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Le niveau fédéral assurera, entre autres, un réseau ferroviaire performant disposant d’interconnexions suffisantes avec les pays voisins afin de permettre une augmentation de la part du rail dans le transport de personnes et de marchandises.
Enfin, les stratégies wallonne et flamande reconnaissent la nécessité de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant de l aviation et du transport maritime internationaux, notamment par des carburants alternatifs respectueux du climat. Le niveau fédéral assurera, entre autres, un réseau ferroviaire performant disposant d’interconnexions suffisantes avec les pays voisins afin de permettre une augmentation de la part du rail dans le transport de personnes et de marchandises. En outre il peut soutenir, grâce à ses compétences en matière de fiscalité et de normalisation des produits, la transition vers des modes de transport alternatifs et vers des véhicules à émissions nulles.
Finally, the Walloon and Flemish strategies recognise the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international aviation and maritime transport, in particular by using climate-friendly alternative fuels. Among other things, the federal level will ensure an efficient rail network with sufficient interconnections with neighbouring countries to allow an increase in the share of rail in the transport of people and goods. Furthermore, it can support, thanks to its competence in taxation and product standardisation, the transition to alternative modes of transport and zero-emission vehicles.
il peut soutenir, grâce à ses compétences en matière de fiscalité et de normalisation des produits, la transition vers des modes de transport alternatifs et vers des véhicules à émissions nulles.
Enfin, les stratégies wallonne et flamande reconnaissent la nécessité de réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre provenant de l aviation et du transport maritime internationaux, notamment par des carburants alternatifs respectueux du climat. Le niveau fédéral assurera, entre autres, un réseau ferroviaire performant disposant d’interconnexions suffisantes avec les pays voisins afin de permettre une augmentation de la part du rail dans le transport de personnes et de marchandises. En outre il peut soutenir, grâce à ses compétences en matière de fiscalité et de normalisation des produits, la transition vers des modes de transport alternatifs et vers des véhicules à émissions nulles.
Finally, the Walloon and Flemish strategies recognise the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from international aviation and maritime transport, in particular by using climate-friendly alternative fuels. Among other things, the federal level will ensure an efficient rail network with sufficient interconnections with neighbouring countries to allow an increase in the share of rail in the transport of people and goods. Furthermore, it can support, thanks to its competence in taxation and product standardisation, the transition to alternative modes of transport and zero-emission vehicles.
il peut soutenir, grâce à ses compétences en matière de fiscalité et de normalisation des produits, la transition vers des modes de transport alternatifs et vers des véhicules à émissions nulles.
En outre il peut soutenir, grâce à ses compétences en matière de fiscalité et de normalisation des produits, la transition vers des modes de transport alternatifs et vers des véhicules à émissions nulles. transports d ici 2050, à condition que le transfert modal vers des alternatives à la voiture particulière ait eu lieu et que l électricité utilisée pour les transports soit d origine renouvelable. 9 Ceci signifie qu un seul voyage est effectué avec plusieurs modes de transport, l utilisateur utilisant le moyen de transport le plus approprié pour chaque partie du voyage et pouvant facilement passer d un mode à l autre.
In addition, it can support, through its tax and commodity standardization expertise, the transition to alternative modes of transport and zero-emission vehicles. transportation by 2050, provided that the modal shift to alternatives to the individual car has taken place and that the electricity used for transportation is of renewable origin. 9 This means that a single journey is made with several modes of transport, with the user using the most appropriate means of transport for each part of the journey and being able to easily switch from one mode to another.
En outre, chacune des stratégies régionales souligne l'importance du transfert modal comme pierre angulaire pour atteindre les ambitions climatiques fixées, avec des avantages supplémentaires en termes de qualité de l'air, de mobilité et d'occupation de l'espace public.
8 La stratégie wallonne parle de décarbonation complète, la stratégie flamande de zéro émission pour les transports et la stratégie bruxelloise considère également qu il est possible de décarboner largement les     Chaque stratégie se focalise principalement sur la gestion/rationalisation de la demande de transport, en mettant l accent sur la numérisation, l aménagement efficace du territoire et une économie circulaire avec des chaînes de valeur locales plus courtes, ce qui réduit le besoin de transport de marchandises. En outre, chacune des stratégies régionales souligne l importance du transfert modal comme pierre angulaire pour atteindre les ambitions climatiques fixées, avec des avantages supplémentaires en termes de qualité de l air, de mobilité et d occupation de l espace public.
8 The Walloon Strategy talks about full decarbonisation, the Flemish Strategy on zero emissions for transport and the Brussels Strategy also considers that it is possible to achieve large-scale decarbonisation. Each strategy focuses mainly on the management/rationalisation of transport demand, with an emphasis on digitisation, efficient land use and a circular economy with shorter local value chains, thus reducing the need for freight transport. Furthermore, each of the regional strategies stresses the importance of modal transfer as a cornerstone for achieving the set climate ambitions, with additional benefits in terms of air quality, mobility and occupancy of public space.
En outre, chacune des stratégies régionales souligne l'importance du transfert modal comme pierre angulaire pour atteindre les ambitions climatiques fixées, avec des avantages supplémentaires en termes de qualité de l'air, de mobilité et d'occupation de l'espace public.
En outre, chacune des stratégies régionales souligne l importance du transfert modal comme pierre angulaire pour atteindre les ambitions climatiques fixées, avec des avantages supplémentaires en termes de qualité de l air, de mobilité et d occupation de l espace public. En ce qui concerne le transport de personnes, chaque région vise à limiter la part de la voiture individuelle dans la répartition modale, en faveur de modes de transport alternatifs tels que le transport actif (marche et vélo), les véhicules électriques légers (vélos électriques, speedelecs, trottinettes électriques, etc.) et les modes de transport partagés (transports en commun et véhicules partagés). À cette fin, elles mettent l’accent sur une offre de qualité de modes alternatifs, des infrastructures adéquates et la promotion de la mobilité combinée9.
In addition, each of the regional strategies stresses the importance of modal transfer as a cornerstone for achieving the climate ambitions set, with additional benefits in terms of air quality, mobility and occupancy of public space. With regard to passenger transport, each region aims to limit the share of passenger cars in the modal distribution, in favour of alternative modes of transport such as active transport (train and rail), light electric vehicles (electric trains, speed trains, electric scooters, etc.) and shared modes of transport (public transport and shared vehicles). To this end, they emphasize the provision of quality alternative modes, adequate infrastructure and the promotion of combined mobility9.
Updated NDC
Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050
As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in this updated NDC, including through the use of nature-based solutions in the FOLU sector intended to increase removals, whilst underpinning the NDC development process with more robust and realistic data and projections in all sectors. Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050. The NDC for Belize is consistent with the overall goal of the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) which encompasses medium-term economic development, poverty reduction, and longer-term sustainable development.
As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in this updated NDC, including through the use of nature-based solutions in the FOLU sector intended to increase removals, whilst underpinning the NDC development process with more robust and realistic data and projections in all sectors. Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050. The NDC for Belize is consistent with the overall goal of the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) which encompasses medium-term economic development, poverty reduction, and longer-term sustainable development.
Updated NDC
Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050
The initial NDC outlined actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from land use and forestry, fuel wood consumption, electricity, transportation and solid waste. Encapsulated in Belize’s original NDC are conditional commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and unconditional commitments to facilitate adaptation nationally. As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change.
The initial NDC outlined actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from land use and forestry, fuel wood consumption, electricity, transportation and solid waste. Encapsulated in Belize’s original NDC are conditional commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and unconditional commitments to facilitate adaptation nationally. As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change.
Updated NDC
Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050
As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change. Belize has mainstreamed climate change into its national development planning framework, including the long-term development plan (Horizon 2030) and medium-term development plan (Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy). In addition to the existing NDC, the government has developed a National Climate Change Policy, Strategy and Action Plan as well as a climate-resilient investment plan. Many sector-level plans include climate targets.
As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change. Belize has mainstreamed climate change into its national development planning framework, including the long-term development plan (Horizon 2030) and medium-term development plan (Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy). In addition to the existing NDC, the government has developed a National Climate Change Policy, Strategy and Action Plan as well as a climate-resilient investment plan. Many sector-level plans include climate targets.
Updated NDC
The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets)
All analyses for the FOLU sector was carried out within this database. For actions in the energy sector, baseline emissions are estimated in line with the Baseline Energy Scenario (BES) in IRENA’s ReMAP modelling framework, which is representative of policies announced up to 2015. b. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in the target year c. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Policies, strategies and plans in place as of December 2020 were considered in the targets and actions included in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO’s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA’s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector.
For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Policies, strategies and plans in place as of December 2020 were considered in the targets and actions included in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO’s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA’s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector.
Updated NDC
The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets)
For actions in the energy sector, baseline emissions are estimated in line with the Baseline Energy Scenario (BES) in IRENA’s ReMAP modelling framework, which is representative of policies announced up to 2015. b. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in the target year c. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Policies, strategies and plans in place as of December 2020 were considered in the targets and actions included in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO’s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA’s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators Updates may reflect feedback from stakeholders provided during the validation of this document, as well as additional targets included in the long-term Low Emissions Development Strategy, which is currently being developed 2.
were considered in the targets and actions included in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO’s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA’s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector. f. Information on the circumstances under which the Party may update the values of the reference indicators Updates may reflect feedback from stakeholders provided during the validation of this document, as well as additional targets included in the long-term Low Emissions Development Strategy, which is currently being developed 2.
Updated NDC
Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050
As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in this updated NDC, including through the use of nature-based solutions in the FOLU sector intended to increase removals, whilst underpinning the NDC development process with more robust and realistic data and projections in all sectors. Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050. The NDC for Belize is consistent with the overall goal of the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) which encompasses medium-term economic development, poverty reduction, and longer-term sustainable development.
As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in this updated NDC, including through the use of nature-based solutions in the FOLU sector intended to increase removals, whilst underpinning the NDC development process with more robust and realistic data and projections in all sectors. Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050. The NDC for Belize is consistent with the overall goal of the Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy (GSDS) which encompasses medium-term economic development, poverty reduction, and longer-term sustainable development.
Updated NDC
Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050
The initial NDC outlined actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from land use and forestry, fuel wood consumption, electricity, transportation and solid waste. Encapsulated in Belize’s original NDC are conditional commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and unconditional commitments to facilitate adaptation nationally. As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change.
The initial NDC outlined actions to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from land use and forestry, fuel wood consumption, electricity, transportation and solid waste. Encapsulated in Belize’s original NDC are conditional commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and unconditional commitments to facilitate adaptation nationally. As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change.
Updated NDC
Belize is committed to developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 2050
As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change. Belize has mainstreamed climate change into its national development planning framework, including the long-term development plan (Horizon 2030) and medium-term development plan (Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy). In addition to the existing NDC, the government has developed a National Climate Change Policy, Strategy and Action Plan as well as a climate-resilient investment plan. Many sector-level plans include climate targets.
As a member of the High Ambition Coalition, Belize has committed to increasing emissions reduction ambition in an updated NDC and developing a long-term strategy aligned with achieving net zero global emissions by 3.3.1 Policy landscape for climate change in Belize The Government of Belize is committed to strategically transition to low carbon development while strengthening its resilience to the effects of climate change. Belize has mainstreamed climate change into its national development planning framework, including the long-term development plan (Horizon 2030) and medium-term development plan (Growth and Sustainable Development Strategy). In addition to the existing NDC, the government has developed a National Climate Change Policy, Strategy and Action Plan as well as a climate-resilient investment plan. Many sector-level plans include climate targets.
