[Commission Sauvé-CIASE] « Seigneur, rebâtis ton Eglise » Découvrir les communautés Déposez une intention Messes et prière en direct Téléchargez l'application Hozana Les rendez-vous Hozana ! Offres d'emploi ! Questions… et réponses ! Conseils pour prier Les fêtes chrétiennes Découvrez la Bible Découvrez les saints Toutes les communautés Tous les articles de nos guides Découvrez Hozana sur Hozana v4.7.6 - Nouveautés ! 10229 personnes ont participé Les abus commis dans l'Eglise sont un drame et un scandale qui invite à la prière pour toutes les personnes victimes, et pour la conversion profonde de l'Eglise : évêques, prêtres, et laïcs. Le mardi 5 octobre 2021, la Commission Indépendante sur les Abus Sexuels dans l'Eglise (CIASE) a remis publiquement aux évêques de France et aux supérieurs des congrégations religieuses le rapport que l'Eglise lui a commandé il y a 3 ans. La mission de la CIASE était d'établir les faits sur les abus commis au sein de l'Eglise depuis 1950, de comprendre pourquoi et comment ces drames ont pu avoir lieu et comment ils ont été traités, d'examiner l'action de l'Eglise pour lutter contre la pédophilie et de faire des recommandations. Composée de 22 membres pour mener ce travail et dotée d'un budget de 3 millions d'euros financé par l'Eglise, cette commission a recueilli plus de 6500 témoignages, conduit de très nombreux entretiens approfondis, analysé des archives de diocèses et communautés et aussi réalisé une très large enquête avec l'INSERM auprès de 30 000 personnes. Ce travail colossal est sans égal dans d'autres pays jusqu'à ce jour. Extrêmement documenté, précis et rigoureux, il est une étape importante pour l'Eglise dans la lutte contre les abus. Les révélations sont terrifiantes. Notre peine et notre douleur à tous est immense. Notre prière est nécessaire Dans leur lettre de mars 2021 aux Catholiques de France, les évêques ont appelé tous les fidèles à s'engager, avec eux, avec détermination dans la lutte contre toute forme d'abus. Ils souhaitaient donc que nous prenions tout d'abord le temps d'accueillir ce rapport dans toute sa vérité, même si cela est aujourd'hui extrêmement douloureux (lire une synthèse de 48 pages ici) Ce rapport nous appelle à un sursaut. Ce sursaut doit être porté dans la prière. Prière en premier pour toutes les personnes victimes, toutes celles qui ont parlé et toutes celles plus nombreuses encore qui n'ont jamais parlé. Toutes celles qui n'ont pas été crues, qui ont été oubliées et méprisées. Toutes celles qui ont été irrémédiablement abîmées et détruites. Prière aussi pour les pasteurs de l'Eglise qui se sont rendus coupables par tant de silences et d'insuffisance. Prière pour tous les prêtres et tous les fidèles qui portent le péché de quelques-uns. Prière pour ceux qui se sont rendus coupables de ces crimes. Prière pour l'Eglise, famille de Dieu, qui avance et se convertit sans cesse sous l'action du Saint Esprit. Prière pour le présent et l'avenir de chacun. Prière pour que ce temps qui nous est donné porte des fruits de conversion et de miséricorde en abondance. L'Eglise marche depuis deux mille ans. Et elle marche telle qu'elle est, sans recourir à des chirurgies esthétiques. Elle ne craint pas de montrer les péchés de ses membres, que certains d'entre eux tentent parfois de dissimuler, à la lumière brûlante de la Parole de l'Evangile qui lave et purifie. Elle ne se lasse pas non plus de réciter chaque jour, honteuse : « Pitié pour moi, Dieu, en ta bonté, en ta grande tendresse. Ma faute est devant moi sans relâche » (Ps 51, 3.5). Mais souvenons-nous qu'on n'abandonne pas une Mère lorsqu'elle est blessée, mais on l'accompagne pour qu'elle trouve en elle toute sa force et sa capacité de toujours recommencer. (Pape François, Christus Vivit 101) « C'est maintenant le moment favorable » Nous vous proposons de prier, pendant neuf jours, à toutes ces intentions au rythme d'un petit temps quotidien. Chaque jour sera proposée une intention particulière afin que le Seigneur lui-même vienne guérir, prendre soin et rebâtir tout ce qui doit l'être. Prière de la retraite "Seigneur, rebâtis ton église" Seigneur, avec l'Eglise de France, nous sommes sous le choc face à l'ampleur des abus commis pendant tant d'années par des prêtres et des laïcs. Nous te confions toutes les personnes qui ont été victimes de violence et d'agressions sexuelles au sein de l'Eglise. Viens panser les blessures, viens guérir les coeurs, viens rebâtir les personnes abîmées. Que dans les épreuves qu'elles traversent, elles puissent toujours s'appuyer sur Toi et sentir ta présence à leurs côtés. Qu'elles puissent aussi compter sur notre écoute véritable et notre soutien fraternel. Qu'à l'image de ton Fils, nous apprenions à prendre mieux soin des plus petits et des plus fragiles Que, par le souffle de ton Esprit Saint, nous nous laissions tous transformer en profondeur pour vivre les conversions auxquelles tu nous appelles pour faire de notre Eglise une « maison plus sûre ». Donne-nous ton Esprit d'humilité pour traverser ces épreuves dans l'espérance. Avec notre engagement humble et déterminé, viens et rebâtis ton Eglise. Amen. Priez dès maintenant pour cette retraite en cliquant sur "je prie" Je prie Autres communautés à rejoindre NEUVAINE IRRESISTIBLE de Padre Pio pour les causes difficiles neuvaineNous vous proposons de prier une neuvaine à Jésus Miséricordieux pour une cause difficile d'après les écrits de Saint Padre Pio. Cette neuvaine est dite irrésistible. Proposée par Unité de Prière 11742 personnes ont participéJe m'inscris Prions pour celles et ceux qui sont prisonniers de l'alcool neuvaineMalgré son ancrage dans notre quotidien et notre héritage culturel, l'alcool n'est pas un produit ordinaire. Il serait responsable de près de 50 000 morts par an. Et vous, où en êtes-vous ? Proposée par Jean-Didier VLT 660 personnes ont participéJe m'inscris Neuvaine au Saint-Esprit de saint Alphonse de Liguori neuvainePrions 9 jours, avec les textes de Saint Alphonse de Liguori, pour demander les 7 dons du Saint-Esprit.
{"url": "https://hozana.org/communaute/10315-sauve-ciase-rebatis-mon-eglise", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "hozana.org", "date_download": "2022-11-26T08:23:24Z", "digest": "sha1:VITEMERZIKP4XAGAELDDHTOTQWAWZAF4"}
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Association De La Locomotion MÉcanique Ancienne (a. L. M. A.) à Uzès ASSOCIATION DE LA LOCOMOTION MÉCANIQUE ANCIENNE (A. L. M. A.) est une association créée le 26 janv. 1960, basée à Uzès (30700), dans le département du Gard (30). Création d'un musée aux autos Siège à Uzès : 28, rue du Docteur-Blanchard 30700 Uzès Voir toutes les associations du département du Gard Autres associations à Uzès 30700 : CENTRE D'ÉTUDES TECHNIQUES AGRICOLES DE LA VALLÉE DE L'ALZON Étude des techniques agricoles SANTOSHA Assurer la gestion, la promotion et la communication d'un centre dédié au développement personnel
{"url": "https://www.himalaya-data.fr/association/30700-association-de-la-locomotion-mecanique-ancienne-a-l-m-a-", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.himalaya-data.fr", "date_download": "2019-07-15T18:04:33Z", "digest": "sha1:AAXWNQTR64L2FKVSU4RNRU3TEHJZQJHD"}
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Conservative Swede has a knack for wielding a rhetorical scalpel and cutting to the heart of the matter, especially when the matter concerns Western culture, political correctness, and Multiculturalism. Here’s one of his comments from yesterday’s thread, written as a response to another commenter (and edited slightly for clarity and punctuation): David wrote: By the way, the old “I don’t hate black people, I just love my own white people” is an old KKK and white power claim from American racists. If you can’t tell that that claim is racist, then you are a moron. An Inquisition type of argument. A perfect one, since the accusation in itself guarantees the guilt of the accused. There’s no way to get out of this fox trap unless you claim that you explicitly hate your own people, and would like to see them perish. But if you leave just the tiniest of tiniest little bit of love for your own people (if you are white that is; the Davids of our world have a racist approach to this) then any “moron” can tell that you are a racist, and only making excuses. And the more you say you like black people or are friends with Jews, the worse it gets — then you are the wily, deceptive kind. No, only declaring the absolute hate of your own people will suffice. Well, if you, like most people, would just shut up, complete indifference about the issue does fine. But once you have opened your mouth and expressed even the tiniest of love for your own people, there’s only one way: total humiliation and denunciation. And in this we see the whole Western society in miniature. Since people do not know how to defend themselves against these Inquisition type of questions — and they can be spawned by any nobody — the effect is a society where people in practice hate their own society and strive for it to perish (consciously or unconsciously, but always in practice). This is the whole situation of the fall of the West, in a nutshell. It isn’t more complicated than this. This is the knot that has to be untied. Once done, the rest will take care of itself. Conservative Swede has said previously that the obsession with PC is, in effect, a demonic possession that afflicts most people in the West. Untying the knot will require an exorcist. Posted by Baron Bodissey at 12/05/2007 08:44:00 AM Witch-king of Angmar said... Baron, believe it or not, I was just reading Conservative Swede's comment where it originally appeared and thought it was great and returned to the main page and lo and behold... CS basically nailed it. This is the true nature of their ideas and their goals. It also shows that any reconcilliation, as another commenter proposed, is not possible, at least not in the true sense where both sides admit they made mistakes. Al-Charles(peace be upon him) and his ummah will accept nothing less then you becoming like Winston Smith at the end of "1984", that you totally submit to their way of seeing things...Now who does that remind you of? I will be attempting, at some unknown time in the future, to present what I am convinced is that which will untie the knot: The philosophy of Ayn Rand. The most primal distillation of her writings that I can think of is this: A culture's sense of itself, its "sense of life" is determined by the philosophy buried in its deepest subconscious. The West is accelerating towards self-destruction, and hence it needs a new philosophy. I await comments, but I hope they are from first-person knowledge of her writings and not hearsay. Ethelred - you can't leave us in suspense like that! What is it that will untie the knot - if you have an inkling tell us so that we can put it into practice. Ypp said... I dare offer my explanation, how the trap is created, and how to resolve it. The problem with loving whites is that white is associated with "clean". Loving cleanness, order, coldness e.t.c. is psychologically associated with a cold, wicked and perverted psyche. What we are seeking is how to love white people without those occusations. I offer following formulae: 1. I love white people more because they are hot inside. 2. I love white people more because their bright color is more sexy. 3. I love white people motr because I feel more sexual attraction to them. 4. I like white people more because they are more devoted to their partner. No I think that's all a load of rubbish. This: God is other people, you must not do anything to engender the disapproval of other people, for then you fall into a state of sin. Ordinarily human psychology accepts no responsibility; makes no decisions, has no sense of importance, and believes itself justified in its attitudes by some kind of consensus of social agreement. Hence, the fanatical devotion to PC - the ultimate social consensus, deviation from which entails the destruction of your career, social standing, imprisonment, life. The solution is black metal, black metal will help you unlearn the distracting fixation with and love of other people (i.e. humanity in general). Check out the bit where they say "Down with people" at 2:14, where the sun is setting gently on the graveyard, as if to say "there's a whole universe out there" but we spend most of our time believing ourself justified in our attitudes by some kind of consensus of social agreement. We should change strategy: endlessly complaining only proves their point, that we are a perverted marginal minority. Instead, start a new campain: BEING WHITE IS HOT !!!! BABE, I LIKE YOUR WHITE CHEEKS COME TOGETHER, RIGHT NOW, OVER ME Swede, Maybe they are not so wrong there at Infidel Bloggers Alliance, that they advertize white porno, and only white. PapaBear said... The "racist" card is overused. The proper response is to not care who calls you names. Don't bother trying to defend yourself. Only the opinions of the people you care about should matter to you, and those should matter less than the opinion you have of yourself. Stv, Assuming you are not being sarcastic, all I can say right now is that I want to build Rand's case from the bottom up - just as she does - distilling her thought through my understanding. I do not mean to imply that you (plural) cannot understand her. I find her philosophy self-evident to the point of obvious, and hence not needing memorizing. The problem is in stating the case succinctly and clearly. I wish to do this to expose as many people as possible, AS INDIVIDUALS, to Rand, so as to show a way out of the cultural morass and self-hatred in the West that expresses itself as PC, MultiCulti, growing socialism and impotence in the face of Islam. I will say this: 1) The smallest minority is the individual - who protects them? 2) The individual human being has nothing but his mind, meaning conscious reason, to allow him to survive. 3) Using reason is, however, VOLITIONAL 4) Reason builds knowledge by creating concepts from the percepts of our senses. The world exists, we exist, our mind exists. 5) Through reason, you define the VALUES that are your goals. 6) Pain and pleasure are the physical responses to incorrect and correct values respectively, while suffering and joy are the respective emotional responses. Correcting mistakes (i.e. following a path that brings suffering) is possible and laudable. 7) You are the only one who knows which values are good for you, i.e. which sustain, preserve and expand your life. 7a) A fully actualized human life is one in which an active consciousness continually integrates new knowledge. 8) All of the above leads directly to the primacy of the individual, with the highest value being the living of his own life for himself. It is the true nature of a human being to live by reason to further one’s own life. 9) A system of morality or ethics is that which helps you define good values (for you). 10) Any moral system which denies the primacy of an individual's life to himself is a morality of death and destruction. 11) Moralities of sacrifice such as altruism or collectivism or religion deny the basic right of an individual to exist for himself and thus deny his mind and reason. But don't believe me, read the source: 1) Atlas Shrugged - the John Galt speech at the end is a summary of Objectivism, Rand's philosophy. But don't just skip to it, the book is a good read anyway 2) For The New Intellectual, a good summary by Rand of philosophy and has excerpts of her fiction, including the Galt Speech from Atlas, from Anthem (set in the future, where collectivism has destroyed society to the point that it has lost the word "I" and from We The Living (set in Russian from the Revolution through the 20s, but it is not merely about the Russian experience of Rand). Jason Pappas said... Ethelred, if you don’t mind a suggestion, your exposition deserves a blog of its own. I also think Rand has important things to say but I highly doubt your summary statements can be understood by anyone who doesn’t already understand them and even then I’m not always sure where you’re going with all of this. What I generally do when I put comments on other people’s blog is to give a brief summary and link to my blog for a longer exposition. On the topic of this blog-post let me say that currently the main usage of the word ‘racism’ serves only to manipulated and stifle debate. Papabear is right that it is name-calling. I’ve called this bigotry-baiting or racism-bating. What’s interesting is that the relativistic post-modern left has completely rejected objective ethics with the exception of one sin: racism. This has become an all purpose word to denote every evil. I’ve wanted to write about how this apparent contradiction has come about. It’s an interesting story. And I just left a comment for here on another thread. Great job, Graham... The argument ConSwede was responding to was at least partially directed at me, and involved references to hindus. I think the part about how a Hindu wearing a swastika must automatically be, I dunno, bad or something for wearing it when he knows how certain western political parties used it in the recent past is very telling of the attitude behind these accusations. As if, somehow, an ancient symbol can never be used again once someone evil tries to co-opt it. Yeah. That's logic. Jason_Pappas, I understand your point completely. As for where I was going with it, here is my thought process: 1) The West seems impotent in facing up to the challenge of Islam. Why? 2) The West, as expressed by the Left, seems to hate itself. Why? 3) The West seems on the verge of collapse. Why? 4) Socialism, which would seem to have been completely discredited by the examples of Russia, Nazi Germany and the Socialist UK, just will not die, and indeed continues to make a comeback, both in the US and Europe. Why? 5) What can any one person do about all of the above? GoV is about all of these things. I have spoken with the Baron, Fjordman and the CVF people about this. The CounterJihad Conference is perhaps the beginning of native Europeans waking up to the state of their world and starting to fight it vis a vie Islam at least. This is all for the good, obviously. Like many people at GoV, JihadWatch, MicheleMalkin and LGF (of times past) I began studying Islam after 9/11. However, I came to see (primarily from the steadfastness of my wife) that our inability to deal with Islam is but a symptom. I became convinced that the deeper answer to all of the above is that the West needs to change its philosophical DNA from a morality of collectivism/guilt/sacrifice (which are all related) to that of rational individualism (i.e. NOT Libertarianism). This, to me, means Rand. I am going to try and write a series of essays explaining Rand as her thinking pertains to the issues central to GoV, which means not getting bogged down in the endless details of Kantian epistemology. If they fly with the Baron and Dymphna, they will post them not as comments, but as a frontal essay. I just want as many people as possible, especially in Europe to be exposed to her thinking, and then maybe begin to explore it for themselves. There is no societal brain, so it is up to each individual to resist becoming a sacrifice to the ethics derived from non-objectivity. no2liberals said... "To the extent that a man is guided by his rational judgment, he acts in accordance with the requirements of his nature and, to that extent, succeeds in achieving a human form of survival and well-being; to the extent that he acts irrationally, he acts as his own destroyer. -- Ayn Rand--Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal" It certainly appears to me that political correctness is an irrational construct, but then it was a gift from communist. As far as someone calling names, such as "racist," first you need to try and determine their motive. Is it they have no logical response, and want the debate to end? If that is the case, and often I believe it is, then one need only consider the source of the charge. They are not rational, incapable of reasoned debate, and not someone that can be counted on as a reliable ally. I am no2liberals, and I approve this comment. I've gotten an impression that nobody in the West loves whites. Some love blacks, others hate blacks, but nobody cares about whites. This post is about love of whites, but you guys prefer to talk about anything else. You don't love whites guys, sorry. It is the diagnosis. I have no confidence at all in Ayn Rand, but I think the answer is fairly simple. We look the Davids of the world in the eye and just say, "you are a complete fool, but you can think that if you want to." The fact that he makes the assertion does not give it any weight unless we buy into it. All we have to do is to deny it and throw it back at him as foolishness. This is the truth. Hal K said... ethelred: You seem to be espousing a universalist ideology. One problem with Ayn Rand's philosophy, as I recall, is that she does not define value. It is up to individuals and communities to define what is valuable to them. This is where the disagreement lies between defenders of the West (or the white race) and those who are working towards its destruction. Rand's philosophy says little about whether immigration should be reduced. It is the will of the group to preserve itself that counts here. Conservative Swede said... Thank you Baron for posting this. And your concluding remark is a very good one: A demonic possession is exactly what it is. However, I'd like to make this more general. We are talking about something that goes deeper than PC and that is part of all of us (not just "most people"). This something is currently the deepest resonance board of our civilization, and can easily be triggered within any Westerner (we recently saw it happening with Charles Johnson). Compare this to how Jihadism is the deepest resonance board of the Islamic culture. A perfectly well-adapted Western-born young Muslim leading an ordinary and peaceful live, goes to visit relatives in his country of origin. He comes back with a full beard and starts plotting Jihad. It's there to be triggered, the same with us Westerners. We will have to remove this "chip" or vaccinate ourselves against it's effects. Being right-wing or aware of the threat from Islam does not treat it, as we have clearly seen with Charles Johnson (but there are so many examples). The only way is to never give in to PC, in no way and under no circumstances. The PC format must never be accepted. If they have something to say, they can say it in another way, without the discourse of witch hunting of heretics. Indeed, the hardest enemy is within. Regarding Ayn Rand. While she will surely inspire many people to do the right thing, she's got nothing to say about the issues at hand. Culturally she actually belongs to the all-encompassing Left of abstract universalism and individualism. No clues about immigration or how to rule a country. But if she works for you, use her! I'm not saying otherwise. Ypp, I do not think the solution is to say that "we love white people". This is just the reverse of the post-war liberals' position. National identity is not based on race, it's based on the history of the country. And common decent is a natural part of that, it's part of the hodgepodge that constitutes ethnicity. This is traditional, common sense and non-ideological. There's no tradition, however, of globally identifying with "white people". This is just as ideological as its opposite. In many third world countries, however, they (literally) love white people, and the successful men aims at marrying one. Hal K, I quote from Rand: To challenge the basic premise of any discipline, one must begin at the beginning. In ethics, one must begin by asking: What are values? Why does man need them? "Value" is that which on acts to gain and/or keep. The concept "value" is not a primary; it presupposes an answer to the question: of value to whom and for what? It presupposes an entity capable of acting to achieve a goal in the face of an alternative. Where no alternative exists, no goals and no values are possible. There is no such thing as a community brain, so individuals must each decide for themselves. The desire of a collective consciousness results in totalitarianism. I also do not know what you mean by "universalist ideology". And why should Rand specifically speak about immigration? ConservativeSwede: Muslims and the Left work within a framework of anti-concepts, of non-thinking. Rules from on high are just there to be followed, and one MUST not think. Children of the Left were raised to run on feelings and whims. They have reversed cause and effect. Feelings are an effect of action, not the cause. They 'feel' the world is unjust, they 'feel' guilty for past US slavery, they envy success and hate the good precisely because it is good. These people do not think, they just feel. To identify oneself or another by race or tribe can be the deepest insult if by it you mean that a Black or Jew or Swede, etc BY GENETICS has, a priori, a given set of values. This does not mean that Swedes cannot develop mostly the same values that can identified as Swedish rationally. In fact, Islam is the prime example of anti-Rand: a totally irrational system which simply cannot produce anything and hence is parasitic. Furthermore, Islam hates that which it needs and works to destroy it, ultimately reveling in its victory from the dung heap. I'll go one step further: allowing Muslim immigration is profoundly irrational since they revel in their non-thinking and their inescapable propensity for violence. Ethelred, What you write demonstrates exactly what I said. How Randism can lead all wrong. Your thinking is Utopian, abstract and universalist and has its roots in the French Revolution, denying the concrete real world as it exists. A Utopian formula for creating the New Man. Randism is an extreme form of individualism. Individualism and collectivism are twin ideologies, share the very same universalist world view, and cannot do with each other. Both are set at killing every cultural institution between the individual and the state, such as Churches, village communities, families etc. The both strive for the same world of a state of only atoms, and then they fight each other over which has priority. If you still do not understand what universalist means then answer this question: Is there any place in this world, any country/culture, where Randism wouldn't work, in your view? You are right. Rand never wrote about politics, did she? There's nothing about the art of how to rule a country in her books, is there? Randism is all about personal "religion", isn't it? This is another effect of the all-encompassing Left. People do not even know what politics is any more. They think it's about personal attitudes. Nobody knows how to rule a country anymore. No wonder things look as they do. "Individualism and collectivism [...] cannot do without each other" it should have say two posts above. That definition of value may be a bit circular. First of all, it leaves the definition of value completely up to the individual, where the problem facing the West and/or the white race is that individuals are making the wrong decisions about what is valuable. The notion of what is valuable comes from one's background and culture. The politically correct notion of value is that which increases equality, or that which improves one's reputation due to the perception of altruism. Political correctness becomes a means of improving one's status among one's peers (as Steve Sailer has written many times). Not every value has a monetary price on it either. You cannot buy academic success. It requires the recognition of one's peers. Immigration is a central issue here. It is not necessary for Rand's philosophy to address immigration directly, but rather for some implications to be derived unambiguously. Immigration makes some people rich. The discussion on whether it is a net economic benefit to a country could drag on endlessly, because it is people's values on either side of the debate that matter most. One example of a collective consciousness is political correctness. The question is not whether one desires a collective consciousness but how to change it. Conservative Swede and Hal K, I sincerely appreciate your comments. I must admit that I am uncomfortable with the concept of ethnic identity. Does the US have an advantage or a disadvantage over Europe because it does NOT have an ethnic identity? Are we missing something wonderful from your point of view? Is some individualism good, but too much bad? Is some faith good, but too much bad? Is some socialism good, but too much bad? Where are lines to be drawn? I think we can agree that Islam produces totally unproductive societies. Its history is one of parasitic destruction. Muslims claim to be superior, demand to be taken care of, and then hate you. As an ideology it is diametrically opposed to everything the West stands for and simply should not be allowed to flourish here. There is no rule that says we MUST accept Islam as a protected religion as we have the right to define it. I think we can also agree that Socialism is a profound failure on the scale of millions of deaths. As far as immigration and Rand is concerned, I would think that she would feel no obligation to take care of the world, either by letting anyone and everyone in because they say they NEED a better life and we have it, or by sending billions of dollars down the toilet as "foreign aid." Could it be that the successful West feels guilty for its very success? ypp: Hey, interesting comments as usual. But do I detect a little vodka today? It's OK. No condemnation. A little humor is good. Hi again Ethelred, I'm glad you appreciate the discussion. This is what makes you a universalist and individualist (or is it the other way around?) Doesn't matter really. National identity (which is a sort of group identity; "group" an icky word for an individualist and universsalist) is based on the history of the people. The histories of America and Europe are different. In Europe, like in 95+% of the world, national identity holds the component of common decent, as part of the mix. In America not in that way. People have in common being settlers of the New World. Deprive the people of their history and you deprive them of their identity. National identity is not something that can be created in a laboratory. We have to accept and respect our differences. I for example respect that race is a more important category of perception in America, due to its history. If we say that the way people wandered from Caucasia 10-15,000 years ago up into Europe, after the last ice age, settled in different places, developing different cultures and languages, intertwined for thousands of years in the higher-order of family, which we call people, into a hodgepodge known as ethnicity. A concept like a rope, where many threads are intertwined, but no thread goes all the way. E.g. not all parts of the rope has the same string of common decent running all through it; people of different decent intersect and join in the historical development of ethnicities. But if you take away the threads of common decent the rope falls apart. If we say that this is all illegitimate or even evil, we doom the European nations to extinction. For that sake, that holds true for most of the world. America is the freak of history in this case. Something that happened because "bad white people" were so aggressively expansive around the world. And there's much more to say about the very unique historical circumstances for the development of America: the vast amount of available land available, for example. This simply cannot be repeated anywhere else. Any attempt to do so, would mean an abuse of the people of that nation, and depriving them of their historical identity. In one sense this makes Randism similar to Buddhism from a political point of view, i.e. politically weak. A Randist individualist wouldn't let in the poor and the weak, but wouldn't care to stop it either. Leftism and liberalism are Christian ethics running amok. Pure Randism would be a cure against much of that. But most people just cannot adapt it fully, and end up with a little of each, which makes them very similar to libertarians. And libertarians are generally the worst proponents of mass immigration. They hate ethnicity (group identity) and the state, and want to destroy both, and there's no better way than mass immigration. And even a pure Randist having a successful company will support the mass immigration for cheap labour. Individualism is fine, but in the real world humans are social animals. Deprive them of their group identity and they perish. They won't understand what they miss until it's gone. It's easy to think that you can be alone and strong, when everything is served for you. If the West dies, it will be because of the presumption of the Westerners. All I can say is that I have very strong political opinions, which include the idea of an American culture if not an ethnicity. I can also see that I have no idea what being a European (meaning from some country/ethnic group in Europe) actually feels like deep in the guts - and I would not presume to tell you how you should feel. In this case, though, I have one question: how the heck did Europe, with its collection of proud peoples, allow such a monstrosity as the EU get a grip on their necks? I will admit that Rand loved the very idea of America as NOT Europe, as a place to forget the "tribalism" of over there and begin anew. Incidentally, the objections to Rand over here are quite different. I would, however, like to explore Rand with all of you, just not in the comments :-) Don M said... Now me, I don't love my people. I love me. I love my family. I really like my company. I really like my friends. I don't have a lot of room for racial barriers. I have 3 "white" children and 2 black children. We tried to become like America... We went through the traumas of two world wars. Also with the Industrial Age and the French Revolution in our baggage, utopian ideologies took over. People wanted to leave history behind and create something new. America appeared as the victor of the world wars, the new leader of the West. People are always deeply impressed by winners of wars. So Europe tried to imitate America. And America was eager to spread its cultural imperialism too. As individuals the Europeans have lived very comfortably under the Pax Americana since WWII. No responsibility. Like spoiled teenagers. But this is an illusion. Like living off an inheritance without working. But one day that money is gone, and WHAM! That's when you wake up from the illusion... Oh, and by the way: Ann Rand? Is this the same Ayn Rand who moved her boyfriend in the same house as her husband??? This is not a woman, this is a dog. If this is the same Ann we're talking about, she had head up her axx, and knows nothing. I don't care how conservative, or libertarian she is, or how engaging a writer she is. She knows nothing, and is no pillar of our community. Good grief, who has some common sense? don meaker: What do you think about the recent Jena story? There is something not right about the way that was portrayed in the media. (Or the story about the kid who said "brown people" that was discussed here recently?) Some whites are justifiably nervous about what it will be like for their children and grandchildren to be minorities. Others have their heads in the sand, in my opinion. Immigration is the main issue. That is what is primarily causing whites to become minorities where they are currently in the majority. In the U.S. this will affect our culture and may create a permanent Spanish-speaking subpopulation. I think that the issue of IQ and regression to the mean is also worth considering as it relates to immigration and the future economic prospects of a country. You have to understand that what is right for you is not necessarily right for everyone, and immigration policies are forcing a fate on countries that are currently majority white. When non-white immigrants (or at least non-Asian non-white minorities) move into a neighborhood the whites move out. They may say immigration doesn't bother them. They don't want to appear racist. Instead they just run away from the problem. This situation has to be addressed openly and honestly without people fearing for their reputations, and we have to slow down immigration so people have time to really get a sense of what its demographic implications will be. Conservative Swede: The America at the close of WW2 was comprised of common people that, in general, we moral people, with an intact and healthy work ethic that held a reverence and gratefulness to the God who lives. The America of today is spoiled beyond recognition, so that an independent obverver would have a difficult time concluding the Americans of today are children of the Americans of 1945, or of 1776, or of 1620 for that matter. We are now a divided people, full of selfishness. A huge percentage of us are God-haters. From your wrting on these pages I am inclined to believe you know what I am talking about. Let me ask you a question: What can the God-haters, and selfish, and immoral expect to receive in this world??? Let me put it another way: Have you heard of unstable equilibrium? Yes, times are still tolerable for good people. (Forget about evil people.) But will good times continue??? People need the sense of being part of something that is bigger than themselves. Otherwise the society will eventually fall apart. I'm not a believing Christian myself though. And I don't see Christianity as the solution for Europe at this point, but I think it is for America. But will good times continue??? The way things are continuing right now we are not heading for good times... We need to change the course. how the heck did Europe allow such a monstrosity as the EU get a grip on their necks? Vague pacifism, the sentimental idea that to avoid war you simply undo the boundaries that separate one country from the other: let's all become one, and then peace will break out - combined with the devious plotting of our elites, using 'the Monnet method', a steady, relentless but deliberately low-key drive to extend the powers of the European bureaucracy without anyone actually noticing. Each new advance would merely be a means of gearing up for the next. Each new addition to the bureaucracy's area of competence might begin with a small, innocuous-seeming proposal to which no one could object, until the principle was conceded and the powers could be progressively enlarged Weren't we continuously being told by our own governments that separate treaties were merely economical; that we would be consulted when things got essential? We were tricked! Nobody realised that we were set on a road of no return Rand was extremely pro-American and wanted America to avoid foreign wars fought mainly for the benefit of foreign nations. She was skeptical of our involvement in WWI, WWII (until Pearl Harbor) and Vietnam. She may be right or wrong in regards to each of those cases but she had a strong desire not to sacrifice American boys to make the world “safe for democracy.” She was the antithesis of a Wilsonian crusader. Rand’s universalism doesn’t lead to internationalism. Her respect for protecting rights, a universal principle, was self-interested and not an altruistic gesture to save the world. Thus, it was a concern within a nation/state that is able and willing to establish a just society for its citizens. It’s the problem of foreign peoples in foreign lands to secure their rights. And they do so for their own sake or suffer under oppressive governments. Rand’s writing on immigration is weak precisely because she didn’t write about it. She’s aware that a culture takes generations to evolve and must be guarded vigilantly. I suspect she didn’t have an answer to the “open borders” problem, one which would totally obliterate a culture including a culture dedicated to protecting the rights of the individual. As a consequence, there are many different groups inspired by Rand from libertarians to patriotic pro-Americans. (By the way, I remember reading that Rand is skeptical of bi-lingual nations but don’t remember the details.) Her focus was always on saving American, not the world. Nor was her concern the welfare of those living in foreign lands. She did not want America to be an Atlas, holding the world in its shoulders. The bottom line is that Rand saw liberty as a powerful force that unleashes the productive potential of human beings. But such rights are secured by people in each nation for themselves so that they can thrive. She saw America as an oasis, not a liberator. She wished other nations well but she was protective of this oasis. Now, how she argued this is another matter. I’m just summarizing what I believe she advocated for the record. I must confess that I have very little patience with long-winded arguments. I have no patience whatsoever with gnat straining and camel swallowing. I believe in the Constitution of the United States, Murphy's Law and the Golden Rule. If you believe in the same I do not give a rat's rump if you are white, black, polka-dotted or change colors three times a minute. You and I have a basis on which to form a friendship. If you hold these things in contempt your color does not matter. We may be able to be civil to each other but friendship is at best doubtful. My point is, if Western Civilization is to survive, we must boil it down to its essence. We must be able to declare what Western civilization stands for simply, briefly, and without equivocation. So I, the Average Joe, issue a challenge to all the great minds here assembled: In 186 words or less state the argument for Western civilization. "My point is, if Western Civilization is to survive, we must boil it down to its essence. We must be able to declare what Western civilization stands for simply, briefly, and without equivocation." Absolutely. I think the West's biggest problem is that 'it' as a culture no longer believes in anything, let alone its own superiority to other cultures. So long as immigrants accept and integrate with Western culture (and immigrants who don't are deported) they're not likely to be very harmful regardless of where they come from. But without even a concept of what Western culture is, integration is impossible. We need to be able to say 'this is our culture; like it or leave it', and mean that. Average Joe, I'll give it to you in 180 words less than you asked for: Living according to our historical identities Pay attention to the plural form! No more Utopian universalist ideologies, PLEASE! Particularism! Self-government! Local solutions! And Islam is best fought locally. The more power that is given to know-it-all universalists, the more the natural inclination for self-protection will be stifled. True conservatism is completely non-ideological -- throw away all junk coming from the French Revolution! I do not want to hear this **** anymore. The only thing ideologies do is to blind people, and sooner or later it leads to oppression and destruction. Even universalist individualism eventually leads to conformism and collectivism in practice. But this is all embedded in those six words I gave you. And if you truly want diversity in a deeper sense -- and just not as catchy slogans -- this is it for you. But that says nothing, Swede, because you go too far. If Western is to have an identity there must be some element in common to all Western societies. To say that our all shared identity is our vast differences -- our unique and different historical identities -- is to say that it is nothing. I know what you’re trying to avoid but you’re cutting too much away. Something must be shared for there to be a category called Western. There must be something in common. So you want to enforce some sort of conformism, or should we say universalism, and solely for the reason of getting things in order in your head? You should read the later Wittgenstein. He debunked this mechanical way of thinking once and for all. Already Diogenes made fun of it. Languages and the concepts of languages simply do not work in this mechanical way. The later Wittgenstein introduced the concept of family resemblance. A concept, e.g. game is like a rope. No thread goes through the whole rope, still the rope holds together. You will not find a common subset of properties that holds for everything that we call game. If you read what I wrote as "Western is to have an identity" you haven't understood what I wrote. Universalist mechanical minds seem to think that there has to be a common definition for there to be a common instruction. So your mind is looking for a definition. But there was none. So when you come back to me and complain that my definition was a bad one, I will have to inform you that there was none. Only a common instruction. Precisely to the point of what we need to do. Is anyone here interested in what we need to do? Western countries stick together by family resemblance. And quite as with a family it's a matter of taste where it begins and ends. Is Bulgaria e.g. part of the West? There are certain common features, but not common enough to say that it's the definition of the West. There's a high presence of Christianity. I'm not supposed to tell it, but there are a lot of white people (I know some of you were unaware of this and will be shocked when you hear it). There's a high presence of Pagan roots, Roman law, Greek science, etc. And much more. My two cents: Reason and individual freedom. From these primacy of these two things comes everything else, including Curiosity - actively learning about the natural world and using it to improve ourselves. I guess I would also add Introspection. Property Rights - critical to freedom. Capitalism - let those that can produce do so and help raise everyone else's standard of living. Note: "reason" and "individual liberty" does not preclude a Sweden being different than Finland or Norway or Denmark or America for that matter. Side note: this kind discussion just could not happen at LGF! Reason and individual liberty are universal without being universalist, if that makes any sense, which I think is conswede's main objection. Universal ideas work. We all have our concept of individual liberty and reason and what these ideas mean to us, which makes the idea of liberty and reason universal by its nature. The problem comes when I say "this is reason, this is liberty" and try to force everyone else to adopt that particular definition, when my idea of liberty may well be remarkably different from yours. That there rope analogy applies remarkably well, I think. Btw Jason. Your take on Rand as an expression of American particularism I found to be an interesting perspective. 2 Paul Vodka is not too bad sometimes. In Russia the expression of love to Russian people is called Folk Art. It is a bit schauvinistic, but what else could it be? But you don't even understand what I am talking about. So sorry. You really hate yourself here in the West. I am astonished. First of all, we’re answering an unspoken question. We’re not defining Western but what we believe are the virtues of the West. Let’s face it; the excesses of the French Revolution, multi-cultural relativism, and post-modern nonsense are all clearly Western but Western ills. And all of our individual social orders suffer from these ills. I have to disagree, Swede, that there aren’t common virtues or core virtues to the Western way that makes it great and powerful. I’d put Hellenic rationalism, which is inherently essentialist, in the plus column. I would have put nominalism, including Wittgenstein if your description does him justice, in the negative column. Don’t get me wrong. The question is ambitious and I wasn’t going to try to answer it. I was also not going to demand a utopian embodiment of any particular virtue. It’s just a question of identifying strengths and realizing different manifestations of those virtues depending on different contexts, problems, and stages of development. The need to explicate our virtues and vices, both modern and historical, is just required for a good analysis. And you never shy away from a good analysis. I just don’t think we need to try to force a conclusion to this ambitious task. However, I wouldn’t abort the debate with a vague generality that amounts to no more than the phrase "our way" or to do you justice "our ways." Wittgenstein showed that language is all depending on context, is intimately connected to a form of life. He said that if lions could speak we wouldn't understand them. Since you are an essentialist you will have to reveal to me which language has the correct set of universals. Is the English game the correct universal, or is it the German spiel, or the Swedish spel? All cannot be correct, and not even an essentialist could define them all using the same set of characteristics. The Sinn/intension of the words are of different width, and they are merely overlapping. So which is the correct essentialist language? Maybe it's Arabic? Essentialist discussions could go on forever, because the are trying to solve something that cannot be solved. Diogenes made fun of Greek essentialists who had agreed to define a human as a featherless two-legged being. Diogenes came back with a plucked chicken. However, an essentialist approach can be useful in certain confined contexts, first of all within a certain language and cultural context (I include scientific languages such as mathematics here). Quite like Newton's mechanics, it's not entirely useless, so to speak. But for understanding the bigger picture, it's of no use. But of course, also in physics there are those who cling to Newton, just because they think that Einstein and Quantum Mechanics are too confusing. I think that essentialist thinking, which is bound to be universalist, is the reason why people find biology to hot to handle in their social reasoning. A genetical difference is seen as a "essence" predestinating the person. But biology does not work in that way. Genes only give tendencies. The environment decides the outcome, and for humans personal will power. There is no "essence" of a woman deciding what she can do or not, she has the ability to choose herself. You can put a man and a woman side by side and their way of being could be completely reversed compared to what we would have expected from their respective "essences". However, due to the genetic tendencies, when we speak about groups we will be able to say much more, only a minority will use their will power to go against their nature. Put ten women, or ten men, in a room, and I will be able to predict quite a few things about their behaviour. For a single man or woman I can not. The same applies to races, or how we now prefer to group people of different ethnicity. An Asian, European or a black will have different genetical tendencies. Still, being humans, that can choose to go in a different direction. But at the group level, you will be able to read certain features. In addition to that there are many things that resonates with this, such as culture, and how people tend to identify which those looking alike, which enforces the differences at group level. Of course with great masterplans of social engineering -- smothering unwanted genetical tendencies and eradicating historical differences -- we could change most of that. I have a few suggestions that could do much of the job, but I leave that for another time. And I can assure you that they are horrible. I have no qualms with your description of individual and cultural differences as a point in positive sociology. However, there is such a thing as human nature. This, of course, is one of the conservative (and Objectivist) objections to totalitarian engineering of a “new man.” But I distinguish between human nature and individual character. In human nature, the possibility to cultivate a virtuous character or a vicious character exists upon birth. Character is the result of effort. Core virtues aren’t mere conventions. Honestly is needed to form the bonds of a civil order; reason is needed to construct human knowledge in order to understand reality and to deal with each other in a civil manner, etc. Sure, one may apply oneself in different realms of knowledge and with different degrees of abstraction. But there are objective reasons to seek to cultivate such core virtues. Of course, there is a host of optional characteristics that define individuals and/or cultures from the sounds of words to the taste in food to the typical psychological differences in gender, age, geography, and, of course, historical accidents. But more importantly, even with core virtues, there are different views on the limits and stages of development. During the 20th century, in America we were able to allow freedom of speech to the extent that we allowed totalitarians to advocate our freedom’s destruction. In Germany, freedom in Weimar allowed Hitler's rise to power. It’s not odd that post-war Europe has different laws even if they have outlived their usefulness. It’s best left to each nation to work through this. In France they outlawed headscarves in schools and it’s understandable. Given the demographics and history we can afford certain choices while the situation is or will be dire within continental Europe. The path to health is different in each nation and I suspect the ‘flavor’ of battle against Islam will be different on each side of the Atlantic. The trend here seems to emphasize differences between the religions while in Europe it is a question of religion itself. We’ll see how that evolves. I wouldn’t be surprise if various European countries take the lead. Indeed, they have already: immigration in Holland, public criticism of Islam in Denmark (at least symbolically), restrictions and monitoring of Islamic activity in France, etc. I’m interested in comparing these ‘variations on a theme.’ They don’t show a rejection of our core aspirations for a vibrant and free society. Indeed, they realize that Islam is a threat to such aspirations. The path to secure our futures will have a few different turns. We’ll have to accept the costs of our cultural decay and rebuilt as best as we can. We need not berate each other for a lack instant virtue. The road to recovery is “one day at a time” and it is damn frustrating. It still is important to define long-term aspirations as it is to face present limitations. Your criticism of universality is right in some senses but not in other. The distinction between nature and convention is Greek; and was the source of much debate in Ancient times. Leo Strauss notes there is no word for 'nature' in the Hebrew of the Old Testament. It was “our way” for “our people.” Christianity was the 1st universal religion; and it was influenced by Stoic universalism. There is much to criticize in the formulations of the universal in each of those two doctrines. There is more than one way of viewing what is or what should be universal. In a certain sense you’re right but in others I think you go too far. That’s all. My thoughts on universal rights need a whole essay if not a book. Gee, I’m getting long-winded. I should take the advice I gave Ethelred! In a certain sense you’re right but in others I think you go too far. That’s all. Moderate and balanced ideas always deserve to be taken all the way. Pleasure discussing with you. Will have to pick it up again another day. The pleasure’s all mine! "If I would punish a province I would have it governed by philosophers." Frederick the Great The Philosophers Song
