Many of us have trouble accepting ourselves fully. We find it easy to appreciate our strengths, but when it comes to our flaws and failures, we develop an overwhelming sense of judgment and rejection. If you have ever been unreasonably hard on yourself, or find it challenging to get over your failures or weaknesses, then you may be lacking in self-acceptance. Self-acceptance, also sometimes referred to as self-approval, is a crucial component for your psychological well-being; without it, it is easy to be overly self-critical, obsessing over your failures and shortcomings. These negative emotions hold you back from self-actualization (which is becoming everything you are capable of becoming) and achieving the life you want. There are various methods and tools to develop self-acceptance; in this article, we discuss what self-acceptance and self-approval is, and share several proven strategies on how to develop it. You will learn: - What self-acceptance is - What is the difference between self-acceptance and self-esteem - How does self-acceptance affect your life and why is it important - How can you tell if you have low self-acceptance - Ways to develop better self-acceptance What Is Self-Acceptance? As its name suggests, the definition of self-acceptance is the complete acceptance of oneself, of both your positive and negative traits. It is much easier to appreciate our positive traits, but for true self-acceptance, you must also be able to embrace the negative, less-desirable parts of yourself. A popular misconception of self-acceptance is that it means giving up on yourself. That you simply give yourself a pass for your faults and weaknesses and stop trying to change them. Of course, this is simply untrue. Instead, true self-acceptance means being aware of both your positive and negative traits without attaching negative emotions or judgment on who you are. It means being able to be objective about your strengths and weaknesses and not compromise on your self-worth. To put it simply, the self-acceptance definition is understanding that your value is separate from your actions and qualities. Despite having made mistakes and flaws, these things do not define you. Understandably, this can be difficult; but acknowledging your failures and weaknesses is the only way you can begin to work on them and create real progress. Self-acceptance vs self-esteem You might be wondering, what is the difference between self-acceptance and self-esteem? It is easy to confuse self-acceptance and self-esteem since these two concepts are related. However, while they are both critical to your psychological well-being, they are not the same thing. Self-esteem is how valuable you perceive yourself relative to other people. These are the strengths you offer to the world, and how favorably you think you compare to others. Self-esteem generally relies on external ‘markers’ like your accolades or accomplishments. Being promoted at work can be a massive boost to your self-esteem, while being placed under a performance review can erode it. When clinical psychologists talk about healthy self-esteem, they mean that you have a reasonable, positive self-image. You are aware of your strengths relative to other people and believe in your value. Unhealthy self-esteem is when the needle falls on either end of the spectrum—in other words, if you think too much of yourself or believe that you are worthless and have nothing to offer, you have unhealthy self-esteem. In contrast, self-acceptance is much deeper than self-esteem. Unconditional acceptance does not depend on your external circumstances, nor your success and achievements. It is being able to accept both the good and bad about yourself. Unlike self-esteem, self-acceptance is not conditional. Even if you lost your job, had just broken up with your spouse, or lost all your money, you would still be able to love and show compassion to yourself. Naturally, it would be much easier for a person with healthy self-acceptance to develop healthy self-esteem. Since you rely less on external validation, you can appreciate your value regardless of what goes on in your life. What is the Importance of Self-Acceptance? How Does it Affect Your Life? Unconditional self-acceptance is essential for your mental and emotional health, and it is one of the factors in the six-factor model of Psychological Well-being. Having high self-acceptance leads to better mood regulation, fewer depressive symptoms, and increased positive emotions. Without self-acceptance, your psychological well-being suffers, which hampers efforts to create a happier, more successful life for yourself. For example, those with a poor body image may reject their bodies due to low self-acceptance. They compare themselves to others and feel unattractive, believing that their body is a failure. This perception causes them to feel ashamed, self-conscious, uncomfortable, and anxious about their body. As a result, they obsess about their body shape, weight, food, and calories, which eventually could even lead to an eating disorder. People with high self-acceptance understand that their figure does not define them. They can love both their internal and physical self, and recognize that crash diets and starvation are simply alternate forms of self-abuse. Once you achieve self-acceptance, you also experience other psychological benefits such as: - Increased freedom to be yourself - The ability to take risks without worrying about the outcome - Less fear of failure - Living more authentically by living for yourself (and not for others) - Increased self-worth - More compassion and less self-criticism when you fail - More independence and autonomy over your own life - Less despite to win the approval of others - Increased self-esteem How Can I Tell If I Have Low Self-Acceptance? Many suffer from low self-acceptance, and for good reason—research shows that before the age of eight, our self-acceptance is entirely dependent on our caretakers. If your parents verbally or nonverbally communicated that you were not attractive enough, not smart enough, not good enough, etc., while you were growing up, you may think of yourself as only conditionally acceptable. This would have likely had a negative impact on your self-acceptance. Today, you may have low self-acceptance if you have any of these symptoms: - You often have a negative attitude - It is difficult to acknowledge your weaknesses or failures - You are constantly critical of yourself, and/or are confused about your identity - You wished you were different than who you already are We all suffer from these symptoms at one time or another, but if you find yourself constantly showing these behavioral patterns then it would be a good idea to develop better self-acceptance. How Do You Achieve Self-Acceptance? Now you may find yourself asking “what is the key to self-acceptance? How do I achieve it myself?” Developing unconditional self-acceptance can be challenging, especially since it requires undoing years of subconscious conditioning. However, by following the strategies and steps below, you can develop better self-acceptance with time and practice. Step 1. Forgive yourself The first step in developing self-acceptance is showing compassion to yourself. Understand that you did the best you could at that time, acknowledge that you can no longer change your past failures and mistakes, and then move on. Self-Acceptance Exercise: Think of your past self as a different person, and that you can only change what you can control right now, which is your present self. When you reframe your mind this way, it generates self-compassion. You begin to understand that what you dislike about yourself today is because you judge your past self based on your current self, who needed to make that mistake in the first place. Marisa Peer, bestselling author and founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy®, (RTT®), believes that many of us are our own worst critic, and this negative attitude prevents us from developing self-compassion. However, by changing the way you speak to yourself, you can begin to forgive yourself and develop a healthier relationship with you. Having this mindset is the crucial first step towards developing self-acceptance. Take ownership of your past mistakes and failures, but do not beat yourself up about it. Forgive yourself—after all, you did the best you could at the time. Step 2. Practice mindfulness Much of our negative self-talk happens in our subconscious—which means that we are not even aware of when we reject ourselves. Take some time to listen to your thoughts and feelings—do you get anxious when you think about a particular area of your life? Which parts of yourself are you ashamed of? Which parts do you try to avoid thinking about? These are difficult questions, but answering them will open your eyes to which parts of yourself that you find most difficult to accept. Self-Acceptance Exercise: It may be helpful to write these down in a journal and keep track of how you feel throughout the day—you may realize your dysfunctional behaviors and thought patterns that stop you from accepting yourself. While doing this exercise, do not forget to practice self-compassion. Remember, the goal of this exercise is not to judge yourself, but rather it is simply to create an awareness of the parts of yourself which you have been subconsciously rejecting. Step 3. Welcome your feelings—both good and bad Exploring parts of yourself that you find difficult to accept will understandably bring up a lot of negative feelings. Whenever you experienced these feelings in the past, your subconscious’s first instinct was to push them away. Similar to how our nervous system actively avoids physical pain, your mind works the same way by avoiding mental and emotional pain. The problem is that your subconscious is merely avoiding the issue, which is a short term solution. To accept yourself, you must confront these feelings head-on. Your first instinct might be to try to escape these unpleasant emotions but do not push them away this time. Self-Acceptance Exercise: Explore that feeling with a sense of curiosity and cool detachment. Pretend that you are your own best friend—if they showed up hurt, how would you treat them? Allow yourself to feel these negative emotions for a while and then ask yourself—what can you learn from this? How can you turn this emotion into something positive? You may also possibly experience positive feelings during this exercise, and you may instinctively reject them—try not to. Accept these positive emotions, appreciate yourself, and understand that you earned the good things along with the bad things in your life. Step 4. Forget being perfect Thinking that you must be perfect is one of the biggest impediments to unconditional self-acceptance. As human beings, we inevitably make mistakes and develop flaws. Those who have low self-acceptance may try to deny these flaws or avoid situations where they may fail. They then end up living an inauthentic life because the fear of failure keeps them from living out their potential. Understanding that your imperfection makes you unique and that failure is a part of life will help you be more accepting of yourself. To help you with this exercise, do not define yourself by either your success or failure. Instead, understand that your value is intrinsic to your being—in other words, recognize that you are the most important person to yourself, regardless of the mistakes and failures you have made. When you let go of the need to be perfect, it becomes much easier to be authentic and accepting of yourself, of both your good and bad. Step 5. Stop comparing yourself One reason why developing self-acceptance is so challenging is because we constantly compare ourselves to others. Especially with the advent of social media, there is a sudden rush for people to appear perfect on their social feed. This creates the illusion that everyone you know or follow has a happy, perfect life, making it impossible for you to appreciate your own. Studies have shown that people on social media are more likely to compare themselves to other people and objectify themselves. On average, those who had a social media profile suffered from lower self-esteem, greater body shame, and worse mental health. Remember that true self-acceptance is unconditional—it does not depend on your perceived success compared to your peers. Your life is uniquely your own, and because of that, it will always be valuable to you. When you stop comparing yourself to others, you begin to journey inward and focus on you. External validation matters less, so you start seeking validation from yourself, which is a part of self-acceptance. Step 6. Take an active role in self-improvement When you are learning to accept yourself, it can be a difficult process. It is not one that can be rushed, nor is it something that will happen overnight. It is something that will need plenty of time, attention, and perseverance. We know this could be a hard thing to achieve if you are investing in your self-acceptance without any external support. That is why Marisa Peer created her 21-Day Unstoppable Confidence Challenge. Confidence is inherently tied to self-acceptance. You need the confidence to accept yourself as you are, the confidence to move through the world as your authentic self, and the confidence to remain as you are once you have achieved the behaviour and positive mental state. If you join the 21-Day Unstoppable Confidence Challenge, you will see drastic change in your confidence, and therefore self-acceptance, as you undergo daily trainings, listen to audios and experience meditations, all within a thriving community of those seeking to boost their confidence and self-acceptance themselves. Interested? Make sure you find out more by clicking the banner below. Unlock Your Natural Self-Acceptance Through ‘I Am Enough’ Although these steps can help you develop self-acceptance, it will take time and practice. Trying to change subconscious behavior is not easy, but it is possible if you remain disciplined and consistent. For a more effective solution, however, consider learning from a professional. By using a proven technique, you could achieve results much faster compared to trying to develop self-acceptance on your own. By using a therapeutic modality, you are able to utilize powerful tools and strategies to work directly with your subconscious mind. You can explore and directly address deep-rooted issues, which make it difficult to accept yourself. After working with clients from around the world for over three decades, world-renowned therapist, speaker, author, and founder of Rapid Transformational Therapy Marisa Peer, concluded that most people’s issues stemmed from the feeling of not being enough. Feeling inadequate leads to low self-acceptance, and usually stems from a traumatic experience in your childhood. You can improve your psychological and emotional well-being by developing better self-acceptance. All you need to make some mental shifts that open up your mind to accept yourself more. What Can You Do Next? Marisa Peer, the world-renowned therapist with over 30 years of experience has developed multiple resources for you to enjoy, to help you along the way of discovering your true, inner, more than enough, self. You can select between a Program – a full and in-depth course on the power of believing in yourself to help you change your mindset forever, or a FREE Masterclass to give you quick, actionable advice you can take away immediately. The I Am Enough Program Marisa developed a revolutionary program, ‘I Am Enough’, that can help you get to the root of that experience, let go of the negative emotions, and rewrite them with empowering ones. Click the banner below to be taken to the program hub, and to find out more about what you can expect when you sign up. The I Am Enough Masterclass To get a taste of what the full program offers, sign up for a free ‘I Am Enough’ masterclass and learn how you can discover the root of what is blocking you from achieving self-acceptance and directly addressing it. You will feel the changes much faster than doing it alone. To access the masterclass, led by our very own Marisa Peer, click the banner below Regardless of what you do, remember that you are unique and valuable because of your strengths and flaws, so always be kind and learn to accept yourself. You are enough, you always have been, and you always will be.
When railway fasteners are severely corroded by rust, severely deformed or even broken, etc., these long-accumulated problems belong to major repairs and should be replaced in sections to meet the original standards or higher standards. Intermediate repair refers to problems that have gradually accumulated over time after major repairs, but do not require frequent repairs. Its maintenance and renewal cycle depends on the service life of the accessories. With the management reform and system changes of the railway, the middle repair will be gradually cancelled. Railway can be said to be the main part of transportation. Railway is the mode of travel and transportation that most people will choose now. The railway transport volume is larger, the price is lower, and the cost is effectively reduced. All walks of life are more willing to choose railways to meet demand. At present, with the rapid development of railways, the maintenance responsibility is also increasing. To be guaranteed, it is necessary to do a good job of maintenance in a timely manner.
Bottled beer with a flip-top cap, while not very common, is in demand. Such bottles are easy to open by hand with a lever on the side of the neck and just as easy to cap, which makes them popular, especially among home brewers. Let’s take a look at the history of the origin of the flip-top, swing-top, or grundle. Prior to the flip-top, bottles were often made of blown glass and sealed with a wooden stopper, which was difficult to open by hand. Also, the closure technique was not very reliable, especially for very carbonated beverages. Ironically, it was American housewives, who changed the history of the beer bottle as they were faced with the problem of storing food. However, even earlier this problem was considered… by Napoleon. During his lengthy campaigns of conquest outside France, his army was in constant need of quality provisions. Napoleon even offered a prize of 12,000 francs for developing a way to store food that could be taken on campaigns. The prize was won by Nicolas Appert, the father of home canning, who discovered that food sealed tightly in a jar or bottle and subjected to heat by boiling would keep for a long period of time. A brief history of the glass beer bottle with Swing Tops This topic was further developed in the United States with the creation of glass jars with a lapped lid (fruit jar). In 1853 James Spratt of Cincinnati was granted the first known patent for “improving the fastening of bottles. He suggested using glass stoppers that were sealed with a special solution or sealing wax. The cork had a hole in the center through which steam could escape during the boiling process. This hole had to be closed with a drop of sealing wax when boiling was completed. Later a special wax was used for this purpose. Such jars were made until about 1915, and sealing wax was sold until 1929. In 1858 a predecessor to the bugle cork was invented – a Kilner-type cap with a gasket, several metal guides, and a clamp. Various variations of such stoppers were used for more than a hundred years, but most importantly, other inventors began to develop this approach. In 1875, Charles de Kiefeldt patented a new plug format. He originally called his invention an “improved bottle stopper,” but later it was called a “lightning stopper” because it could be opened and closed quickly. It is not known for sure if de Kiefeldt himself coined the term – his first patent application does not use the name. A few years later the rights to the invention were acquired by Henry W. Putnam, who adapted the design for use on jars for fruit jams and loose products. In 1882 he received a patent for the cork, which was already referred to specifically as the “zipper.” The same name is used in an updated patent application from 1898. The first known use of the “zip-top” dates back to 1876. It was recorded in the New England Medical Register. But in parallel, the idea of such plugs was developed in Europe. In 1875, the German Carl Dietrich developed a cap with a buckle for attaching to bottles, and two years later Nikolai Fritzner opened a factory in Berlin to produce such bucket clamps. Its technical description reads in full as “Vertical Pinch-Block Clamping Device; Pinch-Block Clamps are primarily suitable for rapid corking and fastening of caps and valves. The name “bugle plug” was also adopted from the German language: bügel translates as “handle, arc” or “grip, clamp”. Such locks are suitable for a wide variety of corks and caps – not only for beer bottles. In 1877, Hermann Grauel of Magdeburg patented a hinged cap that was known as a “seltzer cap”. Until 1969 it was used for closing mineral water in Germany. A year later Friedrich von Siemens came up with the idea of using a porcelain lid together with a clamp on which advertising logos in different colors could be applied. But the active development of the idea of hinged lids did not last long. In 1892, the American William Painter invented the crown cork – a device for corking bottles that consisted of a round piece of metal tin that was bent at the edge and a seal. It sounds complicated, but it is the kind of cork that is used by the vast majority of breweries in the world today. Despite the transition to crown corks, the bugle corks are not dead – some producers still use them today. The mechanism is popular not only among alcoholic and carbonated beverages. Cork stoppers are used for oils, sauces, and other ingredients. But still, the most widespread such plugs are in the brewing industry. The Grolsch brewery, for example, began bottling beer in hinged-cap bottles as early as 1897 and, despite the high cost of production, continues to use such bottles. Flip-top caps guarantee a high preservation of the flavor characteristics of products, and their main functional feature is that bottles can be easily closed again. In addition, when the bottle is opened, it makes a distinctive popping sound called plopp (or blopp). This sound has become a recognizable “chip” of many beers, and the German company Flensburger Brauerei even builds its advertising strategy around this sound. List Of Beer Bottles With Swing-Top Flensburger Pilsener is a German lager beer brewed in the traditional north German style. It has a crisp, light body with a hint of bitterness and a slightly sweet finish. It pairs well with seafood and fish dishes. Aktien Zwick’l is an unfiltered lager beer brewed according to the Bavarian purity law of 1516. With its golden color and malty flavor, it is a classic example of the Bavarian brewing tradition. The creamy head lingers on top of the glass as you sip this refreshing beer. Bernard Bohemian Ale Beer Bernard Bohemian Ale Beer is one of the Czech Republic’s most beloved beers. This dark, full-bodied ale offers flavors of roasted malts, chocolate and coffee. It is slightly sweet with a subtle bitterness in the finish, making it ideal for pairing with hearty dishes. Bernard ‘Cerny Lezak’ Bernard ‘Cerny Lezak’ is a dark lager brewed according to the Czech Purity Law of 1516. This full-bodied beer has a deep, robust flavor of roasted malts and chocolate notes. It has a smooth, creamy texture and finishes with subtle hints of nuts and caramel. Doppel-Hirsch is an amber-colored double bock that features a malty sweetness balanced by slight hoppy bitterness. The floral aromas and full body make it perfect for enjoying during any season. Bastėja Vilniaus Alus Bastėja Vilniaus Alus is an unfiltered wheat beer brewed in Lithuania. It has a light, refreshing body with notes of banana and clove. The natural carbonation gives it a sparkle that is sure to please the palate. Grolsch Premium Pilsner Grolsch Premium Pilsner is a crisp, golden lager beer known for its unique swing-top bottle. This full-bodied pilsner has aromas of sweet malts and hops followed by a smooth finish. Enjoy it on its own or with grilled pork dishes. Fischer Blonde is an easy-drinking German pale lager featuring notes of grassy hops, light toasted malt, and subtle sweetness. With its clean finish, it’s perfect for all occasions! Flensburger Kellerbier is an award-winning German Kellerbier. It has a clean, crisp flavor and a smooth body that finishes with a pleasant hop bitterness. Enjoy this beer on its own or with fish dishes. Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest Marzen Hacker-Pschorr Oktoberfest Marzen is a classic amber-colored lager beer brewed according to the Bavarian purity law of 1516. This full-bodied lager features aromas of sweet malts and noble hops followed by a balanced bitterness in the finish. Kürzer Alt Brauerei Kürzer Kürzer Alt Brauerei Kürzer is an amber-colored German ale brewed in the traditional Düsseldorf style. It has aromas of caramelized malts and subtle notes of dark fruit, followed by a smooth, malty finish. Enjoy this beer on its own or with red meat dishes. Goller Steinhauer Weisse Amber Wheat Beer Goller Steinhauer Weisse Amber Wheat Beer is an unfiltered German wheat beer featuring a sweet and fruity aroma along with notes of banana and cloves. The slightly sour flavor pairs wonderfully with spicy food. Are Swing Top Bottles Good for Homebrewing? When it comes to homebrewing, many brewers prefer swing-top bottles due to their convenience and ease of use. These bottles have several advantages over other types of beer containers, such as being stackable and reusable. Swing tops are an ideal choice for brewing smaller batches of beer at home without having to invest in a large bottling system or equipment. Swing top bottles also reduce the risk of oxidation when storing your homebrew for long periods of time. This is because the rubber gaskets that form the seal on these bottles create a vacuum-like effect that keeps oxygen out and prevents oxidation from occurring. Furthermore, these seals help keep carbonation levels in check so you don’t end up with flat beers after a few weeks. Another benefit of using swing-top bottles is that they are easy to clean and sanitize. They do not require any special equipment or cleaning solutions, and can simply be disassembled for thorough cleaning and rinsing with hot water. Finally, these bottles are relatively inexpensive compared to other types of beer containers, making them a cost-effective option for those just starting out in homebrewing. In conclusion, swing-top bottles offer a number of advantages when it comes to home brewing. They are easy to use, cost-effective, and help reduce the risk of oxidation while keeping your beer fresh for longer periods of time. As such, they make an ideal choice for those looking to brew smaller batches at home without investing in a large bottling system. If you’re new to homebrewing and are looking for an easy and cost-effective way to store your beer, swing-top bottles are definitely worth considering. They offer many of the same benefits as other types of beer containers, without the need for any special equipment or cleaning solutions. With a little bit of practice and some patience, you can be sure that your homebrew will remain fresh and flavorful for weeks to come when stored in these bottles.
There are five (5) prayers which must be performed by the Muslims and are called “obligatory” prayers. They are Dhuhr (Noon) prayer, ^Asr (afternoon) prayer, Maghrib (sunset) prayer, ^Ishaa’ (Nightfall) prayer and Fajr (Dawn) prayer. It is a great sin to neglect performing any of these obligatory prayers. Among the merits of performing the obligatory prayers is that one’s small sins, which may be committed between prayers, are forgiven. The Prophet , may Allah raise his rank, said what means: “Whoever makes a complete wudu’, his sins will depart his body, until they leave from under his nails” (Muslim How to Perform the Dhuhr (Noon) Prayer The Dhuhr Prayer is four rak^ahs 1. Facing the Qiblah: It is obligatory to stand directing your chest to the honorable Qiblah. The Qiblah is the Ka ^ bah in Makkah. 2. Intention: It is obligatory to intend in your heart performing the obligatory Dhuhr prayer. Do that while saying Allahu Akbar (God is great). An example is to say in your heart “I intend to pray the obligatory Dhuhr prayer”. 3. The Opening Takbir: It is obligatory to say Allahu Akbar at least as loud as you can hear yourself, while raising your hands next to your ears. Raising your hands is a recommended part. 4. Standing: It is obligatory to stand in the obligatory prayer when able. It is recommended to hold the wrist of the left hand with the right hand, placing both above the navel. 5. Reciting the Fatihah: It is obligatory to recite the Fatihah (the first chapter of the Qur’an) at least as loud as you can hear yourself. It is an obligation to recite the Fatihah properly, that is, to pronounce all the letters correctly. Learn the recitation of the Fatihah from a qualified teacher. Whoever cannot recite the Fatihah correctly must recite other parts of the Qur’an, the number of letters of which should be at least equal to that of the Fajihah (156 letters). If one knows one or more ayahs of the Fatihah, one may repeat them as many times as would render minimally the same number of letters in the Fatihah. If one cannot recite any ayah of the Fatihah, one recites other ayahs of the Qur’an the letters of which add up to at least the same number of letters of the Fatihah. If one cannot recite any part of the Qur’an, one must recite certain words of dhikr, such as subhanallah, al-hamdulillah, la ilaha illallah, and Allahu Akbar (I declare that Allah is clear of all imperfections, praise and thanks to Allah, no one is God but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest) as many times as would render minimally the same number of letters in the Fatihah (Ibn Hibban an-Nawawiyy): For example, reciting Allahu Akbar twenty times is sufficient. In the unusual case of someone being unable to recite the Fatihah, other parts of the Qur’an, or dhikr statements one stands as long as reciting the Fatihah with moderate speed takes. It is recommended to say ءامين Amin (O Allah, fulfill my request) after finishing the Fatihah, and to recite at least one verse from another chapter of the Qur’an in the first and second rak ah. It is also recommended before reciting the Fajihah in the first cycle to say the Tawajjuh supplication and then the isti adhah (asking for Allah’s protection from the cursed devil). 6. The Ruku^” (Bowing): It is obligatory to bend at the waist until your palms can reach your knees and stay still in this position for at least the time it takes to say سبحان الله subhanallah. It is recommended upon bending to raise your hands next to your ears and say Allahu Akbar. Also it is recommended while in ruku^, to say three times: سُبحانَ رَبِّيَ العظيم subhana Rabbiyal- ^Adhim (Praise be to my Great Lord). 7. The I^ tidal (Straightening up): It is obligatory to straighten your back and stay still in this position for at least the time it takes to say subhanallah. It is recommended while raising your trunk to raise your hands next to your ears and to say سَمعَ اللهُ لِمَنْ حَمِدَهُ sami^ allahu liman hamidah (Allah hears who praises Him). While your back is straight up it is recommended to say رَبّنَا لَكَ الحَمدُ Rabbana lakal-hamd (O our Lord, to You the praise is due). 8. The Sujiud (Prostration): It is obligatory to go down to the floor and prostrate by pressing your bare forehead, and putting your palms, knees, and pads of the toes on the floor. Both feet are kept vertical with the heels up and the toepads down touching the floor. Stay still in this position for at least the time it takes to say subhanallah. It is recommended upon going down to the floor to raise your hands next to your ears and to say Allahu Akbar. Also it is recommended while in sujud to say three times subhana Rabbiyal-‘a la (Praise be to my Supreme Lord). It is also recommended while in sujud to place your hands next to your shoulders, having your fingers together directed towards the Qiblah. It is recommended for the male to keep his elbows away from his sides in his sujud and in his ruku^, and to keep his abdomen lifted away from his thighs in his sujud. However, the female keeps her elbows pulled in to her sides in her sujud and ruku and keeps her trunk close to her thighs in her sujud. 9. The Sitting between the two Sujuds: It is obligatory to raise your trunk from prostration and sit, staying still in this position for at least the time it takes to say subhanallah. It is recommended to say Allahu Akbar while coming to sitting. Also, it is recommended while sitting to say: Rabbighfir li warhamni wajburni warfa ^ ^ni warzuqni wahdini wa ^afini (0 my Lord, forgive me, have mercy on me, fulfill my needs, raise me, provide for me, guide me, and protect me from sickness). It is also recommended to do the sitting with the left foot tucked under the buttocks while the right foot is kept vertical as in sujud. An alternate recommended way of sitting is to rest the buttocks on the heels of both feet which are kept as in sujud. It is recommended that the hands be placed on the thighs at the knees with the fingers extended and spread slightly towards the Qiblah. 10. It is obligatory to perform a second sujud from your sitting position. This sujud is similar to the first sujud. After the second sujud is fulfilled you have completed the first rak^ah (cycle) of the prayer. 11. It is obligatory to stand up for the second rak^ah . It is recommended while doing so to say Allahu Akbar. Repeat steps 5 to 10. This ends your second rak^ah . 12. It is recommended at this time to sit up from sujud, recite the Tashahhud, and say Allahumma salli ^ala Muhammad at least as loud as you can hear yourself. It is recommended to sit with the feet as in step 9. An alternate way of sitting is to rest the buttocks on both crossed feet. It is also recommended to keep both hands on your thighs. The fingertips of your left hand should be spread towards your knee. In this sitting, the fingers of the right hand are lightly fisted except for the index finger which is extended slightly down. The index finger is lifted slightly at saying إلاّ الله illallah (in the Tashahhud) and is kept as such until the end of this sitting. 13. It is obligatory to stand up and do two more rak^ahs in the same way that you did from steps 5 to 11. It is recommended while rising for the third rak ^ah to raise your hands next to your ears and say Allahu Akbar. However, raising the hands is not recommended while rising for the fourth rak^ah . 14. Upon completion of the second sujud of the last rak^ah, it is obligatory to sit up, recite the Tashahhud, and say Allahumma salli ^ala Muhammad. It is recommended to keep the hands as in step 12. However, after the index finger is lifted slightly at saying illallah it is kept as such until the end of the prayer. For this sitting it is also recommended to pass the left foot past the right leg and place the buttocks on the floor, keeping the right foot as in sujud. Afterwards, it is recommended to say the Ibrahimiyyah. Then it is recommended to say a supplication such as: Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanah, wa fil- ‘akhirati hasanah, wa qina ^adhaban-nar, which means: “0 our Lord, grant us in this life and in the Hereafter good things, and protect us from the torture of the Hellfire”. 15. The Ending Salam: It is obligatory to say as¬salamu ^alaykum at least as loud as you can hear yourself. It is recommended to say as-salamu ^alaykum wa Rahmatullah first to one’s right and then to one’s left. By saying this your Dhuhr prayer is ended. How to Perform the ^Asr (Mid-afternoon) and ^Isha’ (Nightfall) Prayers The ^Asr and ^Isha’ prayers are performed exactly as the Dhuhr prayer. However, in step 2 you intend the obligatory ^Asr prayer for the ^Asr prayer and the obligatory ^Isha’ prayer for the ^Isha’ prayer. Moreover, it is recommended to recite the Qur’an in a louder manner in the first two rak^ahs “ of the ^Isha’ prayer. How to Perform the Maghrib (Sunset) Prayer The three rak^ahs ^ of the Maghrib prayer are performed exactly as the first three rak^ahs of ^Isha’. After the second sujud of the third rak^ah it is obligatory to sit up and do steps 14 and 15. How to Perform the Subh or Fajr (Dawn) Prayer The two rak^ahs “ of the Fajr (or Subh) prayer are performed exactly like the first two rak^ahs of the ^Isha’ prayer, but with the intention of performing the obligatory Fajr (or Subh) prayer. After the second sujud of the second rak^ah ^ , do steps 14 and 15. Also after saying Rabbana lakal-hamd in the I^tidal (step 7) of the second rak^ah ^ , it is recommended to say the Qunut supplication at least as loud as you can hear yourself.
A survey on the nutritional content and portion sizes of scones Key findings from research on sampled scones produced in Northern Ireland (NI) shows wide variations in portion size (g) and nutritional information (energy, sugar, fat, saturated fat, fibre and salt). The results will inform targeted interventions within the bakery sector, supported by technical expertise from academic institutions, to increase the availability of healthier products in local coffee shops, cafes and bakeries. Obesity is one of the most important public health challenges currently facing Northern Ireland (NI) with 64% of adults and 27% of children aged 2-15 years old here classified as overweight or obese. Research shows the NI diet contains too much saturated fat, sugar and salt, and at the same time most people are not consuming enough fruit, vegetables and wholegrain products. Public Health England (PHE) identified ‘morning goods’ such as scones, pancakes, pastries etc. as one of the top ten sources of sugar in the UK diet, and have therefore included scones in its reduction and reformulation programme. Scones were recognised as a food of ‘particular relevance’ to the NI population as they are commonly consumed as a mid-morning snack and are frequently served at meetings and events. The bakery sector in NI has been identified as a significant local manufacturer of baked produce consumed within NI. Between January and March 2018, the 11 district councils surveyed and sampled 57 scones sold in high street coffee shops across NI. The samples included a range of scones which were categorised into three groups – plain, fruit and luxury. A minimum of three scone samples were collected from each council area with many providing more samples. The survey was commissioned by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and district councils as part of the Eating Well Choosing Better programme. Analysis was carried out on each scone sample to provide nutritional information per 100g and per portion. For each sample, results are available per 100g and per portion for calories, fat, saturated fat, sugar, fibre and salt. - The largest scone (a fruit scone) weighed 233.2g, contained the highest number of calories (756kcal) and the most sugar (39.2g) - The range of calories varied widely from 154kcal to 756kcal. - The average scone provided 20g of sugar which is the equivalent of 5 sugar cubes. - The range of fat per scone varied between 3.4g to 22.7g. - A luxury raspberry and white chocolate scone had the highest fat content (22.7g fat) and contained the most saturated fat (14g saturated fat per portion) - The average scone provided 1.9g of salt. - The range of salt varied between 0.54g to 5.01g per scone. The full results of the survey are outlined in the Nutritional Content of Scones report. The FSA is committed to working with academia and industry on technical guidance to help businesses to reformulate recipes and to reduce portion sizes and levels of sugar, salt and fat in baked goods.
Please select your location and preferred language where available. Importance of wafer map classifications Wafer map is a data representation showing which chips on a wafer are defective, and wafer map trends have various trends for each cause of defects. Therefore, by analyzing the causes of defects according to wafer map, it is possible to identify the true cause of defects and proceed to countermeasures. For this reason, the accuracy of wafer map classification is important for quality improvement. Wafer map classification issues Conventionally, clustering methods are used for classification. However, while this method can classify wafer maps that occur regularly on a daily basis and have a certain number of wafers, it cannot successfully classify wafer maps due to new troubles and wafer maps that occur infrequently(hereinafter referred to as “new-face maps”). Since accurate classification of new face maps leads to early detection and early resolution of quality anomalies, we studied with Mie University a method that can classify new-face maps. There are two methods developed in this research. The first is the “binary classifier serial model” that enables detection of new-face maps while accurately classifying known maps, and the second is the “data augmentation by adding pseudo-new-face maps” to improve the accuracy of new-face map detection. Method 1: Binary classifier serial model The binary classifier is a machine learning model that classifies certain wafer map patterns from the others. By creating a binary classifier for each known map and connecting them in series, each classifier acts as a filter. When a dataset with a mixture of known maps and new-face maps is input to this serially connected model, the maps that do not respond to any of the binary classifiers remain until the end, where the new-face maps are gathered. We evaluated the method using the WM-811K dataset with correct labels available on Kaggle. We used the 7 types of wafer maps included in this dataset, set Donut as the new-face map and the others as known maps, and performed accuracy verification. The results showed that the known maps could be classified with the same accuracy as the conventional method, and that 30% of the remaining maps at the end were actually new-face maps(Donut). From there, we worked on methods to further improve the accuracy. Method 2: Data augmentation by adding pseudo-new-face maps In order to have only new-face maps remaining at the end, known maps must be classified with high accuracy. In other words, it is important to improve the accuracy of each binary classifier in the serial model. Therefore, we generated pseudo-new-face maps using a GAN-based generative model and augmented the dataset used for training each binary classifier. By doing so, we were able to improve the accuracy of each binary classifier, and improve the classification accuracy of the new-face maps by nearly 10% while maintaining the classification accuracy of the known maps. Through this joint research, we have devised a method for detecting new-face maps. This method enables early detection of quality anomalies and is expected to contribute to quality stabilization. We will continue to verify this method with the aim of putting it into practical use. The method devised in this joint research was presented at the AEC/APC Symposium Asia 2023.
Let’s solve a structural beam analysis problem. Suppose there is a cantilever beam. It is attached to wall at one end while other end is free. Problem Diagram is shown above. Other details are also written along the diagram. A force is applied on it with a magnitude of 1500N downwards. A support is provided 3 units away from the wall. Diagram has clearly defined the position of all constraints. Below is quick to-do list which we will go through to solve our problem in Mechanical APDL. - Material Properties - Create nodes - Define Element through nodes - Define Analysis - Apply Loads - Solve LS - General Postproc - Nodal Solution Let’s start out analysis. We will set this to ‘Structural’. This is because all our constraints are structural. And we don’t want other disciplines option to show up as they will mess things up. Our element is beam 188 so we will add an element in preprocessor. Notice the Number 1 written between ‘Type’ and ‘BEAM188’. This is the reference number which assigned to this element. It can be later to refer this element. Now we will enter material properties. We have Young’s Modulus of magnitude 2.05e9 and Poisson Ratio 0.25. Before we enter these valued we have to define certain classes which are necessarily required by ANSYS for its calculations. In our case, it is a structural linear elastic isotropic problem. ANSYS assumes these properties to be ideal and does its calculations taking our values of material properties. These material properties along with their magnitude are also assigned with a number. So that we can later relate elements with their properties as there can be many elements having different properties. Now we will define section. It is the cross section of our beam which is required to be defined here. Notice the ID number assigned to this section. This ID would be later used to define element cross section. First part of modeling is to create nodes. In our case, there are six nodes. We will active coordinate system. Fill in all the nodes as first three are filled in the pictures below. Notice the linear pattern of the nodes as our beam is straight. For curved surfaces, nodes will be entered accordingly. After defining loads, we will define element through nodes. If tells APDL that there is X-element between so and so node. In our case X is equal to 1. To define elements, two nodes at a time is selected if list of items is checked. First click ‘Thru Nodes’. Then click on node 1 which is at the XYZ center. Now click the node 2. Now click apply. Notice the line between the nodes. It shows that something is now defined between these two nodes. Now do this for node 2 and 3. Then for 3 and 4 and so on. There should be a straight line at the end of this part. Now we will apply loads on these nodes. Firstly we have to create an analysis which APDL will perform as our is defined now. In our case, the analysis is ‘Static’ as all our loads are static. Now at node 1, as this end is attached to wall, a displacement constraint of ALL DOF (Degree of Freedom) should be introduced with a magnitude of ‘0’. As this end of beam cannot move in any direction. First click ‘On Nodes’ then select the node where load/constraint is to be applied, then click apply. In new dialog box, select ALL DOF and enter ‘0’. Notice the arrows at node 1 after placing the constraint. It shows how the beam is restricted at this end. Now we will apply the constraint at node 4. As at this point, a vertical support restrains vertical motion i.e. in y axis. Notice the the horizontal arrow which shows that the beam is horizontally restricted at this point. One last load is left which is a force load of magnitude 1500 in negative y direction. Notice the arrow after applying the load. Its direction is according to the direction of force. As all constraints are applied, now we will solve this. A dialog box appears as we click ‘Current LS’. This gives details of our problem as we have defined it APDL and ask us to confirm it. As we press ‘OK’ it will start the solution. ‘Solution is done!’ dialog assures that solution is done accordingly and no errors were found. If APDL finds any error or anomaly, it states here. Sometimes we can ignore it but sometimes error are unacceptable and we have change our inputs accordingly to remove that error. To view the results of our problem, we go to General Postproc. There can be any solutions possible. It is our need that defines which we require to do further calculations. This undisplaced shape key can be used to view both undeformed and deformed shape of beam simultaneously for comparison. Along with the results in contour form, there is a scale which used to read results. ANSYS use different colors to define and show different sections of element with varying property. Part of beam with same color shows that it has the same magnitude of that property. Notice the abrupt change in beam even after we have defined it as elastic. This is so because it has a very poor nodal resolution. If many hundreds of nodes were defined between these nodes, the result could be very changed. But here, the objective is to demonstrate the use of APDL for analyzing such situations. That’s all!. Below is a video which shows all the steps described above. Hope you find the article and video helpful.
The information below is intended only as a guide. Always read product labels carefully. Sulphur is a mineral extracted from the ground. It has been used for hundreds of years in making fungicides and acaricides for treating ornamental plants, fruits and vegetables. Pesticides with sulphur as the active ingredient are available in liquid and powder form. Some products are ready to use, while others must be mixed with water before use. Products with sulphur as the active ingredient may be used to control such diseases as: They may also be used to control mites. NB: The product label lists the plants on which the pesticide may be used, along with the target organisms. How it works Sulphur inhibits the germination of spores (reproductive cells) and affects the growth of fungi. How it works on mites remains unclear. The product is most effective when used as a preventative or as soon as symptoms appear. Depending on the formulation, the pesticide may be dusted or sprayed onto plants. When the powder is diluted in water, the mixture tends to separate, so it is important to shake the sprayer well before and during treatment. Allow at least 30 days between the application of sulphur and treatment with mineral oil (horticultural oil). It should not be used at temperatures of 24°C or higher. The product may irritate the respiratory tract, skin and eyes, so it is best to wear a mask, gloves, long sleeves and pants and goggles when applying it. It may be toxic to some plants (phytotoxic), including cucumbers (Cucumis sativus), melons (Citrillus lanatus, Cucumis melo), squash (Cucurbita spp.), Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata 'Bostoniensis'), some cultivars of grape vines (Vitis spp.) and pear trees (Pyrus spp.). If in doubt, it is best to spray a small area of the plant and wait 24 to 48 hours to see how it reacts. Do not use near any body of water or wetland, or dump any pesticide or rinse your equipment there, as this will contaminate the water. Never dump pesticides down sewers. Keep out of reach of children.
Have you ever been left wondering why a scratch from your beloved cat can be so painful? You may have noticed that the scratches are often accompanied by a burning sensation that can last for days. There are several factors which could explain why your cat’s scratches sting. In this blog post, we’ll explore why cats’ scratches cause such an inflammatory reaction and what you can do to help reduce the pain. We’ll also look into how to prevent future scratches from occurring in the first place. Cats use scratching to mark their territory and send out warnings to other cats in their environment. When it comes into contact with human skin, their scent can cause a strong burning sensation. The second factor is the bacteria on their claws. This bacteria can easily spread to human skin after a scratch, leading to infection and inflammation that causes pain and itching. If your cat has any underlying medical conditions or allergies, these could be contributing to more frequent scratching than normal. Allergies or skin disorders such as dermatitis or eczema may make your cat’s skin more sensitive and prone to irritation when scratched, resulting in an even more inflammatory reaction when coming into contact with human skin. Now that we know why cats’ scratches sting so much, let’s take a look at how we can avoid future scratches from occurring in the first place. - 1 How do Cats Transfer Bacteria From Their Claws to a Wound? - 2 What Factors Contribute to the Stinging Sensation of a Cat Scratch? - 3 Is a Cat Scratch Dangerous? - 4 How to Make a Cat Scratch Stop Burning - 5 Tips for Treating and Caring for a Cat Scratch at Home - 6 When to Seek Medical Attention for a Cat Scratch - 7 Preventing Cat Scratches - 8 Conclusion How do Cats Transfer Bacteria From Their Claws to a Wound? Cat scratches can be more than just painful; they can also lead to infection. When cats scratch us, their claws not only cause physical trauma, but also transfer bacteria from their paws into the wound. This bacteria can cause an immune response in our body, leading to swelling and inflammation. In some cases, these bacteria may cause an infection that requires medical attention. The severity and length of a scratch may also determine how much it stings. If it’s shallow or short, it will not hurt as much as a deep or long scratch that damages nerve endings in our skin, resulting in a sharp burning sensation. Additionally, if the scratch is on our face or neck, it could be more painful than those areas of our body such as our arms or legs. Fortunately, although cat scratches are painful, they are usually not harmful if we take care of them properly by washing them with soap and water immediately after they occur. However, if we find any signs of disease, such as redness, swelling, or discharge, we should seek medical attention right away. We can also minimize the risk of infection by keeping our cats claws trimmed and clean regularly so there are less bacteria on them if they do happen to scratch us accidentally. If we don’t feel confident doing this ourselves, we may want to speak with a groomer or a veterinarian for assistance. What Factors Contribute to the Stinging Sensation of a Cat Scratch? It turns out that a cat scratch’s stinging sensation is caused by a number of factors. For one, cats have sharp claws that can penetrate deep into the skin and cause a long-lasting wound. Additionally, the force with which a cat scratches can also affect the severity and pain of the scratch. Furthermore, the area of the body that has been scratched plays an important role in how much it stings; thin and vulnerable areas of the skin, such as the face, neck, or hands, are often more painful than those on thicker skin. An individual’s skin type and any allergic reactions to saliva or bacteria on the cat’s claws can also intensify this stinging sensation. To prevent further complications from infection, it is essential to clean a cat scratch immediately with soap and water and to look for signs of infection such as redness, swelling, or discharge. If an infection does arise, medical attention may be needed to help treat it. Is a Cat Scratch Dangerous? Cat scratches may look like a minor nuisance, but if not treated properly, they can lead to serious health issues. Cats’ claws and saliva contain bacteria that can cause infections in humans. While most cat scratches are not dangerous, those with weakened immune systems or allergies to cats are at a greater risk of developing severe infections. It’s essential to take proper care of any cat scratch right away. Wash the wound with soap and warm water to remove any dirt or bacteria that may be present. Then apply an antiseptic solution such as hydrogen peroxide or alcohol to kill any remaining bacteria. Cover the wound with a bandage to keep it clean and dry. If the scratch is deep, bleeding heavily or showing signs of infection such as redness or swelling, seek medical attention immediately. The most common bacterial infection caused by a cat scratch is called Cat Scratch Disease (CSD). Symptoms of CSD may include fever, swollen lymph nodes, and fatigue. In most cases, CSD resolves within a few weeks on its own but can produce serious complications such as neuroretinitis, encephalitis or bacillary angiomatosis in rare cases. How to Make a Cat Scratch Stop Burning Fortunately, there are several ways to make a cat scratch stop burning and get back to feeling comfortable. The first step is to clean the wound properly with warm water and soap. This will help remove any dirt or bacteria that may have caused the burning sensation. After cleaning the wound, apply an antiseptic cream or ointment to the affected area. This will further help to reduce the risk of infection while also soothing the burning sensation. To provide immediate relief from the burning sensation, try applying a cool compress to the affected area. To achieve this, wrap some ice cubes in a clean cloth and hold it against the wound for 10-15 minutes, making sure not to apply too much pressure. Alternately, you can soak a clean cloth in cold water and place it on the affected area for a few minutes. If these methods don’t provide enough relief, you may try using a topical numbing cream or spray that contains ingredients such as lidocaine or benzocaine which can help reduce pain and discomfort. It is important to note that if you notice any signs of infection such as redness, swelling, or puss, you should seek medical attention immediately. Additionally, if you have been scratched by a stray or feral cat, you should also seek medical attention as these cats are more likely to carry harmful bacteria and viruses. Tips for Treating and Caring for a Cat Scratch at Home Caring for a cat scratch can be daunting, but with a few simple tips and tricks, you can ensure that your furry friend’s wound heals quickly and without complications. Here are some tips to help you treat and care for a cat scratch at home. First, it’s important to clean the wound with soap and water or an antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection. Avoid scratching or picking at the wound as this will delay healing and introduce more bacteria to the area. Covering the wound with a sterile bandage will also help minimize further irritation and reduce the risk of infection. Additionally, elevating the area can help with swelling and promote healing. A cool compress may be applied to alleviate any burning or itching sensations. Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen can also be used to reduce pain, inflammation, and discomfort. Anti-itch creams or ointments may also be used to get rid of any itching or burning sensations; however, it’s important to read product labels carefully and avoid using any products that may be harmful to pets. If there are signs of infection around the wound such as redness, swelling, or discharge, it’s critical to seek medical attention from a healthcare professional immediately. In addition, if your cat has not been vaccinated against tetanus, it’s important to consult a doctor to determine if a tetanus shot is necessary. When to Seek Medical Attention for a Cat Scratch Cat scratches can range from being a minor annoyance to a potentially serious infection. Knowing when to seek medical attention for a cat scratch is essential to ensure your health and safety. If your cat scratch is deep, bleeding heavily, more than 1/4 inch long, or showing signs of redness or swelling beyond the wound, it’s best to seek medical attention immediately. Additionally, if you have a fever or swollen lymph nodes after being scratched by a cat, you should get medical help right away. This is especially true for those with weakened immune systems due to diabetes, HIV, cancer, or taking immunosuppressive medications. Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) is another bacterial infection that may be caused by cat scratches and can lead to fever, headaches, and swollen lymph nodes in cats. If you experience any of these symptoms after being scratched by a cat, it’s important to get medical attention as soon as possible. Preventing Cat Scratches Cat scratches can be painful and dangerous, so preventing them is essential for both the cat and its owner. Here are a few tips to help you do just that. To start, avoid playing roughly with your cat, especially with your hands. Instead, use feather wands, balls, or stuffed animals to keep them entertained. Additionally, regular nail trimming can reduce the chances of accidental contact leading to scratches. Teach your cats appropriate scratching behaviors by providing them with a scratching post or pad and rewarding them when they use it. Avoid punishing your cat for scratching as this will only lead to aggression and an increased risk of scratches. Soft paws are also an effective way to prevent scratches: these are plastic nail caps that cover your cat’s nails without hurting or harming them in any way. However, soft paws should be used in conjunction with regular nail trimming rather than replacing it completely. Caring for a cat scratch is essential to ensure your health and safety. Although the majority of scratches are not life-threatening, it’s still important to take proper care of the wound to prevent any future complications. The stinging sensation from a cat scratch can be attributed to several factors, such as the sharpness of their claws, the force with which they scratch, and where on your body you were scratched. Additionally, cats’ claws and saliva contain bacteria that can cause infections in humans. To avoid further complications from infection, it is vital to clean a cat scratch immediately with soap and water, as well as looking for signs of disease such as redness, swelling or discharge. If you have experienced a cat scratch, there are several ways to help reduce the sting and get back to feeling relaxed. This includes washing the wound thoroughly with warm water and soap; applying an antiseptic cream or ointment; using a cold compress; and using topical numbing creams or sprays. To avoid future scratches altogether, try playing more gently with your cats – use feather wands. Regular nail trimming can also reduce the chances of accidental contact resulting in scratches. Soft paws are another easy way to prevent scratches: these are plastic nail caps that cover your cat’s nails without hurting or harming them in any way.
