52 values
Kendall developed and tested a theory, despite years of being mocked by their colleagues.
[ "Those fools, short-sighted colleagues of mine. For years they laughed at me, well who's laughing now!", "I always believed in your theories, I knew you could do it.", "This should prove everything they doubted about me.", "How did you manage to get this done considering you were on your own?", "Pure genius, my friend.", "And self belief I guess." ]
Taylor took it easy even though he had a big track meet coming up next week.
[ "I can't do that hike with you tomorrow.", "How come?", "I have a big track meet next week and have to save my legs, I'm going to take it easy.", "You're not going to work out until then?", "Oh, sure, but hard hiking uses your muscles differently.", "I didn't know that." ]
Taylor took it easy even though he had a big track meet coming up next week.
[ "I have a big track meet next week.", "Did you train well?", "I trained well. But, I've been taking it easy over the past week.", "Why didn't you train hard over the past week?", "I want my muscles to relax. I don't want a muscle strain to occur right before the track meet.", "I understand. Take it easy." ]
Taylor took it easy even though he had a big track meet coming up next week.
[ "I have been skipping track practice all week.", "Why have you been skipping practice, don't you need it?", "I am the star on my team. I'm resting so I can be in good shape at our next meet.", "Shouldn't you be practicing for the next meet if it's important?", "I want to save my strength. I'm just taking it easy.", "You know what they say. Practice makes perfect." ]
Casey was making Jesse's wedding dress. At first it didn't fit so Casey had to make a few adjustments according to what Jesse wanted.
[ "I think this dress will fit Jesse after I fix the waist.", "Let her try it on real quick to know how it feels.", "I'm not giving it back until it's perfect.", "That's some good work ethic, but it's already looking amazing.", "Looks more comfortable too." ]
Casey was making Jesse's wedding dress. At first it didn't fit so Casey had to make a few adjustments according to what Jesse wanted.
[ "I'm finally coming to the finish line with this wedding dress.", "So you're putting on the final touches now?", "Yes as I did the fitting yesterday. Should be good for Jesse.", "How did that go?", "I had to make a few adjustments but nothing else.", "I can't wait to see her in the final product on her wedding day." ]
Casey was making Jesse's wedding dress. At first it didn't fit so Casey had to make a few adjustments according to what Jesse wanted.
[ "It looks like Jesse lost weight for her wedding. I'll take the dress in a little here.", "The dress is beautiful. I still can't believe she's getting married.", "Yeah. Just a week away! I hope she doesn't lose any more weight.", "The ceremony and all the plans, only for the dress not to fit. That would be heart-breaking.", "Well the dress will be ready and beautiful and everything will be perfect.", "I hope so!" ]
Addison discussed these direction in detail to her friend, since the cabin was off the main roads.
[ "I had to give very detailed directions to my friend", "Was the place very far?", "No, it's that it was off the main roads so it was hard to find.", "Oh, glad they found the cabin though." ]
Addison discussed these direction in detail to her friend, since the cabin was off the main roads.
[ "It is pretty simple, my friend just had to follow the directions.", "Why didn't you take her there? She could have gone missing.", "I just didn't have time, plus it's a bit of an adventure to go off the main roads.", "Where is she going again?", "To a cabin in the woods, for holiday.", "Exciting." ]
Addison discussed these direction in detail to her friend, since the cabin was off the main roads.
[ "I told my friend that we would have to depend on the landscape to find the cabin.", "I still don't understand why there isn't a map to it.", "Because all my family knows where it is by heart. It's just off the main road.", "There is a lot of forest there to drive around. You should have helped her out.", "Don't make me feel guilty.", "I'm not! I'm just saying she might get lost." ]
Addison discussed these direction in detail to her friend, since the cabin was off the main roads.
[ "The cabin is off the main road, I don't know what was so hard for my friend to understand.", "Did she get there alright?", "Yeah, but I had to sit there for a good forty minutes explaining how to get there and what roads to avoid.", "Are you going as well?", "I will meet her there once I get this assignment done.", "I see." ]
Skylar sailed using the wind even though there had been many warnings about the danger of the storm.
[ "I am grateful that I didn't need to be rescued out there.", "Didn't you see the storm warnings before going out?", "I did. I just wanted to be out on the water and feel the wind. It was stupid.", "Girl, we could be reading about you in the papers today. I'm glad you didn't need to be rescued too.", "I will never do anything that stupid again.", "Good. You live and you learn." ]
Skylar sailed using the wind even though there had been many warnings about the danger of the storm.
