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Robin worked hard for some overtime pay and finally bought a game they had been wanting.
[ "Hey, look at what I bought!", "Woah! Dude, that game is so expensive.", "I have been working so much overtime, finally got paid. So worth it.", "Totally! Let's take advantage of that.", "Meet me at my house to play?", "On my way!" ]
Robin worked hard for some overtime pay and finally bought a game they had been wanting.
[ "I worked so hard, I finally got my overtime pay check", "Did you buy the game you wanted?", "Yes I'm going to play it on Friday", "Is it multiplayer?", "Yeah want to join me?", "I'd love to!" ]
Kendall devoted time to the study of animals and every week would have went out for hours on end to watch them in their own habitat.
[ "I love my work.", "You spend a lot of time there.", "I have devoted time to the study of animals, many hours of my personal time in fact.", "You are constantly in the lab.", "Every week, I would go out for hours on end to watch them in their own habitat if I had that chance.", "You might be able to switch from lab work to field work." ]
Kendall devoted time to the study of animals and every week would have went out for hours on end to watch them in their own habitat.
[ "Next week I am finally going to Arizona to study the creatures of the desert.", "Its so exciting that you keep getting to go out into the wilderness and study all these animals.", "I love it, I love being out in the wilderness, in their habitats and watching them for hours do what they do.", "I should have thought about that for my PHD, instead I sit in a lab day in and day out.", "I couldn't do that, I want to be out in nature where I can study animals and devote my time to being in their environment and living in their world.", "You are so lucky, what a wonderful way to spend your time." ]
Carson told their brother about the movie and it was very entertaining movie to go see.
[ "I went to a great flick.", "What did you see?", "I saw JoJo Rabbit.", "That film almost won an Academy Award.", "I told my brother about the movie as I was excited to share how entertaining it was.", "That was very kind of you." ]
Taylor bought the wrong size clothes so they went back to the shop and Jordan gave Taylor the right one.
[ "I had to help Taylor out on buying clothes today.", "She came into your store?", "Yes and bought the wrong size! I had her try it on and made her do it so she could be sure.", "Yeah, you really need to try some items on before buying.", "At least it was a good way to work, helping a friend.", "True. It must be nice to see your friends at the store." ]
Taylor bought the wrong size clothes so they went back to the shop and Jordan gave Taylor the right one.
[ "I'm meeting Taylor for coffee later.", "Are the two of you just meeting for a catch-up?", "No, she's treating me since she bought the wrong size clothes from my boutique, and I let her come back to the shop for new clothes.", "That was kind of you since I know you have a no-return and no-exchange policy.", "I'll bend the rules a bit for friends.", "I'm sure that Taylor was appreciative." ]
Taylor bought the wrong size clothes so they went back to the shop and Jordan gave Taylor the right one.
[ "Taylor bought the wrong size of clothes!", "Did they come back for the right sizes?", "They did! they came back to the shop and I gave them the right one.", "You did great." ]
Aubrey put in a lot of work to their costume so they could win a contest.
[ "I've been working all week on these costumes.", "The ones for the Anime contest?", "Yeah, my fingers are cut up from sewing.", "Thanks for all the hard work, you didn't have to do this much.", "I really want us to win, so I had to work hard." ]
Aubrey put in a lot of work to their costume so they could win a contest.
[ "I really think his costume is going to win me the contest", "It really does look amazing I'm very hopeful that you will win", "Thank you I put in a lot of time and effort into it", "I understand I think it will pay off for you", "Me too it would mean a lot to me to win", "I have my fingers crossed for you" ]
Aubrey put in a lot of work to their costume so they could win a contest.
[ "I really hope I win the contest tonight since many Hollywood scouts will be there", "You put so much effort into it, I'd would be surprised if you didn't", "I think I spent about forty hours in total working on it", "I am sure you will win the contest." ]
Cameron checked Addison's fridge, but noticed that there wasn't anything to eat in it.
[ "I am so hungry!", "Why not go to the fridge and eat something?", "I checked in Addison's fridge, there is nothing there.", "You should go shopping.", "I will once I get some money.", "Here, I'll loan you 7 dollars." ]
Cameron checked Addison's fridge, but noticed that there wasn't anything to eat in it.
[ "I was waiting for Addison to finish up today at his house and he had no food.", "Did you need something to eat?", "I wanted a snack so I checked the fridge and it was totally empty.", "What does she eat if there's nothing there?", "I guess she orders in a lot.", "You'll have to bring some snacks over next time you go." ]
Cameron checked Addison's fridge, but noticed that there wasn't anything to eat in it.
