2 values
Mariano et al. [18] observed proapoptotic effect in tubular cells incubated with plasma from septic patients.
My grandaughter had the Depo contraceptive injection six months ago for the first time. She has put weight on and has problems sleeping because of indegestion and says regularly that she feels depressed. Is there any connection to the Depo injection?
Hi, at night time, when I finally sit down, the underside of my feet burn, like they are on fire. I have had these symptoms for over a year. I did see a doctor, can remember what he called it, but I remember he sad it was nerve damage where the tendons meet in the heel, he put me on anti inflaming pills, and told me to stand on steps and stretch excercise my tendons.This do not work, although it feels nice when I stretch my feet back, I do not believe this is going to cure the problem.I do have hard skin on my heel, and the skin peels off now and again, I am beginning to think there is a more underline serious problem. I am on my feet most of the day as I work in a diy shop.
my husband has congestive heart problems.. his heart dr. says he is doing good. but he is having problems with breathing. His stomach seems to swell at times. the breathing is what worries me. he s not sleeping at night because his lungs seem to be swollen and he can t take a normal breath of air. we have talked with his regular physican can find no reason for his shortage of breath. help
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I was diagnosed with a beneign carcinoid stomach tumor last December. I have recently been running a low grade fever and headache in the lower part of my head in the back. Could there be a connection to the tumor that was removed?
Hey. I am a hairstylist. I have been for 4 years. LAtely I have been experiencing a tight feeling in chest. And a tingling so to speak sensation in my back, near my shoulder blade. I do not know if these two things are related, but it seems when my arms Are raised to chest height or higher, the tightness and weird feelings are worse... Is this a pulled muscle??
Hi, I have chronic kidney disease and yesterday went for my routine lab test and BUN and Creatine got increased compared to earlier. Now the BUN is 29 and Creatinine is 1.99. From past 3 years it is stable at 1.6. Can you please suggest me some ways that i can control my BUN and back to 1.6 atleast.I am already controlling my BP and Diabetics. Thanks
Hello doctor,My 7-year-old child had a small filling about a month ago in his top premolar (baby tooth). Two weeks later he said it hurts a little when biting and with temperature. I have taken him to two different pediatric dentists who did X-rays and did not see any cracks in the filling or infection. Occlusion was also checked, and the tooth was polished down a bit. He still complains of minor pain in the tooth when biting hot and cold.
What is the history and what are the symptoms of Cyclosporiasis?
My 15 year old daughter s feet swell. She is an active person, but does not play sports. Her blood sugar does tend to get low if she hasn t had food in a while, and by low I mean 50. She is currently taking a diuretic for headaches, but I m not sure what the swollen feet mean.
my husbAND is 58, smokes 2 packs a day for more than 40 forty years, he went to hte hospital and they found a spot on his lung and nodules on his lung, he also has one kidney and has to forced to drink water, i cannot get him to go to his regular doctor, HE ALSO DRINKS SEVERAL POTS OF COOFEE A DAY, A CONCERNED WIFE OF ELEVEN YEARS, THANK YOU
Although clustered ring enhancement had one of the studys highest PPVs, this number falls below previously published rates.
I bent over one week ago and hurt my back, my doctor gave me Codeine Phos and panadol for the pain. All was going well until yesterday when I bent again and got a pain in my lower back and buttocks, could this maybe a kidney infection ? I dont seem to have any other symptoms, cant sit or leep without pain and discomfort.Thankyou Pauline
hi, about 1 hr ago i had a severe pain my middle to lower back, on the right side. i was on my to the store and decided to turn around and go home when i felt like my stomach started spasming. i pulled my shirt up and could see what i was feeling. now that i m home the pain isn t as extreme in my back but i feel like i have to urinate every second. Help please! :)
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
I experience uppr right chest pain. I also have gallstones and have had ulcers in the past that have been treated. Would this pain be refered from my gallstones that i have. two years ago had stress test and blood test and heart is good. I notice this pain more near mt menstrual cycle. thanks
Ok hello how are you had a bad bronchitis and sinusitis with a huge cough the cough is mostly gone but have a sharp pain from my chest to my back hurts while taking a deep breath and if I push on the area where it hurts my coughing was real bad almost passed out from it
Tattoo Infection - I have given myself homemade tattoos before and (as far as prisonstyle tattoos go) I have done a pretty good job in the past of sanitation.This last tat I was doing was a cover-up on my ankle, and I used a different ink than I usually use, which has caused my skin to be red and swollen (it's day 3 now but I am used to new tats enough to know when it looks healthy, which it doesn't.), and I cant afford to go to the doctor for the infection, so I was wondering if you had any advice to help me out?I have been spraying it with bactine at least daily, giving it plenty of air and avoiding moisture.also, I have some antibiotics (don't remember the name, no longer in the bottle) that my doctor gave me about a year ago for an infection in my intestine, and I was wondering if I should take these as I was thinking they might help, and I figured it was worth a shot as long as they couldn't make it worse, so could they?thanks a lot!