[ "It was so exciting to go through all the winds and such.", "I heard it is pretty dangerous, did you not listen to the warnings?", "It most definitely was, but I live on the edge of danger", "I know, you're crazy.", "I'm going to ride into the storm again for sure." ]
Kendall threw Sydney into prison and had to go back to the office for file work.
[ "Kendall is a backstabbing liar.", "What are you doing back in here?", "So, she said I was leaving today and then she threw me back into prison after lunch.", "Where did she go?", "In her office, to file work." ]
Kendall threw Sydney into prison and had to go back to the office for file work.
[ "I'm going to have to make this brief because the prison times your phone calls.", "The prison? Are you calling me from prison?", "Yeah, I was hoping you could post my bail. Kendall threw me in here last night for drunk driving. She's gone back to the office so I can't even persuade her.", "You were drinking and driving?", "No, Kendall's just out to get me. The bail amount is $500. Can you post it?", "Okay, fine. Just this once!" ]
Jan brought Jesse to the doctor after they were ill for several days in a row.
[ "I've been working on taking care of Jesse for the last couple days.", "That's good to hear you doing things for others.", "Jesse came down with an illness. At first it didn't seem too serious but the symptoms persisted after 3 days.", "A couple of days is about when I would get worried myself.", "I decided to take her to the doctor and it turned out she had a fever of 104 degrees.", "Wow, that seems really high. It's a good thing you took action when you did." ]
Jan brought Jesse to the doctor after they were ill for several days in a row.
[ "I have been so worried about Jesse. I am so glad she finally agreed to come with me to the doctor.", "I don't know why you have to bring her there, it's only a small cold.", "It's been days that she's ill, I was left with no choice.", "Sometimes you just need a good old rest, not a doctor.", "At least we now know that it is not anything serious.", "Yeah, still Jesse is very lucky to have someone as caring as you." ]
Remy spent the night in the hospital. They had a heart attack.
[ "I nearly died last night.", "I'm glad you're alive. What happened?", "I had a heart attack. I was rushed me to hospital.", "Thank God someone was around!", "Yes. I had someone also sat by my bed the whole night.", "Are you feeling better now?" ]
Riley was one of the people who prepared the food for the reception party after the wedding.
[ "Did you enjoy the food for the reception party after the wedding?", "Sure! I ate a whole lot of it.", "Oh good, I prepared the food.", "Wow! you are such a great cook", "Thanks!" ]
Riley was one of the people who prepared the food for the reception party after the wedding.
[ "I prepared all of the food for the reception after her wedding.", "I think you found a new line of work.", "Everyone said the food was the best they ever had. Really shocked I haven't gotten calls to cater anything else.", "You need to market your business. Facebook or any other means of doing so.", "You're right. I need to put it out there!", "Use her as a reference if you get calls. Maybe some of the guests will give you references on how the food tastes." ]
Riley was one of the people who prepared the food for the reception party after the wedding.
[ "I was one of the people who prepared food for the reception party after the wedding.", "What kind of food did you prepare?", "Several types of finger food.", "Were they difficult to make?" ]
Riley was one of the people who prepared the food for the reception party after the wedding.
[ "I made all the reception food for the wedding, not to brag or anything.", "It was really good. Especially that crab dip.", "I'm glad you liked it. I made it especially for the groom who loves the stuff.", "Everyone was talking about how good the food was . Now I can tell them to thank you for it." ]
Casey was grading a paper that put effort in to the length. They took it into account.
[ "This student wrote a 12 page paper when I only asked for a 3 page minimum.", "That is way too long. Are you going to give the student extra credit for writing so much?", "It's an ok paper, but repetitive. However , he did go above and beyond. I guess I will give him some extra points for extra work.", "That is nice of you. I'm sure he will be happy to hear see that ." ]
Casey was grading a paper that put effort in to the length. They took it into account.
[ "I was dealing with this one student today who I kind of felt bad for.", "Why did you feel badly for them?", "Well I was looking at their paper and it was really a terrible paper.", "So did they not follow instructions?", "No it was not even that, they followed instructions and made it very long. I feel like I should make the grade at least a B.", "That makes sense to me." ]
Casey was grading a paper that put effort in to the length. They took it into account.
[ "I've been grading papers for the last couple of days. This one paper put in extra effort, I can tell. It was much better than the rest.", "It was a stand out.", "There's always one of those.", "The person deserves bonus points.", "We are not awarding bonus points on this paper.", "The person should get a star at least. I used to get those from my elementary teachers when I was younger." ]
Aubrey went to the home improvement store but they no longer had the items on sale that they had seen the week before.
