Java launch error selection does not contain a main type
[ "Error: Selection does not contain a main type", "Selection does not contain any Java files from eclipse" ]
[ "Selection Sort in Java", "App used to launch now it does not", "Eclipse: \"selection does not contain a main type\" error when main function exists", "Eclipse Main program Launch error", "Why do I get the \"Selection does not contain a main type\" when my class has a main?", "Can't launch app with ParseLoginActivity", "Date Selection in Java", "Launch file from Java", "Selection does not contain main type - error", "how can i run a code just on first launch?", "Eclipse launch existing launch-configuration", "Code won't launch", "How to call launch() more than once in java", "Launch application Java", "Selection Sort, For Java", "Selection does not contain a main Type - Eclipse Run Error", "Selection Sort (Java)", "JComboxBox selection", "Launch Java class from another Java application", "Selection using a string array (java)", "Launch main method from object with type \"Class<?>\"", "Return Type Based on User Selection?", "Eclipse Java Launch Error: Selection does not contain a main type", "Eclipse error when trying to run Java application - \"Selection does not contain a main type\" - But it does?", "Eclipse saying selection does not contain a main type?", "Launch powershellscript in java application", "Create new instance on launch" ]
No active contexts for scope type javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped when invoking a bean from a thread
[ "Why am I getting a WELD-001303: No active contexts for scope type javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped exception?" ]
[ "Working with different contexts with JUEL", "Not getting request parameters in @RequestScoped ManagedBean", "Variable of same class in separate contexts", "@Remote EJB which uses @RequestScoped CDI bean", "Difference between Java Bean and Enterprise Java Beans?", "REST endpoint - Singleton vs RequestScoped", "What is the difference between using RequestScoped (faces) and RequestScoped (context)", "method-invoking Spring bean", "Difference between Bean, Java Bean and Enterprise Java Beans", "WebSocket endpoint and CDI injection: No active contexts for scope RequestScoped", "@Stateless vs @RequestScoped", "JPA's EntityManager should be RequestScoped?", "What is an Enterprise Java Bean really?", "Jersey - Inject variable from filter as RequestScoped", "Inject a @RequestScoped bean twice as different instances", "Enterprise App and the Enterprise App Client", "selected bean is not in the same module or enterprise application", "Enterprise Library DAAB for JAVA?", "Cleaning up a @RequestScoped object?", "Downloading and adding javax.enterprise.context.RequestScoped to my project", "HttpServletRequest injection on RequestScoped bean CDI", "Testing a project using Guice Servlet: How to bind out-of-scope RequestScoped instances?", "WebBeans context with scope type annotation @RequestScoped does not exist within current thread", "How do i get file path of my file in java enterprise application?", "Can I start a ManagedThread in a Singleton Enterprise Java Bean?", "the package javax.enterprise.context is missing after glassfish update", "JSF2: Pass objects from one requestscoped bean into another Requestscoped bean?", "How to use RequestScoped objects within singleton jersey interceptor?", "Is there a way to make a bean thread-scope?" ]
Using Java To Download Files From a HTTPS URL
[ "Download file from HTTPS server using Java" ]
[ "Java how to find out if a URL is http or https?", "Simple Java HTTPS server", "from http to https", "Java: download web content from Google https", "Download file from HTTPS in browser on android", "where can i find an example of how to setup https on java where https is not supported", "VirusTotal HTTPS connection Java", "Download file over HTTPS", "how to do HTTPS post/get in java.", "How to save the file from HTTPS url in JAVA?", "How to open a stream to httpS URL", "What should I do to make my Java web application to use HTTPS?", "Java HTTPS file download?", "HTTPS web request in Java", "connect to a HTTPS url and post to it", "How to get response code from a Https Url using java", "WDSL2Java exception when I run it on https URL", "Java https server", "Handle HTTPS Tunnling using java", "How do I use a local HTTPS URL in java?", "How to download files without making application GUI freeze", "How do I login and download a file from a https web page from Java?", "How to make a https post in Java?", "How to get xml from https url on Android?", "Java connection to a https URL", "Using HTTPS with REST in Java", "HTTPS download file error android 4.4", "Download images from a HTTPS URL in Java", "Spring Security Https - Error when try to login with https" ]
Displaying a 2D array of integers as an image in Java
[ "How to convert a 2d array of integers to an image in java?" ]
[ "Storing integers from file to 2D array", "Displaying the elements of 2d array", "Messup with 2D string array in java", "java - displaying a list", "Why doesn't my 2D array displaying properly and doesn't display input", "int[] Array displaying", "Image not displaying with random", "Displaying image from separate java file", "Java file to 2D array", "image not displaying in java frame", "Array is not displaying (Java)", "Displaying change java", "Displaying an image, Java", "Java 2D array encirclement", "Displaying Image in Java", "2D array in Java", "Java 2D array error", "Insert integers into 2d array", "Convert vector of integers into a 2D array", "How do I print a 2d array?", "Java: Image Not Displaying", "My image is not displaying in my list", "Displaying an Image Android", "Android displaying image from Database", "displaying image in java, no main class found", "Displaying information from a 2d array", "displaying index array", "Error in displaying values" ]
How do I configure Maven for offline development?
[ "How do I configure Ivy to be used offline?" ]
[ "Use maven offline", "Offline Javadoc Server", "GWT/Web Java offline application example", "Offline Java Documentation", "could the first ever maven build be made offline?", "Android - application depending on own api - server offline", "How do i view or access java docs offline?", "javadoc location for eclipse offline", "Can I \"see\" Java Standard Libraries Offline", "Get User online/offline state", "Check if Offline with GWT", "Fierebase and Java offline storage", "GVM Always Offline", "Caching Maven parent in offline build", "Maven + javadoc: add offline links", "Converting user to an offline user?", "How can i run this Applet offline?", "Is it possible to run maven in offline mode?", "offline image search in java", "How to know if app user is offline android app?", "Maven doesn't download dependencies: \"The repository system is offline\"", "Library Development with Maven", "Get data from Parse server for offline usage", "Connect Web application to an offline compiler (Java/Python)", "Creating an offline map on Android", "Is there a maven command line option for offline mode?", "Download maven project dependencies to build offline later", "How to Cache Json data to be available offline?" ]
Spring Security Logout doesn't work with Spring 4 CORS
[ "Spring Data Rest and Cors" ]
[ "Spring Security remember me logout issue", "Login Logout use case in Spring security", "Spring Security - Simple CORS authentication error", "Which way is correct for setting CORS in new Spring?", "CORS doesn't work for different url", "how to correctly logout user in spring security", "Spring Security login/logout problems", "How to add logout functionality in spring security", "spring security : logout does not work when having long relative path", "Spring Security Logout", "Logout is not working in Spring Security", "Spring security logout call", "Spring Security - cannot logout", "How to no redirect to another page when user logout in spring security", "Spring Security: 404 on logout", "Spring security logout not working because of CORS", "Spring security CORS Filter", "Logout through spring-security code", "Doing CORS manually", "Spring Data REST (2.4.4.RELEASE) and CORS", "Custom logout URL with Spring Security", "Redirect for logout Spring Security", "CORS thetransactioncompany does not work for one specific path", "spring security j_spring_security logout problem", "CORS implementation with Spring 3.x", "Spring, CORS, and j_spring_security_logout", "Spring security logout goes to j_spring_security_logout", "Spring Security logout issues", "Spring security login and logout" ]
How to check if resultset has one row or more?
[ "Java ResultSet how to check if there are any results" ]
[ "How to get data from a specific row in using a ResultSet object?", "Need help for ResultSet in java", "Resultset To List", "How to get row count using ResultSet in Java?", "ResultSet to Array", "Working with a ResultSet", "Check ResultSet values one by one", "ResultSet to String java?", "Error while getting resultset", "Resultset get all values", "Resultset within resultset", "ResultSet update row is not working", "ResultSet doesn't return all the values", "Resultset to list", "ResultSet is from UPDATE. No Data", "How to return 2 ResultSet?", "How to get only the first row from a java.sql.ResultSet?", "Why ResultSet isn't null,But I can't get data from the ResultSet", "How to check if Resultset empty or not", "Do I need next() for a ResultSet with one row?", "Do not update row in ResultSet if data has changed", "get ResultSet into JTxtField", "Java:ResultSet error", "Any way to return a ResultSet in Java?", "Check if ResultSet is empty in Java", "Get value from ResultSet Java", "Using Resultset in Java Program", "Difference between ResultSet.TypeForwardOnly and ResultSet.TypeScrollable", "ResultSet in Java" ]
JavaFX is now out: Are Applets and Java Desktop officially dead/dying?
[ "Is JavaFX a replacement for Java Applets?" ]
[ "Dead Code Error in Java", "Applets in Java", "Why do applets not need a main()?", "Session dying when using curl from command line", "Why is this code dying on Windows?", "Java+Tomcat, Dying database connection?", "I can't run my own applets in browser", "Why is my RMI server dying after 20 hours", "Does Java cache applets?", "what is dead code ?", "Java applets run in web browser", "How does java run its applets in the browser?", "What's the difference between http://localhost:8000/ and for Java Applets", "Is there a way to tell if a join exits from a timeout or thread dying?", "How to run Applets on Android?", "How to create Java applets?", "Issues running Java applets", "Understanding applets", "Where did all the java applets go?", "application dying at port creation", "Convert Application to Applets", "How does Eclipse run .java files as applets?", "How do you debug Java Applets?", "Java Applets and HTML", "Why is this \"if\" a \"dead code\"?", "Tomcat7 dying, nothing in the logs", "Applets not working in Browser", "What Applets Can and Cannot Do", "Images in applets" ]
How to Sort an Arraylist of Date in ascending and descending order which is in String format
[ "How to Sort Date in descending order From Arraylist Date in android?" ]
[ "sort array of objects in descending order", "sort arraylist in ascending order", "Find out which row is sorted and if it is ascending or descending", "print range of integers in descending or ascending order in java", "Ascending / Descending order in object array using element length", "Sorting Custom Object Price Values in Ascending and Descending order", "Sort ArrayList of Strings in descending order", "How to sort ArrayList in descending order", "Design a compareTo that can sort in ascending or descending order", "How to sort List of string with delimiters by ascending and descending order", "How to sort ArrayList<Object> in Ascending order android", "Sort List based on conditions (ascending or descending)", "Sort ArrayList in descending order", "Ascending order Sorted array is getting printed in descending order?", "How to print a descending/ascending number of spaces in Java?", "Java sort list object by date ascending", "How do I use a method to input an array in ascending and descending order?", "Sort Ascending or Descending inside a Bubble-Sort", "how to i change this insertion sort from ascending to descending - java", "Sort all even numbers in ascending order and then sort all odd numbers in descending order in a collection", "How to sort the string number in descending order?", "Sorting List ascending and descending android java", "Will you get descending order if you reverse list of objects which is sorted by ascending order?", "How to sort an arrayList with string in descending order", "How can I sort one column by ascending and another by descending in Spring Data?", "Ascending order and Descending Java", "Quick Sort Sorts Descending Not Ascending", "Iterator with descending and ascending order does not work", "sort arraylist with key ascending" ]
Why would one declare a Java interface method as abstract?
[ "Do we need to declare interface methods as abstract", "In Java, when should I use an abstract method in an interface?" ]
[ "Interface or Abstract class", "When should I declare abstract methods?", "Same method in Interface and Abstract class", "Java abstract interface", "What should I declare my object with when the class has an interface and a abstract superclass?", "interface/abstract class", "Abstract Data Type and Interface", "Why declare an interface as abstract?", "Java abstract class and interface", "What (not) to declare when implementing an interface with an abstract class?", "Java interface and abstract class", "what is a abstract method on a interface in java", "Abstract interface", "When to use abstract class or interface?", "Java Interface\\abstract class constriction", "Abstract and Interface in java", "Is a Java interface an abstract class?", "Why use abstract class and not interface?", "Can't declare an abstract method private", "Do I need to declare methods of abstract class in respective interface?", "interface with in an abstract class", "Java - abstract class and interface", "Using Interface and Abstract class", "Abstract class return in interface", "abstract class or interface", "Abstract class ,class, interface", "Java abstract method and interface", "How to declare abstract method in non-abstract class" ]
Sum up fields based on another field in a stream
[ "Sum attribute of object with Stream API" ]
[ "Java stream. Sum two fields in a stream of objects", "Sum of list of object fields using stream", "How to use stream filter and sum", "Java Stream- Add two columns and sum results", "Java 8 Stream add elements to list and sum", "Java stream : first element of the stream minus the sum of the rest of the stream", "Java manupilate an object in a list with the stream method", "Java stream. Only once", "Can a field in my Class be the sum of two other fields? (Java)", "Stream and filter one list based on other list", "Stream of Stream: cannot convert from Stream<Object>", "stream list into a set", "java stream filter based on different fields", "How to sum values in a Map with a stream?", "How do you sum on a list of objects in a java 8 stream", "use stream to sum all values from array stored in map", "Java 8 stream - sum of objects", "Filter stream with values from another stream", "Calculate sum of object's attribute in List of List (with stream)", "How to check if a Stream<String> contains another Stream<String> in Java 8", "sum up a list using stream", "Imageiio can't create imageinput stream", "Sum each field in stream of objects", "Getting the sum and max from a list using stream", "How to code Stream.findNth()?", "java field value sum", "Java I/O stream", "How to read one stream into another?", "Add sum from another method" ]
com.owlike.genson.JsonBindingException: Could not deserialize to type class com.sun.jersey.api.representation.Form
[ "Genson with Jersey JsonBindingException: Could not deserialize to type class java.lang.String" ]
[ "Parse JSON Date from POST with Genson and Jersey", "JAX-RS: Jersey + Genson = MessageBodyProviderNotFoundException", "com.omdbapi.OmdbConnectionErrorException error", "Genson 1.4 (JSON) not processing inherited Pojo's", "Genson Polymorphic / Generic Serialization", "Difference com.sun.jersey and org.glassfish.jersey", "Is it possible to call a COM API from Java?", "com.owlike.genson.JsonBindingException: Could not deserialize to type class javax.ws.rs.core.Response", "Com object in Java , possible?", "Jersey: com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.Errors$ErrorMessagesException", "Getting com.sun.jersey.api.MessageException in restful webservices application", "Classes from \"com.sun.*\" and \"sun.*\" packages should not be used Sonar issue for Jersey client", "Can Genson handle generic, nested fields on objects?", "Genson library in jersey webservices to deserialize data", "Get jersey to deserialize into subclass", "Genson serialization Issue with byte and Date fields", "How to use Genson provider as default in Jersey client?", "from where can i get com.sun.cnpi package?", "Genson property read error", "Order matters with class metadata in Genson - Is there a work-around?", "Only add class metadata for non-concrete types in Genson", "Jersey rest api com.sun.jersey.api.container.ContainerExceptionServlet", "ClassNotFoundException : com.sun.jersey.core.util.FeaturesAndProperties", "Parse nested JSON with genson", "Genson throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException", "Genson: Handling child's properties while using RuntimePropertyFilter", "JSON to object issue with Jersey and Genson", "Jersey: Can not deserialize instance of ArrayList out of String", "What is inside com.sun package?" ]
Streaming a pdf file from JAX-RS Response: '401: Unauthorized' for url
[ "JAX-WS WebService Client - \"Response: '401: Unauthorized' for url\"" ]
[ "Getting 401 unauthorized error in retrofit?", "Eclipse Web Services Test Client and Exception: (401) Unauthorized error", "JAX RS get list of objects", "JAX-RS NoMessageBodyWriterFoundFailure", "JAX-RS run a function only once", "jax-rs Response entity class", "jax-rs and server name", "Java Jax rs inteceptors", "Maven - Error code 401, Unauthorized", "HttpResponseProxy HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized", "Is it possible in Java to return the 401 Unauthorized response code explicitly", "Why am I getting a \"401 Unauthorized\" error in Maven?", "JAX-RS: Convert Response to Exception", "Web service 401 Unauthorized error", "Cannot get data from Google Analytics (401 Unauthorized)", "getting TokenResponseException: 401 Unauthorized", "How to return Response with message, jax rs", "Why does this spring oauth configuration never return 401 unauthorized?", "Java Http request PUT : 401 unauthorized", "GoogleCloudMessaging Unauthorized Error 401 (Android as a server)", "Get file (401 unauthorized) - Alfresco", "JAX-RS How to write Response", "Android Annotations Login Failed 401 Unauthorized", "How to return List<String> as Response in JAX-RS", "SOAP client basic auth: HTTP response '401: Unauthorized'", "Getting \"Transport error: 401 Error: Unauthorized\" when accessing URL through POST", "Java Jax rs return list as xml", "Streaming bytes via HTTP PUT with JAX-RS" ]
java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception error in applet
[ "InvocationTargetException in Java Web Start applet/application" ]
[ "Showing error Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "JavaFX Exception in Application constructor java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "Using hibernate to insert to database but gets java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException exception", "Exception in java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException in javafx", "How to fix/workaround java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception cause null in Junit", "applet. java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException : what is the reason for this?", "EmbeddedCassandraServer getting \"java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException\"", "Why \"java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException\" showing", "Applet Error - java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException in Glassfish when deploying applet", "ANDROID: Caused by: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "java.lang.reflect.invocationtargetexception error when placing applet onto website", "java applet RuntimeException Java.lang.InvocationTargetException", "how to resolve the java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException in maven", "JavaFX java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "What could cause java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException?", "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException error", "Exception in Application start method java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "JavaFx Program throws java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException?", "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException When get value from TextField - Javafx", "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException in javaFx", "Error java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "Appears error java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException", "Getting exception java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException while running application on tomcat" ]
Spring - is it possible to get all packages, registered with @ComponentScan?
