### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 108 in The Quran?### Assistant: These are the Revelations of Allah which We recite to you with Truth And Allah intends no injustice to mankind.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:108.### Assistant: These are the Revelations of Allah which We recite to you with Truth And Allah intends no injustice to mankind.
### Human:The Quran 3:108 - English Translation### Assistant: These are the Revelations of Allah which We recite to you with Truth And Allah intends no injustice to mankind.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 108 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: These are the Revelations of Allah which We recite to you with Truth And Allah intends no injustice to mankind.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 109 in The Quran?### Assistant: And whatever exists in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone And to Allah will all matters be returned.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:109.### Assistant: And whatever exists in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone And to Allah will all matters be returned.
### Human:The Quran 3:109 - English Translation### Assistant: And whatever exists in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone And to Allah will all matters be returned.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 109 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And whatever exists in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allah alone And to Allah will all matters be returned.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 110 in The Quran?### Assistant: You are the best community brought forth for (the guidance of) mankind: you command righteousness, forbid evil and believe in Allah Had the People of the Book also embraced faith that would certainly have been in their favour There are some among them who believe, while the majority of them are disobedient.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:110.### Assistant: You are the best community brought forth for (the guidance of) mankind: you command righteousness, forbid evil and believe in Allah Had the People of the Book also embraced faith that would certainly have been in their favour There are some among them who believe, while the majority of them are disobedient.
### Human:The Quran 3:110 - English Translation### Assistant: You are the best community brought forth for (the guidance of) mankind: you command righteousness, forbid evil and believe in Allah Had the People of the Book also embraced faith that would certainly have been in their favour There are some among them who believe, while the majority of them are disobedient.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 110 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: You are the best community brought forth for (the guidance of) mankind: you command righteousness, forbid evil and believe in Allah Had the People of the Book also embraced faith that would certainly have been in their favour There are some among them who believe, while the majority of them are disobedient.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 111 in The Quran?### Assistant: They cannot do you any harm beyond offending; and if they fight you they will turn their backs upon you; then they will not be helped (as well).
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:111.### Assistant: They cannot do you any harm beyond offending; and if they fight you they will turn their backs upon you; then they will not be helped (as well).
### Human:The Quran 3:111 - English Translation### Assistant: They cannot do you any harm beyond offending; and if they fight you they will turn their backs upon you; then they will not be helped (as well).
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 111 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: They cannot do you any harm beyond offending; and if they fight you they will turn their backs upon you; then they will not be helped (as well).
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 112 in The Quran?### Assistant: They are shut in humiliation wherever they may be found, except that they are (provided with shelter) under some promise with Allah or some bond with people And they have earned Allah’s wrath, and have been subjected to indigence consequent on their rejection of Allah’s Revelations and killing the Prophets unjustly, because they turned into rebels and exceeded all limits (in rebelliousness and defiance).
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:112.### Assistant: They are shut in humiliation wherever they may be found, except that they are (provided with shelter) under some promise with Allah or some bond with people And they have earned Allah’s wrath, and have been subjected to indigence consequent on their rejection of Allah’s Revelations and killing the Prophets unjustly, because they turned into rebels and exceeded all limits (in rebelliousness and defiance).
### Human:The Quran 3:112 - English Translation### Assistant: They are shut in humiliation wherever they may be found, except that they are (provided with shelter) under some promise with Allah or some bond with people And they have earned Allah’s wrath, and have been subjected to indigence consequent on their rejection of Allah’s Revelations and killing the Prophets unjustly, because they turned into rebels and exceeded all limits (in rebelliousness and defiance).
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 112 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: They are shut in humiliation wherever they may be found, except that they are (provided with shelter) under some promise with Allah or some bond with people And they have earned Allah’s wrath, and have been subjected to indigence consequent on their rejection of Allah’s Revelations and killing the Prophets unjustly, because they turned into rebels and exceeded all limits (in rebelliousness and defiance).
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 113 in The Quran?### Assistant: They are not all alike Some of the People of the Book are (also) firmly committed to the Truth They recite the Verses of Allah during the hours of night and remain in the state of prostration before their Lord.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:113.### Assistant: They are not all alike Some of the People of the Book are (also) firmly committed to the Truth They recite the Verses of Allah during the hours of night and remain in the state of prostration before their Lord.
