52 values
Quinn met a new man at the bar and they decided to go home together that night.
[ "Hi, I'm Quinn. Nice to meet you.", "Nice to meet you too. Would you like to dance and have a drink?", "Sure. After this, where do you plan to go next? want to go home together?", "My house. Sure. Let's go home together.", "Do you have a car?", "I'll drive us at my place." ]
Taylor walked home from school yesterday because the school bus never came to pick her up.
[ "I had to walk home from school yesterday. The bus driver said he'd be back but he never came.", "That's awful. How long was the walk?", "I love 3 miles away. It took over an hour. I stopped for some ice cream it was so hot.", "Well at least you made it home safely. Next time you should call someone to drive you home." ]
Taylor walked home from school yesterday because the school bus never came to pick her up.
[ "I didn't get home until almost 6 last night.", "Why what happened that took that long to get home?", "Well the school bus never showed up to pick me up so I had to walk home.", "That sucks. Why didn't the bus show up?", "I have no idea. I was so tired by the time I got home that I ate dinner and laid down.", "Well hopefully you got some good rest at least." ]
Riley regarded Jesse with suspicious eyes. Jesse had betrayed Riley before and Riley never forgot.
[ "I'm not going to Jesse's party tomorrow night.", "Why not?", "Do you remember last year when he hit my mom's car and refused to pay for the damages, so I had to pay for it myself?", "Yes. You weren't allowed to use your mom's car again and you had to ride your bike everywhere.", "Yeah, well, I didn't forget that. Jesse is not to be trusted and he is selfish.", "Okay, man. Let's see a movie instead." ]
Today is a Valentine day. Alex made a card for her boyfriend.
[ "Happy Valentines day Mike!", "Happy Valentines day to you to Alex. I love you.", "I made you this Valentines card.", "Thank you. I love it!", "I knew you would. You are my valentine.", "And you are my valentine, Alex I adore you." ]
Bailey sold her motorcycle after she was told that the odds of dying in an accident were high with motorcycles.
[ "I decided to sell by motorcycle.", "Why? That's one great looking Ducati.", "I heard if you ride a motorcycle, the odds of dying in an accident are high.", "If you don't ride one, the odds of dying of boredom are high too.", "I never thought of that.", "They call it opportunity cost." ]
Bailey sold her motorcycle after she was told that the odds of dying in an accident were high with motorcycles.
[ "I sold my motorcycle yesterday.", "Why did you do that for?", "I have been reading up on the odds of dying on the bike and I just found out I am going to be having a baby.", "What! Congrats! It is a higher risk, since most of you guys won't wear a helmet.", "I am going to buy a mini van." ]
Bailey sold her motorcycle after she was told that the odds of dying in an accident were high with motorcycles.
[ "Did you know I sold my motorcycle?", "No way-why?", "I saw this story on the news about motorcycles and it freaked me out- they're so dangerous!", "Well doesn't everyone know motorcycles are dangerous?", "Yeah, but for some reason I never thought I was taking that much of a risk.", "Well you can use that money to put towards a nice car!" ]
Since the dog kept biting everyone it encountered, Alex kept their dog away from Sasha.
[ "Alex kept the dog from me.", "Well is there a reason why?", "The dog was known to bit everyone it saw.", "Damn, that dog needs training.", "Sure does." ]
Tracy was unsuccessful for a job due to their sex but Tracy fought for their rights, brought the company to court and won.
[ "I can't believe this is finally over.", "I still can't believe you sued the company because they wouldn't promote you.", "I knew it was because I was female and I had so much proof.", "Yeah, all of those emails and company documents just won your case for you.", "They are crazy to think that I can't do the job. I taught all those guys how to do the job.", "Yeah, isn't that crazy? But you'll be showing them now." ]
Tracy was unsuccessful for a job due to their sex but Tracy fought for their rights, brought the company to court and won.
[ "This nightmare is finally over.", "I'm so proud of you and happy that you finally got it done.", "It took a long time but I was not giving up this fight.", "You did an amazing job and are an example to all women.", "Thank you and I'm going to try my best to make sure I live up to everything.", "You don't have to try at all because you are that person already." ]
Austin put Taylor in such an impossible situation that he really had Taylor by the short hairs.
[ "I wasn't expecting things to go the way they did.", "Well you really put Taylor in an impossible situation.", "I feel really bad for that too. Has Taylor said anything to you about what happened?", "Only that you got him into a bad situation.", "I'm going to owe him big time for what I got him into.", "Maybe you can agree to pay his attorney fees." ]
Austin put Taylor in such an impossible situation that he really had Taylor by the short hairs.