[ "How to get list of Interfaces from @ComponentScan packages" ]
[ "multiple @ComponentScan in Spring 4?", "ComponentScan excludeFilters Not Working In Spring 4.0.6.RELEASE", "How to proper create bean Spring using annotations Bean and ComponentScan?", "Spring ComponentScan package-structure", "<context:componentscan> how does it work?", "Spring Boot - Spring security @ComponentScan or @Import", "What is the difference between @ComponentScan and @EnableAutoConfiguration in Spring Boot?", "How to scan multiple paths using the @ComponentScan annotation?", "How can programatically configure the @ComponentScan?", "Spring: How to set system properties in integration test when @ComponentScan is used?", "Spring Boot -- why doesn't the @ComponentScan work with my package combination?", "exclude @Component from @ComponentScan", "Spring - @Primary fails against @ComponentScan?", "Exclude class from ComponentScan of SpringBoot", "@ComponentScan with multiple configuration class : Annotation Based Configuration", "Spring ComponentScan excludeFilters annotation not working in Spring Boot Test context", "How to config @ComponentScan dynamic?", "@ComponentScan doesn't work in Spring boot AutoConfiguration class?", "Groovy Spring @Configuration using @ComponentScan with multiple packages", "How use @ComponentScan in Spring Boot to load classes from jar and a wildcard that works like the default?", "How to load all beans lazily with @ComponentScan in Spring?", "Spring can't find CrudRepository beans when using ComponentScan", "Spring how to do the official Spring REST tutorial without using @ComponentScan?", "How to make Spring's @ComponentScan search components in included JARs", "What is a specific use case where you will use @Configuration with @ComponentScan in Spring?", "@ComponentScan and @Autowired fail to inject from a specific package", "Is there a naming convention for @ComponentScan basePackageClasses?", "Spring @ComponentScan for @Service", "How do I start a Spring Boot Web Application without using ComponentScan" ]
Parse RSS pubDate to Date object in java
[ "Parse DIFFERENT RSS pubDate to Date object in java" ]
[ "No RSS data is showing up", "How to write an RSS feed with Java?", "no value for rss, though it's obviously there", "How to return RSS with REST service?", "joda - parsing time zone of pubDate in RSS item", "How to parse image or image url from Rss xml", "How to read RSS feed using an xAgent?", "Android rss unable to parse XML with attribute", "Random RSS Data", "Android RSS Xml Error", "Parsing RSS pubDate in Android slow with SimpleDateFormat", "Android Rss Image Problem", "how to save RSS to xml file java", "Fetch RSS from web and parse it", "RSS items order, does it matter?", "how to correctly parse RSS XML with rometools?", "how to get data from rss?", "Android does not parse RSS feed", "Image URL from RSS", "How do I make my RSS Reader take in different URL and fetch their RSS Feed", "Writing an RSS reader in Java", "How to install android-rss (org.mcsoxford.rss) in Eclipse?", "How to get Image from Rss", "How to Add RSS code in JAVA", "I'm parsing an RSS feed without a pubDate, is there any other way(s) to figure out when an item was published?", "Remove HTML from String - RSS", "How to get Rss image from parser", "RSS Feed, Parse all possible dates", "ROME RSS: How to get RSS icon" ]
How to serialize a third-party non-serializable final class (e.g. google's LatLng class)?
[ "In java how do I serialize a class that is not marked Serializable?" ]
[ "How to store ArrayList<LatLng> on Sqlite database?", "Passing an ArrayList of LatLng through intent", "Java Serializable object contains non-Serializable fields", "Why we don't need to implement Serializable to serialize to xml", "How to serialize fields of super-classes as well as the serializable class", "How to convert String values into LatLng() objects?", "how using Map with json to set map latlng value from database?", "How can I make a field non-serializable in java?", "How to serialize a non-serializable in Java?", "Google Maps Marker doesn't show with List<LatLng>", "Third party JAR's in java", "How to get LatLng data from Google Geocoding API json?", "Try to convert Arraylist<LatLng> to string before insert to database", "Why if i don't implement serializable i still can serialize an object?", "How to save an arrayList<LatLng> with SharedPreferences", "Strange java LatLng condition", "How to find third party component being used in a third party library", "Can I use a LatLng object as a double?", "JAVA: is it possible to serialize a 3rd party class non serializable with private fields?", "How to serialize/deserialize third party Java objects with Jackson", "Serialize hashmap with non-serializable objects", "Non-Serializable Object exception", "Java serialization of non serializable third party class", "Need to make third party objects serializable without writing wrapper", "Android _ How to get the position of marker on google map v2 and match it to the array of Latlng", "How to serialize a final field containing a non-serializable object", "How to serialize non-serializable base class in standard serialization?", "If a class implements serializable interface then is its child class also serialize or not?", "LatLng is no longer working in the compiler" ]
[ "RMI - run client code on Eclipse throws MarshalException while execute from console works fine" ]
[ "rmi class can not found exception", "Running Java RMI", "Getting Java RMI up and running", "RMI - do I get it right?", "Cannot get SocketPermission to work with RMI", "Simple RMI Application", "javax.ejb.EJBException: java.rmi.MarshalException", "how to create rmi in java", "java.rmi.ConnectIOException", "JAVA: How to set thread name (RMI)?", "javax.xml.bind.MarshalException - with linked exception: [javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: class ** nor any of its super class is known to this context", "RMI client method call", "RMI implementation Java", "RMI example and ExportException", "jersey rest services showing exception javax.ws.rs.WebApplicationException: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException", "Using JAVA RMI in Android application", "RMI no such object exception", "What type is RMI?", "Return a string with Java RMI", "Get RMI socket in RMI function?", "java.rmi.MarshalException: ciphering", "Exception in using appclient jar in EJB 3 :javax.ejb.EJBException: java.rmi.MarshalException:", "Java RMI Reference", "javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException: javax.xml.bind.MarshalException - with linked exception:", "Error while retrieving data, Caused by: . org.apache.cassandra.serializers.MarshalException", "Java can't start RMI server", "Java RMI Server does not print output", "What is the point of Java RMI?", "RMI: does rmi server at the same time can work only with one network interface" ]
How pause and then resume a thread?
[ "How to pause all running threads? and then resume?" ]
[ "Pause-Resume Audio on button click", "Swing animation pause and resume", "How to pause / resume Java Threads", "Implementing pause/resume function in Java game", "Pause/resume functionality for a game", "Java Threads: Pause/Resume Thread vs Terminiate/Start New Thread", "Android: How to pause and resume a Count Down Timer?", "Implement pause/resume in file downloading", "Runnable, Pause and Resume thread", "Is there a way to pause/resume the SwingWorker", "Android FTP download pause/resume", "How to Pause and Resume a Thread in Java from another Thread", "How to pause/resume all threads in an ExecutorService in Java?", "having pause/resume button on jpanel form java", "Android: Pause/Resume Timer OR Thread", "How to pause and resume a simple game in Java", "Pause from reading excel and resume by button click", "Pause/Resume a Thread", "how to pause a thread and resume it exactly where it was left off", "How to get a string value from a thread at fixed intervals while able to pause/resume?", "How to resume a thread", "How can I start, pause and resume my threads? (by extending thread from classes)", "Java can't resume thread after pause", "Java ExecutorService pause/resume a specific thread", "Pause/Resume arbitrary computation in thread", "Java thread issues with pause and resume via button", "How to indefinitely pause a thread in Java and later resume it?", "pause and resume Selenium execution", "Android pause/resume not working" ]
Is there a Java equivalent or methodology for the typedef keyword in C++?
[ "Implement typedef in Java" ]
[ "Using a wrapper class for a typedef equivalent in Java; must I expose the class variable?", "Methodology for upgrading OS Kernel", "Game architecture & methodology (screens/effects)", "Is There A Java Equivalent To C# Out Keyword", "What is the equivalent of the C# 'var' keyword in Java?", "JPA Hibernate Typedef", "Scala: Read an excel file and create output according to different templates methodology/pattern", "how to typedef annotation in Java", "Java Interfaces Methodology: Should every class implement an interface?", "Does it make sense to use the same methodology in android programming as in java programing?", "Equivalent of the C# keyword 'as' in Java", "Multiple instanceof keyword usage a good programming methodology", "C++ typedef in Java?", "Is there a Java equivalent to C#'s 'checked' keyword?", "Objective C to Java: converting a typedef block", "What is the equivalent Java keyword/construct for C#'s default()?", "methodology for JAR cleanup in a web app", "Implementation to create a reporting methodology to report to admin through mail", "Methodology for saving field data between application sessions", "Best methodology to test against multiple Java versions", "A typedef in Java, for array types in particular", "Is there a Java equivalent to C#'s 'yield' keyword?", "C# equivalent of Java 'implements' keyword?", "typedef struct pointer into JNA", "Looking for equivalence to typedef and array from C to Java", "Spring boot bean into bean injection methodology", "`final` keyword equivalent for variables in Python?", "Java and android testing methodology" ]
Why is CompletableFuture.supplyAsync succeeding a random number of times?
[ "instance of CompletableFuture cannot get expected result" ]
[ "Creating a generic array for CompletableFuture", "CompletableFuture withFallback / handle only some errors", "How to get results from the CompletableFuture", "How to subclass CompletableFuture?", "Java CompletableFuture: only first result", "How to log if a completableFuture fails?", "Throwing exception from CompletableFuture", "Try & Catch When Calling supplyAsync", "CompletableFuture takes more time - Java 8", "CompletableFuture supplyAsync", "CompletableFuture exception behavior with join() then get()", "ExecutorService.submit(Task) vs CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(Task, Executor)", "CompletableFuture.acceptEither", "Returning multiple values with CompletableFuture.supplyAsync", "How do you transform a CompletableFuture of one type to another?", "reference to a field inside a CompletableFuture which can again be a CompletableFuture : java", "What's wrong on the following using CompletableFuture?", "Alternative to CompletableFuture API17", "How to convert the code to use CompletableFuture?", "JDK8 CompletableFuture.supplyAsync how to deal with interruptedException", "How to wait for CompletableFuture supplyAsync (called in for loop) to complete then collect results?", "Return CompletableFuture<Void> or CompletableFuture<?>?", "How to set ForkJoinPool with the desired number of worker threads in CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(Supplier<U> supplier) method?", "How to use CompletableFuture.thenComposeAsync()?", "How do I use CompletableFuture.supplyAsync together with PriorityBlockingQueue?", "Unit test of method with CompletableFuture inside", "How to return a value using CompletableFuture", "CompletableFuture from Callable?", "Callback with CompletableFuture" ]
Include Perl in Java
[ "How should I call a Perl Script in Java?" ]
[ "How can I call Perl from Java?", "How do I find out which version of Java I am using Perl?", "Perl array as an object variable", "Calling Java .jar Program from Perl using System()", "java equivalent for system() command in perl", "Is there a Perl implementation in Java?", "looking for help call a perl script with arguments from java class", "Parsing Java Class From Perl or Python", "Perl strings inside system call to Java", "Error when trying to execute a java program from a perl script", "Java Wrapper to Perl/Python code", "Not able to see the Perl output executing from Java class", "Using Perl data on server to display on Android", "Unable to call Perl script from Java code", "Call a java class from perl", "capture perl output with java", "Calling Java methods and classes from Perl script", "java call perl which read and write data", "Not able to invoke Perl script from Java", "What is the Perl equivalent of this Java snippet? (Java explanation in Perl terms)", "From Perl to Java", "Perl: Return new instance of the class with the function", "How can I pass data from Perl to Java?", "Perl Client to Java Server", "How do I execute a perl script in java?", "Executing perl script from java", "how can I import existing perl project in java by Eclipse?", "Run screen from Perl", "Perl Script in background" ]
The public type <<classname>> must be defined in its own file error in Eclipse
[ "The public type <<classname>> must be defined in its own file: bad style or nice feature" ]
[ "is there an equivalent to 'classname.this' from java in c++?", "Difference between <className>.class and this(representing the <classname>)", "eclipse: import (classname) cannot be resolved", "What is ClassName.this?", "Is raw type of ClassName equivalent to ClassName<Object>?", "How to convert List<?> to List<className>", "How can I get the classname at runtime, but only the classname?", "How can a class access its own classname?", "Why I must use classname here in ANT?", "java.util.LinkedList<ClassName> cannot be converted to ClassName", "Pass classname to method", "the public type must be defined in its own file", "What does classname.class return?", "Classname + $ . What causes it?", "Using string value as className for calling methods", "What happens when new ClassName() is called..?", "What is the difference between ClassName.m() and (new ClassName()).m() m() is a static method", "In Java, the variable name can be same with the classname", "public classname() is never called in class classname - Java", "The parameter is ArrayList<T> and how can I get the T's className", "Is it necessary that class className must be coded in className.java?", "Why hibernate's get(classname, index) returns an object instead of a \"classname\" instance?", "What does <> mean in a classname?", "How to refer second classname if two classes have same classname - using selenium webdriver", "new className().methodName(); VS className ref = new className();", "Example of ClassName.method1Name().method2Name();", "Java - The difference between class \"ClassName\" and public class \"ClassName\"", "java compilation: classname Vs classname with file-extension", "How does reference by classname.this.method works?" ]
How to create an executable (a file that starts the program on double-click like an .exe) in JAVA with Eclipse?
[ "Java - eclipse - get the .exe file" ]
[ "What can we do with an exe program?", "Create a java executable with Eclipse", "Java .jar executable not opening (on double click)", "Creating java executable in eclipse", "2 executable in a method in java", "How to make executable jar file with eclipse", "How to make a Python script an executable program", "Create executable Jar file under Eclipse", "java eclipse create executable jar", "How can I run a .exe from my Java Program?", "Eclipse jar to an exe?", "Program's executable file to image in Java", "Java executable", "how can I create executable file for the program written on Java?", "How to generate executable of java project in eclipse", "Java Eclipse executable jar file", "How to make a .exe or executable jar that can be run directly?", "How to run exe file in Java program", "how to write to a file when it's an executable in java", "Running an executable (.exe) within a JFrame", "how i can create executable file in java", "Java eclipse Path file executable", "Creating exe for my java Application in eclipse?", "Creating an executable file from set of exe and bat files", "Unable to run executable jar file using double click", "Execute an executable program (.exe) from memory in Java", "How to make executable JAR app in Eclipse?", "Jar not starting on double click, but starts from command line", "Using java.exe with .class file from Eclipse" ]
Loading of the native code library for start0() native method in Thread class
[ "Java native method source code" ]
[ "Loading a native library for Android using Eclipse", "Is Java on Android native or not?", "native app get batterylevel", "Java native error in Android", "Why is String.intern() a native method?", "Java Native Process Library", "Use method from other class like native methods?", "Using native code in java", "What are native methods in Java and where should they be used?", "Loading a native library in an Android JUnit test", "Java native methods", "Native methods in Java", "Loading a Java class with native code dependency", "Loading Native Library from java.library.path specifically", "Is it possible to call Java code from a native application?", "Loading native libraries in java", "Native method not found", "WRobotPeer native source code", "Java override native classes after loading", "Load Native Library from Class path", "Error in the native query", "How does Java load native NSImages?", "Native library location in Java", "Return object from java native method", "what is Native Android with java?", "Why do we need to create native query?", "Object of native class in java?", "How to return QAndroidJniObject from a native function?", "Java - Native library issue" ]
Synchronous RPC Calls in GWT
[ "Fake a GWT Synchronous RPC call" ]
[ "GWT RPC. Share RPC service bwtween two modules", "Flow after RPC call in GWT?", "GWT RPC - Multiple RPC Services", "GWT - synchronous return of a method", "Cannot Get GWT-RPC Working Properly", "Two Java RPC Calls or One", "How do I use a GWT RPC to save a file on the client side?", "GWT. Order of RPC call", "exception in GWT RPC app", "GWT Synchronous Script Loading", "Security when using GWT RPC", "GWT database-access without RPC", "GWT / Java - Possible to make RPC calls when doing \"run as web application\" in Eclipse (with GWT plugin)?", "GWT RPC array access", "Gwt and php rpc", "GWT RPC not generating a proper gwt.rpc file", "Hibernate objects and GWT-RPC", "GWT Tomcat problem to RPC call", "GWT RPC - Multiple RPC Services Per App", "GWT RPC call with interface as parameter using AutoBeans", "Need of RPC in GWT?", "GWT make RPC blocking", "why synchronous RPC is bad", "In GWT the RPC call is Synchronous or Asynchronous", "IncompatibleRemoteServiceException while using RPC in GWT", "GWT code splitting synchronous request", "GWT RPC call from URL", "GWT RPC doesn't work properly", "How to make an GWT server call(GWT RPC?)" ]
Call pl/sql function in java?
