2 values
Hello, my name is AAAAA. The other day I woke up and my left butt was feeling kind of itchy, but there was no bumps. Yesterday I sat down in the bathtub and notice red and white blistery pus like bumps in a cluster on my left butt. It itches and its irritating. What should I do. Also I had meningitis when I was 3. I have started back having seizures. I have been experiencing the worst pain ever. I can t remember anything. My back where my spinal cord is feels like a ton of bags of water in hanging from spinal cord I m in constant pain when it comes to my spinal cord. I have massive headaches . I haven t ate in about 4 days been tired and weak. Can you help me. I m only 27 I have experience my first phase of hemorrhoid . Thanks
I was in hospital at the end of January excessive bleeding & clotting .. tests done all clear and was advised to have implanon implant out ASAP which I did.. Weeks following I had unprotected sex with my new partner & still have not had a period although I had pregnancy urine & blood tests done over 2 weeks ago which proved negative? Could I still be pregnant and should I do another urine test? Thank you.. .. never mind I will see my GP again who bulk bills my account & try & find out what is going on..
In April 2013, severe porcine epidemic diarrhea (PED) outbreaks first appeared in USA, causing significant financial losses. To detect the geographic origin and timing of USA porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) isolates, we conducted a retrospective study to isolate 19 PEDV strains from positive samples obtained prior to April 2013. The results of phylogenetic and recombination analyses showed that GDS10 strain shared a common ancestor with CO13 strain, which was obtained from a piglet with severe diarrhea in USA.
Hello doctor,I have swollen lymph node in the armpit with very little pain. I have been experiencing fatigue and weight loss for last few weeks. I have gone through some routine lab test and found that some test results are out of the normal range. Iron profile: iron 153, UIBC 96 (low‌), TIBC 249, saturation % 61.40 (high). Are the above results an indication of any health issue or disease like hemochromatosis?
What is the cause of right upper quadrant (RUQ) pain in HELLP syndrome?
What diagnostic tool is used to diagnose active primary tuberculosis and what are the findings that indicate the presence of the disease?
Hi doc my daughter is 1 yr old shes teething and always putting her finger inside her ears i can see she s in pain the pharmacist gave me convecaine eardrops, i bought ponstel for the pain but she is still restless especially during the night please help
Hi. My mom is 71 years old. She has been diagnosed with Layomyo Sarcoma in 2008. She had a tumour removed that was growing outside the colon then. In 2010 after a CT scan showed mets to the liver and lungs, she had surgery again. Six tumors were removed from the liver and 11 leighsions remained in the lungs. She had 12 chemotherapy sessions. July 2012 after another scan I was told that treatment was not effective and she will be treated symptomatic from then on. In January this year a large tumour was removed from her back but the results showed "incomplete". Currently my mom is experiencing the following: swollen neck, abdomen, right foot. She only experience pain now and then - not sure if she is hiding anything- She sometimes have pain in her neck, shoulders, feet and hands. her complextion is slightly darker, constipation and tiredness. However she still do most things by herself. She stays with me. Her GP is very vague and not very forthcoming with information, which frustrates me. Hospice does regular checkups. All I want to know is what to expect and how long my mom has to live. It seems she does not understand what's happening to her. Many thanks Gaironese
Hi doctor, Two years ago, I went to a dermatologist to remove a lesion on my scalp. She told me it was a mole and it will regrow again. They checked it and it was not cancerous. So yes, it will regrow again and I am worried because of the aspect. I want to be sure it is a mole, not a wart because it looks to be having papillary tissue. HPV+ aggressive type (condyloma in the genital area) eight years back. No more episodes of HPV. HIV negative and no other diseases.
Which treatment option for preeclampsia possesses both anti-hypertensive and anti-epileptic properties?
My sister has over an year old baby and she does not take anything except mothers feed.This has made my sisiter incredibly week and not to mention the diet is just not enough for the child too.Now she is stressed because her daughter wont stop her feed.How can we help her?
every time I swallow, just abovde my adams apple there is a lump that moves up and down, it kinda clicks in and out as I swallow and you can easily feel something loose in there. it just appeared about 3 weeks ago but is hanging around! Im female in early 40s, non smoker and reasonably healthy
STUDY OBJECTIVES To assess the general subjective sleep quality in individuals with and without TMD, and its distribution among the TMD diagnostic groups. METHODS A systematic review search was performed in Pubmed/MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS, Web of Science, SciELO, CINAHL and Cochrane Central as well as in the grey literature. Observational studies published since 1992 which used either the DC/TMD or RDC/TMD for TMD diagnosis and either the PSQI, SAQ or ESS questionnaires for sleep assessment were included. Articles selected for meta-analysis underwent quality, heterogeneity, and publication bias evaluation. RESULTS A total of 1,071 articles were found by online search, and ten articles were added manually. For full-text reading, 138 papers were selected. Thirty-six articles were included in the final review, and 19 in the meta-analysis (PSQI only). Subjective sleep quality was shown to be associated with all RDC/TMD or DC/TMD Axis I diagnostic groups: muscle disorders, arthralgia/osteoarthritis/osteoarthrosis, and disc displacements; with the highest association in the first two groups, and the lowest in the last one. A 4.45 times increased odds ratio of TMD prevalence was found for individuals who presented poor subjective sleep quality. CONCLUSION Subjective sleep quality should be considered in the management of TMD.
