2 values
Clinical presentations of COVID-19 exhibit a relative variation that might have roots in various circumstances The initial infectious dose is a decisive factor in determining the fate of some viral and bacterial infections Regarding the importance of inflammation and immunopathogenesis in the progression of COVID-19, the initial infectious dose of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 might have an impact on the initial inflammation and therefore the incubation period of the disease A quick progression to severe disease might decrease the chance for successful therapy Therefore, more release of danger-associated molecular patterns and more cytokine responses are expectable in the case of higher infectious doses Herein we discuss the impact of initial infectious dose in the pathogenesis of similar infections such as MERS and influenza
hello , my name is raj and i am 19 years old and i am suffering from jondis since 2 billerubin always stay bewteen 1.7 to 1.3...what shoul i do ..i am not suffering from hepititas B....plz reply keep decreasing and has disturbed my whole life...i am also interested in boxing so may i continue my boxing classes?
I m sick to where my nose drips clear liquid my head and chest have a pain not very serious but still present well my head pain is a lot stronger then my chest pain my throught hurts really badly I have already gotten my tonsils out when I was 3 I am now 20 I get very dizzy very quickly I cough acashonally and I feel very weak and I ve been getting very fast heat and cold flashes please help me what is going on?
I have a localized pain on my upper left side, outside the ribs about 5 below my armpit. It has been there for 3-4 weeks, not lessening in pain. It does not seem to be muscle-related, nor does my side show a bruise; although it feels very bruised. Tight clothing and laying on my left side hurts. Thoughts?
What causes Burkitt's lymphoma?
How does contraction of extracellular fluid (ECF) volume affect capillary oncotic pressure (πC)?
My 6 yr old daughter got stung the other night by wasp. I scraped the site and it appeared the stinger was not in there anymore. 2 days later her foot was still swollen causing pain and itching and also woke up around 3 am tonight with fever. Now she was outside playing yesterday and also started with croupy sounding cough, could the fever be related to bee sting? I got stinger out last night and gave her Benadryl.
Hi l keep getting dissy spells head spimning tingling left hand feel sick when this happens last for about 30 secs .3 weeks ago Doctor took me of 1 of my blood pressure pils metoproroll AFT 23.75 mgs got better week later but now having symptoms again waiting for MR I scan on 30 the March blood pressure up and down. Round165/80 pulse 72 shall I wait till I ve had MR I. Ken..
On the left side of my throat, right next to my tonsil, there is a whitish yellow lesion. At first I suspected a cold sore but it is not a cold sore because it does not have a pit of a sore .The lesion has been around for almost a month now. I do not display ANY symptoms other then very mild pain coming from the lesion. The doctor gave me antibiotics however they did nothing to cure the lesion. If this lesion was due to cancer, hiv , or some serious disease what would be some symptoms. Also this lesion arose when I reached the lowest most depressed time in my life. Please give me advice .
Hi, I seem to have a constant pain the last couple of days, lower abdomen, left side, above my hip. Tender to touch. I am female, 50, in good health except for iron deficient anemic to the point of having transfusions, and iron IVs, plus monthly B-12 shots. I am having blood work done by hematologist tomorrow and would like to at least be educated enough to describe this properly and perhaps know some of the possibilities. Thanks
What condition results from the lack of excision endonuclease activity to remove pyrimidine dimers?
I have been experiencing intense pain in my lower stomach on my right side where I believe my liver to be. The pain has been persistent for three days and I experience shooting pains into my groin on my right side and into my right testicle. Wondering if it is liver or a blockage in my stomach or something else. Pain increases in intensity half way through a meal and during what I would consider my digestion period. Any thoughts?
What is the common cause of painful jaundice?
My 14 month old niece has a tendancy to boucne and then go very rigid with her eyes closed and seems to be in a semi concious state. It is quite worrying to witness and she has to be picked up out of her chair or where ever she is sitting to relieve the rigitity.Is it something that we should seek medical help with or is it just brought on by her constant bouncing?
Hi, I have a lump in my neck under my jaw and have had it for over a year. I have been told it is a swollen lymph node was treated with antibiotics, but it never went away. I was also told that it was a swollen salivary gland. It has not gown away and many times I feel like I have something in my throat. What should I do?
I am a 43 year old male, 6'1",194 lbs. I would like to know if alcohol can affect a males penis hardness during erection? I drink 3 to 6 beers a night. I just had a full exam done 5 months ago including a stress test. Everythng check out great. I have lost my sexual desire. Should I have my testorone checked? What levels are normal?
