52 values
A client hired Austin for investment help. Austin advised the client on all matters.
[ "I got a call for a new client today", "You still working in the investment firm?", "Part time now but I am glad to help", "Did you fulfil their needs?", "I advised them on all matters", "You need to work full time again" ]
Carson was new at school and befriended Quinn, so Quinn introduced him to the cool kids.
[ "I befriended this sweet girl today. She introduced me to all the cool kids.", "You are in with the cool crowd.", "I am new to the school so I want to be friendly to everyone.", "You make friends easily. I don't worry about you.", "People are very friendly to me at my new school.", "That's better than if they were mean to you." ]
Carson was new at school and befriended Quinn, so Quinn introduced him to the cool kids.
[ "I made some new friends already at school.", "Wow, you have only been there a few days!", "I know. I met this nice guy named Quinn and he introduced me to all the cool kids.", "That's nice! I am glad things are working out for you there.", "Me too. I was pretty nervous starting out here.", "I am sure it is going to be fine, especially if you already have friends." ]
Carson was new at school and befriended Quinn, so Quinn introduced him to the cool kids.
[ "I had a great day at school today.", "I was worried that you would have a hard time fitting in.", "Yeah, but I met this person named Quinn.", "Quinn sounds like a good friend.", "Yeah, Quinn introduced me to all the coolest kid.", "It sounds like you have a lot of new friends!" ]
Carson was new at school and befriended Quinn, so Quinn introduced him to the cool kids.
[ "I'm confused, is Andy dating Brandy, or is Mandy dating Andy?", "No, Mandy is dating Randy and Andy is single but used to date Brandy who is currently trying to start a relationship with Sandy, but she's too scared to commit.", "Wait, who's Sandy!?", "Don't worry about her, she's one of the weird ones so you're probably better off staying away from her altogether.", "But Andy and Mandy are cool?", "See, now you're getting it!" ]
Bailey put the kids in their car because they were being too loud in the house.
[ "OK if you don't be quiet you will regret it.", "Boo hoo, why don't you piss off boomer.", "Ok that tears it, get in the car right now.", "Can we watch a movie in the car?", "Grab your tablet and be quiet .", "Yeah, road trip." ]
Bailey put the kids in their car because they were being too loud in the house.
[ "You are being loud.", "But we are hungry!", "Yea but hang in there.", "Why?", "I have a small group in the house.", "Ok, we will wait here in the car." ]
Bailey put the kids in their car because they were being too loud in the house.
[ "The kids were being so loud inside, when the people came to tour the house.", "How did you get them to be quiet?", "I told them to go and sit in the car and watch a movie while they were here.", "That is a good idea, I am going to have to try that next time I need a break from Chris." ]
Janice won a trophy at the karate tournament. Bailey also got a trophy.
[ "That's a nice trophy Janice", "Thanks and good job on yours", "Thank you, i cant believe we both won our categories", "Yea our training really has started to pay off", "Master Chi is a great Karate teacher", "I think he's the best" ]
Tracy needed to get to work but the car was snowed in as it has snowed all night so Tracy shovelled the snow.
[ "I was already tired before I came in the work.", "What were you doing?", "I had to show up without my snowed in car.", "Did you park it on the side of the road?", "I did and the plods didn't help me out at all.", "Don't you hate when they do that?" ]
Tracy needed to get to work but the car was snowed in as it has snowed all night so Tracy shovelled the snow.
[ "I was late to work today.", "Why were you late?", "It snowed all night and I was blocked in.", "Oh, you had to shovel the snow?", "Yeah, and it took me forever.", "I hope you didn't get in trouble with your boss!" ]
Tracy needed to get to work but the car was snowed in as it has snowed all night so Tracy shovelled the snow.
[ "It's time for me to go to work this morning, but my car is surrounded with snow. It snowed all night.", "Are you able to move the car after you crank it?", "No, the snow is too heavy. It's blocking me from driving.", "What are you going to do?", "I'll call my job and tell them I'll be late. I'm shovelling the snow now.", "Stay warm as you shovel the snow." ]
Aubrey went hiking in the woods by themselves to prove they were not afraid of the dark.
[ "I am working to overcome my fears.", "That is a worthy endeavour.", "I want to tackle my fear of the dark.", "What have you done about it?", "I went hiking in the woods by myself to prove I was not afraid of the dark.", "Was that you I saw last night running from the woods?" ]
Aubrey went hiking in the woods by themselves to prove they were not afraid of the dark.
