Senate Approves DiSanto Occupational Licensure Reform Bill Senate Acts to Provide New Protections for Sexual Abuse Survivors, Statute of Limitations Reforms DiSanto Convenes Voting Meeting to Strengthen Child Protections Senate Approves Increase in State Minimum Wage Legislation Cracking Down on Human Trafficking Approved by Senate Senate Passes Bill to Prohibit Abortion Based Solely on Down Syndrome Diagnosis Senate Acts to Generate New Private Resources to Fight Pediatric Cancer Senate Passes Bill to Expand Job Training Opportunities and Protect Students Senate Approves Bill to Make Online Training Available to Firefighters DiSanto Schedules Tele-Town Hall for December 4 Other Bills Sent to the Governor Other Bills sent to the House Senator DiSanto meets with local representatives of the Alzheimer’s Association to discuss updates to the Older Adults Protective Services Act. On Wednesday, the Senate unanimously approved my legislation to extend second chances for rehabilitated individuals seeking meaningful employment, while growing the commonwealth’s skilled workforce. More than 1 in 5 jobs require a government issued license and, too often, qualified applicants are denied the right to work because of an old or irrelevant criminal record. My legislation provides balance and predictability to the occupational licensure process so that rehabilitated citizens have a fair chance to reintegrate into our communities. Senate Bill 637 requires state licensing boards and commissions to apply a common set of rules when considering whether to deny, suspend, or revoke an occupational license on the basis of a criminal conviction. The proposal ends the practice of blanket prohibitions on job licenses for certain criminal records and eliminates undefined requirements that applicants present “good moral character.” Senate Bill 637 provides a new level of transparency by making state boards and commissions publish the convictions they determine to be directly related to the duties, functions, and responsibilities of the occupation and requires individualized assessments of an applicant’s qualifications and fitness to perform the job. The bill also permits individuals unsure if their criminal record would prohibit them from obtaining an occupational license to petition a state licensing entity for a preliminary determination before investing the time and money into a job training program. Senate Bill 637 has considerable bipartisan appeal in the General Assembly as well as a coalition of supportive stakeholders such as the Greater Harrisburg NAACP, the PA Chamber of Business and Industry, Community Legal Services, Americans for Tax Reform, the American Civil Liberties Union, Justice Action Network, and more. The bill now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration. The Senate approved a comprehensive package of bills Wednesday to support survivors of sexual abuse, including legislation to reform the statute of limitations to give survivors more time to come forward. The package of legislation addresses all of the recommendations of a grand jury investigation that was released to the public last year. The bills are designed to ensure victims are supported and all perpetrators of sexual crimes against children are held responsible for their heinous actions. The bills include: House Bill 962, which would eliminate the criminal statute of limitations for the sexual abuse of a child, as well as associated crimes such as human trafficking. The bill also extends the deadline for civil actions from age 30 to age 55. House Bill 963, which would amend the Pennsylvania Constitution to create a two-year window of time for retroactive lawsuits for victims whose statute of limitations has already expired. The legislation addresses concerns lawmakers raised last year about whether the two-year window was unconstitutional. House Bill 1051, which clarifies mandatory reporting standards for suspected cases of abuse and increases penalties for mandated reporters who continue to fail to report suspected child abuse. House Bill 1171, which ensures survivors who sign non-disclosure statements are not prohibited from speaking with law enforcement regarding their abuse. The bills are a culmination of a years-long effort to create effective and permanent laws to ensure perpetrators of sexual offenses against young people are held accountable by the legal system. The Senate passed a number of similar measures last year, including lifting the statute of limitations for all civil and criminal cases of child sex abuse. As Chairman of the Senate Aging and Youth Committee, I held a voting meeting Monday to approve bills that strengthen penalties for failing to report child abuse and better track reports of infants born with drug or alcohol addiction. House Bill 1051 was part of a sweeping package of bills later approved by the Senate to support survivors of sexual abuse, including legislation to reform the statute of limitations. HB 1051 clarifies mandatory reporting standards for suspected cases of abuse and increases penalties for mandated reporters who continue to fail to report suspected child abuse. Reporting child abuse is not just a moral obligation, it is the law and this legislation clarifies and strengthens penalties for failing to protect children. Senate Bill 368 requires the Department of Human Services to compile and publish online notification data from health care providers about the number of infants born affected by substance use or withdrawal symptoms resulting from prenatal drug or alcohol exposure. In the midst of an opioid epidemic, this legislation will give lawmakers and the public insight on the trends of infants born with addiction so that we may focus on policies to decrease these numbers and devote proper resources for the care of these children. The bill advances to the full Senate for consideration. Legislation that would raise the state minimum wage to $9.50 per hour by 2022 was approved by the Senate on Wednesday. Senate Bill 79 represents a compromise package that will phase in increases to the current $7.25 minimum wage rate incrementally as follows: July 1, 2020: $8.00 January 1, 2021: $8.50 The federal minimum wage was last increased to $7.25 an hour in 2009. Pennsylvania is one of 21 states with a minimum wage set at the federal minimum. All of Pennsylvania’s neighboring states have higher minimum wages This compromise represents a sound approach to raising the minimum wage in a manner that recognizes inflation has occurred since the previous increase, but not setting wages at a level that would eliminate the entry-level jobs currently available to those who need them. The Senate on Wednesday passed legislation I am co-sponsoring that will combat human trafficking by enacting stronger penalties against all individuals who support the exploitation of victims. Senate Bill 60 would increase penalties against any individual who patronizes a victim of human trafficking, including any individual who recruits, solicits, advertises, transports, or profits off a human trafficking victim. Tougher penalties are also levied for offenses committed against minors. Human trafficking includes abhorrent crime of “sex slavery.” The average age a child is forced into sex slavery is 12 years old. This legislation builds on earlier efforts to shift the focus of state law from punishing the victims of trafficking to punishing those who traffic victims and those who would enable them. Under the bill, the most serious offenders who directly participate in the trafficking of minors for prostitution and related crimes could face imprisonment of 40 years or more. Fines and penalties of up to $50,000 would be deposited into special funds to prevent human trafficking and support sexually exploited children. The bill was sent to the House of Representatives for consideration. A bill that would prohibit the practice of selectively aborting babies based solely on a diagnosis of Down syndrome was approved by the Senate on Tuesday. Unfortunately, the measure was vetoed by the governor. House Bill 321 would prohibit an abortion being deemed medically necessary based on a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. Similar protections already exist to prevent babies from being aborted based solely on their gender. Nothing in the bill would interfere with the existing ability of a woman to obtain an abortion in cases of rape, incest or endangerment to the mother. The bill is targeted only at protecting babies who would be aborted solely because of the possible presence of Down syndrome. An estimated 67 percent of fetuses prenatally diagnosed with Down syndrome are aborted in the United States. The Senate approved a bill Monday that could generate up to $100 million in private donations over the next decade to support childhood cancer research. Senate Bill 74 would create a tax credit program for qualifying donations to a Pennsylvania pediatric cancer research hospital. The credit would apply to donations made to: The Center for Childhood Research, Children’s Hospital of Pennsylvania. Penn State Hershey Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. Abramson Cancer Center, Penn Medicine. The UPMC Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh. According to the American Cancer Society, more children die from cancer than any other disease. However, the National Cancer Institute spends just 4 percent of its research dollars on pediatric cancer. Senate Bill 74 was sent to the House of Representatives for consideration. On Monday, the Senate sent the governor a bill to expand the availability of job training programs, protect against improper school closures and help create a better system to maintain student records, and provide schools the ability to provide more institutional aid to students. Senate Bill 456 would allow Private Licensed Schools, such as career and technical colleges and trade schools, to open a branch campus in a neighboring county or any other location within 60 miles of the main campus. Under current law, schools can only establish a branch campus in the same county as the primary campus. The bill would also protect students against improper closures of schools by requiring potential school closures to be completed with proper notice to students, accreditors and the state, while also providing for a full teach-out, transfer and education succession plan for all enrolled students. Senate Bill 456 also gives schools the ability to provide direct institutional grants to students. The Senate gave final approval Monday to a measure to make firefighter training more accessible and affordable through online courses. Senate Bill 146 ensures that online training would be voluntary and free to both career and volunteer firefighters. All available courses would be listed online and developed under the leadership of the state Fire Commissioner. Training requirements are often cited as a barrier to recruitment and retention, particularly for volunteers, because they can be costly and time-consuming, often demanding travel and time away from work and family. Senate Bill 146 was sent to the governor to be signed into law. Because the Senate was in session until after 9:00 pm on November 20, my previously scheduled telephone town hall was postponed. The new date is December 4, 2019 from 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Join me for this live telephone town hall to discuss important state-related issues impacting you and your neighbors in the 15th Senatorial District. You may listen in and ask me questions from the comfort of your own home via your telephone or live audio stream. Sign up here to register and receive a call for my next telephone town hall. House Bill 17 establishes a 10-year time period for the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue to collect assessed personal income taxes. House Bill 49 requires public schools to allow students to apply personal finance credits towards satisfying graduation requirements. It also clarifies the role of school police officers and extends the training deadline for school security personnel. House Bill 57 disbands various outdated boards, commissions, committees and other entities. House Bill 97 prohibits the sale, purchase or use of nicotine products or nicotine delivery systems by minors or pupils in schools. House Bill 227 clarifies that school director candidates will be required to submit 10 signatures for nomination. Senate Bill 314 creates the Pennsylvania Rural Health Redesign Center Authority and the Pennsylvania Rural Health Redesign Center Fund. Senate Bill 317 amends the Second Class Township Code regarding mandatory annual budget requirements. Senate Bill 473 increases the minimum legal sales age for tobacco products to 21 years of age. Senate Bill 572 establishes a procedure for prescribers to enter into treatment agreements with a patient prior to prescribing an opioid treatment course for chronic pain. Senate Bill 733 provides for the Pennsylvania Gaming Economic Development and Tourism Fund Capital Budget for 2019. House Bill 754 ensures that PACE and PACENET enrollees will not lose their benefits if they exceed the maximum income limit due solely to a Social Security cost-of-living adjustment. House Bill 917 repeals Act 598 of 1929, an act authorizing municipalities, other than townships, to acquire, operate and maintain a hospital. House Bill 947 sets the hours of operation for breweries, distilleries and limited distilleries. House Bill 956 amends the State Lottery Law to lower the mandated margin rate of return from 25 percent to 20 percent for the five-year period beginning June 30, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2024. House Bill 1203 requires that the annual audit of an authority must comply with state and federal standards and allows the incorporating municipality to request assistance from the Auditor General. House Bill 1402 amends the Crimes Code to add a new offense of sexual extortion. House Bill 1410 amends the Transit Revitalization Investment District Act by providing for military installation remediation and polyfluoroalkyl substances remediation. House Bill 1547renames several roads and bridges and designates the interchange of U.S. Route 422 with Pennsylvania Route 66 in Manor Township, Armstrong County, as the Senator Donald C. White Interchange. House Bill 1772 allows a property owner to use identifying purple paint marks on trees or posts to provide notice not to trespass on the property. House Bill 1896 authorizes the release of a use restriction and reversionary interest affecting land in East Vincent Township, Chester County, conveys property in Centre County and addresses an easement in Chester County. House Bill 1982 allows participating employers in SERS to pre-fund all or a portion of their “unfunded actuarial liability.” Senate Bill 60 combats human trafficking. Senate Bill 67 addresses the adoption of the Psychology Interjurisdictional Compact to allow for tele-psychological practice across state lines and temporary in-person services. Senate Bill 327 requires executive, independent and state-affiliated agencies to report their space usage to the Department of General Services on an annual basis. Senate Bill 596 establishes the Pennsylvania Clean Transportation Infrastructure Act. Senate Bill 637 creates a set of rules for consideration of criminal records in occupational licensure. Senate Bill 842 will allow for the omission of health care workers’ last names from their identification badges. Senate Bill 902 amends the County Code to clarify succession for a First Assistant District Attorney upon a vacancy of the office of District Attorney in Fourth through Eighth Class counties. Senate Bill 906 institutes a moratorium on the closing of the Polk and White Haven State Centers. House Bill 1542 addresses special occasion liquor permits. The bill returns to the House for concurrence on Senate amendments. Bills approved in committees & committee hearings. Senate Bill 368 mandates real-time reporting of infants born with an opioid addiction and high susceptibility of withdrawal conditions. House Bill 1051 increases the offense of willfully failing to report suspected child abuse by a mandated reporter when it is a “continuing course of action” from a first-degree misdemeanor to a third-degree felony. Senate Bill 74 allows companies to apply for a tax credit after making an eligible donation to a Pennsylvania pediatric cancer research hospital. Senate Bill 596 establishes the Pennsylvania Clean Transportation Infrastructure Act. Senate Bill 842 allows the omission of health care workers’ last names from identification badges. Senate Bill 850 establishes the Community Integrated Schools for Success pilot program. House Bill 956 amends the State Lottery Law to lower the margin rate of return from 25 percent to 20 percent for a five-year period beginning June 30, 2019 and ending on June 30, 2024. Senate Bill 60 addresses human trafficking. Senate Bill 79 incrementally increases the minimum wage. House Bill 355 amends the Public School Code regarding ethics and transparency requirements for charter schools. Senate Bill 637 creates a set of rules for consideration of criminal records for occupational licensure. House Bill 962 eliminates the criminal statute of limitations for the sexual abuse of a child, as well as associated crimes such as human trafficking. The bill also extends the deadline for civil actions from age 30 to age 55. House Bill 963 amends the Pennsylvania Constitution to create a two-year window for retroactive lawsuits from victims whose statute of limitations has already expired. House Bill 1542 addresses special occasion liquor permits. House Bill 427 provides health insurance coverage requirements for stage four, advanced metastatic cancer. Senate Bill 595 provides insurance coverage for breast density screenings. Communications & Technology Senate Bill 810 consolidates the administration and management of the Commonwealth’s information technology under the Office of Information Technology. Community, Economic & Recreational Development House Bill 1045 requires the Commonwealth Financing Authority board to meet the second Tuesday of every other month, beginning with January, rather than at the call of the chairperson. Environmental Resources & Energy House Bill 476 amends the Solid Waste Management Act to require the Department of Environmental Protection to notify municipalities when certain violations occur. Senate Bill 679 directs the Environmental Quality Board to develop regulations that authorize counties to adopt a program for stream cleaning and maintenance and the removal of obstructions and flood-related hazards from local waterways. Senate Bill 766 updates the state’s household hazardous waste collection program. House Bill 1100 establishes the Energy and Fertilizer Manufacturing Tax Credit program. Game & Fisheries House Bill 102 provides for expanded availability of hunter education courses in public schools. Senate Bill 377 increases the fine and the penalty for killing or unlawfully taking a bald or golden eagle. House Bill 584 provides an exemption from fishing license requirements for therapeutic recreation programs. House Bill 617 provides for a discounted hunting license for volunteer Hunter Trapper Education instructors. House Bill 321 prohibits an abortion based solely on a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. Senate Bill 606 provides for the authority to prescribe or personally furnish antibiotics to treat sexually transmitted infections. House Bill 1001 establishes standards for licensure and regulation of (human) milk banks. House Bill 1058 establishes the Compassion and Care for Medically Challenging Pregnancies Act. House Bill 1662 amends the Methadone Death and Incident Review Act to include deaths and incidents attributable to any medication approved for the treatment of opioid use disorder and renames it the Medication Death and Incident Review Act. On Wednesday, the committee and the Senate Transportation Committee held a joint hearing on the Medical Assistance Transportation Program. Hearing Video & Written Testimony Senate Bill 809 establishes a Legislative Conduct Review Board. House Bill 1171 ensures survivors who sign non-disclosure statements are not prohibited from speaking with law enforcement regarding their abuse. On Tuesday the committee held a public hearing to consider the reappointment of John P. Williams as a member of the Board of Pardons. Hearing Video House Bill 422 creates an “on-the-job” trainee classification for each building code official certification. Senate Bill 594 requires employers who have a certified safety committee as part of their workers’ compensation program to include information about the risks associated with the use of opioids. Senate Resolution 179 urges Congress to make daylight savings time permanent in the United States. Senate Bill 417 requires successful write-in candidates receive at least the same number of votes as would be required to file nomination petitions. Senate Bill 779 moves Pennsylvania’s Presidential primary election day to the third Tuesday of March. House Bill 1896 authorizes the release of a use restriction and reversionary interest affecting land in East Vincent Township, Chester County. On Monday, the committee held a public hearing on the nomination of Kathy Boockvar for Secretary of the Commonwealth. Hearing Video. On Tuesday, the committee held a confirmation hearing to consider the reappointment of Richard Steigerwald as a member of the State Athletic Commission. Hearing Video Senate Bill 773 increases penalties for those who have multiple DUI convictions and targets offenders who repeatedly drive drunk with high Blood Alcohol Content levels in their systems. Senate Bill 954 reinstates the requirement for registration stickers on license plates. On Tuesday, the committee held a public hearing on the re-nomination of William Lieberman as Commissioner of the PA Turnpike Commission. Hearing Video Urban Affairs & Housing On Wednesday, the committee held a public hearing on Senate Bill 802 (data collection on common interest ownership communities). Hearing Video & Written Testimony Senate Bill 276 increases the monthly pension amounts for the Blind Veterans Pension Program and the Amputee and Paralyzed Veterans Pension Program. House Bill 630 provides employment protections to Pennsylvania residents who are members of a National Guard or Reserve unit in another state. Senate Bill 952 amends the Veterans Preference Law. Senate Bill 957 directs the Department of Military & Veterans Affairs to create logos to promote veteran-owned businesses. House Bill 1050 guarantees in-state tuition rates for reassigned military families. The Senate returns to voting session on December 18. You can watch session live at SenatorDiSanto.com.
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[4573, 4807, 0.0], [4807, 5168, 0.0], [5168, 5326, 0.0], [5326, 5591, 0.0], [5591, 5907, 0.0], [5907, 6026, 0.0], [6026, 6167, 0.0], [6167, 6187, 0.0], [6187, 6210, 0.0], [6210, 6428, 0.0], [6428, 6699, 0.0], [6699, 6892, 0.0], [6892, 7190, 0.0], [7190, 7508, 0.0], [7508, 7900, 0.0], [7900, 8110, 0.0], [8110, 8334, 0.0], [8334, 8611, 0.0], [8611, 8720, 0.0], [8720, 8873, 0.0], [8873, 9046, 0.0], [9046, 9118, 0.0], [9118, 9168, 0.0], [9168, 9207, 0.0], [9207, 9251, 0.0], [9251, 9528, 0.0], [9528, 9809, 0.0], [9809, 10130, 0.0], [10130, 10526, 0.0], [10526, 10661, 0.0], [10661, 10889, 0.0], [10889, 11169, 0.0], [11169, 11352, 0.0], [11352, 11693, 0.0], [11693, 11827, 0.0], [11827, 12079, 0.0], [12079, 12171, 0.0], [12171, 12303, 0.0], [12303, 12417, 0.0], [12417, 12553, 0.0], [12553, 12655, 0.0], [12655, 12922, 0.0], [12922, 13038, 0.0], [13038, 13221, 0.0], [13221, 13363, 0.0], [13363, 13460, 0.0], [13460, 13656, 0.0], [13656, 13854, 0.0], [13854, 13935, 0.0], [13935, 14104, 0.0], [14104, 14310, 0.0], [14310, 14457, 0.0], [14457, 14679, 0.0], [14679, 14804, 0.0], [14804, 14846, 0.0], [14846, 15024, 0.0], [15024, 15188, 0.0], [15188, 15378, 0.0], [15378, 15491, 0.0], [15491, 15683, 0.0], [15683, 15781, 0.0], [15781, 15908, 0.0], [15908, 15959, 0.0], [15959, 16095, 0.0], [16095, 16310, 0.0], [16310, 16456, 0.0], [16456, 16542, 0.0], [16542, 16641, 0.0], [16641, 16729, 0.0], [16729, 16914, 0.0], [16914, 16958, 0.0], [16958, 17015, 0.0], [17015, 17128, 0.0], [17128, 17233, 0.0], [17233, 17460, 0.0], [17460, 17628, 0.0], [17628, 17687, 0.0], [17687, 17794, 0.0], [17794, 17869, 0.0], [17869, 17897, 0.0], [17897, 18049, 0.0], [18049, 18096, 0.0], [18096, 18281, 0.0], [18281, 18314, 0.0], [18314, 18477, 0.0], [18477, 18715, 0.0], [18715, 18797, 0.0], [18797, 18885, 0.0], [18885, 18902, 0.0], [18902, 18999, 0.0], [18999, 19107, 0.0], [19107, 19215, 0.0], [19215, 19324, 0.0], [19324, 19416, 0.0], [19416, 19548, 0.0], [19548, 19638, 0.0], [19638, 19733, 0.0], [19733, 19974, 0.0], [19974, 20147, 0.0], [20147, 20211, 0.0], [20211, 20357, 0.0], [20357, 20505, 0.0], [20505, 20614, 0.0], [20614, 20809, 0.0], [20809, 20908, 0.0], [20908, 21057, 0.0], [21057, 21159, 0.0], [21159, 21302, 0.0], [21302, 21602, 0.0], [21602, 21788, 0.0], [21788, 21876, 0.0], [21876, 22027, 0.0], [22027, 22051, 0.0], [22051, 22214, 0.0], [22214, 22363, 0.0], [22363, 22506, 0.0], [22506, 22558, 0.0], [22558, 22681, 0.0], [22681, 22765, 0.0], [22765, 22867, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 59, 7.0], [59, 157, 14.0], [157, 221, 8.0], [221, 268, 7.0], [268, 334, 9.0], [334, 414, 12.0], [414, 486, 11.0], [486, 563, 11.0], [563, 634, 10.0], [634, 682, 7.0], [682, 715, 6.0], [715, 745, 6.0], [745, 889, 20.0], [889, 1088, 24.0], [1088, 1437, 54.0], [1437, 1834, 59.0], [1834, 2417, 86.0], [2417, 2813, 60.0], [2813, 3018, 31.0], [3018, 3313, 46.0], [3313, 3332, 3.0], [3332, 3571, 42.0], [3571, 3876, 43.0], [3876, 4069, 28.0], [4069, 4222, 21.0], [4222, 4417, 31.0], [4417, 4573, 26.0], [4573, 4807, 39.0], [4807, 5168, 56.0], [5168, 5326, 25.0], [5326, 5591, 40.0], [5591, 5907, 54.0], [5907, 6026, 21.0], [6026, 6167, 22.0], [6167, 6187, 4.0], [6187, 6210, 4.0], [6210, 6428, 37.0], [6428, 6699, 43.0], [6699, 6892, 27.0], [6892, 7190, 41.0], [7190, 7508, 53.0], [7508, 7900, 61.0], [7900, 8110, 34.0], [8110, 8334, 34.0], [8334, 8611, 48.0], [8611, 8720, 17.0], [8720, 8873, 25.0], [8873, 9046, 27.0], [9046, 9118, 9.0], [9118, 9168, 5.0], [9168, 9207, 5.0], [9207, 9251, 6.0], [9251, 9528, 43.0], [9528, 9809, 44.0], [9809, 10130, 55.0], [10130, 10526, 59.0], [10526, 10661, 20.0], [10661, 10889, 35.0], [10889, 11169, 45.0], [11169, 11352, 33.0], [11352, 11693, 60.0], [11693, 11827, 20.0], [11827, 12079, 36.0], [12079, 12171, 12.0], [12171, 12303, 22.0], [12303, 12417, 17.0], [12417, 12553, 19.0], [12553, 12655, 14.0], [12655, 12922, 43.0], [12922, 13038, 17.0], [13038, 13221, 29.0], [13221, 13363, 22.0], [13363, 13460, 14.0], [13460, 13656, 36.0], [13656, 13854, 30.0], [13854, 13935, 15.0], [13935, 14104, 20.0], [14104, 14310, 31.0], [14310, 14457, 26.0], [14457, 14679, 33.0], [14679, 14804, 19.0], [14804, 14846, 6.0], [14846, 15024, 23.0], [15024, 15188, 24.0], [15188, 15378, 26.0], [15378, 15491, 18.0], [15491, 15683, 31.0], [15683, 15781, 17.0], [15781, 15908, 19.0], [15908, 15959, 6.0], [15959, 16095, 19.0], [16095, 16310, 34.0], [16310, 16456, 23.0], [16456, 16542, 10.0], [16542, 16641, 15.0], [16641, 16729, 12.0], [16729, 16914, 35.0], [16914, 16958, 6.0], [16958, 17015, 8.0], [17015, 17128, 16.0], [17128, 17233, 16.0], [17233, 17460, 40.0], [17460, 17628, 24.0], [17628, 17687, 8.0], [17687, 17794, 14.0], [17794, 17869, 10.0], [17869, 17897, 2.0], [17897, 18049, 19.0], [18049, 18096, 4.0], [18096, 18281, 29.0], [18281, 18314, 3.0], [18314, 18477, 23.0], [18477, 18715, 34.0], [18715, 18797, 11.0], [18797, 18885, 12.0], [18885, 18902, 2.0], [18902, 18999, 14.0], [18999, 19107, 19.0], [19107, 19215, 14.0], [19215, 19324, 15.0], [19324, 19416, 15.0], [19416, 19548, 18.0], [19548, 19638, 13.0], [19638, 19733, 13.0], [19733, 19974, 38.0], [19974, 20147, 23.0], [20147, 20211, 9.0], [20211, 20357, 20.0], [20357, 20505, 26.0], [20505, 20614, 14.0], [20614, 20809, 30.0], [20809, 20908, 15.0], [20908, 21057, 23.0], [21057, 21159, 15.0], [21159, 21302, 21.0], [21302, 21602, 46.0], [21602, 21788, 28.0], [21788, 21876, 12.0], [21876, 22027, 23.0], [22027, 22051, 3.0], [22051, 22214, 23.0], [22214, 22363, 22.0], [22363, 22506, 22.0], [22506, 22558, 8.0], [22558, 22681, 17.0], [22681, 22765, 11.0], [22765, 22867, 16.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 59, 0.0], [59, 157, 0.0], [157, 221, 0.0], [221, 268, 0.0], [268, 334, 0.0], [334, 414, 0.0], [414, 486, 0.0], [486, 563, 0.0], [563, 634, 0.0], [634, 682, 0.02173913], [682, 715, 0.0], [715, 745, 0.0], [745, 889, 0.0], [889, 1088, 0.0], [1088, 1437, 0.00581395], [1437, 1834, 0.00765306], [1834, 2417, 0.00519031], [2417, 2813, 0.00775194], [2813, 3018, 0.0], [3018, 3313, 0.0], [3313, 3332, 0.0], [3332, 3571, 0.02991453], [3571, 3876, 0.01003344], [3876, 4069, 0.02105263], [4069, 4222, 0.02684564], [4222, 4417, 0.0], [4417, 4573, 0.0], [4573, 4807, 0.0], [4807, 5168, 0.02240896], [5168, 5326, 0.0], [5326, 5591, 0.01140684], [5591, 5907, 0.0], [5907, 6026, 0.06086957], [6026, 6167, 0.03649635], [6167, 6187, 0.53333333], [6187, 6210, 0.44444444], [6210, 6428, 0.04225352], [6428, 6699, 0.0], [6699, 6892, 0.0], [6892, 7190, 0.00689655], [7190, 7508, 0.00636943], [7508, 7900, 0.01818182], [7900, 8110, 0.0], [8110, 8334, 0.01357466], [8334, 8611, 0.0], [8611, 8720, 0.01869159], [8720, 8873, 0.02], [8873, 9046, 0.01176471], [9046, 9118, 0.0], [9118, 9168, 0.0], [9168, 9207, 0.0], [9207, 9251, 0.0], [9251, 9528, 0.01107011], [9528, 9809, 0.0], [9809, 10130, 0.01587302], [10130, 10526, 0.00771208], [10526, 10661, 0.0], [10661, 10889, 0.01333333], [10889, 11169, 0.01098901], [11169, 11352, 0.09142857], [11352, 11693, 0.00595238], [11693, 11827, 0.03053435], [11827, 12079, 0.00803213], [12079, 12171, 0.02272727], [12171, 12303, 0.01550388], [12303, 12417, 0.04464286], [12417, 12553, 0.02238806], [12553, 12655, 0.03], [12655, 12922, 0.03030303], [12922, 13038, 0.06140351], [13038, 13221, 0.01675978], [13221, 13363, 0.07352941], [13363, 13460, 0.03191489], [13460, 13656, 0.09947644], [13656, 13854, 0.02040816], [13854, 13935, 0.05063291], [13935, 14104, 0.0239521], [14104, 14310, 0.04522613], [14310, 14457, 0.02758621], [14457, 14679, 0.01834862], [14679, 14804, 0.03278689], [14804, 14846, 0.05], [14846, 15024, 0.01149425], [15024, 15188, 0.01875], [15188, 15378, 0.03208556], [15378, 15491, 0.02702703], [15491, 15683, 0.01578947], [15683, 15781, 0.03125], [15781, 15908, 0.03225806], [15908, 15959, 0.0], [15959, 16095, 0.02255639], [16095, 16310, 0.01895735], [16310, 16456, 0.01388889], [16456, 16542, 0.03571429], [16542, 16641, 0.03092784], [16641, 16729, 0.03488372], [16729, 16914, 0.10555556], [16914, 16958, 0.04761905], [16958, 17015, 0.03636364], [17015, 17128, 0.02702703], [17128, 17233, 0.02912621], [17233, 17460, 0.03139013], [17460, 17628, 0.01818182], [17628, 17687, 0.07017544], [17687, 17794, 0.02884615], [17794, 17869, 0.04109589], [17869, 17897, 0.0], [17897, 18049, 0.02], [18049, 18096, 0.0], [18096, 18281, 0.02209945], [18281, 18314, 0.0], [18314, 18477, 0.01863354], [18477, 18715, 0.01276596], [18715, 18797, 0.0375], [18797, 18885, 0.04651163], [18885, 18902, 0.0], [18902, 18999, 0.03157895], [18999, 19107, 0.02830189], [19107, 19215, 0.02830189], [19215, 19324, 0.02803738], [19324, 19416, 0.03333333], [19416, 19548, 0.02307692], [19548, 19638, 0.04651163], [19638, 19733, 0.04301075], [19733, 19974, 0.0167364], [19974, 20147, 0.0], [20147, 20211, 0.0483871], [20211, 20357, 0.02797203], [20357, 20505, 0.0], [20505, 20614, 0.02857143], [20614, 20809, 0.01554404], [20809, 20908, 0.03092784], [20908, 21057, 0.02054795], [21057, 21159, 0.03], [21159, 21302, 0.02857143], [21302, 21602, 0.0], [21602, 21788, 0.01630435], [21788, 21876, 0.03488372], [21876, 22027, 0.0], [22027, 22051, 0.0], [22051, 22214, 0.01923077], [22214, 22363, 0.02040816], [22363, 22506, 0.0212766], [22506, 22558, 0.06], [22558, 22681, 0.02542373], [22681, 22765, 0.04938272], [22765, 22867, 0.02020202]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 59, 0.0], [59, 157, 0.0], [157, 221, 0.0], [221, 268, 0.0], [268, 334, 0.0], [334, 414, 0.0], [414, 486, 0.0], [486, 563, 0.0], [563, 634, 0.0], [634, 682, 0.0], [682, 715, 0.0], [715, 745, 0.0], [745, 889, 0.0], [889, 1088, 0.0], [1088, 1437, 0.0], [1437, 1834, 0.0], [1834, 2417, 0.0], [2417, 2813, 0.0], [2813, 3018, 0.0], [3018, 3313, 0.0], [3313, 3332, 0.0], [3332, 3571, 0.0], [3571, 3876, 0.0], [3876, 4069, 0.0], [4069, 4222, 0.0], [4222, 4417, 0.0], [4417, 4573, 0.0], [4573, 4807, 0.0], [4807, 5168, 0.0], [5168, 5326, 0.0], [5326, 5591, 0.0], [5591, 5907, 0.0], [5907, 6026, 0.0], [6026, 6167, 0.0], [6167, 6187, 0.0], [6187, 6210, 0.0], [6210, 6428, 0.0], [6428, 6699, 0.0], [6699, 6892, 0.0], [6892, 7190, 0.0], [7190, 7508, 0.0], [7508, 7900, 0.0], [7900, 8110, 0.0], [8110, 8334, 0.0], [8334, 8611, 0.0], [8611, 8720, 0.0], [8720, 8873, 0.0], [8873, 9046, 0.0], [9046, 9118, 0.0], [9118, 9168, 0.0], [9168, 9207, 0.0], [9207, 9251, 0.0], [9251, 9528, 0.0], [9528, 9809, 0.0], [9809, 10130, 0.0], [10130, 10526, 0.0], [10526, 10661, 0.0], [10661, 10889, 0.0], [10889, 11169, 0.0], [11169, 11352, 0.0], [11352, 11693, 0.0], [11693, 11827, 0.0], [11827, 12079, 0.0], [12079, 12171, 0.0], [12171, 12303, 0.0], [12303, 12417, 0.0], [12417, 12553, 0.0], [12553, 12655, 0.0], [12655, 12922, 0.0], [12922, 13038, 0.0], [13038, 13221, 0.0], [13221, 13363, 0.0], [13363, 13460, 0.0], [13460, 13656, 0.0], [13656, 13854, 0.0], [13854, 13935, 0.0], [13935, 14104, 0.0], [14104, 14310, 0.0], [14310, 14457, 0.0], [14457, 14679, 0.0], [14679, 14804, 0.0], [14804, 14846, 0.0], [14846, 15024, 0.0], [15024, 15188, 0.0], [15188, 15378, 0.0], [15378, 15491, 0.0], [15491, 15683, 0.0], [15683, 15781, 0.0], [15781, 15908, 0.0], [15908, 15959, 0.0], [15959, 16095, 0.0], [16095, 16310, 0.0], [16310, 16456, 0.0], [16456, 16542, 0.0], [16542, 16641, 0.0], [16641, 16729, 0.0], [16729, 16914, 0.0], [16914, 16958, 0.0], [16958, 17015, 0.0], [17015, 17128, 0.0], [17128, 17233, 0.0], [17233, 17460, 0.0], [17460, 17628, 0.0], [17628, 17687, 0.0], [17687, 17794, 0.0], [17794, 17869, 0.0], [17869, 17897, 0.0], [17897, 18049, 0.0], [18049, 18096, 0.0], [18096, 18281, 0.0], [18281, 18314, 0.0], [18314, 18477, 0.0], [18477, 18715, 0.0], [18715, 18797, 0.0], [18797, 18885, 0.0], [18885, 18902, 0.0], [18902, 18999, 0.0], [18999, 19107, 0.0], [19107, 19215, 0.0], [19215, 19324, 0.0], [19324, 19416, 0.0], [19416, 19548, 0.0], [19548, 19638, 0.0], [19638, 19733, 0.0], [19733, 19974, 0.0], [19974, 20147, 0.0], [20147, 20211, 0.0], [20211, 20357, 0.0], [20357, 20505, 0.0], [20505, 20614, 0.0], [20614, 20809, 0.0], [20809, 20908, 0.0], [20908, 21057, 0.0], [21057, 21159, 0.0], [21159, 21302, 0.0], [21302, 21602, 0.0], [21602, 21788, 0.0], [21788, 21876, 0.0], [21876, 22027, 0.0], [22027, 22051, 0.0], [22051, 22214, 0.0], [22214, 22363, 0.0], [22363, 22506, 0.0], [22506, 22558, 0.0], [22558, 22681, 0.0], [22681, 22765, 0.0], [22765, 22867, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 59, 0.13559322], [59, 157, 0.1122449], [157, 221, 0.125], [221, 268, 0.12765957], [268, 334, 0.10606061], [334, 414, 0.125], [414, 486, 0.125], [486, 563, 0.11688312], [563, 634, 0.11267606], [634, 682, 0.14583333], [682, 715, 0.12121212], [715, 745, 0.1], [745, 889, 0.06944444], [889, 1088, 0.01507538], [1088, 1437, 0.00573066], [1437, 1834, 0.00755668], [1834, 2417, 0.0051458], [2417, 2813, 0.08080808], [2813, 3018, 0.01463415], [3018, 3313, 0.00677966], [3313, 3332, 0.05263158], [3332, 3571, 0.0125523], [3571, 3876, 0.01639344], [3876, 4069, 0.01036269], [4069, 4222, 0.0130719], [4222, 4417, 0.00512821], [4417, 4573, 0.01282051], [4573, 4807, 0.03418803], [4807, 5168, 0.01385042], [5168, 5326, 0.00632911], [5326, 5591, 0.01886792], [5591, 5907, 0.00949367], [5907, 6026, 0.02521008], [6026, 6167, 0.0141844], [6167, 6187, 0.05], [6187, 6210, 0.04347826], [6210, 6428, 0.01834862], [6428, 6699, 0.00369004], [6699, 6892, 0.02072539], [6892, 7190, 0.01006711], [7190, 7508, 0.00943396], [7508, 7900, 0.0127551], [7900, 8110, 0.02380952], [8110, 8334, 0.01785714], [8334, 8611, 0.01083032], [8611, 8720, 0.03669725], [8720, 8873, 0.01960784], [8873, 9046, 0.02312139], [9046, 9118, 0.09722222], [9118, 9168, 0.12], [9168, 9207, 0.12820513], [9207, 9251, 0.18181818], [9251, 9528, 0.0433213], [9528, 9809, 0.01067616], [9809, 10130, 0.01869159], [10130, 10526, 0.00757576], [10526, 10661, 0.02222222], [10661, 10889, 0.02192982], [10889, 11169, 0.01071429], [11169, 11352, 0.0273224], [11352, 11693, 0.01466276], [11693, 11827, 0.03731343], [11827, 12079, 0.01190476], [12079, 12171, 0.02173913], [12171, 12303, 0.01515152], [12303, 12417, 0.01754386], [12417, 12553, 0.10294118], [12553, 12655, 0.05882353], [12655, 12922, 0.01498127], [12922, 13038, 0.0862069], [13038, 13221, 0.08196721], [13221, 13363, 0.02112676], [13363, 13460, 0.02061856], [13460, 13656, 0.03571429], [13656, 13854, 0.02020202], [13854, 13935, 0.04938272], [13935, 14104, 0.04142012], [14104, 14310, 0.0776699], [14310, 14457, 0.01360544], [14457, 14679, 0.04954955], [14679, 14804, 0.048], [14804, 14846, 0.04761905], [14846, 15024, 0.02808989], [15024, 15188, 0.0304878], [15188, 15378, 0.04736842], [15378, 15491, 0.01769912], [15491, 15683, 0.06770833], [15683, 15781, 0.07142857], [15781, 15908, 0.03937008], [15908, 15959, 0.01960784], [15959, 16095, 0.01470588], [16095, 16310, 0.00930233], [16310, 16456, 0.02054795], [16456, 16542, 0.08139535], [16542, 16641, 0.02020202], [16641, 16729, 0.06818182], [16729, 16914, 0.03783784], [16914, 16958, 0.04545455], [16958, 17015, 0.03508772], [17015, 17128, 0.04424779], [17128, 17233, 0.01904762], [17233, 17460, 0.01321586], [17460, 17628, 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Answered Prayers and Life Changes The past few weeks have been so crazy in James and I's lives....in the best way possible of course! Let's see...where to start.... Before we got married, James and I started having discussions about if the Lord wanted us here in CO or not...we asked each other a lot of questions about what we desired for community and didn't really feel at home at the church we were attending. We explained our feelings to our parents and some close friends and left it at that till after we got married and settled into married life. Shortly after we got back from our honeymoon, we realized that our community was scarce and those deep friendships we were longing for just weren't quite there. We started praying that God would open doors for community here or that he would open doors for us to move. Of course my heart automatically went to 'Let's move!'...I wanted an adventure, a new city, new state, new everything. That's what I kept praying and hoping for. Even to the point of not wanting to make any more friends here or see any of the friends I did have. I just wanted my husband and a new place to live. Two months after marriage, James ended up losing his job at Chromatic Technologies Inc. due to a lot of mis-communication and poor decision making on the management end. Both of us knew he wouldn't be at that company long and it was only the beginning of where the Lord would use James' designing skills. The day he lost his job, he went over to his parents house to start looking for another one. He spent hour after hour, day after day, looking everywhere for a job. I thought that this was the perfect opportunity to start looking out of state; I could always find another job or maybe Rachel's Challenge would let me work from home. I had it all planned out! James and I talked about it and decided he would start looking in other cities. He applied to jobs in Denver, Seattle, Connecticut, New York, and a couple other places. We were both very excited to see where the Lord would lead. Two weeks later, James got a phone call from a place he applied to here in the Springs. He was asked to come in that day for an interview, the next day the company sent him a test project, he completed it, and the day after that, on a Saturday morning, James got yet another phone call from the company asking if he could start Monday morning; he, of course, said yes! We were so thrilled! I looked at him and said, "I guess the Lord wants us to stay here." He started that Monday morning for 3GEngagement as their Graphic Artist and they have kept him so very busy. He's really enjoying all the projects he gets to work on! That same week, we were invited to join two dinner small groups, and I was invited to join a girls weekly Bible study! Community. Just what we had been praying for! One dinner group is for young marrieds and the other dinner group is one with friends we've been wanting to hang out with for quite some time. Such great people in both groups! And the girls Bible study has been really good for me. Just what I've been needing to help restore a lot of hurts from relationships with women/girls. James has also had the opportunity to meet with a mentor and hang out with more guys...which has been so good for him! Life seemed to be going great and our prayers were being answered! I really couldn't think of how it could get better. Well...a little over two weeks ago, my brother came over to hang out and brought over a puppy that one of my mom's dogs had. The mama dog had a liter of 6 Golden Retriever/Labradors, 4 black, 2 golden. Lord knows that I've been wanting a Golden Retriever girl puppy for yeeears. As soon as Tanner got out of his car with that little girl, I fell in love. Truly, it was instantaneous! We played together, I wore her out, and she fell asleep on my lap. It was a sad moment saying goodbye to her. I looked at James and said, "That's my motivation to find a new place for us to live!" (if you didn't know, we are currently living in a basement apartment at a friends parents house and had been talking about how we would like to move). Because I am who I am ;) and we both knew that we didn't want to stay in the basement for long and we told our landlords that it would only be a temporary living situation, I asked James if we could seriously consider moving. We spent some time praying about it and James gave me the okay to start looking for places. We figured out how much we could afford a month and I began my search. It was slim-pickens for what we could afford in a good area, but I kept looking and came across one that I liked. I found the ad on Craigslist and was kinda hesitant...only because Craigslist can be sketch at times. A day later, I got a response that the townhouse was still available and that if we wanted to look at it, we could. James and I took an afternoon off for lunch on October 4th, saw the townhouse, and knew it was home. The landlord was really nice and the place was the perfect size for us! Right before we left, we were handed the application and told to think about it and if we wanted to apply, to email the application in. As soon as we got back to the car, I asked James if we could apply. He said yes! The next morning, I sent our application off and prayed that we would get it. Sunday morning (the 7th) came around... I woke up to an email that said the landlord picked US out of 4 applicants!! I woke James up with much laughing and screaming and jumping! In just a matter of days, we got a perfect little townhouse to rent, a place we can call home (for a while at least)! And the best part about it is, the landlord allows pets...so we get our little golden puppy (another blog will come soon with more pictures)! Meet Miss Molly Our new little home It's evident that the Lord wants us here. He's opened door after door, with so much ease. He's answered our prayers, He changed my heart about moving, and we've had such a peace through all the changes. I told James that life has been so painfully hard the past few years that I've forgotten what it's like to truly be joyful deep down and see good things happen in life...good things that we've prayed for! James is happy and busy at his new job, we have great community, we're moving into our new little home at the beginning of November, and we're adding to the Carton family! Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus and watch Him lead! it is what it is by Autumn Carton at 1:41 PM Jasanna Czellar 10/18/12, 8:33 AM Hey girl! Congrats on following the Lord! Joey has had some job issues too. I just started following your blog and love that you two are seeking God so much. We're attempting to as well as we are here in Iowa. It's been a bit of a challenge finding a church family but I think we finally did. :) I know what you mean about close friends...I've been praying for that too. Can't wait to see where else God takes you. Don't you love how God answers prayers so tangibly? www.munchtalk.net Autumn Rae 10/18/12, 11:16 AM Thank you Jasanna! Yes, we know all about not having a job. When we were dating James was out of a job for 2 years. Thankfully this time it was only 2 weeks :) Keep praying for that community! It'll come! The Lord knows exactly what friendships you need :) Love reading your blog as well. It's so great! Kelly 11/9/12, 8:20 PM soooo honored and thrilled to be part of this "new" community of yours!! we love you guys and are so glad you're here with us! Autumn Rae 11/9/12, 10:50 PM We're so blessed to get to hang out with you guys every other week! You and John are some of the best around :)
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Un nuevo material para tu pantalla 19 abril, 2017 16 abril, 2017 Sara Uno de los mayores peligros a los que se enfrenta nuestro smartphone en el día a día es a sufrir una caída desde las alturas, que provoque daños importantes en el chasis o en la pantalla del dispositivo. Muchos optamos por comprar una buena funda para nuestro terminal, además de un protector de pantalla que le evite rayaduras con llaves u otros objetos cotidianos. Y aún así a veces no es suficiente. Para ofrecernos mayor seguridad -o al menos, tranquilidad- los fabricantes apuestan por diferentes tecnologías de recubrimiento de pantalla como Corning Gorilla Glass, que mejoran con cada versión. Pero, ¿y si en lugar de apostar por endurecer los materiales, apostamos por mejorar su esperanza de vida? Puede que esta fuese la pregunta que se hicieron un grupo de científicos de la Universidad de California. Tras un largo proceso de estudio y un sinfín de pruebas, estos desarrolladores han conseguido fabricar un material capaz de repararse por sí mismo. Lo más característico de este material conductor de la electricidad es su composición molecular. Gracias a su estructura, las moléculas, que se atraen entre sí, conseguirían cerrar las grietas o rajas producidas por cortes o caídas. Tras realizar un corte como el que veis en la fotografía que hay justo encima, pasadas 24 horas, el material había recuperado gran parte de su aspecto habitual. Y sí, el aspecto que recupera no oculta para nada que antes el móvil sufrió un golpe tremendo, pero entendemos que estas pruebas suponen ejemplos extremos, y que con una caída normal no quedaría tal marca. Puede que estés pensando en que algunas firmas como LG ya incluían materiales similares en la parte trasera de sus dispositivos. Y he ahí la clave de todo. ¿Por qué incluirlo en la parte trasera? Porque estos materiales no conducían la electricidad, frente al desarrollado por la Universidad de California, que sí lo hace. Por último, y por desgracia, sabéis que este tipo de innovaciones necesitan de un tiempo para introducirse en el mercado de forma general. Según las estimaciones, no podremos acceder a este material hasta bien entrado 2020. Los manazas tendremos que ir con pies de plomo hasta entonces. Etiquetado Actualidad, Noticias, Pantallas, Smartphones Entrada anteriorOffice 365 comenzará a bloquear enlaces a sitios maliciosos dentro de Word, Excel y PowerPoint Entrada siguienteiPhone 5 y iPhone 5c pronto se quedarán obsoletos
{"url": "https://saragonzalezreparacionesinformaticas.com/2017/04/19/un-nuevo-material-para-tu-pantalla/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "saragonzalezreparacionesinformaticas.com", "date_download": "2019-01-16T00:30:40Z", "digest": "sha1:VLWZ2SDGMDSZ4WCTLYYDI5PHOGGXVBY2"}
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Dissuasion Le gouvernement irakien lève l’embargo aérien imposé au Kurdistan 14/03/2018 Fitzpatrick Georges Stratégie 0 Le gouvernement irakien a mis fin mardi à l’embargo aérien qu’il avait imposé au Kurdistan irakien à la suite de son référendum d’autodétermination. En contrepartie, les autorités irakiennes pourront reprendre le contrôle sécuritaire des deux aéroports de cette région. Pour rappel, Bagdad avait sanctionné le Kurdistan irakien en réaction à la tenue de son référendum d’indépendance il y a environ six mois. A présent, les aéroports d’Erbil et de Souleimaniyeh, situés dans le nord de l’Irak, sont «de nouveau ouverts aux vols internationaux», a annoncé le Premier ministre irakien Haïdar al-Abadi dans un communiqué. Le chef du gouvernement irakien a précisé que le blocus a été levé « après que les autorités locales du Kurdistan ont accepté que les autorités centrales reprennent le contrôle des deux aéroports ». Cette décision sera mise en application dans les jours à venir, suivant le délai nécessaire pour que le personnel relevant du gouvernement central commence à travailler, a ajouté Saad al-Hadithi, le porte-parole du bureau du Premier ministre. Au lendemain du référendum du 25 septembre dernier, l’administration irakienne avait exigé de prendre à nouveau le contrôle des aéroports et des postes-frontières du Kurdistan irakien. En outre, les autorités irakiennes avaient déployé des forces pour reconquérir des portions de territoire disputées, que les combattants kurdes, autrement appelés peshmergas, avaient progressivement occupées, notamment suite à l’instabilité causée par l’offensive fulgurante de l’organisation djihadiste de l’Etat Islamique (EI) en 2014. Ecrit par : Fitzpatrick Georges le 14/03/2018. Mis à jour par : Le Desk Geotribune aéroport d’Erbil embargo aérien Haïdar al-Abadi Saad al-Hadithi Souleimaniyeh A propos de Fitzpatrick Georges 1484 Articles Georges Fitzpatrick a été analyste financier, puis journaliste spécialisé dans les marchés émergents pendant plus de 20 ans, il a officié à Wall Street dans plusieurs banques d’affaires de la place New Yorkaise Visite prometteuse du chef de la diplomatie américaine à N’djamena Un homme d’affaires malien candidat à la présidentielle de juillet prochain Washington demandera «des comptes» aux responsables saoudiens, dixit Pompeo Le Premier ministre israélien justifie l’entrée de millions de dollars qataris à Gaza Centenaire de l’Armistice : Le Roi Mohammed VI au premier rang des dirigeants présents à Paris Maroc : Le Roi Mohammed VI à Paris pour le centenaire de l’armistice L’ONU annonce pour le printemps 2019, le début du processus électoral en Libye Syrie : Libération d’une vingtaine de Druzes retenus en otages par l’Etat islamique ONU : Plus de 200 fosses communes du groupe EI découvertes en Irak Report d’une rencontre entre Mike Pompeo et un haut-fonctionnaire nord-coréen Donald Trump isolé dans ses sanctions contre l’Iran Le Roi du Maroc invite l’Algérie au dialogue pour la normalisation des rapports bilatéraux Al Qaïda Arabie Saoudite Bachar al-Assad Benjamin Netanyahu chine egypte EI Etat Islamique Etats-Unis france Irak iran Israël Libye maroc Mossoul ONU OSDH palestine Qatar Russie Syrie Turquie USA Yémen mehdi mountather: Pour éviter Donald Trump pharaon Mohamed Ben Salmane pire que pharaon et pharaon a l'enfer et pour éviter l'enfer et… mehdi mountather: Ces crimes de Daech et les crimes de pire Daech israél pour satisfaire satan et provoque la colère d’ ALLAH… Pascal Petit: le jour où l'ONU déclare que l'attaque chimique d'avril était le FAIT du régime syrien (alors que d'autres hypothèses n'ont…
{"url": "http://geotribune.com/14937-le-gouvernement-irakien-leve-lembargo-aerien-impose-au-kurdistan.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "geotribune.com", "date_download": "2018-11-12T18:21:24Z", "digest": "sha1:QI3C6NRQR7AQWEL2HEWU4WWKRZSR2G6R"}
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Sessions 'uneasy' with Sotomayor By Andy Barr Sen. Jeff Sessions, the top Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said Tuesday that he is “uneasy” with some of Judge Sonia Sotomayor’s past statements. Referencing a video in which President Barack Obama’s Supreme Court pick says the Court of Appeals is “where policy is made,” Sessions told Fox News that Sotomayor’s comment was “revealing of an approach to the law that I'm uneasy with.” Story Continued Below “This is a big question for us to talk about. The court could be at the fork in the road,” the Alabama senator said. “President Obama has set forth a new standard for nominees, if followed, and two or three more nominees could shape the court historically and in a way that would be different from our heritage so far.” While Sotomayor did make the statement Sessions alluded too, she said in the same speech that she does not support using the appellate court system to make policy. “I know this is on tape and I should never say that because we don't make law,” she said. “I'm not promoting it. I'm not advocating it.” Speaking with reporters following Obama’s announcement Tuesday, Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) warned Republicans to be careful in attacking Sotomayor. The Politico 44 Story Widget Requires Adobe Flash Player. “I think the confirmation process will be more of a test of the Republican Party than it is of Judge Sotomayor,” the New York senator said. “It’s a test for the Republican Party, because she is a mainstream justice.” Share on Facebook Andy Barr abarr@politico.com This story tagged under:
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Course International Permaculture Design Course Wednesday, 15 May, 2013 - 15:26 Venue Les Jardins de Courances, Essonne, France Wednesday, 15 May, 2013 - 15:22 Course Community Design Course in Portugal Friday, 18 January, 2013 - 19:29 Venue Atlantisya Friday, 18 January, 2013 - 19:25 Course Permaculture Design Course in southern Portugal Wednesday, 24 October, 2012 - 12:54 Contact Details Varzea da Goncala Wednesday, 24 October, 2012 - 12:46 Course Introduction to Permaculture Day Saturday, 28 July, 2012 - 23:41 Course Urban Permaculture Design Course: Co-Creating Regenerative Futures for The City, and Beyond Wednesday, 14 March, 2012 - 18:58 Venue Various Location in the City of Toronto, and a few beyond Wednesday, 14 March, 2012 - 18:58 Contact Details Jane Hayes Wednesday, 14 March, 2012 - 18:56
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"When people go hungry, it is not food that is short, but justice." - Julius Kambarage Nyerere, President of Tanzania You are here: Home The Great Maine Apple Day: Learn, Taste, Share, Enjoy! October 25, noon to 4 p.m. MOFGA's Common Ground Education Center, Unity Celebrate the history, flavor and tradition of Maine apples while honoring the importance of a diversified, perennial agriculture. The annual Great Maine Apple Day, sponsored by MOFGA, Fedco and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, takes place on Saturday, October 25, from noon to 4 p.m., rain or shine, at MOFGA's Common Ground Education Center in Unity. Admission is $2 for MOFGA members and $4 for nonmembers. More information. Farmer-owned market holds grand openingWCSH6.com - 10/4/2014. By Jackie M. Ward - Local farmers are teaming up to run their own grocery store that features produce and meats from across the state. Culinary boom in Portland, MaineBoston Globe - 10/4/2014. By Christopher Muther - There was a line of people waiting to nab a precious seat and a basket of fries at Duckfat. At Eventide, a handsome, square-jawed photographer from Travel + Leisure magazine shot lobster rolls as the lunch crowd slurped oysters. Later that night, there wasn’t a seat to be found at Central Provisions as diners grazed on small plates of bluefin tuna crudo. Organic Farm and Consumer Groups Achieve Partial Victory to Protect National Organic Standards BoardPRNewswire - 10/3/2014. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) responded last week to a legal petition from 20 farm, consumer, and environmental groups [including MOFGA] by reinstating some authorities of the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB), while continuing to limit the Board's advisory authority. Antibiotics in Livestock: F.D.A. Finds Use Is RisingThe New York Times - 10/2/2014. By Sabrina Tavernise - The amount of antibiotics sold for use in livestock rose substantially in recent years, according to the Food and Drug Administration, a pattern that experts said was troubling given the efforts to battle antibiotic resistance in humans.
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Home » The basics of botulism The basics of botulism Basic management measures, combined with vaccination, will reduce your horse’s risk of contracting this deadly form of poisoning. By Laurie Bonner | April 27, 2022 | 8 minutes read Clostridium botulinum bacteria produce the most deadly biological toxin known to man. When ingested, botulinum toxin causes botulism, a fast-acting, often fatal form of food poisoning. Horses who consume feed tainted with botulinum toxin may die within hours or days unless they receive fast, appropriate treatment. And then there’s the really bad news: The types of C. botulinum most dangerous to horses are present in the soil and in the grasses and hays that they eat. Especially if you live in or purchase forage grown in a region where C. botulinum is endemic, eliminating the bacteria from a horse’s environment is impossible. But the news isn’t all bad. C. botulinum proliferates and produces botulinum toxin only under specific conditions, which can be prevented with basic management precautions, and vaccination of at-risk horses offers an additional layer of protection. So botulism is fairly rare in horses, and with a few basic steps to keep your horse’s food and water fresh and clean, you can greatly reduce the risk that he will ever have a problem with this disease. Here’s what you need to know. Profile of a killer C. botulinum is an anaerobe, which means it thrives in the absence of oxygen. And, when environmental conditions aren’t right for it—when it is in a dry, oxygen-rich atmosphere, for example—it goes dormant, encasing itself in a tough, protective outer membrane called an endospore. In this form, the bacteria do little harm to a horse. As botulinum toxin spreads through a horse’s body, he becomes progressively weaker, and eventually is unable to stand or swallow. In the most serious cases, the toxin paralyzes the muscles that facilitate breathing. But when external conditions change in its favor—that is, in anaerobic conditions with the right amount of moisture— C. botulinum emerges from its dormant state and multiplies rapidly. As each individual bacterium matures and dies, it releases its deadly toxin. Seven distinct types of botulinum toxin have been identified—designated by letters from type A through G—but only types A, B and C are likely to produce illness in horses in the United States. Types A and B both reside in soil, but your risk of encountering them depends largely on where you live. Type A is more common in the West, and type B is seen more frequently east of the Mississippi River, especially in Kentucky and the Mid-Atlantic States. Type C is found in animal carcasses and bird droppings, which can be anywhere. However, up to 85 percent of all cases of equine botulism are caused by type B, which means that the risks are highest for horses in the eastern United States. Botulinum toxin can cause illness in three ways: • Food poisoning (botulism). Botulism is most likely to occur in horses who eat forage stored in a moist, anaerobic environment that encourages the proliferation of C. botulinum. This might occur, for example, if hay is baled while still moist or stored improperly; the wetness at the center of the bale causes spoilage and creates the ideal conditions for C. botulinum. Improperly processed haylage or silage–fermented forages normally fed to cattle—may also cause botulism in horses, as can clumps of grass clippings left by mowers. A far less common threat is feed or forage that has been contaminated by bird droppings or an animal carcass. • Toxicoinfectious botulism (“shaker foal” syndrome). Foals are vulnerable to this form of botulism when they ingest the endospores as they nibble on grass or other things in their environment. The bacteria may activate and form colonies in gastric ulcers or the intestines. • Wound botulism. Dirt and contaminants can carry endospores into a wound; if the surface heals over, an anaerobic environment may be created that allows the bacteria to gain a foothold within the surrounding tissues. This is more likely to occur with punctures and other deeper wounds. A deadly threat No matter how the botulinum toxin gets into the horse’s body, the effects are the same. The toxin binds to the synapses of the nerves that control the muscles, blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles. With no source of input, the muscles go flaccid, causing paralysis. Signs may appear within hours or days and often begin with the inability to swallow. A foal might have difficulty nursing. As the toxin spreads, the effects begin to appear throughout the body, with signs such as muscle tremors, generalized weakness, a limp tail and gait issues. The severity and extent of the paralysis depends upon the amount of the toxin that a horse consumes. If he ingested only a little, he may just become less active and eat less before recovering after several days. A large dose of botulinum toxin will likely cause a horse to become recumbent. In the most serious cases, the cause of death is often suffocation, as the toxin paralyzes the muscles that facilitate breathing. The early signs of botulism—difficulty swallowing, lack of eating, lying down, flaccid muscles—can look like other conditions, such as choke, colic or neurological disorders. Signs more specific to botulism include muscle tremors and weakness in the tongue; if you gently pull the horse’s tongue out of his mouth, he won’t be able to retract it. Even if you’re not sure it’s botulism, it’s best to call your veterinarian right away if you notice any of these signs, however subtle they might be. If you suspect botulism, remove all food from all animals on your farm, including cattle and other livestock, as you wait for the veterinarian to arrive. Botulism often occurs in outbreaks when multiple animals are fed the same tainted forage. You’ll also want to keep the horse quiet and still to avoid exhausting his weakened muscles. The only effective treatment for botulism is to administer an antitoxin, which must be done as soon as possible. The antitoxin works by binding with botulinum toxin that is still in circulation in the bloodstream, preventing the toxin molecules from binding with nerve cells and preventing the disease from progressing. Nothing can be done to treat neurons that have already been blocked. If treatment is delayed, the horse may be beyond help. If multiple horses have been fed from the same source, your veterinarian may suggest administering the antitoxin to all of them, in case others have ingested the toxin but are not yet showing signs of illness. If the affected horse can be kept alive, the damaged nerves will heal within a few weeks, and he can make a full recovery. In the meantime, depending on the severity of his signs, he may require extensive supportive care, including nutrition and fluids via intubation. Vaccinate “at risk” horses Currently, only one vaccine against C. botulinum is approved for use in horses in the United States. The vaccine, which works against C. botulinum type B, is about 95 percent effective, and though it may not prevent all cases of botulism, it can reduce the severity of the illness and increase a horse’s chances for survival. The vaccine does not provide cross protection against C. botulinum types A or C. The American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) includes botulism on its list of “risk-based” vaccines, which means it is recommended for those horses most likely to come in contact with the bacteria or toxin. However, according to the AAEP, “Vaccination is warranted for all horses, as C. botulinum type B can be found in soil samples from many areas of the country and movement of horses or forage from non-endemic to endemic regions occurs frequently.” What that means, says Amy Johnson, DVM, DACVIM, of the University of Pennsylvania, is that “it would be reasonable to vaccinate any horse for botulism, even though certain areas of the country are very low-risk. Since horses move around so much these days, it is possible that the horse would end up in an area of the country where botulism is more common. Likewise, hay and other forages can be shipped long distances, so it is possible that a horse in a low-risk geographic region could be exposed if fed hay from a high-risk geographic region.” In Kentucky and the Mid-Atlantic States where botulin type B is most common, veterinarians may recommend the vaccine for all horses. “That is because the organism is so prevalent in the soil that sporadic botulism cases occur even in adult horses who are not fed high-risk feedstuffs, such as fermented feeds or large bale hay,” says Johnson. “Also, any horse fed high-risk feeds should be vaccinated.” Vaccination is also recommended for pregnant mares, especially in endemic areas, to protect their foals against toxicoinfectious botulism. Foals can receive a three-dose series at four-week intervals, beginning at the age of 2 to 3 months, if the dam was vaccinated, or as early as 2 weeks of age if she was not. Ask your veterinarian whether vaccinating against botulism might be advisable for your horse. If there’s any doubt, consider vaccinating anyway. “The vaccine is not that expensive and almost never causes adverse effects,” says Johnson. • Discard damp or moldy hay. If a hay bale gets moist, the anaerobic conditions at the center create ideal conditions for the growth of C. botulinum. Large round bales are especially susceptible to retaining moisture at their centers. Even if your hay is dry now, any previous dampness may have harbored bacterial growth, and the toxins left behind will still be present. The toxin itself will not detectable by color or smell, but the damp conditions that fostered the bacteria will leave hay smelling musty or moldy. Examine each flake as you peel it off the bale, and discard any hay that is moist or smells funky. • Protect stored hay from the elements. Periodically check for leaks in the roof and walls of your hay storage area. Stacking hay on wooden pallets will help air circulate and prevent moisture from accumulating underneath. • Offer hay in feeders. Hay dropped on the ground can easily become contaminated, and rain and mud will help foster the growth of bacteria. Instead, provide hay in a commercial or homemade feeder that keeps the forage dry. Especially if you live in a wetter climate, consider investing in an enclosed feeder that will keep out the rain and snow. Clean up dropped hay regularly. If your horse has a condition, such as heaves, that requires you to soak his hay, do not soak more than he can eat in one meal. • Avoid high-risk forages. Haylage —grass that is baled with a higher moisture content and sealed in plastic—is typically meant for cattle or sheep, which are less susceptible to botulism than horses. Some people do feed haylage to horses, especially if they need a low-dust alternative to dry hays, and haylage that has been properly processed and sealed ought to be safe, but the risk of botulism remains, even when the forage seems fresh. Definitely do not feed horses any haylage from bags that have been torn open or that look or smell spoiled. Also, don’t let your horse graze in areas where clumps of cut grass remain from a recent mowing, and warn your neighbors against tossing grass clippings over the fence as “treats” for your herd. • Watch out for dead animals and bird droppings. Botulism type C is fairly rare, but you do want to avoid feed or water that has been tainted by carcasses or droppings. Discard any hay or bagged feeds if you discover body parts from dead animals, and routinely check water buckets or troughs for drowning victims. (A mesh escape ramp built into the side of a large trough can help small animals who fall in to climb out safely.) Prevent birds from nesting in areas where a lot of droppings would fall onto feeders or stored hay, and do not use poultry manure as fertilizer on hayfields or pastures. This article first appeared in the EQUUS #481 Posted in Diseases 10 things you can do for a horse with heaves Disease prevention: “Core” versus “risk- based” vaccines 4 Ways to make the most of your horse’s vaccines Is Your Horse Protected? Why sharing bridles is a bad idea Clearing up chronic rainrot
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Estrenos del 4 de Abril de 2008 Publicado por Neo el viernes, 4 de abril de 2008 Leer más de: Estrenos El último gran mago (Gillian Armstrong) - Actores: Catherine Zeta-Jones, Guy Pearce. Sinopsis: Año 1926. Cuando el famoso mago Harry Houdini llega a Edimburgo en su gira mundial, ofrece una gran recompensa a la persona capaz de contactar con su madre recientemente fallecida. Mary, una atractiva médium, acepta el desafío atraída por el dinero. Houdini hará todo lo posible por desenmascarar a la misteriosa mujer, pero no podrá evitar sentirse cada vez más atraído por ella. Ficha Completa, Póster, Imágenes y Trailer de la Película. La famila Savages (Tamara Jenkins) - Actores: Laura Linney, Philip Seymour Hoffman. Sinopsis: Lo último que hubieran deseado hacer los hermanos Savage es volver atrás, a su difícil historia familiar. Después de haberse liberado del dominio de su padre, ahora se encuentran firmemente anclados a unas vidas propias, bastante complicadas. Wendy es una autora de teatro que se esfuerza por salir adelante, una desocupada que pasa sus días solicitando becas, robando suministros de oficina y quedando con su propio vecino casado. Jon es un neurótico profesor de facultad que escribe libros sobre oscuros temas en Búfalo. Web Oficial - Web Oficial en Español. The contract (Bruce Beresford) - Actores: John Cusack, Morgan Freeman. Sinopsis: Frank Cordell, un asesino a sueldo, se deja llevar por la corriente río abajo esposado a un jefe de policía moribundo, y Ray Keene les saca del agua. El policía, a punto de morir, echa a perder la acampada de Ray con su hijo Chris cuando le dice que debe entregar a Cordell a la justicia por sus crímenes atroces; esta vez, un posible atentado contra el presidente de los Estados Unidos. Rastro oculto (Gregory Hoblit) - Actores: Diane Lane, Colin Hanks. Sinopsis: El FBI cuenta con un departamento que se dedica únicamente a investigar y perseguir a los delincuentes que actúan en Internet. La agente especial Jennifer Marsh creía haberlo visto todo... hasta ahora. Un depredador cibernético cuelga torturas y asesinatos en su página web. El destino de sus prisioneros depende del público: cuantas más visitas registre su página web, más deprisa morirán las víctimas. Web Oficial - Web Oficial en Español. El territorio de la bestia (Rogue) (Greg Mclean) - Actores: Radha Mitchell, Michael Vartan. Sinopsis: Pete es un periodista americano que hace un reportaje sobre la industria turística en auge en el norte de Australia. Allí se unirá con un grupo de excursionistas y su hermosa guía, Kate, para realizar un crucero por el río. Todo transcurre con normalidad hasta que, de repente, el barco es sacudido por un cocodrilo gigante y se encalla en un islote. Web Oficial - Web Oficial en Español. VER TRAILERS DE TODOS ESTOS ESTRENOS
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Have the Light Mark Hathaway I’ve been enjoying my time in John chapter eight. We’ve worked our way through the first eleven verses. We’ve covered the encounter in the temple between Jesus, an accusing group of scribes and Pharisees, and a woman caught in adultery. We ended last time with Jesus offering forgiveness to the woman. Let’s see what we can discover together as we pickup with John 8:12. 12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” (NKJV) The word “then” not only indicates the next occurrence in the sequence of events, but when combined with the word “again” in the same sentence, assures us that what follows next is a continuation of the same encounter, with the same group of people. Jesus is still instructing the scribes and Pharisees that accused the woman, the woman herself, and the original group who had come to the temple that day to hear Jesus teach. We aren’t going to look at each word individually, although that might be fun, but I want you consider the first phrase in verse 12. It says, “Then Jesus spoke to them again,” The word “again” caught my attention. I noticed that between verse two and verse thirteen it appears three times. In verse two it says, “…He came again into the temple…”, repeating where He went. In verse eight it says, “… again He stooped down and wrote…”, repeating what He did. And in verse twelve it says, “…Jesus spoke to them again…”, repeating with whom He had conversation. If you read these three instances where the word “again” appears, in context, it reveals the perspective that Jesus wanted His audience to understand the truth. He wanted them to know who He was, and what it meant to believe in Him. These encounters with the scribes and Pharisees were not intellectual contests. Jesus wasn’t putting them in their place, He was attempting to set them free. When you read this chapter, what is your impression of Jesus? Do you see Him as a cold, calculating, intellectual, exercising supremacy over the inferior religious leaders? Or do you see Him as a loving saviour telling the truth, no matter how painful, to the people He encountered? Whatever your initial perspective, let the details of the passage influence how you see Jesus. Let’s look again at John 8:12. “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” The Bible is full of figures of speech. They are used to help the hearer relate the truth being proposed to something familiar. Jesus used a figure of speech, in the form of a metaphor, when He said, “I am the light of the world.” He’s not really saying He is light in the scientific sense made up of photons, with a full spectrum of various colors, and traveling at 186,822 miles per second. To help us understand the metaphor of light Jesus introduced, let’s consider darkness. When an environment is dark, one’s ability to perceive the truth about that environment is limited, or even impossible. The darker it is, the less truth you can know about your surroundings. The tricky thing to understand about darkness is that it isn’t something, it is actually the lack of something, namely light. Scientists can define light by its composition and properties. Darkness in contrast, is only defined as the absence of light. When Jesus said He was the light of the world, we need to understand light was not the only metaphor He used. The word world is also a metaphor. It does not mean our physical world, but rather the world system we live in. In other words the political, cultural, philosophical system of people inhabiting the world. This being true, when Jesus said “He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”, we know that He is still using metaphor to communicate truth. Jesus is telling His original audience, and us, that if we are in fellowship with Him (follows me), we will not proceed through life in deception (walk in darkness). It’s interesting to me that the next part of the verse, “…have the light of life.” is a slight shift in how Jesus uses the metaphor. Here’s what I mean. When Jesus said “He who follows me shall not walk in darkness…”, one would expect the contrast to be, “but walk in the Light”, however, that’s not what He said. The contrast to, “…not walk in darkness”, is “have the light of life.” If we remain in fellowship with Jesus, we can actually take possession of the light. We can fully embrace the truth, and benefit by it, not simply walk in enlightenment. I think a point of distinction should be made here. Jesus is not talking about becoming a believer. Remember the words He chose, “follows Me”? He’s talking about believers choosing to actively continue in relationship with Him. Step one is putting your faith and trust in the person of Jesus Christ for salvation. But don’t stop there. Enjoy the benefits of continued relationship with Christ. Read His word, obey His commands, pray to Him. In other words, “follow Christ Jesus”. To become a follower of Jesus simply takes a decision. Matthew 11:28-30 encourages us. It says, “28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.” (NKJV) No Replies to "Have the Light" Truth Fellowship Live is a non-denominational church, but we are associated with the Free Grace Alliance, and follow the theological tradition of Dallas Theological Seminary in Dallas, Texas. Read our statement of faith Truth Fellowship Live Sanctify them in Your Truth. Your Word is Truth. - John 17:17 © Copyright Truth Fellowship Live 2018
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Par Lledelwin dans Le petit monde de Lledelwin le 5 Septembre 2005 à 16:00 Depuis que je dessine, j'ai beaucoup moins envie d'écrire. D'ailleurs mes dessins ont beaucoup plus de succès que mes textes, ce qui n'est pas pour rien dans mon laisser aller textuel. Seulement, ceci, je ne pourrais pas le raconter en BD. Ce dimache 4 septembe, très tot matin, nous avons été réveillé par un coup de fil : télésecour appelant pour signaler que ma grand mère a un soucis de santé. Moi, j'ai juste été réveillée par le téléphone, ma mère ayant décroché avant moi, et j'ai appris la suite le lendemain. Ma grand mère avait une crampe au bras droit qui la faisait souffrir énormément et ne passait pas... Au bras droit, ce n'est pas un infar, n'est-ce pas ? Mais une crampe aussi douloureuse, quand même... Et impossible de lui masser le bras, elle crie dés qu'on tente de bouger son épaule... Alors ma maman a appelé une ambulance, parce que cette crampe n'avait pas l'air très normale, elle créait une sorte de dépression dans le dos de ma grand mère... Effectivement, car ce n'était pas une crampe... C'était une épaule démise. Ma grand mère se déboite l'épaule en dormant... Incroyable. Autant dire que personne n'était très frai le dimanche après midi... Et ce dimanche, c'était l'anniversaire de mon grand père paternelle. Nous étions bien sur invité pour un gouter d'anniversaire chez lui, dans le jardin que son épouse qui n'est la grand mère de personne a transformé au fil du temps en un petit parc emplis de personnages en bambou tous plus loufoque les uns que les autres et dont les plattes bandes sont parsemmée de petites libellules, abeilles, papillons, etc. dont les ailles translucidents battent dans le vent tandis que leur corps de bois oscille doucement sur sa perche. Mon grand père a 80 ans depuis dimanche, il fume du tabac brun roulé, ne met son appareil auditif que lorsque les personnes succeptible de bavardages interminables sont absents, prend un air ahuri et distrait le reste du temps, un petit air qui ne trompe plus personne, à force... Mon grand père déteste qu'on l'appelle grand père et n'est vraiment pas le genre à faire des gateaux en chocolat avec ses petits enfants, même s'il ne s'agit que de mettre la pate dans le moule et le moule au four. Il traine un peu les pieds, fait des grimaces et gromelle, fume du tabac brun et jette ses mégots dans le feu ouvert. Il a 80 ans et tout les samedi il va aider son fils à construire sa maison quelque part dans la cambrousse... Mon grand père n'est pas très "famille" et cela a du être dur pour mon père... Mais comme grand père il est marrant. C'est un professeur de l'université libre de Bruxelles à la pension. Si sa soeur, applicant strictement l'éducation familialle, ne remet certainement pas en question et les préceptes inculqués par ses parents et ceux inculqués au catéchisme, mon grand père professe un athéisme qui tourne à l'anti cléricalisme militant, tant par conviction que pour faire chier sa soeur, c'est du moins ce que crois cette dernière. Dans son bureau, à un clou, pend sa vieille penne ULBiste. La penne, au cas ou vous l'ignoriez, c'est le symbole de l'étudiant ULBiste, baptisé (estudiantinnement parlant) et militant. Il la possède depuis des années, a fait toutes ses années avec elle visée sur le crane comme un étendar de son athéisme fièrement revendiqué... Ce qu'il n'a jamais su avant que mon père ne le lui apprène, c'est qu'il n'a pas seulement vécu ses années d'ULB sous le signe de la raison, mais aussi sous celui de la Sainte Vierge, dont une médaille avait été subrepticement cousue dans la doublure par sa mère, pour lui porter chance aux examens... J'aurais bien aimé être là lorsqu'il l'a découvert... Ells tu dessine bien . dessine moi un mouton, s'il te plait dessien moi un mouton . tu dessine bien . dessine moi un mouton, s\'il te plait dessien moi un mouton . Lledelwin déjà dessiné. Cf "mes dessins" maozriubh Lundi 12 Septembre 2005 à 17:49 Ne t'arrête pas d'écrire, j'aime beaucoup ton style, même s'il n'y a pas beaucoup de commentaires. Lledelwin's inner world - Création d'un blog sur Eklablog - CGU - Signaler un abus -
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Servizio Civile, la Regione finanzia tre progetti del Comune. 9 posti disponibili 13-gen-2017 A breve il bando rivolto ai giovani che riceveranno un contributo mensile di 433,80 euro Il vicesindaco Bastreghi: «Soddisfatti per l'apprezzamento che la Regione ha mostrato nei confronti dei progetti che abbiamo presentato» Ambiente, cultura, servizi al cittadino. Sono questi i tre progetti del Comune di Sinalunga finanziati dalla Regione Toscana per accogliere 9 giovani che vorranno vivere l’esperienza del Servizio Civile. «Come amministrazione comunale siamo soddisfatti per l'apprezzamento che la Regione ha mostrato nei confronti dei progetti che abbiamo presentato – dichiara il vicesindaco Vanessa Bastreghi – Abbiamo deciso di partecipare a questa opportunità offerta dalla Regione, perché siamo convinti che il servizio civile sia un’esperienza formativa importante nel percorso di vita di un giovane. Durante gli otto mesi di Servizio Civile i giovani potranno acquisire competenze e professionalità all’interno degli uffici del Comune, ma, siamo convinti che rappresenteranno anche una risorsa e un valore aggiunto per i servizi offerti ai cittadini». I progetti vedranno impegnati i volontari in attività di servizi al cittadino (5 posti), nell'ambito culturale e dei servizi sociali (2 posti) e in attività ambientali (2 posti). Ai giovani verrà corrisposto dalla Regione Toscana un compenso mensile di € 433,80; il servizio civile avrà durata di 8 mesi, a breve uscirà il bando in cui saranno indicati i requisiti per accedere alla selezione e specificata la modalità per la presentazione delle domande. Powered by Magnolia - based on JSR-170
{"url": "https://www.comune.sinalunga.si.it/comune/news-and-events/comunicati/Anno-2017/servizio-civile.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.comune.sinalunga.si.it", "date_download": "2018-10-15T08:19:26Z", "digest": "sha1:GEOGNKH7OP45LKLJGSETFW5ILD6ZN4RL"}
