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? It isn't income based. Anyone who owns a home that qualifies under the program currently pays $300. Under the bill, that would increase to $1,000, which in many cases is still a huge benefit to the owners (and subsidy by other taxpayers).
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I would suggest that when it comes to emergency services, the current federal gov't is a little long on photo ops and platitudes and a little short on actual immediate help, although given the current situation is in Quebec, the limited help might happen a little more quickly, probably just before the next election.
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Both. Read the first sentence
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As a professional in the PR/communications field, this woman knew better. This is social media use 101 stuff folks. I do social media trainings for employees as part of my job. If you connect yourself online as an employee of a business and then act inappropriately on social media, your employer can fire you in an at-will state. Plain and simple. Between her lack of privacy settings and being outspoken about who she was, she deserved what came to her. She could have chosen to not identify herself and that most likely would have been the end of it. But she wanted to prove her point through practicing her free speech rights in a public way; the government can't do a thing about that. Her employer, however, has the right to terminate someone that doesn't align with their company values and either has the potential to damage their reputation, if that employee hasn't already.
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Had a family friend with a very similar history to yours; if she hadn't gotten out of the field and found something else to do in a related field I think the term 'burnout' would have been too mild. Her empathy level was killing her. She went Peace Corps and then elsewhere and I think it saved her sanity.
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I am saved please vote for me. I promise to clean up my act... Wait a minute.. Which sect am I talking to?
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Parents of the year here for sure! Way to go and huge fist bump to the police officer that busted their arses!! We all know however, that with our judicial system, they both will be out in no time because for some CRAZY reason, we cater to the druggies. We, the non druggies, that work and bust our humps daily, are now the minority in town. =-(
The stole $51 billion from the surplus in the E.I. account......... no brains required to balance the books when you steal that kind of coin from Canadians.
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Good for the Raiders [since they own the land], bad for the city of Oakland [I don't think they'll be back anytime soon].
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Deep-pockets are like carrion to Vultures such as these 2 'men of the cloth'. Liars and thieves the both of them.
Hi CiviLydia, thanks for the clarification. I believe, though, that you should stick with the convention of "Like" instead of "Good". This question of what it means is a reasonable one, and though you've explained it to Sarahb well, there will be countless people coming to this site in the future who will hesitate at the obvious ambiguity. "Good" introduces unnecessary complexity. "Like" is already understood almost universally. Please consider erring on the side of keeping it simple and understandable and making it as easy as possible for people to express themselves. Great commenting system otherwise :-)
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"Until the government views the justice system as a priority, we’ll continue to see murderers set free.” If this is an accurate quote, it's an appalling and unacceptable statement by a Crown Counsel. The people being "set free" have not been convicted of any crime and therefore cannot be murderers. They are ACCUSED of having committed a crime but have never been tried and convicted. They are therefore innocent in the eyes of the law. One doesn't even have to go to law school to know this.
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Ever hear of blood hounds?
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Looking at Isabel Martinez, I was at first reminded of the well-worn expression "Never judge a book by its cover" until I realized this is usually taken to mean something that is nice resides below ugliness. In her case, what's really scary is the monster hiding behind that beatific smile.
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The headline implies that marijuana is the culprit whereas, of course, it's the chemical contaminants. People should but only organic marijuana. Ask your dealer for a written guarantee that the products they sell are certified organic. Then you have a legal comeback.
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“I’m not going to lie,” the Premier told reporters.... Right.
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We'll level it for you by stopping all finished product batches through TM. Then we'll cut off your natural gas exports from NE BC. I'm sure there are a few other things we can come up with as well.
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I've been told that Lamberg endorsed Donald Trump. Is this true?
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I think they need another LIO. Two ain't enough.
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Because if it's not the best it must be the worst. That's polarized, black and white, no shades of grey thinking. Thanks for the example.
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By Felicia!
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We are. In high smog areas like the Port Long Beach, only cng diesels are allowed. Some municipalities require that their buses and garbage trucks operate on cng. Westport, a Canadian company, and Cummins are leaders in this field.
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Maybe they would have changed their minds if they knew that Caterpillar has a division known as Solar Turbines Inc. not that Solar Turbines has anything to do with solar power.
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Sounds like the babtists over ABT.