Hi doctor, I am a 26 year old male. I am 5 feet and 9 inches tall and weigh 255 pounds. When I eat spicy food, I poop blood. Sometimes when I have constipation as well, I poop a little bit of blood. I am really scared that I have colon cancer. I do have diarrhea often. I do not have a family history of colon cancer. I got blood tests done last night. Please find my reports attached.
ok first of all ill say hello. now im a back patient I have had a severe surgery to the low back area 6/2013 now im still trying to overcome pain ,but it has gotten so bad that injections don't work or pain medications and it has caused me and my family problems in the home because iam in costent pain and don't want to talk or I don't want anyone making noises or I don't care to be around anyone but then I don't want to be alone either im about to loose it what can I do or what type of treatment is going to help me get my life back on track are their treatment centers for such problems im I Montgomery ,al I need help ?
Who is at highest risk for Central pontine myelinolysis ?
dear sir, my 9 month female child got convulsion, she had fever of 38.9c. she had three episodes. In ct report there is a suspious frontal lobes atrophy ?. suggested for MRI . Inj Phenobarbitone started and 20 mg /day started. can i have your detailed opinion, we want to stop the medication . baby is active and everything is normal. please give an idea to whant to do?
My daughter (1 year old)is having loose motions ,here stool is little watery with green chunks. She is passing stool 6 times a day. Kindly advice can i give Sporlac Plus Powder and Zincovit drops to my baby. Kindly advice the dosage of Sporlac Plus Powder and Zincovit drops.
my name is AAAA and i am government emply. 5 year ago i had hepatitic c. then i did my all test lioke pcr qualitative and in that test result are activate. so i did my veccination and afyer that result was non detect. now 3 years hasbeen gone. do plz tell me should i check again or test again pcr qualitative..........?
helllo doc my MRI scan of spine shows the following 1. partial loss of lumber lordosis 2.early degenerative changes of spinein the form of marginal breaking. 3.irregerularity of adjacent endplates L4/L5 & l5/S1 vertebratewith partial dessiccation & partially reduced heights of L4-5 &L5-S1 disks 4.spinal canal narrowing mid at L4-5l (10 mm) severe at L5-S1 leve level (6.5mm)
What is nyctalopia, and how is it related to the eye condition known as retinitis pigmentosa?
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted cancer care. An audit at a major Paediatric Oncology Department in Turkey was performed to determine its impact on paediatric cancer care. A comparison was made among the number of daily paediatric cancer patients, diagnostic and treatment procedures. The data for the ‘COVID-19 period’ (10 March to 31 October 2020) were compared with the corresponding ‘prior year control period’ (10 March to 31 October 2019). Moreover, presentation delay (duration between first symptoms to healthcare visit) was calculated for new cases. The findings indicate that the mean 34.7 outpatients per day during ‘COVID-19 period’ was significantly lower than the ‘prior year control period’ (52.2). There were 17.7 inpatients per day during the ‘COVID-19 period’ which was significantly lower than 23.8 inpatients per day during the ‘prior year control period’. Significant reduction in the daily mean number of patients undergoing chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery and imaging studies during the ‘COVID-19 period’ was also evident. A negative trend in the diagnosis of new paediatric cancers was evident with 128 new cancer cases during the ‘COVID-19 period’, whereas the corresponding number was 212 for the ‘prior year control period’. The presentation delay (median 31 days) remain unchanged during the ‘COVID-19 period’. The findings suggest significant damage to paediatric cancer care during the COVID-19 pandemic. Appropriate obligatory actions by oncology societies and policymakers can minimise longer term negative impacts.
I have ,a problem,i ve seen 5 Dr s with and finally I got an answer to my these 5 Dr s specialize in thei problem start out with my feet being senseitive.The left foot began to hardly be able to walk on,so eventually I was put in a cast,8 weeks,it didn t right foot started going bad ,now i m at the point of surgery,i have lygnpha demia,i my arces collased.They can t do surgery,because of neuropthy,and I have just been treated for Hep c,and overcome it.but they can t due surgery due to possible infection and gangrene.sorry for my spelling.i still have a problem,i can hardly Dr. number 5 has sent me to a neurologist.i want to know if he can help,i m begging ,please help,this started 3 trs. ago.
i am 27 years old bachelor. i never had any sexual intercourse till now.i masturbate frequently and i had hurted my epididymis an year ago. it started paining with infection and i have been taking treatment since then. the Surgeon had adviced me nothing was wrong and everything was fine. recently the doctor told me that no more treatment is needed and i do not have to visit him again. he prescribed me to take cataflam tablet whenever i fee pain. the pain is coming on the right side of testicles and the doctor told me one vein is still need to be recovered. having said that,he mentioned that he doesn't know what to do with that and i do not have to visit him again. also he does not advice any operation as everything is fine. i took a second opinion from another doctor and he did some ultra scanning 6 months ago and all the results were normal.I am worried now as my doctor said as he do not know how to treat this pain. please help me with your suggession as how should i proceed? the pain is not stopping at all and making me stressed despite it is not swelling very high.many thanks..
