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Delaying trump's visit can only help her.
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to Sher H . "Regionally, opposition was highest in Quebec, where 87 per cent of respondents oppose the niqab during citizenship ceremonies..." . From: Canadians oppose niqab during citizenship ceremony, poll suggests - Donovan Vincent - Star - Mar 17 2015
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Yes back to Europe, could imagine a worse punishment !!!
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Punahou sanctioned camping trips to Kaena Point for all of their students for the supposed purpose of teaching their students conservation. Punahou cannot be directly blamed for this mass bird torture/killing however if they did not require such a camping trip, these three punks would not have botherd to hang out at Kaena point and the birds would have been alive and left alone. Punahou unwittingly unleashed 3 brutal bird killers at Kaena Point. After all of this Punahou should now prohibit ALL of its students from ever visiting or camping at Kaena Point. Let them set up tents on their own campus for future camping trips.
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Oh, BS. "Supervising up to" 60 inmates? You mean by putting them on lockdown in their cells all day? And how many of those alleged 60 actually need medical or other monitoring? For those of you that don't know, putting an inmate on suicide watch in prison is more likely than not to make the inmate want to kill himself. The DOC isolates the despairing inmate inside an all-glass cage with a concrete floor and no furniture.They take away every bit of clothing and leave him with a sleeping bag that doubles as wearing apparel. The lights are on 24/7. They may restrict the inmate's ability to move. The inmate isn't allowed contact with anyone who actually cares about him - a family member, for example-for support. The DOC leaves him on display like that, with so-called mental health technicians coming around every so often to stand outside his cage and ask if he feels suicidal. 99.99% of inmates lie about their mental condition so they can escape suicide watch hell.
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I can't believe we are all up in arms Pro/Anti, Dog Owner/Shooter based on ADN's continued crappy reporting...do any of us really know what happened that day? Yet on we go, blather (attack) blather blather...
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You do not believe that there is some misuse of corporate tax laws that allow some individuals to pay substantially less tax than others who make the same income? If you do then what alternatives to the existing proposals would you make?
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Yes, it has similarities to the time Stephen Harper happily prayed at the 'men only' section of the Western Wall in Jerusalem (called the 'million-dollar shot' by one of his male Conservative backbenchers.) Surprisingly few people commented on that one.
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You just described how and why Canada is being over-populated with people who have more than one passport while the people born and raised here do not have those options and are run over by bulldozers of people who feel entitled to every country and to give Canada away just because they landed here.
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The rendering is breathtaking to be honest....It very much resembles what was for a long time the tallest building in the world, in Shanghai. The corkscrew design works to mitigate the impact of high winds, which of course can be extreme in Denver. I say go for it!
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I don't watch their games either.
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Last May, the Canadian Council of Insurance Regulators (CCIR) issued a public consultation document on this very topic, at: https://www.ccir-ccrra.org/en/init/Elec_Commerce/Issues%20Paper-Electronic%20Proof(ENG).pdf Some of the concerns identified in the paper include : - Will law enforcement be allowed to access other information/content on electronic devices used to demonstrate proof of insurance? - If law enforcement questions the validity of EPAI, are they allowed to confiscate the electronic device? - Who is responsible if electronic devices used to demonstrate proof of insurance, such as mobile device, are damaged during inspection? - What is considered “reasonable inspection” for law enforcement handling electronic devices? - When travelling to a jurisdiction that does not yet allow for the EPAI, what steps must be taken? - If an electronic device malfunctions, has no network access or is out of power, how will law enforcement handle such issues? ...and more
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I have zero confidence in the Denver Police Department mainly because their response rate is abysmal and there are so many dissatisfied citizens that report poor interactions with them. And of course there is the fact they moonlight in uniform (exposing taxpayers to even more lawsuits) so their hours far exceed 40 every week so they are less than 100% and always miserable. HOWEVER, in every instance cited in this article the police involved (DPD and otherwise) seemed to have done the right thing. Don't run from the police, don't steal a car, don't possess a weapon illegally, don't point a weapon at a police officer, don't threaten a police officer and YOU won't have essentially forced them to shoot you.