Hi Dr I am suffering with severe muscle spasms in neck from 2006. I have been to doctors with no success. My neck can become very stiff an some stages I can t be in a certain position for too long. I have it really bad and with lots of pain. I did get a inflammatory tablet celebrex 200mg to take but I only tried it once. After 30 tablets and no cure I thought to stop seeing it doesn t take away pain. I am just like that... Why keep drinking things that doesn t make a difference. I don t believe in going to doctors anymore because nobody could help yet - from 2006 and it s a waste. I did read up about magnesium deficiency and am not sure about what to choose when I see all the negatives in the tablets. I also did see that it should contain Vit b6 and Vit D + selenium to be properly absorb if I remember correctly but find it hard to find in one supplement. Any advice please would be appreciated.
I've got dilated cardiomyopathy probably thru too much alcohol. I'm not an alcoholic nor alcohol dependant and haven't touched a drop in 5 months. How dangerous would it be to have a couple of glasses of wine at an upcoming family function? Would be back to absention straight after function
I am 30 years, trying to concieve for the past 6 months, I am advised to take Glycomet SR 500, Folic acid and from today being 16th Day Duphston.I have been given HuCOG today and under folical monitoring. Wanted to check what are my chances of getting pregnant
hello doctor, i am 21 year old. i have problem related to sex. my penis and both my testis are small (as compared to data available for normal size in wikipedia). i am also underweight. i weight 42 kg compared to my height being 5.5 feet, and less muscle growth. i fear i have testosterone deficiency. please help.
Hello doctor, I am a 34-year-old female. Kindly expain my NT scan and double marker test result. PAAP -A - 3.37 miU/ml. HCG, free beta - 147.00 ng/ml. NT value - 1.40mm. Trisomy 21 - 1:227.
Could you provide me the current sentence so I could rephrase it?
My friend never had any medical problem in the past and she started complaining of back pains. After some time she did some tests and nothing came out but after the pain persisted we sent her to a qualified doctor and she was discovered to be having puss in the ribs. What could be the cause?
Dear Sir, I have a problem of hairfall. My age is 24yrs, height 5'5'', weight is 68kg and i am under treatment. I have consult one skin specialist and he suggest me to take following medicines Dr.Reddy's Finax 1mg tabletAbott Follihair tabletCipla Tugain 10% solutionIntas Folifast lotion.I am using this from the past 1 month but i feel that this medicines increases my hairfall and now more hair falls. What to do in this condition because i cant consult him again as i am out of town right now for few months. Should i continue these medicines?
Hello i shave alot in my genital area im a 21 year old male very athletic work out 6 days a week which causes alot of sweat i usually shave every 3-4 days on my genital area legs thighs ass but i noticed now i have a red bump on my lower part of my penis and it does not hurt no white head either also have one under my balls and gooch area ? They are not sensative to touch it doesnot hurt to pee just showed up randomly i am sexually active ! But i have been freaking out with all this research online i get razor bumps bad when i shave think it could be from a dull razor but im freaked out i have found it could be a ingrown hair, maybe follicultis but idk please help i cant sleep been so stressed it dont seem like and std but u never know im just lookong for answers before i waste money going to see the doctor i have used hot compressors starting yesterday but idk it just seems to take forever to go away razor bumps but these two scared me because of location the one on my lower shaft and gooch area
Hi my 8 year old son is suffering from acute stomach pain n vomiting. I ve tried giving him lanzol jr 30. But he s vomiting even that out. How should I stop his vomiting n what medication should I give him to relieve his stomach pain. I want to give him domstal to stop his vomit, but he might even vomit that out. So what do I do? He has vomited 4-5 times till now. Can I give him Enterogermina oral suspension?
My 11 yr old daughter has small lumps under her arm and in her groin. She had blood and urine tests today and her results are: Lymphs- 27.3 EOS- 129 BUN/Creat- 36 ALK Phos- 318 Chloride- 108 And we re worried that this emans that she has some type of cancer?
my baby ( 6 days old) is not getting his mother milk hence doctor suggested Lactogen 1 but baby is suffering with liquid loilet and probably stomac pain every time we feed him with lactogen. should we change to NAN 1 or Biomil? need your urgent openion earliest. I am from bangladesh.
i have seminal fluid examination test,my report is this ,kindly guide me volume 3.0 ml consistency Gelantious colour light yellowLiquefaction Time 180 minsperm count 128 mil/mlsperm Motility 40 percentactivity grade 2sperm Morphology 17 percentPus cells 10-12 /hpfi m married since 2 years and dont have any child
Epidemiology occupies a very important position in preventive medicine. Its essence is to summarize the etiology and epidemic laws by studying the distribution and possible effects of diseases, so as to promote the formation of scientific epidemic prevention measures. The purpose of this article is to help relevant personnel complete the collection, induction, and analysis of epidemiological survey data by establishing a data collection system model to improve work efficiency. This article focuses on the new coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19), investigates the development status of epidemiological survey data collection, and analyzes the problems in the current business process, and on this basis, develops a dedicated epidemiological survey System model for data collection. From the experimental data, the optimized correction evaluation index has been increased from 8.384 to 9.067. It can be seen that the combination of data mining algorithms and backpropagation algorithms can better improve the system's ability to process information. Professional information disclosure platforms can have a good positive impression on the prevention and treatment of epidemics. The Internet-based epidemiological survey customized system model established in this article is to integrate various epidemiological data so that people can correctly understand the spread of epidemics and promote the development of preventive medicine.