Hello. Im a 38 year old male, I was wondering, Is it possible for skin cancer to appear literally overnight. I woke up one morning and there was a small cyst-like lump where my right pectoral meets my shoulder. This is an area that I see up close everyday, and there was no sign of it there the night before.
I had a cyst on my left kidney the size of a watermelon in December 2012 I had the kidney and cyst removed three months later I had my second abdominal hernia removed then November 2814 I had a hysterectomy done and lost so much blood I almost died. I ve been experiencing sharp lower abdominal pain that is travelling to my lower right back. I m constantly urinating and in a lot of pain. I m curious to know your input in my situation please
I am a 73 yr old diabetic (53 yrs diabetic, last A1C 7.4) in good condition (was walking 3 to 4 dogs about 2 miles twice a day but cannot now) prior to this problem and have had difficulty breathing for about a month. This came on suddenly (overnight) after a long day working in the sun. Due to a shortage of doctors (Butte, MT) I have not yet been able to see a pulmonologist (sp?). The problem is intermittent with some days being near normal and other days totally debilitating. Heart and MRI are normal. I recently move from sea level to 5500 ft but had 30+ days to acclimate before this happened. Any suggestions?
Hi my name is Mariana. I m taking fentanyl patch 50 mcg. I have been using it for like 2 months. I think this is giving me nausea and constipation . I am taking xeloda for my cancer treatment 2 weeks on and one week off the xeloda. On the week I m off i still think its the patch that makes me feel nausea and vomit . Cause that week I m off the chemo I still vomit so the only thing I m using is the fentanyl patch. I was using the 75 mcg but then 1 week ago I lowered it to 50 because I m afraid to just stop it once and I will feel the withdrawals. How can I get off the fentanyl patch completely. Oh the patch I used it for my aching back and shoulders. I took Ondansetron 8 mg but still don t help. So I stopped taking it cause when I did I actually vomited as well. So I stopped taking it. I have the feeling the patch is causing the nausea but I m afraid of the withdrawals symptoms if I suddenly stop. What can I do, I want get off the patch.
Hi doctor, I have been having shooting pain in my legs after two hours of Diane-35. I have also read about the risk of blood clots on this pill. I was prescribed this pill because the previous birth control pill was causing hair fall. Can Diane 35 be taken for a longer duration like three years?
If my girlfriend took Nordette as ECP last September 5. Then we had another protected sex (using condom) today, September 7, I ejaculated outside her but I saw that there was semen spill on the top of the condom (the condom did not break). Is it okay if she drink another set of Nordette as ECP? Will it be safe for her? Thanks.
What are some potential complications of diverticulitis?
My stomach hurts really bad for a few moments, then goes away, then comes back a few moments later. it has been like this all day and hasnt let up at all, or gotten worse. it just hurts, then goes away. i used the bathroom this morning (#2) but it didnt help at all. whats wrong?
Hi, i am a 19 year old girl and lately i have many pain in my under belly and I went to the doctor today and asked him what was that pain(at the bottom left of my belly.). and he told me that my ovaries were so hurt. And I was so scared, because it really does hurt. I must tomorrow go to my house-doctor. And he will send me to a specialist. I have for many years, had a pain in my belly under. The pain came 2 to 3 times a year, but so hard, that I once went to the hospital, and did ECO-test and many tests, but probably I never had anything. Until now approximately 4 years after all of the strange pain that only comes so suddenly, they tell me that the pain in my ovaries may be. Now the question is ... what could it be because Im really scared .... And I had pain for many years under my entire belly, but know is it specifically on my lower left abdomen.
What is the purpose of using tables in HTML?
I have what the dr described as a serious form of celiac 7 years ago. For the past 3 months I have mid abdominal pain 3 hours after eating first meal of the day that lasts until I go to bed at night. was Today I was dx today as pancreatitis. The dr said to eat no meat for a week and he will rerun the blood work. amylase is 153, sonogram showed unremarkable . I did notice my esionophils and monocytes are elevated which makes me think auto immune again like the celiac. Do you think it would be wise to go back to the gi specialist instead of waiting a week to see how this goes.
hello i need a great answer for this becuse i am scarred to death. there is a 4 year old girl that got a high fever to day as her 3year old brother and 1 year old sister the brother and sister temps. are find now but the 4 year old has a fever of 103.8 diarrea cizers that started today but the diarra she had had for the last 3 days as her siblens did but her temp is still climing and she is having cizers lift to right and on the way to omaha hostpital. But please give us a answer
Can you provide an overview of MALT lymphoma?