[ "I opened up Addison's fridge to grab a beer and some grub, but there's nothing in there to drink or eat.", "You mean it's completely empty.", "Well, maybe not completely. There was an old shrivelled up carrot rolling around.", "That's sad. Does Addison have enough money for food?", "Not for food, Addison spends it all on bills and rent.", "Sounds like he needs to move out of his house to a cheaper place." ]
Cameron checked Addison's fridge, but noticed that there wasn't anything to eat in it.
[ "I spent all day at Addison's with no food.", "Surely they must have had something?", "Nope, everything was empty, including the fridge.", "Man, that really sucks.", "Plus I couldn't get anything delivered because she lives in the middle of nowhere.", "At least next time you know to bring something with you." ]
Cameron checked Addison's fridge, but noticed that there wasn't anything to eat in it.
[ "I am hungry.", "You haven't eaten recently?", "No. I was over at Addison's house but he didn't have any food in the fridge.", "He never has any food in the house." ]
Tracy was relieved that her friend was alright. She knew that Aubrey almost died.
[ "I was so frightened, I was genuinely shaking.", "Yeah, that was a scary accident for Aubrey.", "She could have died. I literally have been shaken up all day.", "Yeah it was really a close call. The car that side swiped her was massive.", "I am just thankful that she's okay.", "Hopefully in a couple days you can give her a hospital visit." ]
Tracy was relieved that her friend was alright. She knew that Aubrey almost died.
[ "When I got that call last month that Aubrey had been in an accident, my heart stopped beating.", "I can only imagine because I know how close you and Aubrey are.", "It was so scary to know that she had been hurt and then the wondering if she was going to pull through. It was so hard.", "I am so glad that she ended up pulling through.", "You have no idea. I cannot imagine living without her in my life.", "I am sure she is glad to have you as well." ]
Tracy had a bad flu so Alex came to look after Tracy. Alex fed Tracy soup then put Tracy to bed to get some rest.
[ "I heard Tracy was feeling under the weather.", "She had a bad case of the flu.", "I made her some soup and the put her to bed, it was wholesome.", "Aren't you sweet.", "I'm sure that she would do the same for me.", "You would hope so!" ]
Tracy had a bad flu so Alex came to look after Tracy. Alex fed Tracy soup then put Tracy to bed to get some rest.
[ "Tracy had the flu so bad. I came over to look after him.", "That was sweet of you.", "I know! I fed him some soup.", "Did you manage to have fun anyway?", "No, I put him to bed to get some rest and watched TV until I had to go back home.", "Let's hope you don't get the flu now." ]
Tracy had a bad flu so Alex came to look after Tracy. Alex fed Tracy soup then put Tracy to bed to get some rest.
[ "I've been taking care of my daughter Tracy for the last couple of hours.", "Did something happen? Is she sick?", "Indeed, it's a bad case of the flu. Symptoms were a fever and a persistent cough.", "I know from experience how unpleasant the flu can be.", "I fed my daughter some soup and bread, gave some her some paracetamol then laid her down in bed to get some rest.", "The best way to recover from the flu is to rest and take in some electrolytes. Gatorade can help with that." ]
Skylar held her hand to Sasha's chest because she wanted her to know that she was serious about the promise.
[ "I made a strange hand to chest gesture the other day.", "Were you pledging allegiance to the flag?", "No, but I was promising Sasha something and wanted to relay I was serious.", "So a patriotic gesture just came about from pure instinct.", "Yeah, habits from school, I guess.", "Did Sasha believe you?" ]
Skylar held her hand to Sasha's chest because she wanted her to know that she was serious about the promise.
[ "Right, so you know when people make pinkie promises?", "I think so, yeah.", "I've got my own version of that, just to be sure I place my hand in someone's chest to let them know I'm not going to betray them.", "Ok that's weird but if it makes you feel better, I can't fault you.", "It's a serious promise pact, I did it with Sasha earlier today.", "Hope she wasn't freaked out." ]
Robin analyzed the case in terms of the law because she needed to make a reasonable defense.
[ "I've been studying this case all week long.", "You're the best lawyer I know, so you should be able to make something out of it.", "I'm trying to put together a defence for my client, so I have to study both the case and the law as it applies to the case.", "Your client's lucky to have you." ]
After being called out for failing the test, Casey turned bright red.
[ "I can't believe I started blushing in class.", "I could see it from the other side of the room. Your face looked like a tomato. What happened?", "The teacher called me out for failing the test.", "That's really mean of her!" ]
After being called out for failing the test, Casey turned bright red.