In the realm of DNA repair, base excision repair (BER) protein, APE1/Ref-1 (Apurinic/Apyrimidinic Endonuclease 1/Redox Effector - 1, also called APE1) has been studied for decades. However, over the past decade, APE1 has been established as a key player in reduction-oxidation (redox) signaling. In the review by Caston et al. (The multifunctional APE1 DNA repair-redox signaling protein as a drug target in human disease), multiple roles of APE1 in cancer and other diseases are summarized. In this Review, we aim to expand on the contributions of APE1 to various diseases and its effect on disease progression. In the scope of cancer, more recent roles for APE1 have been identified in cancer cell metabolism, as well as chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) and inflammation. Outside of cancer, APE1 signaling may be a critical factor in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and is also an emergent area of investigation in retinal ocular diseases. The ability of APE1 to regulate multiple transcription factors (TFs) and therefore multiple pathways that have implications outside of cancer, makes it a particularly unique and enticing target. We discuss APE1 redox inhibitors as a means of studying and potentially combating these diseases. Lastly, we examine the role of APE1 in RNA metabolism. Overall, this article builds on our previous review to elaborate on the roles and conceivable regulation of important pathways by APE1 in multiple diseases.
Dietary intake of cholesterol may increase the risk of active tuberculosis, whereas marine n-3 and n-6 FAs may reduce the risk of active tuberculosis in the Chinese population.
Hi my husband has just had a spell in hospital he is 43 and had a heart attack, a week ago he had a triple heart bypass, he has come out of hospital with a itchy red rash on is lower back and buttocks, he has used Cream prescribed by the hospital which hasn t moved it please could you help.
I had a smear test 1.5 years ago and all was ok. I had a recent smear test what shows moderate dyskaryosis. I have no other symptons (maybe since I know I feel a bit blooted and have lower back pain) but now I am very worried (I am 37 years old - height 1.74m and weitght 62kg). Could I have cancer?
Q:Georgia works in the local hospital because she wishes to help others, while Kathy works in the hospital strictly to make money. Their individual motivations demonstrate the difference between? A:primary and secondary drives;B:positive and negative loci of control;C:sympathetic and autonomic motivation;D:intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
We test for the existence of volatility spillovers and co-movements among energy-focused corporations during the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, inclusive of the April 2020 events where West Texas Intermediate (WTI) oil future prices became negative. Employing the spillover index approach of Diebold and Yilmaz (2012); as well as developing a DCC-FIGARCH conditional correlation framework and using estimated spillover indices built on a generalised vector autoregressive framework in which forecast-error variance decompositions are invariant to the variable ordering, we examine the sectoral transmission mechanisms of volatility shocks and contagion throughout the energy sector. Among several results, we find positive and economically meaningful spillovers from falling oil prices to both renewable energy and coal markets. However, this result is only found for the narrow portion of our sample surrounding the negative WTI event. We interpret our results being directly attributed to a sharp drop in global oil, gas and coal demand, rather than because of a sudden increase in oil supply. While investors observed the US fracking industry losing market share to coal, they also viewed renewables as more reliable mechanism to generate long-term, stable and low-cost supply.
we are trying for a baby since one & half year and made all the required tests for me as well as for my husband, everything is fine, but i din't conceive. now my doctor has adviced me to take fertyl 50mg from the 2nd day of my period for 5 days, it this helps me to get conceive this month, pls answer me
I have reoccurring purpura and patikia and was recently diagnosed with HSP. Even though I am now on 5 mg. prednisone a day this morning I woke and there were 100+ pin point patikia on my legs, thighs and stomach. The hematologist says my platlette count is normal so what could be causing this? I also have a reoccuring anemia with this condition.Is there something I should be worried about or ask questions to my doctor about? Thanks.
hi.. my periods started on 14th april and lasted for 3 days. even though the bleeding was normal.. the length of time for which bleeding occurred was short.. usually bleeding goes on till 5th day.. i had unprotected sex on19th april and i took i pill within 3-4 hours but i have not experienced any bleeding or side effect even after 6 days of taking the pill. this was the first time i used i pill. am i pregnant?
My 14 year old son has a firm but moveable lump on his wrist. Two different doctors have told me not to worry about it, but how can I make sure it is benign without a biopsy? It looks like a ganglion cyst, but the only way to know for sure is to remove it. Should I take him to a third doctor and have it removed?
My mom has right atrial abnormaility n consider LAA.we are going to get echo n Pft done today. just wanted to know is it serious? she has no pain as such , just daibetes and shes taking medicenes and that also not very high. in past few months she did compain that while doing some work she felt blurry vision but that was ok with 10 mins rest.