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Tinfoil hat time. "Pizza is code for pedophile." More fake news. Time for some NRA terrorist to get their AR-15 and go do some investigating
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Oh, right. When did anything like this sh*#show ever happen during the Obama presidency?
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It was corrected after my post. The R-G has been doing that in response to many of its errors recently. Sometimes the author acknowledges the correction; sometimes they don't.
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There were 32,675 motor vehicle deaths in 2014... shall we outlaw cars? People on the terror/no-fly watch list should not be able to obtain an AK-47 ; we need responsible gun laws, not a govt who does as the NRA says! http://www.nhtsa.gov/About+NHTSA/Press+Releases/2015/2014-traffic-deaths-drop-but-2015-trending-higher
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During Lunar Eclipses, the Earth shows a shadow across the moon. The shadow shows a curvature. Also, the only shape that consistently has a circular shadow, regardless of its orientation, is a sphere. If the earth were flat and round, similar to a disk, it could cast a circular shadow, but only for lunar eclipses that occur at midnight. For a lunar eclipse at sunrise or sunset, the earth’s shadow would be an ellipse, a line, or a rectangle, depending upon how thick the disk was compared to its diameter. The Foucault pendulum is a valid experiment showing Earth's rotation.
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What a whiny little snowflake you are.
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If I was on the defense I'd be saving my body for another season and another team
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Lying to obtain security clearance is a felony. US prosecutors should be leveraging that to obtain the real truth from people like Kushner. But because the US right now doesn't have the rule of law in place since Trump's election, people like Kushner can continue to betray the US and the West from the highest levels of power.
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Thanks for the thoughtful and well reasoned argument.
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The murder rate went down over most of Obama's two terms, and only at the end did it spike. It must have been the legalization of weed in Colorado that fomented the upsurge of violence in Chicago. Or it was that they knew Obama was leaving and that Trump would probably win. You're welcome. https://www.thetrace.org/2017/01/chicago-murder-rate-fatal-shootings/
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The GOP is certainly not dead. The party controls the Congress, the White House, most state legislatures AND 34 of the 50 Governors are Republicans, just 15 are Democrats. That said, the Republican establishment could be losing its influence and Trump's base voters are looking for voters with a more pro working class bent. Breitbart News, lead by Steve Bannon is pushing candidates who support tougher immigration laws, a border wall, oppose many trade deals, foreign wars AND is less corporatist. For some reason the pro war, open borders, anti working class, corporate shills are acceptable to the mainstream media but the pro working class nationalists are to feared. Um no.
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People ask about "Richard Wright": The guy who's really lost it? Yes, a Marxist-Liberal propagandist. Working for ℐustin ℐagger... ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭   ℐ ℐ   ☭ ☭ ☭ ☭
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One thing is for sure: the current economic policies of Barrack Obama aren't working.
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The genius of Liberal economics: Step one, get elected on a platform promising a $10 billion stimulus budget. Step two, project a massive increase to that number, double or worse. Absorb the initial outrage, and prepare for the coup de grace: Step three, deliver on an actual budget deficit of $12 billion, and declare that thanks to the miracle of Liberal economics, all is well. And a grateful Liberal public rejoices. "Dear Sir: I am pleased to inform you that our original diagnosis of having to amputate both of your arms was incorrect. We now feel that we need only cut off your right arm plus all of the fingers on your left hand. No need to thank us, it's all in a day's work"
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That is the area the city burns each year or so to make the Wet lands grow. Did u not know that is how the Indians and mother nature did it before the evil white people and homeless campers showed up.
What is American arrogance, you non-American arrogant.
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Republican Party. Trump voters would not vote for Gillespie any more than they would John McCain. Voting for Gillespie was not much different than voting for a democrat so many voters just didn't bother to go out.
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The 'dubia' cardinals are not fulfilling their role as cardinals. They are not 'front line' supporters of the pope. This is the only reason for a cardinal's existence as a cardinal. And this was the purpose of cardinals since before the Second Lateran Council. These 'dubia' cardinals are too much into THEIR positions as temporal princes, rather than shedding it by working with the pope as SHEPHERDS.
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Cue the "this is a made-up problem" posts.
