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Tracy ran for his life after trying to steal money from a bank that happened to have a police officer inside.
[ "You need to pick me up around the corner.", "I'm at the front. Why are you around the corner?", "I stole money from the bank and I ran for my life when I saw a police officer inside.", "Nope. I'm not picking you up. I'm not picking up a bank robber.", "What? I'll be arrested.", "As you should." ]
Tracy ran for his life after trying to steal money from a bank that happened to have a police officer inside.
[ "I had a really good plan, though. I thought for sure I would make it happen.", "But robbing a bank? That's a terrible idea.", "It turned out to be. There was a police officer inside!", "What?! What happened? You obviously didn't get arrested...", "I had to run for my life! I ran out of there so fast and hid in someone's doghouse.", "That was one of your worst ideas ever, don't be robbing banks anymore." ]
Tracy ran for his life after trying to steal money from a bank that happened to have a police officer inside.
[ "I'm scared to death right now.", "Why is that? What happened?", "Don't tell anyone, but I tried to rob a bank.", "That is serious stuff man.", "Yes, especially since a police officer was inside.", "No way that is bad news man." ]
Jan went to a busy nightclub with their friends during the weekend and planned to stay all night. Jan danced with their friends.
[ "This club is so awesome, and I can't believe I never even knew it was here!", "Me either, I thought you would have come to this place all the time, cause you love dancing so much!", "I do love to dance! And there are so many hot guys here! And hot girls, too!", "There sure are! Let's ditch those two dorks we came with and find some real guys to party with!", "Let's do that! And tonight there's not going to be any leaving early, we're not walking out that door until after the sun comes up!", "It's a deal. We're going to go to only the best raves in the city from now on!" ]
Jan went to a busy nightclub with their friends during the weekend and planned to stay all night. Jan danced with their friends.
[ "So what did you do last night?", "Not much, I just stayed in and watched movies. What did you do?", "Well l went to that new nightclub that had opened up last week.", "That sounds like fun, how was it?", "It was so amazing, and I literally stayed the entire night dancing with Susie and Kelly.", "I am so jealous. I totally wish I were there too." ]
Jan went to a busy nightclub with their friends during the weekend and planned to stay all night. Jan danced with their friends.
[ "Hanging out with all of my friends at the nightclub is so much fun.", "It's been a great night so far.", "I really needed this kind of weekend after the work week I've had.", "We need to do that more often.", "Definitely. For now, let's just dance.", "Good timing. My song is on right now." ]
Jan went to a busy nightclub with their friends during the weekend and planned to stay all night. Jan danced with their friends.
[ "This was definitely a fun weekend for me.", "I'm glad you enjoyed it. Tell me about your experiences.", "I went to a busy nightclub with a close group of friends and spent the entire night there.", "That must have been really fun and exciting.", "It was. I danced with my friends and we stayed up all night. There was hours of fun that night.", "That's good to hear. I spent some time with my family this weekend." ]
Jan went to a busy nightclub with their friends during the weekend and planned to stay all night. Jan danced with their friends.
[ "I was out last night and I didn't see you at the club.", "Oh, I was out at a bar instead with some friends.", "The nightclub was crazy and I was with all of our college friends til way late into the morning.", "That sounds like so much fun dancing all night!", "I danced with them all and I wanted to stay all night long.", "That's so cool and maybe next time we can kick it for the weekend." ]
Wanting to set the record straight over everything, Tracy asked Lee to meet them.
[ "I finally called Lee and asked for a meeting.", "I'm glad you two are finally going to talk.", "I need to get the record straight with him. I'm tired of all the rumours and bull.", "I'm sure he is too.", "Yeah, he must be because he was ready to talk." ]
Wanting to set the record straight over everything, Tracy asked Lee to meet them.
[ "I'm meeting with Lee soon to set the record straight.", "Did Lee misunderstand something?", "Yeah, he's been giving other people a different account of things all week long and I need to tell him what really happened so he stops spreading misinformation.", "Good luck! I hate it when people gossip about things they don't fully understand." ]
Kendall held Robin close as they went through the haunted house because they were both afraid.
[ "Did Kendall tell you about our trip to the haunted house on Saturday?", "Yes, she said you were pretty spooked!", "I really was! I am glad she held me close because I would have curled up and cried without her.", "Was it that bad? That's hilarious!", "I am not very good with scary things but apparently Kendall is!", "Well you agreed to go in so can't blame her!" ]
Kendall held Robin close as they went through the haunted house because they were both afraid.