### Human:The Quran 3:113 - English Translation### Assistant: They are not all alike Some of the People of the Book are (also) firmly committed to the Truth They recite the Verses of Allah during the hours of night and remain in the state of prostration before their Lord.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 113 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: They are not all alike Some of the People of the Book are (also) firmly committed to the Truth They recite the Verses of Allah during the hours of night and remain in the state of prostration before their Lord.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 114 in The Quran?### Assistant: They believe in Allah and the Last Day and command righteousness, and forbid evil, and advance fast in righteous works And it is they who are among the pious.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:114.### Assistant: They believe in Allah and the Last Day and command righteousness, and forbid evil, and advance fast in righteous works And it is they who are among the pious.
### Human:The Quran 3:114 - English Translation### Assistant: They believe in Allah and the Last Day and command righteousness, and forbid evil, and advance fast in righteous works And it is they who are among the pious.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 114 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: They believe in Allah and the Last Day and command righteousness, and forbid evil, and advance fast in righteous works And it is they who are among the pious.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 115 in The Quran?### Assistant: And whatever pious acts they do will not be disregarded; and Allah is well aware of those who guard against evil.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:115.### Assistant: And whatever pious acts they do will not be disregarded; and Allah is well aware of those who guard against evil.
### Human:The Quran 3:115 - English Translation### Assistant: And whatever pious acts they do will not be disregarded; and Allah is well aware of those who guard against evil.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 115 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And whatever pious acts they do will not be disregarded; and Allah is well aware of those who guard against evil.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 116 in The Quran?### Assistant: Certainly those who have disbelieved, neither their riches nor their children will provide them any protection against (the torment of) Allah And they are the ones who are the inmates of Hell and will live there forever.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:116.### Assistant: Certainly those who have disbelieved, neither their riches nor their children will provide them any protection against (the torment of) Allah And they are the ones who are the inmates of Hell and will live there forever.
### Human:The Quran 3:116 - English Translation### Assistant: Certainly those who have disbelieved, neither their riches nor their children will provide them any protection against (the torment of) Allah And they are the ones who are the inmates of Hell and will live there forever.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 116 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Certainly those who have disbelieved, neither their riches nor their children will provide them any protection against (the torment of) Allah And they are the ones who are the inmates of Hell and will live there forever.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 117 in The Quran?### Assistant: (Whatever) wealth (these people) spend in the life of this world is like the frost-laden wind which strikes and destroys the harvest of a people who wrong their own souls And Allah has not done them any wrong but they themselves manage their own wreck.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:117.### Assistant: (Whatever) wealth (these people) spend in the life of this world is like the frost-laden wind which strikes and destroys the harvest of a people who wrong their own souls And Allah has not done them any wrong but they themselves manage their own wreck.
### Human:The Quran 3:117 - English Translation### Assistant: (Whatever) wealth (these people) spend in the life of this world is like the frost-laden wind which strikes and destroys the harvest of a people who wrong their own souls And Allah has not done them any wrong but they themselves manage their own wreck.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 117 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (Whatever) wealth (these people) spend in the life of this world is like the frost-laden wind which strikes and destroys the harvest of a people who wrong their own souls And Allah has not done them any wrong but they themselves manage their own wreck.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 118 in The Quran?### Assistant: O Believers! Do not confide in those who are not from amongst you They will never miss (any) chance to cause you mischief They wish you severe torture As for their malice, that has become evident from their utterances, and (the hostility) that they have concealed in their hearts is (even) greater We have made the Signs manifest to you, if you would use your intellect.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:118.### Assistant: O Believers! Do not confide in those who are not from amongst you They will never miss (any) chance to cause you mischief They wish you severe torture As for their malice, that has become evident from their utterances, and (the hostility) that they have concealed in their hearts is (even) greater We have made the Signs manifest to you, if you would use your intellect.
### Human:The Quran 3:118 - English Translation### Assistant: O Believers! Do not confide in those who are not from amongst you They will never miss (any) chance to cause you mischief They wish you severe torture As for their malice, that has become evident from their utterances, and (the hostility) that they have concealed in their hearts is (even) greater We have made the Signs manifest to you, if you would use your intellect.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 118 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: O Believers! Do not confide in those who are not from amongst you They will never miss (any) chance to cause you mischief They wish you severe torture As for their malice, that has become evident from their utterances, and (the hostility) that they have concealed in their hearts is (even) greater We have made the Signs manifest to you, if you would use your intellect.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 119 in The Quran?### Assistant: Beware! You are the ones who love them but they do not (even) like you although you believe in all the Books When they meet you, they say: ‘We have accepted faith,’ but when alone, they bite their fingers in rage against you Say: ‘Perish in your pent-up rage.’ Certainly Allah knows well the secrets of hearts.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:119.### Assistant: Beware! You are the ones who love them but they do not (even) like you although you believe in all the Books When they meet you, they say: ‘We have accepted faith,’ but when alone, they bite their fingers in rage against you Say: ‘Perish in your pent-up rage.’ Certainly Allah knows well the secrets of hearts.
