2 values
Your lack of understanding shows as you discount the fluoride in toothpaste and mouthwash that most folks also use. Personally, I have a fairly bad reaction to fluoride, so I buy toothpaste without it and distill all the water I drink IOT avoid it. Would be much easier if they didn't add it to the water as it's a bitch to remove.
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International comparisons show that the rise in Toronto house prices is not an isolated phenomenon that can by explained by local conditions and contained by local measures. Housing prices in Sydney, Melbourne and Auckland keep rising, despite measures to slow down the price increases. The same phenomenon also occurs in China. We should try to understand the forces behind this international tsunami, instead of whining about local conditions. Also, if this is an international phenomenon it is not going to stop anytime soon. http://www.reuters.com/article/us-australia-newzealand-property-idUSKBN17401B?il=0
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Shouting "Venona!" from the top of your lungs does not make McCarthy's claims less false.
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Thanks for the laugh and the flashback.
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Indeed, in my initial observations, despite the clear wording of the "terms," one may post the most bigoted statements imaginable but so long as they are just aimed at abstract persons at-large rather than a commenter they breeze right on by. A free for all for white supremacists, misogynists, homophones, etc. I suspect that DP's efforts to have "civil" commentary without the slightest effort on their behalf to discipline clear rule breakers will prove a "real live experiment" demonstrating Gresham's Law. If an online publication wants quality commentary, it should focus on quality and worry a tad less about artificial civility. But that takes effort and paid staff. Not that the matter is entirely of DP's own making. Some people live in a bubble of such routine bigotry that I suspect some of them don't even see it anymore. Sort of like a half-blind old man living alone who no longer sees the dust everywhere and the dirt on everything. It's just part of the landscape.
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I would like to post this again for everyone. The president’s authority to declare such suspensions can been found in section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, the pertinent part of which reads as follows: “(f) Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”
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I will guess that if young women want these jobs that they educate themselves appropriately. Go get the opportunity young women!!
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Who cares? One person one vote.
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what really doesn't make sense is running Allie.
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Someone who uses a word "Economucs" (what is THAT?!?!?!?) which does not exist, is indignantly pointing out other peoples' spelling errors?!?!?!?! You simply cannot make this stuff up.
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Re: "I would suspect with all the welfare programs and gov't housing programs disbanded ..." What an odd thing to say, especially right after proposing your own welfare program - a "Guaranteed Annual Income" sounds downright ... 'commie' to most of America's (f)rightwing. It's a blatant re-distribution of wealth, after all. You ignore the psyche that says, 'I don't want my hard-earned money going to someone who could earn it themselves.' P.S. Your delusions about the US having "the best health care system and best living conditions" is risible.
Perhaps Robert has a fondness for simians. I would have used the term "thug" and probably gotten carp for it....
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Trump "wins" like Charlie Sheen strung out on drugs "wins."
Judging from my experience, both sides get comments deleted (or never make it.) Only one side whines about it.
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Well, actually, no. You don't have to have a hi-rise all finished and ready to go. Frequently 60%+ of the units have already been sold before they even break ground. Also poor planning allowed all this build-out and rail to be done at the same time driving up labor costs inappropriately. Having to bring in mainland labor and house them is not right.
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correct. and the Big Thompson flood was fifty miles outside of Denver, in the mountain foothills. The last big Denver flood was the Platte River flood in the mid-sixties and Chatfield Reservoir was subsequently constructed, eliminating the possibility of a repeat.
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Yup, Human Caused Climate Change is a big conspiracy that every nation on earth and the vast majority of the planet's scientists came up with to destroy America. Good thing we have the Republicans and Trump to defend us against those trying to make our environment healthy and force us to have clean air and water... Remember- Republicans and Exxon care for you and the environment! "The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive." - Donald Trump "What if climate change is a big hoax and we create a better world for nothing?" - unknown "Plot Idea: 97% of the world's scientists contrive an environmental crisis, but are exposed by a plucky band of billionaires & oil companies" - Scott Westerfeld
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While this lame attempt at deflection dies, watch Trump fans get more and more desperate to change the subject. And the crowd of people who would be suckered into this faulty line of logic is also shrinking rapidly.