[ "Kendall was really scared at that haunted house. She was really holding me close.", "She probably felt like you were protecting her.", "Nope! I was scared too!", "Oh. Sounds like you guys were huddling.", "Yeah. That was a scary place!", "That's cool. You've got to tell me where it is. I could use a good scare right now." ]
Bailey hated all creatures and loved to hunt them down and kill them especially ants, worms, bees and spiders.
[ "I killed a bunch of bugs today.", "It's so weird that you do that. Why do you want to kill them?", "I think they're gross and I hate them. I especially hate bees, spiders, worms and ants.", "You should be careful around those insects even if you hate them. Bees and spiders can be dangerous." ]
Lee told his friends that he solved the worlds problem in his dream by encouraging peaceful discourse as a leader of the country.
[ "I dreamt I started world Peace.", "How? Maybe we can actually do it.", "I was a super power leader encouraging peaceful discourse among enemies.", "Sounds vague.", "It was vague in the dream too. Nothing actionable.", "Oh well. I guess world Peace waits until you have a specific dream." ]
Lee told his friends that he solved the worlds problem in his dream by encouraging peaceful discourse as a leader of the country.
[ "I had a dream!", "Can you share your dream with me?", "I had a dream that I solved the worlds problem by encouraging peaceful discourse as a leader of the country!", "Your dreams can come through, you know!", "I hope they do." ]
Bailey anticipated every argument Bailey's opponent made in the final round of the debate championship because Bailey had spent a long time studying.
[ "Working with that debate coach really paid off. I was ready for every argument that my opponent made.", "A debate coach seems kind of silly. Don't you just have to anticipate what your opponent will say?", "Well we both have to anticipate what the other will say.", "So what's so hard about that?", "Having a response ready is key. Being concise and articulate are important.", "So I guess having a coach is important and worked out for you." ]
Casey thoroughly enjoyed the meal. The reviews were right about the place.
[ "I'm so glad I read the reviews about that new restaurant.", "Did you end up going?", "Yes, I had dinner there last night with my boyfriend.", "How was the food there?", "I really enjoyed my meal! I can't wait to go back there again.", "That sounds really good, I can't wait to try it out too." ]
Austin carried out their threat. They meant business this time.
[ "We did it. We totalled their vehicle.", "Haha. Yeah and they thought we were joking!", "We had to teach them a lesson somehow!", "It was a brilliant plan.", "Yes. Indeed. Thanks for the help.", "No problem. I had fun!" ]
Sydney shot the ball in the goal. Sydney scored the winning goal for the team.
[ "What a great game! I think that's the best I've ever played.", "I think so too. You were on fire out there. Did you hear me cheering?", "I sure did. I like how you had the whole section joining in.", "They did that voluntarily. You were the star of the show today!", "I hope you were filming me when I scored the winning goal.", "Don't worry, I got it. We'll be able to make a nice highlight reel with all of your exploits." ]
Sydney shot the ball in the goal. Sydney scored the winning goal for the team.
[ "We were in overtime, I got the ball, and saw Joe open in the corner.", "So you passed it to him?", "No, I took the shot. Everyone thought I'd pass so they moved towards Joe.", "When everyone thinks one thing, better to go with the other." ]
Sydney shot the ball in the goal. Sydney scored the winning goal for the team.
[ "I just started to play soccer.", "That is not an easy game.", "In my very first game I shot the ball by the goaltender and straight into the goal.", "That is amazing.", "Even better, my goal was the winning one as we beat them one to nothing.", "I think that was more than beginner's luck." ]
Quinn let Kai's head fall on the desk after placing his jacket there to catch him.
[ "You won't believe what happened, Kai passed out in class and i caught his head with my jacket before it hit the desk.", "That is awful, why did he pass out?", "The paramedics who came said he was very dehydrated.", "It is a good thing you were there otherwise he might have hurt himself.", "Yeah those desks are really hard and he would have had a huge cut on his head.", "I would have not reacted as quickly as you that is for sure." ]
Taylor went swimming with friends at the beast, and had a great time splashing around.
[ "I had so much fun.", "let's go swim next week too.", "Yea I'm down to do that too.", "My schedule is open.", "I'll open my calendar up.", "See you there." ]
Taylor went swimming with friends at the beast, and had a great time splashing around.