### Human:The Quran 3:119 - English Translation### Assistant: Beware! You are the ones who love them but they do not (even) like you although you believe in all the Books When they meet you, they say: ‘We have accepted faith,’ but when alone, they bite their fingers in rage against you Say: ‘Perish in your pent-up rage.’ Certainly Allah knows well the secrets of hearts.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 119 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Beware! You are the ones who love them but they do not (even) like you although you believe in all the Books When they meet you, they say: ‘We have accepted faith,’ but when alone, they bite their fingers in rage against you Say: ‘Perish in your pent-up rage.’ Certainly Allah knows well the secrets of hearts.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 120 in The Quran?### Assistant: If something goes in your favour, it grieves them; but if some pain afflicts you, that pleases them However, if you keep patience and guard yourselves against evil persistently, their deceitfulness would do you no harm And Allah indeed has encompassed all that they are doing.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:120.### Assistant: If something goes in your favour, it grieves them; but if some pain afflicts you, that pleases them However, if you keep patience and guard yourselves against evil persistently, their deceitfulness would do you no harm And Allah indeed has encompassed all that they are doing.
### Human:The Quran 3:120 - English Translation### Assistant: If something goes in your favour, it grieves them; but if some pain afflicts you, that pleases them However, if you keep patience and guard yourselves against evil persistently, their deceitfulness would do you no harm And Allah indeed has encompassed all that they are doing.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 120 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: If something goes in your favour, it grieves them; but if some pain afflicts you, that pleases them However, if you keep patience and guard yourselves against evil persistently, their deceitfulness would do you no harm And Allah indeed has encompassed all that they are doing.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 121 in The Quran?### Assistant: And (recall the time) when early morning you left your blessed abode (on the eve of the battle of Uhud) and were positioning the Muslims at their posts for the battle And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:121.### Assistant: And (recall the time) when early morning you left your blessed abode (on the eve of the battle of Uhud) and were positioning the Muslims at their posts for the battle And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
### Human:The Quran 3:121 - English Translation### Assistant: And (recall the time) when early morning you left your blessed abode (on the eve of the battle of Uhud) and were positioning the Muslims at their posts for the battle And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 121 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And (recall the time) when early morning you left your blessed abode (on the eve of the battle of Uhud) and were positioning the Muslims at their posts for the battle And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 122 in The Quran?### Assistant: When two groups from amongst you (Banu Salma Khazraj and Banu Haritha Aws) intended to go coward although Allah was their Ally And the believers must have trust in Allah alone.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:122.### Assistant: When two groups from amongst you (Banu Salma Khazraj and Banu Haritha Aws) intended to go coward although Allah was their Ally And the believers must have trust in Allah alone.
### Human:The Quran 3:122 - English Translation### Assistant: When two groups from amongst you (Banu Salma Khazraj and Banu Haritha Aws) intended to go coward although Allah was their Ally And the believers must have trust in Allah alone.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 122 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: When two groups from amongst you (Banu Salma Khazraj and Banu Haritha Aws) intended to go coward although Allah was their Ally And the believers must have trust in Allah alone.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 123 in The Quran?### Assistant: And Allah provided you help in the battle of Badr, whereas you had little resources (at that time) Therefore, fear Allah so that you may become grateful.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:123.### Assistant: And Allah provided you help in the battle of Badr, whereas you had little resources (at that time) Therefore, fear Allah so that you may become grateful.
### Human:The Quran 3:123 - English Translation### Assistant: And Allah provided you help in the battle of Badr, whereas you had little resources (at that time) Therefore, fear Allah so that you may become grateful.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 123 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And Allah provided you help in the battle of Badr, whereas you had little resources (at that time) Therefore, fear Allah so that you may become grateful.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 124 in The Quran?### Assistant: When you were saying to the believers: ‘Is it not enough for you that your Lord should reinforce you with three thousand sent-down angels?’
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:124.### Assistant: When you were saying to the believers: ‘Is it not enough for you that your Lord should reinforce you with three thousand sent-down angels?’
### Human:The Quran 3:124 - English Translation### Assistant: When you were saying to the believers: ‘Is it not enough for you that your Lord should reinforce you with three thousand sent-down angels?’
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 124 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: When you were saying to the believers: ‘Is it not enough for you that your Lord should reinforce you with three thousand sent-down angels?’
