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Did Fidel Castro really enjoy "the good life" ? I haven't come across much evidence of that in my reading. He certainly didn't make too many trips to Paris to buy designer clothes.
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Yep. Exxon will secretly get their waiver on a late Friday night and "our" Secretary of State will see his net worth skyrocket even higher. Drain the Swamp LOL
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Allie, this is prime example of the liberal news reporting any type of dirt that can be drummed up against the GOP. Unfortunately, we are inundated with 1 sided stories directed against the conservatives while the other side of the story is never told. Think about it-in Hawaii we have a complete democratic/liberal based philosophy which is only supported by news coming from the dems/liberals and given information defaming any type of news or allegations against the GOP. All the while the news is skewed and fabricated against those conservative views-But, you can't see it cause we are all so immersed in our liberal views.
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Well the Rockies are 6-6 against the Dbacks this year, and 116 games into the season the two teams have exactly the same record. So I'm going to go way out on a limb and say that the Dbacks have probably lost some games to mediocre teams too. Funny, for all the bitching about how the Rockies never put a team on the field that's still in contention late in the season, some people manage to be every bit as miserable as they were then the team was completely out of it by August. Should have just kept Walt Weiss in charge and cobbled together a pitching staff of Jamie Moyers and Kyle Kendricks - would have kept fans in their comfort zone.
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"Politcal groups and terrorist groups are not protected. It does not matter that they are offensive or not, not one has to make politcal or terrorist cakes. It is ridiculous to think they do." It is ridiculous to think they do. That's why I never said they were. I am talking about an individual as I pointed out quite clearly in my previous post. An individual sympathizer. Not a group. If you want a picture of John Lennon on a specialty cake that does not make you a Beatle. It makes you a Beatles fan. And the argument can be made that gay marriage is offensive to a whole lot of people because it fails to pass in one of the most liberal states in the union again and again. Before the Supreme Court decision gay marriage was legal in like 3 or 4 of the 50 states. The Little Guy
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Sounds good, but that's been tried for decades. Even with fentanyl and the risk of death, people still use. People will never, ever stop using drugs. It's never going to happen. Humans have always done it and always will. And law enforcement doesn't work. As long as there's demand, there will be supply; arrest one dealer and another takes his place later that day. And there will always, always be demand. Drug prohibition makes no more sense and is no more successful than alcohol prohibition.
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Vlad Putin ..... The Man in the High Castle ...... and coming sooner than you would think.
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Yes, it is possible to make a case for the Confederacy winning the Civil War, but to endure into this century? It is not farfetched to say that may be preposterous. By your logic, the possibility of a German victory could have turned on a few battles which went the opposite way. You're much too quick to pin labels on those you disagree with. I can tell you quite a number of us remember Dunkirk, and other battles of WWII and the Korean conflict, through relatives who were present and lived through them. Movies made about war history help keep more of the population interested and researching, not a bad thing.
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No more gun control is needed. All that is needed is that responsible agencies, in this case the Air Force, do what they are supposed to do.
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I'm certainly no fan of Mr. Levant or The Rebel, but this is an unacceptable shot at free speech that only adds to polarization of opinions. Unfortunately ( or fortunately) people on both sides of any argument show their ignorance by shouting the new war cry of our time-"Fake News!
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If he appears on CNN or Fox sure. If he has his own celebrity entertainment show (say hunting related) and goes off into a lecture like Kimmel..then NO!
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It is for Trump and his followers. I'm surprised Trump and Pruitt fined the company at all.
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Thank you. Sometimes I feel I should be flattered...but mostly I find nic's obsession kind of creepy.
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Al Gore and Hilary Clinton received the majority of votes from the American citizens who voted.
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Heaven knows I am no supporter of Trump, but.....does anyone else find it ironic that Michael Moore's cause celebre -- keeping auto manufacturing jobs in the US -- is only now gaining traction from a Republican?
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Trump sold "swampland" to nearly half of all Americans, and will now walk away from it with pockets full of cash like the true real estate scam artist he is. Next up, a sale on bridges.
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Probably because the only description given is that they were "Black Males"....
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Peace is good...but the indoctrination of young, impressionable children is Not. Thinking back, a leftist, liberal indoctrination has always been a staple of our School system and it's teachers . I recall many moons ago, being 'exposed' to "Silent Spring"; "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee", etc. Students Should Be exposed to uncomfortable truths, but more neutral and/or conservative principles should also be included.