[ "Lets spend the day going down to the swimming pool", "that sounds like a great idea to me", "I always have such a great time splashing around at the beach and getting everyone wet", "I used to remember you splashing us when we were kids" ]
Taylor went swimming with friends at the beast, and had a great time splashing around.
[ "Some of my friends and I went swimming at the Beast Swimming Pool.", "Did you play games in the pool?", "We played with the beach ball.", "Who won the game?", "We didn't play a competitive game. We just splashed around with the ball in the pool.", "I'm sure you had a great time with your friends." ]
Taylor went swimming with friends at the beast, and had a great time splashing around.
[ "I love the beach and today it was a great reminder.", "Did you end up going swimming with everyone?", "At first I wasn't, but then the water call my name.", "I wish I could've went with you guys.", "We are doing it again next weekend if a lot of people don't have to work.", "I know I'm off, so that's one." ]
Taylor went swimming with friends at the beast, and had a great time splashing around.
[ "I loved hanging out at the pool, had the time of my life!", "Sounds like you had more fun than you can handle.", "No way! I can always handle hanging out at the pool with the coolest friends around.", "Wish that I could take time off from work and join you guys at the pool.", "It's ok, you can join us on the weekend.", "Great, sounds like a plan!" ]
Alex was a doctor and had to check riley for a disease so he stuck out Riley's tongue.
[ "I have been quite sick and it's been a week now, doctor.", "No problem, can you stuck your tongue out for me.", "Sure, I can do that since I'm here.", "Okay, it does seem like you have the flu based on what I can tell.", "Oh, yeah that makes sense the way I have been feeling.", "Take some of this medicine and get some rest for the week now." ]
Alex was a doctor and had to check riley for a disease so he stuck out Riley's tongue.
[ "Have you ever heard of any diseases being discovered from a doctor looking at your tongue?", "Umm, that is a weird and random question.", "I was just at the doctor, and he made me stick out my tongue to check for some kind of disease or maybe diseases.", "Maybe that is just routine now a days, who knows with all the diseases and viruses that are going around.", "Maybe you are right, I just never had that happen to me before.", "I never had either, maybe it'll happen to me once I go to the doctors next." ]
Cameron gave the class time to finish the test before moving on to the next section.
[ "I gave my class a test.", "Was the test difficult?", "To do well required a full hour.", "How did your class perform?", "I gave them time to finish before we moved on to the next section.", "They can't say you are not fair." ]
Cameron gave the class time to finish the test before moving on to the next section.
[ "I am still waiting to move on to the next section.", "How come you are waiting so long?", "Well, I wanted the class to finish the test first before moving on to the next section.", "Well that seems like the right thing to do, to make sure everyone is on the same page.", "Yeah, as soon as I know the class comprehended this section is the best time to move on.", "I like that way of thinking." ]
Cameron gave the class time to finish the test before moving on to the next section.
[ "I'm going to give you extra ten minutes.", "that's to finish the test.", "it's a long learning curve.", "A very complex subject right.", "yea, they need to focus.", "it's algebra duh." ]
Cameron gave the class time to finish the test before moving on to the next section.
[ "My class was taking a test today that was in several sections", "Did they all start each section at different times?", "No, I tried to give everyone time to finish the first test so they could all start the next section at the same time", "Oh, how did that work out?", "I think the class appreciated not being stressed by seeing other students moving on before them.", "You are a great teacher!" ]
Quinn was having trouble coming up with ideas for the book report. Quinn took Carson's idea instead.
[ "Carson gave me some great ideas for my book report.", "How did he know what to say?", "He's a real book lover and he knew the book I was writing about.", "Wow. that was lucky for you.", "It was a big help. I just needed an idea and it all seemed to work for a whole report.", "Good luck. I hope you get a great grade on it." ]
Quinn was having trouble coming up with ideas for the book report. Quinn took Carson's idea instead.
[ "It is so hard to write a book report.", "It's not that hard.", "I have trouble coming up with ideas.", "I can help you.", "I already stole Carson's idea.", "That is ridiculous!" ]
Austin could not think of an innovative way to accomplish his goal, so Austin reinvented the wheel.