All the resources on this page are free for you to access and use. To see the resource, click on the blue hyperlink next to the description. The resource will open up in a separate window. To return to this page, simply close the new window when you have finished with it. a resource to your hard disc, right click on the link and choose Save target as .. (Internet Explorer) or Save link as .. (Firefox). Here is a case study on the use of portable word processors to raise children's achievements in Writing. It has been submitted by the manufacturers of Alphasmart, but written by Emma Cansdale, Key LIteracy Teacher at Down Lane Junior School, Tottenham. For those using NLS here are a set of MS Excel sheets containing the targets for the scheme. Thanks to the prolific Neil Whitmill! Neil says: I took all the NLS word, sentence, text level objs for each term and put them in Excel. A column for the teacher to number them/week is put in then when the teacher has decided which week to use that obj they highlight the grid and sort it numerically (auto-sort) and hey presto all objs are sorted into the weeks they will be covered and no more writing for medium term planning!!!! NB yr5 and yr6 files have now been updated and If you use the NFER Group Reading Test 9-14 this little spreadsheet from Roberta Downton will calculate "Standardised Age Score" and "Reading Age" for the NFER Group Reading Test 9-14 - using Combo sliders to avoid numerical input and the ambiguities of "duodecimal" years. It needs no instructions or Add-Ins, and is protected to be A profile of levels for KS1, from Beryl King. Beryl writes, "I use the attached pro-forma when marking writing. I highlight what they have achieved and see which column has most highlighted bits." See also analyse_writing, above, for the matching KS2 This is a link to an excellent website called Free Resources for Teaching English. It has loads of downloadable worksheets, lesson plans, schemes of work etc. for KS3/KS4. There is also an excellent links' Dave Bryant of Northwood Primary School, IoW, for this set of 10 Acorn-only MyWorld2 screens for YR & KS1. They use the first 45 Keywords. Children can pick up the words and arrange them into sentences. (You will need an unzipping utility such as !Sparkplug. You may need to reset the filetypes, too. They are all Drawfiles). great idea from Gary Chapman at Pennington Infant School (Lymington, Hants). A week's worth of planned literacy hours using artworks rather than text. "This lesson plan takes a very different approach to literacy hour than the normal model. There is no big book, no phonic focus, no guided reading. It makes a very refreshing break from the norm and introduces the children to some interesting concepts. The majority of the work is either done as a whole class or in four mixed ability groups." The lessons here are aimed at infants but the ideas would be useful with KS2, too. Thanks to Bridgeen McNulty for this interactive PowerPoint presentation. She writes: The resource is intended for use in Reception/Key Stage 1 as a short reinforcement activity in recognising the spelling some common words with B as the beginning sound with animations and sound effects. The resource can be manipulated to represent any letter of the alphabet, simply change the pictures and words. Here is a set of MS PowerPoint presentations produced by Veronica Carter for her reception class at Camelsdale First School (www.camelsdale.w-sussex.sch.uk). They are zipped because PowerPoint files can be quite large. To view the instruction use PowerPoint's View menu and choose Notes page. One of the joys of PowerPoint presentations like these is that you can easily modify them to suit your own needs. This one deals with recognising words that begin with the three sounds ch, sh, th. A set of flash cards showing the vowel phoneme air (all three spellings). It is for showing the different spelling patterns (different spellings are highlighted in different colours). It is aimed at Year 2, Term 2. Thanks to Faye McKinney. This is an idea for allowing children to practise spelling on the computer. The children are shown the spellings which they then scroll out of the way before typing it themselves. They are told whether their attempt is right or wrong. The list of words supplied can easily be changed. Thanks to Kirstie Palmer. Have parents ever asked you about their children's spelling problems? Here are 5 questions that parents ask - answered in an extract from a book called: MY KID CAN'T SPELL! Understanding and Assisting Your Child's Literary Development by J. Richard Gentry PowerPoint presentation from Mike Boswell, aimed at Year 5 or 6. He The ppt includes the text of the narrative poem "The Highwayman" by Alfred Noyes, an activity for learning the more challenging words from the text and identifies metaphors, similes and onomatopoeias within the text. wall - reading skills set out as bricks on a wall. As you go up through the courses of bricks you go up through the levels. From W1 - L3/4. Thanks to Beryl King for this useful assessment / tracking This MS PowerPoint presentation examines the process of writing a narrative poem. It is based around How the Bumble-bee Got His Stripes by Nick Toczec which can be found in The Works (which many of you will have copy of). Thanks to Samantha Norling. that deals with story writing skills. Peter Smith describes how he sets about the task of helping young writers develop their abilities to write suspenseful stories. He describes a number of strategies that he has used and would love to hear how others do it. (particularly applicable to Y6 approaching SATs). Daley has submitted this set of sheets to help pupils plan autobiographies. The first few deal with first second and third person pronouns; the later sheets deal with planning and writing the
The British have kept a 350-year-old Saroop of Adi Granth for over 130 years inside the British museum. The Saroop kept in the British library is one of the 20 oldest Saroops to exist in the world. It is dated from the 17th century (Circa 1660-1675). The original Adi Granth was compiled by Guru Arjan […] The British have kept a 350-year-old Saroop of Adi Granth for over 130 years inside the British museum. The Saroop kept in the British library is one of the 20 oldest Saroops to exist in the world. It is dated from the 17th century (Circa 1660-1675). The original Adi Granth was compiled by Guru Arjan Dev Ji in 1604, known as the Kartarpur Wali Bir currently in the possession of the Sodhi family of Punjab. The Saroop was purchased by the British Museum in 1884 from the Reverend A. Fisher, who had been principal of a missionary school in Amritsar in the Punjab. The Adi Granth was completed in 1604, and installed in the Golden Temple; Baba Buddha was appointed Guru’s Granthi. Guru Arjun Dev Ji told his Sikhs that the Adi Granth was the embodiment of the Guru, and should be treated in the same fashion as they respect him. When Guru Arjun Ji first completed the Adi Granth, he placed it upon his own bed and slept on the floor. Its words were written without any spaces or breaks. Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth and last of the Sikh Gurus to take human form, dictated the entire Granth Sahib at Talwandi Sabo now called Damdama Sahib. Dhir Mal, the son of Baba Gurditta and grandson of Guru Hargobind, had taken possession of the Adi Granth; he refused to give it to Guru Gobind Singh when the Guru asked for it. Dhir Mal taunted the Guru, “If you are a Guru, then prepare your own.” The tenth Guru, Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji added the bani of 9th Guru, Guru Tegh Bahadur Sahib Ji into the Adi Granth and in 1708 declared it to be Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, the eternal Guru of the Sikhs. The British Museum has split it’s Saroop of Adi Granth into different parts and have committed sacrilege by treating it as a book. Manjit Singh addressed the concern in 2012 to the British Museum by stating the following: “The Guru Granth Sahib/Adi Granth should NOT ever be dissected or kept as a ‘book’ in the British Library. This manuscript needs to be ‘reconciled’ with the remaining Adi Granth from which it was dissected. It then needs to be returned to a Sikh gurdwara (Harmandir Sahib in Amritsar) for it to be laid on its canopy and used in worship. Sikhs bow to the Adi Granth. It is NOT a ‘prayer book to be shelved and archived. This manuscript needs to be returned to the Sikh community and given the full regalia that every Guru Granth Sahib is. I would be interested to discuss this matter with the British Library.” ~ Source: Daily Sikh Update
The lung capacity in human beings is the total amount of the air that the lungs can hold. Over time, the lung capacity and lung function typically decrease slowly after mid-20s. So, it is necessary to keep the lungs healthy by doing specific exercises. The incidence of lung problems such as bronchial asthma, COPD etc. are on increase world over. Presently, management of lungs disorders includes pharmacological therapy which includes prescription of oral and inhaled medicines. In the initial stages, such medicines might work but later on there is morbidity as more and more patients requiring oxygen therapy, respiratory support therapy. Non-pharmacological therapy includes yogic techniques such as breathing exercises known as pranayama originated in India. Now, various studies have shown the effectiveness of these techniques to makes the lungs stronger in healthy individuals as well as in diseased conditions like bronchial asthma, hypertension, diabetes etc. Some of the exercises for Lungs are: Anulom Vilom is not just a breathing exercise, but it is also a noteworthy yogic technique that involves controlling of the subtle Pranic Energies within the body. Anulom Vilom Method: - Sit in any meditative posture either in Sukhasana or Padamasana. - Your spine should be upright. - Using your right thumb, block the right nostril and inhale through the left nostril for 2 seconds. Now block both the nostrils and hold your breath for 4 seconds but cardiac, blood pressure and pregnant women should not hold their breath while doing this pranayama. They have to just keep inhaling and exhaling. - Now keep the left nostril blocked and release the right nostril. Exhale through the right nostril for 2 seconds. Now inhalation should be done through the right nostril for 2 seconds. Close both the nostrils and hold breath for 4 seconds. - Repeat the same cycle for a maximum of 10 rounds. Slowly and slowly, try to increase the counts of inhalation and exhalation with regular practice. - There should be equal counts for inhalation, exhalation and suspension of the breath. Regular practice of this pranayama has known to be very helpful in treating respiratory disorders such as asthma, bronchitis etc. Apart from the best pranayama for the lungs, this ancient practice also helps in strengthening the mind and complete relaxation. Diaphragmatic breathing is also known as belly breathing. This technique is beneficial for keeping the lungs healthy especially for people with COPD as the diaphragm in these individuals is not strong enough. Method of Diaphragmatic Breathing: - First, relax your shoulders and sit back or lie down. - Place one hand on your chest and other hand on your belly. - Inhale through the nose for 2 seconds and feel the air moving into the abdomen and feeling the abdomen moving out. The stomach should move more than the chest does. - Now breathe out for 2 seconds through pursed lips while pressing on the abdomen. - You can do process around 3-4 times a day for 5-10 minutes at a time. Nirvana Pranayam (Pursed lip breathing) Nirvana Pranayam is a breathing routine devised to make the breaths more effective by making them slower and more intended. Method of Nirvana Pranayam - Sit at a calm and secluded pot. - Breathe in slowly through the nose. - Now bring your lips closer and squeeze or pucker them. - While exhaling, breathe through the lips. - Continue doing it 2-3 times at an interval or as long as you are breathed in. - Repeat this process for at least 10-15 times. The meaning of word Ujjayi is victorious breath. Ujjayi pranayama involves full expansion of the lungs and by focussing the attention on breath, it can also assist in calming the mind. Method of Ujjayi Pranayam: - Sit comfortably with a straight spine. - Take a steady breath through both nostrils. - Inhale until you reach your lung capacity and then hold the breath for a second and constrict some of the breath at the back of the throat, as if you want to whisper a secret. - Exhale slowly through both the nostrils. - Repeat this process up to 20 times. So, it’s no surprise that research shows that a regular practice of these exercises can strengthen the lungs and also improve overall physical and mental health. This article is not a substitute to the standard Medical Diagnosis or personalized Ayurvedic Treatment! It is intended only for Information! For experts consultation, please write us at firstname.lastname@example.org. 2,175 total views, 1 views today
EcoGear Backpack EcoGear Backpack SleepCloud Sleep Tracker SleepCloud Sleep Tracker SkinHydrate Moisturizer SkinHydrate MoisturizerShop Now AquaFresh Water Bottle AquaFresh Water Bottle SolarBright Garden Lights SolarBright Garden Lights Fiber-rich foods are an important part of a healthy diet. They can help you feel fuller for longer, regulate your digestion, and even lower your risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Here are some things you should know before adding more fiber to your diet: What is fiber? Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that cannot be digested by the body. It comes in two forms: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber dissolves in water and can help lower cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels, while insoluble fiber adds bulk to your stool and helps keep your digestive system healthy. How much fiber do you need? The recommended daily intake of fiber is 25-30 grams for adults. Most people in the Western world consume only about half that amount. Increasing your fiber intake too quickly can cause digestive discomfort, so it's best to gradually increase your intake over a few weeks. What foods are high in fiber? Foods that are high in fiber include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Some examples include apples, berries, broccoli, sweet potatoes, quinoa, almonds, chia seeds, and lentils. What are the benefits of fiber? Eating a fiber-rich diet can have many benefits, including: - Improved digestion and bowel regularity - Reduced risk of heart disease and stroke - Lowered cholesterol and blood sugar levels - Improved weight management and satiety - Reduced risk of certain types of cancer, such as colon cancer - What are some tips for increasing your fiber intake? Some tips for increasing your fiber intake include: - Adding fruits and vegetables to every meal - Choosing whole grain breads, cereals, and pasta instead of refined versions - Snacking on nuts, seeds, and dried fruits - Experimenting with new recipes that include legumes like chickpeas or black beans Overall, a fiber-rich diet can have numerous health benefits. By gradually incorporating more fiber-rich foods into your diet, you can improve your digestion, reduce your risk of chronic diseases, and feel more satisfied after meals. How Legalized Online Gambling is Better for Society Whether gambling is healthy for society or not, should not be the question you are asking yourself. History has proven that people are going to gamble whether it is legal or not. The question we should be asking is, by banning online gambling are we going to make things better or worse? The answer to that question is simple, banning legalized and regulated online gambling in any form, just makes another way for organized crime to get a hold of peoples money, and then no one but the criminals wins. If you want to keep a child from seeing an R rated movie you do not ban the movie from the theaters do you? No that would be silly you just make sure that people are doing there best to check and verify that no one under 18 gets into seeing the movie. By banning the movie chances are greater that someone will get a bootleg copy and show it to every kid in the town. So if you want to keep a child from gambling online then all the online casinos should be regulated and monitored, not banned. The same goes for terrorists. If you believe terrorist groups are exploiting an unregulated and unmonitored industry such as the online gambling industry, then by regulating it you can see where the money is going and make sure it is not going to fund international terrorist attacks. All that is accomplished by banning it is that the criminals get a stronger grip on the industry. The ban on online gambling is much like the war on drugs. If marijuana was legalized in the USA crimes related to it would almost go away completely, because it would be sold in stores and it would be controlled, another advantage would be that people would no longer be going to jail for marijuana-related charges, this means thousands of fewer people getting arrested and going to jail every year, which would save us tax money that could be better spent. By making online gambling in the USA a legalized form of adult entertainment it would also bring in an estimated 1.2 billion dollars in taxes to the American government. This money could be used for schools, police and universal healthcare for all Americans. This is how you improve society, not by telling people what to do. It is human nature to want what we can not have so the more laws you put in place to stop people from doing something the better the chances are that people are going to do it. People are just as likely to become addicted to gambling at a regulated casino as an unregulated one, but the difference is that in a regulated casino they will not extend you the amount of credit that will get you into trouble in an illegal casino. And in a regulated casino, they will have information on how to get help if you have a gambling problem. In an illegal casino, they will not have this type of information, they want you to continue to gamble till you have nothing left, and then they will let you fall and find someone to take your place. In the long run, society can only prosper if we educate people on the dangers of gambling both online and in a casino, and not from banning an industry that employs thousands of people in countries all over the world. No one gains anything from just telling people they can not do something that they are going to do anyway. It is about time the government learned this and stopped making the same mistakes year after year. Starting Workout Routines: For Women Who Don’t Normally Exercise If you’ve decided to get fit in the new year then it’s important to know that not all workout routines for women are created equal. We all start at different fitness levels, so if you don’t normally exercise then you may find it harder to get into new routines. For the sake of your health and your motivation, follow these tips to make sure you go about things the right way. Checking With Your Doctor Even if you are healthy, going for a physical assessment can help you know what level you’re at, and boost your determination to get started. Knowing how fit (or unfit!) you are before you start can be great motivation to continue, and a measure for your future success. Getting The Right Workout Gear If you’re about to start doing workout routines for women then you’re going to want to make sure you have comfortable clothing to work out in. There’s no need to spend a fortune, but you need to make sure that what you do have allows you to move freely. It’s especially important to invest in a good sports bra to protect the breasts, and some good training shoes that will help you to avoid problems with your joints and back. How To Fit Exercise Into Your Daily RoutineWorkout routines for women who don’t exercise may seem to take up a lot of time – time that you may not have – but the truth is that just about anyone can fit the exercise they need into their daily routine. All you need to do is make sure you get some aerobic activity for at least 10 minutes at a time, preferably a few times a day. This could even include walking to the store, climbing stairs, or doing the gardening. Pushing Through The Obstacles If you don’t normally exercise, then starting new workout routines can often present new challenges. For a start, you’ll find that exercise quickly tires you out. That’s ok – it’s better to exercise for short periods of time (maybe 10 minutes) and do it consistently until you build up. You may also find that your muscles ache, so compensate for this by working out different muscles every day and taking a couple of days off each week. Remember – if you start to feel any serious symptoms it’s important to see a doctor. Workout routines for women who don’t normally exercise will be a challenge, but you can be flexible. Do what you need to do to keep yourself motivated. Every day you’ll find that you can push yourself a little further, and the rewards will soon start to outweigh the pain. CleanFuel Natural Protein Powder CleanFuel Natural Protein Powder AquaLife Underwater Camera AquaLife Underwater Camera MuscleMax Massage Gun MuscleMax Massage Gun SkinSmooth Dermaplaning Tool SkinSmooth Dermaplaning ToolView Product LifeCleanse Juice Cleanse LifeCleanse Juice Cleanse PureLife Water Filter PureLife Water Filter AirBloom Indoor Garden AirBloom Indoor GardenView Product HealthMate Infrared Sauna HealthMate Infrared Sauna AeroGrill Air Fryer AeroGrill Air Fryer NatureEase Mosquito Repellent NatureEase Mosquito RepellentAquaFresh Water Bottle AquaFresh Water BottleView Product
Poop will vary, from child to child, and day-to-day. But what is right for your little one? Read on to learn more about constipation in toddlers and how certain foods, such as cow milk, may contribute to uncomfortable tummy symptoms. What is toddler constipation? Up to 30% of children experience constipation, so toddler constipation can be common. There’s no single definition of toddler constipation, but the term generally describes uncomfortable tummy symptoms, with poops that are too hard, not frequent enough and/or painful to pass. What causes toddler constipation? For the vast majority of toddlers, constipation is functional – this means that there is no identifiable or organic cause. Functional constipation may be associated with a new developmental stage (such as toilet training), travel, mood, or temporary illness. Functional constipation may also be associated with diet. While a lack of dietary fiber may contribute to toddler constipation, certain foods present in the diet may also be a factor. A number of papers have suggested that cow’s milk may be to blame for chronic constipation in some children. Toddler constipation remedies Determining the root cause of constipation in toddlers requires careful evaluation. Although most toddlers experience functional constipation, it’s important to work with a healthcare provider to rule out an organic cause. Bottom line: it’s normal for your child’s poop to change from time to time, but big changes warrant taking a look at diet and the possibility of a food trigger. By keeping an eye on the relationship between the food children eat and the poop that comes out, parents are able to better influence their children’s tummy health and comfort. Be sure to consistently offer plenty of water to drink and foods rich in dietary fiber. Also, identifying and then removing a potential dietary trigger may help. A useful starting point is to keep a 7-day diet diary in order to see a potential relationship between food intake and toddler constipation symptoms. If cow milk appears to be a trigger, consider swapping it out for naturally easy to digest Kabrita Goat Milk Formula*. *Not suitable for children with cow milk protein allergy
Rare Ghost Orchids Making A Comeback, Thanks To Florida Scientists The endangered ghost orchid is making a comeback in the Everglades, thanks to a team of Florida scientists. The elusive blooms of the ghost orchid have long captured the imagination of Floridians. The book The Orchid Thief, and the film Adaptation, starring Meryl Streep and Nicholas Cage, cemented the popular appeal of the rare flower. But scientists know the ghost orchid as a sort of canary in the ecological coal mine. Here's University of Florida professor Michael Kane. “They’re very sensitive to change in the environment, whether it’s climate change, or the impact of human activity, pesticides, what have you,” he said. Kane, along with Larry Zettler of Illinois College have been able to grow the notoriously sensitive plants in a laboratory setting. Now Kane's team is trying to revitalize the wild ghost orchid population by transplanting them onto trees in the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge. The ongoing project is the first of its kind, and Kane is pleased with the results. “A year ago June, we put out 80 ghost orchids back at the National Wildlife Refuge. We have extremely high survival, over 80%. And they’re growing quite well after a year,” he said. There are an estimated 2,000 ghost orchids in the wild in South Florida. Apart from climate change and pollinator loss, one of the biggest threats to the plants are poachers.
4 mythological creature The principles of Pungsu dictate that the natural and architectural environment should be in harmony to ensure good fortune and positive energy flow. Each of the Four Guardians is thought to exert influence over the landscape and, as a result, the structures that humanity constructs within it. Blue Dragon (Cheongryong) – East: The Blue Dragon represents spring, the wood element, and the virtue of propriety. In Pungsu, it is associated with gently sloping hills or a range of greenery. This naturally beneficial dragon's terrain provides protection and brings in positive qi from the east. White Tiger (Baekho) – West: The White Tiger symbolizes autumn, the metal element, and the virtue of courage. It is typically envisaged as the right-hand guardian when one faces south (a standard orientation in Pungsu), suggesting that the right side of a property should be protected or slightly elevated, like a tiger lying down. Red Phoenix (Bonghwang) – South: The Red Phoenix signifies summer, the fire element, and the virtue of benevolence. In terms of landscape, it corresponds to a clear, open view, such as a valley ahead of a property, allowing the phoenix's auspicious energy to enter and mix with the energy of the other guardians. Black Tortoise (Heukgu) – North: The Black Tortoise represents winter, the water element, and the virtue of wisdom. It is associated with high ground or mountain ridges behind a property, providing support, protection from malevolent winds, and the containment of positive energy. In Pungsu practice, harmonizing these aspects within a site's topography and layout is considered essential for ensuring the optimal flow of energy. This involves aligning buildings, entrances, and interior spaces in a way that respects these guardian spirits. The design and orientation in relationship to these cardinal protectors can determine the health, prosperity, and fortune of the inhabitants. A Pungsu master may also recommend various enhancements or cures to address imbalances in the landscape or built environment, with a view to replicating or evoking the stability and protection that these mythical creatures symbolize. Thus, the Four Guardians hold a vital aspect within the Korean art of geomancy, shaping not only myth and tradition but also the practical aspects of Korean architecture and landscaping. ref.Winding River Village, Poetics of a Korean Landscape.by Prof.Sung Kyun Kim
Many people may not be aware, but the Caucasus region is among the most linguistically diverse in the world. Despite being relatively small in terms of area, the Caucasus are home to three different language families: Kartvelian, Northwest Caucasian, and Northeast Caucasian. The Avar language is part of the Northeast Caucasian language family and is spoken by roughly 750,000 people primarily in the Russian republic of Dagestan. Despite Avar’s rich literary history and its status as an interethnic lingua franca in Dagestan, it’s classified by UNESCO as vulnerable to extinction. Providing high-quality Avar translation services is what we pride ourselves on. That’s because we value the Avar language and its historical and cultural significance. We know it’s an important cultural asset to the Avar people, and we believe that Avars should have access to great translation services, just like any other people group. We set ourselves apart from other translation companies by catering to all languages, even endangered but important languages like Avar. To get started on your Avar translation journey, message us now for a free quote. Approaching the grammatical labyrinth of Avar Caucasian languages aren’t known for their simplicity. On the contrary, they tend to be considerably grammatically complex. Nonetheless, around 750,000 people mostly in Dagestan and the Azerbaijani districts of Balaken and Zaqatala have mastered Avar as a native language. Speakers can also be found in nearby Russian republics Chechnya and Kalmykia as well as Georgia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Jordan, and the Marmara Sea region of Turkey. Avar was originally written in the Georgian alphabet in the 14th century, switching to the Arabic script in the 15th century, the Latin alphabet in 1928, and finally the Cyrillic alphabet in 1938. Avar features three genders—human male, human female, and neuter for everything else—and gender is marked on verbs, adjectives, and some pronouns. The language’s complicated nominal inflection is spread across four core cases and 20 spatial cases, including the absolutive and ergative cases. This means the subject of an intransitive sentence and the object of a transitive sentence take the same case. Regarding verbs, Avar has three tenses and six aspects, as well as an imperative form, a prohibitive form, three different optative forms, and a hortative form. Relative clauses come before the noun they modify as if they were adjectives, which is relatively common for verb-final languages like Avar. Avar’s complex grammar complicates the translation process, but our Avar translation professionals are happy to take on the challenge. The many reasons to purchase Avar translation services Why might you need Avar translation services? Perhaps you’re a historian who wants to translate historical documents or literature in Avar—regardless of the script, or maybe you’re an academic with insights written in Avar that you’d like to share with the wider world. On the flip side, you could be a local Dagestani business that wants to better engage with Avar-speaking customers, a researcher who wants to survey Avars in their native language, or a content creator interested in making your books, websites, apps, games, or other content available in Avar. No matter your needs, our Avar translators are eager to help. Take the first step and send us a message today. We’ll discuss the details of your Avar translation project together.
Dwarfs is the standard plural of the noun dwarf. Dwarves is a newer variant popularized (though not invented) by English author J.R.R. Tolkien in his fantasy fiction works, including The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. The Tolkien spelling is appropriate when referring to little people in fantasy worlds. Dwarfs is better everywhere else. (There is controversy over whether dwarf is ever a polite term for real-life people, but we won’t go into that here.) Dwarf also works as a verb meaning to cause to appear small in size. In this sense, dwarf is inflected dwarfs, not dwarves, in the third-person singular present tense. The below ngram graphs the occurrence of the dwarfs and the dwarves (with the definite article to remove instances of the verb sense) in a large number of English-langage texts published in the 20th century. Of course, it doesn’t show how the words are used, but it does indicate that dwarfs was much more common than dwarves at the start of the century, which is also apparent in historical Google Books searches limited to pre-1930 texts. That dwarves has gained ground in the decades since Tolkien’s books were published makes perfect sense, as his writing is very popular and widely discussed. Plus, due to his influence, dwarves now make its way into non-fantasy contexts much more often than it used to. The latest teaser picture for the forthcoming adaptation of the Hobbit has been released, showing a trio of hardy warrior dwarves. [Daily Mail] Along the way they encounter dragons, dwarves, merfolk, and a band of lost warriors before reaching the edge of the world. [NJ.com] This world is made up of wizards, dwarves, witches, vampires and a variety of other characters. [Guardian] Most varieties grow about two feet tall, though some dwarfs are only half as tall. [Sioux City Journal] Dwarfs tend to be used for “eating fresh,” and the tall forms for coconut oil and for fiber. [Laboratory Equipment] The brown dwarfs are an estimated to be 15 light years and 18 light years from the sun. [MyFox Atlanta] God is poking his tongue through the Puyehue volcano, whose carbon output dwarfs industry’s. [Sydney Morning Herald] A giant drill, used for projects like the Chilean Miners rescue, dwarfs nearby houses in Newcastle’s West End. [BBC]
NASA has temporarily closed the camera of one of its space-based telescopes following a power issue. The closure of the camera eye of the Chandra X-Ray Observatory, which has been studying the very hot regions of the Universe for over two decades, has halted its science work. The telescope suffered a power supply problem with its High-Resolution Camera (HRC) instrument on February 9, the space agency said. NASA scientists are now analysing the problem and determining the appropriate response to get the observatory back to work as soon as possible. NASA said they have so far not detected any problem with the spacecraft, which is operating normally. The Chandra X-ray Observatory, which was launched in 1999 aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia, has delivered a wealth of images and data that have helped scientists better understand and unpack the many mysteries and evolution of the cosmos. “On Wednesday, February 9, 2022, routine monitoring data from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory indicated a power supply problem in the spacecraft’s High-Resolution Camera,” NASA stated this week. Engineers working on the mission have paused science operations and put the four science instruments into safe mode, it added. Separately, the Chandra X-ray Center Director’s Office released an update on Twitter, saying the High-Resolution Camera was “powered down after being discovered in an anomalous state”. The notice added that the cause behind this was being investigated. Scientists are trying to resume operation using a different instrument, called the Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrograph or ACIS, by early next week. Chandra’s High Resolution Camera (HRC) was powered down after being discovered in an anomalous state. The cause is currently under investigation. All other aspects of Chandra are performing nominally and work is underway to resume ACIS science observations by early next week. — Chandra CDO (@chandraCDO) February 16, 2022 The current glitch isn’t the first time the X-ray observatory has faced a problem. In August 2020, the camera stopped working because of a different anomaly. Before that, the mission suffered a glitch due to the failure of the gyroscope. The telescope began functioning normally after a week on that occasion. NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory was originally designed to serve only five years but has been working for over two decades.
MemberDecember 17, 2023 at 5:37 pm:: according to internet resources there have been many evolutionary changes in generation of mankind like the most recent one of disappearance of the tail and humans are left with just a tailbone. Adaptation, in the simplest sense, is a mechanism that allows organisms to mediate the stresses of their environment to ensure survival and reproduction. We often think that adaptation takes place through direct genetic modifications in response to environmental stress. We’re increasingly one, worldwide population – freely mixing. That will create a world of hybrids – light brown skinned, dark-haired, Afro-Euro-Australo-Americo-Asians, their skin color and facial features tending toward a global average. Sexual partner freedom in the modern times will also add up to the evolution of appearances. A theory states that humans may lose their nails in the next evolution.
Study skills not only enable you to study and learn efficiently but they are also an important set of transferable life skills. CamGuides is a platform for UG and PG students designed to help you prepare for your studies at Cambridge. It was designed and created by library staff, PhD students and academics. Some of the skills you can build on are listed below: Make yourself familiar with the referencing style for your course. Consider using reference management software such as Zotero, Endnote or Citavi. For more information, click here. Make sure you are confident with your references, citations, etc. and if in doubt, check with an academic before submitting your work for assessment. Information on referencing and plagiarism will usually be available in your Student Handbook or on the University’s website and in the CamGuides. Finding books and articles Find out what makes a resource academic, how to find them from a reading list and how to interpret the references. Find out more here. Being critical by asking questions and keeping an open mind will help you weigh up evidence and arguments to reach an informed judgement. Find out more here. Academic and scientific writing Some of the skills required to write an academic or scientific paper include understanding the question; critical reading; planning; good referencing; reporting on and analysing your results; producing graphs, tables, and images; and using software. Further information on academic writing can be found here and information on scientific writing can be accessed here. Whether it is related to your course or for personal interest, The Language Centre provides free access to courses and resources to help you learn a new language or improve one you previously studied. West Hub is a physical space at the West Cambridge site where you can access study spaces, a cafe and a canteen; the West Hub Library is mainly aimed at technology students which includes training to improve your presentation skills, referencing, time management, etc.
Colonel Richard Clement Moody was born on the 13th of February 1813 at the military Hospital in Bridgetown Barbados. His father, Thomas, was a Colonel in the Royal Engineers stationed in Barbados. He studied Engineering at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich and was promoted to 2nd Lieutenant on the 05 November 1830. He was made a Lieutenant and posted as Governor of the small settlement of the Falkland Islands with a population of 200 settlers. He arrived there on the 15th January 1842 with an additional 11 men, 3 women and 7 children. His mandate was to make the settlement of the Falkland Islands viable. He embarked on a building program making the houses more suitable to the harsh environment. Although he was a hard worker he allowed the men to have free time where they could go hunting, fishing, or boating. Game was plentiful and they were able to get fish and fowl to feed themselves. When he returned to England in 1849 the living conditions of the Falkland Islands were much improved. In England he worked at Newcastle Upon Tyne on dikes and dams. He met and married Mary Suzanna Hawks, the daughter of a banker. After returning from their honeymoon in Europe he drew the plans for the refurbishment of Edinburgh Castle. When Britain joined the Crimean War in 1854 he was posted to Malta but became very ill with Yellow Fever and took no further part in the conflict. In 1858 Colonel Moody was appointed Lieutenant Governor of British Columbia. He, his wife and 4 children, arrived there on Christmas Day 1858. At the time the population was 500, but 25,000 gold prospectors passed through on their way to and from the gold fields of The Yukon. These men frequented the many bars and brothels on every street. He brought the fledgling colony to good governance. He set up the first YMCA to try to draw the men away from the brothels. This did not last for long. He oversaw the building of Port Moody and the road that connects it to New Westminster and Burrard Inlet. Port Moody was not only a trading Port but was to defend New Westminster from attack from the South. Cl. Moody returned to England in November 1863 with his Wife and now 7 children. He was made a general in 1866 and retired the same year. He died in Bournemouth, England, on the 21 March 1887. This is another example of someone who was born in Barbados and through hard work made a positive impact on the world stage. He was instrumental in making the Falkland Islands and British Columbia viable settlements, something which endures to today. For a more detailed record of Colonel Moody click here. Thanks to Markus Fahrner, Museum Coordinator of The Port Moody Museum for the photo of Col. Moody.
As the number of individuals medically diagnosed with obesity continues to increase — part of a broader upward trend of 50% growth over the past ten years — uncontrolled weight gain remains an issue for approximately half of American adults. And because obesity is such a difficult condition to reverse once established, it is important to develop and implement preventive strategies throughout one’s life. Certain time periods — including adolescence, mid-life, marriage, and pregnancy for women — often include increased susceptibility to uncontrolled weight gain. Financial, geographical, environmental, and seasonal changes are also thought to contribute to fluctuations in one’s weight. And, importantly, cultural factors like holidays centered around food can undeniably impact or undermine your efforts to keep a healthy weight. Which led us to wonder, “How concerned are Americans about gaining (or losing) weight this holiday season? To better understand Americans' potential concerns and behaviors when it comes to weight gain (or loss) during the holiday season, we surveyed 545 adults about their usual strategies for maintaining a healthy weight when faced with mounting holiday temptations. We also analyzed data from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on national weekly sales of sweets and other “junk foods” to determine when people were most likely to indulge. Using this data, we determined which regions of the U.S. typically spend the most on holiday-related foods per capita during the holiday season. It seems that holiday eating has become such an issue for Americans that even the U.S. Army has decided to weigh in on the issue (no pun intended). According to the Madigan Army Medical Center in Washington state, fluctuations in weight during the holidays can most readily be attributed to increased stress and the frequency of social gatherings, which contribute to the increased consumption of high-calorie foods and drinks, as well as a general decrease in physical activity. Around the holidays, they state, people tend to be less concerned about their physical health and spend more time enjoying the three Fs: family, friends, and food. With plenty of extravagant meals and lively parties, it’s easy to get swept up in the holiday spirit and let your health and nutrition commitments lapse. However, eating 200 extra calories a day — that extra piece of pie or glass of spiked eggnog — for five to six weeks could lead to a weight increase of two to three pounds (on average). This isn’t a large amount by any means, but even a small amount of weight gained over a short time can be exceedingly difficult to lose. Despite the majority of respondents (80.1%) claiming that “staying fit” during the holidays is important to them, an even larger percentage (90.6%) stated they typically gain somewhere between 1-12 lbs. over the holidays. Here’s how much our respondents tend to gain during the holiday season: Of the women we surveyed, 82.5% claimed to prioritize staying fit over the holidays, compared to 78.2% of men. We also found a slight difference between generations in terms of maintaining one’s physical fitness during the holidays. Gen X was the most likely to feel it’s necessary to stay on top of their weight (84.1%), followed by Gen Z (82%) and millennials (79.5%) Even as our culture has gradually begun embracing different body types, there’s still a lot of pressure on people — especially women — to fit a specific physical mold. Helped along by the indomitable flood of fitness influencers on social media, many people are left worrying about how they “should” or “are supposed to” look. This imbalance of focus on physical appearance over overall health only adds to the pressure many people feel to look a certain way, which, in turn, negatively impacts their mental health. It essentially defeats the purpose of routine exercise: improving your mental and physical well-being. With this in mind, it’s plausible that the pressure women (and men) of all ages feel to stay fit during the holidays stems from continued societal and cultural pressure, driven largely by commercial advertising and social media. When asked what behaviors they typically lean on to avoid gaining weight around the holidays, the plurality of participants (45.7%) said they increase the frequency and effort of their exercise routine, while more than a third of participants (37.4%) said they typically drink more water. Other common efforts taken to ward off holiday weight gain included: When explicitly asked, over half of all participants (61.5%) claimed they would skip a holiday party entirely for fear of food temptations. This was the case for 63% of the men and 58.2% of the women who participated in our study. For those who had previous self-imposed dietary restrictions, the vast majority (92.8%) claimed to loosen those restrictions during the holidays. As far as bending specific restrictions, indulging in lactose (33.3%) was the most common, then gluten (25.7%), then meat for vegetarians and vegans (22.1%), followed by various other restrictions (11.6%). These dietary restrictions are lifestyle choices for some, but for those with allergies and illnesses like lactose intolerance, these indulgences can cause a resurgence of uncomfortable symptoms. Sometimes, it seems, enjoying your favorite childhood cookies with your family can take priority over avoiding pain or discomfort. When asked what their strongest temptations were during the holidays in terms of eating and drinking, 31.6% of participants claimed holiday foods to be their Achilles’ heel, but only 13.8% said they have the most trouble saying no to holiday desserts. 30.7% said holiday cocktails most tempt them, and another 21% said holiday drinks (hot chocolate, eggnog, cider, etc.) are the most tempting. Our respondents who drink alcohol claimed they consume an average of 2.9 drinks during a typical night out at any point in the year. While attending a holiday party, however, this same group stated they consume an average of 3.1 drinks. We also found that women drink slightly more on average at holiday parties than men (2.5 drinks vs. 2.3 glasses). Most people who drink alcohol over the holidays do so responsibly, but this time of year can also be a time of increased — often dangerous — imbibing for many alcohol consumers. In general, experts agree that problematic consumption of alcohol increases during the holidays and can occasionally result in long-term health consequences. Alcohol often gets tangled up with the many holiday rituals we know and love. However, shorter days, colder weather, and increased social and financial pressures can leave many more vulnerable to alcohol misuse and abuse. There are a number of ways to get ahead of any potential problems: Most of our respondents (61.8%) stated they would stick with classic desserts this year instead of healthier alternatives. Still, though, about a third of participants (33%) said they would opt for sugar-free baked goods to maintain a healthy weight over the holidays. We also found that women are more likely than men (41.8% vs. 30%) to go for available sugar-free alternatives, which correlates with our earlier finding that women are typically more concerned about staying fit over the holidays. Studies show that there are several gender-specific differences when it comes to dieting and nutrition. For women, higher awareness and better nutrition knowledge often emerge in childhood or adolescence; they are also more likely than men to seek nutritional counseling. Women also generally eat more fruits, vegetables, cereals, dairy products, and whole grain products, whereas men tend to consume more red meat, pork, eggs, alcohol, and foods high in sucrose. In terms of their approach to dieting and nutrition, men generally adopt less complicated, more pleasure-oriented methods, whereas women utilize dieting techniques that restrain eating or restrict calories. More severe dieting methods, as well as the cultural and societal factors mentioned earlier that often lead women to be less satisfied with their weight, make women more susceptible to developing eating disorders. Men’s more relaxed dieting approach could explain why 27.9% claimed they eat “a lot more” during the holidays, compared to only 22.4% of women. In turn, fewer men (10.9%) than women (12.2%) said they typically eat the same amount as normal while attending a holiday party. Fewer men than women, too — 61.3% vs. 65.8% — said they are likely to restrain themselves and just eat “a little more” over the holidays. According to the FDA, national sales of our favorite sweets and treats increase dramatically several times a year. This encapsulates everything from boxed mixes for cakes, muffins, and pies to frozen desserts and ready-to-eat baked goods. We found that each one of these spikes corresponds exactly with a major holiday: It’s clear: Americans certainly love their sweets. In the weeks leading up to any one of these holidays, mountainous grocery store displays piled high with the newest holiday treats tend to spring up from nowhere. Every fast food and coffee chain seems to introduce a pumpkin-spiced this or peppermint twist that. It can be difficult to track how much you’re eating when indulging in so many things you can only get once a year. The excitement and novelty of holiday treats and the increased frequency of holiday gatherings likely contribute to these predictable increases in sales. But the holidays — especially Thanksgiving and Christmas — are not always a joyous occasion for everyone. Many people find the holidays to be an extraordinarily lonely or stressful time. Life issues that would not normally be so taxing are often amplified or exacerbated during the holidays, including: Just as others do with alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping, and social media when feeling depressed, stressed, or bored, some people turn to food for comfort. Consciously or unconsciously, emotional eating can easily lead to overeating, especially high-calorie, sweet, or fatty foods. Our tendency to use sugary foods as a coping mechanism might also contribute to these periods of increased sales. To get ahead of emotional eating, however, experts at the Mayo Clinic offer some simple recommendations: As you’ll see below, many of these tips also apply to managing holiday eating in general. The states with the highest sales of sugars, sweeteners, and commercially prepared items around the holidays (between November 1st and January 15th) were split almost evenly between the Northeast (New Hampshire, Maine, and West Virginia), the Midwest (Iowa, Kansas, Wyoming, and South Dakota), and the South (Kentucky, Alabama, and Florida). For many reasons, these split findings were not surprising: the state with the highest total holiday-food sales per capita, New Hampshire ($130.88), was also found in a previous Innerbody Research study to be the second most festive state in the U.S., and the number one most festive state in the U.S., West Virginia ($109.40), also showed up at number five in the top 10 states for holiday-food sales per capita. Following the same trend, New York ($72.57) and California ($70.04) were found to have the lowest sales of sugars, sweeteners, and commercially prepared items per capita during the holidays and were found, in our previous study, to be among the five least festive states in the U.S. In another Innerbody Research study conducted in 2022, we found that Utah was the most candy-loving state in the U.S. In this survey, however, Utah ($85.52) was among the bottom 10 in terms of holiday food sales per capita. Perhaps this means that the people of Utah are bigger fans of Halloween candy than they are treats associated with Thanksgiving or Christmas. Three-quarters of our respondents (75%) claimed to start their New Year’s resolutions on January 1st, while a very small percentage (2.9%) said they wait until the first Monday of the new year to get going. The rest (21.3%) said they do not participate in New Year’s resolutions. In terms of actually following through with their proposed New Year’s resolutions, our respondents were even more divided: We also found that a higher percentage of men (64.7%) do not participate in New Year’s resolutions, despite our finding that women prioritize staying fit during the holidays more than men (82.5% vs. 78.2%). Again, this finding points back to the heightened pressures women feel to stay in shape as much as possible. In terms of a generational divide, our Gen Z participants (91.8%) were the most likely to participate in New Year’s resolutions; our Gen X (77.6%) and millennial (74.7%) respondents were about on the same page, and the baby boomers (61.9%) were the least likely to change their ways in 2023. Age could certainly be a factor here, given that the older a person gets, the more likely they are to have solidified their habits and lifestyle. The biggest temptation among our respondents was holiday food. However, out of those who claimed to participate in New Year’s resolutions and stated that losing weight is one of their goals, we found holiday cocktails (34.8%) to be most tempting, followed by holiday drinks such as hot chocolate, eggnog, or cider. We also found that most of those who participate in New Year’s resolutions and have losing weight as one of their goals (61.1%) still indulge in the classic, sugar-filled desserts instead of opting for sugar-free alternatives. Only about 19% of individuals who make New Year’s resolutions actually keep them. Most people abandon their plans to lose weight or learn a new language by mid-January. One reason for this low success rate is that acknowledging a given problem is only the start of the process; simply wanting to change and adding a date to the calendar is not enough. You have to conclude that the benefits of changing your life are worth the effort it will take. When someone starts a resolution on January 1st, they make a big life change based on a calendar date, not when they truly feel ready to put in the work required. Those who are prepared, however, who get organized and seek out support before committing themselves to a goal that takes a significant amount of time and energy — such as losing weight — are more likely to follow through. Just wanting it to happen generally isn’t enough to succeed at a goal, especially a New Year’s resolution. Many factors contribute to holiday weight gain and unhealthy eating: tradition, stress, social pressure, easy access, and temptation. But many tips and tools used for sticking to your New Year’s resolution, or maintaining a healthy diet in general, can also be used to eat healthier during the holidays: To better understand Americans' potential concerns and behaviors regarding weight gain (or loss) during this holiday season, we surveyed 545 adults about their usual strategies for maintaining a healthy weight when faced with mounting holiday temptations. We also analyzed data from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on national weekly sales of sweets and other “junk foods” to determine when people were most likely to indulge in these sorts of foods. Also using this data, we were able to determine which regions of the U.S. typically spend the most on holiday-related foods per capita during the holiday season. Innerbody Research is committed to providing objective, science-based suggestions, and research to help our readers make more informed decisions regarding health and wellness. The reason why we invested the time and effort into creating this report was to explore holiday weight gain and what people may do to avoid (or allow) it from happening. We hope to reach as many people as possible by making this information widely available. As such, please feel free to share our content for educational, editorial, or discussion purposes. We only ask that you link back to this page and credit the author as Innerbody.com. Yanovski, J. A., Yanovski, S. Z., Sovik, K. N., Nguyen, T. T., O'Neil, P. M., & Sebring, N. G. (2000, March 23). A prospective study of holiday weight gain. The New England journal of medicine. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4336296/ Tryon, E. (2022, November 16). Managing holiday food & weight gain. www.army.mil. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from https://www.army.mil/article/262061/managing_holiday_food_weight_gain Skerrett, P. J. (2019, August 28). 12 tips for holiday eating. Harvard Health. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/12-tips-for-holiday-eating-201212242506 Mundy, E. (2018, November 12). Why women feel so much pressure to look a certain way at the gym. HuffPost UK. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/why-is-there-so-much-pressure-on-women-to-look-a-certain_uk_5be2d69ae4b043ec453c03d8 Mann, B. (2021, December 11). You don't have to drink to celebrate the holiday season. NPR. Retrieved December 9, 2022, from https://www.npr.org/2021/12/11/1063296965/holiday-drinking-alcohol-control Kunze, M. (n.d.). Eating and dieting differences in men and women - ResearchGate. ResearchGate. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/244817131_Eating_and_Dieting_Differences_in_Men_and_Women Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. (2022, December 2). Tips to stop emotional eating. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/weight-loss/in-depth/weight-loss/art-20047342 Morin, A. (2019, December 31). This is why most New Year's resolutions fail. Psychology Today. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from https://www.psychologytoday.com/intl/blog/what-mentally-strong-people-dont-do/201912/is-why-most-new-years-resolutions-fail Zumpano, J. (2020, December 10). Tips for eating healthy during the holidays. Cleveland Clinic. Retrieved December 12, 2022, from https://health.clevelandclinic.org/tips-for-eating-healthy-during-the-holidays/
There are many things in the world that must be done. For example, you need to go through security checks before boarding an airplane, which is why you have to be at the airport early. Let’s talk about these things in Korean this time. What must be done. Without it, things would not be possible. -아/어야 하다 is a grammar indicating that a certain action or state is necessary. Certain actions and conditions are essential. 시간에 늦으면 비행기를 못 타요. If you are late, you will not be able to board the plane. 빨리 공항에 가야 해요. You need to get to the airport in a hurry. Just as you have to arrive at the airport early to catch a plane, it means that things can’t be done without it. How to use “-아/어야 하다”. -아/어야 하다 sentence patterns should be based on the conjugation of -아요/어요. Vst + -아/어야 하다 사다 + -아/어야 하다 = 사야 하다 잡다 + -아/어야 하다 = 잡아야 하다 찾다 + -아/어야 하다 = 찾아야 하다 쉬다 + -아/어야 하다 = 쉬어야 하다 있다 + -아/어야 하다 = 있어야 하다 지키다 + -아/어야 하다 = 지켜야 하다 연습하다 + -아/어야 하다 = 연습해야 하다 건강하다 + -아/어야 하다 = 건강해야 하다 공부하다 + -아/어야 하다 = 공부해야 하다 If you are not good at -아요/어요, practice it as a review of sentence patterns. The stem vowel has ‘아,오’. You have to buy an admission ticket in advance before entering. You have to change subways once. The culprits must be caught. No ‘아,오’ in the vowels. If you are sick and bad condition well, you should rest. We must always keep our promises. If you want a good job, you have to get out of college. Usage of the word 하다 If you want to win international competitions, you should practice a lot. It must be used to some extent before it is effective. If you want to live long, you have to be healthy. -아/어야 하다 is often thought of only as describing an action, but it can also be combined with an adjective to express the need for something. You can absolute conditions can be offered. Let’s express the “conditions” we look for in the opposite sex. -아/어야 하다 can also be used to indicate the condition being sought. Men have to be rich. A woman must be pretty. My boyfriend needs to be tall We must be considerate of others. As long as a certain condition is mandatory, it represents a strong condition. ・What type of person do you like? ・What type of person would you like to have a relationship with? You can practice this kind of talk, using -아/어야 하다. Commonly used in colloquial speech “-아/어야 되다”. -아/어야 하다 is often used in the “-아/어야 되다”. I have to start learning Chinese next week. No more than three cups of coffee per day. From now on, men must be able to cook too. -아/어야 하다 is often used in written language, whereas -아/어야 되다 tends to be used in talk. Let’s try talkig about obligations and conditions.