[ "I was so disappointed when I had got there, all the items I wanted were gone.", "Not even the coffee table you really wanted?", "Nope, and it looks like the faucets I wanted aren't on sale anymore either.", "Unfortunately that's the way it goes with sales, you have to act fast.", "That's too bad. Do you know if there will be a sale again?", "I don't know, but look out for black Friday because that's happening soon!" ]
Aubrey went to the home improvement store but they no longer had the items on sale that they had seen the week before.
[ "I just came from the home improvement store.", "What did you get?", "Just a few things that I wanted to buy.", "At least they were in stock.", "Yeah, but they were no longer on sale like they were the week before.", "That's why I like to buy things on sale even when I don't need it." ]
Aubrey went to the home improvement store but they no longer had the items on sale that they had seen the week before.
[ "The stuff I was looking for in the sale isn't available anymore.", "You should've just bought it on Amazon.", "I don't know, they don't have the exact same stuff.", "That's where I buy everything." ]
Riley understood the ambiguity around Quinn and felt more informed when they got a chance to get to know each other.
[ "I am so confused about Quinn, but then we sat down and had a coffee and it was all sorted.", "He's a very ambiguous person, you just have to get on his level.", "I understand. I felt like I got to know him on a different level after today.", "You two are going to be best friends.", "Looks like it, we might have a good bond.", "Good for you." ]
Riley understood the ambiguity around Quinn and felt more informed when they got a chance to get to know each other.
[ "You know how I used to think Quinn was odd?", "Oh yeah I remember you mentioned him to me.", "Well I got to know him better last weekend", "Cool how was he?", "He was more normal than I thought now that I talked to him, he is fine.", "That's great, must feel good to know that now." ]
Riley understood the ambiguity around Quinn and felt more informed when they got a chance to get to know each other.
[ "I am just getting to know Quinn.", "Quinn can be mysterious.", "There is some ambiguity about Quinn and I wanted to know more about her.", "What did you do?", "I felt more informed when I got to know her better.", "Better decisions are based on more information." ]
Addison knew Robin owed them money. Addison got to see Robin at work.
[ "I once lent Robin some money.", "That was nice of you to help him.", "Yes, but I need him to pay me back.", "Of course, that is understandable.", "That is the reason why I went to his job.", "I hope he paid you there." ]
Addison knew Robin owed them money. Addison got to see Robin at work.
[ "I know it was uncalled for, but I showed up at Robin's work to get what she owed me.", "That must have been so embarrassing for her.", "It was the only way to get her attention, by the looks of it.", "Well did you get what you wanted?", "Kind of.", "Good." ]
Addison knew Robin owed them money. Addison got to see Robin at work.
[ "I can't figure out what's wrong with Robin", "Why do you say that?", "He owes me money but it's like he does not want to pay me back", "But I thought he earns well.", "That's why I went to see him at his work place to demand for my money", "I hope you got what belongs to you" ]
Addison knew Robin owed them money. Addison got to see Robin at work.
[ "Robin still owes me money, but I'm confident she'll be able to pay me back.", "What makes you say that, since she still hasn't paid you anything?", "I got to see Robin at work. She's really good at what she does and she'll be able to earn enough to pay me back in no time.", "It's always a bad idea to loan friends money, in my opinion." ]
Addison knew Robin owed them money. Addison got to see Robin at work.
[ "I hope Robin pays me back the money she owes me today", "Just go visit her at work and ask her", "I already went and had a chat, she said to wait until next week.", "Sounds to me like you're letting her walk all over you.", "No it's nothing like that, I trust her." ]
Jan called Aubrey's girlfriend to check up on how Aubrey was doing after the car accident.
[ "I called Aubrey's girlfriend to check up on the condition Aubrey is in after her accident.", "What accident?", "Aubrey was involved in a really bad car accident. She completely wrecked her car and two other cars involved in the accident.", "That's horrifying. How's she doing?", "I am not sure. I think she's in the hospital.", "How many days has it been?" ]
Jan called Aubrey's girlfriend to check up on how Aubrey was doing after the car accident.
[ "I can't believe Aubrey had that car accident, I couldn't even get through to her.", "Oh my god, did you manage to speak to a relative?", "I only spoke to her girlfriend, she says she's fine but needs time to recover.", "How long before she's out of hospital then?", "Should be at least a month.", "Let me know once she's feeling better." ]
Jan called Aubrey's girlfriend to check up on how Aubrey was doing after the car accident.
