Unnamed: 0
9 values
6 values
10 values
9 values
1st NDC
Stabilize or begin to reduce GHG emissions by 2030
At the same time stabilization of emissions by 2030 is not an obstacle for the economic and social development of the country and it is consistent with the overall objectives of economic development, increasing energy efficiency, reducing energy intensity and increasing the share of renewables in the energy balance of Turkmenistan. GDP at PPPs Emissions intensity GDP energy intensity in consumption Carbon intensityHow INDC contributes to achieving the objectives of the Convention? Stabilization or beginning of reducing GHG emissions by 2030 will allow Turkmenistan to enter the trajectory of low-carbon development, compatible with long-term global goal - not exceeding the 2-degree rise in temperature levels. Means of implementation of the contribution Means of implementation is primarily the state budget of Turkmenistan.
At the same time stabilization of emissions by 2030 is not an obstacle for the economic and social development of the country and it is consistent with the overall objectives of economic development, increasing energy efficiency, reducing energy intensity and increasing the share of renewables in the energy balance of Turkmenistan. GDP at PPPs Emissions intensity GDP energy intensity in consumption Carbon intensityHow INDC contributes to achieving the objectives of the Convention? Stabilization or beginning of reducing GHG emissions by 2030 will allow Turkmenistan to enter the trajectory of low-carbon development, compatible with long-term global goal - not exceeding the 2-degree rise in temperature levels. Means of implementation of the contribution Means of implementation is primarily the state budget of Turkmenistan.
1st NDC
A reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025.
Government of Tuvalu Intended Nationally Determined Contributions Communicated to the UNFCCC on 27 November 2015 Introduction In accordance with the relevant paragraphs of Decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20, Tuvalu hereby communicates its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) towards meeting the ultimate goal of the UNFCCC, and provides up-­‐front information in tabular format to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of the INDC. Additional accompanying information, relating to mitigation actions and support for implementation, is provided. Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) Tuvalu commits to reduction of emissions of green-­‐house gases from the electricity generation (power) sector, by 100%, ie almost zero emissions by 2025. Tuvalu’s indicative quantified economy-­‐wide target for a reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025.
Government of Tuvalu Intended Nationally Determined Contributions Communicated to the UNFCCC on 27 November 2015 Introduction In accordance with the relevant paragraphs of Decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20, Tuvalu hereby communicates its Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) towards meeting the ultimate goal of the UNFCCC, and provides up-­‐front information in tabular format to facilitate the clarity, transparency and understanding of the INDC. Additional accompanying information, relating to mitigation actions and support for implementation, is provided. Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) Tuvalu commits to reduction of emissions of green-­‐house gases from the electricity generation (power) sector, by 100%, ie almost zero emissions by 2025. Tuvalu’s indicative quantified economy-­‐wide target for a reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025.
1st NDC
A reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025.
Tuvalu’s indicative quantified economy-­‐wide target for a reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025. These emissions will be further reduced from the other key sectors, agriculture and waste, conditional upon the necessary technology and finance.These targets go beyond the targets enunciated in Tuvalu’s National Energy Policy (NEP) and the Majuro Declaration on Climate Leadership (2013). Currently, 50% of electricity is derived from renewables, mainly solar, and this figure will rise to 75% by 2020 and 100% by 2025. This would mean almost zero use of fossil fuel for power generation. This is also in line with our ambition to keep the warming to less than 1.5⁰C, if there is a chance to save atoll nations like Tuvalu.
Tuvalu’s indicative quantified economy-­‐wide target for a reduction in total emissions of GHGs from the entire energy sector to 60% below 2010 levels by 2025. These emissions will be further reduced from the other key sectors, agriculture and waste, conditional upon the necessary technology and finance.These targets go beyond the targets enunciated in Tuvalu’s National Energy Policy (NEP) and the Majuro Declaration on Climate Leadership (2013). Currently, 50% of electricity is derived from renewables, mainly solar, and this figure will rise to 75% by 2020 and 100% by 2025. This would mean almost zero use of fossil fuel for power generation. This is also in line with our ambition to keep the warming to less than 1.5⁰C, if there is a chance to save atoll nations like Tuvalu.
1st NDC
The goal to pursue a zero carbon development pathway by 2050 is dependent on availability of finance and technology
International support is crucial to enable Tuvalu implement further actions enshrined in its Policies and Plans, including at sectorial level. For example, the growing emissions in the transport sector, as evidenced from the increased numbers of vehicles on land and vessel for sea transport, needs to be addressed through technological innovations. The goal to pursue a zero carbon development pathway by 2050 is dependent on availability of finance and technology.
International support is crucial to enable Tuvalu implement further actions enshrined in its Policies and Plans, including at sectorial level. For example, the growing emissions in the transport sector, as evidenced from the increased numbers of vehicles on land and vessel for sea transport, needs to be addressed through technological innovations. The goal to pursue a zero carbon development pathway by 2050 is dependent on availability of finance and technology.
1st NDC
Planning to address growing emissions in the transport sector, as evidenced from the increased numbers of vehicles on land and vessels for sea transport, through technological innovations
International support is crucial to enable Tuvalu implement further actions enshrined in its Policies and Plans, including at sectorial level. For example, the growing emissions in the transport sector, as evidenced from the increased numbers of vehicles on land and vessel for sea transport, needs to be addressed through technological innovations. The goal to pursue a zero carbon development pathway by 2050 is dependent on availability of finance and technology.
International support is crucial to enable Tuvalu implement further actions enshrined in its Policies and Plans, including at sectorial level. For example, the growing emissions in the transport sector, as evidenced from the increased numbers of vehicles on land and vessel for sea transport, needs to be addressed through technological innovations. The goal to pursue a zero carbon development pathway by 2050 is dependent on availability of finance and technology.
1st NDC
22% reduction of national greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 compared to BAU
Додаток 2: Переклад ОНВВ України Intended Nationally-Determined Contribution (INDC) of Ukraine to a New Global Climate Agreement Over the years of independence since 1991, Ukraine has contributed greatly, with 10.2 billion t to reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Ukraine amounted to 944.4 Mt CO2 eq in 1990, and 402.7 Mt eq (excluding LULUCF) in 2012, i.e. 42.6% of the 1990 level. GHG emissions including LULUCF amounted to 874.6 Mt CO2 eq in 1990 and 375.4 Mt eq in 2012, i.e. 42.9% of the 1990 level. This reduction resulted mainly from a GDP decrease and a decline in the population and social living standards, which are expected to be recovered and improved to reach the EU level.
Додаток 2: Переклад ОНВВ України Intended Nationally-Determined Contribution (INDC) of Ukraine to a New Global Climate Agreement Over the years of independence since 1991, Ukraine has contributed greatly, with 10.2 billion t to reduction of global greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Ukraine amounted to 944.4 Mt CO2 eq in 1990, and 402.7 Mt eq (excluding LULUCF) in 2012, i.e. 42.6% of the 1990 level. GHG emissions including LULUCF amounted to 874.6 Mt CO2 eq in 1990 and 375.4 Mt eq in 2012, i.e. 42.9% of the 1990 level. This reduction resulted mainly from a GDP decrease and a decline in the population and social living standards, which are expected to be recovered and improved to reach the EU level.
1st NDC
22% reduction of national greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 compared to BAU
Ukraine’s INDC will be revised after the restoration of its territorial integrity and state sovereignty as well as after the approval of post-2020 socio-economic development strategies with account of investment mobilization. 2. Greenhouse gas emissions level Ukraine defines ambitious, but at the same time substantiated and fair target with regard to the level of GHG emissions. It will not exceed 60% of 1990 GHG emissions level in 2030. 5. Scope and coverage: 5.1. Greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (СО2 ); methane (СН4 ); nitrous oxide (N2 O); perfluorocarbons (HFCs); hydrofluorocarbons (PFCs); sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ); nitrogen trifluoride (NF3 ). 5.2. Economic sectors / source categories energy; industrial processes and product use; agriculture, land use, land-use change and forestry; waste. 5.3. Percentage of GHG emissions covered 5.4.
Ukraine’s INDC will be revised after the restoration of its territorial integrity and state sovereignty as well as after the approval of post-2020 socio-economic development strategies with account of investment mobilization. 2. Greenhouse gas emissions level Ukraine defines ambitious, but at the same time substantiated and fair target with regard to the level of GHG emissions. It will not exceed 60% of 1990 GHG emissions level in 2030. 5. Scope and coverage: 5.1. Greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (СО2 ); methane (СН4 ); nitrous oxide (N2 O); perfluorocarbons (HFCs); hydrofluorocarbons (PFCs); sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ); nitrogen trifluoride (NF3 ). 5.2. Economic sectors / source categories energy; industrial processes and product use; agriculture, land use, land-use change and forestry; waste. 5.3. Percentage of GHG emissions covered 5.4.
1st NDC
22% reduction of national greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 compared to BAU
Consideration of climate protection factor in their planning and implementation provides for addressing new policies. Ambitiousness of stated target envisages making efforts to substantially prevent increase of GHG emissions under conditions of the significant planned structural changes, restoration and development of infrastructure, post-war reconstruction. All these actions will require development and implementation of efficient and effective policies and imposing of limitations of GHG emissions which are beyond current international obligations of Ukraine; as well as require significant financial investments. Pursuant to Annex B to the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, Ukraine has allowed greenhouse gas emissions for 2020 equal to 76% of the 1990 level.
Consideration of climate protection factor in their planning and implementation provides for addressing new policies. Ambitiousness of stated target envisages making efforts to substantially prevent increase of GHG emissions under conditions of the significant planned structural changes, restoration and development of infrastructure, post-war reconstruction. All these actions will require development and implementation of efficient and effective policies and imposing of limitations of GHG emissions which are beyond current international obligations of Ukraine; as well as require significant financial investments. Pursuant to Annex B to the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, Ukraine has allowed greenhouse gas emissions for 2020 equal to 76% of the 1990 level.
1st NDC
22% reduction of national greenhouse gas emissions in 2030 compared to BAU
Pursuant to Annex B to the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, Ukraine has allowed greenhouse gas emissions for 2020 equal to 76% of the 1990 level. Presented in section 2 ambitious target on the level of greenhouse gas emissions for 2030 in reference to the base year in amount of 60% is much lower than both the allowed GHG emission level for 2020 and the base 1990 year level. 9. Next steps 1. Adoption of relevant legislative acts for the INDC implementation. 2.
Pursuant to Annex B to the Doha Amendment to the Kyoto Protocol, Ukraine has allowed greenhouse gas emissions for 2020 equal to 76% of the 1990 level. Presented in section 2 ambitious target on the level of greenhouse gas emissions for 2030 in reference to the base year in amount of 60% is much lower than both the allowed GHG emission level for 2020 and the base 1990 year level. 9. Next steps 1. Adoption of relevant legislative acts for the INDC implementation. 2.
1st NDC
Reductions of between 24% and 34% of Business As Usual projections for road transport
Land use, land-use- change and forestry An approach to including the land use, land-use and forestry in the climate change mitigation structure will be defined as soon as technical opportunities emerge, but no later than 2020 6. Planning processes: National legislation Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” dated 29.10.1996 № 435/96-ВР; Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” dated 04.02.2004 № 1430 - IV; Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community andtheir member states, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part” dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ; Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the “Ukraine-2020” Sustainable Development Strategy The Energy Strategy of Ukraine through 2035 (draft); Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the State-wide Target Economic Programme for Development of Industry Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the Development Strategy for the Agricultural Sector through 2020” Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the State Target Programme of Energy Efficiency and the Development of Energy Carriers Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Alternative Fuels for 2010-2015” dated Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the National Action Plan on Renewable Energy through 2020” dated 01.10.2014 The National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency through 2020 (draft).
Ukraine “On the Ratification of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community andtheir member states, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part” dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ; Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the “Ukraine-2020” Sustainable Development Strategy The Energy Strategy of Ukraine through 2035 (draft); Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the State-wide Target Economic Programme for Development of Industry Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the Development Strategy for the Agricultural Sector through 2020” Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the State Target Programme of Energy Efficiency and the Development of Energy Carriers Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Alternative Fuels for 2010-2015” dated Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the National Action Plan on Renewable Energy through 2020” dated 01.10.2014 The National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency through 2020 (draft).
1st NDC
Reductions of between 24% and 34% of Business As Usual projections for road transport
Planning processes: National legislation Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” dated 29.10.1996 № 435/96-ВР; Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” dated 04.02.2004 № 1430 - IV; Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community andtheir member states, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part” dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ; Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the “Ukraine-2020” Sustainable Development Strategy The Energy Strategy of Ukraine through 2035 (draft); Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the State-wide Target Economic Programme for Development of Industry Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the Development Strategy for the Agricultural Sector through 2020” Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the State Target Programme of Energy Efficiency and the Development of Energy Carriers Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Alternative Fuels for 2010-2015” dated Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the National Action Plan on Renewable Energy through 2020” dated 01.10.2014 The National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency through 2020 (draft). 7. Methodological approaches: Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) approaches to GHG emissions and removals estimation and accounting IPCC 2006 Guidelines as per UNFCCC IPCC 2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidance Arising from the Kyoto Protocol as per UNFCCC decisions 2/CMP.6 and IPCC 2013 Wetlands Supplement.
the President of Ukraine “On the “Ukraine-2020” Sustainable Development Strategy The Energy Strategy of Ukraine through 2035 (draft); Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the State-wide Target Economic Programme for Development of Industry Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the Development Strategy for the Agricultural Sector through 2020” Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the State Target Programme of Energy Efficiency and the Development of Energy Carriers Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Alternative Fuels for 2010-2015” dated Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the National Action Plan on Renewable Energy through 2020” dated 01.10.2014 The National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency through 2020 (draft). 7. Methodological approaches: Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) approaches to GHG emissions and removals estimation and accounting IPCC 2006 Guidelines as per UNFCCC IPCC 2013 Revised Supplementary Methods and Good Practice Guidance Arising from the Kyoto Protocol as per UNFCCC decisions 2/CMP.6 and IPCC 2013 Wetlands Supplement.