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"I didn’t have any idea that was coming,” she (Vinis) said. Waaah, poor Lucy. The protests at Poling's house around Christmas 2011 were a disgusting yet appropriate representation of the local leftist mindset. For all of the misery that Piercy, Vinis, and others have brought upon us, we've still left them alone at their private homes.
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what bs,, its taxpayer money used for PRIVATE business, thus a scam and not what its for,, let the market decide not alt left lunatics
There's a spray called Tom's "Stink Free' which you spray on your equipment - kills the stench at it's source. No perfume, no smell - just kills the bacteria/stench. You can also shake in a spoonful of baking soda into your gloves every now and then. Hand deodorizer might be effective - but that doesn't help with the lab experiment that's growing in your hockey bag....
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We'll see if future revisions are made, but it is interesting to note that it has been reported that the structures found in the rock are rather similar what is created by bacteria around hydrothermal vents today.
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Ben Stein is a free trader as well as an actor, lawyer, economist and generally intellectual guy and he gave a lecture on it just before filming to those classroom student actors who you see looking so bored in Ferris Bueller's Day Off. They really were bored!
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Mining operations pay mining tax AND mining production royalty. Mining tax is 7% of net profit above 100,000. Plus 3% production royalty for mining on state lands.
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A great emperor in the Ming dynasty sexually abused members of his harem. I think he was a democrat, so there's NO way I'm voting for Clinton..........
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What a sad excuse for a leader.. Instead of being professional and presidential, he`s using valuable time, on the internet, taking senseless, evidence-less pot shots at a popular two term ex-president , while avoiding answering real questions in press meetings about things like his failing policies, and things like releasing his taxes. He said, what must have been a hundred times to the cameras, that he would show us his taxes "after the audit was done"..remember? (taxes that would show a connection to a Russian loan from Putin perhaps?...to be paid back "with interest"??) Every other president asked has shown their tax forms. If he has nothing to hide it should not be a problem. Yet he still refuses to publicize them. Why.
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The school in question wasn't there because it was Catholic. They just used it as a legal back door to keep their local school open.
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You will be if they make it into the medal round. You're Canadian and Olympic gold is Olympic gold.
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Our planet? It could care less. It's "seen" worse.... Even worse than this human experiment it is currently conducting. I know the green crowd likes to deflect the question of the massive subsidies its renewable resources get without addressing the efficacy and true cost of those resources, but really... can't you own up to their cost and question the cost/effectiveness of large scale wind/solar. Note that the US cut its carbon dioxide emissions dramatically, not from renewables but from natural gas' displacement of coal. If you really want to reduce carbon emissions, embrace natural gas shale development, fracture stimulation technologies and nuclear energy.
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If I had an incurable disease and 1 side showed me compassion and, gasp! funding to fight my disease, while the other side chastised me and implied I deserved it, guess which side I'm going with?
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Alaska is not going to run out of oil smarty pants. Problem is the bleeding heart liberals and their save the north slope from destruction beliefs. Oil companies can pull a lot of oil of the ground with a very small footprint by utilizing directional drilling.
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We sure do appreciate that you preview these shows.
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Why is chatty out there with a bad wheel, story and cargo should be sitting on the bench, cmon black start coaching for petes sake
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Thank you President Trump, for your leadership and tenacity! You are a Patriot and it's about time our country gets steered back in right direction!
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From Warsaw to Hamburg to Paris, the First Lady wowed the Europeans with her poise and beauty. The French especially were beside themselves with her panache and diplomacy -- she favored St Laurent, Hervé Pierre, and Chanel for the Paris visit. From Paris Match to Le Monde, the French press gave her nothing but rave reviews -- e.g. PM "First Lady très élégante à Paris." Melania speaks six languages, is an excellent mother, and is a superb representative for both the United States & Slovenia. Très belle et très bon fait, Melania!
