### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 8 in The Quran?### Assistant:(And they submit:) ‘O our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have honoured us with guidance and grant us Mercy especially from Your Presence Truly You alone are the Great Bestower.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:8.### Assistant:(And they submit:) ‘O our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have honoured us with guidance and grant us Mercy especially from Your Presence Truly You alone are the Great Bestower.
### Human:The Quran 3:8 - English Translation### Assistant:(And they submit:) ‘O our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have honoured us with guidance and grant us Mercy especially from Your Presence Truly You alone are the Great Bestower.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 8 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:(And they submit:) ‘O our Lord, let not our hearts deviate after You have honoured us with guidance and grant us Mercy especially from Your Presence Truly You alone are the Great Bestower.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 9 in The Quran?### Assistant:O Our Lord! You will surely bring together mankind on the Day about which there is no doubt Verily, Allah does not go against (His) promise.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:9.### Assistant:O Our Lord! You will surely bring together mankind on the Day about which there is no doubt Verily, Allah does not go against (His) promise.’
### Human:The Quran 3:9 - English Translation### Assistant:O Our Lord! You will surely bring together mankind on the Day about which there is no doubt Verily, Allah does not go against (His) promise.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 9 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:O Our Lord! You will surely bring together mankind on the Day about which there is no doubt Verily, Allah does not go against (His) promise.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 10 in The Quran?### Assistant:Indeed those who reject faith, neither their wealth nor their children shall be able to save them anyway from (the torment of) Allah It is they who are the fuel of Hell.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:10.### Assistant:Indeed those who reject faith, neither their wealth nor their children shall be able to save them anyway from (the torment of) Allah It is they who are the fuel of Hell.
### Human:The Quran 3:10 - English Translation### Assistant:Indeed those who reject faith, neither their wealth nor their children shall be able to save them anyway from (the torment of) Allah It is they who are the fuel of Hell.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 10 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Indeed those who reject faith, neither their wealth nor their children shall be able to save them anyway from (the torment of) Allah It is they who are the fuel of Hell.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 11 in The Quran?### Assistant:(Their) line of action (also) resembles that of the people of Pharaoh and those before them who belied Our Revelations So, Allah seized them because of their sins and Allah gives severe punishment.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:11.### Assistant:(Their) line of action (also) resembles that of the people of Pharaoh and those before them who belied Our Revelations So, Allah seized them because of their sins and Allah gives severe punishment.
### Human:The Quran 3:11 - English Translation### Assistant:(Their) line of action (also) resembles that of the people of Pharaoh and those before them who belied Our Revelations So, Allah seized them because of their sins and Allah gives severe punishment.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 11 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:(Their) line of action (also) resembles that of the people of Pharaoh and those before them who belied Our Revelations So, Allah seized them because of their sins and Allah gives severe punishment.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 12 in The Quran?### Assistant:Say to the disbelievers: ‘You will soon be overpowered and driven towards Hell, and that is a very evil abode.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:12.### Assistant:Say to the disbelievers: ‘You will soon be overpowered and driven towards Hell, and that is a very evil abode.’
### Human:The Quran 3:12 - English Translation### Assistant:Say to the disbelievers: ‘You will soon be overpowered and driven towards Hell, and that is a very evil abode.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 12 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Say to the disbelievers: ‘You will soon be overpowered and driven towards Hell, and that is a very evil abode.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 13 in The Quran?### Assistant: There is certainly a sign for you in the two parties that encountered each other (in the battlefield of Badr) — one party fought in the cause of Allah and the other comprised the disbelievers They saw them with their (own) eyes as twice their own number And Allah provides strength with His reinforcement whom He likes In this incident there is surely a (notable) lesson of warning for those who have eyes.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:13.### Assistant: There is certainly a sign for you in the two parties that encountered each other (in the battlefield of Badr) — one party fought in the cause of Allah and the other comprised the disbelievers They saw them with their (own) eyes as twice their own number And Allah provides strength with His reinforcement whom He likes In this incident there is surely a (notable) lesson of warning for those who have eyes.