I have had flu very badly, I think it was H1N1.. in bed for 3 weeks totally poleaxed .. It started with tracheitis then suddenly went into full blown flu .. Took antibiotics .. and Tamiflu .. After the flu subsided I had a recurrence of the tracheitis symptoms and then it turned into bronchitis (with bacterial infection) and was put onto antibiotics again .. After that, I had another course of antibiotics , as it had not cleared up .. now after this course has nearly finished, I am still coughingup loads of phlegm and have chest pain and my trachea feels raw again .. but at least the green mucus has gone .. it is clear now .. but I still feel very uncomfortable and heavy in my chest and am shivery .. I am also having periodic quite violent , painful muscle spasms in the trachea that goes through to my back and is quite scary but lasts only a few seconds. I notice that my digestive system is affected by this too, as if there is pressure on my stomach from the lungs. I am 61. My doctor said there was no pneumonia.. although I have had pneumonia in the past. I fear there is something else going on.. Or is this merely the classic after effects of severe flu. Thank you
hello doctor i am 20 yrs old i have been suffering from acne and did consult a doc about 1.5 yrs ago.he suggested the following routine that i have been following from past 1.5 yrs. 1.Saslic ds face wash twice a day. 2. Bengel acra 2.5 on pimples 3.acnemoist moisturiser 4.deriva ms gel which has recently been changed to deriva bpo gel My doctor also every month does chemical peeling on my skin from past 1.5 yrs. But i have red pimple marks on my cheeks due to use of retinoid (deriva) and also open pores. should i stop chemical peeling or not? will chemicAL peeling help in fading acne marks and reducing pore size. i still get some pimples on my cheeks forehead ,etc. my doc also said to continue reading all these products( face wash ,bengel ,deriva) till the age of 26 or 27. can i use only these products for 7 - 8 yrs. how can acne marks be faded and pore size be reduced? plzzzzzzz help
Hello doctor, this is Edwin, 36 years, 5\" 4\", 71 Kgs, from India. On 30.08.2011, I have been diagnosed with borderline HBs Ag Positive when I had to undergo some tests for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy. Is there any cause for alarm? What are the remedies? I never did drugs nor had blood tranfusion in my life. Please help.
INTRODUCTION Conventional two-dimensional (2D) laparoscopy systems have the drawback of poor depth perception and spatial orientation. Three-dimensional (3D) laparoscopic systems have stereoscopic vision in which depth perception is achieved by different unique images received by each eye. We evaluated 3D laparoscopy in comparison with conventional 2D laparoscopy in urological procedures in a prospective randomized study. MATERIALS AND METHODS Over a 19 month study period, 108 patients scheduled to undergo various urological procedures were randomized to either conventional 2D or 3D laparoscopy (2D n = 53; 3D n = 55). A single senior surgeon performed all the surgeries. Parameters such as total operative time, dissection and suturing time, blood loss, hospital stay, complications (Clavien-Dindo), and visual analog scale (VAS) score for pain were assessed. The subjective assessment of the operating surgeon of superiority and inferiority of either technology on parameters defining surgical skills was recorded using a Likert scale. RESULTS The total operative time (P < 0.0003), blood loss (P < 0.028), dissection, suturing and stenting time (P < 0.0001), and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory for Adults score (P < 0.0001) was significantly in favor of 3D laparoscopy. CONCLUSION Our study showed significant advantages of the 3D system over 2D laparoscopy. These advantages include enhanced operative performance and greater surgeon comfort.
Hi when I bend my right knee, on the top right a small lump appears ( only when I bend). Really worried, I do a fair bit of exercise recently changed my exercise regime to a more intense workout. Always had the lump (when bent) but for a few days it s giving minor discomfort
Good evening sir,this is M. yaqoob Akhtar. i was suffering with epilepsy disease from three months ago .some times my blood pressure is also high and i feel alike my head is going around or someone push me from back so i want to know about it what i have to do in this condition. i show off myself to related doctor bu
Hi! Im suffering from nasobronchial allergy. My only problem is acute breathlessness. Im taking Fluticasone nasal spray, triohale inhaler, and Levocetrizine & Montelucast Ambroxol tablet. I have this problem only in summers. Im residing at Delhi(India) . should I shift on hilly areas? Please suggest.
Hi,I had my uterus removed almost 2 years ago, my ovaries remain. After severe low right abnormal and low right back pain, I have been diagnosed with ovarian cysts. I had an ultrasound and MRI to confirm. During the MRI, they also detected gallstones. I am 48 years old, physically fit, I'm 5' 1" and weigh about 105 pounds. After the tests, I had a physical exam with a Gyne and was told the pain was caused from my right ovary attaching itself to my body as well as my colon and I would need surgery. Is there any other possibilities and how probable is this? My regular Doc retired and it's very difficult to find a Doc that will really take the time to hear me, as they are all trying to keep their 15 minute appointment to less than 15 minutes. I really would like to know where to go to find out why I am having such pain in my lower right back.
I m trying to conceive for the last two weeks. My last period occurred on 28th jan. But the problem is that I have an irregular menstrual cycle. Also, as my husband and I only meet at weekends. Today I saw some spotting. This is an irregular time for the menstrual cycle. Can you give an opinion on this matter.
Hi, this is Zak here I am a barrister in london. about 3 years back while talking on phone with my fiance i accidently put a cut inside my bum cheek by a sharp nail of my finger. now after 3 years it has taken the shape of a wound and when i apply betnovate -n on it, it remains ok . in case of pressure water on it the wound get swell and bleeds and pains, but after applying medicine on it becomes ok. now it did not bleed from six months but do swell and pain when i wear tight pants or in case of presser water on it.