I have a swollen lymph node in my right pelvic region. It has been ther for about 2 to 3 years. Recently, about a year ago, it has become quite painful and much larger. I have seen 2 doctors and had several tests including a. Ct scan of my thigh and of my back as it was first diagnosed as a spinal problem. In fact it has been diagnosed as several different things. I have had physical therapy for it and cortisone injections. It was diagnosed as a swollen lymph node a couple of weeks ago. Also in the time frame my right leg has become quite swollen. That is helped by wearing heavy duty support hose. I have had two open heart surgeries due to rheumatic heart disease of the valves and had a stroke that affected the right side about 3 years ago. There is very little problems left from the stoke, just some numbness and over sensitivity of the skin on the right side. I have been given pain killers for the pain on the right side from the swollen nodes. It. Works some but I really do not want to take pain pills for the rest of my life. No one has suggested anything else to help me. Can you give me some clues as to what to do?
hi my name is Elizabethmy chin well a little above that like right below my lower is leaking yellow stuff and it dries A little bit kind looks like the color of ear wax. what is it and how can i help it stop and what it it from . it was sore b 4 it happened btw
I am a 54 year old woman, fairly healthy until recently with a demanding physical job. Within the last 6 months I ve gone from 135 to 128lb, at 5 6 , bone/joint aches, sleeping a lot. I ve also lost a lot of muscle tone which just makes my job harder to do. To me I look anorexic yet I ve not changed my diet nor am I dieting (good genetics). I ve been trying to eat more to make up for the lost weight. I am menopausal and have high blood pressure, controlled with medication.
I am really suicidal and have recently just come out hospital for overdosing......I still want to end it all though. Recently been diagnosed with early psychosis. I don't know what to do. please help. p.s is this really free? I'm really cautious about websites that say they are free. I just want to be reasured that it is. thanks.
I injured my ribs (Upper left side under arm area) approx. 4 weeks ago. I assumed it was only a severe bruise, it had been feeling better, and I had been continuing to work out lightly with Cardio and some ab work, suddenly it feels as bad as it did when it happened. No x-rays taken, is it possible to pull or detach the muscle from the bone?
Hello Doctor, I have PCOD and a mother of a girl baby. Now have irregular periods. Trying to conceive. My doctor had prescribed Tablet Duhaston 10 mg for 5 days (twice a day).I could not understand what is this for and how will it help. Please clarify.Thanks!!
Hi doctor,I am a 20-year-old female, height 166 cm, and weight 65 kg. I had two I-pills in one month. After the first I-pill, I got withdrawal bleeding after five days. It lasted for four days and the flow was normal. After 14 days of this incident, I again had protected sexual intercourse and took another I-pill after 36 hours. But this time even after 11 days, there is no withdrawal bleeding. Is this because of hormonal imbalance or pregnancy?
Hai sir, Iam 27 and my erected pennies is 3 , i think i have hormaonal problems to so i could not ejeculate much sperms more than 2 to 3 drops ,even i dont now how to masturb till my age was 23 and my testies are also very small in size , i think ther are not matured to adult bcz i do get semen in transpersant sticky but i do much sperms of good amount in only nightfall without my notice. My parents are worried about my marriage.Sir plz tell me how to get my testies to be mature to adult level right now.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2, an enveloped, positive-sense RNA virus, has thwarted early attempts to repurpose current drugs, thereby necessitating a rigorous study of all pathways and mechanisms likely to yield, prevent and treat the disease (Drug Discov Today (2020) 25:1535-1544) While SARS-CoV-2 entry into host cells is known to involve viral surface spike glycoprotein (SgP) binding to the host cell membrane angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor, heparan sulfate (HS) receptors are also beginning to be appreciated as involved in virus internalization The SgP is a homo-trimer consisting of S1 and S2 subunits, of which the former contains a receptor-binding domain (RBD) that recognizes ACE2 Application of the dual-filter, genetic algorithm-based computational screening strategy indicated selective recognition of the RBD by HS sequences over other glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) Likewise, exhaustive computational study of the SgP trimer indicates preferential interaction of HS with the RBD over plausible electropositive domains within the trimer More interestingly, the in silico studies suggested that the RBD favors binding to rare HS residues containing a defined set of sulfate groups in three-dimensional space Screening of a microarray carrying 24 HS sequences varying with regard to chain length, pattern and number of sulfate groups against S1 and RBD indicated that only 8 HS sequences had reasonable affinity for the RBD Interestingly, the recognition of these 8 HS sequences for S1 was much weaker possibly suggesting a role for the trimeric form of SgP versus its monomeric form Whereas the RBD preferred sequences with higher levels of sulfation, a distinct preference was noted for sequences containing a 3-O sulfate group This work presents a thorough insight into GAG-recognition of SARS-CoV-2 SgP and raises a strong possibility that GAG-or GAG mimetic-based antagonism of SgP-HS receptor interaction may yield a candidate drug
Q:A 30-year-old primigravid woman at 16 weeks' gestation comes to the emergency department because of vaginal bleeding. She has had spotting for the last 2 days. She has had standard prenatal care. A viable uterine pregnancy was confirmed on ultrasonography during a prenatal care visit 2 weeks ago. She reports recurrent episodes of pain in her right wrist and both knees. Until pregnancy, she smoked one pack of cigarettes daily for the past 11 years. Pelvic examination shows an open cervical os and blood within the vaginal vault. Laboratory studies show: Hemoglobin 9.6 g/dL Leukocyte count 8,200/mm3 Platelet count 140,000/mm3 Prothrombin time 14 seconds Partial thromboplastin time 46 seconds Serum Na+ 136 mEq/L K+ 4.1 mEq/L Cl- 101 mEq/L Urea nitrogen 12 mg/dL Creatinine 1.3 mg/dL AST 20 U/L ALT 15 U/L Ultrasonography shows an intrauterine pregnancy and no fetal cardiac activity. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this patient's examination findings?"? {'A': 'Preeclampsia', 'B': 'Chromosomal abnormalities', 'C': 'Subchorionic hematoma', 'D': 'Hyperfibrinolysis', 'E': 'Placental thrombosis'},
My 10 year old daughter still has a tummy that I thought would slim down as she got older, but it hasn t. She has no complaints about pain or discomfort. She does t over eat or eat a lot of sweets and has a bowel movement at least once a day. She also exercises regularly. Her height and weight are normal for her age and has no significant medical history. Her tummy got my attention when I was tying her belt around her for her martial arts class. It hangs over the belt. Any ideas?