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Le blog du dessinateur Zep sur Le Monde.fr Publié le 13 mai 2015 par zepworld Orthographe aid Catégoriesbande dessinée 141 réponses sur “Orthographe aid” raoul dit : trop maran! Laul. J’est bien rigoler… Mais il m’arrive de plus en plus de lire un texte à haute voix pour arriver à comprendre ce que le « rédacteur » a bien voulu dire. bentoy dit : AVOIR rigolé ! J’ai bien rigolé… 🙂 Julie B dit : S-A-R-C-A-S-M-E ? Max Lampin dit : troisième degré ? Ed dit : Avoir rigoler ! Quand deux verbes se suivent, le second se met à l’infinitif. claustaire dit : Genre : Il semble parlé anglais ? jeannine-louise dit : @ed, le fâché du Bescherelle. On doit écrire : avoir rigolé, quand on doute on remplace par un verbe du 3ème groupe et on écrit : avoir cru, avoir lu, avoir retenu. Et non pas : avoir croire, avoir lire, avoir retenir, comme vous le préconisez …. J’avoue n’avoir (vous voyez ! vous voyez !) lire (le troisième et les suivants aussi) le Bescherelle, mais je crois savoir (encore un) que celui-ci ne traite que de conjugaison, et non de grammaire ? Ceci étant dit (là c’est une exception ; quand deux verbes se suivent et que le premier est un participe présent, le second est un participe passé, c’est une règle démocratique, car participative, et on fait l’accord des temps), je peux me tromper (un dernier pour la route). moreau dit : Mais-non!-c’est-le-passé-composé!le-2ème-verbe-est-au-participe-passé! Moi-aussi-ça-me-rend-folle,cette »nouvelle-ortho-grammaire »; Et-quand-tu-essaies-d’aider-ces-malheureux-illettrés,tu-te-fais-incendier!-Laisse-béton! FrenchinUK dit : Pas avec un auxiliaire… Voyez-vous ça… On m’aurait menti ? avoir rigolé : avoir est un auxiliaire ! donc rigolé est un participe passé ! on peut le vérifier en remplaçant rigolé par un verbe du 2ème ou 3ème groupe ! …. avoir entendu et non entendre ! Pourtant on peut avoir mal entendu quelque chose et bien entendre en général ? tout ceci ne serait-il pas un énorme mal entendru ? Comme l’herbe ? Jé dit : Alors c’est un malentondu. l'ancien prof dit : Sauf quand le premier est auxiliaire : je suis retourné au restaurant où j’avais bien mangé. mt15 dit : ki lu crut ? @mt15 Zoê ! Apparemment, c’est plus facile de maîtriser l’orthographe que l’ironie… Helen dit : Non mais c’était une blague pour le « J’est bien rigoler ». Du calme du calme ! mbe dit : Pas étonnant : sur le portail de l’école a coté de chez moi le panneau dit : « Fermer la porte » et tous les élèves passent devant ! Émile Pouget dit : « Fermer la porte », ce n’est pas incorrect, c’est une consigne à l’infinitif. Ça se fait. Zip dit : Effectivement, c’est comme « Ouvrir la porte ». pedro dit : Ou fermer sa gueule. C’est valable pour moi. D’ailleurs c’est fait, juste là. Comme le gâteau qui dit « acheter moi » ziggqt dit : Non, ça n’a rien à voir. Elveto dit : Amha, à l’infinitif c’est « m’acheter » pas « acheter moi », au contraire de ce qu’il en va à l’impératif « achetez-moi! » silpion dit : Non, « acheter moi » est un ordre, donc de l’impératif, donc doit évidemment s’écrire « achetez moi ». Alors que « fermer » la porte » peut être vu comme une consigne, disant « merci de fermer la porte » ; donc c’est correct. Très moche certes, mais correct. Herce dit : Ça n’est pas la même chose. On peut dire il faut fermer la porte. C’est correct contrairement à l’exemple du gâteau. Biro dit : Non, « Fermer la porte » veut dire « merci de fermer la porte ». « Acheter moi » veut dire « je né ri1 compri an klass ». Roman dit : Non. À l’infinitif, cela donnerait m’acheter et non acheter moi. Ah bon? parce que quand je le tente avec d’autre verbe cela fonctionne assez peu je trouve. « mordre moi » – « prendre moi » ? lili dit : hmmm..!..Si-si,ça-fonctionne-plutôt-bien!..un-petit-côté-« sauvage »!!!.. Olrik dit : Fermer la porte => consigne à l’infinitif. Achetez-moi => ordre à l’impératif. C’est si dur à comprendre ou faut-il faire un schéma au tableau ? Barbara dit : ne vous énerveZ pas j’ai mangE le gâteau ds dit : Que des bons élèves souhaitant partager leur savoir. L’arrêter. Maite dit : et bien non ce n’est pas pareil. sinon on peut aussi dire « boire moi » alors Gazeld dit : Au passage on écrit « EH bien » et pas « et bien » 😉 Cissou75 dit : On ne dirait pas « boire moi », mais « me boire »… consigne à l’infinitif… comme dit plus haut c’est moche, mais correct. Padls dit : C’est nulle comme istoire Bonga dit : Non, y a une faute au dernier mot, on écrit « couchez ». ^^ LE PIRE AUSSI, CE SONT CEUX QUI ÉCRIVENT EN MAJUSCULE, ON A L’IMPRESSION QU’ILS NOUS GUEULENT DANS LES OREILLES ! saxo dit : Nan! Dent les ieux Y. dit : @Bonga : Il y a bien un faute (intentionnelle d’ailleurs puisque ça le fait crier dans son sommeil) mais on écrit « aller se coucher » pas « aller se couchez » 😉 Ahah, je sais bien que c’est -er à la fin, je disais ça pour rigoler, pour continuer la blague… ^^’ Ocre dit : C’est tout de même le signe qu’une partie des gens ne comprennent plus rien à ce qu’ils écrivent … alors à ce qu’ils votent… art1go dit : C’est plutôt le signe que l’orthographe a besoin d’une réforme. Gaëtan CALMES dit : Enfin ! 1 idé constructiv. Voir « Contre la grammairolâtrie » sous http://goo.gl/g7U0TM euh… une partie des gens, singulier. Mr Goodman dit : Mais!?! C’est pas Booba en 4e image, là? Kader dit : Si si je crois bien ! Je n’étais donc pas le seul à l’avoir remarqué.. M. T. dit : Cé tro dur a lir !! Euh, lire. LM dit : Et l’utilisation de mots anglais à la place de français comme ‘aide’ ? Moui. C’est peut-être courant en Suisse. Je n’en sais rien, je suggère juste de garder l’esprit ouvert sur ce genre de détails. CAT dit : J’adore la chute ! papiluc dit : Gaffe quand même de ne pas tomber du lit ! something dit : i cri evryteim tung dit : Amateur de livres anciens, je puis, avec certitude, dire que la bonne orthographe n’a jamais existé. C’est un mythe qui est arrivé avec l’école pour tous jusqu’à 16 ans dans les années 50-60. D’ailleurs, la preuve se trouve dans ces vieux livres centenaires voire plus ; l’orthographe de certains mots pouvant même changer une fois sur deux au cours de la narration. Et il en va de même pour un certains nombre de règles grammaticales et autres conjugaisons, l’essentiel étant, tout compte fait, de se faire comprendre sans ambiguïté. Personnellement, ayant été un champion du zéro absolu (qui est une valeur négative) en dictée, cette crispation sur « la bonne orthographe » me fait pleurer de rire, et je l’assimile à du trolling. simon dit : Très bien dit tung ! Enfin un commentaire d’une personne qui n’érige pas l’orthographe comme LA connaissance ultime. Connaitre l’orthographe et la conjugaison sur le bout des doigts n’a rien à voir avec une quelconque forme d’intelligence, arrêtons de stigmatiser les gens qui en font, la dysorthographie est une pathologie à ne pas prendre à la légère. L’orthographe a sans cesse évolué. Oh mon dieu, Montaigne faisait des fautes d’orthographes !! :O « des fautes d’orthographes », je l’ai lu, j’l’ai compru, j’l’ai notu. L’orthographe n’est pas une science, c’est juste une façon de se comporter sur un papier. On peut tous faire de conneries comme dans la vie. Se faire prendre à 92 -valeur corrigée- sur un zone à 90 parce qu’on a eu la tête en l’air. Mais on ne conteste pas! Roy Batty dit : je plussoie à 4 000 % (je suis obligé de l’écrire en chiffre car je ne sais pas l’orthographier correctement) Je vous révère. Claude dit : Si tu m’avais eu comme prof, tu aurais eu des notes « négatives », qui, grâce à un graphique, t’auraient permis de voir ta progression. Ainsi j’ai souvent eu des élèves qui avaient -60 voirr pluss à la premèr dicté et -40 à la second. 20 point de gagner en 1 coût. Et, quant à la faim de l’anée, l’élève réussissait à avoire zorro pile, il poussait des cries de joi. Super non ? là je sais pas combien ça fait en négatif,mais si c’est avec vous qu’on apprend l’orthographe… c’est mal parti… voire plus, un coup, année,avoir,zéro, cris,joie ! C’est à force de lire tung ! – 60 voirr moins ? y a une logique dans ça adam hebert dit : Alors là vous faites fort ! @ Claude. Professeur? vous ?? – – Question : l’année du CAPES où il fallait avoir 100 fautes pour être admissible ? Lol malgré tout…faut soigner vos lacunes de toute urgence ou bien prendre la décision de ne plus écrire…. Kap dit : C’est quand même effrayant les gens incapables de repérer ce qui relève de l’humour. L’énormité et la répétition des fautes, le tout sur un sujet consacré à l’orthographe, ça ne suffit pas à comprendre que c’est fait exprès ? Faudrait peut être un jour se mettre à partir de l’hypothèse que « les autres » sur internet sont intelligents, essayer de comprendre ce qu’ils disent et seulement ensuite juger et leur faire la leçon si l’envie prend. Ça fonctionnerait surement mieux qu’en considérant de base tout le monde comme des imbéciles et en se jetant sur eux à la première supposée erreur sans se poser de questions. Aurore dit : L’idée de fixer des règles pour la langue française apparaît peu après l’imprimerie, donc au XVIe siècle. Mais c’est au XVIIe siècle que l’Académie française est chargée (entre autres) de cette tâche, sans réussir à imposer ces règles étant donné les variétés des « systèmes scolaires » (éducation dans les couvents, à la maison, dans les universités, dans les collèges… l’autorité de la Gagadémie n’est pas reconnue par tous à l’époque). Seule l’école de la IIIe République met en place des manuels identiques pour tout le monde ; encore faut-il alors compter avec les accents et les patois qui influencent l’orthographe (cf des lettres de poilus écrits en chuintant). Est-ce forcément des fautes ? Par contre, c’est vrai que certaines orthographes d’aujourd’hui font saigner des yeux… mais que comme enseignante, je peux vous assurer qu’il est désormais interdit de retirer un point ou un demi-point par faute ! Paco dit : Inexact. Dans les années 50-60, l’école est obligatoire jusqu’à 14 ans. Le CEP (Certificat d’Etudes Primaires) requiert de n’avoir pas 0 à la dictée, note éliminatoire. Moins de 5/20 à l’épreuve de français de la 1° partie du baccalauréat est éliminatoire et donc empêche d’accéder à la classe de Terminale jusqu’en 1964. On réalise alors que nombre de possibles ingénieurs, scientifiques, etc., dont la France a besoin, n’iront jamais en Terminale [Mathématiques élémentaires ou Sciences Expérimentales (salut aux anciens) ] et le couperet disparaît. L’orthographe est remplacée par les mathématiques comme base de sélection. Et nous avons aujourd’hui des personnes a-orthographiques et a-scientifiques, mais qui consomment. Amateur de livres anciens aussi, et champion du zéro en dictée aussi, j’en suis curieusement arrivé à la conclusion inverse. Certes, les règles évoluent. Effectivement, quand on lit ces bouquins, où chaque mot ou presque semble être une faute d’orthographe, on se demande vraiment pourquoi on s’est emmerdé à en apprendre d’autres. Je conçois que quand on est petit d’esprit, on cède à ce prétexte pour soulager une frustration d’enfant. Néanmoins, quand on s’intéresse réellement à comprendre sans ambiguïté, comme vous le dites mais sans l’appliquer, on s’aperçoit vite que ces bouquins sont, entre autre à cause de leur orthographe différente, extrêmement ardus. C’est justement parce que l’essentiel est de se comprendre sans ambiguïté qu’on a besoin de règles communes. On ne martyrise, évidemment, pas les élèves pour le plaisir, mais parce que c’est comme ça qu’ils intègreront (éventuellement) un langage permettant d’atteindre un niveau de compréhension réel. Moi ce qui me fait pleurer de rire, ce sont les ignares qui osent prétendre se « comprendre » sans pouvoir jamais appréhender le concept de quiproquo, faute de pouvoir l’épeler pour une recherche sur wikipédia. Clèmclèm dit : Tout à fait ! et ce n’est pas parce que les gens sont de plus en plus rebutés à l’idée de corriger leur orthographe (et les enfants, de l’apprendre), qu’il faut la faire disparaître….. personnellement, je fais de nombreuses fautes… d’inattention, mais aussi parce que je n’ai pas suffisamment appris… par contre, je suis toujours contente d’apprendre un nouveau mot, une nouvelle définition, une nouvelle orthographe… du moins la bonne ! la bonne orthographe d’un mot………… sans faire de l’orthographe LA connaissance ultime (mais des maths non plus hein !!), c’est sympa de faire un effort, pour être (mieux) compris en face, pour entretenir la machine qu’est le cerveau, pour sa connaissance propre, pour sa culture personnelle…………. ça fait quand même pas mal de raisons déjà…. ! babu dit : ecssellent ! Pierre Carra dit : Et c’est juste le contenant, vous avez maté le contenu? Marc Schindler dit : C’est moi le prof de français qu’on vous a causé ! C’est « marrant » car Zep fait au moins une faute par planche dans ce blog… jmdesp dit : Je viens de lire un autre article du monde, qui a son tour m’a vraiment fait mal aux yeux ! : « En habitué des joutes européennes anxiogènes, l’entraîneur du Real Madrid Carlo Ancelotti à prier ses joueurs de rester « sereins » » http://www.lemonde.fr/ligue-des-champions/article/2015/05/13/ligue-des-champions-carlo-ancelotti-en-zone-de-turbulences_4633161_1616944.html#fyjRDQVsywomrJXc.99 « sereins »? serins? cui cui? Soeurs, hein! Tatank dit : il est quand même Cocasse que cet article soit publié alors que deux articles plus bas « carlo Ancelotti a prier… » La faute de français la plus facile à corriger … Ouf sa va mieux, je penser etre le seul que toute ses fautes agace. Merci Zep. Mec cool dit : Le respect des règles d’orthographe a trop longtemps servi a discriminer les classes sociales qui ne les maîtrisaient pas, donc ça ne me dérange pas plus que ça que l’époque se relâche un peu sur ce point. Artachès dit : D’accord avec vous, mais 1) difficile de ne pas souffrir et 2) il y a une limite, la bonne compréhension du texte. Qu’on n’orthographie pas ornithorynque comme il faut, pas de problème. Bouh la méchante discrimination! On apprenait un faux orthographe aux pauvres pour être sûr de bien les reconnaitre lorsqu’ils écrivent, bouh! feminette dit : UNE orthographe. Mea Culpa, je ne dois pas être assez riche 😉 Axelle dit : @ Gif. Certains « pauvres » écrivent parfaitement..ils sont en retraite, ils ont plus de 75 ans et rédigent des pages et des pages, sans une seule faute….Faut revoir vos idées un peu courtes sur le sujet svp. Relisez le commentaire de « mec cool » et ma réponse et vous verrez que c’est votre compréhension qui est un peu courte. Et c’est Gil, pas Gif. Problèmes de vue également? Goebbels dit : Ah, le mythe de la pureté, le perfectionisme dans son écrin immaculé, le point godwin du style ? LouPerdrix dit : Mouarf. Vous avez oublié un « n » à perfectionnisme. 😉 :v (Vilain perfectionnisme. Bouh!) Fredlab dit : Une adresse : Bescherelle ta mère Chaurand dit : Bonjour, le problème de la bonne compréhension de l’orthographe n’est pas nouveau et plus les gosses « tabulerons » plus ils auront du mal à associer les sons à l’écrit ceceanime dit : Je suis ravie de voir que l’orthographe et le français de manière générale inquiètent d’autres personnes que moi TCN dit : Pour être hexa, « Tener votre chien en laisse » est peut-être une faute de grammaire. Puisque l’auteur cherche probablement l’infinitif de « tiens ». Tout comme « Bonne appétit »: on ne se donne pas la peine de rajouter deux lettres si on ne pense pas avoir fait l’accord en genre. Et pas de doute pour « soutena son regard »: c’est le passé simple du verbe « soutener ». Et « jusqu’à ce que M. sortit » relève clairement de l’ignorance du subjonctif. Chlore dit : Hexa ? Pas très exact … nonaz lul dit : hugo dit : j’ai bien riz… clarisse dit : La question de l’orthographe n’est que le cache misère déplorable, certes, d’une dérive encore plus grande: la désaffection d’infos d’importance plus capitale que les paillettes à Cannes qui préoccupe la Une du Monde, comme chaque année. Un journal qui célèbre les pieds illustres sur un tapis rouge (sic) n’a que faire de la grammaire et de la conjugaison. Et il y en a encore qui s’en offusquent (le seul commentateur à cette heure de l’article sur Cannes). Mais Le Monde contribue largement chaque semaine à vendre le cinoche français dont beaucoup s’accordent à dire qu’il est devenu quasi moribond. Dès le mardi soir veille du… mercredi, le jour de disponibilité des ados captifs. Mais je m’éloigne du sujet: après le grec, le latin, l’allemand, l’éducation nationale considérera d’ici dix ans que grammaire et conjugaison sont d’affreuses terroristes. Et comme les jeunes enseignants comme les jeunes ministres sont de plus en plus illettrés et incultes (je connais une prof de français de 25 ans qui ne rate jamais son émission fétiche Les grosses têtes sur RTL) ça n’est que le début. PH dit : Fils et petit fils de « hussards de la république’, moi-même presque aïeul, je ne puis que concourir. Ô tempora ! Ô mores !, se lamentait parfois dans sa nacelle, un « basané » croqué par Uderzo. Tout cela dénoterait-il, qu’à l’instar de Titeuf nous avons vieilli, et sommes devenus des vieux cons. Non ! Je mourrai (ca au moins c’est sur) convaincu (à ne pas confondre avec un concerné ayant rendu les armes, Pierre Dac même pas mort) que trop c’est plus qu’assez. vot’ papy aurait dit pas de « ô » en latin Gloubi Boulga dit : Jé pa tou conpri Photo73 dit : Le Sapeur Camenber a été mangé. Plus rien ne doit nous étonner. Le participe passé vs infinitif, ça m’arrache les yeux mais j’ai trouvé une fois une telle fôte dans un de mes cahiers de labo. Je n’en suis pas revenu. Le cerveau est une drôle de machine….. On perd une quantité de neurones chaque jour. Ouf, y a du stock. Emmanuel Finot dit : Excusez-moi, mais la typographie et l’art de la ponctuation, cela vous inspire-t-il ? Dans tous vos commentaires, aucun ne les respecte exactement. Je suis correcteur, et si on corrige bien, on ne remarque rien. Tout le monde est content : du pointilleux au cancre. Tout le monde fait des fautes, même les grands auteurs, c’est pourquoi les correcteurs, payés au lance-pierre, existent. Le français est logique à 80-85 %, le reste c’est pour emmerder les rédacteurs de tout poil et donner de quoi becqueter aux correcteurs ! « Le midi je vais à la cantine. » C’est plouc et surtout illogique. Le jour où on dira « Le minuit je vais me coucher » on en reparlera ! Alors, bonjour amis lettrés et les autres qui se la pète ou s’en contremoquent. Correctorman Et je vous dis : merci d’exister ! Etant auteur moi-même, et échangeant, par mail, avec des écrivains, je sais bien que, malgré ce que peuvent penser les gens, en général, les écrivains ne sont pas les plus forts en règles grammaticales et orthographiques (et pas, non plus, en conjugaisons et concordances de temps) ! mais je pense que ce n’est pas pour cela qu’ils n’ont rien à dire.. de beau, d’intéressant, invitant au(x) voyage(s)…… Alors oui, heureusement qu’il y a des correcteurs…. ! (et tous ceux qui font des affiches, enseignes, etc, à l’attention du public mais tous ceux qui écrivent en général (et moi avec ! hihi ! mon dernier livre était bourré de fautes ! heureusement qu’il a été corrigé… 2 fois !!)… feraient mieux de demander à se faire corriger avant d’envoyer, imprimer, etc… !) Et j’y vais de ma petite histoire… : travaillant dans une école élémentaire, l’autre jour, A., en classe de CE2, me montre son bulletin du second trimestre… je lis l’appréciation générale laissée par la maîtresse…. « …A. est irrespectueux et audieux. »………………… !!! (elle s’est sûrement mélangée avec audacieux…. !) tchaf dit : Oui, et non: oui, on ne remarque pas nécessairement les écarts de typo sur des commentaires de blogs, mais non, car un bouquin imprimé qui en comporte « fait » sale, cheap, bâclé. Et c’est pareil pour l’orthographe et la grammaire: une ou deux coquilles dans un texte ne nuisent pas à sa compréhension, c’est vrai, mais ça fait instantanément regretter les vingt euros mis dans l’achat du livre. L’orthographe, petit j’étais persuadé que ça servait à rien, du moins à pas grand chose, du moment qu’on comprenait ce qu’on écrivait. Il n’y a qu’une manière de progresser, de toute façon, c’est en lisant. On se charge de réflexes conditionnés, et après on a du mal à accepter les fautes. Par contre, je sais pas si ça a grand sens. Merci de votre commentaire, je me cultive en lisant. Toutoulescaut dit : Zep a mille fois raison. Que dire aussi de tout ce fatras de pseudo globish dont se délectent les médias, « le Monde » compris, et qui contribue aussi à tout brouiller. Rien qu’ici les « orthographe aid » et « what a wonderful world » inutiles, prétentieux et niais. C’est de la grammaire que vous causé là, pas de l’hortograffe… Le français tel que nous le pratiquons aujourd’hui est né vers 1600 à la cour des rois absolus. C’est une langue artificielle, truffée de références au latin et au grec, qui servait aux nobles (de toute l’Europe) à se différencier des peuples, qui parlaient divers patois (aujourd’hui on dirait : langues régionales). Elle n’a été imposée au peuple de France que vers 1850 (Jules Ferry), et ça ne s’est pas fait du jour au lendemain ni sans douleur (les élèves de Bretagne étaient punis quand ils parlaient breton entre eux). C’est aussi à cette époque que la grammaire et l’orthographe du français écrit ont été fixées, pour faciliter la tâche des instituteurs – avant ça, on écrivait comme on voulait. À cette époque, moins d’un tiers de la population maîtrisait cette écriture incroyablement archaïsante et absurdement éloignée de la langue écrite : ceux qui décrochaient le Certificat d’Études – et encore : il fallait 10/20, c’est-à-dire que les 30% de meilleurs en classe savaient à moitié écrire. La massification de l’enseignement n’a commencé qu’en 1975, c’est seulement depuis cette date-là qu’on s’est mis en tête d’exiger que l’ensemble de la population maîtrise le français écrit… du XIXe siècle, tout en parlant évidemment le français oral du XXe, puis du XXIe siècle. Ça n’a jamais marché, et ça ne marchera jamais. Par ailleurs, c’est une erreur courante de croire que les règles d’orthographe ou de grammaire seraient des règlements, alors que ce sont des régularités. Les linguistes constatent que la plupart des gens parlent ou écrivent comme ci ou comme ça, ça ne veut pas dire qu’il soit obligatoire d’écrire comme ci ou comme ça… Ça n’a été rendu obligatoire qu’en 1850, au moment où on a fondé l’école publique, dans le but explicite de faire sortir de la population les talents qui s’y trouvaient – l’orthographe et la grammaire fixées sont dès le départ conçues comme des outils de sélection, donc par nature même pas destinées à être maîtrisées par toute la population… La distance linguistique entre le français oral du XXIe siècle et le français écrit tel que fixé au XIXe est devenue telle qu’on peut estimer qu’il s’agit de deux langues différentes. Le mythe d’une seule langue craque de partout, ce sont les fautes de grammaire que vous rencontré. Ne vous en faites pas d’insomnies, ça ne peut aller qu’en empirant, jusqu’au prochain arrêt de Villers-Cotterêts, qui exigera que les textes administratifs puissent être compris de tous les citoyens. Vallaud-Belkacem a déjà exigé que les programmes scolaires soient compréhensibles : on y vient… On ne peut pas savoir d’avance à quoi ressemblera la nouvelle langue écrite, tout ce qu’on peut dire, c’est qu’elle devra être alignée sur l’oral : le français SMS est un bon candidat. Mais il ne faut pas s’imaginer qu’elle sera fixée comme l’est l’orthographe actuelle : ça ne marche pas. Elle restera flexible, on écrira comme on veut du moment que les lecteurs comprennent. une bouffée d’air frais, merci le Berlinois L’écriture phonétique réhabilitée en quelques paragraphes. Connaître l’histoire de la langue et de son écriture n’empêche en rien cette même écriture d’avoir un sens autre que celui d’outil de sélection. La grammaire induit une compréhension logique et analytique du langage qu’il est un peu facile de balayer d’un revers de la main. l’orthographe en elle même contient l’étymologie des mots (l’accent circonflexe, par exemple rappelant la présence du « s »). Bref, apprendre l’orthographe, ne se résume pas à faire marcher sa mémoire visuelle sur quelque chose dont le sens importe peu, elle permet aussi, de donner des réflexes d’analyse et de compréhension sur le langage, sans qu’on en ait nécessairement conscience. C’est tout son intérêt. Ca rentre dans le développement de l’esprit au même titre que tout le reste de l’éducation. Mekfouldji dit : On en souffre plus en Algérie ! Tomasz dit : Si vous tenez tant à la langue française, pourquoi « Orthographe AID »? Faire réfléchir l’élève est la meilleur façon de le faire progresser. J'eu l'œuf et ri dit : Laids maux ont teint sens… tout deux m’aiment ! Mais c’est curry eux, la faune éthique à l’eau râle nœud noue trompe pas tank ça – à l’or, housse cash le « code » ? Laids maux ont teint sens, tout deux m’aiment ! mais c’est curry eux, allô râle, la faune éthique nœud noue trompe pas tank ça – à l’or, housse cash le « code » ? Serge Reynaud dit : Ah, les fautes ! Merci de te préoccuper de ce sujet horripilant. Mais détendons-nous, et pour cela, un petit jeu : Dans cette courte BD, l’auteur a réussi à placer trois fautes d’orthographe. Sauras-tu les retrouver ? http://zepworld.blog.lemonde.fr/2015/04/27/mon-adolescence-punk-avec-francis-cabrel/ Lilifee dit : Depuis que je lis beaucoup les auteurs du XVIIe dans le texte, j’ai compris que l’orthographe n’est pas vraiment important. On comprend parfaitement bien, même avec un orthographe fantaisiste (en l’occurrence pas encore figé). Il y a des combats plus importants à mener, me semble-t-il. TZ dit : Qui définit l’importance des combats ? Sinon, écrire correctement, c’est respecter celles et ceux qui lisent. Au XVIIe siècle, on n’écrivait pas le français de la même manière, mais il y avait tout de même des règles, et certainement moins de fautes qu’aujourd’hui. C’est sûrement pour ça que tout le monde lit Montaigne en orthographe modernisée. D_en_bulle dit : Et bien on pourra dire que cette histoire aura fait beaucoup couler d’ancre 😉 AUTO LOL Krakoucass dit : Tro faure Zep. ar seine dit : Mangez-moi (avec un trait d’union svp). Dans tous ces cas de figure : n’oubliez pas le tiret 😉 Achille dit : Moi, ce que je ne supporte pas, c’est cette mode de couper les mots ! Je hurle quand j’entends ou lis le mot « actu » ! Le pire, c’est quand j’ai entendu » voiture de loc » ! et broc pour brocante ! quelle horreur ! …et donc, vous prenez le métro ou le métropolitain? vous roulez à vélo ou en vélocipède? Tout est une question de génération(s)… Singwhileyoumay dit : C’est d’un simplisme aberrant de dire que l’orthographe, n’aurait plus/ pas d’importance sous prétexte que les langues sont vivantes… D’une: à ce moment là, abandonnons les règles de tous bords, d’une manière générale au nom de la vie et de l’immédiateté, au nom de la liberté etc De deux : l’orthographe certes peut évoluer, mais pas sans règles, ou non sans une certaine logique d’usage. Respecter l’orthographe, c’est aussi respecter une grammaire, donc une syntaxe, donc un sens, des significations, un lexique et par là-même un patrimoine, une histoire, une culture, des auteurs. Mais aujourd’hui, il est vrai que notre niveau a tant régressé…certains sont en deçà de ce genre de préoccupations, cela va sans dire, ou en dehors de ce qu’on appelle la civilisation. Chacun son truc, mais une chose est sûre, le refus de s’aligner sur un certain nombre de conventions va créer des discriminations patentes, il y aura une élite d’un côté et de l’autre, les fameux lemmings et autres partisans du moindre effort, dont la pensée atrophiée sera la proie de toutes les manipulations. Mais on y est déjà… Envol 13 dit : Le fléau du 21eme siècle. Le problème c’est pas tant les fautes en elle-même c’est surtout que les gens ne font pas attention et surtout s’en moquent royalement…. Cagouillardement Vôtre dit : Oh, le nul… Depuis Gotlib, tout le monde sait que râââââa, prend un h et qu’il faut 7 a quand le sujet (Zep) est placé après le cod (le conjoint) dans le lit et dans le sens de la lecture. C’était bien la peine que les grands anciens se décarcassent. Zadig dit : Homard m’a tuer de rire! Toc dit : Franchement, toutes ces questions sur la grammaire et l’orthographe c’est un peu « chercher carapate su la peau bèf » comme on le dit si bien dans certaines régions de France. Frelon dit : Génial ! Je suis carrément d’accord Répondre à Gil Annuler la réponse Article précédentPrécédent Dieu en interview Article suivantSuivant B.B. King & moi Rejoignez-moi sur Twitter Tweets by @Zeptheworld Les nouveaux Chat-Garou Gotlib in the sky with diamonds L’automne est une salope Corpus Bonhommus bactrim and alcohol dans Visite médicale prednisoneforgout dans Visite médicale provigilprescription dans Visite médicale renaud muselier dans Mi petit, mi grand… Muriel dans Gotlib in the sky with diamonds Dernier album paru
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1.0], [7669, 7699, 1.0], [7699, 7801, 1.0], [7801, 7813, 1.0], [7813, 7925, 0.0], [7925, 7976, 1.0], [7976, 8005, 1.0], [8005, 8024, 1.0], [8024, 8048, 0.0], [8048, 8066, 0.0], [8066, 8094, 1.0], [8094, 8104, 1.0], [8104, 8126, 0.0], [8126, 8316, 1.0], [8316, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 8552, 1.0], [8552, 8946, 1.0], [8946, 8959, 0.0], [8959, 9398, 1.0], [9398, 9659, 1.0], [9659, 9873, 1.0], [9873, 9884, 0.0], [9884, 10610, 1.0], [10610, 11048, 1.0], [11048, 11276, 1.0], [11276, 11579, 1.0], [11579, 11790, 1.0], [11790, 11805, 0.0], [11805, 11819, 1.0], [11819, 11990, 1.0], [11990, 12277, 0.0], [12277, 12585, 1.0], [12585, 12596, 0.0], [12596, 12609, 1.0], [12609, 12628, 0.0], [12628, 12684, 1.0], [12684, 12705, 0.0], [12705, 12756, 1.0], [12756, 12832, 0.0], [12832, 12845, 0.0], [12845, 12939, 0.0], [12939, 13075, 0.0], [13075, 13236, 0.0], [13236, 13280, 1.0], [13280, 13293, 0.0], [13293, 13409, 0.0], [13409, 13458, 0.0], [13458, 13537, 1.0], [13537, 13552, 0.0], [13552, 13758, 1.0], [13758, 13773, 0.0], [13773, 13888, 1.0], [13888, 13959, 1.0], [13959, 13992, 1.0], [13992, 14102, 1.0], [14102, 14118, 0.0], [14118, 14135, 1.0], [14135, 14180, 0.0], [14180, 14193, 0.0], [14193, 14200, 1.0], [14200, 14402, 1.0], [14402, 14523, 1.0], [14523, 14574, 1.0], [14574, 14589, 0.0], [14589, 14686, 1.0], [14686, 14703, 0.0], [14703, 14793, 0.0], [14793, 14807, 0.0], [14807, 14841, 0.0], [14841, 14856, 0.0], [14856, 15025, 0.0], [15025, 15041, 0.0], [15041, 15154, 0.0], [15154, 15164, 0.0], [15164, 15314, 1.0], [15314, 15446, 1.0], [15446, 15616, 1.0], [15616, 15629, 0.0], [15629, 15653, 0.0], [15653, 15669, 0.0], [15669, 15680, 0.0], [15680, 15695, 0.0], [15695, 15710, 0.0], [15710, 16803, 1.0], [16803, 16812, 0.0], [16812, 17008, 1.0], [17008, 17278, 1.0], [17278, 17321, 0.0], [17321, 17341, 0.0], [17341, 17358, 0.0], [17358, 17372, 0.0], [17372, 17436, 1.0], [17436, 17693, 1.0], [17693, 17714, 0.0], [17714, 18239, 1.0], [18239, 18377, 1.0], [18377, 18457, 1.0], [18457, 18470, 0.0], [18470, 18505, 1.0], [18505, 18908, 0.0], [18908, 18962, 1.0], [18962, 19271, 0.0], [19271, 19585, 0.0], [19585, 19597, 0.0], [19597, 19777, 1.0], [19777, 19993, 1.0], [19993, 20128, 1.0], [20128, 20283, 1.0], [20283, 20327, 1.0], [20327, 20380, 1.0], [20380, 20400, 0.0], [20400, 20667, 1.0], [20667, 20730, 0.0], [20730, 22061, 1.0], [22061, 22726, 0.0], [22726, 23682, 1.0], [23682, 23726, 0.0], [23726, 23785, 1.0], [23785, 23930, 1.0], [23930, 24060, 1.0], [24060, 24186, 1.0], [24186, 24447, 1.0], [24447, 24471, 1.0], [24471, 24563, 1.0], [24563, 24580, 0.0], [24580, 24612, 1.0], [24612, 24625, 0.0], [24625, 24697, 1.0], [24697, 24767, 1.0], [24767, 24790, 0.0], [24790, 24838, 1.0], [24838, 24955, 1.0], [24955, 25003, 1.0], [25003, 25118, 1.0], [25118, 25138, 0.0], [25138, 25253, 0.0], [25253, 25356, 1.0], [25356, 25441, 0.0], [25441, 25455, 0.0], [25455, 25742, 1.0], [25742, 25751, 0.0], [25751, 25790, 1.0], [25790, 26017, 1.0], [26017, 26099, 1.0], [26099, 26116, 0.0], [26116, 26203, 0.0], [26203, 26220, 0.0], [26220, 26235, 1.0], [26235, 26250, 0.0], [26250, 26345, 0.0], [26345, 26359, 0.0], [26359, 26575, 1.0], [26575, 26704, 0.0], [26704, 26726, 0.0], [26726, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 27007, 0.0], [27007, 27116, 1.0], [27116, 27828, 0.0], [27828, 27843, 0.0], [27843, 28006, 1.0], [28006, 28035, 0.0], [28035, 28286, 1.0], [28286, 28298, 0.0], [28298, 28323, 1.0], [28323, 28333, 0.0], [28333, 28509, 1.0], [28509, 28522, 0.0], [28522, 28558, 0.0], [28558, 28592, 0.0], [28592, 28637, 0.0], [28637, 28676, 0.0], [28676, 28702, 0.0], [28702, 28725, 0.0], [28725, 28738, 0.0], [28738, 28749, 0.0], [28749, 28781, 0.0], [28781, 28806, 0.0], [28806, 28823, 0.0], [28823, 28864, 0.0], [28864, 28903, 0.0], [28903, 28945, 0.0], [28945, 28986, 0.0], [28986, 29030, 0.0], [29030, 29048, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 43, 0.0], [43, 78, 0.0], [78, 94, 0.0], [94, 119, 0.0], [119, 154, 0.0], [154, 166, 0.0], [166, 178, 0.0], [178, 184, 0.0], [184, 336, 0.0], [336, 349, 0.0], [349, 384, 0.0], [384, 398, 0.0], [398, 416, 0.0], [416, 433, 0.0], [433, 451, 0.0], [451, 460, 0.0], [460, 538, 0.0], [538, 555, 0.0], [555, 589, 0.0], [589, 611, 0.0], [611, 641, 0.0], [641, 776, 0.0], [776, 858, 0.0], [858, 1334, 0.0], [1334, 1347, 0.0], [1347, 1418, 0.0], [1418, 1480, 0.0], [1480, 1569, 0.0], [1569, 1586, 0.0], [1586, 1610, 0.0], [1610, 1645, 0.0], [1645, 1837, 0.0], [1837, 1916, 0.0], [1916, 1968, 0.0], [1968, 1984, 0.0], [1984, 1993, 0.0], [1993, 2020, 0.0], [2020, 2040, 0.0], [2040, 2133, 0.0], [2133, 2144, 0.0], [2144, 2157, 0.0], [2157, 2163, 0.0], [2163, 2169, 0.0], [2169, 2241, 0.0], [2241, 2253, 0.0], [2253, 2313, 0.0], [2313, 2333, 0.0], [2333, 2343, 0.0], [2343, 2420, 0.0], [2420, 2476, 0.0], [2476, 2495, 0.0], [2495, 2586, 0.0], [2586, 2596, 0.0], [2596, 2644, 0.0], [2644, 2656, 0.0], [2656, 2734, 0.0], [2734, 2774, 0.0], [2774, 2787, 0.0], [2787, 2812, 0.0], [2812, 2825, 0.0], [2825, 2948, 0.0], [2948, 2962, 0.0], [2962, 3221, 0.0], [3221, 3233, 0.0], [3233, 3350, 0.0], [3350, 3361, 0.0], [3361, 3483, 0.0], [3483, 3495, 0.0], [3495, 3560, 0.0], [3560, 3652, 0.0], [3652, 3687, 0.0], [3687, 3698, 0.0], [3698, 3772, 0.0], [3772, 3784, 0.0], [3784, 3827, 0.0], [3827, 3863, 0.0], [3863, 3929, 0.0], [3929, 3943, 0.0], [3943, 3963, 0.0], [3963, 3984, 0.0], [3984, 3993, 0.0], [3993, 4046, 0.0], [4046, 4057, 0.0], [4057, 4069, 0.0], [4069, 4147, 0.0], [4147, 4160, 0.0], [4160, 4213, 0.0], [4213, 4228, 0.0], [4228, 4350, 0.0], [4350, 4362, 0.0], [4362, 4388, 0.0], [4388, 4400, 0.0], [4400, 4460, 0.0], [4460, 4574, 0.0], [4574, 4585, 0.0], [4585, 4604, 0.0], [4604, 4613, 0.0], [4613, 4775, 0.0], [4775, 4875, 0.0], [4875, 4886, 0.0], [4886, 5011, 0.0], [5011, 5024, 0.0], [5024, 5088, 0.0], [5088, 5108, 0.0], [5108, 5196, 0.0], [5196, 5233, 0.0], [5233, 5250, 0.0], [5250, 5291, 0.0], [5291, 5303, 0.0], [5303, 5374, 0.0], [5374, 5386, 0.0], [5386, 5417, 0.0], [5417, 5426, 0.0], [5426, 5497, 0.0], [5497, 5625, 0.0], [5625, 5635, 0.0], [5635, 5654, 0.0], [5654, 5668, 0.0], [5668, 5711, 0.0], [5711, 5727, 0.0], [5727, 5742, 0.0], [5742, 5753, 0.0], [5753, 6486, 0.0], [6486, 6498, 0.0], [6498, 6950, 0.0], [6950, 7021, 0.0], [7021, 7279, 0.0], [7279, 7295, 0.0], [7295, 7405, 0.0], [7405, 7421, 0.0], [7421, 7434, 0.0], [7434, 7669, 0.0], [7669, 7699, 0.0], [7699, 7801, 0.0], [7801, 7813, 0.0], [7813, 7925, 0.0], [7925, 7976, 0.0], [7976, 8005, 0.0], [8005, 8024, 0.0], [8024, 8048, 0.0], [8048, 8066, 0.0], [8066, 8094, 0.0], [8094, 8104, 0.0], [8104, 8126, 0.0], [8126, 8316, 0.0], [8316, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 8552, 0.0], [8552, 8946, 0.0], [8946, 8959, 0.0], [8959, 9398, 0.0], [9398, 9659, 0.0], [9659, 9873, 0.0], [9873, 9884, 0.0], [9884, 10610, 0.0], [10610, 11048, 0.0], [11048, 11276, 0.0], [11276, 11579, 0.0], [11579, 11790, 0.0], [11790, 11805, 0.0], [11805, 11819, 0.0], [11819, 11990, 0.0], [11990, 12277, 0.0], [12277, 12585, 0.0], [12585, 12596, 0.0], [12596, 12609, 0.0], [12609, 12628, 0.0], [12628, 12684, 0.0], [12684, 12705, 0.0], [12705, 12756, 0.0], [12756, 12832, 0.0], [12832, 12845, 0.0], [12845, 12939, 0.0], [12939, 13075, 0.0], [13075, 13236, 0.0], [13236, 13280, 0.0], [13280, 13293, 0.0], [13293, 13409, 0.0], [13409, 13458, 0.0], [13458, 13537, 0.0], [13537, 13552, 0.0], [13552, 13758, 0.0], [13758, 13773, 0.0], [13773, 13888, 0.0], [13888, 13959, 0.0], [13959, 13992, 0.0], [13992, 14102, 0.0], [14102, 14118, 0.0], [14118, 14135, 0.0], [14135, 14180, 0.0], [14180, 14193, 0.0], [14193, 14200, 0.0], [14200, 14402, 0.0], [14402, 14523, 0.0], [14523, 14574, 0.0], [14574, 14589, 0.0], [14589, 14686, 0.0], [14686, 14703, 0.0], [14703, 14793, 0.0], [14793, 14807, 0.0], [14807, 14841, 0.0], [14841, 14856, 0.0], [14856, 15025, 0.0], [15025, 15041, 0.0], [15041, 15154, 0.0], [15154, 15164, 0.0], [15164, 15314, 0.0], [15314, 15446, 0.0], [15446, 15616, 0.0], [15616, 15629, 0.0], [15629, 15653, 0.0], [15653, 15669, 0.0], [15669, 15680, 0.0], [15680, 15695, 0.0], [15695, 15710, 0.0], [15710, 16803, 0.0], [16803, 16812, 0.0], [16812, 17008, 0.0], [17008, 17278, 0.0], [17278, 17321, 0.0], [17321, 17341, 0.0], [17341, 17358, 0.0], [17358, 17372, 0.0], [17372, 17436, 0.0], [17436, 17693, 0.0], [17693, 17714, 0.0], [17714, 18239, 0.0], [18239, 18377, 0.0], [18377, 18457, 0.0], [18457, 18470, 0.0], [18470, 18505, 0.0], [18505, 18908, 0.0], [18908, 18962, 0.0], [18962, 19271, 0.0], [19271, 19585, 0.0], [19585, 19597, 0.0], [19597, 19777, 0.0], [19777, 19993, 0.0], [19993, 20128, 0.0], [20128, 20283, 0.0], [20283, 20327, 0.0], [20327, 20380, 0.0], [20380, 20400, 0.0], [20400, 20667, 0.0], [20667, 20730, 0.0], [20730, 22061, 0.0], [22061, 22726, 0.0], [22726, 23682, 0.0], [23682, 23726, 0.0], [23726, 23785, 0.0], [23785, 23930, 0.0], [23930, 24060, 0.0], [24060, 24186, 0.0], [24186, 24447, 0.0], [24447, 24471, 0.0], [24471, 24563, 0.0], [24563, 24580, 0.0], [24580, 24612, 0.0], [24612, 24625, 0.0], [24625, 24697, 0.0], [24697, 24767, 0.0], [24767, 24790, 0.0], [24790, 24838, 0.0], [24838, 24955, 0.0], [24955, 25003, 0.0], [25003, 25118, 0.0], [25118, 25138, 0.0], [25138, 25253, 0.0], [25253, 25356, 0.0], [25356, 25441, 0.0], [25441, 25455, 0.0], [25455, 25742, 0.0], [25742, 25751, 0.0], [25751, 25790, 0.0], [25790, 26017, 0.0], [26017, 26099, 0.0], [26099, 26116, 0.0], [26116, 26203, 0.0], [26203, 26220, 0.0], [26220, 26235, 0.0], [26235, 26250, 0.0], [26250, 26345, 0.0], [26345, 26359, 0.0], [26359, 26575, 0.0], [26575, 26704, 0.0], [26704, 26726, 0.0], [26726, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 27007, 0.0], [27007, 27116, 0.0], [27116, 27828, 0.0], [27828, 27843, 0.0], [27843, 28006, 0.0], [28006, 28035, 0.0], [28035, 28286, 0.0], [28286, 28298, 0.0], [28298, 28323, 0.0], [28323, 28333, 0.0], [28333, 28509, 0.0], [28509, 28522, 0.0], [28522, 28558, 0.0], [28558, 28592, 0.0], [28592, 28637, 0.0], [28637, 28676, 0.0], [28676, 28702, 0.0], [28702, 28725, 0.0], [28725, 28738, 0.0], [28738, 28749, 0.0], [28749, 28781, 0.0], [28781, 28806, 0.0], [28806, 28823, 0.0], [28823, 28864, 0.0], [28864, 28903, 0.0], [28903, 28945, 0.0], [28945, 28986, 0.0], [28986, 29030, 0.0], [29030, 29048, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 43, 8.0], [43, 78, 7.0], [78, 94, 2.0], [94, 119, 2.0], [119, 154, 5.0], [154, 166, 2.0], [166, 178, 2.0], [178, 184, 1.0], [184, 336, 31.0], [336, 349, 2.0], [349, 384, 6.0], [384, 398, 3.0], [398, 416, 1.0], [416, 433, 3.0], [433, 451, 2.0], [451, 460, 2.0], [460, 538, 13.0], [538, 555, 2.0], [555, 589, 5.0], [589, 611, 2.0], [611, 641, 5.0], [641, 776, 25.0], [776, 858, 14.0], [858, 1334, 79.0], [1334, 1347, 2.0], [1347, 1418, 1.0], [1418, 1480, 3.0], [1480, 1569, 1.0], [1569, 1586, 2.0], [1586, 1610, 4.0], [1610, 1645, 5.0], [1645, 1837, 33.0], [1837, 1916, 13.0], [1916, 1968, 9.0], [1968, 1984, 2.0], [1984, 1993, 2.0], [1993, 2020, 4.0], [2020, 2040, 3.0], [2040, 2133, 15.0], [2133, 2144, 2.0], [2144, 2157, 3.0], [2157, 2163, 1.0], [2163, 2169, 1.0], [2169, 2241, 9.0], [2241, 2253, 2.0], [2253, 2313, 12.0], [2313, 2333, 4.0], [2333, 2343, 2.0], [2343, 2420, 15.0], [2420, 2476, 11.0], [2476, 2495, 3.0], [2495, 2586, 17.0], [2586, 2596, 2.0], [2596, 2644, 8.0], [2644, 2656, 2.0], [2656, 2734, 13.0], [2734, 2774, 9.0], [2774, 2787, 2.0], [2787, 2812, 6.0], [2812, 2825, 2.0], [2825, 2948, 24.0], [2948, 2962, 2.0], [2962, 3221, 49.0], [3221, 3233, 2.0], [3233, 3350, 21.0], [3350, 3361, 2.0], [3361, 3483, 29.0], [3483, 3495, 2.0], [3495, 3560, 10.0], [3560, 3652, 17.0], [3652, 3687, 9.0], [3687, 3698, 2.0], [3698, 3772, 3.0], [3772, 3784, 2.0], [3784, 3827, 6.0], [3827, 3863, 4.0], [3863, 3929, 12.0], [3929, 3943, 2.0], [3943, 3963, 4.0], [3963, 3984, 4.0], [3984, 3993, 2.0], [3993, 4046, 8.0], [4046, 4057, 1.0], [4057, 4069, 2.0], [4069, 4147, 17.0], [4147, 4160, 2.0], [4160, 4213, 15.0], [4213, 4228, 2.0], [4228, 4350, 24.0], [4350, 4362, 2.0], [4362, 4388, 4.0], [4388, 4400, 2.0], [4400, 4460, 13.0], [4460, 4574, 19.0], [4574, 4585, 2.0], [4585, 4604, 4.0], [4604, 4613, 2.0], [4613, 4775, 32.0], [4775, 4875, 20.0], [4875, 4886, 2.0], [4886, 5011, 24.0], [5011, 5024, 2.0], [5024, 5088, 10.0], [5088, 5108, 3.0], [5108, 5196, 12.0], [5196, 5233, 6.0], [5233, 5250, 3.0], [5250, 5291, 8.0], [5291, 5303, 2.0], [5303, 5374, 14.0], [5374, 5386, 3.0], [5386, 5417, 7.0], [5417, 5426, 2.0], [5426, 5497, 12.0], [5497, 5625, 22.0], [5625, 5635, 2.0], [5635, 5654, 3.0], [5654, 5668, 2.0], [5668, 5711, 9.0], [5711, 5727, 2.0], [5727, 5742, 3.0], [5742, 5753, 2.0], [5753, 6486, 122.0], [6486, 6498, 2.0], [6498, 6950, 70.0], [6950, 7021, 12.0], [7021, 7279, 50.0], [7279, 7295, 3.0], [7295, 7405, 19.0], [7405, 7421, 3.0], [7421, 7434, 2.0], [7434, 7669, 45.0], [7669, 7699, 7.0], [7699, 7801, 19.0], [7801, 7813, 2.0], [7813, 7925, 19.0], [7925, 7976, 6.0], [7976, 8005, 6.0], [8005, 8024, 4.0], [8024, 8048, 6.0], [8048, 8066, 3.0], [8066, 8094, 5.0], [8094, 8104, 1.0], [8104, 8126, 3.0], [8126, 8316, 32.0], [8316, 8326, 2.0], [8326, 8552, 38.0], [8552, 8946, 68.0], [8946, 8959, 2.0], [8959, 9398, 71.0], [9398, 9659, 41.0], [9659, 9873, 33.0], [9873, 9884, 2.0], [9884, 10610, 105.0], [10610, 11048, 70.0], [11048, 11276, 33.0], [11276, 11579, 45.0], [11579, 11790, 36.0], [11790, 11805, 2.0], [11805, 11819, 3.0], [11819, 11990, 30.0], [11990, 12277, 41.0], [12277, 12585, 49.0], [12585, 12596, 2.0], [12596, 12609, 1.0], [12609, 12628, 3.0], [12628, 12684, 10.0], [12684, 12705, 3.0], [12705, 12756, 10.0], [12756, 12832, 16.0], [12832, 12845, 2.0], [12845, 12939, 19.0], [12939, 13075, 23.0], [13075, 13236, 1.0], [13236, 13280, 8.0], [13280, 13293, 2.0], [13293, 13409, 22.0], [13409, 13458, 10.0], [13458, 13537, 16.0], [13537, 13552, 3.0], [13552, 13758, 37.0], [13758, 13773, 2.0], [13773, 13888, 22.0], [13888, 13959, 10.0], [13959, 13992, 4.0], [13992, 14102, 17.0], [14102, 14118, 2.0], [14118, 14135, 2.0], [14135, 14180, 10.0], [14180, 14193, 2.0], [14193, 14200, 1.0], [14200, 14402, 36.0], [14402, 14523, 23.0], [14523, 14574, 9.0], [14574, 14589, 2.0], [14589, 14686, 17.0], [14686, 14703, 2.0], [14703, 14793, 15.0], [14793, 14807, 2.0], [14807, 14841, 5.0], [14841, 14856, 2.0], [14856, 15025, 30.0], [15025, 15041, 2.0], [15041, 15154, 18.0], [15154, 15164, 2.0], [15164, 15314, 25.0], [15314, 15446, 27.0], [15446, 15616, 33.0], [15616, 15629, 2.0], [15629, 15653, 5.0], [15653, 15669, 3.0], [15669, 15680, 2.0], [15680, 15695, 3.0], [15695, 15710, 2.0], [15710, 16803, 180.0], [16803, 16812, 2.0], [16812, 17008, 35.0], [17008, 17278, 46.0], [17278, 17321, 11.0], [17321, 17341, 3.0], [17341, 17358, 4.0], [17358, 17372, 2.0], [17372, 17436, 12.0], [17436, 17693, 49.0], [17693, 17714, 3.0], [17714, 18239, 83.0], [18239, 18377, 30.0], [18377, 18457, 14.0], [18457, 18470, 1.0], [18470, 18505, 6.0], [18505, 18908, 66.0], [18908, 18962, 8.0], [18962, 19271, 51.0], [19271, 19585, 47.0], [19585, 19597, 2.0], [19597, 19777, 33.0], [19777, 19993, 36.0], [19993, 20128, 22.0], [20128, 20283, 29.0], [20283, 20327, 10.0], [20327, 20380, 9.0], [20380, 20400, 2.0], [20400, 20667, 50.0], [20667, 20730, 11.0], [20730, 22061, 217.0], [22061, 22726, 113.0], [22726, 23682, 154.0], [23682, 23726, 7.0], [23726, 23785, 6.0], [23785, 23930, 24.0], [23930, 24060, 22.0], [24060, 24186, 19.0], [24186, 24447, 41.0], [24447, 24471, 4.0], [24471, 24563, 16.0], [24563, 24580, 2.0], [24580, 24612, 6.0], [24612, 24625, 2.0], [24625, 24697, 13.0], [24697, 24767, 11.0], [24767, 24790, 5.0], [24790, 24838, 8.0], [24838, 24955, 25.0], [24955, 25003, 8.0], [25003, 25118, 24.0], [25118, 25138, 3.0], [25138, 25253, 19.0], [25253, 25356, 15.0], [25356, 25441, 1.0], [25441, 25455, 2.0], [25455, 25742, 45.0], [25742, 25751, 2.0], [25751, 25790, 5.0], [25790, 26017, 37.0], [26017, 26099, 13.0], [26099, 26116, 2.0], [26116, 26203, 16.0], [26203, 26220, 2.0], [26220, 26235, 3.0], [26235, 26250, 3.0], [26250, 26345, 17.0], [26345, 26359, 2.0], [26359, 26575, 42.0], [26575, 26704, 22.0], [26704, 26726, 2.0], [26726, 26860, 19.0], [26860, 27007, 28.0], [27007, 27116, 17.0], [27116, 27828, 118.0], [27828, 27843, 3.0], [27843, 28006, 28.0], [28006, 28035, 3.0], [28035, 28286, 50.0], [28286, 28298, 2.0], [28298, 28323, 5.0], [28323, 28333, 2.0], [28333, 28509, 31.0], [28509, 28522, 2.0], [28522, 28558, 5.0], [28558, 28592, 6.0], [28592, 28637, 5.0], [28637, 28676, 5.0], [28676, 28702, 3.0], [28702, 28725, 3.0], [28725, 28738, 2.0], [28738, 28749, 1.0], [28749, 28781, 6.0], [28781, 28806, 4.0], [28806, 28823, 2.0], [28823, 28864, 6.0], [28864, 28903, 4.0], [28903, 28945, 4.0], [28945, 28986, 7.0], [28986, 29030, 8.0], [29030, 29048, 3.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 43, 0.0], [43, 78, 0.17142857], [78, 94, 0.0], [94, 119, 0.0], [119, 154, 0.08571429], [154, 166, 0.0], [166, 178, 0.0], [178, 184, 0.0], [184, 336, 0.0], [336, 349, 0.0], [349, 384, 0.0], [384, 398, 0.0], [398, 416, 0.0], [416, 433, 0.0], [433, 451, 0.0], [451, 460, 0.0], [460, 538, 0.0], [538, 555, 0.0], [555, 589, 0.0], [589, 611, 0.0], [611, 641, 0.0], [641, 776, 0.00769231], [776, 858, 0.0], [858, 1334, 0.0], [1334, 1347, 0.0], [1347, 1418, 0.01666667], [1418, 1480, 0.0], [1480, 1569, 0.0], [1569, 1586, 0.0], [1586, 1610, 0.0], [1610, 1645, 0.0], [1645, 1837, 0.0106383], [1837, 1916, 0.0], [1916, 1968, 0.0], [1968, 1984, 0.0], [1984, 1993, 0.0], [1993, 2020, 0.0], [2020, 2040, 0.0], [2040, 2133, 0.0], [2133, 2144, 0.25], [2144, 2157, 0.0], [2157, 2163, 0.5], [2163, 2169, 0.0], [2169, 2241, 0.0], [2241, 2253, 0.0], [2253, 2313, 0.0], [2313, 2333, 0.0], [2333, 2343, 0.0], [2343, 2420, 0.0], [2420, 2476, 0.0], [2476, 2495, 0.0], [2495, 2586, 0.0], [2586, 2596, 0.0], [2596, 2644, 0.0], [2644, 2656, 0.0], [2656, 2734, 0.0], [2734, 2774, 0.0], [2774, 2787, 0.0], [2787, 2812, 0.0], [2812, 2825, 0.0], [2825, 2948, 0.0], [2948, 2962, 0.0], [2962, 3221, 0.0], [3221, 3233, 0.0], [3233, 3350, 0.0], [3350, 3361, 0.0], [3361, 3483, 0.00840336], [3483, 3495, 0.0], [3495, 3560, 0.0], [3560, 3652, 0.0], [3652, 3687, 0.0], [3687, 3698, 0.0], [3698, 3772, 0.0], [3772, 3784, 0.0], [3784, 3827, 0.0], [3827, 3863, 0.0], [3863, 3929, 0.0], [3929, 3943, 0.0], [3943, 3963, 0.0], [3963, 3984, 0.0], [3984, 3993, 0.0], [3993, 4046, 0.0], [4046, 4057, 0.0], [4057, 4069, 0.0], [4069, 4147, 0.0], [4147, 4160, 0.0], [4160, 4213, 0.0], [4213, 4228, 0.16666667], [4228, 4350, 0.0], [4350, 4362, 0.0], [4362, 4388, 0.0], [4388, 4400, 0.0], [4400, 4460, 0.0], [4460, 4574, 0.0], [4574, 4585, 0.0], [4585, 4604, 0.0], [4604, 4613, 0.0], [4613, 4775, 0.0], [4775, 4875, 0.0], [4875, 4886, 0.0], [4886, 5011, 0.0], [5011, 5024, 0.1], [5024, 5088, 0.0], [5088, 5108, 0.0], [5108, 5196, 0.03703704], [5196, 5233, 0.0], [5233, 5250, 0.0], [5250, 5291, 0.02777778], [5291, 5303, 0.0], [5303, 5374, 0.0], [5374, 5386, 0.0], [5386, 5417, 0.0], [5417, 5426, 0.0], [5426, 5497, 0.0], [5497, 5625, 0.0], [5625, 5635, 0.0], [5635, 5654, 0.0], [5654, 5668, 0.0], [5668, 5711, 0.0], [5711, 5727, 0.0], [5727, 5742, 0.0], [5742, 5753, 0.0], [5753, 6486, 0.00823045], [6486, 6498, 0.0], [6498, 6950, 0.0], [6950, 7021, 0.0], [7021, 7279, 0.01568627], [7279, 7295, 0.0], [7295, 7405, 0.03703704], [7405, 7421, 0.0], [7421, 7434, 0.0], [7434, 7669, 0.01702128], [7669, 7699, 0.10344828], [7699, 7801, 0.0], [7801, 7813, 0.0], [7813, 7925, 0.0], [7925, 7976, 0.0], [7976, 8005, 0.0], [8005, 8024, 0.125], [8024, 8048, 0.0], [8048, 8066, 0.0], [8066, 8094, 0.0], [8094, 8104, 0.0], [8104, 8126, 0.0], [8126, 8316, 0.01578947], [8316, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 8552, 0.0], [8552, 8946, 0.0], [8946, 8959, 0.0], [8959, 9398, 0.0], [9398, 9659, 0.0], [9659, 9873, 0.0], [9873, 9884, 0.0], [9884, 10610, 0.02074689], [10610, 11048, 0.0], [11048, 11276, 0.0], [11276, 11579, 0.0], [11579, 11790, 0.0], [11790, 11805, 0.0], [11805, 11819, 0.0], [11819, 11990, 0.0], [11990, 12277, 0.0], [12277, 12585, 0.0], [12585, 12596, 0.0], [12596, 12609, 0.0], [12609, 12628, 0.0], [12628, 12684, 0.0], [12684, 12705, 0.0], [12705, 12756, 0.0], [12756, 12832, 0.0], [12832, 12845, 0.0], [12845, 12939, 0.0], [12939, 13075, 0.0], [13075, 13236, 0.17910448], [13236, 13280, 0.0], [13280, 13293, 0.0], [13293, 13409, 0.0], [13409, 13458, 0.0], [13458, 13537, 0.0], [13537, 13552, 0.0], [13552, 13758, 0.0], [13758, 13773, 0.0], [13773, 13888, 0.01818182], [13888, 13959, 0.0], [13959, 13992, 0.0], [13992, 14102, 0.0], [14102, 14118, 0.0], [14118, 14135, 0.0], [14135, 14180, 0.0], [14180, 14193, 0.0], [14193, 14200, 0.0], [14200, 14402, 0.01010101], [14402, 14523, 0.0], [14523, 14574, 0.0], [14574, 14589, 0.0], [14589, 14686, 0.0], [14686, 14703, 0.0], [14703, 14793, 0.0], [14793, 14807, 0.0], [14807, 14841, 0.0], [14841, 14856, 0.0], [14856, 15025, 0.0], [15025, 15041, 0.0], [15041, 15154, 0.0], [15154, 15164, 0.0], [15164, 15314, 0.0], [15314, 15446, 0.0], [15446, 15616, 0.0], [15616, 15629, 0.0], [15629, 15653, 0.0], [15653, 15669, 0.0], [15669, 15680, 0.0], [15680, 15695, 0.0], [15695, 15710, 0.0], [15710, 16803, 0.00182482], [16803, 16812, 0.0], [16812, 17008, 0.0], [17008, 17278, 0.0], [17278, 17321, 0.0], [17321, 17341, 0.0], [17341, 17358, 0.0], [17358, 17372, 0.18181818], [17372, 17436, 0.0], [17436, 17693, 0.0], [17693, 17714, 0.0], [17714, 18239, 0.00796813], [18239, 18377, 0.0], [18377, 18457, 0.0], [18457, 18470, 0.0], [18470, 18505, 0.0], [18505, 18908, 0.0], [18908, 18962, 0.0], [18962, 19271, 0.00334448], [19271, 19585, 0.00327869], [19585, 19597, 0.0], [19597, 19777, 0.0], [19777, 19993, 0.0], [19993, 20128, 0.0], [20128, 20283, 0.0], [20283, 20327, 0.0], [20327, 20380, 0.0], [20380, 20400, 0.0], [20400, 20667, 0.0], [20667, 20730, 0.0], [20730, 22061, 0.0133829], [22061, 22726, 0.00585652], [22726, 23682, 0.0], [23682, 23726, 0.0], [23726, 23785, 0.0], [23785, 23930, 0.0], [23930, 24060, 0.0], [24060, 24186, 0.0], [24186, 24447, 0.0], [24447, 24471, 0.0], [24471, 24563, 0.0], [24563, 24580, 0.0], [24580, 24612, 0.0], [24612, 24625, 0.0], [24625, 24697, 0.0], [24697, 24767, 0.0], [24767, 24790, 0.0], [24790, 24838, 0.0], [24838, 24955, 0.0], [24955, 25003, 0.0], [25003, 25118, 0.0], [25118, 25138, 0.0], [25138, 25253, 0.0], [25253, 25356, 0.0], [25356, 25441, 0.11764706], [25441, 25455, 0.0], [25455, 25742, 0.0], [25742, 25751, 0.0], [25751, 25790, 0.0], [25790, 26017, 0.0], [26017, 26099, 0.0], [26099, 26116, 0.0], [26116, 26203, 0.0], [26203, 26220, 0.0], [26220, 26235, 0.0], [26235, 26250, 0.0], [26250, 26345, 0.0], [26345, 26359, 0.0], [26359, 26575, 0.0], [26575, 26704, 0.0], [26704, 26726, 0.0], [26726, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 27007, 0.0], [27007, 27116, 0.0], [27116, 27828, 0.0], [27828, 27843, 0.16666667], [27843, 28006, 0.01226994], [28006, 28035, 0.0], [28035, 28286, 0.004], [28286, 28298, 0.0], [28298, 28323, 0.0], [28323, 28333, 0.0], [28333, 28509, 0.0], [28509, 28522, 0.0], [28522, 28558, 0.0], [28558, 28592, 0.0], [28592, 28637, 0.0], [28637, 28676, 0.0], [28676, 28702, 0.0], [28702, 28725, 0.0], [28725, 28738, 0.0], [28738, 28749, 0.0], [28749, 28781, 0.0], [28781, 28806, 0.0], [28806, 28823, 0.0], [28823, 28864, 0.0], [28864, 28903, 0.0], [28903, 28945, 0.0], [28945, 28986, 0.0], [28986, 29030, 0.0], [29030, 29048, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 43, 0.0], [43, 78, 0.0], [78, 94, 0.0], [94, 119, 0.0], [119, 154, 0.0], [154, 166, 0.0], [166, 178, 0.0], [178, 184, 0.0], [184, 336, 0.0], [336, 349, 0.0], [349, 384, 0.0], [384, 398, 0.0], [398, 416, 0.0], [416, 433, 0.0], [433, 451, 0.0], [451, 460, 0.0], [460, 538, 0.0], [538, 555, 0.0], [555, 589, 0.0], [589, 611, 0.0], [611, 641, 0.0], [641, 776, 0.0], [776, 858, 0.0], [858, 1334, 0.0], [1334, 1347, 0.0], [1347, 1418, 0.0], [1418, 1480, 0.0], [1480, 1569, 0.0], [1569, 1586, 0.0], [1586, 1610, 0.0], [1610, 1645, 0.0], [1645, 1837, 0.0], [1837, 1916, 0.0], [1916, 1968, 0.0], [1968, 1984, 0.0], [1984, 1993, 0.0], [1993, 2020, 0.0], [2020, 2040, 0.0], [2040, 2133, 0.0], [2133, 2144, 0.0], [2144, 2157, 0.0], [2157, 2163, 0.0], [2163, 2169, 0.0], [2169, 2241, 0.0], [2241, 2253, 0.0], [2253, 2313, 0.0], [2313, 2333, 0.0], [2333, 2343, 0.0], [2343, 2420, 0.0], [2420, 2476, 0.0], [2476, 2495, 0.0], [2495, 2586, 0.0], [2586, 2596, 0.0], [2596, 2644, 0.0], [2644, 2656, 0.0], [2656, 2734, 0.0], [2734, 2774, 0.0], [2774, 2787, 0.0], [2787, 2812, 0.0], [2812, 2825, 0.0], [2825, 2948, 0.0], [2948, 2962, 0.0], [2962, 3221, 0.0], [3221, 3233, 0.0], [3233, 3350, 0.0], [3350, 3361, 0.0], [3361, 3483, 0.0], [3483, 3495, 0.0], [3495, 3560, 0.0], [3560, 3652, 0.0], [3652, 3687, 0.0], [3687, 3698, 0.0], [3698, 3772, 0.0], [3772, 3784, 0.0], [3784, 3827, 0.0], [3827, 3863, 0.0], [3863, 3929, 0.0], [3929, 3943, 0.0], [3943, 3963, 0.0], [3963, 3984, 0.0], [3984, 3993, 0.0], [3993, 4046, 0.0], [4046, 4057, 0.0], [4057, 4069, 0.0], [4069, 4147, 0.0], [4147, 4160, 0.0], [4160, 4213, 0.0], [4213, 4228, 0.0], [4228, 4350, 0.0], [4350, 4362, 0.0], [4362, 4388, 0.0], [4388, 4400, 0.0], [4400, 4460, 0.0], [4460, 4574, 0.0], [4574, 4585, 0.0], [4585, 4604, 0.0], [4604, 4613, 0.0], [4613, 4775, 0.0], [4775, 4875, 0.0], [4875, 4886, 0.0], [4886, 5011, 0.0], [5011, 5024, 0.0], [5024, 5088, 0.0], [5088, 5108, 0.0], [5108, 5196, 0.0], [5196, 5233, 0.0], [5233, 5250, 0.0], [5250, 5291, 0.0], [5291, 5303, 0.0], [5303, 5374, 0.0], [5374, 5386, 0.0], [5386, 5417, 0.0], [5417, 5426, 0.0], [5426, 5497, 0.0], [5497, 5625, 0.0], [5625, 5635, 0.0], [5635, 5654, 0.0], [5654, 5668, 0.0], [5668, 5711, 0.0], [5711, 5727, 0.0], [5727, 5742, 0.0], [5742, 5753, 0.0], [5753, 6486, 0.0], [6486, 6498, 0.0], [6498, 6950, 0.0], [6950, 7021, 0.0], [7021, 7279, 0.0], [7279, 7295, 0.0], [7295, 7405, 0.0], [7405, 7421, 0.0], [7421, 7434, 0.0], [7434, 7669, 0.0], [7669, 7699, 0.0], [7699, 7801, 0.0], [7801, 7813, 0.0], [7813, 7925, 0.0], [7925, 7976, 0.0], [7976, 8005, 0.0], [8005, 8024, 1.0], [8024, 8048, 0.0], [8048, 8066, 0.0], [8066, 8094, 0.0], [8094, 8104, 0.0], [8104, 8126, 0.0], [8126, 8316, 1.0], [8316, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 8552, 0.0], [8552, 8946, 0.0], [8946, 8959, 0.0], [8959, 9398, 0.0], [9398, 9659, 0.0], [9659, 9873, 0.0], [9873, 9884, 0.0], [9884, 10610, 0.0], [10610, 11048, 0.0], [11048, 11276, 0.0], [11276, 11579, 0.0], [11579, 11790, 0.0], [11790, 11805, 0.0], [11805, 11819, 0.0], [11819, 11990, 0.0], [11990, 12277, 0.0], [12277, 12585, 0.0], [12585, 12596, 0.0], [12596, 12609, 0.0], [12609, 12628, 0.0], [12628, 12684, 0.0], [12684, 12705, 0.0], [12705, 12756, 0.0], [12756, 12832, 0.0], [12832, 12845, 0.0], [12845, 12939, 0.0], [12939, 13075, 0.0], [13075, 13236, 0.0], [13236, 13280, 0.0], [13280, 13293, 0.0], [13293, 13409, 0.0], [13409, 13458, 0.0], [13458, 13537, 0.0], [13537, 13552, 0.0], [13552, 13758, 0.0], [13758, 13773, 0.0], [13773, 13888, 0.0], [13888, 13959, 0.0], [13959, 13992, 0.0], [13992, 14102, 0.0], [14102, 14118, 0.0], [14118, 14135, 0.0], [14135, 14180, 0.0], [14180, 14193, 0.0], [14193, 14200, 0.0], [14200, 14402, 0.0], [14402, 14523, 0.0], [14523, 14574, 0.0], [14574, 14589, 0.0], [14589, 14686, 0.0], [14686, 14703, 0.0], [14703, 14793, 0.0], [14793, 14807, 0.0], [14807, 14841, 0.0], [14841, 14856, 0.0], [14856, 15025, 0.0], [15025, 15041, 0.0], [15041, 15154, 0.0], [15154, 15164, 0.0], [15164, 15314, 0.0], [15314, 15446, 0.0], [15446, 15616, 0.0], [15616, 15629, 0.0], [15629, 15653, 0.0], [15653, 15669, 0.0], [15669, 15680, 0.0], [15680, 15695, 0.0], [15695, 15710, 0.0], [15710, 16803, 0.0], [16803, 16812, 0.0], [16812, 17008, 0.0], [17008, 17278, 0.0], [17278, 17321, 0.0], [17321, 17341, 0.0], [17341, 17358, 0.0], [17358, 17372, 0.0], [17372, 17436, 0.0], [17436, 17693, 0.0], [17693, 17714, 0.0], [17714, 18239, 0.0], [18239, 18377, 0.0], [18377, 18457, 0.0], [18457, 18470, 0.0], [18470, 18505, 0.0], [18505, 18908, 0.0], [18908, 18962, 0.0], [18962, 19271, 0.0], [19271, 19585, 0.0], [19585, 19597, 0.0], [19597, 19777, 0.0], [19777, 19993, 0.0], [19993, 20128, 0.0], [20128, 20283, 0.0], [20283, 20327, 0.0], [20327, 20380, 0.0], [20380, 20400, 0.0], [20400, 20667, 0.0], [20667, 20730, 0.0], [20730, 22061, 0.0], [22061, 22726, 0.0], [22726, 23682, 0.0], [23682, 23726, 0.0], [23726, 23785, 0.0], [23785, 23930, 0.0], [23930, 24060, 0.0], [24060, 24186, 0.0], [24186, 24447, 0.0], [24447, 24471, 0.0], [24471, 24563, 0.0], [24563, 24580, 0.0], [24580, 24612, 0.0], [24612, 24625, 0.0], [24625, 24697, 0.0], [24697, 24767, 0.0], [24767, 24790, 0.0], [24790, 24838, 0.0], [24838, 24955, 0.0], [24955, 25003, 0.0], [25003, 25118, 0.0], [25118, 25138, 0.0], [25138, 25253, 0.0], [25253, 25356, 0.0], [25356, 25441, 0.0], [25441, 25455, 0.0], [25455, 25742, 0.0], [25742, 25751, 0.0], [25751, 25790, 0.0], [25790, 26017, 0.0], [26017, 26099, 0.0], [26099, 26116, 0.0], [26116, 26203, 0.0], [26203, 26220, 0.0], [26220, 26235, 0.0], [26235, 26250, 0.0], [26250, 26345, 0.0], [26345, 26359, 0.0], [26359, 26575, 0.0], [26575, 26704, 0.0], [26704, 26726, 0.0], [26726, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 27007, 0.0], [27007, 27116, 0.0], [27116, 27828, 0.0], [27828, 27843, 0.0], [27843, 28006, 0.0], [28006, 28035, 0.0], [28035, 28286, 0.0], [28286, 28298, 0.0], [28298, 28323, 0.0], [28323, 28333, 0.0], [28333, 28509, 0.0], [28509, 28522, 0.0], [28522, 28558, 0.0], [28558, 28592, 0.0], [28592, 28637, 0.0], [28637, 28676, 0.0], [28676, 28702, 0.0], [28702, 28725, 0.0], [28725, 28738, 0.0], [28738, 28749, 0.0], [28749, 28781, 0.0], [28781, 28806, 0.0], [28806, 28823, 0.0], [28823, 28864, 0.0], [28864, 28903, 0.0], [28903, 28945, 0.0], [28945, 28986, 0.0], [28986, 29030, 0.0], [29030, 29048, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 43, 0.09302326], [43, 78, 0.02857143], [78, 94, 0.0625], [94, 119, 0.04], [119, 154, 0.02857143], [154, 166, 0.0], [166, 178, 0.0], [178, 184, 0.16666667], [184, 336, 0.01315789], [336, 349, 0.0], [349, 384, 0.17142857], [384, 398, 0.14285714], [398, 416, 0.44444444], [416, 433, 0.11764706], [433, 451, 0.0], [451, 460, 0.11111111], [460, 538, 0.02564103], [538, 555, 0.0], [555, 589, 0.05882353], [589, 611, 0.0], [611, 641, 0.03333333], [641, 776, 0.00740741], [776, 858, 0.01219512], [858, 1334, 0.00630252], [1334, 1347, 0.0], [1347, 1418, 0.01408451], [1418, 1480, 0.01612903], [1480, 1569, 0.02247191], [1569, 1586, 0.17647059], [1586, 1610, 0.04166667], [1610, 1645, 0.05714286], [1645, 1837, 0.0], [1837, 1916, 0.01265823], [1916, 1968, 0.0], [1968, 1984, 0.0625], [1984, 1993, 0.11111111], [1993, 2020, 0.03703704], [2020, 2040, 0.0], [2040, 2133, 0.01075269], [2133, 2144, 0.0], [2144, 2157, 0.0], [2157, 2163, 0.0], [2163, 2169, 0.16666667], [2169, 2241, 0.01388889], [2241, 2253, 0.08333333], [2253, 2313, 0.03333333], [2313, 2333, 0.05], [2333, 2343, 0.0], [2343, 2420, 0.01298701], [2420, 2476, 0.01785714], [2476, 2495, 0.10526316], [2495, 2586, 0.02197802], [2586, 2596, 0.1], [2596, 2644, 0.04166667], [2644, 2656, 0.0], [2656, 2734, 0.03846154], [2734, 2774, 0.025], [2774, 2787, 0.0], [2787, 2812, 0.04], [2812, 2825, 0.07692308], [2825, 2948, 0.00813008], [2948, 2962, 0.0], [2962, 3221, 0.01158301], [3221, 3233, 0.08333333], [3233, 3350, 0.02564103], [3350, 3361, 0.09090909], [3361, 3483, 0.02459016], [3483, 3495, 0.08333333], [3495, 3560, 0.03076923], [3560, 3652, 0.01086957], [3652, 3687, 0.0], [3687, 3698, 0.0], [3698, 3772, 0.01351351], [3772, 3784, 0.08333333], [3784, 3827, 0.02325581], [3827, 3863, 0.02777778], [3863, 3929, 0.01515152], [3929, 3943, 0.07142857], [3943, 3963, 0.05], [3963, 3984, 0.04761905], [3984, 3993, 0.0], [3993, 4046, 0.01886792], [4046, 4057, 0.09090909], [4057, 4069, 0.08333333], [4069, 4147, 0.0], [4147, 4160, 0.07692308], [4160, 4213, 0.05660377], [4213, 4228, 0.06666667], [4228, 4350, 0.00819672], [4350, 4362, 0.08333333], [4362, 4388, 0.03846154], [4388, 4400, 0.08333333], [4400, 4460, 0.01666667], [4460, 4574, 0.78070175], [4574, 4585, 0.0], [4585, 4604, 0.10526316], [4604, 4613, 0.11111111], [4613, 4775, 0.01234568], [4775, 4875, 0.01], [4875, 4886, 0.09090909], [4886, 5011, 0.008], [5011, 5024, 0.0], [5024, 5088, 0.015625], [5088, 5108, 0.35], [5108, 5196, 0.06818182], [5196, 5233, 0.0], [5233, 5250, 0.11764706], [5250, 5291, 0.07317073], [5291, 5303, 0.08333333], [5303, 5374, 0.02816901], [5374, 5386, 0.16666667], [5386, 5417, 0.06451613], [5417, 5426, 0.22222222], [5426, 5497, 0.01408451], [5497, 5625, 0.03125], [5625, 5635, 0.3], [5635, 5654, 0.05263158], [5654, 5668, 0.0], [5668, 5711, 0.02325581], [5711, 5727, 0.0], [5727, 5742, 0.0], [5742, 5753, 0.0], [5753, 6486, 0.00682128], [6486, 6498, 0.0], [6498, 6950, 0.0199115], [6950, 7021, 0.0], [7021, 7279, 0.01550388], [7279, 7295, 0.125], [7295, 7405, 0.0], [7405, 7421, 0.0625], [7421, 7434, 0.07692308], [7434, 7669, 0.00851064], [7669, 7699, 0.0], [7699, 7801, 0.00980392], [7801, 7813, 0.08333333], [7813, 7925, 0.0], [7925, 7976, 0.0], [7976, 8005, 0.03448276], [8005, 8024, 0.0], [8024, 8048, 0.0], [8048, 8066, 0.0], [8066, 8094, 0.03571429], [8094, 8104, 0.1], [8104, 8126, 0.04545455], [8126, 8316, 0.03684211], [8316, 8326, 0.1], [8326, 8552, 0.00884956], [8552, 8946, 0.00507614], [8946, 8959, 0.07692308], [8959, 9398, 0.02505695], [9398, 9659, 0.02298851], [9659, 9873, 0.0046729], [9873, 9884, 0.09090909], [9884, 10610, 0.0261708], [10610, 11048, 0.00913242], [11048, 11276, 0.00438596], [11276, 11579, 0.00660066], [11579, 11790, 0.00473934], [11790, 11805, 0.06666667], [11805, 11819, 0.07142857], [11819, 11990, 0.0], [11990, 12277, 0.0], [12277, 12585, 0.00649351], [12585, 12596, 0.0], [12596, 12609, 0.0], [12609, 12628, 0.10526316], [12628, 12684, 0.01785714], [12684, 12705, 0.0952381], [12705, 12756, 0.01960784], [12756, 12832, 0.02631579], [12832, 12845, 0.0], [12845, 12939, 0.0106383], [12939, 13075, 0.03676471], [13075, 13236, 0.03726708], [13236, 13280, 0.02272727], [13280, 13293, 0.07692308], [13293, 13409, 0.01724138], [13409, 13458, 0.02040816], [13458, 13537, 0.03797468], [13537, 13552, 0.06666667], [13552, 13758, 0.00485437], [13758, 13773, 0.06666667], [13773, 13888, 0.00869565], [13888, 13959, 0.01408451], [13959, 13992, 0.03030303], [13992, 14102, 0.00909091], [14102, 14118, 0.0], [14118, 14135, 0.17647059], [14135, 14180, 0.04444444], [14180, 14193, 0.07692308], [14193, 14200, 0.14285714], [14200, 14402, 0.00990099], [14402, 14523, 0.00826446], [14523, 14574, 0.07843137], [14574, 14589, 0.06666667], [14589, 14686, 0.01030928], [14686, 14703, 0.11764706], [14703, 14793, 0.04444444], [14793, 14807, 0.07142857], [14807, 14841, 0.05882353], [14841, 14856, 0.06666667], [14856, 15025, 0.00591716], [15025, 15041, 0.0], [15041, 15154, 0.00884956], [15154, 15164, 0.3], [15164, 15314, 0.02], [15314, 15446, 0.01515152], [15446, 15616, 0.01764706], [15616, 15629, 0.07692308], [15629, 15653, 0.08333333], [15653, 15669, 0.0], [15669, 15680, 0.0], [15680, 15695, 0.0], [15695, 15710, 0.0], [15710, 16803, 0.01555352], [16803, 16812, 0.22222222], [16812, 17008, 0.02040816], [17008, 17278, 0.02222222], [17278, 17321, 0.0], [17321, 17341, 0.1], [17341, 17358, 0.05882353], [17358, 17372, 0.07142857], [17372, 17436, 0.0625], [17436, 17693, 0.01945525], [17693, 17714, 0.0952381], [17714, 18239, 0.01142857], [18239, 18377, 0.02898551], [18377, 18457, 0.0125], [18457, 18470, 0.07692308], [18470, 18505, 0.02857143], [18505, 18908, 0.00248139], [18908, 18962, 0.01851852], [18962, 19271, 0.0], [19271, 19585, 0.01592357], [19585, 19597, 0.0], [19597, 19777, 0.00555556], [19777, 19993, 0.00462963], [19993, 20128, 0.00740741], [20128, 20283, 0.01290323], [20283, 20327, 0.02272727], [20327, 20380, 0.01886792], [20380, 20400, 0.05], [20400, 20667, 0.01498127], [20667, 20730, 0.01587302], [20730, 22061, 0.01652893], [22061, 22726, 0.00451128], [22726, 23682, 0.01987448], [23682, 23726, 0.02272727], [23726, 23785, 0.01694915], [23785, 23930, 0.00689655], [23930, 24060, 0.00769231], [24060, 24186, 0.0], [24186, 24447, 0.00383142], [24447, 24471, 0.04166667], [24471, 24563, 0.01086957], [24563, 24580, 0.05882353], [24580, 24612, 0.0625], [24612, 24625, 0.07692308], [24625, 24697, 0.06944444], [24697, 24767, 0.01428571], [24767, 24790, 0.04347826], [24790, 24838, 0.02083333], [24838, 24955, 0.00854701], [24955, 25003, 0.02083333], [25003, 25118, 0.0], [25118, 25138, 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March 18, 2017 by: Ann CipperlyRalph Draughon, Jr. When Ralph Draughon Jr. was in high school, he was living a spoiled life at the president’s home with his father as the president of Alabama Polytechnic Institute, API. Those days seemed like Camelot to Ralph, but not to his father. President Draughon led the college through a turbulent period of change and growth, as he butted heads with the governor over desegregation. Although Ralph and his father also butted heads, he developed a love of history like his father. After a sterling career at two museums, he returned to Auburn to find the “loveliest village” had changed, leading him to co-author “Lost Auburn.” Sitting in the house in Auburn that had been his parents after his father retired as president, Ralph vividly recalls those days that led him to love his hometown. His beloved mother lived to be 94. “She had always wanted me to have this house,” he says, pointing out that the well-decorated room was as she had left it, except for his stacks of books on the desk and a table. His father served as president from 1947 until 1965 at API, which became Auburn University under his leadership. Soon after Ralph Sr. landed in the president’s office, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation had to end. While his father was stuck between the law and Gov. George Wallace, Auburn did not have riots like some colleges in the South. Ralph’s parents entertained often at the president’s mansion. He remembers one time when Gov. “Big Jim” Folsom visited, he wanted to take a nap after lunch. He was put in a guest room upstairs. “Big Jim was lying in bed with his shoes off and summoned my teen-age sister,” says Ralph. “He really scared her, but he sent her off to run an errand.” Growing up, two of the most important people in his life were African American: Jim Smith, the college butler, who was a friend and guide to him, and Ruth Dallas, the cook. Smith kept tabs on everything going on in town, including where Ralph and his sister, Ann, had been hanging out, but never told on them. Ralph was a student at Auburn in 1957 when the football team won the national championship. He recalls there were parties and celebrations campus wide and around town. He graduated the following year and served in the Navy as a commissioned officer, stationed in Athens, Ga. and Philadelphia, Pa. While in Philadelphia, he took a course with Pulitzer Prize winner Roy Nichols at the University of Pennsylvania. Once his tour of duty ended, he attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he received a master’s and doctoral. While working on his PhD in American history, his father asked him to speak at an annual meeting of the Alabama Historical Association, an organization he founded. Ralph remembers that generally the speaker was established and well-known, not a graduate student. “Maybe it was a peace offering,” he says, “from the years of butting heads.” He spoke on the Alabama secessionist William Lowndes Yancey. While working on his doctoral dissertation, he discovered information on the conflict between Yancey and his step-father. His speech was a success and was published and later republished. His father had planned to have a part in his graduation ceremony at Chapel Hill, but died before he graduated. Draughon had enjoyed Athens so much when he was in the Navy that he accepted a teaching position in the history department at the University of Georgia. After being there for 11 years, he received an interesting job offer at Stratford Hall Plantation, an 18th century house to four generations of the Lees of Virginia. It was Robert E. Lee’s birthplace and also associated with two signers of the Declaration of Independence. The house museum was owned by a group of wealthy, socialite women, including Jackie Kennedy’s mother, Janet Bouvier Anchincloss, who had restored it as a historic site and memorial to Lee. Draughon and another historian established the Monticello-Stratford Hall Summer Seminar on Colonial Virginia for high school teachers. The seminars included tours around Virginia and Williamsburg. “It was a new idea at the time,” he says. “We won an award of merit from the American Association of State and Local History.” While there, he was asked to build a research library. When he told Mrs. Anchincloss that he was not trained as a librarian, she told him, “Just call the head of the Library of Congress, and he will give you advice.” Draughon didn’t make the call but did establish the library. He enjoyed the work, but Stratford was at an isolated location along the Potomac River. There was not a movie theater or television. After four years, he left the job in rural Virginia in 1980 to become curator of manuscripts at the Historic New Orleans Collection in the French quarter. “It was a lot of fun,” he says, “and there was always something going on in the French quarter.” He was also historian for the Christopher Goodwin Archeological Firm. Draughon lived uptown in the Garden District and was enjoying his work. “Then Hurricane Katrina came along,” he says. “It blew me back to Auburn.” Coming back home to Auburn was disappointing, as it seemed the historic character of the town had been altered. ”There is no sense of the past and no remembrance of the people who put the community together,” says Draughon. “If someone who had been away from Auburn for 50 years came back, they would not recognize the place. I think when you alter the buildings that somehow the lifestyle has been altered too. It is not the small town community that I grew up in and loved.” Draughon, DeLos Hughes and Ann Pearson assembled the book “Lost Auburn” that is a record of buildings that are no longer standing in Auburn. It has been a best seller and is currently in a second printing. It is available at Amazon. The authors are now working on a second book with pictures and information on historic houses that are still in Auburn. Draughon is a member of the Alabama Historical Commission, “I feel a lot of nostalgia for the place I grew up,” he says. “I have affection for black and white people who influenced me growing up. To me, my parents were so important. I feel my parents made worthwhile contributions to Auburn, and I like for them to be affectionately remembered.” The college library is named after his father, and Pebble Hill houses the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts and Humanities. During President Draughon’s tenure, the college became a contemporary university, as he oversaw and developed much growth. “I would like to make some small contribution,” Draughon says. “Maybe it is emphasizing the importance of preserving the history of Auburn and the structures that remind us of what Auburn used to be. “Natural and man-made disasters pale in comparison to what we ourselves have done to the loveliest village. Our bulldozers have done more damage to the town’s character than the combined effects of storms, tornadoes, fires, gas leaks, explosions and the depredations of Yankee soldiers. “We have met the enemy,” adds Draughon, “and it is us!” Ann Cipperly Contributing Writer | ann@cipperly.com An award winning journalist, Ann Cipperly has been writing features, as well as food, travel and restaurant articles for East Alabama Living since 2004. She is a former newspaper lifestyle and food editor and currently writes features and a food column for the Opelika Observer. Ann is a native Opelikan. This author does not have any more posts. Don’t Miss A Thing! getaways & day trips Interiorscapes recipes & tablescapes Pick up our latest issue at select locations or have it mailed directly to you and be the first to read it! Makes a great gift too! Home EAST ALABAMA LIVING MAGAZINE · LIVING AT ITS BEST · © 2017
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Daily Archives: 13 January 2014 The call to discipleship Preaching for 13 January 2014 by Joan Hardiman, O.P., from Aukland, New Zealand Monday of 1st week, based on Mark 1:14-20 Now after John was arrested, Jesus came to Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God has come near; repent, and believe in the good news.” As Jesus passed along the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the sea—for they were fishermen. And Jesus said to them, “Follow me and I will make you fish for people.” And immediately they left their nets and followed him. As he went a little farther, he saw James son of Zebedee and his brother John, who were in their boat mending the nets. Immediately he called them; and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men, and followed him. About Joan Hardiman, O.P. Joan is a member of the Aotearoa New Zealand Dominican Sisters. She has been a member of the Dominican Preaching Team with Peter Murnane, O.P. for the past five years, giving parish retreats throughout New Zealand and Australia. View all posts by Joan Hardiman, O.P. → Posted in Preaching
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Picture this: The world from a kid’s point of view By Kyra Gottesman | Correspondent PUBLISHED: October 2, 2011 at 12:00 am | UPDATED: April 21, 2018 at 11:44 am CHICO — Kids see the darndest things, especially through the lens of a camera. And what they see in their communities is the theme for the Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology Annual Photo Exhibit “Our Town: A Kid’s Eye View.” On display through Oct. 21, A Kid’s Eye View features 24 “museum quality” photographs by children ages 4 Ð 14 from Oroville to Redding, according to Adrienne Scott, museum curator. “Some of the images are iconic like Bidwell Mansion, the Willows Hardware Store and the Sun Dial Bridge. Others are very personal and just really neat photographs from a child’s perspective and vantage point of what feels like home,” said Scott. While this year marks the 27th annual photo exhibition, it also marks the first time children have been invited to participate. More than 200 images were submitted by budding North State photographers. According to Scott, exhibit curators Vivian Reck and Melissa Chacon, graduate students from Chico State’s Humanities and Fine Arts and Behavioral and Social Sciences colleges had a difficult time deciding which pictures would make the final cut. “We were just all blown away by the quality of the submission pool,” said Scott. While two dozen photographs are on display, all the photographs have been included in a video montage by North State area by filmmaker Roald Simonson. The film is playing at the exhibit and will also play as the North State Symphony performs Aaron Copland’s “Our Town” composition at its November youth and subscription concerts in Redding, Chico and Oroville. The project is a collaboration of the North State Symphony, Turtle Bay Exploration Park and the Valene L. Smith Museum of Anthropology, and was made possible through funding from the James Irvine Foundation. “This was a compelling opportunity to work across colleges and with the symphony to provide a multi-media event for families,” said Scott. “It’s a medium designed to inspire families and children to use public art and music programs as family entertainment and educational experiences. We hope it will inspire a new generation of museum and symphony goers.” This exhibit is free of charge and open for public viewing at the museum, located in the Meriam Library on the Chico State campus, during regular hours Tuesday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. After Oct. 21, “A Kid’s Eye View” will be moved to Turtle Bay Exploration Park in Redding where it will be displayed Nov. 2 Ð Dec. 4. Kyra Gottesman
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eso1617it-ch — Comunicato Stampa Organizzazione L'ESO firma il più grande contratto mai stipulato per l'astronomia da terra, che comprende la cupola e la struttura del telescopio dell'E-ELT Il 25 Maggio 2016, a Garching bei München, Germania, l'ESO ha firmato con una solenne cerimonia il contratto con il consorzio ACe, composto da Astaldi, da Cimolai e dal sub-contrattista incaricato EIE Group, per la costruzione della cupola e della struttura portante del telescopio dell'E-ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope). Questo è il più grande contratto mai conferito dall'ESO e anche il più grande mai stipulato per l'astronomia da terra. In questa occasione è stato anche presentato il progetto di costruzione dell'E-ELT. Ora potrà davvero iniziare la costruzione della cupola e della struttura principale del telescopio. L'E-ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope), con uno specchio primario di 39 metri di diametro, sarà il più grande telescopio nell'ottico/vicino infrarosso del mondo: realmente il più grande occhio del mondo rivolto al cielo. Verrà costruito nel nord del Cile, in un sito già attrezzato allo scopo. Il contratto per la costruzione della cupola e della struttura del telescopio è stato firmato dal Direttore Generale dell'ESO, Tim de Zeeuw, dal presidente della Astaldi, Paolo Astaldi, e dal presidente della Cimolai, Luigi Cimolai. L'ESO è stato lieto di accogliere la ministra italiana dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, l'onorevole Stefania Giannini, insieme con il Console Generale italiano a Monaco, Renato Cianfarani, il presidente del Consiglio dell'ESO, Patrick Roche, e il delegati italiani al Consiglio dell'ESO, Nicolò D’Amico (che è anche il Presidente dell'INAF) e Matteo Pardo, funzionario scientifico all'ambasciata italiana a Berlino. Erano inoltre presenti alla cerimonia il presidente dell'EIE, Gianpietro Marchiori, e altri ospiti e rappresentanti del consorzio. Il contratto prevede la progettazione, la produzione, il trasporto, la costruzione, l'assemblaggio in loco e la verifica della cupola e della struttura portante del telescopio. Con un valore approssimativo di 400 milioni di euro, questo è il più grande contratto mai conferito dall'ESO e anche il più grande mai stipulato per l'astronomia da terra. La cupola e la struttura del telescopio dell'E-ELT porteranno l'ingegneria dei telescopi in territori inesplorati. Il contratto include non solo l'enorme cupola rotante da 85 metri di diametro, con un peso totale di circa 5000 tonnellate, ma anche la montatura e il tubo del telescopio, con una massa mobile totale di più di 3000 tonnellate. Entrambe queste strutture sono di gran lunga le più grandi mai costruite per un telescopio ottico/infrarosso e sovrastano tutte quelle esistenti. La cupola è alta quasi 80 metri e il suo ingombro è paragonabile all'area di un campo da calcio. L'E-ELT è in costruzione sul Cerro Armazones, un picco di 3000 metri a 20 chilometri dall'Osservatorio dell'ESO al Paranal. La strada di accesso e il livellamento della cima della montagna sono già stati completati e l'inizio dei lavori in loco per la cupola è previsto per il 2017. Tim de Zeeuw, Direttore Generale dell'ESO ha dichiarato: "L'E-ELT produrrà scoperte che nemmeno possiamo immaginare oggi e ispirerà persone di tutto il mondo a pensare alla scienza, alla tecnologia e al nostro posto nell'Universo. La firma di oggi è un passo avanti fondamentale verso il completamento dell'E-ELT nel 2024." Paolo Astaldi, presidente della Astaldi, ha aggiunto: “Questo progetto è realmente visionario, per quello che rappresenta sia nel campo dell'astronomia che in quello della costruzione e dell'ingegneria. La Astaldi e i partner del progetto, la Cimolai e l'EIE Group, sono fieri di essere stati selezionati nel bando di gara dell'ESO per contribuire a rendere realtà una visione. La Astaldi è rinomata per le sue competenze tecniche di altissimo livello, per le costruzioni di qualità e la solida capacità di esecuzione e noi sfrutteremo tutti i nostri punti di forza per questo progetto. E' con grande emozione che firmo un contratto di tale ambizione astronomica.” Luigi Cimolai, Presidente della Cimolai, ha concluso: “Siamo onorati e grati che sia stata data alla nostra azienda l'opportunità di partecipare a questa sfida astronomica tecnicamente avanzata. L'E-ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope) richiederà un elevato grado di qualità nella progettazione e nella costruzione e io sono convinto che questo contribuirà sicuramente ad aumentare ancora la nostra capacità di sviluppare progetti di complessità sempre maggiore.” Molti altri aspetti della costruzione dell'E-ELT stanno facendo rapidi passi avanti. L'ESO ha già firmato gli accordi per la costruzione degli strumenti di prima luce MICADO, HARMONI e METIS e per il sistema di ottica adattiva per l'E-ELT MAORY. I contratti per l'enorme specchio secondario verranno firmati a breve. L'area di raccolta della luce dell'E-ELT sarà più grande di quella di tutti i telescopi ottici esistenti combinati e il suo sistema di ottica adattiva fornirà immagini circa 15 volte più nitide di quelle dell'HST (Hubble Space Telescope) della NASA/ESA alla stessa lunghezza d'onda. Il telescopio offre anche numerose possibilità per la tecnologia e l'ingegneria derivante, per il trasferimento tecnologico e i contratti tecnologici. Il nuovo contratto dimostra che l'E-ELT ha il potenziale per essere una forza trainante per lo sviluppo economico, offrendo alle aziende degli stati membri dell'ESO l'opportunità di guidare progetti di rilievo a livello internazionale. L'ESO (European Southern Observatory, o Osservatorio Australe Europeo) è la principale organizzazione intergovernativa di Astronomia in Europa e l'osservatorio astronomico più produttivo al mondo. È sostenuto da 16 paesi: Austria, Belgio, Brasile, Danimarca, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Italia, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Regno Unito, Repubblica Ceca, Spagna, Svezia, e Svizzera, oltre al paese che ospita l'ESO, il Cile. L'ESO svolge un ambizioso programma che si concentra sulla progettazione, costruzione e gestione di potenti strumenti astronomici da terra che consentano agli astronomi di realizzare importanti scoperte scientifiche. L'ESO ha anche un ruolo di punta nel promuovere e organizzare la cooperazione nella ricerca astronomica. L'ESO gestisce tre siti osservativi unici al mondo in Cile: La Silla, Paranal e Chajnantor. Sul Paranal, l'ESO gestisce il Very Large Telescope, osservatorio astronomico d'avanguardia nella banda visibile e due telescopi per survey. VISTA, il più grande telescopio per survey al mondo, lavora nella banda infrarossa mentre il VST (VLT Survey Telescope) è il più grande telescopio progettato appositamente per produrre survey del cielo in luce visibile. L'ESO è il partner principale di ALMA, il più grande progetto astronomico esistente. E sul Cerro Armazones, vicino al Paranal, l'ESO sta costruendo l'European Extremely Large Telescope o E-ELT (significa Telescopio Europeo Estremamente Grande), un telescopio da 39 metri che diventerà "il più grande occhio del mondo rivolto al cielo". La traduzione dall'inglese dei comunicati stampa dell'ESO è un servizio dalla Rete di Divulgazione Scientifica dell'ESO (ESON: ESO Science Outreach Network) composta da ricercatori e divulgatori scientifici da tutti gli Stati Membri dell'ESO e altri paesi. Il nodo italiano della rete ESON è gestito da Anna Wolter. Ulteriori informazioni sull'E-ELT Astaldi Cimolai EIE Group ESO, Public Information Officer Cell.: +49 151 1537 3591 E-mail: rhook@eso.org Alessandra Onorati Media Contact for the ACe Consortium E-mail: A.Onorati@Astaldi.com Questa è una traduzione del Comunicato Stampa dell'ESO eso1617. Sul Comunicato Stampa Comunicato Stampa N": eso1617it-ch Nome: Extremely Large Telescope Tipo: Unspecified : Technology : Observatory : Telescope Facility: Extremely Large Telescope Immagine CS eso1617a Immagine CS eso1617b Immagine CS eso1617c Immagine CS eso1617d Immagine CS eso1617e Immagine CS eso1617f Immagine CS eso1617g Immagine CS eso1617h Immagine CS eso1617i L'E-ELT a confronto con il duomo di Vienna Immagine CS eso1617j L'E-ELT a confronto con l'Atomium di Bruxelles Immagine CS eso1617k L'E-ELT a confronto con la statua del Cristo Redentore di Rio de Janeiro Immagine CS eso1617l L'E-ELT a confronto con la torre del monte Ještěd in Repubblica Ceca Immagine CS eso1617m L'E-ELT a confronto con la Torre Rotonda di Copenaghen Immagine CS eso1617n L'E-ELT a confronto con la cattedrale di Turku Immagine CS eso1617o L'E-ELT a confronto con l'Arco di Trionfo di Parigi Immagine CS eso1617p L'E-ELT a confronto con la Porta di Brandeburgo Immagine CS eso1617q L'E-ELT a confronto con il Colosseo Immagine CS eso1617r L'E-ELT a confronto con l'edificio NEMO Immagine CS eso1617s L'E-ELT a confronto con la Basilica di Santa Maria a Cracovia Immagine CS eso1617t L'E-ELT a confronto con il Monumento alle Scoperte di Lisbona Immagine CS eso1617u L'E-ELT a confronto con la Sagrada Família di Barcellona Immagine CS eso1617v L'E-EL a confronto con l'edificio Lilla Bommen di Göteborg Immagine CS eso1617w L'E-ELT a confronto con la cattedrale di Berna Immagine CS eso1617x L'E-ELT a confronto con il Big Ben di Londra Immagine CS eso1617y L'E-ELT a confronto con il VLT Immagine CS eso1617z Confronto tra la dimensione dello specchio dell'E-ELT e quella degli specchi di altri telescopi Immagine CS eso1617aa Confronto tra la cupola dell'E-ELT e quella di altri telescopi Immagine CS eso1617ab Immagine CS eso1617ac ESO signs largest ever ground-based astronomy contract for E-ELT dome and telescope structure soltanto in inglese Immagine CS eso1617ad Immagine CS eso1617ae ESO signs largest ever ground-based astronomy contract for ELT dome and telescope structure Immagine CS eso1617af The ELT compared to the Rosse telescope in Ireland Immagine CS eso1617ag The ELT compared to the Nidaros Cathedral, Trondheim, Norway Immagine CS eso1617ah The ELT compared to the Spire of Dublin, Ireland Immagine CS eso1617ai The ELT compared to the Statue of Liberty in New York, USA Immagine CS eso1617aj The ELT compared to La Portada natural arch in Chile Immagine CS eso1617ak The ELT compared to the Vancouver Science World in Canada Immagine CS eso1617al The ELT compared to the Sydney Opera House in Australia Immagine CS eso1617am The ELT compared to the Manchester Central Convention Complex in the UK Immagine CS eso1617an The ELT compared to the Manchester Etihad Stadium in the UK Immagine CS eso1617ao Telescopes and football Video CS eso1617a ESOcast 84: svelato il nuovo progetto dell'E-ELT Video CS eso1617b L'E-ELT (European Extremely Large Telescope) Video CS eso1617c L'apertura dell'E-ELT Video CS eso1617d Primo piano dell'E-ELT nella sua cupola Video CS eso1617e Video CS eso1617f Apertura della cupola dell'E-ELT Video CS eso1617g Video CS eso1617h Il viaggio della luce attraverso i cinque specchi dell'E-ELT Video CS eso1617i Light's five-mirror journey through the E-ELT (no text)
{"url": "https://eso.org/public/switzerland-it/news/eso1617/?lang", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "eso.org", "date_download": "2022-01-16T11:37:58Z", "digest": "sha1:PGQUPBEA7TTKSASDTCTWZPJ7OTGCLSOY"}
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0.0], [7665, 7729, 1.0], [7729, 7751, 0.0], [7751, 7786, 0.0], [7786, 7818, 0.0], [7818, 7875, 0.0], [7875, 7911, 0.0], [7911, 7932, 0.0], [7932, 7953, 0.0], [7953, 7974, 0.0], [7974, 7995, 0.0], [7995, 8016, 0.0], [8016, 8037, 0.0], [8037, 8058, 0.0], [8058, 8079, 0.0], [8079, 8100, 0.0], [8100, 8143, 0.0], [8143, 8164, 0.0], [8164, 8211, 0.0], [8211, 8232, 0.0], [8232, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 8395, 0.0], [8395, 8416, 0.0], [8416, 8471, 0.0], [8471, 8492, 0.0], [8492, 8539, 0.0], [8539, 8560, 0.0], [8560, 8612, 0.0], [8612, 8633, 0.0], [8633, 8681, 0.0], [8681, 8702, 0.0], [8702, 8738, 0.0], [8738, 8759, 0.0], [8759, 8799, 0.0], [8799, 8820, 0.0], [8820, 8882, 0.0], [8882, 8903, 0.0], [8903, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 8986, 0.0], [8986, 9043, 0.0], [9043, 9064, 0.0], [9064, 9123, 0.0], [9123, 9144, 0.0], [9144, 9191, 0.0], [9191, 9212, 0.0], [9212, 9257, 0.0], [9257, 9278, 0.0], [9278, 9309, 0.0], [9309, 9330, 0.0], [9330, 9426, 0.0], [9426, 9448, 0.0], [9448, 9511, 0.0], [9511, 9533, 0.0], [9533, 9555, 0.0], [9555, 9649, 0.0], [9649, 9669, 0.0], [9669, 9691, 0.0], [9691, 9713, 0.0], [9713, 9805, 0.0], [9805, 9827, 0.0], [9827, 9878, 0.0], [9878, 9900, 0.0], [9900, 9961, 0.0], [9961, 9983, 0.0], [9983, 10032, 0.0], [10032, 10054, 0.0], [10054, 10113, 0.0], [10113, 10135, 0.0], [10135, 10188, 0.0], [10188, 10210, 0.0], [10210, 10268, 0.0], [10268, 10290, 0.0], [10290, 10346, 0.0], [10346, 10368, 0.0], [10368, 10440, 0.0], [10440, 10462, 0.0], [10462, 10522, 0.0], [10522, 10544, 0.0], [10544, 10568, 0.0], [10568, 10586, 0.0], [10586, 10635, 0.0], [10635, 10653, 0.0], [10653, 10698, 0.0], [10698, 10716, 0.0], [10716, 10738, 0.0], [10738, 10756, 0.0], [10756, 10796, 0.0], [10796, 10814, 0.0], [10814, 10832, 0.0], [10832, 10865, 0.0], [10865, 10883, 0.0], [10883, 10901, 0.0], [10901, 10962, 0.0], [10962, 10980, 0.0], [10980, 11035, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 48, 0.0], [48, 190, 0.0], [190, 824, 0.0], [824, 1124, 0.0], [1124, 1921, 0.0], [1921, 2270, 0.0], [2270, 2855, 0.0], [2855, 3138, 0.0], [3138, 3462, 0.0], [3462, 4127, 0.0], [4127, 4595, 0.0], [4595, 4912, 0.0], [4912, 5582, 0.0], [5582, 7124, 0.0], [7124, 7440, 0.0], [7440, 7474, 0.0], [7474, 7482, 0.0], [7482, 7490, 0.0], [7490, 7500, 0.0], [7500, 7532, 0.0], [7532, 7557, 0.0], [7557, 7579, 0.0], [7579, 7598, 0.0], [7598, 7635, 0.0], [7635, 7665, 0.0], [7665, 7729, 0.0], [7729, 7751, 0.0], [7751, 7786, 0.0], [7786, 7818, 0.0], [7818, 7875, 0.0], [7875, 7911, 0.0], [7911, 7932, 0.0], [7932, 7953, 0.0], [7953, 7974, 0.0], [7974, 7995, 0.0], [7995, 8016, 0.0], [8016, 8037, 0.0], [8037, 8058, 0.0], [8058, 8079, 0.0], [8079, 8100, 0.0], [8100, 8143, 0.0], [8143, 8164, 0.0], [8164, 8211, 0.0], [8211, 8232, 0.0], [8232, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 8395, 0.0], [8395, 8416, 0.0], [8416, 8471, 0.0], [8471, 8492, 0.0], [8492, 8539, 0.0], [8539, 8560, 0.0], [8560, 8612, 0.0], [8612, 8633, 0.0], [8633, 8681, 0.0], [8681, 8702, 0.0], [8702, 8738, 0.0], [8738, 8759, 0.0], [8759, 8799, 0.0], [8799, 8820, 0.0], [8820, 8882, 0.0], [8882, 8903, 0.0], [8903, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 8986, 0.0], [8986, 9043, 0.0], [9043, 9064, 0.0], [9064, 9123, 0.0], [9123, 9144, 0.0], [9144, 9191, 0.0], [9191, 9212, 0.0], [9212, 9257, 0.0], [9257, 9278, 0.0], [9278, 9309, 0.0], [9309, 9330, 0.0], [9330, 9426, 0.0], [9426, 9448, 0.0], [9448, 9511, 0.0], [9511, 9533, 0.0], [9533, 9555, 0.0], [9555, 9649, 0.0], [9649, 9669, 0.0], [9669, 9691, 0.0], [9691, 9713, 0.0], [9713, 9805, 0.0], [9805, 9827, 0.0], [9827, 9878, 0.0], [9878, 9900, 0.0], [9900, 9961, 0.0], [9961, 9983, 0.0], [9983, 10032, 0.0], [10032, 10054, 0.0], [10054, 10113, 0.0], [10113, 10135, 0.0], [10135, 10188, 0.0], [10188, 10210, 0.0], [10210, 10268, 0.0], [10268, 10290, 0.0], [10290, 10346, 0.0], [10346, 10368, 0.0], [10368, 10440, 0.0], [10440, 10462, 0.0], [10462, 10522, 0.0], [10522, 10544, 0.0], [10544, 10568, 0.0], [10568, 10586, 0.0], [10586, 10635, 0.0], [10635, 10653, 0.0], [10653, 10698, 0.0], [10698, 10716, 0.0], [10716, 10738, 0.0], [10738, 10756, 0.0], [10756, 10796, 0.0], [10796, 10814, 0.0], [10814, 10832, 0.0], [10832, 10865, 0.0], [10865, 10883, 0.0], [10883, 10901, 0.0], [10901, 10962, 0.0], [10962, 10980, 0.0], [10980, 11035, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 48, 5.0], [48, 190, 22.0], [190, 824, 95.0], [824, 1124, 46.0], [1124, 1921, 110.0], [1921, 2270, 54.0], [2270, 2855, 95.0], [2855, 3138, 48.0], [3138, 3462, 49.0], [3462, 4127, 104.0], [4127, 4595, 64.0], [4595, 4912, 49.0], [4912, 5582, 98.0], [5582, 7124, 219.0], [7124, 7440, 47.0], [7440, 7474, 3.0], [7474, 7482, 1.0], [7482, 7490, 1.0], [7490, 7500, 2.0], [7500, 7532, 4.0], [7532, 7557, 5.0], [7557, 7579, 2.0], [7579, 7598, 2.0], [7598, 7635, 6.0], [7635, 7665, 2.0], [7665, 7729, 9.0], [7729, 7751, 3.0], [7751, 7786, 4.0], [7786, 7818, 4.0], [7818, 7875, 5.0], [7875, 7911, 4.0], [7911, 7932, 3.0], [7932, 7953, 3.0], [7953, 7974, 3.0], [7974, 7995, 3.0], [7995, 8016, 3.0], [8016, 8037, 3.0], [8037, 8058, 3.0], [8058, 8079, 3.0], [8079, 8100, 3.0], [8100, 8143, 8.0], [8143, 8164, 3.0], [8164, 8211, 7.0], [8211, 8232, 3.0], [8232, 8305, 13.0], [8305, 8326, 3.0], [8326, 8395, 12.0], [8395, 8416, 3.0], [8416, 8471, 9.0], [8471, 8492, 3.0], [8492, 8539, 8.0], [8539, 8560, 3.0], [8560, 8612, 9.0], [8612, 8633, 3.0], [8633, 8681, 8.0], [8681, 8702, 3.0], [8702, 8738, 6.0], [8738, 8759, 3.0], [8759, 8799, 6.0], [8799, 8820, 3.0], [8820, 8882, 11.0], [8882, 8903, 3.0], [8903, 8965, 10.0], [8965, 8986, 3.0], [8986, 9043, 9.0], [9043, 9064, 3.0], [9064, 9123, 9.0], [9123, 9144, 3.0], [9144, 9191, 8.0], [9191, 9212, 3.0], [9212, 9257, 9.0], [9257, 9278, 3.0], [9278, 9309, 6.0], [9309, 9330, 3.0], [9330, 9426, 14.0], [9426, 9448, 3.0], [9448, 9511, 10.0], [9511, 9533, 3.0], [9533, 9555, 3.0], [9555, 9649, 13.0], [9649, 9669, 3.0], [9669, 9691, 3.0], [9691, 9713, 3.0], [9713, 9805, 13.0], [9805, 9827, 3.0], [9827, 9878, 9.0], [9878, 9900, 3.0], [9900, 9961, 9.0], [9961, 9983, 3.0], [9983, 10032, 9.0], [10032, 10054, 3.0], [10054, 10113, 12.0], [10113, 10135, 3.0], [10135, 10188, 10.0], [10188, 10210, 3.0], [10210, 10268, 10.0], [10268, 10290, 3.0], [10290, 10346, 10.0], [10346, 10368, 3.0], [10368, 10440, 12.0], [10440, 10462, 3.0], [10462, 10522, 11.0], [10522, 10544, 3.0], [10544, 10568, 3.0], [10568, 10586, 3.0], [10586, 10635, 7.0], [10635, 10653, 3.0], [10653, 10698, 5.0], [10698, 10716, 3.0], [10716, 10738, 2.0], [10738, 10756, 3.0], [10756, 10796, 6.0], [10796, 10814, 3.0], [10814, 10832, 3.0], [10832, 10865, 4.0], [10865, 10883, 3.0], [10883, 10901, 3.0], [10901, 10962, 9.0], [10962, 10980, 3.0], [10980, 11035, 8.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 48, 0.08695652], [48, 190, 0.0], [190, 824, 0.00969305], [824, 1124, 0.00684932], [1124, 1921, 0.0], [1921, 2270, 0.00879765], [2270, 2855, 0.02086957], [2855, 3138, 0.03610108], [3138, 3462, 0.01277955], [3462, 4127, 0.0], [4127, 4595, 0.0], [4595, 4912, 0.0], [4912, 5582, 0.00304414], [5582, 7124, 0.00268097], [7124, 7440, 0.0], [7440, 7474, 0.0], [7474, 7482, 0.0], [7482, 7490, 0.0], [7490, 7500, 0.0], [7500, 7532, 0.0], [7532, 7557, 0.61904762], [7557, 7579, 0.0], [7579, 7598, 0.0], [7598, 7635, 0.0], [7635, 7665, 0.0], [7665, 7729, 0.06451613], [7729, 7751, 0.0], [7751, 7786, 0.12903226], [7786, 7818, 0.0], [7818, 7875, 0.0], [7875, 7911, 0.0], [7911, 7932, 0.2], [7932, 7953, 0.2], [7953, 7974, 0.2], [7974, 7995, 0.2], [7995, 8016, 0.2], [8016, 8037, 0.2], [8037, 8058, 0.2], [8058, 8079, 0.2], [8079, 8100, 0.2], [8100, 8143, 0.0], [8143, 8164, 0.2], [8164, 8211, 0.0], [8211, 8232, 0.2], [8232, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8326, 0.2], [8326, 8395, 0.0], [8395, 8416, 0.2], [8416, 8471, 0.0], [8471, 8492, 0.2], [8492, 8539, 0.0], [8539, 8560, 0.2], [8560, 8612, 0.0], [8612, 8633, 0.2], [8633, 8681, 0.0], [8681, 8702, 0.2], [8702, 8738, 0.0], [8738, 8759, 0.2], [8759, 8799, 0.0], [8799, 8820, 0.2], [8820, 8882, 0.0], [8882, 8903, 0.2], [8903, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 8986, 0.2], [8986, 9043, 0.0], [9043, 9064, 0.2], [9064, 9123, 0.0], [9123, 9144, 0.2], [9144, 9191, 0.0], [9191, 9212, 0.2], [9212, 9257, 0.0], [9257, 9278, 0.2], [9278, 9309, 0.0], [9309, 9330, 0.2], [9330, 9426, 0.0], [9426, 9448, 0.19047619], [9448, 9511, 0.0], [9511, 9533, 0.19047619], [9533, 9555, 0.19047619], [9555, 9649, 0.0], [9649, 9669, 0.0], [9669, 9691, 0.19047619], [9691, 9713, 0.19047619], [9713, 9805, 0.0], [9805, 9827, 0.19047619], [9827, 9878, 0.0], [9878, 9900, 0.19047619], [9900, 9961, 0.0], [9961, 9983, 0.19047619], [9983, 10032, 0.0], [10032, 10054, 0.19047619], [10054, 10113, 0.0], [10113, 10135, 0.19047619], [10135, 10188, 0.0], [10188, 10210, 0.19047619], [10210, 10268, 0.0], [10268, 10290, 0.19047619], [10290, 10346, 0.0], [10346, 10368, 0.19047619], [10368, 10440, 0.0], [10440, 10462, 0.19047619], [10462, 10522, 0.0], [10522, 10544, 0.19047619], [10544, 10568, 0.0], [10568, 10586, 0.23529412], [10586, 10635, 0.04444444], [10635, 10653, 0.23529412], [10653, 10698, 0.0], [10698, 10716, 0.23529412], [10716, 10738, 0.0], [10738, 10756, 0.23529412], [10756, 10796, 0.0], [10796, 10814, 0.23529412], [10814, 10832, 0.23529412], [10832, 10865, 0.0], [10865, 10883, 0.23529412], [10883, 10901, 0.23529412], [10901, 10962, 0.0], [10962, 10980, 0.23529412], [10980, 11035, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 48, 0.0], [48, 190, 0.0], [190, 824, 0.0], [824, 1124, 0.0], [1124, 1921, 0.0], [1921, 2270, 0.0], [2270, 2855, 0.0], [2855, 3138, 0.0], [3138, 3462, 0.0], [3462, 4127, 0.0], [4127, 4595, 0.0], [4595, 4912, 0.0], [4912, 5582, 0.0], [5582, 7124, 0.0], [7124, 7440, 0.0], [7440, 7474, 0.0], [7474, 7482, 0.0], [7482, 7490, 0.0], [7490, 7500, 0.0], [7500, 7532, 0.0], [7532, 7557, 0.0], [7557, 7579, 0.0], [7579, 7598, 0.0], [7598, 7635, 0.0], [7635, 7665, 0.0], [7665, 7729, 0.0], [7729, 7751, 0.0], [7751, 7786, 0.0], [7786, 7818, 0.0], [7818, 7875, 0.0], [7875, 7911, 0.0], [7911, 7932, 0.0], [7932, 7953, 0.0], [7953, 7974, 0.0], [7974, 7995, 0.0], [7995, 8016, 0.0], [8016, 8037, 0.0], [8037, 8058, 0.0], [8058, 8079, 0.0], [8079, 8100, 0.0], [8100, 8143, 0.0], [8143, 8164, 0.0], [8164, 8211, 0.0], [8211, 8232, 0.0], [8232, 8305, 0.0], [8305, 8326, 0.0], [8326, 8395, 0.0], [8395, 8416, 0.0], [8416, 8471, 0.0], [8471, 8492, 0.0], [8492, 8539, 0.0], [8539, 8560, 0.0], [8560, 8612, 0.0], [8612, 8633, 0.0], [8633, 8681, 0.0], [8681, 8702, 0.0], [8702, 8738, 0.0], [8738, 8759, 0.0], [8759, 8799, 0.0], [8799, 8820, 0.0], [8820, 8882, 0.0], [8882, 8903, 0.0], [8903, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 8986, 0.0], [8986, 9043, 0.0], [9043, 9064, 0.0], [9064, 9123, 0.0], [9123, 9144, 0.0], [9144, 9191, 0.0], [9191, 9212, 0.0], [9212, 9257, 0.0], [9257, 9278, 0.0], [9278, 9309, 0.0], [9309, 9330, 0.0], [9330, 9426, 0.0], [9426, 9448, 0.0], [9448, 9511, 0.0], [9511, 9533, 0.0], [9533, 9555, 0.0], [9555, 9649, 0.0], [9649, 9669, 0.0], [9669, 9691, 0.0], [9691, 9713, 0.0], [9713, 9805, 0.0], [9805, 9827, 0.0], [9827, 9878, 0.0], [9878, 9900, 0.0], [9900, 9961, 0.0], [9961, 9983, 0.0], [9983, 10032, 0.0], [10032, 10054, 0.0], [10054, 10113, 0.0], [10113, 10135, 0.0], [10135, 10188, 0.0], [10188, 10210, 0.0], [10210, 10268, 0.0], [10268, 10290, 0.0], [10290, 10346, 0.0], [10346, 10368, 0.0], [10368, 10440, 0.0], [10440, 10462, 0.0], [10462, 10522, 0.0], [10522, 10544, 0.0], [10544, 10568, 0.0], [10568, 10586, 0.0], [10586, 10635, 0.0], [10635, 10653, 0.0], [10653, 10698, 0.0], [10698, 10716, 0.0], [10716, 10738, 0.0], [10738, 10756, 0.0], [10756, 10796, 0.0], [10796, 10814, 0.0], [10814, 10832, 0.0], [10832, 10865, 0.0], [10865, 10883, 0.0], [10883, 10901, 0.0], [10901, 10962, 0.0], [10962, 10980, 0.0], [10980, 11035, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 48, 0.0625], [48, 190, 0.05633803], [190, 824, 0.05362776], [824, 1124, 0.03666667], [1124, 1921, 0.06900878], [1921, 2270, 0.01432665], [2270, 2855, 0.01367521], [2855, 3138, 0.0459364], [3138, 3462, 0.05555556], [3462, 4127, 0.02556391], [4127, 4595, 0.02991453], [4595, 4912, 0.11671924], [4912, 5582, 0.04029851], [5582, 7124, 0.06549935], [7124, 7440, 0.10126582], [7440, 7474, 0.14705882], [7474, 7482, 0.125], [7482, 7490, 0.125], [7490, 7500, 0.4], [7500, 7532, 0.1875], [7532, 7557, 0.04], [7557, 7579, 0.04545455], [7579, 7598, 0.10526316], [7598, 7635, 0.13513514], [7635, 7665, 0.13333333], [7665, 7729, 0.09375], [7729, 7751, 0.13636364], [7751, 7786, 0.08571429], [7786, 7818, 0.125], [7818, 7875, 0.0877193], [7875, 7911, 0.11111111], [7911, 7932, 0.14285714], [7932, 7953, 0.14285714], [7953, 7974, 0.14285714], [7974, 7995, 0.14285714], [7995, 8016, 0.14285714], [8016, 8037, 0.14285714], [8037, 8058, 0.14285714], [8058, 8079, 0.14285714], [8079, 8100, 0.14285714], [8100, 8143, 0.13953488], [8143, 8164, 0.14285714], [8164, 8211, 0.14893617], [8211, 8232, 0.14285714], [8232, 8305, 0.12328767], [8305, 8326, 0.14285714], [8326, 8395, 0.11594203], [8395, 8416, 0.14285714], [8416, 8471, 0.14545455], [8471, 8492, 0.14285714], [8492, 8539, 0.12765957], [8539, 8560, 0.14285714], [8560, 8612, 0.15384615], 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Gobernador Astudillo rinde segundo informe, pide nuevo pacto por la seguridad Al informe que dio el gobernador de Gurerrero, Astudillo Flores acudieron el secretario de Salud, José Narró Robles, enrepresentación del presidente Peña; el subsecretario de gobernación, René Juárez Cisneros; el presidente del PRI nacional, Enrique Ochoa Reza. Corresponsal Rosario García  @ CHILPANCINGO.- Con una convocatoria a los presidentes municipales y a las autoridades legislativas y judiciales a un nuevo Pacto por la Seguridad de Guerrero, el gobernador Héctor Astudillo Flores rindió su segundo informe de gobierno ante el pleno del Congreso local. Al recinto legislativo de Guerrero acudieron el secretario de Salud, José Narró Robles, con la representación del presidente Enrique Peña Nieto; el subsecretario de gobernación, René Juárez Cisneros; el presidente del PRI nacional, Enrique Ochoa Reza; senadores y diputados federales, así como líderes de organizaciones sociales. El mandatario estatal ratificó su convicción de "que si Guerrero lograra contener y reducir el fenómeno de la violencia criminal y la delincuencia común, muchos de los problemas que enfrentamos se reducirían drásticamente". Y agregó que si ese objetivo de logra, "el potencial económico, turístico, minero y agrícola de Guerrero nos permitiría ofrecer una calidad de vida muy superior a nuestra gente". Por lo que invitó al pueblo de Guerrero a replantear si "el modelo policial que hoy tenemos es funcional o si es necesario introducir reformas de fondo"; y pidió se analice la pertinencia del mando único policial. Irrumpe grupo armado y ejecuta a dos jóvenes en comunidad de Guerrero Fiscalía-Guerrero ofrece millón y medio de pesos por datos de asesinos de Ranferi Hernández y familia Reconoció que este año, "nos ha tocado enfrentar situaciones que nos hieren como sociedad, pero les digo que no me desaniman, ni tampoco me desconcentran de mi tareas"; lo anterior en alusión a los desastres naturales, que "nuevamente nos pusieron a prueba no sólo a los guerrerenses, sino también a los mexicanos". Y aseguró que el gobierno que encabeza no está cruzado de brazos ante los actos criminales que han segado vidas inocentes y de dirigentes políticos. "Condenamos la violencia criminal y habremos de emplearnos a fondo para que en Guerrero haya justicia plena". El discurso del mandatario estatal, de una hora y cinco minutos, incluyó el reconocimiento "al tamaño del desafío y por ello es necesario que los tres órdenes de gobierno actuemos en el frente de la ley. Nadie puede apartarse de tan elevada responsabilidad". Pero también reconoció que Guerrero enfrenta "desafíos que amenazan la gobernabilidad. Sería irresponsable minimizarlos". Por lo que convocó a todos los sectores de la sociedad y de los poderes públicos del Estado a no aflojar el paso. A los servidores públicos los exhortó para redoblar esfuerzos y otorgar las respuestas que demanda la población."Exijo convicción y compromiso en su desempeño", puntualizó. En tanto, en la recta final de su discurso Héctor Astudillo se comprometió a "mantener la cercanía con la gente, atender sus demandas, escuchar sus exigencias y esforzarme todos los días por cumplir con mis responsabilidades". Por su parte, José Narro Robles, secretario de Salud, a nombre del presidente Enrique Peña Nieto, reconoció que el pendiente en Guerrero sigue siendo la Seguridad y el combate a la pobreza, por lo que pidió buscar nuevos aliados para abatir el rezago social y destinar los recursos necesarios.
