### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 58 in The Quran?### Assistant: These which We read out to you are Signs and the wisdom-laden advice.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:58.### Assistant: These which We read out to you are Signs and the wisdom-laden advice.
### Human:The Quran 3:58 - English Translation### Assistant: These which We read out to you are Signs and the wisdom-laden advice.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 58 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: These which We read out to you are Signs and the wisdom-laden advice.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 59 in The Quran?### Assistant: Surely the example of ‘Isa (Jesus) in the sight of Allah is the same as that of Adam whom He formed from clay, then said (to him): ‘Be.’ He became.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:59.### Assistant: Surely the example of ‘Isa (Jesus) in the sight of Allah is the same as that of Adam whom He formed from clay, then said (to him): ‘Be.’ He became.
### Human:The Quran 3:59 - English Translation### Assistant: Surely the example of ‘Isa (Jesus) in the sight of Allah is the same as that of Adam whom He formed from clay, then said (to him): ‘Be.’ He became.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 59 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Surely the example of ‘Isa (Jesus) in the sight of Allah is the same as that of Adam whom He formed from clay, then said (to him): ‘Be.’ He became.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 60 in The Quran?### Assistant: (Ordained to forewarn the Umma [the Community]:) ‘This is the Truth from your Lord, so be not of those who doubt.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:60.### Assistant: (Ordained to forewarn the Umma [the Community]:) ‘This is the Truth from your Lord, so be not of those who doubt.’
### Human:The Quran 3:60 - English Translation### Assistant: (Ordained to forewarn the Umma [the Community]:) ‘This is the Truth from your Lord, so be not of those who doubt.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 60 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (Ordained to forewarn the Umma [the Community]:) ‘This is the Truth from your Lord, so be not of those who doubt.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 61 in The Quran?### Assistant: So, if someone contends with you about ‘Isa (Jesus) after knowledge has come to you, say: ‘Come, let us (jointly) call our sons and your sons, our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves (at the same place) Then we supplicate fervently (i.e most submissively) and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:61.### Assistant: So, if someone contends with you about ‘Isa (Jesus) after knowledge has come to you, say: ‘Come, let us (jointly) call our sons and your sons, our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves (at the same place) Then we supplicate fervently (i.e most submissively) and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars.’
### Human:The Quran 3:61 - English Translation### Assistant: So, if someone contends with you about ‘Isa (Jesus) after knowledge has come to you, say: ‘Come, let us (jointly) call our sons and your sons, our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves (at the same place) Then we supplicate fervently (i.e most submissively) and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 61 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: So, if someone contends with you about ‘Isa (Jesus) after knowledge has come to you, say: ‘Come, let us (jointly) call our sons and your sons, our women and your women and ourselves and yourselves (at the same place) Then we supplicate fervently (i.e most submissively) and invoke the curse of Allah upon the liars.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 62 in The Quran?### Assistant: Most certainly, this is the true narrative and there is none worthy of worship except Allah And verily Allah it is Who is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:62.### Assistant: Most certainly, this is the true narrative and there is none worthy of worship except Allah And verily Allah it is Who is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
### Human:The Quran 3:62 - English Translation### Assistant: Most certainly, this is the true narrative and there is none worthy of worship except Allah And verily Allah it is Who is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 62 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Most certainly, this is the true narrative and there is none worthy of worship except Allah And verily Allah it is Who is All-Mighty, All-Wise.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 63 in The Quran?### Assistant: But if they turn away, then surely Allah knows the miscreants full well.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:63.### Assistant: But if they turn away, then surely Allah knows the miscreants full well.
### Human:The Quran 3:63 - English Translation### Assistant: But if they turn away, then surely Allah knows the miscreants full well.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 63 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: But if they turn away, then surely Allah knows the miscreants full well.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 64 in The Quran?### Assistant: Say: ‘O People of the Book, come to that matter which is common between us and you (namely that): we shall worship none other than Allah, and we shall not associate any partner with Him Nor shall anyone of us take one another as Lords apart from Allah Then if they turn away, say: ‘Bear witness that we are but Allah’s obedient servants (Muslims).’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:64.### Assistant: Say: ‘O People of the Book, come to that matter which is common between us and you (namely that): we shall worship none other than Allah, and we shall not associate any partner with Him Nor shall anyone of us take one another as Lords apart from Allah Then if they turn away, say: ‘Bear witness that we are but Allah’s obedient servants (Muslims).’