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19614, 1.0], [19614, 19760, 1.0], [19760, 19838, 1.0], [19838, 19906, 0.0], [19906, 19942, 1.0], [19942, 20274, 1.0], [20274, 20675, 1.0], [20675, 21055, 1.0], [21055, 21212, 1.0], [21212, 21242, 0.0], [21242, 21280, 1.0], [21280, 21354, 1.0], [21354, 21519, 1.0], [21519, 21565, 1.0], [21565, 21603, 1.0], [21603, 21645, 1.0], [21645, 21674, 1.0], [21674, 22104, 1.0], [22104, 22203, 1.0], [22203, 22489, 0.0], [22489, 22561, 1.0], [22561, 22690, 1.0], [22690, 22709, 0.0], [22709, 22749, 1.0], [22749, 22838, 0.0], [22838, 23565, 1.0], [23565, 24225, 1.0], [24225, 24856, 1.0], [24856, 25601, 1.0], [25601, 25944, 1.0], [25944, 26072, 1.0], [26072, 26276, 1.0], [26276, 26444, 1.0], [26444, 26580, 1.0], [26580, 26648, 1.0], [26648, 26733, 0.0], [26733, 26747, 1.0], [26747, 26860, 1.0], [26860, 26956, 1.0], [26956, 26991, 1.0], [26991, 27203, 1.0], [27203, 27730, 1.0], [27730, 27882, 1.0], [27882, 28151, 1.0], [28151, 28163, 0.0], [28163, 28543, 1.0], [28543, 28937, 1.0], [28937, 29586, 1.0], [29586, 29606, 0.0], [29606, 29803, 1.0], [29803, 30028, 1.0], [30028, 30209, 1.0], [30209, 30321, 1.0], [30321, 30496, 1.0], [30496, 30774, 1.0], [30774, 30806, 1.0], [30806, 30913, 1.0], [30913, 30999, 1.0], [30999, 31683, 0.0], [31683, 31842, 1.0], [31842, 31859, 1.0], [31859, 31915, 0.0], [31915, 32329, 1.0], [32329, 32777, 1.0], [32777, 33356, 0.0], [33356, 33880, 1.0], [33880, 33990, 1.0], [33990, 34138, 1.0], [34138, 34551, 1.0], [34551, 34747, 1.0], [34747, 34893, 1.0], [34893, 35091, 0.0], [35091, 35245, 1.0], [35245, 35505, 1.0], [35505, 35590, 1.0], [35590, 35603, 0.0], [35603, 35661, 0.0], [35661, 35707, 0.0], [35707, 35790, 1.0], [35790, 36002, 1.0], [36002, 36351, 1.0], [36351, 36514, 1.0], [36514, 36877, 1.0], [36877, 36980, 1.0], [36980, 37126, 1.0], [37126, 37613, 1.0], [37613, 38140, 1.0], [38140, 38307, 1.0], [38307, 38681, 1.0], [38681, 38695, 0.0], [38695, 38726, 1.0], [38726, 38798, 0.0], [38798, 38927, 1.0], [38927, 38966, 1.0], [38966, 39063, 1.0], [39063, 39208, 1.0], [39208, 39270, 1.0], [39270, 39791, 1.0], [39791, 39849, 1.0], [39849, 39963, 1.0], [39963, 39970, 0.0], [39970, 40252, 1.0], [40252, 40592, 1.0], [40592, 40919, 1.0], [40919, 41255, 1.0], [41255, 41635, 0.0], [41635, 41804, 1.0], [41804, 42273, 1.0], [42273, 42536, 1.0], [42536, 43009, 1.0], [43009, 43375, 1.0], [43375, 43967, 1.0], [43967, 44454, 1.0], [44454, 44761, 1.0], [44761, 45247, 1.0], [45247, 45645, 1.0], [45645, 46005, 1.0], [46005, 46324, 1.0], [46324, 46725, 1.0], [46725, 47119, 1.0], [47119, 47604, 1.0], [47604, 47696, 1.0], [47696, 48339, 1.0], [48339, 48405, 1.0], [48405, 48477, 1.0], [48477, 48559, 1.0], [48559, 48627, 1.0], [48627, 48700, 1.0], [48700, 48725, 1.0], [48725, 48818, 0.0], [48818, 48839, 0.0]], "rps_lines_javascript_counts": [[0, 203, 0.0], [203, 349, 0.0], [349, 569, 0.0], [569, 822, 0.0], [822, 1063, 0.0], [1063, 1191, 0.0], [1191, 1516, 0.0], [1516, 1867, 0.0], [1867, 1972, 0.0], [1972, 2058, 0.0], [2058, 2199, 0.0], [2199, 2242, 0.0], [2242, 2293, 0.0], [2293, 2322, 0.0], [2322, 2501, 0.0], [2501, 2960, 0.0], [2960, 3084, 0.0], [3084, 3186, 0.0], [3186, 3391, 0.0], [3391, 3490, 0.0], [3490, 3649, 0.0], [3649, 3661, 0.0], [3661, 4027, 0.0], [4027, 4084, 0.0], [4084, 4153, 0.0], [4153, 4228, 0.0], [4228, 4304, 0.0], [4304, 4345, 0.0], [4345, 4481, 0.0], [4481, 4678, 0.0], [4678, 4845, 0.0], [4845, 4991, 0.0], [4991, 5274, 0.0], [5274, 5421, 0.0], [5421, 5445, 0.0], [5445, 5476, 0.0], [5476, 5510, 0.0], [5510, 5630, 0.0], [5630, 5647, 0.0], [5647, 5774, 0.0], [5774, 5911, 0.0], [5911, 5916, 0.0], [5916, 6103, 0.0], [6103, 6261, 0.0], [6261, 6320, 0.0], [6320, 6571, 0.0], [6571, 6588, 0.0], [6588, 6652, 0.0], [6652, 6759, 0.0], [6759, 6799, 0.0], [6799, 6925, 0.0], [6925, 6987, 0.0], [6987, 7237, 0.0], [7237, 7353, 0.0], [7353, 7465, 0.0], [7465, 7687, 0.0], [7687, 7775, 0.0], [7775, 7896, 0.0], [7896, 8063, 0.0], [8063, 8102, 0.0], [8102, 8260, 0.0], [8260, 8649, 0.0], [8649, 8670, 0.0], [8670, 9115, 0.0], [9115, 9348, 0.0], [9348, 9649, 0.0], [9649, 9724, 0.0], [9724, 10189, 0.0], [10189, 10209, 0.0], [10209, 10223, 0.0], [10223, 10259, 0.0], [10259, 10321, 0.0], [10321, 10393, 0.0], [10393, 10459, 0.0], [10459, 10508, 0.0], [10508, 10729, 0.0], [10729, 10783, 0.0], [10783, 11049, 0.0], [11049, 11086, 0.0], [11086, 11196, 0.0], [11196, 11321, 0.0], [11321, 11596, 0.0], [11596, 11798, 0.0], [11798, 12042, 0.0], [12042, 12176, 0.0], [12176, 12196, 0.0], [12196, 12471, 0.0], [12471, 12515, 0.0], [12515, 12636, 0.0], [12636, 13016, 0.0], [13016, 13062, 0.0], [13062, 13335, 0.0], [13335, 13720, 0.0], [13720, 13734, 0.0], [13734, 13744, 0.0], [13744, 14235, 0.0], [14235, 14262, 0.0], [14262, 14343, 0.0], [14343, 14544, 0.0], [14544, 15063, 0.0], [15063, 15292, 0.0], [15292, 15523, 0.0], [15523, 15560, 0.0], [15560, 15915, 0.0], [15915, 16528, 0.0], [16528, 16535, 0.0], [16535, 16554, 0.0], [16554, 16715, 0.0], [16715, 17035, 0.0], [17035, 17197, 0.0], [17197, 17258, 0.0], [17258, 17316, 0.0], [17316, 17335, 0.0], [17335, 17489, 0.0], [17489, 17820, 0.0], [17820, 17996, 0.0], [17996, 18108, 0.0], [18108, 18372, 0.0], [18372, 18537, 0.0], [18537, 18547, 0.0], [18547, 18814, 0.0], [18814, 19246, 0.0], [19246, 19426, 0.0], [19426, 19614, 0.0], [19614, 19760, 0.0], [19760, 19838, 0.0], [19838, 19906, 0.0], [19906, 19942, 0.0], [19942, 20274, 0.0], [20274, 20675, 0.0], [20675, 21055, 0.0], [21055, 21212, 0.0], [21212, 21242, 0.0], [21242, 21280, 0.0], [21280, 21354, 0.0], [21354, 21519, 0.0], [21519, 21565, 0.0], [21565, 21603, 0.0], [21603, 21645, 0.0], [21645, 21674, 0.0], [21674, 22104, 0.0], [22104, 22203, 0.0], [22203, 22489, 0.0], [22489, 22561, 0.0], [22561, 22690, 0.0], [22690, 22709, 0.0], [22709, 22749, 0.0], [22749, 22838, 0.0], [22838, 23565, 0.0], [23565, 24225, 0.0], [24225, 24856, 0.0], [24856, 25601, 0.0], [25601, 25944, 0.0], [25944, 26072, 0.0], [26072, 26276, 0.0], [26276, 26444, 0.0], [26444, 26580, 0.0], [26580, 26648, 0.0], [26648, 26733, 0.0], [26733, 26747, 0.0], [26747, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 26956, 0.0], [26956, 26991, 0.0], [26991, 27203, 0.0], [27203, 27730, 0.0], [27730, 27882, 0.0], [27882, 28151, 0.0], [28151, 28163, 0.0], [28163, 28543, 0.0], [28543, 28937, 0.0], [28937, 29586, 0.0], [29586, 29606, 0.0], [29606, 29803, 0.0], [29803, 30028, 0.0], [30028, 30209, 0.0], [30209, 30321, 0.0], [30321, 30496, 0.0], [30496, 30774, 0.0], [30774, 30806, 0.0], [30806, 30913, 0.0], [30913, 30999, 0.0], [30999, 31683, 0.0], [31683, 31842, 0.0], [31842, 31859, 0.0], [31859, 31915, 0.0], [31915, 32329, 0.0], [32329, 32777, 0.0], [32777, 33356, 0.0], [33356, 33880, 0.0], [33880, 33990, 0.0], [33990, 34138, 0.0], [34138, 34551, 0.0], [34551, 34747, 0.0], [34747, 34893, 0.0], [34893, 35091, 0.0], [35091, 35245, 0.0], [35245, 35505, 0.0], [35505, 35590, 0.0], [35590, 35603, 0.0], [35603, 35661, 0.0], [35661, 35707, 0.0], [35707, 35790, 0.0], [35790, 36002, 0.0], [36002, 36351, 0.0], [36351, 36514, 0.0], [36514, 36877, 0.0], [36877, 36980, 0.0], [36980, 37126, 0.0], [37126, 37613, 0.0], [37613, 38140, 0.0], [38140, 38307, 0.0], [38307, 38681, 0.0], [38681, 38695, 0.0], [38695, 38726, 0.0], [38726, 38798, 0.0], [38798, 38927, 0.0], [38927, 38966, 0.0], [38966, 39063, 0.0], [39063, 39208, 0.0], [39208, 39270, 0.0], [39270, 39791, 0.0], [39791, 39849, 0.0], [39849, 39963, 0.0], [39963, 39970, 0.0], [39970, 40252, 0.0], [40252, 40592, 0.0], [40592, 40919, 0.0], [40919, 41255, 0.0], [41255, 41635, 0.0], [41635, 41804, 0.0], [41804, 42273, 0.0], [42273, 42536, 0.0], [42536, 43009, 0.0], [43009, 43375, 0.0], [43375, 43967, 0.0], [43967, 44454, 0.0], [44454, 44761, 0.0], [44761, 45247, 0.0], [45247, 45645, 0.0], [45645, 46005, 0.0], [46005, 46324, 0.0], [46324, 46725, 0.0], [46725, 47119, 0.0], [47119, 47604, 0.0], [47604, 47696, 0.0], [47696, 48339, 0.0], [48339, 48405, 0.0], [48405, 48477, 0.0], [48477, 48559, 0.0], [48559, 48627, 0.0], [48627, 48700, 0.0], [48700, 48725, 0.0], [48725, 48818, 0.0], [48818, 48839, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 203, 29.0], [203, 349, 22.0], [349, 569, 44.0], [569, 822, 46.0], [822, 1063, 48.0], [1063, 1191, 26.0], [1191, 1516, 55.0], [1516, 1867, 62.0], [1867, 1972, 20.0], [1972, 2058, 18.0], [2058, 2199, 23.0], [2199, 2242, 7.0], [2242, 2293, 8.0], [2293, 2322, 4.0], [2322, 2501, 31.0], [2501, 2960, 80.0], [2960, 3084, 24.0], [3084, 3186, 19.0], [3186, 3391, 32.0], [3391, 3490, 17.0], [3490, 3649, 32.0], [3649, 3661, 2.0], [3661, 4027, 59.0], [4027, 4084, 11.0], [4084, 4153, 13.0], [4153, 4228, 14.0], [4228, 4304, 14.0], [4304, 4345, 9.0], [4345, 4481, 26.0], [4481, 4678, 29.0], [4678, 4845, 23.0], [4845, 4991, 24.0], [4991, 5274, 52.0], [5274, 5421, 22.0], [5421, 5445, 4.0], [5445, 5476, 6.0], [5476, 5510, 6.0], [5510, 5630, 20.0], [5630, 5647, 2.0], [5647, 5774, 22.0], [5774, 5911, 25.0], [5911, 5916, 1.0], [5916, 6103, 34.0], [6103, 6261, 27.0], [6261, 6320, 10.0], [6320, 6571, 47.0], [6571, 6588, 4.0], [6588, 6652, 10.0], [6652, 6759, 18.0], [6759, 6799, 6.0], [6799, 6925, 21.0], [6925, 6987, 11.0], [6987, 7237, 36.0], [7237, 7353, 22.0], [7353, 7465, 17.0], [7465, 7687, 44.0], [7687, 7775, 17.0], [7775, 7896, 21.0], [7896, 8063, 29.0], [8063, 8102, 7.0], [8102, 8260, 30.0], [8260, 8649, 70.0], [8649, 8670, 3.0], [8670, 9115, 82.0], [9115, 9348, 38.0], [9348, 9649, 47.0], [9649, 9724, 14.0], [9724, 10189, 81.0], [10189, 10209, 3.0], [10209, 10223, 1.0], [10223, 10259, 5.0], [10259, 10321, 13.0], [10321, 10393, 14.0], [10393, 10459, 13.0], [10459, 10508, 10.0], [10508, 10729, 39.0], [10729, 10783, 12.0], [10783, 11049, 49.0], [11049, 11086, 7.0], [11086, 11196, 18.0], [11196, 11321, 23.0], [11321, 11596, 44.0], [11596, 11798, 36.0], [11798, 12042, 46.0], [12042, 12176, 23.0], [12176, 12196, 2.0], [12196, 12471, 49.0], [12471, 12515, 5.0], [12515, 12636, 20.0], [12636, 13016, 72.0], [13016, 13062, 8.0], [13062, 13335, 48.0], [13335, 13720, 83.0], [13720, 13734, 3.0], [13734, 13744, 1.0], [13744, 14235, 84.0], [14235, 14262, 3.0], [14262, 14343, 15.0], [14343, 14544, 38.0], [14544, 15063, 83.0], [15063, 15292, 40.0], [15292, 15523, 45.0], [15523, 15560, 6.0], [15560, 15915, 60.0], [15915, 16528, 101.0], [16528, 16535, 2.0], [16535, 16554, 4.0], [16554, 16715, 29.0], [16715, 17035, 59.0], [17035, 17197, 25.0], [17197, 17258, 11.0], [17258, 17316, 8.0], [17316, 17335, 1.0], [17335, 17489, 27.0], [17489, 17820, 60.0], [17820, 17996, 37.0], [17996, 18108, 18.0], [18108, 18372, 43.0], [18372, 18537, 23.0], [18537, 18547, 1.0], [18547, 18814, 45.0], [18814, 19246, 70.0], [19246, 19426, 29.0], [19426, 19614, 34.0], [19614, 19760, 24.0], [19760, 19838, 15.0], [19838, 19906, 8.0], [19906, 19942, 7.0], [19942, 20274, 57.0], [20274, 20675, 64.0], [20675, 21055, 62.0], [21055, 21212, 24.0], [21212, 21242, 5.0], [21242, 21280, 5.0], [21280, 21354, 13.0], [21354, 21519, 29.0], [21519, 21565, 8.0], [21565, 21603, 8.0], [21603, 21645, 8.0], [21645, 21674, 6.0], [21674, 22104, 77.0], [22104, 22203, 19.0], [22203, 22489, 54.0], [22489, 22561, 13.0], [22561, 22690, 23.0], [22690, 22709, 3.0], [22709, 22749, 6.0], [22749, 22838, 16.0], [22838, 23565, 126.0], [23565, 24225, 112.0], [24225, 24856, 107.0], [24856, 25601, 125.0], [25601, 25944, 61.0], [25944, 26072, 24.0], [26072, 26276, 39.0], [26276, 26444, 32.0], [26444, 26580, 27.0], [26580, 26648, 10.0], [26648, 26733, 16.0], [26733, 26747, 3.0], [26747, 26860, 24.0], [26860, 26956, 19.0], [26956, 26991, 6.0], [26991, 27203, 35.0], [27203, 27730, 88.0], [27730, 27882, 33.0], [27882, 28151, 51.0], [28151, 28163, 2.0], [28163, 28543, 67.0], [28543, 28937, 66.0], [28937, 29586, 106.0], [29586, 29606, 2.0], [29606, 29803, 36.0], [29803, 30028, 39.0], [30028, 30209, 34.0], [30209, 30321, 20.0], [30321, 30496, 29.0], [30496, 30774, 48.0], [30774, 30806, 5.0], [30806, 30913, 20.0], [30913, 30999, 18.0], [30999, 31683, 110.0], [31683, 31842, 24.0], [31842, 31859, 3.0], [31859, 31915, 12.0], [31915, 32329, 72.0], [32329, 32777, 72.0], [32777, 33356, 91.0], [33356, 33880, 95.0], [33880, 33990, 19.0], [33990, 34138, 23.0], [34138, 34551, 81.0], [34551, 34747, 33.0], [34747, 34893, 26.0], [34893, 35091, 33.0], [35091, 35245, 26.0], [35245, 35505, 42.0], [35505, 35590, 19.0], [35590, 35603, 2.0], [35603, 35661, 13.0], [35661, 35707, 6.0], [35707, 35790, 12.0], [35790, 36002, 29.0], [36002, 36351, 52.0], [36351, 36514, 33.0], [36514, 36877, 65.0], [36877, 36980, 18.0], [36980, 37126, 27.0], [37126, 37613, 83.0], [37613, 38140, 102.0], [38140, 38307, 30.0], [38307, 38681, 70.0], [38681, 38695, 3.0], [38695, 38726, 4.0], [38726, 38798, 11.0], [38798, 38927, 20.0], [38927, 38966, 5.0], [38966, 39063, 16.0], [39063, 39208, 23.0], [39208, 39270, 11.0], [39270, 39791, 88.0], [39791, 39849, 9.0], [39849, 39963, 19.0], [39963, 39970, 2.0], [39970, 40252, 53.0], [40252, 40592, 54.0], [40592, 40919, 52.0], [40919, 41255, 54.0], [41255, 41635, 71.0], [41635, 41804, 28.0], [41804, 42273, 80.0], [42273, 42536, 42.0], [42536, 43009, 75.0], [43009, 43375, 60.0], [43375, 43967, 116.0], [43967, 44454, 84.0], [44454, 44761, 50.0], [44761, 45247, 77.0], [45247, 45645, 67.0], [45645, 46005, 56.0], [46005, 46324, 52.0], [46324, 46725, 68.0], [46725, 47119, 61.0], [47119, 47604, 90.0], [47604, 47696, 15.0], [47696, 48339, 116.0], [48339, 48405, 13.0], [48405, 48477, 12.0], [48477, 48559, 17.0], [48559, 48627, 12.0], [48627, 48700, 13.0], [48700, 48725, 4.0], [48725, 48818, 16.0], [48818, 48839, 3.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 203, 0.0], [203, 349, 0.0], [349, 569, 0.0], [569, 822, 0.0], [822, 1063, 0.0], [1063, 1191, 0.0], [1191, 1516, 0.0], [1516, 1867, 0.0], [1867, 1972, 0.0], [1972, 2058, 0.0], [2058, 2199, 0.0], [2199, 2242, 0.0], [2242, 2293, 0.30434783], [2293, 2322, 0.0], [2322, 2501, 0.0], [2501, 2960, 0.00904977], [2960, 3084, 0.0], [3084, 3186, 0.0], [3186, 3391, 0.0], [3391, 3490, 0.0], [3490, 3649, 0.0], [3649, 3661, 0.0], [3661, 4027, 0.0], [4027, 4084, 0.01851852], [4084, 4153, 0.01515152], [4153, 4228, 0.01388889], [4228, 4304, 0.01369863], [4304, 4345, 0.0], [4345, 4481, 0.0], [4481, 4678, 0.0], [4678, 4845, 0.0], [4845, 4991, 0.0], [4991, 5274, 0.01098901], [5274, 5421, 0.0], [5421, 5445, 0.0], [5445, 5476, 0.0], [5476, 5510, 0.0], [5510, 5630, 0.0], [5630, 5647, 0.0], [5647, 5774, 0.0], [5774, 5911, 0.0], [5911, 5916, 0.0], [5916, 6103, 0.0], [6103, 6261, 0.0], [6261, 6320, 0.0], [6320, 6571, 0.0], [6571, 6588, 0.0], [6588, 6652, 0.01694915], [6652, 6759, 0.00980392], [6759, 6799, 0.02777778], [6799, 6925, 0.00833333], [6925, 6987, 0.01724138], [6987, 7237, 0.00414938], [7237, 7353, 0.00917431], [7353, 7465, 0.00917431], [7465, 7687, 0.00460829], [7687, 7775, 0.01204819], [7775, 7896, 0.01709402], [7896, 8063, 0.01219512], [8063, 8102, 0.0], [8102, 8260, 0.00671141], [8260, 8649, 0.00797872], [8649, 8670, 0.0], [8670, 9115, 0.0], [9115, 9348, 0.0], [9348, 9649, 0.0], [9649, 9724, 0.0], [9724, 10189, 0.0], [10189, 10209, 0.0], [10209, 10223, 0.0], [10223, 10259, 0.0], [10259, 10321, 0.0], [10321, 10393, 0.01470588], [10393, 10459, 0.01666667], [10459, 10508, 0.02222222], [10508, 10729, 0.00471698], [10729, 10783, 0.01960784], [10783, 11049, 0.0], [11049, 11086, 0.0], [11086, 11196, 0.02912621], [11196, 11321, 0.0], [11321, 11596, 0.0], [11596, 11798, 0.0], [11798, 12042, 0.0], [12042, 12176, 0.0], [12176, 12196, 0.0625], [12196, 12471, 0.0], [12471, 12515, 0.0], [12515, 12636, 0.0], [12636, 13016, 0.0], [13016, 13062, 0.02325581], [13062, 13335, 0.0], [13335, 13720, 0.0], [13720, 13734, 0.0], [13734, 13744, 0.0], [13744, 14235, 0.0], [14235, 14262, 0.0], [14262, 14343, 0.0], [14343, 14544, 0.0], [14544, 15063, 0.0], [15063, 15292, 0.0], [15292, 15523, 0.0], [15523, 15560, 0.0], [15560, 15915, 0.0], [15915, 16528, 0.0], [16528, 16535, 0.0], [16535, 16554, 0.0], [16554, 16715, 0.0], [16715, 17035, 0.0], [17035, 17197, 0.0], [17197, 17258, 0.0], [17258, 17316, 0.0], [17316, 17335, 0.0], [17335, 17489, 0.0], [17489, 17820, 0.0], [17820, 17996, 0.0], [17996, 18108, 0.0], [18108, 18372, 0.0], [18372, 18537, 0.0], [18537, 18547, 0.0], [18547, 18814, 0.0], [18814, 19246, 0.0], [19246, 19426, 0.0], [19426, 19614, 0.0], [19614, 19760, 0.0], [19760, 19838, 0.0], [19838, 19906, 0.0], [19906, 19942, 0.0], [19942, 20274, 0.0], [20274, 20675, 0.0], [20675, 21055, 0.0], [21055, 21212, 0.0], [21212, 21242, 0.0], [21242, 21280, 0.0], [21280, 21354, 0.0], [21354, 21519, 0.0], [21519, 21565, 0.0], [21565, 21603, 0.0], [21603, 21645, 0.0], [21645, 21674, 0.0], [21674, 22104, 0.0], [22104, 22203, 0.0], [22203, 22489, 0.0], [22489, 22561, 0.0], [22561, 22690, 0.0], [22690, 22709, 0.0], [22709, 22749, 0.0], [22749, 22838, 0.0], [22838, 23565, 0.00284091], [23565, 24225, 0.01092044], [24225, 24856, 0.0], [24856, 25601, 0.0], [25601, 25944, 0.0], [25944, 26072, 0.0], [26072, 26276, 0.0], [26276, 26444, 0.0], [26444, 26580, 0.0], [26580, 26648, 0.0], [26648, 26733, 0.0], [26733, 26747, 0.0], [26747, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 26956, 0.02222222], [26956, 26991, 0.0], [26991, 27203, 0.0], [27203, 27730, 0.0], [27730, 27882, 0.0], [27882, 28151, 0.0], [28151, 28163, 0.0], [28163, 28543, 0.0], [28543, 28937, 0.0], [28937, 29586, 0.0], [29586, 29606, 0.0], [29606, 29803, 0.00520833], [29803, 30028, 0.05454545], [30028, 30209, 0.0], [30209, 30321, 0.0], [30321, 30496, 0.0], [30496, 30774, 0.0], [30774, 30806, 0.0], [30806, 30913, 0.0], [30913, 30999, 0.0], [30999, 31683, 0.0], [31683, 31842, 0.0], [31842, 31859, 0.0], [31859, 31915, 0.0], [31915, 32329, 0.0], [32329, 32777, 0.0], [32777, 33356, 0.0], [33356, 33880, 0.0], [33880, 33990, 0.0], [33990, 34138, 0.0], [34138, 34551, 0.0], [34551, 34747, 0.0], [34747, 34893, 0.0212766], [34893, 35091, 0.0], [35091, 35245, 0.0], [35245, 35505, 0.0], [35505, 35590, 0.0], [35590, 35603, 0.0], [35603, 35661, 0.05454545], [35661, 35707, 0.0], [35707, 35790, 0.0], [35790, 36002, 0.0], [36002, 36351, 0.0], [36351, 36514, 0.0], [36514, 36877, 0.0], [36877, 36980, 0.0], [36980, 37126, 0.0], [37126, 37613, 0.0], [37613, 38140, 0.0], [38140, 38307, 0.0], [38307, 38681, 0.0], [38681, 38695, 0.0], [38695, 38726, 0.0], [38726, 38798, 0.0], [38798, 38927, 0.0], [38927, 38966, 0.0], [38966, 39063, 0.0], [39063, 39208, 0.0], [39208, 39270, 0.0], [39270, 39791, 0.0], [39791, 39849, 0.0], [39849, 39963, 0.0], [39963, 39970, 0.16666667], [39970, 40252, 0.0], [40252, 40592, 0.0], [40592, 40919, 0.0], [40919, 41255, 0.0], [41255, 41635, 0.0], [41635, 41804, 0.0], [41804, 42273, 0.0], [42273, 42536, 0.0], [42536, 43009, 0.0], [43009, 43375, 0.0], [43375, 43967, 0.0], [43967, 44454, 0.0], [44454, 44761, 0.0], [44761, 45247, 0.0], [45247, 45645, 0.0], [45645, 46005, 0.0], [46005, 46324, 0.00643087], [46324, 46725, 0.0], [46725, 47119, 0.0], [47119, 47604, 0.0], [47604, 47696, 0.0], [47696, 48339, 0.00158983], [48339, 48405, 0.0], [48405, 48477, 0.0], [48477, 48559, 0.0], [48559, 48627, 0.0], [48627, 48700, 0.0], [48700, 48725, 0.0], [48725, 48818, 0.0], [48818, 48839, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 203, 0.0], [203, 349, 0.0], [349, 569, 0.0], [569, 822, 0.0], [822, 1063, 0.0], [1063, 1191, 0.0], [1191, 1516, 0.0], [1516, 1867, 0.0], [1867, 1972, 0.0], [1972, 2058, 0.0], [2058, 2199, 0.0], [2199, 2242, 0.0], [2242, 2293, 0.0], [2293, 2322, 0.0], [2322, 2501, 0.0], [2501, 2960, 0.0], [2960, 3084, 0.0], [3084, 3186, 0.0], [3186, 3391, 0.0], [3391, 3490, 0.0], [3490, 3649, 0.0], [3649, 3661, 0.0], [3661, 4027, 0.0], [4027, 4084, 0.0], [4084, 4153, 0.0], [4153, 4228, 0.0], [4228, 4304, 0.0], [4304, 4345, 0.0], [4345, 4481, 0.0], [4481, 4678, 0.0], [4678, 4845, 0.0], [4845, 4991, 0.0], [4991, 5274, 0.0], [5274, 5421, 0.0], [5421, 5445, 0.0], [5445, 5476, 0.0], [5476, 5510, 0.0], [5510, 5630, 0.0], [5630, 5647, 0.0], [5647, 5774, 0.0], [5774, 5911, 0.0], [5911, 5916, 0.0], [5916, 6103, 0.0], [6103, 6261, 0.0], [6261, 6320, 0.0], [6320, 6571, 0.0], [6571, 6588, 0.0], [6588, 6652, 0.0], [6652, 6759, 0.0], [6759, 6799, 0.0], [6799, 6925, 0.0], [6925, 6987, 0.0], [6987, 7237, 0.0], [7237, 7353, 0.0], [7353, 7465, 0.0], [7465, 7687, 0.0], [7687, 7775, 0.0], [7775, 7896, 0.0], [7896, 8063, 0.0], [8063, 8102, 0.0], [8102, 8260, 0.0], [8260, 8649, 0.0], [8649, 8670, 0.0], [8670, 9115, 0.0], [9115, 9348, 0.0], [9348, 9649, 0.0], [9649, 9724, 0.0], [9724, 10189, 0.0], [10189, 10209, 0.0], [10209, 10223, 0.0], [10223, 10259, 0.0], [10259, 10321, 0.0], [10321, 10393, 0.0], [10393, 10459, 0.0], [10459, 10508, 0.0], [10508, 10729, 0.0], [10729, 10783, 0.0], [10783, 11049, 0.0], [11049, 11086, 0.0], [11086, 11196, 0.0], [11196, 11321, 0.0], [11321, 11596, 0.0], [11596, 11798, 0.0], [11798, 12042, 0.0], [12042, 12176, 0.0], [12176, 12196, 0.0], [12196, 12471, 0.0], [12471, 12515, 0.0], [12515, 12636, 0.0], [12636, 13016, 0.0], [13016, 13062, 0.0], [13062, 13335, 0.0], [13335, 13720, 0.0], [13720, 13734, 0.0], [13734, 13744, 0.0], [13744, 14235, 0.0], [14235, 14262, 0.0], [14262, 14343, 0.0], [14343, 14544, 0.0], [14544, 15063, 0.0], [15063, 15292, 0.0], [15292, 15523, 0.0], [15523, 15560, 0.0], [15560, 15915, 0.0], [15915, 16528, 0.0], [16528, 16535, 0.0], [16535, 16554, 0.0], [16554, 16715, 0.0], [16715, 17035, 0.0], [17035, 17197, 0.0], [17197, 17258, 0.0], [17258, 17316, 0.0], [17316, 17335, 0.0], [17335, 17489, 0.0], [17489, 17820, 0.0], [17820, 17996, 0.0], [17996, 18108, 0.0], [18108, 18372, 0.0], [18372, 18537, 0.0], [18537, 18547, 0.0], [18547, 18814, 0.0], [18814, 19246, 0.0], [19246, 19426, 0.0], [19426, 19614, 0.0], [19614, 19760, 0.0], [19760, 19838, 0.0], [19838, 19906, 0.0], [19906, 19942, 0.0], [19942, 20274, 0.0], [20274, 20675, 0.0], [20675, 21055, 0.0], [21055, 21212, 0.0], [21212, 21242, 0.0], [21242, 21280, 0.0], [21280, 21354, 0.0], [21354, 21519, 0.0], [21519, 21565, 0.0], [21565, 21603, 0.0], [21603, 21645, 0.0], [21645, 21674, 0.0], [21674, 22104, 0.0], [22104, 22203, 0.0], [22203, 22489, 0.0], [22489, 22561, 0.0], [22561, 22690, 0.0], [22690, 22709, 0.0], [22709, 22749, 0.0], [22749, 22838, 0.0], [22838, 23565, 0.0], [23565, 24225, 0.0], [24225, 24856, 0.0], [24856, 25601, 0.0], [25601, 25944, 0.0], [25944, 26072, 0.0], [26072, 26276, 0.0], [26276, 26444, 0.0], [26444, 26580, 0.0], [26580, 26648, 0.0], [26648, 26733, 0.0], [26733, 26747, 0.0], [26747, 26860, 0.0], [26860, 26956, 0.0], [26956, 26991, 0.0], [26991, 27203, 0.0], [27203, 27730, 0.0], [27730, 27882, 0.0], [27882, 28151, 0.0], [28151, 28163, 0.0], [28163, 28543, 0.0], [28543, 28937, 0.0], [28937, 29586, 0.0], [29586, 29606, 0.0], [29606, 29803, 0.0], [29803, 30028, 0.0], [30028, 30209, 0.0], [30209, 30321, 0.0], [30321, 30496, 0.0], [30496, 30774, 0.0], [30774, 30806, 0.0], [30806, 30913, 0.0], [30913, 30999, 0.0], [30999, 31683, 0.0], [31683, 31842, 0.0], [31842, 31859, 0.0], [31859, 31915, 0.0], [31915, 32329, 0.0], [32329, 32777, 0.0], [32777, 33356, 0.0], [33356, 33880, 0.0], [33880, 33990, 0.0], [33990, 34138, 0.0], [34138, 34551, 0.0], [34551, 34747, 0.0], [34747, 34893, 0.0], [34893, 35091, 0.0], [35091, 35245, 0.0], [35245, 35505, 0.0], [35505, 35590, 0.0], [35590, 35603, 0.0], [35603, 35661, 0.0], [35661, 35707, 0.0], [35707, 35790, 0.0], [35790, 36002, 0.0], [36002, 36351, 0.0], [36351, 36514, 0.0], [36514, 36877, 0.0], [36877, 36980, 0.0], [36980, 37126, 0.0], [37126, 37613, 0.0], [37613, 38140, 0.0], [38140, 38307, 0.0], [38307, 38681, 0.0], [38681, 38695, 0.0], [38695, 38726, 0.0], [38726, 38798, 0.0], [38798, 38927, 0.0], [38927, 38966, 0.0], [38966, 39063, 0.0], [39063, 39208, 0.0], [39208, 39270, 0.0], [39270, 39791, 0.0], [39791, 39849, 0.0], [39849, 39963, 0.0], [39963, 39970, 0.0], [39970, 40252, 0.0], [40252, 40592, 0.0], [40592, 40919, 0.0], [40919, 41255, 0.0], [41255, 41635, 0.0], [41635, 41804, 0.0], [41804, 42273, 0.0], [42273, 42536, 0.0], [42536, 43009, 0.0], [43009, 43375, 0.0], [43375, 43967, 0.0], [43967, 44454, 0.0], [44454, 44761, 0.0], [44761, 45247, 0.0], [45247, 45645, 0.0], [45645, 46005, 0.0], [46005, 46324, 0.0], [46324, 46725, 0.0], [46725, 47119, 0.0], [47119, 47604, 0.0], [47604, 47696, 0.0], [47696, 48339, 0.0], [48339, 48405, 0.0], [48405, 48477, 0.0], [48477, 48559, 0.0], [48559, 48627, 0.0], [48627, 48700, 0.0], [48700, 48725, 0.0], [48725, 48818, 0.0], [48818, 48839, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 203, 0.01970443], [203, 349, 0.00684932], [349, 569, 0.04090909], [569, 822, 0.01581028], [822, 1063, 0.00829876], [1063, 1191, 0.015625], [1191, 1516, 0.00923077], [1516, 1867, 0.01139601], [1867, 1972, 0.02857143], [1972, 2058, 0.02325581], [2058, 2199, 0.03546099], [2199, 2242, 0.02325581], [2242, 2293, 0.09803922], [2293, 2322, 0.06896552], [2322, 2501, 0.02234637], [2501, 2960, 0.01960784], [2960, 3084, 0.01612903], [3084, 3186, 0.04901961], [3186, 3391, 0.01463415], [3391, 3490, 0.02020202], [3490, 3649, 0.01257862], [3649, 3661, 0.08333333], [3661, 4027, 0.0136612], [4027, 4084, 0.01754386], [4084, 4153, 0.01449275], [4153, 4228, 0.02666667], [4228, 4304, 0.01315789], [4304, 4345, 0.04878049], [4345, 4481, 0.01470588], [4481, 4678, 0.00507614], [4678, 4845, 0.01796407], [4845, 4991, 0.00684932], [4991, 5274, 0.00706714], [5274, 5421, 0.01360544], [5421, 5445, 0.625], [5445, 5476, 0.77419355], [5476, 5510, 0.76470588], [5510, 5630, 0.04166667], [5630, 5647, 0.11764706], [5647, 5774, 0.02362205], [5774, 5911, 0.00729927], [5911, 5916, 0.2], [5916, 6103, 0.02139037], [6103, 6261, 0.01265823], [6261, 6320, 0.01694915], [6320, 6571, 0.08366534], [6571, 6588, 0.05882353], [6588, 6652, 0.015625], [6652, 6759, 0.00934579], [6759, 6799, 0.275], [6799, 6925, 0.01587302], [6925, 6987, 0.11290323], [6987, 7237, 0.008], [7237, 7353, 0.00862069], [7353, 7465, 0.00892857], [7465, 7687, 0.00900901], [7687, 7775, 0.01136364], [7775, 7896, 0.00826446], [7896, 8063, 0.00598802], [8063, 8102, 0.02564103], [8102, 8260, 0.0443038], [8260, 8649, 0.0437018], [8649, 8670, 0.0952381], [8670, 9115, 0.01797753], [9115, 9348, 0.01287554], [9348, 9649, 0.01328904], [9649, 9724, 0.05333333], [9724, 10189, 0.01505376], [10189, 10209, 0.1], [10209, 10223, 0.14285714], [10223, 10259, 0.02777778], [10259, 10321, 0.03225806], [10321, 10393, 0.05555556], [10393, 10459, 0.06060606], [10459, 10508, 0.06122449], [10508, 10729, 0.04977376], [10729, 10783, 0.01851852], [10783, 11049, 0.05263158], [11049, 11086, 0.02702703], [11086, 11196, 0.10909091], [11196, 11321, 0.024], [11321, 11596, 0.04], [11596, 11798, 0.02475248], [11798, 12042, 0.0204918], [12042, 12176, 0.00746269], [12176, 12196, 0.0], [12196, 12471, 0.00363636], [12471, 12515, 0.13636364], [12515, 12636, 0.00826446], [12636, 13016, 0.01315789], [13016, 13062, 0.04347826], [13062, 13335, 0.02197802], [13335, 13720, 0.02337662], [13720, 13734, 0.14285714], [13734, 13744, 0.0], [13744, 14235, 0.0203666], [14235, 14262, 0.07407407], [14262, 14343, 0.03703704], [14343, 14544, 0.02985075], [14544, 15063, 0.02697495], [15063, 15292, 0.02183406], [15292, 15523, 0.03030303], [15523, 15560, 0.02702703], [15560, 15915, 0.02535211], [15915, 16528, 0.01468189], [16528, 16535, 0.28571429], [16535, 16554, 0.10526316], [16554, 16715, 0.02484472], [16715, 17035, 0.0125], [17035, 17197, 0.01234568], [17197, 17258, 0.01639344], [17258, 17316, 0.03448276], [17316, 17335, 0.10526316], [17335, 17489, 0.04545455], [17489, 17820, 0.02416918], [17820, 17996, 0.07954545], [17996, 18108, 0.02678571], [18108, 18372, 0.01893939], [18372, 18537, 0.01212121], [18537, 18547, 0.1], [18547, 18814, 0.04494382], [18814, 19246, 0.01157407], [19246, 19426, 0.01666667], [19426, 19614, 0.0212766], [19614, 19760, 0.02739726], [19760, 19838, 0.02564103], [19838, 19906, 0.01470588], [19906, 19942, 0.0], [19942, 20274, 0.01204819], [20274, 20675, 0.01745636], [20675, 21055, 0.01315789], [21055, 21212, 0.01273885], [21212, 21242, 0.13333333], [21242, 21280, 0.02631579], [21280, 21354, 0.02702703], [21354, 21519, 0.04848485], [21519, 21565, 0.02173913], [21565, 21603, 0.02631579], [21603, 21645, 0.02380952], [21645, 21674, 0.03448276], [21674, 22104, 0.02790698], [22104, 22203, 0.02020202], [22203, 22489, 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Published on Friday, June 19, 2009 by The New York TimesOut of the Shadows byPaul KrugmanWould the Obama administration's plan for financial reform do what has to be done? Yes and no. Yes, the plan would plug some big holes in regulation. But as described, it wouldn't end the skewed incentives that made the current crisis inevitable. Let's start with the good news. Our current system of financial regulation dates back to a time when everything that functioned as a bank looked like a bank. As long as you regulated big marble buildings with rows of tellers, you pretty much had things nailed down. But today you don't have to look like a bank to be a bank. As Tim Geithner, the Treasury secretary, put it in a widely cited speech last summer, banking is anything that involves financing "long-term risky and relatively illiquid assets" with "very short-term liabilities." Cases in point: Bear Stearns and Lehman, both of which financed large investments in risky securities primarily with short-term borrowing. And as Mr. Geithner pointed out, by 2007 more than half of America's banking, in this sense, was being handled by a "parallel financial system" - others call it "shadow banking" - of largely unregulated institutions. These non-bank banks, he ruefully noted, were "vulnerable to a classic type of run, but without the protections such as deposit insurance that the banking system has in place to reduce such risks." When Lehman fell, we learned just how vulnerable shadow banking was: a global run on the system brought the world economy to its knees. One thing financial reform must do, then, is bring non-bank banking out of the shadows. The Obama plan does this by giving the Federal Reserve the power to regulate any large financial institution it deems "systemically important" - that is, able to create havoc if it fails - whether or not that institution is a traditional bank. Such institutions would be required to hold relatively large amounts of capital to cover possible losses, relatively large amounts of cash to cover possible demands from creditors, and so on. And the government would have the authority to seize such institutions if they appear insolvent - the kind of power that the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation already has with regard to traditional banks, but that has been lacking with regard to institutions like Lehman or A.I.G. Good stuff. But what about the broader problem of financial excess? President Obama's speech outlining the financial plan described the underlying problem very well. Wall Street developed a "culture of irresponsibility," the president said. Lenders didn't hold on to their loans, but instead sold them off to be repackaged into securities, which in turn were sold to investors who didn't understand what they were buying. "Meanwhile," he said, "executive compensation - unmoored from long-term performance or even reality - rewarded recklessness rather than responsibility." Unfortunately, the plan as released doesn't live up to the diagnosis. True, the proposed new Consumer Financial Protection Agency would help control abusive lending. And the proposal that lenders be required to hold on to 5 percent of their loans, rather than selling everything off to be repackaged, would provide some incentive to lend responsibly. But 5 percent isn't enough to deter much risky lending, given the huge rewards to financial executives who book short-term profits. So what should be done about those rewards? Tellingly, the administration's executive summary of its proposals highlights "compensation practices" as a key cause of the crisis, but then fails to say anything about addressing those practices. The long-form version says more, but what it says - "Federal regulators should issue standards and guidelines to better align executive compensation practices of financial firms with long-term shareholder value" - is a description of what should happen, rather than a plan to make it happen. Furthermore, the plan says very little of substance about reforming the rating agencies, whose willingness to give a seal of approval to dubious securities played an important role in creating the mess we're in. In short, Mr. Obama has a clear vision of what went wrong, but aside from regulating shadow banking - no small thing, to be sure - his plan basically punts on the question of how to keep it from happening all over again, pushing the hard decisions off to future regulators. I'm aware of the political realities: getting financial reform through Congress won't be easy. And even as it stands the Obama plan would be a lot better than nothing. But to live up to its own analysis, the Obama administration needs to come down harder on the rating agencies and, even more important, get much more specific about reforming the way bankers are paid. © 2009 The New York Times Paul Krugman is professor of Economics and International Affairs at Princeton University and a regular columnist for The New York Times. Krugman was the 2008 recipient of the Nobel Prize in Economics. He is the author of numerous books, including The Conscience of A Liberal, The Return of Depression Economics, and his most recent, End This Depression Now!. Share This Article
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Diese Daten werden ausschließlich zum Zweck der Beantwortung Ihres Anliegens bzw. für die Kontaktaufnahme und die damit verbundene technische Administration gespeichert und verwendet. Ohne diese Pflichtangaben können wir Ihre Anfrage nicht bearbeiten. Alle weiteren Angaben sind freiwillig. Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung der Daten ist unser berechtigtes Interesse an der Beantwortung Ihres Anliegens gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. Zielt Ihre Kontaktierung auf den Abschluss eines Vertrages ab, so ist zusätzliche Rechtsgrundlage für die Verarbeitung Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. b DSGVO. Für Ihre freiwilligen Angaben ist Rechtsgrundlage Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. a DSGVO. Ihre Daten werden nach abschließender Bearbeitung Ihrer Anfrage gelöscht. Dies ist der Fall, wenn sich aus den Umständen entnehmen lässt, dass der betroffene Sachverhalt abschließend geklärt ist und sofern keine gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungspflichten entgegenstehen. Für die Durchführung unserer E-Mail-Kommunikation haben wir einen Dienstleister beauftragt, der für uns Infrastruktur- und Plattformdienstleistungen, Rechenkapazität, Speicherplatz und Datenbankdienste, Sicherheitsleistungen sowie technische Wartungsleistungen bereitstellt. Mit diesem haben wir einen Auftragsverarbeitungsvertrag geschlossen haben. Die Datenverarbeitung erfolgt zum Zweck der Gewährleistung der Betriebsbereitschaft unserer E-Mail-Kommunikation, an der wir ein berechtigtes Interesse haben, Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO. 5. Web-Analysedienste Unsere Internetpräsenz benutzt Google Analytics, einen Webanalysedienst der Google LLC (Google). Google Analytics verwendet sog. «Cookies», Textdateien, die auf Computer der Nutzer gespeichert werden und die eine Analyse der Benutzung der Internetpräsenz durch sie ermöglichen. Die durch den Cookie erzeugten Informationen über Benutzung dieser Internetpräsenz durch die Nutzer werden in der Regel an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gespeichert. Unsere Internetpräsenz verwendet Google Analytics ausschließlich mit der Erweiterung «_anonymizeIp()», die eine Anonymisierung der IP-Adresse durch Kürzung sicherstellt und eine direkte Personenbeziehbarkeit ausschließt. Durch die Erweiterung wird Ihre IP-Adresse von Google innerhalb von Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union oder in anderen Vertragsstaaten des Abkommens über den Europäischen Wirtschaftsraum zuvor gekürzt. Nur in Ausnahmefällen wird die volle IP-Adresse an einen Server von Google in den USA übertragen und dort gekürzt. In diesen Ausnahmefällen erfolgt diese Verarbeitung gemäß Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO auf Grundlage unseres berechtigten Interesses an der statistischen Analyse des Nutzerverhaltens zu Optimierungs- und Marketingzwecken. In unserem Auftrag wird Google diese Informationen benutzen, um Ihre Nutzung der Website auszuwerten, um Reports über die Websiteaktivitäten zusammenzustellen und um weitere mit der Websitenutzung und der Internetnutzung verbundene Dienstleistungen uns gegenüber zu erbringen. Die im Rahmen von Google Analytics von Ihrem Browser übermittelte IP-Adresse wird nicht mit anderen Daten von Google zusammengeführt. Sie können die Speicherung der Cookies durch eine entsprechende Einstellung Ihrer Browser-Software verhindern; wir weisen Sie jedoch darauf hin, dass Sie in diesem Fall gegebenenfalls nicht sämtliche Funktionen dieser Internetpräsenz vollumfänglich werden nutzen können. Sie können darüber hinaus die Erfassung der durch das Cookie erzeugten und auf Ihre Nutzung der Internetpräsenz bezogenen Daten (inkl. Ihrer IP-Adresse) an Google sowie die Verarbeitung dieser Daten durch Google verhindern, indem Sie das unter dem folgenden Link verfügbare Browser-Plugin herunterladen und installieren: https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de Alternativ zum Browser-Add-On oder innerhalb von Browsern auf mobilen Geräten klicken Sie bitte diesen Link, um die Erfassung durch Google Analytics innerhalb dieser Website zukünftig zu verhindern. Dabei wird ein Opt-Out-Cookie auf Ihrem Gerät abgelegt. Löschen Sie Ihre Cookies, müssen Sie diesen Link erneut klicken. Die Speicherung der ermittelten anonymisierten Daten erfolgt für einen Zeitraum von maximal 14 Monaten. Danach werden die Daten automatisiert gelöscht. Google mit Sitz in den USA ist für das US-europäische Datenschutzübereinkommen «Privacy Shield» zertifiziert, welches die Einhaltung des in der EU geltenden Datenschutzniveaus gewährleistet. Mehr Informationen zum Umgang mit Nutzerdaten bei Google Analytics finden Sie in den Nutzungsbedingungen für Google Analytics https://www.google.com/analytics/terms/de.html, der Datenschutzerklärung von Google https://www.google.com/policies/privacy/ bzw. hier https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de 6. Einbindung weiterer Tools Unsere Internetpräsenz verwendet Google Maps (API) von Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (Google). Google Maps ist ein Webdienst zur Darstellung von interaktiven (Land-)Karten, um geographische Informationen visuell darzustellen. Über die Nutzung dieses Dienstes wird Ihnen unser Standort angezeigt und eine etwaige Anfahrt erleichtert. Die Nutzungsbedingungen von Google können Sie unter https://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/terms/regional.html einsehen, die zusätzlichen Nutzungsbedingungen für Google Maps finden Sie unter https://www.google.com/intl/de_US/help/terms_maps.html Ausführliche Informationen zum Datenschutz im Zusammenhang mit der Verwendung von Google Maps finden Sie auf der Internetseite von Google („Google Privacy Policy“): https://www.google.de/intl/de/policies/privacy/ Unsere Internetpräsenz verwendet zur einheitlichen Darstellung von Schriftarten so genannte Web Fonts die von der Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (Google) bereitgestellt werden. Beim Aufruf einer Seite lädt Ihr Browser die benötigten Web Fonts in ihren Browser-Cache, um Texte und Schriftarten korrekt anzuzeigen. Zu diesem Zweck muss der von Ihnen verwendete Browser Verbindung zu den Servern von Google aufnehmen. Hierdurch erlangt Google Kenntnis darüber, dass über Ihre IP-Adresse unsere Website aufgerufen wurde. Die Nutzung von Google Web Fonts erfolgt im Interesse einer einheitlichen und ansprechenden Darstellung unserer Online-Angebote. Dies stellt ein berechtigtes Interesse im Sinne von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO dar. Wenn Ihr Browser Web Fonts nicht unterstützt, wird eine Standardschrift von Ihrem Computer genutzt. gstatic (Java-Script) Unsere Internetpräsenz verwendet einen Java-Script Code des Unternehmens Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (nachfolgend: Google). Wenn Sie in Ihrem Browser Java-Script aktiviert und keinen Java-Script-Blocker installiert haben, wird Ihr Browser ggf. personenbezogene Daten an Google übermitteln. Die Nutzung von gstatic erfolgt im Interesse einer einheitlichen und ansprechenden Darstellung unserer Online-Angebote. Dies stellt ein berechtigtes Interesse im Sinne von Art. 6 Abs. 1 lit. f DSGVO dar. Uns ist nicht bekannt, welche Daten Google mit den erhaltenen Daten verknüpft und zu welchen Zwecken Google diese Daten verwendet. Um die Ausführung von Java-Script Code von Google insgesamt zu verhindern, können Sie einen Java-Script-Blocker installieren (z.B. https://www.noscript.net/). Unsere Internetpräsenz verwendet die Youtube-Einbettungsfunktion zur Anzeige und Wiedergabe von Videos des Anbieters «Youtube», der zu der Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (Google) gehört. 7.1 Als betroffene Person haben Sie folgende Rechte: Bestätigung der Datenverarbeitung: Sie haben das Recht, von uns eine Bestätigung darüber zu verlangen, ob Ihre personenbezogenen Daten verarbeitet werden. Die Voraussetzungen hierzu finden Sie in Art. 15 DSGVO; Auskunft: Sie haben das Recht, Auskunft über Ihre von uns verarbeiteten personenbezogenen Daten verlangen. Die Voraussetzungen hierzu finden Sie in Art. 15 DSGVO; Berichtigung: Sie haben das Recht, unverzüglich die Berichtigung Sie betreffender unrichtiger personenbezogener Daten zu verlangen. Die Voraussetzungen hierzu finden Sie in Art. 16 DSGVO; Löschung: Sie haben das Recht, die unverzügliche Löschung Sie betreffender personenbezogener Daten zu verlangen. Die Voraussetzungen hierzu finden Sie in Art. 17 DSGVO; Einschränkung der Verarbeitung: Sie haben das Recht, die Einschränkung der Verarbeitung Ihrer personenbezogenen Daten zu verlangen. Die Voraussetzungen hierzu finden Sie in Art. 18 DSGVO; Datenübertragbarkeit: Sie haben das Recht, die Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten, die Sie uns bereitgestellt haben, in einem strukturierten, gängigen und maschinenlesbaren Format zu erhalten. Weiter haben Sie das Recht, diese Daten einem anderen Verantwortlichen durch uns übermitteln zu lassen. Die Voraussetzungen hierzu finden Sie in Art. 20 DSGVO; Widerruf von Einwilligungen: Sie haben das Recht, Ihre erteile Einwilligung jederzeit zu widerrufen, wenn die Verarbeitung auf Art. 6 (1) lit. a oder Art. 9 (2) lit. a DSGVO beruht. Die Datenverarbeitung bis zum Widerruf bleibt dabei rechtmäßig. Der Widerruf gilt nur für die Zukunft. Die Voraussetzungen hierzu finden Sie in Art. 7 (3) DSGVO; Beschwerde: Sie haben das Recht, unbeschadet eines anderweitigen verwaltungsrechtlichen oder gerichtlichen Rechtsbehelfs, auf Beschwerde bei einer Aufsichtsbehörde, wenn Sie der Ansicht sind, dass die Verarbeitung der Sie betreffenden personenbezogenen Daten gegen die DSGVO verstößt. Die Voraussetzungen hierzu finden Sie in Art. 77 DSGVO. SIE HABEN DAS RECHT, AUS GRÜNDEN, DIE SICH AUS IHRER BESONDEREN SITUATION ERGEBEN, JEDERZEIT GEGEN DIE VERARBEITUNG SIE BETREFFENDER PERSONENBEZOGENER DATEN, DIE WIR AUFGRUND UNSERES ÜBERWIEGENDEN BERECHTIGTEN INTERESSES VERARBEITEN (ART. 6 (1) LIT. E ODER F DSGVO), WIDERSPRUCH MIT WIRKUNG FÜR DIE ZUKUNFT EINZULEGEN. DIE VORAUSSETZUNGEN HIERZU FINDEN SIE IN ART. 21 DSGVO. 8. Speicherdauer personenbezogener Daten und Löschung Sofern nicht vorgenannt eine abweichende Speicherdauer genannt wird speichern wir die Daten so lange sie für ihre Zweckbestimmung erforderlich sind und gesetzlichen Aufbewahrungspflichten bestehen. Nach gesetzlichen Vorgaben erfolgt die Aufbewahrung für 6 Jahre gemäß § 257 Abs. 1 HGB (Handelsbücher, Inventare, Eröffnungsbilanzen, Jahresabschlüsse, Handelsbriefe, Buchungsbelege, etc.) sowie für 10 Jahre gemäß § 147 Abs. 1 AO (Bücher, Aufzeichnungen, Lageberichte, Buchungsbelege, Handels- und Geschäftsbriefe, für Besteuerung relevante Unterlagen, etc.). Nach Ablauf der Aufbewahrungsfrist werden die entsprechenden Daten routinemäßig gelöscht, sofern sie nicht mehr zur Vertragserfüllung oder Vertragsanbahnung erforderlich sind und/oder unsererseits kein berechtigtes Interesse an der Weiterspeicherung fortbesteht. 9. Änderung dieser Datenschutzerklärung Diese Datenschutzerklärung ist aktuell gültig und hat den Stand Mai 2018. Durch die Weiterentwicklung unserer Website und Angebote darüber oder aufgrund geänderter gesetzlicher beziehungsweise behördlicher Vorgaben kann es notwendig werden, diese Datenschutzerklärung zu ändern. Die jeweils aktuelle Datenschutzerklärung kann jederzeit auf der Website unter https://dorothee-tietz.agtcm-therapeut.de/datenschutz.htm von Ihnen abgerufen und ausgedruckt werden.
