C’est nouveau ! Développez Gérez votre entreprise Annuaire des Experts en entreprises L’actualité des experts en entreprise Des Solutions au service de l’entreprise Newsletters des experts Gérez votre entreprise > Marketplaces de FoodTech : quel avenir pour les livreurs indépendants (...) Marketplaces de FoodTech : quel avenir pour les livreurs indépendants ? 29 mai 2017 Par Gérard Haas Votez pour cet article C’est une nouvelle conception du travail qui émerge : ouvrir une application, se mettre ON ou OFF en fonction de ses besoins, de son agenda ou même de la météo, enfourcher un vélo et un sac à dos et se laisser guider par une application. Enclenchée par la 3ème révolution informatique de l’internet des objets ou (IOT), les Marketplaces de services traduisent un mouvement de transformation profond de la société. Neuf Français sur dix déclarent avoir déjà consommé des services via des Marketplaces. L’alimentation étant le premier pan du secteur tertiaire, la « FoodTech » représente, de fait, un enjeu économique majeur pour les grands opérateurs qui se livrent une guerre concurrentielle internationale. Le but est clair pour ces géants que sont Deliveroo, Foodora ou encore UberEats, s’imposer sur le marché en proposant le meilleur service d’intermédiation entre les restaurateurs et le consommateur. Le résultat de cette politique semble cependant affecter le statut des indépendants : pressions sur les temps de livraison, directives, uniformes vestimentaires, incitations à la connexion et sanctions. Les contestations s’intensifient entre les livreurs et les géants de la Foodtech dans le monde entier. La protestation s’oriente contre le détournement du régime des indépendants qui, selon eux, revient à leur imputer les inconvénients du régime salarié sans les avantages (protection sociale, assurance maladie…). 1/ Retour sur le statut juridique d’indépendant. La France compte aujourd’hui plus de trois millions d’indépendants, un secteur en constante progression. Afin de délimiter la frontière entre le statut d’indépendant et celui de salarié, il convient de rappeler qu’un travailleur indépendant : n’est pas lié par un contrat de travail, n’est pas tenu par un lien de subordination, travaille pour son propre compte, est immatriculé au RCS comme auto-entrepreneur ou dirigeant d’entreprise. 2/ La requalification par le juge du statut d’indépendant en salarié. C’est l’enjeu principal de l’ubérisation des relations de travail, il n’y a pas d’entre-deux, la raison est simple explique Dane Stangler : l’un des responsables de la Fondation Kauffman « Nous avons construit tous nos programmes de prestations – social, retraite, santé, chômage etc. – autour de cette notion d’emploi fixe qui aujourd’hui n’est plus adapté. » Le 26 juillet dernier, la faillite de Take Eat Easy, service de livraison de repas à domicile lancé en 2013, a fait perdre leur emploi à 4.500 coursiers, dont 2.500 en France. A la suite de quoi un collectif d’indépendants s’est constitué afin d’attaquer la société aux prud’hommes pour tenter une requalification de leur relation de travail en qualité de salariée. Comment le juge procède-t-il pour requalifier ? Au regard de l’article 12 du Code de procédure civile, le juge n’est pas tenu par la qualification donnée par les parties et pèse sur lui une obligation de requalifier les actes litigieux afin de leur restituer leur véritable valeur. Dans un contrat de prestations de service deux parties sont identifiées à savoir l’indépendant auto-entrepreneur et le donneur d’ordre. Concrètement, le juge apprécie les éléments de fait qui révèleraient un lien de subordination en recherchant le critère qui fait passer un travail indépendant à un travail salarié : le pouvoir de sanction du donneur d’ordres, le pouvoir de contrôle et de directives du donneur d’ordres, la détermination des conditions d’exécution du travail (horaires, lieu de travail, matériel à utiliser…). Si ces critères sont réunis, la relation contractuelle peut alors être requalifiée en contrat de travail. Les droits afférents au statut de salarié (paiement des congés payés, indemnités de licenciement…) sont alors applicables rétroactivement. Pourquoi la FoodTech est particulièrement menacée ? C’était en octobre dernier que le syndicat IWGB avait engagé en collaboration avec le cabinet d’avocats Leigh Day, une action visant à reconnaitre le statut de salarié à des chauffeurs de la firme Uber en Grande Bretagne. Après le succès de cette action ayant poussé l’Urssaf à poursuivre Uber en France, ce même cabinet est sur le point de lancer une action contre Deliveroo qui fait appel outre-Manche à plus de 15.000 indépendants. Selon la cour de cassation, « le lien de subordination est caractérisé par l’exécution d’un travail sous l’autorité d’un employeur qui a le pouvoir de donner des ordres et des directives, d’en contrôler l’exécution et de sanctionner le manquement de son subordonné » (Cass. soc. 1er juillet 1997, n° 94-45.102). Or les plaignants en France comme en Grande-Bretagne évoquent un lien de subordination constitué par différents éléments : le contrôle permanant des livreurs et l’incitation à se connecter, les directives du donneur d’ordre (cadences, rapidité, direction de l’exécution des tâches), le port de l’uniforme de la marque fourni par elle, ce qui contrevient à la liberté de travailler pour un concurrent, les sanctions et la charte de conduite imposée, la fixation des tarifs par la marque sans possibilité de négociation. Quelles conséquences pour la société ? En cas de requalification, toutes les sommes versées à l’auto-entrepreneur ont le caractère d’un salaire. Par conséquent, le client (requalifié en employeur) peut être condamné à acquitter l’ensemble des cotisations sociales afférentes aux sommes versées à l’auto-entrepreneur. Par ailleurs, l’auto-entrepreneur peut réclamer une rémunération au moins égale au SMIC voire supérieure, si la convention collective applicable à son client prévoit des barèmes supérieurs. Sur le plan de la durée du travail, l’auto-entrepreneur est censé être soumis au régime des 35 heures et peut solliciter le paiement d’heures supplémentaires s’il établit avoir travaillé au-delà de cette limite. Enfin, si la relation entre les parties prend fin, la rupture sera nécessairement qualifiée de licenciement sans cause réelle et sérieuse en cas d’inobservation des règles relatives au licenciement. Dans ce cas, l’auto-entrepreneur peut solliciter le versement des indemnités suivantes : une indemnité légale ou conventionnelle de licenciement ; une indemnité compensatrice de préavis ; une indemnité compensatrice de congés payés sur préavis ; des dommages et intérêts pour licenciement sans cause réelle et sérieuse ; une indemnité destinée à compenser l’absence de congés payés durant sa période d’emploi. 3/ Les précautions pour éviter la requalification. Un document interne révélé par la presse anglaise le 6 mars dernier dévoile les précautions que Deliveroo prend pour sécuriser le statut de ses livreurs. Ont étés dévoilés les éléments de langage à employer : pas de « livreur » mais « fournisseurs indépendants » ; pas « de planning » mais des « disponibilité pour accepter des commandes » ; de même pas de « bulletin de salaire » mais une « facture ». Concrètement, le juge s’intéressera surtout aux éléments juridiques et factuels. a) Sur le plan juridique Il convient tout d’abord de s’assurer que l’auto-entrepreneur est régulièrement déclaré et à jour de ses obligations fiscales et sociales, et qu’il est dûment assuré. Par ailleurs, le contrat de mission de l’auto-entrepreneur doit prévoir que ce dernier a la charge du résultat de sa mission. Le contrat doit ainsi prévoir les sanctions en cas d’inexécution de la mission (pénalités de retard notamment). Enfin, il est conseillé que la rémunération prévue au contrat soit fixée forfaitairement, en fonction du résultat, et non du nombre d’heures de travail effectuées. b) Sur le plan factuel Dans les faits, la nécessaire indépendance de l’auto-entrepreneur implique : l’utilisation de son propre matériel dans l’exécution de sa mission ; intervenir sur une mission préalablement définie par le contrat et ne constituant pas une simple location de main-d’œuvre ; fixer librement son emploi du temps ; avoir plusieurs clients ou au moins la possibilité de développer sa clientèle. Dédiant un pôle de son activité aux Marketplaces, le cabinet HAAS accompagne les places de marché dans la définition de leur stratégie et dans leur mise en conformité avec la législation existante. Gérard Haas HAAS AVOCATS défend et protège les clients nationaux et internationaux intervenant dans les secteurs de la propriété intellectuelle, du droit des nouvelles technologies, de l’information et de la communication, de la protection des données, de l’e-commerce, de l’e-marketing et du droit des affaires. http://www.haas-avocats.com https://www.avocat-rgpd.com Voir tous les articles de cet auteur Vos messages seront publiés après validation par notre équipe. La mauvaise gestion des informations en format papier aboutit à un véritable chaos. Création Optimisation La fiducie : une opportunité pour le financement des entreprises. Responsabilités entreprises / RSE La médiation au chevet des entreprises. Arbitrage/Médiation Contactez les Experts Posez-leur une question Retrouvez-les sur l'annuaire L’entrepreuneuriat au féminin ! Présentation des principales réformes du projet de loi PACTE. Dirigeants, en 2019 pensez à bien gérer les accidents de travail. 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Beyond the Lines Bienvenue dans mon petit chez moi 2.0 fait de coups de cœurs, de coups de gueule et de bonne humeur ! Parlons ciné Parlons bouquins Parlons bouquin : Réparer les vivants 1 février 2017 ~ Beyond the Lines Titre : Réparer les vivants Auteur : Maylis de Kerangal Genre : Contemporain Réparer les vivants est l’histoire d’une greffe. Une journée de 24 heures : de l’accident de voiture qui cause la mort de Simon , 19 ans, à la transplantation de ces organes. 24 heures synonymes d’une terrible douleur pour certains et d’un indicible espoir pour d’autres. C’est un roman qui a été acclamé par la critique et n’a reçu pas moins de 10 prix littéraires. Autant dire qu’avec un tel succès et un sujet aussi poignant je m’attendais à sortir les mouchoirs…. Ce qui n’a malheureusement pas été le cas. En réalité je l’ai abandonné (ce qui m’arrive très rarement) après avoir péniblement lu les 200 premières pages. Il y a deux choses qui m’ont principalement déplus dans ce roman et qui sont au final liées. La première c’est tout simplement les choix de narration et les points de vue utilisés. A chaque chapitre l’auteur change de point de vue, ce qui en soi est une super idée et nous permet à la fois de voir la réaction des proches de Simon (ses parents et sa copine) et le quotidien du personnel hospitalier (médecins et infirmiers). Sauf que voila, ça ne marche pas. Je n’ai pas été touchée une seule seconde par la douleur des parents, par leur incompréhension puis leur colère… Pour ce qui est des hospitaliers, malgré quelques détails médicaux et juridiques intéressants, leur point de vue ne m’a pas intéressée et les passages les concernant été encore en dessous du reste du roman. La médaille revient à l’infirmière qui n’a pas beaucoup de contact avec Simon mais se retrouve quand même à nous raconter ses histoires de fesse. Clairement, je m’interroge encore sur l’intérêt de ce personnage… Sur la quatrième on peut lire un extrait du livre : « Le cœur de Simon migrait dans un autre endroit du pays, ses reins, son foie et ses poumons gagnaient d’autres provinces, ils filaient vers d’autres corps. ». Je m’attendais donc à un roman sur ce processus de passage d’un corps à l’autre, sur les vécus des donneurs et des receveurs. Le résultat est que j’ai été déçue de ne pas entendre parler des receveurs, et pour cause : dans les 200 premières pages l’opération de prélèvement n’avait toujours pas eu lieu. En feuilletant les dernières pages j’ai pu voir que ce point de vue finit par arriver mais c’est vraiment dommage qu’il commence si tard dans le bouquin. La deuxième chose qui m’a gênée c’est l’écriture de l’auteur. J’ai passé un moment à me demander pourquoi je n’arrivais à me concentrer sur ce livre avant de me rendre compte que les phrases sont tout simplement interminables ! Fan de Zola, je suis pourtant amatrice de longues descriptions et de digressions. Mais ici ce sont des phrases inutilement longues qui font perdre toute émotion et toute efficacité au récit. Ce qui est vraiment dommage parce que les mots choisis sont beaux et, bien qu’ils ne soient pas représentatifs de l’ensemble, certains passages m’ont beaucoup plu. Je n’aime pas être aussi sévère avec un livre mais plus j’y repense, plus je me rend compte que je n’ai pris aucun plaisir à ma lecture. Sentiment accentué par le fait que j’en attendais beaucoup ! Je peux néanmoins comprendre qu’il ait plu et peut être que ce sera votre cas s’il est dans votre PAL ! N’hésitez pas à me donner votre avis si vous l’avez lu ou si vous avez vu l’adaptation 🙂 ! Posté dans Parlons bouquin contemporainlittérature françaiselivreprix littéraire < Previous Parlons ciné : La La Land de Damien Chazelle Suivant > Parlons ciné : Top 10 2016 23 réflexions sur “Parlons bouquin : Réparer les vivants” Julie Dionaea dit : Je n’ai pas aimé ce roman non plus et je suis rassurée de voir que je ne suis pas la seule ! Beyond the Lines dit : La même chose pour moi ! Mais en allant sur Livraddict je me rends compte qu’il y a quand même un certain nombre de personnes qui ne l’ont pas aimé 🙂 topobiblioteca dit : J’ai eu quelque peu du mal dans les premières lignes mais après je me laisser embarqué et il m’a énormément touché. mais je comprends tout à fait que le style ne puisse pas plaire. Je crois qu’avec ce roman ça passe ou ça casse 🙂 Mince alors, moi je déteste Zola mais j’ai adoré l’écriture de Kerangal. Le rythme qui mime le battement cardiaque, j’ai trouvé ça extrêmement fort et poétique. C’est l’un des rares textes contemporains dont certains passages me soient restés en tête après la lecture. Et j’ai également été bouleversée, je me souviens en particulier d’avoir ressenti une grande empathie pour la copine de Simon. Le seul point sur lequel je te rejoins, c’est qu’on voit peu le receveur. Tu détestes Zola ? Je n’aurais pas cru ça de toi 😉 ! Je crois que je n’ai pas été capable de percevoir ce rythme 😕 Oui Zola, je n’ai jamais pu, depuis qu’on m’a fait étudier des extraits de L’Assommoir en seconde. Je ne suis pas très roman XIXe en fait. Enfin si, Maupassant et Stendhal. Oui les lectures scolaires c’est pas ce qu’il y a de mieux comme approche en général Maupassant est justement un auteur que j’ai étudié et je n’avais pas particulièrement accroché mais j’étais en quatrième, il faut que je retente l’expérience 🙂 ! Pareil, j’avais détesté ses nouvelles au collège. Et un jour j’ai dû rebosser dessus durant un stage : une révélation ! Emi dit : Ça me rassure de voir que tu as eu le même ressenti que moi :’) En plus, j’adore aussi Zola, mais là c’étaient juste des accumulations de mots vaguement séparés par des virgules… Je me suis ennuyée et j’ai abandonné bien avant toi, dès le troisième ou le quatrième chapitre ! ^^ Tu comptes voir le film ou pas ? Je me tâte parce que je me dis que ça pourrait me réconcilier avec l’histoire qui a l’air pas trop mal dans le fond 🙂 Si j’en ai l’occasion peut être mais il ne m’attire pas particulièrement… Si tu le vois tu m’en diras des nouvelles 😉 Ça marche 🙂 bibliblogueuse dit : Moi j’ai beaucoup aimé ce roman, et en particulier l’écriture. Les phrases qui n’en finissent pas sont pour moi comme ce coeur qui continue de battre de manière très rythmée, avec au bout, le désespoir pour certains, la promesse d’une vie pour d’autres. Cela dit, concernant l’émotion, je comprends ce que tu veux dire car le récit est froid et clinique. C’est le premier livre que je lis de cette auteure, mais j’en lirai sûrement d’autres, pour voir justement si le style est différents. J’espère que ttes prochaines lectures te plairont davantage 😉 Je trouve ça fascinant que ce roman divise autant ^^ ! Lily parlait comme toi du battement de cœur, j’ai l’impression que certains ont pu le percevoir et d’autres pas 🙂 AMBROISIE dit : Je n’ai pas lu ce roman, j’ai commencé par Corniche Kennedy que j’ai beaucoup apprécié sauf la fin qui, je trouve, gâche un peu le livre, on se demande pourquoi elle nous a emmené vers cette fin. Mais j’avoue que la plume est assez spéciale et qu’elle ne peut pas plaire à tout le monde. Je retenterai peut être l’expérience quand même, merci pour le conseil 😉 J’ai eu énormément de mal avec le style aussi au début… Je me perdais littéralement dans le dédale de mots ! Alors je te comprends amplement. En revanche pour ma part, j’ai réussi ensuite à accrocher et j’ai été bouleversé par cette lecture 🙂 Chez moi se serait presque le contraire. J’ai trouvé que cette écriture se prêtait bien à la description des vagues et du surf, c’est après qu’elle m’a perdue 🙂 Comme quoi on est tous différents 🙂 lecturesbyjuliette dit : Ahaha, moi qui voulais lire ce roman, l’envie m’est passée 😂 Mais ton blog est génial, j’adore ! Par contre ne te fie pas uniquement à mon avis parce que beaucoup de gens l’ont énormément aimé ! 1000nr dit : Je trouve intéressant qu’un roman divise autant et avec des avis si radicaux : soit la lecture passe, soit la lecture casse. J’ai de mon côté été très touchée par la puissance poétique des mots qui ne tombent jamais dans le pathos mais donnent à voir avec humanité. Et comment l’auteure en parlant de la mort arrive à faire un hymne à la vie! Point Virgule dit : Hey 🙂 Comme toi j’ai été déçue par ce bouquin… Je viens de le terminer… Honnêtement j’ai beaucoup aimé la plume de l’auteur, les phrases étaient belles mais ne transmettaient aucune émotions… comme tu dis c’est un roman qui aurait du nous émouvoir et comme toi je n’ai absolument rien ressenti… A bientôt peut-être! 🙂 Pour me suivre... Tu peux t'abonner au blog en cliquant ici ( vas-y c'est gratuit ! ) La série du moment : Parlons bouquin : Du coté de chez Swann Parlons bouquin : Les neuf princes d’Ambre de Roger Zelazny Le monde de ta poche #1 : Do you speak Assimil ? Bilan de mars 2017 The Librarians ou la série qui est venue à bout de mon esprit critique Fantastique / Fantasy Le monde dans ta poche Les nouveaux dans ma PAL Les sorties du mois Parlons bouquin Parlons manga Parlons série Wordsbooksandco sur Parlons bouquin : Du coté de c… lilithbliss sur Parlons bouquin : Du coté de c… Point Virgule sur Parlons bouquin : Réparer les… enigmathie sur Parlons bouquin : Du coté de c… Mon mois de Juin… sur Parlons bouquin : Du coté de c…
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Opponent, Location Announced for Central Men’s Basketball Team in National Tournament Posted: Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010 at 6:21 am Author: Print Version The Central College men’s basketball team is headed to St. Louis, Missouri. Monday morning, the NCAA Division III selection committee announced that the Dutch will face Illinois Wesleyan on Friday in the opening round of the national tournament. Washington University in St. Louis will host the first two rounds of the tournament, with the host school also included in the same four-team grouping as Central. The Dutch are a program-best 23-4, while the Titans are 20-7 and are one of three teams from the powerhouse College Conference of Illinois and Wisconsin to make the 61-team field. Filed under: Today’s Local NewsKeywords: central college, Central Men's Basketball, Dutch, Iowa Conference, National Tournament, NCAA Division III, pella
{"url": "http://www.kniakrls.com/2010/03/opponent-location-announced-for-central-mens-basketball-team-in-national-tournament/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.kniakrls.com", "date_download": "2014-08-20T06:51:09Z", "digest": "sha1:J7N7I5QFTCQSZZJNT3XJAYYCKFL3EJ6O"}
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HASL is in the process of re-organizing our Sports and Recreation program. We need to know if disability advocates would be interested in participating. Please contact HASL at (541) 479-4275 to help us assess the community’s desires. Please leave contact information and the types of activities you would be interested in participating, also let us know if you would like to be a leader/organizer. Thank you for you help. Randy Samuelson
{"url": "https://haslonline.org/sports-recreation/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "haslonline.org", "date_download": "2020-09-18T07:15:20Z", "digest": "sha1:VF7NYEJ4322LYORZL3YD2W7MUJRFGB2X"}
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Arun regresa con su madre Ximena Gutiérrez La Policía Nacional detuvo al padre del menor Elizabeth López A. Ximena Gutiérrez Trabajadoras sexuales resolvieron 680 casos como facilitadoras judiciales Atrajo a víctima a su casa para violarla Familiares de marinos desaparecidos reciben apoyo psicológico Redacción web Un niño de cinco años que se encontraba desaparecido desde el sábado pasado con su padre de origen alemán, a quien la madre del menor acusó de haberlo secuestrado en Managua, fue repatriado hoy de México a Nicaragua, informaron las autoridades. El pequeño y su padre, el alemán Michael Sahm, fueron entregados por las autoridades de México a las de Nicaragua en el aeropuerto internacional de Managua, dijo en rueda de prensa el subdirector de la Policía Nacional nicaragüense, comisionado general Ramón Avellán. "El ciudadano alemán va a ser procesado por la sustracción del menor y otros tipos penales que se consideren necesarios por la Fiscalía y el juez que lleve la causa", indicó el jefe policial. La madre del pequeño, la nicaragüense Ximena Gutiérrez, dijo a Acan-Efe que el niño había sido localizado en México y que estuvo desaparecido desde las 10:00 hora local (16:00 GMT) del sábado pasado hasta hoy. El rapto La Policía presume que el ciudadano alemán salió de Nicaragua rumbo a Honduras por puntos no habilitados o un "punto ciego" de la frontera, y de allí continuó hacia El Salvador y luego a México, vía aérea, donde fue detenido por las autoridades. Avellán explicó que Sahm tenía una orden de captura internacional por el delito de sustracción de un menor. "La Policía está poniendo a la orden de la Fiscalía y del Poder Judicial para que este tipo sea juzgado por la sustracción del menor. Aunque sea su hijo, él no podía sacarlo de manera ilegal del país", explicó. El jefe policial dijo que el niño se encuentra "en buen estado físico" y será entregado a su madre nicaragüense. Según la investigación policial, el ciudadano alemán sustrajo al niño de manera ilegal el sábado pasado, en Managua, a bordo de un vehículo a un lugar desconocido. Tras la denuncia de la madre, de la cual tuvo conocimiento el presidente del país, Daniel Ortega, el Ejecutivo ordenó formar un equipo de la Policía Nacional para investigar el hecho, dar con el paradero del niño y rescatarlo, de acuerdo con Avellán. También ordenó la búsqueda y captura de Michael Sahm, agregó. Avellán dijo que una vez fueron notificadas por las autoridades de México sobre la presencia del niño y su padre en ese país, solicitaron "se les retuviera para hacer los procedimientos legales y la repatriación del niño". No es la primera vez En marzo pasado, Sahm escapó con el niño y se refugió en la embajada de Alemania en Managua bajo el argumento de que un juzgado de su país le dio la custodia del menor, aparentemente en una apelación, tras haberle dado primero la razón a la mamá. El alemán no tuvo más opción que regresar al niño cuando el Gobierno de Nicaragua desconoció sus argumentos. 1.Profesor acusado de abuso sexual se declara inocente MANAGUA, NICARAGUA | Nov. 17, 2015, 12:28 p.m. Plantón a favor de maestro acusado por delito sexual MANAGUA, NICARAGUA | Nov. 17, 2015, 11:05 a.m. Encuentran a Arun, hijo de la periodista Ximena Gutiérrez Cae helicóptero en el que viajaba el exministro de la presidencia Antonio Lacayo 5.Investigan causas de accidente aéreo en río San Juan MANAGUA, NICARAGUA | Nov. 17, 2015, 9:51 a.m.
{"url": "http://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/nacionales/377188-arun-regresa-su-madre-ximena-gutierrez/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.elnuevodiario.com.ni", "date_download": "2017-07-20T12:56:25Z", "digest": "sha1:USC3ZGBK4BGGY2BSSALTFPU52C4MPEUY"}
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Badger hunting in Wisconsin The names of things matter. Consider Jimmy the Groundhog, Sun Prairie’s answer to the spring-predicting Punxsutawny Phil. Jimmy is a groundhog, but that chubby rodent eating everything in your garden is usually called a woodchuck around here. Groundhogs and woodchucks are the same animal, scientific name Marmota monax, also known in some places as a whistle-pig or land-beaver, sources say. (Land beaver, really?) Anyway, the state Legislature is considering removing groundhogs from the state’s protected species list and setting up a hunting season for them, which would probably sit fine with anyone whose garden has ever been ransacked by one. But who would want to kill Jimmy the Groundhog? OK, so some of you wouldn’t give a fig for any groundhog. I understand. But consider: If we declare woodchuck hunting season, what about badgers? Yes, badgers. They’re not only the mascot of this blog, but they’re the Wisconsin’s official state animal and mascot of the UW-Madison sports teams. Yes, I’m talking about Bucky. Shoot Bucky? Are you kidding? That’s what Jimmy’s owner suggested to legislators at a hearing today, Wednesday, April 24, 2013. His message was: If you start hunting woodchucks, could badgers be next? No one would ever agree to hunting the state animal, you say? Well, consider the mourning dove. The inside cover of my “State of Wisconsin Blue Book” tells me that the mourning dove is the state symbol of peace. And yet, we have a mourning dove season. All of this is not to come down one way or the other on what should be hunted, but to offer food for thought. Those interested in food for the table might want to post their favorite woodchuck recipes in the comments section. What I really wanted to say was, names have meaning, significance and even power. They should be chosen carefully. This is a topic I will return to the next time someone chooses a boneheaded name for a building, a government program or a street. (Whistle-Pig Lane is a name I could warm up to, come to think of it, but only in an area where people use that term for woodchucks.) Bucky’s full name, by the way, is Buckingham U. Badger. Bucky is just a nickname. Go, Badgers! Last updated: 9:20 am Tuesday, July 9, 2013 Lake Geneva Republican announces run against Paul Ryan
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Comunidad Esval Región de Valparaíso Social Esval apoyará a 59 organizaciones a través de su Fondo Concursable Regional “Contigo en Cada Gota” 19/10/2018 19/10/2018 Cecilia San Martín 0 comentariosComunidad, Contigo Cada Gota, Esval, social, V región Respecto de la versión anterior, aumentaron en 23 los proyectos seleccionados, correspondientes a juntas de vecinos, clubes deportivos, establecimientos educacionales y Bomberos, entre otras entidades. El programa entregará un total de $100 millones y cada agrupación recibirá hasta $2 millones para concretar sus proyectos. Una cifra récord de organizaciones sociales y comunitarias podrá concretar sus proyectos gracias al Fondo Concursable Regional “Contigo en Cada Gota” de Esval. En su cuarta versión, el programa apoyará a 59 iniciativas – la cifra más alta desde su creación – entregando un total de $100 millones. “Queremos destacar la gran convocatoria de nuestro fondo, con cerca de 400 postulaciones recibidas. Estamos muy contentos con la calidad de las propuestas presentadas y la capacidad de organización y gestión de las diversas agrupaciones. Elegir a los ganadores nunca es fácil, pero ha sido un lindo proceso, con sesiones evaluadoras en cada una de las zonas donde entregamos nuestro servicio, lo que nos permitió beneficiar a diferentes comunas y entregar un monto equitativo por provincia”, dijo el gerente de Personas y Asuntos Corporativos de Esval, Jaime Henríquez. “En esta oportunidad apoyaremos a 23 organizaciones más que en la pasada versión, lo que representa un aumento del 64% en los proyectos seleccionados. Esto implica también que nuestro fondo concursable beneficiará directamente a un mayor número de personas a lo largo de la región. Valoramos la gran variedad de las iniciativas escogidas, con proyectos orientados al cuidado del medioambiente, el fomento al deporte y la vida sana, el mejoramiento de espacios públicos o sedes comunitarias, y además, propuestas que incentivan la inclusión de personas en situación de discapacidad y la participación de la mujer, entre otros”, agregó. Las provincias de Los Andes, San Felipe y Petorca cuentan con nueve iniciativas ganadoras; en tanto, las provincias de Quillota, Marga Marga, Valparaíso y San Antonio sumaron ocho iniciativas seleccionadas. Cada agrupación recibirá hasta $2 millones para el desarrollo de sus proyectos, que deberán ejecutarse entre noviembre de este año y marzo de 2019. Los ganadores fueron notificados directamente, además, el listado de las iniciativas seleccionadas se encuentra publicado en www.esval.cl ← ¿Fijación erótica con un durazno?: El particular caso que descolocó a Carmen Gloria Arroyo e incendió las redes sociales PDI La Calera incauta más de 3 mil dosis de cannabis sativa → Integran modernos sistemas de alarmas en viviendas sociales Por segundo año consecutivo Esval recibe premio “Revolución Wellness” Cuarta Caminata por el Alzheimer espera reunir a cientos de personas bajo el lema “No Olvidemos a quienes olvidan”
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Archivio articoli dal 05/04/2011 Psr in Sicilia, l'attacco del M5S: "Rischio disimpegno". La replica: "Tutte falsità" Pubblicato in Scenari il 14 Giugno 2019 L'attacco della deputata Pagana. La replica dell'assessore Bandiera: " La Sicilia si conferma tra le prime regioni d’Italia per la spesa relativa al Psr con il 95% del Programma già impegnato “Bandi scritti letteralmente con i piedi, agricoltori a bocca asciutta nonostante gli investimenti, una pioggia di ricorsi e misure totalmente insufficienti a coprire i beneficiari". Così la deputata del Movimento 5 Stelle all’Ars Elena Pagana a margine dell’audizione in commissione Commissione Attività produttive voluta insieme alla collega Angela Foti, cui era stato invitato l’assessore regionale all'agricoltura Bandiera. L’audizione era stata convocata per fare il punto sulle questioni relative al biologico, sulle misure a superficie, sul piano zootecnico e sulla prossima riprogrammazione Psr. "Ad esempio per la misura 10.1 B del Psr ci sono domande accolte in graduatoria per oltre 164 milioni per il quinquennio, a fronte di una disponibilità di soli 25 milioni di euro, secondo i dati aggiornati a marzo - dice la deputata - Il nuovo Psr è servito addirittura a pagare la passata programmazione. Gli agricoltori sono le vere vittime di una politica e di una burocrazia folle e irresponsabile". Secondo la Foti, "la Regione Siciliana per dare copertura al fabbisogno di 300 milioni di euro, dovrebbe prevedere somme per quattro o cinque volte superiori rispetto a quelle messe in campo a quelle previste. C’è la necessità che il Comitato di Sorveglianza e l’autorità di gestione si attivino per interfacciarsi con il Ministero e la Commissione Europea per chiedere delle sostanziose variazioni e una riprogrammazione che potrebbe avvenire in autunno che in ogni caso deve essere autorizzata. Diversamente si rischia un disimpegno delle somme con la Regione che dovrebbe poter dare copertura attraverso il bilancio Regionale". "Avrei voluto chiedere all’assessore Bandiera - aggiunge Elena Pagana - quale fosse la visione di agricoltura da parte della Regione Siciliana anche per la prossima programmazione. Il 25 giugno si riunirà il comitato di sorveglianza e noi - conclude - abbiamo già richiesto che l’assessore per l’agricoltura venga a riferire subito in Commissione Ars su quanto è emerso". Non si è fatta attendere la replica dell'assessore regionale siciliano all'agricoltura Edy Bandiera: "Nessun rischio disimpegno delle somme per il Psr - dice - La Sicilia si conferma tra le prime regioni d’Italia per la spesa relativa al Psr con il 95% del Programma già impegnato (vale a dire 2,7 miliardi di euro) e oltre 642 milioni di euro già erogati ai beneficiari, per una percentuale del Programma pari a circa il 30% (dati aggiornati a giugno 2019). Poi Bandiera prosegue: "Mi chiedo piuttosto dove fossero le deputate, in particolare la Foti, presente nella precedente legislatura, nei cinque anni del Governo Crocetta, quando venivano compiute le scelte oggi oggetto di critica. Abbiamo ereditato una programmazione già definita e con ciò, raschiando il fondo del barile, abbiamo messo in campo misure attese dagli agricoltori, come viabilità rurale e il biologico. Soltanto nel primo semestre del 2019 abbiamo pubblicato 17 bandi per oltre 128 milioni di euro e abbiamo approvato 9 graduatorie definitive per 363 milioni di euro". Per la misura 4.1 del Psr Sicilia è stata approvata la graduatoria definitiva. "Misura per la quale, col bando originario, che abbiamo ereditato - spiega Bandiera - erano stati stanziati 100 milioni di euro. Nonostante i numerosi contenziosi ereditati, per i quali si attendono ancora gli esiti, attraverso un’intensa attività, abbiamo iniziato ad emettere i primi decreti di finanziamento. Nel frattempo, vista l’importanza della misura si è ritenuto di procedere con un nuovo bando, più aderente all’esigenze dell’agricoltura siciliana, con un massimale tale che con i 40 milioni di euro disponibili, riusciremo a finanziare un numero considerevole di aziende". Per quanto concerne invece la Misura 10.1 B “Metodi di gestione delle aziende ecosostenibili”, chiarisce l'assessore, "è stato messo a bando quanto previsto dal piano finanziario del Programma".
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Antena 3 confirma que ultima la absorción de laSexta y la CNMV suspende su cotización Anuncio inminente avanzado ayer por Vertele.com La cadena de Planeta comunica negociaciones avanzadas para una fusión a falta de flecos, que otorgará al holding de Imagina el 14% del capital social. En el momento del cese en Bolsa, a las 10.45 horas, sus acciones subían el 0,46% La Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) decidió hoy suspender de forma cautelar la cotización bursátil de las acciones de Antena 3 Televisión, en un momento en el que el mercado espera el anuncio de la citada fusión, adelantada ayer por Vertele.com. En un comunicado remitido hoy, la CNMV informa de que los títulos de Antena 3 Televisión volverían a cotizar a las 11.30 horas.En el momento de la suspensión, comunicada a las 10.45 horas, las acciones de Antena 3 subían el 0,46 % y tenían un precio de 4,38 euros cada una.Antena 3 confirma "negociaciones avanzadas""Antena 3 confirma que existen negociaciones avanzadas sobre los términos y condiciones de una eventual integración de ambas compañías", dijo el grupo después de que se supiera que la fusión entre las dos cadenas era inminente.Añadió que la operación se realizaría mediante una fusión por absorción en la que correspondería a los accionistas de La Sexta una participación máxima del orden del 14 por ciento del capital social de Antena 3, una parte de la cual estaría condicionada al cumplimiento de determinados objetivos de beneficios de la sociedad resultante.La cadena también aclaró que por el momento no se ha cerrado ningún acuerdo. Está previsto que éste se cierre a lo largo del día de hoy durante un Consejo extraordinario.El grupo Antena 3 comunica hoy a la Comisión del Mercado de Valores, como hecho relevante, la voluntad de integrar sus negocios audiovisuales con laSexta, tal como ha sabido Vertele.com y como ya anticipamos a finales de agosto.La comunicación procederá del grupo Antena 3 puesto que laSexta no cotiza en Bolsa y no está obligada a dar explicaciones públicas sobre sus negociaciones.Antena 3 y laSexta han hecho caso omiso del refranero popular -"en martes ni te cases ni te embarques"-, ya que sus directivos han mantenido hoy, martes 13 de diciembre, una importante reunión en Barcelona para cerrar los términos de la operación.José Miguel Contreras, Presidente de laSexta, lo recordó en la presentación de la programación: "Hace dos años una fusión era posible y, hace un año, aconsejable. Ahora creo que una fusión es necesaria". En las mismas declaraciones recordó que “hay que conciliar criterios, opiniones, fórmulas e intereses diversos”.Ahora, parece que se ha llegado a este punto. La ecuación de canje se moverá entre un 85% y 90% para Antena 3 y entre un 10% y un máximo de un 15%, en función de resultados empresariales, para laSexta, lo que acerca la operación mucho más a una compra que a una fusión.Hay que recordar que justo antes del verano se barajaba una ecuación de canje del 77% y 23%, datos que han ido cambiando a medida que se iba deteriorando el mercado publicitario y las cuentas de laSexta, mientras que las de Antena 3 aguantaban mejor la crisis. "Será una absorción", no una fusiónLas compañías que se integran son desiguales y, como tales, el grupo Planeta cree que no es justo hablar de fusión. “Es una absorción con pactos que respetaremos”. El balance de 2011 es un buen ejemplo: Antena 3 ganará más de 100 millones de euros, casi la misma cantidad que los beneficios del año 2010, 109 millones de euros.LaSexta, en cambio, no consigue llegar al punto de equilibrio. Entre 2005 y 2009 se calcula que la inversión realizada ha sido de 436 millones de euros. Otros cálculos añaden que las pérdidas de 2011 se situarán en 40 millones de euros, lo que pone de relieve la necesidad de hacer la operación de forma inmediata.Cómo será la compañía resultante El grupo fusionado, fruto de la suma de Antena 3 y laSexta, tendrá como principales accionistas al grupo Planeta-Agostini, seguido de RTL, sus socios alemanes, y de Imagina, empresa en la que se ha integrado recientemente Televisa, que comparte propiedad con Mediapro y Globomedia, la patrimonial de Juan Abelló, Torreal y el grupo de publicidad WPP.El grupo resultante controlará un 41% del mercado publicitario lo que le permitirá volver a medirse con el gigante Mediaset, que en estos momentos gestiona el 43% de la publicidad a través de sus dos principales cadenas (Telecinco y Cuatro) y otros seis canales de TDT.La magnitud de la concentración nos habla de un duopolio televisivo privado: el 84% del pastel publicitario estará en manos de estos grupos, con lo cual podemos celebrar el funeral de la fragmentación, por lo menos a nivel publicitario.¿Cómo será la nueva dirección del grupo?La ecuación de canje permite suponer que los cambios en el equipo directivo de la compañía fusionada serán mínimos. José Manuel Lara seguirá siendo Presidente del Consejo de Administración, mientras que el consejero-delegado será el del grupo Antena 3, Silvio González. Se da por hecho que José Miguel Contreras tendrá un puesto en el nuevo Consejo de Administración. El Director General de Televisión seguirá siendo Javier Bardají. Entre las incorporaciones relevantes a la cúpula directiva se da por hecho que Juan Ruíz de Gauna, actual Director General de laSexta, asumirá la responsabilidad de una Dirección General de Gestión. Ruiz de Gauna, economista y MBA por el Instituto de Empresa, ha sido ya anteriormente gerente de Antena 3 TV, director general de Telemadrid y consejero delegado de Vía Digital. En radio ocupó el puesto de subdirector general de Unión Radio y Cadena SER, y director financiero y gerente de COPE.También podría tener un puesto de responsabilidad en el nuevo organigrama Fernando de Miguel, actual Director de Recursos y Operaciones de laSexta. La pieza que se ha caído del tablero directivo en las últimas horas es Fernando Jérez, hasta ahora Director de Antena de laSexta, que ha aceptado una nueva responsabilidad en Discovery Channel para dirigir sus operaciones de televisión en abierto en España y Portugal. Jérez se hubiera responsabilizado, en el nuevo grupo, del grupo de canales que aporta laSexta a la fusión, con la misión de recuperar el espíritu y la audiencia que tenía Cuatro antes de su absorción por Mediaset.Las fuerzas de las familias que se casan: laSexta, una empresa joven con marcas consolidadasLos accionistas de laSexta son Imagina, Bainet Media, BBK, El Terrat, Televisa y Gala Capital.El grupo tiene un buen acceso a derechos deportivos a través de Mediapro: la Liga BBVA, con emisión prevista esta temporada de 8 encuentros del Barça, 8 del Real Madrid, además de un clásico. También tiene vigentes contratos con la Fórmula 1, además de otros compromisos menores de baloncesto, etc.Buenos contratos de cineAntena 3 cree en el cine de estreno y, si se concreta la fusión, el catálogo de laSexta va a permitir mejorar la programación cinematográfica. La cadena de Planeta tiene acuerdos con Sony Pictures, Aurum, Disney, Televisa y Telemundo, pero laSexta cerró con Fox, Paramount, Warner Bros y Metro Goldwin Mayer. Si bien el número de estrenos de cine para emitir en prime time en las cadenas principales es limitado, todos estos contratos conllevan un volumen importante de películas menores ideales para completar la programación de otras cinco cadenas de TDT pertenecientes al grupo.Dos TDT en abierto y Gol TVEl paquete de la integración de negocios incluye a laSexta2, laSexta3 y GolTv.laSexta3, beneficiándose del catálogo de cine mencionado se ha posicionado bien entre los espectadores amantes del séptimo arte. Todo el mundo sabe qué puede encontrar en la cadena.laSexta2, por su parte, sigue buscando su identidad, con cambios de programación que han generado confusión. La opción telenovelas no ha funcionado y, a finales de agosto se optó por programar también cine durante los fines de semana.Gol Televisión tiene que demostrar, por su parte, que la TDT de pago es rentable consiguiendo suficientes abonados para su programación de fútbol de pago. PubliseisPubliseis Iniciativas Publicitarias S.A. es una otra de las empresas del grupo, prácticamente con los mismos accionistas de laSexta. Es una concesionaria multimedia dedicada a la gestión y promoción de servicios publicitarios, que gestiona las marcas laSexta, Público, laSexta.com, Público.es, Misexta.tv, 6imedia, mix6 y Eventos publiSeis.La fuerza del grupo Antena 3Antena 3 de Televisión, por la otra parte, es la madre del grupo desde que en el año 1988 consiguió una de las tres licencias para televisión privada de España. Algunas de sus empresas más importantes son:Antena 3 de Televisión gestiona las señales Antena 3, Neox, Nova, Nitro y Antena 3 HD, además de Antena 3 Canarias, a través de la filial Antena 3 TDT Canarias.Uniprex: Es la filial de radio y de televisión digital local. Opera las cadenas de radio Onda Cero, Europa FM y Onda Melodía, así como las cadenas locales englobadas en la marca Ver-T, a través de la filial Uniprex TV.Antena 3 Films: Es la filial de cine del grupo. Grandes producciones como Vicky Cristina Barcelona, Torrente 4, Fuga de cerebros, Planet 51 o Sólo quiero caminar, y TV movies, la gran parte de ellas emitidas en Antena 3, como El castigo o 20N.Movierecord Cine: Es la filial de gestión de publicidad en salas de cine de toda España.Unipublic (51%): Es la agencia de publicidad del grupo. Organiza la Vuelta Ciclista a España. Atres Advertising: Es la filial exclusivista publicitaria. Crea campañas integrales e integradas, basadas en estrategias multimedia variadas. Gestiona los espacios publicitarios en las cadenas de Antena 3 de Televisión, en Disney Channel y en las cadenas de radio de Uniprex.Antena 3 Multimedia: Es la filial gestora de los contenidos web del grupo.Algunos datos complementarios:En 2009, se valoró Antena 3 en1.680 millones, cifra cercana a su valor en Bolsa de entonces. Ahora vale 937 millones, un 44% menos. Con la ecuación de canje actual, el valor de laSexta se situará en, aproximadamente, 150 millones de euros. El valor en libros de laSexta, por parte de Televisa, es de 145 millones.* Síguenos en Twitter (@vertele) y enFacebook Absorcion Cotizacion
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La Ignatius Press se fundó en 1978 por el Padre Joseph Fessio S.J., un sacerdote jesuita y antiguo discípulo del Papa Benedicto XVI.[1] La Ignatius Press, nombrada en honor a Ignacio de Loyola, fundador de la Compañía de Jesús, es una editorial católica establecida en la ciudad de San Francisco, California. En una entrevista de 1998, el Padre Fessio dijo: "nuestro objetivo es apoyar las enseñanzas de la Iglesia".[2] Constituye una de las asociaciones que han surgido debido, según ella, al alejamiento de la Iglesia Católica de la tradición católica. En una entrevista publicada por "Catholic World News", el Padre Fessio dijo que uno de los objetivos de Ignatius Press es publicar traducciones al inglés de los teólogos modernos contemporáneos de Europa. [1] La editorial imprime pediódicos tales como el Catholic World Report y el Homiletic and Pastoral Review. Ignatius Press tiene una amplia lista de publicaciones, que se actualiza todas las primaveras y otoños. Entre las reimpresiones se encuentran libros de G. K. Chesterton y Hilaire Belloc. Además publica los trabajos del Papa Juan Pablo II, de Cardenal Ratzinger (actual Papa emérito Benedicto XVI, Scott Hahn, Joseph Pearce, Christopher Derrick y Michael D. O'Brien. ↑ Reflections on Benedict XVI. An Interview with Fr. Joseph Fessio, SJ (en inglés) ↑ AD2000 to distribute Ignatius Press titles in Australia from July (en inglés) Sitio oficial de la Ignatius Press (en inglés) Obtenido de «https://es.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ignatius_Press&oldid=73352445» Categorías: Editoriales de Estados UnidosMedios de comunicación católicosEmpresas de CaliforniaOrganizaciones católicas Menú de navegación DeutschEnglishBahasa IndonesiaItaliano Editar enlaces Esta página fue modificada por última vez el 23 mar 2014 a las 12:37.
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David Murphy: Success no surprise Texas in thick of playoff chase as September rolls on MLBPLAYERS.com | 09/09/09 12:54 PM ET Our club has probably surprised a lot of people this season, but as players we knew we had a talented team, even going back to Spring Training. It's been a fun year with a great group of guys. While we knew from the beginning we had talent, we also knew we were in a division that has been led by the Angels for a number of years. You also had Seattle, which had improved and added a lot of talent, and the A's, who feature a lot of young talent, so it was easy for us to get overlooked. So part of the enjoyment has been sneaking up on people. For people who haven't seen us play much this year, our pitching staff has really been our backbone. Our offense hasn't been as good as it was last year, but that just goes to show you that pitching and defense can really carry a team. When we score four or five runs a game, we're going to be successful because our pitching is going to keep us in ballgames. This is my third season here, and it's great to play in games that mean so much this late in the season. As a Major League Baseball player you're expected to play all out at all times, but it's everybody's dream to play for the postseason. It makes you feel like a kid again and it brings the team together. This is my first pennant race. I started my career with Boston in September of 2006 but we were out of the race by then. In 2007, before I got traded, the Red Sox called me up in June but I just played a few games. That was the year they won the World Series but I wasn't really part of that push for October. Here I have more of a role and I'm ready to do whatever I can to help make this push. Personally I've been up and down this season but lately there have been more ups. I have played throughout the lineup and I've played a lot in right and leftfield. I'm open to be used in whatever manner the club chooses. It would also be great to see some of the guys who have been here for a long time get to the playoffs. Guys like Michael Young and Hank Blalock have endured some lean years. They've paid their dues and put in their time. I've seen them put in their work and they're great teammates. They work hard every single day and they're deserving of it. The Rangers on the whole want to get it done, but you have to think those guys have extra motivation. It would be real sweet for everyone involved. David Murphy is batting .268 with 14 homers and 43 RBIs for the Rangers, who have won five of their last six games and trail the Red Sox by just two games for the AL wildcard berth. The left-handed hitting Murphy is part of a deep and talented Rangers outfield that also features Josh Hamilton, Nelson Cruz, Andruw Jones and Marlon Byrd.
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Constantin Film acquires film rights to Unwind Neal Shusterman’s young adult sci-fi bestseller takes place in a dystopian future where parents can elect to donate their teenage children’s organs.
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Paytm Partners With LIC For Insurance Premium Payments Paytm (One 97 Communications Limited) has partnered with the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) to offer online insurance premium payments on its platform. Softbank-backed Paytm will provide premium payment solutions from over 30 insurance companies including LIC, ICICI Prudential Life, Reliance Life, and Max Life Insurance among others. Source: The Economic Times Catgeory: Business HRD Ministery Launched Institution’s Innovation Council HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar launched the Institution’s Innovation Councilthrough video conferencing in New Delhi. The purpose of formation of network of Institution’s Innovation Councils (IICs) is to encourage, inspire and nurture young students by exposing them to new ideas. More than one thousand Higher Education Institutions have already formed IICs in their campuses to promote innovation. Source- Press Information Bureau (PIB) Catgeory: Miscellaneous Wasim Jaffer Becomes 1st To Touch 11,000-Run Milestone in Ranji Trophy Veteran first-class cricketer Wasim Jaffer became the first Indian batsman to touch the 11,000-run figure in the Ranji Trophy. The Vidharbha batsman achieved the milestone during the third-round match against Baroda in Nagpur at the Vidarbha Cricket Association (VCA) Stadium, Nagpur, Maharashtra. The cricketer, who had made his first-class debut in 1996-97, emerged as one of the legends of the Indian domestic cricket. The former opener had made his international Test debut against South Africa in April 2008. He has played a total of 32 Tests in his international career scoring 1944 runs with an average of 34.11 which also includes five centurion knocks. Source- The Sportskeeda Catgeory: Sports EAM Sushma Swaraj On A 2-Day Visit To Laos External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj is on a 2-day visit to Laos. During her visit, Ms Swaraj will co-chair the 9th Meeting of India-Laos Joint Commission on Bilateral Co-operation with her counterpart Saleumxay Kommasith. The two sides will review the entire gamut of bilateral relations covering areas of Defence, Agriculture, Trade and Investment, Science and IT, Energy and Mining among others. Ms Swaraj will also call on the Prime Minister of Laos, Mr Thongloun Sisoulith. Source- AIR World Service President Kovind 2-Nation Visit: Exchanged 5 MoUs With Australia After visiting Vietnam, President of India Ram Nath Kovind was in Australia on his second leg of 2-Nation visit. He met Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison in Sydney. He became the first Indian President to visit Australia. 5 MoUs were exchanged in the field of disability sector, education, trade-investment, scientific cooperation, agriculture and on higher education focussing on PhD by both the nations. The objective of MoUs is to facilitate bilateral investment flow in both countries. Mr Kovind also unveiled the statue of Mahatma Gandhi at Parramatta in Sydney. The President addressed the International Business Summit 2018 organized by Australian Financial Review on Australia-India economic engagement. ConMac 2018 Starts in Kathmandu The Embassy of India in Nepal and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII)organized an exhibition of construction equipment and technology-ConMac 2018 in Bhaktapur near Kathmandu, Nepal. With more than 200,000 sq ft of display area, the exhibition is poised to be Nepal’s largest exhibition of construction equipment. Nepal’s Minister for Physical Infrastructure and Transport Raghubir Mahaseth will inaugurate the event. Ambassador of India to Nepal Manjeev Singh Puri will be the Guest of Honour. The exhibition aims to further enhance high level engagements between construction industry of the two countries. Source- DD News President Kovind 2-Nation Visit: Signed 4 MoUs With Vietnam The President of India Ram Nath Kovind was on 2 nation Visit to Vietnam and Australia. On first leg he visited Vietnam. India and Vietnam released a Joint Statement after extensive talks between Vietnam President Nguyen Phu Trong and Indian President Ram Nath Kovind. Following the talks, 4 MoU’s were signed between the two nations. The agreements are as follows: The MOU between Vietnam’s Ministry of Information and Communications and the Indian Ministry of Communications on cooperation in the field of Communications. The MOU on cooperation between Vietnam’s Department of Foreign Affairs and the Indian Business Chamber in Viet Nam (INCHAM). The MOU between the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, Ha Noi, Vietnam and the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. The Cooperation Agreement between Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) and Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI). Voreqe Bainimarama Sworn in As Fiji’s Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama has Sworn in as Fiji’s Prime Minister for four more years after winning an election with a reduced majority. Voreqe Bainimarama was affirmed prime minister in a ceremony in the capital Suva after his FijiFirst Party won just over half the votes in the recent election. Bainimarama first seized power in a military coup in 2006 and refashioned himself as a legitimate leader after winning an election in 2014. Source: The Washington Post Catgeory: Appointments Millie Bobby Brown Named Youngest-Ever UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador The United Nations children’s agency UNICEF appointed Millie Bobby Brown, the star of hit Netflix series “Stranger Things”, as its youngest ever goodwill ambassador on Tuesday and the 14-year-old had a message for world leaders: “Listen to us.” The appointment – marked on World Children’s Day at United Nations Headquarters and the Empire State Building in New York – makes the 14-year-old UNICEF’s youngest-ever Goodwill Ambassador. Source: UNICEF South Korean Kim Jong Yang Named New Interpol President South Korea’s Kim Jong-yang has been elected as Interpol’s next president, edging out a longtime veteran of Russia’s security services, Alexander Prokopchuk, who was strongly opposed by the US, Britain and other European nations. Prokopchuk is a general in the Russian interior ministry and serves as an Interpol vice-president. Interpol’s 94 member states chose Kim at a meeting of their annual congress in Dubai. He will serve until 2020. Source: The Guardian
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#SeparacionDeLaIglesiaYElEstado Los dos papas: la ficción de Netflix inspirada en hechos totalmente irreales 28 de diciembre de 2019 | Una apología del papado de Bergoglio contando hechos que nunca sucedieron. O que, peor, sucedieron al revés. Un enjuague del verdadero Francisco, mientras cruje la Iglesia en su (...) El papa Francisco trató de asesinas a las mujeres que abortan 1ro de abril de 2019 | Entrevistado en la televisión española, Bergoglio habló de la dictadura argentina, del derecho al aborto y de la homosexualidad. Emilia Leone DÍA INTERNACIONAL DE LAS MUJERES #8M: el movimiento de mujeres vuelve a la calle en un mundo convulsionado 26 de febrero de 2019 | Cómo se preparan las movilizaciones para el Día Internacional de las Mujeres. Protestas, marchas y paros en un mundo atravesado por múltiples contradicciones. Celeste Murillo El papa justifica los abusos en la Iglesia: "También se cubrían en las casas" 26 de septiembre de 2018 | Más de 100 mil abusos sexuales se sucedieron por sacerdotes católicos en el mundo. Frente a ello, Bergoglio, justificó a sus filas y también responsabilizó a los familiares por haber ocultado la (...) No era un coro de ángeles: investigan al coro de la Capilla Sixtina por lavado de dinero 14 de septiembre de 2018 | El Vaticano reconoció que se investiga una presunta malversación, fraude y lavado de dinero. El coro fue creado en 1471. Más homofóbico que nunca: el papa mandó a los niños homosexuales al psiquiatra 27 de agosto de 2018 | El papa Francisco recomendó este domingo recurrir a la psiquiatría cuando los padres constaten una tendencia homosexual en sus hijos desde la infancia, fue en una rueda de prensa en el avión que lo (...)
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Pouvoir d’achat 2012 : Copé refile un peu vite le mistigri à Hollande Par Cédric Mathiot — 16 mai 2013 à 20:26 Jean-François Copé. Dessin Alain Brillon. «Le pouvoir d’achat a fortement reculé du fait de l’augmentation massive des impôts.» Jean-François Copé hier, dénonçant la responsabilité personnelle de François Hollande dans la dégradation de la situation des Français. Intox Fin mars, l’Insee avait établi que l’année 2012 était à marquer d’une pierre noire sur le front du pouvoir d’achat, avec une baisse de 0,4 %, la plus importante depuis trente ans. Mercredi, l’institut statistique a corrigé le tir : c’est pire. La baisse est réévaluée à 0,9 %, et même 1,5 % si on regarde le pouvoir d’achat par unité de consommation, l’indicateur le plus pertinent. L’Institut statistique pointe parmi les causes principales l’envolée du chômage, mais aussi l’augmentation des impôts. En 2012, écrit l’Insee, «les impôts sur le revenu et le patrimoine payés par les ménages accélèrent (+ 10,2 %)». La droite s’est emparée de cette sombre nouvelle pour nourrir son réquisitoire de la première année de mandat de François Hollande. Lors d’une conférence de presse, mercredi, Jean-François Copé a pointé la responsabilité personnelle du président socialiste, affirmant que «le pouvoir d’achat [avait] fortement reculé du fait de l’augmentation massive des impôts». Affirmation reprise dans un communiqué de l’UMP, assénant que la «baisse historique du pouvoir d’achat des Français» trouvait son origine «dans l’augmentation massive des impôts et la suppression des heures supplémentaires détaxées, qui a touché 9 millions de foyers». Désintox Le gadin historique du pouvoir d’achat en 2012 doit-il être mis au crédit de la frénésie fiscale socialiste ? Jean-François Copé aurait dû lire plus attentivement la prose de l’Insee. Probablement conscient que sa note allait être utilisée à des fins politiques, l’institut prend la peine de préciser que la hausse de la charge fiscale ayant pénalisé le pouvoir d’achat en 2012 s’explique «par l’effet de la mise en œuvre de nouvelles mesures votées avant et après les élections». Bref, la responsabilité est partagée. Et si l’on regarde dans le détail, on voit qu’elle incombe davantage à la droite. L’Insee a ainsi établi la liste des mesures fiscales qui ont plombé le pouvoir d’achat. On y trouve trois décisions prises par la gauche, dans le cadre du collectif budgétaire de l’été 2012 : la contribution exceptionnelle sur la fortune (2,3 milliards d’euros), une hausse de 2 points des prélèvements sociaux sur le capital (0,8 milliard d’euros) et la fin de l’exonération des cotisations des heures supplémentaires (1 milliard). Le catalogue des augmentations fiscales de 2012 décidées avant l’alternance est nettement plus conséquent. On y trouve la désindexation du barème de l’impôt (1,8 milliard d’euros de recette en 2012), la modification du régime de taxation des plus-values immobilières (1,6 milliard), la révision desmodalités de déclarations de revenus - mariages, Pacs et divorces - (1 milliard), la hausse des taux de prélèvements sociaux sur les revenus du capital (1,1 milliard), ou encore la création d’un taux intermédiaire de TVA (2,1 milliards). Ajoutons-y la contribution exceptionnelle d’impôt sur les très hauts revenus (+0,6 milliard), la suppression de l’exonération partielle de taxe sur les conventions d’assurance (1 milliard) et la réduction de l’abattement forfaitaire CSG (0,8 milliard). Soit un total de 10 milliards d’euros supplémentaires contre 4,1 milliards pour les hausses décidées par la gauche. Près de trois quarts des hausses d’impôts de 2012 sont donc imputables à la droite. Cela s’explique par le fait que, contrairement à ce que la droite serine, la pression fiscale n’a pas attendu François Hollande pour s’envoler ces dernières années. Mais aussi par le fait que la majorité des hausses d’impôts - bien réelles - votées par la gauche depuis son arrivée visaient à doper les recettes pour 2013, et auront donc un impact sur le pouvoir d’achat cette année, plus qu’en 2012. Cédric Mathiot Dans le dossier «Désintox» Loi anti-fake news: non, Françoise Nyssen ne pense pas que les Français sont «trop bêtes pour comprendre» Edouard Philippe fan de Médine ? C'est ce que veut faire croire l'extrême droite Non Bill Clinton, les musulmans nés à l'étranger ne représentent pas 10% de la population française Coupe du Monde: pénurie de maillots ou stock d'intox ?