[ "Look Taylor, you have to come with me. If you don't I am going to tell Rachel what you did with Cindy.", "Dude seriously? You are putting me in a really terrible position.", "I'm sorry but I really need you to come along. I can't do this without you.", "You know Rachel means the world to me but I don't want to get involved in this mess you've made.", "Sorry man, if you don't come along I'm going to tell her.", "Fine. I guess I'm coming." ]
Jan wanted to catch up on the world happenings. Jan watched the news at 10 p.m.
[ "My favourite news is the 10 o'clock news.", "I love that too.", "When you want to know what is going on, turn to that channel.", "I never miss that.", "It sure is my window to the world.", "They give the best news." ]
Jan wanted to catch up on the world happenings. Jan watched the news at 10 p.m.
[ "I want to watch the news.", "Yea it's important to get ahead.", "Let's get some help watching", "What do you mean?", "How about read a newspaper.", "let's find out what resources we have." ]
Jan wanted to catch up on the world happenings. Jan watched the news at 10 p.m.
[ "I never watch the news, but I really wanted to catch up on what was going on so I decided to watch the news the other night.", "What did you see. It is never good.", "I know. I wish I hadn't watched because it only made me sad.", "Everything seems so sad on the news. I think that is what they like to do.", "I know after it got done I had to put on a comedy just so I could go to sleep.", "That is exactly why I never watch it anymore!" ]
The temperature was going to drop in the evening so, Skylar wore pants.
[ "I heard it's supposed to get cold this evening.", "Yeah, I saw that as well.", "I think I'm going to wear pants when we go out rather than shorts.", "That's a great idea, I think I'll wear pants, too.", "Let's wear those matching pants we got a Zara's.", "Sounds like a plan to me!" ]
The temperature was going to drop in the evening so, Skylar wore pants.
[ "I think I'm going to wear pants tonight.", "Really? But it's so hot today! I'm going to wear a skirt.", "Well I checked the weather and it's supposed to drop down to the forties tonight. That's a bit cold for me.", "Oh that is cold. I'm glad you told me! What colour pants are you wearing so I don't pick the same thing.", "I'm was thinking of wearing my red pants.", "Okay, I'll wear black ones then." ]
The temperature was going to drop in the evening so, Skylar wore pants.
[ "It's going to be chilly tonight.", "Is it? It's pretty warm right now.", "Yep! I checked the weather this morning. I wore this longer pants for that reason.", "Oh that was a good idea. Hopefully I don't get too cold!", "Always got to check the weather man, very important.", "I will in the future, good plan." ]
The temperature was going to drop in the evening so, Skylar wore pants.
[ "Whoa! Its so cold today", "Its freezing Skylar, and by the way, I saw you with some booty shorts. In this weather dear?", "Crazy as it may sound, I could not handle the falling temperature. I had to put on some pants", "You definitely had to. We don't want you falling sick at this time", "The winter this year is extreme" ]
The temperature was going to drop in the evening so, Skylar wore pants.
[ "I was wearing shorts earlier but I decided to change.", "Why? Your outfit looked really good.", "Thanks, but the temperature is going to drop tonight.", "Maybe I should have worn pants too.", "Well, I'm always cold so maybe you'll be okay.", "You're probably right." ]
Sasha is an animal activist. One day they went to the zoo for an animal rights protest.
[ "I think people need to start standing up for the animals more often.", "They do because they're so defenceless.", "The zoo is one of the worst places for animals in this world.", "Do you think we pay money in order to go see these poor animals held in jail.", "That's how you have to look at it, maybe we will start cancelling the zoo.", "If you need any help next time let me know because I want to go to the zoo and do some protesting as well." ]
Sasha is an animal activist. One day they went to the zoo for an animal rights protest.
[ "Come to the zoo with me.", "Great, I love looking at the animals.", "I am not going to look at them; I'm going to protest their treatment.", "What's bad about how they're treated?", "How would you like to live in a cage?", "You've made your point. I'll get my jacket." ]
Remy pushed the ball too far, so it rolled out into the street.
[ "I really shouldn't have pushed the ball this far into the street", "hopefully the cars will see it and not run it this time", "I'm sure they will see it because it is bright yellow and is really noticeable", "I would think they should but you never know" ]
Remy pushed the ball too far, so it rolled out into the street.