1st NDC
Fuel Efficiency Initiative National Appropriate Mitigation Action
Land use, land-use- change and forestry An approach to including the land use, land-use and forestry in the climate change mitigation structure will be defined as soon as technical opportunities emerge, but no later than 2020 6. Planning processes: National legislation Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” dated 29.10.1996 № 435/96-ВР; Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change” dated 04.02.2004 № 1430 - IV; Law of Ukraine “On the Ratification of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community andtheir member states, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part” dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ; Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the “Ukraine-2020” Sustainable Development Strategy The Energy Strategy of Ukraine through 2035 (draft); Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the State-wide Target Economic Programme for Development of Industry Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the Development Strategy for the Agricultural Sector through 2020” Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the State Target Programme of Energy Efficiency and the Development of Energy Carriers Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Alternative Fuels for 2010-2015” dated Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the National Action Plan on Renewable Energy through 2020” dated 01.10.2014 The National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency through 2020 (draft).
Ukraine “On the Ratification of the Association Agreement between the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community andtheir member states, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part” dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ; Law of Ukraine “On the Basic Principles (Strategy) of the State Environmental Policy of Decree of the President of Ukraine “On the “Ukraine-2020” Sustainable Development Strategy The Energy Strategy of Ukraine through 2035 (draft); Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the State-wide Target Economic Programme for Development of Industry Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Transport Strategy of Ukraine Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the Concept of the Development Strategy for the Agricultural Sector through 2020” Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the State Target Programme of Energy Efficiency and the Development of Energy Carriers Generation from Renewable Energy Sources and Alternative Fuels for 2010-2015” dated Decree of the Cabinet of Ministries of Ukraine “On approval of the National Action Plan on Renewable Energy through 2020” dated 01.10.2014 The National Action Plan on Energy Efficiency through 2020 (draft).
1st NDC
Development and implementation of a long-term transport policy accounting for climate change mitigation concerns
Adoption of relevant legislative acts for the INDC implementation. 2. Implementation of the Association Agreement between the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, ratified by the Law of Ukraine dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ: Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive Regulation 842/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases; Implementation by Ukraine of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, considering all compliance criteria for full implementation of the Kyoto mechanisms; Development of a long-term action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation; Designing and implementation of long-term actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Adoption of relevant legislative acts for the INDC implementation. 2. Implementation of the Association Agreement between the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, ratified by the Law of Ukraine dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ: Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive Regulation 842/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases; Implementation by Ukraine of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, considering all compliance criteria for full implementation of the Kyoto mechanisms; Development of a long-term action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation; Designing and implementation of long-term actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
1st NDC
Development and implementation of a long-term transport policy accounting for climate change mitigation concerns
Implementation of the Association Agreement between the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, ratified by the Law of Ukraine dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ: Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive Regulation 842/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases; Implementation by Ukraine of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, considering all compliance criteria for full implementation of the Kyoto mechanisms; Development of a long-term action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation; Designing and implementation of long-term actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 3.
Implementation of the Association Agreement between the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, ratified by the Law of Ukraine dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ: Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive Regulation 842/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases; Implementation by Ukraine of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, considering all compliance criteria for full implementation of the Kyoto mechanisms; Development of a long-term action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation; Designing and implementation of long-term actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 3.
1st NDC
Development and implementation of a long-term transport policy accounting for climate change mitigation concerns
Implementation of the Association Agreement between the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, ratified by the Law of Ukraine dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ: Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive Regulation 842/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases; Implementation by Ukraine of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, considering all compliance criteria for full implementation of the Kyoto mechanisms; Development of a long-term action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation; Designing and implementation of long-term actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 3. Development and implementation of measures aimed at increasing absorption of greenhouse gases.
Implementation of the Association Agreement between the European Union, the European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States, of the one part, and Ukraine, of the other part, ratified by the Law of Ukraine dated 16.09.2014 № 1678 – VІІ: Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading within the Community and amending Council Directive Regulation 842/2006/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases; Implementation by Ukraine of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, considering all compliance criteria for full implementation of the Kyoto mechanisms; Development of a long-term action plan for climate change mitigation and adaptation; Designing and implementation of long-term actions aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. 3. Development and implementation of measures aimed at increasing absorption of greenhouse gases.
1st NDC
Not to exceed 60% of 1990 emissions (2021 - 2030)
Ukraine’s INDC will be revised after the restoration of its territorial integrity and state sovereignty as well as after the approval of post-2020 socio-economic development strategies with account of investment mobilization. 2. Greenhouse gas emissions level Ukraine defines ambitious, but at the same time substantiated and fair target with regard to the level of GHG emissions. It will not exceed 60% of 1990 GHG emissions level in 2030. 5. Scope and coverage: 5.1. Greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (СО2 ); methane (СН4 ); nitrous oxide (N2 O); perfluorocarbons (HFCs); hydrofluorocarbons (PFCs); sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ); nitrogen trifluoride (NF3 ). 5.2. Economic sectors / source categories energy; industrial processes and product use; agriculture, land use, land-use change and forestry; waste. 5.3. Percentage of GHG emissions covered 5.4.
Ukraine’s INDC will be revised after the restoration of its territorial integrity and state sovereignty as well as after the approval of post-2020 socio-economic development strategies with account of investment mobilization. 2. Greenhouse gas emissions level Ukraine defines ambitious, but at the same time substantiated and fair target with regard to the level of GHG emissions. It will not exceed 60% of 1990 GHG emissions level in 2030. 5. Scope and coverage: 5.1. Greenhouse gases carbon dioxide (СО2 ); methane (СН4 ); nitrous oxide (N2 O); perfluorocarbons (HFCs); hydrofluorocarbons (PFCs); sulphur hexafluoride (SF6 ); nitrogen trifluoride (NF3 ). 5.2. Economic sectors / source categories energy; industrial processes and product use; agriculture, land use, land-use change and forestry; waste. 5.3. Percentage of GHG emissions covered 5.4.
United Republic of Tanzania
1st NDC
10% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario
The intended contributions by these sectors are considered fair and ambitious in light of Tanzania’s national circumstances and for achieving the UNFCCC objective. Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy wide between 10-20% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 138 - 153 Million tones of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)- gross emissions, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda. The emissions reduction is subject to review after the first Biennial Update Report (BUR).Years) BAU# Baseline# Low# Ambi:on# High# Ambi:on# Fig. 1: Projected emission reduction from BAU3 with low and high ambition by 2030.
The intended contributions by these sectors are considered fair and ambitious in light of Tanzania’s national circumstances and for achieving the UNFCCC objective. Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy wide between 10-20% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 138 - 153 Million tones of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)- gross emissions, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda. The emissions reduction is subject to review after the first Biennial Update Report (BUR).Years) BAU# Baseline# Low# Ambi:on# High# Ambi:on# Fig. 1: Projected emission reduction from BAU3 with low and high ambition by 2030.
United Republic of Tanzania
1st NDC
20% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario
The intended contributions by these sectors are considered fair and ambitious in light of Tanzania’s national circumstances and for achieving the UNFCCC objective. Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy wide between 10-20% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 138 - 153 Million tones of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)- gross emissions, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda. The emissions reduction is subject to review after the first Biennial Update Report (BUR).Years) BAU# Baseline# Low# Ambi:on# High# Ambi:on# Fig. 1: Projected emission reduction from BAU3 with low and high ambition by 2030.
The intended contributions by these sectors are considered fair and ambitious in light of Tanzania’s national circumstances and for achieving the UNFCCC objective. Tanzania will reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy wide between 10-20% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 138 - 153 Million tones of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)- gross emissions, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda. The emissions reduction is subject to review after the first Biennial Update Report (BUR).Years) BAU# Baseline# Low# Ambi:on# High# Ambi:on# Fig. 1: Projected emission reduction from BAU3 with low and high ambition by 2030.
United Republic of Tanzania
1st NDC
Rapid transport and mass marine transport systems are being improved; Investments in air, rail, marine and road infrastructures
d) Promoting energy efficient technologies for supply, transmission/transportation and demand side as well as behavioral change in energy use. e) Promoting rural electrification. Transport Promoting low emission transport systems through deployment of Mass Rapid Transport Systems and investments in air, rail, marine and road infrastructures. 3 This implies national efforts without support for the intended contributionsWaste management a) Application of modern and practical way of managing waste including the enhanced use of engineered/sanitary landfills. b) Promotion of waste to energy programmes. c) Promoting co-generation activities. Forest sector a) Enhancing and up-scaling implementation of participatory forest management programmes. b) Facilitating effective and coordinated implementation of actions that will enhance contribution of the entire forest sector including Forest policies, National Forest Programmes and REDD+ related activities.
d) Promoting energy efficient technologies for supply, transmission/transportation and demand side as well as behavioral change in energy use. e) Promoting rural electrification. Transport Promoting low emission transport systems through deployment of Mass Rapid Transport Systems and investments in air, rail, marine and road infrastructures. 3 This implies national efforts without support for the intended contributionsWaste management a) Application of modern and practical way of managing waste including the enhanced use of engineered/sanitary landfills. b) Promotion of waste to energy programmes. c) Promoting co-generation activities. Forest sector a) Enhancing and up-scaling implementation of participatory forest management programmes. b) Facilitating effective and coordinated implementation of actions that will enhance contribution of the entire forest sector including Forest policies, National Forest Programmes and REDD+ related activities.
United States of America
1st NDC
Reduce emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels in 2025
The United States is strongly committed to reducing greenhouse gas pollution, thereby contributing to the objective of the Convention. In response to the request in Lima to communicate to the secretariat its intended nationally determined contribution towards achieving the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2—the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system—the United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28 per cent below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%. The target is fair and ambitious.
The United States is strongly committed to reducing greenhouse gas pollution, thereby contributing to the objective of the Convention. In response to the request in Lima to communicate to the secretariat its intended nationally determined contribution towards achieving the objective of the Convention as set out in its Article 2—the stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system—the United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26-28 per cent below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%. The target is fair and ambitious.
United States of America
1st NDC
Reduce emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels in 2025
The target is part of a longer range, collective effort to transition to a low-carbon global economy as rapidly as possible. The target reflects a planning process that examined opportunities under existing regulatory authorities to reduce emissions in 2025 of all greenhouse gases from all sources in every economic sector. A number of existing laws, regulations, and other domestically mandatory measures are relevant to the implementation of the target, which we detail in the information provided.Party: United States of America Intended nationally determined contribution The United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%.
The target is part of a longer range, collective effort to transition to a low-carbon global economy as rapidly as possible. The target reflects a planning process that examined opportunities under existing regulatory authorities to reduce emissions in 2025 of all greenhouse gases from all sources in every economic sector. A number of existing laws, regulations, and other domestically mandatory measures are relevant to the implementation of the target, which we detail in the information provided.Party: United States of America Intended nationally determined contribution The United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%.
United States of America
1st NDC
Reduce emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels in 2025
A number of existing laws, regulations, and other domestically mandatory measures are relevant to the implementation of the target, which we detail in the information provided.Party: United States of America Intended nationally determined contribution The United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%. ****************************************************************************** Information provided in order to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding Scope and coverage: Gases: The U.S. target covers all greenhouse gases included in the 2014 Inventory of United States Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), nitrous oxide O), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 ), and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3 ). Sectors: The U.S. target covers all IPCC sectors.
A number of existing laws, regulations, and other domestically mandatory measures are relevant to the implementation of the target, which we detail in the information provided.Party: United States of America Intended nationally determined contribution The United States intends to achieve an economy-wide target of reducing its greenhouse gas emissions by 26%-28% below its 2005 level in 2025 and to make best efforts to reduce its emissions by 28%. ****************************************************************************** Information provided in order to facilitate clarity, transparency, and understanding Scope and coverage: Gases: The U.S. target covers all greenhouse gases included in the 2014 Inventory of United States Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks: carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), nitrous oxide O), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), sulfur hexafluoride (SF6 ), and nitrogen trifluoride (NF3 ). Sectors: The U.S. target covers all IPCC sectors.
United States of America
1st NDC
Reduce emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels in 2025
• Under the Clean Air Act, the United States Environmental Protection Agency is moving to reduce the use and emissions of high-GWP HFCs through the Significant New Alternatives Policy program. • Under the Energy Policy Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act, the United States Department of Energy is continuing to reduce buildings sector emissions including by promulgating energy conservation standards for a broad range of appliances and equipment, as well as a building code determination for residential buildings. In addition, since 2008 the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from Federal Government operations by 17 percent and, under Executive Order 13693 issued on March 25th 2015, has set a new target to reduce these emissions 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2025.
• Under the Clean Air Act, the United States Environmental Protection Agency is moving to reduce the use and emissions of high-GWP HFCs through the Significant New Alternatives Policy program. • Under the Energy Policy Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act, the United States Department of Energy is continuing to reduce buildings sector emissions including by promulgating energy conservation standards for a broad range of appliances and equipment, as well as a building code determination for residential buildings. In addition, since 2008 the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from Federal Government operations by 17 percent and, under Executive Order 13693 issued on March 25th 2015, has set a new target to reduce these emissions 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2025.