### Human:The Quran 3:13 - English Translation### Assistant: There is certainly a sign for you in the two parties that encountered each other (in the battlefield of Badr) — one party fought in the cause of Allah and the other comprised the disbelievers They saw them with their (own) eyes as twice their own number And Allah provides strength with His reinforcement whom He likes In this incident there is surely a (notable) lesson of warning for those who have eyes.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 13 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: There is certainly a sign for you in the two parties that encountered each other (in the battlefield of Badr) — one party fought in the cause of Allah and the other comprised the disbelievers They saw them with their (own) eyes as twice their own number And Allah provides strength with His reinforcement whom He likes In this incident there is surely a (notable) lesson of warning for those who have eyes.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 14 in The Quran?### Assistant:(Excessively) attractive has been made, for the people, the love of lusts (that) include women, children, and hoarded treasures of gold and silver, and branded horses and cattle and crops (All) this is the provision of the worldly life and with Allah is the best abode.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:14.### Assistant:(Excessively) attractive has been made, for the people, the love of lusts (that) include women, children, and hoarded treasures of gold and silver, and branded horses and cattle and crops (All) this is the provision of the worldly life and with Allah is the best abode.
### Human:The Quran 3:14 - English Translation### Assistant:(Excessively) attractive has been made, for the people, the love of lusts (that) include women, children, and hoarded treasures of gold and silver, and branded horses and cattle and crops (All) this is the provision of the worldly life and with Allah is the best abode.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 14 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:(Excessively) attractive has been made, for the people, the love of lusts (that) include women, children, and hoarded treasures of gold and silver, and branded horses and cattle and crops (All) this is the provision of the worldly life and with Allah is the best abode.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 15 in The Quran?### Assistant:(O Beloved!) Say: ‘Shall I give you the news of something far better than all this? (Yes,) for the Godfearing there are (such) gardens with their Lord beneath which streams flow They will live there forever There will be (for them) chaste wives, and (above all) they shall enjoy the pleasure of Allah.’ And Allah monitors His servants well.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:15.### Assistant:(O Beloved!) Say: ‘Shall I give you the news of something far better than all this? (Yes,) for the Godfearing there are (such) gardens with their Lord beneath which streams flow They will live there forever There will be (for them) chaste wives, and (above all) they shall enjoy the pleasure of Allah.’ And Allah monitors His servants well.
### Human:The Quran 3:15 - English Translation### Assistant:(O Beloved!) Say: ‘Shall I give you the news of something far better than all this? (Yes,) for the Godfearing there are (such) gardens with their Lord beneath which streams flow They will live there forever There will be (for them) chaste wives, and (above all) they shall enjoy the pleasure of Allah.’ And Allah monitors His servants well.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 15 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:(O Beloved!) Say: ‘Shall I give you the news of something far better than all this? (Yes,) for the Godfearing there are (such) gardens with their Lord beneath which streams flow They will live there forever There will be (for them) chaste wives, and (above all) they shall enjoy the pleasure of Allah.’ And Allah monitors His servants well.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 16 in The Quran?### Assistant:(These are the people) who say: ‘O our Lord, we have surely believed, so, forgive us our sins and save us from the torment of Hell.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:16.### Assistant:(These are the people) who say: ‘O our Lord, we have surely believed, so, forgive us our sins and save us from the torment of Hell.’
### Human:The Quran 3:16 - English Translation### Assistant:(These are the people) who say: ‘O our Lord, we have surely believed, so, forgive us our sins and save us from the torment of Hell.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 16 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:(These are the people) who say: ‘O our Lord, we have surely believed, so, forgive us our sins and save us from the torment of Hell.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 17 in The Quran?### Assistant: (They are) steadfast (people), truthful in their words and deeds and submissive in devotion and obedience And they spend in the way of Allah, and (rise) in the later hours of the night to implore Allah’s pardon.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:17.### Assistant: (They are) steadfast (people), truthful in their words and deeds and submissive in devotion and obedience And they spend in the way of Allah, and (rise) in the later hours of the night to implore Allah’s pardon.
### Human:The Quran 3:17 - English Translation### Assistant: (They are) steadfast (people), truthful in their words and deeds and submissive in devotion and obedience And they spend in the way of Allah, and (rise) in the later hours of the night to implore Allah’s pardon.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 17 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (They are) steadfast (people), truthful in their words and deeds and submissive in devotion and obedience And they spend in the way of Allah, and (rise) in the later hours of the night to implore Allah’s pardon.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 18 in The Quran?### Assistant:Allah bears witness that none is worthy of worship apart from Him; and the angels and those who possess knowledge also bear testimony to it (as well as the fact) that He designs and executes every plan with justice None is worthy of worship but He He is Almighty, All-Wise.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:18.### Assistant:Allah bears witness that none is worthy of worship apart from Him; and the angels and those who possess knowledge also bear testimony to it (as well as the fact) that He designs and executes every plan with justice None is worthy of worship but He He is Almighty, All-Wise.