[ "I took a walk in the forest last night all be myself.", "I thought you were scared of things that might jump out at you in the dark.", "I was, so I figured I had to try to conquer my fears.", "I'm very impressed with you for being so brave.", "Thanks, and I feel better about the night-time now.", "There are so many fun things to do at night, and now we can do them together!" ]
Carson broke his fall instinctively after he had been taught how to roll through a fall by a more experienced skateboarder.
[ "I had a really bad crash today on my skateboard.", "Really? You don't look very banged up. All I see is a scratch on your leg.", "I know how to fall. An experienced skateboarder once taught me how to tuck and roll if I ever got into a bad crash.", "That's a valuable skill to have." ]
Carson broke his fall instinctively after he had been taught how to roll through a fall by a more experienced skateboarder.
[ "I fell at the skate park today , but that truck on how to fall I learned from that good skater saved me .", "Wow. That's great that you know how to fall properly. I hope you weren't hurt . . .", "No I got a tiny scrape on my knee but I am fine.", "You are going to be the expert soon with all of your skating." ]
Carson broke his fall instinctively after he had been taught how to roll through a fall by a more experienced skateboarder.
[ "I almost got hurt skateboarding but a more experienced skateboarder taught me how to avoid getting hurt.", "What did he teach you?", "He taught me how to brake my fall instinctively.", "Wow! That's so cool. Can you teach me?", "I can show you right now." ]
Sydney prevented the flu from spreading because she was able to get a flu shot at work.
[ "My left arm is throbbing right now.", "I see you have a band-aid on your arm. Did you cut yourself?", "No, I got a flu shot at work today.", "That's good you're taking preventative measures.", "Yes, I think it's best to prevent the flu from spreading this season given the unknowns of COVID.", "You should switch out your band-aid to a new one, since the current one is fraying." ]
Sydney prevented the flu from spreading because she was able to get a flu shot at work.
[ "I am so glad that I got that flu shot at work. This flu season is terrible.", "Yeah, you probably helped stop the spread by getting the shot. It's important.", "I usually try to get it every year. I don't like getting sick.", "Me neither. I really should get one too." ]
Robin wrote a story on the trial and posted it to their blog page and got a death threat.
[ "You will just not believe this one.", "Did something happen after the trial?", "I wrote a story about the case and posted it on my blog page.", "So far so good.", "Someone was really upset with the blog and sent me a death threat.", "Call the police." ]
Robin wrote a story on the trial and posted it to their blog page and got a death threat.
[ "I wrote a story on the trial and posted it to their blog page.", "What happened?", "After that I started getting death threats.", "Oh man, I'm so sorry.", "I'm going to buy a gun.", "Good stuff." ]
Robin wrote a story on the trial and posted it to their blog page and got a death threat.
[ "I'm scared.", "What's the matter?", "Well, you know that story I wrote about the trial?", "Yes, you showed it to me.", "I posted it on my blog and got a death threat.", "You have to call the police." ]
After hiring Jordan to lead the new marketing department, Ash implemented Jordan's suggested program.
[ "I am impressed with my new head of the marketing department.", "How so?", "His name is Jordan and he came in with a lot of good ideas.", "Give me an example.", "I implemented one of his programs where customers get credit for their loyalty in a unique way. I'll tell you more about later; I've got to get to work.", "I am really interested in hearing more about it." ]
Riley was having issues with their health, so Riley started hiking.
[ "Since I have started hiking I have started feeling a lot more energetic.", "Really? I would think it would wear you down.", "No actually it has made me feel really great!", "Wow I had no idea. Maybe I need to start exercising more also.", "I would really recommend it. I have never felt so good.", "Let me know when you are going to take your next hike and I will join you!" ]
Riley was having issues with their health, so Riley started hiking.
[ "I started hiking because I want to be healthier.", "Where do you hike?", "There are mountains behind my house. I just walk up the hills and get on the trails.", "That's convenient.", "I need to make a habit of it. It feels great to get out in nature.", "We are need to get moving." ]
Riley was having issues with their health, so Riley started hiking.
[ "I really have been struggling with my health lately.", "How so, what is wrong?", "I get chest pain and shortness of breath. I have started hiking and that has alleviated some of the pain though.", "That is great to hear, keep up the exercise!", "Oh yes, I will!" ]
Remy, their partner Joe and family were out for dinner when Joe suddenly asked Remy to marry them. Remy smiled and answered the question happily saying yes of course.