[ "Did you hear that Aubrey was in a car accident last week?", "No I didn't, is he okay?", "Well, I called Aubrey's girlfriend to check up on him. She said he was doing a little better but still in a lot of pain.", "That's awful, did he end up breaking any bones?", "She said he has a broken leg and is in a cast for a few weeks.", "Well, I hope he gets well soon and makes a speedy recovery!" ]
The garage needed to be cleaned out to have a sale. Jan played a part in this process of getting it cleaned up.
[ "Oh boy am I tired.", "Why are you so tired?", "I was cleaning out the garage all day, and I did not realize the amount of stuff in there", "Doing some spring cleaning?", "Kind of, we're doing a garage sale for my church tomorrow, so I'm deciding what I should get rid of", "What a great idea, killing two birds with one stone" ]
The garage needed to be cleaned out to have a sale. Jan played a part in this process of getting it cleaned up.
[ "I've cleaned up the garage, ready for the weekend.", "Are you having the sale this weekend?", "That's the plan!", "Can I help you sell stuff?", "it's a lot of work, there's a huge mess to sort through", "I'm capable enough" ]
The garage needed to be cleaned out to have a sale. Jan played a part in this process of getting it cleaned up.
[ "I had to help cleaning out the garage today.", "For chores?", "No, my family is participating in the block garage sale.", "Oh I love garage sales. When is it?", "This weekend. So we had to finish the clean-up by today.", "I might come and do some shopping!" ]
The garage needed to be cleaned out to have a sale. Jan played a part in this process of getting it cleaned up.
[ "I had a garage sale today.", "How did it go?", "We made some sales, but the hardest part was cleaning out the garage to make it happen.", "It's hard to make sales when you're surrounded by junk.", "Very true. I threw away more stuff than I sold.", "No one wanted to buy your garbage?" ]
Aubrey thought of Remy almost every day, even though they were long gone.
[ "Aubrey still chats with me every day.", "Is this your friend from another state?", "Yeah, I'm still in her daily thoughts even though I moved across the country five years ago.", "Are you more like family than like friends?", "Yes, I don't even keep in touch with my parents that closely.", "You guys must have a special bond." ]
Aubrey thought of Remy almost every day, even though they were long gone.
[ "I'm really missing Aubrey these days.", "I thought you haven't talked to her in years.", "I haven't, not since I moved away twenty years ago.", "So what's making you think of her now?", "She sent me an email saying she thinks of me almost every day.", "That's so sweet of her." ]
Aubrey thought of Remy almost every day, even though they were long gone.
[ "I talked to Aubrey yesterday, and she was very sad that we moved.", "You can call and email her to stay in contact.", "I have been in contact with her lately.", "How does she feel about your move?", "She says that she thinks about me everyday.", "I hope that you stay in contact with her." ]
ash realized he was about to run out of gas so he put fuel in the car.
[ "I was on the highway and it struck me that I had almost no gas left in the tank.", "Did you make it through?", "Just about, thankfully the next station was 3 miles away.", "Close call.", "Plus this pick up truck goes through gas like manic.", "That's the thing about big cars." ]
ash realized he was about to run out of gas so he put fuel in the car.
[ "I was driving home the other night and I realized my gas light was on.", "Did you manage to get gas before you ran out?", "Yes, fortunately I was only a couple of miles away from a gas station. But I think I was running on fumes by the time I got there.", "Good thing you didn't run out of gas somewhere and get stuck.", "Yeah, but I really need to pay more attention to my gas gauge and not risk running out." ]
ash realized he was about to run out of gas so he put fuel in the car.
[ "Oh wow, it's crazy how low the fuel was in the car and yet I still managed to make it to the house.", "It has been a hell of a day.", "It really has. I was going run out of fuel right on the road but there was a cannister in the house.", "And you trusted that?", "I had no choice.", "I suppose." ]
ash realized he was about to run out of gas so he put fuel in the car.
[ "I just checked the fuel gauge, and the car's almost out of gas.", "There's a gas station just up the road.", "Great--I'll stop there...", "You want me to get you something inside while you fill the tank?", "Get me a coke. I'm just about done.", "I'll be right out." ]
Jesse rode a roller coaster at the fair. They should know they are in danger.