### Human:The Quran 3:18 - English Translation### Assistant:Allah bears witness that none is worthy of worship apart from Him; and the angels and those who possess knowledge also bear testimony to it (as well as the fact) that He designs and executes every plan with justice None is worthy of worship but He He is Almighty, All-Wise.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 18 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Allah bears witness that none is worthy of worship apart from Him; and the angels and those who possess knowledge also bear testimony to it (as well as the fact) that He designs and executes every plan with justice None is worthy of worship but He He is Almighty, All-Wise.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 19 in The Quran?### Assistant:Truly, Islam is the only Din (Religion) in Allah’s sight And the people of the Book disagreed, after knowledge had come to them, only on account of their mutual jealousy and contention And he who denies Allah’s revelations, then surely Allah hastens in calling to account.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:19.### Assistant:Truly, Islam is the only Din (Religion) in Allah’s sight And the people of the Book disagreed, after knowledge had come to them, only on account of their mutual jealousy and contention And he who denies Allah’s revelations, then surely Allah hastens in calling to account.
### Human:The Quran 3:19 - English Translation### Assistant:Truly, Islam is the only Din (Religion) in Allah’s sight And the people of the Book disagreed, after knowledge had come to them, only on account of their mutual jealousy and contention And he who denies Allah’s revelations, then surely Allah hastens in calling to account.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 19 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Truly, Islam is the only Din (Religion) in Allah’s sight And the people of the Book disagreed, after knowledge had come to them, only on account of their mutual jealousy and contention And he who denies Allah’s revelations, then surely Allah hastens in calling to account.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 20 in The Quran?### Assistant:(O Beloved!) If they, even then, have a row with you, say to them: ‘I have bowed my humble face in absolute submissiveness before the Presence of Allah and so have done those who follow me.’ And say to the people of the Book as well as the illiterate ones: ‘Do you also bow before Allah (i.e do you accept Islam)?’ Then if they embrace submission then they have truly achieved guidance But if they turn away, your responsibility is only to deliver the command And Allah is Watchful of His servants.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:20.### Assistant:(O Beloved!) If they, even then, have a row with you, say to them: ‘I have bowed my humble face in absolute submissiveness before the Presence of Allah and so have done those who follow me.’ And say to the people of the Book as well as the illiterate ones: ‘Do you also bow before Allah (i.e do you accept Islam)?’ Then if they embrace submission then they have truly achieved guidance But if they turn away, your responsibility is only to deliver the command And Allah is Watchful of His servants.
### Human:The Quran 3:20 - English Translation### Assistant:(O Beloved!) If they, even then, have a row with you, say to them: ‘I have bowed my humble face in absolute submissiveness before the Presence of Allah and so have done those who follow me.’ And say to the people of the Book as well as the illiterate ones: ‘Do you also bow before Allah (i.e do you accept Islam)?’ Then if they embrace submission then they have truly achieved guidance But if they turn away, your responsibility is only to deliver the command And Allah is Watchful of His servants.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 20 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:(O Beloved!) If they, even then, have a row with you, say to them: ‘I have bowed my humble face in absolute submissiveness before the Presence of Allah and so have done those who follow me.’ And say to the people of the Book as well as the illiterate ones: ‘Do you also bow before Allah (i.e do you accept Islam)?’ Then if they embrace submission then they have truly achieved guidance But if they turn away, your responsibility is only to deliver the command And Allah is Watchful of His servants.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 21 in The Quran?### Assistant:Certainly those who deny Revelations of Allah and kill the Prophets unjustly, and also kill those of the people who enjoin equity and justice, so announce to them the news of a grievous torment.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:21.### Assistant:Certainly those who deny Revelations of Allah and kill the Prophets unjustly, and also kill those of the people who enjoin equity and justice, so announce to them the news of a grievous torment.
### Human:The Quran 3:21 - English Translation### Assistant:Certainly those who deny Revelations of Allah and kill the Prophets unjustly, and also kill those of the people who enjoin equity and justice, so announce to them the news of a grievous torment.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 21 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Certainly those who deny Revelations of Allah and kill the Prophets unjustly, and also kill those of the people who enjoin equity and justice, so announce to them the news of a grievous torment.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 22 in The Quran?### Assistant:They are the ones whose works have become void both in this world and in the Hereafter And they shall have no helpers.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:22.### Assistant:They are the ones whose works have become void both in this world and in the Hereafter And they shall have no helpers.