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[Russian tour report 2014 - 2 di 10] Sabato 19 aprile. Noi, sfaccendati a Mosca. . KINO - Бездельник (Sfaccendato) [Tra la folla sono come un ago nel pagliaio. Son di nuovo una persona senza scopo. Ciondolo, tutto il giorno gironzolo. Non so, non so proprio niente. Sono uno sfaccendato, o-o, mamma-mamma. Sono uno sfaccendato, u-uuu…] [Puj] Oggi Maksim ci porterà a spasso per Mosca per esaudire due nostri desideri: vedere la Piazza Rossa e andare in un negozio di dischi. Prima però vorremmo espletare alcune formalità burocratiche circa i nostri visti. Ovvero? Partiamo dall'inizio. Per poter entrare in Russia occorre un passaporto e un visto: se per il primo valgono le solite raccomandazioni (che non sia scaduto e che non sia stato masticato da un cane), per il secondo tutto si fa molto complicato e incerto. Esistono diverse tipologie di visto russo e per ciascuna di esse valgono regole differenti, ma ugualmente enigmatiche. Noi abbiamo scelto la brillante modalità "visto privato", per l'ottenimento del quale è necessario l'invito da parte di un qualche ente che sia autorizzato dal Governo ad accogliere stranieri sul suolo russo. Dopo un'attesa di circa un mese, tramite Denis otteniamo l'invito da parte di un'agenzia turistica di San Pietroburgo, città, tra l'altro, nella quale non metteremo piede. L'invito avrebbe dovuto contenere necessariamente un elenco delle città e degli alberghi nei quali saremo ospitati durante il tour, ma le città che compaiono sull'invito non coincidono con il nostro itinerario e i nomi degli alberghi sembrano inventati. Pare comunque che sia normale. Con l'invito in mano possiamo finalmente recarci all'agenzia consolare; il problema però è che essendo in otto dobbiamo prendere altrettanti appuntamenti, perché le domande vanno presentate di persona, oppure con delega, ma facendo finta di essere otto persone diverse (ok, la burocrazia russa non è di immediata comprensione...). . L'invito dell'agenzia Ci viene raccomandato poi di compilare con estrema cura il modulo di richiesta del visto, completo di tutti i dati circa i nostri... posti di lavoro! Pena la convocazione da parte del console in persona per un interrogatorio! Fortunatamente, non abbiamo avuto il piacere di incontrare il console ed abbiamo ottenuto i nostri visti senza problemi, anche se a pochi giorni dalla partenza. L'agenzia consolare si è raccomandata però che effettuassimo non più tardi di una settimana dal nostro arrivo in Russia la cosiddetta "registrazione del visto", un'operazione che pare possa avvenire presso un'agenzia (ad un costo raccapricciante) oppure in ufficio postale al costo più contenuto (e sparato a caso) di 4 euro, anche se - ci mette in guardia la signora dell'agenzia - negli uffici postali è difficile trovare qualcuno che sappia qualcosa circa la registrazione dei visti (?). Insomma: in questa faccenda del visto quel che è certo è che niente lo è. . Il visto per la Russia Tornando a noi, domandiamo a Maksim dove possiamo andare per effettuare la fatidica registrazione dei nostri visti. Maksim ci osserva con aria interrogativa, come se avessimo un topo in bocca. Quando capisce quel che vogliamo, ci spiega che, per quanto possiamo desiderarla con tutte le nostre forze, si tratta di una cosa che non si può fare. Perché, anche se frugassimo ogni anfratto della Russia, non troveremmo nessuno che ci registri il visto. Ci spiega che in Russia esistono un'infinità di regole che nessuno rispetta. E' normale. Detto questo, però, si raccomanda molto di conservare con cura un foglietto enigmatico che ci hanno consegnato in aeroporto e che consiste nella carta d'immigrazione temporanea; va riconsegnata all'uscita dal paese, pena un temibile iter poliziesco che si concluderà con una multa salatissima e la perdita praticamente certa del volo di ritorno. . La carta d'immigrazione . Alcuni di noi non avevano dato molta importanza a quello scontrino rifilatoci dal baffone alla dogana. Spaventati, lo recuperiamo e lo riponiamo al sicuro, chi nel portafoglio, chi nel passaporto. Il nonno, previdente, lo aveva già messo al sicuro: in un cestino della spazzatura all'angolo della strada. L'unica attrazione della Piazza Rossa alla quale decidiamo di dedicare del tempo è una coppia di signori vestiti da finti Stalin e Lenin che si fa fotografare con i turisti al costo di 200 rubli... . Il Nonno si complimenta con Lenin per la buona riuscita della NEP, mentre Stalin illustra il Piano Quinquennale ad un passante Per il resto, vorremmo far visita al mausoleo di Lenin (quello vero), ma non siamo i soli ad averne voglia: la fila alla biglietteria inizia lì e finisce fuori città. Quindi lasciamo perdere e chiediamo a Maksim di portarci al negozio di dischi. Lui dice: è qua dietro, cinque minuti a piedi. Un'ora dopo siamo a metà strada. Mosca è spietatamente grande, volgarmente mastodontica, "è sul lato opposto della strada" non vuol dire che si è arrivati, perché può trattarsi di una strada a dieci corsie funestate da un traffico feroce; "il prossimo isolato" non significa niente: gli isolati possono essere mostruosi megaliti senza fine e senza inizio. "Un paio di fermate di metrò" è un'affermazione disonesta e pusillanime: la metropolitana di Mosca corre più o meno attigua al centro della terra: solo per raggiungere i vagoni ci vuole un quarto d'ora di scale mobili! Mosca, insomma, è magnifica, gigantesca, gotica, straniante, complicata... ma è anche una delle città più affascinanti che abbiamo mai visto: ai nostri occhi appare, come dire, “incoerente”, sembra in bilico tra diverse dimensioni temporali e pare non avere una precisa collocazione nel nostro immaginario... . Mosca ha elementi occidentali ed altri orientali che, in un caso o nell’altro, non sono riconducibili agli stereotipi che noi abbiamo di queste due dimensioni. Qui l'occidente che conosciamo è rappresentato soltanto dalle insegne dei negozi alla moda, il resto è ancorato al passato sovietico molto più di quanto si possa pensare: gli intervalli enormi tra i caseggiati, i palazzi di cemento, le vecchie Lada, i cortili segreti; l'oriente è invece quello misterioso dell'Asia centrale, a noi sostanzialmente sconosciuto: ce lo raccontano i numerosi passanti dai lineamenti mongoli che incrociamo, i pope delle chiese ortodosse, i colori giallognoli delle case, la polvere sulle auto... . "Ciao Puj, sono Fedor Dostoevskij! Come te la passi?" Ad un certo punto arriviamo al negozio di dischi e possiamo sfogare la nostra mania per i vecchi vinili di rock sovietico. Evviva! . L'antica arte di far scorrere i vinili con le dita Stasera si suona al Manifest, un club un po' chic nel pieno centro della città. Come veri professionisti, arriviamo lì con largo anticipo e facciamo diligentemente il soundcheck, poi, come veri dilettanti, decidiamo di andare a recuperare delle birre per ubriacarci prima del concerto. Entriamo in un produkti. Un produkti è un piccolo supermercato russo, un mini-market solitamente brutto e buio, che ha articoli non troppo alla moda. Compriamo varie bottiglie di Baltika di diversi numeri. Un tizio ci si avvicina e ci sussurra: "Pazzi! Non bevete mai la Baltika numero 9!". Scopriamo che la Baltika 9 ha otto gradi alcolici di pura birrosità sintetica ed è il corrispettivo delle nostre lattine di Bavaria 8.6, quelle cose che decidi di bere solo quando vuoi separarti dalle tue spoglie mortali ed immergerti nell'abbraccio panteistico di un mistico hangover. Usciamo dal produkti con sacchetti ben pasciuti di birre gelate, voluttuose e umide di rugiada. Purtroppo però in Russia è assolutamente vietato bere alcolici per le strade (mentre è fortemente caldeggiato farlo in privato). Interviene Maksim: "Conosco un parco dove si può bere!". Dov'é? "...è qua dietro, cinque minuti a piedi". Dopo un'ora siamo a metà strada. Una scarpinata surreale, e arriviamo finalmente al parco, però è recintato per lavori in corso e non ci si può entrare. Maksim sembra scosso, ma gli diciamo di non preoccuparsi: ormai non ci interessa più di essere arrestati o spediti in Siberia ai lavori forzati; la birra la berremo qui, in mezzo a questa piazza sconfinata, e succeda quel che succeda. Poi l'idea: se andiamo a sederci sulle panchine adiacenti a quel teatro, lì sì... si può bere! Come?! chiediamo noi: qui a due metri dalle panchine no, ma lì sulle panchine attaccate al muro del teatro sì? E' assurdo! Un'amica di Maksim ci dice sconsolata: "Sì, è assurdo, ma tante cose sono assurde in Russia!”. . Shopping al Produkti Finiamo la birra senza essere arrestati, e Maksim, impietosito, ci propone di tornare indietro in taxi. In questo paese i taxi sono poco costosi e soprattutto sono facili da trovare, perché... qualsiasi auto è un taxi. Basta mettersi al bordo di una strada, alzare la mano e qualcuno si ferma. Si contratta e si sale. Alcuni di noi salgono con un autista di origine kazake, con tutti i denti d'oro. Capito che siamo italiani, ci chiede di cantargli una canzone. Il nonno attacca con un classico tautologico: l'italiano di Toto Cutugno, inno trash al pomodoro e basilico famosissimo in Russia, come nel resto del mondo; quando Sandro Pertini fece visita in un paese africano, la banda locale suonò quella canzone al posto dell'inno di Mameli perché i governatori locali pensavano che fosse l'inno nazionale... Bissiamo il successo ottenuto con Toto Cutugno sfoderando una scontatissima Felicità di Al Bando e Rovina, altra porcheria celebre in Unione Sovietica, tanto che un gruppo rock d'avanguardia d'epoca comunista, gli Strannye Igri, ne fece una cover (per altro geniale): Siamo molto curiosi circa lo show al Manifest perché nel corso delle settimane precedenti si è creata una certa attesa a riguardo: Maksim, Anna e Denis hanno fatto una promozione feroce dell’evento, a suon di interviste e articoli su webzine, radio e siti vari. Abbiamo apprezzato molto questo impegno; quella della promozione è una prassi che oggi da noi si è un po' persa, ma, se ci si pensa con attenzione, appare ovvia e piuttosto opportuna. Il battage pubblicitario pare infatti aver funzionato: il concerto è sold out, il club è pieno... Dopo il concerto ci ritiriamo nel nostro signorile privé dove ci è stato riservato un tavolo. Ordiniamo del riso in bianco da mangiare, l’unica cosa che siamo sicuri sia vegan. Il privé non è poi tanto privé però, perché, ad un certo punto, si siede con noi un simpatico russo in tuta da ginnastica, il quale ci porta in dono una bottiglia di vodka: “Grazie caro, non dovevi disturbarti! La apriremo a Natale. Ciao, e grazie ancora!”. No. Non funziona così: in Russia quando qualcuno ti offre della vodka la devi bere lì, con lui, in fretta e, soprattutto… TUTTA! “Il russo in pillole”, seconda puntata: Zasdarovie! Alla salute! [...Continua...] K. Tour report, Milano punx, Russian punx tichy24 giugno 2014 14:18Bravissimi!...ed i documenti con gli Immortal mi hanno fatto schiantare dalle risate. :)RispondiEliminaRisposteSarta26 giugno 2014 19:09Ciao Tichy! Grazie! In effetti, chi meglio degli Immortal avrebbe potuto guidarci nei meandri infernali della burocrazia russa?EliminaRispondiAggiungi commentoCarica altro... [Russian tour report - 3 di 10] Domenica 20 april... [Russian tour report 2014 - 2 di 10] Sabato 19 apr... [Un paio di mesi fa siamo tornati da un avventuros... [New K.coll. record!]KALASHNIKOV/CONTRASTO Come il...
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Zynga Looking to Get Into Gambling Market The online game company responsible for Farmville, Mafia Wars, and other online games that clutter your Facebook feed with various requests has an request of its own. Zynga wants Nevada Gaming Control Board to approve is application for online gambling in the U.S., a process that could take up to 18 months. Zynga already offers real-money gambling in its online poker and casino games in the U.K., and if all goes to plan, it will launch those same services in the U.S. next year. Before doing that, it needs the above mentioned approval for its "application for a preliminary finding of suitability." Assuming Zynga gets it, the company can then apply for a gaming license in the state, which takes 2-3 months. Mark Pincus, co-founder and CEO of Zynga, is doing what he can to keep his online game company afloat. It's been a rough run lately. Zynga's stock has tanked after filing for an IPO, dropping from $10 per share to $2.50 per share currently, and the company's cozy relationship with Facebook has suddenly turned cold, with Zynga no longer having access to promotional advantages. Via: Assoicated Press | News Archive Zynga, By Dorkstar on Dec 7, 2012 Right after this they'll have the moon shining expansion pack for farmville.
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AMANIN Représentants : Amanaman Petits et gros au tronc long et fin, aux membres extrèmement allongés et pendant qui en font des chasseurs hors pair dans leur jungle. Leur étrange corps les fait marcher maladroitement mais leur permet de grimper aux arbres et de rouler sur le sol très rapidement. Leur organes vitaux sont petits mais distribués anarchiquement dans leur corps ce qui les rend difficile à tuer. Leurs organes principaux existent en double et leur cerveau et un réseau de nerfs entrelacés. C'est un peuple tribal à la technologie primitive, ils sont d'ailleurs sceptiques et plutôt effrayés par la haute technologie. Les Amanaman (Amanin pour un seul individu) sont appelés les "chasseurs de tête" et c'est une race qui n'a peur, dit-on, que d'une créature : le Charnoq (reptile prédateur très agile). Ils sont natifs de la planète forestière Maridun. Dans leur langue, le mot "gruntak" défini tous les paysage qui ne sont pas forestiers et "takital" la lutte pour le controle d'un territoire. RETOUR
{"url": "http://ddourret.free.fr/race/amanin.htm", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "ddourret.free.fr", "date_download": "2017-06-22T12:04:00Z", "digest": "sha1:YVS5T77LV54HTXDUL4SIQ3VIEQTA6TUY"}
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Splende la Villa dei Misteri con l’eco di antichi vini Tra i luoghi d’arte più visitati in Italia c’è la Villa dei Misteri a Pompei. Restaurata recentemente, la costruzione è uno dei gioielli più pregiati dell’antica città romana sepolta durante l’eruzione del Vesuvio nel 79 d.C. e presenta anche spazi destinati alla preparazione e alla conservazione dei vini. Come in molte abitazioni di villeggiatura di aristocratici romani lungo il litorale della Campania, anche nella Villa dei Misteri si produceva e si vendeva vino e sono presenti il torchio con il tronco a testa d'ariete per la spremitura dell’uva e celle per la conservazione del vino. A Pompei, sulle pendici del Vesuvio e sulle colline della Campania anticamente era molto diffusa la coltivazione della vite. Scrittori di epoca romana ci hanno tramandato i nomi dei più comuni vitigni della zona, dalla Pompeiana alla ... Vennuncula, alla Holconia, alla Aminea dai grossi grappoli. Sulla scia della valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico e artistico dal 2001 si produce un vino Villa dei Misteri, con l’obiettivo di riproporre il vino di Pompei, dove la vite era molto coltivata in epoca romana. Il Villa dei Misteri è un pompeiano Igt rosso, con uvaggio di Piedirosso al 90 per cento e Sciascinoso al 10 per cento, dal profumo intenso e persistente con note speziate e di frutti rossi, dal sapore strutturato ed equilibrato,intrigante come i misteri della villa pompeiana. «Il progetto Villa dei Misteri - spiegano all’azienda che lo produce - nasce nel 1996 quando la Soprintendenza Archeologica di Pompei conferisce all’Azienda Mastroberardino l’incarico di ripristinare la viticoltura nell’antica città di Pompei. Le indagini archeologiche, gli studi botanici e il rilevamento dei calchi delle radici, delle viti e dei relativi paletti di sostegno (che la grande eruzione del 79 d.C. ha “immortalato“ per sempre) hanno confermato la coltura vitivinicola anche all’interno della cinta muraria della città, nei giardini e negli orti che ornavano le case». La Villa dei Misteri, che presenta tanti e bellissimi affreschi legati ai riti misterici e ben conservati è tornato alla luce a partire dal 1909, quando il proprietario del terreno ha cominciato lo scavo. Il recupero è continuato soprattutto nel biennio 1929-1930, dopo il passaggio della villa allo Stato, ma c’è ancora una piccola parte dell’abitazione da riportare all’attenzione dei visitatori. La villa, che risale al II secolo a.C., si presenta con tre grandi complessi: un quartiere signorile con quattro stanze a ovest del peristilio a sedici colonne, un quartiere rustico e servile con cucine e bagni a sud e a est del peristilio, un’area dei servizi e dei depositi a nord. Durante il suo periodo di massimo splendore, in età augustea, aveva come custode Lucio Istacidio Zosimo, ma è ignoto il nome del proprietario. Eretta in zona panoramica, la Villa dei Misteri è un tipico esempio di costruzione suburbana, che univa lussuosi spazi residenziali a zone produttive rustiche. Sulle colline e lungo il litorale della Campania si costruirono grandi ville molti esponenti dell’aristocrazia romana, da Scipione l’Africano a Silla, da Mario a Cesare, Pompeo, Bruto, Cicerone. Giardini, fontane, giochi d’acqua, piscine e terme arricchivano le ville, ornate di statue e con pareti e pavimenti finemente decorati. La Villa dei Misteri ha anche ambienti molto vari, con atri e cubicoli, e presenta spazi particolari come quello delle terme o quelli per la preparazione del pane con forno o per la preparazione dei vini con torchio e cantina. Complessivamente la villa pompeiana ha una novantina di ambienti, collegati anche da terrazze e portici. Fra gli elementi caratterizzanti c’è il cubicolo, situato accanto alla grande sala dipinta, con le raffigurazioni del Satiro e della sacerdotessa. Un oecus (ampia stanza di soggiorno, abbellita con affreschi), di dimensioni 9x6 metri con portici su due lati e pareti con ricche decorazioni sia figurate che architettoniche, divenne un triclinio collegato alla attigua alcova nuziale. Fra gli affreschi particolarmente rilevante è il fastoso fregio con dieci ricche scene e 29 figure: si va dalla matrona che ascolta la lettura del rituale dionisiaco alla lustrazione o rito di purificazione, al vecchio Sileno che suona la lira in una scena pastorale, alla donna atterrita che fugge; quindi scorrono i satiri, ancora Sileno, poi Dioniso e Arianna, lo svelamento del cesto dionisiaco, la flagellazione, l’acconciatura nuziale fino alla solenne figura di matrona seduta che osserva le scene proposte dalle pareti. Il recente recupero della Villa dei Misteri testimonia, dopo un lungo periodo di degrado, un impegno notevole per la tutela e la valorizzazione di Pompei. La stessa Unesco, che aveva minacciato di cancellare l’antica città romana dalla lista del Patrimonio dell’Umanità, ha riconosciuto gli sforzi considerevoli e i risultati “tangibili e significativi” dal momento che sono state eseguite sostanziali opere di restauro, principalmente nel contesto del Grande Progetto Pompei, ma anche nell’ambito del programma di manutenzione ordinaria. (Carlo Enrico Pozzoli)
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In Profile! Maria Gabriela by World Hope International | Nov 18, 2021 | In Profile Earlier this year we welcomed Maria Gabriela into the World Hope International (WHI) team! Her rich background in electrical engineering, policymaking, management, and leadership in both the private and public sectors, brings true depth to our Clean Water & Energy projects. Read Maria’s own words about how she ended up working in WASH (Water and Sanitation and Hygiene), her vision for women engineers, and what she sees as the future of WASH and WHI. Can you tell us about yourself and your career leading up to joining WHI? My name is Maria Gabriela, I am Venezuelan by birth. I am an electrical engineer. I did my first degree in Brazil, Electrical Engineering. I did my master’s and started my Ph.D. in the UK but couldn’t finish it because I was called back home to work, to serve in the government, in the electricity sector in my country. When I was working there I was called to take charge of the operation of the transmission network expander along with the whole country. At the same time, I was placed on the board of directors of one of the biggest electric companies in Venezuela. In 2006 I was named the president of that company. Two months later I became the Deputy Minister of Energy in Venezuela, and I stayed president of the company until 2009 and Deputy Minister until 2010. When I left The Ministry of Energy in 2010 I crossed the line to the other side–instead of doing public policy design, I was doing public policy control and monitoring. So, I got experience from both sides. I was recalled again to be Deputy Minister of Energy and president of another electricity company to do very specific things–which I did until 2012. Then I left the government at the end of that year. From there I have been helping in different areas of international cooperation and even working with survivors of violence. Then I came to WHI! I just arrived in WHI Sierra Leone at the end of June this year, but I started working with them at the end of April from my home country, Venezuela. I did some work those months remotely and then I got here to Sierra Leone. Now I am the Director for Water and Energy in West Africa for WHI, which means water and energy projects–including WASH–for Sierra Leone and Liberia. What do you do at World Hope International? I am the Director of Water and Energy. Water is a very well-established part of WHI here, especially here in Sierra Leone, and our WASH team is very strong. I am here to give them a hand with my managerial experience–to support them as much as I can in different areas–and also to try to expand our span into the energy sector. So it is supporting the WASH team and all the water projects, and in parallel procuring new energy projects. I have been an engineer for almost 30 years and I wanted to do some good. I have been a public servant all my life and now I have the freedom to explore the world in a new capacity. I am so happy to be here, to be able to share my knowledge. I have a lot to give and I’m excited to do so! What inspired you to become an electrical engineer? It’s complicated because actually, it wasn’t my first choice. I wanted to be a ballerina, a classical ballet dancer. I have studied ballet since I was four years old. Then I wanted to be a doctor like my mother, then a historian like my father, and then I wanted to be a lawyer. And then I landed in engineering because I am good with sciences, mathematics, and physics. I landed a scholarship to do engineering in Brazil and then there I was–and I loved engineering afterward. It was in me but I didn’t know it; I only realized it when I started it. What are you most proud of in your career? I left the academic world. I was doing my Ph.D. in the UK and thinking after that I was going to work in the university to teach. And then I was called upon to do public service and I was a public servant from 2003 to 2012, almost 9 years. Those nine years were maybe the best nine years of my life serving with very good people, very committed people. We helped a lot of Venezuelan people. And I think we did good. We are here to share our knowledge for the good of humankind so I see myself as a servant; a public servant and a servant of God. That is why I am here. I am very proud of what I did as a public servant while I was in Venezuela, my country which I love so much. What are some of the big issues the WASH sector faces? The biggest issue is funding and political commitment. I think governments need to commit more. It’s not just the work of the multilateral cooperation institution or the NGOs like us, it is also a policy issue. The two challenges I see is getting more funding for WASH, especially, because it gets more and more expensive every day because of the increasing prices, geopolitics, and so on, and getting more involvement from the government is crucial because those systems need serious monitoring and the communities need serious cooperation from their government to keep those systems going. Normally NGOs don’t get money to do that so it is up to the communities and the government to take on that task. And for that, you need money and political will. As a female in engineering, what are some of the biggest challenges you face? We live in a patriarchal society. It is worldwide. It’s not just in Venezuela or Africa, it’s everywhere, and engineering is normally a career for men. So I am a woman in a man’s job so to speak. That’s just the phrase that kind of suggests the challenges of it. You just have to try to put that aside and not concentrate on it that much. Because then it gets into your skin and you keep being either worried or mad because you feel, maybe, mistreated or maybe misunderstood. You know it is a gender issue definitely because it is a patriarchal scene all around and in engineering in general. Do you have advice for young people wanting to use their interest in the STEM field for Humanitarian Aid? I have seen it happening in Africa a lot, young boys and girls, especially from Europe and the United States, coming here to lend a hand fresh from university. I think that is a good example. I would tell them just to keep doing it because we need it. If you are fresh from university, you want to gain some experience, and you want to have a very nice cultural experience, come aboard and lend a hand. I think it’s the best thing to get experience, to know different cultures, to broaden your horizons, and you will become a better person. I am pretty sure about that. What about the future of WASH and WHI’s role in it are you most excited about? I think WHI has set a very high bar, a very high target in terms of becoming an example for WASH projects and programs they have developed in Africa. I think the future is bright, I think it is ambitious, but it is also full of passion about serving with God’s help––with God in their hearts. I have seen amazing things going on in this organization. The way people help in different areas, not just in engineering but in gender, protecting children, anti-trafficking, protecting people living with disabilities, tending to medical needs, and especially the WASH program that I work for. I think our managers have really high hopes that we will rise to that challenge to help as many people as we can. So we will do our best! Clean water and the power it has to transform communities and the lives of individuals is an important part of World Hope International’s work around the world. You can support WHI’s efforts to empower, protect, and build resiliency around the world by giving to The Hope Fund.
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Sunday, December 1 2013
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3D Theatre Presents Real-World Applications at ISE 2013 3Droundabout Posted on January 22, 2013 by 3Droundabout January 22, 2013 The ISE 3D Theatre returns to Amsterdam this year, in Rooms E105 and E106, alongside Hall 10. This year the emphasis is firmly on the real-world applications that can benefit from an additional dimension. These will include education and training, advertising, digital signage, museums and showrooms, as well as 3D sound. The session programme is the same for all three days of ISE 2013, enabling visitors to attend the session(s) of their choice at a time that fits their schedule. All sessions are free of charge, but space is limited and attendees are advised to come early to be sure of a seat. www.iseurope.org Posted in News, S3D Content News, S3D Creation News, S3D Delivery News, S3D Display News Tagged advertising, commercial presentation, conference, digital signage, education, ISE 2013, museum, retail permalink
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Search OCA: Get Local! Find Local News, Events & Green Businesses on OCA's State Pages: Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Wash. D.C. Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming OCA Canada Page OCA en español OCA News Sections Organics Save Organic The Myth of Natural and Climate Swine & Bird rBGH Against Monsanto Cloning & Patenting GM Wheat USDA Watch Toxic Sludge Raw Milk Mad Cow Trade/ NAIS Honey Bees Organic Bytes Organic View OCA En Español More Medicare Heat By Ryan Grim The Politico, July 8, 2008 Straight to the Source Leading up to this week's revote on a cut in reimbursements to Medicare doctors, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) and Sen. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) will be feeling some additional heat. A liberal organization, Americans United for Change, is up in their respective states with ads hitting them for their no votes. "He could have voted to block the slush fund of tax dollars flowing to private insurance companies -- overpayments that will cost taxpayers $150 billion over the next decade," intones the ad. "Instead, Sen. McConnell sided with President Bush and big insurance companies who want to keep raking in giant subsidies." Jeremy Funk of AUC says that the ad will be up on the top four to five radio stations in the four markets that cover their states, at a total cost of just under $20,000 - not much in the grand scheme, but that buys a lot of one-day radio air time. For more information on this topic or related issues you can search the thousands of archived articles on the OCA website using keywords: Organic Consumers Association · 6771 South Silver Hill Drive, Finland MN 55603 · Contact Us Activist or Media Inquiries: 218-226-4164 · Fax: 218-353-7652 · Please support our work: Send a tax-deductible donation to the OCA Fair Use Notice:The material on this site is provided for educational and informational purposes. It may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the understanding of scientific, environmental, economic, social justice and human rights issues etc. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have an interest in using the included information for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. The information on this site does not constitute legal or technical advice.
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Study Telecommunications in Australia Post Graduate Telecommunications University of Melbourne Telecommunications is leading the information revolution. Developments in multimedia applications, fibre optics, chip and switching technologies are rapidly changing the way we live. To compete effectively in today's global market, professionals need to keep informed of innovative advances in technologies that fundamentally affect the telecommunications industry. The Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at The University of Melbourne is renowned for its leadership in education and telecommunications research. In addition to its Masters by research and PhD programs, the Department offers three course designed specifically to give professionals the cutting edge in telecommunications engineering. These courses offer students the opportunity to develop and broaden their understanding of the scientific, technological and management skills necessary to develop a successful career in telecommunications. The lecturers of the courses are all experts in their fields with years of industrial experience. The Program includes the following courses: Master of Telecommunications Engineering by Coursework: Graduate Diploma in Telecommunications Engineering: Graduate Certificate in Telecommunications Engineering: These three courses aim to provide students with the technological and competitive skills needed in the design and engineering of modern telecommunications systems and networks. They will provide students with opportunities to: develop a fundamental understanding the principles of telecommunications engineering develop an understanding of the basic principles underlying the planning and management of telecommunications networks acquire a broad knowledge of telecommunications networks obtain the mathematical and computational skills necessary for the solution of theoretical and practical problems develop analytical, problem solving and design skills applicable to telecommunications engineering develop oral and written communication skills specific to the needs of the telecommunications industry Individual Subejcts may be available to Australian students under the Community Access Program (CAP). For further information please visit http: //www.unimelb.edu.au. Enrolment: Subject to demand, there will be two intakes per year in each degree. Core subjects will be offered in both first and second semesters. Costs and Fees: Cost of tuition is estimated to be $25,650 (Approximately $14,300 USD as of January 2003) for overseas students and $20,800 for Australian students, per year for the Masters and Graduate Diploma. The cost of the Graduate Certificate is estimated to be half this cost. Students will be required to supply their own computers (e.g. PC or MAC) and their own software (e.g. Standard O/S, software and C compiler). Students with insufficient background may be required to take additional subjects before being considered for admission to any of the three courses, in which case further fees will be required. Due to immigration regulations (visa limitations), part time studies will normally be available to only Australian students. POSTGRADUATE EDUCATION LOANS SCHEME (PELS) For candidates that have not been educated in English the following English requirements apply: Original evidence of an English Language test score at a sitting within the last 24 months of a TOEFL of at least 580 and a TWE of at least 4.5 (paper based) or a TOEFL of at least 237 with an Essay Rating of at least 4.5 (computer based) or an IELTS of at least 6. A TOEFL score of at least 550, with a TWE of 4 or the computer based TOEFL of at least 213 with an Essay Rating Score of 4 or an IELTS score of at least 6 and agreeing to undertake and pass an ESL subject in your first semester of your study at The University of Melbourne and subsequently to undertake the IELTS test after the satisfactory completion of one year of study at the Facultys expense. The results of the IELTS test are not intended to affect the progress or enrolment of individual students but would be used to monitor the success of the English subjects in raising students to the normal required English standard. Also, VERY IMPORTANT: Candidates must check, well ahead of commencing their studies, with the Australian Diplomatic Mission in their countries regarding the English Language requirements for an Australian Student Visa as these requirements could be different from those of the University. Applications & General Information Course Co-ordinator Ms Irene Brown Professor Iven Mareels Phone 8344-6715 Phone 8344-6699 Fax 8344-9209 Fax 8344-7412 ibrown@unimelb.edu.au i.mareels@ee.mu.oz.au For local students, please use http: //www.ee.unimelb.edu.au/index.html For an information pack and application forms on graduate studies, simply complete the following http: //www.ee.unimelb.edu.au/index.html. Please include your mailing address and whether you will be applying as a local or international student. Further admission information is available on: http: //www.unimelb.edu.au/ It is highly recommended that international students will contact our overseas representative in their own area. For other information, the Virtual Service Centre covers areas such as housing, financial aid and transition: http: //www.unimelb.edu.au Irene Brown Vic, 3010 Australia http: //www.ee.unimelb.edu.au/index.html Ms Irene Brown
{"url": "http://australiangraduate.com/telecommunications_at_melbourne.htm", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "australiangraduate.com", "date_download": "2018-03-17T04:33:11Z", "digest": "sha1:4FSPJOPCZKT4XJ5EPMJTWPJZMFCWAJLF"}
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Wrapping up another home ed year…. When I decided to home educate back in 2007, I didn't think about how long we'd be doing it for, or how many children! Back then we had two, Lola was almost 4 and at nursery and Kiki was just…
{"url": "https://thisenchantedpixie.org/2022/08/08/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "thisenchantedpixie.org", "date_download": "2022-09-24T15:35:09Z", "digest": "sha1:WZ4D4H3TEX2PEIPRZHSYNYDIIRVUEOGD"}
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Dicen de nosotros…. – mRobot Portfolio Apps y servicios Web Dicen de nosotros…. Entrevista sobre el desarrollo de apps o aplicaciones católicas: cómo y por qué
{"url": "http://mrobot.eu/dicen-de-nosotros/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "mrobot.eu", "date_download": "2018-07-15T18:45:44Z", "digest": "sha1:G3CSVAZNEUCKQ7A4K2S5PCVPRCZ7X2YM"}
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Run, Shoot, Loot to Survive On the Wanderer in Upcoming Roguelike ‘Hazardous Space’ 13 February, 2018 | Filed under: News and tagged with: hazardous space Welcome to the year 2115. Your name is… Max Carnage? That can’t be right. Well, looks like it is. Anyway, as is often the case with futuristic stuff, you-know-what has hit the fan; this time on Wanderer, a research space station, and you’re kinda stuck there. So lock and load, marine. No one’s coming to help you, because this is… Hazardous Space. Not trying to sound overly dramatic with that last bit either. The developer does emphasize how “there is no room for friendly NPCs or safe locations”, meaning you’re pretty much free to shoot on sight, no risk of friendly fire. Oh, and death is permanent, so be sure to make the most of every turn, because it just might be your last. On top of that, how about some randomly generated levels, making sure you won’t know where to go or what to expect on that next attempt/playthrough? You do have the potential for building a quite powerful protagonist with new skills/bonuses and armor modules though, but again, not going to do much good for planning ahead because, well, you can’t. Random is random and RNG can be a fickle mistress, to say the least. That said, I did notice “even after you’re dead you can still get a nice reward” in the game’s description, which makes me think that… you know, maybe dying in Hazardous Space isn’t all that bad. Might even prove beneficial, depending on what it means, exactly. Permanent unlocks, most likely, sure, but how? What’s the criteria, how do they work, what are they? Hopefully we’ll find out sooner rather than later, in spite of the upcoming release being a case of Early Access. Hazardous Space will be available on Steam [Early Access], come February 28, 2018. Hazardous Space Gameplay Video
{"url": "https://www.wraithkal.com/hazardous-space-reveal/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.wraithkal.com", "date_download": "2019-01-15T23:24:41Z", "digest": "sha1:IETNDD5QSQK6UXNH4FEMHRCEP4MBIJZF"}
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1944-2014: LA NORMANDIE FETE LA LIBERTE. 6 Juin 1944.............Et la Liberté vint de la mer ! 70éme anniversaire du Débarquement et de la Bataille de Normandie, l'année 2014 est placée sous le signe de la liberté, de la paix et de la réconciliation. A travers une programmation exceptionnelle dans les sites et les musées témoins de cette histoire, vous pourrez revivre et mieux comprendre cette page capitale de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Pour mémoire, les commémorations officielles des 5,6 et 7 Juin 2014 rassembleront de nombreux chefs d'état et de Gouvernements, seuls les porteurs d'invitations pourront accéder aux sites des commémorations officielles. Toutefois de nombreuses animations sont prévues, un petit aperçu: -Randonnées de la Liberté: Sur les Plages du Débarquement ou les sites majeurs de la Bataille de Normandie: plus de renseignements www.randonnées-normandes.com - D.DAY FESTIVAL: du 1er au 9 juin 2014 ( Arromanches, Bayeux, Sainte-Mère-Eglise, Isigny-Sur-mer, Omaha Beach, Carentan, Utah Beach): Selection d'animations festives élaborées par six Offices de Tourisme des Plages du Débarquement : www.ddayfestival.com - 5 Juin: Embrasement de la Côte: 24 villes le long des Plages du Débarquement : 24 feux d'artifice sur l'ensemble des 24 sites majeurs du Débarquement: www.normandiememoire.com - Du 5 au 9 Juin: CAEN, SAINTE-MERE-EGLISE-SEES-LISIEUX-CHERBOURG: CONCERT POUR LA LIBERTE : Soirée musicale de l'orchestre régional de Basse-Normandie. " Messe pour la Paix" Composée par Karl-Wiliam JENKINS, mise en images grâce aux archives du Mémorial de Caen. www.orchestrenormandie.com -6 Juin: ZENITH DE CAEN. PROJECTION DU FILM IMAX" D-DAY NORMANDIE 1944". Pendant 40 mn vous plongerez dans l'opération militaire qui a réuni la plus grande armada de tous les temps -6 et 8 Juin: SITE DE LA BATTERIE DE MERVILLE-MERVILLE FRANCEVILLE SPECTACLE "ILS NE SAVAIENT PAS QUE C'ETAIT IMPOSSIBLE" - 8 Juin: SITE DE SAINTE-MERE-EGLISE : PARACHUTAGE INTERNATIONAL Parachutages massifs de militaires et civils de plusieurs nationalités. Sur le site historique de La Fière ( Drop Zone en 1944) Et encore de nombreuses et autres animations: pour plus de détails www.le70e-normandie.fr et pour organiser votre séjour: www.normandie-tourisme.fr
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Ver carrito “Punto de libro impreso con ilustración de chakras pintados a mano” se ha añadido a tu carrito.