### Human:The Quran 3:64 - English Translation### Assistant: Say: ‘O People of the Book, come to that matter which is common between us and you (namely that): we shall worship none other than Allah, and we shall not associate any partner with Him Nor shall anyone of us take one another as Lords apart from Allah Then if they turn away, say: ‘Bear witness that we are but Allah’s obedient servants (Muslims).’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 64 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Say: ‘O People of the Book, come to that matter which is common between us and you (namely that): we shall worship none other than Allah, and we shall not associate any partner with Him Nor shall anyone of us take one another as Lords apart from Allah Then if they turn away, say: ‘Bear witness that we are but Allah’s obedient servants (Muslims).’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 65 in The Quran?### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why do you dispute about Ibrahim ([Abraham] i.e why do you regard him as a Jew or a Christian])? The truth is that the Torah and the Injil ([the Gospel] on which both your religions are based) were sent down after his time Have you not even (this much) sense?
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:65.### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why do you dispute about Ibrahim ([Abraham] i.e why do you regard him as a Jew or a Christian])? The truth is that the Torah and the Injil ([the Gospel] on which both your religions are based) were sent down after his time Have you not even (this much) sense?
### Human:The Quran 3:65 - English Translation### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why do you dispute about Ibrahim ([Abraham] i.e why do you regard him as a Jew or a Christian])? The truth is that the Torah and the Injil ([the Gospel] on which both your religions are based) were sent down after his time Have you not even (this much) sense?
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 65 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why do you dispute about Ibrahim ([Abraham] i.e why do you regard him as a Jew or a Christian])? The truth is that the Torah and the Injil ([the Gospel] on which both your religions are based) were sent down after his time Have you not even (this much) sense?
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 66 in The Quran?### Assistant: Listen! You are the people who have also been disputing about matters of which you had (but some) knowledge But why do you dispute about things of which you have no knowledge (at all)? And Allah knows but you do not know.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:66.### Assistant: Listen! You are the people who have also been disputing about matters of which you had (but some) knowledge But why do you dispute about things of which you have no knowledge (at all)? And Allah knows but you do not know.
### Human:The Quran 3:66 - English Translation### Assistant: Listen! You are the people who have also been disputing about matters of which you had (but some) knowledge But why do you dispute about things of which you have no knowledge (at all)? And Allah knows but you do not know.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 66 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Listen! You are the people who have also been disputing about matters of which you had (but some) knowledge But why do you dispute about things of which you have no knowledge (at all)? And Allah knows but you do not know.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 67 in The Quran?### Assistant: Ibrahim(Abraham) was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he was a (true) Muslim, far detached from all heresy and falsehood Nor was he one of the polytheists.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:67.### Assistant: Ibrahim(Abraham) was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he was a (true) Muslim, far detached from all heresy and falsehood Nor was he one of the polytheists.
### Human:The Quran 3:67 - English Translation### Assistant: Ibrahim(Abraham) was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he was a (true) Muslim, far detached from all heresy and falsehood Nor was he one of the polytheists.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 67 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Ibrahim(Abraham) was neither a Jew nor a Christian; he was a (true) Muslim, far detached from all heresy and falsehood Nor was he one of the polytheists.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 68 in The Quran?### Assistant: Certainly the nearest of the people to Ibrahim, (and the most deserving) are those who have followed him (in his Din [Religion]) And (they) are no other than this Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and those who have believed (in him) And Allah is the Helper of the believers.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:68.### Assistant: Certainly the nearest of the people to Ibrahim, (and the most deserving) are those who have followed him (in his Din [Religion]) And (they) are no other than this Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and those who have believed (in him) And Allah is the Helper of the believers.
### Human:The Quran 3:68 - English Translation### Assistant: Certainly the nearest of the people to Ibrahim, (and the most deserving) are those who have followed him (in his Din [Religion]) And (they) are no other than this Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and those who have believed (in him) And Allah is the Helper of the believers.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 68 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Certainly the nearest of the people to Ibrahim, (and the most deserving) are those who have followed him (in his Din [Religion]) And (they) are no other than this Messenger (blessings and peace be upon him) and those who have believed (in him) And Allah is the Helper of the believers.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 69 in The Quran?### Assistant: (O Muslims!) A section of the People of the Book (intensely) desire to, somehow, lead you astray but they have led astray only themselves while they have no sense (of it).