[ "Oh no my ball! It rolled into the street!", "It's too busy to go and get it right now! Wait until there is a red light", "Will I have time to run and get it?", "Yes if you hurry! Get ready to go and I will let you know when there is a red light", "OK", "Go! It's a red light" ]
Remy pushed the ball too far, so it rolled out into the street.
[ "The ball was rolling out into the street when I saw the car speeding my way. I had pushed it too hard.", "Did the car stop in time?", "Unfortunately not. It was trying to avoid hitting the ball and crashed into the parked car instead.", "Was anyone hurt?", "The driver hit the windshield. His head was bleeding. The ambulance came quickly to take him away.", "That's a bloody mess." ]
Alex got evicted from Lee's apartment after not paying his fair share of rent for two months straight.
[ "Alex proved to me he is a bum.", "I had warned you.", "I take the guy in and he doesn't pay his fair share of rent for two months straight.", "It's time to give him the heave-ho.", "I already evicted him.", "It serves him right." ]
Alex got evicted from Lee's apartment after not paying his fair share of rent for two months straight.
[ "I had to evict Alex today and I feel really bad about it.", "Isn't that your best friend? Why did you have to evict him?", "Because he wasn't paying rent, and he is my best friend, but I also run a business.", "How long was he not paying rent for?", "He didn't pay me for two months straight, and it was about to be a third.", "That sucks, but like you said, its a business." ]
Alex got evicted from Lee's apartment after not paying his fair share of rent for two months straight.
[ "I had to evict Alex today. I felt so damn bad but he wasn't paying his share of rent.", "For how long?", "He hasn't paid for two months straight and this is the third month coming up.", "That's too bad. He's a good guy but I understand your point of view, too.", "Thanks for not bashing me. I feel so bad about this." ]
Alex got evicted from Lee's apartment after not paying his fair share of rent for two months straight.
[ "Alex was evicted from our apartment after not paying his share of the rent for two months straight, and now we need to find a roommate.", "I can ask around for you.", "We are looking for a female who's cleans up after herself.", "I'll make a note of that. How much is rent?", "To share a bedroom, it's $500 a month.", "Not too bad." ]
Cameron drove a drunk Jesse home and laid hits keys on the table after he dropped off to sleep.
[ "I had never seen someone so drunk.", "Was he hard to carry?", "Oh yes, I used all of my muscles to drag him inside.", "You are an amazing friend.", "My whole body aches.", "You need some pain killers." ]
Cameron drove a drunk Jesse home and laid hits keys on the table after he dropped off to sleep.
[ "I just walked in there and left his key on the table. I'm so pissed.", "You did the right thing. You know that.", "I do. I really don't want to be friends with Jesse anymore.", "I'm sorry that you all fell out so quickly.", "Me too. He was super fun when he's sober.", "Yeah I could tell." ]
Carson is a car salesman, and yesterday they struck another deal and made a lot of money.
[ "Man today was a good day.", "Rumour is you got a big sale yesterday and made a lot of money.", "It's true.", "Wow that sure must feel good." ]
Carson is a car salesman, and yesterday they struck another deal and made a lot of money.
[ "I think being a car salesman is working out for me.", "Did you have another sale?", "Yeah, I made a great deal yesterday.", "Was the commission big?", "It was a lot of money.", "You've found your calling." ]
Carson is a car salesman, and yesterday they struck another deal and made a lot of money.
[ "I had a good day yesterday.", "At the car dealership?", "Yes, I made a big sale.", "And does that mean big money for you?", "Yes, it does.", "Good for you." ]
Carson is a car salesman, and yesterday they struck another deal and made a lot of money.
[ "I made a lot of money!", "When and how?", "Yesterday, I'm in sales.", "What kind of sales.", "care sales.", "I want to buy a car!" ]
Jan was getting tired and going nowhere and decided to give Bailey another go at it.
[ "We've been at this for over two hours. Is there anybody else who wants to try it?", "I think everybody has already tried.", "I think Bailey was the best of all. I may give him another chance.", "At this point you have nothing to lose.", "Bailey is ready and I think after this break he will do great.", "Ok. Let me call him back in for another try." ]
Ash went to kill Addison, so he got a giant knife and some sneaking shoes.