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Better than it's been in quite a while. As long as the laws make it more profitable to use part-time employees than full-time, there will continue to be a shift to PT as employers take advantage of part-timers to maximize profit. Change the laws.
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I LOVE this newspaper!
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Of course "the (human) record" is only 150 years old, while the earth has been around 4.5 Billion years. Chicken Little, the sky is falling!
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Another Islamic terror attack in Europe. Sure glad the Atlantic Ocean seperates the US from these losers.
Yes running from one hysteria to the next, give up !!!
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I would not read too much into this action. As much as I abhor war this is simply a message that Syria's actions will not be tolerated. I don't see politics being a factor here but simply someone simply stating this action is not acceptable and there will be repercussions. Talk is cheap at a certain point.
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They know that the majority of voters in BC are opposed, that Trudeau lied about revamping the review process, and that consultation with First Nations didn't happen. BC is expected to sacrifice its economy for Alberta's. It's a dead horse - just like Enbridge. The people won't stand for it.
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Indians need to learn that one earns respect it is not given for bad behavior. Most cities have a problem with the drinking and hanging out in neighbourhoods that Indians have no business being there.
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Oh ok. Nice try
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Funny, when I go to pick up my kids at school I see mostly dads. Same at the hockey rink, baseball field, etc, spending their time coaching and driving their kids around. And doing home repairs, and mowing the lawn, and taking out the garbage, and walking the dog .... Most women I know aren't obsessed with how little (or, really how much) work their husband's do at home. They are generally appreciative and happy with their lives. Same for the men. I guess that doesn't sell newspapers.
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How many years have we heard that... Were they not in the country for the last elections?
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Fantastic.....I, as one of many others, have long suggested the EWEB site makes sense. I'm glad the Council has decided to take a look at it. good show folks. regards, Gary
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Because many of the Red states have large Democrat constituencies within them.
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Always have a plan B, especially when dealing with the Americans.
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So: Drivel.
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CNN is liberal biased which most of us know. CNN was found in a Harvard study to be anti-republican, Accuracy in Media Research Center found CNN omitted important facts to support liberals, CNN skewed polls with an anti-Republican bias by knowingly pulling outdated polling numbers, etc. If you're a democrat and want to hear what you want to hear, CNN is a station to watch/read.
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What is wrong with our government? Wanting to further isolate the current residents of this country by bogging and filling up our system with more welfare rolls from immigrants who will never really consider themselves Canadians
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This guy has stones Ill tell you. Must have to haul em around in a wheelbarrow.
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http://www.vancitybuzz.com/2015/06/85-of-miserable-families-ready-to-leave-metro-vancouver-over-housing-costs-poll/ http://www.vancitybuzz.com/2016/02/young-vancouverites-might-leave-angus-reid-poll/ Its just a matter of time before sentiment turns into action....
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Hey Flames, you burn!! Great job Mayor Nenshi. Can't wait to see you running our country in a few elections.
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No problem shielding Washington state from federal government action by Trump. One thing all Republicans can get behind are state rights and sovereignty over an overreaching fed. See how that works.
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Assange is a great man. The world is in his debt.
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Fair enough but I am not encouraged by what I'm seeing so far. To date, his modus operandi has been: Try something stupid; watch it crash and burn; then try something else. The immigration file is one example of that.
Sad but true. A large number of American citizens regard weath as the only indicator of success. Worse, that the pursuit of it through any means possible is not only acceptable, but the moral and ethical thing to do, regardless of negative human or other consequence.
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They aren't forcing people to walk into the bank...the article says you can send it in the mail or even call to donate...pretty simple steps if people are genuine about wanting to donate.
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Interesting analysis and article. The most useful thing is that we get to see what a current rate for this product is, something that the major Canadian provider HomEquity Bank seems surprisingly shy about doing. Now about that 5.22% rate. It does seem weird that a reverse mortgage that is by definition 200 percent collateralized would have a much higher rate than a conventional mortgage with 5% equity. Mind you, the last US housing crash wiped out the reverse mortgage providers there.