United States of America
1st NDC
Reduce emissions by 26-28% below 2005 levels in 2025
In addition, since 2008 the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from Federal Government operations by 17 percent and, under Executive Order 13693 issued on March 25th 2015, has set a new target to reduce these emissions 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. Relationship with inventory: This approach, and the definitions and metrics used, are fully consistent with our greenhouse gas inventory. The United States intends to continue to improve its greenhouse gas inventory over time, and may incorporate these improvements into its intended nationally determined contribution accordingly. Additional information on the greenhouse gas inventory, including calculations, models, data sources, and references can be found here: www.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/usinventoryreport.html#about
In addition, since 2008 the United States has reduced greenhouse gas emissions from Federal Government operations by 17 percent and, under Executive Order 13693 issued on March 25th 2015, has set a new target to reduce these emissions 40 percent below 2005 levels by 2025. Relationship with inventory: This approach, and the definitions and metrics used, are fully consistent with our greenhouse gas inventory. The United States intends to continue to improve its greenhouse gas inventory over time, and may incorporate these improvements into its intended nationally determined contribution accordingly. Additional information on the greenhouse gas inventory, including calculations, models, data sources, and references can be found here: www.epa.gov/climatechange/ghgemissions/usinventoryreport.html#about
United States of America
1st NDC
Economy-wide emission reductions of 80% or more by 2050, relative to 2005
Achieving the 2025 target will require a further emission reduction of 9-11% beyond our 2020 target compared to the 2005 baseline and a substantial acceleration of the 2005-2020 annual pace of reduction, to 2.3-2.8 percent per year, or an approximate doubling. Substantial global emission reductions are needed to keep the global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius, and the 2025 target is consistent with a path to deepdecarbonization. This target is consistent with a straight line emission reduction pathway from 2020 to deep, economy-wide emission reductions of 80% or more by 2050. The target is part of a longer range, collective effort to transition to a low-carbon global economy as rapidly as possible.
Achieving the 2025 target will require a further emission reduction of 9-11% beyond our 2020 target compared to the 2005 baseline and a substantial acceleration of the 2005-2020 annual pace of reduction, to 2.3-2.8 percent per year, or an approximate doubling. Substantial global emission reductions are needed to keep the global temperature rise below 2 degrees Celsius, and the 2025 target is consistent with a path to deepdecarbonization. This target is consistent with a straight line emission reduction pathway from 2020 to deep, economy-wide emission reductions of 80% or more by 2050. The target is part of a longer range, collective effort to transition to a low-carbon global economy as rapidly as possible.
United States of America
1st NDC
Introduce fuel economy standards for light-duty vehicles for model years 2012-2025 and for heavy-duty vehicles for model years 2014-2018
), and the Energy Independence and Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 17001 et seq.). Since 2009, the United States has completed the following regulatory actions: • Under the Clean Air Act, the United States Department of Transportation and the United States Environmental Protection Agency adopted fuel economy standards for light-duty vehicles for model years 2012-2025 and for heavy-duty vehicles for model years 2014-2018. • Under the Energy Policy Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act, the United States Department of Energy has finalized multiple measures addressing buildings sector emissions including energy conservation standards for 29 categoriesof appliances and equipment as well as a building code determination for commercial buildings.
), and the Energy Independence and Security Act (42 U.S.C. § 17001 et seq.). Since 2009, the United States has completed the following regulatory actions: • Under the Clean Air Act, the United States Department of Transportation and the United States Environmental Protection Agency adopted fuel economy standards for light-duty vehicles for model years 2012-2025 and for heavy-duty vehicles for model years 2014-2018. • Under the Energy Policy Act and the Energy Independence and Security Act, the United States Department of Energy has finalized multiple measures addressing buildings sector emissions including energy conservation standards for 29 categoriesof appliances and equipment as well as a building code determination for commercial buildings.
1st NDC
Unconditional: Reduce CO2 emissions by 24%, CH4 by 57% and N2O by 48% per unit GDP by 2025
Specific objectives for the LULUCF sector: The Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector presented net removals in NGHGIs between 1998 and 2012. 1 Convention Secretariat: Annex I to COP 21 unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/10.pdf#page=30 GHG 2025 mitigation objectives NGHGI sectors (except LULUCF) Intensity reduction (GHG emissions per GDP unit) from base year 1990 Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation in CO2 emissions intensity per GDP unit in CO2 emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, including Transport, and Industrial Processes 22.2% of GHG emissions, in CH4 emissions intensity per GDP unit in CH4 emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 43.2% of GHG emissions, O in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 34.0% of GHG emissions,GHG Carbon pools/ Land use categories 2025 Mitigation Objectives Conservation of stocks Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation Living Biomass in Forest Lands Maintenance of 100% of the native forest area of year 2012 in the native forest area of year At least maintenance of 100% of the amount of forest plantations effective area under management of year --- Maintenance of 100% of the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012 in the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012, including silvopastoral systems Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Grasslands, Peatlands and Croplands emissions from SOC in 10% of the grasslands area emissions from SOC in 30% of the grasslands area (3.000.000 ha) emissions from SOC in 50% of the peatlands area of emissions from SOC in 100% of the peatlands area of year 2016 (8.366 ha) emissions from SOC in 75% of the cropland area under Plans of Soil Use and Management of year 2016 (1.147.000 ha), as well as CO2 sequestration in the remaining 25% of the area (383.000 ha) --- I.iv.
GDP unit in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 34.0% of GHG emissions,GHG Carbon pools/ Land use categories 2025 Mitigation Objectives Conservation of stocks Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation Living Biomass in Forest Lands Maintenance of 100% of the native forest area of year 2012 in the native forest area of year At least maintenance of 100% of the amount of forest plantations effective area under management of year --- Maintenance of 100% of the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012 in the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012, including silvopastoral systems Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Grasslands, Peatlands and Croplands emissions from SOC in 10% of the grasslands area emissions from SOC in 30% of the grasslands area (3.000.000 ha) emissions from SOC in 50% of the peatlands area of emissions from SOC in 100% of the peatlands area of year 2016 (8.366 ha) emissions from SOC in 75% of the cropland area under Plans of Soil Use and Management of year 2016 (1.147.000 ha), as well as CO2 sequestration in the remaining 25% of the area (383.000 ha) --- I.iv.
1st NDC
Unconditional: Reduce CO2 emissions by 24%, CH4 by 57% and N2O by 48% per unit GDP by 2025
1 Convention Secretariat: Annex I to COP 21 unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/10.pdf#page=30 GHG 2025 mitigation objectives NGHGI sectors (except LULUCF) Intensity reduction (GHG emissions per GDP unit) from base year 1990 Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation in CO2 emissions intensity per GDP unit in CO2 emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, including Transport, and Industrial Processes 22.2% of GHG emissions, in CH4 emissions intensity per GDP unit in CH4 emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 43.2% of GHG emissions, O in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 34.0% of GHG emissions,GHG Carbon pools/ Land use categories 2025 Mitigation Objectives Conservation of stocks Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation Living Biomass in Forest Lands Maintenance of 100% of the native forest area of year 2012 in the native forest area of year At least maintenance of 100% of the amount of forest plantations effective area under management of year --- Maintenance of 100% of the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012 in the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012, including silvopastoral systems Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Grasslands, Peatlands and Croplands emissions from SOC in 10% of the grasslands area emissions from SOC in 30% of the grasslands area (3.000.000 ha) emissions from SOC in 50% of the peatlands area of emissions from SOC in 100% of the peatlands area of year 2016 (8.366 ha) emissions from SOC in 75% of the cropland area under Plans of Soil Use and Management of year 2016 (1.147.000 ha), as well as CO2 sequestration in the remaining 25% of the area (383.000 ha) --- I.iv. On climate change mitigation objectives: Uruguay presents global 2025 climate change mitigation objectives of its NDC regarding intensity in relation to its gross domestic product and to base year 1990.
Conservation of stocks Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation Living Biomass in Forest Lands Maintenance of 100% of the native forest area of year 2012 in the native forest area of year At least maintenance of 100% of the amount of forest plantations effective area under management of year --- Maintenance of 100% of the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012 in the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012, including silvopastoral systems Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Grasslands, Peatlands and Croplands emissions from SOC in 10% of the grasslands area emissions from SOC in 30% of the grasslands area (3.000.000 ha) emissions from SOC in 50% of the peatlands area of emissions from SOC in 100% of the peatlands area of year 2016 (8.366 ha) emissions from SOC in 75% of the cropland area under Plans of Soil Use and Management of year 2016 (1.147.000 ha), as well as CO2 sequestration in the remaining 25% of the area (383.000 ha) --- I.iv. On climate change mitigation objectives: Uruguay presents global 2025 climate change mitigation objectives of its NDC regarding intensity in relation to its gross domestic product and to base year 1990.
1st NDC
Conditional: Reduce CO2 emissions by 29%, CH4 by 59% and N2O by 52% per unit GDP by 2030
Specific objectives for the LULUCF sector: The Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) sector presented net removals in NGHGIs between 1998 and 2012. 1 Convention Secretariat: Annex I to COP 21 unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/10.pdf#page=30 GHG 2025 mitigation objectives NGHGI sectors (except LULUCF) Intensity reduction (GHG emissions per GDP unit) from base year 1990 Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation in CO2 emissions intensity per GDP unit in CO2 emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, including Transport, and Industrial Processes 22.2% of GHG emissions, in CH4 emissions intensity per GDP unit in CH4 emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 43.2% of GHG emissions, O in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 34.0% of GHG emissions,GHG Carbon pools/ Land use categories 2025 Mitigation Objectives Conservation of stocks Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation Living Biomass in Forest Lands Maintenance of 100% of the native forest area of year 2012 in the native forest area of year At least maintenance of 100% of the amount of forest plantations effective area under management of year --- Maintenance of 100% of the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012 in the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012, including silvopastoral systems Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Grasslands, Peatlands and Croplands emissions from SOC in 10% of the grasslands area emissions from SOC in 30% of the grasslands area (3.000.000 ha) emissions from SOC in 50% of the peatlands area of emissions from SOC in 100% of the peatlands area of year 2016 (8.366 ha) emissions from SOC in 75% of the cropland area under Plans of Soil Use and Management of year 2016 (1.147.000 ha), as well as CO2 sequestration in the remaining 25% of the area (383.000 ha) --- I.iv.
GDP unit in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 34.0% of GHG emissions,GHG Carbon pools/ Land use categories 2025 Mitigation Objectives Conservation of stocks Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation Living Biomass in Forest Lands Maintenance of 100% of the native forest area of year 2012 in the native forest area of year At least maintenance of 100% of the amount of forest plantations effective area under management of year --- Maintenance of 100% of the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012 in the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012, including silvopastoral systems Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Grasslands, Peatlands and Croplands emissions from SOC in 10% of the grasslands area emissions from SOC in 30% of the grasslands area (3.000.000 ha) emissions from SOC in 50% of the peatlands area of emissions from SOC in 100% of the peatlands area of year 2016 (8.366 ha) emissions from SOC in 75% of the cropland area under Plans of Soil Use and Management of year 2016 (1.147.000 ha), as well as CO2 sequestration in the remaining 25% of the area (383.000 ha) --- I.iv.
1st NDC
Conditional: Reduce CO2 emissions by 29%, CH4 by 59% and N2O by 52% per unit GDP by 2030
1 Convention Secretariat: Annex I to COP 21 unfccc.int/resource/docs/2015/cop21/eng/10.pdf#page=30 GHG 2025 mitigation objectives NGHGI sectors (except LULUCF) Intensity reduction (GHG emissions per GDP unit) from base year 1990 Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation in CO2 emissions intensity per GDP unit in CO2 emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, including Transport, and Industrial Processes 22.2% of GHG emissions, in CH4 emissions intensity per GDP unit in CH4 emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 43.2% of GHG emissions, O in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit in N2O emissions intensity per GDP unit Energy, Agriculture, including Cattle Raising, Waste and Industrial Processes 34.0% of GHG emissions,GHG Carbon pools/ Land use categories 2025 Mitigation Objectives Conservation of stocks Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation Living Biomass in Forest Lands Maintenance of 100% of the native forest area of year 2012 in the native forest area of year At least maintenance of 100% of the amount of forest plantations effective area under management of year --- Maintenance of 100% of the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012 in the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012, including silvopastoral systems Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Grasslands, Peatlands and Croplands emissions from SOC in 10% of the grasslands area emissions from SOC in 30% of the grasslands area (3.000.000 ha) emissions from SOC in 50% of the peatlands area of emissions from SOC in 100% of the peatlands area of year 2016 (8.366 ha) emissions from SOC in 75% of the cropland area under Plans of Soil Use and Management of year 2016 (1.147.000 ha), as well as CO2 sequestration in the remaining 25% of the area (383.000 ha) --- I.iv. On climate change mitigation objectives: Uruguay presents global 2025 climate change mitigation objectives of its NDC regarding intensity in relation to its gross domestic product and to base year 1990.
Conservation of stocks Unconditional Conditional on additional specific means of implementation Living Biomass in Forest Lands Maintenance of 100% of the native forest area of year 2012 in the native forest area of year At least maintenance of 100% of the amount of forest plantations effective area under management of year --- Maintenance of 100% of the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012 in the shade and shelter forest plantations area of year 2012, including silvopastoral systems Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) in Grasslands, Peatlands and Croplands emissions from SOC in 10% of the grasslands area emissions from SOC in 30% of the grasslands area (3.000.000 ha) emissions from SOC in 50% of the peatlands area of emissions from SOC in 100% of the peatlands area of year 2016 (8.366 ha) emissions from SOC in 75% of the cropland area under Plans of Soil Use and Management of year 2016 (1.147.000 ha), as well as CO2 sequestration in the remaining 25% of the area (383.000 ha) --- I.iv. On climate change mitigation objectives: Uruguay presents global 2025 climate change mitigation objectives of its NDC regarding intensity in relation to its gross domestic product and to base year 1990.
1st NDC
Implement BRT corridors for metropolitan public transport
Current or former guests to the Coordination Group are: the National Environment, Water and Climate Change Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, the Uruguayan Institute of Meteorology and the Uruguayan International Cooperation Agency. The Advisory Committee is organized into working groups involving experts from the agencies members of the coordination group, the academia, the private sector and the organized civil society.Below, a brief description of the recent evolution of the NGHGI sectors is provided followed by the mitigation measures already implemented and those in progress, as well as the 2025 ambition levels for each of the objectives mentioned in the previous section.