[ "So I really hate Addison.", "Why? What did she do?", "She broke up with me. I made a plan to kill her last night.", "That's super messed up, why are you telling me this?", "I got a big knife and some quiet shoes to sneak in on and I stabbed her.", "Wow, I am going to call the cops, you're sick." ]
Ash went to kill Addison, so he got a giant knife and some sneaking shoes.
[ "Addison has the role of Marion in the play based on the Hitchcock film", "And you, of course, are Norman....", "Of course. And she has triggered my psychotic murderous impulses....", "And Marion is now in the shower....", "Yes, and I have my sneakers on so she can't hear me over the water....", "OMG, whose nutty idea was it to turn Psycho into a play?" ]
Casey was with her friends and was trying to impress them, so she tossed her drink back.
[ "I was out with some friends last weekend and tried to impress them with how much I could drink. I tossed back a glass of wine in record time.", "How much did you end up drinking?", "Way too much!", "Did you succeed in impressing them?", "I'm not sure. I was too drunk to tell! And I paid for it the next day. I had a really bad hangover." ]
Casey was with her friends and was trying to impress them, so she tossed her drink back.
[ "I have such a headache today.", "Did you go to a party or something?", "No, just to a bar with some friends. But I normally don't drink and last night I was doing shots.", "Why would you do shots if you don't drink? That sounds kind of risky.", "I don't know. I guess I wanted to impress everyone and look more fun than I am. I tossed back quite a few whiskeys.", "Well drink lots of water today. You're probably dehydrated." ]
Casey was with her friends and was trying to impress them, so she tossed her drink back.
[ "I always wonder if my friends like me.", "I am sure they do because you are such a kind person.", "Sometimes though i feel like I have to impress them.", "How do you do that?", "Well at the party we had some drinks and I did a little trick tossing the drink behind me after I drank just to show them I was cool too.", "You are cool. I'm sure they thought that even without the drink tricks" ]
Kai looked for many new cars at the dealership and eventually found one that fit his style.
[ "I went car shopping yesterday.", "How'd it go?", "Well, I looked and looked and finally found one that fit my style.", "And what style is that?", "Cool and sporty, of course.", "Well, of course, I should have known." ]
Kai looked for many new cars at the dealership and eventually found one that fit his style.
[ "I got the best SUV at the dealership.", "Does it have good gas mileage?", "34 miles to the gallon!", "Wow, where did you get the money?", "My uncle gave it to me.", "Well can you pay back the money you owe me?" ]
Kai looked for many new cars at the dealership and eventually found one that fit his style.
[ "I found the car I want finally. It's taken me a while and I've visited many dealerships.", "Are you going to buy it?", "It's a bit out of my price range. I'll see if my parents will help me out with the down payment.", "I hope they do.", "Me too. It's my dream car. Just everything is exactly as I want it.", "You can drive me to the movies when you buy it." ]
Kai looked for many new cars at the dealership and eventually found one that fit his style.
[ "I finally picked out a car I like.", "Did you go to the dealers for it?", "Yeah, that's where I found it. I searched for hours and must have sat in dozens of cars.", "That's a lot of work. I am guessing you're certain about the one you picked.", "I sure am. and I love it. It's exactly my style.", "Congratulations. I can't wait to see it." ]
Alex made Jesse nervous. Alex was very aggressive.
[ "You need to calm down because you're being very aggressive", "I'm sorry, i just got a little excited and got carried away", "Well, don't do it anymore or i will walk right out of here and go home", "I will try and think harder before i make any dumb mistakes again", "I really hope you do.," ]
Ash was happy to see his friend, and welcomed Cameron back from vacation with open arms.
[ "I gave Cameron a hug when I saw him this morning.", "You must be so glad to See him back from vacation.", "You are so right.", "How long have you known each other?", "We have been friends since high school.", "That is a lot of years of friendship." ]
Ash was happy to see his friend, and welcomed Cameron back from vacation with open arms.
[ "It was really nice to see Cameron back from vacation.", "Seems like he was gone for a while.", "He was. That's why I gave him a big hug.", "I bet he appreciated that.", "Not really. He was a bit sunburnt.", "That must have been a painful hug." ]
Lee loved studying animals and insects so he was able to identify every species in the book.
[ "I really love studying animals and insects. They are my favourite subjects!", "How did you get so good at knowing the different kinds of animals and insects?", "I put in a lot of time studying, now I am able to identify every species in the book!", "That's awesome! Could you teach me what you know sometime?", "Of course, I love sharing my knowledge on these subjects!", "Thank you! You really are a great friend." ]
Lee loved studying animals and insects so he was able to identify every species in the book.