[ "I am so excited that we are getting engaged", "yeah it is really a positive thing in my life happening", "I am so happy and looking forward to spending the rest of my life with you", "I am happy as well.", "I cant wait to have the big wedding", "likewise" ]
Their friends were trying to throw a big event, so Remy offered to help with the party.
[ "I heard you guys were throwing a big event", "that's right, a huge party!", "if you need some help, I am happy to help!", "yes please, you can help us with the food orders?", "I can do that, I'll get on it now", "great, thanks!" ]
Their friends were trying to throw a big event, so Remy offered to help with the party.
[ "I'm helping a friend through a party Saturday. It's a pretty big event.", "That sounds like fun.", "I don't think so. I think it's going to be a lot of work.", "Why did you volunteer?", "She's trying to get her catering business off the ground. I want her to be a success.", "You are a really good friend to work on your day off." ]
Their friends were trying to throw a big event, so Remy offered to help with the party.
[ "What are you guys up to?", "We're planning a graduation party.", "I'm not in your class, but I'd like to help.", "Sure, we'd love to have you join in.", "What can I do?", "Right now listen to what we're planning and decide what you can help with." ]
Aubrey saw her at school and gave a big hug that lasted a couple of minutes.
[ "Hey, Karen! It's been such a long time since we saw each other, come give me a hug!", "It's great to see you again It feels like it's been forever!", "It has been a long summer. How have you been?", "I been doing so good, I got a summer job and a new boyfriend!", "That's great and I'm so happy for you! You can let me go now, that's the longest hug I ever got from anyone!", "Hahaha, I'm sorry, I'm just so excited to see you again!" ]
While tending Austin's garden, Tracy placed a shade over the garden to protect Austin's flowers from the sun.
[ "I think that shade I put over Austin's garden is going to really protect his flowers.", "Are you looking over Austin's garden.", "Yeah for a little while. I tend to them while he's gone.", "That's really sweet of you to do that for him.", "I don't mind since I actually love gardening.", "Hopefully Austin gives you some flowers to thank you." ]
While tending Austin's garden, Tracy placed a shade over the garden to protect Austin's flowers from the sun.
[ "Last week when Austin went out of town for a few days, he asked me to take care of his garden.", "Really? Does he have a nice garden?", "He does, but I noticed that some of his flowers were the type that do better when they're not in direct sunlight all day long. So for a surprise I built him a nice little shade for that corner of his garden", "Wow, that was really nice of you!", "I thought so too, but Austin got mad at me for interfering and told me to get my stuff and leave and don't ever come back to his house or speak to him for the rest of his life.", "I think that seems a little extreme...I guess I won't give him that set of trowels and gardening gloves I was planning to give him for his birthday..." ]
Carson kept Tracy alive by giving Tracy CPR and performing mouth to mouth resuscitation on them.
[ "Carson just like fell on the floor and her face was purple.", "Did you call the ambulance?", "Yeah, I had the waitstaff call and then I gave her CPR.", "Did her heart stop?", "Yeah, that's why I did the CPR. Luckily the ambulance got there in time, and she survived.", "I'll have to call Carson's mom later." ]
Carson kept Tracy alive by giving Tracy CPR and performing mouth to mouth resuscitation on them.
[ "Oh my goodness I had a life and death moment today.", "What happened are you okay you're shaking.", "I am now I don't know what I would have done with Carson.", "So please tell me what happened what did Carson do?", "I went swimming in the lack and had been down there for more time than I should of. Carson saw me and pulled me out and performed CPR.", "Wow, if he hadn't been there it would have been terrible for you!" ]
Remy wasn't sure if they could cross there since there was construction. Remy asked the worker about it.
[ "I am not sure if we could cross.", "There is a construction.", "I will just ask the workers about it.", "Be careful. It is not safe within the construction.", "I will just call their attention.", "That is better for everyone." ]
Casey asked Jesse to consult on their business plan. Jesse increased Casey's profits.
[ "Jesse was the best at consulting me with this business.", "This means that things turned out great for you guys?", "Yep, this business is going to be amazing", "As long as you have Jesse around.", "Jessie's going to be on staff for sure", "I don't know about that one, she's tough when it comes to this." ]
Casey asked Jesse to consult on their business plan. Jesse increased Casey's profits.
[ "I am so happy I got help from Jesse", "yeah he has great business skills", "His help allowed me to increase my profits by like 10% alone", "that is great. What part did he help you with?", "he helped with the overall business plan", "that's great, I should ask him for help too" ]
Casey asked Jesse to consult on their business plan. Jesse increased Casey's profits.