In this work, we estimate the total number of infected and deaths by COVID-19 in Brazil and two Brazilian States (Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo). To obtain the unknown data, we use an iterative method in the Gompertz model, whose formulation is well known in the field of biology. Based on data collected from the Ministry of Health from February 26, 2020, to July 2, 2020, we predict, from July 3 to 9 and at the end of the epidemic, the number of infected and killed for the whole country and for the Brazilian states of Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. We estimate, until July 9, 2020, a total of 1,709,755 cases and 65,384 deaths in Brazil, 331,718 cases and 15,621 deaths in Sao Paulo, 134,454 cases and 11,574 deaths in Rio de Janeiro. We also estimate the basic reproduction number [Formula: see text] for Brazil and its two states. The estimated values [Formula: see text] were 1.3, 1.3, and 1.4 for Brazil, Sao Paulo, and Rio de Janeiro, respectively. The results show a good fit between the observed data and those obtained by the Gompertz. The proposed methodology can also be applied to other countries and Brazilian states, and we provide an executable as well as the source code for a straightforward application of the method on such data.
Indeed, we will follow the current population of this study for several years.
I have had my wisdon teeth removed since i was about 17 years old, beings they would have pushed into my back teeth, & because i have overly crowded teeth! Now my back right tooth has a whole right above the tooth at the gumline which is draining pus constantly, and no matter how many times a day i brush my teeth, my mouth has a foul taste! Does anyone know what this could be??
What is the type of vaccine used for Yersinia pestis?
Hi, I have recently been experiencing problems with my bladder; I usually experience a full bladder and nothing comes out except maybe a drop and it takes between 10-20 minutes for that drop to come out, my vagina smells really weird and really bad and I am needing to use the bathroom a lot more often then usual; also, when I am cold as well, I tend to need to urinate more. I do not experience pain.Please help me?
Yes I have been taking Aleve for joint pain and it was very effective but recently I have been getting nose bleeds. I am thinking this has to do with the Aleve so I have stopped taking it. Does MegaRed joint care have anything in it that will also cause my nose to bleed?
Hi I was feeling some problem with breathing and smelling. I went to doctor and she said that my bone is bend to left and its closing the left nostril. The only solution is surgery. Is it true? And for smelling, she said it cant be treated as i lost the sens of smelling from my childhood. Please suggest.
Hi, drunk way too much this weekend!! all weekend only stopping drinking last night and around 3am. For several hours now I've had a tightness feeling in my chest, breathing is fine but i'm becoming more anxious and lying down seems to make it worse - should I be worried?? I'm also shaking slightly, heart beat/pulse seems ok, please help!
My three year old daughter has started to stick her tongue out an awful lot lately - coupled with dribbling. However, the dribbling is not a concern as it is very limited. My daughter is under a speech and language therapist but we are still waiting for an assessment to be conducted in a nursery environment. Her speech is Okay to be fair. However, compared to her piers it is delayed.
Hi doctor, My skin around the scrotum is flaking and senseless on touch. Also, the same on penis head. There are a lot of rashes like pimples on the bottom of the penis head. It gives a bad odor. I am 23 years old and I have been in this condition for more than seven years now. My past medication was Candid B cream for a week and I stopped it as there was no improvement. Thank you.
My skin is oily. My problem is around my nose and chins are black in color. Sometimes it may cause itching. I used to avoid soaps in my face. I like naturals. So i always use Turmeric powder, Besan to wash to my face. Is there any home remedy for my problem?
AIMS: As the world continues to fight successive waves of COVID-19 variants, we have seen worldwide infections surpass 100 million. London, UK, has been severely affected throughout the pandemic, and the resulting impact on the NHS has been profound. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 on theatre productivity across London’s four major trauma centres (MTCs), and to assess how the changes to normal protocols and working patterns impacted trauma theatre efficiency. METHODS: This was a collaborative study across London’s MTCs. A two-month period was selected from 5 March to 5 May 2020. The same two-month period in 2019 was used to provide baseline data for comparison. Demographic information was collected, as well as surgical speciality, procedure, time to surgery, type of anaesthesia, and various time points throughout the patient journey to theatre. RESULTS: In total, 1,243 theatre visits were analyzed as part of the study. Of these, 834 patients presented in 2019 and 409 in 2020. Fewer open reduction and internal fixations were performed in 2020 (33.5% vs 38.2%), and there was an increase in the number of orthoplastic cases in 2020 (8.3% vs 2.2%), both statistically significant results (p < 0.000). There was a statistically significant increase in median time from 2019 to 2020, between sending for a patient and their arrival to the anaesthetic room (29 vs 35 minutes; p = 0.000). Median time between arrival in the anaesthetic room and commencement of anaesthetic increased (7 to 9 minutes; p = 0.104). CONCLUSION: Changes in working practices necessitated by COVID-19 led to modest delays to all aspects of theatre use, and consequently theatre efficiency. However, the reality is that the major concerns of impact of service did not occur to the levels that were expected. Cite this article: Bone Jt Open 2021;2(10):886–892.
What are the characteristics of Cryptosporidia?