Issue InformationVol 3 Issue 1 Dr. Bora Demir pp. i - vi | DOI: 10.29329/irelt.2021.449 Original ArticlesTurkish High School Students’ Perceptions of Culture Learning in Foreign Language Classrooms Aysegul Arhan Pakna & Ayhan Kahraman pp. 1 - 10 | DOI: 10.29329/irelt.2021.449.1 Language and culture are thought to be interrelated by many researchers. Some find it valuable to integrate cultural elements into language teaching whereas others oppose the idea claiming that English is a lingua franca. There has been much research regarding the opinions of teachers or university students on this debate. However, learners excluding university students have not been fully explored up to date. The aim of this research was to investigate Turkish high school students’ perceptions of the place and role of culture learning in foreign language classrooms. Data were collected from 126 high school students through a questionnaire. In addition, interviews were conducted with 10 voluntary participants. For data analysis, descriptive statistics were conducted via SPSS, and the interview was analysed thematically. According to the results, the participants have positive perceptions of culture learning in language classrooms. Most of them are aware of the inseparable relationship between culture and language. They think cultural elements should be incorporated in language teaching. The findings were triangulated with the data obtained from the interviews. Interviewees agreed on the idea that culture should be taught along with the language. Rather than focusing on only the ideas of decision-makers, learners’ opinions should be investigated more in designing curriculum, as they are the subjects of learning. Keywords: culture, culture learning, high school students, students’ perceptions, foreign language The Effect of Portfolio on Foreign Language Speaking Skills of 60-72-Month-Old Preschool Children Mehmet Gökce & Murat Bartan pp. 11 - 20 | DOI: 10.29329/irelt.2021.449.2 From the past to the present, people have used language as a tool for understanding. They conveyed their feelings, wishes, and expectations to other people through language. This ability to transmit has facilitated the lives of people and, therefore, everyone. The desire of the communities to interact and communicate with other societies revealed foreign language learning behaviour. Today, all countries have set a goal of learning at least one foreign language in their education programs. In this context, it is increasingly vital to start foreign language education at an early age. This study was conducted to examine the effect of portfolio use on foreign language speaking skills of children attending preschool education. One group pre-test and post-test design without a control group, which is one of the pre-experimental designs without a control group, was used in the research. The study sample consisted of 25 children (14 boys and 11 girls) attending preschool education in a private school affiliated to the Directorate of National Education in Kütahya in the 2016-2017 academic year. In the collection of data, the portfolio developed and applied by the researcher was used. The Wilcoxon signed rankings test was performed in the data analysis to determine the difference between each section’s pre-test and post-test scores. According to the study results, it was concluded that using a portfolio had a positive effect on children’s speaking skills of this age. As a result of this effect, it was found that there was a significant increase in speaking skills both in the target foreign language and in their family language. Keywords: Preschool, child, foreign language, portfolio. Supporting the Well-being of EFL Learners: A Study at IZTECH Preparatory School pp. 21 - 31 | DOI: 10.29329/irelt.2021.449.3 Student wellbeing is of increased importance for language learning. A great number of research has shown that school-based well-being practices can contribute to academic and non-academic attainment (Dixon et al., 2020; Driscoll et al., 2012). In this framework, this study aims at investigating the well-being of university preparatory school students in Turkey. With a mixed-methods design, the study utilizes a 15-items PERMA questionnaire as the quantitative data collection instrument followed by focus group interviews with questions developed from the survey results to get a deeper understanding of students’ perspectives on the concept of well-being. Findings show that EFL students are at a medium level of well-being, and there are four benchmarks that affect their-wellbeing. Keywords: student well-being, EFL students, EFL classrooms, positive psychology, preparatory school A Comparison of Distance and Face-to-Face Learning Regarding Anxiety Factors Among 5th Grade EFL Students: A Case Study Seda Gökce & Ayhan Kahraman pp. 32 - 44 | DOI: 10.29329/irelt.2021.449.4 In the general sense, anxiety is a feeling that causes trouble in mind. Accordingly, language learning anxiety can be listed as one of the factors affecting learners negatively in and out of the educational settings due to the Covid-19 pandemic. For this reason, being aware of students’ learning conditions that affect their anxiety level is significant for language teachers to set clear expectations about the learning outcomes of the school subjects. Regarding young learners in Turkey, the distance education context is a highly new way to be pursued in the scope of experience. Considering this information, the current study aims to profile and compare individual language anxiety levels of 5th-grade students in face-to-face learning and distance learning. Research is valuable since distance learning is a new concept for young learners in Turkey, resulting from the pandemic, and very few researchers have focused on young learners in Turkey. The study was conducted in a state school in Kütahya. Participants were 5th-grade students from three different sections of the school. In the study, the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) and its modified distance learning version were used. The results of the two tests were compared. While some factors do not show a significant difference, some aspects of fear of communication increase in the target foreign language. However, some items related to fear of making mistakes have noticeably reduced in distance learning. Keywords: distance learning, foreign language anxiety, face-to-face learning, young learners An ESP Approach to a Metadiscursive Analysis of Political Science’s Corpus Shi̇va Sabbagh Shabestari̇ & Reza Abdi̇ pp. 45 - 57 | DOI: 10.29329/irelt.2021.449.5 Discursive study of corpus has been one of the keys to comprehend and employ accurate and authentic language. Metadiscourse is a rather tangible dimension of discourse to English learners. This study investigates the political science’s corpus in terms of interactional metadiscursive markers based on Hyland’s (2005) model of metadiscourse. For this aim, inaugural speeches and official oaths of office related to seven English speaking countries were collected and analyzed. The statistical and analytical results suggest that despite a few similarities in some cases, the general employment of metadiscursive markers differs significantly across cultures. This study can help ESP learners of Politics and related majors become more conscious of metadiscourse and improve practical awareness of its use. It also can better prepare them to achieve a higher level of understanding in the target language situation. Although this study can provide a general view towards the discursive nature of political discourse for ESP students, the results imply that a mere generalization and ignoring the salient distinctions should be avoided for an accurate comprehension of political discourse Keywords: Inaugural speech, metadiscourse, oath of office, political science, political speech
« PrejšnjaNaprej » A COMPARISON of the GOSPEL TEXT AS IT IS GIVEN IN THE PROTESTANT AND ROMAN CATHOLIC BIBLE VERSIONS IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN USE IN AMERICA WITH A BRIEF ACCOUNT OF THE ORIGIN OF the severAL VERSIONS JUN 1 1 1914 FRANK J. FIRTH The Bible text used in this volume taken from the American Standard Edition of the Revised Bible, copyright, 1901, by Thomas Nelson & Sons, is used by permission. TO THE MEMORY OF THOSE LEARNED AND GODLY MEN OF THE OLDEN TIME TO WHOM WE OWE THE GREATEST BOOK IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE THE KING JAMES OR AUTHORIZED VERSION THE HOLY GOSPEL THE BOOK AND ITS PURPOSE THE Holy Gospel (the good news, the glad tidings about Jesus Christ), as it is told in the English language in the Bibles used in America by Protestant and by Roman Catholic Christians, is herein. recorded in parallel columns so that comparison of the text may be easily made. There are four of these Bibles. They are known as Bible versions. A brief account is given of how each version or translation originated. An alphabetically arranged Gospel subject-index, which is incidentally a partial Gospel harmony, completes the book. The comparative Gospel here presented is intended for general reading and reference. The text used is that chosen by those responsible for the translation and revision as best expressing in English the meaning designed to be conveyed by the original manuscripts from which the translations were made. All marginal references, alternate readings, chapter index headings, and explanatory footnotes have been omitted as they often confuse the general reader by diverting his attention from the plain text. The purpose of the book is to afford the reader an opportunity to compare the translations that were made into English about three hundred years ago by Protestant and by Roman Catholic Bible scholars; and also to compare the good work of the olden time with the recent English and American revisions that represent a high order of reverent, painstaking modern scholarship applied to the sources of information and under methods of investigation now available. It should confirm the faith in the gospel story, as told in our venerable English Bible, to learn from such a comparison that all of these versions are in practical accord as to the important message they convey. Another purpose of the book is to make all Christians familiar with the text of the Gospel as it is given in the Protestant and in the Roman Catholic English Bibles, so that they may understand how little difference of importance there is between the Protestant and the Catholic Bible gospel stories. It is a hopeful fact and worthy to be held in remembrance that there are no differences that need cause any lack of unity in effort among Christians professing to serve the same Master. FRANK J. FIRTH.
Are we substituting machine creativity for our own? Robots with artificial intelligence have created paintings and sketches for years — one even sold for almost half a million dollars at Christie’s Auction House in December. But is it really art in the same way some of the greatest achievements of creativity in human history have been called "art"? That's a clear no. Or at least that's what Sean Dorrance Kelly, philosophy professor at Harvard, argues in a new essay for the MIT Technology Review. To Kelly, an AI might be able to come up with a "well-executed Bach cantata" or "a brilliant Go strategy" — but it will never be an "autonomous creative agent" like a free-thinking human. "Creativity is one of the defining features of human beings," Kelly wrote. "But this kind of creativity depends upon our valuing it, and caring for it, as such." But thanks to technology, we are starting to value creativity a whole lot less — the same way machines reduce creativity to a simple binary "yes or no." Achieving Human Creativity Kelly believes AI will never end up amounting to human creativity — and worries that by placing less and less importance on the role of creativity, we risk substituting "machine creativity" for our own. "Human creative achievement, because of the way it is socially embedded, will not succumb to advances in artificial intelligence," he wrote. "To say otherwise is to misunderstand both what human beings are and what our creativity amounts to." But that's not black or white either. Once robots learn to think for themselves, independent from human influence — and Kelly believes that's still many years out — the paradigms may shift. More on robot art: Robot Art A Fleshy New Humanoid Sketches You, Mimics Your Facial Expressions Share This Article
What If Grocery Stores Worked Like Public Schools? Education is important. It might be too important to leave to the government. Eric Schuler – February 23, 2017 One of the most important things to consider when buying a house is the quality of the grocery district. As the name implies, the grocery district determines which public grocery store you and your family get to use. District maps are drawn by the government to ensure each grocery store has an appropriate number of patrons based on its capacity. Most residents are assigned to the public grocery store that is closest to their home. Groceries are paid for primarily by local taxes. If residents go to their local public grocery store, they get their weekly groceries without any additional out-of-pocket cost. However, they cannot get groceries from a public grocery store that’s outside of their district. In theory, all of the public grocery stores are supposed to provide equal access to high-quality food. Indeed, this is largely why government got involved in the grocery business in the first place. Politicians believed that access to food was a fundamental right and they were concerned that a free enterprise model would inadequately serve poor people. After all, there is not much profit to be made selling to those of lesser means. Or so it was argued at the time. Unfortunately, it’s clear that wide disparities still exist in the public system of food distribution. Poorer neighborhoods tend to have public grocery stores that offer bad service, limited selection, and occasionally even unsanitary conditions. It’s not uncommon to find food well beyond its sell-by date. Meanwhile, in richer neighborhoods, public grocery stores are typically high quality. Most approximate the quality and selection that existed in chains like Fred Meyer, Trader Joe’s, or Albertsons before the system of public food distribution was implemented. This is why it has become essential to consider the quality of the grocery district when looking for a place to live. Live in a good district, and you’ll get diverse, healthy food for your family. Live in a bad district, and your family’s well-being is likely to suffer. Critics argue that this system is especially harmful to poor people. In most purchasing decisions, people are not limited to a single provider in their jurisdiction. If they don’t like the bank or the mall that’s closest to them, they can drive to one that’s a little farther away that they like better. But in groceries, if they don’t like the public store that’s in their district, the main solution is to move elsewhere. If they can’t afford to move to a better grocery district–and many cannot–then they are likely to be stuck with a bad public grocery store. One other option for residents in low-quality grocery districts is private grocery stores. In most areas, there’s no law preventing people from getting their groceries from private providers instead of the public system. However, since people utilizing the private system do not get a refund for the taxes they paid into the public system, they effectively end up paying twice. This naturally makes the private solution less accessible to families of lesser means. Of course, no one thinks this public grocery system is ideal–especially since it retains the very inequality it hoped to eliminate. But while everyone agrees there is a problem, there is little agreement on the possible solutions. It remains to be seen which reforms will be tried next, but history suggests that we should not be too optimistic. The Real World The system described above probably sounds absurd. But, in many respects, it is the system we use to provide education in the US. One often hears that education is too important to leave to the whims of the market. Yet food is even more important; it’s a prerequisite before education can be considered. In spite of this, the (relatively) free market in food seems to work quite well. Consumers get a wide variety at a low cost. Even people that have niche dietary requirements like gluten-free or vegan have products suited to them. And while complaints about the quality of public education are rampant, one rarely hears objections about the quality of the grocery stores. In the latter case, people don’t have to complain; they just take their business to someone who will serve them better. As a consequence, the inequality that exists with respect to grocery stores is actually much smaller than the inequality that exists in education. Whether you’re in a poor area or a middle-class area, the local Walmart is pretty much going to be the same Walmart. Even the gap in offerings between Walmart and, say, Whole Foods, is not so severe. One could still easily purchase the ingredients for a healthy diet in either establishment. But in public education, the difference between good schools and bad can be night and day. It could mean the difference between children graduating or dropping out, progressing or falling behind. So perhaps it’s time to turn the conventional wisdom on its head. Education is important. It might be too important to leave to the government. Eric Schuler is a regular contributor at The Libertarian Institute, where he focuses on economics and US foreign policy. He also writes political satire at The Daily Face Palm blog, which aims to bring out the humor and absurdity in the news. Follow his work on Facebook and Twitter.
A migraine headache is the second most common headache and occurs with an average frequency of about 12% in the general population. Women outnumber men in the U.S. by a factor of 3 to 1 with migraines. There is a genetic factor as migraine sufferers’ family members are getting migraines about 3-fold more often than the general public.Newer insights into hormonal connections point to the fact that often migraine sufferers are in an estrogen dominant state (Ref. 12 and 13). With estrogen dominance there is a dysbalance between estrogen production and progesterone production. For instance, many women who develop fibroids miss their ovulation and as a result can have fertility problems (no corpus luteum developed in the ovaries). The reason for infertility, fibroid development and the development of migraines in some migraine sufferers is the lack of progesterone in the second half of the cycle. Xenoestrogens (such as pesticides, artificial hormones such as Provera, the BCP etc.) can also function as a contributor to the estrogen load as a woman’s estrogen receptors will have a partial fit with them. The resulting hormone dysbalance is what can trigger migraines in migraine sufferers. It is triggered by the relative lack of natural progesterone. This may also be the reason why migraines are much more common in woman than men. On the other hand Dr. S.A. Dugan has done hormone studies on both male and female patients with migraine. He found that both sexes are often also suffering from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, and lipid disorders including high cholesterol, sleep disorders, gastrointestinal problems and depression. When hormone tests were done on these patients the majority had what Dr. Dugan called steroidopenia (low levels of estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA). This is discussed in more detail under Ref. 14. Migraines present in 85% without an aura (formerly called “common migraines”) and in 15% with an aura (formerly called “classic migraines”). An aura consists of changed behaviors such as pacing, yawning, craving for certain foods, lethargy, depression or mild euphoria. These symptoms are separate from the migraine aura, which consists of neurological symptoms such as visual symptoms that come on 1 or 2 hours before the migraine headache starts and disappear about 1 hour after the start of the migraine. These migraine aura symptoms are quite varied and can include numbness of the skin in a hand or a foot on the side where the migraine is and around the mouth area. Spotty eye field defects can also occur immediately prior to the onset of the headache and there may be deficits in language expression and pronunciation. Other such migraine aura symptoms can consist of double vision, ringing in the ears, balance problems, a gait abnormality and decreased levels of consciousness. The actual migraine headache is on one side of the head, can last 4 hours to 3 days, is throbbing in nature, moderately to severe in intensity and is made worse by physical activity, light or noise. The patient is complaining of nausea and might be vomiting with a severe migraine. In a small percentage of patients a more severe form of complicated migraine (or “migraine with prolonged aura”) can develop where the patient has prolonged symptoms of a migraine aura for more than 1 hour, but usually less than 1 week. These patients should be investigated thoroughly by a neurologist as a small percentage of these patients can develop persistent neurological symptoms including a “migraine stroke ” (=a stroke like clinical picture) (Ref. 1, p. 2067). Medication that is used is quite different between attacks as compared to during an attack. During a migraine attack non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (=NSAIDs) and dihydroergotamine or sumatriptan, which stimulate serotonin receptors, are used. Drug dependency issues on narcotics has to be discussed frankly with the patient because of the danger of rebound migraines that are triggered by the continued use of narcotics. Sumatriptan can be given intranasally, but overuse and dependency on this medication also must be monitored by the physician and in males there is a higher risk for heart attacks as a side-effect of the medication. Prochlorperazine (brandname: Stemetil) can be given intravenously in the Emergency Room as a drip and can abort a migraine. Between migraine attacks there is a number of preventatives that are effective. They consist of beta-blockers such as propranolol, metoprolol, timolol and others; NSAIDs such as ASA, naproxen or ketoprofen; calcium channel blockers such as verapamil or flunarizine; antidepressants such as amitriptyline. Gabapentin is the latest medication that has been found useful in several smaller studies. Gabapentin(brand name: Neurontin) releases GABA in some parts of the brain and inhibits the NMDA pain receptors. Dr. Stephen Clarke, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Div. of Neurology of the University of BC/Vancouver/Canada, reviewed the use of gabapentin at a conference in Vancouver/BC in November 2004 (Ref. 10). Other medication for headache prevention are the anticonvulsant gabapentin; the MAO inhibitor phenelzine and the serotonin stimulating drugs methysergide and cyproheptatine. Unfortunately many of these medications do not work 100% and there is a lack of good randomized studies to prove effectiveness. Non-conventional, but effective treatment of migraines In light of what I explained above with regard to a hormone dysbalance in women migraine sufferers, it is logical that Dr. Lee (Ref. 12 and 13) suggested to use 20 mg of a bioidentical progesterone cream applied to the skin during the second half of the cycle (day 12 to 26 of the cycle). After three months there is usually a significant improvement of the migraines. If there is only a partial response to this low dose of progesterone cream, the progesterone dosage can be increased temporarily to 40 or 50 mg per day from day 12 to 26 of the cycle for several months. If there is a response, treatments should be continued until menopause. An alternative to bio-identical progesterone cream is Prometrium (micronized progesterone) by mouth, 100mg or 200mg at bed time. Discuss this with your doctor. It is important to include in the regimen of anti-migraine measures non drug regimens such as avoidance of triggering factors like certain foods (chocolate, red wine, certain cheeses and strong smells) or bright lights and noises. Consistent sleeping patterns and meal times need to be established. Counseling when emotional factors play a role, relaxation techniques like yoga, self hypnosis and biofeedback methods are all helpful as well. The more complex cases should be referred to a neurologist or even a multidisciplinary headache clinic. Since Dr. Dzugan published the results of treating migraine sufferers with the Dzugan method, it is important to look at all of the hormones including steroid hormones as mentioned above. By using bio-identical hormones any hormone deficiency is rectified and hormone levels are repeated. Dr. Dugan found that after 9 to 12 months at the latest almost all of his patients were migraine free and lost all of the other accompanying symptoms. 1. Goldman: Cecil Textbook of Medicine, 21st ed.,2000, W. B. Saunders Company 2. B. Sears: “The top 100 zone foods”. Regan Books, Harper Collins, 2001. 3. The Merck Manual, 7th edition, by M. H. Beers et al., Whitehouse Station, N.J., 1999. Chapter 176. 4. Noble: Textbook of Primary Care Medicine, 3rd ed.,2001, Mosby, Inc. 5. Goroll: Primary Care Medicine, 4th ed.,2000, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 6.Rosen: Emergency Medicine: Concepts and Clinical Practice, 4th ed., 1998, Mosby-Year Book, Inc. 7. Ruddy: Kelley’s Textbook of Rheumatology, 6th ed.,2001, W. B. Saunders Company 8. Ferri: Ferri’s Clinical Advisor: Instant Diagnosis and Treatment, 2004 ed., Copyright © 2004 Mosby, Inc. 9. Rakel: Conn’s Current Therapy 2004, 56th ed., Copyright © 2004 Elsevier 10. The 50th Annual St. Paul’s Hospital Continuing Medical Education Conference for Primary Physicians, Nov. 16 – 19, 2004 11. Suzanne Somers: “Breakthrough” Eight Steps to Wellness– Life-altering Secrets from Today’s Cutting-edge Doctors”, Crown Publishers, 2008 12. Dr. John R. Lee, David Zava and Virginia Hopkins: “What your doctor may not tell you about breast cancer – How hormone balance can help save your life”, Wellness Central, Hachette Book Group USA, 2005. On page 256 and 257 Dr. Lee describes how progesterone can be used as a cream to treat PMS. 13. Dr. John R. Lee: “Natural Progesterone- The remarkable roles of a remarkable hormone”, Jon Carpenter Publishing, 2nd edition, 1999, Bristol, England. 14. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21407165 : Dzugan SA, Rozakis GW, Dzugan KS, Emhof L, Dzugan SS, Xydas C, Michaelides C, Chene J, Medvedovsky M.: “Correction of steroidopenia as a new method of hypercholesterolemia treatment.” Neuro Endocrinol Lett. 2011;32(1):77-81.
Conservation grasslands can provide valuable habitat resource for breeding songbirds, but their value for wintering raptors has received little attention. We hypothesized that increased availability of grassland habitat through the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) has resulted in an increase or redistribution in numbers of four species of raptors in Pennsylvania since 2001. We tested this by analyzing winter raptor counts from volunteer surveys, conducted from 2001 to 2008, for Red-tailed Hawks (Buteo jamaicensis), Rough-legged Hawks (Buteo lagopus), Northern Harriers (Circus cyaneus), and American Kestrels (Falco sparverius). During that period, numbers of wintering Northern Harriers increased by more than 20% per year. Log-linear Poisson regression models show that all four species increased in the region of Pennsylvania that had the most and longest-established conservation grasslands. At the county scale (N= 67), Bayesian spatial models showed that spatial and temporal population trends of all four species were positively correlated with the amount of conservation grassland. This relationship was particularly strong for Northern Harriers, with numbers predicted to increase by 35.7% per year for each additional 1% of farmland enrolled in CREP. Our results suggest that conservation grasslands are likely the primary cause of the increase in numbers of wintering Northern Harriers in Pennsylvania since 2001. ?? 2010 The Authors. Journal of Field Ornithology ?? 2010 Association of Field Ornithologists.
Explosions, both natural and man-made, can result in mass destruction in a matter of seconds. Often times, the biggest explosions can cause enough devastation that the effects can be felt for generations. Cities are reduced to rubble, lives are lost in an instant and the earth is left with a permanent scar from a single moment of unfathomable energy. In an attempt to rank some of the biggest explosions of all time, Top Lists offers a glimpse at the most memorable and catastrophic events in the earth’s history. Whether they’re the result of war, science, accidents, or other events, each explosion is unique in its own right. The list starts off with the 1917 Halifax explosion, a maritime disaster in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. A Norwegian vessel, the SS Imo, crashed into a French cargo ship, the SS Mont-Blanc, which was carrying explosives. The crash caused a massive detonation equivalent to some 2.9 kilotons of TNT, and it was considered the largest man-made explosion at the time. Nearly all structures within a half-mile radius were destroyed, and entire cities were obliterated. It is estimated that around 2,000 people died as a result of the explosion and ensuing fires in nearby towns. Another 9,000 people were injured. Check out the rest of the list in the video below: While some explosions are a result of nature or accidents, many of the most devastating have been purposely executed. The most powerful man-made nuclear weapon ever created, the Russian Tsar Bomba, was tested on Oct. 30, 1961. The resulting explosion from the Tsar Bomba was the equivalent of 50 megatons of TNT. A 35-mile high mushroom cloud could be seen from hundreds of miles away, and buildings and structures were inadvertently damaged because of the test. To this day, the Tsar Bomba remains the largest man-made explosion to ever occur. Perhaps the most impactful man-made explosion of all time, the United States’ decision to drop the atomic bomb Little Boy on the Japanese city of Hiroshima remains one of the most controversial decisions in recent history. Three days later on Aug. 9, 1945, the U.S. would drop an additional nuclear bomb over Nagasaki. To this day, these have been the only atomic weapons ever used in war. Topping off the list is the Cretaceous–Paleogene (K–Pg) extinction event, which is said to have been the direct result of a comet or asteroid impacting the earth 66 million years ago. The effects of the impact can still be seen today, and researchers propose that the event led to the extinction of three-quarters of the plants and animals on the planet.
There are thousands of plant species visited by bees: some give rise to unifloral honeys due to the presence of plants over vast areas, others combine to produce the millefiori. In unifloral honeys there is however a variable percentage of nectars from different plants, because it is impossible for bees to take nectar from a single type of plant. Depending on the flowering from which the nectar is collected, the color and consistency of the honey vary, but above all its flavor and organoleptic properties, leading to differences in smell and taste: from the delicate aroma of acacia honey, clear and liquid, with a resinous scent of linden, with a lactic taste of fir and eucalyptus honeydew. We go from greenish reflections, to the bitter taste of that of chestnut, to the more gentle and floral one of that of citrus or asphodel. Honey Bee Products: Preclinical and Clinical Studies of Their Anti-inflammatory and Immunomodulatory Properties, study published on the Frontiers in nutrition, explained: "Inflammation is a defense process triggered when the body faces assaults from pathogens, toxic substances, microbial infections, or when tissue is damaged. Immune and inflammatory disorders are common pathogenic pathways that lead to the progress of various chronic diseases, such as cancer and diabetes The overproduction of cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-α, is an essential parameter in the clinical diagnosis of auto-inflammatory diseases. In this review, the effects of bee products have on inflammatory and autoimmune diseases are discussed with respect to the current literature. Bee products, including g propolis, royal jelly, honey, bee venom, and bee pollen, or their bioactive chemical constituents like polyphenols, demonstrate interesting therapeutic potential in the regulation of inflammatory mediator production as per the increase of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 , Il-2, and Il-7, and the decrease of reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. Additionally, improvement in the immune response via activation of B and T lymphocyte cells, both in in vitro, in vivo and in clinical studies was reported. Thus, the biological properties of bee products as anti-inflammatory, immune protective, antioxidant, anti-apoptotic, and antimicrobial agents have prompted further clinical investigation."
Though it’s often associated with young people, cell phone and screen addiction can affect people of all ages. Though one researcher says, most people don’t realize how much of their time is spent scrolling. “One thing that research has consistently found is that the more you use your phone, the more you underestimate how much you use your phone,” said Jay Olson, a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Toronto, Missisauga. “And so if someone is using their phone 5 hours a day, they’ll say that they’re actually using it about two or 3 hours a day.” Olson studies problematic smartphone use. But “problematic” can mean look different for each person. “We’re looking at some of the more subjective aspects of it, how it’s influencing their life, and kind of less about the usage itself in terms of screen time,” he said. According to 2020 data from Statistics Canada, about 12 per cent of people 65 and older check their smartphone at least every 30 minutes, and more than 22 per cent said it was the first thing they do after waking up. Between 2020 and 2022, the percentage of adults between 65 and 74 who used a smartphone to access the internet rose from 59 to 68 per cent. Olson’s research paints a similar picture. More on Health “What we found was across the world in basically all genders and age groups that we studied, problematic smartphone use was rising, including in these older age groups as well. And so we can predict that this will continue to be a growing problem in the future,” he said. During the COVID-19 pandemic, smartphones and tablets were one way to stay connected during lockdowns. They’ve also been heralded as a way to prevent isolation among older adults, who report high rates of loneliness. Winnipegger Lorraine McPhail says she uses her phone about 1-2 hours per day. “Checking my email, checking my voicemail, checking the news, Facebook. That’s about it,” she said. Lloyd Yee says he plays games on his tablet at night as a way to unwind. “My time for that is from 11 o’clock at night until 2 o’clock in the morning,” he said. And Bob Lee tries to avoid phones and screens altogether. “Games have become a big thing with the people in my peer group,” he said. “It is what it is. It’s a technology that serves a variety of purposes, and the greatest purpose is to waste time.” Olson says there are many ways to curb smartphone addiction – like keeping the device in another room overnight, muting notifications, and changing the device’s display to grayscale. “Adding in these little barriers, making the phone a little bit less successful or slightly harder to use seems to reduce people’s screen time and also their problematic smartphone use,” he said. Olson added anyone can check their problematic smartphone use at healthyscreens.com. &© 2024 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc. View original article here Source
Srirangapatna is a town in Mandya district of Karnataka. This place is famous for its history, culture and religion. It is surrounded by the river Kaveri. This was founded in 9th century by Ganga Dynasty. Earlier this place acted as capital to Khudadad State which belongs to Tipu Sultan. Main temple in Srirangapatna is Ranganathaswamy temple. The temple is one of the set of 3 major temples. These 3 temples are built in 3 different islands on the river kaveri. First temple was dedicated to Antya Ranga which is located at Srirangam, 2nd temple is Madhya Ranga which is located at Shivanasamudra and 3rd temple is Adi Ranga which is placed at Srirangapatana. What to see in Srirangapatna: Gumbaz: This is the burial place of Tipu Sultan’s Mother Fatima Begum and father Hyder Ali. Doors here are decorated with Ivory which looks so beautiful. These doors are presented by Lord Dalhousie. Srirangapatna Fort: This was built by Tipu Sultan. It consists of 4 major entrances. Persian inscriptions can be seen at the each entrance. In 1527 this was constructed in Indo Persian style. Paintings in this fort are most attractive. These paintings say how Tipu Sultans got victory over Britishers. Sri Ranganathswamy Temple: Srirangapatna is famous for Sri Ranganathswamy Temple .It is located inside the Srirangapatna Fort. This temple is dedicated Lord Krishna. Daria Dault Bagh and Museum: Museum consists of the things which are used by Tipu Sultan. Major attraction of this museum is ammunitions, arms, engravings, Pencil sketches, Oil Paintings. Daria Dault Bagh is summer recreation of Tipu Sultan. Other attractions of Srirangapatna: Other attractions of Srirangapatna are Masjid –E-Ala, The Obelisk, Nimishamba Temple, and Place of Martyrdom. What to see around Srirangapatna: Karighatta: This place is famous for Karighatta hill which is situated 8kms away from Srirangapatna. On this hill ancient temple is located. Temple is dedicated to Lord Vaikunta Srinivasa. Mysore: This is the known as City of Palaces. It is the second largest city of Karnataka. It is located 18kms away from Srirangapatna. Mahadevapura: It is located 18kms away from Srirangapatna. This village is famous for most ancient Shiva Temple which is dates back to 600 years. Sangama: It is located 3kms away from the town and it is located in Mandya. People believe that if they dip in the water of Sangama all the sins will wash away. Ranganthittu Bird Sanctuary: In India it is one of the most popular bird sanctuaries. This is also known as Pakshi Kashi of Karnataka. It is located 5kms away from Srirangapatna. Other attractions nearby Srirangapatna: Other attractions nearby town are Balmuri Falls, Kere Thonur, and Captain Baileys Dungeon. Getting to Srirangapatna: This place is well connected with roadways. From Bangalore and Mysore buses are available to reach Srirangapatna. Nearest railway station and airport is located at Mysore. Getting around Srirangapatna: Taxis, Buses and Autos are available to visit the places surrounding to the town. Best time to visit Srirangapatna: Best time to visit Srirangapatna is between September to March. Where to stay in Srirangapatna: Plenty of budget and midrange hotels are available to stay in Srirangapatna. Best hotels are available in Mysore and Bangalore road. Best hotels in Srirangapatna are Balaji Garden Resort, Sri Ventakeswara Lodge, Guru Raj continental Hotel, Sri Venkateshwara Lodge, Hotel Nandini, and Amravati Hotel. Where to eat in Srirangapatna: Plenty of restaurants are available to have food in Srirangapatna. Both vegetarian and Non vegetarian food are available. Chinese, North India and South Indian Cuisines are available.
663 million people in the world live without clean water. That’s nearly 1 in 10 people worldwide. Or, twice the population of the United States. The majority live in isolated rural areas and spend hours every day walking to collect water for their family. Not only does walking for water keep kids out of school or take up time that parents could be using to earn money, but the water often carries diseases that can make everyone sick. But access to clean water means education, income and health – especially for women and kids. Below is more information from Charity: Water on what they do. How We Work We invest the money we raise into organizations with years of experience to build sustainable, community-owned water projects around the world. Our team works closely to ensure that every dollar is accounted for and then provides reports back to our donors. Learn about our approach, the solutions we fund and our partners on the ground. We’re passionate about solving the water crisis in our lifetime, using 100% of all public donations to fund water projects, and proving where every dollar goes with photos and GPS coordinates. Here’s the progress we’ve made since we started working in 2006. Water projects funded: 23,377 People getting clean water: 7,128,152 Local partners: 25 Where We Work We fund water programs in 24 countries around the globe – in Africa, Asia, Central and South America. Water scarcity, poverty, political stability and strong partner organizations all play a part in where we choose to work. We focus on providing rural communities with their first access to clean water. Stories From The Field Our time in the field gives us a personal view on what it’s like to get clean water for the first time. The mothers, children and communities that we’ve met inspire our ideas and, often times, solutions. Every one of them has a story worth sharing. Meet: The Well Doctor Read: Surviving in the Desert The Future Is Bright We’re not just about funding new wells, we’re also taking care of the ones we’ve already built. This is how we ensure that our water projects continue to provide clean water to communities long after they are installed. Pipeline is a system of local leaders, innovative technology and trained mechanics all working together to keep water flowing at charity: water projects around the world. Keeping in touch To donate: https://my.charitywater.org/donate/general
In less than one week’s time, NASA’s $1.1 Billion Juno probe will blast off on the most powerful Atlas V rocket ever built and embark on a five year cruise to Jupiter where it will seek to elucidate the mysteries of the birth and evolution of our solar system’s largest planet and how that knowledge applies to the remaining planets. The stage was set for Juno’s liftoff on August 5 at 11:34 a.m. after the solar-powered spacecraft was mated atop the Atlas V rocket at Space Launch Complex 41 at Cape Canaveral and firmly bolted in place at 10:42 a.m. EDT on July 27. “We’re about to start our journey to Jupiter to unlock the secrets of the early solar system,” said Scott Bolton, the mission’s principal investigator from the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio. “After eight years of development, the spacecraft is ready for its important mission.” The launch window for Juno extends from Aug. 5 through Aug. 26. The launch time on Aug. 5 opens at 11:34 a.m. EDT and closes at 12:43 p.m. EDT. Juno is the second mission in NASA’s New Frontiers program. JUNO’s three giant solar panels will unfurl about five minutes after payload separation following the launch, said Jan Chodas, Juno’s project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif. The probe will cartwheel through space during its five year trek to Jupiter. Upon arrival in July 2016, JUNO will fire its braking rockets and go into polar orbit and circle Jupiter 33 times over about one year. The goal is to find out more about the planet’s origins, interior structure and atmosphere, observe the aurora, map the intense magnetic field and investigate the existence of a solid planetary core. “Juno will become the first polar orbiting spacecraft at Jupiter. Not only are we over the poles, but we’re getting closer to Jupiter in our orbit than any other spacecraft has gone,” Bolton elaborated at a briefing for reporters at the Kennedy Space Center. “We’re only 5,000 kilometers above the cloud tops and so we’re skimming right over those cloud tops and we’re actually dipping down beneath the radiation belts, which is a very important thing for us. Because those radiation belts at Jupiter are the most hazardous region in the entire solar system other than going right to the sun itself.” “Jupiter probably formed first. It’s the largest of all the planets and in fact it’s got more material in it than all the rest of the solar system combined. If I took everything in the solar system except the sun, it could all fit inside Jupiter. So we want to know the recipe.” Watch for my continuing updates and on-site launch coverage of Juno, only the 2nd probe from Earth to ever orbit Jupiter. Galileo was the first.