Updated NDC
Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Updated NDC
Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Updated NDC
Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Updated NDC
Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Updated NDC
Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels;
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Updated NDC
Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels;
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Updated NDC
emissions testing;
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Updated NDC
emissions testing;
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Updated NDC
fuel economy standards,
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Updated NDC
fuel economy standards,
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Updated NDC
limitations and emissions-based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Updated NDC
limitations and emissions-based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Updated NDC
Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030; Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives,
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Updated NDC
Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030; Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives,
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Updated NDC
investing in EV charging infrastructure
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Technical assistance and financing will be required to 1) scale up and replicate existing bagasse-based biomass power projects, 2) explore feasibility of onshore wind and storage technologies20 and 3) increased renewable energy generation capacity beyond projects currently planned. Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime.
Updated NDC
investing in EV charging infrastructure
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Type SDG linkages Target Avoid 117 KtCO2e/year21 from the transport sector by 2030 through a 15% reduction in conventional transportation fuel use by 2030 and achieve 15% efficiency per passenger- and tonne-kilometre through appropriate policies and investments Action Improve efficiency in the public transit system through the deployment of 77 hybrid and electric buses by 2030 (17 by 2025) Action Implement a policy framework to promote more efficient vehicles and alternative fuels/blends through incorporation of fuel economy labels; emissions testing; fuel economy standards, limitations and emissions- based taxes/feebates for imported vehicles by 2025 Action Facilitate adoption of electric vehicles in the passenger fleet by conducting a feasibility study for EV penetration, including assessment of potential incentives, and investing in EV charging infrastructure These targets above are presented with partial conditionality considerations including: 1) financing through the NAMA facility for the purchase and deployment of efficient buses and 2) provision of technical assistance to develop an efficient light duty vehicle policy regime. 20 As part of the Central American regional study project, IRENA is developing a Renewable Energy Roadmap (REmap) study for Belize, complemented with a power system flexibility study with IRENA’s FlexTool.
Updated NDC
Implement Land Use Policy and Policy Framework to incorporate responsible and climate-sensitive (and water-sensitive) development and land use. In implementation, promote and enhance land stewardship practices underway in local and indigenous communities
7.2.6 Forestry and biodiversity Type SDG linkages Target Implement protection targets of the National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan including increased effectiveness of the National Protected Areas System by Action Implement a biosafety policy that safeguards against large-scale loss of biological integrity Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems species and local communities in or near Protected Areas to understand the risks and impacts of climate change on resources, and mitigate these impacts through national adaptation strategies Action Implement monitoring and evaluation of NBSAP and its targets, and maintain up-to-date data base on natural resources and environmental services to inform policy decisions across government These actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop policies and monitoring systems.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 7.2.7 Land use, human settlements and infrastructure Type SDG linkages Target Protect communities from damage caused by flooding and sea level rise through implementation of the Land Use Policy and supporting green and grey infrastructure Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems to the effects of climate change to protect potential climate refugees, through a comprehensive assessment of human settlements and related infrastructure at risk from the effects of climate change Action Implement Land Use Policy and Policy Framework to incorporate responsible and climate-sensitive (and water-sensitive) development and land use. In implementation, promote and enhance land stewardship practices underway in local and indigenous communities Action Develop and implement a climate change adaptation strategy/plan for the most vulnerable local and indigenous coastal communities The actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop a loss and damage data hub.
mitigate these impacts through national adaptation strategies Action Implement monitoring and evaluation of NBSAP and its targets, and maintain up-to-date data base on natural resources and environmental services to inform policy decisions across government These actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop policies and monitoring systems.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 7.2.7 Land use, human settlements and infrastructure Type SDG linkages Target Protect communities from damage caused by flooding and sea level rise through implementation of the Land Use Policy and supporting green and grey infrastructure Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems to the effects of climate change to protect potential climate refugees, through a comprehensive assessment of human settlements and related infrastructure at risk from the effects of climate change Action Implement Land Use Policy and Policy Framework to incorporate responsible and climate-sensitive (and water-sensitive) development and land use. In implementation, promote and enhance land stewardship practices underway in local and indigenous communities Action Develop and implement a climate change adaptation strategy/plan for the most vulnerable local and indigenous coastal communities The actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop a loss and damage data hub.
Updated NDC
Energy in the transport sector (estimated total cost to meet target: USD 71 million, out of which USD 14.962 million unfunded)
The results of the REmap-FlexTool analysis can serve Belize as a reference for establishing energy sector mitigation targets in the NDC review process of the country. 21 As modelled in the TES scenario of IRENA’s ReMAP analysis for Belize.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 6.2.4 Waste management Type SDG linkages Target Improve waste management processes to avoid emissions of up to 18 KtCO2e per year by 2030, in line with the national waste management strategy Action Close all municipal dumps by 2025 and implement rural waste management system including rural collection and drop off services by 2030 Action End the open burning of waste by 2025 by extending regular municipal services to all households and commercial premises Action Develop a legal and policy framework for the sustainable management of solid waste in Belize These actions are presented as unconditional, as they are aligned with the activities in the ongoing and funded Solid Waste Management Project II.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 6.2.5 Costs of mitigation actions Table 2 Mitigation: Estimated costs for actions and associated targets across all sectors Sector Action Estimated total cost to meet target Identified activities: Amount already funded Identified activities: Unfunded amounts Estimated gap (incl.
The results of the REmap-FlexTool analysis can serve Belize as a reference for establishing energy sector mitigation targets in the NDC review process of the country. 21 As modelled in the TES scenario of IRENA’s ReMAP analysis for Belize.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 6.2.4 Waste management Type SDG linkages Target Improve waste management processes to avoid emissions of up to 18 KtCO2e per year by 2030, in line with the national waste management strategy Action Close all municipal dumps by 2025 and implement rural waste management system including rural collection and drop off services by 2030 Action End the open burning of waste by 2025 by extending regular municipal services to all households and commercial premises Action Develop a legal and policy framework for the sustainable management of solid waste in Belize These actions are presented as unconditional, as they are aligned with the activities in the ongoing and funded Solid Waste Management Project II.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 6.2.5 Costs of mitigation actions Table 2 Mitigation: Estimated costs for actions and associated targets across all sectors Sector Action Estimated total cost to meet target Identified activities: Amount already funded Identified activities: Unfunded amounts Estimated gap (incl.
Updated NDC
Energy in the transport sector (estimated total cost to meet target: USD 71 million, out of which USD 14.962 million unfunded)
21 As modelled in the TES scenario of IRENA’s ReMAP analysis for Belize.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 6.2.4 Waste management Type SDG linkages Target Improve waste management processes to avoid emissions of up to 18 KtCO2e per year by 2030, in line with the national waste management strategy Action Close all municipal dumps by 2025 and implement rural waste management system including rural collection and drop off services by 2030 Action End the open burning of waste by 2025 by extending regular municipal services to all households and commercial premises Action Develop a legal and policy framework for the sustainable management of solid waste in Belize These actions are presented as unconditional, as they are aligned with the activities in the ongoing and funded Solid Waste Management Project II.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 6.2.5 Costs of mitigation actions Table 2 Mitigation: Estimated costs for actions and associated targets across all sectors Sector Action Estimated total cost to meet target Identified activities: Amount already funded Identified activities: Unfunded amounts Estimated gap (incl. unfunded activities) LUCF Reforestation, forest protection and sustainable forest management Fuel wood consumption Mangrove protection and reforestation Energy Energy efficiency in the power sector Energy in the transport sector Agriculture Sustainable crop production & livestock management The mitigation targets and actions included above are estimated to cost close to USD$ 1.39 billion between 2021 and 2030.
processes to avoid emissions of up to 18 KtCO2e per year by 2030, in line with the national waste management strategy Action Close all municipal dumps by 2025 and implement rural waste management system including rural collection and drop off services by 2030 Action End the open burning of waste by 2025 by extending regular municipal services to all households and commercial premises Action Develop a legal and policy framework for the sustainable management of solid waste in Belize These actions are presented as unconditional, as they are aligned with the activities in the ongoing and funded Solid Waste Management Project II.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 6.2.5 Costs of mitigation actions Table 2 Mitigation: Estimated costs for actions and associated targets across all sectors Sector Action Estimated total cost to meet target Identified activities: Amount already funded Identified activities: Unfunded amounts Estimated gap (incl. unfunded activities) LUCF Reforestation, forest protection and sustainable forest management Fuel wood consumption Mangrove protection and reforestation Energy Energy efficiency in the power sector Energy in the transport sector Agriculture Sustainable crop production & livestock management The mitigation targets and actions included above are estimated to cost close to USD$ 1.39 billion between 2021 and 2030.
Updated NDC
Energy in the transport sector (estimated total cost to meet target: USD 71 million, out of which USD 14.962 million unfunded)
7.2.9 Costs of adaptation actions The targets and actions included above are estimated to cost a total of USD$ 318 million between 2021 and 2030. Recognizing funding that is already committed, the funding gap to deliver these actions is estimated at USD$ 146 million. Table 3 Summary of funding committed, requested and required to meet adaptation target actions (USD) Sector Total cost Funding Committed / Requested Funding Requirements Coastal and marine resources Land use, human settlements, and infrastructure Note: Funding committed is the cost of activities identified which have been funded. Funding requested is the cost of activities identified which have not been funded or where it is unknown if the activity has been funded.
7.2.9 Costs of adaptation actions The targets and actions included above are estimated to cost a total of USD$ 318 million between 2021 and 2030. Recognizing funding that is already committed, the funding gap to deliver these actions is estimated at USD$ 146 million. Table 3 Summary of funding committed, requested and required to meet adaptation target actions (USD) Sector Total cost Funding Committed / Requested Funding Requirements Coastal and marine resources Land use, human settlements, and infrastructure Note: Funding committed is the cost of activities identified which have been funded. Funding requested is the cost of activities identified which have not been funded or where it is unknown if the activity has been funded.
Updated NDC
Energy in the transport sector (estimated total cost to meet target: USD 71 million, out of which USD 14.962 million unfunded)
The Economic Development Council (EDC) of Belize has been established is promoting Public-Private- Partnerships (PPPs) which has mobilized over USD$ 200 million in energy sector investment. 8.1.1 Implementing the NDC An NDC Implementation Plan will be developed to set out annual targets, funding requirements and responsible parties for activities required to deliver the actions and targets included in the NDC. The implementation plan will be prepared through the CAEP process and include specific activity-level measures from 2021-2025. 8.2 Tracking progress against NDC targets In coordination with the NDC Implementation Plan, a series of evaluation systems will be put in place to monitor annual progress against targets and actions for both mitigation and adaptation.
The Economic Development Council (EDC) of Belize has been established is promoting Public-Private- Partnerships (PPPs) which has mobilized over USD$ 200 million in energy sector investment. 8.1.1 Implementing the NDC An NDC Implementation Plan will be developed to set out annual targets, funding requirements and responsible parties for activities required to deliver the actions and targets included in the NDC. The implementation plan will be prepared through the CAEP process and include specific activity-level measures from 2021-2025. 8.2 Tracking progress against NDC targets In coordination with the NDC Implementation Plan, a series of evaluation systems will be put in place to monitor annual progress against targets and actions for both mitigation and adaptation.
Updated NDC
Energy in the transport sector (estimated total cost to meet target: USD 71 million, out of which USD 14.962 million unfunded)
All analyses for the FOLU sector was carried out within this database. For actions in the energy sector, baseline emissions are estimated in line with the Baseline Energy Scenario (BES) in IRENA’s ReMAP modelling framework, which is representative of policies announced up to 2015. b. Quantifiable information on the reference indicators, their values in the reference year(s), base year(s), reference period(s) or other starting point(s), and, as applicable, in the target year c. For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Policies, strategies and plans in place as of December 2020 were considered in the targets and actions included in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO’s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA’s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector.