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), a causative agent of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), is a part of the $\beta $-Coronaviridae family. The virus contains five major protein classes viz., four structural proteins [nucleocapsid (N), membrane (M), envelop (E) and spike glycoprotein (S)] and replicase polyproteins (R), synthesized as two polyproteins (ORF1a and ORF1ab). Due to the severity of the pandemic, most of the SARS-CoV-2-related research are focused on finding therapeutic solutions. However, studies on the sequences and structure space throughout the evolutionary time frame of viral proteins are limited. Besides, the structural malleability of viral proteins can be directly or indirectly associated with the dysfunctionality of the host cell proteins. This dysfunctionality may lead to comorbidities during the infection and may continue at the post-infection stage. In this regard, we conduct the evolutionary sequence-structure analysis of the viral proteins to evaluate their malleability. Subsequently, intrinsic disorder propensities of these viral proteins have been studied to confirm that the short intrinsically disordered regions play an important role in enhancing the likelihood of the host proteins interacting with the viral proteins. These interactions may result in molecular dysfunctionality, finally leading to different diseases. Based on the host cell proteins, the diseases are divided in two distinct classes: (i) proteins, directly associated with the set of diseases while showing similar activities, and (ii) cytokine storm-mediated pro-inflammation (e.g. acute respiratory distress syndrome, malignancies) and neuroinflammation (e.g. neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric diseases). Finally, the study unveils that males and postmenopausal females can be more vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infection due to the androgen-mediated protein transmembrane serine protease 2.
I had a copper coil fitted just over two weeks ago and I have had consistent blood loss since, its not spotting like i was told its bright red and heavy, it also gets worse when I have sexual intercourse.. Just for extra info I also had a early termination at the beginning of August and I really havent stopped bleeding since then, I have also had 2 heavy periods since then. Because of this I have become very tired and lethargic.
A 69-year-old man with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes presented to an outside hospital with altered mental status. He progressed from being argumentative to encephalopathic and agitated by the evening with urinary frequency, urinary urgency, nausea, and vomiting. His vital signs were normal, and he had no focal neurological deficits on presentation. He was generally encephalopathic, only groaning with no ability to follow commands. He was found to have diabetic ketoacidosis on initial labs. A left parietal hypodensity on CT Head was found, and he was positive for Sars-COV-2.
Hello doctor, My fiancee and I had unprotected sex a few days back, but I did not ejaculate inside her. Just to be on the safer side, we wanted to use the emergency contraceptive pill. But due to some restriction in the country where we live, Plan B or emergency contraceptive pills are not available. I read that Yasmin, which is used as a regular contraceptive pill can be used as an emergency contraceptive pill at a higher dosage. Can Yasmin be used as an emergency contraceptive pill? And at what dosage?
All of a sudden out of no ware i start to feel realy weird my heart starts beating really fast and i start to feel like im goin to pass out or someting weird is goin to happen usally if people are around ill get up and got to the bathroom put cold water on my face neal down and take deep breaths for a few seconds and return to what im doing my heart will still be beating fast but i slowly forget about it ad it goes away like to day i was playing cards and it happened so i did what i said i do when i returned to the table it went away about 5 min later i got a good hand in cards and my heart starting beating so fast i could see my shirt moving please try to tell me what this may be thank you
I have a very itchy purplish rash on my inner upper thighs and above my pubic area in the crease where my heavy stomach hangs. It started when I was sweating a lot working in the heat. I have tried Gold Bond powder to try to keep it drier, to no avail. It itches more at night than during the day. It is very ugly!
dear doctori want to say that my mind is not sharp. i am a good student at school and college. now i am studying and as well as doing job but my concentration power is low now. i am 23 years old. my job timing is 9 to 6. after that i take 2 hours rest and then study for 3 hours but my concentration is low.pls give me some tips to sharp my mind and suggest me something like some dose or any type of exercise to fresh my mind and concentrate on my studyRgdsArif Hussain
Hello, I have had this skin lump that is 4mm big ( on inner side of my wrist) that I thought was a wart, but it has a pin hole center and creates crust on the top. When I peel the crust, it is smooth and doesn't bleed. It doesn't itch. When I soak it in the water, I can see it like transluscent center that has a plug in the middle and a white tissue there is around the plug has something that looks like pores. It doesn't look like a wart. I have an app with the dermatologist but I have been waiting for weeks to go there and I am worried I have a cancer. The lesion is skin color to pink.