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"The Church" is the PEOPLE OF GOD, 99% lay people, the majority of whom rejected papal teaching forbidding "artificial" birth control and practice it as a "natural" method of family planning. Bishops are free to offer their humble opinions on sexual matters, while respecting the movement of the Spirit among the laity whose experience grounds their moral decisions in family matters. Bishops are not free to demand exemptions to civil laws serving the common good based on their personal moral views, which are based not on their experience but on past papal decrees - and which somehow always seem to be punishing women.
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The Reagan era destruction of the anti-trust protections has left our nation controlled by corporate interest.
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Smoking is not a right, just a choice. Secondhand smoke becomes everyone's problem, not just the person who is smoking. Taking it outside would be respecting the indoor environment as well as the people inside it.
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Say it ins't so! The left wing are masters at hijacking groups of "well intentioned" concerned people to advance their agenda. The environmental causes are especially effective as it's easy to scare people into believing the rubbish they are peddling. The rely on naive people to make signs, take to the streets and shout infantile slogans. The left wing media then gives these groups favorable treatment and they are off and running. The term for these well intentioned people in the Soviet Union was "useful Id!ot$", no offense intended. Virtually every single one of these endless marches are organized by anti-capitalists and are targeted at the president. On another note, did the "organizer" who approached you look like Barry Hussein?
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"Canada is apprehending Indigenous kids is among the highest in the world" Higher than say.....Italy? What a stupid comment. How many nations have indigenous populations? The reality is many of the people who are having their kids taken away are incapable of raising the kids in a responsible and safe manner. The continued handouts given by the Federal govt create an environment of dependency but the Feds expect the Provinces to pick up the pieces.
Im not sure why your preaching about this in this article? The meat they are talking about is locally farm grown meat that probably has a better life and is better tasting than anything you get at the grocery store. If the ethics of meat eating is what bothers you it seems like you would be for this?
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ever since they made you stop snowzilla ive felt that way. MOA = Communists.
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Well, not all is sponsored by government. There's still a fair share covered by insurance costs and all of those lovely deductibles. And, you can bet your tail that when the uninsured get their care, some of that cost the hospitals will try to off-load to the insurance companies, and those buying insurance will be paying for it. We have a lousy, half-baked system. And, what the Dems did with ACA and what the Repubs want to do is the same pile of garbage that's gonna stiff the middle class.
No disrespect to Mr. Candee, but I don't think you need an "expert" to know that a lot of people distrust government. Read the newspaper's letters and comments and you can figure that one out for yourself. But considering we are the ones that elect the officials that run our government, does that mean we don;t trust our own judgement? Something isn't working here.
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And hiring the best computer experts in the country to fix the problem. One more failure of a fat cat to meet his responsibility to serve the public by finishing his work on time and on budget.
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there is no excuse for supporting wickedness. no, no one can force participation, but i will not be respectful of evil, either. and yes, i will have it both ways. there is light and there is dark, there is good and there is evil. you have to choose a side.
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Uh-oh you have TRIGGERED the lefties with your "hate speech"! Watch out!
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Legislation will be introduce this year to establish video testimony/conferencing for the neighbor islands.
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The limo torched in DC Trump protests, belongs to Muslim immigrant, & may cost $70,000 in damages. The immigrant, who has a Nationwide Chauffeur Service, who was not a Trump supporter, said the anti-Trump march was counter productive. Somehow the news media missed that bit of irony.
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Only one Alaskan company was selected. Four are out of state firms. This is more federal overreach and unjust rules that again treat us like a colony. I swear if we had a larger and more permanent population the federal government would see Alaska breaking away just like the colonists did with Britain.
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My hope is that we never, ever have to feel compelled to use nuclear weapons again.
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I'm not kidding. I was bracing myself,....and then saw the bill for GBP 8 for a 1000 sq ft flat about 40 minutes walk from the Bank of England building on Threadneedle Street.
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If you want to see collusion in the USA, look at the Obama admin's relationships to so called 'Green Energy' companies and their donations.
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LOL. I hear that the way to change leaders in your system is the ballot box. So, there is hope, no?
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Huh, they let crack run rampant for years but are now pretty serious about opioids, and quick. Opioids must be taking a toll on the wrong types of people.
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Make Alaska Great Again. Where have I heard that before?
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Really, RD? On the article on the Catholic Theological Society of America, you attacked the article because it had a picture of a group of women. Now you are attacking this article about men. Would you prefer an article on transgendered Catholics?
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Deeply divisive comments like what? I ask because I haven't heard any that fit that mold. If there were some, I would like to see what they were if you would care to reference them.
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It is a bad move for sports teams and individual players to be so political. They should just play their sports. I have no problem not watching any sport or sports teams that make such ugly displays of unamericanism.