[ "I literally could not figure out something innovative to help me with my goal of bringing in more customers.", "Sometimes it's best to go back to the basics. What made your business something that people liked to begin with?", "That's what I kept coming back to. I went back to the beginning and put a new spin on it.", "Did it work? When I was in your shop yesterday, it was crowded.", "It definitely worked. I'm already thinking about how to expand upon it.", "Sometimes simple is better. People tend to overthink things." ]
The post office was busy, so Skylar helped forward the mail.
[ "My mom had so much mail that she had not sent out.", "You went to the post office on Monday, It is so busy during that time.", "I just ended up forwarding all the mail.", "That is easier than standing in that line, with a mask on. You don't even have to leave home." ]
The post office was busy, so Skylar helped forward the mail.
[ "Hey how are you doing?", "I am drowning in mail we are so busy!", "I did see a lot of cars outside the post office when I pulled up.", "I believe it because it is chaos in here today.", "Is there anything I can do to help?", "Yes could you forward this stack of mail for me?" ]
The post office was busy, so Skylar helped forward the mail.
[ "Hey how are you?", "I'm alright, how are you? Did you manage to send the mail?", "The post office was very busy today, but don't you worry!", "You know that letter has to be posted by Tuesday.", "I am well aware of that, that is why I forwarded the letter for you.", "Thank you very much, I don't know what I would do without you." ]
Bailey was babysitting a child for the weekend. Bailey took him to church.
[ "I got to bring my nephew to church this weekend while i was babysitting him!", "Was it hard having her there?", "Not really. He behaved really well for the most part.", "That's really good. Kids don't always behave that well at church.", "He slept some of the time, so then he was pretty content after that.", "I'm glad it went well for you!!" ]
Bailey was babysitting a child for the weekend. Bailey took him to church.
[ "I really wanted to give this child some foundation in religion.", "Did the child's parents mind you doing that?", "It was my brother's kid. So I just did it without asking.", "Wow, that sounds risky. Some people get awkward about religion.", "I just want the child to have the same Christian upbringing that I had.", "Well good luck with your brother. He might be mad at you for awhile." ]
Jordan put her car on the market and is happy and content that she sold it for a profit and she is going to buy a new car with the money from the sale.
[ "So happy I finally sold my car. I was lucky to sell it over the Kelley Blue Book value.", "Most people never make over that. You are lucky. What are you doing with the money?", "I'm going to buy a new car.", "What kind of car are you looking for?", "Something good for the environment. Maybe a Prius.", "Good for you! I love my Prius." ]
Jordan put her car on the market and is happy and content that she sold it for a profit and she is going to buy a new car with the money from the sale.
[ "I'm going to use money from the sale.", "What sale?", "I have placed my car on the market and happy with the profit it turned out.", "What are you going to buy?", "A sedan probably.", "awesome!" ]
Jordan put her car on the market and is happy and content that she sold it for a profit and she is going to buy a new car with the money from the sale.
[ "Did you hear the news? I found a buyer for my old car!", "Wow, that's great to hear. Was it on the market for long?", "Not at all. I found a buyer the same week.", "I'm happy for you! What will you drive now?", "I'm going to the auto lot today to find a new car to buy with my profits.", "Awesome, I'll come too!" ]
Taylor's experience culminated into a magically climatic moment when they were in the middle of the dance.
[ "I had an amazing time last night dancing with a mysterious woman.", "Wow that sounds amazing how did you meet.", "She struck up a conversation with me and I could feel instant chemistry.", "That sounds so romantic.", "I asked her to dance and it was a magical moment we danced the tango. It was a seductive and very climatic movement everyone on the dance floor stared at us.", "My goodness did you ask her out on a date?" ]
Taylor's experience culminated into a magically climatic moment when they were in the middle of the dance.
[ "i had a magical moment tonight", "what happened?", "i was dancing with someone and it just felt really moving.", "did you know this person?", "kind of.", "that does sound pretty nice." ]
After forgetting to set the timer, Jordan turned the oven on and put the muffins in.
[ "I just put the muffins in the oven, so they should be ready to eat in about 20 minutes.", "That's great. Did you remember to set the timer?", "Whoops! I completely forgot.", "This is why you keep burning things, Jordan." ]
After forgetting to set the timer, Jordan turned the oven on and put the muffins in.
[ "I burned the muffins to a crisp.", "I thought that you set the timer, before you put them in the oven.", "I was busy with kids, and just forgot to turn it on, and then the doorbell rang.", "We all forget to set the timer, I would not beat yourself up to bad." ]
After forgetting to set the timer, Jordan turned the oven on and put the muffins in.