[ "I asked Jesse to consult the business plan", "how well did he do in that department", "well enough, he's astute with business", "did he increase your profits?", "yes by a crazy amount!", "I'm so happy for you" ]
Casey asked Jesse to consult on their business plan. Jesse increased Casey's profits.
[ "I have to thank you, Jesse.", "What for?", "Your ideas have increased my profits.", "Well, I'm happy you consulted with me on your business plan.", "Yes, it really worked out.", "I'm here if you need any more assistance." ]
Jan was involved in everything, mentoring Bailey and improving her life.
[ "you're such a good person bailey I like talking to you about life", "thanks Jan you're a great friend", "I just want to make sure that you have good life goals and are on the right path", "thanks I want to try a lot to be successful", "I like mentoring you and I want to see you do well", "thank you" ]
Jan was involved in everything, mentoring Bailey and improving her life.
[ "I'm involved in everything.", "Thanks for mentoring me.", "Thanks for helping me too.", "Let's improve each other's lives!", "Welcome to the club this is great.", "This is awesome." ]
Jan was involved in everything, mentoring Bailey and improving her life.
[ "I am glad that you have chosen me to be your mentor. I have a lot I can teach you.", "I am involved with so many clubs here at school that I thought that having a mentor would help me with everything.", "I have a lot of experience with the clubs since I am a senior. I have been on this campus for 4 years now.", "I knew you would be a perfect fit for me.", "I am thankful that you thought of me like that.", "Indeed I do." ]
Jan was involved in everything, mentoring Bailey and improving her life.
[ "I'm so happy that I'm able to help Bailey so much.", "How are you helping her again?", "I'm mentoring her. It really seems like her life is improving too.", "That's good. But keep in mind that she might lean on you in hard times." ]
Despite receiving many warnings from the party planner, Sydney let slip about the surprise party while talking to their co-worker.
[ "Sheree, I am so stupid. I can't keep important stuff to myself.", "Well, you are the kind of person that can't keep your feeling to yourself.", "This is not about me. I spilled the beans about the surprise party for Addison.", "Come on Sydney. You could have kept that to yourself. Its only tomorrow. What's one day.", "I know but Addison hates surprises and will call out sick.", "Well, you better fix this. We spent over a thousand bucks on this stupid party." ]
Despite receiving many warnings from the party planner, Sydney let slip about the surprise party while talking to their co-worker.
[ "I can't believe I accidentally told someone about the surprise party today.", "Yeah only a few people were supposed to know about that.", "I know I just get really excited sometimes and I forget.", "I mean as long as it doesn't get back to the person you are actually having the party for then I guess it's fine.", "Yeah I feel like he won't find out because the person I told doesn't talk to him.", "Hopefully he doesn't and the party is still a success." ]
Quinn got new lead software. They gained new clients easily.
[ "This new software is so amazing. I was able to get new clients easily.", "What is the software?", "It's an application that I install on my tablet that I can show everything about the car on it. I can give them a tour of the whole car.", "That's awesome. Your clients can get a virtual tour.", "It helps me seal the deal.", "That's what matters." ]
Kendall kept talking for what seemed like forever. It almost never ended.
[ "Hey it's pretty crazy but there's a parade downtown and it's like the best parade and party they've ever thrown for the city.", "I heard about it, you told me yesterday.", "Yes but it's just so cool and I think our whole class including all the cheerleaders and football team will be going there.", "I'm very aware since everyone is talking about it already.", "I can't wait to go and think it'll be such an amazing time for everyone involved.", "I get it, I know already and I'm going to go to it." ]
Jan went to the bar with their friends and had a few cocktails and made some jokes.
[ "I went to the bar with our friends.", "I saw you were not home.", "I had a few cocktails.", "That is acceptable.", "I made some jokes.", "It sounds as if you were the life of the party." ]
Jan went to the bar with their friends and had a few cocktails and made some jokes.
[ "It's always nice to catch up with old friends.", "What did you all end up doing?", "We went to the dive bar down the street and did karaoke.", "Well, that sounds like fun. Did you do a song?", "I don't want to talk about my singing and how people laughed!", "I can only imagine!" ]
Jan went to the bar with their friends and had a few cocktails and made some jokes.