Understanding the nuances of French communication can be challenging, but it’s essential to understand that the French place politeness standards are pretty high. From the use of formal language and expressions of politeness to the importance of body language and tone of voice, the French art of subtle communication is both complex and fascinating. In this article, we will explore some key strategies and techniques to help you sound more polite in your French conversations. The Ultimate Guide to French Politeness French people believe that showing respect and consideration towards others is crucial for maintaining harmonious relationships, in the workplace, among friends or family, or in public. Politeness is also seen as a way of showing one’s education and social status. In addition, France has a long history of social hierarchy, and politeness is a way of acknowledging and maintaining these social structures. Overall, the French view politeness as a way of demonstrating civility, courtesy, and respect, and it’s an important part of their cultural identity. Not using the French standard politeness forms will make you sound rude at the very least. What is the Polite Form in French? In French, addressing formally means that you are using the plural pronoun vous, while adressing informally means using singular pronoun tu. Even though it can sound weird to some, many languages actually have the same way of addressing formally. Of course, when addressing more than one person, regardless of your relationship with them, “vous” should always be used. However, when speaking to a single person, the choice between “tu” and “vous” is significant and can impact verb conjugations, adjectives, and pronouns, as well as define the relationship and social etiquette between the two parties. Generally, “tu” should be used with close friends, family members, children, and anyone who uses “tu” with you, while “vous” is appropriate for strangers, acquaintances, colleagues, superiors, and elders, as well as in group settings. The topic is deeply embedded in French history, and incorrect usage of pronouns can be interpreted as impolite behavior. When unsure, you can ask the person if it’s okay to use “tu” by saying : On peut se tutoyer? Can we address each other in more familiar terms? (using tu or 2nd person singular) Using French Titles: Monsieur, Madame, and Mademoiselle In French, it is customary to address adult men with “Monsieur”, adult women with “Madame” (regardless of their marital status as long as they are over 18), and young girls under 18 with “Mademoiselle”. However, it’s worth noting that waitresses are typically addressed as “Mademoiselle”. While this level of formality may be considered excessive in some English-speaking countries, it is widely practiced and appreciated in France. Miss, with younger (too young to be married) women French Phrases of Politeness This list highlights the most common French courteous expressions that can be utilized in various social contexts. S’il vous plaît – please (using vous)/ S’il te plaît please (saying tu) Je vous en prie. (using vous-formal) Je t’en prie. (saying tu-informal) You are welcome! Excuse me! – (when you couldn’t hear someone) Excusez-moi (for vous) / excuse-moi (for tu) À vos souhaits (for vous) / à tes souhaits (for tu) Bless you!(after someone sneezes) All Ways to Say Thank You in French There are many ways to express your gratitude in French, and we’ll extract the most common French phrases. Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Mille fois merci! A thousand times thank you. You’re welcome. it literally means “it’s nothing” Pas de quoi. Don’t mention it. Je vous en prie! (formal and plural) It’s my pleasure. Je t’en prie! (singular and informal) It’s my pleasure. Saying “Please” in French In French, the word for “please” is “s’il vous plaît” or “s’il te plaît” when addressing someone informally. These phrases are commonly used to make polite requests and are often added at the end of a sentence. Pouvez-vous me passer le sel, s’il vous plaît? Can you pass me the salt, please? Using “s’il vous plaît” or “s’il te plaît” shows respect and consideration towards the person you are speaking to and is highly recommended to be used as much as possible. S’il vous plaît (formal / plural) S’il te plaît. singular and informal Learn more polite ways to Express Doubt and Possibilities in French. What Tense is Polite in French? To be polite, you can use conditional tense or the inversion form of the verb pouvoir. For example, instead of saying Tu peux m’aider?” (Can you help me?), you can say: Pourrais-tu m’aider, s’il te plaît? Could you help me, please? Another example of the polite form of “pouvoir” is : Pourrais-je avoir une serviette, s’il vous plaît? Could I have a towel, please? Je voudrais le pain. I would like bread. Tu pourrais me prêter de l’argent ? Could you lend me some money? Other verbs in the conditional tense can also be used, such as avoir in the following example. Vous auriez du feu, s’il vous plaît ? Do you have a light, please? It is considered impolite to use the present tense je veux instead of the conditional je voudrais. Handshake or Faire la Bise? In France, greetings are an essential part of social interactions, and the most common way to greet someone is by either shaking hands or doing “la bise” (the kiss on the cheek). Shaking hands is more common in professional settings, between acquaintances or people who just met. On the other hand, “la bise” is more common in personal situations between friends, family, and people you know well. However, the number of kisses can vary depending on the region in France; some people do two kisses, some three, and others four. It’s essential to pay attention to the other person’s body language and follow their lead. Lean forward and slightly brush cheeks with the other person while mimicking a kiss (with the sound and lips gesture). Then, switch cheeks and repeat. A French handshake should be brisk and firm, with one or two up-and-down movements while looking at the other person straight. How Many Kisses do the French do? Ah! Here’s another important question in French. How many kisses on the cheek are considered a norm? You might think you have an answer, but wait the number of kisses or “bises” can vary depending on the region or the relationship between the individuals. In general, two kisses on the cheek are the most common in France, one on each cheek. However, some regions or people may do three or four kisses, while others may only do one. It’s always best to follow the lead of the person you’re greeting and adapt accordingly. Enjoy this funny video about French Bise, and learn when, where and whom to kiss in French. Understanding French Body Language Body language, also known as nonverbal communication, is an essential component of human interaction. It involves the use of gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, posture, and other physical movements to convey emotions, thoughts, and intentions. Before you’ve said a word, your posture and attitude speak volumes and people form an opinion right away based on your gestures as well as the way you stand or how you occupy space in the room. French people tend to be more restrained in their movements compared to Americans. They maintain an upright chest, and a horizontal pelvis, and keep their shoulders still with their arms close to their body. Some refer to it as tense or stiff, which contributes to the impression that the French are cold and unwelcoming. This controlled manner of movement may appear rigid and tense to some, which explains why French clothing tends to be narrower and tighter than what Americans typically wear. Due to their reserved body language, the French tend to rely more heavily on verbal expression as a means of communication, whereas Americans tend to require more physical space for movement. Polite Requests in French in a Nutshell Making polite requests in French requires the use of formal language and expressions of politeness. The most common way to make a request is by using the verb pouvoir and the phrase Est-ce que vous pouvez (Can you). You get extra points if you add s’il vous plaît (please) at the end of the request. It’s also important to start the request with Excusez-moi (Excuse me) or Pardon (Sorry) can help convey respect and manners. It’s also essential to use the correct form of vous for formal situations and tu for informal settings. Even if it’s not in your cultural code to express politeness to a high degree, remember that going that extra mile in French will be much rewarded. Learn more polite ways to Express Your Wants Politely
"Storing energy will become increasingly important in the move towards a low carbon economy, and has the potential to save the energy system over £4bn by 2050," UK Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker said in February as he announced the government had awarded an £8m grant to two British companies to scale up a liquid air energy storage (LAES) system. "This isn’t a Cinderella sector," he assured. "It’s happening under the radar and we are giving it support." Currently, most of the energy storage capacity in the UK energy system is provided by stocks of fossil fuels. Almost all of the country’s electricity is generated when required and networks are designed to accommodate demand spikes with back-up peak power plants that can be costly to run, produce a lot of carbon emissions and take around 20 minutes to ramp up. How well do you really know your competitors? Access the most comprehensive Company Profiles on the market, powered by GlobalData. Save hours of research. Gain competitive edge. Your download email will arrive shortly Not ready to buy yet? Download a free sample We are confident about the unique quality of our Company Profiles. However, we want you to make the most beneficial decision for your business, so we offer a free sample that you can download by submitting the below formBy GlobalData Energy can be stored in mechanical, electrical or chemical devices and in the form of heat, and many commercially successful operations run throughout Europe and America. But pumped hydroelectric storage is by far the most popular storage method and accounts for 99% of the world’s energy storage, not including fossil fuels. In the UK, there are only four major pumped hydro projects with an installed capacity of 2.7GW and a volume of 27.6GWh. These are all now more than 30 years old. In 2011, a report released by the Energy Research Partnerships (ERP) highlighted the important role energy storage could play in facilitating a low-carbon future and meeting the UK’s ambitious emissions reduction goals by 2050, but also warned that the sector currently faces a number of technical and regulatory challenges. The government has acknowledged that energy storage, most notably electrical storage, could play an important role in supporting the UK’s growth in ‘low carbon, renewable energy sources’ as well as ‘maintaining security of electricity supply in the UK’. However, experts working in the energy storage sector say that, despite investment in research and development (R&D), the government is hampering the sector’s development with short-term policies and insufficient efforts to develop market structure. Could cryogenic energy storage prove the best way to reduce waste by saving off-peak power for later use? The case for increased electricity storage Liquid Air Energy Network founder Toby Peters says electricity storage is unique because it can absorb warehouse "wrong-time" electricity for use on demand "This is key to integrating renewables into the energy mix without back-up fossil fuel plants for when the wind is not blowing or the sun not shining," he says. "Well-located electricity storage also optimises the use of generation, wires and cables, allowing them to be sized for average demand, not peak demand." Anthony Price of the Electricity Storage Network says that incorporating energy storage into the UK’s energy framework will bring down overall operating costs and reduce electricity bills in the long-term. "You can operate the system in a more rational way; you can overcome constraints, balance power and demand more evenly, which encourages you to bring on more renewables to the system," says Price, who runs his own consultancy specialising in energy storage. "You can then reduce your network infrastructure cost by using the network more efficiently, which reduces the total system operating costs and ultimately results in reduced electricity bills for all customers," he adds. "And because you are operating the system in a more efficient way you can use more efficient power plants most of the time, which reduces your environmental burden." Though there are fully commercial technologies for electricity energy storage being used around the world, R&D is still ongoing. These efforts include Highview Power Storage’s LAES system which, in conjunction with Viridor Waste Management, won the £8m government grant. LAES works by turning air to liquid at -196°C. When ambient heat is applied, the liquid rapidly re-gasifies and is used to drive a turbine. Highview already has a pilot plant in Slough which is currently connected to the grid. A representative from the Department of Energy and Climate Change says since 2010 UK public sector funders have provided more than £50m of support for research, development and demonstration of energy storage technologies. This includes more than £15m awarded by DECC via two energy storage competitions – the Energy Storage Technology Demonstration Competition and the Energy Storage Component Research and Feasibility Study Scheme. Developing the energy storage market Other government investments into energy storage include £30m from the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills in 2013 to create dedicated R&D facilities for energy storage. However, Price says R&D investment will be wasted if the government doesn’t sort out the financial market for energy storage. "They [government] have put insufficient effort into developing the market for [energy storage] and without a strong home market for British companies to demonstrate their products," Price says. "It’s a bit rich for those companies to find markets and develop them if there is no home-base to work from – there is going to be nowhere for them to show [their technology] off." "There is no long-term contract or stability that a commercial operator of storage has in order to give him confidence to make an investment," he adds. "Whereas almost everything else in the electricity industry has some form of incentive to encourage investment." Can excess renewable energy be stored as liquid air and then be transported to the grid? Wind farms and solar panels, for example, benefit from guaranteed feed-in tariffs or a renewable obligation certificate (ROC) which, according to Price, "gives an almost guaranteed rate of return for the life of your project".. A 2012 report by Low Carbon Futures entitled ‘Pathways for Energy Storage in the UK’ highlights the fact that regulatory arrangements in the UK separate monopoly and competitive activities, and so network companies – distribution and transmission – cannot own energy storage facilities and use them in the trading environment. It adds that "storage often has the greatest value to the system when placed closest to the source of demand", i.e. the grid, which in current regulatory conditions could not happen with the grid owning the storage facility. What more should the government do? For faster development of the energy storage sector, Highview suggests a more stable and long term market framework would be beneficial, as well as a dedicated government official or office responsible for electricity storage. A strategy for storage, including a target of 2000 MW by 2020 would also be a key driver, the company says. Highview also highlights two mandates put in place in the US, such as AB2514 in California, which directs the California Public Utilities Commission to establish procurement targets and policies for cost-effective and commercially viable energy storage systems for the state’s investor-owned utilities. The Long Island Power Authority’s requests for proposals in New York state also calls specifically for the replacement of peaking power stations with technology such as storage. Similar mechanisms could benefit the deployment of LAES in the UK and around the world. Price says that the government tends to go for policy ‘we regret afterwards’ such as putting in lots of diesel and gas turbines to meet peak demand which ‘destroys the business case to ever put in storage, which would be a much better way of doing things’. "You have either got to come up with a mechanism that encourages people to make the investment in storage or you have got to remove all the subsidies and distortions from everything else in the market," Price says. "We have got to go the other way round and find a way the government can encourage the deployment of storage and give some long-term future for it." He agrees that there is provision in the infrastructure planning process for the government to perhaps underwrite finance loans for new technologies but he adds: "That needs someone quite brave to take it on". A representative from DECC in an emailed statement said: "The extent of energy storage deployment within the UK and globally is still uncertain; for example, other balancing technologies, such as demand reduction and interconnection, are available but the Low Carbon Innovation Coordination Group’s new Strategic Framework, published in February this year, highlights energy storage as one of the key low carbon technology areas." The statement adds: "Different energy storage technologies are currently at different stages of development and further innovation is needed to reduce the technology costs to make storage technologies applicable for wide deployment. We believe that public innovation support is needed to help to secure viable, cost-effective storage technology." However, listening to the industry, it’s clear the government is saying the right things but not necessarily taking the action that is needed. According to an Energy Research Workshop, policy-makers will need to take a "holistic approach", along with bold actions and long-term commitment, to fully integrate electrical energy storage into the UK energy network. For encouragement, ministers might like to remember the words of Prof Richard Williams, pro-vice-chancellor of the University of Birmingham. "Energy storage is the missing link in UK energy strategy and is critical to future UK domestic electrical energy supply and industrial needs," he said.
In 1793, a new clock by Thwaites of London was installed, and Revd Dr Joseph Jowett, Regius Professor of Civil Law, was asked to compose a suitable chime. We shall never know whether the result was his own invention; there is a long, but almost wholly unsubstantiated, tradition that he received assistance either from Dr Randall, the Professor of Music, or from his brilliant undergraduate pupil, William Crotch (1775-1847). It is also said that the tune is based on the fifth bar of the opening of Handel’s Aria ``I know that my Redeemer liveth”. The clock wore out in a century; the one now in the tower was bought in 1892, and is by William Potts and Sons of Leeds, and incorporates Grimthorpe’s double three-legged gravity escapement It is often not appreciated, even by those who know the chimes well, that although each quarter is different, the barrel revolves twice each hour. The 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th bells of the old (pre-2019) ring of 12 bells are used to strike the quarters. The tenor bell is used to strike the hour. These much-admired chimes were copied in 1859 for the new clock and bells in the Palace of Westminster (commonly collectively known as “Big Ben”, which is in fact the name of the hour bell alone); thus the tune is also often known as the “Westminster Chimes”. Some people associate the following words with the tune of the fourth quarter of the chimes. “Lord through this hour, be Thou our guide so, by Thy power no foot shall slide” Regulation of the Clock The following information was provided by the University clock-keeper, Dr Frank King (See Contact page University Bellringer for contact details) The clock at Great S. Mary’s is usually very reliable and gives the time to within a few seconds of legal time (G.M.T. or B.S.T.). The clock is normally checked weekly at the first stroke of the hour bell at 8 a.m. each Sunday and the error relative to legal time is recorded. The weekly records date back many years and show that the standard deviation of the error is around 2 seconds. The period of a clock pendulum is governed by the formula T = 2*pi*sqrt(l/g) where l is the length. The pendulum is equipped with an annular tray, above the pendulum, bob which is used for holding coins, typically about 10 x 2p pieces. If you add coins to the tray you raise the centre of gravity and hence shorten the simple equivalent length marginally. This reduces the period and so speeds up the clock. After each weekly observation an appropriate adjustment is made to the number of coins on the tray according to the following formula: Adjustment = (desired gain – last week’s gain) / 1.3 The gain is measured in seconds and the result, rounded to the nearest half integer, gives the amount in pence to be added to the tray. For example if the clock is 2 seconds slow and lost 1.5 seconds the previous week then the desired gain is 2 seconds and last week’s gain is -1.5 (a loss is a negative gain). The formula suggests adding (2+1.5)/1.3 = 2.69p to the tray. On rounding to the nearest half integer, this result indicates that 2.5p should be added to the tray. A ha’penny is kept by the clock. . The position of the hands cannot be read to satisfactory precision which is why the time of the first stroke of the hour is used as a reference. Moreover, the error in the time of the first stroke is slightly different at different hours of the day which is why a particular hour (8 a.m. in practice) needs to be used for observational consistency. The pendulum incorporates a temperature compensation mechanism but it suffers from time lag and requires human intervention to help it on its way. It is worth noting that the time is almost never adjusted, but only the rate. The clock is stopped for occasional maintenance and when the clocks go back an hour in October each year. It may take a week or two for the timing to recover after such incidents which typically occur once or twice a year.
By Lucy Jones FOR many people, with the winter chill comes the frustrating urge to pee a lot more than usual. Not only is it irritating but doctors are now warning that if the call of nature strikes during the cold weather it could also be a sign of a deadly condition. One in three adults over 30 regularly get up in the night to pee. They say the condition - known as cold diuresis - can even be fatal in extreme circumstances. Dr Diana Gall, from online service, Doctor 4 U, has emphasised just how dangerous cold diuresis can be. She said: "Frequent urination due to diuresis can actually be really damaging to your body’s natural salt, water and mineral balance. “It can lead to conditions like ‘hyponatremia’, when there’s not enough sodium in the body, or ‘hyperkalemia’, too much potassium, and ‘hypokalemia’, not enough potassium. Can prove fatal “All three of these conditions can prove fatal in extreme circumstances. “And if you are weeing too much, you need to replenish fluids to avoid dehydration.” Dr Gall is now urging to be aware of the condition so that you can drink more fluids in order to stay well hydrated. She explains: "Cold diuresis can occur when the body’s temperature lowers. "The biological response is to redirect blood to the core to create warmth, while the kidneys release extra fluid to stabilise the pressure. Frequent urination due to diuresis can actually be really damaging to your body’s natural salt, water and mineral balance. By Dr Diana Gall "And it’s this process which boosts urine production, giving you the urge to wee more in the cold, winter months. "There’s currently a lack of scientific research into the phenomena, which means we don’t know just how low the temperature needs to get before it takes effect. "But we do know you’re likely to feel the effects if you’re standing around outside this winter - and it means you might need to know where the toilets are if you’re visiting the winter market." Dr Gall advises sufferers to wrap up warm and try to avoid standing outside for long periods of time. It comes as around one in three adults over the age of 30 say they have to get up in the middle of the night to pee, and that increases to two thirds of adults over the age of 65. This condition is called nocturia and sufferers will often have to use the loo more than once in the night. Some people also suffer from polyuria, which is when you wee more than 2.5 litres per day. This can happen because you are drinking excessive amounts of fluid, or it could be a symptom of something far more serious - type 2 diabetes.
By: Saskia Perks It’s back-to-school season, when children often feel anxious about the upcoming year. Managing anxiety is not an overnight process. It takes both the caregiver and child working together to discover the best coping strategies. […] Everything seemed to be going well for Jason Finuliar. The Filipino-American high school student from Fremont, California had exceptional grades and was president of the debate club. But a year into the pandemic, he began to show symptoms of mental illness, and his family struggled to find the right path forward for Jason. Socialization is a crucial part of child development, so when, in the midst of the pandemic, students were pulled from schools and forced into a new reality of online learning, it had an outsized impact on their mental health. More than a third of U.S. high school students report that they had poor mental health during this time. Now, K-12 schools in the United States are finding innovative methods to deal with the lingering impact.
New innovations capable of making significant reductions in emissions in the UK livestock sector are needed to meet government goals set for 2050. With agriculture contributing 11% of national greenhouse gas emissions in 2020, the Centre for Innovation Excellence in Livestock (CIEL) has commissioned a report that looks at how to bridge the current gap between likely emission reductions and goals set. Mark Young, innovations specialist at CIEL, said the ‘Bridging the Gap’ report – the third in a series on moving to net zero emissions – had been produced after it became clear that the sector wasn’t able to get to the goal of 64% cuts by 2050 demanded by the UK’s Climate Change Committee. The sobering thought was that the sector was only likely to be able to get to 24% cuts using existing technology, with a gap of 40%. Young said innovation across health and genetics, nutrition, waste and land management provided further opportunities for sector-wide emissions reductions and sustainable food systems. Innovations focusing on improving animal health by boosting immunity through vaccination against endemic disease or prophylactic health products can increase productivity while reducing resource use, cost and GHG emissions. Genetic improvement can contribute to reducing emissions through general gains in efficiency for all livestock and aquaculture systems. For ruminants, genetics can specifically focus on lowering methane emissions from enteric fermentation, but consideration must be given to how these impact productivity and efficiency. The report calls for further research and funding in this area, targeted at increasing the collection of CH4 emissions performance data (phenotypes), use of restricted selection indices and the development of genetic tools to manage the rumen microbiome. Methane emissions from the ruminant microbiome can also be targeted using CH4 inhibitors or vaccines. At present, several CH4 suppressing products are at various stages of market readiness, with potential emissions reductions of between 12 and 37%. Although the UK government is anticipating the entry of safe and high efficacy products to the UK market from 2025, no CH4 inhibitor is currently available that ensures the consistent supply of effective and safe dosage to grazing animals. CH4 vaccines remain at an early development stage but there have been promising results from New Zealand. Best case scenario models have estimated that annual CH4 emissions of UK livestock could be reduced by 30% (6.8MtCO2 equivalent). The report says nutrition, through both enteric fermentations and feed production, is the dominant source of emissions for livestock and aquaculture. Replacing soya or fishmeal with low carbon, less resource-intensive novel protein feeds can significantly reduce emissions but further research is needed to assess production impacts at scale. “Legislation in this area that is fit for purpose needs to align with, and facilitate, feed innovations right through to implementation if we are to address the urgent need for improvements in this major area to deliver 2050 net zero targets,” said Young. Improving manure management using innovative processing methods such as plasma treatment of slurry can bring about major emissions reductions of ammonia and methane. There is a need for innovation to provide green energy to drive on-farm plasma units to minimise the carbon footprint. Other manure additives and novel data approaches underpinning best management practices can further contribute to mitigating emissions. The focus has to be on nutrient circularity, so a systems approach is needed to exploit potential synergies and balance trade-offs while closing the nutrient loop. Manure management can further mitigate emissions by returning carbon to the soil. Innovative approaches to optimise soil carbon sequestration include multispecies swards and forage crops, new technologies for measuring and monitoring soil carbon, and increased focus on subsoil for long-term and more stable carbon storage. As a soil amendment, biochar has been shown to boost soil carbo while improving soil quality but there are still knowledge gaps on its long-term stability in soil. More data is needed at farm level with greater technological developments and improved data capture systems if nutrient management is to be enhanced using a precision agriculture approach. Young believes that accelerating innovation is critical for the livestock sector to meet its GHG emissions targets and CIEL has put forward a 4-point plan to help maximise uptake: “Collectively, these areas are where a major proportion of resources should be focused to deliver the emission reductions needed from the livestock sector. We expect these reductions will come from lower emission feed production systems, increased feed efficiency, improved animal health and greater nutrient circularity,” said Young. *The report, ‘Net Zero & Livestock: Bridging the Gap Report July 2023, can be found here.
Discoveries are made every day, and while many are somehow interesting (because there’s just something intriguing about new discoveries), others are downright spectacular that the scientific world can’t help but get overly excited about the possibilities the new information opens up. Such is the feeling that’s presently prevailing at the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) — CERN’s latest and most powerful particle accelerator. To put it simply, a particle accelerator does exactly what its name says — it forces particles to move at extremely high speeds (close to the speed of light) and collide with each other. This, in turn, releases energy that’s powerful enough to break up matter into its basic components — gluons and quarks. If the term particle accelerator sounds kind of familiar, it’s probably because you’ve been watching the TV series – “The Flash”. The explosion of the particle accelerator basically created ‘the Flash’ and all other ‘meta-humans’ (humans with extraordinary abilities) running around in Central City. But of course, that’s the science fiction part of what the particle accelerator can do. In real life, a perfectly working particle accelerator does real helpful and eye-opening stuff. According to a paper published by the Cornell University Library, the collaborative LHCb (Large Haron Collider beauty experiment) has just announced the discovery of a new system of not one, not two, not even three — but five particles all at once in just one analysis. This was made possible by the specialized capabilities of the LHCb to accurately recognize different kinds of particles, and the extensive datasets previously collected during the first two runs of the LHC. Combining these two factors has resulted in this conclusive discovery, meaning, there’s no way it’s just a fluke. All of the five particles were found to be excited states of a particle known as Omega-c-zero (Ωc0). Being in an excited state means that the particle is at a higher energy state than its normal or ground state. Omega-c-zero is referred to as a baryon — a particle with three quarks. The particle states follow the standard convention of naming — Ωc(3000)0, Ωc(3050)0, Ωc(3066)0, Ωc(3090)0 and Ωc(3119)0, with the numbers in parenthesis indicating how much mass in megaelectronvolts (MeV) each particle has. Identifying these new particles is only a beginning. Next, the scientists will have to discover other statistics and figures that characterize them. More importantly, they will have to find out what the significance of these particles are and ultimately, what their roles are in our physical universe and maybe the quantum world as well. The LHC is acknowledged as the biggest international scientific collaboration to date, with over 10,000 scientists and engineers from about 85 different countries working together to figure out the fundamental properties of physics. So far, they’ve discovered a number of new particles, new proof about matter-antimatter assymetry, the Higgs Boson, and even evidence that can potentially debunk paranormal existence. And there’s more coming. LHC’s future plans include discovering more new particles that can possibly help demystify some of the world’s biggest and oldest secrets such as those that relate to the origin of our universe (the Big Bang), dark matter (or maybe anti-matter), parallel worlds and all that quantum weirdness. Disclaimer: This page contains affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, we may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support!
Wolf-whistles, winks and honks – these are just some of the examples of what constitutes street harassment. Street harassment, or more popularly referred to as catcalling, is a form of intimidation that entails unwanted verbal comments, provocative gestures, stalking and persistent gazing or leering. Catcalling has been a growing issue as it creates an unsafe environment that can turn violent. It can start as verbal harassment and escalate to sexual assault, rape and even murder. While street harassment can happen to anyone, cross-cultural research from Hollaback! and Cornell University suggested that street harassment is gender-based harassment as it is mainly targeted at women and perpetrated by men. CEO of Our Watch, Patty Kinnersly, says this form of harassment has left many women feeling afraid and immobilised, thus impacting their mental health. “When disrespect towards women like street harassment goes unchallenged, it creates a culture in which violence against women is more likely,” she tells upstart. “We must see this violence existing on a continuum and examine what causes it and what role we all play in stopping it from happening in the first place.” Earlier this year, the grassroots street justice organisation It’s Not A Compliment (INAC) released a survey that captured the street harassment culture in Victoria. It revealed that 86.7 percent of the 343 participants surveyed have been harassed during the pandemic. Of those surveyed, 91.3 percent identified as cisgender women, non-binary or transgender, and said they have experienced harassment because of their real or perceived sex. The way catcalling is dealt with socially and legally varies across cultures. While some countries have laws to address public verbal harassment, others are working hard to only start the conversation about the issue. According to Dr Bianca Fileborn, senior lecturer in Criminology at the University of Melbourne, part of the reason we’ve seen laws being put in place in some places and not others is that activist groups across Australia, the UK and the US have divergent approaches towards the handling of the issue. She says the UK advocated for the introduction of criminal legislation because neighbouring countries, such as France and Portugal, had introduced similar legislation. “On the other hand, US and Australia were strongly informed by intersectional and abolitionist approaches and did not advocate for the criminal regulation of street harassment. Instead, these groups were much more concerned with preventative and transformative approaches that involved education, awareness-raising and tackling the underlying structural causes of street harassment,” she tells upstart. In Australia, depending on the states and territories, street harassment behaviours are covered under the sexual offence legislation that includes sexual assaults and rape. Although offensive language sits under the public order offences, verbal comments and staring are not directly addressed through legislation. Fileborn says actions like staring or leering are often challenging to police and regulate through the law because of their fugitive nature. “It [street harassment] can often be very fleeting,” she says. “So, people don’t see who the person was and there’s little tangible evidence to take to the police.” “Many forms of [street] harassment can also constitute perfectly normal behaviour in public spaces such as looking [and] talking to someone, making it difficult and in some cases, undesirable to try to regulate this behaviour.” Comparing the responses from participants involved in her previous and current projects, Fileborn says she has noticed a shift in people’s opinions when it comes to tackling street harassment. In her pilot project in 2016, a majority of the participants involved were in favour of introducing criminal legislation for street harassment despite knowing that it wouldn’t be effective in holding perpetrators accountable. “Many said the symbolic and communicative function of the law was important. [It] sends a message that as a community, we recognise that street harassment is harmful and not tolerated,” she says. Whereas most of the participants in her current research have not supported criminal legislation. “They [participants] wanted responses that dealt with the underlying causes and worked towards preventing street harassment,” she says. Fileborn believes there are more effective responses than criminal law as introducing stricter or new laws is unlikely to achieve anything. She believes it may contribute to the over-policing of marginalised groups of men including Indigenous men, People of Colour (POC), homeless men and those with a mental illness. Instead, Fileborn suggests Australia adopt Washington D.C.’s non-criminal legislation and place our resources towards cultural, social and structural change instead. “I would like to see the introduction of non-criminal legislation on street harassment, similar to the approach taken in Washington D.C.,” she says. “Legislation introduced in Washington D.C. creates a legal definition of street harassment and an onus on government agencies to undertake data collection, train staff and engage in community education without criminalising perpetrators.” While many Australians often feel lost and helpless when harassed on the streets, initiatives have been designed to help prevent harassment in public spaces. INAC has developed several campaigns and events to raise awareness and help reduce street harassment including Bystander Intervention Training. The workshop aims to empower people to confidently intervene on the streets by developing their knowledge, resources, skills set and views around street harassment accountability. In 2016, XYX Lab also partnered with Plan International Australia on the Free to Be online map, a website and application that allows women in Melbourne to report on their sense of safety. The data collected has helped activists, community leaders, governments and transport bodies in developing safer streets campaigns for women and girls. “By allowing women and girls the authority to articulate their experiences, we learn how to develop better, safer and more inclusive cities for everyone,” Nicole Kalms, founding director of XYX Lab, said. If you or anyone you know needs help, please contact the following services: 1800RESPECT: 1800 737 732 BeyondBlue: 1300 22 46 36 Lifeline: 13 11 14 Headspace: 1800 650 890 Kids Helpline: 1800 551 800 Photo: People, walking, street, road, city, car, taxi, vehicle, transportation, crowd by pxfuel available HERE and used under a Creative Commons Attribution. Image has not been modified. Article: Drishtee Lokee is a third-year Bachelor of Media and Communication (Journalism) student at La Trobe University. You can follow her on Twitter @DLokee.
Frankfurt asserts that it was the birthplace of the frankfurter more than 500 years ago, in the year 1484; this was eight years before Columbus set sail for the Americas. On the other hand, residents of Vienna (Wien in German) assert that their city is the place where the ″wienerwurst″ was first created. - TOTAL: 85/100. - If you have the happiest recollections of eating hot dogs at the stadium, then the Chicago Beef Franks at Stock Yards will bring back all of the feelings of yesteryear. - The beef used to make them comes from the United States, and they have a texture that is both extremely juicy and meaty, despite the fact that the packaging does not reveal the specific seasonings that were used. Where did hot dogs originate? It is possible that the point of origin of hot dogs can never be established with absolute certainty; nonetheless, historians are in agreement that European immigrants who arrived in the United States in the 1800s were already eating ″dachshund″ sausages, also known as ″small dog″ sausages. What are some important elements of hot dog history? - The history of the hot dog, including Dachshunds, dog wagons, and other significant aspects In 1987, the city of Frankfurt, Germany, held a party to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the invention of the hot dog in that city. - The year 1893 was a pivotal year in the timeline of the development of the hot dog. - Standard cuisine at baseball fields. - The development of the bun for hot dogs. The history of the word ″hot dog.″ Who invented the hot dog bun? Kraig finds it difficult to believe that story and asserts that everyone wants to take credit for inventing the hot dog bun, but the most plausible explanation is that the custom was brought to the United States by German immigrants and eventually became embedded in the culture of the country. Is it true that hot dog rolls were invented in America? However, we are aware that many of the tales that continue to circulate on the internet are most certainly not accurate. One urban legend asserts that Antoine Feuchtwanger, a German hawker who worked the streets of St. Louis, Missouri, in the 1880s, was the first person to sell hot sausages while using a roll to wrap them in. When was the hotdog invented? In the 1800s, a large number of German immigrants moved to the New World, carrying with them their long-established culinary traditions. It is thought that the first hot dogs, also known as ″dachshund sausages,″ were served by a German immigrant off of a food cart in New York in the 1860s. This might perhaps explain how they got their name, which is a reference to a dog breed. Who first invented the hot dog? Historically, the city of Frankfurt am Main in Germany is considered to be the birthplace of the frankfurter. This claim, however, is contested by some who state that the famous sausage known as a ″dachshund″ or ″little-dog″ sausage was made in the late 1600s by Johann Georghehner, a butcher who lived in Coburg, Germany. Johann Georghehner is said to have been a resident of Germany. Who invented the hotdog and why? - The word ″Wiener″ alludes to the city of Vienna, Austria (German: Wien), which is the birthplace of a sausage that combines pig and beef. - It is stated that Johann Georg Lahner, a butcher from the city of Coburg in Franconia who worked throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, introduced the Frankfurter Würstchen to Vienna. - There, he reportedly added beef to the concoction and renamed it simply Frankfurter. What came first hot dog or hamburger? A menu from Delmonico’s in New York City, which was printed in 1826, is considered to be the first American menu to have a listing for the hamburger. There are several different accounts of when the first hot dog was created, including one that places it around 1870 on Coney Island and another that places it in 1880 on the streets of St. Louis, Missouri. Why are hot dogs red? - Bean & Sons has been satisfying the gastronomic needs of New England consumers for more than 150 years by providing them with red dogs. - The corporation admits that the dye was used as part of a successful marking strategy, despite the widespread notion that the dogs have been painted a brilliant red color in order to conceal the fact that they are elderly and gray. - The frankfurters were given the color so that they would stand out more. Why a hotdog is not a sandwich? - The definition of a sandwich provided by Merriam-Webster states that it consists of ″two or more slices of bread or a split roll having a filling in between.″ Given that criteria, it would appear that hot dogs can be classified as sandwiches. - However, there are a lot of individuals who contend that the hot dog is not a sandwich, despite the fact that it does meet the requirements of the dictionary definition of a sandwich. Why are hot dogs called wieners? The wiener, which German Americans introduced to the United States, was once known as weinerwurst. The original name for this sausage came from German, however it was later abbreviated to just ″wiener.″ In common use, it is synonymous with the terms ″hot dog″ and ″frankfurter.″ Wieners are a type of sausage that gained its name from the city of Vienna, which is located in Austria. Who invented the sausage? In point of fact, the origin of sausages may be traced back to a landmass known as Mesopotamia.This region roughly corresponds to the location of modern-day Iraq, Kuwait, and a portion of Saudi Arabia today.The Sumerians were the most prominent cultural group in this part of the world.It is believed that these individuals came up with the idea for the sausage around around the year 3100 BC. Is a hotdog a taco? The elements that go into making a taco may make the shell thinner, but its form is identical to that of a hot dog bun; in fact, a taco is the term that most accurately describes a hot dog. What animal are hot dogs made of? Ground and pureed animal flesh is used to make hot dogs. The meat used in hot dogs often comes from pigs, cows, or chickens and frequently comes from the same cut of meat. What part of the pig are hot dogs made of? ″The raw meat materials utilized for precooked-cooked goods are lower-grade muscle trimmings, fatty tissues, head meat, animal feet, animal skin, blood, liver, and other edible slaughter by-products,″ said the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Yum! Why are hot dogs so good? Aside from the fact that they have a scrumptious flavor, many people enjoy hot dogs since it is quite simple to prepare them.They can be cooked quickly whether they are fried or grilled, and either method works.Because of this, they are an excellent choice for a fast fix when you are hungry.You won’t be required to wait an excessive amount of time for a taste of them whenever you feel like snacking on them. Who invented the Coney dog? William ″Bill″ Keros and his brother Constantine ″Gust″ Keros, both originally from the Greek hamlet of Dara, started the two eateries in order to provide autoworkers with a place to purchase and consume hot dogs. Each restaurant asserts that it was the first to open its doors, with American Coney claiming it was in 1917 and Lafayette Coney claiming it was in 1914. How did hot dogs get their name? – Novex S.A.produced the world’s longest hot dog, which had a length of 668 feet, 7.62 inches, when it was measured.- Joey Chestnut broke the record for the maximum number of hot dogs consumed in ten minutes by a guy in 2021 when he ate 76.- The Juuni Ban, was sold for $169 at Tokyo Dog in Seattle, Washington on February 23, 2014, holds the record for the most expensive hot dog ever sold. Where did hot dogs originate? Frankfurt, Germany and Vienna, Austria are the two cities in Europe that now lay claim to being the spot where the first hot dog was ever sold. The city of Frankfurt (formally known as Frankfurt am Main) asserts that the hot dog was first created in the city in the year 1487 and points to the name ″frankfurter″ as evidence of the dog’s origins in Frankfurt. What is the origin of hot dogs? DIY hot dogs: Provide guests with a toppings station so they may personalize their dog to their liking.Use a muffin tin to create compartments for the prepared condiments so that you can stay organized.- Wrap ’em up: Using our recipe for Hot Dog Roll-Ups, you can make pigs-in-blankets that are suitable for a dinner.- Ladle on the chili: This recipe for loaded Chili Coney Dogs puts one pound of ground beef to good use.
We’ve featured quite a few aquarium and fish feeder hacks on our blog. [RoboPandaPDX] thought of taking it up a notch and make an interactive fish feeder. He built a Fish feeder that train’s them to feed themselves. A copper bar hangs from the middle of a metal cylinder – much like a bell. The end of the bar has a fish lure. When a fish pushes the lure, the copper bar touches the metal cylinder and closes the circuit. This signal goes to an Arduino. To catch the attention of the fishes and to “teach” them, an RGB LED is used. The fish need to figure out that the feeder will dispense food only when the LED is ON and the Lure is pushed. If the fish figure that out, and push the lure when the LED is on, a servo is activated which pushes the feeder to deliver 1 unit of fish food. While at it, he added a couple of bells and whistles. A buzzer to indicate when the Lure switch is closed and a 2 line LCD shows how many times the switch has been activated and how long the program has been running. A Sparkfun open logger stores the hit count and the minutes and seconds of the hit for data analysis later on. The good news is that it seems to be working. The current code activates the feeder for 30 to 60 minutes every day, which is indicated by the LED. At the end of 9 days, [RoboPandaPDX] found that the goldfish would hit the Lure when the LED turned on, and then turn around to face where the feeder would dispense food in to the tank. His next plan is to put up some obstacles along the path to see if the fish learn some new tricks. His schematic looks a little iffy (the Lure switch is connected to the RST pin of the Arduino), and it seems he cannot remember why he ever did that. He’s happy that it works though, but we’re sure that’s not the right way to wire it up. [RoboPandaPDX] is looking for suggestions on improving his interactive feeder, so if you have any, do add them in the comments below.
The folk music revival was carried by and largely served the young men and women who were raised to volunteer, organize civil rights protests and activist groups and work with political powers (at least at the start) to effect the change they envisioned for the world. These college-age individuals rejected commercial mass culture while they favored borrowing and adapting older music from previous generations to serve their own purposes. During the 1970s, there was a boom in music festivals. Occurring over the span of 3-12 days, festivals became the best place to discover new artists, interact with new like-minded people and share new ideas about politics and the world. (They were also associated with drug use, but that’s not the focus of this article.) Festivals were generally grassroots efforts, organized by local communities, regionally or nationally and could have an educational focus. “The Mariposa Folk Festival in Toronto, Canada is one of the biggest in North America. [In the summer of 1972] it broke even and its organizers were happy.”1 Many different artists came to the festival to perform the music that was shaping the mentality and ethos of the college-attending generation in 1972. Old folk tunes were repurposed, given new life with new words about the ideas and emotions of the heartbroken and those downtrodden by society.2 “In 1965, a young folk singer named Joni Anderson hitchhiked to Mariposa from Calgary and in 1970 she drew 12,000 to a night concert because she was the famous Joni Mitchell … [James] Taylor was asked to Mariposa because ‘he has a lot of roots in folk’ not because he would draw people. Taylor came because he wanted to, not for the money, which amounted to $75. That is the most any performer is paid, along with his traveling and accommodation expenses. Why? Because Mariposa is an annual gathering of balladeers, not a rock festival.” Today, we still see (or hear of) people borrowing from other musical ideas and traditions. What they borrow leads to commercial success––in the case of Amy Winehouse and Iggy Azalea. Artists borrow ideas for several reasons: they identify with some aspect of the idea or culture, to make money, necessity demands that they adapt their music to today’s pop standards by updating the sounds or affect they use, or, to make a statement. We are in a never ending cycle of cultural repetition. Everything we produce and consume will reoccur in another form some time (shortly or long after) the “original” was produced. However, the questions have not changed from the 1970s when the folk music revival was in full swing, nor from when bluegrass was in its developmental stage as a musical genre. What is the intent behind artist’s borrowing ideas from others and how many alterations must the new work undergo before it is something original? Is there a way to respectfully reproduce or change something when you yourself have not been around to experience the genesis of that idea or have little to no connection with that cultural movement, people, or idea? And what is the significance of festivals? What role do they play with the appropriation, adaptation and spread of ideas and are they important cultural hub or a temporary collection of society’s social outcasts and wannabe reshapers? The Mariposa music festival still is around today. This year, the festival’s dates are July 3-5, 2015. 1. Musgrave, Corinne. “Mariposa: The Festival That Never Fails.” Rock, 1972 3, no. 10 (1972): 20-21. 2. Crawford, Richard. America’s Musical Life. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2001.
Solar energy is revolutionizing how we generate electricity, paving the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future. Among the various solar cell technologies available, n-type Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (TOPCon) solar cells have gained significant attention due to their high efficiency and promising performance. These advanced solar cells can generate renewable energy and play a crucial role in interacting with smart grid and microgrid technologies. This blog will delve into how do n-type topcon solar cells interact with smart grid and microgrid technologies. Smart Grid and Microgrid Technologies: Smart grid and microgrid technologies are advanced electrical systems integrating various energy resources, including renewable sources like solar energy, into the existing power grid. These technologies enhance the efficiency, reliability, and flexibility of the grid while also promoting the utilization of clean and sustainable energy sources. Interacting With Smart Grid Systems: N-type TOPCon solar cells can seamlessly integrate with smart grid systems to enhance the overall efficiency and stability of the electricity network. Here’s how they interact with key components of a smart grid: Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI): N-type TOPCon solar cells can be equipped with smart meters to provide real-time energy production and consumption data. This data helps utility companies optimize grid operations, monitor energy flow, and implement demand-response strategies. Grid Communication and Control: By integrating communication modules, n-type TOPCon solar cells can transmit information about their output power, voltage, and other performance parameters to grid operators. This real-time communication enables operators to balance the supply and demand of electricity more effectively and respond to fluctuations in solar generation. Grid Stability and Power Quality: Solar energy generation from n-type TOPCon solar cells can be controlled and managed to enhance grid stability and power quality. By utilizing advanced power electronics and inverters, solar generation can be ramped up or curtailed to match the grid’s requirements, ensuring a smooth and reliable power supply. Microgrids are localized power systems operating independently or in parallel with the main grid. N-type TOPCon solar cells offer several benefits when integrated into microgrid architectures: N-type TOPCon solar cells provide a reliable and clean energy source for microgrids, reducing reliance on traditional fossil fuel-based generation. This energy independence enhances the resilience of microgrids and ensures a continuous power supply, even during grid outages. Load Balancing and Energy Storage: N-type TOPCon solar cells can be combined with energy storage systems, such as batteries, to balance the supply and demand within microgrids. Excess solar energy generated during the day can be stored and utilized during periods of low solar irradiation, enabling a constant power supply. N-type TOPCon solar cells, when combined with appropriate control systems, allow microgrids to operate in islanding mode. This means they can disconnect from the main grid during emergencies or maintenance and continue providing electricity to critical loads within the microgrid. How Do N-Type Topcon Solar Cells Interact With Smart Grid and Microgrid Technologies: Final Thoughts N-type TOPCon solar cells represent a significant advancement in solar cell technology, offering high efficiency and excellent performance. Their seamless integration with smart grid and microgrid technologies further amplifies their benefits by improving grid stability, enabling efficient power management, and promoting the utilization of renewable energy. As we strive towards a sustainable energy future, combining n-type TOPCon solar cells with smart grid and microgrid systems holds immense potential to transform our electricity infrastructure and build a greener world.