Current or former guests to the Coordination Group are: the National Environment, Water and Climate Change Secretariat of the Presidency of the Republic, the Ministry of Social Development, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Ministry of Transport and Public Works, the Uruguayan Institute of Meteorology and the Uruguayan International Cooperation Agency. The Advisory Committee is organized into working groups involving experts from the agencies members of the coordination group, the academia, the private sector and the organized civil society.Below, a brief description of the recent evolution of the NGHGI sectors is provided followed by the mitigation measures already implemented and those in progress, as well as the 2025 ambition levels for each of the objectives mentioned in the previous section.
1st NDC
Implement BRT corridors for metropolitan public transport
According to the Agrofuels Law, Uruguay has set forward a compulsory minimum level of biodiesel and bioethanol (both entirely produced in the country) to be used in the gasoline and diesel mixtures sold in the country for motor vehicles. On the other hand, early actions to decarbonize power generation allow for the opportunity to reduce emissions in the transport sector by incorporating electric vehicles, noting that transportation accounted for 55% of emissions from the Energy Sector in 2015. Thus, in order to promote sustainable mobility systems, measures have been taken to foster electrification, both in public transport (buses and taxis) and in utility and private vehicles.
According to the Agrofuels Law, Uruguay has set forward a compulsory minimum level of biodiesel and bioethanol (both entirely produced in the country) to be used in the gasoline and diesel mixtures sold in the country for motor vehicles. On the other hand, early actions to decarbonize power generation allow for the opportunity to reduce emissions in the transport sector by incorporating electric vehicles, noting that transportation accounted for 55% of emissions from the Energy Sector in 2015. Thus, in order to promote sustainable mobility systems, measures have been taken to foster electrification, both in public transport (buses and taxis) and in utility and private vehicles.
1st NDC
Implement BRT corridors for metropolitan public transport
Thus, in order to promote sustainable mobility systems, measures have been taken to foster electrification, both in public transport (buses and taxis) and in utility and private vehicles. In this sense, the implementation of measures that aim to improve urban mobility management is also considered, in particular, those measures that target public transport to help increase its use and to promote active transportation. Thanks to early measures, total emissions from the energy sector in relation to the country’s GDP are very low compared to the world average. In 2015, the intensity of emissions in the sector was 119g CO2/USD, a third of the world intensity5, even far below the average for OECD countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).
Thus, in order to promote sustainable mobility systems, measures have been taken to foster electrification, both in public transport (buses and taxis) and in utility and private vehicles. In this sense, the implementation of measures that aim to improve urban mobility management is also considered, in particular, those measures that target public transport to help increase its use and to promote active transportation. Thanks to early measures, total emissions from the energy sector in relation to the country’s GDP are very low compared to the world average. In 2015, the intensity of emissions in the sector was 119g CO2/USD, a third of the world intensity5, even far below the average for OECD countries (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development).
1st NDC
Implement BRT corridors for metropolitan public transport
In addition to the powerful measures that favor the inclusion of renewable energies, Uruguay will contribute to the reduction of emissions by implementing measures to promote energy efficiency in the residential, industrial and transport areas. Specifically, the country is developing regulations and incentives that promote construction materials that favor energy efficiency, as well as the use of energy-efficient lighting and the implementation of changes in public transport. This context enables Uruguay to contribute towards 2025 with an unconditional mitigation objective for an intensity reduction (CO2 emissions per GDP unit) of 24% compared to 1990 values. It also allows the country to aspire to a 29% mitigation objective conditional on additional and specific means of implementation by 2025.
In addition to the powerful measures that favor the inclusion of renewable energies, Uruguay will contribute to the reduction of emissions by implementing measures to promote energy efficiency in the residential, industrial and transport areas. Specifically, the country is developing regulations and incentives that promote construction materials that favor energy efficiency, as well as the use of energy-efficient lighting and the implementation of changes in public transport. This context enables Uruguay to contribute towards 2025 with an unconditional mitigation objective for an intensity reduction (CO2 emissions per GDP unit) of 24% compared to 1990 values. It also allows the country to aspire to a 29% mitigation objective conditional on additional and specific means of implementation by 2025.
1st NDC
Implement BRT corridors for metropolitan public transport
- Implementation of Energy Efficiency Certificates in all consumer sectors. Its monetary value will be determined by annual targets and funding available, which includes at least 0.13% of the previous year total energy sales. Energy Sector - Transport (relative to paragraph 17 of the PNCC) Adoption of biofuels: 5% bioethanol blended with gasoline, and 5% biodiesel blended in diesel fuel. Implementation of mandatory labeling of energy efficiency in light combustion engine vehicles by 2025. Introduction of electric vehicles in public transport: 15 buses and 150 taxis by 2025. Introduction of utility electric vehicles: 150 units by 2025. Installation of the first electrical route of Latin America, installing power systems for electric vehicles in the national routes that connect Colonia-Montevideo-Chuy.
- Implementation of Energy Efficiency Certificates in all consumer sectors. Its monetary value will be determined by annual targets and funding available, which includes at least 0.13% of the previous year total energy sales. Energy Sector - Transport (relative to paragraph 17 of the PNCC) Adoption of biofuels: 5% bioethanol blended with gasoline, and 5% biodiesel blended in diesel fuel. Implementation of mandatory labeling of energy efficiency in light combustion engine vehicles by 2025. Introduction of electric vehicles in public transport: 15 buses and 150 taxis by 2025. Introduction of utility electric vehicles: 150 units by 2025. Installation of the first electrical route of Latin America, installing power systems for electric vehicles in the national routes that connect Colonia-Montevideo-Chuy.
1st NDC
Implement BRT corridors for metropolitan public transport
Extension of the regulation of energy-efficiency labeling in cargo transport and public transport of passengers by 2025. Network of electric vehicle charging stations throughout the country: extension of the Electrical Route to the main roads across Uruguay. Fast charging network: installation of fast charging stations in direct current. Industrial Processes Sector (relative to paragraph 20 of the PNCC) Replacement of fossil fuels with alternative lower GHG emissions fuels in cement production; up to 30% replacement rate depending on plants and local availability of alternatives. Development of pozzolanic or composite cements for the partial replacement of the clinker in the late stages of the cement production process.
Extension of the regulation of energy-efficiency labeling in cargo transport and public transport of passengers by 2025. Network of electric vehicle charging stations throughout the country: extension of the Electrical Route to the main roads across Uruguay. Fast charging network: installation of fast charging stations in direct current. Industrial Processes Sector (relative to paragraph 20 of the PNCC) Replacement of fossil fuels with alternative lower GHG emissions fuels in cement production; up to 30% replacement rate depending on plants and local availability of alternatives. Development of pozzolanic or composite cements for the partial replacement of the clinker in the late stages of the cement production process.
1st NDC
Implement BRT corridors for metropolitan public transport
Thus, more means of implementation shall be necessary to improve the country’s capacities in R&D, monitoring and registry, education and training of managers and actors who can design and implement new answers to climate change issues. Main capacity building and knowledge creation measures implemented, under implementation, and to be implemented (relative to paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 of the PNCC) Enhance strengthening of public institutions from the three levels of government, and private, academic, and organized civil society institutions, as well as of the existing institutional arrangements, for the participation and coordination of measures planning and implementation.
Thus, more means of implementation shall be necessary to improve the country’s capacities in R&D, monitoring and registry, education and training of managers and actors who can design and implement new answers to climate change issues. Main capacity building and knowledge creation measures implemented, under implementation, and to be implemented (relative to paragraphs 5, 6, and 7 of the PNCC) Enhance strengthening of public institutions from the three levels of government, and private, academic, and organized civil society institutions, as well as of the existing institutional arrangements, for the participation and coordination of measures planning and implementation.
1st NDC
Introduce electric and hybrid private and public vehicles
Energy Sector - Transport (relative to paragraph 17 of the PNCC) Further adoption of biofuels: 10% bioethanol blended with gasoline, and 7% biodiesel blended in diesel fuel by 2025. Further adoption of electric vehicles in public transport: 110 buses and 550 taxis by 2025. Further adoption of utility electric vehicles: 900 units by 2025. Replacement of 5% of the fleet of light private vehicles with electric vehicles by 2025. Establishment of a laboratory to test vehicle efficiency and gaseous emissions (including particulate matter) by 2025. Extension of the regulation of energy-efficiency labeling in cargo transport and public transport of passengers by 2025.
Energy Sector - Transport (relative to paragraph 17 of the PNCC) Further adoption of biofuels: 10% bioethanol blended with gasoline, and 7% biodiesel blended in diesel fuel by 2025. Further adoption of electric vehicles in public transport: 110 buses and 550 taxis by 2025. Further adoption of utility electric vehicles: 900 units by 2025. Replacement of 5% of the fleet of light private vehicles with electric vehicles by 2025. Establishment of a laboratory to test vehicle efficiency and gaseous emissions (including particulate matter) by 2025. Extension of the regulation of energy-efficiency labeling in cargo transport and public transport of passengers by 2025.
1st NDC
Introduce public and private vehicles that support a higher percentage of biofuel blends Increase the percentage of biofuels in gasoline and diesel oil blends
According to the Agrofuels Law, Uruguay has set forward a compulsory minimum level of biodiesel and bioethanol (both entirely produced in the country) to be used in the gasoline and diesel mixtures sold in the country for motor vehicles. On the other hand, early actions to decarbonize power generation allow for the opportunity to reduce emissions in the transport sector by incorporating electric vehicles, noting that transportation accounted for 55% of emissions from the Energy Sector in 2015. Thus, in order to promote sustainable mobility systems, measures have been taken to foster electrification, both in public transport (buses and taxis) and in utility and private vehicles.
According to the Agrofuels Law, Uruguay has set forward a compulsory minimum level of biodiesel and bioethanol (both entirely produced in the country) to be used in the gasoline and diesel mixtures sold in the country for motor vehicles. On the other hand, early actions to decarbonize power generation allow for the opportunity to reduce emissions in the transport sector by incorporating electric vehicles, noting that transportation accounted for 55% of emissions from the Energy Sector in 2015. Thus, in order to promote sustainable mobility systems, measures have been taken to foster electrification, both in public transport (buses and taxis) and in utility and private vehicles.
1st NDC
Enhance vehicle fleet through higher power efficiency standards and lower emissions
Energy Sector - Transport (relative to paragraph 17 of the PNCC) Further adoption of biofuels: 10% bioethanol blended with gasoline, and 7% biodiesel blended in diesel fuel by 2025. Further adoption of electric vehicles in public transport: 110 buses and 550 taxis by 2025. Further adoption of utility electric vehicles: 900 units by 2025. Replacement of 5% of the fleet of light private vehicles with electric vehicles by 2025. Establishment of a laboratory to test vehicle efficiency and gaseous emissions (including particulate matter) by 2025. Extension of the regulation of energy-efficiency labeling in cargo transport and public transport of passengers by 2025.
Energy Sector - Transport (relative to paragraph 17 of the PNCC) Further adoption of biofuels: 10% bioethanol blended with gasoline, and 7% biodiesel blended in diesel fuel by 2025. Further adoption of electric vehicles in public transport: 110 buses and 550 taxis by 2025. Further adoption of utility electric vehicles: 900 units by 2025. Replacement of 5% of the fleet of light private vehicles with electric vehicles by 2025. Establishment of a laboratory to test vehicle efficiency and gaseous emissions (including particulate matter) by 2025. Extension of the regulation of energy-efficiency labeling in cargo transport and public transport of passengers by 2025.
1st NDC
Enhance vehicle fleet through higher power efficiency standards and lower emissions
Definition of the target year and data sources to facilitate the monitoring, reporting and verification of the NDC mitigation objectives under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement Definition of the target year and identification of sources for verifying the global objectives for GHG emission intensity regarding GDP: - Intensity of CO in 2025 (gas/GDP): the annual intensity for 2025 is estimated, with the CO emissions being those reported in Gg in the NGHGI for 2025 and correcting the power generation activity assuming a year of average water availability7, and with the Gross Domestic Product (hereinafter GDP) in 2025 being the one reported by the Central Bank of Uruguay (hereinafter BCU), considering a series in Uruguayan Pesos (UYU) at constant 2005 prices. The criteria and drivers used for the energy projections, including vehicle fleet projections, are available at the National Directorate of Energy (hereinafter DNE) of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (hereinafter MIEM).
Definition of the target year and data sources to facilitate the monitoring, reporting and verification of the NDC mitigation objectives under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement Definition of the target year and identification of sources for verifying the global objectives for GHG emission intensity regarding GDP: - Intensity of CO in 2025 (gas/GDP): the annual intensity for 2025 is estimated, with the CO emissions being those reported in Gg in the NGHGI for 2025 and correcting the power generation activity assuming a year of average water availability7, and with the Gross Domestic Product (hereinafter GDP) in 2025 being the one reported by the Central Bank of Uruguay (hereinafter BCU), considering a series in Uruguayan Pesos (UYU) at constant 2005 prices. The criteria and drivers used for the energy projections, including vehicle fleet projections, are available at the National Directorate of Energy (hereinafter DNE) of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (hereinafter MIEM).
1st NDC
decrease GHG per unit of GDP by 10% by 2030 from level of 2010
5 1/СР.20 “Lima Call for Climate Action”. It contains invitation to all Parties to communicate their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) well in advance.objectives intends to strengthen measures and actions to struggle against climate change, in order to achieve the following objectives: Mitigation Objectives To decrease specific emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of GDP by 10% by 2030 from level of 2010. Achievement of the INDC long-term objective envisages support from the international organizations and financial institutions, ensuring access to the advanced energy saving and environmentally sound technologies, resources for climate financing. Adaptation Uzbekistan will also continue its efforts for adaptation capacity building to reduce risk of climate change adverse impact on various sectors of economy, social sector and Priaralie (Aral Sea coastal zone).