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Actually the deficit did happen overnight. The PFD is not sustainable and if you are depending on it to survive you are in trouble
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I don't think we're toast at all. Trudeau is a lot tougher than Trump (younger, stronger, fitter and a better team player). Good leadership means working well with others - not spouting at the mouth with threats and empty bombast. The Canadian/US trade relationship is very complex and intertwined - it's not just black and white. And no one can afford to damage it - on either side. There's too much at stake. Back in the eighties and nineties I represented Canada in some agriculture trade deals, and I learned that the best way to deal with the Americans is to stand up to them, and give as good (or better) than you get. They'll actually respect you for it and try to become your friend. Then you get to control the debate and get the better deal. It's how you treat any bully and win. Ask anyone.
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This bill is the right thing to do. We need to stop sending our Permanent fund monies to the Feds in the form of Federal Income taxes. On the flip side, wasting money on studying megaprojects like the Susitna Dam and the Road to Ambler and the continued tax give away to oil companies is not the correct thing to do. So vote out the folks who continue to waste our funds on studying megaprojects and continue to send our funds to oil companies that don't need our contribution to make a profit on our oil.
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Harold Richard Head IV, don't forget that 'Iggy' landed safely at George Soros' university. They do take care of their own it seems. I predict, and hope that PM Socks will assume his position at the UN in 2019.
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OK, let's work on your reading comprehension. "The military budget throughout Obama's time in office has been higher than it ever has before." That is generally factual, though I would concede that it was much higher during WWII. But in recent decades it is correct. "It has increased substantially OVER THE LAST COUPLE YEARS." This is for all defense-related expenses, not just the DOD budget, which doesn't include things like the CIA, NSA, Homeland Security, etc. 2011 was the high water mark, but since 2013 spending has increased. Hanson's claim of "vast cutbacks" is without merit.
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Lots of hand-waving on both sides of the aisle. Saw an interview on CNN where Rob Reiner (never understood why entertainment celebs are so listened-to) was saying the damage Russian intervention has caused. But, he never specified exactly what that damage was or quantified how it hurt the country. A bunch of countries influence our government and are always trying to get in its shorts, but nobody says anything until now.
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Reagan dealt with double digit unemployment, double digit inflation, and double digit interest rates to combat runaway inflation. Obama dealt with single digit unemployment, inflation is non-existent, and historic low interest rates. To lay claim our economy has recovered is laughable at best. Raise the Prime rate to a mere 2% and this smoke and mirror economy collapses overnight. Once Obama is out of office and Obamacare is fully enacted, Obama is going down in history as the worst president failure in post WW2. Oh, that's right, he's already polled as the worst.
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I'm going to assume (no insincere protestation please) that you are being heavily ironic here Motley! At least, I hope so!
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Dutch harbor and Adak are too far away. Why do you say Nome/Port Clearance are not a good choice? We have roads and quite a bit of infrastructure. Not to mention a 100 year supply of graphite (the grade required for electric car batteries) that may be developed in the near future. If that developed you need a port to ship it out.
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Chicago's most heinous murder of the summer was committed, not by violators of immigration law, but by a college professor and a friend of his who flew to the US legally from England. There is zero evidence that people here illegally commit more crime than those born here and it does not make good economic sense to spend $15,000 per person to deport jaywalkers. Where are we going to get the money for that? We can't even fund education.
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Thank gawd shes not president!
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What I don't honestly understand is gov't aid that marks the buyer publicly as a poor person.
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I wonder whose private jet he flew in on, it isn't a government plane.
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They wouldn't, and I'm not buying my next car from Phil Long.
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Look what you have now Evan, do you think it's so great. An effort was made to get the turtle to roll over and it just flipped back on his back and sang his songs. And for you Peggy Billingsley obviously you condone what's going on and has been for years. I know some of those guys that got out in the world and guess what they stayed out and aren't raping and pillaging. What's your plan and how is it going?