Iâ??m 43, 5â??8â?? and 220lbs. I donâ??t smoke, have a family history and need to improve diet and exercise. I have high blood pressure and high cholesterol â?? both being controlled by medication. I felt some lower right side chest discomfort at the beginning of May 2010. This lasted for about 1 month. Long story short is that through a series of different doctor consultations I now have had one visit with a cardiologist to review a nuclear stress test recently performed. After explaining my situation the doctor told me that the sensation on my lower right side was due to an abnormal imagining on the right side of my heart. Iâ??m not 100% convinced that what Iâ??m feeling is truly heart related due to the location being the lower right side of my chest (about where my last rib meets my upper stomach). Iâ??ve had an EKG, ultrasound for gall bladder, x-rays and blood tests. None have indicated any problem. The stress test according to the cardiologist is an indication of my symptoms. My concern after some research is that angioplasty/stents may not be the best choice at this time. How do I decide what to do? I have increased my exercise significantly, improved my diet, lost over 10 lbs in the last couple weeks and continue with medication. Thanks for your advice.
i am trying to conceive and my doctor says i should take ampliclox to prevent chiken pox because my partner has it. do you think it will affect my chances of conceiving this month particular as i have 1 week to my ovulation date and i am to take the drugs for 5 days. please advise me.
I took a test n I m pregnant I ve had unprotected sex with my boyfriend cuz I m on the Nuva ring I had an unexpected 2 nights with my ex the first night he didn t fully penetrate n the second time we used a condom is there a chance that this baby is my ex s n if so is the mt pill safe....
I had a knee replacement seven weeks back. After ten days I had allergic reaction apparently from ciproxin antibiotic. Then the vicryl suture came out after four weeks. My doctor removed the suture partially. After one week I had red skin and swelling near the suture. He drained fluid and gave me fucidin. One week after healing I have another swelling. I had asked him . I had asked him earlier to remove all sutures. He seemed reluctant to do that . I continue to have medication for rashes. What should I do?
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... My grandson has been suffering pain in his arms, then later in his back. He coudn t even sit up in school, because he had no strength and was in so much pain. He arms felt useless. He is 9 years old. He has been a football player for about 3 years and in wrestling. Now he has facial pain and is in the hospital. The doctors don t know what s wrong with him. Sometime ago he went through many tests including I believe a MRI. Can you help with some possible answer to this? Lynda
BACKGROUND: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), a highly infectious disease, has been rapidly spreading all over the world and remains a great threat to global public health. Patients diagnosed with severe or critical cases have a poor prognosis. Hence, it is crucial for us to identify potentially severe or critical cases early and give timely treatments for targeted patients. In the clinical practice of treating patients with COVID-19, we have observed that the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) of severe patients is higher than that in mild patients. We performed this systematic review and meta-analysis to evaluate the predictive values of NLR on disease severity and mortality in patients with COVID-19. METHODS: We searched PubMed, EMBASE, China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) and Wanfang databases to identify eligible studies (up to August 11, 2020). Two authors independently screened studies and extracted data. The methodological quality of the included studies was assessed by Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies 2 (QUADAS-2). RESULTS: Thirteen studies involving 1579 patients reported the predictive value of NLR on disease severity. The pooled sensitivity (SEN), specificity (SPE) and area under curve (AUC) were 0.78 (95% CI 0.70-0.84), 0.78 (95% CI 0.73-0.83) and 0.85 (95% CI 0.81-0.88), respectively. Ten studies involving 2967 patients reported the predictive value of NLR on mortality. The pooled SEN, SPE and AUC were 0.83 (95% CI 0.75-0.89), 0.83 (95% CI 0.74-0.89) and 0.90 (95% CI 0.87-0.92), respectively. CONCLUSIONS: NLR has good predictive values on disease severity and mortality in patients with COVID-19 infection. Evaluating NLR can help clinicians identify potentially severe cases early, conduct early triage and initiate effective management in time, which may reduce the overall mortality of COVID-19. TRIAL REGISTRY: This meta-analysis was prospectively registered on PROSPERO database (Registration number: CRD42020203612).
I smoked 8 hours after wisdom teeth extraction.No excessive bleeding or pain.48 have have passed now since the extraction.I smoked one cigarette every day.I didn't suck the smoke too hard.Should i be afraid of dry socket?The stitches seem to be healing well.
This morning at approximately 2 am I had acute severe, (almost unbearable), pain mid/lower back on both sides. I could feel what felt like my kidneys physically throbbing with my hand placed over them. I was literally doubled over in pain and no position I tried made it any better. I honestly thought I was going to pass out. I was so nauseated that i almost threw up from the pain. It radiated around my sides to the front side during the episode. After about 30 min it started easing up. I have had a constant dull achy pain along w/the nausea since then. It gets a little stronger for a few seconds at a time and returns to the bearable achy pain. I will say that the pain at its worst is comparable if not a little worse than when I gave natural childbirth. What could this be?
Objectives: In 2020, the COVID-19 respiratory infection is spreading in Korea. In order to prevent the spread of an infectious disease, infected people must be quickly identified and isolated, and contact with the infected must be blocked early. This study attempted to verify the intervention effects on the spread of an infectious disease by using these measures in a mathematical model. Methods: We used the Susceptible-Infectious-Recovery (SIR) model for a virtual population group connected by a special structured network. In the model, the infected state (I) was divided into I in which the infection is undetected and I_x in which the infection is detected. The probability of transitioning from an I state to I_x can be viewed as the rate at which an infected person is found. We assumed that only those connected to each other in the network can cause infection. In addition, this study attempted to evaluate the effects of isolation by temporarily removing the connection among these people. Results: In Scenario 1, only the infected are isolated; in Scenario 2, those who are connected to an infected person and are also found to be infected are isolated as well. In Scenario 3, everyone connected to an infected person are isolated. In Scenario 3, it was possible to effectively suppress the infectious disease even with a relatively slow rate of diagnosis and relatively high infection rate. Conclusion: During the epidemic, quick identification of the infected is helpful. In addition, it was possible to quantitatively show through a simulation evaluation that the management of infected individuals as well as those who are connected greatly helped to suppress the spread of infectious diseases.