For strategies, plans and actions referred to in Article 4, paragraph 6, of the Paris Agreement, or polices and measures as components of nationally determined contributions where paragraph 1(b) above is not applicable, Parties to provide other relevant information Policies, strategies and plans in place as of December 2020 were considered in the targets and actions included in the updated NDC d. Target relative to the reference indicator, expressed numerically, for example in percentage or amount of reduction The mitigation actions included in the updated NDC are estimated to result in over 5.6 MTCO2e in cumulative avoided emissions by 2030, and a reduction of 1.0 MTCO2e in annual emissions by 2030 (not including additional deforestation targets) e. Information on sources of data used in quantifying the reference point(s) The emission impacts are calculated based on 1) the 2019 multi-sector GHG inventory prepared by the National Climate Change Office, 2) the 2015 Forest Reference Level, 3) 2020 calculations from the FAO’s EX-ACT estimation tool and IRENA’s ReMAP model for agricultural, transport and energy sectors, and 4) 2021 calculations from the FOLU GHG inventory database developed by CfRN in conjunction with the FOLU roundtable for land-use and land-use change and forestry sector.
Updated NDC
Adaptation measures for Land use, human settlements, and infrastructure (total cost for this measure USD 82 million)
Tourism, which accounts for the most income of any sector is impacted by seal level rise, coral bleaching and impacts on biodiversity. Critical support systems including water resources, health and energy are likewise impacted by the increasingly variable climate in the region. Belize also hosts globally significant ecological resources including rainforest, mangrove forests, wetlands and coral reefs which are under threat from a warming world. 7.2 Sectoral targets The NDC includes specific targets set out at the sector level for adaptation and resilience to climate change including additional coverage from the previous NDC for land use, human settlements and infrastructure sector as well as the human health sector. Where targets relate to broad areas of increased resilience, a series of actions are provided for delivery of the target.
Tourism, which accounts for the most income of any sector is impacted by seal level rise, coral bleaching and impacts on biodiversity. Critical support systems including water resources, health and energy are likewise impacted by the increasingly variable climate in the region. Belize also hosts globally significant ecological resources including rainforest, mangrove forests, wetlands and coral reefs which are under threat from a warming world. 7.2 Sectoral targets The NDC includes specific targets set out at the sector level for adaptation and resilience to climate change including additional coverage from the previous NDC for land use, human settlements and infrastructure sector as well as the human health sector. Where targets relate to broad areas of increased resilience, a series of actions are provided for delivery of the target.
Updated NDC
Adaptation measures for Land use, human settlements, and infrastructure (total cost for this measure USD 82 million)
Some of this is currently being provided through the Sustainable Tourism Programme II, delivered by the Ministry of Tourism and Diaspora Relations with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank. 7.2.6 Forestry and biodiversity Type SDG linkages Target Implement protection targets of the National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan including increased effectiveness of the National Protected Areas System by Action Implement a biosafety policy that safeguards against large-scale loss of biological integrity Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems species and local communities in or near Protected Areas to understand the risks and impacts of climate change on resources, and mitigate these impacts through national adaptation strategies Action Implement monitoring and evaluation of NBSAP and its targets, and maintain up-to-date data base on natural resources and environmental services to inform policy decisions across government These actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop policies and monitoring systems.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 7.2.7 Land use, human settlements and infrastructure Type SDG linkages Target Protect communities from damage caused by flooding and sea level rise through implementation of the Land Use Policy and supporting green and grey infrastructure Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems to the effects of climate change to protect potential climate refugees, through a comprehensive assessment of human settlements and related infrastructure at risk from the effects of climate change Action Implement Land Use Policy and Policy Framework to incorporate responsible and climate-sensitive (and water-sensitive) development and land use.
increased effectiveness of the National Protected Areas System by Action Implement a biosafety policy that safeguards against large-scale loss of biological integrity Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems species and local communities in or near Protected Areas to understand the risks and impacts of climate change on resources, and mitigate these impacts through national adaptation strategies Action Implement monitoring and evaluation of NBSAP and its targets, and maintain up-to-date data base on natural resources and environmental services to inform policy decisions across government These actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop policies and monitoring systems.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 7.2.7 Land use, human settlements and infrastructure Type SDG linkages Target Protect communities from damage caused by flooding and sea level rise through implementation of the Land Use Policy and supporting green and grey infrastructure Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems to the effects of climate change to protect potential climate refugees, through a comprehensive assessment of human settlements and related infrastructure at risk from the effects of climate change Action Implement Land Use Policy and Policy Framework to incorporate responsible and climate-sensitive (and water-sensitive) development and land use.
Updated NDC
Adaptation measures for Land use, human settlements, and infrastructure (total cost for this measure USD 82 million)
7.2.6 Forestry and biodiversity Type SDG linkages Target Implement protection targets of the National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan including increased effectiveness of the National Protected Areas System by Action Implement a biosafety policy that safeguards against large-scale loss of biological integrity Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems species and local communities in or near Protected Areas to understand the risks and impacts of climate change on resources, and mitigate these impacts through national adaptation strategies Action Implement monitoring and evaluation of NBSAP and its targets, and maintain up-to-date data base on natural resources and environmental services to inform policy decisions across government These actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop policies and monitoring systems.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 7.2.7 Land use, human settlements and infrastructure Type SDG linkages Target Protect communities from damage caused by flooding and sea level rise through implementation of the Land Use Policy and supporting green and grey infrastructure Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems to the effects of climate change to protect potential climate refugees, through a comprehensive assessment of human settlements and related infrastructure at risk from the effects of climate change Action Implement Land Use Policy and Policy Framework to incorporate responsible and climate-sensitive (and water-sensitive) development and land use. In implementation, promote and enhance land stewardship practices underway in local and indigenous communities Action Develop and implement a climate change adaptation strategy/plan for the most vulnerable local and indigenous coastal communities The actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop a loss and damage data hub.
mitigate these impacts through national adaptation strategies Action Implement monitoring and evaluation of NBSAP and its targets, and maintain up-to-date data base on natural resources and environmental services to inform policy decisions across government These actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop policies and monitoring systems.Belize’s Updated Nationally Determined Contribution 7.2.7 Land use, human settlements and infrastructure Type SDG linkages Target Protect communities from damage caused by flooding and sea level rise through implementation of the Land Use Policy and supporting green and grey infrastructure Action Broaden the analysis of the vulnerability of ecosystems to the effects of climate change to protect potential climate refugees, through a comprehensive assessment of human settlements and related infrastructure at risk from the effects of climate change Action Implement Land Use Policy and Policy Framework to incorporate responsible and climate-sensitive (and water-sensitive) development and land use. In implementation, promote and enhance land stewardship practices underway in local and indigenous communities Action Develop and implement a climate change adaptation strategy/plan for the most vulnerable local and indigenous coastal communities The actions are presented as conditional based on support for technical assistance to develop a loss and damage data hub.
Updated NDC
Adaptation measures for Land use, human settlements, and infrastructure (total cost for this measure USD 82 million)
7.2.9 Costs of adaptation actions The targets and actions included above are estimated to cost a total of USD$ 318 million between 2021 and 2030. Recognizing funding that is already committed, the funding gap to deliver these actions is estimated at USD$ 146 million. Table 3 Summary of funding committed, requested and required to meet adaptation target actions (USD) Sector Total cost Funding Committed / Requested Funding Requirements Coastal and marine resources Land use, human settlements, and infrastructure Note: Funding committed is the cost of activities identified which have been funded. Funding requested is the cost of activities identified which have not been funded or where it is unknown if the activity has been funded.
7.2.9 Costs of adaptation actions The targets and actions included above are estimated to cost a total of USD$ 318 million between 2021 and 2030. Recognizing funding that is already committed, the funding gap to deliver these actions is estimated at USD$ 146 million. Table 3 Summary of funding committed, requested and required to meet adaptation target actions (USD) Sector Total cost Funding Committed / Requested Funding Requirements Coastal and marine resources Land use, human settlements, and infrastructure Note: Funding committed is the cost of activities identified which have been funded. Funding requested is the cost of activities identified which have not been funded or where it is unknown if the activity has been funded.
2nd NDC
Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009
With regards to mitigation action, Bhutan has been relatively successful in developing strategies and plans in key sectors but faces challenges in raising adequate support for implementation of the LEDS, NAMAs and other mitigation programs. 3. Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC. At the same time, Bhutan calls on the international community to continue and enhance the support for Bhutan’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
With regards to mitigation action, Bhutan has been relatively successful in developing strategies and plans in key sectors but faces challenges in raising adequate support for implementation of the LEDS, NAMAs and other mitigation programs. 3. Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC. At the same time, Bhutan calls on the international community to continue and enhance the support for Bhutan’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
2nd NDC
Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009
With regards to mitigation action, Bhutan has been relatively successful in developing strategies and plans in key sectors but faces challenges in raising adequate support for implementation of the LEDS, NAMAs and other mitigation programs. 3. Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC. At the same time, Bhutan calls on the international community to continue and enhance the support for Bhutan’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
With regards to mitigation action, Bhutan has been relatively successful in developing strategies and plans in key sectors but faces challenges in raising adequate support for implementation of the LEDS, NAMAs and other mitigation programs. 3. Summary of NDC (mitigation component) In presenting the second NDC, Bhutan maintains the commitment to remain carbon-neutral where emission of greenhouse gases will not exceed carbon sequestration by our forests and sinks as first pledged in 2009 and reaffirmed in the first NDC. At the same time, Bhutan calls on the international community to continue and enhance the support for Bhutan’s efforts to mitigate and adapt to climate change.
2nd NDC
Mass transit through improvements in bus systems
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
Mass transit through improvements in bus systems
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
2nd NDC
introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit.
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
2nd NDC
introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit.
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
2nd NDC
Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses)
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses)
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
2nd NDC
Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
2nd NDC
Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
2nd NDC
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
This enabling activity will result in the full assessment of mitigation potentials in the industries sector and facilitate the participation of the private sector in low emission development. e) Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport The LEDS for Surface Transport18 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6.
2nd NDC
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
2nd NDC
Private vehicle demand management through (…) traffic system management
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
Private vehicle demand management through (…) traffic system management
Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021-2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg 11 Low Emission Development Strategy for Industries 2021, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.
Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021-2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg 11 Low Emission Development Strategy for Industries 2021, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.
2nd NDC
Private vehicle demand management through (…) traffic system management
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
2nd NDC
shared mobility, (…) carpooling, ride sharing and rental services
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
shared mobility, (…) carpooling, ride sharing and rental services
Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021-2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg 11 Low Emission Development Strategy for Industries 2021, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.
Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021-2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg 11 Low Emission Development Strategy for Industries 2021, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.
2nd NDC
shared mobility, (…) carpooling, ride sharing and rental services
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
2nd NDC
import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
The LEDS for Surface Transport12 was developed to provide strategic intervention options for transport and mobility and are categorised as follows: 1. Mass transit though improvements in bus systems and the introduction of open-bus rapid transit (BRT) network (electric and diesel) and light rail transit. 2. Promotion of electric passenger vehicles (taxi, two wheelers, light vehicles, buses) 3. Low emission freight transport system for heavy and commercial trucks and freight trains 4. Non-motorized transport system through public bicycle systems and improved sidewalks, crosswalks 5. Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system.
2nd NDC
import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system
Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021-2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg 11 Low Emission Development Strategy for Industries 2021, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.
Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021-2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg 11 Low Emission Development Strategy for Industries 2021, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan.