[ "That roller coaster at the fair was so scary.", "It looked really dangerous, you rode it?", "Yeah, it was shaking the whole time.", "I would never ride a fair roller coaster, they're built in a day.", "I didn't know that.", "Now you know they're dangerous." ]
Jesse rode a roller coaster at the fair. They should know they are in danger.
[ "I realised I was in danger when I rode the fair's roller coaster!", "I dislike roller coasters!", "I was so scared, it felt so jittery as well!", "I got scared too, it was the first and last time I'll ever go." ]
Jesse rode a roller coaster at the fair. They should know they are in danger.
[ "Hey I just rode the rollercoaster at the fair and it was scary.", "Yea man, its a fair you should know the dangers", "Yea but it's a coaster it looks so much fun to ride.", "Yea but you take your own risk riding any rides at a fair" ]
Jesse rode a roller coaster at the fair. They should know they are in danger.
[ "God saved me today.", "What's up?", "I rolled a roller coaster at the fair, I wasn't good at riding it, they should know they were in danger.", "Oh jheeze, that was dangerous.", "Yeah, I just wanted to give it a try.", "Don't give unnecessary try next time." ]
It took a lot of time, but Robin finally reached Tracy's level.
[ "It is about time that Robin reached my level.", "What do you mean? Robin has always been better than you in this game.", "Yeah right, she doesn't have any idea of how long it took her.", "You're just jealous because she's now at the same level as you.", "You need to get your facts right." ]
It took a lot of time, but Robin finally reached Tracy's level.
[ "I am so proud of Robin this week!", "Why? What did she do?", "It took her a long time, but she has finally reached the same level as me at work!", "No way, I know how hard you both were working trying to get her to the next level.", "Yes, exactly, hard work does pay off!", "That it does my friend, that is does." ]
It took a lot of time, but Robin finally reached Tracy's level.
[ "I don't take for granted how skilled I am.", "You are a pretty humble person, Tracy.", "It took a lot of years to master mathematics.", "I imagine it's very tough. Robin is highly skilled in math as well.", "Yes, I would say he's finally reached my level after several years.", "I'm sure it was extremely difficult for him to do that." ]
Bailey was having a difficult time finding a good job, but Tracy offered Bailey an opportunity.
[ "Bailey was so excited when I told her about the management opening at our company.", "Hasn't she been looking for a good job for a long time?", "Yes, and I think she will be perfect for the position in our office.", "I am sure she really appreciated you helping her get the job.", "We have been friends since elementary school so I was happy I could do it.", "You are truly a loyal friend!" ]
Even though Cameron was deep in denial, Sydney made Cameron accept their diagnosis.
[ "I didn't want to believe what was happening. I wanted to stay in denial.", "What couldn't you believe?", "I didn't want to accept my diagnosis, Sydney had to convince me.", "What were you diagnosed with?", "I have a rare medical condition." ]
Even though Cameron was deep in denial, Sydney made Cameron accept their diagnosis.
[ "How's it going?", "I'm doing okay, but I am somewhat concerned about what Sydney said.", "Why all the worry? I can't help this.", "Yeah but are you ok with everything?", "I finally better just accept things so I can move forward, thanks to Sydney's comments.", "I'll be here for you no matter what." ]
Taylor really liked Sasha, so he asked her on a date.
[ "I finally asked Sasha out on a date! We're going to dinner this weekend.", "I thought you were going to stay away from relationships and focus on your work.", "I was going to, but I really like Sasha.", "If she agreed to go out to dinner with you, she must like you too." ]
Taylor really liked Sasha, so he asked her on a date.
[ "I really like this girl Sasha and I finally asked her out on a date.", "That's awesome. Where are you going?", "I'm taking her out to dinner on Friday.", "Very nice. Dinner always makes a good first date.", "I agree. Easy for conversation, but also natural little breaks to eat.", "Exactly. You'll have to let me know how it goes." ]
After learning that Cameron was trying to have an affair with their husband, Quinn tried to kill Cameron.
[ "I need a lawyer and bail money.", "That sounds really bad.", "I learned Cameron was trying to have an affair with my husband.", "Did you revert to violence?", "I tried to kill him.", "It can't get any more violent than that." ]
taylor was a guide, he led aubrey and her team up the mountain.
[ "I led Aubrey and her team up the mountain yesterday.", "Did it go well?", "Yes, there were some very experienced climbers, so it went quickly.", "That's good, I remember that one group you brought up who had three injuries.", "Yes, that was a terrible group to lead!", "You should have minimum skill requirements to go up that mountain." ]
taylor was a guide, he led aubrey and her team up the mountain.