I have very bad chest pains in the center of my chest that send a burning feeling that travels down to my stomach and my back. It will hurt really bad for a while then go away. Just when I think I'm ok to lie down the pain comes again. I have been nauseous with very bad headaches. I have been unable to eat anything for about a week.
Hi! I have this small white round spot on the right side of my nose. The edges around the spot are slightly brownish and sometimes it does itch quite a bit... I also feel like it grows at times...Ive had it now for a while at least 1 year. Its hard to see but I can defiantly see it even thru my make up at times. Thank you for your help - Claudia
The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has mobilized many efforts worldwide to curb its impact on morbidity and mortality. Vaccination of the general population has resulted in the administration of more than 6,700,000,000 doses by the end of October 2021, which is the most effective method to prevent hospitalization and death. Among the adverse effects described, myocarditis and pericarditis are low-frequency events (less than 10 per 100,000 people), mainly observed with messenger RNA vaccines. The mechanisms responsible for these effects have not been specified, considering an exacerbated and uncontrolled immune response and an autoimmune response against specific cardiomyocyte proteins. This greater immunogenicity and reactogenicity is clinically manifested in a differential manner in pediatric patients, adults, and the elderly, determining specific characteristics of its presentation for each age group. It generally develops as a condition of mild to moderate severity, whose symptoms and imaging findings are self-limited, resolving favorably in days to weeks and, exceptionally, reporting deaths associated with this complication. The short- and medium-term prognosis is favorable, highlighting the lack of data on long-term evolution, which should be determined in longer follow-ups.
several of us in the family have had rattly coughing - two of the sick people had mild fevers but my son is continuing to have on and off mild fevers and now presents with purplish reddish blotchy looking legs - under the skin type of discoloration. It has been a week since first symptoms, two days of purplish coloring on legs - he says they are sometimes mildly itchy.
I just turned 40 2 months ago. I have had my FSH levels checked at least 6 times over past year and the have always been normal. I had a myomectomy 4 months was success tubes open for 3 months since myomectomy have not conceived. Had 15 follicles in Feb with normal fsh. Now my fsh is high 2 months later with 6 follicles what could have happened to me in 2 months. Fsh was normal in Feb. Now 27 in april. have two teenagers but have not been able to conceive with the 32 fibroids previously they were blocking my tubes. Can I still get pregnant?
I am a 38 year old female with an ileostomy due to Crohns ...i have recently been sick with a stomach virus.I went to the doctor and my potassium level was a 3.2 i am weak ,having problems with my nerves,and dizzy. He gave me potassium pills but i know they did not dissolve properly ...what should i do ?
At which spinal cord levels does syringomyelia most commonly occur?
Q:Determine the final temperature, in °C, of a sample of helium gas. The sample initially occupied a volume of 5.00 L at 127°C and 875 mm Hg. The sample was heated, at constant pressure, until it occupied a volume of 10.00 L.? A:454°C;B:527°C;C:45°C;D:181°C
Hi, I was playing with my kid and accidentally waved my hand at him. It hit him on cheek. He cried some time, played again and fell asleep . After getting up i am seeing light swelling and little redness, is there any thing i can do it to go away? Is it any serious
Yes I am a 38 ye old female who was on Corey for 6 months after a heart event( doctor wont call it attack cause hearts normal and no blockages I basically overdosed on a pain killer accidentally ) I was taken off Corey 10 days ago and now my blood pressure reads 148 over 50 will it get better? I exercise and eat vegetarian.
I have had mild stomach pain and nausea all day today. my grandmother says it is a sour stomach i ate dry toast and drank plenty of water and that seemed to help, but the feeling is still here. i ve read that the sour part of a sour stomach is an overproduction of bile . would it be helpful/give me some relief if i simply induced vomiting so that i could get rid of some of the bile?
Hello doctor, I am 48 years old. I am experiencing weak erection and difficulty in sustaining the same. This condition was observed 10 years back. Also, there is premature ejaculation. Other physical ailments that I have are, I am suffering from hypertension and taking Amlopres-L (Amlodipine and Lisinopril) for the last 10 years, high cholesterol and triglycerides. My cholesterol level is 225 and triglyceride is 200 for the last 12 years. I used to do frequent masturbation in early age. I do have erection during morning hours many times, particularly after sound sleep or if I had long walk previous day. I am having Sildenafil 25 mg or 5 mg Cialis, which is effective enough. But, I wish to get rid of tablet support and live natural way. I consulted urologist today and he prescribed me Nano-Leo capsules and Modula 5 mg for 10 days. I wish to have your second opinion on this. Please guide.
i have a lump on the back of my right hand about two inches from my wrists and it isnt painful or anythig its just a hard lump under my skin. Do you know what may be the cause of this. I also have what looks like a spider bite right next to the lump on my hand but i cant rember if the lump was there first or the bite?
I have noticed a vein in my lip when i run my tongue over it. I can also notice a bump in my lip with my finger or tongue. When i stretch my lip out, i can see that vein there. I have noticed some pain with it. It is not blue or pulsing. I had jaw surgery a year ago and that area of my lip is still a little numb. I have also used chewing tobacco for about 4 years.