{"url": "http://www.liberation.fr/france/2013/05/16/pouvoir-d-achat-2012-cope-refile-un-peu-vite-le-mistigri-a-hollande_903495", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.liberation.fr", "date_download": "2018-08-14T06:43:00Z", "digest": "sha1:ZLTTRTADP7ZHPM34YJBOGH2XHQSZFIQH"}
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Town of York Historical Society (Virtual): Toronto’s 188th Birthday Celebrate Toronto’s 188th birthday! Join us as we gather to celebrate the 188th anniversary of Toronto’s incorporation as a city. Featuring presentations by: DON LOUCKS! Don Loucks is an architect, urban designer, and cultural heritage planner, with forty years of project experience. He is committed to environmental, economic, and cultural sustainability, and to preserving the variety of rich urban forms that contain the stories of our communities’ history. Don is the co-author of Modest Hopes: Homes and Stories of Toronto’s Workers from the 1820s to the 1920s. MORGAN CAMERON ROSS! Founder and host of the Old Toronto series, Morgan Cameron Ross struggled with his appreciation of Toronto. As a Vancouver native, Ross was raised with preconceived notions about the city – and largely believed them – that was until he moved to Toronto in 2005 and fell in love with the place. Ross is now one of the most fervently supportive and excited fans of Toronto and has grown his Old Toronto project from a wee little Instagram account to an all encompassing Toronto historical project that never stops loving the city. With special appearances from the staff of Toronto’s First Post Office and Campbell House Museum. And featuring the famous Old Town Silent Auction! For the latest on the event, see our event page here and follow our social media channels @TOs1stPO and #Toronto188 Bonus perk! Your registration confirmation includes an exclusive discount code for 18.8% off the shop at TownofYork.com. Wishing to sponsor this event or donate to our Silent Auction? Find out more here. 100% of ticket sale proceeds and donations go directly to the Town of York Historical Society and Toronto’s First Post Office. This year, our annual fundraiser will be presented virtually, allowing our viewers and participants to join us remotely and take part in the celebration from the safety and comfort of your homes. While we regret that we cannot celebrate together at St. Lawrence Hall, be assured that yours will be the best seat in the house! The aim of the event is to fundraise for the Town of York Historical Society and Toronto’s First Post Office whose purpose is researching, interpreting, and promoting the history of the Town of York and early Toronto, and to advocate on behalf of the preservation of the Town of York’s surviving built environment. Date: March 6 Website: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/torontos-188th-birthday-tickets-257440871577 Organizer Name: Town of York Historical Society Email: info@tos1stpo.com Website: https://townofyork.com/ Previous Event LinkUEL Association of Canada – Governor Simcoe Branch (Virtual): March 2022 MeetingNext Event LinkCFHA Lecture Series (Virtual): Quakerism in the Atlantic World
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Spendenaktion im Dorfladen 1. April 2022 Ortsbeirat In Anbetracht der Not der Menschen, die aus der Ukraine flüchten, haben sich einige Schönstädterinnen und Schönstädter entschieden, spontan eine Spendenaktion für ukrainische Flüchtlinge zu starten. Es wurden am Dorfladen Schönstadt an zwei Nachmittagen Waffeln und an einem Nachmittag Brote mit Schmalz oder vegetarischem Belag gegen Spenden angeboten, und das Echo war enorm. Innerhalb von drei Tagen zeigten viele Menschen ihre Zustimmung und Unterstützung der Aktion und spendeten großzügig. So kam ein Spendenbetrag von 1.323,95 Euro zusammen, der als Überweisung an den Cölber Arbeitskreis Flüchtlinge (CAF) ging. Dessen Vorsitzender, Dr. Kurt Bunke, war am 11.3. selber anwesend und erläuterte dabei, in welche Maßnahmen die Spenden fließen. Sie kommen den Bedürftigen auf dem Gemeindegebiet zugute, werden in Lern- und Arbeitsmaterialien gesteckt oder dienen ganz einfach der Personenbeförderung, um die verschiedenen Behördengänge zu erledigen. Es hat den freiwilligen Helferinnen Freude bereitet, helfen zu können. Der nächste Schritt wäre, auch persönliche Kontakte zu den Menschen in Not zu knüpfen, wenn sie bei uns ankommen. Eine dreiköpfige Familie hat bereits seit dem 4.3. in Schönstadt eine Zuflucht gefunden, weitere sind inzwischen gefolgt. Foto: Dr. Kurt Bunke (li.) vom Cölber Arbeitskreis Flüchtlingshilfe (CAF) mit Helferinnen und Helfern der Spendenaktion. Frühling im Dorfladen Schönstadt Schüler aus Schönstadt erlaufen 6.352,50 Euro
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Partner: UNT Libraries Government Documents Department County: Allegheny County, PA County: Marion County, TN County: Valley County, MT Clear All Filters Analyses of Coals in the United States with Descriptions of Mine and Field Samples Collected between July 1, 1904 and June 30, 1910 Part 2. Descriptions of Samples Description: From Introduction: "This volume contains the descriptions of the samples whose analyses are published in the preceding volume, Part I of this bulletin. The descriptions have been compiled from the notebooks of the persons who collected the samples, have been condensed from accounts given in published reports of the United States Geological Survey, or have furnished by the collection themselves. Inasmuch as the descriptions represent the work of many persons during a period of six years, and inasmuch as they were recorded under widely differing conditions, they necessarily vary in fullness detail." Creator: Lord, N. W. Item Type: Refine your search to only Report
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Members of the Yaghnobi
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Chris St. Croix Net Worth 2018: What is this ice hockey player worth? Chris St. Croix is a hockey player who was born on May 2, 1979, in Voorhees Township, New Jersey, United States. Croix’s height is 6 ft 03 in. Croix’s weight is 200 pounds. Croix’s career began in 1999 and ended in 2010. This page will examine Chris St. Croix’s total career net worth. Chris St. Croix Career, Earnings On the ice, Croix shoots Right. In competition, Chris St. Croix has played Defenseman. Croix has played for the American Hockey League, Saint John Flames, Hartford Wolf Pack, Manitoba Moose, Iowa Chops, ECHL, Columbia Inferno, Las Vegas Wranglers, Elmira Jackals, Central Hockey League, Bossier-Shreveport Mudbugs. Croix was drafted 92nd overall in 1997 by the Calgary Flames. Chris St. Croix Net Worth 2018 Earnings for hockey players can vary dramatically. Some NHL hockey players earn up to $15 million or more, although most earn much less. A moderately good professional in the NHL brings home around $2.5 million per year. Outside of the NHL, the average player earns nearly $65,000 a year. Olympic hockey players earn nearly $100,000 per year, depending on country. Chris St. Croix net worth: ice hockey salary distribution So what is Chris St. Croix’s net worth in 2018? Our estimate for Chris St. Croix’s net worth in 2018 is: Looking for net worth articles about other hockey players? Check out these players’ net worths: Martin Johansson, Vladislav Namestnikov, Vadim Berdnikov, Jocelyn Guevremont, Mike Busniuk, Brett Westgarth, Garth Murray, Lennart Petrell, Aleksi Mustonen, Jarmo Kekäläinen, and Mike Fisher.
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Posts Tagged ‘panacurC and prostate cancer’ Beta-sitosterol and prostate cancer, Cell Phones and Prostate cancer, DIM and prostate cancer, EMFs and prostate cancer, Estrogen and prostate cancer, IP6 and prostate cancer, panacurC and prostate cancer, Pomegranate and prostate cancer, Prostabel and prostate cancer, pterostilbene and prostate cancer, quercetin and prostate cancer, supplements for prostate cancer, zeolite and prostate cancer 12 Top Supplements for Prostate Cancer In Alternative Cancer Therapies, aromatase inhibitors, Cancer, Cancer Coach, cancer stem cells and recurrence, Cell Phones, EMF's, Healing Cancer Naturally, prostate cancer, Radiation, targeting cancer stem cells, Uncategorized on December 7, 2019 at 9:00 am The conventional treatments for prostate cancer include everything from ‘watchful waiting’, active surveillance, external radiation therapy, radioactive seeds, to radical prostatectomy. Some less conventional treatments include hyperthermia, which can vary in intensity depending on the clinic, but has shown strong efficacy in some cases. But strong research shows that targeted supplements can be highly effective alongside or in some cases in lieu of the more damaging and expensive remedies. Aside from the more standard essentials such as magnesium, selenium, CoQ10, and vitamin D, there are many non-toxic affordable supplements available that can be used alongside and often in lieu of other treatment offerings for prostate cancer. Keep in mind that quality matters as there is always the risk of harmful or risky additives. For example, while oleander has been found to increase the sensitivity to radiotherapy of PC-3 prostate cells and has other cancer-fighting properties,[i] some formulas contain grain alcohol, which is not advised as is typically made from GMO grain or corn. It is also very important to cycle supplements as cancer stem cells can be come resistant to even the best of the best. While not inclusive, here are some top supplements for prostate cancer: Aromastat-supports healthy hormonal balance in men; regulates testosterone and modulates aromatase, the enzyme that converts testosterone into estrogen. Aromastat Beta-sitosterol is a food-based plant sterol (Phyto sterol) which is noted for its ability to protect the prostate and relieve the symptoms of prostate problems. Studies have found that beta-sitosterol also kills both prostate cancer cells without harming normal cells, reduces prostate tumor growth, and protects against prostate cancer. Beta-sitosterol is found in olive oil, flax seed, nuts, avocado, and other fruits and vegetables. Beta-sitosterol DIM (Diindolylmethane), a phytonutrient and plant indole found in cruciferous vegetables (such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, etc.) is a natural aromatase inhibitor, which is helpful for hormone-driven cancers. Joint USA/Chinese research reported in September 2016 found that DIM also reduces tumor growth by suppressing a gene known as PCGEM1 and promotes apoptosis (cancer cell death). DHT Block (DIM) IP6 increases Natural Killer Cell activity; inhibits cell proliferation; helps stop cancer growth; inhibits cell progression; inhibits metastasis; induces apoptosis; and inhibits angiogenesis. Supports the p21 and p53 genes (tumor suppressor genes) that control cancer growth. “By targeting PI3K-ILK1-Akt pathway, IP6 suppresses cell survival, proliferation and angiogenesis and induces death in PCa cells, which might have translational potential in preventing and controlling the growth of advanced and aggressive PCa.” [ii] IP6 or Cell Forte Modified Citrus Pectin (MCP) is a type of polysaccharide that comes from the cell walls of citrus fruit and is most commonly known as a source of dietary fiber. It can also lessen the “stickiness” of cancer cells that could be exacerbated with surgery and may lead to cancer metastasis. Evidence-based research has shown MCP to have a direct effect on prostate cancer. Studies have found MCP intake to decrease cancer cell adhesion, thus reducing the risk of metastases. MCP has been shown to prolong the time it takes for doubling of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels; the more slowly PSA doubles, the more slowly the tumor is growing. MCP also activates cancer-killing immune system cells (natural killer, or NK, cells), boosting their ability to patrol for and eliminate cancers as soon as they form Modified Citrus Pectin and ProstaCaid OnKobel-Pro® –is a professional formulation of three unique botanicals (Pao pereira, Rauwolfia vomitoria, and golden leaf of Ginkgo biloba) and magnesium specially designed to help support cellular health. OnKobel-Pro® provides multiple levels of support for the growth of healthy cells, elimination of abnormal cells, and the maintenance of natural levels of enzymes that are critical for homeostasis (according to extensive research by Beljanski –see Description online). RGCC (a.k.a Greek test) lists OnKobel-Pro® as an agent that targets circulating tumor cells by inhibiting the growth and spread of cancer. In Japan, where the RGCC test is routinely prescribed, the specific mix of Pao pereira (formerly known as PB-100), Rauwolfia vomitoria and golden Ginkgo biloba extracts (OnKobel-Pro®) has been confirmed to be able to induce apoptosis (death) of the cancer cells for many patients suffering from prostate cancer.[iii] PROSTABEL®, a powerful combination of two plant extracts has strong anti-cancer abilitites that act on damaged DNA and inhibits tumor growth. It also supports the body’s natural defense system to target cancer cells. PROSTABEL® Pomegranate: Not only are pomegranates good for your heart and blood vessels but they have been shown to inhibit prostate cancer and prevent vascular changes that promote tumor growth. Pomegranate has also been found to kill cancer stem cells. Pomegranate Plus Pterostilbene, found an abundance in blueberries, is anti-inflammatory and inhibits proliferation and regulates cell cycle dysfunction in prostate cancer cells. t also inhibits cell growth and adhesion and decreases metastatic activity. Pterostilbene PanacurC (Fenbendazole) shows good promise for cancer. There may be some mild side effects to this treatment. There are some excellent Facebook groups that share patient stories and experiences. PanacurC Quercetin is an antioxidant which belongs to a group of plant pigments called flavonoids that give many fruits, flowers, and vegetables their colors. Like other antioxidants, quercetin helps scavenge free radicals in the body which damage cell membranes and tamper with DNA. In addition to protection against heart disease, studies have shown that quercetin inhibits the growth of cancer cells from prostate tumors, including cancer stem cells. Quercetin is found in onions, apples, red grapes, as well as in supplement form. Quercetin Zeolite: chelates toxic minerals such as mercury, lead, cadmium and aluminum; removes PCBs from the body; reduces diarrhea; improves nutrient absorption from the digestive tract; has anticancer properties as it activates the P21 and indirectly the suppressor gene P53; balances digestive pH; modulates the immune system, possibly in part by reducing toxic materials and targets pre-viral cells. Zeolite–AV Capsules This list is not inclusive, and synergistic food offerings matter as well. A product called IMMUNOBEL-PR0 can be taken if the white blood cell and platelet counts are low due to these treatments, and should be started the day before treatments begin. For more information on the foods, practices, and supplements that support prostate health and healing you can order my handout on Prostate Health and Prostate Cancer, via my Contact Page. Protect your privates. There have been countless studies that show that cell phones stored in bras have resulted in the occurrence of tumors on location. It only stands to reason that cellphones stored in one’s pocket could be detrimental to one’s privates. A company called Lambs makes boxer briefs with something they call WaveStopper, a silver-lining technology that apparently blocks 99% of cellphone and WiFi radiation. For a 15% discount on Lambs radio-protective underwear, use this LINK and the code ElynJacobs. For more radio-protective recommendations, please read my articles on 5G and radio-protectors. In your everlasting good health, [i] https://www.cancernetwork.com/aids-related-tumors/integrative-oncology-oleander-nerium-oleander [ii] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2819750/ [iii] https://www.beljanski.org/engl/mirko-beljanski-extracts/rgcc/
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Sex Criminals #1 (Comic Review) Writer: Matt Fraction Artist: Chip Zdarsky Colorist: Chip Zdarsky It sounds and looks like a guilty pleasure title, but I am grateful for something like this to have come along. I'm not gonna lie. I first looked into Sex Criminals because it was called "Sex Criminals." "What the heck is this about?," I wondered. After reading the synopsis - "a girl who has the ability to stop time whenever she has sex" - I was sold. Issue 1: "Suzie Down in the Quiet" kicks off with a two-page spread of a couple trying to get it on in a bathroom, all while some threatening force (we know this because of the black and fierce speech bubbles) shouts at them offscreen. If this spread works for you, the comic will work for you. It straddles the line between sexy/unsexy (romanticism/realism), it's absurd but entertaining, and it's pretty messed up. The narration box in the bottom right corner sums our first impressions up: The woman in the bathroom is adult Suzie and for the majority of this first issue she is our 4th wall-breaking tour guide through her own childhood and how she came to learn about her... abilities... and why she is utilizing them in what we come to learn is a public restroom in a bank. Sex Criminals takes us to some very dark places (i.e. the suicide of her father) and alleviates with the obliviousness of a child. This first issue is one of the frankest yet most welcoming examinations of pubescent awareness and curiosity I've seen or read. The thoughts and feelings Suzie has are universal, even if the end result is not. The whole time-stopping mechanic is merely a stand-in for any number of bodily reactions that we are afraid, excited or confused by. Suzie's voice is the heart and soul of this comic. It felt so genial and genuine that I was sure it had to be by the hand of a female author. Matt Fraction? Huh. See, unlike many/most I did not pick up Sex Criminals because it was the latest endeavor by the Eisner Award-winning comic writer behind many beloved arcs of choice Marvel superheroes. I knew a lot less about the comic world and its creators a month or so ago than I do know. Now knowing of Fraction's pedigree and talents, it makes complete sense that he was able to rise to this occasion. And what of the comic's co-creator and artist Chip Zdarsky? I know I'm new to the scene, but surely these visuals stand out amongst the crowd even for veterans of the medium. I'd be curious to see the closest point of reference. The characters fall on the side of cartoony while their surroundings are closer to their real-life counterparts. But it's the colors, the glorious Pixar-like crayon box that's employed, that makes every panel of this and subsequent issues pop. It looks great digitally, which is how I've read the entire series up to this point. The colors are climaxed whenever Suzie enters that titular Quiet. That's what she calls the timeless realm she enters whenever she's had an orgasm. Everyone and everything else is still while waves and orbs of glowing light illuminate her existence. Fraction made a name for himself by weaving his originality into existing superhero properties. Now he's given us an all-new story about people with very different super powers. As far as origin stories go, have we ever gotten "because he/she was horny" before? I don't know if we're ever going to get an explanation for Suzie's gift. We learn that she's not alone. Maybe these select few were exposed to some alien matter, maybe they're God's chosen, maybe they're just actually mentally ill. As with many superheroes this ability is a toss up between a blessing and a curse, but we all know what Uncle Ben says about great power... The first issue of Sex Criminals really surprised me. It sounds and looks like a guilty pleasure title, but I am grateful for something like this to have come along. There's a lot of stories out there with sex and less that claim to be about sex, but this is one that exists entirely because of sex. Anyone who has surfaced the pressured waters of adolescence will find plenty to reflect upon and be amused by. There's nothing like looking back on the waves of our past and realizing how little we knew back then. The first issue eventually gets to where it began, in that bathroom in a bank, but not before Suzie meets Jon, another soul with a passport to the Quiet: Have you checked out Fraction and Zdarsky's Sex Criminals yet? The 7th issue hit shelves on August 13th. If you have anything to add or ask, please feel free to do so in the comments below. Issue 2 and Beyond: As of the time of this writing I've read all seven released issues of Sex Criminals. There's still plenty of questions left unanswered (particularly regarding the Sex Police), but that can wait. I'm still loving that every issue takes us back into the growing years of Suzie and Jon, who now share narration duties. The series continues to be more heartfelt than titillating, but deeply humorous all the same. Matt Fraction, Sex Criminals, comic book, Chip Zdarsky, United States United 93 (Review) God's Pocket (Review)
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Mackintosh's Notes on the Pentateuch Calvin's Commentary Meyer's Commentary Wells of Living Water Scofield's Notes And the Lord spake unto Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they were come out of the land of Egypt, saying, Let the children of Israel also keep the Passover at his appointed season. In the fourteenth day of this month, at even, ye shall keep it in his appointed season: according to all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall ye keep it. And Moses spake unto the children of Israel, that they should keep the Passover. And they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month, at even, in the wilderness of Sinai: according to all that the Lord commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel." Verses 1-5. There are three distinct positions in which we find this great redemption-feast celebrated, namely, in Egypt ( Ex. 12 ); in the wilderness ( Num. 9 ); in the land of Canaan. ( Joshua 5 ) Redemption lies at the foundation of everything connected with the history of God's people. Are they to be delivered from the bondage, the death, and the darkness of Egypt? It is by redemption. Are they to be borne along through all the difficulties and dangers of the desert? It is on the ground of redemption. Are they to walk across the ruins of the frowning walls of Jericho, and plant their feet upon the necks of the kings of Canaan? It is in virtue of redemption. Thus the blood of the paschal lamb met the Israel of God and the deep degradation of the land of Egypt, and delivered them out of it. It met them in the dreary desert, and carried them through it. It met them on their entrance into the land of Canaan, and established them in it. In a word, then, the blood of the lamb met the people in Egypt; it accompanied them through the desert; and planted them in Canaan. It was the blessed basis of all the divine actings in them, with them, and for them. Was it a question of the judgement of God against Egypt? The blood of the lamb screened them from it. Was it a question of the numberless and nameless wants of the wilderness? The blood of the lamb secured a full provision for them. Was it a question of the dreaded power of the seven nations of Canaan? The blood of the lamb was the sure and certain pledge of complete and glorious victory. The moment we behold Jehovah coming forth to act on behalf of His people, on the ground of the blood of the lamb, all is infallibly secured, from first to last. The whole of that mysterious and marvellous journey, from the brick kilns of Egypt to the vine clad hills and honeyed plains of Palestine, served but to illustrate and set forth the varied virtues of the blood of the lamb. However, the chapter which now lies open before us presents the Passover entirely from a wilderness standpoint; and this will account to the reader for the introduction of the following circumstance: "There were certain men which were defiled by the dead body of a man, that they could not keep the Passover on that day: and they came before Moses and before Aaron on that day." Here was a practical difficulty - something abnormal, as we say - something not anticipated, and therefore the question was submitted to Moses and Aaron. ''They came before Moses" - the exponent of the claims of God; "and before Aaron" - the exponent of the provisions of the grace of God. There seems something distinct and emphatic in the way in which both these functionaries are referred to. The two elements of which they are the expression would be deemed essential in the solving of such a difficulty as that which here presented itself. "And those men said unto him, We are defiled by the dead body of a man: wherefore are we kept back, that we may not offer an offering of the Lord in his appointed season among the children of Israel?" There was the plain confession as to the defilement; and the question raised was this: were they to be deprived of the holy privilege of coming before the Lord in His appointed way? Was there no resource, no provision for such a case? A deeply interesting question surely, but one for which no answer had as get been provided. We have no such case anticipated in the original institution, in Exodus 12 ; although we have there a very full statement of all the rites and all the ceremonies of the feast. It was reserved for the wilderness to evolve this new point. It was in the actual walk of the people - in the real practical details of desert life, that the difficulty presented itself for which a solution had to be provided. Hence it is that the record of this entire affair is appropriately given in Numbers, the book of the wilderness. "And Moses said unto them, Stand still, and I will hear what the Lord will command concerning you." Lovely attitude! Moses had no answer to give; but he knew who had, and he waited on him. This was the very best and wisest thing for Moses to do. He did not pretend to be able to give an answer. He was not ashamed to say, " I do not know." With all his wisdom and knowledge, he did not hesitate to show his ignorance. This is true knowledge - true wisdom. It might be humiliating to one in Moses' position to appear before the congregation or any members of it, in the light of one ignorant on any question. He who had led the people out of Egypt, he who had conducted them through the Red Sea, he who had conversed with Jehovah, and received his commission from the great "I am;" could it be possible that he was unable to meet a difficulty arising out of such a simple case as that which was now before him? Was it indeed true that such an one as Moses was ignorant as to the right course, in reference to men defiled by a dead body? How few there are who, though not occupying such a lofty position as Moses, would not have attempted a reply of some sort to such a query. But Moses was the meekest man in all the earth. He knew better than to presume to speak when he had nothing to say. Would that we more faithfully followed his example in this matter! It would save us from many a sad exhibition, from many a blunder, from many a false attempt. Moreover it would tend to make us very much more real, more simple, more unaffected. We are oft-times so silly as to be ashamed to expose our ignorance. We foolishly imagine that our reputation for wisdom and intelligence is touched when we give utterance to that fine sentence, so expressive of true moral greatness, "I don't know." It is a total mistake. We always attach much more weight and importance to the words of a man who never pretends to Knowledge which he does not possess. But a man who is always ready to speak, in flippant self-confidence, we are never ready to hear. Oh! to walk, at all times, in the spirit of these lovely words, "Stand still, and I will hear what the Lord will command." "And the Lord spake unto Moses, saying, Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body: or be in a journey afar off, yet he shall keep the Passover unto the Lord. The fourteenth day of the second month, at even, they shall keep it, and eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs." There are two grand foundation truths set forth in the Passover, namely, redemption, and the unity of God's people. These truths are unchangeable. Nothing can ever do away with them. Failure there may be, and unfaithfulness, in various forms; but those glorious truths of the eternal redemption and perfect unity of God's people remain in all their force and value. Hence that impressive ordinance which so vividly shadowed forth those truths was of perpetual obligation. Circumstances were not to interfere with it. Death or distance was not to interrupt it. "If any man of you or of your posterity shall be unclean by reason of a dead body, or be in a journey afar off, yet shall he keep the Passover unto the Lord." So imperative indeed was it upon every member of the congregation to celebrate this feast, that a special provision is made in Numbers 9 for those who were not up to the mark of keeping it according to the due order. Such persons were to observe it "On the fourteenth day of the second month." This was the provision of grace for all cases of unavoidable defilement or distance. If the reader will turn to 2 Chronicles. 30 he will see that Hezekiah, and the congregation in his day, availed themselves of this gracious provision. "And there assembled at Jerusalem much people to keep the feast of unleavened bread in the second month, a very great congregation..... Then they killed the Passover on the fourteenth day of the second month." Ver. 13, 15 The grace of God can meet us in our greatest possible weakness, if only that weakness be felt and confessed.* But let not this most precious and comfortable truth lead us to trifle with sin or defilement. Though grace permitted the second month, instead of the first, it did not, on that account, allow any laxity as to the rites and ceremonies of the feast. "The unleavened bread and bitter herbs" were always to have their place; none of the sacrifice was to remain till the morning, nor was a single bone of it to be broken. God cannot allow any lowering of the standard of truth or holiness. Man, through weakness, failure, or the power of circumstances, might be behind the time; but he must not be below the mark. Grace permitted the former; holiness forbids the latter; and if any one had presumed upon the grace to dispense with the holiness, he would have been cut off from the congregation. *The reader will note with interest and profit, the contrast between the acting of Hezekiah, in 2 Chronicles 30 , and the acting of Jeroboam, in 1 Kings 12: 32 . The former availed himself of the provisions of divine grace; the latter followed his own device. The second month was permitted of God; the eighth month was invented by man. Divine provisions meeting man's need, and human inventions opposing God's word, are totally different things. Has this no voice for us! Assuredly it has. we must ever remember, as we pass along through the pages of this marvellous Book of Numbers, that the things which happened unto Israel are our types, and that it is, at once, our duty and our privilege to hang over these types and seek to understand the holy lessons which they are designed of God to teach. What then are we to learn from the regulations with respect to the Passover, in the second month! Why was Israel so specially enjoined not to omit a single rite or ceremony on that particular occasion? Why is it that, in this ninth chapter of Numbers, the directions for the second month are much more minute than those for the first? It is not surely that the ordinance was more important in the one case than in the other, for its importance, in God's judgement, was ever the same. Neither is it that there was a shade of difference in the order, in either case, for that, too, was ever the same. Still the fact must strike the reader who ponders the chapter before us, that where reference is made to the celebration of the Passover in the first month, we simply read the words, "according to all the rites of it, and according to all the ceremonies thereof, shall ye keep it." But, on the other hand, when reference is made to the second month, we have a most minute statement of what those rites and ceremonies were: "They shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs. They shall leave none of it unto the morning, nor break any bone of it: according to all the ordinances of the Passover they shall keep it." Compare verse 3 with 11, 12. What, we ask, does this plain fact teach us? We believe it teaches us, most distinctly, that we are never to lower the standard, in the things of God, because of failure and weakness on the part of God's people; but rather, on that very account, to take special pains to hold the standard up, in all its divine integrity. No doubt, there should be the deep sense of failure - the deeper the better; but God's truth is not to be surrendered. We can always reckon, with confidence, upon the resources of divine grace, while seeking to maintain, with unwavering decision, the standard of divine truth. Let us seek to keep this ever in the remembrance of the thoughts of our hearts. We are in danger, on the one hand, of forgetting the fact that failure has come in - yes, gross failure, unfaithfulness, and sin. And, on the other hand, we are in danger of forgetting, in view of that failure, the unfailing faithfulness of God, in spite of everything. the professing Church has failed, and become a perfect ruin; and not only so, but we ourselves have individually failed and helped on the ruin. We should feel all this - feel it deeply - feel it constantly. We should ever bear upon our spirits before our God the deep and heart-subduing consciousness of how sadly and how shamefully we have behaved ourselves in the house of God. It would be adding immensely to our failure were we ever to forget that we have failed. The most profound humility and the deepest brokenness of spirit become us in the remembrance of all this; and these inward feelings and exercises will surely express themselves in a lowly walk and carriage in the midst of the scene in which we move. "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity." ( 2 Tim. 2: 19 ) Here is the resource of the faithful, in view of the ruins of Christendom. God never fails, never changes, and we have simply to depart from iniquity, and cling to Him. we are to do what is right, and follow it diligently, and leave results to Him. We would earnestly beg of the reader to give the foregoing line of thought his entire attention. We want him to pause, for a few moments, and prayerfully consider the whole subject. We are convinced that a due consideration of it, in its two sides, would greatly help us to pick our steps amid the surrounding ruins. The remembrance of the Church's condition, and of our own personal unfaithfulness, would keep us humble; while, at the same time, the apprehension of God's unchanging standard, and of His unswerving faithfulness, would detach us from the evil around, and keep us steady in the path of separation. Both together would effectually preserve us from empty pretension, on the one hand, and from laxity and indifference, on the other. We have ever to keep before our souls the humbling fact that we have failed, and yet to hold fast that grand truth that God is faithful. These are, pre-eminently, lessons for the wilderness - lessons for this very day - lessons for us. They are suggested, very forcibly, by the inspired record of the Passover in the second month - a record peculiar to the Book of Numbers - the great wilderness book. It is in the wilderness that human failure comes so fully out; and in the wilderness the infinite resources of divine grace are displayed. But once more, let us reiterate the statement and may it be engraved, in characters deep and broad, on our hearts - the richest provisions of divine grace and mercy afford no warrant whatever for lowering the standard of divine truth. If any had pleaded defilement or distance as an excuse for not keeping the Passover, or for keeping it otherwise than as God had enjoined, he would, most assuredly, have been cut off from the congregation. And so with us, if we consent to surrender any truth of God, because failure has come in - if we, in sheer unbelief of heart, give up God's standard, and abandon God's ground - if we draw a plea from the condition of things around us to shake off the authority of God's truth over the conscience, or its formative influence upon our conduct and character - it is very evident that our communion is suspended.* *Let it be noted here once for all, that the cutting off of any one from the congregation of Israel, answers to the suspension of a believer's communion because of unjudged sin. We would gladly pursue this great practical line of truth somewhat further, but we must forbear, and close this part of our subject by quoting for our reader the remainder of this wilderness record concerning the Passover. "But the man that is clean, and is not in a journey, and forbeareth to keep the Passover, even the same soul shall be cat off from among his people: because he brought not the offering of the Lord in his appointed season, that man shall bear his sin. And if a stranger shall sojourn among you, and will keep the Passover unto the Lord; according to the ordinance of the Passover, and according to the manner thereof, so shall he do: ye shall have one ordinance, both for the stranger, and for him that was born in the land." Verses 13, 14. The wilful neglect of the Passover would argue, on the part of the Israelite, a total want of appreciation of the benefits and blessings coming out of his redemption and deliverance from the land of Egypt. The more deeply any one entered into the divine reality of that which had been accomplished on that memorable night, in the which the congregation of Israel found refuge and repose beneath the shelter of the blood, the more earnestly would he long for the return of "the fourteenth day of the first month," that he might have an opportunity of commemorating that glorious occasion; and if there was anything preventing his enjoying the ordinance in "the first month" the more gladly and thankfully would he avail himself of "the second." But the man who could be satisfied to go on from year to year, without keeping the Passover, only proved that his heart was far away from the God of Israel. It were worse than vain for any one to speak of loving the God of his fathers, and of enjoying the blessings of redemption, while the very ordinance which God had appointed to set forth that redemption lay neglected from year to year. And may we not, to a certain extent, apply all this to ourselves, in reference to the matter of the Lord's supper? Doubtless we may, and that with very much profit. There is this connection between the Passover and the Lord's supper, that the former was the type, the latter the memorial, of the death of Christ. Thus we read in 1 Corinthians 5 . "Christ our Passover is sacrificed for us." This sentence establishes the connection. The Passover was the memorial of Israel's redemption from the bondage of Egypt; and the Lord's supper is the memorial of the Church's redemption from the heavier and darker bondage of sin and Satan. Hence, as every true and faithful Israelite would surely be found keeping the Passover, in the appointed season, according to all the rites and ceremonies thereof, so will every true and faithful Christian be found celebrating the Lord's supper, in its appointed season, and according to all the principles laid down in the New Testament respecting it. If an Israelite had neglected the Passover, even on one single occasion, he would have been cut off from the congregation. Such neglect was not to be tolerated in the assembly of old. It was instantly visited with the divine displeasure. And, may we not ask in the face of this solemn fact, Is it nothing now - is it a matter of no moment for Christians to neglect, from week to week, and month to month, the supper of their Lord? Are we to suppose that the One who, in Numbers 9 , declared that the neglecter of the Passover should be cut off, takes no account of the neglecter of the Lord's table? We cannot believe it for a moment. For, albeit it is not a question of being cut off from the Church of God, the body of Christ, are we, on that account, to be negligent? Far be the thought. Yea, rather should it have the blessed effect of stirring us up to greater diligence in the celebration of that most precious feast wherein "we do show the Lord's death till he come." To a pious Israelite there was nothing like the Passover, because it was the memorial of his redemption. And, to a pious Christian, there is nothing like the Lord's supper, because it is the memorial of his redemption and of the death of his Lord. Of all the exercises in which the Christian can engage, there is nothing more precious, nothing more expressive, nothing that brings Christ more touchingly or solemnly before his heart, than the Lord's supper. He may sing about the Lord's death, he may pray about it, he may read about it, he may hear about it; but it is only in the supper that he "shows" it forth. "And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body, which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me. Likewise also the cup after supper, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you." Luke 22: 19 , 20 Here we have the feast instituted; and, when we turn to the Acts of the Apostles, we read that, "upon the first day of the week, the disciples came together to break bread." Acts 20: 7 . Here we have the feast celebrated ; and, lastly, when we turn to the Epistles, we read, "The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not the communion of the body of Christ? For we, being many, are one loaf, and one body; for we are all partakers of that one loaf." ( 1 Cor. 10: 16 , 17 ) And again, "For I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you, That the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread; and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and said, Take, eat; this is my body, which is broken for you: this do in remembrance of me. After the same manner also he took the cup, when he had supped, saying, This cup is the new testament in my blood: this do ye, as oft as ye drink it, in remembrance of me. For as often as ye eat this bread, and drink this cup, ye do show the Lord's death till he come." 1 Corinthians 11: 23-26 . Here we have the feast expounded . And may we not say that, in the institution, the celebration, and the exposition, we have a threefold cord, not easily broken, to bind our souls to this most precious feast? How is it, then, that in the face of all this holy authority, any of God's people should be found neglecting the Lord's table? Or, looking at it in another aspect, how is it that any of Christ's members can be satisfied to go on for weeks, and months, and some all their days, without ever remembering their Lord in the way of His own direct and positive appointment? We are aware that some professing Christians regard this subject in the light of a return to Jewish ordinances, and as a coming down from the high ground of the Church. They look upon the Lord's supper and baptism as inward spiritual mysteries; and they consider that we are departing from true spirituality in insisting upon the literal observance of these ordinances. To all this we very simply reply that God is wiser than we are. If the Lord Christ instituted the supper; if God the Holy Ghost led the early Church to celebrate it; and if He has also expounded it unto us, who are we that we should set up Our ideas in opposition to God? No doubt, the Lord's supper should be an inward spiritual mystery to all who partake of it; but it is also an outward, literal, tangible thing. There is literal bread, and literal wine - literal eating, and literal drinking. If any deny this, they may, with equal force, deny that there are literal people gathered together. We have no right to explain away scripture after such a fashion. It is our happy and holy duty to submit to scripture, to bow down, absolutely and implicitly, to its divine authority. Nor is it merely a question of subjection to the authority of scripture. It is that, most assuredly, as we have abundantly proved by quotation after quotation from the divine word; and that alone is simply sufficient for every pious mind. But there is more than this. There is such a thing as the response of love in the heart of the Christian, answering to the love of the heart of Christ. Is not this something? Ought we not to seek, in some small degree, to meet the love of such a heart? If our blessed and adorable Lord has, in very deed, appointed the bread and the wine, in the supper, as memorials of His broken body and shed blood; if He has ordained that we should eat of that bread and drink of that cup, in remembrance of Him, ought we not, in the power of responsive affection, to meet the desire of His loving heart? Surely no earnest Christian will question this. It ought ever to be the very joy of our hearts to gather round the table of our loving Lord, and remember Him in the way of His appointment - to show forth His death till He come. It is only marvellous to think that He should seek a place in the remembrance of such hearts as ours; but so it is; and it would be sad indeed if we, on any ground, and for any reason whatsoever, should neglect that very feast with which He has linked His precious name. This, of course, would not be the place to enter upon anything like an elaborate exposition of the ordinance of the Lord's supper. We have sought to do this elsewhere. What we specially desire here is, to urge upon the Christian reader the immense importance and deep interest of the ordinance as viewed on the double ground of subjection to the authority of scripture, and responsive love to Christ Himself. And, furthermore, we are anxious to impress all who may read these lines with a sense of the seriousness of neglecting to eat the Lord's supper, according to the scriptures. We may depend upon it, it is dangerous ground for any to attempt to set aside this positive institution of our Lord and Master. It argues a wrong condition of soul altogether. It proves that the conscience is not subject to the authority of the word, and that the heart is not in true sympathy with the affections of Christ. Let us therefore see to it that we are honestly endeavouring to discharge our holy responsibilities to the table of the Lord - that we forbear not to keep the feast - that we celebrate it according to the order laid down by God the Holy Ghost. Thus much as to the Passover in the wilderness, and the impressive lessons which it conveys to our souls. We shall now dwell for a few moments on the closing paragraph of our chapter, which is as truly characteristic as any portion of the book. In it we are called to contemplate a numerous host of men, women, and children, travelling through a trackless wilderness, "where there was no way" - passing over a dreary waste, a vast sandy desert, without compass or human guide. What a thought! What a spectacle! There were those millions of people moving along without any knowledge of the route by which they were to travel, as wholly dependent upon God for guidance as for food and all beside; a thoroughly helpless pilgrim host. They could form no plans for the morrow. when encamped, they knew not when they were to march; and when on the march, they knew not when or where they were to halt. Theirs was a life of daily and hourly dependence. They had to look up for guidance. Their movements were controlled by the wheels of Jehovah's chariot. This truly was a wondrous spectacle. Let as read the record of it, and drink into our souls its heavenly teaching. "And on the day that the tabernacle was reared up, the cloud covered the tabernacle, namely, the tent of the testimony: and at even there was upon the tabernacle as it were the appearance of fire, until the morning. So it was alway: the cloud covered it by day, and the appearance of fire by night. And when the cloud was taken up from the tabernacle, then after that the children of Israel journeyed: and in the place where the cloud abode, there the children of Israel pitched their tents. at the commandment of the Lord the children of Israel journeyed, and at the commandment of the Lord they pitched: as long as the cloud abode upon the tabernacle, they rested in their tents. And when the cloud tarried long upon the tabernacle many days, then the children of Israel kept the charge of the Lord, and journeyed not. And so it was, when the cloud was a few days upon the tabernacle; according to the commandment of the Lord they abode in their tents, and according to the commandment of the Lord they journeyed. And so it was, when the cloud abode from even unto the morning, and that the cloud was taken up in the morning, then they journeyed; whether it was by day or by night that the cloud was taken up, they journeyed. Or whether it were two days, or a month, or a year, that the cloud tarried upon the tabernacle, remaining thereon, the children of Israel abode in their tents, and journeyed not; but when it was taken up, they journeyed. At the commandment of the Lord they rested in the tents, and at the commandment of the Lord they journeyed: they kept the charge of the Lord, at the commandment of the Lord by the hand of Moses." Verses 15-23 A more lovely picture of absolute dependence upon, and subjection to, divine guidance it were impossible to conceive than that presented in the foregoing paragraph. There was not a footprint or a landmark throughout that "great and terrible wilderness." It was therefore useless to look for any guidance from those who had gone before. They were wholly cast upon God for every step of the way. They were in a position of constant waiting upon Him. This, to an unsubdued mind - an unbroken will - would be intolerable; but to a soul knowing, loving, confiding, and delighting in God, nothing could be more deeply blessed. Here lies the real gist of the whole matter. Is God known, loved, and trusted? If He be, the heart will delight in the most absolute dependence upon Him. If not, such dependence would be perfectly insufferable. The unrenewed man loves to think Himself independent - loves to fancy himself free - loves to believe that he may do what he likes, go where he likes, say what he likes. Alas! it is the merest delusion. Man is not free. He is the slave of Satan. It is now well nigh six thousand years since he sold himself into the hands of that great spiritual slave holder who has held him ever since, and who holds him still. Yes, Satan holds the natural man - the unconverted, unrepentant man in terrible bondage. He has him bound hand and foot with chains and fetters which are not seen in their true character because of the gilding wherewith he has so artfully covered them. Satan rules man by means of his lusts, his passions, and his pleasures. He forms lusts in the heart, and then gratifies them with the things that are in the world, and man vainly imagines himself free because he can gratify his desires. But it is a melancholy delusion; and, sooner or later, it will be found to be such. There is no freedom save that with which Christ makes His people free. He it is who says, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." And again, "If the Son shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." John 8 . Here is true liberty. It is the liberty which the new nature finds in walking in the Spirit, and doing those things that are pleasing in the sight of God. "The service of the Lord is perfect freedom." But this service, in all its departments, involves the most simple dependence upon the living God. Thus it was with the only true and perfect Servant that ever trod this earth. He was ever dependent. Every movement, every act, every word - all He did, and all He left undone - was the fruit of the most absolute dependence upon, and subjection to, God. He moved when God would have Him move, and stood still when God would have Him stand. He spoke when God would have Him speak, and was silent when God would have Him silent. Such was Jesus when He lived in this world; and we, as partakers of His nature - His life, and having His Spirit dwelling in us are called to walk in His steps, and live a life of simple dependence upon God, from day to day. Of this life of dependence, in one special phase of it, we have a graphic and beautiful type at the close of our chapter. The Israel of God - the camp in the desert - that pilgrim host followed the movement of the cloud. They had to look up for guidance. This is man's proper work. He was made to turn his countenance upward, in contrast with the brute, who is formed to look downward.* Israel could form no plans. They could never say, "To-morrow we shall go to such a place." They were entirely dependent upon the movement of the cloud. Thus it was with Israel, and thus it should be with us. We are passing through a trackless desert - a moral wilderness. There is absolutely no way. We should not know how to walk, or where to go, were it not for that one most precious, most deep, most comprehensive sentence which fell from the lips of our blessed Lord, " I am the way." Here is divine infallible guidance. We are to follow Him. "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." ( John 8 ) This is living guidance. It is not acting according to the letter of certain rules and regulations; it is following a living Christ; walking as He walked; doing as He did; imitating His example in all things. This is Christian movement - Christian action. It is keeping the eye fixed upon Jesus, and having the features, traits, and lineaments of His character imprinted on our new nature, and reflected back or reproduced in our daily life and ways. *The Greek word for man ( anthropos ) signifies to turn the face upwards. Now this will, assuredly, involve the surrender of our own will, our own plans, our own management altogether. We must follow the cloud; we must wait ever wait only upon God. We cannot say," We shall go here or there, do this or that, to-morrow, or next week.'' All our movements must be placed under the regulating power of that one commanding sentence - often alas! lightly penned and uttered by us - " If the Lord will." Oh! that we better understood all this! Would that we knew more perfectly the meaning of divine guidance! How often do we vainly imagine, and confidently assert, that the cloud is moving in that very direction which suits the bent of our inclination. We want to do a certain thing, or make a certain movement, and we seek to persuade ourselves that our will is the will of God. Thus, instead of being divinely guided, we are self-deceived. Our will is unbroken, and hence we cannot be guided aright, for the real secret of being rightly guided - guided of God - is to have our own will thoroughly subdued. "The meek will he guide in judgement; and the meek will He teach His way." And again," I will guide thee with mine eye." But let us ponder the admonition, "Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding; whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, lest they come near unto thee." ( Psalm 32 ) If the countenance be turned upwards to catch the movement of the divine "eye," we shall not need the "bit and bridle." But here is precisely the point in which we so sadly fail. We do not live sufficiently near to God to discern the movement of His eye. The will is at work. We want to have our own way, and hence we are left to reap the bitter fruits thereof. Thus it was with Jonah. he was told to go to Nineveh but he wanted to go to Tarshish; and circumstances seemed to favour; providence seemed to point in the direction of his will. But alas! he had to find his place in the belly of the whale, yea, in "the belly of hell" itself, where "the weeds were wrapped about his head." It was there he learnt the bitterness of following his own will. He had to be taught in the depths of the ocean the true meaning of the "bit and bridle," because he would not follow the gentler guidance of the eye. But our God is so gracious, so tender, so patient! He will teach and He will guide His poor feeble erring children. He spares no pains with us. He occupies Himself continually about us, in order that we may be kept from our own ways, which are full of thorns and briars, and walk in His ways, which are pleasantness and peace. There is nothing in all this world more deeply blessed than to lead a life of habitual dependence upon God; to hang upon Him, moment by moment, to wait on Him and cling to Him for everything. To have all our springs in Him. It is the true secret of peace, and of holy independence of the creature. The soul that can really say, " All my springs are in thee" is lifted above all creature confidences, human hopes, and earthly expectations. It is not that God does not use the creature, in a thousand ways, to minister to us. We do not at all mean this. He does use the creature; but if we lean upon the creature instead of leaning upon Him, we shall very speedily get leanness and barrenness into our souls. There is a vast difference between God's using the creature to bless us, and our leaning on the creature to the exclusion of Him. In the one case, we are blessed and He is glorified; in the other, we are disappointed and He is dishonoured. It is well that the soul should deeply and seriously consider this distinction. We believe it is constantly overlooked. We imagine, oft-times, that we are leaning upon, and looking to, God, when, in reality, if we would only look honestly at the roots of things, and judge ourselves in the immediate presence of God, we should find an appalling amount of the leaven of creature confidence. How often do we speak of living by faith, and of trusting only in God, when, at the same time, if we would only look down into the depths of our hearts, we should find there a large measure of dependence upon circumstances, reference to second causes, and the like. Christian reader, let us look well to this. Let as see to it that our eye is fixed upon the living God alone, and not upon man whose breath is in his nostrils. let as wait on Him - wait patiently - wait constantly. If we are at a loss for anything, let our direct and simple reference be to Him. Are we at a loss to know our way, to know whither we should turn, what step we should take? let us remember that He has said, "I am the way;" let us follow Him. He will make all clear, bright, and certain. There can be no darkness, no perplexity, no uncertainty, if we are following Him; for He has said, and we are bound to believe, "He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness." Hence, therefore, if we are in darkness, it is certain that we are not following Him. No darkness can ever settle down upon that blessed path along which God leads those who, with a single eye, seek to follow Jesus. But some one, whose eye scans these lines, may say, or at least may feel disposed to say, "Well, after all, I am in perplexity as to my path. I really do not know which way to turn or what step to take." If this be the language of the reader, we would simply ask him this one question, "art thou following Jesus? If so, thou canst not be in perplexity. Art thou following the cloud? If so, thy way is as plain as God can make it." Here lies the root of the whole matter. Perplexity or uncertainty is very often the fruit of the working of the will. we are bent upon doing something which God does not want us to do at all - upon going somewhere that God does not want us to go. We pray about it, and get no answer. We pray again and again, and get no answer. How is this? Why the simple fact is that God wants us to be quiet - to stand still - to remain just where we are. Wherefore, instead of racking our brain and harassing our souls about what we ought to do, let us do nothing, but simply wait on God. This is the secret of peace and calm elevation. If an Israelite, in the desert, had taken it into his head to make some movement, independent of Jehovah; if he took it upon Him to move when the cloud was at rest, or to halt while the cloud was moving, we can easily see what the result would have been. And so it will ever be with us. If we move when we ought to rest, or rest when we ought to move, we shall not have the divine presence with us. "At the commandment of the Lord they rested in the tents, and at the commandment of the Lord they journeyed." they were kept in constant waiting upon God, the most blessed position that any one can occupy; But it must be occupied ere its blessedness can be tasted. It is a reality to be known, not a mere theory to be talked of. May it be ours to prove it all our journey through! Mackintosh, Charles Henry. "Commentary on Numbers 9". Mackintosh's Notes on the Pentateuch. https://www.studylight.org/commentaries/eng/nfp/numbers-9.html.
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Evidson X55 earphone review: Shut up and take my money! The X55 earphones by Evidson are cheap and offer phenomenal sound; a must buy. Evidson X55As far as earphones go, cheap isn't something desirable, especially if sound quality is a priority. Whoever said that to me clearly hadn't tried the Evidson X55 earphones. It's crazy how a pair of earphones with a price tag under Rs. 500 can sound so good. The Evidson X55 earphones are available in black and come with a microphone that also doubles as a remote. It can be used to play or pause music and can also be used to attend calls. The cables are just as good as the ones on the W6 we had reviewed earlier, but the quality of plastic used to make the earpieces isn't as high-end as on the W6. The earpieces aren't the type that go into the ear canal, and come with only one pair of foam tips. Without the foam tips, the earpieces sit comfortably, but walking at even a slightly brisk pace would offset the way they are positioned in the ear. With the ear tips, however, the earpieces sit comfortably without ever slipping off or missing alignment. That said, even without the ear tips I noticed that the earphones would never get knocked off. The sound quality on the X55 is full and rich. The audio signature is neutral and will make any kind of music sound good. One would be hard-pressed to find anything to complain about with the X55s, unless you're a lover of deep, thumping bass. By virtue of not being in-ear earphones, there's no chance of there ever being a tight seal between your ear and the earphones, hence the sound isn't bass heavy. However, the Evidson X55 still doesn't sound thin or weak. There's a sense of richness to the sound it produces that is hard to beat. Clearly Evidson has designed these earphones taking into account the loss in bass reproduction that the design inherently brings to the table. Unlike the sound quality, the minimalistic mic/remote doesn't surprise us with what it can do. It is, however, rather curious that Evidson decided to keep it in line with the left earpiece as opposed to the right, as it is in most cases. I would definitely recommend these earphones. Not just as a back-up pair to leave in your bag in case of an emergency, but also as your primary pair, if drowning out the world isn't your priority. A price tag of Rs. 499 makes them a steal and Evidson selling them at Rs. 470 right now makes one want to pick up an extra pair just in case. Despite being priced well, the X55 doesn't give you the feeling of being cheaply made, and for a guy who wants really good audio but is prone to losing his earphones all the time (R.I.P my MEE Audio M6 Pro), these make for the perfect pair. Post Comment
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Tom: besides our usual work here in Ghana, the week was dominated for us by the news of the US election results and the arrival of Remembrance Day (Veteran’s Day in the USA) - an interesting juxtaposition. A good friend had commented to us that he was voting for the second most odious person in the country. Probably most people in the country thought they were voting for the second most odious person, but the electorate was clearly divided almost in half about which candidate that actually was. So about half of the country is happy that the most odious person didn’t win, and the other half are upset that the second most odious person (based on the electoral college) did. And now we hear about demonstrations turning into riots, fears of racism, etc. etc. It reminded me of the comment made by Rodney King, the black resident of LA who was brutally beaten by police during an arrest. When their acquittal on charges of excessive force led to riots in LA in 1992, he said. “People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? …I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out.” If he could say that, can’t we? We have started listening to one of the Great Courses, on archeology and history of the Middle East - a very interesting series of lectures. We heard this week about Alexander Jannaeus, one of the Hasmonean kings who reigned from 103-76 BC. He incurred the ire of his subjects when he broke Jewish law by becoming king as well as the hereditary high priest. During the festival of Sukkot in Jerusalem, when he poured the water on the ground instead of on the altar, the pilgrims at the festival showed their displeasure by pelting him with citrons they were carrying as part of the celebration. In his anger, the king killed 6,000 of the pilgrims. At least things aren’t that bad. Sue: Two women made this week memorable for me. I met “Eve” of Adam and Eve in the bathroom of the women’s changing room. I had seen her in the temple every day doing ordinances and finally asked who she was. She introduced herself as a member visiting from Nigeria. It took a while for my mind to compute that she must be one of the Nigerian team who were recording, in Igbo and Efik, the voices for the newest films to be used in the Aba Temple. There are now 39 Stakes who that temple serves. The technical recording team came from Salt Lake City but the voices came from Nigeria. The second woman had come to the Accra Temple for the first time and is a member of a new Stake which was organized last Sunday. She was the skinniest woman I had ever seen and I found myself hoping that she was not starving to death. She had a beautiful face but her bones, especially clavicles, were very prominent. It made me grateful for my lentil soup at home in the crockpot and my understanding that she was learning to know her Savior. I put a new app on my phone this week—the Book of Mormon in French and English side by side. I have a goal to it read in French by June. It is very hard work but I can do hard things. I was also asked this week to lead the organization and planning of Thanskgiving dinner for 60. That will take place at our usual Family Home Evening on Nov. 28th. We have found 7kg Turkeys for US $60 each. We may be having chicken instead! Posted by The Spackman Missionaries at 7:37 AM Leslie Vaughn November 13, 2016 at 3:14 PM I haven't commented too much on your blog; but I want to say that I look forward to it every week and feel that I can see your experiences. I think I'd have chicken for thanksgiving, too. I'd get some turkey chicks in the spring and start raising them for next year. :) I know you don't have a place to raise them, but it would be fun if you could. Thank you again for posting each week to your blog. I know you are busy and it takes time to compose your thoughts regarding the previous week. And yes, both candidates are odious and it still goes on. Oh my! Nov. 26, 2016 - Still Giving Thanks! An Interesting Visitor - Nov. 20, 2016
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Quattrocolonne SGRT Notizie News Locali Praticanti  La rinascita del Grifo passa per il nuovo stadio Il rinnovo del Curi: in attesa dell'ok definitivo, le speranze per restituire ai tifosi il sogno della Serie A Proprietà e Comune di Perugia vogliono il piano definitivo entro la primavera  Ascolta il post La volontà di Comune e Perugia Calcio è chiara: portare a termine il prima possibile l’approvazione del progetto. La squadra ha infatti bisogno del nuovo stadio, che porterà nuovi investimenti nella zona di Pian di Massiano e nuovi finanziamenti alla società. Quest’ultima potrà beneficiare di maggior visibilità nel mondo nazionale del calcio e i tifosi potranno godersi la partita nel confort di uno stadio totalmente ristrutturato. La nuova struttura, stando al progetto, sarà infatti moderna ed all’avanguardia, un vero motivo di rilancio per la squadra e la città intera. Il piano- Dopo i lavori di ristrutturazione dei 6 campi settore giovanile nel 2018, il Perugia Calcio sta infatti ora pensando alla ristrutturazione dello stadio: la società ha infatti depositato il 14 settembre del 2018 il progetto al Comune. L’Istituto per il Credito Sportivo- un istituto di credito di diritto pubblico con gestione autonoma- ha dato disponibilità a cofinanziare il restyling dell’attuale stadio: annualmente si tratta di 600 mila euro a suo carico e 400 mila per il Comune. L’investimento totale ammonta a circa 15 milioni di euro e prevede l’intera copertura dell’impianto, uno sky box, ovvero una struttura che consente, tramite vetrata, di vedere la partita, 4 torrette ai lati con uffici, la sede della società di calcio e strutture di ricezione e ristorazione. Il 27 dicembre la Giunta ha approvato il progetto esecutivo per la realizzazione dei seggiolini conformi alle regole Uefa. I lavori, pari all’importo di 257.000 euro, partiranno prima della prossima stagione. La situazione- L’attuale stadio venne eretto nel 1975. Fino ad allora, il Perugia giocava al Santa Giuliana, ritenuto poi insufficiente per le esigenze della squadra, nel frattempo promossa in Serie A il 22 giugno del 1975, quando vinse 2-1 contro il Novara. Durante l’estate venne quindi costruito l’impianto da circa 30.000 posti, senza pista d’atletica, nella zona periferica di Pian di Massiano, che diede il nome originario alla struttura. Lo stadio, progettato da Luigi Corradi e realizzato dalle ditte dell’ex presidente Spartaco Ghini , fu costruito in quattro mesi. È stato inaugurato il 5 ottobre del 1975 in occasione della partita d’esordio in Serie A contro il Milan. Il nuovo impianto era ancora privo della Curva Sud, realizzata alla fine del decennio. L’attuale nome dello stadio si deve ad un evento tragico che ha segnato la storia del club biancorosso: il 30 ottobre 1977, nel corso della sfida di campionato Perugia-Juventus, il centrocampista biancorosso Renato Curi morì sul campo a causa di un improvviso arresto cardiaco, all’età di 24 anni. Poche settimane dopo, il 27 novembre, l’impianto venne intitolato al calciatore diventando così lo stadio Renato Curi. Il museo del Perugia Il museo, adiacente lo stadio, è stato inaugurato il 7 luglio 2016 e ripercorre la storia centenaria della squadra. La struttura nasce dalle ceneri di un ristorante abbandonato. È composto da una corte d’ingresso interna, da una sala dedicata alla Curva Nord e ai gruppi storici, da una sala dedicata alla proiezione di immagini e video della storia del club e da una sala ricco di materiale storico dedicata al racconto cronologico della vita dell’ A.C. Perugia Calcio. Periodicamente i materiali presenti nel museo sono oggetto di rotazione. All’interno del museo si trova il Perugia Store di 80 mq con, al suo interno, l’abbigliamento tecnico della squadra e tantissimi altri accessori. L’importanza- Perché è decisivo il rinnovamento dello stadio: molte fra le società più all’avanguardia, come la Juventus e l’Udinese, hanno uno stadio di proprietà. Se il Perugia si dotasse di uno stadio più moderno, più funzionale e più confortevole, ci sarebbero più tifosi disposti ad andare allo stadio, più sponsor disposti a scommettere ad una promozione in serie A. Il nuovo stadio può portare più visibilità e quindi più turismo per l’intero indotto cittadino. Con la realizzazione dei nuovi seggiolini, i posti a sedere, ora 23.000, saranno più confortevoli e resistenti. Per l’ex assessore allo sport Prisco lo stadio «sarà un valore aggiunto per la società, per l’amministrazione e per l’intera città». A tutti i tifosi biancorossi ora non resta che aspettare e sperare. Pubblicato il Pubblicato il 21 Febbraio 2019 14 Maggio 2019 Marcello Mamini Nato a Torino il 10/10/1995. Laureato in culture e letterature del mondo moderno presso l'Università Unito di Torino. Giornalista praticante del XIV Biennio della Scuola di Giornalismo Radiotelevisivo di Perugia. Visualizza il profilo di Marcello Mamini CategorieSport Articolo precedente:Precedente Le notizie del 21/02/2019 Articolo successivoSuccessivo I grifoni mai sconfitti: a 40 anni dal Perugia dei miracoli Canta con gli ultrà: allo stadio con i tifosi del… Dal figlio di Gheddafi al giapponese Nakata, il Perugia degli… I grifoni mai sconfitti: a 40 anni dal Perugia dei… Mobilità (19) News Locali (59) Vie di comunicazione (32) Marco Solari: breve ritratto del pittoresco proprietario della Scarzuola Lago Trasimeno, come fauna e flora sono mutati negli anni Da Orvieto alla Casa Bianca: Polegri, lo chef dei presidenti La Scarzuola, l’utopia della città ideale secondo Tomaso Buzzi Terremoto e strade in Umbria: la situazione Quattro Colonne SGRT Notizie è la testata della Scuola di giornalismo radio televisivo di Perugia. Registrazione al Tribunale di Perugia N. 7/93 del maggio 1993. Direttore responsabile: Antonio Socci Per contattare la redazione: Villa Orintia Carletti Bonucci Via Giacomo Puccini, 253 06134 Ponte Felcino – Perugia Tel. 075 5911211 – Fax 075 5911232 E-mail: segreteria@centrogiornalismo.it Orario segreteria: dal lunedì al venerdì dalle ore 09,00 alle ore 13,00 dalle ore 14,30 alle ore 17,30 Su questo sito utilizziamo cookie tecnici e, previo tuo consenso, cookie di profilazione e di terze parti. Cliccando su OK acconsenti all'uso dei cookie.OkNoPrivacy policy
{"url": "https://www.quattrocolonne-news.it/2019/02/21/la-rinascita-del-grifo-passa-per-il-nuovo-stadio/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "it", "source_domain": "www.quattrocolonne-news.it", "date_download": "2019-05-19T06:52:49Z", "digest": "sha1:DDPV6YCH7Y7PHKPR5YTS2BYJ7G2F7KWF"}
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Conway Corp. pledges funds to Central Arkansas CONWAY, Ark. (AP) - The University of Central Arkansas says the local utility system has pledged $3 million for construction and renovation work at its Lewis Science Center. The gift from Conway Corp. was announced Monday after it was approved previously by the city-owned utility's board of directors. UCA President Tom Courtway called the gift one of the most significant developments in the school's history. The money will help build state-of-... Arkansas closing 28 miles of lanes over holiday LITTLE ROCK (AP) — Travelers will come across 28 miles of lane closures on major Arkansas roads during the upcoming holiday season. The state Highway and Transportation Department said Friday the longest restriction will be along eight miles of Interstate 530 from Little Rock to near the Sheridan exit. Interstate 40 will have lane restrictions in both directions for five miles near West Memphis, for five miles in eastbound lanes near Brinkley,... Record number of students in rural consortium LITTLE ROCK (AP) — A record number of students have been accepted into the Arkansas Rural Nursing Education Consortium. The consortium is a group of eight community colleges that collaborate to provide students an opportunity for an associate degree in Registered Nursing. This is the first year that the program has accepted 280 students. Classes start in January and will include course work as well as on-site clinical work in nursing homes, ho... Blanchard Springs Caverns to changes tour times MOUNTAIN VIEW (AP) — Blanchard Springs Caverns plans to operate on a reduced schedule early next year. The U.S. Forest Service says the caverns, located 15 miles northwest of Mountain View near the town of Fifty Six, Arkansas, will reduced its schedule from January through the end of February. Tours through the Caverns' Dripstone Trail will be offered three times daily. Other tours may be added as needed. Wild Cave Tours will be offered on a r... Plant Board approves pesticide systems LITTLE ROCK (AP) — The Arkansas State Plant Board has approved the use of two forms of genetically modified crops and their attendant pesticides for use in the state. The new technologies will permit growers the ability to combat pigweed and other persistent broadleaf weeds as early as the 2015 growing season. Jason Norsworthy, professor of crop, soil and environmental science for the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture and t... Panel bans outside firewood in some areas LITTLE ROCK (AP) — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission says it is now illegal to import firewood into the state's wildlife management areas. The panel hopes to control the emerald ash borer, which feed on all types of ash trees and threaten all of the state's ash species. The insect has been discovered in six counties — Clark, Columbia, Dallas, Hot Spring, Nevada and Ouachita. Since its discovery in Michigan in 2002, the borer has killed ten... Sanitizer plant set for Fort Smith FORT SMITH (AP) — A company that makes a key component of sanitizers says it will build a pilot production facility in Fort Smith and eventually put its company headquarters there. TiFiber Inc. says the move could create up to 100 jobs by 2019. Production would begin next year to meet Food and Drug Administration certification, then expand into significant production in 2017. The Southwest Times Record newspaper reported Thursday that TiFiber ... Panel on officials' pay holds first meeting LITTLE ROCK (AP) — Members of a newly formed panel reviewing Arkansas elected officials' salaries said Thursday their initial report likely won't say whether a pay hike is needed. The Independent Citizens Commission held its first meeting since voters approved the panel as part of a constitutional amendment overhauling the state's ethics restrictions and easing term limits for lawmakers. The commission is charged with reviewing and adjusting s... 3 accused of defrauding food program LITTLE ROCK (AP) — Three Arkansas women conspired to defraud a program that feeds low-income children around the state by inflating the number of meals that were served, a federal grand jury said in an indictment unsealed Thursday. Jacqueline Mills, Gladys King and Tonique Hatton were charged with multiple counts of conspiracy to fraudulently obtain United States Department of Agriculture program funds. Additionally Mills, who ran at-risk afte... Locals shed light on senior issues LITTLE ROCK — With Gov. Mike Beebe extolling the virtues of experience and the ability to work together, the Silver Haired Legislature 2014 began its 18th biennial session of bringing issues affecting the senior population to the attention of state legislators. The Silver Haired Legislature meets every two years to conduct a seniors-only legislative session, taking over the Capitol building for two days to debate bills and resolutions, vote on... Man gets life in death of girlfriend at Fort Smith FORT SMITH (AP) — A Fort Smith man was sentenced to life in prison without parole after pleading guilty to two counts of capital murder in the death of his pregnant girlfriend. The Southwest Times Record reported Douglas David True, 21, pleaded guilty Wednesday in Sebastian County Circuit Court. He was accused of beating Briana Nicole Butler, 22, unconscious and then stabbing her nearly a dozen times last July 20. True was arrested after calli... Committee rejects ASU medical college application JONESBORO (AP) — A New York college's application to open an osteopathic medical school on the Arkansas State University campus in Jonesboro has been denied. But Barbara Ross-Lee of the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine said it will submit another application for accreditation to the American Osteopathic Association in April. She said it's not uncommon for a school to be denied accreditation initially. The commit... Barling father, daughter arrested in stabbing BARLING (AP) — An 18-year-old Arkansas woman and her father have been arrested after police say they attacked an 18-year-old man. Barling police investigator Keith Lindley tells The Southwest Times Record victim Jesse Pyles underwent emergency surgery Tuesday afternoon and described his condition as stable. The suspects were arrested after a three-hour standoff with authorities on Monday. It's unclear if they have been charged. Lindley says th... Model Medicaid experiment in jeopardy LITTLE ROCK (AP) — Arkansas became the first Southern state to expand its Medicaid program in a way that many Republicans found acceptable. The state bought private insurance for low-income people instead of adding them to the rolls of the Medicaid system, which GOP lawmakers considered bloated and inefficient. Now Arkansas could be on the brink of another distinction: becoming the first to abandon its Medicaid expansion after giving coverage ... Arkansas State names Shane Broadway vice president LITTLE ROCK (AP) — The director of the Arkansas Department of Higher Education was named Wednesday as vice president for governmental relations for the Arkansas State University System. ASU System President Charles Welch said Shane Broadway, a former member of both the Arkansas House and Senate, will succeed Robert Evans, who is retiring. "Shane brings to us an ideal blend of experience as a former legislator who is very knowledgeable about hi... Girl, 4, killed in apartment fire FORT SMITH (AP) — Fort Smith authorities say a 4-year-old girl has died in an apartment fire. Firefighters responded to the six-unit apartment building on Tuesday. They say 28-year-old Aaron Tash was able to get his 3-year-old son out of the apartment but couldn't get back inside to save his daughter, Erin Tash. Division Chief Phil Christensen tells the Southwest Times Record that Aaron Tash suffered minor injuries but wasn't hospitalized. He ... Gov.-elect names new leader of National Guard LITTLE ROCK (AP) — Gov-Elect Asa Hutchinson has named Brigadier Gen. Mark Berry of Ozark as the new Adjutant General of the Arkansas National Guard. Berry is currently chief of staff for the Arkansas Air National Guard. Hutchinson's office said in a news release that this is the first time in memory that the Arkansas Adjutant General has been appointed from the Air Force. Berry has more than 40 years military experience, having enlisted in the... Man sentenced to life in store owner's slaying HARRISON (AP) — A man charged with killing a woman inside her business in Boone County has been sentenced to life in prison after pleading guilty to capital murder in the case. The Harrison Daily Times reported Donald Clay Biles, 61, was sentenced Tuesday after entering the plea in Boone County Circuit Court. Biles was charged in the July strangulation of Lorraine Carte, 75, inside Ozark Emporium at Bear Creek Springs. Biles was later arrested... Gov-elect makes insurance, correction appointments LITTLE ROCK (AP) — Gov-elect Asa Hutchinson has announced that state Rep. Allen Kerr will be the new state Insurance Commissioner and Sheila Sharp will remain as director of the Department of Community Correction. Hutchinson cited Kerr's experience in the Legislature and knowledge of the insurance industry. He said Kerr will bring a "fresh look" to the department. Kerr will replace current Insurance Commissioner Jay Bradford. Hutchinson also p... Boy recovering from accidental shooting RAVENDEN (AP) — Police in Northeast Arkansas say a 7-year-old boy has been wounded by another boy while target shooting. Ravenden Police Chief Tim McComas told the Jonesboro Sun on Tuesday that the boy had minor surgery and is expected to make a full recovery. He says the victim and another 7-year-old boy were firing a .22-caliber gun on Sunday while an adult was present. McComas says the victim walked into the other boy's line of fire and was...