[ "We had a great time hiking the mountain over the weekend.", "Aubrey told me she had a blast.", "Yeah, I was the guide for her team and helped them find the best route up and down.", "That's good to hear. Aubrey told me she felt safe knowing you were leading everybody.", "I'm glad they had confidence in me." ]
taylor was a guide, he led aubrey and her team up the mountain.
[ "You'll never believe who I led up the mountain last weekend?", "I'm not sure I could guess, but it must be someone I know. Who?", "Aubrey! She was there were a group of college friends.", "Wow, I haven't seen her in ages. How is she?", "She's great, really enjoying college life. She and her friends really enjoyed the hike, too.", "That's all great to hear. Let me know if you see her again." ]
Jesse selected the thing that was best for you even tho Jesse knew you hated spinach with a passion.
[ "I am going to bring a spinach dish for the potluck.", "I hate spinach.", "It's so good for you though. It's packed with vitamins.", "I've heard all that from my mom and doctor. They are both trying to get me to eat more vegetables.", "Add me to that list. You need to eat more vegetables. You eat nothing but hotdogs and buns and ketchup.", "Ketchup counts as a vegetable, right? It's made from tomatoes." ]
Aubrey lost her necklace at the park, but Bailey helped her find it.
[ "I found a necklace at the park.", "Do you know who it belongs to?", "Yes. It is Aubrey's. She complained to me that she lost her necklace at the park.", "Then you found it. That is so nice of you", "Thanks by the way", "Now go get Aubrey." ]
Aubrey lost her necklace at the park, but Bailey helped her find it.
[ "Aubrey lost her necklace.", "She lost it at the park.", "I will help her find it.", "Hopefully yes. Tell her we will go there.", "I called the police to help.", "I found it, Bailey!" ]
Aubrey lost her necklace at the park, but Bailey helped her find it.
[ "I was a hero today.", "Did you save someone’s life?", "I sort of did that.", "It’s either you did or you didn’t.", "Aubrey lost her mom’s necklace and I helped her find it.", "So if she didn’t find it she was going to die, is that what you’re saying?" ]
Jordan told Bob that they would take them for a drink if they won. Jordan held up their end of a deal.
[ "Bob won the game. I had told him I would take him out for drinks so that's what we did.", "What game?", "He played football in college. Their team won.", "What position does he play?", "He's the quarterback.", "Wasn't he the quarterback in high school too?" ]
Jordan told Bob that they would take them for a drink if they won. Jordan held up their end of a deal.
[ "Did I tell you I lost my game last night?", "What was the final score?", "4-3 and I had a bet with Bob that I would buy him a drink if he won.", "I am sure he made you honour that bet.", "It worked out because we stopped at the bar around the corner and they had late night drink specials.", "Next time you're there give me a call and I'll join you." ]
Jordan told Bob that they would take them for a drink if they won. Jordan held up their end of a deal.
[ "Well, I guess I lost that bet with Bob. Teaches me not to get in these situations.", "I still can't believe that he won, it was such a close game and his team won by a last minute winner.", "The bet was so much fun, I'm mad I lost but we laughed it off over a drink I owed him in the end.", "Good stuff." ]
Jordan told Bob that they would take them for a drink if they won. Jordan held up their end of a deal.
[ "I went for a drink with Bob the other night.", "Really? That's not like you.", "I know! But I promised to take him for a drink if we won.", "You and your promises.", "Yes, and I held up my end of the deal.", "Now THAT sounds like you." ]
Riley and Sydney went for a hike. Sydney tripped and Riley made fun of Sydney for tripping.
[ "You should have seen her! She fell and started rolling around down the mountain.", "Were you not worried?", "I couldn't help it. It was kind of funny. But then I went over to check Sydney was actually alright.", "Did you manage to make it to the top of the mountain?", "Yeah, she was in pain after the trip but then it was all good..", "Congratulations." ]
Riley and Sydney went for a hike. Sydney tripped and Riley made fun of Sydney for tripping.
[ "I think Sydney is mad at me.", "Why would she be mad at you?", "She fell down and I laughed at her, whilst on that hike I told you about.", "I'd be mad if you laughed at me too.", "It was really funny though.", "It probably wasn't funny to her." ]
Riley and Sydney went for a hike. Sydney tripped and Riley made fun of Sydney for tripping.