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Yes little Johnny and Susie, I remember back when my vote actually meant something.......
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Oblate spheroid.
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We have met the enemy and it is us, after months of blaming Russia for some minor hack job on the DNC it was an NSA malware created under Obama bringing down the world, how ironic.
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Yup, African tribal man, Barack Obama, make best president of America for 8 good years.
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Now this is real new, folks. aloha and thanks xbt. I'm enjoying your civil comment much wore than when you act like you're bouncing off the walls. mahalo xbt
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Matayoshi is a lawyer not a teacher and she got the job because her dad was Herb Matayoshi who was mayor of Hilo forever. His machine remained strong until recently with the old Democratic party cronies losing control of the elections. Now get rid of her sycophant Deputy Directors including Senator Schatz's twin brother who carried matayoshi's purse all these years.
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Your account is currently restricted Go self-procreate.
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Is political correctness acting like the primary cordinator of the planet Camazotz described in a Wrinkle in Time trying to achieve happiness by getting everyone to think the same way, March to the beat of the same drum? The protagonists in this novel used their. faults and imperfections as well as their love for each other to defeat the prime coordinator. We are all imperfect individuals but that doesn't mean we can't show love to one another and work together in a way that benefits all. We can and should find a way to respect each other's opinions and points of view while working towards a common good. That is how responsible adults beheave.
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The seminary has every RIGHT to disinvite Fr. Martin. And it is very, very WRONG to do so. Of what are you afraid? Of whom are you afraid? This sounds like an anti-intellectual "new McCarthyism" that demeans individuals, rewards threats, and fears learning. When you cave to those who have Jesuit enemies lists and who claim to singularly know "the authentic faith," you proclaim your standards for teaching, for debating, for educating, and for discovery. I applaud the counsel of CUA President Garvey, and I agree totally with his conclusion that the anti-Martin campaign is exactly the same as campaigns from the left to silence speech.
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According to the Anti-Trump Faction aka 'Alt-Left' aka Antifa, yes. So is verbal & physical assault according to their Tribal Doctrine.
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Perhaps the energy companies should tout pipelines as being inclusive and helping women (doesn't matter what kind of woman or does it)? As for the NDP, reality has a habit of dashing even the best ideologues plans...look at poor Notley for an example. Goes from being against oil and pipelines to now complaining about all she's done to earn "social license" which none of her allies care a bit about. That's the funny thing about "social license"...there is just no appeasing those that can only say "no".
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Right you are.The ACLU heroes of my childhood who proudly fought for Civil Rights and against social injustice seem unrecognizable and bent of late .
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It's not a crime, much less a hate crime. That I needed to tell you that, says everything we ever needed to know about you and those of your ilk.
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His name is not Muller, it is Müller. Calling Cardinal Müller Cardinal Muller is like calling Cardinal Maloney Cardinal Baloney. And Cardinal Schönborn's name is not Schonborn either.
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Just a point of clarity by definition. Often the word 'factoid' is used incorrectly. A factoid is not factually correct, rather it is something incorrectly presented as fact, and it is not.
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That fake neurobiology trauma expert Dr. Haskell they used for these reports, my God, can it get any more pseudoscientific and hocus-pocus than this? Cortisol is not released by amygdala or by hippocampus. Brain does not change within seconds. The example she gives of someone pointing a gun and you not remembering details is utter non-sense. She classifies important details as "peripheral" details. Before someone points a gun at you, you should be able to remember lot of details and when someone points a gun at you, you should still remember vividly lot of details about the gun according to Trauma Superiority Theory. More importantly, there is no "freeze" response by the brain, it is either fight or flight response. People only "freeze" when someone holds gun because they suspect any movement will lead to triggered bullet and ultimately instant confirmed death. They still look for an opportunity to fight/flight with the gun holder.
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Really? Do you classify every flirtatious or crass comment as sexually predatory? Wow.
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A list of things said no teen ever!!!! I can’t wait to be abstinent, I wish my parents where more involved with teaching me about sex, I don’t want to know anything about sex, No don’t show me a picture of the opposite sex naked. Well this is pretty much true for all mammals. I hate to break it to people but humans have three main instincts food, survival, reproduction. In fact the sexual instinct is so strong in Humans their are 7.4 Billion of Us, and I know no one wants their kid to grow up but pretending you where a result of immaculate conception, or that you never had sex outside of marriage is well just silly. 3% of americans successfully wait I’m sure your kids one of the 3 in a hundred, or pretend you are one of the 3 out of a hundred. http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/health/2006-12-19-premarital-sex_x.htm
Or at least pro-rate it. We could also make capital gains payable on all housing sales, but you get to claim it as a tax credit when you file your income tax. If you are a senior then you can claim the tax against tax paid in the past, and if your income is relatively low and you are working, then you can carry it forward. That should take care of those who live here but do not file and pay tax on overseas income.
