mvasiliniuc's picture
  - crowdsourced
license: other
  - crowdsourced
  - code
  - text-generation
  - code, swift, native iOS development, curated
  - 100K<n<1M
source_datasets: []
pretty_name: iva-swift-codeint-clean
  - language-modeling

IVA Swift GitHub Code Dataset

Dataset Description

This is the curated IVA Swift dataset extracted from GitHub. It contains curated Swift files gathered with the purpose to train a code generation model.

The dataset consists of 383380 swift code files from GitHub totaling ~542MB of data. The uncurated dataset was created from the public GitHub dataset on Google BiqQuery.

How to use it

To download the full dataset:

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset('mvasiliniuc/iva-swift-codeint-clean', split='train')

from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset('mvasiliniuc/iva-swift-codeint-clean', split='train')

   "content":"...let phoneBorderedButtonExtraPadding: CGFloat = 14.0\n    \n    var backingColor: UIColor? = nil\n    var highlightedBackingColor: UIColor? = nil\n    \n    // MARK: Initialization\n}",

Data Structure

Data Fields

Field Type Description
repo_name string name of the GitHub repository
path string path of the file in GitHub repository
copies string number of occurrences in dataset
content string content of source file
size string size of the source file in bytes
license string license of GitHub repository
hash string Hash of content field.
line_mean number Mean line length of the content.
line_max number Max line length of the content.
alpha_frac number Fraction between mean and max line length of content.
ratio number Character/token ratio of the file with tokenizer.
autogenerated boolean True if the content is autogenerated by looking for keywords in the first few lines of the file.
config_or_test boolean True if the content is a configuration file or a unit test.
has_no_keywords boolean True if a file has none of the keywords for Swift Programming Language.
has_few_assignments boolean True if file uses symbol '=' less than minimum times.




The dataset contains only Swift files.

    "Swift": [".swift"]


Each entry in the dataset contains the associated license. The following is a list of licenses involved and their occurrences.


Dataset Statistics

    "Total size": "~542 MB",
    "Number of files": 383380,
    "Number of files under 500 bytes": 3680,
    "Average file size in bytes": 5942,

Curation Process

  • Removal of duplication files based on file hash.
  • Removal of file templates. File containing the following: ___FILENAME___, ___PACKAGENAME___, ___FILEBASENAME___, ___FILEHEADER___, ___VARIABLE
  • Removal of the files containing the following words in the first 10 lines: generated, auto-generated", "autogenerated", "automatically generated
  • Removal of the files containing the following words in the first 10 lines with a probability of 0.7: test", "unit test", "config", "XCTest", "JUnit
  • Removal of file with the rate of alphanumeric characters below 0.3 of the file.
  • Removal of near duplication based MinHash and Jaccard similarity.
  • Removal of files with mean line length above 100.
  • Removal of files without mention of keywords with a probability of 0.7: struct ", "class ", "for ", "while ", "enum ", "func ", "typealias ", "var ", "let ", "protocol ", "public ", "private ", "internal ", "import "
  • Removal of files that use the assignment operator = less than 3 times.
  • Removal of files with the ratio between the number of characters and number of tokens after tokenization lower than 1.5.

Curation process is a derivation of the one used in CodeParrot project:

Data Splits

The dataset only contains a train split which is separated into train and valid which can be found here:

Considerations for Using the Data

The dataset comprises source code from various repositories, potentially containing harmful or biased code, along with sensitive information such as passwords or usernames.