[ "Sydney got so mad at me and called me immature.", "Why did she call you immature?", "Well she was hiking and tripped while going up the trail and I started laughing.", "Why did you laugh did you at least help her when she tripped?", "Yes, I did but it was knee jerk reaction and I couldn't help but laugh.", "I hope she wasn't hurt after she tripped while hiking." ]
Jesse was Skylar's boyfriend. Jesse impressed Skylar's parents when he went to dinner at their house.
[ "I think that I really impressed Skylar's parents last night at dinner.", "Yeah, I think you did Jesse. They seemed really impressed when they spoke about you.", "I am so glad that they approve of my job as an engineer. I can provide well for Skylar.", "I think so too. But it's not just about the money.", "They also liked that I could speak 2 other languages and that I'm very outgoing.", "Only time will tell, but they seemed happy with you." ]
Jesse was Skylar's boyfriend. Jesse impressed Skylar's parents when he went to dinner at their house.
[ "Skylar took me over to meet her parents last week.", "What were they like?", "They are really nice. We all had dinner together and talked about what we all do for a living.", "Do you think you made a good impression?", "I feel like I did. They kept telling Skylar she had found a good catch.", "That is great news. I am glad it is working out for you guys." ]
Jesse was Skylar's boyfriend. Jesse impressed Skylar's parents when he went to dinner at their house.
[ "Bro, I was freaking terrified going to Skylar's parents' house.", "How terrified? Like seen a ghost terrified or didn't study for an exam terrified?", "Honestly, a combo of both, but I'd humbly like to say I aced it thanks to my scheme!", "What did you do?", "I told them I was an astronaut in training and I could fly an air force 1 jet.", "You only left out the Microsoft flight simulator part, that's smart." ]
Casey bought a car from a friend and it was a red car with some dents in it.
[ "Do you like my new red car? It may have some dents in it but it is a beast.", "Yes I love sports cars. Did you get a discount because of all of the dents?", "I got it for a fair price from a friend. No worries there. Do you want to go for a spin?", "Hell yeah Casey. Let's go. Show me what she's got." ]
Casey bought a car from a friend and it was a red car with some dents in it.
[ "The car I bought has some dents in it.", "Who did you get it from?", "I got it from a friend of mine.", "What colour is it?", "Red", "Well it should be okay with the dents." ]
Casey bought a car from a friend and it was a red car with some dents in it.
[ "I just got something new.", "What did you get?", "A red car that I bought from a friend but it has some dents in it.", "Congrats on the new car.", "Thanks, I'll be driving around the block." ]
Casey bought a car from a friend and it was a red car with some dents in it.
[ "I finally have a working car!", "Oh nice. Where'd you get it?", "My friend was selling it. It runs well.", "What's it look like?", "It's red. It's nice with only a few small dents.", "Now I'll be able to meet you at the mall instead of having to pick you up." ]
Austin was in a rage while driving so he maintained the speed at the highest level.
[ "I sped the whole way here.", "Why would you do that?", "It was emotional. I was angry while driving.", "What made you so mad?", "Someone cut me off and almost caused a crash.", "So your response was to continue the cycle of recklessness?" ]
Austin was in a rage while driving so he maintained the speed at the highest level.
[ "I was so frustrated and filled with rage at that other driver!", "What happened?", "He cut me off and gave me an obscene gesture with his middle finger.", "That’s aweful! Some people are cruel and unkind.", "Yes, so I sped up and cut him off to teach him a lesson.", "That could have been dangerous Austin." ]
Addison sets up supplies for the bake sale. They make one table with breads and one with cakes and sweets.
[ "The doors open in five minutes. I have everything set up around me. Breads on one table and sweets and cakes on another.", "You have plenty but I know you will sell out.", "You are so kind. There will be lots of other vendors here selling cakes and breads.", "Yeah but they aren't your cakes and breads, Addison.", "Well I just want to sell out and make a bit of profit.", "You will. You always do. You are becoming famous around here for your breads and cakes." ]
Addison sets up supplies for the bake sale. They make one table with breads and one with cakes and sweets.
[ "I am so excited for this years bake sale!", "So am I, have you set up already?", "I have the tables ready for the cakes and sweets.", "Sounds great! You have it all worked out by the sound of it.", "Thanks, I will separate the breads from the cakes and the sweets so people don't get confused." ]
Addison sets up supplies for the bake sale. They make one table with breads and one with cakes and sweets.