Who is at highest risk for Diabetic nephropathy ?
Background: The number of COVID-19 infections worldwide has reached 10 million COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 is more contagious than SARS-CoV-1 There is a dispute about the origin of COVID-19 Study results showed that all SARS-CoV-2 sequences around the world share a common ancestor towards the end of 2019 Methods: Virus sequences from COVID-19 samples at the early time should be less diversifiable than those from samples at the later time because there might be more mutations when the virus evolutes over time The diversity of virus nucleotide sequences can be measured by the nucleotide substitution distance To explore the diversity of SARS-CoV-2, we use different nucleotide substitution models to calculate the distances of SARS-CoV-2 samples from 3 different areas, China, Europe, and the USA Then, we use these distances to infer the origin of COVID-19 Results: It is known that COVID-19 originated in Wuhan China and then spread to Europe and the USA By using different substitution models, the distances of SARS-CoV-2 samples from these areas are significantly different By ANOVA testing, the p-value is less than 2 2e-16 The analyzed results in most substitution models show that China has the lowest diversity, followed by Europe and lastly by the USA This outcome coincides with the virus transmission time order that SARS-CoV-2 starts in China, then outbreaks in Europe and finally in the USA Conclusion: The magnitude of nucleotide substitution distance of SARS-CoV-2 is closely related to the transmission time order of SARS-CoV-2 This outcome reveals that the nucleotide substitution distance of SARS-CoV-2 may be used to infer the origin of COVID-19
Recommended medications for alopecia. Are they effective? Do they have any side effect? 0 answers, 5 views Posted in
I have pain in my left knee, behind my knee and in my calf. I have slight swelling in my knee and considerable swelling in my calf and leg down to my ankle. My left calf is almost 2 thicker than the right, which is usually larger than my left. I have tightness/stiffness when I bend my knee along with pain. I have had knee pain previously and X-rays show some slight arthritis. The leg pain and swelling has been going on for about a week. I ve been elevating, icing and taking anti-inflamotories but am not seeing any improvement.
I was just diagnosed with the flu and bronchittis. I am having trouble breathing because my nose is very congested and my abdomen is swollen. I am taking Tamiflu and cough medicine and an antibiotic. It is harder to breathe when lying down. Please help me. Thanks
Hi, I have been having some pain in my lower left side of my back. The pain has moved to the inside of my left leg and from my groin down to my knee and sometimes to my foot, I am feeling sharp pulling type pains. I am really concerned. What could this be?I am 39 and am 6-2 245
I am positive for hep c. Had severe hep in 1991. Presently Riba and Rna testing show virus innactive. Am I contagious to babies or other people through saliva or eating utensils. Mainly, can my grandchildren be infected by me. I am extremely concerned. My daughters pediatrician told her it WAS possible. Please help me!!!
my daughter has a small mass located below the ear... it started as a small painful mass and became bigger but less painful after a few days. its less than one centimeter. now it is not painful at all but it seemed that its moving from one location to another. its been a week already and the mass is still there. what could this be.
I have been having pain (most of the time it's dull and achy, sometimes it's sharp, lasting seconds to minutes) in the upper right quadrant of my belly (where the gallbladder is) since January 2010. I have been to my PCP, GI specialist, and ER a number of times. I've had a hida-scan, ultrasound, CAT scan, MRI, x-ray series, upper endoscopy, blood, urine, and stool tests. All came back normal (the upper endoscopy showed some acid reflux damage and a hiatal hernia). No one can seem to figure out what is causing the pain. Food, exercise, time of day, or anything else seems to be a trigger. I can still feel pain after taking Vicodin. It just comes and goes. What else can be done?
Q:Research comparing heterogeneous and homogeneous work groups has found that, in general, heterogeneous groups:? A:are more creative and better at decision-making.;B:are more creative but less productive overall.;C:make better decisions but are less productive overall.;D:are more creative but worse at decision-making.
My husband had an ileocolectomy 4/4/10 and nine weeks after that he had an internal abscess that needed to be aspirated. A couple weeks after that he was in the hospital for an infection, but no abscess was seen at time. A couple weeks after that, he had an abscess that surface by where the incision was and had to be cut and drained. That was in the beginning of June and he periodically has to open it to drain and still drains quiet a lot. The surgeons nurse practioner has been seeing him and says it could take month to heal. Does that sound right to you?