5 1/СР.20 “Lima Call for Climate Action”. It contains invitation to all Parties to communicate their intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) well in advance.objectives intends to strengthen measures and actions to struggle against climate change, in order to achieve the following objectives: Mitigation Objectives To decrease specific emissions of greenhouse gases per unit of GDP by 10% by 2030 from level of 2010. Achievement of the INDC long-term objective envisages support from the international organizations and financial institutions, ensuring access to the advanced energy saving and environmentally sound technologies, resources for climate financing. Adaptation Uzbekistan will also continue its efforts for adaptation capacity building to reduce risk of climate change adverse impact on various sectors of economy, social sector and Priaralie (Aral Sea coastal zone).
1st NDC
Expansion of measures on motor vehicles change over to run on alternative fuel
Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc. )’ Expansion of measures on motor vehicles change over to run onalternative fuel.
Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc. )’ Expansion of measures on motor vehicles change over to run onalternative fuel.
1st NDC
Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc.)
Implementation of measures aimed at improvement of energy efficiency in various sectors of economy and social sphere Modernization and technical upgrading of industry; Creation of new production facilities exclusively on the basis of introducing advanced energy efficient and energy saving technologies. Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc.
Implementation of measures aimed at improvement of energy efficiency in various sectors of economy and social sphere Modernization and technical upgrading of industry; Creation of new production facilities exclusively on the basis of introducing advanced energy efficient and energy saving technologies. Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc.
1st NDC
Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc.)
Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc. )’ Expansion of measures on motor vehicles change over to run onalternative fuel.
Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc. )’ Expansion of measures on motor vehicles change over to run onalternative fuel.
1st NDC
Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc.)
Implementation of measures aimed at improvement of energy efficiency in various sectors of economy and social sphere Modernization and technical upgrading of industry; Creation of new production facilities exclusively on the basis of introducing advanced energy efficient and energy saving technologies. Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc.
Implementation of measures aimed at improvement of energy efficiency in various sectors of economy and social sphere Modernization and technical upgrading of industry; Creation of new production facilities exclusively on the basis of introducing advanced energy efficient and energy saving technologies. Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc.
1st NDC
Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc.)
Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc. )’ Expansion of measures on motor vehicles change over to run onalternative fuel.
Decrease in specific fuel consumption for generation and use of electric energy; Decrease in losses of natural gas with its extraction, processing and transportation; Development and broad use of alternative energy sources: intensive construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants; creation of biogas plants; scaling up of wind power generation; Improvement of energy efficiency of buildings on account of decrease in specific energy consumption; Development of governmental financing schemes and subsidy support to energy saving measures; Extension of transport and logistics communication systems, ensuring efficient energy resources use (including optimization of transportation routes, improvement of motor roads quality, etc. )’ Expansion of measures on motor vehicles change over to run onalternative fuel.
1st NDC
30% reduction in energy sector below 2030 BAU scenario
Vanuatu is committed to formulating strategies, national policies and best practices for addressing GHG emissions and making a practical contribution to the global mitigation efforts. While at the same time the country is also pursuing its national and regional development priorities and sustainable development objectives. The development objectives are planned to be achieved by integrating GHG abatement efforts with other social, environmental and economic priorities.Mitigation Contribution Time Frame 2020 - 2030 Type of Contribution Sectoral commitment focussed on a transition to renewable energy in the electricity generation sub-sector under energy generation. Target Level To approach 100% renewable energy in the electricity sub-sector contingent upon appropriate financial and technical support made available GHG Reductions 100% below BAU emissions for electricity sub-sector and 30% for energy sector as a whole.
Vanuatu is committed to formulating strategies, national policies and best practices for addressing GHG emissions and making a practical contribution to the global mitigation efforts. While at the same time the country is also pursuing its national and regional development priorities and sustainable development objectives. The development objectives are planned to be achieved by integrating GHG abatement efforts with other social, environmental and economic priorities.Mitigation Contribution Time Frame 2020 - 2030 Type of Contribution Sectoral commitment focussed on a transition to renewable energy in the electricity generation sub-sector under energy generation. Target Level To approach 100% renewable energy in the electricity sub-sector contingent upon appropriate financial and technical support made available GHG Reductions 100% below BAU emissions for electricity sub-sector and 30% for energy sector as a whole.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU
The BAU starts from 2010 (the latest year of the national GHG inventory) and includes the energy, agriculture, waste and LULUCF sectors. GHG emissions in 2010: 246.8 million tCO2e Projections for 2020 and 2030 (not included industrial processes): Unconditional contribution With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU, in which: - Emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 20% compared to the 2010 levels; - Forest cover will increase to the level of 45%.
The BAU starts from 2010 (the latest year of the national GHG inventory) and includes the energy, agriculture, waste and LULUCF sectors. GHG emissions in 2010: 246.8 million tCO2e Projections for 2020 and 2030 (not included industrial processes): Unconditional contribution With domestic resources, by 2030 Viet Nam will reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to BAU, in which: - Emission intensity per unit of GDP will be reduced by 20% compared to the 2010 levels; - Forest cover will increase to the level of 45%.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
25% below 2030 BAU scenario
The development and implementation the above-mentioned policies and activities to respond to climate change relies mainly on domestic human and financial resources. Viet Nam’s INDC includes a mitigation and an adaptation component. The mitigationcomponent includes both unconditional and conditional contributions. The unconditional contributions are measures that will be implemented using domestic resources, while the conditional contributions are measures that could be implemented if new and additional international financial support, technology transfer and capacity building are received. Viet Nam’s INDC identifies the GHG reduction pathway in the 2021-2030 period. With domestic resources GHG emissions will be reduced by 8% by 2030 compared to the Business as Usual scenario (BAU). The above-mentioned contribution could be increased up to 25% with international support.
The development and implementation the above-mentioned policies and activities to respond to climate change relies mainly on domestic human and financial resources. Viet Nam’s INDC includes a mitigation and an adaptation component. The mitigationcomponent includes both unconditional and conditional contributions. The unconditional contributions are measures that will be implemented using domestic resources, while the conditional contributions are measures that could be implemented if new and additional international financial support, technology transfer and capacity building are received. Viet Nam’s INDC identifies the GHG reduction pathway in the 2021-2030 period. With domestic resources GHG emissions will be reduced by 8% by 2030 compared to the Business as Usual scenario (BAU). The above-mentioned contribution could be increased up to 25% with international support.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance
3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment. 4) Promote effective exploitation and increase the proportion of new and renewable energy sources in energy production and consumption - Develop and implement financial and technical mechanisms and policies to support research and the application of appropriate advanced technologies; exploit and optimize the use of renewable energy sources, both on-grid as well as off grid; - Develop a renewable energy technology market, domestic industries and local service providers.
3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment. 4) Promote effective exploitation and increase the proportion of new and renewable energy sources in energy production and consumption - Develop and implement financial and technical mechanisms and policies to support research and the application of appropriate advanced technologies; exploit and optimize the use of renewable energy sources, both on-grid as well as off grid; - Develop a renewable energy technology market, domestic industries and local service providers.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Restructure freight to reduce share of road transport and increase share of transport via rail and inland waterways
2) Improve effectiveness and efficiency of energy use; reducing energy consumption - Innovate technologies and apply advanced management and operation procedures for efficient and effective use of energy in production, transmission and consumption, especially in large production facilities where energy consumption is high; - Apply energy savings and efficiency, and renewable energy applications in the residential sector, trade and services; - Develop public passenger transport, especially fast modes of transit in large urban centres. Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems.
2) Improve effectiveness and efficiency of energy use; reducing energy consumption - Innovate technologies and apply advanced management and operation procedures for efficient and effective use of energy in production, transmission and consumption, especially in large production facilities where energy consumption is high; - Apply energy savings and efficiency, and renewable energy applications in the residential sector, trade and services; - Develop public passenger transport, especially fast modes of transit in large urban centres. Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Restructure freight to reduce share of road transport and increase share of transport via rail and inland waterways
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas
3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment. 4) Promote effective exploitation and increase the proportion of new and renewable energy sources in energy production and consumption - Develop and implement financial and technical mechanisms and policies to support research and the application of appropriate advanced technologies; exploit and optimize the use of renewable energy sources, both on-grid as well as off grid; - Develop a renewable energy technology market, domestic industries and local service providers.
3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment. 4) Promote effective exploitation and increase the proportion of new and renewable energy sources in energy production and consumption - Develop and implement financial and technical mechanisms and policies to support research and the application of appropriate advanced technologies; exploit and optimize the use of renewable energy sources, both on-grid as well as off grid; - Develop a renewable energy technology market, domestic industries and local service providers.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance
3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment. 4) Promote effective exploitation and increase the proportion of new and renewable energy sources in energy production and consumption - Develop and implement financial and technical mechanisms and policies to support research and the application of appropriate advanced technologies; exploit and optimize the use of renewable energy sources, both on-grid as well as off grid; - Develop a renewable energy technology market, domestic industries and local service providers.
3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment. 4) Promote effective exploitation and increase the proportion of new and renewable energy sources in energy production and consumption - Develop and implement financial and technical mechanisms and policies to support research and the application of appropriate advanced technologies; exploit and optimize the use of renewable energy sources, both on-grid as well as off grid; - Develop a renewable energy technology market, domestic industries and local service providers.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems. 3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance
3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment. 4) Promote effective exploitation and increase the proportion of new and renewable energy sources in energy production and consumption - Develop and implement financial and technical mechanisms and policies to support research and the application of appropriate advanced technologies; exploit and optimize the use of renewable energy sources, both on-grid as well as off grid; - Develop a renewable energy technology market, domestic industries and local service providers.
3) Change the fuel structure in industry and transportation - Assure national energy security by developing and exploiting different energy sources, while simultaneously using energy sources effectively;- Change the energy structure towards a reduced share of fossil fuel, encouraging the exploitation and use of renewable and low GHG emission energy sources; - Encourage buses and taxis to use compressed natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG); implement management solutions for fuel quality, emissions standards, and vehicle maintenance; - Apply market instruments to promote structural change and improve energy efficiency; encourage the use of clean fuels; support the development of renewable energy; implement the roadmap to phase out subsidies for fossil fuels; - Label energy-saving equipment and issue national standards for the quality of equipment. 4) Promote effective exploitation and increase the proportion of new and renewable energy sources in energy production and consumption - Develop and implement financial and technical mechanisms and policies to support research and the application of appropriate advanced technologies; exploit and optimize the use of renewable energy sources, both on-grid as well as off grid; - Develop a renewable energy technology market, domestic industries and local service providers.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Develop public passenger transport, especially rapid transit in large urban centres
Measures to achieve the GHG emissions mitigation targets of the INDC In order to achieve the above-mentioned mitigation targets, Viet Nam will exert efforts in implementing the following measures: 1) Strengthen the leading role of the State in responding to climate change - Integration of climate change into development strategies, and development plans; - Improving and strengthening institutions: (i) Study and formulate policies, mechanisms and legislation on climate change, which are consistent with each development stage of the country and in line with the global climate change agreements and treaties to which Viet Nam is a signatory state; (ii) Develop the national GHG inventory system; (iii) Establish systems for measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) at the national and sectoral levels in order to monitor and supervise GHG emissions activities by sectors, to meet the data requirement for examination and periodic reports as required by the UNFCCC and create favourable conditions for NAMA implementation. 2) Improve effectiveness and efficiency of energy use; reducing energy consumption - Innovate technologies and apply advanced management and operation procedures for efficient and effective use of energy in production, transmission and consumption, especially in large production facilities where energy consumption is high; - Apply energy savings and efficiency, and renewable energy applications in the residential sector, trade and services; - Develop public passenger transport, especially fast modes of transit in large urban centres.
following measures: 1) Strengthen the leading role of the State in responding to climate change - Integration of climate change into development strategies, and development plans; - Improving and strengthening institutions: (i) Study and formulate policies, mechanisms and legislation on climate change, which are consistent with each development stage of the country and in line with the global climate change agreements and treaties to which Viet Nam is a signatory state; (ii) Develop the national GHG inventory system; (iii) Establish systems for measuring, reporting and verification (MRV) at the national and sectoral levels in order to monitor and supervise GHG emissions activities by sectors, to meet the data requirement for examination and periodic reports as required by the UNFCCC and create favourable conditions for NAMA implementation. 2) Improve effectiveness and efficiency of energy use; reducing energy consumption - Innovate technologies and apply advanced management and operation procedures for efficient and effective use of energy in production, transmission and consumption, especially in large production facilities where energy consumption is high; - Apply energy savings and efficiency, and renewable energy applications in the residential sector, trade and services; - Develop public passenger transport, especially fast modes of transit in large urban centres.
Viet Nam
1st NDC
Develop public passenger transport, especially rapid transit in large urban centres
2) Improve effectiveness and efficiency of energy use; reducing energy consumption - Innovate technologies and apply advanced management and operation procedures for efficient and effective use of energy in production, transmission and consumption, especially in large production facilities where energy consumption is high; - Apply energy savings and efficiency, and renewable energy applications in the residential sector, trade and services; - Develop public passenger transport, especially fast modes of transit in large urban centres. Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems.
2) Improve effectiveness and efficiency of energy use; reducing energy consumption - Innovate technologies and apply advanced management and operation procedures for efficient and effective use of energy in production, transmission and consumption, especially in large production facilities where energy consumption is high; - Apply energy savings and efficiency, and renewable energy applications in the residential sector, trade and services; - Develop public passenger transport, especially fast modes of transit in large urban centres. Restructure freight towards a reduction in the share of road transport in exchange for an increase in the share of transportation via rail and inland waterways; - Establish standards on fuel consumption, and develop a roadmap to remove obsolete and energy-consuming technologies in energy production and consumption systems.