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Inicio¿Qué es el Síndrome de Down?Informacion de interes¿Quiénes somos?NoticiasCORPDOWNDonacionesColombia Canta Home Avanzando Hacia una Educación Más Inclusiva en Bogotá IntroducciónPrimera InfanciaEtapa EscolarJuventud y Etapa AdultaRincón de la Poesía Noticias de Interés Inscripción de Vehículos personas con DiscapacidadResultados de campaña "INVISIBLES NO MÁS"Para Saber MásEducación y Salud: derechos fundamentales, derechos ausentesSer papá CorpdownConvención de los DerechosEntrevista Pablo PinedaProtocolo MédicoEducación para todos a un solo clikEstados FinancierosCampamento AISECAntología La Luz de la PalabraMis Hermanos Me Quieren y Opinan ¿Què es el Sìndrome de Down? ¿Qué es Síndrome de Down?¿Cómo se forma el Síndrome de Down?¿Qué ha ocurrido en el bebé que presenta Síndrome de Down?Las distintas formas de Trisomía 21ConsecuenciasBibliografía Nuestro espacio Rincón de la PoesíaMi hijo Felipe ReinaVideos "Nos Gusta" Gracias a Ellos Bloop publicidad Curso de Comunicación Bimodal Los niños con la condición de Síndrome de Down presentan dentro de sus fortalezas el aprendizaje con base en elementos visuales, como son las expresiones faciales, los gestos, las palabras escritas y las signos, entre otros. Dentro de la comunicación, toman estos elementos para apoyarse a entender lo que se les dice. Su comprensión es más sencilla y disminuye los tiempos de respuesta. De igual forma ellos aprenden a emplear estos elementos para interactuar con las personas que los rodean, al tiempo que van empleando sonidos y palabras. Por esto es importante que al interactuar con los niños con SD, tengamos elementos suficientes de comunicación Bimodal - uso de señas y palabras- de manera simultanea, para apoyarles en la comprensión y la expresión del lenguaje. Fecha del curso: Marzo 2, Marzo 9, Marzo 16, Abril 6 y Abril 13 de 2013 Hora: 7:30 am a 11:30 am Intensidad: 20 horas. Encargada: Fonoaudióloga Elsy Baquero. Especialista método verbo tonal. instructora de lengua de señas colombianas. Lugar: Corporación Síndrome de Down, sede Villas Este curso está dirigido a padres de familia de los niños cuyo vocabulario comprensivo y/o expresivo es menor a 50 palabras. Inscripciones en recepción de la sede Villas. Inversión: Familias de la corporación $65.000 Familias externas o maestras: $130.000 Cupo limitado: 15 cupos La Corporación Síndrome de Down es una organización de padres de familia de niños, jóvenes y adultos con Síndrome de Down. Fue constituida el 30 de enero de 1.988, como una fundación sin ánimo de lucro. Nuestra misión es mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas con Síndrome de Down y de sus familias, mediante la prestación de servicios y programas que respondan a sus fortalezas y necesidades, buscando el desarrollo de sus habilidades, su participación en la sociedad y el reconocimiento de sus derechos. En el año 2002 recibimos la Condecoración Simón Bolívar otorgada por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional, a entidades destacadas en los campos de la educación, la ciencia y la cultura. Desde el año 2005 contamos con la certificación de calidad Icontec. Anualmente la Corporación atiende en sus programas y servicios un promedio de 500 niños y jóvenes con Síndrome de Down, de los cuales un sesenta y seis por ciento (66%) pertenecen a estratos uno, dos y tres. Adicionalmente la Corporación de manera permanente beneficia a muchos otros niños, jóvenes y adultos con discapacidad intelectual por diferentes causas, desarrollando proyectos comunitarios. Fotografía: Corporación Síndrome de Down - Santiago Marín (Fotógrafo Voluntario) Buscamos calidad de vida para las personas con síndrome de Down La Corporación está orientada a la generación de servicios y programas que respondan a las fortalezas y necesidades de las personas con Síndrome de Down y sus familias, buscando: * El desarrollo de sus habilidades. * Su participación en la sociedad. * El reconocimiento de sus derechos. * El mejoramiento de su calidad de vida. Principios que orientan nuestra labor * Respeto por el derecho a la vida, los derechos de los niños y los de las personas en condición de discapacidad. * Atención integral que cobija no solo al niño o joven sino a su familia y sus entornos, lo cual abarca la atención durante las diferentes etapas del ciclo de vida. * Énfasis en la autodeterminación, el respeto al status de edad y la equidad. * Alto nivel de especialización en la condición de Síndrome de Down. * Enfoque inclusivo entendido como el derecho a la plena participación en los diferentes entornos. * Padres y profesionales trabajando en equipo para generar mejores oportunidades de vida para los niños y jóvenes con esta condición. Servicios de la Corporación Síndrome de Down * Evaluaciones del nivel de desarrollo del niño o joven y orientación para su plan de atención. * Programas de estimulación adecuada para niños entre 0 y 5 años. * Programas de apoyo terapéutico y apoyo educativo para niños en edad escolar . * Programa de formación hacia el trabajo para jóvenes mayores de 14 años. * Programas de educación continuada, autodeterminación, socialización y apoyo a la inclusión laboral para adultos jóvenes. * Apoyo, orientación y capacitación para las familias a lo largo de los diferentes ciclos de vida. * Desarrollo de actividades y proyectos que favorezcan la inclusión de las personas con Síndrome de Down y la generación de oportunidades y mejores condiciones de vida para ellos y sus familias. The Down syndrome Corporation is an organization composed by family parents with children, youngsters and adults with Down syndrome. It was created on Jan 30th, 1988, as a non-profit foundation. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for the people with Down syndrome and their families, through programs and services which support their strengths and necessities, looking for the development of their abilities, their inclusion in society, and the recognition of their rights. In the year 2002, we received the Simon Bolivar decoration, given by the National Education Ministry to outstanding organizations in the fields of education, science and culture. Since 2005, we are qualified with the ICONTEC Quality Certification. Annually, the Corporation gives attention with programs and services to an average of 350 children and youngsters with Down syndrome. 66% of this group is classified in social levels 1, 2 and 3. Additionally, the Corporation benefits on a permanent basis a group of kids, youngsters and adults with intellectual disabilities based on different causes, by developing community projects. Calle 119A Nº 70-48/PBX: 6249811-6244504 Telefax: 2530131 Esta dirección electrónica esta protegida contra spam bots. Necesita activar JavaScript para visualizarla www.corporacionsindromededown.org Bogotá D.C Donaciones Corpdown Noticias de Interés Himno de Corporación Twitter Tweets por @corpdown Calle 119A N 70-48 PBX: 6249811-6244504 Telefax: 2530131 direccion@corporacionsindromededown.org
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Books Advanced Search New Releases Best Sellers The New York Times® Best Sellers Children's Books Textbooks Textbook Rentals Sell Us Your Books Best Books of the Month Deals in Books Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich Hitler's Hangman: The Lif... Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich – November 15, 2011 Robert Gerwarth › Visit Amazon's Robert Gerwarth Page Reinhard Heydrich is widely recognized as one of the great iconic villains of the twentieth century, an appalling figure even within the context of the Nazi leadership. Chief of the Nazi Criminal Police, the SS Security Service, and the Gestapo, ruthless overlord of Nazi-occupied Bohemia and Moravia, and leading planner of the "Final Solution," Heydrich played a central role in Hitler's Germany. He shouldered a major share of responsibility for some of the worst Nazi atrocities, and up to his assassination in Prague in 1942, he was widely seen as one of the most dangerous men in Nazi Germany. Yet Heydrich has received remarkably modest attention in the extensive literature of the Third Reich.Robert Gerwarth weaves together little-known stories of Heydrich's private life with his deeds as head of the Nazi Reich Security Main Office. Fully exploring Heydrich's progression from a privileged middle-class youth to a rapacious mass murderer, Gerwarth sheds new light on the complexity of Heydrich's adult character, his motivations, the incremental steps that led to unimaginable atrocities, and the consequences of his murderous efforts toward re-creating the entire ethnic makeup of Europe. "Fortunate Son" by John Fogerty The long-awaited memoir from John Fogerty, the legendary singer-songwriter and creative force behind CCR. Check out "Fortunate Son", by John Fogerty. See more music biographies Buy the selected items togetherThis item:Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich by Robert Gerwarth Hardcover $29.23 In Stock.Ships from and sold by Amazon.com.FREE Shipping on orders over $35. DetailsGoebbels: A Biography by Peter Longerich Hardcover $28.04 In Stock.Ships from and sold by Amazon.com.FREE Shipping on orders over $35. Details Heinrich Himmler Peter Longerich Goebbels: A Biography Hardcover$28.04 Prime Masters of Death: The SS-Einsatzgruppen and the Invention of the Holocaust Richard Rhodes The Third Reich in History and Memory Hardcover$23.85 Prime Hitler's Warrior: The Life and Wars of SS Colonel Jochen Peiper Danny S. Parker Hardcover$21.00 Prime Goering: The Rise and Fall of the Notorious Nazi Leader Roger Manvell “This admirable biography makes plausible what actually happened and makes human what we might prefer to dismiss as monstrous.”—Timothy Snyder, Wall Street Journal (Timothy Snyder The Wall Street Journal)“[A] probing biography…Gerwarth’s fine study shows in chilling detail how genocide emerged from the practicalities of implementing a demented belief system.”—Publishers Weekly (Publishers Weekly)“Supremely enlightening.”—Jacob Heilbrunn, The New York Times Book Review (Jacob Heilbrunn The New York Times Book Review)“[M]eticulously takes us inside the Third Reich, face to face with the Nazi hero, revealing as few texts do how the bureaucracy of evil worked.”—Kirkus Reviews (Kirkus Reviews)“Gerwarth’s approach is subtle, painstaking and psychologically acute; it convincingly demonstrates that the historian’s tool of 'cold empathy' best clarifies the enduring question of what brings forth monsters.”—Roy Foster, Times Literary Supplement (Books of the Year) (Roy Foster Times Literary Supplement (Books of the Year) 2011-12-02)“Hitler’s Hangman: The Life of Heydrich by Robert Gerwarth is superb on the making of evil.”—Frank Dikotter, The Daily Telegraph (Books of the Year) (Frank Dikotter The Daily Telegraph (Books of the Year) 2011-11-19)“Robert Gerwarth’s Hitler’s Hangman: The Life of Heydrich is the outstanding definitive scholarly and heartbreakingly horrible biography of the repellent mastermind of the Holocaust.”—Simon Sebag Montefiore, BBC History Magazine (Books of the Year) (Simon Sebag Montefiore BBC History Magazine (Books of the Year) 2011-12-01)“Gerwarth…offers a first rate biography of one of history’s most notorious villains.”—Deseret News (Deseret News)"Gerwarth's mastery of primary sources and relevant secondary literature is impressive, and his integration of the most recent scholarship and historiographical perspectives on the Nazi dictatorship and the Holocaust make this fine biography even more compelling. An outstanding, exceptional book sure to become the standard account of one of the most infamous Nazi war criminals."—D.R. Snyder, Choice (D.R. Snyder Choice)“An excellent inquiry into one of Hitler’s most fearsome paladins, the aide to Heinrich Himmler who played a key role in implementing the Holocaust. Gerwarth dispassionately examines Heydrich’s rise and assassination, which resulted in a horrific series of Nazi reprisals in Czechoslovakia. The best account of Heydrich.”—Jacob Heilbrunn, The Daily Beast (Jacob Heilbrunn The Daily Beast) Robert Gerwarth is professor of modern history at University College Dublin and director of UCD’s Centre for War Studies. Start reading Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich on your Kindle in under a minute. Publisher: Yale University Press; 1st Edition edition (November 15, 2011) #239 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Historical > Europe > Germany #727 in Books > Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People > Military > World War II #879 in Books > History > Europe > Germany 139 of 144 people found the following review helpfulWell-researched and objective biography of Heydrich Michael Atamian on November 11, 2011Format: Hardcover I have always found Reinhard Heydrich to be one of the more fascinating personalities from World War II. He was the only senior Nazi targeted for assassination during the war, yet most people nowadays do not even know his name. The author takes a very factual approach to the life of Heydrich and lets the reader draw his/her own conclusions. Considering that a lot of material on Heydrich's early life has been lost (some no doubt eradicated by Heydrich and his SD) the author paints a good picture of him in his early years. The author at one point uses a chapter heading called "Becoming Heydrich"; his well-argued point being that Heydrich had all the benefits and bounties of a middle-class upbringing, and seemed to be well-adjusted, until his drumming out of the Navy and marriage to Lina van Osten, an ardent Nazi. At that time, and through a fortuitous meeting with Himmler, he went down a path of no return- one of true amorality and evil. I think it is fair to say that Heydrich's organizational skills and ability to execute policies without morals enabled Hitler and Himmler's genocidal visions more than any other person in the Third Reich. Heydrich was highly intelligent and industrious, so the coupling of his talents to the Nazi terror apparatus had dire consequences for the world. I think this biography paints a really good picture of the man. Earlier biographies, written after World War II and without the benefit of recent historical discoveries, paint a very one-sided picture of Heydrich as a born evil monster. He wasn't born evil- he chose it. And that is a lesson for all of us. 69 of 70 people found the following review helpfulAwesome and disturbing biography on December 16, 2011Format: Hardcover It is an extraordinary biography which could cause me to not be able to sleep at night while I thought about what I had read. "Hitler's Hangman" is such a biography. You have no need to see horror movies or read horror fiction. A mere 70 years ago a man was implementing a system of mass murder and horror that no movie or fictional book could begin to equal, and that man's name was Reinhard Heydrich. This biography is incredibly well researched and superbly written. Unlike some biographies which stray from the person sometimes, this one stays on target. It is not that the author doesn't discuss the big issues, it is that he skillfully keeps Heydrich in the center of his biography. Heydrich was an example of a person who had become a monster and yet he was a "normal" family man who would hold his infant daughter every night. A man from an upper class German family who played classical music in his spare time, yet organized groups called "Einsatsgruppen" which murdered hundreds of thousands of people. He had totally absorbed the Nazi racial ideology as being biologically true and was committed to "cleansing" Europe of "subhumans" and replacing them with "aryans". He held a high rank in the Nazi system and managed key parts, such as the SD and Gestapo. Before he was assassinated by Czech commandoes, he was "Germanizing" the lands around Prague and planning the "Final Solution". In summation, there nothing so disturbing as the horrific actions of actual humans. Unlike fictional stories, where evil-doers are so different than us, this biography shows a man who could be anyone. Heydrich wasn't even interested in the Nazis until his wife told him to go sign up. It is staggering to think that this driven mass killer may never had done his deeds if his wife hadn't influenced him at a key point in time. Now, try to sleep thinking about that. Read this biography. 124 of 139 people found the following review helpfulThe epitome of evil Paul Gelman In June 1942,only some weeks after Heidrich's assassination, Thomas Mann, whose home had previously been raided on Heidrich's orders in 1933, commented on a BBC radio broadcast, and said that " wherever this killer went, blood flowed in rivers. Everywhere, even in Germany, he was simply called: the Hangman".Heidrich was one of the most sinister monsters of the Third Reich. Although many other mass murderers got a lot of biographers, Heidrich's place in the pantheon of the library of evil was somehow ignored or minimized. Enter Robert Gerwarth's excellent and profound biography whose purpose is to rectify things about this nebulous figure. As Mr. Gerwarth explains," Heydrich was both a typical and an atypical representative of his generation. He shared in many of the deep ruptures and traumatic experiences of the so-called war youth generation: namely, the Great War and the turbulent post-war years of revolutionary turmoil, hyperinflation and social decline, which he experienced as a teenager."Heydrich, who was born in 1904 in Halle in Prussia, and whose parents were both musicians, was dismissed from the navy in 1931 as a result of a broken engagement promise and his subsequent arrogant behavious towards the military court of honour. It was at this point when he met his future wife, Lina von Osten. The couple had four children and Lina had a tremendous influence over her husband to join the SS. At the age of thirty-eight, and as the second most powerful man in the SS behind Heinrich Himmler, he had built a reputation as one of the most uncompromising executors of Hitler's dystopian fantasies for the future of the Reich and Nazi-occupied Europe.Read more › Would of enjoyed it more with the use of "vowels" Too much detail that turns into "jibbrish". Would of enjoyed it more with the use of "vowels". Published 1 month ago by Gary Hrdlicka Good look into a really nasty guy. Published 1 month ago by Jay Gillespie Excellent Book and Service !!!!!!! Published 1 month ago by Antonio Castellanos Probably the most thorough piece of work on Heydrich to date Published 1 month ago by Charles Far superior to this silly book This book is all about how Heydrich was just oh so evil. No attempt at objectivity at all. No attempt to discern real from alleged accusations against the man. Published 2 months ago by John de Angelo Crazy man. Hard aso steel against his enimies Outstanding. Superb and engaging content. I have read so many books of world war II, nazism, holocaust, etc, etc. For the first time I got real insights on how the perpetrators slowly "evolved" from efficient and... Published 3 months ago by Jose E. Alvarez Brilliant biography of a monster Reinhard Heydrich was one of the top Nazis and a major figure in the organization of the Holocaust. He was, among other things, Eichmann's boss. Published 3 months ago by Luca turin Fascinating and based on meticulous records of horror Published 4 months ago by ted haslam Very well written. All about Heydrich you wanted to know. There is, however, no elaboration on the details of his assassination. Otherwise, it's a great read. Published 5 months ago by Elmer This item: Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich $19.43 Prime Goebbels: A Biography $28.04 Prime Goering: The Rise and Fall of the Notorious Nazi Leader $13.52 Prime The Order of the Death's Head: The Story of Hitler's SS (Classic Military History) Heinz Zollin Höhne
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Independent Language Learning Bruce Morrison Teaching and Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language Janet Zhiqun Xing English as a Lingua Franca in Asean Andy Kirkpatrick Professional Communication Winnie Cheng and others Lisa Lim and others Discourse as Cultural Struggle Xu Shi Maintaining Control Richard Pemberton and others Intimating the Sacred Andrew Hock Soon Ng Learning and Teaching in the Chinese Classroom Shane N. Phillipson and others Linguistics x [[missing key: search-facet.tree.open-section]] Linguistics (11) Sociolinguistics / Anthropological Linguistics (11) Xu Shi (ed.) Linguistics, Sociolinguistics / Anthropological Linguistics This book challenges the cultural imbalance in current research traditions, and argues for a culturalist perspective in facilitating better intercultural exchange amidst accelerated processes of ... More This book challenges the cultural imbalance in current research traditions, and argues for a culturalist perspective in facilitating better intercultural exchange amidst accelerated processes of globalization. It is the first engagement with discourses in non-mainstream cultures. Covering a wide range of issues in public, professional, media, and intercultural communication, the twelve essays tackle culturally pressing issues by aligning viewpoints from various geo-political contexts.Less This book challenges the cultural imbalance in current research traditions, and argues for a culturalist perspective in facilitating better intercultural exchange amidst accelerated processes of globalization. It is the first engagement with discourses in non-mainstream cultures. Covering a wide range of issues in public, professional, media, and intercultural communication, the twelve essays tackle culturally pressing issues by aligning viewpoints from various geo-political contexts. Keywords: cultural imbalance, research traditions, culturalist perspective, intercultural exchange, mainstream cultures, globalization English as a Lingua Franca in Asean: A Multilingual Model The lingua franca role of English, coupled with its status as the official language of ASEAN, has important implications for language policy and language education. These include the relationship ... More The lingua franca role of English, coupled with its status as the official language of ASEAN, has important implications for language policy and language education. These include the relationship between English, the respective national languages of ASEAN, and thousands of local languages. How can the demand for English be balanced against the need for people to acquire their national language and mother tongue? While many will also need a regional lingua franca, they are learning English as the first foreign language from primary school in all ASEAN countries. Might not this early introduction of English threaten local languages and children's ability to learn? Or can English be introduced and taught in such a way that it can complement local languages rather than replace them? The aim of this book is to explore questions such as these and then make recommendations on language policy and language education for regional policymakers.Less English as a Lingua Franca in Asean : A Multilingual Model The lingua franca role of English, coupled with its status as the official language of ASEAN, has important implications for language policy and language education. These include the relationship between English, the respective national languages of ASEAN, and thousands of local languages. How can the demand for English be balanced against the need for people to acquire their national language and mother tongue? While many will also need a regional lingua franca, they are learning English as the first foreign language from primary school in all ASEAN countries. Might not this early introduction of English threaten local languages and children's ability to learn? Or can English be introduced and taught in such a way that it can complement local languages rather than replace them? The aim of this book is to explore questions such as these and then make recommendations on language policy and language education for regional policymakers. Keywords: lingua franca, English, official language, ASEAN, language policy, language education, national languages, local languages English in Singapore: Modernity and Management Lisa Lim, Anne Pakir, and Lionel Wee (eds) This collection is the seventh volume in the Asian Englishes Today series. Singapore makes an interesting case study of various issues in socio-linguistics, not least because it is an ethnically and ... More This collection is the seventh volume in the Asian Englishes Today series. Singapore makes an interesting case study of various issues in socio-linguistics, not least because it is an ethnically and linguistically diverse society, but also because the country has a history of attempts at social engineering. The ongoing tensions between what the state envisions for the people and their actual language practices are some of the phenomena that provide the grounding for in-depth analyses. The chapters in this book revolve around four closely related themes relating to language policy in Singapore: the ecology of English in Singapore, reconceptualizing “English”, ethnicity and ownership, and English in education.Less English in Singapore : Modernity and Management This collection is the seventh volume in the Asian Englishes Today series. Singapore makes an interesting case study of various issues in socio-linguistics, not least because it is an ethnically and linguistically diverse society, but also because the country has a history of attempts at social engineering. The ongoing tensions between what the state envisions for the people and their actual language practices are some of the phenomena that provide the grounding for in-depth analyses. The chapters in this book revolve around four closely related themes relating to language policy in Singapore: the ecology of English in Singapore, reconceptualizing “English”, ethnicity and ownership, and English in education. Keywords: Singapore, socio-linguistics, ethnically diverse, linguistically diverse, social engineering, the state, language practices, language policy, English Independent Language Learning: Building on Experience, Seeking New Perspectives Bruce Morrison (ed.) Independent learning is not a new concept for language educators, but while teachers, curriculum designers and policy makers have embraced it as underpinning modern notions of education, it remains a ... More Independent learning is not a new concept for language educators, but while teachers, curriculum designers and policy makers have embraced it as underpinning modern notions of education, it remains a dynamic and vibrant field for researchers and academics who aim to broaden its scope and deepen our understanding of how it may be applied most effectively both inside and outside the classroom. The contributors to this book use their experience of applying the concepts related to independent learning in various geographical, cultural and pedagogical tertiary-level learning contexts to present new perspectives on how independent learning can inform and support policy, teaching methodology, curriculum development and the nurturing of successful learners. While the first section of the book provides a view of the field from three broad curriculum development perspectives, the remaining chapters primarily focus on the experience of learners, teachers and curriculum developers in applying principles of learner autonomy, self-regulation and self-direction with various types of learner — each with their own identities, motivations, expectations and goals. These learner and teacher stories provide insights that are important for an understanding of some of the impacts an independent learning approach to language learning have on learners in various educational contexts.Less Independent Language Learning : Building on Experience, Seeking New Perspectives Independent learning is not a new concept for language educators, but while teachers, curriculum designers and policy makers have embraced it as underpinning modern notions of education, it remains a dynamic and vibrant field for researchers and academics who aim to broaden its scope and deepen our understanding of how it may be applied most effectively both inside and outside the classroom. The contributors to this book use their experience of applying the concepts related to independent learning in various geographical, cultural and pedagogical tertiary-level learning contexts to present new perspectives on how independent learning can inform and support policy, teaching methodology, curriculum development and the nurturing of successful learners. While the first section of the book provides a view of the field from three broad curriculum development perspectives, the remaining chapters primarily focus on the experience of learners, teachers and curriculum developers in applying principles of learner autonomy, self-regulation and self-direction with various types of learner — each with their own identities, motivations, expectations and goals. These learner and teacher stories provide insights that are important for an understanding of some of the impacts an independent learning approach to language learning have on learners in various educational contexts. Keywords: learner autonomy, independent learning, individualised instruction, self-regulation, self-directed learning, action learning, peer teaching, language learning Intimating the Sacred: Religion in English Language Malaysian Fiction Religion has permeated Anglophone literature in Malaysia from colonial times to the present. This study provides insights on the practices of everyday religiosity as represented in literature, which ... More Religion has permeated Anglophone literature in Malaysia from colonial times to the present. This study provides insights on the practices of everyday religiosity as represented in literature, which is often starkly opposed to the religious rhetoric promoted by the government. The book also reveals the intersections between religion and other facets of colonial and postcolonial identity such as class, gender and sexuality.Less Intimating the Sacred : Religion in English Language Malaysian Fiction Religion has permeated Anglophone literature in Malaysia from colonial times to the present. This study provides insights on the practices of everyday religiosity as represented in literature, which is often starkly opposed to the religious rhetoric promoted by the government. The book also reveals the intersections between religion and other facets of colonial and postcolonial identity such as class, gender and sexuality. Keywords: Anglophone literature, Malaysia, religious rhetoric, colonial identity, post-colonial identity, class, gender, sexuality Learning and Teaching in the Chinese Classroom: Responding to Individual Needs Shane N. Phillipson and Bick-har Lam This book provides a starting point for understanding the contexts of learning and teaching in the Chinese classroom. Drawing upon recent research in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China, this book ... More This book provides a starting point for understanding the contexts of learning and teaching in the Chinese classroom. Drawing upon recent research in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China, this book aims to bridge the gap between traditional texts on educational psychology and the unique nature of the Chinese learner and their teacher. It draws on recent research to illustrate the application of these theories, thereby helping teachers and students in teacher education programmes understand the variability in student achievement.Less Learning and Teaching in the Chinese Classroom : Responding to Individual Needs Shane N. PhillipsonBick-har Lam This book provides a starting point for understanding the contexts of learning and teaching in the Chinese classroom. Drawing upon recent research in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore and China, this book aims to bridge the gap between traditional texts on educational psychology and the unique nature of the Chinese learner and their teacher. It draws on recent research to illustrate the application of these theories, thereby helping teachers and students in teacher education programmes understand the variability in student achievement. Keywords: Chinese learner, constructivist perspective, behavioural models, intelligence, creativity, diversity, motivation, development of self, language development, assessment Legal Discourse across Cultures and Systems Vijay K. Bhatia, Christopher N. Candlin, and Jan Engberg (eds) What exactly is legal about legal language? What happens to legal language when it is used across linguistic, national, socio-political, cultural, and legal systems? In what way is generic integrity ... More What exactly is legal about legal language? What happens to legal language when it is used across linguistic, national, socio-political, cultural, and legal systems? In what way is generic integrity of legal documents maintained in multilingual and multi-cultural contexts? What happens when the same rule of law is applied across legal systems? By bringing together scholars and practitioners from more than ten countries, representing various jurisdictions, languages, and socio-political backgrounds, this book addresses key issues arising from the differences in legal or sociocultural systems. The discussions are based not only on the analysis of the legal texts alone, but also on the factors shaping such constructions and interpretations.Less What exactly is legal about legal language? What happens to legal language when it is used across linguistic, national, socio-political, cultural, and legal systems? In what way is generic integrity of legal documents maintained in multilingual and multi-cultural contexts? What happens when the same rule of law is applied across legal systems? By bringing together scholars and practitioners from more than ten countries, representing various jurisdictions, languages, and socio-political backgrounds, this book addresses key issues arising from the differences in legal or sociocultural systems. The discussions are based not only on the analysis of the legal texts alone, but also on the factors shaping such constructions and interpretations. Keywords: legal, legal language, legal systems, jurisdictions, socio-political background, sociocultural systems Maintaining Control: Autonomy and Language Learning Richard Pemberton, Sarah Toogood, and Andy Barfield (eds) Whereas in previous decades autonomous, self-directed, or “ independent” learning may have been assumed to be an alternative to classroom learning, the emphasis has now shifted to the point where ... More Whereas in previous decades autonomous, self-directed, or “ independent” learning may have been assumed to be an alternative to classroom learning, the emphasis has now shifted to the point where learner autonomy, viewed as the capacity to take charge of one's own learning, is increasingly being promoted as a goal for general language education. Autonomy, as pointed out in one chapter in this book, has “become part of the current orthodoxy of language teaching and learning research and practice: an idea that researchers and teachers ignore at their peril”. This volume brings together work by theorists of autonomy in language education, as well as locally situated accounts by autonomy practitioners working with secondary-level, university, or adult migrant learners, or engaged in teacher education and curriculum development. Localising autonomy in such settings, different views of autonomy emerge as social practice, much less an abstract set of discrete skills, attitudes, or behaviours to be developed, and much more a historically and socially situated process that evolves through relations among persons-in-action in specific contexts of practice. Different chapters explore learners' and teachers' voices to raise thought-provoking questions about roles, resources, and practices important to any pedagogy for autonomy.Less Maintaining Control : Autonomy and Language Learning Whereas in previous decades autonomous, self-directed, or “ independent” learning may have been assumed to be an alternative to classroom learning, the emphasis has now shifted to the point where learner autonomy, viewed as the capacity to take charge of one's own learning, is increasingly being promoted as a goal for general language education. Autonomy, as pointed out in one chapter in this book, has “become part of the current orthodoxy of language teaching and learning research and practice: an idea that researchers and teachers ignore at their peril”. This volume brings together work by theorists of autonomy in language education, as well as locally situated accounts by autonomy practitioners working with secondary-level, university, or adult migrant learners, or engaged in teacher education and curriculum development. Localising autonomy in such settings, different views of autonomy emerge as social practice, much less an abstract set of discrete skills, attitudes, or behaviours to be developed, and much more a historically and socially situated process that evolves through relations among persons-in-action in specific contexts of practice. Different chapters explore learners' and teachers' voices to raise thought-provoking questions about roles, resources, and practices important to any pedagogy for autonomy. Keywords: learner, autonomy, goal, language education, teachers Philippine English: Linguistic and Literary M. A. Lourdes S. Bautista and Kingsley Bolton (eds) The volumes in this series set out to provide a contemporary record of the spread and development of the English language in South, Southeast, and East Asia from both linguistic and literary ... More The volumes in this series set out to provide a contemporary record of the spread and development of the English language in South, Southeast, and East Asia from both linguistic and literary perspectives. The volumes in this series reflect themes that cut across national boundaries, including the study of language policies; globalization and linguistic imperialism; English in the media; English in law, government, and education; “hybrid” Englishes; and the bilingual creativity manifested by the vibrant creative writing found in a swathe of Asian societies. This book provides an overview and analysis of the role of English in the Philippines, the factors that led to its spread and retention, and the characteristics of Philippine English today.Less Philippine English : Linguistic and Literary The volumes in this series set out to provide a contemporary record of the spread and development of the English language in South, Southeast, and East Asia from both linguistic and literary perspectives. The volumes in this series reflect themes that cut across national boundaries, including the study of language policies; globalization and linguistic imperialism; English in the media; English in law, government, and education; “hybrid” Englishes; and the bilingual creativity manifested by the vibrant creative writing found in a swathe of Asian societies. This book provides an overview and analysis of the role of English in the Philippines, the factors that led to its spread and retention, and the characteristics of Philippine English today. Keywords: English language, linguistic imperialism, literary perspectives, national boundaries, Asian societies, Philippine English Professional Communication: Collaboration between Academics and Practitioners Winnie Cheng and Kenneth C. C. Kong (eds) This book presents ten studies of communication practices in a variety of professional contexts. Drawing on diverse methodologies from fields such as conversation analysis, intercultural ... More This book presents ten studies of communication practices in a variety of professional contexts. Drawing on diverse methodologies from fields such as conversation analysis, intercultural communication, and organizational studies, the essays examine how language is constructed, managed, and consumed in various professional situations, ranging from academic settings to business negotiations. One important theme is an emphasis on collaboration between researchers and professionals. The contributors strongly believe that such collaborative partnership will provide direct implications for improving workplace communication and enhance better understanding of the construction of professional identity and organizational behavior.Less Professional Communication : Collaboration between Academics and Practitioners This book presents ten studies of communication practices in a variety of professional contexts. Drawing on diverse methodologies from fields such as conversation analysis, intercultural communication, and organizational studies, the essays examine how language is constructed, managed, and consumed in various professional situations, ranging from academic settings to business negotiations. One important theme is an emphasis on collaboration between researchers and professionals. The contributors strongly believe that such collaborative partnership will provide direct implications for improving workplace communication and enhance better understanding of the construction of professional identity and organizational behavior. Keywords: communication, professional contexts, language, collaboration, understanding, organizational behavior
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446, 0.0], [446, 460, 0.0], [460, 525, 0.03773585], [525, 577, 0.04255319], [577, 590, 0.0], [590, 650, 0.0], [650, 854, 0.0], [854, 1348, 0.0], [1348, 1838, 0.0], [1838, 1973, 0.0], [1973, 2031, 0.0], [2031, 2236, 0.0], [2236, 3188, 0.0], [3188, 3247, 0.0], [3247, 4195, 0.0], [4195, 4328, 0.0], [4328, 4375, 0.0], [4375, 4418, 0.0], [4418, 4626, 0.0], [4626, 5348, 0.0], [5348, 5396, 0.0], [5396, 6114, 0.0], [6114, 6274, 0.0], [6274, 6354, 0.0], [6354, 6375, 0.0], [6375, 6584, 0.0], [6584, 7970, 0.0], [7970, 8051, 0.0], [8051, 9433, 0.0], [9433, 9602, 0.0], [9602, 9672, 0.0], [9672, 9880, 0.0], [9880, 10311, 0.0], [10311, 10382, 0.0], [10382, 10809, 0.0], [10809, 10940, 0.0], [10940, 11019, 0.0], [11019, 11056, 0.0], [11056, 11265, 0.0], [11265, 11806, 0.0], [11806, 11886, 0.0], [11886, 11918, 0.0], [11918, 12455, 0.0], [12455, 12633, 0.0], [12633, 12677, 0.0], [12677, 12740, 0.0], [12740, 12948, 0.0], [12948, 13700, 0.0], [13700, 14448, 0.0], [14448, 14561, 0.0], [14561, 14613, 0.0], [14613, 14671, 0.0], [14671, 14876, 0.0], [14876, 16218, 0.0], [16218, 16271, 0.0], [16271, 17609, 0.0], [17609, 17673, 0.0], [17673, 17717, 0.0], [17717, 17769, 0.0], [17769, 17969, 0.0], [17969, 18726, 0.0], [18726, 18771, 0.0], [18771, 19524, 0.0], [19524, 19656, 0.0], [19656, 19734, 0.0], [19734, 19776, 0.0], [19776, 19972, 0.0], [19972, 20708, 0.0], [20708, 20787, 0.0], [20787, 21519, 0.0], [21519, 21630, 0.0]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 30, 0.0], [30, 45, 0.0], [45, 97, 0.0], [97, 115, 0.0], [115, 151, 0.0], [151, 168, 0.0], [168, 195, 0.0], [195, 219, 0.0], [219, 239, 0.0], [239, 270, 0.0], [270, 277, 0.0], [277, 297, 0.0], [297, 326, 0.0], [326, 348, 0.0], [348, 368, 0.0], [368, 415, 0.0], [415, 446, 0.0], [446, 460, 0.0], [460, 525, 0.0], [525, 577, 0.0], [577, 590, 0.0], [590, 650, 0.0], [650, 854, 0.0], [854, 1348, 0.0], [1348, 1838, 0.0], [1838, 1973, 0.0], [1973, 2031, 0.0], [2031, 2236, 0.0], [2236, 3188, 0.0], [3188, 3247, 0.0], [3247, 4195, 0.0], [4195, 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19734, 0.0], [19734, 19776, 0.0], [19776, 19972, 0.0], [19972, 20708, 0.0], [20708, 20787, 0.0], [20787, 21519, 0.0], [21519, 21630, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 30, 0.1], [30, 45, 0.13333333], [45, 97, 0.09615385], [97, 115, 0.16666667], [115, 151, 0.11111111], [151, 168, 0.11764706], [168, 195, 0.07407407], [195, 219, 0.08333333], [219, 239, 0.1], [239, 270, 0.09677419], [270, 277, 0.28571429], [277, 297, 0.1], [297, 326, 0.06896552], [326, 348, 0.09090909], [348, 368, 0.2], [368, 415, 0.08510638], [415, 446, 0.09677419], [446, 460, 0.07142857], [460, 525, 0.01538462], [525, 577, 0.05769231], [577, 590, 0.15384615], [590, 650, 0.06666667], [650, 854, 0.00980392], [854, 1348, 0.00809717], [1348, 1838, 0.00612245], [1838, 1973, 0.00740741], [1973, 2031, 0.12068966], [2031, 2236, 0.04390244], [2236, 3188, 0.03046218], [3188, 3247, 0.11864407], [3247, 4195, 0.02953586], [4195, 4328, 0.05263158], [4328, 4375, 0.08510638], [4375, 4418, 0.13953488], [4418, 4626, 0.02884615], [4626, 5348, 0.01800554], [5348, 5396, 0.08333333], [5396, 6114, 0.01671309], [6114, 6274, 0.01875], [6274, 6354, 0.1], [6354, 6375, 0.0952381], [6375, 6584, 0.00956938], [6584, 7970, 0.0036075], [7970, 8051, 0.09876543], [8051, 9433, 0.00289436], [9433, 9602, 0.00591716], [9602, 9672, 0.1], [9672, 9880, 0.02403846], [9880, 10311, 0.01392111], [10311, 10382, 0.09859155], [10382, 10809, 0.0117096], [10809, 10940, 0.02290076], [10940, 11019, 0.08860759], [11019, 11056, 0.13513514], [11056, 11265, 0.0430622], [11265, 11806, 0.02033272], [11806, 11886, 0.0875], [11886, 11918, 0.15625], [11918, 12455, 0.01862197], [12455, 12633, 0.01123596], [12633, 12677, 0.09090909], [12677, 12740, 0.12698413], [12740, 12948, 0.01923077], [12948, 13700, 0.00930851], [13700, 14448, 0.00802139], [14448, 14561, 0.00884956], [14561, 14613, 0.09615385], [14613, 14671, 0.10344828], [14671, 14876, 0.0097561], [14876, 16218, 0.00447094], [16218, 16271, 0.09433962], [16271, 17609, 0.00373692], [17609, 17673, 0.015625], [17673, 17717, 0.09090909], [17717, 17769, 0.13461538], [17769, 17969, 0.035], [17969, 18726, 0.02245707], [18726, 18771, 0.08888889], [18771, 19524, 0.02124834], [19524, 19656, 0.03787879], [19656, 19734, 0.06410256], [19734, 19776, 0.14285714], [19776, 19972, 0.01530612], [19972, 20708, 0.00679348], [20708, 20787, 0.06329114], [20787, 21519, 0.00546448], [21519, 21630, 0.00900901]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 21630, 0.11036533]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 21630, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 21630, 0.46924168]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 21630, -603.28582248]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 21630, 72.83950134]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 21630, 201.04019833]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 21630, 116.0]], "is_duplicate": false}
Bari, rapina alla banca Credem di viale della Repubblica: malvivente scappa in bici Ancora una rapina alla banca Credem di viale della Repubblica, a Bari. Un uomo, questa mattina, sarebbe entrato nell'istituto di credito e, dopo aver minacciato i dipendenti, si sarebbe fatto consegnare l'incasso di giornata. Tutto questo sarebbe avvenuto di fronte ai clienti, alcuni dei quali si sarebbero sentiti male e per questo soccorsi dai medici del 118 intervenuti successivamente sul posto. Una volta ottenuto il denaro, il malvivente sarebbe scappato in sella a una bicicletta. Sulla vicenda indagano i Carabineri che, con ogni probabilità, visioneranno le immagini del circuito di viideosorveglianza. Secondo quanto appreso la banca avrebbe subìto un colpo simile qualche giorno fa. Previous Article Bari, sequestrate 2.300 scarpe contraffatte di marchio ‘Valentino’: la merce in un camion proveniente dalla Grecia Next Article Vieste, ossa umane ritrovate in un crepaccio: forse 'lupara bianca'
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Los obrajes de la ciencia Por Alain Basail Rodríguez Pensar qué tipo de sociedad tenemos entraña pensar qué tipo de ciencias hacemos. Del mismo modo, deliberar sobre la sociedad en que quisiéramos vivir es reflexionar en la ciencia que necesitamos hacer. Una sociedad democrática en el mundo de hoy, que es más y menos colonial / moderno al mismo tiempo, sería impensable sin articular robustamente los obrajes de la ciencia o, con otras palabras, los espacios del pensamiento científico, del trabajo de investigación, creación y producción cultural en un proyecto social donde los conocimientos como bienes públicos sustenten las apuestas colectivas, en distintas escalas geopolíticas y geoeconómicas. Los científicos se han visto siempre obligados a justificar ante la sociedad los modos de obrar de la ciencia. Poco a poco, no sin tropiezos y procesos inquisitoriales en el camino, se han ganado un lugar en la sociedad y el reconocimiento público. Ese lugar de conocimiento y de reconocimiento ha llevado a la ciencia y a los científicos a grandes conquistas y, también, a falsos profetismos sobre la utilidad social, política y económica del conocimiento con el fin instrumental de controlar y dominar la sociedad y la naturaleza para la extracción de valor en nombre de ideales de progreso. Como hemos dicho antes, la fe en la ciencia ha jugado junto a los poderes configuradores de las sociedades modernas, a la vez que la crítica a la ciencia ha abierto brechas de desconfianza y apostasía en el discurso salvacionista. Por eso, al platearse los límites del uso y la apropiación social del conocimiento científico no pueden soslayarse las mediaciones culturales, así como tampoco puede olvidarse la propia naturaleza humana de quiénes comparten o no sus pasiones por la ciencia. Sin embargo, los científicos han aprendido que el amor a la ciencia por la ciencia misma tiene condicionantes, condicionalidades y condiciones históricas, sociales, culturales y políticas concretas. Los debates sobre la integridad científica y académica han evidenciado el lugar de la ciencia en la estructura social, es decir, en la matriz de relaciones de dependencia recíprocas y simultáneas en las que nos tejemos, una matriz social de relaciones de poder y dominación social. De ahí que todo ejercicio de reflexividad individual y colectiva lleve a darle vueltas a las relaciones entre ciencia y sociedad. Los científicos son parte de la sociedad, tienen obligaciones y derechos como ciudadanos e intereses como profesionales e individuos. Su inmunidad es tan relativa como la del rebaño mayor del que forma parte. Resienten las mismas vulnerabilidades que la sociedad con las restricciones, los ataques o las alteraciones a los sistemas de protección durante los cambios de políticas de los distintos gobiernos. Los debates y las autoevaluaciones han devenido en tomas de conciencia de cómo cambian en el tiempo las normas, valores y metas que cristalizan en estructuras de poder, convenciones culturales, mentalidades y culturas académicas. Al analizar los procesos de cambio que bajo las políticas neoliberales han tenido efectos desocializadores, emerge un elemento claro, que se desdobla más bien en dos, a saber: la conciencia progresiva del aislamiento relativo, de la tendencia al trabajo individual, al individualismo, a la competencia y de la fragmentación de las comunidades en territorios o cotos de reivindicación de temas o temáticas, amistad incondicional y prebendas personales por acumulación de méritos. Ello lleva al reconocimiento de los límites fijados, las demarcaciones impuestas y las regulaciones del quehacer y los modos de ver y contar de las comunidades académicas como grupos laborales o de amigos, muy lejanas de devenir en comunidades epistémicas. Hilo estas ideas iniciales para plantear que el apoyo social a la ciencia no es algo que se deba mendigar a los políticos ni reclamar a la sociedad coyunturalmente. El apoyo tendría un sentido estructural constituyente si la sociedad reconociera plenamente que la ciencia, los científicos y sus obrajes, integran el patrimonio público y están al servicio del bien común. La responsabilidad de que esto no sea tan así, es, en buena instancia, de nosotros mismos, los académicos y científicos, que aceptamos nos encerraran junto a la evidencia del valor social de la actividad científica en nuestras “torres de marfil,” “palacios de cristal” o “fortalezas del saber.” La vida intramural no sella ningún pacto social edificante con la sociedad, más bien lo hipoteca porque neutraliza y funcionaliza la crítica dejando el agenciamiento en manos de actores del mercado, religiosos y políticos que persiguen sus propios fines de autoreproducción. El negacionismo de la ciencia que hoy constamos expuesto en el anticientificismo, el antiintelectualismo y el antiacademicismo, obliga a reconocer que hay que prestar más atención a la relación entre ciencia y sociedad. La ciencia es un obraje que le pertenece a la sociedad. Si la palabra obraje hace ruido, podríamos decir en términos más económicamente correctos que, la ciencia es una empresa, una empresa social cuyo encargo y responsabilidad es validada y financiada por la sociedad a la que le pertenece, le sirve y le rinde cuentas. La ciencia es parte del ensamble de instrumentos que integra la sinfonía social, es decir, uno de los obrajes de la obra humana en su conjunto. El lector habrá notado que sigo una lectura general sobre la estructura cultural de la ciencia enfatizando en el conjunto de valores y normas culturales que rigen la actividad científica en un sentido confesamente mertoniano.[1] Para reexaminar los fundamentos, los objetivos y las justificaciones que legitiman a la ciencia en su conjunto tendríamos que considerar una agenda amplia con distintas dimensiones epistemológicas, pero no es el caso. Me limito a la ciencia como obraje, como espacio institucional de políticas del conocimiento y de relaciones humanas y sociales de poder-saber-hacer. Investigar-es-trabajar.-Pulso-Noticias. El asunto de los valores de los científicos y del valor de la ciencia está acompañado de una ineludible discusión sobre las desigualdades y las diferencias evidentes al interior del campo científico y en el exterior, en el conjunto de todos los campos culturales y de la vida misma. La producción, circulación y acceso al conocimiento están mediados por una compleja geopolítica que embebe los conocimientos y saberes en relaciones de fuerza sociales y simbólicas, en tramas de poder, legitimidad y representación. Tanto las limitaciones geográficas y lingüísticas, como los condicionamientos materiales y culturales, definen arriba y abajo relaciones de dependencia, asimetrías e intercambios desiguales. De ahí la fuerza de las políticas para modular y constituir regímenes de institucionalidad con grados variables de autonomía de las comunidades y formas de socialidad de sus académicos, al proyectar intereses sociales y narrativas de un deber ser de la sociedad que definen un proyecto, estrategias para obstaculizar o favorecer, trabar o destrabar cursos futuros, ampliar o restringir márgenes de acción determinados. En pocas palabras, la soberanía del campo científico está relacionada con la misma soberanía del campo político, es decir, sus autodeterminaciones dependen de las voluntades culturales y las determinaciones económicas que dominan en los contratos sociales. En otros trabajos hemos hablado de la desmercantilización del conocimiento y la información científica como recursos cruciales para el desarrollo científico, social y humano pensando más en su valor de uso que de cambio. Sin duda, nos remitimos a una parte de procesos de cambios culturales más amplios, complejos y lentos. En la raíz de las transformaciones están las estructuras de poder por lo que es un reto pensar cómo las resistencias críticas pueden devenir en tejidos alternativos que marquen la diferencia.[2] Si nos preguntamos para qué investigamos y trabajamos en la producción de conocimiento y para quiénes o en beneficio de quién, las cosas adquieren mayor sentido. Así podemos ver cómo la democratización de la ciencia y de la sociedad van juntas en cuanto redistribuciones de poder efectivas de recursos, bienes y servicios, que ataquen las desigualdades y modulen su reproducción. Frente a la infodemia, la infoxicación, o el “estrangulamiento infocognitivo”, a los extractivismo culturales y a la ciencia neoliberal, comercial, mercantil, corporativa o contractual o para la muerte,[3] la democratización supone más que transferencias, un acto de ciudadanía que remite a situaciones de hecho y a fuentes de derecho al conocimiento, a la información y la comunicación. Democratizar el acceso, la traducibilidad y apropiación del conocimiento es una herramienta pedagógica para el cambio de la sociedad y de la ciencia con sus hacedores porque, como hemos remarcado hasta aquí, somos parte del problema. El desarrollo de la sociedad basado en el conocimiento debe redundar en un desarrollo participativo, democrático e incluyente. Para incidir en este buen sentido histórico se debe reflexionar sobre las segregaciones y desigualdades que en distintos planos o niveles abren brechas sociales entre generacionales, sexos, géneros, razas, grupos étnicos y lugares de origen o residencia. En el mercado de las ideas la desinformación, la exclusión, la desconfianza y falta de transparencia cuentan tanto como las formas de presentar los resultados de investigación (escrita, oral y/o visual) y la medición de los resultados, alcances o impactos (la gestión de cómo y qué se evalúa). Las instituciones reguladoras de ese mercado no pueden actuar como zombis para cumplir sus misiones estableciendo, por ejemplo, sesgos de financiación y mayores desequilibrios entre los temas de ciencias exactas, tecnologías y ciencias aplicadas y los temas de ciencias sociales, artes o humanidades. ¿Cómo se desdibujan las aportaciones asimétricas a la ciencia? Podría ser con mayor control social y con el rediseño de la arquitectura y el mapa de la producción científica sobre pilares alternativos. Algunos de esos nuevos pilares pueden ser la ciencia de frontera y la ciencia ciudadana. La primera rompiendo las fronteras sociales construidas entre distintas disciplinas del conocimiento y poniendo en evidencia que no tienen diferencias epistemológicas para construir proyectos y producir saberes transversales e incluyentes. Y, la segunda, trabajando en investigaciones en conjunto con la sociedad, integrando como actores centrales a científicos y ciudadanos para la construcción de conocimientos.[4] La llamada ciencia ciudadana invita a la participación activa de la ciudadanía en proyectos de investigación abiertos, tanto produciendo datos como analizándolos en conjunto, para atender problemas cotidianos muy relevantes como la contaminación ambiental, la situación de los bosques, los ríos y mares o la memoria de procesos históricos. Así la apropiación social de la ciencia deja de ser un discurso para convertirse en una actitud cotidiana, intercambio de intuiciones e ideas, capacidad de sorpresa y generación de nuevas preguntas sobre lo realmente significativo para los actores que colaboran y se integran en el desarrollo de la historia de la ciencia. La observación colectiva entre académicos de distintas disciplinas y entre científicos y ciudadanía, abre la colaboración horizontal, la interacción constructiva, las aportaciones de datos, análisis y tiempo, conocimientos y métodos sobre las formas de reprocesarlos. Sobre todo, ataca a las estructuras de poder internas y externas de las torres, los palacios o las fortalezas. Poco a poco los patrones y tendencias de comportamiento de los científicos podrían devenir en culturas académicas abiertas, colaborativas, interactivas e insertas en la sociedad integrando una inteligencia colectiva y potenciando los rendimientos científicos y el impacto social de los conocimientos y las ideas. Los vasos comunicantes serían más capilares contribuyendo a la diseminación social del conocimiento, la reflexividad social y la movilidad social de la ciencia. La construcción de nuevos ensambles entre ciencia y sociedad podría potenciar el desarrollo de capacidades académicas y de investigación, la optimización de los recursos humanos y las combinaciones virtuosas que fortalezcan la agencia del Estado para articular respuestas oportunas a los grandes problemas estructurales y coyunturales de la sociedad y de la humanidad. El contrato social de la ciencia puede reescribirse siempre que la sociedad asuma a la ciencia y al conocimiento como bien público y participe en la defensa de su importancia social. Siempre que la ciencia asuma a la sociedad como sujeto de derecho y redefina el papel que debe asumir junto a otros actores extraacadémicos para modular las desigualdades existentes. Siempre que se articule una agenda integral donde quepan todas las agendas de lucha de la sociedad, como las feministas, ambientalistas y de la salud, en el paradigma nuevo de transformación de la matriz social. En ello tienen cabida los sectores de la innovación productiva, las pequeñas y medianas empresas, que se favorecerán de importantes aplicaciones de conocimientos relacionadas con la producción. Si algún día vemos más allá de un gobierno sexenal y logramos que Estado, sociedad, mercado y ciencia apuesten juntos, con todas sus capacidades en alianza, para precisar sus responsabilidades y acciones e integrar las piezas virtuosas pero dispersas de la matriz productiva y social, entonces la movilización social será sorprendente y un entramado político-cultural de nuevo tipo será la matriz de otro modelo social. Para empezar, podríamos transitar de una configuración de la ciencia colonial, desigual e inequitativa, a otra democrática e incluyente, así como de circuitos elitistas y excluyentes, a circuitos participativos y democráticos de coproducción y valoración de otros conocimientos. Podríamos trascender las limitantes que dificultan el trabajo de las comunidades científicas en favor del desarrollo y el bienestar de la sociedad. Dejar atrás las correlaciones asimétricas, la estructura centralista y vertical que discrimina y jerarquiza a las periferias, la participación de académicos del interior del país, de las instituciones estatales tan empobrecidas materialmente. Ganaríamos en una perspectiva intercultural, posdisciplinar, pluriversal. Si desde nuestros espacios queremos participar activamente en el movimiento científico internacional, hay que converger en estrategias de trabajo en conjunto, todos los excluidos de los clubs de la excelencia, estrechando las diferencias y respetándolas profundamente. Solo el principio de la complementariedad, la asociación estratégica de recursos humanos, financieros y de infraestructura nos permitirá sobrevivir dignamente en el escenario de las relaciones científicas nacionales e internacionales. Por eso siempre he creído que la vía más potente para la internacionalización científica, es la de la integración local y regional que primero potencie la interacción científica descentralizada, policéntrica, que desde la periferia se mueva al dentro y devenga principal. Los académicos, científicos y humanistas necesitamos trabajar para redibujar nuestras comunidades fragmentadas como comunidades epistémicas que tienen abierta una gran conversación que se llama ciencia. Esa conversación, nombrada por Jean-Claude Guédon, sólo está garantizada si es abierta con la sociedad toda aceptando la ética de la respuesta a la demanda del otro o la otra como táctica para abrir los caminos del futuro. Los obrajes de la ciencia son como los de cualquier oficio o actividad artesanal. El oficio del artesano intelectual se activa a diario conversando colectivamente, labrando y obrando a mano y con modernas máquinas para generar un saber. Sin olvidar que obrar es pensar y que “investigar es trabajar.”[5] Citas y referencias [1] Robert K. Merton, “La ciencia y el orden social” [1938] y “La estructura normativa de la ciencia” [1942]. En: La Sociología de la Ciencia, vol. II. Madrid: Alianza Editorial, 1977 [1973]. [2] Jean-Claude Guédon, “El acceso abierto y la división entre ciencia ‘principal’ y ‘periférica’”. Crítica y Emancipación. Revista Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales, año 3, núm. 6, 2011, pp. 135-180. Jean-Claude Guédon, “Science that cannot be seen, does not exist; Science does not attract attention, does not either.” V Conferencia Internacional PKP sobre publicación académica, The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) y Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). Ciudad de México, 21 de agosto, 2013. [3] Edgardo Lander, “La ciencia neoliberal.” En A. E. Ceceña (coord.). Los desafíos de las emancipaciones en un contexto militarizado. Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires: CLACSO, 2006, pp. 45-94. [4] Diego Golombek, ¿Qué es la ciencia ciudadana y cómo promueve el conocimiento abierto?, 9 de febrero de 2017. [https://blogs.iadb.org/conocimiento-abierto/es/la-ciencia-ciudadana-promueve-conocimiento-abierto/] [5] César Guzmán Tovar, “Investigar es trabajar. Relatos sobre las condiciones para hacer ciencia en América Latina”. En: Alain Basail Rodríguez (coordinador), Academias asediadas. Convicciones y conveniencias ante la precarización. Buenos Aires-Tuxtla Gutiérrez: CLACSO / UNICACH-CESMECA, 2019, pp. 51-89. [http://biblioteca.clacso.edu.ar/clacso/se/20200210034630/Academias-asediadas.pdf]
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Disney Pixar, YouTube Take a Look at The Ideas Scrapped From Famous Pixar Movies Pixar's stellar animated films don't start out 100 percent brilliant. The studio has a meticulous development process for each of its films, with editors and directors crafting and revising ideas over and over again, and making plenty of missteps during what is typically a three-year process of storyboarding and animating. We don’t usually get to see the ideas that got left on the cutting-room floor in the process of making beloved films like Toy Story, but the studio recently gave fans an inside look of some of those plans in a video released on the Disney Pixar YouTube page. The video, spotted by a fan site called the The Disney Blog, details significant twists in the development process of 11 of Pixar’s most famous films, from WALL∙E to Finding Nemo to Inside Out. Some of the changes were major, involving entire plots and characters. Up, for instance, initially revolved around two brothers who lived in a floating city. At first, the movie that would become Cars followed an electric car dealing with being an outsider in a small town full of more traditional vehicles. Inside Out’s Riley started out with 27 different emotions, each with their own names and individual characters. Entire characters were removed from some films, like Ratatouille’s mother, Desiree. Other tweaks were slightly more minor, like design changes to characters like Mike in Monsters Inc. (who almost ended up a fuzzball) or Edna Mode in The Incredibles, who was initially far taller than the teeny-tiny suit designer that appears in the released movie. While it’s fun to imagine how some of these tweaks would have played out if they made it into the final film, others clearly belonged on the cutting-room floor. Can you imagine if Toy Story had been called Toys in the Hood? Yeah, neither can we. See more of the scrapped ideas in the video below. [h/t The Disney Blog] fun Movies News video Afternoon Map Marvel vs. DC: This Map Shows Each State’s Favorite Comic Universe BY Jay Serafino Which comic book company is the best: Marvel or DC? This is a perennial argument on middle-school playgrounds and Reddit threads, but this map, courtesy of USDish.com, might just give us a definitive answer. The information here is broken down by state, using information provided by Google Trends to give us a clear winner of not only the most popular comic book company but also the most popular individual hero in each state (let’s show a little respect to Indiana for championing the Martian Manhunter). USDish.com According to the map, Marvel is the most popular publisher in 37 states, with DC trailing behind at eight, and five additional states coming to a 50/50 stalemate. The totals weren’t a blowout, though. In certain states like Mississippi, Iowa, and Pennsylvania, the favored company only won by a point. And just because a state searches Google for a specific publisher the most doesn’t mean an individual character from the opposing team isn’t its favorite—Hawaii is listed as favoring Marvel overall, yet they love Aquaman on his own. Same with DC-loving Maryland showing Black Panther some love (helps to have a big movie coming out). Take a look at some of the most notable state preferences below: So how did Marvel amass so many states when there are just as many DC TV shows and movies out there? Well, according to Andrew Selepak, Ph.D., a professor in the department of telecommunication at the University of Florida, and director of the graduate program in social media, the answer lies in the depth at the House of Ideas. “While Superman and Batman may be dominant characters,” Selepak said in a statement, “the DC Universe offers few other well-known heroes and villains and when these other characters are presented to the audience in film and on TV, they often are less than well-received.” This is opposed to Marvel, which launches new heroes on the big and small screen seemingly every year. Does this map tell the whole story? That’s up for debate. When it comes to comics sold, DC and Marvel are always in a close battle: In January 2018, DC had six of the 10 best-selling comics of the month, placing four of the top five. Marvel, meanwhile, had three, while Image Comics had one with The Walking Dead. In terms of overall retail market share, though, Marvel eked out DC 34.3 percent to 33.8 percent. This is a battle that's been raging since the 1960s, and for an industry that thrives on a never-ending fight between good and evil, we shouldn't expect the Marvel vs. DC debate to be settled anytime soon. Afternoon Map Comics entertainment Movies News Pop Culture
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Home > Content > CIVITAS SUITS. An interview with the project coordinator CIVITAS SUITS. An interview with the project coordinator This month Eltis interviews Andree Woodcock, the co-ordinator of the CIVITAS SUITS project. Please sum up your project in a sentence. SUITS aim is to substantially increase the capacity of small- and medium-sized local authorities to develop and implement transport strategies and systems, policies, technologies, practices, procedures, tools and measures that are sustainable, inclusive, integrated and accessible. These will recognise the end-to-end travel experiences of all users and freight. In what way is your target group, small- and medium-sized local authorities, already benefitting from your project? The project is already dedicated to providing knowledge transfer opportunities to small- and medium-sized local authorities for sustainable transport solutions. The project started in November 2016 and will run for four years. Currently, we are taking a ground-up approach to understanding the resources that small- and medium-sized local authorities need to develop their sustainable mobility solutions. If any city or organisation outside the consortium spots a gap in their skills or knowledge, they can suggest ideas for inclusion in our resource development programme. Possible examples include tools that describe how to use big data, explain policy, or optimise user engagement. What are the key project publications or resources (current or future), and how will they be used by small and medium-sized local authorities? We are developing a ‘capacity building toolkit’ for sustainable urban mobility planning, which will consist of modules and information that our initial work with local authorities has shown to be lacking. In addition, we will develop a financing and procurement decision support system. Future learning opportunities and events include webinars, workshops, trials, and a conference. What opportunities are there for others to become involved in the project? There will be extensive knowledge transfer to organisations and individuals. We will be holding workshops and events at other CIVITAS events, our own conference in 2020, as well as local events in SUITS cities and regions. I invite any authority who is interested in our approach or sphere of interest to get in touch with me directly. I can be contacted through the SUITS Eltis project page. How can people keep up to date with the project activities? The website is currently being developed and is due to be launched soon. In the meantime, you can find out more about the project by visiting our section on the main CIVITAS website. Name one development/innovation that you think will impact urban mobility in Europe over the next five years. Smart cities are integrated, inclusive, accessible and data-driven. The recognition of the need for sustainable transport systems - including active, public and shared forms of transport - that are context-specific, integrated into wider visions for cities, and based on crowdsourced citizen data and user engagement, is acting as the catalyst for the creation of healthy and liveable cities for everyone. Clear evidence is emerging across Europe that greener transport solutions are linked to safer streets, neighbourhoods, and cities. If more sustainable transport systems are introduced over the next five years, then urban environments could undergo significant positive changes. What is the most interesting mobility-related book/paper/research you have read recently, and why? The book chapter entitled ‘The New Mobilities Paradigm' by Sheller and Ury (2006) is very interesting - it sets out the need to consider interconnectedness and transport in relation to other types of mobility. In addition, the recent book 'Designing Mobility and Transport Services: Developing traveller experience tools', of which I was a co-author, describes what is required to develop a means of measuring inclusive, end-to-end multimodal journeys.
