2 values
>> $4 small soft drink I can't wait! 😱
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Yes, if the priest does not counsel the person who is involved with any sinful behavior. That is his job, not to disregard the elephant in the room. No different than a parent raising his child who is committing improper behavior. Should the parent just dialog with his young son who was just involved with stealing, without attempting to addresss and change the behavior?
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I find his in depth knowledge of IED manufacture & placement optimization to be a bit concerning. Just look at that smile!
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Thank you for the link, that's a fascinating read.
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I was a fan of their $9/mo subscription offer.
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oh please.......you've never heard of the Tillamook burn.....but then for too many people ancient history started in the year of your birth. If ONLY we could get China to stop all their global warming pollution we would not have all these terrifyingly fast forest fires we have all of a sudden now in Oregon. you kids would have been a hoot back during the field burning days
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If one followed SA's strained Birth Control logic, couldn't one conclude; sexually transmitted diseases will likely decrease?
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What I find really unbelievable is that everyone else is expected to interpret his tweets but not him.
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"..I didn’t lie awake during the Cold War—both sides were too sensible. But when you are dealing with the Iranians, I don’t know." Certainly very worrisome and needs to be closely and tightly monitored. But now that they are close allies of Russia, this will be much harder. Obama was fooled, Iranians cleaned his clock. World far more unstable and dangerous thanks to Obama.
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that is sure a lot of welfare mouths to feed - can we send them all to the private aga khan island. I mean we sent over $50 million so it is all in the family so to speak - and the same religion and all.
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Obama administration rushed to preserve fantasy of Russian election hacking. It was part of the desperate fake news campaign to derail Trump's campaign for the Presidency. No proof of Russian meddling in the election has ever been presented. It never will be because it doesn't exist.
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We are responsible for our own country's behavior, not Nigeria or Saudi Arabia. Your comment is a red herring.
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Yesterday Premier Philippe Couillard came out against a plan to build a new suburb near Montreal for Muslims only, saying it runs counter to Quebec’s values. Is there anything wrong with developers providing devotees of the one true god with affordable rent-to-own housing which pays lip-service to the Koran's prohibition against paying interest and which limits their contact with those who would corrupt them, Christians in particular, as demanded by Allah? http://boreal.ca/Koran/Friends.htm I am sure any English-Canadian politician, with the exception of Ms. Leitch, will tell you that this all in keeping with Canadian values, nothing to worry about.
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I'm an "old person," too and I think you entirely missed Ransom's point. By making it about her age, there is a subtle insinuation that most people this age could't do what she just did. That's nonsense. Ever heard of Norman Vaughan? Most people, in general, couldn't do what she just did. Why single out her age.
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They weren't wrongfully jailed. They murdered somebody and skated out on their punishment
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He's more interested in Taylor Swift's deep pockets than whatever he was groping.
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You poor thing. You should work on calibrating your feelings to reality.
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"“Now who do I blame?” he asked, pointing to the audience. “The people. A bunch of idiots following Pied Piper over the edge of the cliff. That's who I blame. They ought to know better than that." Odd, I feel exactly the same way about you in your office.
CNN really embarrassed itself tonight and showed tremendous bias. CNN finally started covering this terrorist attack! After every other network did! They had to be pulled away from their 24/7 bashing Trump kicking & screaming.
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He doesn't even have the guts to use the word "tax increase". They're "revenue enhancements". More weasel-wording.
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I might believe Drumpf if he repeats his claim while under oath. But probably not even then. I'm just going to add this to his long list of Twitter Tales, aka "lies".
Ethical legislative leadership (or leadership who wasn't completely tone deaf) would strongly discourage this committee assignment just because of the "optics" let alone the very real potential for undue or even unintentional influence. One of my favorite bits of hypocrisy from the legislature is the conflict of interest ceremony they perform when, before a vote, one of them dutifully declares a conflict of interest and then are "required" to vote. You can't make this stuff up........
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Try 10 stories... Meanwhile you think US Gold investors follow "Catou1403 of the Toronto G&M".....? lol
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Apparently you've never visited places like this. That's a shame.
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Junior is so naive and preoccupied with photo ops, selfies, waiving at crowds that he agrees to things without realizing what it is he's agreeing to.
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And another childish riposte, so sad!