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Kinzigtal Schwarzwälder Tracht und moderne Lyrik, Holzmasken und Rockmusik - was auf den ersten Blick nicht zusammenpasst, bereitet uns Hausachern keine Probleme. Wir lieben unsere Bräuche und Traditionen ebenso wie ein hochkarätiges, zeitgemäßes Kulturangebot...
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Wichtige Informationen zu Besuchen Trotz Impfungen bleiben AHA + L-Regeln bestehen Seit Jahresbeginn wurden in unseren Pflegeeinrichtungen sehr viele Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner sowie Mitarbeitende durch mobile Impfteams gegen das Coronavirus geimpft. Unabhängig von den Impfungen gelten die AHA + L-Regeln aber bei allen Besuchen fort. Sie gelten auch, wenn Besucherinnen und Besucher bei einem PCR- oder Antigen-Schnelltest negativ getestet wurden! Aufgrund der weiterhin hohen Inzidenz-Werte gelten außerdem Einschränkungen durch die Allgemeinverfügungen des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. Diese rechtlichen Vorgaben sind für die Einrichtungen verpflichtend einzuhalten und müssen bei Besuchen beachtet werden: Die Einrichtungen bleiben grundsätzlich geschlossen und Besucherinnen und Besucher müssen am Eingang klingeln. Bewohnerinnen bzw. Bewohner dürfen zeitgleich Besuche von maximal 5 Personen aus höchstens zwei Haushalten bekommen. Überschreitet die Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz im Kreis Herford an drei aufeinander folgenden Tagen den Wert von 100, so gilt dort ab dem übernächsten Tag, dass zeitgleich nur noch Besuche von einer Person einschließlich der zu ihrem Haushalt gehörenden Kinder bis zur Vollendung des 14. Lebensjahres erlaubt sind. Besucherinnen und Besucher müssen beim Betreten und Verlassen sowie allen Wegen in der Einrichtung eine FFP2-Maske tragen und vor dem Besuch die Hände desinfizieren. Auch bei engem Kontakt wie Umarmungen müssen Besucherinnen und Besucher eine FFP2-Maske und Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner einen Mund-Nase-Schutz tragen und sich vorher und nachher die Hände gründlich desinfizieren. Die Maske bzw. der Mund-Nase-Schutz dürfen dann abgesetzt werden, wenn die Bewohnerin bzw. der Bewohner über einen vollständigen Impfschutz verfügt – also mindestens zwei Impfungen erhalten hat. Bei Fragen sollten sich alle Besucherinnen und Besucher direkt an die Einrichtungsleitungen wenden. Die Kontaktdaten finden Sie hier auf unserer Homepage unter dem Menüpunkt „Einrichtungen“.
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CNN leaving CNN Center building in downtown Atlanta ATLANTA (AP) — CNN is moving out of the CNN Center, its longtime downtown Atlanta home by the end of this year. The cable channel’s weekday anchors are all already in New York or Washington, but CNN still has digital and CNN International operations in Atlanta. Spokesperson Bridget Leininger confirmed in an email that the remaining CNN staff and operations in Atlanta would move to the Techwood Turner Broadcasting campus in Midtown. The move will happen in stages and will finish by the end of this year, Leininger said. CNN’s previous parent company, AT&T, sold the CNN Center for nearly $164 million to two Florida-based real estate firms, CP Group and Rialto Capital, in 2021, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported. It was not immediately clear what would happen to the building’s other tenants.
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Health Today is April 23rd, 2017|Hudson Valley Press - More Than News |Bookmark HVPress!Tweet October 2nd, 2013Wesley-Krueger appointed Chief Advancement OfficerJonnie Wesley-Krueger NEWBURGH - The Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center (GHVFHC) is proud to announce the appointment of Jonnie Wesley-Krueger as the health center’s new Chief Advancement Officer. Wesley-Krueger has nearly 30 years of experience in the health care industry, previously working as Director of Training, Education, and Development for Orange Regional Medical Center (ORMC) since 1995. She will replace Ken Mackintosh who will be retiring at the end of this year. "It is an honor to have an individual of Jonnie’s caliber join our leadership," said Linda S. Muller, CEO and President of The Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center. "With her expertise we will continue our efforts of assuring that every patient has access to the highest quality of care possible." As Director of Training, Education, and Development, Wesley-Krueger created education services and training programs for over 3,600 staff, monitored all non-clinical regulatory requirements, started development programs for ORMC’s leadership, and coordinated electronic health records training for thousands of ORMC employees. During this time, she also held positions at the hospital as Director of Media Relations and Hospital Spokesperson; Director of Government Relations and Grant Development; and Administrative Liaison for the Orange County Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Program (OC SANE). As a member of the GHVFHC Executive team, Ms. Wesley-Krueger will oversee multiple departments including: Marketing, Grants, Outreach, Health Education, and New Business Initiatives. She will serve as the health center’s chief spokesperson and lobbyist, and be instrumental in executing the strategic vision of the health center, as well as, shaping the future growth and direction of the health center. "I am so excited to be working alongside Linda and senior leadership at the health center." said Wesley-Krueger. "This is such a transformational era in health care and I’m thrilled for this new opportunity to help lead The Greater Hudson Valley Family Health Center into the future." Muller added "For the past eight years, Ken Mackintosh has built our Advancement Department from the ground up, with Jonnie on board we can take this foundation and bring our health center to the next level."
{"url": "http://www.hvpress.net/news/123/ARTICLE/12943/2013-10-02.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.hvpress.net", "date_download": "2017-04-24T03:34:20Z", "digest": "sha1:KMBEQPCNKSR5GEILWBC5KO3WXRUPVML6"}
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You are here: Home / Archives for teams Sports, we’ll miss you March 19, 2020 by David Thompson Leave a Comment Why do we watch sports? Seriously, why do we constantly check scores and stats, scream when a big play happens, cheer when our team scores and go home feeling sick when they lose? What’s the point? The act of sport is an escape. An escape from our job, an assignment due at midnight, a tough breakup, a sick loved one, or politics, politics, and more politics. Sports are the only thing on Earth that can bring people together no matter their political party, religious beliefs, race, sexual orientation, age, gender, or any other category that separates us as humans. Are we rooting for the same team? We are? Great! You’re welcome to our club. You’re rooting for the Patriots? Go kick rocks dude! It’s that exclusive club of fans rooting for the same team or player that makes watching sports so special. The Coronavirus has ripped this escape away from us. Not only have all of Florida Tech sports been canceled, but practically all major American sports have been either suspended or canceled. This year you won’t get the opportunity to fill out 47 March Madness brackets because you want to tell your friends, “My bracket lasted the longest, I told you guys I know what I’m talking about.” We may not even get to see the best NBA team hold up the Larry O’Brien trophy, or the best NHL celebrate with the Stanley Cup. Major League Baseball won’t be welcomed into the new season with the tradition of Opening Day. Professional golf season won’t tee off at Augusta National for the Masters Tournament on time. It’s all just gone, within a blink of an eye our escape from whatever is dragging us down in our lives is gone, and we don’t know when it’ll be back. I write this not to mope and have someone play a sad song for me on the world’s smallest violin, but to tell the sports-crazed fans out there that you’re not alone. We all should know how serious this disease is and the impact it could have on our country and our planet. Sports will return and everything happens for a reason. Maybe this a sign that we should all pay closer attention to our family, friends, co-workers, classmates and neighbors. While this feels like a nightmare, it will get better, our escape from reality will return. In the meantime, wash your hands, practice social distancing and watch reruns of the 2016 NBA Finals. Giving high fives to strangers at a game will be back, but until then, sports, we’ll miss you. Filed Under: Local Tagged With: cancellation, coronavirus, fans, florida tech, games, sports, suspension, teams Florida Tech athletic director Bill Jurgens has changed positions after 44 years By Elena Ciulli 44 years later — Bill Jurgens, long time Florida Tech athletic director, has been promoted to vice president of international relations. Jurgens became Florida Tech’s athletic director in 1976, helping Florida Tech build 18 different sports and recruiting over 500 student-athletes. In his time as athletic director, Florida Tech won five NCAA titles: two in men’s soccer, two in women’s golf and one in swimming, as well as 35 conference team championships. Bill Jurgens supports the women’s soccer team at their 2019 senior night match. Photo// Florida Tech Athletics Flickr In May, Jurgens will begin his position as Vice President for University Relations. “It is something that I really want to do because I want to have a greater impact on the University,” Jurgens said. After 44 years as an athletic director, Jurgens will assist President T. Dwayne McCay with community responsibilities and developing awareness for Florida Tech. Jurgen’s experience in the athletic department will allow him to promote the university through different areas such as sustaining optimum performances and what it takes to be a team player. Student-athletes seem to be sad that Jurgens is leaving the athletic department, but wish him the best of luck in his new position. Tania Kottke, a volleyball player majoring in business, is one particular athlete that will miss Jurgens as an athletic director. “It’s sad that Bill will not be in the athletic department anymore,” Kottke said. “But the legacy and the connections he built during his time will help him succeed in his new position.” According to Jurgens, getting more exposure and showing excitement for the university will be crucial. “I love Florida Tech for a variety of reasons,” Jurgens said. “FIT is a great academic institution and the people who work here are great.” During his career, Jurgens had the chance to build strong relationships, which allowed him to meet numerous people, who became colleagues and eventually friends. One of those relationships started over 30 years ago, with the man that will act as interim athletic director until the position is filled, Pete Mazzone. Arriving at Florida Tech in 1985, Mazzone has been involved with the university in a variety of roles: assistant athletic director, intramural director, game manager, teacher and head coach of the cross country team. Years of experience brought Mazzone to be the candidate for the athletic director role, after being Florida Tech’s associate athletic director for years prior. “ It’s a new challenge and I am excited to implement my plans,” Mazzone said. Students like Pauline Cosson and Malte Stockhausen, both part of the cross country team, have welcomed the news regarding Mazzone’s upcoming position. The two seniors have full trust in their coach, relying on his organization and leadership skills. “ I am sure coach Mazzone will do a fantastic job,” said Stockhausen, a senior majoring in marine biology. “He has always been very organized and fair to everyone, being a great example to all the student-athletes.” Jurgens and Mazzone will work together in a transition period until Jurgens assumes his new role on May 1. As for now, any relevant changes have been communicated to all the Florida Tech athletic teams. “Coach Mazzone deserved the role, and I am happy that all his hard work has paid off. I know he will be successful, ” Cosson said. Filed Under: Local Tagged With: athletic dirrector, florida tech athleltics, jurgens, Mazzone, panthers, sports, teams
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Calendar of State Papers, Venice Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 3, 1520-1526... Venice: May 1520, 1-15 Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 3, 1520-1526. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1869. This free content was digitised by double rekeying and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. All rights reserved. May 1520, 1–15 May 1. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxviii. p. 415. 41. Antonio Surian, Venetian Ambassador in England, to the Signory. The King was firm in his intention of holding the conference with the most Christian King, and preparations were already being made for the journey to Canterbury in order to cross the sea. A rowing pinnace had arrived from Corunna with a secretary [John de la Sauch] from the Emperor, charged to try and prevent the King of England from conferring with the King of France so immediately, and get him to await his Imperial Majesty, who might arrive from hour to hour. Reply of Cardinal Wolsey on behalf of the King, that the matter was already in such a state of forwardness as to forbid any further delay. The agents of the Kings of France and England were making great preparations for quarters between Guisnes and Ardres, arranging the lists and stages for the spectators of the jousts. All the nobility of the island, including the Duke of Suffolk, were providing themselves with apparel of cloth of gold and of silk to attend these jousts, the proclamation of which Madame Margaret would not allow to be made in Flanders. Having to incur great expense for his outfit when accompanying the King to this conference, asks the Signory to grant him a few ducats, his Majesty having told him to provide a tent for his dwelling, as no other habitations could be had. London, 26th April and 1st May. Registered by Sanuto, 19th May. [Italian.] The King would be at Boulogne on the 27th for the interview with the most Christian King. The Emperor's exertions to prolong the term of no avail. Dated 1st May. Registered by Sanuto, 24th May. 43. The Same to the Same. The interview would most certainly take place, and the King cross the sea on the-, although Cardinal Wolsey was somewhat indisposed with colic, and he was to accompany the King. There had been some dispute about the site for the jousts, though all would be arranged. King Henry was sending as ambassador to France an individual [Charles Somerset, Earl of Worcester,] (fn. 1) who had been there heretofore, and was agreeable to King Francis: he would settle everything. At the place appointed for the English quarters 6,000 men were constantly at work for the construction both of habitations and of the lists. With regard to the interview with the Emperor, it seemed to be postponed from day to day, so that the conference with King Francis would take place first. London, 7th May. Registered by Sanuto, 29th May. 44. Antonio Giustinian, Venetian Ambassador in France, to the Signory. The King had remained at a place between Blois and Paris, belonging to Mons. de Lautrec, whose marriage was to be celebrated there. Madame [Louise], the King's mother, had bought an emporium of cloths of silk, in which to array the whole Court pompously, for the interview between the King of England and his most Christian Majesty. Paris, 8th May. Registered by Sanuto, 19th May. May 10. Sanuto Diaries, v. xxviii. p. 429. The King had departed on his way to the interview with the King of England, and the Queen, Madame [Louise], and the ambassadors were to follow. Nothing was thought of but cloth of gold and finery; so he had been unable to speak to the King, who, together with his Court, were intent solely on bedecking themselves. Paris, 10th May. Registered by Sanuto, 24th May. May 15. Deliberazioni Senato Secreta, v. xlviii. p. 119, tergo. 46. Embassy to England. Motion in the Senate. The nobleman Sebastian Giustinian, knight, having returned from his embassy to England, where he resided during 57 months, and in difficult times, serving with recognised ability, has presented, according to custom, the gold chain given to him by the King of England, which was deposited in the Procurator's office, the gift not having been disposed of in any way, whereas other ambassadors were permitted, some in part and others entirety, to retain the presents made to them, to their no slight satisfaction. On this account the nobleman aforesaid having recently offered to go as proveditor general to Candia, never shunning toil or danger, however great, provided he act for the public service of his country, and having again intimated his wish to retain the aforesaid royal gift for the sake of doing greater honour to the Signory, and also that it may serve as a memorial for his family and descendants: Put to the ballot—That the chain delivered by said Sebastian be weighed, and valued accurately; and that he be paid in ready money its real price and value, minus 100 ducats. Ayes, 91. Noes, 95. Neutrals, 0. [Italian, 22 lines.] 1. His commission was dated 10 April 1520. See Mr. Brewer's Calendar, vol. iii. no. 738.
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Autumn roared in. The Public Services Card rolled on despite one minister admitting in a roundabout way that there is no legal basis for what’s currently happening and another cooing softly that the thing which should have been done before the project started many years ago will certainly be done “very soon”. Massive amounts of… August was a busy month as the already cracked veneer on the surface of the Irish state’s shambolic data acquisition and sharing projects shattered further. We were treated to a senior government minister denying she was splitting hairs while attempting a precision distinction between ‘mandatory’ and ‘compulsory’. Elsewhere it was (bad) business as usual for… I was prompted to write this post, which had been rolling around the back of my head for quite some time, by this series of tweets by Simon McGarr. Do read them all. Privacy and data protection is not a dry legal issue, nor an incomprehensible technical thing best left to boffins. Data protection at… July Roundup Please ensure you’re sitting comfortably folks as this was quite a month, both at home and abroad. 1. The Central Statistics Office Really Wants To Track You In one of the stranger privacy stories we’ve yet seen in this country, the Irish Times reported that the Central Statistics Office desperately wanted to build a comprehensive… February Roundup This month it’s mostly about data ending up in rather places it has no business being. 1. Weaponised Information In The Bay Area This month the great and good of the world of information security gathered for their annual knees-up, the RSA Conference in San Francisco. This was, of course, shortly after the inauguration of… November Roundup If you plan on spending any time in the UK in the near future, do be aware that staff of the Postal Services Commission will be able to look at everything you’ve been browsing on the Web. No, that’s not a somewhat strange hypothetical situation constructed to make you think a bit about digital privacy,… Highlights. Or perhaps lowlights, if you will. 1. How Much For A Phone Number? The biggest story of the month was that Facebook finally got around to cracking open the piggybank of personal data it splashed out nineteen billion on last year. In other words, connecting WhatsApp user data with Facebook user data. Despite denying…
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Accueil » Voyages » Carnets de voyage » Ouzbékistan Ouzbékistan Sur la route de la soie publié dans Carnets de voyage // 1 commentaire Ce voyage a eu lieu du 8 au 19 avril 2016 et du 15 au 26 avril 2016 Longtemps oublié du monde extérieur, l’Ouzbékistan dévoile aujourd’hui ses trésors et l’accueil incomparable de ses populations. Ce circuit exclusif vous entraîne à la découverte des cités qui hantent depuis la nuit des temps les rêves des voyageurs et des conquérants. Au carrefour des Routes de la Soie, Samarcande, Boukhara et Khiva vous ouvrent leurs portes, pour une immersion au cœur de l’Orient. Jour 1 : Paris / Ourguentch Rendez-vous à Roissy Charles de Gaulle. Envol pour Ourguentch sur vol régulier Uzbekistan Airways. Jour 2 : Ourguentch / Khiva Arrivée à Ourguentch dans la matinée. Route vers la célèbre ville de Khiva, oasis située à la frontière du Turkménistan. Visite d’Itchan Kala, ville intérieure de Khiva, classée au patrimoine mondial de l’U.N.E.S.C.O.™ avec le Kalta Minor et le Kounya Ark, petite forteresse et son musée de la fabrication artisanale du papier de soie et de la frappe de monnaie. Déjeuner avec dégustation de chivitoshi, spécialité typique de la région (nouilles à l’aneth). Puis, visite de l’impressionnante mosquée du Vendredi (deux cent dix-huit colonnes en bois sculpté), du palais baroque Tach Khaouli et de son harem, de la medersa et du caravansérail d’Allakouli Khan. Dîner dans une medersa avec ambiance folklorique khorezmienne. Jour 3 : Khiva / Toprak Kala / Ourguentch / Boukara Découverte du mausolée Pakhlavan Makhmoud, du minaret et de la medersa Islam Khodja, symbole de Khiva. Puis route vers Toprak Kala, forteresse du Ier siècle avant Jésus Christ. Visite du site archéologique remarquable, sur les collines du Kyzyl Koum. Déjeuner sous la yourte à Ayaz Kala. Retour vers Ourguentch. Dîner, puis envol pour Boukhara. Jour 4 : Boukhara Visite de Boukhara, l’une des grandes étapes sur la Route de la Soie : visite de la citadelle d’Ark datant du début du XIXème siècle, de la mosquée Bolo Khaouz, du parc des Samanides et des fabuleux mausolées d’Ismaïl Samani et de Tchachma Ayoub, ainsi que de la source du prophète Job. Visite de l’atelier des marionnettes puis dégustation de vins ouzbeks. Dîner dans une medersa de Boukhara avec chants, danses et défilé de mode. Visite de la résidence d’été de l’Emir, l’une des plus belles œuvres architecturales du XXème siècle, du quartier Poïkalian et son ensemble majestueux, de la medersa Mir-I-Arab, du caravansérail réservé aux artisans locaux, des marchés reconnaissables par leur tok (succession de voûtes) abritant la coupole des chapeliers et celle des joailliers. Déjeuner. Rencontre avec des étudiants dans la medersa Isteza, la plus petite d’Asie Centrale. Dîner accompagné d’un concert de musique classique dans une medersa de Boukhara. Jour 6 : Boukhara / Nourata Découverte extérieure du Tchor Minor qui signifie « quatre minarets ». Il s’agit en fait de quatre tours qui marquaient l’entrée d’une madrasa, aujourd’hui disparue, construite en 1807 par un riche marchand turkmène. Chaque tourelle symbolisait une ville : Termez, Denau, Kounia-Ourgentch et La Mecque. Puis route pour Gijduvan, petite bourgade réputée pour ses céramiques aux coloris variés et visite d’un atelier. Continuation vers Nourata. Déjeuner typique chez l’habitant. Arrivée au campement et installation en yourte. Dîner en plein air puis concert d’Akyn (chanteur kazakh) autour du feu. Nuit sous la yourte. Jour 7 : Nourata, Lac Aydarkul / Samarcande Courte méharée à dos de chameau puis promenade au bord du lac d’eau douce Aydarkul situé au cœur du désert. Déjeuner. Retour vers Nourata et visite de la source sacrée et des ruines du fort d’Alexandre le Grand. Continuation vers l’inoubliable Samarcande. Jour 8 : Samarcande Visite de Samarcande, l’une des plus vieilles cités au monde, étape mythique sur la Route de la Soie. Découverte de la place du Reghistan, le coeur de Samarcande et ses trois medersas monumentales (Ouloughbek, Chir-Dor et Tilla Kari), de la mosquée Bibi Khanoum qui fut la plus importante de toute l’Asie centrale. Puis promenade dans le pittoresque bazar Siab. Visite d’une fabrique de tapis de soie et de la nécropole de Chakh-i-Zinda, joyau de l’art timouride avec ses vingt mausolées. Déjeuner en cours de visite. Dîner dans un restaurant traditionnel de chachliks (fameuses brochettes). Jour 9 : Samarcande / Hazrad-i / Dovoud / Samarcande Départ pour Hazrad-i Dovoud (saint patron des conducteurs, des voyageurs et des forgerons), l’un des lieux de pèlerinage les plus populaires d’Ouzbékistan. Visite de tourisme responsable avec le village de Sazagan et la ferme Boghi Shahrizada de deux mille cinq cent mûriers financés par Salaün Holidays et Pouchkine Tours, nos Tours Opérateurs. Dès cette année, ils abriteront des cocons de chenilles dont sera tiré du fil à soie. Une opération symbolique qui permettra l’emploi de salariés chargés de l’élevage des vers à soie et des tisseuses pour la fabrication des tapis. Déjeuner chez l’habitant. Visite d’un atelier de papier de Samarcande : découverte de la technique du parchemin. En soirée, spectacle au théâtre El Merosi. Jour 10 : Samarcande / Chakhrisabz / Samarcande Route pour Chakhrisabz, ville natale de Tamerlan : les vestiges du palais blanc, l’Ak Saraï, splendeur de l’architecture médiévale, l’ensemble Dorous Siadad, la mosquée Kok-Guymbaz, la mosquée de Kharzet Imam et le mausolée Gumbazi-Seidan. Déjeuner en cours de route. Dîner chez l’habitant à Samarcande pour assister à la préparation du plov, plat traditionnel. Jour 11 : Samarcande / Tachkent Continuation de la visite de Samarcande : l’observatoire d’Ouloughbek, petit-fils de Tamerlan et célèbre astronome, le musée d’Afrosiab sur le site de l’ancienne Samarcande détruite par Gengis Khan. Visite du Gour Émir, tombeau de Tamerlan au célèbre dôme bleu. Déjeuner. Visite de la fabrique de soie révélatrice d’une fascinante technique de fabrication ancestrale. En fin d’après-midi, embarquement à bord du confortable train rapide Afrosiab pour Tachkent. Dîner d’adieu. Jour 12 : Tachkent / Paris Visite panoramique de la ville : la vieille ville avec la Medersa Koukeldash, le complexe Khasti Imam et le bazar Tchorsu, le parc de la Victoire, la place de l’Indépendance. Visite du musée des Arts Appliqués. Puis découverte du métro. Déjeuner puis transfert à l’aéroport. Envol pour Paris. Please follow and like us: voyageOuzbékistan Tweet splendeurs marocaines Grand tour de Roumanie La Nature en lettres capitales le grandiose Ouest canadien
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tonyfitzgeraldphotography (7 of 43) church in Amsterdam
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€ 0.00 0 prodotti Benvenuto sul sito swamigioielli.it lo shop online di SWAMI GIOIELLI. I prodotti in vendita su swamigioielli.it sono venduti e fatturati da SWAMI GIOIELLI, con sede in Via Mazzini, 17 – 81030 Villa di Briano (CE) iscritta presso la C.C.I.A.A. di Caserta, P. IVA n. 03985060619. 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La corretta ricezione dell’Ordine è confermata da SWAMI GIOIELLI mediante una risposta via e-mail, inviata all’indirizzo di posta elettronica comunicato dal Cliente. Tale messaggio di conferma riporterà sinteticamente le condizioni di acquisto, come previsto dalla normativa applicabile, nonché i dati inseriti nell’Ordine dal Cliente, affinché lo stesso possa verificare gli stessi ed eventualmente comunicare senza ritardo le necessarie correzioni di dati errati. Legge applicabile e soluzione delle controversie Le Condizioni Generali di Vendita sono regolate dalla legge italiana ed in particolare dal decreto legislativo 6 settembre 2005 n. 206 in materia di contratti a distanza e dal decreto legislativo 9 aprile 2003 n. 70 su taluni aspetti concernenti il commercio elettronico, con la disapplicazione delle norme di conflitto e della Convenzione delle Nazioni Unite per la Vendita Internazionale di Beni. Per la soluzione delle relative controversie sarà competente il Tribunale del comune di residenza del Cliente. Modifiche ed aggiornamenti Le Condizioni Generali di Vendita sono modificate di volta in volta in considerazione di eventuali mutamenti normativi. Le nuove Condizioni Generali di Vendita saranno efficaci dalla data di pubblicazione su www.swamigioielli.it SWAMI GIOIELLI si riserva il diritto di correggere e di aggiornare le informazioni in qualsiasi momento senza previa comunicazione. I prezzi dei prodotti potrebbero essere soggetti ad aggiornamenti. Raccomandiamo il Cliente di accertarsi del prezzo finale di vendita prima di inoltrare il relativo modulo d’ordine. SWAMI GIOIELLI si impegna affinché sul Sito le informazioni siano corrette e costantemente aggiornate. Non è possibile, tuttavia, garantire che il Sito possa essere privo di eventuali errori. I marchi, i loghi e le immagini che compaiono su questo sito sono di proprietà di SWAMI GIOIELLI e pertanto protetti dal diritto d’autore. Ogni utilizzo o riproduzione in qualunque forma e modo di tali marchi, loghi e immagini è vietata senza il preventivo consenso scritto di SWAMI GIOIELLI. I contenuti del Sito possono essere citati, riprodotti, distribuiti, comunicati al pubblico, esposti al pubblico alle seguenti condizioni: – Attribuzione della paternità dei contenuti deve essere sempre espressa – Non possono essere usati i contenuti per fini commerciali – I contenuti non possono essere alterati o trasformati, né usati per crearne altri.
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‘Agent Carter’ TV Series Moving Forward with Hayley Atwell, Says Totally Real Internet Rumor Alright, we'll go ahead and put this in the bank. Marvel is a lucrative corporation and studio whose current live-action TV crop of 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' leaves something to be desired, at least until the four 'Defenders' series hit Netflix. An independent 'Agent Carter' TV series has also been discussed, for which the internet would eat Dum Dum Dugan's hat if Hayley Atwell wasn't given a chance to reprise the role. Said TV series is now definitely happening, with Atwell front and center as 'Agent Carter,' according to the most reputable of journalistic sources: the internet! The rumor of 'Agent Carter''s TV progress emerges from U.K. tabloid the Mirror, well-documented for its frequent fibs, though that hasn't stopped the rumor mill from shouting off its rooftop that Hayley Atwell has officially signed to reprise the role made famous in 'Captain America: The First Avenger,' as well as Atwell's subsequent one-shot. Ever the pillar of investigative integrity, the Mirror claims that 'Agent Carter' will first air before the end of 2014, though no network has been listed, even with ABC and Netflix among the likely choices: This is a massive deal for both Hayley and Marvel comic fans. It’s Marvel’s major project of 2014, and it will be a big budget production. Hayley is absolutely thrilled to have the opportunity and is incredibly grateful to Marvel fans who have basically been campaigning for a spin-off show for the past six months. It means moving to LA for six months but her friends and family are all behind her, and this is a huge opportunity. For the record, we do at least know that Marvel has given consideration to an 'Agent Carter' spinoff after the breakout success of 'Iron Man 3''s one-shot attachment, though very little on the subject has emerged after the studio officially announced production on its four Netflix series, among them 'Daredevil,' 'Jessica Jones,' 'Iron Fist' and 'Luke Cage,' before a subsequent team-up 'Defenders' miniseries. It may well come to fruition that Marvel follows up on the 'Agent Carter' series after all, but expect much more fanfare and detail from a real announcement, or at least, a more reputable source to confirm the news. Initially, Deadline's break of a potential 'Agent Carter' series couldn't confirm that Atwell would indeed reprise the role, given the likely extensive commitment required, though the actress at least confirmed her interest in a subsequent interview with Digital Spy: Although she’s kick-ass, and she can be aggressive and she can be just as competent as the men, it’d be nice to show that she’s a feminist in a way. It’s not just about her being aggressive and as aggressive as the men in those action sequences, but being able to be a little bit more rounded as a person. I think she could be a great role model and a great member of the Marvel Universe. I love the Marvel lot, they’re really great people to work with, so it would be nice to go back and work with them again. I’d definitely do it. 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.' certainly fell short of expectations, high as our hopes for the Netflix series remain, but what do you think? Would an 'Agent Carter' TV series with Atwell at the helm fare better among viewers? What would you want to see, if and when Marvel actually decides to go through with the spinoff? Exclusive: We Talk 'Agent Carter' With Hayley Atwell Source: ‘Agent Carter’ TV Series Moving Forward with Hayley Atwell, Says Totally Real Internet Rumor Filed Under: abc, Captain America Categories: Television
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WEAVE Inc. http://www.weaveinc.org WEAVE works with leaders and supporters throughout the region to build a stronger community and healthy families as it works towards its mission to build a community that does not tolerate domestic violence and sexual assault and provides survivors with the support they need to be safe and thrive. Impact Area(s) Family Services Population Served Families, Homeless, Low-income Communities, LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender) Address Sacramento, CA, 95811
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webmeeting “La tradizione agricola della Garfagnana e della Montagna Pistoiese” – 20 luglio ore 14.30 Ancora un appuntamento per il ciclo di incontri territoriali “ConosciAmo la Toscana Rurale” dedicati alla promozione e alla valorizzazione delle produzioni locali. Di seguito il programma del webmeeting “La tradizione agricola della Montagna Pistoiese” previsto per lunedì 20 luglio ore 14.30-18.30 L’incontro, organizzato in collaborazione con l’Accademia dei Georgofili e l’Unione dei Comuni dell’Appennino P.se, con il patrocinio di Unicoop Firenze, vedrà al centro del dibattito la riscoperta delle tradizioni e della cultura locale affiancata dalla narrazione di esperienze innovative. Verranno approfondite le problematiche e le potenzialità del territorio con l’obiettivo di rafforzare i rapporti e la sinergia tra Comuni, associazioni e produttori, promuovendo economia locale e turismo, e creando anche un nuovo rapporto con la grande distribuzione. Per iscriverti clicca qui Per scaricare il programma in pdf
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Home » Jessica Alba 18 Teaser Posters For Taylor Swift’s Bad Blood Music Video Premier May 8, 2015 by David Erickson 1 Comment Taylor Swift cleverly teased the premier of her Bad Blood music video at the Billboard Music Awards with a series of Sin City-style posters. Filed Under: Music Marketing, Music Video Marketing, Social Media Marketing, Videos, Visual Communication Tagged With: Beyond Social Media, Cara Delevingne, Cindy Crawford, Ellen Pompeo, Ellie Goulding, Gigi Hadid, Hailee Steinfeld, Hayley Williams, Jessica Alba, Joseph Kahn, Karlie Kloss. Kendrick Lamar, Lena Dunham, Lily Aldridge, Mariska Hargitay, Music Posters, Selena Gomez, Serayah, Taylor Swift, Twitter, Zendaya
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Massiel: "Mi hermano piensa que es el depositario de la voluntad de mi madre" Lo mejor de la entrevista a Massiel en el 'Deluxe'.
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Buy A Warranty We provide easier, more affordable ways to manage home repairs. 5-Time Stevie Award Winner for 2019 Cross Country Home Services has provided a variety of home warranty, repair and maintenance services nationwide for more than 35 years. We take pride in providing superior customer service 24/7/365 from our support centers located in Florida and South Carolina. We're a company of 700 strong and growing every year. We're equally proud of our nationwide network of more than 40,000 independent skilled service technicians who help our customers solve their problems every day. At CCHS, we are committed to continuous improvement, and our hard work and dedication to excellence are being recognized locally, regionally and nationally. Not only has our growth over the past two years landed us on South Florida Business Journal’s 2018 Fast 50 list, but we also ranked #16 on the publication’s Top 100 Private Companies list as well as the Inc. 5000 list of America's fastest-growing companies for 2018. But our most notable achievement highlights what we’ve done for the people who trust us the most — our customers. We proudly earned a prestigious Gold Stevie Award for Excellence in Customer Service in 2018, and we strive to maintain and exceed that level of quality service year after year. After 40 years of leadership in the business, we would not be where we are today without our valued associates and our loyal customers, whom we thank for these meaningful recognitions. Owning a home is wonderful experience. But things do break down, and they’re expensive to fix. When appliances or systems fail, TotalProtect Home Warranty is the solution. Based on what homeowners told us, we designed an easier more affordable way to take care of your home and keep it running. With a variety of plans and pricing to choose from, you can find the one that best suits your needs and budget. We have been a trusted and valuable resource for real estate professionals and their clients for more than 35 years through our HMS National division. By providing a wide range of services, HMS enhances customer acquisition and retention, creates revenue opportunities and provides a superior customer experience—before, during and long after the purchase of a home. As a partner in our Service Network, you have the opportunity to grow your business quickly and efficiently. With millions of consumers needing service assistance, we can provide you with significant access to consumers at no cost. Frequently, there are sales opportunities beyond the warranty-covered items. In addition to business growth, we are constantly making it easier to do business with us via online work order retrieval, invoicing and direct deposit payments. We also provide the support to help you continuously improve your service quality with dedicated points of contact, consistent performance feedback and customer surveys. We offer a variety of flexible products and services that perfectly complement the banking, mortgage, insurance, credit union and utility industries. We have a long history of partnering with leading companies to build co-branded or private label programs that help improve their customer satisfaction and loyalty. Regardless of the regulatory environment you face, we can work together to create plans that can work well within your business model and industry, through a variety of marketing methods. Our clients have chosen our products to successfully build deeper connections with their customers with positive impact on their bottom line. Homes are getting smarter at an amazing rate. With a variety of options available to help us monitor and manage conditions inside our homes, we know more about what's happening than ever before. But when something breaks down, how do we use this new technology to fix the problem? Enter the Service Response Platform from CCHS. With our latest technology platform, homeowners and Smart Home solution providers alike can connect with our service network, bridging the gap between problem detection and problem resolution. Get in touch: 800.778.8000 Home Warranty 101 Warranty Plans Appliance Buyline HMS National Marketopia Connected Home Providers Connected Home Customers Connected Home Partners Cross Country Home Services is a leading provider of home warranties, home service plans, and home maintenance plans to homeowners across the United States through our partners in the financial, real estate, and utilities industries, and directly to consumers via the web. We invite you to read the many Cross Country home warranty reviews and testimonials, and shop for home warranties, through this site and our other sites. Copyright (c) 2016-2019 Cross Country Home Services A Cross Country Group Company 1.0.86.RELEASE
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What Goes On in a Teenage Brain? by Dr Jack Lewis 1 Comment »Posted in Adolescent BrainsFeb 12, 2012 At the onset of puberty the grey matter reaches maximum thickness and that key process of maturation, neuronal pruning, begins in the adolescent brain. This process does not occur uniformly across the whole brain but instead starts at the back of the brain and gradually progresses towards the front over a period of several years. Research at the National Institute of Mental Health in the US has tracked these changes using MRI to create a colour-coded animation that gradually progresses from an early teenage brain to a late teenage brain with red indicating where the grey matter is thickest, yellow a little thinner, green a little thinner again and finally the thinnest (and most mature) brain areas in blue: If you pause the video after about 2-3s you can see the status of the brain in the mid-teens – it is quite literally suspended half way between the adult and child form – some brain areas have fully matured by this point in life (blue), but there is a vast patchwork of reds, yellows and greens indicating many brain areas that are still in their childlike form. If you re-start the video you’ll notice right at the end the very last brain area to go from “almost mature” green to “fully mature” blue is at the front of the brain, within the prefrontal cortex. The dorsolateral part of the prefrontal cortex (the upper side parts of the brain region residing behind your forehead) is responsible for impulse control in the mature fully developed brain. Adults who have brain damage in areas of the prefrontal cortex lose their ability to control their anger – reacting in a highly aggressive manner at the slightest provocation. Remind you of anyone? When the hormones of adolescence are running riot, teenagers can often find themselves in situations that induce feelings of helplessness and frustration, which invariably finds expression as anger. This happens because prefrontal brain areas that are used to exert control over impulsive behaviours in adults are not yet fully developed. The important thing to remember is that late development of these important brain areas is not necessarily a mistake and may not, frustrating as it may be for the poor, long-suffering parents, be a bad thing. The inability of teens to control their aggression and arguments that their crankiness causes may actually help to break reliance on parental support, encouraging them to test the waters of independence in preparation for independent adult life. In addition to these brainblogs you can follow Dr Jack on Twitter to catch his daily #braintweet.
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Hannover , Umkreis 30 km Kongresszentrum Alle Filter zurücksetzen Expowal Multifunktionshalle Designhotel & Congess Centrum Wienecke XI Gaststätte Sehr zentral und dennoch ruhig an einem Naturschutzgebietgelegen. Bestens erreichbar per Auto, Bahn/ U-Bahn oder Flugzeug. Auf 4.000 m²Fläche stehen Veranstaltern über 20 multifunktionale und mit modernster... Hannover Congress Centrum Unser Kongresszentrum, mit den verschiedensten Räumen für Ihre Tagungen, Kongresse, Konferenzen und Seminare, ist das Convention Center CC. max. Personen: Expobahnhof Hannover:Hannover ist die Eventlocation-Hauptstadt des Bundeslandes Niedersachsen und Teil der Metropolregion Hannover-Braunschweig-Göttingen-Wolfsburg. Infrastrukturell gesehen kreuzen sich hier nicht nur wichtige Straßen- und Schienenverbindungen aus allen vier Himmelsrichtungen, sondern Hannover ist zudem über den Mittellandkanal an das Binnenschifffahrtsnetz angeschlossen und besitzt den internationalen Flughafen Hannover-Langenhagen. Die Hannover Messe ist die international bedeutendste Industriemesse auf dem MICE Markt (Meetings oder Tagungen, Incentives oder Anreiz-/Belohnungs-Veranstaltungen, Conventions oder Kongresse, Events oder Veranstaltungen). Weltweit bekannte Messen wie die CeBit und über dreißig andere nationale und internationale Messen finden hier jedes Jahr auf dem größten Messegelände der Welt statt. In der näheren Umgebung finden sich perfekt an die öffentlichen Verkehrsmittel angebundene Tagungshotels, sowie Seminarräume und Kongresszentren. Mit seinen grünen Parkanlagen und den vielen romantischen Ecken eignet sich Hannover perfekt für eine Traumhochzeit. Ob in einem Schloss, auf einem Turm, direkt am See oder in einem Landhaus – hier finden Sie die perfekte Hochzeitslocation! Niedersächsische Börden (1)
{"url": "http://www.locationguide24.com/de/event+Kongresszentrum+in+Hannover/Kein_Regierungsbezirk/Niedersachsen/Deutschland", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "de", "source_domain": "www.locationguide24.com", "date_download": "2017-01-17T17:42:18Z", "digest": "sha1:CW4PPVMJD2MDT4CLPZJLOCUM5YMEPTUX"}
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Yurdakul, Prof. Dr. Gökçe … wurde 1974 in İstanbul geboren. Sie ist Georg-Simmel-Professorin für Diversity und Social Conflict an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin und Forschungscluster-Leiterin am Berliner Institut für Migrations- und Integrationsforschung (BIM). Sie studierte Soziologie an der Boğaziçi Universität İstanbul und Gender & Women‘s Studies an der Middle East Technical University Ankara. Sie hat an der University of Toronto in Soziologie promoviert und veröffentlichte Bücher und Beiträge über Migration, Staatsbürgerschaft, Islam in Europa, Gewalt gegen Frauen und Kopftuchdebatten in Westeuropa und Nordamerika. Derzeit führen Prof. Yurdakul und Prof. Shai Lavi (Tel Aviv University) ein Forschungsprojekt zu Körperpolitik durch (Religiöse/säkulare Konflikte in Deutschland, Israel und der Türkei), das von der Deutsch-Israelischen Stiftung (2016–2018) gefördert wird. Im Verlag Yılmaz-Günay erschienen: Juli 2018: «Beschneidungsdebatten». In: Ozan Zakariya Keskinkılıç, Ármin Langer (Hg.): Fremdgemacht & Reorientiert – jüdisch-muslimische Verflechtungen, Seiten 207–228. Andere Veröffentlichungen (Auswahl): – Anna C. Korteweg, Gökçe Yurdakul (2016): Kopftuchdebatten in Europa. Konflikte um Zugehörigkeit in nationalen Narrativen. – Anna C. Korteweg, Gökçe Yurdakul (2014): The Headscarf Debates. Conflicts of National Belonging. – Gökçe Yurdakul, Y. Michal Bodemann (2010): Staatsbürgerschaft, Migration und Minderheiten. Inklusion und Ausgrenzungsstrategien im Vergleich. Website: https://www.bim.hu-berlin.de/de/personen/prof-dr-goekce-yurdakul/
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Now Playing Can't Get You Out Of My Head Kylie Minogue Download Grass fire in Groudle area being dealt with by emergency services Saturday, August 13th, 2022 11:28am By Helen McKenna Police are warning residents of a large grass fire in the Groudle area. The Roads Policing Unit say that while the road is still open to traffic, due to the large amount of smoke it is advised that people stay away from the area. The cause of the fire has not yet been determined. Please be aware that the Fire Service are currently dealing with a large grass fire in the area of Groudle. The road in... Posted by Isle of Man Constabulary Roads Policing Unit on Saturday, August 13, 2022 Elton John / Britney Spears Lady Gaga / Ariana Grande
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ACUERDO 48/2013, de 27 de junio, de la Junta de Castilla y León, por el que se aprueba la adscripción de la Escuela Aeronáutica Adventia (European College of Aeronautics) a la Universidad de Salamanca y se autoriza el comienzo de actividades de dicha escuela Junta de Castilla y León Texto del Acuerdo; de la Junta de Castilla y León, por el que se aprueba la adscripción de la Escuela Aeronáutica Adventia (European College of Aeronautics) a la Universidad de Salamanca y se autoriza el comienzo de actividades de dicha escuela711 KB
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Promulgación del decreto de martirio - Beatificación de los mártires oblatos VATICANO: “El 2 de abril 2011 el Santo Padre Benedicto XVI ha recibido en Audiencia privada a Su Eminencia Reverendísima el Señor Cardenal Angelo Amato, S.D.B., Prefecto de la Congregación de las Causas de los Santos. Durante la Audiencia el Sumo Pontífice ha autorizado a la Congregación promulgar los Decretos referentes a… (son 13, y el 7º dice así): * El martirio de los Siervos de Dios Francisco Esteban Lacal, Sacerdote profeso, y 21 Compañeros de la Congregación de los Misioneros Oblatos de María Inmaculada, así como el de Cándido Castán San José, Laico, asesinados por odio a la Fe, en España en 1936” Esta es la noticia oficial. Este es el paso decisivo para la celebración de la Beatificación, que tendrá lugar en la catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Almudena de Madrid en el mes de Noviembre de 2011, 75º aniversario del martirio de los 23 con ocasión del 150º aniversario del “dies natalis” de San Eugenio de Mazenod. Para intuir el sentir de todos ellos, he aquí el testimonio de uno de los supervivientes, el P. Felipe Díez, misionero durante muchos años en Argentina, fallecido recientemente: “Cuando estábamos ‘gustando’ el momento en que nos iban a matar, (encañonados, brazos en alto de cara a la pared, hacinados en un pequeño locutorio), queríamos pronunciar alguna oración y no nos salía; pero, sin embargo, lo que sí nos salía espontáneamente eran sentimientos de amor hacia Dios, de afecto hacia nuestros hermanos y de perdón hacia los que nos iban a matar, así como una petición de perdón por nuestros pecados y debilidades”. Mas información, pinchar en el blog http://martiresomimadrid.blogspot.com y/o ponerse en contacto con el Postulador general, e-mail: martinez@omigen.org Para conocer mas sobre los Martires Oblatos: Click aqui Etiquetas: Martires Oblatos
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Nosy Boraha Festival des baleines : combiner découverte et conservation lundi 4 juin 2018 | Ny Aina Rahaga Le Festival des baleines est l’un des évènements qui met en avant la Grande ile et surtout la destination Nosy Boraha ou l’île de Sainte-Marie aux yeux du monde. La quatrième édition de ce festival se déroulera du 12 au 15 juillet 2018 dans la petite île. Cette quatrième édition est une occasion comme à l’accoutumée de fêter ces mammifères marins qui migrent chaque année vers les eaux chaudes et peu profondes de Sainte-Marie. Cette année, ce festival mettra en avant, mis à part les baleines, la promotion de l’écotourisme et de la protection des animaux marins. Pour le ministre du tourisme Rolland Ratsiraka, il ne sera pas uniquement question de promouvoir la destination Sainte-Marie mais également de faire découvrir aux touristes locaux comme internationaux les potentiels culturels et économiques que possède l’ile. Poussant la réflexion plus loin encore, les organisateurs de cette quatrième édition dont CETAMADA, une association pour la protection des mammifères marins et leur habitat, veulent inscrire le festival dans la mise en œuvre d’un développement durable de l’ile de Sainte Marie. Le programme promet ainsi une découverte et une immersion dans la vie de la localité notamment avec l’organisation de carnaval, de défilés des villages et écoles de l’ile. Selon Sven Blondel, président du conseil d’administration de l’Office du tourisme de Sainte-Marie, « le festival sera l’occasion pour les Saint-mariens de présenter leur artisanat, au-delà des carnavals, concerts ou expositions ». 4 juin 2018 à 13:18 | Ibalitakely (#9342) Festivales à syncronisés avec ceux de Mahazoarivo ... & Mavoloha !! ..à synchroniser avec ... 4 juin 2018 à 22:03 | Albatros (#234) Un sujet qui devrait rassembler les pro-TIM, les pro-Mapar et les pro-HVM, pour mettre en avant une des richesses de Madagascar !. Mais ils préfèrent la lutte pour les "sièges" et soutenir les "idoles" pour que ce dernier soit Calife à la place du Calife !. Et fasse ensuite la même chose que ses prédécesseurs !.
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Publicado el 28 de Jun de 2013 5:10 pm | En video: Maduro dice que no conoce los videojuegos y las redes que utilizan los jóvenes Video: VTV, 28 de junio de 2013 (Caracas, 27 de junio – Noticias24).- El presidente de la República Nicolás Maduro reconoció este viernes que no tiene conocimientos acerca de los videojuegos y las nuevas tecnologías que utilizan los jóvenes. “Ahora los muchachos no están viendo televisión, están conectados en las redes y ven series televisivas, ven de todo a través de Youtube. Videojuegos y mil cosas que yo confieso que no conozco”, afirmó el Primer Mandatario. Indicó que a pesar de conocer del tema, él ha leído información sobre esto y lo observa a través de sus nietos. Estas declaraciones fueron emitidas en el marco de la Reunión con el Movimiento po la Paz y la Vida.