Hi, I have been suffering from random symptoms, my doctor said it was narcolepsy , but they say its genetic , no one on my family has ever had that disorder. and there are other symptoms my symptoms are: -night terrors -to fall asleep randomly -lose feeling in my limbs like they are sleeping -gets those catatonic attacks where I don t move or speak or even blink -to fall asleep its within minutes sometimes seconds, when I finally does get to sleep its very deep or not deep at all but no matter which I wakes up after all my dreams -coughing Blood -fating -can t breath -my vision blur -pressure on my chest
Hi, my name Is Carlie. Im a 25 year old female and ive been having these symptoms for about 5 months now. All my blood tests came back fine and so did my stool sample. I have been sent a referal to a neurologist but I am starting to feel im losing my mind. Ive lost weight going from 65kg to 56kg in 3 months without change to my diet. Although I am not feeling hungry as much as usual im making sure im eating. I did have diarrhea for about 6 weeks where I was going to the toilet 20+ times a day with no found medical reason. Having no recolection of important things people have told me. Trouble concentrating on things. Unable to go with the flow of conversation and forgetting what im saying halfway through. Hot flushes like someone has poured a bucket of warm/hot water on my head and it flows down my whole body. Fainting spells where I feel like im shaking. Zoning out when talking to people. Friends and family have commented on how I constantly repeat myself during one conversation or telling then the same thing multiple times because I didnt remember telling them or stand there staring. Nausea and vomitting (not always together). Some severe headaches (about 8 in this time frame) I feel like its hard to focus my eyes and am seeing white spots and lines sometimes very bright white. Hot feet at night. Sweating even though I feel cold to touch. I have suffered from anxiety before but do not believe this is because of that. Ive never felt more in control of my mental health. I feel like im living in another world and its starting to effect my everyday life. I do not drink any alcohol or do drugs. I am no longer on any medication but did take anti psychotics to help me sleep for about 2 months in this time frame but it started before and continued after use. Thank you in advance for your time
My both the Fallopian tubes are blocked, these are opened by Laproscopic on 15-09-2012 & on 23-09-2012 I take Lupride 3.5 for the Endometriosis . Now I already taken 3 Lupride Injections . Bleeding is occuring every 20 days after taken of Injection. Can I hv a chance to conceive in this month, Suggest me to YYYY@YYYY
I am having black spots after pimples on my face , how to remove the spots? please suggest remedy. Laser treatment help up to what extant?
I woke up this morning with a sharp pain on my neck on left side at base of my head about even with my ear. The spot is hard and extremely painful to the touch. Right above it is some sort of mole or sin tag that he been in my hairline for as long as I can remember.
Administration of bicarbonate is safe as we did not see severe hypokalemia or hypernatremia in our patients.
hi, my baby is 11month old, suffering from viral fever & cold,cough from three days, i am giving levolin from three days, but still cough is not gone, sholud i cahne the medicine like ascoril or continue with levolin , also pls tell anything else i can do for his throught as he is only taking milk due to this problem,
In this study, we aim to identify predictors of a no-show in neurology clinics at our institution. We conducted a retrospective review of neurology clinics from July 2013 through September 2018. We compared odds ratio of patients who missed appointments (no-show) to those who were present at appointments (show) in terms of age, lead-time, subspecialty, race, gender, quarter of the year, insurance type, and distance from hospital. There were 60,012 (84%) show and 11,166 (16%) no-show patients. With each day increase in lead time, odds of no-show increased by a factor of 1.0019 (p < 0.0001). Odds of no-show were higher in younger (p ≤ 0.0001, OR = 0.49) compared to older (age ≥ 60) patients and in women (p < 0.001, OR = 1.1352) compared to men. They were higher in Black/African American (p < 0.0001, OR = 1.4712) and lower in Asian (p = 0.03, OR = 0.6871) and American Indian/Alaskan Native (p = 0.055, OR = 0.6318) as compared to White/Caucasian. Patients with Medicare (p < 0.0001, OR = 1.5127) and Medicaid (p < 0.0001, OR = 1.3354) had higher odds of no-show compared to other insurance. Young age, female, Black/African American, long lead time to clinic appointments, Medicaid/Medicare insurance, and certain subspecialties (resident and stroke clinics) are associated with high odds of no show. Possible suggested interventions include better communication and flexible appointments for the high-risk groups as well as utilizing telemedicine.
Conversely, high SF angiogenin levels were found in patients with acute crystal-induced inflammation, namely, gout attacks.
I am a 53 year old lady -recently had neutropenic sepsis. Since then my normally low resting pulse rate has increased to 90-103 beats per minute. Should I be concerned?-I have a low bp[normalfor me ] am slim and usually quite fit and very active. -thank s
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I have white puss at my pines and due to my diabetic it swels the surronding and get blistered. i have fobia with hospital medicen. i am looking for natural remedies in my house that i can use. thx
Boyfriend, age 58...has minor prostate problems, little overweight , drinks daily, smoking with asthma . While in anxiety and fear, not having total control or the feeling he s in control and he constantly repeats himself ( started 2yrs ago ) and then when he s sleeping- he jerks, mumbles with angst and screams oh my god, sighs . It s unsettling and i worry about him. Oh and he s taken Dexometaphetamin (sp) speed for 8 yrs. 10 mg? Brown & white/clear capsules ( 2-5 daily). For ADHD . JG
Hi Doctor, I have done Lever Function Test this week. Which shown SGTP level count 54 (Normal range given in report - 05-40). Rest SGOT , Bilirubin , Albumin are within parameter specified in report. Just to give some background I have undergone a Hernia repairy surgery one month back and was on pain killers and muscle relaxant medication due to large ceroma deposition in groin region. Please can you advice if this is serious, is it a temporary caused by medications, and how to cure it naturally. Please help. Thanks.