[ "I had the most embarrassing thing happen today.", "I'm sorry to hear that, what happened?", "I failed the math test and the teacher told the whole class.", "That's a mean thing to do, how did you react?", "I stayed silent but felt so shameful that my whole face turned as red as a lobster.", "I hope you turn this experience into a positive and study more for the next test." ]
After several days of arguing with the boss, Bailey finally was exhausted. Bailey let it be.
[ "I feel like nothing I say ever gets taken seriously.", "Why, what happened? Something at work again?", "Yeah. My boss keeps telling me I am doing something wrong when I know I'm not! She keeps telling me what to do when the work is supposed to be subjective!", "Ah, well I guess it would be wise to just listen to her from now on. Don't waste your breath and put your job on the line. It's not worth it.", "I know. I'm just exhausted from it all so I'm letting it go now. I'm just going to do what she wants me to do and turn in boring, mediocre work.", "That's my girl!" ]
All students were told that the given essay will be the semester test. Even Skylar, the class lazybones, wrote a story.
[ "Oh my goodness, I am so wiped out from writing a story.", "You wrote a story?", "Well it's actually our essay exam for the semester grade.", "Yikes! that's a lot of work for you. I know you don't like school.", "I just don't like to do homework but I managed to finish it so I should pass.", "Good for you. You should be proud for trying." ]
All students were told that the given essay will be the semester test. Even Skylar, the class lazybones, wrote a story.
[ "I am glad she told us it was the test.", "Yeah, I haven't studied very much.", "Well the essay is the test, so that is easy to do.", "I guess it's better than a quiz.", "I can write an essay better than I can study.", "Well it will work out for all of us." ]
Jan was gambling at a game of poker and lost all of Kendall's hard earned money.
[ "Kendall is going to kill me!", "What did you do this time?", "I was gambling at a poker game and lost all of her money!", "You should find a way to get her money back.", "I will." ]
Jan was gambling at a game of poker and lost all of Kendall's hard earned money.
[ "Well I was at the casino the other night and I may have lost some money.", "May have? How much money did you lose?", "Look I had a great hand in this poker game, 3 aces, and it was a sure thing.", "Except it wasn't Jan, how much money did you lose exactly?", "About 5 grand, but the worst part is that I borrowed it from Kendall, I don't know how to tell her.", "You borrowed it from Kendall? How could you do that Jan? You better tell her or I will." ]
Jan was gambling at a game of poker and lost all of Kendall's hard earned money.
[ "I lost all of Kendall's hard earned money at a game of poker.", "When did you do that?", "A couple of days ago when we went to the casino.", "You can't win every time.", "I was up over a thousand then I lost it all.", "That's how it goes." ]
Tracy snuck up behind Cameron. They were trying to scare him.
[ "Man, Tracy is such a character.", "She likes doing tricks and playing games.", "Too right, I was on my lunch break and she just snuck up out of nowhere.", "Why on earth would she do that?", "She was trying to scare me for fun, shame that I spilt a coffee over my expensive new white trousers.", "I would have killed her if I were you." ]
Tracy snuck up behind Cameron. They were trying to scare him.
[ "Is it me or is Tracy really strange?", "She does have some weird mannerism I must admit.", "Well, yesterday she snuck up behind me and screamed in my ear. Could've given me a heart attack.", "That's one way to express humour, I guess." ]
Because they were requested for the ceremony, Carson sung Remy's favorite songs.
[ "How did you like my performance for Remy's wedding?", "It was beautiful and I'm glad he hired you.", "I sung every song on that list of his favourite songs.", "He looked incredibly happy, I'm sure he loved it.", "Just give me a great referral.", "I will definitely drum you up some more business." ]
Because they were requested for the ceremony, Carson sung Remy's favorite songs.
[ "Always nice to perform at ceremonies, good spirits all round.", "Did you sing your usual stuff or a requested playlist.", "No, Remy wanted all of his favourite songs played, so I fulfilled his wishes.", "Your musical knowledge and style must be so versatile to deal with that.", "It's what having a lot of years in the industry does to you." ]
Because they were requested for the ceremony, Carson sung Remy's favorite songs.
[ "What did you think about the set of songs I sang at the ceremony?", "I thought you did a great job. Who picked the songs?", "Remy did. It was a list of her favourite songs.", "It turned out to be a really nice set and she looked beautiful." ]
Because they were requested for the ceremony, Carson sung Remy's favorite songs.
[ "Remy requested me for the ceremony!", "Was it fun at the event?", "Yes, I sang Remy's favourite song", "She must really be happy!", "Yes! she danced a lot" ]
Because they were requested for the ceremony, Carson sung Remy's favorite songs.