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Nothing wrong with any of this. A little overreaction to a carbon tax, because the money is reinvested in sustainability projects, and helps industry to be more efficient, and industry was even consulted on the plans so they signed off. It's also good some politicians try to figure out some Trump policies or strategies for Canada.
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It is my opinion that the banks and KPMG jumped off the ship when they got wind of these email leaks going to be made public. Absolutely nothing has happened to any of these corporates since these disclosures. Also, don't tell me that only KPMG were/are involved; what about all the other Gupta connected companies auditors?
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It's their ocean....
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'.... we are a nation of immigrants' Not really. We are becoming that, as the native population is swamped by the endless hordes colonizing us. More correctly, we are a nation of settlers, who created an entire new polity here on this sparsely populated continent. Immigrants came later, and in theory should assimilate into that polity. There are multiple ways to debunk rationalizations that immigration in the 21st century is a good thing, but little to support it. You can use a cultural argument: prior to Hart-Cellar in 1965, immigrants were all European. Different languages, source countries, but all Western. Assuming all the other tribes assimilate equally in fanciful. And in any case, should we risk the destruction and dissolution of the US for the imagined benefits of this policy? The most compelling argument of course is economic. Half of jobs are going away via automation in a few decades. Immigrants create a fiscal lifetime burden of $230k or more, and we are $20T in debt.
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History has demonstrated that that kind of protectionist nationalism promoted by Trump is ultimately detrimental.
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I said "almost" Why do we always try to bail out the poor quality of Canada's health system compared to many other countries by comparing it to the US and not to European countries
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Perhaps they are suggesting equities may do even worse......think it over. Meanwhile very little bond $$ is "locked in".....it is traded to and fro.
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This is what happens when you put liberals in charge. They run your schools into the dirt and cause poverty, homelessness to explode. The liberal agenda is shamelessly exploiting the poor to advance the welfare state, and make as many citizens possible dependent on big government.
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This is where the Liberal apoplogists (either the bought and paid for or the gullible amateurs) have to earn their bread and butter. It reminds me of the scene in the Big Chill where the ex-hippie lawyer says to her "progressive" friends: I never thought my clients whould be so ... guilty!"
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This is a tendentious interpretation, as if intended to condemn same-sex relations and discredit the defenders of marriage equality. The J-Author uses the story of the separation of the originally ungendered human creature ("adam" is "mud beast") into a male and a female as an etiological myth to explain conventional sexual attraction and marriage: the sexual act is a recapitulation of the original state, that's all. And in terms of attraction alone, there's no reason the original couple could not have been Adam and Steve--cf. the parallel myth of Aristophanes in Plato's "Symposium," which refers to three erotic combinations; and if as we think the J-Author lived in the 900s BCE, he/she was a contemporary of the first collectors of David-material in the Books of Samuel, and knew of the love between David and Jonathan, "passing that of a woman"--save for convention and reproduction. And there's nothing about reproduction's being a participation alongside God in creation. (to be cont'd)
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I just love seeing thug cops like these described in the article get slapped down hard. Seems Justice in these instances only seems to comes in dollar bills, and that paid by insurance companies, but justice is sweet anyway you get it.
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Thank you Kris, If you were to stop with that last line you would have covered it all ! Peace V.
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“No one’s questioning it as a funding source . . . ” Many people have not only questioned the surcharge but brought up significant concerns, mainly due to the regressive nature of it. Part of the problem with rail is that too many people turn their heads the other way.
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Yeah, I'm with you on that, too. The (somewhat) good news on that front is that population growth is stabilizing world wide, though Africa and India haven't slowed down much at all. India will overtake China as the most populous country within 20 years. We just can't keep packing the Earth with more people without bound. But the numbers look good for stabilizing, though that will be at around 9-10 billion or so. Still not ideal, but better than those exponential curves we saw 30 years ago.