[ "These drinks are great.", "I'm having a lot of fun. Let's order more drinks.", "We don't want to become stoned. That would be hilarious but not good.", "You're right. Let's dance. The music has a great beat.", "After I finish this cocktail, I'm heading for the dance floor.", "I'll wait for you." ]
Jan went to the bar with their friends and had a few cocktails and made some jokes.
[ "I'm having a great time.", "Me too; I hadn't heard that joke before.", "Let's have another drink.", "I love this bar.", "I come here all the time.", "I will too from now on." ]
Remy's kids were lonely playing by themselves, so Remy wanted Carson's kids to come play too.
[ "I put together a fun playdate for my kids and Carson's kids.", "Don't they have friends of their own to play with?", "There aren't very many kids in the neighbourhood, so they're always playing along when Carson's kids aren't over.", "I hope they hit it off. Both you and Carson have great kids, so there's no reason they won't get along." ]
lee was a nice person so he put Cameron's sweater around Jordan to keep her warm.
[ "Lee didn't want me to feel cold.", "Did lee warmed you up.", "To some extent but he put Cameron's sweater around me.", "That is so thoughtful of him", "He is such a nice person." ]
lee was a nice person so he put Cameron's sweater around Jordan to keep her warm.
[ "Thanks for the sweater Lee.", "You're welcome. You looked cold.", "It is getting chilly. I love how this sweater feels, it's so soft.", "It's Cameron's. He left it at my house.", "Well thanks for being such a nice guy, and thank Cameron for having such great taste in sweaters!", "I'll be sure to let him know!" ]
lee was a nice person so he put Cameron's sweater around Jordan to keep her warm.
[ "Lee is a nice person.", "Everyone knows that.", "He saw I was cold and did something about it.", "He is very considerate.", "He put Cameron's sweater around me to keep me warm.", "I hope that didn't leave Cameron out in the cold." ]
Remy took their parents to court because their parents wouldn't let them play video games as much as they wanted.
[ "I just came back from court, it has been an stressful day.", "Why were you in court? What happened?", "I took my parents to court because they didn't let me be myself and play my videogames as much as I want, they want me to follow their rules.", "They are your parents, you suppose to follow their rules, come on lol", "No, is not fair when they want to be telling you what to do all the time, so I am taking them to court so I can do what I want!", "Good luck my friend, keep me posted on how things goes at the court." ]
Remy took their parents to court because their parents wouldn't let them play video games as much as they wanted.
[ "I finally did it. I took my parents to court of the video game issue.", "No you did not. What happened?", "They would not let me play video games as much as I wanted so that's what they get.", "So you are going to let the court make them let you play more?", "Yes, that is it. I'm going to win too." ]
Remy took their parents to court because their parents wouldn't let them play video games as much as they wanted.
[ "I'm taking my parents to court.", "Why would you do such a thing?", "Because they wont let me play video games.", "That's silly." ]
Jan was looking for work so Ash gave Jan an opportunity to come to work as Ash's coffee shop.
[ "Hey Jan. I heard you needed a job.", "Yes, that's right. My company closed because of the lockdowns.", "If you're interested, you can work at my coffee shop.", "Yes, that would be great.", "Awesome, come Monday.", "I'll be there. Thanks for the opportunity." ]
Jan was looking for work so Ash gave Jan an opportunity to come to work as Ash's coffee shop.
[ "hey friend, how are you?", "I am fine thank you, how are you?", "I am well too, I met Jan and she was looking for some work so I gave her an opportunity to come for work at my coffee shop.", "Okay, You did good for Jan. you are kind and generous, appreciate it.", "Thanks!", "We should help people who are in need." ]
Jan was looking for work so Ash gave Jan an opportunity to come to work as Ash's coffee shop.
[ "I gave Jan a job at the coffee shop.", "Was she looking for a job?", "Yeah, she had been looking for work for a while.", "Does she know anything about how to make coffee?", "I figure if she doesn't she can just take care of cleaning the tables.", "That's going to be weird since I go to your coffee shop all the time." ]
Bailey was really good at sports. He wanted to try out for some teams. Bailey ended up joining the football team.
[ "I wish I had waited to try out for basketball instead of football.", "Why. You are so good at football", "I'm better at basketball and basketball is inside and less contact.", "Yeah. Maybe talk to the basketball coach. He may let you walk on late.", "I can't do that because we are still in playoffs. Basketball will have started several weeks before football is over.", "I guess next year you'll play basketball." ]
Bailey was really good at sports. He wanted to try out for some teams. Bailey ended up joining the football team.