[ "How to call PL/SQL function without parameters in java" ]
[ "PL/SQL object member function - java method", "Execute a PL/SQL procedure using Java code", "Java: Send array to a PL-SQL function", "Fetch pl/sql array return values in java", "Check list of values is NULL in PL/SQL", "PL/SQL procedure call in Java", "How to return an array from Java to PL/SQL?", "Getting exit code from Java back to PL/SQL", "How to pass Map to Oracle PL/SQL function?", "PL SQL on Java seems to be getting stuck", "Call PL/SQL function returning Oracle type from Java", "How do a call a Java jar file from Oracle PL/SQL?", "PL/I-type PUT DATA method for Java", "Calling Java from PL/SQL", "Pl SQL function makes java application return 0", "Calling PL/SQL package code in a Java Program", "Select and update in the same PL/SQL query", "No message found under code for locale 'pl_PL'", "Function returning cursor in PL/SQL - close it on Java's side or PL/SQL's side?", "Error while calling java from PL/SQL", "Execute PL SQL with Java", "Writing 2^x in PL", "How to get a result out of a pl/sql function in Netbeans", "Invalid Column Index with PL/SQL Functions", "Is there any way to access pl/sql RECORD TYPE variable through java?", "Running PL/SQL and T-SQL Through JDBC", "JDBC + PL/SQL = Is it so simple, or is there a catch?", "To write java method in PL/SQL", "Trying to run PL/SQL script using Java" ]
Continue Execution even after program catches exception
[ "java exception to continue code loop" ]
[ "try catch continue execution on exception", "JAVA - continue after file not found exception", "Continue the execution after exception", "Multi-catches are not supported a this language level", "Execution Problem", "Continue program after exception", "JUnit test catches exception only after Assert is called", "Data Stream catches exception", "Translating what an exception catches", "how to continue thread execution after getting an exception", "SetTwo Class Path For execution of Java Program", "How to give input to java program and continue with execution using PHP?", "Multi-Catches Problems", "Java: How to continue execution after thread is started?", "Can't define multi-catches in IntelliJ", "JAVA: Problems with Exception-Handling? Program only catches Exception once", "java catching exception and continue execution", "Program execution time", "Continue a while loop after exception", "Regex that catches comments outside quotes", "How to Handle UnhandledAlertException and then continue execution", "Continue execution in console after running jar", "Try with empty Catches", "Exception Error in Java : How to continue?", "Trying to Continue the program when it returns file not found exception in java", "How to continue execution after a throw exception in Java?", "Continue on exception", "Concurrent sorted task executor that catches Exception in Java", "How do I make my program continue on?" ]
Producer consumer not giving desired result
[ "Producer Consumer Problem" ]
[ "Thread Producer-Consumer java", "Custom Producer Consumer", "Suggestions on my implementation of Producer Consumer", "is it possible to use a thread consumer / producer at same of time?", "design of a Producer/Consumer app", "Producer/consumer pattern in Java", "Consumer Producer doesn't work in java", "Producer/Consumer: One Producer, multiple Consumer, each work on same data", "What is the difference between web service producer and consumer?", "what's wrong with my java(producer-consumer) code?", "Generic producer and consumer", "Second thread doesn't start in producer consumer example", "Producer Consumer in Java", "java threads : producer - consumer", "No output data at all for Producer/Consumer threading", "Producer-Consumer using a stack in Java", "Java - Multiple queue producer consumer", "Order of nofityAll in producer-consumer pattern", "Producer and Consumer using Lock in Java", "Producer/Consumer in Java. Why do we need two conditions?", "Producer consumer pattern in JAVA", "producer consumer using queue in java", "Implementing producer consumer in Java", "Java Producer-Consumer: producer does not \"notify()\" the consumer", "One producer Multiple Consumer performance", "Need help with Java Producer Consumer Problem, NullPointerException", "Questions about Java Producer Consumer Solution", "mutithreading in Java for the producer-consumer code is not giving correct output?", "Producer-Consumer in Java - 1 item" ]
Fastest way to strip all non-printable characters from a Java String
[ "How to detect and replace non-printable characters in a string using Java?", "Remove non printable utf8 characters except controlchars from String", "How can I replace non-printable Unicode characters in Java?" ]
[ "Fastest way to find a string in a text file with java", "java awt printable and print", "Fastest way to remove all characters between '/' in a String", "Printable not working properly", "Non-Printable Characters xsd", "Fastest way to write to file?", "Java regex match non printable characters except \\n \\r and \\t", "How to convert non-printable character or string to hex?", "Read non-printable character from a file", "Make a class printable", "Print more than one page with Printable on Java", "Strip non-printable characters using Hadoop Map-Reduce", "use regex in java with non printable chars", "How to match \"escape\" non-printable character in a regex?", "when is the print method of printable interface called in this code and ...?", "Generate low-order non-printable characters from XLST", "printable char in java", "JAVA using Printable print method", "Print String with escape non printable characters", "How to convert a long into printable bytes", "What's the fastest way in java to insert characters into a string?", "Printable pairs?", "How to generate printable (and savable) forms with Java?", "Why does the java Printable's print method get called multiple times with the same page number?", "Printable to File", "Adding non printable chars to a string in Java?", "Removing non-printable and/or unicode chararacters from large XML-file" ]
Application thread keeps running
[ "Thread keeps running even after application has been stopped in Websphere" ]
[ "How Java keeps reference to a Stack?", "input on date keeps reapeating java", "While loop keeps on running though the condition is false", "Get running time of a thread java", "Thread method not running?", "Eclipse keeps running my old web application", "Twodimensional ArrayList keeps adding new values", "fileToSTring keeps on returning \" \"", "How to Thread this application", "Running a thread more than once", "SearchableByName Interface keeps returning null", "How can I print a string while another one keeps printing?", "Output keeps on running", "One thread is running most of the time", "Java loop- keeps on asking for user input", "java keeps changing the first zip code", "Thread not running", "Exception caught but program keeps running", "While loop keeps running but not printing", "My Java Code keeps returning wrong values?", "Java input keeps being empty?", "thread not running at the same time", "why does my main method keeps running?", "Line indentor - Trying to pass the length of javaline in each line between classes however it keeps being set to 0", "Android application keeps on stopping", "Why is DataBase Connecton keeps closing", "Running thread java", "My separate method keeps returning the wrong value", "Main thread keeps waiting on new threads" ]
Setting JAVA_HOME environment variable on MAC OSX 10.9
[ "What should I set JAVA_HOME to on OSX" ]
[ "Java 1.7 on OSX 10.9.2 running as 1.5?", "Java 7 won't work in mac osx 10.8.2", "Location of Java examples on Mac OSX", "How to provide file path in Mac OS X while creating a file in java?", "im4j on Mac OSX not able to run commands", "change environment variable in mac", "I made a Mac OSX app from .jar. Does end-user need Java?", "gksu on Mac Osx", "Can this be achieved on Mac OSX?", "javac -d is not working on mac osx", "How do I use JDK 7 on Mac OSX?", "How to run application with parameters from within java application on mac osx", "Set a .jar as the default application? (Mac OSX)", "Set JAVA_HOME on Mac", "Mac OSX System menu name w/Java?", "Java on Mac OSX - Detect if the program is fullscreened", "Can't set up Maven on Mac OSX", "setting JAVA_HOME to the JDK location mac osx 10.9.5", "Java Compliator-error (OSX)", "OSX Java App Bundle works on one Mac, but not on another.", "Trouble setting up lucene on Mac OSX", "Java 7 path in mac osx", "JAVA_HOME variable under OSX... what is it exactly?", "Environment variables in Eclipse on OSX", "Install Java on MAC OSX 10.8.2 Error calling: CFMessagePortCreateRemote", "Running Mac OSX commands from eclipse using java", "Error: Could not find or load main class on Mac OSX", "JAVA_HOME on Mac", "Can not set environment variable on Mac OsX" ]
get() or elementAt() in Java
[ "What's the difference between get(int index) and elementAt(int index)?" ]
[ "Java thesauraus", "java :OverlappingFileLockException", "How to get an unmodifiableLinkedHashSet", "How to get getSherlockActivity()?", "Can't referr to my get method", "How do I get LdapAttributes", "get onVisibilityChangeActionListener", "How do I get the leftNavLibrary?", "Pattern.compile java", "How to get a OneDriveClient object in java class", "Why do I get this NullExceptionError?", "What is \"T...\" on Java?", "Java: Skydiving", "UploadFileAsync in Java?", "Get File from ITreeSelection", "TwinPrimes on JAVA", "How to get Data at once", "How can I get this value in Java Class?", "LimitedTreeMap in Java", "Java NullPointerError", "What does >> do in java?", "ResetField in Java", "asSingleEntity() Java", "Why do I get a CancelledKeyException?", "What does <> do in Java", "How to get the object class in Java?", "Where did Java get its name from?", "GET method in Java", "How to get class name of any java file" ]
Assertion VS Runtime exception
[ "Exception Vs Assertion", "When to use an assertion and when to use an exception" ]
[ "No assertion builder for type {http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/ws/2005/07/securitypolicy}", "Make java program exit if assertion fails", "Getting description of failed assertion", "Java Assertion Question", "Assertion issue in Java and Eclipse", "Why can't we use assertion for public methods?", "Java unit testing, get more data from assertion in loop", "Why assertion is not enabled by default in java?", "how can I write value as a string in assertion", "Java Assertion Exception", "java program assertion failed", "use assertion with junit", "Add Intellij IDEA runtime assertion feature in Maven", "Java test with expected = exception fails with assertion error", "Assertion wrapper in Java", "Assertion mechanism in Java", "How do we do a For-Each Assertion?", "Assertion not working", "Assertion for constructor variables", "Java lang Assertion Error", "Java Assertion in Try with multiple catchs", "why the assertion is not used in deployment", "How to create an assertion in JDBC?", "Assertion message in switch case do not display", "Assertion error with arrays", "Java which assertion error to catch", "How can I assert that assertion A or assertion B passes with Junit 4?", "Is there a way to track each assertion of a multiple assertion test case in JUnit?" ]
Reading Element attribute value using XStream
[ "How to read list elements with attribute via XStream" ]
[ "Read whole file using XStream", "How to use addImplicitMap method of Xstream?", "How do you annotate a java object to add an attribute to a single element using XStream?", "XStream useAttributeFor not working", "XStream or Simple", "get xml as string instead of class with xstream", "XStream- not include some values", "Xstream question and java object", "Xstream - String array", "Can not bind attribute to object with XStream Java lib", "Generate Java class from XML file, using XStream", "Read XML using XStream", "Java XStream CannotResolveClassException", "Using XStream to create a list of different objects", "Object to JSON using XStream", "don't read value of element in XML by xstream", "Reading list values using xstream", "XStream, CircularReferenceException", "Using MapConverter in XStream", "XStream ProcessAnnotations", "Java Reading XML with XStream", "XStream: How to let xstream.createObjectInputStream() seek to a particular element", "Xstream class within class", "Using xstream to parse object with array", "Xml structure with XStream", "Xstream: removing class attribute", "Save XML file with XStream", "Convert Java to XML using xstream", "How to parse XML to java object using XStream" ]
Does Java read integers in little endian or big endian?
[ "write a function that determines whether a computer is big endian or little endian in java" ]
[ "how to keep the received little-endian data as is in Java?", "How do you convert a string to a 32-bit big-endian number in Java?", "Big endian encoding in java socket from string", "Difference between C# and java big endian bytes using miscutil", "Fast reading of little endian integers from file", "Big-endian conversion in JVM", "Converting Little Endian to Big Endian", "How to properly get little-endian integer in java", "convert little Endian file into big Endian", "Writing float to file in little endian?", "Convert hex little endian String to int in java", "Is there an existing Java class to convert data stored little-endian to integers by offset and length?", "How write big endian ByteBuffer to little endian in Java", "(java) Writing in file little endian", "Does exist any way to convert TIFF image from little-endian byte order to big-endian?", "Is java char big endian in JVM memory?", "When working with ByteBuffers on Intel, when should I choose Little Endian versus Big Endian?", "Android little endian MD5", "How to read and write integers with a SeekableByteChannel in little endian format?", "method String.getBytes() is big endian or litter endian?", "Write an integer in little endian", "CIL and JVM Little endian to big endian in c# and java", "Little Endian to Big Endian Precision Error", "How to set the endian of a byte array in c#", "Convert from big Endian to Hex String with java", "Java - from short to byte[2] using LITTLE_ENDIAN", "Converting big endian to 2-byte number", "Little and Big Endian in Java (android)", "little endian to integers (or BigInteger)" ]
Are there any real life uses for the Java byte primitive type?
[ "Anyone using short and byte primitive types, in real apps?" ]
[ "Java Instance of Class Life Time", "How to create a Class of primitive array?", "Why int primitive type not deprectaed in Java", "java primitive type array object or not?", "How is this possible for primitive data type?", "Primitive data type variables in Java", "Java: Convert Primitive Class", "Get Class of a primitive number type from a String", "Where can I find JSFUnit real-life example?", "Byte primitive in Java", "Why is there no primitive type for String?", "Check if input is of Primitive type in Java?", "What Primitive To Use In Java", "convert c++ primitive type vector to java primitive type array", "Java primitive data type byte and class Byte", "What is the difference between a primitive class and primitive data type?", "How to get a primitive string from a String object in Java?", "Integer as primitive type", "Is a primitive type an object?", "Object or primitive type", "Java : Is there a way to know the type of primitive data in a string", "Using byte, short, and other primitive types", "Java primitive declaratiron", "how to check primitive data type of any value in java", "How to determine the primitive type of a primitive variable?", "Java - Reference primitive data-type?", "Real life Java Swing Project", "Primitive classes in Java", "Is it better to create a string in Java as an object or as a primitive type?" ]
How to add jdk8 in Eclipse Indigo
[ "How to have Eclipse use JDK8 to compile a project?" ]
[ "Dynamic arrays in JDK8", "How should we manage jdk8 stream for null values", "slow JDK8 compilation", "How to import javax.faces library in Eclipse using JDK8?", "How can I use Java 7 with Eclipse Indigo 3.7.1", "Strange Error in Eclipse Indigo", "Building Jar file using Eclipse Indigo", "How to use Eclipse Indigo with Java communication API", "Eclipse Indigo Font Changed", "Unable to Start Tomcat 7.0 in Eclipse Indigo", "Can't run JUnit in Eclipse Indigo", "Maven in eclipse Indigo, project dependency on Runtime", "Maven: compile Java 7 with JDK8", "Java Base64 Sun to JDK8", "Error generating report with JDK8", "Where is \"create project from existing source\" in eclipse Indigo?", "Bug in jdk8 date-conversion?", "How use strem for loop in jdk8?", "Eclipse Indigo - JPA Validation Problems", "No java.nio.file in JDK8", "JDK8 with -source 1.7 [Default Methods]", "How to add Glassfish 4.1 Server runtime to Eclipse Indigo?", "Javadoc layout changed with JDK8", "Modify list data in single line using JDK8", "Running JDK8 for aspectj", "JDK8 lambda filter on list to other list", "Eclipse Indigo Speed Issues", "JDK8 not working with JDK8 (WS client)", "Use of stream, filter and average on list and jdk8" ]
What's the difference between <?> and <? extends Object> in Java Generics?