hi i have had fever, back pain feeling of tiredness, just came to know that i have typhoid through my blood report , now the problem comes here, my doctor prescribed me mahacef plus , calpol, and becosules Z, but when i called home today my uncle said to take cifran 500 if mahacef does do well in a few days... now i am confused
The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented event entailing long-term consequences on population health and welfare. Those who contracted the coronavirus may have suffered from both physical and mental health issues that unfold the need for tailored intervention strategies. Hence, our study aims to investigate the psychological and social consequences of COVID-19 on a sample of 86 participants, encompassing 43 patients (clinical group; 25 women; mean age = 50.4 ± 10.1 years) recruited from Bari University Hospital, 19 of whom were hospitalized due to the disease. The remaining 43 were individuals not fallen ill with COVID-19 to date (control group; 25 women; mean age = 50.4 ± 10.1 years). The investigation yielded significant gender differences in post-traumatic stress symptoms, depression, and representation of interpersonal distance (IPD), evaluated through the IES-R, the BDI-II, and the IVAS task, respectively. This pattern of results was not replicated in the control group. In general, participants who reported having experienced the most intense post-traumatic symptoms also presented a greater mood deflection and, more specifically, within the clinical group women obtained the highest scores on both scales. Women reported higher IES-R and BDI-II scores compared to men, that could indicate that women who have contracted COVID-19 are more exposed to post-traumatic and depressive symptoms. Our results also showed a significant effect of COVID-19 on IPD with a tendency of disease-experienced individuals to increase their preferred IPD from adults, children, and elderly people. Regarding gender differences in mood and proxemic behavior, a correlation between depressive symptoms and probable PTSD and a further correlation between probable PTSD and greater IPD were found in women from both clinical and control group. Overall, these findings might contribute to a better understanding of gender-based implications of the current pandemic on mental health, also leading to the development of integrated yet personalized intervention strategies.
Hello doctor, My fiancee and I had unprotected sex a few days back, but I did not ejaculate inside her. Just to be on the safer side, we wanted to use the emergency contraceptive pill. But due to some restriction in the country where we live, Plan B or emergency contraceptive pills are not available. I read that Yasmin, which is used as a regular contraceptive pill can be used as an emergency contraceptive pill at a higher dosage. Can Yasmin be used as an emergency contraceptive pill? And at what dosage?
i m 23 years old i have a married life of 1 yera..recently i found i have chacolate cyst in my right ovary..i did laproscopy i need any medication to get pregnent..recently i consult the doctor she scaned me again and told that one chacolate cyst of 3cm is came what i do now to get prgenent
My father was diagnosed with copd a couple of months ago he still continues to smoke...over the last month or so he is like his old self lots of energy & doin his usual day to day things with ease....i saw him today he is stil feeln really good but his feet are extremely this related ?
Sir, My friend has a neuro problem. There is no movement in his hands and legs last three days. I think it is a paralysis attack. Presently he is admitted in SGPGI, Lucknow but there is no improvement. Will he be perfect? please tell me. I am very upset
Hello Doctor, my nephew is just 5 years old, and in the last 2 months his lower and parts of upper lips color has turned to white and red. we checked with local doctors in Madurai, they have advised to take vitamin supplements but we are worried as the colour tone is getting increased and no sign of changing into normal skin.
A 31-year-old woman (gravida 3, para 2) presented at hospital in the 33rd week of gestation with concerns of general malaise, a productive cough, and impaired taste She was diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) after a nasal antigen test;a computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest showed pneumonia The patient developed dyspnea on the third day of hospitalization, and it worsened the following day Oxygen inhalation and steroid administration were started Since the dyspnea was worsening, an emergency cesarean delivery was performed to allow intensification of maternal treatment A postoperative CT scan showed that the pneumonia was getting worse, and the administration of remdesivir was started immediately The dyspnea improved rapidly, and medication was discontinued on postoperative day 4 The patient was discharged on postoperative day 6 Thus, a patient in the third trimester of pregnancy with COVID-19 whose respiratory condition worsened was successfully treated by early delivery and subsequent intensive treatment
Lately, I am becoming allergic to almost everything. I would have rashes to every medications being prescribed to me by doctors. I am reacting to soaps, toothpaste, eye drops, clothes, gloves, a lot of foods. I am having shortness of breath, even if I am just watching TV, sitting , surfingthe internet, almost very thirty minutes, then will break after 10 mins, then short of breath again. Am I having an inflamed immune system ? Is there a cure for this? What should I do to get back to my previous health? This started 6 mos ago.
What is the role of the E2F transcription factor in the cell cycle and what triggers its initiation of the S phase?
I had been prescribed percecet for injuries in past ( last time about year ago )with no problem. I have just fractured fibula and Ortho prescribed generic for me (oxycodone- acetaminophen 5-325). Tried to take twice. One time when hadn't eaten reaction was severe - felt really weird - like I couldn't breathe, nauseous, light headed, heart doing something weird. I tried taking it once again before bed; but couldn't sleep after, felt again like heart was racing a bit. I take wellbutrim twice a day. Depakote three times a day. And Aderall in morning. All are generic. Thanks Bonnie
Which test is typically needed to definitely rule out subarachnoid hemorrhage in patients with a normal CT scan?