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» Didsbury Pioneer » 24 October (Wed), p. 2 Didsbury Pioneer, October 24, 1923
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2009 Joshie Bear Calendar Picking out the calendar we will use for the next year has always been a big deal to me. I usually wait till a few days after the new year so I can get it cheap. Picking out my calendar is like a ritual... it's very important. I make such a fuss over it that Steve makes fun of me about it... lovingly of course. This year I decided to make my own calendar. Here is the project view. You can push play or the forward button to turn the pages. I may have to explain who Joshie Bear is in the next post, but that's ok. Posted by CM Stephensen at 9:15 PM 2 comments: The Christmas Traditions I Miss Since I've "grown up", Christmas hasn't really felt the same. I've really missed the Christmas Traditions that I grew up with. These are a few that I really miss. 1. Our Christmas Tree: It was the custom in my family to go pick out our Christmas Tree on Thanksgiving weekend. I'm not really sure why it was always that weekend, but it was. The 4 of us would get into the car and drive to a tree lot, usually in Greenwood... about 35 min away. It was always my mom who picked out the tree in the end, and most of the time we would end up with something like a Norway Pine with nice long soft needles. 2. Christmas Lights: Our house always had outside lights. This was something my dad did every year. 3. Christmas Eve Present: It was a tradition in our home, that on Christmas eve, usually after dinner, my parents would have my brother and I each open 1 gift. My mom would usually pick out something from under the tree that we could play with. This was something I always looked forward to, mostly because it was a custom that most other people did not do. I liked that it was a little unique to our family. 4. Mimi & Grandpa's: After opening our gifts at home and hanging out for a while, we would head over to Mimi & Grandpa's, getting there around 1030 or so. Mimi' always fixed hamburger gravy for biscuits and her egg cassarole with sausage and cheese. All the Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins would be there... often, for some, it was the one time in the year we got to see them because they lived out of state. When it was time to open presents, everyone would line up by family starting at the top of the basement stairs, winding through the kitchen into the living room and hall. Then one by one, we would go down the stairs and wave to the camera saying Merry Christmas, with Mimi & Grandpa being last. Posted by CM Stephensen at 9:20 AM 2 comments: 14 Weeks... ish Well, in a few more days... so, why not! I got to see the 'other' perinatal Dr in the office today (you can ask me about that later if you like). He took a look at my cervix today and said it looks great, but is going to take a look at it again in two weeks. So, for now, that's really great news. Doesn't really help explain why my water broke at 18 weeks in my first pregnancy... "sigh". I'm still spotting, but only a little. The Dr. reinforced the fact that I need to be "taking it easy". My regular appointment for the 30th has been rescheduled for the 8th. I'm excited about that one since Steve will be here and he will go with me and see the baby for the first time! (YEA) My next perinatal appointment is the 7th. Here's the new Peanut Pics from this mornings appointment. Not the greatest, but still pretty cool. The baby's arms are lifted up by it's head. The pics are only slightly different from one another, but I posted both anyway. The Dr. said we can see the pupil in the eye... apparently the ultrasound goes through the eyelids. I don't really see it though, I just take his word for it. Spaghetti Recipe One of my most favorite meals is spaghetti. My mom makes the best spaghetti sauce... it's still my favorite. The past few weeks, I have been craving a spaghetti meal, but I haven't found a place here that comes any where close to the flavor that I love so much. The only place that has sauce resembling my mother's is Carabba's, and that's not in Reno. You would think I would just fix it at home often or something... nope. But it's because I haven't found a recipe I like, and believe me I've tried. I've tried to do what my mom does, but she goes off the hip so much that it's difficult to mimic her sauce. AND, I discovered a few years ago that she uses Ragu Sauce as an ingredient. (I always thought it was completely homemade). Last night was FHE and my turn to cook dinner. Three or four days ago I went looking for another sauce recipe. The first place I looked was The Pioneer Woman.com. She always has great recipes for food and it never fails to turn out wonderful. She doesn't have a spaghetti sauce recipe though. I usually like to try allrecipes.com, but you can get some wacky stuff on that website and it takes too long to find something decent. The past few weeks, I had been listening to The Splendid Table on NPR while traveling back and forth to choir practice on Sundays. So, I decided to check out their website and see if they had any kind of Italian type red sauce recipe. The website is not real user friendly, but I found one that your supposed to make for penne pasta. I thought it was a bit strange because it calls for 4 different fresh herbs, a whole minced carrot and a whole minced stalk of celery, and only one clove of garlic. It actually turned out really great! I was so impressed, and everyone else thought it was pretty good too. I didn't add the basil at the end, and I used 4 cloves of garlic (because I love it), I also added a small can of tomato sauce to stretch it out a bit. There was only a tiny bit of sauce left over, and there were 5 of us eating. :(... I want some more spaghetti. By the way, I use Angel Hair. Here is the recipe: Soffritto of Tomatoes and Fresh Herbs with Penne Ok, so they arn't completely sleepless, just a tiny bit sleepless. Lately, I've been waking up really early in the morning... between 230 and 4. Most of the time I can lay there for a bit, and then go back to sleep. Not this morning. Woke up at 330 and couldn't get back to sleep. I'm blaming it on this cold I have. You know a cold, it makes you miserable early in the morning. This one hasn't been real bad; I'm grateful for that. But this morning, I was so worried about the scratchy throat it's gifted me with, that I was too stressed to go back to sleep. Normally, no big deal, but I'm singing in Sacrament tomorrow in a quartet... so I'm worried it may cause some issues. I think it's going to be fine... I just hope I don't worry it into coming true! So, if you were wondering why I'm posting comments on your blog so early, there you go. I think I'm just about ready to go back to sleep, I know my cat is! She keeps trying to curl up in my lap, but it's not working out for her. Come on Allie, lets go back to bed! I've been anxiously awaiting this day! It's the first day of the second trimester.... thank goodness! Now, if we could get to 24 weeks, that would really be something! Thanks everyone for all of your prayers... I know that they are helping. Seems like every person I talk to on the phone, at church, online, in the temple... all of you are praying for us! Thank you sooooooo much. I know your prayers make a difference and it really makes me feel more at peace to know that so many are watching out for us. Thank you! I've been spotting all week. Not bad. I think I'm beginning to really come to terms with the fact that it's just something that takes place in 'my' pregnancies. Except for being completely emotional about it on Sunday, the rest of the week has been really great. I feel good emotionally and physically, so I think everything is pretty safe for now. I'm starting to get a worry in the back of my mind, though, that my water might break early again. I hope that remains the major difference between this pregnancy and the last. I was talking to Sister Chamberlain the other day and she told me she felt that everything was going to work out fine. I have to admit that I've had that feeling a few times throughout this pregnancy, but sometimes the fears overwhelm the feelings of peace and it can be hard to stay hopeful. This pregnancy has been better than the first, which I'm thankful for. There has been less spotting... so I feel that it's a good sign. I have two appointments coming up, one on the 24th with the perinatal Dr., and a regular appointment on the 30th. We are going to be looking at my cervix on the 23rd and see if any issues can be detected. Posted by CM Stephensen at 10:41 AM 2 comments: I started bleeding again last night. When you start seeing bright red blood coming from a place you don't want it to come from, things become really scary. Last night I felt scared, frustrated, and maybe even a little angry. I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, thinking that any moment I was going to start cramping. It's been harder this time, trying to hold on to the hope of having this child. I feel some bitterness that we have so many complications with trying to bring a child into this world. Why can't it just work RIGHT!? I know the Lord has his purposes, and that He understands everything that's going on, but it doesn't make it easy for me... because I have no idea what is going on. And I think I want to know. I was thinking this morning that I wished I could just know if this child was going to stay with us or not, but stopped myself before I prayed it out loud, thinking that... no, I really don't want to know, because where is the growth and understanding in having it made so simple. Last night I was talking with my sister-in-law who is a few months farther ahead in her pregnancy. She struggled with morning sickness and she was expressing how she is glad that part is over. I'm pretty lucky there, because I don't have problems with morning sickness at all. As long as I eat when I'm supposed to, I don't even experience nausea... which is great. No, my problem is much worse.... I bleed all the time. At least every time you get sick, your not thinking, "am I going to miscarry?" Not that I want to have the morning sickness... and I would never wish constant bleeding, spotting, and bloodclot lose on any other pregnant woman. It's just stressful. It sucks. How do you continue to hope for one of the thing you want more than anything else when the path is so dark? I wish My Katie was here... Girl, I need your shoulder to cry on. 12 Weeks! Yesterday I had my second perinatal appointment. This is the first really good picture of our little peanut! I'm so excited. The appointment went pretty well. The Dr took some measurements. At first the baby was just laying there and had his hand up by his face. The Dr was trying to checkout the bones on his nose, but the his hand was blocking the view. So the Dr starting pushing up and down on the baby to try to get him to move. After that, the baby wouldn't sit still! He kept pushing with his legs off the side, jumping around every two seconds. The Dr had a hard time getting this pic. Everything seems to be going great. I've had no spotting in almost two weeks, which I am very excited about. The heartbeat is average and all the limbs have developed. Steve and I have decided not to have the cervical suture put into place, since it doesn't seem that it's absolutely assured to help. One more week and we will be in the second trimester (phew)! I've been working on a project for my aunt lately. I finally finished it up today. It's a book for my Nana (grandma) that my aunt is giving her for Christmas. Peanut's Ultrasound Pics The baby's official nickname, for now, is Peanut. There is not much to these pics yet, but it's still exciting to me anyway! 6 Weeks (Oct 29th) 7 Weeks (Nov 10th) 10 Weeks (Dec 1st) Pregnancy Update: Week 10 I had two appointments today. My regular appointment with my Midwife was this morning. The main event was to check to see that there was a heartbeat and discuss other issues. We both celebrated this morning as we watched the little fetus jumping around and saw that there was a little pulsating spot right where the heart should be. This afternoon I met with the perinatal doctor. He confirmed that I do in fact have a Septated Uterus. He measured the baby at being 10 weeks and 3 days old... only 1 day more that what my Dr predicted a few weeks ago. (In case it's confusing, I am seeing a Midwife and a Dr at my regular office, so there are 3 medical people involved altogether). He does not recommend that I have the "wall" surgically removed from my uterus because it could cause other complications and it's not something that needs to be done unless I'm having multiple miscarriages. Which, good thing for me, I've never had a miscarriage. He does not think that I have an incompetent cervix, but is giving me the option to have it sutured if I so desire. He says that it's completely up to me and was not really giving me advice that it would be best with or without it. It's something that Steve and I will discuss, pray about and decide together in the next week or so. While he was monitoring the heartbeat, he chuckled a little bit because the baby wouldn't sit still. When he was able to pinpoint it, he said it was average for what it should be. As far as the spotting goes, the past week it has become less and less, and I have not spotted at all in the past two days! Things seem to be going great! Thanks everyone for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers! I will post ultrasound pictures when I scan them... though there isn't much to discern yet, but that's ok.
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Padel Sport Home Travesía de la villa esther 20, 28110 Pádel Sport Home, un centro donde la experiencia es el mejor aval Pádel Sport Home es un centro de entrenamiento donde profesores de gran experiencia se mezclan con jugadores de alto nivel, para mejorar el rendimiento y las habilidades del jugador. Su objetivo principal es transmitir la pasión, la entrega y los valores de este deporte en un entorno saludable y de respeto. Pero, además, imparten clases avanzadas de táctica y estrategia a seguir para ganar cualquier partido. Y lo mejor es que no tiene límite de edad. Además, cómo no, puedes reservar una de sus 7 pistas de pádel cristal. Todas gozan de unas condiciones óptimas, poseen excelente iluminación y sus 12 m de altura te permitirá jugar a tus anchas. Sin duda, son el plato fuerte de esta instalación indoor y la buena noticia es que puedes reservarlas, en cualquier momento, desde esta misma web. Otros de los eventos que se realizan en la instalación son las populares quedadas, torneos abiertos y privados, y los conocidos clínics, con la participación de figuras emblemáticas del pádel. En Pádel Sport Home se ofrecen otros servicios de excelencia Pádel Sport Home complementa su ofertas con una pista panorámica profesional, cafetería, tienda especializada de artículos de pádel, cómodos vestidores, amplio parking, zona social y sala de reuniones con conexión a Internet (Wifi). Pero, además, puedes celebrar tus eventos en sus instalaciones. Horarios y ubicación de la instalación Pádel Sport Home permanece abierto casi todo el año, exceptuando el 25 de diciembre y el 1 de enero. De lunes a viernes sus puertas están abiertas, entre las 9:30 y las 23:00 horas, y los sábados, domingos y días festivos entre las 9:00 y las 21:00 horas. Se encuentra en Travesía de la Villa Esther, 20, Polígono Industrial El Nogal 28110, Algete, Madrid. ¿Cómo reservar pista en este club? Utilizando Playtomic Playtomic es la vía más sencilla y rápida para reservar tu pista en Pádel Sport Home. En menos de un minuto, desde tu móvil o tu tablet, tendrás acceso a un lugar fabuloso, y además si eres nuevo usuario y te registras ahora, dispondrás de un gran descuento de bienvenida para usar en ru primera reserva. Special access
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keyboard_arrow_right4. Juli 2016 – Nachrichten am Abend 4. Juli 2016 – Nachrichten am Abend todayJuli 4, 2016 Der mutmaßliche Mörder einer 33-Jährigen hat sich selbst das Leben genommen. Wie die namibische Polizei erst heute bekannt gab, wurde der Mann bereits vergangenen Donnerstag leblos aufgefunden. Er habe keinen Abschiedsbrief hinterlassen. Der Mann soll am 22. Juni 2016 seine Lebensgefährtin und Mutter seiner fünf Kinder erschlagen haben. Die Polizei geht derzeit davon aus, dass sich der Verdächtige nur wenige Stunden nach der Tat bereits das Leben nahm. Nach dem Geiseldrama mit über 20 Toten in Bangladesch hat die Polizei zwei Verdächtige festgenommen. Einer soll bei dem Überfall und der anschließenden Geiselnahme in einem Café in der Hauptstadt Dhaka am Freitagabend dabei gewesenen sein. Eine einheimische Islamistengruppe hatte sich zu der Tat bekannt. Eineinhalb Monate nach dem Absturz der Egypt Air Maschine sind im Mittelmeer alle georteten Leichen der Passagiere geborgen worden. Die sterblichen Überreste sollen jetzt genau untersucht werden. Das Flugzeug war im Mai auf dem Weg von Paris nach Kairo mit 66 Menschen an Bord zerschellt – warum ist bis heute unklar. Mindestens 15 weitere Namibier, in Besitz gefälschter Abschlusszeugnissen aus Simbabwe, stehen vor der Verhaftung. Bereits 2014 wurden 19 Personen mit ebensolchen Zeugnissen festgenommen. Diese werden sich nun am 4. November vor Gericht verantworten müssen, nachdem die Staatsanwaltschaft eine Verschiebung der Verhandlung beantragt hatte, damit die laufenden neuen Ermittlungen und Festnahmen erst durchgeführt werden können. Die Beschuldigten solchen versucht haben sich Plätze an Hochschulen in Namibia mit den Zeugnissen zu sichern. ägypten bangladesch dokumentenfälschung egyptair flugzeugabsturz namibia selbstmord simbabwe terroranschlag 4. Juli 2016 – Sport am Abend Sport international Tennis Angelique Kerber ist in Wimbledon in das Viertelfinale eingezogen. Die deutsche Nummer eins gewann am Nachmittag mit 6:3 und 6:1 gegen die Japanerin Misaki Doi. Im Kampf um den Einzug in das Halbfinale trifft die 28-Jährige auf die Rumänin Simona Halep oder Madison Keys aus den USA. Auch der siebenmalige Champion Roger Federer hat das Viertelfinale erreicht. Er bezwang den US-Amerikaner Steve Johnson mit 6:2, 6:3 und […]
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Paul Ryan, Abraham Lincoln, Oliver Stone Posted on April 29, 2013. Filed under: American history, Historians, Lincoln, Racism, and Slavery, Truth v. Myth, What History is For | Tags: Lincoln supported slavery, Oliver Stone, Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States, Paul Ryan, Politifact Wisconsin | We just finished our long series on the flaws in Oliver Stone’s new TV series “The Untold History of the United States”, and now we found an article on a speech by Wisconsin Representative Paul Ryan that calls for the same analysis. We are grateful to Politifact Wisconsin for the article and for providing the analysis, which we need only sum up here. Here is Politifact’s report of what Ryan said the following in an April 11 speech to a group that works to elect anti-abortion women to political office: “Our forebears knew to strive for perfection, not to expect it—because mankind is flawed. Progress takes time. It takes work. And it takes common sense… Take Lincoln. He hated slavery as much as anyone. But he defended a law that preserved it. He supported the Compromise of 1850, which prohibited slavery in California but allowed it in New Mexico. He even backed a law to return runaway slaves to their owners.” Lincoln agreed to compromises, Ryan asserted, “if they brought him closer to his goal–even in just a small way. We all know what happened. After years of turmoil, he helped pass the Thirteenth Amendment, which ended slavery for good.” Politifact Wisconsin actually asked eight experts on Lincoln to evaluate Ryan’s statement. What they found was that, like Stone’s series, Ryan’s statements are partially true, but twist facts just past the breaking point of accuracy. We’ll let Politifact do the talking here: “While Ryan said Lincoln ‘supported’ the Compromise in 1850, Lincoln was actually semi-retired from politics at the time, having left Congress a year earlier (he wasn’t elected president until 1860). At the time of the compromise Lincoln did not express support for it, according to several experts, including Lincoln biographer Ronald C. White Jr., Michael Burlingame, a Lincoln scholar at the University of Illinois-Springfield, and Columbia University historian Eric Foner. As president, Lincoln did agree to a proposal that would have admitted New Mexico as a state, said Lincoln biographer James McPherson. So in that sense, he could be said to have supported the Compromise of 1850, in that New Mexico had opted to approve a slave code. On the other hand, McPherson said, no slaves were counted in New Mexico in the 1860 census, which indicates slavery had not taken hold there. “Similarly, Lincoln as president held that the federal government needed to abide by the Fugitive Slave Act, mandating for the return of runaway slaves, given that it was the law of the land. But, McPherson noted, Lincoln wanted legislation to give alleged fugitive slaves a trial before they could be returned. ‘He did feel there was no choice but to defend the legality of the Fugitive Slave Act once it became law, and even said so in his first inaugural address—but here some context is needed, too,; said Lincoln scholar Harold Holzer. ‘He refused to oppose so-called ‘personal liberty laws’ that were passed by northern states to justify disobedience to the Fugitive Slave Act. So, in sum, Lincoln always opposed slavery,’ said James Cornelius, curator at the Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum. ‘But he also held, privately and out loud, that federal law must be obeyed.'” Politifact sums up by saying “Ryan’s statement is partially accurate, but leaves out important details. That fits our definition for Half True.” Unfortunately, this is too often the case when public figures and average people decide to use history to support their positions: they pick up a few facts and string them together in the way that best suits their purposes, either deliberately or accidentally. In the case of the former, they know what they are leaving out or distorting. In the case of the latter, they do not. But either way the result is negative. In this case, the idea that Representative Ryan would seek to inspire anti-abortion partisans to work with pro-life activists if necessary to achieve their goal of banning abortion by claiming that Lincoln worked with pro-slaveryites to achieve an ultimate goal of abolition is beyond odd. It equates pro-life supporters with people who supported slavery. It makes the case that no group is too repugnant to secretly use to achieve your goals. It condones hypocrisy. It recommends lying to achieve your goals by pretending to work with people you plan to destroy. It drags Lincoln’s name through the mud by claiming he operated in these ways. And it implies that Ryan himself operates in these ways. One has become very wary of anyone quoting a historical figure or event lately; it almost always ends badly once it’s under the microscope of factual analysis.
{"url": "https://thehistoricpresent.com/2013/04/29/paul-ryan-abraham-lincoln-oliver-stone/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "thehistoricpresent.com", "date_download": "2021-04-16T10:44:09Z", "digest": "sha1:LGXKPFHMTFJDTFVIHHYR3TUHMXGESWEZ"}
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The Real Story Behind ‘Deadwood’ Learn all about the real people and events that inspired the acclaimed HBO series. By Kieran Fisher · Published on May 27th, 2019 David Milch‘s Deadwood, which premiered on HBO in 2004, is one of the best shows to ever air on the network. The gritty Western crime drama was short-lived, but the show earned rave reviews and garnered a loyal cult audience that kept its popularity alive long after it ended. Fortunately for us, HBO took notice of our calls for one last hurrah by announcing a movie that will bring closure to the story (and our hearts). That movie will hit our screens very soon. Deadwood is a unique show, and one of its strongest qualities is the attention paid to period detail. Before creating the series, Milch rigorously researched the real 1870s Deadwood by reading old newspapers, diaries, and formal historical accounts by experts. And while some creative liberties were necessary for dramatic effect, Milch’s vision of Deadwood’s Wild West days isn’t that far removed from reality. It all started in 1874 when General Custer led an expedition through the Dakota Territory’s Black Hills and discovered traces of gold. When news of this discovery made the rounds across the country, the American landscape changed forever. With this newly discovered means of prosperity, fortune seekers illegally relocated to the region — which technically belonged to the Native Lakota people — to get a piece of the action. The town of Deadwood, located in the southern half of the territory, was subsequently born. One year later, the settlement was given its official name. Between 1874 and 1877, at least 20000 people had made their way to the region in a bid to acquire wealth. The town itself, meanwhile, was home to around 3000 citizens, most of whom were criminals, gamblers, prostitutes, and entrepreneurs. During its early days, Deadwood was lawless. Some historians believe that murders occurred daily. Brothels, opium dens, and saloons were at the heart of the town’s business empire. That said, despite the rough-and-tumble nature of the place, it gained some respectability thanks to influential merchants, business figureheads, and legends. In 1876, a government was eventually instituted. Deadwood wasn’t limited to American settlers, either. In the show, the town hosts a Chinese population, as did the real historical version. According to historian Jerry Bryant (via True West), an influx of Chinese prospectors arrived in 1880. In the show, however, the Chinese populace was living there in 1876. On top of that, the show depicts a Chinatown just off of the town’s Main Street. In reality, Chinatown was part of Main Street. Furthermore, unlike some characters featured in the HBO series, there is no record of a Mr. Wu (Keone Young) ever existing. Of course, several legendary figures of the Old West do appear in the show. Some of these figures include Wild Bill Hickok (Keith Carradine), Al Swearengen (Ian McShane), Seth Bullock (Timothy Olyphant), Calamity Jane (Robin Weigert), and many others. But how much do their fictional iterations resemble their real-life personas? Hickok’s arc in the show mirrors the real man’s final days quite accurately. After retiring from law enforcement in 1871, the famous gunfighter spent the next few years living off his celebrity status and serving as a hunting guide. Afterward, he found himself running out of money and trying to make a living as a gambler. When Hickok arrived in Deadwood, he was a shadow of his former self and spent most of his time at the poker tables. Gambling proved to be old Bill’s downfall in the end, too. Shortly after arriving in town, he was shot in the back of the head by Jack McCall (Garret Dillahunt in the series) while his attention was focused on his playing cards. That’s where the poker term “Dead Man’s Hand” originated. As for Swearengen, he was a ruthless saloon owner. His first business venture was a venue known as The Cricket. He then closed that establishment to open the Gem Theater, which is the one he owns and operates in the series. The saloon was the place to be for those seeking entertainment in the form of gambling, prize fights, and sex. In regards to the latter, Swearengen recruited his prostitutes by advertising legitimate jobs for dancers, waitresses, and cleaners. When they arrived, he forced them into engaging sexual activity with clients against their will. The show, however, did modify Swearengen ever so slightly. Because McShane was given the part, Milch made the character English-born. The real man was American. Bullock was also presented pretty honestly. Born in Ontario, Canada in 1847, he was the son of a British military officer, but his lousy relationship with his old man led him to the Montana Territory. He became an elected senator in 1871, then a sheriff in 1873. Three years later, Bullock and his longtime acquaintance Sol Star (played by John Hawkes in the show) traveled to Deadwood to open a hardware store. Selling tools wasn’t to be Bullock’s true calling in Deadwood, though. After arriving in town on the day of Hickok’s murder and seeing the killer walk free, he became the town’s sheriff shortly after and helped bring law and order to a town populated by outlaws. After their store burnt to the ground in 1884, Bullock and Star built Deadwood’s first luxury hotel. The three-story structure, which they called the Bullock Hotel, is still in business to this day. Bullock also helped establish a town health commission, set up the first emergency service departments, and founded the town’s first cemetery. The lawman later became a confidant to Theodore Roosevelt and was appointed by the president to marshal South Dakota in 1903. He died of cancer in 1919, at age 70, at the Bullock Hotel. According to local spooky lore, his ghost still roams the hallways of the hotel. Elsewhere, as depicted in the series, Calamity Jane was a tobacco-chewing, hard-drinking, foul-mouthed tomboy. According to Old West rumors, she got her name by saving an army captain from a group of attackers. Others claimed she fabricated the story to gain respect from males. Jane is mostly remembered as a humanitarian, though. For example, she helped nurse the town’s residents who’d been stricken by smallpox. After the death of Hickok, Jane moved around and performed at roadshows until 1903, when she returned to the Black Hills and worked as a cook until she passed away that same year. Jane was buried next to Wild Bill. These weren’t the only historical figures in to be interpreted for the series, but telling all of their stories would require an entire book. Individually, the people we have looked at lived entire lives that could fill texts in their own right. The HBO series might be a dramatization, but with the wealth of crazy history available it had at its disposal, it’s unsurprising that the people and events were portrayed reasonably true to life. Today, the town’s allure remains rooted in its connection to this Wild West history, and the show is partly to thank for that. Related Topics: Deadwood, History, Real Stories Kieran is a Contributor to the website you're currently reading. He also loves the movie Varsity Blues. The Real Story Behind ‘A League of Their Own’ To mark the 30th anniversary of the film’s release, here is a look at the real story behind A League of Their Own. The Real Story Behind ‘Angelyne’ Emmy Rossum stars as the enigmatic icon of Los Angeles. The True Story Behind ‘The Untouchables’ Brian De Palma’s 1987 classic plays fast and loose with the facts of Al Capone’s downfall. The Real Story Behind ‘Candy’ Jessica Biel and Melanie Lynskey star in this retelling of the famous ax-killing.
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Where to Go Rock Climbing in Tucson Where to Go Rock Climbing in Tucson Hiking in Tucson and the surrounding areas is a great way to see nature. If you are looking for a more adventurous option there is another way to see it all that’s a bit more extreme! By utilizing the natural rock formations that can be found all around […]
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Denuncian a Óscar Arias, Nobel de la Paz por abuso sexual El también ex presidente de Costa Rica, Óscar Arias, enfrenta una acusación de una activista por el desarme nuclear, quien asegura que fue agredida en diciembre de 2014. EFE ・Martes 5 De Febrero, 2019 · 13:06 pm Una activista presentó una denuncia por abuso sexual contra Óscar Arias, Nobel de la Paz y ex Presidente de Costa Rica / Reuters Una médica y activista por el desarme nuclear denunció ante las autoridades judiciales de Costa Rica al expresidente del país y Premio Nobel de la Paz Óscar Arias por una presunta violación sexual ocurrida en diciembre de 2014. El caso fue revelado este martes por el Semanario Universidad, que en su reportaje incluye extractos de la denuncia y una entrevista con la mujer, cuya identidad no trascendió, solo detalles como que es hija de una exdiputada del mismo partido al que pertenece Arias. La denuncia fue presentada el lunes y el equipo legal del exmandatario ha dicho que no se referirá al caso hasta no analizar a profundidad el contenido de la misma. La denunciante es descrita por el Semanario Universidad como una médica y activista por el desarme nuclear que supuestamente fue víctima de violación durante una reunión que sostuvo con Arias en la casa del expresidente. El relato de la mujer señala que Arias le tocó los senos, la besó y metió los dedos en su vagina, a pesar de que ella le pidió que se detuviera. “Yo estaba como que no sabía qué hacer, me sentía atrapada en ese momento”, dijo la mujer al Semanario Universidad. Según la denunciante, Arias, presidente en dos periodos (1986-1990 y 2006-2010), salió de la oficina en la que estaban y le pidió ir a otro sitio, lo que ella aprovechó para marcharse del lugar. “La médica tenía entonces 30 años de edad, lideraba la filial en Costa Rica de una ONG internacional dedicada al activismo para abolir las armas nucleares y había conocido al premio Nobel a través de su madre, quien fue diputada por el Partido Liberación Nacional (PLN)”, mismo al que pertenece Arias, señaló el Semanario. Según el relato, ella asistió a la casa del exmandatario para entregarle una carpeta con información sobre la campaña antinuclear, pues él le estaba dando apoyo a la causa. “La médica asegura que, desde diciembre del 2014 hasta la fecha, pasó por diferentes estados de ánimo y tuvo sentimientos encontrados respecto al tema. Por momentos, dice, anhelaba olvidar por completo el episodio y en otros, se sentía animada a interponer una denuncia pública o judicial”, detalla el reportaje del Semanario Universidad. Según la denunciante, la decisión de interponer la demanda se debe a que considera que existe un contexto de apoyo luego de que otras mujeres en el mundo hicieron denuncias similares y fueron atendidas, indica el reportaje. Costa Rica violación sexual Óscar Aria Partido Liberación Nacional Premio nobel de la paz Semanario Universidad Papa Francisco promete no ocultar ningún caso de abuso sexual Inculpan a Kevin Spacey de abuso sexual; queda en libertad bajo fianza Supuesta víctima de abuso de Kevin Spacey asegura tener un vídeo de la agresión 26/Dic/18 16:03 Papa Francisco promete no dejar impunes "abominaciones" de los abusos sexuales (VIDEO) Ganadores del Nobel de la Paz, exigen justicia contra abusos sexuales (video) Noruega acusa a un hombre de abuso sexual contra más de 300 niños
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Les Biscuits de La Nation: (Textes tirés des discours par S. LoumEdjinon) Par Sabin LOUMEDJINON, 10 octobre 2016 Rubrique(s): Actualités | Commentaires: Commentaires fermés sur Les Biscuits de La Nation: (Textes tirés des discours par S. LoumEdjinon) « J’ai voulu sincèrement être prêtre dans la vie. Je n’ai pas réussi cela. Je ne sais pas pourquoi, je ne m’en suis jamais consolé. J’ai voulu être directeur général du Bureau international du travail, cela n’a pas marché. LIRE AUSSI: Nouvelle configuration du Parlement: L’aboutissement de la réforme du système partisan J’ai voulu être président de cette République au Bénin. Mais ça n’a pas été ça. J’ai voulu être médiateur de la République et c’est à cet âge de 80 ans que le seigneur m’a montré ce qu’il voulait pour moi. Alors médiateur de la République, j’y vois la vocation de prêtre, j’y vois la vocation de dirigeant du Bureau international du travail qui essaye de rapprocher travailleurs, employeurs, gouvernement, j’y vois l’action de la République… Professeur Albert Tévoedjrè, médiateur de la République «Là où la liberté est supprimée, la médiocrité s’installe en correlation avec la dictature». Alphonse Gaglozoun, SG/ Syndicat national des enseignants du Supérieur (SNES) « Des choses se sont passées. Aucun homme n’est parfait. Il faut vivre des expériences et tirer des leçons de ces expériences…Il y a une façon de travailler que nous avons respecté tout au long, mais chaque ministre est responsable devant le chef du gouvernement, qui forme son équipe, on lui rend compte. C’est lui qui définit la politique générale de la nation. J’ai partagé la définition de la politique générale, je n’ai pas tout vu, parce que je ne suis pas un grand manitou…» LIRE AUSSI: En fin de mandat à la Cena: Emmanuel Tiando et ses pairs reconnaissants Pascal Irénée Koupaki, ministre d’Etat, secrétaire général de la présidence Non-respect des calendriers universitaires: Etudiants et enseignants se plaignent
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July 4, 2008 Royat, Auvergne, France We arrived at our next campsite, Camping Indigo Royat, in the heart of the Chaine des Puys, an extraordinary area which consists of 80 extinct volcanoes which were active from 60,000 to 6,000 years ago. There are numerous hot and cold springs, the most famous of which is Volvic. In the evening we decided to drive to the top of the nearby Puy de Dome, at 4806 feet the highest of the cones, as the Michelin guidebook said the view was best at sunset. All around we could see smaller volcanoes, some with craters and some dome-shaped, all now covered in trees, silhouetted by the setting sun. An extra show was provided by half a dozen paragliders hurling themselves off the summit then hovering on the updrafts - a surreal sight. Later that night, after we'd gone to bed, we were woken by a series of deafening bangs echoing around the surrounding hills, and thought the long-extinct volcanoes had come to life again - but it was just an enormous firework display in nearby Clermont-Ferrand . Nothing is more frustrating than being able to hear a huge firework display but to be unable to see it! The next day was Sunday and John spent a futile morning searching for an open supermarket to buy a few basics, but they were all closed - they certainly observe the Sabbath here more than anywhere else we've been so far! Luckily he found a small Spar open - must be owned by heathens. After lunch we visited one of the extinct volcanoes, Lemptegy, which has been quarried for the lava which is used for all sorts of things, including making cat litter! We went on a tour of the crater in a small train with a manic young guide gabbling volubly in French. At the end of the tour there was a very entertaining theme-park type experience called The Exploding Mine, which was not recommended for anyone suffering from cardiac problems, claustrophobia, pregnancy, hearing problems, respiratory problems etc. Luckily we survived undamaged. We had hoped to have another trip up the Puy de Dome but the next day was cloudy, though still warm, so we went to the supermarket and then relaxed by the campsite's lovely pool, ready for our next journey, to Bourges.
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Jane Fonda tells veterans boycotting her movie 'The Butler' to 'get a life' By Hollie McKay Print LOS ANGELES – When Jane Fonda was cast as former First Lady Nancy Reagan in Lee Daniels’ forthcoming film “The Butler,” some Reagan fans were not pleased. Now, with the biographical due to hit theaters in October, a movement to boycott the movie is gaining some momentum. Larry Reyes, a Navy veteran and founder of the “Boycott Hanoi Jane Playing Nancy Reagan” Facebook page has been particularly vocal about the casting decision, given Fonda’s past frolicking with the enemy during the Vietnam War. “Growing up in a military family I heard my father and uncles talk about what Jane did, so from an early age I knew about her history with the war and how upset veterans were about it. Yet it amazed me that people just turned their backs and kept supporting her exercise videos and movies. I made a commitment early on not to support her projects,” Reyes told FOX411’s Pop Tarts column. “Then when I heard she was going to play such a well-liked and highly respected president’s wife, it got to me. They (the filmmakers) knew by picking Jane for the part they were going to stir up some stuff. I’m not a conservative or a liberal, I’m an American. And that was a slap in the face.” This week, Fonda had a simple message for Reyes and the page's fans. “Get a life." More On This... Organizer of Fonda boycott on Jane's 'get a life' comment In a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, Fonda said of her casting: “If it creates hoopla, it will cause more people to see the movie… I figured it would tweak the right. Who cares?” Reyes does. He told us Fonda had “every right” to protest the Vietnam War and to lobby Capitol Hill to get her message across, but says she bordered on treason when she went to Hanoi, Vietnam, called Americans “war criminals,” and was photographed seated on an anti-aircraft battery, a move she claimed she regretted in her 2005 autobiography. “God only knows how many in our military were affected,” Reyes said. “Jane seems to love everything communist, but when it comes to making money she’s a gold capitalist. It’s my right to protest this film, and if I can stop a few people from seeing it, I will be happy.” Yet according to Fonda, the former first lady is “happy” she was awarded the role and that in an effort to ensure she portrayed her accurately, Fonda even sent Mrs. Reagan some questions which she answered. "They had me doing something that wasn't very nice [in the movie]. And I said, 'if she really did this, I'll do it. But if it's made up, I don't want to do it.' I don't want to take cheap shots at her,” the actress told the Hollywood Reporter. She also said the First Lady’s gracious response to her being cast came as a surprise. “Because back when she was feisty she wasn't nice to me. We all mellow. We all mellow. Fonda also wrote on her personal blog last year that she wished it was “more than a cameo” and was “honored” to be playing such an esteemed political personality. Yet when FOX411 Pop Tarts column attempted to question her about the film at an event she hosted in Los Angeles earlier this year, her handler made it clear that the movie was off limits. But Fonda isn’t the only casting choice in "The Butler" causing some to roll their eyes. Inspired by Wil Haygood’s Washington Post article about an African-American man (played by Forest Whitaker) who served as a butler to eight presidents in the White House for over 30 years, “The Butler” traces the dramatic changes that impacted American society, from the civil rights movement to Vietnam and beyond. Distributed by The Weinstein Co., the studio headed by prominent Democratic supporter Harvey Weinstein, “The Butler” has also enlisted a number of known liberal supporters to play key Republican roles including John Cusack as Richard Nixon, and Robin Williams as Dwight Eisenhower. “It’s leftist Hollywood giving their finger to the rest of America,” Reyes said. “And that upsets me. But Hollywood is doing that on purpose.” And despite Reyes’ efforts, experts told us that the debate over the film is likely to translate into ticket sales. “The controversy will trigger more publicity and generally in Hollywood, any publicity is better than no publicity,” crisis communications expert Glenn Selig anticipated. “My guess is Harvey Weinstein is thrilled that there is so much attention being paid to the movie.” Casting specialist Holly Wolfe concurred that the Fonda selection should work in the studio’s favor. “Nancy Reagan was an important figure in our history. In casting you first have to decide on who physically resembles this actual person. Next you have to think who has the chops to pull this off. It would be a true disgrace to cast someone that couldn’t possibly hold up to this high standard,” she added. “If Jane didn’t feel like she could give an honest portrayal of Nancy Reagan then she would have turned it down. I hope first and foremost that the concerns would be about the work and not about political slaps in the face, but I am sure they are getting a kick out of this uproar.” Hollie McKay has been a FoxNews.com staff reporter since 2007. She has reported extensively from the Middle East on the rise and fall of terrorist groups such as ISIS in Iraq. Follow her on twitter at @holliesmckay Trending in Entertainment 'Fixer Upper's' Chip and Joanna Gaines on living the American dream: 'Nothing has come easy' 'Ghostbusters II' twin actor who played baby Oscar commits suicide
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Yogi's legacy in question Former followers say he abused his position for power, money and sex The Register-Guard, New Mexico/May 9, 2010 By Sherri Buri McDonald A slow, painful awakening led Premka Kaur Khalsa, a top secretary in Yogi Bhajan's Sikh organization for almost 20 years, to leave the religious group in 1984, she said. Premka Khalsa, 66, said she could no longer participate because of the inconsistencies she said she had witnessed between the yogi's behavior and his teachings - the deception and abuse of power. In 1986, she sued Yogi Bhajan and his Sikh organizations, settling out of court. In court papers, she alleged that the married yogi had sexually and physically assaulted her, that he was sexually involved with other secretaries and that, as the head of his administration, she worked long hours for little or no pay. The organization's religious leaders vehemently deny those allegations. Its business leaders did not respond to requests for comment for this story. Kamalla Rose Kaur, 55, another former member of Yogi Bhajan's 3HO (Healthy, Happy, Holy Organization) who wrote for a grass-roots newsletter in the community, said a light switched on for her when she was researching and writing about religious groups and thought, "Hey, we're acting a lot like a cult." Former member Guru Bir Singh Khalsa, 60, who had been appointed a "lifetime minister" by Yogi Bhajan, said he received a wake-up call in the early 1990s, when Sue Stryker, then an investigator with the Monterey County District Attorney's office, laid out evidence linking members of his spiritual community to criminal activity. Stryker, now retired, said a member of Yogi Bhajan's Sikh community pleaded guilty and served time in prison for a telemarketing scam that bilked seniors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars. These and other ex-members of Yogi Bhajan's organization say they aren't surprised by events unfolding now, six years after his death. Legal disputes threaten to splinter the community. Allegations of the yogi's past wrongdoing are resurfacing. And the future of the Sikh organization's businesses are in question. The outcome will ripple far beyond the religious group, whose companies have become intertwined with the local economy and business community. In Multnomah County Circuit Court, the group's religious leaders are suing the group's business leaders over control of the community's multimillion dollar businesses, including Golden Temple natural foods in Eugene and Akal Security in New Mexico. "Organizations/cults that have charismatic leaders and their followings, once their charismatic leader dies, this is generally the kind of thing that occurs," Premka Khalsa said. "It's the meltdown of a cult," said Kamalla Kaur, who spent nearly 20 years in 3HO, and now runs an Internet forum for ex-members. "They actually kept it together longer than we expected." Steven Hassan, a Massachusetts-based author, counselor and former leader of the Moon cult in the 1970s, said he has counseled about two dozen former 3HO members, including leaders, over the years. "The group, from my point of view, was always about power and money," he said. "(Yogi) Bhajan is the consummate ... cult leader. By not specifying someone to take over, there often are these kinds of political battles and meltdowns - people basically being greedy like Yogi Bhajan was and wanting more of a slice for themselves." Attorney John McGrory, who represents the religious leaders in the Multnomah case, said his clients strongly disagree with the description of their organization as a cult. They "believe very strongly that it's a religion," he said. "They practice and follow it, and they are ministers." The proof, he said, is in the thousands of adherents who still practice it. McGrory said the real source of the discord in the community appears to be that the assets Yogi Bhajan built up over the years are being taken for private use, with the blessing of the managers the yogi appointed to safeguard them. Gary Roberts, attorney for the business leaders, has said they've done nothing wrong and have acted in the interests of the Sikh community. When a founder of an organization, or the head of a family, passes away, disputes among successors are common, said Krishna Singh Khalsa, a Eugene Sikh for 40 years. "There's nothing spiritual or charismatic or cultlike about that," he said. "It's simply where interests clash." Religious leaders voice concerns A year before he died, Yogi Bhajan established the "Unto Infinity" board to oversee the network of businesses, property and educational and spiritual nonprofits. Members include Golden Temple CEO Kartar Singh Khalsa and three of the yogi's former secretaries: Sopurkh Kaur Khalsa, Siri Karm Kaur Khalsa, and Peraim Kaur Khalsa. Kartar Khalsa and Peraim Khalsa are domestic partners. In the years leading up to the Multnomah lawsuit, the group's religious leaders expressed concern that the business leaders, the Unto Infinity members, had abandoned the group's orthodox beliefs, which include not cutting one's hair, eating a vegetarian diet and abstaining from alcohol. In court documents, the religious leaders allege that the Unto Infinity members acknowledged in 2008 that they no longer practiced those core beliefs. Unto Infinity members did not respond to Register-Guard interview requests. But in March 2009, when the Khalsa Council, an international group of Sikh ministers, asked them whether they had cut their hair, were no longer vegetarians, and drank alcohol, the business leaders responded by letter, according to the Khalsa Council. The letter said, among other things: "The questions raised are irrelevant to our roles and responsibilities in the organization. We are not the religious leaders of the organization; we were given administrative and financial authority and responsibility." The Unto Infinity members wrote that they had made many sacrifices while the yogi was alive and that now they're applying "more kindness into our personal lives." "We have learned the importance of factoring back into our lives more joy and balance as we continue to serve this mission for the rest of our way home," they wrote. The Unto Infinity members wrote that if the religious authorities decided to narrowly define what a Sikh Dharma minister is, "we may not continue to qualify." However, they noted, "many current ministers in Sikh Dharma have broken their Sikh or minister vows, marital vows, and the laws of our country and have remained ministers," adding that that had been true even while Yogi Bhajan was alive. Watching the business leaders back away from the group's religious practices, some former members said, reminds them of what they experienced when they decided to leave the group. "You go through stages of discovery of how you gave away your power and were deceived," Premka Khalsa said. "Once the person who is defining your reality - the charismatic leader - once he's not there continuing to enforce the beliefs, then your eyes start to open," she said. "You see things in a different way, and it can be disillusioning." Premka Khalsa said that's especially true for the yogi's secretaries, such as herself, who sacrificed much of their lives to serve him. "I met him at 25," she said. "I was 41 by the time I left, so my life of family, child bearing and (being) productive in the world, that whole piece was gone. Nothing was put into Social Security, and I walked out with the clothes on my back." The women in his inner circle "were denied having a personal relationship with any other men," she added. "Some of us wanted to get married and have children, but we got sidetracked into agreeing to forego that with the intention of serving something bigger than us. Sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice." Flaws noted by former members The group's publications and Web sites praise Yogi Bhajan as an advocate for world peace and as a spiritual teacher who has helped improve the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. A resolution passed by Congress in 2005 after his death recognized the yogi as "a wise teacher and mentor, an outstanding pioneer, a champion of peace and a compassionate human being." But Yogi Bhajan also had flaws, former members said. "He was a phenomenal yoga teacher, a phenomenal spiritual man," said Guru Bir Khalsa, the former "lifetime minister" who left the group after 18 years. But the yogi "sabotaged his own dream," he said. Imposing at 6 foot 3 inches and 250 pounds, Yogi Bhajan claimed humility, but had a weakness for expensive jewelry, luxury cars and custom-designed robes, former members said. "He was a big dichotomy," Premka Khalsa said. "He was tremendously charismatic. It just drew you in. You felt held and you felt loved and you felt embraced and felt part of something that was magnificent and bigger than you, and always yummy." "On the other side, he could be devastatingly harsh and make decisions that seemed so contrary to what he would preach and teach," she said. "He was all about power and he became a victim of that experience," she said. Lawsuits on assaults, inheritance With his long white beard, white turban and white robes, Yogi Bhajan advocated for world peace, founding an annual Peace Prayer Day in 1985. But his saintly public image contrasted starkly with his private behavior, Premka Khalsa and other former secretaries said. In her 1986 lawsuit, Premka Khalsa alleged that Yogi Bhajan repeatedly physically and sexually assaulted her from November 1968 to November 1984. McGrory, the religious leaders' attorney, said his clients deny all the allegations in Premka Khalsa's lawsuit, which "were never verified or substantiated." In court papers, she alleged that the yogi was sexually involved with various female followers, and that he ordered her to coordinate his sexual liaisons, including orgies, with other secretaries, which she refused to do. The head of Yogi Bhajan's administration, and an editor and writer for his publications, Premka Khalsa said she worked on average 10 hours a day, five days a week. She alleged that she was paid $375 a month - only in her last three years with the group. "It was another part of how he kept us bound," she said. "We didn't have independent resources. He had a fleet of cars - one of which was mine to drive. And he had properties to live on, but they weren't mine. You had few independent resources, so it made it hard to live out on (your) own. He did that with lots of people." Premka Khalsa alleged in her lawsuit that Yogi Bhajan called her "his spiritual wife, destined to serve mankind by serving him in a conjugal capacity." He said if she did so, he "would care for her for all of her natural life," she alleged. When Yogi Bhajan died in 2004, his wife Bibiji Inderjit was to inherit half of their community property, and he designated that his half go to Staff Endowment, a trust to support 15 female administrative assistants. To receive her share, each assistant had to live in accordance with the yogi's teachings and the Sikh Dharma Order, according to court documents. If she didn't, her interest would be cut to 2 percent, the court papers said. Among the trust beneficiaries are Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa, a plaintiff, and Sopurkh Khalsa, a defendant, in the Multnomah clash between the religious and business leaders, according to court papers. McGrory said his clients deny that the Staff Endowment was in return for anything relating to Premka Khalsa's allegations. Yogi Bhajan's estate still isn't settled. In legal proceedings in New Mexico, the yogi's widow argues that she was not aware of large gifts and expenditures her husband made while he was alive, and she wants an accounting of them, which could result in a determination that she is entitled to more of the remaining estate, said Surjit Soni, the widow's attorney. He said the yogi's widow "does not begrudge or resist in any shape or form the bequest of Yogi Bhajan to his assistants ... We just have to figure out what's hers and what's his and move on down the road." Soni declined to comment on the sexual abuse allegations. Responding to the unpaid labor allegations, he said that many people volunteered their time to build the organization. "It started with little or no sources of income and took the effort of a lot in the community lovingly coming together to provide their services," he said. "They were doing it voluntarily. Nobody held a gun to their head." Another sexual abuse case against Yogi Bhajan, also settled out of court, was filed by the younger sister of Guru Amrit Khalsa, one of the yogi's long-time secretaries. Today, Guru Amrit Khalsa is one of the group's two chief religious authorities, as well as one of the religious leaders suing Golden Temple CEO Kartar Khalsa and other business leaders. Through McGrory, her attorney, she denied all allegations in her sister's complaint. The Register-Guard's policy is not to name sexual abuse victims without their permission. Guru Amrit Khalsa's sister's whereabouts are not known, and she could not be reached for this story. In court documents, she alleged that Guru Amrit Khalsa began trying to "entice" her into Yogi Bhajan's organization when she was 11, and succeeded when she was 14. She said she was with the group from 1975 to 1985. In her 1986 lawsuit, she alleged that starting in 1978, Yogi Bhajan repeatedly physically and sexually assaulted her. The lawsuit alleged that the yogi was sexually involved with Guru Amrit Khalsa, as well as various other members of his administrative staff. Guru Amrit Khalsa's sister also alleged that Yogi Bhajan did not compensate her for skin and hair care products and snack foods she had developed and turned over to him in 1983 and 1984, after he had promised her an ownership stake or other payment. "Truth is your identity" The allegations in these lawsuits contrast with the public image of 3HO Sikhs in Eugene, who are widely regarded as devout, hard workers who have built a successful company that is a cornerstone of the natural foods industry here. Firsthand knowledge of the abuse was confined to the yogi's inner circle, Premka Khalsa and other former members said. "The Eugene community, in general, is innocent and quite well intentioned," she said. Premka Khalsa said she sued Yogi Bhajan to try to expose what she called his lies and force him to change his behavior. "The greeting we all have is Sat Nam, 'Truth is your identity,' and I wanted him to stop lying," she said. Premka Khalsa said she also wanted the rest of the community to know about the abuse, and she wanted to lend credibility to the complaint filed by Guru Amrit Khalsa's sister because she said she was appalled by how badly she had been treated. The suits were settled for undisclosed amounts, and they didn't surface again until Guru Bir Khalsa, who had become disillusioned after learning of the group's ties to telemarketing fraud, retrieved them from the archives of a New Mexico courthouse and put copies on the Internet in 2002. "Sikh means seeker of truth and therefore I was just a seeker of truth," he said. "The reason I wanted to put those documents on the Internet was to just turn the light on in the closet." "Yogi Bhajan had a dark side, and I think a lot of people don't want to see it because of what that means about him," Guru Bir Khalsa said. "I know, for myself, I wasn't ready and didn't want to see it. It's kind of tough when you think you've invested as much as you have into something." Most of the former members quoted in this article asked to be referred to by the names they were using at the time they were part of the Sikh community.