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Ti trovi qui: Home / Lord of the Rings / Rings of Power Episodio 6: Il Monte Vulcano è Destino? Rings of Power Episodio 6: Il Monte Vulcano è Destino? Il Signore degli Anelli: Gli anelli del potere episodio 6 vide l’inevitabile battaglia per le Terre del Sud tra la sua gente e le forze di Adar, ma il risultato finale non era qualcosa che molte persone avrebbero potuto prevedere. Mentre gli invasori sembravano essere stati sconfitti in seguito all’arrivo di soldati da Númenor, una svolta nella storia significava che un vulcano dormiente in lontananza era eruttato, ma era il famigerato Monte Fato? L’episodio 6 di Rings of Power ha introdotto il pubblico a Mount Doom? Immagine: Amazon Studios Il vulcano eruttato alla fine dell’episodio 6 di Rings of Power era davvero quello che i fan conoscono come Mount Doom. Sebbene sia rimasto inattivo per molti anni, le placche tettoniche che si sono spostate sotto la superficie, in seguito all’uso da parte di Broderick della misteriosa spada di Sauron come chiave, hanno significato che il vulcano è stato disturbato da un enorme rigonfiamento dell’acqua, con conseguente distruzione delle Terre del Sud, e la creazione di almeno un enorme pezzo di Mordor. Il Monte Fato è una parte estremamente importante della Terra di Mezzo e della sua storia. Originariamente creato dal primo signore oscuro Melkor nella Prima Era, prima degli eventi di Rings of Power, sarebbe diventato il luogo di forgiatura dell’Unico Anello nelle Crepe del Destino, che fu costruito all’interno della montagna stessa. Sarebbe esploso ancora una volta quando Sauron ha attaccato Gondor, che deve ancora essere fondato nella serie Prime Video, e funge da unico luogo in grado di distruggere l’Anello alla conclusione del viaggio di Frodo nel Signore degli Anelli. Rimane da vedere esattamente quanto ancora vedremo di Mount Doom nella stagione 1 di Rings of Power. Mancano solo due episodi alla fine di questa stagione di debutto di otto episodi, ma con Amazon Studios che si impegnano per più anni e sperano che almeno cinque stagioni raccontino la loro storia, è estremamente probabile che man mano che diventi più un luogo fondamentale per il futuro, ci addentreremo nelle sue oscure profondità. Archiviato in:Lord of the Rings, Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, Prime Video, TV
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Fatiha Layadi : «Le rendement du gouver-nement ne nous agrée pas, mais nous n’en sommes pas à la motion de censure» Publié par Amine Harmach Date : août 16, 2012 dans:Actualité ALM : Le PAM vient de fêter ses quatre ans, comment évaluez-vous l’évolution de votre part ? Fatiha Layadi : Depuis sa création, le parti est allé d’une échéance à une autre. Il y a eu les Communales, le débat sur la régionalisation, après c’était les élections anticipées. De celles-ci on a hérité d’un groupe parlementaire qui compte 80% de nouveaux visages, hommes et femmes, parmi eux beaucoup de jeunes. Enfin, il y a eu le congrès. Et aujourd’hui, on se pose, on évalue nos quatre années d’existence et la manière dont on va conduire le changement. C’était l’objet d’une conférence organisée récemment à Skhirat. Ainsi nous avons à restructurer nos régions, et à revoir notre organisation, nos instances parallèles (jeunes et femmes). Nous avons besoin d’aller vers le fond, vers les bases, pour les restructurer et commencer un véritable travail de terrain. Ces derniers temps, on entend parler de l’intention du PAM d’opposer une motion de censure au gouvernement. Qu’en est-il vraiment ? La motion de censure est un outil démocratique qu’on oppose à un gouvernement quand il ne fait plus l’affaire. Mais cette histoire autour du PAM qui réunit des signatures pour une motion de censure est une histoire inventée de toutes pièces. Ce qui s’est passé, c’est qu’après le congrès, le secrétaire général avait évoqué que parmi les possibilités qu’offre la nouvelle Constitution à l’opposition, il y avait la motion de censure. C’est tout. Ainsi le PAM ne réunit pas de signatures. Et si motion de censure il doit y avoir, elle aura lieu quand on jugera que c’est utile pour le Maroc. La motion de censure, c’est l’extrême de ce qui peut se faire, on ne s’amuse pas à faire des motions de censure tous les deux ou trois mois. Ainsi même si le rendement du gouvernement ne nous agrée pas du tout pour le moment, nous n’en sommes pas à la motion de censure. Y a-t-il une coordination entre les composantes de l’opposition aujourd’hui ? Vous savez, pour l’instant, comme je le disais, on n’est pas à l’optimisation de cette concertation entre les différents partis de l’opposition. Aujourd’hui, on a l’USFP qui prépare son congrès, tant qu’il n’en sera pas sorti il n’y aura pas de véritable concertation. Le RNI est sorti du congrès mais il vit des problèmes internes. Il faudrait que les partis de l’opposition arrivent enfin à dépasser leurs problèmes, pour que nous puissions aller vers cette coordination qui est ce qui peut arriver de mieux. Comment évaluez-vous le rendement du gouvernement ? Il n’y a qu’à voir le tableau de bord de l’économie pour évaluer le rendement de l’Exécutif. Tous les clignotants sont au rouge aujourd’hui : on n’a qu’une réserve de quatre mois de devises pour couvrir nos importations, la situation économique est extrêmement modeste. Et du côté du gouvernement, il y a beaucoup de verbiage et pas assez d’actions pour faire évoluer les choses, alors qu’il s’agit de faire restaurer la confiance, de retenir les capitaux, les investisseurs, les attirer. Or actuellement, nous ne sommes pas dans cette configuration. Alors que le Maroc, depuis le Programme d’ajustement structurel, évitait soigneusement les crédits venant du FMI. Aujourd’hui, dès que ça va mal, on s’adresse au FMI. Je pense, que c’est la pire des choses que le Maroc puisse faire à valeur d’aujourd’hui. Demain on deviendra comme l’Espagne, ou la Grèce, parce que nous avons un grand problème de relation avec le temps: une loi de Finances qui arrive en retard au Parlement, laquelle une fois votée, on met beaucoup de temps à la dérouler. Nous ne sommes pas devant une politique gouvernementale de qualité, mais nous faisons face à de l’amateurisme. Précédente : Il était une fois… Renault 18 : Nostalgie quand tu nous tiens Suivant : SAR la Princesse Lalla Amina : disparition d’un acteur majeur de l’action sociale au Maroc Une ONG marocaine élue au conseil des gouverneurs du Conseil mondial de l’eau Casablanca : Une adolescente tuée dans un accident de bus scolaire
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Unlike me, Barry didn't write his own songs; and he only knew how to play and sing cover songs. But, in the 1970's, he played his guitar at a more technically advanced level and in a more technically sophisticated way than I did; and he knew how to play a guitar using a finger picking style, rather than only by just using a flat pick, more rustic, primitive, mainly single chord-strumming accompaniment style, like the style that I relied on. So at first, I then thought I might be able to possibly interest Barry in forming an Everly Brothers or Simon and Garfunkel-type 1970's duo, that would sing covers of Woody Guthrie and Pete Seeger folk songs, covers of early 1960's Dylan and Phil Ochs folk songs, and my late 1960's and 1970's original folk songs, in New York City area coffeehouses; and perhaps, eventually, even in some local Manhattan folk music club like Gerde's Folk City. By the time I moved in with Barry, however, he was more into spending his evening weekday hours after work and Sunday evenings watching tv programs in the basement apartment kitchen, where his television set was located, than in spending much time practicing his guitar or singing songs in the basement apartment. But a few weeks after I moved into the small, curtained-off living room/bedroom of the Jamaica basement apartment, Barry offered me one of his joints one evening, after he heard me practicing my guitar; and he then took out his own guitar from its case; and he then played quite skillfully for me his cover version of Dylan's "My Back Pages," while singing in a voice and style that sounded almost exactly like the way Bob Dylan sang the song on the "Another Side of Bob Dylan" vinyl album. It turned out, however, that Barry in the 1970's was much more into liking and listening to the pop songs of more "AM consciousness" rock singer-songwriters like Neil Diamond and Elton John than into liking and listening to performers-songwriters like Dylan, Ochs, Seeger, Guthrie or Baez, as I was; and Barry was just interested in briefly showing off to me how he had performed a Dylan cover song, before he lost his interest in performing in public or singing cover songs at home, for his own entertainment, in his spare time. Also, after I played and sang for him one of the original folk songs I had written, Barry seemed to focus more on how rudimentary my guitar-playing technique was relative to his, rather than on whether the melody and lyrics of the folk song might interest a 1970's audience. And he seemed to quickly conclude that there was no commercial or moneymaking potential in whatever song I might ever write; and that, since my guitar-playing technique wasn't equal to his, rehearsing songs or jamming with me much in his spare time would hold less interest for him than spending his spare time making money or looking for new "chicks" to add to his "bull pen." Posted by b.f. at 3:07 PM No comments:
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Persuasion (Paperback) By Jane Austen Paperback (April 5th, 2014): $8.49 Paperback (August 11th, 2018): $8.98 Paperback (July 17th, 2018): $15.30 The final novel by the acclaimed writer places heroine Anne Elliot, a woman of integrity and deep emotion, against the brutality and hypocrisy of Regency England. Paperback (July 23rd, 2018): $6.99 Paperback (January 30th, 2017): $8.99 Paperback (February 2nd, 2013): $12.00 Paperback (June 14th, 2018): $14.99 Paperback (July 2nd, 2018): $7.99 Paperback (March 5th, 2018): $10.99 Paperback (May 7th, 2015): $13.50 Paperback (December 17th, 2011): $9.95 Paperback (June 6th, 2013): $10.99 Paperback (October 19th, 2007): $18.99 Paperback (December 7th, 2016): $9.99
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Home » MAHAMAT-SALEH HAROUN, FILMMAKER MAHAMAT-SALEH HAROUN, FILMMAKER Mahamat-Saleh Haroun • Director We caught up with Chad’s Mahamat-Saleh Haroun, whose new film, A Season in France, has just world-premiered in the Special Presentations section Celebrated Chadian filmmaker Mahamat-Saleh Haroun’s seventh feature film, A Season in France, has just been world-premiered in the Special Presentations section of the 42nd Toronto International Film Festival. Haroun has been supported by ACPCultures+ for his film Grigris and by ACP Films for A Screaming Man. ACPCultures+ had the chance to talk to him about the background to his story, his characters and the political aspect of the movie. What was your inspiration for narrating this story? Is it based on true events? Mahamat-Saleh Haroun: It is indeed based on true events. You know, I come from Chad, where we had a civil war raging for a long time. I left my country because of that, and I became a wanderer. So I can say that I know a little bit about the situation of being a refugee. In France, I met several asylum seekers who were waiting for an answer. A Season in France is inspired by the story of a Chadian refugee who, after receiving a negative response from France, immolated himself. I hope he did not die. Could you give us more details about the characters of Abbas and Carole? Why did you want to create this couple? Well, Abbas and Carole used to work in the same market, they are neighbours, and they fell in love. Carole’s parents were also refugees; they came to France from Poland during World War II. In a way, Carole found the story of her own parents in Abbas’ story, and that brought them closer. Why did you decide to avoid talking about the war but focus on the consequences in a peaceful country like France? I did not want to talk of war, because showing the most visible and spectacular side is the easy way of doing it. I wanted to focus on the private life of refugees and show how devastating it is, especially when someone has children. Regarding the asylum court, do you think that a political or legislative system can be as disastrous as a war for the refugees? Yes, of course. I think that the political system is a disaster because it takes a long time for refugees to get a response to their request. In the meantime, they are destabilised, living in a kind of no man’s land, under the shadow of a death sentence. You always co-produce with France, but this time you decided to shoot your film there. How was that experience? The experience was good. I worked with professional actors and technicians, which makes things even easier, in contrast with the situation in Chad. So it was a great experience.
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Report says Wisconsin's bioscience industry needs better marketing Bioscience Summit set for Wednesday Cynthia LaConte is CEO and president at the F. Dohmen Co. By Kathleen Gallagher of the Journal Sentinel Sept. 12, 2015 0 Wisconsin's bioscience industry is bolstered by one of the largest academic research efforts in the country and includes 1,600 businesses and nearly 36,000 employees. There's just one problem: Most people don't know it's there. Now, with a new leader heading BioForward, the state trade association, industry executives are planning to aggressively market their segment's benefits to state residents and government officials, and create more business development opportunities for companies and research institutions. "Bioscience is a growing industry even while others are flat or declining," said Randy Spaulding, president and CEO at Spaulding Clinical Research, a West Bend clinical trial center. "We need to get more awareness and energy behind the biosciences industry in Wisconsin." Spaulding, a former general manager of cardiology services at GE Healthcare, will moderate a panel at BioForward's 2015 Bioscience Summit Wednesday where top executives will discuss how their industry needs to make a case for itself — in the state, and elsewhere. BioForward also plans to unveil at the summit an economic development report prepared by the accounting firm of Ernst & Young that suggests the state's bioscience industry has a larger impact on indirect job creation than manufacturing, long one of Wisconsin's most prominent employment sectors. Bioscience companies indirectly create 1.96 jobs in other sectors for every one job in the industry, vs. 1.79 jobs for every manufacturing job, the report says. "Traditional manufacturing is what we think of in Wisconsin, but we all know the ups and downs of that and the challenges of low-cost outsourcing," Spaulding said. "Why not build a parallel industry and game plan for Wisconsin that highlights biosciences more?" The bioscience industry had economic output, a measure similar to sales, of almost $27 billion, and paid $716 million in state and local taxes, according to the report. And average salary for the industry is $73,241. The report's broad definition of bioscience includes areas such as soybean processing and chemical manufacturing, along with more traditional areas such as pharmaceuticals, medical devices and diagnostic imaging. "It's widely known and understood how productive the life sciences and bioscience industry is as a component of our national economy," said Cynthia LaConte, a panelist who is president and CEO of the F. Dohmen Co., a Milwaukee company that provides technical consulting services to life science manufacturers. "It's less known how effective that industry can be to grow the state of Wisconsin. These are better-paying jobs that will attract young people coming out of our university systems and can cause them to stay with us." BioForward will be the umbrella organization for aggressively marketing a wide swatch of bioscience, from health information technology to therapeutics, diagnostic medical devices and the state's research institutions, said Lisa Johnson, who was an executive at the state commerce agency and at several biotech firms before becoming BioForward's CEO in May. "We're looking to expand industry collaborations, partnerships and investments into the state," Johnson said. Unlike many states that are angling to be bioscience centers, Wisconsin has a good foundation. Between the University of Wisconsin-Madison — the state's life sciences research juggernaut — and a consortium of schools in the Milwaukee area, universities here generate a strong talent pool and attract nearly $1 billion of research funding, Ernst & Young's report says. The state already has a pool of start-up companies that have proven attractive to global acquirers, as evidence by FujiFilm Holding Corp.'s acquisitions earlier this year of human cell maker Madison-based Cellular Dynamics International Inc. for about $307 million and Wauwatosa-based medical imaging software maker TeraMedica Inc. for an undisclosed price. However, the state does not leverage its bioscience assets as well as it could, the industry executives say. For example, only two Midwestern states — Iowa and Minnesota — receive less academic research funding from industry collaborations than Wisconsin, which gets $98 million a year from such activities, according to an eight-state comparison in the Ernst & Young report. "Industry collaborations currently represent less than 3% of Wisconsin's bioscience funding, but as neighboring states have shown, academic research and technology commercialization is a lucrative field to pursue," the report says. "We do OK in Wisconsin, but we're leaving too much on the table," Spaulding said. By 2020, the pharmaceutical industry alone is projected to be producing $1 trillion of revenue, he added. Adding to the urgency is the fact that Wisconsin is getting older, with the number of people over 65 projected to double to about 1.5 million in the next 15 years, said Kevin Conroy, CEO of Exact Sciences Inc., Madison, and a panelist at the summit. Meanwhile, median household income is dropping. Those trends don't bode well for the state unless it creates higher-growth companies with higher-paying jobs that are globally competitive, Conroy said. "And that means reinventing who we are as a state and becoming more competitive in a fiercely competitive global economy," he said. BioForward's 2015 Bioscience Summit will be held on Wednesday at Monona Terrace in Madison. Cost ranges from $50 for students to $250 for attendees not affiliated with government or academic organizations. For more information, or to register for the event, go to bioforward.org or contact Brian Moeller at bmoeller@bioforward.org. About Kathleen Gallagher Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter Kathleen Gallagher covers technology, entrepreneurship and investments. @kathleengall kgallagher@journalsentinel.com More markets and financial news Development Database The Land & Space Development Database follows newly completed and ongoing commercial projects throughout the Milwaukee area. Recent national business updates from the Associated Press FDA approves lower-cost alternative to biotech drug Humira | 5:21 p.m. Cheers, groans as Puerto Rico struggles with power outage | 6:48 p.m. Utah heir-tracing firm pleads not guilty in antitrust case | 1:34 p.m. SpaceX: Accident points to breach in rocket's helium system | Updated: 1:41 p.m. Report: Germany hacked Afghan firm to help free aid worker | 11:25 a.m. More Business Wire
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L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality and Tourism Management Menu Apply Directions / Maps DegreePrograms Hospitality & Tourism Management Tribal Gaming Recreation & Tourism Management Sustainable Tourism Management Outdoor Resource Management Recreation Systems Management RTM Minor Master's Program Global Executive Education StudentExperience IndustryPartnerships Alumni& Giving Alumni Stay Connected GlobalEducation Carl H. Winston Director of the School of Hospitality & Tourism Management cwinston@mail.sdsu.edu PSFA 436B About Carl H. Winston Carl Winston has over 35 years of experience in a variety of senior executive level hospitality and tourism industry positions in academia and the “real world.” He is the founding Director of the L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality & Tourism Management at San Diego State University. He is also the founding Managing Director of the China Hospitality Education Initiative (CHEI) and lead Academic Advisor to The J. Willard & Alice S. Marriott Foundation for the initiative. Prior to moving into academia, Carl was a chief operating officer for Trigild Corporation; executive vice president of operations for Jeepers!, a Boston-based company which operates a chain of small amusement parks; and executive vice president of operations for Trusthouse Forte; and later Chartwell Leisure. Prior to these experiences, he started his own hotel management company, and was the senior operations executive responsible for a hotel company that grew from 17 to 125 locations in four years. In addition, he worked in public accounting as a consultant for four years. Carl has been involved with a large number of local, regional, and international industry associations and groups where he has served in leadership positions and on Boards of Directors. About Carl: He cannot tell the difference between work and fun! He rides his elliptical bike all over San Diego on weekends. He loves to cook in many styles and cuisines. His favorite vacation spot is his house! BA in SociologyUniversity of California San DiegoSan Diego, California MPS in Hotel AdministrationCornell UniversityIthaca, New York htmasst@mail.sdsu.edu Office: PSFA 436B Documents in Portable Document Format (PDF) require Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or higher to view. Documents in MS Word (DOC) format require a Microsoft Word compatible viewer to view. The Statements found on this site are for informational purposes only. While every effort is made to ensure that this information is up-to-date and accurate, official information can be found in the university publications. © 2017 L. Robert Payne School of Hospitality & Tourism Management, San Diego State University
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As immigration deterrent, Trump threatens... As immigration deterrent, Trump threatens Mexico with tariffs Rhina Guidos May 31, 2019 U.S. President Donald Trump visits the U.S.-Mexico border in Calexico Calif., April 5, 2019. Trump said May 30 that he would impose a 5 percent tariff on all imported goods from Mexico beginning June 10 to push that country to help stem the flow of immigrants coming across the border and entering the U.S. illegally. He said the tax would "gradually increase" until the flow of immigrants stopped. (CNS photo/Kevin Lamarque, Reuters) President Donald Trump has threatened to impose tariffs on Mexico, whom his administration blames lately for an increasing number of immigrants at the southern U.S. border. "We fully believe they have the ability to stop people coming in from their southern border, and if they're able to do that, these tariffs will either not go into place or will be removed after they go into place," said acting White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney in a conference call with reporters shortly after Trump announced the move via Twitter late May 30. "On June 10th, the United States will impose a 5% Tariff on all goods coming into our Country from Mexico, until such time as illegal migrants coming through Mexico, and into our Country, STOP," Trump tweeted. "The Tariff will gradually increase until the Illegal Immigration problem is remedied." Earlier, Trump had said an announcement was coming "having to do with the border and having to do with people illegally coming over the border," adding that it would be "my biggest statement, so far, on the border. We have brought something to the light of the people. They see now it's a national emergency, and most people agree." But it's hard to tell whether he was referring to the tariff announcement or something else. Political news website Politico has reported that the administration is considering a plan to deny asylum to those who have lived in a country other than their own before arriving to the U.S. But by late afternoon on May 31, no announcement, other than the possible tariff increase, had been made. However, word of the possible new policy on asylum prompted some Catholic organizations, including the Sisters of Mercy of the Americas, to respond via Twitter. "Cutting off access to #asylum for Central Americans would be a disastrous decision," the organization, based in Silver Spring, Maryland, said via Twitter. "These people are fleeing violence and poverty, and are in desperate need of respite. Instituting hardline policies like this will only exacerbate the danger they face." Administration officials said the U.S. is facing a crisis and released figures that said officials May 29 apprehended a record 1,036 people trying to cross illegally near El Paso, Texas, and Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Kevin McAleenan told reporters during the conference call that the U.S. has more than 80,000 migrants in custody. "This is an organized smuggling effort," McAleenan said, urging Mexico to take action. Mexico, under President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has enacted harsher policies for migrants passing through the country on their way north, including limiting their travel documents to the southern Mexican states and implementing large-scale deportations for those from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador, where the bulk of the migrants come from. Mulvaney said if the flow doesn't stop, tariffs for Mexico could rise to 25 percent by October. In a May 30 letter addressed to Trump and made public via Twitter, Lopez Obrador said he does not want confrontation and tells him social problems are not resolved by tariffs or "coercive measures." He reminded him of a long history of cooperation between the two countries and asked for a dialogue and to find alternative ways to solve immigration woes. "Remember that I do not lack courage, that I am not a coward or fearful, but I act on principle," Lopez Obrador wrote in the letter. Some Trump supporters, including Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, urged the president to reconsider the measure and questioned whether it was permitted. "Trade policy and border security are separate issues," Grassley said. "This is a misuse of presidential tariff authority and counter to congressional intent." He said he has supported the president's immigration policies, "but this is not one of them."
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(thing) by dannye Wed Mar 01 2000 at 4:08:54 The most dangerous car ever made by GM. I've borrowed a friend's Corvair on a Sunday afternoon to go pick up someone. I'm riding along on a four-lane road and it begins to sprinkle rain. I'm going around 40 MPH, and a stop light up ahead turns red. I gently put on the brakes, and -– I swear to God -- I'm immediately going in the opposite direction. Luckily, I turned exactly 180 degrees and there was not a lot of traffic. I just acted as if I had changed my mind about my destination, but it scared the bejeesus out of me. I was interested to learn from Pingouin's discourse that this was the car which killed Ernie Kovacs. What a shame. I bet it was sprinkling rain the day he died. (thing) by Rancid_Pickle Sun Jul 22 2001 at 7:30:23 The Chevy Corvair was indeed inspired by the popular VW Beetle. The rear-mounted engine used a six-cylinder horizontally opposed engine with dual carbs. It had a long fan belt that popped off on occasion, and when it was running it sounded like a six-cylinder Hoover. I owned a 1961 Monza version of the Corvair, which had the dangerous exposed split rear axles. Replacing the starter motor required an hour just to remove the engine shroud that ducted cool air around the engine, which did not have a radiator. The dangerous part was not that it had problems when it rained, it was the rear axles. Should one of the tires drop about four inches, like off of the paved part of a highway, that whole tire assembly would collapse, causing a spin and (in most cases) a rollover. This is the car that made Ralph Nader famous, after he wrote a book called Unsafe at Any Speed. Many of the Corvairs were stripped of their bodies and converted into a six-cylinder dune buggy. I like it! 1 C! (thing) by Transitional Man Wed Dec 19 2001 at 4:46:19 to correct rancid pickle, the early models of the corvair had what is known as a swing axle rear suspension, which is the same as used in the original, and very succesful Volkswagen Beetle. A swing axle is a type of suspension where both halfshafts have a u-joint just outside the differential. When a swing axle car hits a bump, the load pushes in on the differential, tending to lift it. This is referred to as a jacking effect, and in effect raises the car's center of gravity. This makes the car less stable in turns, and more prone to flips. The reason Chevrolet engineers chose a swing axle design, is that it is a cheap way of isolating the engine and transaxle from bumps. Without the u-jointed halfshafts, the engines would have moved along with the bumps, greatly increasing unsprung weight and harming reliability. The rear end would have bounced around. Dr. Ferdinand Porsche made the same decision in designing the Beetle and early Porsches, for the same reasons. However, the six-cylinder Corvair is a much more powerful, and heavy, car than the Beetle. The supercharged Corvair Spyder and Yenko Stinger models were very fast indeed. A few are still raced today. Later models of the Corvair replaced the swing axle design with a fully independent suspension. This eliminated the jacking effect, and allowed for much better camber control, ride and reduced body roll. Ralph Nader actually noted this in his book Unsafe at Any Speed . His criticisms were confined to the early Corvair models, but the media impression was that they applied to all the cars. The later models are actually quite refined for the day. (idea) by drinkypoo Sat Aug 14 2004 at 9:16:54 Another unsafe characteristic of the Corvair is the design of the heater system in all but 1960 models, which had an optional direct gasoline-burning heater. Vehicles with water cooled engines use a heat exchanger known as a heater core and blow air across it either with a vent or a blower motor (usually with a squirrelcage fan) in order to heat the cab. Vehicles which are air-cooled do not have this luxury. To provide heat the corvair had heating ducts which wrapped around the exhaust manifolds, the hottest part of the car (if you discount the exhaust valves themselves.) Over time the exhaust manifolds can (and sometimes do) develop leaks, either through rusting, cracking, or gasket failure, and the exhaust leaks lead directly into the heating system. From there, they naturally lead directly into the seating area of the car. Carbon monoxide is generally nothing you want to be breathing as it is extremely toxic and carbon monoxide poisoning is responsible for thousands of accidental deaths worldwide each year - in fact, in the US, there are more deaths yearly from carbon monoxide poisoning than from any other kind of poisoning - about six hundred of them. Ernie Kovacs Unsafe At Any Speed Updating my 1993 Subaru Impreza's sound system U-joint Everything Automotive Reviews Ralph Nader swing axle suspension dune buggy Toyota MR2 Spyder No Such Place Hoover 1960 Heater core kit car Roof racing Linux Minibook AMC Gremlin stinger carbon monoxide diesel Sweating Bullets Unicode Indic Scripts Space Fighters Election laws and political party formation High-pass filter Madrid bombing How I became king of the world On being sane in insane places Musical scales
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Poche érotique» Confessions érotiques T.374 ; j'étais le jouet de deux cousines perverses Editeur : Media 1000 Support : Poche Collection : CONFESSIONS EROTIQUES Genre : Poches Thème : Poche érotique Ecrivain en panne d'inspiration, Gilles s'est mis au vert dans une villa de la côte basque que lui a prêtée son amie Laure, afin qu'il puisse travailler à son aise. Tout en le prévenant que ses deux nièces, Juliette et Charlotte viendront elles aussi y passer les vacances. En principe, il y a de... Voir plus Ecrivain en panne d'inspiration, Gilles s'est mis au vert dans une villa de la côte basque que lui a prêtée son amie Laure, afin qu'il puisse travailler à son aise. Tout en le prévenant que ses deux nièces, Juliette et Charlotte viendront elles aussi y passer les vacances. En principe, il y a de la place pour tout le monde... le problème, c'est que bien que toutes jeunettes, Juliette et Charlotte sont de sacrées luronnes. Pour elles les vacances ne se résument pas à nager dans la piscine ou à se faire bronzer les fesses sur la plage. Oh que non ! Mais de s'adonner à leur sport favori : soumettre les mâles à leurs caprices les plus pervers ! Allez donc écrire un roman dans des conditions pareilles ! Et voilà que débarque Jérôme, un jeune puceau ! Quel bonheur, pour nos donzelles : voilà de beaux " jeux " en perspective ! Laissez-moi vous dire que Gilles n'a pas fini de... déguster. Confessions érotiques T.370 ; comment je suis devenue call-girl MEDIA 1000
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Pressure on cricket club boss to quit over Asian players row Luke Byrne Twitter Email THE executive president of Leinster Cricket Club is refusing to say whether he will stand down, in line with an internal disciplinary committee recommendation. https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/pressure-on-cricket-club-boss-to-quit-over-asian-players-row-28951664.html It follows the publication of a report into the role of Andre Marchand in a dispute with a number of Asian members. A large number of Asian players threatened to quit the 160-year-old club - which is in Rathmines, Co Dublin - after they were questioned in relation to membership during a T20 India and Pakistan cricket match on September 30. The internal report said the behaviour of Mr Marchand and, to a lesser extent, club treasurer David O'Keefe, embarrassed the club and caused offence. Last month, the Irish Independent revealed how Asian club members, their family and friends felt "singled out" by the president while watching the match on the clubhouse television. Mr Marchand arrived at the clubhouse bar at 3.45pm on the day and, soon after, began to check identification cards. The report found that it "seemed likely" that all of those questioned were Asian. The report stated that requesting evidence of membership of guests in the presence of known club members in the bar area was "unprecedented and unjustified". According to the report, the bar had been booked for use by two groups on the day - cricket players and bowlers. It had been booked for the end of the season prize presentations by the bowlers. But the cricket members had been told that they could watch the T20 game in the room. The All-Ireland hurling final replay was also on and some of the bowlers wanted to watch that but were told the television was promised to the cricketers. The report said there were a number of disputed claims on which the committee could not make a finding. Mr Marchand and Mr O'Keefe both denied acting in an aggressive and threatening way while the cricket players denied being loud, raucous and intrusive. The report's findings were: * That evidence of membership was requested of members and the guests of members in a manner that was unjustified. * That the guests and members were made to feel unwelcome. * That as a result, offence was caused both to members and their guests. The committee said that "with great regret" it recommended that Mr Marchand withdraw from the office of president. It said there was not sufficient evidence to warrant censure of Mr O'Keefe. Asked if he accepted the findings of the report or if he would step down, Mr Marchand said: "No comment, thank you." Aer Lingus flight from Amsterdam to Dublin diverts after declaring emergency Irish News Breaking Man arrested following seizure of €30K worth of drugs by gardai
{"url": "https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/pressure-on-cricket-club-boss-to-quit-over-asian-players-row-28951664.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.independent.ie", "date_download": "2017-12-11T00:49:32Z", "digest": "sha1:3RDLZU6EKILL2RP3THHGASB5NTQFS3HD"}
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Ellen Chauvet was born in Jefferson City, Missouri where she lived for only a year before moving to Boulder, Colorado with her parents. At the age of 7 her father took a position with an international soft drink company and Ellen spent the next six years of her life in South America. Although their main home was in Bogota, Colombia, she spent short periods of time in most of the large cities in South America and speaks Spanish fluently. Who is Etienne Benoit? Etienne Benoit, head of a secret society, she is inexplicably drawn to him, and she ignites in him a sizzling desire that refuses to be ignored. Etienne reveals his story and Emma’s link to the Society and her brilliant perfection... Read More © Copyright 2017 Ellen Chauvet
{"url": "http://www.ellenchauvet.com/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.ellenchauvet.com", "date_download": "2017-07-20T12:24:03Z", "digest": "sha1:P6NREXDIOXZGIMMU6HB7KWY2ZGNY3O3Q"}
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All Forums Category: Stamp Community Family Stuff Forum: Introduce Yourself Here New Member Would Like Stamp Certification Or Appraisal Advice. Jonirnunez First of all I am new and I come with a clause upfront apologizing in advance for my lack of philatelic and technical knowledge. I need some advice pertaining to a collection in my posession. It originated out of Batavia NY and dates back to the 1800's. (This is verified through letters in envelopes that came with it.) There are four 3.25" x 18" boxes of stamps in glassine envelopes that are organized by county and number, There are three Green US Scott Albums (two of which are the same album) one of which is a US Scott Specialized Album and a Navy International Scott Album, several Modernized World Albums, and four small ring binders with blocks of used and mint stamps organized by countries etc. I knew nothing about stamp collecting until I started attempting to organize the last box of random stamps. There are multiples of every stamp in the collection even after taking out any damaged stamp. The previous owners took time and care with it that is for sure. My question is how do you choose which stamps to have PSE Certification done on when there are many that you believe the value would increase substantially when there are so many that you would go broke if you were to certify them all... This is probably a really dumb question for you guys but I really do need help figuring out which ones to have certified because the collection books are almost full and there are stamps in every single country and most of the stamps are from the late 1800's to 1980's. A lot of the countries do not exist anymore and it looks like I have some of the early stamps from these countries. I even have a few sheets where the stamps are on the actual paper that the stamp dealer sent the stamps to the collector on... It looks like they were attempting to put the hinged stamps into showguards whether the stamp was used or new. When I look online it would seem that the value of the collection would triple if I was to have PSE Certifications especially due to the extensive collection I am looking at. I understand appraisals and such but am not in an area where there are any collectors anywhere within 10 hour drive. This probably seems like a very stupid question to some of you but I am overwhelmed by the amounts of stamps that I am swimming in over here. I believe the need to learn patience and detail was the reason for my inheriting this collection. I have been working on it's organization for almost a year and a half and have learned quite a bit but it is a little hard to learn on my own without any guidance whatsoever.I understand the difference between common stamps and uncommon stamps. If I take out the majority of common stamps and go with the older stamps or the first stamps in the book for each country, I am still swimming in a vast amount of stamps that need certifications. The collection takes up three 12ft x 6ft work tables if I have it all out at once and there are multiples that are in equal condition. I think that the multiples are due to different collector adding throughout the years. There are at least 3 people from the same family that carried on the collection as well as a cousin according to letters that came with it. A lot of time and care went into it. So any advice would be greatly appreciated as I am a bit overwhelmed at the moment. Or if any one knows how I can go about getting it looked at even if I need to ship it somewhere to have it appraised recommendations would be appreciated as I am at a loss at where to go from here. I think I know what I am looking at but yet I have no earthly idea...and I don't want to waste my time or anyone else's but I need to know what I am looking at kinda thing. Okay thank you in advance and sorry for the dumb question... A few thoughts. You need some parameters that when met trigger consideration for certification. Usually the primary consideration is "what is the catalog value of the stamp". You need to set a value above which it can be considered. Keep in mind that faults can quickly kill a catalog value. You also need to do some research and find out what similar items have sold for in order to check catalog value vs real market value. Ask yourself if a stamp that you have that has met your initial parameters really needs a cert to sell at it's full potential. How have other similar items been sold and how did they perform. In all of this I am speaking of US material because once you go beyond the US for certifications it becomes infinitely more complex. Canada is not too bad. You can use Greene. British Commonwealth material other than Canada can go to British based authentications. Beyond that it becomes much harder. But if you are talking US we are back to parameters and creating a matrix which cert triggers. The lions share of collections have very few to no certs. The serious collections, and many serious collectors are on this forum, might have many hundreds. And then there is the topic of grading perhaps left for another time........ Please be aware that while a stamp might be old it does not mean that it has a high value. If you could post about 10-12 representative images of the pages or stamps that you feel reflect the collection the community here will be better able to offer you some advice on how to proceed. hoosierboy Collecting for the enjoyment of collecting, whatever that might be, is the name of the game. Don't hesitate to ask questions especially if you need basic information and especially more advanced sources of information for any possible topic. You should be able to find folks on this board a little further along on their collecting journey glad to share experiences. Russ pbmorris Certification is an expensive way to determine IF a stamp has value. Certification should be used to validate what you already know or think. As several have already commented, you need to isolate those stamps that you believe are valuable. I would suggest posting a few on this board, as you will find that often we WISH something that is not really true. I have had a few stamps that I called "outliers" that I couldn't identify because of perforation anomalies. Once posted on this board, simple explanations answered questions that I was tempted to have certified. I would have spent good money on several stamps that were only worth a few cents. Unless you are in a rush to liquidate, take your time and "enjoy the ride." classic_paper OK, here would be my approach: 1) Make a list of every country represented in the collection. If you come across something from somewhere you can't identify (in a non-Latin alphabet), there's a free iOS app called Stamp Identifier that can probably help (you take a picture of the stamp and it matches based on appearance). 2) Do your best to organize by country. Having to hop back and forth between countries, flipping 200 pages at a time, is a PITA. There's a lot to be said for saying you've checked all the "A" countries. 3) Borrow one or more Scott catalogs from the library, or buy cheap at a used book store, or open a free account at stampworld.com . If you buy/borrow, it doesn't matter if the edition is a year old or twenty, you'll looking for "exceptions," those stamps or their variants that are listed for $50, $500, $5000, or more. 4) Figure out what your threshold is: since each PSE cert costs $20-$32 at a minimum, consider something pretty high, like $250 or more. No one care about a certified stamp that has a Scott value of $10, you waste your money getting that certified. Certification doesn't of itself make a stamp more valuable; it only removes (most of) the buyer's doubt about the genuineness of the stamp in question. 5) Now for the real work (fun?). Do your best to match each stamp in the collection with what's in the catalog or website. Doesn't have to be exact, countries often issues that seem identical but for perforations or color or watermark or paper type (for example, the "normal XYZ issue is worth $0.25 in orange but in orange-yellow is $5000"). Anything like that, or anything that might have real value regardless gets put aside for further consideration. 6) You'll quickly have a pile of stamps you can sell, if that's your intention. There's a few bucks to be made by selling consecutive runs by country, like "Ethiopia Sc #135-155, used" on eBay, for example. Honestly, odds are that 99.5% of the stamps will be in this pile. 7) What's left will be the "hopefuls." These will take a little time and patience, and perhaps some tools like a perforation gauge, watermark detector, and this forum, to suss out. The most important thing to remember: the stamps aren't going anywhere. Don't stress about this. Spend 30-60 minutes a day if you can, it'll all get done. Edited by classic_paper - 05/21/2021 09:49 am floortrader JoNirnunez ----Welcome ,can you give us a few photo's ,can we see the first 3 pages of the U.S. ,first page of Great Britain,germany and Canada. thanks wkusau In Dallas, TX, you should be able to find a stamp club or dealer in your area. The American Philatelic Society (APS) has a dealer and club link from this page. https://stamps.org/join-parent/services APS-ISWSC Member I don't think your question is 'dumb,' Further, I think you are asking in a good place. None of us are here to take advantage of you now (unfortunately, yet). Some advice: GO SLOW - If / when you show any parts of the collection to someone else, watch to see which individual stamps they focus on, ostensibly at a major bargain since you don't yet have a sense of where the value lies. And, then don't sell them yet. You need to know more. DON'T DAMAGE or DEVALUE - it's too early to try to remove stamps from pages or, especially, from any covers. FIND A MENTOR - who doesn't have any interest contrary to yours, even if you have to pay for a few hours of his/her time. If you email me, I can refer you to one in Texas I have known for ~40 years. INSURE THE COLLECTION - You may well have a number of quite valuable stamps, although you almost certainly have a lot of very common stamps. I know you don't know the value, but for a small amount of money a year you can protect yourself at least to some extent. See the APS Insurance Program. Also, you may need to think about what you really want - you mentioned patience and also money. Do you want to sell it? Do you want to become a collector? ... a worldwide collector, a specific country collector, a specific topic collector, etc. mml1942 I believe the original poster is from Dalhart, Texas, and NOT Dallas as suggested in an earlier post. Dalhart is in the northwest corner of the Texas Panhandle, not all that far from where I grew up. He is correct that there are no dealers within a ten hour drive. When I lived there, we used to say we were centrally located, and "500 miles from anywhere important". I second the comments by "APS-ISWSC Member". Take it slow. Educate yourself. Go to your local library and see if they have an edition of the Scott Catalog you can check out. If not, consider buying an older Scott Catalog on eBay. It can be 5-10-20 years old. You are interested in identification, not value. A 25c stamp in a 1990 catalog is still a 25c stamp. A $25 stamp in a 1990 catalog is probably worth more today, but in each instance, the catalog value is not absolute, and really more closely reflects what you might pay, not what you can sell it for. Start with one country. The United States is a great place to start, and you would be familiar with the language and most of the topics represented on the stamps. Go to the Stamp Smarter website, and read their various tutorials on terminology, how to use the tools, and how to identify stamps. I was unable to determine if there was still and active stamp club in Amarillo (it was the Golden Spread stamp club) or Lubbock (the South Plains stamp club), so it appears these are now inactive. That is unfortunate, because an hour with an experienced collector would be worth a day of working on your own. Use your phone and take pictures of a group pages from the earlier years, which will give us a better idea of what you are having to deal with. Don't make us guess. The odds are that you have an intermediate level collection with the possibility of some better material. It is unlikely that you would have a large number of stamps of the caliber that would warrant certificates. Focus on identifying what you have. Start with the pre-1900 material and that should give you an idea of what you have, as that is where the value would most likely be found. Once you have spent some time learning and identifying your stamps, if you find items that you cannot identify, please post them here with GOOD photographs (preferably scans if possible) one stamp per picture, TOGETHER with your analysis of what you think you have, or why you cannot decide between two different catalog entries. There are people on this Forum who are essentially experts on everything, and someone can help you identify what you have and how they made that identification. Good luck and have fun. Edited by mml1942 - 05/22/2021 3:28 pm Thank you guys so much for being so very nice and for the advice. I have direction now. I appreciate you all being so supportive. I am uploading a few pictures of some of the stamps. If I uploaded these wrong I am sorry I apologize as my son is not here to help me do this. Sorry to bombard you all with images...Hope I did this right. Okay Let me know what you think... or if you want pictures of any of these dead countries or if you are looking for anything in particular I will see if I have it and send you a picture of it or whatever. Thank you all for the help. I also have washingtons with grill's on the back they are the three cent in a envelope like the ones in the canada pitcure. I can't figure out if the points are up or down in those so if I get a chance to upload them I will do so if you all do not mind taking a look at those and helping me figure out if they are points up and down. My eyes are not all that good from an car wreck that causes temporary blindness on occasion and my son is off to college soooo....lol THANK YOU ALL VERY VERY VERY MUCH. I'd like to do the original collectors justice by putting the rest in the correct spots at the very least. I do not know why some of the pictures are upside down... AHHH I am sorry they were the right side up in my folder. I am sorry.... smh Thank you for your patience.. I see three pictures with British stamps. Unfortunately, the pictures are too small and unclear to see details. At the bottom of the sixth pictures are some Penny Reds. The picture is not good enough to see whether these are "stars" (i.e., with stars in the top corners as the one in the seventh picture) or with letters in all four corners. Ï cannot even see if all are perforated or whether there are some imperforates. If they have letters in all four corners, they will not have high monetary value, unless you have a variety or a very rare plate. The seventh pictures has what looks like a very nice example of a perforated Penny Red "Stars." Depending on the type, perforation gauge and plate from which it may bring you a couple of dollars or a nice extra. However, unless you are incredibly lucky, it is unlikely to pay for a celebratory meal for one. There is a page of British stamps in the eleventh picture. These come in shades, from different printers, some with different watermarks and some also from different dies. At a first glance, the stamps that are there appear to be among the cheap ones. One or two of the Jubilees look like the colour has faded. The cancels appear on the heavy side. Without having a close look, my impression is that this was collected by someone who picked up an occasional stamp that was not "too bad." I do not expect they will bring you more than a few dollars. I suspect that having more than one British stamp expertised might cost you more than they will ever generate. Best to do is to find a collector with knowledge of the Penny Reds who can tell you which they are: there are an incredible number of different stamps catalogued with their own full number by Stanley Gibbons, but in most pre-printed albums, you may not find more than a handful of them. Consequently, only few people will want to pay for the exact variety and classify them as a basic variety. Only specialist collectors will pay extra. Based upon the representative images I would guess that there is likely nothing to have expertized unless there is some special section lurking somewhere. It took 0.3 seconds to lick this stamp.
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You can zoom out to Arkansas CensusScope is a product of the Social Science Data Analysis Network. Chicot County NATIVITY AND CITIZENSHIP The Census includes all residents of the United States, regardless of their citizenship status. In some areas of the country, those without American citizenship account for a substantial proportion of the population, while in many areas, particularly in the Midwest, the make up only a small percentage of residents. Likewise, in some areas the majority of the population has come from other states within the U.S. while in others, particularly in the South, the population is more stable over time. Nativity and Citizenship Status, 1990-2000 Total Native Population Born in US Born in Same State Born in Different State Born Outside US Total Foreign Born Population Non-Naturalized
{"url": "http://www.censusscope.org/us/s5/c17/chart_nativity.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.censusscope.org", "date_download": "2016-02-06T03:10:18Z", "digest": "sha1:TFUXZ7E43773TMEA2OMJ4G2UEMXSET4M"}
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The Blog Is Resurrected! One last attempt at saving this blog now we're almost five years in the future. If it doesn't work this time, I'm going to let it go for good. I don't have the time for it really (and I'm not sure anyone really wants to read this depressing rubbish anyway!) It just seems a shame to get rid of all the meticulous blog notes after all these years. Mum had to have a blood test and spent half the night awake with hunger due to having to fast. This didn't stop David from eating a massive breakfast in front of her though. He then proceeded to open a bottle of Coke and spray half of its contents all over the kitchen, leaving Mum to clean it up. However, she didn't feel well enough to do so. By the time I woke up, the Coke had dried, staining my weighing scales and several other things in the process. David and I had an unsuccessful walk to the South Ealing charity shops and picture framers, unable to find the 6x8 picture frames that Mum wanted. Then we went to Sainsburys to get some baic groceries. Some horrible men slowed down their car to leer and laugh at me (I still don't know why) and I shouted at them. David got embarrassed by "my behaviour" but I think it was THEIR behaviour that was uncalled for. I was at the end of my tether with my braces. One of the elastic bands snapped and flew down my throat during dinner, almost choking me. I was glad that the treatment would be over in a couple more months! I was stressed to death about everything actually but, as usual, Mum made me feel guilty for giving her palpitations and making her catch her breath if I dared to try to discuss my future. In fact, all she wanted to do was stress me further. She started shouting at me about the eBay clutter that I was currently storing in the hobby room. I promised to take it all back to Grottsville as soon as we had another hire car but she still kept snapping at me, then accused me of being nasty. Speaking aloud, I pondered "how do I leave?" (a Facebook group) and Mum got upset that I wanted to leave home. Never mind the fact that it would be perfectly normal for a 21-year-old to leave home! Freddy Bailey still hadn't contacted me about the Coin Slot newspaper scans that I hoped to buy. On a happier note, we had a beautiful fox sleeping right outside our window for most of the day...but she sadly bolted as soon as I pulled my camera out. I had my third driving lesson. Mostly just driving around quiet back streets again. Then, without any warning, Margaret made me drive home via the main shopping street. I didn't even realise what was happening until we were nearly upon the road. Oh well, at least I didn't have time to panic! I still had one little blip, changing into fourth gear instead of second at one point, but otherwise seemed to be making slow progress. Our friendly neighbourhood fox was sitting outside the back door when I got back but alas, I didn't get any photos again. David got a fine on his library books which reminded me that I still wasn't making use of the e-library since I'd discovered it. And, yet again, I'd forgotten to check out my chosen e-book in time. I guess I'd just got out of the habit of reading (and e-books aren't the same as their paper counterparts in my opinion anyway). Anyway, due to being informed of his library fine, David took off for Grottsville via the library and post office even earlier than usual. Shortly after he went out, the phone rang but Mum ignored it, believing it to be him. (She wasn't talking to him) However, it turned out to be the doctor with her test results! As soon as she discovered this, she ran down to the doctor's surgery (after hours) and hammered on the door until they had to let her in! They said her test results showed she had high cholesterol but her doctor would have just made a routine appointment to see her on August 8th (and she already had an appointment for July 25th anyway!) The reason my parents weren't talking to one another was due to yet another argument. David didn't want to hire a car for Mum's birthday. He said it was "too expensive in the summer holidays". In truth, Mum didn't want to go anywhere in the "boring UK" anyway, but she didn't like it that David didn't deem her birthday important enough to want to hire a car. I got stupidly upset to see a vile tarty woman (naming no names but apparently her claim to fame is having a botox job that went wrong and ending up looking like a pufferfish of some kind) commenting on a certain someone's Facebook status again. I note in the same blog notes that I was "feeling lonely but not sure why". God, why didn't I just ditch the dodo and get on with my life. With hindsight, having now found the man I believe would have been my soulmate (but too late in life), I curse the fact I ever set my heart on that little creep in Canada. David had a job interview in the morning while I helped Mum to photograph, weigh and otherwise prepare her latest lot of eBay junk to sell. Then, when David arrived at Woodberry, I overheard her complaining to him that I wouldn't throw the stuff away! He and I walked to Sainsburys to buy bread. It began raining almost as soon as we left the house though and he was tired following on from his interview so I only walked less than 2000 steps. No wonder I was gaining weight! Despite being tired, he actually decided to re-paint the openings between the extension, family history room and kitchen. He made things worse instead of better though, creating more bumps in the paintwork on a different wall and splitting his trousers in the process. He also stressed me out by shouting the entire time he was working about how he had nowhere to wash his paintbrushes etc. Mum told him to take then back to Grottsville and wash them in the garden there. He reminded her that the garden was so overgrown there that he couldn't even get out of the back door. He then did a bit of hoovering as my allergies were bad again (I'd actually rubbed my nose raw as it itched so badly) but the hoover packed up before he'd finished the job. Mum got hungry and yelled at him to leave and return to Grottsville at 7.45pm. And so life went on... By the time he did leave, Mum was in a terrible mood and in full swing shouting at me. She said I "shouldn't do market research" (media studies) and should look at colleges an hour away from here. I told her I had no interest in business studies and had never even noticed them before. She said I "couldn't have looked very well if I'd not seen business studies on the college websites before". But never mind, she "wouldn't have the cheek to advise me like my wog friends in the US and Canada". As it is now five years on and totally irrelevant, I can't remember how the argument progressed. Apparently I told her that she and David had failed me educationally and she snapped back, "We failed you all right. If that's what you want to hear. But you're old enough not to need our help now." Is that why she was still stopping me from doing anything I suggested or tried to do? Apparently I was also to blame for her not seeing the rest of her family more often. "I never see anything of Emma because of you," she snarled. "If you left my house, I'd see 10x more of her!" I worked on my ride website, adding some BAFCO rides and realising I had no idea when any of them were released. Freddie Bailey still hadn't been in touch about the Coin Slot newspapers. I was starting to lose hope. Someone uploaded a video of the MLP panel at Comic Con on Youtube. I don't think I ever actually finished watching it, and I certainly don't have time or inclination to do so now. All I've written in my blog notes was that Tabitha looks a lot younger than I thought and that she shared a microphone with Tara Strong who seemed to be hogging it for all she was worth! Oh, and there was an "awful song which made the bronies excited". No idea what I'm talking about but those were clearly my 21-year-old self's thoughts! I walked to Lammas Park - twenty six minutes and just over 3000 steps - and had a good giggle at a naughty dog named Alfie. My light pleasure was short lived though. Mum was in an awful mood when I got back and quickly depressed me again. She said that she wanted "all of my stuff gone from the hobby room". She was "sick of the little princess getting everything she wanted" (David offering to post my eBay parcel for me...she'd thrown it across the room while I was out). She then screamed at David and threatened to write on the wall again unless he "stopped doing princess jobs". Well, what was I supposed to do when the post office was two miles away, there was no car and David actually passed the post office in between his two buses back to Grottsville every day? David was in a terrible temper too. He'd had two job offers but declined them both due to hours and pay. One of them actually wanted him to work five days for three days' wages! Then he broke his toenail and spent ages chipping little bits off of it all over the extension floor. He promised to hoover but then rushed off to Grottsville and forgot to do so. I did some more work on the ride website. I finally heard back from Freddie Bailey who offered me the entire Coin Slot collection for a discount price of £500. Apparently he named his price depending on the buyer... I was so excited that I hastily accepted without even hesitating to question the quality or completeness of the newspapers... I was struggling with bad lady problems again. Mum called me at 9am and I jumped up immediately for fear of having damaged my mattress or pyjamas. I also had a bad migraine and ended up taking Nurofen (with great reluctance as I avoided taking painkillers back in those days). The headache was so bad that it did little good anyway. David sat at the table and stopped me eating breakfast until 10.30am. He blamed me as he couldn't access his emails and said I'd changed his password incorrectly (I'm sure I hadn't but why ask me to do something for him if he didn't trust me to do so?) He took forever to change it himself which is why I was left starving on the floor for so long. I went for a long walk and saw signs for a car boot sale. The signs lead me to the Questor's Theatre - there was nothing to be found at the boot sale (it had been open for a couple of hours so that was unsurprising really). I came back via Walpole Park where I saw the funfair was visiting again. The carousel wasn't there though. I didn't stop for long enough to ask if they held any classes at the theatre and ran back as fast as I could. I was home in 37 minutes but Mum was still in a panic that I had "been out too long". This triggered yet more arguments and nastiness. David started saying that I should have gone to ANY school when I was a child, however bad it was. Mum rattled my confidence by saying that I "wouldn't be able to pass a basic English or maths test" and "couldn't deal with people as I'd drive them mad with the high pitched, whiny tone of my voice". She then started telling me that I "mustn't let any man talk me into having kids" again. At that point in time, I'd given up on my own life and thought a new generation was the only good that could come out of my pitiful existence. So Mum wanted to crush that too, of course. What chance did I have of ever getting to the having kids stage anyway? I'd set my heart on a nasty little weirdo on the other side of the Atlantic. His photograph had popped up on my mum's Facebook and she couldn't stop poking fun at him for being an "insignificant short person" as he couldn't be seen behind his mother in the picture. Great coming from her at only 4' 10"! Well, one of my weirdo eBay buyers kept enquiring about "my partner" (clearly trying to find out if I had one). Maybe I should have followed that up. It couldn't have gone more awry than where the saga of Canadian freak was clearly headed at this point!