{"url": "http://www.noticias24.com/venezuela/noticia/177507/en-video-maduro-afirma-que-no-conoce-los-videojuegos-y-las-redes-que-utilizan-los-jovenes/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.noticias24.com", "date_download": "2018-02-17T19:43:36Z", "digest": "sha1:UHBXSLRJGYFUM3KPJ4LUMIGHH53PQNO3"}
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BILAN EXPÉRIENCES SUR AGRUMES OCTOBRE 2010 Vibrations ... :: FORUM DES INITIES :: Expériences goupil le Jeu 4 Nov 2010 - 13:42 Voici un résumé des expériences menées ce mois d'octobre sur des agrumes. Il me semble important de les rassembler, les topics correspondants étant séparés et noyés de considérations annexes... J’avais fait, il y a bien deux ans (voire trois) des expériences de momification de clémentines. Je m’étais amusé à travailler avec l’intention que la clémentine « magnétisée » reste plus longtemps dans sa forme initiale et conserve sa couleur orangée. J’induisais que le témoin ne devait pas pourrir mais noircir. Expérience réussie sur place et reproduite plusieurs fois à distance avec le même résultat (y compris dans la couleur). C’était déjà une réussite mais, on peut toujours dire que des citrons et des clémentines, quand on vit dans un appartement parisien qui ne connaît pas de problèmes d’humidité (voire d’excès de chaleur en hiver), des citrons et des clémentines peuvent bien se dessécher sans pourrir. Demeurait donc une part de relativité dans la réussite de cette expérience. C’est pourquoi je décidais de la renouveler cette année, pour confirmer d’abord les résultats initiaux et, si possible les dépasser. CITRONS A et B Je me lançais donc dans la magnétisation de deux citrons, A et B, avec le même objectif que la première fois. Petite séance au pendule puis je laissais les citrons au sommet de ma bibliothèque, attendant que ça se passe. Une dizaine de jours après, je descendais les citrons et les pesais, pour voir ce qui s’était passé. Mon citron A avait une bonne tête, tandis que l’autre manifestait des signes plus nets de vieillissement (sans pourrir). Mais la pesée me révélait que le citron A avait perdu beaucoup plus de poids que le B. Et ça, ce n’est pas ce que je voulais au départ. Je voulais qu’il garde sa forme initiale plus longtemps. Je changeais donc mon fusil d’épaule et entamais un travail quotidien de magnétisation (ou visualisation/intention), en même temps qu’une pesée avec balance de précision. Je me concentrais désormais sur la perte de poids des citrons, notant pour chacun le pourcentage de perte de poids. Enfin, pourcentage… plutôt que pour cent, je choisissais pour mille. Ainsi, les nombres obtenus permettaient de comparer le comportement des citrons de façon beaucoup plus fine que des mesures brutes en grammes. À partir du moment où j’ai travaillé avec cette intention, les pourcentages de perte de poids ont commencé à s’inverser et, au bout de quelques jours, c’est la courbe brute de poids qui s’inversait à son tour : A devenait plus lourd que B, comme je l’avais souhaité. Ce résultat était mieux qu’une réussite. Il scellait l’idée du pouvoir de l’esprit sur la matière, venant prolonger l’expérience du riz réussie quelques mois plus tôt (d’après Émoto, un bocal avec écrit « se conserve » s’était conservé pendant deux mois tandis que celui avec écrit « accélérateur de moisissure » avait commencé à moisir au bout de 4 jours). Le 29 octobre, je décide d’essayer d’inverser à nouveau la tendance de perte de poids et la 30, j’y parviens. Même si cette inversion ne dure pas le jours suivants, je la considère comme une réussite. CITRONS C ET D J’ai voulu essayer de lancer , le 24 octobre, une expérience d’inversion répétée de perte de poids sur deux citrons. Hélas, mes deux citrons, dès le départ, avaient une différence trop marquée à la défaveur de celui qui devait perdre moins de poids. Du coup, il me faudra 9 jours pour que la tendance s’inverse enfin durablement. Le 2 novembre, je me donnais 5 jours pour obtenir une nouvelle inversion. J'y suis parvenu le 5. CLÉMENTINES A ET B En partant de l’erreur sur les citrons C et D, je choisis de prendre 8 clémentines et de constater le pourcentage de perte de poids sur 24 heures. Le but, en extraire 2 qui ont un pourcentage quasi égal. Le 26 octobre, c’est parti ! Je souhaite que A perde moins de poids que B jusqu’au 31 octobre. Je souhaite dès le départ que la tendance de perte de poids s’inverse le 1er novembre. Réussite sur les deux tableaux, même si l’inversion ne tient pas. OBSERVATIONS ET CONCLUSION L’action de l’esprit sur la matière s’est avérée remarquable, voire impressionnante sur les premiers citrons. Confirmée sur les deux autres expériences menées de front. En revanche, il est très difficile de vouloir jongler à volonté sur trois expériences en même temps. J’ai eu tendance à sous-estimer l’effort de concentration que cela demande et l’aspect pratiquement obsessionnel d’une telle entreprise. Les expériences occupent l’esprit beaucoup de temps dans la journée, voire la nuit. Vouloir jongler en plus avec des couples d’agrumes dont deux s’appellent A et B, avec à la fois la de plus lourd/moins lourd, perds plus/moins de poids, rend la tâche des plus ardues. On peut observer aussi que quand une intention est définie au départ, si par nonchalance on a mal fait les choses, on peut rattraper sans problème. Vouloir modifier l’intention, en l’inversant en cours de route ne conduit qu’à une réussite provisoire. Celle-ci est remarquable mais a ses limites : La vraie tendance reste définie par l’intention de départ. Voilà le bilan que je peux tirer. J’arrête là cette expérience que je considère comme une réussite avant de me lancer dans d’autres (une à la fois), sur un temps plus court. Le 6 novembre, je décide de laisser vieillir paisiblement les citrons et clémentines avec pour mission aux citrons A et C et à la clémentine A de rester plus longtemps dans leur forme et leur couleur initiales. Dernière édition par goupil le Sam 6 Nov 2010 - 20:16, édité 2 fois Re: BILAN EXPÉRIENCES SUR AGRUMES OCTOBRE 2010 synapse38 le Jeu 4 Nov 2010 - 18:23 Tout le monde en a le souffle coupé et n'arrive pas articuler un mot Je ne peux que renouveler le respect que m'inspire ton entêtement, ton bon sens et ta volonté. Perso, je n'aurais jamais eu le dixième de la patience nécessaire à l'élaboration de cette thèse agrumique. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas notre Goupil, vous avez là un VRAI passionné, qui pourrait facilement occuper son temps à d'autres choses. Merci l'ami Conviction n'est pas vérité. synapse38 Déboité du Cortex Localisation : En plein dedans Invité le Jeu 4 Nov 2010 - 18:37 Oui, bon, hein? ça va un moment, mais pas trop quand même... Syn, à force de plonger en genuflexions, tu vas te coincer les vertèbres, et après, faudra faire appel aux bons soins des magnetiseurs du forum... Merci, les amis ! Pour compléter le bilan, juste un zoom sur un point : l'inversion des citrons A et B. On voit qu'alors que je travaille sur A (en bleu) pour qu'il perde moins de poids, en même temps, B se met à en perdre beaucoup plus qu'auparavant. C'est cette double action qui a conduit à l'inversion des courbes de poids brut. Au départ, pourtant, l'écart entre les deux s'accentuait. pourquoi pas leur demander aux citrons et clémentines ? loin de moi la prétention d'arriver aux expériences agrumesques très enrichissantes de Goupil, je suis très basique. j'ai simplement remarqué que certains se plaisaient à tel endroit et d'autres non.. que certains aimaient être chez moi, et d'autres non... ils s'en suivait alors quasi la même chose point de vue poids, couleurs... ok je sors...je sors... goupil le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 1:21 Bon, Goup pas content avec raison. J'ai fait le ménage. Et j'aime pas ça. Je suis le premier à dire que rien de ce qu'on fait est sérieux. Mais respecter l'implication et le temps passé me parait la moindre des choses. Syn was here. Dernière édition par goupil le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 11:21, édité 1 fois synapse38 le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 1:25 La remarque d'Ysa n'est pas dénuée d'intérêt... Les citrons sont vivants, professeur Goupil demande à ce que tel ou tel citron change de poids ou de couleurs. Mais finalement, cette requête parvient aux oreilles de qui pour être validée ? Donc, l'idée que le citron lui même, en tant qu'entité à part entière, en tant qu'être vivant, capte le message est s'exécute, n'a rien d'impensable. Goup, tu penses influencer la matière... tu communiques peut être tout simplement avec un être vivant L'idée me parait intéressante à creuser en tout cas Oui, Syn et Isa, c'est en effet une idée qui m'est venue. Comme avec un patient, il y a empathie. Et heureusement que personne ne m'a vu parler aux citrons . Je suis d'accord. Les citrons sont des êtres vivants vraisemblablement doués de conscience. Mais bon, sur ce terrain, il vaut mieux y aller molo pour ne pas passer pour un total illuminé Rigard le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 2:18 Je poste pas trop sur ce genre de topic car j'ai l'honneur d'en discuter régulièrement avec l'auteur en face à face... Moi je suis totalement respectueux de son boulot qui va servir un plus grand dessein que le forum. En tout cas le temps passé à tester et le temps pour expliquer ne méritent en aucun cas critique ou quoi que ce soit même si on est pas d'accord. Je m'arrête là. Par contre pour en revenir à la vie des citrons : question, un citron mûr, non rattaché à son arbre est-il encore dans la conscience (c'est à dire dans une certaine vie) et si oui combien de temps après être tombé, donc quand peut-on estimer sa mort, le pourrisement ? Lorsqu'il se détache de l'arbre passe-t-il dans une autre vie ? Que de questions métaphysiques sur l'agrume... Bon prochains tests pour Goup, tu achètes des citroniers et tu fais les tests sur l'arbre. Invité le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 2:26 Je m'arrête là. Heu, oui, là, il faudrait, sinon, ça va tourner au culte de la personnalité..Stop ! Goup, tu penses influencer la matière Un citron n'est pas de la "matière", c'est vrai... Il faudrait passer à autre chose..d'inerte..essayer la psychokinèse, par exemple... Faut pas pousser mémé dans les escaliers non plus Isis, on a le droit de dire qu'on respecte quelqu'un sans pour autant tomber dans l'adulation. Je suis respectueux du temps passer à faire tout cela et en plus du temps à l'expliquer car il ne se contente pas d'écrire 2 lignes. Dernière édition par Rigard le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 10:21, édité 1 fois Vincent, et je te laisse face à tes propos..Relis toi, et tu comprendras pourquoi je me "suis autorisée" à te dire d'arrêter, d'autant que tu es arrivé "après la bataille".. De plus, je crois que Goupil se defend très très bien tout seul.. Sur ce, bonne journée, ne vous prenez pas trop au serieux, ce serait dommage.... Rigard le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 10:26 Il se faisait tard hier soir et je me suis pris jeu après une soirée un peu arrosée il est vrai Sinon on a le droit de dire ce que l'on pense du boulot meme "après la bataille", je ne vois pas le problème, surtout qu'en plus mon post ne s'arretait pas là et parlait d'autres trucs qui montraient bien que ma soirée a été arrosée synapse38 le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 11:00 J'ai pas envie de me lancer dans les définitions opposables du Respect et de l'adulation. Mais la sulfateuse gigote dans son placard... Le citron et la vie... L'agrume dont il est question, comme la majorité des fruits, porte en lui une ou plusieurs graines qui resteront vivantes bien après le dépérissement de l'enveloppe. On se souvient d'ailleurs de l'expérience sur les pousses de lentilles. Il faudrait donc trouver un élément naturel, qui évolue (pour les mesures), mais qui ne soit pas "vivant"... J'ai pensé à un morceau de fer, attaqué par la rouille. Mais bon, la rouille, c'est limite vivant... Pas évident goupil le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 11:32 synapse38 a écrit: Ben oui, Rigard, un citron contient des pépins qui sont autant d'arbres en devenir. Alors voilà ce que j'ai fait (je ne dis pas tout, évidemment). Quand je me suis fait le délire sur l'hypothèse de l'eau, j'ai rempli deux verres d'eau et j'ai essayé d'agir sur l'évaporation. Hé bé : que pouic ! Rien, ils s'évaporent évidemment de la même façon. Et pourtant, l'eau est certainement la première à contenir une forme de conscience. Ma conclusion a été que je n'agissais donc pas seulement sur l'évaporation. Bon, et puis, ceux qui me connaissent savent bien qu'il y a toujours une part en moi qui dit "mais, si ça se trouve, tout ça, c'est des conneries..." Invité le Ven 5 Nov 2010 - 12:38 essayer la psychokinèse, par exemple et je signale en passant que ce n'est pas un gros mot, hein? Je connais, je connais. Mais c'est déjà un peu ça, à une petite échelle. Pour l'heure, je ne suis jamais parvenu à tordre une cuillère à café. Alors, je touille. Je ne parle pas de tordre les cuillères, mais simplement de faire se deplacer un objet, ou par ex, allumer une lampe... C'est là qu'on peut "voir" l'action de l'esprit sur la matière... Y'a plus qu'à... Et dans la foulée, tu nous fais une video, pour qu'on puisse visualiser le resultat... Oui mais là, je ne suis pas à la hauteur (en tout cas, comme je ne crois pas être à la hauteur, je ne le suis pas, comme dirait Blue). Mais pour préciser les choses, je pars du principe que je suis de la matière. Comme les citrons. Alors quand je communique avec eux, j'agis sur la matière. Et nous ne sommes que des animaux qui avons la prétention d'être au-dessus de tout le reste. Je ne limite pas la conscience à l'homme mais j'en laisse la possibilité à la moindre particule. Bon, là, j'y vais Ouais, ben tu t'en es bien sorti, mais j'insiste... Tu n'es pas de la matière... Tu aimerais prouver l'action de l'esprit sur la matière... Les citrons ne sont pas de la matière... Tu vas t'y prendre comment? Oui mais là, je ne suis pas à la hauteur Là, tu te programmes.. Alors, inverse la programmation, pour voir... Isis a écrit: Écoutez, chef, là, franchement, je ne sais pas. Pour l'instant... Une intuition m'était venue, et Ysa ne me contredira pas, que je pourrais créer un être "vivant", à partir de matières diverses et d'eau. Et, peut-être que cet être "vivant" pourrait être sensible aux demandes que je lui formule (que ceux qui veulent m'envoyer à l'asile zappent immédiatement !). Voilà une des façons dont je vais procéder un de ces 4 pour poursuivre l'expérience. Je pense que la matière, sous n'importe quelle forme, est un être vivant (ou l'assemblage d'une multitude d'être vivants qui forment un système). J'avoue ne pas être tenté pour l'instant par l'idée de faire bouger un objet par ma seule pensée. Mégalo comme je le suis, je serais capable d'avoir des bouffées de surhommite. C'est pour m'épargner ça que je laisse de coté. ET QUE JE CONTINUE DE PENSER QUE LES CITRONS SONT DES ÊTRES VIVANTS FAITS DE MATIÈRE (comme moi). LES CITRONS SONT DES ÊTRES VIVANTS FAITS DE MATIÈRE Les citrons ont-ils une conscience? Oui ! Enfin, c'est ce que je pense mais ça n'est pas forcément la vérité. Bien, comme je ne peux plus éditer mes posts dans ce topic (merci, Général Syn ), Je rajoute au paragraphe citrons C et D du topic de départ que le 2 novembre, je m'étais donné 5 jours pour inverser de nouveau la tendance. J'y suis parvenu aujourd'hui, soit avec 2 jours d'avance. Mais c'est vrai qu'ils ont sympas, C et D. Un peu longs à la détente, au départ, mais depuis qu'ils ont compris le jeu, ils s'amusent avec moi. goupil le Dim 7 Nov 2010 - 14:10 Petit complément au bilan : Le fait que les citrons soient collés ou éloignés n'a aucune incidence. C'est en tout cas ce qu'il ressort de cette expérience, contrairement à ce que l'on peut croire ou lire. Ce qui me conforte dans l'idée que ce n'est pas du magnétisme au sens physique. Mais je me trompe peut-être... » BILAN OCTOBRE 2010 » Mercredi 13 octobre 2010 : CDF » Evangile du 19 octobre 2010 » Observation vendredi 15 octobre 2010 » Décret exécutif n° 10-231 du 23 Chaoual 1431 correspondant au 2 octobre 2010 portant statut du doctorant. Sauter vers: Sélectionner un forum||--FORUM DES INITIES| |--Expériences| |--PRESENTATION| |--Présentations des nouveaux inscrits| |--GEOBIOLOGIE| |--L'impact de l'environnement sur notre santé| |--Ondes de formes| |--Sourcellerie| |--Les liens, les reportages, vos expériences| |--Recherches à distance| |--MAGNETISME| |--La canalisation des énergies| |--Le magnétisme à distance| |--Les soins| |--SPIRITUALITE| |--l'évolution spirituelle| |--Arts divinatoires| |--Divers |--Général |--Les livres |--Vidéos
{"url": "http://vibrations.forumactif.org/t621-bilan-experiences-sur-agrumes-octobre-2010", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "vibrations.forumactif.org", "date_download": "2018-09-18T14:18:42Z", "digest": "sha1:XCRKG44QMJLXQOEJI7HYGPN3LZYQLDTY"}
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[13526, 13540, 0.0], [13540, 13606, 1.0], [13606, 13903, 1.0], [13903, 13988, 1.0], [13988, 14134, 1.0], [14134, 14457, 1.0], [14457, 14509, 0.0], [14509, 14545, 1.0], [14545, 14619, 1.0], [14619, 14900, 1.0], [14900, 15044, 1.0], [15044, 15077, 0.0], [15077, 15105, 0.0], [15105, 15282, 1.0], [15282, 15362, 1.0], [15362, 15393, 1.0], [15393, 15414, 0.0], [15414, 15447, 0.0], [15447, 15477, 0.0], [15477, 15516, 0.0], [15516, 15624, 1.0], [15624, 16130, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 43, 0.0], [43, 94, 0.0], [94, 127, 0.0], [127, 321, 0.0], [321, 756, 0.0], [756, 1115, 0.0], [1115, 1248, 0.0], [1248, 1263, 0.0], [1263, 1484, 0.0], [1484, 1899, 0.0], [1899, 2398, 0.0], [2398, 2665, 0.0], [2665, 3023, 0.0], [3023, 3224, 0.0], [3224, 3239, 0.0], [3239, 3569, 0.0], [3569, 3666, 0.0], [3666, 3685, 0.0], [3685, 3889, 0.0], [3889, 4071, 0.0], [4071, 4137, 0.0], [4137, 4164, 0.0], [4164, 4333, 0.0], [4333, 4655, 0.0], [4655, 4839, 0.0], [4839, 5196, 0.0], [5196, 5230, 0.0], [5230, 5370, 0.0], [5370, 5581, 0.0], [5581, 5649, 0.0], [5649, 5696, 0.0], [5696, 5732, 0.0], [5732, 5801, 0.0], [5801, 5896, 0.0], [5896, 6004, 0.0], [6004, 6144, 0.0], [6144, 6156, 0.0], [6156, 6185, 0.0], [6185, 6195, 0.0], [6195, 6213, 0.0], [6213, 6244, 0.0], [6244, 6277, 0.0], [6277, 6338, 0.0], [6338, 6485, 0.0], [6485, 6503, 0.0], [6503, 6589, 0.0], [6589, 6737, 0.0], [6737, 6876, 0.0], [6876, 6932, 0.0], [6932, 7049, 0.0], [7049, 7189, 0.0], [7189, 7264, 0.0], [7264, 7288, 0.0], [7288, 7320, 0.0], [7320, 7355, 0.0], [7355, 7394, 0.0], [7394, 7459, 0.0], [7459, 7539, 0.0], [7539, 7553, 0.0], [7553, 7621, 0.0], [7621, 7656, 0.0], [7656, 7704, 0.0], [7704, 7815, 0.0], [7815, 7895, 0.0], [7895, 8045, 0.0], [8045, 8147, 0.0], [8147, 8199, 0.0], [8199, 8357, 0.0], [8357, 8544, 0.0], [8544, 8576, 0.0], [8576, 8695, 0.0], [8695, 8794, 0.0], [8794, 8956, 0.0], [8956, 9336, 0.0], [9336, 9427, 0.0], [9427, 9459, 0.0], [9459, 9475, 0.0], [9475, 9559, 0.0], [9559, 9597, 0.0], [9597, 9648, 0.0], [9648, 9732, 0.0], [9732, 10010, 0.0], [10010, 10078, 0.0], [10078, 10252, 0.0], [10252, 10318, 0.0], [10318, 10399, 0.0], [10399, 10432, 0.0], [10432, 10528, 0.0], [10528, 10761, 0.0], [10761, 10797, 0.0], [10797, 10887, 0.0], [10887, 10933, 0.0], [10933, 10956, 0.0], [10956, 11122, 0.0], [11122, 11194, 0.0], [11194, 11303, 0.0], [11303, 11404, 0.0], [11404, 11416, 0.0], [11416, 11449, 0.0], [11449, 11468, 0.0], [11468, 11552, 0.0], [11552, 11899, 0.0], [11899, 11975, 0.0], [11975, 12125, 0.0], [12125, 12158, 0.0], [12158, 12195, 0.0], [12195, 12256, 0.0], [12256, 12329, 0.0], [12329, 12418, 0.0], [12418, 12538, 0.0], [12538, 12604, 0.0], [12604, 12621, 0.0], [12621, 12708, 0.0], [12708, 12843, 0.0], [12843, 12999, 0.0], [12999, 13189, 0.0], [13189, 13207, 0.0], [13207, 13259, 0.0], [13259, 13288, 0.0], [13288, 13347, 0.0], [13347, 13388, 0.0], [13388, 13416, 0.0], [13416, 13457, 0.0], [13457, 13480, 0.0], [13480, 13526, 0.0], [13526, 13540, 0.0], [13540, 13606, 0.0], [13606, 13903, 0.0], [13903, 13988, 0.0], [13988, 14134, 0.0], [14134, 14457, 0.0], [14457, 14509, 0.0], [14509, 14545, 0.0], [14545, 14619, 0.0], [14619, 14900, 0.0], [14900, 15044, 0.0], [15044, 15077, 0.0], [15077, 15105, 0.0], [15105, 15282, 0.0], [15282, 15362, 0.0], [15362, 15393, 0.0], [15393, 15414, 0.0], [15414, 15447, 0.0], [15447, 15477, 0.0], [15477, 15516, 0.0], [15516, 15624, 0.0], [15624, 16130, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 43, 6.0], [43, 94, 5.0], [94, 127, 7.0], [127, 321, 29.0], [321, 756, 70.0], [756, 1115, 58.0], [1115, 1248, 20.0], [1248, 1263, 4.0], [1263, 1484, 40.0], [1484, 1899, 75.0], [1899, 2398, 76.0], [2398, 2665, 47.0], [2665, 3023, 60.0], [3023, 3224, 36.0], [3224, 3239, 4.0], [3239, 3569, 56.0], [3569, 3666, 18.0], [3666, 3685, 4.0], [3685, 3889, 39.0], [3889, 4071, 34.0], [4071, 4137, 11.0], [4137, 4164, 3.0], [4164, 4333, 24.0], [4333, 4655, 48.0], [4655, 4839, 33.0], [4839, 5196, 57.0], [5196, 5230, 7.0], [5230, 5370, 25.0], [5370, 5581, 37.0], [5581, 5649, 13.0], [5649, 5696, 7.0], [5696, 5732, 7.0], [5732, 5801, 14.0], [5801, 5896, 17.0], [5896, 6004, 17.0], [6004, 6144, 23.0], [6144, 6156, 2.0], [6156, 6185, 4.0], [6185, 6195, 1.0], [6195, 6213, 3.0], [6213, 6244, 4.0], [6244, 6277, 7.0], [6277, 6338, 12.0], [6338, 6485, 25.0], [6485, 6503, 3.0], [6503, 6589, 16.0], [6589, 6737, 28.0], [6737, 6876, 22.0], [6876, 6932, 8.0], [6932, 7049, 17.0], [7049, 7189, 22.0], [7189, 7264, 13.0], [7264, 7288, 4.0], [7288, 7320, 7.0], [7320, 7355, 6.0], [7355, 7394, 8.0], [7394, 7459, 14.0], [7459, 7539, 13.0], [7539, 7553, 3.0], [7553, 7621, 13.0], [7621, 7656, 7.0], [7656, 7704, 7.0], [7704, 7815, 20.0], [7815, 7895, 12.0], [7895, 8045, 25.0], [8045, 8147, 16.0], [8147, 8199, 9.0], [8199, 8357, 30.0], [8357, 8544, 32.0], [8544, 8576, 7.0], [8576, 8695, 21.0], [8695, 8794, 18.0], [8794, 8956, 33.0], [8956, 9336, 64.0], [9336, 9427, 16.0], [9427, 9459, 7.0], [9459, 9475, 3.0], [9475, 9559, 14.0], [9559, 9597, 6.0], [9597, 9648, 9.0], [9648, 9732, 10.0], [9732, 10010, 51.0], [10010, 10078, 13.0], [10078, 10252, 30.0], [10252, 10318, 13.0], [10318, 10399, 14.0], [10399, 10432, 7.0], [10432, 10528, 21.0], [10528, 10761, 45.0], [10761, 10797, 7.0], [10797, 10887, 15.0], [10887, 10933, 7.0], [10933, 10956, 5.0], [10956, 11122, 26.0], [11122, 11194, 11.0], [11194, 11303, 18.0], [11303, 11404, 18.0], [11404, 11416, 2.0], [11416, 11449, 7.0], [11449, 11468, 3.0], [11468, 11552, 14.0], [11552, 11899, 59.0], [11899, 11975, 12.0], [11975, 12125, 29.0], [12125, 12158, 7.0], [12158, 12195, 5.0], [12195, 12256, 13.0], [12256, 12329, 14.0], [12329, 12418, 16.0], [12418, 12538, 22.0], [12538, 12604, 11.0], [12604, 12621, 3.0], [12621, 12708, 15.0], [12708, 12843, 30.0], [12843, 12999, 28.0], [12999, 13189, 34.0], [13189, 13207, 4.0], [13207, 13259, 9.0], [13259, 13288, 6.0], [13288, 13347, 9.0], [13347, 13388, 8.0], [13388, 13416, 5.0], [13416, 13457, 10.0], [13457, 13480, 4.0], [13480, 13526, 6.0], [13526, 13540, 3.0], [13540, 13606, 10.0], [13606, 13903, 48.0], [13903, 13988, 15.0], [13988, 14134, 23.0], [14134, 14457, 58.0], [14457, 14509, 9.0], [14509, 14545, 5.0], [14545, 14619, 14.0], [14619, 14900, 51.0], [14900, 15044, 28.0], [15044, 15077, 7.0], [15077, 15105, 4.0], [15105, 15282, 31.0], [15282, 15362, 15.0], [15362, 15393, 5.0], [15393, 15414, 4.0], [15414, 15447, 6.0], [15447, 15477, 6.0], [15477, 15516, 6.0], [15516, 15624, 18.0], [15624, 16130, 54.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 43, 0.09302326], [43, 94, 0.0], [94, 127, 0.31034483], [127, 321, 0.0], [321, 756, 0.0], [756, 1115, 0.0], [1115, 1248, 0.0], [1248, 1263, 0.0], [1263, 1484, 0.0], [1484, 1899, 0.0], [1899, 2398, 0.0], [2398, 2665, 0.0], [2665, 3023, 0.00271003], [3023, 3224, 0.02], [3224, 3239, 0.0], [3239, 3569, 0.00909091], [3569, 3666, 0.0326087], [3666, 3685, 0.0], [3685, 3889, 0.0199005], [3889, 4071, 0.02808989], [4071, 4137, 0.0], [4137, 4164, 0.0], [4164, 4333, 0.0], [4333, 4655, 0.0], [4655, 4839, 0.0], [4839, 5196, 0.0], [5196, 5230, 0.0], [5230, 5370, 0.0], [5370, 5581, 0.00471698], [5581, 5649, 0.14925373], [5649, 5696, 0.08695652], [5696, 5732, 0.34375], [5732, 5801, 0.0], [5801, 5896, 0.0], [5896, 6004, 0.0], [6004, 6144, 0.0], [6144, 6156, 0.0], [6156, 6185, 0.0], [6185, 6195, 0.22222222], [6195, 6213, 0.0], [6213, 6244, 0.0], [6244, 6277, 0.3], [6277, 6338, 0.0], [6338, 6485, 0.0], [6485, 6503, 0.0], [6503, 6589, 0.0], [6589, 6737, 0.0], [6737, 6876, 0.0], [6876, 6932, 0.0], [6932, 7049, 0.0], [7049, 7189, 0.0], [7189, 7264, 0.0], [7264, 7288, 0.0], [7288, 7320, 0.28571429], [7320, 7355, 0.0], [7355, 7394, 0.0], [7394, 7459, 0.0], [7459, 7539, 0.0], [7539, 7553, 0.0], [7553, 7621, 0.14925373], [7621, 7656, 0.32258065], [7656, 7704, 0.0], [7704, 7815, 0.0], [7815, 7895, 0.0], [7895, 8045, 0.0], [8045, 8147, 0.0], [8147, 8199, 0.0], [8199, 8357, 0.0], [8357, 8544, 0.0], [8544, 8576, 0.28571429], [8576, 8695, 0.0], [8695, 8794, 0.0], [8794, 8956, 0.0], [8956, 9336, 0.0], [9336, 9427, 0.0], [9427, 9459, 0.27586207], [9459, 9475, 0.0], [9475, 9559, 0.0], [9559, 9597, 0.0], [9597, 9648, 0.0], [9648, 9732, 0.0], [9732, 10010, 0.00364964], [10010, 10078, 0.14925373], [10078, 10252, 0.0], [10252, 10318, 0.0], [10318, 10399, 0.0], [10399, 10432, 0.31034483], [10432, 10528, 0.0], [10528, 10761, 0.0], [10761, 10797, 0.34375], [10797, 10887, 0.0], [10887, 10933, 0.0], [10933, 10956, 0.0], [10956, 11122, 0.0], [11122, 11194, 0.0], [11194, 11303, 0.0], [11303, 11404, 0.0], [11404, 11416, 0.0], [11416, 11449, 0.31034483], [11449, 11468, 0.11111111], [11468, 11552, 0.0], [11552, 11899, 0.0], [11899, 11975, 0.0], [11975, 12125, 0.0], [12125, 12158, 0.3], [12158, 12195, 0.0], [12195, 12256, 0.0], [12256, 12329, 0.0], [12329, 12418, 0.0], [12418, 12538, 0.0], [12538, 12604, 0.0], [12604, 12621, 0.0], [12621, 12708, 0.0], [12708, 12843, 0.0], [12843, 12999, 0.0], [12999, 13189, 0.0], [13189, 13207, 0.0], [13207, 13259, 0.0], [13259, 13288, 0.0], [13288, 13347, 0.0], [13347, 13388, 0.0], [13388, 13416, 0.0], [13416, 13457, 0.0], [13457, 13480, 0.0], [13480, 13526, 0.0], [13526, 13540, 0.0], [13540, 13606, 0.0], [13606, 13903, 0.0], [13903, 13988, 0.01162791], [13988, 14134, 0.0], [14134, 14457, 0.0], [14457, 14509, 0.0], [14509, 14545, 0.0], [14545, 14619, 0.0], [14619, 14900, 0.01102941], [14900, 15044, 0.0], [15044, 15077, 0.31034483], [15077, 15105, 0.0], [15105, 15282, 0.0], [15282, 15362, 0.0], [15362, 15393, 0.0], [15393, 15414, 0.2], [15414, 15447, 0.2], [15447, 15477, 0.20689655], [15477, 15516, 0.15789474], [15516, 15624, 0.14953271], [15624, 16130, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 43, 0.0], [43, 94, 0.0], [94, 127, 0.0], [127, 321, 0.0], [321, 756, 0.0], [756, 1115, 0.0], [1115, 1248, 0.0], [1248, 1263, 0.0], [1263, 1484, 0.0], [1484, 1899, 0.0], [1899, 2398, 0.0], [2398, 2665, 0.0], [2665, 3023, 0.0], [3023, 3224, 0.0], [3224, 3239, 0.0], [3239, 3569, 0.0], [3569, 3666, 0.0], [3666, 3685, 0.0], [3685, 3889, 0.0], [3889, 4071, 0.0], [4071, 4137, 0.0], [4137, 4164, 0.0], [4164, 4333, 0.0], [4333, 4655, 0.0], [4655, 4839, 0.0], [4839, 5196, 0.0], [5196, 5230, 0.0], [5230, 5370, 0.0], [5370, 5581, 0.0], [5581, 5649, 0.0], [5649, 5696, 0.0], [5696, 5732, 0.0], [5732, 5801, 0.0], [5801, 5896, 0.0], [5896, 6004, 0.0], [6004, 6144, 0.0], [6144, 6156, 0.0], [6156, 6185, 0.0], [6185, 6195, 0.0], [6195, 6213, 0.0], [6213, 6244, 0.0], [6244, 6277, 0.0], [6277, 6338, 0.0], [6338, 6485, 0.0], [6485, 6503, 0.0], [6503, 6589, 0.0], [6589, 6737, 0.0], [6737, 6876, 0.0], [6876, 6932, 0.0], [6932, 7049, 0.0], [7049, 7189, 0.0], [7189, 7264, 0.0], [7264, 7288, 0.0], [7288, 7320, 0.0], [7320, 7355, 0.0], [7355, 7394, 0.0], [7394, 7459, 0.0], [7459, 7539, 0.0], [7539, 7553, 0.0], [7553, 7621, 0.0], [7621, 7656, 0.0], [7656, 7704, 0.0], [7704, 7815, 0.0], [7815, 7895, 0.0], [7895, 8045, 0.0], [8045, 8147, 0.0], [8147, 8199, 0.0], [8199, 8357, 0.0], [8357, 8544, 0.0], [8544, 8576, 0.0], [8576, 8695, 0.0], [8695, 8794, 0.0], [8794, 8956, 0.0], [8956, 9336, 0.0], [9336, 9427, 0.0], [9427, 9459, 0.0], [9459, 9475, 0.0], [9475, 9559, 0.0], [9559, 9597, 0.0], [9597, 9648, 0.0], [9648, 9732, 0.0], [9732, 10010, 0.0], [10010, 10078, 0.0], [10078, 10252, 0.0], [10252, 10318, 0.0], [10318, 10399, 0.0], [10399, 10432, 0.0], [10432, 10528, 0.0], [10528, 10761, 0.0], [10761, 10797, 0.0], [10797, 10887, 0.0], [10887, 10933, 0.0], [10933, 10956, 0.0], [10956, 11122, 0.0], [11122, 11194, 0.0], [11194, 11303, 0.0], [11303, 11404, 0.0], [11404, 11416, 0.0], [11416, 11449, 0.0], [11449, 11468, 0.0], [11468, 11552, 0.0], [11552, 11899, 0.0], [11899, 11975, 0.0], [11975, 12125, 0.0], [12125, 12158, 0.0], [12158, 12195, 0.0], [12195, 12256, 0.0], [12256, 12329, 0.0], [12329, 12418, 0.0], [12418, 12538, 0.0], [12538, 12604, 0.0], [12604, 12621, 0.0], [12621, 12708, 0.0], [12708, 12843, 0.0], [12843, 12999, 0.0], [12999, 13189, 0.0], [13189, 13207, 0.0], [13207, 13259, 0.0], [13259, 13288, 0.0], [13288, 13347, 0.0], [13347, 13388, 0.0], [13388, 13416, 0.0], [13416, 13457, 0.0], [13457, 13480, 0.0], [13480, 13526, 0.0], [13526, 13540, 0.0], [13540, 13606, 0.0], [13606, 13903, 0.0], [13903, 13988, 0.0], [13988, 14134, 0.0], [14134, 14457, 0.0], [14457, 14509, 0.0], [14509, 14545, 0.0], [14545, 14619, 0.0], [14619, 14900, 0.0], [14900, 15044, 0.0], [15044, 15077, 0.0], [15077, 15105, 0.0], [15105, 15282, 0.0], [15282, 15362, 0.0], [15362, 15393, 0.0], [15393, 15414, 0.0], [15414, 15447, 0.0], [15447, 15477, 0.0], [15477, 15516, 0.0], [15516, 15624, 0.0], [15624, 16130, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 43, 0.76744186], [43, 94, 0.33333333], [94, 127, 0.06060606], [127, 321, 0.01030928], [321, 756, 0.0091954], [756, 1115, 0.00557103], [1115, 1248, 0.0075188], [1248, 1263, 0.6], [1263, 1484, 0.01809955], [1484, 1899, 0.01927711], [1899, 2398, 0.00801603], [2398, 2665, 0.01123596], [2665, 3023, 0.00837989], [3023, 3224, 0.00995025], [3224, 3239, 0.73333333], [3239, 3569, 0.00909091], [3569, 3666, 0.02061856], [3666, 3685, 0.78947368], [3685, 3889, 0.01960784], [3889, 4071, 0.02747253], [4071, 4137, 0.01515152], [4137, 4164, 0.88888889], [4164, 4333, 0.01183432], [4333, 4655, 0.00931677], [4655, 4839, 0.01630435], [4839, 5196, 0.01120448], [5196, 5230, 0.02941176], [5230, 5370, 0.00714286], [5370, 5581, 0.01895735], [5581, 5649, 0.04411765], [5649, 5696, 0.72340426], [5696, 5732, 0.05555556], [5732, 5801, 0.01449275], [5801, 5896, 0.01052632], [5896, 6004, 0.00925926], [6004, 6144, 0.04285714], [6144, 6156, 0.08333333], [6156, 6185, 0.03448276], [6185, 6195, 0.0], [6195, 6213, 0.11111111], [6213, 6244, 0.06451613], [6244, 6277, 0.09090909], [6277, 6338, 0.01639344], [6338, 6485, 0.00680272], [6485, 6503, 0.05555556], [6503, 6589, 0.03488372], [6589, 6737, 0.02027027], [6737, 6876, 0.01438849], [6876, 6932, 0.0], [6932, 7049, 0.00854701], [7049, 7189, 0.0], [7189, 7264, 0.0], [7264, 7288, 0.0], [7288, 7320, 0.0625], [7320, 7355, 0.05714286], [7355, 7394, 0.05128205], [7394, 7459, 0.01538462], [7459, 7539, 0.0125], [7539, 7553, 0.07142857], [7553, 7621, 0.04411765], [7621, 7656, 0.05714286], [7656, 7704, 0.04166667], [7704, 7815, 0.01801802], [7815, 7895, 0.0125], [7895, 8045, 0.00666667], [8045, 8147, 0.00980392], [8147, 8199, 0.01923077], [8199, 8357, 0.03164557], [8357, 8544, 0.01604278], [8544, 8576, 0.09375], [8576, 8695, 0.00840336], [8695, 8794, 0.01010101], [8794, 8956, 0.01234568], [8956, 9336, 0.00789474], [9336, 9427, 0.02197802], [9427, 9459, 0.09375], [9459, 9475, 0.0625], [9475, 9559, 0.02380952], [9559, 9597, 0.02631579], [9597, 9648, 0.01960784], [9648, 9732, 0.01190476], [9732, 10010, 0.01079137], [10010, 10078, 0.05882353], [10078, 10252, 0.01149425], [10252, 10318, 0.03030303], [10318, 10399, 0.01234568], [10399, 10432, 0.09090909], [10432, 10528, 0.01041667], [10528, 10761, 0.00429185], [10761, 10797, 0.05555556], [10797, 10887, 0.02222222], [10887, 10933, 0.02173913], [10933, 10956, 0.04347826], [10956, 11122, 0.0060241], [11122, 11194, 0.01388889], [11194, 11303, 0.00917431], [11303, 11404, 0.01980198], [11404, 11416, 0.08333333], [11416, 11449, 0.06060606], [11449, 11468, 0.0], [11468, 11552, 0.02380952], [11552, 11899, 0.01440922], [11899, 11975, 0.01315789], [11975, 12125, 0.00666667], [12125, 12158, 0.09090909], [12158, 12195, 0.0], [12195, 12256, 0.0], [12256, 12329, 0.02739726], [12329, 12418, 0.02247191], [12418, 12538, 0.00833333], [12538, 12604, 0.01515152], [12604, 12621, 0.05882353], [12621, 12708, 0.01149425], [12708, 12843, 0.01481481], [12843, 12999, 0.01923077], [12999, 13189, 0.01052632], [13189, 13207, 0.05555556], [13207, 13259, 0.01923077], [13259, 13288, 0.03448276], [13288, 13347, 0.01694915], [13347, 13388, 0.02439024], [13388, 13416, 0.03571429], [13416, 13457, 0.02439024], [13457, 13480, 0.04347826], [13480, 13526, 0.02173913], [13526, 13540, 0.07142857], [13540, 13606, 0.03030303], [13606, 13903, 0.01010101], [13903, 13988, 0.01176471], [13988, 14134, 0.00684932], [14134, 14457, 0.22291022], [14457, 14509, 0.82692308], [14509, 14545, 0.02777778], [14545, 14619, 0.02702703], [14619, 14900, 0.02491103], [14900, 15044, 0.02777778], [15044, 15077, 0.06060606], [15077, 15105, 0.03571429], [15105, 15282, 0.01129944], [15282, 15362, 0.0125], [15362, 15393, 0.03225806], [15393, 15414, 0.57142857], [15414, 15447, 0.12121212], [15447, 15477, 0.03333333], [15477, 15516, 0.02564103], [15516, 15624, 0.01851852], [15624, 16130, 0.15217391]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 16130, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 16130, 2.158e-05]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 16130, null]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 16130, null]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 16130, null]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 16130, -1063.58301083]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 16130, 166.0]], "is_duplicate": true}
10 de agosto: Ministro Rodrigo Valdés y Presidenta Michelle Bachelet junto al equipo técnico que redactó los proyectos de ley que crean el Nuevo Ahorro Colectivo. 1 de agosto: Ministro Valdés dialoga con el senador Ricardo Lagos Weber antes de participar en la votación de indicaciones al proyecto que crea el Fondo de Infraestructura en la Comisión de Hacienda del Senado. Ver más 2 de agosto: Subsecretario de Hacienda, Alejandro Micco, recibe galardón, por impulsar la transformación digital, el capital humano más especializado y las exportaciones de servicios, durante Cena de la Industria Fedit. Ver más 7 de agosto: Ministro de Hacienda se refiere al Imacec de junio y al crecimiento de la economía en el primer semestre. Ver más 10 de agosto: Ministro Rodrigo Valdés y Presidenta Michelle Bachelet junto al equipo técnico que redactó los proyectos de ley que crean el Nuevo Ahorro Colectivo. Ver más 10 de agosto: Subsecretario Micco sostiene diálogo sobre políticas públicas con equipo de Modernización del Estado. Ver más 11 de agosto: Ministros de Hacienda, Trabajo y Segegob presentan Nuevo Ahorro Colectivo a Comisión de Usuarios del Sistema de Pensiones y Asociación Nacional de Pensionados. Ver más 14 de agosto: Ministro de Hacienda, Rodrigo Valdés, junto a la ministra del Trabajo, Alejandra Krauss, se reúnen con los presidentes de las comisiones de Hacienda, Constitución y Trabajo de la Cámara de Diputados, José Miguel Ortiz, Fuad Chahín y Osvaldo Andrade, respectivamente, para abordar la tramitación de los proyectos de ley que crean el Nuevo Ahorro Colectivo en el sistema de pensiones. Ver más 16 de agosto: Ministros de Hacienda y Trabajo presentan proyectos de ley que crean Nuevo Ahorro Colectivo en sesión especial de comisiones de Constitución, Hacienda y Trabajo de la Cámara de Diputados. Ver más 18 de agosto: Subsecretario de Hacienda, Alejandro Micco, inaugura charla a profesores de la Región Metropolitana que imparten la especialidad de contabilidad sobre aspectos de los nuevos regímenes de la Reforma Tributaria. Ver más 21 de agosto: Ministro de Hacienda, Rodrigo Valdés, firma Proyecto de Ley de Migraciones durante ceremonia en el Palacio de La Moneda. Ver más 23 de agosto: Subsecretario de Hacienda, Alejandro Micco, expone en Encuentro Regional de Empresas, Erede 2017, en Concepción. Ver más 24 de agosto: Ministro Valdés se reúne con el Consejo Consultivo del Mercado de Capitales. Ver más 24 de agosto: Ministro de Hacienda, Rodrigo Valdés, y presidente de la Corte Suprema, Hugo Dolmestch, firman Plan de estímulo al retiro de los funcionarios del Poder Judicial. Ver más 28 de agosto: Ministro Valdés acompaña a la Presidenta Bachelet en firma de Proyecto de Ley de Matrimonio Igualitario. Ver más 29 de agosto: Ministros Valdés, Narváez y Eyzaguirre asisten a la constitución de red de academias de formación del sector público del Servicio Civil. Ver más 29 de agosto: Ministro de Hacienda, Rodrigo Valdés, participa en seminario CEP "Reformando el Sistema de Pensiones: el proyecto del gobierno". Ver más 31 de agosto: Ministro Rodrigo Valdés renuncia a su cargo, asumido el 11 de mayo de 2015. Ver más 31 de agosto: Nicolás Eyzaguirre Guzmán asume como ministro de Hacienda. Ver más
{"url": "http://hacienda.gov.cl/sala-de-prensa/archivo-audiovisual/galeria-fotografica/agosto-en-imagenes.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "hacienda.gov.cl", "date_download": "2017-11-17T17:14:33Z", "digest": "sha1:DHFAQ3YPIKKJKPG5CAKBLGUOJMVJ6NX6"}
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9 Myths About Social Media by melissa 1.” Posting Anytime/everywhere is good.” Example: You wouldn’t tweet out you just accepted a new job at 2am, and expect congrats right away would you? No. Because you know that most people aren’t going to be online at that time. You’ll wait until the height of social activity time and make the big announcement! Managing a social media account is a little like that – if you squint and tilt your head. The truth is that there are certain times that have more activity than others. And those times change from one social platform to the other. “My customers aren’t on social media.” That’s just not something you can say these days. Here, I’ll give you some figures to mill over: Facebook just reach 1.59 billion users, Twitter has reached 320 million monthly users, LinkedIn has 400 million, Pinterest has passed 100 million, and Instagram has the reach of over 400 million users, and Snapchat’s numbers are still unknown. With these kinds of audience numbers, you’re sure to find enough of an audience worth the time to spend on the platform. “Join every network ASAP or you’ll miss a customer.” While it can be fun to play around on all the social platforms, as a business being more selective is better. You have to think very carefully about the social platform before you sign up – because you should never leave a profile alone on social media. Each social platform has its own characteristics, some networks are very simple and extremely targeted while others are generalized and overpopulated. You need to find the happy middle ground here for your business. “Pinterest is only for A. Girls/Women/Female Products and B.B2C Businesses” “Don’t knock it till you try it!” are my words of wisdom here. People categorically underestimate Pinterest as a selling and branding tool. The effect of the platform is really only just now being recognized by marketers. I’ve seen some great Pinterest Brand Boards and they definitely utilize the platform beautifully. “Social media is only an M-F Job detail.” Sorry to tell you this but social never stops. Innovative marketing techniques are continuously showing us that great posts can happen at any time. There are tons of metrics that say that weekends are powerful media times. Here is a basic list of when to post to the bigger social networks: Pinterest: Saturdays are your best bet for reaching Pinterest users—and later at night. Instagram: Monday to Thursday except from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. LinkedIn: Midweek posting is optimal from 5–6 p.m. Twitter: B2B business is best Monday through Friday, B2C is best on weekends and Wednesday. For maximum retweets post 12 pm, 5 pm and 6 pm. Facebook: Thursday and Friday 1pm-3pm “Just getting ‘Likes’ is good. Even if they’re by the same people.” This is basically, “If my friends Like everything of mine then my appearance is good.” No. “You can’t sell products through social media.” For any good business to succeed, one has to know that half of sales is the relationship. In fact, most people say that they would buy a product recommended by a friend over a commercial. But being a business owner on social media isn’t all about selling, you need to listen to your audience as well. “I should see results immediately.” There is no magic wand that you can wave to get your Facebook Fan Page a million Likes in 2 days. Social media networking takes time, conversation, and consistency. I’ve said it before, selling on social media is more about relationship building than actual selling. And building a relationship with customers is difficult and takes time. “Everything happens too fast for good metrics.” EVERYTHING is measured by social media. In my years of working with Social Media and Digital Advertising, I’ve seen the reach of data metrics explode. Not to sound creepy or anything, that’s just how it is. It’s easy to remove the cookies that track you. Brands to Follow on Instagram Content Marketing 101: Goals How to Make the Perfect…
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Black and Red - and White Stripes - All Over http://www.rollingstone.com/music/photos/the-white-stripes-under-great-white-northern-lights-20100519/seeing-red-72217731 I was sad but not surprised to hear disappointing news from Detroit this week. Our famed music city lost another band, the gritty-rocking-punk- bluesy White Stripes. The band of 2 officially broke up with a sweet parting letter to their fans (see 1st freep link below). I gave the band their due mourning: I enjoyed reading heartfelt articles, viewing stunning photos and watching loud and sharp-twang tunes. This talented man has earned many kudos for bringing a new style to rock. Armed with a meager budget plus youthful mettle and pluck, he made a name for himself – lauded as one of the top guitar players in the world. Ever! In recent years, Jack White’s moved on to other projects, diverse bands, up-tempo locales. He’s far from finished showing us his stripes. Rock on, show us your spunk, Detroit Man. Read this retrospective: http://www.freep.com/article/20110202/ENT04/110202042/White-Stripes-go-out-top Live this author’s lively DIA concert experience: http://www.freep.com/article/20110202/ENT04/110202060 If you haven’t watched the rock-u-mentary “This Might Get Loud”, do. It’s a fascinating view into the influences of 3 legendary guitarists of our time: Jimmy Page from the 70’s, The Edge from the 80’s, Jack White from the 90’s. They’re all still kicking it out, and teaching each other their styles. Even if you don’t like Jack White’s style, after watching “It Might Get Loud'” you’ll understand his fame and unique mark on rock/guitar culture. My husband isn’t a punk-garage music fan and he “got it”. He was most impressed by the fervor which Jack attacked his guitar during a concert - so hard his fingers bleed, and he kept jamming. That my friends, is dedication to a craft. Loving the swanky look. Photo credit: Autumn de Wilde Photo features from Detroit: http://www.freep.com/apps/pbcs.dll/gallery?Avis=C4&Dato=20110202&Kategori=ENT&Lopenr=102020804&Ref=PH Rolling Stone Photo photo-spective: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/photos/the-white-stripes-under-great-white-northern-lights-20100519/suiting-up-59843237 And another, highlighting his varied “guises”: http://www.rollingstone.com/music/photos/12-shades-of-white-the-many-guises-of-jack-white-20090313/2010-0779586 Good wiki-views of Jack’s colorful background, music and accolades: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_White_(musician) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_White_Stripes
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Book a speaking engagement with Kristi Kristi Hedges – Communicate Leadership The Hedges Company Kristi Hedges is a communications expert, author, speaker and sought after leadership coach. In her 20-year career working with leaders to help them communicate more effectively she’s encountered every personality type imaginable, yet remains more than a little passionate that anyone can learn presence. Her workshops and leadership coaching programs have been utilized by CEOs and teams of all sizes in companies spanning the Fortune 500, government, non-profit and privately held businesses. She runs her own coaching practice, The Hedges Company, and is a founding partner in the leadership development firm, Element North. Kristi writes about leadership for Forbes.com , and penned “The Leadership Factor” column for Entrepreneur.com for more than three years. She’s been featured in publications as diverse as Washington Post, Reuters, MSNBC.com, Dallas Morning News, TheStreet.com and numerous others. She’s been honored as one of the “50 Women Who Mean Business in Washington, D.C.” and as an owner of a top 25 Largest Women-Owned Businesses by the Washington Business Journal. Prior to becoming a leadership coach, Kristi co-founded and ran one of the first technology communications firms in the Washington, D.C. area for a decade before successfully selling her interest. Her career highlights also include working for a national news outlet, and as a political consultant for dozens of electoral campaigns from U.S. President to statewide offices. Kristi holds a Phi Beta Kappa B.A. from Virginia Tech and an M.S. from Purdue University. She is an ICF-credentialed leadership coach through Georgetown University, and is certified in emotional intelligence. The Power of Presence Sign up and receive a Personal Presence Guide and the first chapter of The Power of Presence. Tweets Follow @kristihedgesMy Column Quoted In Copyright Kristi Hedges 2014. A Shelton Interactive site.
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« Where I’d like to be for Christmas Skeptic 1 » I’m not a skeptic about religion and my personal relationship to God. I’m a cynic about how our world treats religion today in this election world we are in. I used to make a little joke about churches, the building and, I guess, even the institution. As we would walk the streets of Las Vegas NM and would pass a church edifice I would say that we had to watch what we said lest it enter into the building and we would offend the “church”; that is if the door were open. If the door was closed then it was ok ‘cuz God couldn’t hear us! And of course that is so far off of my own personal belief in God. I really don’t fear a “wrathful” God else we’d all be long gone to Hell a long time ago! No, our God has to be quite a person (Guy! Gal! – crap, whatever!). And this is the God of my choosing; the God I like to pray to; the God that has to be so very, very forgiving ‘cuz we seem to really mess up so much. Gosh, just looking at this particular election season and all that is being said and done in the name of religion (not God, oh by the way!) I can see how a lot of people/politicos/analysts/and so on would really be in deep trouble messing up what should really be an election and not a comment on their personal (and mixed-up) religious beliefs were God to take them seriously. Why in the world people don’t take on my account of religion in the world is beyond me! For instance, I don’t ever subscribe to a belief that fanatical zealots who claim to know the word of God as they appear on the pulpit, the television, the news shows, the paid for TV shows on every channel, the state houses and even the U.S. Congress have any real idea of how God means for us to interpret the word of the Bible. I mean, most interpretations are just that; interpretations of a book that has been translated to fit a personal agenda or dogma (are they the same?). I went to Sunday School (at Edith Street Baptist Church (with the approval of my Jewish Mom, another story, ok?) and Sunday services and I did read the Bible and listen to the sermons and, my Heavens, I’m just not sure they were always correct! I mean, if the stories were anything other than myths and just, stories, to prove a point, than the biblical world sure didn’t look anything like our world. And the people of the Bible didn’t look like our people! So how do I know that something is wrong? Well, I just listen to the crap coming from the mixing of politics and morals and religion and societal relations to what I believe our world should be then I know why I’m right and somebody is wrong! Another’s religious beliefs cannot be allowed to determine family matters, or marriage, or taxes, or freedoms, or contraceptives, or military engagements, or political elections, or how I live my life in private! If the religious institutions want unjustifiable privileges such as freedom from the same taxes I must pay then they must subscribe to conditions that restrict them from intrusion into the freedoms that a society must hold dear! Freedoms: to learn what is proper by what our standards are; to teach what is proper to succeed in the secular world; to have family relationships based on our standards; to separate completely from interference from secular laws; to not gain political power, monetary gain, nor undue influence due to the very special part they hold within our world. God has not endowed any individual or group of today with special rights, insights nor privileges beyond Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness – and were they to exceed what is limited to them then they must be held to account. I know all about God; and if you are in doubt yourself or are in error in your beliefs then please, by all means, check with me! I do have the answers and by the way, they are quite obvious and simple! One Response to “”
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Developing the Repository Manager Community by Brian Kelly | Jul 11, 2013 | Repositories | 0 comments In a recent post on “SEO Analysis of Institutional Repositories: What’s the Back Story?” I summarised a paper which had been accepted for the Open Repositories 2013 conference. In addition to that paper, which was presented as a poster, a paper on “Developing the Repository Manager Community” was also accepted. As described in the abstract: This paper describes activities which have taken place within the UK institutional repository (IR) sector focusing on developing a community of practice through the sharing of experiences and best practice. This includes work done by the UK Council of Research Repositories (UKCoRR) and other bodies, together with informal activities, such as sharing the experience of organising Open Access Week events. The paper also considers future work to be undertaken by UKCoRR to continue developing the community. Although I had two papers accepted for the conference in light of the costs of travel to Prince Edward Island, the venue for the OR 2013 conference, I did not feel I could justify travelling to the conference three weeks before being made redundant. However Yvonne Budden, my co-author, will be presenting the paper later today. I feel that the work described in the paper on the growth of an community of practice will become of greater importance in light of changes in the Jisc and their moves away from community-building through the funding of projects in areas such as institutional repositories. There will therefore be a need for bottom-up approaches to sustainable community-building, as described in the paper. The paper is available in PDF format from the ResearchGate repository. In addition the slides used by Yvonne Budden in the presentation are available on Slideshare and embedded below. View Twitter conversation from: [Topsy] | View Twitter statistics from: [TweetReach] – [Bit.ly] Linkage: Funding, licensing, managing research data, LTI, Google Analytics cohort analysis and more Jisc CETIS MASHe - […] There’s also been an interesting series of posts from Brian Kelly around this area (here and here) […]
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17 Mar, 2021 Publié par camille le 17 Mar, 2021 dans Exploration Agences de voyages | 0 commentaires Partir en exploration avec ou sans agence de voyage ? Lorsque vous décidez d’aller faire un voyage, la première question qui se pose est comment organiser votre séjour. Pour cela, nous avons préparé dans cet article les avantages d’une organisation avec une agence de voyage. Aujourd’hui, une grande partie des voyageurs font recours aux agences de voyages pour réserver leurs vacances et séjours. Surtout avec la crise sanitaire du Covid-19, de nombreuses personnes ont annulé leurs vacances. Alors que d’autres continuent jusqu’à présent de bénéficier des services d’une agence de voyage Tunisie. Bien sûr, il y a une liste stricte de pays à visiter. Malgré tout cela, personne ne peut vous empêcher de voyager en respectant tous les gestes barrières. Les options pour un voyage avec une agence Nombreux sont ceux qui confondent le voyage organisé avec un voyage avec une agence. En effet, voyager avec une agence présente de nombreuses options personnalisables. Bien entendu, lorsque la priorité des voyageurs est de passer des vacances à moindre coût, la qualité du voyage est souvent impactée. Pour autant, certains voyageurs y trouvent leur compte comme les catégories séniors. Mais, les jeunes voyageurs préfèrent voyager seuls ou avec un groupe restreint d’amis ou de famille. Pour leur faciliter les tâches, une agence de voyage Tunisie les accompagne tout au long du processus. Une agence de voyage, un gage de sécurité Avec une agence de voyage, la sécurité de la réservation est garantie dans un premier temps par un paiement sécurisé. En effet, si vous optez pour un voyage à forfait, vous pourrez procéder au paiement en plusieurs fois. Plus concrètement, l’agence va gérer le suivi de la réservation avant et pendant votre séjour afin de s’assurer que tout se passe bien. Au-delà de votre assurance voyage traditionnelle, l’agence de voyage vous prendra en charge en cas de soucis. Plus d’inquiétude à avoir si vous êtes coincés par des problèmes de transport par exemple. Des prix compétitifs pour les lieux d’hébergements Généralement, le premier souci qu’on rencontre lors d’un voyage est le lieu d’hébergement. Lorsque vous passez par une agence de voyage, vous n’avez pas à vous soucier de ce sujet. En terme général, les agences de voyage concluent des accords spéciaux avec les hôtels. Par conséquent, le prix devient beaucoup moins cher que si vous procédez seul sans l’accompagnement d’une agence de voyage. En effet, cela vous permet de passer des vacances tranquilles, sans avoir à vous soucier. Commodité et confort dans le pays à destination Vous n’avez pas à aller à l’ambassade et attendre des heures et des heures dans de longues files d’attente. Aussi, pas besoin de vous inquiéter à propos de l’achat de votre billet d’avion. L’agence de voyage se charge de tout. Vous serez transféré dans l’hôtel de votre choix et le représentant de l’agence se charge de tout ce qui vous dérange. Un confort et une tranquillité garantie lors de vos prochaines vacances. Donc n’hésitez pas à passer dans une agence de voyage pour un séjour mémorable. Dans les bonnes conditions possibles, vous serez très satisfaits des services proposés avant, pendant et après votre voyage. Pourquoi faire appel à une agence de voyage pour entreprise ? Découvrir le territoire indien avec une agence de voyages Inde Pasión Andina – Agence de voyage Amérique du Sud
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Connect The Dots@Singapore Musings on the Creative Economy, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Angel Investing in Singapore and Asia Some Thoughts on Industrial Policy for Singapore In this post I would like to share some of my thoughts on the role of Industrial Policy in Singapore's future economic development. This is a slightly revised version of comments I made as an invited discussant at the 15th Singapore Economic Roundtable organized by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) and The Business Times in May last year. a) Towards A More Productive Debate on Industrial Policy As a proponent of the selective use of industrial policy in accelerating economic development and technological catch-up of late-industrializing economies, I support the view of development economists like Prof Chang Ha-Joon and Prof Dani Rodrik that it is more productive to move away from an ideological debate on whether government should pursue industrial policy and to focus instead on the conditions under which specific industrial policy will work. Understanding how specific industrial policies work in particular national contexts will allow us to develop general hypotheses on when industrial policy can work. For example, from the experience of South Korea and Malaysia in car industry development, it can be inferred that the promotion of infant industries through domestic market protectionism is less likely to work without competition policy. The lack of domestic competition in Malaysia led to the failure of its car industry, which shows that competition policy needs to complement industrial policy. Another possible lesson is that industrial policy is less likely to work when it is subordinated to the achievement of other social redistribution goals. The automobile industry in Malaysia was subjected to affirmative action through the bumiputra policy, which made the industry less competitive. Furthermore, the size of a country’s economy does matter and can affect industrial policy. Large economies such as those of China and India can focus on scale-intensive industries or pursue new leapfrogging technology standards to give their own domestic markets a head start. For example, China is now the world leader in electric bicycles and has clearly achieved global leadership in an emerging industry, which could eventually lead to China moving up the technology ladder to electric vehicles. Industrial policy helped to produce an ecosystem of industries including batteries, charging stations and the production of components. At the same time, by restricting the use of gasoline-based motorcycles, China’s regulatory policy also complemented its industrial policy to develop the electric bicycle industry. Today, in many of China’s second-tier cities, one cannot obtain a license for gasoline-based motorcycles. China could adopt such a strategy because of its huge domestic market, which provides a large base to work from. Unfortunately, this is not feasible in Singapore due to the small size of our economy. Furthermore, in the local market, the mantra of privatisation and liberalisation may not work well if it results in private monopolies and oligopolies. In Hong Kong’s transport sector, a standard card allows for wide usage across public transport and retail stores, compared to the two incompatible cards in Singapore. It is a huge irony that Singapore, despite its reputation for state intervention, has allowed such an inefficient duopolistic structure to develop in the name of market competition, while Hong Kong, known for its laissez faire philosophy, has managed to create a common standard to emerge. Rather than using domestic market protection, industrial policy in small economies like Singapore would need to focus on developing deep capabilities in niche sectors that can be exported overseas. Switzerland has become the home-base of global MNCs in pharmaceutical companies, due in part to government's support in the form of huge amounts of public sector investment. b) The New Economic Landscape for NIEs Considering the stage of economic development Singapore is in is also crucial to an examination of industrial policy. Throughout history, developing countries that are latecomers to the world economy have used industrial policy to accelerate their learning and catching up. On the other hand, the more advanced countries have always argued against industrial policy, in order to protect their leads. This has been described by Prof. Chang as “kicking away the ladder” (title for one of his books), where countries that have already achieved technological success through industrial policy now deny others the same means with which they achieved their success. Despite many examples of industrial policy failures, the fact remains that all the newly industrialized economies that have managed to achieve rapid industrial and technological catch-up, like Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Singapore, have pursued significant industrial policy intervention. In the context of latecomer countries, governments can learn from the experience of the advanced nations, and hence are able to pick “winner” industries relatively successfully. In a comparative study of Japan and the four Asian NIEs that I coordinated more than 10 years ago (see my edited book, Industrial Policy, Innovation and Economic Growth: The experience of Japan and the Asian NIEs, 2001, Singapore University Press), I and several development scholars from Japan and the four Asian NIEs have documented extensively the various successful industrial policy interventions implemented in these economies, espicially in their early catch up phase. While some mistakes were made, these were outweighed by the successful cases of policy intervention. However, Singapore and the other Asian NIEs have reached a stage where the easy learning is over. Being much closer to the frontier of technology, and thus producing for markets where demand is unknown, it is more risky to pursue an industrial policy that picks winners. As such, the NIEs need to shift their industrial policy focus to facilitate more investment in innovation and enhance the effective returns to innovation. In Singapore, less than 3% of GDP is devoted to investing in innovation, much lower than South Korea and Taiwan. Furthermore, more than half of this spending is by MNCs rather than local firms, and there is a big difference in how the R&D is being commercialized by MNCs and local firms. For the former, research may not be commercialized in Singapore and the spillover benefits may be less than in the latter case. We do have publicly funded R & D, but we do not have a strong, complementary local industrial base yet to effectively commercialize the research produced. Herein lies the big difference between Singapore and South Korea, where the large chaebols are able to provide the necessary infrastructure and deep pockets to sustain large and long-term investments. Its current problem of talent shortage notwithstanding, South Korea corporations can still provide the career structure and monetary support to support advanced R&D. In Taiwan, until recently, many SMEs are too small to invest individually in R & D, but they are still able to pursue innovation through a consortium approach orchestrated by public industrial R&D institutions like ITRI that fund most of the applied R & D, and the results are then diffused through the consortium, enabling the SMEs to achieve rapid adoption of new innovation. Hence, Taiwan used industrial policy to overcome the problem of SMEs lacking the size and resources to take on large innovation projects on their own. Unlike Taiwan, Singapore has no effective means to foster collaboration among SMEs to achieve scale economy in innovation investment and to speed up the diffusion of innovation. This is a weakness that must be overcome. c) The Way Forward I: Targeting Emerging Markets Singapore’s publicly funded R & D has been trying to compete with the R & D labs and research universities in the US and Europe, targeting markets in advanced countries. However, growth in the next 20 years will be much higher in emerging economies such as China, India, Indonesia, Brazil and Turkey. These countries are moving up the income ladder, but the average consumer still cannot afford innovations targeted at advanced markets. There are many opportunities for Singapore to target these markets by diversifying research and innovation into lower-cost mass-market products for emerging economies, instead of focusing exclusively on the advanced economies and competing with the advanced research centres there. While many MNCs from advanced countries are starting to recognise the need to innovate for the emerging markets, there is still a window of opportunity for Singapore to compete, given our locational and cultural proximity to some of the largest emerging economies in Asia. Furthermore, it is ironic that, while Singapore draws top students from emerging economies around the world such as India and China, they are often encouraged to work on research projects targeting advanced markets. Instead, some of them should be tasked to strengthen Singapore’s links back to their own markets, working on projects such as using wireless sensor technologies to reduce leakages/wastage in irrigation systems or improving the supply chain efficiency of agricultural produce to market. We need a more comprehensive policy to link the market opportunities in emerging economies that our government has identified to the public R & D investment policies to target them. In particular, we need to fundamentally relook how we can build linkages of our universities and public R&D institutions to key partner institutions in the emerging markets, to complement our current strong linkages to partner institutions in advanced countries. d) The Way Forward II: Social Policy-Driven Service Innovation Singapore has developed a strong services sector due to our pivotal role in the region, and it is time to move away from a manufacturing R&D mentality. We need to think about innovating services and building intellectual property out of services, as a way to diversify our sources of competitive advantage. As part of our industrial policy, we should focus more on service sector innovation and know-how creation, which can be subsequently exported to other countries. In addressing our social problems such as ageing, urban transport, healthcare or low-cost housing, we must learn to turn our solutions into exportable intellectual properties and know-how, i.e. we must use our domestic market as a test bed for innovation. At the same time, service innovation can be tied to social policy, as service innovations in the domestic market will create new jobs in elder-care and healthcare for the segment of workers that do not have high-end skills. For example, service innovations like telemedicine and visiting home-care services will enable more elderly to be cared for at home, reducing reliance on hospitals and nursing homes. On the whole, we need to think about meeting social needs through service innovations and at the same time leverage on such domestic market service innovations to build up exportable knowledge and capabilities. In short, the two are not mutually exclusive: done right, the pursuit of domestic social policy goals through innovation can help create new export industries. This does mean that new skills in the branding and marketing of services have to be acquired. Asian companies have made huge inroads in technology-intensive manufacturing industries, but it is primarily Western firms who own leading brand names in healthcare, advertising, legal and accounting services. There is still scope for Singapore to develop services that are adapted to the context of Asian markets- Asian brand names that are based on Asian understanding and know-how. We are already good at adopting a system engineering approach to solving problems like public housing, public transport and infrastructure, but we need to couple this with better marketing, branding and intellectual property management practices to turn our know-how into commercializable intellectual assets. With the right policy support, we can produce more globally competitive service exports like airline services (SIA), port services (PSA) and offshore engineering (Keppel and Sembawang). In this regard, the success of Denmark in leveraging social policy-driven innovation to grow globally competitive industries should serve as an inspiration for Singapore to emulate, as we target service innovation that is driven by social policy goals. Denmark has become a world leader in hearing aids, but the industry was initially funded because of the government's commitment to social policy to help the deaf. Denmark also became a world leader in windmill technology because the government promoted innovation in windmill technology to achieve the social goal of increasing the efficiency of Denmark's agricultural sector. Posted by Connect-the-dots@Singapore at 2:29 PM kurnaen said... nice thoughts, dude! Just FYI, there’s an event for bloggers and the prizes are iPad2 and Cash. Find the info in my blog Interesting Blog. Worth Reading it. Rajesh Bothra Interesting and informational blog. I am agree with the Industrial growth points. It also depends on the size of the country. This help to bring domestic competition that's why China and India has large industrial growth. mypersonalloan.com.sg said... MyPersonalloan.com.sg offers personal loans singapore. Are you looking for personal loan services in Singapore so contact us. Jhon Staphen said... Industries are the basic business sector of a country that is why they need a strong financial structure and economy.. Branding & Marketing Company Wonder Post, I highly appreciate those people who share some good information, because I like those people who actually share :). Mireille Varieur said... I appreciate your great work. Thanks for sharing. Keep me more update in future. Herry Johnson said... 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Connect-the-dots@Singapore Professor at NUS Business School; Professor (by courtesy) at NUS Engineering School and LKY School of Public Policy; Director of NUS Entrepreneurship Centre; Angel investor Download my academic publications at: http://nus.academia.edu/PohKamWong BAF Spectrum Business Angel Network Southeast Asia (BANSEA) E27 Singapore Innovating for the Ageing Society Kauffman Foundation My Academia Homepage My Facebook homepage My Linkedin homepage My NUS academic homepage My Younoodle homepage News about Innovation News about start-ups News about venture capital NUS Entrep Association (NUSEA) Blog NUS Entrepreneurship Centre Redherring Sgentrepreneurs StartUp@Singapore The Digital Movement Young Upstarts Edge Perspectives with John Hagel Crafting Corporate Narratives: Zoom Out, Zoom In The Gates Notes Remembering Sam Dryden What’s Wrong With Our System Of Global Trade And Finance? 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{"url": "http://connect-the-dots-singapore.blogspot.com/2012/03/some-thoughts-on-industrial-policy-for.html?showComment=1332299605850", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "connect-the-dots-singapore.blogspot.com", "date_download": "2017-08-16T13:01:33Z", "digest": "sha1:6JOZFAJXJPXIOFYJLKOJ6PQVH6HFZ4UB"}
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proximale Fibula Röntgen HüfteIm Inneren des Unterschenkels liegen zwei Knochen: das Schienbein und das Wadenbein. Das Wadenbein heißt lateinisch Fibula. Es ist ein schlanker Knochen, der zur Außenseite hin neben dem Schienbein liegt. An seinem unteren Ende bildet das Wadenbein den Außenknöchel, einen Teil des Sprunggelenkes.Die proximale Fibula ist das obere Ende des Wadenbeins. Dieser Teil des Wadenbeins ist über ein kaum bewegliches Gelenk und über Bänder mit dem Schienbein verbunden. Das obere Ende des Wadenbeins ist aber nicht am Kniegelenk beteiligt.
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Bataan Death March survivor dies in Texas Pedro Gonzalez was born in Las Cruces but his family later moved to Los Lunas, where he graduated from high school. Bataan Death March survivor dies in Texas Pedro Gonzalez was born in Las Cruces but his family later moved to Los Lunas, where he graduated from high school. Check out this story on lcsun-news.com: http://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/local/new-mexico/2018/01/17/bataan-death-march-survivor-pedro-gonzalez-passes-away-texas/1040900001/ Albuquerque Journal Published 11:12 a.m. MT Jan. 17, 2018 | Updated 12:26 p.m. MT Jan. 17, 2018 A memorial to Bataan Memorial Death March veterans at Veterans Memorial Park in Las Cruces.(Photo: Lucas Peerman/Sun-News)Buy Photo ALBUQUERQUE - He was among the American prisoners of war forced on what became the Bataan Death March, imprisoned by the Japanese for more than three years, and regularly beaten by his captors. Despite that horror, World War II veteran Pedro "Pete" Amor Gonzalez never lost his sense of humor, said his son, Pete A. Gonzalez Jr. "He was a no-nonsense individual. He wasn't a joker, but he retained his sense of humor," and regardless of the brutality of his war experience, "he was a pleasant, courteous and compassionate man" throughout the remainder of his life. The elder Gonzalez died Jan. 6 in Texas, where he had gone to live with his namesake son. He was 96. A funeral Mass was held Wednesday in Albuquerque. Gonzalez was born in Las Cruces but his family later moved to Los Lunas, where he graduated from high school. Shortly after his graduation, he enlisted in the Army Air Corps in 1940. Following basic training he was assigned to the 19th Bombardment Group at Clark Field in the Philippines. From there he was sent to Bataan, to defend it against the Japanese, who ultimately captured it in April 1942, along with 60,000 Filipino and 15,000 American prisoners of war. The prisoners were forced to march more than 60 miles to internment camps along the coast. "It was horrible. All along the way prisoners were shot or beheaded if they didn't keep up," said Gonzalez Jr. In October 1943, his father was put on a ship and sent to Japan "to work as slave labor in factories." The U.S. soldiers were liberated in August 1945 and Gonzalez returned to the U.S. for medical attention at a number of hospitals, including facilities in Santa Fe and Albuquerque. He was discharged from the military in May 1946 with the rank of sergeant, with two Purple Heart medals and a Silver Star. He remained in Albuquerque where he had relatives and began his own family. More: Bataan Memorial Death March on pace for biggest year ever Bataan Death March survivor, a Las Cruces native, gets his medals Bataan Death March survivor celebrates 101st birthday Gonzalez took a job at what was then Sandia Base and ended up working for the Department of Defense as an inventory specialist for nuclear weapons and as financial officer for the different branches of the military. He retired in the mid- to late 1980s with a combined 35 years in the military and civil service. Gonzalez filled his retirement with outdoor pursuits, particularly fishing and hunting. He also continued to stay involved with veterans organizations and was the local commander of a chapter of former POWs, his son said. He did not, however, talk much about his war years, Gonzalez Jr. said. "Back then they didn't know much about PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)." It wasn't until 2012, when the local PBS affiliate began research for a documentary, "Bataan: 70th Anniversary Commemoration," that Gonzalez, with the prodding of his son, sat for interviews and began to talk more openly about it. "I asked him to consider doing it because it's of historical significance, and it's part of our family heritage and we needed to know." Gonzalez was preceded in death by his wife, Mabel R. Gonzalez and a granddaughter, Lori Gonzalez-Trembley. Immediate family survivors include sons Pete A. Gonzalez Jr., and his wife, Inga, and Bob Marquez and his wife, Maria; a sister, Carmen Cover; and numerous grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Read or Share this story: http://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/local/new-mexico/2018/01/17/bataan-death-march-survivor-pedro-gonzalez-passes-away-texas/1040900001/ Suspect in trailer park death released on bond Former NMSU nursing professor honored NMSU College of Business awards scholarships Las Cruces Utilities launches fast alerts Man sentenced to prison for child sexual abuse at daycare Two sentenced for roles in 2016 homicide
{"url": "https://www.lcsun-news.com/story/news/local/new-mexico/2018/01/17/bataan-death-march-survivor-pedro-gonzalez-passes-away-texas/1040900001/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.lcsun-news.com", "date_download": "2019-11-11T20:33:33Z", "digest": "sha1:5Z3WNJJUREVIIXCQUFMFMXBWWJPBLEGF"}
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8th Terahertz Days Registration/Submission Exhibitors & Sponsors The 8th Terahertz Days Conference is over. Thank you all again for attending! The pictures taken during these 3 days will be online soon. For the first time, this conference was co-organized by the french and german THz communities. After Paris (1998), Dunkerque (2002), Aussois (2005), Bombannes (2007), Villeneuve d’Ascq (2009), La grand Motte (2011) and Cargèse (2013), Arêches will host the next Terahertz Days. This typical french mountain village, proposing sport, culture and gastronomic activities, is the ideal place to welcome students, academics and industrials willing to discuss the latest development in the field of Terahertz related Science and Technology. Powered by WordPress. Admin WordPress. Admin Thzday.
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Jeunesse & sports Voici quelques photos montrant quelques unes de nos activités Que faisons-nous au centre de loisirs? Vous trouverez, ci-dessous, le règlement intérieur du centre de loisirs : reglement interieur.pdf Le Centre d'Accueil Collectif de Loisirs à Caractère Educatif de LA LOUETTE Parc de la Louette 04300 Forcalquier Email : lalouette-omjs@orange.fr Accueil des enfants de 7h30 à 18h00 tous les mercredis et les vacances scolaires sauf une semaine aux vacances de Noël et une semaine fin août. L’équipe pédagogique et éducative est composée de 5 animateurs permanents et diplômés (1 BPJEPS - diplôme professionnel de l’éducation populaire, 3 BAFA dont deux en formation BPJEPS et 2 surveillants de baignade. Tous ont l’attestation qui permet de dispenser les premiers secours). Ils sont présents sur les temps périscolaires dans les écoles et au centre de loisirs. Depuis la signature d’une convention de partenariat les enfants des communes de Pierrerue, Sigonce, Limans, Lurs, Ongles, Saint Etienne les Orgues et Saint Maime pourront être accueillis les mercredis et/ou les vacances scolaires au Centre d’Accueil Collectif à Caractère Educatif (centre de loisirs) aux mêmes conditions que les enfants de Forcalquier. Les parents, des communes extérieures, souhaitant inscrire leur enfant, doivent passer au préalable à la mairie de leur résidence pour demander une autorisation. Les modalités d’inscription : La Louette 04 92 75 43 26 Inscriptions tous les lundis de 9h à 18h : Le lundi pour les mercredis et pour les vacances le lundi de la semaine précédent l’arrivée de l’enfant. Pour les parents dans l’incapacité de passer au centre nous proposons de glisser dans la boîte aux lettres de l’établissement, au plus tard le lundi à 12h00, une enveloppe contenant sur papier libre : Le nom, prénom, âge, les jours avec la formule souhaitée et le montant joint par chèque à l’ordre de l’OMJS, ou de nous adresser un e-mail à lalouette-omjs@orange.fr. En cas d’absence (maladie) la 1er journée est perdue les autres pourront être reportées sur présentation d’un justificatif médical. Une obligation de 3 journées de présences sur les vacances d’été. Les places sont limitées sur les sorties et les piscines, la priorité est aux enfants présents sur la semaine. Adhésion annuelle 1 enfant Communes extérieures Adhésion annuelle 2 enfants Adhésion annuelle 3 enfants et plus Journée avec repas Journée sans repas Demi-journée sans repas Demi-journée avec repas Vos bons loisirs peuvent être déduits lors des inscriptions. Présenter l’original lors de la première inscription. La pédagogie : Le temps libre des enfants est une réalité sociale qui reste encore trop souvent ignorée. Pourtant, il constitue un espace éducatif, social et culturel complémentaire de la famille et de l'école, dont l'un des enjeux essentiel est l'apprentissage de la citoyenneté. Sans oublier la multitude d’activités : fenêtres ouvertes sur le monde qui les entoure. Pourtant le temps libre des enfants et des jeunes possède un formidable potentiel éducatif, culturel et social essentiel pour le maintien et le développement du lien social. Au plan éducatif, le temps libre est l'espace privilégié du jeu et des activités, un temps fort pour développer l'initiative, la responsabilité et la solidarité, qualités essentielles au devenir de nos sociétés contemporaines. Au plan social, le temps libre est un espace d'ouverture, de découverte et de rencontre, qui favorise l'intégration et permet l'exercice de la citoyenneté Au plan culturel, le temps libre est un espace de liberté qui favorise la créativité, la sensibilité. Il contribue à ouvrir les enfants et les jeunes à une culture sans cesse plus universelle, il encourage les rencontres inter-culturelles et inter-générationnelles. Chaque année le projet pédagogique est établi selon différents objectifs. Le projet est mis à la disposition des parents. - Garantir à l’enfant un cadre de sécurité physique et affective - Favoriser le développement et la participation de l'enfant - Faciliter l'apprentissage de la vie en collectivité - Accompagner les enfants vers l’autonomie - Développer la créativité et les sens artistiques de l’enfant - Faire découvrir à l’enfant de nouveaux horizons - Mettre en place des dispositifs destinés à favoriser l’accès des enfants atteints de troubles de la santé ou de handicaps - Eduquer à la préservation de l’environnement - Faciliter l’implication des familles - Assurer une continuité entre tous les temps périscolaires des enfants L'équipe de l'OMJS se donne depuis toujours pour objectif, de définir des activités et pédagogies adaptées aux différents âges de l'enfance. Voici un panel de ce qui sera proposé aux enfants de La Louette ! - des ateliers manuels : peinture, plâtre, couture, terre cuite, papier, perles avec notre animatrice spécialisée et des stages de dessin, de mosaïque, de vitrail et de bandes dessinées en partenariat avec l’association Partage - des ateliers nature : jardinage et compostage mis en place en péri-scolaire, découverte de la faune et de la flore avec le CPIE. Potager sur la structure avec notre animatrice spécialisée. - des rencontres intercentres avec Banon, Reillanne, Noyer sur Jabron et Gréoux - des activités « passerelles » entre les plus grands du centre de loisirs et les jeunes de l’Oxy’jeune (salle des jeunes de Forcalquier) mais aussi entre la crèche et les plus petits ! - des ateliers lecture et bibliothèque grâce au partenariat avec l’école des loisirs et Croq’livre - des activités sportives et physiques : jeux de pistes, jeux collectifs, courses d’orientation, stages sportifs (3 raquette, 3 ballons, multisports, équitation, escalade) des balades à vélo, des tournois sportifs, des baignades et des randonnées. Ces activités se déroulent grâce au partenariat avec l’ASF, le club de basket, les fous du volant, le club de tennis, les Crins de Gaïa et le club d’escalade - des sorties culturelles : festival d’Avignon, visites de musées à Marseille (Capitale culturelle 2013), et dans la région, pièces de théâtre etc… - des périodes à thèmes : afin de créer du lien entre ces différentes activités et d’entrer dans un imaginaire si vite oublié…. - des actions ponctuelles : Festi’loups (festival de la petite enfance), le marché de Noël, Jeunes en scène, prévention sécurité routière, sensibilisation aux énergies renouvelables, La journée de l’enfance en partenariat avec l’Unicef (la ville de Forcalquier est « Ville amie des enfants »), un vide grenier, un loto et le carnaval ! - des nuitées et soirées au centre de loisirs et des bivouacs sur sites répondants aux règles de sécurité et d’hygiène au cours de randonnées à cheval ou à pied - des mini camps : au Loubatas (centre d’éducation au développement durable autonome en énergie), à la mer et à la montagne (projet d’un camp itinérant) - des séjours : ski, mer et montagne (lieux à déterminer) durant les vacances scolaires. L’équipe propose souvent deux ou trois activités pour que l’enfant ait le choix. Il aura aussi le temps « de ne rien faire » pendant les temps « libres » et « calmes ». Actualités / Evènements Concert de la Sainte-Cécile de l'Écho Forcalquiéren L'Écho Forcalquiéren vous emmène au cabaret. Cette année nous vous proposons un programme de musique de variétés comme si vous étiez au cabaret. Espace culturel Bonne Fontaine. Avenue Saint-Promasse. A 16h. Gratuit. Organisation : société musicale de Forcalquier L'Écho Forcalquiéren. 07 81 36 48 08 - gilles.leduc33@gmail.com / http://echoforcalquieren.free.fr/ Fête des illuminations Comme chaque année à l’approche de Noël, rejoignez la place du Bourguet pour célébrer tous ensemble la fête des illuminations. Spectacle, feu d’artifice et verre de l’amitié. Place du Bourguet. A 18h. Organisation : mairie de Forcalquier Mairie de Forcalquier 1 place du Bourguet - BP 40 04 300 Forcalquier Cedex Ouverture de la mairie Du lundi au jeudi de 8h à 12h et de 14h à 18h, Le vendredi de 8h à 12h et de 14h à 17h, Le samedi matin il y a une permanence des élus de 10h à 12h. Toutes nos lettres Tous les reseaux sociaux Venir à Forcalquier Le dernier Résistant Forcalquier au fil du temps Mémoire photographique Circuit du patrimoine Mémoire Résistante La gendarmerie de Forcalquier L'ancienne prison La défense passive Marius l'imprimeur Le capitaine Alexandre Les baraquements militaires La poudrière Lucrèce Les fusillés du 8 juin 1944 19 août 1944 : la libération Fête de la libération Pourquoi Joseph Barjavel Sur les traces de Joseph Barjavel Si le musée savait parler Marquis d'Autane 1915 : La guerre s'enlise dans les tranchées Tête d'adolescent Les nouveautés de 2015 Fugitive résistance et les nouvelles sculptures La Vierge des Cordeliers Les Bellonet et la Sainte Famille Le plafond du couvent des Visitandines Zone d'Activité Economique Pôle saveurs et senteurs Créer votre activité Ecoles et collège Oxy'jeunes OMJS Relais Services Publics (RSP) FONDS MODERNE FONDS CONTEMPORAIN Musée municipal La collection permanente du musée de Forcalquier Les collections d'art contemporain Le petit Colporteur Mairie / Services Cérémonie des voeux Le maire et les adjoints Trombinoscope et délégations Les séances et leur ordre du jour Comptes rendus des séances Contactez vos élus Les dossiers et démarches administratives Service petite enfance 2017 l'année de tous les changements Crèche municipale La Ninèia La crèche au fil du temps MEMOIRE PHOTOGRAPHIQUE LES FESTIVITÉS Info Police Communauté de Communes Pays de Forcalquier - Montagne de Lure Pays de Haute Provence Évènements / Agenda Marchés public en ligne Liste des marchés passés Délégation de Service Public Réservation cantine Vos papiers
{"url": "http://www.ville-forcalquier.fr/centre-de-loisirs.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.ville-forcalquier.fr", "date_download": "2019-11-11T19:47:33Z", "digest": "sha1:HCPAJN2UXF272UJ6ZMHMYESXXX25QBIF"}
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30.0], [5145, 5225, 11.0], [5225, 5411, 32.0], [5411, 5510, 14.0], [5510, 5758, 33.0], [5758, 5916, 29.0], [5916, 6064, 21.0], [6064, 6192, 21.0], [6192, 6528, 50.0], [6528, 6689, 29.0], [6689, 6842, 24.0], [6842, 6931, 13.0], [6931, 7012, 13.0], [7012, 7100, 21.0], [7100, 7124, 2.0], [7124, 7176, 7.0], [7176, 7321, 23.0], [7321, 7383, 8.0], [7383, 7392, 1.0], [7392, 7461, 7.0], [7461, 7539, 7.0], [7539, 7562, 3.0], [7562, 7737, 27.0], [7737, 7763, 5.0], [7763, 7800, 4.0], [7800, 7822, 3.0], [7822, 7850, 6.0], [7850, 7875, 4.0], [7875, 7898, 4.0], [7898, 7945, 13.0], [7945, 7986, 11.0], [7986, 8047, 14.0], [8047, 8066, 3.0], [8066, 8091, 4.0], [8091, 8111, 3.0], [8111, 8132, 3.0], [8132, 8160, 5.0], [8160, 8183, 2.0], [8183, 8205, 3.0], [8205, 8224, 2.0], [8224, 8254, 4.0], [8254, 8272, 2.0], [8272, 8291, 3.0], [8291, 8310, 2.0], [8310, 8333, 3.0], [8333, 8361, 3.0], [8361, 8382, 3.0], [8382, 8410, 6.0], [8410, 8439, 5.0], [8439, 8461, 4.0], [8461, 8486, 3.0], [8486, 8520, 6.0], [8520, 8546, 5.0], [8546, 8563, 2.0], [8563, 8608, 7.0], [8608, 8626, 2.0], [8626, 8649, 4.0], [8649, 8697, 6.0], [8697, 8722, 4.0], [8722, 8756, 6.0], [8756, 8795, 6.0], [8795, 8822, 3.0], [8822, 8847, 4.0], [8847, 8868, 3.0], [8868, 8886, 3.0], [8886, 8897, 1.0], [8897, 8902, 1.0], [8902, 8932, 4.0], [8932, 8946, 2.0], [8946, 8965, 2.0], [8965, 8981, 2.0], [8981, 9030, 7.0], [9030, 9065, 4.0], [9065, 9085, 3.0], [9085, 9103, 2.0], [9103, 9123, 3.0], [9123, 9148, 5.0], [9148, 9177, 3.0], [9177, 9211, 7.0], [9211, 9238, 4.0], [9238, 9257, 3.0], [9257, 9299, 5.0], [9299, 9322, 3.0], [9322, 9359, 6.0], [9359, 9387, 4.0], [9387, 9413, 6.0], [9413, 9436, 2.0], [9436, 9451, 2.0], [9451, 9463, 2.0], [9463, 9525, 9.0], [9525, 9548, 4.0], [9548, 9568, 2.0], [9568, 9592, 4.0], [9592, 9617, 4.0], [9617, 9646, 4.0], [9646, 9666, 2.0], [9666, 9677, 2.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 18, 0.0], [18, 80, 0.0], [80, 119, 0.0], [119, 193, 0.0], [193, 217, 0.0], [217, 293, 0.0], [293, 312, 0.0], [312, 330, 0.29411765], [330, 363, 0.0], [363, 507, 0.04827586], [507, 878, 0.01072386], [878, 1232, 0.0], [1232, 1394, 0.0], [1394, 1450, 0.18518519], [1450, 1493, 0.07317073], [1493, 1598, 0.0], [1598, 1966, 0.01098901], [1966, 2098, 0.0075188], [2098, 2164, 0.01470588], [2164, 2275, 0.0], [2275, 2302, 0.03703704], [2302, 2323, 0.0], [2323, 2351, 0.03571429], [2351, 2387, 0.02777778], [2387, 2406, 0.0], [2406, 2425, 0.0], [2425, 2449, 0.0], [2449, 2473, 0.0], [2473, 2588, 0.0], [2588, 2603, 0.0], [2603, 2869, 0.0], [2869, 2957, 0.0], [2957, 3131, 0.0], [3131, 3358, 0.0], [3358, 3513, 0.0], [3513, 3779, 0.0], [3779, 3901, 0.0], [3901, 3966, 0.0], [3966, 4027, 0.0], [4027, 4081, 0.0], [4081, 4124, 0.0], [4124, 4187, 0.0], [4187, 4237, 0.0], [4237, 4361, 0.0], [4361, 4408, 0.0], [4408, 4447, 0.0], [4447, 4519, 0.0], [4519, 4726, 0.0], [4726, 4954, 0.0], [4954, 5145, 0.0], [5145, 5225, 0.0], [5225, 5411, 0.0], [5411, 5510, 0.0], [5510, 5758, 0.00847458], [5758, 5916, 0.0], [5916, 6064, 0.02777778], [6064, 6192, 0.0], [6192, 6528, 0.0], [6528, 6689, 0.0], [6689, 6842, 0.0], [6842, 6931, 0.0], [6931, 7012, 0.0], [7012, 7100, 0.0], [7100, 7124, 0.0], [7124, 7176, 0.0], [7176, 7321, 0.0], [7321, 7383, 0.03508772], [7383, 7392, 0.0], [7392, 7461, 0.0], [7461, 7539, 0.1875], [7539, 7562, 0.0], [7562, 7737, 0.0], [7737, 7763, 0.08695652], [7763, 7800, 0.0], [7800, 7822, 0.0], [7822, 7850, 0.12], [7850, 7875, 0.20833333], [7875, 7898, 0.0], [7898, 7945, 0.14893617], [7945, 7986, 0.17073171], [7986, 8047, 0.06557377], [8047, 8066, 0.0], [8066, 8091, 0.0], [8091, 8111, 0.0], [8111, 8132, 0.0], [8132, 8160, 0.0], [8160, 8183, 0.0], [8183, 8205, 0.0], [8205, 8224, 0.0], [8224, 8254, 0.0], [8254, 8272, 0.0], [8272, 8291, 0.0], [8291, 8310, 0.0], [8310, 8333, 0.0], [8333, 8361, 0.0], [8361, 8382, 0.0], [8382, 8410, 0.17857143], [8410, 8439, 0.21428571], [8439, 8461, 0.0], [8461, 8486, 0.0], [8486, 8520, 0.0], [8520, 8546, 0.0], [8546, 8563, 0.0], [8563, 8608, 0.0952381], [8608, 8626, 0.0], [8626, 8649, 0.17391304], [8649, 8697, 0.0], [8697, 8722, 0.0], [8722, 8756, 0.0], [8756, 8795, 0.0], [8795, 8822, 0.0], [8822, 8847, 0.0], [8847, 8868, 0.0], [8868, 8886, 0.0], [8886, 8897, 0.0], [8897, 8902, 0.0], [8902, 8932, 0.0], [8932, 8946, 0.0], [8946, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 8981, 0.0], [8981, 9030, 0.0], [9030, 9065, 0.0], [9065, 9085, 0.0], [9085, 9103, 0.0], [9103, 9123, 0.0], [9123, 9148, 0.0], [9148, 9177, 0.0], [9177, 9211, 0.0], [9211, 9238, 0.0], [9238, 9257, 0.0], [9257, 9299, 0.0], [9299, 9322, 0.0], [9322, 9359, 0.11111111], [9359, 9387, 0.0], [9387, 9413, 0.0], [9413, 9436, 0.0], [9436, 9451, 0.0], [9451, 9463, 0.0], [9463, 9525, 0.0], [9525, 9548, 0.0], [9548, 9568, 0.0], [9568, 9592, 0.0], [9592, 9617, 0.0], [9617, 9646, 0.0], [9646, 9666, 0.0], [9666, 9677, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 18, 0.0], [18, 80, 0.0], [80, 119, 0.0], [119, 193, 0.0], [193, 217, 0.0], [217, 293, 0.0], [293, 312, 0.0], [312, 330, 0.0], [330, 363, 0.0], [363, 507, 0.0], [507, 878, 0.0], [878, 1232, 0.0], [1232, 1394, 0.0], [1394, 1450, 0.0], [1450, 1493, 0.0], [1493, 1598, 0.0], [1598, 1966, 0.0], [1966, 2098, 0.0], [2098, 2164, 0.0], [2164, 2275, 0.0], [2275, 2302, 0.0], [2302, 2323, 0.0], [2323, 2351, 0.0], [2351, 2387, 0.0], [2387, 2406, 0.0], [2406, 2425, 0.0], [2425, 2449, 0.0], [2449, 2473, 0.0], [2473, 2588, 0.0], [2588, 2603, 0.0], [2603, 2869, 0.0], [2869, 2957, 0.0], [2957, 3131, 0.0], [3131, 3358, 0.0], [3358, 3513, 0.0], [3513, 3779, 0.0], [3779, 3901, 0.0], [3901, 3966, 0.0], [3966, 4027, 0.0], [4027, 4081, 0.0], [4081, 4124, 0.0], [4124, 4187, 0.0], [4187, 4237, 0.0], [4237, 4361, 0.0], [4361, 4408, 0.0], [4408, 4447, 0.0], [4447, 4519, 0.0], [4519, 4726, 0.0], [4726, 4954, 0.0], [4954, 5145, 0.0], [5145, 5225, 0.0], [5225, 5411, 0.0], [5411, 5510, 0.0], [5510, 5758, 0.0], [5758, 5916, 0.0], [5916, 6064, 0.0], [6064, 6192, 0.0], [6192, 6528, 0.0], [6528, 6689, 0.0], [6689, 6842, 0.0], [6842, 6931, 0.0], [6931, 7012, 0.0], [7012, 7100, 0.0], [7100, 7124, 0.0], [7124, 7176, 0.0], [7176, 7321, 0.0], [7321, 7383, 0.0], [7383, 7392, 0.0], [7392, 7461, 0.0], [7461, 7539, 0.0], [7539, 7562, 0.0], [7562, 7737, 0.0], [7737, 7763, 0.0], [7763, 7800, 0.0], [7800, 7822, 0.0], [7822, 7850, 0.0], [7850, 7875, 0.0], [7875, 7898, 0.0], [7898, 7945, 0.0], [7945, 7986, 0.0], [7986, 8047, 0.0], [8047, 8066, 0.0], [8066, 8091, 0.0], [8091, 8111, 0.0], [8111, 8132, 0.0], [8132, 8160, 0.0], [8160, 8183, 0.0], [8183, 8205, 0.0], [8205, 8224, 0.0], [8224, 8254, 0.0], [8254, 8272, 0.0], [8272, 8291, 0.0], [8291, 8310, 0.0], [8310, 8333, 0.0], [8333, 8361, 0.0], [8361, 8382, 0.0], [8382, 8410, 0.0], [8410, 8439, 0.0], [8439, 8461, 0.0], [8461, 8486, 0.0], [8486, 8520, 0.0], [8520, 8546, 0.0], [8546, 8563, 0.0], [8563, 8608, 0.0], [8608, 8626, 0.0], [8626, 8649, 0.0], [8649, 8697, 0.0], [8697, 8722, 0.0], [8722, 8756, 0.0], [8756, 8795, 0.0], [8795, 8822, 0.0], [8822, 8847, 0.0], [8847, 8868, 0.0], [8868, 8886, 0.0], [8886, 8897, 0.0], [8897, 8902, 0.0], [8902, 8932, 0.0], [8932, 8946, 0.0], [8946, 8965, 0.0], [8965, 8981, 0.0], [8981, 9030, 0.0], [9030, 9065, 0.0], [9065, 9085, 0.0], [9085, 9103, 0.0], [9103, 9123, 0.0], [9123, 9148, 0.0], [9148, 9177, 0.0], [9177, 9211, 0.0], [9211, 9238, 0.0], [9238, 9257, 0.0], [9257, 9299, 0.0], [9299, 9322, 0.0], [9322, 9359, 0.0], [9359, 9387, 0.0], [9387, 9413, 0.0], [9413, 9436, 0.0], [9436, 9451, 0.0], [9451, 9463, 0.0], [9463, 9525, 0.0], [9525, 9548, 0.0], [9548, 9568, 0.0], [9568, 9592, 0.0], [9592, 9617, 0.0], [9617, 9646, 0.0], [9646, 9666, 0.0], [9666, 9677, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 18, 0.05555556], [18, 80, 0.01612903], [80, 119, 0.02564103], [119, 193, 0.01351351], [193, 217, 0.0], [217, 293, 0.21052632], [293, 312, 0.10526316], [312, 330, 0.05555556], [330, 363, 0.03030303], [363, 507, 0.01388889], [507, 878, 0.05121294], [878, 1232, 0.0480226], [1232, 1394, 0.00617284], [1394, 1450, 0.05357143], [1450, 1493, 0.02325581], [1493, 1598, 0.00952381], [1598, 1966, 0.01630435], [1966, 2098, 0.00757576], [2098, 2164, 0.01515152], [2164, 2275, 0.00900901], [2275, 2302, 0.03703704], [2302, 2323, 0.04761905], [2323, 2351, 0.03571429], [2351, 2387, 0.02777778], [2387, 2406, 0.05263158], [2406, 2425, 0.05263158], [2425, 2449, 0.04166667], [2449, 2473, 0.04166667], [2473, 2588, 0.0173913], [2588, 2603, 0.06666667], [2603, 2869, 0.0075188], [2869, 2957, 0.01136364], [2957, 3131, 0.00574713], [3131, 3358, 0.00440529], [3358, 3513, 0.00645161], [3513, 3779, 0.0075188], [3779, 3901, 0.01639344], [3901, 3966, 0.01538462], [3966, 4027, 0.01639344], [4027, 4081, 0.01851852], [4081, 4124, 0.02325581], [4124, 4187, 0.01587302], [4187, 4237, 0.02], [4237, 4361, 0.00806452], [4361, 4408, 0.0212766], [4408, 4447, 0.02564103], [4447, 4519, 0.01388889], [4519, 4726, 0.03864734], [4726, 4954, 0.00438596], [4954, 5145, 0.02617801], [5145, 5225, 0.0625], [5225, 5411, 0.01075269], [5411, 5510, 0.01010101], [5510, 5758, 0.0], [5758, 5916, 0.03797468], [5916, 6064, 0.02027027], [6064, 6192, 0.0], [6192, 6528, 0.02083333], [6528, 6689, 0.0], [6689, 6842, 0.00653595], [6842, 6931, 0.0], [6931, 7012, 0.01234568], [7012, 7100, 0.01136364], [7100, 7124, 0.08333333], [7124, 7176, 0.09615385], [7176, 7321, 0.02758621], [7321, 7383, 0.11290323], [7383, 7392, 0.11111111], [7392, 7461, 0.07246377], [7461, 7539, 0.0], [7539, 7562, 0.04347826], [7562, 7737, 0.02285714], [7737, 7763, 0.11538462], [7763, 7800, 0.05405405], [7800, 7822, 0.09090909], [7822, 7850, 0.10714286], [7850, 7875, 0.08], [7875, 7898, 0.04347826], [7898, 7945, 0.0212766], [7945, 7986, 0.02439024], [7986, 8047, 0.01639344], [8047, 8066, 0.05263158], [8066, 8091, 0.04], [8091, 8111, 0.1], [8111, 8132, 0.0952381], [8132, 8160, 0.03571429], [8160, 8183, 0.04347826], [8183, 8205, 0.04545455], [8205, 8224, 0.10526316], [8224, 8254, 0.06666667], [8254, 8272, 0.05555556], [8272, 8291, 0.05263158], [8291, 8310, 0.05263158], [8310, 8333, 0.08695652], [8333, 8361, 0.03571429], [8361, 8382, 0.0952381], [8382, 8410, 0.03571429], [8410, 8439, 0.0], [8439, 8461, 0.04545455], [8461, 8486, 0.12], [8486, 8520, 0.08823529], [8520, 8546, 0.03846154], [8546, 8563, 0.11764706], [8563, 8608, 0.02222222], [8608, 8626, 0.05555556], [8626, 8649, 0.04347826], [8649, 8697, 0.02083333], [8697, 8722, 0.12], [8722, 8756, 0.11764706], [8756, 8795, 0.05128205], [8795, 8822, 0.11111111], [8822, 8847, 0.04], [8847, 8868, 0.04761905], [8868, 8886, 0.05555556], [8886, 8897, 0.09090909], [8897, 8902, 0.8], [8902, 8932, 0.2], [8932, 8946, 0.85714286], [8946, 8965, 0.89473684], [8965, 8981, 0.0625], [8981, 9030, 0.04081633], [9030, 9065, 0.02857143], [9065, 9085, 0.1], [9085, 9103, 0.11111111], [9103, 9123, 0.05], [9123, 9148, 0.04], [9148, 9177, 0.03448276], [9177, 9211, 0.02941176], [9211, 9238, 0.03703704], [9238, 9257, 0.05263158], [9257, 9299, 0.02380952], [9299, 9322, 0.04347826], [9322, 9359, 0.0], [9359, 9387, 0.10714286], [9387, 9413, 0.03846154], [9413, 9436, 0.91304348], [9436, 9451, 0.86666667], [9451, 9463, 0.16666667], [9463, 9525, 0.09677419], [9525, 9548, 0.13043478], [9548, 9568, 0.1], [9568, 9592, 0.04166667], [9592, 9617, 0.04], [9617, 9646, 0.10344828], [9646, 9666, 0.05], [9666, 9677, 0.09090909]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 9677, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 9677, 0.00031483]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 9677, null]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 9677, null]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 9677, null]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 9677, -132.04203886]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 9677, 54.0]], "is_duplicate": true}
Zufallsmuster – Malerei aus der Sammlung Goetz 26.06.2015-14.02.2016 | Haus der Kunst In der langjährigen Partnerschaft der Sammlung Goetz mit dem Haus der Kunst stand bisher die Medienkunst im Vordergrund. Die Ausstellung „Zufallsmuster“ zeigt nun erstmals mit mehr als 50 Werken einen repräsentativen Querschnitt der Malerei aus dem Sammlungsbestand. Die Malerei gehört zu den traditionellen Gattungen in der Bildenden Kunst. Wie kaum ein anderes Medium spiegelt das gemalte Bild die sich wandelnde Auseinandersetzung mit künstlerischen Fragestellungen. Auch in der Sammlung Goetz spielt die Malerei mit fast 1000 Werken eine zentrale Rolle, ohne explizit zum Sammlungsgegenstand zu werden. Denn Ingvild Goetz sammelt zeitgenössische Kunst gattungsübergreifend in größeren Zusammenhängen. Die Ausstellung im Haus der Kunst präsentiert mit der Fokussierung auf ein Medium somit eher einen Querschnitt aus der Sammlung Goetz. Sie versammelt mehr als 50 Werke aus den späten 1960er-Jahren bis hin zur Gegenwart von drei Künstlergenerationen. Obwohl sich Ingvild Goetz bei ihren Erwerbungen von persönlichen Vorlieben und Interessen leiten lässt, ergibt die Sammlung dennoch ein stringentes Bild. „Zufallsmuster“ hat der Kurator Ullrich Wilmes die Ausstellung deshalb genannt. Zu dem Titel wurde er durch die künstlerische Position von Sarah Morris inspiriert, deren streng geometrische Gemälde sowohl als Architektur als auch als Muster wahrgenommen werden können. Künstler: Tomma Abts, Michael Buthe, Walter Dahn, Ellen Gallagher, Wade Guyton Kelley Walker, Andy Hope 1930 (Andreas Hofer), Neil Jenney, Mike Kelley, Toba Khedoori, Udomsak Krisanamis, Lucy McKenzie, Sarah Morris, Chris Ofili, Paulina Olowska, David Reed, Wilhelm Sasnal, Tal R, Luc Tuymans Kurator: Ulrich Wilmes (Haus der Kunst)
{"url": "https://www.sammlung-goetz.de/de/Ausstellungen/Archiv/2015/Zufallsmuster.htm", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "de", "source_domain": "www.sammlung-goetz.de", "date_download": "2019-12-05T15:08:18Z", "digest": "sha1:VQJLJHIMJE3BIWXJOZ7XUMW5GX4BFKNN"}
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/ DR is FEE FREE DR is FEE FREE Posted by FLYDR on May 18, 2009 in LOCAL NEWS | 10 Views All government user fees for general aviation have been eliminated A joint effort between the Airport Authority (DA), the Dominican Institute of Civil Aviation (IDAC), the Aeroclubs, and the private sector, now makes A very attractive destination for private pilots in The Americas We believe that the cost for private aircrafts that visit any of the eight major international airports will be minor in comparison to any other airports in the Caribbean. Likewise, fees at domestic airfields have been eliminated.
{"url": "http://flydominicanrepublic.com/no-fees-more-service/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "flydominicanrepublic.com", "date_download": "2017-05-22T15:26:56Z", "digest": "sha1:YJ7IJ5TZOQ77CB3UE3YCANR64FYACJTR"}
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British Export Control International transfers of goods We do not provide details of commercial clients but try to give a flavour of some of the work undertaken , we have also included some historic case details by way of illustration. Martin Drew's LinekedIn page also provides some of our latest published work ; we are also providing quotations on arms related issues for main UK newspapers. UK list of controlled Goods ( Military and Dual use) https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-strategic-export-control-lists-the-consolidated-list-of-strategic-military-and-dual-use-items-that-require-export-authorisation Arms brokering prosecutions ​Teal and Jones .​http://www.egad.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/25/2015/07/What-happens-if-I-violate-export-controls-in-the-UK.pdf - our staff were involved in all but one of these cases and with our help we can ensure you don't join this list Enforcement action https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/229051/0337.pdf see page 13.​ More UK enforcement https://www.sipri.org/sites/default/files/research/armaments/transfers/transparency/national_reports/united_kingdom/UK_10.pdf http://courtnewsuk.co.uk/egley-turnerbusinesswoman-illegally-supplied-tasers-to-kiwi-police-force/ UK Prosecution : Iran Aircraft parts https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/11/22/man-grommed-british-couple-supplying-parts-irans-nuclear-programme/ © 2023 by Arms Trade Training.