In which part of the kidney does amyloid deposition occur, leading to nephrotic syndrome?
Can I Yeast infection cause pink discharge on the toilet paper after wiping. There is no blood in the urine. I am taking Rocephin 2 g IV and have the last two weeks with six more days to go. I had a mild uti when I was in the hospital but was being treated for bacteremia.
I am a 5 years in remission from Hodgkin s disease...They found a 6 mm nodule on my left thyroid that has grown 1 mm from 9/2012...I am going for a biopsy next week...what is the % chance that this is thyroid cancer...Hodgkin lymphoma again, or nothing?
The present paper provides an update of previous recommendations on Home Blood Pressure Monitoring from the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring and Cardiovascular Variability sequentially published in years 2000, 2008 and 2010. This update has taken into account new evidence in this field, including a recent statement by the American Heart association, as well as technological developments, which have occurred over the past 20 years. The present document has been developed by the same ESH Working Group with inputs from an international team of experts, and has been endorsed by the ESH.
I recently had a root canal last week on my upper pre-molar right side, now a week later I am still experiencing tingling, burning sensation on the affected tooth, pressure on the tooth behind it and overall feeling of jaw soreness. I have also experienced severe migrianes that appear out of nowhere and is different than a typical migraine that I have experienced before. It sends shooting pains up to the top of my head. I am on an antibiotic and painkiller/anti-inflammatory and nothing seems to help relieve this. I dont know what to do anymore with this constant pain...
I have a hard non-movable lump on the right side of my neck about the size of a pinto bean. It feels like it may be attached to the larynx? I have been suffering from joint pain (knees, shoulders and right large toe) and swelling mainly in my knees. I seem to have lost strength in my knees due to swelling and muscle tenderness around joints, I am loosing more hair than normal, awful cramps in right callf at night, I get hot flashes but then I get cold and can t get warm, I have no energy, my skin is very dry to the point of tingling.
Late-life depression (LLD) is a major public health concern. Despite the availability of effective treatments for depression, barriers to screening and diagnosis still exist. The use of current standardized depression assessments can lead to underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis due to subjective symptom reporting and the distinct cognitive, psychomotor, and somatic features of LLD. To overcome these limitations, there has been a growing interest in the development of objective measures of depression using artificial intelligence (AI) technologies such as natural language processing (NLP). NLP approaches focus on the analysis of acoustic and linguistic aspects of human language derived from text and speech and can be integrated with machine learning approaches to classify depression and its severity. In this review, we will provide rationale for the use of NLP methods to study depression using speech, summarize previous research using NLP in LLD, compare findings to younger adults with depression and older adults with other clinical conditions, and discuss future directions including the use of complementary AI strategies to fully capture the spectrum of LLD.
What is the most common cause of oral herpes?
I have dy purchased from Shop Rite. I received a phone call this morning telling me I had purchased contaminated water. I took a gallon container in the house that I put in the recycling bucket and the information on the container coincides with the info given by phone. I have been feeling unwell since last Saturday morning, 6/7/14. That morning I had terrible cramps and diarrhea enough to keep me from attending a wedding ceremony. I recently used that water to make lemonade that is in the refrig. that I will through out. In 2008 I was hospitalized with UTI and found to have E-Coli infection that was urosepsis.I was in criticaI condition in a Florida hospital. I am a heart patient, still not feeling well with malaise all week. I am scared. Please advise. Thank you doctor. Josephine Crivelli, 76 years old.
hi my son is 19 months old and not vey fond with food, only wants to eat yoghurt and mageu, refused milk at around 14 months but otherwise he is very playful and bright...his weight had dropped from 10.9 to 10.5 because of the worried about his weight
Hello doctor, I took a morning after pill about eight hours after my fiance's condom broke. It has been a week and I started bleeding today. It was a heavy flow at first (blood-red) but it stopped after 24 hours (became light pink towards the end). I just want to know, am I pregnant or is there a possibility that I am?
I was laying on the couch right arm on a rest. I sneezed and felt a real sharp pain in my lower right abdomen. I have a high tolerance for pain but this made me jump up and walk it off. Still hurts a lot when I twist, Bend, cough, blow knose, just hurts. Did I tear something? What do I do.
I fractured my skull 8weeks ago, was in hospital for 3weeks.. but since being sent home from hospital i have headaches, very tired, and light headedness, im not on any medication, besides the odd paracetamol if my headaches are really bad, just wondered how long these symtems may last??
Hi, I just recently lost my son while I was 23 weeks pregnant. I hadn t felt him move so I went to the doctor and found out there was no heartbeat. When he was born he looked absolutely perfect. What s even more upsetting is that I was in to see a specialist 3 weeks earlier and they said according to the u/s that he was a very healthy little boy. How and why is my son gone 3 weeks later?
hi I m have pain in my lower left abdomin but it doesn t hurt when I push in or let go. only when I lay back or lift or when I m exercising. which thats how it began. the exercises I was doing were planks mainly or mountain climb positions & pushups. so a lot of my workout was on the floor. two days of that & my stomach pain start. its happened twice. the first time I waited a week to rest & heal. now I m having to do the same. I m walking only. nothing else. my husband thinks I may have a muscle tear. but I don t know. thanks for any advice. Teri
My son, found a half of a piece of Xanax on the floor, which must have been dropped, he put it in his mouth, chewed it up and spit it out, It was only a small piece and I got what I think was most of it out of his mouth, but what do I do now, I don t know if he actually ingested any of it or not, what should I do?