[ "I love nature and everything that it has within it. I love learning about animals and insects", "That is awesome, I love nature as well but I don't think I can out beat you on that.", "I know every thing and I can identify everything within this book.", "Man that is a task I might be able to identify a few things but not everything.", "Years of practice man." ]
Alex was being mean, so Carson decided to teach Alex a lesson.
[ "That Alex has taken my lunch from the break room fridge for the last time.", "What are you going to do?", "I have some leftovers from last week at home, I'm going to bring them and put them in the fridge here.", "Do you think he'll eat them?", "He's eaten everything I've brought for the past week. I hope he enjoys 8 day old fish.", "I hope he doesn't get sick!" ]
Alex was being mean, so Carson decided to teach Alex a lesson.
[ "I hope Alex learned her lesson.", "What did she need to learn?", "She was being really mean, so I was mean back to her.", "Did she stop being mean?", "She was taken aback, I think she has a bully mentality.", "Bullies do back down if they're confronted." ]
Addison was at a party with friends but knew they had to get up early in the morning for work so Addison said their goodbyes then left for home.
[ "I was the first one to leave the party last night.", "Why did you leave before everyone else?", "Last party they stayed until 3 am. I had to be at work at 7. So I left at 11.", "That sounds sensible you can't go to sleep at 3 and get back up at 6.", "I did it last party. It was brutal the whole day I was so tired.", "Yeah, your rest comes first. It would have been hard to work that tired." ]
Addison was at a party with friends but knew they had to get up early in the morning for work so Addison said their goodbyes then left for home.
[ "I need to get up early for work tomorrow. I'm sure you do too.", "Yes, I have a very early day.", "I am going to leave now and head for home. I'd love to party all night but I'm not a kid anymore.", "I may be heading out right behind you.", "I'm going over to say goodbye to the host first.", "I'll come with you to say goodbye." ]
Knowing that the assignments are part of the semester grade, Sydney took schoolwork seriously.
[ "I really have to finish this assignment bill", "come on, one game wont kill you", "no, i want to get a good grade in this class it will really help me out", "what is it anyway", "its advanced nuclear physics", "Jesus just the name scares me" ]
Kendall had to go to the store to replace the turkey he burnt but he was not wearing any clothes.
[ "I really need to go to the grocery store.", "What do you need to buy?", "I need another turkey. I burned the one I was cooking.", "You'd better hurry. I think the store closes early today. And they might be running low on turkeys.", "I know. But I'm not wearing any clothes.", "Well that is a conversation for another time. But for now, get dressed and get your butt to the store." ]
Kendall had to go to the store to replace the turkey he burnt but he was not wearing any clothes.
[ "I need to replace the turkey I burnt.", "You do know you aren't wearing any clothes.", "I'm in a rush and just going to wear my robe.", "How about you drive in your robe and I will run into the store?", "Great idea!", "Grab your keys and let's go." ]
Kendall had to go to the store to replace the turkey he burnt but he was not wearing any clothes.
[ "I had the craziest Thanksgiving this year! How was yours?", "It was boring. What happened with you?", "I burnt the turkey and I needed to go out and get a new one, but I was completely naked.", "What? Why were you naked?", "I hate wearing clothes so I tried to go out and buy it naked, but the owner turned me away.", "That is a crazy story!" ]
Kendall had to go to the store to replace the turkey he burnt but he was not wearing any clothes.
[ "I felt so embarrassed at the store, I wasn't wearing any clothes.", "You mean, you went to the store naked?", "Well, with the exception of my underpants, yes!", "That's crazy Kendall, why?", "I was drinking too much wine and I burnt the turkey, had to return it.", "That's unbelievable Kendall!" ]
Lee took a fertility pill, it worked too well and caused an unexpected event to occur.
[ "So I took a fertility pill before we, you know -", "Are you trying to have a baby?", "I mean we've been pretty casual about it, but I guess it worked.", "Are you guys pregnant!", "We are!", "Oh my god! Congratulations!" ]
Lee took a fertility pill, it worked too well and caused an unexpected event to occur.
[ "I took a pill.", "I think it works it's been so long.", "You've been great in this.", "Yea let's do it again.", "No worries right.", "None at all." ]
Casey got into a small accident with Jan's car. Casey cost Jan many dollars in repair.