What is dicumarol, and can you provide an overview of it?
I have had pain and discomfort in my lower left abdomen for about a week now. It started as a bulging discomfort now more of a shooting pain. I went to the ER and they took blood, urine sample, and did a CT scan. CT scan was normal and the doctor said there was some bacteria in my urine. I went to a GI and he spent all of 5 minutes with me and scheduled a colonoscopy. Prior to this I took some Pepto Bismol and Kaopectate to control diarrhea. Im starting to wonder if maybe its an infection since all tests have come back clean? Any ideas?
hi i am doing the masturbation from the past 10 years.m doing the masturbation on daily bases. Now m trying to do with my girlfriend but my penis will not get hard to do the sex. please tell me the reason and also let me know is it a serious problem.m 29 years old.
The COVID-19 outbreak leads to the sudden lockdown of sports businesses across the world. Due to the difficulty of generating sports content as usual amid the global pandemic, some sports organizations around the world, resort to esports. Concretely, sports organizations let their professional athletes compete virtually in video games to produce competitive entertainment for the audience. Such "mixed" competitive entertainment attracts a high spectatorship and significant social media attention. This commentary seeks to provide a research-based explanation of the phenomenon and predict future developments.
Hi, i had a cut in my head and got 6 stitches. I was advised by my doctor to take Augmentin 1000. I took it for 4 days but suffered severe diarrhea. I reported this to my doctor and he asked me to take Monocef 200 in place of augmentin. I am still having diarrhea. Should i continue with the medicine. Please help.
hi, is a blood pressure of 132/74 normal, Also feeling very bloated over the last few days, and have bright blue vein's popping out on breast's, shoulders and side's..Im 22 yrs old, height4:11 and weight 180lbs..Never had high blood pressure before or any of the other problems either..
I have been really stressed out lately because I am in nursing school. I have never read as much as I have to read now. So I was studying with my neck down for hours every day and I had developed really bad neck pains. Then from messaging my neck I noticed a little pea size lump moveable and then a bigger one above it both on the right side of my neck. They have not gone down neither has the straining in my neck. What could this be?
skin near thigh gets red and rashes and i get itching with burning sensation i have almost used all type of cream i.e.Imidil,sufaz sn.qurdiderm,flucort, candid etc but no result also I have used fluconzole tablet 150gm per week for many days please suggest medicine........ my email is YYYY@YYYY
My daughter has just returned from two week rehabilitation course from stanmore hospital for recurrent shoulder dislocations due to muscle patterning problems and loose shoulder joints due to hypermobility. She did extremely well and they were able to put her right shoulder back in joint (it had been out of joint for two months). Since returning home (and just before we left stanmore) she felt nauseous, light headed and seriously lacking in energy. She is complaining of lower back pain and her period is very heavy this month. Our g.p. prescribed an anti-sickness tablet which seems to make her symptoms of dizziness worse.
OBJECTIVES: To compare the clinical and epidemiological aspects associated with different predominant lineages circulating in Marseille from March 2020 to January 2021. METHODS: In this single-center retrospective cohort study, characteristics of patients infected with four different SARS-CoV-2 variants were documented from medical files. The outcome was the occurrence of clinical failure, defined as hospitalization (for outpatients), transfer to the intensive-care unit (inpatients), and death (all). RESULTS: 254 patients were infected with clade 20A (20AS), 85 with Marseille-1 (M1V), 190 with Marseille-4 (M4V) and 211 with N501Y (N501YV) variants. 20AS presented a bell-shaped epidemiological curve and nearly disappeared around May 2020. M1V reached a very weak peak, then disappeared after a month-and-a-half. M4V appeared in July presented an atypical wave form during seven months. N501YV has only recently appeared. As compared to 20AS, patients infected with M1V were less likely to report dyspnoea (aOR=0.50, p=0.04), rhinitis (aOR=0.57, p=0.04) and to be hospitalised (aOR=0.22, p=0.002). Patients infected with M4V were more likely to report fever than those with 20AS and M1V (aOR=2.49, p<0.0001 and aOR=2.30, p=0.007, respectively) and to be hospitalised than those with M1V (aOR=4.81, p=0.003). Patients infected with N501YV reported lower rate of rhinitis (aOR=0.50, p=0.001) and anosmia (aOR=0.57, p=0.02), as compared to those infected with 20AS. A lower rate of hospitalisation associated with N501YV infection as compared to 20AS and M4V (aOR=0.33, p<0.0001 and aOR=0.27, p<0.0001, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: The four lineages have presentations which differ from one other, epidemiologically and clinically. This supports SARS-CoV-2 genomic surveillance through next-generation sequencing.
Doctor, I recently travelled to US and faced problem where when I brush my teeth I bleed. This was a daily problem, Now back in india I dont face that problem. I tried anti-septic mouthwash and even took some banana for kill some heat as back in US it was very cold. Do adivce if I need to see a Dentist.
hello Doc !my age