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Why, I for one wouldn't mind strictly timed written tests as well as graded pass/fail exams in driving simulators being made mandatory to obtain a new license as well as to renew an existing one. Admittedly, I don't see Honolulu being able to shift resources that way any time soon. But that, and the seizure and timely auction or destruction of all uninsured vehicles and any and all vehicles not properly registered and licensed could go a long way to clearing our roads and improving safety for everyone else. What? Are you unable to afford insurance premiums and registration fees and still need your car to get to work and thus feed you and your family? Then you should be allowed six months to get your priorities straight and either find a way to legally drive your car or learn to live with public transportation.
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The sea otter is another example of over-protection. They have rebounded with a vengeance in Southeast and wreak havoc with crab populations and have all but destroyed abalone. They should be managed by allowing residents the opportunity to obtain a tag. Fish and Game has even bounced around the idea of a bounty. However, harvest is limited to Alaska Natives. And they aren't making a dent in the problem. Even a limited draw permit would be helpful in managing these fishery destroying marauders. Plus, give someone else the pleasure of owning a fine pelt.
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But in the semi driver's defense, Chris in Ottawa, he probably had to get that text off right away. s/off
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Its like the weather, don't like it, wait a day or two, it'll change.
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You can live where you want to live but I don't have to configure my city streets to support your life choices and long commute. Denver needs to support itself instead of suburbanites and it can do that best with narrower, slower, multimodal streets.
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No one was ripped off. Only $tup!d would enroll into a non-accredited skool and pay $20k+ to have some bozo read a business book to you that you could have bought for $20 on http://www.audible.com LOL Again, no one was ripped off, stupid and his money parted ways, nothing else.
There is a difference, at least for me, in treating a person with dignity whether he or she has same sex attraction or not, and allowing a person with same sex attraction to be ordained as a Catholic priest. In Christian theology, Jesus is the Lamb provided by God himself as a sacrifice for the sins of the world. The Catholic priest, in offering the holy sacrifice of the Mass, participates as an essential person in the mystical process whereby Jesus Himself becomes present. The Catholic priest, in the sacrament of Reconciliation, hears the deepest secrets of the penitent, who must have utter confidence in his silence even in torture. The Catholic priest, in all the sacraments, must have the full acceptance and respect of the faithful, and his presence should not be the source of thoughts outside the sacrament itself. A priest who "outs" himself creates an untenable situation, which the church seeks to avoid by ordaining only persons who will not be the source of anger or pain to others
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These two educators have no place in education, but I too am appalled at the double standard and curious why so few see a parallel with D. Trump. This is probably not the only time they have shared snide remarks about females' bodies. Further, it is very likely they were encouraged to express their opinions of these girls by the comments and actions of our President.
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"If she retires at 60, she will get ........$......., as well as an after-tax pension benefit of $53,847 a year, including a bridge benefit to 65." Why can't you simply tell us the PRE-tax pension benefit including bridge, thus allowing us to understand and analyse the situation more easily. After-tax numbers will depend on a whole host of things. I'm getting fed up with the smoke and mirror games we have to play.
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The conference needs a new name. The redundancy is stunning. But they could begin fruitful investigation of "biofouling Pacific waters, climate change and community-based natural resource management" right here in Honolulu where such issues are apparently trivial to local leadership. Perhaps a field trip to the new International Market Place where they can photograph the immured Banyan tree.
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Oh! Maybe the students didn't have time to clean up!
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little weird and overly dramatic there phil.........
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My wife and I used to live in Denver. We moved to SF (nowhere NEAR as dense as NYC) last year and sold both cars. Happy as clams.
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Usual dishonest suspects attempting to blame marijuana decriminalization for crime uptick. If this was the case, then why on earth is crime dropping in Seattle after they also decriminalized pot? Hmmm? Sorry, fellas... but your disingenuous agenda against marijuana is showing and you look like dolts again.
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It takes a "special" kind of stupid to leave your car unlocked whilst running with the keys and child inside.
So was his comment inaccurate?
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Thank you PFD Board to turn down the ponzi scam from the Walker administration.
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Good luck with that! Denver Schools is a fiefdom and a den of incompetence of epic proportions
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GCI said that they wouldn't sell your browsing history. I wonder how long that will last now?
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I'm wondering if the shock of this election will send a good many independents into the Democratic camp. I hope it will at least wake up people who mostly have ignored politics, figuring somehow it doesn't impact on them.