[ "What is the difference between ? and Object in Java generics?" ]
[ "What is the difference between '&' and ',' in Java generics?", "Java Generics extends", "correct java syntax for generics with extends", "Java Generics extends Loop", "What is the difference between 'E', 'T', and '?' for Java generics?", "Java difference between two methods (generics)", "What is the difference between <T> and <T extends Object> in java?", "Generics extends", "using extends with Java Generics", "What is the difference between generics", "Use of extends keyword in generics", "Java Generics: what does <? extends Interface <?>> mean?", "Why do you need \"? extends\" in generics", "difference between <?> and <? extends object>", "Iterator on generics with 'extends'", "Java generics - what is the difference?", "Java generics method <T extends Integer> +1", "Help with Java Generics: Cannot use \"Object\" as argument for \"? extends Object\"", "Java Generics: Is there difference between List<E> and List<?>?", "what is the difference between 'super' and 'extends' in Java Generics", "Java generics extends syntax", "In java generics what is the difference between the wildcard symbols: <? extends Object> and <? extends T> ?", "Difference in java generics", "Specify Generics in interface extends", "Issue with generics and <E extends ...>", "What is the difference between using <? extends SomeAbstract> vs. SomeAbstract in java generics", "Java Generics - use of extends keyword", "Java Generics with \"extends\"", "Java Generics Extends Class Parameter" ]
Rijndael support in Java
[ "Decrypt Rijndael 256 (from PhP) encoded text in java with little information" ]
[ "Rijndael 128/256 decryption", "What file sytems support Java UserDefinedFileAttributeView?", "Rijndael 256 encryption: Java and .NET do not match", "Java support for web API", "Could not find method Compile() for arguments [com.android.support:support", "Android support for parseUnsignedLong?", "Java SNIServerName support in Java 7", "Rijndael or AES to match java encryption - with salt and key", "JAVA a reliable equivalent for php's MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256", "Custom key for aes/rijndael on vbscript", "Add Java support to Eclipse", "Why Java doesn't support function like clrscr in C?", "Eclipse + Java 8 support?", "Wrong algorithm: AES or Rijndael required", "AES rijndael encrypt between c and java", "Why Java doesn't support <<< oprerator", "import does not support the \"as\" attribute", "What version of JaspeReports has support for Java 8?", "java.security.InvalidKeyException: Wrong algorithm: AES or Rijndael required Error", "Pad block corrupted error decoding Rijndael 256 with BouncyCastle", "How can I encrypt Rijndael with CFB Mode, Blocksize of 256 bit and Bouncycastle?", "Rijndael AES, addRoundKey, xor hex strings and store them as bytes", "How to request from JAVA to support something?", "What is support and service method in java", "Decrypting data in Java from PHP mcrypt using Rijndael_256(AES)", "How to encrypt or decrypt with Rijndael and a block-size of 256 bits?", "Decrypt C# RIJNDAEL encoded text", "Rijndael differences between C# and Java", "Decrypting Rijndael in Java , Encrypted using .NET" ]
Deploy SNAPSHOT to oss.jfrog.org (JCenter)
[ "Return code is: 409, ReasonPhrase:Conflict (JCenter)", "How can I deploy a Maven snapshot to oss.jfrog.org? Return code: 405" ]
[ "Maven deploy snapshot with scp throws NoSuchElementException", "Creating memory snapshot from inside the code (Java)", "Gradle eclipse plugin : Could not find method jcenter() for arguments [] on repository container. See error log for details", "How to deploy SNAPSHOT with sources and JavaDoc?", "How to take snapshot of screen not only app in Android with code", "Using Jcenter with gradle in Android studio", "How to deploy the sources file with the jar using deploy:deploy-file", "Download WAR from snapshot-repository and deploy to local JBoss using mvn", "Jspresso 4.1-SNAPSHOT ViewTester", "Not sure how to deploy some Java code", "What does the name SNAPSHOT in jar mean? / What's wrong with *snapshot*.jars?", "Why do maven version have SNAPSHOT in them?", "How are JCenter and Maven Central coordinates different from one another?", "Java deploy a server program", "how to deploy java web application. steps to deploy", "How to download SNAPSHOT version from maven SNAPSHOT repository?", "How does maven 3 determine if a snapshot is updated?", "Publishing Android Library from JCenter to Maven Central", "Why do we deploy an application?", "JCenter - Return code is: 401, ReasonPhrase: Unauthorized", "Why the snapshot name always has date in its jar file name ? How to remove it", "Are dependencies from jcenter compiled into aar library?", "Getting snapshot produces always same value", "Maven Error: Could not find or load main class MLSH-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.Jar", "How to edit snapshot dependencies", "What exactly is a Maven Snapshot and why do we need it?", "How to define a dependency to take the Snapshot?" ]
Difference between printStackTrace() and toString()
[ "How do I write the exception from printStackTrace() into a text file in Java?" ]
[ "Print full call stack on printStackTrace()?", "correctly printstacktrace of servlet exception", "e.printStackTrace equivalent in python", "Difference between object+\"\" and object.toString()", "Difference between @ and # in Java toString output?", "Java toString method difference", "How to use printstacktrace in Java( Eclipse, android)?", "Is it a bad idea to use printStackTrace() for caugt Exceptions?", "e.printStackTrace(); in string", "Is it good to use printStackTrace() in swing program?", "Avoid printStackTrace(); use a logger call instead", "Difference between toString() method and using (+\"\")", "How to include time with Exception.printStackTrace();?", "printStackTrace() on appengine", "what's wrong with e.printStackTrace() for an unknown exception", "Difference between e.printStackTrace and System.out.println(e)", "Using e.printStackTrace() in Java", "java : Using printStackTrace in Production Environment", "printStackTrace() in a finished product. When and why?", "Convert e.printStackTrace() to use log4j instead", "What is the use of printStackTrace() method in Java?", "How to get the stackTrace from an exception without printStackTrace?", "Why doesn't printStackTrace work in Clojure?", "Capture printStackTrace() output in Android", "How to store printStackTrace into a string", "What is PrintStackTrace() method and how is it Different from the Get Method?", "Difference between logging exception and exception.printstacktrace", "java's printStackTrace() equivalent in python", "Alternatives for PrintStacktrace() method in jsp" ]
Generating header/footer with flying saucer (xHTMLRenderer) and iText
[ "With Flying Saucer, how do I generate a pdf with a page number and page total on every page at the footer?" ]
[ "is Flying Saucer project closed?", "How to create PDF by Flying Saucer without blocking HTTP response?", "Using an ampersand in flying saucer", "Relative paths in Flying Saucer XHTML?", "How to set base url in Flying-Saucer, while rendering HTML to PDF?", "Flying Saucer - html entities are not rendered", "Flying Saucer does not render PNG files in PDF", "iText/flying-saucer PdfStamper using an OutputStream", "Using flying saucer and docx4j on the same project", "SVG background images with Flying Saucer", "Flying Saucer: Convert Multiple Html to 1 PDF document", "Flying Saucer Font-Weight not Displaying", "CSS selector only for Flying saucer", "flying saucer (xhtmlrenderer) doesn't bold my font?", "Flying Saucer does not render well the page (and outputs CSS)!", "iText flying-saucer how to change background on last page", "Using a primary and a fallbackfont in Flying Saucer PDF generator", "Flying Saucer adding embedded font not working on tomcat", "flying saucer - page count with css", "Using Flying Saucer to Render Images to PDF In Memory", "Bookmarks with xhtmlrenderer (iText)", "Render embedded image in PDF using Flying-Saucer from html", "How can i make my html page to be fit in the pdf using Flying Saucer", "Does Flying Saucer accept HTML not XHTML", "How to open PDF created with flying-saucer/itext with a print dialog", "flying saucer (xhtmlrenderer) requests image 4 times", "Using IKVM to convert a JAR (Flying Saucer - xhtmlrenderer)", "flying saucer (xhtmlrenderer) out of memory", "How to use CSS3 orphans and widows properties with xhtmlrenderer (flying saucer) R8?" ]
clickable links in JOptionPane
[ "URL in JOptionPane" ]
[ "JOptionPane with file output", "How can I pass string to a JOptionPane?", "Element is not at clickable point", "android:clickable=\"true\" mean's that it's not clickable?", "Multiple Clickable links in TextView on Android", "Using JOptionPane", "JoptionPane using for loop", "How to make listFooter not clickable", "Get the return value of JOptionPane", "JOptionPane run not working", "Java: JOptionPane Input", "Inluce Method inside JOptionPane", "how to run JOptionPane object", "JOptionPane, help on return", "Open a JOptionPane by another JOptionPane", "What is the best way to make clickable text in java?", "JOptionPane in Java", "Java: Add to array by JOptionPane", "InputDialogue Joptionpane has -1", "How the JOptionPane works", "joptionpane problem", "How do you make a list view clickable", "How do I use JOptionPane in a while loop?", "Using JOptionpane to create an object", "How to create clickable textcontainer", "Java JOptionPane", "Return the value from JOptionPane", "How can I print an array in JOptionPane?", "How do I format a string in JOptionPane" ]
How to install java jdk 7 on Snow Leopard
[ "How to install JDK 8 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard?" ]
[ "Trouble working on Java app between Windows and Snow Leopard machines", "Compiling JVMTI agent (using GCC, on OSX Snow Leopard)", "JOGL Snow Leopard and Eclipse", "Building a Java EE app on Mac OS X Snow Leopard for Glassfish 3", "Does anyone know if NetBeans 6.x can be used with Java SE 6 on Leopard?", "Java not working on MacOS X Leopard", "Eclipse giving error when none are present (Snow Leopard and Android)", "com.apple.mrj.application Missing for Native Swing Menu Bar support for MacOS X Snow Leopard", "Where is Java source code for various com.sun.* packages on Leopard?", "Setting up Tomcat 6 and NetBeans on Snow Leopard", "Problems running Java Remote Debugger JDWP on iMac running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.7", "MacOSX Snow Leopard and Eclipse: Error starting Eclipse (No Java virtual machine....)", "Java .jar app doesn't start on Mac Os X Snow Leopard", "Application bundle Mac OS X Leopard", "DPWS explorer is not starting in Snow Leopard", "Intellij 13 on Mac snow leopard not compiling", "Running Jar on Snow Leopard with classpath", "Keyboard input on any Java 6 application on OSX Leopard", "JOGL and Snow leopard", "Java Security file location on Mac Snow Leopard", "Extract from Cache.db files on Mac OS X Leopard", "Java - Make corners of JWindow 100% transparent on MacOS (Snow leopard)", "JUnit View in Eclipse on OSX Snow Leopard", "How can i combat with java update on mac snow leopard", "Integrating Tomcat7 and Eclipse Helios on Snow Leopard", "Where is JConsole in Leopard", "How to best install Rhino on OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard", "java.io.IOException: No route to host using MulticastSocket on MacOS X Snow Leopard", "How to install JDK 1.6 on Mac OSX Leopard?" ]
Nimbus L&F missing divider at JTabbedPane set to scroll
[ "JTabbedPane: avoid automatic re-ordering tabs if stacked / Nimbus" ]
[ "swing nimbus ShadowEffect", "can't get this divider class", "Is it possible to make this type of jtabbedpane?", "Aligning icon to the left in JTabbedPane in Nimbus Look and Feel", "Jtabbedpane using multiple classes", "What's wrong with JSplitPanel (or JTabbedPane)?", "problem with jtabbedpane in java", "replace char in string with \"divider\"", "Nimbus L&F - Change Background color of Progress Bar", "Swing JTabbedPane how to set scroll width?", "Java Nimbus L&F issue Toolbar JButton", "How to add listener to divider position?", "GUI does not shows Nimbus when run on using Main Class", "How can I set scroll tab layout to my JTabbedPane?", "Java Nimbus L&F - Button text color not working", "Remove JTabbedPane border/divider in Nimbus Look and Feel", "how to create Nimbus L&F live template in Intellij IDEA", "Default font in Nimbus", "JTabbedPane doesn't work correctly", "Can not override Nimbus properties", "How to Add a scroll bar to a JTabbedPane. Basically i have an admin panel which is attached further on a frame as a TAB(JTabbedPane)", "Adding a JTabbedPane to a JTabbedPane error", "Issue with JTabbedPane", "JTabbedPane - Content does not get created", "(JTabbedPane) Transparence does not work on L&F different from Nimbus", "java thread and jtabbedpane", "Use mouse to scroll through tabs in JTabbedPane", "Java divider is giving Zero value", "Java JTabbedPane questions" ]
Replace google-collect Lists.newArrayList() with other List
[ "Lists.newArrayList vs new ArrayList" ]
[ "Streams collect vs. map collect", "Collect Objects in Array", "Java 8 Filter and Collect of List<Map<String, Object>>", "Collect Linux command output", "How to collect two fields of an object into the same list?", "Java 8 collect, count with sum", "How to collect list from lambda expression", "How does Lists.newArraylist() of Guava library work?", "In guava, what is the difference (if any) between Lists.newArrayList() and e.g. Ints.asList() for primitive types", "Java 8 streams - collect and stream map of lists", "java 8 collect List<String>", "How to collect multiple lists to one list with java-streams?", "Curiosity of newArrayList(E... elements) in google guava lib", "How to collect a map key-value into a list", "Google collect import in Drools", "Replace forEach and add with collect", "Collect call for a Map?", "Java list collect results from different threads in list", "which class should I use to collect and store different data types?", "How can i collect all items of an array", "How to use collect call in Java 8?", "Int stream and collect", "Parrallelize filter and collect", "java: Collect and combine data in a list", "Collect all values of a Set field", "Java 8 Collect two Lists to Map by condition", "Java collect with lambda expression example", "Java stream, replace foreach by collect", "Java Properties and lambda collect" ]
Convert a RGB Color Value to a Hexadecimal String
[ "Convert RGB to Hexadecimal" ]
[ "Java: EpochSecond in Hexadecimal format", "Java color with RGB?", "How to print color as RGB", "Java: Hexadecimal Issue", "Getting same color with different RGB value in Java", "Print hexadecimal as hexadecimal", "Trying to convert Integer range to RGB color", "Create Color from rgb Stringin Java", "RGB values to Color.value", "How to get RGB value from hexadecimal color code in java", "Create color out of RGB gives another color than original RGB", "Java hexadecimal", "Convert Hexadecimal string to image", "change RGB color in Java", "How to convert a hexadecimal string to long in java?", "how to set rgb color in android?", "How to get a RGB value from Color variable", "How to convert byte to hexadecimal string in Java", "How can I convert from hexadecimal string to normal string?", "How can i convert a hexadicimal string to hexadecimal byte?", "convert hexadecimal number to binary", "Java: Convert a hexadecimal encoded String to a hexadecimal byte", "How do I use Color.rgb?", "Convert Java String hexadecimal number to int hexadecimal number", "Convert integer color value to RGB", "Convert Hexadecimal to String", "How to convert object of class into hexadecimal array in java", "convert string to hexadecimal string", "how to convert rgb to html color code in android" ]
java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/mysite/folders/Folders : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0
[ "How to fix java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version" ]
[ "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/google/appengine/tools/development/agent/AppEngineDevAgent : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0", "mac-osx 10.9.4 Hadoop 2.7.1 Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0", "Maven/Jenkins java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0", "Peculiar Eclipse java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError, Unsupported major.minor version 52.0", "unsupported major.minor version .51 and running java 1.7 code on java 1.6", "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: yy/ii : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0", "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/crawljax/cli/JarRunner : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0", "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 Error With Eclipse When Trying to Reference Jar File", "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 on maven", "UnsupportedClassVersionError unsupported major.minor version 51.0 unable to load class", "Error: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError Unsupported major.minor version 51.0,in JENKINS", "Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 Issue", "Error in Play on Get: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: controllers/routes : Unsupported major.minor >version", "JAVA runtime error:Unsupported major.minor version 51.0", "Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError, Unsupported major.minor version 52.0", "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: module1/MyNewJava: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0", "Problems fixing java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 52", "Ant Javac target using different JRE from Eclipse? - \"java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0\"", "React-native build error Android - java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/build/gradle/AppPlugin : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0", "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/build/gradle/AppPlugin : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0", "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: myApp : Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 (unable to load class myApp) On Linux", "Eclipse on mac: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 error", "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError Unsupported major.minor version 51.0", "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0 (unable to load class frontend.listener.StartupListener)", "Java 6 Unsupported major.minor version 51.0", "Exception in thread \"main\" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: a (Unsupported major.minor version 51.0)", "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/typesafe/config/ConfigException : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 in play framework project", "Are UnsupportedClassVersionError messages \"Bad java version\" and \"Unsupported major.minor version\" the same?", "java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0" ]
Creating struct like data structure in Java
[ "Creating data structure in Java" ]
[ "How do I use a more specific struct type in place of a more general one?", "struct.unpack_from in Java", "Convert python's struct.unpack code to java", "How to use a struct with a struct in jnr ffi", "Array of classes in JAVA (using it as a struct)", "Similar functionality for java to struct for python", "First struct of returning array is empty", "How to represent static struct in Java", "how to read the given binary struct using java?", "Using C struct in Java", "Why is using a class as a struct bad practice in Java?", "python struct.unpack in Java", "C struct written in file, open with Java", "how to convert python struct.unpack to java", "Python Struct and reading values in Java", "Struct node having a array of pointers to struct node in C", "How to read String in java that was written using python's struct.pack method", "Struct like objects in Java", "Is there something like C's struct in Java?", "Get Struct object in Java from C++", "Unknown Byte in C write struct", "How to write Class in Android Java that give me return more then one object ? (like in C# I can do same with struct)", "Struct value storage", "null pointer exception to struct in Java program", "C++ struct to Java class", "Using map interface to look for a value in a 'struct' like implementation of class", "Does JVM allow to create language with struct?", "How to access a struct via an ArrayList in Java", "How to convert java object into C struct" ]
How to generate class diagrams and sequence diagrams from existing code?