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I am not happy with everything Trump has done so far ...but I'm very happy with most of it ...you guys exist in an echo chamber of outrage that you think that everyone agrees and is equally outraged...we aren't. You gave us 8 years of an empty suit who couldn't tell the truth to save his life and then were complicit in kinking your own primary to try to stuff Hillary Clinton up us all ... with your track record of picking losers over and over again where do you get off questioning anything? In the minds of most of the american people your opinions are meaningless
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Steven Lyons - So I take it you're absolutely fine with all the big cities deciding every presidential election? You see, the Founders understood that geographical diversity was important. People in cities have different values than people in exurban areas. So, they created the Electoral College to provide some regional balance. And, that is still how that works. If you look at the county map for the 2016 election, you see that it was a triumph for suburban and rural areas. Clinton carried only the cities. Heck, only 18 states have a Democratic-controlled legislature and governor. Get rid of the EC and those areas no longer have any say in the presidential election. We become Panem, with the capital(s) dictating our society and the rural areas subjugated to our "betters". Forget that the rurals provide everything that cities require to survive. We aren't smart enough to make the more important choices of society. Alaskans, of all people, should resist any move to get rid of the EC.
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Agree with everything except the effective ownership of the Post. Two of the worst current mayors: Hancock and de Blasio.
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NOT EVERYONE IS IN TROUBLE IN AFRICA Someone asked on Spectrum, "Why isn't GC talking about taking over unions in Africa that make allowance for polygamy on a selective basis?" Well, I was just told that if those tribal chiefs pay 10% of tithe for each wife, there will be "no grave consequences." The problem remains, though, for those who have 11 or more wives, since they will always be in violation for not paying their dues. I heard that at the end of the AC next week, the "GC Purifiers," represented by TW , will propose to demote the violators from the status TRIBE to status MISSION. The AC agenda will be modified by a vote on Monday, allowing for the meetings to be extended for one extra day, to give participants enough time to discuss if the "grace period" should be one year, or if they should get "double grace," i.e., two years to get rid of the extra (above 10) wives.... (which may require a special offering...) I wish the best luck to the Chiefs.....
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Why would you pay more for an inferior product whether it is the second or fifth car that you own. You have to be an enthusiast of the Al Gore deep ecology religion. There is no other reason.
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Well there's actually the same number "0"s to the right of the decimal point, based on a 500/8.7million ratio. 0.00005 recall that scientists use..p <=0.05 as the criterion!
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I haven't felt this bad since 9/11.
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Reductio ad absurdum
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he would have to change his name to Ian Hanomansbridge to get the job
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I want my State of Alaska drivers license to be in compliance with Real ID- c'mon legislators.
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No it doesnt, because there is much more to come. Wait until later this week when an undercover video taken inside CNN will break showing producers discussing which fake news stories they should use to harm Trump. It's going to be pretty hard to keep up the denials then.
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The 2011 Canadian voter turnout almost matches the Kenyan turnout this week. Yet you would not have said that the PM lacked a mandate & called for a 3rd election.Why is Kenya different?(1)As a hack for Odinga, your only road to victory is exhausting the electoral process then negotiating a power sharing deal (as Odinga had in 2008). (2)You say the West shouldn't wag fingers, but you call on Canada do that &more- envisioning a saviour that will ride in and save the good folk from big bad African presidents. How do you,or Canada,know what Kenyans want? A few chats with uber drivers & bartenders doesn't make u an expert. Kenya does not need a foreign saviour! Western interference in African elections has never resulted in positive outcome for the working class. So we'll go thru the messy process of democracy ourselves, and chart our own future. I'm no fan of Odinga or Uhuru- Both rep repressive political dynasties and play tribal politics. They shouldnt now bankrupt Kenya with elections
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That's a tough question. They're locked in a race to the bottom.
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Time to remove all exemptions for religions for denial of human rights. Religions created by humans to rule over other humans have sat in positions of power within government for too long. All citizens, institutions, and organizations within this nation must follow the Constitutional protections contained within the Bill of Rights. Denial of human rights must be prosecuted as criminal. The past and current criminal activities within religion violating every aspect of human rights and decency removed any claims of spiritual eminence representing an invisible power unproven to even exist. Let freedom truly ring throughout the land.
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It's text book SOP for the fish wrap Denver Post.
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Cutting keiki health care benefits is foolish indeed.