Hi, earlier i was going to the cupboard to get breakfast and then when i turned around, i supposedly blacked out/fainted and fell to the floor hitting my head. I mainly hit the bone above my eye and there is a little bruise nothing else, i sat with an ice pack on it for a while. My mother thinks its because i hadn t eaten anything for about 20 hours and thats why i blacked out because i had no energy. But now i have an ache in the back left of my head and i don t want to go to the doctors/hospital and im very afraid of them, please help.
Q:A 50-year-old male presents to the emergency room complaining of fever, shortness of breath, and diarrhea. He returned from a spa in the Rocky Mountains five days prior. He reports that over the past two days, he developed a fever, cough, dyspnea, and multiple watery stools. His past medical history is notable for major depressive disorder and peptic ulcer disease. He takes omeprazole and paroxetine. He does not smoke and drinks alcohol on social occasions. His temperature is 102.8°F (39.3°C), blood pressure is 120/70 mmHg, pulse is 65/min, and respirations are 20/min. Physical examination reveals dry mucus membranes, delayed capillary refill, and rales at the bilateral lung bases. A basic metabolic panel is shown below: Serum: Na+: 126 mEq/L Cl-: 100 mEq/L K+: 4.1 mEq/L HCO3-: 23 mEq/L Ca2+: 10.1 mg/dL Mg2+: 2.0 mEq/L Urea nitrogen: 14 mg/dL Glucose: 90 mg/dL Creatinine: 1.1 mg/dL Which of the following is the most appropriate growth medium to culture the pathogen responsible for this patient’s condition?? {'A': 'Charcoal yeast agar with iron and cysteine', 'B': 'Sorbitol-MacConkey agar', 'C': 'Bordet-Gengou agar', 'D': 'Thayer-Martin agar', 'E': 'Eaton’s agar'},
I have been sick for a month. I was admitted to the hospital 2x, and determined to have pneumonia but had no symptoms of pneumonia, other than fluid on the left lung . However, my SED rate is 78 and prior to this illness was normal. Also, WBC and RBC low, spleen enlarged and liver enzymes are high. I have swelling in my lower back and down the right side of my leg, doctors aren t listening to my complaints of exhaustion, and swelling in lower back. MRI with contrast of lower back indicates no infection of the 2 year old surgery site that includes hardware. Doctors are giving up, which concerns me greatly because I m not feeling well. I am a college professor and school starts in a week. Do you have any ideas of what can be going on?
Me and my boyfriend have been together for almost five years and are ready to start thinking about having kids, however in the past we have not been careful and have never used protection. I have never gotten pregnant and according to a couple doctors I have a severely tilted cervix. How can I increase my chances of having kids, or what can I do move the process along? please, help. -Katelyn
BACKGROUND: It is known that inflammatory responses play an important role in the pathophysiology of COVID‐19. AIMS: In this study, we aimed to examine the role of kynurenine (KYN) metabolism on the severity of COVID‐19 disease AQ5. MATERIALS & METHODS: Seventy COVID‐19 patients of varying severity and 30 controls were included in the study. In addition to the classical laboratory parameters, KYN, tryptophan (TRP), kynurenic acid (KYNA), 3 hydroxykynurenine (3OHKYN), quinolinic acid (QA), and picolinic acid (PA) were measured with mass spectrometry. RESULTS: TRP, KYN, KYN:TRP ratio, KYNA, 3OHKYN, PA, and QA results were found to be significantly different in COVID‐19 patients (p < 0.001 for all). The KYN:TRP ratio and PA of severe COVID‐19 patients was statistically higher than that of mild‐moderate COVID‐19 patients (p < 0.001 for all). When results were examined, statistically significant correlations with KYN:TRP ratio, IL‐6, ferritin, and procalcitonin were only found in COVID‐19 patients. ROC analysis indicated that highest AUC values were obtained by KYN:TRP ratio and PA (0.751 vs 0.742). In determining the severity of COVID‐19 disease, the odd ratios (and confidence intervals) of KYN:TRP ratio and PA levels that were adjusted according to age, gender, and comorbidity were determined to be 1.44 (1.1–1.87, p = 0.008) and 1.06 (1.02–1.11, p = 0.006), respectively. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION: According to the results of this study, KYN metabolites play a role in the pathophysiology of COVID‐19, especially KYN:TRP ratio and PA could be markers for identification of severe COVID‐19 cases.
RESPECTED DOCTOR, am suffering from infection of synovial fluid in the left leg knee joint. kindly advice me what i must do. My ESR value is 24mm/ hr, and my x- ray report of a/p and lateral view reads as follows.early osteoarthritic changes are seen to the patello-femoral and knee joints bilaterally.the supra patellar bursaal fat stripes appear partially obliterated suggesting effusion into that region. This is the radiologists report. i am unable to even bend my knee and have a slight swelling just above the knee cap. every night i swallow voveran SR 75 mg two tablets at a time before dinner, but i wake up due to severe pain thats unbearable. kindly help. Infact i am a Ph.D holder in Microbiology., and i work as a teacher teacher in the school of Biotech and Virology at the christ Univ, bangalore
This manuscript describes a mathematical epidemiological model of COVID-19 to investigate the dynamics of this pandemic disease and we have fitted this model to the current COVID-19 cases in Italy. We have obtained the basic reproduction number which plays a crucial role on the stability of disease free equilibrium point. Backward bifurcation with respect to the cure rate of treatment occurs conditionally. It is clear from the sensitivity analysis that the developments of self immunities with proper maintaining of social distancing of the exposed and asymptomatic individuals play key role for controlling the disease. We have validated the model by considering the COVID-19 cases of Italy and the future situations of epidemicity in Italy have been predicted from the model. We have estimated the basic reproduction number for the COVID-19 outbreak in Italy and effective reproduction number has also been studied. Finally, an optimal control model has been formulated and solved to realize the positive impacts of adapting lock down by many countries for maintaining social distancing.