[ "Creating UML Class Diagrams in NetBeans 7.1.1" ]
[ "Are packages allowed in UML 2.0 class diagrams?", "Database modeller for JPA with visual diagrams", "Automatically Generate UML Instance Diagrams in NetBeans", "Why do class diagrams don't include all classes?", "How to generate state flow diagrams from XML in Java?", "Java API to create UML diagrams", "Eclipse plugin\\Java Library to create flow diagrams", "Java code which creates UML diagrams", "How to express loops in Communication Diagrams?", "Java Server Pages (.JSP) files in UML Class Diagrams", "From Java code in eclipse to UML class diagrams in Omnigraffle", "What is connected in class diagrams", "What are these notations in class diagrams?", "How can I generate class diagrams from Java code that can be used to create new sequence diagrams", "How to convert a .java files to UML diagrams under Fujaba?", "How do I generate Diagrams and UML of Kotlin code?", "Java library to create diagrams", "How can I generate sequence diagrams from a big Java Project", "Reverse engineering tool for Java (Android) Class Diagrams", "Generating Sequence Diagrams Using UMLGraph", "reverse engineering java code to sequence diagrams", "UML diagrams in Eclipse (Android)", "Do I have to make lifelines for every class function passes for my Sequence diagrams?", "Automatic sequence diagrams", "UML class diagrams main class", "NetBeans 6.8/6.7 UML Class Diagrams", "Java library to create and dynamically modify business diagrams", "UML diagram for program (Class diagrams)", "One to one relationships in UML diagrams" ]
JTextPane - Bullet with HTMLEditorKit list not rendering correctly unless I do setText(getText()) and repaint
[ "How to implement bullet points in a JTextPane?" ]
[ "Toiling with HTMLEditorKit", "The methods setText() and getText() are undefined for the type String in Java?", "How to use gettext and settext", "changing the color of a setText() method using a JTextPane", "How to add method to JTextPane", "Swing HTMLEditorKit / JEditorPane doesn't handle <br> and empty lines correctly", "How to make Swing use my own HTMLEditorKit for JLabel/JButton/etc", "Formatting HTMLEditorKit", "JTextPane#getText() does not return text of Components", "Problem querying an HTML file using HTMLEditorKit in Java", "how to retrieve TITLE of a HTML with the help of HTMLEditorKit", "Slow parsing of dynamic JTextPane using HTMLEditorKit", "Swing/Java: How to use the getText and setText string properly", "Android Java: Diaglog setText & getText issue", "How to create and use a JTextPane", "JTextPane.setText(JTextPane.getText()) clear gaps in HTML mode", "Where can I find a good HTMLEditorKit tutorial/reference, which actually explains how to edit HTML documents?", "JTextPane .getText() not preserving whitespace for HTML?", "How do I stop HTMLWriter from writing bad HTML? (using HTMLEditorKit)", "Does HTMLEditorKit render depending on IE version?", "Swing HTML rendering shows very large bullet point", "How do I retrieve the attribute of an element using Swing's HTMLEditorKit.ParserCallback?", "How to get a specific action from the HTMLEditorKit?", "JTextPane read from text file", "JtextPane of one Line", "GetText from Fragment returns null but setText works", "display HTML image using JTextPane with HTMLEditorKit", "Android Studio getText() and setText() not working with error: \"can't resolve method \"getText/setText\"()\"", "How to Unhighlight the text in JTextPane" ]
How do I get localized date pattern string?
[ "SimpleDateFormat Illegal pattern character error with localized pattern" ]
[ "Non-localized strings in android", "Regex for validating alphabetics and numbers in the localized string", "What is a \"localized message\"?", "Localized date format in Java", "Displaying Date and Time separately from a String in localized format in Android", "Java - Handling localized fields for Objects", "Detect loaded localized resource in Android", "Multiple localized environments", "Localized routes and URL string", "Getting The Localized Date", "Load localized resources", "java localized date with short date pattern", "Make Enum.toString() localized", "How to make a structured and localized resource?", "How to get a localized date format for EditText hint in android", "How to format a localized date without specifying a localized pattern?", "How can I convert an Integer to localized month name in Java?", "Failed to get country specific Localized response", "Java localized filenames", "How to print localized one character day name in Android?", "How to handle localized exceptions?", "Handle localized string contains a link in a single TextView", "How to Map a Table with localized Product Names using JPA?", "Can't get localized strings from xml files correctly", "How to print a localized date with only month and day (no year) in Java?", "How to get a equivalent localized string of a number ?", "Is there a way to get a localized date/time based on a U.S format string?", "How to Make Localized Strings for Locale Names?" ]
How to call REST API for azure file storage using postman?
[ "How to call REST API through postman to create index in Azure?" ]
[ "unable to read the file from postman", "Executing the JUnit's for azure-storage-java project", "Azure, includeInlineCount();", "Error accessing a Web API which works well using POSTMAN", "Delete user's manager in Azure through REST api", "Using Azure Blob Storage with java MVC Azure Web Site", "How can i use blob storage from an azure function in Java", "Copy a file from storage using Azure Resource Manager Template?", "Unexpected 'S' in Postman on consuming REST Api", "Azure table storage Invalid input", "how to send object using postman rest client to call REST service", "how to add azure web role using rest api", "Code sample for Microsoft Azure File Storage using REST API(JAVA)", "Exception when trying to POST using Postman to REST", "Delete batch operation in Azure Storage", "Azure mobile as storage", "Get Authentication error when put object to Azure storage", "Which Azure storage management jar to use", "can't connect to azure rest web service", "Get detailed error message with REST API Azure in Java", "Azure Storage Java API: Account does not support HTTP", "Error while hit the query EXECUTE API in saiku using POSTMAN", "How to compute Azure Storage Container Size in Java?", "The specified blob does not exist on downloadAttributes with azure-storage-api java", "List all snapshots for a storage account using Azure Java SDK or REST API", "Sending nested json object in POST method using Postman to Spring REST API", "When i'm trying to test rest-api is not working any methods all methods in postman is getting back and not found", "How to send post request to the below post method using postman rest client", "How to save image in local storage using spring mvc and how upload image through postman?" ]
How To Modify The Raw XML message of an Outbound CXF Request?
[ "Modify XML of CXF RequestSecurityToken before it gets encrypted", "Saving outbound messages in CXF interceptor" ]
[ "CXF SOAP Client outbound message has empty body", "CXF: Logging request and response", "netty pipeline order for outbound message", "Repeat CXF request in case of error", "Upgrading from CXF 2.7 to CXF 3.0", "Should LoggingInterceptors be static in CXF?", "Change HttpTransportFactory cxf 2.7.3", "Apache cxf delete request error", "how to get the outbound HTTP request of a certain exe application?", "CXF return list of elements", "How do you set the specific url path you want to work with in cxf?", "How can I configure logging to log CXF inbound and outbound restful messages?", "CXF without Spring", "Error creating bean with name 'cxf' defined in class path resource META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml", "Using CXF with eclipse", "How to make parallel outbound calls", "CXF using FIQL, null SearchBean", "How to get Host name and port from CXF Message", "Alternative to CXF WSPasswordCallback", "cxf merlindevice configuration", "How do I get a CXF client to understand a List?", "CXF How to set SoapVersion on CXF port without Spring", "What does CXF stands for in \"Apache CXF\"?", "Call method on Apache CXF initialiaze", "Web service CXF error MalformedURIException", "Modifying the Apache cxf JAX RS response using outbound interceptor", "Get Http Request Body from cxf message", "Missing cxf jar: Please select the cxf home directory" ]
JavaMail check message content gmail IMAP
[ "Reading all new messages from my gmail using javamail" ]
[ "Getting the html content of a Gmail message twice when using Java IMAP", "javamail and gmail", "trying to open gmail folders without javamail", "Failed to connect to Gmail using IMAP", "How to properly delete a copied gmail message using javamail?", "How to Delete a Message after Reading it Via Gmail-Imap?", "Gmail Imap vs Pop3 when using JavaMail API", "IllegalWriteException when trying to write flags in JavaMail IMAP", "Maintain IMAP message state information (imap flags) when using Javamail", "gmail imap bad unknown command in java", "JavaMail get the URL of the Email - Gmail", "store.connect() is not working for gmail imap on proxy", "Gmail as JavaMail SMTP server", "Gmail JavaMail message retrevial problem", "read email form the gmail using imap in jsp", "Accessing emails from gmail using IMAP ( javamail API)", "Accessing gmail via imap using Javamail (behind a proxy)", "JavaMail API has trouble to work with the Gmail", "How to do a IMAP UID SEARCH with JavaMail?", "Javamail gmail and OAuth2", "javamail getNewMessageCount in gmail imap always return 0", "javamail does not send message content", "Android - JavaMail with Gmail ID", "JavaMail, IMAP, performance with large number of folders", "javamail mark gmail message as read", "Android JavaMail IMAP timed out after 10 seconds", "Javamail get CC from Gmail", "javamail-1.4.5 error at parsing gmail message received via imap", "Reading the full email from GMail using JavaMail" ]
JButton from image
[ "Image on JButton" ]
[ "How to put a JButton with an image on top of another JButton with an image?", "JButton not working for me?", "add a function to JButton", "how can i put a JButton on an image?", "How to work with JButton?", "How to change JButton?", "Change JButton on down and on up?", "Jbutton over Jbutton background image?", "Get JButton from another JButton", "How to create a JButton with only an image", "Image cannot show on Jbutton", "How do I add an image to a JButton", "How to Add a url Image to a JButton", "Java jbutton in another class", "How to add image to JButton?", "Use JButton as an Image", "How can i create a JButton?", "I can't add Image to a JButton in Java", "Java JButton Need to work only one time", "Java JButton Image", "How to put an image on a JButton?", "How to get this JButton to work?", "how to add image to JButton", "Java JButton only image?", "How do I use a JButton in more than 1 method?", "Adding image to JButton", "How can I make this JButton work", "How to set size and image of JButton?", "JButton add Object" ]
java system preferences under different users in linux
[ "Java - Setting Preferences backingstore directory" ]
[ "Android: IF statement not working when set by preferences", "How do i change the look of my android preferences?", "User preferences", "How to set Preferences?", "Preferences in Java", "Android preferences issue", "How to create a Listener to Preferences changes in Preferences activity?", "Save a list in preferences", "Application Preferences in Android", "Where to store preferences in a Java application?", "Android Preferences List Files", "Java: Understanding Preferences", "Android preferences not working", "Preferences library not loading preferences", "How to share Eclipse project preferences between users?", "How to use and store User Preferences", "preferences does not work?", "Alternative to Preferences in Java", "Set a preferences from an activity", "android read/write user preferences", "Where does Eclipse store preferences?", "Change true false in preferences in java", "Android User Preferences Error", "Preferences in Java", "Shared preferences don't take effect until Preferences clicked", "Load Preferences null value", "Preferences in Android - how does it know?", "Location of preferences files" ]
Difference between Java Enumeration and Iterator
[ "Java Enumeration vs Iterator", "Confusion about collections, enumeration, and iterator in Java" ]
[ "Iterator or Enumeration, What should I use?", "difference between iterator and enumeration", "How to use Enumeration?", "Converting an Enumeration to Iterator", "How to use Iterator/Enumeration Interface in Java", "How to create an object from an enumeration without all values in Java", "Java: What is the difference (also in use) between an enumeration and a value class?", "Enumeration classes in Java", "convert Enumeration<String> to Enumeration<object>", "Create Enumeration of objects", "Treat Enumeration<T> as Iterator<T>", "How does an Enumeration variable works?", "Enumeration is considered as Iterator by JVM", "Get enumeration values from Class", "Using <c:when> with an enumeration", "Instances of Iterator, ListIterartor and Enumeration", "Difference between the List and Enumeration", "Enumeration Output Error", "is my Enumeration correct?", "Why Collections.enumeration comes with enumeration() method", "Size of Enumeration<String>", "Enumeration or Class?", "Difference between enum and Enumeration", "How can I check for a value in a Java Enumeration?", "Java: Enumeration from Set<String>", "Call function from enumeration", "Enumeration methods", "I want to create a method in my enumeration?" ]
Get the real size of a JFrame content
[ "Get the real size of a JFrame content (NEW)", "JFrame : Getting actual content size" ]
[ "Java - Why i can't see my list in JFrame?", "How to import JFrame?", "JFrame: 'Random' size?", "how update a JFrame with data from another JFrame?", "Error java JFrame", "How do you find out the REAL size of a JFrame?", "My JFrame size doesn't match up with set size", "Open a Jframe from another Jframe,", "Java: Can't get JFrame to work", "Fix the size of content in JFrame", "Error in JFrame", "How to get data from JFrame 1 to another JFrame?", "How to change size of JFrame?", "no content in Jframe java", "How do I set JFrame size from different class", "More than one JFrame", "swing - JFrame not displaying the real size", "Veil LoadingImage or LoadingPanel over JFrame", "JFrame add only one class", "Actual size of JFrame", "Error when creating JFrame from JFrame", "JFrame not correct size", "How to Make a JFrame unmovable?", "Java: Import a class to Jframe", "setting the size of a JFrame", "JFrame in Java", "How do you make a JFrame intangible?", "Scrollabe JFrame in Java" ]
Java performance String.indexOf(char) vs String.indexOf(single String)
[ "Which String method: \"contains\" or \"indexOf > -1\"?" ]
[ "How to Use Indexof()method in java", "Java String IndexOf before Replace?", "Where is Java's Array indexOf?", "Java String.indexOf API", "indexOf for space in string", "indexOf(\"@\") method in Java", "how do i check the data in an array with indexOf in java", "about the indexof(\" \")", "why does indexOf doesn't work me in 2 methods", "Java indexof() search", "Why does code write this way the method indexOf() in String.class?", "using string indexOf java", "How to find String.indexOf(\"\\\")?", "How to use indexOf in Java", "indexOf... How can I do this?", "IndexOf method returns 0 when it should had return -1 in C# / Java", "How to find indexOf in a String array in Java", "String indexOf paramet", "String || in indexOf", "How to use indexOf to print out the indexOf range?", "Using indexOf in Java", "Using .indexOf() in an if statement in java", "How to use in indexOf with a List out of int[][]?", "indexOf can find null", "indexOf() String Class Java", "indexOf in a string array", "How does \"indexOf()\" method work and where can it be used?", "Wrong indexOf in String Array", "Android using indexOf" ]
Error "ClassNotFoundException" in IntelliJ IDEA
[ "fix ClassNotFoundException in intellij" ]
[ "Java NoClassFoundDefError and ClassNotFoundException issue", "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException when running in IntelliJ IDEA", "Getting \"ClassNotFoundException: ResteasyBootstrap\" and \"ClassNotFoundException:SpringContextLoaderListenerexception\"", "HikariConfig ClassNotFoundException", "java \"ClassNotFoundException\" error", "ClassNotFoundException FreeMarkerConfigurationFactory", "ClassNotFoundException HttpRequestInterceptor", "ClassNotFoundException: org.hibernate.bytecode.instrumentation.internal.FieldInterceptionHelper", "Java - Crypt32Util - ClassNotFoundException", "ClassNotFoundException - ResteasyBootstrap", "ClassNotFoundException: org.aopalliance.intercept.MethodInterceptor", "intelliJ IDEA: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException", "Getting java ClassNotFoundException for JavaScriptEngine", "ClassNotFoundException: Server", "ClassNotFoundException on simple Hello World in IntelliJ", "BadParcelableException: ClassNotFoundException", "IntelliJ java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.intellij.ide.plugins.PluginManager during startup", "ClassNotFoundException: AuditingHandlerBeanDefinitionParser", "ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.vfs.provider.FileProvider", "ClassNotFoundException Exception", "ClassNotFoundException with XposedBridge", "ClassNotFoundException Dependencies in IntelliJ", "ClassNotFoundException upon running JAR, no errors while running in IntelliJ IDEA", "ClassNotFoundException: BasicDataSourceFactory", "ClassNotFoundException Java Issue", "ClassNotFoundException: android.net.ZeroBalanceHelper", "java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.example.Main in intelliJ and Maven build", "ClassNotFoundException: HelloStageDemo", "IntelliJ 14 Java and Scala ClassNotFoundException" ]
Changing timezone without changing time in Java
[ "JAVA: Weird behaviour when changing TimeZone of Calendar object without changing the Date/Time" ]
[ "changing file type from JAVA000064 to JAVA", "Changing variable by method", "Multicolored changing text in java", "Changing data in an Object Array", "Variable not changing in Java", "Changing object name with input", "Changing the value for RadioGroupFieldEditor", "Changing NumberConstants.decimalSeparator() value", "Changing you own answer in Java", "Function changing input", "Java - changing a method to a for/while loop", "java changing value in for loop", "changing two values at a time in java", "Changing the first line in a file", "Changing a method into my main method", "Changing drawableBottom with java", "Variable changing value without changing it in the code", "Changing string values in Java", "Changing LinkedHashMapValues", "Method for changing values", "Changing a variable name", "Why is my list not changing", "Changing code from Java to C", "Changing a value from an array", "Why is ñ changing to ñ?", "Changing value of variable in a file", "Changing java version", "Changing String into altCase", "type changing in Java" ]
How to get the PID of running application in Windows?