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:69.### Assistant: (O Muslims!) A section of the People of the Book (intensely) desire to, somehow, lead you astray but they have led astray only themselves while they have no sense (of it).
### Human:The Quran 3:69 - English Translation### Assistant: (O Muslims!) A section of the People of the Book (intensely) desire to, somehow, lead you astray but they have led astray only themselves while they have no sense (of it).
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 69 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (O Muslims!) A section of the People of the Book (intensely) desire to, somehow, lead you astray but they have led astray only themselves while they have no sense (of it).
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 70 in The Quran?### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why are you denying Allah’s Revelations while you bear witness yourselves (i.e you have read everything in your Books)?
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:70.### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why are you denying Allah’s Revelations while you bear witness yourselves (i.e you have read everything in your Books)?
### Human:The Quran 3:70 - English Translation### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why are you denying Allah’s Revelations while you bear witness yourselves (i.e you have read everything in your Books)?
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 70 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why are you denying Allah’s Revelations while you bear witness yourselves (i.e you have read everything in your Books)?
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 71 in The Quran?### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why do you confound the Truth with falsehood and why do you hide the Truth whereas you know?
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:71.### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why do you confound the Truth with falsehood and why do you hide the Truth whereas you know?
### Human:The Quran 3:71 - English Translation### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why do you confound the Truth with falsehood and why do you hide the Truth whereas you know?
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 71 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: O People of the Book! Why do you confound the Truth with falsehood and why do you hide the Truth whereas you know?
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 72 in The Quran?### Assistant: And a section of the People of the Book say (to the people): ‘Believe in the Book (Qur’an) which is sent down to Muslims at dawn (in the morning) and deny it in the evening, so that, (imitating you,) they may also desert and turn about.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:72.### Assistant: And a section of the People of the Book say (to the people): ‘Believe in the Book (Qur’an) which is sent down to Muslims at dawn (in the morning) and deny it in the evening, so that, (imitating you,) they may also desert and turn about.
### Human:The Quran 3:72 - English Translation### Assistant: And a section of the People of the Book say (to the people): ‘Believe in the Book (Qur’an) which is sent down to Muslims at dawn (in the morning) and deny it in the evening, so that, (imitating you,) they may also desert and turn about.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 72 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And a section of the People of the Book say (to the people): ‘Believe in the Book (Qur’an) which is sent down to Muslims at dawn (in the morning) and deny it in the evening, so that, (imitating you,) they may also desert and turn about.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 73 in The Quran?### Assistant: And do not believe anyone but him who follows (only) your Din (Religion).’ Say: ‘Surely, the guidance is but the guidance of Allah (alone).’ (And they further say to their people never to believe even this) that: ‘The like of the Book (or Din) given to you may also be given to anyone else or that someone may give a plea against you before your Lord.’ Say: ‘Bounty is in the Hand of Allah He bestows on whom He pleases and Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:73.### Assistant: And do not believe anyone but him who follows (only) your Din (Religion).’ Say: ‘Surely, the guidance is but the guidance of Allah (alone).’ (And they further say to their people never to believe even this) that: ‘The like of the Book (or Din) given to you may also be given to anyone else or that someone may give a plea against you before your Lord.’ Say: ‘Bounty is in the Hand of Allah He bestows on whom He pleases and Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
### Human:The Quran 3:73 - English Translation### Assistant: And do not believe anyone but him who follows (only) your Din (Religion).’ Say: ‘Surely, the guidance is but the guidance of Allah (alone).’ (And they further say to their people never to believe even this) that: ‘The like of the Book (or Din) given to you may also be given to anyone else or that someone may give a plea against you before your Lord.’ Say: ‘Bounty is in the Hand of Allah He bestows on whom He pleases and Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 73 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And do not believe anyone but him who follows (only) your Din (Religion).’ Say: ‘Surely, the guidance is but the guidance of Allah (alone).’ (And they further say to their people never to believe even this) that: ‘The like of the Book (or Din) given to you may also be given to anyone else or that someone may give a plea against you before your Lord.’ Say: ‘Bounty is in the Hand of Allah He bestows on whom He pleases and Allah is All-Embracing, All-Knowing.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 74 in The Quran?### Assistant: He specifies to His Mercy whom He desires and Allah is the Lord of Infinite Bounty.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:74.### Assistant: He specifies to His Mercy whom He desires and Allah is the Lord of Infinite Bounty.’