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Activan en Puerto Morelos, programa para atender emergencia ambiental por el tema de la basura Ayuntamiento de José María Morelos reconocerá a morelense, subcampeona mundial de halterofilia Guardacostas de Estados Unidos se suman a búsqueda de yate extraviado el el Caribe, tras exhortos en change.org Aeropuerto de Cancún mantiene un alza en sus operaciones: hoy reporta 432 con una conexión a 46 destinos de 13 países Gobernador de Q.Roo inaugura obras de infraestructura de la Universidad Tecnológica de Cancún Aumenta la conectividad de Cozumel con nuevos vuelos desde la Ciudad de México y Monterrey julio 6, 2021 julio 6, 2021 Editor2 Cozumel, 5 de julio (Infoqroo).- Viva Aerobus realizó hoy el primer vuelo Ciudad de México–Cozumel, con 120 pasajeros que llegaron a las 12:20 horas en el aeropuerto de la isla, y también se dio la bienvenida oficial a la ruta de verano Cozumel–Monterrey, que inició el pasado viernes, y hoy en su segundo llegada, lo hace al 100% de su capacidad, es decir, con 186 personas. “Estamos contentos que Viva Aerobus amplíe la conectividad de Cozumel con estas dos nuevas rutas. Es necesario ampliar las opciones de transporte a precios competitivos e impulsar el turismo, sector clave de la economía estatal, bajo cuidados estrictos de salud”, dijo Darío Flota, director del Consejo de Promoción Turística de Quintana Roo. El viaje Cozumel–Ciudad de México se ofrece desde los $169 en viaje sencillo más el pago por la Tarifa de Uso Aeroportuario (TUA). El Cozumel–Monterrey, ruta de temporada, cuenta con dos vuelos a la semana (viernes y lunes) desde los $509 en viaje sencillo más TUA y estará disponible hasta el 13 de agosto. “La reactivación económica de Cozumel avanza a paso firme y con estas nuevas rutas más personas podrán disfrutar de un destino que cuenta con las mejores medidas de prevención e higiene”, dijo el presidente municipal Pedro Joaquín Delbouis. Viva Aerobus reafirmó su liderazgo en Quintana Roo como la aerolínea con más vuelos desde/hacia Cancún con una oferta de 32 rutas: 24 nacionales y ocho internacionales. Además, también vuela desde Chetumal a Ciudad de México y ahora desde Cozumel. “Seguimos ampliando nuestra oferta de rutas, con un estricto apego a las medidas de prevención e higiene. Nuestros precios bajos, ayudan a la economía de los pasajeros”, expresó Walfred Castro, director de Comunicación Corporativa de Viva Aerobus. “Estas nuevas rutas están pensadas en contribuir al impulso turístico y comercial bidireccional, principalmente en esta temporada alta de verano, a fin de favorecer la derrama económica que este sector genera”, añadió. Los vuelos serán operados con aviones Airbus A320 que forman parte de la flota más joven de México y la segunda de toda Norteamérica. General Municipios principal Gobierno de Q.Roo promueve campañas de seguridad vial para reducir accidentes de tránsito Mujer pide apoyo para su esposo atropellado; pide al responsable aparecer y sufragar los gastos Puerto Morelos, 15 de octubre (Infoqroo).- El gobierno municipal de Puerto Morelos puso en marcha hoy... José María Morelos, 15 Octubre (Infoqroo).- Autoridades municipales reconocerán a la joven morelense Darly Mareli Canto... Deportes Municipios Nacional Cancún, 15 Octubre (Infoqroo).- La plataforma virtual change.org se sumó a los esfuerzos para la localización de un... Municipios Nacional principal
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Relax and learn, where East meets West The signs claim this 200-acre swath of serenity is in the unremarkable community of Delray Beach. But, in truth, the Morikami Museum does a marvelous job of re-creating a slice of Japan. True, it’s an idealized view: The Morikami (pronounced MOOR-ee-CAH-me) and its adjacent gardens are designed to present Japanese culture as a bridge between two nations. What is here are two distinctly different exhibition buildings and a fine example of the delicate, less-is-more gardening that ushers your average flowerbed into the Gaudy category. The overall effect is to make you feel deliciously alone in the gardens, enlightened in the museums. The history of this unusual place is told by exhibits in the Yamato-Kan, built in the style of a traditional Japanese villa. The history explains the museum/park’s benefactor and moving spirit. The museum’s architecture is inspired by traditional Japanese design. George S. Morikami arrived in Seattle from Japan in 1906, bound for the sandy palmetto barrens a few miles inland from Florida’s Atlantic coast. His way was paid by a speculator who promised Morikami room, board and a $500 payment – after he had labored for three years growing pineapples. The crops were to be shipped north; Morikami was joining the 3-year-old colony of Yamato (YAH-muh-toe), an ancient name for Japan. But blighted crops and cheaper, Cuban-grown pineapples soon forced the farmers to shift to other crops. Having brought over wives and having begun their families, the young workers increased the population of Yamato to about 50 by World War I. However, by the early 1920s, most of the Japanese had left. Young Morikami, however, stayed on, farming and buying land. When World War II began, he was so respected that he was not interned — as tens of thousands of other Japanese-Americans were. The museum displays a letter signed by a federal judge in Miami allowing Morikami to cross county lines in 1942. Following the war, Morikami continued to prosper. He decided he wanted to increase the understanding between his native land and his adopted country. George Morikami, who arrived in America to farm pineapples, persevered, prospered and gave back to his adopted homeland. Although it seems difficult to believe now, Morikami was rebuffed four times in nine years when he tried to donate land to Delray Beach and to Palm Beach County. The reason: The prime farmland was considered too remote from the coast to be of any use. Finally, the county accepted a parcel in 1974, and work was begun on the museum and park soon after. George Morikami died at the age of 90 in 1976, the year before the attraction opened. The original building was the Yamato-Kan. Inside its graceful walls are a series of small rooms that provide historical background on the farming colony – and similar Japanese enclaves elsewhere in turn-of-the-century Florida – and display typical furnishings for a home this size. Old meets new here, with one room holding the traditional bathing tub and another decorated as a modern teenager might do it, with posters of a baseball player and two of the Westernized cartoon teens made popular in Sailor Moon and racier animated films. Outside the Yamato-Kan are a small garden and two stylized bridges. Beyond the bridges are three graceful gardens, sand-and-shell pathways featuring patterns of stones of one color bordered by those of another. Here is a tiny fountain created just for its sound; over there is a large, artificial waterfall. There is also a display of bonsai, the craft of growing stunted trees in small boxes, that includes some native Florida miniatures. The park's grounds and gardens create serenity. A stroll around these grounds removes the visitor from the bustle of the highways that ceaselessly feed Florida’s crowded Gold Coast. The Morikami expanded its offerings, It both displays traveling exhibitions and has other permanent features that offer readable explanations and photos of Japanese culture. Another imaginative room allows an audience to view a traditional room in which the stylized tea ceremony is regularly demonstrated. In addition, the Morikami has a 1-mile nature trail, shaded picnic areas, a restaurnat and an active program of demonstrations as well as major festivals celebrating Japanese tradition. The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens are in Delray Beach. The park is just off Jog/Powerline/Carter Road, a north-south street between the Florida Turnpike and I-95. From the turnpike, exit at Atlantic Avenue and head east to Jog/Carter, then turn south. From the interstate, take the Linton Boulevard exit west and head south on the same road. The attraction is open daily except Mondays and on major holidays. Admission is $12 for adults, $11for those 65 andolder, and $7 for those ages 6-17 and for college students. The museum and most landscaped areas are accessible to wheelchair-users, but some paths are not paved. For information, call (561)-495-0233 or go to www.morikami.org. Filed Under: America, Museums, Travel Tags: America, Florida, Museums Share this mountain respite with the butterflies Did the Civil War really start in Kansas?
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Lenoir Community College Panhellenic Council Info concerning Lenoir Community College Panhellenic Council, and registering for elective seminars and discussion sections. As a student, your first stop should be the registrar's office, where you can pick up a free copy of both the academic calendar and course catalog, in order to find available credit classes that you may be interested in taking. In-person class registration has largely been replaced with online sign-up, and many schools offer mobile apps that streamline the course registration process. Finally, check with your major department for assistance with prerequisites, tuition payment deadlines, and Lenoir Community College fraternity management information. Please use the form above to request admissions info for Lenoir Community College. Nobody wants to feel left out, so you may find yourself spending money you can't afford, and focusing more on fitting into your fraternity or sorority house, than concentrating on doing well in college. Alternatively, if you fit right in, the frats and sororities can be a great place to spend you college career, making life-long friendships, and having the time of your life. Beyond consideration for Lenoir Community College Panhellenic Council, you may think about Bishops College course catalog 2017 for complementary electives to your primary course of study. The NCLEX, National Council Licensure Examination, is a nursing certification exam for nurse licensing in the United States. To ensure high standards in the nursing profession, each state board of nursing requires candidates for licensure to pass the appropriate NCLEX examination, NCLEX-PN for vocational or practical nurses, and the NCLEX-RN for registered nurses. The NCLEX is administered as a computer-based exam, taken at a Pearson Professional Center. The Physiology category contains the majority of the questions on the exam. Topics may include growth disorders, human development, and common infectious diseases of children. Effective Care Practices make up 30% of all NCLEX questions, covering safety issues in patient care, particularly in the administration of medicines. In order to complete the nclex exam program, Centenary College data analysis information may be used in order to fulfill computing breadth requirements. Health Promotion questions are 15% of the NCLEX examination. Questions under this category deal with birth control measures, pregnancy, labor and delivery. Also covered is infant care, and sexually transmitted infections. Mental Health test areas pertain to patients with psychiatric problems. Questions cover information on depression, schizophrenia, organic mental disorders, eating disorders, personality disorders, and anxiety. Alternatively, focusing on business study via Gateway Community College real estate law, for example, can help you find a rewarding position in corporate consulting services. Technical programs are a low-cost alternative to attending a regular four-year university, and you may earn good money as a highly-skilled, technical specialist. By staying true to your career interests, your lifetime job earnings will increase as you gain experience. If you're already employed in a technical field, you may consider Brunswick Community College civil engineering degree as an option to advance your career. Massive open online courses are known as MOOCs, utilizing interactive platforms such as Blackboard, and mobile apps. For example, Khan Academy now offers free distance education served through YouTube videos. Then there's Portland State University architecture major, with enrolled students from around the world. Admissions offices require an official transcript documenting the classes you have completed. Further, virtually all accredited colleges and universities require students to take either the SAT Test or ACT Exam. It's during the last few days before the college entrance exams that you need to be decompressing, not stressing, and get a good night's sleep before the day of the SAT or ACT test. The 4-hour SAT test contains three sections, namely writing, critical reading, and mathematics. Most of the questions are multiple-choice, although there is an essay writing section. The ACT measures what you've learned in school, as opposed to the SAT, which focuses more on reasoning ability. The ACT consists of four multiple-choice tests: English, reading, mathematics, and science. If your college requires a writing test, you can take the ACT+ Writing. Other college admissions information sources, like Utah Valley State College early action, promote the use of standardized tests in admissions decisions because of the differences in course requirements, high school GPA, and grade curve difficulty among US schools. You can also explore Jefferson College Of Health Sciences lecture notes, in order to further target your academic interests. High school grades are the most important admissions factor in getting accepted to the college of your choice, along with letters of recommendation and standardized test scores. According to data on Joliet Junior College admission application forms pages, an outstanding academic record consists of a high GPA in courses of increasing difficulty. Almost half of colleges use placement tests and a waiting list, and most community colleges have transfer agreements in place with bachelor's degree programs at four-year colleges and universities. You should compare Freed Hardeman University online certificate programs with other schools that you're considering. Government scholarship programs and Pell grants only account for a third of total financial aid awarded in the US. Student loans, work-study earnings, and personal or family savings make up the remaining two-thirds. Please make use of Frontier Community College financial aid awards information, to see if you qualify for need-based financial aid or a fee waiver. In fact, millions of students that would have qualified for some financial aid were late in submitting required application forms. Please note that the official FAFSA website is fafsa.ed.gov and is free to use. The earliest that the FAFSA form can be filled out is January of a student's senior year, so don't put it off. If you decide to take out a loan, make sure you understand the terms and conditions of your loan contract. If you have accumulated substantial student debt during your college career, you may consider looking into a consolidation plan. Financial aid may be administered via The College of New Rochelle financial aid kit or through academic departments. Alternatively, student credit cards may seem like a good short-term solution, but the interest rates are high, and credit cards often carry an annual fee. A credit card can help you build a credit history, if you use it wisely. But use it for emergencies only and don't spend more than you can afford to pay back. If you decide to get a credit card, make sure you understand the terms, and try to meet your minimum monthly payments on time. If you do not, the credit card companies can raise your interest rate suddenly and without prior notice. This can translate into a ballooning debt payment that becomes unmanageable. Mount Olive, NC $$$ $$$ medium Program Info As the US economy keeps improving, many school districts are seeking to hire new graduates in the fields of business administration, engineering, and medical services. Whether you have teaching internship experience, or are a recent college graduate, you may consider seeking a new career. Jobs for business majors are always in demand, and fields such as finance, marketing, and office management are some of the fastest growing corporate fields. Finding out about Linn-Benton Community College ethics class, on the other hand, may broaden your college education in order to appeal to a wider variety of employers. Hiring managers typically post new positions on specific job boards, which are checked daily. Florida Southern College actuarial science major information may be available through the human resources department. Further, the Occupational Outlook Handbook offers salary data and vocational education via the US Department of Commerce. Aside from a good salary, many job training programs include excellent benefits, as well as tuition payment assistance. Browse updated job vacancies through the live jobs boards at either Indeed.com or Monster online. Panhellenic Council Program Application Apply to several colleges and universities at the same time, and if you have the grades and test scores, give yourself a chance to gain admission to an accredited education program by doing something outstanding in either high school or community college. Lenoir Community College applications may be submitted by using the contact form at the top of this page. It may be possible to complete some of your degree requirements online, thereby saving money on tuition costs and course fees. It isn't difficult to find articles in US News & World Report magazine written about Alvin Community College campus tour. An advanced degree will stick with you for a lifetime, so apply yourself and work hard for a few years, graduating from the best college that you can get into. Lenoir Community College Panhellenic Council contact info Lenoir Community College has a reputation for academic achievement, allowing you to pursue the degree program that's right for you. Additionally, career testing services can help you to structure your job search after graduation. If you'd like to request course information, please use the admissions inquiry form at the top of this page. Lenoir Community College › Panhellenic Council Biomedical engineers combine technical research with surgical instrument design to fabricate medical equipment and surgical devices used in hospitals. Reviewing Laney College pharmacy program can help you to choose elective subjects. Biomedicine is a competitive discipline, focusing on surgical technology and nursing practices. Coursework relating to Williamsburg Technical College optics lab may include lab courses such as organic chemistry, biomechanics, or molecular engineering. Finally, a brief hospital internship may be required to gain experience in intensive care applications. The average salary in biomedical engineering was $85,620 in May 2017, according to the US Department of Labor statistics. On this website, there are links to Capital University temporary housing information, certificate programs online, and continuing adult education. By pursuing a business internship, you can develop your career prospects, and gain work experience at the same time. Our pages are not affiliated with Lenoir Community College Panhellenic Council or Sussex County Community College critical reasoning, and all trademarks are the exclusive property of the respective owners. College Inspector is the work of a group of Thai students in Bangkok, using information from the US Department of Education, Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). If any statistics on Langston University respiratory therapist jobs are in error, please contact us with updates.
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The Serpent's Shadow (Elemental Masters, Book 1) This re-telling of Snow White is unique and is one of my favorite fairy tale books by lackey. I love that this book has a strong female character, though there is not much growth of character in the book.
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CORREDORES DE BOLSA EN EL URUGUAY Qué es un Corredor de Bolsa Un Corredor de Bolsa es una empresa que está "conectada" a la Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo. Es, en pocas palabras, el intermediario que opera entre la Bolsa y el inversor: Si bien en el Uruguay estos intermediarios son conocidos como Corredor de Bolsa, internacionalmente son conocidos como Brokers. Si el inversor pretende comprar un instrumento financiero que cotiza en la Bolsa, el Broker es el encargado de llevar adelante esa transacción, a nombre del inversor. Cuál es la función de un Corredor de Bolsa O, en otras palabras… ¿Porqué no se puede invertir directamente, sin tener que pagar comisiones al Corredor? Podemos responder estas preguntas con una analogía: ¿Para qué se necesita un abogado matriculado? o, de manera un poco mas exagerada, ¿No preferiría que una cirugía de corazón sea realizada por un médico matriculado? Es decir, operar en la Bolsa de Valores implica una determinada cantidad de conocimientos de como negociar instrumentos financieros, además de las certificaciones y aprobaciones necesarias del Regulador. Un intermediario de Bolsa, así como en muchos otros ámbitos, permite a los inversores acceder a mejores condiciones de las que accedería si tuviera que hacerlo por sí mismo. Para seguir con las analogías, imagínese que costoso sería, en lugar de ir a un supermercado y comprar los alimentos y demás productos todos en un mismo lugar centralizado, sino tener que ir a la fábrica de cada proveedor y comprar cada artículo por separado. El Corredor realiza este trabajo en nombre del inversor, a cambio de una comisión. Entonces, para resumir lo anterior, la compra venta de activos e instrumentos financieros solo se puede realizar a través de una empresa que tenga la respectiva habilitación para negociar como intermediario entre los inversores (compradores de activos financieros) y los vendedores. ¿Cómo se “conectan” los Corredores a la Bolsa de Valores? A través de complejas herramientas tecnológicas, los Corredores gestionan las transacciones entre inversores, ordenando las órdenes de compra y venta de activos financieros por precio y por orden de llegada y por realizar este servicio obtienen una comisión cuando al ejecutarse la operación de, por ejemplo, compra de una acción. Recordamos que si un inversor pretende invertir en el mercado bursátil uruguayo, debe abrir una cuenta de inversión con un Corredor de Bolsa local, debido a que son estas las que están “conectadas” a la Bolsa y realizan el trabajo de intermediación. ¿Es seguro invertir con un Corredor? Mucha gente se pregunta si es seguro invertir con un Corredor de Bolsa. Para que un Corredor sea oficialmente intermediaria del mercado de Valores, o sea, recibir dinero de los inversores y comprar instrumentos financieros para luego “entregarlos” en la cuenta del inversor, deben cumplir con una serie de requisitos estipulados en los Estatutos y Reglamentos de Operaciones de la Bolsa de Valores. Es por esto que negociar instrumentos financieros con un Corredor aprobado por la Bolsa de Valores de Montevideo es muy seguro. Esta afirmación, sin embargo, la hacemos en el sentido que el Corredor de Bolsa aprobada para operar en la Bolsa es una entidad que debe contar con un alto grado de seriedad y profesionalismo en su operación. Al hablar de “seguridad”, bajo ningún punto de vista nos referimos a que la inversión que se realice a través de un Corredor es segura en el sentido de ganar o perder dinero. Invertir conlleva riesgos, mayores o menores dependiendo el tipo de activo financiero en que se invierta. Activos Financieros en que se puede invertir a través de un Corredor de Bolsa Un activo financiero es un instrumento de inversión que otorga al inversor el derecho a recibir ingresos futuros. En las diferentes Bolsas de Valores se comercializan activos financieros como las Acciones de compañías nacionales e internacionales, Bonos Soberanos y Corporativos, Materias Primas o Commodities, Divisas o Forex, Créditos y Deudas en General, Derivados, entre otros. Todos estos instrumentos pueden ser negociados tanto bajo un mismo mercado, como también en mercados diferentes: Por esto existen mercados de materias primas, mercados de futuros, mercado de Forex, etc. A continuación, describiremos brevemente los 2 principales tipos de activos financieros que se pueden negociar a través de un Corredor de Bolsa: renta variable y renta fija, o, en otras palabras, las acciones y los bonos. Acciones: Renta Variable Las acciones son las participaciones de propiedad que ofrecen las empresas. En otras palabras, tener la acción de una empresa implica ser propietario y socio de esa compañía en particular. Las empresas acuden a la bolsa cuando necesitan dinero o financiación, y ponen a la venta todo o parte de su capital social en forma de instrumentos financieros llamados acciones. Al comprar acciones en el marco de una bolsa de valores, el inversor se transforma en accionista, en otras palabras, dueño (En la proporción de acciones que se compraron). Por ejemplo, si una compañía emitió 1 millón de Acciones, al comprar 1000 acciones, se es accionista sobre el 0,001% de la compañía. Bonos: Renta Fija Los bonos, tanto los corporativos como los soberanos son instrumentos de deuda que tienen las siguientes características: Son emitidos a un determinado plazo Solicitan un determinado nivel de capital (inversión) Pagan un nivel de intereses de manera periódica Devuelven el capital (más los intereses) al finalizar el plazo determinado Los bonos no son participaciones de propiedad en las empresas. Como se mencionó en el párrafo anterior al comprar acciones, un inversor se transforma en accionista. Al comprar un bono, en cambio, el inversor se transforma en acreedor de la compañía. ¿Porqué una compañía emite bonos y se endeuda? Por la misma razón que vende una porción de su capital: Las empresas emiten deuda cuando necesitan dinero o financiación, y se obligan a pagar un determinado interés por el capital que toman de los inversores. El hecho de que los bonos paguen intereses predeterminados es el factor clave del porqué los bonos forman parte de los activos de Renta Fija: es posible conocer de antemano los ingresos que ese bono en particular generará al inversor del bono. A grandes rasgos, los bonos ser divididos en 2 grandes clases: Bonos Soberanos (emitidos por gobiernos nacionales, provinciales, estaduales o incluso municipales), y los Bonos Corporativos, que son emitidos por empresas nacionales o internacionales. Brokers Internacionales Y si un inversor uruguayo prefiere invertir en activos de renta fija o variable del exterior… ¿Cómo puede hacerlo? En la sección anterior nos dedicamos a describir a las Corredoras de Bolsa que operan en el mercado bursátil del Uruguay. Es decir, en el caso de abrir una cuenta con un Corredor de Bolsa, ésta sirve principalmente para negociar activos financieros que coticen en Uruguay. Si se abre una cuenta de inversión con un Broker Internacional, en cambio, se puede invertir en una gran cantidad de activos internacionales muy interesante. En otras palabras, es posible invertir en activos financieros internacionales, como por ejemplo, acciones que cotizan en la Bolsa de Nueva York a través de un Broker Internacional. El trabajo de un Broker internacional es entonces el de conectar a sus clientes con las Bolsas de Valores internacionales. En otras palabras, si el cliente pretende comprar acciones de Apple (que cotiza en Nueva York), el Broker lo compra por el cliente, y lo deposita en la cuenta de Trading del cliente. Para esto, el Broker debe de antemano tener una cuenta con la Bolsa de Nueva York. En general, casi todos los Brokers serios proveen acceso a las Bolsas de Mercados Desarrollados como Estados Unidos, Canadá, Reino Unido, Japón, Suiza y los mercados europeos. En términos generales, estos Brokers han desarrollado herramientas para Invertir de manera Online que son muy innovadoras por su facilidad en el uso. Estas herramientas se llaman Plataformas de Inversión o Plataformas de Trading (negociación). Abrir una cuenta con un Broker Internacional suele ser un proceso que se realiza de manera 100% online, y en sólo unos días se puede operar en Mercados Financieros internacionales desde el teléfono. Nuestro listado de los Mejores Brokers para el Uruguay le permitirá elegir por tipo de instrumento financiero.
{"url": "https://www.asinko.com/faq/corredores-de-bolsa-en-el-uruguay", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.asinko.com", "date_download": "2022-08-07T15:53:44Z", "digest": "sha1:JR2EVWEVG2QHAHB2ON4DBQE7DWQCC4MO"}
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Donate QUICK LINKS: Hot Jazz Big Broadcast Takoma Park Kicking Heroin NPR : All Things Considered Filed Under: TechnologyMediaNational 1 Million Net Neutrality Comments Filed, But Will They Matter? By: Elise Hu July 21, 2014 comments The Federal Communications Commission received more than 1 million public comments on the issue of net neutrality during a five-month commenting period that ended Friday. It's the biggest public response the FCC has ever gotten on a policy matter in such a short period, and the second most commented-upon FCC issue, period. It ranks just behind the 1.4 million complaints received after Janet Jackson's Super Bowl wardrobe malfunction, which isn't a direct comparison because those were spontaneous comments unrelated to a rule-making matter. The proposal would allow cable companies to charge content providers extra fees to deliver faster service. "It's great that these issues resonate with the broader public," says Gigi Sohn, who heads public engagement for the FCC. "They want to be heard. And they want to participate." Now it's the agency's job to help cull and make sense of the 1,067,779 comments that came in over a five-month period. The FCC says it's using technological approaches and staff from all over the country to help summarize, highlight and analyze the messages for FCC commissioners, who won't see the filings in full. A record-setting number of Americans weighed in with their thoughts on this matter. But there's one problem, according to George Washington University law professor Richard Pierce. "The vast majority of the comments are utterly worthless," Pierce says. He reviewed academic research on previous rule-making matters, like banking reform. "This has been studied quite a bit by some very good academics," he says. And the studies show that rule-making or policymaking tends to be systemically biased to favor the industries that are affected by the regulation. In a recent example, Pierce points to the work of Kimberly Krawiec. Krawiec read all of the comments that were submitted in the rule-making that led to the Volcker rule — part of the Dodd-Frank Act's banking reforms. She also reviewed the logs that described the meetings that agency decision makers had with parties who were interested in the outcome of that proceeding. Krawiec found that, while proponents of strict regulation of financial institutions dominated the comment process numerically, their comments were useless to decision makers, because the vast majority of them were identical form letters without data or analysis. The folks who do comment with the detail, data and analysis that can change minds? Deep-pocketed industries. "Those comments that have some potential to influence are the very lengthy, very well-tailored comments that include a lot of discussion of legal issues, a lot of discussion of policy issues, lots of data, lots of analysis," Pierce says. "Those are submitted exclusively by firms that have a large amount of money at stake in the rule-making and the lawyers and trade associations that are represented by those firms." The FCC's Gigi Sohn also cautions against using the high number of comments in this matter as a tea leaf, because of the unknown content in the comments. "A lot of these comments are one paragraph, two paragraphs, they don't have much substance beyond, 'we want strong net neutrality, ' " she says. Former FCC commissioner Robert McDowell served from 2006 to 2013. During his time, one hot issue was how many radio and TV stations and newspapers could be owned by the same company. The high-profile issue sent the commission on the road for public hearings. Commissioners stayed up late to hear comments, but not all of it was useful, as he recalls. "Sometimes people complained about things that had nothing to do with media and ownership. I heard things about global warming, the war in Iraq, and even the Peloponnesian War," McDowell says. Pierce, the law professor, suggests another way to weigh public opinion that is much less cumbersome than filtering through a million comments. "Take a look at things like public opinion polls. A public opinion poll is a far more reliable indicator of what the public thinks about an issue like net neutrality than a bunch of postcards or one-liners," he says. Research shows public comments don't affect outcomes. And history shows it, too. That Janet Jackson nip-slip of 2004? About 1.4 million complaints came in, and the agency announced serious fines. But in the end, after a lot of legal back and forth, TV broadcaster CBS never paid a dime. Copyright 2014 NPR. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org/. Death & Tech: Grieving In The 21st Century Montgomery County Grounds Drones Before They Take Off Facebook Uses Algorithmic Curation. Is Twitter Next?
{"url": "http://wamu.org/programs/all_things_considered/14/07/21/1_million_net_neutrality_comments_filed_but_will_they_matter", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "wamu.org", "date_download": "2014-12-17T22:28:37Z", "digest": "sha1:T76LNJF3EPMC3OPJE4G25MHS6RJ3OPVV"}
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Dr Regine Heubaum dokumentation(at)dora(dot)de History Online/Nordhausen during National Socialism Nazi propaganda march on Kornmarkt Square, after 1933. Photo: Stadtarchiv Nordhausen Nordhausen during National Socialism - a historical guidebook The homepage shows on the basis of selected places the national-socialist penetration of the political and cultural life and shows the history of persecution, resistance and forced labour in Nordhausen. The historical guidebook reports on the few town citizens who opposed the National Socialists and retraces the fates of those residents of Nordhausen who were subjected to persecution, excluded from the Nazi “people’s community”, and in many cases murdered. After the war began, forced labourers were part of the everyday townscape. Nearly all of Nordhausen’s businesses profited from the forced labour of foreign men, women and children. The online version of the historical guidebook (in German) is available here.
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OpenCLM hilft Ihnen, schnell und einfach zu erfassen, was von was abhängig ist. Es unterstützt Sie inhaltlich und mit grafischen Übersichten dabei, einfach die Informationen zu bekommen, die Sie brauchen. Dazu wertet OpenCLM einfach die von ihm erzeugten Digital Threads aus, filtert die Informationen heraus, die Sie gerade interessieren, und präsentiert Ihnen das Ergebnis in übersichtlichen Grafiken. Der Wert über Domänengrenzen hinweg Abhängigkeiten zu erfassen und auswerten zu können, kann gar nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden. Mit OpenCLM können Sie beispielsweise schnell abfragen, in welchen Produkten eine bestimmte Komponente verbaut ist. Oder, welche Anforderungen eine Komponente zu erfüllen hat. Oder, wer die zu informierenden Personen sind, wenn sich eine Anforderung ändert. Oder, ob alle Vorgaben erfüllt sind, wenn die Freigabe erteilt werden soll. Für solche und noch viele andere Fälle, liefert OpenCLM einfach schnelle Antworten. Als Projektverantwortlicher können Sie ihr Projekt, die Zusammenhänge und Stände grafisch verfolgen Auswirkungen z.B. von Änderungen beurteilen zur Fehlerverfolgung schnell die betroffenen Projekte bzw. Produkte abfragen Änderungen einfach an die Betroffenen kommunizieren sich gezielt nur das in Graphen anzeigen lassen, was Sie gerade interessiert Als Ingenieur sehen Sie einfach, was Sie für Ihre Arbeit benutzen und berücksichtigen sollen greifen Sie direkt auf Informationen zu, die sie brauchen können sich über den Stand von notwendigen Vorgängerarbeiten informieren erfahren Sie, wenn sich Anforderungen ändern, die Sie betreffen können sie sich Zeit sparen, indem Sie Ergebnisse anderer wiederverwenden finden sie leicht die von einem Fehler betroffenen Komponenten Als Qualitätsbeauftragter bekommen Sie mitgeteilt, wenn Sie aktiv werden sollen den direkten Zugriff auf alle Informationen, die sie für Ihre Arbeit benötigen die Übersicht über die bereitgestellten Informationen, ihre Abhängigkeiten und Stände die Möglichkeit, Freigaben über eine Oberfläche zu steuern
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Hotel 3 stelle Sant'Albino Hotel Sant'Albino accesso disabili Hotel Sant'Albino animali ammessi Hotel Sant'Albino internet wifi gratuita Hotel Sant'Albino parcheggio Hotel Sant'Albino parcheggio gratuito Hotel Sant'Albino piscina Stazione Montepulciano Stazione Ospedale della Valdichiana Stadio Renato Curi Viale Guido Baccelli Sei qui: Hotel > Toscana > Hotel Sant'Albino Stazione ferroviaria Montepulciano Stazione Ospedale della Valdichiana - Nottola - Montepulciano Stadio Renato Curi Viale Guido Baccelli Ordina per Sant'Albino centro 5Km 10Km 25Km 50Km Risultati: 1 - 20 di 42: 1 2 3 Successive Hotel Tre Stelle Via Delle Terme Sud 115 - Sant'Albino Situato a Sant’Albino, vicino alle Terme di Montepulciano, l’Hotel Tre Stelle presenta una vista sulle verdi colline della Toscana e camere dotate di TV LCD con canali satellitari. Offre inoltre gratuitamente la connessione Wi-Fi e il parcheggio. L’Hotel Tre Stelle... 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Hotel Marvin Via Dei Tulipani 12 - Sant'Albino Dotato di un ristorante specializzato in cucina tradizionale, l’Hotel Marvin sorge a Sant’Albino, a breve distanza dalla statale SP146, a 5 km dal centro di Montepulciano e a 200 metri dalle sue terme. Le camere del Marvin presentano una TV, un bagno privato e, in... Il Rondò Boutique Hotel Situato a soli 10 minuti a piedi dal centro storico di Montepulciano, Il Rondò Boutique Hotel offre servizi personalizzati, e presenta un bar e un parcheggio privato gratuito. Tutte le camere sono provviste di WiFi gratuito, e alcune si affacciano su graziosi giardini.... Situato all’interno delle mura medievali di Montepulciano, l’Albergo Il Marzocco del 16° secolo, è l’hotel più antico della città e offre un bar, la connessione WiFi gratuita e camere classiche con vista sulla città o sul Lago Trasimeno. Le sistemazioni del Marzocco... Via dei Fiori 19 S.Albino - Sant'Albino Sito tra le colline toscane, nelle immediate vicinanze di Montepulciano, l’Hotel La Siesta vanta una vista panoramica sui dintorni e offre servizi gratuiti quali un parcheggio e la connessione Wi-Fi, L’albergo ospita anche una sala TV e un ristorante che serve le... Hotel Bosco Circondato da una pineta, a soli 200 metri dal parco e dalle terme sensoriali, l’Hotel Bosco è immerso in un ampio giardino con piscina, e offre la connessione Wi-Fi gratuita, un ristorante gastronomico, il parcheggio incluso nella tariffa, e camere con balcone.... Albergo Martini Dotato di un ristorante tradizionale e di un giardino con tavoli e sedie, l’Albergo Martini sorge nel centro di Chianciano Terme, a 800 metri dallo stabilimento termale Parco Acquasanta, per il quale godrete di tariffe scontate. Provviste di connessione Wi-Fi gratuita e... Eco-Hotel Edy Situata a Chianciano, a pochi passi dalle terme, la struttura a basso impatto ambientale Hotel Edy offre un parcheggio gratuito e camere climatizzate con TV LED da 22" e bagno privato. Tra i piatti del ristorante dell’Edy, preparati in casa dal proprietario, figurano... Albergo La Rosetta Dotato di un bar, l’Albergo La Rosetta si trova a Chianciano Terme, a 47 km da Perugia e a 48 km da Arezzo. Interamente coperto dal WiFi gratuito, l’Albergo La Rosetta vanta camere con TV a schermo piatto. In loco vi attendono anche set di cortesia e un centro estetico... Chianciano Albergo Trieste L’Albergo Trieste è una struttura moderna e confortevole situata nel centro di Chianciano, tra due centri termali. Il Trieste si trova anche in prossimità del centro sportivo della città, della piscina pubblica e di un internet café. Accomodatevi sulla terrazza dell’... Hotel Ave Situato nelle Terre di Siena, a pochi passi dalle celebri fonti termali nel centro di Chianciano Terme, l’Hotel Ave offre la connessione Wi-Fi gratuita nelle aree comuni. L’Ave vi invita a rilassarvi e divertirvi usufruendo delle varie attrezzature in loco, come la sala... 1 2 3 Successive 0.3 place Hotel 3 stelle Sant'Albino, Sant'Albino, Italia: 6675 voti in 20 hotel, punteggio medio 8.3 su 10.
{"url": "http://www.travelitalia.com/it/hotel/sant-albino/hotel_3_stelle/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.travelitalia.com", "date_download": "2017-12-11T00:52:19Z", "digest": "sha1:KRULIEMF3SERO423KZBOCVESTURAWG6H"}
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For Journalists Contact Stanford Report, March 20, 2007 Hennessy appoints Harvard scientist to lead Bio-X program L.A. Cicero The James H. Clark Center, which was dedicated in October of 2003, is the hub of the Bio-X program. Carla Shatz President John Hennessy has named Carla Shatz, the head of Harvard's neurobiology department, to lead the next phase of Stanford's Bio-X program, the landmark bioscience research effort that promotes interdisciplinary collaborations among life scientists, medical scientists, engineers, physicists and computer scientists. Shatz, the Nathan Marsh Pusey Professor of Neurobiology and chair of the Department of Neurobiology at Harvard Medical School, was a professor at the Stanford School of Medicine from 1978 to 1991. She will succeed Matthew Scott, who spent the last five years launching the program. Scott will be returning to full-time research and his work as co-chair of Stanford's Center for Children's Brain Tumors. "Carla Shatz brings a truly remarkable blend of talents to this task," Hennessy said. "She has the mindset of a groundbreaking scientist, the skills of a bold and resourceful leader and a passion for research on the frontiers of knowledge. These skills alone would qualify her to lead Bio-X. When one adds her many years of experience at Stanford to the mix, it seems impossible to imagine a person who is more ready and able to lead a program of such critical importance to the university." Shatz, who will return to Stanford during the summer, said she was "thrilled to have the opportunity" to direct the program. "This is where the future of biomedical research is going—working at the interface of quantitative science, physics, engineering and biology," she said. "In addition to facilitating the growth of Bio-X, I'm excited about participating directly through the work in my own laboratory." Vice Provost Ann Arvin, calling Shatz the "ideal candidate," cited her proven leadership skills in developing innovative research programs, her pioneering basic science work on the relationship between brain development and the immune system and her experience breaking new ground for women in science. What's more, Arvin said, Shatz brings an outsider's fresh perspective to Bio-X while also being intimately familiar with Stanford, noting that she and Shatz were appointed assistant professors on the same day. Shatz has, in her own words, "a zillion friends" still on the campus. "Carla has deep roots here, and it is a pleasure to welcome her back," Arvin said. "She is an absolutely stellar leader and one of the foremost investigators in the field of neuroscience." Shatz will assume the helm of Bio-X as it enters the next stage of its development. Much of the first five years was devoted to getting the program's flagship new building, the James H. Clark Center, up and running. Over that period, a diverse group of faculty has moved into the new quarters—almost all of the laboratory space there has been assigned to more than 600 researchers from some 25 departments. Scott, the current chief, has worked out the physical, financial and social complexities involved in establishing this new multidisciplinary community. At the same time, Bio-X fellowship and seed grant programs have been powerful incentives for new interdisciplinary collaborations among many of the 330 Stanford faculty, in 50 departments, who are Bio-X affiliates. Shatz will be able to pay greater attention to integrating Bio-X into the campus at large and to focus on specific scientific initiatives, said Scott, who is a professor of developmental biology, of genetics and of bioengineering. It also will allow her to focus on increasing the involvement of researchers beyond the Clark Center and deepening Bio-X ties with more departments, as well as developing new training programs and new curricula and increasing outreach to students and postdoctoral scholars, he said. "Carla has already been thinking in great detail about how to promote interdisciplinary work more widely at Stanford," Scott added. "Helping to bring her here to take the next step may be the best thing I've ever done for Bio-X." This would not be the first time that Shatz has taken a strong research program and made it even stronger. She is credited with making Harvard's neurobiology department into "one capable of leading the entire field of neuroscience in bold new directions," with "incredibly rich and diverse research," according to the announcement of her move from Joseph Martin, dean of the Harvard Medical School. She was successful in mentoring, recruiting and promoting a number of talented young researchers to the faculty, including six women. Shatz herself has been a pioneer among women in the biosciences. The Harvard Medical Alumni Bulletin recently reported that in 1976 she became the first woman to receive a doctorate in neurobiology from Harvard; she later became one of the first female junior faculty and one of the first tenured women in basic sciences at the Stanford School of Medicine. In 2000, she became the first woman to chair Harvard's neurobiology department—and only the second woman in the history of Harvard Medical School to chair a basic science department. Shatz's research has advanced the understanding of how the eye and the brain become properly connected during early life. She was the first to observe how, during fetal development, the eye tested its connections to the brain's visual processing regions by sending and resending waves of electrical activity through nerve cells across the retina. Shatz also overturned the long-held view in neuroscience of "immune privilege," the theory that the brain operates in isolation from the immune system. Although the scientific community initially greeted with skepticism her report of a molecule in the immune system that was affecting brain development, she did not waver in the face of criticism and her position ultimately prevailed. "Carla Shatz's experience in leadership of the neurobiology department at Harvard has given her a broad view of the role of research in human health," said Sharon Long, dean of the School of Humanities and Sciences, who along with Arvin and Scott serves on the Bio-X executive committee. "At the same time, her own work addresses truly fundamental scientific questions, and she has a deep understanding of how to nurture basic research excellence. Her energy and imagination, along with her experience, make her an ideal new leader for the Bio-X community at Stanford." Philip Pizzo, dean of the School of Medicine and another member of the Bio-X executive committee, added that Shatz has been serving for several years on the school's national advisory council and praised "her broad fund of knowledge, her critical judgment, her passion for facilitating interdisciplinary research and education, and her long-standing commitment to mentorship and career development, particularly for women." Shatz is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the Institute of Medicine of the National Academies and the American Philosophical Society.
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My Richard Armitage: An interpretation. Early career to North & South Here are links to Preface (explains what this series is) and Part I (covering Richard Armitage’s family background, childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and early professional experiences and training). This piece is my interpretation of what I know about Armitage, a picture drawn by me from my personal standpoint. In contrast: for an excellent, nuanced, thoughtful description of Richard Armitage that focuses on the stations of Armitage’s career and the conventional themes of professional biography, please consult this one at Richard Armitage Online. IV. Early Career to North & South [Right: Richard Armitage in rehearsal for Hamlet at the Birmingham Rep (1998). Source: RichardArmitageNet.com] Richard Armitage’s sojourn at LAMDA is followed by the overwhelming scale of the set experience for Star Wars (at first overwhelming, then fascinating to the young actor) and then by a year of stage roles, notably at the Birmingham Rep. The next step is an engagement with the Royal Shakespeare Company, which initially excites (finally — a long professional engagement, doing Shakespeare) and eventually frustrates (short roles; productions that the audience does not appear to enjoy). Building or sustaining a romantic relationship fades in interest as he focuses on career success. The episodic relationship he referred to as occurring in his LAMDA years and relating to his identity at that time ends; a brief relationship with a member of the RSC stage crew succeeds it. Studies for formal qualification in stage fighting. Volunteers in RSC school workshops because of his enjoyment of productions at Stratford seen during his own education; in a similar vein, Armitage will later become a patron of a project to bring students to the Globe Theater. In the atmosphere of a very high cultural institution, one of Armitage’s central values in performance emerges more clearly in his own self-awareness: shared enjoyment between actors and audiences. Engagement in small and then supporting stage roles, however, suggest his path to professional prominence may not lead through classical theater. Ongoing, mostly unarticulated artistic ambition and awareness that his talents are underutilized in “spear carrying” remain for the short term balanced out by enjoyment of ensemble work and lack of aggressive drive to lead or “killer instinct.” Ability to continue on this path suggests a number of personality elements and attitudes: a serious commitment to the aesthetic values and institutions of classical theater, a high tolerance for uncertainty, a dogged determination to keep at it, a willingness to tolerate dissatisfaction, a markedly high capacity to go along to get along, a nagging need for approval from authoritative sources — but perhaps also an awareness that the reasons for professional attention are often highly arbitrary, given the (in retrospect embarrassing) attention he receives from Japanese fans of Star Wars when touring there in the RSC Macbeth, as well as the ongoing enjoyment of youthful pleasures in London and environs and a feeling of being younger than his chronological age. [Left: Richard Armitage, from the program for the RSC’s The Duchess of Malfi (2000), the production where he meets and makes friends with Liza Franks. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com] The end of the RSC engagement is followed, after brief and minor — though credited — film appearances, by a professional dry spell (reported variously as eight or eighteen months in different interviews, although no eighteen-month gap is visible in his CV). Lack of work causes Armitage to feel “down” and to become weary of conversations in which he’s asked why he’s not working. He remains very nervous before auditions, reports later that he did not experience “blind faith” in his own talents. Growing awareness, expressed to his agent, that he may have missed the takeoff point for the type of acting career he wishes to pursue. Frustration with lack of success and continuing or intensifying dislike of work done to pay the bills, however, are countered by personal conviction that he has no other marketable job skills. Armitage persists. Keeps reading and exploring. Does handyman work for friends to fill his time and wallet. Works in front-of-house jobs in theater, giving him the opportunity to look at the venue from a different angle and understand why people come there. Takes acting classes to keep his skill in shape and experiences breakthrough in a class taught by an American director in terms of touching or releasing emotional core of sentiments that are “not civilized” while acting — an experience that convinces him that he does have the necessary capacities (“instrument” — interesting as it’s a typical vocalist’s or musician’s metaphor) it takes to be successful. Possibly the period of unemployment contributes to ongoing contemplation of matters related to rewards / skill / luck /self-centering, providing him with productive ethical self-talk that he explicitly articulates subsequently in his career. Later statements also point to casual awareness / exploration of Buddhism that I am tempted to root in this period of struggle for acknowledgement and explanations for what’s (not) happening as well as acceptable response to circumstance. Acknowledgement of the necessity of luck in building a professional reputation conditioned by adult struggles remains balanced, however, by ongoing meritocratic conviction from other and earlier contexts about the significance of hard work and preparation. [Right: Richard Armitage as Dr. Tom Steele in Doctors (2001). Source: RichardArmitageNet.com] After this tense period, professional employment resumes, and his career finally begins to take speed through television work. Armitage makes a last stage appearance, in Annie Lee, late in 2002, significant as well because it is a second data point (beyond contemporaneity at LAMDA) that connects him with Annabel Capper, one of few personal friends who is not a coworker with whom he is ever seen by fans in public. After that production, Armitage will not tread the boards again until a charity performance in the fall of 2010. TV would not have been his first choice; he remarked later that he enjoyed the work more once he had become familiar with what was going on in the medium, which suggests that despite enjoyment of TV as a child and early professional experiences as a TV extra, he had been genuinely most interested in pursuing a theatrical or perhaps an art film career, and had not closely considered television as a desirable career venue until relatively late, under pressure of realization that acting really was his calling in the sense not only that nothing else would please him, but that he couldn’t conceive of other work. Much later, after a season of Spooks, he will note that he couldn’t have seen himself pushing pencils. [Left: Richard Armitage as Craig Parker in Casualty (2001). Source: RichardArmitageNet.com] Initial television roles clearly exploit Armitage’s two most obvious qualities at the time: first, a face that was shedding its boyish sweetness toward the end of his twenties and gaining a fascinating angularity that corresponded more closely to his chronological age; second, a capacity to act effectively while performing very physical action scenes that he no doubt owed in part to his extensive dance training. Although it’s hard to judge, since dialect speech is a piece of the toolkit of all actors, he may also have profited from his ability to perform some northern English accents credibly to outsiders. Despite his ongoing interest in high art, Armitage expresses no inhibitions about taking low cultural roles in television; the very rare interview at this time mentions his enjoyment of the “fun” or “boy” aspects of military drama, for instance, and eagerness to do different kinds of roles. Although one suspects that Armitage was concerned with issues of personal appearance a great deal earlier, because dancers as professional tend to be very openly conscious of their bodies and appearances, at the very latest after he is cast as Lee in Cold Feet, regular, goal-oriented physical training to enhance his visual appeal becomes part of his professional preparation. (After North & South, he will state that he wanted not to look like a “lard bucket” and that “the Speedos were popular.”) Going forward, Armitage seems to take away from this experience the desire to cultivate his body not just in order to fulfill the physical demands of a role, but as part of the “look” and thus the identity of a character. Professes ability to play rugby on the assumption that he will be able to manage it — reflecting not only “saying anything” to get a job, but also a physical and intellectual openness to unfamiliar experiences that corresponds to his experiential / somatic learning style and will increasingly play a role in helping him find employment. Roles in this period especially take him to a series of incongruous sources for information: aqua-aerobics classes, a farm with livestock, friendly coaching in rugby, suggesting a willingness to take research of even minor roles seriously, a solid work ethic, and also a strong interest in or at least willingness to encounter closely the unfamiliar. At the same time, along with the “circus” story, experiences during research episodes lay down a series of tropes that are useful fodder for exploitation in interviews, creating a pleasant picture of an individual whose seriousness is tempered by an appreciation for the absurd and a refusal to take himself too seriously. [Right: Captain Ian Macalwain (Richard Armitage) on the rugby pitch in Ultimate Force 2.2. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com] Looking back to this career threshold several years later, Armitage continues to narrate a meritocratic version of his development, although to his own disadvantage — he attributes the slow takeoff to his own insufficiencies as an artist. The beginnings of the change he puts down to figuring out how to audition more successfully, as he did for Sparkhouse, in which he wanted the role of John Standring very badly and succeeded at being cast against type. For him, being cast in this role was a consequence of his conscious decision to inhabit characters more intensely than in the past, which in meritocratic terms might be phrased as “working harder at it.” A trope with a similar valence against self-aggrandizement, his habit of telling self-deprecating stories about disastrous auditions that attribute his success to random factors or suggest that his engagement with potential roles is more casual than it really is — at this point, in particular, the story that he was cast in Cold Feet because of his boots, or that he hadn’t realized he’d have to play nude scenes in Between the Sheets — is in evidence from the beginning of Armitage’s television career. Possible factors influencing this style include rhetorical convention among actors and the perceived need to cover personal ambition in British culture; a desire not to look arrogant; and/or superstition. Fear of expressing ambition that comrades might find ridiculous or inappropriate seems to play an important role; not till 2008 will Armitage admit — in one single statement, never repeated, that he had thought about being in movies as a teenager. Various later remarks about failed auditions point to a genuine persisting tension around the experience, however; it will be 2011 before Armitage voices explicitly that he might have gotten a role because of one he had done well at, and even then he will undercut this statement subsequently. At the same time, a self-narration that relies heavily on the role of coincidence or (narrowly avoided) disaster for decisive stations in one’s development is also not infrequently a characteristic of highly ambitious people, in whose statements self-deprecation, statements about one’s incapacities or failures, or attribution of success to factors than one’s own merits serve as a socially acceptable mask for desires or achievements about which one does not wish to boast, or a way of avoiding attributing responsibility for success to oneself. [Left: Giggly about the unlimited supply of Starburst on the Frozen set — Richard Armitage in 2004 2003 — see note at bottom.] Source: RichardArmitageNet.com] It is perhaps easiest in comparisons of Armitage’s earliest roles to see a brisk movement in the refinement of acting style from job to job that was occurring with lightning speed in this period — clearly underlining a later self-assessment that he is a “quick learner” when, indeed, he is given the opportunity to undertake the experiential learning most comfortable and effective for him. Working regularly, moreover, gives him the framework in which to think in specific terms about ambitions that had either been inchoate or too dangerous to admit to himself, especially during periods of struggle for roles. In ways both casual and important, Armitage remains young for his age, but a personal vibe of youthful sweetness or silliness is now increasingly divorced from an ever greater application to self-preparation at work. Apparent self-deprecation and boyish joking about auditions in the press mask a development occurring toward a more intense practice of characterization that involves developing and inhabiting a subtext that he places in the minds of his characters, as well as greater willingness to question writers / directors about his characters. A clearly visible transition from a stage to a television acting style is also underway. Around the time of making Sparkhouse, Armitage considers more fully the issues around presenting a character’s inner life to an observer by adding vs. subtracting layers of personality and emotion in performances in different venues. The clearly evident facial moods of John Standring in Sparkhouse and Paul Andrews in Between the Sheets, which verge on the theatrical, will quickly be reigned in favor of a more naturalistic, less sculpted performance in evidence in the characters he plays in Frozen, Malice Aforethought, and In Divine Proportion. As he makes the transition from stage to television screen, Armitage starts to think of acting as an engagement in the search for truth and appreciates the chance to use acting to experience big emotions not typically available to humans in daily life. Somewhat later, he will mention that he enjoys the potential to get things perfect on television via retakes, though still he valued the discipline and concentration required for two-and-a-half hours of stage work. At the same time, he will say, more often as his career continues, that he enjoys the adrenaline rush of acting. Reading backwards, it seems possible that television work took on the role of a framework for disciplining the worst outcomes of the adrenaline rush Armitage experienced while acting. It may have allowed him to surmount (it’s striking how noticeably Armitage refers to roles as “mountains to climb”) what must occasionally have been a professionally damaging neurotransmitter response that resulted in nervousness around being observed while acting. In any case, success in the television framework bred more success and thus more self-confidence in encounters with the moments of the job that were potentially most nerve-wracking or challenging for the developing artist. Breakthrough casting and role, from his own perspective: Richard Armitage as John Standring in episode 3 of Sparkhouse. My cap. V. North & South: Armitage’s career comes into the public eye [Right: Richard Armitage, promotional photo by Jenny Lewis, 2004] Being cast in North & South (2004), although it is the production that most observers would later characterize as his defining professional breakthrough, thus comes for Armitage as the attainment of a new stage of career recognition rather than a personal, artistic, or cognitive breakthrough. For him, being cast results from internal and artistic developments that had been occurring and are visible in his work as it survives in approximately the previous two years. The major development in this production for Armitage lies less in the internal artistic developments necessary to audition successfully than in the capacity to sustain such a long performance as a lead actor and to maintain his confidence while doing so. This particular phase of his transition from stage to television acting is complete and visible, to great effect, as the facial and gestural responses of Mr. Thornton are carefully edited, heavily under control, and subtle enough against the stillness of his body to draw the eye almost involuntarily in several scenes, and as a result, often say a great deal more than the more voluble facial expressions evident in his earlier characterizations. Just as importantly, the experience of making North & South allows him to glimpse a new horizon for his career and ambitions. He will note later that his presence in a group of actors of much greater reputation sparked further acting developments for him, and that the entire experience redefined his standards for professionalism at work. [Left: Amused? Richard Armitage interviewed in North & South DVD extra. Source: RichardArmitageNet.com] At the point at which the very first fans of North & South crash the BBC message board to talk about his performance, then, Armitage has thus worked for a decade and a half without achieving much notice — indeed, as he says afterwards, not a single reference in the press that actually discusses his performance . This experience of anonymity will decisively influence both his career path going forward and his response to fame and the fans who suddenly appear. Fans clamor for more of him, and successfully call forth the publication of a DVD of the production, although the BBC had programmed North & South as a low-budget effort and had not planned to print a DVD originally. An interview with the man who called forth all this energy is a foregone inclusion. At this point, however, the requisite smoothness of an actor accustomed to media attention is simply not yet in place; neither, apparently, can Armitage muster much of it in the first professional video interview in which he is recorded for posterity. In it, he appears to take the personal eschewal of sprezzatura to a fine art, starting with his appearance — which includes a choker that makes him look almost like a surfer together with a pinstripe jacket and a rather ragged haircut. Armitage disarmingly recalls his reaction to being cast as “shock,” followed by “fear,” mirroring repeated statements in the press before and after broadcast that his unknown status was a gamble to the producers. At different points in the interview, Armitage appears alternately serious and incredulous, nerdy and giggly, and from time to time stammers extensively. He looks down in shyness and wrinkles his brown in mild astonishment and then irons his brow out prosaically, suavely, almost ironically. He gestures rhythmically with his hands, almost as if to self-calm. He laughs about horse poo and a prop hitting him in the nose. He smiles shyly, almost enigmatically, when talking about kissing Daniela Denby-Ashe. At the same time, simple pieces of the artist peek through the interview — references to camera angles and writing, as well as a discussion of costume and characterization. Armitage refers here only briefly to elements of a family past in the North of England that made the story special to him, but he will expand on these in the press — a genre of “storytelling of self” that judiciously capitalizes on versions of factual details from his life that will endear him to audiences and reappear later to great effect in the leadup to the premiere of the The Hobbit. He also notes an apparent immediate and noticeable chemistry with his female co-star. Early reporters universally note his sweetness, shyness, humor, modesty, mild-mannered appearance. What Richard Armitage does not do in this interview? Not for a second? Smolder. The disjunction between the charismatic Mr. Thornton and the actual Richard Armitage on the North & South DVD interview, a man who moves between silly and serious, frightened and flirtatious, naive and expert, shy and calm, sometimes experiencing difficulty even making his sentences cohere, exposes a puzzle that will fans will try to crack for at least the next eight years. Who is Richard Armitage? [Right: Richard Armitage as Mr. Thornton in North & South (2004). Source: RichardArmitageNet.com]. Revisions or additions I would propose as of 6/9/2013: Per interview stemming from Between the Sheets, published 1/23/2003, Armitage had “just finished” filming Frozen in November 2003. Picture from Frozen excerpt thus most likely dates from before North & South, although fans will still have experienced the North & South DVD interview as their first glimpse of the private Armitage, as Frozen did not premiere until January 27, 2006 (per imdb). However, an examination of any data from that interview as an index of personality belongs in this section. Main matters of interest to me — is he struggling to keep a straight face in first section?; reference to “journey” theme of Shirley Henderson’s and his characters; apparent velarization of “l” in Auslaut as normal speech pattern, which he does rarely after 2006; giggly reference to Starburst candy. Confirmation of issue of difficulty with auditions via interview with TORn of late 2012 that Armitage did experience difficulties with auditions and learned to get through them by pretending he’d already been cast and just had to go in to demonstrate what he’d be doing on camera. Note from Hobbit interview blitz, 2012/13 that Armitage’s first experience of filming with green screen came not on The Hobbit set but from the Star Wars experience. Stated that one of his tasks was to cut Ewan McGregor in half with a light-saber. Some fans, however, have advanced potential grounds for questioning the veracity of the latter statement. Note from Cinemaxx interview, December 2012, “I don’t want to be a fat dude” reinforcing this early evidence of concerns with body image. Confirmation of “visual” learning style from December 2012 interview on Canadian radio (seeing images in response to lines) and 2013 “Bin Weevils” interview (memorizing lines via images). Possibly belongs in earlier section. If we ever get to see it beyond excerpts, discussion of the “Staged” (1999) performance would go in this section. All text © Servetus at me + richard armitage, 2012. Please credit when using excerpts and links. Images and video copyrights accrue to their owners. To Part VI. ~ by Servetus on November 21, 2012. Posted in accents, acting, action, Angus, Annabel Capper, Armitage as mirror, Armitage as victim, Armitage on Armitage, Armitage's body, Armitageworld dogmas, attempts at bravery, Between the Sheets, Bill Chatford, capitalism, career, Casualty, Cleopatra, Cold Feet, Craig Porter, dance, Daniela Denby-Ashe, Doctors, Epiphanes, fans, fantasy, fear, flow, Frozen, Gaskell, gestures, gratitude, gravitas, heterosexual dystopias, heterosexual utopias, humiliation, humility, Ian Macalwain, if I could interview Mr. Armitage, Inspector Lynley Mysteries: In Divine Proportion, interiority, John Standring, joy, Lee, loss, Macbeth, Malice Aforethought, Margaret Hale, me, morality / ethics / norms, Mr. Thornton, musical theatre, North & South, objectification, overwork, Paul Andrews, Philip Turner, pronunciation, reality, redemption, Richard Armitage, silliness, singing, smug man, Sparkhouse, sprezzatura, status transactions, Steven, the accent, the Armitage morass, the clothes, the energy, the eyes, the face, the forehead, the hype, the smile, the smolder, theatre theatre, thinking / feeling, Tom Steele, Ultimate Force, why Armitage?, Why me?, work 42 Responses to “My Richard Armitage: An interpretation. Early career to North & South” […] To Part IV-V. […] My Richard Armitage: An interpretation. Background, childhood, adolescence, professional preparation, young adulthood « Me + Richard Armitage said this on November 21, 2012 at 3:44 am | Reply Hi Serv, I love the way you weave known “facts” with your insightful analysis. You really bring Richard Armitage as a person into clearer focus–despite the man who is still being formed at this point. And I totally agree with you about the juxtaposition between the shy and articulate man being interviewed on the North & South dvd compared to the commanding character of John Thornton. No way did I think that the interviewee was the actor who had portrayed JT–maybe his younger brother. Ha! But the seemingly incongruous pairing of real man and his reel persona emphasizes the art and storytelling that an actor, such as Richard Armitage, embodies. Actors might inhabit a role for a while–but that role is not them. Well, maybe bits here and there as they draw upon personal experiences to give life to a character. Gratiana Lovelace said this on November 21, 2012 at 4:24 am | Reply Grati, Thanks. Nowhere in this piece do I argue that that the role of Thornton WAS the same as Armitage, however, nor that it should be. I was stating (and I think this is one of the most uncontroversial statements i make in this piece) that the apparent incongruity was, and remains, fascinating to fans. I also stand by this assessment. You see interviews with Tom Hiddleston, and you can connect personality features easily with his roles. That’s incredibly difficult for Armitage, if you’re relying only on this interview. It makes one wonder what’s going on in this personality — if he plays someone *so* different from himself. That will be an ongoing theme of his career, as none of the characters Armitage will play appear to have much to do with Richard Armitage the person. Servetus said this on November 21, 2012 at 5:22 am | Reply You and I are in agreement with each other about RA. Wow. Thanks for that. I know it’s your interpretation, but I think your perception must be close to accurate in many aspects. This was rather fascinating to me, as I’ve not delved too deeply in Richard lore. I only watched the N&S DVD interview twice. That choker really distracted/annoyed me – lol! Maybe he’ll be pressed to out with an autobiography someday. Trudy said this on November 21, 2012 at 4:28 am | Reply Thanks, Trudy. Either that, or you and I have quite similar subject positions (which is also not impossible). When Didion and I saw the interview for the first time, we looked at each for a split second, saw the choker and said, “Eurotrash,” giggled, and turned it off. We really felt like it spoiled the illusion of Mr. Thornton. I only started looking it at closely after the second time I saw N&S, because that viewing got me interested in Armitage as well. I’d love if he’d write an autobiography (even in self-defense), but I suspect that it would not answer all the questions we most seriously ask. Autobiographical sources are like that. One has to work really hard at understanding oneself and most of us (me included) don’t do it all that well. Happy that you are going on with this perspective of an actor and person. An area we can be timid to trespass. But we think a lot about it. Just initial thoughts before re-reading: Mr. A certainly does not appear to be an agressive person. To those, who like many of us, were attracted first by the Thornton, and then Gisborne performances, perhaps these were so much more the mark of a really good actor-no more the anti-hero of attraction. And not necessarily more than having the attributes that we wish to see in the man – gentle, kind, charitable. Mother Teresa? (VoD):D For what it worth, I think he is, and has been a Working Actor, doing the things (LAMDA etc) to both qualify and learn. The craft. And work, work, work. To learn, and to be self-sustaining. No experience is wasted. I must suspect he has his share of vanity, he clearly takes very good care of his face and body, etc. There is a dedication that is common to any artist – single-minded, probably selfish, and in persuit of goals, leaves little room for anything else. For what’s worth 🙂 I think he is a top-class actor and artist. And with potential to be considered (in the eyes of the critics), one of best of his generation. Besides, he’s drop-dead gorgeous. Whoops, there goes a career as dispassionate acting critic… Oh well. Can’t have it all all… fitzg said this on November 21, 2012 at 5:55 am | Reply I don’t think he’s aggressive — but I do think he’s ambitious in ways that he has never allowed himself to state. Servetus said this on November 21, 2012 at 5:19 pm | Reply Interesting take on his modesty, as that is something that has always puzzled me and that I don’t buy 100%. It is certainly one of his most endearing traits but at the same time one that may not be completely genuine. Surely partly it is the result of his upbringing and having struggled for so long. And of a naturally more reserved/introverted personality. I personally think he learned that being modest and self-deprecating is a perfect weapon to disarm anyone who might want to criticise him and to endear people to him. I think while he had to wait long for relative success, people he met must have always reacted to him as a person/man in a very positive way. He likes to paint himself as an ugly duckling as a teenager but photographic evidence shows he was a nice looking boy/young man. Not drop dead gorgeous but with an appealing boyish sweetness. Not to mention he probably had the same likeable personality and natural charm he has today. I think even if he is not at the centre of every party, he must have been popular among his peers, both as a friend and as a potential partner. And I think if people react positively to someone, that adds to to their image of themselves. Jane said this on November 21, 2012 at 10:40 am | Reply I’m glad for this comment b/c I know you like that interview and I was afraid you’d think I was trashing it. re: modesty — I think *the appearance* of modesty is overdetermined, and I’ll go into this more in the next piece (it’s about 2500 words long already and so I decided to cut this one off here or it would have been way too long). It’s hard, looking at this developmental path, to imagine a Richard Armitage who would be publicly arrogant. Too much militates against it. Your comment does a great job of teasing out threads that I think fans often conflate — naivete, modesty, shyness (a term that covers dozens of behaviors), introversion (also often misunderstood), reticence or not being aggressive, and self-confidence or lack of it are six distinct strands (of many more) in what’s going on in his personality and influencing his public statements. Some of these traits or tendencies, I would argue, are probably innate, but at some point any adult realizes that you have to go with your strengths. I think I said in the previous piece that the combination of these things develop into a personal style — he uses these tendencies, rather than allowing them to control him. There’s an interview where he says, “I like to leave people wanting more.” I think he must realized at some point that he can exploit some of his natural tendencies that might be liabilities in some situations very productively. I don’t think this means he isn’t genuine. I think he is still genuinely both somewhat introverted and somewhat shy in the sense of not inherently wanting to start interactions with strangers or be observed. It’s just that he’s learned by now how to make those things work for him. I agree w/you w/r/t likeability as a teenager. I’m sure he got teased about the nose, but everyone gets teased in school about something. He strikes me as possibly having been one of those kids you get to know and like while sitting next to them in class every day — not the kid who looks like he’s going to be everybody’s best friend on the first day, or who’s always raising his hand or comes over to introduce himself or the person who’s always planning the parties or what will happen after school, but the guy you share notes with, study with, etc., and slowly realize you’re laughing at the same jokes and you like him. I think sometimes people build up the “shy” thing to extremes in trying to explain him — but quiet or reticent and shy or people-avoidant are not quite the same thing. It is hard to determine how shy or introverted or unsure of himself he really is without knowing anything about his social life outside his work and interaction with colleagues (who universally seem to adore him). He likes to paint himself as a loner or a geek and I cannot imagine that to be true. I think it is a way to avoid further questions about his private life by suggesting there is basically nothing to know. He may well be the kind of person who needs time to get to know people and build up a friendship and who has few close friends. I also imagine a job that means being away from home most of the time and working with new people every few months makes it hard to form close friendships, even if he gets on brilliantly with co-workers. But I am pretty sure he has a social life and enjoys having fun. And that he has people in his life. Jane said this on November 21, 2012 at 8:11 pm | Reply I think the evidence that he is introverted (in the Jungian sense) is stronger than the evidence that he is shy, fwiw, although I don’t peg him as an extreme introvert, either. As far as geek goes, we’d have to have a definition of “geek” before I could say anything. re: implying that he’s boring as a defense mechanism, although i can imagine based on how he behaves in interviews that there’s a grain of truth there, I certainly agree with you. This has been a fascinating and thought provoking article and discussion- i’m tagging on at this point as these comments about RA’s introversion chime very closely with my own assumptions. I fear if i started to write about why i find personality (and particularly this personality) so fascinating, i too would run into thousands of words and, although i know you encourage lengthy rumination Servetus, i would regard it as sheer bad manners on someone else’s blog! The main reaon for contributing today is to state my appreciation for this piece. thank you for posting. bollyknickers said this on November 22, 2012 at 4:55 am | Reply thanks, bollyknickers, I’m glad you find it useful. introversion is going to be a topic next time — but I also would be the first to say that I am not neutral on that question, personally. I am an introvert but not a shy one. That influences my reading of him, of course. But I’ll try to make clear what my definitions are and the reasons why I am pursuing them so they’re easy to critique / analyze. I’ll just say what most of us are thinking I just don’t know how you do it. This post, as many others, reads like an amazing biography that I would gladly pay for. I’m astounded and the detail you go intom and you always have your facts straight. It’s interesting, compeling and yet doesn’t put a strain on the reader. You have an interesting take on things, and although I don’t always fully agree, it does give me ffod for thought. I take my hat (bonnet…) off to you! AgzyM said this on November 21, 2012 at 3:21 pm | Reply Aaaw, thanks, AgzyM. Up to this point it’s relatively easy to feel that I’ve “controlled” all the data. From here on it gets harder. May I join to the statment of my fellow citizen? 😉 Thank you Servetus! Joanna said this on November 23, 2012 at 5:23 pm | Reply Yes, i think he is extremely ambitious. I think that, in a quiet way, he is very aggressive about ambition.Do you think he let ANYTHING get in the way of his goals? Appearing “humble” etc. works for his public persona. I doubt it is simply assumed – as with most people, there are probably the usual self-doubts, and both humour and self-deprecation can work instinctively, really well as protection of a kind. And of course, it’s disarming.Gosh, this sounds so cynical. Not true. I LIKE him, at least what I can see. People are not simple, that’s all… fitzg said this on November 21, 2012 at 8:27 pm | Reply I think he has let himself get in the way of his goals, yes, or perhaps that there are things in his personality that have prevented him from pursuing his goals in the most efficient / direct ways. (That is not a criticism; it is an observation.) I think one reason that people have tried to avoid this conversation is that in this fandom, anyway, if you make an observation that appears critical, you end up being under threat of not being a good / loyal enough fan and a flame gets started. The result of not allowing talk on this issue has been a sort of self-escalating idolization of the guy on the basis of a few indices that to my mind is troubling — both because it means a misunderstanding, and also because I think it ends up working as a trap for him. (There’ll be a lot more about that specific issue in the next installment.) One thing I’m very interested in, here, is how does a guy like Richard Armitage — not from an artsy or wealthy family, from the middle of nowhere, become successful? In considering that question, it’s important to try to strip away the accretions of the idolization process and try to get down to a base where we assume he’s normal in the sense that we can consider that he experiences normal human motivations. Wanting to be successful / ambition are normal tendencies, shared in various degrees among most humans. So in order to understand that we have to look closely at what the discourse about modesty does for him or why he might choose to espouse that. I think it is very healthy to have this discussion now because very soon we will confronted with a much more cynical view by outsiders on a hopefully rising star, that wouldn’t dream of feeling loyal or protective. On the other hand we may or may not soon be confronted with a much more polished version of Richard Armitage. you had said something like that in email, but I’m really glad that you put it here as well. I think that one reason that motivated me to go live with this now is precisely my feeling that the terms of the discussion are about to change drastically. I welcome that but I don’t want to forget this period. The other thing is that even in the time I’ve been blogging, sources have disappeared or been disappeared. I’m not the Richard Armitage archivist, but I wanted to make some kind of record that takes account of as much as we know as possible. Very much appreciate your remarks and, for a long time, those of Jane. That is perceptive, that the fandom could well do with a healthy dose of new views on the actor’s acting, and a bucket of cold water on the idolising elements. Obviously, I shy from offending anyone (c’est moi) but Mr. A is, after all just one actor. He is good. He has worked hard. And I assume he has his share of strengths and weaknesses as a person. It’s lovely to have fans describe one as humble/kind/blah etc. But it’s a little patronising, too, and there must be strong ego backing the long rise to maybe stardom. (The fuss over 7 screen minutes of CA last year was – think I must stop here. Just leave it that I suspect Thorin will/might take him a bit further.) And we might infer that some sort of stardom was in his head? At some point? There is much disingenuousness in many interviews that appear humility. Yikes, I could be off the mark here. At the least, possibly not too popular in the really lovely “older” RA community. Not older in terms of age, just those around for a minimum of about 2/3 or more years. He is a very good actor. And has potential to be considered a great one… fitzg said this on November 21, 2012 at 10:37 pm | Reply It’s absolutely not my goal to douse anyone’s fan fever, though, and I’m sorry if my comment above read that way. I am one of the most feverish fans of all and I was excited about Captain America, too. I don’t want to criticize fans and I have been vehement on this point now for some time. Armitage fans are adults and they know what they are doing. People should feel how they want, and Armitage — too — is responsible for his own life and for dealing with the effects of what he says or does, and his own feelings. We should all let each other get one with our feelings. My only goal here is to try to understand who I think Richard Armitage to be because of his significance in my own development as something I “fell in love with,” and in order to do that I have to pull away accretions onto his personality that have been built on by fans by looking as critically as possible at the sources for our information. I also need to state, because I am not sure exactly what you mean from your comments about disingeuousness, that the point here is not to say “it’s all an act.” (That charge was laid at my door the last time I tried to write about this.) While i suppose that could be true, I am not arguing that everything about Richard Armitage’s appearance of modesty is disingenuous (or true). My point is a very different one: it lies in asking, what is the meaning of a discourse of modesty for the person who puts it into the world? Servetus said this on November 22, 2012 at 12:51 am | Reply I love these posts, Servetus. They are a great read, and the picture you are paiting seems very realistic to me. I wonder if he’d be scared by how close it is, if he read it 🙂 I’m not certain there is a conflict between ambition and modesty. It’s very possible that he believes his talent limited in comparison with some great actors of past and present. At the same time, he is seeing others, who he thinks are even less gifted, get much greater success. That might well fuel a desire for more acclaim and success for himself. Actually, he said once that he would like to see how far he can get with his limited talent. I think he might have honestly described what he felt. rbb said this on November 22, 2012 at 6:59 am | Reply Thanks, rbb. I suspect, if he were reading this, he’d feel misunderstood, even if he felt I had gotten certain things close to right. It’s not easy to listen to someone analyze one’s personality — even if it’s one’s friends or a psychiatrist, let alone a total stranger who’s doing it on the basis of media sources. re: modesty vs ambition — I think that’s fair. that limited talent remark was one that we discussed in the past at some point. An American hears that and thinks, “ouch.” A UK person hears that and thinks it’s a joke / self-deprecation. I think it was both. Iirc, think he said it after the Spooks 9 reviews came out, which were partially not very kind to him. Another convincing psycho-biographical essay on Armitage. I am delighted that you are basically confirming the impression I have of Armitage in my mind. What a relief to think that he is such a wonderful human being, so worthy of my interest. Do I sound cynical? I don’t mean to. However, I am conscious of the fact that Armitage is an actor. If he can convincingly portray a medieval dark knight, then how about playing himself in front of the audience? This is a genuine question – and not an implied accusation or criticism. How much Armitage is in Armitage??? We all construct our own identities artificially to some degree. And we place identities on those around us. (BTW, by that I am not saying that you are misconstruing Armitage, Servetus – to reiterate: I find your interpretation thoroughly convincing!) I would love to know how much “Armitage” Armitage is putting on, whether he has been prompted to do so by his agents or whether it is his own strategy? I wonder whether there actually *exists* one “real Armitage” that we do not know and from the (undetected) observation of whom we could draw solid, cogent conclusions? guylty said this on November 22, 2012 at 1:56 pm | Reply I have long thought, if he could choose to play a different character (or would want to) he would come across differently. He is very good at oozing confidence when in character of Thornton or Guy or presumably Thorin, so why didn’t he choose to put on that coat for public appearances, photoshots or interviews. He knows how to act that. As himself, either he can’t or he doesn’t want to, especially early on. Given that the smoulder in photoshots very often doesn’t convince me, I think he can’t when he is not fully in character. While I think shyness or modesty is endearing and can be a useful tool to disarm people, I also think that may shy people are shy about being shy, not about being unattractive or stupid or inadequate in some other way. So if they could choose not to appear shy, they probably would. I also don’t think it’s something one is born knowing — how to play yourself. If it’s a role you play, you get more experienced at it over time. I don’t know about the smolder thing, just because I do often find it convincing in photos. (i.e., again I don’t think it’s “either it works or fails.”). re: whether he would choose not to appear shy, that’s intriguing. I’m going to get cracking on the next piece! This question, the “Richard Armitage” character, is really the Stolperstein of this blog. The first time I tried to argue that, back in 2010, I wasn’t very self-confident as a writer and I let a troll shut me down. I am more confident now and more people are coming over to this point, so that’s the piece that I have to get out (if the word were to explode tomorrow). One thing, however, that will be important to keep in mind is that I am not going to be talking about genuine / fake, true / false, real / fake, because i don’t think identities are really constructed in those terms. I’m going to be talk about the employment of discourses, their plausible meanings to a contextualized speaker, and what happens to them when they get out of the hands of the person who sets them in motion. For me, words and discourses are real because we can’t get outside of them. (I assume you and I have some kind of agreement on this point, Guylty, and actually your willingness to come aboard here was part of what strengthened my resolve to finally push this stuff out). My husband always likes to say that we all act to some degree. We will act different at home to what we do at work or around different people. As for the shy part, I know that at times I do not have control over my shyness. I have to get to know someone awhile before I can over come my shyness with them. There are those people who are just better at making me at ease than others. I also think that when you work with people day to day helps also. But given that my coworkers don’t know that I am a fan of Richards, but know that I can’t wait for The Hobbit. Servetus I do like what you have written so far and will be waiting to read the next part. katie70 said this on November 25, 2012 at 5:25 am | Reply This is a great comment because it gets to the question of whether there is a “real” self there we hide or reveal, or simply different manifestations of ourselves that appear in different settings. […] in that review pushed a lot of my buttons. Religion, filming in 48 fps, reading experiences, audience enjoyment, Tolkien’s view of his life history, nostalgia, ongoing self-fashioning and telling the story […] […] nice datum to add to this. I’ve gotta finish that, too, as I want that portrait fixed in wax before too much more […] Armitage auditions « Me + Richard Armitage said this on December 6, 2012 at 5:12 am | Reply […] childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and early professional experiences and training); and Part II (Armitage’s career from leaving LAMDA to being cast in North & […] My Richard Armitage: An interpretation. An excursus on identity and personality in 2004 « Me + Richard Armitage said this on December 22, 2012 at 2:29 am | Reply […] childhood, adolescence, young adulthood, and early professional experiences and training); Part II (Armitage’s career from leaving LAMDA to being cast in North & South); and Part III […] My Richard Armitage: An interpretation. Armitage meets “the media,” round one « Me + Richard Armitage said this on December 30, 2012 at 4:49 am | Reply Wow, I’m LOVING your blog the more I read it! Thanks for all the analysis here! I can relate to RA even more now, knowing about his early life. I, too, was a shy kid who was into books and felt young for my age (a late bloomer). But, hey, a LOT of GREAT actors made their mark after 30-35! knightleyemma said this on January 11, 2013 at 5:15 am | Reply Thanks for the kind words! Remember, this is my *interpretation*. Servetus said this on January 12, 2013 at 12:24 am | Reply […] assessment of his career. For instance, it essentially squares with two things I wrote about him in the second piece of my interpretive biography, which I published two weeks ahead of that interview. There, on the basis of considering steps in […] Armitage leads with the feelings: Career implications? « Me + Richard Armitage said this on January 13, 2013 at 7:31 am | Reply Added updates and proposals for revision to this text, 6/9/2013. […] still before the Royal Shakespeare Company phase of his education. I discussed this phase earlier, here, but we have more data now. That is: actual […] First reactions to Richard Armitage in “Staged” (1999) | Me + Richard Armitage said this on June 26, 2013 at 12:44 am | Reply […] took this role. Every actor seeks exposure, but even so, while I’m sure he was cast partially because his attractiveness offered viewers a credible mirror for Alona’s sexual desire, it’s not plausible to me […] Richard Armitage, Paul Andrews, and gender trouble in Between the Sheets [Spoilers for the whole series; frank sex talk] | Me + Richard Armitage said this on August 15, 2013 at 11:23 am | Reply
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[32521, 33373, 1.0], [33373, 33428, 0.0], [33428, 33876, 1.0], [33876, 34447, 1.0], [34447, 34511, 0.0], [34511, 34563, 1.0], [34563, 34912, 1.0], [34912, 35346, 1.0], [35346, 35382, 1.0], [35382, 35438, 0.0], [35438, 35459, 1.0], [35459, 35571, 1.0], [35571, 35622, 0.0], [35622, 35642, 1.0], [35642, 35699, 0.0], [35699, 36252, 0.0], [36252, 36308, 0.0], [36308, 36555, 0.0], [36555, 37147, 0.0], [37147, 37807, 1.0], [37807, 38132, 1.0], [38132, 38679, 1.0], [38679, 39850, 0.0], [39850, 39907, 0.0], [39907, 40481, 1.0], [40481, 40825, 1.0], [40825, 41348, 1.0], [41348, 41408, 0.0], [41408, 41584, 0.0], [41584, 42084, 1.0], [42084, 42138, 0.0], [42138, 42454, 1.0], [42454, 42501, 1.0], [42501, 42814, 1.0], [42814, 43950, 1.0], [43950, 44007, 0.0], [44007, 44823, 1.0], [44823, 44968, 1.0], [44968, 45122, 1.0], [45122, 45233, 1.0], [45233, 45602, 1.0], [45602, 46296, 1.0], [46296, 46948, 1.0], [46948, 47006, 0.0], [47006, 47204, 1.0], [47204, 47418, 0.0], [47418, 47540, 0.0], [47540, 47632, 0.0], [47632, 47806, 0.0], [47806, 47968, 0.0], [47968, 48159, 0.0], [48159, 48311, 0.0], [48311, 48601, 1.0], [48601, 48664, 0.0], [48664, 48730, 1.0], [48730, 48789, 0.0], [48789, 49041, 0.0], [49041, 49169, 0.0], [49169, 49234, 1.0], [49234, 49390, 0.0], [49390, 49516, 0.0], [49516, 49731, 0.0], [49731, 49924, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 70, 0.0], [70, 277, 0.0], [277, 631, 0.0], [631, 665, 0.0], [665, 776, 0.0], [776, 3188, 0.0], [3188, 3371, 0.0], [3371, 4198, 0.0], [4198, 5600, 0.0], [5600, 5694, 0.0], [5694, 6942, 0.0], [6942, 7034, 0.0], [7034, 9674, 0.0], [9674, 9797, 0.0], [9797, 12258, 0.0], [12258, 12417, 0.0], [12417, 13582, 0.0], [13582, 15475, 0.0], [15475, 15603, 0.0], [15603, 15665, 0.0], [15665, 15731, 0.0], [15731, 17245, 0.0], [17245, 17349, 0.0], [17349, 17812, 0.0], [17812, 20072, 0.0], [20072, 20152, 0.0], [20152, 20554, 0.0], [20554, 20653, 0.0], [20653, 20708, 0.0], [20708, 21510, 0.0], [21510, 21791, 0.0], [21791, 22145, 0.0], [22145, 22283, 0.0], [22283, 22508, 0.0], [22508, 22622, 0.0], [22622, 22771, 0.0], [22771, 22783, 0.0], [22783, 22819, 0.0], [22819, 23972, 0.0], [23972, 24060, 0.0], [24060, 24082, 0.0], [24082, 24274, 0.0], [24274, 24283, 0.0], [24283, 24475, 0.0], [24475, 24767, 0.0], [24767, 25092, 0.0], [25092, 25160, 0.0], [25160, 25944, 0.0], [25944, 26003, 0.0], [26003, 26056, 0.0], [26056, 26417, 0.0], [26417, 26473, 0.0], [26473, 26583, 0.0], [26583, 26934, 0.0], [26934, 27227, 0.0], [27227, 27367, 0.0], [27367, 27408, 0.0], [27408, 27803, 0.0], [27803, 28018, 0.0], [28018, 28269, 0.0], [28269, 28555, 0.0], [28555, 28611, 0.0], [28611, 28725, 0.0], [28725, 28784, 0.0], [28784, 29310, 0.0], [29310, 29975, 0.0], [29975, 30031, 0.0], [30031, 30140, 0.0], [30140, 30509, 0.0], [30509, 31727, 0.0], [31727, 32521, 0.0], [32521, 33373, 0.0], [33373, 33428, 0.0], [33428, 33876, 0.0], [33876, 34447, 0.0], [34447, 34511, 0.0], [34511, 34563, 0.0], [34563, 34912, 0.0], [34912, 35346, 0.0], [35346, 35382, 0.0], [35382, 35438, 0.0], [35438, 35459, 0.0], [35459, 35571, 0.0], [35571, 35622, 0.0], [35622, 35642, 0.0], [35642, 35699, 0.0], [35699, 36252, 0.0], [36252, 36308, 0.0], [36308, 36555, 0.0], [36555, 37147, 0.0], [37147, 37807, 0.0], [37807, 38132, 0.0], [38132, 38679, 0.0], [38679, 39850, 0.0], [39850, 39907, 0.0], [39907, 40481, 0.0], [40481, 40825, 0.0], [40825, 41348, 0.0], [41348, 41408, 0.0], [41408, 41584, 0.0], [41584, 42084, 0.0], [42084, 42138, 0.0], [42138, 42454, 0.0], [42454, 42501, 0.0], [42501, 42814, 0.0], [42814, 43950, 0.0], [43950, 44007, 0.0], [44007, 44823, 0.0], [44823, 44968, 0.0], [44968, 45122, 0.0], [45122, 45233, 0.0], [45233, 45602, 0.0], [45602, 46296, 0.0], [46296, 46948, 0.0], [46948, 47006, 0.0], [47006, 47204, 0.0], [47204, 47418, 0.0], [47418, 47540, 0.0], [47540, 47632, 0.0], [47632, 47806, 0.0], [47806, 47968, 0.0], [47968, 48159, 0.0], [48159, 48311, 0.0], [48311, 48601, 0.0], [48601, 48664, 0.0], [48664, 48730, 0.0], [48730, 48789, 0.0], [48789, 49041, 0.0], [49041, 49169, 0.0], [49169, 49234, 0.0], [49234, 49390, 0.0], [49390, 49516, 0.0], [49516, 49731, 0.0], [49731, 49924, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 70, 10.0], [70, 277, 28.0], [277, 631, 54.0], [631, 665, 6.0], [665, 776, 14.0], [776, 3188, 378.0], [3188, 3371, 27.0], [3371, 4198, 138.0], [4198, 5600, 209.0], [5600, 5694, 12.0], [5694, 6942, 214.0], [6942, 7034, 11.0], [7034, 9674, 430.0], [9674, 9797, 16.0], [9797, 12258, 396.0], [12258, 12417, 25.0], [12417, 13582, 182.0], [13582, 15475, 297.0], [15475, 15603, 20.0], [15603, 15665, 10.0], [15665, 15731, 9.0], [15731, 17245, 241.0], [17245, 17349, 12.0], [17349, 17812, 79.0], [17812, 20072, 373.0], [20072, 20152, 14.0], [20152, 20554, 64.0], [20554, 20653, 12.0], [20653, 20708, 9.0], [20708, 21510, 127.0], [21510, 21791, 47.0], [21791, 22145, 58.0], [22145, 22283, 23.0], [22283, 22508, 32.0], [22508, 22622, 20.0], [22622, 22771, 24.0], [22771, 22783, 3.0], [22783, 22819, 6.0], [22819, 23972, 146.0], [23972, 24060, 13.0], [24060, 24082, 5.0], [24082, 24274, 26.0], [24274, 24283, 2.0], [24283, 24475, 33.0], [24475, 24767, 49.0], [24767, 25092, 56.0], [25092, 25160, 12.0], [25160, 25944, 136.0], [25944, 26003, 11.0], [26003, 26056, 11.0], [26056, 26417, 62.0], [26417, 26473, 11.0], [26473, 26583, 18.0], [26583, 26934, 65.0], [26934, 27227, 51.0], [27227, 27367, 29.0], [27367, 27408, 5.0], [27408, 27803, 69.0], [27803, 28018, 40.0], [28018, 28269, 46.0], [28269, 28555, 51.0], [28555, 28611, 11.0], [28611, 28725, 22.0], [28725, 28784, 11.0], [28784, 29310, 92.0], [29310, 29975, 124.0], [29975, 30031, 11.0], [30031, 30140, 22.0], [30140, 30509, 67.0], [30509, 31727, 208.0], [31727, 32521, 148.0], [32521, 33373, 164.0], [33373, 33428, 11.0], [33428, 33876, 82.0], [33876, 34447, 95.0], [34447, 34511, 11.0], [34511, 34563, 8.0], [34563, 34912, 69.0], [34912, 35346, 81.0], [35346, 35382, 8.0], [35382, 35438, 11.0], [35438, 35459, 3.0], [35459, 35571, 21.0], [35571, 35622, 11.0], [35622, 35642, 3.0], [35642, 35699, 11.0], [35699, 36252, 98.0], [36252, 36308, 11.0], [36308, 36555, 46.0], [36555, 37147, 111.0], [37147, 37807, 116.0], [37807, 38132, 59.0], [38132, 38679, 103.0], [38679, 39850, 221.0], [39850, 39907, 11.0], [39907, 40481, 112.0], [40481, 40825, 65.0], [40825, 41348, 99.0], [41348, 41408, 11.0], [41408, 41584, 37.0], [41584, 42084, 91.0], [42084, 42138, 11.0], [42138, 42454, 57.0], [42454, 42501, 9.0], [42501, 42814, 58.0], [42814, 43950, 196.0], [43950, 44007, 11.0], [44007, 44823, 149.0], [44823, 44968, 29.0], [44968, 45122, 28.0], [45122, 45233, 20.0], [45233, 45602, 70.0], [45602, 46296, 124.0], [46296, 46948, 135.0], [46948, 47006, 11.0], [47006, 47204, 34.0], [47204, 47418, 33.0], [47418, 47540, 25.0], [47540, 47632, 16.0], [47632, 47806, 25.0], [47806, 47968, 27.0], [47968, 48159, 28.0], [48159, 48311, 25.0], [48311, 48601, 60.0], [48601, 48664, 11.0], [48664, 48730, 10.0], [48730, 48789, 11.0], [48789, 49041, 43.0], [49041, 49169, 21.0], [49169, 49234, 10.0], [49234, 49390, 27.0], [49390, 49516, 21.0], [49516, 49731, 36.0], [49731, 49924, 32.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 70, 0.0], [70, 277, 0.0], [277, 631, 0.0], [631, 665, 0.0], [665, 776, 0.03921569], [776, 3188, 0.0], [3188, 3371, 0.02325581], [3371, 4198, 0.0], [4198, 5600, 0.0], [5600, 5694, 0.04761905], [5694, 6942, 0.00653061], [6942, 7034, 0.04819277], [7034, 9674, 0.0], [9674, 9797, 0.01769912], [9797, 12258, 0.00330306], [12258, 12417, 0.05298013], [12417, 13582, 0.0], [13582, 15475, 0.0], [15475, 15603, 0.00813008], [15603, 15665, 0.0], [15665, 15731, 0.06666667], [15731, 17245, 0.00268998], [17245, 17349, 0.0], [17349, 17812, 0.0], [17812, 20072, 0.0], [20072, 20152, 0.0], [20152, 20554, 0.0], [20554, 20653, 0.04651163], [20653, 20708, 0.11764706], [20708, 21510, 0.02699229], [21510, 21791, 0.01433692], [21791, 22145, 0.0173913], [22145, 22283, 0.02985075], [22283, 22508, 0.03669725], [22508, 22622, 0.03669725], [22622, 22771, 0.02816901], [22771, 22783, 0.0], [22783, 22819, 0.19354839], [22819, 23972, 0.0], [23972, 24060, 0.02409639], [24060, 24082, 0.0], [24082, 24274, 0.05027933], [24274, 24283, 0.0], [24283, 24475, 0.0], [24475, 24767, 0.0], [24767, 25092, 0.0], [25092, 25160, 0.14285714], [25160, 25944, 0.0], [25944, 26003, 0.16666667], [26003, 26056, 0.0], [26056, 26417, 0.0], [26417, 26473, 0.17647059], [26473, 26583, 0.0], [26583, 26934, 0.0], [26934, 27227, 0.0], [27227, 27367, 0.0], [27367, 27408, 0.0], [27408, 27803, 0.0], [27803, 28018, 0.0], [28018, 28269, 0.0], [28269, 28555, 0.0], [28555, 28611, 0.17647059], [28611, 28725, 0.0], [28725, 28784, 0.16666667], [28784, 29310, 0.00581395], [29310, 29975, 0.0], [29975, 30031, 0.19607843], [30031, 30140, 0.0], [30140, 30509, 0.01120448], [30509, 31727, 0.0], [31727, 32521, 0.0], [32521, 33373, 0.0], [33373, 33428, 0.18], [33428, 33876, 0.0], [33876, 34447, 0.0], [34447, 34511, 0.15254237], [34511, 34563, 0.0], [34563, 34912, 0.0], [34912, 35346, 0.0], [35346, 35382, 0.0], [35382, 35438, 0.17647059], [35438, 35459, 0.0], [35459, 35571, 0.0], [35571, 35622, 0.0], [35622, 35642, 0.0], [35642, 35699, 0.17307692], [35699, 36252, 0.0], [36252, 36308, 0.17647059], [36308, 36555, 0.0], [36555, 37147, 0.0], [37147, 37807, 0.0], [37807, 38132, 0.0], [38132, 38679, 0.0], [38679, 39850, 0.00264784], [39850, 39907, 0.19230769], [39907, 40481, 0.0], [40481, 40825, 0.0], [40825, 41348, 0.0], [41348, 41408, 0.18181818], [41408, 41584, 0.0], [41584, 42084, 0.0], [42084, 42138, 0.18367347], [42138, 42454, 0.0], [42454, 42501, 0.0], [42501, 42814, 0.00332226], [42814, 43950, 0.0], [43950, 44007, 0.17307692], [44007, 44823, 0.0], [44823, 44968, 0.0], [44968, 45122, 0.0], [45122, 45233, 0.0], [45233, 45602, 0.01120448], [45602, 46296, 0.0], [46296, 46948, 0.0], [46948, 47006, 0.20754717], [47006, 47204, 0.0], [47204, 47418, 0.00995025], [47418, 47540, 0.0], [47540, 47632, 0.09411765], [47632, 47806, 0.0], [47806, 47968, 0.08496732], [47968, 48159, 0.0], [48159, 48311, 0.06338028], [48311, 48601, 0.01454545], [48601, 48664, 0.15517241], [48664, 48730, 0.0], [48730, 48789, 0.18518519], [48789, 49041, 0.0], [49041, 49169, 0.07563025], [49169, 49234, 0.1], [49234, 49390, 0.0], [49390, 49516, 0.12173913], [49516, 49731, 0.0], [49731, 49924, 0.05555556]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 70, 0.0], [70, 277, 0.0], [277, 631, 0.0], [631, 665, 0.0], [665, 776, 0.0], [776, 3188, 0.0], [3188, 3371, 0.0], [3371, 4198, 0.0], [4198, 5600, 0.0], [5600, 5694, 0.0], [5694, 6942, 0.0], [6942, 7034, 0.0], [7034, 9674, 0.0], [9674, 9797, 0.0], [9797, 12258, 0.0], [12258, 12417, 0.0], [12417, 13582, 0.0], [13582, 15475, 0.0], [15475, 15603, 0.0], [15603, 15665, 0.0], [15665, 15731, 0.0], [15731, 17245, 0.0], [17245, 17349, 0.0], [17349, 17812, 0.0], [17812, 20072, 0.0], [20072, 20152, 0.0], [20152, 20554, 0.0], [20554, 20653, 0.0], [20653, 20708, 0.0], [20708, 21510, 0.0], [21510, 21791, 0.0], [21791, 22145, 0.0], [22145, 22283, 0.0], [22283, 22508, 0.0], [22508, 22622, 0.0], [22622, 22771, 0.0], [22771, 22783, 0.0], [22783, 22819, 0.0], [22819, 23972, 0.0], [23972, 24060, 0.0], [24060, 24082, 0.0], [24082, 24274, 0.0], [24274, 24283, 0.0], [24283, 24475, 0.0], [24475, 24767, 0.0], [24767, 25092, 0.0], [25092, 25160, 0.0], [25160, 25944, 0.0], [25944, 26003, 0.0], [26003, 26056, 0.0], [26056, 26417, 0.0], [26417, 26473, 0.0], [26473, 26583, 0.0], [26583, 26934, 0.0], [26934, 27227, 0.0], [27227, 27367, 0.0], [27367, 27408, 0.0], [27408, 27803, 0.0], [27803, 28018, 0.0], [28018, 28269, 0.0], [28269, 28555, 0.0], [28555, 28611, 0.0], [28611, 28725, 0.0], [28725, 28784, 0.0], [28784, 29310, 0.0], [29310, 29975, 0.0], [29975, 30031, 0.0], [30031, 30140, 0.0], [30140, 30509, 0.0], [30509, 31727, 0.0], [31727, 32521, 0.0], [32521, 33373, 0.0], [33373, 33428, 0.0], [33428, 33876, 0.0], [33876, 34447, 0.0], [34447, 34511, 0.0], [34511, 34563, 0.0], [34563, 34912, 0.0], [34912, 35346, 0.0], [35346, 35382, 0.0], [35382, 35438, 0.0], [35438, 35459, 0.0], [35459, 35571, 0.0], [35571, 35622, 0.0], [35622, 35642, 0.0], [35642, 35699, 0.0], [35699, 36252, 0.0], [36252, 36308, 0.0], [36308, 36555, 0.0], [36555, 37147, 0.0], [37147, 37807, 0.0], [37807, 38132, 0.0], [38132, 38679, 0.0], [38679, 39850, 0.0], [39850, 39907, 0.0], [39907, 40481, 0.0], [40481, 40825, 0.0], [40825, 41348, 0.0], [41348, 41408, 0.0], [41408, 41584, 0.0], [41584, 42084, 0.0], [42084, 42138, 0.0], [42138, 42454, 0.0], [42454, 42501, 0.0], [42501, 42814, 0.0], [42814, 43950, 0.0], [43950, 44007, 0.0], [44007, 44823, 0.0], [44823, 44968, 0.0], [44968, 45122, 0.0], [45122, 45233, 0.0], [45233, 45602, 0.0], [45602, 46296, 0.0], [46296, 46948, 0.0], [46948, 47006, 0.0], [47006, 47204, 0.0], [47204, 47418, 0.0], [47418, 47540, 0.0], [47540, 47632, 0.0], [47632, 47806, 0.0], [47806, 47968, 0.0], [47968, 48159, 0.0], [48159, 48311, 0.0], [48311, 48601, 0.0], [48601, 48664, 0.0], [48664, 48730, 0.0], [48730, 48789, 0.0], [48789, 49041, 0.0], [49041, 49169, 0.0], [49169, 49234, 0.0], 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Inicio > Pollo con pimientos Pollo con pimientos Receta fácil de pollo con pimientos, incluir los pimientos en la alimentación diaria, puede ser muy bueno para el organismo, además de dar un rico sabor a las comidas como podemos disfrutar en esta receta fácil de pollo con pimientos. Ingredientes: 1 cebolla grande en juliana, 1 pimiento rojo en juliana, 2 dientes de ajo picados, 2 tomates maduros en juliana, 4 filetes de pechuga de pollo cortados en tiras, 1 cucharada de manies pelados y machacados, 1 cucharada de harina, sal y pimienta al gusto. Preparación: Se saltean las verduras en una sartén profunda con dos cucharadas de aceite de oliva, a fuego lento. Luego añadir los manies y el pollo. Cuando esté dorado el pollo se agrega la harina poco a poco, moviendo para que no se pegue. Luego añadiendo los tomates se sofríe toda la mezcla. Luego agregamos medio vaso de agua o caldo y se deja cocer por cinco minutos más. Retirar del fuego y servir. Pollo | carnes
{"url": "http://www.josemanuelperez.es/products/pollo-con-pimientos/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.josemanuelperez.es", "date_download": "2017-09-19T11:33:20Z", "digest": "sha1:UW5HZHQEFQQJ2EH2KITGIANNNZFWSIR2"}
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{"url": "https://www.oldtimecandy.com/collections/walk-the-candy-aisle-doublemint-gum", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.oldtimecandy.com", "date_download": "2018-08-14T06:42:59Z", "digest": "sha1:WEJ5VPBBEZXCQG3LNSEWY3FTDHDMT7DG"}
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The effect of a 25-hour fast during the Day of Atonement on preterm delivery Natalie Shalit, Roy Shalit, Eyal Sheiner Division of Obstetrics and Gynecology Objective: To determine the effect of the Day of Atonement fast (a 25-hour Jewish fast), on preterm delivery. Methods: A comprehensive analysis of all deliveries during the Day of Atonement and during the corresponding day a week earlier, between the years 1988 and 2011, was performed. Preterm delivery was defined as delivery before 37 completed weeks of gestation. Data on fasting status was deduced from the ethnicity (as only Jewish parturients fast during the Day of Atonement). Multivariable logistic regression model was used to control for confounders. Results: During the Day of Atonement in the studied period, 744 deliveries took place, out of which 52.1% (n = 388) were of Jewish patients (i.e. fasting group), and 47.9% (n = 357) were of non-Jewish patients. Out these, 6.3% (n = 47) were preterm deliveries. Jewish parturients were at significantly higher risk for preterm delivery during the Day of Atonement (adjusted OR = 2.0; 95% CI, 1.03-3.83; p = 0.041). In the corresponding day, a week before the Day of Atonement, Jewish ethnicity was not found to be a risk factor for preterm delivery (OR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.50-1.69; p = 0.789). The model controlled for: previous preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction and placental abruption. Conclusions: A 25-hour fast is an independent risk factor for preterm delivery. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine preterm delivery Dive into the research topics of 'The effect of a 25-hour fast during the Day of Atonement on preterm delivery'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Fasting Medicine & Life Sciences 100% Parturition Medicine & Life Sciences 86% Abruptio Placentae Medicine & Life Sciences 84% Logistic Models Medicine & Life Sciences 81% Fetal Growth Retardation Medicine & Life Sciences 68% Shalit, N., Shalit, R., & Sheiner, E. (2015). The effect of a 25-hour fast during the Day of Atonement on preterm delivery. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, 28(12), 1410-1413. https://doi.org/10.3109/14767058.2014.954998 Shalit, Natalie ; Shalit, Roy ; Sheiner, Eyal. / The effect of a 25-hour fast during the Day of Atonement on preterm delivery. In: Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. 2015 ; Vol. 28, No. 12. pp. 1410-1413. @article{083cf39f9cba46468c0a6cdfdcdbb4d5, title = "The effect of a 25-hour fast during the Day of Atonement on preterm delivery", abstract = "Objective: To determine the effect of the Day of Atonement fast (a 25-hour Jewish fast), on preterm delivery. Methods: A comprehensive analysis of all deliveries during the Day of Atonement and during the corresponding day a week earlier, between the years 1988 and 2011, was performed. Preterm delivery was defined as delivery before 37 completed weeks of gestation. Data on fasting status was deduced from the ethnicity (as only Jewish parturients fast during the Day of Atonement). Multivariable logistic regression model was used to control for confounders. Results: During the Day of Atonement in the studied period, 744 deliveries took place, out of which 52.1% (n = 388) were of Jewish patients (i.e. fasting group), and 47.9% (n = 357) were of non-Jewish patients. Out these, 6.3% (n = 47) were preterm deliveries. Jewish parturients were at significantly higher risk for preterm delivery during the Day of Atonement (adjusted OR = 2.0; 95% CI, 1.03-3.83; p = 0.041). In the corresponding day, a week before the Day of Atonement, Jewish ethnicity was not found to be a risk factor for preterm delivery (OR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.50-1.69; p = 0.789). The model controlled for: previous preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction and placental abruption. Conclusions: A 25-hour fast is an independent risk factor for preterm delivery.", keywords = "Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, fast, preterm delivery, preterm labor", author = "Natalie Shalit and Roy Shalit and Eyal Sheiner", note = "Publisher Copyright: {\textcopyright} 2014 Informa UK Ltd. All rights reserved.", journal = "Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine", publisher = "Informa Healthcare", Shalit, N, Shalit, R & Sheiner, E 2015, 'The effect of a 25-hour fast during the Day of Atonement on preterm delivery', Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, vol. 28, no. 12, pp. 1410-1413. https://doi.org/10.3109/14767058.2014.954998 The effect of a 25-hour fast during the Day of Atonement on preterm delivery. / Shalit, Natalie; Shalit, Roy; Sheiner, Eyal. In: Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Vol. 28, No. 12, 13.08.2015, p. 1410-1413. T1 - The effect of a 25-hour fast during the Day of Atonement on preterm delivery AU - Shalit, Natalie AU - Shalit, Roy AU - Sheiner, Eyal N1 - Publisher Copyright: © 2014 Informa UK Ltd. All rights reserved. N2 - Objective: To determine the effect of the Day of Atonement fast (a 25-hour Jewish fast), on preterm delivery. Methods: A comprehensive analysis of all deliveries during the Day of Atonement and during the corresponding day a week earlier, between the years 1988 and 2011, was performed. Preterm delivery was defined as delivery before 37 completed weeks of gestation. Data on fasting status was deduced from the ethnicity (as only Jewish parturients fast during the Day of Atonement). Multivariable logistic regression model was used to control for confounders. Results: During the Day of Atonement in the studied period, 744 deliveries took place, out of which 52.1% (n = 388) were of Jewish patients (i.e. fasting group), and 47.9% (n = 357) were of non-Jewish patients. Out these, 6.3% (n = 47) were preterm deliveries. Jewish parturients were at significantly higher risk for preterm delivery during the Day of Atonement (adjusted OR = 2.0; 95% CI, 1.03-3.83; p = 0.041). In the corresponding day, a week before the Day of Atonement, Jewish ethnicity was not found to be a risk factor for preterm delivery (OR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.50-1.69; p = 0.789). The model controlled for: previous preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction and placental abruption. Conclusions: A 25-hour fast is an independent risk factor for preterm delivery. AB - Objective: To determine the effect of the Day of Atonement fast (a 25-hour Jewish fast), on preterm delivery. Methods: A comprehensive analysis of all deliveries during the Day of Atonement and during the corresponding day a week earlier, between the years 1988 and 2011, was performed. Preterm delivery was defined as delivery before 37 completed weeks of gestation. Data on fasting status was deduced from the ethnicity (as only Jewish parturients fast during the Day of Atonement). Multivariable logistic regression model was used to control for confounders. Results: During the Day of Atonement in the studied period, 744 deliveries took place, out of which 52.1% (n = 388) were of Jewish patients (i.e. fasting group), and 47.9% (n = 357) were of non-Jewish patients. Out these, 6.3% (n = 47) were preterm deliveries. Jewish parturients were at significantly higher risk for preterm delivery during the Day of Atonement (adjusted OR = 2.0; 95% CI, 1.03-3.83; p = 0.041). In the corresponding day, a week before the Day of Atonement, Jewish ethnicity was not found to be a risk factor for preterm delivery (OR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.50-1.69; p = 0.789). The model controlled for: previous preterm delivery, intrauterine growth restriction and placental abruption. Conclusions: A 25-hour fast is an independent risk factor for preterm delivery. KW - Day of Atonement KW - Yom Kippur KW - fast KW - preterm delivery KW - preterm labor JO - Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine JF - Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine Shalit N, Shalit R, Sheiner E. The effect of a 25-hour fast during the Day of Atonement on preterm delivery. Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine. 2015 Aug 13;28(12):1410-1413. https://doi.org/10.3109/14767058.2014.954998
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Creedy: Die! Die! Why won’t you die?… Why won’t you die? V: Beneath this mask there is more than flesh. Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof. May 26th, 2011-BitCoin Quote: But by some estimates, the Bitcoin network now has a level of computing power that will within weeks exceed the level of all the Top 500 Supercomputer projects combined. [Please stop reading any more until you go back and read that last sentence one more time. – Editor] As root of course, because only with root can true pain (and thus enlightenment) be achieved. –Sygo muddyh2o’s law: when two, revolutionary technologies compete in the open market, the inferior one will always win in the end. Governments do not have rights; people do. Governments have privileges, which may be revoked by the people at any time. Never let them forget this. Windows 95 (win-DOH-z), n. A thirty-two bit extension and graphical shell to a sixteen bit patch to an eight bit operating system originally coded for a four bit microprocessor which was used in a PC built by a two bit company that couldn’t stand one bit of competition. i used to believe in people, then i worked in ISPs. It burned out my naivety. No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the public customer Make something idiot proof and the world will make a better idiot Friends don’t stab their friends in the back and sell them out to the Empire and freeze them in carbonite. 01000011011011110110010001100101001000000111001001110101011011000110010101110011001000000111010001101000011001010010000001100100011010010110011101101001011101000110000101101100001000000111011101101111011100100110110001100100001000000110000101101110011001000010000001001001001000000111011101101001011100110110100000100000011101000110111100100000011100100110010101101101011000010110100101101110001000000110100101101101011011010110111101110010011101000110000101101100001000000111011101101001011101000110100001101001011011100010000001101001011101000010111000100000010101000110000101101100011010110010000001110100011011110010000001101101011001010010000001100001011000100110111101110101011101000010000001110011011001010111010001110100011010010110111001100111001000000111010101110000001000000110000100100000011011010110010101110100011010000110111101100100001000000110111101100110001000000110110101100001011010110110100101101110011001110010000001101101011001010010000001101101011011110110111001100101011110010010111000100000010000100110100101110100011000110110111101101001011011100111001100100000011100100111010101101100011001010010000100100000010010010010000001110111011010010111001101101000001000000111010001101111001000000111001101110100011000010111001001110100001000000110110101111001001000000110111101110111011011100010000001100010011010010111101000101110001000000100110001100001011100100110011101100101001000000101001101110100011011110111001001100001011001110110010100101100001000000101011001101001011100100111010001110101011000010110110000100000010011010110000101100011011010000110100101101110011001010111001100101100001000000100100001101001011001110110100000100000010100110111000001100101011001010110010000100000010011100110010101110100011101110110111101110010011010110111001100101100001000000111011101100101011000100010000001100011011100100110000101110111011011000110010101110010011100110010110000100000011000100110111101110100011011100110010101110100011100110010110000100000010011000110100101101110011101010111100000100000010100100111010101101100011001010111001100100001 John Gilmore once famously said, “The Internet interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.”