What are some alternative management options for an unstable patient with bradycardia that does not respond to atropine?
Hello doctor, My 2 months old baby girl is getting a thick milky white vaginal discharge from last week. We see it once or twice a day in her diaper and some stuck in the vagina. What may cause this? What treatment we should do? The baby was born prematurely.
My granddaughter is 6 years old and cannot urinate. She has been to the doctor twice this week. He said she does not have kidney or any kind of infection, however she has been to the bathroom three times in the last hour, she is sitting here now crying. I let her sit in a warm bath for 30 minutes. Don t know what to do?
I fell down our wooden staircase inside the house last week. I hit my hind end on five steps on the way down. I put ice on it that evening, but now after the swelling has gone down the area really hurts to sit upon. I did not go to see a doctor, should I? It is bruised almost all the way across both buttocks. I did see stars about five minutes after it happened. Thank you. Pat Shepard
Hi, I have a paragard which was put in place in october of last year. I love it throughout the month butfor have terrible terrible pain and cramping at the beginning of my period each month. I have tried EVERYTHING(ibuprofen, yoga, heating padsetc.) have had several checks, an ultrasound and all is normal. Is there anything more i could be doing?
I was stung by a bee (went up my trouser leg) over a week agoit hurt for a while & was swollen then stopped but left a bruise around the area but today I have a very itchy rash & red area around the sting I have put antisan on it but still v itchy red & raised
Hi doctor, Before 16 years, I had two high risk exposure with sex workers and the risk was condom break in both situations. After three months from my last exposure I did ELISA test for HIV 1 and 2. It came back negative. Again, I did the same mistake after one year, condom break with a sex worker. Then after five years I did HIV test ELISA 1 and 2 and it came back negative. I was about to get married that time. I did not believe the results because my brain keeps telling me maybe the last laboratory did not do a good job or maybe the one who is working in the laboratory did not know how to perform the test. They convinced me it as negative and I do not have the virus. I did my best to believe it and move on in my life. I got married and when my wife got pregnant, she did the HIV test in her first and third trimester during her pregnancy and it came back negative. My questions are, is preforming ELISA test hard or easy? I do not know what ELISA generation it was. Should I believe and trust the laboratory? Is it possible that it has been more than 13 years from my first high risk exposure and I am still in a good health? Can my wife get HIV from me? Please explain.
I had basal cell carcinoma removed and it caused a keloid scar and I had some small veins that you could see. i had steroid injections and it is now flat. in addition I used Zyclara prier to my keloid and it made a pinkish red ring. So I had the ILP treatment done on my entire chest and including my keloid and I noticed that my keloid came back I think because it is puffy. Is that normal or will it go down from the ILP treatment.
Hi, have lad low WBC-3700, was diagonized with typhoid fever, given medicine-antibiotics, finished the dosage a few days ago, went back and re checked my wbc-still 3710 and widal test for tyhoid still positiveNow, no appetite and dry lips, what to do?
Hey, my friend cut her radial artery last night. Her dad told me it was on her forearm not her wrist. I have no idea if she's alive or dead I've tried everything to get hold of her, I'm so worried. What are the chances for dying of something like that, how deep would she have to had cut. If not what kind of long term damage could there be? How much blood would she have lost roughly, would that damage her brain? Thank you. :)
Hello doctor, I was running, and I fell into a pit. My ankle got twisted, and I could feel some cracking sound. I had a swollen ankle immediately. I have been icing for 2 days and now the swelling has reduced. I am unable to walk. I have pain when I try to move or walk. I had a fracture fibula of the same ankle 5 years back. Please help.
I have had bad acne for almost a year and have been treating it for five months with no success, it s actually getting worse. Just recently I have developed dime sized puss sacks on my skin , and some turn black underneath the skin. I decided to pop one, and white puss and blood came out, I proceeded to pop it and blood mixed with some kind of black liquid came out. Does anyone know what this black substance could be, and is it normal? I have had black heads, and this I assure you is not a black head.
My boyfriend has very itchy skin and has developed rashes and red bumps on his body in different areas. It started in his elbows. He refuses to go to a doctor to get it checked out and I'm afraid whatever it is is contagious! We have a dog so I wonder if it's something she brought in. But I just had a bump between my toes and itched it and it popped and I am now I'm excruciating pain and there is a red spot there now. I don't know if the two are connected but am wondering of it is a fungal thing or some sort of bug. How can the doctor even know?
Hi. I have little red bumps on my hands and feet that look like little blisters and itch and hurt at the same time. My 7 month old son had them and had an infection and is on ammoxycilin. I think I got what he had and now am on augmenton. He had the same bumps. Could it just be from the virus or do you think it s an allergic reaction to the meds? My son had the bumps before he was on the antibiotic.