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Sexual harassment may have nothing to do with a "sexual" act, it is discrimination (preferential treatment) base on "sex" or gender. A physical act (i.e grouping) was filed under sexual assault. Worst of all is the filing with the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission (civil rights violation). Also did the article leave out a complaint filed for retaliation against her for filing complaint(s)? I guess it was mention as "alleged retaliation" this would be another complaint. This is a tough one for Officer Conte and I wish her the best in resolving this unfortunate chain of events.
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Well the left relies on guilt by association and uses guilt by association on a constant ongoing basis, so to say that using guilt by association is bad when some people on the right do it would be patently unfair. It is, however, a very weak argument when done by the right or left.
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Seriously, what are you talking about? Have you never seen a "Law & Order" episode. From commission of crime, though investigation and trial, ONE HOUR minus commercial. In two days the man must have resolved a near mind boggling collection of offenses. Truly the Illuminator in Excelsis of the Pacific.
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I'm sorry motley but I've never borrowed money regardless of circumstances. If she could borrow the money to keep from going to jail, perhaps she could of used that money and stayed honest and not lost her job which she misses so much. Oh and it wasn't a couple, lol. More questions?
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So sorry to hear of your loss Dennis. I am one of the Willis kids from South Side. I wish you peace and God's blessing.
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This is what guns do: they murder innocent people. They are not used for lawful purposes. How many friends and relatives are tonight grieving for the loss of this man, due to the bizarre stranglehold that the NRA has over our Congress? We must push next year for stronger gun control from Salem, as it will clearly not come from Washington, D.C. Write your state representatives, and tell them that enough is enough of this!! Demand that action be taken against guns.
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These were scale models strapped to rockets used to test the airframe.
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I love setting off the America haters.
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Do you have any long term studies to support your opinion or are you just spouting off!
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and you would be incorrect in saying that coal is the primary source for creating energy in the US. NG surpassed coal as of last year. With the abundance of NG and being cheaper to produce and use, coal is slowly fading into the background as the fuel of choice, when it comes to producing electricity. King Coal will never be what is once was, no matter what trump says or does. https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/national/power-plants/?utm_term=.55f403c190bf
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If you have leveraged yourself to the edge of a cliff on the basis you may make money, you are speculating. If you move away and keep your house because it may be worth more down the road, you are speculating. If you are buying a home years before you can afford one, you are speculating. Homes are places that people raise family's and join community's, not get rich programs. A healthy market sees home prices move along with inflation, not artificially created environment driven by speculation.
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A friend observes that in Chinese history, when the power of the emperor is exercised by someone else, and the real emperor is only a "puppet emperor", that marks not just the marginalization of the emperor but the beginning of the end of the dynasty. Obviously, the parallels are inexact. But we should not miss the significance of the fact that the power of the presidency is now being exercised by a surrogate who has embraced frankly racist and anti-Semitic views. Our "experiment" in democratic self-government is relatively new in the long history of the world; there is no guarantee that it will survive. In the run up to the election and to the inauguration of Trump, I expressed several times my confidence that our Constitution and institutions are strong enough to survive his presidency. I still believe that; but I have been stunned by emergence of a neo-Nazi as the de facto president. Every day that Donald Trump is president, the presidency is demeaned and the country is diminished.
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She is first and foremost a Muslim, one submits to the will of Allah: Inshallah. Nothing, not even her own life is going to interfere with that. Even as the corpses of victims of Islam pile up, she will avert her eyes and blame infidels. Her hijab is her affirmation of Islamic Suprematism. Free speech be damned as far as she and Islam are concerned.
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So why did McDonalds go that route? Other fast food restaurants have not. McDonalds are struggling to stay afloat, not because of minimum wage costs but because they no longer have any connection to their customers.
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Because the terrorist in Edmonton had told a fellow worker that he wanted to kill pagans and he was in possession of an Isis flag. Amazing how you lobs refuse to admit the obvious when it comes to people acting in the name of a certain ideology.
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HEMIC was formed under the laws of Hawaii. Pretty sad when they refuse to do their job just because the mean ole Feds might get angry. Come on Hawaii, get angry yourself. It is time to tell these phony conservatives to start respecting state rights and get the hell out of our business. State of Hawaii, you should just legalize marijuana already. Let the Feds come after us. Make my Day! God I miss the days when republicans stood for fiscal responsibility, small government, and state/individual rights. Wonder if they will ever go back to these values? Shirley?