2nd NDC
import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
2nd NDC
The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg 11 Low Emission Development Strategy for Industries 2021, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan. 12 Bhutan’s Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport 2021, Ministry of Information and Communication, Royal Government of Bhutan.Bhutan’s Second Nationally Determined Contribution 9 e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg 11 Low Emission Development Strategy for Industries 2021, Ministry of Economic Affairs, Royal Government of Bhutan. 12 Bhutan’s Low Emission Development Strategy for Surface Transport 2021, Ministry of Information and Communication, Royal Government of Bhutan.Bhutan’s Second Nationally Determined Contribution 9 e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
2nd NDC
The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
Improve fuel-efficiency in internal combustion engines through stringent vehicle and emission standards 6. Private vehicle demand management through shared mobility, traffic system management carpooling, ride sharing and rental services, import restriction on internal combustion engine cars from 2030 and introducing annual import quota system. The mitigation options with varying levels of marginal abatement costs have been prioritised for implementation with activities across the short-term (2021- 2025), medium-term (until 2030) and long-term (until 2050). The mitigation measures have a cumulative mitigation potential of 5,283 Gg CO2e and are a mix of investments from relatively inexpensive low hanging interventions to large infrastructure investments up to an overall total investment requirement of USD 3,233 million till 2030. Major expenditures in the transport sector are in the areas of infrastructure development to introduce low emission transport modes.
2nd NDC
COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process
iii) The broad plans and actions for low emission development identified in the 1st NDC to support Bhutan’s efforts to remain carbon neutral have been further elaborated and refined through low emission development strategies (LEDS), and roadmaps. Therefore, sectoral actions with GHG and non-GHG targets along with strategies and priority plans are now presented in the 2nd NDC. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process. Despite these challenges, this second NDC from Bhutan has been prepared through an extensive process of technical assessments and wide- ranging stakeholder consultations.
iii) The broad plans and actions for low emission development identified in the 1st NDC to support Bhutan’s efforts to remain carbon neutral have been further elaborated and refined through low emission development strategies (LEDS), and roadmaps. Therefore, sectoral actions with GHG and non-GHG targets along with strategies and priority plans are now presented in the 2nd NDC. The COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process. Despite these challenges, this second NDC from Bhutan has been prepared through an extensive process of technical assessments and wide- ranging stakeholder consultations.
2nd NDC
COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process
While these measures are primarily being undertaken to adapt to the increasing threats from adverse impacts of climate change to Bhutan’s energy security, these adaptation measures will result in tangible mitigation benefits. 4. Planning processes: a Information on the planning processes that the Party undertook to prepare its nationally determined contribution and, if available, on the Party’s implementation plans, including, as appropriate: The COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process. However, the preparation of the 2nd NDC builds on experience of 1st NDC which was prepared in a short timeframe utilising existing policies, plans and strategies.
While these measures are primarily being undertaken to adapt to the increasing threats from adverse impacts of climate change to Bhutan’s energy security, these adaptation measures will result in tangible mitigation benefits. 4. Planning processes: a Information on the planning processes that the Party undertook to prepare its nationally determined contribution and, if available, on the Party’s implementation plans, including, as appropriate: The COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process. However, the preparation of the 2nd NDC builds on experience of 1st NDC which was prepared in a short timeframe utilising existing policies, plans and strategies.
2nd NDC
COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process
However, over the decades, Bhutan has made remarkable socio-economic advancements, qualifying the country for graduation from this category for the first time at the 2015 triennial review of the list of LDCs. As a least-developed country with a young growing population, Bhutan has pressing needs for economic development and poverty eradication in a challenging environment while conserving of a globally significant natural environment. (b) Best practices and experience related to the preparation of the nationally determined contribution; The COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process.
However, over the decades, Bhutan has made remarkable socio-economic advancements, qualifying the country for graduation from this category for the first time at the 2015 triennial review of the list of LDCs. As a least-developed country with a young growing population, Bhutan has pressing needs for economic development and poverty eradication in a challenging environment while conserving of a globally significant natural environment. (b) Best practices and experience related to the preparation of the nationally determined contribution; The COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process.
2nd NDC
COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process
(b) Best practices and experience related to the preparation of the nationally determined contribution; The COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process. Learning from the experience of 1st NDC which was prepared in a short timeframe utilising existing policies, plans and strategies, the 2nd NDC has been informed by deliberate preparatory steps of capacity building of relevant stakeholders in understanding climate change mitigation and adaptation and the preparation of technical assessments in response to the 1st NDC. These steps are described in section 4a above. With the disruptions and difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing measures were adopted meetings when feasible and teleconferencing video technologies during periods of lockdowns and health protocol restrictions.
(b) Best practices and experience related to the preparation of the nationally determined contribution; The COVID-19 pandemic affected the preparation of the second NDC from Bhutan with disruptions and delays to technical work and the consultation process. Learning from the experience of 1st NDC which was prepared in a short timeframe utilising existing policies, plans and strategies, the 2nd NDC has been informed by deliberate preparatory steps of capacity building of relevant stakeholders in understanding climate change mitigation and adaptation and the preparation of technical assessments in response to the 1st NDC. These steps are described in section 4a above. With the disruptions and difficulties presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, social distancing measures were adopted meetings when feasible and teleconferencing video technologies during periods of lockdowns and health protocol restrictions.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050
The NDC firmly responds to the development objectives of Cabo Verde’s Ambição 2030 (Ambition Plan 2030). Cabo Verde’s flagship contributions include: • The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 18% below business-as-usual (BAU) and to increase this target to 24% on the condition of adequate international support; • The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including by building a pumped storage and other energy storage capacities; • The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon public transport, including active modes and international maritime transport; • The 2030 commitment to reverse the trend of habitat degradation, substantially improve biodiversity, water retention, strengthen soils and restore forests and coastal wetlands; • The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) for water supply mobilisation and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; • The 2030 commitment to provide sewage systems to all households and provides safe wastewater treatment, including the use of RE and the recovery of nutrients and energy from wastewater; • The 2025 commitment to establish comprehensive and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs.
to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; • The 2030 commitment to provide sewage systems to all households and provides safe wastewater treatment, including the use of RE and the recovery of nutrients and energy from wastewater; • The 2025 commitment to establish comprehensive and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050
Cabo Verde’s flagship contributions include: • The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 18% below business-as-usual (BAU) and to increase this target to 24% on the condition of adequate international support; • The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including by building a pumped storage and other energy storage capacities; • The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon public transport, including active modes and international maritime transport; • The 2030 commitment to reverse the trend of habitat degradation, substantially improve biodiversity, water retention, strengthen soils and restore forests and coastal wetlands; • The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) for water supply mobilisation and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; • The 2030 commitment to provide sewage systems to all households and provides safe wastewater treatment, including the use of RE and the recovery of nutrients and energy from wastewater; • The 2025 commitment to establish comprehensive and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs. To ensure robust implementation in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) established under the Paris Agreement, Cabo Verde will enact dedicated legislation covering comprehensive monitoring, reporting and evaluation of GHG data, mitigation action as well as adaptation action, and defining a cross-institutional climate governance framework.
and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs. To ensure robust implementation in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) established under the Paris Agreement, Cabo Verde will enact dedicated legislation covering comprehensive monitoring, reporting and evaluation of GHG data, mitigation action as well as adaptation action, and defining a cross-institutional climate governance framework.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
to reduce economy-wide GHG emissions by 18% BAU
Despite the challenge, however, if anything, this crisis will strengthen the determination of Cabo Verde and its people to take aggressive action to combat and adapt climate change. Key contributions of Cabo Verde to the Paris Agreement Cabo Verde’s new key contributions include: Box 3: Increasing Cabo Verde’s 2030 climate ambitions • By 2030, Cabo Verde commits to reduce economy-wide GHG emissions by 18% below the BAU scenario. Conditional on adequate international support, this reduction target may go up to 24% below the BAU scenario. • The 2030 commitments are set with the long-term goal of achieving a decarbonised net-zero emissions economy by 2050. The island of Brava will be the first pilote for maximum decarbonisation by 2040.
Despite the challenge, however, if anything, this crisis will strengthen the determination of Cabo Verde and its people to take aggressive action to combat and adapt climate change. Key contributions of Cabo Verde to the Paris Agreement Cabo Verde’s new key contributions include: Box 3: Increasing Cabo Verde’s 2030 climate ambitions • By 2030, Cabo Verde commits to reduce economy-wide GHG emissions by 18% below the BAU scenario. Conditional on adequate international support, this reduction target may go up to 24% below the BAU scenario. • The 2030 commitments are set with the long-term goal of achieving a decarbonised net-zero emissions economy by 2050. The island of Brava will be the first pilote for maximum decarbonisation by 2040.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
increase to 24% reduction below 2030 BAU
Despite the challenge, however, if anything, this crisis will strengthen the determination of Cabo Verde and its people to take aggressive action to combat and adapt climate change. Key contributions of Cabo Verde to the Paris Agreement Cabo Verde’s new key contributions include: Box 3: Increasing Cabo Verde’s 2030 climate ambitions • By 2030, Cabo Verde commits to reduce economy-wide GHG emissions by 18% below the BAU scenario. Conditional on adequate international support, this reduction target may go up to 24% below the BAU scenario. • The 2030 commitments are set with the long-term goal of achieving a decarbonised net-zero emissions economy by 2050. The island of Brava will be the first pilote for maximum decarbonisation by 2040.
Despite the challenge, however, if anything, this crisis will strengthen the determination of Cabo Verde and its people to take aggressive action to combat and adapt climate change. Key contributions of Cabo Verde to the Paris Agreement Cabo Verde’s new key contributions include: Box 3: Increasing Cabo Verde’s 2030 climate ambitions • By 2030, Cabo Verde commits to reduce economy-wide GHG emissions by 18% below the BAU scenario. Conditional on adequate international support, this reduction target may go up to 24% below the BAU scenario. • The 2030 commitments are set with the long-term goal of achieving a decarbonised net-zero emissions economy by 2050. The island of Brava will be the first pilote for maximum decarbonisation by 2040.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050
The NDC firmly responds to the development objectives of Cabo Verde’s Ambição 2030 (Ambition Plan 2030). Cabo Verde’s flagship contributions include: • The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 18% below business-as-usual (BAU) and to increase this target to 24% on the condition of adequate international support; • The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including by building a pumped storage and other energy storage capacities; • The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon public transport, including active modes and international maritime transport; • The 2030 commitment to reverse the trend of habitat degradation, substantially improve biodiversity, water retention, strengthen soils and restore forests and coastal wetlands; • The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) for water supply mobilisation and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; • The 2030 commitment to provide sewage systems to all households and provides safe wastewater treatment, including the use of RE and the recovery of nutrients and energy from wastewater; • The 2025 commitment to establish comprehensive and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs.
to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; • The 2030 commitment to provide sewage systems to all households and provides safe wastewater treatment, including the use of RE and the recovery of nutrients and energy from wastewater; • The 2025 commitment to establish comprehensive and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050
Cabo Verde’s flagship contributions include: • The 2030 commitment to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 18% below business-as-usual (BAU) and to increase this target to 24% on the condition of adequate international support; • The long-term commitment to achieve a decarbonised economy by 2050 and to boost electricity generation from renewable energies, including by building a pumped storage and other energy storage capacities; • The 2030 commitment to shift progressively to low carbon public transport, including active modes and international maritime transport; • The 2030 commitment to reverse the trend of habitat degradation, substantially improve biodiversity, water retention, strengthen soils and restore forests and coastal wetlands; • The 2030 commitment to use renewable energy (RE) for water supply mobilisation and to secure a sustainable and resilient water management system; • The 2030 commitment to provide sewage systems to all households and provides safe wastewater treatment, including the use of RE and the recovery of nutrients and energy from wastewater; • The 2025 commitment to establish comprehensive and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs. To ensure robust implementation in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) established under the Paris Agreement, Cabo Verde will enact dedicated legislation covering comprehensive monitoring, reporting and evaluation of GHG data, mitigation action as well as adaptation action, and defining a cross-institutional climate governance framework.