Jane did you get paid double to write this little ditty? Are you going to pay the indigenous communities the money that would be taken away should the pipelines and oil stop flowing? You do realize that there are many reserves that make money from the oil industry or did Greenpeace and the indigenous people that played host to you forget to tell you that fact?
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Trump admin is guilty as heck.
Let's not put undue weight on Trump's tweets. The proof of any friendship is what happens when there is something on the line.
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I was replying to GayFordhamPrepGrad who accused Festing of lying to Boeselager. I replied suggesting that it might have been Boeselager who was lying. You intervened saying that I "was out on a limb there." I asked why, because there is no corroboration of Boeselager's accusation. Then you suggested that I ought to substantiate my 'accusation/suggestion'. It was neither an accusation nor a suggestion it was just to serve as an illustration that it was as much a possibility that Boeselager was lying as it was that Festing was lying. Most posters here consider on the www both Festing and Burke to have lied without any evidence that they have yet you don't take them to task, tell them it is unseemly and unchristian. Why should I be surprised at that?
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Agreed, but she actually was chosen.
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More misuse of the term 'trolls.' Trolls are people who make insincere comments with the goal of provoking a reaction. They've been around since the dawn of the internet. And the online-savvy have known how to deal with them since the dawn of the internet - ignore them. No reaction = no fun for the troll.
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How can you have a Mayor's Debate that will only be for 30 minutes? A 30 minute debate does not give much time for the voters to learn about each candidate and their views on the various positions. Do we know why this debate is only 30 minutes and what kind of format it will be?
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My parents survived the camps. most of their family members did not. To compare 6,000 loonies that have no support or weapons with the Nazi war machine of 1939 is ridiculous. Funny, President Trump is standing up to a real threat to Americans in Kim Jong-un. In that case, his words seem to offend you as well. Who is the bigger threat to law abiding Americans? Why do you not condemn Antifa or BLM?
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They have taken our constitution and skewed it's meaning to allow them to do this. The evil little racist bigot Jeff Sessions is not fit to work for the government let alone AG. He want's to increase the use of private prisons. He's a Nazi. His comments about pot and the KKK says it all. Somebody sue him out of existence!
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Molly would gladly have put her rump in front of President Bush in front of millions of viewers. I'd bet the dress is still in the closet waiting for DNA sampling.
Your points are well taken. But you must be young yet. Ever try understanding how to sign up for Medicare? Hope you have a Harvard degree😀
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Yes, that was the decade. The decade when Canada kept its head above water when most of the world, including the USA resorted to trillions in money printing to stay alive. That was the decade when: - in 2015 the OECD ranked Canada #1 with lowest debt/GDP - in 2014 the OECD ranked Canada #1 with best job growth - in 2014 Canada had the best real GDP growth from 2009, within the G7 - in 2015 Canada ranked in the top five for 'happiness' by the UN SDSN As we head into this dark period we will crave those days.
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"hired as an executive adviser helping to prepare clients for the future" Translation: Facilitate introductions to high level govt officials with money to spend.
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"...everyone on the East Coast wins..." There is probably a better way to phrase that.
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Good job state..
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A fantastic young man whose life will inspire others !
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So, they want yo develop a club of indoctrination for older teens?
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I don't you actually read this article or the one on the advisory council recommendations. Or if you did, you clearly didn't think them through. Because your comment missing the key points completely
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One of the nations seems to forget they were conquered.
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Why does Ms. Wente always see the glass half-empty? Not satisfied with complaining about political correctness, or what she sees as dangerous progressive ideas, now she has expanded to attack nature and the wilderness. The "excessive romanticization of nature" is a product of glossy brochures marketed to urbanized populations who lost touch with it. But the effectiveness point to our innate yearnings, and the true nature of our selves: we are animals, we are products of nature despite whatever warped ideas we may produce at times, so we always end up being drawn to it. But it seems that some only want the visuals of beautiful sunsets under expansive skies, the soothing quiet of majestic forests but are otherwise not prepared to accept the inconvenience of uneven ground, cold and rain, nor risk. Those only want to take benefits for themselves, don't accept things for what they truly are, both good and bad. No perspective, no tolerance, no sense of responsibility. They just troll.
The truth, it burns! Doesn't it Dick?
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I still refer to Montreal as Ville Marie. It just seems right.