{"url": "http://rainbowharmonyvoiceactress.blogspot.com/2017/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "rainbowharmonyvoiceactress.blogspot.com", "date_download": "2017-08-16T13:33:15Z", "digest": "sha1:GESUOESN3YFYUSHKKNRFKNS775S3TXTQ"}
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> Empleos en Madrid > Empleo peluqueria > Empleo peluqueria en Madrid Ofertas de empleo Peluquería en Madrid peluqueria, Madrid oficial de peluquería Comercial canal Peluquería/Estética-24 hrs/sem. Madrid de productos de alta calidad para diversos tratamientos faciales y capilares, exclusivo para el canal peluquería, centros de estética y médicos... oficial de peluqueria Con M de Masaje Se precisa oficial de peluquería y manicurista/esteticista a jornada completa para salón de peluquería y estética en Majadahonda... dependiente articulos de peluqueria a trabajar en equipo. - Se requiere experiencia mínima de 5 años en el sector de la peluquería/estética/cosmética - Experiencia en la venta... de artículos de peluquería y cosmética. - Se valorará formación en peluquería y estética (FP1 u FP2) - Proximidad a zona sur de Madrid o coche... MODELOS DE PELUQUERIA 2 O 3 DE JULIO Agencia Neostyle selecciona modelos peluquería con o sin experiencia para hacerse corte y color , colores y cortes muy sencillos, medias... Modelo de Peluquería Se buscan chicas para hacer un look corto de peluqueria , talla min 34-40 max, altura min 1,60, abstenerse chicas con pelo negro... Oficial/a de Peluqueria Duración de la oferta: hasta el 27/06/2017 Funciones Oficial de peluquería de señoras. Requisitos Mínimo 3 años de experiencia... OFICIAL PELUQUERIA se precisa oficial de peluquería unisex para trabajar en la zona de Las Rozas y Majadahonda. Se requiere: buena imagen, optimo trato... Esther Moro Medina DESCRIPCIÓN: ofial de peluqueria media jornada Formación: Sin especificar Especialidad: SIN ESPECIFICAR Experiencia: MÁS DE DOS AÑOS... Oficial de Peluquería Caballeros SECASU INVERSIONES S.L. Descripción del puesto vacante Oficial de Peluquería Caballeros Categoría Peluquería, Estética y Moda (Peluquería) Madrid (Madrid...) Vacantes 1 Salón de Peluquería situado en Madrid precisa incorporar a su plantilla 1 Oficial con experiencia mínima de 5 años en Estilismo... “Encargado/a de peluquería” , en una peluquería referente a nivel nacional, con el mejor ambiente profesional y profesional. Deberá realizar funciones acordes con el puesto de peluquería... DAEL ESTILISTAS SE NECESITA OFICIAL DE PELUQUERÍA PARA CUBRIR BAJA MEDICA Y DE MATERNIDAD,CON POSIBILIDAD DE CONTINUAR EN LA EMPRESA. PELUQUERÍA... de trabajo: Estética y cosmética Requisitos Requisitos Mínimos: SE NECESITA OFICIAL DE PELUQUERÍA PARA CUBRIR BAJA MEDICA Y DE MATERNIDAD,CON POSIBILIDAD... DFM-825 Breve explicación del Puesto: Se precisa oficial de peluqueria para zona norte de Madrid, dominando todas tecnicas, se valorara.... Requisitos del puesto de trabajo: Buena imagen, estar al dia en conocimientos en cuanto a la moda en peluqueria se refiere. Buena aptitud... CHICOS EVENTO PELUQUERIA DOMINGO 4 DE JUNIO Agencia Neostyle selecciona modelos peluquería con o sin experiencia para hacerse cortes sencillos sobre su mismo estilo de cabello... Profesora de Peluqueria Urge profesora de peluqueria zona sur de madrid que atienda servicios... Descripción Precisamos incorporar profesionales de peluquería para una importante empresa dedicada al sector de la belleza... CHICOS EVENTO PELUQUERIA 4 DE JUNIO CHICAS EVENTO PELUQUERIA 4 O 5 DE JUNIO Modelos peluquería 4 o 5 de junio PROMOTOR/A ESTABLE PRODUCTOS DE PELUQUERÍA MADRID Adecco Outsourcing selecciona promotor/a de productos de peluquería en grandes superficies de Madrid centro Función: promoción de productos... de peluquería Proyecto estable. Jornada de 12h/semanales Días de trabajo: Viernes en horario de tarde Sábado en horario partido mañana y tarde... Recibe por correo las últimasOfertas de empleo Peluquería en Madrid
{"url": "http://www.opcionempleo.com/empleo-peluqueria/madrid-34906.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.opcionempleo.com", "date_download": "2017-06-22T12:12:17Z", "digest": "sha1:XMXK3AEFLQTGJ6KP4YIW5SCMS2KLY46E"}
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Jetzt auch mobil Kommentieren! WebSite-Watcher - Webseiten auf Änderungen prüfen Von Thomas Zick am 09.01.2018 12:33 Uhr Der WebSite-Watcher 2018 (18.0) überprüft automatisch, ob es auf Ihren Lieblings-Webseiten Neuigkeiten gibt. Neue oder aktualisierte Informationen werden farblich hervorgehoben, sodass Sie auf einen Blick sehen, was sich geändert hat. Wenn Sie regelmäßig viele Seiten besuchen, können Sie mit der Software somit viel Zeit sparen. Alle Änderungen im Blick Das vielseitige Programm eignet sich nicht nur zum Überwachen herkömmlicher Webseiten, sondern es lassen sich auch Foren (phpBB, SMF, vBulletin, IPB und mehr), RSS-Feeds und Newsgroups auf veränderte Inhalte - zum Beispiel neue Beiträge oder Software-Updates - prüfen. Dank Makrofunktion gelingt dies sogar mit passwortgeschützten Internetseiten und auch Dokumente im PDF-, Word- oder Excel-Format können überwacht werden. Selbst Binärdateien überprüft der WebSite-Watcher auf Änderungen, indem er wahlweise das Datum, die Größe und sogar Teile des Dateiinhalts abgleicht. Neben Änderungen im Internet kann der WebSite-Watcher zusätzlich lokal auf dem PC gespeicherte Dateien beobachten und Veränderungen anzeigen. Mächtige Filterfunktion Wie der WebSite-Watcher nach Änderungen suchen soll, können Sie detailliert festlegen. So bestimmen Sie nicht nur das Aktualisierungsintervall, sondern über ein umfangreiches Filtersystem außerdem, welche Bereiche einer Seite überwacht werden sollen und welche nicht. Beispielsweise können Sie dadurch sich häufig verändernde Werbebanner oder Informationen wie Besucherzahlen ausschließen oder Updates nur dann anzeigen lassen, wenn bestimmte Keywords auftauchen. Sobald die Software Änderungen erkennt, werden diese in einem integrierten Browser farblich hervorgehoben angezeigt. Darüber hinaus lassen sich weitere Aktionen definieren, etwa das Abspielen einer Audiodatei oder das Versenden von Benachrichtigungs-E-Mails. Im Analysemodus kann zusätzlich die neueste Version der Seite neben einer älteren Version dargestellt werden. Download starten WebSite-Watcher - Webseiten auf Änderungen prüfen Jede Woche neu: Top-News per E-Mail Kommentare lesen & antworten < Zurück Startseite Hoch © 2000 - 2018 WinFuture Impressum
{"url": "http://winfuture.mobi/download/470", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "de", "source_domain": "winfuture.mobi", "date_download": "2018-02-17T19:44:01Z", "digest": "sha1:WTDJOWFMJSRQQG2LAGXZDT47X2OERJMB"}
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Paleo Policy Episode 5: The Role of a Museum Conservator – Dr. Mariana Di Giacomo https://www.buzzsprout.com/1262990/5626009-the-role-of-a-museum-conservator-dr-mariana-di-giacomo.mp3 Fossils need expert care when they are discovered, extracted, prepared, stored, and displayed in order to ensure their longevity and scientific utility. When most people see fossils in museums they think of paleontologists in the field. They may often fail to realize that the specimen they’re looking at is in a state of decay right before their eyes! Museum conservators are tasked with preserving the museum’s collections which could include fossils, taxidermy, archeological remains, pieces of art, and all of the other exhibits you would normally see. For this episode, I spoke with Dr. Mariana Di Giacomo, conservator at the Yale Peabody Museum of Natural History at Yale University. We talk about her role at the museum, the factors that lead to fossil decay, and the steps one can take to care for their own fossils at home. We also discuss paleontology in Latin America and the renovations underway at the Yale Peabody museum. Episode 4: Public Policy – Dr. Paul Cairney Episode 3: Paleo Mitigation – Paleo Solutions, Inc. Episode 2: Campus Museums with Hayley Singleton of Beneski Museum of Natural History at Amherst College Episode 1: Fossils in America’s Backyard with ReBecca Hunt-Foster of Dinosaur National Monument (Utah)
{"url": "https://paleopolicypodcast.com/2020/09/30/episode-5-the-role-of-a-museum-curator-dr-mariana-di-giacomo/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "paleopolicypodcast.com", "date_download": "2021-10-15T19:52:51Z", "digest": "sha1:VAQ44S7PXXGDBKW5FBDBLNVEIRMIOCTJ"}
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Email: Re: Seems reasonable Posted by: msetzerii I don't recall what the state of things might have been about 4 years ago when g4l was created or when g4u was created earlier than that. I do wonder what has caused this to pop up at this point in time. You do a google search on ghost disk imaging, and it comes back with 243,000 hits. Again, I've removed all words Ghost, Norton, and Symantec from the web, and even done so to the script, that only had the info page stating that it wasn't related to Norton Ghost, and gave symantecs web site, so the user could go there. Before removing it the web site did list the (c) and (tm) with Norton and Symantec, perhaps not in the 100% correct format, but that had been done by the previous author, and I had just left it unchanged. Again, thanks for taking the time to comment, and hopefully, I will get some solid information from Sourceforge on what to do. # Return to Symantec asks G4L to stop infringing on Ghost name
{"url": "http://archive09.linux.com/?module=comments&func=display&cid=1167324", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "archive09.linux.com", "date_download": "2014-04-16T07:31:29Z", "digest": "sha1:NXCQBJY5ZMFERLFGDYFLELHE5SAMCBDR"}
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MUSEUM CLOSED – Field Trips Only An event every week that begins at 8:00am on Monday, repeating until September 30, 2019 Messy Morning » Interested in booking a field trip with us? Click Here for more information.
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Home / Partners / Ministry of Defence Valérie Verkeyn, commanding pilot with 40 Heli Squadron, Koksijde base: "We have three Caiman helicopters, type NH90 NFH and a fourth is expected in 2016. These are used to carry out SAR (Search and Rescue) operations and in the future also for MAR operations (navy). There are 5 crew members on board: 2 pilots, a cabin operator, a medic and a SAR diver. A Senso (sensor operator) will join the crew for MAR operations. The Caiman helicopter can fly at a velocity of 300 km/h even in the most difficult weather conditions. We are standby 24/7 and are ready to take off within 15 minutes. Our device stays the same: "aude audenda", dare what needs to be dared.“ With helicopters, ready duty ships and divers at its disposal, the Ministry of Defence is able to offer assistance in case an emergency unfolds on the North Sea. The Ministry of Defence carries out inspections on Belgian and foreign fishing vessels in Belgium’s Exclusive Economic Zone or EEZ, in cooperation with the Sea Fisheries Service. In case of pollution on the North Sea or to destroy mines and other explosives, the Ministry of Defence is often called upon. The Radio Maritime Services provide information to shipping traffic and keep guard on the emergency channels. There is also a unit of the ministry of Defence (Navy) working in the Maritime Security Centre Belgium (MIK) in Zeebrugge. Off the coast of Lombardsijde, part of the North Sea is preserved to hold regular shooting exercises. The Belgian Navy contributes to combating piracy by taking part in international surveillance operations.
{"url": "https://kustwacht.be/en/content/ministry-defence", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "kustwacht.be", "date_download": "2021-07-23T16:04:27Z", "digest": "sha1:6MLT4RLOX4VXDGRLUOCFFRHB57XCD2A6"}
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Wait Until Dark: The LAB’s Latest Thrilling Theater Experience Is Live Staff Writer – December 07, 2015 The LAB, known for its daring and enchanting performances, has presented its latest theatric endeavour: Wait Until Dark. Originally written for Broadway Stage in 1966 by “Dial M for Murder” scribe Frederick Knott, “Wait Until Dark” later turned into a film starring Audrey Hepburn in 1967. The LAB has now readied it for theatre at The Lab Space located in Beitou District. Remember to breathe as the story of a blind woman who is forced to play a dangerous cat-and-mouse game with three ruthless criminals unfolds. Wait Until Dark oozes suspense that rivals other thrilling works such as the Paranormal Activity or Insidious film franchises. Tickets are on sale now at NT$600. Viewings are all on weekends, and be sure to check their official website for the exact time.
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Recuperamos nuestro Blog, pero aun Venezuela no se recupera del Cáncer Chavista Por: Dra. Ivette María Bolívar Dominguez Volvemos al ruedo luego de un extenso receso producto de un bloqueo de nuestro blog, por parte de Google, aparentemente involuntario y originado por fallas en el sistema algo que realmente no creemos para nada. Muchos han sido los acontecimientos que han ocurrido en Venezuela luego de nuestro último análisis, muchos y graves han sido los errores de Nicolás Maduro, un infeliz personaje que heredó de Hugo Chávez la responsabilidad de continuar y dirigir la “Revolución” sin percatarse el hoy difunto que antes de dirigir esa decadente revolución también debería dirigir los destinos de Venezuela porque era obvio pensar que al fallecer Chávez, el luto, el dolor y la frustración de mucho chavista se pondría del lado de Maduro para cumplir esa última voluntad del hoy extinto presidente, quien lo pidió ese 8 de Diciembre de 2012 “Voten por Nicolás Maduro”, siendo hoy día la decisión más absurda e irresponsable de Chávez y el error más triste de los venezolanos, gracias a lo cual tenemos el país que tenemos, inmerso en una grave crisis económica, política, social y prácticamente a las puertas de un cambio de gobierno que debe resultar el mas traumático en la historia contemporánea de país alguno de la América latina, sin temor a pecar de pesimista todos sabemos que si los chavistas han sido violentos, desestabilizadores, y guerristas para ejercer el gobierno, lo serán en proporciones mayores al pasar a convertirse en la oposición a cualquier nuevo gobierno. Yo lo he manifestado en varias oportunidades que siempre lo mejor es lo que pasa, y cuando Henrique Capriles “Perdió” las elecciones del 14 de Abril del 2013, señale que para mi opinión era lo mejor, porque el chavismo es un ciclo fatal que debe cerrarse con un gobierno chavista desmoronándose y desintegrándose junto al chavismo como es el caso del gobierno de Nicolás Maduro, yo imagino que un gobierno de Capriles hubiese durado menos de un año en el poder sin lugar a dudas los militares leales al neo comunismo venezolano lo hubiesen sacado ante un panorama como el que estamos viviendo, que no es más que la consecuencia de mal gobierno y de las decisiones erróneas, caprichosas y desacertadas de un errático Hugo Chávez. Nicolás Maduro se ha convertido en un títere, en un tonto útil de todos esos caníbales que no pudieron descuartizar a Venezuela porque Hugo Chávez se los impidió, pero Maduro sin personalidad, sin criterio, sin carácter y cada días más errático e inadecuado para ocupar la primera magistratura, se ha convertido en ese presidente manipulable y moldeable para que cada ladrón saque su buena ración.- Es triste ver a Venezuela inmersa en una escasez fatal que se la quieren achacar a los empresarios y a una supuesta guerra económica, algo completamente falso, porque en Venezuela no existen empresarios idiotas que van a arriesgar su capital y van preferir dejar de producir y perder para que el gobierno de Maduro se debilite, eso no existe ni en Venezuela ni en ninguna parte del mundo porque en todas partes el que abre una empresa es para crecer, enriquecerse y por supuesto producir productos y servicios, y el empresario venezolano no es la excepción.- Así que pretender decir que la falta de alimentos, medicinas, repuestos, productos de limpieza y aseo personal es por culpa de una guerra económica eso es una mentira del tamaño del “SALTO ANGEL”, escasez es por falta de divisas para la compra de materia prima, para la adquisición de repuestos para las líneas de producción inoperativas, para comprar más y mejores maquinarias que incrementen la producción, pero el gobierno está apoderado de los dólares y no se atreve a soltarlos porque ante la caída de los precios del petróleo para tratar de mantener a Nicolás Maduro y al PSUV en el poder es necesario tener recursos y a falta de petróleo o de mejores precios del petróleo buenos son los excelente precios del dólar.- Así que lamentamos tumbarle la “Novelita “ a Maduro de “pobrecito” víctima de la guerra económica y del poder de los empresarios nacionales e internacionales, pero la fulana guerra la tiene declarada es del presidente contra la empresa privada en todos los niveles y magnitud, no existe en Venezuela y quizás en el mundo un empresario que ponga su patrimonio, su capital y tal vez el capital de otros accionistas al servicio de una conspiración contra un gobierno corriendo el riesgo que ese capital, que ese patrimonio se pierda, no existe se los juro que NO!!!! Así que señores lo primero que debe hacer un nuevo gobierno es establecer una sola banda para el cambio de la divisa que no sea ni 100 ni 600 Bs por dólar, algo intermedio pero fijo, y otorgarle a los empresarios las divisas necesarios para su pleno desempeño, esa es única vía para incrementar la producción y acabar con la escasez y con las largas colas, y díganme Uds., creen que un gobierno que a obstaculizado esta medida durante más de 10 años sea capaz de ponerla en práctica= NO claro que no, cuando un gobierno es el problema jamás será parte de la solución.- Creemos que el pueblo venezolano debe evaluar, debe decidirse a darse un cambio político porque mucho tiempo en el poder es lo más dañino y perjudicial para unos gobernados. Hay que refrescar la político ver nuevas estrategias, nuevas caras y ver como lo hacen ahora aquellos que por 16 años han formado parte de la oposición a este régimen, darles la oportunidad y tenerlos vigilados, si no sirven, activar los mecanismos constitucionales, y SI sirven entonces darle mas oportunidades hasta que nos decepcionen como el chavismo . Así que a pensarlo y a no equivocarnos el 6 de Diciembre, el Chavismo no tiene nada que demostrar no tiene nada que arreglar, nada que dar, ya los tiempo de demostrar algo o de mejorar las cosas pasaron y muy poco arreglaron, muy poco mejoraron. Toda Venezuela está de mal en peor. Analicemos y decidamos en la urna electoral si seguimos con esta misma gente o cambiamos para mejorar las cosas.- Recuperamos nuestro Blog, pero aun Venezuela no se...
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Teddy & Grant's wedding photos at Forest Hills Country Club.
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Accueil Services aux entreprises Un micro-climat optimiste au Salon des micro-entreprises 2008 Un micro-climat optimiste au Salon des micro-entreprises 2008 Retour sur cet événement qui a fermé ses portes jeudi 16 octobre. Malgré un contexte économique très anxiogène, cette 10e édition du Salon des micro-entreprises était une fois de plus marquée par l’énergie positive qui émanait de ses visiteurs, l’envie d’aller de l’avant, de se développer et de réussir. « En décidant d’entreprendre, nos visiteurs se sont résolument tournés vers l’action. Ils ont décidé de prendre leur destin en main. Naturellement, dans des temps difficiles, ils choisissent de se concentrer sur la recherche de solutions concrètes et d’opportunités, » précise Alain Bosetti, Président du Salon des micro-entreprises. Le contraste entre le micro-climat volontariste et enthousiaste du salon et la crise économique a d’ailleurs frappé Bernard Accoyer, Hervé Novelli, Jean-François Roubaud et Christian Sautter, venus jeudi 16 octobre saluer les décideurs et créateurs d’aujourd’hui. Une étude menée la semaine précédant le salon dénotait déjà de cet état d’esprit positif. Menée auprès de 4 500 dirigeants de petites entreprises, elle révélait que 35% des répondants prévoyaient un chiffre d’affaires en hausse pour 2008 contre seulement 17% un chiffre d’affaires en baisse. A ce stade, 73% d’entre eux n’avaient pas modifié leur projet d’investissement à 6 mois. En terme de fréquentation, les nouveautés du salon : les Ateliers interactifs, les Conférences « 30 Minutes pour… », les Espaces Web 2.0, auto-entrepreneur, « Mieux se connaître pour réussir » ainsi que les Villages Visa Business et e-commerce ont connu une forte affluence. L’espace auto-entrepreneur et les conférences dédiées à ce nouveau statut ont également été tout particulièrement prisés par le visitorat. « Ce succès montre tout l’intérêt que présente ce nouveau statut à 3 mois de sa mise en œuvre effective, » souligne Alain Bosetti. A noter, cette 10e édition du Salon des micro-entreprises a attiré plus de 30 000 visiteurs. Le Grand Prix Médicis des micro-entreprises Chaque année, le Salon des micro-entreprises récompense le dynamisme et les idées de développement d’un chef d’entreprise. Le lauréat reçoit une dotation de 7500 € pour financer un projet de développement dans son entreprise. Michel Clerc, Directeur Général de Médicis, a remis le Grand Prix Médicis des micro-entreprises à MEM-X. Proposant une aide vocale pour prolonger l’autonomie des personnes atteintes de troubles de la mémoire, MEM-X commercialise un appareil diffusant des messages oraux enregistrés par leurs proches (voix rassurantes) et émis à des heures définies. Le Prix Coup de Cœur des micro-entreprises a quant à lui été remis à Budgetbox. L’entreprise, créée par deux jeunes diplômés de l’ESC Rouen durant leur dernière année d’étude, propose un boitier de self-scanning mis à disposition des consommateurs dans les grandes surfaces. Il se différencie de ses concurrents en apportant des informations sur les prix mais aussi sur les produits et offres promotionnelles en cours. A propos du Salon des micro-entreprises Le Salon des micro-entreprises est L'événement national des créateurs et dirigeants de petites entreprises. La dixième édition a eu lieu du 14 au 16 octobre 2008 au Palais des Congrès de Paris. Le salon est organisé par Planète micro-entreprises. L’entreprise a été créée en 1999 par quatre associés : Alain Bosetti – Président, Serge Eberhardt – Directeur Général, Marie-Pierre Doré et Mark Lahore – Directeurs Associés. Depuis sa création, les quatre fondateurs multiplient les initiatives innovantes autour du Salon des micro-entreprises : le Grand Prix, les Speed Business Meetings®, les Universités de l’Entrepreneuriat, le webmagazine Place des réseaux, la Ruche et ses Stands Alvéoles. L’équipe a également lancé en 2007 le Salon des services à la personne. Pour sa dixième édition, le Salon des micro-entreprises était placé sous le Haut Patronage du Président de l’Assemblée nationale, Monsieur Bernard Accoyer. Planète micro-entreprises appartient à un mini-groupe de communication comprenant également l’agence conseil en communication Soho Agency, le webmagazine Place des réseaux et le Salon des services à la personne. Ces activités partagent un métier commun, celui de “créateur de relations”. Pour plus de renseignements www.salonmicroentreprises.com Speed Business Meetings ® est une marque déposée de Planète micro-entreprises. Contacts presse – Le Public Système Sidonie Dumoulin – sdumoulin@lepublicsysteme.fr – 06 64 00 49 59 Claire Baaklini – cbaaklini@lepublicsysteme.fr – 01 41 34 20 54 Le site référencé ici est disponible à cette adresse : http://www.salonmicroentreprises.com Article précédentGCV-Expert, redacteur des CGV pour les sites vitrine ou de e-commerce Prochain articleFashion Daily News lance Fashion Emploi Les récupérateurs d’eau Color sont maintenant chez Hortik.com Locations de vacance Villages vacances VTF : un réveillon de noel en famille réussi « R » optimise l’impact des campagnes publicitaires sur Internet L'agence web parisienne 123monsite, certifiée argent PrestaShop
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Celebyeah Everything We Know About Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Battle With the Tabloids Associated Press AP October 9, 2019 2:48 pm October 9, 2019 Off 175 Just as Meghan Markle and Prince Harry were wrapping up their very successful royal tour in southern Africa—which featured speeches about women’s empowerment, conservation, and baby Archie’s first official royal engagement—it was announced that Markle was suing the British tabloid Mail on Sunday for publishing a private letter she sent to her father, Thomas Markle, after the royal wedding in 2018. “We have initiated legal proceedings against the Mail on Sunday, and its parent company Associated Newspapers, over the intrusive and unlawful publication of a private letter written by the Duchess of Sussex, which is part of a campaign by this media group to publish false and deliberately derogatory stories about her, as well as her husband,” a legal spokesperson for the couple said in a statement. “Given the refusal of Associated Newspapers to resolve this issue satisfactorily, we have issued proceedings to redress this breach of privacy, infringement of copyright and the aforementioned media agenda.” Later in the week, it was confirmed by Buckingham Palace that Harry filed a lawsuit of his own over an alleged phone and voicemail hacking in the early 2000s. Let’s break down what’s going on here. What exactly are these two lawsuits? As you probably remember, there was a lot of drama surrounding Markle’s father in the weeks leading up to the wedding. It was revealed that he had staged photos to sell to the tabloids, reportedly suffered a heart attack, and eventually pulled out of attending the wedding and walking his daughter down the aisle. Since then, he has continued to give numerous interviews to tabloids and talk shows, including one about the letter Meghan wrote to him asking him to stop going to the press, per the Guardian. DOMINIC LIPINSKI/AFP/Getty Images “The contents of a private letter were published unlawfully in an intentionally destructive manner to manipulate you, the reader, and further the divisive agenda of the media group in question,” Harry said in a statement. “In addition to their unlawful publication of this private document, they purposely misled you by strategically omitting select paragraphs, specific sentences, and even singular words to mask the lies they had perpetuated for over a year.” We don’t know a lot of details about Harry’s case as of yet, but it dates back to a major phone-hacking scandal in Britain by the Sun and now-defunct News of the World that involved a number of members of the royal family, as well as other celebrities. “We confirm that a claim has been issued by the Duke of Sussex,” a spokesperson for News Group Newspapers told the BBC in a statement. “We have no further comment to make at the current time.” Previous ArticleThe 5 Best Cashmere Bras To Buy NowNext ArticleChance The Rapper, Noted Vegetable Enemy, Confronts His Biggest Foe On ‘Carpool Karaoke’ Star Wars Books Reveals New Way Lightsabers Are Used Why Fast And Furious 9 Is Introducing John Cena As Dom’s Brother, According To Vin Diesel Ben Affleck Admits ‘Suffering On Justice League’ Was Worth It, If Only Because He Got To Wear The Suit To His Kids Birthday Everything We Know About the Upcoming Enchanted Sequel on Disney+ How To Watch News Of The World Streaming Follow us and get the latest news delivered to your timeline! © 2018 Celeberazzi All rights reserved.
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C’era una volta… Autori per ragazzi cercasi Esercito di scrittori e autori in erba è arrivato il vostro momento. Armatevi di penne in mano e di tanta fantasia, la Teomedia è pronta a scommettere su di voi. Stiamo pensando di realizzare una nuova collana dedicata al mondo dei più piccoli. Per essere protagonisti, non vi resta altro che tirar fuori dal cilindro uno dei vostri racconti e fiabe migliori, credendo in un sogno realizzabile. Agli autori, le cui opere verranno considerate idonee, verrà data l’opportunità di avere un contratto di edizione per la pubblicazione del proprio testo in: ebook , in App applicazione mobile per iOS (iphone, ipad) e Android. Vi incoraggiamoLeggi altro →
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Home » Archiv » Sportrecht » AG München: Keine fristlose Kündigung von Fitnessstudio wegen Erkrankung AG München: Keine fristlose Kündigung von Fitnessstudio wegen Erkrankung Wer aufgrund einer bestimmten Krankheit das Fitnesscenter vorzeitig nicht mehr nutzen kann, hat nicht immer das Recht zur fristlosen Kündigung. Dies ergibt sich aus einem heute bekannt gewordenen Urteil des Amtsgerichtes München. Bildnachweis: Justitia | dierk schaefer Judd | CC BY 2.0 Vorliegend schloss ein Kunde mit dem Betreiber von einem Sportstudio einen Vertrag mit einer Mindestlaufzeit über 24 Monate ab. Aufgrund einer bereits zum Vertragsschluss bestehenden chronischen Gelenkserkrankung konnte er schon nach kurzer Zeit nicht mehr an den Angeboten teilnehmen. Er kündigte daher fristlos und begründete dies damit, dass er aufgrund dieser Krankheit nicht mehr am Training teilnehmen kann. Doch hiermit war der Betreiber nicht einverstanden. Er verlangte von ihm die Zahlung der vereinbarten Kursgebühren in Höhe von 1.029 Euro. Als der Kunde nicht zahlte, verklagte der Betreiber ihn. Das Amtsgericht München gab der Klage des Fitnessstudio-Betreibers mit Urteil vom 13.10.2011 (Az. 213 C 22567/11) statt. Eine fristlose Kündigung ist nach § 314 Abs. 1 BGB unabhängig von den Klauseln im Vertrag immer dann möglich, wenn die Erkrankung des Kunden einen wichtigen Grund darstellt. Davon ist bei dem Abschluss eines Fitnessvertrages mit einem Sportstudio gewöhnlich auszugehen, wenn der Kunde wegen einer Krankheit nicht mehr an dem Angebot teilnehmen kann. Anders sieht das aber dann aus, wenn diese Erkrankung dem Kunden bereits bei Vertragsschluss bekannt gewesen ist und dem Betreiber daher nicht die vorläufige Beendigung des Vertrages zugemutet werden kann. Hier besteht ein Recht des Kunden zur fristlosen Kündigung nur dann, wenn dies vorher ausdrücklich vereinbart worden ist. Nach den Feststellungen des Gerichtes wusste der Kunde schon bei Vertragsschluss, dass er unter einer chronischen Gelenkserkrankung litt. Er hätte dem Betreiber diesen maßgeblichen Umstand vor Vertragsschluss mitteilen und für diese Situation ein Sonderkündigungsrecht vereinbaren müssen. Der Kunde muss daher die Beträge bis zum Ende der Laufzeit bezahlen. Dieses Urteil ist mittlerweile rechtskräftig. Von daher sollten Sie gerade bei dem Vorliegen von bestimmten Erkrankungen bei dem Vertragsschluss mit einem Fitnessstudio mit einer Mindestlaufzeit aufpassen und dabei vor allem auf die Kündigungsklauseln achten. Unter Umständen ist dort geregelt, in welchen Fällen Ihnen ein Sonderkündigungsrecht zusteht und wie Sie das Vorliegen einer Erkrankung nachweisen. Diese Klauseln können im Einzelfall auch zu Ihren Gunsten unwirksam sein. Sicherlich sind auch die folgenden Beiträge für Sie interessant: BGH zur fristlosen Kündigung beim Fitnessstudio Kündigung von Vertrag mit Fitnessstudio wegen Krankheit Rechtsanwalt Michael Beuger Michael Beuger ist Partner der Kanzlei WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE. Er hat sich auf die Beratung mittelständischer Unternehmen aus der Bau-, Lebensmittel-, Kosmetik- und Werbebranche in allen wichtigen Wirtschaftsfragen, spezialisiert. (2 Bewertungen, Durchschnitt: 3,00 von 5) Autor: Rechtsanwalt Michael Beuger Kategorien: Sportrecht Tags: AG München, Erkrankung, Fitnesscenter, Fitnessstudio, Fitnessvertrag, Fristlose Kündigung, Krankheit, Mindestlaufzeit, Sportstudio meikeoltmann sagt: Die Entscheidung des AG München betrifft lediglich den Sonderfall, dass die Erkrankung bereits bei Abschluss des Vertrages bekannt war. Erkrankungen welche erst nach Vertragsabschluss (http://www.ra-dietel.de/anwalt-strafrecht-sportrecht/) bekannt werden, können somit auch nach dem AG München weiterhin zur außerordentlichen Kündigung berechtigen.
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Ángel León presenta los liofilizados marinos El Chef del Mar realizó una ponencia en un repleto auditorio del Fórum Gastronómico de A Coruña en la que ilustró a los asistentes sobre el tratamiento del producto en la cocina de Aponiente. Además presentó una novedad, los liofilizados marinos, ostras, ortiguillas, erizos… liofilizados, que pueden servirse como snack o ser rehidratados. Todavía hay mucho que investigar sobre su versatilidad en la cocina. VelSid27 Feb 14 El Fórum Gastronómico de A Coruña 2014 contó con la presencia del Chef del Mar, sobran las presentaciones. Ángel León acudió a esta cita gastronómica para cerrar la segunda jornada del congreso con una ponencia titulada ‘El tratamiento del producto en la cocina de Aponiente’. Realizó un breve recorrido por su filosofía y evolución culinaria, se trata de la primera vez que este congreso gastronómico se celebra en A Coruña y son muchos los que acudieron al auditorio de ExpoCoruña para ver por primera vez al capitán de la tripulación Aponiente. No vamos a reescribir lo que ya hemos hablado en varias ocasiones sobre el Chef del Mar, tenéis buena parte de sus investigaciones, sus logros, sus méritos y su bagaje culinario en el blog, vamos a centrarnos en las novedades. Una de ellas fue presentada el pasado mes de enero, podéis recordarlo en el post Ángel León pone la luz del mar en el plato, y el pasado lunes, Ángel León presentó los liofilizados marinos. Posiblemente en la nueva temporada del restaurante del Puerto de Santa María, que dará comienzo a mediados del próximo mes de marzo, se puedan degustar estos liofilizados marinos. La sorpresa está servida, pues aunque Ángel León haya avanzado algunas de las posibilidades de estos nuevos productos, seguro que logrará despertar el asombro y la admiración una vez más. De momento nos habló que la liofilización de ostras, erizos y ortiguillas, un proceso al que somete a estos seres marinos estando vivos, siendo la única forma de conseguir que mantengan todo su sabor. A su vez, se consigue que estos liofilizados puedan ser regenerados, devolviéndoles su textura y respetando su sabor. Aunque el Chef del Mar también propuso otras formas de rehidratar estos liofilizados marinos, por ejemplo, una ostra regenerada con leche de tigre, así, en un único bocado se conseguiría transmitir el sabor de la materia prima y de su aderezo. Estos liofilizados marinos los hacen en el restaurante, como os comentábamos, es necesario hacerlo partiendo del animal vivo, y son suficientes unas 60 horas para obtenerlos. Recordad que no es lo mismo deshidratar que liofilizar. El resultado tendrá distintos usos en la cocina de Aponiente, podrá servirse como snack crujiente (probamos la ostra y el erizo y es una bomba de sabor) o regenerarse con agua de mar o con distintas salsas y aderezos, por ejemplo. Se nos ocurren algunas ideas más, si estos liofilizados se convierten en polvo, serán un potenciador de sabor ideal para multitud de platos, pero quizá no se busca esa finalidad, recordemos que uno de los ingredientes estrella de Ángel León es el plancton. La nueva temporada del Restaurante Aponiente se presenta llena de sorpresas y novedades, aunque todavía no será en el nuevo emplazamiento anunciado hace unos meses, rebautizado como El Molino de Aponiente, el restaurante de Ángel León se ubicará en un histórico molino de mareas de El Puerto de Santa María. Como ya os contamos, hay mucha obra que realizar y mucho espacio que acondicionar, será un lugar emblemático por lo que fue y por lo que será en manos del Chef del Mar. Ángel León Forum Gastronómico Álvaro Garrido en el Fórum Gastronómico A Coruña 2014 El restaurante de Dani García en Nueva York cierra sus puertas Ángel León en el TEDxBaluarteChefs Ángel León nos presenta el documental El Chef del MarChefs Yayo Daporta, nuevo juez de Top ChefNoticias gastronómicas Maestro de la Tapa Andaluza con Ángel LeónNoticias gastronómicas El Chef del Mar, nuevo programa de Ángel León en La 1Chefs Canal Cocina presenta Con nombre propio, cocina de autorNoticias gastronómicas
{"url": "https://gastronomiaycia.republica.com/2014/02/27/angel-leon-presenta-los-liofilizados-marinos/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "gastronomiaycia.republica.com", "date_download": "2022-06-24T23:17:48Z", "digest": "sha1:2VVJQD3NXX4BYZAUN7YF6XNPGDCGNFE2"}
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Extracts (petroleum), catalytic reformed light naphtha solvent EC number: 295-331-2 | CAS number: 91995-68-5 A complex combination of hydrocarbons obtained as the extract from the solvent extraction of a catalytically reformed petroleum cut. It consists predominantly of aromatic hydrocarbons having carbon numbers predominantly in the range of C7 through C8 and boiling in the range of approximately 100°C to 200°C (212°F to 392°F). Single values for the category or individual UVCB members are not applicable. Indicative values for the category for relative density range 0.62 to 0.88 at 15°C. The relative density range of 0.62 to 0.88 was obtained from the CONCAWE (2010) “Compilation of selected physico-chemical properties of petroleum substances” report. Density was measured for various gasoline naphthas according to the EN ISO 12185 method. A range was provided because it is not possible to define a single density value for a UVCB substance and the range was based on measured data for selected members.
{"url": "https://echa.europa.eu/registration-dossier/-/registered-dossier/13271/4/5", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "echa.europa.eu", "date_download": "2021-02-24T18:35:28Z", "digest": "sha1:MYZMKFFQRKYQAIUZSPZ5LVIVQZYMLZL3"}
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Bible Book List Once-a-Day Bible Promises - Saturday, December 1, 2012 There is no devotional for today. Content drawn from the Once-A-Day Bible Promises Devotional published by Zondervan (2012). Used with permission.
{"url": "http://legacy.biblegateway.com/devotionals/once-a-day-bible-promises/2012/12/01", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "legacy.biblegateway.com", "date_download": "2014-12-17T21:52:58Z", "digest": "sha1:C4N7LDHN5GS7AJBG4M2FFBYPNEL5CFLE"}
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Heart of the West -1936 William Boyd, James Ellison, George Gabby Hayes, Fred Kohler, Lynn Gabriel, La sixième aventure d'Hopalong Cassidy. Hoppy et Jimmy quittent le ranch Bar 20 pour se rendre près de Yucca travailler pour Trumbull au ranch tumbling L. En chemin alors que Jommy est sur le point de se rafraichir dans une rivière ils aperçoivent un homme en train de se noyer et le sauvent. L'homme dit s'appeler Windy (Hayes) et il a été attaqué alors qu'il conduisait un char et un taureau au ranch 3J pour lequel il travaille. Arrivés en ville et alors que Jimmy part s'acheter des Donuts (!), Hoppy assiste à une confrontation au tribunal entre Jordan, un pied tendre fraichement établi dans la région avec sa soeur et Trumbull. Très vite il s'avère que Trumbull veut mettre la main sur le ranch de Jordan à n'importe quel prix car il se situe dans un lieu stratégique qui permet à du bétail volé de transiter régulièrement ... Elles sont sympathiques ces histoires d'Hoppy, je comprends qu'elles aient obtenu beaucoup de succès à l'époque. D'un côté on a le fiable Hoppy sûr de lui et tranquille, de l'autre on trouve le jeune Jimmy qui n'en fait qu'à sa tête avec sa maladresse habituelle - mettez ces deux hommes dans un conflit et hop, vous obtenez de l'action et de l'humour, avec l'aide de Gabby Hayes qui reste fidèle à lui-même. Les cascadeurs: Leo J. McMahon Cliff Lyons Publié par Fred Kohler, George 'Gabby' Hayes, Heart of the West, Hopalong Cassidy, Howard Bretherton, Jimmy Ellison, Lynn Gabriel, Wagon Tracks West Wagon trail Wagon Train Wagon West
{"url": "https://western-mood.blogspot.com/2012/02/heart-of-west-howard-bretherton-1936.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "western-mood.blogspot.com", "date_download": "2017-07-20T12:46:50Z", "digest": "sha1:7CPKHJ2LDGQWDREWYDCNVEPG7LLWSLHN"}
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waterborne disease ... We couldn't find any waterborne disease suppliers or service providers located in Liberia Here is a list of companies serving Liberia Waterborne Disease Companies serving Liberia Serving Liberia Near Liberia Aquagenx, LLC Aquagenx provides portable microbiological water quality testing products that detect potential health risks to help eliminate waterborne diseases due to contaminated water. The Compartment Bag Test (CBT) was developed by Dr. Mark D. Sobsey, Kenan Distinguished Professor of Environmental Sciences and Engineering in the Gillings School of Global Public Health at University ... based in Chapel Hill, NORTH CAROLINA (USA). Liquitech, Inc. LiquiTech has been the leading manufacturer and provider of copper silver ionization. We have state and federal EPA-registered technology for the eradication of Legionella in drinking water. Through our multi-barrier approach, which includes point-of-entry filtration, ultraviolet disinfection, copper silver ionization, and point-of-use filters, we have expanded our water ... based in Lombard, ILLINOIS (USA). Water Africa/Eau-Afrique Water-Africa is a North-South and South-South Platform of exchanges and Collaboration dedicated to enhance the quality of life of African Populations. Its works are related to development, valorization and dissemination of knowledge in Water Science and Technology, but also on the acquisition, transfer and exchange for expertise in operations related to the water sector ... based in Laval, QUEBEC (CANADA). Phigenics, LLC Phigenics is a water management company that partners with facility owners and suppliers to improve the efficiency, effectiveness and overall safety of all water systems. We help our clients remediate problems associated with waterborne pathogens, including legionella. We specialize in bringing technical solutions and new innovations to the water industry. Phigenics is ... based in Naperville, ILLINOIS (USA). OCION Water Sciences Group. Manufacturer of eco-friendly mineral-based environmental protection products for controlling organisms that can cause water-borne disease in plants, livestock and humans. EnvirEau’s corporate vision is growing an enterprise that addresses a basic human need (i.e.: the need for biologically safe water) at a time when the world must come to terms with the fact that its ... based in Richmond, BRITISH COLUMBIA (CANADA). Dankoff Solar Pumps Dankoff Solar Pumps is more than a business-minded company that operates in the renewable energy industry. We believe humanity must rethink and transform water and energy solutions in the next 25 years in order to withstand the crisis that will ensue for these vital resources. For that reason, we provide water solutions that are solar-powered and, therefore, independent ... based in Elk City, OKLAHOMA (USA). Wishing Well International Foundation (WWIF) Wishing Well International Foundation was started by passionate water quality professionals aware of the need for clean safe drinking water worldwide. The organization was privately funded by its founder and CEO Guillermo Guzman, President of H2O International Inc. based in Deerfield Beach, FLORIDA (USA). Legionella Control International Legionella Control International are leading environmental specialists offering a range of Legionella risk management, water and air hygiene services to organisations and individuals across the United Kingdom and Ireland. Through our proactive approach to environmental risk management, service delivery and excellence we are able to deliver significant benefits to our ... based in Mancheste, UNITED KINGDOM. Villagepump BV Villagepump BV is an innovative development company for patented water purification and sanitation products. Our team of dedicated product and business developers are continually generating new ideas and smart solutions for those who need access to affordable clean water, where this is not commonly available. Some of our development is executed for third parties, ... based in Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS. Bimaks Chemicals Food Foreign Trade Ltd We are an innovative, industry leading supplier of high performance water treatment and industrial cleaning products in Turkey. We are particularly specialized in Reverse Osmosis, Steam Boilers and Cooling system products and services. With monthly production capacity of 1.500,00 mt, our output scale and up to date manufacturing technology provide us high market ... based in Anadoluhisari, TURKEY. Global Water Partnership The Global Water Partnership is a working partnership among all those involved in water management: government agencies, public institutions, private companies, professional organizations, multilateral development agencies and others committed to the Dublin-Rio principles. based in Stockholm, SWEDEN. Aquathin Corp. AQUATHIN CORP. was founded in March of 1980 and formulated from a single concept that we are going to produce the most effective water purification system available (EPA EST. NO. 52531-FL-01). Since the beginning AQUATHIN had acquired a patent for its unique treatment system which utilizes REVERSE OSMOSIS PLUS DEIONIZATION. And over Aquathin`s 35+ Years Pure Excellence, ... based in Pompano Beach, FLORIDA (USA). BioWALL, LLC. BioWALL, LLC is a privately-held New York-based bio-protection technology company leveraging over two decades of experience developing and deploying bio-response, hazardous materials sterilization and large-scale remediation. Led by a seasoned management and scientific team with expertise in managing biological, chemical and other environmental issues across an array of ... based in Slingerlands, NEW YORK (USA). EcoJump LLC EcoJump Inc is a U.S. based company that provides advanced green technologies and specialized equipment for large scale water pollution remediation and restoration of lakes, rivers and shorelines. This is accomplished by integrating cutting edge technologies that are revolutionizing the cleaning and decontamination industry. We utilize the inherent power of nature to ... Excalibur Water Systems Inc. We are a global manufacturer of water softener, water treatment equipment and systems, providing comprehensive and economical solutions for water concerns and problems all around the world. Excalibur Water Systems has manufacturing facilities in Canada, and we offer complete water treatment systems to solve all your water treatment requirements. based in Barrie, ONTARIO (CANADA). Hadda International Group (HIG) Hadda International Group (HIG) is an International Eco Construction & Energy company operating in “Housing, Energy, and Water Engineering”. HIG aims to be a leader in innovative and technological solutions pertaining to coveted Green developments for society as a whole. The focus is on sustainable construction combined with wind/solar energy and water supply, with the ... based in Oostende, BELGIUM. Roberts Filter Group Roberts Filter Group is the largest family-owned water treatment company in the U.S., with more than 4,000 installations across five continents. Our century-old service model creates value at the heart of the plant across all seven of the key value drivers: from energy usage to operational efficiency. based in Media, PENNSYLVANIA (USA). Nalco - an Ecolab company Nalco is the world’s leading water treatment and process improvement company, delivering significant environmental, social and economic performance benefits to our customers. We help our customers reduce energy, water and other natural resource consumption, enhance air quality, minimize their environmental releases and improve their productivity and end products while ... Akzo Nobel Base Chemicals (ANBC) Producer and Supplier of Water Treatment Products and Services. Base Chemicals has an outstanding reputation in handling and recycling chemical waste containing chlorine. Joint ventures operated with energy companies enable Akzo Nobel to make competitive use of combined heat and power (cogeneration) to assist in the production of vacuum salt and chlorine. based in Amersfoort, NETHERLANDS. Water Services Inc. Water Services Inc., a global leader in water treatment systems and services. We are a unique company, providing a wide range of production, transmission, storage, treatment equipment for water and oil / gas systems and services to the industrial and commercial sectors. We are proud to offer quality equipment from the top manufacturers such as Atlas Copco - WEDA pump, ... based in Provo, UTAH (USA).