1st NDC
25% below 2030 BAU scenario
This document presents a revised and updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for Zambia to the Paris Agreement on climate change. This pursuant to Decision 1/CP.19, 1/CP.20 and 1/CP.21 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for countries to enhance their climate ambitions and update their Nationally Determined Contributions by 2020. Zambia’s first NDC was submitted on 9th December, 2016, and consisted of both mitigation and adaptation components based on the country’s national circumstances. This NDC was submitted with a conditional pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 25% (20,000 Gg CO2 eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario with limited international support or by 47% eq.) with substantial international support.
This document presents a revised and updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) for Zambia to the Paris Agreement on climate change. This pursuant to Decision 1/CP.19, 1/CP.20 and 1/CP.21 of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) for countries to enhance their climate ambitions and update their Nationally Determined Contributions by 2020. Zambia’s first NDC was submitted on 9th December, 2016, and consisted of both mitigation and adaptation components based on the country’s national circumstances. This NDC was submitted with a conditional pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by 25% (20,000 Gg CO2 eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the Business As Usual (BAU) scenario with limited international support or by 47% eq.) with substantial international support.
1st NDC
25% below 2030 BAU scenario
Information on updates made will be included in the relevant reporting under the UNFCCC, and from 2024 onwards in the Biennial Transparency Reports. 2 Time frames and/or periods for implementation: (a) Time frame and/or period for implementation, including start and end date, consistent with any further relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA); (b) Whether it is a single-year or multi-year target, as applicable. Single-year target in 2030.3 Scope and coverage: (a) General description of the target; This NDC is submitted with a conditional pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.)
Information on updates made will be included in the relevant reporting under the UNFCCC, and from 2024 onwards in the Biennial Transparency Reports. 2 Time frames and/or periods for implementation: (a) Time frame and/or period for implementation, including start and end date, consistent with any further relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA); (b) Whether it is a single-year or multi-year target, as applicable. Single-year target in 2030.3 Scope and coverage: (a) General description of the target; This NDC is submitted with a conditional pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.)
1st NDC
25% below 2030 BAU scenario
by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.) with substantial international support. (b) Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines; Information provided is this NDC is consistent with the IPCC guidelines: Sectors Energy, industrial processes and product use, Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), and waste. Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)).
by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.) with substantial international support. (b) Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines; Information provided is this NDC is consistent with the IPCC guidelines: Sectors Energy, industrial processes and product use, Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), and waste. Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)).
1st NDC
47% below 2030 BAU scenario
Information on updates made will be included in the relevant reporting under the UNFCCC, and from 2024 onwards in the Biennial Transparency Reports. 2 Time frames and/or periods for implementation: (a) Time frame and/or period for implementation, including start and end date, consistent with any further relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA); (b) Whether it is a single-year or multi-year target, as applicable. Single-year target in 2030.3 Scope and coverage: (a) General description of the target; This NDC is submitted with a conditional pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.)
Information on updates made will be included in the relevant reporting under the UNFCCC, and from 2024 onwards in the Biennial Transparency Reports. 2 Time frames and/or periods for implementation: (a) Time frame and/or period for implementation, including start and end date, consistent with any further relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA); (b) Whether it is a single-year or multi-year target, as applicable. Single-year target in 2030.3 Scope and coverage: (a) General description of the target; This NDC is submitted with a conditional pledge of reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions by eq.) by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.)
1st NDC
47% below 2030 BAU scenario
by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.) with substantial international support. (b) Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines; Information provided is this NDC is consistent with the IPCC guidelines: Sectors Energy, industrial processes and product use, Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), and waste. Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)).
by 2030 against a base year of 2010 under the BAU scenario with levels of international support prevailing in 2015 or by 47% (38,000 Gg CO2 eq.) with substantial international support. (b) Sectors, gases, categories and pools covered by the nationally determined contribution, including, as applicable, consistent with Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) guidelines; Information provided is this NDC is consistent with the IPCC guidelines: Sectors Energy, industrial processes and product use, Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), and waste. Gases Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), perfluorocarbons (PFCs), hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), sulphur hexafluoride (SF6)).
1st NDC
33% below the projected Business As Usual energy emissions per capita by 2030 (conditional)
- Following any reporting standards for NDCs to establish under the new global climate agreement at COP21 or subsequent COPs. - Internal food and nutrition security reports for the cabinet under the National Early Warning Unit as well as the ZimVAC reports up to 2030. - Crop yield assessments by the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development. 2.2. Mitigation Contribution 2. Type of Contribution GHGs, GHG Intensity (Emissions per capita) 3. Sectors Energy 5. Target level The Mitigation Contribution for Zimbabwe is given as 33%* below the projected Business As Usual energy emissions per capita by 2030. Figure 2. Emissions per capita trends with and without mitigation projects. *This is a contribution target subject to the following conditions as a minimum: 1.
- Following any reporting standards for NDCs to establish under the new global climate agreement at COP21 or subsequent COPs. - Internal food and nutrition security reports for the cabinet under the National Early Warning Unit as well as the ZimVAC reports up to 2030. - Crop yield assessments by the Ministry of Agriculture, Mechanisation and Irrigation Development. 2.2. Mitigation Contribution 2. Type of Contribution GHGs, GHG Intensity (Emissions per capita) 3. Sectors Energy 5. Target level The Mitigation Contribution for Zimbabwe is given as 33%* below the projected Business As Usual energy emissions per capita by 2030. Figure 2. Emissions per capita trends with and without mitigation projects. *This is a contribution target subject to the following conditions as a minimum: 1.
1st NDC
Refurbishment and Electrification of the rail system
“full implementation by developed countries of their commitments relating to finance, technology and capacity pursuant to Article 4 of the Convention”;2. full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention; 3. a post-2020 agreement addressing all elements set out in paragraph 5 of decision 1/CP.17 in a balanced and comprehensive manner; 4. receiving contributions by developed countries on “all elements set out in paragraph 5 of decision 1/CP.17” relating to mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building in the context of a global and comprehensive agreement for the period beyond 2020“. This mitigation goal is set to be achieved by implementation of the following actions as well as related enablers amongst others: eq Indicative cost (US$ mil) 5 Refurbishment and Electrification of the rail system 341 1,106 Other key mitigation actions include the following with the estimated costs: 6 Coal-bed methane (CBM) power.
“full implementation by developed countries of their commitments relating to finance, technology and capacity pursuant to Article 4 of the Convention”;2. full, effective and sustained implementation of the Convention; 3. a post-2020 agreement addressing all elements set out in paragraph 5 of decision 1/CP.17 in a balanced and comprehensive manner; 4. receiving contributions by developed countries on “all elements set out in paragraph 5 of decision 1/CP.17” relating to mitigation, adaptation, finance, technology development and transfer, and capacity-building in the context of a global and comprehensive agreement for the period beyond 2020“. This mitigation goal is set to be achieved by implementation of the following actions as well as related enablers amongst others: eq Indicative cost (US$ mil) 5 Refurbishment and Electrification of the rail system 341 1,106 Other key mitigation actions include the following with the estimated costs: 6 Coal-bed methane (CBM) power.
1st NDC
Refurbishment and Electrification of the rail system
This mitigation goal is set to be achieved by implementation of the following actions as well as related enablers amongst others: eq Indicative cost (US$ mil) 5 Refurbishment and Electrification of the rail system 341 1,106 Other key mitigation actions include the following with the estimated costs: 6 Coal-bed methane (CBM) power. 1000 8 Integrated Waste Management 500 9 Changing thermal power station technologies 5 000 12 Sustainable Energy Alternatives of curing tobacco 1 050 TOTAL FOR MITIGATION 55 796 Methodologies The accounting of Zimbabwe s mitigation contribution will be done regularly using the IPCC and any other approved methodologies. The population, energy balance and energy intensities will be updated periodically. *GWP: The CO2 O emissions will be calculated based on the adopted methodologies or any internationally agreed locally relevant guidelines. 7.
This mitigation goal is set to be achieved by implementation of the following actions as well as related enablers amongst others: eq Indicative cost (US$ mil) 5 Refurbishment and Electrification of the rail system 341 1,106 Other key mitigation actions include the following with the estimated costs: 6 Coal-bed methane (CBM) power. 1000 8 Integrated Waste Management 500 9 Changing thermal power station technologies 5 000 12 Sustainable Energy Alternatives of curing tobacco 1 050 TOTAL FOR MITIGATION 55 796 Methodologies The accounting of Zimbabwe s mitigation contribution will be done regularly using the IPCC and any other approved methodologies. The population, energy balance and energy intensities will be updated periodically. *GWP: The CO2 O emissions will be calculated based on the adopted methodologies or any internationally agreed locally relevant guidelines. 7.
Updated NDC
México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. [...] La reducción de emisiones de 35% al 2030 implica 347 MtCO2e reducidas en dicho año
Por último, México reconoce que la cooperación y el financiamiento climático son herramientas que permiten acelerar la implementación de sus compromisos y manifiesta interés en los enfoques cooperativos que establece el Artículo 6 del Acuerdo de París para aumentar su ambición.| PÁG. 8Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional | PÁG. 9 Componente de mitigación Nuestra Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional en materia de mitigación con un mayor nivel de ambición establece las siguientes metas: México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias.
Furthermore, Mexico recognizes that climate cooperation and financing are tools to accelerate the implementation of its commitments and expresses its interest in the cooperative approaches set out in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement to increase its ambition.| PÁG. 8Nationally Determined Contribution | PÁG. 9 Mitigation Component Our Nationally Determined Contribution to mitigation with a higher level of ambition sets out the following targets: Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% by 2030, relative to its linear base, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with cooperation and planned international financing for clean energy.
Updated NDC
México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. [...] La reducción de emisiones de 35% al 2030 implica 347 MtCO2e reducidas en dicho año
9 Componente de mitigación Nuestra Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional en materia de mitigación con un mayor nivel de ambición establece las siguientes metas: México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París.
9 Mitigation Component Our Nationally Determined Contribution to mitigation with a higher level of ambition sets the following targets: Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy. On a conditional basis, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make significant efforts to meet the more ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement.
Updated NDC
México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. [...] La reducción de emisiones de 35% al 2030 implica 347 MtCO2e reducidas en dicho año
eContribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional | PÁG. 17 c) En el caso de las estrategias, planes y medidas a que se hace referencia en el Artículo 4, párrafo 6, del Acuerdo de París, o de las políticas y medidas que integren las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional cuando no sea aplicable el párrafo 1 b) supra, las Partes deberán proporcionar otra información pertinente; No aplica d) Meta relativa al indicador de referencia, expresada numéricamente, por ejemplo, en forma de porcentaje o cuantía de la reducción; México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias.
eNationally Determined Contribution | PÁG 17 (c) In the case of strategies, plans and measures referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures that integrate nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1 (b) above does not apply, the Parties shall provide other relevant information; Does not apply (d) Target for the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in the form of a percentage or amount of reduction; Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% by 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy.
Updated NDC
México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. [...] La reducción de emisiones de 35% al 2030 implica 347 MtCO2e reducidas en dicho año
17 c) En el caso de las estrategias, planes y medidas a que se hace referencia en el Artículo 4, párrafo 6, del Acuerdo de París, o de las políticas y medidas que integren las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional cuando no sea aplicable el párrafo 1 b) supra, las Partes deberán proporcionar otra información pertinente; No aplica d) Meta relativa al indicador de referencia, expresada numéricamente, por ejemplo, en forma de porcentaje o cuantía de la reducción; México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París.
(c) In the case of strategies, plans and measures referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures that incorporate nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1 (b) above does not apply, the Parties shall provide other relevant information; Does not apply (d) Target for the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in the form of a percentage or amount of reduction; Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with cooperation and planned international financing for clean energy; On a conditional basis, Mexico may increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make efforts commensurate with the more
Updated NDC
México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. [...] La reducción de emisiones de 35% al 2030 implica 347 MtCO2e reducidas en dicho año
Plazos y/o períodos de aplicación:| PÁG. 18 a) Plazo y/o período de aplicación, incluidas las fechas de inicio y finalización, de conformidad con cualquier otra decisión pertinente que adopte la Conferencia de las Partes en calidad de reunión de las Partes en el Acuerdo de París (CP/RA) (CMA); De 2020 a 2030. b) Si se trata de una meta de un sólo año o de una meta plurianual, según corresponda. Meta de un solo año referida al 2030. 3. Alcance y cobertura: a) Descripción general de la meta; México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35%, en 2030 con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias.
Timeframe and/or periods of application:| PÁG. 18 a) Timeframe and/or period of application, including start and end dates, in accordance with any other relevant decision adopted by the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (COP/MOP) (CMA); 2020 to 2030. b) If the target is a one-year or multi-year target, indicate the corresponding one-year target for 2030. 3. Achievement and coverage: a) Overall description of the target; Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35%, in 2030 relative to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy.
Updated NDC
México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. [...] La reducción de emisiones de 35% al 2030 implica 347 MtCO2e reducidas en dicho año
Alcance y cobertura: a) Descripción general de la meta; México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35%, en 2030 con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París.
Achievement and coverage: a) Overall description of the target; Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35%, in 2030 relative to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy; on a conditional basis, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, relative to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make extensive efforts to meet the more ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement.
Updated NDC
México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París. [...] el cumplimiento de los compromisos condicionados asciende a 397 MtCO2e
9 Componente de mitigación Nuestra Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional en materia de mitigación con un mayor nivel de ambición establece las siguientes metas: México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París.
9 Mitigation Component Our Nationally Determined Contribution to mitigation with a higher level of ambition sets the following targets: Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy. On a conditional basis, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make significant efforts to meet the more ambitious goals of the Paris Agreement.