[ "The ceremony was quite beautiful. You should have seen it.", "I'll bet it was lovely. Did Remy like the songs you sang?", "Of course, why wouldn't she? She requested them all personally.", "Oh. At least you knew you'd be a hit, right?", "Right. Plus we have similar taste in music, so I really did like her choices.", "And you sing so beautifully, you could make anything sound good." ]
Jesse hadn't seen his friends in a long time and finally got to play baseball with them.
[ "I am really happy today", "Why is that?", "I got to see some friends I had not seen in a really long time!", "That is great, what did you do?", "We played baseball like old times", "How fun! I'm happy for you guys" ]
Jesse hadn't seen his friends in a long time and finally got to play baseball with them.
[ "I missed those guys. It's been a long time.", "About time you had a chance to meet your friends. You never have time to play baseball anymore.", "Between work and college I barely have time to breathe, let alone play sports.", "How long is your break for?", "I'm on holiday break for two weeks, but I still have to work. Maybe two days a week I can get together with them again.", "That sucks, look after yourself." ]
Jesse hadn't seen his friends in a long time and finally got to play baseball with them.
[ "I had such a great time. It was good to finally get to hang out again with my friends.", "I know, it had been way too long!", "Yeah, I've got to do this more often with them. I love playing baseball.", "Shame you don't get to play it as much, you could have made it pro for sure.", "Well, let's not exaggerate now.", "I'm serious!" ]
Jesse hadn't seen his friends in a long time and finally got to play baseball with them.
[ "I miss my friends.", "Haven't you kept in touch?", "I finally called them up so we played baseball, but I won't see them again for ages.", "Did your team win?", "Yeah, we thrashed them!", "I'll come next time and show you what it's all about." ]
Jesse hadn't seen his friends in a long time and finally got to play baseball with them.
[ "This is great, I finally had some time to meet and play baseball with my pals.", "How long has it been?", "At least, a month. I'm glad we got everyone together.", "You guys go so long without seeing each other, I couldn't do it.", "It's just the way it is after college you see, people don't have as much time.", "That's sad." ]
Addison had taken Spanish and wanted to go somewhere outside of the country to practice their knowledge.
[ "I feel like I want to travel to Spain to immerse myself in their language and culture.", "You are in an advanced Spanish course, I think it would be fun.", "Yeah, it would be expensive though.", "You can always pay it off through a credit card.", "Yeah, but anyway I want you to go with me if I decide to go.", "Seriously? I would love to go with you!" ]
Addison had taken Spanish and wanted to go somewhere outside of the country to practice their knowledge.
[ "I took a six month Spanish class online.", "You should be fluent in Spanish now.", "I've been practicing words and the accent a lot.", "You should try it out and start a conversation with people who are fluent in Spanish.", "I've decided, I want to go out of the country to a location where Spanish is the main language to try out my skills.", "Great, I'll go too." ]
Addison had taken Spanish and wanted to go somewhere outside of the country to practice their knowledge.
[ "So you know how I've been taking those Spanish classes at the community college?", "Yes, aren't you on level 4 now?", "Yes, and I feel like I've learned all I can in the class.", "Well that is exciting.", "Sort of. I can't go any further so I booked a trip to Mexico to practice in real life!", "Even more exciting! I hope you have fun!!" ]
Jan ran out of fruit for her smoothie every morning. Jan went to the store to buy some fruit.
[ "Hey how was your morning?", "It was ok, same thing just another morning.", "Yeah I just got back from the supermarket to get some fruit for my smoothie. I do that every morning", "Why don't you just buy enough fruit to last you a couple of days?", "Because I enjoy going to the supermarket. It gives me something to do", "If it was me I would just buy enough fruit for the week." ]
Ash shed hope on the problem by offering a couple of options to consider for solutions.
[ "My friends came to me for help.", "What kind of help?", "They had a problem and I gave them some hope.", "What did you do?", "I offered them a couple of options to consider for the solution.", "I hope they took your advice." ]
Ash shed hope on the problem by offering a couple of options to consider for solutions.
[ "I think a have a few options people should look at before we start the meeting", "I hope you can figure this out before your manager sees it", "I think I can shed some light on what has been going on with the stocks", "You need to figure it out fast, or you might get fired", "I think I have a few good solutions" ]
After being hounded for hours to tell him her plans for the weekend, Sasha finally gave Carson an answer. She is going out with her friends and not him.
[ "I hope Carson can understand why I couldn6't go out with him", "I'm sure he will, because you haven't seen your other friends for a long time", "Things just haven't been the same since the hurricane, I had to relocate", "Must be tough, you haven't had a chance to really meet with anyone", "You will tonight though!" ]
After being hounded for hours to tell him her plans for the weekend, Sasha finally gave Carson an answer. She is going out with her friends and not him.