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US v Windsor › Due Process › Supreme Court of the United States Polsinelli Podcast - Defense of Marriage Act Viewer's Guide to Gay Marriage Oral Arguments IRS Issues Proposed Regulations to Accommodate Obergefell by Proskauer - Employee Benefits & Executive... on 10/27/2015 On October 21, 2015, the IRS issued proposed regulations to clarify the treatment of same-sex spouses for federal tax purposes. By way of background, in 2013, the United States Supreme Court held in United States v. Windsor...more Impact of the Same-Sex Marriage Decision on Employee Benefit Plans by Thompson Coburn LLP on 8/10/2015 In Obergefell v. Hodges, the Supreme Court held that states may not deny same-sex couples the right to marry, finding that doing so violates the Fourteenth Amendment. Writing for the five-justice majority, Justice Kennedy...more Employment Law - July 2015 by Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP on 7/13/2015 The Impact of National Same-Sex Marriage for Employers - Why it matters: How will employers feel the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges? The landmark ruling that the Fourteenth...more So Same-Sex Marriage Is Legal … Now What? Important Decisions Employers Face Now In Obergefell v. Hodges, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the 14th Amendment to the Constitution requires all 50 states to license marriages between same-sex couples and to recognize same-sex marriages performed out-of-state....more Obergefell v. Hodges – Same-Sex Marriage Now Legal in All 50 States by Snell & Wilmer on 7/2/2015 In 2013, the Supreme Court, in United States v. Windsor, struck down Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”) which defined marriage, for Federal purposes, as between one man and one woman. The Windsor ruling...more U.S. Supreme Court Recognizes Fundamental Right To Same-Sex Marriage Nationwide: Impact of the Decision on Employers by Seyfarth Shaw LLP on 6/29/2015 In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court recognized a fundamental right for same-sex couples to marry throughout the country. In a 5-4 opinion authored by Justice Anthony Kennedy, the Court held that the Due Process...more Supreme Court Strikes Down Same-Sex Marriage Bans by Burr & Forman on 6/29/2015 In a landmark decision, the U.S. Supreme Court held that the Fourteenth Amendment requires states to license marriages between two people of the same sex and to recognize same sex marriages that were validly licensed in...more To Have and to Hold: Modern Family Formation and Application of Constitutional Principles by Fowler White Burnett, P.A. on 8/14/2014 Recall the year 1868 and §1 of the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution: “All persons born and naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and...more U.S. Judge Strikes Down Same-Sex Marriage Ban in Pennsylvania Today, a U.S. District Court in Pennsylvania nullified Pennsylvania’s Marriage Laws, holding that they violate the due process and equal protection clauses of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. If the ruling stands...more Federal Judge Strikes Down Pennsylvania Same-Sex Marriage Ban by McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC on 5/21/2014 Earlier today, Harrisburg-based Federal District Court Judge John E. Jones, III, struck down Pennsylvania's ban on same-sex marriage. In this landmark ruling, Jones concluded that "same-sex couples who seek to marry in...more The Impact of the Supreme Court’s DOMA Decision on Employee Benefit Plans — Some Certainty, Many Unanswered Questions by Mintz Levin - Employment Matters on 7/5/2013 The regulation of marriage was historically presumed to be the exclusive domain of the states. Since 1996, however, the Defense of Marriage Act of 1996 (“DOMA”) changed this presumption in two important respects...more Implications Of Same-Sex Marriage Decisions By U.S. Supreme Court For Employer-Sponsored Health And Welfare Benefit Plans by Perkins Coie on 7/4/2013 Two controversial cases involving same-sex marriage were decided on June 26, 2013 by the United States Supreme Court. ...more United States v. Windsor: Tax Issues by Burns & Levinson LLP on 7/3/2013 Although the decision of the United States Supreme Court in United States v. Windsor invalidating much of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) affects at most approximately 20% of the population of the United States, it has...more Personal Planning Strategies - July 2013 by Proskauer Rose LLP on 7/3/2013 On June 26, 2013, the United States Supreme Court issued its decisions in Windsor v. United States and Hollingsworth, et. al. v. Perry et. al., thus ending a four year "fast-track" judicial expedition of the validity of the...more Same-Sex Marriage And The Effect Of Windsor And Hollingsworth Cases On Estate Planning In Michigan by Varnum LLP on 7/2/2013 On June 26, 2013, the United States Supreme Court issued decisions in the cases of U.S. v. Windsor and Hollingsworth v. Perry, two highly anticipated decisions regarding the constitutionality of same-sex marriage in the...more Employee Benefits Challenges After the Supreme Court’s DOMA Ruling by Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP on 7/1/2013 The ruling on Wednesday by the Supreme Court of the United States, that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional, will immediately extend to legally married same-sex couples a host of federal...more The U.S. Supreme Court Rules Defense Of Marriage Act Unconstitutional: Significant Implications For Employee Benefit Plans by Dickinson Wright on 7/1/2013 On June 26, 2013, in U.S. v. Windsor, the US Supreme Court held the federal Defense of Marriage Act (“DOMA”) unconstitutional as a violation of the right to liberty found in the due process clause of the 5th Amendment to the...more DOMA is Gone, What Effect Does it Have on Immigration? by Buchanan Ingersoll & Rooney PC on 7/1/2013 The Supreme Court unequivocally affirmed that there is no legitimate reason for the federal government to discriminate against married couples on account of their sexual orientation. In United States v. Windsor, the Justices...more U.S. Supreme Court Rules Section 3 of DOMA is Unconstitutional: What Should Employee Benefit Plan Sponsors and Administrators Be... by K&L Gates LLP on 7/1/2013 The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) provides a single definition of marriage, as between one man and one woman, for purposes of all federal laws, including the Internal Revenue Code and ERISA....more Estate Planning Opportunities Arising from Recent Landmark Supreme Court Decisions Concerning Marriages of Same-Sex Couples by Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP on 7/1/2013 On June 26, 2013, the US Supreme Court (the “Supreme Court”) struck down Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional in the case of United States v. Windsor (“Windsor”). In a related case, the...more Supreme Court’s DOMA Ruling: Employee Benefit Plan, Tax, and Employment Considerations by Morgan Lewis on 7/1/2013 Court's holding makes federal benefits and tax advantages available to same-sex couples but raises further questions. On June 26, the U.S. Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decision in United States v. Windsor,...more Supreme Court Decision On DOMA Should Provide Equal Access To Immigration Benefits by Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart,... on 6/28/2013 On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down a provision of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) that denied federal benefits to same-sex partners....more Supreme Court Decides the Fate of Same-Sex Marriages by Littler on 6/28/2013 On June 26, 2013, the Supreme Court issued its long-awaited decisions in two same-sex marriage cases. In Hollingsworth v. Perry, No. 12-144, the Court ruled that the proponents of a popular voter initiative that reversed...more U.S. Supreme Court Rules Defense of Marriage Act is Unconstitutional Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 vote that Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional. The decision in United States v. Windsor means that same-sex couples who are married under state law...more Legal Alert: Top 10 Considerations for Employee Benefit Plans After Windsor by Eversheds Sutherland (US) LLP on 6/27/2013 Yesterday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in United States v. Windsor struck down Section 3 of the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) as unconstitutional, and held that the federal government must recognize and accept...more
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Geschichte zum Kaiser Wilhelm Apfel entdeckt Der Kaiser Wilhelm Apfel galt ehemals zu den weit verbreitesten Apfelsorten in Deutschland. Er ist laut Literatur um 1800 im Gutsgarten des Hauses Bürgel in Witzhelden, Kreis Solingen ent­stan­den. 1864 wurde er vom Lehrer Carl Hes­sel­mann aufgefunden, der ihm den Namen Kaiser Wilhelm gab, was wohl mit zu seiner schnellen Verbreitung sorgte. Da wollten viele […] Naturnahe Bestattungsform im neuen Urnenhain Öffentliche Vorstellung des Urnenhains auf dem Waldfriedhof Lüningheide am 01. Oktober 2016 „Das Bestattungswesen ändert sich und die Alte Hansestadt Lemgo reagiert darauf“, erläutert Bürgermeister Dr. Reiner Austermann (Foto) anlässlich der Besichtigung des neuen Urnenhaines und der Planung einer öffentlichen Führung auf dem Waldfriedhof Lüningheide. Viele Menschen wollen naturnah bestattet werden und es wird zunehmend […] Beim Strom zählt nicht nur der Preis Care-Energy-Kunden werden von Stadtwerken Lemgo aufgefangen Lemgo. Mit TelDaFax und FlexStrom sind bereits zwei Billigstrom-Anbieter Pleite gegangen. Auch Procon ging in die Insolvenz. Und jetzt sorgt die Care-Energy AG für Unruhe am Strommarkt. Die Bundesnetzagentur betreibt wegen des Verdachts der fehlenden wirtschaftlichen Leistungsfähigkeit ein Aufsichtsverfahren gegen das Unternehmen. Und weil zudem Streitigkeiten mit Netzbetreibern eskaliert sind, […] Täter lösen Alarm aus Lemgo. Am späten Donnerstagabend versuchten bislang Unbekannte in die Autowerkstatt „ATU“ an der Herforder Straße einzubrechen. Gegen 23:15 Uhr öffneten der oder die Täter mit brachialer Gewalt eine Tür des Gebäudes und lösten dabei den Alarm aus. Kurze Zeit später waren Polizeibeamte am Tatort. Der oder die Einbrecher waren jedoch bereits geflüchtet. Vermutlich konnte dabei kein […] Markus Baier referiert vor der BfL-Fraktion Route der Sinne im Rahmen des weiteren Bega-Ausbaues Lemgo. Markus Baier, städtischer Geschäftsbereichsleiter Stadtplanung und Bauen der Alten Hansestadt Lemgo, war Gast in der letzten Fraktionssitzung der „Bürger für Lemgo“ vor der Sommerpause. Er berichtete anhand einer großen Fotokarte über den bisherigen und zukünftigen Ausbau der Bega im Rahmen des Hochwasserschutzes. Bekannt ist, dass der […] Ford landet auf dem Dach Lemgo/Hörstmar. Glück im Unglück hatte am Dienstagnachmittag ein 28-jähriger Mann aus Bielefeld. Gegen 16 Uhr befuhr er mit seinem Ford Mondeo die Straße Am Bergkamp. Ausgangs einer Rechtskurve kam er zunächst nach rechts von der Fahrbahn ab und durchfuhr den Straßengraben. Anschließend überschlug er sich mit dem Fahrzeug, das völlig zerstört auf dem Dach liegend zum […] Langfinger im Einkaufsmarkt am Entruper Weg Lemgo. Am Dienstagmorgen hatten es Langfinger in einem Einkaufsmarkt am Entruper Weg auf ein Handy abgesehen. Während eine 41jährige Frau ihren Einkauf erledigte, griff ein bislang Unbekannter in ihre Einkaufstasche, die sich im Einkaufswagen befand. Der Dieb erbeutete so ein iPhone 6S im Wert von etwa 600 Euro. Wer Hinweise zu dem Diebstahl geben kann, möge […] Verkehrsdienst kontrolliert auf Drogen- und Alkoholkonsum Lemgo. Am Montagmorgen richteten die Beamten der Direktion Verkehr eine Kontrollstelle auf der Ortsumgehung von Lemgo (B 238) ein. Insbesondere achteten die Polizisten auf Drogen- und / oder Alkoholkonsum vor Antritt der Fahrt. Gegen 9 Uhr stoppten sie einen Klein-LKW mit einem 22-jährigen Mann aus Detmold am Steuer. Dieser hatte Betäubungsmittel konsumiert, was den fachkundigen Beamten […] BUND Lemgo unterstützt Forschung nach Inhaltsstoffen von Äpfeln Die Lemgoer Ortsgruppe im Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz hat zum Zweck der Analyse von Inhaltsstoffen Äpfel aus dem Herkunftsland der Kulturäpfel beschafft. Bis vor wenigen Jahren wurde vermutet, dass unsere Kulturäpfel vom Holzapfel (Malus Sylvestris) abstammen. Erst durch die Möglichkeiten der modernen DNA-Analyse wurde man weiter östlich in der Gegend um Alma Ata, der […] Grüne besuchen „Gemeinsames Lernen stärken – nötige Mittel endlich bereit stellen!“ Kurz vor den Sommerferien waren die Schulpolitiker der Grünen-Fraktion zu Besuch an der Südschule Lemgo. Im Gespräch mit Schulleiterin Christine Beermann und OGS-Leiterin Ulrike Stiewe informierten sich die Grünen über die Raumsituation an der Schule. Dabei zeigte sich, dass die große Nachfrage nach dem Offenen Ganztag […] 74-jährige Frau aus Lemgo bei Unfall schwer verletzt Lemgo. Bei einem Verkehrsunfall, der sich am Sonntagabend auf der Stüher Straße ereignete, verletzte sich eine 74-jährige Frau aus Lemgo schwer. Gegen 20:30 Uhr war sie mit ihrem Audi in Richtung Leese unterwegs. Ausgangs einer scharfen Linkskurve geriet sie auf nasser und abschüssiger Strecke ins Schleudern. Der Audi prallte im Verlauf frontal in den linksseitigen Straßengraben. […] Halbzeit beim SommerLeseClub Bürgermeister Dr. Austermann in der Stadtbücherei Lemgo. Am 28.07.2016 besuchte der Bürgermeister Dr. Reiner Austermann die Stadtbücherei Lemgo um sich bei Annika Junge, Bibliothekarin im Kinder- und Jugendbereich und Axel Koch, Leiter der Stadtbücherei, über das Projekt Sommerleseclub zu informieren. Kinder und Jugendliche zwischen 10 und 16 Jahren konnten seit Beginn der Sommerferien in der Stadtbücherei […] Seite 134 von 189« Erste«...102030...132133134135136...140150160...»Letzte »
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No cooling off Walker By Doug Ferguson, AP Golf Writer Jimmy Walker watches his chip shot to the third green during his opening-round 65 at the PGA Championship in Springfield, N.J. AP PHOTO SPRINGFIELD, N.J. -- A drab year for Jimmy Walker took a turn for the worse two weeks ago at the British Open, when he stayed in what was dubbed the "frat house" at Royal Troon with Jordan Spieth, Rickie Fowler, Justin Thomas, Jason Dufner and Zach Johnson. Walker was the only one to miss the cut. He still stayed the weekend. He just stayed away from the golf course, and his clubs. How does one kill time in such a small Scottish town? "When the first guy comes back and he's ready for a cocktail, you have one," Walker said. Thursday in the PGA Championship, the drinks were on Walker. In the final major of the year, Walker finally saw enough putts to fall at Baltusrol that he matched his low score in a major with a 5-under 65 and wound up leading a major for the first time in his career. Just like that, a stale year came to life. Walker had a one-shot lead over two-time major champion Martin Kaymer, Emiliano Grillo and Ross Fisher. And for Henrik Stenson, a great year might get even better. Coming off his record performance at the British Open, the Swede had three birdies on the back nine as the sweltering heat gave way to dark clouds and 20 mph gusts. That gave him a 67, leaving him two shots behind. Stenson is trying to join Ben Hogan in 1953 as the only players to win back-to-back majors at age 40. "It's going to be a great season for me," Stenson said. "But at the same time, I want to give myself a chance to try to make it the best season." It wasn't the best of times for Dustin Johnson or Rory McIlroy. Johnson, the U.S. Open champion with a chance to go to No. 1 in the world, was in the trees, in the water and couldn't get out of a bunker. He managed only one birdie in a round of 77 that wasn't enough to beat 15 of the club pros at Baltusrol. He wasn't alone in his misery. McIlroy took 35 putts and didn't make a single birdie in his round of 74 that left him so frustrated that he returned to Baltusrol late in the day with only his putter. Walker's year has been so mediocre that he has finished within five shots of the winner only once this year, at Torrey Pines. He is on the verge of falling out of the top 50 in the world ranking and hasn't given as much thought to Ryder Cup with qualifying a month away from ending. "I feel like all year it's just been real stale and stagnant," Walker said. "It's just ebbs and flows of golf. Just haven't been scoring. ... It's frustrating. I would have loved to have had a better year than I've had so far to this point, but I know there's always time to play well at the end of the year." Kaymer had the best score in the afternoon, when the blend of poa annua and bent grass on the Baltusrol greens became a little more difficult to navigate. Baltusrol still allowed for good scoring. Twenty players were at 68 or better, a list that included defending champion Jason Day. Day played in the morning group with McIlroy and Phil Mickelson, and he was the only player without much stress. Mickelson, just 11 days after that magnificent duel with Stenson at Royal Troon, was 4 over through 11 holes when he rallied with a trio of birdies late in his round to salvage a 71. "It's not the start I wanted. It's not indicative of how I'm playing," he said. "But I'm back to where tomorrow, if I play the way I've been playing, I should be OK." Jordan Spieth only regretted one hole, the par-4 seventh, when he lost his ball so far to the right he had to chip back into thick rough and wound up three-putting for a double bogey.
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394. Probable día del comienzo de la Batalla de Frígido, enfrentamiento entre tropas del Imperio Romano de Occidente y el Imperio Romano de Oriente, con disfraz religioso pero motivaciones claramente políticas. Empieza con un ataque frontal de las fuerzas de oriente y resistencia de las de occidente en toda la línea. 1566. Durante el asedio de Szigetvár, Suleimán el Magnífico muere de viejo tras cuarenta y seis años de expansivo sultanato, que en el futuro se expandiría un poco más aunque el Imperio Otomano nunca volvería a tener el poder geopolítico que tuvo en la época de Suleimán. La ciudad cae dos días después. 1592. Fuerzas coreanas atacan a un contingente de ocupación japonés en Chunján, donde dos meses antes fueron derrotadas sin paliativos perdiendo la población, dañando en esta ocasión las líneas de suministros japonesas en su retaguardia. 1634. Fin de la Batalla de Nördlingen, en el seno de la Guerra de los Treinta Años, con victoria clarísima de las fuerzas católicas frente a las protestantes, lo que provocó que Suecia y Sajonia tardasen mucho en volver a poder operar en la zona y que a la larga permitió una paz que no tardaría mucho tiempo en ser frustrada de nuevo. 1706. En el seno de la Guerra de Sucesión Española, finaliza el asedio de Turín tras la derrota sin paliativos de las fuerzas franco-españolas en batalla campal, por lo que tuvieron que abandonar la zona dejando el Piamonte libre e interrumpiendo la vía natural de comunicaciones de Francia con sus aliados en Italia. 1813. En el seno de las Guerras Napoleónicas, Batalla de Dennewitz entre un ejército prusiano que defendía la plaza y un ejército francés de tamaño ligeramente menor al mando de Ney que está a punto de ganar la batalla cuando suceden dos cosas. Primero, Ney se lanza al combate personalmente, con lo que que pierde la visión general de la batalla y permite un contraataque prusiano. Segundo, llegan refuerzos suecos al bando prusiano, al mando del ex compañero de armas de Ney, Bernadotte. Los franceses son derrotados y se producirá la cadena de acontecimientos que llevarán a Napoleón hasta Leipzig. 1914. En el seno de la Primera Guerra Mundial, el almirante Tirpitz es consciente de que, a pesar de los avances y victorias en territorio francés, no hay grandes cantidades de prisioneros y los franceses están tomando posiciones gracias a su red ferroviaria e incluso avanzan y toman la ofensiva, aunque de forma limitada, en algunas zonas. 1915. En el seno de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Gran Bretaña vuelve a denunciar la masacre otomana sobre los armenios, que sólo en dos semanas de julio habían causado más de veinte mil víctimas. 1917. En el seno de la Primera Guerra Mundial, Pershing desplaza su cuartel general a Chaumont, el que probablemente será el escenario de operaciones de las tropas estadounidenses cuando estén listas. 1939. En el seno de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, un mercante británico armado con artillería ataca al submarino U-38. En menos de un mes el Almirantazgo habrá tomado medidas para armar mercantes con equipos antisubmarinos y ordenará que cualquier mercante civil ataque y destruye cualquier submarino que detecte, por lo que, técnicamente y afectos bélicos, los equipara a naves militares. Mientras, queda claro que la Convención de Ginebra no será seguida, en general, por las fuerzas alemanas, con sucesos como los de la aldea polaca de Mrócza en la que son asesinados, a tiros o mediante fuego, soldados y oficiales polacos cuya rendición había sido aceptada con anterioridad. Mientras, fuerzas alemanas cercan Cracovia en sólo seis días desde que empezó el ataque a Polonia, que debe retirarse de Varsovia. Al día siguiente comenzarán allí las actividades asesinas de las unidades especiales de las SS. 1940. En el seno de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Gran Bretaña impone el estado de “Alerta Amarilla” ante una posible invasión. En Rumanía abdica el rey y el mariscal Antonescu, conocido filonazi, recibe la dirección del país. Mientras y poco a poco, Alemania está alcanzando los objetivos que buscaba sobre la RAF durante el desarrollo de la Batalla de Inglaterra en los cielos británicos, pero el nivel de desgaste que está sufriendo para ello no puede mantenerse mucho tiempo y la RAF sigue siendo un enemigo formidable luchando sobre su propio territorio. 1941. En el seno de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, el mercante estadounidense Steel Seafarer es hundido a unos trescientos kilómetros de Suez por un avión alemán. Ambos países siguen sin estar en guerra. Mientras, sesenta y cinco días después de ser invadida por Alemania, la URSS realiza su primer contraataque de consideración con verdadero éxito y recupera la ciudad de Yelnya. Ese mismo día, Hitler cambia de opinión otra vez para dejar de lado Crimea y el Caúcaso y, sólo tres semanas después, volver a centrarse en Moscú, en lo que se llamó Operación Tifón, cuya planificación comenzó de inmediato. 1950. Fallecimiento de Olaf Stapledon (Caldy, Reino Unido). 1962. Fallecimiento de Eiji Yoshikawa (Oumeshi, Japón). 1963. Nacimiento de Alice Sebold (Madison, EEUU). 1972. Nacimiento de China Miéville (Londres, Reino Unido). HUMOR GRÁFICO LITERARIO: Pinacoteca (4) HUMOR GRÁFICO LITERARIO: Libros usados HUMOR GRÁFICO LITERARIO: Lectores (80) HUMOR GRÁFICO LITERARIO: Las mañas de Martin (2)
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The account executive is going to be the one making initial recommendations for the client on the campaign by drawing up the plan. The account manager is the one who manages the day-to-day relationships and communications with the client. Then I'm the trader, and I'll actually be running the campaigns and optimizing them to improve performance for the client. I’m also responsible for showing the client what worked well and what we learned about their users for future campaigns. Were you in this industry before joining The Trade Desk? Not before coming to The Trade Desk, I've been here for about 17 months. Before that, I was a stock trader for a proprietary trading firm, so I did the whole Wall Street gig. Surprisingly, the two industries are relatively similar, so I just went from trading stocks to trading media. Were there any similarities that really surprised you? I think the biggest similarity is that it's all a marketplace approach, and it's all based on supply and demand and just trying to figure out the ideal price for every impression we're buying. So, what brought you to The Trade Desk? A recruiter reached out to me about a year and a half ago now. Essentially, the pitch was, "You've been trading on Wall Street for a few years. We're looking for people with your background, people who are comfortable in a marketplace environment. Oh, by the way, this is a totally new industry that hasn't really been cracked yet, so you have the opportunity to be on the bleeding edge of a new industry rather than working in an industry that's been around for all these years." What is the New York office like? I like to think of the office in New York as a microcosm of the city: very fast-paced, very crowded, very go, go, go. We're working really hard, and then we like to play really hard, as well. I think that attitude lends itself to the environment that we're in, being in New York City. What’s your favorite office perk? We do have awesome snacks. I would say that's probably one of my favorite things about the office, the great snack selection. The company does a really good job of taking care of us and making sure we're comfortable. I also like the open-desk atmosphere. I did have that at my last job, as well--I've been fortunate to have avoided the cubicle office environment. Everybody's pretty much on a giant row or giant rows, so it's a very open space that really lends itself to some good collaboration and communication. トレーディングアカデミー ©2020 The Trade Desk.無断複写・転載を禁じます。 | Website Privacy Policy | Services Privacy Policy | Opt-Out
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How To Make Money In Less Time One of the oldest, most recognized ways to make money on the internet is via your own website. First, you decide on a topic, create content for your website, and promote your goods and services to your targeted audience. Keep reading to learn about a number of different ways to earn money on the internet. It is important to find your niche, choose a profitable item, and advertise. Once you do so, you can work at home and build an unbelievable income using an easy-to-use website builder. Here are a few ideas: How To Make Money Online Through A Niche You Love: If you are interested in a subject but do not have the time or skills to write, study, or teach yourself, think about starting a blog. A blog provides flexibility, as you can start pitching and promoting high-quality goods in exchange for advertising space. As soon as you get started, you are able to post frequently and monetize your website with ads and other forms of ad revenue. A blog isn’t hard to begin pitching and doesn’t need much effort to begin. In fact, it only takes a couple of minutes each day to update your site and drive traffic to it. A blog gives you the freedom to follow your own passions while creating a high-quality living online. How To Make Money Online With Passive Income: One of the easiest ways you can create high passive income streams is by using a job board to promote your high quality goods and services. A project board makes it easy to connect you with high-quality businesses which are looking for affiliates. There are many legitimate job boards available to help you find an affiliate company that works with your pursuits. Job boards make it easy to create passive income from the simple task of connecting people with jobs. How To Make Money Online by Designing Websites: Websites are revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals to advertise themselves and their goods online. Websites offer an array of features and options that customers love and that companies can take advantage of to increase their exposure. Websites will be the new storefronts, and you can make money by simply designing them. Just like there are lots of design skills you need to be good at, there are also several website design skills you should learn and master. A website isn’t something you can master on your own, but you can learn the fundamentals and master those before you spend any of your valuable design skills into building your own site. How To Make Money Online by Starting a Blog: Blogging is a great way to earn passive income, and it’s a simple way to begin making money online also. Blogging is also a wonderful way to connect with others, which is important to building a massive network of followers that will eagerly anticipate your updates and comments. If you’ve always wanted to begin earning passive income online, blogging is a terrific way to do it. You don’t need to have writing skills to start a blog; all you need is the right information. Blogs are a terrific way to get your name out there, build an audience, and promote products or services you’re selling. How To Make Money Online by Becoming a Paid Reseller: Paid Renting is a great way to begin earning money, especially if you’re a beginner and don’t have many products to market. You can purchase products at a very low price and turn around and sell them on eBay to get a greater profit. Most sellers will offer a list of microjobs and opportunities which you can use to make money. How To Make Money Online by becoming a paid reseller often requires little more than access to the internet. As long as you can post messages, you can start to make passive income. How To Make Money Online by Focusing on a Niche: Focusing on a tight niche can be a great way to start building an audience, but it’s also a wonderful way to start making money. Why? Well, because there are just so many words in a magazine, article, or news release, and it requires a special kind of people (and sometimes business savvy) to break through these obstacles. How To Make Money Online by focusing on a market will help you not only find a niche, but one with tons of potential. You’ll also realize that there are more readers in this narrow market than there are readers in a broad niche. So you’ve got a lot less competition seeking to sell the same old products. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing: As an affiliate marketer, you get paid when a visitor clicks on an advertisement that you have placed on your website. This action results in a”conversion” that gives you cash. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing is a course that will teach you all of the steps you want to take to be able to become an affiliate marketer and get paid for each click. This is one of the easiest ways to start making money with no experience in any respect. Reddit How To Make Money Writing Online Can Online Business Make Money Among the earliest, most proven ways to earn money on the internet is via your own website. First, you decide on a topic, create content for your site, and promote your goods and services to your targeted audience. Keep reading to find out about a number of distinct ways to earn money online. It’s important to find your niche, pick a profitable item, and advertise. Once you do so, you can work at home and build an unbelievable income using an easy-to-use site builder. Here are a few ideas: How To Make Money Online Through A Niche You Love: If you are interested in a subject but do not have the time or skills to write, research, or teach yourself, consider starting a blog. A blog provides flexibility, as you can start pitching and promoting high-quality products in exchange for advertising space. As soon as you begin, you are able to post often and monetize your site with ads and other forms of ad revenue. A blog isn’t hard to begin pitching and doesn’t require much effort to get started. In actuality, it only requires a couple of minutes each day to update your blog and drive traffic to it. A blog gives you the freedom to follow your own passions while making a high quality living online. How To Make Money Online With Passive Income: One of the easiest ways you can create high passive income streams is with a job board to market your high quality goods and services. A project board makes it easy to connect you with high-quality businesses that are looking for affiliates. There are lots of legitimate job boards available to assist you locate an affiliate company that works with your interests. Job boards make it easy to create passive income from the easy task of linking people with jobs. How To Make Money Online by Designing Websites: Sites are revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals to advertise themselves and their goods online. Websites offer a range of features and options that customers love and that companies can take advantage of to increase their vulnerability. Websites will be the new storefronts, and you can make money by simply designing them. Just like there are lots of design skills you need to be good at, there are also a number of web site design skills you need to learn and master. A website isn’t something you can master on your own, but you can learn the fundamentals and master those before you spend some of your valuable design skills into building your own website. How To Make Money Online by Starting a Blog: Blogging is a great way to earn passive income, and it is a simple way to begin making money online also. Blogging is also a wonderful way to connect with others, which is important to building a massive network of followers who will eagerly anticipate your updates and comments. If you’ve always wanted to start earning passive income online, blogging is a terrific way to do it. You don’t have to have writing skills to begin a site; all you need is the ideal information. Blogs are a terrific way to get your name out there, build an audience, and promote products or services you’re selling. How To Make Money Online by Becoming a Complimentary Reseller: Paid Renting is a great way to begin earning money, especially if you’re a beginner and don’t have many products to sell. You can buy products at a low price and turn around and sell them on eBay for a higher profit. Most sellers will offer a list of microjobs and opportunities that you can use to create money. How To Make Money Online by becoming a paid freelancer often requires little more than access to the internet. So long as it is possible to post messages, you can begin to make passive income. How To Make Money Online by Focusing on a Niche: Focusing on a tight niche can be a great way to start building an audience, but it’s also a great way to start making money. Why? Well, because there are just so many words in a magazine, article, or news release, and it requires a special kind of people (and occasionally business savvy) to break through these obstacles. How To Make Money Online by focusing on a market will help you not only find a market, but one with tons of potential. You’ll also realize that there are more readers in this narrow niche than there are readers in a broad niche. So you’ve got a lot less competition trying to sell the same old products. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing: As an affiliate marketer, you get paid when a visitor clicks on an ad that you’ve placed on your website. This action leads to a”conversion” which gives you cash. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing is a course that will teach you all of the steps you want to take in order to become an affiliate marketer and get paid for every click. This is one of the easiest ways to start making money with no experience in any respect. Public Likes Kenya Login How To Make Fast Money In Atlanta Among the oldest, most recognized ways to make money on the internet is via your own site. First, you decide on a topic, create content for your website, and promote your goods and services to your targeted audience. Keep reading to learn about a number of different ways to earn money on the internet. It’s important to find your niche, choose a profitable item, and advertise. Once you do that, you can work from home and build an incredible income using an easy-to-use site builder. Here are a few ideas: How To Make Money Online Through A Niche You Love: If you have an interest in a subject but don’t have the time or skills to write, study, or teach yourself, consider starting a blog. A blog offers flexibility, since you can start pitching and promoting high-quality goods in exchange for advertising space. Once you begin, you can post frequently and monetize your website with ads and other types of ad revenue. A blog isn’t hard to start pitching and doesn’t require much effort to get started. In actuality, it only takes a few minutes each day to update your site and drive traffic to it. A blog provides you the freedom to follow your own passions while making a high-quality living online. How To Make Money Online With Passive Income: One of the easiest ways you can create high-quality passive income streams is by using a job board to market your high-quality goods and services. A project board makes it easy to connect you with high quality businesses which are looking for affiliates. There are lots of legitimate job boards available to help you find an affiliate business that works with your pursuits. Job boards make it easy to generate passive income from the easy task of connecting people with jobs. How To Make Money Online by Designing Websites: Websites are revolutionizing the way companies and people to advertise themselves and their products online. Websites offer an array of features and options that consumers love and that companies can take advantage of to increase their exposure. Websites will be the new storefronts, and you can earn money by simply designing them. Just like there are a number of design skills you need to be good at, there are also several web site design skills you need to learn and master. A website is not something you can master all on your own, but you can learn the fundamentals and master those before you invest any of your valuable design skills into creating your own website. How To Make Money Online by Starting a Blog: Blogging is a great way to earn passive income, and it is a simple way to begin making money online as well. Blogging is also a great way to connect with others, which can be important to building a massive network of followers who will eagerly anticipate your updates and comments. If you have always wanted to begin earning passive income online, blogging is a great way to do it. You don’t have to have writing skills to start a blog; all you need is the ideal information. Blogs are a great way to get your name out there, build an audience, and promote products or services you’re selling. How To Make Money Online by Becoming a Complimentary Reseller: Paid Renting is a excellent way to start earning money, especially if you’re a beginner and do not have many products to sell. You can buy products at a low price and turn around and sell them on eBay for a higher profit. Most sellers will offer a list of microjobs and opportunities which you can use to create money. How To Make Money Online by becoming a paid freelancer often requires little more than access to the net. As long as you can post messages, you can start to make passive income. How To Make Money Online by Focusing on a Niche: Focusing on a tight niche can be a excellent way to begin building an audience, but it’s also a wonderful way to start making money. Why? Well, because there are only so many words in a magazine, article, or news release, and it requires a special kind of people (and sometimes business savvy) to break through those obstacles. How To Make Money Online by focusing on a niche will help you not only find a niche, but one with tons of potential. You’ll also find that there are more readers in this narrow market than there are readers in a broad niche. So you’ve got a lot less competition seeking to sell the same old products. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing: As an affiliate marketer, you get paid when a visitor clicks on an ad that you’ve placed on your site. This action results in a”conversion” which provides you cash. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing is a course that will teach you all the steps you want to take to be able to become an affiliate marketer and get paid for each click. This is one of the easiest ways to begin earning money with no experience at all. One of the earliest, most proven ways to make money online is via your own site. First, you decide on a topic, create content for your website, and promote your goods and services to your targeted audience. Keep reading to learn about several different ways to earn money online. It is important to find your market, pick a profitable item, and advertise. Once you do that, you can work at home and build an unbelievable income using an easy-to-use website builder. Here are a few ideas: How To Make Money Online Through A Niche You Love: If you have an interest in a subject but do not have the time or skills to write, study, or teach yourself, think about starting a blog. A blog offers flexibility, as you can begin pitching and promoting high-quality goods in exchange for advertising space. Once you begin, you can post frequently and monetize your site with ads and other types of ad revenue. A blog isn’t hard to begin pitching and doesn’t need much effort to get started. In fact, it only takes a few minutes each day to update your blog and drive traffic to it. A blog gives you the freedom to follow your own passions while creating a high-quality living online. How To Make Money Online With Passive Income: One of the simplest ways you can create high-quality passive income flows is with a job board to promote your high quality goods and services. A job board makes it easy to connect you with high-quality businesses that are looking for affiliates. There are lots of legitimate job boards available to help you locate an affiliate business that works with your interests. Job boards make it easy to generate passive income from the easy task of linking people with jobs. How To Make Money Online by Designing Websites: Sites are revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals to advertise themselves and their products online. Websites offer a range of features and options that customers love and that companies can take advantage of to increase their vulnerability. Websites will be the new storefronts, and you can make money by simply designing them. Just like there are a number of design skills you need to be good at, there are also a number of website design skills you should learn and master. A website isn’t something you can master on your own, but you can learn the fundamentals and master those before you invest any of your valuable design skills into building your own website. How To Make Money Online by Starting a Blog: Blogging is a great way to earn passive income, and it is a simple way to get started making money online also. Blogging is also a wonderful way to connect with others, which can be important to building a large network of followers who will eagerly anticipate your updates and comments. If you’ve always wanted to begin earning passive income online, blogging is a great way to do it. You don’t have to have writing skills to start a site; all you need is the right information. Blogs are a great way to get your name out there, build an audience, and promote products or services you’re selling. How To Make Money Online by Becoming a Paid Reseller: Paid reselling is a great way to start earning money, especially if you’re a beginner and don’t have many products to sell. You can purchase products at a low price and turn around and sell them on eBay for a greater profit. Most sellers will offer a listing of microjobs and opportunities which you can use to make money. How To earn money online by becoming a paid reseller often requires little more than access to the net. So long as it is possible to post messages, you can begin to make passive income. How To Make Money Online by Focusing on a Niche: Focusing on a tight market can be a excellent way to begin building an audience, but it’s also a wonderful way to start making money. Why? Well, as there are only so many words in a magazine, article, or news release, and it requires a special kind of people (and sometimes business savvy) to break through these obstacles. How To Make Money Online by focusing on a market will help you not only find a niche, but one with plenty of potential. You’ll also realize that there are more readers in this narrow market than there are readers in a broad niche. So you’ve got a lot less competition seeking to sell the same old products. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing: As an affiliate marketer, you get paid when a visitor clicks on an advertisement that you’ve placed on your site. This action leads to a”conversion” that provides you cash. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing is a course that will teach you all of the steps you want to take to be able to become an affiliate marketer and get paid for every click. This is one of the simplest ways to begin making money with no experience at all. Among the earliest, most proven ways to make money online is via your own website. First, you decide on a topic, create content for your website, and promote your goods and services to your targeted audience. Keep reading to learn about several distinct ways to earn money online. It is important to find your market, choose a profitable product, and advertise. Once you do so, you can work from home and build an unbelievable income using an easy-to-use website builder. Here are a few ideas: How To Make Money Online Through A Niche You Love: If you are interested in a subject but don’t have the time or skills to write, research, or teach yourself, think about starting a blog. A blog provides flexibility, as you can begin pitching and promoting high-quality goods in exchange for advertising space. Once you begin, you are able to post frequently and monetize your website with ads and other forms of ad revenue. A blog is easy to start pitching and doesn’t require much effort to begin. In fact, it only takes a few minutes each day to update your blog and drive traffic to it. A blog gives you the freedom to follow your own passions while creating a high quality living online. How To Make Money Online With Passive Income: One of the easiest ways that you can create high passive income flows is with a job board to market your high quality goods and services. A project board makes it easy to connect you with high quality businesses which are looking for affiliates. There are lots of legitimate job boards available to assist you find an affiliate company that works with your pursuits. Job boards make it easy to create passive income from the simple task of connecting people with jobs. How To Make Money Online by Designing Websites: Websites are revolutionizing the way companies and individuals to advertise themselves and their products online. Websites offer an array of features and options that consumers love and that companies can take advantage of to increase their vulnerability. Websites will be the new storefronts, and you can earn money just by designing them. Just like there are a number of design skills you need to be good at, there are also several website design skills you need to learn and master. A website is not something you can master on your own, but you can learn the basics and master those before you spend some of your valuable design skills into creating your own website. How To Make Money Online by Starting a Blog: Blogging is a great way to earn passive income, and it is a simple way to get started making money online as well. Blogging is also a wonderful way to connect with others, which can be important to building a massive network of followers who will eagerly anticipate your updates and comments. If you’ve always wanted to begin earning passive income on the internet, blogging is a terrific way to do it. You don’t need to have writing skills to begin a blog; all you need is the right information. Blogs are a terrific way to get your name out there, build an audience, and market products or services you’re selling. How To Make Money Online by Becoming a Complimentary Reseller: Paid reselling is a great way to begin earning money, especially if you’re a beginner and don’t have many products to market. You can purchase products at a very low price and turn around and sell them on eBay for a higher profit. Most sellers will provide a listing of microjobs and opportunities which you can use to create money. How To earn money online by becoming a paid reseller often requires little more than access to the internet. So long as it is possible to post messages, you can begin to make passive income. How To Make Money Online by Focusing on a Niche: Focusing on a tight niche can be a great way to start building an audience, but it’s also a wonderful way to start earning money. Why? Well, as there are only so many words in a magazine, article, or news release, and it requires a special kind of people (and occasionally business savvy) to break through these barriers. How To Make Money Online by focusing on a market will help you not only find a niche, but one with plenty of potential. You’ll also find that there are more readers in this narrow market than there are readers in a wide niche. So you have a lot less competition seeking to sell the same old products. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing: As an affiliate marketer, you get paid when a visitor clicks on an ad that you have placed on your website. This action results in a”conversion” which provides you cash. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing is a course that will teach you all of the steps you need to take to be able to become an affiliate marketer and get paid for each click. This is one of the simplest ways to begin making money with no experience in any respect. One of the oldest, most recognized ways to make money online is via your own site. First, you decide on a topic, create content for your site, and sell your goods and services to your targeted audience. Keep reading to learn about several distinct ways to earn money on the internet. It’s important to find your niche, choose a profitable product, and advertise. As soon as you do that, you can work from home and build an incredible income using an easy-to-use website builder. Here are a few ideas: How To Make Money Online Through A Niche You Love: If you are interested in a subject but don’t have the time or skills to write, study, or teach yourself, consider starting a blog. A blog provides flexibility, as you can start pitching and promoting high-quality products in exchange for advertising space. Once you begin, you can post often and monetize your site with ads and other types of ad revenue. A blog is easy to begin pitching and doesn’t require much effort to get started. In actuality, it only requires a few minutes each day to update your site and drive traffic to it. A blog provides you the freedom to follow your own passions while creating a high quality living online. How To Make Money Online With Passive Income: One of the simplest ways that you can create high passive income flows is by using a job board to promote your high-quality goods and services. A job board makes it easy to connect you with high-quality companies that are looking for affiliates. There are many legitimate job boards available to assist you find an affiliate business that works with your pursuits. Job boards make it easy to create passive income from the easy task of linking people with jobs. How To Make Money Online by Designing Websites: Websites are revolutionizing the way companies and people to advertise themselves and their goods online. Websites offer a range of features and options that consumers love and that companies can take advantage of to increase their exposure. Websites are the new storefronts, and you can make money just by designing them. Just like there are a number of design skills you need to be good at, there are also several website design skills you should learn and master. A website is not something you can master on your own, but you can learn the fundamentals and master those before you invest some of your valuable design skills into building your own site. How To Make Money Online by Starting a Blog: Blogging is a terrific way to earn passive income, and it is a simple way to get started making money online as well. Blogging is also a great way to connect with others, which can be important to building a large network of followers that will eagerly anticipate your updates and comments. If you have always wanted to start earning passive income online, blogging is a great way to do it. You don’t have to have writing skills to begin a site; all you need is the right information. Blogs are a terrific way to get your name out there, build an audience, and market products or services you’re selling. How To Make Money Online by Becoming a Complimentary Reseller: Paid reselling is a excellent way to begin making money, especially if you’re a beginner and don’t have many products to sell. You can buy products at a low price and turn around and sell them on eBay for a higher profit. Most sellers will provide a list of microjobs and opportunities that you can use to make money. How To earn money online by becoming a paid freelancer often requires little more than access to the internet. So long as it is possible to post messages, you can begin to make passive income. How To Make Money Online by Focusing on a Niche: Focusing on a tight market can be a excellent way to begin building an audience, but it’s also a great way to start earning money. Why? Well, as there are only so many words in a magazine, article, or news release, and it requires a special kind of people (and sometimes business savvy) to break through these barriers. How To Make Money Online by focusing on a market will help you not only find a market, but one with tons of potential. You’ll also find that there are more readers in this narrow niche than there are readers in a broad niche. So you have a lot less competition seeking to sell the same old products. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing: As an affiliate marketer, you get paid when a visitor clicks on an advertisement that you’ve placed on your website. This action results in a”conversion” which gives you cash. How To Make Money Online by Affiliate Marketing is a course that will teach you all of the steps you need to take to be able to become an affiliate marketer and get paid for each click. This is one of the easiest ways to start earning money with no experience at all.
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Vikram Vij Vikram Vij is an Indian-born Canadian chef, cookbook author, and television personality. He is a passionate supporter of the sustainable food industry and has championed many causes including the Vancouver Aquarium’s Ocean Wise Sustainable Seafood Program and the UBC Farm. His dedication to the work done at UBC resulted in the funding and opening of Vij’s Kitchen, a state-of-the-art culinary facility at UBC’s Faculty of Land and Food Systems dedicated to teaching the chefs and nutritionists of the future about ethnic food and cuisine. In recognition of his many contributions to the Vancouver community, he was awarded an honourary doctorate from UBC in May, 2016. Photo credit: Aaron Aubrey Sri Lanka Culinary Experience Mar 08-19, 2022 (12 days)
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Brisbane man arrested, two international warrants issued in foreign bribery investigation The Australian Federal Police (AFP) has made one arrest, and issued a further two arrest warrants, following an intricate and long-running foreign bribery investigation. Queensland man charged with online child abuse offences A 45-year-old Queensland man is expected to face Cleveland Magistrates Court today (17 November) on three offences relating to child abuse material allegedly found on his electronic devices. Statement regarding the Commonwealth Ombudsman’s investigation into the AFP regarding Angus Taylor MP The Australian Federal Police (AFP) acknowledges the statement released today (16 November 2020) by the Commonwealth Ombudsman. A 29-year-old Melbourne man charged with allegedly breaching a Federal Court of Australia Control Order is expected to face Melbourne Magistrates Court today (Monday 16 November 2020). Japanese drug courier jailed for nine years A 28-year-old Japanese national has been jailed for nine years after an Australian Federal Police (AFP) investigation into the importation of methamphetamine and ketamine in January of this year (2020). Darwin man faces court over alleged child abuse material offences Detectives from the Northern Territory Joint Anti-Child Exploitation Team (JACET) have arrested a 51-year-old man for possessing child abuse material. Man arrested over meth in portable medical shower An investigation into the importation of approximately 20 kilograms of methamphetamine resulted in the arrest of a 42-year-old man from Western Sydney yesterday. Two charged over alleged child abuse material offences A 22-year-old man and a 22-year-old woman have been charged with downloading and transmitting Child Abuse Material (CAM) after an Australian Federal Police (AFP) operation. Three jailed for importing meth in treadmills Three people have been jailed for almost 17 years combined for their involvement in the importation of 24 kilograms of methamphetamine concealed inside a shipment of treadmills imported into Melbourne from Thailand in October 2019. Operation Arkstone results in 828 charges laid with 46 child victims identified A large-scale Australian Federal Police-led investigation into a network of alleged child sex offenders has identified 46 Australian victims, including 16 from a child care centre.
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Peter Bacon on the Birmingham based blog The Jazz Breakfast posed the above question, expounded at length here. What do our readers think? As well as playing jazz gigs for a pittance, you can teach, play rock and roll (also for a pittance), get a proper job, busk, sell the Big Issue, become a rent boy or have a hit record (the last one I think was Take Five!). As Charlie Galbraith used to say - "Twenty years a jazzman and still an optimist!" Thursday, January 16, 2014 10:25:00 pm Steve Andrews said... Interesting article, Lance. It provoked me to look at my 2013 statistics, as follows: Gigs - 24. Gross earnings from said gigs (incl. petrol money where paid) - £1,220. Mileage covered to and from gigs 2,780. Cost of mileage using the old Inland Revenue mileage allowance of 40p per mile (this could be many years out of date, but this is what they allowed in the early 2000's for business mileage in your private car) - £1,112, giving me a profit on the year's gigs of £108, before any allowance for other expenses such as instruments, depreciation, clothing, reeds........................ let alone the ever increasing cost of beer! Charlie was right!
{"url": "https://lance-bebopspokenhere.blogspot.com/2014/01/jazz-musician-viable-career-or.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "lance-bebopspokenhere.blogspot.com", "date_download": "2021-11-27T00:25:18Z", "digest": "sha1:NG4Q3WY5JQ7LOEADYVCBIASAMCWLU7XC"}
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The Joy of X: A Guided Tour of Math, from One to Infinity by Strogatz, Steven Publisher: Houghton Miff SummaryA delightful tour of the greatest ideas of math, showing how math intersects with philosophy, science, art, business, current events, and everyday life, by an acclaimed science communicator and regular contributor to the New York Times.
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Un récif corallien en Aunis Romain Vullo 1 Didier Néraudeau 1 Romain Vullo 1 AuthorId : 1176906 Author IdHAL : romain-vullo Didier Néraudeau 1 AuthorId : 200685 Résumé : Durant l’Ère secondaire (ou Mésozoïque), le Jurassique supérieur (163 à 145 millions d’années) est une période caractérisée à l’échelle globale par un haut niveau marin, à l’exception de sa partie finale, marquée par un épisode de régression marine. L’Europe, située à des latitudes plus basses qu’aujourd’hui, constitue alors un archipel baignant dans une mer épicontinentale chaude et relativement peu profonde. À l’ouest, l’Océan Atlantique Nord commence à s’ouvrir, éloignant lentement notre continent de la plaque nord-américaine. En Europe occidentale, le climat évolue vers une augmentation des températures et de l’aridité. Sciences of the Universe [physics] / Earth Sciences / Paleontology Submitted on : Tuesday, December 22, 2020 - 2:59:45 PM Vullo&Néraudeau201___ARCADES.... OSUR | UNIV-RENNES1 | UNIV-RENNES | INSU | CNRS | GR | GR1 Romain Vullo, Didier Néraudeau. Un récif corallien en Aunis. Arcades en Nouvelle-Aquitaine : créations culturelles & patrimoines : Charente, Charente-Maritime, Vienne, Deux-Sèvres, A&M Editions 17, 2019, Climat-Océan, N° Spécial, novembre 2019, pp.38-39. ⟨insu-02417116⟩
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Ben R. RichAmerican engineer Ben R. Rich American engineer Also known asBen DoverbornJune 18, 1925Manila, PhilippinesdiedJanuary 5, 1995 (aged 69)Los Angeles, Californiaawards and honorsDistinguished Service Cross (1994) Kim Bailie Robert Henry Widmer Burt Rutan Daniel Saul Goldin Arthur Emmons Raymond Ben R. Rich, (born June 18, 1925, Manila, Phil.—died Jan. 5, 1995, Los Angeles, Calif., U.S.), U.S. engineer who conducted top secret research on advanced military aircraft while working at Lockheed Aircraft Corporation (now Lockheed Martin Corporation) under an alias, which he was required to adopt for security reasons. Rich, known as Ben Dover, helped develop more than 25 airplanes, notably the F-117 Nighthawk stealth fighter-bomber, designed to elude detection on enemy radar screens; the SR-71 Blackbird, a reconnaissance craft that cruised at three times the speed of sound; and the U-2, the spy plane that flew missions over the Soviet Union from 1956 to 1960.After earning a B.S. (1949) from the University of California, Berkeley, and an M.S. (1950) from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Rich joined Lockheed and was soon sent to its Advanced Development Projects (ADP) division, Burbank, Calif., under aircraft designer Kelly Johnson. ADP was known as the “Skunk Works,” both because of its location near a malodorous plastics factory and because it had been founded during World War II as a secret installation, much like a moonshine still of similar name operated by a character in the popular Li’l Abner comic strip. In his 1994 autobiography, Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed, Rich recounted that the technology for his crowning achievement, the F-117, virtually “fell into my lap” after a Soviet scientist openly published (1975) an idea that led to the technology for the stealth fighter-bomber.Rich, who retired in 1991 as head of the ADP, was a recipient in 1994 of the Distinguished Service Medal, the highest U.S. military honour for a civilian. In his memory, the Ben Rich Lockheed Martin Chair of Advanced Aerospace Technologies was established at UCLA’s school of engineering. military aircraft any type of aircraft that has been adapted for military use. ... Lockheed Martin Corporation major American diversified company with core business concentrations in aerospace products—including aircraft, space launchers, satellites, and defense systems—and other advanced-technology systems a... F-117 single-seat, twin-engine jet fighter-bomber built by the Lockheed Corporation (now part of the Lockheed Martin Corporation) for the U.S. Air Force. It was the first stealth aircraft—i.e., an aircraft... in aerospace engineering Field of engineering concerned with the design, development, construction, testing, and operation of vehicles operating in the Earth’s atmosphere or in outer space. In 1958 the...Read This Article in engineering The application of science to the optimum conversion of the resources of nature to the uses of humankind. The field has been defined by the Engineers Council for Professional Development,...Read This Article City, seat of Los Angeles county, southern California, U.S. It is the second most populous city and metropolitan area (after New York City) in the United States. The city sprawls...Read This Article in Manila Historical and geographic profile of Manila, the capital and chief city of the Philippines.Read This Article Island country of Southeast Asia in the western Pacific Ocean. It is an archipelago consisting of some 7,100 islands and islets lying about 500 miles (800 km) off the coast of...Read This Article in Los Angeles 1960s overview During the 1950s there had been no distinctive “Sound of California,” but in the decade that followed there were several. Capitol Records, after long disdaining the youth market,...Read This Article National Aviation Hall of Fame - Biography of Benjamin Robert Rich Take this History quiz at encyclopedia britannica to test your knowledge of generals, commanders, and other famous faces of war. 7 Deadliest Weapons in History The earliest known purpose-built weapons in human history date to the Bronze Age. Maces, which were little more than rocks mounted on sticks, had questionable value as hunting... 11 of the World’s Most Famous Warplanes World history is often defined by wars. During the 20th and 21st centuries, aircraft came to play increasingly important roles in determining the outcome of battles as well as... German-born American architect whose rectilinear forms, crafted in elegant simplicity, epitomized the International Style of architecture. Early training and influence Ludwig Mies (he added his mother’s... https://www.britannica.com/biography/Ben-R-Rich
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Développement régional, urbain et ruralRurban (Rural-Urban) Partnerships Développement régional, urbain et rural Développement régionalVers des villes, régions et communautés plus vertesDéveloppement économique et création d'emplois locaux (LEED) Rurban (Rural-Urban) Partnerships Urban and rural areas have different assets that are often complementary and interact within the spatial context of functional regions. These connections between urban and rural areas can improve the exploitation of existing resources as well as increasing the potential of regions in terms of economic activities, well being and equity in the provision of services. The OECD, in collaboration with the European Commission, is using a new analytical framework to assess urban-rural linkages and to help identify the governance forms that will enhance urban-rural interactions. The project focuses on "functional regions"– defined in terms of economic and social activities rather than administrative boundaries – so as to better reflect the true spectrum of rural-urban links. The framework takes into account a broad range of urban-rural interactions, both in terms of socio-economic linkages and governance arrangements. It is based on a matrix that has a spatial dimension (metropolitan regions, network of small and medium-sized cities; and sparsely populated areas with market towns) and a functional dimension (service provision, environmental quality, amenities, and governance). The aims of the OECD’s "Rurban" project are: to identify and assess formal and informal urban-rural partnerships and assess the role these partnerships can and should play in regional development and in bridging co-ordination gaps in policies for urban and rural dwellers; to understand if formal or informal partnerships are conducive to sustainable regional growth; to analyse the form and function of these partnerships structures; and to assess how and whether these arrangements should be further supported through public policies and/or through regional and rural policy instruments. The project research is based both on desk and field research. The EC and OECD identified a number of case studies. Each case study region has a (formal or informal) regional partnership covering both rural and urban areas in the delivery of a key service. The case-studies selected reflect the three different spatial categories identified in the OECD framework. A key part of the analytical work deals with the spatial definition of functional regions in which urban-rural interactions take place. The study will also highlight the indicators needed to better assess rural-urban linkages. The focus of the analysis is: Environmental services and amenities Accessibility and infrastructure Rural-Urban Partnerships: An Intregrated Approach to Economic Development (2013) This report provides a framework to understand the changing relationships between urban and rural areas. Specifically, it documents the characteristics of these partnerships and the factors that can hinder as well as enable rural-urban co-operation. Three conferences are organised around this project: Sustainable Urban Rural Partnership European Conference 2012, 15-16 November 2012, Metz, France 2nd European seminar on sustainable urban rural partnerships, 24-25 April 2013, Warsaw, Poland Ninth OECD Rural Development Policy Conference, Rural-Urban partnerships: an integrated approach to economic development, Bologna, Italy, 23-25 October 2013 Bookmark this page : www.oecd.org/regional/rurban
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Writing an Agent is the same as... I probably should not fill in that blank. It'll come back to haunt me. However, I'm struggling to write a query letter. After much research I've come to the conclusion this document must be a miracle of creative writing. I stand in aw of all those who've mastered this form. I've avoided the query process so far. My first manuscript I didn't know I was supposed to query. Luckily Ellora's Cave personnel actually looked at the manuscript sent in by the obvious fool. They gave it to an editor who has earn her angel wings over and over again. She wouldn't let me give up on that story. Since then I've learned a thing or two. I can't say I'm happier for knowing how fantastically lucky I was. Mostly because one can not expect the lightening of luck to follow at our heals like a puppy.So I get to bleed ink now. Writhe in pain over the puzzle of what is a good hook and what isn't. What to include in query letter, what not to. How does a synop actually tell the story and still be riveting reading????
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If you are considering investing in South African abalone, Abagold is the perfect opportunity. Our AGM and audited results are available for download and you will notice that we have always achieved in reaching our strategic objectives.
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Prodigal son Higgins fires Rocks close to safety NON LEAGUE: EAST THURROCK took a big step towards Ryman Premier survival as – inevitably – prodigal son Sam Higgins returned to fire them to victory, writes James Colasanti. The striker completed his switch back the club from Concord in the afternoon on Tuesday and then went straight into the starting line-up for the evening’s visit of Kingstonian to Rookery Hill. And, as if it was written in the stars, the player made an immediate impact, scoring a superb free kick after 13 minutes in a 2-0 win for the relegation-fighting Rocks against the promotion-chasing K’s. East Thurrock manager John Coventry said: “He was everything I knew he would be for us and I am sure he will help us kickstart our season.” It was a blow to Concord to lose their top-scorer, but they adjusted well to claim a 2-1 home win over Staines Town at the Aspect Arena on Tuesday night. Coventry said: “Sam is a very talented player and I know that he has all the qualities to give us a fighting chance of moving up the table. “But I know that I was putting him in a difficult situation because he was enjoying his time at Concord which is a very good club with very good people. “He enjoys proving his worth at a higher level and I know he felt a debt of loyalty to the people at Concord so it was a very difficult thing for him to even consider my request to come back and help us out.” “It wasn’t something I did lightly in asking because I have great respect for everybody at Concord and I knew they would be upset because Sam is such a good player and a part of their success. But sometimes in football you have to make some very difficult decisions and I have to try to do the best for my club.” The win moved Rocks to within a point and a place of safety and they have six games in hand on the team directly above them, Thamesmead Town. For non league see the THURROCK GAZETTE every Thursday
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Meanwhile in ... the United States, students are attending college on esports scholarships And in northeastern Brazil, researchers say a massive group of termite mounds could be as much as 4,000 years old. Ann Hermes/Staff Esports team scrimmage In colleges around the United States, students are attending school on esports scholarships. The National Association of Collegiate Esports works with around 120 colleges and universities in the US and Canada, many of which are creating scholarships to attract gamers. With the rise of competitive esports, schools are not only easing students’ financial burdens but also building elaborate gaming arenas like the one at the University of California, Irvine. As in other varsity sports, students are recruited in high school, in this case through the High School Esports League. The scholarships awarded range from $5,000 to $60,000 over four years. In northeastern Brazil, researchers say a massive group of termite mounds could be as much as 4,000 years old. The mounds, which cover an area the size of Britain and can be seen from space, are “the world’s most extensive bioengineering effort by a single insect species,” according to a Brazilian scientist. The amount of excavated soil is more than 10 cubic kilometers, equivalent to 4,000 pyramids of Giza, a British researcher told Science Daily. And the termites are still digging the underground tunnels that result in these impressive earthworks. In Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University-trained physicist Omer Gottesman used sheets of crumpled paper to study scientific principles. Trying to make sense of the chaotic and disordered remains of paper when it is unfolded can help shed light on larger-scale processes: “crumpling dynamics are often considered a paradigm of complexity.” The research by Dr. Gottesman and his associates, which was published in November, looked at “how the shape of a crumpled sheet at any given time will determine its crumpled state in the future.” Meanwhile in … London, dancers of color now have ballet shoes that match their skin tones Meanwhile in ... Minnetonka, Minn., agribusiness has developed the first robot cowboys Meanwhile in ... Jinan, China, local authorities are using a point system to encourage better supervision of dogs by their owners.
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Standards, rules and recipes to be applied in the interior to make life easier for people with ataxia telangiectasia. The possibilities offered by home automation and systems. The emergence of assisting robots. Living with AT
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GRAFIKMUSEUM STIFTUNG SCHREINER Druckwerkstatt Badstr. 30 linn.kroneck@grafikmuseum-schreiner.de www.grafikmuseum-schreiner.de Dr. Linn Kroneck Verein zur Förderung des Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner Bad Steben e.V. Stefanie Barbara Schreiner – Vorsitzende Maria Barth-Bullemer – Stellvertretende Vorsitzende Sabine Gebhardt – Schriftführerin Bert Horn – Kassierer Dr. Oliver Bär (Landrat) Ottmar Lang (Kurdirektor) Vereinsregister Hof – Nr. 1047 Webseite erstellt durch: Dr. Mohr GmbH & Co. Dr.-Köhl-Straße 1-8 95119 Naila Tel. +49 (0) 9282/61-0 info@drmohr.de www.drmohr.de Keine Gewähr für Inhalte: Die Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner ist um Richtigkeit und Aktualität der auf dieser Internetpräsenz bereitgestellten Informationen bemüht. Trotzdem können Fehler und Unklarheiten nicht vollständig ausgeschlossen werden. Die Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner übernimmt deshalb keine Gewähr für die Aktualität, Richtigkeit, Vollständigkeit oder Qualität der bereitgestellten Informationen. Für Schäden materieller oder immaterieller Art, die durch die Nutzung oder Nichtnutzung der dargebotenen Informationen bzw. durch die Nutzung fehlerhafter und unvollständiger Informationen unmittelbar oder mittelbar verursacht werden, haftet die Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner nicht, sofern ihr nicht nachweislich vorsätzliches oder grob fahrlässiges Verschulden zur Last fällt. Gleiches gilt für kostenlos zum Download bereitgehaltene Software. Die Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner behält es sich vor, Teile des Internetangebots oder das gesamte Angebot ohne gesonderte Ankündigung zu verändern, zu ergänzen, zu löschen oder die Veröffentlichung zeitweise oder endgültig einzustellen. Keine Gewähr für fremde Inhalte: Die Verantwortlichkeit für “fremde Inhalte”, die beispielsweise durch direkte oder indirekte Verknüpfungen (z. B. sogenannte “Links”) zu anderen Anbietern bereitgehalten werden, setzt unter anderem positive Kenntnis des rechtswidrigen bzw. strafbaren Inhaltes voraus. Gleiches gilt für private Webseiten der Mitarbeiter. Die Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner hat auf “fremde Inhalte” keinerlei Einfluss und macht sich diese Inhalte auch nicht zu Eigen. Die Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner hat keine Kenntnis über rechtswidrige oder anstößige Inhalte auf den mit ihrer Internetpräsenz verknüpften Seiten fremder Anbieter. Sollten auf den verknüpften Seiten fremder Anbieter dennoch rechtswidrige oder anstößige Inhalte enthalten sein, so distanziert sich die Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner von diesen Inhalten ausdrücklich. Keine Beratung: Die auf den Internet-Seiten bereitgestellten Informationen stellen keine individuelle Beratung dar und können diese nicht ersetzen. Für individuelle Beratungsgespräche stehen Ihnen unsere Mitarbeiter gerne zur Verfügung. Urheberrecht / Nutzung der Internet-Seiten: Inhalt, Layout, Gestaltung der Internet-Seiten, die verwendeten Grafiken sowie die sonstigen Inhalte der Internet-Seiten sind urheberrechtlich geschützt. Eine Vervielfältigung der Seiten oder ihrer Inhalte bedarf der vorherigen schriftlichen Zustimmung der Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner, soweit die Vervielfältigung nicht ohnehin gesetzlich gestattet ist. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Nachdruck, Aufnahme in Online-Dienste und Internet und Vervielfältigung auf Datenträger wie CD-ROM, DVD-ROM etc. sind nur nach vorheriger schriftlicher Zustimmung der Grafikmuseum Stiftung Schreiner erlaubt. Badstraße 30/31 Dr. Linn Kroneck ‒ Museumsleiterin täglich 9 - 18 Uhr 24.12. / 31.12. bis 12 Uhr
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You are here: Home » Events » Staff invited to Spring Fling events May 3 Staff invited to Spring Fling events May 3 Staff members are invited to Spring Fling Friday, May 3. The events are free and sponsored by Staff Senate, the President's Office, Wellness, and Dining Services. The Night Staff Appreciation Breakfast is set for 6 to 7 a.m. in the Terrace Cafeteria. The Spring Fling Luncheon will take place from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Memorial Union Ballroom. -- Staff Senate. Tagged as: Night Staff Appreciation Breakfast, Spring Fling Luncheon Login
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Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Letraduen Elkartea Asociación de Letradas y Letrados del Gobierno Vasco Comentarios sentencias Noticias jurídicas de interés Acceso para socias y socios - Estatutos - Comentarios sentencias - Artículos - Noticias jurídicas de interés Etiqueta: plataformas Inicio / Etiqueta: plataformas La puesta a disposición y la gestión de una plataforma de intercambio en línea de obras protegidas, como «The Pirate Bay», puede constituir una violación de los derechos de autor Autor: ALEGO-EJALE 14/06/2017 Noticias jurídicas de interésderechos de autor, internet, plataformas Aunque son los usuarios de la plataforma de intercambio quienes suben las obras, sus administradores desempeñan un papel ineludible en la puesta a disposición de las mismas Ziggo y XS4ALL son proveedores de acceso a Internet. Una parte importante de sus abonados utiliza la plataforma de intercambio en línea «The Pirate Bay». Esta plataforma permite… SUSCRIBIRSE A NOVEDADES Introduce tu email para estar al tanto de las novedades. ALEGO-EJALE informa (10) Comentario (2) Comentarios sentencias (96) Noticias jurídicas de interés (84) Propuestas de mejora y Sugerencias (2) SENTENCIA TJUE DE 4-3-2021 (ASUNTO C-362/19P): EL MODELO ESPAÑOL DE CLUBES DEPORTIVOS PATAS ARRIBA. CUADERNOS DE CASACIÓN. ES URGENTE QUE LA SALA TERCERA FIJE CRITERIO SOBRE LOS LÍMITES DEL ENJUICIAMIENTO, SU RELACIÓN CON LA CUESTIÓN IDENTIFICADA EN EL AUTO DE ADMISIÓN Y CON LAS QUE ESTE RECHAZA O SILENCIA. REBUS, COVID-19 Y MESSI El Derecho ante las emergencias ordinarias. El confuso marco jurídico actual y una propuesta para su ordenación A PROPÓSITO DE LA DISPOSICIÓN FINAL SEGUNDA DE LA LEY 3/2020, DE 18 DE SEPTIEMBRE, DE MEDIDAS PROCESALES Y ORGANIZATIVAS PARA HACER FRENTE AL COVID-19 EN EL ÁMBITO DE LA ADMINISTRACIÓN DE JUSTICIA. LA RATIFICACIÓN O AUTORIZACIÓN JUDICIAL DE MEDIDAS SANITARIAS URGENTES. EVENTOS JURÍDICOS ALEGO-EJALE SENTENCIA TJUE DE 4-3-2021 (ASUNTO C-362/19P): EL MODELO ESPAÑOL DE CLUBES DEPORTIVOS PATAS ARRIBA. 16/03/2021 CUADERNOS DE CASACIÓN. ES URGENTE QUE LA SALA TERCERA FIJE CRITERIO SOBRE LOS LÍMITES DEL ENJUICIAMIENTO, SU RELACIÓN CON LA CUESTIÓN IDENTIFICADA EN EL AUTO DE ADMISIÓN Y CON LAS QUE ESTE RECHAZA O SILENCIA. 23/11/2020 REBUS, COVID-19 Y MESSI 22/11/2020 Donostia San Sebastian Kalea, 1 01010 - Vitoria-Gasteiz, Álava Email: info@alego-ejale.com © 2017-2021 ASOCIACIÓN DE LETRADAS Y LETRADOS DEL GOBIERNO VASCO - EUSKO JAURLARITZAREN LETRADUEN ELKARTEA | Aviso legal | Política Cookies | Mapa Web Utilizamos cookies propias y de terceros para mejorar nuestros servicios. Puede Configurar, aceptar o rechazar su uso Aceptar Rechazar Más información en Política de Cookies Este sitio web utiliza cookies para mejorar su experiencia mientras navega por el sitio web. De estas cookies, las cookies que se clasifican según sea necesario se almacenan en su navegador, ya que son esenciales para el funcionamiento de las funcionalidades básicas del sitio web. También utilizamos cookies de terceros que nos ayudan a analizar y comprender cómo utiliza este sitio web. Estas cookies se almacenarán en su navegador solo con su consentimiento. También tiene la opción de darse de baja de estas cookies. Pero la exclusión voluntaria de algunas de estas cookies puede afectar su experiencia de navegación. Son cookies absolutamente necesarias para el correcto funcionamiento y seguridad del sitio web. No suponen ninguna interferencia en datos personales del usuario. Cookies que no son particularmente necesarias para que el sitio web funcione. Se utilizan específicamente para recopilar datos personales del usuario a través de análisis, anuncios y otros contenidos integrados. Dentro de estas cookies estaría Google Analytics.