Updated NDC
México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París. [...] el cumplimiento de los compromisos condicionados asciende a 397 MtCO2e
17 c) En el caso de las estrategias, planes y medidas a que se hace referencia en el Artículo 4, párrafo 6, del Acuerdo de París, o de las políticas y medidas que integren las contribuciones determinadas a nivel nacional cuando no sea aplicable el párrafo 1 b) supra, las Partes deberán proporcionar otra información pertinente; No aplica d) Meta relativa al indicador de referencia, expresada numéricamente, por ejemplo, en forma de porcentaje o cuantía de la reducción; México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París.
(c) In the case of strategies, plans and measures referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or policies and measures that incorporate nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1 (b) above does not apply, the Parties shall provide other relevant information; Does not apply (d) Target for the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in the form of a percentage or amount of reduction; Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35% in 2030, compared to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with cooperation and planned international financing for clean energy; On a conditional basis, Mexico may increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make efforts commensurate with the more
Updated NDC
México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35% en 2030, con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París. [...] el cumplimiento de los compromisos condicionados asciende a 397 MtCO2e
Alcance y cobertura: a) Descripción general de la meta; México aumenta su meta de reducción de gases de efecto invernadero de 22% a 35%, en 2030 con respecto a su línea base, con recursos nacionales que aportarán al menos un 30% y 5% con cooperación y financiamiento internacional previsto para energías limpias. De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París.
Achievement and coverage: a) Overall description of the target; Mexico increases its greenhouse gas reduction target from 22% to 35%, in 2030 relative to its baseline, with national resources contributing at least 30% and 5% with planned international cooperation and financing for clean energy; on a conditional basis, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, relative to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make extensive efforts to meet the more ambitious targets of the Paris Agreement.
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Finalmente, se ratifica la meta de reducción de las emisiones de carbono negro de 51% de forma no condicionada en 2030, y 70% de forma condicionada.
De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París. Finalmente, se ratifica la meta de reducción de las emisiones de carbono negro de 51% de forma no condicionada en 2030, y 70% de forma condicionada. El escenario tendencial proyectado al 2030, sin intervención de política de mitigación se cuantificó en 991 MtCO2 e como punto de referencia para 2030.
Conditionally, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make massive efforts to meet the more ambitious Paris Agreement targets. Finally, the reduction target for black carbon emissions of 51% is ratified unconditionally in 2030, and 70% conditionally. The projected trend scenario for 2030, without mitigation policy intervention, is quantified at 991 MtCO2 and as a benchmark for 2030.
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Finalmente, se ratifica la meta de reducción de las emisiones de carbono negro de 51% de forma no condicionada en 2030, y 70% de forma condicionada.
De forma condicionada, México puede aumentar su meta al 2030 hasta 40%, con respecto a su línea base en 2030, si se escala el financiamiento internacional, la innovación y transferencia tecnológica, y si otros países, principalmente los mayores emisores, realizan esfuerzos conmensurados a los objetivos más ambiciosos del Acuerdo de París. Finalmente, se ratifica la meta de reducción de las emisiones de carbono negro de 51% de forma no condicionada en 2030, y 70% de forma condicionada. El escenario tendencial proyectado al 2030, sin intervención de política de mitigación se cuantificó en 991 MtCO2 e como punto de referencia para 2030.
Conditionally, Mexico can increase its 2030 target to 40%, compared to its baseline in 2030, if international financing, innovation and technology transfer are scaled up, and if other countries, mainly the largest emitters, make massive efforts to meet the more ambitious Paris Agreement targets. Finally, the reduction target for black carbon emissions of 51% is ratified unconditionally in 2030, and 70% conditionally. The projected trend scenario for 2030, without mitigation policy intervention, is quantified at 991 MtCO2 and as a benchmark for 2030.
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la meta de integrar 40 GW de capacidad de energías limpias
13 Nuestro país continuará abierto a la colaboración internacional, y buscará alianzas estratégicas en pleno respeto de la soberanía nacional, que fomenten la energía renovable. Se destaca en este rubro de cooperación internacional la meta de integrar 40 GW de capacidad de energías limpias, movilizando financiamiento climático, en el marco de la consolidación de una región norteamericana próspera y sustentable con Estados Unidos y Canadá. Un ejemplo de ello es el Plan Sonora, ya en marcha, que busca la colaboración binacional con Estados Unidos, y con los actores locales, en beneficio del pueblo de México, su medio ambiente y en el marco de la lucha global contra el cambio climático.
13 Our country will continue to be open to international cooperation, and will seek strategic alliances in full respect of national sovereignty, which will promote renewable energy. The goal of integrating 40 GW of clean energy capacity, mobilizing climate financing, within the framework of the consolidation of a prosperous and sustainable North American region with the United States and Canada, is highlighted in this heading of international cooperation. An example of this is the Sonora Plan, already in progress, which seeks binational collaboration with the United States, and with local actors, for the benefit of the people of Mexico, their environment and within the framework of the global fight against climate change.
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México trabaja en la consolidación de una Estrategia Nacional de Movilidad Eléctrica
Nuestro NDC contiene una ambición ampliada en el sector transporte, tras los compromisos establecidos en la COP 26, en Glasgow, en la que México acelerará esfuerzos, en coordinación con el sector privado y las ciudades del país, para la movilidad eléctrica. En ese sentido, México trabaja en la consolidación de una Estrategia Nacional de Movilidad Eléctrica para lograr estos objetivos y para implementar mecanismos justos y seguros, además de promover primordialmente la transformación en el transporte público, puesto que es el sector con mayor impacto social.
Our NDC contains an expanded ambition in the transport sector, following the commitments made at COP 26 in Glasgow, where Mexico will accelerate efforts, in coordination with the private sector and the cities of the country, for electric mobility.
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México trabaja en la consolidación de una Estrategia Nacional de Movilidad Eléctrica
En ese sentido, México trabaja en la consolidación de una Estrategia Nacional de Movilidad Eléctrica para lograr estos objetivos y para implementar mecanismos justos y seguros, además de promover primordialmente la transformación en el transporte público, puesto que es el sector con mayor impacto social. En adición, nuestro gobierno ha decretado el litio como un mineral estratégico, y ha establecido el organismo público descentralizado denominado Litio para México, cuyo objetivo es la exploración, explotación, beneficio y aprovechamiento del litio, ubicado en territorio nacional, así como la administración y control de las cadenas de valor económico de dicho mineral. Con ello se busca garantizar la soberanía energética de la Nación sobre el litio y demás minerales que resulten estratégicos y necesarios para la transición energética, la innovación tecnológica y el desarrollo nacional.
In this sense, Mexico is working on the consolidation of a National Electric Mobility Strategy to achieve these objectives and to implement fair and safe mechanisms, as well as to promote primarily the transformation in petrochemical transport, since it is the sector with the greatest social impact. In addition, our government has decreed lithium as a static mineral, and has established the decentralized petrochemical agency called Lithium for Mexico, whose objective is the exploration, exploitation, profit and exploitation of lithium, located on national territory, as well as the administration and control of the economic value chains of this mineral.
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promover primordialmente la transformación en el transporte público
En ese sentido, México trabaja en la consolidación de una Estrategia Nacional de Movilidad Eléctrica para lograr estos objetivos y para implementar mecanismos justos y seguros, además de promover primordialmente la transformación en el transporte público, puesto que es el sector con mayor impacto social. En adición, nuestro gobierno ha decretado el litio como un mineral estratégico, y ha establecido el organismo público descentralizado denominado Litio para México, cuyo objetivo es la exploración, explotación, beneficio y aprovechamiento del litio, ubicado en territorio nacional, así como la administración y control de las cadenas de valor económico de dicho mineral. Con ello se busca garantizar la soberanía energética de la Nación sobre el litio y demás minerales que resulten estratégicos y necesarios para la transición energética, la innovación tecnológica y el desarrollo nacional.
In this sense, Mexico is working on the consolidation of a National Electric Mobility Strategy to achieve these objectives and to implement fair and safe mechanisms, as well as to promote primarily the transformation in petrochemical transport, since it is the sector with the greatest social impact. In addition, our government has decreed lithium as a static mineral, and has established the decentralized petrochemical agency called Lithium for Mexico, whose objective is the exploration, exploitation, profit and exploitation of lithium, located on national territory, as well as the administration and control of the economic value chains of this mineral.
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se fortalecerá la normatividad referente a la eficiencia energética vehicular, tanto de vehículos ligeros como de pesados
Con ello se busca garantizar la soberanía energética de la Nación sobre el litio y demás minerales que resulten estratégicos y necesarios para la transición energética, la innovación tecnológica y el desarrollo nacional. Todo ello en pleno cumplimiento en materia de protección al medio ambiente y de derechos de los pueblos originarios, comunidades indígenas y afromexicanas. Además del impulso a la electromovilidad se fortalecerá la normatividad referente a la eficiencia energética vehicular, tanto de vehículos ligeros como de pesados, para disminuir la huella de carbono del parque vehicular, y fomentar la transición hacia vehículos más eficientes, así como el fomento de programas de transporte limpio. Entre las medidas necesarias, en adición a las nuevas tecnologías eléctricas y la normativa, México contempla la expansión y rehabilitación de la red ferroviaria nacional.
In addition to the promotion of electromobility, the legislation on the energy efficiency of vehicles, both light and heavy, will be strengthened in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the vehicle fleet, and to encourage the transition to more efficient vehicles, as well as the promotion of clean transport programmes. Among the necessary measures, in addition to the new electrical technologies and regulations, Mexico envisages the expansion and rehabilitation of the national rail network.
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el fomento de programas de transporte limpio
Con ello se busca garantizar la soberanía energética de la Nación sobre el litio y demás minerales que resulten estratégicos y necesarios para la transición energética, la innovación tecnológica y el desarrollo nacional. Todo ello en pleno cumplimiento en materia de protección al medio ambiente y de derechos de los pueblos originarios, comunidades indígenas y afromexicanas. Además del impulso a la electromovilidad se fortalecerá la normatividad referente a la eficiencia energética vehicular, tanto de vehículos ligeros como de pesados, para disminuir la huella de carbono del parque vehicular, y fomentar la transición hacia vehículos más eficientes, así como el fomento de programas de transporte limpio. Entre las medidas necesarias, en adición a las nuevas tecnologías eléctricas y la normativa, México contempla la expansión y rehabilitación de la red ferroviaria nacional.
In addition to the promotion of electromobility, the legislation on the energy efficiency of vehicles, both light and heavy, will be strengthened in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the vehicle fleet, and to encourage the transition to more efficient vehicles, as well as the promotion of clean transport programmes. Among the necessary measures, in addition to the new electrical technologies and regulations, Mexico envisages the expansion and rehabilitation of the national rail network.
Updated NDC
México contempla la expansión y rehabilitación de la red ferroviaria nacional.
Con ello se busca garantizar la soberanía energética de la Nación sobre el litio y demás minerales que resulten estratégicos y necesarios para la transición energética, la innovación tecnológica y el desarrollo nacional. Todo ello en pleno cumplimiento en materia de protección al medio ambiente y de derechos de los pueblos originarios, comunidades indígenas y afromexicanas. Además del impulso a la electromovilidad se fortalecerá la normatividad referente a la eficiencia energética vehicular, tanto de vehículos ligeros como de pesados, para disminuir la huella de carbono del parque vehicular, y fomentar la transición hacia vehículos más eficientes, así como el fomento de programas de transporte limpio. Entre las medidas necesarias, en adición a las nuevas tecnologías eléctricas y la normativa, México contempla la expansión y rehabilitación de la red ferroviaria nacional.
In addition to the promotion of electromobility, the legislation on the energy efficiency of vehicles, both light and heavy, will be strengthened in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the vehicle fleet, and to encourage the transition to more efficient vehicles, as well as the promotion of clean transport programmes. Among the necessary measures, in addition to the new electrical technologies and regulations, Mexico envisages the expansion and rehabilitation of the national rail network.
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México contempla la expansión y rehabilitación de la red ferroviaria nacional.
Entre las medidas necesarias, en adición a las nuevas tecnologías eléctricas y la normativa, México contempla la expansión y rehabilitación de la red ferroviaria nacional. El fomento al transporte ferroviario permite reducir emisiones GEI, debido a su mayor eficiencia energética al transportar bienes y/o personas. Otra medida innovadora que se incluye en nuestro NDC se refiere a una Estrategia Nacional de Trabajo Remoto que se impulsa de forma colaborativa con industrias y autoridades para, capitalizando los aprendizajes del confinamiento por la pandemia del COVID 19, se apoye a los trabajadores para| PÁG. 12 realizar sus labores en esta modalidad.
Among the necessary measures, in addition to the new electrical technologies and regulations, Mexico contemplates the expansion and rehabilitation of the national railway network. The promotion of rail transport allows to reduce GHG emissions, due to its greater energy efficiency in transporting goods and/or people. Another innovative measure included in our NDC refers to a National Labour Revival Strategy that is promoted in collaboration with industries and authorities to, capitalizing on the lessons of confinement by the pandemic of COVID 19, support workers to| PÁG. 12 carry out their work in this manner.
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Estrategia Nacional de Trabajo Remoto que se impulsa de forma colaborativa con industrias y autoridades para, capitalizando los aprendizajes del confinamiento por la pandemia del COVID 19
Entre las medidas necesarias, en adición a las nuevas tecnologías eléctricas y la normativa, México contempla la expansión y rehabilitación de la red ferroviaria nacional. El fomento al transporte ferroviario permite reducir emisiones GEI, debido a su mayor eficiencia energética al transportar bienes y/o personas. Otra medida innovadora que se incluye en nuestro NDC se refiere a una Estrategia Nacional de Trabajo Remoto que se impulsa de forma colaborativa con industrias y autoridades para, capitalizando los aprendizajes del confinamiento por la pandemia del COVID 19, se apoye a los trabajadores para| PÁG. 12 realizar sus labores en esta modalidad.