TUESDAY, April 21, 2020 (HealthDay News) -- One of the few bright spots in the COVID-19 pandemic has been the perception that children are mostly spared from its worst effects. But what about kids already at risk of contracting serious infections due to a compromised immune system? Do they have the same protection? "One group we always worry about when it comes to viral illnesses is immunocompromised children," said Dr. Reggie Duerst, director of the stem cell transplant program at Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago. These kids are typically more at risk of known viral illnesses, such as chickenpox, common cold viruses and flu. But, he said, because there's so little information available on COVID-19 infections, it's hard to know how much higher the risk might be for children with compromised immune systems. So far, he said, the incidence of COVID-19 infections in his hospital is very low. Dr. Basim Asmar, chief of infectious disease at Children's Hospital of Michigan, said it's just not clear yet whether or not children with compromised immune systems are more likely to get COVID-19 infections. It's also unclear if they would have more severe complications if they got an infection. "We're not really sure right now. We're still learning, and every day we're learning something new. But with other viral infections, immunocompromised children tend to have a more prolonged course," Asmar said. Dr. Mehreen Arshad, a member of the Infectious Diseases Society of America and an assistant professor of pediatrics at Northwestern University in Chicago, agreed that there's just not a lot of data on children and COVID-19 yet, especially kids with compromised immune systems. She said that immunocompromised children likely have less risk from COVID-19 than older adults do, but they may have more risk than children with healthy immune systems. She added it's important to "take all precautions" to lessen the risk of infection for these children. Which kids have a compromised immune system? Duerst said many children who are being treated for cancer and those receiving stem cell transplants or organ transplants tend to have compromised immune systems. There are also inherited immune deficiency conditions. Children who have certain autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, may take medications that dampen their immune system's response. Other children who might be at a higher risk include those with cystic fibrosis and other lung diseases because their lung capacity is already compromised. Among children who've received a stem cell transplant, the immune systems of those who get their own cells back (autologous transplant) are close to normal after a year or two, Duerst said. In kids who get stem cells from a donor (allogeneic transplant), "they are on ongoing immune suppression for three to six months, and often longer. If they have a smooth course, by two years they begin to return to normal," he said. Kids who've had an organ transplant may remain on immune-suppressing drugs for a long time, often for life. So what steps do parents need to take to keep these youngsters safe? Arshad said, "I would be a little more stringent for children with compromised immunity. Stay inside as much as possible. Don't have contact with anyone higher risk, like grandparents, or anyone with symptoms. Don't go to stores. Avoid crowds." She noted that "these families are used to taking precautions already. They may be more aware of the potential dangers." Asmar agreed that it's important to follow common-sense infection prevention. And, he added, "If someone is ill within the family, even the mother or father, they should try to avoid coming in contact with the child, and should stay in a separate room." In addition, Asmar said that children with compromised immune systems should be as up-to-date on immunizations as possible. If your child has a compromised immune system and gets sick, Duerst said to call the physician treating the immune-compromising condition to get instructions. "There are multiple reasons you do not want to enter just any emergency room entrance," he said. But with a number of precautions and screening in place, hospitals are "still a relatively safe place to be," he added. Arshad said that for more routine visits, kids can often be seen via telehealth. And if there's something a doctor needs to see your child for, the doctor might have your child stay in the car and come out to you. "While we're not seeing immune-compromised children get an overwhelming number of infections, there's no reason to be complacent," she noted. Learn more about children and compromised immune systems from Nationwide Children's Hospital.
|Home > Astronomy > ISIS > ISIS Overview ISIS OverviewISIS is a dual-arm spectrograph with both arms sharing a common slit unit and dekker slides, as well as optics for imaging- and spectro-polarimetry. Each arm is a conventional spectrograph, with interchangeable reflection gratings, and a "horizontal" optical layout. The optical components of the two arms, and the anti-reflection coatings on those components, are optimised for specific wavelength ranges. The upper arm, the Blue Arm, is optimised for the range 3000-6000Å, whilst the lower arm, the Red Arm, is optimised for the range 5000-10000Å. ISIS is mounted below the Cassegrain A&G unit and therefore each arm can view the sky through the A&G unit's Main ND and Colour Filter slides. For example, when ISIS is used in polarimetry mode calibration polarisers and the quarter- and half-wave retarder plates are mounted in the A&G Main Colour Filter tray. ISIS doesn't have an atmospheric-dispersion corrector, and so observations should be made with the slit oriented vertically to minimise slit losses from differential refraction. Although differential chromatic refraction is smaller near zenith, the rate of change of parallactic angle is higher, and these two effects combine to make the relative movement of blue and red wavelengths across the slit only weakly dependent on air mass as a target is tracked. The slit doesn't actively track parallactic angle so the slit orientation should be adjusted every ~1.5-2 hours to minimise the impact of differential refraction. The A&G unit also houses a calibration unit which provides a tungsten continuum lamp as a flat-field source, as well as CuAr and CuNe wavelength-calibration arc lamps. Light from the lamps is fed directly into an integrating sphere, the exit pupil of which is fitted with an obscuring disc to simulate the telescope's entrance aperture obscuration by the secondary mirror structure. The reverse side of the acquisition mirror is used to feed the calibration light to either arm of ISIS on demand. Light is fed into the two arms of ISIS by 45-degree fold mirrors on the optical axis of the telescope at the levels of the respective collimators. The blue-fold mirror can be replaced by a choice of dichroic filters which reflect blue light and transmit red light, allowing simultaneous use of the blue and red arms. This is the most frequently used observing mode of ISIS. The overall layout of ISIS is shown in the following diagram (the Multi-Object mode and Faint Object Spectrograph depicted in the figure have been decommissioned). ISIS is permanently equipped with polarisation optics which can be deployed rapidly using the instrument control system. Polarisers and half-wave and quarter-wave retarders are located above the slit in the A&G unit, and a calcite slab (Savart plate) is located immediately below it. The quarter-wave plate is effective over the wavelength range 3000-11000Å and can be set to any position angle, or rotated continuously at a speed of several Hz. The quarter-wave plate converts circular into linear polarisation, so that the Savart plate (linear beam-splitting polariser) can detect its presence. Rotating the quarter-wave plate rotates the linear polarisation striking the Savart plate. The quarter-wave plate should only be used for point sources. A half-wave plate, of 40mm diameter to facilitate long-slit observations, can similarly be set to any angle or rotated continuously; rotating the half-wave plate through n degrees results in a rotation of 2n degrees of the polarisation vector of the light beam. The half-wave plate is usually mounted below the quarter-wave plate, which gives it the largest field of view and best slit viewing for linear polarisation studies. It is possible however to interchange these plates, although this requires that ISIS be taken off the telescope. The Savart plate is located in a tray immediately below the slit, the FCP (Field lens, Calcite, Polaroid) tray. It is effective over the wavelength range 3300-11000Å, and gives two beams separated by an amount which depends on wavelength, but is in the range 2.1-2.6 mm over the effective wavelength range. The two beams are 100% polarised, orthogonally, and their relative intensity depends on the polarisation vector of the incoming beam. Comb-type dekker masks are used to avoid overlap between the two sets of spectra produced by the Savart plate analyser. Use of the Savart plate requires the spectrograph to be refocussed by +9600µm in the blue arm, and by +9300µm in the red arm. A polaroid filter is located in the same tray as the Savart plate, and is used when full spatial polarisation coverage is required. It is therefore impossible to use the dekkers which are used with the Savart plate. However for accurate spectropolarimetry the Savart plate is preferred. The entrance slit is common to the two arms of ISIS. The slit length is 53 mm (4 arcmin), and its width is continuously variable between 30µm (0.14 arcsec) and 5mm (22.6 arcsec). The slit width is driven by a linear motor, and movement is encoded with temperature compensation. The slit is polished and aluminised, and is inclined to the optical axis of the telescope at an angle of 7.5 degrees to allow viewing of the reflected image by the A&G box TV camera. The slit unit itself is a two position carriage, one position contains the conventional long slit, and the other position is a two position cross slide, which in the past was used for mounting multi-slit masks and the slit end of the ISIS fibre system (both options decommissioned), and which now houses the recently-commissioned ISIS image slicer. This cross slide is also remotely driven by the ISIS PLC controller. The slit area Dekkers masks are mounted in 8-position slides, which are inserted in a driven mechanism located immediately above the slit. The slides are interchangeable in the drive mechanism. Two dekker masks are used when observing, one for general use in long-slit mode (called Observing) to reduce stray light entering the spectrograph and susequent ghosting, and one for spectro-polarimetry use (called Polarisation) used to define the apertures. The long-slit unit has gaps at each end, and so it is important to use the long slit dekker (in position 8) when observing in this mode, and not to observe with the dekker out (position 1), especially in moonlit conditions. Ghosting is reduced considerably when the long-slit dekker is deployed. The ISIS Bowen image slicer is pemanently mounted in the slit unit cross slide, and can be rapidly deployed by the control system. It is designed to reduce light-loss at the spectrograph entrance slit by rearranging the stellar image into a series of strips positioned end-to-end along the slit, thus allowing for higher spectral resolution with reduced slit losses. When the image slicer is positioned the conventional long-slit is automatically moved out of the beam. The image slicer comprises two 2.26-arcsec circular acquisition apertures (slicers A and B) with a 0.45-arcsec mini slit. Slicer A has a broad-band, aluminium coated surface to cover the spectral range from 310 nm to the near infrared, whereas slicer B has a wide-band dielectric multi-layer coating to enhance throughput within the region of 390 to 850 nm. In 1-arcsec seeing slicer B is a factor ~1.9-3.3 more efficient than the long slit with width set to project to two pixels (0.42-0.69 arcsec depending on grating). The image slicer The blue fold options are controlled by a remotely driven three-position slide mechanism. One of these positions is clear (to observe in the red arm only), and the others can contain a folding prism (now decommissioned) or a 45 degree mirror (to observe in the blue arm only), or one of a number of dichroic filters (to observe with both arms simultaneously). There are five interchangeable slides for this slide mechanism, containing the 5300Å, 5400Å, 5700Å, 6100Å and 7500Å dichroic filters and mirrors. The standard dichroic filter is the 5300Å dichroic, but the others are available on request. Folds and dichroics If a dichroic filter is in the beam the optical thickness of the material introduces a focus offset for the red arm (the value of the red collimator position is always higher if a dichroic is in the beam). The 7500Å dichroic provides only a 2 arcminute unvignetted field along the slit, and so is generally used for stellar observations. The red fold consists of a remotely driven two position slide; one position is clear while the other contains a silver mirror with a reflective stack overcoat to send light into the red arm. There are four 2-position, remotely driven below-slit filter slides, two in the blue arm beam just after the blue fold, and two below the blue fold but above the red fold, used for the red arm. There is a range of neutral density and colour filters for use in these slides. The blue arm filter slides were normally used to hold neutral density filters for when the IPCS (now decommissioned) was in use; the red arm filter slides are used to hold blocking filters to cut out second order blue light. Care must be taken when mounting the slides since, although the red arm slides do fit in the blue arm slots and vice-versa, cross mounting them will cause vignetting. Both ISIS collimators are off-axis parabaloids with a focal length of 1650mm, and provide a collimated beam of 150mm diameter. The coating material on each collimators is optimised for the wavelength range of the corresponding camera, and is silver with a reflective stack overcoat for the red collimator, and aluminium for the blue camera. As with most astronomical grating spectrographs, an image of the pupil is formed on the grating in order to minimise the grating size required. The collimators are remotely driven by stepper motors, and their position is encoded. The spectrograph focus in each arm is normally fine-tuned by driving the collimators; the collimator position is repeatable to better than 10µm. With no extra refractive components (dichroics, prisms, Savart plate, filters) between the slit and the collimators, the nominal focus positions for the collimators are 5100µm for the blue arm, and 9300µm for the red arm. The spectrograph should be focussed with the collimators within ±3000µm of these nominal values, otherwise the spectrograph will be astigmatic, that is, the best focus on a spectral line will result in a degradation of the spatial resolution along the slit. If the optimum spectral focus set by moving the collimator would move the collimator beyond this nominal range, then instead the spectrograph should be re-focused approximately by moving the detector using the capstans, and then fine-focused using the collimator so that the collimator remains within the anastigmatic range. Nine gratings are available for ISIS, five for the blue arm, and four for the red arm. The names of the gratings indicate (i) the method of manufacture, (ii) the number of lines per millimetre, and (iii) the arm of ISIS in which they are deployed. Therefore grating R1200R is a ruled grating with 1200 lines/mm and is used in the red arm, whereas grating H2400B is a holographic grating with 2400 lines/mm, and is used in the blue arm. Eight of the nine gratings are copies of ruled masters manufactured by Milton Roy, and the H2400B holographic grating was manufactured by Jobin Yvon. All gratings have a lined area of 154 x 206 mm. Grating R1200B was ruled in two halves; this can be seen quite easily when the grating is held up to the light. The grating cells in each arm are identical, and so all gratings can be positioned in the grating assembly of either arm (see figure). Gratings can be mounted either blaze-to-collimator (i.e., grating normal tilted to camera) or blaze-to-camera (i.e, grating normal tilted to collimator). Deployed blaze-to-camera gives a somewhat lower dispersion, and as the anamorphic reduction factor is reversed this configuration has a greatly reduced slit-to-plate reduction factor, especially at high dispersions. The ISIS gratings are almost invariably used blaze-to-collimator, and the slit widths given in the tables for the blue and red arms are for this configuration. The efficiencies of the ISIS gratings as a function of wavelength have been measured in the laboratory and are shown in the figure. Note that the holographic grating has a lower efficiency than the ruled gratings, and is also used at a grating angle such that the beam overfills the grating, resulting in some additional light loss. A single silver-coated plane mirror is also available in a grating cell. This was originally intended for alignment purposes, but it can be used in place of the gratings for direct imaging with a plate scale of 14.9 arcsec/mm. To use the mirror for imaging it should be mounted in the grating cells, which should then be set to the autocollimation angles (30800 millidegrees for the blue arm and 35500 millidegrees for the red arm). The grating-cell angles, which define central wavelength, are driven by a stepper motor from the ISIS PLC controller, and their positions are encoded by optical absolute encoders. The units for these mechanisms are millidegrees, and the encoders are accurate to 3 millidegrees, and repeatable to 2 millidegrees. The grating angle offsets are grating independent. The ISIS blue and red cameras are of a folded Schmidt design, with a focal length of 500 mm giving a scale of 14.9 arcsec/mm along the slit. The air-glass surfaces of the refracting elements of the two cameras are coated with anti-reflection coatings optimised for the respective wavelength ranges, and the reflecting elements are coated with silver plus a reflective stack for the red arm, and aluminium for the blue arm. The default CCDs are the thinned, AR-coated EEV12 in the blue arm, and the deep-depletion, fringe-suppressed and AR-coated Red+ in the red arm. Electron-multiplying, low-light-level CCDs QUCAM2 and QUCAM3 are also available for each arm. Nearly all of the light losses within ISIS are due to reflective and air-glass surfaces. There is a small loss of light (<10%) in each camera due to optical vignetting; and for the highest dispersions there is some additional loss due to the beam overfilling of the grating. The historical throughput of ISIS is discussed in detail in ING La Palma Technical Note no. 88. Briefly, the throughput of the red arm with no grating was measured to be 51%, and that of the blue arm with no grating to be 42%. These measurements were made with a HeNe laser at 6300Å, and thus for the blue arm are slightly beyond the wavelength range over which it is optimised. The values for the red arm are also slightly low as the red fold mirror in use at the time was below its specification. The end-to-end sensitivity of the WHT+ISIS with the current default detectors and the R300B and R158R gratings over the wavelength range 3200Å-9300Å is shown here. The peak apparent AB magnitude corresponding to a star observed at the zenith giving one detected photon/second/Å is ~18.6 at ~4000Å and ~18.2 at ~6500Å. In the original specifications for ISIS flexure was to be limited to no more that 5µm/hour along and perpendicular to the slit during telescope tracking. The figures show daytime measurements with a narrow dekker and arc lamps of the flexure (i.e. flexure between the dekker and CCD) in 13.5µm pixels at different elevations (90, 75, 60, 45, 30 and 15 degrees) over a range of position angles of the instrument rotator (-90, -45, 0, 45, 90, 135, 180, 225 and -90 degrees). Flexure is greater in the blue arm than in the red arm, and the original specification is generally exceeded in both arms. Also, there appears to be hysteresis in the flexure. It's strongly recommended therefore that observers requiring accurate radial velocities should take arc lamp calibrations at each pointing, and frequent arcs, e.g. every hour, if monitoring a target, to limit the impact of instrument flexure on results. Scattered light in ISIS is minimised by the use of optimised anti-reflection coatings, and if scattered light would be a serious problem for a particular observation it's important to exclude light of wavelengths, other than those required, from the optics by using appropriate blocking filters, particularly wavelengths outside the range for which the coatings are optimised. Diffuse scattered light has been shown to be below 2% by observations during commissioning of quasar absorption lines known to be completely black. Ghost images are caused by stray reflections within the spectrograph, and can either be in-focus images or images of the pupil. Pupil images take the form of the telescope pupil with the central obstruction, even if the illumination is from the comparison lamp system, because the illumination from the integrating sphere is designed to mimic exactly that of the telescope. There are a number of known ghosts in ISIS. Briefly, Wood's anomalies are discussed in detail in ING La Palma Technical Note no. 76 in the context of INT IDS gratings. For a reflection grating which produces a range of diffracted light in successive orders diffracted away from the normal then in some order, at some critical wavelength, the diffracted light lies in the plane of the grating; it is not possible for light beyond this point to be diffracted behind the glass of the grating. The power which would be sent into the "forbidden region" is therefore redistributed back into the allowed orders. This power appears as an addition to the spectral response, with a sharp cut-on at the critical wavelength and a steep decline to the red, and the additional efficiency is almost entirely polarised perpendicular to the grating rulings. This additional power is in no sense a reflection or a ghost image; it is a genuine enhancement of efficiency of the grating because the light from two orders has been combined. Wood's anomalies occur at wavelengths λ = d(sin(α)±1)/m, where d is the grating groove separation, α is the grating angle (the angle between the grating normal and the collimator axis), and m is a positive or negative integer. There are known Wood's anomalies in ISIS at 7200Å (1200 grating, m=2), 6400Å (600 grating, m=4) and 4400Å (600 grating, m=-2). |Top | Back
Also called the king of fruits, the mango tree grows in the warm tropical climate, not winter hardy, and dies in the temperature below 25 F (-3 C). Usually, it requires a lot of space to grow. But if you’re short of space or living in a colder climate, where growing a mango tree on the ground is impossible–Growing a mango tree in a container can be an option. 2. Mango Tree Propagation Propagating a mango tree from seed is a bad idea because it may take up to 8 years to produce fruit, and even after that, there’s no guarantee that it’ll bear fruits or not and of which variety. The smart idea is to buy a grafted plant. Many mango cultivars are available these days, so it’s best to ask at the local nursery or search online for the dwarf variety that does well in the container. A grafted mango plant takes a minimum of 2 years to fruit. In its first 3 years, it grows larger and produces fewer flowers and fruits. More productive fruiting starts after the fifth year of planting.
How to Plant Your Garden According to the Moon Signs You may scoff at astrology, but there are plenty of gardeners who swear by planting by the moon signs. Old-time publishers like Llewellyn’s and the Farmer’s Almanac used astrology as a basis for their calendars on when to plant and harvest certain crops. These resources are still popular today (and you can purchase a copy of Llewellyn’s 2024 Moon Sign Book here). So what does it mean to plant your garden by the signs? Keep reading to find out. The science behind lunar gravity What does the moon have to do with gardening? Perhaps a lot more than you think. Science proves that lunar gravity has a profound effect on the oceans, most easily seen in the movements of the tide, which are highest at the new and full moon when the moon is closest to the earth. Heather Kropp and Angela Halasey, biologists at Arizona State University, found that plants are made of up to 95% water. Brittanica reports that saltwater is 96.5% water, 2.5% salt, and 1 percent other materials. Essentially, plants are miniature oceans! The moon has an obvious influence over large bodies of water, so it stands to reason that smaller bodies of water (aka every living organism!) would also be affected by the moon’s movements. The origin of planting by the signs Agricultural astrology, as it is also called, is as old as agriculture itself. Rooted in cultural beliefs, ceremonies, and rituals, planting by the signs has been the standard practice for many communities throughout history. “Planting by the signs,” can be interpreted a few different ways. It could refer to planting by the moon phases or according to the signs of the Zodiac, but more often than not the phrase means some combination of both astronomy and astrology. Astronomical moon phases In grade school, you might have studied the eight moon phases: - New moon - Waxing crescent - First quarter - Waxing gibbous - Full moon - Waning gibbous - Last quarter - Waning crescent The role of moon phases in gardening Some speculate that as the moon waxes from new to full, water is pulled up into the topsoil, much like the tides swell during these times. As the new moon waxes to full, soil moisture and moonlight increase, creating an ideal time for seeds to germinate. The moon’s increasing gravitational pull during the new moon provides ideal conditions for seed germination. Plant above-ground groups that set seeds outside (think lettuce, spinach, brassicas, and annual flowers). As the moon moves into the first quarter, the gravitational pull decreases. Moonlight increases, encouraging plants to grow stronger root systems and more robust leaf growth. Some folks swear that the ideal time to plant is two days before the full moon. Plant above-ground crops that produce fruit with seeds inside, like melons, squash, tomatoes, beans, and peas. When the moon is full, lunar gravity increases and moisture is pulled again to the soil’s surface. This is the best time to plant root crops, including potatoes, carrots, beets, and onions. After the full moon, you can also begin pruning. The last quarter means less lunar gravity and less moonlight, so avoid planting anything during this time. This is an ideal time for weeding, tilling, pruning, and harvesting. Astrological “best days” The moon goes through phases each month, and it also moves through the signs of the zodiac. Some interpretations of “planting by the signs,” rely more heavily on the moon’s placement in the zodiac than the moon phases. These are commonly called “best days” for planting. Signs of the Zodiac In case you need a brief refresher on the signs of the zodiac: there are twelve signs in total, and each is ruled by a different element—fire, earth, air, or water. - Fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn - Air signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius - Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces The sun is in each sign for roughly 30 days, but the moon passes through all of the twelve signs each month. Best days for planting As you can probably guess, earth-ruled Taurus is best for planting and transplanting above-ground vegetables. But the water signs (Cancer in particular, but also Scorpio and Pisces) are also considered good signs for planting. The fire signs and air signs (excluding Libra) are thought to be barren, so it’s best to avoid planting when the moon is in these signs. Instead, focus on weeding and pruning during these less fertile times of the month. It’s a commonly held belief that weeds pulled up by the root when the moon is in Leo are unlikely to come back. The air sign Libra is considered fertile and a good time to plant annual flowers, vines, and tubers. It’s advised to prune fruit trees during a fire sign so that the cuts will callous; harvest when the last quarter moon is in a fire sign for produce with the longest shelf life. Root crops grow best planted in Capricorn. “Best days” don’t just apply to gardening, either—there’s an ideal day for everything from fixing fences to breeding animals and you can find the full list of 2024 Best Days here. Signs of the body There’s another way to read the zodiac signs, and in this approach, each of the twelve signs of the zodiac also corresponds with a body part: - Aries: head - Taurus: neck/throat - Gemini: arms/chest - Cancer: breast/stomach - Leo: heart/back - Virgo: bowels - Libra: kidneys - Scorpio: loins - Sagittarius: thighs - Capricorn: knees - Aquarius: legs/ankles - Pisces: feet According to this reading of the signs, the most fruitful planting times are the days ruled by the neck, breast, loins, and feet. Days ruled by the arms, kidneys, thighs, knees, and legs are also acceptable for planting, but days ruled by the head and heart (says ruled by fire signs) are not. Some old-time growers swear by only planting in the signs that are “below the waist,” so that crops will grow shorter but produce more abundantly. This adage contradicts traditional advice to plant in Taurus and Cancer. Despite the conflicting planting advice, all growers seem to agree that you should never plant when the moon is in the bowels (a Virgo-ruled day) or you’ll lose your whole harvest. It’s also advised to avoid planting on Sundays- not only is this considered a fiery, and therefore barren, day (the first day of the week is ruled by the Sun, after all) but traditional Christian practice dictates that Sundays are a day of rest. If that’s too much to digest, consider this the golden rule of planting by the signs: plant when the moon is waxing and in a fertile (earth or water) sign. Cultivate, prune, and harvest when the moon is waning and in a barren (air or fire) sign. Intrigued? If you’re pondering diving into this age-old practice of planting by the signs, you’ll probably want to check out Llewellyn’s 2024 Moon Sign Book, How the zodiac signs affect plant growth is more a deep-seated belief than a scientific fact, but plenty of old-timers (and new-timers, too) swear by it. At best, planting by the signs could result in your most productive garden yet. At worst, you might lose a couple of days of the growing season waiting for the right time to plant. Even so, it’s not likely to do any harm, so why not give this planting method a go this spring?
Such rare astronomical events in the month of August in the year 2023 that happen once in several thousand years and you will be able to see it with your naked eyes. Which will start with the supermoon. Yes, you must have seen the super moon on August 1st, but actually, rare astronomical events will begin to be seen from August 10th. - Best Evening to See Mercury - Asteroid Hygiea at opposition - Zero Shadow Day - Asteroid Hygiea at opposition - Saturn at Opposition - Blue Super Moon Best Evening to See Mercury (Astronomical Events) On August 10, the planet Mercury reaches its greatest eastern elongation of 27°. Evenings within a week of this night will offer the best chances to see the magnitude +0.3 planet. Mercury will be 14° above the western horizon at sunset on this night and will begin to show against the darkening sky. It will set 1 hour, 8 minutes later at 8:06 PM. Mercury’s orbit is similar to Earth’s and close enough to the Sun that it never drifts far from it in our sky. Mercury rises and sets so near to the Sun on most evenings that it is impossible to see. Only near maximum elongation—the angle between the planet and the Sun in the sky—does Mercury remain above the horizon when the sky darkens. Asteroid Hygiea at opposition On August 10, asteroid Hygiea will reach opposition, making it perfectly located for observation, reaching magnitude +9.7 (clearly visible as a point of light through small-to-moderately sized telescopes, and possibly through big binoculars depending on sky brightness and observing circumstances). The phrase “opposition” refers to a Solar System arrangement in which the Earth is directly between an object and the Sun. During this alignment, Hygiea is most visible since it is nearest to Earth and fully illuminated by the Sun. Following opposition, the asteroid progressively dims but remains a useful target even after a month. The asteroid is now in the Water Bearer constellation. Because Aquarius spans the celestial equator, it is visible to spectators all throughout the world. However, Aquarius is one of the faintest of all constellations, with no stars brighter than third magnitude, making it difficult to identify, especially in light-polluted skies. Fortunately, Saturn will be visiting Aquarius this month. Saturn, which is almost identifiable because to its brightness, can assist you in identifying the cascading lines of stars that mark Aquarius. Hygiea is located beneath the Water Bearer’s outstretched arm, forming a nearly right-angled triangle with Sadalsuud and Epsilon Aquarii. The magnitude 4.5 star Nu Aquarii will be fewer than two degrees (four Full Moon diameters) away from Hygiea. Hygiea is the fourth largest asteroid (by volume and mass) in the Main Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter. However, since it is a dark C-type (carbonaceous) asteroid located towards the outer edge of the Main Asteroid Belt, it appears quite dim as viewed from Earth. Though Hygiea appears round, astronomers are unsure if it is in hydrostatic equilibrium, where inward-acting self-gravity balances outward-acting internal pressure, giving a celestial body a rounded shape. Achieving hydrostatic equilibrium is the defining criterion between dwarf planets and asteroids. So, it is possible that Hygiea should be classified as a dwarf planet like Ceres. However, more investigation is needed, as astronomers question whether Hygiea is a solid body or a loosely bound rubble pile. To be a dwarf planet, it would need to be solid. Zero Shadow Day On August 18, 2023, almost no shadow of anything will be visible in many countries. Because this will be Zero Shadow Day. This happens when the sun passes right over our planet and it’s going to be pretty rare. Perseids Meteor Shower (One of the best Astronomical Events) On the night of August 13–14, the Perseids meteor shower reaches its peak activity. For a few evenings before and after the peak, a sizable number of meteors ought to be seen as well.Expect to see roughly 40 meteors per hour at 4:00 AM, when the amount of visible meteors will be at its peak from where you are. The radiant of the shower, which is where meteors appear to come from, will be 57° above the northeastern horizon at that time. Each August, the Perseids deliver one of the best astronomical shows of the year, with meteors streaking across the sky at rates of up to one per minute. Only December’s Geminids shower is as reliably prolific as the Perseids. The material forming the Perseids is debris from Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, which swings through Earth’s vicinity once every 133 years. This shower can produce 110 meteors per hour under ideal conditions, but light pollution—both from the Moon and manmade sources—can spoil an otherwise good meteor shower. Fortunately, on the night of this shower, there will be a new moon, so no moonlight will interfere with seeing meteors. And your area is not greatly affected by artificial light pollution so you’ll have very good conditions to see this shower. Saturn at Opposition As the Earth makes its yearly orbital circuit, it will reach a point where the Sun and Saturn are in opposite directions. At this time, Saturn is said to be at opposition, and, for most practical purposes, this marks Earth’s closest approach to the ringed gas giant. This alignment provides the planetary observer multiple advantages. Since Earth is about 300 million kilometers closer to Saturn than it is at conjunction, Saturn will appear 39% larger and 1.7 magnitudes brighter. It will also give ample observing time because when the Sun sets at 6:40 PM on the evening of August 27, Saturn will rise and remain visible all night. Now, if weather happens to spoil your views on this evening, don’t worry. Timing is not critical with planetary oppositions and you have several weeks—if not several months—of potential observing time leading up to and following this alignment. So, if you’re looking for an excuse to dust off that telescope, you may not find a better opportunity to enjoy fantastic views of this planet. Blue Super Moon On August 31, there will be a supermoon. Whatever your feelings are about using superlatives to describe things that are only somewhat out of the ordinary and little larger than usual, there is no disputing that the term “supermoon” has entered the general vernacular. Perigee syzygy is a more technical term for this phenomenon, which is probably only used by astronomers. Perigee is the closest point in an elliptical orbit of a satellite around Earth, while syzygy is a straight line configuration of three bodies, in this case the Sun-Earth-Moon. The period between each perigee, called an anomalistic month, is 27.55 days. The period between each full moon, called a synodic month, is 29.53 days. This mismatch in periods is why there are typically only about 3-4 supermoons per year. The disc of the Moon appears roughly 14% larger during a supermoon, giving photographers a great opportunity to add a little extra drama to their moonrise shots. So get that camera prepped and be ready at sunset!
RAID stands for Redundant Array of Independent Disks It is typically associated with backup, but it is important to mention that it is not a backup solution in itself. People choose to configure their hard drives in RAID as it provides for better reliability and increases performance. RAID is where you have two or more drives working in parallel with each other. The drives are pooled together to create one big drive. From a performance perspective, RAID is a popular choice when it comes to fast read/write speeds. Pooling several drives together, there are more available resources to read and write from when data is being accessed by the disk. Redundancy and availability is another reason why RAID is popular. This is because the RAID controller is capable of recovering lost data from ‘parity’ information. Parity is a process that checks whether any data has been lost or written over when being moved between storage devices. RAID can be either hardware or software. Hardware RAID can either be a simple driver, or it could be located on a separate controller, whilst software RAID can be found in versions of Windows and Mac such as Windows Server 2012 and MacOS. Hardware RAID can cost more, but you will get superior performance by doing it this way. It is worth the extra money if you have data intensive tasks. However, whilst RAID offers performance, reliability and redundancy advantages, it doesn’t mean that it is a backup solution in itself. It’s not. It’s simply a technology that gives you the ability to recover lost data without having access to a backup – you still need backup, for example, in case of accidental deletion of data. This is why having an offsite backup plan is important. It could literally be the only saviour to your project or business.
Kresheck, Janet D. M.A. (Master of Arts) Department of Communicative Disorders Children--Language--Testing; English language--Syntax The purpose of this study was to develop deep tests for two syntactic structures (the copulas "is"/"are" and the auxiliary "is" + the progressive "ing"). In order to determine which test items to include in the final versions of the tests, 28 children were used as subjects. An item-by-item analysis revealed the percentage of targeted responses made by the children for each item. The deep test assessing the copula structures contains 25 items; the deep test assessing the auxiliary structure contains 20 items. The deep tests were designed to determine the child's consistent use of the syntactic structures, and as an aid toward the planning and implementation of therapy. Ogunyemi, Arnita R., "The development of deep tests for two syntactic structures" (1986). Graduate Research Theses & Dissertations. 5432. vi, 87 pages Northern Illinois University Rights Statement 2 NIU theses are protected by copyright. They may be viewed from Huskie Commons for any purpose, but reproduction or distribution in any format is prohibited without the written permission of the authors.
Sports beverages ‘hamper people’s weight loss plans’ Those who have adopted a regime of eating well and exercising regularly in order to lose weight are negatively impacting their health by drinking lots of sports beverages, a study has suggested. Researchers from the Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth) found that people seem to associate these beverages with a healthy lifestyle, despite the fact that they often contain high levels of sugar. "Sports drinks have been successfully marketed as beverages consistent with a healthy lifestyle, which has set them apart from sodas," said the study's principal investigator Dr Nalini Ranjit, assistant professor of behavioural sciences at the UTHealth School of Public Health. "However they have minimal fruit juice and contain unnecessary calories," Dr Ranjit added. Last month, Stephanie Ballard, assistant professor of pharmacy practice at Nova Southeastern University's West Palm Beach campus, said people think that energy drinks will aid them in losing weight. She said that this is because the beverages claim to help people to exercise for longer. Why not try cutting energy drinks out of your diet and seeing if you lose more weight?
Viruses and malware can be a real nuisance for laptop owners. Not only can they slow down your system and delete important files, but they can also allow hackers to gain access to your personal data. This is why it is so important to take measures to protect your laptop from viruses and malware. Here are a few tips to help you keep your laptop safe. Update Your Operating System One of the best ways to protect your laptop from viruses and malware is to make sure that your operating system is up to date. Operating system updates often include patches for security vulnerabilities that can help protect your system from malicious software. Be sure to turn on automatic updates so that your system will always be up to date with the latest security patches. Install Antivirus Software One of the most effective ways to protect your laptop from viruses and malware is to install antivirus software. Antivirus software will scan your system for any malicious software and remove it if it is found. Be sure to update your antivirus software regularly to ensure that it will be able to detect any new threats. Use a Firewall A firewall is a system that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and blocks any suspicious activity. A firewall can help protect your laptop from hackers who might try to gain access to your system. Be sure to configure your firewall properly so that it will be able to do its job effectively. Avoid Unsafe Websites Another way to protect your laptop from viruses and malware is to avoid visiting unsafe websites. Websites that host malicious software can infect your laptop if you visit them. Be sure to only visit websites that you trust and avoid downloading any files from websites that you are not familiar with. Back Up Your Data It is also important to back up your data regularly. This way, if your laptop does become infected with a virus or malware, you will have a backup of your important files. Be sure to store your backups in a secure location, such as an external hard drive, to ensure that they will remain safe. These are just a few tips to help you protect your laptop from viruses and malware. Taking these steps can help keep your laptop safe and running smoothly.
King Manor Museum, or the Rufus King House, is a hidden historical Colonial treasure in Queens. Despite the A.I.A. Guide’s claim that the house is “more interesting for [its] social history than [its] architecture,” it is both an architectural and historical gem. The house was originally constructed between 1733 and 1755 by Ames Smith. In 1805, the property was purchased by Rufus King. King was a career civil servant. He was a member of the Confederation Congress, a delegate to the Constitutional Convention in 1787 where he served as a a framer and signer of the Constitution, the first United States Senator from New York, ambassador to Great Britain, and a Presidential candidate. King was also a noted early abolitionist, which is highlighted at the house. Rufus King, who lived in the house until his death in 1827, and his children continued to add onto the original eighteenth-century structure and property. In 1896, Cornelia King, Rufus’ granddaughter, died after which the house and its remaining acreage were bought by the Village of Jamaica. In 1900, the house opened as a museum. Today, both the exterior and interior of the house are New York City Landmarks and it is administered by The Historic House Trust. Located in Jamaica, the house is off the beaten path for most New Yorkers and has been for most of its existence. A 1914 New York Times article provides an itinerary for a “one-day trip of Jamaica and Jericho Turnpikes, full of memories of bygone days.” The author took the Jamaica trolley to visit the sites on her itinerary. Upon asking the conductor to stop at King Manor she “only received a blank stare” in return. “We might still be wandering in search of this historic goal had it not been for a courteous old gentleman who overheard. ‘Do you mean to say,’ he asked in horror, ‘that the conductor did not know King’s Manor?’ He shook his head in despair. ‘These conductors have no reverence for history he deplored.” Despite its relative obscurity, it is without a doubt, well worth a visit. 150-03 Jamaica Avenue
A point source is a source or reflection of light with a smaller angular size than the angular resolution of the observer. It is visible as a bright dot if bright enough against a dark background but not resolvable, or no detail is discernible. Flat-Earthers claim the ISS should not be visible like a distant plane is not visible. In reality, aircraft lights can be seen from 60 km in a dark sky but are not resolvable. We can see them because they are point sources on a dark background. Continue reading “Point Source” We can observe satellites with the naked eye, and they will appear like fast-moving stars across the sky. The required conditions: the satellite is large enough and/or close enough, the sky is dark enough, and the satellite is lit by the sun. As a result, the best time to observe satellites is a few hours before sunrise and a few hours after sunset. Flat-Earthers claim it is impossible to see satellites and use the fact as “proof” the satellites do not exist. In reality, we can observe the satellites even with the naked eye. Apps and websites like heavens-above.com provide us with information on satellite watching opportunities. Continue reading “Satellite Watching” A human eye can only visually perceive the curvature of the Earth if we are at a considerable altitude from the surface, which is still beyond the reach of most humans today. A commercial jet airliner is the highest position realistically attainable by most humans today. We can only perceive very slight curvature at such altitude and, even then, only in an ideal condition. The basis of flat-Earthers’ belief is that the horizon appears flat. They would say if we cannot see the curvature, then there’s no curvature, and therefore, the Earth is flat. In reality, only a few people can travel high enough to see the curve. The highest we can realistically go is by getting on a commercial jet airliner, which can only go about 11-15 km up, only a fraction of Earth’s radius. Continue reading “Where’s the Curvature?” Cameras with a fisheye lens are used in the ISS, high-altitude balloons, rocket bodies, and other purposes. The reason is that fisheye lenses have several advantages over rectilinear lenses. Flat-Earthers claim there is an evil intention behind the usage of fisheye lenses. In reality, the use of fisheye lenses is not unreasonable. If it is desired to have a rectilinear image output, then it is not hard to defish fisheye images to rectilinear ones.. Continue reading “Why Fisheye Lenses Are Used” A neutral buoyancy pool is a pool of water in which neutral buoyancy is used to train astronauts for the difficult task of working outside a spacecraft in a weightless environment. Some of these pools contain full-scale mock-ups of ISS modules and other spacecraft. Flat-Earthers discovered videos of astronauts in a pool of water, and they jumped to the conclusion that it is how they faked videos of astronauts in space. In reality, these are videos of astronauts in a neutral buoyancy pool, in training for their upcoming mission to space. Continue reading “Neutral Buoyancy Pool for Astronaut Training” Stars are dim. We can only see them if our eyes are adapted for low light. Astronauts in space can see the stars when the sun is blocked from view and avoid seeing any large sunlit objects. Some astronauts said they did not notice the stars, but others claim they could see them. Flat-Earthers use the conflicting statements to discredit spaceflight. In reality, sometimes astronauts can see the stars, and sometimes cannot, just like us on the ground, depending on the situation. Continue reading “Seeing Stars in Space” Flat-Earthers compared the apparent size of the ISS and an airplane that appeared in photographs and then incorrectly concluded that the ISS could not be 410 km above us. Their mistake was equating altitude with distance and failing to account for both the ISS’ and the airplane’s downrange distance. If an airplane is at an altitude of 12 km, it does not mean its distance from an observer is also 12 km. Its altitude and distance are equal only if the airplane is directly above the observer. If the plane is not directly above, then its distance is greater than its altitude. Continue reading “ISS Size Compared to an Airplane in a Photograph” Many space missions use animations to visualize the state of the missions because it is impossible to record a video of the event. Spacecrafts continuously send telemetry data to Earth informing the status of their mission, and from the data, an animation can be constructed to illustrate the spacecraft’s current situation. Flat-Earthers accuse that the animations are “proof” that the missions are faked. In reality, the animations are faithful depictions of the missions and are made to visualize the real state of the mission. Animations are used because it is not viable to send another spacecraft only to record a video of the mission. Furthermore, in the cases where the video is available, it is still too difficult for these flat-Earthers to accept reality. The International Space Station (ISS) was not constructed overnight. It is built gradually, and new components are still arriving after more than 20 years since it was first launched. The ISS is one of humankind’s greatest achievements, but there is no video showing its construction from start to finish. Flat-Earthers use the fact to “disprove” the existence of the ISS. In reality, the ISS was constructed gradually in years. There is no such video the same way there is none for New York City, for example. It does not mean New York City does not exist. On the other hand, we can find plenty of videos showing the assembly of its specific modules on the Internet. Continue reading “ISS Construction Video” The Earth rotates only once every 24 hours. To notice the rotation of Earth in a video taken from space, we need to speed up the video so that it appears fast enough for us to notice it. We also need to make sure the video was taken from a spacecraft where its motion does not dominate over the movement of Earth itself. Flat-Earthers claim that videos taken from space were faked because the Earth does not appear rotating. In reality, Earth rotates far too slowly to be casually seen without increasing the speed. Continue reading “Earth’s Rotation in Videos Taken From Space” It is possible to fly to space as a tourist as long as we are willing to pay a lot of money. There have been seven persons who went to space and paid the trip from their own pockets. Flat-Earthers claim if the first human spaceflight was more than half a century ago, there should be space tourism by now. In reality, there were already several cases of space tourism, even if it is still beyond the reach of most people today. Continue reading “Space Tourism” In orbit, objects are weightless because both the objects and the spacecraft have the same speed and direction, and both are affected by the same gravitational influence. We use the spacecraft as the frame of reference. Because the objects are not in motion relative to the spacecraft, they appear to float. In Earth orbit, the objects are still affected by Earth’s gravity, but yet they float. Flat-Earthers use it to disprove spaceflight. In reality, the objects float because we are using the spacecraft as the frame of reference, which is also moving by the same amount and is affected by the same gravity as the objects themselves. Continue reading “Weightlessness, Free Fall, and Microgravity” Angular resolution is the minimum separation between distinguishable features in an image. Objects smaller than the angular resolution are indiscernible in the picture. The theoretical maximum angular resolution is determined by the diameter of the aperture of the optical instrument. Flat-Earthers like to demand images of the lunar landers taken with a telescope as proof that the Apollo Moon landings did occur. In reality, no optical telescope on Earth is large enough to resolve the landers. Continue reading “Angular Resolution” Drag or air resistance is a force acting opposite to the relative motion of an object with respect to a surrounding fluid. The magnitude of drag is directly proportional to the fluid’s density. Flat-Earthers claim that because satellites lack an aerodynamic shape, they cannot be faster than airplanes. In reality, the air density at such an altitude is minuscule and will not produce a significant drag. Thus, they do not need an aerodynamic shape. Continue reading “Drag” In 2006, astronaut Tim Peake from the UK was tasked to perform some physics demonstration on the ISS for the National Space Academy. Tim performed the demonstrations in front of a gridded background specifically made for the purpose. One of Tim’s video appeared during the former US president George H.W. Bush’s visit to NASA’s Mission Control Center. Flat-Earthers discovered the footage and quickly claim that it used a green screen background for CGI purposes. Such allegation was only from their ignorance and the eagerness to accuse others of lying. Tim’s videos are published in the National Science Academy’s web site as is, proving the background in the videos was merely an ordinary background, not a green screen for CGI. Continue reading “Tim Peake’s Scientific Demonstration on the ISS and the Green Screen Conspiracy Theory” The United Arab Emirates astronaut, Hazza Al Mansouri, took pictures of Earth’s features like the Nile and the Persian Gulf during his visit to the ISS. Flat-Earthers claim the pictures are fake because the various objects appear very large compared to the size of the Earth in the picture. The reason is that they do not understand that the ISS is only about 400 km above Earth’s surface, and only a very small amount of the Earth’s surface is visible from the ISS Continue reading “Pictures of Earth’s Surface from the UAE Astronaut Hazza Al-Mansouri” The International Space Station (ISS) is only about 400 km above the Earth’s surface, only 6% farther from the center of the Earth than the Earth’s surface. Therefore, only a very small part of Earth’s surface is visible from the ISS at any time. Flat-Earthers like to examine photos of the Earth from the ISS and compare them to those taken from a much farther location. They would take any difference as an inconsistency. In reality, the ISS can only observe a very small part of the Earth, unlike spacecraft much farther away. Continue reading “View of the Earth from the ISS” Generally, sunlit objects are far brighter than any stars. It is the reason stars are not visible in a lot of photographs showing sunlit objects unless the objects are overexposed and made much brighter than the correct exposure. Flat-Earthers take the lack of stars in photographs as evidence of misconduct. They are wrong. If the primary object in the picture is sunlit, then in most cases, stars will not be visible. Continue reading “Sunlit Objects and Visibility of Stars” Many adherents of flat Earth have spent a lot of effort and money to perform various observations and experiments. They would buy expensive equipment, travel to the other side of the world, painstakingly designed the experiments in minute details, and performed large-scale experiments; all to prove the notion that Earth is flat. However, many of these experiments and observations have actually confirmed the Earth is a sphere beyond any doubt. In most cases, they would not accept such conclusions, and instead, they misinterpret, refuse to accept, lie, and withhold information. Such behaviors are the results of confirmation bias. However, their results speak louder than their biased conclusions, and these are perfectly valid proofs that Earth is a sphere. These are some of those observations and experiments, where flat-Earthers have painstakingly and extravagantly performed them, only to come up with the wrong conclusions and spectacularly demonstrating their confirmation biases to the entire world. Continue reading “Proofs of Spherical Earth Presented by Flat-Earthers” Flat-Earthers reject the existence of satellites. They are wrong. To prove the existence satellites, we can attempt to take pictures of the ISS when an ISS transit happens, or the ISS passes in front of the Sun or the Moon. Continue reading “Observing the ISS from ISS Transits”
1. Today in society the techniques and solutions used to aid in the well being of clients who were in distress is different now. Back then people with dissabilities were given to the king, the king would protect them and provide them with what they needed. But also they had different ways in healing some illnesses. For example, people with mental illness were thought to have a demon in them. Therefore they would drill a hole in their heads “to let the evil out”. 2. The evolution of humans wellbeing services from the middle ages to the present day was from not being well developed to know being proffesionals. Indtitutes like the orphanage and the church provided aid for those people in need under their beliefs. The hospitals were also in charge of taking in people and giving them were to stay and providr the with food. They would try to find a doloution for many illnesses but due to lack of training or gaining knowlege. This is the difference now, today human service workers have to study and gain a degree or experience to be s pro 3. Obama-cares mission is to aid the well being of Americas. Obama-cares does this by giving people this health care that many people couldn’t afford. As Obama-care is affordable it is able to put peoples health as a priority any protect them from any sickness. 4. Philosophies were promoted to aid in the well being of clients and society by individualism, lassaiez-faire and social darwinism. Individualism showed people how to take responsibility to their actions in life and how to work hard for what they want. Laissez-fair is The concept were an individual can help and maintain themselves with the least government help possible. Also social Darwinism is the belief of the survival of the fittest, therefore the weak will die or fail while the fittest will survive and progress. 5. The mental health movement promoted the well being of clients/society. This is because as clinical psychology developed, it gave the people a more effective treatments to their illnesses. This promoted the well being of clients and society because it shows interest in better educating themselves to improve treatments. This led them to providing clients with better service which promotes well being to the individual. 6. The human service movement promoted the well being of clients and society. This is because The community took in their hands to so better training in order to better aid more clients. 7. Entitled benefits like Medicare, Medicaid and welfare promotes the well being of individuals and society. This is because it gives a boost to people since these benefits are affordable. For example Welfare helps provide aid for the poor and it can help them get a job. 8. Legislation promotes the well being of individuals and society. This is because it provides clients with their prescription of their treatment. Different laws were passed allowing patients with Medicare to get better services including prescription drug benefits.
Why do we flood? Every drop of rain has to go somewhere. For most stormwater in Lafayette Parish the final destination is the Vermilion River. The land it travels along the way is called a watershed, in our case the Teche-Vermilion Watershed. The defining character of our watershed is a lack of elevation. Lafayette to the Vermilion Bay is flat, and it gets a lot of rain about 62 inches a year, nearly twice the U.S. average. The path it travels is ultimately decided by where it falls. Rain that lands on soil is likely to stay there, but when rain falls on roofs, roads and parking lots, it flows into a network of drainage channels, usually through storm drains and ditches. Lafayette’s drainage system is divided by its coulees and ditches into countless micro watersheds, most of which eventually drain into the Vermilion River. Those individual channels act as one interconnected drainage system in larger storms, meaning that bottlenecks in one area can lead to rising waters upstream. Stormwaters rise when they can’t flow downstream. So the goal of any successful drainage system is to move stormwater away from floodable structures. When water overloads those channels, we flood. That’s happened more and more in recent years. And flood risk has largely increased for Lafayette as a whole. Researchers project it could get even worse. Find Out More The Current takes Lafayette’s issues seriously, and flooding is frequently top of mind in how we report on our community. Check out our coverage below to find out more about Lafayette’s flood risk, how it impacts us and what we’re doing about it. Lafayette’s Parish Council will vote on raises for public nurses Tuesday while the City Council will vote on $3M to settle an expropriation lawsuit. Boulet takes office with a to-do list full of costly, difficult and politically-complicated challenges left over from Guillory’s single term in office. A minor storm offered the first test — or maybe a quiz — of many new drainage improvements in Lafayette last week to mixed results.