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International Human Rights Day Letter: China Must Stop Forced Abortions International Steven Ertelt Dec 10, 2012 | 12:15PM Beijing, China Share this story: Reggie Littlejohn, the President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, is one of the leading campaigners against forced abortions in China. Today she provided the text of her letter to President Xi Jinping of China to LifeNews that encourages him to stop forced abortions. The letter is also signed by other coalition groups that support an end to forced abortions in China:ADVERTISEMENT Dear President Xi Jinping: As you know, we are currently in the 33rd year of the official institution of China’s brutal One Child Policy, which has caused incalculable suffering to millions of women and families of China. As many within your country, as well as many of us in the international community are saying to you, it is time for this policy to end, not to be replaced by a ‘two-child policy’ as some of your advisors may be suggesting, but to be eradicated from the face of the earth because it has caused more violence toward women and girls than any other official policy on earth, and any other official policy in the history of the world by coercively preventing more than 400 million births through forced abortions, sterilizations, confiscatory fines, and infanticide – all in violation of international norms. Instituting a two-child policy will not end gendercide. Indeed, areas in which two children currently are allowed are especially vulnerable to gendercide, the sex-selective abortion of females. According to the 2009 British Medical Journal study of 2005 national census data, in nine Chinese provinces, for “second order births” where the first child is a girl, 160 boys were born for every 100 girls. In two provinces, Jiangsu and Anhui, for the second child, there were 190 boys for every hundred girls born. This study stated, “Sex selective abortion accounts for almost all the excess males.” Because of this gendercide, there are an estimated 37 million Chinese men who will never marry because their future wives were terminated before they were born. This gender imbalance is a powerful, driving force behind trafficking in women and sexual slavery, not only in China, but in neighboring nations as well. As a respected leader with a reported reputation for investigating government corruption, we commend your attention to the corrupt practices that have completely infiltrated the implementation of the One Child Policy so that today its only practical purpose is to line the pockets of Chinese family planning officials charged with implementing the policy with ill-gotten gains despite the death, suffering, personal injury, destitution and corruption this policy has sown into the stories of so many millions of Chinese lives. For example, earlier this year, Feng Jianmei, was forcibly aborted at seven months when she and her husband, Deng Jiyuan, could not pay a 40,000 yuan fine ($6300). Officials of Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, tried to force Feng into a car, but she escaped to her aunt’s house. They broke through the gate, so she fled to the mountains, where officials found her hiding under a bed. After forcibly aborting her baby, officials laid the bloody body of her dead daughter next to her in the bed. The story and photograph immediately went viral, sent shockwaves around the world, and ignited a firestorm of outrage. To quell the international outrage, we understand compensation is being paid but the pain is permanent. Our hearts go out to the victims of forced abortion and their families. The coercive enforcement of China’s cruel and barbaric One Child Policy causes more violence towards women and girls than any other official policy on earth. It is China’s war against women and girls. Women are forcibly aborted up to the ninth month of pregnancy. Forced abortion is not a choice. It is systematic, institutionalized violence against women, official government rape; and it continues to this day. We urge you to put an end to this hideous crime against humanity, which in many instances also constitutes torture in violation of China’s international obligations.[1] Feng Jianmei is not alone. Several other cases of coercion have emerged in the past eighteen months: On October 2, 2012, Ms. Song, a pregnant mother of two, was alone at her home in Heilizhai, Shandong. As reported by her husband, Mr. Qiao, she had heard nothing from the local family planning office and assumed she would safely deliver her third child since she was six months pregnant. But at 5pm, seven family planning officials arrived and pulled her into a van against her will. They drove her 100 km away to the Dongying Universal Love Women’s Hospital. There, officials confiscated her cell phone and stripped her clothing when she tried to resist. They injected her with a sedative, pressed her finger to a “consent form,” then injected a chemical solution into her womb to induce a coerced late-term abortion. Afterwards, officials locked Ms. Song inside the hospital and neglected to return her clothes to her. She had to remain at the hospital alone until she delivered her stillborn baby on October 5. Mr. Qiao says he was furious. He knew that local officials had defied the Chinese government’s recently reported ban on late-term forced abortion: “My wife was definitely six months pregnant.” Initial reports indicated that the family planning officials in Heilizhai were trying to cover up the story. Mr. Qiao says, “The officials threatened us and said they would pay us 30,000 RMB ($4,800), but they haven’t given us anything, Instead they asked me what kind of trouble I was trying to cause. I feel this is not right.” On November 2, it was reported by Mr. Qiao that he has now received 40,000 RMB from the government–but further notes that no officials had yet been punished. Lijing County, Shandong Province. October 12, 2011. Jihong Ma died during a forced abortion, six months pregnant. Due to the trauma of being seized by Family Planning Officials, she had been placed on oxygen. In the words of a family member: “More than ten persons from the Family Planning Bureau came, took off the oxygen mask from her and forced her to induce labor. From the time she was put into operating room at 4:00 p.m., there was no news about her . . . At night around 10:00 p.m., someone came, opened the door of the delivery room and slipped away. We ran into the delivery room and saw that the doctors and nurses all disappeared while poor Jihong Ma’s body had already been totally freezing cold, with purple lips and bleeding nose, lying on the operating table without any movement.” Linyi City, Shandong Province. March 2012. A photo of a forcibly aborted full term baby drowned in a bucket, submitted anonymously, circulated on Weibo, the Chinese version of Twitter, and in the West. The infant reportedly cried at birth, but was drowned in a bucket by family planning personnel. Huangqiao Town, Jishui County, Jiangxi Province. March 2012. A 46-year-old woman was forcibly sterilized, in retaliation for bringing a petition. The woman posted the following account on the internet: On March 14, my husband was being escorted back from making a petition. To retaliate for his petition, the town government sent more than 20 strong men. I could no longer give birth to a child at that time, but they still dragged my legs, treated me like an animal, and forcibly performed a tubal ligation on the operating table of the Family Planning Office. Guoqing Luo (the Deputy Town Secretary) also exclaimed, “The Government takes the consequences! The Government has the money!” Hu Jia, Jianli County, Hubei Province. June 19, 2012. China’s Southern Metropolis Daily reported that Hu Jia was forcibly aborted at nearly eight months. This case was reported by a major Chinese newspaper, indicating the growing discontent with the policy inside China and the courage of the Chinese news media to report it.[2] Chen Guangcheng. Not only are women and the fathers of their children oppressed by the One Child Policy, so are those who try to defend them. Blind activist lawyer Chen Guangcheng exposed the widespread and systematic use of forced abortions and involuntary sterilizations in Linyi County in 2005. The Chinese Communist Party imprisoned Chen for four years and three months. They then kept him and his family under strict house arrest from September, 2010 until his dramatic escape. Chen arrived in the United States on May 19, 2012. Just last week Chen released a video that is currently going viral on the internet. In it, Chen explains how human rights are ignored in China in violation of Chinese and international law. He further confirms that he has endured incalculable suffering for human rights in China, and in particular, for the rights of women not to be forcibly aborted or sterilized. He has confirmed that these barbaric practices are still being used ‘extensively.’ Indeed, he has taken a bold step in declaring that the violence against women and babies committed in connection with the coercive enforcement of the One Child Policy ‘is a sin, because, in Chen’s words, “life is sacred.’” Catastrophic Financial Penalties. Forced abortion and sterilization are not the only way that the One Child Policy devastates families. The often excessive fines paid by couples to save an “out of plan” pregnancy are used to line the pockets of family planning and other officials. These fines can reach up to ten times a person’s annual salary. Job loss is another form of financial coercion and can be catastrophic. In March 2012, the head of the Chemistry Department at Renmin University in Beijing jumped to his death because he was accused of having a second child and threatened with being “discharged from public employment.” Meanwhile, officials are promoted or demoted based on whether they meet birth, abortion and sterilization quotas. On July 4, 012, the European Parliament voted to pass a resolution “on the forced abortion scandal” in China condemning forced abortion and gendercide in China. The European Parliament’s resolution pointed to the one-child policy as a major factor in human rights abuses in China: “The European Parliament…condemns the practice of forced abortions and sterilizations globally, especially in the context of the one-child policy,” said the final joint resolution.[3] More specifically, the resolution “strongly condemns the decision to force Ms. Feng to have an abortion and condemns the practice of forced abortions and sterilizations globally, especially in the context of the one-child policy.” The resolution further states that “the EU has provided, and still provides, funds for organizations involved in family planning policies in China,” and “urges the Commission to ensure that its funding of projects does not breach” the European Parliament’s commitment against coercive population control. In the wake of the case of Feng Jianmei, a group of scholars and entrepreneurs in China have issued an open letter calling upon the government to change the One-Child Policy. Businessman James Liang said, “From an economic perspective, the one-child policy is irrational. From a human rights perspective, it’s even less rational.” Even your experts from China’s Development Research Foundation are reported to be warning you “If China sticks to the one-child policy, we are looking at a situation as bad as the one in southern Europe. Old people will make up a third of the population by 2050.” We acknowledge reports that family planning officials are being asked to “absolutely stop late-term abortions” and “guide people to do family planning voluntarily.” Unfortunately, it appears from Ms. Song’s case and many others that these cosmetic steps, even if true and insufficient and are being ignored with impunity. A ban is only effective if it is enforced, and the seven Family Planning officials who forcibly aborted Ms. Song’s baby have committed a serious crime. If you value the rule of law, those officials who flouted the law should be punished and stripped of their authority. The family of Qiao Ping’an and Ms. Song should be honored through a public apology. Moreover, justice should be given to the many other women who have suffered because of the One-Child Policy. Just as China has rightfully demanded an apology from Japan for the atrocities committed during World War II, so also are these wronged women deserving of an apology and appropriate compensation for what they suffered under the One-Child Policy. You may say it is impossible to regulate local officials who violate the rule against late term forced abortions. This is true—it might be impossible to prevent horrible stories like Feng Jianmei’s or Ms. Song’s as long as the One-Child Policy continues. For this reason, we call upon you to ending the One-Child Policy completely. The unbelievably high fines that are imposed on ordinary Chinese citizens for breaking the One-Child Policy are well publicized . We believe that corrupt officials will continue to harm women as long as these fines—incentives to corruption—remain in place. President Jinping, you are in a unique position to stop this horrendous violence against women and the financial incentives and penalties that encourage it. As you commence your term as China’s President may the end of the One Child Policy be your earliest legacy to the Chinese people. · The International Truth and Reconciliation Commission on the Law of Life · The Justice Foundation · The Jubilee Campaign, www.jubileecampagn.org · Women’s Rights without Frontiers, www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org · The Coalition to End Violence Against Pregnant Women Note: There are more than 23,000 signatories against forced abortion in China at www.womensrightswithoutfrontiers.org/index.php?nav=sign_our_petition [1] The United Nations Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment was ratified in December 1984 and was in full force by June 1987. China became a signatory on December 12, 1986, and ratified the Convention on October 4, 1988. [2] These recent cases are simply illustrative of a millions of other such cases. For additional cases, see the Coalition to End Violence against Pregnant Women’s complaint on behalf of 37 Chinese Women before the United Nation’s Commission on the Status of Women found at: www.lawoflifeproject.org/sites/default/files/pdf/pr/LOLP_PR_UNCSW_Complaint.pdf. [3] You can read the full resolution here: http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?type=MOTION&reference=P7-RC-2012-0388&format=PDF&language=EN&utm_source=The+European+Parliament+called+upon+China+to+end+forced+abortion.+Will+you+act%3F&utm_campaign=Euro+Parliament+Condemns+Forced+Abortion&utm_medium=email
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The Vikings played from behind for much of the night, falling behind 15-5 before coming back to take a seven-point lead. However, the Beavers closed the half on a 12-4 run to lead 38-37 at the break. The second half followed much the same pattern, with Buena Vista jumping out to a 50-42 lead with less than 14 minutes remaining before Augustana rallied for the win. After falling behind 15-5 five and a half minutes in, the Vikings responded with an 8-0 run to make it a two point game. They didn't take their first lead, however, until the second of back-to-back three's by Anderson put them up 21-20 with 8:28 left in the half. After the lead changed hands twice, Augustana went on a 10-2 run, keyed by a convention three-point play by Kameron Norton (Downers Grove North HS, Downers Grove, Ill.), to take a 33-26 lead. The Beavers' Wes Nordquist answered with seven points in Buena Vista's 12-4 spree to end the half. The Beavers slowly built on their lead in the second half until Troy Ticknor's only three of the night gave BV a 50-42 lead at the 13:41 mark. After a Voiles three and a Trent Fisher bucket, the lead was seven with 12 minutes left. Augustana then held the Beavers scoreless for the next six minutes to take the lead 55-52. Buena Vista responded with five straight to points to re-take the lead and set up Voiles' big play. Taking a feed from Brian DeSimone (Buffalo Grove HS, Wheeling, Ill.), Voiles buried the three-pointer from the left wing and was knocked to the floor by Fisher, who fouled out on the play. Voiles converted the free throw and the Vikings never trailed again, slowly building the lead to the final margin of 71-63. DeSimone hit four straight free throws in the final 48 seconds to help seal the win. Anderson led the way with 20 points on seven-of-nine field goal shooting. He hit both of his three-point attempts and added five rebounds. Voiles scored 12 in the second half to finish with 16. After missing his first four attempts from long range, he hit his final three. Norton contributed a career-high 11 points in 21 minutes before fouling out. Kyle Nelson (Deerfield HS, Deerfield, Ill.) scored nine points and snared a game-high nine rebounds before also fouling out. For the second game in a row, DeSimone played 30 minutes without committing a turnover. Buena Vista had four players in double figures led by Nordquist and Ticknor with a dozen each. Beaver big man Doug Bissen had 10 points and five rebounds, but fouled out in just 10 minutes of action. Augustana's 6-0 start is it's first since the 2005-06 team won its first 10 games. Buena Vista falls to 3-6 on the year. Wisconsin-Whitewater comes to Carver Center on Wednesday, December 15 for a 7:30 tip-off against the Vikings.
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Le Neuro Traker: A quoi sert-il? l echo abitibien Le système de réalité virtuelle en 3D de Neurotracker permet d’améliorer notamment la concentration, la mémoire et la vitesse d’exécution. Le NeuroTracker, une technologie mise au point au Québec par le Dr Jocelyn Faubert après une vingtaine d’années de recherche, est maintenant disponible en Abitibi. Utilisée souvent par les sportifs pour améliorer leurs performances, elle peut aussi aider les gens ayant vécu un AVC, une commotion cérébrale ou même souffrant d’Alzheimer et de Parkinson. Disponible à la clinique Neuroption d’Amos depuis 2014, NeuroTracker est en quelque sorte un système révolutionnaire d’entraînement immersif en 3D créé par le Dr Faubert, un Québécois largement réputé pour ses travaux en neuroscience. Testé sur une large population au fil des ans, NeuroTracker est utilisé par de nombreux praticiens pour améliorer entre autres l’attention, la mémoire de travail et la vitesse de traitement. En gros, il s’agit d’un système de réalité virtuelle relié à un grand écran en trois dimensions sur lequel apparaissent huit balles jaunes en mouvement et qui changent de couleur. Au cours de l’entraînement, qui est constitué de trois périodes de 5 à 8 minutes, le participant doit suivre les balles et identifier celles qui ont changé de couleur au cours du processus. Le programme peut varier de vitesse, selon la capacité du participant à identifier les balles. Comme un entraînement Pour être efficace, un entraînement au NeuroTracker doit se faire sur une certaine période. Une fois ne suffit pas, explique Patricia Jolin, présidente de Neuroption. «Le protocole d’entraînement de base est de 21 sessions. Chaque rencontre est d’une durée d’une heure environ, incluant trois sessions de Neurotracker entrecroisées de trois séances de 10 minutes de technique spécialisée personnalisée aux besoins de la personne. Comme l’entraînement sérieux et discipliné, le NeuroTracker exige minimalement deux rencontres par semaines, idéalement trois», mentionne-t-elle. Bien que pouvant ressembler à un jeu vidéo, Neurotracker est bien différent. «Le Neurotracker n’est pas comparable avec un autre système ou jeu de stimulation du cerveau. Il se différencie totalement en développant des acquis qui seront réellement utiles dans le monde du sport ou dans la vie quotidienne. Il y a donc généralisation des apprentissages dans la vie de tous les jours, indique Mme Jolin. «Le fait de jouer à la Xbox NHL 2017 n’améliorera en rien vos habiletés, compétences ou stratégies recherchées comme hockeyeur sur la glace en situation de jeu. Par contre, le NeuroTracker permet un transfert des acquis, comme de réfléchir et d’agir plus vite, d’améliorer le champ de vision périphérique, d’anticiper plus efficacement les menaces, d’améliorer la résistance à la fatigue et de maintenir sa concentration sur une plus longue durée. De plus, le NeuroTracker améliore la prise de décision en situation de stress», fait-elle valoir. Le Neurotracker peut être combiné avec d’autres techniques, selon les besoins de la personne. Les personnes désireuses de savoir si l’entraînement avec cette technologie peut les aider sont invitées à communiquer avec Patricia Jolin chez Neuroption d’Amos. Il est possible de réserver une seule rencontre pour faire l’essai du système. La technologie est aussi disponible auprès de Murielle Angers-Turpin, d’Art-thérapeute, également à Amos. NeuroTracker, c’est pour qui? Les sportifs, les militaires, agents de la paix, premiers répondants ou toute personne devant faire face à des situations d’urgence. TDA-TDAH Trouble d’apprentissage Commotion cérébrale Alzheimer/Parkinson La technologie est contre-indiquée pour les personnes ayant un handicap visuel important ou étant dans l’incapacité de visualiser l’environnement 3D. Bénéfique en éducation Selon un article paru en janvier dans le journal Le Soleil, une expérience tentée dans une école secondaire de Beauport avec NeuroTracker a permis à des élèves d’augmenter de façon significative leur capacité d’attention. En partenariat avec une équipe de chercheurs de l'Université McGill et la compagnie qui commercialise le NeuroTracker, 70 élèves en difficulté d'apprentissage qui fréquentent les classes de langage et d'adaptation scolaire de Samuel-de-Champlain, utilisent le logiciel à raison de trois séances de 10 minutes chaque semaine, depuis environ trois ans. L’expérience a été concluante, selon les chercheurs impliqués, car les élèves qui s’entraînent avec le NeuroTracker améliorent leur capacité d'attention dans une autre tâche par la suite. Disney prépare son propre casque AR... L'Hololens mis à nu au Laval Virtual
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It's Like Reading in Your Car...But Safer Get CEUs Navigation Home Previous Episodes Get CEUs Merchandise About Contact Episode 16 - Increasing On-Task Behavior with ADHD January 01, 2017 by Robert Parry-Cruwys Episode 16 Content Flood, W.A., Wilder, D.A., Flood, A.L., & Masuda, A. (2002). Peer-mediated reinforcement plus prompting as treatment for off-task behavior in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 35, 199-204. doi: 10.1901/jaba.2002.35-199 Grauvogel-MacAleese, A.N. & Wallace, M.D. (2010). Use of peer-mediated intervention in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 43, 547-551. doi: 10.1901/jaba.2010.43-547 Cook, A., Bradley-Johnson, S., & Johnson, C.M. (2014). Effects of white noise on off-task behavior and academic responding for children with ADHD. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 47, 160-164. doi: 10.1002/jaba.79 And, for some background on behavioral interventions for ADHD: Fabiano, G.A., Pelham Jr., W.E., Coles, E.K., Gnagy, E.M., Chronis-Tuscano, A., & O'Connor, B.C. (2009). Clinical Psychology Review, 29, 129-140. doi: 10.1016/j.cpr.2009.11.001 January 01, 2017 /Robert Parry-Cruwys attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, ADHD, applied behavior analysis, off-task behavior, peer-mediated intervention
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TV DOCTORS ARE PLYING THEIR TRADE DOWN IN HAITI … Dr. Sanjay Gupta for CNN, Dr. Nancy Snyderman for NBC, Dr. Richard Besser for ABC, Dr. Jennifer Ashton for CBS, others. … They’re all putting themselves into the story, treating the wounded and giving tours of medical facilities. All the nets are making sure they show the viewers back home how they’re doing their part in the disaster. … It’s vanity broadcasting and sometimes a bit much. I don’t need to see a “news” piece from Haiti that spotlights what “our own medical correspondent” is doing for the effort. It wreaks of self-promotion. … Stay out of the story and try covering it neutrally. … The next time a natural disaster hits, why not ship over the casts of Grey’s Anatomy or General Hospital? They’ll put even more drama into the catastrophe. … And when did someone announce it was “muscle T-shirt time”? Leader of the pack, naturally, is Anderson Cooper. He likes the dark ‘T’ that’s tight and accents his chest build. Bill Hemmer of Fox News likes the dark ones too but wears his slightly looser. They are the young turks of modern broadcast journalism (although cable TV does not ‘broadcast,’ technically speaking). … Brian Williams wore a regular casual shirt with two front pockets (two nights in a row); Jeff Glor of CBS had on a shirt and flack jacket (like Peter Jennings - remember him? -- used to wear); Lester Holt of NBC wore what looked like an oversized green shirt on his first day of anchoring the weekend Nightly News; and then the second day he had on a similar one that was blue. At one point during his broadcasting stint from there over the weekend he had on a loose white T-shirt - not tight like what the young bucks are doing. Holt probably wanted to distinguish himself from that fluff. … The gals, Diane Sawyer and Kate Snow for ABC and Katie Couric for CBS were casual too with khaki-colored shirts or blouses worn out and not tucked in. For once they didn’t look like they just walked out of a makeup room in New York. Remember, they’re serious and they’re on assignment. … Katie did have on sunglasses while walking down a street while talking about the tragedy straight to the camera - to you, viewers at home. But after all, Haiti is in the Caribbean and it was sunny out, but Diane Sawyer didn’t wear sunglasses; she had on regular her regular, slightly nerdy, plastic-framed specs. … I could do without Diane Sawyer coo-cooing and playing with the children down there like she’s their long-lost auntie or something. (ABC made a promo out of it.) Again, can we stay out of the story and just report it? Is that too much to ask? … SELF-PROMOTER. NBC Today show’s Al Roker was in Haiti early in the week (why, in God’s name, would he be there?), along with Brian Williams, Ann Curry (who is good with these types of stories), Kerry Sanders and others of the NBC contingent. The show was airing a piece about the Fairfax County (Virginia) Search and Rescue Team and their mission to the earthquake zone. … Out of that videotape piece Roker interjected, “We spoke with them earlier today on “Wake Up With Al on the Weather Channel.” … I couldn’t believe he took the time to promote himself and his early, early morning TV show so shamelessly while he was there in the disaster zone. Was that necessary? Can’t the news - especially breaking news - be free of such drivel and nonsense? It just goes to show you what an “entertainer” and non-newsman he is, and that he had no business being down there on the story in the first place. What a buffoon. Why does Denzel Washington have to always play a scuzzy role (Eli) in every movie he makes lately? Now it’s in The Book of Eli, where he plays some post-apocalyptic, lone man warrior on the prowl, protecting the only copy (yeah, that’s believable) of the Bible left in the world, which can somehow save humanity. … He’s been walking the face of the earth for 31 years and it’s a kill-or-be-killed world. … He looks mean and threatening and carries a huge knife and has guns to deal with the bad guys (Gary Oldman as Carnegie) but he’s a far cry from Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan in his martial arts skills. … At his age he oughta be playing something more sophisticated, like Cary Grant did for Alfred Hitchcock. Get rid of those badass roles. I know I’m getting old when I hear Ringo Star is turing 70 (July 7). According to USA Today he’s marking the milestone by playing Radio City Music Hall in New York as part of a summer tour with his All-Starr band, and he’s currently out promoting his 15th solo album, “Y Not.” … He passed 64 long ago. … And another example of age-appropriate syndrome from the Gen X-ers or Gen Y-ers or millennials or whatever you call them: My partner in the CURMUDGEON’S CORNER told me that the intern who was sitting with him and training “had never heard of Sophia Loren. Boy am I feeling old,” the codger remarked. … And so it goes. … I guess you can’t know everything and everybody. …BS. People in the news business are supposed to know everything and if they don’t, they have no business being in it. Go Google it, for crying out loud. Ellen DeGeneres sounds like a reluctant judge already. (She’s replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol.) She told her Ellen TV audience last week that she was taping Idol’s Hollywood Week (I thought the show was LIVE when you watched it; they say it is) that she doesn’t like being critical and telling people that they’re not good and eliminating the losers. She says that’s Simon’s job. … Then why’d she become a judge, for crissakes? They’ve all got to state an opinion and decide people’s fate. What does she think a judge does? Is she gonna coddle every contestant? … And why’d she even get the job? She’s got her own dumb show. Why are some of these “stars” so overemployed? … And by the way, the first week of Idol tryouts … haven’t we seen enough of the crazies? It’s all so pre-chosen and set up to spotlight (for ratings) the most outrageous wannabes and it tends to be mean and cruel. Do we have to accept that as entertainment? WHERE’D THE TERM ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ GO? Now it seems to be climate change. Everybody’s saying that instead. Why’d that happen? … Climate Change sounds less dire to me, less immediate, not as serious. This true now? What do the “experts” say? Was Al Gore wrong? AVATAR. What a movie. James Cameron wrote and directed this 3-D special effects feast for the eyes about a crew from Earth on a scientific mission to explore the planet (moon) Pandora, which is inhabited by blue-colored, strange-looking aliens called Na’vi who live in a dense forest/woodland. The humans are greedy and want the “unobtanium” (precious metal) that is there and are willing to fight for it. … Paraplegic war vet Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) and others are sleep-induced and transported to Pandora to gather intelligence with a promise that his paralyzed legs will be fixed if he’s successful. He takes the form of an avatar and infiltrates the Na’vi but soon falls in love with “alien” Naytiri (Zoe Saldana). … It’s a fantastic voyage, sorta, and it works. It’s done with motion-capture and animation and CGI and the scope and movement in the film are unbelievable. Director James Cameron has really created something. Sarah Palin started her stint on Fox News last week. She appeared on all the big shows as a guest and was ingratiatingly interviewed by Bill O’Reilly, Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity. So far she hasn’t “commentated” on her own, just responded to Q&A’s. … It’s another example of someone in the news who is plucked from the firmament with no TV experience, slapped on the air and paid big bucks. … It just goes to show you, people on TV need no experience. Simple as that. Any bonehead can do it. DAVID BECKHAM DROPS TROU. He’s seen in a picture that ran in the New York Post last Monday which showed the soccer star on the field bending down and pulling on a new pair of shorts at the Olympic Stadium in Turin, Italy, to celebrate victory. … You could see he does actually wear those black sexpot skimpyArmani underwear that he advertises in the magazines. Good to know he believes in the product. … He then took off his shirt and revealed a “new tattoo of Christ on his torso,” wrote an entertainment blogger. … The man’s got everything. CRAZY HEART. Movie starring Jeff Bridges as Bad Blake, a down-on-his-luck country singer who is a living legend but who drinks and smokes too much and is now reduced to playing local dives just to get a paycheck. He gets involved with a single mother played by Maggie Gyllenhaal and proceeds to get his life in order. … Bridges is rumored to possibly win an Academy Award for his performance. (He won a Golden Globe, but what does that mean?) … Movie was just okay by me. Sort of been there, done that regarding the story. We’ve seen it all before. Bridges is good and he seems to be doing his own singing (also on the movie soundtrack CD) but the movie was sort of a snore. (Award-winning music man T-Bone Burnett is a producer and composer on the film.) … And Colin Farrell (with a ponytail and no British accent) plays an un-credited part of an up-and- coming country singer that lets Bad Blake open up for him in a concert. Farrell is pretty good actually; it just seems like an oddball casting job that someone else might have been better at. They’re using a cover version of Phil Spector’s Be My Baby for Cialis, the erectile dysfunction pill. (Spector picked up nightclub hostess and actress Lana Clarkson back in 2003 and took her to his LA home where she was later found dead of a gunshot wound. Spector had a history of gunplay with women, was convicted last year of killing her and is currently serving 19 years to life.) … JUST WONDERING. Think they were playing Be My Baby in the nightclub the night he picked her up while he was whispering all those sweet nothin’s in her ear? … UH … Be My Baby, the original, by The Ronettes, on Philles Records, 1963. Just ask lead singer Ronnie Bennett what it was like to be locked up in husband Phil’s mansion (castle) between 1968 and 1974. She wrote about it in her 1989 autobiography, “Be My Baby: How I Survived Mascara, Miniskirts and Madness.”
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Demandan a una pareja por poner una cocina de Ikea en un apartamento en Nueva York Una adinerada pareja islandesa fue demandada por colocar muebles de cocina de la compañía sueca Ikea en su lujoso apartamento de Nueva York, según el periódico New York Post. Al parecer, la firma sueca no se considera 'chic' en la Gran Manzana. El diario neoyorquino detalla que la firma inmobiliaria Paramount Realty Group presentó ante un tribunal de Manhattan una demanda contra el consejero delegado del grupo islandés de inversión Baugur, Jon Asgeir Johannesson, y su prometida, Ingibjorg Palmadottir, por montar una "fea" cocina con muebles de Ikea. Esa compañía sueca es conocida por vender muebles y accesorios para el hogar a precios accesibles, que, según Paramount Realty Group -que alquiló el apartamento a la rica pareja para luego subarrendarlo a terceras personas-, son demasiado vulgares para el nivel del inmueble. La pareja islandesa se había comprometido a realizar una serie de reformas antes de alquilar por 26.000 dólares al mes el apartamento de tres habitaciones que compraron en 2007 por cerca de 10 millones de dólares en la decimosexta planta de un lujoso edificio de Manhattan. Los nuevos inquilinos esperaban "una cocina de diseño de John Pawson con encimera satinada de acero inoxidable, electrodomésticos Miele y un frigorífico Sub-Zero con frontal integrado de madera de cerezo" y, sin embargo, "se encontraron muebles de aglomerado de Ikea que se deshacen a los ocho meses", asegura el diario. "La cocina instalada estaba fabricada por Ikea, conocida por ofrecer muebles de bajo coste, y no alcanza el nivel de una cocina apropiada para un inmueble ubicado en el número 50 de Gramercy Park North", asegura la demanda, que reclama una indemnización de 52.000 dólares.
{"url": "https://www.telecinco.es/informativos/Demandan-Ikea-apartamento-Nueva-York_0_988050053.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.telecinco.es", "date_download": "2020-09-18T09:05:44Z", "digest": "sha1:WPXJUSOQAQKH4RAZZJHUFPLA4CRXVKS6"}
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Miguel Torres Manso de Velasco '03 (750 ML) 92 PTS, EDITORS' CHOICE, WINE ENTHUSIAST. The '03 Miguel Torres Manso de Velasco is almost mossy and beet-based on the nose; luscious black cherry and licorice; heady stuff for certain. This item is available for Gift Wrap.
{"url": "https://www.bevmo.com/shop/wine/red_wine/cabernet_sauvignon/miguel_torres_manso_de_velasco_03_750_ml/p/1564405684704487571", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "en", "source_domain": "www.bevmo.com", "date_download": "2022-01-16T09:51:22Z", "digest": "sha1:UUK4LUYOJJPOD7FHAGRQ3GZWR2VVUAG5"}
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One Razorbacks game per year to be played in Little Rock at War Memorial Stadium
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BRAIN FACT: The Brain Develops With A Focus On Survival First The brain develops with a focus on survival first. Areas of the brain that contribute to “success” are developed later. Labels: brain fact BRAIN FACT: The Brain Develops With A Focus On Sur...
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You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet (2013) Mathieu Amalric as Mathieu Amalric/M. Henri | Lisa Nesselson For some reason, when Alain Resnais' film "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet" was shown at Cannes last May (as one of four French titles in the Competition line-up: the others were "Rust and Bone," "Holy Motors" and "Amour"), a great many film critics and journalists who should know better wrote that this was Resnais' "final film." Not his most recent or his latest, but his LAST one. That's as silly as taking seriously a satirical item stating that economist Paul Krugman has filed for bankruptcy. Resnais may be a silver-haired fellow, but he has no intention of retiring. Just because he was born in 1922 (yep, this is one of those essays where YOU have to calculate how old he is — it'll exercise the part of your brain that has helped Resnais reach the, uh, age he currently is) doesn't mean he isn't intent on continuing to tell stories and perfect his craft. He's working on another film right now. So there. Of course, one could be fooled into thinking this is a "That's All Folks!" sort of movie because it's about a dead guy — a theater director — who manages to posthumously summon the actors who performed in his staging of the play "Eurydice" by Jean Anouilh, enlisting them to watch a contemporary staging of the same play by a young theater company. It's, like, totally, like, "meta." Metaphorical, metaphysical. It's also pretty amusing. Resnais relishes eliciting real human emotions, but he likes getting at them through artifice. The fake snow that falls in his "Coeurs" (adpated in 2006 from prolific British playwright Alan Ayckbourn's "Private Fears in Public Places") may just trigger your memory of the first time you ever plopped down in fresh snow and made a snow angel. If, that is, you were in the unlikely grip of inchoate sorrow at the time. In "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet," a series of French actors, each addressed by his or her real name, receive a phone call requesting they come to a striking setting. For French audiences, it's a sort of who's who, in which members of Resnais' stock company have pride of place. Every filmmaking country must have a similar collection of actors whose "Ocean's What-Have-You" presence in the same film is like watching a Rat Pack reunion or a Beatles reunion, were such a thing possible. Or, if you're a teenager today, Mark Wahlberg and Ted being reunited, say, 30 years from now. You're so happy to see them sharing the same stage/frame that you may be a bit more indulgent than usual. French audiences know who these people are. You may not. In which case, there goes one level of "meta" — but there's the play(s)-within-the-film to keep the ball rolling. "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet" is the sort of film Russian nesting dolls hope is playing when they go to the movies. If this is the first Resnais film you venture to see, you will surely find interesting things to watch and listen to, but be advised that much of its playfulness is interwoven with culturally specific winks and nods. That's okay. A friend recently reminded me that when an all-Chinese "Fiddler on the Roof" played in China, Chinese audiences loved the show but wondered how it could ever play outside China, since it was so inherently CHINESE! If you have an affinity for thick red velvet curtains parting, for the atmosphere of a murder mystery without any murders, for the poignance of now-aged actors reciting the lines they first performed when their faces were unlined and their vocal cords still young, then much about "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet" may appeal to you. And if you would rather watch paint dry than see a hip refashioning of a classic piece of French drama, then perhaps now would be a good time to watch another Alain Resnais film instead. "Alain Resnais is the only director who rings you up to say you're NOT going to be in his next film," says actor Lambert Wilson. (You may know him as the Mérovingien in the last two "Matrix" movies or the head monk in "Of Gods and Men" but he has appeared in four Resnais films, including this one.) Resnais has exquisite manners on set and off. If you ever overhear somebody contending that "All directors are power-mad jerks," you can set the record straight in a jiffy with these true words: "Alain Resnais is a perfect gentleman." He also drinks half a dozen cups of coffee (or more!) every day. But his hands are steady, as is his artistic vision. He told the French daily 'Liberation' that he was never a user of illicit drugs, "although that was certainly in keeping with my generation," but that he has always "found the necessary boost in coffee." Resnais' previous film, "Wild Grass" (2009), a relatively light-hearted assemblage of narrative dominos that wobble and topple after a wallet is stolen and somebody finds it, was also shown in Competition at Cannes. At the press conference, a journalist identified herself as being from the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch. I don't recall her question, but I do remember how Resnais began his reply. "I am quite moved to be asked a question by somebody from the Saint Louis Post-Dispatch," he said, in French. "Because for many years I subscribed to your paper in order to read the comics section, particularly Al Capp's L'il Abner." Resnais has thrice won the Prix Louis Delluc, intended to designate the best French film of the year. I don't put enormous stock in awards, but the Delluc is an interesting prize because it is given by a group of significant French film critics in a country where every publication and broadcast outlet has its own film specialist or specialists and syndicated reviews are unknown. Once drafted, every member of the Delluc jury serves for life, in the manner of U.S. Supreme Court justices. The Delluc is given by film critics (this past December for the 70th time) in a country where "L'Humanité," the 109-year-old Communist daily, has four film critics on staff. You know, with salary and benefits. For writing about movies and their place in the world. The historical list of Delluc-winning directors includes names such as Jean Renoir, Jean Cocteau, Louis Malle, Agnes Varda, François Truffaut, Costa Gavras and Claude Chabrol. All this to say that in the company of talents like that, Resnais has won it three times. In 1966 for "La Guerre est finie," in 1993 for "Smoking/No Smoking," his 2-part tour-de-force adapted from the eight stage plays by Alan Ayckbourn known together as "Intimate Exchanges," and in 1997 (in a tie with Robert Guédiguian's "Marius et Jeanette") for his delectably bittersweet lip-synched ensemble comedy "On Connait la chanson" ("Same Old Song"). Resnais is not a card-carrying member of the French New Wave although his storytelling innovations tended to impress the gents on the New Wave roster. (Godard admitted he was "jealous" when he saw Resnais' feature directing debut.) Resnais has always asked others to write his screenplays which, in the official New Wave playbook, would be a bit like asking somebody else to brush your teeth. You may have noticed a classy older French woman who was nominated for a Best Actress Oscar this year. The film in which she gave her astonishingly fine performance, Michael Haneke's "Amour," won the Foreign Language Film Academy Award. (It also won the Palme d'Or at Cannes last year, five top Cesars this February and a bunch of other awards, which is pretty good for a subject no Hollywood-style committee would ever have tripped over itself to greenlight: the debilitating, irreversible decline of one half of a loving elderly couple following a stroke.) Emmanuelle Riva, who turned 86 on the day of the Oscar ceremony, was the oldest individual ever nominated. Blah blah blah. Here's what really matters: Riva's inner beauty has been evident every time she accepted an award. She takes gracious pains to explain that filmmaking is a collaborative art and that her performance is only one component, made possible by the contributions of cast and crew. After she made such a speech the Friday before the Oscars when picking up her Best Actress Cesar, the previous year's Best Actor winner, Omar Sy (Intouchables), offered to hold it for her. She and her towering squire were already headed off stage when Riva leaned back into the microphone to exclaim of her Cesar trophy, "It weighs more than I do!" Why am I devoting so much space to Emmanuelle Riva? Because hers was the radiant central performance in Resnais' feature debut, "Hiroshima mon amour," the movie that made Godard jealous. All these years later, the 1959 film remains a formal and emotional shock. In a somber vein, the film's structure is as exhilirating as Pulp Fiction's trippy triptych was when it burst on the scene. Riva plays a French actress who has come to the still-recovering city of Hiroshima after the war to make a film. While there, she meets an excrutiatingly handsome young Japanese man who speaks reasonably good French. The flippant assertion would be to say that they have sex because, after all, it's a French movie. But they have sex so they can have post-coital conversations that, in their own way, are more searing than a nuclear-level climax. The script was written directly for the screen by iconoclastic French author Marguerite Duras, whose own upbringing in French Indochina inspired her 1984 book "The Lover," ("L'amant") which was made into a confection of the same name by Jean-Jacques Annaud in 1992. When Resnais set out to make "Hiroshima, mon amour" (which he followed with the conversation-starting formal oddity "Last Year at Marienbad") he had many years of experience making short films. Some of them are exquisitely offbeat. One of them, "Night and Fog" (1956), is a certified masterwork. I first saw it in English class as a sophomore at Chicago's Sullivan High School. I can still tell you exactly where I was sitting that day in 1972. I grew up in a mostly Jewish neighborhood, and Jewish kids didn't have to wait until "Schindler's List" to find out about the Shoah. But, although we'd read Elie Wiesel's "Night" in that same English class, nothing can prepare a viewer for the sight of emaciated dead bodies being bulldozed into open pits, as filmed by the Germans themselves to document the grisly end product of Nazi death camps. Resnais' "Night and Fog" lasts only 32-minutes. But actually, it "lasts" a lifetime. It is a primer on unfathomable, methodical cruelty and it is also a compact monument to the power of motion pictures. Brilliantly edited by Resnais himself, the film is comprised of thoughtfully framed images of the camps as they looked a decade after the war, ghastly internal documents filmed "on location" by the Germans, and newsreel footage of prominent Nazis. (In an inadvertent bit of template-produced humor, the IMDb listing for "Night and Fog" tells us that the "cast" includes one Adolph Hitler as "Himself" and that he is "uncredited." You know what they say: "Uncredit where uncredit is due.') In May of 1956, in the now-61-year-old French film magazine "Positif," Ado Kyrou wrote of "Night and Fog": "Some films are pleasant, others beautiful, some magnificent. This film is NECESSARY. ... This is what war looks like, and fascism. Every man alive on this earth should see this film. And as a result, maybe things will get better." If you're game, by all means take a chance on "You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet." Seek out "Night and Fog" and "Hiroshima, mon amour" and you will, indeed, have seen "something" in the best sense of the term. Top Ten Lists of 2013 From Our Contributors Sitting on the Croisette, watching the auteurs go by... by Barbara Scharres
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La Masonería, escuela de formación del ciudadano: La educación interna de los masones españoles en el último tercio del siglo XIX Álvarez Lázaro, Pedro F., (aut.) Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Publicaciones) El objetivo fundamental de la obra es triple: presentar y analizar la naturaleza de la institución masónica como ?escuela de formación del ciudadano?, tal como aparece en sus orígenes y documentos fundacionales; clarificar y fijar los objetivos e instrumentos específicos de esa formación que intenta dar a sus miembros dentro de las logias; y mostrar cómo se concretan en la masonería española, durante su periodo de mayor esplendor, los dos puntos anteriores. Esta obra nos ofrece por fin una visión rigurosa del origen y evolución de la entraña educadora de la masonería universal, así como la formación que recibieron los masones españoles en el seno de las logias durante el último tercio del siglo XIX. Autres livres Álvarez Lázaro, Pedro F.: Librepensamiento Y Secularización En La Europa Contemporánea Un Mundo Mejor Es Posible Y Necesario Religión, Laicidad Y Sociedad En La Historia Contemporánea De España, Italia Y Francia Autres livres Collection de Liberalismo : Karl Christian Friedrich Krause: La Educación Masónica: Escritos El Ideal De La Humanidad Los Límites Del Estado Autres livres Ciencias Ocultas: Rackham Tarot Tarot Del Art Nouveau. Cartas Somos Estrellas Astrología Horaria Procesos Constitucionales Y Garantías Convencionales: La Aplicación Del Artículo 6.1 Cedh A La Jurisdicción Constitucional Manual De La Aspirante A Bruja El Quinto Acuerdo Los Oficios De La Logia
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Baseball caps in an interview Topic: Baseball caps in an interview (Read 14546 times) Roodabega Re: Baseball caps in an interview I wouldn't make any assumptions about why the person was wearing a ball cap. Men who are going through cancer treatment will frequently wear a ball cap to cover hair loss. They aren't under any obligation to remove the hat indoors, regardless of who they are meeting. If it was a woman undergoing treatment and wearing a head covering (scarf or bandana) no one would think anything less of them.Or the guy in person could be really insecure about their hair and the big bosses have OK'd him wearing the cap. I still don't see an issue with him wearing it. It really doesn't have any impact on other people.Best to give them the benefit of the doubt and let it go. Quote from: guihong on August 31, 2013, 11:03:12 PMPerhaps that's the point, to throw the interviewer out of his/her comfort zone. We're used to a certain "look" at a corporate interview, and a baseball cap obviously is different. Maybe the aim is to see who doesn't get flustered by it. I can't stand mind games like that. I wouldn't get flustered, but I wouldn't think too highly of the interviewer. My dh once did an interview in which they put a huge jar of jelly beans in front of each candidate. He was offered the job and asked what the deal was with the jelly bean jar, at which point the HR person laughed and said that department used the jelly bean "test" to determine which candidate to hire. He turned the job down based on that because (1) he thought the test was stupid and (2) loathes playing "games" to make important decisions and didn't want to be part of that environment. He knew the person who did take the job and he ended up leaving because they were always having these inane "tests" sprung on them that counted more in their reviews than their actual work. Logged Quote from: Cami on September 03, 2013, 10:52:24 AMQuote from: guihong on August 31, 2013, 11:03:12 PMPerhaps that's the point, to throw the interviewer out of his/her comfort zone. We're used to a certain "look" at a corporate interview, and a baseball cap obviously is different. Maybe the aim is to see who doesn't get flustered by it. I can't stand mind games like that. I wouldn't get flustered, but I wouldn't think too highly of the interviewer. My dh once did an interview in which they put a huge jar of jelly beans in front of each candidate. He was offered the job and asked what the deal was with the jelly bean jar, at which point the HR person laughed and said that department used the jelly bean "test" to determine which candidate to hire. He turned the job down based on that because (1) he thought the test was stupid and (2) loathes playing "games" to make important decisions and didn't want to be part of that environment. He knew the person who did take the job and he ended up leaving because they were always having these inane "tests" sprung on them that counted more in their reviews than their actual work.What was the test ? how did you pass the jelly bean quiz? Logged SlitherHiss Quote from: Merry Mrs Martin on September 03, 2013, 12:03:43 PMQuote from: Cami on September 03, 2013, 10:52:24 AMQuote from: guihong on August 31, 2013, 11:03:12 PMPerhaps that's the point, to throw the interviewer out of his/her comfort zone. We're used to a certain "look" at a corporate interview, and a baseball cap obviously is different. Maybe the aim is to see who doesn't get flustered by it. I can't stand mind games like that. I wouldn't get flustered, but I wouldn't think too highly of the interviewer. My dh once did an interview in which they put a huge jar of jelly beans in front of each candidate. He was offered the job and asked what the deal was with the jelly bean jar, at which point the HR person laughed and said that department used the jelly bean "test" to determine which candidate to hire. He turned the job down based on that because (1) he thought the test was stupid and (2) loathes playing "games" to make important decisions and didn't want to be part of that environment. He knew the person who did take the job and he ended up leaving because they were always having these inane "tests" sprung on them that counted more in their reviews than their actual work.What was the test ? how did you pass the jelly bean quiz? Jelly Bean Personality TestBecause liking black jelly beans can't just mean I like licorice Logged I thought the test on jelly beans was whether someone asked if they could have some/offered them back to the interviewer before helping themselves. Stupid, IMO; I wouldn't offer jelly beans to people who obviously already own the jelly beans; but I don't care for jelly beans anyway so I'd just ignore a jar on the table.In my line of work (loosely oilfield related), most men, even those high up, tend to wear caps at work; generally the cap has a company logo, but not always. They are generally people who started out working outdoors, wearing caps or hard hats all the time, and got into a habit of it. If they are balding they seem more likely to hold to the habit. I have noticed that my current boss tends to take his off around women unless he is headed out the door. I show up in the mornings and he takes off his hat. Nothing I would comment on but I think it's pretty cool of him. Quote from: Morty'sCleaningLady on August 30, 2013, 08:07:49 AMJeans aren't that uncommon in IT, but I was offended by the baseball cap. I don't really bother to get "offended" by violations of "bad form / good form" etiquette in the workplace. It's not a social situation, and I guess I think of "offended" as something personal or social.If someone came to my fancy party in crappy clothes, I'd be offended. They're dissing my hospitality.But I don't get offended by what a job applicant wears, and certainly not by what the interviewER wears. I regard that as evidence of their knowledge of good or bad form. But it's not a personal statement about or *at* me.So i might not hire an applicant who dresses inappropriately, but I don't consider it an insult. Logged JeanFromBNA From the OP's description, the interviewer stood out from other employees because of his casual dress, so this was not a company-wide standard. It makes me wonder what he is trying to telegraph by his atypical attire. I think that the interviewer should take the interview as seriously as a final round candidate would, and dress appropriately. It seems disrespectful to do otherwise. Logged squeakers Quote from: JeanFromBNA on September 04, 2013, 06:34:50 PMFrom the OP's description, the interviewer stood out from other employees because of his casual dress, so this was not a company-wide standard. It makes me wonder what he is trying to telegraph by his atypical attire. I think that the interviewer should take the interview as seriously as a final round candidate would, and dress appropriately. It seems disrespectful to do otherwise. Maybe he was the boss/owner.. and they can wear what they want. "I feel sarcasm is the lowest form of wit." "It is so low, in fact, that Miss Manners feels sure you would not want to resort to it yourself, even in your own defense. We do not believe in retaliatory rudeness." Judith Martin Morty'sCleaningLady Quote from: squeakers on September 04, 2013, 07:24:37 PMQuote from: JeanFromBNA on September 04, 2013, 06:34:50 PMFrom the OP's description, the interviewer stood out from other employees because of his casual dress, so this was not a company-wide standard. It makes me wonder what he is trying to telegraph by his atypical attire. I think that the interviewer should take the interview as seriously as a final round candidate would, and dress appropriately. It seems disrespectful to do otherwise. Maybe he was the boss/owner.. and they can wear what they want.Ball Cap was not the boss or the owner. He was the lowest ranking individual on the panel. He had worked for the company for 3 years (that's one of the questions I like to ask the interviewers -- you learn a bit about stability.) Since they were running an hour late with the interviews, I spent plenty of time in the lobby watching people come and go (patients, nurses, doctors, and staff). No one else had on a ball cap. It did not appear to be a religious issue, as the had matched his t-shirt, proclaiming his allegiance with a local college. (I've worked in religious institutions and know that yarmulkes and zucchettis stay on the wearer.) No one else had on a t-shirt either.While I, as an interviewee, plan to be attired in a suit (and my recruiter asked what I was wearing to verify formality), I expect to be interviewed by someone dressed within the company's dress code, which, from the interview, I gathered to be business casual. Ball caps aren't business casual. I still find it rude and dismissive of him to wear the hat indoors and in my interview.I googled the official rules, since some here on the Board weren't bothered by the inappropriateness. Here's the guideline for hats:http://askandyaboutclothes.com/clothing/style-tips/hat-etiquette"Hats are removed when inside, except for places that are akin to public streets, like lobbies, corridors, and crowded elevators (non-residential). In a public building (where there are no apartments) the elevator is considered a public area.You may choose to remove your hat in a public elevator, but in the presence of a lady your hat must be removed." Formerly Mrs.Bart Quote from: SlitherHiss on September 03, 2013, 12:07:41 PMQuote from: Merry Mrs Martin on September 03, 2013, 12:03:43 PMQuote from: Cami on September 03, 2013, 10:52:24 AMQuote from: guihong on August 31, 2013, 11:03:12 PMPerhaps that's the point, to throw the interviewer out of his/her comfort zone. We're used to a certain "look" at a corporate interview, and a baseball cap obviously is different. Maybe the aim is to see who doesn't get flustered by it. I can't stand mind games like that. I wouldn't get flustered, but I wouldn't think too highly of the interviewer. My dh once did an interview in which they put a huge jar of jelly beans in front of each candidate. He was offered the job and asked what the deal was with the jelly bean jar, at which point the HR person laughed and said that department used the jelly bean "test" to determine which candidate to hire. He turned the job down based on that because (1) he thought the test was stupid and (2) loathes playing "games" to make important decisions and didn't want to be part of that environment. He knew the person who did take the job and he ended up leaving because they were always having these inane "tests" sprung on them that counted more in their reviews than their actual work.What was the test ? how did you pass the jelly bean quiz? Jelly Bean Personality TestBecause liking black jelly beans can't just mean I like licorice Wow! Why would anyone do an activity in a meeting where people would be described as "skilled brown-noser", " might stay at school to horde supplies" or "The red jelly bean person can be extremely frustrated. In fact, researchers would like you to submit your name and address for future research!" (specially for a commonly liked flavour like strawberry). Quote from: Cami on September 03, 2013, 10:52:24 AMQuote from: guihong on August 31, 2013, 11:03:12 PMPerhaps that's the point, to throw the interviewer out of his/her comfort zone. We're used to a certain "look" at a corporate interview, and a baseball cap obviously is different. Maybe the aim is to see who doesn't get flustered by it. I can't stand mind games like that. I wouldn't get flustered, but I wouldn't think too highly of the interviewer. My dh once did an interview in which they put a huge jar of jelly beans in front of each candidate. He was offered the job and asked what the deal was with the jelly bean jar, at which point the HR person laughed and said that department used the jelly bean "test" to determine which candidate to hire. He turned the job down based on that because (1) he thought the test was stupid and (2) loathes playing "games" to make important decisions and didn't want to be part of that environment. He knew the person who did take the job and he ended up leaving because they were always having these inane "tests" sprung on them that counted more in their reviews than their actual work.Your DH was a wise man. I'd never want to work for a company that played games like that. Particularly when they're based on some random pop-psychology idea. The people who do this do so because they are afraid of making real decisions themselves, so they invent spurious tests to make it "objective." Hiring people is horribly subjective and we often get it wrong. That comes with the territory. momof2weenies (3 weenies now!) Quote from: Morty'sCleaningLady on September 05, 2013, 08:11:42 AMBall Cap was not the boss or the owner. He was the lowest ranking individual on the panel. He had worked for the company for 3 years (that's one of the questions I like to ask the interviewers -- you learn a bit about stability.) Since they were running an hour late with the interviews, I spent plenty of time in the lobby watching people come and go (patients, nurses, doctors, and staff). No one else had on a ball cap. It did not appear to be a religious issue, as the had matched his t-shirt, proclaiming his allegiance with a local college. (I've worked in religious institutions and know that yarmulkes and zucchettis stay on the wearer.) No one else had on a t-shirt either.This might make me think that he was headed from or going to a college recruiting event. I could be way off, but if he's not new and none of the other interviewers were giving him funny looks, I would assume this is normal (and accepted) attire for him, at least in certain situations. "Dachshunds are like potato chips. You can never have just one." Quote from: Morty'sCleaningLady on September 05, 2013, 08:11:42 AMBall Cap was not the boss or the owner. He was the lowest ranking individual on the panel. He had worked for the company for 3 years (that's one of the questions I like to ask the interviewers -- you learn a bit about stability.) Since they were running an hour late with the interviews, I spent plenty of time in the lobby watching people come and go (patients, nurses, doctors, and staff). No one else had on a ball cap. It did not appear to be a religious issue, as the had matched his t-shirt, proclaiming his allegiance with a local college. (I've worked in religious institutions and know that yarmulkes and zucchettis stay on the wearer.) No one else had on a t-shirt either.For some people, college affiliation is a religious issue -- or so it seems.In any case, I find the interviewer to be inappropriate. It sounds like he was dressed significantly more poorly than the standard dress for the organization. Even if that's what he wears on a daily basis, I wouldn't want to work with someone who wasn't willing to make a little effort to impress a candidate. Just as I wouldn't want to hire someone who wasn't willing to make an effort to dress appropriately when I interview them. Unless there's some medical issue involved, putting on a collared shirt and taking off a hat don't require a major effort. Quote from: squeakers on September 04, 2013, 07:24:37 PMQuote from: JeanFromBNA on September 04, 2013, 06:34:50 PMFrom the OP's description, the interviewer stood out from other employees because of his casual dress, so this was not a company-wide standard. It makes me wonder what he is trying to telegraph by his atypical attire. I think that the interviewer should take the interview as seriously as a final round candidate would, and dress appropriately. It seems disrespectful to do otherwise. Maybe he was the boss/owner.. and they can wear what they want.I'm an owner, and I dress appropriately when interviewing candidates, because I want the candidates to know that I take this decision seriously. I also respect that this is a serious issue for most candidates.Appropriate attire doesn't necessarily mean a suit. Like Art says, above, putting on a collared shirt and removing a ball cap doesn't require a lot of effort. I have a cousin who started going bald at 18. As you can imagine, it was rather upsetting to him, and he hasn't been able to be comfortable with his lack of hair, not to mention he is fair-skinned so his head sunburns easily. He teeters back and forth between wearing a baseball cap to hide/protect his head, and taking it off to be good-mannered. I realize that for him, walking around without a hat, even indoors, is about as embarrassing as it is for me to discover that my shirt has hiked up and my pudgy tummy is on public view. I'm just glad that covering one's stomach, or upper arms, is always socially acceptable! I also have a friend who had a cancer on the back of his head, and his scalp from the ears back had to be removed. As he says, it's no problem to him, as from the front, he is still the same studly young man he always was. It's only people who see him from the back who are startled. He tried wearing a toupee, but quit after his wife told him it looked like he had a dead rat tied to the back of his head.And then there was the time I had a hemangioma removed from behind my left ear. A kindly nurse carefully shaved my head so I could do a comb-over to cover the bare spot. But if I'd had a nurse who was harried and hurried, or who'd been intimidated when the surgeon told her to shave a bigger area, I probably would have wanted to wear a hat all the time til my hair grew out, too. And once I had to go to a job interview 2 days after having been in an accident and getting 2nd degree burns on my face. On the way to the interview, the Silvadeen cream TARNISHED, and I showed up with a blackened greasy face. No way to hide that, I wasn't about to scrub the Silvadeen off or apply makeup on a fresh burn.I'd give the interviewer the benefit of the doubt. There are all sorts of medical reasons why a person might think wearing a cap would look better than baring his head.
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5 ideas for #ConnectedEducators to connect students #CE13 0 comment(s) so far... October 7, 2013 By: Lisa Nielsen 10/5/2013 6:32 PM This piece was originally posted last year in SmartBlog on Education in Ideas that Work, Social Media in Education as part of Connected Educator Month. This takes place this year in October. The U.S. Department of Education’s Connected Educators initiative seeks to celebrate and encourage educators at all levels to collaborate and participate in online learning resources and communities. This piece is just as relevant today, as it was last year when it was written to support this initiative. Unlike their parents, today’s students can communicate, collaborate, cooperate, and connect with the world in meaningful ways that were never before possible. It is incumbent upon educators to support students in doing this effectively in order to empower them to do work that will not only lead them to personal success, but is also worthy of the world. So, how can educators do this? Here are five ways to help your students get connected: Uncover student interests. Start by supporting young people in discovering, then developing their interests, which may turn into passions. One way to do this is by giving them a student interest inventory (visit here and here for samples and info). Connect at the local level. Once a class or school has supported students in identifying interests, share the results so those who care about the same things can connect. Schools using a service like ePals might want to share their interests with students in partner schools to widen the circle with which they are connecting. Connect via your school’s online platform. Once you have identified student interests in your school, help them set up groups online via places like Edmondo and in person with school-based groups and clubs where students and teachers who share interests can connect, discuss, learn, grow, and create. Connect via social media. Support students in finding those who share their interests via social media using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Google+. If a group or hashtag doesn’t exist, support and empower students in starting their own. Comment on blogs and publications. Help students find out who’s writing about what they care about. When they do, support them in joining the conversation by commenting on those topics and even proposing a guest post or article. Congratulations! Once you’ve supported students in these five ways, you’ve put them on the road to becoming a connected student with a learning network that will assist them in achieving success in areas that are of deep personal interest. Lisa Nielsen writes for and speaks to audiences across the globe about learning innovatively and is frequently covered by local and national media for her views on “Passion (not data) Driven Learning,” "Thinking Outside the Ban" to harness the power of technology for learning, and using the power of social media to provide a voice to educators and students. Ms. Nielsen has worked for more than a decade in various capacities to support learning in real and innovative ways that will prepare students for success. In addition to her award-winning blog, The Innovative Educator, Ms. Nielsen’s writing is featured in places such as Huffington Post, Tech & Learning, ISTE Connects, ASCD Wholechild, MindShift, Leading & Learning, The Unplugged Mom, and is the author the book Teaching Generation Text. Disclaimer: The information shared here is strictly that of the author and does not reflect the opinions or endorsement of her employer.
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Meet the Linguist: Fedor Kondratovich (@Albalonga_spb) Hello everybody! It's time for a new interview in the Meet the Linguist series. Today I would like you to meet Fedor Kondratovich, a translator, interpreter and a head of Alba Longa Translation Company from Saint Petersburg, Russia. Though the company is fairly young, it is already one of the most reputable translation companies in Russia. Besides, they have been nominated for ProZ Community Choice Awards for their online translator training courses which are very popular among Russian translators. I have been working with Fedor since May and I had a chance to see that he practices what he preaches, i.e. shares in his interview. So let's start! 1. Fedor, can you share a couple fun or weird facts about you that you don't normally share in your bio? I think I should mention my hobbies here. I play Russian draughts, football (soccer) and love theatre arts. 2. How did you start a translation agency? I wanted to create a company that would be different, especially concerning the communication with clients and high quality of services. I started the preparations while still working full-time (I was a staff interpreter and a translator at the OKEY supermarket chain, working directly with the Development Director of the company. This experience, when I was watching how to run a company, turned to be very useful for me. Big thanks to Erik Muse!), including creating the company website and registering as an individual entrepreneur. A little while later, part of the foreign managers left OKEY and I lost my job, which took the responsibility of making a risky choice off my shoulders. The choice was made for me. I rented a small office, started advertising my company (Yandex Direct ads worked so much better then!) and practically right away, after a written test, I found my first big client. 3. What was the best project in your career? The best project is of course the best paid one. Yes, there was such a project, but there’s nothing special about it. The project I will remember for a long time is one of those first projects sent by that first big client of mine. I still remember those positive feelings when I saw several thousand rubles coming to my bank account. Everything went exactly as planned (according to the agreement), but still, at the moment when I was in my office and I saw that the money reached my account, I suddenly realized that I didn't believe it would actually happen. It meant so much to me! That’s when I was finally able to envision the bright future prepared for my company and me. 4. What was the worst project in your career? Of course we had our share of failures. But there’s one project that was a real nightmare. A young lady hired us for a notarized translation. We took the job (at that time there were just two of us; it was the second year of the company’s life) and couldn’t do it because the notary refused to stamp and sign the translation for some reason. The issue with the documents was urgent and very serious (connected with the client being accepted to a foreign university), so the lady was furious and even threatened us at some point. But there was nothing we could do. Of course we returned the money, even added a small compensation. It was a really unpleasant situation. Now we work with this type of translations very rarely, provided that we have generous deadlines and a loyal notary. Notarized translation is a totally different type of business here, which brings profit only when there is a large throughput of jobs, as far as I understand. 5. What do you like most about being head of a translation company? The thing I love most is probably the fact that I am able (and actually need to) do a lot of different things. One thing running a translation company has in common with the translation profession is that you get to know different aspects of human activity and behaviour. In case with translation, it happens through the language, and in my case, it happens through business. Money is important not as personal profit, but as an instrument, necessary for performing different tasks. It’s an instrument that works only in combination with other instruments. Working as a head of a translation company, you need to sort out relationships with different people (clients, freelancers, employees), understand marketing and financial aspects, ensure the high quality of your services, - and everything greatly depends on how well you can understand the technical aspects of using computers. This “universal” approach is closer to my nature. When I was a translator, I always thought I was doing too many things at once, but here it seems an advantage. 6. Please share a few words about your courses for translators. We launched our School for Translators almost 2 years ago. And it’s been quite a success. We are constantly getting positive feedback from our students, but I keep thinking that we can do better and trying to concentrate on our weaknesses and make us stronger. I have a feeling that every new training cycle goes on a higher level. So far, there is no other concept like that in the market that would include basic disciplines for translators divided into three categories: Translation, Technologies, and Business. All the disciplines are taught by active players in the market. We teach only practical disciplines, necessary for working as a translator. The training sessions are held in the form of webinars, so our students come from all parts of Russia. 7. Why do your clients love working with your company? What's unique about your services? You have asked the right question – “your clients” is the most important word combination here. There are no universal clients. Our priorities, such as high quality work and long-term collaboration – that’s something we have been pursuing from the very first project. No matter what other people say, the main asset of a translation company is translators. Therefore we love, respect them and try to create comfortable work environment for them, including teaching them. We also protect their interests within reasonable boundaries. We love technologies and believe that the future is about automating all the routine processes (CAT-tools, TMS programs and tools for automatic quality control already help us a lot). I have already mentioned that money is only an instrument. And we value those who know what to do with this instrument. Dear Fedor, thank you for the interview! I wish you success in everything you do! Dear readers, if you wish to support Alba Longa, please click this link and vote for Alba Longa in the Best Training category. If you also wish to vote for my blog in the Best Blog category, I will be forever grateful to you :) The voting phase is coming to an end on Monday, so there are just a few more days left to show your support! Like this post? Please share it with your friends! freelance business interview professional translation small business translation agencies Labels: freelance business interview professional translation small business translation agencies Meet the Linguist: Fedor Kondratovich (@Albalonga_... Summer 2014 at Your Professional Translator: bad t...