[ "I forgot to set the timer when I was trying to make a muffins today.", "That is horrible. Did you remember to take them out in time?", "I did not. I simply put them in the oven and waited to hear a timer that never went off.", "When did you eventually remember to take them out?", "When they were dried out and it was too late.", "Well, I guess you try again tomorrow." ]
Addison felt much better after learning that they had not in fact missed the date to audition for a part in the play.
[ "I was so worried that I had missed my chance!", "Missed your chance at what?", "Auditioning for a part in the school play! I really want to be in it!", "Oh yah, that is not until Friday! Today is only Tuesday silly!", "I know, but I guess I just got my days of the week confused!", "Looks like it! You are good!" ]
Addison felt much better after learning that they had not in fact missed the date to audition for a part in the play.
[ "There was this play at the local play house that I really wanted to be in but I thought I missed the audition.", "Did it turn out you hadn't missed it?", "I didn't. And I was so relieved I just felt so much better. Auditions are next week, I thought they were last month.", "You were off by a month.", "I knew it was the 20th. I just thought June 20th.", "Well at least you figured it out before July 21st." ]
Addison felt much better after learning that they had not in fact missed the date to audition for a part in the play.
[ "I am going to audition for the play. I just found out it's not too late.", "Cool! I hope you get the part.", "Yeah, the character I want to play is one of my favourites", "Then I am sure you will get the part." ]
Bailey was in a fight and was told the school would be sending an expulsion notice.
[ "I got myself into serious trouble with that stupid fight.", "You mean the fight you had with Carol after school last week?", "Yeah, I think I'm getting expelled. They're going to send a letter to my parents.", "That's really bad news, Bailey. What will your parents do?", "I'll probably be grounded for eternity!", "Maybe if your parents have a conference with the principal you can stay in school." ]
Jan took her pills to the doctor so they could see what kind of medication she was taking.
[ "I went to see my doctor yesterday.", "What was the reason?", "I took my pills to the doctor, so they can see what kind of medication I was taking.", "Oh I see. Is everything ok?", "Everything is fine.", "Good to hear." ]
Since everyone else turned around when they heard the loud noise, Quinn also turned her head and saw the car crash.
[ "When I heard the loud noise, I turned around with everyone and saw the car crash.", "Where was this?", "It was on the highway out of town. It was horrible. Multiple cars slammed into each other.", "Hope people weren't terribly hurt.", "I heard about it later on the radio. Two teenagers died in the crash. They weren't wearing their seatbelts.", "That's tragic." ]
Since everyone else turned around when they heard the loud noise, Quinn also turned her head and saw the car crash.
[ "I feel really shaky right now because I saw a car crash earlier.", "Oh, no! Is everybody okay?", "I don't know. I just heard a loud noise, turned my head and then saw two cars collide with each other.", "I heard the freeway was blocked off earlier today, so that must be the reason. I hope nobody died." ]
Since everyone else turned around when they heard the loud noise, Quinn also turned her head and saw the car crash.
[ "Oh my goodness, I heard the screeching and it was so loud.", "Yes, that car could not put on the brakes fast enough.", "Then I turned and boom, the car just rolled into the intersection and crashed into the truck.", "It was very scary and the noise was devastating to hear.", "I ran over there to try to see how I could help.", "The police have been called and they are on the way." ]
Austin wanted to do a favour for Kendall so he decorated Kendall's house for the party.
[ "Austin decorated my house for the party. He did me a big favour.", "How nice of him.", "I was just too busy working late every night so he offered to help me.", "What was the party for?", "It's my roommate's birthday and I wanted to throw her a party and invite her friends.", "Birthday parties are the best of times." ]
Austin wanted to do a favour for Kendall so he decorated Kendall's house for the party.
[ "Austin is a good guy.", "Why you say that?", "He did me a favour and decorated the house for the party.", "A man decorated for you. Wow that is special." ]
Austin wanted to do a favour for Kendall so he decorated Kendall's house for the party.
[ "I'm so happy that you remembered the party", "i would never forget it and i was waiting to decorate your house right after you left", "so that's why you were acting weird all day", "guilty as charged i guess" ]
Jan started to ring the dinner bell. They were alerting people that it was time to eat.