and coherent planning tools – adaptation, spatial, urban, disaster response – at the central as well as municipal levels; • The 2030 commitment to design and develop its ocean-based economy in a low-carbon way – covering transport, fishing, coastal infrastructure and coastal energy, tourism – enhancing nature-based solutions (NbS), conserving and restoring natural habitats; • The 2025 commitment a specific Roadmap ‘Responsible Tourism in the Circular Economy’ defining a 2030 target of reducing GHG emissions from the sector; • The 2025 commitment to build a monitoring system for tracing climate change related risks to public health and integrate climate change resilience targets into the national One Health policy framework;Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) • The 2025 commitment to create a strong platform for the empowerment of the young, women and society as-a-whole in climate change policymaking and the implementation of climate-change responses fostering knowledge, skills and sustainable jobs. To ensure robust implementation in line with the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) established under the Paris Agreement, Cabo Verde will enact dedicated legislation covering comprehensive monitoring, reporting and evaluation of GHG data, mitigation action as well as adaptation action, and defining a cross-institutional climate governance framework.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
electrify at least 25% of its land-borne transport fleet (new vehicles) by 2030 by resorting to RE sources
Aware that Cabo Verde needs support to meet these ambitious mitigation targets, the country seeks to join regional and international initiatives promoting low-carbon maritime transport, starting along the North-West African routes. Cabo Verde’s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #3: LOWERING THE CARBON INTENSITY OF MOBILITY Cabo Verde undertakes to electrify at least 25% of its land-borne transport fleet (new vehicles) by 2030 by resorting to RE sources. Conditional on adequate international support, the shares per vehicle category could increase to 50% in favor of public, collective high-passenger load vehicles. Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport.
Aware that Cabo Verde needs support to meet these ambitious mitigation targets, the country seeks to join regional and international initiatives promoting low-carbon maritime transport, starting along the North-West African routes. Cabo Verde’s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #3: LOWERING THE CARBON INTENSITY OF MOBILITY Cabo Verde undertakes to electrify at least 25% of its land-borne transport fleet (new vehicles) by 2030 by resorting to RE sources. Conditional on adequate international support, the shares per vehicle category could increase to 50% in favor of public, collective high-passenger load vehicles. Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
shares per vehicle category could increase to 50% in favor of public, collective high-passenger load vehicles
Aware that Cabo Verde needs support to meet these ambitious mitigation targets, the country seeks to join regional and international initiatives promoting low-carbon maritime transport, starting along the North-West African routes. Cabo Verde’s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #3: LOWERING THE CARBON INTENSITY OF MOBILITY Cabo Verde undertakes to electrify at least 25% of its land-borne transport fleet (new vehicles) by 2030 by resorting to RE sources. Conditional on adequate international support, the shares per vehicle category could increase to 50% in favor of public, collective high-passenger load vehicles. Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport.
Aware that Cabo Verde needs support to meet these ambitious mitigation targets, the country seeks to join regional and international initiatives promoting low-carbon maritime transport, starting along the North-West African routes. Cabo Verde’s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #3: LOWERING THE CARBON INTENSITY OF MOBILITY Cabo Verde undertakes to electrify at least 25% of its land-borne transport fleet (new vehicles) by 2030 by resorting to RE sources. Conditional on adequate international support, the shares per vehicle category could increase to 50% in favor of public, collective high-passenger load vehicles. Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning
Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport. To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning and digitilisation (car-free areas, cycling and pedestrian lanes, functional mix and spatial density to bring living and working closer together, incentives for home-office, apps for car-sharing and taxi hailing …); • Create secured and attractive home-work urban cycling and walking networks with bicycle repair and equipment businesses in Praia and Mindelo, to promote low carbon mobility, convivial cities and local youth employment; • By 2023, quantify the national GHG reductions possible by swifting to lower carbon international maritime transport (i.e.sails or solar vessels, engine efficiency improvement, lower carbon fuels, optimise logistics and operating processes or avoidance strategies etc.)
Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport. To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning and digitilisation (car-free areas, cycling and pedestrian lanes, functional mix and spatial density to bring living and working closer together, incentives for home-office, apps for car-sharing and taxi hailing …); • Create secured and attractive home-work urban cycling and walking networks with bicycle repair and equipment businesses in Praia and Mindelo, to promote low carbon mobility, convivial cities and local youth employment; • By 2023, quantify the national GHG reductions possible by swifting to lower carbon international maritime transport (i.e.sails or solar vessels, engine efficiency improvement, lower carbon fuels, optimise logistics and operating processes or avoidance strategies etc.)
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning
To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning and digitilisation (car-free areas, cycling and pedestrian lanes, functional mix and spatial density to bring living and working closer together, incentives for home-office, apps for car-sharing and taxi hailing …); • Create secured and attractive home-work urban cycling and walking networks with bicycle repair and equipment businesses in Praia and Mindelo, to promote low carbon mobility, convivial cities and local youth employment; • By 2023, quantify the national GHG reductions possible by swifting to lower carbon international maritime transport (i.e.sails or solar vessels, engine efficiency improvement, lower carbon fuels, optimise logistics and operating processes or avoidance strategies etc.) and develop a policy framework and national action plan as a measure under the International Maritime Organisation.
To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning and digitilisation (car-free areas, cycling and pedestrian lanes, functional mix and spatial density to bring living and working closer together, incentives for home-office, apps for car-sharing and taxi hailing …); • Create secured and attractive home-work urban cycling and walking networks with bicycle repair and equipment businesses in Praia and Mindelo, to promote low carbon mobility, convivial cities and local youth employment; • By 2023, quantify the national GHG reductions possible by swifting to lower carbon international maritime transport (i.e.sails or solar vessels, engine efficiency improvement, lower carbon fuels, optimise logistics and operating processes or avoidance strategies etc.) and develop a policy framework and national action plan as a measure under the International Maritime Organisation.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport. To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning and digitilisation (car-free areas, cycling and pedestrian lanes, functional mix and spatial density to bring living and working closer together, incentives for home-office, apps for car-sharing and taxi hailing …); • Create secured and attractive home-work urban cycling and walking networks with bicycle repair and equipment businesses in Praia and Mindelo, to promote low carbon mobility, convivial cities and local youth employment; • By 2023, quantify the national GHG reductions possible by swifting to lower carbon international maritime transport (i.e.sails or solar vessels, engine efficiency improvement, lower carbon fuels, optimise logistics and operating processes or avoidance strategies etc.)
Cabo Verde will also undertake measures to advance carbon-free active mobility and sustainable maritime transport. To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning and digitilisation (car-free areas, cycling and pedestrian lanes, functional mix and spatial density to bring living and working closer together, incentives for home-office, apps for car-sharing and taxi hailing …); • Create secured and attractive home-work urban cycling and walking networks with bicycle repair and equipment businesses in Praia and Mindelo, to promote low carbon mobility, convivial cities and local youth employment; • By 2023, quantify the national GHG reductions possible by swifting to lower carbon international maritime transport (i.e.sails or solar vessels, engine efficiency improvement, lower carbon fuels, optimise logistics and operating processes or avoidance strategies etc.)
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning and digitilisation (car-free areas, cycling and pedestrian lanes, functional mix and spatial density to bring living and working closer together, incentives for home-office, apps for car-sharing and taxi hailing …); • Create secured and attractive home-work urban cycling and walking networks with bicycle repair and equipment businesses in Praia and Mindelo, to promote low carbon mobility, convivial cities and local youth employment; • By 2023, quantify the national GHG reductions possible by swifting to lower carbon international maritime transport (i.e.sails or solar vessels, engine efficiency improvement, lower carbon fuels, optimise logistics and operating processes or avoidance strategies etc.) and develop a policy framework and national action plan as a measure under the International Maritime Organisation.
To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • Reduce the necessity of high-carbon mobility through urban planning and digitilisation (car-free areas, cycling and pedestrian lanes, functional mix and spatial density to bring living and working closer together, incentives for home-office, apps for car-sharing and taxi hailing …); • Create secured and attractive home-work urban cycling and walking networks with bicycle repair and equipment businesses in Praia and Mindelo, to promote low carbon mobility, convivial cities and local youth employment; • By 2023, quantify the national GHG reductions possible by swifting to lower carbon international maritime transport (i.e.sails or solar vessels, engine efficiency improvement, lower carbon fuels, optimise logistics and operating processes or avoidance strategies etc.) and develop a policy framework and national action plan as a measure under the International Maritime Organisation.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
RESPONSIBLE TOURISM AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY 28 AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND OTHER LAND-USE .30 ADAPTATION CONTRIBUTIONS ERRO! MARCADOR NÃO DEFINIDO. OCEANS AND COASTAL ZONES 38 SPATIAL PLANNING 41 DISASTER RISK REDUCTION.43 TRANSPARENCY AND GOVERNANCE .46 CLIMATE DATA .46 CLIMATE SERVICES .47 CLIMATE GOVERNANCE .47 Strategic level 47 Descentralised level .48 Civic level .49 CLIMATE EMPOWERMENT .49 NEEDS AND INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT .52 NDC FINANCE NEEDS .52 NATIONAL CLIMATE FINANCE STRATEGY 52 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFER53 ENHANCED AMBITION INSTRUMENTS54Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) ACRONYMS ACE Action for Climate Empowerment AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use ANAS Agência Nacional de Água e Saneamento National Water and Sanitation Agency ANMCV Associação Nacional dos Municípios de Cabo Verde National Association of Municipalities of Cabo Verde BAU Business-as-usual BUR Biennial Update Report CIME Comissão Interinstitucional para Mobilidade Elétrica em Cabo Verde Electricity Mobility Policy and Action Plan adopted in 2018 CNAS Conselho Nacional de Água e Saneamento National Water and Sanitation Council CND NDC Contribuição Nacionalmente Determinada Nationally Determined Contribution CQNUMC UNFCCC Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas United National Framework Convention on Climate Change DGEM Direção Geral da Economia Marítima General Directorate of Maritime Economy DGSAP Direção Geral da Agricultura Silvicultura e Pecuária General Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock DNA Direção Nacional do Ambiente National Directorate of Environment DNAPEC Direção Nacional dos Assuntos Políticos, Económicos e Culturais National Directorate of Political, Economic and Cultural Affairs DNICE Direção Nacional de Indústria, Comércio e Energia National Directorate for Industry, Commerce, and Energy DNP / MF Direção Nacional do Planeamento/Ministerio das Finançass National Directorate of Planning/Ministry of Finance DRR RRD Disaster Risk Reduction Redução de risco de desastre EE Eficiência Energética Energy Efficiency ENAP Estratégia Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, 2016 National strategy for protected areas ENRRD Estratégia Nacional para Redução de Risco de Desastres National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction ENSAN Estratégia Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (2015-2020) National Strategy for Food and Nutrition Security EPANB Estratégia e Plano de Ação Nacional sobre a Biodiversidade (2014-2030)Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan EPR Emergency Preparedness and Response ESGAS Estratégia Social e de Género para o Sector da Água e Saneamento Social and Gender Strategy for the Water and Sanitation Sector ETF