[ "I got into a small accident with Jan's car.", "OH! sorry. have you repaired the car?", "No he asked me not to.", "What did he do about it.", "He repaired it and cost him many dollar", "OH! thanks to him." ]
Casey got into a small accident with Jan's car. Casey cost Jan many dollars in repair.
[ "I think i may have made a big mistake today", "well, what did you do this time?", "i got in a small accident and ruined Casey's car", "that is going to cost her a bunch of money", "i can probably pay her back in a few months" ]
Casey got into a small accident with Jan's car. Casey cost Jan many dollars in repair.
[ "I still can't believe that I hit that other car.", "What are you doing to do it is going to cost Jan a lot.", "I plan on paying for it, it was my fault.", "I know but still her cost will still raise because of this.", "I am scared to see how much this will cost Jan." ]
Casey got into a small accident with Jan's car. Casey cost Jan many dollars in repair.
[ "The accident I got into with Jan's car is costing a lot of money!", "How? I thought it was just a small accident?", "I thought so too, but the paint on her car is a special custom paint, so that alone is over $1,000", "Well damn, remind me to never have custom paint on my car.", "Yeah, or let me drive it so it needs to be redone.", "Accidents happen man, its just money, you can make more tomorrow." ]
Robin always wanted to see the world so she decided to take a sabbatical and backpack all over the world.
[ "I don't know if you already heard, but next month I am leaving on a sabbatical and backpacking all over the world. I've been saving money and preparing for this for so long.", "Really? That's so awesome! I think that will be such a great adventure for you.", "I really can't wait. I love my job but backpacking has always been a really big goal for me.", "I'm really proud of you. Are you going alone? Because I think that would be something I would love to do also, and if you want company, I so much would love to go with you.", "Really? Oh my god, I would honestly love it if you could do this with me. It would be our greatest adventure together!", "Well then, I have some money saved up, and I will start putting back more money each pay check so we can go together! I'm in!" ]
Jesse lost their voice. They yelled too much at the game.
[ "Oh I cant speak now.", "Yeah, my voice is shot too.", "Same, I was screaming to much during the game.", "I feel you it was a good game." ]
Skylar was having a hard time eating food because of tooth pain. Skylar went to the dentist to find out what was wrong.
[ "I am hungry but I can't eat much", "Why's that? Is your stomach upset?", "That's not it. I had a tooth removed yesterday so it's still sore.", "Toothache is terrible. I hope you get better sooner.", "It is better than yesterday. I had to visit the dentist because I could not chew food due to pain.", "What problem did he diagnose?" ]
Skylar was having a hard time eating food because of tooth pain. Skylar went to the dentist to find out what was wrong.
[ "Bill finally took me the new deli on 4th but my tooth hurt so bad I couldn't enjoy the food", "It sounds like you are going to have that looked at", "Even though I hate that idea, I went to the dentist Monday, was there all day!", "Did they find the problem?", "Sure did, I needed a root canal, the procedure was uncomfortable but the tooth feels better now", "Thank God! Good thing you didn't let that go any longer" ]
Skylar was having a hard time eating food because of tooth pain. Skylar went to the dentist to find out what was wrong.
[ "I finally went to the dentist since the tooth pain was so bad.", "What did the dentist say?", "I needed a root canal.", "That's not good news.", "It wasn't. But at least I had it done a few days ago.", "That explains why you're eating all my food." ]
Ash got Cameron's mom a valentines card, so Ash's mom wouldn't feel left out.
[ "I hope your mom enjoyed her Valentines card. She seemed sad.", "Thanks Ash. My dad has not observed Valentines Day in 20 years. No card no candy nothing.", "Dude, maybe there's more to it.", "Well, they really haven't spoken in 20 years", "Wow, but why are they together?", "Soulmates in silence?" ]
Ash got Cameron's mom a valentines card, so Ash's mom wouldn't feel left out.
[ "I got a valentine's card for Cameron's mom too", "That's thoughtful", "Yeah my mom said she'd feel left out if I didn't", "Yeah your mom and Cameron's are good mothers they deserve it", "I enjoy Cameron's mom's company so I thought it was wise", "It was a great idea" ]
Sydney and Remy were together 10 years but after Sydney cheated on Remy, they separated and from then on Sydney's choices in life made no difference to Remy.
[ "I just bought a brand new Mercedes.", "That's nice, I really don't care.", "Remy we were together for 10 years you could show some support.", "Ever since we split I couldn't care less what you do because you are no longer a part of my life.", "Wow I still care about you and want the best for you I can't believe you don't want the same for me.", "Well believe it, we are over and so is this conversation." ]
Casey told Jordan yes to going out with him for dinner on a date next week.