[ "I have been thinking all day of my plans for the weekend.", "Exactly what are your plans?", "I didn't want to disappoint Carson, but I told him I was going out with my friends instead.", "How did he take it?", "It was no problem. He just wants me happy.", "You are so lucky to have him." ]
Addison took her awhile ago, and people were getting worried they wouldn't return.
[ "Me and my friend were gone for a really long time.", "Where did you guys go?", "We just went to the bathroom. But people were getting worried that we wouldn't return.", "Why did you guys take so long?", "The line for the bathroom was incredibly long, so we just had to patiently wait.", "I hate when bathroom lines are long, especially when I really have to go!" ]
Addison took her awhile ago, and people were getting worried they wouldn't return.
[ "I hope no one worries that I will be gone for awhile and won't come back", "I'm sure they understand that you needed to get checked out", "My body temperature has been so bad. It's been rising steadily", "It's better to get checked out than to have someone get really sick", "Yeah, that's a good idea. I will come back as soon as possible." ]
Addison took her awhile ago, and people were getting worried they wouldn't return.
[ "I just got back from the mall.", "We were worried about you.", "Yeah, sorry, my phone was off.", "We were about to call the police. We thought that you might not return.", "Oh, you should not worry so much.", "You two mean everything to us!" ]
Robin brought the paperwork to trial after her associates forgot to grab the briefcase they were in.
[ "I swear to God, I'm dealing with incompetency.", "Rough day at work?", "We had a big case to cover today and my associates forgot the briefcase.", "Oh no, how did you get through trial?", "I had to rush back, drive all the way around town and get the briefcase.", "At least you got it there in time." ]
Robin brought the paperwork to trial after her associates forgot to grab the briefcase they were in.
[ "How can someone forget the paperwork for the trial!", "Your associates must have their heads in the clouds.", "I suppose I can sort of sympathise. Having the stress of a trial on your shoulders is not easy.", "I know...nerves I guess. It's not everyday you take on such a famous figure.", "Yeah, we caught him red handed committing fraud .", "I feel confident he'll go away for fraud for a very long time." ]
Quinn dropped their computer on the way to class, so Quinn had to get their computer repaired.
[ "I was running on the way to lecture and dropped my laptop!", "Oh no. Can you get it repaired?", "Yes but it'll cost a lot. I dropped it on a corner and the screen cracked.", "Can you use it and just get a new part or what?", "No, I had to leave it at the computer place.", "I know that place and it's good. They'll fix it fast and I bet it'll be better than new." ]
Quinn dropped their computer on the way to class, so Quinn had to get their computer repaired.
[ "I am so upset. I dropped my laptop on my way to Biology today.", "Did it break?", "It did. It doesn't start now and there's a dent on the body.", "Are you going to fix it?", "I am going to take it back to the store and get it repaired. I won't have a computer until it's fixed.", "You can borrow mine until you get it back." ]
Aubrey was driving on the way home and noticed a astray cat so Aubrey kept the cat.
[ "On my way home last night I saw a stray cat on the side of the road, so I took it home with me.", "Aw, are you going to keep it permanently?", "I think so. I'm already growing attached to it.", "Do you have any other pets?", "I do have a cat, but so far they seem to be getting along.", "That's good. Now your cat will have a friend." ]
Aubrey was driving on the way home and noticed a astray cat so Aubrey kept the cat.
[ "I have the craziest story. You know how I always drive down Columbia Street to get home?", "Yes, I know that street.", "Well, I saw that there was a stray cat by the side of the road.", "Did you stop to see if it was ok?", "Yeah, and it jumped right in the car. I decided to keep it!", "Congratulations on your new pet!" ]
Carson always admired their clothes and wanted to buy the same clothes but had to get a job to make money.
[ "Damn it.", "What?", "I really like their clothes, but to buy the same clothes I need a job and to make some cash.", "Yeah, nice things cost money.", "Yup, I'm going to make it one day though." ]
Carson always admired their clothes and wanted to buy the same clothes but had to get a job to make money.
[ "I really want to get a nice business suit, like the ones they are wearing.", "Well, go shopping and buy one.", "I don't have the money.", "Well, go get a job.", "I don't have a suit to wear to the interview.", "Perhaps you can make money writing a novel." ]
Carson always admired their clothes and wanted to buy the same clothes but had to get a job to make money.
[ "They always have the coolest clothes. Can you take me shopping sometime so I can try find the same ones?", "Sure! You want to buy the same kind of clothes?", "I do. They look expensive, though. Are they?", "A little expensive, but they're good quality and well made.", "I'd better get a job and start making some money.", "Definitely. And then you'll have cool clothes to wear to your new job!" ]
Carson always admired their clothes and wanted to buy the same clothes but had to get a job to make money.