What is the underlying physiological mechanism of extramammary Paget's disease?
I have a lymph node under my arm for over two years now... The swelling goes up and down but it never fully disappears. I had a ct scan, multiple blood tests, an ultrasound, chest x ray and a core needle biopsy which got tissue from two different lymph nodes in my arm pit.. the results can back inconclusive because the sample was so small.. although my doctor believes I've ruled out lymphoma. Although I'm scared they missed something, because if it was an infection which I was negative for all of them, shouldnt the lymph node unswell?
i am 47 years of age, and my weight is 75 kg, i have a heart left arm is lame for the past three days? i am taking pharmapress 10mg in the morning and at night, i also take the disprin cardio care disprin,can this be just stress or something else?
The present study aims to evaluate whether influenza and pneumococcal vaccinations are associated with positive nasopharyngeal swab (NPS) testing to detect SARS-CoV-2 Data from the Italian cross-sectional web-based survey (EPICOVID19), based on a self-selection sample of individuals aged ≥18, were considered The probability of a positive SARS-CoV-2 NPS test result as a function of influenza or anti-pneumococcal vaccination was evaluated using multivariable logistic regression, stratifying analysis by age (<65 years, ≥65 years) From April 2020, 170,731 individuals aged <65 years and 28,097 ≥65 years filled out the EPICOVID19 questionnaire Influenza and anti-pneumococcal vaccinations were received, respectively, by 16% and 2% of those <65 years, and by 53% and 13% of those ≥65 years SARS-CoV-2 NPS testing was reported by 6680 participants Anti-pneumococcal and influenza vaccinations were associated with a decreased probability of a SARS-CoV-2 NPS positive test in the younger participants (OR = 0 61, 95% CI 0 41–0 91;OR = 0 85, 95%CI 0 74–0 98;respectively) A significantly lower probability of a positive test result was detected in the individuals ≥65 years who received anti-pneumococcal vaccination (OR = 0 56, 95%CI 0 33–0 95) These results need to be confirmed by further investigations, but they are relevant given the probable coexistence of influenza, bacterial infections, and COVID-19 over the coming autumn–winter season
Could you please provide me with the current statement?
Hi I was going throught the airport Thursday the 26th when i felt pain in my right leg like a charlie horse was coming in the calf I never did feel it get like really bad but it did slow me down. I was gone for the weekend in Fl and we did do alot of walking it hurt but it was ok now that I am back home it is waking me up it is a constant pain in the outer right side of the calve of the leg I have tried heat it is a little swollen but even after not being on it all night it is painful. if I pull my toes forward it is like i can feel it pulling and is painful it feels bruised manly on the outer muscle on the rightside of the leg. After a whole week I am very concerned. I am 5 5 but i weigh 230 and this is the largest I have ever been . very scared.
Hi doctor, My daughter, who is 3.8 years old, has been suffering from asthma since one year. She suffers weekly once or fortnightly. As per doctor prescription, I am giving her Asthalin (four times a day), Budecort (twice a day) and Montair LC Kid one tablet per day for the last three months. We had allergy and blood tests and the reports are normal. My family members are in deep sad to see her in this condition. Should I continue the medicine? Or shall I reconsult the doctor? Is there any other medicine available either in homeopathy or allopathy or ayurveda that can completely cure her asthma?
my doc just called and is having me come in for more blood draw tomorrow she would not talk over phone all she said was my liver is irritated? i am concerned of hep c du to an intravenous drug problem. could this have anything to do with my liver issue?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
COVID-19 brings new challenges worldwide, including to smallholder farmers and their seed systems In response, an escalating number of seed projects are being planned to deliver immediate aid or to alter current seed production programs A Statement, prepared by diverse seed system experts, aims to steer both the immediate aid (next 1-2 seasons) and more developmental planning (next 1-3 years) The Statement includes 10 short-term and 4 medium-term recommendations, placing emphasis on all seed systems smallholders use: formal, informal, and integrated It also looks beyond seed per se to the direct information and digital systems that shape remote assessments, data sharing and inclusive feedback The Statement is prefaced by an introduction that helps contextualize the recommendations, reviews the history of humanitarian seed aid and summarizes the varied response forms that have unfolded over the last three decades
Under the influence of the COVID-19, the analysis of physical health data is helpful to grasp the physical condition in time and promote the level of prevention and control of the epidemic Especially for novel corona virus asymptomatic infections, the initial analysis of physical health data can help to detect the possibility of virus infection to some extent The digital information system of traditional hospitals and other medical institutions is not perfect For a large number of health data generated by smart medical technology, there is a lack of an effective storage, management, query and analysis platform Especially, it lacks the ability of mining valuable information from big data Aiming at the above problems, the idea of combining Struts 2 and Hadoop in the system architecture of the platform is proposed in this paper Data mining association algorithm is adopted and improved based on MapReduce A service platform for college students' physical health is designed to solve the storage, processing and mining of health big data The experiment result shows that the system can effectively complete the processing and analysis of the big data of College students' physical health, which has a certain reference value for college students' physical health monitoring during the COVID-19 epidemic
Hello doctor, My mom is a glaucoma patient for the last 10 years. She has been on medications like eye drops including Azopt, Ganfort, Alphagan, Vigamox, and prior to them Cosopt (which did not suit her). She has gone through retina eye laser and also has been injected in both her eyes almost 22 times for retinal leakage as well, has also gone through cataract eye surgery 16 years ago. At the moment her eye pressure remains between 21 to 24. The doctor says implants are necessary as she can see very less now. Given her eye condition is sensitive, a doctor has suggested that it is best to operate her with Ahmed valve implant, however, it has its own risks. I wanted to know if it is better to try the latest option, called MIGS (minimally invasive glaucoma surgery) like Xen Gel Stent and InnFocus Microshunt as it has near to no complications. I want to get an opinion about this before thinking about Ahmed valve.