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This response is the scorched earth approach, which will likely result in a whole lot of recriminations from all sides. Sometimes, people already know their spouse is stepping out but choose not to act on it for their own reasons. The wife may not be grateful to have it aired out in public. And this may have been just a one-off lapse in judgement. The guy has already apologized. The letter writer could just let it go. Or she could raise the issue of cheating in general terms with the guy's wife, eg: "So Brad and Angelina are divorcing. Do you think he cheated with her before he and Jennifer broke up?" Then, casually ask if she would want to know if her husband ever made a move on a friend or co-worker. If the woman has any brains - or suspicions about her husband - she'll get the message. But she can still save face and the friendship may just survive.
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Ige working behind the scenes as he did in the senate. This is a giveaway contract and the teachers openly say that as well. They grabbed it. Huge raises but no give backs on productivity, drug testing, attendance, competence, etc. Same old mediocre teaching force. Just a much better paid one.
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You are not thinking rationally. The NYT does not know Trump's position on Iraq all those years ago. T hey simply do not. When there is a lack of conclusive evidence, you don't say somebody lied. If you do, you are the liar. The crowd stuff is more media BS. Trump said the crowd was massive. This is a non-statement in that it is not quantitative, i.e. it is a matter of opinion. Regarding total audience, he may have been talking about the true total audience, i.e. including media distributed coverage. Only a partisan hack would assert that non-quantitative and ambiguous comments are lies. The sad thing in addition is that it doesn't matter. The media made a non-issue an issue. Pathetic. And a person who is wrong is not a liar unless they know they are wrong. Trump speaks off the cuff quite a bit and he is not particularly precise which the media tortures into lies. But in the end, except for partisans like you, the media makes itself look bad for the pettiness.
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Brennan: Intel Shows 'Contacts And Interactions' Between Trump Campaign And Russian Agents
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Yes, you are of course correct -- it has boosted returns. But don't lose sight of the period during which that has happened. Most markets have been very strong since the spring of 2009. I have always thought that the best way to assess a leverage strategy is to have a look at the results during a full market cycle.
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When I go to click on the star to 'like' a comment in a thread, sometimes the star is dark, and sometimes it is not filled in. This is before I click on it and then it turns yellow. Please, what is the difference between the star being filled in and not filled in before I 'like' it? Thanks!
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I hate to tell you this, but 4Shared is just a web posting site, where one can store & share information. Assuming you actually looked at the global 100+ year sea level graph, you would have noted the ref. to climate4you, a data site of earth climate data. I'm afraid it's not a Koch "shill" site. You might say that about NOVA, on PBS, whom Koch sponsors. Needless to say your "flabby" comment speaks for itself.
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I think I saw an earlier article, yes.
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Rents are subject to the law of supply and demand. If apartment vacancies occur due to people leaving the state, rents will fall, That might be offset somewhat by people losing their homes to foreclosure and renting instead, like they did in the mid-1980s.
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Who me? I posed a thought experiment. Are you incapable of removing your ego from this conversation? Just answer the question.
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You forgot the third and perhaps biggest group: the working class. These workers in the private sector who see their bosses who take "risks" (like banks, or factories) who then regularly dodge or avoid taxes. They then automate their jobs or ship them to Mexico or China. Many of these private sector workers pay more tax as a proportion of their income than their boss whether by salary or by the hour. They are not shareholders. They do not make enough to "sprinkle" to their kids. They, too think it's unfair.
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It is utterly beyond my comprehension why anyone would, in the realm of religious belief, be obedient to another person who might be speaking truly for himself or herself but has no authority over what moves others or vibrates and fulfills their spiritual life, let alone how they uncover insights during their life and form their tentative beliefs. Why would anyone be obedient to another person in the realm of religious belief?