[ "of course i will go out on a date with you next week", "Do you like lobster and shrimp?", "those are two of my favourite foods in the world", "sounds great then. i will pick you up around 4 next Friday and we can go to the new restaurant" ]
Casey told Jordan yes to going out with him for dinner on a date next week.
[ "So you know Jordan, right?", "Yes, he's that guy from work.", "Yeah, so he asked me out on a dinner date next week.", "Exciting! What did you tell him?", "I said yes!", "Aw, you'll have to let me know how it goes!!" ]
Jan had always wanted a puppy, but decided to adopt an older shelter dog instead.
[ "I wanted a puppy, but when I went to the shelter, they only had adult dogs.", "Did you adopt a dog?", "I adopted a golden retriever from the shelter. She's adorable.", "Did you name her yet?", "Her name is Sunshine.", "That's beautiful." ]
Jan had always wanted a puppy, but decided to adopt an older shelter dog instead.
[ "I always wanted a puppy!", "But why did you adopt this old shelter dog", "I adopted her because no one wanted to adopt her,", "That is do considerate of you!" ]
Jan had always wanted a puppy, but decided to adopt an older shelter dog instead.
[ "While I always wanted a puppy, I think I will get an older dog.", "Really? What caused your change of heart?", "Just seeing these sad older dogs in there made me feel empathy for them.", "Aww, that is so sweet.", "Just honest!" ]
Jan had always wanted a puppy, but decided to adopt an older shelter dog instead.
[ "I'm really happy with Rex", "you seem happy, i thought you wanted a puppy though", "i did, but a friend told me about those poor dogs in the shelter", "there are a lot of them", "the second i saw him i knew he was for me", "that's so sweet, he is a great dog" ]
Jan was grabbed at the shopping centre and was being pulled away. Jan tried to run away from it.
[ "You will never guess what happened to me today. I just got home from the police station.", "Oh my god, tell me!", "I was at the shopping centre, getting ready to walk in and I was grabbed from behind. They started to pull me towards their van but I got away.", "Was there anyone else around? Did you see them?", "I did get a peek at a one of them and his tattoos. So I called the cops and I went down to give a statement. I hope they catch them.", "Me, too. That just gives me the chills thinking about that happening to you." ]
Since it was his day for show and tell, Carson walked his dog to school.
[ "Yesterday was my day for show and tell", "What special thing did you do?", "I walked my dog to school", "It must really be fun then.", "Yes! i enjoyed it." ]
Since it was his day for show and tell, Carson walked his dog to school.
[ "My dog is really loving the weather right now", "He just cant stop wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out", "I think i have to stop soon and get him some water because he might be thirsty", "Yea, we don't want him to get dehydrated from the heat" ]
Since it was his day for show and tell, Carson walked his dog to school.
[ "I got an A on my show-and-tell today. I showed my dog as mine.", "They let you bring your dog to school.", "Yes, and I showed everyone some tricks and how smart he is.", "I bet your dog was a big hit with the kids.", "Oh, he was. And the teacher loved him. It was fun." ]
Since it was his day for show and tell, Carson walked his dog to school.
[ "I didn't think it was such a bad idea to bring my dog to school today.", "You didn't find it a odd choice?", "No way, it was show and tell and it was my turn!", "Well normally you would bring in a toy, or a souvenir to show off.", "Well my dog just turns out to be my favourite thing to show off to others.", "That's obvious to everyone now!" ]
Alex had a new video game and invited their friend Cameron to play it with them.
[ "Have you seen anything about the PlayStation 5 Mega Ultra Pro?", "There is no such game as that!", "Yes there is! I have it.", "How do you have that game when it doesn't exist?", "My dad is the CEO of Sony and he got me the very first game off the line. Would you want to come play with me tonight? Cameron, it's the greatest game console in the world.", "Uh, yeah! Can I just ride the school bus home with you after school so we can start playing as soon as possible???" ]
Alex had a new video game and invited their friend Cameron to play it with them.
[ "Hey Cameron Dingo Riders 3 just came out want to come out and play", "You got a copy? How its sold out everywhere", "My uncle randomly saw one hidden on the shelves in a Walmart", "That is lucky man, yea i really want to try it out", "Come over now I'm ready to game", "Ok let me just drop this off at home and ill be right over" ]
Alex had a new video game and invited their friend Cameron to play it with them.