Hi , My grandaughter who is 3yrs has a bead stuck in her ear, it has been there for a week now and is waiting for an appointment to have it removed at theatre. The problem we have now is that every evening when she goes to bed she is up again being sick. would this be the bead causing this??? She is not eating or drinking either now am worried!!!
Hi doctor, I have peeling lips for past one year. It started over last winter when I applied moisturizer. Even after I stopped applying the moisturizer it is peeling still. I went to a doctor and he gave me a vitamin tablet. But, I did not get any cure with that. Then I visited a dermatologist and he gave me Tacrolimus ointment 0.1% and no improvement with that too. Now he has given me the same ointment along with tablets Medrol, Biotin and Celin. Now I feel it has progressed to my upper lip also. Could you please tell me how to cure this? I am so desperate for this to be over. I am under lot of stress because of this. By the way the time when it started, I was under stress. I have searched in internet and I found that many people have been having this problem for many years. Some cured with anxiety medication and some by leaving alone. What shall I do for this?
Hi, Last month (early August) I stopped taking my birth control pills with intensions on going back to my doctor to be prescribed new ones. I had a slightly heavier period when I stopped taking them. I was expecting my cycle earlier this month so when I had spotting I thought it was normal however I never got my period. I ve been having a brown discharge for two weeks now. I have no foul smell or pain. It s more of a nuisance than anything. I ve had the same partner for the past 6years and did have intercourse in August but the chances of pregnancy are very slim to none.
hi myself pramod sharma recently my son age 11 yrs has diagnosed fatty liver grade 2 and his sgot and sgpt is 79 and 111 respectively. doctors of ilbs advised us to go for liver biopsy for exact reasons other reports like ldl and vdl etc are normal. he is taking evion by doctor advice. my question is
I have a 95 year old mother that is suffering from congestive heart failure and atrial defiberation she takes medicine for high blood pressure. Her doctor said that she doesn t need a pace maker. What would be some of the reasons that he thinks she would not benefit from a pacemaker. I neglected to ask him that question.
2 days mom head got hurt by concrete slab.n she is hving headache while doing any physical work.....n we hv appied "OMNIGEL" still she is hving pain.......can u suggest some home medication...and also yesterday she was okay......plz sugget us some remedies
mi freind is haveing bad dizzy spells and she dnt rember anything and she went in the kitchen to make her daugther a bottle and she fell out she said that she dont remmber anything and she starts haveing these really bad headachs after the dizzy speels this started happening at 9 00 pm n she normally remmbers everthingg and she said that she seen lighting and there was no lighting so what shall we do
I am expierencing chest pain/ discomfort and it feels like it hard to breathe and someone is squeezing my heart since yesterday morning around 11 and it has not gone away. Have been expierencing same type of pain for 4 years now randomly but it normally goes away after 10min. this time its not going away. I work at an ortho office and decided to have my coworker give me an ekg and each time it keeps saying abnormal ekg, abnormal t waves and to consider infierior and anterior ichemia, and sinus arrhythmia. it it just in my head?
I have high blood pressure which I take 50 grams of Atenonal and 40 grams of Lisinapril per day for. Today, I have been having an odd heartbeat all day. I felt a fluttering in my chest so I ve been taking my pulse and it s about 62 beats per minute, but it will beat at a rate of 1 beat per second for about 10 beats, then 3 - 4 quick beats, then back to 1 beat per second throughout the minute I take my pulse. Should I be concerned?