[ "Get PID of Runtime process using JNI" ]
[ "Where will the output file goes when we do \"kill -3 <pid>\"", "-C# / JAVA- Get PID on Applications run in CMD", "How do I get the PID of this Java app?", "How to get the pid of a Java subprocess?", "Get the own process pid from the command prompt in windows", "Get the PID for a process started by Eclipse", "Hot to get all java running processes PID in java?", "How to get PID of all running Java applications programmatically?", "Convert byte[] to string in Java when reading Pid", "Java - get PID of external process by command line in Windows 7", "How to kill a process in Java, given a specific PID", "How can I get the cpu% usage of a Windows Pid on the command line?", "PID of Java process on Mac", "java command creates weird PID log file", "LInux java class from process id pid", "Find unix command PID from Java", "Verify if a process is running using its PID in JAVA", "Kill a java process using its Name and not PID", "Getting PID in use Java Mac", "Java PID from cmd not changing", "Java Options for a specific PID", "how to find process name from pid in java?", "How do I find the process ID (pid) of a process started in java?", "Android get PID of other applications", "Scala check if external process id (pid) is currently running?", "Find java PID using batch", "Getting PID of Process on Windows, OSX and Linux", "java exec return PID in Windows", "Java: Get a process given a pid" ]
What is the difference between Binding and Dispatching in Java?
[ "What is dispatching in java" ]
[ "Java servlet not dispatching to another servlet", "Java Event-Dispatching Thread explanation", "Dispatching AWT Event With No User Input", "Java web application object dispatching", "Dispatching requests from a servlet to jsp", "Data binding in java oveeriding", "Event Dispatching Thread execution", "Java AWT Event Dispatching", "What is the event dispatching thread?", "How to approach the dispatching of open sockets to threads in Java?", "Difference between binding and mapping", "Can we somehow change the url in addressbar after dispatching request from servlet to jsp", "Method Binding in Java", "What is \"Dispatching Threads\"", "Simple java message dispatching system", "Event dispatching thread remove from List exception SWING", "'Local variable needs to be declared final' for event dispatching thread", "Java Dispatching-Runtime type", "Make sure in same (EDT) event dispatching thread", "Event Dispatching Thread synchronization", "event dispatching thread", "JavaFX 2 event dispatching to underlying nodes", "Dispatching a list of commands", "Difference between include and forward mechanism for request dispatching concept?", "(Java) Can I use KeyListener to input text? (inside event dispatching thread)", "Dispatching an event for a closed socket", "Event dispatching filter chain in Swing", "Data binding with Java", "Spring jpa entity and dynamic dispatching" ]
Displaying Currency in Indian Numbering Format
[ "How to display Indian Numbering format in iReport?", "I need Indian currency format like 100000 as 1,00,000 , 1234 as 1,234" ]
[ "Java REGEX code to validate Indian language characters not working?", "How to generate consecutive list numbering?", "Remove Optional Numbering From String with Regex", "How to call multiple variable of string with numbering in loop?", "Dynamically set the timezone and return time in Indian standard format", "Android currency format returning different currency symbol", "How to format currency value from another class - Java", "Numbering of ThreadPool in java", "Java Algorithm for Batch Numbering", "DecimalFormat not giving expected format (Indian Number System)", "Java Array column and row numbering", "How to use String.format to convert a long to a String in currency format in Java", "Java: Finding average and numbering lines", "Counting and numbering inside of a file?", "Want a regex for validating Indian Vehicle Number Format?", "How to convert INDIAN currency to double?", "Java Currency Number format", "Using currency format without currency code", "Format String currency in java", "Java get number or currency format from string", "Logical Maven version numbering", "How do I add the new currency code to Java?", "how to get Indian Time Standard from in java?", "Currency library for Java", "Format currency without currency symbol", "Should element numbering start from 0 or 1 in Java?", "Get number from Text only with currency Java" ]
What does super() do here
[ "When do I use super()?", "super() in Java" ]
[ "super-constructor if there is no super class?", "How it works super() and super. in Java", "Why use super call in a super class when it has no explicitly defined super class", "The use of super(); in Java", "this and super in java", "Why does this not print \"super\"?", "Using this and super() in java", "Using this and super in Java", "Calling super super class method", "use super () in Java?", "How to get <? super T> from T", "What's the different between super and super() in java?", "(class)this.method and super.method in java", "Object class as super class in Java", "Use of \"super\" with \"?\" in Java", "How do I use super in java?", "Java question about super", "Is there an equivalent to super.super()?", "Working with super in java", "Java Object be super of my class?", "super() function in JAVA", "Java ASM4: super(ASM4);?", "Can't \"access\" variable from super,super class", "How to change the super of a class?", "Is there a super() in Object class also,if so where does it poin?", "Why should I call super() in Java?", "What does super() method do?", "create an object before the super call in java" ]
Can Java launch the Windows UAC?
[ "Elevating a ProcessBuilder process via UAC?" ]
[ "Java admin rights (UAC)", "App used to launch now it does not", "Can you determine if Vista UAC allows writing to a directory without elevation in java?", "loading dll which requires UAC elevated privileges with jni", "What is the best way to launch an application from another?", "Create new instance on launch", "launch() takes time to run", "Launch Java application in background mode in Windows", "Is it possible to click on Windows UAC dialog using java.awt.Robot?", "How do i make a JPassword Field launch an application", "Can't launch app with ParseLoginActivity", "Launch file from Java", "how can i run a code just on first launch?", "Eclipse launch existing launch-configuration", "Code won't launch", "Preventing jfx packager's secondary launcher from triggering UAC/elevated privilege in Windows", "How to call launch() more than once in java", "Launch application Java", "How do I elevate my UAC permissions from Java?", "UAC and Java", "Launch Java class from another Java application", "How can I write System preferences with Java? Can I invoke UAC?", "Launch main method from object with type \"Class<?>\"", "java getRuntime().exec an exe that requires UAC", "Launch powershellscript in java application", "Launch a java application with parameters from Windows cmd?", "UAC and file virtualization of java created files", "Elevate process with UAC java" ]
How to convert a local date to GMT
[ "Milliseconds to Date in GMT in Java" ]
[ "Converting Date to GMT date format", "Java date timezone to GMT and convert to another format", "Parse GMT string to local", "How to convert GMT?", "JAVA: gmt to local time conversion", "How to convert an offset from GMT to the local timezone?", "Java, How to change GMT time to local time?", "Java exact Date to String conversion (no local GMT offset)", "Java time in GMT", "Why this date is not showing in GMT?", "Convert GMT time to Local time using Java", "how to convert GMT to Local date time in android", "Android Convert GMT to current local time", "Server following GMT time instead of Local Time", "How do I parse a standard date into GMT?", "GMT in java, simple but not working", "How to get the unixtimestamp for GMT", "Convert given time to GMT", "Java/Android - Convert a GMT time string to local time", "Java GMT display", "Java Convert GMT/UTC to Local time doesn't work as expected", "Javascript Date-String GMT to Java Date", "How to add GMT from date string", "How do i get date from database other than GMT format?", "Parsing Java String into GMT Date", "Java - Store GMT time", "Convert GMT DateTime String", "unable to convert 1715UTC to local/gmt type", "Android convert gmt time to readable date" ]
Hadoop: Cannot use Jps command
[ "Hadoop : JPS can not find Java installed" ]
[ "jps not showing Tomcat process", "jps command list only jps but still HDFS services are available", "Jconsole and JPS don't show any processes. How can I monitor my process?", "How to use CompressionCodec in Hadoop", "JPS : HQL query to check null attribute", "jps/jvmstat fails on directory paths with space character", "Why to use Hadoop?", "MultipleOutputFormat in hadoop", "How does JPS tool get the name of the main class or jar it is executing", "Check if a checkbox is checked from JPS file", "PigUnit with Hadoop 2.x", "jps returns no output even when java processes are running", "How to do CopyMerge in Hadoop 3.0?", "Graphbuilder with Hadoop", "jps command not found. Put the JDK's jps binary on the command path", "Using DBOutputFormat in Hadoop", "Hadoop CustomInputFormat", "how to find java JPS in my ubuntu?", "Hadoop GenericOptionsParser", "Hadoop command does not execute from java prcoessbuilder", "Extra things while executing the jps command", "Hadoop command not found", "How to set main class displayed by `jps` when using JNI?", "process information unavailable, jps command in linux", "d3.js code in not working on JPS", "Hadoop YarnRuntimeException", "jps not working", "Java code in Hadoop", "JPS command error: malformed host identifier" ]
Mockito: How to mock an interface of JodaTime
[ "How can I mock JodaTime actual date?" ]
[ "Mockito: mock method parameter", "Mockito how do I mock this method?", "Mockito mock interface returning null in Before", "Mockito static function mock", "How does mockito create an instance of the mock object", "Mock a static method with mockito", "Mockito mock all methods call and return", "Mock a server using Mockito", "Mockito: Difference between TestStub and Mock", "How to mock a method call using Mockito", "How can I tell if an object is a Mockito mock?", "Mockito: Mock object based on another", "How to Mock an object which is created in the class under test in Mockito", "How to mock Thread.class with Mockito?", "How to mock a For Loop using Mockito", "Mockito can't mock an interface?", "Mock constructor with mockito", "Using Mockito to mock a class method inside another class", "Mockito mock constructor example", "How to mock method parameter in Mockito", "Mock a method with an object parameter with Mockito", "Java mockito mock set", "Mock Date object using Mockito", "How to mock a String using mockito?", "How do I mock Java Path API with Mockito?", "Does one need to create an interface or implemented class to Mockito.mock()?", "How to mock date in mockito?", "Use mockito to mock method with Object parameter", "How to mock new Date() in java using Mockito" ]
How to hide the knob of jSlider?
[ "how to put image on jslilder's knob of swing in java?", "Is possible to set an unknown value on a JSlider?" ]
[ "how to change knob's image of Jslider on mouseover and mouse pressed?", "Java JSlider with two set of labels", "JSlider Problems", "How to remove text above JSlider", "Java Swing JSlider", "Printing a single time Jslider", "JSlider : can't make the knob move on the closest tick during drag", "JSlider with two pointers", "How does a key knob by scenebuilder", "Is there a way to change the icon of a Jslider?", "Java JSlider set values", "get JSlider's input and changes", "Java: Using Constructor for JSlider", "Is this a bug in JSlider?", "How to change default/start value of JSlider", "JSlider last value", "How to set position of JSlider in window?", "JSlider alternative", "My knob drawn with Swing is ugly. Why?", "Get access to Thumb/Handle/Knob of Swing's JSlider", "Trying to add 2 (JLabel, JSlider) TO A Panel with BorderLayout, only JSlider gets drawn", "JSlider with close double values", "Custom range to use with JSlider", "Jslider: No number over the ribon", "JSlider not updating?", "jTable didn't show knob to scroll horizontal", "How to get the color behind a JSlider", "Circle JSlider - Java program" ]
java : Unparseable date Exception
[ "SimpleDateFormat \"Unparseable date\" Exception" ]
[ "Error by converting date: Unparseable date in JAVA", "Java - Unparseable date", "Convert from String to Date throws Unparseable date exception", "Java: unparseable date exception", "Java date parse string (Unparseable date)", "How to resolve Unparseable date error", "Unparseable date error on Java", "Pass only date into sql : Unparseable date error", "Why do i get Unparseable date exception ?", "java.text.Parse Exception : Unparseable Date", "Unparseable date exception Creating a date from two objects", "Unparseable date error", "Unparseable date Exception when passing String date", "Unparseable data exception", "why does parsing this date string throw an unparseable date exception?", "Java - Unparseable date exception", "Unparseable date exception in java", "Java Unparseable Date Exception", "unparseable date with timezone", "Unparseable Date in android", "How to handle an unparseable date?", "Java SimpleDateFormat: Unparseable Date exception", "Android Unparseable date Exception", "Unparseable date", "Unparseable date in java", "Unable to convert String to date, Unparseable date exception", "Unparseable date with extra number in Java", "java Unparseable date:", "Java SimpleDateFormat Exception: unparseable date" ]
How to resize JLabel ImageIcon?
[ "Resizing JLabel ImageIcon with HTML" ]
[ "How do I make a JLabel that has an imageIcon that is available to all methods and classes?", "list of imageIcon", "Why is this JLabel's ImageIcon not updating?", "Is it possible to resize the text in a JLabel?", "Using an ImageIcon and a JLabel", "ImageIcon does not work with me", "If I already have a JLabel with an ImageIcon, If I change the ImageIcon and then pack the frame, it doesn't pack", "ImageIcon + ImageIcon = ImageIcon", "Rotate JLabel or ImageIcon on Java Swing", "How to find JLabel that was clicked and show ImageIcon from it?", "Resize ImageIcon on window Resize", "Is it possible to make a selection tool for an ImageIcon in a JLabel?", "Java ImageIcon/Icon and JLabel is not working", "Java adding ImageIcon to JLabel", "Java ImageIcon to JLabel Array", "Jlabel image / ImageIcon", "Getting a Path from an ImageIcon which is displayed on a JLabel", "How to fit an image size to ImageIcon and JLabel size", "ImageIcon in JTableCell", "Resize an ImageIcon for an JLabel", "How to set imageicon fix on jlabel", "How update an ImageIcon from JButton/JLabel", "Is it possible to resize a Jlabel?", "can't add an imageIcon", "Cannot set imageicon to JLabel, always get null", "Array of JLabel ImageIcon", "ImageIcon in java", "Creating border around ImageIcon on a JLabel, not around the Jlabel", "Java: string to ImageIcon?" ]
Running Java gives "Error: could not open `C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\amd64\jvm.cfg'"
[ "Java path..Error of jvm.cfg" ]
[ "Why can my Java project call my DLLs successfully in Eclipse when I place them in JAVA_HOME\\jre6\\bin but failed in using java.library.path?", "Could not find hibernate.cfg.xml", "Can we have more than one cfg file in hibernate?", "how can I change the properties of the cfg.xml file?", "hibernate.cfg.xml already exists in my project but I'm getting this error hibernate.cfg.xml not found", "Hibernate search cfg file error", "How to completely remove Java? (Error: could not open `C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\lib\\i386\\jvm.cfg')", "Java Sounds work on JRE6 but not JRE7", "Alternate for JLayer in JRE6?", "Error: /hibernate.cfg.xml not found", "Unable to start Eclipse -- can't open \\Java\\jre6\\lib\\i386\\jvm.cfg", "Error with the java command (jvm.cfg)", "m2eclipse is unable to locate C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\..\\lib\\tools.jar", "hibernate.cfg.xml not found", "Exception occurred executing command line. CreateProcess: \"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\javaw.exe\"", "What is the purpose of jvm.cfg file in relation to Java?", "JVM: could not open", "How does one determine the version of rhino distributed with JRE6?", "hibernate.cfg.xml not found - exception in java", "Why is access restricted to jre6/lib/rt.jar for OperatingSystemMxBean?", "How to properly setup jdk7, jre6,jre7", "Using java jre6 instead of jre7 in windows 7", "what is the difference between different java JDK files: default-java , java-1.8.0-openjdk-amd64 , java-8-openjdk-amd64 , java-8-oracle", "How can I fix my /hibernate.cfg.xml file?", "Can not load hibernate.cfg.xml", "Spring and hibernate.cfg.xml", "Cannot find java.lang.object class error even though java(jre6) is installed properly", "SSLv3 Disable on Tomcat 7 64 bit jre6", "Ant can't find Javac. No matter what I do it always claims JAVA_HOME is \"C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\"" ]
Impact of changes on singleton class loaded by different classloaders
[ "Singleton class with several different classloaders" ]
[ "Java Classloaders - Invoking a static method inside a private class", "Using two different classloaders to load two children of the same class", "Access static method from classes loaded by different ClassLoaders", "WebSphere 7, JSF 2.0 and classloaders", "ClassCastException when creating an instance of a class using reflection and ClassLoaders", "ClassCastException because of classloaders?", "Passing Parameters Between ClassLoaders Via Reflection API", "When to create a custom Classloaders?", "How different classloaders resolve reference", "Changing the Priority of Java Classloaders", "Names of System classloaders", "Does (sun-jvm) hotspot optimization take place multiple times, if a class is loaded by different classloaders?", "Classloaders hierarchy in Java 9", "how to share objects between different classloaders?", "Impact of thread without name in java", "Preferences API working with multiple ClassLoaders?", "How can I make a java.lang.reflect.Proxy from two separate classloaders?", "Is this class a singleton?", "When Singleton is not Singleton?", "Singleton in singleton", "Understanding ClassLoaders in Java", "static final's and multiple classloaders", "Communication between different Jar's/Classloaders", "Detecting Class object equivalence for classes loaded by different ClassLoaders", "Do shared dependencies between classloaders get loaded twice?", "Can java serializable objects pass between different classloaders?", "ClassLoader: Access level between two ClassLoaders and their classes", "Java Deadlock in ClassLoaders" ]
Java eqivalent method of "splice(a,b,...)" in JavaScript method
[ "How to write a method like splice in Java" ]
[ "Splice arraylist in Java and group the second part", "How to load a javascript file and run a javascript method in java?", "use java to create file in JavaScript", "How to call javascript from java code", "javascript call from java code", "What is an efficient way to splice one binary input into another at an arbitrary bit number using Java without relying on parseInt?", "How to call JavaScript from Java", "how to call java object in javascript?", "From javascript to java", "how to call a java function from javascript?", "JavaScript filterRGB", "how to call method from java file in javascript?", "Java and Javascript", "Javascript Object to Java List", "run java in javascript", "Run JavaScript in Java", "JavaScript array to java", "How to return data from java to javascript?", "Java String in Javascript function", "how to run java file using javascript and batchscript", "Call Javascript from Java", "List<String> in java to List in javascript", "Java - splice out part of a list, reverse it and overwrite previous part", "Use a Java Class method in a Javascript function?", "SHA256Cng in Javascript", "Equivalent of PHP's 'array_splice' in java", "Why can I use == in JavaScript but not in Java?", "Call a Java method from Javascript", "How can I use JavaScript in Java?" ]
Does make sense to use DAO pattern with ORM systems?