Updated: May 24, 2023 Published Jun 15, 2009 I'm a nursing student doing some research on EKG's and was wondering what the difference is among the different types of EKG's; specifically, what are the advantages/disadvantages of using a each type, and when would each type be used? And yes, I have looked in my textbooks and I know the answer is in there somewhere, but with my minimal experience with telemetry, I'd really appreciate if someone would be so kind as to spell it out for me in simple language. :heartbeat Thanks in advance! 3-lead is usually used on transport monitors, and monitors two different areas of the heart (one lateral, two inferior). 5-lead is preferred in an ICU, to monitor the third (anterior) area. For example, if your pt is admitted as a r/o MI (rule out Myocardial Infaction = suspicion pt is having a heart attack), with the 5-lead you can keep an eye on the three areas of the heart and if you see changes in any of the leads (especially if accompanied by chest discomfort or vomiting or VS changes), you can (per protocol, hopefully) get a 12-lead ECG. 12-lead ECG gives a more detailed look at the heart's three areas (anterior=front, lateral=side, inferior=back), and changes in certain segments of the ECG in the related leads for each area suggest the area of concern. For example, ST changes in leads II, III and aVF may suggest a problem in the right coronary artery. Hope that helps. I'm sure others may chime in; getting different ways of explaining things is helpful. :) nursej22, MSN, RN We also use 5 lead EKG in PCU. Lead II is typically used to determine HR and to identfy a P wave, and the chest lead can be placed over a specific area of concern, say heart muscle supplied by a newly stented artery. 12 lead EKG is also used to identify Axis and specific bundle branch blocks. You may have an irregular rhythm with a wide QRS complex--a 12 lead can be useful in distinguishing a fib with aberrant conduction from v tach. Are there areas still using 3 lead for transport?? That's not good! I know in our area, all transports vehicles whether it be fire dept medic or hosp transport, all have 12 lead monitors and all (yes even medics) can diagnose MI's in the field and call cardiac alerts on their own without a physician or nurse. In our area this ability has saved countless lives. To give you an average time to treatment example; from 911 dispatch with pt ariving directly to cath lab is 30-45 minutes. INCREDIBLE! Sorry I did not answer the orignal question. I got side tracked with 3 lead monitors. I'm a nursing student interested in cardiac nursing. I worked on a cardiac floor for a year as a nursing assistant and floated to ICU a lot. In the ICU and on the floor, we used the 5-lead monitors. I now work in the ER as a tech. I do the 12 EKGs on patients with chest paid/discomfort. Afterwards, I hook them up to the 5-lead monitor. In both the ER, tele floor and ICU, they still use the 3-lead monitor for transport. CCL RN, RN Absolutely transports are using 3 leads and actually there is nothing wrong with that. Yes, all medic trucks have 12 lead ecgs, but that's for a snapshot, not for monitoring. You don't keep someone on a 12 lead for transport! 12 leads are the gold standard for Dx STEMIs. As soon as our medics see the STEMI, I get paged from my lovely slumber to rush to the cath lab at 2am. But door to cath time is irrelevant, what matters is door to device (balloon, stent, export) time. However, even with STEMIs, they are still transported via 3 lead monitoring. I am interested in telemedicine. there is a ECG monitor (2 lead) now available http://alivecor.com/index.htm I would be interested in any research on the value of 2, 3, 5 and 12 leads. How many false positives, false negatives accurate diagnosis are determined based on the number of leads for an ECG. psu_213, BSN, RN When you say 'transport' I think of transport within the hospital...i.e. to CT scan, from the ER to the floor/ICU, etc. For that transport I cannot see why 3 lead is not, generally, ok. For instance, does HR/rhythm of a pt on a dilt gtt. remain stable during transport in the hospital? In our area, most medics will do 12 leads if their is any suspicion for MI and then fax the EKG either to medic command or to the receiving ER. In the hospital I have seen 12 leads used for any suspected MI/any pt with new chest pain, a new arrhythmia, any pre op (even if not a cardiac case), any time the doctor wants exact measurement of the intervals (for example, after the pt starts on the A fib drug tikosyn). In the ER, 12 leads are used for most SOBs, abd pain in the elderly, high blood pressure, someone exhibiting S/S of CHF, dizziness, syncopal episodes, and, well, almost anything else (OK, usually not sprained ankles). 5 leads for telemetry, 3 lead for in-hospital transporting. turnforthenurse, MSN, NP dianah explained it well :) 3 leads are used on transport monitors and are typically used on patients from coming from the ER to the ICU stepdown or ICU. On my floor (progressive) and ICU, we use a 5-lead. If a patient from our progressive unit or ICU goes down for a test, they stay on the monitor. Some nurses will unhook patients from monitors (from PCU) but I prefer mine to be on the monitor at all times, unless there is a contraindication (such as an MRI). When they go down for tests, they stay on our 5-lead monitor. If a patient complains of chest pain or goes into sudden A-fib with RVR or has a run of v-tach, we automatically order a 12-lead EKG per protocol. By using the site, you agree with our Policies. X
Word learning in a domestic dog: evidence for "fast mapping". During speech acquisition, children form quick and rough hypotheses about the meaning of a new word after only a single exposure-a process dubbed "fast mapping." Here we provide evidence that a border collie, Rico, is able to fast map. Rico knew the labels of over 200 different items. He inferred the names of novel items by exclusion learning and correctly retrieved those items right away as well as 4 weeks after the initial exposure. Fast mapping thus appears to be mediated by general learning and memory mechanisms also found in other animals and not by a language acquisition device that is special to humans.
Parrots are the vibrant and gorgeous species of the avian kingdom. You will be very entertained when you have a parrot as a pet. But at the same time, you should take care of your bird better, mainly when you feed them. Providing fresh water to drink is the most important thing to remember while caring for a parrot. Because of the high activity level, they need more water to keep hydrated. Water is essential for our existence. We can survive only with water for a long time. Animals and birds also need water for their survival. Every living organism needs a certain amount of water in its body which is an unavoidable part of life. When we consider birds, they are very sensitive creatures and can cause health issues if they are not properly cared for. The quality of their life depends on their previous health condition and how well they have been groomed. You can control your parrot’s condition by providing them with food and care. How Badly Does Dehydration Affect Your Parrots’ Health? Have you ever thought about what if your parrot didn’t get the required water? Here is the answer. Parrots cannot go without water for a long time. A healthy parrot can live for about 2 to 3 days without drinking water but it can succumb to dehydration. It can vary depending on the size and age of the parrot. Parrot’s body consists of 75% of water. So to maintain this level, they have to drink water regularly. Birds have to drink 5% water equivalent to their body weight. If they are not served with fresh water, many factors can affect the health condition of the parrot. An ideal body water level is very important to keep digestion well and maintain the function of the parrot’s appetite. An unhealthy parrot can only live for 48 hours without drinking water. How to prevent dehydration in parrots? - Fresh and clean water should be available for them in the cage. - If your parrot is not drinking water, add some honey to enhance the taste to encourage drinking. - Provide them with more water-content fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, oranges, cucumber, berries, and many more. - Keep a water bowl everywhere around the parrots. - If none of the tricks worked, take your parrot to a professional vet to find the reason why they are not drinking water. How to know if your parrot is dehydrated? We cannot often identify the illness in parrots. They are instinctively driven to hide illness all the time. For a parrot owner, it will be a difficult task to spot whether the parrot is dehydrated or not. Unlike humans, they consume little amount of water even if you provide water daily. You can identify whether your parrot is dehydrated with some factors, like, What kind of water should be given for parrots to drink? Always try to give fresh water while serving water to them. But you have to be careful when you give them well water. Usually, well water contains a lot of excessive minerals and it is hard water. Many studies proved that hard water is not good for the health of parrots. The well water contains iron, which could lead parrots to have additional health problems. The water you provided to your parrot should be fresh and clean. When you keep the water bowl in the cage, there is a high chance of contaminating water with the dropping. So, it is your responsibility to check whether the surroundings are neat and clean. You should clean the cage every day so that you can avoid the spreading of infection or diseases. Also, the vitamin overage in water builds bacterial growth. This can badly affect the health of your parrot. In short, the quality of water you serve your bird plays a major role in the parrot’s health. Let us conclude! Just like us, our pet parrots also need water for survival. As discussed in the article, parrots cannot live for a long time without water. Their survival may be depending on their species, size, and health. When your parrot is in the cage, it completely relies on you to get a clean and good amount of water. So it is your responsibility to keep them comfortable. Remember that your parrot deserves proper care from you. So ensure that whatever you are providing is clean and healthy. Parrots that are well cared for can lead a long life. Hope this article helped you to know more about your parrot’s requirements and caring.
When we think about addiction, it's easy to focus solely on the addicted individual. However, the reality is that addiction is a family disease. Its effects ripple out, impacting family members in profound and often devastating ways. However, families are not just victims in the addiction narrative; they also play a crucial part in the recovery process, their role as varied and complex as addiction itself. Family dynamics can inadvertently contribute to the onset of addiction. Patterns of enabling, codependency, or high levels of conflict can create an environment that fuels substance use. Moreover, genetics and learned behaviors from family members can also predispose an individual to addiction. When a loved one is struggling with addiction, the entire family suffers. There is often a sense of confusion, fear, and helplessness. These feelings can result in a breakdown of communication and trust within the family unit and, in severe cases, may lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Despite the challenges, families possess a unique potential to aid in recovery. Family therapy can provide a space for understanding the disease of addiction, improving communication, and addressing any dysfunctional family dynamics. Additionally, active participation in the recovery process—such as attending support group meetings—can demonstrate a commitment to the loved one's wellbeing, fostering an environment conducive to healing and recovery. In conclusion, the family's role in addiction and recovery is undeniably significant. They are uniquely positioned to either perpetuate the cycle of addiction or break it. With appropriate support and involvement in the recovery process, families can transition from being victims of the disease to being crucial partners in the journey towards recovery.
We already know that there are many natural ingredients which are used for teeth whitening but do you know that some foods can make your teeth yellow? So we must say that you should avoid those foods if you want to have dazzling smile. Sugars are very harmful especially large amounts contained in sweets like in hard candy. Not only they contain sugar which we all know is bad, but they can also damage the tooth enamel or even break a tooth. This list of foods is extremely harmful for your teeth: Ice – Although in the summer, ice is our favorite additive in different drinks; its direct consumption can increase the tooth sensitivity, which leads to their faster impairment. Rather than keep it in your mouth, wait until it is more dissolved in a glass. Alcohol – Alcoholic drinks will dry your mouth which is the cause of many oral infections and diseases. Citrus fruits – extremely healthy, but excessive consumption of citrus fruit can damage tooth enamel. To prevent this you can drink a glass of water after consuming these fruits. Caffeine drinks – Our favorite drink – coffee. It cannot damage your teeth, but inevitably gives them yellowish color. It can be removed, but this condition can get worse by adding too much sugar in your coffee. Carbonated beverages – Many people love Coca-Cola but this beverage contains a lot of sugar. If you consume it in large quantities, many bacteria that feed on sugar will develop in your mouth. Dried fruits – Dried fruits have similar effect on teeth as candy. They are rich in sugar which stays on your teeth longer than the remains of other foods.
Looking for an interesting and unusual pet? Consider a beetle! There are over 350,000 species of beetles, and many of them make excellent pets. Most beetles don’t bite and many of them feed on pests that can damage your crops, resulting in lower food bills. Most are active during the day, so having one as a pet isn’t disruptive at night. Want to learn more? Read on for the different types of beetles that you can get. Stag Beetles are a type of beetle that is part of the family Lucanidae. They are generally characterized by their ferocious-looking pincers found on their mandibles. Stag Beetles come in various shapes and sizes. Some species can range from 6 to 70 millimeters in size. While they are generally black or brown, some species have pale yellow and blue stripes down the back of their bodies. They typically have a “stag-like” pattern all over their bodies. This is why many prefer adding this type of beetle to their collection of exotic pets. Dung beetles are a form of coprophagous beetle that feeds on the dung of other animals. These beetles feed on, breed in, and live in the dung of other species. They are found around the world in both temperate and tropical climates. They have a few unique adaptations for their habitat. One example is the ability to roll their dung ball along the ground. Scarabs come in wide varieties and are typically revered since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians even made the Scarab their symbol of eternity and resurrection. These beetles grow to be 1-2 inches in size and feature glossy, metallic greens and golden hues. You can find them in the arid climates of Africa, the Middle East, and India. The buffalo beetle stands out due to its size, horns, and fascinating behavior. This species of beetle is native to the Eastern United States. They usually inhabit agricultural and grassland areas. They are most active during periods of cool and humid weather. They prefer to hide in their burrows during the heat of the day. This makes them an ideal pet beetle for those who don’t want their sleep to get disrupted. Buffalo beetles have unique characteristics. These include their large size and broad antenna. The latter can be found on the front of their head. You can check this out online to learn more. Weevils are a type of beetle in the superfamily Curculionoidea. They are often characterized by their long, slender snouts and elbowed antennae. They feed on the roots and stems of plants. They can become a threat to farmers since they can damage crops and reduce their yield. Ladybugs are small, round beetles that come in many different color combinations. These include red, yellow, black, and orange. Ladybugs eat aphids and other small pest insects. They can help keep your garden pests in check. They also have the distinction of being one of the few insects known for their good luck and fortune. Choosing From the Different Types of Beetles Beetles come in all shapes and sizes and can be great additions to any collection. It’s important to research the various beetle types before choosing. By doing so, you can make the best choice for your collection. With the variety of types out there, you’re sure to find something that fits your style. Go ahead and start browsing the different types of beetles! Did you enjoy this article? Then stick around on our site for more great content for nature lovers.
عنوان مقاله [English] This experiment was carried out to investigate the genetic diversity in some morphological, phenological and qualitative traits in hybrids obtained from the crossing of two breeding populations with 10 new potato varieties in spring cultivation in the Ardabil region in 2019. Twelve genotypes were planted in three replications based on a randomized complete block design. The analysis of variance showed that the cultivars were significantly different in all studied traits. Cluster analysis divided the studied genotypes into three distinct groups. Therefore, the first group would be more appropriate if the selection target is based on yield, tuber weight, and starch percentage. The hybrids derived from Savalan♀ × Caeser♂ and Caeser♀× Savalan♂ crosses as well as cultivars of Liseta and Ribera, had the highest tuber yield (ranging from 36.63 to 39.97 ton.ha-1) among the studied genotypes. But in terms of starch and tuber dry matter percentage, only hybrids derived from the Savalan♀ × Caeser♂ cross were among the top genotypes and appearance characteristics, especially in baking; in group D, the skin and the flesh was yellow, the shape of the tuber was round, the depth of the eye was superficial, stolon's length was short, the harvest time was average early and it had a perfectly floury texture to the chips. The hybrids derived from the Caeser♀× Savalan♂ cross had a flour texture suitable for the slice. Liseta and Ribera varieties had a relatively soft texture and were ideal for multipurpose use. In terms of nutritional importance and production, potato ranks third after wheat and rice, with an annual production of over 3.41 million tons in Iran. It is one of the four main food substances worldwide after wheat, rice, and corn. Thus, 5.2% of the daily energy consumed by the world’s population is supplied by potatoes. Given the increasing trend of the world’s population, which is expected to reach 9 billion by 2050, food security will be the most critical challenge for governments. Many potato cultivars are available; however, there is a dire need for new cultivars. New cultivars should have high yields with minimal input and possess characteristics that play a role in nutrition and health. They should also be suitable for the tuber morphology, tuber compounds, and solids. Given the importance and need of our country to identify potato cultivars and introduce high-yielding and adaptable cultivars to the climatic conditions of each region, this study aimed to evaluate the genetic diversity of some morphological, phenological, and quality traits in hybrids resulting from the crossbreeding of two improved populations with ten new potato cultivars in spring cultivation in the Ardabil region. The results can serve as a basis for breeding programs to introduce new cultivars compatible with spring cultivation regions. Materials and methods Twelve genotypes, including hybrids obtained from the crossbreeding of two improved populations, along with ten new potato cultivars, were examined during the spring cultivation of 2019 in the Ardabil region. The experiment was conducted using a randomized complete block design with three replicates. Each genotype was planted in two rows, each 5 m long, with a distance of 75 cm between rows and 25 cm between the plants in the row. The planting depth of the tubers was considered to be 10 cm. Planting, maintenance, and harvesting operations were uniformly applied to all plots. The traits that were examined included the number of main stems per plant, plant height, number of tubers per plant, tuber weight per plant, tuber yield, dry matter percentage, and starch percentage. Results and discussion According to the results, the genotypes under investigation had significant differences in all traits which were studied. The Savalan cultivar had the highest plant height, whereas regarding the number of main stems Caruso and Savalan cultivars were noticeably higher. The hybrids resulting from the crossbreeding of the Savalan♀×Caeser♂, Caeser♀× Savalan♂, and Liseta and Savalan cultivars had the highest number of tubers and tuber weight per plant, as well as total tuber yield. The hybrids resulting from the Savalan♀×Caeser♂, Caruso, Crisps4all, and Savalan cultivars had the highest starch and dry matter percentages of the tuber. Generally, cultivars with higher dry matter content absorb less oil when fried; therefore, they are also better in terms of nutritional health. The heritability of the traits under study was estimated to be 72.66%–98.29%. The heritability of the tuber yield was 89.03%. The hybrids resulting from Savalan♀×Caeser♂, which were superior in yield and other desirable traits compared to other genotypes, had a yellow skin and flesh colour, round tuber shape, superficial eye depth, short stolon length, and medium early maturity time, and were in the D cooking group, which had a mealy texture suitable for chips. Based on the results of this study, the hybrids resulting from Savalan♀×Caeser♂, Caeser♀× Savalan♂, and the Liseta and Ribera cultivars, with an average of 36.63 to 39.97 tons per hectare, had the highest tuber yield among the genotypes under study. The hybrids obtained from Savalan♀×Caeser♂ had a mealy texture suitable for chips. The hybrids resulting from Caeser♀× Savalan♂ had a mealy texture suitable for frying, and the Liseta and Ribera cultivars had a relatively soft texture suitable for multi-purpose use.
In the mi-1970s, nearly one-third of seniors in Canada were considered low-income. Today, it’s closer to five percent. There are many factors accounting for this improvement in seniors’ lives, chief among them changes to public policy. Paul Kershaw believes government policy now needs to focus on another generation feeling the pinch: those in their mid-40s and younger. Dr. Kershaw, an associate professor in the School of Population and Public Health at the University of British Columbia, says this generation is being squeezed simultaneously by lower incomes, higher housing costs and less time compared to older generations. In an attempt to foster “inter-generational equality,” Dr. Kershaw has founded Generation Squeeze, an organization that he hopes will grow the clout of younger generations in politics and public policy. He recently spoke to University Affairs about this work. University Affairs: I think it’s safe to say that in every era, the younger generation feels shortchanged by the older generation, or bemoans in some way their situation relative to that of their elders. How is today’s situation different? Dr. Kershaw: The data show clearly that younger generations simply are facing a more challenging socioeconomic set of conditions than was the case for the same age group in the late 1970s and early 1980s. We can see this with a quick look at income data, especially income relative to costs. The typical 25- to 34-year-old today in Canada working full time makes about $4,500 less a year, after adjusting for inflation, than did the same-age person in 1976 and 1980 – even though they’re more than twice as likely today to have a postsecondary certificate of some kind. So people are going to school longer to take jobs that pay thousands of dollars less, and these positions often don’t offer generous benefits programs any longer. We are then asking young people to do the most amazing thing: pay hundreds of thousands of dollars more to try to live in an average home. This is leaving younger Canadians today squeezed between time and money pressures. They are working and studying more to have less. University Affairs: So high housing prices are one of the key challenges? Dr. Kershaw: Yes. The younger generations have to work five years longer now to save a 20-percent down payment on an average home. A generation ago it took only five years to save that down payment if you worked full time; now it takes 10 years and in my province of B.C., it’s 15. And, the same factors that are weighing down the younger generation are precisely what have driven up the wealth of the typical person aged 55 and older. So housing is at this very interesting moment in a generational relationship that is playing out in directly opposite ways along age lines. University Affairs: But some observers claim the younger generation will eventually catch up as they grow older. What do you say to that? Dr. Kershaw: I have two broad counters to that. First, look at the recent Conference Board of Canada study which shows the average disposable income of Canadians between the ages of 50 and 54 is now 64 percent higher than that of 25-to-29 year olds, up from 47 percent in the mid-1980s. There is also the study that came out the month before by BMO group saying that the typical senior now enjoys nearly nine times more wealth than the typical 25-to-34 year old. In the early 1980s, the wealth gap was only four times. These data suggest that our hope that it will just work out for people down the road is less likely given the trajectories. University Affairs: You point out that today’s seniors are better off today than in the past. Doesn’t this put less burden on their children to support them in old age? Dr. Kershaw: I have been looking at average trends in incomes for seniors between 1976 and today, and the data show the typical person aged 65 and older is now reporting about $10,000 in additional income per year, after adjusting for inflation. This is because of a combination of their jobs having paid more generous pensions, plus the Canada public pension plan and the old-age security system. It’s a wonderful public policy success story. We changed public policy, made major adaptations, and today we’ve wrestled down the low-income rate for seniors from about 30 percent to between five and seven percent today, lower than for any other age group in the country. Is that a bad thing? No! This is a fantastic thing. And, it helps us remember what we can achieve as a country by putting in place public policy that adapts to address big challenges. University Affairs: So let’s talk about your campaign, Generation Squeeze. Tell me a bit about it. Dr. Kershaw: We launched the language of Generation Squeeze in the fall of 2011 with a series of reports – one for each province – asking does Canada work for all generations? The theory of change driving us was that we needed to change the overall narrative in Canadian public discourse about who is deserving, who is vulnerable, where are the major societal risks. By the spring of 2013 we had the chance to test the degree to which we could shape public dialogue with the provincial election in British Columbia. What we showed is that we were good at earning media attention. On many respects you could say we had a great campaign! But, we really had no influence on the platforms whatsoever. In light of that finding, we decided it was insufficient to simply think that changing the public narrative would change the priorities in the world of politics. We would also have to build the clout of younger people. Only then would we likely see political parties transform their priorities to include room to invest in younger Canadians. University Affairs: And how do you do that? Dr. Kershaw: Well, this got us thinking: how come younger people don’t have as much clout as the aging population? And the answer is that younger Canadians are simply less organized. Take, for example, this great group called the Canadian Association of Retired Persons, or CARP, which has existed since the mid-1980s to advocate on behalf of Canadians 50 and older. They’re very clear about their mission: right there on their web page they say they want to build the clout of their constituency, and they know they have more clout the more people they bring together. They attract people in part by appealing to self-interest, saying we’ll keep more money in your pockets. We saw that and said that’s a brilliant strategy. As long as there’s an organization lobbying on behalf of Canadians 50 and older, younger generations need one too. University Affairs: And Generation Squeeze is that vehicle? Dr. Kershaw: Yes. We are now incorporating both as a not-for-profit and charity to function in those capacities and we are replicating and refining many of the clever organizing and funding strategies that drive the success of CARP. University Affairs: What specific public policies changes would you like to see? Dr. Kershaw: We are looking at changes that would save the typical young family around $50,000 before their kids reach age six. This would allow them to pay off their student debts, or reduce the number of years it takes for a down payment, or allow them set some money aside for retirement. The question then is: what are the right mechanisms, the right policy tools, to get us there? The first is parental leave. The typical couple, when sharing a year at home with a new baby, will lose about $15,000 from their after-tax income compared to the year before. Given that reality, there is something public policy can do directly: make the leave per household, not per person, and make it six months longer. And, reserve that extra time primarily for those who are far less likely to use it these days: dads. If you do that, you save the typical household $12,000. Then there’s childcare. Let’s bring the cost of that down to about $2,500 a year for a child, or about $10 a day. If you did that, you’d save the typical household with kids before age six about $6,000 or more a year when relying on childcare. Put it all together and by the time a typical family has their kids reaching age six, we will have saved them $50,000. That’s big dollars at a particularly expensive point in their lives. It would be the cornerstone of a better generational deal in this country. University Affairs: Wouldn’t that cost a lot of money? Dr. Kershaw: Right now we spend between $38,000 and $45,000 a year per person over 65 on important things like medical care and retirement income subsidies. By contrast, we spend around $12,000 a year in social spending per person under 45. To pay for the new deal for families as I’m describing, you’d need to raise that spending to $13,000 per person under 45. Pool that additional investment, cater to the moment when people start their families and save them big bucks at that expensive life-course moment.
LOS ANGELES, CA - Studies have long linked going for a stroll or hike to improved moods. They've also found that people living in urban areas, with little access to greenery, are at a higher risk for depression, anxiety, and mental illness. We know that getting back to nature makes us feel better, but a new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences reveals that it can also actually change the way city dwellers brains' work. Stanford researchers wanted to know how walking in a lush park- versus walking near a busy highway affects the part of the brain associated with "brooding." The "highway walkers" came back as miserable as ever, but the "park walkers" had stopped obsessing about their problems and their brains had quieted down. The researchers are excited because it shows an easy and almost immediate way to help people in the city who probably don't realize how much their environment is bumming them out. Next the researchers want to find the "formula" for the most psychological benefits. How long should you walk? Are grass and trees necessary? Does it count if you play on your phone the whole time? For now, if you're feeling down and out, hit the trails in the park. There's scientific proof it'll help.
By Nora Marino, Health Policy Scholar at NACCHO and current Master in Public Health candidate at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health The importance of incorporating the mental health needs of a community and individuals into emergency and disaster response is gaining attention. During and after a disaster, many people are not only at risk for developing physical injuries but also psychological injuries. The Medical Reserve Corps (MRC), which is a network of volunteers who provide a variety of essential emergency response services to improve the resiliency of their communities, can be essential when addressing these needs. If prepared, MRC units can confront emotional wounds, allowing community members to recover from a disaster more quickly. One way MRC units are addressing mental health in their communities is by providing Psychological First Aid (PFA) training to volunteers and community partners. PFA is an evidence-informed approach to respond to the emotional and psychological needs of children, adolescents, adults, and families after a natural disaster or act of terrorism. This training was developed by the National Center for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and provides practical information on how to provide comfort, safety, stabilization, and referral for an individual in distress. Many MRC units and other similar organizations hold PFA trainings regularly; the course can also be accessed online through NACCHO’s website. Examples of how two MRC units provided support and utilized the PFA training when responding to a real-life event are as follows. The Oklahoma MRC unit includes a Stress Response Team (SRT), which is comprised of licensed mental health professionals and other MRC volunteers interested in behavioral health, who complete required trainings. The SRT plays several different roles, including training MRC volunteers to support the mental health needs of survivors and first responders during a disaster, other examples include: - Stabilizing or addressing psychiatric conditions in disaster survivors - Providing Psychological First Aid - Providing mental health support to first responders - Monitoring, training, and supporting the mental health of the MRC unit and other disaster health care teams - Collaborating with partners to assess a community’s mental health needs after a disaster to develop appropriate programs and interventions In 2013, central Oklahoma experienced tornados, straight winds, hail, and flooding from a series of severe thunderstorms. Several shelters across the state were created and the SRT was deployed. The team, along with medical volunteers provided PFA and critical assistance to individuals affected by the storm. Western Massachusetts MRC The Western Massachusetts Medical Reserve Corps is comprised of 14 MRC units and covers four counties and 101 towns in western Massachusetts. In 2011, several communities in Western Massachusetts experienced a large EF3 tornado, a rare natural disaster for this region. The West Springfield MRC unit in the area assisted the residents of West Springfield to recover from the tornado. A shelter was set up to provide essential services to those impacted by the storm. In addition to using the PFA model to assess the emotional trauma from the tornado, the MRC unit recruited acupuncture therapists and therapy animals to provide stress relief to residents at the shelter. MRC volunteers are passionate and dedicated individuals and they often have full-time jobs, families, and other commitments. Limited funding does not always allow MRC units to create the necessary trainings and resources needed to comprehensively respond to emergencies. The MRC units interviewed provided recommendations on how MRC units can better respond to the mental health needs of a community during and following a disaster. - Increase frequency of trainings and expand to a wider group of community-based organizations and professionals - Recruit more MRC volunteers with language and cultural knowledge to meet the needs of the increasingly diverse population in our communities - Recruit MRC volunteers who are behavioral health specialists - Provide paid positions in MRC units such as a safety officer, trainer, and mental health educator - Heighten awareness of and target resources to address the opioid crisis in communities The consequences of disasters can be long lasting and difficult to reverse. Across the country, MRC units are recognizing the importance of responding to the mental health and emotional needs of communities during a disaster. It is important that MRC units are prepared to respond holistically to emergency events. Does your MRC unit want to tell a story of responding to the emotional and psychological needs of an individual and a community after a recent disaster? Please submit your story to NACCHO’s Stories from the Field. Do you offer unique trainings for your MRC volunteers or community-based partners to better prepare a community to address the mental health needs during and after a disaster? Please let us know in the comments section below.
Turkey is a land with a rich history: one of the initial cradles of civilisation, it saw the Babylonians, the Phoenicians, the Greeks, the Seljuks and the Ottomans make their homes in its fertile valleys, Mediterranean coasts, and breath-taking mountains. Through this near 10,000 year period of history, each of these cultures left their imprint on modern culture, particularly in food. Turkish cuisine is renowned worldwide for its variety of tasty and healthy dishes, made from local produce with an emphasis on freshness and nutrition. Today we’ll be looking at what we know to be Turkish food and more interestingly, where it came from. Situated at a natural crossroads, modern turkey straddles the Anatolian and Hellenic peninsulas, linking Europe to Asia. Because of its unique location, Turkey has existed in contact with and enormous amount of radically different cultures: from the Greeks to the west to the Slavs in the North and the Arabs in the South, Turkish culture and food is a unique mix of these foods. The first permanent “Turkish” state arose in the 11th century with the arrival of the Uyghur Seljuk tribe. They settled in the central Anatolian mountain range, erecting their magnificent palace-capital Konya. A people of Turk-Persian origin and culture, their proximity to the Byzantine empire turned their culture into a unique mix of Middle Eastern and Greek influences. Their food followed suit, consisting of Central Asian staples such as mutton and horse, as well as an emphasis on dairy. Classically Persian and Greek produce was also very present, in particular nuts, beans, grapes (as well as raisins for the making of wine), and grains like wheat, barley and bulghur. Meals typically consisted of grilled meats, stews, breads and pastries (both savoury and sweet), with vegetables typically served as an accompaniment, as well as fruit and candy at the end of a meal. Staple drinks included coffee, sharbat (a sort of fruit syrup made from fruits and honey), coffee (served at the end of meals), wine, and srkencubin (a beer-like drink made from barely or wheat, honey, vinegar and water), although these last 2 were haram (prohibited in Islam, the state religion) and mainly consumed by the conquered Christian peoples of the Anatolian Empire. The diet was fairly humble, with a typical breakfast consisting of cheap and filling staples like bread, cheese and soup. Coffee was served throughout the day at the end of meals. The fall of the Seljuks and subsequent rise of the Ottomans in 1308 led to massive changes in the region. The Ottomans successfully conquered the rest of modern day Turkey, as well as swathes of the Balkans, going as far as Vienna in 1453. This massive expansion led to the integration of new cultures and peoples into the nascent empire: the recently conquered Byzantine Empire, the Slavs of the Black Sea, the Arabs and Turks of the Caucasus and Arabian peninsula were all adsorbed into already rich culture of the Seljuks. This of course led to major changes in the diet, as well as the regionalization of cuisine. While the cuisine of Anatolia, the central seat of Seljuk power, remained largely unchanged, 2 new “styles” of cuisine made their way into the Ottoman diet: the Mediterranean peoples of the Southern coasts introduced their staples of vegetables, olive oil, seafood and dairy, while the Slavic-influenced people of the rich northern valleys and coasts bordering the black sea introduced corn and anchovies to the empire. The Mediterranean diet made perhaps the biggest impact on Turkish food culture: it’s healthy and fresh salads, herbs and vegetables are widely eaten around the world today. Staples such as olive oil, fresh herbs and vegetables, feta and halloumi cheese and lemons are core parts of healthy diets today. After the Ottoman Empire’s defeat in World War I, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk led a revolution to overthrow the 623-year-old Ottoman sultanate, and founded the newly secular Republic of Turkey. This early period saw sweeping societal changes and a modernisation of Turkish culture: equal rights were granted to women, a new Latin alphabet-based writing system, along with increased freedoms to the entire population and the establishment of a parliamentary democracy that still stands today. This reflected in the modernisation of the Turkish diet becoming very similar to the diet we see today: staples such as hot soup, served at the beginning of meals, follow by roasted or stewed meats like kofte (grilled herby lamb meatballs) or kebab (skewers of chicken, beef, lamb or offal) accompanied by cold vegetables sides called mezze and various breads like durum (flatbread). And the end of meals, coffee and sweets like lokum (a chewy, sugary treat often flavoured with rosewater or pistachios) or kunefe (a sort of fried cheesecake drenched in honey or rosewater syrup) are often served. Through all this change: bread has remained a central pillar of the Turkish diet. From durum, eaten with doner (thinly shaved roasted meat) as a tasty sandwich, to simit (a ring-shaped, sesame-covered bread), enjoyed with a hot cup of cay (spiced tea) and various jams and butter or clotted cream for breakfast. If the enchanting cuisine of this beautiful country sounds like something you would enjoy, please come visit us at Au Parc Saigon to enjoy or wide range of Turkish breakfast, lunch and dinner options! From shakshuka to kebab and kofte to mezze, you’re sure to find a fresh and healthy dish to match your cravings for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Wash it down with one of our many beverages, such as Turkish coffee or chai!
Using different adjectives for women and men Sometimes in English different adjectives are used to describe the same feature in men and women. There are also some words which – despite not having an explicit gender – have strong connotations that are strongly associated with only women or men. This stems from the fact that some character traits, such as being ambitious, are considered by society attractive in men but negative in women. Tip: When describing a characteristic of a woman, ask yourself, ‘would I ever use this word to describe a man?’ (and vice versa). If not, then look for a term without gender connotations. These are words in English that are supposed to be equivalent, but actually the female versions of the words have gained negative connotations over the years. You should think carefully about the connotations of words before using them. For example, consider: - governor - governess - master - mistress - patron - matron - sir - madam - bachelor - spinster - host - hostess It is not always easy to spot when adjectives are promoting gender stereotypes. The examples in the table below show some words to look out for and to avoid using to describe women. Adjectives with gender connotations to avoid |Adjectives commonly used for women (derogatory) |Bossy or pushy |Having sexual confidence –no male equivalent |Emotional or hormonal |Passionate, enthusiastic, empathetic |Lacking sexual responsiveness –no male equivalent |Dowdy and old fashioned |High pitched, grating voice
In order to fully appreciate all of the dimensions of Paz Encina’s Hamaca Paraguaya, it is necessary to briefly summarize historical events in Paraguay, the country in which the film’s story takes place. The indigenous people of what is now Paraguay endured the Spanish conquest as of 1537. The Guaranis provided not only a very cheap labour force for the Spanish, but the Guarani women were used by the conquistadors to perpetuate themselves. A “Creole”-type mixed race was created, with Spanish hierarchy over the exploited indigenous population continuing after the seventeenth century. After Paraguay’s independence from Spain, Paraguayan authorities closed all borders to avoid being annexed by neighbouring countries and developed a political autarchy. This autarchy could not prevent the war between Paraguay and the Triple Alliance (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay), from 1864 to 1870, which devastated Paraguay, reducing its population by half and leaving 200,000 survivors–mostly women, children and elderly. The country was also confronted with another problem: Its territory was sold to big English, Argentinean and Brazilian farming companies, provoking an endless exodus of landless peasants. War broke out again, this time with Bolivia between 1932 and 1935 over the disputed territory of Chaco, which was solely inhabited by indigenous people. Once again, peasants who had fought for Paraguay’s land returned home with nothing and were only permitted to work land belonging to others. From 1954 to 1989, Paraguay underwent the longest dictatorship in the history of Latin America. The last Paraguayan film shot in 35 mm with a theatrical release was Cerro Cora, made in 1978. It was a film based on the Triple Alliance war and totally approved by the dictator Alfredo Stroessner’s administration. The dialogue of Hamaca Paraguaya is spoken in Guarani, the language of the indigenous people. We are in June 1935, in an isolated part of Paraguay. The camera opens on an almost dark and silent landscape. It’s autumn but the weather is still hot. Thunder is in the air but it doesn’t rain. A couple of poor, old peasants, Candida and Ramon, waiting for their son to return from his war duty, talk about ordinary things like the lack of rain and a dog which doesn’t want to stop barking. The first sequence is long and the camera holds on the same angle, causing many viewers to either leave or fall asleep. But after fifteen minutes, the film’s gripping tension has won you over. The same tension is felt in the theatre. What will happen next? The endless waiting, suffering and deep distress begin to surge. The pauses in the dialogue – the silences – allow us to see an emotion that will never be mentioned. We don’t see characters speaking. Instead, we hear their voices. In the rare scene where the camera moves closer, we see the two main characters’ faces only partially. Other characters are not shown at all, but can be heard. Their words are mixed with the sounds of nature and the above-mentioned dog’s barking. These off-camera voices heighten the dramatic climate by calling on the active participation of the viewer’s imagination. The film is made up of eight sequential takes each lasting 10 to 15 minutes, one being used three times. Encina, the 35-year-old Paraguayan director, keeps the viewer’s attention by contrasting the optimistic and pessimistic outlooks of the two main protagonists. The female character, a mother, feels the tragedy of the loss of her son, but the father wants to believe in a happy ending. The film’s most amazing aspect is that, without shedding a drop of blood and showing blown-up bodies and with a very minimalist and non-kinetic approach, Encina makes cinema’s most efficient anti-war manifesto. Paz Encina, the film maker She was born in Asuncion, Paraguay in 1971 and received her Masters degree in Cinematography in 2001. In 1997, she made La Sienta, a video-shot film for which she was awarded 2 nd prize at the Arte BA (Buenos Aires) Video Festival. In 1998, she shot a short 16mm film, Los Encantos del Jazmin. She made a short video-shot version of Hamaca Paraguaya in 2000, receiving a special award at the IVth International Film Schools Festival, the Genesis Prize for best Paraguayan video Film, and the first Prize at the IVth Young Artists salon. In the same year, Encina made her second 16mm short film, Supe que Estabas Triste, which won in 2001 the Genesis Best Sound and best Directing Prize in Asuncion. The long version of Hamaca Paraguaya received the FIPRESCI prize in the “Un Certain Regard” section of the 2006 Cannes Film Festival.
In The Colonial Politics of Global Health, Jessica Lynne Pearson explores the collision between imperial and international visions of health and development in French Africa as decolonization movements gained strength. After World War II, French officials viewed health improvements as a way to forge a more equitable union between France and its overseas territories. Through new hospitals, better medicines, and improved public health, French subjects could reimagine themselves as French citizens. The politics of health also proved vital to the United Nations, however, and conflicts arose when French officials perceived international development programs sponsored by the UN as a threat to their colonial authority. French diplomats also feared that anticolonial delegations to the United Nations would use shortcomings in health, education, and social development to expose the broader structures of colonial inequality. In the face of mounting criticism, they did what they could to keep UN agencies and international health personnel out of Africa, limiting the access Africans had to global health programs. French personnel marginalized their African colleagues as they mapped out the continent’s sanitary future and negotiated the new rights and responsibilities of French citizenship. The health disparities that resulted offered compelling evidence that the imperial system of governance should come to an end. Pearson’s work links health and medicine to postwar debates over sovereignty, empire, and human rights in the developing world. The consequences of putting politics above public health continue to play out in constraints placed on international health organizations half a century later. - Harvard University Press Sorry, there was an error adding the item to your shopping bag. Sorry, your session has expired. Please refresh your browser's tab.
Sustainable construction is frequently referred as sustainable design and style or green building. On the aesthetic side of green architecture or sustainable style is the philosophy of designing a constructing that is in harmony with the all-natural features and resources surrounding the internet site. The primary goal of green creating is not just to be far more friendly to the environment, but also be a healthier location to reside for the home’s occupants. Thus, the troubles of sustainability and green building have been duly highlighted in the Building Market Master Strategy (2005 – 2015) as becoming of substantial importance for the Malaysian Construction Sector. The GBI is incredibly comprehensive and covers nearly every aspect of the building approach. Amongst India’s most sustainable buildings is the corporate office of Nokia in Gurgaon which has been granted accreditation as one particular of the world’s major green buildings by the U.S. Green Developing Council (USGBC). From person home owners to main corporations, far more people today every single day are demanding that building grow to be increasingly eco-friendly (mostly in the kind of LEED certification ). Globally buildings are accountable for a large share of energy, electrical energy, water and supplies consumption. In Malaysia, Architect Association of Malaysia is the a single responsible in creating and implementing the guideline for green construction. The architect that everyone thinking about a green developing chooses, ought to be capable to demonstrate this, through their portfolio and their approach. This might involve solar panels, thermal mass constructing building, green materials, including wood, stone, or earth (or even recycled waste materials, such as tyres or glass or plastic bottles). Considering that construction pretty much constantly degrades a constructing web site, not developing at all is preferable to green constructing, in terms of decreasing environmental influence. Low-VOC assembly: Components installed with minimal VOC-producing compounds, or no-VOC mechanical attachment methods and minimal hazards. Of course fashion is a massive portion of green interior design and style BUT it is not the most important thing. IBS is proposed as a single of the many strategies to embrace sustainable and green construction. For town planners and building corporations working under new recommendations to cut down CO2 emissions the suggestions of LEED and green interior design are of essential significance. Frequently, separating materials at the job internet site increases the worth of the materials, but some recyclers will take mixed loads when dividing at the worksite is not attainable. I’m interested in your stories leave a comment or two below about your green experiences, guidelines, and tools below! One particular of the essential points to green architecture is to develop synchrony with the surrounding environment. Low and VOC-cost-free products and supplies have been developed by a quantity of companies for use in place of traditional harsh chemical-primarily based components. The most effective material to use for green building is supplies that have been recycled or come from very easily restored sources.
Screening: Familial Aneurysms In most cases, brain aneurysms are not hereditary, and there is generally only a single case in a family. Occasionally, however, an individual with a brain aneurysm will have other family members who are affected. When two or more first-degree relatives (parent, child, or sibling) have proven aneurysms, these are called “familial aneurysms.” Individuals in these families may be at higher risk of developing aneurysms than the general population. Therefore aneurysm screening with an imaging study of the brain arteries is usually recommended, particularly for first-degree relatives. If an aneurysm is found, the specialist will work with you to determine if the aneurysm should be treated and, if so, what type of treatment to have. If no aneurysm is detected, a repeat screening may be performed in the future. Data from a large study of familial aneurysms (the Familial Intracranial Aneurysm Study) indicate that there is a 20 percent incidence of aneurysms in first-degree relatives of patients with a familial aneurysm. Family members most likely to have aneurysms were women or individuals who had a history of smoking and/or high blood pressure.
Why We Rarely Feed Animals Food Scraps, Even In A Drought Last month we heard that a farmer in Kentucky was feeding his cattle discarded chocolate because corn was too expensive. Things are getting weird, we thought. But it turns out this isn't a total anomaly: Elsewhere in the country, pigs and cattle are treated to bakery byproduct — bread, dough, pastries, even Cap'n Crunch — as our friends over at Harvest Public Media reported earlier this year. We've long been throwing our scraps to animals, of course; pigs, in particular, have stomachs pretty similar to humans and can eat just about anything we eat. And there's that huge quantity of food that ends up in the landfill, generating greenhouse gas emissions. We could be funneling more of that food to hungry people and animals, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. Since these scraps are essentially free, they would presumably be a particularly good option this year for farmers looking for a cheap alternative to corn and soybeans as the drought hammers the harvest of those feed crops. But it turns out that most livestock producers will still buy their feed on this open market, and suffer the high prices. Why not ask the local restaurant or food factory for help, we had to ask? "It's a great idea, sure, but there are a lot of limitations," says Rhonda Sherman, a solid waste specialist for North Carolina State University's Cooperative Extension Service. Sherman says the number of farmers in North Carolina who requested permits to give food waste to their animals dropped from 117 in 1997 to 66 in 2006. Sherman says she's not sure how many have permits this year, but she suspects there aren't many. For one thing, there's more red tape around feeding food waste to animals than ever before. All animal feed is highly regulated and inspected by the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Agriculture and other agencies. The same goes for food waste destined for animals: Many state laws require the waste to be cooked before it's given to animals to get rid of dangerous bacteria or viruses. "As a farmer, I would also be worried about what else could be in the food waste," Bill Graff, who raises cattle in Illinois, tells The Salt. "I would not want my animals choking to death on a plastic fork left in." Sherman says there are also just fewer farms nowadays, which makes the logistics of getting the waste harder. "The food is decomposing, so unless the places that generate the waste have room to store and refrigerate it, the farmers have to pick it up every day," says Sherman. "As gas prices go up and farmers get farther away, it's just harder for them to do it." Most livestock producers these days also have contracts with big multinationals like Smithfield or Tyson. Which means they have strict rules about what they can and can't feed the animals. Copyright 2020 NPR. To see more, visit https://www.npr.org.