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Manoa_Fisherman, it is a fair question. Tokuda stopped the GET tax extension and she could have stopped this bill.
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And the RCMP guy started to get shirty.
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So, what better time than right now to stiff productive Alaskans with taxes? This crisis is not about "GDP". This crisis is about feeding and caring for Alaska's government which seems to be Alaska's only growth industry.
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Thank you, Anchorage. Signing on would be a smart move. The foolishness coming out of Washington is unprecedented.
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I think you would be surprised at how little it takes for politicians to give away vast sums of public money. Recall the adscam investigations.
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Jon: I think Kathleen lives in Homer. Kenai would definitely qualify as Hell in a hand basket to a Homerite.
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Every economist in the country said the Iran deal would kill oil prices. That was a no brainer. I'll give you the fact that Obama's heart was in the right place but the deal was just plain stupid. Giving Iran a 4 week notice before you inspect a possible nuclear site is crazy. Iran has already broken the treaty by continuing to develop nuclear weapons, attacking U.S. war ships and boarding U.S. ships in international waters. They didn't just stop pumping oil the day the embargo started. They stored it. Then to try to get them to slow down on the oil dump Obama gave back the money we froze from their bank accounts. They took it and didn't stop anything. Obama himself said in an interview if he could take anything back during his presidency this would be it. Even he knows it was a mistake. People seem to worship the man as a God. When you say one bad thing about him they fly off the handle. He is a man. He makes mistakes.
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Trump doesn't issue city permits. Or any permits I am aware of.
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All the Aces owners care about is looking like VIP's sitting in the isle blocking seats . If they cared about winning they wouldn't have brought back nearly the entire losing team from last year . Many wondered what the heck was going on as week after week the signing of yet another loser from last years team was announced . With all that pathetic news being reported , it's no surprise that from the get go few care about Aces hockey any more .The Aces or UAA could jump start attendance by announcing better parking . Try parking passes allowing for faster entry into the Sully , or perhaps even free parking ( paid for by either group coming from increased ticket sales ) . Adding a second exit on to Gamble would make attending games more inviting. More promotions with handouts would jump start attendance for both clubs .The half effort of remodeling was ok , but the best way to make watching games fun is a huge crowd . Dropping UAA hockey a year from now will boost the Aces attendance .
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When Hillary gets out of jail then you can prop her rotten carcass up and listen to her.
Could be. I wonder if his motivation will ever be made public.
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Fear of a circus? I hope that they don't invite him, so that he will not be given an additional platform.
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Rich hedge fund guys and other fat cats know how to work the system to make $, so why shouldn't I. My doctor told me I might qualify for social security because I'm disabled I guess. Turns out being "morbidly obese" means I don't have to work any more. I get enough money to get by and life is easy. Go to work if you want, but just like the rich I'm going to keep looking for loopholes.
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I wonder why he didn't serve you his special narcissistic nut cake, which he has been well known for since his food truck days. Makes you yearn for a decent bento, doesn't he?
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Where can I buy tickets?
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The Raiders are terrible. No better time than the now to kick the Oakland team. Send them back to the 7-11 parking lot badly beaten.
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The best thing since Kennedy's assassination? This presidency was acquired by racism and sexism. The US could not stand the black man in the White House, so now they have this 'human' in the White House. Manufacturing is not going back to the US.