[ "DAO vs ORM(hibernate) pattern" ]
[ "Generic Dao Pattern: lookup Dao by class", "DAO Class not writing to file", "DAO pattern - where should I put static variables?", "DAO implementation : Making a DAO object a property of other DAO", "Java orm problem", "DAO with Null Object Pattern", "How to use ORM in android", "ORM in the realworld", "Java DAO on server", "ORM and DAO design patterns", "DAO test: the right way?", "Has Spring an ORM, or just use ORM Frameworks?", "Data access object (DAO) in Java", "Example of an XML DAO", "DAO pattern and model objects", "Using methods of one DAO into another", "DAO design pattern", "DAO pattern when using hibernate", "Use of DAO as a Command", "Java DAO pattern and runtime dependencies", "DAO pattern in java what is a Business Object", "Java DAO implementation setObjects", "Multiple DAO's vs One DAO with configuration file", "DAO Factory Pattern Example", "What is DAO factory pattern?", "Java ORM with functions similar to Django's default ORM?", "Use DAO pattern for access web session", "Calling one DAO from another DAO?", "ORM model and DAO in my particular case" ]
XMLHttpRequest in Rhino?
[ "XMLHttpRequest over HttpClient in Rhino" ]
[ "Calling Java function from Rhino", "How create java class object in javascript using RHINO", "Advantages of using Rhino (mozilla's rhino)", "Rhino 1.7r2-3 E4X \"XML\" is not defined", "XmlHttpRequest status=0", "Rhino: return JSON from within Java", "Rhino setting a NativeObject property in java", "Rhino: How to return a string from Java to Javascript?", "Can I build a Rhino JavaAdapter in Java, using a ScriptableObject?", "Rhino on Android", "Rhino print function", "How can I specify my own Rhino context in Java?", "What is wrong with XMLHttpRequest request?", "File In use error using Rhino/Java/JavaScript", "Error when running Rhino", "Return multiple values from Rhino to Java calling class", "How to use the information in XMLHttpRequest.send(string)", "Getting the path of a script in Rhino", "XMLHttpRequest with multiple parameters", "How can I get the type of a variable in RHINO?", "How can I get the current script name and line number in Rhino?", "How to check if an object is JavaScript object in Rhino", "XMLHttpRequest java javascript", "Problems using Rhino on Android", "Rhino: How to get all properties from ScriptableObject?", "How to use Rhino", "Can´t get server response from object XMLHttpRequest", "Get Rhino JS to see Java class", "Split java strings in Rhino" ]
Initialize final variable in constructor
[ "Initialize a static final field in the constructor" ]
[ "How to initialize a final object array", "Initialize an array in class constructor", "Using \"this\" in the constructor of a final class", "Can't initialize static final field in constructor", "Initialize final variable before constructor in Java", "Initialize an object of another class in constructor", "How to use a constructor to initialize a different class's object in Java?", "Initialize a variable once and for all", "Java Initialize an int array in a constructor", "Initialize a final field in java", "How to make constructor initialize to all 0's?", "How would I initialize this array in constructor", "Initialize variable as class or constructor?", "When do I need to initialize a variable in java?", "Initialize a final variable before constructor in Java", "Initialize variable inside class without constructor", "Initialize the static variable in the constructor", "Java - Initialize array in constructor", "Initialize static final variable", "Can't initialize variable", "Can we initialize an object with the help of constructor of another class?", "Why should I use constructor if I can initialize instance variable another way", "How do I initialize an array in a default constructor?", "initialize a final list with objects and another list at the same time in JAVA?", "In java, how to initialize final parameters after a loop which may or not initialize them", "Initialize final variable within constructor in another method", "Java Method returns initialize variable, instead of final value of variable.", "Using final methods to initialize an instance variable", "Initialize variable with constructor" ]
String contains - ignore case
[ "Ignore case for 'contains' for a string in Java" ]
[ "Make Java runtime ignore serialVersionUIDs?", "RegEx ignore in java", "Java to json String ignore null values", "user input ignore case", "Java - Ignore case checking user input", "Option to ignore case with .contains method?", "how to ignore a value in a text?", "Trying to set Json Ignore for some of the field in class", "Regex - Ignore part of the string", "How to make Hibernate ignore a method?", "Ignore calls from one class in a bindInterceptor", "Regex ignore part of a String - Java", "How to read only data from a file (ignore strings)?", "How to ignore \"--\" but not \"-\"", "Ignore duplicate in string and print string once", "Ignore string using regex", "How to ignore java filename?", "Java Run System Command and Ignore Output", "Is it possible to ignore an exception?", "Why does Java length function ignore \\?", "Java using contains function to match string object ignore capital case?", "Ignore certain values from a file in Java", "Ignore a line while reading a file in java", "Switch ignore case in java 7", "Ignore a java class file", "Ignore characters", "Set java_home, but ignore error", "Why does Java ignore the first line of a .properties file?", "Java constructor ignore exception" ]
Highlight differences between images
[ "android compare 2 images and highlight difference" ]
[ "how to highlight a input field in an android application in java", "Differences just List and List<Object> and List<?>", "Differences between 2 objects in java", "Highlight words in PDF", "Java remove old Highlight", "How can I highlight java code via CSS?", "Highlight Rectangle Object", "Highlight elements of an array in a given order", "How can I highlight multiple variables in Eclipse?", "compare 2 xlsx files and highlight differences using POI", "java : get differences between two images", "Java For Loop differences", "Differences between Exception and Error", "Is it possible to highlight strings in a *.txt file using Java?", "Partial Highlight of a JOptionPan text", "How to highlight a duplicate word?", "Highlight items in ListView", "Compare two or more JTables and 'Highlight' differences", "how to make c-highlight in eclipse?", "What are the main differences between C# and Java?", "Java - Highlight parts of an image", "Android Studio - How do I highlight the selected grid item, and un-highlight all others?", "LdapConnection differences between JAVA and C#", "Java String-array differences", "How to highlight one BarDataSet entry in a CombinedChart?", "Highlight IP address in string", "Syntax highlight in java for android", "What are the differences between this and this() in java", "how to highlight separately" ]
Java byte[] to String not working when assigned to String
[ "Java byte to string" ]
[ "java - string return method is called before any value is assigned to string", "String array instance assigned to single Object", "Value in array not not assigned - java", "java- I need a value to only be used in the while loop and not get assigned", "Interconversion of String into byte[] and byte[] into String in JAVA", "Will the byte array be assigned properly in this manner?", "Get return value which assigned in interface method as a method?", "String with byte array to byte", "Loop through assigned values in an array", "Variable's value is different that the assigned one", "byte[] to String and String to byte[]", "Create string from byte[]", "From a byte[] in a string to a string?", "Byte[]String to String in C#", "What is the difference between a variable assigned to null and others not assigned", "WHat value can be assigned to this class's variable", "Get the object that an object is assigned to, how?", "from string to byte array and then to string", "byte[] to String to byte[] again", "Override method from assigned class", "Byte to String| Java", "Value not assigned to byte", "String to byte in java", "Java String to byte", "Java : Save Assigned String from method in an array", "string to byte then byte[] 0xformat", "Method to assigned value to array using loop", "String to Byte[] and Byte to String", "Android. Values are not assigned" ]
How to mock the default constructor of the Date class with JMockit?
[ "JMockit mock constructor" ]
[ "How do I mock a method with void return type in JMockit?", "Jmockit mock abstract class", "Why can't I mock Math using JMockit", "JMockit mock returns String instead of the List<String> provided", "Mock a public method using Jmockit", "How do I mock a method with generic objects in JMockit?", "how jMockIt StrictExpectations work", "JMockit: Mock both parent and child classes", "Mock a private static field with JMockit?", "JMockit dynamic partial mock a constructor of the class under test", "How to mock final instance variable in a class using JMockit", "Unable to mock interface with generic return type in Jmockit", "JMockit withCapture not working", "Unable to mock static methods using JMockit", "Possible to mock fields annotated with @Context in JMockit?", "How do I mock a class marked final and has a private constructor using jMockit", "JMockit: How to mock protected methods?", "Mock private methods of the class under test in jmockit", "Using JMockit, how do I mock an interface method for specific input parameter values?", "JMockit: How to mock a method according to an argument given in the constructor?", "How to mock public void method using jmockit?", "JMockit mock not getting destroyed", "How to mock create in jmockit", "JMockit unable to mock more than one instance of class", "Can I pass a jmockit mock of an interface as a constructor parameter of another object?", "jMockit - How make constructor invocation to return a mock", "Can't mock EntityManager jMockit", "jmockit return the same object", "Mock a private method of the class under test in JMockit" ]
Access static property or method in JSP via EL 3.0 (JEE7; Tomcat 8)
[ "Access static members in JSF via EL 3 (Tomcat 8.0.14/27)" ]
[ "JEE7 @Transactional annotation not always fires", "How to check for session in JSP EL?", "where is dukes-age in maven archetype? per first cup of JEE7", "JSP EL: dynamic creation of property name", "NoSuchMethodError using dropwizard websocket jee7 bundle server", "JSP: Why do I get 0 instead of null in EL variable?", "How do I dynamically access request parameters with JSP EL?", "JSP/EL output current URL", "Print a value using JSP and Expression Language (EL)", "How to access getColumnNames from JSP in EL?", "how to do ${bean.methodWithArg('${value}')} in el jsp", "How to specify the EJB bean name in the JNDI tree in JEE7", "Property not found on type when using interface default methods in JSP EL", "How to use JSP EL insinde tag attribute", "JEE7: best way to create another thread that never exits", "Spring 3.0 EL How to get property from a properties file?", "JSP Data to Servlet using EL", "JEE7: Do EJB and CDI beans support container-managed transactions?", "Using a variable to access a Map in JSP EL", "EL: how to print static variables?", "How to call a static method in JSP/EL?", "how do I pass a parameter to the @OnOpen method with JEE7 Websockets,", "JSP 2.3 with Tomcat 8", "Call HashMap from jsp EL?", "EL session object property", "How to access a property of objects stored in list where list is stored in object in jsp using el", "Why can't I use JSP EL in my custom tag?", "JSP,EL property not found", "JEE7 + WildFly (HornetQ) - Pause queue from application" ]
Accessing outer inner class from nester inner class
[ "In Java, how do I access the outer class when I'm not in the inner class?" ]
[ "How many outer **this** will have this inner class?", "Access outer class function from Object of Inner Class", "Inner use instead of Outer.Inner?", "Accessing an inner class´ method from another inner class", "Accessing a method of the Outer Class inside a static Inner Class", "using inner class object in outer class java", "Inner classes with the same name as an outer class?", "Why can't my inner class see my outer class object?", "What is wrong with an inner class not using an outer class in Java?", "Accessing private instance variable of inner class from outer class", "Accessing inner class from static outer util function", "Java get outer class from inner class?", "How to make `this` point to the outer class where the inner class has the same method name", "how to access inner class variable in outer class method in java", "Java: How to return out of the outer method from a method in an inner class", "How Member Class(Inner class) is accessing instance variable of outer class?", "I have an object of an outer class. How do I get the object of the inner class from it?", "Accessing outer class variable in inner class", "Get the class-name of a Java inner class' outer class instance", "In Java, access the 'outer object' from inner (class)object?", "Accessing Inner Class of a object from a different object", "Accessing outer class variable via inner class object in main", "How do I pass a reference to the outer class to a method in an inner class? ( Or how do I pass \"this\" to an inner class? )", "Inner Class in Java", "Get the outer class object from an inner class object", "Accessing outer class from inner class in java", "From static main method in same outer class like inner class, can't access to constructor from inner class", "Accessing inner class reference from outer class", "Accessing Outer class attribute from an instance of an Inner class" ]
ANT JAR file for JavaFX Application
[ "Compile JavaFX Code using ANT" ]
[ "JavaFX ANT builder not working", "Problem with ant file", "JavaFX : Gluon library with ANT or convert JavaFX-Ant project to JavafX-Gradle project", "Error in Ant file", "Import jar file in ant build file", "Using maven ant plugin in javafx application, How to add Dependencies in javaFX jar. Still facing class not found exception", "Getting an error while build a jar file with ant", "ANT problem with jar file", "Building jar file (htsjdk jar) with Ant", "How to use Ant?", "cannot build JavaFX 2.1.0 sample application - DataApp - failed to create task or type javafx:com.sun.javafx.tools.ant:application", "Ant IncludeTask", "could not find ant-javafx in gradle app", "Cannot build JavaFX application using Ant", "ant java jar without main class", "JavaFX 8 ant build error code too large", "what is org.eclipse.wst.common.component and how to use it for ant", "Ant can't find my JAR file? Trying to do an sshexec task", "Create Jar for a specific file in a project using ant", "Ant task for jar", "Langtons Ant in JAVA", "JavaFX Application name", "Running a class from within a jar using ant", "Using Jarbundler with ant", "ANT - JavaFX complex build.xml", "custom ant build and JavaFX", "Ant doesn't build second jar", "Ant build doesn't make jar file", "ANT + propertyregex problem" ]
Java: Rationale of the Cloneable interface
[ "Why is Cloneable not deprecated?" ]
[ "When does it make sense for a Java object to be Serializable but not Cloneable?", "About Java cloneable", "Cloneable behaviour", "Implementing the Cloneable Interface", "how to create clone of an object which does not implement Cloneable", "Java interface extends Cloneable", "How do Java arrays implement Cloneable?", "Why shouldn't an object be cloneable?", "Why is #clone() not in the Cloneable interface?", "issue with Java.lang.Cloneable interface guidelines", "Why is Java's Cloneable Interface Not Generic?", "Cloneable and Collection", "Java exceptions rationale", "What is the point of the cloneable interface?", "Why no default clone() in Cloneable in Java 8", "at what point in time does this.getServletName() begin to work and what is the rationale", "How to use Cloneable type as parameter to Java generic class", "Is Cloneable needed here?", "Copy constructor v. implementing Cloneable interface", "Why Object clone() method available only to classes that implement Cloneable interface?", "Java - Implement Cloneable or add a constructor?", "How can we get immutable object if class did not implement cloneable", "Mandatory cloneable interface in Java", "Confusion about cloneable interface and object.clone() in java", "Serializable, cloneable and memory use in Java", "Why String class is not Cloneable?", "About the Java interface Cloneable", "Question about the Cloneable interface and the exception that should be thrown" ]
Strange behavior of Class.getResource() and ClassLoader.getResource() in executable jar
[ "What is the difference between Class.getResource() and ClassLoader.getResource()?", "Apache CLI, Executable jar, classLoader().getResource()" ]