Enhanced Transparency Framework Quadro de Transparência Reforçada GCF Fundo Verde para o Clima Green Climate Fund GDP Gross Domestic Product Gg Gigagram GHG Greenhouse Gas GWh Gigawatt-hours ICF International Climate Finance ICIEG Instituto Cabo-verdiano para a Igualdade e Equidade do Género National Institute for Gender Equality and Equity INE Instituto Nacional de Estatística National Institute of Statistics INFRA Infraestruturas de Cabo Verde Infrastructures of Cabo Verde INGT Instituto Nacional de Gestão do Território National Institute of Territory Management INMG Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics IPCC Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ITMOs Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (art 6.2 PA) LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry LT-LEDS Long-term low emissions development strategy 2050 MAA MAE Ministério da Agricultura e Ambiente Ministry of Agriculture and Environment NAMA Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions Ações de Mitigação Nacionalmente Adequadas NAPA National Programme of Action for Adaptation to Climate Change 2008 – 2012 NAP National Adaptation Plan NbS Nature-based-solutions NDC Nationally Determined Contributions NFCS National Framework for Climate Services NGO Non-Governmental Orgnaisation Organização não governamental NIR National Inventory Report NMA Non-market Approach (Art 6.8 PA) PA Paris Agreement PAGIRE Plano de ação Nacional Para a Gestão Integrada dos Recursos HídricosCabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) National Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management PDAS Plano Director de Água e Saneamento Water and Sanitation Master Plan PDM Plano Diretor Municipal Municipal Master Plan PDSE EMP Plano Diretor do Setor Elétrico Electricity Master Plan PE-SNIA Plano Estratégico do Sistema Nacional de Investigação Agrária (2017- 2024) Strategic Plan of the National Agricultural Research System PEDS Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (2017-2021) Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development PEMDS Plano Estratégico Municipal de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Municipal Strategic Plans for Sustainable Development PENGER Plano Estratégico Nacional de Prevenção de Resíduos (2015-2030) National Strategic Plan for Waste Prevention PLANEER Plano Estratégico de Extensão Rural (2017–2026) Strategic Rural Extension Plan (2017–2026) PLEAR_CAV Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento das Estatísticas Agrícolas e Rurais Strategic Plan for Agricultural and Rural Statistics (2015–2021) PLENAS Plano Estratégico Nacional de Água e Saneamento National Strategic Plan for Water and Sanitation PNEE Plano Nacional para a Eficiência Energética National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency PNIA-SAN Plano Nacional de Investimento agrícola, segurança alimentar e nutricional, 2018 National Programme for Agricultural Investment, Food and Nutrition Security PNIEA Plano Nacional de Investimento da Economia Azul National Blue Economy Investment Plan PNIG Plano Nacional de Igualdade de Género Gender Action Plan PNSE Programa Nacional para a Sustentabilidade Energética National Programme for sustainable Energy POOC Plano de Ordenamento da Orla Costeira e do Mar Adjacente Coastal and Adjacent Seaside Management Plans PROMEA Programa de Promoção para Economia Azul Blue Economy Promotion Program QEUEA Quadro Estratégico Unificado para a Economia Azul Unified Strategic Framework of the Blue Economy RE Renewable Energy Energias renováveis SDG ODS Sustainable Development Goals Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável SIDS PEIDS Small Island Developing States Pequenos Estados insulares em Desenvolvimento SIE / SIA / SIAAS / SIF / SIR Sistema de informação sobre energia / ambiente/ água / silvicultura / riscosCabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Information system on energy / environment / water / forestry / risks SNICV Sistema Nacional de Inventário de Gases de Efeito Estufa National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System SNPCB Serviço Nacional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros National Civil Protection and Fire Service SPAME Serviço de Prospetiva, Acompanhamento Macroeconómica e Estatísticas Service for Prospective, Macroeconomic Monitoring and Statistics Tep/toe Tonelada equivalente de petróleo Tonne of oil equivalente UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima ZEEEM-SV Zona Económica Especial de Economia Marítima em São Vicente Special Economic Zone of Maritime Economy in São Vicente ZDER Zone for the Development of Renewable EnergiesCabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) SUMMARY OF NDC CONTRIBUTION (2030) AND LONG-TERM DECARBONISATION Deeply supportive of the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement (PA), Cabo Verde puts forward an update to its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) from 2015.
Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável SIDS PEIDS Small Island Developing States Pequenos Estados insulares em Desenvolvimento SIE / SIA / SIAAS / SIF / SIR Sistema de informação sobre energia / ambiente/ água / silvicultura / riscosCabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Information system on energy / environment / water / forestry / risks SNICV Sistema Nacional de Inventário de Gases de Efeito Estufa National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System SNPCB Serviço Nacional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros National Civil Protection and Fire Service SPAME Serviço de Prospetiva, Acompanhamento Macroeconómica e Estatísticas Service for Prospective, Macroeconomic Monitoring and Statistics Tep/toe Tonelada equivalente de petróleo Tonne of oil equivalente UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima ZEEEM-SV Zona Económica Especial de Economia Marítima em São Vicente Special Economic Zone of Maritime Economy in São Vicente ZDER Zone for the Development of Renewable EnergiesCabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) SUMMARY OF NDC CONTRIBUTION (2030) AND LONG-TERM DECARBONISATION Deeply supportive of the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement (PA), Cabo Verde puts forward an update to its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) from 2015.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
OCEANS AND COASTAL ZONES 38 SPATIAL PLANNING 41 DISASTER RISK REDUCTION.43 TRANSPARENCY AND GOVERNANCE .46 CLIMATE DATA .46 CLIMATE SERVICES .47 CLIMATE GOVERNANCE .47 Strategic level 47 Descentralised level .48 Civic level .49 CLIMATE EMPOWERMENT .49 NEEDS AND INTERNATIONAL SUPPORT .52 NDC FINANCE NEEDS .52 NATIONAL CLIMATE FINANCE STRATEGY 52 TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENT AND TRANSFER53 ENHANCED AMBITION INSTRUMENTS54Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) ACRONYMS ACE Action for Climate Empowerment AFOLU Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use ANAS Agência Nacional de Água e Saneamento National Water and Sanitation Agency ANMCV Associação Nacional dos Municípios de Cabo Verde National Association of Municipalities of Cabo Verde BAU Business-as-usual BUR Biennial Update Report CIME Comissão Interinstitucional para Mobilidade Elétrica em Cabo Verde Electricity Mobility Policy and Action Plan adopted in 2018 CNAS Conselho Nacional de Água e Saneamento National Water and Sanitation Council CND NDC Contribuição Nacionalmente Determinada Nationally Determined Contribution CQNUMC UNFCCC Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre Mudanças Climáticas United National Framework Convention on Climate Change DGEM Direção Geral da Economia Marítima General Directorate of Maritime Economy DGSAP Direção Geral da Agricultura Silvicultura e Pecuária General Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock DNA Direção Nacional do Ambiente National Directorate of Environment DNAPEC Direção Nacional dos Assuntos Políticos, Económicos e Culturais National Directorate of Political, Economic and Cultural Affairs DNICE Direção Nacional de Indústria, Comércio e Energia National Directorate for Industry, Commerce, and Energy DNP / MF Direção Nacional do Planeamento/Ministerio das Finançass National Directorate of Planning/Ministry of Finance DRR RRD Disaster Risk Reduction Redução de risco de desastre EE Eficiência Energética Energy Efficiency ENAP Estratégia Nacional de Áreas Protegidas, 2016 National strategy for protected areas ENRRD Estratégia Nacional para Redução de Risco de Desastres National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction ENSAN Estratégia Nacional de Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional (2015-2020) National Strategy for Food and Nutrition Security EPANB Estratégia e Plano de Ação Nacional sobre a Biodiversidade (2014-2030)Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan EPR Emergency Preparedness and Response ESGAS Estratégia Social e de Género para o Sector da Água e Saneamento Social and Gender Strategy for the Water and Sanitation Sector ETF Enhanced Transparency Framework Quadro de Transparência Reforçada GCF Fundo Verde para o Clima Green Climate Fund GDP Gross Domestic Product Gg Gigagram GHG Greenhouse Gas GWh Gigawatt-hours ICF International Climate Finance ICIEG Instituto Cabo-verdiano para a Igualdade e Equidade do Género National Institute for Gender Equality and Equity INE Instituto Nacional de Estatística National Institute of Statistics INFRA Infraestruturas de Cabo Verde Infrastructures of Cabo Verde INGT Instituto Nacional de Gestão do Território National Institute of Territory Management INMG Instituto Nacional de Meteorologia e Geofísica National Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics IPCC Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ITMOs Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (art 6.2 PA) LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry LT-LEDS Long-term low emissions development strategy 2050 MAA MAE Ministério da Agricultura e Ambiente Ministry of Agriculture and Environment NAMA Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions Ações de Mitigação Nacionalmente Adequadas NAPA National Programme of Action for Adaptation to Climate Change 2008 – 2012 NAP National Adaptation Plan NbS Nature-based-solutions NDC Nationally Determined Contributions NFCS National Framework for Climate Services NGO Non-Governmental Orgnaisation Organização não governamental NIR National Inventory Report NMA Non-market Approach (Art 6.8 PA) PA Paris Agreement PAGIRE Plano de ação Nacional Para a Gestão Integrada dos Recursos HídricosCabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) National Action Plan for Integrated Water Resources Management PDAS Plano Director de Água e Saneamento Water and Sanitation Master Plan PDM Plano Diretor Municipal Municipal Master Plan PDSE EMP Plano Diretor do Setor Elétrico Electricity Master Plan PE-SNIA Plano Estratégico do Sistema Nacional de Investigação Agrária (2017- 2024) Strategic Plan of the National Agricultural Research System PEDS Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (2017-2021) Strategic Plan for Sustainable Development PEMDS Plano Estratégico Municipal de Desenvolvimento Sustentável Municipal Strategic Plans for Sustainable Development PENGER Plano Estratégico Nacional de Prevenção de Resíduos (2015-2030) National Strategic Plan for Waste Prevention PLANEER Plano Estratégico de Extensão Rural (2017–2026) Strategic Rural Extension Plan (2017–2026) PLEAR_CAV Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento das Estatísticas Agrícolas e Rurais Strategic Plan for Agricultural and Rural Statistics (2015–2021) PLENAS Plano Estratégico Nacional de Água e Saneamento National Strategic Plan for Water and Sanitation PNEE Plano Nacional para a Eficiência Energética National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency PNIA-SAN Plano Nacional de Investimento agrícola, segurança alimentar e nutricional, 2018 National Programme for Agricultural Investment, Food and Nutrition Security PNIEA Plano Nacional de Investimento da Economia Azul National Blue Economy Investment Plan PNIG Plano Nacional de Igualdade de Género Gender Action Plan PNSE Programa Nacional para a Sustentabilidade Energética National Programme for sustainable Energy POOC Plano de Ordenamento da Orla Costeira e do Mar Adjacente Coastal and Adjacent Seaside Management Plans PROMEA Programa de Promoção para Economia Azul Blue Economy Promotion Program QEUEA Quadro Estratégico Unificado para a Economia Azul Unified Strategic Framework of the Blue Economy RE Renewable Energy Energias renováveis SDG ODS Sustainable Development Goals Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável SIDS PEIDS Small Island Developing States Pequenos Estados insulares em Desenvolvimento SIE / SIA / SIAAS / SIF / SIR Sistema de informação sobre energia / ambiente/ água / silvicultura / riscosCabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Information system on energy / environment / water / forestry / risks SNICV Sistema Nacional de Inventário de Gases de Efeito Estufa National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System SNPCB Serviço Nacional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros National Civil Protection and Fire Service SPAME Serviço de Prospetiva, Acompanhamento Macroeconómica e Estatísticas Service for Prospective, Macroeconomic Monitoring and Statistics Tep/toe Tonelada equivalente de petróleo Tonne of oil equivalente UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima ZEEEM-SV Zona Económica Especial de Economia Marítima em São Vicente Special Economic Zone of Maritime Economy in São Vicente ZDER Zone for the Development of Renewable EnergiesCabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) SUMMARY OF NDC CONTRIBUTION (2030) AND LONG-TERM DECARBONISATION Deeply supportive of the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement (PA), Cabo Verde puts forward an update to its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) from 2015. The update deepens and moves beyond the initial set of actions and commitments with respect to scope, sector ambition, balancing of mitigation and adaptation action, climate justice and gender equality, as well as transparency and governance.
Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Information system on energy / environment / water / forestry / risks SNICV Sistema Nacional de Inventário de Gases de Efeito Estufa National Greenhouse Gas Inventory System SNPCB Serviço Nacional de Proteção Civil e Bombeiros National Civil Protection and Fire Service SPAME Serviço de Prospetiva, Acompanhamento Macroeconómica e Estatísticas Service for Prospective, Macroeconomic Monitoring and Statistics Tep/toe Tonelada equivalente de petróleo Tonne of oil equivalente UNFCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Convenção-Quadro das Nações Unidas sobre a Mudança do Clima ZEEEM-SV Zona Económica Especial de Economia Marítima em São Vicente Special Economic Zone of Maritime Economy in São Vicente ZDER Zone for the Development of Renewable EnergiesCabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) SUMMARY OF NDC CONTRIBUTION (2030) AND LONG-TERM DECARBONISATION Deeply supportive of the goals and objectives of the Paris Agreement (PA), Cabo Verde puts forward an update to its first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) from 2015. The update deepens and moves beyond the initial set of actions and commitments with respect to scope, sector ambition, balancing of mitigation and adaptation action, climate justice and gender equality, as well as transparency and governance.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
6.2 Paris Agreement) and on targeting adaptation benefits for rural communities (food and water security and healthy soils) as well as interventions on sustainable tourism and blue habitats (ecosystem services from coastal wetlands and marine resources) under the non-market approaches provision (Art. 6.8 Paris Agreement). Box 1: List of NDC measures and their estimated* international funding needs for implementation 2020-2030 #1: Reducing energy intensity and fostering energy efficiency #2: Increasing renewable energy targets # 3: Lowering the carbon intensity of mobility # 4: Shifting towards responsible tourism and circular economy # 5: Fostering the natural sink function of ecosystems #1: Improving water security and natural replenishment while reducing water carbon intensity #2: Enhancing sewage, solid waste and wastewater treatment #3: Increasing and sustaining land-based food security through regenerative agriculture #4: Increasing and sustaining ocean-based food security through regenerative fishing #5: Extending marine protected areas #6: Defending marine resources and coastal zones #7: Using spatial planning as an ally in climate change mitigation and adaptation #8: Mitigating climate related disaster risks and vulnerabilities #9: Confronting climate related health risks Total estimated funding needs for NDC 2020-2030 2 000 Mio Euro *to be confirmed and detailed in the upcoming NDC Implementation Road Map 2021Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) NATIONAL CONTEXT Located some 620 km off the west coast of Africa, Cabo Verde is an archipelago of ten islands of which nine are inhabited.
the non-market approaches provision (Art. 6.8 Paris Agreement). Box 1: List of NDC measures and their estimated* international funding needs for implementation 2020-2030 #1: Reducing energy intensity and fostering energy efficiency #2: Increasing renewable energy targets # 3: Lowering the carbon intensity of mobility # 4: Shifting towards responsible tourism and circular economy # 5: Fostering the natural sink function of ecosystems #1: Improving water security and natural replenishment while reducing water carbon intensity #2: Enhancing sewage, solid waste and wastewater treatment #3: Increasing and sustaining land-based food security through regenerative agriculture #4: Increasing and sustaining ocean-based food security through regenerative fishing #5: Extending marine protected areas #6: Defending marine resources and coastal zones #7: Using spatial planning as an ally in climate change mitigation and adaptation #8: Mitigating climate related disaster risks and vulnerabilities #9: Confronting climate related health risks Total estimated funding needs for NDC 2020-2030 2 000 Mio Euro *to be confirmed and detailed in the upcoming NDC Implementation Road Map 2021Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) NATIONAL CONTEXT Located some 620 km off the west coast of Africa, Cabo Verde is an archipelago of ten islands of which nine are inhabited.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
Box 1: List of NDC measures and their estimated* international funding needs for implementation 2020-2030 #1: Reducing energy intensity and fostering energy efficiency #2: Increasing renewable energy targets # 3: Lowering the carbon intensity of mobility # 4: Shifting towards responsible tourism and circular economy # 5: Fostering the natural sink function of ecosystems #1: Improving water security and natural replenishment while reducing water carbon intensity #2: Enhancing sewage, solid waste and wastewater treatment #3: Increasing and sustaining land-based food security through regenerative agriculture #4: Increasing and sustaining ocean-based food security through regenerative fishing #5: Extending marine protected areas #6: Defending marine resources and coastal zones #7: Using spatial planning as an ally in climate change mitigation and adaptation #8: Mitigating climate related disaster risks and vulnerabilities #9: Confronting climate related health risks Total estimated funding needs for NDC 2020-2030 2 000 Mio Euro *to be confirmed and detailed in the upcoming NDC Implementation Road Map 2021Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) NATIONAL CONTEXT Located some 620 km off the west coast of Africa, Cabo Verde is an archipelago of ten islands of which nine are inhabited. Despite the arid climate and mountainous terrain, Cabo Verde has been developing rapidly, in a large part thanks to its flourishing tourism industry, graduating from a least developed to a middle-income country in 2007.
energy targets # 3: Lowering the carbon intensity of mobility # 4: Shifting towards responsible tourism and circular economy # 5: Fostering the natural sink function of ecosystems #1: Improving water security and natural replenishment while reducing water carbon intensity #2: Enhancing sewage, solid waste and wastewater treatment #3: Increasing and sustaining land-based food security through regenerative agriculture #4: Increasing and sustaining ocean-based food security through regenerative fishing #5: Extending marine protected areas #6: Defending marine resources and coastal zones #7: Using spatial planning as an ally in climate change mitigation and adaptation #8: Mitigating climate related disaster risks and vulnerabilities #9: Confronting climate related health risks Total estimated funding needs for NDC 2020-2030 2 000 Mio Euro *to be confirmed and detailed in the upcoming NDC Implementation Road Map 2021Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) NATIONAL CONTEXT Located some 620 km off the west coast of Africa, Cabo Verde is an archipelago of ten islands of which nine are inhabited. Despite the arid climate and mountainous terrain, Cabo Verde has been developing rapidly, in a large part thanks to its flourishing tourism industry, graduating from a least developed to a middle-income country in 2007.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
1 Anuário Estatístico 2018, INE 2 Inquérito multi-objectivo contínuo (IMC 2019)Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Climate vulnerabilities The pandemic has exposed the extreme fragility of economies and development gains in tourism-based import- dependent SIDS, such as Cabo Verde. An archipelago of ten volcanic islands with no permanent water courses, no natural forests, limited mineral resources and scarce in areas suitable for agriculture (only 12% of its territory is arable land), Cabo Verde is particularly exposed to increasingly extreme weather events, desertification of land and persistent droughts, occasional but severe and highly damaging heavy rains (most recently in September 2020), and sea-level rise. As a consequence, the archipelgo faces severe adaptation challenges associated with, among others, water resource scarcity, food and energy security.
1 Anuário Estatístico 2018, INE 2 Inquérito multi-objectivo contínuo (IMC 2019)Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Climate vulnerabilities The pandemic has exposed the extreme fragility of economies and development gains in tourism-based import- dependent SIDS, such as Cabo Verde. An archipelago of ten volcanic islands with no permanent water courses, no natural forests, limited mineral resources and scarce in areas suitable for agriculture (only 12% of its territory is arable land), Cabo Verde is particularly exposed to increasingly extreme weather events, desertification of land and persistent droughts, occasional but severe and highly damaging heavy rains (most recently in September 2020), and sea-level rise. As a consequence, the archipelgo faces severe adaptation challenges associated with, among others, water resource scarcity, food and energy security.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
The Government has also undertaken efforts to reduce its carbon dependence and shift its energy generation from fossil to renewable sources, as will be exposed in the following pages. This stems from the fact that the country is endowed with a high potencial for exploiting renewable energies (see Figure 3 below). Disposing of a comprehensive network of terrestrial and maritime protected areas and biosphere reserves, the country also aims to mobilise its potencial for sequestring carbon naturally, in its ocean, forests, wetlands and soils.
The Government has also undertaken efforts to reduce its carbon dependence and shift its energy generation from fossil to renewable sources, as will be exposed in the following pages. This stems from the fact that the country is endowed with a high potencial for exploiting renewable energies (see Figure 3 below). Disposing of a comprehensive network of terrestrial and maritime protected areas and biosphere reserves, the country also aims to mobilise its potencial for sequestring carbon naturally, in its ocean, forests, wetlands and soils.
Cabo Verde
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Disposing of a comprehensive network of terrestrial and maritime protected areas and biosphere reserves, the country also aims to mobilise its potencial for sequestring carbon naturally, in its ocean, forests, wetlands and soils. 4 based on the Sectoral Climate Vulnerabilities and Adaptation Studies undertaken in 2007.Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Figure 3: Map of areas potentially reducing GHG emissions through deployment of renewable energies and through natural carbon sequestration in vegetative cover and protected areas, per islands, 2021. Source: Methodological pilote study for the design of a climate hotspots map, INGT/DNA, 2021. ZDER = special zone for the development of renewable energies (RE).
Disposing of a comprehensive network of terrestrial and maritime protected areas and biosphere reserves, the country also aims to mobilise its potencial for sequestring carbon naturally, in its ocean, forests, wetlands and soils. 4 based on the Sectoral Climate Vulnerabilities and Adaptation Studies undertaken in 2007.Cabo Verde: 2020 Update to the first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) Figure 3: Map of areas potentially reducing GHG emissions through deployment of renewable energies and through natural carbon sequestration in vegetative cover and protected areas, per islands, 2021. Source: Methodological pilote study for the design of a climate hotspots map, INGT/DNA, 2021. ZDER = special zone for the development of renewable energies (RE).
Cabo Verde
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ZDER = special zone for the development of renewable energies (RE). The documented areas with GHG reduction potential are: Praia, São Vicente, Sal and Boavista municipalities with the deployment of electric vehicles, the CERMI - Centre for Renewable Energies and Industrial Maintenance, and the ZDER for solid urban waste (RSU); Brava and Maio with 2 solar desalination plants under development; the terrestrial and maritime protected areas, the vegetative cover on all islands but Sal. All islands have ZDER for either geothermal (red), ocean (light blue), wind (light green), hydro (Dark blue), solide waste (violet) or solar (yellow) energies. In black, the names of the islands, and the names and administrative limits of the 22 municipalities.
ZDER = special zone for the development of renewable energies (RE). The documented areas with GHG reduction potential are: Praia, São Vicente, Sal and Boavista municipalities with the deployment of electric vehicles, the CERMI - Centre for Renewable Energies and Industrial Maintenance, and the ZDER for solid urban waste (RSU); Brava and Maio with 2 solar desalination plants under development; the terrestrial and maritime protected areas, the vegetative cover on all islands but Sal. All islands have ZDER for either geothermal (red), ocean (light blue), wind (light green), hydro (Dark blue), solide waste (violet) or solar (yellow) energies. In black, the names of the islands, and the names and administrative limits of the 22 municipalities.