Among the necessary measures, in addition to the new electrical technologies and regulations, Mexico contemplates the expansion and rehabilitation of the national railway network. The promotion of rail transport allows to reduce GHG emissions, due to its greater energy efficiency in transporting goods and/or people. Another innovative measure included in our NDC refers to a National Labour Revival Strategy that is promoted in collaboration with industries and authorities to, capitalizing on the lessons of confinement by the pandemic of COVID 19, support workers to| PÁG. 12 carry out their work in this manner.
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la estrategia para el sector transporte conlleva una mejora en la vinculación de la planeación urbana con criterios de cambio climático
12 realizar sus labores en esta modalidad. El trabajo remoto o teletrabajo contribuye a reducir la huella de carbono, así como de otros contaminantes atmosféricos, lo que fortalece las políticas de cambio climático y también las de calidad del aire. Finalmente, la estrategia para el sector transporte conlleva una mejora en la vinculación de la planeación urbana con criterios de cambio climático y de recuperación del espacio público para el peatón, considerando un ordenamiento orientado a sistemas de transporte público eficiente y a sistemas de transporte alternativos y no motorizados. Todas estas acciones apoyan el cumplimiento de la meta de GEI y son esenciales también para la meta de carbono negro.
12 to carry out their work in this way. Remote work or teleworking contributes to reducing the carbon footprint, as well as of other atmospheric pollutants, thus strengthening climate change policies and also air quality policies. Finally, the strategy for the transport sector involves an improvement in the linking of urban planning with criteria for climate change and the recovery of pedestrian cross-section space, considering an arrangement oriented towards efficient cross-section transport systems and alternative and non-motorised transport systems. All these actions support the fulfilment of the GHG target and are also essential for the black carbon target.
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recuperación del espacio público para el peatón, considerando un ordenamiento orientado a sistemas de transporte público eficiente y a sistemas de transporte alternativos y no motorizados
12 realizar sus labores en esta modalidad. El trabajo remoto o teletrabajo contribuye a reducir la huella de carbono, así como de otros contaminantes atmosféricos, lo que fortalece las políticas de cambio climático y también las de calidad del aire. Finalmente, la estrategia para el sector transporte conlleva una mejora en la vinculación de la planeación urbana con criterios de cambio climático y de recuperación del espacio público para el peatón, considerando un ordenamiento orientado a sistemas de transporte público eficiente y a sistemas de transporte alternativos y no motorizados. Todas estas acciones apoyan el cumplimiento de la meta de GEI y son esenciales también para la meta de carbono negro.
12 to carry out their work in this way. Remote work or teleworking contributes to reducing the carbon footprint, as well as of other atmospheric pollutants, thus strengthening climate change policies and also air quality policies. Finally, the strategy for the transport sector involves an improvement in the linking of urban planning with criteria for climate change and the recovery of pedestrian cross-section space, considering an arrangement oriented towards efficient cross-section transport systems and alternative and non-motorised transport systems. All these actions support the fulfilment of the GHG target and are also essential for the black carbon target.
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la Secretaría de Energía impulsará nuevas tecnologías para la generación eléctrica, como el hidrógeno verde en centrales híbridas, entre otras.
Asimismo, se busca aumentar la capacidad de generación con centrales fotovoltaicas, eólicas, geotérmicas y se fomenta la generación distribuida renovable. Además, la Secretaría de Energía impulsará nuevas tecnologías para la generación eléctrica, como el hidrógeno verde en centrales híbridas, entre otras. En adición al cumplimiento de las metas de cambio climático, se impulsa la energía limpia para apoyar el acceso universal a la energía, por ejemplo, a través de proyectos de electrificación rural y un piloto de hogares solares.Contribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional | PÁG. 13 Nuestro país continuará abierto a la colaboración internacional, y buscará alianzas estratégicas en pleno respeto de la soberanía nacional, que fomenten la energía renovable.
In addition, the Energy Secretary will promote new technologies for electricity generation, such as green hydrogen in hybrid power plants, among others. In contributing to the achievement of climate change goals, clean energy will be promoted to support universal access to energy, for example through rural electrification projects and a solar home pilot.Determined Contribution at National Level | PÁG. 13 Our country will continue to be open to international collaboration, and will seek strategic alliances in full respect of national sovereignty, that promote renewable energy.
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Incorporar criterios de adaptación al cambio climático y gestión integral del riesgo de desastres en proyectos de inversión de infraestructura estratégica
Quinta Comunicación de México ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático. PÁG. 44 Eje E. Protección de infraestructura estratégica y del patrimonio cultural tangible LÍNEA DE ACCIÓN LINEA DE ACCIÓN NUEVA SINERGIA CON MITIGACIÓN ODS E1. Incrementar la seguridad estructural y funcional de la infraestructura estratégica actual y por desarrollar ante eventos asociados al cambio climático E2. Incorporar criterios de adaptación al cambio climático y gestión integral del riesgo de desastres en proyectos de inversión de infraestructura estratégica E3. Proteger, restaurar y conservar el patrimonio cultural tangible ante impactos del cambio climático E4. Generar y fortalecer los instrumentos de financiamiento público, así como promover la inversión privada, para proyectos de infraestructura y patrimonio cultural que incorporen criterios de adaptaciónContribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional | PÁG. 45
Fifth Mexico Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. PÁG. 44 Axis E. Protection of Structural Infrastructure and Tangible Cultural Heritage LÍNEA DE ACCIÄN LINE DE ACCIÄN NUEVA SINERGIA CON MITIGACIÄN ODS E1. Increase the structural and functional security of the current and developing structural infrastructure in the face of events associated with climate change E2. Incorporate climate change adaptation criteria and integrated disaster risk management into structural infrastructure investment projects E3. Protect, restore and preserve tangible cultural heritage from the impacts of climate change E4. Generate and strengthen bilateral financing instruments, as well as promote private investment, for infrastructure and cultural heritage projects that incorporate adaptation criteriaDetermined National Contribution | PÁG. 45
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Incrementar la seguridad estructural y funcional de la infraestructura estratégica actual y por desarrollar ante eventos asociados al cambio climático
Quinta Comunicación de México ante la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el Cambio Climático. PÁG. 44 Eje E. Protección de infraestructura estratégica y del patrimonio cultural tangible LÍNEA DE ACCIÓN LINEA DE ACCIÓN NUEVA SINERGIA CON MITIGACIÓN ODS E1. Incrementar la seguridad estructural y funcional de la infraestructura estratégica actual y por desarrollar ante eventos asociados al cambio climático E2. Incorporar criterios de adaptación al cambio climático y gestión integral del riesgo de desastres en proyectos de inversión de infraestructura estratégica E3. Proteger, restaurar y conservar el patrimonio cultural tangible ante impactos del cambio climático E4. Generar y fortalecer los instrumentos de financiamiento público, así como promover la inversión privada, para proyectos de infraestructura y patrimonio cultural que incorporen criterios de adaptaciónContribución Determinada a Nivel Nacional | PÁG. 45
Fifth Mexico Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. PÁG. 44 Axis E. Protection of Structural Infrastructure and Tangible Cultural Heritage LÍNEA DE ACCIÄN LINE DE ACCIÄN NUEVA SINERGIA CON MITIGACIÄN ODS E1. Increase the structural and functional security of the current and developing structural infrastructure in the face of events associated with climate change E2. Incorporate climate change adaptation criteria and integrated disaster risk management into structural infrastructure investment projects E3. Protect, restore and preserve tangible cultural heritage from the impacts of climate change E4. Generate and strengthen bilateral financing instruments, as well as promote private investment, for infrastructure and cultural heritage projects that incorporate adaptation criteriaDetermined National Contribution | PÁG. 45
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Estrategia Nacional de Trabajo Remoto que se impulsa de forma colaborativa con industrias y autoridades para, capitalizando los aprendizajes del confinamiento por la pandemia del COVID 19
Entre las medidas necesarias, en adición a las nuevas tecnologías eléctricas y la normativa, México contempla la expansión y rehabilitación de la red ferroviaria nacional. El fomento al transporte ferroviario permite reducir emisiones GEI, debido a su mayor eficiencia energética al transportar bienes y/o personas. Otra medida innovadora que se incluye en nuestro NDC se refiere a una Estrategia Nacional de Trabajo Remoto que se impulsa de forma colaborativa con industrias y autoridades para, capitalizando los aprendizajes del confinamiento por la pandemia del COVID 19, se apoye a los trabajadores para| PÁG. 12 realizar sus labores en esta modalidad.
Among the necessary measures, in addition to the new electrical technologies and regulations, Mexico contemplates the expansion and rehabilitation of the national railway network. The promotion of rail transport allows to reduce GHG emissions, due to its greater energy efficiency in transporting goods and/or people. Another innovative measure included in our NDC refers to a National Labour Revival Strategy that is promoted in collaboration with industries and authorities to, capitalizing on the lessons of confinement by the pandemic of COVID 19, support workers to| PÁG. 12 carry out their work in this manner.
Le développement du sous-secteur des énergies renouvelables ainsi que celui des biocarburants.
Ce secteur énergétique est placé sous la responsabilité du Ministère de l’Énergie de l Eau et des Mines assure la tutelle technique du secteur, définit la politique énergétique du pays, coordonne et assure le suivi de l ensemble des activités du secteur. Dans la perspective de résoudre les différents problèmes posés dans le secteur, plusieurs documents de stratégie ont été élaborés. Les options stratégiques de développement retenues dans le Plan de développement stratégique du secteur de l’énergie sont les suivants : - L’accroissement des capacités de production, des moyens de transport et de distribution de l’énergie électrique et la promotion de l’électrification rurale ; et - Le développement du sous-secteur des énergies renouvelables ainsi que celui des biocarburants.
This energy sector is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Water and Mines, which provides technical oversight of the sector, defines the countryâ€TMs energy policy, coordinates and monitors all activities in the sector. With a view to resolving the various problems in the sector, several strategy papers have been prepared. The strategic development options identified in the Energy Sector Strategic Development Plan are as follows: - Increasing the production capacities, means of transportation and distribution of electricity and promoting rural electrification; and - Development of the renewable energy and biofuels sub-sector.
Le développement du sous-secteur des énergies renouvelables ainsi que celui des biocarburants.
Les options stratégiques de développement retenues dans le Plan de développement stratégique du secteur de l’énergie sont les suivants : - L’accroissement des capacités de production, des moyens de transport et de distribution de l’énergie électrique et la promotion de l’électrification rurale ; et - Le développement du sous-secteur des énergies renouvelables ainsi que celui des biocarburants. L’examen des perspectives prévues dans le Plan de développement stratégique du secteur de l’énergie montre que le mix électrique en 2025 comportera pour une demande de 724 MW: 24 % d’hydroélectricité ; 34% de production thermique, 15% de biomasse, 0,23% de solaire, 4% d’éolienne et 23% d’importations. 3.2.2.
The strategic development options identified in the Energy Sector Strategic Development Plan are as follows: - Increasing the production capacity, transportation and distribution of electricity and promoting rural electrification; and - Development of the renewable energy and biofuels sub-sector. A review of the outlook in the Energy Sector Strategic Development Plan shows that the electricity mix in 2025 will include for a demand of 724 MW: 24% hydropower; 34% thermal generation; 15% biomass; 0.23% solar; 4% wind; and 23% imports. 3.2.2.
Le développement du sous-secteur des énergies renouvelables ainsi que celui des biocarburants.
Le tableau ci-dessous résume les conclusions de l’analyse des options d’atténuation faite à partir des principales sources d’énergie. Tableau 2: Matrice d’analyse des options d’atténuation par la promotion des énergies renouvelables et propres Base programmatique Thème : Bases humaines et matérielles du développement durable Sous-thème : Promotion de l’économie (défi de productivité et de prospérité) Sous-thème : Promotion de la technologie (retard technologique important) PLAN DE DEVELOPPEMENT STRATEGIQUE DU SECTEUR DE L’ENERGIE - Accroissement des capacités de production, des moyens de transport et de distribution de l’énergie électrique et la promotion de l’électrification rurale ; - Développement du sous-secteur des énergies renouvelables ainsi que celui des biocarburants.
The following table summarizes the conclusions of the analysis of mitigation options from the main energy sources. Table 2: Mitigation Options Analysis Matrix by Promoting Renewable and Clean Energy Programmatic Basis Theme: Human and Material Bases of Sustainable Development Sub-theme: Promotion of the Economy (Productivity and Prosperity Challenge) Sub-theme: Promotion of Technology (Significant Technological Delay) STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR - Increasing the production, transportation and distribution capacities of electricity and promoting rural electrification; - Development of the renewable energy and biofuels sub-sector.
L’accroissement des capacités de production, des moyens de transport et de distribution de l’énergie électrique et la promotion de l’électrification rurale ;
Ce secteur énergétique est placé sous la responsabilité du Ministère de l’Énergie de l Eau et des Mines assure la tutelle technique du secteur, définit la politique énergétique du pays, coordonne et assure le suivi de l ensemble des activités du secteur. Dans la perspective de résoudre les différents problèmes posés dans le secteur, plusieurs documents de stratégie ont été élaborés. Les options stratégiques de développement retenues dans le Plan de développement stratégique du secteur de l’énergie sont les suivants : - L’accroissement des capacités de production, des moyens de transport et de distribution de l’énergie électrique et la promotion de l’électrification rurale ; et - Le développement du sous-secteur des énergies renouvelables ainsi que celui des biocarburants.
This energy sector is under the responsibility of the Ministry of Water and Mines, which provides technical oversight of the sector, defines the countryâ€TMs energy policy, coordinates and monitors all activities in the sector. With a view to resolving the various problems in the sector, several strategy papers have been prepared. The strategic development options identified in the Energy Sector Strategic Development Plan are as follows: - Increasing the production capacities, means of transportation and distribution of electricity and promoting rural electrification; and - Development of the renewable energy and biofuels sub-sector.