013742


This dataset is primarily intended for developers and researchers working on medical informatics applications. It can be used to efficiently lookup and normalize medical terms, ensuring consistency and accuracy in information retrieval, natural language processing, and other applications that rely on standardized medical vocabulary.