[ "I've been thinking of trying out for some more teams.", "You are really good at sports. I think you should.", "I joined the football team.", "Wow, congratulations. I bet the try-outs were hard.", "They were. I'm sure the practices and games will be challenging as well.", "You will do great." ]
Taylor saw the new video game Lee held in their hands and asked them if they could play.
[ "There is a lot of stuff out here for me to do but I really want to play that game you have.", "Oh you do? Yeah this game looks like it can be really fun to play", "Do you even have the right controllers and stuff?", "Yes I do. There is a lot of stuff out here to help me get the right controllers. Ill be playing immediately", "That's awesome! I think you should do this regularly in regards to getting games and such", "yeah i really should" ]
Taylor saw the new video game Lee held in their hands and asked them if they could play.
[ "I saw Lee new video game", "Did you play it?", "Not yet.", "Did you ask Lee?", "Yes, I did.", "Okay" ]
Taylor saw the new video game Lee held in their hands and asked them if they could play.
[ "Lee got this really cool new video game. I saw him holding it and asked him if I could try it.", "Did he let you play it?", "He did. It's actually a two person game so we played together.", "Was it as cool as it looked?", "Even cooler. I want to save up and get it for myself." ]
Taylor saw the new video game Lee held in their hands and asked them if they could play.
[ "Hey Lee, is that the new video game?", "Yes it is Taylor!", "Do you think I could play it?", "Sure thing! It is a lot of fun. Here ya go.", "Thanks a lot Lee!" ]
Taylor saw the new video game Lee held in their hands and asked them if they could play.
[ "I saw Lee with the new video game.", "I've heard it is great. Have you played it yet?", "I borrowed it from Lee and I will be playing it tonight.", "I'd love to be your first opponent.", "Why don't you come to my house tonight?", "I will definitely make time for that." ]
Austin asked Sydney whom they would like see this weekend, since Austin hated Amy, Sydney's other friend. Austin made Sydney choose.
[ "Do you have any plans for this weekend?", "Well Amy asked me to go to her house but I'm not sure. Why?", "I was thinking we could hang out, I do not like Amy.", "Okay, well, I suppose we could hang out.", "Sounds good.", "See you then." ]
Austin asked Sydney whom they would like see this weekend, since Austin hated Amy, Sydney's other friend. Austin made Sydney choose.
[ "There is a lot of people in our circle who don't care for one another and honestly I don't care for your friend Amy", "Right", "There is a lot to choose and there is some stuff that I cant do. You're going to have to make a choice to either see me or Sydney", "that's fair. I hope I don't have to do this on a consistent basis. I hate choosing who I have to be around because I like both of you guys", "yeah but whatever we decide to do this weekend I don't think Amy needs to be in the picture", "okay sounds like a plan" ]
Austin asked Sydney whom they would like see this weekend, since Austin hated Amy, Sydney's other friend. Austin made Sydney choose.
[ "It was hard for me to pick who to see this weekend.", "How did you end up deciding?", "I asked Sydney whom she would like to see this weekend.", "Did she pick Amy?", "No, I hate Amy, so Sydney chose another friend.", "Why do you hate Amy?" ]
Aubrey was working on a math test. Aubrey understood the problem well so she had no issues.
[ "The math test was so easy . I knew how to answer all the problems.", "You are better at math than anyone.", "No, I'm not that good. I just study a little more.", "You always get As in math class for a reason." ]
Aubrey was working on a math test. Aubrey understood the problem well so she had no issues.
[ "This is a really hard test that I am about to go to right now.", "What is the test in?", "It is a math test, but is pretty difficult.", "Oh, geese well I hope you do okay on the test.", "Oh, I'll be fine, I understand the problems and subject matter so it will be easy.", "Well that's good, you'll definitely get a good grade on it then." ]
Carson broke their fall using the pillow but they still scraped their knee and it was bleeding.
[ "Honestly, sometimes I am so clumsy. Last night, I stumbled over the stool in my living room.", "Ouch. That's a bad looking bruise. It doesn't look like it tickled.", "Not at all. Even though I managed to break my fall with one of the couch pillows that were on the floor.", "Broke your fall? You like you almost broke your knee, not your fall.", "Can you believe it? Would you look at the size of that scrape, just from that little fall.", "You have to be more careful, Carson. I swear, half the time you don't even look where you're going." ]
Carson broke their fall using the pillow but they still scraped their knee and it was bleeding.