Scorching temperatures and countless travelers symbolize the season. As we trudge through the “dog days” of summer, we should pause to celebrate some of our treasured lands. The United States has five national parks with a birthday in July or August that deserve recognition. Light the candles and warm up your singing voices. Mammoth Cave National Park - Established July 1, 1941 Nestled in south-central Kentucky, Mammoth Cave National Park turns 82 this year. The park comprises deep river valleys and rolling hills above ground. Meanwhile, the world’s longest-known cave system quietly hides below the surface. Although a bit inland, many consider Mammoth Cave to be one of the best east coast national parks. With so many accolades and unique activities, it is easy to see why. Mammoth Cave National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an International Biosphere Reserve. It was designated an International Dark Sky Park in 2021. Popular activities include cave tours, kayaking, canoeing, fishing, hiking, and stargazing. The park contains a variety of wildlife within its caves, forests, and waterways. It harbors endangered species, including freshwater mussels, Kentucky cave shrimp, Indiana bats, gray bats, and northern long-eared bats. Haleakala National Park - Established August 1, 1916 Located on the Hawaiian Island of Maui, Haleakala National Park turns 107 this August. The park’s centerpiece is its namesake dormant volcano. Visitors can explore volcanic landscapes, rocky coastlines, cascading waterfalls, and lush bamboo forests. The Summit District offers rugged trails with views of lava flows and cinder cones, while the Kipahulu District yields an oasis of freshwater pools and waterfalls within a subtropical rainforest. Crater Road delivers stunning views across the West Maui Mountains. Popular activities include hiking, camping, observing sunrise or sunset, and stargazing. Sunrise hours are 3 to 7 am, and visitors must reserve a spot. For those who enjoy birding, Haleakala National Park houses many birds that live exclusively in Hawaii. The Hawaiian petrel, a native seabird, is federally endangered, while the state bird, the Hawaiian goose, is vulnerable. A unique group of rare forest birds called honeycreepers comprises 17 species, with several making the endangered list—only 500 individuals remain. Many of the honeycreepers don colorful feathers and odd, curved beaks. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park - Established August 1, 1916 Situated on the Big Island, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park turns 107 this year. It holds two active volcanoes, Kilauea and Mauna Loa. The park protects some of the world’s most unique geological landscapes and biological species. Accordingly, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and an International Biosphere Reserve. Popular activities include hiking, scenic drives, and birding. The park offers day hikes and backpacking excursions through volcanic landscapes and lush rainforests. Crater Rim Drive and Chain of Craters Road yield spectacular views and are a great way to explore the park. Hawaii Volcanoes National Park harbors unique wildlife, including endangered sea turtles, America’s most giant dragonfly, and the Hawaiian hoary bat, the state’s only native land mammal. Like Haleakala, honeycreepers, Hawaiian geese, and Hawaiian petrels inhabit the area. However, the park has a few other unique birds. The Hawaiian hawk is the only hawk species native to Hawaii. One of the world’s most endangered crow species, the Hawaiin crow, lives in the park. The majestic white-tailed tropicbird draws a smile. Primarily white, the sleek bird dons an orange beak, a black band on its inner wing, a black mask, and super long central tail feathers. Virgin Islands National Park - Established August 2, 1956 St. John, one of the U.S. Virgin Islands, is home to the Virgin Islands National Park. The park turns 67 this August. It offers alluring white sand beaches, coral reefs, and remains of historic sugar plantations. Beyond the natural beauty, the area holds cultural and historical significance. Visitors can learn about the island’s challenging past when enslaved laborers lived and worked on the plantations. Popular activities include exploring the island’s landmark sites, beach recreation, hiking, snorkeling, fishing, and boating. The park offers more than 20 trails. Options include hiking through historic ruins, to a viewing deck over a salt pond, or through the Cinnamon Bay Sugar Plantation, where the scent of bay rum trees fills the air. Try snorkeling, where you gain spectacular views of coral reefs and colorful fish. Or, you can relax on the beach and savor the surreal island views. The park harbors three species of sea turtles. While the leatherback is rare, visitors regularly spot green and hawksbill sea turtles. Forest birds, seabirds, and shorebirds inhabit the park. Dolphins swim in the waters, and migrating whales pass through the area in winter. Bats are the only land mammals native to Virgin Islands National Park. Six species live in the park. While most bats feed on insects, the greater bulldog bat eats fish. Plants are essential to the park’s ecosystem, with mangroves and seagrass beds earning a place on the list of top things to see. Lassen Volcanic National Park - Established August 9, 1916 Lassen Volcanic National Park, known for its volcanoes, steaming fumaroles, bubbling mud pots, crystal-clear mountain lakes, and wildflower-filled meadows, turns 107. It is located in northern California and is one of many national park sites near San Francisco. The seasons significantly impact your experience. Summer offers scenic drives, biking, and hiking. Winter brings snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and sledding. Year-round, the park delivers excellent stargazing due to little light pollution. Summer and autumn visitors can hike the Bumpass Hell Trail, where you can see hydrothermal features, including steaming fumaroles and bubbling mud pots. The park abounds with tranquil lakes. Some provide gorgeous reflections of storybook mountains. While Emerald Lake and Lake Helen are two alpine lakes with crystal-clear water, bubbling mud pots frame Boiling Springs Lake’s sea-green 125-degree waters. Lassen Volcanic National Park houses unique wildlife, including mountain lions, red foxes, black bears, snowshoe hares, pikas, badgers, and river otters. Regional birds of prey include ospreys, rough-legged hawks, and great gray owls. Wrap-Up: National Parks with a Birthday in July or August Celebrate our national parks with a birthday in July or August. Each offers unique beauty, history, recreational opportunities, and wildlife. Plan your next adventure at one of these fantastic national parks. Featured image credit: Business Insider More Articles from Miles with McConkey
“IF DARWIN HAD come to Hawai’i before he went to Galapagos,” said Gary, our guide for the day, “he would have solved the question of evolution ever so sooner.” And he might have well done so if he had looked, as I did, rather intently, at the Hawaiian honeycreepers. There it was, the mythical palila, half hidden in the foliage of a māmane tree, stripping a seed pod, golden head now visible, now not. There could have been no other way to see it. If it were out fully in the open, it would have been rather ridiculous behaviour for a critically endangered bird that typifies endangerment. If it were not stripping away at its almost sole food source, the poisonous māmane, it would not have demonstrated its extraordinary way of survival. And if we had not seen it at all, we might have questioned the fantastic fight-back that the conservation community of Hawai’i has been engaged in for the sake of the palila and all other honeycreepers that represent perhaps the most actively evolving group of birds in the entire world. But before I delve into the story of the palila, one must look at the land that harbours the golden bird. Hawai’i, to the geologist, is as interesting and unique as palila is to the ornithologist. The island chain is among the most recent of volcanic pieces of rock that have arisen from the Pacific Ocean, thrown upwards by massive oceanic eruptions. That is the geologists’ point of view. For ancient Hawaiians, the islands are the home of Pelehonuamea, or Pele, of the sacred earth, a fiery volcanic goddess with a temper to match. Pele, no relative of the currently more famous soccer star, lives, it is believed, in the Kīlauea volcano in the Big Island of Hawai’i, having been driven there by her older sister Na-maka-o-Kaha’i, the Goddess of the Sea. Hemmed between sea and rock, she dug into the crater for a home and revealed her true beauty to the ancient Polynesian sailors who came to the island. Through her volcanic tresses flowed the largest single piece of rock that the world has ever seen. Mauna Loa, only 13,677 feet above sea level but 31,000 feet from the seabed (that’s 2,000 feet or more higher than Mount Everest), with its gentle shield-like slopes comprising 10,000 cubic miles, is indubitably the largest piece of stone on the Earth’s surface. What is even more remarkable is that it is an active volcano, having erupted 18 times in the last 100 years. But unlike the fiery temperament of Pele, the volcanoes are remarkably mellow, and the lava flows gently down their slopes, allowing tourists even today to see the Kīlauea volcano glower all night without much of a life scare. On the slopes of these volcanoes grow some amazing plants about which it is equally important to know something if we are to understand how birds evolved. Outstanding amongst them, both in being omnipresent and a major food source for the honeycreepers, is the ••hi’a. Typified by fiery red flowers that are a major food source for the equally red honeycreepers like the scarlet i’iwi, the crimson apapane and the golden amakihi, the ••hi’a has two really cool secrets of survival success in the hot world it lives on. It can grow on hot volcanic rocks with no soil whatsoever, as long as it gets some rain. It can also hold its breath for two weeks at a time if it chooses to! Yes, indeed, the ••hi’a closes its stomata when a nearby volcano explodes, sending poisonous fumes and ash into the air. It can open it two weeks later when the air clears. What a remarkable evolutionary trick to cheat the flaming Pele! Equally interesting is the endemic wattle, the koa, which when young has divided leaves that look like those of normal acacias and as it grows older and taller, develops long eucalyptus like leaves. The trick is that these second leaves are not really leaves but swollen leaf stalks or phyllodes. It is probably one of the only trees where you can see two kinds of leaves on one individual. And then, of course, there is the māmane in the dry tracts, which has evolved to have seed coats containing bitter phenols, with the embryo itself having deadly, poisonous alkaloids. Consequently it is absolutely safe from all kinds of birds trying to feed on it, at least in most parts of the world. But not in Hawai’i, the land of contemporary evolution. The palila has mastered the trick of eating poison and has survived, just about, in this land of molten lava and toxins. The bird seems to ingest the toxin and excrete it, having taken in the nourishment it requires. It even feeds its nestlings the toxic seed along with some titbits of an endemic caterpillar for a protein shot. But the reason ornithologists love the palila is less to do with its extraordinary capacity for survival, and more to do with its bill. Beaks have always fascinated evolutionary biologists, including the father of the evolutionary theory, Charles Darwin. The Galapagos finches were his inspiration and it was on a rather short visit to those islands that he picked up the threads of what would many years later be written up into his masterpiece on the theory of evolution. In Hawai’i too, the finches have come to roost and evolve in peculiar ways. Once upon a time, nearly 4 million years ago, just after the island of Oahu (on which the capital of Hawai’i, Honolulu, is situated) popped up out of the ocean, it seems that a set of Asian rose finches descended upon the islands. No one can be sure why, but biologically the phenomenon is known as irruption, a mass dispersal of birds seeking new grounds. Much like the Malayalees in the Gulf, this set of rose finches made their new home all their own, branching out into all available niches. Rose finches are small, pale, rose coloured birds with sparrow-like bills. But in the newly formed island of Oahu and later, in the islands of Maui, Kauai and Hawai’i, these proto- honeycreepers started looking rather weird. Not so much in body shape, which remained more or less the same, but in the shape of their bills. Many developed long sunbird-like nectar drinking bills, shortest in the amakihi and longest in the i’iwi. In the latter, the bill curves so much that it resembles a sickle. Others such as the palila stuck to the original seed-eating habit of the finches but developed much larger sizes and bill weight to tackle the larger seeds of the māmane. In fact, when you look at the palila today, the bill appears to bulge out on both sides rather alarmingly. Still others, like the most remarkable akiapola’au, took on the woodpecker niche: One bill sickle- shaped and nearly double the size of the lower bill, which is short, straight and stout like that of a woodpecker. And so the birds flourished, quickly radiating into over 50 species. And all was well in the paradise of Pele till the arrival of the mosquito. The culex arrived in Hawai’i in the mid-1800s after James Cook famously discovered the islands. With its arrival came avian malaria and avian pox, two dreaded diseases that started wiping out the birds. In 100 years, the twain accounted for the disappearance of more than 30 species. Humans discovered both these diseases only in the early 20th century and by then most of these wonderful evolutionary ideas were dead. Today the native bird refuges are only on the higher slopes of the volcanoes, more than 4,500 feet high. If and when the native birds come lower down, the mosquitoes get them, and so do the two diseases. Those that don’t come down survive, and only just. The palila survives in 30 sq.m and there are fewer than 5,000 birds left. Only 18 birds survive and more than half of them are endangered. There appear to be only a few, like the amakihi, which seem to be doing well despite the malaria. Is it that the amakihi has developed its own secret to outwit the mosquito in a land that manufactures evolutionary tricks? In a story about Hawai’i and birds, one cannot forget the nene, the only surviving goose on the island, which had gone down to 30 birds before making a remarkable recovery to now number over 5,000. The nene, which evolved from the familiar Canadian goose that found its way to the islands half a million years ago, is a relative newcomer to the state. Yet, its resurgence, thanks to Peter Scott and the Wildfowl Trust, who bred the birds and released them back into Hawaii, is the stuff of conservation legend. That is why (and perhaps because it is a big and beautiful bird) the nene is the state bird of Hawai’i. But for me, the honeycreepers are far more fascinating. The palila, which took the state to court and became the first bird in the world to be nominated in a legal case (in Palila vs. the State of Hawai’i), is a rightful flagbearer for Pele. It has beaten back the poisonous fumes of Pelehonuamea, it has overcome the poisons of the māmane, and who knows, it might yet beat the mosquito too.
Synopses & Reviews The Patrons of Husbandry--or the Grange--is the longest-lived US agricultural society and, since its founding shortly after the Civil War, has had immeasurable influence on social change as enacted by ordinary Americans. The Grange sought to relieve the struggles of small farmers by encouraging collaboration. Pathbreaking for its inclusion of women, the Grange is also well known for its association with Gilded Age laws aimed at curbing the monopoly power of railroads. In Essentials, Unity takes as its focus Grange founder Oliver Kelley and his home organization in Minnesota. Jenny Bourne draws upon numerous historical records to present a lively picture of a fraternal organization devoted to improving the lot of farmers but whose legacies extend far beyond agriculture. From struggles over minimum wage, birth control, and environmental regulation to the conflicts surrounding the Affordable Care Act, and from lunch-counter sit-ins to Occupy Wall Street, the Grange has shaped the very notion of collective action and how it is deployed even today. As this compact book so effectively illustrates, the history of the Patrons of Husbandry exposes the classic tension between the desires for achieving overall economic success and determining how the spoils are split.
AC/DC Power Supply Module: Harnessing Electricity for Efficient Energy Conversion Հեղինակ՝ ZYG Power Module Time: 2023-12-30 Power supply modules play a critical role in converting electricity from the grid into a form that can be used by various electronic devices. Among these modules, the AC/DC power supply module is one of the most commonly used due to its ability to convert alternating current (AC) into direct current (DC). This conversion process is crucial as many electronic devices, such as computers and smartphones, require DC power to operate. The AC/DC power supply module consists of several key components that work together to efficiently convert electricity. One of the main components is the transformer, which is responsible for stepping down the voltage from the AC input. The transformer reduces the high voltage from the grid to a lower voltage level that is suitable for electronic devices. This voltage reduction is necessary to prevent damage to the devices and ensure safe operation. Once the voltage has been stepped down, the next component in the AC/DC power supply module is the rectifier. The rectifier converts the AC voltage into DC voltage by allowing current to flow in only one direction. There are different types of rectifiers, including diode rectifiers and bridge rectifiers, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Regardless of the type, the rectifier is essential for converting the power supply from AC to DC. After rectification, the next component in the AC/DC power supply module is the filter. The filter removes any remaining AC components and smooths out the DC voltage waveform. This ensures that the output voltage is free from any unwanted fluctuations or ripple. The filter can be composed of capacitors, inductors, or a combination of both, depending on the specific design requirements. The effectiveness of the filter directly affects the quality of the output voltage, and a well-designed filter is crucial for maintaining stable power supply. To regulate the output voltage and provide protection against overvoltage or overcurrent conditions, the AC/DC power supply module incorporates a voltage regulator and a protection circuit. The voltage regulator adjusts the output voltage to the desired level, compensating for any variations in the input voltage or load requirements. The protection circuit, on the other hand, monitors the output voltage and current, and activates protective measures, such as shutting down the power supply, in case of abnormal conditions. These features ensure the safe and reliable operation of electronic devices. Efficiency is a crucial aspect of AC/DC power supply modules. Higher efficiency means less energy is wasted during the conversion process, resulting in lower operating costs and reduced environmental impact. To achieve high efficiency, modern power supply modules utilize advanced technologies such as synchronous rectification and resonant converters. These technologies minimize power losses and improve overall efficiency, making AC/DC power supply modules an energy-saving solution. In conclusion, the AC/DC power supply module plays a vital role in converting electricity from the grid into a usable form for electronic devices. Through the combined efforts of transformers, rectifiers, filters, voltage regulators, and protection circuits, the module efficiently converts AC power to DC power. With a focus on efficiency, modern power supply modules incorporate advanced technologies to minimize energy waste. As electronic devices continue to evolve, the importance of AC/DC power supply modules in providing a stable and reliable power source cannot be overstated. Power modules play an important role in modern electronic equipment. The AC/DC power module, as a device that can convert AC power into DC power, is widely used in various electronic devices. AC and DC power modules with stable output and efficient conversion have become the first choice of many electronic equipment manufacturers. The Importance of Stable Output Stable output is one of the basic requirements of AC and DC power modules. In electronic equipment, the stable output of the power supply is critical to the normal operation of the equipment. If the power output is unstable, it will cause the equipment to operate unstably or even damage the equipment. Therefore, AC and DC power modules must have stable...Մանրամասնորեն In today's technologically advanced world, power supply is one of the most crucial components that cannot be overlooked. From smartphones to medical equipment, every device requires a reliable power supply to function smoothly. When it comes to industrial applications, the significance of power supply becomes even more critical, as the entire system's performance is dependent on it. For industrial applications, the SF Series AC DC Power Supply is the ultimate solution to ensure efficient and reliable power delivery. This power supply series has been designed to meet the highest industrial standards, making it ideal for various applications, including automation, robotics, and control systems. One of the most significant advantages of the SF Series AC DC Power Supply is its efficiency....Մանրամասնորեն In today fast-paced technological era, power conversion has become an essential component of every electrical system. The constant need for reliable and efficient power supply has led to the development of advanced power conversion solutions. One such solution is the AC-DC converter, which offers a versatile and reliable power conversion technology. An AC-DC converter is a power electronic device that converts alternating current (AC) to direct current (DC). It is widely used in various electronic applications, including computers, telecommunication equipment, medical devices, and industrial automation systems. It plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and reliable operation of these systems. One of the primary advantages of an AC-DC converter is its high efficiency. It converts AC power to DC...Մանրամասնորեն The AC/DC power supply module is a vital component in various electronic devices and systems. It serves the crucial purpose of converting alternating current (AC) from the main power source to direct current (DC) that is suitable for powering electronic circuits. This versatile module has become an essential part of countless applications, ranging from consumer electronics to industrial automation. One of the primary advantages of the AC/DC power supply module is its ability to offer a wide range of power solutions. It can handle a broad input voltage range, typically from 100V to 240V AC, making it suitable for use in different countries with varying power grids. This versatility ensures that electronic devices equipped with the module can operate seamlessly...Մանրամասնորեն Introduction In today's world, electronic devices are used more often than ever before. These devices require power to operate, and this power must be supplied in a safe, reliable, and efficient manner. The AC-DC power supply is an essential component that converts the incoming AC voltage to DC voltage, which is used by electronic devices. An efficient AC-DC power supply is necessary to ensure maximum performance and reliability of electronic devices. In this article, we will discuss the importance of an efficient AC-DC power supply and how it can be achieved. Importance of Efficient AC-DC Power Supply Efficiency is an essential factor when it comes to power supplies. An efficient AC-DC power supply is necessary to minimize energy waste and...Մանրամասնորեն As technology is constantly evolving, it is crucial to have a reliable and efficient power supply for our electronic devices. That's why we are thrilled to introduce the all-new 850-watt modular power supply, designed to meet the demanding power needs of modern systems while offering customization options to suit your specific requirements. Efficiency is at the core of this power supply. With an 80 Plus Gold certification, it delivers up to 90% energy efficiency, minimizing energy waste and reducing your electricity bills. Not only does this benefit you financially, but it also contributes to a greener environment by reducing carbon emissions. One of the standout features of this power supply is its modular design. Traditional power supplies come with a...Մանրամասնորեն
When the system is idle or under light use, some portable systems equipped with solid-state drives (SSD) emit an audible squeal. This is normal behavior. Welcome to our comprehensive Can An SSD Make Noise guide! If you’ve ever wondered, Can an SSD make noise?” you’ve come to the right place. SSDs have grown in popularity due to their speed, dependability, and quiet operation. However, concerns about potential noise from SSDs have left many users perplexed and looking for answers. In this article, we will delve into the subject and address frequently asked questions about SSD noise. We’ll start with a quick rundown of SSD technology and its advantages over traditional hard drives. Then, we’ll look into the truth behind common SSD noise concerns, dispelling any myths. We’ll delve deeper into the causes of SSD noise, which can range from electrical interference and coil whine to mechanical vibrations and faulty components. We’ll present a step-by-step guide for troubleshooting and resolving SSD noise issues to help those who are experiencing them. In addition, we’ll make suggestions for lowering SSD noise levels, resulting in a smoother and quieter computing experience. Common SSD Noise Concerns Exploring whether SSDs can generate noise SSDs, which are known for their quiet operation, are frequently lauded for their lack of mechanical components. However, it is critical to address the question of whether SSDs can generate noise. In contrast to traditional hard drives, which use spinning discs and moving read/write heads to store data, SSDs use flash memory chips to store data, eliminating the mechanical components that cause audible noise. As a result, SSDs are inherently quieter when performing routine tasks like data access, file transfers, and system booting. It’s worth noting, however, that while SSDs are designed to run quietly, they can occasionally make noise. These occurrences are typically attributed to causes other than the SSD itself. SSDs may experience coil whine, a high-pitched electrical noise, as a result of power fluctuations or defective motherboard or power supply components, for instance. If an SSD overheats, it may activate cooling fans within the computer system, which can produce audible noise. In these circumstances, the SSD itself is not to blame for the noise; rather, it is the cooling system used to maintain ideal operating temperatures. Debunking misconceptions about SSD noise Misconceptions about SSD noise have resulted in a variety of assumptions and concerns among users. Let us debunk some common myths and clarify the facts: SSDs are completely silent: While SSDs operate more quietly than traditional hard drives, they are not completely silent. Due to the lack of mechanical parts, SSDs produce little or no noise during normal operation. However, certain external factors or system configurations, such as cooling fans or coil whine from other components, may contribute to noise. SSD noise indicates a malfunction: Most of the time, noise from an SSD does not necessarily indicate a problem. As previously stated, external factors like coil whine or cooling fans frequently cause noise associated with an SSD. If the noise is accompanied by performance issues or unusual behavior, it’s worth looking into it further to rule out any potential hardware issues. SSD noise affects performance: Generally, noise from an SSD does not directly impact its performance. SSDs are built to be fast and reliable, and any noise produced is unlikely to interfere with their operation. If the noise is accompanied by other symptoms like system freezes or data corruption, it is best to address the underlying issue as soon as possible. All SSDs produce noise: The vast majority of SSDs operate quietly, with no discernible noise. While there may be isolated cases of coil whine or other noise-related issues, these are uncommon and do not represent the typical behavior of SSDs. Most users can expect their SSDs to be quiet and efficient. Possible Causes of SSD Noise Electrical interference and coil whine Electrical interference, which can manifest as coil whine, is one of the potential causes of noise associated with SSDs. When electrical currents pass through components, they cause vibrations or audible noise. While coil whine is typically associated with graphics cards or power supplies, it can also affect SSDs on occasion. Typically, power fluctuations or interactions between the SSD and other computer system components are what cause coil whine in SSDs. It’s crucial to remember that external factors, rather than flaws or malfunctions in the SSD itself, are what cause coil whine. Coil whine can produce a variety of noises, ranging from a faint, high-pitched sound to a more noticeable buzzing or clicking noise. Depending on the circumstances, it can be intermittent or continuous. Consider the following steps to reduce or eliminate coil whine and electrical interference-related noise: - Ensure stable power supply: Use a high-quality power supply unit (PSU) with enough wattage to power the system components, including the SSD. - Check motherboard grounding: Make sure the motherboard is properly grounded, as inadequate grounding can contribute to electrical interference. Check that all connections are secure and that no cables or connections are loose. - Optimize power management settings: To optimize power delivery to the SSD and other components, modify the power management settings in the BIOS or operating system. This can help reduce power fluctuations, which can cause coil whine. - Isolate the SSD: To reduce potential electrical interference, consider physically isolating the SSD from other components. Rubber or silicone washers can be used between the SSD and the mounting bracket to accomplish this. - Seek professional assistance: If the noise persists or becomes a significant issue, it may be beneficial to seek further guidance or troubleshooting from a computer technician or the SSD manufacturer’s support. Mechanical issues and vibrations While SSDs are mechanically free, certain mechanical issues or external factors can contribute to noise or vibrations. Although these incidents are uncommon, it is important to be aware of potential causes and solutions: - Mounting and installation: Unsecure or improper SSD mounting can cause vibrations and noise. Make sure the SSD is properly and securely installed in its designated slot or mounting bracket. Tighten screws or connectors as needed, but avoid overtightening, which can cause undue pressure or strain. - Fan vibrations: If an SSD is placed near cooling fans or other components that generate vibrations, noise or resonance may occur. Consider repositioning the SSD away from vibrating sources or employing anti-vibration mounts or pads to absorb excess vibrations. - External shocks or impacts: Strong physical impacts or sudden shocks can potentially damage the internal components of an SSD, leading to abnormal noises or malfunctions. Handle SSDs with caution and avoid exposing them to undue physical stress or trauma. - Environmental factors: Excessive heat or dust accumulation can degrade an SSD’s performance and stability. Overheating can cause cooling fans to activate, which can contribute to noise. Maintain a clean environment and proper ventilation to avoid potential heat or dust issues. - Check other components: While the SSD may not be the direct cause of mechanical issues or vibrations, it is worth inspecting other system components. Vibrations from faulty or aging fans, hard drives, or even the computer case can reverberate throughout the system and contribute to overall noise levels. Faulty components and overheating In some cases, overheating or faulty components can be the cause of noise coming from an SSD. It is critical to address these issues in order to achieve optimal performance and a quieter operation. Consider the following factors: A faulty SSD component or a configuration issue with the entire system can result in abnormal noise. Defective capacitors, resistors, and other electronic components are examples of this. If you suspect a faulty component, you may need to contact the SSD manufacturer’s support or consult with a computer technician to diagnose and resolve the problem. Overheating can cause increased noise levels from cooling fans or other system components. SSDs, like any other electronic device, generate heat while in use. Excessive heat can degrade the performance and longevity of the SSD as well as other system components. Check the system for proper airflow and cooling, clean any dust buildup, and consider adding additional cooling solutions if necessary. Utilize monitoring software or tools to keep an eye on the temperature of the SSD and other components. This can aid in the detection of potential overheating issues and allow for prompt action to be taken to mitigate the problem. Check for firmware updates: SSD firmware updates are released on a regular basis by manufacturers to address performance or compatibility issues. Updating the SSD firmware can help prevent or resolve potential issues caused by faulty components or overheating. Perform system maintenance tasks such as disc cleanup, removing unnecessary programs, and updating drivers on a regular basis. This can contribute to more efficient and stable system operation, lowering the likelihood of faulty components or overheating-related problems. Troubleshooting Can An SSD Make Noise Step-by-step guide to identifying and resolving SSD noise problems - Identify the source of the noise: Determine whether the noise is coming from the SSD or if it is coming from another system component, such as a cooling fan or power supply. Pay close attention and try to pinpoint the source of the noise. - Check for loose connections: Assure that all cables and connectors connected to the SSD are securely connected. Loose connections can be the cause of noise. If necessary, gently reseat the connections. - Verify proper installation: Ascertain that the SSD is properly seated in its designated slot or mounting bracket. Check that it is securely and firmly in place, with no excessive movement or vibration. - Update SSD firmware: Check the manufacturer’s website for any available firmware updates for your specific SSD model. Firmware updates can address potential issues and improve overall performance, including noise issues. - Monitor SSD temperatures: Monitor the temperature of the SSD using monitoring software. If the SSD becomes too hot, it may activate cooling fans, resulting in increased noise. Assure proper ventilation and, if necessary, consider additional cooling solutions. - Check for coil whine: If the noise sounds like a high-pitched whine, it could be a coil whine. Determine whether the noise is coming from the SSD or another component like the motherboard or power supply. If the SSD model has a known issue, contact the manufacturer for assistance. - Perform system cleanup: Clean your system thoroughly, removing any dust or debris that may be interfering with cooling and airflow. Dust accumulation can contribute to increased fan noise and potentially affect the temperature of the SSD. Recommendations for reducing noise levels - Choose a low-noise or silent SSD Consider models that are specifically designed for quiet operation when purchasing an SSD. Some manufacturers offer SSDs with noise-reducing features or advanced firmware algorithms to minimize noise levels. - Choose a computer case with adequate insulation and soundproofing. To reduce noise transmission, look for cases with noise-dampening materials such as foam padding or vibration-absorbing mounts. - When installing the SSD or other components, use anti-vibration mounts or rubber washers. When installing the SSD or other components, use anti-vibration mounts or rubber washers. These absorb vibrations and reduce noise from mechanical movements. - Configure your system’s fans to provide efficient airflow while minimizing noise. Fans should be strategically placed to ensure proper cooling while avoiding excessive fan speeds, which can cause unnecessary noise. For quieter operation, use larger, slower-spinning fans. - Upgrading to more advanced cooling solutions, such as liquid cooling or larger heat sinks, can aid in heat dissipation and reduce the need for noisy high-speed fans. - To strike a balance between cooling performance and noise levels, use the BIOS or fan control software to adjust fan speeds. Modern motherboards frequently include fan control options that enable fine-tuning of fan speeds based on temperature thresholds. - Sound-absorbing materials, such as acoustic foam or dampening mats, should be used to line the interior of your computer case. These materials contribute to the reduction of noise reflections and vibrations within the case. Can An SSD Make Noise, which is known for its quiet operation, is generally quiet and does not generate noticeable noise during normal use. Understanding the factors that can contribute to noise, on the other hand, is critical for troubleshooting and addressing any potential issues. Misconceptions about SSD noise, such as assuming complete silence or viewing noise as a sign of a malfunction, must be dispelled. While SSDs are intended to be silent, external factors such as coil whine, faulty components, or overheating can occasionally cause noise. Users can effectively address any issues and enjoy a quieter computing experience by being aware of these factors and following the recommended steps for identifying and resolving SSD noise problems. Choosing silent SSD models, using anti-vibration mounts, optimizing fan configurations, upgrading cooling solutions, and using sound-absorbing materials can all help reduce noise levels in the system.
What is Data Loss Prevention (DLP)? [Ultimate Guide] Data loss prevention (DLP) prohibits users on a business network from transferring sensitive data outside of the network. DLP systems assist network administrators in regulating network data flow and enforcing stringent controls over private, sensitive, or otherwise valuable data. What is Data Loss Prevention (DLP)? DLP often enables administrators to categorize data based on business principles. Any sensitive data is safeguarded by prohibiting users from sharing or revealing it inadvertently or deliberately. DLP may monitor and regulate user endpoint behavior and filter data streams from corporate networks to protect data in motion. A classic use case is email security; a DLP system may monitor employee-sent emails. If an employee tries to send or forward an email with a sensitive attachment, the email will be banned before it reaches the corporate email server. DLP may help businesses battle internal risks and comply with data privacy regulations. DLP may implement a portion of the controls mandated by many nations’ data privacy rules, which compel businesses to implement stringent protection and access controls for specific categories of data. How Much Critical Information Do You Manage? Some data kinds are handled by various personnel in your firm. For instance, Sales may hold client names and email addresses, while Finance might have payroll information. The product and development teams may access sensitive IP information, while jobs such as sales engineers and tech operations personnel may access client data. It’s all knowledge essential to you (and to malicious actors), and it may all be lost. Take a minute to consider if your company usually handles any of the following: - Corporation trade secrets - Credit card information - Medical records - Insurance details - Legal case notes - Sensitive financial data - Personally identifiable data (PII) You likely handle sensitive business-critical information if your firm has customers or clients. The Main Actions of DLP The following are the primary objectives of an efficient DLP solution: 1. Protect Data at Rest DLP systems aid in enforcing access control, encryption, and data retention regulations for data at rest, also known as archived data. Typical data instances at rest include sensitive data held for legal compliance, intellectual property, and secret information. DLP systems include a layer of security for this stored information to prevent and detect illegal access. 2. Detect Data Leaks DLP systems provide real-time monitoring of data consumption to identify and prevent leaks. The DLP solution may halt a data leak and notify the IT security personnel of the intended data breach. DLP systems offer an immediate, proactive reaction to a data breach as it happens. 3. Identify Data DLP solutions aid in the identification of an organization’s data, particularly in locating and isolating sensitive data at rest or in use. This identification allows the DLP solution to deploy data safeguards where they are most necessary. Data identification may be accomplished either manually by the business or automatically by the DLP solution’s tools. How Does Data Loss Prevention Work? DLP software monitors, identifies, and prevents an organization’s leakage of sensitive data. This requires monitoring both incoming and outgoing network traffic. The majority of DLP software focuses on stopping suspicious activity. For instance, the activity is denied if an employee tries to transmit a business email, upload a corporate file to a private cloud storage provider, or save data on a USB stick. In addition, DLP can identify unusual behavior in incoming emails by searching for suspicious attachments and URLs that might signal a phishing assault. DLP enables administrators to identify suspect emails, banning or quarantining them for human scrutiny. In the past, DLP detection and blocking relied on static rules established by the security team, which was laborious and readily circumvented. Modern DLP software use machine learning algorithms to determine a typical activity baseline and detect emails or data flows that are “strange” and need an additional inquiry. The Cost of Data Loss A data breach aiming at stealing, deleting, or locking access to sensitive data, such as personally identifiable information, regulated information, data in use, and private information, may cost an organization and its members significantly. These expenses vary but include the following: - Loss of crucial in-use data and subsequent recovery cause significant downtime. - Legal responsibility for exposed regulated data in the event of a data breach - Loss of credibility among clients, consumers, and organization members Disclosure of Sensitive Information Data loss may result in financial costs in the millions of dollars for every occurrence and long-term financial harm that can last for years. Investing in an efficient DLP system supported by a complete DLP strategy helps to reduce financial harm, maintain compliance, secure sensitive data, and maintain confidentiality. Precautions Against Data Loss Compliance is a crucial element of a DLP strategy if your firm is regulated. Beginning with required regulation ensures that bespoke data rules do not conflict with compliance. For instance, healthcare organizations must comply with HIPAA regulations. To accept credit cards, a PCI-DSS compliance strategy is required. Sort Data Based on Risk and Vulnerability It begins with identifying and organizing data by kind. The next stage involves analyzing each data type. Examine the danger posed by each group and their susceptibility to produce a list of potential targets. Start with the most susceptible and risky data categories. Then, adopt a set of protective rules and technologies. Define User Roles Users should have clearly-defined roles to ensure that they have access to just the data required for their jobs. Examples include “Sales Agent” positions that provide access to credit card information. Another example might be “Senior Technical Support,” which has access to bug reports and engineering fixes. Additionally, data may be limited from specified user roles. Typically, a Senior Technical Support person does not need access to credit card information. Involve Key Stakeholders No one understands the company better than those who do the job. Invest time in involving leaders from various corporate departments. They often identify weaknesses that senior management overlooks and foresee difficulties or disputes arising from new policies. If employees are engaged in creating a new strategy, they are more inclined to support it. Create Policies and Technology Implementation It should be obvious that DLP strategies should be implemented. If the DLP strategy necessitates a review of all firewall settings, ensure that staff is assigned this responsibility. Create a schedule for acquiring, testing, and installing new DLP software. Humans make errors, and our capacity to recognize issues may be restricted. Automating data loss rules and technologies reduces the likelihood of human error. Some jobs are impossible to automate. Create mechanisms that secure data automatically wherever feasible. For instance, software that filters spam helps avoid phishing assaults. Users are safeguarded because they are never exposed to (or susceptible to) phishing emails. Education elevates leader participation to the next level. Leaders who assist in developing DLP strategies are already familiar with the policy. The next stage is to train each team member individually. Explain how to utilize the new systems and applications. Then, engage in a discussion on why this change is necessary. Assist them in comprehending how data protection benefits the organization and its clients. Create a comprehensive strategy for the DLP solution. There are many reasons why proper documentation is crucial. First, it helps maintain the project’s focus. Everyone may refer back to the agreed agreements and strategy. Second, it aids in maintaining a record of what has been implemented. Instructions are extremely useful in the paperwork. Leave a short explanation of the “how” and “why” for each component of the DLP strategy. Once the DLP strategy has been implemented, go back often to assess the progress. Most data loss prevention technologies provide metrics for reporting. Determine how many attempted intrusions have been thwarted. Examine server logs to ensure data is being utilized properly. Remove Unneeded Data It might be tempting to retain data indefinitely. We never know when we’ll need it! Outdated, useless data might be a risk. If server logs are no longer necessary after seven years, they should be deleted. If you cannot stand to erase them, archive them in a safe, long-term location. That data can appear beneficial. However, the benefit is often outweighed by its fragility. Compared to a data breach’s expense, outdated data may seem less important.
Title: How Can Schools Communicate and Work with Immigrant Parents to Increase Involvement to Help Multilingual Children Be Successful in Schools? Abstract: Studies have shown that multilingual parents and schools have difficulties interacting with one another. It is difficult for parents who do not speak the language to be involved and be present at school activities in the United States because of the linguistic barriers between multilingual (individuals who speak multiple languages) families and educators. This results in immigrant parents not knowing what support their children need to succeed in their education. This literature examines two different lenses of parents' involvement: Immigrant parents' involvement with their children’s schools and schools' commitment to immigrant parents. The lack of cooperation between immigrant parents and schools leads to a communication gap that may affect the student’s school performance. From this thesis, readers will understand ways schools can support immigrant parents to be active participants in their children's education. This literature review also examines the numerous issues that multilingual parents face and the resources that schools can provide to assist immigrant parents in taking an active role in their children's education. Therefore, schools must be culturally aware of their students' cultures and invest in initiatives that encourage parents to join school events by having the support they require that translate things into their language. This support would allow immigrant parents to come into school knowing that their questions and concerns will be addressed without worrying about verbal communication. Completed: May 2021
In Year 4 we get off to a fantastic start with some wonderful learning experiences and visits. We will learn about the Ancient Greeks and enjoy an exciting Greek workshop, including sampling some Greek food and enjoying some traditional entertainment. The English work will focus on a range of magical and mythical texts from ancient and modern-day writers. These will support our oracy project, ‘The Iliad’. In Maths we will be looking at consolidating our understanding of known maths facts and a wide range of application strategies and written methods. We will be learning all of our times tables up to 12x12. This term will also give the children the opportunity to learn to swim and improve swimming skills at our local pool. The Spring term will see us leaping forward in time to the Roman invasions. We will be looking at different sources of information to find out about Roman Britain and visiting Colchester Castle to learn about the ethnically diverse Roman Empire and changes to Romano- British society. We will continue to develop our love of reading with various fiction and non-fiction texts including ‘Varjak Paw’ by SF Said and Empire’s End by Leila Rashid. In Maths, we will be honing our problem solving abilities and working on division facts. Our science will be very exciting as we learn all about sound and explore the natural world. In the Summer term we start to explore London and all its many wonders. We concentrate on the environment both locally and globally. We will be conducting a range of surveys and field work to help develop the mapping skills previously practised in the autumn and spring. We will be learning about the Anglo Saxons in our history lessons and incorporating an Anglo Saxon Day into our curriculum. Spanish sun will fuel our English lessons as we look at ‘Toro Toro’ by Michael Morpurgo and then, closer to Britain, we will look at the world of Shakespeare with ‘A Midsummer’s Night Dream’. We are really looking forward to a fun-packed Year 4 and feel sure the children will enjoy their learning journey. Long Term Planning :-
If you watched the video entitled "A Stem Cell Story", you are at least somewhat familiar with how those stem cells are extracted. To extract Plasma Rich Protein (PRP) - an alternate form of stem cell, blood is drawn from a patient. The blood is run through a centrifuge to separate and concentrate the platelets. The platelets are then injected directly into the injured or diseased body tissue, This process releases growth factors that stimulate and accelerate healing of injured tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints. In short, PRP uses each person's own individual healing system to improve musculoskeletal conditions. Click below to learn more about PRP. Now that you have a better understanding of this type of stem cell, watch the video below produced by Duke Raleigh Hospital to learn more about medical innovations associated with its use. Join the Discussion What are your thoughts on this subject? We want to hear from you! Become a member of the Alliance today and join the discussion by posting your questions, comments, and experiences in our forum, or by posting comments below. (Civil discussion only; no swearing, trolling or harassment of others.) #medicalinnovation #stemcells
Cancer is now the #1 killer of dogs and cats. Research shows that medicinal mushrooms that have been used in Asia for centuries to combat disease and promote longevity may prove effective at inhibiting abnormal cell growth in cats and dogs. Pet Wellness Direct reports that according to the American Veterinary Medical Society, almost 50% of all dogs and 32% of all cats over the age of 10 will develop cancer. Younger pets are also increasingly at risk. To protect dogs and cats against the threat of cancer, US researchers are looking to Asia and studying medicinal mushrooms that people in China and Japan have used for centuries to combat cancer and other life-threatening diseases. “Certain mushrooms contain agents with anticancer activity and immunomodulatory properties that may help fight cancer and certain other diseases,” says Dr. Frank Markland, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine. “This is supported by research on canine and feline patients.” These Asian mushrooms are extremely high in antioxidants and other vital biologically active compounds that have been proven to strengthen the immune system and promote longevity: 1. Turkey Tail Mushroom These medicinal mushrooms have been used for centuries in Asian cultures to treat various diseases and cancers. They deliver significant amounts of Polysaccharopeptides (PSP), which have been proven to delay the growth of cancerous tumors in dogs and improve their survival rate. 2. Reishi Mushroom These woody fungi are known as one of the top natural superfoods and have been used for thousands of years to fight inflammation, cancer, heart disease, hormonal imbalances, and more. Reishi mushroom contains beta-glucans that increase the immune system's T-cell levels and lowers inflammatory responses caused by stress, poor diet, and other environmental factors. It also contains ganoderic acids that have been shown to lower cholesterol levels and blood pressure. 3. Shiitake Mushroom According to the Journal of Nutrition, shiitake mushrooms provide antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal protection and help to control blood sugar and reduce inflammation. They contain all eight essential amino acids as well as linoleic acid, an essential fatty acid, and have been used in Japan to treat heart disease, hepatitis, high blood pressure, and infectious diseases. 4. Maitake Mushroom Maitake mushrooms are loaded with vitamins and active ingredients that stimulate the immune system and promote natural hormone balance and healthy cell growth. These mushrooms contain beta-1, 6 glucan polysaccharide components that stimulate the immune system and reduce abnormal cell growth. They have been used for decades in Asia to help minimize the toxic effects of radiation and chemotherapy treatment. “As a pet lover, I think it makes sense that the compounds in mushrooms be included in your pet's diet or included by nutritional supplements,” says Dr. Markland. Now pet owners can get all of these powerful immune-boosting mushrooms — along with a rare strain of white turmeric that is six times more bioavailable and has strong anti-inflammatory properties — in one all-natural health supplement formulated specifically for cats and dogs. VetSmart Formulas Critical Immune Defense was developed by veterinarians and scientists to help protect pets of all ages against disease by boosting their immune system and promoting healthy cell growth. Critical Immune Defense is not available in retail stores and can be found only at PetWellnessDirect.com. - Judge Grants Preliminary Injunction vs. California Gun Show Ban - Migrants Arrested by Border Patrol in Texas in 2 Years Exceeds Houston Population - Maine Shooting: At Least 18 Dead, 13 Injured - NY Judge Fines Trump $10,000 for Violating Gag Order - Defense Department Admits Sending Back Weapons Taken from Israel to Send to Ukraine
Getting tested is the only way to find out how well your kidneys are working, as CKD doesn’t usually cause symptoms until your kidneys are badly damaged. The tests not only help your doctor work out whether you have CKD, they also show how seriously damaged your kidneys are. Testing for CKD: Blood test What does a blood test involve? Your doctor or nurse will take a sample of your blood and send it away for lab testing. They should tell you not to eat meat for at least 12 hours before you have the test, as that can skew the results. What does a blood test look for? Creatinine, a waste product from your muscles found at higher levels in your blood when your kidneys aren’t working properly. The amount that’s normal varies depending on your gender, how old you are and how much muscle you have. But an average normal level is 60-120 mcmol/L – the lower the creatinine, the better. What do the results mean? Your doctor will use your creatinine result to work out something called your estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), a measure of how well your kidneys are filtering waste from your blood per 1.73m of your body area. Healthy kidneys can filter more than 90ml of waste every minute. The worse the damage to your kidneys, the lower your eGFR will be – so, the higher the eGFR, the better. However, eGFR isn’t used on its own and an eGFR as low as 60 may be considered normal if there isn’t any other sign of kidney disease. If your eGFR is less than 60ml/min/1.73m2, your doctor will normally want to repeat the test in a couple of weeks. Did you know? Some people may make more creatinine naturally and have a low eGFR, including body builders and pregnant women. Testing for CKD: Urine test What does a urine test involve? You’ll be asked to take a sample of your wee early in the morning. What does it look for? Two things that suggest your kidneys may not be working well: - The ratio of a type of protein called albumin to creatinine. This is called the albumin: creatinine ratio (ACR) - Blood in your wee How will my doctor use the urine test? Your ACR is staged from 1-3. - A1 is an ACR of below 3mg/mmol - A2 means your ACR is 3 to 30mg/mmol - A3 is an ACR of above 30mg/mmol The higher your ACR, the more serious your kidney disease may be. What do the results mean? If your ACR is below 3mg/mmol, no further action is needed. If it’s 3 to 70mg/mmol, your doctor will want to repeat the test within the next three months. Above 70mg/mmol means protein in your wee is so high a repeat test isn’t necessary. If the test shows blood in your wee, your doctor may want to repeat the test to check for a urinary tract infection (UTI). What happens after you've been tested for CKD? - If your results suggest kidney damage, doctors will usually carry out the tests again over the next three months. If your tests continue to show a low eGFR (and/or a high ACR), they will diagnose CKD and start your treatment. - If your eGFR stays above 60ml/min, and/or your ACR stays below 3mg/mmol, it’s likely your doctor will rule out CKD, as long as there are no other markers of kidney damage (such as abnormalities seen on scans). - If your results don’t suggest CKD but you have risk factors that might mean you could develop kidney disease in the future, your doctor should suggest you have these tests every year to monitor your kidney health. - Your doctor will carry out some other tests to check your heart health, as that is strongly linked to kidney health, including looking at your blood pressure and cholesterol levels. - If your eGFR is under 60ml/min, you’ll probably need an ultrasound scan of your kidneys. This is to check you have two kidneys (1 in 1000 people are born with one), and look for causes of CKD, like polycystic kidney disease. AstraZeneca has contributed to the funding of this material as part of a Patient Advocacy Group Partnership between Kidney Care UK and AstraZeneca UK Limited. AstraZeneca has had no editorial input into or control over the content which has been independently owned and created by Kidney Care UK.