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He switched the Personal income tax cuts for a cut to GST - meets your criterion for a tax cut for all Canadians,although neither could really be justified before the crisis. We did get the boost to consumer spending and it feds straight in to the economy. The companies that "banked" the money were the resource companies which is what they tend to do during a spike in resource prices. Other companies tended to invest which is why we say a pick up in non-resource fixed capital formation Since we ended up with below average unemployment, hard to say it didn't create jobs - same as when Chretien cut the Corporation tax I would love to see any academic paper linking a change to the Corporation tax to a change in the Multiplier - just looked through JSTOR and Google scholar but nothing is coming up. Intuitively it is hard connection to make - it would imply that Canada's economy should have shrunk under Chretien for example
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Everything I'm sure was done in a very GENTLEMANLY and CIVIL FASHION! Byron, you just got outscooped- http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-russia-dossier/justice-department-fbi-resist-lawmaker-demands-for-trump-dossier-files-officials-idUSKCN1C405Z?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=Social. Grassley now threatens a subpoena. You need to get that one leg out of the Swamp and truly do some investigative reporting. The FBI and Mueller is 100% corrupt. Ask the damn questions! This a million times bigger than Trump! Where is the conservative press. We need national security and good law enforcement but the FBI the Justice department and other intelligence agencies must be reformed. The good side of you knows this. Stop worrying about stepping on toes.
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STO --You seem like calm, relatively (compared to Jim) rational cannon fodder so I hesitate to push you beyond your limits, but can you explain to me why Marines would obey the orders of a man the majority of voters didn't choose & trundle off to kill people who hadn't harmed us despite our constitution's clear stipulation that only congress can declare war? This makes you imperial storm troopers, beholden not to our republic & its constitution, but to the whims of someone whose mandate to even sleep in the White House, much less have access to nuclear codes that could destroy the planet is highly suspect. Trump does NOT represent the majority of Americans & his approval rating is ~30%, and 40% want him impeached, so why would you kill for such a pretender? Did you not take an oath to defend the constitution or are the Marines exempt from the military code to disobey illegal orders if they come from someone as obviously criminal as T-rump? Your allegiance is misplaced, imho.
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Did you read the article? Look up the word "waive"(versus "overturn") in the dictionary. College graduate or not, conferences have rules about transferring within the conference. As per the article: "Although Carrington is on campus in Salt Lake City, he hasn’t officially joined the team. The faculty representatives at Oregon and Utah are still reviewing the matter and must waive the conference’s intra-conference transfer rule, which requires transfers within the Pac-12 to sit out a year of eligibility." Vernon Adams played in a different conference / at a different level. His situation was not even remotely close to Carrington's just as Tyner going to Oregon State is a completely different situation.
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Most Canadians with a retirement portfolio own Canadian banks. It is often the back bone of many mutual funds . As with our communications companies foreign owner ship restriction apply as well. Beautiful ! We are not looking here for American style instability. Bigger is not better, Paul Martin was so correct !
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BlackAcre: "I wish the Trumpsters would finally quit moaning about Clinton and how awful she might have been as POTUS. That is now a chapter of history..." I think they are going to start putting up statues of HRC around the US since as all true patriots know that is what you do so as not to forget history and the Trumpsters certainly do not want to forget Hillary.
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Why does the Civil Beat Editorial Board perpetuate the false narrative the FTA told the City to "give us back the $1.55 billion" when the City hasn’t received any where near that amount? Isn't the amount of Federal dollars the City has received and spent closer to $600M? Hasn’t Civil Beat extensively reported on the fact the FTA has already decided to withhold additional dollars above the $600M because the City has failed to explain how the Rail will be funded, completed, and operated? Even if the FTA took the draconian step (possibly unprecedented?) of requiring the full reimbursement of the $600M - despite the progress and the far more significant local investment that has been made in the Project to date - perhaps it’s a reasonable concept for the City to pay the FTA back $600M if it saves the tax-payer billions of dollars in construction costs for more heavy rail and hundreds of millions in operating costs into the future.
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Slightly odd given that according to both Trip Advisor and Expedia, the hotel has the highest ranking of any location in Toronto, including the Four Seasons. I'm guessing it is the financial concerns that are posing the problem, not the level of services.
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Justice would give her the maximum. Old enough to know right and wrong. She not only took a life, she devastated his family.
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He's a MUCH less complex solution: Don't give bailouts, "loans" (that never get paid back) or grants in the first place. If a company is poorly managed and can't stand on their feet why should we be rewarding them? Giving bailouts to such companies simply prevents those companies from fixing problems and/or from being pushed aside by a better managed company.