[ "Look out! I'm throwing this for you!", "You saved my head from getting hit but my knee got scraped by the pavement.", "Hold on, I am bringing my first aid kit back for you.", "Please hurry!", "Here it is, take whatever you need.", "Thank you so much!" ]
Carson broke their fall using the pillow but they still scraped their knee and it was bleeding.
[ "I broke my fall using the pillow but I still scraped my knee badly. It was bleeding a lot.", "Did you go to the doctor?", "No, I just cleaned my knee and wrapped it up with some gauze I had in my medicine cabinet.", "Did that stop the bleeding?", "It did after a while. It's still sore.", "It'll take time for it to completely heal." ]
Lee was nervous when he realized he had a message from Skylar, but he decided to write back.
[ "I sent Lee a message last night.", "What did you say? And did he respond?", "I asked him out on a date and he said okay!", "Congrats! When's the date?", "We're going to the movies on Saturday." ]
Casey struggled to get the grill lit. Casey raked over the coals.
[ "I was the cook yesterday.", "You were in charge of the barbecue?", "Yes, and I couldn't get the grill to light.", "What did you do?", "I raked the coals and I got it started up.", "I imagine that was a relief." ]
Casey struggled to get the grill lit. Casey raked over the coals.
[ "I'm not sure when dinner will be ready, I am having trouble with the grill.", "What is the problem?", "I can't seem to get it to light.", "Did you try to rearrange the charcoal?", "Yeah, I did rake the coals over. They are grey on the edges but don't seem to be really burning.", "You can try to add some more starter fluid, but be careful when you relight the coals." ]
Casey struggled to get the grill lit. Casey raked over the coals.
[ "i had such a hard time getting the barbecue going today.", "What was wrong with it?", "I thought it was wet coals or something but I think they were just old. I raked them out.", "So did you manage to get it started?", "Yes with a little more effort, I got it lit and had an amazing grilled fish.", "Then it was worth the effort! good job!" ]
Jan has had enough of it. Jan decides to face their fears and successfully climbs higher than they have ever been before.
[ "I think we have come far already. Let's get back to the base.", "No way. We are close to the top of the mountain.", "You know that I am scared of heights.", "I know but it would be great accomplishment if you could reach the top.", "Okay. Let's go up and get to the top.", "That's spirit! You will be very happy once you reach the summit." ]
Kai wasn't feeling so good and was in his room. Skylar made Kai feel better.
[ "I was home all day today taking care of Kai who wasn't feeling well.", "I usually do that for the people I love as well.", "Yeah, Kai just was feeling terrible and all he wanted was my food and my care.", "Oh, that is so great that you take care of him like that, he is so lucky.", "Yeah, he would do it for me, and like you said, you do it for your loves.", "Absolutely, that is what love is all about." ]
Remy bought the boat for a lot less than it was worth because the owner was clueless.
[ "I bought a new boat today.", "I thought that you just got your hours cut at work?", "I did, but the woman I bought it from sold it for a couple hundred bucks.", "Who does that?", "Her husband had died and I don't think she knew its value.", "I think you took advantage of her ignorance." ]
Remy bought the boat for a lot less than it was worth because the owner was clueless.
[ "I feel like a thief.", "Did you steal something?", "I bought a boat for a lot less than it is worth because the owner is clueless.", "Sometimes that happens in private sales.", "I think he may be a little senile.", "You are a thief." ]
Remy bought the boat for a lot less than it was worth because the owner was clueless.
[ "I got the boat $1000 .", "Geez, so cheap.", "Yeah, the owner was clueless of the price.", "Oh, cos I know this boat worth $5000.", "Yeah, if not 6000.", "That's good of you though" ]
Remy bought the boat for a lot less than it was worth because the owner was clueless.
[ "I got a boat!", "Really? I want to go for a ride!", "Yeah I got it for a heck of a deal too.", "How did you manage that?", "The guy had no idea how much it was really worth so I got it way below value.", "Lucky duck! You better be taking me out on it!" ]
Carson helped the community a lot. Carson is always available for anything.
[ "Are there any community events coming up that you need help with?", "There's a charity ball next summer. We're looking for someone to help plan it.", "I'd love to help!", "Excellent! We will meet once a week to work on the details.", "I have a lot of availability so that sounds good to me.", "Thanks! So great to have your help!" ]
Carson helped the community a lot. Carson is always available for anything.