Outreach to Veterans with ALS Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects nerve cells in the brain and the spinal cord. Voluntary muscle action is progressively affected, and patients in the later stages of the disease may become paralyzed. The disease is almost always fatal. In most cases, though, ALS does not affect senses, personality, intelligence, or memory. ALS patients remain aware of those around them and what is happening—they can tell when the disease is getting worse. ALS AND MILITARY VETERANS No one knows what causes the disease, but according to studies conducted by the National Academies of Science, military veterans within the last century are nearly twice as likely to develop ALS as individuals with no history of military service, regardless of where or when they served. Paralyzed Veterans of America began outreach to veterans with ALS in 2008, when a Department of Veterans Affairs rule change made ALS a service-connected disease. Since the VA rule change, Paralyzed Veterans’ national service officers and senior benefits advocates have reached out to assist this population. Already more than 6,000 veterans or their survivors have been identified and have been or are being assisted with claims for benefits and health care. Claims filed on their behalf have resulted in over $80 million in total awards (monetary and ancillary benefits) in 2013 alone, bringing the six-year total over $500 million. “The men and women who’ve served and now battle this grave illness deserve our best efforts to get them the benefits they earned,” said Sherman Gillums Jr., executive director of Paralyzed Veterans of America. “Unfortunately, many may not get to fully enjoy the benefit because of the often-bleak prognoses in ALS cases. But we will continue to reach to as many eligible veterans and survivors as possible, with the hope that our intervention in their lives, at a truly critical time, made some difference.” STILL SEARCHING FOR A CURE In 2008, Congress also enacted the ALS Registry Act to create and maintain a registry of persons with ALS. The registry, launched in October 2010 and maintained by the Centers for Disease Control, seeks to help researchers estimate how many people have the disease, understand more about who gets the disease and potentially find a cure.
You probably know that if you download a strange app or open attachments from emails or texts from an unknown sender, your phone may end up with a bug — a malicious computer virus that disrupts all kinds of functions. But are you aware that your phone can download a bug onto you? Current research suggests that smartphones harbor a potentially harmful cocktail of bacteria, fungi, and viruses. An analysis published in the journal Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease looked at 56 studies from 24 countries and found that nearly all of them identified potential invaders on phones; 16 reported the presence of fungi, and others identified RNA viruses and bacteria such as S. aureus (which can cause staph infections) and E. coli. In fact, the lead researcher said phones are a "five-star hotels with premium heated spas [and a] free buffet for microbes to thrive on." Although there was no research aimed at detecting SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) on phones, we know from other sources that the bug can live on plastic for up to three days. No wonder the researchers suggest you consider your phone a "third hand," and sanitize it regularly. It’s smart to clean phones with hand sanitizer or a sanitizing wipe after you use it outdoors or in the car; then wash your hands. Also clean it after you put it down on any surface outside your home. Home all day? Clean it once a day. Then you'll have the kind of phone reception you want: all clear.
Blockchain-based decentralized apps have numerous advantages over web or mobile apps, including maintaining privacy, keeping immutable records and bypassing middlemen. For users, there is hardly any distinction between a decentralized app running on a blockchain and a regular app running online or through an operating system. The key contrast is that DApps don’t operate on one person’s device or a centralized server like most apps do; instead, they use a distributed and unalterable blockchain network. This makes them incredibly difficult (if not impossible) to censor. DApps are responsible for running a variety of things, from games to marketplaces and decentralized finance (DeFi) lending platforms. Although they may look similar on the surface, DApps have several key characteristics that distinguish them from traditional centralized applications. DApps are open source, which means that the code is available for anyone to see. Updates and changes happen through a consensus mechanism instead of being decided by a developer. Second, DApps must be decentralized. This means that all data and records generated by the DApp are stored on an immutable, public blockchain. Furthermore, DApps are motivated by rewards and generate tokens to incentive validators. For these reasons, Bitcoin meets the qualifications of a DApp; though it has its own independent blockchain. In other words, many DApps use smart contracts as their base. Smart contracts are efficient agreements with the conditions between buyer and seller specified in code. These contracts execute themselves automatically when particular conditions are met, which gets rid of third-parties that would only raise the cost and risk of transactions. In the blockchain/crypto world, “trustless” smart contracts mean that users can carry out transactions without needing to trust each other. These contracts can be simple – like trading one cryptocurrency for another or buying an item on an NFT marketplace – or very complex. DApps provide users with zero downtime and data integrity. Smart contracts will be available on every node in the blockchain, meaning that there is no single point of failure. Additionally, thanks to blockchain’s immutable transaction record, DApp users can rest assured that their data cannot be tampered with or censored. Contracts written using blockchain technology can be executed privately, without needing to identify the parties involved. DApps and their smart contracts have multiple strengths, but one significant downside is that once a contract is written or an exploit discovered, it cannot be reversed. In other words, smart contracts should be analyzed to ensure they will function as intended. Over the last year, Ethereum has become bogged down by an influx of DApps from two rapidly growing segments. This has made transactions slow and very expensive. The DeFi protocols led the way, with DApps from Ethereum based services such as Compound, Aave and Uniswap. Then came non-fungible tokens or NFTs which are being used for digital art including NBA Top Shots and Beeple’s $70 million collage , to real estate and commodities. Ethereum is in the process of long, slow transition from proof-of-work to proof-of stake (Ethereum 2.0) in order to resolve issues that have allowed other blockchains–such as Cardano, EOS, Polkadot and Binance Smart Chain (BSC)–to compete for DApp platform dominance. According to DappRadar, BSC had 105,000 unique active wallets in Q1 2021 while Ethereum only had 75,000 during that same time period. Ethereum is the clear leader in DApps, more than doubling its total value locked (TVL) to $54 billion in the first three months of 2021. It has a number of benefits when it comes to DApps, starting with Solidity–a well-established language for writing DApps for Ethereum Virtual Machine. EVM is Turing complete which means it can execute any operation that a regular computer can perform.
Generation X, often sandwiched between the more vocal Baby Boomers and Millennials, seems to receive less attention in both media and cultural discourse. This generation, born roughly between 1965 and 1980, has lived through significant historical events and technological advancements, yet often finds itself overlooked. Here are 15 reasons why Generation X might not be getting the attention it deserves. 1. Overshadowed by Boomers and Millennials Generation X is significantly smaller than the Baby Boomer and Millennial generations, leading to less representation in media and marketing. 2. Self-Sufficient and Independent Gen Xers are known for their independence and self-sufficiency, which means they’re less likely to seek or attract public attention. 3. Digital Immigrants, Not Natives Unlike Millennials and Generation Z, Gen X did not grow up with the internet and social media, which plays a huge role in visibility today. 4. Less Vocal on Social Media Gen X’s less active presence on social media platforms contributes to their lower visibility compared to other generations. 5. The ‘Latchkey Kids’ Era Growing up during a time of increased divorce rates and both parents working, Gen Xers developed a sense of independence early on, leading to a more ‘keep to themselves’ attitude. 6. Economic Challenges Having experienced several economic downturns, Gen X tends to focus more on stability and practical concerns rather than making noise. 7. Cultural Interests The cultural interests and icons of Generation X differ significantly from those of newer generations, leading to a disconnect in popular media. 8. The Bridge Generation Gen X often acts as a bridge between Boomers and Millennials, understanding both but not fully belonging to either group. 9. Focus on Family Many Gen Xers are now in a life stage focused on raising families and building careers, leaving little time for seeking broader social or cultural recognition. 10. Media Representation Television and movies tend to focus more on the dramatic intergenerational conflicts between Boomers and Millennials, leaving Gen X out of the narrative. 11. The Quiet Achievers Gen X is often seen as the ‘workhorse’ generation, focused more on getting things done rather than talking about it. This generation is highly adaptable, having seen the transition from analog to digital, but this adaptability often means they’re less defined by any particular set of characteristics or struggles. 13. Less Ideologically Driven Gen X is often more pragmatic and less ideologically driven than other generations, leading to less participation in vocal, public debates. 14. The Middle Child Syndrome Like the stereotypical middle child, Gen X can often feel overlooked in the family of generations. Generation X’s unique position and characteristics contribute to its quieter presence in cultural and social discussions. However, this doesn’t diminish their significant contributions and the important role they play in bridging generational divides. Fiber is a crucial component of a healthy diet, known for its ability to support digestive health, maintain a healthy weight, and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Let’s delve into the aspects of fiber … Read more Exploring the charm of forested national parks, the serenity of picturesque seaside towns, and the tranquility of secluded country roads is a journey in itself. Yet, when it comes to worldwide exploration, the allure of … Read more A chocolate marble cake is a classic treat that combines the rich flavor of chocolate with the light and fluffy texture of vanilla cake in a beautiful marbled pattern. Here’s a simple recipe to make … Read more
On World Cancer Day, the quest for preventive measures against this formidable adversary takes center stage. While no single food can guarantee immunity, incorporating certain elements into your diet has been linked to a lower risk of cancer. In this article, we explore the power of nutrition in the fight against cancer, highlighting the top five foods that have shown promising potential in reducing the risk of this pervasive disease. Crusaders for cruciferous well-being Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts, emerge as formidable allies in the battle against cancer. Packed with compounds like sulforaphane, these veggies have demonstrated anti-cancer properties in various studies. From supporting detoxification processes to impeding the growth of cancer cells, cruciferous vegetables are nutritional powerhouses that can be easily incorporated into salads, stir-fries, or simply enjoyed as a crunchy snack. You can find the goodness of broccoli in our Teriyaki Rice Bowl. Berry Boost for Antioxidant Defense Berries, with their vibrant hues and rich flavors, offer more than just a delightful eating experience. You can get this antioxidant defense in our Very Berry Smoothie Bowls. Blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries are loaded with antioxidants, particularly anthocyanins, which have been associated with a reduced risk of certain cancers. Whether enjoyed on top of yogurt, blended into a smoothie, or sprinkled over oatmeal, berries bring both sweetness and protective power to your plate. Green Tea Guardian The simple act of sipping green tea can be a potent step in cancer prevention. Rich in polyphenols, particularly catechins, green tea has exhibited anti-cancer effects in numerous studies. Its antioxidant properties may help protect cells from damage, potentially reducing the risk of certain cancers. Embrace the ritual of a daily cup of green tea to infuse your routine with a beverage that not only soothes but also fortifies. Sip a glass of green tea, along with fresh fruit for your breakfast at our café. Tomatoes and Lycopene Armor Tomatoes, a staple in many cuisines, carry within them a powerful ally against cancer – lycopene. This carotenoid, responsible for the vibrant red color of tomatoes, has been linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer. Cooking tomatoes, as in sauces and stews, can enhance the absorption of lycopene. So, whether sliced in a salad or simmered in a hearty pasta sauce, tomatoes offer both flavor and protective potential. Armoring yourself with our delicious Full Breakfast to start your day. On World Cancer Day, let's recognize the pivotal role that nutrition plays in our overall health, particularly in reducing the risk of cancer. While these foods are not a panacea, their inclusion in a balanced diet is a proactive step toward fortifying our bodies against this pervasive disease. Embrace the power of cruciferous vegetables, berries, green tea, tomatoes, and fatty fish as allies in your journey towards a healthier, more resilient life. Together, through informed dietary choices, we take a collective stride in the global effort to lower the impact of cancer on lives worldwide.
A lighthouse on the north tip of Monterey Bay houses a museum that chronicles the history of surfing, which was delivered to Santa Cruz by three Hawaiian princes. Surfing, of course, did not originate in California. It’s an ancient Polynesian sport, but Santa Cruz was its point of entry in the United States. It was introduced during the hot summer of 1885, when three teenage Hawaiian princes, David Kawananakoa, Edward Keliiahonui and Jonah Kuhio Kalaniana’ole, escaped from their boarding school classes at St. Matthew’s in San Mateo, California, hopped on a train, and headed to the ocean. The beach was busy that day, with swimming races taking place, revelry in the many bathhouses along the shore, and even a theatrical troupe performing on the sand. But everyone was distracted from their amusements when the three Hawaiians took to the waves on massive boards made from local redwood pine. All those on the shore spent the day admiring the princes’ surfing exhibition, with the Santa Cruz band capping off the evening by bonfire. The three princes eventually left Santa Cruz to fight for Hawaiian independence, but their influence remained. In 1896 the Santa Cruz Surf remarked that, “the boys who go in swimming at Seabright Beach use surfboards to ride the breakers, like the Hawaiians.” This remained true throughout the 20th century, and the Surf Museum chronicles the evolution of surf culture, from the beach parties of the 1950s to competitive surf competitions in the ’80s and ’90s. The city’s 130 years of surfing history are detailed through photographs, surfboards, and assorted artifact in the little museum, spitting distance from the ocean. When it faced closure in 2008, big names in surfing came out to save the museum, including Jack O’Neill of O’Neill wetsuits. The lighthouse that houses the museum was erected in memory of 18-year-old Mark Abbott, who drowned while body surfing off Pleasure Point in 1965. With the reimbursement from his life insurance policy, Mark’s parents wished to erect a memorial in his honor. There had previously been a lighthouse overlooking the Santa Cruz Anchorage, but it was torn down when it was no longer needed to guide ships into Monterey Bay. The Abbotts, recalling how Mark had loved the lighthouses along the Oregon coast, had one constructed in its place to remember their son. In 1986 the city opened a museum in the body of the lighthouse building dedicated to the activity dear to so many Santa Cruzans, including Mark. From the lighthouse’s perch, visitors can also watch surfers on Steamer Lane as they hang ten on their longboards, a modified take on the ancient Hawaiian boards. Know Before You Go There's a parking lot right by the museum, but when the surf is up, parking might be a block or two away.
In 2023, relations between South Korea and Japan began to thaw. Since the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Korea announced the solution to address disputes regarding forced labor under Japanese colonial rule in March, six bilateral summits were held in the following six months. Intergovernmental exchange has also rapidly increased. With mediation from the United States, South Korea and Japan established consultative groups to address various issues, creating channels of communication between their foreign affairs, defense, industry, finance, and national security offices. People-to-people exchanges, primarily driven by tourism, have also returned to pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. Since 2012, they have been stuck over the issue of Comfort Women, and after the 2018 Supreme Court ruling, they were in a standoff over the issue of forced labor, a period that can be considered a “crisis of trust” between the two governments. Is 2023 really a year for both countries to put the “lost decade” behind them and usher in a new era? How do the citizens of both countries assess the changes in relations between their two governments? What do they think is the driving force behind the improvement in relations? Has mutual perception improved as relations have improved? Do they perceive that the historical issues, the culprits of the “lost decade,” are being resolved? The results of this year’s survey, marking the 11th year since initiated in 2013, are very interesting and carry significant potential interpretations and policy implications. Firstly, citizens of both countries perceived an improvement in their bilateral relations. Positive evaluations have reached their highest levels, while negative evaluations have hit their lowest points since the survey began. Secondly, there is a noticeable difference in the way citizens of both countries view the progress in bilateral relations. In the case of Japan, favorable opinions have increased with rising favorability toward South Korea, the importance of Korea-Japan relations, support for trilateral security cooperation with the United States and South Korea, and support for a solution to the issue of forced labor. On the other hand, South Korean public opinion has not seen a corresponding increase in positive sentiment regarding these issues, despite increased awareness of an improved relations. Thirdly, these result disparities are reflected in how citizens of both countries assess their governments’ efforts to improve relations. Japanese public opinion supports the efforts of both their own government and the South Korean government to improve relations, while South Korean public opinion has not shown strong support for them. Fourthly, historical issues continue to be a major variable affecting bilateral relations. Citizens of both countries consider historical issues as the primary factor in the development of bilateral relations. South Korea focuses on Japan’s historical perceptions, including issues related to wars, history textbooks, forced labor, and Comfort Women. Japan, on the other hand, is concerned with South Korea’s stance, including anti-Japanese education, statements by South Korean politicians and media about Japan, and excessive anti-Japanese actions by South Koreans. From this survey, it can be interpreted that South Korea believes Japan’s historical perceptions have not changed, while Japan believes that South Korea’s anti-Japanese stance is being corrected. However, the fact remains that there are still significant differences in historical perceptions between the two countries. The implications of the survey results are clear. Both countries need to expand and strengthen functional cooperation in areas such as security and the economy while also making progress towards reconciliation in historical perceptions. Only when these two wheels of functional cooperation and historical reconciliation move together can the South Korea-Japan relationship truly move onto the right track. 1. Improvement in Korea-Japan Relations Felt by the People of Both Countries According to the survey results, people of both South Korea and Japan are feeling an improvement in South Korea-Japan relations (Figure 1). Negative evaluations of the relationship have sharply decreased from 64.6% in 2022 to 42% in 2023. This represents a significant decline compared to the peak of 88.4% in 2020 during the deteriorating bilateral relations in the summer of 2019 when there were economic retaliations. On the other hand, positive evaluations have increased from 4.9% in 2022 to 12.7% this year. In Japan, the improvement in sentiment is even more pronounced. Negative evaluations of the bilateral relationship have decreased from 39.8% in 2022 to 21.2% in 2023, while positive evaluations have increased from 13.7% to 29% over the same period. Figure 1. Current ROK-Japan Relations Regarding the future of South Korea-Japan relations, 28.8% of South Koreans believe they will improve, while 48% believe they will stay the same. In Japan, 38.5% expect an improvement, and 31.3% expect they will stay the same (Figure 2). This indicates a continuing trend of improvement and a belief that relations will not worsen compared to the present. Figure 2. Future of the ROK-Japan Relations 2. Differences in Japanese and Korean Perceptions Revealed in Responses Concerning Impressions of the Counterpart Has the positive evaluation of bilateral relations lead to an increase in favorable impression of the other country? In the case of South Koreans, their impression of Japan has not changed significantly from the previous year. The percentage with favorable impression has decreased slightly from 30.6% in 2022 to 28.9% in 2023, while those with unfavorable impression increased slightly from 52.8% to 53.3%. In contrast, the Japanese have shown more positive impressions, with the percentage having favorable impression increasing from 30.4% to 37.4% over the same period, and those with unfavorable impression decreasing from 40.3% to 32.8% (Figure 3). In South Korea, the improvement in relations has not lead to improved favorability, while in Japan, the two are aligning. Figure 3. Impression of the Other Country These perceptual differences also extend to the assessment of the other country’s head of state in both countries. When examining the change in perception of Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida among South Koreans, the percentage with a positive impression rose slightly from 6.6% in 2022 to 8.5% in 2023, while the negative impression rose significantly from 21.8% in 2022 to 36.1% in 2023, a 14.3-point increase. Contrarily, the change in perception of South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol among Japanese citizens saw a 12-point increase in those with a positive impression, from 20.1% in 2022 to 32.1% in 2023, and a slight decrease in those with a negative impression from 4.6% in 2022 to 4.1% in 2023 (Figure 4). This can be interpreted as a result of the efforts of South Korean and Japanese leaders to improve bilateral relations, as citizens in both countries now have clearer impressions. Notably, the difference is that South Korea’s negative impression of Japan increased, while Japan’s positive impression of South Korea increased. Figure 4. Impression of the Other Country’s Leader Analyzing the results of the 11-year perception survey between the two countries, it is clear that impressions of the other country are connected to various aspects. The differences in perceptions exist in evaluations on the importance of the relationship, the direction to address South Korea-Japan conflicts, and support for ROK-U.S.-Japan trilateral military security cooperation, which will be discussed in the fifth section. When asked if the current South Korea-Japan relationship is important to their own country, 74.1% of South Korean respondents and 61.8% of Japanese respondents answered “important” or “somewhat important.” Compared to 2022, the percentage of those considering the bilateral relations important has decreased by 8.5% in South Korea and increased by 5.3% in Japan (Figure 5). Figure 5. Importance of the ROK-Japan Relations Regarding the direction to address future conflicts between South Korea and Japan, the most common response in both countries was that both sides “should make efforts to manage conflicts to prevent the problem from escalating,” with 48.3% of South Korean respondents and 42.8% of Japanese respondents choosing this option. The response that South Korea and Japan should somehow overcome their existing conflicts in a future-oriented way was selected by 31.3% in South Korea (a decrease of 17.9% point compared to the previous year) and 26.1% in Japan (a decrease of 2.4% point) (Figure 6). In particular, the South Korean side showed a critical attitude towards a future-oriented overcoming of tensions. Figure 6. Ways to Respond to the Potential Conflict 3. Government Policy and Attitude Towards Improving Bilateral Relations are the Main Determinant of Impressions about the Counterpart Country Figure 7 shows that, in the case of South Koreans, the percentage of those who positively evaluate the South Korean government’s efforts to improve South Korea-Japan relations remains approximately the same at 21.7%, in comparison to 21.2% in the previous year. Meanwhile, the percentage of those with a negative evaluation increased slightly from 27.5% to 32.3%. The positive evaluation figure has dropped by approximately 10% compared to the previous government (30.8% in 2020, 30.2% in 2021). South Korean public opinion is not actively supporting the South Korean government’s efforts to improve relations with Japan. The key issue in relation to improvement is the resolution of the forced labor issue, where public support for the South Korean government’s pursuit of a third-party subrogation method is not high (28.4% vs. 34.1%). Similarly, South Korean public opinion is highly critical of the Japanese government’s attitude towards improving South Korea-Japan relations (Figure 8). Positive evaluations are at 15%, while negative evaluations are at 34.2%, which is significantly lower compared to Japanese assessments of their own government’s efforts to improve relations, where positive evaluations are at 34.5% and negative evaluations are at 16.2%. In a nutshell, South Korean public opinion expresses dissatisfaction with the attitudes of both governments regarding bilateral relations. In contrast, Japanese citizens evaluate the South Korean government’s efforts to improve bilateral relations more positively (34.8%), and negative evaluations are lower (19.3%) than those in South Korea. Japanese public opinion shows a more positive assessment of the handling of the forced labor issue by both governments, while South Korean public opinion is relatively negative in this regard. Figure 7. Assessment on the South Korean Government’s Policy Towards Japan Figure 8. Assessment on the Japanese Government’s Policy Towards South Korea What variables have the most significant impact on the perceptions of Korean and Japanese citizens about each other? To identify this, an ordinal logistic regression analysis was conducted on the mutual favorability variable of both countries’ citizens, to determine the variables that have the most significant impact on their impression changes. Table 1. Results of Ordinal Logistic Regression on South Koreans’ Favorability Toward Japan Table 1 presents the results of the ordinal logistic regression analysis for the favorability of South Koreans toward Japan. The results can be summarized as follows: Firstly, the statistically significant variables that affect South Koreans’ favorability toward Japan are (1) the South Korean government’s efforts to improve relations, (2) the Japanese government’s efforts to improve relations, (3) the perceived importance of South Korea-Japan relations, (4) perceptions of South Korea-Japan economic relations, (5) impressions of China, and (6) age. All these variables show a positive correlation, meaning that the more positively one (1) evaluates the efforts of both South Korean and Japanese governments, (2) perceives the South Korea-Japan relationship as important, (3) views South Korea-Japan economic relations as complementary rather than competitive, (4) has a more positive impression of China, and (5) belongs to a younger age group, the more positively they perceive Japan. Secondly, given that a greater magnitude of the t-value implies stronger evidence against the null hypotheses, it is possible to point out that the two most important variables affecting South Koreans’ favorability toward Japan are “age” and “perceived importance of South Korea-Japan relations,” followed by “Japanese government’s efforts to improve relations” and “South Korean government’s efforts.” Thirdly, in the case of the Fukushima waste water release issue (Figure 9), when using the group that “trusts the IAEA’s verification and believes that the Japanese government’s actions are justified” as the reference group, the other groups (“trusts the IAEA’s verification but the Japanese government should make additional efforts to address and alleviate distrust”, “opposes the water release regardless of the IAEA’s verification”, “opposes the water release because the IAEA’s verification is not trustworthy”, “not sure”) do not significantly influence South Koreans’ favorability toward Japan. This suggests that South Koreans’ negative perception of the Fukushima waste water release does not directly translate into a negative perception of Japan. Moreover, the “necessity and support for South Korea-Japan military cooperation in response to the North Korean nuclear threat” and “ideology” variables do not have statistically significant effects in Model 5, the most comprehensive model. Figure 9. Opinion on the Release of Waste Water Based on these regression analysis results, it is noteworthy that despite significant progress in improving bilateral relations over the past year, South Koreans’ favorability toward Japan has remained relatively stagnant. This can be attributed to the 8.5%-point decrease in the percentage of South Koreans who perceive the importance of South Korea-Japan relations as well as their dissatisfaction with the efforts of both the South Korean and Japanese governments. This means that even if the South Korean government makes proactive efforts, it may be difficult to improve South Koreans’ favorability toward Japan if the Japanese government does not respond positively and takes a passive stance. Regarding the Fukushima wastewater release issue, although the interpretation is challenging as the analysis is based on how the dependent variable changes when the independent variable shifts from the base group to other groups, it is possible to confirm that the wastewater variable does not have a direct influence on South Korean’s favorability towards Japan. Namely, the negative impressions towards the waste water release does not seem to directly impact negative impressions of Japan. Table 2 summarizes the results of the analysis of variables that affect the favorability of Japanese citizens toward South Korea, using the same variables applied for South Korea. Table 2. Results of Ordinal Logistic Regression on Japanese’s Favorability Toward South Korea Firstly, the most important variable that significantly affects the favorability of Japanese citizens toward South Korea is the “perceived importance of South Korea-Japan relations,” followed by “perceptions of South Korea-Japan economic relations” and “South Korean government’s efforts to improve relations.” Secondly, interestingly, the “Japanese government’s efforts to improve relations” do not significantly influence Japanese citizens’ favorability toward South Korea. Likewise, the “necessity for Korea-Japan military cooperation in response to North Korean nuclear threats” or “party identity” variables had no statistically significant influence. It seems clear that the South Korean government’s efforts to improve bilateral relations, especially the proactive efforts of the Yoon Suk Yeol government, played an important role in driving positive perceptions of South Korea among Japanese citizens. 4. Korea-US Relations: Main Driving Force behind Improvement in Korea-Japan Relations The United States, in its Indo-Pacific Strategy released in February 2022, emphasizes the trilateral security cooperation among the United States, South Korea, and Japan as a core element of its Indo-Pacific strategy and explicitly states the need for the restoration of South Korea-Japan relations. In fact, the U.S. government played a pivotal role in the process leading to the 2015 South Korea-Japan Comfort Women Agreement (Sohn 2018), and even in the midst of diplomatic friction between the Moon Jae-in admіnistration and the Abe admіnistration over the forced labor issue, the United States made various mediation efforts. When the solution to the issue was announced in March, President Biden issued an unprecedented statement welcoming it as “a groundbreaking new chapter of cooperation and partnership between two of the United States’ closest allies.” In this context, it becomes evident that South Koreans also consider U.S. factors, such as ROK-U.S. relationship and alliance, as key elements in improving South Korea’s relations with Japan. When South Korean respondents were asked if improving South Korea-Japan relations is necessary for the advancement of the ROK-U.S. alliance, 71.6% of them responded “strongly agree” or “agree” (Figure 10). These results indicate the potential to drive further progress in improving ROK-Japan relations, considering South Koreans’ strong perception of the significance of the ROK-U.S. alliance in dealing with external threats such as North Korea. Figure 10. ROK-Japan Relations in the ROK-U.S. Alliance 5. Solid Public Support in Both Countries for Korea-Japan Security Cooperation Both countries’ citizens express strong support for trilateral security cooperation among the United States, South Korea, and Japan. The percentage of respondents in favor of enhancing trilateral military and security cooperation was 60.6% in South Korea and 49.9% in Japan (Figure 11). Although the positive response rate from Japanese citizens is lower than that of South Koreans, it reached its highest level since the survey first asked this question in 2018, increasing by 12 percentage points from 37.9% in 2022. When respondents who agreed with the enhancing of trilateral military and security cooperation were asked about the reasons, the most common response in both countries was that cooperation is essential for denuclearization of North Korea and stability on the Korean Peninsula (Figure 12). Figure 11. Views on Enhancing the ROK-US-Japan Trilateral Military Security Cooperation Figure 12. Reasons Why the ROK-US-Japan Trilateral Military Security Cooperation Should Be Strengthened Meanwhile, respondents who were negative about enhancing trilateral cooperation mainly expressed the concern that it would escalate tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Notably, in Japan, the response stating that “the historical actions of South Korea raise doubts about its trustworthiness” was the highest at 70.9% in 2022 but significantly decreased to 39.3% in 2023 (Figure 13). Although this data pertains to respondents with negative views on enhanced cooperation, it suggests a considerable reduction in skepticism among Japanese citizens towards South Korea, which has been a stumbling block to military and security cooperation. Figure 13. Reasons Why the ROK-US-Japan Trilateral Military Security Cooperation Should Not Be Strengthened In this year’s survey, respondents were asked about the direction of South Korea-Japan security cooperation in response to the growing threat of North Korea’s nuclear and missile capabilities. 82% of South Korean respondents and 71.4% of Japanese respondents indicated the need for information sharing or higher levels of security cooperation (Figure 14). As such, citizens of both countries not only recognize the need for existing trilateral cooperation based on the ROK-U.S. and U.S.-Japan alliances but also acknowledge the necessity of security cooperation between South Korea and Japan. This public opinion aligns with the efforts of both countries to expand security cooperation, as seen in the declaration of the normalization of the South Korea-Japan General Security of Military Information Agreement (GSOMIA) in the aftermath of the South Korea-Japan summit in March. Figure 14. Direction of the ROK-Japan Security Cooperation in Response to DPRK 6. Trends in Favor of Korea-Japan Economic Cooperation This survey also reaffirmed the favorable tendencies regarding the economic relationship between South Korea and Japan. When respondents were asked about their views on South Korea-Japan economic relations, the percentage of those who responded that the relationship is mutually complementary was 44.6% in South Korea and 38.5% in Japan. The percentage of those who responded that the relationship is competitive was 38.1% in South Korea and 24% in Japan (Figure 15). In comparison to the 2022 results, South Korea saw a reversal, with more respondents leaning towards the view of mutual complementarity rather than competition, while in Japan, there was a continued decrease in the view of the relationship being competitive since 2021. Figure 15. Economic Relations Between South Korea and Japan When respondents were asked to select all countries or regions that are particularly important to their own country in terms of economic relations, South Korean citizens ranked Japan as the third most important, following the United States and China. On the other hand, Japanese citizens ranked South Korea as the fourth most important, following the United States, China, and India. The percentage of respondents selecting the counterpart countries as important increased slightly in both countries compared to 2022 (Figure 16). Figure 16. Economically Important Countries and Regions The 2023 Korea-Japan Joint Public Opinion Poll indicates that public sentiment in both nations is slowly departing from the “lost decade” characterized by mutual mistrust and emotional conflicts related to historical matters, which has endured since 2012. The restoration of trust between the two countries’ leaders has led to a rapid improvement in government-to-government relations, and the public views this trend positively. This can be attributed to active efforts by the United States to promote the improvement of South Korea-Japan relations and the increasing perception of threats posed by North Korean nuclear and missile provocations and China. In the case of South Korea, the increasing security threats from North Korea and China have led to the strengthening of the ROK-U.S. alliance, and improving South Korea-Japan relations was required to enhance the trilateral cooperation that the United States has been advocating. A similar cause-and-effect relationship seems to apply to Japan as well. However, the South Korean public is cautious in their attitude toward the efforts of both governments to improve relations. The Yoon Suk Yeol admіnistration has made efforts in two-sided diplomacy with the Japanese government and domestic stakeholders, presenting a solution related to the forced labor issue. Still, the Kishida admіnistration, with low cabinet approval ratings, has not responded positively to the efforts of the South Korean government. South Korean public opinion demonstrates inadequate endorsement for the proactive initiatives of the South Korean government due to the absence of contributions from Japanese corporations to a compensation fund for victims of forced labor or an expression of remorse toward the victims. The absence of a corresponding response from Japan may suggest that complete trust restoration is uncertain, and the prospects for a more extensive path toward future-oriented collaboration might not align with the governments’ aspirations. Stating that future-oriented cooperation is unattainable without addressing historical issues is an error. Likewise, asserting that future-oriented cooperation between Seoul and Tokyo would automatically rectify historical issues is equally misleading. Both governments need to work diligently on advancing the resolution of historical issues while also exerting efforts to enhance collaboration in areas pertaining to North Korean nuclear and missile threats, economic security, and transnational challenges. Regarding matters such as the Comfort Women and forced labor issues, it is imperative for both nations to collaborate in addressing the profound injuries to the dignity and honor of the victims, extending their efforts beyond financial support. ■ Sohn, Yul. 2018. “International Politics of the Comfort Women Agreement: Identity-Security-Economy Nexus and Park Geun-hye Admіnistration’s Foreign Policy toward Japan.” Korean Journal of International Relations 58, 2: 145-177. ■ Yul Sohn is President of the East Asia Institute and Professor of International Studies at Yonsei University. ■ Yang Gyu Kim is Principal Researcher of the East Asia Institute. ■ Hansu Park is Research Associate of the East Asia Institute. ■ Typeset by Hansu Park, EAI Research Associate For inquiries: Tel. 82 2 2277 1683 (ext. 204) email@example.com
Cats, like humans, can be affected by diabetes, a condition that requires careful management to ensure their well-being. As responsible pet owners, understanding the types, symptoms, and proper care for feline diabetes is essential for providing our furry friends with a quality life. In this article, we will explore into the two types of feline diabetes, their symptoms, and effective care strategies. Types of Feline Diabetes Feline diabetes comes in two primary types. Type 1 results from an insufficient production of insulin, while type 2 is characterized by the cat’s body’s inability to process insulin effectively. Similar to diabetes in humans, feline diabetes can strike cats at any age, but it is more commonly observed in older cats. Moreover, there is a secondary form of feline diabetes triggered by drugs or diseases that impair the natural insulin processing in the body. Understanding the symptoms of feline diabetes is crucial for early detection and intervention. Cats may exhibit signs such as increased thirst and urination, weight loss, vomiting, loss of appetite, general weakness, poor skin and coat condition, and breathing abnormalities. Pet owners should be vigilant and consult a veterinarian if they notice these symptoms in their cats. When a cat displays diabetes symptoms, it is prudent for pet owners to have their feline companions tested for blood and urine sugar levels. Both tests are necessary because stress can cause a temporary spike in blood sugar levels in cats. The results of these tests help confirm whether a cat is affected by diabetes. Managing Feline Diabetes While there is no cure for feline diabetes, effective management is possible through various means. Diet and weight control play a crucial role in controlling diabetes in cats. A diet rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates is recommended, especially for obese cats. This dietary approach helps control both weight and blood sugar levels. Some diabetic cats may also benefit from oral medications that aid in maintaining suitable blood sugar levels. Additionally, careful monitoring of glucose and insulin levels is essential for pet owners managing diabetic cats. For those administering insulin injections to their cats, caution must be exercised to prevent overdosing, which can be fatal. Supplements designed for diabetic cats can also contribute to their overall well-being. By combining a tailored diet, medication, and regular monitoring, pet owners can help diabetic cats lead healthier lives. Caring for a cat with diabetes requires commitment and a deep understanding of the condition. Through proper management, including a suitable diet, weight control, medication, and regular monitoring, pet owners can significantly improve the quality of life for their diabetic feline companions. The bond between pet owners and their diabetic cats is strengthened through the genuine care provided, ensuring a lasting and fulfilling companionship.You may also like: - Protect Your Cat With Vaccinations – A Guide to Feline Health - Top 9 Human Foods That Are Toxic to Cats - A to Z Famous Cat Names - 8 Cat Breeds Known For Their Minimal Shedding - How Much You Know About Cat’s Body Language? - 8 Good Reasons to Choose a Cat as Your Furry Companion - Top Symptoms of Kidney Diseases in Cats - 7 Fantastic Plants To Consider Growing For Your Cats - 5 of the Most Painful Conditions for Cats - Top 12 Poisonous Plants For Cats
The June 2018 Agricultural Census published by the Scottish Government reveals the effects of the harsh spring weather on this year’s lamb crop. There were 8% fewer lambs on Scottish farms than at the same point in 2017, with numbers sliding by 272,600 to 3.14m head. This left the Scottish lamb crop at a five-year low and 3.9% below its 2013-17 average level. An analysis of the data shows that the national lambing percentage dropped from a 21st century high of 128.3% in 2017 to a five-year low of 122.9% in 2018, which was around two percentage points below both its five and ten-year averages. However, points out Iain Macdonald, Senior Economic Analyst with Quality Meat Scotland (QMS), the lambing percentage did not fall as far as had been feared. “Indeed, the challenging winter and spring of 2012/2013 had seen the lambing percentage fall as low as 118.7% in June 2013. This year, part of the reason for such a sharp fall in lamb numbers was a significant fall of 4% in ewe numbers on 2017,” observed Mr Macdonald. Given that ewe numbers reported in the December census had been slightly above year earlier levels, this unfortunately points to an increase in ewe mortality. Elsewhere in the British Isles, sheep numbers are reported using slightly different categories, but it is clear that lamb numbers have also fallen. “However, these declines have been to a lesser extent than in Scotland. In England, the lamb crop fell by 1.4%, on a 1.3% higher breeding flock, while the Northern Irish crop contracted by 2% on a 1.1% smaller ewe flock,” he said. In the Irish Republic, lamb numbers declined by 2.9% on a marginally increased breeding flock. “Combine the three and you get a reduction of around 2% in lamb numbers on a slightly increased flock, with a three-percentage point reduction in lambing percentage. “A smaller lamb crop appears to have had an impact on slaughterings. At the UK level, Defra statistics point to an 8% year-on-year decline in slaughter numbers in the June to September period, with GB auction volumes down heavily over this period. “The size of this fall suggests that lambs have been taking longer to finish than last year, perhaps signalling that numbers will begin to recover in the final quarter of 2018,” said Mr Macdonald. In Scotland, while store sales volumes have fallen in line with the lamb crop, down 8%, provisional figures for slaughterings at Scottish abattoirs show a decline of only 1%, perhaps suggesting that fewer Scottish lambs have been crossing the border this year. In addition, once higher carcase weights have been factored in, the volume of lamb produced by Scottish abattoirs was only a fraction lower than in the same period of 2017. Looking at the wider European market, lamb production appears to have risen, placing some downwards pressure on farmgate prices relative to last year. After a slow start to the season, processing picked up enough in the Irish Republic in August and September to raise throughput at exporting abattoirs by 3% in the June to September period. “Meanwhile, Eurostat figures for the June to August period show that slaughterings rose by 7% in France, while processing increased in June and July in Belgium, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Italy and Greece. On the other hand, the Netherlands, Portugal and Romania did report declines,” he said. In the Southern Hemisphere, while Australian lamb prices have fallen back from record levels over the past month, they remain historically high, trading at an equivalent of around £3.80/kg dwt, while NZ lamb prices have been trading at over £4/kg dwt at the beginning of their 2018/19 lamb crop year. “Beef + Lamb NZ have forecast a 4% decline in the current NZ lamb crop,” added Mr Macdonald. “As well as indicating that NZ farmgate prices should hold firm, this suggests that the lamb imported to the UK ahead of Christmas and Easter will continue to look expensive compared to historical averages. In the first quarter of 2018, the average value of imports from NZ had been 21% higher than its five-year average for the period.” Notes to editors:
Designing and Developing WebSphere Cells, Clusters, and Nodes The reader will understand the basics of WebSphere Cells, Clusters, and Nodes and learn further high-level steps in developing the same. Join the DZone community and get the full member experience.Join For Free WebSphere is a powerful application server that can be configured and managed using a hierarchical structure of cells, clusters, and nodes. Understanding these concepts is essential for deploying, managing, and scaling WebSphere-based applications. A WebSphere cell is a logical grouping of one or more application servers that share a common administrative domain. Each cell has a unique name and is managed by a single administrative console. A cell can contain multiple clusters and nodes. A WebSphere cluster is a group of two or more application servers that work together to provide scalability, availability, and load balancing for an application. Clusters are created within a cell and can span multiple nodes. All application servers in a cluster share the same configuration and applications. A WebSphere node is a logical representation of a server machine that hosts one or more application servers. Each node has a unique name and is recognized by a hostname and a port number. Nodes are managed by a node agent, which runs on the same machine as the node. When deploying an application in a WebSphere environment, you typically deploy it to a cluster, not to individual nodes. The application servers in the cluster work together to provide scalability, availability, and load balancing for the application. You can also configure the cluster to provide failover and high availability by setting up redundant application servers and using a distributed session management mechanism. WebSphere also provides a range of tools and features for managing cells, clusters, and nodes, including the administrative console, scripting tools, and monitoring tools. These tools make you configure and manage the application servers, deploy applications, configure resources, and monitor the server's performance and health. WebSphere cells, clusters, and nodes provide a powerful and flexible way to manage and scale WebSphere-based applications. Understanding these concepts is essential for deploying, managing, and scaling enterprise applications in a WebSphere environment. Developing WebSphere cells, clusters, and nodes involves several steps, including planning, installation, configuration, and testing. Here's a high-level overview of the process: - Planning: Determine the requirements for your application, including the number of nodes, clusters, and cells you'll need. Consider factors such as performance, scalability, availability, and security. Also, decide on the hardware and software requirements for each node, such as memory, CPU, and operating system. - Installation: Install WebSphere on each node, following the installation instructions provided by IBM. During the installation process, you'll be prompted to specify the cell and node names. - Configuration: Configure the cell, clusters, and nodes using the administrative console or scripting tools. Configure resources such as databases, messaging providers, and security settings. Also, deploy your application to the cluster. - Testing: Test the application to ensure it's working correctly and meets the performance and scalability requirements. Test the failover and high availability features by simulating failures and observing how the application responds. - Monitoring and maintenance: Monitor the application servers, clusters, and nodes to ensure they're healthy and performing well. Perform regular maintenance tasks such as backups, software updates, and security patches. WebSphere provides a range of tools and features to help you develop and manage cells, clusters, and nodes, including the administrative console, scripting tools, and monitoring tools. The administrative console allows you to manage the application servers, deploy applications, configure resources, and monitor the server's performance and health. Scripting tools allow you to automate tasks and configure multiple nodes at once. Monitoring tools allow you to monitor the application servers, clusters, and nodes and diagnose performance issues. Developing WebSphere cells, clusters, and nodes involves several steps, including planning, installation, configuration, testing, and monitoring. WebSphere provides a range of tools and features to help you manage these components effectively and ensure your application is performing well and meeting your requirements. Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own.
Lottery is a popular game in which players try to win a prize by selecting a series of numbers that are drawn at random. The prizes can be large, but the odds of winning are low. Some people find playing the lottery to be an addictive form of gambling. In the United States, Americans spend over $80 billion on the games each year. This money could be better used for emergency savings or paying off credit card debt. A lotteries are run like businesses with a focus on maximizing revenues. This means that they must entice people to spend their money on the game. In doing so, they promote the gambling habit and can have serious consequences for those who become addicted to the games. Additionally, they can be harmful to the poor and problem gamblers who are not able to control their spending. This raises the question of whether state-run lotteries are at cross-purposes with their larger public functions. Historically, a lotteries have been a popular way to fund public projects. In colonial America, they helped build churches, colleges, canals and roads. In fact, the University of Pennsylvania was founded with lottery funds. Benjamin Franklin also sponsored a lottery to raise money for cannons to defend Philadelphia during the Revolutionary War. Today, a lotteries provide state governments with an alternative to raising taxes or cutting services, which would be unpopular among voters. In order to operate, a lottery must have a mechanism for collecting and pooling all the money placed as stakes. This is usually done through a hierarchy of ticket sales agents who pass the money up until it is “banked” in an organization. From there, a percentage goes to costs of organizing and marketing the lottery, while the rest is available for the winners. Depending on the size of the jackpot and other factors, a lottery may choose to offer few large prizes or many smaller ones. Most people who play the lottery buy tickets in retail outlets, where they can check their numbers on a big screen. They can also purchase them online or by phone. However, some people participate in lottery games without purchasing a ticket. In such cases, a participant must simply hope that their numbers are drawn and they win. This is not unlike playing a slot machine at the casino. While some states have banned lottery games, others continue to support them. In addition to their traditional raffles, some states use lotteries to fund medical research and education. In addition, the state of Michigan recently established a lottery to fund transportation infrastructure projects. The lottery is a powerful tool for the state to raise funds and improve its economy. The history of lotteries is a tale of expansion and contraction, with the latter often occurring when the growing awareness of all the money to be made in the gambling industry collides with a crisis in state funding. In the nineteen-sixties, for example, inflation and the cost of the Vietnam War put state governments in a bind as they struggled to balance their budgets. They needed to cut services or raise taxes, and the former was a nonstarter with anti-tax voters.