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Pence is playing the waiting game to take Trumps place. I thought that would be a good idea, but now realize he isn't any better than Trump. In fact he is worse for supporting whatever Trump does. As our President (and yes, despite what Shatz says, he is our President) would so "eloquently" say, "Terrible!" LOL
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They've already bulldozed over sites which may have contained iwi and even some historical sites and burials. "Nothing to see here - move along!" Tourist trap - shibai... YMMV
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Only two honest men on that stage. Romer,(Patronage job at LA schools,paying large money and fat pension) Hick (Hirer ofillegal alien that killed a cop) Ritter (fat no show job at CSU and big PERA payoff)
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You can't win a war by committee rule.
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I hope these lawmakers made it written that if the city falls short again, they can't come begging for more money. Price doubled in less then 3 years and the city gets bailed out twice. The only losers are the taxpayers who gotta fork over more of their hard earned money. I really hope you all remember this when it comes time to vote again. Let's not forget when Ige promises that "He will not raise taxes" when first elected. You remember that Gov. Ige? Veto this bill!
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The writer of the acticle regarding purchasing the senior pass on line meant well, but the link provided was inaccurate. Here is the link that works. https://yourpassnow.com/ParkPass/park/senior/SeniorPassInfoCollect
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And that is why you don't get it, Richard Rhyner. You equate a criminal action with accidental one. That incident on Diamond, the cyclist did not cause the accident. He was part of it but it was mutual. We all have driven the road where a cyclist is moving against the traffic but that don't give us the right to slammed into him. The fact the driver was impaired made her an impaired driver. Where you and I would avoid the cyclist.....she could not. She was breaking the law and that is where you are stuck in the box. You think people who break the law are not accountable if the share of the incident is mutual. Standards are different, Richard, when a human life is at stake.
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The White House says that the president's remarks to stop the violent "includes white supremacists, KKK, Neo-Nazi and all extremist groups." Well, of course it does, it should. What Trump did not do was to place the responsibility of starting the violence on those neo-Nazis and white supremacists who traveled from different parts of the country to Charlottesville for the express purpose of defending white Nationalism. What Trump did not do was to exclude the peaceful protesters from that responsibility of starting the violence. Their reaction to the neo-Nazis could only be considered "violent" if you deny them the right of self-protection. Everyone knows this. Which is why Trump looks so diminished, so small a man, today.
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Mokantx, I really don't think that Georgge Soros is funding the resistance groups. That sounds like pure Fox spin. The resistance is quite real, people have woken up (even Trump supporters) from the startling happenings each day in this bizarre Trump presidency. The protests are the only thing left for citizens to voice their concerns, and we have much to be concerned about. Stayed tuned, but please not to Fox news, you're getting brainwashed.
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Catherine Rampbell Rambling on and on. Your scoring sucks. For extreme achievements look at the 10 BILLION dollars he's worth. English language? Clearly his language skills got him voted in as POTUS. (not bad) High paying job offers? YES, he offers a LOT of high paying jobs.His total would would lead the pack.
Michele, below, is correct. Hamilton is a different season than the other shows you mention. Also, according to the Broadway in Portland website, RENT is not included in the season ticket price. You must purchase tickets for that separately. I'm surprised an editor didn't catch this. Readers count on WW for information. We shouldn't have to fact-check everything we read.
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You are good...real good. Satire and irony--and humor--are so missing from our discussions, and I look forward to your continued assumption of the "authentic" believer role. Thank you. But as you of all folks know, you cannot top the no-ironic-intent posts we sometimes see here, and surely on other sites. At the Register, there is a current discussion thread on sex education with replies that sound 100% like they could come from you---but are from folks who really believe what they say.
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Completely agree with the point of view expressed by author (Andrew Cohen); delighted he chose to write on this topic.
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What in the world are you talking about? President Trump supported DACA. The jobs market and stock market is at an all time high with this president, and that helps all Americans. "Give scraps to the poor"? As usual with all progressive, the only yardstick of a good government is based upon welfare, and the idea that "the poor" will stay poor forever, generation after generation. Planned Parenthood is an abortion mill with frills.
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Nice thread: Americans can always be spotted by their impatience, berating customer service minions and willingness to overspend.