[ "Hey Cameron, want to come play the new game I got?", "Sure, what game?", "The new Madden.", "Oh sweet, that sounds fun.", "Just come over whenever you're ready.", "Alright, see you soon." ]
Alex had a new video game and invited their friend Cameron to play it with them.
[ "Hey do you want to come over and play my new video game?", "Sure! What game is it?", "It's the new Red Dead 2", "Oh I've heard that's really fin", "Yah, it's only one player but we can take turns", "Yah sounds awesome!" ]
Skylar was tired of getting vegetables at the store. Skylar planted a garden.
[ "I planted a garden this weekend. Most I won't have to buy vegetables in the store anymore.", "Oh Miss green thumbs. You have to give me some when they are grown.", "I will. I don't need a million tomatoes and zucchinis. .", "Hmm lots of zucchini bread appears to be in your future." ]
Skylar was tired of getting vegetables at the store. Skylar planted a garden.
[ "My garden is starting to come up!", "Oh, I didn't even know you had planted one.", "Yeah, I was getting tired of having to buy nasty veggies from the store.", "When did you plant most of it?", "In the last few months. It took a while to weed the area and everything.", "Send some my way if you have any extras. I'd love to try some." ]
Skylar was tired of getting vegetables at the store. Skylar planted a garden.
[ "I planted a garden this weekend. I can't wait for it to grow.", "Why'd you decide to plant a garden?", "I got tired of getting vegetables at the store. I want fresh vegetables.", "That's great. I have a small garden and I love it." ]
Carson couldn't wait for Alex to open the presents. Carson opened all of Alex's presents on his birthday.
[ "I got in a lot of trouble for what I did with Alex's presents.", "I know, I can't believe you opened them all.", "I knew better, but I couldn't stop myself. And then I felt really bad.", "I'm sure you won't do it again, at least. Isn't that true?", "Yeah, it's true. There was too much bad feelings afterward, for everyone, because of what I did.", "Then it was a good lesson for you." ]
Carson couldn't wait for Alex to open the presents. Carson opened all of Alex's presents on his birthday.
[ "I got grounded for a week!", "What did you do to get that long?", "I ended up Alex's presents on his birthday, I was just so excited and wanted to see what he got.", "If you had not opened the presents you would not have gotten grounded.", "I know, but it was worth seeing his face." ]
Carson couldn't wait for Alex to open the presents. Carson opened all of Alex's presents on his birthday.
[ "I couldn't wait. So I opened all of Alex's presents.", "But they are his presents. It's his birthday.", "I know. But I was so curious.", "You know what curiosity did to the cat, don't you?", "Well, Alex is pretty mad.", "Luckily, I only gave him a toy gun." ]
Carson couldn't wait for Alex to open the presents. Carson opened all of Alex's presents on his birthday.
[ "I did something horrible!!!", "What? What did you do?", "I couldn't wait and I opened all of Alex's presents on his birthday.", "I can't believe you did that! Those are his presents.", "I know. And now he's mad at me.", "As he should be!" ]
Robin's house was scheduled to be demolished. Jesse set Robin's house on fire.
[ "I know everyone is mad at me for what I did.", "Everyone is more than Matt, they are angry.", "Look, she deserved everything that she got.", "I think you're just going overboard now.", "I'm just tired of everyone blaming me for everything including this fire", "Did you not set it on purpose?" ]
Robin's house was scheduled to be demolished. Jesse set Robin's house on fire.
[ "Robin's house was already scheduled to be demolished.", "Is that the reason you set it on fire.", "Yes, It will be demolished anyway.", "You are so cold and mean.", "Nothing to worry about.", "Thankfully no one is hurt." ]
Robin's house was scheduled to be demolished. Jesse set Robin's house on fire.
[ "Have you heard that Robin's house is due for a demolition?", "I've heard that it is so old that it is considered a hazard.", "Yes. I had lots of fun setting it on fire and watching it burn.", "Isn't that illegal?", "I had permission from Robin, and it is going to be bulldozed to the ground anyway.", "I think you are a pyromaniac." ]
Robin's house was scheduled to be demolished. Jesse set Robin's house on fire.
[ "I feel like an arsonist!", "Well, Robin's house was going to be demolished anyway.", "I know, but that way we could collect on the insurance.", "You mean to say you set the house on fire to collect insurance?", "That's correct, we can gain a lot of money this way.", "That's criminal!" ]