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Eine Kooperation des Deutschen Literaturarchivs Marbach, der Klassik Stiftung Weimar und der Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel. DEUTSCHE SCHILLERGESELLSCHAFT E. V. Deutsches Literaturarchiv Marbach, Schillerhöhe 8-10, 71672 Marbach am Neckar E-Mail: info(at)dla-marbach.de Vorsitzender (Präsident): Kai Uwe Peter Stellvertretender Vorsitzender (Vizepräsident): Thomas Keller Eintragung im Vereinsregister: Amtsgericht Marbach am Neckar, VR 182 Das Deutsche Literaturarchiv Marbach ist eine rechtlich unselbständige Einrichtung der Deutschen Schillergesellschaft e.V. (Rechtsträgerin). Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a UStG: DE 146 122 183 Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts, Burgplatz 4, 99423 Weimar E-Mail: poststelle(at)klassik-stiftung.de Die Klassik Stiftung Weimar wird gesetzlich vertreten durch ihre Präsidentin Dr. Ulrike Lorenz. Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß §27a UStG: DE 150125730 Herzog August Bibliothek, Lessingplatz 1, 38304 Wolfenbüttel E-Mail: auskunft(at)hab.de Die HAB Wolfenbüttel wird gesetzlich vertreten durch ihren Direktor Prof. Dr. Peter Burschel. Referentin für Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit Telefon +49 7144 848-717 presse@mww-forschung.de Robert Brambeer | Mia Eger pingundpong* | Mission Sehkultur Lombego Systems GmbH Das Bildmaterial ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Die Rechte liegen bei folgenden Institutionen: Chris Korner Alexander Burzik Jens Hauspurg Katharina Mähler Die Inhalte dieser Webseite sind, wenn nicht anders angegeben, veröffentlicht unter der Creative-Commons-Lizenz. © 2020 ff. Forschungsverbund Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel (MWW) Stiftung des öffentlichen Rechts Tel.: +49 (0)3643-545-0 E-Mail: poststelle@klassik-stiftung.de Die Klassik Stiftung Weimar wird gesetzlich vertreten durch ihre Präsidentin, Frau Dr. Ulrike Lorenz. Link zum Impressum: www.bauhausmuseumweimar.de/impressum/ Kontakt Datenschutzbeauftragter: Peter Dähne, datenschutzbeauftragter@klassik-stiftung.de Zu den Maßnahmen gehören insbesondere die Sicherung der Vertraulichkeit, Integrität und Verfügbarkeit von Daten durch Kontrolle des physischen Zugangs zu den Daten, als auch des sie betreffenden Zugriffs, der Eingabe, Weitergabe, der Sicherung der Verfügbarkeit und ihrer Trennung. Des Weiteren haben wir Verfahren eingerichtet, die eine Wahrnehmung von Betroffenenrechten, Löschung von Daten und Reaktion auf Gefährdung der Daten gewährleisten. Ferner berücksichtigen wir den Schutz personenbezogener Daten bereits bei der Entwicklung bzw. Auswahl von Hardware, Software sowie Verfahren, entsprechend dem Prinzip des Datenschutzes durch Technikgestaltung und durch datenschutzfreundliche Voreinstellungen (Art. 25 DSGVO). Sofern wir im Rahmen unserer Verarbeitung Daten gegenüber anderen Personen und Unternehmen (Auftragsverarbeitern oder Dritten) offenbaren, sie an diese übermitteln oder ihnen sonst Zugriff auf die Daten gewähren, erfolgt dies nur auf Grundlage einer gesetzlichen Erlaubnis (z.B. wenn eine Übermittlung der Daten an Dritte, wie an Zahlungsdienstleister, gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO zur Vertragserfüllung erforderlich ist), die Nutzer eingewilligt haben, eine rechtliche Verpflichtung dies vorsieht oder auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen (z.B. beim Einsatz von Beauftragten, Webhostern etc.). Übermittlung in Drittländer Sofern wir Daten in einem Drittland (d.h. außerhalb der Europäischen Union (EU) oder des Europäischen Wirtschaftsraums (EWR)) verarbeiten oder dies im Rahmen der Inanspruchnahme von Diensten Dritter oder Offenlegung bzw. Übermittlung von Daten an Dritte geschieht, erfolgt dies nur, wenn es zur Erfüllung unserer (vor)vertraglichen Pflichten, auf Grundlage Ihrer Einwilligung, aufgrund einer rechtlichen Verpflichtung oder auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen geschieht. Vorbehaltlich gesetzlicher oder vertraglicher Erlaubnisse, verarbeiten oder lassen wir die Daten in einem Drittland nur beim Vorliegen der besonderen Voraussetzungen der Art. 44 ff. DSGVO verarbeiten. D.h. die Verarbeitung erfolgt z.B. auf Grundlage besonderer Garantien, wie der offiziell anerkannten Feststellung eines der EU entsprechenden Datenschutzniveaus (z.B. für die USA durch das „Privacy Shield“) oder Beachtung offiziell anerkannter spezieller vertraglicher Verpflichtungen (sogenannte „Standardvertragsklauseln“). Jede betroffene Person hat das Recht, eine Bestätigung darüber zu verlangen, ob betreffende Daten verarbeitet werden und auf Auskunft über diese Daten sowie auf weitere Informationen und Kopie der Daten entsprechend Art. 15 DSGVO. Jede betroffene Person hat entsprechend. Art. 16 DSGVO das Recht, die Vervollständigung der sie betreffenden Daten oder die Berichtigung der sie betreffenden unrichtigen Daten zu verlangen. Jede betroffene Person hat nach Maßgabe des Art. 17 DSGVO das Recht zu verlangen, dass betreffende Daten unverzüglich gelöscht werden, bzw. alternativ nach Maßgabe des Art. 18 DSGVO eine Einschränkung der Verarbeitung der Daten zu verlangen. Jede betroffene Person hat das Recht, die sie betreffenden Daten, die sie uns bereitgestellt hat, nach Maßgabe des Art. 20 DSGVO zu erhalten und deren Übermittlung an andere Verantwortliche zu fordern. Jede betroffene Person hat ferner gem. Art. 77 DSGVO das Recht, eine Beschwerde bei der zuständigen Aufsichtsbehörde einzureichen. Jede betroffene Person hat das Recht, erteilte Einwilligungen gem. Art. 7 Abs. 3 DSGVO mit Wirkung für die Zukunft zu widerrufen. Der Widerruf ist an Widerspruch@klassik-stiftung.de zu richten. Jede betroffene Person kann der künftigen Verarbeitung der sie betreffenden Daten nach Maßgabe des Art. 21 DSGVO jederzeit widersprechen. Der Widerspruch kann insbesondere gegen die Verarbeitung für Zwecke der Direktwerbung erfolgen. Der Widerspruch ist an Widerspruch@klassik-stiftung.de zu richten. Cookies und Wiederspruchsrecht bei Direktwerbung Als „Cookies“ werden kleine Dateien bezeichnet, die auf Rechnern der Nutzer gespeichert werden. Innerhalb der Cookies können unterschiedliche Angaben gespeichert werden. Ein Cookie dient primär dazu, die Angaben zu einem Nutzer (bzw. dem Gerät auf dem das Cookie gespeichert ist) während oder auch nach seinem Besuch innerhalb eines Onlineangebotes zu speichern. Als temporäre Cookies, bzw. „Session-Cookies“ oder „transiente Cookies“, werden Cookies bezeichnet, die gelöscht werden, nachdem ein Nutzer ein Onlineangebot verlässt und seinen Browser schließt. In einem solchen Cookie kann z.B. der Inhalt eines Warenkorbs in einem Onlineshop oder ein Login-Status gespeichert werden. Als „permanent“ oder „persistent“ werden Cookies bezeichnet, die auch nach dem Schließen des Browsers gespeichert bleiben. So kann z.B. der Login-Status gespeichert werden, wenn die Nutzer diese nach mehreren Tagen aufsuchen. Ebenso können in einem solchen Cookie die Interessen der Nutzer gespeichert werden, die für Reichweitenmessung oder Marketingzwecke verwendet werden. Als „Third-Party-Cookie“ werden Cookies bezeichnet, die von anderen Anbietern als dem Verantwortlichen, der das Onlineangebot betreibt, angeboten werden (andernfalls, wenn es nur dessen Cookies sind, spricht man von „First-Party Cookies“). Ein genereller Widerspruch gegen den Einsatz der zu Zwecken des Onlinemarketing eingesetzten Cookies kann bei einer Vielzahl der Dienste, vor allem im Fall des Trackings, über die US-amerikanische Seite http://www.aboutads.info/choices/ oder die EU-Seite http://www.youronlinechoices.com/ erklärt werden. Des Weiteren kann die Speicherung von Cookies mittels deren Abschaltung in den Einstellungen des Browsers erreicht werden. Im Fall der Deaktivierung von Cookies können gegebenenfalls nicht alle Funktionen dieses Onlineangebotes genutzt werden. Nach gesetzlichen Vorgaben in Deutschland erfolgt die Aufbewahrung insbesondere für 10 Jahre gemäß §§ 147 Abs. 1 AO, 257 Abs. 1 Nr. 1 und 4, Abs. 4 HGB (Bücher, Aufzeichnungen, Lageberichte, Buchungsbelege, Handelsbücher, für Besteuerung relevanter Unterlagen, etc.) und 6 Jahre gemäß § 257 Abs. 1 Nr. 2 und 3, Abs. 4 HGB (Handelsbriefe). Erbringung unser satzungs- und geschäftsmäßigen Leistungen Wir verarbeiten die Daten unserer Unterstützer, Interessenten, Kunden oder sonstiger Personen entsprechend Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b. DSGVO, sofern wir ihnen gegenüber vertragliche Leistungen anbieten oder im Rahmen bestehender geschäftlicher Beziehung tätig werden oder selbst Empfänger von Leistungen und Zuwendungen sind. Im Übrigen verarbeiten wir die Daten betroffener Personen gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. DSGVO auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen, z.B. wenn es sich um administrative Aufgaben oder Öffentlichkeitsarbeit handelt. Die hierbei verarbeiteten Daten, die Art, der Umfang und der Zweck und die Erforderlichkeit ihrer Verarbeitung bestimmen sich nach dem zugrundeliegenden Vertragsverhältnis. Dazu gehören grundsätzlich Bestands- und Stammdaten der Personen (z.B. Name, Adresse etc.), als auch die Kontaktdaten (z.B. E-Mail-Adresse, Telefon etc.), die Vertragsdaten (z.B. in Anspruch genommene Leistungen, mitgeteilte Inhalte und Informationen, Namen von Kontaktpersonen) und, sofern wir zahlungspflichtige Leistungen oder Produkte anbieten, Zahlungsdaten (z.B. Bankverbindung, Zahlungshistorie etc.). Wir löschen Daten, die zur Erbringung unserer satzungs- und geschäftsmäßigen Zwecke nicht mehr erforderlich sind. Dies bestimmt sich entsprechend den jeweiligen Aufgaben und vertraglichen Beziehungen. Im Fall geschäftlicher Verarbeitung bewahren wir die Daten so lange auf, wie sie zur Geschäftsabwicklung, auch im Hinblick auf etwaige Gewährleistungs- oder Haftungspflichten, relevant sein können. Die Erforderlichkeit der Aufbewahrung der Daten wird alle drei Jahre überprüft; im Übrigen gelten die gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungspflichten. Bei der Kontaktaufnahme mit uns (z.B. per Kontaktformular, E-Mail, Telefon oder via sozialer Medien) werden die Angaben des Nutzers zur Bearbeitung der Kontaktanfrage und deren Abwicklung gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b) DSGVO verarbeitet. Die Angaben der Nutzer können in einem Customer-Relationship-Management System ("CRM System") oder vergleichbarer Anfragenorganisation gespeichert werden. Registrierung beim Virtuellen Forschungsraum (VFR) Art und Zweck der Verarbeitung Dient die Registrierung der Erfüllung eines Vertrages, dessen Vertragspartei die betroffene Person ist oder der Durchführung vorvertraglicher Maßnahmen, so ist zusätzliche Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung der Daten Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO. Der Forschungsverbund Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel erfasst und speichert zum Zwecke der Veröffentlichung eines Blog-Kommentars Daten. Das sind Name, E-Mail-Adresse und Kommentartext. Diese Angaben geschehen freiwillig. Eine anderweitige Verwendung der Daten durch die Klassik Stiftung findet nicht statt. Das Wordpress-Plugin Remove IP verhindert, dass Ihre IP-Adresse beim Kommentieren gespeichert wird. Hierbei verarbeiten wir bzw. unser Hostinganbieter (auf Grundlage eines Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrages) Bestandsdaten, Kontaktdaten, Inhaltsdaten, Vertragsdaten, Nutzungsdaten, Meta- und Kommunikationsdaten von Kunden, Interessenten und Besuchern dieses Onlineangebotes zur Wahrnehmung unserer berechtigten Interessen an einer effizienten und sicheren Zurverfügungstellung dieses Onlineangebotes gem. Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO i.V.m. Art. 28 DSGVO. Wir bzw. unser Hostinganbieter erheben auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen im Sinne des Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. DSGVO Daten über jeden Zugriff auf den Server, auf dem sich dieser Dienst befindet (sogenannte Serverlogfiles). Zu den Zugriffsdaten gehören Name der abgerufenen Webseite, Datei, Datum und Uhrzeit des Abrufs, übertragene Datenmenge, Meldung über erfolgreichen Abruf, Browsertyp nebst Version, das Betriebssystem des Nutzers, Referrer URL (die zuvor besuchte Seite), anonymisierte IP-Adresse und der anfragende Provider. Logfile-Informationen werden aus Sicherheitsgründen (z.B. zur Aufklärung von Missbrauchs- oder Betrugshandlungen) für die Dauer von maximal 365 Tagen gespeichert und danach gelöscht. Daten, deren weitere Aufbewahrung zu Beweiszwecken erforderlich ist, sind bis zur endgültigen Klärung des jeweiligen Vorfalls von der Löschung ausgenommen. Im Rahmen der Reichweitenanalyse von Matomo werden auf Grundlage unserer berechtigten Interessen (d.h. Interesse an der Analyse, Optimierung und wirtschaftlichem Betrieb unseres Onlineangebotes im Sinne des Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. DSGVO) die folgenden Daten verarbeitet: der von den Nutzern verwendete Browsertyp und die Browserversion, das von ihnen verwendete Betriebssystem, ihr Herkunftsland, Datum und Uhrzeit der Serveranfrage, die Anzahl der Besuche, ihre Verweildauer auf der Website sowie die von ihnen betätigten externen Links. Die IP-Adresse der Nutzer wird anonymisiert, bevor sie gespeichert wird. Matomo verwendet Cookies, die auf dem Computer der Nutzer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung unseres Onlineangebotes durch die Nutzer ermöglichen. Dabei können aus den verarbeiteten Daten pseudonyme Nutzungsprofile der Nutzer erstellt werden. Die Cookies haben eine Speicherdauer von einer Woche. Die durch das Cookie erzeugten Informationen über Ihre Benutzung dieser Webseite werden nur auf unserem Server gespeichert und nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Nutzer können der anonymisierten Datenerhebung durch das Programm Matomo jederzeit mit Wirkung für die Zukunft widersprechen, indem sie auf den untenstehenden Link klicken. In diesem Fall wird in ihrem Browser ein sog. Opt-Out-Cookie abgelegt, was zur Folge hat, dass Matomo keinerlei Sitzungsdaten mehr erhebt. Wenn Nutzer ihre Cookies löschen, so hat dies jedoch zur Folge, dass auch das Opt-Out-Cookie gelöscht wird und daher von den Nutzern erneut aktiviert werden muss. Die Logs mit den Daten der Nutzer werden nach spätestens 6 Monaten gelöscht. Online-Präsenz in den Sozialen Medien Soweit nicht anders im Rahmen unserer Datenschutzerklärung angegeben, verarbeiten wir die Daten der Nutzer, sofern diese mit uns innerhalb der sozialen Netzwerke und Plattformen kommunizieren, z.B. Beiträge auf unseren Onlinepräsenzen verfassen oder uns Nachrichten zusenden, in für den jeweiligen Zweck erforderlichem Umfang und erforderlicher Dauer. Wir binden die Videos der Plattform “YouTube” des Anbieters Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, im erweiterten Datenschutzmodus ein. Das bedeutet, dass YouTube keine Cookies für einen Nutzer speichert, der eine Website mit einem eingebetteten YouTube-Videoplayer anzeigt, jedoch nicht auf das Video klickt, um die Wiedergabe zu starten. Wird auf den YouTube-Videoplayer geklickt, kann YouTube unter Umständen Cookies auf dem Computer des Nutzers speichern, es werden jedoch keine personenbezogenen Cookie-Informationen für Wiedergaben von eingebetteten Videos gespeichert. (Quelle: YouTube "Aktivieren des erweiterten Datenschutzmodus für eingebettete Videos"). Datenschutzerklärung: https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/, Opt-Out: https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated. Verwendung von Social Plugins Datenschutzsichere Sharingfunktion Wir verwenden datenschutzsichere Schaltflächen. Diese Lösung wurde von Lombego analog der Shariff-Lösung entwickelt, um mehr Privatsphäre im Netz zu ermöglichen und die üblichen "Share"-Buttons der sozialen Netzwerke zu ersetzen. Dabei stellt nicht der Browser der Nutzer, sondern der Server, auf dem sich dieses Onlineangebot befindet, eine Verbindung mit dem Server der jeweiligen Social-Media-Plattformen her und fragt z.B. die Anzahl von Likes etc. ab. Der Nutzer bleibt hierbei anonym. Innerhalb unseres Onlineangebotes können Funktionen und Inhalte des Dienstes Twitter, angeboten durch die Twitter Inc., 1355 Market Street, Suite 900, San Francisco, CA 94103, USA, eingebunden werden. Hierzu können z.B. Inhalte wie Bilder, Videos oder Texte und Schaltflächen gehören, mit denen Nutzer ihr Gefallen betreffend die Inhalte kundtun. Sofern die Nutzer Mitglieder der Plattform Twitter sind, kann Twitter den Aufruf der o.g. Inhalte und Funktionen den dortigen Profilen der Nutzer zuordnen. Twitter ist unter dem Privacy-Shield-Abkommen zertifiziert und bietet hierdurch eine Garantie, das europäische Datenschutzrecht einzuhalten (https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000TORzAAO&status=Active). Datenschutzerklärung: https://twitter.com/de/privacy, Opt-Out: https://twitter.com/personalization.
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0.0], [4987, 5189, 0.0], [5189, 5320, 0.0], [5320, 5514, 0.0], [5514, 5815, 0.0], [5815, 5864, 0.0], [5864, 7163, 0.0], [7163, 7712, 0.0], [7712, 8051, 0.0], [8051, 8110, 0.0], [8110, 8649, 0.0], [8649, 9231, 0.0], [9231, 9769, 0.0], [9769, 10158, 0.0], [10158, 10209, 0.0], [10209, 10240, 0.0], [10240, 10487, 0.0], [10487, 10891, 0.0], [10891, 11341, 0.0], [11341, 11881, 0.0], [11881, 12220, 0.0], [12220, 13856, 0.0], [13856, 13894, 0.0], [13894, 14246, 0.0], [14246, 15060, 0.0], [15060, 15090, 0.0], [15090, 15125, 0.0], [15125, 15616, 0.0], [15616, 16439, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 132, 0.09090909], [132, 168, 0.83333333], [168, 246, 0.07692308], [246, 277, 0.06451613], [277, 317, 0.125], [317, 379, 0.08064516], [379, 448, 0.10144928], [448, 589, 0.06382979], [589, 656, 0.10447761], [656, 716, 0.06666667], [716, 758, 0.04761905], [758, 854, 0.08333333], [854, 919, 0.10769231], [919, 980, 0.08196721], [980, 1007, 0.07407407], [1007, 1101, 0.10638298], [1101, 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La fabrique des images sur 4chan L’Internet vient de vivre une guerre picrocholine entre le board /b/ de 4chan et la plateforme de micro-blogging tumblr. Plusieurs channers ont en effet reproché à des utilisateurs de tumblr de mettre en ligne sur leurs blogs des images provenant de 4chan sans mention de leur origine. Ils ont alors organisé une attaque par déni de service contre tumblr. Les observateurs du phénomène étaient un peu consternés de découvrir à cette occasion un réflexe d’appropriation de contenus visuels produits collectivement et anonymement1. Les /b/tards de 4chan ont en effet la réputation de créer et de faire circuler de nombreux mèmes visuels. À tel point que le site dans son ensemble est parfois qualifié d’usine à mèmes. Le créateur de 4chan, Moot (Christopher Poole), a lui-même décrit la plateforme en ces termes lors d’une intervention partiellement retranscrite2. Si la question de l’accès à la notoriété des créations graphiques de 4chan retient nombre d’observateurs, les processus de création des nouvelles images sont par contre très rarement abordés et jamais réellement expliqués, sauf à utiliser l’expression vague de « création collective ». À lire certains articles, 4chan serait une sorte de chaudron magique produisant sporadiquement des mèmes visuels issus d’une sorte de cerveau collectif dont le fonctionnement est obscur et ne présente guère d’intérêt. Nous avons montré dans un article précédent que les images qui transitent par 4chan proviennent pour l’essentiel du Web ouvert habituel. Nous écrivions en conclusion de nos observations que le caractère sulfureux de ce site provient en grande partie de l’accumulation d’images en un endroit unique et de leur détournement, malaxage et transformation sur cet espace. Mais pourquoi et comment sont constamment réalisées ces transformations, ces fabrications de nouvelles images sur 4chan ? The Internet and /b/ (sélection) Nous décrirons ici les principaux procédés qui conduisent à l’apparition de nouvelles images ou de nouveaux usages iconiques sur 4chan et tenterons d’expliquer les conditions de leur succès sur le site lui-même. Cette activité soutenue mais brouillonne, faite de tâtonnements et d’essais plus ou moins heureux, est en effet préalable dans bien des cas à la constitution (éventuelle) de nouveaux mèmes visuels sur Internet. Rappelons tout d’abord que les contenus postés sur 4chan sont extrêmement volatiles. Plusieurs centaines de posts arrivent chaque jour sur le board /b/ et un thread (un fil de discussion, nous conserverons le terme anglais dans la suite de ce billet) ne reste visible que très peu de temps, de quelques heures à quelques jours. Il n’est pas possible dans ces conditions de mentionner ici directement des références à des threads ou à des images. Nos observations ont donc été réalisées en grande partie (mais pas seulement) sur le site d’archives partielles 4chanarchive qui effectue une sauvegarde des threads les plus intéressants (les epic threads) sélectionnés par des participants3 et par un collectif de “curateurs” (plus de précisions ici). Tous les liens que nous mentionnons par la suite renvoient ainsi à des threads archivés sur 4chanarchive. Ils sont cités ici avec leur titre tel qu’il figure sur ce dernier site, mais ce nom bien sûr ne figurait pas à l’origine sur 4chan4. Il est important de comprendre la structure d’un thread qui commence toujours par une image accompagnée d’une invitation à discuter. Celle-ci est souvent formulée de manière stéréotypée : Discuss, X thread, Tell me X, Rate my X, How is X, It’s X time, X tiem (altération de X time), Your face when X, Sauce, Dump, Hey /b/, /b/rother, What does /b/ X, Any X fags here, etc., où est X est le sujet du thread. Pour comprendre les modes de fabrication de ces images, on ne doit pas négliger les discussions associées qui éclairent bien souvent les orientations et les choix iconographiques effectués par les participants. Il existe par ailleurs des threads pratiquement dénués d’images. Ce sont essentiellement des discussions, des joutes ou des concours, par exemple de poésie farfelue (Poetry), de chanson (Song Time), de résumés d’œuvres littéraires en quelques mots (Story Summaries), des séries d’histoires sur un thème (Retarded Customer Stories), ou même des propos émouvants dont on ne peut savoir s’il s’agit de fakes (brother Says His Goodbye), etc. Même les threads peu imagés sont rythmés par des méta-illustrations qui les ponctuent de temps à autre. Il s’agit d’images figurant l’approbation (brilliant, I like this thread, X approves, etc.), la désapprobation, le rire, l’identification d’une provocation (troll), des avertissements (no spam), etc., ou même des images analogues aux signes phatiques du langage et qui n’ont d’autre but que de « relancer la machine ». Pour certains threads, ces méta-illustrations sont parfois plus originales que les images en contexte. Un thread archivé comporte en moyenne de 50 à 150 images. Toutes ne sont pas loin de là en rapport avec le post l’ayant initié. De même que les réponses textuelles au post initial et les conversations qui s’ensuivent peuvent être en contexte ou totalement hors contexte, il existe de nombreuses “pic unrelated” dans les thread (en plus des spams déjà mentionnés). Tant en ce qui concerne le texte que l’iconographie déployée, le point d’arrivée d’un thread peut être tout à fait différent du sujet de départ. Les changements fréquents de sujet constituent l’une des caractéristiques de /b/ dont la dynamique principale, sur le plan visuel, est bien la recherche des images exploitables, celles qui possèdent un fort potentiel de détournement. La focalisation sur ce type d’images entraine aussi parfois la manifestation explicite ou implicite d’une volonté de “faire du même à tout prix”, concrétisée par les forced memes. Après ce bref rappel sur la constitution des threads, examinons quelques mécanismes utilisés pour fabriquer de nouvelles images. Nous en avons recensé une trentaine décrits ci-dessous suivis de quelques exemples: Ces nombreux threads sur des sujets très divers constituent d’importants lieux de découvertes d’images « brutes » qui seront ultérieurement transformées dans d’autres threads. Become Useful, Thor, Stencilfags, BIRDS!!!, Ladies Tied To Other Ladies, Knock-Off Bootlegged Shit, Mods Are Asleep; Post Tea Cozies, George Bush’s handshakes, Robot Unicorn Attack Comics, Infothread (voir aussi Info Thread No. 9001), Epic Art Thread , accident gifs (gifs animés d’accidents). Images curieuses Atypical Photography, Weird, But Fascinating Pics, Kick Shoop (jouets et gadgets curieux) Epic Wallpapers, Scenic Route Wallpaper Collections lol sur un thème Stormtroopers, Lolporn (gifs animés), Nostalgia Tiem (thème revenant plusieurs fois, cf. Moar Nostalgia), Cornography, Overthrowing Our Metallic Overlords, Oldfags Inherit the Earth Ajouts de légendes sur une image proposée Courage Wolf’s Son (à partir du même Courage Wolf et avec une incitation à produire un nouveau mème), Advice Shepard, GTA: SA Nostalgia Ajouts de légendes sur des images choisies selon un processus pseudo-aléatoire Cancer Cure et Cancer Cure Part 2, images réalisées à l’aide du cadre Motivator (autre outil fréquemment utilisé: Memegenerator) Sujet variable, manifestation du hasard Epitome of Random, random band names, most random thread of 2007 Ajouts de légendes et titres sur des dessins détournés Asshole Jesus (devenu mème sous le nom Jesus is a Jerk), SoniComics (et son mème Sandwich Chef), Tapestry (avec de nombreuses reprises: tapestry, bayeaux [sic] tapestry time; devenu une image-macro, voir ici) Modèles à compléter, stéréotypes 4chan Drinking Card Game (Updated), Spidey/Venom OC, Division By Zero Montages selon une règle imposée Combo Advice Détourage et collage Keanu et Sad Keanu, Let’s Have Some Fun (la partie vide est un modèle), Face replace (remplacement de visages), Kick Shoop, Cool Guy Is Cool, Shearing Teeth, Kobr ‘shopped Ajout d’éléments sur des images Iz Dat Sum OC? (ajout de lunettes, v. aussi les parties 2 et 3, devenu le mème Holdy), draw rockets on fish, Awesome Animals With Frickin’ Laser Beams Attached To Their Heads Ajouts d’éléments et déformations Can You Make Me Look Less Fat?, Shooping Girls Associations d’images sur un thème Pee Wee’s Secret Word: « Nigger », Oceanfags Report In, Photobomb, 4chan Inc. Créations de dessins et variations d’images Epic Green Guy (voir aussi Gentlemen, décliné en plusieurs threads et devenu un même), Draw Desktop Icon In 30 Seconds, Draw Like You’re 5, Draw Trollface From Memory, Beer Drinking Owl, Anti-Recycling Signs, Stuck On The Top Of A Stone Pillar, How /b/ digs out of a hole (sur un thème imposé) Demande de manipulation d’images Faggots Becoming OP’s Personal Army, World Leaders Converse (demande détournée vers un autre mécanisme créatif jugé plus intéressant) Micro roman photo en quelques images, montage vertical Moar Verticals, Verts Descriptifs excessifs Too Much Win Parodies de poèmes ou de chansons Hitler Rhapsody, Hitler Sings To /b/, The /b/tles Illustrations de phrases célèbres Favorite Movie Quotes Légendes sur des dessins animés ou des mangas Blowing This Bubble, DBZ Puns /b/’s Favorite Movies, anybody seen that movie… (création de titres), Renamed Movies That Sound Horrible Illustrations sur une phrase récurrente (catchphrase, motto) Lol, You Can’t, Haters Gonna Hate Variations (catchphrase devenu mème), Classic Innuendoes (et seconde partie), Don’t Know Much, things /b/ hates, Ted2010, I love Illustrations sur un modèle de phrase I __ While I __ Rule 34, rule 35 (s’il n’existe pas de version pornographique d’une image, elle doit être créée) best of rule 34, epic rule 34 Planches-contact (en général pornographique) Variations sur un mème visuel produit sur /b/ moot Kills EFG (note: EFG = Epic Fail Guy) Histoire parodique développée le long du thread Argentina Vs Britain, Poor Germany (histoire de la Seconde Guerre mondiale), Julius Caesar Jeux sur les numéros de post Foar Science Autodérision envers 4chan, thread introspectif, 4chan et le reste d’Internet (v. illustration ci-dessus) 4chan Comparisons, DBZ Puns, 4chan movie casting À propos de Moot Moot message, moot fanmail, moot At Datacenter Cette liste ne prétend évidemment pas être exhaustive. Les procédés recensés ne sont pas non plus uniformément utilisés dans un même thread et plusieurs créations graphiques peuvent être issues de l’application successive de divers mécanismes (et il n’est pas toujours facile d’en reconstituer l’historique). Les procédés en question ressemblent en fait à des recettes ludiques simples dont l’objectif est de produire à grande vitesse des images exploitables et susceptibles de capter l’attention (cf. le concept de prosécogénie introduit par André Gunthert). Les jeux visuels produits ainsi collectivement ressemblent à ces créations verbales ou textuelles que les anglo-saxons nomment round robin. On pourrait aussi les comparer à des histoires racontées par une assemblée de scouts autour d’un feu de camp où les épisodes sont complétés successivement et très rapidement par chacun des participants. La dimension temporelle est très importante. Comme nous l’avons déjà signalé, un thread ne dure pas longtemps. Il existe ainsi une logique interne du développement du thread où les intervenants se répondent, s’interpellent, s’injurient, à l’aide de mots et d’images, dans une course contre le temps. Il s’agit de faire reconnaître les nouvelles créations dans un fatras qui disparaît rapidement. Le pari est gagné quand une image apparue dans un thread est reprise dans un autre. En ce sens, les demandes d’archivages qui interviennent lors du développement des meilleurs threads peuvent être vues comme une consécration. L’archivage permet de pérenniser l’éphémère et fonctionne comme l’antichambre du mème visuel. La fabrique des images sur 4chan est essentiellement un processus d’accrétion dans un ensemble de flux volatiles où l’image agglomère de nouveaux usages; elle s’autonomise ainsi en subissant des transformations et des associations inédites. Lire entre autres les articles de Sylvain Paley (repris sur Owni), de Titiou Lecoq, de Badinages Numériques, de MG Siegler sur TechCrunch. Le site knowyourmeme a également recensé sous le nom 4chumblr les créations graphiques issues de cet épisode. [↩] Partial transcript: Moot on 4chan and why it works as a meme factory, by Jana Herwig, 6 avril 2010. [↩] Un minimum de 10 demandes doivent être effectuées pour qu’un thread de /b/ soit archivé. Pour les autres boards, 7 demandes suffisent. [↩] Note en forme d’avertissement au lecteur de passage qui ignorerait tout de 4chan. Ne vous étonnez pas des annonces pour des sites pornographiques qui apparaissent en tête et pied de page; il s’agit juste de publicités qui permettent au site de vivre. Par ailleurs, il est à peu près inévitable qu’un thread substantiel contienne des images pornographiques, des références nazies, des propos racistes, machistes, etc. Une lecture un peu attentive permet toutefois de facilement repérer les pures provocations et de faire la part entre les images pornographiques postées par les participants et les spams commerciaux du même métal. Un dernier mot enfin : la lecture des threads est souvent déroutante, et si vous n’êtes pas familier avec le jargon utilisé sur 4chan, vous trouverez quelques explications sur Encyclopedia dramatica et sur Urban Dictionnary. [↩] Auteur Patrick PeccattePublié le 17 novembre 2010 8 juillet 2016 Catégories Best of, En images, NotesÉtiquettes 4chan, mèmes 22 pensées sur “La fabrique des images sur 4chan” « Nous décrirons ici les principaux procédés qui conduisent à l’apparition de nouvelles images ou de nouveaux usages iconiques sur 4chan et tenterons d’expliquer les conditions de leur succès sur le site lui-même. » je cherche toujours… @Bob: cherchez mieux. Alain dit : Il me semble, Patrick, que tu utilises la graphie fautive ??? L’usage aurait donc gagné ? Ksenija Skacan dit : @Alain: comment ça, graphie fautive ? il me semble que c’est l’officielle, Patrick a tout à fait raison 😉 Merci pour ce remarquable travail d’observation! Conclusion très juste sur la dimension temporelle. On va laisser mûrir, ça va faire plein de bébés… 😉 @Alain & Ksenija: j’ai effectivement suivi l’usage et la graphie proposée par le forgeron du concept. @André: Merci. Cet aspect temporel mériterait d’être bien mieux étudié. Il faudrait en particulier pouvoir quantifier la circulation des images entre différents threads, montrer en quoi la récurrence et l’inscription dans un thread archivé sont je crois à la base de cette notion d' »exploitabilité » si importante. Je pense aussi que l’idée d’accrétion, de l’agglomération de nouveaux usages à une image lors de sa traversée de flux volatiles mériterait d’être creusée (ou critiquée…). En gros, une image vraiment exploitable n’est plus exactement la même après qu’elle ait été utilisée dans un thread. Sylvain dit : Excellent article. Bon travail de catégorisation et de description des processus visibles dans les threads. (Sylvain Paley avec un « y » 🙂 ) Anonymous dit : Rule 1 & 2 faggots. @Sylvain: Merci bien, et désolé pour la faute d’orthographe (corrigée). @Anonymous: bon, çà c’est fait. Noam dit : J’attendais un article aussi passionnant sur la fabrique d’image au sein de 4Chan ! Lu sur Owni et adoré. newfag. tu es le cancer qui tue /b/ Ping : Libérer la puissance de la “pensée visuelle” ? | bertrandkeller Ping : Où est passé la puissance de la “pensée visuelle” ? | Site internet Bordeaux Yann Leroux dit : J’ai travaillé les images de /b/ pour ma thèse. Elles m’intéressaient parce que j’y voyais des liens avec le travail du rêve tel que le définit Freud. Les threads de /b/ sont très fluides, ils procèdent par association et s’appuient principalement sur des images. Ils sont très peu soumis à la censure. La violence et le sexe s’y déploient presque totalement librement. Il y a là quelque chose d’assez comparable au travail du rêve. Dans le rêve, les images se succèdent en suivant la logique des grands tropes du langage : condensation et déplacement (aka métaphore et métonymie) organisent le matériel du rêve en un ensemble plus ou moins cohérent. le rêve et les images de /b/ sont soumis au travail de l’Inconscient. La baisse de la censure qui existe sur /b/ laisse toute sa place à l’inconcient qui peut travailler les images en suivant son mode de fonctionnement un peu plus de détails ici : http://www.psyetgeek.com/rve-et-internet Certes, l’Internet n’est pas l’espace onirique. Le cyberespace n’est pas l’espace imaginaire. Mais les points de ressemblance font que certaines conduites y apparaissent plus facilement. Cela peut avoir des conséquences assez éloignées de /b/ : puisque dans le cyberespace et dans le rêve, les choses semblent se produire facilement et suivre le cours de nos désirs, pourquoi devrions nous payer pour quelque chose en ligne ? Le second intérêt de cette comparaison est de travailler autrement les objets avec lesquels nous sommes coutumiers : qu’est ce que le rêve ? qu’est ce que l’imaginaire ? qu’est ce que le cyberespace Merci Yann pour ce commentaire et la référence à ton article. Je vois a priori trois difficultés aux rapprochements que tu proposes entre les processus en oeuvre sur /b/ et le travail du rêve. Tout d’abord la censure existe bien sur /b/ puisque les curateurs virent systématiquement toutes les images pédophiles postées (entre autres) et certains propos sont aussi caviardés. Ensuite /b/ est un espace de création *collectif* où les discussions et images se répondent constamment. Si j’osais sur ce point, on pourrait peut-être plus le rapprocher d’une conception jungienne (collective) que freudienne. Enfin, les processus en oeuvre relèvent me semble-t-il du jeu, de l’émulation entre les participants dont la cohérence n’est guère guidée que par le lol. Pas certain que le lol joue un tel rôle dans le rêve, mais peut-être qu’il existe aussi une dimension ludique au travail du rêve, là je suis incompétent. Je te rejoins par contre sur le fait que ces créations nous permettent effectivement de travailler autrement la question de l’imaginaire. Ping : Meanwhile in X | Déjà vu Ping : Les Craypions d’or, le mythe du web vernaculaire | Les Internets Ping : Les Craypion d’or, le mythe du web vernaculaire » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism Ping : Du bruit au signal | Socio-informatique et argumentation Ping : LSDI : Come l’ America ‘’forte e guerriera’’ accoglie in Rete l’ uccisione di Bin laden Ping : Les chevaliers du Lulz | Geeko Précédent Article précédent : La construction d’un symbole visuel américain Suivant Article suivant : La taille de l’anaconda
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1.0], [12112, 12365, 0.0], [12365, 12469, 0.0], [12469, 12608, 0.0], [12608, 13467, 0.0], [13467, 13592, 0.0], [13592, 13642, 1.0], [13642, 13858, 0.0], [13858, 13879, 0.0], [13879, 13901, 1.0], [13901, 13913, 0.0], [13913, 14003, 1.0], [14003, 14024, 0.0], [14024, 14130, 0.0], [14130, 14281, 0.0], [14281, 14383, 1.0], [14383, 14987, 1.0], [14987, 15001, 0.0], [15001, 15142, 0.0], [15142, 15158, 0.0], [15158, 15178, 1.0], [15178, 15250, 1.0], [15250, 15282, 1.0], [15282, 15293, 0.0], [15293, 15377, 1.0], [15377, 15399, 1.0], [15399, 15435, 0.0], [15435, 15506, 0.0], [15506, 15590, 0.0], [15590, 15608, 0.0], [15608, 15978, 1.0], [15978, 16478, 0.0], [16478, 16548, 0.0], [16548, 16974, 1.0], [16974, 17173, 0.0], [17173, 17235, 1.0], [17235, 18084, 1.0], [18084, 18222, 1.0], [18222, 18254, 0.0], [18254, 18326, 0.0], [18326, 18418, 0.0], [18418, 18482, 0.0], [18482, 18577, 0.0], [18577, 18615, 0.0], [18615, 18691, 0.0], [18691, 18740, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 33, 0.0], [33, 563, 0.0], [563, 896, 0.0], [896, 1400, 0.0], [1400, 1888, 0.0], [1888, 1921, 0.0], [1921, 2344, 0.0], [2344, 3332, 0.0], [3332, 3739, 0.0], [3739, 4388, 0.0], [4388, 4914, 0.0], [4914, 5657, 0.0], [5657, 5837, 0.0], [5837, 6050, 0.0], [6050, 6226, 0.0], [6226, 6520, 0.0], [6520, 6537, 0.0], [6537, 6627, 0.0], [6627, 6667, 0.0], [6667, 6696, 0.0], [6696, 6878, 0.0], [6878, 6920, 0.0], [6920, 7056, 0.0], [7056, 7135, 0.0], [7135, 7264, 0.0], [7264, 7304, 0.0], [7304, 7369, 0.0], [7369, 7424, 0.0], [7424, 7633, 0.0], [7633, 7666, 0.0], [7666, 7736, 0.0], [7736, 7769, 0.0], [7769, 7782, 0.0], [7782, 7803, 0.0], [7803, 7975, 0.0], [7975, 8007, 0.0], [8007, 8182, 0.0], [8182, 8216, 0.0], [8216, 8263, 0.0], [8263, 8298, 0.0], [8298, 8376, 0.0], [8376, 8420, 0.0], [8420, 8714, 0.0], [8714, 8747, 0.0], [8747, 8881, 0.0], [8881, 8936, 0.0], [8936, 8958, 0.0], [8958, 8980, 0.0], [8980, 8993, 0.0], [8993, 9027, 0.0], [9027, 9077, 0.0], [9077, 9111, 0.0], [9111, 9133, 0.0], [9133, 9179, 0.0], [9179, 9209, 0.0], [9209, 9314, 0.0], [9314, 9375, 0.0], [9375, 9538, 0.0], [9538, 9576, 0.0], [9576, 9592, 0.0], [9592, 9689, 0.0], [9689, 9719, 0.0], [9719, 9764, 0.0], [9764, 9810, 0.0], [9810, 9853, 0.0], [9853, 9901, 0.0], [9901, 9992, 0.0], [9992, 10021, 0.0], [10021, 10034, 0.0], [10034, 10139, 0.0], [10139, 10188, 0.0], [10188, 10205, 0.0], [10205, 10252, 0.0], [10252, 10561, 0.0], [10561, 11155, 0.0], [11155, 12112, 0.0], [12112, 12365, 0.0], [12365, 12469, 0.0], [12469, 12608, 0.0], [12608, 13467, 0.0], [13467, 13592, 0.0], [13592, 13642, 0.0], [13642, 13858, 0.0], [13858, 13879, 0.0], [13879, 13901, 0.0], [13901, 13913, 0.0], [13913, 14003, 0.0], [14003, 14024, 0.0], [14024, 14130, 0.0], [14130, 14281, 0.0], [14281, 14383, 0.0], [14383, 14987, 0.0], [14987, 15001, 0.0], [15001, 15142, 0.0], [15142, 15158, 0.0], [15158, 15178, 0.0], [15178, 15250, 0.0], [15250, 15282, 0.0], [15282, 15293, 0.0], [15293, 15377, 0.0], [15377, 15399, 0.0], [15399, 15435, 0.0], [15435, 15506, 0.0], [15506, 15590, 0.0], [15590, 15608, 0.0], [15608, 15978, 0.0], [15978, 16478, 0.0], [16478, 16548, 0.0], [16548, 16974, 0.0], [16974, 17173, 0.0], [17173, 17235, 0.0], [17235, 18084, 0.0], [18084, 18222, 0.0], [18222, 18254, 0.0], [18254, 18326, 0.0], [18326, 18418, 0.0], [18418, 18482, 0.0], [18482, 18577, 0.0], [18577, 18615, 0.0], [18615, 18691, 0.0], [18691, 18740, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 33, 6.0], [33, 563, 82.0], [563, 896, 54.0], [896, 1400, 75.0], [1400, 1888, 72.0], [1888, 1921, 5.0], [1921, 2344, 64.0], [2344, 3332, 162.0], [3332, 3739, 74.0], [3739, 4388, 97.0], [4388, 4914, 79.0], [4914, 5657, 121.0], [5657, 5837, 28.0], [5837, 6050, 30.0], [6050, 6226, 24.0], [6226, 6520, 41.0], [6520, 6537, 2.0], [6537, 6627, 12.0], [6627, 6667, 5.0], [6667, 6696, 5.0], [6696, 6878, 22.0], [6878, 6920, 7.0], [6920, 7056, 23.0], [7056, 7135, 11.0], [7135, 7264, 19.0], [7264, 7304, 5.0], [7304, 7369, 11.0], [7369, 7424, 9.0], [7424, 7633, 32.0], [7633, 7666, 4.0], [7666, 7736, 10.0], [7736, 7769, 5.0], [7769, 7782, 2.0], [7782, 7803, 3.0], [7803, 7975, 29.0], [7975, 8007, 5.0], [8007, 8182, 32.0], [8182, 8216, 4.0], [8216, 8263, 9.0], [8263, 8298, 5.0], [8298, 8376, 13.0], [8376, 8420, 6.0], [8420, 8714, 52.0], [8714, 8747, 4.0], [8747, 8881, 18.0], [8881, 8936, 8.0], [8936, 8958, 3.0], [8958, 8980, 2.0], [8980, 8993, 3.0], [8993, 9027, 6.0], [9027, 9077, 8.0], [9077, 9111, 4.0], [9111, 9133, 3.0], [9133, 9179, 8.0], [9179, 9209, 5.0], [9209, 9314, 15.0], [9314, 9375, 7.0], [9375, 9538, 24.0], [9538, 9576, 6.0], [9576, 9592, 3.0], [9592, 9689, 16.0], [9689, 9719, 7.0], [9719, 9764, 4.0], [9764, 9810, 8.0], [9810, 9853, 8.0], [9853, 9901, 7.0], [9901, 9992, 13.0], [9992, 10021, 6.0], [10021, 10034, 2.0], [10034, 10139, 13.0], [10139, 10188, 7.0], [10188, 10205, 4.0], [10205, 10252, 7.0], [10252, 10561, 44.0], [10561, 11155, 88.0], [11155, 12112, 142.0], [12112, 12365, 40.0], [12365, 12469, 20.0], [12469, 12608, 23.0], [12608, 13467, 133.0], [13467, 13592, 18.0], [13592, 13642, 9.0], [13642, 13858, 34.0], [13858, 13879, 3.0], [13879, 13901, 3.0], [13901, 13913, 2.0], [13913, 14003, 14.0], [14003, 14024, 3.0], [14024, 14130, 18.0], [14130, 14281, 24.0], [14281, 14383, 15.0], [14383, 14987, 93.0], [14987, 15001, 2.0], [15001, 15142, 23.0], [15142, 15158, 2.0], [15158, 15178, 4.0], [15178, 15250, 10.0], [15250, 15282, 5.0], [15282, 15293, 2.0], [15293, 15377, 13.0], [15377, 15399, 5.0], [15399, 15435, 8.0], [15435, 15506, 9.0], [15506, 15590, 13.0], [15590, 15608, 3.0], [15608, 15978, 62.0], [15978, 16478, 86.0], [16478, 16548, 7.0], [16548, 16974, 64.0], [16974, 17173, 31.0], [17173, 17235, 11.0], [17235, 18084, 135.0], [18084, 18222, 21.0], [18222, 18254, 6.0], [18254, 18326, 11.0], [18326, 18418, 15.0], [18418, 18482, 8.0], [18482, 18577, 16.0], [18577, 18615, 6.0], [18615, 18691, 9.0], [18691, 18740, 7.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 33, 0.03125], [33, 563, 0.00562852], [563, 896, 0.00903614], [896, 1400, 0.00387597], [1400, 1888, 0.00408998], [1888, 1921, 0.0], [1921, 2344, 0.00234192], [2344, 3332, 0.00606673], [3332, 3739, 0.0], [3739, 4388, 0.0], [4388, 4914, 0.0], [4914, 5657, 0.00667557], [5657, 5837, 0.0], [5837, 6050, 0.0], [6050, 6226, 0.0], [6226, 6520, 0.01476015], [6520, 6537, 0.0], [6537, 6627, 0.0], [6627, 6667, 0.0], [6667, 6696, 0.0], [6696, 6878, 0.0], [6878, 6920, 0.0], [6920, 7056, 0.0], [7056, 7135, 0.0], [7135, 7264, 0.00775194], [7264, 7304, 0.0], [7304, 7369, 0.06451613], [7369, 7424, 0.0], [7424, 7633, 0.0], [7633, 7666, 0.0], [7666, 7736, 0.015625], [7736, 7769, 0.0], [7769, 7782, 0.0], [7782, 7803, 0.0], [7803, 7975, 0.0], [7975, 8007, 0.0], [8007, 8182, 0.01197605], [8182, 8216, 0.0], [8216, 8263, 0.0], [8263, 8298, 0.0], [8298, 8376, 0.01388889], [8376, 8420, 0.0], [8420, 8714, 0.01060071], [8714, 8747, 0.0], [8747, 8881, 0.0], [8881, 8936, 0.0], [8936, 8958, 0.0], [8958, 8980, 0.0], [8980, 8993, 0.0], [8993, 9027, 0.0], [9027, 9077, 0.0], [9077, 9111, 0.0], [9111, 9133, 0.0], [9133, 9179, 0.0], [9179, 9209, 0.0], [9209, 9314, 0.0], [9314, 9375, 0.0], [9375, 9538, 0.02666667], [9538, 9576, 0.0], [9576, 9592, 0.0], [9592, 9689, 0.04210526], [9689, 9719, 0.14285714], [9719, 9764, 0.0], [9764, 9810, 0.0], [9810, 9853, 0.0], [9853, 9901, 0.0], [9901, 9992, 0.0], [9992, 10021, 0.0], [10021, 10034, 0.0], [10034, 10139, 0.02020202], [10139, 10188, 0.04347826], [10188, 10205, 0.0], [10205, 10252, 0.0], [10252, 10561, 0.0], [10561, 11155, 0.0], [11155, 12112, 0.00103627], [12112, 12365, 0.00403226], [12365, 12469, 0.06185567], [12469, 12608, 0.02238806], [12608, 13467, 0.00233645], [13467, 13592, 0.096], [13592, 13642, 0.06], [13642, 13858, 0.00456621], [13858, 13879, 0.0], [13879, 13901, 0.0], [13901, 13913, 0.0], [13913, 14003, 0.0], [14003, 14024, 0.0], [14024, 14130, 0.0], [14130, 14281, 0.0], [14281, 14383, 0.0], [14383, 14987, 0.0], [14987, 15001, 0.0], [15001, 15142, 0.0], [15142, 15158, 0.0], [15158, 15178, 0.125], [15178, 15250, 0.0], [15250, 15282, 0.0], [15282, 15293, 0.0], [15293, 15377, 0.01234568], [15377, 15399, 0.0], [15399, 15435, 0.0], [15435, 15506, 0.0], [15506, 15590, 0.0], [15590, 15608, 0.0], [15608, 15978, 0.0], [15978, 16478, 0.0], [16478, 16548, 0.0], [16548, 16974, 0.0], [16974, 17173, 0.0], [17173, 17235, 0.0], [17235, 18084, 0.0], [18084, 18222, 0.0], [18222, 18254, 0.0], [18254, 18326, 0.0], [18326, 18418, 0.0], [18418, 18482, 0.0], [18482, 18577, 0.0], [18577, 18615, 0.0], [18615, 18691, 0.0], [18691, 18740, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 33, 0.0], [33, 563, 0.0], [563, 896, 0.0], [896, 1400, 0.0], [1400, 1888, 0.0], [1888, 1921, 0.0], [1921, 2344, 0.0], [2344, 3332, 0.0], [3332, 3739, 0.0], [3739, 4388, 0.0], [4388, 4914, 0.0], [4914, 5657, 0.0], [5657, 5837, 0.0], [5837, 6050, 0.0], [6050, 6226, 0.0], [6226, 6520, 0.0], [6520, 6537, 0.0], [6537, 6627, 0.0], [6627, 6667, 0.0], [6667, 6696, 0.0], [6696, 6878, 0.0], [6878, 6920, 0.0], [6920, 7056, 0.0], [7056, 7135, 0.0], [7135, 7264, 0.0], [7264, 7304, 0.0], [7304, 7369, 0.0], [7369, 7424, 0.0], [7424, 7633, 0.0], [7633, 7666, 0.0], [7666, 7736, 0.0], [7736, 7769, 0.0], [7769, 7782, 0.0], [7782, 7803, 0.0], [7803, 7975, 0.0], [7975, 8007, 0.0], [8007, 8182, 0.0], [8182, 8216, 0.0], [8216, 8263, 0.0], [8263, 8298, 0.0], [8298, 8376, 0.0], [8376, 8420, 0.0], [8420, 8714, 0.0], [8714, 8747, 0.0], [8747, 8881, 0.0], [8881, 8936, 0.0], [8936, 8958, 0.0], [8958, 8980, 0.0], [8980, 8993, 0.0], [8993, 9027, 0.0], [9027, 9077, 0.0], [9077, 9111, 0.0], [9111, 9133, 0.0], [9133, 9179, 0.0], [9179, 9209, 0.0], [9209, 9314, 0.0], [9314, 9375, 0.0], [9375, 9538, 0.0], [9538, 9576, 0.0], [9576, 9592, 0.0], [9592, 9689, 0.0], [9689, 9719, 0.0], [9719, 9764, 0.0], [9764, 9810, 0.0], [9810, 9853, 0.0], [9853, 9901, 0.0], [9901, 9992, 0.0], [9992, 10021, 0.0], [10021, 10034, 0.0], [10034, 10139, 0.0], [10139, 10188, 0.0], [10188, 10205, 0.0], [10205, 10252, 0.0], [10252, 10561, 0.0], [10561, 11155, 0.0], [11155, 12112, 0.0], [12112, 12365, 0.0], [12365, 12469, 0.0], [12469, 12608, 0.0], [12608, 13467, 0.0], [13467, 13592, 0.0], [13592, 13642, 0.0], [13642, 13858, 0.0], [13858, 13879, 0.0], [13879, 13901, 0.0], [13901, 13913, 0.0], [13913, 14003, 0.0], [14003, 14024, 0.0], [14024, 14130, 0.0], [14130, 14281, 0.0], [14281, 14383, 0.0], [14383, 14987, 0.0], [14987, 15001, 0.0], [15001, 15142, 0.0], [15142, 15158, 0.0], [15158, 15178, 0.0], [15178, 15250, 0.0], [15250, 15282, 0.0], [15282, 15293, 0.0], [15293, 15377, 0.0], [15377, 15399, 0.0], [15399, 15435, 0.0], [15435, 15506, 0.0], [15506, 15590, 0.0], [15590, 15608, 0.0], [15608, 15978, 0.0], [15978, 16478, 0.0], [16478, 16548, 0.0], [16548, 16974, 0.0], [16974, 17173, 0.0], [17173, 17235, 0.0], [17235, 18084, 0.0], [18084, 18222, 0.0], [18222, 18254, 0.0], [18254, 18326, 0.0], [18326, 18418, 0.0], [18418, 18482, 0.0], [18482, 18577, 0.0], [18577, 18615, 0.0], [18615, 18691, 0.0], [18691, 18740, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 33, 0.03030303], [33, 563, 0.00943396], [563, 896, 0.01801802], [896, 1400, 0.00396825], [1400, 1888, 0.00819672], [1888, 1921, 0.06060606], [1921, 2344, 0.0070922], [2344, 3332, 0.00607287], [3332, 3739, 0.05896806], [3739, 4388, 0.02157165], [4388, 4914, 0.0095057], [4914, 5657, 0.00672948], [5657, 5837, 0.00555556], [5837, 6050, 0.00938967], [6050, 6226, 0.00568182], [6226, 6520, 0.12585034], [6520, 6537, 0.05882353], [6537, 6627, 0.08888889], [6627, 6667, 0.125], [6667, 6696, 0.03448276], [6696, 6878, 0.07692308], [6878, 6920, 0.02380952], [6920, 7056, 0.09558824], [7056, 7135, 0.01265823], [7135, 7264, 0.05426357], [7264, 7304, 0.025], [7304, 7369, 0.03076923], [7369, 7424, 0.01818182], [7424, 7633, 0.0430622], [7633, 7666, 0.03030303], [7666, 7736, 0.15714286], [7736, 7769, 0.03030303], [7769, 7782, 0.15384615], [7782, 7803, 0.04761905], [7803, 7975, 0.09883721], [7975, 8007, 0.03125], [8007, 8182, 0.09142857], [8182, 8216, 0.02941176], [8216, 8263, 0.19148936], [8263, 8298, 0.02857143], [8298, 8376, 0.12820513], [8376, 8420, 0.02272727], [8420, 8714, 0.10544218], [8714, 8747, 0.03030303], [8747, 8881, 0.06716418], [8881, 8936, 0.01818182], [8936, 8958, 0.13636364], [8958, 8980, 0.04545455], [8980, 8993, 0.23076923], [8993, 9027, 0.02941176], [9027, 9077, 0.12], [9077, 9111, 0.02941176], [9111, 9133, 0.13636364], [9133, 9179, 0.02173913], [9179, 9209, 0.23333333], [9209, 9314, 0.06666667], [9314, 9375, 0.01639344], [9375, 9538, 0.08588957], [9538, 9576, 0.02631579], [9576, 9592, 0.1875], [9592, 9689, 0.01030928], [9689, 9719, 0.0], [9719, 9764, 0.02222222], [9764, 9810, 0.02173913], [9810, 9853, 0.23255814], [9853, 9901, 0.02083333], [9901, 9992, 0.0989011], [9992, 10021, 0.03448276], [10021, 10034, 0.15384615], [10034, 10139, 0.01904762], [10139, 10188, 0.10204082], [10188, 10205, 0.11764706], [10205, 10252, 0.06382979], [10252, 10561, 0.00647249], [10561, 11155, 0.00841751], [11155, 12112, 0.00835946], [12112, 12365, 0.05533597], [12365, 12469, 0.03846154], [12469, 12608, 0.01438849], [12608, 13467, 0.00931315], [13467, 13592, 0.072], [13592, 13642, 0.02], [13642, 13858, 0.00462963], [13858, 13879, 0.0], [13879, 13901, 0.04545455], [13901, 13913, 0.08333333], [13913, 14003, 0.03333333], [14003, 14024, 0.0952381], [14024, 14130, 0.01886792], [14130, 14281, 0.01986755], [14281, 14383, 0.01960784], [14383, 14987, 0.00993377], [14987, 15001, 0.07142857], [15001, 15142, 0.02836879], [15142, 15158, 0.0625], [15158, 15178, 0.05], [15178, 15250, 0.02777778], [15250, 15282, 0.03125], [15282, 15293, 0.09090909], [15293, 15377, 0.02380952], [15377, 15399, 0.09090909], [15399, 15435, 0.0], [15435, 15506, 0.02816901], [15506, 15590, 0.04761905], [15590, 15608, 0.11111111], [15608, 15978, 0.01621622], [15978, 16478, 0.008], [16478, 16548, 0.0], [16548, 16974, 0.01173709], [16974, 17173, 0.00502513], [17173, 17235, 0.03225806], [17235, 18084, 0.00706714], [18084, 18222, 0.00724638], [18222, 18254, 0.125], [18254, 18326, 0.06944444], [18326, 18418, 0.10869565], [18418, 18482, 0.046875], [18482, 18577, 0.09473684], [18577, 18615, 0.10526316], [18615, 18691, 0.03947368], [18691, 18740, 0.06122449]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 18740, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 18740, 0.01460028]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 18740, null]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 18740, null]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 18740, null]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 18740, -657.60575706]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 18740, 120.0]], "is_duplicate": false}
Riformatori speciali. [I]. [Quando la legge stabilisce che il ricovero in un riformatorio giudiziario sia ordinato senza che occorra accertare che il minore è socialmente pericoloso, questi è assegnato ad uno stabilimento speciale o ad una sezione speciale degli stabilimenti ordinari] (1). [II]. Può altresì essere assegnato ad uno stabilimento speciale o ad una sezione speciale degli stabilimenti ordinari il minore che, durante il ricovero nello stabilimento ordinario, si sia rivelato particolarmente pericoloso. (1) Comma che può ritenersi non più operativo per effetto dell'art. 311 l. 10 ottobre 1986, n. 663; v. anche il successivo comma 2 del medesimo art. 31 l. n. 663
{"url": "https://www.studiolegaledipalo.com/articolo-227-codice-penale/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.studiolegaledipalo.com", "date_download": "2022-09-24T15:43:17Z", "digest": "sha1:GI5B4QXZDE7MEQNI4ADZYBZPQN2QUBNW"}
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Release windowsMariette2016-11-24T13:43:56+00:00 The cinema sector believes that the interests of the film industry and – more importantly – the customer are generally best served by the existence of a clear and sustainable ‘window’ between the release of a film in a cinema theatre and on any other platform. Changes to the release window are a matter for negotiation between the studio and operator concerned. But in general the Association and its members would be concerned about any changes in this area which might have a negative impact on the UK cinema industry. Cinema is not the music industry, where existing business models are widely seen as broken. UK cinema admissions have remained strong over the last 25 years. Many cinemas have invested huge amounts of their own money in improving the cinema-going experience, most recently through digitisation and now installation of new technologies such as immersive sound. Without a clear window between a film’s theatrical release and its release on other platforms, that investment is at risk. That is not to say that the release window should be – or indeed has been – set in stone. Over the last decade and more, its length in the UK has fallen significantly, from around from 27 weeks in 1999 to an average of just over 15 weeks at the current time. And beneath that average, a significant number of smaller films observe release windows of just a few weeks or even days. But the sector strongly believe that a wholesale move to an unacceptably short (or even no) window would put hundreds of cinemas up and down the country at risk, along with the jobs and local services they support, leading to less rather than more film choices for the public.