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¿El zika se transmite por relaciones sexuales? La OPS investiga un caso ARTICULO ANTERIOR Policía, Ejército y Tránsito ejecutan operativos sorpresa en Guayaquil ARTICULO SIGUIENTE LA UNP-G Y EL DÍA DEL PERIODISMO NACIONAL Un posible caso de transmisión sexual del virus del zika ha sido detectado y las investigaciones se encuentran en curso para confirmar el hecho, informó la Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS). "El zika se ha aislado en el semen humano, y un caso de posible transmisión sexual de persona a persona ha sido descrita". publicó la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) en su página web. Sin embargo, la OMS añadió que se necesitan más evidencias para confirmar si el contacto sexual es una forma de transmisión del zika. No hay información oficial sobre las investigaciones de una posible transmisión del virus del zika por contacto sexual, pero la OPS y la OMS han ratificado que se investiga el caso detectado, del que no se da a conocer el país de origen. El virus del zika es transmitido por los mosquito afectado a América en incluso Europa desde 2015, se transformó en una nueva amenaza para la salud, en particular para las mujeres embarazadas, a pesar de que su infección a menudo pasa desapercibida. La países como Brasil las autoridades recomendaron evitar embarazos a las mujeres que viven en zonas de riesgo, hasta el momento en eso país se han reportado 4 000 casos de bebés nacidos con microcefalia presuntamente vinculada al virus del Zika, según información del diario O Globo. Además, en Dinamarca se confirmó un caso de zika, por lo que las autoridades europeas hicieron un llamado a la prevención de la transmisión del virus. Ecuador se han confirmado 17 casos y en Puerto Rico 19, pero las autoridades adviertieron que las cifras podrían aumentar luego de concluir los estudios sobre exámenes pendientes. Las recomencación de la OPS son: *Las poblaciones de mosquitos propagadores del virus deben reducirse y controlarse mediante la eliminación de los criaderos. *Todas las personas que viven o visitan zonas en riegos deben protegerse con el uso de repelente y ropa que les cubra la mayor parte del cuerpo. *Las mujeres embarazadas deben tener especial cuidado para evitar las picaduras de mosquitos. En Brasil han coincidido con un marcado incremento de recién nacidos con microcefalia. La Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS) prevé que el virus del Zika continuará extendiéndose y probablemente llegará a todos los países y territorios de la región donde se encuentra el mosquito Aedes. Este contenido ha sido publicado originalmente por Diario EL COMERCIO Perro abandonado en gasolinera brasileña se convirtió en el mejor empleado Con una gorra y una credencial que cuelga de su collar recibe a los clientes un perro en una gasolinera... #NoCallamosMás, una comunidad virtual para denunciar el acoso Comenzó como un surruro, como suelen comenzar los relatos sobre las intiminades personales. Durante... Ejecutivo propone más feriados en Ecuador para dinamizar el turismo El presidente de la República, Rafael Correa, formalizó una nueva propuesta para la aplicación... Diseñadores cubanos con desafíos para producir y comercializar sus prendas Como muchas otras cosas en Cuba, comprar ropa puede no ser una tarea sencilla. Adquirir una camiseta... Variedad y uso del dólar seduce para viajar a Piura Piura se ha convertido en un destino frecuentado por quienes viven en ciudades del sur del país.... El cuidado de mascotas se enseñará con juego virtual Cómo cuidar a las mascotas, evitar abusos, no ser indeferente y promulgar la adopción en... Arranca segunda edición de la Feria del Libro de Guayaquil Con la presentación de jóvenes que tomaron como temática la obra de William Shakespeare... La rehabilitación de adictos, una problemática compleja Juan Francisco Manzábar no entendía porqué, la tarde del viernes 10 de junio, la...
{"url": "http://estopensamos.com/sucesos/417-el-zika-se-transmite-por-relaciones-sexuales-la-ops-investiga-un-caso.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "estopensamos.com", "date_download": "2018-04-19T09:58:02Z", "digest": "sha1:URMNGX6UQCUO3H4KW7255SVP7SO2PX4X"}
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Colombia y Brasil acuerdan armonizar uso de bandas de telefonía móvil - 22 junio, 2017 - enEconomía Imagen ilustrativa. Bogotá, 22 jun (EFE).- La Agencia Nacional del Espectro de Colombia (ANE) y la Agencia Nacional de Telecomunicaciones de Brasil (Anatel) suscribieron un memorando de entendimiento para la armonización del uso de bandas de telefonía móvil entre ambos países, informaron hoy fuentes oficiales. El acuerdo fue firmado por la directora de la ANE, Martha Liliana Suárez, y el director de la ANATEL, Juarez Quadros, en el quinto Congreso Latinoamericano de Telecomunicaciones (CLT), celebrado en Cartagena de Indias. El interés de ambos países por armonizar el uso de bandas de frecuencia de telefonía móvil “tiene como objetivo definir el trabajo de cooperación entre las dos entidades, así como optimizar los mecanismos y prácticas de monitoreo de campos electromagnéticos en zona de frontera”, explicó la estatal ANE en un comunicado. “Brasil y Colombia cuentan con una excelente sinergia, lo que nos permitirá identificar temas de cooperación claves para el intercambio de experiencias y buenas prácticas”, destacó Suárez. La funcionaria indicó que “hay confianza entre las dos entidades y esto genera una oportunidad única para realizar un trabajo de articulación de saberes”. La ANE destacó que la firma del Memorando de Entendimiento es “un primer paso antes de llegar a establecer en detalle los usos del espectro en zonas fronterizas”. Entre las experiencias que Colombia puede compartir con Brasil está la del análisis y medición de campos electromagnéticos y que en el país no se requiera permiso para el uso de suelo para instalar antenas pequeñas, tales como microceldas y picoceldas, lo que facilita el despliegue de infraestructura. Anatel, según la información, es la entidad encargada de hacer la gestión, atribución, vigilancia y control del espectro en Brasil, trabajo que desempeña la ANE en Colombia. EFE EtiquetasBandasBrasilColombiaentendimientotelefonía móvilUso Artículo anterior Acusan exfuncionarios de Uribe de plan para desprestigiar Supremo colombiano Siguiente artículo El mayor proveedor de pollo de EEUU prevé usar cámaras de gas
{"url": "http://www.elpais.cr/2017/06/22/colombia-y-brasil-acuerdan-armonizar-uso-de-bandas-de-telefonia-movil/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "es", "source_domain": "www.elpais.cr", "date_download": "2018-12-09T20:53:33Z", "digest": "sha1:YDXLODSYWEIVXGDQRO46MUHU46INPCIU"}
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WHAT CAN WE DO TO MAKE THE PRODUCED BY CONFERENCE EVEN BETTER? MAKE IT FREE FOR MEMBERS TO ATTEND. Producing the Produced By Conference the past two years has been one of the most challenging and gratifying undertakings in my ten years at the Guild. And despite the success of the past two years, mounting Produced By 2011 was by no means a sure thing. This event is an expensive one to produce; the Guild spent roughly $800,000 on each of the last two Conferences—and that was with getting many elements as donations, including the space on our host studio lots and the help from our PGA volunteers. As anyone who was at either of our previous events can tell you, the Produced By Conference has been an incredible success at its primary goal: creating a "home” for the producing community, and sharing the experience and perspective of the very best producers with a wider audience of professionals. But at the behest of our new Presidents, we took a long look at the Conference, considering whether to produce it again this year. Two things were clear to us: 1) If we were to mount the Conference again, it would have to grow and develop; we didn’t want to put on the same event as last year; and 2) We would have to find a way to reduce our financial risk.As a result, we met with the CEOs and Executive Directors of numerous other organizations, everyone from NATPE to NAB to Digital Hollywood, to see if we could find a suitable partner. Thanks to Madelyn Hammond, we were introduced to Larry Brownell of AFCI Locations Expo, and discovered that our needs meshed: They were seeking more producers to attend their event; we were seeking underwriting. It was a terrific fit, and we have been working together over the past several months to lay the groundwork for an incredible event. Next June, our producers will have access to over 250 film commissions, representing roughly $2.5 billion in budget incentives—and they’ll all be in one place for you to meet with and shop your projects.Of course, the other element was determining what our venue would be. We were determined to hold the event again on a studio lot; the traditional studio venue is one of the things that makes our conference special. Once again, we got lucky: PGA member and ABC executive Barry Jossen stepped up to the plate in a big way. Barry all but accosted me while I was MC-ing a father/daughter picnic at our children’s school, insisting that we give the Disney lot a shot at hosting the Conference. After looking at their facilities, we were impressed. Disney has made some striking improvements to their lot, including a brand-new theater and many first-rate amenities. Even more impressive was the commitment of Barry and the Disney and ABC executive teams. They want to showcase their studio for our producers, and as a result, they’ll be allowing us to take over the entire lot – including the theater, studio space, and the Disney Legends Promenade. Not only that, the studio has graciously offered to host our General Membership Meeting and kickoff party on Friday night, which all of you are encouraged to attend.Thanks to AFCI’s underwriting, the Guild has no financial exposure for the event—our only concern is to create the very best programming we can, a task that’s been eagerly undertaken by Gale Anne Hurd, Rachel Klein, and our President Emeritus, Marshall Herskovitz, who joins the Conference effort as a Co-Chair this year.Best of all, thanks to AFCI’s support, we can open up the Conference doors to 600 members for free this year. I am very much aware of how difficult times are for producers, and we’re committed to giving you the best possible value for your membership. As a result, 600 members each will receive one free day of the Conference – we’ll have 300 slots available for Saturday, and 300 for Sunday. If you want to attend the entire weekend, you’re welcome to pay the member rate of $295 (still a bargain). But for many of you struggling to find work, we can offer a full day of seminars, panel discussions, workshops, vendors (including hundreds of film commissions) and networking events at no charge, courtesy of the PGA. The simple fact is: We want you at the Produced By Conference. This is an event produced by producers, for producers, and all about producing. And thanks to the hard work of Gale, Rachel, Marshall, the PGA staff and our producing team led by Barry Kaplan – to say nothing of the support we’ve received from AFCI Locations and Disney/ABC – we can look forward to welcoming 600 of you to the event for free.Registration starts very early next year. Look for our announcements in 2011, as we unveil the next outstanding roster of speakers and programs. Until then, block out the weekend of June 3-5 – in 2011, you’ve got plans.Sincerely,Vance Van Petten
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Please Don't Die! But if You Do, What Do I Do Next?A practical and cost saving guide for the estate executor HomeTestimonialsTemplatesAbout the AuthorsLinksContact UsBlog Kurt Grube Kurt Grube began writing this book after he lost his mother in 2001. He found there wasn't much information for an executor administering a non-complex estate. Going through the process, he discovered it was quite easy and he thought he could share his experiences and research over the past ten years to help other people in the same situation. He has been quoted on in the op-ed pages of The Record (New Jersey) regarding pork barrel spending by Congress and the recent MF Global bankruptcy. He has appeared on the Fox News Network "The O'Reilly Factor" where he provided commentary regarding President Clinton and the Monica Lewinsky matter. He is a graduate of Don Bosco High School and William Paterson University (summa cum laude). He is currently an executive at a large international information technology company and has been certified as a Project Management Professional. He has been married for over 30 years and has two grown children. Keith Grube, Esq. Keith Grube is currently an attorney specializing in criminal defense. He has also practiced law in health care operations; fraud and abuse and business counseling for an international health care firm. He was a member of the Villanova Law Review, 1990-1992. Law Clerk to Hon. H. Jonathan Fox, J.S.C., New Jersey, 1992-1993. Co-author with Ivan J. Punchatz: "The Nursing Facility Survey, Certification and Enforcement Regulations," New Jersey Lawyer, The Magazine, December 1995; "Learning From Pennsylvania's Experience with 'Dear Provider Letters' - 72 Hour DRG Window False Claims Enforcement Project," New Jersey Law Journal, Health Care Law Supplement, December 18, 1995; "State Regulators Get Serious About Enforcing Licensure Requirements," New Jersey Law Journal, January 22, 1996. Author: "Independent Contractor or Employee? The Rules and Ramifications of Worker Classification In the Health Care Industry," F. Gordon Keckeissen and Keith S. Grube, Health Law Hand Book, 1998 ed., West Group, Clark Boardman Callaghan, 1998. John E. Nevola John E. Nevola made his literary debut with “The Last Jump”, a historical novel based on United States airborne operations in Europe during World War II. A retired Information Technology executive, Nevola has been widely published in business magazines with numerous articles on disaster recovery and terrorism. In 2011, he commemorated the 70th Anniversary of the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor with “The Revenge of the Pearl Harbor Survivors” describing the pivotal role played by the American aircraft carriers which survived that despicable attack. Nevola was born in New York City and is a graduate of Cardinal Hayes High School and the College of Aeronautics. He resides in Mount Olive, New Jersey with his wife of 45 years. They have four children and six grandchildren. A portion of the proceeds from The Last Jump are donated to charity to assist the families of the fallen. Create a free website
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Coast to Coast carries a wide selection of products. So, if you are looking for products in Calhoun, New Town, Redbud, Dalton, Cartersville, Sugar Valley, Cash, Sonoraville, Plainville, Fairmont and Oakman, Georgia, or if you have any questions about products, please feel free to call us at (706) 629-3947 or simply stop by Coast to Coast at any time and we would be glad to help you. Mowers & Tractors All Mowers & Tractors
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Pablo Fauaz presentando "Alumbrando" - viernes 26/9 Todas las actividades son con entrada libre y gratuita, algunos espectáculos pueden ser a la gorra Programación de Septiembre de 2014 Viernes 26 / 21:00hs Pablo Fauaz continúa presentando “Alumbrando" Pablo Fauaz es compositor, guitarrista, arreglador y cantautor; su música transita por diferentes colores, paisajes y aromas que reflejan su pasado por géneros como la música académica, el folklore, el tango y el jazz. Su disco "Alumbrando" forma parte de su primer trabajo discográfico solista editado por el sello EPSA Music. En él, propone compartir canciones de raíz folklórica con un cuidadoso tratamiento estético del sonido, siendo el silencio uno de sus pilares como así su búsqueda incansable en cada palabra que conforman sus letras. Músico invitado: Melisa Lamione (voz). www.pablofauaz.com.ar -Facebook: www.facebook.com/pablo.fauaz Sábado 27 /15:30 hs Niños en tinieblas (teatro para chicos) Una obra de teatro para niños y adultos audaces. Una comedia que busca en el público infantil a su principal cómplice. Su autor es Héctor Álvarez Castillo, escritor, poeta, ensayista y dramaturgo, argentino y contemporáneo. Meta-teatro: es una obra de teatro que contiene dentro de sí la creación de otra obra de teatro. Los niños podrán ver en esta pieza cómica el sentido poético de la teatralidad y el nacimiento del hecho creativo y de este modo comprender que en la imaginación está el origen de los miedos pero también el de las grande obras. “Niños en tinieblas” apuesta al mundo de la literatura y del teatro como posibles mundos de fascinación infantil. -Facebook: niños en tinieblas Funciones de Títeres (por la Cooperativa La Calle de los Títeres) Sábados 17:00 hs Domingos 15:30 y 17:00 hs Teatro/ martes y jueves - 19 a 22 h / a cargo del Profesor Ernesto Raso Caprari. Tango danza/ jueves - 18:30 a 20:30 h / a cargo de Oscar Montenegro y Verónica Rueco. Danzas Folclóricas/ sábados - 18 a 21 h / a cargo de Santiago Bonacina. Canto popular/ jueves - 14:30 a 16:30 h / a cargo de Cynthia Glize y Carlos Butera. Masajes/ viernes 5 y 19 - 10:45 a 13 h / a cargo de Carolina Herman. Yoga/ lunes - 15 a 16:30 h / a cargo de Julia Aguirrebarrena. Artes combinadas/ viernes 13:30 a 17 h / a cargo de María Broitman. Teatro en comunidad/ Jueves 9:30 a 11:30 h / a cargo de las licenciadas Juliana Rozadas y Cecilia Gasque Justo. Centro Cultural Sur - Caseros 1750 - Tels.: 4306 0301 / 4305 6653 www.ccdelsur.blogspot.com.ar
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Une résidence étudiante à Paris avec services inclus Chaque logement dispose de chambres meublées et accueillantes ainsi que de nombreux espaces communs modernes et entièrement équipés. Nos services sont conçus pour vous faciliter la vie même au quotidien et pour vous encourager à participer aux nombreuses initiatives proposées lors de votre séjour dans une résidence étudiante à Paris. Intendant de résidence En résidence étudiante à Paris, notre accueil / garde est présent 24 heures sur 24 pour garantir l’accès en toute sécurité et vous permettre une flexibilité totale dans les horaires. Ce type d'hébergement en appartement en location dans une résidence dans le centre de Paris est la solution idéale pour les étudiants, qui peuvent être gérés de manière indépendante, en bénéficiant d'une aide et d'un soutien constants. Les chambres d'une résidence étudiante à Paris Les résidences étudiantes de la région parisienne (ile de france) proposent différents types de chambres pour répondre à tous les besoins en matière de logement à Paris: chambres simples et doubles avec salle de bains ou mezzanine (pour 2 ou 3 personnes) et appartements (pour 2,3 ou 4 personnes) avec salon et cuisine. Quel que soit votre choix, vous aurez la certitude de séjourner dans des chambres agréables et confortables, dotées d'un mobilier moderne et fonctionnel. Tous les services publics sont inclus, y compris la climatisation et la connexion wi-fi. L'offre de services comprend le nettoyage hebdomadaire des espaces communs et des chambres, ainsi que le changement hebdomadaire des serviettes et du linge de lit afin de vous donner plus d'espace pour vos études et votre temps libre. Le service de restauration dans une résidence à Paris Pendant la semaine, le petit-déjeuner, le déjeuner et le dîner sont prêts dans les salles à manger. Des menus variés qui répondent à toutes les exigences alimentaires, préparés avec une attention constante pour les matières premières. A votre disposition, vous trouverez également une cuisine commune où vous pourrez préparer ce que vous voulez. Les espaces de vie dans la résidence de Paris Nos résidences de Paris sont conçues pour vous garantir les meilleures conditions de vie et vous permettre de consacrer votre temps de la meilleure façon, non seulement aux moments d'étude, mais aussi à ceux de détente. Vous trouverez à votre disposition des salles de cours, des ateliers, des bibliothèques avec bibliothèque de quartier à Paris, des gymnases à Paris et dans plusieurs arrondissements, laveries, des espaces de restauration, des cuisines communes, des salles multimédia, des salles de télévision, des salles de musique, des espaces de détente, des postes de travail informatiques, des auditoriums, des parkings pour motos et vélos jardins et espaces extérieurs à quelques rues seulement de votre studio de Paris.
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Rédaction de contenu web pour le tourisme et le voyage L’univers du tourisme revêt de nombreuses particularités qui lui confèrent tout son charme et son attractivité. Au gré de nos expériences avec les agences de voyage, les comparateurs de vol et les compagnies de transport de différents secteurs, nous avons développé une expertise confirmée dans un domaine aux facettes plus passionnantes les unes que les autres. Écrire un article de destination, ce n’est pas seulement décrire un endroit, indiquer une direction ou donner des informations pratiques à un lecteur. C’est l’introduire dans un univers inconnu et fascinant en sollicitant son registre sensoriel. C’est le plonger dans un décor envoûtant qui galvanise les infinies potentialités de son imagination. À la lecture du texte, le voyageur doit pouvoir percevoir, entendre, sentir voire presque toucher l’objet de sa convoitise, dont il rêve depuis ses dernières vacances. Grâce à l’exhaustivité et à la grande précision des informations fournies, il doit pouvoir planifier son départ avec un maximum de certitudes. Une description de qualité doit savoir mettre en valeur les multiples attractions offertes par la destination, mais aussi donner naturellement envie au lecteur de partager son expérience avec son entourage. Si la dimension internationale est le propre de l’univers du voyage, les tour opérateurs et les comparateurs de voyage sont historiquement très présents sur le web. Sur un segment de marché de plus en plus concurrentiel et regroupant de nombreuses offres identiques, il devient indispensable de vous différencier à l’aide d’un contenu riche, pertinent et attractif. Maîtrisant les techniques de référencement et d’optimisation SEO propres au secteur touristique, nos experts vous accompagnent dans toutes les étapes de la gestion de contenu. De la formulation de votre besoin à la publication en passant par la rédaction de la description de destination, nous vous proposons une solution clé en main au service de votre visibilité et de votre compétitivité.
{"url": "https://www.greatcontent.com/fr/creation-de-contenu-multilingue/description-de-destination/", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.greatcontent.com", "date_download": "2020-02-16T19:08:23Z", "digest": "sha1:UT2LG6NARC7YSUJYKX7Q7KQQZVFTFZS3"}
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La Bibliothèque du net La Bibliothèque du netLivres gratuitsLanguesLe traducteur, la traduction et l'entreprise Le traducteur, la traduction et l'entreprise Daniel Gouadec Nul doute que les déplacements professionnels génèrent aujourd'hui la plus grande part du chiffre d'affaires des lignes aériennes. C'est dire que la communication internationale est devenue partie intégrante de la conduite et du développement de la plupart des entreprises. Mais si les personnes vont et viennent sans trop de problèmes à travers l'Europe et à travers le monde, il n'en va pas de même de la documentation écrite. Plus exactement cette documentation circule mais, faute de disposer de moyens de transport adaptés, on doit reconnaître qu'elle ne se transmet finalement qu'assez mal. Certes, elle est expédiée et elle parvient à son destinataire dans d'excellentes conditions, grâce à ces merveilleux outils que sont le télex, le télétex, la télécopie. Mais trop souvent, tout se passe en réalité comme si elle n'était jamais arrivée puisqu'elle n'est finalement pas lue ou que, du moins, elle est mal comprise et sous-utilisée. Publié le 11 mai 2014 à 01:12 Vues : 413 Développé par codesign™ Rédiger un cour Notre site ne consiste qu'en un référencement de liens vers des livres hébergées par des sites publics et légalement reconnus: Mega, Dropbox, Mediafire... Nous n'hébergeons aucun livre. Nous n'uploadons aucun livre.
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Today in the news: Police search for ex-cop on killing spree California police are looking for an ex-cop and former Navy Lieutenant who is suspected of shooting three officers and two civilains, CNN reports. Christopher Jordan Dorner, the suspect, is believed to be attacking police officers and their families as retribution for being fired from the Los Angeles Police Department. One of the officers who was shot died, as well as the two civilians: the daughter of a police officer and her fiance. The manhunt for Dorner has stretched from L.A. to San Diego. Officers are on edge, as a letter allegedly written by Dorner had been sent to the LAPD threatening the officers and their families. "As president I sometimes have to search for the words to console the inconsolable. Sometimes I search scripture to determine how best to balance life as a president and as a husband and as a father. I often search for scripture to figure out how I can be a better man as well as a better president." - President Barack Obama, reflecting on his personal faith at the annual National Prayer Breakfast. Hot video: Racers climb Empire State Building Visit our Guestbook City of Pratt Pratt County Pratt Community College Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks Miss Kansas Pageant PrattTribune - Pratt, KS ~ 320 S. Main, (P.O. Box 909), Pratt, KS 67124 ~ Privacy Policy ~ Terms Of Service
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Gardens in or near Corsham The small town of Corsham is conveniently located for London, Bristol and Bath. Mainly an agricultural area however you will find some fine buildings particularly in the High Street. A selction of shops, restaurants and beautiful countryside make this a place for all ages. Gardens in or near Corsham Dyrham Park and Prior Park Landscape Garden are listed below. 3 Results In Or Near Corsham Dyrham Park 8.5 miles from the centre of Corsham Explore the grandeur of Dyrham Park The magnificent formal gardens of Dyrham Park were laid out when the grand house was built but became unfashionable by the late 18th century. They were largely cleared away or filled in when the park was landscaped by Humphrey Repton and Charles Harcourt Masters. However, it is a joy to travel down the winding drive through the deer park until the house appears, wedged across the valley and facing out to the plain below. A bold formal terrace with ... Prior Park Landscape Garden Prior Park is a stunning landscaped garden in Bath, which dates back to the 18th century. Originally created by Ralph Allen, a local entrepreneur, the garden design was also influence by ‘Capability' Brown and also the poet, Alexander Pope. It contains one of only four Palladian bridges of this particular design in the world. The Courts Garden Explore a beautiful English country garden at The Courts Garden The Courts Garden is a delightful English country garden showcasing some of the UK'S best gardening. Take a stroll through the beautiful colour-coordinated flower bed and admire the wonderful variety of trees, shrubs and naturally planted spring bulbs. The water garden contains a rectangular lily pond surrounded by pale Iris Sibirica and an earlier creation of a dye pond. Borders are enclosed with Yew, Beech and Holly. T...
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Proletarians of All Countries, Unite! 8th OF MARCH, WOMEN’S DAY: BREAK THE CHAINS! UNCHAIN THE FURY OF WOMEN AS A POWERFUL FORCE FOR THE REVOLUTION! “The women’s world is divided, just as is the world of men, into two camps; the interests and aspirations of one group of women bring it close to the bourgeois class, while the other group has close connections with the proletariat, and its claims for liberation encompass a full solution to the woman question. Thus although both camps follow the general slogan of the “liberation of women”, their aims and interests are different. Each of the groups unconsciously takes its starting point from the interests of its own class, which gives a specific class colouring to the targets and tasks it sets itself. […] For the majority of women of the proletariat, equal rights with men would mean only an equal share in inequality, but for the “chosen few”, for the bourgeois women, it would indeed open doors to new and unprecedented rights and privileges that until now have been enjoyed by men of the bourgeois class alone. But each new concession won by the bourgeois woman would give her yet another weapon for the exploitation of her younger sister and would go on increasing the division between the women of the two opposite social camps. Their interests would be more sharply in conflict, their aspirations more obviously in contradiction.” (Alexandra Kollontai – The Social Basis of the Woman Question, 1909) “A true people’s women’s movement can only be built and developed from the position of the working class, from Marxism, and as part of the people’s movement on which the emancipation of women depends” (Communist Party of Peru – Marxism, Mariátegui and the Women’s Movement) On this occasion of Women’s Day we salute all the female communists and revolutionaries of the world; heroines of the proletariat and the people who give their lives in the armed struggles and people’s wars as leaders and combatants in the struggle to the death against imperialism and this whole patriarchal system; in Peru, in India, in Turkey, in the Philippines and other places. Likewise, we salute the masses of women who are now mobilizing all over the world in struggles for their rights and daily demands, against the rapes and against all the oppression of women that continues to be a part of this capitalist system of exploitation and oppression. It is the duty of the communists – the Marxists-Leninists-Maoists – to recognize the current struggles of women as an expression and a part of the revolutionary situation in uneven development in the world. We reject those revisionist positions that discard the women’s struggles in general, putting forward that the problem of the oppression of women will supposedly be solved “automatically” with the revolution, and that therefore the women’s organizations and mobilizations would not be necessary. We uphold and apply the correct position of our Party, that a popular women’s movement is necessary, which mobilizes the women of all the classes of the people for their demands – under the leadership of the proletariat and serving the conquest of power through the people’s war. The massive women’s mobilizations of last year – like the marches in Mexico, in Turkey, in Sudan, in Spain and other places against the violence towards women, or the marches for women’s rights and against the “austerity” imposed by imperialism in Greece and other countries – in spite of their spontaneous character and the lack of proletarian leadership, are just struggles against the old order and express precisely the “fury of women” which we must “unchain as a powerful force for the revolution”. This is the duty of the proletarian feminists. Imperialism, reaction and revisionism systematically try to contain, manipulate and use the women’s struggle to derail the class struggle. The role of bourgeois feminism is to turn the women’s struggle into a defense of “Western democracy”, to embellish imperialism and to paint the picture of this system of exploitation and oppression as the guardian of the supposed “freedom of women”; which is to say in reality the “freedom” of the “free market”; the freedom for a handful of bourgeois or petty-bourgeois women to make their careers within the imperialist system as exploiters or faithful lackeys of the ruling classes. It is a bourgeois feminism that today on world level puts forward the legalization and normalization of prostitution; that shamelessly participates in imperialism’s racist propaganda against the Arab peoples and the other oppressed peoples, and even defends the genocidal wars of imperialism in the name of this feminism. It confirms what the Communist Party of Peru has stated, that the mobilization of women is “a necessary and fruitful mobilization from the working class viewpoint and in the service of the masses of the people, but which promoted by and for the benefit of the exploiting classes, acts as an element which divides and fetters the people's struggle.” We already know that imperialism is applying its politics of setting masses against masses, using national, religious or cultural contradictions to divide the masses and prevent them from uniting against imperialism; and it is not strange that they want to use the women’s struggle in the same way. Against this we uphold proletarian feminism, the only feminism that truly struggles for the destruction of this whole patriarchal system of exploitation and oppression; the emancipation of all the women of the people and not just the “freedom” of the women of the bourgeoisie and some of their petty-bourgeois lackeys. LONG LIVE PROLETARIAN FEMINISM! LONG LIVE WOMEN’S DAY! CRUSH IMPERIALISM AND PATRIARCHY WITH PEOPLE’S WAR! Peru People’s Movement
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Les activités en hiver et en été. A Châtel de nombreuses animations sont proposées par l'office de tourisme, la piscine de Châtel et le lac de Vonnes satisferont les adeptes de la natation, de la pêche... Les deux fantasticâbles, pour les amateurs de sensations fortes, vous feront " voler " au-dessus des chalets de Plaine-Dranse. Toujours pour les sportifs, vous trouverez, dans la vallée, une via ferrata. Enfin, pour les amateurs de tourisme culturel, il vous sera agréable de visiter la maison du Val, le Cloître d'Abondance, le musée du ski ancien à La Chapelle... Avec votre voiture, de nombreuses excursions sont possibles en suisse ou Italie sur la journée... Nous sommes adhérent au Multipass été Les vacances à petits prix pour toute la famille ! Le Multi Pass est une carte qui vous donne accès à plus de 55 activités pour 1€ par jour de séjour dans une des 12 stations-villages des Portes du Soleil. Vous pouvez utiliser 24 remontées mécaniques (l’accès est illimité pour les piétons) et découvrir sans vous fatiguer 850 km de sentiers de randonnée. Vous aurez également accès à la piscine, aux courts de tennis, à la patinoires et au petit trains. Vous profiterez aussi de nombreux sites culturels et autres activites des Portes du Soleil à prix malin. Le ski de fond, les balades en raquettes et surtout le ski alpin sur les pistes des trois domaines skiables de Châtel ou dans l'une des 12 stations franco-suisse des Portes du Soleil (650km de pistes !!) Patinoire, cinémas etc... Hôtel Au bois de Lune - Route de la Dranse - 74390 Chatel - Tél : 04 50 81 36 94 - Fax : 04 50 73 89 86 - auboisdelune@wanadoo.fr - Hotel 3 etoiles imaginé par Alpes Actu
{"url": "http://www.auboisdelune.com/activites.html", "partition": "head_middle", "language": "fr", "source_domain": "www.auboisdelune.com", "date_download": "2018-09-18T14:26:11Z", "digest": "sha1:PZ4QRXOTOGLXVUZGKT43OPSJM5MKGFU6"}
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Feds join fight to protect your privacy In an effort to raise awareness around the ways to protect personal information from falling into the wrong hands, federal agencies and private sector companies are participating in recognizing Jan. 28 as national Data Privacy Day. The effort brings together government agencies, nonprofits and businesses such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft to raise cybersecurity awareness and promote collaboration between the public sector, industry and citizens in creating new policies to protect digital data. First recognized in the United States and Canada in January 2008, the Data Privacy Day spun off from Data Protection Day, launched in Europe in 2007. The U.S. Congress also realized the importance of a day dedicated to data privacy awareness and in 2009 passed resolutions recognizing Jan. 28 as National Data Privacy Day. "Every day, our lives become more reliant on the Internet, and the goal behind Data Privacy Day is to educate digital citizens on how to protect their personal information online and make them more aware of the impact that technology has in their lives,” said Michael Kaiser, executive director of National Cyber Security Alliance. “While we celebrate Data Privacy Day on Jan. 28, we want audiences to use safe data privacy practices year-round." In the wake of the past years’ deluge of cyber attacks on government and commercial business alike, agencies took further steps to promote better cybersecurity practices and educate the public on privacy and data protection issues. The Federal Trade Commission, for example, created You Are Here, a virtual mall, to reach young children and educate them on the importance of protecting personal information. The Homeland Security Department, which leads the National Cybersecurity Awareness track of the National Initiative For Cybersecurity Education initiative, has used public service campaigns like "STOP. THINK. CONNECT." to promote cybersecurity and responsible online use. The Internal Revenue Services also on its website details what it is doing to protect citizens privacy and provides information on how to avoid phishing scams. NCSA, which Jan. 26 hosted a Data Privacy Day event featuring FTC Commissioner Julie Brill, will be posting news about National Data Privacy Day and related information on Twitter, using the #DataPrivacyDay hashtag.
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Patent application title: Using a Three-Dimensional Environment Model in Gameplay Inventors: Shahram Izadi (Cambridge, GB) David Molyneaux (Oldham, GB) David Molyneaux (Oldham, GB) Otmar Hilliges (Cambridge, GB) Otmar Hilliges (Cambridge, GB) David Kim (Cambridge, GB) David Kim (Cambridge, GB) Jamie Daniel Joseph Shotton (Cambridge, GB) Jamie Daniel Joseph Shotton (Cambridge, GB) Pushmeet Kohli (Cambridge, GB) Pushmeet Kohli (Cambridge, GB) Andrew Fitzgibbon (Cambridge, GB) Andrew Fitzgibbon (Cambridge, GB) Stephen Edward Hodges (Cambridge, GB) David Alexander Butler (Cambridge, GB) Assignees: Microsoft Corporation IPC8 Class: AG06T1700FI Class name: Computer graphics processing three-dimension solid modelling Use of a 3D environment model in gameplay is described. In an embodiment, a mobile depth camera is used to capture a series of depth images as it is moved around and a dense 3D model of the environment is generated from this series of depth images. This dense 3D model is incorporated within an interactive application, such as a game. The mobile depth camera is then placed in a static position for an interactive phase, which in some examples is gameplay, and the system detects motion of a user within a part of the environment from a second series of depth images captured by the camera. This motion provides a user input to the interactive application, such as a game. In further embodiments, automatic recognition and identification of objects within the 3D model may be performed and these identified objects then change the way that the interactive application operates. 1. An interactive computing system comprising: an input for receiving a first series of depth images from a mobile depth camera when in motion and a second series of depth images from the mobile depth camera when static; a real-time camera tracking engine for tracking a position of the mobile depth camera when in motion; a dense 3D environment modeling system arranged to generate a dense 3D model of the environment from any of the series of depth images and position data from the real-time camera tracking engine; and an integration engine arranged to integrate at least a part of the dense 3D model into an application and to provide user input to the application by tracking real-time movement in a part of the environment using the second series of depth images. 2. An interactive computing system according to claim 1, further comprising: an object recognition module arranged to analyze the dense 3D model of the environment and identify objects within the model. 3. An interactive computing system according to claim 2, wherein the integration engine is further arranged to adapt the application based on an object identified within the dense 3D model. 4. An interactive computing system according to claim 3, wherein adapting the application comprises automatically determining position calibration information for an object based on a detected relative location of a display and the mobile depth camera. 5. An interactive computing system according to claim 4, wherein the object comprises a pointing device or a user of the system. 6. An interactive computing system according to claim 1, further comprising the mobile depth camera. 7. An interactive computing system according to claim 6, further comprising a plurality of additional depth cameras. 8. An interactive computing system according to claim 3, wherein the identified object is a projector and the integration engine is arranged to use the 3D model to influence output of the projector. 9. An interactive computing system according to claim 1, wherein the system is a gaming system and the application is a game. 10. A method of operating an interactive computing system comprising: receiving a series of depth images from a mobile depth camera in motion around an environment; generating a dense 3D model of the environment from the series of depth images; integrating at least a part of the dense 3D model into an application; receiving a second series of depth images from the mobile depth camera when not in motion; and tracking real-time movement in 3D in a region of the environment using the second series of depth images. 11. A method according to claim 10, further comprising: generating the dense 3D model using the second series of depth images. 12. A method according to claim 11, further comprising: updating the dense 3D model using the second series of depth images. 13. A method according to claim 10, wherein integrating at least a part of the dense 3D model into an application comprises: analyzing the dense 3D model to automatically identify objects in the model; where an object is identified, inputting object type and object location information into the application; and adjusting operation of the application based on the input object type and location information. 14. A method according to claim 13, wherein the object comprises an active object and adjusting performance of the application comprises adjusting an output of the active object. 15. A method according to claim 13, wherein the object comprises a display and adjusting performance of the application comprises automatically calibrating a position of an object relative to the display based on a detected relative position of the display and the mobile depth camera. 16. A method according to claim 13, wherein adjusting performance of the application comprises adjusting the output of another detected object. 17. A method according to claim 13, wherein the object comprises another depth camera and adjusting performance of the application comprises calibrating the system based on a relative position of each depth camera. 18. A method according to claim 10, further comprising: receiving a series of depth images from each of one or more additional depth cameras; generating a dense 3D model of the environment from each series of depth images; identifying common features in more than one dense 3D model; and computing relative locations of cameras based on the identified common features. 19. A method according to claim 10, wherein the interactive computing system is a gaming system and the application is a game. 20. A gaming system having a first and second phase of operation, the gaming system comprising: an input for receiving a first series of depth images from a mobile depth camera in the first phase of operation and a second series of depth images from the mobile depth camera in the second phase of operation, wherein the mobile depth camera is in motion in the first phase of operation and is static in the second phase of operation; a real-time camera tracking engine arranged to track a position of the mobile depth camera in the first phase of operation; a dense 3D modeling system arranged to generate a 3D model of a room using at least the first series of depth images and the position of the mobile depth camera when each depth image was captured; and a gaming engine arranged to integrate at least a part of the dense 3D model into a game and to track real-time movement in a part of the room using the second series of depth images as a user input to the game. [0001] Gaming systems have been developed which use cameras, such as video or depth cameras, to detect the movement of a user or of a controller held by the user and so enable user interaction with a game. In order to detect the position/motion of a user, the images captured by the camera are segmented to select the foreground (the user) and to remove the background. A user can then interact with characters or objects in the game in an environment which is created within the game itself and which is totally separate from the actual environment of the user. The embodiments described below are not limited to implementations which solve any or all of the disadvantages of known gaming systems. [0002] The following presents a simplified summary of the disclosure in order to provide a basic understanding to the reader. This summary is not an extensive overview of the disclosure and it does not identify key/critical elements of the invention or delineate the scope of the invention. Its sole purpose is to present a selection of concepts disclosed herein in a simplified form as a prelude to the more detailed description that is presented later. [0003] Use of a 3D environment model in gameplay is described. In an embodiment, a mobile depth camera is used to capture a series of depth images as it is moved around and a dense 3D model of the environment is generated from this series of depth images. This dense 3D model is incorporated within an interactive application, such as a game. The mobile depth camera is then placed in a static position for an interactive phase, which in some examples is gameplay, and the system detects motion of a user within a part of the environment from a second series of depth images captured by the camera. This motion provides a user input to the interactive application, such as a game. In further embodiments, automatic recognition and identification of objects within the 3D model may be performed and these identified objects then change the way that the interactive application operates. [0004] Many of the attendant features will be more readily appreciated as the same becomes better understood by reference to the following detailed description considered in connection with the accompanying drawings. [0005] The present description will be better understood from the following detailed description read in light of the accompanying drawings, wherein: [0006] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a person standing in a room and holding a mobile depth camera which may be used to generate a 3D model of the MOM; [0007] FIG. 2 illustrates a plan view of a floor of a building which is being explored by a person holding a mobile depth camera; [0008] FIG. 3 is a flow diagram of an example of the operation of the interactive computing system shown in FIG. 1; [0009] FIGS. 4 and 5 are schematic diagrams of a mobile depth camera connected to an interactive computing system; [0010] FIG. 6 shows a flow diagram of a part of the operation of the interactive computing system which involves use of the object recognition module shown in FIG. 5; [0011] FIG. 7 shows a schematic diagram of both a known method of calibrating a pointing device and an automatic calibration method; [0012] FIG. 8 is a schematic diagram of an arrangement similar to that shown in FIG. 1 but with multiple depth cameras; [0013] FIG. 9 is a flow diagram of an example method of automatic calibration of multiple depth cameras; [0014] FIG. 10 illustrates an exemplary computing-based device in which embodiments of the methods described herein may be implemented; [0015] FIG. 11 is a flow diagram of an example iterative process at a frame alignment engine; [0016] FIG. 12 is a flow diagram showing the step of calculating pairs of corresponding points in more detail; [0017] FIG. 13 is a flow diagram of an example of a parallelizable process for generating a 3D environment model; and [0018] FIG. 14 illustrates and example parallelizable signed distance function calculation. [0019] Like reference numerals are used to designate like parts in the accompanying drawings. [0020] The detailed description provided below in connection with the appended drawings is intended as a description of the present examples and is not intended to represent the only forms in which the present example may be constructed or utilized. The description sets forth the functions of the example and the sequence of steps for constructing and operating the example. However, the same or equivalent functions and sequences may be accomplished by different examples. [0021] FIG. 1 is a schematic diagram of a person 100 standing in a room and holding a mobile depth camera 102 which in communication with (and may be considered to form part of) an interactive computing system 103, such as a gaming system. The room contains various objects 106 (such as a chair, table, door, window, plant and light), another person 104, a display 105 and a cat 108. The display 105 may, for example, be a television or computer monitor or may alternatively be any other form of display capable of displaying a graphical user interface (GUI) of the interactive computing system 103, including eyewear which incorporates a display or a projected display. Many of the objects 106 are static although some of the objects such as the people 100, 104 and cat 108 may move. As the person 100 holding the mobile depth camera 102 moves around the room or moves the mobile depth camera 102 whilst standing still, the mobile depth camera captures depth images of the room and the objects. [0022] The mobile depth camera 102 is in communication with a dense 3D environment modeling system 110 (the environment in this case is the room), which may be part of the interactive computing system 103. "Dense" in this example refers to a high degree of accuracy and resolution of the model resulting from the use of all or many of the points from the incoming depth maps to implicitly describe the surface. This can be contrasted with a "sparse" model that only takes a subset of the points to speed up calculations and reduce memory footprint. For example, images captured by the mobile depth camera 102 are used to form and build up a dense 3D model of the environment as the person moves about the room or moves the mobile depth camera 102 around. [0023] A real-time camera tracking system 112 monitors the location and orientation of the camera 102 in the room. The real-time camera tracking system 112 may be integral with the mobile depth camera 102 or may be at another location, such as part of the interactive computing system 103. Irrespective of where the real-time camera tracking system 112 is located, it is able to receive communication from the mobile depth camera 102, either directly or indirectly. In an example, the real-time camera tracking system 112 may be provided at a computing device which is part of the interactive computing system 103 and may be in wireless communication with the mobile depth camera 102. In other examples the real-time camera tracking system 112 may be elsewhere in the building or at another remote location in communication with the mobile depth camera 102 using a communications network of any suitable type. [0024] The real-time camera tracking system 112 provides input to the dense 3D modeling system, in order to allow individual depth images to be built up into an overall 3D model. The real-time camera tracking system 112 may also track the position of the camera in relation to the 3D model of the environment. The combination of camera tracking and 3D modeling is known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). [0025] The outputs of the real-time camera tracking system 112 and dense 3D modeling system 110 may be used by an integration engine 114, which may comprise a gaming engine, augmented reality engine or any engine which enables integration of at least part of a dense 3D model of the environment into an application. For example, the integration engine may enable user interaction with an interactive application (which may be a game). For example, modeled real-world objects can be included in a gaming (or other interactive) environment and this is described in more detail below. In another example, a projector at the mobile depth camera 102 may be arranged to project images depending on the output of the real-time camera tracking system 112 and 3D modeling system 110. [0026] As a further example, FIG. 2 illustrates a plan view of a floor 200 of a building. A person 202 holding a mobile depth camera 204 is moving around the floor as indicated by dotted arrows 208. The person walks along a corridor 206 past rooms and furniture 210. The real-time camera tracking system 112 is able to track the position of the mobile depth camera 204 as it moves and the 3D modeling system generates a 3D model or map of the floor. It is not essential for a person 202 to carry the mobile depth camera 204. In other examples the mobile depth camera 204 is mounted on a robot or vehicle. This also applies to the example of FIG. 1. [0027] A flow diagram of an example of the operation of the interactive computing system 103 is shown in FIG. 3. A series of depth images are received from the mobile depth camera 102 as it is moved around an environment, such as the room shown in FIG. 1 (block 302). This series of depth images are then used to generate a dense 3D model of the environment (block 304) and this 3D model (or part of the model) is then integrated within an interactive application which runs on the interactive computing system and with which a user can interact (block 306). Where the interactive computing system 103 is a gaming system, the interactive application is a game and the 3D model (or a part of it) is integrated within the game. Once the 3D model has been integrated within the game, the model may be visible to the user or may be used within the game but not be visible to the user. The generation of the dense 3D model of the environment, which may also be referred to as a dense 3D background model, may be considered to be a first phase of operation of the interactive computing system (as indicated by dotted box 31) and may be performed offline or in real-time as part of the application (e.g. game) or as a separate activity (e.g. as a set-up phase for the game or for the gaming system). [0028] A second series of depth images are subsequently received from the mobile depth camera 102 when the camera is static (block 308) and this second series of depth images are used to dynamically track real-time movement in 3D within the field of view (FOV) of the camera, which will represent only a region of the environment (e.g. only a part of the room) which was modeled in the first phase (block 310). This region of the environment may be referred to as the `region of interest` and in some implementations there may be a defined fixed position for the mobile depth camera during this stage in the operation of the system (e.g. above or below the display 105 in FIG. 1). The real-time sensing in a part of the environment (blocks 308 and 310) may be considered to be a second phase of operation of the interactive computing system (as indicated by dotted box 32). The real-time movement data, which may comprise raw data or processed data, such as data on identified user gestures, is provided as an input to the interactive application (block 312). The second series of depth images may also (in real-time or subsequently) be used to update the 3D model which was generated previously (block 314) and the updated model (or aspects of the updated model) may then be fed back into the application (as indicated by the dotted arrow from block 314 to block 306). [0029] The incorporation of the detailed model of the environment (which may be considered the background) into an interactive application, such as a game, improves the overall user experience and can increase the reality of the interaction. For example, where a user interacts with a virtual object in the interactive application, such as a ball, the movement and behavior of the ball can be adapted based on the dense 3D model. If the user kicks the virtual ball towards a wall or other object, the interactive application can modify the behavior of the virtual ball (as shown in the GUI of the application) based on the dense 3D model, such that the ball appears to bounce back from the wall. In another example, if the user kicks the virtual ball towards a smaller (real) object within the room, the ball may not necessarily bounce back but the trajectory of the virtual ball may be changed following its virtual impact with the real object. The characteristics of the particular smaller real object may be used in determining the resultant motion of the virtual ball, as is described in more detail below. Other aspects of the environment may also be incorporated into the interactive application, such as light from real light sources (e.g. the lamp or window in FIG. 1), shadows from objects (e.g. the plant in FIG. 1), etc. [0030] Additionally, the incorporation of the detailed model of the environment into an interactive application (such as a game) may provide new user experiences. For example, a flight simulation game which is played out in the user's own home (e.g. in their living room which has been captured in the first phase) on a miniature scale (e.g. with the user flying in a simulated miniature plane). In another example, an interactive application (such as a game) may transform the room into a jungle or other alternative environment, e.g. with waterfalls rolling off the sofa, etc. In a further example, an interactive application (such as a game) may enable a user to incorporate their own home into a simulation game. In yet another example, the incorporation of the detailed model into an interactive application may enable a user to try out changes to home decoration, new furniture, etc within a virtual representation of the room before actually making the changes (e.g. painting the walls a different color, changing the color of the carpet, knocking down a wall, etc) or buying the new furniture etc. In an implementation, the interactive application may be provided by a home furnishings store (e.g. via their website) such that you can import depth data to be used in creating a model which is integrated within the application and then import items from the store into the virtual scene. [0031] The system shown in FIG. 1 comprises a single depth camera (mobile depth camera 102) and the method shown in FIG. 3 enables a single depth sensing device to be used to create a detailed 3D model of an environment and also to track real-time movement in 3D within a region of that larger environment. This provides a lower cost system than systems which comprise multiple depth sensing devices. The method of FIG. 3 may also be used in combination with a system which comprises multiple depth cameras and this is described in more detail below with reference to FIG. 8. [0032] FIG. 4 is a schematic diagram of a mobile environment capture device 400 for use with a real-time camera tracker 416, dense model formation system 424 and an integration engine 432 (which may be a game engine). The mobile environment capture device 400 comprises a depth camera 402 which is arranged to capture sequences (or series) of depth images of a scene. Subsequent references to a depth camera may refer to a standalone depth camera or to a depth camera which is part of a mobile environment capture device as shown in FIG. 4. Depending on the technology used for depth sensing the depth camera may require additional components (e.g. an emitter 404 is required where the depth camera 402 detects infra-red structured light patterns) although such additional components may not necessarily be co-located with the depth camera. [0033] Each depth image 414 (or depth map frame) comprises a two dimensional image in which each image element (i.e. pixel) comprises a depth value such as a length or distance from the camera to an object in the captured scene which gave rise to that image element. This depth value may be an absolute value provided in specified units of measurement such as meters, or centimeters or may be a relative depth value. In each captured depth image 414 there may be around 300,000 or more image elements each having a depth value. The frame rate of the depth camera 402 is high enough to enable the depth images to be used for working robotics, computer game or other applications (e.g. 20 frames per second or more). [0034] The depth information may be obtained using any suitable technique including, but not limited to, time of flight, structured light, and stereo images. The mobile environment capture device 400 may also comprise an emitter 404 arranged to illuminate the scene in such a manner that depth information may be ascertained by the depth camera 402. [0035] For example, in the case that the depth camera 402 is an infra-red (IR) time-of-flight camera, the emitter 404 emits IR light onto the scene, and the depth camera 402 is arranged to detect backscattered light from the surface of one or more objects in the scene. In some examples, pulsed infrared light may be emitted from the emitter 404 such that the time between an outgoing light pulse and a corresponding incoming light pulse may be detected by the depth camera and measure and used to determine a physical distance from the environment capture device 400 to a location on objects in the scene. Additionally, in some examples, the phase of the outgoing light wave from the emitter 404 may be compared to the phase of the incoming light wave at the depth camera 402 to determine a phase shift. The phase shift may then be used to determine a physical distance from the mobile environment capture device 400 to a location on the objects by analyzing the intensity of the reflected beam of light over time via various techniques including, for example, shuttered light pulse imaging. [0036] In another example, the mobile environment capture device 400 can use structured light to capture depth information. In such a technique patterned light (e.g. light displayed as a known pattern such as spots, a grid or stripe pattern, which may also be time-varying) may be projected onto a scene using the emitter 404. Upon striking the surface of objects in the scene the pattern becomes deformed from the view point of a depth camera 402 which captures the pattern. The deformation in the captured pattern is analyzed to determine an absolute or relative distance from the depth camera 402 to the objects in the scene. [0037] In another example, the depth camera 402 comprises a pair of stereo cameras such that visual stereo data is obtained and resolved to generate relative depth information. In this case the emitter 404 may be used to illuminate the scene or may be omitted. [0038] In some examples, in addition to the depth camera 402, the mobile environment capture device 400 comprises a color video camera referred to as an RGB camera 406. The RGB camera 406 is arranged to capture sequences of images of the scene at visible light frequencies. [0039] The mobile environment capture device 400 may comprise an orientation sensor 408 such as an inertial measurement unit (IMU), accelerometer, gyroscope, compass or other orientation sensor 408. However, it is not essential to use an orientation sensor. The mobile environment capture device 400 may comprise a location tracking device such as a GPS, although this is not essential. [0040] The mobile environment capture device may comprise a projector 412 as mentioned above, although this is not essential. The mobile environment capture device also comprises one or more processors, a memory and a communications infrastructure as described in more detail below. The mobile environment capture device may be provided in a housing which is shaped and sized to be hand held by a user or worn by a user. In other examples the mobile environment capture device is sized and shaped to be incorporated or mounted on a vehicle, toy or other movable apparatus. The mobile environmental camera may also be shaped so that it can be placed on a surface or bracket when operating in a fixed (or static) position (e.g. in the second phase, box 32 of FIG. 3). [0041] The mobile environment capture device 400 is connected to a real-time tracker 416. This connection may be a physical wired connection or may use wireless communications. In some examples the mobile environment capture device 400 is connected indirectly to the real-time tracker 416 over one or more communications networks such as the internet. [0042] The real-time tracker 416 is computer-implemented using a general purpose microprocessor controlling one or more graphics processing units (GPUs) or other parallel computing units. It comprises a frame alignment engine 418 and optionally a loop closure engine 420 and a relocalization engine 422. The real-time tracker 416 takes depth image frames from the depth camera 402, and optionally also input from the mobile environment capture device 400, and optional map data 434. The real-time tracker 416 operates to place the depth image frames into spatial alignment in order to produce a real-time series 428 of six degree of freedom (6DOF) pose estimates of the depth camera 402. It may also produce transformation parameters for transforms between pairs of depth image frames. In some examples the real-time tracker operates on pairs of depth image frames 414 from the depth camera. In other examples, the real-time tracker 416 takes a single depth image 414 and aligns that with a dense 3D model 426 of the environment rather than with another depth image. An example of a method of real-time tracking is described in co-pending US patent application entitled `Real-time Camera Tracking Using Depth Maps` filed on the same day as this application. This method is also described briefly below with reference to FIGS. 11 and 12. [0043] The real-time tracker 416 provides the camera pose as output to a dense 3D model generation system 424 which uses that information together with the depth image frames to form and store a dense 3D model 426 of the scene or environment in which the mobile environment capture device 400 is moving. For example, in the case of FIG. 1 the 3D model would be a 3D model of the surfaces and objects in the room. In the case of FIG. 2 the 3D model would be a 3D model of the floor of the building. The dense 3D model may be stored in GPU memory. An example of a method of dense 3D model generation is described in co-pending US patent application entitled `Three-Dimensional Environment Reconstruction` filed on the same day as this application. This method is also described briefly below with reference to FIGS. 13 and 14. Another example of a method of dense 3D model generation is described in a paper entitled `A Volumetric Method for Building Complex Models from Range Images` by Curless and Levoy and published at SIGGRAPH '96. [0044] The processing performed by the real-time tracker 416 and/or the dense 3D model formation system 424 can, in one example, be executed remotely from the location of the mobile environment capture device 400. For example, the mobile environment capture device 400 can be connected to (or comprise) a computing device having relatively low processing power, and which streams the depth images over a communications network to a server. The server has relatively high processing power, and performs the computationally complex tasks of the real-time tracker 416 and/or the dense 3D model formation system 424. The server can return a rendered image of the dense reconstruction per-frame to provide an interactive experience to the user, and also return the final dense 3D reconstruction on completion of the model, for subsequent local use (e.g. in a game). Such an arrangement avoids the need for the user to possess a high-powered local computing device. [0045] In order to assist the user with building the dense 3D model, feedback can be provided to the user in the form of real-time renderings of the dense 3D model. This enables the user to view the state of the dense model as it is constructed, thereby assisting the user in capturing regions that have been missed. Colors and/or textures may be superimposed on the renderings in order to indicate to the user which regions of the environment need more data. This provides a more interactive experience for the user. Audio or visual cues can also be provided to the user to guide them to areas that have been missed or are of poor quality in the dense 3D model. [0046] The mobile environment capture device 400 may be used in conjunction with an integration engine 432 (which may be a game engine) which is connected to a display device 430. For example, the game may be a first-person shooter (FPS) game, golf game, boxing game, motor car racing game or other type of computer game. The dense 3D model may be provided to the integration engine 432, and aspects of the model incorporated into the game, as described above with reference to FIG. 3. For example, the 3D model can be used to determine the shape and location of objects in a room which may then be incorporated into the game itself as in-game objects that the player can interact with or virtual objects within the game may interact (virtually) with objects within the environment (e.g. a virtual ball kicked by a player may appear to bounce back after hitting a wall of the room or other object in the environment). The integration engine 432 also uses the depth images captured during the second phase (e.g. during game play, where the integration engine is a game system), to track real-time movement in 3D in the region of interest and to use this movement as an input to an application, such as a game. The tracking of real-time movement using the depth images 414 may be performed using known techniques such as background removal followed by exemplar-based body part recognition (e.g. as described in co-pending US patent application entitled `Human Body Pose Estimation`, filed May 1, 2009, publication number US-2010-0278384-A1. Data from the integration engine 432 such as the game state or metadata about the game may also be provided to the real-time tracker 416. [0047] Map data 434 is optionally available to the real-time tracker 416. For example, this may be an architect's drawing of the environment (e.g. room or floor of building), the location of landmarks known in the environment, a map of the environment available from another source. [0048] The frame alignment engine 418 of the real-time tracker is arranged to align pairs of depth image frames, or a depth image frame and an estimate of a depth image frame from the dense 3D model. It uses an iterative process which is implemented using one or more graphics processing units in order that the frame alignment engine operates in real-time. The loop closure engine 420 is arranged to detect when the mobile environment capture device has moved in a loop so that the scene depicted in the current depth frame is at least partially overlapping with that of a previous depth frame. For example, this may occur when a user walks around the whole floor of the building in FIG. 2 and reaches the starting point again. It may also occur when a user moves around a room behind some furniture and out again to