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"Trump is unfit for office. He is unfit to choose an Attorney General" Quite an argument, I'm convinced. Then you're REALLY going to disapprove of his choice for SCOTUS. You don't care who it is - you won't like him/her!
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You are exactly what he is talking about here. He isn't talking about lacking empathy for the victims. He has it. He is talking about empathy and sensibility regarding the abusers. It was a great article. "Your article makes me sick." That makes me sick, unfortunately, because you completely missed the point of the article, or rather several points, which is sad. He's talking about stuff I hadn't noticed, and I'm glad he brought it to my attention. It's call insight and sharing.
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How many shootings lately in Anchorage? How many unsolved? Something is up.
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Perhaps to stop a bubble from forming like the Clinton's Community Reinvestment Act. If you want to help the first time home buyer, lower the price of homes. Don't give him a discount on a rip off. My guess is if people can't pay the rip off price of entry, the price will have to come down.
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Agree. There should be a small boat launch at the head of Passage Canal along with ample parking and campsites. Whittier could make money from boat launchings and campsite fees. And it would eliminate the disfunctional public boat ramps now in the small boat harbor. Whittier should have done this 15 years ago (when state money was easier to come by).
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After reading Trudeau 2.0's wafer thin resume, reading the website of Trudeau quotes revealing him as uninformed, arrogant and not very intelligent and, assessing his preposterous election promises, I am happy to say that he didn't fool me for a nanosecond. As to credible alternatives to Justin, there are thousands of Canadians who exceed his relevant education and experience, his intelligence, and his leadership and executive skills. Trudeau is the Chance Gardener of our times and the embodiment of The Peter Principle. There are at least a dozen CPC leadership hopefuls and even some NDP potential leaders (e.g. Nathan Cullen) not to mention the current interim CPC and NDP leaders who are far and away more qualified to lead a G 7 nation than is our current PM. As to 2015, the notion that either Harper or Mulcair were not infinitely more experienced, accomplished and qualified to lead this country is nothing but laughable.
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(not been to the remodeled freddies yet) one question - did they , or will they , fix the fred meyer signature GOOFY parking lots? a store roughly counts on so much income per parking space. every time i'm doing graceful loops and spins in the car, while looking for a spot at freddies to park in, i wonder WHAT were they thinking? so much wasted real estate! and freddies - think efficiency ... stores fine - redo the parking lots!!
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Everyone please remember this come the next election cycle. This is out of control and has been out of control since the first drip of oil came out. Time to take back out government. For the people by the people.
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There is more wisdom in John's opinion piece and the comments here than the combined wisdom of the entire House Majority.
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During the plantation era in Hawaii, Waipahu was the center of an economic Powerhouse for the state. The whole area provided tons of sugarcane for exports from Hawaii and huge employment for most of the state. Theres probably important historical milestones and achievements from the plantation era that could be highlighted in Waipahu. I've seen an interesting display of that at the Bishop Museum. But it might be more vivid if the actual sites can be restored. We also have a pretty good marketplace near the old Arakawas department store. Only problem is parking is terrible. Perhaps rail station parking will help mitigate that problem. It would be nice if there were a shuttle moving people around in Waipahu town. Unfortunately this discussion is too narrow and limited. The whole area near the Waipahu Rail station needs to be rezoned. A lot of affordabl housing could be built in high-rise development in that area. Now we are only talking about token efforts to address homelessness.
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There ain't no such thing as a permanently platonic relationship between the sexes. People change, times change, circumstances change. For example, one of my very best friends is a cloistered nun. Obviously, we have a platonic relationship. If she was ever to leave her order and the cloister, it's not difficult at all to imagine the relationship developing in non-platonic ways.
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The liberals want to show they care. Pat themselves on their backs and say they made a difference. Even when they know this won't even scratch the surface. Come election time they will tout there successful minuet program that has only been in effect for a short time, and tell the voters that it is the answer, and they are responsible. Even though everyone knows that the place will be totally destroyed within 5 years, and will have cost Millions of Dollars over what they said it would. The City will have NO choice but to re-do the same mistake or kick the folks to the curb. Taxpayers lose again!