[ "I could not get people to come to supper.", "You must have gotten tired of yelling.", "We bought a bell.", "That would work.", "Now when I start to ring the dinner bell people are alerted that it is time to eat.", "That was a clever purchase." ]
Jan started to ring the dinner bell. They were alerting people that it was time to eat.
[ "I had to ring the bell so everyone knew dinner was done", "oh that's how you inform them when foods ready ?", "yea i usually just ring the bell a few times", "oh so people then know it's dinner time", "yes", "that's a great idea you have there." ]
Jan started to ring the dinner bell. They were alerting people that it was time to eat.
[ "I finished cooking and rang the bell for everyone to eat.", "Oh, what did you cook?", "I made burgers and fries today.", "Wow, that sounds good!", "You can come and get some if you want.", "I might because I'm pretty hungry right now!" ]
Jan started to ring the dinner bell. They were alerting people that it was time to eat.
[ "Everyone it's time to eat", "I heard that dinner Bell going", "Yep I had to ring it so you guys could come down and eat", "I'll be down there in a few after I finish up this paper", "How long is a few?", "Probably like 10 to 15 minutes." ]
Casey begged her parents for one of the ice cream cones, but they told her she needed to finish her chicken dinner first.
[ "Can I get ice cream from grocery store?", "Sure, however you need to finish the chicken first!", "Ugh I'm so tired of protein.", "You also you need to finish the veggies.", "I will.", "I'll do it and you can do it." ]
Casey begged her parents for one of the ice cream cones, but they told her she needed to finish her chicken dinner first.
[ "I wish I lived at your house!", "Why do you want to live at my house, Casey?", "I wanted a ice cream cone and my momma made me eat my chicken dinner first.", "My momma does the same thing. You have to eat healthy meal before you have a treat she always says.", "Poop on that. It should be the other way around." ]
Casey begged her parents for one of the ice cream cones, but they told her she needed to finish her chicken dinner first.
[ "My parents wouldn't make me have some ice cream.", "Man. Why are they being like that?", "They wanted me to eat their crappy dinner.", "I get it. You should've just ate the dinner." ]
Casey begged her parents for one of the ice cream cones, but they told her she needed to finish her chicken dinner first.
[ "I want an ice cream cone now!", "You can have one once you finish you dinner.", "That's not fair. I hate the taste of chicken.", "Well, just eat it. Once you do, you can have your treat.", "No fair!", "Beggars can't be choosers girl!" ]
After trying so hard and for so long, Austin finally won their first game.
[ "It was like walking through a long desert and you finally find water.", "Are you happy with the way the team played?", "I think our team finally played the way I knew they could.", "Do you think you can win next week?", "If we play like we did today then we have a good chance.", "Well good luck next week and I hope you get another win." ]
Remy confirmed the reservation and described the situation to the front of house and thanked them for the help.
[ "As soon as I confirmed the reservation, I thanked them for the help and then wrapped it up.", "Did they understand why it took so long?", "They did, I just had to explain to them the situation at the front of the house.", "I'm glad everything went well!" ]
Casey slammed on their brakes after seeing a deer in the road while riding with others.
[ "Whew. I can't believe I almost took out a deer.", "Your mom would have rung your neck if you crashed her Jag.", "I think so but she would be more worried about us.", "Maybe but she puts this stupid Jag ahead of everything in life.", "That's not fair. Just because she's been sleeping in the Jag instead of with dad does mean she cares more about a car.", "Dude, I was not suppose to know that. TMI." ]
Skylar had a few options ahead of her but she chose to play the offensive move and get to them before the go to her.
[ "I'm always trying to think of the best chess move that I can make.", "Yea, It's tough to make the right move all of the time.", "Yea, but I usually find a way to win.", "That's great! I see the move you are taking.", "Yea, I like to take the offensive move quickly.", "I see! Whatever helps you to win I guess." ]
Skylar had a few options ahead of her but she chose to play the offensive move and get to them before the go to her.
[ "I made sure my ex husband's family would never take my cash.", "What did you do?", "I had someone steal their money.", "How did stealing their money help?", "Now they aren't so focused on me!", "Sounds like a smart plan!" ]
Skylar had a few options ahead of her but she chose to play the offensive move and get to them before the go to her.
[ "I have a few moves in the game so I played the offensive and attacked the opponents before they attacked me.", "That's a great strategy.", "It helped me win the game. Gaming is very much about strategy.", "You are such a deep thinker. I can see you doing really well.", "I am pretty good at games.", "Do you spend a lot of time playing?" ]
Remy thought she was having a boy, but Remy gave birth to a baby girl.