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4461, 0.0], [4461, 4493, 0.0], [4493, 4518, 0.0], [4518, 4792, 0.0], [4792, 4820, 0.0], [4820, 4835, 0.0], [4835, 5212, 0.0], [5212, 5251, 0.0], [5251, 5265, 0.0], [5265, 5642, 0.0], [5642, 5681, 0.0], [5681, 5693, 0.0], [5693, 6067, 0.0], [6067, 6096, 0.0], [6096, 6444, 0.0], [6444, 6479, 0.0], [6479, 6511, 0.0], [6511, 6887, 0.0], [6887, 6915, 0.0], [6915, 6936, 0.0], [6936, 7239, 0.0], [7239, 7275, 0.0], [7275, 7301, 0.0], [7301, 7676, 0.0], [7676, 7709, 0.0], [7709, 8067, 0.0], [8067, 8101, 0.0], [8101, 8121, 0.0], [8121, 8496, 0.0], [8496, 8523, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 23, 0.0], [23, 113, 0.02222222], [113, 157, 0.04545455], [157, 202, 0.08888889], [202, 231, 0.13793103], [231, 245, 0.28571429], [245, 624, 0.06332454], [624, 668, 0.40909091], [668, 684, 0.125], [684, 1062, 0.02116402], [1062, 1096, 0.35294118], [1096, 1121, 0.16], [1121, 1498, 0.03713528], [1498, 1531, 0.39393939], [1531, 1546, 0.26666667], [1546, 1922, 0.0106383], [1922, 1959, 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0.00533333], [7676, 7709, 0.24242424], [7709, 8067, 0.03072626], [8067, 8101, 0.35294118], [8101, 8121, 0.15], [8121, 8496, 0.02933333], [8496, 8523, 0.2962963]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 8523, 0.00694376]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 8523, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 8523, 0.03367513]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 8523, -570.53990048]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 8523, -101.38211916]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 8523, -108.35055476]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 8523, 88.0]], "is_duplicate": false}
Linternaute > Résultat présidentielle > Ardèche > Saint-Sernin Résultat de la présidentielle à Saint-Sernin (07200) Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas (07200) Saint-Étienne-de-Fontbellon (07200) Fons (07200) Résultat présidentielle 2017 à Saint-Sernin Résultat primaire de la gauche à Saint-Sernin Résultat primaire de la droite à Saint-Sernin Bureaux de vote à Saint-Sernin Saint-Sernin (toutes les informations sur la ville) C'est le président fraîchement élu qui est arrivé en tête à Saint-Sernin dimanche 7 mai. Emmanuel Macron a empoché 60% des bulletins de vote contre 40% pour l'ancienne conseillère municipale d'Hénin-Beaumont, Marine Le Pen. Emmanuel Macron a décroché un moins bon résultat à Saint-Sernin que dans l'ensemble de la France (66% des bulletins de vote). Le taux de participation au second tour de scrutin atteint 77,37%, soit une implication plus élevée à Saint-Sernin que pour le reste de l'Hexagone. Les électeurs seront appelés dans les bureaux de vote en mars 2020 pour participer au résultat des élections municipales à Saint-Sernin. Résultat de la présidentielle 2017 à Saint-Sernin Résultat de la primaire de la gauche à Saint-Sernin N.B. : Les résultats de la primaire de la gauche affichés ci-dessous sont ceux enregistrés dans le bureau de vote n°00700003 auquel les électeurs des 10 commune(s) suivante(s) étaient affectés : Saint-Sernin , Ailhon, Fons, Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas, Lanas, Lentillères, Mercuer, Saint-Étienne-de-Fontbellon, Vinezac, Vogüé. Résultat de la primaire de la droite à Saint-Sernin N.B. : Les résultats de la primaire de la droite affichés ci-dessous sont ceux enregistrés dans le bureau de vote n°0070315 situé à Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas et auquel les électeurs des 10 commune(s) suivante(s) étaient affectés : Saint-Sernin , Ailhon, Fons, Lachapelle-sous-Aubenas, Lanas, Lentillères, Rochecolombe, Saint-Étienne-de-Fontbellon, Saint-Maurice-d'Ardèche, Vinezac. M. Jean-Luc MÉLENCHON 152 14,83% M. Jean-Marie LE PEN 83 9,05% Villes voisines de Saint-Sernin Vogüé (07200) Lanas (07200) Ailhon (07200) Saint-Didier-sous-Aubenas (07200) Vinezac (07110) Autour des élections à Saint-Sernin Résultat municipale à Saint-Sernin Résultat législatives à Saint-Sernin Résultat départementales à Saint-Sernin Résultat européennes à Saint-Sernin
{"url": "https://election-presidentielle.linternaute.com/resultats/saint-sernin/ville-07296", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "election-presidentielle.linternaute.com", "date_download": "2021-06-12T11:48:45Z", "digest": "sha1:XOBX5LHCAQI5HH4EW7EAVDE7NKGLLL56"}
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Latt Durrance Latt is a Florida native. He got his start in the outdoor world working as a first mate with Trophy Fishing Marlin Boats in the Caribbean. Since then Latt has guided hunts over a quarter of the western hemisphere. Best of the West has been his home for 8 seasons. The Best of the West
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Last updated: 11:34 AM ET, Sun December 22 2019 Destinations Home | North America | United States Santa Fe (blewulis / iStock / Getty Images Plus) Located in the Southwestern United States, New Mexico has Mexican, Spanish and Native American cultures all blended into one beautiful state. From boating and skiing, to opera and flying saucers, New Mexico will pleasantly surprise you. Whether at a wine and chili festival, visiting the Aztec ruins or spending a day at the spa, visitors can always find something special here. With a high percentage of Hispanic and Native Americans (consisting mostly of Navajo and Pueblo peoples), the cultural influences are present in many aspects of New Mexico life. From authentic Mexican food, to powwows, to festivals and heritage museums, the coupling of these cultures inspires a zest for life that can only be found here. Known as the Land of Enchantment, New Mexico is a melting pot of traditions, cuisines, customs and pride. Though the climate is typically hot and arid, New Mexico is not completely covered in desert. In fact, heavily forested mountain wilderness covers a significant portion of the northern part of the state. The southern part of the snow-capped Rocky Mountains runs right through New Mexico, making the area a prime ski and winter sports destination. The Rio Grande River also flows through the state, which is great for all kinds of boating, including kayaking and white-water rafting. Fall in Abiquiu, New Mexico (MissionPositive / iStock / Getty Images Plus) Well known for its arts community, New Mexico was once home to artists O’Keefe and D.H. Lawrence. Today, the arts community still thrives through galleries, museums and art festivals state-wide. There are also places in New Mexico that carry some mystery and intrigue. Roswell is said to be the site of the most well-known flying saucer crash in U.S. history. These attractions and events, both explained and unexplained, are just part of the reason New Mexico is a favorite travel destination. With local ingredients like blue corn and New Mexico chile peppers, the cuisine of the region is bursting with unique flavors inspired by both Mexican and Native American gastronomy. The Santa Luna Restaurant in Santa Fe provides diners with some of the freshest handmade Mexican food in the city. From the salsa to the enchiladas and chile rellenos, scratch-made everything makes each menu item a palate-pleasing option. For a creative Southwestern fusion restaurant in Taos, The Love Apple serves up American favorites with a New Mexican twist. New Mexico’s only major airport is Albuquerque International (ABQ), located in the center of the state and providing domestic and international air service. The state has other, smaller local airports that are used for domestic and in-state travel. El Paso Airport, in El Paso, Texas, also serves the southern New Mexican population. The state’s larger cities (Albuquerque, Santa Fe, Las Cruces) each have some form of public transportation, such as commuter trains and buses, but it is recommended to navigate the state by car. It should be known that speed limits on most New Mexican interstates are 75 mph. Due to the vast change in altitude and terrain of the state, New Mexico’s climate varies depending about region. While it tends to have an arid climate, with dry, hot springs and summers, weather in the mountains get become quite cold as well as snowy. The state’s unique climate helps to make it a year-round vacation destination with unique natural wonders and fascinating cultural events. New Mexico News White Sands Monument is Our Newest National Park 3 Magical Not-To-Be-Missed New Mexico Towns gallery icon 20 Off-the-Beaten-Path Destinations for Labor Day Weekend New Mexico Videos Walk around the Bandelier National monument Bandelier National Monument is a National Monument preserving the homes of the Ancestral Pueblo People. It is named after Swiss anthropologist Adolph Bandelier, who researched the cultures of the area. Follow Mark Murphy and see what this monument has to offer. Continent North America Official Language English ISLAND INDULGENCE AT HYATT ZILARA ROSE HALL Welcome Back to Ireland
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The Detective Curtis Chronicles - A Multi - Genre Book Anthology GoFundMe Page tdccbs@gmail.com Books & The Author Fun Things I do About The Author (Short Version) Hi, my name is Curtis L. L. Herbold. I am a simple person who is kind, caring, sweet, and an all around great guy. However, my journey has been very difficult as I have autism. However, it is just a minor case. My autism is called, “Asperger’s Syndrome,” which people have been becoming more aware of this particular type of autism as of the beginning of 2017. I have also had the opportunity to go to the 2018 Special Olympics USA games with Team Missouri as a swimmer. It was fun and extremely busy experience of a lifetime. I have made some great friends of whom I can call Team Missouri as a whole a family. I have had a lot of people able to support me, help me, and work with me on scheduling, that has helped make this possible. Even had some of my family actually go to see me swim all the way from Missouri. It will be a experience I will never forget. I will also be a inventor soon as my uncle is helping me finance my invention. I have already gotten good comments and verification that it could change the entire world by trusted engineers who would not shrew me over. I have had a long road and a harsh life. I would not be here today if it weren’t for my grandmother who took me in when I was 5 years old and raised me. I can get bossy, arrogant, argumentative, and quite irritated at times because of this type of autism. However, that is not all I have that has made it as difficult as it has been. I have OCD, ADHD, ADD, Learning Disability, Attachment Disorder, Anger Management, and others that I currently do not remember. Ever since I was 5, it has been an extreme challenge to keep up with everything and everyone. I have my OCD limited to organizing and cleaning, nothing else. I have extremely improved my control over the symptoms of my ADD & ADHD. My learning disability is almost non-existent in some areas and in a lot of other areas is not so much of an issue anymore. My anger management, let me put it this way, when I was younger, I would destroy stuff when I got mad without any hesitation. Now, when I get angry, I can usually keep control of myself so that I do not break anything. My attachment disorder no longer exists. In fact, I have developed the philosophy, “If you don’t like me, screw you” attitude, which was developed because of a situation that happened in junior high and high school. As for my ADD & ADHD, I still get hyper, yes, but not so much. If it’s late with family playing games on holidays, I tend to drink soda to relieve my stress. However, this causes me to laugh so much that by midnight or later, I end up making myself sick, if you understand what I mean by that. I have come a long way since school days, and if anyone thinks I haven’t, they can take it up with Andrew Eckman, who could not believe how much I had changed since he last saw me, which was literally graduation of 2007. My particular autism, however, is a little different. With this particular autism, communication skills are a real problem. At this point, I do not believe I will ever be rid of this problem and will have it with me till the day I die, and I hope I don’t die until old age. However, if I were to go earlier than old age, I would like to die in a fiery car crash so I can at least go out with a bang, LOL. As the TV show “The Big Bang Theory” states in their intro, “It all started with a big bang.” In my case, if I go out earlier than old age, here is my comment, “It all ended in a big bang,” LMBO. I can also cook as well as bake. I make a Oreo cake that is as rich or richer than a German Chocolate Cake. I call it White Chocolate Double Stuffed Coconut Oreo Cake. I also make a mean made from scratch from no recipe Chicken Bacon Quesadilla.. If I had not gotten a associates degree in computer repair I could have been a chef. As for the book series I am writing, I found out that I love to write, however, I am not that great at language and never was. I am not doing it for the fame. I am doing it for me so I can say, “Yes I did this.” I despise rich and famous people who become snobby pricks and care only about their money and hair and not the common person. They do not stay true to themselves because they let their money change them. That is why I am going to stay true to my values if I do become rich and famous, no matter what. I remind myself every day that I made this for myself. I look at it this way: "When I started writing, I was not the best person with language skills, the fancy car, the money, or anything else of value. I never even dreamed of being a “Best Selling” author. I am just living my own life, on my own in a one-bedroom apartment, minimum wage part time job, and paying my dues to society, but I did this without the help of family, friends, or government officials like caseworkers. The only help I had was to get my first book edited professionally by a freelance editor. To start my journey, I wrote the plot, the story, and everything about the book and its series; I wrote this whole web page, the tools, the covers, and my Facebook page for my series. Everything you see is a—well I guess you could say it’s an image of me, since I have done it all. Even if I do not become rich and famous off the series, at least I get to say I did this, and I am proud of myself for accomplishing what I have, especially considering the challenges that I have had. “I will continue to write because that is what I love, and I will never give up on trying to become a professional author (as of December 8, 2017), despite all the challenges that I have had and will continue to have. If in the end all I have are my books and only my books, I will at least be happy being me and staying true to myself." That is something I will carry with me forever because it is something that I think most people could only dream of: finding happiness without caring about money or fame. Some people want both, or one or the other. I say, who gives a crap? Rich, famous, or not, at least I will be me and stay me because I do not like being someone I am not, and in my opinion, trying to be someone you are not is a class A “delusion.” I know; I have been down that path of trying to change myself for someone to try to get her to like me as more than a friend. That was the biggest mistake I have made in my life. I regret it every day and ponder what would have happened if I hadn’t gone down that path. I still do ponder it to this day here and there, but I no longer let it influence my present. I have also only ever had four relationships. I just haven’t found that right one and am still waiting for her. The sad part is, it will probably never happen, and frankly, I am fine with that. Until I do meet her, I will continue improving myself and keep trying to be the best ME I can possibly be because that is all I really can do. The Detective Curtis Chronicles Copyright © 2017 - 2020 Proudly created with Wix.com By: Curtis L. L. Herbold the author of The Detective Curtis Chronicles.
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je t'aimeeeeee trop Un peu... Beaucoup! J'ai envie de nOus deux. COmme avant. Quand il etait encOre cOllant, meme trOp. Meme bien. Meme beau. COmme quand j'avais l'impressiOn qu'il ne vivait que pOur mOi, que pOur nOtre amOur. COmme quand il me disait ces phrases, en l'air, mais si belle. Et que j'y crOyais. A crever. COmme quand je me laissais bercer par la dOuceur de l'amOur. COmme quand j'etais dans ses bras et que plus rien n'existait. COmme quand je m'endOrmais dans ses bras. COmme quand tOut etait encOre magique. Passionnement... A la FOLIE... Pour la vie! J'ai envie de la retrOuver cette magie, elle me manque. J'ai l'impressiOn qu'elle a disparu, qu'elle n'existe plus. Qu'On s'est tue. Qu'On n'est plus capable de s'aimer. C'est bizarre mais aux abOrds des 3 mOis, tOut a change. Subitement. Et il me dit que ce sOnt des idees que je me fais. Mais je le vOis bien! Je ne reve pas, il suffit de cOmparer avec le passe. Le passe, peut-etre que je ne devrais pas y sOnger. Juste regarder le present mais j'ai quand meme tOujOurs cette envie de vOulOir me sOuvenir. A tout jamais... A la vie. A la mort. Pas du tout! J'ai envie qu'On le passe ce cap des 3 mOis. J'en ai vraiment envie tres fOrt. Je vais y crOire tres fOrt et attendre. Attendre de vOir ce qui va se passer. J'y crOis. J'y crOis plus fOrt que tOut. Je crOis en mOn nOus... Je l'aime. Tout court! hajar-99, Posté le dimanche 13 juillet 2008 16:05 r1 a dire ta un super blog bon continuation
{"url": "https://oussama-ols.skyrock.com/1855820029-je-t-aimeeeeee-trop.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "oussama-ols.skyrock.com", "date_download": "2018-10-15T08:29:18Z", "digest": "sha1:RI4TU3NZSCUZ422BGSFSPPVSFY5AKFUH"}
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Professionnels local d'activités Nous n'avons pas de biens à vous proposer dans la catégorie Professionnels Local d'activités pour le moment , plusieurs options s'offrent à vous :
{"url": "https://www.immobilier-le-teich-gujan-mestras-era.fr/type_bien/24-214/local-d-activites.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.immobilier-le-teich-gujan-mestras-era.fr", "date_download": "2021-01-15T14:07:15Z", "digest": "sha1:AXP2XOMSP6NXSWCWSABOIFRSKRF7PYOJ"}
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Greetings From Clearwater – Midseason Meaningless Hardware Edition by Bill Baer on June 19, 2012 MLB • Philadelphia Phillies • Prospects 16 Comments Originally written by Bradley Ankrom. It hasn’t been the most encouraging half-season of baseball down on the Phillies farm. There have been a couple of bright spots, notably the play of Cesar Hernandez, Jesse Biddle, and Lisalberto Bonilla, but plenty of disappointment. Let’s take a look around the farm and hand out some meaningless virtual hardware. AVG/OBP/SLG ALTHERR, A LWD .234/.296/.367 ALVAREZ, M ASCHE, C BARNES, J CASTRO, L COLLIER, Z DUGAN, K DURAN, E ELDEMIRE, G FRANCO, M GALVIS, F GILLIES, T GONZALEZ, G GREENE, T .333/.500/1.000 GREENE, L HERNANDEZ, C HEWITT, A HUDSON, K JAMES, J MARTINEZ, H MOORE, L OVERBECK, C LEH PERDOMO, C POINTER, B QUINN, R RUF, D RUPP, C VALLE, S WALDING, M W-L-S SO/BB AUMONT, P BIDDLE, J BIRMINGHAM, J BONILLA, L BUCHANAN, D CLOYD, T CLOYED, T COLVIN, B DE FRATUS, J DIEKMAN, J DIEKMAN J DUKE, R GAILEY, F GARNER, P HOLLANDS, M HYATT, A JOHNSON, J KNIGGE, T MANZANILLO, E MARTINEZ, L MAY, T MORGADO, B MORGAN, A MURRAY, C NESSETH, M PETTIBONE, J RAMIREZ, J.C. RODRIGUEZ, J ROSENBERG, B.J. SAVERY, J SCHWIMER, M SHREVE, C SOSA, J STEWART, E WRIGHT, A First-Half Player of the Year: Cesar Hernandez has swung one of the most consistent bats in the organization over the season’s first two months, and has already established a new career high in doubles and is sitting one triple shy of his career-best. Hernandez has plus speed but isn’t a burner, and could use some work on his base stealing technique after being thrown out in 48 percent of his stolen base attempts this year. He’s had three or more hits in five games this year, including four- and five-hit efforts on May 4 and April 17, respectively. Scouts aren’t totally sold on the pop in Hernandez’s bat, and while most believe he’ll be a big leaguer, few expect him to develop into a first-division regular. First-Half Pitcher of the Year: Jesse Biddle was a mess at the start of the season, with an ERA approaching eight after his first three starts. Since April 26, however, he’s gone 3-1 with a 1.84 in nine starts, including eight-consecutive outings where he allowed two runs or fewer and a stretch of six-straight quality starts. His command has wavered at times, but on the whole he’s lowered his walk rate while increasing his strikeouts. He still has a few things to work on – holding runners, gaining consistency with his fastball command, etc. – and should spend all year in Clearwater. First-Half Breakout: Despite struggling in his professional debut last summer, the Phillies dispatched third baseman Cody Asche to Clearwater for his first full season. Last year’s fourth-round pick out of Nebraska, Asche has ranked among the Florida State League’s leaders in batting average for most of the year, and currently owns a .346/.376/.449 line. He hasn’t displayed much power this year, but some scouts believe he could eventually hit 8-10 home runs annually. That will play in the majors if he’s able to stick at third base, which isn’t a guarantee. If he has to move across the diamond, his future becomes much less interesting. Other First-Half Storylines: At the end of April, the Lakewood outfield of Aaron Altherr, Gauntlett Eldemire, and Brian Pointer was hitting .286/.389/.533; since then they’ve combined to go .185/.284/.378, and Pointer was demoted to short-season Williamsport earlier this week. Of the three, scouts are least bullish on Pointer, whose diminutive size and lack of athleticism are stark contrasts to Altherr and Eldemire. Altherr’s combination of age and tools makes him the best prospect, and he’s shown some signs of life with the bat in recent weeks. Eldemire has patience and speed, but more than half of his times on base have come via a walk or hit-by-pitch. Tyler Cloyd threw a no-hitter in his season debut at Triple-A Lehigh Valley, but was forced back to Double-A when the IronPigs rotation became overcrowded. He went 3-0 with a 1.80 ERA in four starts for Reading before being recalled to Triple-A in early-May. For the year, Cloyd has run up an impressive 10-1 record to go along with a 2.21 ERA and 0.94 WHIP, though his success has done little to change scouts’ opinion of him. Cloyd succeeds with ordinary stuff by getting ahead of hitters with a heavy sinking fastball and relying on his defense to get outs behind him. His luck this year has made him more confident and, in turn, more aggressive. There’s a chance he makes it as a big-league middle reliever, but he has little chance of starting for a competitive ball club. Phillies top prospect Trevor May got off to a strong start at Reading, carrying a perfect 5-0 record and 2.40 ERA into May, but the wheels fell off in the season’s second month. He’s looked better in his last two starts, striking out 15 batters while walking three over 11 1/3 innings. May’s slider is his fourth-best pitch, and he tends to lose his mechanics when he messes around with it, which could be the root of his May struggles. He’s expected to spend the second half in Reading, but a September call-up to Philadelphia isn’t out of the question. Did the Phillies Collapse? MLB • Philadelphia Phillies • Sabermetrics 14 Comments When referring to sports teams, the word “collapse” is usually brought out when a team has a lead in its division very late in the season, but inexplicably defies the odds to miss the post-season. The Phillies have been a part of a few over the years, some good and some bad. Most recently, the Phillies were the beneficiaries of the Mets’ late-season woes. In 2008, the Mets had a 3.5-game lead in the division with 17 games to go, but went 7-10 while the Phillies won 13 of their final 17 games to seal the deal. The previous year was very similar, but the Mets squandered an even bigger division lead. With 17 games left, the Mets had a seven-game cushion in the NL East, but finished out the schedule 5-12 while the Phillies went 13-4, clinching on the last day of the season. The most famous collapse in Phillies history, though, came in 1964. Gene Mauch’s squad had a 6.5-game lead with 17 games remaining and their manager could see the finish line in sight. Mauch leaned on his two aces Jim Bunning and Chris Short on short rest to seal the deal, but it turned out to be the wrong strategy. Bunning never had more than three days rest in the month of September while posting a 4.06 ERA, including a 7.36 ERA in the five starts during the collapse. Short also never had more than three days of rest in September despite posting a 3.00 ERA in the month. However, he posted a 4.40 ERA in his final five starts to close out the year. The Phillies went 4-13, including ten consecutive losses, to close out the season, squandering their near-certain playoff berth to the St. Louis Cardinals. Timing is important in the storyline, of course. Teams have lost 13 of 17 before, but few of them timed them perfectly with the end of a season while desperately holding on to first place. It makes for a very intriguing story, one that will be passed down from generation to generation. Another part of baseball’s narrative machine is the saying, “you can’t win the division in April, but you can lose it.” Obviously, that’s true of any month, really. For example, the Phillies’ 17-8 record in September 2008 certainly helped, but it would have been nice in April or May as well. This year’s iteration of the Phillies have lost 12 of 16 games in June, falling from 2.5 games out of first place to nine games. Because it happened in June and not at the end of September, this can’t be described as a “collapse”. However, this recent nightmare makes it likely that the Phillies will not be in a position to collapse in September. They may even return from the All-Star break as sellers, saying goodbye to franchise stalwarts like Cole Hamels, Shane Victorino, and Joe Blanton. Under these unique circumstances, can we refer to the recent stretch of games as a collapse? Given how much further down in the division the Phillies sunk and how poorly the Phillies have played on both sides of the ball, so to speak, it’s debatable. I compared the final 17 games of 1964 and the most recent 17 games to get a feel for how both teams fared. I also compared their performances to the league average. Below, you’ll see hitting and pitching stats. In the “scale” rows, 100 is average; below 100 is below-average and above 100 is above-average. Remember that higher is worse for ERA, walks, and home runs. 1964 PHI 1964 NL AVG The 2012 Phillies have hit ever so slightly better than the league in most categories while the 1964 Phillies were significantly below the league average. The Phillies’ pitching has been worse despite better components, and they have had problems all over. Vance Worley is the only starter with an ERA below 4.50 since June 2. In the bullpen, everyone not named Jonathan Papelbon or Antonio Bastardo has had trouble recording outs as well. Although the 2012 Phillies haven’t performed as badly as the 1964 Phillies at the end of the season and it may not be colloquially referred to as a collapse, their 4-12 run will be the stake in the Phillies’ heart if they indeed approach the July 31 trading deadline as sellers. It is certainly not how the Phillies saw the 2012 season unfolding, even with the first-half absences of Chase Utley and Ryan Howard. As Matt Mullin tweeted to me recently, the Phillies are proving Murphy’s Law with the ever-increasing adversity standing between them and defending their five-year run atop the NL East. Authors Bill BaerMichael BaumannCorinne LandreyEric LongenhagenPaul BoyeRyan SommersBrad EnglerAdam DembowitzSpencer BingolDave Tomar Crashburn Alley is looking for sponsors! E-mail crashburnalley [at] gmail.com or visit this page for more information.
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0.0], [605, 614, 0.0], [614, 626, 0.0], [626, 636, 0.0], [636, 646, 0.0], [646, 657, 0.0], [657, 669, 0.0], [669, 679, 0.0], [679, 695, 1.0], [695, 705, 0.0], [705, 718, 0.0], [718, 728, 0.0], [728, 738, 0.0], [738, 747, 0.0], [747, 759, 0.0], [759, 768, 0.0], [768, 780, 0.0], [780, 784, 0.0], [784, 795, 0.0], [795, 806, 0.0], [806, 815, 0.0], [815, 822, 0.0], [822, 830, 0.0], [830, 839, 0.0], [839, 850, 0.0], [850, 856, 0.0], [856, 862, 0.0], [862, 872, 0.0], [872, 882, 0.0], [882, 896, 0.0], [896, 907, 0.0], [907, 919, 0.0], [919, 928, 0.0], [928, 938, 0.0], [938, 948, 0.0], [948, 961, 0.0], [961, 972, 0.0], [972, 982, 0.0], [982, 990, 0.0], [990, 1000, 0.0], [1000, 1010, 0.0], [1010, 1022, 0.0], [1022, 1031, 0.0], [1031, 1042, 0.0], [1042, 1052, 0.0], [1052, 1066, 0.0], [1066, 1078, 0.0], [1078, 1085, 0.0], [1085, 1096, 0.0], [1096, 1106, 0.0], [1106, 1116, 0.0], [1116, 1127, 0.0], [1127, 1140, 0.0], [1140, 1154, 0.0], [1154, 1167, 0.0], [1167, 1183, 0.0], [1183, 1193, 0.0], [1193, 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Meine Hilfe für Sie Beratungsinhalte Seminare/Veranstaltungen Kontakt/Infos Lothar Olschewski Vorab Die Form, Art und Weise der Hilfe, hängt immer von Ihren persönlichen Problemen und Wünschen ab. Daher ist es sehr wichtig, dass ich vor Beginn der Beratung eine Anamnese erstelle, um mir ein genaues Bild über Sie und Ihrer Situation machen zu können und einiges bereits im Vorfeld ausschließen kann. Den "Download-Link" für die Anamnese finden Sie hier: "Bitte Klicken" Nach eingehenden, intensiven und entspannten Gesprächen mit Ihnen, mache ich mir ein Bild über Sie und ihre Situation, die ich mit Ihnen sehr sorgfälltig besprechen werde. Ich erkläre Ihnen für Sie alle wichtigen Punkte, die sich aus diesem Gespräch ergeben haben. Haben Sie keine Angst davor, denn es ist für Sie äußerst wichtig zu wissen woran Sie sind, als sich in ständigen Grübeleien über sich selbst zu begeben. Diese Grübeleien schwächen Sie mental und körperlich nur. Im Anschluss werden wir gemeinsam über die weitere Vorgehensweise sprechen. Ich lasse Sie nicht alleine mit Ihren Wünschen und Sorgen. Das verspreche ich Ihnen. Die Anzahl der Beratung hängt immer von der Art und dem Inhalt Ihrer möglichen Probleme und Wünsche ab. Je nach Art und Weise Ihres Problem kann es auch vorkommen, dass ich Ihnen dazu einen Facharzt empfehle. Es steht Ihnen jedoch frei, dieses auch in Aspruch zu nehmen. Paralell dürfen sie mich auch weiterhin in Anspruch nehmen. Ich bin nicht berechtigt Ihnen Medikamente verschreiben zu dürfen. Sollten Sie jedoch unbedingt den Wunsch äußern, parallel eine Mediakmentenbehandlung in Anspruch zu nehmen, rate ich auch in diesem Fall, dass Sie sich an einen Facharzt wenden. Bei schweren psychischen Fällen bin ich nicht mehr berechtigt, Sie beraten zu dürfen. Da empfehle ich dann grundsätzlich einen Facharzt in Anspruch zu nehmen oder auch den Besuch einer Fachklinik. Mögliche Beratungs-/Therapieformen Ich möchte Ihnen an dieser Stelle einen kleinen Einblick in mögliche Beratungsformen geben. Bitte haben Sie dafür Verständnis, dass ich Ihnen diese nicht ausführlich erklären kann, denn das würde Seiten über Seiten füllen. Ich denke aber, dass Ihnen sicherlich ein kleiner Überblick reicht. Ich werde mich bemühen, Ihnen diese so Verständlich wie nur möglich darzustellen. Meine Beratung setzt sich aus intensiven Gesprächen, die aus vielen Fragen und Antworten bestehen, zusammen. Ich konzentriere mich mit Ihnen dabei auf ihr Problem als auch auf die damit verbundenen Schwerpunkte. Wir arbeiten gemeinsam direkt von Anfang an auf mögliche und adäquate Lösungen hin. Emotionale Engpässe werden dadurch klarer und Hintergründiges sichtbar. Kognitive Umstrukturierung ist dabei ein Element, was in diesem Zusammenhang zur Anwendung kommt. Eingefahrene Schienen werden abgebaut und neue aufgebaut. Veränderungs- sowie Übertragungsarbeit ist mit eine Schlüsselfunktion, in diesem Veränderungsprozess. Durch eine mögliche Hypnotherapie als auch durch das systemische Autogene-Training, erfolgt ein höheres Bewustsein der eigenen Wahnehmung und ein bewusster Veränderungsprozess. Ängste werden reduziert, die Wahrnehmung ändert sich in ein positives Feld, es entstehen neue und positive Ansichten und Sichtweisen. Aufstellungen und positive Übertragungsarbeit in Form des Doppel und Tauschen, sind wichtige elementare Teilchen, die eine positive Veränderung möglich machen. Ihre Selbstwahrnehmung steigert sich durch Spiegeln ihrer "Selbst". Gewohnte Vorgaben, Vorgänge, Handlungen und Denkweisen, erfahren ein neues Outfit und bietet Ihnen dadurch einen zukünftig Platz für Veränderte und positive Sichtweisen. Bei Schwerpunkte wie Depressionen, wende ich ein komplexes systemisches Handeln an, was Ihnen dabei hilft, difuse Gedanken und Gefühle zu eliminieren und das eigene Bewustsein zu stärken. Lebensglück wieder zu erfahren (dieses geht jedoch nur bei einer leichten bis zu einer geringen mittlegradigen Depression (Episode). Auch depressive Verstimmungen sind dort mit inbegriffen. Ich kläre Sie über Burn Out auf und zeige Ihnen Wege, wie Sie aus diesem Teufelskreis raus kommen. Jedes Problem was Sie haben, hat eine spezifische Ursache und meine sowohl Ihre Aufgabe ist es nun, diese Ursachen rauszubekommen und gemeinsam zu ergründen als auch im Anschluss zu eliminieren. Über weitere Möglichkeiten die für Sie in Betracht kommen, kläre ich Sie in einem persönlichen Gespräch umfassend auf. Einen herzlichen Gruß Sollten Sie bereits über einen möglichen Suizid nachgedacht haben oder auch schon Versuche dahingehend unternommen haben, dann bitte ich Sie dringend, sich mit mir umgehend in Verbindung zu setzen. Dieser Besuch bei mir ist für Sie dann völlig KOSTENLOS. Ansonsten wenden Sie sich so schnell wie möglich an eine Fachklinik oder an Ihren Hausarzt. In der Regel erhalten Sie in so einem Fall umgehend einen Termin. Klicken Sie auf den entsprechenden Link: 1. Stiftung Tannenhofen 2. Helios Universitätsklinik Heidter Berg 66 oder nutzen Sie mein Kontaktformular. Termine nur nach vorheriger telefonischer Vereinbarung. In dringenden Fällen erreichen Sie mich auch nach 20:00 Uhr und zusätzlich am Wochenende.
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Scoop: BEAUTY AND THE BEAST on THE CW - Monday, June 2, 2014 "Beast is the New Black" - (9:00-10:00 p.m. ET) (TV-DLSV) (HDTV) VINCENT IS ARRESTED - After Vincent (Jay Ryan) is arrested for murder, Cat (Kristin Kreuk) and the team must work together at all costs to clear Vincent's name. When they discover who turned Vincent in, they realize they have a bigger enemy to handle. Sendhil Ramamurthy, Nina Lisandrello and Austin Basis also star. Fred Gerber directed the episode written by Sherri Cooper and Jennifer Levin Beauty and the Beast airs Mondays at 9/8c on The CW Catherine "Cat" Chandler (Kristin Kreuk, "Smallville," "Chuck") is a smart, no-nonsense detective, spurred to action after hired killers murdered her mother - and would have murdered Cat, too - if something, some beast, hadn't stopped them. Ten years later, a case brings her to Vincent Keller (Jay Ryan, "Top of the Lake," "Terra Nova"), a supposedly deceased soldier living off the grid with the help of his loyal childhood friend and scientist, J.T. Forbes (Austin Basis, "Life Unexpected"). Cat is shocked to discover that her mother was involved in an experiment to make super-soldiers and, when the experiment went wrong, the soldiers, including Vincent, were turned into uncontrollable beasts. Vincent managed to escape the experiment alive, but is now being Hunted by Muirfield, the organization that sent the gunmen after Cat's mother. Vincent had been tracking them, which led him to be in the right place to save Cat on that terrible night ten years ago. He's been drawn to her ever since. Cat, too, is drawn to Vincent, and an epic love begins. Muirfield reappears and infiltrates Cat's life, costing her some of her closest relationships. She's lied to her own sister, Heather (guest star Nicole Gale Anderson), and to her best friend and partner, Detective Tess Vargas (Nina Lisandrello, "Nurse Jackie"), in order to protect them. When police cases involving "beast" elements go unsolved, Assistant District Attorney Gabriel Lowan (Sendhil Ramamurthy, "Covert Affairs," "Heroes") is assigned to track down this mysterious "vigilante." Lowan, who uses questionable methods in his attempt to Capture this beast, quickly recognizes Cat's attachment to the creature, admits he is also a beast, and kidnaps Cat in the hopes of luring Vincent to his death. In the final battle, Gabe is seriously wounded by mysterious men in a helicopter who Capture Vincent, separating Cat from the man she loves and has sacrificed everything for. As season two begins, Cat reunites with Vincent after last season's abduction - but not in the way she planned. He's changed: his scar has disappeared, his memory has been wiped clean, and he returns as a supercharged beast on a mysterious mission. Cat needs to unravel the reasons behind Vincent's change if she has any hope of recovering their epic love, while also trying to solve the secrets that swirl around her own life. With the help of friends J.T., Tess and reformed ADA Lowan, Cat is determined to get answers and save her soul-mate.
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Costa Brava, ESPAÑA 5 julio, 2019 23 septiembre, 2020 por djtravelers La Costa Brava es una zona costera de Cataluña con una extensión de costa de 214 km que comienza en Blanes y acaba en la frontera con Francia, en Portbou. Ahora os explicamos que playas y pueblos visitar y dónde dormir por la Costa Brava. Nosotros os recomendamos que os alojéis en campings ya que hay multitud de ellos por la zona y es lo más económico. Aquí os explicamos la ruta que se puede hacer en coche desde Cadaqués hasta Blanes. Nosotros hicimos parte de esta ruta en este mes de julio pero tambíen os explicamos algunos otros sitios que los visitamos en otras ocasiones. Al final de este post os dejamos el mapa con la ruta. CONTENIDO ↓ L’Escala L’Estartit A 2 horas desde Barcelona, empieza esta ruta y aquí nos encontramos ante uno de los pueblos más bonitos de toda la Costa Brava, Cadaqués. Es el pueblo más oriental de la península Ibérica, aislado por las montañas y con 2700 habitantes es una zona totalmente que vive de la pesca y el turismo. Este pueblo es conocido sobretodo por haber sido el lugar de residencia del pintor Salvador Dalí CAMPING CADAQUÉS En este camping nos alojamos una noche con nuestra tienda de campaña. Se encuentra a 5 minutos andando del paseo marítimo de Cadaqués. Información Camping Cadaqués ⬅️ Precio: 32€ por noche los dos Y desde Cadaqués os recomendamos que visitéis estos dos lugares: PARC NATURAL CAP DE CREUS a 20 minutos en coche al norte de Cadaqués llegarás al punto más oriental de la península ibérica, situado al norte del golfo de Rosas. El Cap de Creus es una zona elevada y rocosa de 672 m de altitud que se alza sobre el mar Mediterráneo. Fue declarado parque natural en 1998 debido a su riqueza geológica. Información y Rutas Parc Natural Cap de Creus ⬅️ CASA MUSEU SALVADOR DALÍ Se sitúa en la bahía de Portlligat, al norte de la población, rodeada del hermoso paisaje que cautivó al artista. Está formada por un conjunto de barracas de pescadores que fueron adquiridas por el pintor y su mujer, Gala, dándole una forma laberíntica. Fue abierta al público en el año 1997 y en su interior se exhiben recuerdos del pintor, su taller, la biblioteca, sus habitaciones, la zona del jardín y la piscina (es necesario, sobre todo en verano, llamar para poder concertar hora y día de visita). Os dejamos el enlace para que podáis comprar las entradas anticipadas. Compra de Entradas ⬅️ A 30 minutos de Cadaqués, encontramos Empuriabrava que se dice que es la pequeña Venecia de la Costa Brava. En esta gran marina residencial, una de las más grandes del mundo, las calles son de agua y sus habitantes pueden salir de casa navegando por los canales. Aquí sobretodo es famoso por sus actividades como el kitesurf o saltar en paracaídas. A 30 minutos en coche desde Empuriabrava llegamos a L’Escala y sus alrededores, y aquí os indicamos qué visitar. RUÏNES D’EMPÚRIES Lo que fue una ciudad griega y romana fundada en 575 a.C. Prueba de ello son sus ruinas, siendo el único yacimiento arqueológico de la península ibérica donde se juntan una ciudad griega y otra romana. Se puede visitar el recinto en unas dos horas y descubrir las casas, templos y mercados de aquella época. Temporada alta (De junio a Septiembre): De 10 a 20h Temporada baja (De Octubre a Mayo): de 10 a 17h 💵 PRECIOS Entrada General: 6€ Entrada Reducida (Jubilados, Grupos, Carnet Jove): 4€ Gratuito: Personas en paro y el primer domingo de mes en temporada baja Justo enfrente de las ruinas encontramos dos playas: Platja del Moll Grec y Platja de les muscleres. PLATJA MOLL GREC Su nombre viene dado por los restos de un muelle helénico del siglo I a.C, construido para proteger la playa y las embarcaciones de los golpes del mar. PLATJA DE LES MUSCLERES Playa de arena fina famosa por la lengua de arena que une la playa con los arrecifes. Si tenéis gafas de snorkel traedlas, el fondo marino de los arrecifes son espectaculares. Localidad marinera con más ambiente de la zona con un bonito casco antiguo y paseo marítimo además es un lugar muy famoso por sus anchoas. CALA MONTGÓ Desde el paseo marítimo de L’escala se puede llegar a esta bonita playa con bares y restaurantes y rodeada de pinos. A unos 25 minutos desde L’Escala llegamos a L’Estartit. Una población con una gran playa de arena fina y famosa por tener a poco más de un kilómetro las Illes Medes. ILLES MEDES Son un archipiélago formado por siete islas a poco más de un kilómetro de la costa de L’ Estartit. Habitan en todo el archipiélago más de 1200 especies de flora y fauna. El ecosistema ha sido clasificado como la mejor reserva del Mediterráneo Occidental. Es lugar de encuentro de los amantes del submarinismo. VISITAR LAS ILLES MEDES EN BARCO Hay diferentes empresas que te llevan en barco hasta las islas y te hacen un recorrido por ellas y en su mayoría con fondo submarino. Nosotros os dejamos el enlace de la siguiente empresa: Información Nautilus ⬅️ CAMPING CASTELL DE MONTGRI Aquí nos alojamos una noche y de nuevo con nuestra tienda de campaña. Es sin duda, el mejor camping dónde hemos estado. Tres piscinas diferentes abiertas hasta medianoche, diferentes actividades, discoteca y fiesta de la espuma. Información Camping Castell de Montgrí ⬅️ Uno de los atractivos más interesantes del municipio es su legado patrimonial, dentro del cual se encuentra el Castillo de Begur, en la parte más alta y central de la población y que data del siglo XVI. Arriba tendréis unas vistas impresionantes de Begur y de toda la costa. Y si Begur es bonito, su costa lo es aún más. Aquí es dónde se concentran las playas más espectaculares de toda la Costa Brava, según nuestra opinión. PLATJA ILLA ROJA La cala de L’Illa Roja de Begur, formada por una extensa playa de arena gruesa, se encuentra situada entre el norte de este pueblo y el de Pals. Inconfundible playa gracias a la mole de roca que preside esta cala de color rojizo. La Platja Fonda se encuentra rodeada de una gran pared que la protege. De hecho para acceder a ella deberemos bajar una serie de escaleras, en buen estado, que nos permitirán ver la cala desde altura. PLATJA CALA AIGUABLAVA Es, tal como su nombre indica, una cala de arena fina y dorada con un fondo marino azulado y poco profundo. Situada cerca del puerto de Fornells, es la última playa al sur de Begur. PLATJA CALA AIGUA XELIDA Una cala pequeña y escondida y sobre todo preciosa. Así es esta cala, un rincón maravilloso al alcance de cualquier visitante de la Costa Brava que sepa dónde se encuentra. En esta localidad y más en concreto en la costa de Tamariu y Llafranch encontramos otras dos playas espectaculares y que son de visita obligada en esta ruta por la Costa Brava. PLATJA DE TAMARIU El nombre de la playa proviene de los árboles “tamarius” que crecen a ambos lados de la riera y de los que todavía se conservan algunos ejemplares en el paseo. PLATJA CALA EL GOLFET Situada prácticamente a los pies de los Jardines de Cap Roig, la Cala del Golfet es la playa más meridional de Calella de Palafrugell, junto antes de llegar a la zona costera de la localidad de Mont-ràs. Esta imagen es llegando a la playa desde el parking y es impresionante. Después vendrían las poblaciones de Palamós, Platja d’Aro y Sant Feliu de Guíxols hasta llegar al próximo destino: Tossa de Mar. Aquí nos encontramos con otro de los pueblos más bonitos de la Costa Brava, Tossa de mar. La Vila Vella es una zona que alberga caminos estrechos medievales en un entorno único, con su playa grande y con el Castillo de Tossa presidiendo la localidad, han hecho que para nosotros sea junto con Cadaqués el pueblo más bonito de la Costa Brava. CALA FUTADERA Cerca de Tossa de mar encontramos esta preciosa cala completamente virgen situada en la carretera que une esta localidad con Sant Feliu de Guíxols. Aquí nos alojamos para celebrar nuestro primer aniversario juntos. Reservamos una de estas tiendas dentro del camping Cala Pola con acceso a la playa del mismo nombre. Información Kampaoh Cala Pola ⬅️ Precio: 60€ la noche los dos Entre Lloret de mar y Blanes, en la zona de Santa Cristina, encontramos estas bonitas calas: CALA TREUMAL Es una cala situada en un entorno natural formado por un bosque de pinos y por el jardín botánico de Pinya de Rosa. Tiene además el atractivo de estar separada por una gran roca de otra excelente cala, la de Santa Cristina. CALA SANT FRANCESC Es una cala urbana rodeada de un bosque de pinos y también por viviendas. Se encuentra bien comunicada con el centro de Blanes, tanto por el bus urbano como por el trenecito turístico. Y llegamos al final de la ruta por la Costa Brava, la Cala Sant Francesc es la zona que separa la Costa Brava de la Costa del Maresme. Aquí os dejamos el mapa con la ruta en coche desde Cadaqués hasta Blanes. Esperamos que os haya gustado y os sirva de ayuda si algún día os apetece escaparos por la Costa Brava. Gracias por leernos y nos vemos en el siguiente post.