[ "Write To file with getResource", "sysLoader.getResource() problem in java", "JAVA why only images works with class.getResource", "URL getResource not working when in JAR file", "getResource() -> Source not found", "Why does getResource return null", "Java class getResource() with eclipse", "Java getResource not working in a .jar file", "classLoader.getResource doesn't work in jar file", "getResource() of another class", "getResource from a Thread", "getResource() to Path issue", "File not found in getResource", "Java class.getResource() returns null", "NullPointerException on ClassLoader.getResource()", "java getResource() not working", "class.getResource returns a wrong path of my file", "Python equivalent to Java's Class.getResource", "A strange behaviour of Class.getResource()", "How should I use getResource() in Java?", "Get a resource using getResource()", "Can you use .getResource() to load a text file in an executable jar file?", "class.getResource unconsistant behavior in-Eclipse vs in-jar", "Use class.getResource() to load file within .jar?", "Java ClassLoader getResource with special characters in path", "getResource() not finding file?", "Can't get images working, with getResource()", "getResource will always return null" ]
make wadl file resteasy without maven
[ "Can I get application.wadl file using RESTeasy?" ]
[ "InternalServerErrorException in RestEasy", "RESTEasy + Spring 3 + Maven", "REST WADL vs SOAP", "Include possible values of @PathParam to WADL", "Resteasy PostProcessInterceptor after ResteasyJacksonProvider", "Maven WADL plugin not producing a usable WADL", "Jersey WADL generator support custom annotations", "Generate wadl from existing CXF rest service", "How to run RESTEasy project", "Configuring Jersey to provide a WADL through JSON", "Exclude resource paths from Jersey application.wadl?", "WADL with grammar for JSON representation", "resteasy response", "Error wher generating wadl by maven-wadl-plugin", "How can I generate WADL for REST services", "How to generate WADL file?", "How to generate WADL file using Jersey 1.7", "Resteasy. Class def not found", "java Restful web application and WADL", "Can I get the ResourceMethodRegistry being used by Resteasy", "WADL Generation Tool", "Disable WADL generation on Jersey 1.19.1", "Can the wadl file be generated at build time?", "How to construct the WADL file to get following Java interface", "Jersey maven-wadl-plugin cannot resolve HttpServletRequest", "ClientRequestFactory RestEasy Deprecated... Any other RestEasy alternative ?", "Error 500 when trying to get WADL of jax-rs service", "How to access the methods from WADL file in Java?", "Where I can find my WADL? (CXF)" ]
Can't find @Nullable inside javax.annotation.*
[ "Java. Which @Nullable should I use to mark return value with one?" ]
[ "nullPointerException on a nullable=false value", "Check if method \"return null\" and is @Nullable", "Does Java allow nullable types?", "javax.annotation: @Nullable vs @CheckForNull", "Missing dependency 'class javax.annotation.Nullable'", "Where to find 'javax.lang' and 'javax.annotation' in ubuntu", "In which cases I should use @Nullable annotation?", "Compare nullable Integer to 0", "Where to put @Nullable on methods with nullable return types?", "Spring: convert a nullable String value to Double", "Filter nullable values from stream and updating nullable property", "How to join two nullable sets in Java", "@Nullable annotation usage", "Make non-nullable type in Java", "How to write nullable int in java?", "need nullable double value", "Add a new method or use one method with nullable parameter?", "Why should I specify @Column( nullable = false )?", "How to make an Integer instance not nullable", "Guice @Nullable annotation", "How to best create a Java 8 stream from a nullable object?", "Unable to compile the GWT module while trying to use javax.annotation.Nullable?", "Meaning of @Nullable java (android)", "Using @Nullable in Java", "Java @Nullable parameter", "method doesn't accept nullable date, why?", "Is there standard Option or Nullable class in Java?", "@Column(nullable=false) Not Working", "Java @Id without @column(nullable=false)" ]
Using Prepared Statements to set Table Name
[ "Variable column names using prepared statements" ]
[ "Java Prepared Statements Not Entirely Working - MYSQL", "Can I pass table name as argument to a java prepared statement?", "Cannot insert into database with prepared statements", "Prepared statements with MySQL?", "SQL injection and prepared statements", "How to call prepared statements in java properly", "How do I make a prepared statement?", "Generating date in Oracle using prepared statements", "JDBC built in functions and prepared statements", "Prepared statements connection error", "Why am I unable to use prepared statements to update a database?", "Two different prepared statements in one single batch", "Problem with a prepared statement", "Java Prepared statement error table not found", "prepared SQL statements in java", "JDBC Prepared Statements not working", "How to write an sql query to update multiple columns of a table using prepared statements?", "Select with prepared statements Java", "Java - Prepared statements and arrays", "How to set list in prepared statement", "Prepared Statements from text fields in java", "Prepared statements in java", "Multiple Prepared Statements or a Batch", "Can I use multiple statements in a JDBC prepared query?", "How do I select an entity from my database using prepared statements", "Do prepared statements slow down program conspicuously?", "Java setting up prepared statements", "How do Prepared Statements prevent SQL injection better than Statements?", "Get Table Name from prepared statement" ]
HttpClient 4.0.1 - how to release connection?
[ "HttpClient: How to have only one connection to the server?" ]
[ "HttpClient version 3.1 error", "Where is the documentation for HttpClient 4.1.x?", "HttpClient and Connection Timeout", "Using the new httpclient-4.0.1 jar with a project using commons-httpclient", "Deprecated HttpClient, now using apache-httpclient-4.3.x", "Getting query String using HttpClient 4.1", "Need to get table data using httpclient", "Error in httpclient", "HttpClient error", "Apache HttpClient is running out of connection but I'm not sure why?", "Create an HttpClient with path", "HttpClient -how to release resource automatically in Java 7", "How to import \"HttpClient\" to Eclipse?", "How to update the settings of an HttpClient in httpclient 4.3+?", "HttpClient statusCodes", "httpclient API for setHttpRequestRetryHandler", "httpclient response", "Issues with HttpClient 4.3.1 creating instance of HttpClient", "android java Httpclient connection", "Connection to same URL in different threads using HttpClient", "Custom HttpClient for RemoteConverter of Documents4j", "Why should there be only one instance of HTTPClient?", "HttpClient.execute error =(", "HttpClient and ProgressListener - help to implement", "Android httpClient", "setMaxTotal and setDefaultMaxPerRoute in HttpClient?", "Java HttpClient error", "not able to release connection while using Apache HTTPClient" ]
Profiling a Java Spring application
[ "Beyond Profiling a Java Spring application with Spring AOP" ]
[ "Java Profiling, Performance Tuning and Memory Profiling exercises", "Memory profiling for Java desktop application", "Advanced Java profiling", "Java application profiling", "Spring web application memory profiling doubts", "Java / Eclipse profiling: Is there a way to show the number of method calls to each method?", "Java Profiling Issue", "Profiling An Already Loaded Class", "Profiling shows long execution time in PropertiesEnhancer", "Profiling a Java Application in Eclipse? (plug-in)", "Servlet Profiling", "Profiling in Spring Boot", "Profiling a running Java application in command line", "HashMap profiling", "Custom profiling in Java", "JDBC profiling tools", "Profiling method performance", "Java profiling - how can I get a method by method analysis of my application?", "How should I do software profiling?", "Java Application Profiling and Testing", "Profiling Java char[] and Strings", "Profiling Java Code", "Java Profiling Tool for Linux", "Profiling single Web session", "JNI library profiling", "Java: How can I see what parts of my code are running the most? (profiling)", "Profiling a Java Web Start application", "Profiling only certain parts/classes of a Java application", "Python tool for performance profiling" ]
JAX-WS and XSD Validation
[ "JAX-WS request validation using JAXB" ]
[ "JAX-WS null arguments", "Spring WS: How to get and save XSD validation errors", "JAX-WS on Tomcat server", "what actually JAX-WS is?", "How to call JAX-WS method from URL", "XSD Validation Error in JAVA", "How do you configure jax-ws to work with Spring using jax-ws commons?", "Using a custom class as a JAX-WS return type?", "JAX-WS Question", "Bean Validation and JAX-WS", "Getting started with JAX-WS", "JAX-WS 2.0 - Migrating from xsd:double to xsd:decimal", "JAX-WS ServiceConstructionException", "I can't return array String[] with JAX-WS", "JAX-WS @Pattern annotation for regex validation", "Spring WS without xsd", "Java: JAX-WS Mapping", "XML Validation - Using multiple xsd's", "Java: string xml validation against xsd that include another xsd", "JAX-WS return empty element", "JAX-WS has XSD schema in different URL", "JAX WS WebService implementation with XSD only", "Problem using jax-ws", "Use variable between JAX-WS requests", "xml validation against xsd by using spring java", "Ignore XML Validation for JAX-WS clients", "Java WS : Where is the XSD part?", "Validating web service request against XSD in jax-ws?", "Can JAX-WS map an XSD date (xs:dateTime) to a Java Calendar?" ]
How do I configure HikariCP in my Spring Boot app in my application.properties files?
[ "Configure HikariCP in Spring Boot with JTDS" ]
[ "Configure HikariCP + Hibernate + GuicePersist(JPA) at Runtime", "How to configure HikariCP with PostgreSQL", "HikariCP pass Oracle custom type", "Caching properties using Hikaricp in Oracle", "how to utilize HikariCP with Hibernate?", "How to configure and monitor HikariCP with Hibernate and Spring Boot", "Unable to configure Hikaricp 2.2.5 with Java 6", "hibernate hikaricp datasource", "configure max pool size hikaricp hibernate JPA", "Calculation mismatch in HikariCP", "Using HikariCP's connection pool the correct way", "How can I use sqlite user function api with HikariCP?", "Configuring Hibernate with HikariCP", "HikariCP Wrapper (thread safety)", "HikariCP without Framework", "Can HikariCP show sql?", "Can i use HikariCP on Google App Engine", "How do I configure HikariCP and Dropwizard/Coda-Hale metrics in Spring Boot application", "Better way to use HikariCP with Hibernate in Spring Boot Project", "How do I set the logging level for HikariCP?", "HikariCP Address Specification and Documentation", "warning messages with hikaricp", "connection object from hikaricp connection pool", "How to configure HikariCP with EclipseLink", "HikariCP too many connections", "How to configure PageableHandlerMethodArgumentResolver in spring boot application", "How to configure log4j2 to log for HikariCP", "is HikariCP be useful for MongoDB?", "HikariCP connection error" ]
Get domain name from given url
[ "in java how to extract exact domain name from url", "Extract main domain name from a given url" ]
[ "how to implement domain classes", "Meaning of domain, application in URL", "I can't access my api of the another domain", "How I do to get the domain of page html?", "Trying to create pattern for Domain Name", "Converting time domain to frequency domain in Java", "Get domain name from URL in Java/Android", "Extract domain name from given address Java RegEx", "Do I need a domain name to write Java code?", "What is java domain model?", "Get domain name from URL without java.net in Java", "Java Domain Objects", "Depoly Tomcat with domain name", "Java - Check if user is domain admin of google apps domain", "fetch domain name from url", "Get the second level domain of an URL (java)", "Get the name of a Glassfish2 domain", "Need help to understand a project in new domain", "Get root domain from request", "Sending xml data to other domain(cross domain) Using java", "convert java domain model from domain A to domain B", "Extract host name/domain name from URL string", "Domain objects with serialVersionID?", "Java Spring, working with Domain Objects", "Extract domain from the string", "Cannot create list in domain class", "Remove domain name from string java", "How to get client domain name in Cross Domain calls" ]
Unmanaged Threads Spring Quartz Websphere Hibernate
[ "Websphere JNDI lookup fails in a Quartz job" ]
[ "Having quartz execute a job only in one thread when there are multiple quartz threads", "How do I get a managed bean inside an unmanaged object?", "Spring + Hibernate + Quartz: Dynamic Job", "Error setting foreign key in jpa entity: You cannot flush unmanaged objects... that have persistent associations to unmanaged objects", "Quartz Scheduing: Using DailyCalendar", "Java unmanaged memory stream", "Spring 3 + Quartz 2 error", "using quartz in a web app with spring", "CDI with unmanaged objects", "How to debug an unmanaged server extension in Neo4j3", "Spring - Quartz no execute jobclass", "How to use Quartz with QuartzInitializerListener?", "Problem with spring quartz", "Using Hibernate session with quartz", "Add unmanaged dependency to Class Path of Eclipse Maven Project", "Spring 4.0.1 + Quartz 1.5.2", "How to create unmanaged Neo4j extension?", "Why do my Entities become unmanaged after two calls?", "How to autowire classes in unmanaged instances?", "Neo4j Unmanaged Extension and GuardTimeoutException", "Calling unmanaged C++ via Java", "What is managed and unmanaged code?", "Can not use Websphere WebSphereUowTransactionManager with Spring 3.0 on WAS 7.0", "Spring Neo4j - Cannot access unmanaged extension", "Class path in Neo4j unmanaged extension", "Quartz HelloJob", "Hibernate's shenanigans -- I just want an unmanaged copy", "What is Websphere?", "how to create spring quartz like application?" ]
How can i find out where a BufferedImage has Alpha in Java?
[ "Set BufferedImage alpha mask in Java" ]
[ "How to create BufferedImage with a separate alpha raster", "Convert ImageByteArray to BufferedImage", "Can't get correct alpha values from individual BufferedImage pixels", "Java BufferedImage: Alpha change makes low alpha areas appear black", "How do I desaturate a BufferedImage in Java?", "Can't draw BufferedImage into another BufferedImage with scale", "BufferedImage loses alpha when passed as a parameter", "BufferedImage java: Number of color/alpha components should be 4 but length of bits array is 2", "how to get path of specific bufferedimage?", "How do I ignore the alpha content when loading an Image off disk into a BufferedImage", "Inverting alpha of BufferedImage", "How can i change the BufferedImage type?", "Can't load a BufferedImage", "Graying out a BufferedImage", "Using BufferedImage in Java", "Assign part of BufferedImage to another BufferedImage", "Problems with BufferedImage in Java", "Java BufferedImage type 24 bit with alpha", "Using BufferedImage to create an image in Java", "Change the alpha value of a BufferedImage?", "How to copy bufferedImage", "java how to convert a int[][] to an BufferedImage", "What is the default type of a BufferedImage?", "BufferedImage class", "Why can't I change this BufferedImage?", "Getting error while creating BufferedImage", "int array to BufferedImage", "How can I make a BufferedImage \"fainter\"?", "Java - Change BufferedImage File" ]
Best practices for using Markers in SLF4J/Logback
[ "are multiple features a good use case for logback markers?" ]
[ "SLF4J best practices", "Can I use Log4j.xml configuration for SLF4J and Logback?", "SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings. multiple logback-classic jars", "SLF4J + logback + JBoss 7?", "How can I remove logback from a library's dependency while keeping SLF4J?", "migrate from slf4j+logback to slf4j+log4j", "SLF4J + Logback does not log in WildFly", "What is the difference between log4j, slf4j and logback?", "java - slf4j with logback not showing logs", "How to config slf4j+logback in a multi-module Maven project?", "Should I use slf4j as wrapper for logback?", "Exception thrown while using logback/slf4j/java", "Convert LOG4J >> SLF4J + logback", "How can I include slf4j-api, logback and custom implementation of slf4j.impl in OSGI?", "Listening for Log Messages in slf4j/logback", "Dependency management for SLF4J and Logback", "Spring + Logback(slf4j) logging without jcl-over-slf4j", "How to prevent logback/slf4j from parsing a new line character", "using Logback with slf4j", "Understanding Logback and Slf4j", "logging hibernate parameter values using logback and slf4j", "How to configure slf4j with logback for a WebApp running Tomcat", "delete log file in runtime and slf4j+logback don't create it again", "Why doesn't Slf4j/Logback log filename and row number", "Slf4j/logback - print stacktrace in separate file", "Logback native VS Logback via SLF4J", "Slf4j or Logback: Turn off logging for 1 unit test (or 1 thread)", "Convert LOG4J Priority.class >> SLF4J + logback" ]
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