You completely misread me, EFC. I said "WE have no right to impose our morality on others." The "we" here is the Roman Catholic Church, where "Church" is understood in the V2 sense of the community of all the faithful (bishops, clergy, laity, theologians). My comment is a contribution to an internal discussion among Catholics about what position OUR OWN MORALITY OBLIGES us, qua Catholics, to take in the wider forum of political debate about abortion in democratic societies. You are making an entirely different case. You are arguing that democratic countries have a right to make laws, and in so far as laws prescribe and/or prohibit ACTIONS, and morality is about good versus bad action, then it is obvious governments are involved in the morality game. The question that concerns me is What ought the law to be on an issue about which citizens of goodwill have fundamentally opposed moral views? Abortion is a perfect example. (continued)
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Just to add a couple more comments. The '4%' ia an eyeball grabbing ploy and very misleading in that it suggests one would have had to be in the 4% of 'total wealth generating' stocks in the U.S. market in order to make a reasonable return. That is nonsense. The slight of hand that is occurring here is that 'the other 96% of stocks in aggregate only generated a return equal to 1 month T-bills'. Note the 'in aggregate'. The reality is that over 40% of the stocks (and higher percentages than that in many periods) generated returns in excess of 1 month T-bills. So no, you absolutely do not have to find that 4% of the biggest winners - there's a far larger pool than that from which to reap good returns. It is a shame that university profs have to resort to National Enquirer type headlines to attract attention.
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And that the Trump steak was made in Russia.
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Well, Hillary supporters in California - which is having its election today on the biggest amount of delegates far greater than the difference between Sanders and Clinton - just stay home since the election is over. Why bother standing in line in the heat to vote when our darlings in the press have decided who won already. Geesh.... why not just declare HRC president and save us all from months of election ads?
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Fire the Special Prosecutor, drain the whole swamp. Stop the Russia wet dream and start prosecuting people like Hillary, Lynch, Holder and other Obama appointed criminals.
It also took the media years to run any story about Bill Clinton’s sexapades.
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No. Here are two of your comments: 1. In my opinion it is still worth very little. The recent sale of ? 10% of its mortgages just demonstrates this... They got ? 97cents on the dollar. They have (? how much) outstanding bond debt, and that nasty HOOPP loan...and still have to pay interest on the $12 Billion of GIC's....never mind somehow replacing them as they come due. Do they have $3-4 Billion stashed away somewhere in cash ?? 2. I believe that,as a lender,the majority of that $$ is to meet mandatory regulatory $$ levels. In other words it is not "available" cash... If they liquidated the rest of the mortgages somehow....and then gave that $1.6Billion back to HOOPP....I guess they would be OK......... but worthless. *********************************************************************************** "Worthless?".....nice call.
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How is Hickenlooper going to address transportation issues? Oh, that's right, he's both governor and a state representative from Littleton. https://bestgedclasses.org/colorado/
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Step one, tell the busy-bodies to butt out of the free will decisions of competent, autonomous, adult business owners, employees, and patrons to freely associate, freely contract, and freely enjoy their property by repealing "smoke-free workplace" tobacco laws. Those laws have long since served their purpose by educating business owners that people will still patronize smoke-free businesses, educating employees about the benefits of choosing to work in smoke-free establishments, and educating patrons that you don't need to smoke to enjoy yourself. It is past time to return freedom of choice to all of the above. Business owners who want to allow smoking should be allowed to, employees who desire, or don't mind, working in a smoking establishment should be free, as adults, to exercise their own best judgment on doing so, and patrons can use their power of the purse to influence the decisions of business owners by freely choosing to patronize or not patronize smoking businesses.
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"site" the law? or do you mean "cite" the law? For all the readers here, this reeks of suspicion, because of witness accounts and refusal of the pilot to cooperate with FAA/Troopers. I'm thinking there may have been some kind of substance abuse that was a factor in this crash "on-board" the pilot.
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And who exactly would that "someone" be at QB? Heck, if we're pulling mythical rabbits out of our rears, maybe we can pull a LG and RT outa there too?
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According to the UCLA roster, Torrey van Winden is not listed. So it all depends on Cal Poly whether she will make the team this year. As an alumni, at least I hope that Cal Poly can give UH a serious challenge, a run for their money. If Torrey makes the team, I wouldn't be surprised if Cal Poly could split with Hawaii, each team winning on its own home court. UH cannot take Cal Poly lightly and neither can Cal Poly take Hawaii lightly. It might be worth a trip to Honolulu to watch that match in person. (Right now I am blogging from San Luis Obispo which I am visiting for a month.) No secret I am rooting for both teams and will be happy to see a split and both teams sharing the conference championship.