Cabo Verde
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Nevertheless, Cabo Verde is less prepared than other countries to withstand future epidemic and pandemic outbreaks, not least for its high exposure to international visitors, on whom the current economy depends; Vulnerable groups can generally be defined as groups of individuals exposed to poverty, or low-income individuals. Climate vulnerable groups considers groups and communities that have adversely been affected by climate hazards, and having limited ability and income to recover by themselves. This would include women, the elderly and the youth or persons with disabilities. Women are responsible for the day-to-day running of households and basic services, mainly in rural areas. They suffer from the lack of (or limited) access to water, land and energy in rural areas and increasing fragility in supply chains.
Nevertheless, Cabo Verde is less prepared than other countries to withstand future epidemic and pandemic outbreaks, not least for its high exposure to international visitors, on whom the current economy depends; Vulnerable groups can generally be defined as groups of individuals exposed to poverty, or low-income individuals. Climate vulnerable groups considers groups and communities that have adversely been affected by climate hazards, and having limited ability and income to recover by themselves. This would include women, the elderly and the youth or persons with disabilities. Women are responsible for the day-to-day running of households and basic services, mainly in rural areas. They suffer from the lack of (or limited) access to water, land and energy in rural areas and increasing fragility in supply chains.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
They suffer from the lack of (or limited) access to water, land and energy in rural areas and increasing fragility in supply chains. Women and youth are underrepresented in decision making bodies, overrepresented in unemployment and emigration and have lesser patrimonial or financial resources; Digital threats: As an island state, Cabo Verde is hyper-dependent on swift, steady and 24/7 available digital and satellite services feeding needs from education to transport to early-warning systems. Extreme weather events can have seriously debilitating impacts on societal and security-related functions; Financial resilience: Cabo Verde is both considerably indebted and highly dependent on non-domestic financing and foreign direct investment.
They suffer from the lack of (or limited) access to water, land and energy in rural areas and increasing fragility in supply chains. Women and youth are underrepresented in decision making bodies, overrepresented in unemployment and emigration and have lesser patrimonial or financial resources; Digital threats: As an island state, Cabo Verde is hyper-dependent on swift, steady and 24/7 available digital and satellite services feeding needs from education to transport to early-warning systems. Extreme weather events can have seriously debilitating impacts on societal and security-related functions; Financial resilience: Cabo Verde is both considerably indebted and highly dependent on non-domestic financing and foreign direct investment.
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in in 2030 (not yet adjusted for the COVID 19 pandemic). In domestic energy, according to INE, in 2019, the most consumed fuel in urban areas is gas, around 81.2% of households, mainly in urban areas (93.2%), followed by firewood with 16.1%, particularly in rural areas (43.4%). The municipalities of Santiago, with the exception of Praia, register the highest consumption of firewood as a source of energy for cooking. By islands, the largest demand for firewood is concentrated on the island of Santiago, representing about 50% of the national demand. About 20% of households use wood as the main energy source for cooking. The vast majority (85%) of the wood used is collected mainly by women and only 13% is purchased.
in in 2030 (not yet adjusted for the COVID 19 pandemic). In domestic energy, according to INE, in 2019, the most consumed fuel in urban areas is gas, around 81.2% of households, mainly in urban areas (93.2%), followed by firewood with 16.1%, particularly in rural areas (43.4%). The municipalities of Santiago, with the exception of Praia, register the highest consumption of firewood as a source of energy for cooking. By islands, the largest demand for firewood is concentrated on the island of Santiago, representing about 50% of the national demand. About 20% of households use wood as the main energy source for cooking. The vast majority (85%) of the wood used is collected mainly by women and only 13% is purchased.
Cabo Verde
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The implementation is particularly challenging because the archipelago depends on different networks working side by side, but each on its own. Cabo Verde is an island country with a high external energy dependence, both for energy production and transportation, since it needs to import the most used fuels, namely petroleum products and their derivatives. Biomass consumption is mainly focused on firewood in rural areas and the outskirts of cities for food preparation. RE sources are mainly wind and solar, with hydropower, wave, geothermal, waste and biomass sources playing almost no role in Cabo Verde’s energy matrix. With respect to electrical energy, the vast majority are produced from thermal power plants using diesel and fuel oil.
The implementation is particularly challenging because the archipelago depends on different networks working side by side, but each on its own. Cabo Verde is an island country with a high external energy dependence, both for energy production and transportation, since it needs to import the most used fuels, namely petroleum products and their derivatives. Biomass consumption is mainly focused on firewood in rural areas and the outskirts of cities for food preparation. RE sources are mainly wind and solar, with hydropower, wave, geothermal, waste and biomass sources playing almost no role in Cabo Verde’s energy matrix. With respect to electrical energy, the vast majority are produced from thermal power plants using diesel and fuel oil.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • By 2025, evaluate the feasibility and engage with relevant international partners in order to lower the carbon footprint of air travel. This could include issues such as low-carbon jet fuels, lighter aircrafts, carbon compensation schemes or credits launched by departure countries, international air companies or hotel operators for the benefit of Cabo Verde, notably in the areas of climate preparedness of the local tourism infrastructures and regeneration of the local ecosystems tourism depends on; • By 2025, develop a national roadmap for responsible tourism in the circular economy, in order to build a comparative advantage for the Cabo Verde tourism destination.
To contribute to the target the following measures are planned: • By 2025, evaluate the feasibility and engage with relevant international partners in order to lower the carbon footprint of air travel. This could include issues such as low-carbon jet fuels, lighter aircrafts, carbon compensation schemes or credits launched by departure countries, international air companies or hotel operators for the benefit of Cabo Verde, notably in the areas of climate preparedness of the local tourism infrastructures and regeneration of the local ecosystems tourism depends on; • By 2025, develop a national roadmap for responsible tourism in the circular economy, in order to build a comparative advantage for the Cabo Verde tourism destination.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
This could include issues such as low-carbon jet fuels, lighter aircrafts, carbon compensation schemes or credits launched by departure countries, international air companies or hotel operators for the benefit of Cabo Verde, notably in the areas of climate preparedness of the local tourism infrastructures and regeneration of the local ecosystems tourism depends on; • By 2025, develop a national roadmap for responsible tourism in the circular economy, in order to build a comparative advantage for the Cabo Verde tourism destination. The roadmap will define targets for the local contribution to reducing GHG emissions, per visitor/day by 2030, through strict reuse and recycling, banning single-use plastic; gutter and beach-clean ups, community and NGO work and tree planting activities for tourists etc.
This could include issues such as low-carbon jet fuels, lighter aircrafts, carbon compensation schemes or credits launched by departure countries, international air companies or hotel operators for the benefit of Cabo Verde, notably in the areas of climate preparedness of the local tourism infrastructures and regeneration of the local ecosystems tourism depends on; • By 2025, develop a national roadmap for responsible tourism in the circular economy, in order to build a comparative advantage for the Cabo Verde tourism destination. The roadmap will define targets for the local contribution to reducing GHG emissions, per visitor/day by 2030, through strict reuse and recycling, banning single-use plastic; gutter and beach-clean ups, community and NGO work and tree planting activities for tourists etc.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
Large hotels are encouraged to offer low-carbon tourist activities and services, promote collective transport, active and electric mobility etc. Operators are expected to monitor and publically communicate their climate and resource footprints; • Subordinate the development of tourism zones and infrastructures to more responsible forms of tourism and other land uses such as terrestrial and maritime protected areas, maritime domain, productive soils, water domain, areas of landscape, natural heritage and cultural values and other envrironmental constraints; • Establish load limits per tourism development zone, take the carrying capacity of the territory into account and, spatially plan for cycling, walking, hiking infrastructures, sports and nature observation activities, electrified public transport; • Promote sustainable tourism projects in islands/areas that are currently out of tourism development areas.
Large hotels are encouraged to offer low-carbon tourist activities and services, promote collective transport, active and electric mobility etc. Operators are expected to monitor and publically communicate their climate and resource footprints; • Subordinate the development of tourism zones and infrastructures to more responsible forms of tourism and other land uses such as terrestrial and maritime protected areas, maritime domain, productive soils, water domain, areas of landscape, natural heritage and cultural values and other envrironmental constraints; • Establish load limits per tourism development zone, take the carrying capacity of the territory into account and, spatially plan for cycling, walking, hiking infrastructures, sports and nature observation activities, electrified public transport; • Promote sustainable tourism projects in islands/areas that are currently out of tourism development areas.
Cabo Verde
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car-free areas
Operators are expected to monitor and publically communicate their climate and resource footprints; • Subordinate the development of tourism zones and infrastructures to more responsible forms of tourism and other land uses such as terrestrial and maritime protected areas, maritime domain, productive soils, water domain, areas of landscape, natural heritage and cultural values and other envrironmental constraints; • Establish load limits per tourism development zone, take the carrying capacity of the territory into account and, spatially plan for cycling, walking, hiking infrastructures, sports and nature observation activities, electrified public transport; • Promote sustainable tourism projects in islands/areas that are currently out of tourism development areas. To accomplish this, it is proposed to support interested municipalities and rural communities to develop responsible tourism plans, with features that allow them to rehabilitate cultural and architectural heritage, typical houses and landscapes, set up handicraft stores, propose cultural performances.
Operators are expected to monitor and publically communicate their climate and resource footprints; • Subordinate the development of tourism zones and infrastructures to more responsible forms of tourism and other land uses such as terrestrial and maritime protected areas, maritime domain, productive soils, water domain, areas of landscape, natural heritage and cultural values and other envrironmental constraints; • Establish load limits per tourism development zone, take the carrying capacity of the territory into account and, spatially plan for cycling, walking, hiking infrastructures, sports and nature observation activities, electrified public transport; • Promote sustainable tourism projects in islands/areas that are currently out of tourism development areas. To accomplish this, it is proposed to support interested municipalities and rural communities to develop responsible tourism plans, with features that allow them to rehabilitate cultural and architectural heritage, typical houses and landscapes, set up handicraft stores, propose cultural performances.
Cabo Verde
Updated NDC
car-free areas
The fuelwood production volume is estimated at 268,000 tons/year. Cabo Verde also boasts a number of coastal wetlands and inland reservoirs. These ecosystems deserve specific attention for their biodiversity and climate adaptation benefits (see below on adaptation) as well as for their climate mitigation (carbon sink) role. So far, no climate-specific policies have been introduced. Cabo Verde’s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #5: FOSTERING THE NATURAL SINK FUNCTION OF ECOSYSTEMS Cabo Verde undertakes to increase, through reforestation and afforestation, forest areas by 2030 with resilient and preferably endemic and native species, to protect wetlands and to reduce/replace fuelwood. Cabo Verde undertakes also to prevent forest fires, which threaten liveihoods and ecosystems release large quantities of GHG.
The fuelwood production volume is estimated at 268,000 tons/year. Cabo Verde also boasts a number of coastal wetlands and inland reservoirs. These ecosystems deserve specific attention for their biodiversity and climate adaptation benefits (see below on adaptation) as well as for their climate mitigation (carbon sink) role. So far, no climate-specific policies have been introduced. Cabo Verde’s contributions in this sector for 2030 are as follows: MITIGATION CONTRIBUTION #5: FOSTERING THE NATURAL SINK FUNCTION OF ECOSYSTEMS Cabo Verde undertakes to increase, through reforestation and afforestation, forest areas by 2030 with resilient and preferably endemic and native species, to protect wetlands and to reduce/replace fuelwood. Cabo Verde undertakes also to prevent forest fires, which threaten liveihoods and ecosystems release large quantities of GHG.