[ "The guys across the hall for me always have the best clothes.", "I have seen those guys. They're pretty stylish.", "I wanted to be able to dress more like that but couldn't afford those clothes.", "I think he goes to those shops downtown.", "Well I have a job now. I can go to those shops downtown too.", "And then you'll be the cool stylish one." ]
Remy was having a birthday party that Saturday. Remy invited all of his friends over to attend.
[ "I am celebrating my birthday on Saturday.", "What is your plan?", "I would like to invite all my friends to join me.", "Am I invited as well?", "Of course you are.", "I will wait to hear from you then." ]
Remy was having a birthday party that Saturday. Remy invited all of his friends over to attend.
[ "I'm having the birthday party on Saturday. I hope all my friends can come.", "How many people have you invited?", "Including you, there's 20.", "Wow, that's going to be a big group. Do you want me to bring anything?", "You could bring a bottle of wine if you want.", "Sounds good. I'll see you Saturday." ]
Aubrey was driving when she suddenly got a flat tire. Aubrey decided to pull over and check it out.
[ "What a day!", "What happened?", "I got a flat tire while driving.", "Flat tires are the worst!", "I pulled over and saw my front right tire was flat.", "Who did you call for help?" ]
Aubrey was driving when she suddenly got a flat tire. Aubrey decided to pull over and check it out.
[ "Got a flat tire earlier today.", "Oh no that stinks, what did you do?", "I just pulled over to look at it. It looked flat but not all the way.", "What happened, did you have to call a tow truck or something?", "Yeah, I did. But he took so long and in the meantime somebody came to help me and changed it himself! I was so happy.", "That's cool." ]
Aubrey was driving when she suddenly got a flat tire. Aubrey decided to pull over and check it out.
[ "I freaked out because I got a flat tire while driving over here.", "Oh my God. Did you change it yourself?", "Yeah. I pulled over to check it out.", "Thank God you were able to pull over in time.", "Yeah. My rims are ok, and I had the jack and spare tire.", "Well just know that you can call me if you ever need me to help in a situation like that." ]
Robin gave them money for lunch. They liked to buy from the cafeteria.
[ "I had to give them all money for lunch, cost a me a fortune!", "You're so generous.", "I would hate to starve so I did what I had to.", "I suppose they did put you in awkward situation, you can't really say no otherwise you're the bad guy.", "Yeah, that's what sucks about it.", "Next time say you forgot your wallet." ]
Robin gave them money for lunch. They liked to buy from the cafeteria.
[ "I am going broke with buying lunch for them, but they are happy.", "That's what matters most.", "I know but if I pack lunch for them then I can save a ton.", "But then you waste it since they don't eat it and its gets dumped.", "You're right. I guess its easier just to buy lunch anyway.", "Love and happiness always has a price attached to it." ]
Robin gave them money for lunch. They liked to buy from the cafeteria.
[ "The cafeteria is good and everything, but I don't understand why they hype it up so much.", "I like to eat in the cafeteria too, to be honest.", "Well, I had to give them money as well, all for substandard food.", "You can't say no when someone asks you a favour, can you?.", "Sadly, no.", "You'll be broke in no time." ]
Robin gave them money for lunch. They liked to buy from the cafeteria.
[ "I was so busy this morning, I forgot to pack the kids lunch.", "Did you just give them some money.", "Yeah, the like to buy lunch from the cafeteria anyway, they don't like the healthy ones that I make.", "They are happy to have a change of something different." ]
Quinn wasn't feeling well so he let the hosts know he wouldn't be able to attend the party.
[ "I don't like being around people if I'm not 100%.", "Explain what you mean.", "I wasn't feeling good so I told the people throwing the party I can't make it.", "It's better to rest when you are sick.", "Exactly man." ]
Quinn wasn't feeling well so he let the hosts know he wouldn't be able to attend the party.
[ "I'm sorry to do this, but I'm going to have to opt out of the party.", "I'm sorry to hear that. Did you let the hosts know?", "I'm actually not feeling so well. I think I might have the flu. I've let them know, so they know that I won't be attending", "I'd rather you take care of yourself than get everyone at the party sick, so I understand why you don't want to attend. I hope you feel better!" ]
Quinn wasn't feeling well so he let the hosts know he wouldn't be able to attend the party.