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DeVos' track record: "Racial animus was a primary catalyst of the move toward private and religious K-12 education almost 50 years ago, and racial segregation remains a dominant factor in all schooling, public and private, today. DeVos' track record suggests that as secretary, she will do little to combat these trends".
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No, I'm good with Congresspeople doing as they promised, as that promise got them elected. You are good with you overruling the majority. Aren't you special!
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I don't think the Church is insulated from leaks.
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Yep, voted no on everything except prop 7. They can kiss it!
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we shall see what we shall see! our own board has finally risen to its highest level of its aggregate INABILITY - which every body has, which many cannot transcend. the alphabet soup pedigree of a person does nothing to impress me. look at the recent past choices who have come in from the most egregious mainland to only further mis-manage greatly needed but fundamentally flawed programs and/or projects. our children are our children. they are unique progeny of a unique and singular history. before anyone can make the necessary changes to achieve the goals our children need to succeed as productive and caring citizens in the largest singular school district in the nation, that person MUST KNOW WHO WE ARE, WHERE WE CAME FROM, AND THE REASONS IT CAME TO BE the way it is today. as i see it, our ill-illustrious BOE has lost sight of that simple fact. i have always advocated that CHANGES MUST BE MADE FROM THE INSIDE BY KNOWING PERSONS - NOT BY TRANSIENT CARPETBAGGERS! we'll see!
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Insist that the Canadian gov't end foreign ownership - now !!!!! Canadians come first as we pay the taxes .
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Yes, you can question how deep that thinking went; don't forget the thinking that went into nominating and voting for Secretary Clinton just so she could be the first female president.
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It’s incredible the level and amount of antipathy for cycling and cyclists in this neck of the woods. Cyclists are the true unsung heroes of our communities. Cycling is the answer to mitigating air pollution, traffic congestion and our reliance on fossil fuels as well as making cities more liveable. The attitude of the Dutch and Danish towards cycling as being an integral component to the urban transport system is to be admired. It would be kind of nice if that mentality could, at some point, weave its way into the Canadian consciousness as well? However that’s probably wishful thinking.
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Try for a week, and say, start on a Wednesday, to have only photos of women and see if anyone notices. Then only non-Caucasian photos for a week. Almost like some old editors who asked if any reader is awake, ran the same text of a foreign affairs story two days running.
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How do we vote for which one we prefer?
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Trudeau stands firm on being soft.
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And your problem? I don't think you even read the piece.
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Why wouldn't he ,that's what hypocrites do, just ask old what's is name Roy.
How much is the bootlegger lobby paying you?
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All of them? Please name them.
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The justice system can be and has been manipulated by powers behind the scenes with the money to drive their own interests. Witness the DA in New Hampshire that has been sent to jail for just these offences but only after tremendous damage has been done to people's lives. Go to www.bigtrial.com for more info. I suppose we can take some comfort from the fact that one (the tip of the iceberg possibly) has had his comeuppance. A popular legal ambit these days is to play the legal system like a poker player, especially by driving up the costs to such an extent that the innocent cannot continue to defend themselves, and so the corruption of big money wins. Even if the innocent win, the money driven media will go in for the kill. The naive still implicitly believe in the legal system and particularly the falsely accused - to their cost.
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sister asks not to be identified, denver post lists the identity of the victim. maybe you guys don't understand why she didn't want to be identified...
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Kathy .....do me a favor ....make a huge fist with your hand please ....then please punch yourself in the face for being an idiot
Dear Cardinal Mueller, What happens if the local bishop is responsible for covering up the abuse and refuses to acknowledge a letter from sexual abuse victims because the diocesan attorney instructed him not to respond?
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It was such a special occasion the Trumpkins dusted off Kellyanne Conway and Jason Miller. And there they were every 30 minutes or so spreading their 'insights' like a fungus you can't get rid of. Donald Trump is the face of Republican hypocrisy and idiocy. He is a sputtering, narcissistic megalomaniac and a very real threat to US democracy.
ah geez, you had to go and say it didn't you? :) In any case, seems there is plenty of corruption to go around. Naturally Mr. T just keeps dredging up the ole Clinton email thing to try to divert attention elsewhere.
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You're a troll.