Hi: I have been diagnosed with erythema nodosum, I had a total hip replacement in September and in December these nodules started showing up on the back side of both calves. My doctor has eliminated several possible causes; Lymphoma, Rhumatoid arthritis, lupus, strep infection. I am wondering if they could be caused by an allergic reaction to something or could there be a hidden infection from my surgery. Thanks for your input. Pam, age 67
i eat breakfest and dinner and when i do my stomach gets constpated every morning and i have real bad stomach and bladder and lower stomach pains what do you think is gong on becuase i feel fine but i have stomach pains for the majority of the day? aslo my testicles get swollen and they hurt until i go to the restroom?
These results support the potential use of a VR-based approach in memory training in people with MCI.
my age is 38yrs,height 167cms,weight 63kgs,i m suffering from nephrotic syndrome ....started intake of wysolone 130mg every alternate day....but i couldnt sleep da night whn i intake wysolone that same day...why...?
Hi! I thought I had a yeast infection for two weeks, only to later figure out I have pinworms. I took Reece medication a week ago, and although I have had some improvement- symptoms persist. I know it is recommended to take a second dose next week. I kept feeling something so I re-did a tape test to only to find an actual threadworm! Grossing myself out completely. How long does Reece take to eliminate this problem. Do I need to get a prescription strength medication?
I have a disc bulge. no pressure on nerves. it happened at my 3rd pregnancy. after birth was in severe pain for 4 years could not walk room to room in my own house. little better now heavy lifting starts it off. if i got pregnant again will the bulge get worse.will i be in more pain. will exsiting disc bulge out . has that ever happened to anyone in your experience. i am 5ft 2. weight 8 stone. back problem after last pregnancy disc bulge no pressire on other health problems.
My son is 16 years old and has a lump on the side of his head that you can feel a pulse in. I took him to see his Dr. They were going to figure out what type of test to do, example US, and get back to me. What is your recommendations? What do you think it is?
what is a normal blood pressure upon waking? My husband who is on pressure medicine, vasotec, will not take it in the morning because pressure is 107/72 and then by evening it is 126/82. He has had a kidney transplant and a stroke in the last 2 yrs.
hi, i recently removed the implant from my upper arm due to constant bleeding but had unprotected sex with my boy friend 3days later, am i more fertile after the removal of my implant ? how much more likely is it for me to get pregnant now than a normal day ?
i am a 17 year old male who has been having wet dreams about twice a week i first started to masturbate when i was 13 years old two years after i have decided to stop now i have been having wet dreams and can't stop the reason i want them to stop is because i also have OCD so every time i have a wet dream i have to cancel all my planes for that day and go in the shower shave all my leg hair and my private area and then take a four hour shower mostly focusing on my private area. so can you please help because this is really bothering me
I am a fifteen year old boy. I have had a very small lump (about pea-size or smaller) on the right side of my neck, around half-way between my collarbone and my ear. It is painless unless i squeeze it fairly hard, and if i poke it it moves, but always goes back to the same place. Do you think that this is serious? I weigh 55 kilos, measure around 172cm, and have had no medical conditions in the past apart from eczema ( i have also had chicken pox)
I have something that looks like a big blackhead on my nose, but it is not a blackhead. I cant pop it normally so I take a sterile needle and pop it. Clear water comes out of it, and after a few days it comes back to the way it used to be before i poped it. What is this? How do I get rid of it? Please help I am a female, 20 years old. These kind of blackheads usually appear over summer, but this one remained. I know this isn t acne but I didn t know where else to put it.
we had sex for the first time,n hymn broke n it started bleeding,v got scared n dint hv sex again,after having sex immediate next day i took meprate tablet do n no sperm got ejected as it was only two times we did n it bleeded,is there any chances of getting pregnent
The aim of this study was to establish a method for sensitive and rapid diagnosis of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae in clinical specimens. To this effect, we employed three sets of primers specifically designed for amplification of nucleic acids under isothermal conditions. After optimization of reaction conditions, M. hyopneumoniae could be successfully detected at 63°C in 45 min through use of the loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay. A positive reaction was identified visually as white precipitate and confirmed by gel electrophoresis. The detection limit for this assay was 10 copies/μL, as observed by electrophoretic analysis. The accuracy of the LAMP reaction was confirmed by restriction endonuclease digestion as well as by direct sequencing of the amplified product. This method can specifically detect M. hyopneumoniae; other species with high homology and other bacterial and virus strains gave negative results. To test the utility of this procedure, the LAMP assay was applied to 40 clinical samples collected from swine lung tissues experimentally challenged with M. hyopneumoniae isolates, and compared to the results from a real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. A concordance of 100% was observed between the two assays. In conclusion, the results from our study demonstrated that the LAMP assay provided a rapid reaction and was inexpensive to perform, with no need of complex instruments or systems such as Geneamp PCR. The LAMP assay may therefore be applied in routine diagnosis in the clinical laboratory and for in-field detection of M. hyopneumoniae infection.
Sir, I have been operated for l4-l5, in the year 2009, and now for the past one weak I am facing problems, when ever I was sit on chair, while getting up I can t be straight it will take time. Yesterday I am not able to bend also. I have to Dr. and they have given me Injection (overan) and diclofenac tablets.