### Human:The Quran 3:74 - English Translation### Assistant: He specifies to His Mercy whom He desires and Allah is the Lord of Infinite Bounty.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 74 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: He specifies to His Mercy whom He desires and Allah is the Lord of Infinite Bounty.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 75 in The Quran?### Assistant: And among the People of the Book there are a type that if you trust him with a heap of wealth, he will return it to you And some among them are such that if you trust him with one dinar (a gold coin), he will not return it to you unless you keep standing over him That is because they say: ‘There is no blame on us in the matter of the illiterate.’ And they fabricate a lie against Allah and they know it themselves (as well)
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:75.### Assistant: And among the People of the Book there are a type that if you trust him with a heap of wealth, he will return it to you And some among them are such that if you trust him with one dinar (a gold coin), he will not return it to you unless you keep standing over him That is because they say: ‘There is no blame on us in the matter of the illiterate.’ And they fabricate a lie against Allah and they know it themselves (as well)
### Human:The Quran 3:75 - English Translation### Assistant: And among the People of the Book there are a type that if you trust him with a heap of wealth, he will return it to you And some among them are such that if you trust him with one dinar (a gold coin), he will not return it to you unless you keep standing over him That is because they say: ‘There is no blame on us in the matter of the illiterate.’ And they fabricate a lie against Allah and they know it themselves (as well)
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 75 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And among the People of the Book there are a type that if you trust him with a heap of wealth, he will return it to you And some among them are such that if you trust him with one dinar (a gold coin), he will not return it to you unless you keep standing over him That is because they say: ‘There is no blame on us in the matter of the illiterate.’ And they fabricate a lie against Allah and they know it themselves (as well)
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 76 in The Quran?### Assistant: Yes, he who fulfils his promise and adopts God-fearingness (will indeed face no accountability); so Allah surely loves the pious
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:76.### Assistant: Yes, he who fulfils his promise and adopts God-fearingness (will indeed face no accountability); so Allah surely loves the pious
### Human:The Quran 3:76 - English Translation### Assistant: Yes, he who fulfils his promise and adopts God-fearingness (will indeed face no accountability); so Allah surely loves the pious
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 76 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Yes, he who fulfils his promise and adopts God-fearingness (will indeed face no accountability); so Allah surely loves the pious
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 77 in The Quran?### Assistant: Certainly those who sell the promise of Allah and their own oaths for a small price, it is they who will not have any share in the Hereafter And on the Day of Resurrection Allah will neither speak to nor look at them and nor will He purify them, and for them will be painful punishment
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:77.### Assistant: Certainly those who sell the promise of Allah and their own oaths for a small price, it is they who will not have any share in the Hereafter And on the Day of Resurrection Allah will neither speak to nor look at them and nor will He purify them, and for them will be painful punishment
### Human:The Quran 3:77 - English Translation### Assistant: Certainly those who sell the promise of Allah and their own oaths for a small price, it is they who will not have any share in the Hereafter And on the Day of Resurrection Allah will neither speak to nor look at them and nor will He purify them, and for them will be painful punishment
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 77 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Certainly those who sell the promise of Allah and their own oaths for a small price, it is they who will not have any share in the Hereafter And on the Day of Resurrection Allah will neither speak to nor look at them and nor will He purify them, and for them will be painful punishment
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 78 in The Quran?### Assistant: And there is indeed another section of them who, while reciting the Book, twist their tongues so that you may take their inverted expressions as (part of) the Book whereas it is not from the Book And they say: ‘It is (all) from Allah,’ while it is not (at all) from Allah They invent a lie against Allah and they know (it) themselves as well
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:78.### Assistant: And there is indeed another section of them who, while reciting the Book, twist their tongues so that you may take their inverted expressions as (part of) the Book whereas it is not from the Book And they say: ‘It is (all) from Allah,’ while it is not (at all) from Allah They invent a lie against Allah and they know (it) themselves as well
### Human:The Quran 3:78 - English Translation### Assistant: And there is indeed another section of them who, while reciting the Book, twist their tongues so that you may take their inverted expressions as (part of) the Book whereas it is not from the Book And they say: ‘It is (all) from Allah,’ while it is not (at all) from Allah They invent a lie against Allah and they know (it) themselves as well
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 78 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And there is indeed another section of them who, while reciting the Book, twist their tongues so that you may take their inverted expressions as (part of) the Book whereas it is not from the Book And they say: ‘It is (all) from Allah,’ while it is not (at all) from Allah They invent a lie against Allah and they know (it) themselves as well
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 79 in The Quran?### Assistant: No human being whom Allah blesses with the Book and Wisdom and Prophethood has the right to say to the people: ‘Be my servants instead of Allah’s.’ (He would rather say:) ‘Be the devotees of Allah because you teach the Book and because you study it yourselves as well.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:79.### Assistant: No human being whom Allah blesses with the Book and Wisdom and Prophethood has the right to say to the people: ‘Be my servants instead of Allah’s.’ (He would rather say:) ‘Be the devotees of Allah because you teach the Book and because you study it yourselves as well.