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 125 in The Quran?### Assistant: Yes, if you remain steadfast and persist in God-wariness and these (unbelievers) suddenly launch the blitz against you with (full) force, then your Lord would come to your aid with distinctly marked five thousand angels.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:125.### Assistant: Yes, if you remain steadfast and persist in God-wariness and these (unbelievers) suddenly launch the blitz against you with (full) force, then your Lord would come to your aid with distinctly marked five thousand angels.
### Human:The Quran 3:125 - English Translation### Assistant: Yes, if you remain steadfast and persist in God-wariness and these (unbelievers) suddenly launch the blitz against you with (full) force, then your Lord would come to your aid with distinctly marked five thousand angels.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 125 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Yes, if you remain steadfast and persist in God-wariness and these (unbelievers) suddenly launch the blitz against you with (full) force, then your Lord would come to your aid with distinctly marked five thousand angels.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 126 in The Quran?### Assistant: And Allah has made this (reinforcement) just a glad tidings for you so that it may content your hearts And support comes only from Allah Who is Almighty, Most Wise,
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:126.### Assistant: And Allah has made this (reinforcement) just a glad tidings for you so that it may content your hearts And support comes only from Allah Who is Almighty, Most Wise,
### Human:The Quran 3:126 - English Translation### Assistant: And Allah has made this (reinforcement) just a glad tidings for you so that it may content your hearts And support comes only from Allah Who is Almighty, Most Wise,
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 126 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And Allah has made this (reinforcement) just a glad tidings for you so that it may content your hearts And support comes only from Allah Who is Almighty, Most Wise,
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 127 in The Quran?### Assistant: (Also) because (Allah) may exterminate a section of the unbelievers or abase them so that they go back defeated.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:127.### Assistant: (Also) because (Allah) may exterminate a section of the unbelievers or abase them so that they go back defeated.
### Human:The Quran 3:127 - English Translation### Assistant: (Also) because (Allah) may exterminate a section of the unbelievers or abase them so that they go back defeated.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 127 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (Also) because (Allah) may exterminate a section of the unbelievers or abase them so that they go back defeated.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 128 in The Quran?### Assistant: (O Beloved! Now) this matter is not your concern whether Allah enables them to repent or torments them, because they are the transgressors.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:128.### Assistant: (O Beloved! Now) this matter is not your concern whether Allah enables them to repent or torments them, because they are the transgressors.
### Human:The Quran 3:128 - English Translation### Assistant: (O Beloved! Now) this matter is not your concern whether Allah enables them to repent or torments them, because they are the transgressors.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 128 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: (O Beloved! Now) this matter is not your concern whether Allah enables them to repent or torments them, because they are the transgressors.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 129 in The Quran?### Assistant: Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth belongs to Allah alone He forgives whom He wills and He punishes whom He wills and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:129.### Assistant: Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth belongs to Allah alone He forgives whom He wills and He punishes whom He wills and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:The Quran 3:129 - English Translation### Assistant: Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth belongs to Allah alone He forgives whom He wills and He punishes whom He wills and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 129 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: Whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth belongs to Allah alone He forgives whom He wills and He punishes whom He wills and Allah is Most Forgiving, Ever-Merciful.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 130 in The Quran?### Assistant: O Believers! Do not live on usury doubled and redoubled and keep fearing Allah so that you may prosper.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:130.### Assistant: O Believers! Do not live on usury doubled and redoubled and keep fearing Allah so that you may prosper.
### Human:The Quran 3:130 - English Translation### Assistant: O Believers! Do not live on usury doubled and redoubled and keep fearing Allah so that you may prosper.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 130 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: O Believers! Do not live on usury doubled and redoubled and keep fearing Allah so that you may prosper.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 131 in The Quran?### Assistant: And fear that Fire which has been prepared for those who reject faith.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:131.### Assistant: And fear that Fire which has been prepared for those who reject faith.
### Human:The Quran 3:131 - English Translation### Assistant: And fear that Fire which has been prepared for those who reject faith.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 131 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And fear that Fire which has been prepared for those who reject faith.
### Human:What is the English translation of Chapter 3, Verse 132 in The Quran?### Assistant: And persist in obedience to Allah and the Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him) so that you may be blessed with Mercy.
### Human:Provide the English translation of The Quran 3:132.### Assistant: And persist in obedience to Allah and the Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him) so that you may be blessed with Mercy.
### Human:The Quran 3:132 - English Translation### Assistant: And persist in obedience to Allah and the Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him) so that you may be blessed with Mercy.
### Human:Translate Chapter 3, Verse 132 from The Quran to English.### Assistant: And persist in obedience to Allah and the Messenger (blessing and peace be upon him) so that you may be blessed with Mercy.