### Human:The Quran 3:22 - English Translation### Assistant:They are the ones whose works have become void both in this world and in the Hereafter And they shall have no helpers.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 22 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:They are the ones whose works have become void both in this world and in the Hereafter And they shall have no helpers.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 23 in The Quran?### Assistant:Have you not seen those who were given a portion of (the knowledge of) the Book? They are invited towards the Book of Allah, so that it (the Book) gives judgment (on disputes) among them Then, a party of them turn away and it is they who deviate.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:23.### Assistant:Have you not seen those who were given a portion of (the knowledge of) the Book? They are invited towards the Book of Allah, so that it (the Book) gives judgment (on disputes) among them Then, a party of them turn away and it is they who deviate.
### Human:The Quran 3:23 - English Translation### Assistant:Have you not seen those who were given a portion of (the knowledge of) the Book? They are invited towards the Book of Allah, so that it (the Book) gives judgment (on disputes) among them Then, a party of them turn away and it is they who deviate.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 23 from The Quran to English.### Assistant:Have you not seen those who were given a portion of (the knowledge of) the Book? They are invited towards the Book of Allah, so that it (the Book) gives judgment (on disputes) among them Then, a party of them turn away and it is they who deviate.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 24 in The Quran?### Assistant: This (courage to deviate) is because they say: ‘The Fire of Hell will not touch us except for a few numbered days.’ And the lies that they invent (about Allah) have deluded them with regard to their Din (Religion).
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:24.### Assistant: This (courage to deviate) is because they say: ‘The Fire of Hell will not touch us except for a few numbered days.’ And the lies that they invent (about Allah) have deluded them with regard to their Din (Religion).
### Human:The Quran 3:24 - English Translation### Assistant: This (courage to deviate) is because they say: ‘The Fire of Hell will not touch us except for a few numbered days.’ And the lies that they invent (about Allah) have deluded them with regard to their Din (Religion).
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 24 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: This (courage to deviate) is because they say: ‘The Fire of Hell will not touch us except for a few numbered days.’ And the lies that they invent (about Allah) have deluded them with regard to their Din (Religion).
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 25 in The Quran?### Assistant: So, what will be their plight when We shall assemble all of them together on the Day in (the happening of) which there is no doubt and everyone will be paid back in full for whatever (deeds) he has earned, and no injustice will be done to them.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:25.### Assistant: So, what will be their plight when We shall assemble all of them together on the Day in (the happening of) which there is no doubt and everyone will be paid back in full for whatever (deeds) he has earned, and no injustice will be done to them.
### Human:The Quran 3:25 - English Translation### Assistant: So, what will be their plight when We shall assemble all of them together on the Day in (the happening of) which there is no doubt and everyone will be paid back in full for whatever (deeds) he has earned, and no injustice will be done to them.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 25 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: So, what will be their plight when We shall assemble all of them together on the Day in (the happening of) which there is no doubt and everyone will be paid back in full for whatever (deeds) he has earned, and no injustice will be done to them.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 26 in The Quran?### Assistant: (O My Beloved!) Submit (like this): ‘O Allah, Lord of Sovereignty! You bestow sovereignty on whom You will and You take away sovereignty from whom You will You confer honour on whom You will and You dishonour whom You will All good is in Your Mighty Hand and surely You have Absolute Authority and Control over everything.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:26.### Assistant: (O My Beloved!) Submit (like this): ‘O Allah, Lord of Sovereignty! You bestow sovereignty on whom You will and You take away sovereignty from whom You will You confer honour on whom You will and You dishonour whom You will All good is in Your Mighty Hand and surely You have Absolute Authority and Control over everything.
### Human:The Quran 3:26 - English Translation### Assistant: (O My Beloved!) Submit (like this): ‘O Allah, Lord of Sovereignty! You bestow sovereignty on whom You will and You take away sovereignty from whom You will You confer honour on whom You will and You dishonour whom You will All good is in Your Mighty Hand and surely You have Absolute Authority and Control over everything.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 26 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (O My Beloved!) Submit (like this): ‘O Allah, Lord of Sovereignty! You bestow sovereignty on whom You will and You take away sovereignty from whom You will You confer honour on whom You will and You dishonour whom You will All good is in Your Mighty Hand and surely You have Absolute Authority and Control over everything.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 27 in The Quran?### Assistant: You make the night enter into the day and You make the day enter into the night and You bring the living out of the dead and You bring the dead out of the living and You bless (with Your Bounties) without measure whom You wish.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:27.### Assistant: You make the night enter into the day and You make the day enter into the night and You bring the living out of the dead and You bring the dead out of the living and You bless (with Your Bounties) without measure whom You wish.’