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One of surfing's true pioneers and gentlemen. Aside from a few aerial moves and screaming & crying about their heat scores, today's younger generation has done little for the sport. They need to learn about great surfers like John Severson, Duke Kahanamoku, Doc Paskowitz, Rabbit Kekai, Michael Peterson, and others who blazed trails of genius, originality, and humility that's absent in the sport today.
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sg, if you don't like it then don't watch. robin and her staff dresses just fine for the games. they wear clean and conservative clothing. win or loss they can dress the way they want to, just as long it is presentable. you are a manini.
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The important point is that he didn't pilot the plane. Mr. Nunes cannot point to even one case of a commercial pilot in Canada actually operating a plane while intoxicated, much less a case where a passenger was injured due to the pilot being intoxicated. In other words, there is no evidence of an actual problem.
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You don't think this "Misha" is one of the out-of-state fluoride proponents, do you? Taking a new tack on harassing Clallam County residents and their newspaper? The peculiar fellow from Michigan, perhaps?
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The teaching may or may not have changed with Jesus, depending upon your knowledge of the debates of his time (the debate between Shemaya and Hillel) and whether Jesus was condemning all remarriage or simply remarriage for a better placed spouse.
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It's not the direct infusion of cash that buys fealty, it's the threat that the NRA will use it's massive resources to run a more compliant candidate against him that has Ryan prostrate. Fortunately for Ryan, his spine was removed years ago and he can Gumby his way into any position required to remain in office.
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"202,000 Canadians ‘cut the cord’ " What does that have to do with "3 oil stocks to buy now"? Typical useless link from globeinvestor with sensational title to draw in more "views"!
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Don't look up at the universe - the Extra-terrestrial has won an election in the USA .-) The space ship landed somewhere in New York, where aliens are a common sight thus not attracting attention. Aliens form a favorite source of headlines in our media ........ their ravings are accepted uncritically to exercise the desperate scribblers of this remote planet - designated "Mostly Harmless" in the authoritative travel guide " Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy "..... Softwood Lumber is a favorite form of duel between the tribes, an ancient ritual to attract more females and gold than the other tribes and thereby maintain territorial superiority, drive bigger SUVs and acquire granite countertops in their home base dens, where they reproduce ........
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And what has the cost been of the preference to hire male candidates over the last forever years?
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Fear is not an adequate response to logic. More Guns results in fewer crimes. Lets make the criminals afraid to act out. #AmazingDocGreeneShow
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This story reveals a UO activity that is utterly revolting and totalitarian. People get offended every day for all sorts of reasons. I am offended by the bias response team. Freedom of expression and thought is vitally important. Somehow we have failed the young if they cannot tolerate hearing comments that disagree with their own ways of thinking.
I believe it might just be a case of Tourette syndrome that came over him.
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You want war? Be the first to volunteer yourself and your children to go fight.
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Too bad you can't state your case without name calling - you don't represent your party very well by doing that but it's your choice. I read my comment again and you're right, I did insinuate that the Alberta Conservatives are far right. It was an error because I know that among the left and the right there are those that are extreme and those at the other end of the spectrum as well. Not all Conservatives are are far right...only some are....but the far right can do a lot of damage in my opinion.
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Miter, On a small island, bad development that doesn't comply with rational planning principles and makes tons of money for developers will always outpace needed infrastructure. That's why there's horrible traffic on Oahu. New infrastructure won't fix the traffic because the real problem is bad development. When that problem is fixed, then there's a chance to fix traffic. However, there's no indication that bad development will cease or even slow down. Koa Ridge, with 3,500 homes, was recently approved for Central Oahu. More traffic is being created as rail is being built.
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Several things are severely bent in this country. Thanks for pointing a few of them out.
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The current leader to UKIP (after Farage quit leaving all the hard work to be done) just got his clock cleaned in a by-election in a riding which was supposed to be the Brexit capital of England! British people who voted Leave started to feel remorse the next day when they realized what they had actually voted for rather than the lies that people like Farage and Boris Johnson had told them. The backlash against UKIP has started and the self-serving Farage deserted the sinking ship.
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A 2nd or 3rd rate one, I hear she's out of work and I can see why.
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A physician is not on call 24/7. They take turns... like police, ambulance, fire, accident investigators, plumbers, HVAC repairers, computer tech support, phone service... and the list goes on. If you don't like the conditions find another career.
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