Q:A 4-year-old girl is brought to the pediatrician's office by her parents with a complaint of foul-smelling discharge from one side of her nose for the past 2 weeks. There is no history of trauma to the nose and she was completely fine during her well-child visit last month. She was born at 39 weeks gestation via spontaneous vaginal delivery. She is up to date on all vaccines and is meeting all developmental milestones. Her vital signs are within normal limits. Examination of the nose reveals a mucoid discharge oozing out from the left nostril. The girl panics when the physician tries to use a nasal speculum. Palpation over the facial bones does not reveal any tenderness. An X-ray image of the paranasal sinuses shows no abnormality. Which of the following is the most likely cause of this condition?? {'A': 'Nasal foreign body', 'B': 'Bilateral maxillary sinusitis', 'C': 'Nasal polyp', 'D': 'Septal hematoma', 'E': 'Nasal tumor'},
I am 31 weeks pregnant and have just been very sick. I have been a little sick every other day for about ten minutes but never this late at night (2300 hours). Also, normally the sick is white/yellow but this was brown and some of it was black. I am also itching and shivery. Is this normal? Thank you Wendy
My seven year old just lost his first front upper tooth , while inspecting where it fell out I notice a pea sized lump on his gum above his other front tooth which is also loose. He says it does not hurt and it looks soft like it may have fluid in it. Any idea what it might be and if I should just let it be or do something about it?
I have been battling pneumonia for over a month. Just went to my M.D. today - again. He had me say e several times, while listening to my lungs through his stethoscope. He said it sounded like a inside, and that was a sign of congestion in the lungs. I had never heard of this. He called it something, but I can t remember what! I have had 2 doses of Z pack, one 10 day stretch of Levaquin, steroids for 15 days, and now he prescribed a double z-pack. I am so weary! What else should we be doing?
Dear Doctor, while I was driving my scooter at night, had a fall from scooter due to a big pot hole filled with water, and fell on right side, was dragged a few metres, skin just below knee had deep abrasion, but appeared like no damage was done to bones. Even after 3 months, the wound on knee is not completely healed, shows swelling like mass of skin at the centre of wound below the knee. Also, I am not able to bend the leg fully , not able to squat (while going to Indian type toilet). but have no problem in walking or running. I have undergone physiotheraphy, I also got MRI scan done, which indicates thinning of anterior miniscus. Kindly advice me whether this can be cured by medicines or external application of oils
I was involved in a car accident 5 days ago Im 40, 16 stone and have crohns disease. I was hit from the rear when I did an emergency stop the vehicle behind ran straight into back of me. I got out car but had to sit down and then was taken on a spinal board to hospital. Xrays were clear and I was told it was soft tissue muscular damage. However it is getting worse Im in alot of pain and cant take anything other than paracetamols - will this continue to get worse before better??? How long can I expect this to last??
hello there...... ummmm i grind my teeth i know. well, i feel asleep a bout a week ago....... and now i have sorta w hole in one of my teeth i dont remeber it being there..... do u think this was caused by the griding or could it be a normal formation of the tooth (they did hurt really bad when i woke up and i had a headache, i only slept without the moputh peice for about 4 hours.... i was sorta drinking at the time tho). would u worry about this if it did take a sorta how do i say peice/chunk out of the middle of one of my teeth it feels weird w/ my tonque and i dont like it but i guess theres not much i can do. its a tooth on the upper right side of my mouth.......
In a randomized controlled trial of 230 infants with genetic risk factors for celiac disease, we did not find evidence that weaning to a diet of extensively hydrolyzed formula compared with cows milk-based formula would decrease the risk for celiac disease later in life.
My 8 year old daughter has had 2 flesh colored small bumps on her right butt cheek for 2-3 years. Originally the pediatrician felt it was caused by a viral infection and it would go away in time. It has not! One of the bumps has changed to a hard white center with red around the outside of the bump. She is complaining that it hurts as well. Please help us figure out what is going on!!
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... I ran a 10K race yesterday and half way through my heart beat was racing, and my legs went heavy, I turned very grey and pale in the face and when I finished the race my heart rate was very high. I am a very fit person who trains at the gym four times a week and cannot believe how I felt yesterday even though I had done the 10K before. I felt exhausted when I had finished. Thanks Shona
Can Leptospira interrogans be visualized with staining?
Q:A mother with HIV has given birth to a healthy boy 2 days ago. She takes her antiretroviral medication regularly and is compliant with the therapy. Before being discharged, her doctor explains that she cannot breastfeed the child since there is a risk of infection through breastfeeding and stresses that the child can benefit from formula feeding. The physician stresses the importance of not overheating the formula since Vitamin C may be inactivated by overheating. Which process could be impaired if the mother boiled the formula longer than needed?? {'A': 'Heme synthesis', 'B': 'Purine synthesis', 'C': 'Collagen synthesis', 'D': 'Protein catabolism', 'E': 'Fatty acid metabolism'},
Which carcinoma routes hematogenously?
Hi , My Daughter is 9 months old... she is being suffering from cold ( symptoms include running nose, hard breathing , sneezing , coughing) for the past 10 days and she is currently on medication( azithral, Hicet, Prozeet LS) .I was informed that she is suffering from Allergic Wheezing . she is not eating solids since she is not able to sallow.... she drinking only milk.. Am worried about her weight .
I have had on and off chest flutter and arm pain, no shortness of breath normal blood pressure. Lots of burping after I eat. Feels like food got stuck and it's uncomfortable now. No nausea. Have been at gym on treadmill with no issues. I am overweight. Was prescribed Paxil10 mg yesterday for anxiety flutter is gone but the good stuck feeling is there in just one spot