### Human:The Quran 3:79 - English Translation### Assistant: No human being whom Allah blesses with the Book and Wisdom and Prophethood has the right to say to the people: ‘Be my servants instead of Allah’s.’ (He would rather say:) ‘Be the devotees of Allah because you teach the Book and because you study it yourselves as well.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 79 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: No human being whom Allah blesses with the Book and Wisdom and Prophethood has the right to say to the people: ‘Be my servants instead of Allah’s.’ (He would rather say:) ‘Be the devotees of Allah because you teach the Book and because you study it yourselves as well.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 80 in The Quran?### Assistant: And nor would that Messenger ever command you to take the angels and the Prophets as Lords Would he command you (now) to disbelieve after you have become Muslims
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:80.### Assistant: And nor would that Messenger ever command you to take the angels and the Prophets as Lords Would he command you (now) to disbelieve after you have become Muslims
### Human:The Quran 3:80 - English Translation### Assistant: And nor would that Messenger ever command you to take the angels and the Prophets as Lords Would he command you (now) to disbelieve after you have become Muslims
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 80 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And nor would that Messenger ever command you to take the angels and the Prophets as Lords Would he command you (now) to disbelieve after you have become Muslims
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 81 in The Quran?### Assistant: And, ( O Beloved, recall the time) when Allah took a firm covenant from the Prophets: ‘When I give you the Book and Wisdom and then there comes to you the Messenger (who is exalted in glory above all and) who shall validate the Books you will have with you, you shall then, most certainly, believe in him and most surely help him.’ Allah said: ‘Do you affirm, and on this (condition) hold fast to My heavy Covenant?’ All submitted: ‘We affirm.’ Allah said: ‘Bear witness then and I am also with you among the witnesses.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:81.### Assistant: And, ( O Beloved, recall the time) when Allah took a firm covenant from the Prophets: ‘When I give you the Book and Wisdom and then there comes to you the Messenger (who is exalted in glory above all and) who shall validate the Books you will have with you, you shall then, most certainly, believe in him and most surely help him.’ Allah said: ‘Do you affirm, and on this (condition) hold fast to My heavy Covenant?’ All submitted: ‘We affirm.’ Allah said: ‘Bear witness then and I am also with you among the witnesses.
### Human:The Quran 3:81 - English Translation### Assistant: And, ( O Beloved, recall the time) when Allah took a firm covenant from the Prophets: ‘When I give you the Book and Wisdom and then there comes to you the Messenger (who is exalted in glory above all and) who shall validate the Books you will have with you, you shall then, most certainly, believe in him and most surely help him.’ Allah said: ‘Do you affirm, and on this (condition) hold fast to My heavy Covenant?’ All submitted: ‘We affirm.’ Allah said: ‘Bear witness then and I am also with you among the witnesses.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 81 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And, ( O Beloved, recall the time) when Allah took a firm covenant from the Prophets: ‘When I give you the Book and Wisdom and then there comes to you the Messenger (who is exalted in glory above all and) who shall validate the Books you will have with you, you shall then, most certainly, believe in him and most surely help him.’ Allah said: ‘Do you affirm, and on this (condition) hold fast to My heavy Covenant?’ All submitted: ‘We affirm.’ Allah said: ‘Bear witness then and I am also with you among the witnesses.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 82 in The Quran?### Assistant: (Now admonished all mankind:) ‘Then he who turns away after this (affirmation), it is they who will be the disobedient.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:82.### Assistant: (Now admonished all mankind:) ‘Then he who turns away after this (affirmation), it is they who will be the disobedient.
### Human:The Quran 3:82 - English Translation### Assistant: (Now admonished all mankind:) ‘Then he who turns away after this (affirmation), it is they who will be the disobedient.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 82 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (Now admonished all mankind:) ‘Then he who turns away after this (affirmation), it is they who will be the disobedient.