[ "I'd better not come tonight.", "Why what's going on?", "I don't feel very well, and with the flu going around it's probably best if I stay home.", "Oh no, I'm so sorry! Thanks for doing the right thing though. I'm sure the hosts will be understanding. Are you going to get tested?", "Well I'm going to wait a couple of days and see if I feel better or worse. But for now I'm just going to hunker down here.", "That's a good idea. I hope you don't have it! But if you do, at least you know you're good after that!" ]
Casey saw her doll in Addison's room, so Casey took the doll back and ran home.
[ "I knew Addison stole my doll and I knew right where it was.", "He was talking about it last week, actually.", "I cant believe he would resort to stealing my favourite doll from me", "Just don't invite him into your house anymore I guess" ]
Casey saw her doll in Addison's room, so Casey took the doll back and ran home.
[ "It was my doll in Addison's room and that is why I took it! Why did he even have it in the first place?", "It's such a cute doll, but Addison had no right to take it from you like that.", "I swear the guy must be a kleptomaniac.", "Just be a bit more wary of him from now on.", "Yeah, sure will be.", "Do you mind if I play with your doll for a bit?" ]
Taylor acted as Remy's agent in the business deal so that he would be treated fairly.
[ "I think having Taylor acting as my agent really helped get me a better business deal.", "Taylor does have some business experience.", "He also seems to have some acting experience as well. Taylor was really believable as my agent.", "That's great that the business deal turned out great.", "It did. I'm going to give him a gift to show my gratitude.", "Sounds fair as a payment for your agent." ]
Quinn used Casey's hand to help Casey practice drawing, by guiding it across the paper.
[ "Me and Casey used a new technique today to help her with drawing practice.", "Oh cool, is it that method you've been telling me about?", "Absolutely, I used her hand and made it follow a certain direction across the paper.", "I will take all the tips and tricks you have, if it works on Casey.", "It worked with my other pupils so it should be good with you too.", "Casey is going to become a pro in no time." ]
Quinn used Casey's hand to help Casey practice drawing, by guiding it across the paper.
[ "I was teaching Casey how to draw last night.", "She is getting better with drawing the faces.", "I have been taking her hand and guiding it across the paper, to show her how I do it.", "You have such patience with her, most people would not take the time" ]
Quinn used Casey's hand to help Casey practice drawing, by guiding it across the paper.
[ "Casey has a lot to learn, but today we took a step in the right direction.", "Are you trying to improve her drawing?", "Indeed, I used this technique I saw online where you guide their hand across the paper.", "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea.", "Especially as we're practicing shapes at the moment, it will really help her.", "You're a great coach." ]
Quinn used Casey's hand to help Casey practice drawing, by guiding it across the paper.
[ "I had my first drawing class today and met the sweetest person, Casey.", "Oh, did you teach her anything valuable?", "I used her hand to draw on the paper, so that she could get a feel of how it's done.", "I've never heard of that but sounds fun.", "It's genuinely the best way to learn if you're using pencils.", "Maybe I'll give it a go as well at some point." ]
Quinn used Casey's hand to help Casey practice drawing, by guiding it across the paper.
[ "I ran out of ideas to teach Casey, until it struck me that I could quite literally guide her hand whilst drawing.", "Yes, that way you can get the picture to look the way she wants it.", "So you start by taking the hand and sketching out the base of your drawing, then you fill it in using colours.", "That's interesting, how did it turn out for her?", "It made a massive difference, compared to when I left her on her own.", "Fancy showing me as well?" ]
Taylor laid around and fell asleep. She woke up late for work.
[ "I fell asleep last night, I was exhausted. I couldn't wake up this morning.", "Were you late for work?", "I was. I forgot to set my alarm and I was too tired to wake up on my own.", "Did you go to work?", "I called in and my colleagues I was running late. They seem cool.", "That's good they are understanding." ]
Taylor laid around and fell asleep. She woke up late for work.
[ "Oh no, I am so fired. I need to jump in the shower and get to work!!", "Well, hurry up. I can drop you off.", "I knew not to hang around so long with you.", "Those shots did us in.", "Not only that. It was the stupid video games too.", "Well, if you get fired then we can do more shots and finish our game." ]
Sasha hated her neighbours dog as it barked all day and night so after going to the shop and buying poisonous slug pellets, Sasha gave the dog some pills.
[ "I hate my neighbours' dog. It doesn't ever stop barking. It barks all day and night.", "How do you get any sleep?", "I don't. It keeps me up most nights.", "What are you going to do about that?", "I went to the shop and bought some poisonous slug pellets. I gave the dog some of the pills.", "You poisoned the dog?" ]
Sasha hated her neighbours dog as it barked all day and night so after going to the shop and buying poisonous slug pellets, Sasha gave the dog some pills.