Jackson was a terrible president. He mistreated both Native Americans and African Americans and was extremely corrupt. "Indians" aka Native Americans have been honored on currency in the past. African Americans never have been on currency despite having fought and died for this country like everyone else, and Harriet Tubman's story is inspirational on many levels. She risked her life for the greater good of this country and was a war hero. She deserves this honor.
The Supreme Court, in their ACA decision, ruled that the federal government could not force the state to expand Medicaid. So far 32 have anyway. As for the immigration case before the court, don't count your chickens before they hatch. It might not be finally settled until after Hillary appoints the next SCOTUS justice.
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Have a safe and enjoyable trip everyone! Don't forget raingear and binoculars!
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I see where you're coming from, though calling yourself a "refugee" feels a little tone deaf in light of the current and genuinely tragic refugee crisis playing out across the pond from us. At any rate, Oregon has its roots in bigotry and isolationism, and portlanders have historically been an apolitical lot if voter turnout is any indication, so I suppose if you came for the culture and you back up that earnestness by registering to vote, actually voting, and finding ways to be truly civically engaged, you don't deserve to be treated so poorly. But let's be honest: People who don't have the benefit of a wealthy family to bankroll rent are being forced further and further out as a direct result of new arrivals pushing up cost of living. Which they are bound to have strong feelings about. You clearly love being here; how would you feel if you were priced out and forced to relocate to make room for someone richer? Probably pretty bummed. A bit more compassion on both sides is in order.
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That is some good news finally! I hope so.
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otherwise known as SLUMS & GHETTO'S
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Nothing but the truth: Thank you for your interest. BEST is Better Eugene-Springfield TRANSPORTATION. We are working for better transportation options, safer streets, and walkable neighborhoods. When the voters’ pamphlet arrives in your mailbox later this week, you will see we have joined with the League of Women Voters of Lane County to publish an argument in support of Ballot Measure 20-275, as a means to these community goals. We appreciate the opportunity to share in these comments some of the good reasons to do so.
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The issue in this case is that the party didn't enforce its rules, so Gates was allowed to stand for office as a Democrat. Also, he hasn't been elected yet. He is opposed in the general election by Republican Mark Pa`aluhi.
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YES. This is PRECISELY why I (with oozing sarcasm) suggested this department do it! Isn't it what the part time, ethically handicapped mayor would love as well as his buddies in the state house?????????
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My comment is hardly misleading. The community based, 16 bed residential facilities had a net cost (after federal reimbursement) of about 35K/patient. The DHS admitted that the institutional cost is $280K/bed. That's a eight to one cost savings. Furthermore, the latest survey of the population at the Salem, Portland and Eastern Oregon facilities showed that 40% of the forensic patients had not committed Measure 11 offenses. i.e. were not so dangerous that they could not be considered for those less secure settings. A reference to 60 bed facilities is a reference to an institutional setting....an entirely different thing than 16 bed community sites.
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Definitely sarcasm. When was the last time you saw "potheads" roaming the downtown causing problems with local businesses, tourists, and patrons? Never When was the last time someone got stoned and went home and beat their wife? Cite me an example please, and I'll cite 100 examples of a drunk doing the same. When was the last time someone smoked too many marijuanas, overdosed, and died? Never Folks with critical thinking skills can see that marijuana, used moderately and responsibly, pose close to zero risk. And like alcohol, when you make it legal and regulated, it makes it harder to get believe it or not.
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This has been happening for at least 20 months. The crime wave and killing people for no good reason started in the winter of 2015.
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Walking on a Cornice is just dangerous.If you want to play mountain men for the weekend you better learn how to survive in the mountains. Please don't go if you have no experience or training or you may die and loved ones will be hurt.I worked Serach and Rescue many moons ago in Mple Ridge and had to recover bodies and that is no fun.
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" .... saying Moscow should decide whether it wants to remain aligned with a “murderous regime” that kills its own people." But Russia is a “murderous regime” that kills its own people.
Good literature is good literature, whether Shakespeare or Mistry. Anyone can have preferences. I'm pretty sure that Mistry has read Shakespeare. We all could benefit from both.
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So how is the weather in Caracas today?
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34 years locked in. Who knows whats going happen in the interim. This is a really bad deal. I cannot believe this isnt getting more negative press. Just look at E 470. A for profit ripoff fleecing Americans on the most expensive bypass in the U S. They saved us costs didnt they? Lets build a living room with stores at DIA because everyone is going to stand around and mingle after clearing security. Lets smash all security upstairs where even today lines go out the door for check in. Cant wait for holiday travel.
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