{"url": "https://www.cinemauk.org.uk/key-issues/release-windows/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.cinemauk.org.uk", "date_download": "2021-06-12T11:42:57Z", "digest": "sha1:Z3IQ3YGLOKXJE2IF5BIIG4EEZGT57XXG"}
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Halle de producteurs Date: 13 juillet 2022 17:00 - 19:00 Lieu: CD6 - Plan de Campagne La Halle de producteurs de Plan de Campagne a rouvert ses portes, toujours chemin départemental 6 (face à Conforama). Le rendez-vous est fixé chaque lundi, mercredi et vendredi de 17h à 19h et ce jusqu'au 30 septembre. Les producteurs vous proposent des produits de saison en provenance uniquement des Bouches-du-Rhône et vendus en demi-gros. Évènement: Du 9 mai 2022 17:00 au 30 septembre 2022 19:00 ↳ lundi, mercredi & vendredi
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Will Smith considering political career Hollywood star Will Smith has revealed he is considering a move into politics. Will Smith considering political career Hollywood star Will Smith has revealed he is considering a move into politics. Check out this story on azcentral.com: http://azc.cc/1jlMBQj Bang Showbiz Published 11:48 a.m. MT Nov. 26, 2015 Will Smith(Photo: Bang Showbiz) Will Smith is considering a move into politics. The 47-year-old is among the best paid actors in Hollywood, but has revealed he could enter the political arena ''in the near future''. He said: ''I'm working really hard and my storytelling is elevating, my ability to be eloquent with my body and with my voice and to deliver ideas as an actor is elevating. ''And, you know, as I look at the political landscape, I think that there might be a future out there for me. They might need me out there.'' Will said he's ''incensed'' with the current state of politics, and is therefore weighing up the idea of making a dramatic career switch. He told the "Awards Chatter" podcast: ''This is the first year that I've been incensed to a level that I can't sleep, you know? ''So I'm feeling that at some point, in the near future, I will have to lend my voice to the conversation in a somewhat different way.'' Meanwhile, Will also said his career success can be largely credited to his work ethic. The "Men in Black" star explained: ''I don't consider myself particularly talented - I consider myself slightly above average in talent - but nobody's going to outwork me. ''I'll take a slight talent and then add the skill to it and can make it look magnificent, you know?'' DAILY CELEBRITY WATCH Kelsea Ballerini performs onstage during 2018 Stagecoach California's Country Music Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 27, 2018 in Indio, California. Kevin Winter/Getty Images (L-R) Paris Hilton, Bert Marcus, Tommy Lee, Brittany Furlan and Nicky Hilton attend the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival World Premiere of Bert Marcus' THE AMERICAN MEME on April 27, 2018 at Spring Studios in New York City. Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images Jordan Davis performs onstage during 2018 Stagecoach California's Country Music Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 27, 2018 in Indio, California. Jason Kempin/Getty Images Gina Yashere speaks onstage at "Time's Up" during the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival at Spring Studios on April 28, 2018 in New York City. Roy Rochlin, Getty Images Gordon Ramsay speaks on stage during UCLA Jonsson Cancer Center Foundation Hosts 23rd Annual "Taste for a Cure" Event Honoring President of Alternative and Reality Group for NBC Entertainment, Paul Telegdy at Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel on April 27, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. John Sciulli/Getty Images Victoria Swarovski and Daniel Hartwich during the 6th show of the 11th season of the television competition 'Let's Dance' on April 27, 2018 in Cologne, Germany. Florian Ebener, Getty Images Benedict Cumberbatch speaks onstage during the for your consideration event for Showtime's "Patrick Melrose"at NeueHouse Hollywood on April 26, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Rich Fury, Getty Images (L-R) Benedict Cumberbatch, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Michael Jackson and David Nicholls speak onstage during the for your consideration event for Showtime's "Patrick Melrose"at NeueHouse Hollywood on April 26, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Rich Fury, Getty Images Jennifer Lopez performs onstage at the 2018 Billboard Latin Music Awards at the Mandalay Bay Events Center on April 26, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. David Becker, Getty Images (L-R) Actor Kate McKinnon, writer/director Susanna Fogel and actor Mila Kunis attend CinemaCon 2018 Lionsgate Invites You to An Exclusive Presentation Highlighting Its 2018 Summer and Beyond at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 26, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ethan Miller/Getty Images (L-R) Director Paul Feig, actors Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick speak onstage during CinemaCon 2018 Lionsgate Invites You to An Exclusive Presentation Highlighting Its 2018 Summer and Beyond at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 26, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ethan Miller/Getty Images John Legend performs at the Kiehl's Made Better launch party on April 26, 2018 in Brooklyn City. Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty images Former President of the United States Bill Clinton looks on during Game Six of Round One of the 2018 NBA Playoffs between the Milwaukee Bucks and Boston Celtics at the Bradley Center on April 26, 2018 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. NOTE TO USER: User expressly acknowledges and agrees that, by downloading and or using this photograph, User is consenting to the terms and conditions of the Getty Images License Agreement. Dylan Buell, Getty Images (L-R) Conservationists/TV personalities Bindi Irwin, Robert Irwin and Terri Irwin attend Steve Irwin being honored posthumously with a Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on April 26, 2018 in Hollywood, California. David Livingston, Getty Images Joshua Hedley performs onstage during 2018 Stagecoach California's Country Music Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 27, 2018 in Indio, California. Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Benedict Cumberbatch speaks onstage during the premiere of Showtime's 'Patrick Melrose' at Linwood Dunn Theater on April 25, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Rich Fury, Getty Images (L-R) David Nicholls, Allison Williams, Benedict Cumberbatch, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Michael Jackson, and President of Programming, Showtime Networks, Gary Levine attend the premiere of Showtime's 'Patrick Melrose' at Linwood Dunn Theater on April 25, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Rich Fury, Getty Images Pioneer of the Year award recipient Tom Cruise speaks onstage during the 2018 Will Rogers “Pioneer of the Year” Dinner Honoring Tom Cruise at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 25, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images Meghan Markle and Prince Harry attend an Anzac Day service at Westminster Abbey on April 25, 2018 in London, England. WPA Pool, Getty Images King Felipe VI of Spain (2R) and Queen Letizia of Spain (R) receives President of Mexico Enrique Pena Nieto (2L) and his wife Angelica Rivera (L) at the Zarzuela Palace on April 25, 2018 in Madrid, Spain. Carlos Alvarez, Getty Images (L-R) Actors Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard and Chairman of Universal Pictures, Donna Langley attend CinemaCon 2018 Universal Pictures Invites You to a Special Presentation Featuring Footage from its Upcoming Slate at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 25, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images (L-R) Producer Will Packer, actors Tiffany Haddish and Kevin Hart speak onstage during CinemaCon 2018 Universal Pictures Invites You to a Special Presentation Featuring Footage from its Upcoming Slate at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 25, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ethan Miller/Getty Images (L-R) Actors Claire Foy, Ryan Gosling and director Damien Chazelle speak onstage during CinemaCon 2018 Universal Pictures Invites You to a Special Presentation Featuring Footage from its Upcoming Slate at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 25, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ethan Miller/Getty Images (L-R) Actors Bruce Willis, Samuel L. Jackson, James McAvoy and Sarah Paulson speak onstage during CinemaCon 2018 Universal Pictures Invites You to a Special Presentation Featuring Footage from its Upcoming Slate at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 25, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ethan Miller/Getty Images (L-R) Kevin LeGrett, Market President Los Angeles & West Division President at iHeartMedia, Bobby Bones, Keith Urban, and Rod Phillips, SVPP iHeartMedia - iHeartCountry, at the iHeartCountry Album Release Party with Keith Urban at iHeartRadio Theater on April 25, 2018 in Burbank, California. Kevin Winter/Getty Images (L-R) Timothy Michael Cooper moderates a panel with writer and director Dan Gregor, co-writer Doug Mand, and actors John Reynolds and Adam Pally during the SAG-AFTRA Foundation Conversations: "Most Likely To Murder" at The Robin Williams Center on April 25, 2018 in New York City. Michael Loccisano, Getty Images (L-R) Actors Annabelle Wallis, Isla Fisher and Leslie Bibb attend CinemaCon 2018 Warner Bros. Pictures Invites You to The Big Picture, an Exclusive Presentation of our Upcoming Slate at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 24, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for CinemaCon) Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for CinemaCon Caterina Lopez and son attend The Nelson Mandela Global Gift Gala at Rosewood London on April 24, 2018 in London, England. John Phillips/Getty Images Luke Evans attends the Strictly Ballroom press night at Piccadilly Theatre on April 24, 2018 in London, England. Stuart C. Wilson/Getty Images Actor Jason Momoa attends CinemaCon 2018 Warner Bros. Pictures Invites You to The Big Picture, an Exclusive Presentation of our Upcoming Slate at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 24, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for CinemaCon TV personality Megyn Kelly and actor Lynda Carter attend the 2018 Time 100 Gala at Jazz at Lincoln Center on April 24, 2018 in New York City. Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Time Common (L) and Ezra Miller attend CinemaCon 2018 Warner Bros. Pictures Invites You to The Big Picture, an Exclusive Presentation of our Upcoming Slate at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 24, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for CinemaCon (L-R) Actors Katherine Waterston, Eddie Redmayne and Dan Fogler attend CinemaCon 2018 Warner Bros. Pictures Invites You to The Big Picture, an Exclusive Presentation of our Upcoming Slate at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 24, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Ethan Miller/Getty Images for CinemaCon Actors Mark Wahlberg (L) and Iko Uwais attend CinemaCon 2018 STXfilms Invites You to an Evening Featuring A Sneak Preview of Their Feature Films? at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace during CinemaCon, the official convention of the National Association of Theatre Owners, on April 24, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images for CinemaCon Robert Downey Junior attends the premiere of Disney and Marvel's "Avengers: Infinity War" on April 23, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Emma McIntyre, Getty Images President of Marvel Studios and Producer Kevin Feige (L) and producer-writer Stan Lee attend the Los Angeles Global Premiere for Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War on April 23, 2018 in Hollywood, California. Charley Gallay, Getty Images for Disney (L-R) Actor Mark Ruffalo, actor Benedict Cumberbatch and director Sophie Hunter attend the Los Angeles Global Premiere for Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War on April 23, 2018 in Hollywood, California. Rich Polk, Getty Images for Disney Letitia Wright (R) takes a selfie with fans at the premiere of Disney and Marvel's 'Avengers: Infinity War' on April 23, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Emma McIntyre, Getty Images Actor Chadwick Boseman (C) attends the Los Angeles Global Premiere for Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War on April 23, 2018 in Hollywood, California. Tommaso Boddi, Getty Images for Disney Actor Tom Hiddleston attends the Los Angeles Global Premiere for Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War on April 23, 2018 in Hollywood, California. Charley Gallay, Getty Images for Disney HOLLYWOOD, CA - APRIL 23: Actor Vin Diesel (L) and The Walt Disney Company Chairman and CEO Bob Iger attend the Los Angeles Global Premiere for Marvel Studios’ Avengers: Infinity War on April 23, 2018 in Hollywood, California. (Photo by Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Disney) Charley Gallay, Getty Images for Disney Madison Emiko Love (L) and Tony Scalzo perform onstage during the 2018 ASCAP Pop Music Awards on April 23, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. JC Olivera, Getty Images Musician Paul Stanley speaks onstage during the 2018 ASCAP Pop Music Awards on April 23, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. JC Olivera, Getty Images Alice Cooper performs onstage during the 2018 ASCAP Pop Music Awards on April 23, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. JC Olivera, Getty Images James Vivian, Organist and Director of Music at St George's Chapel in Windsor Castle, poses for a photograph in Windsor, west of London on April 23, 2018. - Vivian will direct the music at the wedding of Britain's Prince Harry and his US fiancee Meghan Markle, when they are married at St George's Chapel in Windsor, west of London on May 19. AFP Contributor, AFP/Getty Images Comedians Middleditch & Schwartz L/R: Ben Schwartz and Thomas Middleditch performs during Nashville Comedy Festival on April 22, 2018 at Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. Rick Diamond/Getty Images for Outback Concerts Karen Gillan and Rachel Jackson attends a screening of "The Party's Just Beginning" during the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival at SVA Theatre on April 22, 2018 in New York City. Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival Director Kent Jones embraces actress Andrea Martin before a screening of "Diane" during the 2018 Tribeca Film Festival at SVA Theatre on April 22, 2018 in New York City. Mike Coppola/Getty Images for Tribeca Film Festival (L-R): Actors Sebastian Stan, Robert Downey Jr., Josh Brolin, Zoe Saldana, and Anthony Mackie attend the Global Press Conference at the Avengers: Infinity War Press Junket in Los Angeles, CA April 22nd, 2018. Charley Gallay/Getty Images for Disney Jake & Amir L/R: Amir Blumenfeld and Jake Hurwitz perform during Nashville Comedy Festival on April 22, 2018 at Zanies Comedy Night Club in Nashville, Tennessee. Rick Diamond/Getty Images for Outback Concerts Princess Nokia performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 22, 2018 in Indio, California. Rich Fury/Getty Images for Coachella Thomas Sadoski and Anna Camp attend the Pasadena Playhouse Presents Opening Night Of "Belleville" Curtain Call at Pasadena Playhouse on April 22, 2018 in Pasadena, California. Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images Ariana Grande performs with Kygo onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Christopher Polk/Getty Images KJ Apa performs with Kygo onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Christopher Polk/Getty Images The Weeknd performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Kevin Winter/Getty Images Sam Kiszka of Greta Van Fleet performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Kevin Winter/Getty Images Maria Zardoya of The Marias performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Matt Cowan/Getty Images Soulwax performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Frazer Harrison/Getty Images St. Vincent performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Rich FuryGetty Images SuperDuperKyle performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Rich Fury/Getty Images Adam Granduciel of The War On Drugs performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Rich Fury/Getty Images (EDITORS NOTE: Image has been converted to black and white.) Adam Granduciel of The War On Drugs performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 20, 2018 in Indio, California. Rich Fury/Getty Images (L-R) Actors Alejandro Serrano, Mariam Hernandez, Leo Harlem, director Dani de la Orden, Salvi Reina and Stephanie Gil attends 'El Mejor Verano de mi Vida' photocall at the 21th Malaga Film Festival on April 21, 2018 in Malaga, Spain. Carlos Alvarez, Getty Images Britain's Prince Harry (L) and his financee US actress Meghan Markle (R) and Australia's Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull (R) and his wife Lucy Turnbull (2R) arrive to attend a reception for Invictus Games at Australia House in London on April 21, 2018. - The Invictus Games is the only international sporting event for wounded, injured and sick (WIS) servicemen and women, both serving and veteran. The 2018 edition of the Games will be held in Sydney in October. AFP Contributor, AFP/Getty Images Actor Antonio Banderas (C) of "Genius: Picasso" attends National Geographic's FURTHER Front immersive experience where the network took over a SoHo townhouse to unveil their upfront 2018-2019 slate on April 18, 2018 in New York City. Bryan Bedder/Getty Images (L-R) Ron Livingston, Mackenzie Davis, Charlize Theron, Lia Frankland, Diablo Cody, Asher Miles Fallica, and Jason Reitman attend the premiere of Focus Features' "Tully" at Regal LA Live Stadium 14 on April 18, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Kevin Winter, Getty Images Charlize Theron attends the Premiere Of Focus Features' "Tully" at Regal LA Live Stadium 14 on April 18, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Frazer Harrison, Getty Images Rebel Wilson walks out of the Court of Appeal on April 19, 2018 in Melbourne, Australia. Rebel Wilson successfully sued Women's Day magazine publisher Bauer Media in September 2017 over a series of articles she alleged portrayed her as a serial liar and cost her movie roles in Hollywood. Wilson was awarded a record $4.5 million pay out plus legal costs totalling $650,000. Bauer Media challenging the payout amount, arguing that $4.5 million is excessive and ignored Victoria's general defamation damages cap of $389,500. Darrian Traynor, Getty Images (L-R) Paris Hilton, Nicky Hilton Rothschild and Paris Jackson speak onstage during the CASA Of Los Angeles' 2018 Evening To Foster Dreams Galaat The Beverly Hilton Hotel on April 18, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. Rich Fury, Getty Images Calvin Harris (2nd R), pictured with Kiss Breakfast Show hosts Rickie Haywood (L), Melvin O'Doom (2nd L) and Charlie Hedges (R), visits Kiss FM Studio's on April 19, 2018 in London, England. Jeff Spicer, Getty Images Cameroon's Prime Minister Philémon Yang (C) during a welcome reception for the Commonwealth Heads of Government on day 4 of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) at Sky Garden on April 18 in London, United Kingdom. Pool/Getty Images Actress Barbara Lennie receives the 'L'Oreal Belleza Comprometida' award during the 21th Malaga Film Festival at the AC Hotel on April 19, 2018 in Malaga, Spain. Carlos Alvarez, Getty Images Javier Tudela and Marina Romero pose during the 21th Malaga Film Festival at the AC Hotel on April 19, 2018 in Malaga, Spain. Carlos Alvarez, Getty Images Adwoa Aboah (L) and Maya Jama take a selife onstage as thousands of Global Citizens unite with leading UK artists industry leaders, and non-profit organizations for Global Citizen Live London, at the O2 Academy Brixton on April 17, 2018 in London, England. The event took place to hold Commonwealth leaders accountable for progress made towards achieving the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and ending extreme poverty by 2030. They used their collective voice in a bid to be the generation to end extreme poverty at the free-ticketed event in Brixton. Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images for Global Citizen Professor Green backstage as thousands of Global Citizens unite with leading UK artists industry leaders, and non-profit organizations for Global Citizen Live London, at the O2 Academy Brixton on April 17, 2018 in London, England. The event took place to hold Commonwealth leaders accountable for progress made towards achieving the Global Goals for Sustainable Development and ending extreme poverty by 2030. They used their collective voice in a bid to be the generation to end extreme poverty at the free-ticketed event in Brixton. Tim P. Whitby/Getty Images for Global Citizen Cheryl James and Sandra Denton of Salt-N-Pepa attend the Food Bank for New York City's Can Do Awards Dinner at Cipriani Wall Street on April 17, 2018 in New York City. Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images for Food Bank For N Chef Marc Murphy takes a selfie with guests during the Food Bank for New York City's Can Do Awards Dinner at Cipriani Wall Street on April 17, 2018 in New York City. Bryan Bedder/Getty Images for Food Bank For N Actors Michelle Williams (L) and Busy Philipps pose at the after party for the premiere of STX Films' "I feel Pretty" at Baltaire Restaurant on April 17, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Kevin Winter/Getty Images Eva Longoria attends a ceremony honoring her with the 2,634th Star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on April 16, 2018 in Hollywood, California. Alberto E. Rodriguez, Getty Images Eva Longoria is honored with star on The Hollywood Walk of Fame on April 16, 2018 in Hollywood, California. Alberto E. Rodriguez, Getty Images Ant McPartlin leaves Wimbledon Magistrates Court on April 16, 2018 in London, England. Anthony McPartlin, one half of the television presenting duo Ant and Dec is fined £86,000 and banned from driving for 20 months after pleaded guilty to drink-driving. Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images Director Pedro Olea (L) and actor Jose Sacristan (R) attend 'Un Hombre Llamado Flor de Otono' Gold Film award photocall during the 21th Malaga Film Festival at the Picasso Museum on April 16, 2018 in Malaga, Spain. Carlos Alvarez, Getty Images (L-R) Queen Letizia of Spain, President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa and King Felipe VI of Spain attend a dinner gala for the President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa at the Royal Palace on April 16, 2018 in Madrid, Spain. Pool, Getty Images (L-R) Jonathan Nolan, Evan Rachel Wood, Richard Plepler, Thandie Newton, Lisa Joy and Casey Bloys attend the Premiere of HBO's "Westworld" Season 2 at The Cinerama Dome on April 16, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Jesse Grant, Getty Images Jeffrey Wright and Clifton Collins Jr. attend the Premiere of HBO's "Westworld" Season 2 After Party on April 16, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Jesse Grant, Getty Images Nicolle Galyon (L) and Charlie Jo Clawson attend the 53rd Academy of Country Music Awards at MGM Grand Garden Arena on April 15, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images Alex Hopkins (L) and Lauren Alaina attend the 53rd Academy of Country Music Awards at MGM Grand Garden Arena on April 15, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images Kenny Knox attends the 10th Annual Shorty Awards at PlayStation Theater on April 15, 2018 in New York City. Noam Galai/Getty Images for Shorty Awards Colman Domingo attends the AMC Survival Sunday The Walking Dead/Fear the Walking Dead at AMC Empire on April 15, 2018 in New York City. Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images for AMC (L-R) Danielle Lombard, Jasmine Goode and Vanessa Waters attend JustFab's FabForFestival Pop-Up on April 15, 2018 in Palm Springs, California. Jerod Harris/Getty Images for JustFab Laura Perlongo, Cleo James, Tinkerbelle The Dog, and Sam Carrell attend the 10th Annual Shorty Awards at PlayStation Theater on April 15, 2018 in New York City. Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images for Shorty Awards Snoop Dogg performs with Jamiroquai during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 13, 2018 in Indio, California. Rich Fury/Getty Images Josh Kiszka of Greta Van Fleet performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 13, 2018 in Indio, California. Christopher Polk/Getty Images Jorge Gonzalez, Motsi Mabuse and Joachim Llambi during the 4th show of the 11th season of the television competition 'Let's Dance' on April 13, 2018 in Cologne, Germany. Florian Ebener, Getty Images Marina Morena attends during the 2018 amfAR Gala Sao Paulo at the home of Dinho Diniz on April 13, 2018 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Alexandre Schneider/Getty Images Recording Artists Steve Aoki and Alan Walker perform onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 13, 2018 in Indio, California. Christopher Polk/Getty Images Adam Granduciel of The War On Kids performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 13, 2018 in Indio, California. Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Karen Fairchild of musical group Little Big Town performs onstage during ACM Stories, Songs & Stars: A Songwriter's Event Benefiting ACM Lifting Lives at The Joint inside the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino on April 13, 2018 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Matt Winkelmeyer, Getty Images for ACM Recording Artist Jean-Michel Jarre performs onstage during the 2018 Coachella Valley Music And Arts Festival at the Empire Polo Field on April 13, 2018 in Indio, California. Frazer Harrison/Getty Images Benedict Cumberbatch attends the press conference for 'Avengers: Infinity War' Seoul premiere on April 12, 2018 in Seoul, South Korea. Chung Sung-Jun, Getty Images Tom Hiddleston and Benedict Cumberbatch attend the Seoul premiere of 'Avengers Infinity War' on April 12, 2018 in Seoul, South Korea. Chung Sung-Jun, Getty Images Jason Aldean (L) speaks with host Bobby Bones on stage at the iHeartCountry Album Release Party with Jason Aldean At The iHeartRadio Theater Los Angeles on April 12, 2018 in Burbank, CA. Tommaso Boddi/Getty Images Jeannine Michaelsen arrives for the Echo Award at Messe Berlin on April 12, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. Andreas Rentz, Getty Images Jana Julie Kilka and her boyfriend Thore Schoelermann arrive for the Echo Award at Messe Berlin on April 12, 2018 in Berlin, Germany. Andreas Rentz, Getty Images Actress Berta Vazquez attends 'Las Leyes de la Termodinamica' photocall at the Cervantes Theater on April 13, 2018 in Malaga, Spain. Carlos Alvarez, Getty Images Belen Cuesta and Ana Castillo during the Opening Day - Gala - Malaga Film Festival 2018 on April 13, 2018 in Malaga, Spain. Carlos Alvarez, Getty Images Selena Gomez (L) and Andy Samberg attend the photo call for Sony Pictures' 'Hotel Transylvania 3: Summer Vacation' at Sony Pictures Studios on April 11, 2018 in Culver City, California. Matt Winkelmeyer, Getty Images King Felipe VI of Spain (L) receives Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia (R) at Zarzuela Palace on April 12, 2018 in Madrid, Spain. Carlos Alvarez, Getty Images Austin Butler attends "The Iceman Cometh" Broadway Meet The Press at Delmonico's on April 11, 2018 in New York City. Rob Kim, Getty Images Hannah Hart, President and CEO of GLAAD Sarah Kate Ellis and August Getty attend Rising Stars at the GLAAD Media Awards Los Angeles at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on April 11, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. Vivien Killilea, Getty Images Luna Blaise and Jazz Jennings attend Rising Stars at the GLAAD Media Awards Los Angeles at The Beverly Hilton Hotel on April 11, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. Vivien Killilea, Getty Images Actress Sophia Bush attends 2018 PTTOW! Summit: Metamorphosis on April 11, 2018 in Ojai, California. Jerod Harris/Getty Images (L-R) Pierre Lescure and Thierry Fremaux pose next to the Cannes Film Festival official poster during the Cannes Film Festival Press Conference at Cinema UGC Normandie on April 12, 2018 in Paris, France. Marc Piasecki, Getty Images (L-R) Amund Harboe,Malene Wadel,Anne Regine Ellingsaeter and Bart Edwards from the serie "State of Happiness" attend "Miguel" and "Undercover" screening during the 1st Cannes International Series Festival at Palais des Festivals on April 10, 2018 in Cannes, France. Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images El Rubius and a guest attend "Miguel" and "Undercover" screening during the 1st Cannes International Series Festival at Palais des Festivals on April 10, 2018 in Cannes, France. Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images (L-R) Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Naomie Harris, Dwayne Johnson and Malin Akerman attend the European Premiere of 'Rampage' at Cineworld Leicester Square on April 11, 2018 in London, England. Jeff Spicer/Getty Images Bill Mumy (L) and Mark Hamill attend the premiere of Netflix's "Lost In Space" Season 1 at The Cinerama Dome on April 9, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Frazer Harrison, Getty Images (L-R) Kiki Sukezane and Taylor Russell attend the Premiere Of Netflix's "Lost In Space" Season 1 After Party at Le Jardin LA on April 9, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Frazer Harrison, Getty Images (L-R) Bill Mumy, Maxwell Jenkins, and Mark Hamill attend the premiere of Netflix's "Lost In Space" Season 1 at The Cinerama Dome on April 9, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Frazer Harrison, Getty Images President of Bayer Greater China Group, Chairman of Bayer Celina Chew (R) receives from Queen Letizia of Spain (L) the 'International Friendship Award' 2018 at the IESE Campus on April 9, 2018 in Madrid, Spain. Carlos Alvarez, Getty Images Bill Cosby arrives at the Montgomery County Courthouse for the first day of his sexual assault retrial on April 9, 2018 in Norristown, Pennsylvania. A former Temple University employee alleges that the entertainer drugged and molested her in 2004 at his home in suburban Philadelphia. More than 40 women have accused the 80 year old entertainer of sexual assault. Mark Makela, Getty Images Cast members from 'Hamilton' attend The Olivier Awards with Mastercard at Royal Albert Hall on April 8, 2018 in London, England. John Phillips/Getty Images Daniela Barcellona, winner of the Outstanding Achievement in Opera award, poses with Sharon D Clarke in the press room during The Olivier Awards with Mastercard at Royal Albert Hall on April 8, 2018 in London, England. John Phillips/Getty Images (L to R) Giles Terera, winner of the Best Actor in a Musical award for 'Hamilton', and Michael Jibson, winner of the Best Actor In A Supporting Role In A Musical' for 'Hamilton', pose in the press room during The Olivier Awards with Mastercard at Royal Albert Hall on April 8, 2018 in London, England. John Phillips/John Phillips/Getty Images Nicole Richie (L) and honoree Jamie Mizrahi attend The Daily Front Row's 4th Annual Fashion Los Angeles Awards at Beverly Hills Hotel on April 8, 2018 in Beverly Hills, California. Frazer Harrison/Getty Images (L-R) Kate Rockwell, Barrett Wilbert Weed, Ashley Park, Erika Henningsen and Taylor Louderman attend the "Mean Girls" on Broadway opening night after party at Tao Downtown on April 8, 2018 in New York City. Noam Galai/Getty Images Colin Kelly-Sordelet, Lilly Dukich, Celine Rattray, Gina Gershon and Fritz Bohm attend "Wildling" New York Screening - After Party at The Beekman on April 8, 2018 in New York City. Ilya S. Savenok/Getty Images (L-R) Finalists Sophie Rohan and Emily Burnette of Belle Voci, Donel Mangena, Ruti Olajugbagbe and Lauren Bannon attend the pre-final event for 'The Voice' at Elstree Studios on April 5, 2018 in Borehamwood, England. Jeff Spicer, Getty Images Martha Stewart signs copies of her new book "Martha's Flowers" at Macy's Herald Square on April 5, 2018 in New York City. Jamie McCarthy, Getty Images John Legend attends the John Legend and Google premiere of his new music video 'A Good Night,' filmed entirely on Google Pixel 2 on April 5, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. John Sciulli/Getty Images Dwayne Johnson attends the 2018 LA Family Housing Awards at The Lot in West Hollywood on April 5, 2018 in West Hollywood, California. Matt Winkelmeyer, Getty Images (L-R) Producer Rachel Winter, actors Nick Robinson, Rosario Dawson, Felicity Huffman, producer San Keston, William H. Macy and William Fichtner arrive at the premiere Of Paladin and Great Point Media's "Krystal" at the Arclight Theatre on April 5, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Kevin Winter, Getty Images Rihanna attends Sephora loves Fenty Beauty by Rihanna store event on April 5, 2018 in Milan, Italy. Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty iMages Rapper Smokepurpp (L) and Murda Beatz visit 'Sway in the Morning' hosted by SiriusXM's Sway Calloway on Eminem's Shade 45æat the SiriusXM Studios on April 6, 2018 in New York City. Mike Coppola, Getty Images Actor Dwayne Johnson arrives at the premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures' "Rampage" at the Microsoft Theatre on April 4, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Kevin Winter, Getty Images (L-R) Actors Jake Lacy, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Naomie Harris, Jason Liles, Dwayne Johnson, Malin Akerman, Joe Manganiello, Breanne Hill, Jack Quaid and PJ Byrne arrive at the premiere of Warner Bros. Pictures' "Rampage" at the Microsoft Theatre on April 4, 2018 in Los Angeles, California. Kevin Winter, Getty Images Alesha Dixon launches her first book "Lightning Girl" at Science Museum on April 5, 2018 in London, England. John Phillips, Getty Images Fernando Alonso of Spain and McLaren F1 walks in the Paddock with girlfriend Linda Morselli during previews ahead of the Bahrain Formula One Grand Prix at Bahrain International Circuit on April 5, 2018 in Bahrain, Bahrain. Charles Coates, Getty Images Deena Nicole Cortese visits "The Elvis Duran Z100 Morning Show" at Z100 Studio on April 5, 2018 in New York City. Dia Dipasupil, Getty Images Tristan Tales attends the premiere of Universal Pictures' "Blockers" at Regency Village Theatre on April 3, 2018 in Westwood, California. Christopher Polk/Getty Images Actress Lynda Carter (L) and director Patty Jenkins attend the Carter's star unveiling ceremony on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, April 3, 2018, in Hollywood, California. Robyn Beck/AFP/Getty Images Kathleen Robertson and Chris Cowles attend the premiere of Universal Pictures' "Blockers" at Regency Village Theatre on April 3, 2018 in Westwood, California. Christopher Polk/Getty Images Kay Cannon (L) and Ike Barinholtz attend the premiere of Universal Pictures' "Blockers" at Regency Village Theatre on April 3, 2018 in Westwood, California. Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images Geraldine Viswanathan (L) and Gideon Adlon attend the premiere of Universal Pictures' "Blockers" at Regency Village Theatre on April 3, 2018 in Westwood, California. Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images Michael Kenneth Williams (L) and Dominic Dupont attend the "Vice" Season 6 Premiere at the Whitby Hotel on April 3, 2018 in New York City. Dia Dipasupil/Getty Images (L-R) John Krasinski, Noah Jupe, Millicent Simmonds and Emily Blunt attend the premiere for "A Quiet Place" at AMC Lincoln Square Theater on April 2, 2018 in New York City. Jamie McCarthy, Getty Images Bill Cosby departs the Montgomery County Courthouse after jury selection in his sexual assault retrial April 2, 2018 in Norristown, Pennsylvania. A former Temple University employee alleges that the entertainer drugged and molested her in 2004 at his home in suburban Philadelphia. More than 40 women have accused the 80 year old entertainer of sexual assault. Mark Makela, Getty Images Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds attend the premiere for "A Quiet Place" at AMC Lincoln Square Theater on April 2, 2018 in New York City. Jamie McCarthy, Getty Images Tracy Morgan and Pat Monahan attend SiriusXM at SiriusXM Studios on April 2, 2018 in New York City. Dimitrios Kambouris/Getty Images The South Africa national rugby sevens team attends the Hong Kong Sevens Giant Floating Ruby Ball Kick-off event on April 2, 2018 in Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Anthony Kwan/Getty Images for Hong Kong Touri Read or Share this story: http://azc.cc/1jlMBQj
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27475, 0.0], [27475, 27671, 0.0], [27671, 27810, 0.0], [27810, 28048, 0.0], [28048, 28242, 0.0], [28242, 28369, 0.0], [28369, 28601, 0.0], [28601, 28900, 0.0], [28900, 29111, 0.0], [29111, 29321, 0.0], [29321, 29505, 0.0], [29505, 29705, 0.0], [29705, 29909, 0.0], [29909, 30149, 0.0], [30149, 30539, 0.0], [30539, 30695, 0.0], [30695, 30941, 0.0], [30941, 31284, 0.0], [31284, 31494, 0.0], [31494, 31725, 0.0], [31725, 31935, 0.0], [31935, 32178, 0.0], [32178, 32329, 0.0], [32329, 32529, 0.0], [32529, 32694, 0.0], [32694, 33002, 0.0], [33002, 33139, 0.0], [33139, 33347, 0.0], [33347, 33525, 0.0], [33525, 33840, 0.0], [33840, 33977, 0.0], [33977, 34229, 0.0], [34229, 34371, 0.0], [34371, 34539, 0.0], [34539, 34735, 0.0], [34735, 34924, 0.0], [34924, 35111, 0.0], [35111, 35307, 0.0], [35307, 35473, 0.0], [35473, 35675, 0.0], [35675, 36062, 0.0], [36062, 36227, 0.0], [36227, 36360, 0.0], [36360, 36561, 0.0], [36561, 36608, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 40, 0.0], [40, 119, 0.0], [119, 299, 0.0], [299, 350, 0.0], [350, 382, 0.0], [382, 430, 0.0], [430, 566, 0.0], [566, 739, 0.0], [739, 881, 0.0], [881, 1019, 0.0], [1019, 1147, 0.0], [1147, 1284, 0.0], [1284, 1372, 0.0], [1372, 1544, 0.0], [1544, 1647, 0.0], [1647, 1669, 0.0], [1669, 1853, 0.0], [1853, 2104, 0.0], [2104, 2284, 0.0], [2284, 2445, 0.0], [2445, 2758, 0.0], [2758, 2948, 0.0], [2948, 3149, 0.0], [3149, 3413, 0.0], [3413, 3587, 0.0], [3587, 3968, 0.0], [3968, 4349, 0.0], [4349, 4479, 0.0], [4479, 4921, 0.0], [4921, 5166, 0.0], [5166, 5350, 0.0], [5350, 5532, 0.0], [5532, 5840, 0.0], [5840, 6160, 0.0], [6160, 6301, 0.0], [6301, 6535, 0.0], [6535, 6950, 0.0], [6950, 7341, 0.0], [7341, 7733, 0.0], [7733, 8135, 0.0], [8135, 8454, 0.0], [8454, 8767, 0.0], [8767, 9221, 0.0], [9221, 9371, 0.0], [9371, 9514, 0.0], [9514, 9869, 0.0], [9869, 10053, 0.0], [10053, 10416, 0.0], [10416, 10808, 0.0], [10808, 11166, 0.0], [11166, 11330, 0.0], [11330, 11582, 0.0], [11582, 11823, 0.0], [11823, 12005, 0.0], [12005, 12198, 0.0], [12198, 12386, 0.0], [12386, 12703, 0.0], [12703, 12870, 0.0], [12870, 13019, 0.0], [13019, 13161, 0.0], [13161, 13538, 0.0], [13538, 13764, 0.0], [13764, 13989, 0.0], [13989, 14211, 0.0], [14211, 14459, 0.0], [14459, 14668, 0.0], [14668, 14859, 0.0], [14859, 15065, 0.0], [15065, 15258, 0.0], [15258, 15444, 0.0], [15444, 15620, 0.0], [15620, 15815, 0.0], [15815, 16006, 0.0], [16006, 16182, 0.0], [16182, 16355, 0.0], [16355, 16532, 0.0], [16532, 16730, 0.0], [16730, 16989, 0.0], [16989, 17253, 0.0], [17253, 17751, 0.0], [17751, 18011, 0.0], [18011, 18282, 0.0], [18282, 18450, 0.0], [18450, 19004, 0.0], [19004, 19246, 0.0], [19246, 19463, 0.0], [19463, 19711, 0.0], [19711, 19902, 0.0], [19902, 20057, 0.0], [20057, 20664, 0.0], [20664, 21245, 0.0], [21245, 21466, 0.0], [21466, 21678, 0.0], [21678, 21891, 0.0], [21891, 22067, 0.0], [22067, 22210, 0.0], [22210, 22495, 0.0], [22495, 22739, 0.0], [22739, 22993, 0.0], [22993, 23234, 0.0], [23234, 23407, 0.0], [23407, 23590, 0.0], [23590, 23766, 0.0], [23766, 23916, 0.0], [23916, 24087, 0.0], [24087, 24268, 0.0], [24268, 24474, 0.0], [24474, 24655, 0.0], [24655, 24855, 0.0], [24855, 25054, 0.0], [25054, 25213, 0.0], [25213, 25426, 0.0], [25426, 25629, 0.0], [25629, 25908, 0.0], [25908, 26111, 0.0], [26111, 26275, 0.0], [26275, 26438, 0.0], [26438, 26652, 0.0], [26652, 26781, 0.0], [26781, 26943, 0.0], [26943, 27105, 0.0], [27105, 27258, 0.0], [27258, 27475, 0.0], [27475, 27671, 0.0], [27671, 27810, 0.0], [27810, 28048, 0.0], [28048, 28242, 0.0], [28242, 28369, 0.0], [28369, 28601, 0.0], [28601, 28900, 0.0], [28900, 29111, 0.0], [29111, 29321, 0.0], [29321, 29505, 0.0], [29505, 29705, 0.0], [29705, 29909, 0.0], [29909, 30149, 0.0], [30149, 30539, 0.0], [30539, 30695, 0.0], [30695, 30941, 0.0], [30941, 31284, 0.0], [31284, 31494, 0.0], [31494, 31725, 0.0], [31725, 31935, 0.0], [31935, 32178, 0.0], [32178, 32329, 0.0], [32329, 32529, 0.0], [32529, 32694, 0.0], [32694, 33002, 0.0], [33002, 33139, 0.0], [33139, 33347, 0.0], [33347, 33525, 0.0], [33525, 33840, 0.0], [33840, 33977, 0.0], [33977, 34229, 0.0], [34229, 34371, 0.0], [34371, 34539, 0.0], [34539, 34735, 0.0], [34735, 34924, 0.0], [34924, 35111, 0.0], [35111, 35307, 0.0], [35307, 35473, 0.0], [35473, 35675, 0.0], [35675, 36062, 0.0], [36062, 36227, 0.0], [36227, 36360, 0.0], [36360, 36561, 0.0], [36561, 36608, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 40, 5.0], [40, 119, 13.0], [119, 299, 25.0], [299, 350, 9.0], [350, 382, 4.0], [382, 430, 8.0], [430, 566, 23.0], [566, 739, 32.0], [739, 881, 28.0], [881, 1019, 23.0], [1019, 1147, 24.0], [1147, 1284, 26.0], [1284, 1372, 15.0], [1372, 1544, 26.0], [1544, 1647, 20.0], [1647, 1669, 3.0], [1669, 1853, 26.0], [1853, 2104, 40.0], [2104, 2284, 26.0], [2284, 2445, 28.0], [2445, 2758, 47.0], [2758, 2948, 30.0], [2948, 3149, 28.0], [3149, 3413, 37.0], [3413, 3587, 29.0], [3587, 3968, 56.0], [3968, 4349, 57.0], [4349, 4479, 20.0], [4479, 4921, 73.0], [4921, 5166, 36.0], [5166, 5350, 26.0], [5350, 5532, 27.0], [5532, 5840, 43.0], [5840, 6160, 50.0], [6160, 6301, 24.0], [6301, 6535, 41.0], [6535, 6950, 61.0], [6950, 7341, 58.0], [7341, 7733, 58.0], [7733, 8135, 60.0], [8135, 8454, 44.0], [8454, 8767, 49.0], [8767, 9221, 68.0], [9221, 9371, 24.0], [9371, 9514, 22.0], [9514, 9869, 54.0], [9869, 10053, 32.0], [10053, 10416, 56.0], [10416, 10808, 59.0], [10808, 11166, 56.0], [11166, 11330, 25.0], [11330, 11582, 38.0], [11582, 11823, 36.0], [11823, 12005, 30.0], [12005, 12198, 29.0], [12198, 12386, 28.0], [12386, 12703, 50.0], [12703, 12870, 28.0], [12870, 13019, 24.0], [13019, 13161, 23.0], [13161, 13538, 65.0], [13538, 13764, 30.0], [13764, 13989, 37.0], [13989, 14211, 36.0], [14211, 14459, 38.0], [14459, 14668, 31.0], [14668, 14859, 30.0], [14859, 15065, 29.0], [15065, 15258, 30.0], [15258, 15444, 30.0], [15444, 15620, 28.0], [15620, 15815, 32.0], [15815, 16006, 31.0], [16006, 16182, 27.0], [16182, 16355, 28.0], [16355, 16532, 27.0], [16532, 16730, 33.0], [16730, 16989, 43.0], [16989, 17253, 43.0], [17253, 17751, 81.0], [17751, 18011, 39.0], [18011, 18282, 42.0], [18282, 18450, 27.0], [18450, 19004, 88.0], [19004, 19246, 39.0], [19246, 19463, 36.0], [19463, 19711, 39.0], [19711, 19902, 30.0], [19902, 20057, 27.0], [20057, 20664, 97.0], [20664, 21245, 90.0], [21245, 21466, 39.0], [21466, 21678, 40.0], [21678, 21891, 35.0], [21891, 22067, 29.0], [22067, 22210, 24.0], [22210, 22495, 44.0], [22495, 22739, 41.0], [22739, 22993, 45.0], [22993, 23234, 39.0], [23234, 23407, 28.0], [23407, 23590, 31.0], [23590, 23766, 30.0], [23766, 23916, 25.0], [23916, 24087, 29.0], [24087, 24268, 25.0], [24268, 24474, 33.0], [24474, 24655, 29.0], [24655, 24855, 32.0], [24855, 25054, 32.0], [25054, 25213, 27.0], [25213, 25426, 33.0], [25426, 25629, 33.0], [25629, 25908, 45.0], [25908, 26111, 30.0], [26111, 26275, 24.0], [26275, 26438, 25.0], [26438, 26652, 35.0], [26652, 26781, 21.0], [26781, 26943, 27.0], [26943, 27105, 25.0], [27105, 27258, 25.0], [27258, 27475, 34.0], [27475, 27671, 34.0], [27671, 27810, 24.0], [27810, 28048, 40.0], [28048, 28242, 32.0], [28242, 28369, 18.0], [28369, 28601, 37.0], [28601, 28900, 42.0], [28900, 29111, 32.0], [29111, 29321, 31.0], [29321, 29505, 32.0], [29505, 29705, 34.0], [29705, 29909, 34.0], [29909, 30149, 39.0], [30149, 30539, 63.0], [30539, 30695, 24.0], [30695, 30941, 39.0], [30941, 31284, 59.0], [31284, 31494, 33.0], [31494, 31725, 37.0], [31725, 31935, 33.0], [31935, 32178, 38.0], [32178, 32329, 26.0], [32329, 32529, 34.0], [32529, 32694, 27.0], [32694, 33002, 47.0], [33002, 33139, 21.0], [33139, 33347, 35.0], [33347, 33525, 28.0], [33525, 33840, 49.0], [33840, 33977, 22.0], [33977, 34229, 40.0], [34229, 34371, 25.0], [34371, 34539, 23.0], [34539, 34735, 29.0], [34735, 34924, 26.0], [34924, 35111, 27.0], [35111, 35307, 27.0], [35307, 35473, 28.0], [35473, 35675, 34.0], [35675, 36062, 60.0], [36062, 36227, 29.0], [36227, 36360, 21.0], [36360, 36561, 34.0], [36561, 36608, 6.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 40, 0.0], [40, 119, 0.0], [119, 299, 0.00584795], [299, 350, 0.22222222], [350, 382, 0.0], [382, 430, 0.0], [430, 566, 0.01574803], [566, 739, 0.0], [739, 881, 0.0], [881, 1019, 0.0], [1019, 1147, 0.0], [1147, 1284, 0.0], [1284, 1372, 0.0], [1372, 1544, 0.0], [1544, 1647, 0.0], [1647, 1669, 0.0], [1669, 1853, 0.05617978], [1853, 2104, 0.04166667], [2104, 2284, 0.05747126], [2284, 2445, 0.06493506], [2445, 2758, 0.02622951], [2758, 2948, 0.04945055], [2948, 3149, 0.03108808], [3149, 3413, 0.02390438], [3413, 3587, 0.0591716], [3587, 3968, 0.03794038], [3968, 4349, 0.03783784], [4349, 4479, 0.048], [4479, 4921, 0.02309469], [4921, 5166, 0.02553191], [5166, 5350, 0.05617978], [5350, 5532, 0.03448276], [5532, 5840, 0.02068966], [5840, 6160, 0.03205128], [6160, 6301, 0.04411765], [6301, 6535, 0.0361991], [6535, 6950, 0.02487562], [6950, 7341, 0.02631579], [7341, 7733, 0.02624672], [7733, 8135, 0.02570694], [8135, 8454, 0.01993355], [8454, 8767, 0.02006689], [8767, 9221, 0.02293578], [9221, 9371, 0.04137931], [9371, 9514, 0.04379562], [9514, 9869, 0.02898551], [9869, 10053, 0.07222222], [10053, 10416, 0.02849003], [10416, 10808, 0.02638522], [10808, 11166, 0.02881844], [11166, 11330, 0.03870968], [11330, 11582, 0.02469136], [11582, 11823, 0.02597403], [11823, 12005, 0.03508772], [12005, 12198, 0.03243243], [12198, 12386, 0.03296703], [12386, 12703, 0.02649007], [12703, 12870, 0.0625], [12870, 13019, 0.06944444], [13019, 13161, 0.0729927], [13161, 13538, 0.02216066], [13538, 13764, 0.02764977], [13764, 13989, 0.04587156], [13989, 14211, 0.0462963], [14211, 14459, 0.02575107], [14459, 14668, 0.03], [14668, 14859, 0.05376344], [14859, 15065, 0.03015075], [15065, 15258, 0.05319149], [15258, 15444, 0.05524862], [15444, 15620, 0.05847953], [15620, 15815, 0.05263158], [15815, 16006, 0.05376344], [16006, 16182, 0.05847953], [16182, 16355, 0.05952381], [16355, 16532, 0.05813953], [16532, 16730, 0.05181347], [16730, 16989, 0.04], [16989, 17253, 0.032], [17253, 17751, 0.02315789], [17751, 18011, 0.0562249], [18011, 18282, 0.03149606], [18282, 18450, 0.05], [18450, 19004, 0.04859813], [19004, 19246, 0.04310345], [19246, 19463, 0.04020101], [19463, 19711, 0.0125], [19711, 19902, 0.04371585], [19902, 20057, 0.05333333], [20057, 20664, 0.01854975], [20664, 21245, 0.01933216], [21245, 21466, 0.02803738], [21466, 21678, 0.02898551], [21678, 21891, 0.02955665], [21891, 22067, 0.0591716], [22067, 22210, 0.04379562], [22210, 22495, 0.04710145], [22495, 22739, 0.03433476], [22739, 22993, 0.0244898], [22993, 23234, 0.03097345], [23234, 23407, 0.04268293], [23407, 23590, 0.04545455], [23590, 23766, 0.04733728], [23766, 23916, 0.05479452], [23916, 24087, 0.03614458], [24087, 24268, 0.03529412], [24268, 24474, 0.04020101], [24474, 24655, 0.05681818], [24655, 24855, 0.05128205], [24855, 25054, 0.04736842], [25054, 25213, 0.06493506], [25213, 25426, 0.04807692], [25426, 25629, 0.05050505], [25629, 25908, 0.02247191], [25908, 26111, 0.05076142], [26111, 26275, 0.03870968], [26275, 26438, 0.03870968], [26438, 26652, 0.02898551], [26652, 26781, 0.0483871], [26781, 26943, 0.03821656], [26943, 27105, 0.03870968], [27105, 27258, 0.06944444], [27258, 27475, 0.03398058], [27475, 27671, 0.03208556], [27671, 27810, 0.04545455], [27810, 28048, 0.02586207], [28048, 28242, 0.03174603], [28242, 28369, 0.08333333], [28369, 28601, 0.02678571], [28601, 28900, 0.02473498], [28900, 29111, 0.03465347], [29111, 29321, 0.03030303], [29321, 29505, 0.03448276], [29505, 29705, 0.03174603], [29705, 29909, 0.03141361], [29909, 30149, 0.03947368], [30149, 30539, 0.03394256], [30539, 30695, 0.03355705], [30695, 30941, 0.0209205], [30941, 31284, 0.01533742], [31284, 31494, 0.02970297], [31494, 31725, 0.02283105], [31725, 31935, 0.02538071], [31935, 32178, 0.02173913], [32178, 32329, 0.03496503], [32329, 32529, 0.03125], [32529, 32694, 0.05625], [32694, 33002, 0.01718213], [33002, 33139, 0.03787879], [33139, 33347, 0.03535354], [33347, 33525, 0.0295858], [33525, 33840, 0.01694915], [33840, 33977, 0.03846154], [33977, 34229, 0.0242915], [34229, 34371, 0.08088235], [34371, 34539, 0.03125], [34539, 34735, 0.02702703], [34735, 34924, 0.02762431], [34924, 35111, 0.02824859], [35111, 35307, 0.02688172], [35307, 35473, 0.03797468], [35473, 35675, 0.02617801], [35675, 36062, 0.03421053], [36062, 36227, 0.03144654], [36227, 36360, 0.03875969], [36360, 36561, 0.02564103], [36561, 36608, 0.02439024]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 40, 0.0], [40, 119, 0.0], [119, 299, 0.0], [299, 350, 0.0], [350, 382, 0.0], [382, 430, 0.0], [430, 566, 0.0], [566, 739, 0.0], [739, 881, 0.0], [881, 1019, 0.0], [1019, 1147, 0.0], [1147, 1284, 0.0], [1284, 1372, 0.0], [1372, 1544, 0.0], [1544, 1647, 0.0], [1647, 1669, 0.0], [1669, 1853, 0.0], [1853, 2104, 0.0], [2104, 2284, 0.0], [2284, 2445, 0.0], [2445, 2758, 0.0], [2758, 2948, 0.0], [2948, 3149, 0.0], [3149, 3413, 0.0], [3413, 3587, 0.0], [3587, 3968, 0.0], [3968, 4349, 0.0], [4349, 4479, 0.0], [4479, 4921, 0.0], [4921, 5166, 0.0], [5166, 5350, 0.0], [5350, 5532, 0.0], [5532, 5840, 0.0], [5840, 6160, 0.0], [6160, 6301, 0.0], [6301, 6535, 0.0], [6535, 6950, 0.0], [6950, 7341, 0.0], [7341, 7733, 0.0], [7733, 8135, 0.0], [8135, 8454, 0.0], [8454, 8767, 0.0], [8767, 9221, 0.0], [9221, 9371, 0.0], [9371, 9514, 0.0], [9514, 9869, 0.0], [9869, 10053, 0.0], [10053, 10416, 0.0], [10416, 10808, 0.0], [10808, 11166, 0.0], [11166, 11330, 0.0], [11330, 11582, 0.0], [11582, 11823, 0.0], [11823, 12005, 0.0], [12005, 12198, 0.0], [12198, 12386, 0.0], [12386, 12703, 0.0], [12703, 12870, 0.0], [12870, 13019, 0.0], [13019, 13161, 0.0], [13161, 13538, 0.0], [13538, 13764, 0.0], [13764, 13989, 0.0], [13989, 14211, 0.0], [14211, 14459, 0.0], [14459, 14668, 0.0], [14668, 14859, 0.0], [14859, 15065, 0.0], [15065, 15258, 0.0], [15258, 15444, 0.0], [15444, 15620, 0.0], [15620, 15815, 0.0], [15815, 16006, 0.0], [16006, 16182, 0.0], [16182, 16355, 0.0], [16355, 16532, 0.0], [16532, 16730, 0.0], [16730, 16989, 0.0], [16989, 17253, 0.0], [17253, 17751, 0.0], [17751, 18011, 0.0], [18011, 18282, 0.0], [18282, 18450, 0.0], [18450, 19004, 0.0], [19004, 19246, 0.0], [19246, 19463, 0.0], [19463, 19711, 0.0], [19711, 19902, 0.0], [19902, 20057, 0.0], [20057, 20664, 0.0], [20664, 21245, 0.0], [21245, 21466, 0.0], [21466, 21678, 0.0], [21678, 21891, 0.0], [21891, 22067, 0.0], [22067, 22210, 0.0], [22210, 22495, 0.0], [22495, 22739, 0.0], [22739, 22993, 0.0], [22993, 23234, 0.0], [23234, 23407, 0.0], [23407, 23590, 0.0], [23590, 23766, 0.0], [23766, 23916, 0.0], [23916, 24087, 0.0], [24087, 24268, 0.0], [24268, 24474, 0.0], [24474, 24655, 0.0], [24655, 24855, 0.0], [24855, 25054, 0.0], [25054, 25213, 0.0], [25213, 25426, 0.0], [25426, 25629, 0.0], [25629, 25908, 0.0], [25908, 26111, 0.0], [26111, 26275, 0.0], [26275, 26438, 0.0], [26438, 26652, 0.0], [26652, 26781, 0.0], [26781, 26943, 0.0], [26943, 27105, 0.0], [27105, 27258, 0.0], [27258, 27475, 0.0], [27475, 27671, 0.0], [27671, 27810, 0.0], [27810, 28048, 0.0], [28048, 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Datenschutzerklärung Anzeigendaten Diese Datenschutzerklärung klärt Nutzer über die Art, den Umfang und Zwecke der Erhebung und Verwendung personenbezogener Daten durch den verantwortlichen Anbieter index Internet und Mediaforschung GmbH (nachfolgend auch „index“), Zinnowitzer Straße 1, 10115 Berlin, info@index.de, 030 / 390 88 300, im Rahmen des Produktes „Anzeigendaten“ auf. Datenschutzbeauftragter der index Internet und Mediaforschung GmbH ist Jan Hille (datenschutzbeauftragter@index.de, 030 / 390 88 470). Wir erheben Daten zum Zwecke der Bereitstellung von Informationen über stellenausschreibende Unternehmen sowie zur Durchführung von Marktforschungstätigkeiten und zum Adresshandel (DSGVO Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f.). Durch index werden grundsätzlich folgende personenbezogenen Daten erhoben (falls diese in einer Stellenanzeige aufgeführt wurden): Name, Telefonnummer, E-Mail. Empfänger unsere Daten über Stellenanzeigenschaltungen sind Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Verlage, Jobbörsen, Personaldienstleister und Adresshändler. Daten werden nicht an Empfänger in einem Drittland oder an internationale Organisationen weitergegeben. Die erhobenen personenbezogenen Daten werden nach 5 Jahren gelöscht. Die Verarbeitung beruht auf DSGVO Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f. Es besteht ein Auskunftsrecht bzgl. der betroffenen personenbezogenen Daten sowie auf Berichtigung oder Löschung oder auf Einschränkung der Verarbeitung und eines Widerspruchsrechts gegen die Verarbeitung sowie des Rechts auf Datenübertragbarkeit. Es besteht ein Beschwerderecht bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde. index erhebt kontinuierlich Daten auf Basis von öffentlich zugänglichen geschalteten Stellenanzeigen. Es findet kein Profiling statt. Allgemeine Datenschutzerklärung Webseite Diese Datenschutzerklärung klärt Nutzer über die Art, den Umfang und Zwecke der Erhebung und Verwendung personenbezogener Daten durch den verantwortlichen Anbieter index Internet und Mediaforschung GmbH, Zinnowitzer Straße 1, 10115 Berlin, info@index.de, 030 / 390 88 300, auf dieser Website (im folgenden “Angebot”) auf. Die rechtlichen Grundlagen des Datenschutzes finden sich in der DSGVO (Datenschutzgrundverordnung) und dem Telemediengesetz (TMG). Zugriffsdaten / Server-Logfiles Der Anbieter verwendet die Protokolldaten nur für statistische Auswertungen zum Zweck des Betriebs, der Sicherheit und der Optimierung des Angebotes. Der Anbieter behält sich jedoch vor, die Protokolldaten nachträglich zu überprüfen, wenn aufgrund konkreter Anhaltspunkte der berechtigte Verdacht einer rechtswidrigen Nutzung besteht. Personenbezogene Daten sind Informationen, mit deren Hilfe eine Person bestimmbar ist, also Angaben, die zurück zu einer Person verfolgt werden können. Dazu gehören der Name, die E-Mail-Adresse oder die Telefonnummer. Aber auch Daten über Vorlieben, Hobbys, Mitgliedschaften oder welche Webseiten von jemandem angesehen wurden, zählen zu personenbezogenen Daten. Personenbezogene Daten werden von dem Anbieter nur dann erhoben, genutzt und weitergegeben, wenn dies gesetzlich erlaubt ist oder die Nutzer in die Datenerhebung einwilligen. Wenn Nutzer Kommentare im Blog oder in sonstigen Beiträgen hinterlassen, werden ihre IP-Adressen gespeichert. Das erfolgt zur Sicherheit des Anbieters, falls jemand in Kommentaren und Beiträgen widerrechtliche Inhalte schreibt (Beleidigungen, verbotene politische Propaganda etc.). In diesem Fall kann der Anbieter selbst für den Kommentar oder Beitrag belangt werden und ist daher an der Identität des Verfassers interessiert. Die Nachfolgekommentare können durch Nutzer abonniert werden. Die Nutzer erhalten eine Bestätigungsmail, um zu überprüfen, ob sie der Inhaber der eingegebenen Emailadresse sind. Nutzer können laufende Kommentarabonnements jederzeit abbestellen. Die Bestätigungsmail wird Hinweise dazu enthalten. Wenn Sie den Newsletter empfangen möchten, benötigen wir von Ihnen eine valide E-Mail-Adresse sowie Informationen, die uns die Überprüfung gestatten, dass Sie der Inhaber der angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse sind bzw. deren Inhaber mit dem Empfang des Newsletters einverstanden ist. Weitere Daten werden nicht erhoben. Diese Daten werden nur für den Versand der Newsletter verwendet und werden nicht an Dritte weitergegeben. Mit der Anmeldung zum Newsletter speichern wir Ihre IP-Adresse und das Datum der Anmeldung. Diese Speicherung dient alleine dem Nachweis im Fall, dass ein Dritter eine E-Mail-Adresse missbraucht und sich ohne Wissen des Berechtigten für den Newsletter anmeldet. Ihre Einwilligung zur Speicherung der Daten, der E-Mail-Adresse sowie deren Nutzung zum Versand des Newsletters können Sie jederzeit widerrufen. Der Widerruf kann über einen Link in den Newslettern selbst, in Ihrem Profilbereich oder per Mitteilung an die obenstehenden Kontaktmöglichkeiten erfolgen. Es kann vorkommen, dass innerhalb dieses Online-Angebotes Inhalte Dritter, wie zum Beispiel Videos von YouTube, Kartenmaterial von Google-Maps, RSS-Feeds oder Grafiken von anderen Webseiten eingebunden werden. Dies setzt immer voraus, dass die Anbieter dieser Inhalte (nachfolgend bezeichnet als „Dritt-Anbieter“) die IP-Adresse der Nutzer wahrnehmen. Denn ohne die IP-Adresse könnten sie die Inhalte nicht an den Browser des jeweiligen Nutzers senden. Die IP-Adresse ist damit für die Darstellung dieser Inhalte erforderlich. Wir bemühen uns, nur solche Inhalte zu verwenden, deren jeweilige Anbieter die IP-Adresse lediglich zur Auslieferung der Inhalte verwenden. Jedoch haben wir keinen Einfluss darauf, falls die Dritt-Anbieter die IP-Adresse zum Beispiel für statistische Zwecke speichern. Soweit dies uns bekannt ist, klären wir die Nutzer darüber auf. Cookies sind kleine Dateien, die es ermöglichen, auf dem Zugriffsgerät der Nutzer (PC, Smartphone o. ä.) spezifische, auf das Gerät bezogene Informationen zu speichern. Sie dienen zum einem der Benutzerfreundlichkeit von Webseiten und damit den Nutzern (z. B. Speicherung von Logindaten). Zum anderen dienen sie, um die statistischen Daten der Webseitennutzung zu erfassen und sie zwecks Verbesserung des Angebotes analysieren zu können. Die Nutzer können auf den Einsatz der Cookies Einfluss nehmen. Die meisten Browser verfügen eine Option, mit der das Speichern von Cookies eingeschränkt oder komplett verhindert wird. Allerdings wird darauf hingewiesen, dass die Nutzung und insbesondere der Nutzungskomfort ohne Cookies eingeschränkt werden. Die im Rahmen der Registrierung eingegebenen Daten werden für die Zwecke der Nutzung des Angebotes verwendet. Die Nutzer können über angebots- oder registrierungsrelevante Informationen, wie Änderungen des Angebotsumfangs oder technische Umstände, per E-Mail informiert werden. Die erhobenen Daten sind aus der Eingabemaske im Rahmen der Registrierung ersichtlich. Dazu gehören Geschlecht, Vor- und Nachname, Unternehmen, postalische Adresse, E-Mail-Adresse und IP-Adresse. Diese werden zum Zweck des Anlegens eines Nutzerkontos verwendet. Dieses Angebot benutzt Google Analytics, einen Web-Analysedienst der Google Inc. („Google“). Google Analytics verwendet sog. „Cookies“, Textdateien, die auf Computer der Nutzer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Website durch sie ermöglichen. Die durch den Cookie erzeugten Informationen über Benutzung dieser Website durch die Nutzer werden in der Regel an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gespeichert. 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Weitere Informationen zur Datennutzung zu Werbezwecken durch Google, Einstellungs- und Widerspruchsmöglichkeiten erfahren Sie auf den Webseiten von Google: https://www.google.com/intl/de/policies/privacy/partners/ („Datennutzung durch Google bei Ihrer Nutzung von Websites oder Apps unserer Partner“), http://www.google.com/policies/technologies/ads(„Datennutzung zu Werbezwecken“), http://www.google.de/settings/ads („Informationen verwalten, die Google verwendet, um Ihnen Werbung einzublenden“) und http://www.google.com/ads/preferences/(„Bestimmen Sie, welche Werbung Google Ihnen zeigt“). Alternativ zum Browser-Add-On oder innerhalb von Browsern auf mobilen Geräten, klicken Sie bitte diesen Link, um die Erfassung durch Google Analytics innerhalb dieser Website zukünftig zu verhindern. Dabei wird ein Opt-Out-Cookie auf Ihrem Gerät abgelegt. Löschen Sie Ihre Cookies, müssen Sie diesen Link erneut klicken. Dieses Angebot verwendet Social Plugins („Plugins“) des sozialen Netzwerkes facebook.com, welches von der Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Irland betrieben wird („Facebook“). Die Plugins sind an einem der Facebook Logos erkennbar (weißes „f“ auf blauer Kachel, den Begriffen „Like“, „Gefällt mir“ oder einem „Daumen hoch“-Zeichen) oder sind mit dem Zusatz „Facebook Social Plugin“ gekennzeichnet. Die Liste und das Aussehen der Facebook Social Plugins kann hier eingesehen werden: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/plugins/. Wenn ein Nutzer Facebook-Mitglied ist und nicht möchte, dass Facebook über dieses Angebot Daten über ihn sammelt und mit seinen bei Facebook gespeicherten Mitgliedsdaten verknüpft, muss er sich vor dem Besuch des Internetauftritts bei Facebook ausloggen. Weitere Einstellungen und Widersprüche zur Nutzung von Daten für Werbezweckesind innerhalb der Facebook-Profileinstellungen möglich: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=ads. +1 Schaltfläche von Google+ Dieses Angebot verwendet die “+1″-Schaltfläche des sozialen Netzwerkes Google Plus, welches von der Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States betrieben wird (“Google”). Der Button ist an dem Zeichen “+1″ auf weißem oder farbigem Hintergrund erkennbar. Wenn ein Nutzer eine Webseite dieses Angebotes aufruft, die eine solche Schaltfläche enthält, baut der Browser eine direkte Verbindung mit den Servern von Google auf. Der Inhalt der “+1″-Schaltfläche wird von Google direkt an seinen Browser übermittelt und von diesem in die Webseite eingebunden. der Anbieter hat daher keinen Einfluss auf den Umfang der Daten, die Google mit der Schaltfläche erhebt. Laut Google werden ohne einen Klick auf die Schaltfläche keine personenbezogenen Daten erhoben. 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OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man from NLM Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) is a comprehensive, authoritative, and timely compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes. The full-text, referenced overviews in OMIM contain information on all known mendelian disorders and over 12,000 genes. OMIM focuses on the relationship between phenotype and genotype. It is updated daily, and the entries contain copious links to other genetics resources. DateSeptember 13, 2010 Article searching Chemical and physical properties Freely accessible databases Other databases covering: Agricultural, biological, and medical sciences
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Ver más de la Región de Atacama Tópicos: País | Región de Atacama Atacama: Realizarán consulta ciudadana por proyecto minero en Salar de Maricunga Domingo, 12 de Agosto de 2018 a las 15:11hrs. El proyecto busca extraer litio y potasio desde dicho salar ubicado en la Región de Atacama. La consulta estará a cargo de la empresa dueña del proyecto Simco Spa. Foto: Camilo Olea Toro El Salar de Maricunga está ubicado en la comuna de Copiapó. El lunes 20 de agosto se realizará en la ciudad de Copiapó, la consulta ciudadana por el proyecto minero Sales de Maricunga, el cual busca extraer litio y potasio desde el salar más austral de Chile, ubicado en la cordillera de la Región de Atacama. El encuentro, realizado por la empresa dueña del proyecto, Simco Spa, tiene como finalidad informar a la ciudadanía sobre el proceso de participación ciudadana en el Sistema de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental (SEIA) y explicar las principales características del proyecto. Entre ellas, que la iniciativa contempla una producción de 53 mil toneladas de potasio y litio anuales, además de 12 kilómetros de tuberías superficiales que abastecerán las faenas. La actividad -no vinculante- se realizará de forma abierta en el Salón de Uso Múltiple del edificio del MOP en Copiapó a eso de las 18:00 horas. Categoría Ramsar En el Salar de Maricunga se encuentra la Laguna Santa Rosa, una de las dos lagunas que componen el Parque Nacional Nevado Tres Cruces en la Provincia de Copiapó. Además, en la zona se hallan 16 tipos de especies con problemas de conservación. Cabe destacar que los bofedales y humedales de la zona tienen la categoría de sitio Ramsar, que significa "de valor mundial para su conservación". Copiapó: Menor fue formalizado por robo con violencia Sismo de mediana intensidad se registró en Atacama y Coquimbo Corte Suprema dejó sin efecto clausura definitiva de Pascua Lama Gobernador de Huasco ahora es el nuevo intendente de Atacama
{"url": "http://www.cooperativa.cl/noticias/pais/region-de-atacama/atacama-realizaran-consulta-ciudadana-por-proyecto-minero-en-salar-de-maricunga/2018-08-12/151910.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.cooperativa.cl", "date_download": "2019-03-18T14:08:51Z", "digest": "sha1:75QZ5GN2LOCZE62SMG7X3OWOFK5U7SOY"}
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TEDxSeattle - An independently organized TED event TEDxSeattle “Changing Places” Kristi Morgansen Kristi Morgansen received a BS and a MS in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University, respectively in 1993 and 1994, an S.M. in Applied Mathematics in 1996 from Harvard University and a PhD in Engineering Sciences in 1999 from Harvard University. Until joining the University of Washington, she was first a postdoctoral scholar then a senior research fellow in Control and Dynamical Systems at the California Institute of Technology. She joined the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics in the summer of 2002. Dr. Morgansen’s research interests include nonlinear and coordinated control systems, bioinspired sensing and actuation, fin-based propulsive methods, control of coordinated systems with communication constraints, vision-based sensing for state estimation, and development of integrated human and autonomous multivehicle systems. She collaborates across UW departments and colleges on a daily basis. In fact, she chose to work at UW based on its strong interdisciplinary approach and potential. From 2002 to 2007, Professor Morgansen held the chaired position of Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Engineering at the University of Washington. She received an NSF CAREER Award in 2003 and the 2010 O. Hugo Schuck Award for Best Paper in the Theory Category in the 2009 American Control Conference. Autonomous fish robots and bio-inspired engineering Get the latest TEDxSeattle news © 2017 TEDxSeattle. This independent TEDx event is operated under license from TED.
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College of Liberal ArtsClassicsProgram InformationFaculty & StaffStudent ResourcesNorthwest Undergraduate Conference on the Ancient WorldCareers in Classical StudiesStudents and AlumniHallie Ford Museum of ArtCenter for Ancient Studies and ArchaeologyLLC Classics Blog WillametteCollege of Liberal ArtsClassical StudiesStudents and Alumni Students and AlumniClass of 2018: Bryce K. Withy-Berry (Kailua, HI), CLAS, PSYC Class of 2017: Rachel Farrar (Buena Vista, CO), CLAS Molly Masters-Schiller (Crystal, ME), CLAS, ENGL [Community Mentor] MINORS: Janet Gallagher (Auburn, WA), PHYS, clas Chase Sumida (Honolulu, HI), CHEM, clas Angela Turpen (Alsee, OR), SOC, wgs, clas Alexandra Wert (Spokane, WA), CHEM, clas Hokanson, Karin (Woodinville, WA), CLAS [Willamette soccer team, studied Greco-Roman antiquities in Turkey with a UC Davis postsession in summer 2014] Jenna A. Jones (Vancouver, WA), POL, CLAS Hannah "Jo" Kasler (Sacramento, CA), CLAS [Latin tutor, active member of the Poi Club (Maori fire dancing); study abroad in Galway, Ireland.] Lindsey Moriyama (Honolulu, HI), CLAS, ENGL [Latin tutor; active member of the Hawaii Club, where she co-organizes and performs at the Annual Luau; she also plays volleyball in various on-campus teams; study abroad in London.] Karen Page (Windsor, CA) CLAS, ARTH [Director of Rituals at Delta Gamma] Kristen Patterson (Medford, OR), CLAS [presented at Willamette's 2014 SSRD on "The Judgement of Paris in Art: A Critical Look at the Judge Himself" and at the 2015 NUCAW on "Agricola the Scholar General"] George Paulson (Fayetteville, AR), CLAS [Latin tutor, interested in everything to do with gladiators. Presented at Willamette's 2014 SSRD on "Amazon and Achillia: The Importance of Stage Names for the Identification of Female Gladiators and their Characterization as Amazons." Study abroad at the Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies (ICCS) in Rome.] MINORS: Jenna Alcalde (Salem, OR), WGS, clas, psyc Reid Bagley (Pacifica, CA), HIST, clas, pol Paul Beery (Seattle, WA), POL, clas, econ Samantha Dias (Aiea, HI), SOC, clas Emily Durham (Santa Fe, NM), POL, clas Mason D. Granato (Damascus, OR), ECON, clas Jordan Alexandra "Alex" de Man (Saint Helena, CA), WGS, clas Olivia Monical (Rough and Ready, CA), ENGL, clas, anthr [Chemawa Indian School tutor; study abroad at John Cabot U in Rome.] Taylor Marie "Mary" Needham (Cottonwood, CA), ARCH, clas, anthr Wendy Rosenstein (Mercer Island, WA), POL, clas Stephen Watson (Buffalo, NY), POL, clas Brian McKean (Beaverton, OR), CLAS [worked at Goudy Commons; studied abroad at John Cabot U in Rome (Spring 2014)] Michelle Atherton (Newbury Park, CA), ARTH, clas, Phi Beta Kappa [President of the Archaeology Club; student assistant at the Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology; plans to attend graduate school] Kersey Bars (Springfield, OR) EXSCI, clas Jessica Beach (Salem, OR), ARCH, clas, Phi Beta Kappa [on Willamette U's swim team; will pursue an M.A. at George Washington U] Nina Berger (Orinda, CA), CCM, clas [Productions Editor of The Collegian (Willamette's student newspaper), rowed on the crew team, and served as Delta Gamma's VP Communications] Ashland Bernard (Kirkland, WA), HIST, clas Colin K. Chin (Oakland, CA), PHIL, clas Megan R. Cohen (Livermore, CA), ARCH, clas [now doing archaeological survey work for a major CRM company] Alyssa K. Dodge (Pleasant Hill, CA), PSYC, clas Lauren Dudley (University Place, WA), ARCH, HIST, clas Summer Elias (Elko, NV), MATH, clas Alex Geiszler (Missoula, MT), ARTH, clas Page Gorry (Islip, NY), RHET, clas Kaylie Laxdal (Zimmerman, MN), ENGL, PSYC, clas Claire S. Lee (Saint Helena, CA), HIST, arth, clas Nicholas Mead (Tacoma, WA), ANTH, clas [Writing Center Associate; study abroad in Australia] Madeline "Maddie" Mendez Packer (Pacific Palisades, CA), ARTH, clas Marissa L. Parr (Jefferson, OR), WGS, clas Alexina "Lexie" Scheel (Los Altos, CA), MATH, clas Laura Snook (Missoula, MT), ANTH, clas Soren Underdahl (Albany, OR), PHIL, POL, clas [Classics liaison with WU's Language Learning Center] Hannah J. Elder (South Lake Tahoe, CA), CLAS, Mortar Board [editor of the WU poetry magazine Chrysalis] spent Fall 2012 studying in Athens with the College Year in Athens, supported by a Study Abroad Grant from Willamette's Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology. After graduation, Hannah plans to pursue a career as a literary editor. Jessica "Jo" Heupel (Saint Charles, MO), ARCH, CLAS has attended our Ness of Brodgar archaeological field school on Scotland's Orkney Islands twice, the second time supported by a CASA Field School Grant. Her most exciting find in the summer of 2012, a well-preserved gneiss mace head, catapulted her to international fame! Her picture appeared in the British newspaper, The Observer (Oct 2, 2012), and even graced the cover of British Archaeology (issue 128, January-February 2013), which devoted an 8-page spread to the important discoveries on the Ness. She also appeared briefly on TV in a February 2013 PBS report about the Ness of Brodgar excavations. On January 14, 2014, Jo presented a paper on her senior thesis research at the Ness of Brodgar to the Salem Society of the Archaeological Institute of America. Eva Michalak (Middletown, MD), CLAS, ENGL, Departmental Honors in Classical Studies presented a paper on the role of women in Terence's Heautontimorumenos at the 2013 NUCAW and another one related to her senior thesis, "Colorful Insults: Color in Catullus' Invective Poetry," at Willamette's 2014 Student Scholarship Recognition Day. Copy Editor, The Collegian. Joshua E. Braun (Hillsborough, CA), COMP SCI, ECON, clas Elaine L. Carpenter (Reno, NV), RHET, clas, aes [Legislative Intern with Senator Jackie Winter, Oregon Capitol] Shelby S. "Kaliko" Gadson (Princeville, HI/Carlton, OR), BIO, clas, engl (creative writing) Caitlin A. Gibson (Spanaway, WA), ENGL-CW, clas, Phi Beta Kappa Colin A. Jones (Newcastle, WA), CHEM, arth, clas [Intro to Chem Group tutor, WU Tech Shop Technical Assistant] Alexandria "Lexi" M. Parsagian (Medford, OR), PHYS, clas, Mortar Board, summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa [plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Physics; co-author on a Physics article with Prof. Michaela Kleinert] Hannah N. Penrod (Glendora, CA), ANTHR, clas, Departmental Honors in Anthropology [study abroad in London, United Kingdom, F 2012, and Canterbury, New Zealand, S 2013] Samantha J. Reynolds (Phoenix, AZ), ECON, MATH, clas [Delta Gamma's VP Finance; study abroad in Galway, Ireland in S 2014] Miles J. Sari (Klamath Falls, OR), ENGL-CW, RHET, clas, Mortar Board, Order of Omega [editor-in-chief, The Collegian; study abroad at John Cabot U in Rome, Italy, S 2013] Torah J. Skelton (Salem, OR), ENGL, SPAN, clas, cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa Ami F. Snur (Salem, OR), PSYC, clas [now pursuing an M.A. in Mental Health Counseling at Lewis and Clark College] Sam Hawks (Portland, OR), CLAS, chem (pre-med) Virginia "Ginny" Hodges (San Francisco, CA), CLAS is planning to pursue an M.A.T. at Notre Dame De Namur University. A varsity athlete, Ginny played soccer for Willamette, served as Captain of the Track & Field team in her Senior year, and helped run the intramural sports leagues as an Intramural Supervisor with the Office of Student Activities. For her senior thesis, supervised by Prof. Knorr, Ginny was able to combine her interests in Exercise Science and Classics by writing on the treatment of fractures in Galen's Method of Medicine. (9/2013) Lacey Polvi (Salem, OR), CLAS, cum laude, Departmental honors, Phi Beta Kappa Graduated from the Young Executive M.A. in Management Program at Azusa Pacific University in 2014. She is now a Graduate Intern in Information Technology with Kaiser Permanente and working as a Teacher's Assistant and Writing Consultant at Azusa Pacific. She recently published her first article in the American Journal of Economics and Business Administration. At Willamette, she served as President of the Mortarboard Honor Society. In summer 2010, she studied abroad in Greece with Willamette's Greece Post-Session and again in spring 2012 with the College Year in Athens, partially supported by a Study Abroad Grant from our Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology. See her CYA blog at: http://laceyperagrat.blogspot.com/. At the April 2013 NUCAW, she presented a paper on the conflation of the concepts of rape and wedding in Euripides' Ion. Kirsten Straus (Teton, ID), CLAS studied abroad at the prestigious Intercollegiate Center of Classical Studies in Rome (Fall 2011). On campus, she worked part-time as a student worker in the Hatfield Library and at the University's information desk. In 2013, she presented a paper on Latin funeral inscriptions at Willamette's Student Scholarship Recognition Day and another paper on Rape and Motherhood in Greek Tragedy at NUCAW. In the summer after graduation, she created an on-line exhibit for the Hallie Ford Museum of Art's McIntyre Ancient Coin Collection as part of a CASA-funded museum's internship. Brian Gnerre (Torrance, CA), PHIL, clas, Phi Beta Kappa [studied abroad in Sweden] Trevor Griswald (Salem, OR), COMP SCI, clas, math [now Systems Analyst at the State of Oregon] David Hopper (Plesanton, CA), ENGL, clas [study abroad in Amsterdam, NL; peer career advisor at WU] Saneet Johal (Bend, OR), BIO, clas, chem (pre-med) Darrah Johnson (Kirkland, WA), RHET, clas, wgs [now Lead Data Entry at Taylor Metal Products in Salem, OR] Kayla Kosaki (Hilo, HI), PSYC, clas [admitted to the Master's program in College Student Services Administration at Oregon State University for Fall 2014] Collin N. Skiles (Salem, OR), COMP SCI, clas, cum laude [now Enterprise Programmer Analyst at Willamette University] Emily Hannenberg (Las Vegas, NV), CLAS, chem (pre-med) is working as an Intra-Operative Neuromonitoring Technician in Las Vegas, NV. As a student, she presented a paper "Like Mother, like Daughter: How Agrippina the Elder and her Namesake Re-defined the Role of the Roman Mother in Tacitus' Annals" at the 2012 Northwest Conference on the Ancient World. She also was the President of Willamette's Pre-Health Club, was a Sexual Assault Responder with S.A.R.A, and worked for a year in the Mail Center. Ethan Poole (Berkeley, CA), CLAS presented his third public paper, "Barbarians without Romans: The Development and Change of Ethnographic Methods in Tacitus' Germania" at the 2012 Northwest Conference on the Ancient World. In 2010-2011, he spent an entire year at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, where he took classes in Latin, Greek, and Sogdian (!) and participated in a German student theater troupe. Almost immediately after graduation, Ethan, who used to manage Willamette's student-run Bistro, was hired by one of the Bistro's suppliers, Portland Roasting. He really likes his job, loves chatting about the Classics when he attends trade conventions, and enjoys living in Portand, Oregon. Anna Zimmermann (Oakridge, OR), CLAS, REL, math [M.A.T., Willamette, 2013] is currently teaching Math at Houck Middle School in Salem, OR. As one of our Hebrew students, she wrote her Classics senior thesis with Professor McCreery on Biblical Views of Sexuality in Genesis 18-19 and 38. Even though math was only her minor, she was inducted into the Pi Mu Epsilon national mathematics honorary society when she graduated in May 2012. Halley M. Arneson (Kodiak, AK), SOC, clas [Community Services Program Specialist with the Kodiak Area Native Association in Kodiak, AK] Noah Church (Oregon City, OR), ENGL, clas, phil [studied abroad at the University of Otago in New Zealand.] Robert F. Cox (Klamath Falls, OR), ECON, clas, Departmental Honors in Economy [M.B.A., Willamette U, 2013; now Associate Territory Sales Manager with Genie Industries in Redmond, WA.] Carrie Deal (Salt Lake City, UT), RHET, clas, phil [founded a non-profit, New Freedom College, to provide an affordable college education to prison inmates] Douglas Gilmore (Beaverton, OR), RHET, clas [M.B.A., Willamette U, 2013; now Account Specialist for the Bonneville Power Administration in Spokane, WA] Jessica Lynn Meyers (Plano, TX), ARCH, ARTH, clas [now Assistant Director of Quintana Galleries in Portland, OR] Caitlin H. Roberts (Irvine, CA), ANTHR, clas Rio Sabella (Port Townsend, WA), RHET, clas Emily Simmons (Atwater, CA), BIOL, clas [now a Clinical Molecular and Genetic Analyst at ChemaTox Laboratory, Inc., in Boulder, CO] Lindsay A. Trant (Los Altos, CA), SOC, arth, clas [worked in the Quad Center; C. Wright Mills Award to the Outstanding Senior in Sociology (2012); now a farmer at Minto Island Growers] Ilana Greenslade (Kennewick, WA), ARCH, CLAS studied a whole year in Greece with the College Year in Athens (2009-10). She not only improved her knowledge of Ancient Greek immensely but also speaks some Modern Greek now! In addition, Ilana had a chance to volunteer in the conservation department of the research center that the American School of Classical Studies in Athens maintains on the first floor of the Stoa of Attalos. She packed material for long-term storage and cleaned Rhodian amphora handles for publication photos, and the conservators, Amandina Anastassiades and Karen Loven, gave her a tour of the Stoa--including the artifact-packed basement--and explained how and why they treat the artifacts as they do. Katy Hoth (Denver, CO), CLAS, math; magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa In the long term, Katy is interested in a career in health administration. Before she goes on to graduate school, however, she hopes to get some practical experience in the medical field. Right now, however, she is working as a paralegal. She has considerable experience in this field since she worked as a paralegal for several law firms during every summer break while at Willamette. During her time at Willamette, Katy tutored students in Latin, History, and Chemistry, worked for Willamette Instructional Technology Services (WITS), and won a Forensic Talent Award. Her Classics senior thesis, which she presented at the Oregon Undergraduate Classics Conference, proposed a new reading of Catullus' Phaselus poem (c. 4). Daniel Miller (Tacoma, WA), CLAS is planning to go on to graduate school in Classics. His senior paper on Catullus' Atthis poem (c. 63), which he presented at the Oregon Undergraduate Classics Conference, was accepted for publication by a new Classics undergraduate journal started at Western Washington University, Vexillum. He is currently preparing himself for entering a Ph.D. program in Classics by spending a year of Post-Bac studies at the University of Washington. Margaret M. Robertson (Olympia, WA), CLAS is working on becoming a chiropractic. In 2010, she traveled to Greece with the Willamette in Greece post-session. Anita Santos (Rota, CNMI [Confederation of the Northern Mariana Islands]), CLAS Having grown up on the tiny island of Rota near Guam, Anita studied first at Mount Holyoke but transferred after one year to Willamette University. At the 2011 Oregon Undergraduate Classics Conference, she presented a paper on "Ovid’s Amores and the Game of Love". During her time at Willamette, she served as a first responder with Willamette Emergency Medical Services (WEMS), presided for a semester over the Health Club, and co-organized the Hawaii Club's Annual Luau. Before graduation, Anita already started working on the side as a research assistant for the Living Tongues Institute for Endangered Languages. This work inspired her to add on a second B.A., in Linguistics, which she is currently pursuing at the University of Oregon. Once she has completed this degree as well, she is planning to go on to graduate school in Linguistics. (11/2012) Caitlin M. Dilley (Sedro Wooley, WA), SOC, clas [M.B.A. Willamette '12] Caitlin R. Ellis (Walnut Creek, CA), POL, clas, rhet [is pursuing an M.P.A. (Masters of Public Affairs) at Indiana University Bloomington] Matthew R. Houser (Vancouver, WA), EXSCI, clas [Adult Programming Administrator at Columbia Basin Racquet Club] Andrew A. Korzun (Sunland, CA), ARCH, clas [Brewhouse Assistant at Eagle Rock Brewery in Los Angeles, CA] Kathryn Pawlick (Emmet, ID), ARTH, clas; magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa [International Student Advisor at Seattle Central Community College] Dennis R. Plzak (Gilbert, AZ), ECON, SOC, clas [Youth Pastor at Christ's Church of the Valley, Meza, AZ] David M. Reid (Shoreline, WA), HIST, clas [taught with Teach for America in Mississippi; now 1st-grade teacher at Match Community Day school in Boston, MA] Adam W. Saltzman (Warminster, PA), HIST, REL, clas Severn Bannow (Vancouver, WA), CLAS wrote his Senior Thesis on the Hebrew version of the Book of Esther. He is now attending a Master's program at Multnomah Biblical Seminary in Portland. Alicia Maggard (Sammamish, WA), CLAS, HIST, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in American History at Brown University on a full scholarship. While at Willamette, she spent spring 2009 studying at the prestigious Intercollegate Center for Classical Studies in Rome. A term paper she wrote at the ICCS, entitled “The Supposed Separation of Collegium and State: Trajan and the Rise of Mercantile Associations”, won the 2009 Carl Knopf Award for Best Student Paper awarded annually by Willamette University's Center for Ancient Studies and Archaeology (CASA). Alicia also won two important History fellowships. In summer 2009, she spent several weeks pursuing research for her senior thesis in History in Philadelphia through the SHEAR/Mellon Undergraduate Fellowship Program at the University of Pennsylvania's McNeil Center. After that she headed to New York as a Gilder Lehrman History Scholar, where she visited historical collections and complete a research project on Abraham Lincoln. Before entering graduate school, Alicia spent two years teaching English in Japan with the J.E.T. Program. For more of her story, click here. Christina Peaslee (Tigard, OR), ARTH, CLAS, cum laude was accepted by Teach for America. She is now teaching Sixth-Grade Math at West Generation Academy in Denver, CO. William Pilon (Davis, CA), CLAS, cum laude [J.D., University of California Los Angeles School of Law, 2013] Now an Associate Attorney with Simpson Thacher & Bartlett in New York City. While at Willamette, Will spent Spring 2009 serving as Legislative Intern for State Representative Nancy Nathanson across the street from campus. During fall 2009, he enjoyed attending John Cabot University in Rome. His revised senior thesis, "Accentual Rhythm in Ovid's Amores I", was published in the 2013 Classical World, the journal of the Classical Association of the Atlantic States. In Law School, he was a Research Assistant and worked for the UCLA Law Review. Shawn M. Cigliano (Irvine, CA), ENGL, clas [now a free-lance Marketing and Advertising Professional, West Hollywood, CA] Lindsey Arrington (Columbia, MO), FRENCH, clas [now lives in Murcia, Spain] John Gallager (Reno, NV), ENGL, clas [now a stand-up comedian in San Francisco, CA] Nikki K. Lytle (Culver, OR), BIO, REL, chem, clas [now pursuing a graduate degree at UC San Diego] Lydia J. Marsalli (Klamath Falls, OR), PSYCH, clas, magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa Melissa A. Mercer (Sherwood, OR), BIO, clas [now studying toward a D.V.M. at the Oregon State University College of Veterinary Medicine; studied abroad in Galway, Ireland] Laura C. Moravec (Eugene, OR), ECON, arth, clas Ian B. Petersen (Anchorage, AK), POL, clas [Law Office Assistant at State of Alaska Office of Special Prosecutions and Appeals, Anchorage, AK] Stephen M. Scott (Portland, OR), RHET, clas [J.D., Willamette U College of Law, 2013; now an associate at Sather Bylery Holloway law firm in Portland, OR] Jeffrey Yancey (Barboursville, WV), ARCH, REL, clas [currently pursuing an M.S. in Computer Science at West Virginia University; studied abroad in Japan and later taught English in Ibaraki, Japan] Tracy Carrithers (Bellevue, WA), CLAS, cum laude; Departmental Honors was accepted to the 1-year Post-Baccalaureate Program in Classics at the University of Pennsylvania. She decided to change tracks, though, and is currently pursuing her interests in computer science instead. Currently working as a QA Analyst for WB Games, she has worked on a series of projects for CompuCom and other companies that develop and test, e.g., mobile games for iOS devices. Joe Daniels-Hall (Port Orchard, WA), CHEM, CLAS pursued an M.S. in Chemistry at the University of Oregon; has joined the Navy. Gregory Henselman (Portland, OR), CLAS, Phi Beta Kappa was a star athlete in Crew and Swimming. After graduation, he spent two years at the University of Oregon taking a combination of undergraduate and graduate courses in math in preparation for an M.A. or Ph.D. program in Mathematics. In the end, however, he decided to go the engineering route instead and is now pursuing a Ph.D. at the GRASP (General Robotics, Automation, Sensing & Perception) Laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania. Melissa L. Magana (Honolulu, HI), CLAS currently is a travel coordinator with Schnitzer Steel in Portland, OR, after several years of working in a similar capacity for SEIU Local 503 in Salem, OR. As a student, Melissa attended Willamette's archaeological fieldschool in Italy's Sangro Valley on a CASA fieldschool grant. On campus, she also worked as the Bistro's kitchen manager and as the theater house manager for the university's Theater Department. (3/2013) Lauren Saxton (Portland, OR), CLAS, HIST, cum laude; Phi Beta Kappa studied for a semester with the College Year in Athens. She is attending the Ph.D. program in History at the CUNY Graduate School in New York City and enjoys studying right across from the Empire State Building! Margaret M. Bradley (Prineville, OR), BIOL, clas [M.A.T., University of New Mexico, 2012; now Science Teacher at the Cottonwood Classical Preparatory School, in Albuquerque, New Mexico.] Katie Hoesly (Wilsonville, OR), BIOL, HIST, clas Isabelle S. Shankar (Portland, OR), MATH, PHIL, clas, cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa [M.S., Mathematics, Stockholm University, Sweden, 2012] Nathan Werst (Columbia, MO), CHEM, clas [M.S., Chemistry, University of Oregon; Chemist at Willamette Valley Company in Eugene, OR] Ashley Buchheit (Mount Angel, OR), CLAS, HIST [M.A., Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2013] traveled to Greece with the Willamette in Greece post-session. After graduation, she was admitted to the M.A. Program in Theological Studies at Princeton University’s Theological Seminary, but then decided postpone her studies and work instead at Willamette's sister campus across 12th Street, Tokyo International University in America, as Campus Life Assistant and Summer Community Coordinator. Now a Case Worker at the International Rescue Committee in the Los Angeles area. Sara L. Foerster (Beaverton, OR), CLAS, cum laude, Departmental Honors in Classics [M.A.T., Lewis and Clark College, 2012] now manages corporate learning and development for Nike in Beaverton, OR. While at Willamette, she spent a semester abroad at John Cabot University in Rome. After graduation, she received a Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Classics from the University of Pennsylvania and in 2012 an M.A.T. from Lewis and Clark College. Elizabeth Swensen (Santa Rosa, CA), CLAS [M.F.A., Interactive Media, University of Southern California, 2011] is now a Research Associate at the University of Southern California. While at WU, she spent a semester at the prestigious Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies (ICCS) in Rome. An aspiring writer and avid video gamer, she received her Master of Fine Arts from the program in Interactive Media within the School of Cinematic Arts at the University of Southern California in 2011. One of the projects she worked on was a game called Pathfinder that is supposed to engage high school students in the college preparation and application process. Shane R. Corey (Bellingham, WA), ECON, clas, soc, cum laude [J.D., magna cum laude, Fordham University School of Law, 2013; M.A. in International Political Economy & Development, International Finance, Fordham University, NYC, 2013; now Law Clerk at Ropes & Gray LLP, New York City.] Laura Ann Palmiter Ely (West Linn, OR), HIST, clas Kristine M. Gibbs (Marysville, WA), ANTHR, clas [taught English in Japan; now a Spa Concierge with T-Spa at the Tulalip Resort and Casino in Tulalip, WA] Thanh-Truc "Quyen" Thi Nguyen (Tacoma, WA), PSYC, chem, clas, Departmental Honors in Psychology William H. Patton (Lake Oswego, OR), RHET, clas [M.B.A., Willamette U, 2011; Distribution Group Leader at Target, Portland, OR; Assistant Coach, Men's Lacross, at Western Oregon U] Amie P. Platt (Arlington Heights, IL), PHIL, clas [M.Ed., DePaul University in Chicago, 2013; now After School Program Director at Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District] Kathryn S. Salisbury (Nine Mile Falls, WA), REL, anth, clas, Phi Beta Kappa [M.A.R., Yale Divinity School, 2010; now lives in Pittsburg, PA] Deborah Sapiro (Whittier, CA), ANTHR, clas [Trinity Cert TESOL Certificate; has been teaching English in China, India, Turkey, Singapore, and now the Czech Republic] Heather C. Tom (Aiea, HI), ECON, clas Rositsa Atanasova (Haskovo, Bulgaria), CLAS, magna cum laude; Departmental Honors; Phi Beta Kappa [M.T.S., Harvard U; J.D., Cambridge U, United Kingdom] At Willamette, Rositsa focused on ancient Greek and Hebrew. Her Biblical Hebrew eased her way into Arabic, which she studied together with French at the Sorbonne during her study abroad year in Paris, France, while producing a documentary film about French Muslim women and the veil. After graduation from Willamette, Rositsa completed an M.T.S. (Masters in Theological Studies) at Harvard Divinity School, specializing in Islamic Studies. She then took a year off, spending part of that year perfecting her Arabic in Damascus, Syria. Then she completed a law degree at Trinity College, University of Cambridge. All her graduates studies were founded by a generous Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Graduate Scholarship. Rositsa hopes to work on constitutional developments in the Middle East, and she recently wrote that "the linguistic precision Classics taught me is truly invaluable as is the grounding in the textual traditions, the history and culture of the region, which came with it." Most recently, she was in the Bulgarian news as one of three women organizing help for Syrian refugees in Bulgaria. (10/2013) Brian P. Bowinski (Denver, CO) CLAS was a Preproduction Administrator with Liberty Home Products in Denver, CO, then worked for Circuit City, the consumer electronics chain that has been hard hit by the current economic downturn. Just in time, Brian changed tracks again. In November 2008, he started teaching English in Namyanju, a suburb of Seoul, South Korea. He is now back in Denver. Jeffrey E. Johnson (Boise, ID), CLAS, chem (pre-med), magna cum laude; Phi Beta Kappa [M.D., Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City] Jeff was actively involved with W.E.M.S. at Willamette and served as its Director for one year. For study abroad, Jeff interned at a hospital in Bulgaria. After graduation, he was admitted to several medical schools. He chose the Weill Cornell Medical College in New York City, one of the top-ranked clinical and medical research centers in the United States. Now he is in the process of completing his residency (2012). Matthew W. Bost (Hillsboro, OR), RHET, clas, pol [Ph.D. in Communication Studies, U Minnesota, 2013; now back at WU as Vis. Asst. Prof. in the Dept. of Communication and Media Studies!] Alexandra Brown (Portland, OR), SPAN, clas Kevin M. Dean (Weed, CA), CHEM, clas [Ph.D. in Biochemistry, U Colorado at Boulder, 2013; Director of BioFrontiers Advanced Imaging Resource at the U Colorado, Boulder, 2013-14; now a Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Texas Southwestern, the flagship medical school of the UT system] Jessica Ann Gospe (Lake Forrest Park, WA), MATH, clas, span, Phi Beta Kappa Peter R. Hughes (Great Falls, VA), B.M. in Performance-Strings, clas [guitar teacher in Portland, OR; his band, Sons of Huns, was named one of the 10 Best New Bands by the Willamette Week in 2012. Jeffrey A. Morris (Aloha, OR), CHEM, PSYC, clas [M.D., Tufts University School of Medicine; now a Radiology Resident at the Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, MA] Minh Hoang Pham (Salem, OR), CHEM, clas [Doctor of Pharmacy, OSU College of Pharmacy/OHSU, 2011; now a pharmacist with Walgreens, he lives in Lake Oswego, OR] Kelly G. Poe (Baker City, OR), CHEM, clas [J.D., Phoenix School of Law; now an Associate Attorney with Gorman & Jones, PLC, in Sun City, AZ] Lauren Elizabeth Quinlan (Keizer, OR), ENGL, arth, clas, cum laude [Operations and Policy Analyst for the Oregon State Hospital, Salem, OR] Margaret Elizabeth Shaneyfelt (Bozeman, MT), EXSCI, clas [Professional Billing Analyst with OCHIN, Portland, OR] Sterling Michael Stein (Eugene, OR), PSYC, clas [UI Analyst at Cisco Systems, Portland, OR] Alicia Glory Vaandering (Keizer, OR), HIST, clas, rel, cum laude [lives in Salem, OR] died shortly before graduation in a tragic car accident: Logan Will (1984-2006) (Grants Pass, OR), POL, clas Mariah E. Smith (Ventura, CA), CLAS, Phi Beta Kappa [M.A. Classics, U Kansas; Ph.D. cand., Indiana U] studied some German in Vienna and helped excavate a Roman garum factory in Troia, Portugal. She then completed her M.A. in Classics at the University of Kansas (full scholarship). In the summer of her graduation, she was able to spend a few weeks in Rome, accompanying Kansas undergraduates. Now in the Ph.D. program in Classics at Indiana University, she attended the last two CAMWS meetings. In 2009, she presented a paper there called "By the Light of the Moon: Medea and Agrarian Magic in Ovid's Metamorphoses." In March 2010, her paper was entitled "Secrecy and Silence: Revealing the Character of the Roman Lares." Currently, Mariah is preparing for her oral qualifying exams. (4/2010). James Timbrell (San Francisco, CA) [M.B.A., Willamette U, 2008; J.D., Northwestern University School of Law, 2014] graduated with top honors in Public Service from Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago. In Sept. 2014, he will begin work at the San Francisco Public Defender's Office. While a Classics major and Mathematics minor at the College of Liberal Arts, James was a NWC Cross Country Academic All-Star, acclaimed food critic for the Willamette Collegian, and sometime free-lance writer for the Statesman Journal. Later he attended Willamette University’s Atkinson Graduate School of Management on a merit-based scholarship and graduated with an M.B.A. in May 2008. As a graduate student, he co-authored an article for the Journal of Advertising with AGSM Dean and Professor of Marketing Debra Ringold. After working in business for a while and, on the side, co-founding his own organic honey business, the San Francisco Honey Co. On the side, James has continued to write, e.g., for Culinary Trends and Willamette's Scene Magazine. Megan Nicole Bentley (Roseburg, OR), MATH, clas [J.D., University of Colorado School of Law, 2010; now Admissions Counselor at George Washington University in Washington, D.C.] William Cannon (Tacoma, WA), HIST, clas, Phi Beta Kappa Brittany Dearing (Orangevale, CA), BIO, clas [AA, Exotic Animal Training and Management Program, America's Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College; Retail Manager & Customer Service Provider, Las Vegas, NV] Elyssa Lauren Figari (Woodacre, CA), ARCH, clas [M.A. Archaeology student at San Diego State U, 2011-] Nathan Charles Jackson (Stayton, OR), PHIL, clas, econ, Phi Beta Kappa [Software Quality Assurance Analyst with Greater Giving, Portland, OR] Michael T. LeChevallier (Lake Oswego, OR), FRENCH, REL, clas [Ph.D. cand. Theology, U Chicago] Andrew "Drew" Murray Miller (Keizer, OR), HIST, clas, econ [nutrition trainer at Courthouse Athletic Club, Salem, OR, 2010-] Timothy B. Stumhofer (Lee, NH), POL, clas, econ [MSc., Environmental Policy and Regulation, London School of Economics and Political Science; now a Senior Program Associate with the Greenhouse Gas Management Institute in San Francisco, CA] Andrew John Thomson (Lakeside, MT), ARCH, clas [Ph.D. student in the Nautical Archaeology program at Texas A&M University, 2009 - ] Kate A. (McClendon) Boufidis (Classical Studies & Religious Studies '05) researched traces of Shamanism in ancient Greek religion with the help of a Lilly Grant. She graduated in 2007 with an M.A. in Greek Philology from Florida State University (full scholarship) and now works for a start-up pharmaceutical company in Philadelphia. Leah P. (Batt) Thibault (Napa, CA), THTR, clas, engl [Director of Operations at CEI Capital Management LLC, Portland, Maine; on the side Leah runs her own knitwear pattern company; some patterns are inspired by her Classics minor: http://mscleaver.com/?s=lamassu.] Delan Canclini (Eureka, CA), PHIL, arts, clas [M.A.T., Willamette U, 2006] Maureen D. Dean (Lincoln City, OR), FRENCH, clas [now a Legal Assistant and free-lance artist in Salem, OR] Bryan B. Hughey (Corvallis, OR), ENGL, clas [M.A.T., Willamette U, 2010; English teacher at Judson Middle School in Salem, OR] Zachary J. Larsen (Blachly, OR), CHEM, clas [Director of Environmental Services at T.J. Sisk & Company in Denver, CO] Jennifer E. (Heidt) White (Caldwell, ID), POL, SOC, clas, Phi Beta Kappa, Truman Scholar [J.D., University of Washington School of Law, 2010; now an Associate Attorney with Bancroft McGavin Horvath & Judkins in Fairfax, VA] Kasey Jakien (Portland, OR), ENGL, clas [is now a researcher at the Portland VA Medical Center/NCRAR, the National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research] Curtis D. Johnson (Montana City, MT), ENGL, clas, bio [is now working toward a D.Pharm. degree at the University of Montana] Amanda M. "Mandy" Alexander (Watsonville, CA), MATH, clas [M.A.T., Willamette U, 2006; now Pooled Material Program Coordinator at Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Inc., in California] Claire T. (Barker) Harai (McMinnville, OR), FREN, REL, clas [now the Housing and Administrative Coordinator at the Paris, France office of The Center for University Programs Abroad (CUPA)] Travis Larsen (Tigard, OR), CLAS, REL has been the pastor of St. Paul of Damascus Lutheran Church in Boring, OR, since 2008. He received his M.A. from the Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, part of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. Rachel R. Standley (Cave Junction, OR), CLAS was planning to teach high school Latin; she now lives in Cave Junction, OR. Charles D. Beckwith (Firth, ID), HIST, clas [M.B.A., Willamette U, 2004] Alyssa E. N. Brown (Davis, CA), ENGL, THTR, clas, Phi Beta Kappa Cynthia J. Holt (Keizer, OR), REL, clas Sarah B. Johnson (Austin, TX), THTR, clas Matthew H. Schrumpf (Corvallis, OR), CLAS, REL, Phi Beta Kappa is now an Assistant Attorney General in Consumer Protection for the state of Massachusetts. The first two years after graduation he spent in Japan where he taught English with the Kawagoe Exchange and Teaching (KET) program. After that, he obtained a Juris Doctor degree from New York University School of Law. Julie C. (Ford) Sparks (Littleton, CO) CLAS, ENGL, Phi Beta Kappa researched and recreated the illumination techniques in medieval manuscripts with the help of a Carsons Undergraduate Research Grant. For years, her impressive results were displayed on the second floor of Eaton Hall, now they are available online under the title "The Painted Word". After graduation, Julie worked for a decade as an Administrative Assistant II at Willamette University’s Hatfield Library where she digitized, e.g., Willamette's fifteenth-century Book of Hours (view). She and her husband Jeremy Sparks (Computer Science, '01) now have a little son, Nolan, born in 2008. In 2012, Julie and her family moved to Colorado, where Jeremy now works at the University of Colorado, Colorado Springs. In Colorado Julie continues to write her food blog, persnicketypalate.com, and has just enrolled at the Nutrition Therapy Institute in Denver, CO, to become a master nutrition therapist.(8/2012) Astrid van Giffen (The Baarns, Netherlands), CLAS, arth, arts, cum laude has been the Assistant Conservator at the Corning Museum of Glass in Corning, NY, since 2009. In 2007, Astrid graduated from the very prestigious professional training program for the conservation and restauration of glass and ceramics at the Instituut Collectie Nederland in Amsterdam. Her exam project investigated the advantages of using cyclododecane, a wax-like substance that at room temperature transforms into a gas, as a temporary consolidant for weathered glass during the bonding of sherds. From 2008-2009, she was the Kress fellow in objects conservation at the Straus Center for Conservation and Technical Studies at the Harvard Art Museum. During that fellowship she researched the Harvard Glass Flowers and other objects made by Leopold and Rudolf Blaschka. She presented this research at the International Association for the History of Glass meeting in Thessaloniki, Greece in September 2009. She presented another part of this research at the International Counsel for Museums – Conservation Committee’s Glass and Ceramics Working Group’s Interim meeting in Corning, NY, in October 2010. Nicholas A. Hill (Salem, OR), HIST, clas [M.B.A. Willamette U, 2003] Melissa J. Pedersen (McCary) Sommer (Salem, OR), PSYC, clas Andrew J. Herrmann (West Linn, OR), CLAS now a software developer with Performance Health Technology in Salem, OR, Andrew worked for many years as a system analyst for the Purchasing Department of the Salem-Keizer School District's District Office in Salem, OR, involved in database and process development and management. Emmett C. Woolley (Snohomish, WA), CLAS works for a medical supply company in Snohomish, WA. Mary L. (King) Sterling (Salem, OR), ENGL, clas, Phi Beta Kappa J.D., Willamette U Law School, 2005; now an attorney in Salem, OR. MINORS: Marie E. Diamond (Amsterdam, NL), ENGL, clas [Program Coordinator at excerpta Medica BV-Adelphi Group (Publishing), Amsterdam area, NL] Julie A. Briggs (Portland, OR), CLAS, MATH, Phi Beta Kappa started out working for the Atlanta, Georgia, office of Mercer, a leading HR consulting company with 15,000 employees worldwide, but now works with the Stancorp Financial Group in Portland, Oregon. Joseph "Joey" Lillywhite (Beaverton, OR), CLAS attended the Post-Baccalaureate Program in Classics at the University of Pennsylvania, then acquired an M.A. in Archaeology at Washington University in St. Louis. After that, he entered the Ph.D. Program in Archaeology at the University of Cincinnati. He spent the 2007-08 academic year as a School Fellow at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, working on a study called Ceramic Record of Ancient Greece: The Decline of Red-Figure Technique. On January 12, 2009, he presented a paper at the Annual Convention of the Archaeological Institute of America in Philadelphia on the "Lead Glaze on a 5th-century BC Athenian Vessel." Currently, he teaches high school history at Misr American College in Cairo, Egypt. Check out his February 2011 pictures from Tahrir Square on his Facebook page! Clifford T. Stewart (Great Falls, MT), Classical Civilization, Senior Scholar Played basketball for Willamette in his first year and later in the Intramurals. As a Senior, he was President of the Kappa Gamma Rho fraternity and President of the Blue Key service fraternity, and he was elected Class President. Francis Harris (Spokane, WA), Classical Civilization and Literature A graduate of Lewis & Clark High School, Francis joined the Beta Chi sorority and was active in the Little Theatre. From her Sophomore to her Senior Year, she worked as Assistant to the Registrar. Robert Hinman (Medford, OR), Classical Literature Transferred to Willamette from the University of Oregon as a Sophomore. Played football for Willamette as a Sophomore and Junior when he became an All-Conference Player. Was also active in the W Club, a service organization, and in Intramurals. As a Senior, he served as Intramural Sports Manager. Jewell Minier (Salem, OR), Classical Civilization and Literature A four-year member of the Beta Chi sorority, Jewell was also active in YMCA and Tack. As a Sophomore, she worked for Willamette's student paper, the Collegian. Her last two years, she sang with the Philharmonic Choir, and as a Senior, she was elected Sergeant-at-Arms. Lois Herman (Medford, OR), Classical Literature & History, Senior Scholar in Classical Literature Transferred to Willamette from Pasadena Junior College as a Junior. Joined the Beta Chi sorority, sang with the Philharmonic Choir, was active in Little Theatre, Phi Delta Mu, and YMCA. As a Junior, she served on the Inter-Sorority Dance Committee and helped organize the Junior-Senior Prom. As a Senior, she sat on the House Council, was chosen to be the May Day Princess, and was elected Vice-President of the Senior Class. ClassicsHallie Ford Museum of ArtCenter for Ancient Studies and ArchaeologyProgram InformationStudent ResourcesNorthwest Undergraduate Conference on the Ancient WorldCareers in Classical StudiesStudents and Alumni Salem, Oregon 97301 503-370-6615 voice 503-370-6944 fax oknorr@willamette.edu