[ "I can't wait for this amazing bake sale.", "What are we going to put out for it?", "Well, one table with the breads and another with sweets and cakes.", "That sounds amazing. I know exactly which spot I will go to.", "You might have to fight me for that one.", "Oh yeah? I think that I will win that one." ]
In their article, Mississippi gave the reader a thorough analysis of Riley's perspective.
[ "Did you like my article where I went over Riley's perspective in the movie?", "Yeah I thought it was a great read actually.", "I put a lot of effort into it because I want to be picked up by a major publication for my writing.", "I think you are already good enough, you just have to keep writing.", "Thanks, and I already have several other articles lined up for this week.", "That is a lot, I hope they do well when you post them." ]
In their article, Mississippi gave the reader a thorough analysis of Riley's perspective.
[ "I think that you may not be seeing the underlying theme here.", "I feel like as I read the passage the woman was in a state of happiness.", "Sure she was happy but also confused.", "I suppose when she made her choice that meant she may regret it later.", "That is right, because of Riley's perspective she will never know what would have happened. I gave a thorough analysis of this.", "That may always leave a feeling of what if." ]
Lee was trying to win a race. Lee watched to make sure they did not run into anyone.
[ "I ended up winning the race!", "I know, you were amazing on the track!", "I thought I was going to run into that one guy, I had to make sure I didn’t.", "You came pretty close, I saw you move over a little" ]
Lee was trying to win a race. Lee watched to make sure they did not run into anyone.
[ "I really wanted to win the race last weekend, but I was extra careful not to run into anybody.", "Didn't you have a problem with that in a recent race, where you ran into someone and you both fell?", "Yup, that's why I was so careful this time. I keep a good distance and when I wanted to pass I swung wide.", "So, how did it go?", "I came in second. But at least I didn't run into anyone.", "Well, congratulations on second place. That's still an accomplishment." ]
Lee was trying to win a race. Lee watched to make sure they did not run into anyone.
[ "I was trying to win the race, but I'm so clumsy that I have to ensure I don’t run into anyone first!", "That must give you a disadvantage surely?", "Yeah, but at least I'm preventing a concussion.", "Better safe than sorry and all that.", "Exactly.", "So did you win in the end?" ]
Lee was trying to win a race. Lee watched to make sure they did not run into anyone.
[ "I was almost at the finish line. I could see it so close to me", "Yeah you were really close.", "There were so many people at that marathon I had to make sure I wasn’t running into anyone first.", "Of course I totally understand your concern.", "Sucks that I didn't finish because of that but at least I tried.", "Better luck next time." ]
Since the hill they were riding down was incredibly steep and long, Kendall lost control of their bike.
[ "Does it look like I will need stitches?", "It is going to be a close call, we will have to wait for the bleeding to slow down so I can see the cut.", "Have you ever rode down a hill that was so steep before?", "No, I have never even seen a hill that was that steep and long before. You've got to be careful Kendall.", "Well, we will know from first hand experience to not do that hill again.", "That is for sure, I am just sorry it took you losing control of your bike for us to know." ]
Since the hill they were riding down was incredibly steep and long, Kendall lost control of their bike.
[ "I was riding my bike down a really steep hill, and I lost control of my bike.", "Oh, I'm so sorry. I hope you didn't get hurt to badly.", "I have a bunch of scrapes and bruises, but thankfully nothing worse than that.", "That's good. It could have been a lot worse.", "Definitely. As I was losing control, I was really scared of what was going to happen.", "That had to be really scary. I'm glad you're alright." ]
To get lee to sleep that night, Jesse started telling lee a story.
[ "Lee had too much energy last night.", "What was he doing?", "Running around and jumping.", "Did he fall asleep eventually?", "Yeah, but not from being tired, I told him a story.", "At least you know how to put him to bed." ]
To get lee to sleep that night, Jesse started telling lee a story.
[ "Lee didn't want to sleep last night, so I told him a story.", "Let me guess, it was the one about the counting sheep!", "How'd you figure that one out? Yeah, it is an oldie but a goodie. Puts them right to sleep.", "Any story about numbered sheep jumping over a fence would put an insomniac into slumber, Jesse.", "Yeah, that's true. I would do it in my own head to put me to sleep.", "I've done it before, too. I usually get around to the 10th sheep and then I'm out." ]
To get lee to sleep that night, Jesse started telling lee a story.
[ "I have the hardest time getting Lee to sleep.", "That is a common problem.", "The boy finds excuses to stay awake.", "What seems to work?", "I get Lee into a comfortable position in the bed and start to tell him the most boring story I can think of until he nods off.", "Whatever gets you through the night." ]