{"url": "https://djtravelers.com/2019/07/05/ruta-por-la-costa-brava/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "djtravelers.com", "date_download": "2021-09-16T09:50:48Z", "digest": "sha1:U2VVXNHMOUI5EAMSHRBNP2SASIGMD34P"}
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Lamar University bachelor program Get info about Lamar University bachelor program, and registering for elective discussion sections and seminars. Which college degrees give you the best chances of entering a successful career path after graduation? Concentrating on Lamar University bachelor program, for example, may give you additional focus in the admissions selection process. Check with the admissions office for assistance with prerequisites, course registration deadlines, and bachelors degree program requirements. Please use the form above to request admissions info for Lamar University. Studies suggest that colleges are not looking for the well-rounded kid, but rather a well-rounded class. Your task is to show the schools exactly where you will fit into their freshman pool. Are you a jock or a straight-A student? Well then, present yourself in that light. About one quarter of seniors apply to seven or more colleges in order to increase their chances of being accepted to a first-tier college or university. Even as late as April, there may still be openings in first-tier colleges for the fall semester. Beyond major requirements within the admissions department, you may consider The New School prep classes for complementary electives to your primary course of study. The US News & World Report rankings are based on data which US News collects, either from an annual survey, or from the school's website. Critics charge that US News & World Report changes its grading methodology every other year so that their college rankings will change of necessity. Forbes Magazine also publishes college rankings & school listings. Although best known for their Forbes 400 list, the Forbes college rankings have been getting a lot of attention. In order to complete the college ranking program, Monroe CCC broadband information may be used in order to fulfill computing breadth requirements. If you are interested in military service, the Reserve Officers Training Corps (ROTC) program will pay for your college tuition as well as provide a small stipend, as long as you're attending school full-time. There is no fixed military commitment for the first year, allowing you to enroll in ROTC on a trial basis. If you then choose to commit to a military career, ROTC scholarships pay for almost all tuition and fees, and textbook costs, for up to four years of college. Alternatively, focusing on business study via Brevard Community College actuarial science degree, for example, can help you find a rewarding position in corporate consulting services. Technical programs are a low-cost alternative to attending a regular four-year university, and you can earn good money as a highly-skilled, technical specialist. By remaining true to your career interests, your overall job earnings will increase as you gain experience. If you're currently employed in a technical field, you may consider Dallas County Community College chemical engineering courses as an option to advance your career. Massive open online courses are known as MOOCs, utilizing interactive platforms such as Blackboard, and mobile apps. For example, Khan Academy now offers free lecture videos served through YouTube. Then there's Southwest Florida College textile engineering, with enrolled students from around the world. The 4-hour SAT test contains three sections, namely writing, critical reading, and mathematics. Most of the questions are multiple-choice, although there is an essay writing section. Some colleges may also require you to take SAT subject tests. The College Board website provides detailed information about the SAT and subject tests. Alternatively, the ACT measures what you've learned in school, as opposed to the SAT, which focuses more on reasoning ability. The ACT consists of four multiple-choice tests: English, reading, mathematics, and science. If your college requires a writing test, you can take the ACT+ Writing. Other college admissions information sources, like University of Dayton stereotypes, promote the use of standardized tests in admissions decisions because there are substantial differences in course requirements, high school GPA, and grade curve difficulty among US schools. You can also explore Cambridge Community College online resources, in order to further target your academic interests. High school grades are the single most important factor in gaining admission to the college of your choice, along with letters of recommendation and test scores. According to data on West Virginia State University extension online pages, an ideal academic record consists of a high GPA in courses of progressive difficulty. About half of colleges use placement tests and a waiting list, and many community colleges have transfer agreements in place with bachelor's degree programs at four-year universities. You may compare University of Western States AP tests with other schools that you're considering. Government scholarship programs and Pell grants only account for a third of total financial aid awarded in the US. Student loans, work-study earnings, and personal or family savings make up the remaining two-thirds. Please make use of Morningside College loan disbursement information, to see if you qualify for need-based financial aid or a fee waiver. In fact, millions of students that would have qualified for some financial aid were late in submitting required application forms. Please note that the official FAFSA website is fafsa.ed.gov and is free to use. Filing income taxes early is recommended, but using estimates for FAFSA from previous years is OK, as long as the correct data is updated later. Student loans may originate from the federal government or from private sources such as a bank or credit union. Consolidation loans allow you to combine all of your eligible federal student loans into a single loan, often with reduced monthly payments. Financial aid may be administered via University of Alabama financial aid contact or through academic departments. Alternatively, student credit cards may seem like a good short-term solution, but the interest rates are high, and credit cards often carry an annual fee. A credit card can help you build a credit history, if you use it wisely. But use it for emergencies only and don't spend more than you can afford to pay back. If you decide to get a credit card, make sure you understand the terms, and try to meet your minimum monthly payments on time. If you do not, the credit card companies can raise your interest rate suddenly and without prior notice. This can translate into a ballooning debt payment that becomes unmanageable. Bachelors Degree Programs near Beaumont, Texas: Take some time to browse admissions programs at other colleges and universities near Beaumont. It's a smart idea to compare all available schools in your target area, as well as consider taking some of your bachelors degree courses online. Financial aid deadlines are regularly set well in advance of regular admissions dates, so be sure to submit your application early. You may request free information from several different schools below, without making a commitment. Sherman, TX $$$$ $$$$ medium Program Info Victoria, TX $ (low) $ (low) medium Program Info Hawkins, TX $$$ $$$ small Program Info Houston, TX $$ $$$ large Program Info As the economy improves, many large firms are seeking to hire new graduates in the fields of business administration, engineering, and medical services. Whether you have internship experience, or are a recent business school graduate, you may consider seeking a new position. Jobs for business majors are always in demand, and fields such as accounting, advertising, and medical office management are some of the fastest growing business occupations. Finding out about Palm Beach Atlantic University MIS program, on the other hand, may broaden your college education in order to appeal to a wider variety of employers. Hiring managers typically post available positions on targeted job boards, which are sampled daily. McNeese State University job openings information may be available through the human resources department. Further, the Occupational Outlook Handbook offers salary data and vocational training information though the US Department of Commerce. Aside from a good salary, many business education programs include excellent health benefits, as well as tuition payment plans. Browse updated job vacancies through the live jobs boards at either Indeed.com or Monster online. Bachelor Program Program Application Apply to several colleges and universities simultaneously, and if you have the grades and test scores, give yourself the opportunity to get into an accredited admissions program by doing something outstanding in either high school or community college. Lamar University applications may be submitted by using the contact form at the top of this page. It may be possible to complete some of your required degree courses online, saving money on tuition and course fees. Alternatively, if you're currently employed, you can study part-time or in some cases, during evenings or on weekends. It isn't as hard as you might think to find articles in Forbes magazine written about Indian Hills Community College admissions chances. An advanced degree will stick with you for a lifetime, so apply yourself and work hard for a few years, graduating from the best college that you gain admission to. Lamar University bachelor program contact info Trinity Valley Community College Lamar University › bachelor program Biomedical engineers combine biological research with instrument design to fabricate medical equipment and surgical devices used in healthcare facilities. Reviewing Georgian Court University immunology can help you to choose elective subjects. The field of biomedicine focuses on the technical requirements of surgery, as well as nursing methods. Coursework relating to Alfred University environmental studies may include lab courses such as organic chemistry, biomechanics, or molecular engineering. Finally, a hospital internship may be required to gain exposure to critical care applications. The median salary in biomedical engineering was $85,620 in May 2017, based on labor statistics. On our pages, there are links to certificate programs and continuing education courseware. By pursuing a summer internship, you can improve your admission prospects, and gain work experience at the same time. This website is not affiliated with Lamar University bachelor program, and all trademarks are the exclusive property of their respective owners. College Inspector is the work of a group of Thai students in Bangkok, using info from the US Department of Education, Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). If any stats on ASU Beebe certified nursing assistant CNA are incorrect, please contact us with the right data.
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BLACK METAL COMPENDIUM vol.1: Scandinavia e Terre del Nord Lorenzo Ottolenghi, Simone Vavalà Categoria: Libri - Musica Il progetto BLACK METAL COMPENDIUM è una trilogia di libri che punta a offrire una panoramica della scena black metal di tutto il mondo, estrapolandone gli album più validi e rappresentativi per essere allo stesso tempo sia una guida all’ascolto per il fan appassionato e per il neofita desideroso di avvicinarsi al genere, che una panoramica sullo sviluppo ed evoluzione del black metal internazionale, con le sue particolarità e caratteristiche a seconda della latitudine. VOLUME 1 – SCANDINAVIA E TERRE DEL NORD Norvegia, primi anni ’90. Sulla spinta di alcune figure cardine della scena metal locale, e forti di un punto di ritrovo come il negozio di dischi Helvete di Oslo, alcuni giovani personaggi iniziano a estremizzare ulteriormente sia le sonorità dei propri progetti musicali, che le loro azioni, spingendole oltre ogni limite consentito. E così, tra chiese date alle fiamme, omicidi, suicidi, ritmiche portate al parossismo, riff di chitarra freddi e ipnotici, e voci da demoni evocati da strani rituali, il black metal arriva a imporsi di prepotenza sul panorama metal, convertendo e ibridando prima il nord dell’Europa, e poi il resto del pianeta. Attraverso una selezione di dischi accuratamente suddivisa tra i lavori fondamentali, le gemme misconosciute, le sorprese da intenditori e i nuovi classici dell’era attuale, questo primo libro getta uno sguardo approfondito sugli album del black metal scandinavo e nord-europeo a partire dalla cosiddetta “second wave” (datandone l’inizio discografico nel 1992 con A Blaze in the Northern Sky dei Darkthrone), tracciando un accurato profilo di quella che può senza ombra di dubbio essere definita l’ultima vera rivoluzione musicale e contro-culturale del secolo scorso. 200 pagine a colori Etichetta Tsunami edizioni
{"url": "http://www.bloodbuster.com/catalogo/libri/librimusica/black-metal-compendium-vol-1-scandinavia-terre-del-nord/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.bloodbuster.com", "date_download": "2017-10-16T22:00:14Z", "digest": "sha1:PUQVNXA7C2AUGFGSCE2ETLSHRYI3IA2S"}
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Cops in California Killed More Than 610 People Over 6 Years The ACLU of Southern California has been working to understand how many people have been killed by law enforcement in America’s most populous state. What they found is alarming. Over a six-year period that ended in 2014, California’s Department of Justice recorded 610 instances of law enforcement committing homicide “in the process of arrest.” That figure is far from perfect. It excludes some homicides in 2014 that are still being investigated. And it understates the actual number of people killed by police officers and sheriffs deputies in other ways. For example, after Dante Parker was mistaken for a criminal, stunned with a Taser at least 25 times, hog-tied face down, and denied medical care, California authorities classified his death as “accidental.” Still, the official number is 610 homicides attributed to law enforcement “in the process of arrest.” Officially, 608 are classified as justified. Just two are officially considered unjustified. In one unjustified killing, there’s video of a policeman shooting Oscar Grant in the head as he lay face down in a BART station. In the other, there is extended video of police brutally beating a mentally ill man, Kelly Thomas, to death. Officially speaking, only police officers who were being filmed killed people in unjustified ways. Whether law enforcement performs less professionally when cameras are rolling is unclear. But it seems more likely that the spread of digital-recording technology will reveal that unjust killings are more common than was previously thought. The ACLU got the data on killings through a public-records request. The 610 police homicides that the state recorded exclude deaths ruled “accidental” or “natural,” suicides, killings still under investigation, and cases where cause of death is undetermined. ​The civil-liberties organization found that 598 of the 610 people were shot to death. Here’s a breakdown: The ACLU’s analysis also probed where the killings took place. In raw numbers, Los Angeles County led the state in police killings with 194. The LAPD killed 87 people, while the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department killed 55 people—32 in its primary jurisdiction, and 23 more in jurisdictions that contract with it for policing services. An argument could be made that improvements to policing in L.A. County would save the most lives. On the other hand, police in Kern County killed the most people per capita: 3.54 people for every 100,000 residents. Butte County law enforcement killed 7 people, or 3.1 for every 100,000 residents. And police in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties killed 58 and 63 people respectively, both at a rate of roughly 2.7 people per 100,000 residents. That could indicate inferior policing practices in those counties. Here are the police killing figures for some of California’s most populous counties: Are police in San Diego, San Francisco, and Fresno counties doing something right, or is their lower rate of killing people attributable to other factors? If other counties could achieve the lowest rate, a significant number of lives could be spared. Here are the years when the 610 killings took place. Notice that at least part of the variance seems to be explained by something other than the overall homicide rate: 2009 — 86 killings (in a year with 1,970 total homicides) 2011 — 108 killings (in a year with 1,794 total homicides) Again, the 2014 number is likely to rise as investigations are concluded and cases shift in the state database from “unknown” cause of death to death by “homicide.” How does California stack up against other countries? Eugene Robinson of The Washington Post observes that “there were no fatal police shootings in Great Britain last year. Not one. In Germany, there have been eight police killings over the past two years. In Canada—a country with its own frontier ethos and no great aversion to firearms—police shootings average about a dozen a year.” It is also useful to juxtapose these numbers with The Guardian’s findings in its effort to track all police killings in the United States this year. After just ten months, it has documented 149 people killed by law enforcement in California during 2015, another indication that the official California figures are too low.The Guardian counts “any deaths arising directly from encounters with law enforcement. This will inevitably include, but will likely not be limited to, people who were shot, tasered and struck by police vehicles as well those who died in police custody.” It does not count “self-inflicted deaths during encounters with law enforcement. For instance, a person who died by crashing his or her vehicle into an oncoming car while fleeing from police at high speed is not regarded by the Guardian’sdatabase to have been killed by law enforcement. The database does not include suicides or self-inflicted deaths including drug overdoses in police custody or detention facilities.” It ranks California as the 10th deadliest state. Elsewhere, California’s attorney general has published some data on police killings from 2005 to 2014. That analysis states the following about the race of 1,202 people killed: Blacks accounted for approximately 21 percent of arrest-related deaths, 6 percent of the state’s resident population, and 17 percent of the arrest population. When compared to the state population, Blacks accounted for arrest-related deaths at a rate that was 3.59 greater than expected (21 percent divided by 6 percent). Using the arrest population as a benchmark, this ratio drops to 1.26. Much of the disproportionate representation was therefore attributed to the relatively high arrest rate for Blacks. No other racial/ethnic group was notably overrepresented. According to the state’s figures for 2013, “49.3 percent of homicide arrestees were Hispanic, 24.9 percent were black, 20.0 percent were white, and 5.8 percent were categorized as ‘other.’” All of these numbers raise as many questions as they answer. But putting them before researchers, legislators, and the public is a first step toward better understanding why police officers in the United States––and in California, specifically––kill so many more people than their counterparts in other Western democracies. By Conor Friendersdorf for http://www.theatlantic.com/ police killings Newer PostFBI Director Says Not Changing Anything Will Let Them Track Police Shootings Better Older PostCops Pay Off Grandma After Beating Her Up
{"url": "http://truthvoice.com/2015/10/cops-in-california-killed-more-than-610-people-over-6-years/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "truthvoice.com", "date_download": "2018-01-16T07:38:03Z", "digest": "sha1:3PKVOD6GI2TSF5OH5JPVPFOGCDKQYSJD"}
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Framework, strategy and processes March 09, 2015. By Saso Virag. Often I see the terms "framework", "strategy" and "process map" used for a variety of documents that typically aren't neither or are a mix of all three. Here's a quick... »
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> Zachary mays Zachary mays About Zachary mays Katherine Hitchcock Caeden McCollum Mariah Snider ok im weird so wat atleast i know how to b my self peoples$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Ayana Isabella Sanders
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Who Will Benefit From The White House’s “Power Africa” Initiative? Michael Teague Follow | Tuesday, 02 July 2013 09:30 (EST) Power Africa is a plan whose goal is to double access to electricity in six African nations that the White House considers to have displayed significant efforts towards good governance: Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Nigeria and Tanzania. But whatever the reality underlying those attempts to establish good governance, there is undeniably a geopolitical subtext to Power Africa. It is well-known that the Chinese government has built a significant head-start on investment in the continent while the US has been mostly preoccupied with costly adventures in the Middle East and Central/Southeast Asia over the past decade. During this period, Chinese business and government interests have been cultivating working relationships with a multitude of African countries while remaining at a distance from the region’s often brutal politics, and the formula so far seems to have paid off for both sides. But there is also what could be called a corporate subtext to the visit, as the $7 billion that the president offered in government assistance will be accompanied by an additional $9 billion of initial investment from private investment firms. According to a White House press release from Sunday, General Electric (GE) has committed to making 5,000 megawatts of affordable energy available to the citizens of Tanzania and Ghana. But a larger portion of the $9 billion will come from private investment firms. So far, the private investment firms putting money into the Power Africa project include Heirs Holdings, whose portfolio counts businesses from across the continent, and has said it would invest up $2.5 billion to finance energy projects and add some 2,000 megawatts of electricity capacity within 5 years. Heirs is the majority shareholder of Tenoil Petroleum & Energy Services, a multinational oil exploration, drilling, and marketing company. Symbion Power, an international firm that participates in complex electricity projects, will inject $1.8 billion to create 1,500 megawatts in the same time period. In Tanzania, Symbion contracts with US power transmission and distribution company Pike Electric Inc. (PIKE). Aldwych International, established in 2004 “for the purpose of developing, owning and operating power generation, transmission and distribution projects in emerging economies, primarily Africa” with substantial help from Royal Dutch Shell’s (RDS) Shell Foundation, has committed to spend $1.1 billion to create 400 megawatts of wind-powered energy in Kenya and Tanzania. Harith General Partners manages the Pan African Infrastructure Fund, and has offered $70 million for wind energy in Kenya, along with another $500 million for power-sector projects in other African countries. Husk Power Systems focuses on connecting rural communities in Sub-Saharan Africa to the power grid, and is also counts the Shell Foundation, as well as Cisco Systems (CSCO) as investors. Husk will seek to give 60,000 households in Tanzania affordable lighting via the installation of some 200 “biomass-based” power plants throughout the country. Finally, the African Finance Corporation will be investing $250 million for the power sectors in Ghana, Kenya, and Nigeria that the White House hopes will bring in up to $1 billion in eventual investments in Sub-Saharan energy projects. It is hoped that investments from these private firms will create an opening for the growing list of US companies that are starting to see Africa as an opportunity rather than a liability. The Office of the US Trade Representative reported American merchandise exports to Africa grew 23 percent between 2010 and 2011, while the $74 billion of imports from the sub-continent represented a 14 percent increase on the previous year. $60 billion of those imports were from crude oil, and that number could increase with, among other developments, Nigeria’s having recently discovered massive offshore reserves. Overall, the Power Africa project to bring more than 10,000 megawatts of cleaner and more efficient electricity to over 20 million homes and businesses across the six designated countries, in an attempt to “plug Africa into the grid of the global economy,” as the President stated on Sunday. While the initiative itself offers promise, both political and economic, it remains to be seen how far behind China the US is on the continent. Follow GE General Electric Co 13.66 -0.13 -0.94 42,984,147 Trade Follow CSCO Cisco Systems Inc. 44.63 0.04 0.09 17,605,323 Trade Follow WLRHU WL Ross Holding Corp Unit 1 Com & 1 Wt Exp 2014 n/a n/a n/a 0 Trade Follow General Electric Co Follow Cisco Systems Inc. Follow WL Ross Holding Corp Unit 1 Com & 1 Wt Exp 2014
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Dealing With Your Insurance Company After an Accident Dealing With Your Insurance Company After an Accident can be intimidating. Florida is a no-fault state. That means that rather than calling up the insurance company for the at-fault party in an accident, you call up your own insurance company. By law, Florida drivers must carry PIP and PDL insurance. PIP will help cover your injuries, PDL will cover any property damage. These are handled by your Florida insurance agent, who should be well-versed in the no-fault laws. Hopefully, you haven’t dealt with your insurance company much other than to start your policy and pay for premiums. Most people rarely deal with a claims adjuster—maybe once every 8-10 years. Because of this, you may not be familiar with how to deal with your insurance company and what your insurance company can and cannot do. You Got Hit By Another Vehicle, Now What? By the time you’re reading this, you’ve probably already left the scene of the accident. If by chance you’ve pulled this up on your cell phone, make sure to take photographs of the scene. Also, collect the other driver’s name and information, as well as the names of any witness and the responding officers. If you need to seek medical attention, keep any documentation you receive. Once you’re back at home, you’ll need to call your insurance company. They’ll want to know when and where you were involved in an accident. They may ask for the other party’s information, as well as information on any witness and the status of the police report. But what exactly do you need to tell your claims adjuster? The Do’s of Dealing with A Claims Adjuster Before making that phone call, find a copy of your insurance contract and read through it so you are informed. Note any important deadline stipulations so you can make informed choices. You’ve just been through a scary experience—calling your insurance agent shouldn’t add to your stress. Make sure you have all the information about your accident in front of you, as well as a blank notebook to take notes. Copy down the name of the person you’re speaking with, as well as the time and date. If they offer you a “number”, such as a ticket number to reference the phone call, write that down as well. It’s important to be honest with your insurance agent and anyone you speak with from your insurance company, however, that doesn’t mean that you need to give them all the information they ask for. The Don’ts of Dealing with a Claims Adjuster It is in an insurance company’s best interest to close a claim as quickly as possible. Chances are, they’ll be able to save money (and honestly, who doesn’t like saving money). But, that doesn’t mean it is in your best interest. Sometimes damages to your vehicle and the injuries sustained in an accident are not quickly identified. Because of this, it is generally advised that you do not make a statement over the phone regarding the accident and injuries sustained on your initial call. An adjuster may try to settle on a payout very quickly, which is generally in their bests interest, as previously mentioned. However, it is usually better for you to be sure you understand your coverage and the extent of the accident before settling for a certain amount. Once the insurance company has completed an investigation and you’ve sought out any necessary medical care, you’ll be better informed to settle your claim. When to get a Tampa Personal Injury Lawyer Involved Depending on the severity of the accident, speaking with a Tampa personal injury lawyer that specializes in car and motorcycle accidents may help protect you from being taken advantage of. An insurance company that is trying to protect its profits may lowball you or try to get you to settle your claim before the full extent of your injuries or the damage to your automobile is even known. Know your rights—you’re entitled to what is laid out in your insurance contract. And know that there’s a Tampa personal injury lawyer that cares about those rights and can help you receive the proper recompense.
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Toolkit-Fallstudie: Wie der Indie-Hit „Winter's Bone“ entstand Debra Graniks „Winter's Bone“ feierte nach ihrer Premiere Anfang dieses Jahres beim Sundance Film Festival den Titel als unbestreitbaren Indie-Erfolg des Jahres mit einem Preisgeld von 6 Millionen US-Dollar an der Abendkasse und einem großen Summen an Herbstpreisen für den Film und seinen Star Jennifer Lawrence. In dieser Fallstudie erfahren Sie, wie Granik und Co-Autorin Anne Rosellini es geschafft haben. Das folgende Profil von 'Winter's Bone', das für die Veröffentlichung im Filmmaker Toolkit von indieWIRE neu formatiert wurde, ist eine der Fallstudien zum Filmemachen, die im Fallstudienbuch veröffentlicht wurden, das Teilnehmern des Film Independent Filmmaker Forums dieser Woche in Los Angeles ausgehändigt wurde. Schlechteste Filme des Jahres 2012 Regie: Debra Granik Autoren: Debra Granik und Anne Rosellini (basierend auf dem Roman von Daniel Woodrell) Produzent: Alix Madigan und Anne Rosellini Budget: Über 2 Millionen US-Dollar Finanzierung: Private Equity Produktion: 25 Tage vor Ort in den Ozarks von Februar bis März 2009 Aufnahmeformat: ROTE Kamera Screening-Format: 35 mm Weltpremiere: Sundance Film Festival 2010 Auszeichnungen: Grand Jury Prize und Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award (Sundance Film Festival 2010); C.I.C.A.E. Auszeichnung (Internationale Filmfestspiele Berlin 2010) Fallstudie für “; Winter's Bone ”; mit Informationen der Filmemacher und mit freundlicher Genehmigung von Film Independent. Entwicklung und Finanzierung Anne Rosellini und Debra Granik (Mitarbeiter von „Down to the Bone“) stießen im Mai 2005 über ihre Verwaltungsgesellschaft Anonymous Content auf das Manuskript für „Winter's Bone“. Sie beide liebten den Roman, der in den armen Hügeln der Ozarks spielt und von der verzweifelten Suche eines Mädchens nach ihrem toten Vater erzählt, um das Haus ihrer Familie vor der Rücknahme zu retten. Der Autor des Buches, Daniel Woodrell, hatte bereits einen Roman für die Leinwand geschrieben: Ang Lees 'Ride With the Devil'. Die Filmemacher wählten das Manuskript gegen eine Gebühr in der Größenordnung von vier bis fünf. Im Sommer 2006 lieferten Rosellini und Granik den ersten Entwurf des Drehbuchs für 'Winter's Bone' an Alix Madigan, einen Produzenten bei Anonymous Content. “; Es war ein perfekter Entwurf. Es war ein wunderschönes Drehbuch von Anfang an, ”; sagte Madigan. Trotz des Erfolgs von Graniks „Down to the Bone“, das die Schauspielerin Vera Farmiga auf die Landkarte gebracht hatte, hatten die Filmemacher immer noch große Schwierigkeiten, „Winter's Bone“ zu finanzieren. Sie hatten den Film mit 4 Millionen US-Dollar budgetiert. Aber die Finanziers, an die sie sich gewandt hatten, sagten alle eine Version derselben Sache: Wir haben den Film gedreht und dann werden wir uns unterhalten. Madigan sagte, dass sie zunächst versuchten, das Projekt in eine Version des unabhängigen Filmmodells zu packen, um Namenschauspieler zu finden, die Investoren anziehen würden. Leider konnten sie zu diesem Zeitpunkt keinen bekannten Schauspieler finden, der ihr Projekt an diesen Ort bringen würde. Während des Finanzierungsprozesses untersuchten Rosellini und Granik die Ozark Mountain Community, in der die Geschichte spielt. Sie besuchten die Ozarks zusammen mit ihrem Kameramann Michael McDonough, der Hunderte von Fotos machte und ein Album mit Standbildern zusammenstellte, das den Geist der Region widerspiegelte, so dass Investoren und andere potenzielle Crews sie überprüfen und die Geschichte von Rosellini klar verstehen konnten und Granik wollte erzählen. Rosellini sagte: 'Es war ein sehr effektives Instrument, um die Leute für das Projekt zu interessieren.' Nachdem die Filmemacher von mehr als 25 potenziellen Geldgebern die Ausweise erhalten hatten, befanden sie sich mit einem interessierten Unterstützer auf einem fortgeschrittenen Niveau. Während die Beziehung äußerst positiv war, zog sich der Einzelne zurück und die Filmemacher blieben erneut ohne Finanzierung. Ein Beteiligungsfinanzierer, der durch einen Kontakt zwischen Rosellini und Granik zustande gekommen war, erklärte sich jedoch bereit, die Hälfte des vom Film vorgeschlagenen Budgets aufzubringen und den Filmemachern die totale kreative Kontrolle zu geben. Der Investor betrachtete das Projekt als einen Mainstream-Film, der überqueren könnte - für ihn war es nicht nur ein dunkler Indie, sondern eine reiche Welt, die die Leute sehen möchten. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt erkannten die Filmemacher, dass sie in einer starken Position waren, und trafen die Entscheidung, das Budget zu halbieren und den Film mit dem einzigen Private-Equity-Investor für 2 Millionen US-Dollar zu machen. Es war ein Standardgeschäft: Sobald der Investor 100% seiner Investition und eine vereinbarte Prämie wieder eingenommen hat, werden die Gewinne zu 50% zwischen ihm und den Filmemachern aufgeteilt. Die Filmemacher hatten ein starkes Interesse daran, eine Schauspielerin so nahe wie möglich am Alter des Protagonisten (16) zu besetzen, und wollten nicht mit dem Gepäck einer bekannten Schauspielerin in die Ozarks. sagte Rosellini. Während ihrer ersten Monate der Erforschung der Ozarks-Region führten sie Casting-Aufrufe für ihre Hauptdarstellerin durch. Tatsächlich wollten sie, dass so viele wie möglich Einheimische sind, die mit der Kultur und dem Dialekt der Ozarks vertraut sind. Die Casting-Direktoren Paul Schnee und Kerry Barden besetzten den Film ebenfalls. Am Ende besetzten sie ungefähr sechs der Hauptrollen. Für ihre Hauptrolle entschieden sich die Filmemacher für eine 18-jährige unbekannte Schauspielerin, Jennifer Lawrence. Lawrence hatte noch nie einen Film mitgeführt, aber sie hatte das richtige wilde Auftreten und auch starke Wurzeln in Kentucky. Sie war die perfekte Passform. Die Filmemacher gaben einen Großteil der Sprechrollen (etwa 20 von 26) in den Countys Christian und Taney ab, in denen der Film gedreht wurde, etwa 45 Minuten von Springfield, Missouri. Der Film wurde über einen Zeitraum von 25 Tagen im Februar und März 2009 gedreht. Viele der wichtigsten Abteilungsleiter wurden von New York aus eingestellt, da viele der lokalen Mitarbeiter in Missouri und Kansas eher daran gewöhnt waren, Werbespots zu höheren Tarifen zu produzieren. Aber viele der unterstützenden Besatzungsmitglieder waren Einheimische. Festivalvorbereitung und Strategie Nach der Produktion kehrten die Filmemacher nach New York zurück, um den Film zu schneiden, mit dem Plan, ihn im Herbst bei Sundance einzureichen. Ende September 2009 reichten sie Sundance einen Filmausschnitt ein, der einem endgültigen Standbild ziemlich nahe kam. Ungefähr zwei Monate später erfuhren sie, dass Winter's Bone akzeptiert worden war. Bei der Vorbereitung auf Sundance engagierten die Filmemacher Laura Kim als Publizistin, was zum Teil auf ihre engen Beziehungen zu wichtigen Kritikern zurückzuführen ist. Sie wurde für eine Pauschalgebühr für die Dauer von Sundance engagiert, einschließlich der Wochen vor dem Festival und der Wochen danach. Josh Braun von Submarine wurde als Repräsentant des Herstellers für einen Standardprozentsatz (nicht bekannt gegeben, aber die Repräsentanten des Herstellers berechnen normalerweise zwischen 5% und 15%) mit einer Ausgabenobergrenze und ohne Vorauszahlung an Bord geholt. Auf der Suche nach einem ausländischen Handelsvertreter wurden sie sieben Mal vor Sundance abgelehnt und mussten ohne einen am Festival teilnehmen. Obwohl sie keine Stars zu promoten hatten, war „Winter ’; s Bone“ im Wettbewerb, was bedeutete, dass jeder den Film sehen würde. Laura Kims Strategie war es, den Film geheim zu halten und das Publikum selbst entdecken zu lassen. Kim hoffte, großartige Kritiken zu erhalten und den Film als Kritiker hervorzuheben ’; Liebling. 'Winter ’; s Bone' wurde im riesigen Eccles-Theater uraufgeführt und fand beim Publikum große Resonanz. Nachdem sie gemischte Reaktionen von Produzenten auf den Film erhalten haben ’; Vor Sundance waren die Filmemacher erleichtert und angenehm überrascht, dass das Publikum sie während des Festivals begrüßte. Verkauf und Veröffentlichung “; Ehrlich gesagt, ich glaube nicht, dass es eine Strategie in Bezug auf Verkäufe gab, da mir mitgeteilt wurde, dass Verkäufe bei Sundance nicht mehr vorkommen, es sei denn, Sie hatten eine Komödie wie Napoleon Dynamite, ”; sagte Rosellini. Acht Monate schwanger zu der Zeit, besuchte sie nicht das Festival, aber natürlich bieten Käufer unerwartet auf den Film. Nach seiner Premiere gab es Interesse bei den Verleihern: einige Low-Ball-Angebote und andere, die die Filmemacher ernst nahmen. Im weiteren Verlauf des Festivals nahmen die Filmemacher Roadside Attractions, die sehr früh mit leidenschaftlichem Interesse auftraten, als Käufer ernst. Am zweiten Freitag unterbreiteten Roadside Attractions ein Angebot, das am folgenden Tag um 12.00 Uhr ablief, eine Frist, die sie für echt hielten. “; Käufer können einen bestimmten Betrag für ein Festival ausgeben. Wenn sie Ihren Film nicht bekommen, werden sie versuchen, einen anderen zu kaufen, ”; sagte Madigan. 'Ich denke, Sie müssen diese Dinge ernst nehmen.' Die Filmemacher und Josh Braun, die bereits in Richtung Roadside Attractions tendierten, verhandelten am Samstagmittag, kurz vor der Show der Festival Awards, mit ihnen. Vier Stunden später kam ein weiteres Angebot hinzu, das das Angebot am Straßenrand nahezu verdoppelte. Dies war von einem Händler, der vor Sundance ein geringes Interesse gezeigt hatte, dessen Vertreter sich jedoch als schwer fassbar erwiesen hatten und nicht bereit waren, sich während des Festivals zu treffen. Vollmetall-Disney Rosellini, Granik und Madigan fühlten sich in Konflikt geraten und diskutierten die Situation und riefen ihren Investor an. “; Plötzlich, in letzter Minute, um dieses Angebot zu erhalten, als sie keine Zeit hatten, sich mit uns zu treffen … es fühlte sich einfach für alle falsch an, ”; sagte Rosellini. “; Wenn sie sich nicht von Angesicht zu Angesicht mit uns setzen können, wie wird es dann sein, mit ihnen zu arbeiten? ”; Am Ende machten sie mit und unterschrieben bei Roadside Attractions, in dem Gefühl, dass ihre Leidenschaft für den Film echt war und dass sie eine fruchtbare Zusammenarbeit mit ihnen haben könnten, um den Film herauszubringen. Im niedrigen sechsstelligen Bereich hat Roadside Attractions 15 Jahre lang alle nordamerikanischen Rechte (einschließlich Kino, VoD und Digital) in Anspruch genommen. Sie haben sich verpflichtet, 500.000 USD für P & A-Kosten auszugeben, wobei alle Ausgaben über diesen Betrag der Genehmigung der Filmemacher bedürfen. Josh Braun schloss den Vertrag mit Howard Cohen von Roadside und Eric D'Arbeloff ab. Die Strategie von Roadside Attraction nach Sundance beinhaltete, dass der Film in etwa acht bis zehn regionalen Festivals gespielt wurde, um Presse zu sammeln und beim anschließenden Kinolauf zu helfen. Zu diesen Festivals gehörten Chicago, Boston, Florida, San Francisco und Seattle. Sie waren der Meinung, dass 'Winter ’; s Bone' von einer Veröffentlichung im Frühsommer als Gegenprogramm gegen die Vielzahl von Sommer-Blockbustern profitieren würde. Roadside betonte das Thrillerthema des Films und schnitt einen sehr effektiven Trailer. “; Es gab eine großartige Geschichte und eine Universalität von Emotionen, die dieser Geschichte zugrunde lagen. ”; sagte Madigan. Das anfängliche Theaterabkommen umfasste zwei Städte - New York und Los Angeles - für das Eröffnungswochenende. Roadside versprach 25 Märkte, öffnete in fünf und expandierte nach vier bis acht Wochen langsam in kleinere Märkte. Aufgrund der positiven Resonanz des Publikums und der starken Resonanz bei Entertainment Weekly, USA Today und vielen anderen Unternehmen beschlossen sie jedoch, die aufregende Stimmung in der nationalen Presse zu nutzen, von der sie glaubten, dass sie ihnen nie wieder zur Verfügung stehen würden. Innerhalb von zwei Wochen nach der Eröffnung in NY und LA wurde 'Winter's Bone' auf kleinere Märkte ausgedehnt, um auf über 130 Bildschirmen zu spielen, oft in Städten, in denen nur sehr wenige Indie-Filme in den örtlichen Kinos zu sehen waren. Zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt (September 2009) ist der Film mehr als 16 Wochen nach seinem Eröffnungswochenende im Juni immer noch stark, nachdem er an der Abendkasse bereits mehr als 6 Millionen US-Dollar verdient hatte. Es läuft immer noch auf über 100 Bildschirmen. Die Filmemacher sind der Meinung, dass der Erfolg nicht nur auf der Qualität des Storytelling beruht, sondern auch darauf, dass Roadside das Potenzial des Themas und seine Fähigkeit, die Zuschauer im ganzen Land zu erreichen, vorausgesehen hat. Der Filmemacher Gregg Araki bemerkte, dass er seit dem Film 'Avatar' keine so ungewöhnliche Welt mehr gesehen habe. Roadside Attractions hat den Filmemachern auch Theaterprämien angeboten, sobald bestimmte Einspielergebnisse erreicht sind (2, 4 und 6 Millionen US-Dollar). Auslandsumsatz Bei Sundance unterschrieben sie auch bei Fortissimo Films als ausländische Vertriebsgesellschaft. Die Filmemacher hatten den Film vor Sundance nach Fortissimo geschickt, aber keine Zusage von ihnen erhalten. Alle anderen internationalen Handelsvertreter, die Rosellini und Madigan angesprochen hatten, waren verstorben, aber Fortissimo schien darauf zu warten, wie die Reaktion bei Sundance ausfiel. Im September 2010 wurde der Film in Großbritannien eröffnet und lief sehr gut. Fortissimo hat den größten Teil Europas verkauft, und die Filmemacher haben bereits begonnen, Geld aus diesen Verkäufen zurückzugewinnen. Sie hoffen, weiterhin mehr Renditen zu erzielen, da ausländische Fernseh- und Kinoverkäufe eingehen. „Winter's Bone“ wurde auch bei den Internationalen Filmfestspielen Berlin und den Deauville American Film Festival gespielt. Die DVD wurde am 26. Oktober 2010 über Lionsgate veröffentlicht. Die Filmemacher stehen kurz davor, mit dem Geld, das sie für ihre US-Kinoveröffentlichung ausgegeben haben, die Gewinnschwelle zu erreichen, was zum Teil darauf zurückzuführen ist, dass sie die P & A-Kosten niedrig gehalten und den Film durch Presseinterviews und großartige Kritiken beworben haben. Ratschläge des Filmemachers “; Fazit: Wählen Sie gut aus, mit wem Sie zusammenarbeiten. ”; sagte Rosellini. “; “; Sie sind gewissenhafter darin, die Dinge gesund und in einem guten Raum zu halten, wenn Sie dort anfangen. ”; Madigan fügte hinzu, 'Anne und ich gingen diesen Film zusammen durch und es war eine freudige Erfahrung, aber es hatte seine Momente.' Es ist großartig, mit jemandem zusammen zu sein, den Sie respektieren und bewundern und der Sie Zuneigung entgegenbringen.
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Leitrim Cottages WelcomeProperties ListMap DisplaySpecial OffersBedrooms:23Order by: Guide Price closeLess than 30 properties found matched your exact date search. So properties with availability close to your requirements have also been included.just a moment loading data..closeA number of locations have been found that match your search, please select from one of the following:closeMessage AreaEnjoying the smallest population of any of the Irish counties, the long, hourglass-shaped outline of Leitrim shares its borders with five counties of the Irish Republic, in addition to its mutual boundary with County Fermanagh in Northern Ireland. To the north-west of Leitrim, the landscape is one of fine hills and mountains, whilst beyond Lough Allen, to the south-east lies a contrasting area of relatively flat countryside. Things to do in LeitrimThe two great rivers of Leitrim are linked by the appropriately-named Shannon-Earne Waterway, an almost 40-mile stretch of canal with an interesting route which incorporates sixteen locks. The Waterway was originally envisaged in 1780; over the years, numerous setbacks, most of them of an economic nature, meant that the route was not officially completed until 1994, and it is now seen by many as a flagship project which celebrates Irish cross-border co-operation. Extensive restoration and reconstruction means that the route is now a popular navigation for modern pleasure watercraft. Carrick-on-Shannon – The smallest county town in Ireland is also the largest town in Leitrim. Situated on a scenic yet strategic crossing point on the River Shannon, Carrick is surrounded by some of the most unspoilt countryside to be found anywhere in Ireland, not least given its proximity to some of the elegant loughs and waterways for which the county is particularly noted. The remains of Carrick Castle, just outside the town at Carrick Bridge, are a popular stopping off point for visitors. A highly successful local Water Music Festival has been held in the town over a week each July, since 2005. Leitrim – On the banks of the Shannon, the village of Leitrim welcomes visitors to its recently renovated marina. Connected to the River Erne by the Shannon-Erne Waterway, the village makes a good base for exploring the local area. Dromahair – To the north of the county, amongst some stunning beautiful landscapes on the banks of the River Bonet, lies the village of Dromahair. A rock formation known as the 'Sleeping Giant' – actually three local mountains – is visible as you approach the village. Just beyond the village the ruins of the 16th century Franciscan Creevelea Friary are a recognised national monument. Kiltyclogher – Just outside the village of Kiltyclogher , and close to the border with Fermanagh, are to be found the ancient passage grave of Corracloona (also known as 'Prince Connell's Grave') and the remains of the 1st century defensive ditches known as Black Pig's Dyke. Glenfarne – Begun in 1999, following the cessation of the Troubles, a cross-border, cross-community arts project sited three permanent sculptures in the forests of the Glenfarne Demense, on the shores of Lough Macnean, as part of a wider creative partnership. The works aim to symbolise the contrasting landscapes and the coming together of the once-divided local communities, and utilise some fine local materials, including stone quarried in Leitrim and wood grown to the north in County Fermanagh. Jamestown – Once the route of the main road between Sligo and Dublin, the town is known for the narrow arch pillars of the old town gate. Following traffic damage in the 1970s the top of the arch was removed, and the gate is now said by locals to be 'headless'. Set on the banks of the River Shannon, the town is a popular stopping-off point for leisure boats. Close to the main jetty, lie the remains of an Iron Age defensive fort, the Doon of Drumsna, which was constructed in an area of shallow waters which was particularly vulnerable to the attentions of potential invaders. Drumsna – In addition to the aforementioned 'Doon of Drumsna', the village itself is the site of a particularly fine arched stone bridge. It was also once the home of the novelist Anthony Trollope. Glencar – The Lough and Waterfall at Glencar captivate visitors, not least by the way in which an otherwise rather modest stream on the edge of the imposing Benbulben forms the most impressive of cascades. Although only 50ft high, the waterfall is noted for being one of the most spectacular in all Ireland.read moreRecently updated properties , Dromod, Co. Leitrim, Carrick-on-Shannon, County Leitrim Located 85 miles west of Dublin and 80 miles from Galway, this excellent holiday home is in a complex of similar properties, overlooking the marina and lake. It is a very short drive to the local village where you will ... , Carrowreagh, nr. Ballinagare, Co. Roscommon, County Roscommon This comfortable, single-storey holiday cottage has been lovingly restored by the owners, who have maintained the thatch roof. The cottage is set off the main road, resulting in peace and quiet, yet is only 1½ miles ... Aughlin Cottage , Aughlin, Aghacashel, Ballinamore, co.Leitrim Newly refurbished cottage, lovingly restored by owners with original features and Eco friendly materials including wood pellet burning and solar panels. Insulated to the highest specifications. Cottage consists of ... see all our Leitrim Cottages >>>4 displayed of 4 properties found, no date selected 4 properties match your search, showing 1 to 4 Page 1 of 1 : 1 Search:Go Other locations within the North West area: Cavan cottages Donegal cottages Longford cottages Mayo cottages Roscommon cottages Sligo cottages CarlowKilkennySouth TipperaryWaterfordWexfordSouth West Cork KerryWest Coast Back to: Ireland cottages select countryUnited Kingdom
{"url": "http://www.bookcottages.com/leitrim.htm", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.bookcottages.com", "date_download": "2016-10-21T11:15:13Z", "digest": "sha1:TRMWM3VPTUTH3Q2ADAT7Z36MISHYBNVF"}
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Tax Appeal Information Have you received your assessment postcard and disagree with your property’s 2012 tax assessment? You can file a tax appeal with the Sussex County Board of Taxation. Before running out and filing an appeal, it is suggested that you review the property record card to make sure it is accurate. This can be done at the Vernon assessor’s office located at 21 Church Street. The office is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. It is open during the lunch hour, providing there is more than one person in the office that day. To learn more about the tax appeal process and obtain the necessary forms, visit the county tax board’s Tax Appeal Information page. The deadline for filing an appeal this year is April 2, 2012. Keep in mind that the burden of proof rests with the taxpayer and in order to emerge victorious, the property owner must prove that the assessed value is unreasonable compared to market value. Have questions or need more information? Vernon’s assessor may be reached at 973.764.4055, ext. 2225; the Sussex County Board of Taxation may be reached at 973.579.0970.
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Inferential Genealogy Study Group in 2nd Life–Conflict Resolution One of the steps in this process is dealing with Conflicts within your genealogy database. Today was one of those days to deal with a couple of conflicts. The first was to review and adjust information on two people. James McHenry Howard and McHenry Howard. Both lived in close proximity to the other but there were two separate households. The good news is that the households stayed together, if they moved at all. Both were born about 1838 or 1839, but that might have been a census record issue. The key difference was McHenry Howard occupation was a Lawyer while James McHenry Howard was a physician. Their fathers were of similar ages, and I could connect McHenry’s father back to a long Howard Line. Couldn’t connect James McHenry Howards father back nor could I connect him to McHenry’s father. Another “conflict” was a brother of McHenry Howard’s father Charles. It has been listed as James. James was also James McHenry Howard’s father. It was not clear that these two James were the same person, but could not make any connection. I took a side step a minute to see what I may have missed. Certainly a City Directory would have shown the Doctor and the Lawyer somewhere. However, I didn’t find a good directory for the timeframe. I happened to do that search on Genealogy Bank. That’s when I found an obituary. The Obituary was for a Elizabeth Phoebe Key Howard. Key, as in Francis Scott Key. Elizabeth Phoebe Key Howard was the oldest daughter of Frances Scott Key. It listed the pallbearers, which included Messers, William R. Howard, Dr. James McHenry Howard, Edward Lloyd Key, Dr. Henry J Key, W. George Weld, Wilson Cary McHenry, Richard H. Pose, and G.T. Beaureguard Howard, all of whom are family connections of Mrs. Howard. Dr. James McHenry was not a son of Mrs. Howard, William R. Howard WAS a brother of McHenry Howard. Reviewing the Census Records and how I had recorded the relationships I had found, I resolved the two James Howards, as the same person, making James McHenry Howard’s Father, the Brother of McHenry Howard’s Father. Lesson Learned: The Obituary pointed the way “all whom are family connections of Mrs. Howard to a review of the relationships established in the Census Records. The two families were buried in separate cemeteries but they lived in the same neighborhood. The headstones firmed but the relationships. A bonus: This puts David Ridgely Howard into my Family Tree. This entry was posted on Sunday, October 9th, 2011 at 11:59 pm and is filed under Challenge. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.
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Greatest Doctors 2018 / Dedicated to Providing the Finest of Care Experienced specialists in kidney disease and hypertension Diabetes and hypertension oftentimes go hand in hand, creating a multi-pronged assault on your body’s heart and kidneys. But more than that, they can instill in a patient a sense of dread and uncertainty, with the ever-present possibility of dialysis and more invasive procedures. The experienced team at Nephrology and Hypertension Medical Associates understands those fears, and more importantly understands the treatments that can keep their patients from dialysis. The cornerstone of this practice, which is comprised of five locations throughout the Coastal Empire, is that relationship with the patient and the abiding respect for their wellbeing. Properly diagnosing and managing hypertension, as well as other conditions that lead to kidney disease, are the immediate priorities. For them, it’s about treating the patients on their own terms, with their needs and desires in mind. Our team is dedicated to work closely with other specialists, including cardiologists, endocrinologists, pharmacists, nurses, educators and dietitians to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care to patients who suffer from problems involving the kidneys, uncontrolled hypertension or complex blood pressure issues. Their board-certified physicians, representing some of the most experienced medical professionals in the area, are dedicated to their patients and ultimately to the health of the Southeast region. It’s part of what has built Nephrology and Hypertension Medical Associates’ sterling reputation since 1969. Nephrology & Hypertension Medical Associates / 1115 Lexington Ave., Savannah, GA / 912.354.4813 / thekidneydocs.com
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Mahon eliminated from North-South FAYETTEVILLE — University of Arkansas golfer Courtney Mahon was eliminated in match play action at the 103rd North and South Women’s Amateur Championship at Pinehurst Resort Thursday morning. Mahon, the lone Lady Razorback to advance to the second round, fell to Morgan Pressel, three and two on the No. 2 Course at Pinehurst. Mahon finished tied for 26th overall after two rounds of stroke play and defeated her first round opponent, five-and-four before facing Pressel. Mahon was one of five Lady Razorbacks to tee it up at the North and South in the busiest summer of Arkansas women’s golf. She was joined by teammates Amanda McCurdy, Stacy Lewis, Lindsey Hinshaw and Sarah Trew at the Village of Pinehurst, N.C., for one of the oldest women’s amateur events on record. The Lady Razorbacks all return home before traveling back to Fayetteville for the start of classes Aug. 22. For more information about Arkansas golf, log on to LADYBACKS.COM.
