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import configparser
import ast
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import plotly.graph_objects as go
from ..datasets.dataset import datasetFactory
from ..methods.base import methodFactory
from import Video
from ..utils.errors import getErrors, printErrors, displayErrors
class TestSuite():
""" Test suite for a given video dataset and multiple VHR methods"""
def __init__(self, configFilename='default'):
if configFilename == 'default':
configFilename = '../pyVHR/analysis/default_test.cfg'
def start(self, saveResults=True, outFilename=None, verb=0):
""" Runs the tests as specified in the loaded config file.
verbose degree:
0 - not verbose
1 - show the main steps
2 - display graphic
3 - display spectra
4 - display errors
(use also combinations, e.g. verb=21, verb=321)
# -- verbose prints
if '1' in str(verb):
# -- dataset & cfg params
#dataset = datasetFactory(self.videodict['dataset'])
dataset = datasetFactory(self.videodict['dataset'], videodataDIR=self.videodict['videodataDIR'], BVPdataDIR=self.videodict['BVPdataDIR'])
# -- catch data (object)
res = TestResult()
# -- loop on methods
for m in self.methods:
# -- loop on videos
if self.videoIdx == 'all':
self.videoIdx = np.arange(0,dataset.numVideos)
for v in self.videoIdx:
# -- verbose prints
if '1' in str(verb):
print("\n**** Using Method: %s on videoID: %d" % (m,v))
# -- catch data
res.addData('method', m)
res.addData('videoIdx', v)
# -- video object
videoFilename = dataset.getVideoFilename(v)
video = Video(videoFilename, verb)
etime = float(self.videodict['endTime'])
if etime < 0:
self.videodict['endTime'] = str(video.duration-etime)
# -- catch data
res.addData('videoFilename', videoFilename)
# -- ground-truth signal
fname = dataset.getSigFilename(v)
sigGT = dataset.readSigfile(fname)
winSizeGT = int(self.methodsdict[m]['winSizeGT'])
bpmGT, timesGT = sigGT.getBPM(winSizeGT)
# -- catch data
res.addData('sigFilename', fname)
res.addData('bpmGT', sigGT.bpm)
res.addData('timeGT', sigGT.times)
# -- method object
# load params of m
self.methodsdict[m]['video'] = video
self.methodsdict[m]['verb'] = verb
# merge video parameters dict in method parameters dict before calling method
self.__merge(self.methodsdict[m], self.videodict)
method = methodFactory(m, **self.methodsdict[m])
bpmES, timesES = method.runOffline(**self.methodsdict[m])
# -- catch data
res.addData('bpmES', bpmES)
res.addData('timeES', timesES)
# -- error metrics
RMSE, MAE, MAX, PCC = getErrors(bpmES, bpmGT, timesES, timesGT)
# -- catch data
res.addData('RMSE', RMSE)
res.addData('MAE', MAE)
res.addData('PCC', PCC)
res.addData('MAX', MAX)
if '1' in str(verb):
printErrors(RMSE, MAE, MAX, PCC)
if '4' in str(verb):
displayErrors(bpmES, bpmGT, timesES, timesGT)
# -- save results on a file
if saveResults:
return res
def parse_cfg(self, configFilename):
""" parses the given config file for experiments. """
self.parser = configparser.ConfigParser(inline_comment_prefixes=('#', ';'))
self.parser.optionxform = str
if not
raise FileNotFoundError(configFilename)
# checks
assert not self.parser.has_section('DEFAULT'),"ERROR... DEFAULT section is mandatory!"
# load default paramas
self.defaultdict = dict(self.parser['DEFAULT'].items())
# load video params
self.videodict = dict(self.parser['VIDEO'].items())
# video idx list extraction
if self.videodict['videoIdx'] == 'all':
self.videoIdx = 'all'
svid = ast.literal_eval(self.videodict['videoIdx'])
self.videoIdx = [int(v) for v in svid]
# load parameters for each methods
self.methodsdict = {}
self.methods = ast.literal_eval(self.defaultdict['methods'])
for x in self.methods:
self.methodsdict[x] = dict(self.parser[x].items())
def __merge(self, dict1, dict2):
for key in dict2:
if key not in dict1:
dict1[key]= dict2[key]
def __verbose(self, verb):
if verb == 'a':
print("** Run the test with the following config:")
print(" dataset: " + self.videodict['dataset'].upper())
print(" methods: " + str(self.methods))
class TestResult():
""" Manage the results of a test for a given video dataset and multiple VHR methods"""
def __init__(self, filename=None):
if filename == None:
self.dataFrame = pd.DataFrame()
self.dataFrame = pd.read_hdf(filename)
self.dict = None
def addDataSerie(self):
# -- store serie
if self.dict != None:
self.dataFrame = self.dataFrame.append(self.dict, ignore_index=True)
def newDataSerie(self):
# -- new dict
D = {}
D['method'] = ''
D['dataset'] = ''
D['videoIdx'] = '' # video filename
D['sigFilename'] = '' # GT signal filename
D['videoFilename'] = '' # GT signal filename
D['EVM'] = False # True if used, False otherwise
D['mask'] = '' # mask used
D['RMSE'] = ''
D['MAE'] = ''
D['PCC'] = ''
D['MAX'] = ''
D['telapse'] = ''
D['bpmGT'] = '' # GT bpm
D['bpmES'] = ''
D['timeGT'] = '' # GT bpm
D['timeES'] = ''
self.dict = D
def addData(self, key, value):
self.dict[key] = value
def saveResults(self, outFilename=None):
if outFilename == None:
outFilename = "testResults.h5"
self.outFilename = outFilename
# -- save data
self.dataFrame.to_hdf(outFilename, key='df', mode='w')