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I think everyone of good faith acknowledges Obamacare could benefit from changes. But the proposal on the table is simply stupid and inimical to properly functioning democracy wherein the interests of a narrow group are not allowed to dominate the agenda.
If we are discussing facts Mark, Paleontological records indicate atmospheric CO2 has been over 700% higher than it is today... long before mankind ever came around with no appreciable warming or cooling.. as it's occurred during ice ages and warming trends.
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Really. ? Hire someone from New York City to figure it out. Wow ... any idiot could tell you "get rid of the weidros camping on the sidewalks" and the downtown area might have a chance.
Not a bad move. Considering who would be there, I wouldnt be surprised if someone fired a shot at him.
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The carbon tax reminds us of a magician in a circus or a show. He shows his tricks and we have our eyes wide open following his moves and yet, it looks all real. But.... it's magic. And in our opinion, this is exactly what our government is doing, magic. And with magic, lots of cash is flowing in. Great show.
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Yeah, find out the Promises made to you of financial and health safety nets were TOTAL LIES.
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What's misleading?
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When the giant forest fire in Canada a year or so occurred, I don't recall hearing or reading of a single American expressing feelings of superiority over Canadians because they built the town with one road out and houses in the woods. These comments are a uniquely Canadian thing. The articles here and virtually every comment was supportive and somber. Then again, these are the same people who rejected numerous offers of help from America and instead brought in a bunch of South Africans with specialized sticks for forest fire fighting in the particular terrain. While you get great joy out of people drowning in Houston most Americans think Canada is a friend. That's not due to mental impairment on the part of Americans. All of the credit goes to the insidious nature of the bigotry up there. Houston has a huge Spanish population. So technically it could be racism and not just plain bigotry.
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She had failed to renew her amnesty “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” status. Gave her amnesty, she threw it away. Despite all that she went to the press. Result: one more job opportunity for an American saved.
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He's at it again, tax, tax, and more tax. Tax the wealthy more and who else gets taxed more? Of course, all of us. Tax Boeing more and Boeing (and every other big company) will leave, paying no taxes. No matter how valid Mr. Burbank may be in evaluating costs of public education his solution being to raise taxes has no validity. Throwing tax dollars at a problem has never resulted in problem solving. Let's look at what is really raising the costs of public education and address costs rather than always coming to the conclusion that if we raise taxes the problem will go away because that is not the way the system works.
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The Hawks have neither the competence nor instructions, nor inclination to investigate financially illicit cash flows..... surely there has to be a connect between the FEC, SARB and our Banks to do this.... and do it quickly as it cannot be difficult. Start with the Guptas and their companies and then with State payments overseas to the dodgy!
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She didn't have a prayer of being successful at Page after all of the public airing of the dirty linen she requested and received. She is still in a 3rd year of a probationary assignment. Her smartest move is to find a new position before her final evaluation at the end of that 3rd year. She is going to be under a microscope during that entire year. Any complaints from teachers or students or parent or anyone else about her job performance during that year will be extensively documented. Her 'clean slate' will be subject to extreme scrutiny. Her potential lawsuit is weaker now that she has been reassigned at the same time as a reshuffle of other principals. She has been removed from what her attorney could call a 'toxic environment'. The previous termination no longer exists. If she is then 'reluctantly terminated' at the end of that year, any settlement will be a pittance.
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Oh yes, let's not put the Council in "defense mode". Let's just let them continue to ignore the citizens preferences and have the "space" to do whatever they want. Seems like it's been working well so far.
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“I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizens' Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice […] who constantly says: ‘I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action.’” -- Martin Luther King Jr, from the Birmingham jail, 1963
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You got that right Moe. But remember, cows are ugly........
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