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[19997, 20384, 1.0], [20384, 20432, 0.0], [20432, 20511, 1.0], [20511, 20566, 0.0], [20566, 21007, 1.0], [21007, 21046, 0.0], [21046, 21471, 0.0], [21471, 21539, 0.0], [21539, 21751, 1.0], [21751, 21938, 0.0], [21938, 21987, 0.0], [21987, 22123, 0.0], [22123, 22255, 0.0], [22255, 22366, 0.0], [22366, 22843, 1.0], [22843, 22966, 0.0], [22966, 23287, 1.0], [23287, 23397, 0.0], [23397, 23946, 1.0], [23946, 24230, 0.0], [24230, 24281, 0.0], [24281, 24435, 0.0], [24435, 24531, 0.0], [24531, 24712, 0.0], [24712, 24888, 0.0], [24888, 25029, 0.0], [25029, 25195, 0.0], [25195, 25233, 0.0], [25233, 25386, 0.0], [25386, 25670, 1.0], [25670, 26499, 0.0], [26499, 26535, 0.0], [26535, 26888, 1.0], [26888, 27027, 0.0], [27027, 27448, 1.0], [27448, 27634, 0.0], [27634, 27677, 0.0], [27677, 27968, 0.0], [27968, 28044, 0.0], [28044, 28241, 1.0], [28241, 28409, 0.0], [28409, 28568, 0.0], [28568, 28709, 0.0], [28709, 28849, 0.0], [28849, 28962, 0.0], [28962, 29054, 0.0], [29054, 29140, 0.0], [29140, 29197, 0.0], [29197, 29249, 0.0], [29249, 29352, 0.0], [29352, 30160, 0.0], [30160, 31095, 1.0], [31095, 31272, 0.0], [31272, 31328, 0.0], [31328, 31528, 0.0], [31528, 31631, 0.0], [31631, 31773, 0.0], [31773, 31868, 0.0], [31868, 31993, 0.0], [31993, 32233, 0.0], [32233, 32365, 0.0], [32365, 32438, 0.0], [32438, 32699, 1.0], [32699, 32964, 0.0], [32964, 33039, 0.0], [33039, 33147, 0.0], [33147, 33274, 0.0], [33274, 33392, 0.0], [33392, 33616, 0.0], [33616, 33776, 0.0], [33776, 33901, 0.0], [33901, 34084, 0.0], [34084, 34273, 0.0], [34273, 34311, 0.0], [34311, 34523, 1.0], [34523, 34568, 0.0], [34568, 34645, 1.0], [34645, 34718, 0.0], [34718, 34783, 0.0], [34783, 34823, 0.0], [34823, 34865, 0.0], [34865, 34928, 0.0], [34928, 35239, 1.0], [35239, 35305, 0.0], [35305, 35589, 1.0], [35589, 36209, 0.0], [36209, 36282, 0.0], [36282, 37388, 1.0], [37388, 37457, 0.0], [37457, 37517, 0.0], [37517, 37558, 0.0], [37558, 37880, 0.0], [37880, 37933, 1.0], [37933, 37997, 0.0], [37997, 38064, 1.0], 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0.0], [3254, 3360, 0.0], [3360, 3408, 0.0], [3408, 3463, 0.0], [3463, 3499, 0.0], [3499, 3542, 0.0], [3542, 3577, 0.0], [3577, 3625, 0.0], [3625, 3676, 0.0], [3676, 3769, 0.0], [3769, 3837, 0.0], [3837, 3880, 0.0], [3880, 3931, 0.0], [3931, 3970, 0.0], [3970, 4070, 0.0], [4070, 4174, 0.0], [4174, 4410, 0.0], [4410, 4462, 0.0], [4462, 5228, 0.0], [5228, 5312, 0.0], [5312, 5590, 0.0], [5590, 5647, 0.0], [5647, 5759, 0.0], [5759, 5851, 0.0], [5851, 6026, 0.0], [6026, 6396, 0.0], [6396, 6519, 0.0], [6519, 6690, 0.0], [6690, 6878, 0.0], [6878, 6925, 0.0], [6925, 6975, 0.0], [6975, 7477, 0.0], [7477, 8405, 0.0], [8405, 8438, 0.0], [8438, 9014, 0.0], [9014, 9097, 0.0], [9097, 9192, 0.0], [9192, 9292, 0.0], [9292, 9343, 0.0], [9343, 9450, 0.0], [9450, 9605, 0.0], [9605, 9722, 0.0], [9722, 9777, 0.0], [9777, 10256, 0.0], [10256, 11000, 0.0], [11000, 11359, 0.0], [11359, 11495, 0.0], [11495, 11603, 0.0], [11603, 11787, 0.0], [11787, 11944, 0.0], [11944, 12096, 0.0], [12096, 12209, 0.0], [12209, 12254, 0.0], [12254, 12298, 0.0], [12298, 12430, 0.0], [12430, 12615, 0.0], [12615, 12660, 0.0], [12660, 13340, 0.0], [13340, 13794, 0.0], [13794, 14133, 0.0], [14133, 14166, 0.0], [14166, 14606, 0.0], [14606, 14648, 0.0], [14648, 14763, 0.0], [14763, 14843, 0.0], [14843, 15699, 0.0], [15699, 15771, 0.0], [15771, 15910, 0.0], [15910, 16022, 0.0], [16022, 16128, 0.0], [16128, 16270, 0.0], [16270, 16375, 0.0], [16375, 16531, 0.0], [16531, 16582, 0.0], [16582, 16618, 0.0], [16618, 16770, 0.0], [16770, 17927, 0.0], [17927, 17981, 0.0], [17981, 18203, 0.0], [18203, 18748, 0.0], [18748, 18869, 0.0], [18869, 18945, 0.0], [18945, 19029, 0.0], [19029, 19128, 0.0], [19128, 19212, 0.0], [19212, 19384, 0.0], [19384, 19432, 0.0], [19432, 19575, 0.0], [19575, 19730, 0.0], [19730, 19927, 0.0], [19927, 19997, 0.0], [19997, 20384, 0.0], [20384, 20432, 0.0], [20432, 20511, 0.0], [20511, 20566, 0.0], [20566, 21007, 0.0], [21007, 21046, 0.0], [21046, 21471, 0.0], [21471, 21539, 0.0], [21539, 21751, 0.0], [21751, 21938, 0.0], [21938, 21987, 0.0], [21987, 22123, 0.0], [22123, 22255, 0.0], [22255, 22366, 0.0], [22366, 22843, 0.0], [22843, 22966, 0.0], [22966, 23287, 0.0], [23287, 23397, 0.0], [23397, 23946, 0.0], [23946, 24230, 0.0], [24230, 24281, 0.0], [24281, 24435, 0.0], [24435, 24531, 0.0], [24531, 24712, 0.0], [24712, 24888, 0.0], [24888, 25029, 0.0], [25029, 25195, 0.0], [25195, 25233, 0.0], [25233, 25386, 0.0], [25386, 25670, 0.0], [25670, 26499, 0.0], [26499, 26535, 0.0], [26535, 26888, 0.0], [26888, 27027, 0.0], [27027, 27448, 0.0], [27448, 27634, 0.0], [27634, 27677, 0.0], [27677, 27968, 0.0], [27968, 28044, 0.0], [28044, 28241, 0.0], [28241, 28409, 0.0], [28409, 28568, 0.0], [28568, 28709, 0.0], [28709, 28849, 0.0], [28849, 28962, 0.0], [28962, 29054, 0.0], [29054, 29140, 0.0], [29140, 29197, 0.0], [29197, 29249, 0.0], [29249, 29352, 0.0], [29352, 30160, 0.0], [30160, 31095, 0.0], [31095, 31272, 0.0], [31272, 31328, 0.0], [31328, 31528, 0.0], [31528, 31631, 0.0], [31631, 31773, 0.0], [31773, 31868, 0.0], [31868, 31993, 0.0], [31993, 32233, 0.0], [32233, 32365, 0.0], [32365, 32438, 0.0], [32438, 32699, 0.0], [32699, 32964, 0.0], [32964, 33039, 0.0], [33039, 33147, 0.0], [33147, 33274, 0.0], [33274, 33392, 0.0], [33392, 33616, 0.0], [33616, 33776, 0.0], [33776, 33901, 0.0], [33901, 34084, 0.0], [34084, 34273, 0.0], [34273, 34311, 0.0], [34311, 34523, 0.0], [34523, 34568, 0.0], [34568, 34645, 0.0], [34645, 34718, 0.0], [34718, 34783, 0.0], [34783, 34823, 0.0], [34823, 34865, 0.0], [34865, 34928, 0.0], [34928, 35239, 0.0], [35239, 35305, 0.0], [35305, 35589, 0.0], [35589, 36209, 0.0], [36209, 36282, 0.0], [36282, 37388, 0.0], [37388, 37457, 0.0], [37457, 37517, 0.0], [37517, 37558, 0.0], [37558, 37880, 0.0], [37880, 37933, 0.0], [37933, 37997, 0.0], [37997, 38064, 0.0], [38064, 38208, 0.0], [38208, 38267, 0.0], [38267, 38512, 0.0], [38512, 39315, 0.0], [39315, 39393, 0.0], [39393, 39624, 0.0], [39624, 39692, 0.0], [39692, 39889, 0.0], [39889, 39939, 0.0], [39939, 40237, 0.0], [40237, 40302, 0.0], [40302, 40571, 0.0], [40571, 40669, 0.0], [40669, 41309, 0.0], [41309, 41386, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 339, 36.0], [339, 373, 5.0], [373, 419, 7.0], [419, 434, 3.0], [434, 472, 6.0], [472, 540, 8.0], [540, 548, 1.0], [548, 589, 6.0], [589, 629, 6.0], [629, 671, 7.0], [671, 712, 6.0], [712, 863, 21.0], [863, 905, 7.0], [905, 1047, 22.0], [1047, 1274, 35.0], [1274, 1347, 12.0], [1347, 1552, 34.0], [1552, 1911, 51.0], [1911, 1962, 8.0], [1962, 2006, 7.0], [2006, 2048, 7.0], [2048, 2084, 6.0], [2084, 2123, 7.0], [2123, 2167, 7.0], [2167, 2228, 10.0], [2228, 2353, 21.0], [2353, 2417, 9.0], [2417, 2465, 7.0], [2465, 2505, 6.0], [2505, 2620, 19.0], [2620, 2823, 30.0], [2823, 2865, 6.0], [2865, 2993, 22.0], [2993, 3171, 26.0], [3171, 3214, 6.0], [3214, 3254, 7.0], [3254, 3360, 17.0], [3360, 3408, 8.0], [3408, 3463, 8.0], [3463, 3499, 6.0], [3499, 3542, 6.0], [3542, 3577, 6.0], [3577, 3625, 7.0], [3625, 3676, 9.0], [3676, 3769, 13.0], [3769, 3837, 9.0], [3837, 3880, 7.0], [3880, 3931, 8.0], [3931, 3970, 6.0], [3970, 4070, 14.0], [4070, 4174, 17.0], [4174, 4410, 38.0], [4410, 4462, 8.0], [4462, 5228, 125.0], [5228, 5312, 11.0], [5312, 5590, 41.0], [5590, 5647, 9.0], [5647, 5759, 16.0], [5759, 5851, 12.0], [5851, 6026, 28.0], [6026, 6396, 57.0], [6396, 6519, 20.0], [6519, 6690, 28.0], [6690, 6878, 33.0], [6878, 6925, 7.0], [6925, 6975, 7.0], [6975, 7477, 82.0], [7477, 8405, 143.0], [8405, 8438, 5.0], [8438, 9014, 89.0], [9014, 9097, 13.0], [9097, 9192, 16.0], [9192, 9292, 16.0], [9292, 9343, 8.0], [9343, 9450, 18.0], [9450, 9605, 23.0], [9605, 9722, 17.0], [9722, 9777, 8.0], [9777, 10256, 78.0], [10256, 11000, 110.0], [11000, 11359, 61.0], [11359, 11495, 20.0], [11495, 11603, 18.0], [11603, 11787, 27.0], [11787, 11944, 24.0], [11944, 12096, 21.0], [12096, 12209, 17.0], [12209, 12254, 7.0], [12254, 12298, 7.0], [12298, 12430, 20.0], [12430, 12615, 32.0], [12615, 12660, 6.0], [12660, 13340, 108.0], [13340, 13794, 77.0], [13794, 14133, 49.0], [14133, 14166, 5.0], [14166, 14606, 68.0], [14606, 14648, 6.0], [14648, 14763, 18.0], [14763, 14843, 11.0], [14843, 15699, 139.0], [15699, 15771, 11.0], [15771, 15910, 21.0], [15910, 16022, 15.0], [16022, 16128, 17.0], [16128, 16270, 20.0], [16270, 16375, 18.0], [16375, 16531, 25.0], [16531, 16582, 8.0], [16582, 16618, 5.0], [16618, 16770, 26.0], [16770, 17927, 176.0], [17927, 17981, 8.0], [17981, 18203, 36.0], [18203, 18748, 86.0], [18748, 18869, 17.0], [18869, 18945, 11.0], [18945, 19029, 14.0], [19029, 19128, 18.0], [19128, 19212, 14.0], [19212, 19384, 26.0], [19384, 19432, 8.0], [19432, 19575, 22.0], [19575, 19730, 26.0], [19730, 19927, 29.0], [19927, 19997, 9.0], [19997, 20384, 62.0], [20384, 20432, 7.0], [20432, 20511, 14.0], [20511, 20566, 8.0], [20566, 21007, 71.0], [21007, 21046, 6.0], [21046, 21471, 66.0], [21471, 21539, 11.0], [21539, 21751, 37.0], [21751, 21938, 26.0], [21938, 21987, 7.0], [21987, 22123, 19.0], [22123, 22255, 19.0], [22255, 22366, 14.0], [22366, 22843, 69.0], [22843, 22966, 18.0], [22966, 23287, 49.0], [23287, 23397, 14.0], [23397, 23946, 90.0], [23946, 24230, 42.0], [24230, 24281, 9.0], [24281, 24435, 26.0], [24435, 24531, 13.0], [24531, 24712, 27.0], [24712, 24888, 26.0], [24888, 25029, 23.0], [25029, 25195, 24.0], [25195, 25233, 7.0], [25233, 25386, 21.0], [25386, 25670, 46.0], [25670, 26499, 129.0], [26499, 26535, 6.0], [26535, 26888, 58.0], [26888, 27027, 22.0], [27027, 27448, 70.0], [27448, 27634, 31.0], [27634, 27677, 6.0], [27677, 27968, 45.0], [27968, 28044, 13.0], [28044, 28241, 35.0], [28241, 28409, 26.0], [28409, 28568, 26.0], [28568, 28709, 25.0], [28709, 28849, 21.0], [28849, 28962, 14.0], [28962, 29054, 14.0], [29054, 29140, 14.0], [29140, 29197, 9.0], [29197, 29249, 8.0], [29249, 29352, 17.0], [29352, 30160, 129.0], [30160, 31095, 147.0], [31095, 31272, 25.0], [31272, 31328, 9.0], [31328, 31528, 27.0], [31528, 31631, 16.0], [31631, 31773, 20.0], [31773, 31868, 14.0], [31868, 31993, 18.0], [31993, 32233, 35.0], [32233, 32365, 19.0], [32365, 32438, 9.0], [32438, 32699, 41.0], [32699, 32964, 38.0], [32964, 33039, 11.0], [33039, 33147, 18.0], [33147, 33274, 20.0], [33274, 33392, 18.0], [33392, 33616, 34.0], [33616, 33776, 23.0], [33776, 33901, 21.0], [33901, 34084, 24.0], [34084, 34273, 28.0], [34273, 34311, 6.0], [34311, 34523, 35.0], [34523, 34568, 7.0], [34568, 34645, 14.0], [34645, 34718, 11.0], [34718, 34783, 12.0], [34783, 34823, 7.0], [34823, 34865, 7.0], [34865, 34928, 10.0], [34928, 35239, 51.0], [35239, 35305, 11.0], [35305, 35589, 43.0], [35589, 36209, 93.0], [36209, 36282, 11.0], [36282, 37388, 166.0], [37388, 37457, 11.0], [37457, 37517, 9.0], [37517, 37558, 7.0], [37558, 37880, 48.0], [37880, 37933, 9.0], [37933, 37997, 11.0], [37997, 38064, 12.0], [38064, 38208, 19.0], [38208, 38267, 10.0], [38267, 38512, 36.0], [38512, 39315, 127.0], [39315, 39393, 10.0], [39393, 39624, 39.0], [39624, 39692, 8.0], [39692, 39889, 34.0], [39889, 39939, 6.0], [39939, 40237, 48.0], [40237, 40302, 8.0], [40302, 40571, 45.0], [40571, 40669, 12.0], [40669, 41309, 94.0], [41309, 41386, 8.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 339, 0.0], [339, 373, 0.125], [373, 419, 0.0], [419, 434, 0.30769231], [434, 472, 0.0], [472, 540, 0.0], [540, 548, 0.0], [548, 589, 0.0], [589, 629, 0.0], [629, 671, 0.0], [671, 712, 0.0], [712, 863, 0.02836879], [863, 905, 0.0], [905, 1047, 0.0], [1047, 1274, 0.0], [1274, 1347, 0.0], [1347, 1552, 0.04166667], [1552, 1911, 0.01169591], [1911, 1962, 0.0], [1962, 2006, 0.0], [2006, 2048, 0.0], [2048, 2084, 0.0], [2084, 2123, 0.0], [2123, 2167, 0.0], [2167, 2228, 0.0], [2228, 2353, 0.0], [2353, 2417, 0.0], [2417, 2465, 0.0], [2465, 2505, 0.0], [2505, 2620, 0.03809524], [2620, 2823, 0.0], [2823, 2865, 0.0], [2865, 2993, 0.0], [2993, 3171, 0.0], [3171, 3214, 0.0], [3214, 3254, 0.0], [3254, 3360, 0.0], [3360, 3408, 0.0], [3408, 3463, 0.0], [3463, 3499, 0.0], [3499, 3542, 0.0], [3542, 3577, 0.0], [3577, 3625, 0.0], [3625, 3676, 0.0], [3676, 3769, 0.0], [3769, 3837, 0.0], [3837, 3880, 0.0], [3880, 3931, 0.0], [3931, 3970, 0.0], [3970, 4070, 0.0], [4070, 4174, 0.0], [4174, 4410, 0.0173913], [4410, 4462, 0.0], [4462, 5228, 0.03638814], [5228, 5312, 0.0], [5312, 5590, 0.03007519], [5590, 5647, 0.0], [5647, 5759, 0.0], [5759, 5851, 0.0], [5851, 6026, 0.0], [6026, 6396, 0.02373887], [6396, 6519, 0.03636364], [6519, 6690, 0.02631579], [6690, 6878, 0.0], [6878, 6925, 0.0], [6925, 6975, 0.0], [6975, 7477, 0.01035197], [7477, 8405, 0.01785714], [8405, 8438, 0.0], [8438, 9014, 0.01431127], [9014, 9097, 0.0], [9097, 9192, 0.0], [9192, 9292, 0.0], [9292, 9343, 0.0], [9343, 9450, 0.0], [9450, 9605, 0.02739726], [9605, 9722, 0.0], [9722, 9777, 0.0], [9777, 10256, 0.00879121], [10256, 11000, 0.02282454], [11000, 11359, 0.02849003], [11359, 11495, 0.0], [11495, 11603, 0.0], [11603, 11787, 0.02409639], [11787, 11944, 0.0], [11944, 12096, 0.02919708], [12096, 12209, 0.0], [12209, 12254, 0.0], [12254, 12298, 0.0], [12298, 12430, 0.0], [12430, 12615, 0.02352941], [12615, 12660, 0.0], [12660, 13340, 0.00906344], [13340, 13794, 0.0], [13794, 14133, 0.00309598], [14133, 14166, 0.0], [14166, 14606, 0.00469484], [14606, 14648, 0.0], [14648, 14763, 0.03636364], [14763, 14843, 0.0], [14843, 15699, 0.01206273], [15699, 15771, 0.03389831], [15771, 15910, 0.0], [15910, 16022, 0.0], [16022, 16128, 0.0], [16128, 16270, 0.0], [16270, 16375, 0.0], [16375, 16531, 0.00694444], [16531, 16582, 0.0], [16582, 16618, 0.0], [16618, 16770, 0.0], [16770, 17927, 0.01068566], [17927, 17981, 0.0], [17981, 18203, 0.01941748], [18203, 18748, 0.02272727], [18748, 18869, 0.0], [18869, 18945, 0.0], [18945, 19029, 0.0], [19029, 19128, 0.0], [19128, 19212, 0.0], [19212, 19384, 0.0], [19384, 19432, 0.0], [19432, 19575, 0.0], [19575, 19730, 0.02857143], [19730, 19927, 0.0], [19927, 19997, 0.0], [19997, 20384, 0.0026738], [20384, 20432, 0.0], [20432, 20511, 0.0], [20511, 20566, 0.0], [20566, 21007, 0.0], [21007, 21046, 0.0], [21046, 21471, 0.0195599], [21471, 21539, 0.0], [21539, 21751, 0.0], [21751, 21938, 0.02366864], [21938, 21987, 0.0], [21987, 22123, 0.03389831], [22123, 22255, 0.0], [22255, 22366, 0.04081633], [22366, 22843, 0.00430108], [22843, 22966, 0.03703704], [22966, 23287, 0.01290323], [23287, 23397, 0.04123711], [23397, 23946, 0.00740741], [23946, 24230, 0.03149606], [24230, 24281, 0.0], [24281, 24435, 0.0], [24435, 24531, 0.0], [24531, 24712, 0.025], [24712, 24888, 0.02469136], [24888, 25029, 0.03252033], [25029, 25195, 0.0], [25195, 25233, 0.0], [25233, 25386, 0.0], [25386, 25670, 0.0], [25670, 26499, 0.00747198], [26499, 26535, 0.0], [26535, 26888, 0.01173021], [26888, 27027, 0.0], [27027, 27448, 0.00987654], [27448, 27634, 0.02409639], [27634, 27677, 0.0], [27677, 27968, 0.03676471], [27968, 28044, 0.0], [28044, 28241, 0.03314917], [28241, 28409, 0.0], [28409, 28568, 0.02758621], [28568, 28709, 0.0], [28709, 28849, 0.0], [28849, 28962, 0.0], [28962, 29054, 0.0], [29054, 29140, 0.0], [29140, 29197, 0.0], [29197, 29249, 0.18604651], [29249, 29352, 0.0], [29352, 30160, 0.02759527], [30160, 31095, 0.00885936], [31095, 31272, 0.02484472], [31272, 31328, 0.0], [31328, 31528, 0.0], [31528, 31631, 0.04395604], [31631, 31773, 0.0], [31773, 31868, 0.0], [31868, 31993, 0.03636364], [31993, 32233, 0.0], [32233, 32365, 0.03418803], [32365, 32438, 0.03125], [32438, 32699, 0.01581028], [32699, 32964, 0.0], [32964, 33039, 0.06557377], [33039, 33147, 0.0], [33147, 33274, 0.03603604], [33274, 33392, 0.0], [33392, 33616, 0.01980198], [33616, 33776, 0.0], [33776, 33901, 0.0], [33901, 34084, 0.02453988], [34084, 34273, 0.0], [34273, 34311, 0.0], [34311, 34523, 0.01980198], [34523, 34568, 0.0], [34568, 34645, 0.0], [34645, 34718, 0.06779661], [34718, 34783, 0.0], [34783, 34823, 0.0], [34823, 34865, 0.0], [34865, 34928, 0.0], [34928, 35239, 0.0], [35239, 35305, 0.0], [35305, 35589, 0.0], [35589, 36209, 0.02546689], [36209, 36282, 0.0], [36282, 37388, 0.02207912], [37388, 37457, 0.07142857], [37457, 37517, 0.0], [37517, 37558, 0.0], [37558, 37880, 0.0], [37880, 37933, 0.0], [37933, 37997, 0.0], [37997, 38064, 0.06779661], [38064, 38208, 0.0], [38208, 38267, 0.0], [38267, 38512, 0.02164502], [38512, 39315, 0.02187902], [39315, 39393, 0.0], [39393, 39624, 0.0], [39624, 39692, 0.0], [39692, 39889, 0.0], [39889, 39939, 0.0], [39939, 40237, 0.0], [40237, 40302, 0.0], [40302, 40571, 0.0], [40571, 40669, 0.0], [40669, 41309, 0.0], [41309, 41386, 0.35714286]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 339, 0.0], [339, 373, 0.0], [373, 419, 0.0], [419, 434, 0.0], [434, 472, 0.0], [472, 540, 0.0], [540, 548, 0.0], [548, 589, 0.0], [589, 629, 0.0], [629, 671, 0.0], [671, 712, 0.0], [712, 863, 0.0], [863, 905, 0.0], [905, 1047, 0.0], [1047, 1274, 0.0], [1274, 1347, 0.0], [1347, 1552, 0.0], [1552, 1911, 0.0], [1911, 1962, 0.0], [1962, 2006, 0.0], [2006, 2048, 0.0], [2048, 2084, 0.0], [2084, 2123, 0.0], [2123, 2167, 0.0], [2167, 2228, 0.0], [2228, 2353, 0.0], [2353, 2417, 0.0], [2417, 2465, 0.0], [2465, 2505, 0.0], [2505, 2620, 0.0], [2620, 2823, 0.0], [2823, 2865, 0.0], [2865, 2993, 0.0], [2993, 3171, 0.0], [3171, 3214, 0.0], [3214, 3254, 0.0], [3254, 3360, 0.0], [3360, 3408, 0.0], [3408, 3463, 0.0], [3463, 3499, 0.0], [3499, 3542, 0.0], [3542, 3577, 0.0], [3577, 3625, 0.0], [3625, 3676, 0.0], [3676, 3769, 0.0], [3769, 3837, 0.0], [3837, 3880, 0.0], [3880, 3931, 0.0], [3931, 3970, 0.0], [3970, 4070, 0.0], [4070, 4174, 0.0], [4174, 4410, 0.0], [4410, 4462, 0.0], [4462, 5228, 0.0], [5228, 5312, 0.0], [5312, 5590, 0.0], [5590, 5647, 0.0], [5647, 5759, 0.0], [5759, 5851, 0.0], [5851, 6026, 0.0], [6026, 6396, 0.0], [6396, 6519, 0.0], [6519, 6690, 0.0], [6690, 6878, 0.0], [6878, 6925, 0.0], [6925, 6975, 0.0], [6975, 7477, 0.0], [7477, 8405, 0.0], [8405, 8438, 0.0], [8438, 9014, 0.0], [9014, 9097, 0.0], [9097, 9192, 0.0], [9192, 9292, 0.0], [9292, 9343, 0.0], [9343, 9450, 0.0], [9450, 9605, 0.0], [9605, 9722, 0.0], [9722, 9777, 0.0], [9777, 10256, 0.0], [10256, 11000, 0.0], [11000, 11359, 0.0], [11359, 11495, 0.0], [11495, 11603, 0.0], [11603, 11787, 0.0], [11787, 11944, 0.0], [11944, 12096, 0.0], [12096, 12209, 0.0], [12209, 12254, 0.0], [12254, 12298, 0.0], [12298, 12430, 0.0], [12430, 12615, 0.0], [12615, 12660, 0.0], [12660, 13340, 0.0], [13340, 13794, 0.0], [13794, 14133, 0.0], [14133, 14166, 0.0], [14166, 14606, 0.0], [14606, 14648, 0.0], [14648, 14763, 0.0], [14763, 14843, 0.0], [14843, 15699, 0.0], [15699, 15771, 0.0], [15771, 15910, 0.0], [15910, 16022, 0.0], [16022, 16128, 0.0], [16128, 16270, 0.0], [16270, 16375, 0.0], [16375, 16531, 0.0], [16531, 16582, 0.0], [16582, 16618, 0.0], [16618, 16770, 0.0], [16770, 17927, 0.0], [17927, 17981, 0.0], [17981, 18203, 0.0], [18203, 18748, 0.0], [18748, 18869, 0.0], [18869, 18945, 0.0], [18945, 19029, 0.0], [19029, 19128, 0.0], [19128, 19212, 0.0], [19212, 19384, 0.0], [19384, 19432, 0.0], [19432, 19575, 0.0], [19575, 19730, 0.0], [19730, 19927, 0.0], [19927, 19997, 0.0], [19997, 20384, 0.0], [20384, 20432, 0.0], [20432, 20511, 0.0], [20511, 20566, 0.0], [20566, 21007, 0.0], [21007, 21046, 0.0], [21046, 21471, 0.0], [21471, 21539, 0.0], [21539, 21751, 0.0], [21751, 21938, 0.0], [21938, 21987, 0.0], [21987, 22123, 0.0], [22123, 22255, 0.0], [22255, 22366, 0.0], [22366, 22843, 0.0], [22843, 22966, 0.0], [22966, 23287, 0.0], [23287, 23397, 0.0], [23397, 23946, 0.0], [23946, 24230, 0.0], [24230, 24281, 0.0], [24281, 24435, 0.0], [24435, 24531, 0.0], [24531, 24712, 0.0], [24712, 24888, 0.0], [24888, 25029, 0.0], [25029, 25195, 0.0], [25195, 25233, 0.0], [25233, 25386, 0.0], [25386, 25670, 0.0], [25670, 26499, 0.0], [26499, 26535, 0.0], [26535, 26888, 0.0], [26888, 27027, 0.0], [27027, 27448, 0.0], [27448, 27634, 0.0], [27634, 27677, 0.0], [27677, 27968, 0.0], [27968, 28044, 0.0], [28044, 28241, 0.0], [28241, 28409, 0.0], [28409, 28568, 0.0], [28568, 28709, 0.0], [28709, 28849, 0.0], [28849, 28962, 0.0], [28962, 29054, 0.0], [29054, 29140, 0.0], [29140, 29197, 0.0], [29197, 29249, 0.0], [29249, 29352, 0.0], [29352, 30160, 0.0], [30160, 31095, 0.0], [31095, 31272, 0.0], [31272, 31328, 0.0], [31328, 31528, 0.0], [31528, 31631, 0.0], [31631, 31773, 0.0], [31773, 31868, 0.0], [31868, 31993, 0.0], [31993, 32233, 0.0], [32233, 32365, 0.0], [32365, 32438, 0.0], [32438, 32699, 0.0], [32699, 32964, 0.0], [32964, 33039, 0.0], [33039, 33147, 0.0], [33147, 33274, 0.0], [33274, 33392, 0.0], [33392, 33616, 0.0], [33616, 33776, 0.0], [33776, 33901, 0.0], [33901, 34084, 0.0], [34084, 34273, 0.0], [34273, 34311, 0.0], [34311, 34523, 0.0], [34523, 34568, 0.0], [34568, 34645, 0.0], [34645, 34718, 0.0], [34718, 34783, 0.0], [34783, 34823, 0.0], [34823, 34865, 0.0], [34865, 34928, 0.0], [34928, 35239, 0.0], [35239, 35305, 0.0], [35305, 35589, 0.0], [35589, 36209, 0.0], [36209, 36282, 0.0], [36282, 37388, 0.0], [37388, 37457, 0.0], [37457, 37517, 0.0], [37517, 37558, 0.0], [37558, 37880, 0.0], [37880, 37933, 0.0], [37933, 37997, 0.0], [37997, 38064, 0.0], [38064, 38208, 0.0], [38208, 38267, 0.0], [38267, 38512, 0.0], [38512, 39315, 0.0], [39315, 39393, 0.0], [39393, 39624, 0.0], [39624, 39692, 0.0], [39692, 39889, 0.0], [39889, 39939, 0.0], [39939, 40237, 0.0], [40237, 40302, 0.0], [40302, 40571, 0.0], [40571, 40669, 0.0], [40669, 41309, 0.0], [41309, 41386, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 339, 0.12094395], [339, 373, 0.08823529], [373, 419, 0.32608696], [419, 434, 0.06666667], [434, 472, 0.26315789], [472, 540, 0.23529412], [540, 548, 0.75], [548, 589, 0.2195122], [589, 629, 0.225], [629, 671, 0.19047619], [671, 712, 0.2195122], [712, 863, 0.10596026], [863, 905, 0.30952381], [905, 1047, 0.11267606], [1047, 1274, 0.08370044], [1274, 1347, 0.23287671], [1347, 1552, 0.15121951], [1552, 1911, 0.10306407], [1911, 1962, 0.2745098], [1962, 2006, 0.20454545], [2006, 2048, 0.19047619], [2048, 2084, 0.22222222], [2084, 2123, 0.23076923], [2123, 2167, 0.22727273], [2167, 2228, 0.18032787], [2228, 2353, 0.136], [2353, 2417, 0.171875], [2417, 2465, 0.1875], [2465, 2505, 0.2], [2505, 2620, 0.14782609], [2620, 2823, 0.09852217], [2823, 2865, 0.23809524], [2865, 2993, 0.1484375], [2993, 3171, 0.1011236], [3171, 3214, 0.20930233], [3214, 3254, 0.25], [3254, 3360, 0.12264151], [3360, 3408, 0.22916667], [3408, 3463, 0.25454545], [3463, 3499, 0.25], [3499, 3542, 0.20930233], [3542, 3577, 0.25714286], [3577, 3625, 0.27083333], [3625, 3676, 0.21568627], [3676, 3769, 0.13978495], [3769, 3837, 0.17647059], [3837, 3880, 0.20930233], [3880, 3931, 0.21568627], [3931, 3970, 0.23076923], [3970, 4070, 0.18], [4070, 4174, 0.16346154], [4174, 4410, 0.06355932], [4410, 4462, 0.28846154], [4462, 5228, 0.05483029], [5228, 5312, 0.20238095], [5312, 5590, 0.07913669], [5590, 5647, 0.29824561], [5647, 5759, 0.15178571], [5759, 5851, 0.14130435], [5851, 6026, 0.19428571], [6026, 6396, 0.12162162], [6396, 6519, 0.17886179], [6519, 6690, 0.16959064], [6690, 6878, 0.18617021], [6878, 6925, 0.19148936], [6925, 6975, 0.22], [6975, 7477, 0.05976096], [7477, 8405, 0.08297414], [8405, 8438, 0.27272727], [8438, 9014, 0.06944444], [9014, 9097, 0.15662651], [9097, 9192, 0.16842105], [9192, 9292, 0.14], [9292, 9343, 0.15686275], [9343, 9450, 0.1682243], [9450, 9605, 0.11612903], [9605, 9722, 0.15384615], [9722, 9777, 0.18181818], [9777, 10256, 0.10438413], [10256, 11000, 0.06451613], [11000, 11359, 0.06128134], [11359, 11495, 0.14705882], [11495, 11603, 0.12962963], [11603, 11787, 0.15217391], [11787, 11944, 0.08917197], [11944, 12096, 0.14473684], [12096, 12209, 0.18584071], [12209, 12254, 0.24444444], [12254, 12298, 0.22727273], [12298, 12430, 0.15151515], [12430, 12615, 0.11891892], [12615, 12660, 0.28888889], [12660, 13340, 0.03676471], [13340, 13794, 0.03964758], [13794, 14133, 0.07374631], [14133, 14166, 0.27272727], [14166, 14606, 0.04772727], [14606, 14648, 0.23809524], [14648, 14763, 0.03478261], [14763, 14843, 0.1875], [14843, 15699, 0.05607477], [15699, 15771, 0.19444444], [15771, 15910, 0.13669065], [15910, 16022, 0.16071429], [16022, 16128, 0.17924528], [16128, 16270, 0.13380282], [16270, 16375, 0.2], [16375, 16531, 0.12179487], [16531, 16582, 0.25490196], [16582, 16618, 0.25], [16618, 16770, 0.07236842], [16770, 17927, 0.08297321], [17927, 17981, 0.24074074], [17981, 18203, 0.13063063], [18203, 18748, 0.08623853], [18748, 18869, 0.14049587], [18869, 18945, 0.17105263], [18945, 19029, 0.1547619], [19029, 19128, 0.16161616], [19128, 19212, 0.17857143], [19212, 19384, 0.11627907], [19384, 19432, 0.20833333], [19432, 19575, 0.14685315], [19575, 19730, 0.14193548], [19730, 19927, 0.11675127], [19927, 19997, 0.15714286], [19997, 20384, 0.04651163], [20384, 20432, 0.3125], [20432, 20511, 0.07594937], [20511, 20566, 0.21818182], [20566, 21007, 0.05895692], [21007, 21046, 0.25641026], [21046, 21471, 0.06352941], [21471, 21539, 0.23529412], [21539, 21751, 0.08962264], [21751, 21938, 0.13368984], [21938, 21987, 0.26530612], [21987, 22123, 0.16911765], [22123, 22255, 0.15909091], [22255, 22366, 0.18918919], [22366, 22843, 0.06918239], [22843, 22966, 0.15447154], [22966, 23287, 0.07165109], [23287, 23397, 0.16363636], [23397, 23946, 0.0564663], [23946, 24230, 0.13732394], [24230, 24281, 0.23529412], [24281, 24435, 0.14935065], [24435, 24531, 0.15625], [24531, 24712, 0.16574586], [24712, 24888, 0.14772727], [24888, 25029, 0.16312057], [25029, 25195, 0.15060241], [25195, 25233, 0.26315789], [25233, 25386, 0.15686275], [25386, 25670, 0.0528169], [25670, 26499, 0.04583836], [26499, 26535, 0.27777778], [26535, 26888, 0.05949008], [26888, 27027, 0.15827338], [27027, 27448, 0.05225653], [27448, 27634, 0.1344086], [27634, 27677, 0.20930233], [27677, 27968, 0.10996564], [27968, 28044, 0.19736842], [28044, 28241, 0.10659898], [28241, 28409, 0.16666667], [28409, 28568, 0.16352201], [28568, 28709, 0.19148936], [28709, 28849, 0.13571429], [28849, 28962, 0.19469027], [28962, 29054, 0.19565217], [29054, 29140, 0.15116279], [29140, 29197, 0.0], [29197, 29249, 0.17307692], [29249, 29352, 0.21359223], [29352, 30160, 0.07549505], [30160, 31095, 0.07272727], [31095, 31272, 0.13559322], [31272, 31328, 0.21428571], [31328, 31528, 0.145], [31528, 31631, 0.16504854], [31631, 31773, 0.15492958], [31773, 31868, 0.23157895], [31868, 31993, 0.136], [31993, 32233, 0.125], [32233, 32365, 0.13636364], [32365, 32438, 0.12328767], [32438, 32699, 0.04980843], [32699, 32964, 0.09433962], [32964, 33039, 0.18666667], [33039, 33147, 0.16666667], [33147, 33274, 0.17322835], [33274, 33392, 0.16949153], [33392, 33616, 0.15178571], [33616, 33776, 0.15], [33776, 33901, 0.12], [33901, 34084, 0.13661202], [34084, 34273, 0.15343915], [34273, 34311, 0.31578947], [34311, 34523, 0.0990566], [34523, 34568, 0.24444444], [34568, 34645, 0.06493506], [34645, 34718, 0.20547945], [34718, 34783, 0.27692308], [34783, 34823, 0.225], [34823, 34865, 0.23809524], [34865, 34928, 0.25396825], [34928, 35239, 0.07395498], [35239, 35305, 0.27272727], [35305, 35589, 0.03521127], [35589, 36209, 0.05806452], [36209, 36282, 0.12328767], [36282, 37388, 0.04972875], [37388, 37457, 0.2173913], [37457, 37517, 0.21666667], [37517, 37558, 0.26829268], [37558, 37880, 0.08695652], [37880, 37933, 0.05660377], [37933, 37997, 0.21875], [37997, 38064, 0.13432836], [38064, 38208, 0.1875], [38208, 38267, 0.28813559], [38267, 38512, 0.08163265], [38512, 39315, 0.07721046], [39315, 39393, 0.14102564], [39393, 39624, 0.06060606], [39624, 39692, 0.11764706], [39692, 39889, 0.08121827], [39889, 39939, 0.14], [39939, 40237, 0.0704698], [40237, 40302, 0.12307692], [40302, 40571, 0.07063197], [40571, 40669, 0.12244898], [40669, 41309, 0.0984375], [41309, 41386, 0.02597403]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 41386, 0.15925038]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 41386, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 41386, 0.83575791]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 41386, -2398.43344725]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 41386, -696.59584289]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 41386, 661.47438203]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 41386, 470.0]], "is_duplicate": false}
Insurers Pull Out of Exchanges Limiting Health Advisors and Clients' Options Aetna has become the latest health insurance carrier to reduce its participation in health exchanges created under the Affordable Care Act. The company offered plans on 15 state exchanges this year, but will only participate in the Virginia, Delaware, Iowa and Nebraska exchanges next year. The company said participating in the exchanges was proving to be unprofitable. Other large carriers, including UnitedHealth Group and Humana, have also decided to reduce their participation in exchanges. The move has to potential leave many consumers, especially those in rural areas, with very limited options on the state exchanges, according to a U.S. News and World Report article. The article includes comments by three NAIFA members explaining how limited options and high costs on exchanges are affecting their clients and practices. "I'm looking at having some pretty upset customers," Ed Anderson of NAIFA-Missouri told U.S. News. "There is the potential hit with costs, but also the providers they have been accustomed to using and that have cared for them will no longer be available." NAIFA-North Carolina’s Fred Joyner told the publication that residents of many counties in his state will have only one carrier option on the exchange. "It's going to be a mess, there's no doubt about it," he said. Jason Talley of NAIFA-Texas told U.S. News that his practice is no longer able to serve consumers seeking coverage through the exchange, because problems with the system make it cost-prohibitive. "The bottom line is that this hurts people," he said. "We're seeing it. This is the real result." Posted August 18, 2016 IN Lloyd Robinson With so much confusion in the health insurance market it is hard for us as agents. My clients are even more concerned that they may not be able to find health coverage for them.
{"url": "https://www.naifa.org/news-publications/naifa-blog/august-2016/insurers-pull-out-of-exchanges-limiting-health-adv", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.naifa.org", "date_download": "2019-06-15T21:49:01Z", "digest": "sha1:Z4YKC242HD3DQM3XJHGX6SFXER3T7RYT"}
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TimesOC Apodaca: Dusty’s road has been winding, rewarding By Patrice Apodaca Dusty Brandom has endured more suffering in his 18 years than most of us can imagine. Trapped in a wheelchair, his body a constant source of pain and disappointment, Dusty has every reason to be angry at the lousy card he’s been dealt. He has a degenerative genetic disease called Duchenne muscular dystrophy, which has robbed him of mobility and caused a raft of other terrible symptoms. Yet the Newport Beach teen is full of hope and promise, and it is those very qualities that led him to the White House earlier this month, where he met President Obama. He had made the request to meet the president through the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and he’d been waiting for more than two years for the arrangements to be finalized. Then in May, he got the news that the meeting was on, and within a few weeks he left for the nation’s capital with his parents, Cath and Neil, and younger siblings Lucas and Gabriella. Dusty said he wanted to meet Obama because, “I was inspired by his message of hope. It helped me with a lot of what I have to deal with.” There is no cure for Duchenne, which afflicts one out of every 3,500 boys. The disorder lays waste to muscles, initially causing weakness and difficulty walking. By adolescence, most are wheelchair-bound, and their respiratory and cardiac systems have begun to deteriorate. I live a few doors away from Dusty, and I’ve observed over the years the progression of his disease. I remember when he could still walk, play the guitar and tinker with Legos. Those times are long gone. These days, Dusty has largely lost the use of his arms, he has difficulty breathing and swallowing, and he’s plagued by the discomfort of scoliosis — a collapsing of the spine caused by Duchenne. Even sleep proves elusive. But even though the disease has sapped Dusty’s physical strength, it hasn’t diminished his will to live a full life, or his inherently sweet nature. Shortly after his return from Washington D.C., Dusty greeted me at his home with his bashful, ever-present smile, and talked about his meeting with Obama and his plans for the future. For the past several years, Dusty has continued his schoolwork at home, and has managed to complete all his high school requirements. Next week he will graduate from Corona del Mar High School. After graduation, he plans to pursue his interest in digital art. He is able to manipulate a mouse, which allows him to create drawings on his computer. Dusty’s inspiration comes in part from his love of the online role-playing game “World of Warcraft,” made by Irvine-based Blizzard Entertainment. One of Blizzard’s artists has agreed to mentor Dusty, and they’ve been meeting regularly. Dusty is also considering taking a class in digital art at Orange Coast College. Dusty and his family have also founded a new nonprofit, Coalition Duchenne, to coordinate organizations around the world to combat the disease. The charity is planning a mountain-climbing trip to Borneo in a few months to generate publicity and raise funds. Dusty will wait at the base while an international team treks to the 13,455-foot peak of Mount Kinabalu. While he discusses these plans with palpable enthusiasm, it’s when Dusty talks about meeting Obama that he literally beams. On the day of the meeting, the Brandoms were given a tour of the White House — “It reminded me of a museum,” Dusty said — and at one point they were introduced to First Dog Bo. Afterwards, they waited in a room in the West Wing, where they caught a glimpse of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton walking by. Suddenly, a door to the Oval Office opened, and President Obama appeared. “He said, ‘Hi Dusty.’ He came over to me and said he’d heard all about me,” Dusty recalled. Apparently aware that Dusty is unable to shake hands, Obama placed one of his hands on top of Dusty’s, and another hand on Dusty’s shoulder. The president led the family into the Oval Office, where they talked for about 20 minutes. He asked about Dusty’s post-graduation plans, and presented him a gift bag filled with chocolate candies, commemorative coins, a booklet on the Constitution, and signed books and posters. Dusty’s family told Obama about the upcoming mountain-climbing trip, and gave him a book on Borneo and a musical instrument from Cath’s native Malaysia. “While we were there, he kept saying, ‘Thank you for visiting me,’” Dusty said, adding that the thought that the president “was actually thinking of me” was overwhelming. Founding a new charity, studying digital art, and meeting the president of the United States — any one of these accomplishments would be impressive for a young man about to graduate from high school. But Dusty isn’t just any young man. Fate has been cruel to him, but rather than dwelling on what’s lost, he stays focused on what’s possible. And Dusty’s determination and capacious spirit make me believe that what’s possible is quite a lot. PATRICE APODACA is a Newport-Mesa public school parent and former Los Angeles Times staff writer. She is also a regular contributor to Orange Coast magazine. She lives in Newport Beach. Patrice Apodaca Patrice Apodaca is a former Los Angeles Times staff writer and is coauthor of “A Boy Named Courage: A Surgeon’s Memoir of Apartheid.” She lives in Newport Beach.
{"url": "https://www.latimes.com/socal/daily-pilot/news/tn-dpt-0618-apodaca-20110617-story.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.latimes.com", "date_download": "2022-08-07T16:24:33Z", "digest": "sha1:C2LHKQESAOP6FDPWAOFMUND3Q3OZRAEY"}
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Foxconn hasn't laid anyone off, yet Fudzilla staff on 27 November 2008 font size Still shifting people around It seems like the rumours about Foxconn already having laid off staff aren't true, at least if we're to believe a company spokes person quoted by Digitimes. According to Edmund Ding at Foxconn, the company "has not yet issued any official layoff orders". This doesn't sound too good to us, as it really seems like Foxconn is about to lay people off and he goes on to say "It would be reasonable to cut operations that have been underperforming on high costs, but such moves would only be conducted in line with the laws of the countries hosting the operation". The story mentions people being moved around between various departments, but so far there haven't been any actual layoffs. Foxconn is rumoured to already have laid off some 10,000 factory workers in China and some management staff is meant to have returned to Taiwan. This might not have been the case, but with Foxconn sitting on too much inventory, it doesn't seem like the company is seeing its best day's right now. « AMD's Atom to go after thin notebooks Wal-mart to sell $128 Blu-ray player »
{"url": "http://fudzilla.com/home/item/4350-foxconn-hasnt-laid-anyone-off-yet", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "fudzilla.com", "date_download": "2015-06-29T23:23:14Z", "digest": "sha1:IFAOD3NSNZ5ROSDBHV32BEQAM4QW2SFE"}
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Details Emerge In Shooting By Empire State Building By Steve Inskeep • Aug 24, 2012 Originally published on August 27, 2012 11:15 am Today's shooting in New York City draws special attention because of the location: at the base of the Empire State Building, perhaps the most famous building in New York, one of the most famous buildings in the world. The gunman opened fire there. Several people were shot and wounded. We're getting conflicting accounts of how many, although news photographs from the scene do show a number of people down on the ground. The Associated Press is reporting today that the gunman had recently been fired from a job, and may have shot a former colleague to death. We're going to try to sort out what we know and what the scene is like with NPR's Joel Rose. He's on the line. Joel, what do you know so far? JOEL ROSE, BYLINE: Well, Steve, I should stress that what I'm going to say is still fairly preliminary. We're on the scene, waiting for a briefing from the New York police which should answer at least some of the questions we have about this incident today. But, so what we're generally hearing is that 10 people have been shot, two of them killed - that was according to a fire department official - and that eight of the injured people have been taken to area hospitals. No word yet on the extent of their injuries. INSKEEP: OK. So you just said the latest figures we have - and it's early. These are subject to change again: 10 people shot, two of them killed, the remainder taken to the hospital. And all of this happened in one of the most distinctive corners in New York. ROSE: Well, certainly one of the most trafficked, and - yeah. I mean, as you say, the Empire State Building is an absolutely iconic building. It was, when it was built, the tallest building in New York for 40 years. It was later surpassed by the World Trade Center, which was destroyed in 2001, and has been surpassed again by the new World Trade Center building. But it remains absolutely this iconic skyscraper in the heart of Manhattan, and it's a really busy intersection at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 34th Street. You know, thousands of people commute through this area every day. It's just a few blocks from Grand Central - Grand Central Terminal, and a few blocks from Penn Station, you know, just really one of the busiest places in the busiest city in the country. INSKEEP: OK. And this is where the shooting took place, toward the tail end of rush hour, around 9 o'clock, or a little bit after 9 o'clock this morning Eastern Time. And Joel Rose, you told us earlier this morning that police are saying there's no link to terrorism, and our colleague Dina Temple-Raston - who covers federal law enforcement agencies - is hearing the same thing from them. But let's try to make sure we understand what that language means and why authorities would say no link to terrorism. What information we have - at least from the Associated Press - is that there may have been a work dispute here, rather than some broader, strategic aim by the gunman. Is that what they mean? ROSE: Well, you know, we really don't have a clear picture of the motives yet, here. I mean, early on, New York Police officials said that it might have been an armed robbery, you know, and now we're hearing these other reports that perhaps there's a disgruntled employee who opened fire on a kind of former coworker. You know, there are a lot of different scenarios, and maybe we'll get some answers - some better answers from the police in this press conference in a few moments. But what we've heard from the federal side, from the FBI, is that they do not suspect any links to terrorism at this point. And, you know, as we say, it's very early in this matter. It's just been a few hours since the shooting. But, you know, I think the FBI put the word out that they don't see any links to terrorism and that they're on the scene, but merely out of an abundance of caution. INSKEEP: Joel, having been out there on the street, having talked to people and watched things develop, how do New Yorkers take an event like this? Does it bring everything to a halt, or do people go right on? ROSE: Well, both. I think that - you know, New Yorkers are no strangers to difficult commutes. You know, I mean, any hiccup in the subway system can cause inconvenience for tens of thousands of people. So - you know, but that said, you know, turning off a huge stretch of Fifth Avenue and the other blocks around the Empire State Building is going to have a giant impact on the day for a lot of people who work, who commute through this area, who work in - either in the Empire State Building or many, many office buildings around it. So, yeah, it's going to be a major disruption for anyone who has business in this part of Midtown today. INSKEEP: OK. Joel, thanks very much. ROSE: My pleasure, Steve. INSKEEP: That's NPR's Joel Rose. He is on the scene of a shooting today in Midtown Manhattan at the Empire State Building. And Joel is quoting New York City Fire Department officials who say that they believe 10 people were shot today. Two of them were killed. It is believed the gunman was killed. Eight people have been taken to the hospital, and we'll bring you more as learn it. Transcript provided by NPR, Copyright NPR.
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The Late Night Hype – April 20, 2005 at 2:00am
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Trumbo: Un-American historyKent Williams on Friday 10/24/2008Are you now or have you ever been interested in the Hollywood blacklist? If so, you might want to check out Trumbo, Peter Askin's documentary portrait of one of its most prominent victims. When he was called before the House Un-American Activities Committee in 1950, Dalton Trumbo was Hollywood's highest-paid screenwriter, author of such movies as Kitty Foyle and A Guy Named Joe. >MoreHalloween on screen: Rich Peterson introduces the Madison Horror Film FestivalKristian Knutsen on Thursday 10/23/2008 6:00 pmRich Peterson has a vision for Halloween in Madison that extends well beyond the costumed parade of inebriation that reigns on State Street. Turning rather to the holiday's supernatural heart and gleeful embrace of the macabre, he has organized the inaugural Madison Horror Film Festival, which will serve up scares on and off the screen all day Saturday at the Orpheum Theatre. >MoreCelebrate Christmas on Mars at the Orpheum TheatreCraig Cady on Wednesday 10/22/2008 11:00 amI collected a few of my most spaced-out friends, and with giant disco balls, spotlights and imponderable waves of technicolor confetti in our brains, we submitted ourselves to Wayne Coyne's vision of Christmas on Mars. Would this be a work of genius? A flop? A nightmare trip? >MoreThe Duchess: Unhappy womanKent Williams on Friday 10/17/2008How would you feel if you'd been handed over to the richest man in England, only to find out you're a glorified sperm receptacle? >MoreBody of Lies: Leo's on the caseKent Williams on Friday 10/17/2008Political thrillers have gotten a shot in the arm from Islamic terrorism, which replaced Soviet Communism as our favorite geopolitical bogeyman. But it's surprising how quickly the effect has worn off. Body of Lies, which takes us all over Europe and the Middle East in search of a radical cleric who likes to make things go kaboom, is a bit of a bomb itself. >MoreTrouble the Water: Big uneasyKent Williams on Friday 10/17/2008As far as Katrina documentaries go, you may have felt like there was nothing left to say after Spike Lee's epic lamentation When the Levees Broke. But there are as many stories as there were victims, and each one of them has the utter fascination of an individual life torn to shreds. Kimberly Rivers Roberts' life was already a little ragged when the storm started slashing the Ninth Ward home she shared with her husband, Scott. >MoreAn American Carol: Comedic conservatismKent Williams on Friday 10/10/2008Does political humor have to align with your politics before you can find it funny? That's the question I kept asking myself while watching An American Carol, David Zucker's comic skewering of the American Left in general and Michael Moore in particular. Admittedly, I laughed only rarely, but was it because Zucker's taking his pot shots from the right side of the aisle or because the pot shots themselves, in a purely esthetic sense, were so lame? >MoreAppaloosa: Way out westKent Williams on Friday 10/10/2008Appaloosa has been made with such quiet authority that its charms may be lost on modern audiences, who expect a certain amount of commotion, no matter what the genre. Of course, Westerns have traditionally taken their time. They're like baseball games, as much about the in-between moments as they are about the major shoot-outs. >MoreBlindness: The vision thingKent Williams on Friday 10/10/2008In the increasingly grand tradition of Children of Men, 28 Days Later and I Am Legend, Blindness takes us to the end of civilization and just keeps going, showing us what it'll be like when all the things that hold us together have disappeared. This time, it's an epidemic of "the white sickness" that sends the world into...well, not darkness, exactly, since the afflicted perceive a sea of milky whiteness. >MoreFlow: ParchedKent Williams on Friday 10/10/2008Did you know that over one billion people lack access to fresh, clean water? Well, it's true -- an inconvenient truth, you might say. And as with global warming, things are likely to get a lot worse before they get better. We are smack dab in the middle of a water crisis that could make the oil crisis look like a day at the fair. >More More from The Daily/Movies: |< < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 > >| Select a Movie
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Les fragiles progrès de l’Afrique en matière de nutrition et d’éducation Outil précieux pour les politiques sanitaires, une cartographie précise révèle les avancées mais aussi les inégalités persistantes sur le continent. Par Paul Benkimoun Des écoliers masai jouent au football au Kenya, en janvier 2018. YASUYOSHI CHIBA / AFP « Sans bonnes données, nous avançons à l’aveugle. Si vous ne voyez rien, vous ne résolvez rien. » C’est en ces termes que l’ancien secrétaire général des Nations unies, Kofi Annan, commente, dans la revue scientifique Nature datée du jeudi 1er mars, la parution de deux articles importants sur l’évolution en Afrique des retards de croissance des enfants, d’une part, et de l’éducation reçue, d’autre part, entre 2000 et 2015. Ces deux articles « jumeaux » sont l’œuvre de chercheurs de l’Institut de statistiques et d’évaluation de la santé à l’Université de l’Etat de Washington, dirigé par le professeur Simon Hay, avec la collaboration de scientifiques de plusieurs autres continents. Grâce à des outils d’analyse et une modélisation, ces chercheurs ont dressé des cartes détaillant le continent africain à l’échelle de carrés de 5 km sur 5. Cette précision va au-delà des statistiques officielles nationales et, en révélant des inégalités à une échelle plus fine, devrait servir à une meilleure allocation des ressources pour la santé publique. Lire aussi La classe africaine : découvrez notre série consacrée à l’éducation Réputée dans le monde entier, notamment pour la publication annuelle d’une évaluation mondiale de la charge que représentent pour chaque pays les principales maladies, l’équipe basée à Seattle a choisi deux paramètres cruciaux : la malnutrition et l’éducation. Elle leur a appliqué son approche géospatiale pour analyser les données des années 2000, 2010 et 2015. Puis l’équipe a effectué des projections pour 2025 et 2030 afin de prédire le degré de réalisation de deux cibles : celle fixée par l’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) de diminuer de 40 % d’ici à 2025 le nombre d’enfants ayant un retard de croissance, et celle des Objectifs de développement durable (ODD) d’en finir avec la malnutrition et la faim d’ici à 2030. Au Sahel, des niveaux élevés de retard de croissance La malnutrition peut entraîner un retard staturo-pondéral se traduisant par une taille ou un poids en dessous de la norme, ou bien un poids insuffisant pour la taille, ces différentes manifestations pouvant se combiner. Sur ce thème, les chercheurs ont travaillé avec les données concernant les enfants de moins de 5 ans provenant de plusieurs enquêtes dans des dizaines de milliers de villages africains. L’autre paramètre, l’éducation, est un facteur clé du développement et a un retentissement majeur sur la santé maternelle et infantile : plus la scolarisation est élevée, meilleurs seront les indicateurs sanitaires. Le quatrième ODD fixe la perspective d’une éducation de qualité pour tous d’ici à 2030, quels que soient le revenu, le genre et le lieu de résidence. Là, les scientifiques ont utilisé les statistiques pour les hommes et les femmes de 15 à 49 ans. Prévalence des retards de croissance modérés à sévères, à l’échelle de résolution de 5 km sur 5, pour les années 2000, 2010 et 2015. INSTITUTE FOR HEALTH METRICS AND EVALUATION, UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON/NATURE 2018 Les résultats sur la période 2000-2015 montrent que « pratiquement tous les pays africains ont fait la preuve de progrès en matière de croissance, de malnutrition et d’insuffisance pondérale, principales composantes du retard de croissance infantile, pour les enfants de moins de 5 ans », écrivent les auteurs de la première étude, Aaron Osgood-Zimmerman et ses collègues. Parmi les pays ayant particulièrement progressé dans le domaine de la croissance, l’article cite l’Algérie, le Burkina Faso, le Gabon, le Ghana, la Guinée équatoriale, le Mozambique et le sud du Nigeria. La prévalence de l’insuffisance pondérale a quant à elle notablement chuté en 2015 au Rwanda et, à un moindre degré, en Angola et en République démocratique du Congo (RDC). La RDC a également connu une énorme réduction de la malnutrition entre 2000 et 2015. Cependant, l’article souligne des niveaux élevés de retard de croissance, de malnutrition et d’insuffisance pondérale dans quatorze des pays se trouvant dans la zone du Sahel, qui s’étend du Sénégal à l’Erythrée : de vastes zones en Ethiopie, dans le nord du Nigeria, en Somalie, au Soudan du Sud et au Tchad continuent d’afficher des niveaux élevés pour ces trois paramètres. Le nord du Nigeria, le sud du Niger, la RDC, le Zimbabwe, l’Angola et le nord du Mozambique connaissent des taux de retard de croissance se situant près, voire au-dessus de 40 %. Le taux de malnutrition infantile atteint 19 % au Burkina Faso, 20 % au Niger, 21 % au Soudan du Sud. Malgré des progrès substantiels, la province du Kasaï occidental (RDC) présente un taux d’insuffisance pondérale de 25 % en 2015. Lire aussi La malnutrition n’épargne plus aucun pays dans le monde De plus, les auteurs tempèrent le constat globalement positif en soulignant qu’une « frappante hétérogénéité subnationale demeure pour les niveaux et les tendances de développement de l’enfant ». « Si les rythmes actuels de progrès se maintiennent, beaucoup de parties de l’Afrique atteindront les cibles mondiales de l’OMS en 2025 pour améliorer la nutrition des mères, des bébés et des enfants, mais des niveaux élevés de retard de développement perdureront à travers le Sahel. » Ils ajoutent : « A ce rythme, une grande partie, si ce n’est tout le continent, échouera à atteindre l’objectif de développement durable d’en finir avec la malnutrition en 2030. » Un objectif dont la formulation est jugée « cliniquement vague et presque certainement inatteignable » par les auteurs. L’article précise qu’il existe encore de « vastes étendues du continent qui doivent multiplier par deux, trois, voire quatre le rythme de leurs progrès pour parvenir aux objectifs fixés par l’OMS pour 2025 ». Les femmes ont un niveau d’éducation inférieur En matière d’éducation, le second article, que publient Nick Graetz et ses collègues, recense de nombreuses zones du continent africain où existent de larges écarts dans le niveau d’éducation de base entre les zones urbaines et rurales. Ils citent le cas du Nigeria, où la moyenne nationale de scolarisation est de sept années en 2015, mais la finesse de résolution de leur analyse met au jour une grande différence entre le nord et le sud du pays, où les niveaux sont respectivement de deux années et dix années. Malgré cela, des pays comme le Ghana ont fait beaucoup de progrès entre 2000 et 2015. Là encore, la région du Sahel montre des résultats peu en progrès et à des niveaux faibles en termes d’éducation, notamment dans le nord du Nigeria, au Soudan du Sud et dans le nord du Kenya. Quatre régions rurales du Tchad présentent les durées de scolarisation les plus faibles d’Afrique, avec moins de six mois. « Le Monde Afrique » Chaque samedi, retrouvez une semaine d’actualité et de débats, par la rédaction du « Monde Afrique » Des disparités importantes persistent entre les hommes et les femmes. Le département de la Kabia, au Tchad, présente le fossé le plus grand entre les deux sexes : les hommes y ont près de six années de scolarisation de plus que les femmes. Dans 64 des 77 communes du Bénin, soit 86 % de la population, les hommes ont un niveau d’éducation supérieur aux femmes. Idem dans tous les districts de Guinée, de Guinée-Bissau, de Sierra Leone et du Togo. Même si cela n’est pas statistiquement significatif, une tendance est notée à de plus hauts niveaux d’éducation délivrée aux femmes en Afrique australe. Lire aussi Combattre quelques idées reçues sur l’éducation en Afrique subsaharienne Dans un communiqué publié par l’Université de l’Etat de Washington, Simon Hay déclare : « Les cartes ne servent pas seulement à révéler les “points chauds” de bas niveaux d’éducation et de mauvaise alimentation des enfants, mais elles mettent également le projecteur sur les communautés mettant en œuvre avec succès des programmes éducatifs et nutritionnels durant les quinze dernières années, qui sont riches d’enseignements. La santé publique de précision est un nouveau champ d’étude qui sera inestimable au cours des douze prochaines années pour aider à cibler efficacement et équitablement les ressources. » Il faut espérer que les autorités publiques sauront s’emparer de ces nouveaux outils pour ajuster plus finement sur le terrain les politiques de santé et de développement. Paul Benkimoun Des leçons interactives par la rédaction pour tester vos connaissances.
{"url": "https://www.lemonde.fr/afrique/article/2018/03/01/les-fragiles-progres-de-l-afrique-en-matiere-de-nutrition-et-d-education_5264420_3212.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.lemonde.fr", "date_download": "2023-01-26T21:55:13Z", "digest": "sha1:QEKDLFOX5TWFFYTAX7OUPTEXWDJBH6CF"}
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Temptation Preparation Where is the battle against sin won or lost? Is it in the very moment of temptation or in the moments and days prior to temptation? Often, in our desire to overcome sin in our lives we do nothing more that simply resolve to be resolved in the moment of temptation. Next time, I’ll just be stronger. Proverbs 7 shows us that this kind of strategy is plain foolishness and offers two ways to overcome sin prior to the moment of temptation. Most of the book of Proverbs was written by Solomon in an effort to pass on wisdom to his sons. In chapter 7, he warns against sexual temptation, specifically the temptation to engage in relations with the “loud and wayward” adulteress (v11). However, the principles given are applicable to all kinds of temptation, not only sexual. The chapter begins with the first tool for overcoming temptation – “keep my words”: 1 My son, keep my words and treasure up my commandments with you; 2 keep my commandments and live; keep my teaching as the apple of your eye; 3 bind them on your fingers; write them on the tablet of your heart. 4 Say to wisdom, "You are my sister," and call insight your intimate friend, 5 to keep you from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words. What are the words that are to be kept? I believe he is referring to the book of Proverbs specifically. The reference to “wisdom” in v4 supports this, but I also believe that we could expand the range of teaching to all of the Bible. Psalm 119:11 reads, I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. So it is not only the wisdom writings of Proverbs that are useful for assisting us in our battle with sin, but the whole counsel of God, the whole Bible. It’s important to note that Solomon exhorts his son not merely to know his words, commandments, wisdom, and insight, but to keep them, treasure them, keep them as the apple of his eye, bind them on his fingers, write them on the table of his heart, and to consider them his bride and intimate friend. (Bride? Yes, in the context of ancient Near Eastern and biblical love poetry, the “sister” is actually the bride. Song of Solomon 4:9, “my sister, my bride.” Solomon is encouraging his son to make wisdom his wife.) What Solomon has in mind is not just an arsenal of bible knowledge, but a deep abiding passion, love, and devotion to God’s truth and commandments. In other words, “make this the passion of your life.” Why? V5, to keep you from the forbidden woman, from the adulteress with her smooth words. That is exceedingly clear. Knowing and loving God’s Word as the passion of your life will keep you from temptation. A more crucial question is “how does it keep us from temptation?” We know that before sin becomes a matter of the body it is a matter of the heart – “For from within, out of the heart of man, come evil thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, coveting, wickedness, deceit, sensuality, envy, slander, pride, foolishness. All these evil things come from within, and they defile a person" (Mark 7:21-23). What the heart loves, the heart will pursue. If we love sin, we will gravitate toward sin. If we love God’s Word, we will pursue it and righteousness. Essentially, Solomon understands this and is exhorting his son to love God’s Word rather than sin. As most of us can attest, that is easier said than done. I was having lunch with a friend a few years ago. We were discussing pastoral counseling as it relates to psychology, an issue on which we held differing views. In making a case for the importance of psychology, my friend said, “It is mistake to think that if I just read the bible more and pray more, I’ll be able to say no to sin.” I replied, “It’s a greater mistake to discount those two things.” God’s Word and prayer must be a part of our daily spiritual regimen if we are going to delight in His words, commandments, teaching, wisdom, and insight. We must saturate our minds and hearts with the Word and we must spend time praying not only that we would have the strength to resist temptation, but also that God would grant us a greater passion for His Word. Sometimes we make the mistake of reading only Bible passages that pertain to our specific sin issue and praying only about the ability to defeat that sin. It is far better to feast on all kinds of passages – about God’s character, Christ’s work, and the passion for truth – and to pray for greater hunger for the Lord and His Bible. This must take place before the moment of temptation. A soldier doesn’t train during a battle – he trains before. You and I must do the same, and that is what Solomon desires to convey to his son. Second, “do not stray into her paths” (v25). Verses 6-9 paint a picture of true foolishness: 6 For at the window of my house I have looked out through my lattice, 7 and I have seen among the simple, I have perceived among the youths, a young man lacking sense, 8 passing along the street near her corner, taking the road to her house 9 in the twilight, in the evening, at the time of night and darkness. This young man put himself in the wrong place at the wrong time. He willingly and intentionally took the route that led to her house. He led himself into temptation. And this is directly related the fact that he did not treasure God’s commandments. The “for” at the beginning of v6 shows that what the young man did is the result of not doing what Solomon commands his son to do in vv1-5. The one who loves the commandments of God will not stray into the path of temptation. But the young man did stray, and vv10-21 detail the adulteress’ seduction, with vv22-23 providing the following commentary: 22 All at once he follows her, as an ox goes to the slaughter, or as a stag is caught fast 23 till an arrow pierces its liver; as a bird rushes into a snare; he does not know that it will cost him his life. Had he loved and treasured the commandments of God, he would have known that giving in to the temptation would cost him his life. Then Solomon offers a summary plea: 24 And now, O sons, listen to me, and be attentive to the words of my mouth. 25 Let not your heart turn aside to her ways; do not stray into her paths, 26 for many a victim has she laid low, and all her slain are a mighty throng. 27 Her house is the way to Sheol, going down to the chambers of death. Love the Word and do not stray into the paths of temptation. Clearly, the battle over sin is fought prior to the moment of temptation. If you seem to be losing the battle, it may be that you are not even fighting until it’s too late. By God’s grace, obedience to Proverbs 7 can turn the tide in your life. Posted by Greg Birdwell at 8:53 AM How Will They Hear Without a Preacher? Another archaeological find tells us something we ... The Bible Can't Be Boring Pat Robertson, Natural Disasters, and the Nature o... What the federal judiciary can teach us about bibl... Your Adoption By God Understanding Biblical Narrative
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Le Colline del Prosecco meritano il riconoscimento Unesco, ma vanno protette Tweet Bottega festeggia e ribadisce l’urgenza di proteggere tanto il territorio quanto il Prosecco, un vino che ha costi di produzione più alti dello Champagne. Il 7 luglio a Baku, in Azerbaijan, il World Heritage Commettere dell’Unesco ha decretato l’inserimento delle Colline di Conegliano e Valdobbiadene nella lista del Patrimonio Mondiale dell’Umanità, che oggi conta quindi 55 siti italiani. Si tratta di un importante ritorno di immagine per le cantine dell’area e per tutto il territorio. L’azienda Bottega, presente con il Prosecco e con altri prodotti in 140 paesi del mondo, si congratula con Luca Zaia, governatore della Regione Veneto, con il Consorzio di Tutela del Conegliano Valdobbiadene Docg e con tutte le istituzioni che hanno promosso e perseguito un progetto complesso e articolato. Sandro Bottega, presidente di Bottega S.p.A., manifesta la propria soddisfazione e dichiara: “Le colline di Conegliano Valdobbiadene sono un territorio di grande bellezza e avrebbero certamente meritato che un riconoscimento di tale prestigio arrivasse prima. Tutto il mondo del Prosecco ne beneficerà e questa considerazione supera tutte le altre. Verranno premiati certamente i produttori che con fatica e sacrificio hanno lavorato con l’unico obiettivo della qualità, in vigna, in cantina e sul mercato. Verrà premiato chi ha promosso questo vino in paesi lontani, facendolo conoscere ai quattro angoli del globo, fino a creare una tendenza di consumo e quindi una richiesta sempre più importante. Mi rammarica però pensare che verrà premiato anche chi è andato a traino e ha giocato negli anni su una qualità al ribasso.” Bottega aggiunge: “Proprio in questo momento di soddisfazione diffusa i produttori di qualità vanno protetti, creando delle commissioni di degustazione più severe, limitando le rese per ettaro e adeguando effettivamente il livello qualitativo ai canoni imposti dal Consorzio. La recente messa al bando dell’impiego del glifosato in vigna rappresenta una pietra miliare nel segno del rispetto del territorio e della salute. Il Prosecco, quello vero, ha una valenza pari a quella dello Champagne e costi di produzione a volte anche superiori. Infatti l’area dello Champagne è quasi piatta rispetto a quella del Prosecco (in particolare Docg) che è collinare con zone molto scoscese. Quindi la vendemmia e la manutenzione dei vigneti sono notevolmente più onerose nell’area del Prosecco. Il metodo Martinotti (Prosecco) richiede investimenti infrastrutturali (autoclavi, macchine riempitrici) molto più costosi rispetto a quelli necessari per il metodo Champenois (Champagne). Lo stoccaggio in cantina dello Champagne per almeno 15 mesi, visto l’attuale bassissimo costo del denaro, non modifica le proporzioni anche se immobilizza il capitale. Non a caso il Cava spagnolo, prodotto anch’esso con il metodo Champenois, ha mediamente un costo inferiore a quello del Prosecco”. Rispetto per il territorio, sostenibilità ambientale e cura costante della qualità hanno consentito al Prosecco Bottega di sfidare lo Champagne e di diventare il secondo spumante nel canale Travel Retail. L’azienda di Bibano di Godega guarda quindi con fiducia al futuro, brindando a un territorio splendido, patrimonio dei cittadini del mondo. Pubblicato il 10 luglio 2019 in Vino Letto 1364 volte Permalink [0] commenti bottega, brindando, colline del prosecco, conegliano, consorzio, docg, festeggia, grande bellezza, luca zaia, patrimonio, territorio, unesco, valdobbiadene
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Hay más alegría en... …dar que en recibir… Cuántas veces hemos escuchado esa frase. Suena bonito no? En especial en estas fechas navideñas, donde todo es paz, amor, amistad, unión, familia… comida… regalos… publicidad… descuentos en Ripley, en Saga, mercado central… compra compra, regala regala, gasta gasta… en fin, mucho del espíritu navideño se ha prostituido por el consumismo y un mal entendido sentido de “regalar cosas porque te quiero”. Cuantos de nosotros vemos más allá de lo evidente y pensamos (y sentimos) que la navidad es un compartir en familia, no un intercambio de regalos. Los regalos son para los niños, inocentes ellos, que creen en las historias de santas, renos, duendes y demás cosas mágicas. Es perfecto, está bien, porque ese es su mundo. Entremos al mundo de los adultos y comprendamos que no se trata de comprar y regalar, se trata de compartir, de unificar, de buscar paz y tranquilidad en casa, con familia y con los amigos cercanos. Es bonito recibir regalos, a todos nos gusta, y muchos participamos (me incluyo) en muchos intercambios de regalo con tus amigos del cole, universidad, barrio, trabajo, etc. etc.; me parece perfecto, es bonito, gracioso, entretenido y tiene un sentido de unión, siempre y cuando no te obliguen a participar. Está bien, es más, lo fomento, todos deberíamos participar, pero no debe quedar ahí… donde queda el “hagamos algo más”? Hace 8 años con unos amigos del barrio comenzamos una actividad. La idea nos la dio el Sr. Marino, quien lo hacía en sus años mozos (allá cuando los recuerdos pasan en blanco y negro jeje). Nos juntamos 4 amigos y decidimos organizar chocolatadas navideñas para niños de bajos recursos de nuestro distrito, Chorrillos city. Cada quien con sus motivos decidimos iniciarlo pero creo que la conclusión final fue la misma para todos: Nuestros corazones hinchados de felicidad por llevar un momento de alegría que muchas veces rehúye a estos niños. Luego decidimos hacerlo todos los años, con grandes planes a futuro, cada vez más niños, cada vez más lugares, cada vez más colaboradores. Pero como siempre ocurre, el trabajo, la familia, los matrimonios, las prioridades, llevaron a todos por distintos caminos… y de igual forma, otros caminos trajeron a otras personas con ánimos de continuar la actividad. Es así que con cambios aquí y allá, ya son 8 años que mantenemos nuestra querida chocolatada (salvo un año que por fuerza mayor no se realizó) y este será nuestro 9no año. En estos 8 años he aprendido mucho. He aprendido sobre organización de eventos, sobre manejo de grupos, sobre interacción con instituciones, sobre discusiones productivas y no productivas, sobre reconciliaciones y retroalimentación, sobre amistad e interés, sobre estratos sociales y discriminación, sobre falta de oportunidades y falta de convicción… pero sobre todo he aprendido sobre el amor infinito de las personas cuando quieren y se comprometen a ayudar a una buena causa. No importan si es la única vez en el año que las personas se comprometen a ayudar, y si en estas fechas hacen 4 o 5 actividades a la vez. Eso no importa, como he aprendido y siempre digo, “todo suma”. A veces hay personas temerosas y piensan que su ayuda es poca entonces mejor no ayudar. Mentira. Es una excusa tonta. Si hubieran un millón de misios en Lima, y cada misio diera 1 sol, tendríamos S/. 1’000,000.00 de soles para invertir en actividades así… no les parece un monto súper importante? Entonces no se trata de mucho o poco, se trata de hacerlo, y todo va sumando y sumando y se pueden hacer muchas cosas, para mucha o poca gente… eso dependerá al final del interés de las personas, la organización de los que promueven la causa y del respaldo infaltable de Dios en las buenas obras. Así que si te quieres sumar a nuestra chocolatada, que se realizará el día 9 de diciembre, así sea con S/. 1.00, bienvenido y bendito seas!!! Porque no solo te lo agradeceremos nosotros, los organizadores (https://www.facebook.com/AA.JJ.Generando.Sonrisas/), sino también los 87 alumnos con autismo y síndrome de down que estudian en la asociación “cerrito azul” (http://centrocerritoazul.com/), y que, como imaginarán, no son atendidos por instituciones del estado no tienen los recursos para ingresar a colegios especializados. Toda ayuda es bien recibida, pueden ver más detalles en el evento creado en Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/events/112079865621046/) o pedirme por correo el detalle. Contarán con nuestro agradecimiento permanente y con la bendición de Dios de haber encontrado en sus corazones la alegría de compartir, de ofrecer, de dar… antes de pensar en recibir. Retribución.- Cuando una persona se esmera en hacer las cosas bien, tarde o temprano, la vida misma se encarga de recompensarlo, más allá de que sean bienes materiales. Lo sé por experiencia. (30 de Noviembre del 2012) Etiquetas: alegría, amor, ayuda, azul, cerrito, compartir, dar, familia, generando, intercambios, navidad, ofrecer, paz, recibir, recompensa, sonrisas, unión Casi no la cuento (Jueves de sustos) Casi me mato!!! No no… suena a que me quise suicidar (y no hay forma!!!) Mejor digo: Casi me mueeerroooo!!! (A lo platanazo). Mmm tampoco, suena a que me dio un paro cardiaco o algo así. A ver, mejor así: Casi me matan!!! Eso está mas cerca de la realidad, aunque suena a que me quisieron meter cuchillo o un balazo, pero tampoco… Mejor cuento lo que pasó… Viernes, 00.00am. Venía manejando por la vía expresa y tome el desvío para el circuito de playas (Barranco). Tuve una ligera discusión y venía meditando sobre la importancia de las convicciones y la relevancia de decir y hacer las cosas en el momento oportuno (sí sí ya se, no se entiende… por eso fue la discusión jajaja). En fin, las ideas me daban vueltas en la cabeza. Como es bien sabido entre los conductores de la zona sur de Lima, saliendo de esta bajada hay un cruce que toda la vida ha sido un dolor de cabeza. Para los que no lo conocen les pongo la foto respectiva (Disculparán el descuadre pero tomar una foto manejando y con el celular en la mano, a parte de un poco irresponsable, no tiene buen enfoque… pero tenía que tomarla para poder describir la situación) En este pinche cruce, desde que tengo uso de razón, han habido incontables accidentes… y por poco me convierto en uno más de ellos. Muchos pensarán que venía distraído pensando en la discusión o que venía rápido por la cólera… pero no fue así… bueno, no del todo, jeje. Si bien la gente que se ha subido a mi carro (Lo siento chato, tu no puedes subir… por lo menos no con esas intenciones jajaja), sabe que manejo bien aunque “ligeramente” rápido; debo decir que ahora he bajado las revoluciones, tratando de respetar todas las señales de tránsito. También con todo lo que me ha pasado me he vuelto más consciente de los riesgos de la vida y no quiero tomar algunos innecesarios, sumado a que respeto a las personas de los otros carros y a los peatones… salvo combis y los mototaxis por mi casa (malditos!) Bueno bueno, retomando la historia. Una vez que terminas la bajada hay una curva a la derecha y otra a la izquierda; luego viene este cruce. A Dios gracias (y a la capoeira) es que tengo reflejos felinos; de la nada salió este carro, pero lo vi, y pude evitar chocarme contra el o que me choque a mí… porque como si fuera poco, tuve que esquivarlo 2 veces, en 2 microsegundo. Esta COJUDA (así es ladies and gentleman, era mujer…) venía por la otra pista, con sentido hacia Miraflores, y dio vuelta en u en este cruce… con las luces bajas!!! O sea, de noche??? Jelou??? En un microsegundo vi que entró en mi carril; bajé casi toda la velocidad, cambié de lado para evitar el choque y pasar por el costado… y la muy HDP se pasó al otro carril!!! Aaahhh!!!!!!! Cada vez que me acuerdo me dan ganas de reventarla a patadas!!! Dar la vuelta sin mirar y cruzar los 2 carriles!!! Que se cree? Chofer de combi??? En otro microsegundo frené en seco volteando el timón y por poco termino en el sardinel. Reacción de macho peruano que se respeta: La maldita siguió avanzando y en otro microsegundo me puse delante de su carro para darme el gusto de recordarle todo su árbol genealógico hasta EVA!!! Y que creen? Cuando volteo a mirar la muy CSM SE ESTABA RIENDO!!! Kame hame haaa!!!!!! Y acá muchas chicas saldrán en su defensa y dirán: “Seguro es de los nervios”. Chicas, uno distingue la risa de nervios y la risa de “ups! casi la cago, huevonaaaaaaa”… Pero le regalo el beneficio de la duda… Lo peor de todo y el motivo de escribir este blog es por lo que vi al siguiente microsegundo. En el lado del copiloto había un niño entre 6 a 8 años. En ese momento colapsé… la verdad que con tantos sentimientos encontrados solo atiné a avanzar más rápido y alejarme de a pocos porque no podía entender como algunas personas pueden ser tan irresponsables. Se imaginan? Si me hubiera chocado? Y si moría el niño? Hubiese tenido que cargar con esa culpa de por vida!!! No puedo afirmar ni negar nada sobre esta mujercita, pero en definitiva cuando estas manejando y llevas personas dentro, tienes la responsabilidad de sus vidas en tus manos y pies (y ojos, y cabeza, y oídos…); más aun si se tratan de niños pequeños. Ojalá que se haya dado cuenta de lo que pudo haber causado. Yo una vez me choqué con mi mamá y mi hermana dentro del carro. Me sentí pésimo pues pude haber ocasionado algo peor que solo los golpes que tuvimos; era mi responsabilidad. Desde ese día tengo la sensación clara de que alguien salga herido por tu culpa… y no quiero volver a sentirla. Muchos expertos dicen que llevamos nuestras frustraciones de la vida a la pista y creo que están en lo cierto. Probablemente Lima sea una de las ciudades más estresantes para conducir pero no podemos seguir en el círculo vicioso. Al igual que siempre pido respeto por las personas con discapacidad, hoy pido respeto por las reglas de tránsito. Por favor, no nos convirtamos en cómplices de un accidente si podemos evitarlo. La cereza: Llego a mi casa, me acuesto por fin a descansar, y cuando estaba medio dormido escucho a mi papá gritar… la primera reacción fue pensar que alguien se metió a la casa y miré por la ventana los carros… no había nadie… Cuando salí del cuarto, mi papá salió del suyo y me dijo “Son esos imbéciles que llaman haciéndose pasar por ti”. No pensé que nunca llegaría esa llamada a mi casa pues tenemos un número restringido, pero sucedió, y da que pensar muchas cosas. Lo bueno es que estaba en casa y no pasó nada… felizmente… y luego que mi corazón dejó de latir como el bombo de la barra de alianza, me fui a dormir. Etiquetas: accidentes, autos, carros, chocar, choque, circuito, combi, correr, irresponsable, Kikin, mototaxi, negligente, peaton, pista, playas, reglas, respeto, rispa, trafico, transito
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An Open Letter To The World - Human Rights Day 2009 Dear Fellow Humans- Have you ever felt overrun by mixed emotions? That's where I'm at as I write to you. Today, as many of you know, is Human Rights Day, set aside by the UN to commemorate the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ratified this day in 1948. This document was created in the wake of a World War that saw millions of persons killed because of religious, ethnic, racial, or societal distinctions, and millions more oppressed for the same reasons [some of which happened right here in the US]. The Universal Declaration simply and clearly lists the basic rights of every human being. Now I know that some nations ignore rights that most of the world take for granted. Bloggers around the world, no doubt, will report on individuals who have been jailed, for years, for the simple act of sending an e-mail [China]. Or, perhaps, some will write about religion-based oppression of woman [Afghanistan]. Still others will note police violence against innocent citizens [Brazil], or oppressive laws that deny freedom of sexuality [Lithuania]. But I've got to be really honest here. As much as I am discouraged and disheartened by these human rights violations, I am somewhat jealous of these nations as well. Each one of them; indeed, virtually every civilized nation on Earth, has something that I, as an American, am denied - access to free, government-funded, health care. If you happen to have a copy of the Universal Declaration [if not, click on the link above], I draw your attention to Article 25. Quoting Heading 1: "Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his family, including food, clothing, housing and medical care..."[emphasis mine]. The United States is one of many signatories of the Universal Declaration. But it stands out like a sore thumb when it comes to its disregard of this Article. Health care "reform" has been one of the major themes of the almost-ended political year here. But, as our associates at Amnesty International [one of today's sponsors] point out, the "new and improved" health care plan does little to address several major deficiencies. I guess I would feel better about the American system if it got results. But it doesn't. While spending more money than any other nation, the US ranked 37th in the most-recent World Health Organization's rating of health-care quality [among the nations having better results: Canada, the UK, Oman, Cypress, the United Arab Emirates, and Morocco]. Even those "fortunate" enough to have health insurance are frequently beggared by payment of premiums, fees, etc [including Your Friendly Letterwriter]. Maybe it's just me, but until America has its own house in order, perhaps we should have a moratorium on intervention [critical or otherwise] of anybody else. Hey, oppression is bad [we all get that]; but, as Martin Luther King, Jr. noted, "Of all the forms of inequality, injustice in health care is the most shocking and inhumane". Posted by Mike Riley at 10:55 PM Labels: "Proud to be 37th", health care "reform", Human Rights Day, Universal Declaration of Human Rights Steinar Arason said... Hey thanks for following my blog. And this is really helpful post. I will come back soon! Steinar Arason www.traffic-payout.blogspot.com An Open Letter To The World - Human Rights Day 200... Messing With A Classic
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Rumor: Lucasfilm moving to Burbank 24 Oct, 2020 / 4 comments Even though George Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney in 2012, the actual offices have remained at the Letterman Digital Arts Center in The Presidio -- a park in San Francisco. As Lucas owns those facilities, Disney has actually been paying George rent for that space despite owning the assets held there. With the conglomerate undergoing a period of COVID related belt-tightening, rumor has it that Disney is finally ready to relocate all those assets to their home turf in Burbank. The move down south for Lucasfilm apparently has been the plan for years. It is unknown what has been the delay in getting them down to Burbank. The goal was to have all of their divisions at convenient proximity to Disney headquarters. With that, they cut down distance and they no longer have to pay Lucas rent. Why do we care? Well, presumably this means that the Lucasfilm archives are destined to make a six hour road trip, and as elTee's illuminating interview with Limited Run Games revealed, the original assets related to the old adventure games have not necessarily been digitized. And I'm not making judgments, mind you. It's hard to ask a supposedly state-of-the-art studio to make time over a thirty year period to digitally bank Monkey Island key art when there's a hundred other things to do. Those Baby Yodas aren't going to stack themselves. I'm just asking everyone to join me in a collective prayer that they, you know, have the straps on the flat bed fastened tight as they load it up with irreplaceable diskettes of source code or Ken Macklin artwork for The Dig. And you know, that they throw a tarp over it if the weather forecast looks dicey. Things like that. Comments: 4 / Source: LRM Online AlfredJ on 25 Oct, 2020, 15:55… ThunderPeel2001 Agh. Like that time Universal burned all the negatives and outtakes from their back catalogue to “make space” in their warehouses. The one thing that gives me a little bit of hope is that Lucasfilm still exists as its own entity, even though it's owned by Disney, and the creative teams there still seem interested in keeping that old stuff around. I hope. If Disney stops renting the property from Lucas I'm sure he'll keep that around, possibly even turning it into a museum of sorts, since he's been working on something like that for the last couple of years. I can imagine the archives staying there when all the production facilities move out. They'll never get rid of the mountains of Star Wars stuff (and other ILM-related movies), which hopefully means they'll have no reason to throw out the more obscure project archives either. That's my optimistic take at least. This was inevitable, but still feels weirdly sad. It always seemed like the perfect workplace, especially when hearing Purcell etc talking about the early days. bordok on 25 Oct, 2020, 02:03… They won't have much protection for the original disks. A while ago the army and police were protecting some funds like this... https://www.bostonherald.com/2020/10/03/billions-in-bullion-shifted-ahead-of-dutch-bank-rebuild/ JonesJr on 25 Oct, 2020, 00:43… Oh, neat! More 2020 anxiety I wasn't expecting! ThunderPeel2001 on 24 Oct, 2020, 22:58…
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