### Human:The Quran 3:27 - English Translation### Assistant: You make the night enter into the day and You make the day enter into the night and You bring the living out of the dead and You bring the dead out of the living and You bless (with Your Bounties) without measure whom You wish.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 27 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: You make the night enter into the day and You make the day enter into the night and You bring the living out of the dead and You bring the dead out of the living and You bless (with Your Bounties) without measure whom You wish.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 28 in The Quran?### Assistant: The Muslims should not make friends with disbelievers instead of Muslims And whoever does so will have nothing of (the alliance with) Allah except that you seek protection (from their mischief) And Allah warns you to fear (the wrath) of His Divine Essence and to Allah is the return.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:28.### Assistant: The Muslims should not make friends with disbelievers instead of Muslims And whoever does so will have nothing of (the alliance with) Allah except that you seek protection (from their mischief) And Allah warns you to fear (the wrath) of His Divine Essence and to Allah is the return.
### Human:The Quran 3:28 - English Translation### Assistant: The Muslims should not make friends with disbelievers instead of Muslims And whoever does so will have nothing of (the alliance with) Allah except that you seek protection (from their mischief) And Allah warns you to fear (the wrath) of His Divine Essence and to Allah is the return.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 28 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: The Muslims should not make friends with disbelievers instead of Muslims And whoever does so will have nothing of (the alliance with) Allah except that you seek protection (from their mischief) And Allah warns you to fear (the wrath) of His Divine Essence and to Allah is the return.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 29 in The Quran?### Assistant: Say: ‘Whether you hide what is in your breasts or make it known, Allah knows it and He thoroughly knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth And Allah has Mighty Control over everything.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:29.### Assistant: Say: ‘Whether you hide what is in your breasts or make it known, Allah knows it and He thoroughly knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth And Allah has Mighty Control over everything.’
### Human:The Quran 3:29 - English Translation### Assistant: Say: ‘Whether you hide what is in your breasts or make it known, Allah knows it and He thoroughly knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth And Allah has Mighty Control over everything.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 29 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Say: ‘Whether you hide what is in your breasts or make it known, Allah knows it and He thoroughly knows what is in the heavens and what is in the earth And Allah has Mighty Control over everything.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 30 in The Quran?### Assistant: On the Day when every soul shall find present (before him) every good that he accomplished and every evil that he perpetrated, he will wish there were a great distance between him and that evil (or that Day) Allah warns you to fear (the wrath) of His Divine Essence and Allah is Most Compassionate towards His servants.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:30.### Assistant: On the Day when every soul shall find present (before him) every good that he accomplished and every evil that he perpetrated, he will wish there were a great distance between him and that evil (or that Day) Allah warns you to fear (the wrath) of His Divine Essence and Allah is Most Compassionate towards His servants.
### Human:The Quran 3:30 - English Translation### Assistant: On the Day when every soul shall find present (before him) every good that he accomplished and every evil that he perpetrated, he will wish there were a great distance between him and that evil (or that Day) Allah warns you to fear (the wrath) of His Divine Essence and Allah is Most Compassionate towards His servants.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 30 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: On the Day when every soul shall find present (before him) every good that he accomplished and every evil that he perpetrated, he will wish there were a great distance between him and that evil (or that Day) Allah warns you to fear (the wrath) of His Divine Essence and Allah is Most Compassionate towards His servants.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 31 in The Quran?### Assistant: (O Beloved!) Say: ‘If you love Allah, follow me Allah will then take you as (His) beloved and forgive your sins for you, and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:31.### Assistant: (O Beloved!) Say: ‘If you love Allah, follow me Allah will then take you as (His) beloved and forgive your sins for you, and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’
### Human:The Quran 3:31 - English Translation### Assistant: (O Beloved!) Say: ‘If you love Allah, follow me Allah will then take you as (His) beloved and forgive your sins for you, and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 31 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (O Beloved!) Say: ‘If you love Allah, follow me Allah will then take you as (His) beloved and forgive your sins for you, and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 32 in The Quran?### Assistant: Say: ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him).’ But if they turn away then Allah does not like the disbelievers.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:32.### Assistant: Say: ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him).’ But if they turn away then Allah does not like the disbelievers.
### Human:The Quran 3:32 - English Translation### Assistant: Say: ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him).’ But if they turn away then Allah does not like the disbelievers.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 32 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Say: ‘Obey Allah and the Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him).’ But if they turn away then Allah does not like the disbelievers.