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When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” Again he said, “What shall we say the kingdom of God is like, or what parable shall we use to describe it? It is like a mustard seed, which is the smallest seed you plant in the ground. Yet when planted, it grows and becomes the largest of all garden plants, with such big branches that the birds of the air can perch in its shade.” With many similar parables Jesus spoke the word to them, as much as they could understand. He did not say anything to them without using a parable. But when he was alone with his own disciples, he explained everything. As Jesus approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging. When he heard the crowd going by, he asked what was happening. They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth is passing by.” He called out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Those who led the way rebuked him and told him to be quiet, but he shouted all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!” Jesus stopped and ordered the man to be brought to him. When he came near, Jesus asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has healed you.” Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus, praising God. When all the people saw it, they also praised God. When the perishable has been clothed with the imperishable, and the mortal with immortality, then the saying that is written will come true: “Death has been swallowed up in victory.” “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain. I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book. And if anyone takes words away from this book of prophecy, God will take away from him his share in the tree of life and in the holy city, which are described in this book. He who testifies to these things says, “Yes, I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God’s people. Amen.
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It's a hard drive with a couple of terabytes, but Dan Pinedo is running out of space. The Oxnard resident and his wife, Barbara Pinedo, are a fixture in the community, always recording video of city meetings and special events for their YouTube channel. But the election season is forcing the Pinedos to shop for another hard drive. In addition to shooting obscure gatherings such as the fiscal policy task force and landscape maintenance district meetings, the Pinedos decided to record all candidate campaign kickoff events and debates. And there have been many. With 26 candidates running for mayor, City Council, treasurer and city clerk, and with multiple community organizations hosting forums, the Pinedos' schedule has been hectic. For candidates who did not host a campaign kickoff, the Pinedos offered to record a brief introductory statement. "We want more people to go to the ballot box better informed," said Dan Pinedo, 68, who spent most of his career working for the U.S. Postal Service. Barbara Pinedo, 61, said many voters lend their support for incumbents without doing much research. "Or they vote for certain names or go 'eeny, meeny, miny, moe,' " she said. Although the Pinedos have been active in past political campaigns, they decided to stay neutral this time. They shoot all their high-definition videos pro bono, spending their own money on equipment and supplies for their camera, tripod, microphone and hard drives. Dan is usually behind the camera with Barbara assisting. "That they're doing it for free is amazing to me in this day in age," said Phillip Molina, who is running for treasurer. "They seem to have a desire to be the eyes of people who need to see things." Dan Pinedo fell in love with being behind the lens when he left Ventura College early for the draft. In the Army, he documented life in basic training using an Instamatic camera. He eventually bought a Rolleiflex, a medium-format, twin-lens reflex camera, from a military photographer. That was when he dived deeper into the hobby, learning how to develop black-and-white film, then later experimenting with color and slide format. After his military service, he continued taking photos of friends and family members. When camcorders got popular, he started shooting family videos and weddings. He later jumped into the digital age. View more videos from Dan Pinedo here "I had no intent of doing videos for other people, just family," he said. In the tight-knit circle of City Council watchers, the Pinedos are relative newcomers. They have lived in their Oxnard home, just a stone's throw from Rio Lindo School, since the 1970s, but the thought of spending hours at City Hall on a Tuesday night wasn't their thing. They were always active in their three daughters' education, joining the PTA and recording or filming school activities. But when controversy arrived at the Rio School District in the form of school board and superintendent discord, the couple jumped into the fray. The Pinedos felt politics was getting in the way of education. It didn't matter that their children had already grown out of the district. "We still cared about the issues of the community's children," Dan Pinedo said. "So we went back armed with video and photography." Councilman Bert Perello, who attended the school board meetings at the time, remembered when the Pinedos first arrived with their equipment. "When he showed up with the video camera, the board was not happy," Perello said. "They didn't say anything, but the mood changed." Today, it would be more strange to not see the Pinedos recording a meeting. With some prompting by Perello, who received campaign help from the Pinedos, the couple started attending and recording city meetings. "Every community should have a couple like that," Perello said. Molina remembered meeting the couple when they first started recording the monthly fiscal policy task force meetings. "To be honest, I was initially nervous, thinking, 'Gosh, that's all on tape,' " Molina said. "Later, I realized maybe it's a good thing." The meetings, which delve into so many of the city's financial problems, are typically held on Wednesday mornings, and Molina said many people can't come. The Pinedos remember meeting city resistance. Officials asked who they were, whom they worked for and what they were going to do with the videos. Dan Pinedo said that at first he didn't know what his rights were. So one day, he Googled open-meeting laws and found out he had the right to record public meetings as long as he didn't cause a safety hazard or disturbance. He printed out his findings and still carries them with him. Now, he feels welcomed. City workers have even offered their power strip. "I'd like to say we broke barriers," he said. "It's a long-established part of the culture that the city not allow the public to see everything. We broke down that barrier of preventing the public from looking in. I feel good about that." The Pinedos do not record the City Council meetings because the city does, but they attend every one and stay until the bitter end, which was 3 a.m. during one contentious meeting. They tried watching on television but found they were missing the gestures and side glances. "In other words, you don't see the drama," Dan Pinedo said. Their daughters think it strange that they spend so much time monitoring City Hall. It's driven by passion, Dan Pinedo said. "We're trying to better our community. What I don't want to see is the city drifting back to where it was, where people inside City Hall followed their own policies," said Dan Pinedo, a grandfather of five, soon to be six. "Our grandkids will inherit this. I want them to say, 'Grandma and Grandpa did something to make our lives better.' "
{"url": "https://www.vcstar.com/story/news/local/communities/oxnard/2016/10/21/through-video-couple-aims-keep-oxnard-engaged/92094622/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.vcstar.com", "date_download": "2020-08-03T10:06:13Z", "digest": "sha1:VCXQQL3IEOAEMC7D6MZVJVLC6WIDQZO2"}
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Inicio/Nacional/Paso a paso: así fue la ejecución del juez Villegas y su esposa en Colima Paso a paso: así fue la ejecución del juez Villegas y su esposa en Colima Redacción junio 17, 2020 Nacional, Portada Colima.- Es una expresión brutal de violencia. Dos hombres que matan a tiros a un juez de control y su esposa. Ocurrió las primeras horas del martes 16 de junio en el estado mexicano de Colima, y la principal hipótesis de las autoridades es que se trata de un crimen relacionado con su labor judicial. Los cuerpos de ambas víctimas, las balas y los restos de sangre, daban cuenta del horror vivido minutos antes. Uriel Villegas Ortiz, andaba sin escolta cuando fue atacado y acribillado junto con su esposa, Verónica Barajas. Los homicidas fingieron estar interesados en comprar un vehículo que supuestamente el juez tenía a la venta. Los sujetos acudieron al domicilio ubicado en la calle Léon Felipe 346, esquina con Octavio Colmenares, en la colonia Real Vista Hermosa, al norte de la capital de Colima, donde vivía Villegas Ortiz, para pactar la compra de una camioneta Volkswagen Tiguan. Dicha unidad, al igual que una Nissan pick up color rojo se encontraban estacionadas afuera de la residencia, que se localiza a espaldas del Tec de Monterrey en esta ciudad. Según los testimonios, los sicarios presuntamente pidieron al juez los documentos para ir a una institución financiera y formalizar la transacción. Con este engaño, lograron que Villegas Ortiz saliera de su domicilio, donde lo asesinaron junto a su esposa. Uno de los cadáveres quedó sobre los escalones de acceso a la puerta principal de la vivienda. Además, el vidrio de la camioneta roja quedó destruido por los impactos de arma de fuego. Las dos unidades fueron aseguradas por las autoridades investigadoras. Se presume que el juzgador y su familia — su esposa, Verónica Barajas y sus dos hijas de tres y siete años— habían alquilado el inmueble un mes antes del crimen. Originario de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Villegas llegó a Colima al Centro de Justicia Penal Federal de la región, después de pasar por el estado de Jalisco. A través de un informe, el presidente de la Suprema Corte de Justicia, Arturo Zaldívar, informó que para Villegas Ortiz impartir la ley en la entidad tapatía se había convertido en una labor riesgosa, por lo que se llevaron a cabo las readscripciones y suspensiones correspondientes. El chihuahuense asumió su cargo en la joya turística el pasado 1 de febrero. Antes, había laborado en uno de los circuitos más complicados del Poder Judicial de la Federación, el de Jalisco, donde obtuvo el nombramiento de juez, y su primera adscripción fue la de titular del Juzgado Sexto de Distrito de Procesos Penales Federales del estado, luego del Juzgado Noveno de Distrito de Amparo en Materia Penal. En el primer órgano jurisdiccional tuvo a su cargo uno de los procesos penales que se instruyeron en contra de Rubén Oseguera González, “El Menchito”, hijo del líder del Cártel Jalisco Nueva Generación, Nemesio Oseguera Cervantes. El 6 de marzo de 2018 ordenó a la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad trasladar al heredero del Mencho del Penal Federal de Oaxaca al de Occidente de Jalisco. La estadía de “El Menchito” en una cárcel tapatía fue muy breve, pues tiempo después lo llevaron al Penal Federal de Chiapas y luego a Sonora, donde estuvo preso antes de ser extraditado a Estados Unidos. El juzgador también tuvo en sus manos el último amparo que promovió Ismael Zambada Imperial, “El Mayito Gordo”, hijo del fundador del Cártel de Sinaloa, Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada, para retrasar su extradición a la Unión Americana. A finales de 2019, Villegas Ortiz le negó al capo la suspensión definitiva contra su traslado al país estadounidense. El 20 de diciembre, “El Mayito” fue extraditado a EEUU. Villegas Ortiz se graduó de la Universidad Autónoma de Sonora y se convirtió en asesor jurídico en el desaparecido Banco Inverlat, S.A. Al Poder Judicial ingresó como oficial judicial, luego se convirtió en actuario, secretario y finalmente juez. Anterior Conapred cancela foro sobre racismo y discriminación tras críticas por invitar a Chumel Siguiente El Cártel de Sinaloa y el CJNG: la temida unión narco que se estaría dando fuera de México
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5 Project Management Mistakes That Can Harm Your Business Courtesy "Entrepreneur" According to market research by Technavio, the project management software market will grow steadily between 2017-2020, making it a $1 billion revenue channel globally. As businesses continue to adopt online modes of revenue generation, they seek scalable and agile business optimization solutions to create a robust operational infrastructure. Growth in this business sector has led to the rise of project management companies like Workfront, Basecamp and Atlassian, to name a few. The biggest benefit of SaaS products is that they reduce operational time and enable business owners to focus on the core function of the business model. Features like project planning tools, task management, workflow management, and advanced reporting improve team collaboration and communication. However, despite the potential power of project management software, unless implemented properly, it can lead to increased operational bottlenecks and wasted resources. Here are five project management mistakes that you should avoid if you want to take full advantage of this technology. 1. Lack of clear objectives and benchmarks. SaaS products offer so many features it can be difficult to make it work for your business without clear objectives. Dig deeper and find the tools that are designed for your niche. Sign up for a trial version of a few products so you can find what works best for you. And when testing out project management software, use the DUMB rule; it should be Doable, Understandable, Manageable, and Beneficial. Related: 3 Reasons Why You Should Go into Project Management 2. Lack of software usability training. It’s a mistake to expect your team members to learn how to use project management software all by themselves. Not everyone is technologically gifted. While these products usually host in-depth tutorials to help the user understand how the platform works, it is advisable to conduct team trainings to ensure each member is aware of their role in the CMS, how to track their own tasks, and how the software functions as a whole. Training is crucial when the tool is being used for marketing or sales generation. A sales pipeline involves factors like maintaining updated contacts, handling email outreach, client negotiation, conversion, and client delivery. Training reduces the chance of mistakes when there are so many moving parts. 3. Lack of project prioritization. For may service-based companies, projects run concurrently and managing all of them without being overwhelmed isn’t easy. Often, team members can get engrossed in a low-priority project, and the more important projects get pushed back. A project management CRM can allow the admin to prioritize projects in a way that is obvious to the entire organization. One way to prioritize your projects is to simplify the workflow with smaller components. Workfront is a project management software that allows you to create project components based on the required work input. You can then move projects to a section to review and approve digital work and deliver the project through a client-centric interface. Users can also govern compliance workflows. It’s like having different departments on the Cloud, and it is accessible by all team members with the appropriate permissions. Remember to prioritize projects, always. 4. Missing employee performance. Even though using a project management tool makes sense for in-house and remote employees, there is an inherent performance reporting dilemma. Lack of clarity in filing performance reports or not knowing who is the right person to communicate with poses problems. The reporting dilemma can become a bottleneck, and an enterprise needs to recognize, assess, and reward employee productivity. Solve this problem by using time tracking tools, which is useful for a remote team. Through embedded time tracking, it is possible to quantify the number of hours spent on a remote project. You can measure the number of tasks completed in a month, or track milestones as they are achieved. Create a performance scale at the beginning of every month and sync the performance measures with the project management tool, and evaluate every month end. In the end, project management software allows you to move beyond traditional performance reporting systems. Related: 4 Product Management Mistakes That Will Drive You Crazy 5. Lack of communication. Effective communication is at the core of any good project, and spending days without communicating with team members or clients is detrimental to progress and can be harmful to your business. Team members using project management CRM’s shouldn’t feel isolated just because they are using a cloud-based enterprise system. Simple project guidelines like deliverable reviews, regular status check-ins, and one-on-one team communication will help keep them motivated and involved on a daily basis. Just signing up with a project management software won’t provide you with miraculous results. It may simplify a lot of your processes, however, and as long as you steer clear from committing the above mistakes, you’ll have a much better experience with CRM’s.
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Transcript: President Obama's Remarks On Conn. School Shooting By editor Dec 14, 2012 TweetShareGoogle+Email President Obama wipes his eye as he speaks during a press conference at the White House following the shooting in a Connecticut elementary school that left several dead, including children. Originally published on December 14, 2012 4:32 pm Transcript of President Obama's speech on Dec. 14 following a deadly mass shooting at an elementary school in Newtown, Conn. Source: White House This afternoon, I spoke with Governor Malloy and FBI Director Mueller. I offered Governor Malloy my condolences on behalf of the nation and made it clear he will have every single resource that he needs to investigate this heinous crime, care for the victims, counsel their families. We've endured too many of these tragedies in the past few years. And each time I learn the news, I react not as a president, but as anybody else would as a parent. And that was especially true today. I know there's not a parent in America who doesn't feel the same overwhelming grief that I do. The majority of those who died today were children — beautiful, little kids between the ages of 5 and 10 years old. They had their entire lives ahead of them — birthdays, graduations, weddings, kids of their own. Among the fallen were also teachers, men and women who devoted their lives to helping our children fulfill their dreams. So our hearts are broken today for the parents and grandparents, sisters and brothers of these little children, and for the families of the adults who were lost. Our hearts are broken for the parents of the survivors, as well, for as blessed as they are to have their children home tonight, they know that their children's innocence has been torn away from them too early and there are no words that will ease their pain. As a country, we have been through this too many times. Whether it is an elementary school in Newtown, or a shopping mall in Oregon, or a temple in Wisconsin, or a movie theater in Aurora, or a street corner in Chicago, these neighborhoods are our neighborhoods and these children are our children. And we're going to have to come together and take meaningful action to prevent more tragedies like this, regardless of the politics. This evening, Michelle and I will do what I know every parent in America will do, which is hug our children a little tighter, and we'll tell them that we love them, and we'll remind each other how deeply we love one another. But there are families in Connecticut who cannot do that tonight, and they need all of us right now. In the hard days to come, that community needs us to be at our best as Americans, and I will do everything in my power as president to help, because while nothing can fill the space of a lost child or loved one, all of us can extend a hand to those in need, to remind them that we are there for them, that we are praying for them, that the love they felt for those they lost endures not just in their memories, but also in ours. May God bless the memory of the victims and, in the words of Scripture, heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds.Copyright 2012 National Public Radio. To see more, visit http://www.npr.org/. TweetShareGoogle+Email © 2016 KTEP
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North CampusMiami International Festival of the Arts Miami Dade College Homepage > MIFA > 2012 2012 Festival Information Miami International Festival of the Arts 2012 The North Campus Miami International Festival of the Arts celebrates the humanities: the performing arts, visual arts, media arts, language arts, philosophy, and religion, reflecting the cultural richness of our community. The Festival explores both the role of experience and the interconnectivity of the disciplines to discover meaning. The mission of the Miami International North Campus Festival of the Arts is to promote awareness of the arts by showcasing the talents of our students, faculty, and staff, and members of our multicultural community. Visit this site again for up-to-date information about the Festival of the Arts. Miami Dade College, North Campus 11380 NW 27 Ave Miami, Florida 33167 Copyright © Miami Dade College • 300 N.E. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33132-2204 • 305-237-8888
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1 Samuel 3 1 Samuel 21 Samuel 4 —AMU— 1 Samuel 321st Century King James Version (KJ21) 3 And the child Samuel ministered unto the Lord before Eli. And the word of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision. 2 And it came to pass at that time, when Eli was lying down in his place, and his eyes began to wax dim so that he could not see, 3 and ere the lamp of God went out in the temple of the Lord where the ark of God was, and Samuel was lying down to sleep, 4 that the Lord called Samuel; and he answered, “Here am I.” 5 And he ran unto Eli and said, “Here am I, for thou called me.” And he said, “I called not; lie down again.” And he went and lay down. 6 And the Lord called yet again, “Samuel.” And Samuel arose and went to Eli and said, “Here am I, for thou didst call me.” And he answered, “I called not, my son; lie down again.” 7 Now Samuel did not yet know the Lord, neither was the word of the Lord yet revealed unto him. 8 And the Lord called Samuel again the third time. And he arose and went to Eli and said, “Here am I, for thou didst call me.” And Eli perceived that the Lord had called the child. 9 Therefore Eli said unto Samuel, “Go, lie down; and it shall be, if He call thee, that thou shalt say, ‘Speak, Lord, for Thy servant heareth.’” So Samuel went and lay down in his place. 10 And the Lord came and stood, and called as at other times, “Samuel, Samuel.” Then Samuel answered, “Speak, for Thy servant heareth.” 11 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Behold, I will do a thing in Israel at which both the ears of every one who heareth it shall tingle. 12 In that day I will perform against Eli all things which I have spoken concerning his house. When I begin, I will also make an end; 13 for I have told him that I will judge his house for ever for the iniquity which he knoweth, because his sons made themselves vile, and he restrained them not. 14 And therefore I have sworn unto the house of Eli that the iniquity of Eli’s house shall not be purged with sacrifice nor offering, for ever.” 15 And Samuel lay until the morning, and opened the doors of the house of the Lord. And Samuel feared to show Eli the vision. 16 Then Eli called Samuel and said, “Samuel, my son.” And he answered, “Here am I.” 17 And he said, “What is the thing that the Lord hath said unto thee? I pray thee, hide it not from me. God do so to thee, and more also, if thou hide any word from me of all the things that He said unto thee.” 18 And Samuel told him every whit, and hid nothing from him. And he said, “It is the Lord. Let Him do what seemeth to Him good.” 19 And Samuel grew, and the Lord was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. 20 And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established to be a prophet of the Lord. 21 And the Lord appeared again in Shiloh, for the Lord revealed Himself to Samuel in Shiloh by the word of the Lord. 21st Century King James Version (KJ21) Copyright © 1994 by Deuel Enterprises, Inc. 1 Samuel 21 Samuel 4 Bible Gateway
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Im Ernstfall hätte ein „Opfer“ ersticken können Eilsen – Im Ernstfall hätte ein „Opfer“ ersticken können Die vier Freiwilligen Feuerwehren in der Samtgemeinde waren sehr schnell am Einsatzort. Nicht einmal zehn Minuten nach der Alarmierung hatten etwa 30 Brandschützer aus Bad Eilsen, Buchholz, Luhden und Ahnsen das Georg-Wilhelm-Haus der Steuerakademie an der Bahnhofstraße erreicht und den angenommenen Brand im zweiten Obergeschoss schnell unter Kontrolle. Voriger Artikel Da weint sogar der Silbermond 8692 Kilometer für die Gesundheit Die Atemschutzüberwachung befindet sich in einem guten Zustand. Quelle: möh Eilsen. Auch die drei vermissten Personen wurden zügig aus dem völlig verqualmten Gebäude gerettet. Dennoch war es gut, dass es sich nur um eine Übung gehandelt hatte, denn neben „Licht“ hatte sich auch „Schatten“ gezeigt, wie Samtgemeindebrandmeister Hartmut Krause und sein Stellvertreter Andreas Mohr hinterher feststellten. Mit dem Ergebnis der Übung hätten Hartmut Krause und sein Stellvertreter Andreas Mohr unterm Strich eigentlich zufrieden sein können. Doch eine Übung dient dazu, auch Fehler aufzuzeigen, die, so Krause und Mohr, „wir dann aber in der Zukunft unbedingt vermeiden müssen“. So wurden zwei der „Opfer“ schnell geborgen. Bei dem Dritten stand es auf der Kippe, ob er im Ernstfall den Qualm überlebt hätte. Hartmut Krause kritisierte, dass die Vermissten „einfach so“ aus dem Haus getragen worden seien, ohne die speziellen Tragen zu benutzen. Probleme gab es, als die Feuerwehrleute mit schwerem Atemschutz das Gebäude betreten wollten: Der passende Schlüssel war nicht sofort zur Hand. Andreas Mohr, der die Übung vorbereitet hatte, fragte daher schon laut an, „wann denn der erste Trupp ins Haus gehen will, um zu löschen und die vermissten Personen zu retten?“ Bemängelt wurde ferner, dass die Einsatzkräfte lange hätten warten müssen, bis endlich Löschwasser im zweiten Obergeschoss vorhanden war. Positiv vermerkte die Wehr aber, dass die sogenannte Steigleitung, die beim Umbau des Hauses extra verlegt worden war, ihren Zweck gut erfüllte. Auch an der Zusammenarbeit der vier Wehren gab es nichts auszusetzen. Und die Atemschutzüberwachung befindet sich in einem guten Zustand, obwohl, so Mohr, die einzelnen Feuerwehren nie genügend Einsatzkräfte haben könnten, die auch als Atemschutzträger ausgebildet seien.möh Sie befinden sich hier: Eilsen – Im Ernstfall hätte ein „Opfer“ ersticken können – www.SN-Online.de
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Alice Cooper wird viermal den Bühnentod erleiden Alice Cooper stirbt den Bühnentod Tod auf der Bühne - Alice Cooper will es wissen. Schwerin - Alice Cooper wird sterben! Keine Angst, natürlich nur auf der Bühne. Im Rahmen seiner Tour „Theatre of Death“ wird er den Bühnentod erleiden. Der Erfinder des Schock- und Gruselrocks, Alice Cooper, kommt mit seiner “Theatre of Death Tour“ am 9. Dezember nach Schwerin. Das Konzert während seiner Europatour ist das einzige in Deutschland. In einem Interview mit der “Ostsee-Zeitung“ (Mittwoch) sagte der 61-Jährige, die Show sei brandneu. “Alles, was Sie von Alice Cooper sehen wollen, ist enthalten.“ Er werde auf der Bühne viermal umgebracht. Es werde 28 Hardrock-Klassiker geben. Er fühle sich wie 30, weil er seit 30 Jahren keinen Alkohol trinke. “Es ist, als würde ich rückwärts in der Zeit gehen.
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Gabourey Sidibe Beats Out Stiff Competition To Win Outstanding Actress At NAACP Awards Published at 1:27 AM EST on Feb 27, 2010 | Updated at 1:45 AM EST on Feb 27, 2010 Gabourey Sidibe is glowing. The "Precious: Based on the Novel 'Push' by Sapphire" actress picked up the Outstanding Actress In A Motion Picture trophy at the NAACP Image Awards in Los Angeles on Friday night, beating out competition from Sandra Bullock ("The Blind Side"), Taraji P. Henson ("I Can Do Bad All By Myself"), Sophie Okonedo ("Skin") and Anika Noni Rose ("The Princess and the Frog"). "It is an honor to be nominated, but it is awesome to win. I love winning," Gabourey told the crowd (including Sandra) who took to their feet after Chris Rock announced she was the winner. And the actress said she wasn't prepared to take home the award. "I didn't really expect this," Gabourey said as she tried to hold back tears. "I want to thank my God for ordering my steps, for everything that my life was and everything that it is now." Gabourey went on to thank her family and her director, Lee Daniels. "I walked into his office in jeans and sneakers and he saw a glamorous dress and heels, and he saw a star and I could never thank you enough, I can't," she said before taking a big breath to stifle the tears. And the actress also saluted her "Precious" co-stars for helping refine her natural talent. "I want to thank my teachers. My teachers happen to be Mo'Nique, Paula Patton, Mariah [Carey] and Sherri Shepherd — the people that I got the honor to work with and I thank you so, so much because I showed up not knowing what I was doing and I sat back and I watched you and thank you for teaching me," she added. "Lastly, I want to thank the 'Precious' girls everywhere, this is for you." Gabourey wasn't the only "Precious" winner. Mo'Nique too picked up an Outstanding Supporting Actress Award and the film netted the Outstanding Motion Picture trophy. VIEW THE PHOTOS: Smokin' Careers: Oscar First-Time Nominees For 2010 PLAY IT NOW: 2010 Oscar Luncheon: One On One With Gabourey Sidibe PLAY IT NOW: 2010 Oscar Luncheon: Gabourey Sidibe On Vanity Fair & Being A Role Model MORE ACCESS ON THESE TOPICS: Gabourey Sidibe - TV One - Lee Daniels - Anika Noni Rose - Taraji P. Henson
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La UE carece de una estrategia específica contra el fraude en 18/05/2019 16/05/2019 por Antonio Arias Rodriguezen Corrupción Los esfuerzos de los Estados miembros para combatir el fraude en los gastos de cohesión siguen siendo insuficientes. Esta es, en resumen, la conclusión del último informe del Tribunal de Cuentas Europeo, titulado, con el estilo habitual: “Lucha contra el fraude en el gasto de cohesión de la UE: las autoridades de gestión tienn que reforzar la detección, la respuesta y la coordinación”. El asunto y fue tratado por el Tribunal a primeros de este año y dimos cuenta oportuna en esta bitácora del varapalo al actual sistema de investigación de la corrupción por la Oficina de lucha contra el fraude (OLAF), que presenta deficiencias intrínsecas. Allí nos había dejado perlas como esta, con el habitual tonillo de los auditores europeos: «Ha llegado el momento de actuar: la Comisión debería establecer un sistema eficaz para prevenir, detectar y evitar la actuación de los defraudadores. Una reforma de la OLAF será la prueba de fuego del compromiso de la Comisión en la lucha contra el fraude». Entre 2007 y 2017 se detectaron más de 4.000 irregularidades potencialmente fraudulentas que afectaban a los intereses financieros de la UE y representaban casi 1.500 millones de euros de ayuda de la UE. El 72 % de este importe afectaba a la política de cohesión, que comprende el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, el Fondo de Cohesión y el Fondo Social Europeo. Los Estados miembros son los principales responsables de combatir el fraude en estos ámbitos. Los auditores europeos piensan que las evaluaciones de los Estados miembros de la eficacia de sus medidas contra el fraude son “demasiado optimistas”. El trabajo de campo se desarrolló en siete Estados miembros: Bulgaria, Francia, Hungría, Grecia, Letonia, Rumanía y España, donde examinaron si las autoridades de gestión y los servicios de coordinación contra el fraude de los Estados miembros han cumplido adecuadamente sus responsabilidades en cada etapa del proceso de gestión de la lucha contra el fraude: desde la prevención y detección hasta la respuesta, así como la notificación de casos detectados y la recuperación de los fondos indebidamente abonados. En el período de programación 2014-2020, los auditores constataron que las autoridades de gestión habían evaluado mejor el riesgo de fraude en el uso de la financiación del ámbito de cohesión y habían mejorado sus medidas de prevención. Sin embargo, algunos de estos análisis no eran suficientemente exhaustivos, señalando que “no se han realizado progresos significativos en la detección proactiva del fraude”. Los auditores observan también que los Estados miembros no han respondido suficientemente a todos los casos detectados de fraude en el gasto de cohesión de la UE y que las medidas correctoras, cuando se aplican, tienen un efecto disuasorio limitado. Los procedimientos de información también son insatisfactorios. No se informa lo suficiente de los casos, lo que afecta a la fiabilidad de los índices de detección de fraude que publica la Comisión Europea. Por otra parte, las sospechas de fraude no se comunican sistemáticamente a los organismos competentes y la coordinación con otros servicios antifraude es insuficiente. En general, los Estados miembros no tienen una política específica contra el fraude. Mientras se debaten nuevas normas para los fondos de cohesión en el período 2021-2027, el informe formula varias recomendaciones sobre el modo de lograr mejores resultados. En particular, recomiendan a los Estados miembros que: adopten estrategias y políticas oficiales para combatir el fraude contra los fondos de la UE; realicen evaluaciones de riesgo de fraude más rigurosas haciendo participar a actores externos pertinentes en el proceso; mejoren las medidas de detección generalizando el uso de instrumentos de análisis de datos. El Tribunal observa que algunas de las autoridades de gestión visitadas adoptan un enfoque mecánico en la evaluación de los riesgos de fraude, lo que parece indicar que anteponen la forma al fondo. Asimismo, recomiendan también a la Comisión Europea que: supervise los mecanismos de respuesta al fraude para garantizar que se apliquen de forma coherente; inste a los Estados miembros a ampliar las funciones de sus servicios de coordinación antifraude. Buen GobiernoFrauderiesgosTribunal de Cuentas EuropeoUnión Europea Rebuscando en la zona oscura del presupuesto Oferta pública de empleo y Universidad Gracias por comentar con el fin de mejorar Cancelar respuesta
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La FINMA porte le deuil de Michael Loretan Michael Loretan, chef de la division Asset Management et directeur suppléant de l’Autorité fédérale de surveillance des marchés financiers FINMA, est décédé des suites d’une longue maladie à l’âge de 53 ans. C’est avec grande tristesse que nous avons appris le décès de Michael Loretan mardi 22 janvier 2019. Bien que celui-ci soit survenu des suites d'une longue maladie, cette annonce nous a tous surpris. Après une belle carrière dans la branche financière, Michael Loretan avait rejoint la FINMA en 2011. En 2014, il a été nommé membre de la direction et en octobre 2018, le conseil d’administration l’avait choisi pour assurer la suppléance du directeur de la FINMA. Il était particulièrement apprécié des collaborateurs et de ses collègues ainsi que dans la branche financière. Michael Loretan laisse un grand vide derrière lui. Toutes nos pensées vont à ses proches. Dernière modification: 25.01.2019 Taille: 0,23 MB Langue(s):
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Romain D. Ibanez : “J’apprécie l’enchaînement des victoires mais je suis réaliste” Nous vous proposons une réactions de Raphaël Ibanez après la victoire de l’UBB sur La Rochelle. « Il n’y a pas de match facile et on en a eu l’illustration aujourd’hui. Le match a été difficile, on a eu du mal à retrouver l’énergie du week-end dernier. On peut évoquer nos difficultés dans notre volonté de porter le ballon, nos imprécisions, mais j’ai bien aimé la réaction pour aller à l’essentiel, c’est à dire gagner ce match, avec une bonne mêlée et des buteurs fiables. J’apprécie l’enchaînement des victoires mais je suis réaliste : on a encore beaucoup à faire. Et ce qui nous attend va être intéressant ».
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Faculty, students and alumni behind hugely successful play Anbara Anbara Salam Khalidi defiantly removed her face veil before giving a speech at AUB in 1927. In her most recent play, Anbara, Aliya Khalidi honors her grandmother Anbara Salam Khalidi who had been an example of fortitude to Arab women. “Every woman in the family used to consult her on all matters and her advice was always supportive and progressive,” says Khalidi. “She experienced three tragedies, three great losses in her life, and yet she was such a pleasant positive person and a role model for us all.” Anbara was in fact a role model for all feminists in Lebanon and across the Arab world. Her records of the many challenges and changes she witnessed and experienced during her life in Lebanon and Palestine were the impetus behind her granddaughter’s production. “I had read the memoir in the original Arabic many years ago, but I was recaptured by it after reading my father’s translation in English, published in 2013,” recalls Khalidi. Any biography of Anbara is sure to mention that she defiantly removed her face veil before giving a speech at AUB in 1927, and while this is certainly a poignant moment in Khalidi’s production, it is the preceding decade that most occupies the story and the stage. In preparing the script, Khalidi pored over the pages of Anbara’s memoir with dramatist and LAU graduate Noura Sakkaf. Khalidi and Sakkaf had worked together on previous projects, as they had with other members of the production team, most of whom are LAU students and graduates. “As a faculty member you tend to establish very good relations with your students, both current and former,” says Khalidi, explaining the richness of LAU talent in the crew. Khalidi first taught students of the communication arts programs in 1994 and has for the past six years been a regular fixture at the department. “They see how I work, and the established teacher-student relationship builds trust and a bond that is very positive.” Her former student Walid Saliba, goes further to say that he also very much enjoyed the development of the relationship with his former teacher. “Our communication became both more professional and more personal,” says Saliba, who has been the house and media manager for the production. “Aliya is very creative and works out of trust. It was a wonderful experience with her and the others,” he adds, noting that he felt at ease and at home among fellow LAU members who had the same outlook and education as himself. While most of the crew members were recent graduates, some were Khalidi’s students over a decade ago. “I’ve never worked on a production without my students. I aim to guide them through life through theatre, rather than teach them about theatre,” says Khalidi, adding that appreciation of the art form is an important aspect of her work. “Theatre contains almost every element of art you can think of. It’s about staging beautiful pictures with beautiful acting, lighting, design, music … that is the beauty of theatre. It can give credit to each of these elements while drawing out each of their strengths collectively.” The extended run of “Anbara” at Babel theatre will end on Saturday 28 May. To reserve your ticket, call the theatre on 01 744 033. Other stories in: Alumni; Department of Communication Arts ; School of Arts and Sciences.
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Accueil > Actualité Social Media > Bientôt des albums photo sur Instagram ? Actualité Social MediaInstagram Bientôt des albums photo sur Instagram ? Guide Social Media Le réseau social de partage d’images appartenant à Facebook est en train de développer une nouvelle fonctionnalité permettant de poster jusqu’à 10 photos sur la même publication. A priori, il suffira de swiper (glisser horizontalement) pour afficher les photos d’un même album. Chacune des photos pourra être likée, et le reste des options, notamment les filtres, applicables à chacune, devraient être inchangées. La fonctionnalité est actuellement disponible pour les annonceurs uniquement et serait en cours de déploiement pour le reste des utilisateurs. Après avoir repris le concept des stories de SnapChat (qui lui feraient d’ailleurs perdre des utilisateurs de façon non négligeable, selon une récente étude de TechCrunch), reprendre le principe de l’algorithme et maintenant des albums photos similaires à Facebook, n’est-il pas en train de dénaturer Instagram ? C’est en tous cas ce que regrettent déjà certains utilisateurs à l’annonce de cette nouveauté. Article précédent Internet est-il politique ou politisé ?Article suivant Challenges sur les réseaux sociaux : les bons, les brutes et les perdants Articles similaires Le français sur les réseaux sociaux : mort ou vif ? Pourquoi vos publics « unlike » votre page Facebook ?
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Thai police link Bangkok blast to China's Uighurs Thailand's police chief has linked the Bangkok bomb blast to China's Uighurs for the first time, as the lawyer for one of two detained foreign suspects confirmed his client is from the Muslim minority. The August 17 bombing killed 20 people, the majority of them ethnic Chinese tourists, raising the possibility of a link to militants or supporters of the Uighurs, an ethnic group who say they face heavy persecution in China. A month earlier, Thailand had forcibly deported more than 100 Uighur refugees to China, sparking international condemnation as well as violent protests in Turkey, where nationalist hardliners see the minority as part of a global Turkic-speaking family. Police blamed a gang of people smugglers for the attack, motivated by revenge for a crackdown on their lucrative trade through Thailand, a motive which has been widely dismissed by security experts. "The cause was the human trafficking networks - networks transferring Uighurs from one country to another. Thai authorities destroyed or obstructed their human trafficking businesses," Somyot Poompanmoung told reporters on Tuesday, explaining the apparent motive for the attack. It was the first time Thai police have formally referenced the Uighurs in relation to the case, after issuing a retraction of a mention of the group over the weekend. Mostly Muslim Uighurs have long accused Beijing of religious and cultural repression in China's far western Xinjiang region, with hundreds of refugees believed to have fled in recent years, often heading to Turkey via Southeast Asia. Arrest warrants, passports and travel itineraries of the main suspects all point towards the involvement of militants from the ethnic group or their supporters. Nearly a month on, Thailand has two foreigners in custody and a dozen arrest warrants issued. One of the two men in custody, Yusufu Mieraili, was seized with a Chinese passport that gave a Xinjiang birthplace. Police say they believe his passport is real. The other suspect, named by Thai police as Adem Karadag, was allegedly discovered in a flat on the outskirts of Bangkok in possession of bomb-making equipment and dozens of fake Turkish passports. Speaking to the media on Tuesday, his lawyer said his client - whose real name is Bilal Mohammed - admits entering Thailand illegally but denies any knowledge of the bomb plot. "He has denied that any of the bomb making materials belong to him," lawyer Chuchart Kanphai said. "Most of stuff in that room was there before he arrived." Chuchart said Mohammed was born in Xinjiang's capital, Urumqi, but moved to Turkey in 2004 where he received Turkish nationality and found work as a truck driver with his brother. He entered Thailand on August 21, four days after the bomb blast, with the aim of finding work in Malaysia, the lawyer said. A broker helped him get into Thailand with a fake passport via Vietnam and Laos, and arranged for him to stay at the flat that police later raided and allegedly discovered explosives. Almost all the other suspects identified by police have Turkish sounding names or links. On Monday, police said another suspect, Chinese national Abudusataer Abudureheman, who investigators say was in contact with cell members before the blast, flew out of Thailand on August 30 to Bangladesh before heading on to Delhi, Abu Dhabi and eventually Turkey. On Tuesday, the Turkish embassy in Bangkok said it had yet to be contacted by Thai police on that development.
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Hobson Experiences Attraction Review Services Review Chinatown/Little India, Singapore Published on July 4, 2017 by AHobson On our 2nd day in Singapore we took the MRT to the Chinatown station in order to visit the area known as Chinatown/Little India. This is because Chinese temples sit alongside Indian temples in this area. There are many sights and sounds to take in when you visit this area. There are plenty of shops, stalls, restaurants and temples to see and visit. We didn’t actually go into the Sri Mariamman Temple as you needed to take your shoes off to go in but it looked really impressive from the outside! I’m told its the oldest Hindu temple in Singapore dating back to 1827. The Buddha Tooth Relic Temple was a rather large building. Its full of light and sculptures and candles. Its very impressive and ornate! It’s not actually very old as it was only built in 2007. There was quite a lot of stalls and shops offering a wide variety of souvenirs, knick knacks and even tailors where you could get clothes tailor made for you. Would definitely recommend a visit as its quite interesting to be surrounded by the hustle and bustle. You might also get a great deal! Chinatown/Little India – http://www.visitsingapore.com/see-do-singapore/places-to-see/chinatown.html Sri Mariamman Temple – http://www.smt.org.sg/ Buddha Tooth Relic Temple – http://www.visitsingapore.com/see-do-singapore/culture-heritage/places-of-worship/buddha-tooth-relic-temple-museum.html Value – 4.0 Overall – 4.0 Categories Attraction Review, Singapore•Tags Chinatown, Little India, Singapore Previous Sim Cards and Travel Cards, Hong Kong Next Koh Grill & Sushi Bar, Singapore Attraction Review (27) Hotel Review (8) Services Review (7) Cleaver Coffee Co, Long Eaton The Potting Shed Café Restaurant, Lichfield Eureka! The National Children’s Museum, Halifax The Deep, Hull Bendigo Lounge, Nottingham Follow Hobson Experiences on WordPress.com © Ashley Hobson and Hobson Experiences. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Ashley Hobson and Hobson Experiences with appropriate and specific direction to the original content. Archives Select Month July 2020 March 2020 February 2020 May 2019 April 2019 December 2018 November 2018 October 2018 June 2018 April 2018 March 2018 January 2018 October 2017 September 2017 July 2017 June 2017 May 2017 April 2017 February 2017 January 2017 August 2016 July 2016 June 2016 May 2016 April 2016 March 2016 February 2016 Categories Select Category Attraction Review (27) Cornwall (7) Edinburgh (9) Hong Kong (4) Hotel Review (8) Kuala Lumpur (1) National Trust (7) Nottingham (38) Restaurant Review (54) Services Review (7) Singapore (6) St Lucia (8)
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Breaking News 2022 Cincinnati Bengals Schedule What to expect from Joe Burrow in 2020 Burrow is ready to make an immediate impact in Cincinnati. By Matt Minich@CoachMinich Sep 8, 2020, 9:00am EDT Share All sharing options for: What to expect from Joe Burrow in 2020 The most notable change for the Bengals in 2020 will be at the quarterback position where first overall selection Joe Burrow will take the reigns of the offense. While the Bengals are coming off of a season where wins were hard to come by, Burrow arrives in Cincinnati following an undefeated National Championship year at LSU. Can this established winner lead the Bengals to a championship of their own? Hometown: Athens, OH Experience: Rookie Cap Status Burrow signed a 4-year, $36,190,137 contract with the Bengals, including a $23,880,100 signing bonus, $36,190,137 guaranteed, and an average annual salary of $9,047,534, per Spotrac. In 2020, Burrow will earn a base salary of $610,000 and a signing bonus of $23,880,100, while carrying a cap hit of $6,580,025 and a dead cap value of $36,190,137. Burrow was born in Ames, IA. Prior to Joe’s birth, his father, Jim Burrow, had been an assistant coach at Iowa State University, but after a staff change, Jim took a coaching position at Ames High School. But it was Jim’s next job that would have a profound impact on Joe’s future. In 2001, Jim accepted a graduate assistant position at his alma mater, the University of Nebraska. There he worked under head coach Frank Solich and defensive coordinator Craig Bohl. In 2003, Bohl, who would later coach Logan Wilson at the University of Wyoming, left Nebraska to become the head coach at North Dakota State University, taking Jim with him as his defensive coordinator. In 2004, Solich was fired by Nebraska and replaced with Bill Callahan. A year later, while Callahan was recruiting a transfer quarterback named Zac Taylor, Solich was named the head coach at Ohio University and brought Jim with him as his defensive coordinator. This is how Joe Burrow came to see Athens, OH as his home. Although Burrow wanted to be a Cornhusker like his father and brothers before him, no offer came, and he ended up joining J.T. Barrett and Cardale Jones in a crowded Ohio State quarterback room. At Ohio State, he played with future Bengals Vonn Bell, Billy Price, Michael Jordan, Isaiah Prince, and Sam Hubbard. But it was neither Nebraska nor Ohio State where Burrow would put himself on the college football map. With the departure of Barrett and Jones, Dwayne Haskins became the starting quarterback for the Buckeyes. Burrow, having graduated in three years, transferred to LSU. Burrow did not arrive in Baton Rouge until after spring practice, so he had a few short weeks of fall camp to acclimate to the LSU offense and become familiar with his offensive weapons. Burrow’s play in his first season as a starter did not inspire lofty NFL expectations, but by the end of the season he was playing pretty well. That offseason, LSU brought in Joe Brady as passing game coordinator and wide receivers coach. He and offensive coordinator Steve Ensminger changed the LSU offense to give Burrow more options and make best use of his ability to read a defense. This had a huge impact on what would happen the following season, but so did something else which is much less talked about. That offseason Burrow got to participate in his first and only spring practice at LSU which was also his only spring ball as a named starting quarterback. He made the most of it, staying late after practice, throwing extra balls to Justin Jefferson and his other receivers, building a rapport. Burrow and his pass catchers continued to get together on their own time throughout the summer. What happened in 2019 was a result of not only the opportunity created by the change in offensive philosophy, but the effort that Burrow and his teammates put into taking full advantage of it. LSU went on to a National Championship. Burrow had arguably the greatest season in college football history. He threw for 5,671 yards and 60 touchdowns while completing 76.3% of his passes and throwing only six interceptions and winning the Heisman Trophy. Great 3rd down conversion by Burrow pic.twitter.com/ZrGuFgbAU2 — Matt Minich (@CoachMinich) October 20, 2019 Burrow could immediately solve a number of the Bengals’ issues from the 2019 season, not the least of which was converting red zone appearances into touchdowns. Burrow’s accuracy, touch, and ability to make plays outside of the structure of the play will all help the team get the ball into the end zone. He is an excellent fit for the Bengals’ offense and receiving corps. His timing and precision on passes over the middle are perfect for hitting Tyler Boyd in tight windows, while his expertise throwing the back-shoulder on the deep outside fade will be perfect for A.J. Green, Auden Tate, and Tee Higgins. Finally, he has the arm strength and deep-field accuracy to stretch the field and hit John Ross in stride. Burrow also has the flexibility to adjust to what the defense is throwing at him. Early in 2019 he had great success playing with a style similar to Drew Brees: precision passes thrown with expert timing. Later, as teams started to drop more players into coverage and let him sit in the pocket, he adapted to more of a Patrick Mahomes style: taking his time and creating big time plays outside of structure. In the National Championship game Clemson tried to play tight in coverage to take away the quick passes, while sending pressure at Burrow. He adjusted and although his completion percentage was by far his worst of the season, Burrow threw for 463 yards, five touchdowns and no interceptions on his way to the win. Unfortunately, there were no live OTAs this offseason, so Burrow did not have the chance to develop a rapport with his new wide receivers in Cincinnati. While extra work with his receivers played a big part in his Year 2 success at LSU and is likely to do the same in 2021 in Cincinnati, it does not mean he cannot have a successful rookie campaign. Here are a few reasons why: First, as a point of precedent, Green and Andy Dalton were drafted during a lockout offseason and still led the Bengals to the playoffs as rookies in 2011 despite the lack of OTAs. Also, despite the virtual offseason, Burrow has managed to impress coaches and teammates with his command of the offense. Finally, Burrow prepared like a starting NFL quarterback at LSU. He was playing in an NFL system and while taking a light grad school schedule, he would start his preparations for their next opponent the day after the previous game and was tested by coaches the following day. He understands what it takes to be an NFL quarterback. Burrow will help the Bengals offense take a big step forward in 2020. Yes, he will make plenty of rookie mistakes, but he will also have some flashes that make you excited about the future in Cincinnati. Although it is likely that the big jump will come the following year, he will make them instantly more competitive. 1 pic.twitter.com/i7AMemOSHU — Matt Minich (@CoachMinich) January 14, 2020 Roster Odds Burrow will make the roster and be a Day 1 starter for the Bengals. Roster Odds: 100% Abu Daramy-Swaray signs with Bengals Daramy-Swaray previously played for the Potsdam Royals of the German Football League. Bengals News (5/14): Earned legacy Kwamie Lassiter II ended up in Cincinnati for a reason. Bengals announce 2022 undrafted free agent signings 16 college free agents join the fray.
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Getsurance GMBH Das Berliner Unternehmen Getsurance entwickelt Online-Personenversicherungen, die sich besonders schnell und einfach im Internet abschließen und verwalten lassen. Den Anfang machte im Juni 2017 Getsurance Job, Deutschlands erste komplett digitale Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung (BU). Ebenfalls revolutionär ist die Krebs-Versicherung, die seit Ende 2018 erhältlich ist. Nach der Übernahme durch die Nürnberger Versicherung entwickelt Getsurance weitere innovative Produkte, um seinen Kunden ein Rundum-Sorglos-Paket für den Einkommensschutz anzubieten. Und zwar einfach und günstig.”
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Nombre de compañia Código postal Ciudad Contacto A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0-9
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