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"Is Canada ready for Donald Trump's refugee crisis" What complete - misleading - nonsense. Trump is deporting people who have entered the US ILLEGALLY. They have no right whatsoever to be there. These people are NOT "refugees". They are not fleeing death or injury - and they DO NOT face "persecution". Rather, they face "prosecution" for having entered the US illegally, and I'd bet that a high number have committed the crime of voting illegally. The only "crisis" Canada faces, is the one caused our very own government - for letting these people simply walk into our country. We run a serious risk of having 11 million illegal aliens in the US simply walking across our borders. Even if only 10% of them head north, we are in very, very serious trouble...
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Sure, its hypothetical because allowing this business to conduct in this manner is a slippery slope to allowing business to be very specific as to who they serve. CLEARLY, this baker asked for specifics when making this cake. Why could no other business selling goods not do the same in the future if the Supreme Court rules in this guys favor? You call it hypothetical nonsesnse because you dont want to deal with the real issues that could stem from allowing this guy to discriminate against serving someone based on religious reasons.
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'Democratic candidate; Republican candidate'. I thought they were both wrong, how did you not get that? So when Reagan used the Iran-Contra deal to gain points you are okay with that?
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Emboldened is the right term. Slimy, pathetic little creatures crawling out of their dark holes now that Trump has placed their leader as the shot-caller in the White House.
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And your lack of a moral and ethical compass is astounding, not to mention your huge ego.
Something smells extra putrid in Ottawa.
The "blue slip" was a useful tool when communications throughout the land were highly limited and for such appointments the Senate had to rely on those that knew the far flung States and people to offer advice on appointments. Today literally no one is an unknown and especially judicial decisions even down to the local level are easily and readily available to be researched.
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"I'm not going away," she said. That's just depressing....
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He looks like an old drunk.
So...have you contacted your representatives to vote against the travesty the Senate just revealed? The fact that single-payer would be better is irrelevant once Trumps signs the AHCA, and we know he will.
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You are assuming these guys are Native. And no, this is NOT a "reflection" of the Inupiat culture. You are wrong on that point.
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The coward that calls him or herself Rough Cut needs to be permanently banned from the ADN comment site. Rough Cut has taken it upon himself/herself to post another bloggers phone number and is encouraging and inciting harassment. I suggest that the blogger's whose phone number has been posted use that as evidence as stalking by Rough Cut and file a lawsuit against him or her. Anyone that posts a comment on this site must be free to post a comment without some other ding dong trying to intimidate. Everyone that disagrees with Rough Cut posting someone else's phone number, or personal contact information, whether it's the right phone number or not, should cut and paste Rough Cut's comment and send it by email to ADN's publisher and editor and demand that Rough Cut be banned from the site. I did.
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What debate. So far everybody is coming down on the side of the carbon economy in their lifestyle choices. Nobody really wants the koolside.
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dude where do you live with baggies blowing down the streets. why dont ya get off yer duff and pick em up. anyway must be some wind dude the nearest garbage patch is like 1000 miles away. didja know there are two of them nasties floating in the ocean. gnarly dude
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Thanks for asking. I've been trying to understand this too, David. If you read those links you'll understand that Delta Dental is in the business of selling fluoride, and to that end they provide free fluoridation metering systems, on condition they use them for at least ten years. In the short term that may actually boost dental outcomes for kids, but the potential harm to the community as a whole exists, as many others here have documented. So why not just provide fluoride varnishes for kids? If we can subsidize Boeing's hazardous waste disposal surely we can protect our kids teeth. I never said Delta profits from smoking cessation programs, and just because someone does something good doesn't mean everything they do is good. And I never said stopping smoking dumbs people down, so stop putting words in my mouth. That's called "lying."
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I'm looking forward to history's view of our attempt to adjust the earth's temperature....i.e the 2 degree target. Why don't we try to chage wind direction too ?
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You do know Democrats control the House
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Mandatory sentences bring fairness to the system. Their should be no excuse or special circumstance consideration for commiting a crime. You do the crime you do the time.
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