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Has the NDP ever met a tax it didn't like? I mean seriously this is just another example of why this party will never form a national government and the notion that Canadians want a tax on Netflix and other foreign media providers is plain nuts. The only ones calling for this are those working in the domestic media industry that are struggling to retain relevance with their content that leaves much to be desired. At the end of the day these kinds of ideas are just the schemes of champagne socialists who are so out of touch with reality it boggles the imagination.
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Thank you ADN for publishing the truth.
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So this posting is just for where retirees should spend their time
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Here' my proposal for a project: Make kids study Canadian history.
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Seems pretty warm to me. That's why the snow is so heavy and wet and I worked up a sweat getting it off my car this morning. Snow does not mean CLIMATE CHANGE is not real. Please read up on facts (not alternative-facts).
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No, it only crossed over one, the issue is not Khadr's entire life it's the conduct of Canadian agents during the time he was imprisoned at Gitmo. Those were under exactly one PM, Mr. Harper. Looking for systemic answers is good, but spreading the blame way too far isn't.
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That's right, China has massive restrictions on imports despite having signed every international trade agreement there is. And China is the same country Trudeau and his gang want Canada to sign a "free trade" deal with. Is anybody in the Canadian MSM or "business" community going to call Trudeau out on his nonsense? Anybody still loyal to Canada or are they all committed globalists who couldn't care less about Canada and Canadians?
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Have to ask what's the difference between being homeless and being a vagrant? How do you tell? By their looks? Age? Race? Gender?
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This is silly. I’m not in the practice of nor interested in rating what another person has to say, although I will sometmes argue with a commenter’s rhetorical tactic, hypocrisy or poor spelling. I bring what I bring. Although I appreciate civility, it’s not a requirement for me. And who get to decide what’s “civil”? Does that mean if someone thinks a commenter is a provocateur or simply makes a bad joke, a “peer review” will lead to the post being deleted? Hey, how about that free exchange of ideas thing, huh?
Ugotta B Kidding wrote: "State headcount has barely decreased, no state agencies have been shut down..." I wrote: "Which agencies would you like to be shut down?" So that's two people who said something about shutting agencies down. Please try to keep up...
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I think I see the problem here. Bill, whenever I say "read" I always just assume that you know I mean "for comprehension". The loser in the story who likes to smear people is the leader of the free world. See if you can find that part. It buried way down in, what? - paragraph three?
Most buildings can take potential flooding. It's actual flooding that makes things interesting. Designing a building to flood is only taught in advanced design.
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I think one thing we learnt from the results last night is to take polling with a kilo or two of salt.
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Homosexual Leftists...like Larry Craig, Denny Hastert, and Mark Foley..???
The premise "objectivity is the result of authentic subjectivity" is the hopeful dynamic of self-authentication and of universal human growth into a sense of religion-in-common. Individual consciousness is one with earth/ cosmic consciousness, what enables informed objectivity. Objectivity (authentically informed subjectivity) informs universal origin and bonding. Divinity consciousness (God-Sense), the ultimate sense of joined objective/ subjective understanding, is a magnetism characteristic of cosmic creativity, of Soul, of Godhead understanding coming to Self-realization.
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So Mitch "bullied" someone who can't be bullied??? AHAHAHAHAHAHA
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It appears that they are prepared to prostitute themselves for money. They only gave up their Oakbay affiliation once the banks kicked Oakbay into touch. Had this not occurred they no doubt would have still been "on board", abetting state plunder.
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Guess what butler. You insulted your pwn intelligence. Carry on
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Wrong, Mumbles, nobody's "free speech" can be suppressed.
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Taken from the playbook of big oil as it's a proven profitable results model.
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You are absolutely right. This property is a gem. It seems the county is willing to give it away, and that would really be showing complete disdain for the people who own it, we the taxpayers. Someone has posted that he tried to buy the property but found that it was zoned into impracticality-that nothing could be done with it. Given its history this property might be rural residential or maybe F-2 impacted forest; it had a homestead so I think it shouldn't be E, exclusive farm use, unless a variance for a house is available. But whatever, Lane County ought to establish the zoning in such a way that a prospective buyer could have a home and a choice of land uses. I don't think a housing subdivision would fly, but with enough influence, who knows?
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