[ "I feel really bad right now.", "Why, what happened?", "My neighbor’s dog has been barking nonstop all day and night so I...did something about it.", "What? What did you do???", "I bought some poisonous slug pellets and gave the dog some pills.", "Wow, way to go. You killed a dog for barking. You must be real proud of yourself." ]
Sasha hated her neighbours dog as it barked all day and night so after going to the shop and buying poisonous slug pellets, Sasha gave the dog some pills.
[ "I dont know how this dog is going to stop barking", "yeah he for sure is making a lot of unwanted noise. It is a true inconvience for many", "there has got to be some way to make him stop", "What ideas do you have?", "I think I will give him a pet friendly sedative", "That is a really good idea" ]
Sasha hated her neighbours dog as it barked all day and night so after going to the shop and buying poisonous slug pellets, Sasha gave the dog some pills.
[ "I have not sleep in days!! I have had it with that dog so I took matters into my own hands.", "What the hell did you do, Sash?", "I have been warning my neighbor about leaving their stupid dog in the yard all night. It barks and barks and barks.", "What a bunch of dumb-asses! Did you call the cops?", "I call the cops, animal control and friends of pets but it was useless. So I handled it with my little friend over here.", "Sash, that is so mean. You should use it on the neighbors not the dog!!" ]
Aubrey could not allow the memory of her parents to be forgotten admist all the crazyness that happened in the war, she strived for it be remembered and in the end, she did it justice.
[ "I will try hard to keep the memory of my parents alive.", "Nice, it's saddened they died with the war.", "Yeah, I planned to keep the memory fresh.", "And did you?", "Yeah, for it to be remembered, I did justice.", "That's Nice, you are so brave." ]
Aubrey could not allow the memory of her parents to be forgotten admist all the crazyness that happened in the war, she strived for it be remembered and in the end, she did it justice.
[ "The statue turned out just perfect.", "Your parents would be proud of you, that you have kept their memory alive and what they did to get you out of the country.", "They died to save me.", "You were everything to them.", "I know, I hope that this reminds others of the sacrifices that many in the war made." ]
Aubrey could not allow the memory of her parents to be forgotten admist all the crazyness that happened in the war, she strived for it be remembered and in the end, she did it justice.
[ "I created an memorial for my parents to savour their memories.", "That's sweet of you. What made you do it?", "I thought my parents deserved better memories than those cluttered with war.", "That's good. I wouldn't want my parents memories to be clouded with thoughts of war either." ]
Carson pulled the baby away from the road when a car was about to hit the baby.
[ "I helped a baby today and I was proud of myself.", "What happened? Tell me more.", "I pulled a baby away from the road when a car was about to hit the baby.", "Really? That's some hero stuff there man.", "Yeah, it was a good act and the kid was very adorable.", "Sure, I'm also proud of you my friend." ]
Carson pulled the baby away from the road when a car was about to hit the baby.
[ "Last night a baby almost got hit by a car.", "What happened?", "We were walking to the store and this car came out of nowhere and was about to hit her.", "Good thing she had you to pull her out of the road, so she didn't get hit.", "I pulled that girl up right before she could get hit." ]
Carson pulled the baby away from the road when a car was about to hit the baby.
[ "I had a scare today, my baby almost got hit by a car!", "Oh my God! Is he ok? Please tell me he's ok!", "Yes, it's fine. You know how fast babies can wander, he was out on the front lawn with me, and he got right to the street before I knew it.", "And you grabbed him just before he got hit?", "Yes, it was a pretty close call. The car wouldn't have seen him due to the trees near the street.", "I'm just glad your baby is ok, that's a very scary situation." ]
Carson pulled the baby away from the road when a car was about to hit the baby.
[ "Oh my god, dude, I just saved a baby.", "What, like in a video game?", "No, dude, this baby was in the middle of the road and about to be hit by a car.", "What happened?", "I had to run out and grab it, it was just before the car would've hit it. I'm trying to find its parents, now.", "Wow, you're a hero. Let me know if I can help!" ]
Kendall developed and tested a theory, despite years of being mocked by their colleagues.
[ "My theory worked.", "You tested it?", "Yes, after years of being mocked by my colleagues, I've proved them wrong.", "I'm so proud of you. You never gave up.", "It took years, but I finally did it.", "We need to go out and celebrate." ]
Kendall developed and tested a theory, despite years of being mocked by their colleagues.
[ "I believe in the scientific method.", "Your colleagues don't believe in it.", "Some of my colleagues have mocked me for years.", "Have you gotten the better of them?", "I developed and tested a theory and I proved it.", "You can't argue with the scientific method." ]