[ "How did the boy come out a girl?", "Ha, that is a good question! Looks like the doctors are not always right.", "Exactly, that is scientific evidence that doctors can be wrong.", "We should write a book about it so people know!", "Oh believe me, plenty of people know now!", "Guess Remy will have to wear boy clothes for a bit!" ]
Remy thought she was having a boy, but Remy gave birth to a baby girl.
[ "I am really surprised i had a girl because the doctor told me it was going to be a boy", "it is really surprising she got it wrong since she seemed to be so positive", "well, i guess it's not that big of a deal really since it is a nice surprise", "i guess we can take some things back to the store since we wont be needing them then", "sounds like a good idea to me" ]
Remy thought she was having a boy, but Remy gave birth to a baby girl.
[ "This whole time I thought I was having a little boy.", "Yeah, and so did everyone else.", "Luckily we did gender neutral designs.", "Yeah because that would've been a disaster.", "Unless we did it like way back in the days when the colours were swapped.", "That's right, pink was boys in blue was girls." ]
Because Ash's brother misplaced Ash's computer, Ash complained to their mother.
[ "I am so sick of my brother getting into my things!", "Let me guess, he lost something else?", "Yes! He took my computer and lost it!", "I bet you were so angry!", "I was. I told my mom about it because I am so sick of him losing things!", "Did you ever find it?" ]
Carson seemed like they wanted to focus on work. Kai left Carson alone.
[ "Carson was ignoring me all day. He was really into his work.", "Why did you stay there then?", "I didn't. I left so he could focus, but I was really hoping to hang out with him.", "I'm sorry. The sooner he finishes the project the sooner he'll have time for you.", "I know. I'm just impatient.", "You have always been that way!" ]
Carson seemed like they wanted to focus on work. Kai left Carson alone.
[ "I'm going to leave you alone.", "Thanks I need to concentrate on work.", "We need money.", "Money controls everything so that's right.", "We need to pay bills.", "I'll start working." ]
Lee threw the ball in at the deep end and dived in after it without hesitation.
[ "I threw the ball into the deep end of the pool, and dive in after it.", "How deep was the pool?", "Maybe nine or ten feet deep.", "Is this your pool?", "I was at my sister's house.", "That's nice." ]
Lee threw the ball in at the deep end and dived in after it without hesitation.
[ "Did you see me dive in to get the ball?", "Yeah, I did. So what?", "I threw it in the deep end of the pool.", "Its an inflatable pool." ]
Lee threw the ball in at the deep end and dived in after it without hesitation.
[ "Lauren! I'm going after the ball!", "What? Where did you throw it?", "In the deep end by accident! Sorry!", "Can you wait until I get down there so we can stop shouting at each other?", "Nope! Going after it!", "Alright but don't forget to wear your floaties!" ]
riley wanted to go to a historically good college so she showed the college to their parents.
[ "Here is the college that I wanted to go too. I got some information about online and showed my parents the information.", "The is awesome that you did your research on this. I am proud of you.", "I know I been looking at this for awhile now. I really want to go here.", "Man that is what I need to start doing soon. Picking out what college I want to go to.", "If you want some help let me know." ]
riley wanted to go to a historically good college so she showed the college to their parents.
[ "I've been searching for the best college to go to when I graduate high school and I finally found it.", "Really? That's great! Did you apply yet?", "No, not yet. Last night I showed the brochures to my mom and dad and they aren't very happy with it.", "Why not? I thought they were so happy that you wanted to go to college.", "They are, but they want me to go to a college closer to home, and the one I like is all the way across the country.", "I'm sorry, it's going to make it more difficult for you if your parents don't support your decisions!" ]
When they got mad at their girlfriend, Casey destroyed every item their girlfriend had left at Casey's home.
[ "I don't think I've ever been so mad before in my life!", "What happened?", "I tore down all of the posters in my bedroom, threw away my record collection and got rid of the lamp too.", "Why on earth did you do all of that?", "Those were my girlfriend's things, and last week I learned she slept with another guy.", "Yikes! I'm so sorry. No wonder you're mad." ]
When they got mad at their girlfriend, Casey destroyed every item their girlfriend had left at Casey's home.