the original start position, or close to that original start position. The relocalization engine 422 is arranged to deal with the situation where the real-time tracker loses the current location of the mobile environment capture device 400 and relocalizes or finds the current location again. [0049] As mentioned, the processing performed by the real-time tracker 416 and/or the dense 3D model generation system 424 can, in one example, be executed remotely from the location of the mobile environment capture device 400. For example, the mobile environment capture device 400 can be connected to (or comprise) a computing device having relatively low processing power, and which streams the depth images over a communications network to a server. The server has relatively high processing power, and performs the computationally complex tasks of the real-time tracker 416 and/or the dense 3D model generation system 424. The server can return a rendered image of the dense reconstruction per-frame to provide an interactive experience to the user, and also return the final dense 3D reconstruction on completion of the model, for subsequent local use (e.g. in a game). Such an arrangement avoids the need for the user to possess a high-powered local computing device. [0050] In the system and methods described above, the dense 3D model which is constructed based on the depth images captured while the mobile depth camera is in motion (phase 1, box 31 in FIG. 3) is integrated into an application running on the interactive computing system and then a user may interact with the application (and the environment) through motion which is detected once the mobile depth camera has been set down and is therefore static (phase 2, box 32 in FIG. 3). In some examples, instructions may be provided to the user by the system in relation to how to move the mobile depth camera in phase 1 and in other examples, the user may be free to move the mobile depth camera in any way. In a variation of the system and methods described above, the interactive computing system may also comprise an object recognition module 502 as shown in the schematic diagram of FIG. 5. The objects recognized from within the 3D model by this module 502 may include active objects, such as the display device 430 or other peripherals 504 such as speakers, projectors, light sources etc, and passive objects, such as items of furniture. [0051] FIG. 6 shows a flow diagram of a part of the operation of the interactive computing system which involves use of the object recognition module 502. This method may, for example, form part of the step of integrating the 3D model into an application (block 306) in FIG. 3 or may be performed by the integration engine following this step. The 3D model (as generated by the dense 3D model generation system 424) is analyzed (block 602) to look for recognizable objects. This may, for example, be performed by looking for particular features in the generated model or comparing parts of the model to stored templates, where these templates or particular features may be stored in an object database 506. In an example, a generic `television` template may be stored which defines the approximate shape of a television (e.g. approximately 10 cm in depth and having a width to height ratio of approximately 16:9). Any suitable image analysis or machine-learning method may be used to perform the analysis (in block 602) and in some examples, training data may be stored in the object database 506. [0052] Depending upon the resolution of the dense 3D model, the object recognition module 502 may be able to identify embossed or engraved product logos to assist in object identification (e.g. the DELL (trademark) logo may indicate a computer or computer display). Where the mobile environment capture device 400 comprises an optional RGB camera 406 (as shown in FIG. 4) in addition to the depth camera 402, RGB images may be used in combination with the 3D model to perform object recognition (e.g. for logo detection or to read barcodes or product IDs). Where an object to be recognized comprises a display, such as a television, computer monitor or mobile phone, a known particular pattern may be displayed on the device (and where the device is under the control of the system, this known pattern may be output by the system to the device) while scanning in, so that it can be detected easily in RGB. Similarly, for a projector, similarly, the projector may output a known pattern (optionally varying over time), either independently or under the control of the system, and by finding that RGB pattern in the world, the position of the projector within the room can be determined (e.g. using the room geometry which is known from the depth reconstruction). In some systems, markers (e.g. infra-red reflective markers) may be used to assist in object recognition/classification. [0053] When an object has been recognized (`Yes` in block 604), data about the object is input to the application running on the integration engine 432 (block 606), which may, for example, be a game running on a game system. This data about the object may, for example, comprise an object type (e.g. `television` or `display`) and location information (e.g. relative to the current position of the mobile depth camera or mobile environment capture device 400). The application performance (or operation) is then adjusted based on the identified objects (block 608). [0054] There are many different ways that the application performance (or operation) may be adjusted based on the identified objects (in block 608) and this may depend upon the type of object which has been identified. Where the object is an active object, such as a speaker, the audio output of the interactive computing system may be adjusted (block 681) to take into consideration to location and spacing of speakers. In this way, the system may be able to simulate the effect of a surround sound system or a real surround system may be able to use the full 3D room reconstruction to calibrate and optimize its output. In some examples, where multiple speakers are identified it may be necessary to perform an additional step, such as emitting a sound from each speaker in sequence, to distinguish between the audio outputs from the interactive computing system and the detected speaker objects (the mobile environment capture device 400 may optionally comprise a microphone, not shown in FIG. 4). In some situations, this may not be necessary because this information may be able to be inferred from the size/shape of the detected speaker objects and/or from the relative positioning of the speakers. The detection of speakers and subsequent simulation of surround sound may, for example, be used to increase the reality of a gaming or augmented reality environment. [0055] Another example of an active object is the display device 430 itself and using the knowledge of the relative position of the camera and display, automatic calibration of pointing devices may be performed (block 682), as can be described with reference to FIG. 7. In many known systems, to calibrate a pointing device to a display 702, it is necessary to point (and possibly press a button whilst pointing) at reticules 704 (or other markers) which are displayed in each of the corners of the display, as shown in the upper diagram in FIG. 7. In the system described herein, however, the integration engine knows the relative positions of the depth camera 712, display 714 and pointing device 716 (such as a bat when playing a ball game or an imitation weapon when playing a FPS game) and so the position at which the user is pointing on the display (marked by arrow 718 in the lower diagram in FIG. 7) can be calculated (e.g. using trigonometry), without requiring the initial calibration phase (as shown in the upper diagram of FIG. 7). Furthermore, based on the dense 3D model of the environment which has been generated, the integration engine can also determine what a user is pointing at within the environment, even where the user is not pointing at the display. This may, for example, enable a user to select a real object (e.g. by pointing at it) which is outside of the field of view of the mobile depth camera in its static position (in phase 2) and import it into the game as an in-game object. [0056] In a variation of that shown in FIG. 7 and described above, the methods may be used to determine where a user is looking within the environment. As the system knows the relative position of the depth camera and the display, as well as the relative position of the user's head and eyes, the system can perform head tracking such that by moving their head a user can look around the GUI. This provides a very realistic and intuitive interface for exploring a virtual environment within a gaming or augmented reality application. [0057] In another example, the GUI of the application may be adjusted based on the identified object (block 683), for example, where a light source (such as the lamp or window shown in FIG. 1) is recognized, the GUI may be adjusted to simulate additional light in the displayed scene originating from the identified location of the light source. Where the detected object is a window, the GUI may be adapted to accommodate any glare which may be anticipated from sunlight through the window (e.g. based on time of day and time of year) or to simulate additional light, as in the previous example. [0058] It will be appreciated that speakers and displays are just two examples of active objects and the system may recognize other active objects and then adjust the output to that active object from the application (in block 608). The output to the active object may be adjusted based on the detected location of that object and/or on the detected position of other objects (in block 685). [0059] In a further example, the device may be an identified active object such as a projector and the output of the projector may be adjusted based on its determined location relative to other objects identified within the environment. This eliminates the need for a calibration stage and means that the system can adapt automatically to calibrate itself based on the detected locations of identified active objects. The projector may project visible images (or other GUI) and these may be adjusted based on the known position of the projector and its relative position to surfaces onto which the images will be projected, e.g. to compensate for surfaces not being flat or being angled with respect to the projector. The images may also be generated for projection based on the known position of the projector to provide a more immersive environment for the user and to extend the display from the main display, which may be a projected display or shown on a television, computer monitor or other display screen. In particular, the projected image may be adapted in real-time to the position of the user (e.g. the position of their face and eyes) such that a 3D effect is achieved and the image may be projected on arbitrary surface geometry. [0060] In another example, the projector may project a structured light pattern for use in depth detection and the structured light pattern projected may be changed (in block 685) based on the known position of the projector, e.g. relative to the current position of the mobile depth camera. In cases where the projection hits a flat surface at an angle the image may be pre-distorted in order to compensate any perspective distortions (also called keystone effect) of the projection image. In an example, the image is pre-distorted in two steps. First, the surface is projectively textured in the captured 3D model with the 2D projection image from a position orthogonal to the center of the projection surface. The textured 3D surface is then projected back to a 2D image using a virtual camera sharing the same extrinsic and intrinsic lens parameters as the projector. The projection may be undistorted relative a user rather than to a flat surface which allows the system to correct distortions on arbitrary non-planar surfaces. The technique described above may be modified by projectively texturing the surfaces (even non-planar) in the captured 3D model from the user's estimated eye position. [0061] The examples described above have all been active objects; however, the application performance may also be adjusted based on the detection of passive objects such as items of furniture or indeed other animate objects (such as the other person 104 or the cat 108 shown in FIG. 1). Where a user is interacting with a virtual object, such as a ball, and throws/kicks this virtual object, a physics engine within the integration engine may be adjusted (block 684) so as to more accurately simulate the interaction between the virtual object and the real object. If a virtual ball bounces off a wall it may move faster than if it had bounced off a softer object such as a sofa (also known as a couch). If the virtual ball accidentally comes into contact with the lamp 106 or the real cat 108 an appropriate sound effect may be simulated by the integration engine and played to the user (e.g. the sound of breaking glass or a cat's `miaow`). [0062] Although object recognition is described above as being performed before the start of game play (or other user interaction in phase 2), object recognition may in addition, or instead, be performed based on the second series of depth images which are generated when the depth camera is static (as received in block 308 of FIG. 3). In such an example, the manner in which a user interacts with an object may be used to recognize or classify an object and this may use exemplar-based body part recognition methods or other methods. For example, an object which a user sits on may be identified by the object recognition module 502 as a chair or sofa. [0063] It will be appreciated that the ways in which an application performance may be adjusted or adapted (in block 608) based on identified objects described above provide just some examples. There are many ways in which adjustments may be made in order to improve user experience and increase the reality of the user interaction with the application once the objects have been identified from the dense 3D model and this information has been fed into the appropriate engine/module. [0064] The systems described above comprise only a single depth camera, the mobile depth camera 102, 204, 402, however, other example systems may also comprise one or more additional depth cameras 802-806, as shown in FIG. 8, and in such an example system the methods described above (e.g. as shown in FIGS. 3 and 6) may also be used. Each of the depth cameras 102, 802-806 in the system may be the same or they may be different (e.g. they may have different shaped fields of view, they may include combinations of wide-angle, short-throw and long-range depth cameras and/or they may include cameras using different technologies, such as structured light, time of flight, stereo, laser range finders, etc). The additional depth cameras 802-806 may be static cameras and therefore may have a different shaped housing to the mobile depth camera 102, or one or more of the additional depth cameras 802-806 may also be a mobile depth camera. Each depth camera is connected to the interactive computing system using a wired or wireless connection. [0065] In an implementation of such a system, the mobile depth camera 102 alone may be used to generate the dense 3D model of the environment (in block 304 of FIG. 3) or series of images received from multiple depth cameras may be used. Furthermore, in the second phase (box 32), images from all the depth cameras 102, 802-806 or a subset of the cameras may be used to track real-time movement in 3D (in block 310 of FIG. 3). In an example, separate real-time body part recognition is run for each depth camera and the result of the tracker with the highest confidence value is used in order to compensate occlusions of the user resulting from furniture, other users or themselves. [0066] In an implementation of a system comprising multiple depth cameras, such as shown in FIG. 8, the method shown in FIG. 6 may be used to detect the presence and location of the additional depth cameras 802-806 and to adjust the application performance based on their determined locations (in block 608 of FIG. 6). Additionally each static camera may track the user individually in order to determine its relative orientation to the user. This knowledge may be used to resolve any ambiguities regarding the location of the cameras with respect to other static cameras. In this example, adjusting the application performance may comprise performing an automatic calibration of the system based on the known camera locations and this calibration may be used when detecting motion in real-time (e.g. in the second phase of operation, box 32 in FIG. 3, where series of images from multiple depth cameras are used). [0067] Where the depth cameras are not identical, the object recognition (of FIG. 6) may be used to detect the type of camera in addition to the presence and location of the camera. As described above, where the mobile depth camera is part of a mobile environment capture device which also comprises a RGB camera (e.g. as shown in FIG. 4), images captured by the RGB camera may also be used in identification of the type of camera. In other examples, other characteristics may be used to identify the type of camera, such as a particular marker or label on the device (e.g. an IR reflective marker). [0068] In another variation, the automatic calibration based on the determined locations (or relative locations) of the multiple depth cameras may be performed by comparison of 3D models. FIG. 9 is a flow diagram of an example method of automatic calibration of multiple depth cameras in which a separate dense 3D model is generated (in block 904) using the series of depth images received from each depth camera (in block 902), which includes the mobile depth camera where there one. The models may be generated using all the images in a series or from a subset of the images (e.g. to reduce the computation that is required). Once generated, the individual models are then compared to identify common sets of features which are visible in more than one model (block 906) and based on the identification of a common set of features in two or more models, the relative positions of the cameras associated with each of the models can be computed (block 908). In an example, where the environment comprises a cluttered surface, such as a coffee table with a number of objects on it, such a feature provides a good reference point for computing the relative position of cameras as there is likely to be little or no symmetry in the arrangement of objects. In an implementation of the method shown in FIG. 9, the identification of a common set of features may be implemented by identifying a particular arrangement of features in a first model (such as the cluttered coffee table) and then examining each other model to determine if the same arrangement of features is visible in the model. In an example implementation, descriptor vectors may be extracted at sparse interest points from each of the models and these are then matched to give initial correspondences between the different models. Finally some optimization over the transformation between the frames of reference (e.g. between two frames of reference where two models are being compared) is performed to bring them into alignment. [0069] FIG. 10 illustrates various components of an exemplary computing-based device 1000 which may be implemented as any form of a computing and/or electronic device, and in which embodiments of the methods described herein may be implemented. [0070] Computing-based device 1000 comprises one or more processors 1002 which may be microprocessors, controllers or any other suitable type of processors for processing computing executable instructions to control the operation of the device in order to generate a dense 3D model of the environment from a first series of depth images, to use at least a part of that model in an application and to track real-time movement in a part of the environment from a second series of depth images for use as an input to the application. In some examples, for example where a system on a chip architecture is used, the processors 1002 may include one or more fixed function blocks (also referred to as accelerators) which implement a part of the methods described herein in hardware (rather than software or firmware). [0071] The computing-based device 1000 may also comprise a graphics processing system 1004, which communicates with the processors 1002 via a communication interface 1006 and comprises one or more graphics processing units (GPUs) 1008 which are arranged to execute parallel, threaded operations in a fast and efficient manner. The graphics processing system 1004 also comprises a memory device 1010 which is arranged to enable fast parallel access from the GPUs 1008. In examples, the GPUs may be used in generating the dense 3D models, as described in more detail below. [0072] The computing-based device 100 also comprises an input/output (I/O) interface 1012 arranged to receive and process input from one or more devices, such as the mobile environment capture device (comprising a depth camera), depth camera, and optionally one or more user input devices (e.g. a games controller, mouse, keyboard etc). The I/O interface 1012 may also operate as a communication interface, which can be arranged to communicate with one or more communication networks (e.g. the internet). [0073] A display interface 1014 is also provided which is arranged to output display information to a display device which may be separate from or integral to the computing-based device 1000. The display information may provide a graphical user interface, e.g. a graphical user interface for the application into which at least a part of the dense 3D model has been integrated. In an embodiment the display device may also act as a user input device if it is a touch sensitive display device and in such an instance the I/O interface 1012 and display interface 1014 may be combined into a single interface or the display device may be connected via both interfaces. [0074] The computer executable instructions may be provided using any computer-readable media that is accessible by computing based device 1000. Computer-readable media may include, for example, computer storage media such as memory 1016 and communications media. Computer storage media, such as memory 1016, includes volatile and non-volatile, removable and non-removable media implemented in any method or technology for storage of information such as computer readable instructions, data structures, program modules or other data. Computer storage media includes, but is not limited to, RAM, ROM, EPROM, EEPROM, flash memory or other memory technology, CD-ROM, digital versatile disks (DVD) or other optical storage, magnetic cassettes, magnetic tape, magnetic disk storage or other magnetic storage devices, or any other non-transmission medium that can be used to store information for access by a computing device. In contrast, communication media may embody computer readable instructions, data structures, program modules, or other data in a modulated data signal, such as a carrier wave, or other transport mechanism. As defined herein, computer storage media does not include communication media. Although the computer storage media (memory 1016) is shown within the computing-based device 1000 it will be appreciated that the storage may be distributed or located remotely and accessed via a network or other communication link (e.g. using I/O interface 1012). [0075] Platform software comprising an operating system 1018 or any other suitable platform software may be provided at the computing-based device to enable application software 1020 to be executed on the device. The memory 1016 may also store executable instructions to implement the functionality of one or more of the dense model integration engine 1022, object recognition module 1024, integration engine 1026 (e.g. a games engine) and camera tracking engine 1028. The memory may also provide a data store 1030 which can be used to provide storage for data used by the processors 1002 e.g. to store the received series of depth images, to store the generated dense 3D models, to store data used in performing object recognition (e.g. to provide the object database 506 shown in FIG. 5), etc. [0076] Co-pending US patent application entitled `Real-time Camera Tracking Using Depth Maps` filed on the same day as this application, as referenced above in discussion of FIG. 4, describes a method of real-time camera tracking using the depth maps generated by a depth camera and aspects of this method can be described with reference to FIGS. 4, 11 and 12. In an example implementation, the frame alignment engine 418 of FIG. 4 is computer implemented at a computing device having one or more GPUs 416 or other parallel computing units. For example, the parallel computing units may be vector processors, single instruction multiple data (SIMD) architectures, graphics processing units or other parallel computing devices. It comprises an iterative closest point process and an optional plane extraction component. The iterative closest point process uses projective data association and a point-to-plane error metric. The frame alignment engine receives the current depth map from the depth camera. This is also referred to as the destination depth map. In some examples it also receives a source depth map which is the previous depth map frame from the depth camera. In other examples, the frame alignment engine takes a dense surface model estimate of the source depth map. The output of the frame alignment engine is a set of registration parameters of a transform for aligning the current and source frames (or frame estimate) and these parameters may be computed using the method shown in FIG. 11. In some examples these registration parameters are provided as an SE3 matrix (which is described in more detail below); however, the registration parameters may be provided in any suitable form. These registration parameters are used by the real time tracker 416 to produce the real-time series of 6 degree of freedom pose estimates of the depth camera. [0077] FIG. 11 is a flow diagram of an example iterative process at a frame alignment engine. An initial estimate of the registration parameters is formed 1100. These are the registration parameters of a transform for aligning the current and source frames. This initial estimate is formed in any suitable manner. For example, one or more of the following sources of information may be used to form the initial estimate: game state, game meta data, map data, RGB camera output, orientation sensor output, GPS data, etc. In another example, the initial estimate is formed by predicting where the camera is using information about the previous motion path of the camera. For example, the camera may be assumed to have a constant velocity or a constant acceleration. The motion path of the camera from time 0 to time t-1 may be used to estimate where the camera will be at time t and thus obtain an estimate of the registration parameters. [0078] Using the initial estimate, pairs of corresponding points between the current and source frames (depth maps or estimated depth maps) are computed 1102. A pair of corresponding points is a point from one depth map and a point from another depth map, where those points are estimated to have arisen from the same real world point in a scene. The term "point" is used here to refer to a pixel, or a group or patch of neighboring pixels. This correspondence problem is very difficult because of the huge number of possible combinations of points. Previous approaches using color or grey-scale images have addressed this problem by identifying shapes such as lines, edges, corners or the like in each image and then trying to match those shapes between the pair of images. In contrast, the method shown in FIG. 12 and described below identifies corresponding points without the need to find shapes in the depth maps. An updated estimate of the registration parameters is calculated 1104 which optimizes an error metric applied to the computed corresponding points. A check is made to assess whether convergence has been reached 1106. If so, there is little or no change in the updated estimate and the registration parameters are output 1108. If not, the iterative process repeats as indicated in FIG. 11. [0079] With reference to FIG. 12 more detail is now given about how the pairs of corresponding points are calculated. Surface normals of each available point are computed (block 1202) and in an example this is achieved for a given point by finding the two (or more) nearest neighbor points in the depth map and computing a surface patch which incorporates those neighbors and the point itself. A normal to that surface patch is then calculated at the location of the point. [0080] A process of finding corresponding pairs of points is then followed (block 1204). This is now described in the case that the source and current depth maps are available without the use of a dense 3D model. For each sampled source point from the source depth map, a ray is projected (block 1206) from the camera location associated with the source depth map, through the sampled source point and onto a destination point in the destination depth map. In some cases the destination point may be in front of the sampled source point along the projected ray. This projection process may be referred to as "projective data association". A search (block 1208) is then made for candidate corresponding points around and including the destination point. For example, the search is for points which have surface normals that are compatible with the surface normal of the sampled source point and which are within a specified Euclidean distance of the destination point. Surface normals are said to be compatible if they are within a specified range of one another. For example, this specified range and the Euclidean distance may be user configurable and/or set using empirical data relating to the particular application conditions concerned. [0081] One or more candidate corresponding points are found as a result of this search (in block 1208). From those candidate corresponding points a single point is selected (in block 1210) to form a pair with the source point. This selection is made on the basis of a distance metric. For example, a Euclidean distance is calculated between the source point and each of the candidate corresponding points. The pair which gives the smallest Euclidean distance is then selected. The process of block 604 is then repeated for each of the sampled source points or in the case that no sampling is done, for each of the available points of the source depth map. [0082] In some embodiments weights are assigned (in block 1212) to each of the pairs of corresponding points. For example weights may be assigned using information from other sources such as an RGB camera or other sensors. In an example, a weight related to measurement characteristics of the depth camera such as radial lens distortion and/or depth dependent error is computed and stored with each of the pairs of corresponding points. In another example, pairs that include a point which is at an edge detected in the depth map using an edge detection algorithm are weighted higher than other pairs. These weights may be used during the process of applying the error metric in order to improve the quality of the results. For example, weights related to depth dependent error enable high depth values which are likely to fluctuate a lot due to the lack of precision to be taken into account. [0083] In some embodiments pairs that include a point which is on or near a depth map boundary are rejected (block 1214). This helps to avoid errors where overlap between the two depth maps is only partial. Other criteria may also be used to reject pairs. For example, in some embodiments plane extraction is carried out and in that case, pairs which are on a plane may be rejected in order to prevent the tracker being biased by a large plane and so ignoring smaller but unique parts within a depth map. [0084] In some embodiments sample points are taken (in block 1200) from either or both of the current and source depth maps and those sample points are used as candidates to find pairs of corresponding points from. In such an embodiment, surface normals are computed (in block 1202) for each sampled point instead of each available point and then the process of block 1204 is implemented for each sampled source point. Sampling may be achieved by randomly selecting a specified proportion of the points. In another embodiment sampling (in block 1200) is achieved in a manner which takes into account surface normals of the points and may therefore be performed after block 1202. For example, a surface normal is calculated for each point (in block 1202) and a histogram created with a plurality of bins for different ranges of surface normal values. Sampling is carried out so that a uniform sampling across the bins is achieved. [0085] Co-pending US patent application entitled `Three-dimensional environment reconstruction` filed on the same day as this application, as referenced above in discussion of FIG. 4, describes a method of building up a 3D model of a real-world environment from data describing camera location and orientation and the depth maps generated by a depth camera and aspects of this method can be described with reference to FIGS. 4, 13 and 14. [0086] FIG. 13 shows a flowchart of an example of a parallelizable process for generating a 3D environment model. In one example, the process of FIG. 13 is executed on a GPU processor, a multi-core processor, or other type of processor allowing a high degree of execution parallelism. In a further example, a single-core processor can also be used, if it is sufficiently fast. Firstly, a 3D volume is created (in block 1300) on a memory device for storing the model. In one example, the 3D volume is created on the memory of a graphics processing system (e.g. system 1004 in FIG. 10), which enables fast, parallel access from a GPU. [0087] The 3D volume can be visualized as a cuboid of memory, wherein each memory location is a voxel representing a point in space of the environment being modeled. Therefore, the 3D volume directly represents a spatial portion of the real-world environment. As the 3D volume corresponds directly to a real-world volume, the size of the real-world volume represented in a fixed-size memory determines the model resolution. For example, if a large real-world volume is to be modeled, then each voxel of the memory represents a larger region in real-world space, and hence the resolution is lower than if a smaller real-world volume is modeled. If more memory is available, however, the large real-world volume can be modeled at a higher resolution. [0088] Once the 3D volume has been created in memory (in block 1300), then the modeling process starts by receiving (in block 1302) from the mobile environment capture device 400 a depth image 414 and the 6DOF pose estimate of the depth camera 402 when capturing that depth image. The 6DOF pose estimate indicates the location and orientation of the depth camera 402, and can be provided by the real-time tracker 416. In one example, the 6DOF pose estimate can be in the form of an SE3 matrix describing the rotation and translation of the depth camera 402 relative to real-world coordinates. More formally, this transformation matrix can be expressed as: T k = [ R k t k 0 T 1 ] .di-elect cons. SE 3 ##EQU00001## [0089] Where Tk is the transformation matrix for depth image frame k, Rk is the camera rotation for frame k, tk is the camera translation at frame k, and Euclidean group SE3:={R,t|RεSO3,tε3}. Coordinates in the camera space (i.e. from the camera perspective) can be mapped to real-world coordinates by multiplying by this transformation matrix. [0090] A separate execution thread can be assigned (in block 1304) to each voxel in a plane of the 3D volume. For example, if the plane of the volume is the z-plane, then an execution thread is assigned to each combination of x- and y-coordinate of the 3D volume. Each separate execution thread then performs the same operations, as indicated by dotted box 1306 in FIG. 13. The operations performed by each thread are illustrated diagrammatically in FIG. 14. FIG. 14 shows a top-down view of the 3D volume 1400 (i.e. showing the x-axis 1420 and z-axis 1422, and the y-axis is ignored for the purposes of clarity). An execution thread is assigned to each coordinate on the z-plane of the volume, denoted T1 1402, T2 1404, . . . Tn-1 61406, Tn 1408. The operations performed by each thread in box 1306 are firstly illustrated with reference to T1 1402. [0091] The z-coordinate for the execution thread is set (in block 1308) to zero, and the x,y,z coordinates for the voxel associated with the thread are converted (in block 1310) to real-world coordinates. For example, in the case of thread T1 1402, the x,y coordinate associated with the thread is (0,0), so when the z-coordinate is set to zero, this gives coordinates of (0,0,0) (i.e. voxel 1410 in FIG. 14) which can be converted to real-world coordinates. Once the real-world coordinates for voxel 1410 have been determined, they can be transformed using the 6DOF location and orientation of the depth camera to determine a corresponding location in the depth image 414 for this voxel. This means that the real-world coordinate for the current voxel associated with the thread is perspective projected through the depth camera's projection. In other words, if the voxel representing this point in the real-world is being viewed by the depth camera having its location and orientation, this determines what the coordinates are in the depth image 414 for that point. The depth camera-perspective coordinates for the voxel are denoted pX, pY, pZ. The depth camera-perspective coordinates can be converted to depth image pixel coordinates (denoted u,v) by u=pX/pZ and v=pY/pZ. [0092] The perspective of the depth camera 402 is shown illustrated in FIG. 14 by the dashed lines indicating the frustum 1412 of the depth camera 402. FIG. 14 also shows a surface 1414 in the depth image 414 output from the depth camera. [0093] The depth image coordinates (u,v) for the voxel currently associated with the thread are used to determine (in block 1314) whether the voxel is located within the frustum 1412 of the depth camera. If not, then this voxel can be skipped. With reference to FIG. 14, it is noted that, in the case of thread T1, the current voxel 1410 is within the frustum 1412 of the camera. This can be contrasted to, for example, the first voxel considered by thread Tn-1, which is outside the camera frustum 1412, and hence skipped. [0094] If it is determined that the current voxel is within the camera frustum 1412, then a factor relating to the distance between the voxel and a point in the environment at the corresponding location to the voxel from the camera's perspective is determined. The point in the environment at the corresponding location can be given by the depth value in the depth image at (u,v). Therefore, with reference to FIG. 14, this factor considers distance 1416 between voxel 1410 and the point on surface 1414 in the depth image 414 that maps onto the voxel 1410. [0095] In one example, the factor calculated (in block 1320) is a signed distance function. A signed distance function calculation gives the value of the distance between the current voxel and the corresponding point in the depth image 414, and is signed such that voxels outside (i.e. external to) the corresponding point in the depth image (from the camera's perspective) are given a positive distance, and voxels inside (i.e. internal to) the corresponding point in the depth image (from the camera's perspective) are given a negative distance. A value of zero indicates that the associated voxel is exactly coincident with the corresponding point. The signed distance function can be calculated readily from the depth value at (u,v) in the depth image minus pZ. For example, voxel 1410 in FIG. 14 is in front of the corresponding point on surface 1414, and hence has a positive signed distance function value. Conversely, voxel 1418 in FIG. 14 is behind its corresponding point on surface 1414, and hence has a negative signed distance function value. [0096] The signed distance function value is then normalized (in block 1322) to a predefined distance value. In one example, this predefined value can be a small distance such as 5 cm, although any suitable value can be used. It is then determined (in block 1324) whether the normalized distance is greater than a positive threshold value (if the signed distance is positive) or less than a negative threshold value (if the signed distance is negative). If so, then the signed distance function values are truncated (in block 1326) to maximum or minimum values. For example, if the normalized distance is greater than the positive threshold value, then the value can be truncated at +1 (the positive threshold value after normalizing), and if the normalized distance is less than the negative threshold value, then the value can be truncated at -1 (the negative threshold value after normalizing). The result of this calculation is known as a truncated signed distance function (TSDF). [0097] For example, referring to FIG. 14, voxel 1410 is a relatively large distance outside surface 1414, and hence may be truncated to +1. Conversely, voxel 1418 is a relatively short distance inside surface 1414, and hence may not be truncated, and keep its normalized distance (e.g. -0.6 for example). [0098] The normalized (and if appropriate, truncated) signed distance function value is then combined with any previous value stored at the current voxel. In the case that this is the first depth image incorporated into the 3D volume, then no previous values are present. However, as further frames from the depth camera are received and incorporated, then values can already be present at a voxel. [0099] In one example, the signed distance function value is combined with a previous value by averaging (block 1328). This can assist with building models of environments with moving objects, as it enables an object that has moved to disappear over time as the measurement that added it becomes older and averaged with more recent measurements. For example, an exponentially decaying moving average can be used. In another example, the average can be a weighted average that uses a weighting function relating to the distance of the associated voxel from the depth camera. The averaged signed distance function values can then be stored (in block 1330) at the current voxel. [0100] In an alternative example, two values can be stored at each voxel. A weighted sum of the signed distance function values can be calculated and stored, and also a sum of the weights calculated and stored. The weighted average can then be computed as (weighted sum)/(sum of weights). [0101] It is then determined (in block 1316) whether all the z-planes of the 3D volume have been considered by this thread. If not, then the z-coordinate is incremented (block 1318), and the process repeats for the next voxel in the z direction. In other words, the thread starts to iterate through equivalent voxels (i.e. ones with the same x,y coordinate) along the z direction of the volume, determining the truncated signed distance function values and averaging them with previous values. [0102] This is repeated until the thread has iterated through all the z-planes. This is performed by each thread, each of which is allocated to a different x,y coordinate on the z-plane. This sequence of one plane of the volume at a time has good memory access efficiency characteristics, for the memory layout in FIG. 5, since one z-plane corresponds to a small contiguous region of the linear pitched array. Hence, once this is completed by all threads the whole 3D volume has been analyzed, and a truncated signed distance function calculated for each voxel relative to the depth image 414. The process then waits for the next depth image frame from the depth camera to be received, and starts again, adding more values to the 3D volume where possible. [0103] The result of this process is a 3D volume that comprises voxels having an averaged value between -1 and +1 (although note that this average value may be represented by multiple values such as the "weighted sum" and "sum of weights" values above). An averaged value of zero indicates that a surface in the environment is present at that location. Because multiple frames of depth images are added to the volume over time, the model stored in the volume is gradually built up in more and more detail. Repeated measurements of the same region of the environment add more detail and effectively increase the resolution of the information provided by the depth camera. Furthermore, noise is also effectively averaged out from the depth images, leaving a much smoother surface. This enables detail to be seen in the model that cannot be seen from an individual depth image. [0104] The use of separate execution threads in this manner enables computationally efficient processing over the whole 3D volume. For example, GPU processors are arranged to efficiently execute parallel program threads, where each thread is performing the same operations. This enables the model generation process described above with reference to FIG. 13 to be performed in real-time, such that the model is constructed at the frame-rate of the depth camera. [0105] Although the present examples are described and illustrated herein as being implemented in a gaming system, the system described is provided as an example and not a limitation. As those skilled in the art will appreciate, the present examples are suitable for application in a variety of different types of interactive computing systems, including augmented reality systems and robotics systems, telepresence and simluations. Other examples include scanning a set for 3D TV or remote display of 3D presentations, generating content for virtual tourism, remote collaboration, scanning a scene for the emergency services and first responders. [0106] The term `computer` is used herein to refer to any device with processing capability such that it can execute instructions. Those skilled in the art will realize that such processing capabilities are incorporated into many different devices and therefore the term `computer` includes PCs, servers, mobile telephones, personal digital assistants and many other devices. [0107] The methods described herein may be performed by software in machine readable form on a tangible storage medium e.g. in the form of a computer program comprising computer program code means adapted to perform all the steps of any of the methods described herein when the program is run on a computer and where the computer program may be embodied on a computer readable medium. Examples of tangible (or non-transitory) storage media include disks, thumb drives, memory etc and do not include propagated signals. The software can be suitable for execution on a parallel processor or a serial processor such that the method steps may be carried out in any suitable order, or simultaneously. [0108] This acknowledges that software can be a valuable, separately tradable commodity. It is intended to encompass software, which runs on or controls "dumb" or standard hardware, to carry out the desired functions. It is also intended to encompass software which "describes" or defines the configuration of hardware, such as HDL (hardware description language) software, as is used for designing silicon chips, or for configuring universal programmable chips, to carry out desired functions. [0109] Those skilled in the art will realize that storage devices utilized to store program instructions can be distributed across a network. For example, a remote computer may store an example of the process described as software. A local or terminal computer may access the remote computer and download a part or all of the software to run the program. Alternatively, the local computer may download pieces of the software as needed, or execute some software instructions at the local terminal and some at the remote computer (or computer network). Those skilled in the art will also realize that by utilizing conventional techniques known to those skilled in the art that all, or a portion of the software instructions may be carried out by a dedicated circuit, such as a DSP, programmable logic array, or the like. [0110] Any range or device value given herein may be extended or altered without losing the effect sought, as will be apparent to the skilled person. [0111] Although the subject matter has been described in language specific to structural features and/or methodological acts, it is to be understood that the subject matter defined in the appended claims is not necessarily limited to the specific features or acts described above. Rather, the specific features and acts described above are disclosed as example forms of implementing the claims. [0112] It will be understood that the benefits and advantages described above may relate to one embodiment or may relate to several embodiments. The embodiments are not limited to those that solve any or all of the stated problems or those that have any or all of the stated benefits and advantages. It will further be understood that reference to `an` item refers to one or more of those items. [0113] The steps of the methods described herein may be carried out in any suitable order, or simultaneously where appropriate. Additionally, individual blocks may be deleted from any of the methods without departing from the spirit and scope of the subject matter described herein. Aspects of any of the examples described above may be combined with aspects of any of the other examples described to form further examples without losing the effect sought. [0114] The term `comprising` is used herein to mean including the method blocks or elements identified, but that such blocks or elements do not comprise an exclusive list and a method or apparatus may contain additional blocks or elements. [0115] It will be understood that the above description of a preferred embodiment is given by way of example only and that various modifications may be made by those skilled in the art. The above specification, examples and data provide a complete description of the structure and use of exemplary embodiments of the invention. Although various embodiments of the invention have been described above with a certain degree of particularity, or with reference to one or more individual embodiments, those skilled in the art could make numerous alterations to the disclosed embodiments without departing from the spirit or scope of this invention. Patent applications by Andrew Fitzgibbon, Cambridge GB Patent applications by David Kim, Cambridge GB Patent applications by David Molyneaux, Oldham GB Patent applications by David Alexander Butler, Cambridge GB Patent applications by Jamie Daniel Joseph Shotton, Cambridge GB Patent applications by Otmar Hilliges, Cambridge GB Patent applications by Pushmeet Kohli, Cambridge GB Patent applications by Shahram Izadi, Cambridge GB Patent applications by Stephen Edward Hodges, Cambridge GB Patent applications by Microsoft Corporation Patent applications in class Solid modelling Patent applications in all subclasses Solid modelling 2010-12-30 Three dimensional mesh modeling 2011-10-27 Method and system for browsing visual content displayed in a virtual three-dimensional space 2011-10-27 Plug-in architecture for window management and desktop compositing effects 2011-06-30 Method and apparatus for processing three-dimensional images 2016-05-26 Mobile device, operating method for modifying 3d model in ar, and non-transitory computer readable storage medium for storing operating method 2016-05-26 Method and system of generating an indoor floor plan 2016-05-26 Method of making a personalized animatable mesh 2016-05-19 Method for using a computer graphics system for changing the shape of the surface of models of geometric solids with the aid of deformation and device for implementing same 2016-05-19 Method and system for volume rendering of medical images 2016-05-05 Model fitting from raw time-of-flight images 2016-05-05 Stereo image processing using contours Top Inventors for class "Computer graphics processing and selective visual display systems" 1 Katsuhide Uchino 2 Junichi Yamashita 3 Tetsuro Yamamoto 4 Shunpei Yamazaki 5 Hajime Kimura
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12719, 0.0], [12719, 13474, 0.0], [13474, 14384, 0.0], [14384, 14803, 0.0], [14803, 15578, 0.0], [15578, 16227, 0.0], [16227, 17520, 0.0], [17520, 18890, 0.0], [18890, 20222, 0.0], [20222, 21618, 0.0], [21618, 22194, 0.0], [22194, 23035, 0.0], [23035, 23750, 0.0], [23750, 24100, 0.0], [24100, 25193, 0.0], [25193, 25822, 0.0], [25822, 26083, 0.0], [26083, 26357, 0.0], [26357, 26744, 0.0], [26744, 27510, 0.0], [27510, 27862, 0.0], [27862, 29199, 0.0], [29199, 30234, 0.0], [30234, 31194, 0.0], [31194, 31857, 0.0], [31857, 33534, 0.0], [33534, 33817, 0.0], [33817, 34928, 0.0], [34928, 35904, 0.0], [35904, 37042, 0.0], [37042, 38140, 0.0], [38140, 39523, 0.0], [39523, 40089, 0.0], [40089, 41460, 0.0], [41460, 42973, 0.0], [42973, 43507, 0.0], [43507, 44104, 0.0], [44104, 44496, 0.0], [44496, 45740, 0.0], [45740, 46941, 0.0], [46941, 47885, 0.0], [47885, 48540, 0.0], [48540, 49025, 0.0], [49025, 50068, 0.0], [50068, 50750, 0.0], [50750, 51665, 0.0], [51665, 52265, 0.0], [52265, 54257, 0.0], [54257, 54502, 0.0], [54502, 55314, 0.0], [55314, 55886, 0.0], [55886, 56391, 0.0], [56391, 57057, 0.0], [57057, 58529, 0.0], [58529, 59325, 0.0], [59325, 61187, 0.0], [61187, 62124, 0.0], [62124, 63432, 0.0], [63432, 63906, 0.0], [63906, 65148, 0.0], [65148, 65804, 0.0], [65804, 66698, 0.0], [66698, 67203, 0.0], [67203, 68133, 0.0], [68133, 68572, 0.0], [68572, 69205, 0.0], [69205, 69954, 0.0], [69954, 70610, 0.0], [70610, 70668, 0.0], [70668, 71013, 0.0], [71013, 71864, 0.0], [71864, 73140, 0.0], [73140, 73379, 0.0], [73379, 73903, 0.0], [73903, 74461, 0.0], [74461, 75517, 0.0], [75517, 76503, 0.0], [76503, 76808, 0.0], [76808, 77207, 0.0], [77207, 77883, 0.0], [77883, 78172, 0.0], [78172, 78666, 0.0], [78666, 79422, 0.0], [79422, 80297, 0.0], [80297, 80759, 0.0], [80759, 81407, 0.0], [81407, 81783, 0.0], [81783, 82479, 0.0], [82479, 82974, 0.0], [82974, 83793, 0.0], [83793, 83943, 0.0], [83943, 84338, 0.0], [84338, 84734, 0.0], [84734, 85191, 0.0], [85191, 85431, 0.0], [85431, 86076, 0.0], [86076, 86131, 0.0], [86131, 86178, 0.0], [86178, 86228, 0.0], [86228, 86288, 0.0], [86288, 86353, 0.0], [86353, 86405, 0.0], [86405, 86457, 0.0], [86457, 86508, 0.0], [86508, 86567, 0.0], [86567, 86612, 0.0], [86612, 86657, 0.0], [86657, 86711, 0.0], [86711, 86754, 0.0], [86754, 86858, 0.0], [86858, 86944, 0.0], [86944, 87016, 0.0], [87016, 87170, 0.0], [87170, 87234, 0.0], [87234, 87293, 0.0], [87293, 87477, 0.0], [87477, 87545, 0.0], [87545, 87601, 0.0], [87601, 87651, 0.0], [87651, 87743, 0.0], [87743, 87762, 0.0], [87762, 87782, 0.0], [87782, 87801, 0.0], [87801, 87820, 0.0], [87820, 87835, 0.0]], "rps_lines_num_words": [[0, 82, 10.0], [82, 590, 67.0], [590, 623, 3.0], [623, 647, 3.0], [647, 720, 8.0], [720, 1599, 150.0], [1599, 2370, 132.0], [2370, 2573, 31.0], [2573, 2763, 30.0], [2763, 3016, 36.0], [3016, 3145, 22.0], [3145, 3246, 15.0], [3246, 3363, 17.0], [3363, 3562, 33.0], [3562, 3688, 22.0], [3688, 4205, 88.0], [4205, 4332, 21.0], [4332, 4457, 21.0], [4457, 4866, 64.0], [4866, 5045, 28.0], [5045, 5331, 45.0], [5331, 5475, 21.0], [5475, 5690, 33.0], [5690, 6059, 60.0], [6059, 6186, 22.0], [6186, 7155, 180.0], [7155, 7854, 121.0], [7854, 8309, 75.0], [8309, 9195, 151.0], [9195, 9412, 31.0], [9412, 9562, 21.0], [9562, 9717, 32.0], [9717, 9847, 25.0], [9847, 9963, 22.0], [9963, 10078, 19.0], [10078, 10245, 30.0], [10245, 10378, 22.0], [10378, 10498, 22.0], [10498, 10603, 18.0], [10603, 10739, 19.0], [10739, 10833, 17.0], [10833, 10944, 19.0], [10944, 11062, 21.0], [11062, 11154, 11.0], [11154, 11248, 14.0], [11248, 11723, 74.0], [11723, 12719, 175.0], [12719, 13474, 135.0], [13474, 14384, 149.0], [14384, 14803, 70.0], [14803, 15578, 128.0], [15578, 16227, 124.0], [16227, 17520, 240.0], [17520, 18890, 241.0], [18890, 20222, 228.0], [20222, 21618, 232.0], [21618, 22194, 102.0], [22194, 23035, 139.0], [23035, 23750, 128.0], [23750, 24100, 56.0], [24100, 25193, 189.0], [25193, 25822, 106.0], [25822, 26083, 45.0], [26083, 26357, 47.0], [26357, 26744, 59.0], [26744, 27510, 132.0], [27510, 27862, 54.0], [27862, 29199, 215.0], [29199, 30234, 185.0], [30234, 31194, 152.0], [31194, 31857, 121.0], [31857, 33534, 285.0], [33534, 33817, 46.0], [33817, 34928, 192.0], [34928, 35904, 154.0], [35904, 37042, 200.0], [37042, 38140, 186.0], [38140, 39523, 229.0], [39523, 40089, 91.0], [40089, 41460, 226.0], [41460, 42973, 269.0], [42973, 43507, 93.0], [43507, 44104, 104.0], [44104, 44496, 67.0], [44496, 45740, 210.0], [45740, 46941, 194.0], [46941, 47885, 168.0], [47885, 48540, 115.0], [48540, 49025, 79.0], [49025, 50068, 174.0], [50068, 50750, 122.0], [50750, 51665, 150.0], [51665, 52265, 107.0], [52265, 54257, 334.0], [54257, 54502, 37.0], [54502, 55314, 136.0], [55314, 55886, 90.0], [55886, 56391, 77.0], [56391, 57057, 114.0], [57057, 58529, 213.0], [58529, 59325, 130.0], [59325, 61187, 299.0], [61187, 62124, 160.0], [62124, 63432, 219.0], [63432, 63906, 82.0], [63906, 65148, 203.0], [65148, 65804, 114.0], [65804, 66698, 152.0], [66698, 67203, 92.0], [67203, 68133, 156.0], [68133, 68572, 70.0], [68572, 69205, 111.0], [69205, 69954, 122.0], [69954, 70610, 111.0], [70610, 70668, 14.0], [70668, 71013, 54.0], [71013, 71864, 148.0], [71864, 73140, 204.0], [73140, 73379, 44.0], [73379, 73903, 93.0], [73903, 74461, 97.0], [74461, 75517, 172.0], [75517, 76503, 161.0], [76503, 76808, 50.0], [76808, 77207, 65.0], [77207, 77883, 110.0], [77883, 78172, 49.0], [78172, 78666, 81.0], [78666, 79422, 130.0], [79422, 80297, 148.0], [80297, 80759, 70.0], [80759, 81407, 96.0], [81407, 81783, 55.0], [81783, 82479, 115.0], [82479, 82974, 73.0], [82974, 83793, 137.0], [83793, 83943, 26.0], [83943, 84338, 60.0], [84338, 84734, 70.0], [84734, 85191, 73.0], [85191, 85431, 39.0], [85431, 86076, 102.0], [86076, 86131, 7.0], [86131, 86178, 7.0], [86178, 86228, 7.0], [86228, 86288, 8.0], [86288, 86353, 9.0], [86353, 86405, 7.0], [86405, 86457, 7.0], [86457, 86508, 7.0], [86508, 86567, 8.0], [86567, 86612, 5.0], [86612, 86657, 6.0], [86657, 86711, 7.0], [86711, 86754, 5.0], [86754, 86858, 14.0], [86858, 86944, 10.0], [86944, 87016, 8.0], [87016, 87170, 21.0], [87170, 87234, 10.0], [87234, 87293, 8.0], [87293, 87477, 30.0], [87477, 87545, 10.0], [87545, 87601, 7.0], [87601, 87651, 6.0], [87651, 87743, 12.0], [87743, 87762, 3.0], [87762, 87782, 3.0], [87782, 87801, 3.0], [87801, 87820, 3.0], [87820, 87835, 3.0]], "rps_lines_numerical_chars_fraction": [[0, 82, 0.0], [82, 590, 0.0], [590, 623, 0.0], [623, 647, 0.31818182], [647, 720, 0.0], [720, 1599, 0.00461894], [1599, 2370, 0.00525624], [2370, 2573, 0.01515152], [2573, 2763, 0.01612903], [2763, 3016, 0.00803213], [3016, 3145, 0.016], [3145, 3246, 0.02061856], [3246, 3363, 0.01769912], [3363, 3562, 0.01538462], [3562, 3688, 0.01639344], [3688, 4205, 0.00984252], [4205, 4332, 0.04098361], [4332, 4457, 0.04166667], [4457, 4866, 0.01496259], [4866, 5045, 0.02285714], [5045, 5331, 0.0141844], [5331, 5475, 0.02857143], [5475, 5690, 0.01895735], [5690, 6059, 0.0166205], [6059, 6186, 0.03252033], [6186, 7155, 0.00521921], [7155, 7854, 0.0058309], [7854, 8309, 0.00892857], [8309, 9195, 0.00918485], [9195, 9412, 0.01877934], [9412, 9562, 0.02758621], [9562, 9717, 0.04], [9717, 9847, 0.04], [9847, 9963, 0.05454545], [9963, 10078, 0.05454545], [10078, 10245, 0.03726708], [10245, 10378, 0.0390625], [10378, 10498, 0.05263158], [10498, 10603, 0.05], [10603, 10739, 0.04615385], [10739, 10833, 0.06741573], [10833, 10944, 0.05660377], [10944, 11062, 0.0619469], [11062, 11154, 0.06896552], [11154, 11248, 0.04444444], [11248, 11723, 0.00854701], [11723, 12719, 0.05469556], [12719, 13474, 0.02837838], [13474, 14384, 0.04479283], [14384, 14803, 0.03431373], [14803, 15578, 0.03306878], [15578, 16227, 0.06456693], [16227, 17520, 0.02549801], [17520, 18890, 0.02947846], [18890, 20222, 0.00618238], [20222, 21618, 0.00296516], [21618, 22194, 0.02309059], [22194, 23035, 0.03658537], [23035, 23750, 0.03021583], [23750, 24100, 0.03812317], [24100, 25193, 0.02609506], [25193, 25822, 0.02605863], [25822, 26083, 0.03921569], [26083, 26357, 0.05992509], [26357, 26744, 0.04278075], [26744, 27510, 0.01338688], [27510, 27862, 0.04651163], [27862, 29199, 0.04214559], [29199, 30234, 0.03257651], [30234, 31194, 0.02679528], [31194, 31857, 0.01075269], [31857, 33534, 0.03017241], [33534, 33817, 0.03717472], [33817, 34928, 0.01643836], [34928, 35904, 0.02637131], [35904, 37042, 0.02520252], [37042, 38140, 0.03289474], [38140, 39523, 0.01424288], [39523, 40089, 0.03571429], [40089, 41460, 0.01118568], [41460, 42973, 0.02322404], [42973, 43507, 0.00956023], [43507, 44104, 0.01386482], [44104, 44496, 0.02617801], [44496, 45740, 0.00409165], [45740, 46941, 0.01022147], [46941, 47885, 0.02181025], [47885, 48540, 0.01880878], [48540, 49025, 0.01677149], [49025, 50068, 0.04590818], [50068, 50750, 0.04248862], [50750, 51665, 0.02132435], [51665, 52265, 0.01039861], [52265, 54257, 0.01025641], [54257, 54502, 0.04219409], [54502, 55314, 0.02132999], [55314, 55886, 0.06618962], [55886, 56391, 0.03138075], [56391, 57057, 0.03206107], [57057, 58529, 0.01971831], [58529, 59325, 0.05821475], [59325, 61187, 0.01319406], [61187, 62124, 0.0131291], [62124, 63432, 0.01875], [63432, 63906, 0.02159827], [63906, 65148, 0.01396878], [65148, 65804, 0.02340094], [65804, 66698, 0.00910125], [66698, 67203, 0.01619433], [67203, 68133, 0.03073546], [68133, 68572, 0.02588235], [68572, 69205, 0.03471074], [69205, 69954, 0.00965517], [69954, 70610, 0.05477308], [70610, 70668, 0.18181818], [70668, 71013, 0.02153846], [71013, 71864, 0.07663782], [71864, 73140, 0.03196721], [73140, 73379, 0.10775862], [73379, 73903, 0.05577689], [73903, 74461, 0.05330882], [74461, 75517, 0.03042198], [75517, 76503, 0.01995798], [76503, 76808, 0.08741259], [76808, 77207, 0.0129199], [77207, 77883, 0.01818182], [77883, 78172, 0.01449275], [78172, 78666, 0.02748414], [78666, 79422, 0.01358696], [79422, 80297, 0.00818713], [80297, 80759, 0.01555556], [80759, 81407, 0.00944882], [81407, 81783, 0.01098901], [81783, 82479, 0.0058651], [82479, 82974, 0.00840336], [82974, 83793, 0.00498753], [83793, 83943, 0.02758621], [83943, 84338, 0.01033592], [84338, 84734, 0.01030928], [84734, 85191, 0.00890869], [85191, 85431, 0.01716738], [85431, 86076, 0.00628931], [86076, 86131, 0.0], [86131, 86178, 0.0], [86178, 86228, 0.0], [86228, 86288, 0.0], [86288, 86353, 0.0], [86353, 86405, 0.0], [86405, 86457, 0.0], [86457, 86508, 0.0], [86508, 86567, 0.0], [86567, 86612, 0.0], [86612, 86657, 0.0], [86657, 86711, 0.0], [86711, 86754, 0.2], [86754, 86858, 0.08], [86858, 86944, 0.09756098], [86944, 87016, 0.11764706], [87016, 87170, 0.06081081], [87170, 87234, 0.13114754], [87234, 87293, 0.14285714], [87293, 87477, 0.0441989], [87477, 87545, 0.12307692], [87545, 87601, 0.15686275], [87601, 87651, 0.17021277], [87651, 87743, 0.0], [87743, 87762, 0.05555556], [87762, 87782, 0.05263158], [87782, 87801, 0.05555556], [87801, 87820, 0.05555556], [87820, 87835, 0.06666667]], "rps_lines_start_with_bulletpoint": [[0, 82, 0.0], [82, 590, 0.0], [590, 623, 0.0], [623, 647, 0.0], [647, 720, 0.0], [720, 1599, 0.0], [1599, 2370, 0.0], [2370, 2573, 0.0], [2573, 2763, 0.0], [2763, 3016, 0.0], [3016, 3145, 0.0], [3145, 3246, 0.0], [3246, 3363, 0.0], [3363, 3562, 0.0], [3562, 3688, 0.0], [3688, 4205, 0.0], [4205, 4332, 0.0], [4332, 4457, 0.0], [4457, 4866, 0.0], [4866, 5045, 0.0], [5045, 5331, 0.0], [5331, 5475, 0.0], [5475, 5690, 0.0], [5690, 6059, 0.0], [6059, 6186, 0.0], [6186, 7155, 0.0], [7155, 7854, 0.0], [7854, 8309, 0.0], [8309, 9195, 0.0], [9195, 9412, 0.0], [9412, 9562, 0.0], [9562, 9717, 0.0], [9717, 9847, 0.0], [9847, 9963, 0.0], [9963, 10078, 0.0], [10078, 10245, 0.0], [10245, 10378, 0.0], [10378, 10498, 0.0], [10498, 10603, 0.0], [10603, 10739, 0.0], [10739, 10833, 0.0], [10833, 10944, 0.0], [10944, 11062, 0.0], [11062, 11154, 0.0], [11154, 11248, 0.0], [11248, 11723, 0.0], [11723, 12719, 0.0], [12719, 13474, 0.0], [13474, 14384, 0.0], [14384, 14803, 0.0], [14803, 15578, 0.0], [15578, 16227, 0.0], [16227, 17520, 0.0], [17520, 18890, 0.0], [18890, 20222, 0.0], [20222, 21618, 0.0], [21618, 22194, 0.0], [22194, 23035, 0.0], [23035, 23750, 0.0], [23750, 24100, 0.0], [24100, 25193, 0.0], [25193, 25822, 0.0], [25822, 26083, 0.0], [26083, 26357, 0.0], [26357, 26744, 0.0], [26744, 27510, 0.0], [27510, 27862, 0.0], [27862, 29199, 0.0], [29199, 30234, 0.0], [30234, 31194, 0.0], [31194, 31857, 0.0], [31857, 33534, 0.0], [33534, 33817, 0.0], [33817, 34928, 0.0], [34928, 35904, 0.0], [35904, 37042, 0.0], [37042, 38140, 0.0], [38140, 39523, 0.0], [39523, 40089, 0.0], [40089, 41460, 0.0], [41460, 42973, 0.0], [42973, 43507, 0.0], [43507, 44104, 0.0], [44104, 44496, 0.0], [44496, 45740, 0.0], [45740, 46941, 0.0], [46941, 47885, 0.0], [47885, 48540, 0.0], [48540, 49025, 0.0], [49025, 50068, 0.0], [50068, 50750, 0.0], [50750, 51665, 0.0], [51665, 52265, 0.0], [52265, 54257, 0.0], [54257, 54502, 0.0], [54502, 55314, 0.0], [55314, 55886, 0.0], [55886, 56391, 0.0], [56391, 57057, 0.0], [57057, 58529, 0.0], [58529, 59325, 0.0], [59325, 61187, 0.0], [61187, 62124, 0.0], [62124, 63432, 0.0], [63432, 63906, 0.0], [63906, 65148, 0.0], [65148, 65804, 0.0], [65804, 66698, 0.0], [66698, 67203, 0.0], [67203, 68133, 0.0], [68133, 68572, 0.0], [68572, 69205, 0.0], [69205, 69954, 0.0], [69954, 70610, 0.0], [70610, 70668, 0.0], [70668, 71013, 0.0], [71013, 71864, 0.0], [71864, 73140, 0.0], [73140, 73379, 0.0], [73379, 73903, 0.0], [73903, 74461, 0.0], [74461, 75517, 0.0], [75517, 76503, 0.0], [76503, 76808, 0.0], [76808, 77207, 0.0], [77207, 77883, 0.0], [77883, 78172, 0.0], [78172, 78666, 0.0], [78666, 79422, 0.0], [79422, 80297, 0.0], [80297, 80759, 0.0], [80759, 81407, 0.0], [81407, 81783, 0.0], [81783, 82479, 0.0], [82479, 82974, 0.0], [82974, 83793, 0.0], [83793, 83943, 0.0], [83943, 84338, 0.0], [84338, 84734, 0.0], [84734, 85191, 0.0], [85191, 85431, 0.0], [85431, 86076, 0.0], [86076, 86131, 0.0], [86131, 86178, 0.0], [86178, 86228, 0.0], [86228, 86288, 0.0], [86288, 86353, 0.0], [86353, 86405, 0.0], [86405, 86457, 0.0], [86457, 86508, 0.0], [86508, 86567, 0.0], [86567, 86612, 0.0], [86612, 86657, 0.0], [86657, 86711, 0.0], [86711, 86754, 0.0], [86754, 86858, 0.0], [86858, 86944, 0.0], [86944, 87016, 0.0], [87016, 87170, 0.0], [87170, 87234, 0.0], [87234, 87293, 0.0], [87293, 87477, 0.0], [87477, 87545, 0.0], [87545, 87601, 0.0], [87601, 87651, 0.0], [87651, 87743, 0.0], [87743, 87762, 0.0], [87762, 87782, 0.0], [87782, 87801, 0.0], [87801, 87820, 0.0], [87820, 87835, 0.0]], "rps_lines_uppercase_letter_fraction": [[0, 82, 0.08536585], [82, 590, 0.16141732], [590, 623, 0.09090909], [623, 647, 0.375], [647, 720, 0.02739726], [720, 1599, 0.01137656], [1599, 2370, 0.00518807], [2370, 2573, 0.00985222], [2573, 2763, 0.01052632], [2763, 3016, 0.00395257], [3016, 3145, 0.00775194], [3145, 3246, 0.00990099], [3246, 3363, 0.00854701], [3363, 3562, 0.01005025], [3562, 3688, 0.00793651], [3688, 4205, 0.00773694], [4205, 4332, 0.01574803], [4332, 4457, 0.016], [4457, 4866, 0.00733496], [4866, 5045, 0.00558659], [5045, 5331, 0.0034965], [5331, 5475, 0.00694444], [5475, 5690, 0.00465116], [5690, 6059, 0.00813008], [6059, 6186, 0.00787402], [6186, 7155, 0.00412797], [7155, 7854, 0.00572246], [7854, 8309, 0.00659341], [8309, 9195, 0.01128668], [9195, 9412, 0.00460829], [9412, 9562, 0.00666667], [9562, 9717, 0.04516129], [9717, 9847, 0.02307692], [9847, 9963, 0.05172414], [9963, 10078, 0.03478261], [10078, 10245, 0.03592814], [10245, 10378, 0.02255639], [10378, 10498, 0.05], [10498, 10603, 0.02857143], [10603, 10739, 0.02205882], [10739, 10833, 0.03191489], [10833, 10944, 0.02702703], [10944, 11062, 0.03389831], [11062, 11154, 0.0326087], [11154, 11248, 0.0106383], [11248, 11723, 0.00631579], [11723, 12719, 0.01004016], [12719, 13474, 0.00794702], [13474, 14384, 0.00549451], [14384, 14803, 0.02625298], [14803, 15578, 0.00903226], [15578, 16227, 0.02311248], [16227, 17520, 0.01392111], [17520, 18890, 0.00948905], [18890, 20222, 0.01276276], [20222, 21618, 0.00429799], [21618, 22194, 0.02951389], [22194, 23035, 0.01070155], [23035, 23750, 0.00559441], [23750, 24100, 0.00571429], [24100, 25193, 0.0073193], [25193, 25822, 0.0063593], [25822, 26083, 0.00766284], [26083, 26357, 0.02919708], [26357, 26744, 0.02325581], [26744, 27510, 0.01044386], [27510, 27862, 0.00852273], [27862, 29199, 0.02094241], [29199, 30234, 0.05120773], [30234, 31194, 0.00833333], [31194, 31857, 0.01206637], [31857, 33534, 0.01550388], [33534, 33817, 0.00706714], [33817, 34928, 0.0090009], [34928, 35904, 0.00819672], [35904, 37042, 0.01318102], [37042, 38140, 0.01275046], [38140, 39523, 0.02024584], [39523, 40089, 0.00706714], [40089, 41460, 0.00729395], [41460, 42973, 0.01387971], [42973, 43507, 0.01685393], [43507, 44104, 0.02345059], [44104, 44496, 0.00510204], [44496, 45740, 0.00723473], [45740, 46941, 0.00999167], [46941, 47885, 0.00741525], [47885, 48540, 0.00916031], [48540, 49025, 0.00618557], [49025, 50068, 0.0105465], [50068, 50750, 0.01612903], [50750, 51665, 0.01748634], [51665, 52265, 0.02833333], [52265, 54257, 0.00753012], [54257, 54502, 0.0122449], [54502, 55314, 0.00369458], [55314, 55886, 0.02272727], [55886, 56391, 0.01188119], [56391, 57057, 0.00900901], [57057, 58529, 0.02309783], [58529, 59325, 0.00879397], [59325, 61187, 0.02255639], [61187, 62124, 0.01707577], [62124, 63432, 0.01223242], [63432, 63906, 0.01265823], [63906, 65148, 0.00966184], [65148, 65804, 0.01219512], [65804, 66698, 0.01006711], [66698, 67203, 0.00792079], [67203, 68133, 0.00645161], [68133, 68572, 0.02733485], [68572, 69205, 0.03475513], [69205, 69954, 0.01068091], [69954, 70610, 0.02439024], [70610, 70668, 0.13793103], [70668, 71013, 0.03188406], [71013, 71864, 0.02702703], [71864, 73140, 0.01645768], [73140, 73379, 0.0292887], [73379, 73903, 0.01717557], [73903, 74461, 0.01075269], [74461, 75517, 0.01231061], [75517, 76503, 0.01014199], [76503, 76808, 0.01639344], [76808, 77207, 0.01002506], [77207, 77883, 0.00739645], [77883, 78172, 0.01038062], [78172, 78666, 0.00809717], [78666, 79422, 0.01322751], [79422, 80297, 0.008], [80297, 80759, 0.02164502], [80759, 81407, 0.01080247], [81407, 81783, 0.0106383], [81783, 82479, 0.00431034], [82479, 82974, 0.01212121], [82974, 83793, 0.00976801], [83793, 83943, 0.00666667], [83943, 84338, 0.00506329], [84338, 84734, 0.00757576], [84734, 85191, 0.00656455], [85191, 85431, 0.00416667], [85431, 86076, 0.00465116], [86076, 86131, 0.10909091], [86131, 86178, 0.12765957], [86178, 86228, 0.12], [86228, 86288, 0.11666667], [86288, 86353, 0.12307692], [86353, 86405, 0.11538462], [86405, 86457, 0.11538462], [86457, 86508, 0.11764706], [86508, 86567, 0.11864407], [86567, 86612, 0.06666667], [86612, 86657, 0.04444444], [86657, 86711, 0.03703704], [86711, 86754, 0.02325581], [86754, 86858, 0.00961538], [86858, 86944, 0.01162791], [86944, 87016, 0.01388889], [87016, 87170, 0.00649351], [87170, 87234, 0.015625], [87234, 87293, 0.01694915], [87293, 87477, 0.00543478], [87477, 87545, 0.01470588], [87545, 87601, 0.01785714], [87601, 87651, 0.02], [87651, 87743, 0.0326087], [87743, 87762, 0.10526316], [87762, 87782, 0.1], [87782, 87801, 0.10526316], [87801, 87820, 0.10526316], [87820, 87835, 0.13333333]], "rps_doc_ml_palm_score": [[0, 87835, 0.96454388]], "rps_doc_ml_wikipedia_score": [[0, 87835, null]], "rps_doc_ml_wikiref_score": [[0, 87835, 0.49447048]], "rps_doc_books_importance": [[0, 87835, -3432.1266314]], "rps_doc_openwebtext_importance": [[0, 87835, 343.36320199]], "rps_doc_wikipedia_importance": [[0, 87835, 805.57762418]], "rps_doc_num_sentences": [[0, 87835, 687.0]], "is_duplicate": true}