[ "I was so touched when I got that plaque from city hall.", "With all you do to help people, it's nice they recognized it.", "I don't do it for plaques or trophies, though.", "That's okay. You still deserve the recognition.", "I guess. It's kind of embarrassing though.", "You're too humble. You should congratulate yourself." ]
Carson helped the community a lot. Carson is always available for anything.
[ "I really have enjoyed being a party of the volunteer team!", "You have been a amazing help to the local fire department.", "I like being able to help and save lives.", "You are always available when I call you for anything.", "I just like being able to help in my community.", "Your are a very big help." ]
Carson helped the community a lot. Carson is always available for anything.
[ "Recently I had some extra free time. So, I decided to help the community.", "That's great of you.", "I try my best. I'm usually available if the community needs anything.", "Wow. You sound like a nice person.", "The community means a lot to me.", "I bet it does." ]
Carson helped the community a lot. Carson is always available for anything.
[ "I can't go to the party tonight, sorry.", "Why what do you have planned instead?", "I'm helping out at the local food bank. They are really short of volunteers because everyone's afraid of getting Coronavirus.", "Wow that is so great of you. I wish I were more selfless like you are.", "Well it's never too late to start. We could really use another person if you're interested.", "I'll pass this time. I really want to go to the party. But next time you go let me know and I'll help out for sure." ]
Sydney is very loyal to the company, which is looking to reduce staff.
[ "I'm worried about my job.", "What is going on at work?", "Business has slowed down due to the virus. The company is reducing the staff.", "It's sad that you are loyal to the company and need to worry about your job.", "I know, but I could get unemployment. I love my job though.", "My company may be doing the same. Everything is a mess right now." ]
Sydney is very loyal to the company, which is looking to reduce staff.
[ "The company wants to cut the size of its staff.", "Are you worried that you might lose your job?", "A little, but I've always been very loyal to them, so I don't think I will lose my job.", "A lot of companies are cutting down on staff.", "Yeah, it's frightening.", "This is a hard time for everyone." ]
Sydney is very loyal to the company, which is looking to reduce staff.
[ "I gave them my good years for Christ sake.", "We don't know who is next on the chopping block.", "They will axe me because Susy hates me.", "Why does she hate you?", "She says I am flirt and that I harass her.", "You are going to get fired dude." ]
Jan's dog had been lethargic all week. Jan took her dog to the veterinarian.
[ "My dog Buster hasn't been doing to well this week.", "Oh no, what's wrong, is he ok?", "I don't know, he was lethargic all week, didn't want to eat much or play at all.", "Its bad when a dog doesn't want to eat, I assume you took him to the vet.", "Yes, just took him to the vet and they are running some tests to see what's wrong.", "I am sure they will figure it out and get Buster back to him old self in no time." ]
Sasha was working a nurse when she accidentally gave a patient the wrong medicine and he died.
[ "I made a big mistake at work today.", "Are you still working as a nurse at the clinic?", "Yes, one of my patients died today.", "That is terrible news, what happened?", "I mixed up the medicine I gave to the patient.", "That sounds bad, maybe you shouldn't talk about it because there are probably a lot of legal repercussions." ]
Sasha was working a nurse when she accidentally gave a patient the wrong medicine and he died.
[ "I can't believe I have done this. I'll never forgive myself", "Sasha accidents happen. It's not like you did it on purpose", "But it's an accident that cost someone their life. I'm a murderer", "You did not do it on purpose, you did not murder him", "I've ruined his families life", "I'm sure they will forgive you one day" ]
Kai organized the line of the class since the teacher picked him as a line leader.
[ "I really wanted to organize the line well.", "Yea? Who allowed you to do that?", "The teacher did. It was very nice of them.", "Yes, that was really nice! It's a fun job.", "I definitely understand that. It seemed fun.", "Yes, I agree with that." ]
Bailey decided to join forces with her dad because he was a strong man and had a lot of money.
[ "I have made a decision. I am going to work with my Dad.", "Oh, really? What helped you make that decision?", "You know he is rich and powerful, right? Well, I was talking with him and complaining about how I don't have a job or anything, and he promised that he would use all his money, power, and personal connections to help further my career.", "But that sounds like....", "Pretty good, right? And, he asked if he should give me a cushy job at his company that I don't even deserve. Of course, I said yes! So, he said that he would, but first, all I have to do is to join with him in his lifelong fight against nepotism in the workplace. I agreed of course. Now, all I have to do is figure out what \"nepotism\" means and he will give me a great job!", "Right. I think that's a great idea." ]