[ "I had a bonfire last night to burn all the rest of the stuff my girlfriend left at the house.", "A bonfire? Did you get rid of all their stuff?", "I was so angry about our fight and breakup that I threw out most of it but the paper and pictures I decided to burn.", "Did you have a ceremony or something?", "No, just some friends over after I'd cleaned up and we had drinks around the fire.", "Well at least it sounds cathartic. I hope you feel better now." ]
Sasha extended Skylar's seats at her expense so that everyone could enjoy the show in comfort.
[ "You should have these tickets Skylar.", "Thank you Sasha you are such a good friend.", "I just hope you and your family can enjoy the show from a good seat.", "You are the best Sasha, thanks,", "No problem you know how much I love you guys.", "And we love you too!" ]
Sasha extended Skylar's seats at her expense so that everyone could enjoy the show in comfort.
[ "I gave up some space so Skylar could enjoy the show in comfort.", "That was a nice gesture.", "She would have done it for me.", "I want more friends like you." ]
Jan paid Sasha to do some housekeeping, so Sasha was cleaning Jan's room.
[ "I'm a little busy right now cleaning Jan's room.", "What are you doing cleaning someone else's room?", "Jan Paid me to do some tidying up around her house.", "Are you almost finished?", "I won't be done for at least an hour. Her room's a mess!" ]
Jan paid Sasha to do some housekeeping, so Sasha was cleaning Jan's room.
[ "I'll tell you what. Jan is a lifesaver.", "Why, what happened with Jan?", "Well, I'm overloaded at work and school. I don't have time to do my household chores.", "I can understand're always busy.", "Yes, but Jan needs some money so I hired her to help with my house and she's doing an amazing job cleaning.", "Great, it works out for both of you, then." ]
Jan paid Sasha to do some housekeeping, so Sasha was cleaning Jan's room.
[ "Hey friend, how are you?", "I am well thank you. how are you?", "I am good, Thanks for asking.", "What's up?", "Well nothing much, I cleaned Jan's room and she paid me money for house keeping.", "That's good, you earned some money." ]
Jan paid Sasha to do some housekeeping, so Sasha was cleaning Jan's room.
[ "Jan's room was so nasty!", "What made it nasty?", "There was food on the ground.", "Ew, how much food?", "There was a full sub that was under the bed.", "That is gross. Were there bugs?" ]
Riley established outposts in areas that hikers may get stranded with out protection from the elements.
[ "I need to help hikers here it's dangerous.", "I agree, it's real bad around here.", "What should I do to build it?", "Start with water and warmth.", "so blankets and fire?", "yep!" ]
Riley established outposts in areas that hikers may get stranded with out protection from the elements.
[ "Just finished building my last shelter?", "The ones you have been on the trail?", "Yea i put up seven total", "Wow", "Well i don't want anything to happen like to that poor girl", "Oh i understand, that's awesome you did that though" ]
Riley established outposts in areas that hikers may get stranded with out protection from the elements.
[ "I've been doing a lot of outdoor work lately at outposts.", "What do you do so far out on trails?", "I put together shelters far from the road so that stranded hikers will have some shelter to rest in while they wait for help.", "That could save someone's life in the winter!" ]
Looking down at the frosty mug of beer, Robin took another sip.
[ "There is a lot of great beer out here", "yes we know. You drank it all and gave it away", "This is some great beer for everyone", "Overall it is great that you like it", "yeah I sure do. even finished it to the last drop", "I can totally tell" ]
Looking down at the frosty mug of beer, Robin took another sip.
[ "I definitely needed to go to the bar after my day at work", "Oh was it that bad?", "Yeah I needed as many frosty beers as possible", "That's always a good cure for a bad day!", "Very true! I'm just hoping tomorrow will be better", "I'm sure it will!" ]
Quinn met a new man at the bar and they decided to go home together that night.
[ "I am not sure what I was thinking!", "Neither am I, I have never known you to go home with a stranger.", "Mean either, but he was just so sweet and cute that I couldn't resist.", "Did you spend the entire night with him or did you go back to your house?", "I spent the whole night with him and he took me to breakfast in the morning.", "Wow, well at least you got breakfast out of all of it!" ]
Quinn met a new man at the bar and they decided to go home together that night.
[ "Yeah so I met somebody last night at the bar.", "Oh good for you, did you have fun together?", "Yeah we spent some time together afterwards. It was good to have some human interaction.", "Oh yeah, I know what you mean. Happy for you, man." ]